HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-13 - Orange Coast Pilot' SA T U A 0 A Y M AHL ti 1J. 1 Y H .' ••• ,. 11111111 llllY PIPll ORANG E COUNTY. C A LIFORNIA 25 CENTS Crystal Cove plan wins state approval 8)' STEVE MAaBLE Of .. Delty ........... State part commiasionera have unanimously approved a development plan for Crystal Cove State Park with nearly $1 million to be spent carving out pa rking lots, trail s and campsites in the next two years. Work on the newly-created 2;'971-acre state park -located south of Corona del Mar -is expected to begin by November. Commissioners met in Santa Ana Friday listening to speakers praise the park plan or ask for minor changes. State park officials cautioned after the morning session that money has not been approved for hiring rangers. At this point, they said, the coastal park has only one ranger. the Irvine Company's plan to develop hom es, hotels and offices adjacent to the state park is "way too much." ·'This is a good plan," she said, "but it could end up being just a greenbelt for the adjacent re!idents and hotel guests." The Friends organization has filed a lawsuit over the Irvine Company plans. .J on Brand, a Laguna Beach resident, a lso criticized the Irvine Company project. He said he didn't want to see "another Waikiki approach." ··Perhaps we can plant some Sequoias In fro nt of their 10-story buildings," he joked. Kenneth Gabriel, a resident of the tiny village in Crystal Cove, asked commissioners to grant him and his neighbors 20-year leases. He charged the state o riginally had promised the lengthy leases but later reneged. The state said that's not so. This dispute also is the subject of a lawsuit. Much of the concern over the (See CRYSTAL, P AGE AZ) SCHOOL SPIRIT "Al" the anteater took things in stride, but for UC Irvine band member Sharon Mahler, the close NIT game between UCI and San Diego State Friday ....., """--"' CMftltt ..... night was something to shout about. UCI won, 70-69, but All-American Kevin Magee badly injured his hand . For details, see Page Bl. Dave Allan, a state park official. said bis colleagues would be opposed lo opening the interior of the park until more rangers are available. The park is a collection of canyons, ridges and more than three miles of beach. The state purchased most of the coastal terrain in 1979 from the Irvine Company for $32 million. Banning project advances in NB Newport Beach City Council members Friday ignored a warning their action would be overturned and voted to approve the Banning Ranch development project in West Newport. the state Coastal Commission even if no referendum attempt is mounted. · For the Sons of the D ese rt, I 'L&H' triv ia is vital stuff State officials told the dozens of listeners on hand Friday that the entire park likely won't be completed until the end of the ce ntury when leases t o homeowners in El Morro expire. It is estimated that on peak days, the park may attract up to 15,000 daily guests who would ar rive by car and bus and be accommodated by more than 1,800 parking spots. The warning came from the West Newport Legislative Alliance, a group claiming to r e pr esent up to 9 ,000 homeowners . An a l liance representative told the council before its vo te that a referendum on the issue would be sought if the approval were granted. Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, who had opposed the segment of t he pro posal dealing with industrial and office space in a str aw vote last month, approved the proposals Friday when they were co mbin e d with a residential d evel opmen t segment she had favored . Mrs. Hart's vote eliminated the possibility of a council deadlock on the project in lhe absence of hospitalized Mayor Jackie Heather, who had backed the entire package in the straw vote. By STEVE MITCHELL Of t11t o.lty H9C S'9ft • Only a true, blue Laurel ana Hardy buff would know how Oliver "Babe" Hardy got bis nickname. Or that the comedy pair's first film together was "The Lucky Do1 ... in 1917. Bet you didn't know Oliver Hardy had a tattoo of a small leaf on his right forearm, either, did you? , Obscure trivia is a way of life for ''L&H fans'," as they like to be called. And about 75 member$ of the '•Sons of the Desert'· got togethe r in Newport Beach Thursday night to see rare black and white films of the pair's antics, and to swap trivia and mingle with notables from Laurel and Hardy's film years. The "Sons of the Desert" was , a Shriner-type group spoofed by L&H in a film by the same name. The local chapter -or te nt -i s cal l e d the "Unaccus tomed As We Are Tent ," one of about 100 chapters worldwide. Thursday's banquet at the Balboa Pavilion included a s m altering of former film notables from tb~ Laurel and Hardy years, and a couple of relatives of the two comics. At the piano through much of the cocktail hour was T. Marvin Hatley, the musical director for a dozen years with Laurel and Hardy. ·'I made their music up to the Second Wo rld Wa r ," the 76-year-old Hollywood musician said. He wrote and scored the "Ku Ku Song," which was the theme for many or the 105 two-reelers produced the pair's antics. "When sound came to film, they called it the greatest jingle ever made," Hatley laughed. ''Whatever that means.'' Hatley, still spry and quick on the keyboard a half century after working with the two, recalls singing old Englis h tunes with Stan Laurel between sets. Anita Garvin was at the banquet, too, cbatUns with LltH fans and former film crew members. "I was the wife or girlfriend or pickup date for Stan Laurel in many of the 15 films I did with them," she said, shaking her head. In "From Soup to Nuts," she played the rich hostess of a party where Laurel and Hardy were waiters. "They just ruined the party," s he said. Film buffs will recall her performance In that movie, chasing a cherry around her plate with a fork. "My llara ended up resting on <See LAUREL, Pa~e A2 > While many praised the park plan , not everyone was happy. ·'The quaUty of life on the beach will 'be threatened," sugge.sted one man. "That's just loo many people." Others were less upset by the park plan than by what's planned nearby. Fern Pirkle, leader of the e nv ironm entally minde d Friends of the Irvine Coast , said LEGEND The council's 4-2 vote -board members Donald Strauss and Paul Hummel voted "no" - would allow developer Hancock ·'Bill" Banning to construct up to 3'19 homes and 400,000 square feet of industrial and office space The development would be located on 75 acres of the former Banning Ranch, located i nland o r Pacific Coast Highway and west of-.f..Superior Avenue. • The proposal still must pass --[XISTINGSTAYE .... 11(.0Wffl.tt\HI .. --JllllAIL ~l( VEHIClE IH "l CAMPGROUND 1Af.j. HUit f'. IH (A.MP()llltOUH D Q Hit(£ IM,EOU•STRIAHCA.Mt'OttOUNO Mrs. Hart said after the vote that she felt the pa ckage represented '·a r easonable balance between t he various interests," and that she "didn't want to be an obstructionist" and cause a coun cil deadlock in Mrs . Heather's absence. But Hummel said he opposed the project because, "I don 't (See BANNING, Page AZ) I I Narmco land 'safe' for project .c ... -....... .. Soil test shows metals below state lim its By JODI CADENHEAD Of ... DMty ....... Sa.ft Stat~ officials have released the results of laboratory tests confirming that the land at a controversial plastics ·plant in Costa Mesa is safe for the development of condominiums. Soil samples taken underneath the Narmco Materials Inc. fa ci lit y s ho wed that the concentrations of three metals t est e d w ere b e lo w stal e ma xi mums , offi cials s aid Friday. The testing by the California Department of Health Services was consistent with the findings released last week by BCL Associates of Long Beach, a private firm hired by the city, the owners of the Narmco property and a potential future developer. The 72-page report released WORLD last week concluded that the concentration of metals and chemicals in the soil was not significant and that there were n o "soi l contamination problems" at the facility. "We did the tests to see if they would be consistent with BCL," said J ohn Hinton , regional a dministrator for the state Health Department's hazardous wastes section. "They seem lo be very close." A full report, based on the state's laboratory findings r eleased Friday, will be given lo Costa Mesa city officials next week. "Based on the data I've seen so far I feel that the chemicals are not significant," he said. "I d on 't see a n y cause for concern." In January the City Council approved the construction of 69 U.S., France d iffe r on Salvador .. t President Reagan had a "frank discussion with French President Francois Mitterand over their Central America policy differences. See Page AJ. NATION N~ •hockl State Dept. The State Department was nonplussed when a captured Nicaracuan recanted statement s supporting clalms of Cuban and Nicaraguan involvement in El Salvador. 'Faimea doctrine' repea l eyed The days of the "f aimess doctrine'' requiring broadcasters to air both sides or Issues may be numbered. See Page' A6. condominiums by the J anes Co., pending the outcome of the studies by BCL and the state. However , final approval for the construction of the t wo and three-bedroom units cannot be given until the Narmco facility is demolished and soil s amples are t ak en from underground storage tanks. said Hinton. Officials for the plastics plant at 600 Victoria Ave. have said that all production operations will be moved to Anaheim by the end of March and that the r e maining administrative offices and testing facilities will be moved in 1983. ( ' ..... ............ CIP/SlALCOV£ lll•TIOHAl-Hl\fOlttC OtSf•tCT ......_ - LAGUNA BEACH Narmco over the years bas been the target of numerous complai nts from nearby residents who contend that emissions from the plant have caused numerou s h ea lth problems . . o.lty-.... CRYSTAL COVE PARK -Maps depict trails and campsites that are to be constructed as part of the Crystal Cove State Park plan approved Friday. Work on trails and parking lots is to begin in November STATE Adults-only ban: How ef fective? Weak enforcement machin~lutes the effect of the state Supreme Court decision banning adults-only apartment complexes. See Page AG. Six generationa of ladiea A 90-year-old woman in Georgia now bas a great-great-great granddaughter, born Friday in Red"1ood City. See Page A3. COUN TY <:JM. High •lompt Woodbridge Corona del ·Mar High'a defending CIF 2·A cMampions tuned up for nHt week's Sea View Leap opener with a 17-0 victory over WoodbridJe. SeePqeB3. . INDEX California Church Classified Comics Comment Crossword Death Notices Entertainment Horoscope SPORTS A.S 87 Cl-8 B8 A8 B8 C2 88-10 C2 Movies National News Public Notices Sporta Television Theaters Weather Workl.News Youth VCI mru, b~ Magf!e injured UC Irvine squeaked put San Die10 State In fint·round N1T play. 70-e8. but All· American .Kevin Ma1ee injured bis hand, requirinl 9 stitches. See Pa1e Bl. .. 88-10 A3 C2-4 81·5 BU 88·10 A2 A3 A7 111 ' . :r CRYSTAL COVE • • • J)lun has come from horse 1 owners and riders who have 'nttempl4'd -so tar ln vaJn -to retain rights lO ride along the ' beaches and coastal blurrs. '' "Riding on the beach ls qu.lle '1an e xcillnlf ex per ience.'·' l s uggested equest rian Pam ·Davis. A final concern ca1ne from Rob Ezzell, an operator oC the lonti·standina and Uny Orange IM. • The small Jfrult stand, Ezzell explained, {vm lose its lease from the Irvine Company this May and arter 50 year s or business, will have to close. r By PATRICJC KENNEDY ·oi .................. Sl ate water quality otrl'clals Frtday approvod the cohtinued dumping of oil drilling mud on a 13·ucrc site in the Bolsa Chica • wellands neer Huntineton Beach but officials ordered that the area eventually be restored to its natoral condition. The act.ion came Friday after officials of the C allforn1a Regional Water Quality Control Board reviewed Independent laboratory studies that showed the dllpou l site POlet no threat ~t> 1urroundin1 wetland habitat. Amlnoll USA Inc., an oll company, hJI U8H the dllpaql slte s lnce 1973 to dry oU drilltn1 mud ,which ls then trucked to Coyo\e Canyon Landfill near Irvine. T he water qu alhy ort6clal1 1.n1aniQ10USIY renewed Aqll.DOi..1'1 oper ating permit lot five yeus, but ordered the company to Jet aside a $700,000 tund lo reltOre the s it.e to ita natural state wta. dlapoaal operation• are completed. ArnlnoU offi cials uy they're: pleased wttb tM board ·a acUon and will comply wllh th e restoration requirement. After reviewtn1 the laboratory studies, the local environrMDtaJ 1roup Amigoe de BolH Chka reversed lta lon1·1tandln1 opposition lO the wetlands dump site and Friday endorsed the water board's action, according to Amlgoa spokesman Peter Green. ''These studies demonstrate tha't Aminoll has Rn appreclauon ror the eroloaical values of the Botu Chica wetlands," Green said. "The dumpslte has been noticeably improved in the put two years." Am1no11 la the largest oil producer in Huntington Beacb and operates 200 we lls In tbe Bolsa Chica wetlands local.ct south of Warner Avenue alon1 the inland side of Pacific Cou~ Highway. State officials outlined a plan for rt:loca\,ing an existing horse '!table just south of Corona del Mar to an area outside the park boundary, p e rhap s Aliso Canyon Euell asked commissioners to m a k e the Orange Inn a "sentimental favorite" when they select concession operators for the park. ' A minoil officials say t hey dump 63,000 gallons or wet d r illing mud dally onto t he disposal site to dry. They say they expe('l to continue pumping oll from Huntington Beach and the Bolsa Chica until the year 20JO. T he independe nt studies by Woodward Clyde Consultants and Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories stated that the drilling mud is non·lox1c and is contained in the disposal area by thick earthen berms. LAUREL AND HARDY . • • my nose," she said. Roy Seawright, the duo's "special effects man was there. • along with Dick Currier , chief "editor of L&H films until 1932. And Stan Laurel's daughter. Lois Laurel Hawes, showed up, along with Lucille Ha rdy Price, llardy's third wife. The notables were besieged by ·lent mernbers , wearing the • orange and yellow fezzes, firing qu estion s and gathering autographs. And swapping obscure trivia. Which brings us back t.o the beginning or this story: -"Babe" Hardy got his nickname from an Italian barber in Florida in 1914. Now that's obscure. j BANNING RANCH •.• think that what we've come up 'with as a compromise is real good for anyone." Hu m mel called r oa d •improvements that will be part o f t he proj e ct ''band ·aid mil1gations" that won't solve the l raffic problems the project will ~create. '1 Strauss. the other councilman lo oppose the plan, said it would r es ult 1n a n "e n or m ou s increase" in tra ffic and was 'the wrong direction" for the city to lake. M 1ke Johnson, chairman of th e al lia nce 's referendum ·committee, told the council prior lo the vote that approval or the package snvited a referendum on the proJeCl. .. l want you to know we don't relish the idea or or ganizing. obtaining signatures and a general confrontation. However, 1f the council is not responsive to the 'best interests of its residents. we wi ll attempt lo give the resident voters an opportunity lo express their opinion or the council's approval o f this hi g h ·de ns ity com · m e r c i a l -industria l development." J ohnson backed off somewhat when ques tioned after the vote. however. He said alliance m em be r s will m eet tbis weekend to discuss their course of action and that "we're sure going to think seriously about it <a referendum)." Banning attempted to defuse so m e of the oppos ition by promising lo help the city build a park near the development if it is approved. Every development the size of the Banning proposal requires some provis ion either for a park or a fee in li e u of a park. Banning s aid hi s Beeco d evelopment firm "will work with all interes t ed parties tow11rd this goal" in a s\alement prior to the vole . '.Ma yor Heather improves Hospitalized Newport Beach M ay or Jackie Heather's prognosis appears lo be getting better by t he day. her husband ,reported Friday. Dr. Loren Heather said his wi fe . who suffered a stroke at her home Sunday, is "doing quite well." and that her .doctors now expect "a full . or pr~tty full re('nvery " Dr. Heather said he is "very confident" his wife can resume her du~ies in al:)(>ut two months. He cautioned that predictions may change in coming days, but said the mayor is showing "a definite increase sn s trength" daily. He said she has some weakness in her left arm, and slight weakness in her left leg LAUREL AND HARDY FANS T Marvin Hatley, who composed much ?f the music for the early Laure l a nd Hardy films. 1s flanke d by L&H fans Randy Skret vedt (left> and Bonin given death penalty in slayings L OS ANGELES (AP) Tw1c c ·parole d s ex o ffend er William Bonin was sentenced Friday fO de ath in t he gas chamber for the 10 Freeway Killer torture murders by a judge who called the crimes "a gross. re volting affront to human dignity " ·'The defendant, William George Bonin, is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or-, Indeed, be y o nd an y possible or imagin<1ry doubt of the murders of 10 young men,·· said Superior Court Judge William Keene. Bonsn is fa cing pre -trial hearin~s Tuesday in Santa Ana on four separate cases pending in Orange County. .,..., ...... ''-" ,._ Brent Walker Seventy-five members of the ··Sons of the Desert" turned d ut Thursday lo swap tr ivia and view f ilms of the comic duo The studies, commissioned by Aminoil , s upport prev:ous monitoring of the disposal site by the oil company. Nestande new panel chief Bruce Nestande, chairman of ~the Orange County Boara Of Supervisors, has anoth er chairmanship behind his name. Nestande has been appointed chairman of the Housing, Land Use and Tran s portation Com millee o f the County Supe r vi sors Assoc ia.tion of California. The appointment was made by CSA President Terry Cook, a Placer County supervisor The committee is meeting in Sacramento this week as part or CSAC's spring conference. A.. • Slwrt sunny respite Direc to r s c na1rs are pe~ct tor s ummer entertatn1n9 indoors ano o ut Natural w oo o frames w 1m a varietv of ongt:it canvas c olors Go od value at S39 Ra in or \how•'' \p reacUnQ w uthw.tr'd oYef' rf'QIOn •nd co11•H •n9 most _.iions by s..no.v mo<n1n9 C l I l -Cl-• °' "'9 In mM>y inl•ncl oas a va llot of NorlMrn •nO Ctnlral C•liforni. nlQl!b and mornonvs Sl>OW 1 Ll9hl v•riabte w onO• throu9h level\ N0<111Hn ran(le', •.ooo fMI, midday 1>Kom•n9 ~I lo •oulhwttl cenlral Sle,.a, •.SOO fMI, 50Ulhl!rn 10 to IS knolt •fl•,._, •nd evenlno Sierra 10001"1 Wr\lerly •-II• I 10 l Int Moolly ' ' 1a1r u t "'4 "''",_., ...a ,,,.,.1n9 CIOU<IS Ex te nde d U.S. summary Hurrlcane·IOl<t wlndt, QUSll"O lo f 0 rec as l Ill moh In olaos, S•.,11>1 from Ille Monoav·WeOne•d•Y Some Plain< lo the ealtern Rockie• FrlOay, c loudln .. s •I limo MonO•Y and and slrOf>Q wlndS alM> ru ctwd trom TueMtay bo!comlno mostly cloudy tM MIH1UIPO< V•lltv in lflf G"'•I Wedt>Ho.y ovst'I' -S1erly wi~ in Lake. m""nlalM In '°'to I-SOI. L-S 0 Ther• wttrl \how''' ecro\s toSSln (oa1t.alar1as •nd1'8to J,ln N•Dr .. u ...a IM u•t•m OakOIH , m°"ntalm ' •n<I bllUMO <ond<llons •IC>nO jNr1\ 01 '"' coio.-.wyonuno bOr ----------- 1 warm, moost ,., from 11 111t 111 G 1 111t ot Piland, Me Piiand, Or• Raold City R•"<> Rl<hmono Sell L•ke sean•• Mexico ~·o thfoug ~ ower S Mlu ou lool Vatl rv Into tilt Ohio trtOg ValltV •nd • tow.pr•\s.ure <Mltr brought scattered llQhl ra in lo (OHl•I New E119141ncl ClouO• •nd t09 covered the rest o·f 1ne nor-1~rn All•nllc CoHI There ••re thun~"torm\ o~er t oulhern Florlda • co10 lronl 1pr e•dtno r••n ove r •t,,ttrn Air Q.,_lltv wlli be 9000 In alt arus of the Sou9' CMs1 Air 8tsln tOdo throu9ll Monday. Th• Air Quality Mane9eme111 Oltlr lcl pr•dlcttd • Poliutlon Stanoaro lndu of O .,..,.,_,.. SI Louis WHhlnQlon ...a sullere<I sh<>w•n ----------ov•r Ad 1ona SI P 0Tampa SI Sl•MArie Soot<• ... w,nhlnljtn Wlthll• S,,oweri and thuncM rshow•rs •f""• l ort <•SI tor loO•y fr om Ill• Tempe' ra tures Tenneu~ and Ohio valleys lo Ille Grul L•ktt •nd lht mlOdlt anO northun All•ntoc Co.st. A cl\llnc:e ot CAllP'ORNIA Aot>•• V•ltey Bal<ertll•IO NATI<* thowers and lhundort t>owers wH AlbuQut pre<llCl..i lrom IM THa\ IUo OranOt A-viii. Valley ltlrOUQh tilt Gu<I CMIC '1•~ Allanl• 10 IM CarollNS, wllh '"""Y <tllH lfl All..,lc Ctv Soul Mm Colilornla 8ettlm.. P•rtly cloultY •kl .. ,.,,. to..catl 81rmlntflll'I lor IM rtslol lht nellon lllsmarch Temoe<•ture• fe>< loday we<"e to be Boise In the Mis encl 70s from .-1-n ~ton - Calllornla """""' "'41 Rio G••-8urtalo encl io-.r MlsslH~ valltYJ to IN Cl\ar1•tnSC Vlr9 lnlH ano the Cerollnu , wllll CMrlstrtWV lll9hs lrt Ille IOS o,-r FIOrtcu, '°' In Clleye- MlnN"!g and -Mkhl-and CM< ... ACK .... 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Kathle ne Langella who has a 91 -year -old g r eat-great-great grandmother in Georg ia, is vie wed by proud parents. mothe r Kimberly Kathlene . 19. and rather George Peters in Redwood City 's Inf ant is sixth generation and all of them are ladies R EDWOOD CITY <AP > - When Tara Kathlene Peters was born Friday, the usual statistics were duly recorded: Time 3:07 <J .m ., weight 7 pounds, 6 ounces, l~ngth 20 inches. Other statistics a re m ore ~nusu"l : She's the sixth living J.eneration of women in a family qhat stretches from Georgia to California, from birthdays or the ratriarch in 1891 to Tara 's arrival in 1982. · 1 ''I can't wait for the day that I, tn y great-~re at-grandmolher ~olds h e r great -great - 1 ~reat -g randdaught er, ·· aui the new mother. 19-year-old imberl y Pet e r s . "Six e nerations . . all women . . 's kind of neat. "My mom's like a sister to e ," Mrs. Peters said. "I can't e lieve she's a grandmother. 1 : an't believe I'm a mother. I nearby Fos ter City, has become a 37-year-old grandmother. Whe n Mrs Jacobi's daughter Kimberly, and her 21-year-old hus band George , became parents , the 90-year-old Mrs. Underwood gained her 59tb living descendant. "You hear the baby's come?" Mrs. Underwood crowed proudly as s he answered the telephone ln Georgia. ..The good Lord has blessed me . it's wonderful to be blessed with a family like that" When her great-great- great -g randdau g hter is a little older, Mrs . Underwood s ays s he'd like to tell her about her youth. "I a lwa y s s aid to m y grandchildren. 'You all don't know nothing to what it was when I was com ing up.' "l,come up in the hard days. We nad no picture s hows, no excitements. I married in 1908, I was born in 1891, and that's way back in the olden days. We didn't know what It was to have indoor bathrooms or washing m achines . We did our was h in a big old iron pot outdoors." A family reunion is in t he works for later this spring, after Mrs . Hutto recovers from hip surgery and Mrs . Peters and the ba by can travel to Georgia, Tara will be arr ivin g from Kaiser Hospital, where Dr. Glenn Miller delivered the baby as family friends shot movies for a possible documentary, to her San Mateo home on Monday. Sunday guests scheduled I an't believe my grandmother is : t great-grandmother.·· . 1 The family m a triarch is He re are the scheduled guests Reps . Michael Barnes, D-Md .. l(rankie Un derwood, 90. of on the major network news and Robert Dornan, R-Calif. ' itzgerald, Ga. Her daughter, interview progra ms Sunday Upcoming Sunday on CBS' "60 · lene Cox Hutto, 73, of Macon, CBS "Face the Nation," Minutes"· a . . h a s b e c o m e a Murray Weidenbaum, chairman Report on how former Hughes great-great-grandmother. The of the president's Council of Aircraft Co. manager passed n e xt f our generations of Economic Advisers. military information to Poland, ttaughtersarein California. ABC "This Week With profil e of Rev . Theodore ri Mrs . Hutto's daughter, David Brinkley," Sen. Edward .Hesburgh, president of Notre ~athl ene L angella , of M. Ke nned y, D-Mass., and Dame University, and a look al ~ u r ·I i n g a m e . i s a Robe rt S trau ss, f o rmer Santa Monica, whose municipal I Jreat-grandmother at age 55. Democratic national c hairman. government is controlled by 1,1er daughter, JoAnn Jacobi. in -NBC "Meet the Press." New Left activists. I, ~S k d f .. ; enators wor to cut e 1c1ts Rermblicans study higher taxes , Pentagon cuts WASHINGTON <AP> -Key Sen ate Republi c ans have produced a "working paper" in whic h higher taxes. s maller increases for the Pentagon and a two -year freeze in Social Security c o st -o f -living payments point the way to huge reductions in President Reagan's bud get d e fi cit s , 1 sources srud f·riday. Several sources cautioned the paper is designed merely to illus trate one possible approach for r educing the budget deficit to $20 billion in 1985 -far below 1 the $140 b i ll io n t h e Co n gressio na l Budget. Office estimates under Reagan's program. The deficit-reduction steps include about $135 billion in higher taxes over the next three years, and roughly twice that a mount in s p e ndin g cuts, administrative savings and lower interest payments on the national debt.. said the sources. Diablo review ~disputed ' · WASHINGTO* (-AP) -The 'quetUon of woo wlll conduct a new review of the safety of the Dlablo C1nyon nuclear power pla nt near San Luis Obltpo remained unanswered FridQ, with •ore raeetl~s on the aubjeetplanned nut week. Two days ol Lalk• amoq the Nuclear Rqulatory Comml11k>ft • Niii BRllfS staff and the various groups involved in planning the new study proved inconclusive. LA hospital may be closed LOS ANGELES (AP> -State a nd county health officials refused to comment Friday on newspaper reports that they were considering asking for imm ediate s uspension of the license of a south-central Los Angeles hospital. According to the Los Angeles Times, the problems at t he Broadway Community Hospital -including a hjgh death rale and th e a lleged use of an unlicensed physician -Were d escribe d by state health department physicians as "the worst they have ever seen." Surinam loyaliete regain capital PARAMARIBO, Surinam <AP) -Troops loyal to lbe lelt-leaning mlllta ry command routM rebel holdouta trom a barrackl. freed their 15 boetaaa unharmed and took full control of t he capital Friday. the covunment·run televlllon I announced. It s aid former Lt. Surin Ram bocus and som e rebel s oldiers fled west in two armored vehicles on a coastal highwa y t h at lead s to neighboring Guyan a with a helicopter In pursuit Brown signs budget bailout SACRAM ENTO <AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. on Friday s igned a bill that forms the m ajor part of a bipa rtisan agreement t.o add $500 million to the s t ate 's s tru ggling current-year treasury. Brown signed into law ABl.253, passed narrowly Thursday by the Legislature, in his Los Angeles office without comment, his press office said. More formula recalls planned WASIDNGTON <AP) -Wyeth Laboratorles Is recalling 1.7 million more cans and bottles of Ill SMA lnlant fortnula which la de ficient In Vitamin 86, an enenUal n_.t.rlent. for babies, the Food and Dru1 Adlllinl1lraUon aald Fl1day . Tbt ~au ls In 1ddiUon to tM 567 ,000-can recall of SMA formula that Wyeth •lreed to Tburtday ~•UH of a Vitamin 86 deftclency. '•' .. Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Saturday, March 13. 1882 Killer granted stay Federal. appeals court to review Harris case SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -The 9th u .s. Circwt. Court of Appeals late Friday stayed the scheduled execution of Robert Alton Harris. third week of May, or as soon as possible af\er that. The U.S. Supreme Court twice r~jected appeals for Harris ancludmg once last year when It r efused to h ear a plea for reversal. California's Supreme Court refused Feb. 24 to stay the execution while Harris pursued appeals through stute courts. M cC abe argued that psychiatric testimony had been misused by the prosecution in the 1979 trial of Harris and that a change of venue should have been granted. Harris was to die in the gas chamber on Tuesday for the 1978 murders of two San Diego teen-acers in the state's first execution since 1967. The court noted that U.S. District Judge William Enriaht in San Diego had denied a stay earlier on Friday, but issued a certificate acknowledging there w as "probable cause" ror hearing a n appeal o n constitutional issues raised by Harris. Reagan,, Mitierand have 'frank' talk The court said the state had acknowledged. the p e nding appeal raises "constitutional issues on which we have Jnot previously ruled." 1 The petition filed by Michael McCabe, attorney tor Harris, said that no federal court has ruled on the constitutionality of the state's 1977 death penaJty statute, under which Harris was convicted a nd sentenced to die in 1979. The petition also said no federal court had ruled on s pecific c laims of fed e ral constitutional error in the Harris trial, conviction and sentence. The court ordered the appeal to be expedited, and directed that McCabe's opening brief be on file by April 16 and a reply from the s tate Attorney Gener al's office by April 30. A res ponse from Harris must be on file by May 7 a nd oral arguments are to be set for the W ASHINGTON CAP) - Presidents Reagan and Francois Mitterrand of France s aid Friday they talked frankly about their differences in policy toward Central America, but there was no indication either leader persuaded the other to change position The Reagan administration 1s angry over France's agreement to sell $20 million in arms to Nicarag u a, whi c h the administration contends is the c h ief arms s upplier for Salvadoran rebels. The United S tate s s upp o rt s t h e civilian-mili tary junta in El Salvador against a rebel force that France contends should be recognized as a legitimate political entity. Reagan called t he nearly three-hour sess ion .. a ver y unu s u a l fri e nd -t o -frie nd meeting," but left no doubt that he had expressed displeasure over French policy in Central America. Using diplomatic parlance, Reagan said , "I believe President Mitterrand now has a better underst:tnding of United States policy objectives in that troubled region. Our discussion on this subject was particularly candid and thorough." As Mitterrand described the talks, it was clearvlhe two men we re searching for something p osi ti ve to say des p ite fundame ntal d iffe rences in approach. ··our firs t duty is to fight agains t povert y and t h e exploitation of human beings and the domination on the part or bloody dictatorships, .. the socialist president s aid. "We should do everything that can e nable the d e mocratic powers of the West to achjeve a better unders tanding and be able to give more assistanc to the oeooles that are rebelling against their fate," he s aid. Woman wins $1,000 u~ekly for life Money signs mixed One category in range , other above SAN DIEGO (AP ) -A thousand dollars a wee k for life : Jt was a great 31st birthday present for Angela DePalo, whose 11-year-old Datsun is in for repairs and tier father out of work. A reporter called first, then a woman identifying herself as a s pokeswoman for Eastman Kodak saying Miss DePalo was winner of its "Get Set For Ufe Sweepstakes." Miss DePalo was certified as the winner Feb. 8, s pokeswoman Betty Wolcott said. but Kodak waited to announce it on the winner's birthday T hursday. She said the checks will start coming soon. "I've always wanted to go to Tahiti," Miss De Palo told friends Friday. but she plans to keep her job. An estimate d 35 million contest forms ran in Sunday newspapers across the United Stales and many more were available in camera shops . Miss DePalo, unmarried director of word processing at San Diego's National University, a private business school, went to work in a borrowed car after learning of her good fortune. It's the first time in 10 years of entering contests that s he has won anything, she said. Arter slate and federal taxes. the winnings work out to $52,000 annually -$1 million afte r 19 years 3 months and $2 million aft e r 38 1h yea r s -a n accountant told her. Dnnana~ NEW YORK tAPJ A pool of fund s readily available for s oe nding continues to g row faster than ta r geted, while broader measure of the money supply is finally within growth t a rgets. the Federal Reserve Board said Friday. Economists we re divided over what the mixed signals mean for lhe course of interest rates and recovery from recession. Some fi na ncial analys ts believe interest rates will level off until there are clearer signals of the direction of money growth Others ff!ar furthe r increases in borrowing costs , threatening to exacerbate the economy's decline. The nation's bond market look the late afte rnoon re port in stride. with little c hange in interest rates The Fed said the nation's bas ic money supply, knoWn as MI , soared $3.4 billion in the week e nde d March 3 , to a sea sona lly adjusted $448.3 billion. The s harp increase wiped out an unexpected $2.9 b i ll ion d ecl ine in Ml the previous week. M 1 in c lu des cas h in ci rculation and deposits in checking -type accounts in financial institutions. A broader money s upply m easure, known as M2. aver a ged $1.846 trillion In Fe bruary, up $6 billion from January. M2 adds such deposits as s a ving s account s and money-market mutual funds to Mt. CAK:ane builds the finest gas grills in the v.ortd. They cook better. add more flavor, use less gas, and last longer. Best of all. now ~ can buy a DtJcane for what it costs to buy an ordinary gas grill. Remember. o nly CAK:ane has a self~leaning coal grate th-at catches' drippings and vaporizes them instantly adding flavor to whatever you 're rooking. IOO--Single Burner sugg. $316.29 s• s220 llOO-oouble Burner sugg. $452.96 S.SJIO 2000--Aotisserie & Raised Rear Burner sugg. $547.96 S.SJ71 Prka Include LP c-..-.. Natural Gas. LP includes lank Natural Gae Includes 12 foot quick connect hoae. All lndu»Oulwtz lgnltet . MI is growing at a r ate well a bove the 2.5 percent to 5.5 percent target range set by the Fed But M2 growth has slipped wit hin the Fed's des ired 6 percent to 9 percent rate. Fo r the latest four weeks, Ml averaged $446.8 billion, a 9.3 p e r cent sea s onally adjus ted annual r ate of gain from 13 weeks ago. Last summer as Fed policies of m onetary r estrain t kept interest rates near record-high levels, Ml was not growing fast enough, but M2 was above Fed targets Crilirs of the central bank say li ght-money policies have pushed the economy into the last two recessions The central bank attempts to pro vide enough reser ves for banks lo stimulate economic growt h without fostering a resurgence in infl ation. When monetary growth is too fast, the F'ed may reduce its s upply of fund s to banks , heightening competition for remaining funds a nd driving inter est rates higher E conomist Maury Harris at the investment firm of Paine, Webber. Jackson & Curtis Inc. says he doubts the Fed will adopt a more res trictive stance because M2 is under control. But he adds there is little chance the F e d wi l l be mo r e accommodating either because MI growth is so strong. As a res ult, Harris says, interest rates will remain near recent levels ............ 1.,. PriCl9I wtld thru Westc:llff open Thora. Iii a P.M CROWN HARDWARE Everything you want In a hardware store • WISTCUll' 1024 IRVlfl AVE .. HCWPCMT BCH. 642·1133 · • HAllOI YllW 1614 SNf Mll;VEl OR., NEWPORJ SCH. 6448570 • COIOMA DIL MAI 3107 E. coor HWY.1 67.).,1.800 .. ] I • • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8ahJrday. Match 13, 1882 ' ' •• .. A,..,...,.._ PAPAL WAVE P op e J ohn Paul II waves to the crowd upon his arrival in Assisi, Italy. for cele bration of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi. The Basilica lnferiore forms a· b ackdrop. Actor recall.s studio trades Jimmy Stewart says thal in his early days in films, the big studios "traded us around Hollywood hke they do base- ball players ... " "They traded me to Uni- versal one time for the use of the back lot for three weeks. J thought about that for a while An unemployed French businessman wants to sell the Eiffel Tower, or at least parts of it. Twenty-thousand, 10.5- ounce, paperweight-size pieces of the famed tourist attraction were cut from 6.5 tons of st.eel girders torn out during renovation of the first level last year. The scrap but then 1 said 'Well, that's the way it is.'" The veteran actor's com- ments came during an inter- view to be broadcast in five parts Monday t.hrough Friday next week on ABC's "Good Morning America." would have been melted down. "It started as kind of a joke," said J ean Ka rdas, who bought the scrap for two t>ents a pound. "But when we found oul what was in store for these girders from an at- traction so loved by foreign- ers, we immediately decided there had to be a better rate for them: ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Classified advertising 7141642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 Thomas P Haley PUOttt/llllf 1t'IOC"·et £•ti<""•f' U'•·it•• Rober1 N Weed Thoma s A MurphinP E0t1or L Kay Schultz Vi(.~PrKoGer'll ..a ()1t'(1or 01 ~·,,.. Michael P Harvey Mlir'-4•no °''"<'(I' Kenneth N Goddard Jr Charles H Loos MAIN OFFICE llO WH I B•v St ' Cost• M•wo. CA M•ll •dd•HS Bo• IS60. Cost• Mew. CA ,,,,. Copvr19hl IW'l O<-COHI Pvllh~l>l"1j ,_, No ne-ws itotte-' ltluirtr•t1on\ tdttorl•I m_.,ttr o< •O-ve' h\f'Mtf\h ,.,,,.n m•y be reoroduct!d without \P"<••I pennln~on of cooyrtqM o.,..,., ll'le Or-Coo\I 0..•IY Piiot with wh>eh I\,_ 111110<! Ill<' N~P,. ... s, •S C>UIMISM<I l>Y , ... ()< ......... Coast PU1111\htnQ Comiwtnv S.o•••lf .01tlons •re oul>llSMd Moncl.tv lhrOUQtl ""do tor Cool• ~. New Port Bff<n. Hunlln9ton 8Hth, f'ovnt11n V•lley, Irvine. laqul\il e .. ch. South Coast A sln9te ,..91,,_, edition ·~ °""''......, S111 .. <11ys •nd Su.,.,aon Th<' pru\C1P•I C>Ubfl\hlnq 01.ant ti •1 llO Wt't S.y Strftt, P 0 Bo• IS60 Costa-.. C•hlorn1• •ui. J au uaophonlal Grover WaalllD1toD Jr. la au1ng Brown & Wllli.m.on Toblcoo Corp., cl.alming hie picture wu uled without permiaion on advertiaements for Kool Light and Kool Ultra d aa- rettee. The U.S. Diatrict Court auit asks that B&W. of Loulavllle, Ky .. be for'Olti to cancel the ads and ~Y" Wuhington a fee and $2 rnlWon damages. Mark Alaenal a B& W apokeaman, aald the photo· graph jn the KooJ ada waa not Waahinp>n at all, but a Loe ~lee muaician named Roa Bro"a. Penthouse magazine's 1981 "Pet of the Year" pleaded innocent to a drunken drivin~ c harge and was treed on $1 ,000 bond ln Dayton, Ohio. Da.alelle Deaeu, 23, failed a sobriety tftt when she was stopped after her car crossed the middle of the road and nearly collided head-on with an oncoming vehicle, Mont- gomery County deputies said. Deputies said Miss Deneux, who alao goes by the name Laurie Conteen, was observed as she drove from a parking lot shared by two nightclubs. Deng Xiaoping, the Chi- nese leader, fulfilleq his quo- ta Friday in the nationwide tree-planting campaign he launched. Chinese television s howed the 77-year-old Communist Party vice chairman carrying a shovel over his shoulder, digging and filling in dirt in Peking's western hills as he planted Chinese pin es. When aides suggested he rest. Deng replied: "We must accomplish our mission: three to five trees each," a Peking Radio report said. Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker underwent successful surgery Friday to repair damaged cartilage in his left knee. Baker, according to spokes- man Tom Grlscom, was expected to be on crutches for about two weeks. Two plays by Kenya's best-known and most contro- versial novelist and play- wright have been banned without explanation -a move writer Ngugl Wa Thiong'O says is the govern- ment's "first step toward fascism." The author, who was ear- her jailed for a year because of government opposition to another play. claimed autho- rities have become even more intolerant and repressive of current grass-roots Kenyan theater. 'Non-explosive' St. Helens burst VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Mount St. Helens probably will e rupt within three weeks, possibly-41uperheating snow and causing floods on the Toutle and Co wlitz rivers. scientists predicted Friday. Based on changes observed inside the volcano crater over the past week, scientists expect the eruption to take the form of "non-explosive" growtb of the mountain's giant lava dome, said Cathy Cashman, a U.S. Geological Survey geologist. We're Listening ••• Monday Fnoay If vou oo N>f "~~e y<>ur p.apet by 5 JO pm t l ll OflfOf'~ 7 om •NJ rOvr c:oov .. +1 btt ,,,.h~fld S.tutdty 1no Svno.Jv " ., • .,..., ~ "Gt ::.~:n ';: ~::,: ·~t"'~,i~ oe+tvtWflCJ "WE.CARE" FOi AU Of YOUR HEAL TH MEEDS W EVEIY DAY IVINl~IHD t:00 AM-t:OO rM UASOMAIU HIS Wha( do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number below and your message will be recorded. lranscribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24 hour ans wenng service may be used to record let-. ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must in clude their name and telephone number for verification No circulation <'alls, please. Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 John A. Krajian D.D.S. Students • • rrusmg ski fund Four Oranae Cout teen-11ers who are atudenta it the Brallle lnatltute's Ora n ae County Community Center are among a group from the center working to raise funda for a ski weekend. Students J e nnifer Grey and Wald e n Hughes ot Costa Mesa. Kara Southwi c k o r Fountain Valley and Angela R od ecker of Huntington Beach are among the group trying to raise money for rare to Lake Tahoe. The Incline Village Sertoma Club, a men's service organization, offered the students bed, board, lift tickets and s ki lessons at Lake Tahoe if the youths could provide their fare to get there. The groups~======~==================~===:' m~ on a hIB~ric trip 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ throug h Northern 11 California. · The 3> teens involved D\USt raise $50 each to pay f o r the i r trans portation . T h ey held a roll·a -thon last Saturday in Cypress, and are planning a rummage sale at the La Mirada s wap me('t today. The Braille Institute is a non-profit organization offering a year-r ound program of education, training, ser vices and s pecial events to the legally blind or Southern California. Services are provided at no charge fr om campuses in Anaheim, Los Angeles, Pa lm Springs and Santa Barbara. The progra m is fund ed b y g ift s, beq uests a nd grants from the public. Unit mark 25th year Twenty-five years of community service will be highlighted when the National Counril o n Al coholism in Or ange County celebrates its silver anniversary at a dinner and dance March 19 at the Anah eim Marriott Hotel. The council provides alcoholism counseling to the point or referral, community education a nd prevention a nd intervention programs. Dinner reservations at $27 per person can be made by calling council offices al 835-3830. Countlan honored Major Delores K . H offman , s tati o n adjutant, has received the J oint Servi ce Commendation Medal at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. She was cited for her ser vice with the OHi ce or the Assistant Secretary of Defense I Public Affairs> in Washington. from June 1979 through June 1981 . She and her hus band. Col. Richard C. Hoffman. reside in Laeuna Hills. Cali 642-5678. Put • few words to work for you. D D THE EIDIEMBl1' Of lGH'1E. 1HE ,..Of ACOMPUTER. CONQUEST OF THE WOAlO Ct43tl STRATEGIC GAMES Sidi As Ca.qunt of the W ortd ARCADE GAMES SPORTS GAMES EDUCATIONAL GAMES STAR REMOTE Model R84265 Enjoy the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio output jack Factory programmed to receive 105 channels . $599 95 FREE DELIVERY W ith Remote Control Model 5054 with Hi-Fi Sound $869.95 Enjoy this lightweight, easy-to-carry 12 .. diagonal Black & White TV. 100% Solid State chassis, preset VHF fine tuning. Model DBP101 Big Set performance in a compact 13" diagonal size . ·This portable Color TV features AutomaUc Fine Tuning and 100% Solid State chassis. CROWN & BRIDGE* DENTURES* FILLINGS DENT AL PLANS ACCEP.TED s 00 s29900 Antique Show /Sale Senior Citizens Discount Todey Thru Sun .. Mer. 14 et the Huntington Center CREDIT ~ASTERCAAO--VISA Mell. Outstanding coUe<;tions from 50 rbor Bl d "• M Ev1tu1t:'~~~.~~ ~~ 2706 Ha v ., UJSta esa Ind Beech Blvd .. H.B. • -- -------~-....-·--·-------.-----;~~----r--~---~-----------_.,..J ~--------"""'1!!!!!11~11l ... _,_ ........ -_..,..._. '• . J ~UillUa Malibu will open beaches LOS ANGELES <AP) -Three small beaches in Mallbu will be opened lo the public under a $325,000 grant by the state Coastal Conservancy to the s tate Parks and Recreation Department. The grant will provide money to construct parking lots, trails . picnic tables and toilets. The beaches, purchased by the st.ate for S8 million rour years ago, are known as El Pescador. El M atador'and La .Piedra. The state Parks and Recreation Commission is expected to apptove a general plan to develop the beaches by providing money for lifeguards and other park emplo ees. 642-5678 P·ut a few words to work I or you in the Daily Pilat Antique Show Huntington Center mall today thru Mar. 14 DIVORCED? FILES -S tal e As semblyman Leo McCarthy has filed for the Democratic n o minat ion for lie utenant governor. saying the job is a nice stepping stone lo a hi gher offi ce. SEPARATED? .,,--THE Dll't jlSt ;o nr..p it ... "ow T~r.P it! ~~-~:~G Sot., "•'" "··~ .... , . lt 1"6'"' '.•ht('., •~ .,t.-th. 111 "<Jout Onnr 1(',,HS1,., •• ,,. ... j,.,, 'f ""'A, .. , COllA IHS.&641·1289 IU.H-•t.o MIHIOH Yl(Jo495·0401 Jin, c.,.,. ... c ....... ... f$eA °'990 ,.,.... el ... .., ~fliw-y t Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. DIVORCillECOVERY WORKSHOP Six Tuesday heMlcJs March I 6-April 20 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Newport Beach st . ....._., ld. .. I Sfll St. AUN• fro. Newport H..tlor HICJll SI 5.00 R•tration For more M.fonnatioft call: 631-2185 9:00..5:00 Moft • .fri. The Shernaan Clay Story America•s Largest Piano and Organ Retailer The California Gold Rush was barely ovet In 1870 when Leander Sherman started his music business In the booming. bustling. commercial city of San Frand sco Established two years before San Fr1nclsco saw Its first experimental cable car, Sherman Clay has prospered and expanded through· good times and bad. There are over !>II SHERMAN ClA V locations across the West lo downtow", '"'"'""" '"d •hopping """' Ii locoti~• and still growing For 100 years we have been building a tradl tlon of SERVICE to those In the Western States who care about music Your PIANO or ORGAN trom Sherman Clay makes you part of this tradition and you have every reason to · expect that as long as you own your instrument you will receive the kind of personaliz.ed servic.e that has given us our fine reputation throughout the Music Industry To the advan· ~· tages of tradition, we add the advantage of slz.e. Sher· ~ man .clay Is the OLDEST and · LARGEST Plano and · Organ chain In the United States We are still In '· A business long after many of our competitors have disappeared . that's STABILITY. Our REPUTATION for INTEGRITY ls the product of e11rs of commitment lo the musical develop ment to the West A reputation that stands for Q UALITY and SERVICE to our many hundreds of thou 0 sands of customers We h11ve the ~ largeS1 SELECTION of models and styles in every price range. We stock all MAJOR BRANDS of pianos and organs · whether new or used, Including: Steinway. Wurlitzer, Baldwin, Kimball. Hammond, Lowrey, Chickering and Yamaha You don't need m"ch cash to buy !oday. Sherman Clay offers convenient FINANCING to fit your pe1$0nal budget requirements with a minimum of red tape. In most cases, you can finance right here with us You can SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE at Sherman Clay because you know we1J be here tomorrow Our 100 years In the Piano and Organ business should give you the con fldence you need for making this substantial purchase You won't be alone. we have already sold on million Instruments to customers juS1 llke you! NOW FEATURING STEINWAY P IANOS IHtli Ot11t Plaza 141-0411 .. la Tiit 1111 .. ., ''"" .. (Lower Level) No other newspaper brings you more of your city council, planning commission, ·school and college districts an<:"f county government than the Daily Pilal • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Maroh 13, 1982 Budget pinch may f Orce tuition Lakebed watched. l Community colleges facing severe financial crisis SACRAMENTO (AP> - California community colleges race a financial crisis that could bankrupt some district! unless taxes a.re raised or fees lmposed for n o n -academic and non-vocational courses, the chief of the 107-college system said Friday. Chancellor Gerald Hayward said at a Capitol hearing that he would continue to oppose across-the-board tuition or rees for community colleges, but that he is urging the system 's 70 local dis trict boards to impose fees for so-called "personal benefit" courses. Californ ia 's t wo ·year community colleges provide a variety or courses academic c l asses for college -bound stude nts, vocation al classes _.,FllTEI SIPO •TS! Siil •111.s II lmlU SIPPU,SIST IAIT. CUlU •111.s. fllll •111.S .. Sii( preparing students for various Industrial and service jobs, remedial education such as basic English for refugees, and "personal benefit'' courses such a s dancing, cooking and macrame. Hayward said most districts have imposed rees on t he personal benefit courses, and urged representatives or those districts which have Imposed rees to do so to continue the other classeti for Cree. "There are courses out there still that we could legitimately charge rees for that we aren't," Hayward s aid , adding that unless all the local colleges charge fees for personal benefit courses. it weakens the case for funds for all colleges. Hayward said some of the districts ln 1.b.e. mos.Lpr~noua financial shape include Barstow, the Peralta district in Oakland and Siern Colleee In Rocklin east or Sacramento. He said Ba.rstow will squeak through oO a ~.000 state loan until it can sell excess dis trict property, and that the other financially weak districts have funds to get past the crisis. California today has the only tuition-free community college syst em In the nation, a nd Hayward predicted "extreme pressure" this year to impose tuition because or the state's budget shorte1ge. The community colleges get two-thirds of their overall $1.6 billion annual budget-from the state, with rest coming from local property laxes. ---- ISTllSSO •111.S. AU Pllll Tl CLEM. It's 'the Hme of ttw y..-wt.ft you Call ...U your best beip. Mew 111Dclels arriYMHJ 10011 cmd we ... t _.... rOOM. Mo '----_;_ ___ -...J l"HIGRable offer wil bet et.eel! 25"1w ....... 1E MAGNAVOX Cl.DI TEllYISION MOWIYmTOMI CAMAHOD WA.MA YOI COlOa TY CALL FOR PRICE SHOWN ARE OHLYTWOOF MANY RCA Ir MAGNAVOX MODElSIM STOCK FOR THIS SALE! RCA ColorTrak 25" diagonal tDWARDS. AIR : FORCE BASE CAP> -: Space agency officials ' were ca uti o u s l y , optimistic Friday the I rain-pelted lakebed that r ser ves a s the s pace ; s huttle 's landing strip • will dry out in lime ror the Columbia's planned third night March 29. ; But th ey're also keeping a wary eye on ' the Mojave Desert skies j "If we got a good wind and no rain . . . we ! would have a pretty : gc,od chance or being • dry by launch time," j said Sharon Wanglin of • th e Natio n al : Aeronautics and Space : Admini s tr aUo n 's · Dr y dr e n Flight Research Center here. CALL 968-3329 While s.ppty Lasts. tt.ny! ·- W AalANn OM AU lCA&MA .... YOX COHSOU9«>D- • 3 YR. rtC1WI TWI S.Yll. BASE MODE L GFR760 ZBITH 45" .._PROJECTION TV WHY IUY • I Yl. 'AllTS & SBYICI MANY CONSOLE RCA REMOTES IN ST()Q( BIG SCREEN TV's PRICm TO CLW MAGNAVOX llG sea ... TB.EVISIOH AU.Pm$ ua•u. Al9 llTMJJl11l Model 8505 tieT ACN llG SCIEB4 sr DIAGONAL SO" DIAGOHAL I ----' ...... ...,."' ... MOD&S .... , .. "'"' ...... CC-. CCIII. CCI t f All Q 8 nl.Y tM ITOCI Ate OM Dttft.AT. ALS .. I • ~'----Alk lbout terms • VIN or ~ vnmrv-,...,..... '525 I t04' llOOIOtUIST ._.. ~ed • 3 v .. Picture Ta. 1 Yr. Plrtl. 1 Yr. S.Vloe W8ttanty On 1912 Color Tt9k anst '9v1lem Ill ConlOIM • ~Authorized SeMce on ~.., .... • .~H"Ave'_.. ~ tn Stock • No COmmlMk>ned s.11.-.one • We Know Our Product I nt6de end Out Not ~It Tht Price • Oull~ • Integrity • Hol.-Y. ,.,........ ___ ......,. ____ _ HUMTl ... TOMIMCH =a.,;"~ SJJ5 CM.Lffl.JIH RI PICES ==-........... '141 latJ"C.. '~ I\ '' ,, ,. I 'I .. . \ ' . . ~ ,. I $. t! .;~ ~. '.l : . r$! • • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Saturday, March 13, 1982 t rnrn[U][DJ~mu Pro-kids decision won't help much ISy THOMAS U. EUAS "The kids won und tht• farr.1hc:-. won Whal we havt' now 1s tht' rtKht of children lo live with th1•1r fa nuhe::. " That was tht• Joyous ... urnmatw n of lawyer Stephl•fl Wo lfson a ft er lht• California Supreme C..:ourt r ulod last month that the s t at e ''> Unruh Civil Rights Act proh1b1 H. 'adult!> only" ~partmenl cutrlplext's Ill! first ra ised t the issue when he wa!> 1·vwled from un apartment afkr his son \\a :-. horn 111 1975 But his victory probably won't change \ much For the de cision contains the \ sa m e flaw that fair housing advocates CAllfDRNI~ fDCUS have :-.een for )CllrS 1n tloth thl· l'nruh Act a nd othl·r stat<·. lm·al a nti ft'<ll'ral laws barring llnus111 g d1scn m11wtion bet'ause of ra n'. rl·li g111n or marital s tatus T here 1:-. ll ttlt· 111 nu enfor t'l'ffit•nt c lout hl'h1nd 1t LM'K OF l::NFOR('t:MENT 1-. tht• rea son wh~ "ad ult'> 11111~ -.1~n-. -.till adorn a1>artml'nt builll1ng-. in t•1t1t•., ltkt· Santa Monica. Lo~ •\ng<•lt·-. .rnd ~:in FrarH·is('u , whc•rc-lol'al law ... h.tVl' banned such pract1t'l'" for up 111 th1 ,.,. year~ I l 1~ a lso the n·a ... 011 lan1llo1 "" .... 1111 disc riminah• "1th 1 m pun It) rl 11111 quill' as muc h opt•fln l's". ;1ga1n't ld.H·k , .Je ws. Chic:a nos ,\rah .... rnd 11111 .. r ... even though California ;11l11J•H·ll th1· Un r uh Act ;w V(•ars .1J,!o S11111l.1rh ignored is tilt' re(lernl f;iir hn11,111~· la\.\. which dates back to 19711 F or the onl't stat1•\\ 1111' f;111 h11u,1ng e n f o r c e m en i age n <· ' rs t h 1 • F a 1 r Employm ent and llou-.111);! 1'1 ;1l't1<'1·s Comm1ss1on 11-'~111'('1 \\ho:-.i· naml· did n 't even ind udf> huu,ing until 1h1• 1980s T h a t t' o m m 1 s s 1 11 n d o t• -. 11 1 syste matic ally ... c1·k 0111 d1srnm111.1t1on. but :.icls onl y '~ ht•n tl gt•ls t·ompl<11nt., And even tht>n. 11s f;11 r hou~1ng po\\l'r" arc limited It ca n ..,lap rt•.,tr.11n1ng ordt•rs on butldmgs. c·om p1•lltng nwnt·r ... who have d1:,t•riminatl·d tlll'gall\ tu ri·nt the nt:oi.t vaca111·~ to thl· \ 1c11rn ... 11 th1•\ want ti B ut th e F E H P C onl~ rarely a ssc1>st·~ mohetary Jlenaltles. Add lo thflt Uw comm1ssion'11 reaction to last m unth's rull11~ A c omplaint that it lu('kl'd monl'y :rnd s taff ne eded to h undll' adults only" cases J\1111 th1• n•ahly of the FEHPC record 1-. th.it tht• few r uses it gets are usually ""·ttlt"<I on ,1 "no fault" bus1!> Tru1'. the Cnruh /\ct allows civil (ll'IHilttt•s of $250 for Cat'h instance of d1scrim111ation. but that requires the , 1<•\1m lo (J ncl a lawyer , fil e suit and makt• lw.1vy investments of time and money So \'ld11ns 111 dfect a rc left with a {'ho1c<.· ht•t wt·cn ;J liltlt• money o r an apart 11w 111 to lt vt· 1n Jr they even kno w ,1 huul lht• 1.1w!> In n'i1hly, a ll lh1s leav<:s fair housing 1•11f11f'('\'llll'nt Ill the hand~ of local fair ho11s1 11g t·1111111·1's, m ost ly voluntee r grm1p ... "h1ch uperate primarily in the ... 1a1l'·.., l;1rg1· u rba n areas TllESt: GRot PS have been around ... 111t'l' tlw la t<.· l~O!>, but only began gt:ltlng govt"rnml'f1l s uppo rt in the late 1!170s. \\hl'n tht· fede ral Departme nt of ll11u ... 1ng <ind l'rba n D e velopm e nt 1 du-.1•d tu p1 ov1d1• some types of grants I o l' I t I l' .., \\ I I h II u l f a I r h 0 U S I n g t•nfon•1•rrw11t arms Hut l'\t'll thl• large'>l counci ls have h11d~1 ·h "'""' un<ll·r SW0.000 a )car. d1•p1•n1h11g on \ oluntcer investigators to 1'111·1·k 11111 <'llllll'l:w1ts dnd then re ferring 1·•"l'"1111\\;Hd tu 1·1th1·r th<.• FEHPC..: or to l.1\\ ,,., ... lor l 11ruh f\<•t l;1w ... u11" I.11th• '~on<h·1 tlll'n, that a partme nt "" 111 ,. .. ; as-.01·1 <1111111' :it·ro!>S the stale .... 11tl lttt• "''"' ""' (·11u rt dl·t'1sion would n1.1!-.1 little• d1fft-n·nCl' to them The~ \..1111\\ lht• fl'Ltl ltll' ... t hat m <.1k1· the dl•t·1-.1011 .1lrn11 ... 1 1rrcl1:va nt II n I\ I h1• ht'"' 1n formC'd and rnu~t rlPl1·rn111wd pro ... pc:ctl\e ten:.i nt ... are ·"'an· thl'' t'Jfl complain to a nyone. .111d ''"'" lhl'n <hM·nm1nat1on 1s hard to pr11v1· .irtd pc·nalt1t•s a rc laughably light. Tht· ~up1 <·int• C'ourt can piously rule as 11ft1·n J.., H lr kl''> that d1scriminat1on is lll1•g,d but II \\on't mattC'r until the ... t<1tc "t'ts up Jn l·nforn•mcnt system \\1th .,cm1t• ll•c·t h 111 II Tl111m<1~ 1-:1111~ 11 fn•1• lunct' nilumnist t•asecl rn Sarilu \fonica analyzes state l~.~llt'.~ ·- Fairness doctrine aired Hy MIKE FEINSILBE R Aooclal.,, Pren Writer WASlllNGTON In 1980. Milton G ross hc~1rd from 10,301 people who com pla11ll•d about wha t they didn't hear on the rad1<1 or see on lelev1s1on What lht·y hadn't he ard was their side nl a controversial t~s ue C r os:-. 1s c h1 d of the Fairness Poltt1('al Hroacka~ttng Bntnl'h of the FC'cle ral {'11mmunicat1on:-. Comm1ss1on. li ts joh 1 ~ to 1n vest1 ga t e s u c h C'ompla1nb Hut the FCC would like to a bolis h that 1111! a nd that respon:-.1b1hly T h l' c 11 m m i ~ s 1 o n v o t l' d 4 2 1 n S<•plt•mhl'r lo e1sk ConJ{ress to repeal th<' "fairness doctrine.' whic h requtl'es b r oadC"a s te r s to present oppos ing pos itions M e1rk Fowler. a former broadcaste r and former ~ommun1cations lawyer n a m ed h ~ P r es id e nt R e agan a s d1ai rman of lhl• FCC. ('alts it •·the t'l•nsor-;h1p dol'lrtnl• .. MOST STt\TION owners opposl' the 1fo1·1rinl'. ton Thc·y s ay 1t has the im pact of putting a government lawye r in the newar9om. looking ove r an ecl1tor·s shoulde r The FCC's action raises the question s h o uld tht.• govl'rnm enl ever te ll hr o a ti c as t t· r !> w h a t th l.' y mu st broadcast., Supporter~ of thl• fairness d()ctrinl.' rJ1w anothc·r quesl111n Should a .,tat1on ow111.•r have the right to present unly one s1dt· of a ~ontroversrdl issue and deny th<.• a udie.nt'l' ~xposure to the other s ide" THE FCC. in fact. rarely does tell a bro<.1dt'a:-.ll'r wlJ.4lL to broadcast even whC'n 1t get~ compl~lnts about on the air om 1ssrnns. ' ._ Of the to,30 1, complain ts Gross rec·c1 ved in 1980;, on1y 28 were taken seriously eno ugh to genenale tellers from the n x.: as king stations to respond or to make time a va1 l:ible for opposing \'ICW S Thl' vast m ajority of the nation·.., 10, 146 broadl'a!.ler~ nC"ver hear from c; r m,s In a typil'<il year. <·omplainlS rl's ult in f(:Wt:r than h alf a doze n F CC reprimands to stations for violating tht' fa 1ryess doctrine He pr1m<1 nds arc ~c riuus matte rs. howl'Vl'r Thl'Y ~u 111l1) Jo'CC files for tons1dl·ratwn when ii station's license 1s up for rl'nl'wal o st ation has ever lost u h<"cnst· solely because of failure to c·orn plv "'1th tht• fairness doctrine, bul tht· fa1rm·.,-. tlol'lrint' \\<as a partial fa1·1111 111 1Jn1· l1('l'nse re newal The !-> u I' r t• m ,. (' o u r 1 u p h e I d t h e eom ffllsSICJn s U{'f 1110 111 lh<tt C<JSe F l'W 1 ... sul's r a nk as high on the .1gl'nda 111 thl· National Assoc1at1on of Hroacltast er~ as the F'CC's proposal tha l Congress repeal the doctnne J\n<I several org anizations among thc·m the Nation a l C1t1zens Committee f11r Broa1kastmg a nd the Media Access Grouµ, a public· mterl'st law firm 1h ·v11t<' mos t o f lh<•1r e ne r gy l o rtl'll'flding the d<iC'trinl' and counseling pt•opk 111 its u~e Thi• fa1rnl·s!> dot•trine has two parts One n·qu1rc•s s tatwns to devote air time t o · '{'11ntrovt.•rs1al 1:-...,ue!> of publi c 1 m portan1·1· 1'hl' other require~ that ... tJtron' affrird a real!.o n a bl e 11pportun1t~ for thl' 11 r<'senta l1 on of 11 pp11sing \'l('WS Taxpayers spend more for Congress Thi· n·a·wning is th<J t the la w t1nd the courts ha\ c he· Id th.ll the pubhc ~ right to ht· 1nfo rml'<I 1s µara mount The broad<'as te r ha!> a li cens e to th e uir\\ avl·-.. but 111 l'Xl'h<1n~c· he must help inform the puhltc· on 1 m portant issues H roa<lcaster~ <.'1<11m the doctrine. in a pplttat111n. h:is the opposite effect Hy Ji\ Y PERKl:'IJS AHoci•Wd Prf'\\ Wrtttr W ASlll:'\(;TO\; T.1\11.1\ 1•1-. 11 c· spl'nding a hllll• mnr• 1111 C'nnJ.!•• .. ., 1h1.., vear a total :J\l'r acr· 1·11-.1 oJ St! I 'm1 ll1on per lt•g1slat11r 111 I!" .1holll thl· bu!>tnt•ss nf t!N·t<ltllg \\ twn tu 1·111 I h1• bud r.:t•t of Ol'a rb ,., 1•1'11111· 1·1 .... 111 tht• go\'t•rnment The· <·osl ol ('ongn•-., l-.1•1•ps • r1·1·p11\g higher each Yl'<lr T he llHI "l'natur ... ;md 435 ('ongre~~mc·n \\ 111 'f11·nd SI :1 1111111111 on the ir work this \'l'<lf' •• -.rn;11I boo.,t o vc•r the f1s<"a l \'t:itl 111:11 1·11dc·d l,1..,t Sept 30 Nc•\t .\l'.;1r , th•· t•1111g11•-.-.11111;.t budgl't rl'qu~-.1 ,., 1·xp1·etl'll 111 11wh u pw<1n l agatn The spendinr.: figurt•!> 1111 ('11111.!r•• ...... cH !' som e what rict•t•ptl\P 'l'hl·~ not onlv include the co~t ol 11ra·rat111i.: t ht• lluu,c• and Senat e hut 11( running s(•\ era I ' agenc ies unrkr C'ongn·-.smnal ('11nt rnl Amon g tht•rn <II'(' th1· C;t•n t·r;1I ,Accounting Offi ct'. thl' ln\l";t1i:atl\'C' arm of Congrl'SS ' t he c;cl\ l'rnment Printing Office. and the L1brci ry of Cong ress. Als o. part of lhl· hudg<'I 11wr1•aw in recent vc:ir~ ... tl·ms rrom <''"' 111 II\ me ra i se~ 'that l'ungrl's ... h;1 ... g 1\ll'll Its employees und f<"Cll•ra l \\ur·kc·r .... ,1-. W('ll as some pay IO('rt'U'l'S for ,, .., ""' n me m hcrs When inflat ion rs t.1kt·n 1nt11 .i1·<·crunl the legis la t or..,· sp c·nd1ng on thl'1r ope rations has rnc re<>'·•·d littll· 1f a n~ in real ter m-. stnt'l' l!ITi \\hl.'n th<• total topped SI billion foi lh1· f1r ... 1 time ··You wo uld h a \ c· to ""' 11 h;1s unquestionably rice! 1 nrd 111 rl.'a I cfoll a r terms s ince fis<"a l 1979," s a id r>nt: House •Appro pr1 a t1 o n s Committl't' '-laff m e m ber. who d l•cl tn('tl to he t1u<itl'l1 b~ na m e "Tht rc: has h<'<'" -,1;1btl 1t\ or r ;o1l111111111 ir1 l'n1pl11~ nlt'nt anti ot h1·r l-111il-. 111 t'\jtt'f1d11111 1· .. '-.1111 I' l'li!I .tppl U(ll 1.1111111 ... for th<· l••g ,.., I .ct I\•· 111 ;1111'11 h.I\ l' n:-.l'n at an ,1\ ,., ;cJ.!1 r;i l1· of 5 5 pcrcc·nt whil e "', 1.cll gm 1•1 n nwnl spe nding ro~l' 12 9 I" 11·1·111 .cl111111 t h1· ... amt· as th<• 11.it 11111.il 111f1.11111n r .ti<' 1111• 1·111 n •111 h11rl gPt for congres~1onal 11p1·r,1t 11J11' 1 .... 1h<111t 5 8 pe rt'ent highe r than tht· l!lXl hutlgl'I lh11li.:l·t rc•quests lor 11 ... l'al l!IX:I '>l.lfltllg (kt I. d rl' t·x p1•<"tt•d to 1um11 to just under $1.4 hillion. llousl' a 11d Senal<· starfers said F111111, .11·111.ill\ J1'JJr11pr1J lt-cl for < '1111g1 I',.., 101 nt"<l 't·ar eoul<l h<· less 1 h;111 th;1t L.1 ... 1 ""tr llw llouse pr uned SH I n111l1c111 from t·•1ngn•s:-.111na l budgl't 1 •''I Ill'"'~ for f1..,1 ;ti ltlX2 Tlw -.it11a111111 in rcc·<•nt v<.o;irs see ms ,t.1ltl<· wht•n 1·111n pan·d \\1.th ·tht' 1960s ;ind 1!170s . \d wn "Pl'nd1ng hy Congress 011 1l"l'lf ,1111l 1h ... t.i lf gr1•w 1·ap1dh l.a ... l \e,11 . till' S1·nak 11rdt'rcd a sta ff I fl'l't.t• tlwt kl'PI 111 x.0:11 the nµmht'r of t111l l1rn1• 1"111plm ·pt•-. in tht• St-nale a nd in .q~ent·tt·.., 11ndl'1 Sl·n;ct t ho11-.ekc e1>1 ng auth11111' Th.11 ln•t•1.c· ho\\<:ver . \\as 11111~ fo1 111w ,1 .. 1r .. ind m11 ... 1 he renewed ;i 111111 ;ii I" •\1·111.il 11p1•1 .1111111 -. of thl· lloust' a nd "•·fl .ii• .11·1·1111111 1111· ilh<•Ut h:ilf of all lu11<1-. 'l>t'lll II\ 11111 leg1..,lat1vc hranch. Thi• Sen11t<' s 11p1•1':cling hudget this year ,.., S:!Jfi million. up from St!Of. million last \ 1• <I I T h i• lloui.c•. \\1th its much la rger nwn1lwrc;h1p, 1~ 11pl'rat1 ng on a hudgel of S36·1 m1ll1on 11p S2 8 million from l11c;t \Pllr s l<•\'t•ls ltl'ms unde r the c onl rol of both hrnn<'ht•s add about $84 11111111111 tu tht• tot al T h i· 1·cinJ.!r<•..,s111na l f1l'fdo m f'xtc•nds I don't get It ... We take their lend, kidnap their women and eteel their crops . . . end stlll they lnal.at we amok• their tobacco. ·, lar bl'\Ond tht.' hall~ or the Capitol and involves morl! than wh:it most people rl'~ard as t) ptt'al lc•gislat1vc activities C'ongress will s('ncl S244.000 this year to 1 ht' 1>1st n et of Columbia to l'duca te the• ym.111~ 1wges who work on Capitol• 11 111 Another $734.000 will go to gu1d~s "ho es{'ort \'ISilors on Capitol tours The H•>t an1c Garden . w h1C'h supplies plants l o r l'O l1 J.!r essi o n a l o ff1 c·es ii n d r('(·<·ptlC)nS, will rccC'1\'e $2 3 million H e llr<•mcnt bene fits for for m e r lt•g1slators and sta ff m e mbers. coupled \\ I t h It l' n e r 0 u s c 0 s t 0 f I I v i n g adj u s tml'nts. cos t $93.2 million la st year. even though the number of people ('n rolled has been d r opprng That'!' m or e than double the S40.5 million paid 111 1976. The progr am in 1957 cost only S2 1 million ( 'ongn•ss also w1 II s pencl munl'y for a doctor's offit·e in the Capitol. barbers und be auticians, and c haplains that offer daily prayers on the House a nd Senate floors . Some unusual expenses also come out of the budget . Congress spent $2,000 last April on a memorial service for the la te Rep. Tennyson Guyer . R-Ohio. and it ~pt•n t ;mul h1·r $2.467 to w nd ~ever al ml·mlwrs to tht• funer~1I of tht· late Rt:p \\'illlam C'ottl•r D-Conn It also s pt•nl SJ•12 l;ist .Jul~, om· of "('\<.·m l sud1 c·x pendttun •s dunng thl' ~l';•r. for su1'1pli l's for the C<1p1tol l'ollt•t• I\ 9 t·orp:-.. anci anothl•r 595 ror hoarding t h l· dogs i\no lh<'r S l .608 '-'l'nt for amm un1t 1on ror thl· Capitol l'o llc·(· pra<'litl' rarl.l!l' in till' lfou-.l' Ha ' hurn ll111hhnr.: ,\nolht•r S:1H5 wa-. s pt•nt on lt•a for ;1 1111·1·tmg with Wt·:-.t c;1•r man ChJ nrcllor I ft-I m ul Sd 1rr11 clt Tht' 1·11 ... t of t ran ... 1•n h111i.: thl' m 1ll1on.., of "or<b utk n ·cl at com rnilt<'e he<1nngs .ill 11 \ <'r l':.ip1tol 11111 1s s ubstantw l Thl· 111111-;t· alonl' spt-nt $1 68,000 in ont• thn·e·month Pl'rtOd for tha t sl'rv1rc. <Js "l'll us for furniture a n1I supplies Coni::rl's!> a lso spl'nds millions to tell thl· nation wh<1t it is doing 111 fis<'al 1981. it m a iled 400,647 .000 p1l'ccs of fra nkl•d mc.111 and p a id tl1l' Post<il Ser\'icc S.53.967.000 In fi scal 1980. which covtrcd most or lhe clcl'l1on vcar. the t'tlSl of mail ser vin was S62.603,000 fo r 511.869,000 p1t•t·es of ma ii T he• 1983 fiscal year budget c1111ta rns a rt•quest for $55 m illion for ma ll franking pnvilcgl·-.. The lfouSl' also s pends Si!O 000 a year 111 maintain its SI 5 m1ll1on tclcvis111n "':-te rn . \\ ht<:h prov1dl•s ga v<'I to-gavl'I l'nverag<> of floor sessions The Senate docs not a llow T\.' covera,:?1' of its se~s1ons. T he House s pl'nd:-. a hout $740,000 a y<•ar on sal<.1ric!'i for th1· 37 people who 01>1.•rate tht• lt•ll•visi11n system and the television s tudio usl'd I)\· me mbers to m a k e• program s for hroadcast bat•k hom l' Thl• Sc•natt' ha-. a similar studm employing 15 pl'npll' Some <'OSls an· cl 1ff1l'ult to estimatt al·curately For cxam1}k '. the llouse a nd Senate will P••) $86<1,000 th1~ year in salaries for the 26 employees who work 1n the gallt•n es reser ved for the working press But ncf estimate 1s available on thl' cos t of lil!ht. heal or telephone st'rvice for the 3.900 m embers of the press accredited to use the galleries . Idea • wins IRS award C:.ltM --.nice SACRAMENTO A California libra r ian was recently honored with the Commissioner's Award by the Internal Revenue· Service for his suggestion which may save the IRS half-a-million dollars and save taxpayers time. Bruce Bryer has been chosen as the 15th recipient since tbe award was created 20 years ago. T h e Dixon librarian 's Idea was to have the IRS· supply llbraries with reproduclf:>le tax Corms which could be used to make copies for the pubH . Bryer wrote to the IRS in 1880 with the s uggestion which lhe IRS responded to by sending Brye r • book of tax formt. The IR$ asked Bryer lo Jook over lhe material and make sui1uuona on how to provide libra ries with the forms. Afte r making mino r suggestions. Dry er's idea was u se d as an expe riment in some libraries. according to an JRS s pokesman. The response was good . the spokesman said , so the IRS expanded the program this year to in clude 15.400 libra r ies across the country with m ore planned In the ruture. A I though most post offices c arry routine filing forms, tupayers wbo need speclaltud fo1 ma must mat or phone a request to the IRS unlesa an lRS office Is close by. Taxpayers now can 10 to lhe Ioctl library where they can copy any of the forms they need, payln1 only lhe copying costa. Hathl·r than motiv:..itin~ stations to 1· " ' l' r t o n t r o ' e r ~ 1 a I q u l' ., t 1 o n s \'tgnrou~I~. mJn~ broadcasters s<1y 1t c·aust>~ \h l·m to <·on •r controvcr s} 11m1dl~. 1f a t all "IT HAS T llE EFF•XT of ma king I ht• t•xprt.•l>sion of new:. and ideas ~1 very ..,elf c·on!-.c1ou~ and inh1b1tcd proC'ess." say~ Sll'phen :'llt•\'<JS, former broaclcast 111."ws man and now a lawver for the Natw nal :h~o('1a t1on or Broadcasters VC't trc.rn ne ws man Hill Monroe of N IH ', quoted 111 a hook on the fairness <l<>J't rtm'. ... ay~ I hl' d1wt rr nt> rnt1m1dates hroad<':.tst(·r~ llut cll'fender~ of lhe fairness doc:tnne rt·pl~ that all thl' hroackaster need do C'\'l'O afkr hl• hears from Gross 1s to enme rnto com pliance by making sure that all ~ides nf M ntroverSi<JI issues are aired . Heforl' th(' t·ommission notifies a ~lat11111 and askl> for a reply. the FCC has lo be convinced b' lhe crihc that som e l'V1dencc exists to. s how the station has been laggard The lis lener has to make lht• caSl'. the burden of proof 1s on him E\'<.•n a ftc·r the 1-'CC has rais ed qul'stmns. says Andrew Schwartzman of lht· MC'd1a Access Proje<.·t. a ll a broadc·aster ha~ to do to close the case 1s broadcast a contrary viewpoint to the o ne 11 l'arri<'d "L1slt·ne rs arc not hurt by e xposure to m ore infor m ation, a nd if someone cares enough to complain and makes a cogent e nough case to get the FCC to send onl' of its infrequent inquiries, there probably is m ore to say about the matter anyway," Schwartzman s ays The f<11rness doctrine may require a s tation to give away free air time. hut it does not require that contrary views get "equal lime." That's another issue . the equal lime doctrine applies only to candidates for public office during e l e ction s eas o n s . The FCC h as recommended its e limination. too. As for the fairness doctrine, ·•there is no requirement that any precisely equal balance of views be achieved." says the FCC In a 1974 policy statem ent. "and all matters conce rning the particular opposing views to be presented and the a ppropriate spokesmen and format Cor- their presentation are le ft to the licensee's discretion s ubject only lo a standard of re asonableness and 1ood faith." O"ANGECOAST IMyPilat The C{)mmrnt pageorthr 0111ly Piiot seeks to Inform and ~ttmulale rc•aders b)' present inir a v1mety of commentary on topics of interest and 1irutic.ancelcom lnfortnrd ob urvtrs Qfld 11pokesmen ThOfl'J(U P Haley. P11bhsMr ..._.,, llercll 11, 1• -' YOUTH Help! Uncle Len is knee-deep in leprechauns this we~k. For days now, they've been climbing in and out of his desk drawers and causing trouble in the office. It wasn't so bad when they got in to the filin g cabinets and r ea r ra ~ged everythi ng accortllng to the leprecha uo alphabet <although it's all Greek to Uncle Len). And h e t r ied to be un derstandi ng wh e n t hey "borrowed" his tobacco for their little pipes. But when Uncle Len caught three of them. trying to take apart his typewriter lo see how it worked -well, t hat's when he got mad and put bis foot down, but not too hard, because he has a' big foot, and leprechauns are awfully small. They felt so sorry about the trouble they had caused that they promised to do som ething n ice for Uncle Len and his friends. So while the big, funny people l who run the newspaper weren't l ooking , t h e l ep r ech a uns --- sneaked in and touched this week's winning a rtwor k with Leprechaun Green. First place, $5 and a tip of the lepr echaun hat go to Ryan O' Barr of Huntington Beach, who dedicated the drawing to his Iris h s ister, Am ber Shawn O'Barr , who will be 16 on St. Patr ick's Day . But in the excitement, Ryan forgot to include his own age! Second place and S2 go to Jeff Manz, 9, of Costa Mesa. He also had the luck of the Irish this week. And now for the honorable m entions, because Uncle Len reoeived some great drawings this week: Eric Sands, 10, Mike Wilkerson, 11, Katie Bowm an, 11, J .T. Klingenmeier, 8, and Mic helle Van Velzen of Lag- una Beach ; Tr acie Manz, 6 and Becky Poarch. 12, or CQsta Mesa; Jeanne Holmes, 13, and Sherry Norton, 10 of Huntington Beach; Michael McDonald. 7, a n d H eidi Landess, 11, of Fountain Valley; Kelly Knecht, 7, of Newport Beach; Misty Bulley, 71h, of Corona del Mar and Scott Townsend, 11 , who for got to write in his city. Uncle Len's friends in Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa ca m e through with another batch of fine entries. Thanks to Pattie, Daniela, Ken, Heather, Rachel, Dylan, Craig, Laurit a. Ruben, Ch r i s tian, Richard, J ay, Amiee, Jason, Hector, Laura, John and Julie. Fl RST PLACE WINNER Ryan o · Barr of Huntington Beach r-- SECOND PLACE WINNER Jeff Ma nz of Costa Mesa Uncle Len has been reading about some newcom er s lo Southern California and thought his friends might enjoy drawing t hem for next week. Maybe some of you have seen pictures of the new koalas that will be living in the Los Angeles Zoo. They're cute, fuzzy and very picky about what they eat. Be sure to draw with black ink on while paper 4 inches square and send t!ntries to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 so they arrive by Wednesday. Next week we'll see what's new at the zoo. Shoeshine boys take advice B lind boss ins-pires teen helpers to become successes EAST ST. LOUIS. Ill. <AP> - "Do right and live right and things-will come your way," the blind shoeshine man tells his teen-age helpers every weekend. Kermit Haynes, 70, has been hand ing out that advice since he opened his shoeshine stand on the east side of town more than 35 years ago and became a fri e nd to gen erations of teen-agers. "They come in around high school and stay until they finish high school or get a job," says Haynes. "The bunch of kids now is about the sixth generation." Haynes, who has hundreds of customers, employs two regular shoeshine boys who earn half the $1 .50 price for every pair of s hoes they s hine. The other youths are "hustlers" who hang around hoping to s wi pe some of the overflow business. Many of his former shoeshine boys have graduated to become politicians, clergymen and civic leaders. And m ost of them now return as customers . Haynes. as a result, keeps up-to-date on the town's gossip, and he is often asked for advice o n matter s ra n ging f rom business to politics. -~~l _fJf tlte Weelr "We learned a lot from him," says Clyde Jordan. 'who bas known Haynes since he first opened his shop. "He was like an older brother. He gave us inspiratiol')." Jordan , 53, n ow school s uperintendent and township supervisor , credits his old friend with boosting -the careers of many black youngsters or the city's east end. "Kermit gave us~the feeling that we could still make something of ourselves even t ho u gh we were goi ng to segregated schools and thought we were deprived." he said. A former big-band musician, Haynes decided to open up the shoeahine stand to inspre his livelihood when bis vision began failing due to cataracts. He lost his vision completely after a cataract operation 25 years ago but continued playing ttle bass violin in bands until the e arly 1970s. Tuv rewarde d forlwnesty NORWOOD. Pa. CAP) -Two boys who tur ned In a lmost fS00 ,000 or counterfeit $20 blUa round tn • swJmp have been rewarded witb savio1s bonds ...,...,........., and a tribute from tbe U.S. AN Ace -'Ibis 2-year-old neutered Labrador setJer_,~.,..an--.. -~~~ .. ~~_rHHl , 12, and his ' do aU kinds of tMn11. Ace can-tamp·io-reet-trr the,.;.•:. brother Rian, 10, each ••re eatch a Fri.a~ and pull kids on skateboards. Jr you ilven SIOO u vlnss bonds by to take Ace home, call the Oranfe Couoly Qumaae K..ta •· -r.irtr, apeetal apot Society at ~, or drop by at 2Ul32 Newland St.. ln P•U1del~1 durllll a Hun~. cerelllCl8J lD et llle boJI' c1HHI at the Nc>Aood School. t I • II~ . ' ... j ' Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 A7 Af/Jwte t;k•e LASSIE'S A HAM Brool:cfield , Ill.. Zoo res ident porker Lassie enjoys some cake on her birthday, which, this year, just happened to fall on National Pig Day. Then she works it off with a short game of hoop ball. one of the many tricks she performs in the children ·s zoo area. The 3-yea r -old tips the scales at 600 pounds. She gained half of this weight in the last year. Te a cher bre itking tradition Method directed toward piano students ' interest By CAROL DEEGAN ._ .. ..,, ~-· ...... , NEW YORK -Some people express themselves with wor ds. Ri c hard Bradley ex· presses himself in mus ic . Bradley, 38, s its behind his cluttered desk at the offices of his New York City-based music publishing business. It is im- possible for him to explain his piano-leaching method without springing from his desk lo a nearby piano. ''Did you ever pla y th e piano?" he asks. "No? Well. here, you play this one key and I 'll play the rest, OK?" And he plays a little melody. BradJey is energetic and en· thusiaslic. Hi s approach to teaching the piano is to find a s tudent's interest. whether it's playing country and western m usic or c hurch hymns, and then to make it fun to learn. '"I Urink a teacher has to focus in on music that a person is go- ing to relate to, and because or our experiences in life. we all re· late to different things, .. Bradley said "If you came to me and I said, you·re going to learn Bach and you've never heard Bach before in your life, and you said, gee, l 'd reaJly like to play Willie Nelson, most teachers would say, well, you learn your Bach real well and eventually you'll be able to play Willie Nelson Well , I think that's kind of backward." he said. Bradley has developed two lesson book s . The firs t . publis hed about four years ago. 1s for preschool children and is lilied. '"Bradley's Color My Piano Lesson." "My book gives a child all the basic knowledge required to play the piano. s tar ting with counting numbers and learning the musical alphabet ... he said. "It will he lp a child b y familiarizing him with lines. s paces. the staff, notes, charts. el cetera. all introduced by col· oring, games, and fun pieces to play on the piano " l''or t h e adult beginner, Bradley r ecently developed "The Instant Virtuoso: How to Succeed at Piano Without Really Trying," emphasizing ear train- ing. technique, rhythm. sight- reading and theory. I n developing his leaching materials, Bradley s a ys he always tries to find the key that will unlock his s tudents' in- terest. "What does a 4-year-old relate to. for example? What songs? Not Bach and Beethoven . They don't even know the Beatles. they don't know Billy Joel. But they do know commercials. The kids hear commercials and they know them and they're thrilled lo play them," he said. So. Bradley has put together a songbook of commercials for young students. For the adult beginner. it is more or less a question of pro· viding some form of '"instant gratification." he said. "What we tried to do for the adults was to come up with a way where they could actually read and play things of legitimate music immediately," Bradley said. He expressed dismay at the number of students. taught by the more traditional methods. who become frustrated and quit their lessons before they've real- 1 y h ad a chance to enjoy themselves. "Music is an a rt. it 's a way o( self-expression," he said . "f think everyone s hould have some form of music in his life." Children should start taking piano lessons "when they ask, when their interest is there." Bradley believes . Answers appear (upside down) below. world scope ( 10 polnl1 for ••ch quHtoon •n1wued corractly) 1 During a trip designed to gain support for his new budget, President Reagan recently admitted that (CHOOSE ONE: tax increases, budget deficits) are "a necessary evil," given the nation's current economic situation. 2 Unemployment rose to 8.8 percent In February, putting the number of jobless Americans at 9.6 million. TRUE O R FALSE : The Reagan administration expects this rate to go up in the coming months. 3 The Soviet Union successfully landed two unmanned s~ce-probes, Venera 13 and 14, on the pl ii net .. r .. to gather scientific data. a-Venus b-Saturn c-Jupiter 4 The president of OPEC announced ;m emersency meeting of that organization to discuss the current world oil glut which Is forcing petroleum prices (CHOOSE ONE: up, down). S OPEC produces about .. 7 .. percent of the free world's oil. a-26 b-5'4 c-72 newsname (10 point• II y04J can Identify Ihle peraon In th• new1) As the socialist president of Fr;ince, I visited Israel recently. I emphasized that Palestinians must have the right to self· determination, thou1h they, In turn, must recognize Israel's tight to exist. Who am 17 matchwords (4 po6ntt for H Cll COtNCt m.tctl) 1-democrecy e-the study of evil spirits J~mosraphy ..._. 1ovemment run by popul•r vote • news picture (10 point• II you •n•war Ihle quntlon corr.ctty) Shortly after citizens In (CHOOSE ONE: El Salvador, Guatemala) lined up to vote for President, opposition party candidate~ accused the government of election fraud. The mllituy government of that war-torn country receive1 little U.S. economic aid and no military assistance beciluse of human rights violations. peopleNatch/sportlight (2 point• for eech quH tlon 1n1-red corractly) 1 Comedian John Belushi w.as found dead on Hollywood. The 33- year-old actor was one of the charter memben of the cast of the hit TV show, (CHOOSE ONE: "Saturday Night live," "Three's Com~ny.") 2 Also dead at age n is Ayn Rand, the Russian-born (CHOOSE ONE: actre1s, novelist) who had lived In the U.S. since 1926. 3 JIJ*l's Empre1s Nagako celebrated her 79th birthday at the Imperial Palace In Tokyo. She has been the wife of Emperor (CHOOSE ONE: Hirohito, Tanaka) for 58 years. 4 Marvin Hasler, the undisputed (CHOOSE ONE: welterweight, middlewelsht) champion of the world, retained th1t title with a TKO over Wiiiiam "Caveman" l~ In 1 :07 of the flr~t round. S As the National Collesiate Athletic Assckiatlon Championship basketball tournament opened, .. l .. was the top-ranked team and the number one seed In the East Re,ional. a-Virginia b-Georgetown c~North Carolina roundtable 4-demonolOJY d·the study ot hu'"'" populatlom Fll'!Mly llltue-. Cho IOOf't) b pens hew-e ~ budttt freeze , t.a• inmNlft, Ol1I In J.dement11 1 e-plnln1 ~ ~ 10dll servlc:et, and cm In defeme spendlna to reduce the h"le f1l1e promlMI PfOject9d 1tll federal deficit. Whet wOMld ~- YO\M tCa..I! t1 to tot polftta -T~ ICOMI 11 .. • ....... -l•C919ftl 7t to IO polfttt -Oood. 11 to ?0 ....... -h it •YtC. t~.311.U ' :>~ !1qlJUlfPPtUl·t :011'10Jfff•I !U fl9AOU ·i : .,tA•'J lql l N .twp.nnes,.-t :.1.11~n.a.woi&fB~VU'l40:t• •i-w•l•no :a•~SMSN • Orengo Coaat DAILY PLLOT/81turd1y. March 1G. 1882 ............ FORTUNE HUNTING Kim Cohan shows off a coin-operated personal computer of the kind he hopes to install in public librarie?. Another whiz has idea 18 -year -old fo r ms firm to put comrm ters in libraries • SAN F RANCISCO <AP>. -for a share of the profits and Unemployment and r ecession bticumt! pr~1dent of his third are tor the rest of the country. Jn rompany. The other two. begun Sllicon Valley, hardly a week when he was 16 and li vin1 in passes without some whb kid Malvern, Ark., are now defunct. fftaklng a fortune oft a brUllant In the last two years, more than Idea. a mlllion new companies were Klm Cohan may be past his Incorporated and almost ~.000 down. because of t he hori~OOJ it opcnis up what we're looking at is bringing the computer down to whe re regular people can use It. We're Lakin& an expenHlve machine and m1kint lt inexpensive. You can ust; a $3,000 computer for a dollar." prime u a prodigy -he's bus inesses fatted. Those odds already 18 -but he's one of don't da mpen Cohan's spirits. Micro Timesharing keeps 95 today 's legion of would-be This Ume he thinks he hu a per cent or the revenue from the 1 build . b h rt r winner and a chance to det rich. computers, which r un for 20 emp re ers m t e ea 0 • m inuteli on a $1 token, and the th U • ter e mp1·re Cohan's first installation of an e na on s compu l ibraries keep the othe r 5 south of San Francisco. Their Apple n computer and printer percent. The machines have to heroes are Steven Jobs or Apple. will be io lhe Salinas publir pull in at least S450 a month to J a mes Tre'fbli or T a nde m library, and he says he has . Computers and W. J . Sanders Ill signed "letters or intent" with 15 turn a profit. or Advanced Micro Devices. all other California and Oregon "I don't see the computer as young millionaires. libraries. He believes there's a an income producer fo r the Coh an, a tall, stocky high marke t for his machines in 1,500 library," said J ohn Gross, the sch ool dropout from Salinas, libraries from Los Angeles to Salinas library director. "It's came up with the Idea last year Boston. just another convenience for the of installing coin-o pe r a t ed "We're hitting the market at public on the level or the personal computers in public exactly the right time," Cohan photocopier. It's an extension of libraries across the country. said. ''People are interested in the library's role of making P ersonal computers, he says, computers and we can offer a information and ideas available soon will be as common in service a lot of them need. I can to the public." libr ar ies as books, microfilm see this becoming a standard Small businesses. s tudents and photocopiers. thing m libraries. a nd budget-minded families are He set up Micro Timesharing, "It's almost impossible for .a the most likely users of the enlisted a few friends to work rational librarian to turn this rental computers, Gross said . . ~---,,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Separate rates nixed HARRISBURG, Pa. (APJ A A spokesman for the insurance state court has ruled that the ·state industry In Pennsylvania said the can ban the practice oi assigning decision will drive up r ates for women lower auto insuran~ rates women because lh&Y-have fewer than men. accidents. but a state om cial said the The court cite d a n insurance Department of Insurance was not company's ··own evidence that there sure ofthat. are no inherent differences between The ruling Cl>Uld be appealed to the t he driving ability o f men and sta te Supreme Court. but there was women." no indication that the company cited The Commonwealth Court ruled 4· 1 in the rul ing, Hartford Accident and that dividing men and women into Indemnity Co., would do so. separate categories actually is a way The ruling potentially could affect of disguising higher rat es ror people 224 companies doing $1. 7 billion of who drive during rush hour or while business in Pennsylvania. Most have drunk. gender-based rate schedules. Prtv1t1 Notlc. INTERIOR DESIGNERS ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS Ch1pm1n OH •gner Snow100"' •• • lull •••••Cl wholeHlr 1howroom c11111ng e•cluaivety to the 11101 WI 1ep1eaent 1 w1d• Hlec11on of fine riam1t 011nd l1.trn1ahing1and1cceuo111• One• Heh r••r we c/ .. r out ••l•clH lt•m• •t eo•t. ,,.., c61t •nd ,,.,ow co11. ' Sleepef '>olai • Mattrt.1t'Wllt H,,.,,n,~t t .tm6, C uon~ Ott11n• Room• 8od1nom5 Uphol•lm1uJ 1 '"'''' w1111 •,;\It•"'• Grand!•iner Clocks So!u•. L •JYO~l•dl., C<K •I~" T ·'""'' ~ Ora!l-s foa B&c Car1~ OHumJn~ J c'r"'·'' (1,,,.nu tJ,1m• 'Jf·b Ott$9' St•t;retaritt-*) r.(.tUff .. , ()p .... ~ Tahh' /atf '"""''··· ,, I THURSDAY March 11•10 •m lo 6 pm SATURDAY March 13•10 em to 6 pm MON.-FRI. March 15 thru 19•10 em to 6 pm CHAPMAN DESIGNER SHOWROOM I 7801 East Matn Stref'I lrvtne · 957·4074 (One block West ol MacArthur) EXCLUSIVELY TO THE TRADE NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ....... , .... The ruling supported a decision by The case arose when Phillip forme r Ins urance Commissioner Mattes, 26, complained that he had to THIS ANNUAL EVENT NOW DURING TRAINLOAD PRICES. YOU GET Harvey Bartle that called for pay a $360 premium compared with abolishjng sex classifications in car lhe $212 a woman the same age ~icies_··~~~~~~~~~~~~w_o_u_ld~ha_v_e topay ----------~--~~--~~--~~----........ ' ...... ____ _..... ~--1a, REDWOOD T ropic~I f ish • Fresh • M~rine Aqu~rium Supplies Special March 13, 1982-March 19, 1982 2X6-36UNFT 775-1491 Xlphophorus helleri: Pair 2. 79 16808 S. HARBOR DUE TO OUR HUGE VOLUME BUYING, YOU GET SPECIAL DISCOUNTS. SAVE OM REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, WASHERS & DRYERS, MICROWAVE OVENS, COLOR TV, PROJECTION TV & VIDEO TAPE RECORDERS •••••• My ancestors were found wild in Mexico and they were a drab looking fi sh but man has helped me into becoming a beauti!ul creature. My brick red body enhanced with an ebony framed sword, makes me elegantly handsome. See me at Aquatic Tropicals where I am on sale under the name "Brick SONY BETAMAX SAVE SS()OO FOR AWARDWl..,_MG FACTORY AUTHORIDD TY SERVICE CALL 541.3437 MON. THRU FRI. 9 to 9 SAT. 9 to 6 SUM. 11to4 Swordtail" for only 2.79 a pair. 1510 W. Baker • Costa MeH -· -54~1391 • Comer Harbor & Baker liiiiii Ca II 642-5678. Put a few words lo work for ou. Spring Forecast: Style and Comfort ,,hoe! 11VaJl•ble only •I the Mlect Mlftcr'• Outpost• •tOfH Ullted below. ·'.0 • FRONT LOADING • DIGITAL CLOCK/TIMER • REMOTE PAUSE COMTROl • 24 HOUR TIMER RCA COLOR 19" DIAGONAL Xl.100 RCA XL-100 19" -- SONY TRIMITRON g;:;r- • 14 r. u ttw . :C::.' ..... ~::!!:1. o..e-rtc:tw.-T• ~ • OHLY 549995 FINANCING AYAUllF ••••••• FRIGIDAIRE 16 ca. ft. FOOD fRHTH ICE MkKER* GE 20.8 ca. ft. FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR FREEUll • SPUTLEva GUSS Ste. YES • &&GY SAYER Sv.tTCH •ROUS OUT OH wt&L.S GE WASHER & DRYER TRAIN LO AD SPECIAL WHIRLPOOL "S..a Door"" WITH SIYSTlMS S&fTIMB. PEtlFORMAMCE MOM'TOll , ......... , ..... .. • '~ .. .,. •• , .. 'O _.,,..,.,. "'~· • l _..,,_ ,...._. .. ..,. setllCl>O"< . --~rel .,.,.,"""'_,., ,. ',, ........... ..,,.,,, • • .,...ng M'ect.,.,. •nd""'no _,..,.,."'_ • Fltlullan 8"Wt flJlf drum • &'Ool<'ld• "9NI WH .. YOU IUY T .. PAa • 21.6 ca. ft. WHIRLPOOL SOI.JD STATE DISHWAStB MA YT JITCUAM DISHWAStm ' , r \ Dally Pilat Donna H. White shoots to the top of board COMICS ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION 86 B8 811 at Industry Hills. See story. Page 83. COACH AND STAR -UC Irvine Coach Bill Mulligan s houts instruc tions to his team (left>, and Kevin Magee slams one home during F ridav ni2ht's National Invitation Tournament opener in San Diego. Magee later injure d· ~,... ..... .., c:--. SUrr his hand, requiring nine stitches. Anteaters advanced with a 70-69 victory and will travel to Norman Okla . to play Oklahoma University Monday night. 1' UCI has what it takes to heat Aztecs ·without Magee for much of the second half, Antec;iters.advance by topping San Diego State , 10 -69 By JOHN SEV ANO °' ... ~~ .... , .... SAN DIEGO -It's been some tim e si n ce UC Ir vine's basketball team has staged a performance to remember. Jn fact, during the past month, the r e have been quite a few outings the Anteaters would just as soon forget. All that changed, however, on one dramatic Friday night here. Displaying their guttiest, and quite possibly their finest game of the season, the Anteatt!rs, minus the services or Kevin Magee for a lmost lbe entire second half held off San Diego State. 70-69, lo record their first-ever Division I post-season tournament victory before 8,114 al the Sports Arena. UOI, by winning its first-round NIT contest, will next travel to Norman , Okla., whe r e the Anteaters will match up with the Sooners of Oklahom a University Monday night. "I'm as happy as hell," said a beaming R andy Whieldon, shortly after he grabbed the biggest rebound of his life after a 21-foot shot attempt by the Aztec's Don Plummer with six seconds left missed its mark. "I've never won a game like this in my life. I just hope we have four more big ones just like this." Well, maybe not exactly like the one UCl had Friday night. Wh y? Because for the ftnal 17 :04 of the contest the Anteaters were without the presence of their All -Am erican , Kevin Magee . Magee, while attempting lo block a Mi c h ael Cage s l a m dunk s plit the index and middle finger of his right hand. Magee intimidated Cage into missing the slam. but incurred nine stitches for his efforts. He is expected to play Monday night. however. At the time of his departure, Magee had scored 20 points, 19 in the flrst half. The Anteaters were aJso leading at the time, 49-40. '·I was just in the locker room praying," s aid Ma gee, who returned to the court with 2:43 re maining to c heer on h is tear.1mates. "I was just hoping they'd hold on and win ... and they pulled it off." Bulls shock Lakers Gilmore keys 111 -105 triumph INGLEWOOD CAP> -Artis floor s hots compared to 29.6 Gilmore scored 25 points and percent for Los Angeles . David Greenwood, triggered a Gilmore, who bad 19 of his third.quarter Chicago explosion points in the fi rst half, made his Friday night as the Bulls first nine field aoal attempts downed the Los Angeles Lakers before finally missing late in the 111-105 for their third straight third period. Ronnie Lest.er and impressive National Basketball Larry Kenon added 18 and 15 Association victory. points, respectively, for tbe The Bulls, 26-37, trailed S'7·S2 Bulls . after tbe Lakers scored the first Earvin "Magic" Johnson led four points of the second half. the Laken, 42-21 , with 30 point.a, But Greenwood tallied the 12 in the final period. Kareem 1ame'1 next eleht point.a to put Abdul-J abbar and Norm Nixon Cbica90 ahead for good. added 23 and 16 po i n ts Re11ie Theus and Gilmore respecUvely for Loe Angeles. added field goals to five Chica10 • A sellout crowd of 17 ,505 12 ~utive points. Lat.er in -watched the Lalters lose for the tbe Ualrd period, the Bulla fourth lime in their last five rattled otf ll strai1ht polnta. 1am~. Los Angeles' lead in the In -stretch. the Bulla who PacUlc Division was cut to hav• beaten SeaWe, Milwaukee one-ball 1ame bec:au1e of lta lou aDd Lia Aqelea lD tbetr last and Seattle's 112·110 win at tbr .. 1amea, outscored tbe Milwaukee. Lat., M-10, and ln the third Gilmore and Greenwood led qua~ outacond LA 15-11. the Bulla ln · r t boundhll wttb Loi rllUed late lD the nine each. GUmON wound up 1•• .. L' eoutan"t eet cloMr maklnc 10 ol his 11 ftekt pl tbd .-ftaa1 marlin. attempg. Greenwood wu 10 ot Or•••ood ._... u of Im • 14 from &he floor. 'l1MHal Ud a Polatl t8 lbe tlUnl quarter • tM 1am~ 11 ualata to l'O wltla lt.U. made 73.'7 percent of tbifr 13 Polnta. Not without UCI's usual share of anxious moments, however. The Anteate r s, who n ever s urrendered the lead, saw it dwindle to as little as five with more than 15 minutes to play. With Magee in the locker r oom , Coach Bill Mulligan instructed his players to slow down the lemPo -and this time it worked. With Kevin Fuller directing the attack, and Ben McDonald, Rai ner Wulf, Bob Thornton and Whieldon sticking to the game plan, the Anteaters were not only able lo maintain their margin, but increase it to 67·59 with 4:47 remaining. It was at this stage, though, the Anteaters tired and the Aztecs (20-9 overall) responded by scoring seven straight points to trail, 67-66. Instantly, visions of the past month, in which the Anteaters had lost 5-0f-10 games (two in overtime and two by one point) flashed through the player's minds. "Oh, no. Not again," was the collective cry. "I just knew it had lo go our way this time," said an exhausted Fuller, who played the entire 40 minutes and whom Angels post first win PALM SPRINGS CAP) - Bobby Grich and Bobby Clark blasted two-run homers Friday, leading the Angels to a 6-5 win over the San Diego Padres and giving them their first exhibition baseball victory of the spring. The game represented an offensive explosion of sorta for both teams. In three contests between the clubs at Yuma, Ariz., earlier this week, the Padres tallied only four runa . while the Angels managed just one. Despite their lack of punchii the Pad.res were victorious in a three 1ames, the first three or Uie exhibition season for both teams, by acorea of 2·1, 1-0 in 10 lnninp and 1-0. Grieb homered. ln the ftrst inning off San Dle10 starter Chris We~h with Don Bayw OD base . via a single. The nau snapped a 11-tnnln& An1el1' acorinc droucbt. · Clark'• bomer in the MftDtb lnnin1 db Rod Carew a~ pl'Oftd to be t.M dtft~. n 11ve the AQl9le a W lidHnta,.. Tbe Pactr. made lt cloH wtUI two nm la tM top ol the n1atb. coach Mulligan credited with having "a marvelous game." "We weren't going lo let this get away from us this time." The Anteaters rebui1l their lead back to 70-66 on a single free t.htow by Thornton and a pair from Wulf, but the Aztees, the second-place finisher in the Western Athletic Conference, responded with a free throw or the ir own a nd a basket by Plummer, who led h is teammates in scoring with 19 points. UCI ner vously clung to its 1-point lead until Thornton tried to go to the basket and had bis shot rejected by Cage with 27 seconds to play. The Aztecs called timeout with 19 seconds left in order to design a final shot. but they never got what <See UC IRVINE, Page 84) M9t ........ .,..., ...... HICl""'-YINCI AN'rUTIR -UCI'a Ben McDonald 1bows he'• not afraid of beilhta on UUs play. San Die10'1 John Garwood (G). hu bil feet cm... to the pound. • Having a hall \ ·in Vero · ByCUaTSEEDEN °' .. ~~ ..... VERO BEACH -Friday wu a big day in Dod1ertown. It was the day Benny Boom Boom Koske blew himself up al second base. "Last year , Boom Boom blew himself up four ni1hts in a row here," recalls Charlie Blaney, the director of Dodgertown. On a nother occasion -in between innings of a Vero Beach Dodgers mJnor league game - • fans had a chance to pick up $5,000 scatte r ed about the infield. That was the premise of ''Bank Night" at Dodgerto..m. On March 25, the first 1,000 w o m en e nt e r ing H olman Stadium will receive envelopes containin& either a real diamond cw a simulated version of the stone. The next day, they can take the ir gift to a local sponsoring jeweler who will wind up giving away $2,000 in the r eal stuff. THERE'S EVEN Women's Lib Night in which any man, accompanied by a woman, will be admitted free. The woman pays the full price. In contrast, the officials al Dodgertown don't pay much of a price for trying to have some fun. One or the most s uccessful baseball franchises has its roots here, and the faithful at Vero Beach -16,033 to be exact - ha ve one of the most colorful ope r ation s in t h e ir own backyard. "I guess the best way lo describe Dodgertown is to say it h as a b ea utiful run a tm os ph ere," n o te s Blaney wh o doesn 't try to bide the public relations tone in bis voice. "We all think we're being paid lo do a hobby. There's so muc h a varaety here." For those who thought Vero Beach only houses the Dodgers in the s pri ng and the orga nization 's Class A team during the summer, well, that's j ust the beginning. In 1948, the Dodgers arrived in Vero Beach after an invitation Crom local businessman Bud Holman, Why? After World War JI the fede ral government turned over a naval air s~tion to the city of Vero Beach. It was ·a nice gift, but what do you do with enough barracks to house 3,000 Navy Pilots? YOU MAKE IT a s pring training facility, of course. At the time, the Dodgers' search for just such a facility was being hampered b y s ome now outdated laws . ''We had tried Daytona Beach and Sanford and Pensacola," the late Walter O'Ma1Jey once r ecalled . "They were all pleasant enough, but Florida had segregation laws then. Bl acks couldn't play with whites, and we bad Jackie Robinson and had determined to keep pioneering in that area." So, in 1948, the Dodgers moved into Vero. But, it wasn't . unW 1980 that the Dodgers started a minor league ballclub in Vero ·Beach. "The best way to describe il is to say that out of a love affair betweeq the Dodgers and Vero Beach came a baby -the Vero Bea c h Dod ger s ," Blaney explains. Dodgertown underwent a· drastic renovation in the years (See VERO, Page BS) Big inning ·lifts Dodgers VERO BEACH (AP> -The Los Angeles Dodgers erupted for six runs in lbe seventh lnn1na to overcome ~it 10-8 Friday in a spring training exhibition game. Steve Yeager's second double or the eame knocked in Jorie Orta with the tyin1 run in the seventh and s hortstop Bill Russell, who committed five ol the Dodgers' six errors , squeeied bome Jay Johnstone with &he 10-abead run. Ken Landreaux, Ron Cey and . llllte Marshall bit home rum for Ute Dodlera wbo evened their uhlbltiall reeotd at 2-2. • Terry Fanter, the fourth of ftvt Dodcer pitchers, earned the win. • Tbe Doqen trailed ,_. wbtD U..y e.nqMd for six nana in tbe aeveatll lnnlnC. Steve SU led off the lDDinl wltb a 1ta1l• ad ' llanball followed wlU. bl• HCODd ll'rinl homer. J ...... ve-.•r, Ruuell aad Roa Boulcke · a1lo drove ID nm ia tM Dodaer'a' blQ9at .... ot lbe elhlbltkm Haoa . , , ... . i ( • . • • , -r Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturdtl)', March •• 1882 .---------------------..,. ntucky w88n't the only victim From AP dlapatcbea LOUISVILLE , Ky . -Don m Leaman lost $30 and a little sleep on the NCAA Mideast Regional tournament but he was luckier than rans who paid exaggerated ticket prtcea ror a came that won 'l be played between Kentucky and Louisville. Middle Tennessee eliminated Kentucky Thursday, turning the potential dream match into a nightmare for such people as: The Kentucky coal dealer who paid about $4,000 for 43 good tickets, explaining that be planned to Oy his friends to Nashville today. The Louisville resident who traded four Kentucky Derby tickets for four seats, boping to see Kentucky and Louisville matched up for the first time in 23 years. Leaman, a college student al \,ouisvUle, drove 160 miles to Nashville Thursday with $500 cash and the anticipation or al least doubling his money. His plan? Snatch up all the NCAA Mideast Regional tickets from what he figured would be losers Robert Morris and Middle Tennessee, come back tn Louisville and sell them . Quote of the day ·'The players today have to watch out, or they'll get hurl falling over all their money." -Former NHL star Eddie "Tiie Enlertalner" Shack, commenting on the current state of the game. Oilers lose. as Gretzky blanked the strong goallending or DOD ' . Rangers gun down Baltimore The T•w au,era ~for "' four nma ln U.. alxtb b:uU,q htday nltbt and defHted UM 8eklmore Orloles, M ln exblbldoo bueba1I play. a 1oa1n1 cauae, Gary auMdr.e and H ·An ... Du Ford homered for Baltlmor• .•. Git•• Hibbard knocked ln two runa with a double and forceout as Atlanta dowud the New York Yankees, 3 .. 1 ... l1Uo Cru drove ln one nan and scored anolher H Seattle took a M victory over lbe Me...tco City Red Devtb . . . Rqok1e catcher Doe SlaqM hl•hlllbted a •lx·rua ftnt inning as Kanaaa Clty defeated Boatoa, 11·3 ... Lee Laey cracked lilt fowtb atralcbt bit, a double leadint oft the lOtb Lnnlq, u Pittsburgh rallled to beat the White Sox, 10·6 . . . Home runa by IUke Ivie and ftll ·Garner sparked Houston to a 4·3 wln over Minnesota . . . J..._y llaela drove ln four runs and Ceaar CedeDO knocked in three ln an u .run third inning that carried ClnclnnaU to a 13·1 rornp or St. Louis ... Newcomer Mike Kr.allow pitched four acoreleaa innin11 as Philadelphia lopped the Meta , 8·2 . . . Short.stop Fraalr Taveru sin&led in one run and scored another and Sll)rt.er by Bant. pitched rour shutout innings to leaa Montreat past ~to. 4·3. Tripucka's 49 leads Pistons Rookie Kelly Trtpuka poured in m a career high 49 polnts to lead the Detroit Pistons to a 121-117 National Basketball Association win over visiting Goi,ten Stale Friday night. The former Notre Dame star had 20 points in the aeoond quarter and finished just rive points short or Dave Bblt'• single game scoring record of st set ror Detroit in 1971 ... Gus Wllllama hil a 20-root jumper at the buzzer to lift Seattle to a 112·110 win over Milwaukee. Williams finished the game wilb 30 points. . . Jeff Ruland hit four free throws in the final 86 seconds to help Washington cain a 110·105 win over Indiana. The Bullets overcame a 20-point deficit in the second half, ~l\:! ahead with 5:22 remaininC after Doe Waves 'Boot' Pittsh11rgh Biola rolls into the NAIA title game at. Kansas City Fre•APdil,.tcMI PULLMAN, Waah. -Pepperdlne, •JH&l'nd by the bot ahoot1na or aenJor cuard Boot 8oDd and Junior forward Orlando Phillipa, held off a aecond·balf Pi(tsburlh 1ur1e to wln a ftrat·rouad •arne ln the NCAA Weat ReSlonal baabtbaJl tournament 9M8 F'r1d1y ~bt. • Tbe West Coatt AtbJetlc Conference Waves, now ZZ·t , will meet fourtb·ranked Oree• State here Sunday. Pltt1bur1h, of tbe Saatern 8 ,Conference, enda the anaon with a•ttneord. Peooerd.lne jumped out ln front 111 the ftrat half and af haltUme bad control of the same, '5-11. Early In the second halt, Pepperdlne at.retched the lead to 11 points before Piltaburlb reirouped. Iowa 10, Nofth•••t Loul ... nti 13 PULLMAN, Waab. -Bob ffaDMll and Kenny Arnold combined for 33 points, aa the 18th-ranked Iowa Hawkeyes came from behind to upend Northeast Louisiana 7o-t3. TIM victory gave Iowa the opportunity to meet eighth-ranked Idaho, 26·2, in a aecood·round 1ame here Sunday. · Northeast Louiaiana, which jumped out to a 8-0 lead, held a narrow 29-21 lead at ball time. But Iowa came out ln the second ball and scored the first nine points. Boeton Col1ge 70, USF M DALLAS -Center Jay Murphy tallied 15 points and foul-plagued John Basley came alive ln the second half to give Boston College a 70-t6 Midwest Regional victory over San Franclaco. Boston College, 20-9,. will play aecond·ranlted ~ePaul Sunday in Reunion Arena. ' All-American Quintin Dailey scored 16 of San Francisco's last 20 pointa, but b.ls game-high 28 points were not enough to save the Dons, who finished the season 25-6. St. John'• M, Penn 58 UNIONDALE, N.Y. -St. Jobn'a, N.Y., led by Billy Goodwin and David Russell, finally shook free from Penn late in the 1ame and scored a 66-56 victory ln the East Regional. Russell scored rour points and Goodwin had a basket and an assist in an 8-2 run that gave St. John's a 10.point lead, 60·50, with 2:38 to play. 11 Teueuee·Chatt1nooaa beat North Carolina State at.511.n t.be Mldeut l\elioftaJ. • Chattaooosa. which will play No. 11 Mlanesota Sunday, never trailed th• Wolf pack of Nortb Carolina State. Helped by 11 t\rat-balf polnta by the &-10 Schoene, the Mocculoa bulll a ••·point lead at haJIUme, lhen appeared to put t.be aame out ol reach durlna a Iona dry apell that ••• the Wplfpack 10 nearly 11 minutes without a fleld 1011. Mter an early second·half ftetd aoal by Cosen McQ~. North Carolina State was held to five tree throws until Sidney Lo•e acored with 8:38 remaining. By lbat time, the Moccasin.a' lead waa. 20 po!nts, enouah to withstand the furious rally by North Carolina State. Northeaetem 13, St. Jo"Pt''• 12 UNIONDALE, N .Y . -Perry Moss led Northeast.em on a second-half rally, and Eric Jefferson hil a pair of crucial rree throws with 30 seconds left to give lhe Husklea a 63-62 victory over St. Joseph's, Pa., in the East Regional. St. Joseph's, slightly favored over the ECAC North champions, wasted numerous opportunities to win in lbe final four minutes. Bryan Warrick missed four shots rrom the field, including a jumper from the right comer with six seconds left. that could have pot the Hawk• ahead. The Huskies, 23-6, who wUJ meet Villanova on Sunday, trailed by six, 58·52, when Moss scored six points in a nine-point Northeastern run. That gave the Huskies a 61·58 lead with 4:08 to plav. Kanea1 Staten, Northern llHnola 88 DALLAS -Kansas State's Les Craft scored 21 points and Randy Reed added lS to propel the Wildcats to a 77-68 Midwest Regional victory over outmanned Northern Illinois. Kansas State wlll play 12th-ranked Arkansas Sunday at Reunion Arena in the Midwest Second Round. The Wildcats of the Big Eight Conference upped their record to 22-6, while lbe Huskies, Mid-American Conference tournament champs, ended tl\e season al 16·14. Craft, a 6·10 junior center, was a perfect 11-for-ll from lhe free throw line. The Buffalo Sabres, backed by "1 ' Edwards, handed lhe Edmonton ) Oilers their fourth straight setback and held · Wayne Greldty scoreless in a 3-2 victory Friday night in the lone National Hockey League match. Edwards, who was in goal Feb. 24 when Gretzky scored bis record-breaking 77th goal, played brilliantly, kicking out 42 Edmonton shots . . . Boston's leading scorer, winger Rick MJddJe&oa, will be sidelined one to three weeks with a sprained sbouJder. the Bruins announced Friday. scor ed six straight points. . . Ce4rlc Maxwell's three-point play with less than two minutes to play helped Boston to a 113·109 win over New J ersey ... IUkJ Vudewe&M scored 23 points as Denver outplayed Houston ror a 130-115 win. . . Portland held NBA scoring leader George Gervin to 24 points en route to a 112-108 win over San Antonio. A.tter that, il became a war of fouls, and SL John's scored its final eight points from the free th.row line. Tenn ..... 61, Southwestern Loul1lan• 57 Blole 84, Kearney State 75 KANSAS CITV -Wade Kirchmeyer pumped in 35 points to lead all scorers as top·seeded Biola used s uperior height to roU past Kearney State of Nebraska 84·75 in the semifinals of the NAlA tournament. , HARDBOARD DOORS WOOD LOWER llFOl.D DOORS Reg. 20.20 #402 30"x80"x1-1/8" #4033Q"x80"x1-1 /8" #402 36 "x80"x1-1 /8 '' Longshot leads lnverrary Classic L-Ongshot Bob Proben finished off l!I the best round of his career with a spectacular 8-under -par 64 with birdies on the last four boles and grabbed a one-stroke lead Friday in the storm-delayed start of the lnverrary Golf Classic in Lauderhill, Fla. It was the lowest opening round on lbe TPA Tour this season. SALE s131s Reg. SALE 61.90 s4&9s 71 .80 s529s 67.35 s49ts· INDIANAPOLIS -Junior forward Dale Ellis scored 23 points and Michael Brooks made six clutch free throws in the finaJ minute as Tennessee edged Southwestern Louisiana, 61 -57. The Volunteers will lake a 20-9 record against third-ranked Virginia in Sunday's second-round action at Market Square Arena. Tenn.-Ctallttanooga 58, NC State 51 INDIANAPOLIS -Forward Russ Schoene and guard Nick Morken scored 15 points apiece Tonight's championship game will pit Biola aga inst South Carolina-Spartanburg, a 68-54 winner over Hampton Institute of Virginia in the other semifinal. Biola, which has won 39 games without a loss, dominated Kearney State on the backboards while posting a 41·35 halftime advantage. Family-Styled Condominium& on the Bluff INTEREST IS AVAILABLE (13.50/o A.P.R.) Details at the Sales Center AXED RATE FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS I • #403 36"x80"x1-1/8" 81.10 s599s A view •.. A practically maintenance-free lifestyle, and Huntington Beach, too! 2 & 3 bedroom•. 2 & 3 bath• FRENOI DOORS SALE Reg. s791s 10 LITE 121.60 30"x80"x1 3,4" from $139,95~ to $179,950 (22) C40GJ Y Olk town Ave. 36"x80"x1 3,4" 131.10 s791s • LANDMARK .; YORKTOWN O> -.,______.,.~---.t-Adwna Blvd. a i RRENTRANa SALE map not to acale OOOR N-2101 Reg. 36"x80"x13,4" 219.75 s179ss Welcome to an uncommon residential opportu· hity, and a luxurious new, practically maintenance· free lifestyle. It's all available NOW, and In your choice of 8 architecturally designed 1 & 2 story Door plan arrangements ranging In size from ap· proximately 1524 to 2142 square feet. Out.tandlng appointment. for your elegant, new 11/utyle In· elude: Carpeting • Wood-burning fireplaces • Microwave, plus a continuous-cleaning oven • Cathedral ceilings • Ceramic tile counter tops • Dl1tlnctlve hard-surface entry foyers • Private patio, deck or vleW balcony • Double, attached 2· car garage • Red tile roofs • Pressed steel bath tubs • Onyx pullman tops with oval basins. Community amenltle• Include: A completely furnished recreation buUdJn~ with lounge assembly room and men'• and women 1 shower, pool, hot water awlrl- pool apa. (714) 963-0042 W.I' ,_, ...... •. ......... ~ ... " .. ~ ' Ll...,.TO ITOCI OM HAHi. .,... 7h'll -----.e.JOJ.J 2t6t CINTUIY PL COSTA MISA . ....._. ----.... • , - .. _,.,.. -... ... ~- White shoots to lead Mission Viejo's Wilkins climbs· to ~thin six of lead 81 HOWOD L. HANDY ..-.............. CITY OF INDUSTRY -Wbeo Doon• Ji. White 1oea bome from a round of toU on the LPGA tour these days, ahe for1eta the day'a · actlviUea, &ood or bad. Awallin& her each ol1ht ia lO·month-old KrilUn Patee who caused her to put her colftot career oo bold for 1181. 8,00S·yard EiaeAhower layout to brtnc her two-day total to 1'1 after an openia1 l"OUDd 13 on the 5,983·yard Zaharta• coune. Par on both layouta ta 73 with the final two rounds to be played on tbe Eisenhower course today and Sunday. .. • Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 - \ ( The newe1t addlUon to the Whit e household must acree with her play. Donna posted a course record • ln. taking the second round lead in tbe Olympia Gold C lassic at Industry Hills Golf Course Frlday. Janet Coles, the firat-round leader and unknown Robin Walton are Ued for second. three strokes behind the leader. Walton fl red a 88 on the Zaharias layout to set another course record, five strokes under par. Both are in at 144. I. White played the longer Mission Viejo 's Mardell Wilkins played the Zaharias course Friday and finished with a one-unde r-par 72 when she Uni, Estancia stay zmbeaten in league ~ J . AP ........ University and Estancia remained undefeated in Sea View League volleyball action while Newport Harbor fell to El Toro in action Friday night. IN FRONT Donna H . White bites her lip as she tees off on the par-3 ninth hole of the Olympia Gold tourna ment at Industry Hills Friday. White 's 68 gave her th~ lead after the second round of the tourney In non-league play. FoWllain Valley stopped Mission Viejo and Marina won over host Santa Barbara and the Dana Hills Alumni defeated the vanity. Estancia had _an easy: time in keeping its record intact with a Sea Kings tune up, • win 17-0 YOLLEYBALLm Laguna Bea~h drops South Coast League opener, 3-2 Why buy or lea e your new Porsche or Audi fro m just any dealership w hen you can get the special treatment at Park. At Park Porsche/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service . Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary ser vices. You 'II also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all yo ur automo tive questions. And, if you ·d like ~~(y. to pick up your new automobile right from the factory, ask about o ur unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dec.li -i'O=l.)(f-c // AUi>i cated to giv~ng you ~e first class treatment you cJe~en-e. II Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. .. 6700 Manchester' Blvd., Buena Pirie, Ca. 90621 (714) S21 ·8621 (2 t:H 921 -7744 The Beach Blvd. exit off the S.nta Ana Freew:iy. FLY AND DUY. Peli( Porsche/Audi Invites you to e specie! evening. Taking a European vacation? Join us for complimentary wine. cheese and travel films, on Friday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will introduce its all new, unique and unlike any other European Delivery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picking up your new car in Europe. For more information call 714/521 -8621 or 213/921-7744. UN LIKE ANY OTHER 6700 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, Ca 90621 --- u] ( Orenge Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturdey. Merch 13. 1112 SCRAMBLE UC Irvine's Kevin Fuller < 11 l is entangled with San Diego State's Leonard Allen (00 1 during Friday night's DiMty ...... ~..,0.,.A­ N IT opener in San Diego. Anteaters nipped Aztecs. 70 -69 and p l ay at Oklahoma U niversity Monday night. From Page 81 UC IRVINE WINS IN SAN DIEGO • • • they were looking for. "'The play was supposed to go inside to Michael CCage)," sajd a disgusted San Diego State Coach Smokey Gaines. "It was supposed to go inside," he added s haking hls head. "We certainly didn't want Don (Plummer) taking the s hot from there with McDonald in his face. McDonald, Randy Whieldon and Kevin Fuller, too." · · Although Magee contributed 20, Whieldon tossed in 18, Fuller 14 , Wulf 7, McDonald 6 and Thornton 5. "A lot of people are going to say this was an upset," said McDonald . "Well, it wasn't We were just a better team than they were. again. All I know is that we won and we are going to Oklahoma." "We played our butts off," added WuU. "The slate is clean now. It was 0-0, now we're 1-0. This is a great experience for us." The v i c t o r y s napped a three-year drought for PCAA representatives in post-season tournaments. ll also gave the conference the shot in the arm it needed, and maybe got NCAA officials wondering a bit if they hadn't made a mi s take in ignoring the Anteaters. "It's the way we lost the game that's the hardest of all. When you m a k e th ose kind of mis takes, it hurts. Still, Irvine won 22 ga mes c actually the Anteaters are 23·6>. You can't take anything away from them. This team is more than just Ma gee . They ·ve got Ben "We knew that everyone was going to have lo pitch in more <with Magee gone). We bad faith in ourselves and we weren't a bout to give up until it was over . ··w e haven't played well in a while . This should st art us We ll, a s far a s UC I is concerned , the NCAA 's loss is the NIT's gain. Basketball scores College NCAAT-l'lnllt- w"'""'11..-a1 (itll'lltlmMi Pe~rolno "· P lt11t><.rQ11 • •-• 10, Nor1M .. t Loul\lana •l -11..-1 (itl OaHH l K ansa• Sta"' 17 Nortn.m 1 llln•ll' "' Boston COUf90 10. USF .. MldM .. 11 .. leNll Call ... la ....... h l Tel\n Cl\all•nOOQ• SI NOrlll C.•rohn• St .$\ T e nne ssf'e • 1 Sou t"west tr" Loul,la"" 51 EastR ....... I 1.tu..-1e.11v1 Hortl!Nstem~. SI J~'sU St John'• ... Pef\n S. 11•1-lhtl.atMMI TewMtn..,I "'"'"-UC lrvl• 70, s.tn Olevo SI •• Maryland ... Rlcl\mono 50 Sy racuw IM, St Poter'• 75 VlrQlnla TKh ••, Foronam M MluiulP1>I ».Clem.on 4' T ylane ll LSU 11 Otvlti..11 Quf11orl!Mtl CS 8akff'\llelo •I. Noni\ O•kot• u: High school 01.i.i..111..-1 l'lay .... ca1 i..,.a .. 0 1 Car'IOn 50, SI 8Hn•r0 .. 8 annlnq 74, lJke-SS Women "IGMKHOOL DlvlslMI I 11 ........ 1 l'layefh ... '--' ._ .. , Rlver..ae Poly 50, 411• Loma ~ G•hr ... A~4· OCC, Rustle r s victorious Orange Coast and Golden West wome n 's basketball teams posted victories in conference play Friday night with the Pirates defeating MiraCosta, 73 -59 and the Rustlers s topping Cypress, 99·72 with both area teams at home. The Pirates had four players m doubt.e figures including Cyndi Carroll (15), Kris Kroyer (13), Coleen Berry (12 ) and Dolores Effin~er ( 11). Golden West had six players in ·double figures le<1 by Jill Guthr ie with 25 and Carol Krikorian with 22. Marcia Mathews hit 16 while Janel Ramaekers and Teresa Rea each had 12 and Kelly Harrison 10. Anteaters take two Ron Cummings hit a two-run home r in the botto m or the ninth inning to give UC Irvine a s w ee p o f a double-header with the University of Gonzaga Friday afternoon on the Anteater field. UCI won the opener, 5·0, behlnd the shutout pitching of right-hander Andy Blsnar. now:l-1 for the season. In the nightcap , Larry Hicks came on in a relief role in the seventh inning as Gonzaga scored three runs t.o tie the game and se nd it into ex tra innings. Hicks was the winner, 7-5. .NCAA tourney in spotlight lnverrary golf. also slated By HOWA&D L. HANDY of_Del., ........... FoMowlng are the top SPorts events on TV today. Ratlnos are: ./I' 1 excellent; ./ 1 'worth watching; 1 1 fair;' foroet It. (I 11 •.m., Ch•nnel 2 ./ ./ ./ NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Middle Te nnessee vs. Louisville. ANNOUNCERS: Frank Glieber and Steve Grote. Middle Tennessee upset Kentucky In first-round play to s poil a pred ic ted Kentucky -Louisville matchup. The Blue Raiders used a controlled offense late In the game and the 19-Point scoring of Rick Campbell to a dvance to today's game with Louisville. Coach Denny Crum's Louisville Cardinals are ranked 2oth and have a 20-9 record compared to 22-7 for Middle Tennessee. ~ 1:15 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Wyoming vs. Georgetown. Announce": Gary Bender and Biiiy Packer. Wyoming Coach Jim Brandenburg relishes tne chance to show how his unranked and unsung ~owboys compar e w ith a nationally ranked powerhouse like Georgetown. Georgetown featured 7-foot freshman center Pat Ewing who has blocked 112 s hots this season and Is catted by Brandenburg "The shot rejector ." Georgetown also has Alt-Smerican Eric Floyd who is averaging 17 points a game. Wyoming upset USC to gain a spot in the second round. 1:30 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ GOLF: lnverrary Classic. Announcers: Don Criqui, Jay Randolph, Bruce Devlin, Jo~n Brodie and Bob Goal by. Longshot Bob Proben holds the lead after one round of the rain-hampered tournament in Lauderhill after firing an 8-under-par 64 Friday. The 64 is his lowest competitive round since turning pro lour years ago. It's also the lowest opening round on the TPA tour this season. Tom Kite and Hale Irwin are t ied for second at 65. (I 3:30 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAME NT : Marquette vs. Missouri. Announcers: Verne Lundquist and Dale Brown Dean Marquardt scored a career-high 21 points and Marquette got six straight free throws in the final 30 seconds in defeating Evansville in first·round play. Marquette now faces the No. 5 ranked Missouri Tigers in the Midwest Regionals. The win for Marquette extended a winning streak to four games and brouQht the season record to 23-8. OTHER TELEVISION 11 a.m. (4) -NBC SPORTS: RINGSIDE Too boxing -contenders vie in this series. TO<lay it's Mustafa Hamsho (33·2· 1 > vs. Curtis Parker C 19·31 in a scheduled 10-round bout at Atlantic City, N.J Also: On the card: Alfpnso Ratliff vs. Elisha Carlton Tillery in a scheduled 10-round heavyweight bout. (5) -WCT TENNIS. 2:30 p.m . (7) SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Tennessee sQuares ott aga mst Florida in a series of bouts taped in Baton Rouge. 3:30 p.m. (7) -PRO BOWLING The fina ls of the Fair Lanes Open, taped at Washington D.C. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Two-time U.S. c hampion Scott Hamilton defends his world title at the World Figure S ka t ing championships, taped at Copenhagen, Denmark. Also: Coverage of the ice dancing competition. 11 :30 p.m. (2) -FIGHT OF THE MONTH - James Tillis (20-1}, who lost a decision to WBA heavyweight champ Mike Weaver his last time out, takes on :John Denis (41·3-1) in a scheduled 10-round bout, taped at Las Vegas. RADIO Baseball Dodgers vs. Houston at Cocoa, Fla., 10: 10 a.m., KAIK 17901 ; San Diego vs. Angels at Palm Springs, 12: 55 p.m., KMPC (7 10). Hockey New York Islanders at Kings, 6 :50 p.m., KPRZ (1150). Diablos face test LONG BEACH Mission Viejo High's women's basketball team is one step away from a showdown for the state Division II championship. The Diablos hope to cross that hurdle today (4 p.m. > when they face San Joaquin Memorial High of Fresno in the State Southe rn regional champions hips at Long Beach Arena. Mission Viejo, the CI F Southern Section 2·A champion, has a 28·2 record. San Joaquin Memorial. the Central Section champion. is 24·3. With Cindy Rohrig and Mary Mawgan leading the way, the Diablos defeated 1-A Southern Section champion Valley Christian of Cerritos, 51-46, in .fir st round play. San Joaquin stopped 2-A 1::~-=-a: • .....,,_ n ,_.._ ....... Wrhl 111 IASSOT•n. T.S CAMP P 0 Box 664 A~ndo Beach 80277 • c..i CJ Ill J77.ooe6 • Jtl-7t0 BOYS CLUB OF . FOUNT ~N VALLEY Spring BasebaJI For Boys & Girls -\ March-JuAe Age 7-10, 11-13 O>st S2QOO O:>aches Also Needed Tryouts March 27. 1982 9-11 am. -12-1 p.m. 968-5252 9840 T al>ert Fowttain Valley ,_.,, __ ~;,,.~ ..... -~ (, c,O You can help you1 newspaper • carrier collect at times conve· nien1 10 you by having your check or money orCler ready so the carrier won I ha11P 10 call back Because lhts young person 1s 1n business for himself or hersell, please be ready - and watch that btg smile which says Thank you Daily Pilot 528e The Forerunner Of Imitations To Come! LEASE OR IUY! In Newport S..Ch Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RO .• NE.-PORT CENTER NE.-PORT BEACH. CA. 92660 714-640-6444 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE RIVER RAFT TRIPS A FEW OPENINGS AVAILABLE -CALL NOW!! AM•RtCAN RtYaR -M•r 21·23 GR••N & COLORADO RtY•R -June 12· 19 AM•RtCAN RtY•R -Jt.lne 25·27 lnform•tlon -558·5880 NA14 S...."luh Blola M. KHtneY SI. 1S Orange Coast is 2-0 in the South Coast Conference and Golden West is 1-0 in the Southern Cal ci rcwt. This set the stage for Cummings' homer in the second extra frame of runner-up Artesia, 52-49. In the title game of the ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Southern Section, Mission Viejo toppled Artes ia, i:: S C ·SINrta<\burQ ... H•mpton s.o Community college Statll l'lay9ftt f'lntll- Complon S9, S.nta """ SJ Cott999 of SequoiH U. EI C""'lrlO ,. L-8e«llCC•7. Footlllll SI Mtrc..i SS, Fulle'1on 41 Antique Show Huntington Center mal l tOday thru Mar. 14 McE withdr •th • • the ga me that was nroe 8W8 WI IDJUry originally scheduled for 69·53 and off comparative scores, should enter ioday's finals as the favorite. 642-4321 / BRUs.5EL.5. Belgium (AP) -J ohn McEnroe, the world's No. 1 tennis player, withdrew from the Belgian Indoor Championshlp today after he injured hl s left ankle in a training session. The Largest Used Boat Show In The U.S. NIWPORT HARIOR IN-THl-WATIR The west's one 1nd only Used Boal Show will feat ure the largest selectlon of vintage and nearly new sailing and power yachts ever a1aembled In one location. Aehore wlll be a selection of marine accessory and service exhibit a. Lido Mltrlne VIiie .. , Newport 9Mch F1 I 110011 lo 9 jHll, 8'1 lO"lll\"TI)" rpm~ lO Lm. 10 8 pm Follow Ille 1lgn1 lrom CoHI Hwy Ind N1WPD11 BIYd. lo th• rM parking IOI and tram. POWlllllOAT IHOW IAIUOAT IHOW Merch 174 1 Merell 14-21 • seven innin~s. Dave Glick had a pair of triples f o r tbe Anteat e r s i n the nightcap. Joining Rohrig and Mawgan in the starting lineup for Coach John Hattrup's Diablos will be floor leader Tracy Blum, Jane Harre and Darcy Smith with Kim Chupik ready to step in should one of the s tarters falter or gel into foul trouble. Direct or collect . to subscribe to your hometown paper. the . Daily Pilat RCll THE BEST VIDEO BUY MODEL VFP 110/TFP 1&00 (j) RCA SelectaVision 6-Hour Convertible VCR Syatem with High-Speed Picture Search and Special Effects ~. f.i\ VCR Carry Case KK 161 t.J' AC Adapter Charger \$ ~ PFP600 • • ENTIRE PACKAGE PLUS@ Free Front-Row·Center Club Membership • NO\Al-ANtV·$1895 369East17thStreet 111nco I' VV. V Costa Mesa (Across from Relph's) rJUJ;,1 . . . • • (Open Mon.-Fri .• 10 to 9-Sat .• 10 to e -Sun .• 12 to & I 8~1 -STOP •••• •• _,____,__ ""(". - -(__ > . NBA Wa.Tl•NCOMPa•&NCI "«lfkDh.,..._ w \. "'" LAlltn 47 11 .. , SMttle .. ,, .. , ,._1. n ,, SIS GoldenSlell u :ti .S5t Portl•nd Jt 1'I .us s...o-.o " ., "' ~Div._ 54'11All-)I 14 .. ,, H°"'ton JS ,. SS. °'""r ll • U• l(•nwsCtty ,, 41 w O•Uas 11 ., .lJt Utah " 4l -EASTallNCONl'a•ENCE A._tkDlvll ... Boston ., IS IS.. PlllladelDlli. 44 II 111 Naw J t.-y 33 JI 11• Was!tl ....... ,, JI 413 New Yori! ,. l S ·"" C-r111DI•"*' Mll•..,k• ., 11 .. , An ante ,. 32 .. , lllCll•nt ,, JS .•SJ Detroit ,. JS ... Cflk il90 ,. 17 .,, c ...... ,,., 13 ., 211 l'~r•S<ar" Chi< ego 111, L.tUrs •OS PortlaNI 1 It, S... AntonlO IOI Detroit 111, GClkltn SU.It 111 Washington 110, l""ltna 105 BoSlon Ill, N-Jerw y tot $eattle t 12, Mll•auk• 110 Otnvor I.JO. Houston llS T ......... 10-w .. 111notone1 H-Y-lndltnt el Alttnte UlahetCleftland Portt-et Hous1on Oallu at Sen Dle90 Bulla 111 , Laker• 105 •a \o't ""' , • » JV> S\o't II 17 " , .... " 11 " IJ\o't ··~ IS II ..... CHICAGO Grttn-20. tc;onon IS Giimore 2S, Laster II. Thevs 13, J-'· So~" t, Oletrkk 0, WoolrlOQe 2. Tot•ls 4' 11-13 111. LOS ANGELaS ll•mOI• 10, WtlkH 13, Al>dul·J -r ll, Jolln•on >o, Nl•on "· Brtw•r 0, C-r •. Jotd<ln 0, La'ldSberoer 4. T otels .... 10 IOS S<-.llyO...rttrs Cllluoo ?I 14 3S 24 111 LO$ AllC)eltt 71 1l 1• 36-IOS Tllrtt·Polnl QOtl\ Tlltu\, Lu ter, Jolln>onl.C-r Fouledoul N.,,.. fOl;al foul• Clllc:ago ts, Lo• An901es 7' THlllll<th -Cfllc-: 1119981 e11i.nw. LOS Angeles Coac11 Alloy •-11.sos COllEGE UC Irvine 70, S•n Dleao SI. 69 UC t•VtNa Wulf I, g cOontld •. Magee 10, Fuller 14, Wiiie._ 1•. Tllornton s. CroultyO TOlels : 1t l•Jt 70. SAN DIEGO STATE Morrl> t, C-10, Atlt n 1, Smith I. Jonu ll. Gordon I, C•ldwett 0, Plvm,.,,.. lt,G.,._ o, Oa•ls 0 Totels lt 1-tJ6t. Malltlme· UC tr.Int . ....0 HIGH SCHOOL St•t• reolonll fln11l1 ( .. L ....... llA.-1 TOllllONT'S KHIDULI ~ Dhllsltll 11 4 -Mtss!on lllaJo l:Z.-71 ""' Sall J_.in Mttnorlal Cu.JI ...,.Dh ..... 11 s''° Bumluglls, Ald9t<rttt 0 4·S> .. Banning CU..) -Dl•la ... I ,1 Rtwrslclt POiy IJ2.0I vs Gt/>f' l~I hysDlvh ... I •:JO -Bannl"9 cti-.31 "' cer-ui-21 Wlnrwo -Illy IOI' tt•I• llnats Marc~ It •I X>•lcl•ncl·Alam eda County Colha um Arena. COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN Or•nae CoHt 73, Mlr•Co•ta 59 MIRACOSTA -Hlnkla I, Madrid 2, Welton I•, Rl"Vt• H , Mltcllell 4, Godlrwtt 4, 8artier I 1 TOlell 1S t ·11 S' O•ANOa COAST -Vat1•nltll I, Elflnoer II, Ca rroll U, Merk •. s.Mvl~tn •. ICrover ll, Par11 ... •. Joyce l , Berry 11 TOltts ,. U-2S 73 Hallllme: DCC, 42-lS Total lours. A.\)11Costa n O<tl\QR Coos1 n ; Fouteo owl Rtncier (MlraCoU•I Godlnett (Mir.Costa) Golden West 99, Cypreu 72 CYl'ltllSS Hoeller 1 Kelln 1, LO .. 10, IC011clll I. Farrar "· Sl\ln ll, Gooon It, P.-r ..... 10. TOl•I• 11 10 1112 GOLDaN WIST -otrtkorlan JJ. Gu1hrle U, HatTlton 10, Ram"'"" 11, A•t 17, M•tll••S "· Duncan 2, Cle"""" 0, Porte 0 Tol•ls •111·» ... Hall11,.,. Goldtn Well ~» l'oltl fouls. C'nW'tu 11, Oddi" Wtfl It; Fouteb oul: Hoe lter (Cyprenl Lo•• (C!PrtUI, MMllWW> (Golden Wosll HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN ... ,_., ...... _ l'lntT...,. M_,y Mtdl~n. Ir ·•Cindy Aot.rlo . ., I Ml•ilon VllJol; Llw Btnton, " , IC•tt~ Cflarto . •'-tCeptstr-V•lleyl, 0.-. Hagen, P' (OaNI Hlllt l *-T•"" Jent Harre, 1r (Minion Vle)OI, ~ Bodner, Y ICeot>lreno V•tto), M.,letle l ••d•, '!· ( Laou111 Beul\). Mtrtdltll Mlrell. v IOana Hiii\), Allondt Atdln .... t~n Clemente! Men'e tr•c:k COMMUNITY CO\.LaGI Mt.'-.__ 11W.,~-C-"~ 1 ......... -1 .. ...-.1 100 I. So.lltlward (01, 10 t ; J. At.<1 (Ml, II 0, 3. Stenland 101, II 3 200 I G,_ (Ml, 11.1, J INll\Q (Ml, 11 I; J H..wrt IMI, 113 400 -I. "-41 !Ml, ... 1, 2 Wlndll\ (Ml, S0.3; l. 5•1_,,., NI, SO.S. IOO -I. CunnlftgNtft (M), 1 SU ; t. S...... (01, 1.S..1, l . Uc:llytU 101, t·n .4 l,SOO -1 Cllti>mtn IMI. 4.01.J ; 2. Cul\nlnglltm IMI, 4·03.t . l. Harold 101, •:Ool.6. '·"' -'· Fllzoar•IO (01. U :a4.•; t Merrymen (0 1, IS;SI t, l. Marold IOI. IS:S1.0. llOHH -1. PofWr CMI. U.1; t.~ (0 1, U.l;J Gtld l Ml, IU •IH -1, AeyllOIOt (Ml, SU. l. LH1>Y CM), SU; l. s.-CM), 51.1. -reMly -1, Ml. sen A,,._.., 41.J. ,,... ,.1ey -1. Mt sen AMoftlt. >.to. HJ -1, Lwnd (Ml, W ; t ,._, (Ml, M : J, ctlel CMNnlt'( IOI, Oa•ls (Ml. M . U -I. Wlffleml (Ml, n -lt. t. s.r.- (MI, 7Ml4; ), Lefton (Ml , 11'1\o't. TJ -I ............ (Ml, 4H; t. WllllaMs (Ml, 4~; J Cwr CM), .W PV -I._.. (M). 1H , 2 Haltleld (lo;\), 164; I. L"'" (Ml . 14-0. '" -I, $tllffllrs (Ml, SM; 2. °"'"" (Ml, "'1; i . OllCMll 101, 4M lllo OT -I.~ (Ml, 15$-tl; t. 5-ltler't IMI, lfH:l.0-IM), UN. JT -I.~ IOI, ISM ; 2. 0 '0-11 (M), l?W; S. -....i (M l, ll N , Won.n'• lnctl COfll l'l•Hn cou.1•• ~ ... c.... ................ . 1•-1. ~ IMI, IM; •-1, .. ....... (Ml, llA; --1. __.,..<Ml,•:•»; - -'· """"' 101. 1111.01 ··--'· 11111 (0). •:-.t: ~ -'· ........... 101. 111 .... ; ,_,. -I, ic-(Mt, IM: etLN ---llhll-<Ml, tm,ei -,_. -I • ~. H-'; 1•....., -I. 0CC. 4'1U; IU -t . ..._.. IOI, .. ii; U -t. C...... (0), tM; P -1, ._.,. 10), ,._11; O"T -1 . .._ fO), ••11 JT -1 ... ._... COl,t .. 1. ' ~ • • . · '. hhlbltlon ~ ........ . , ............. . "'"o..,. 101 eoo 1ot l • , Ctlllotl\la 101 100 10• n 1 Wtltll, Uro•• c». S..m•" c•l. o ._ Ill tftf G-. llMiw.r, At• 141, H-t (II a/WI I loone W -let L Ur- HA CtlttOf'nla, Grief\, Clark ~11,T ...... I latV-hM•I Oetroll OJ1 Ol'O 100 I IJ 0 L~ ·~ tlO 111 tO• IO 1' 6 Morrlt, P U--1•1. U'411or 11), AljjJ 111 -c..1111o. "-' ,.,, A.vn . Slllrlay UI, Sltwtn l•I. Fonltr OJ. Howt (9) - Y••o•r W-F~ .. , L Uldur HA ..... Anotln . ~ ...... C•Y. Mtn 11a11 A-ti, c-liuh I lelTa,,..,l'le.I SI Loul• 010 000 0C»-I 10 S (11\Clllllall ltt(IUOOO OOx 13 11 0 Rine,,,., Atvr>us~ Cl>l Llttt ll Ul Bafr (6), ICNI tfl, Otm>IUd Cll end B'°'11 ........ SM>Clla1 U1 SolO, Brtlo I•>. Edelen (7). Lt flll !., -v.,.. Gorder, CMIJtmtt 171 W Soto L -All\C"" ,,_,,.._, ce1 c•-..... l'1e.1 Pftw Yotk Mel> 000 001 01~ 1 S 0 Phllt O.IPftle JOt 100 JO" I U J Falco"P, Z.Cllry 141, Leaty 111, Retter Cll t nd Hodou . Bochy Ill IC rwkow. Allt mlr-UI, Lyla (1), Fermer Cl ) - Ota1 V lroll CSI, McCorma c k Cl) W ICrvko w L F a lcone HR Phllt cltlplll•, Vullo•kl\ ·-4. , ...... (et0t1-,l'lt,) Hou>ton 011 100 ~ • , Mlnrw">!• OOt 007 OOl>--3 a O Ptachon. B Smith Ull LaCOf"le (7). Aou tt l and Pu)oh. t(n1co1y C.I. B•l•"9fr. 8orl• C•>. c-C•I. o·c-Ci t and WyM91>r, A SmlUt Ill W Plt06°" L Btlt"9fr H At Houslon, ••le, Garner Mlllrw>Ola, But II """'""·•-Se•• (at~-· PllU1>11r9f1 000 001 OOS •-10 13 I Chlcaoo (All 010 000 400 ~ • 1 I • Pere•. ~rmi.nlo UI Scurry (Sit Romo (I), Breit 17). Cr111 !ti and Ptna, Goldtf\orn ISi, Ortlt (Q), Ptlltr1<1n. Barolo UI. HIOo Ill, Gelqtr l•I /IMlttand (IOI ilnd Fisk, SKINNER Ill W -<:rur L-(;<llqer E1-4, Btw Jayt J (ti Wnt P..,,. B..cll, l'lt I Toronto 000 000 t:IO J • o Montru1 1'10 001 00• _. 10 I Bomb.><' El<""°'" t•I. J M<Lt"9fltln Pl G1t•ln (I I and Petrelli M•rtlner 111 eurrh I.ft 1)1, P••m•r tel •no Blto-u w 8u1r" L BomlMO R..,att 11, .... !>H J lat,._, My .... , f'lt I BOiton 000 100 010 l S O lt.AflW>Clly '10 100 th II t• I Ecurstey lorttt co Clear 111 •"" Gedm•n. LI< ket1 (I), 8 t•O , ·••mmakor 1•1 Mood fl). Cllaml>trla ln 1•1 t nd SlaUQhl, ICtallty (., w B••<k L EnerSl•Y- H A• lt.•n•U cu, Slavoht 'in~rloan Quirk College l'IRST GAME UC INl ..... G .. ._. Gonr•oa 000 000 000 o • t UC lrvl"* 101 001 001 "4 tl 0 Aobln>on, Miiier Ill and J-•· Bt..-.r and AUPO w Blsnar t).I) L Aooln>on ?8 Jgnej IGc>nl&Otl At,,.ra (UC lrvlrwl Gedlu CUC INl!WI SEOONDGAME UC INIM7,0Mt .... S Gontaoa JOO 000 .JOl)-S ll o UC lrYlno Jll 000 002 I II 7 MortllO, Miiier 01, A-• Ill ano '°""'• W-llaac:t. HIO> 111 •no Avpp. J Hkk\ ().01 L A-29 CMrwtt 1 !Gon._I, Gob~n IGonao•I. Al•tr• tUC 1 .. 1 ... 1 l B-0110 J (UC Irv-I HR -Cumming> IUC ltvlMI High schoOI ~·1 .• _...... W-b< "'9o 000 000 C>-0 • ) Cotona dtt ""' 009 110 • 11 11 t Bv•kt , -.iano 131 c...-n1 ano NOi.,. P·elorttn Wllllt (0 , A-lt l and Mtlborl W-Petenen 0-01 L Burko 2B-Flnley !WI Murpfly CCdMI HA Whitt ICOMI, LOO> ICGMI S•ft Cle-• J. U9UM 9-c:ll J L~una Buen 001 001 00<>-1 1 ~ ~n Clemonte too 001 001 l 1 1 LIPIOll, Minney Pl .-.o 8orryhltt, A-llo, B•los (II ano PuttrbAU9fl W BalH L - Minney 2B Buryllltt IL~una Be«lll HA AobOIO ·~n cie ...... 1111 ~"lllt l,D...aHllltl Lt9un• '111h 010 007 3 I • J Dan.i Hiii• 000 010 0 I l , Plemel 6'1(1 Roman· H•trl\ . Walket Ill •ncl S.nchtt w -Plemel CN>I l Marr" C•tli•,_ Valloy t, Mitt .... v1ei-• Minion Viejo 003 •00 O 4 1 S C•Dltlr•no Va ll tr 070 IOI • 9 ' 0 Mt l<"11 .....,k>an Ill ano Sauter. Finell C.ale> l•l -Alllle W Fln(ll I-MtlCR<t JB K•tn•" (Ca o l•trano llalltyl , J B Wiiliam.on IMl"lon VlelOI South CoHI league w L oe Cepl\ltano Yt lltr t o LaQ..ne H 111• I O ~n Cle..-t« 1 o L•oun1 Be«h o MIH lonVIOjo 0 Dana Hiiis o w.,....._,.,o_ l•OuM Hiii• at L-BH <ll Den• Hiii\ at C•1trano Vell•y Mlulon VltlO •IS... Cle..-te Women'• eoceer HIOHSCHOO\. ,.-.s..vi.wu-""'T-Libby lat1ter, 1r . Su. 1(1l••llan, v . M1urten Connottey, sr , Mery Cook, v . Chrltlln• Ml>tft, jr (Ul\IYertllYI. Ttrrl Bryton, v. L<yn Callal\tfl, V , Tino Pl\111 •. Ir I El T°"'I' 8eble Gttda. tr (EtlAllCll l, Jonny Hoo1<1, It !Wood brtao•I Goollt uu,.n A"""an, ., IUnlvor.itvl MVP LlllbY l at1ter \r ( Unlw rslly I Sec-To_, s ... Oll•f". v , OC:l ron Manly Ir • J...,lo Nourw , tr (Unt...,,,llvl. Chantel S..k,.,, u ., T.,rl Foell\, I•, MonlQut Brats, ~ (Et Torol. Ott OM ll'IOmptOn, "'e>"" !Catie O'A•lll•Y."""' (Est1ncltl, Cflrlslle l.etler, sopfl. l~teb<Kll , Tami 8reoner, tr !Wooclbrl4'0t). Go4lll1 Clwlll• ...... - IEI Torol ~ • • • "' " Wonwn'• 1oftball ~NITYC:OU.a•a .. ...-•. 0.-.. C-•• Fullt...... Gell M t-4 6 0 Of~C-IOO -.._. • t IKll•I &'Id Ott"'-; C11l1 -Crul; 78-~ ..... (0taft91 CNtil. at--Gercill 1Ful .. r10fll. Mt•MK~ I,,,..,,.,...... lrvlnt ~ OIO ._, 2 I ,,..,~ --..... 't M.,tlft allO IC_.,t<ll, ICleNl•tf tftCI 5-... L 19-LA<b 11,.,, .... ,, .,.. ...... ~ ...... , U.-Hlltt --t-1 t !I 0.M HMt. 111 OJ a-~I I Sttttellftt, klllllta UI elMI L.e-ld, Orlffl11 tfl; "*--C:lw.....,, L11Nr IJI. __ ,,__, ..........,.,.._ te-ov- I D•tll Hlli,); Hlt-MIQ41 (0-Hlilo), _.....,.lo.MHNlt) ... °""""9 .. u,..e .... ' U911Me..JI --l-1 •I SMC.._. t• lit •-S J 1 .__,_r IW(lftl lllf .....,._ ,._.._.( ... C .......... J. WCT ln•m9tlon1I ( .............. .....,, ...................... tven~.i. T9ttYMMf,M ,M ; JOIMll ICtle' -VlltY Anltltref ... I. J~, T- itnlf ... <:Mt .. IWHNl'U, ~I •.. 1. M . Hein• 0..-....111 .... Wot", .......... M ......_nlndoof ,,..,_.., ... ...,.... ....... Jimmy c:.."°" -· l'rlU •-1,.... -.. •2, •t; V~ 0-Wltlt -· T.,,. Ma.,-, t t, t-4, SltloMP Glk kt11l11 acl•l<Kff t11 dete1111 11y J°"" M<a-. ...-.1-.111111: Mah Wll4H'tdtff def l tltl\ TMCllw, ._,, M Wo"'4tn'a toum•ment , •• o ..... , 0.--..1 ....... Mar11na Nev•1lltcwa o.t w-, T-1, I •.• 1, M l(•lllY ulllem .... llMrv L ... Pleteil. '"· M , .. I; Savina Sim,_, def I LHlle Allen, .. ,, S.7, '-2; Mimi J•u- "' JOAMI A .. ,. ... w ... , ~~ E •• Pfolf·H•l•n• Suh •• CS.f IC•thy Joroatt Ann• SMll", 2·6. 1·•· t ·J, s ... BarkH Alln IClyomura det 8arD••• Jordal\·l(lm5-, .. t,•~ Community colle99 MaN 0....W ... t,•laH-4 ,..... Ltd.,mtll (GI tMI Saw, s.r, M , l·S; Meler 1111 claf Ha<nllloft, M , 1 .. , t •I, Miiier tAI dtf Hvnold, M>, .. J; l(CKel IG I -Henry, "'1, .. ,, AlcheUon IGI def loilUf'lllo, M . •1; Witt IOI dtl Welch ... ,, M 0........ M•ler·H•llry IAI dol H•mt11on·$elllOll, , ...• _.: Sow·Mlll•r CAI del Hu!IOIO.ICOMI, I S, • J, Alc"4tuon·M<Car lhy (GI del t,l\urlllo-Welcll ... 3, • 1 S~kt,,...,.ue•rwt s ....... OlmUUO CSBI oet. Weber, t-1, ... 1: Sttlbner ISBI Otl J tllrlu , •·), •·I; Slt Plltns ISBI Otl Mu lQUll, •·J, .. 1. 81ach t-(SUI def Smllfl, '"'· ·~. Miiier IS81 dtof Bt<Nley, ... 1 • ..0, LHI .. CSBI def. Munoi,•2,M 0....... Sle~Mlller (SBI def W-r·JtffriH, J·•. 1 ... 1 .. , BlaCKslorw·LH lle (SBI def Musqulr·Smltl\, ... ,, "''· Gta.,.H-ord (SBI IHI Beckley """"°'• •t,•I High echool MaN u111-y """· ,_111111t ,..,.... GrH r CUI lost to Pa'llnat, 1 .. : dal Dennv, •"4. def G~I. •-4; del PalKIW<k. Ml. Martinez CUI lo.t ,.. -7-S, •t. M . MatQOlll CUI lost 1 ... 3 ... won M , w. llt nkateSll CUI tosl o-t. 2 .. , U ; won •S. ~ P a ut >on D a y CUI •Piii Wllll J•C k \On En9et .• J , 4·•: d •I T Okar-Slmar1yl, 7 S, ••. Brow...Ollver IUI 1os11 ... , .. ;won .. l,M N..,.n Ha-U, llMrlola J '"""" M•crn IHI def Coa, •I; Clll Scartattt, •-4, del Flllltl-. t-4, ct.I Smltll, ..0, Sunsl\tne IHI wan .. ,. "''· 7.s ... ,; J - Myers IHI won Ml, .. ,, .. ,.• 1: Joltn M.,.n CHI wonH,'-4,..0.•·1 ~ H •v ~·Con ke y I N I •Pii l "'"" Cl'IOW·Crttton .... , M ; ct.I CurnVlle·Arlla, .. 2 ,_.: SM11,,..s1anw 11 <NI "'"' 1.s. , .. , _, .. , ... ) ~-lit U, Etle1•da J ~ ScllanJ ILBI .. , Spicer .. ,. det B ... Ot<. •·1, O•I. ~nda•al, .. 2. def. Tlen90, .. ,, Perry ILBI -... ,. l·S . ..0, .. ,. Kollenae IL8 l loll H , 1 ... won .. >. M , Brandl ILBI tot• w ; wonM,M , ... t. 0........ W ttl a tO B otll m e r ll 8 1 d e l lnaooml St udebaker, • t , •-J, dtl F l•09 8 r o•n , ~·• •.... : C•OOC>tanco-Br\lmli.kl (LBI "'°" M . ,_., 7 .. , ' , .. l o• Alamhoe l'IUDAY'S IHSULTS ,,,.. .. .._..._,....,...._..,., ,..ST RACE Onemllepace GrlbOlll I Parlier I 7 10 UO 'Al Tribute N (Todcl) 10 .0 HO LuOy (Md A (ICueOl•d 2 tO Aho rte.., P-01.0. $em1Mle Clltef. Flnal s-. J•mt~ Rhythm, Roya1 E-•d N, Jult• Harper rim• 2 01 U EllACTA (1 JI pe1d U• 20 SllCOHD •ACE Ont milt pace Jlt>e Ho IG~I U «I tO .0 •«I Ll•e WI,.. N I Dunnlg..,,) 'f «I 6.00 Twal•'• LIOY !Ander>on) 4..0 Al\O '~•d ~., .... ,,o, •. t Am ti H, B1r""'•C-,UntWal'O.-N Time t Ot JIS THt •D llACll. One mll• pace Bar~sCbrls IGcNdrH uJ II loCI S «I 1.tO twalle Slllp IVall-ll'Qfl•ml 1 to 4.00 Solnsttr Anna IF Sherttn I 4 60 AllO "KtCI: Sum~ Frolk, Plncll Hit. ICeywt J-. ~-TllouQlllJ, N•nf9Ufl, Time: l ·Ot 2/S. U a ICACTA 1"1) Ptlcl t4U O. l'OU llTI4 •ACI. One mlle pace ll•ooem•rk !Goudl'O•ul • oo l .ii uo IC 11 King (Gf'09"y) t IO 4 00 Mr N M (Vatl-i<IQ!Mml 4.00 Also rtetd Howd, SUlr, Dtl\lt Royal, Sir A•tll, lime 2 en llS l'll'TH •Ace.One milt p .. e. Ga111uo.t (Goucln•ul tt.20 1.IO •.00 WIM ln--1 CCrtwfO<'dl II.tel &.to B,.•kwll\O IWltllamtl l .00 Also rt<td· Miu Gay Girt, IC•ttY l(omer, GOida Mair N, Hy Di.t•t•. Hit And Aun N Tlmt· 2:01. U a.xACT A (M l e>tlcl S 111 ·'°· SllCTH llaCa. One mtte l>t(e Astrid""" (Vattan~) tl>dl•n s-11e caouo.-u> No E~<U!tt N (L.ofl90J U 40 JJOD 2ol0 1.40 uo JOO 0.1, !>Mier Girl, Also raucl· Se>ol11QM Flora Oor H. Time 2·00 J/S. save NTH RACI. Ont mll• pt(I. Go1os1 ... 11<...oterl s.oo "'° JIO ICont Coolt (Manotnll •·• ~'° L lh A 5"°' ( Goudf'Nu) J.40 Alto r-: $1\t<ll Pt<ll, C-co D""91nt. Ho""'-•• Clta.._.. Prl11<t, L C's 8yrd, Young N111. TIMI: J·Ot 4/S. .a UUICTA IMI Mid "UO. 11 ~ICK SllC (.1 ...... S.11 ptld tlM.• •>tit lllnt ........... tick•~ (1(111 --.i. It Pl<l1 Six ~ ...... Pllcl tcJ.a W191 1G wll\111119 tickets (!Out --). It Pl(-ti• scr•t<ll COfttolellon Hid "''·'° wltlt at wlft111f19 tl(l!4M (---· -t<r•~ll), I IOMnt llACI. OM ml• peu, SUf'lll'Mf S..... CT.W.rl ._. t.Je tM WtltVff II-("'9t"Nlll a,. IA ""'"" (Cf'lllllen) .... Al .. rtC*I: ,_.., Cflllce • ._.. i.e. H. Cel•lllw, ~ HHI 0.-, HelM Jey TltM: 2:•111, ti IXACTA IS.ti Hltl U0.00. MtMTMll~.OfttmU."8U. Te<IH_,(...,__, M •• 1A 4AO kotcll °"'*'(~I '·· UO OertY Ayr (WMe!WI •M AIN ,_: c.111 °"'· "" .. Mee'-· Hel CNrte, S--OtMt A, P•llllMMll, '"'~"· T1mt:1:eun. U IXACTA 1•11 ~ t1•A. - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/S'aturday. March 13, 1982 ln't9fT•,YCl8uk ·-~., ... , .... ~ TomlCl'9 Halt lrwlfl Glew ........ Onld GrtiNm Al\fy Ntttll Mtfk *"""" toO«IY CleMPtft 81111Cr.a.r1 a.or .. Al'C.,_ 1111 "°"'" s. .... -lre41•"'-IWOAolll (d~ Mk kSoO 01nP-Gtr'Y Hel!Mro .,..., ..... lley Fleyd Rlclterd MMI L• T"''"'° Hu .. rt G,_, • 8rvu LletD• Mltr.e M<Olf '°'19" Fred Couplet VCll'(eHNIM< l'ra1111 c- Mark Ct luw<t ll1a P1y,..S-an Ed Flori Jof\lll\Y Miiier Tommy Va...,.lnt Mtn.,.I PI....., Mtrk J- Mork L.,. Larry llevler Ptter 0...llt,,,.,IS Gii Moro-n 8-yMltcbalt 8tuct Flelthlr Clltrl<H Coad\> H•I Sul\On C1Mn"- Stl>c!Y LY• Barry J..ctr.14 MIO Raid Rod Cun Doug Tewell Jlm SllnOM W-y Ble<kbum 900 Glldtf' TlmSlmpoon B-YW-ln• Larry lllnllt< Lindy Miiier Lou GtaMm Jolln FOU(llll Tom Purt~er LM Elder M•rk Hll'lf Mlk•Smlll\ Tom WotJOn Lyn LOii O.neG- MlkeBr- TomSh•w Merk M<Curn.,., Gary Pl•-How•rd Twlt1y o .. e Elcllett.rver Biii AOOlll>on Chi Cfll A-lgue1 5'o11 SI~ M••kO'-• BobEe'1- ICtnGl'Otfl O•ve Stoett"" B a<rwy T ,..,.,._, Jerry HMnl Ray Barr Don Poolef Jim Colber1 JaO Actnnef GlllC>y Gll""1 D.A. Wetbrlng Wayrw Le•I LonHtelwn 8 ltt B11tlnef MlkeMorlty ICtltfl Fe,_ 8ud Allin G•ry ICOCI\ Cut11t Slr#9 Morris Hatal~~ Mlk•Hol~ Larry Mlrt ,,....,.. ,...,,~ ,,~ ......., .... J4..i>-47 ~ JS.»-ttt »-»-U -»-41 >w:l-4i ,...,...... ,~ U·~. ~ ,..,._ .. 34-- JS..S>-4t ~ )~ J+-ls.»~ IS.a.-.t ..,, .. J~ 31-32-..t J~ J+l~ 31-32-,~-.... J+~ U·-J+l~ 11-n .. )1-lJ ..... Jt..l) .. 3S-l IO 3S.lS-IO 3'-34 IO 3'-'4 IO >H>-IO >+--70 ~31 IO h --70 3"'34 10 34-i.-IO ls.3}-IO :16-34-IO :IHI IO J7 U-/0 3'-34-10 U·>S. IO Jt..34 /0 3'-3-0 IO ,._,... IO ll·34 11 :i..u " 3'-U-11 >t-» 11 )1·)4-11 3'-l}-71 Js.-11 )1·34 11 3&.J It 3'-U-11 li..lS 11 ~ " JS.)6 11 J+37 " 3'-l}-11 31·34 " l'-3 11 )I.JS 11 •n-11 Jt..JS. 11 )4.J7 11 31.J}-n Jt..J.t n J6-» n 37·3S 12 37-U 12 3S-J1 12 JMS. 12 i..,.._n 11-»-n ,..,... n 3'-»-12 37.JS--12 •14-12 --n 3>-31 °12 >s.31-n •34 n Js..17 12 ,..,. 12 Je.34 n •34 -n 11-u. n Vlnta99 lnvhatlon•I lell-•We•tl AmolO Pal~ DenSlllM Gerw Llllle< Mltter8- 8obR~ Art Wall Aoberto 0.Vk"'110 8111Ct- Jeck Burtle l(et H•9tl Don J~ Tommy Bon TomN._... Bob Toollt Guv Wohll!nhol- Oon l'olrfleld. Art Baldlflo P aul Runy.,, F IOrv v ... 0anc• Harvie Wen! Llonet H-'1 0-~B•­ DoUQ F- P eulHe rnev Oow F lnS11rw•IO Jerry 8.,,,... s.ms- LPGA toumement , .. ,..., .. 1...,.,.,, Oonnt H Wltltt J enetColM AoOlnWat"°" Amy l\k"" Ale••ndrt Relnllardl Mardell Wllkll\' J Hrwlle ICef'f M Floy•O.Artnln A,ako Oumo4to Pellv S'-""' Clftdy Hiii Vk kl F....,,. 8art>er• a.,_ Yk klT- Cllrl•Joftnlml Sve F-lmtn Stlly Lll11e a.Jull lnl(s"r Cindy Llnc:olll l(atl\y W""-111 Lori Glrt>ea JoAnneCamtr klll Denlet Joen Joyce Atw.koHlk- HollvHwtlev v 1v1 ... e~ Jtidy c.- M•rt!M H-n A osey 8trtltn Mer9a Sluflt>lloflelO M Sl>lft(et-0..lln J -IAlell M•rv a..,., JoAMW.-n S.ndr a "°" Tttrl M_., O.llOll Auttln Marty Olcktrton Ctllly5""11 J 11tte s1-.r Pyne NeMfll- GtllHIUU Ky• O'lrltft l(etlly v..,. Htfl<y L ... ,."""'°" 0.-..llllllMr JeAn111'1Mk.e lefty""" A Met M Mttf' J-y l.w lntllll C.,..leJtCltlt._ .... ,,_.,, 10.71 .. , 11-7(>-,., 1 ... , ,.., IHf-t"' I .. ,. , ... 1HO 14S 11.1 ..... 10 /).1)-"' ,,.,. 14' 1•10-... 74 73-147 14·1• ... 1•13-1 .. , .. 71 , .. 14-IS-14' , ... is-,., 1113 ISO 17 I). ISO IS-l'-l~t l•IS-ISi II 14 "' 1 .. 13 ISi 7 ... IS-ISI eo.11 m ,.,._,SJ 1•·1 IS7 ,,__,., 1~14 , .. , ........ IS..10-IAS ,,.,,_, .. ls,.12-147 7~7l-147 ,.., .... , IS..71-147 11·1S..-W , .. ,, , .. , .. ,, ,. ,..,..._, .. 7S.7l-I .. 71.17 ... ls.74 ,., IH•-14' ,,.,, ,., 7•7>-14' IH}-M' 1S..1 ,., , .. ,,_,., 71-7:11-''° 77-1)-150 IS.IS-ISO 11·1>-ISO IHS-ISO ,.,,._,so 11·1t ISO 1).11 ISO , .. 1. uo 1•1' ISO 17-IJ-ISO 7 ... , ''° 11-14 ISi 7S-7t-UI , .. 1s-m 7•1S-ISI 1•1>-tSI 11·1 UI 7 .. lt-ISI 1>7 ljl 7J.7t-ISI ,,,,,_ISi ,,., ... .,, 1•7>-lSI ,.,n-m 1•1._,,52 71-7S-1Jt ,.,,,_,u ,.,~,,,, 71-IS-lst ComnMln1t1 ooMette Orltll9tC.... ............ .. 400 M41111ey ,....., I or .... (Mtt, 4•00.6 • t,OIO 1,... I Wlllmt COi. 10 Jl ... t SMOf 101. tt:a.o, a veiner• cs1. no time 200 f,.._1 ._. Ill. I' U.2, > l r-n IOI. 7:0ol I ; I OrlY*acl 101, )'II .. '°Ira I Cttllflt Cl >. n i 1 l 0 .. 1, IOI, ti 4, I Wiii ......... CS!. U.J 100 IM I, foa ISi, 1 • 11 6. 2 llHIO 101, 2.tu. nothlr41 too 11y 1 ,...,,1••en1 101, 1 n •. ,.. ~Oft4'Wtlllfel 100 Ir I An! 1\1, )I.I , 2 AIUO 101. n.I;' SM9f IOI.WI too """ 1 8 ro•" IOI. t u 4, 7 Oui..-rtOl,t U t .1 Tr....tl\1.2 ).0 SGO 1r .... 1 Wtum• IOI, S. 10.0, 1 Vfttt<t ($),' to'·, ··--(01. s tl ' 200 -I Aro l~l.) ,. I, f w ... -101, t M.S; 1 W•rner COi, t 41.1 Q ,, .. rel•y-t S.nte Ant, >. 2t.4. ._ ....... c,,... ..... 400 Macllay telay GolO... We.C, ) SJ 1 1,000 ''" 1 811rcllall CGWI. 10.ot.t , 1 Wll•on ICI, tO·SI l . a La nkin IC), 11'01 • 200 ,,... I O'Brleft (Cl, I O.J, 1 G• ... (GWI. I 41 2, J ·-11 ICI, I ... 2 '° ,,.. ' Hedrick CCI, 2) o. ' Berro IGWI, 17 4; Mtlltffey IGWI, JJ 4 200 IM I Wiie• (Cl. t 0. 1, Sta.,,.._ (GWl,t 07.1 U~rtGWl.t.tU, toO lly I llobOlll CCI, 1'03 O; J, Get" (GWI, 7·03 0, J Wll" CCI, 1·0l I 100 Ir• I Lund IGWI. SOO l H-kk IC), so'· J Berro IGWI, SI. 200 back I Ume>lltl\OUr CGWl, J·OI •. 1 '"""'"~ COWi, 1 11 1, J Lankin tel, , ... SCIO lrat I Buo< ... 11 tGWI, 4 St 1. 1 WlllOI' CCI, )•OJ.t , l M•hall" IGWI, "° llm• 200 breall I 0 Brien ICI, ' It l . 1 Sutton IGWI, J t3 0. 3 PkKan IGWI, J J1A OIYlng I Ort-CCI,"° t<ort 400 ''" relev CyP'tU . 3· It 1 High •chool E"-~··dl-•J 200 mtdlay relay I E•U.n<lt. 1 41 20 200 Ir .. -I Sou11\ron I Ettl. I SJ s.. 1 lrtl•nd !Ettl, 1 S6 ..... J W .... ler !Ed). t·SJ 11 200 lnOO I Sc>a1 IE\11, 1 0. ... 2 AW> 1Es11, 2 13 .... ) W.O••ty" I Edi, 7 IUI so lrtt 1 Baldlno IE•1l. n .11, 1 Sout~r°" IE•ll, 12.71; l Malloy (Ed), U .. 100 lly I Wooo IEOI, SI"'· 1 Mall\ewt IEOI, I 01.0, J e ... o lhll.' OJ 10 100 lree I Al09> IEJll, SI H ; 2 MallOy llld), U .5'; J. Oro ... lltll, W.JJ SCIO lree I Petet-tEOI, S 11 0 , 7 WI<•• CE,11, S· .. 4', J Wadle!gll !Edi, S:12 JI 100 back I Siar fEstl. I 00 U 1 8et'O IE•tl t 0111 l F"llar tEOI I O.J St 100 brH \I 1 Sllln CE•ll I OI ~t. 2 Wlc'' tEstl, I 102S, l Sutton I Edi, t 10 57 400 ltH rein I E U•net• l 1' •• l'~lfl Valley 114, lrY .... U 200 mt dlty relay Founta1., llatto. ' so., 200 ltH I S<hultr tFlll I Sl IJ, 1 I IQlll (FVI. 1 0'1 JO ) Pvr.I\ CFVl.1 en .. 200 IM I RICI> Ill 7 1' OS 2 BaumQat1"Pr tFl/t 1 IS°' l DtNU1anl ... IFVl, 7 18 18 )0 free I Nom11ra tFVI, 1• 12. 1 Bowers Ill. 2S 11 J JUdcl !Fl/I, U .32 100 Cly I Alen Ill I 00 II, 7 s ...... .,, tFlll, I oo n l L'911l 1r1111 °"SS 100 tree • I S<lluttr (FYI. 1 SIU, 1 Nomura IFVI, S. II l Peoer1<1n (Fiii, uoo SCIO frtt I IHnltey t Fiii S 12 ._ 1 Baumoartner IFlll s 10 JI J Purvl\ IFlll. S'lS 71 100 b<K• I RK,,,.,,•n !FYI, t OS I). 1 Maurel CFVI I oe SI J Slle•nan IFV), 1.11'.0S 100 brN'1 t llOUnQ ll'VI t OI 91. 1 Hu•no <Fiii I Ot tJ J Bonttev IFlll 'II' t) 400fr~reltv FounletnValltl'.l JSSI Women COMMUNITY COLLIE GE ~W"17', Cy-u SI 100 medwy relay CVPrn " 1·0. t . 100 tM 1 Btkt< IGWI 1 341 SO tree Elll• IGWI, 1'.0; 100 b<Kk SlltetO• (GW, 1 04.1; 100 br•ttt CflrtslenM'I IGWI, I 20.t . 100 lrt• Krenblet IGWI, 1 11 2. SO lly - Sltl•IG• IGWI, :ti I 01\.lng Pettlll IGWI, no uore; ICll lree Be&e< IGWI, t ·Ool >. 100 flv Ellis COWi. ' 01 I so 0•0 Ounnac:hle CCI JO 0, 100 IM Matone (Cl, I 10 1 SOO lrH t<r-lef (GWI • OS •. SO breo t Slltltd• CGWI. 3a 1, 100 lrff totev Golden W•SI 1 SO 3 HIGH SCHOOL E"""l•f7,e-n 100 mtdley relay I E•l•ncla , ? 01 "· 100 ltH I Cla rk IE>ll, 1 03 ••. 200 lnOO t Averitt IElll, 1 1• 8 , SO lrt • -1 Caroenter t Esll, 1• 51. 100 fly ' I M-- 1 Esl), t 0'2 tS. 100 tret t Clark IE>ll, St ti, SOO free I Crl•mon IE•tl. S ,. •1; 100 l>aU, I A-Ill (ESll I OS IS, IOO brH >I I <Ar'Ptnter (E\I), 1· ti 01, «IO free tttav t Edt\Oll, • ll.'1 tNIM•7, l'_....ho V•lley H 700 medl•Y relay Fountain llt llty, ?·O• 90. 200 tret Alt l!llO (ti "°time; 100 IM Morwooo Ill 1· 1• 11 SO lree Prder\Of\ (ti. ,, ., 100 lly RKnells Ill, t O~ » tOO '""" Sut1•• ltl \S ~ SOO lrtt Morwooo ti I ~ 11 • l tOO back f homplOf\ ti I I 0. 04 100 brusl Barrett ttl I 115" fOOlr~rtl•v ltYl-.l 4't3 NHL CAMl'eELLCONl'llRENCa Smy91DI•., .... w L T GI' GA ~ Edm,,,.ton ., 11 17 M UI .. C1lgary H JO 16 ,,. JOI .. V~couwr ,. J'1 .. ,.., Ut u ICl"t• 10 )0 .. ,.. lit ,. COloraclo •• ., ,, 710 )01 <.) N~hDlvlo .... MlnneloOI• JO .. 10 lOf uo IO Wlnnlpeq ,. ,, u ,.,, ~ u St Loul\ ,. JS • 161 JOI ., Clll<•OO ,. J4 10 m l ll ., Toronto 11 )7 " ™ ,,. so O.trotl " «> IJ 137 Jll1 4 WA\.ESC<*l'aRENCa l'wlck Dh•lt .... •·NYhltnOtl"l ., I• • )«I lit '°' NY Re~ )l ,. 11 ttJ ,.., " Plliladllo!>I• ,4 ,, • m 174 ,. Plfltl>.irof\ ,. )2 II UI ,.. .., WHlll~ ,, l7 • 270 111 Sl • .._.o ... ,..., Montr .. t .0 12 II Jtl "' t1 Bllffa lo H 20 14 ,.,, , .. .. 8osloll J1 n • 170 U6 13 o ... 1>e< )0 1$ .. JOo 1'4 74 Herttoro 1• J7 .. tt• ,., ,. CllnchtCI first pt.u '" dl•l•lon ,.~,··Sc-Bull110>, e_,...,, , .......... o-.-. NY l•laNlitl"l •l lt .... • Oe1101t at Bo91on ChklOO•l Ouet>e< Bulla lo et C•lgary VtflCOU-•IE_,.,.. Henion!•'-'"' Color-•I Plttsbu<Qlt Wlnnll)e9 •1 T""""'o Pllll~• at W•Slt"'9lon Mii\-et St I.outs FromPage81 VERO ••• rouowlnt '48. The barracks were re placed by a modern 90-unil villa. There is a 1wlmmin1 pool, tt:nnla court.II, baeketbalJ cow-U, championship golf cou.rse and country c lub, and even 10 airport one minute away from the front gate. If Dodgertown sounds mori! like a rt!t<>rt hotel, It 's because it is Ju•t that. In 1978, the Dod1en entered into a contract witb Harrison Conference Centers ol Olencove, N.Y. The facilities are a vail a bl e t o (Croups, org anizations and companies when the Dodgers aren't wsin1 them . All recreationa l facilities, coupled with 12 conference roo m s and th e v a s t food servi ces, w e r e i deal for company conferences, everyone lnvolved agreed. SINCE 1115, the Dodgers ha\le purchased 450 acres or property from the city of Vero Beach, and there are still 120 acres which are either vacant or covered by or a nge groves. Blane y s ays there a re plans in the works t.o develop that land, too. And, while Dodgertowo is in operation year-round (the New Orleans Sajnls also train here in the su.mmer ), it is basically still a baseball town. In fact, it is probably the s mall est town in the nation housing a professional baseball club. In 1981 , the V.ero Beach Dodgers. who play in the Florida State League a g a inst te ams from much larger cities s uch as M ia mi , Tampa and Fo rt LauderdaJe. drew 91,000 fans. "T ha t 's f ive lim es the popula t ion of Ver o Beach," BW,ney points out. "It's all relative. but no baseball te am in America can say it has drawn fi ve times its population." The Vero Beach Dodgers are one of the few single-A teams to broadc a s t gam es on radio. H o wever. hom e ga m es at H o l man Stad i um are n ot broadcast. ' "We'd rather have the fans com e out and watch rather than lis te n to the home games.'' Delaney says ··o ur ph ilo soph y i s to emphasize the game of baseball. B ul we re a l so in the ente rtainment bus iness. We wa nt lhe fans to start having fun just as soon as they drive up." Lasl season, the minor league club opened the season with a tra ditional throwing out of the firs t ball. ll was performed admirably by six skydivers. THE FUN BEGINS even earlier , sta rting with the big club's spring training schedule. F'a ns a r e invited to play Baseball Bingo during the game. In that game, fans punch out numbers on their bingo cards which correspond to what the Dodger hitters do. When fhe 'Dodgers j>lay on St. Patrick's Day later this month, they'll where green caps and run between green bases. Still to co m e a r e Jac ket Day and Yearbook Day . The s pring training schedule is capped with the Dodgers· 35th Anniversary par ty A cake, s h a ped like Holman Stadium and big enough to fill the mouths of thous ands of fans. will be shared with the Vero Beach partjsans. "Th e wh o l e i dea o f Do d gerto wn i s t o develop players, players who may be with the Dodgers some day. We wa nt lhen to get used to the big c rowds. In our minds, 2,000 tans are a lot bette r tha n 200." Bl aney adds. And even though a Vero Beach cr owd of 2,000 doesn 't quite match the usual 50,000 that nu Dodge r Stadium, the faithful he re have one big advantage. They get to see Benny Boom Boom Koske blow Mmself up. OCC stopped, by Mounties in track meet T he Orange Coas t College t rac k team ran a gainst powerful Mt . S an Antonio Friday afternoon and the result was an e x pe c ted lops ided win, 11 5 ~ ·29 ~ by the vis iting Mounties. Orange Coast's decisive defeat to visiting Mt. San Antonio wasn't as bad as it appears to be on the surface, s ince the Mounties bave been making a habit of destroying just about anything that gets in their way. The Pirates were actually aimin~ to score 30 points on the Mounties and fell just a ball point short. Steve Southward, a freshman, stood out ln the running events tor the Pirates, winnin1 tbe 100 meters ln 10.9 and Just mluifta in the high hurdles, stumbU.nc on the last hurdle on the way to a 15. l docking tor the UO-meter event. Steve Odgers bad a penooa.l best of 187-7 ln lbe javelin ln a wionlnc effort and Tom Fitacerald aped to • victory tn the 5,000 meters (15:44.1). Tbe OCC women won ~ ... &1M Zlka, ADIM Stnem Pat Navarro led &n. •A.>' wttb loutatendtftl performances. -~-------~-~~~·~·----~ ..-----~----i----~-l~-----__ .___ .............. ______ ._. __ .._.._ =-----=-...... -., • Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT 1siturd1y. March 13, 1982 TR£ t'AM 1'1t Y Cl.RCl'8 by Bil Keane "Are you awoke, Daddy?" ~. \ R ~ :\ D l . Kt: by Brad Anderson "Watch him regain the will to live." Lrtlt.E RED RtDIN6 HOOD. ~ND DON'T TELL. ME YOUR t-IAME' L.ET ME C:1UE05' G\Rt'U :l .D 3 IJ TJ41S SHOULD WHET You1< APPETITES ACROSS I Malle QU~k· ly 2 words 6Major - 10 Asian nation 14 Gel UC> 52 Leader 53 Oppose 56 Snow field 5 7 Nourlthed 60 Fell beck 62 European net ion FRIDAY'S PUZD.1 SOl VED 64 " -of Green L'....' liiiW~!fP Gables" • 15 l8'ltl 16 Hence 17 Fast auto 18G~.10f one 20&wnbat 21 Gen• 23 Oltmlual 24 Ma• Of 65 Gott warning ~~ 66 Of Nofway 67 Salltnllen Ge Maraha 69 Cupidity DOWN 8uddY Al 25 DMtk>n word 1 Underdone t: 11 t: 26 lnl)ablted 2 USSR..rlvef N IE O 30 G1rbage 3 Cherlel or 22 CNll 4 °""1 34 l)nlodled Carter 24 BMebllt hit 45 Alllnt 35 Put to deetll 4 Employ 25 Ooldbl'lclclng 47 ~ 37 Fann~ SFlbflc 2t Fence p1111 4t SCotdl 38 OfllOe copy eLMve 27 Ohlgllt 51 Per'lolwMll 3t Oo"' 7 Liehr 2t w. Cenedlen 53 Pwlty tdd 41 Mone: Pref. • ~ "* 54 ~city .... • ,. •r ,_ 1PIF--4l1•8"1U11.-t----42l11JJ0..~•-.1, ..._~..._~-.....-i-43 CaMdlln tO Llncllord 31 Hlgfllr 541 lreclen .....,.,_.,_......, lndllrl tt Ill - -: 32 Oregon City 57 P1 Ill 199' .. ..-_, • ._, S3 .__, SUddlllat• 41M...... 12 Giid..-31 lowlMfl 51...., .. Qlllf... .ta.... . 40"" ., .. ,.,, •TMOrtlftl 1tLoet 4t"""" ll''Mlft-" J ... by Virgil Partch (VIP) "We're having shoo·fly pie." PEANl'TS Pear Son, Thank you for considering u5 with your letter. 2~ STOP STUFFING- YOURSELF -1 F THERE1S ANYTHING I HATE, IT15 A GLUTTON---I WANT YOU TO QUIT! We regret, however. tha~ it does not suit our yresent needs. Sf nee rely, Mother by Ch arles M. Schulz EVEN MY LETTE~5 HOME 6f T REJECTED ~ by Tom K Ryan by Ernie Bushm1ller IF THERE15 ANYTHING I HATE, ITS A QUITTER I HAO DINNE~ Ai PM1S HoUsEf HIS M IS1RE5S LAYS vLlr AN ELE6AA1T SPREAD/ 'IOU KJ./OW HOW WE&ETA BOWL O F WATER? SHE SETS UUT .4 BOWL OF WHITE Wt/'JEf tT:\K ,. "l:\Kt~RBt~A :\ OOW WA51tlE FUND-RAl51~ l>.n~P I HA~? DR .\BBLE . i by Tom Bat1uk "JHEQ HAD SOME EXltL..L..ENf 1lP5 ON ~ m 60 ABOOf FU"1D·AAl51N6 OVERSEAS ! by Kevin F agan rr svu. btH c.RA.z'/ A~ llE.ftE lll~"E.R No~IMN·~ ~ 0\E.tl •1 DR. S"OCK ' by George Lemont You've JUS'f MAi::>e A ReMARKAe>L.e ~ Re.cov e R Y, MRS. i! CORe>Y.1 0 Cl FOR 8t;TT£R OR t'Oli •ORME WHAl'S 1Re. 5a'E. K\DS lAERE M~R,,..., SA)'\~~ M\C.HAELT THI~ Aeour ME! NOW SPl'f ,,. OLrr AN' we'L.L-IRY I,. Wl,.H ANO'T"HeR APPL.e ·' • • Dance, revival llmo.ng· events • A ~-PATRICK'S Day dinner-dance ls t.o be held t.onlght at 7:30 at Stis. Simon and Jude's Hall, 20444 Magnolia Ave., Huntington Beach. HEALING THROUGH PRAYER 1s to be explored by Christian Scientist Richard Howard at 8 p.m. Monday at the Newport Harbor Hilb School Auditorium. The free lecture is sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Newport Beach. "ROOTS 01' OUR FAITH" is to be discussed by Dr. Fletcher Harding at 8:30 a .m. today at the Zonta Club, 15th Street and Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach. The lecture is sponsored by the New Thought Christian Church, Costa Mesa. "ECCE HOMO," a film about the life of Jes us told in art works by master painters, is to be shown at 11 :30 a.m. Sunday at the Neighborhood Congregational Church, St. Ann's Drive and Glenneyre Street, Laguna Beach. PROJECT RE PORTS will highlight the luncheon meeting of the Women's Association, Community Presbyterian Churc h, Laguna Beach at .12:20 Tuesday at' the fellowship hall, 415 Forest • Ave . Workshop set A divorce recovery workshop, designed to meet the need s of lho.se in the process of transition, healing and malting a new life, will be presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. The six-week series, scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m . Tuesday and continue on Tuesdays at the same time. will be held in the church's Dierenfield Ha 11. 600 St. Andrews Road. Topics include accepting, single parenting, coping with your former spouse, dating, assuming new responsibilities and remarriage. Cost is $15. More information is available by calling the single adult office at 631·2885 weekdays. Cllll:l llTll A PURIM PARTY ror parents and children is lo take place at 2 p. m. Sunday at the South Coast Communities J ewish Center, 298 Broadway, Laguna Beach. TWO DEDICATION CEREMONI ES for the new sanctuary have been planned by Temple Beth David of Oran ge County_._ 61QO Jlefley St., Westminster. Religious services are scheduled at ·8 p.m . Friday and a community dedication is set at 2 p.m . March 21 . MUSIC EVANGELISTS Jay and Betlilu Turney will be featured at the ··Alive in Christ" revival at the Trinity Baptist Church, 15400 Brookhurst SL., Westminster . Services are scheduled al 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday and at 7 : 30 p.m . Monday through Friday E NVIRONME NTAL MOVEM ENT a s a religion is to be discussed by Hal Rice at 10 : 30 a .m . Sunday f or the l~u guna Be ach Unitarian·Universallsls, 429 Cypress Ori ve. "UNLOCKING MYSTERI ES'' is the title of a Bible seminar, to be conducted by Dr. Rocco A. Erico at 9 :30 a.m. March 20 at Orange Coast College's Chemistry Building Registration is al the door. A SERIES FOCUSING on the human potential movement is presented al 7 p.m. Fridays at the Church of Religious Science, 2223 Main St., Huntington Beach. M\chael Kaufman of Business Support Systems will be featured March 19. UGANDA BISHOP Festo Kivengere will talk of _condit!ons in his country at a meeting of Ep1scopahans of the Los Angeles Diocese at 10 today at the Anaheim Convt!nlion Center . Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Saturday, March 13, 1082 .Lutherans seek unity NEW YORK (AP > -U .S . Lutherans, f<Jr the moat part, have hit the road Coward unity. They have been widely rracmented In the past, con1eriea or differing Old World descent, Swedes, N o rwegians, Germana, Danes and others, but they have g r adually coalesced In America. Now, after many a start, hesitation and stop. they mostly seem ready to gel to1etber. A "new Lutheran church," their leaders caU the goal, a uniting of three separate denominations, two of which only 20 years ago were divided into seven different denominations. But they became parts of previous mergers in the early 1960s, and in the intervening years, repeated attempts have been m ade to further heal the breaches, but until lately weren't getting anywhere. It's a process that has evolved piecem l and slowly ov past quarter entury, an 1t now has abruptly b · the biggest bid for U.S. Luthe ran unity of all. Achieving it "will strengthen the Luthe ran witness to society and the world," says Bishop James R. Crumley Jr. of New York, president of the Lutheran Church in America, biggest of the country's Lutheran bodies. R epresentatives of that 3 million-me mber denomination, the 2 .4 million·member American Lutheran Church und the 108,000 member Association of Evafliellcal Lutheran Churches huve approved steps tor uniting them. Altogether, they have more than ~.s million members, two-thirds of the country's 8.8 million Lutheran!l . ll would be the nalion's third largest Protestant body, next to 13 8 million Southun 811ptists 11nd 10 million United Methodists The newly drafted recommendations remain subject to action o f the denominations' governing conventions next fall , and further legisljtlive steps along the way aimed al culminating in a unified church In 1987 But the work is on the way Dean heads NCCJ Chapter Jim Dean, former editor of the Orange County Register, has been named executive director of the Orange County Chapter , National Conference of Christians and Jews. He replaces Or Alfred Painter, who will remain on the chapter's board of directors Dean left the Regis ter an 1981 to enter publtc relations. The chapter office is localed at 3189-A Airway Ave., Costa Mesa ~ South Coast Community Church Ser vices 8 : 30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mar High School, 210l Eastbluff Dr , Corona del Mar "SO WHERE DID THE KINGDOM GO?" Tim Timmons S1)('akin~ e If it's got e handles e you'll grab a sale • faster i n • Daily Pilot e classified e ads. Call • 642-5678 ~ ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY Freedom of Worship An "You've tried the rest. NOW try the BES !" Rn. Dr . .._, C. JKksofa Mew T\ ...... Clirist69 h ...... t *-Tli...;.t Chri ..... CWcll s-dey S4nke A ..... Ct.rel! I Sttt & ........ .....,_. a-11 IO:JO A.M. "Rooh of Ow Foith" Dr. Rt'Ckller H_...iucJ. A• -S.0- Ci.rcll Offkr. 1m T ...... Coth ...... rti.. 64'· 1032 DW A 64'·64'4 I st OtUROt Of ltBJGIOUS SCJENCE Of NEWPORT BEACH -Chu!Cfo U-Cl'tufdl of,......... S.:.-l A WORSHIP -I 0 .A.M. Clllld c .... mn Appl. Guest Speaker "Prosperit)-: How Sweet It 11" I 0 I I Ca"'elbock Sfnef, Newport leoch. loffJ ill ....... , 6ffict Ho. 644·1'r'ft Church oTSr.Matthew by the Sea (TradttJOnal Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION· Each Sunday · 9:00 AM (Boole of Common Prayer· 1928} MERTZ HALL of Community Congregations/ Church 811 He./iotrope, Corona (/el Mar The Re•. JGMH Hc*htd -532·220 I ST.JONitS THE lrtSCOP'AL CHURCH lM COST A MHA l•y Street .t 0....,. A•- 8:00 Hoty Co.....Uot1 I 0:00 H°'y Eucharist I 0:00 5-doy School Nursery care Hie le•.¢_,..,.......,..., Vk• • 541-2237 NEWPOIT~ wntllAM OYCM 7tl .,_.... DP. Ml'#POIT llACH 141-Mll .... .,. ..... ..... ...... ~ ..... ,...., WORSHIP SERVICI • .. . .. ... , 8-00 A.M CHRISTIAN E~TfON ..... , ..... 8:15 AM. WORSHIP SERVICI • . • • , . .. . t ~30 A M _._...._ r · CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 8AAl'fCHES Of' Tt<( ... OIH(R CHURCH fH[ flA'IT (HUACH Of' CHR•!'T SCoCNTl!ll •N ensrON "'•SSAOll•SETl"I "SUB ST AMC E" March 14, 1982 Costa Mesa -First Church of Chrht, Scl...tkt JIN ...... ¥ ..... Dr •• Cotto Mfte Ce.rd! A S-., Scllool -I 0:00 A.M. ...... R-. 2110 Mffe Vet'de Dr. 'A.M. .. :JO , ..... M. . ..,,. s ... W9' 7-7:SO P.M.-t -9:30 P.M. lniM -First a.rch of Christ, Sc~st ·---............... Sc...0. 4161 ••1• ·-,.....,. Y•I 0-C. A S-., Scllool -I 0:00 A.M. CHtlO CARE PROVIOEO Al SUffOAV S(AVIC( I l•l"'9f• hacll .:_ Ant Chlrch of Chrf1t, Sc ....... ltll & OIYe ...... _,.°" leoch Clllrdl & ~ Scllool -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--221 M.i.. St. L...-INdt -Ant Chlrch of Chri1t, S.-1 ...... USte.pDrtn Clllrdl & s.cNy School -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--214 '-••t ...... Mewport leoch -A"t Ca...-dl of Christ. Scl...Htt ))OJ VJ. Udo. M.wpcwi ltoch Ci.di & s.cNy School -t :OO .. I 9:10 A.M, ...... 1-. lJ 15 Vlo Udo M-ten W . -t A.M. • 5 P' ..M. Twt.. -7 • t P' ..M. c-c..-.o ,.....,..,._ 9 »•• 30,.., ~"' Soudy T•- Mewport leoct. -SecOIMI Chrch of Christ, Sc ....... JIOOP'eclfk View Dr., C-• def M• Ce.di & s.-y Schoof -I 0:00 A..M. ...... ·--JSOO ··r E. C-' Hwy .. CdM WED. EVMMG TESTIMOHY MHTINGS - I P .M. ALL CHUICHIS •• •r• COfO;llf\o .nweid to aft~ the cf\urc" MrV<-ft •no entCW tn. onv.....,. Olt~t A llOl"O Aoomt ClllW c_.. "'°ride4 AT AU SYVICES WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CHURCH 11141 M-An. IM.st to ~ D'-9o h'wy. & Wn....._t.r ltvcll -WOltSHtP savtc:ES - l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. P'HOMf IU-1219 C .. IST L AM CHOICH !Missouri Synod) 160 Viet.rte St .• C09ht M"9 LAA.¥. T-. P'ntor -Ul-161 I wohHlr SHVlCE -1:15 & I 1:00 A.M. S....., ~ & Adllft .... Cleu -<#:30 A.M. a.wi....... Sc ..... -5414166 5..-...an Topic March 7th 9:00 & I 0:10 A.M. -...rs • ......._ ~Ye 11tlnklng" .......... ,....,. ...... C HUl«;H OF RBJGIOUS SCIEN.CE , Member of the United Church ol Religious Science IEM:Uf°F VIUJIOE SUtTI 46 lm ........ ITllEE1 HUHflNQTOH llEACH. CA ttt4e -·"-9006 lO:IOAM ,. A ClllDIAl WUCOME flOM l1f( UllTH CMUICH Of CHllST C-Tla.cll CMlfUTIM 61 I H•l1t1 .,. A••~ c-.. w.r 644-7400 D...WW ............... 10 A.M. -S.., W.,,.., c ..... e1o S<:N>OI •"" "...-vea.. llEIC-- C..WTIIULCMCll 140 St.AM't"9ct .. cs ... ..,., •• L ..... a-11 • 494-1061 JOHfol M . HYMOU>S MAIGAHT AHH llYMOU>S MW"- IOA.M.-~W....., Cti..cll Sclloef & ...,_.., HARIOR C ... STIAN CHURCH IDl~lpM of an.ti 2401 l"lwfl S.... IMI* 64~5711 Attend The Church of 1 Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN nllml'.R ~ 0r ... -........ •• Mew,orii;ocr-· lo. W--. Mc~ llo. TOfrf Won. P'nier Leth lroc'--, Mmlc ~aocltite ""tor a.rel! Sdieef It Adlllt ClnM1 -t :OO o.-. Wonlllp S..-.ke -I 0:00 ..,.., ~C ... etlotllStnlu1 For t.fo: Col 644-1 HI F~t pnot 1th l .. t'1~11n:11t1f it111t1I L lu 1rl 11 3262 •OAD ST., NIWPOIT 11.ACH 642·2740 SUftdcry Senice -I 0:30 .A.M. ~RING FRUIT" P'ASTOI fOMY CUITO A Cordial WelcCMM from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa MeSb AISTUHfTID Mln40CMST CHUICH 19th St a Harbor Blvd Cllltrcll Sc-.. t:JO W ........ 10:45 Charles 0 Clartl. M1n1ster COsta Mesa NOf1h MISAVllDI Huntington Beach AHTUMIT9 MITHOOtST C ... CH 2721 17th SI 536-3537 Wonlllp$wYkr. lO:IS..-. "..--vC.re AH ~ ctirc• Sc11oet-t:00 ..-. . UHnlD MlntOOtST CHUICH Huntington Beaoh North COMMUHrTT UHITID MITHOCHST CMUICH 6662 Heil Ave 8~2-4461 w_....,&a.oSc._.. l :JO • I 0:00 A.M. Dr ...... 1.5"4' c .. RfcAUICA IYTMISIA Newport Beach 1400 W 81lb0a Blvd 673-3805 Rev Robert Shepa~. Jr w_..,ac ..... Sc-.. t :Jt A.M. ~,,.Sc ..... ,..,., c ... , ......... ,.M. W ...... S.-.ke 1:)0 & 10:00 l :JO s_., School 10:00 Fountain Valley AISTUNTID MITHODIST Cf«IRCH 18225 8ushlrd St tQ.JftJ Or. Carroll E. Word, Minister Wonlllp 6 ca.rdt Sc-.. ttJt AJi4. • ..__ .. CMo90I MIWPOIT CIMTIR UM1'ID MITHODIST '"' ............... c:.w ........ 644-0741 WORSHIP & CHUR01 SCK>Ol-9'.30 A.M. Rev. Ken McMillan Y•WllleW1hq • -~r CHllSTIAM CHUIC:C.H ........................... • ~YI ca ..... •·•111:1tAM w ............ ~ ... ,... ...... , ... ...,._......,....,.... °'""' .... ,." .. .,._,.,. f W o.ttl\ 0... --·TM.._ 11A1......,01Dt-t~Ofllle-IW ~ ,,, .... -. ..... I This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDHWS ,_ SIYTBl.AN CHURCH 600 St AndrPws Road • NPwoor1 Beacn • 63 t ·2880 Dr. JllM A. H~. Jr., P' .. tor w...w, StniCH-7;]().1:45 ..cl IO:l~A.M. Growing Toward Whol~neu: "IN FAVOR WITH M.AM" P'IOG«AMS 7:30 ~ ...... "'"'Ill~ Ctiild c.. 1:45 ...,_...._., "'"' .... c-.... 10:11 ~-• thnt 6Hi Gr .. It A..wt Cle111oH AIC Htlplle1¢ 645-2222 Cota•a ... ity Presbyterian C~h 41 5 FWftf A••~~ leech 04-7555 Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Craig Williams Chnsttan Education Hour 9 00-10 00 AM Worsn1p-10 15 AM HUflHltY C•flC •llOVIOU> '" ALL K"VICU PRESIYTBllAH CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2150 ,_.,w lcl. Cotta Mtto -557 .) ]40 ln1u A. l(w-rie, 'oitor TE!fry Mc:Canne Director ol Youtn M 1n1s1roes Howard K1lhon, Director 01 Adult M1n1strtes Donald Maddox Director ot Sonqles Min1st11es 5-dary Wonhip -1:30 & I 0:00 A.M. C1-dl Sdlool -C~ ttrll Act..tta I 0:00 A .M. M1n«y c.-Cl'f~ -l :JO & I 0:00 A..M . Vetpen -7:00 P' .M. CHURCH OF-CHRIST 217 W. WlhCWI. Cott• MeM '4S.l It I We re A Going Glowing Growinq Cnurch SUHOA Y SHVICES lllLI STUOY t A.M. WOtlSH" 10 A.M.& 6 P'.M . 10 CUI\ '"h .Attri~s of God" -John 6:45 6 p.m. ''lM Triftity" -11 Corinth: 13: 14 ,_. n-., MIMattt -DOtllJ Coit, '..tti Mlwht.r TEMPLE SHARON ~ (Conservaflve)I ¥ Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 West Hamilton. Costa Mesa, Callf. 92627 17141631·3262 ITT IAllMUl .S . .ul $HAii.AT SBTlCaS l'ri.-1 p.•.-W.· I O:JO &A 0, MIWPORT4WM.ll...,_I Family Services-1st Friday ol Month-a p.m. Rel1glou1 School, Adult Ed •. Youth Groups. Singles Kabbalat Shlbbat. ltit Friday ol month 6:00 P.M. I 0 I I c-••ck. Hewport hochl.tt J....,...I ..... 9" c ..................... ~ .... .... L111Li11,11 FM I\ L111.1r/ C lt11•t Cr11t1111f C /11111 /i,' /11111 ll· FH w,.,,,,,,. 1\1 'MARINERS CHURCH R11y Ort/11111f /•,,..,, lrins o 00 Am, Wor~b·1, ""d Sund~y Sd1\>1•I 10 111 oth "ud~l lO.IS .1m, B1bk• Cl~N· llh1klrt'n & Juh•l Oit"u l\vr1111t flt }flmltoru 8011/1•1•111il /1/11111r b40 l'Old F11r 111f11t11111/i1111 ~And lb• pt.-• ol Gud, whKh •111'l)oM.1• •II n~mprthtn •loll, •"'111 jlu.acd your htMi• And your mind in Chri•I lnu• .. rh11ipplfllt 4.7 -·· . . . .. 'Kinky ~ cou11tr} .. • pay 0.1:1· AUSTIN, Tt•\,ts describeit h1111•.1 ti ,1 J ewish boy" who , 11 by "Negroes, n•1ll11 1 I o( weirdos, n•l1g11111! J e W S , ~()Ill l' II o., ~ I Indians " The amust·rl oft'• Richard l"ri t•d111 111 35-yeur old . o.,li n 1111 Jewish lx>)' fru111 \11 l 1 But wh t-11 h·· 1 sensitive h111\.\11 • "' dark glusi-1• .tr flamboyant 1·11\.\ 11••. S t r i d e <; () II o., I ,, ) t rans rormt·d 111 Friedman· 111 s a t i r 1 c· a I 111 11 country \.\l''.t1•11 ca 11 s h 1 s Ii .1 n d Jewboys · Many of his ·•H be d escr1ht•d H1 newspapt'r J lw r include "The·\ 111,, 1 Like Jes us \11 \ 1 Your R1scu1b 111 1 • Your Bun:-H1 II\ I Ballad of ('ha1 lt \\ 1 But he'i, ab11 poignant. folk.... "" like "Wes lt·rn l 1 • "From Htll v al '''' Baby at lht,' top me (stop ) " A song" nl1•r " into music I It 1 • victrola for a -, l r emembt•r" F1 ,, iii• MOVIE RATINf.S FOR PARENTS AN YOUNG PEOPL r p..,.._,, .. , •• ""1\fteCO .,,. .. ~ . ~·· ... IPGj .. : ' ., .. .. , ll • t r ----- ! Going 1r.t< l B u sinef> i jAS required t, :new bu s 1n ~ !usi n g a Fil"t1•1t l eusiness Name iregister t hat 11 1 iwith the County • !Call the DAILY ~l !LEGAL OEPAATM L l·for forms and . information ' 642-4321 I Ext. 337 ... L---··-----· - ... I• y, March 13, 1982 .Cai n 1J . inks teeth By BOB THOMA!'> ··-'-'" ,, .... , ... , flOLl.YWO<H> 111 1•1fi:,, dire<'tor S1dnt•v I 111111•1 11 I• 1 ,,.,, Michael Ca1rw from ,1 1111.tl p.11t m "The 11111" so lw 1·1111111 r•l 1\ the title roll' 1n \1111• "It's l>eltt'I 1111 \IHI 111 pl.I\ lh1• lead in u :-.ru1dl 111111111 111111 :i SeCOndury l'Ult• In cl 111)!~11'1 lllll Lum c t couns1•l1·d · w 1· II 111.1k1· .1 mm togcthl•r latt'r 1111 • • 1 11 d f<'nedmun lll'nt agt• and The u11prin1·1pli·d \.\0111.11111.1111• A I r I l' m ll ti l' ( a I II •• :i II tnl(•rnut1on al st 111 '\11d """" If' years lutt.>r, ttll' .111 111 .11l1h. "Sidney and 1 ti,1\ ,, 111.1d1· 11111 film togt•lht•r • 1 to c·a rvc a , 11111 n musu· The film 1s \\a1111 r 1111111 1 1' new re lcast', 11 1 tli11.1p, • ' 1• 1 v bod y :-. ~ 111 t ht> early '°' this band of 1 11lling together 1 11 u t:-. of my 1n) Tc• x as I 111 \ .J l'Wll>h • ,,,~ · It was 111 .11u.J "'ukr Ir 0111 a media 1 r o rn men·wl .,,. 1•011 ld11 't be based 011 tt11· 11 '' I..·\ 111 ,,1,1, longt•st ru1111111 g 111 \ t1 1' 111 liroudwa} h1st111 ' "I saw Joh11 \\ 11•1<1. 11 t 111· pf.1\ fi ve yl•ars ago 1 ,1111• I l •.Ill• "I ulwa\s wa1111·d t11 I 1 1111 m ov H', 'and 111' 1g1 11t '-1 Me ngl•rs. \.\111 l-.•·d 11.11 ti I• 111 I 1t r 0 r m t• I It I d I • • I tom 1H•t1111m fort Ii• 1 I · "Harl'h 10 .111111\11 "'' 'rn1 thl· opµ1'irtun1t ' "' 0 ·,1111!1 your rang1.,· t11 .• ,. I i , 1 11 c·ouldn't be .i 1t t'o11 lcln 't he IHht•r than 11 I g 1111d •• chant<.•s 111 t\llh· ,111d 1i-1111 but not mud1 11111rp \1 \ 1111 l• ,.., not lhl' n•gular 111 ""''' i1,1, I 111d of star thing , 111-.1· .11111 111' Stewart or .li>hn W 1\m I 111'1 d lht• l'Ol'l'l'l'l '1'1 lpl Ill 1 • 11 C to !.UC'C'l'l•d I \'I 11 .11 .d' "' •JI cast 111 cl1 rrl'l111 • 1•11•t1J r • "· 1 • <l 1 tw t'Ou nlry l111t th<· road 1' .. l\l> "a nd 1t 1t 1 (H:n· when r 11 1 .1hout what rather than ;11·1111 1 t 111 •• J I Usuallv I hav1• d11111 11 ... 11 • ~hllc ~otloninq 11'1 the G.reek blca, fomov~ dctec.tive Ir a SADOlfUCll W Pl.AZA ~l l')!Ollld ,.,p, ''"'" l It 11 • ~81 \K"' \ I 1 1111 11 11111"" 1 h 1 ~ I 1 II fl, I 1 111 I '1lnl '\" 1•!1.,111 I • I I 1111 11 JI I I 11 " 1 • pt• ti '"' 11 II\'""·''~ 111.11 '""I .. Ill" I nt1p rn11 t h1 po I J1111 ii 11 1111 1•11.,1 1·11q.J,.,,, 111.t (I ltllfllhl Ill 11111 I ht. If I ""'' I 1111111°'\ 111\1 I lt1 ti iii ',, .... ,I h ... \\ 11111111 111 ti t I I•'• ' Oscar Ft'vcr OFFll'f \I 1. 111 ... 1 l'I( 11111 111 '1111111 II I\' -ht c !ly r •tll i. rit f 1rr 1'lldM1 Pond •t tHtur..,, ot lht t O\f Ark r..1. tl' Ill'" \("1011 N,irr"n 131'.ll!V HPnrv Fonda llurt L,inr<1ster r 1Jdh v MoorP l ~qi N11wmrln 'I 1'1'111{ IT\t, \l fOll • ""' Coc o 1 in n C,1('l9ur1 i,.u Holn J •< ~ N•clllllson Howilrd E Rolhn\ Jr .,, It ! tt I 11 !\°' M••llo r , ~h ~·, I Ill '> I \I I HI ... ~ K c\th.ir 1111 l{"I t ''' n, Pl•' k • II MrH 'th ~ M.1 I C\U' 'lrl ").H U1 ?I 1 M 1 f yl ,,,. I I "'I f'l'llllll\1, \I 111 1"' ~~· ~ 1 H ' J I 1 Jn,H' Hit _.,rt Eh tall> I" Y r , ,, M rl U"'"( n«\t.10 t' " ORll.1' \I ..,0,1. .] Bt'sl Thal You C-tn ll• .J Endlt'SS Love The Ftrsl Time 1n HAOl)f·M J For Your EYl'S Only 1 One More Hour Deadline Midnight March 27. t!IX:! OSCAR n :VER IS !!l'ON~OIU.ll It\ I It 1• Dally Pilat . I'll 1z~:s 1·1t~;sr.'\n:1> 1n The Grand Dinner Thc•alPt \\\It ---------- \llllllt ....... _______ _ I II' \lt1fl /II I fl'l\ar f',,,,.r-Thf' Oolllil Ptlm. PO 1Jc1r 15fotl ( 11$/0 \11 J\l 1:11 OMINOUS Michael Caine :-tar:. \\ 1111 I 1 11·1'\ movie .. Ocathtrap .. i111111 1•.., rather than ·talking· I I I J .... I 11 .. 1lhtraµ' 1s a "talking" I' 111 1 .illhough it docs move 111.t 1111' omnipresent suspense 1r11111 .., a11v fcl'ling of ta lkiness. 11 111 1s o il c umt!ra a lmos t '11111 1111 .,, int, usually talking In •r .. , 111n111ng i,cene , he talks on 1111 11·l•·11honc· for five minutes '\ rn l•· 111 .. «a m era revol ves o1•.1111tl 111111 five trmes "And 1111 • us1·d t.hc first take," "DEATH WISH II" 1111 FRI 6 45. 10:20 SAT SUN 3 10, 8:45. 10:20 VICfiR~~D !El '>A I SUN 1 20. 4.50, 8:30 OAltO Oii • fllUI llOI" mi ssing. ~ ~ ~u"::'-'·~ FRI 7 00,915 SAT 'iUN 1 15. 3 30 5 45 8 00. 10 15 Riveting ... Enthralling ... Ca111l'SJ\ 111•• 11 l' p l.1 .• "'l'ltl·r 111 ,, ·1" fail111 g l ',11 ( b I' I g hi J C'an11 1111 app1•;11·s v.11t ,, l1kl' lo pl 11•1,11 pla ~· .., n1111 ii • n·aht\ Much nt ·i r cat and 111• 11 pin} v. 111 t 1 1 • Cl tAl\JO r~ "P ERSOflAL BEST Of nm~ o m TAPS ••Ul Ol WMU SAiu llUO ,,..., ABSE NCE OF MAUCE=<i PREVIEW SATURDAY PORKY'S" "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" FRI 7 0 1 SATSUN 1 1 5 45 8 I 5 t w "EVIL UNDER THE SUN FRI 1 10 9 30 SAT/SUN I 00 J 1 ~ 1 45. 10 00 -0 Hf"th.,t f11'1111 • ~ ~ld~~t)' ' -~ '-1:)0 11<. 11111 "AfMfHO QA.llAOf "'''toe..._ •• I.AT ID•AADa MC)Vtf' M~KING VAU04 .. Af llO•Of9tea ~'/)IR' LOV "SHOOT .~ FRI 6.15. Fo:JO THE MOON' OF THE SAT SUN FRI. 8:00 PG lOST ARH 2 00. 6 15. 10 30 SAT/SUN 3:45, 1:00 FRI 6 OU 10 40 "PERSONAL "THEY ALL SAT SUN .. LAUGHED" 1 15 6 oo 10 41 BEST FRI. 1:00. 10:15 EE MOVIE SAT/SUN 1:30,1;00, 10:15 lr 00 lllATINlll IAflluel. 'Ttl. -UCll'f ._9T rotl ""' ''ONE FROM "RICHARD PRYOR THE HEART" LIVE ON THE FRI 8:30, 1:45, 10:45 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 4:11, 1:30, 1:45. 10:45 , .. , AtlAl'MA-· "EVIL UNDER THE SUN".-.. ... . "-"'· 1.11, 1:11, 10.cll SAf/IUN. 1:•1. 4:00, 1:11, l :U , 10:41 SUNSET STRIP" ""'· 7;15: 1:00. 10;35 SAT/SUN :MO, 3•45, 0UEST I \ 'k F0IRE .. 'T rap' Ii Iii.I'> de deux s1m1lur lo "Sleuth." t '.11 nc 's 11.u.t partner in this ('xt•1 c1se was La urence OU vier. This tune he teams with actor t 'hn stot>her Reeve I already knew that Chris is a trut• a ct o r , from seei ng "'11111·rman,' " declares Caine. \.., an u<·tor myself, I realized th.it Superman is the most d1 fr11·ult of roles he was always 1.1<'tng the supreme danger of .1p pParin1< ridiculous. Yet the .1ud1t•11<'<' never laughed in the v. 111 11 g pla<"cs The a udie nce l.111i.:lwd when ht• wanted it to It ,., th<• same with Sean 1 1111l1t·rv James Bernd could ti.1, 1· ht·t•n u ludicrous figure, but "''"" didn't allow it to he Only .dt1•1 tht• Hond pit·tures did the p11l1l1C' n·altze what other actors ti 11.,111\ knew thut Scan is a I 1111 at·tor.' Came• says l\11rn Muuricce M1cklewhite \\ 1111111 the sound of Bow Bells 111d ht·nc·c a certified cockney. 1 ,11 111· now ltvci, with has wife 111d d.1ughtc•r an u luxurious 11 .. ,,.,. h1i..:h 1n the Beve rly Hi lls. II•· l1<i... t·arncd his pos1t1on, 11.1 \ 1111.: playc•t.l an 53 films in 18 '1 .11 .., ... omt• o f them highly (111. l'lt.d1h· 111· ... u,vs hl· plans to continue 11 1 .1 ~111g his bus(• here, even l1111t1gh most of his films are 111.id1· C'l s1:wht'rl'. Coming up : 11.,. .J1gsuw Man" in England .11111 'Edu ca 11n~ Hila " in l 11 ·l.111d I lik1· ('altforn1u very much." , , ... C'a tnt'. 48 ~ 10 "DEATH WISH 11" IRI FRI. 8·50 SAT SllN 1.45. 5 15 8 50 X.5.1 ~ FRI 7 00, 10:35 SATISUN 3.25 7.00 10.35 ·;-.·w"'ljsT CINEMA CENTER rM.vD. AT ADAMS 979 4141 ~ . '"NTI" • COSTA MESA • "')I \t<IDN j•I) ( )\ l ' n:~~' ~4M I' SAT SUN 2 00. 4 15. 6 30 ' 1~-t----8;....;.4~S_1~0_4~5---~ ~~ !f IDi!_sin~ ~~_,.. Sl'llall -;;-RI 7 00 9 15 ~ SAT SUN I 45 4 00. 6 15, 8·30. 10 45 ---ecrwards LIDO CINEMA =~.:: .. ~~LIDO 673 -8350 ATLANTIC C!TV The CIA •b•~..,__ Am:te.. "-UN 2 00, 4.00 FRI. 6 JO. 8 25. 10:00 n 8 25 10 30 (R) SATISUN. 1 '40. J.20. 5:20. 7.00. 8•45. 10:30 IPGI flllCHAJtO ~•TOI LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" ffl1 FRI 6.40, 8:15, 9.45 AT'SUN. 1 ·00. 2:<&0 4 20, 8.10. 7:45,11:30 & SAT ONLY 11:00 "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" FRI. 7:10, 1:25 SAT/SUN 1:30, 3:45, 8:00. 8:15, 10:20 (PG) HNIOll CITlllNI U M AN~ [~.tlF~f~1 ~l .. 10 ;llf1'J "RICHARD PRYOR ~ A La1 LIVE ON THE ~AT ~UN J '10 8·00 SUNSET STRIP'• Cl!> ABSENCE or lllAlfCl FRI. 7:15, t :OO, 10:35 I RI 8 00 10 20 SAT/SUN 2:00, 3:45, <:"if 'iUN 1 IS. 5 45, 10:15 5:30, 7:15, t :OO 10:35 DEATH m;'OllU MAKING 'If~~~ J~ 10 ~~ , TH[ I nvr. S .. ST AltK FAf.):1'5, 1bo SAT, U,..J,tS. ,., •• UT/SUN 1 00, 10:30 Uf11UH • "·' • 2:00, 1:11, !O:IO v1c1 1111 "NIGHT "PERSONAL 5'1f'\ 4~ CROSSING BEST' • SA l SUN 1 15 r111 • • 11 • l'AI, 1;11 5 0 8 clS •••1111" 111 t II 1•• T N • • . " ':. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, March 13, 1982 .. .. Dispute on Oscars resolved Rift ove r 'Movie Awards' said misunderstanding LOS ANGELES CAP) -A dlspute between tbe owners of the Osc1m1 ond thf' producers or unother film ttwards ~how over which movie 11tars can hand out statuettes on the Os.car telecast was a big misunderstanding, partles on both sides report. NBC, whlch will broadcast the 2nd Annual American Movie Awards Monday, threatened in a telegram last week to sue the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Oscar telecast producer Howard W Koch because Koch would not allow presenters to appear on the March 29 Oscars show if they also were going to be on the Am erican Movie Awards. In a statement issued through NBC on Tuesday, the American Mo vie Awa rd s produ cer s acknowledged lhat the flap was over. "We are extremely gratified by the flexibili t y and -. - )( consideratlon shown by Mr. Howard Koch and the Motion Picture Academy. Mr. Koch's public statements , which we have confirmed, have assured us that those stars who have agreed to appear Of\ t he American Movie Awards on NBC on March 15 and who have also agreed to appear on the Oscar awards may do so," said the statement from David Paradine Television, Jack Haley Jr. Productions and the National Association of Theater Owners. "The entire matter of our difference with NBC Television is a tempest in a teapot," said Academy Pr eside nt Fay Kanin in a statement. "There has been no embargo placed, by the Academy o r anyone connected with the Academy, on · individuals who are scheduled lo appear on the NATO television s how or any awards show ." Ms. Kanin said that before This motion picture contains scenes of graphic and violent horror. lll(A 81e., ~'" sn 533~ COSTA llllSA f OwCJH'' Bt• ,10 ~•o 7H4 UlnlllArtllb -~ MGM/Uvted Mists ~---­"°' .,.. CWo?:-. ..... ~ ....... c..~~ .. ...,.., "'--"'- NOW PLAYING ll fORO GAROlN GROVI ORANG! r1s~.mt· t n~1lt·O.t1 ,_ Wr IUH" It ! H!111m Ur~., 111 .~ 1 ~aeo • 30 ·~01 1110 ~I 'O IOUNTAlll VALLEY ORANGE ORANGE I ,. '·' t 'Id ~ v [11' .,. " J14I 'I' '~;ti IJA (•!• ( 11• '' t 11•174~1 '" 01•0 b14 141 I .. Ot'USO •CCllll'UOIO• l,.tSlHCl.40.Ulll"t NBC Issued lt.s telegram, Koch already had arranged tor al least two stars who wlll appear on the American Movie Awards · -Roger Moore and Debbie Allen lo appear on the Academy Awards telecast. An Academy otrlclal wbo asked not to be idenltned said t he Academy is very sensitive about "a proliferation of awards s hows that precede the Academy Awards" -shows the official s aid benefit from comparisons with the prestigious Oscar presentations. Koch refused to comment oo the matter , but had admitted iu an interview he was excludirig from the Oscar telecast any star s who said they would appear on the American Movie Awards. "I don't want people on two weeks ahead of us," Koch had said, while noting the exception of Moore and Miss Allen. PROUDLY THEY HAIL Cast members of "Bleacher Bums" at the Newport Theater Arts Center stand for the national anthem in a scene fro m th e base ball comedy, which has been held over through March 21 . From left are Alison Brown. Philip Lis a . Chuck Cooµcr. Paul DiLorcnzo and Rob Klimovich. Call 675 3143 for ticket information Gregory .due at college A speech by human rights advocate and comedian Dick Gregory highlights this year's Saddleback College Multi -cultural Week March 22 through 26. Gregory , who parlayed his success as a stand·up comic into a role of a civil rights s p okesman, s peaks March 2ti at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Theater on the So uth C ampus in Mission Viejo Adm!~s1on to the event is $5 general admis~ion and S4 ror Saddleback Gold Card holders. Studen t s with ide ntification pay $3.50 while ASH card holders pay $3. *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perform1nct1 before 5:00 PM (Except Spec111 Engagements and Holidays) lA MIRADA MAU LA MIRADA WALK·IN ·•PERSONAL BEST' 1•1 ,.,.....,, uh 1 .. 11:11 t• 1" ... THEY All LAUGHED 1..01 fllU"-AYJ I• tOlhftl'l..._.1Jtl t• 101' THE BEAST WITlilN 1•1 U M JJ.l •JG tJO IJ'I to10 , ., ... ...,., A••"9 HO""'-'•Mll• CHARIOTS OF FIRE '"" t1 JO J 00 ' JO • u 10 " LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN MllOOO QI llo•ec10111 99•-2•00 ~liMJNSONHI DEATH WISH II 1111 u ... , ................... , ... THE AMATEUR" 11t1 ,, u. J ., '~ '""· ...... RICHAifu PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" ,,., .. ,. ...... . focu11y al Candlewood 213/531·9510 THE ENTERTAINERS KAfNlllllHl Ml f"•vJtH HlHll'tfONDA ON GOLDEN PONO '"°' 11 M ) II t » 1 '8 11 11 THEY All LAUGHED ""'' 1)0 1H \tot I JO tlO MISSING 1•a1 .,., .. , ... lltl» nc_ .. _.. O..-h• ftw.,_.,_. l.KA Oey •• ""94 o • .,,,...,...,"'tffC•• OIHft~.._.,_,__ .,,....ON, ....... .-~ • ....__,.. ...... , NOW PLAYING BllU FOUNTAIN VllllY LONG BrACH 9,_.d PfA/d. f '1 f'l'.J" 'I/ I • P:t•a~,_ S29 Sll~ ijJ'~ • 'iOO 43& U 29 COSTA MESA FUlllllTON OllANOE UA Cinema• Jo• O<a"'l" '°'" S40 osq, •.7• .,., 6V Ol•O u TOllO ra .... •c -.~oo •Odt• ~81 ~880 " DRIVE-INS OllAllCl UA C '1 C ""'a 63• 3911 WlSTMINSTlll u• Va• 893 0~46 CARSON 'i. " !!,, •• '' S32 881 I OllANCl SliiC ,n Or•• o 639 8110 HO PASSU ACCEPTlD •OA hi!l lNQAOlMtNT Keep an eye out for * MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BELLEVUE PATHE INC. ~ BOB CLARK'S "PORKY'S" KIM CATIRALL SCOTI COLOMBY·l<AKI HUNTER·ALEX KARRAS as t11Sherlll SUSAN CLARKas(hnyrirM £.wweProdlars HAROLD GREENBERG 1111 MELVIN SIMON ~!rt' DON CARMODY 1111 BOB CLARK Wntten n ~ 11t BOB CLARK ·--..... ~ -... l..i. ''Between Rock ... a11d a Soft place:' I The funniest movie about gro up· " ' .. •A '' ·:J .. ~ ever made. You '11 be glad fO'!C&mC!I STARTS FRIDAY LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALll·IN Foc:ullV Al Del Arno 213/634·9211 EVIL UNDER THE SUN ..,.., I • 1 U I ll I ~ 'I II LAGUNA REOS ,...,,. U>O ••IJt MAKING LOVE 1•1 lJ AO >O 4M tH tM ltOt ht O•y tit l>i ""'° 110I , .. o-, ~,. ....... .. HH caoss ""o tAN ~u'°" CHARIOTS OF FIRE ,...,, t U>••••••o to_n so. COAST WALK·IN Sou•" Coo•i H1woy ol l •ooo wov 494-1 514 'RICHARD PR\'OR LIVE ON THE SONSET STRIP t'fl ~., ........ .. &AT.UN >'11.f ... 1-11.P46 l .. H EVIL UNOER THE SUN _, .... ~,. f 00 'It a .. ~" ) 00 •JO 1 H t H PACIFIC IHEAYRlS ORIYE Ill SWAP MEOS ,,., ''" rou• •vtu s" "o '"' °"' '' HAll8011 l l YO OlllYf·IN & ORANGE OlllYf IN 1 •• •o J ,..11i1u•o•• ''u•O•• ••It, ...... , SU•OAn &f "'"It• l••Otu• -. • .. 6 15 • I> 00 • •• • • 6 4!> IMPORTANf NOTICl1 CHll DRf N UHDER 12 fRH1......---. ... ,..,,,, ,,,o W11Ae1 Mt~ fA1..,, t 1· 5 30 • °''' Swn Htl\4 30 ,._ ... f i sooii.n • ' • AY 411 ~ «. ' .vR ,.,,.. f~ • I ' ...... ·-.,,.,. Qo!nO' tttlUOlll l'QSIT'C)Oj -ftlllH<• 01 POlllAl!lf ,.AU CINHI OlllVI INS 1JO QI\ AM RADIO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN •·•••Ot 01 Qt \e mO" St 179-9150 ··HALLOWEEN II r•1 -AN AMERICAN.WEREWOLF IN LONDON" t•I t1Nf t 1 '0U"'C" 9UINA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN hncotn ••• weu ot •non 121·4070 bUI NA PAllk LINCOLN DRIVE-IN l1nco1n .-.,. we~• 0 1 rnoo 821·4070 If J,\ij:ll"ii Son 01•00 •f'W'f at t toott:P,unt (So ) 962·2411 WI S!MrNS1111 HI-WAY 39 DRIVI IN "HALLOW£EN II" I'll -"AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON" 1111 CMAlllUa I~ tN DEIHH WISH II 1•1 ..... THE BURNING 111 "' ' SO\l~t· OON;T C-RY, IT SOHL Y THUNDER ''"°" .... MY BODYGUARD· !"°I r·i"lt 11 'lOU .. RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" 1•1 .... THINK DIRTY'" IOI VICE SOUAD' IOI ..... "THE BORDER" IOI THE BEAST WITHIN .• 1111 -OEAOL Y BLESSING" 1111 Ctilifl J1 SOUNO &eo<n 81wo $0 o< G\lfOtn G~owr frttWOY 891·3693 ·•MISSING" '"°" .... "BORDERLINE" IN! ~-~C-•M __ 11_sou_~-~--+---~-=1 .. _1 ~sou~~--~­ '"' .,.OI Of" A Ol.NtllA f10Jlif "CHRISTIANE F "1111 -"OEATliSHIP" 1111 CINf h SOUHO I A H4tUlA LA HABRA DRIVE IN 'DEATH WISH II 1111 ~ ... ··THE BURNING 1•1 CtNf 11 SOUloO "RICHAR6 PAYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" 1•1 -..,,..,.. ..... tot<• -• ""°"' -"THE DIRTY" (111 171-1162 i~ANr,f ORANGE ORI Vf ·IN "CHRISTIANE F," 1111 -"VICE SOUAO" Clll ...... l .......... "" .. MISSION 0111Vf IN Son•o •no ffW\' • ''°'• CoH•Q• ""'~# 551·7022 "•';z 1'" ~-----''.:::! .. "',u• "RICHARD PftYOR LIVt. ~ ON TI4E SUNKT ITR"" 1111 -.. , ..... oefnY" "' "DON'T a.Y IT'I OHL Y T'MUNDD" ... ••• 1 A perfect week for_ The ~rdUfi There's more to love than ... All· by \hemMlVH at the top ol lhla ~k'I hH• la • G,..._ the only eoat.eeder to Poll I perfect ICON, while the one.two eomblnallon ol Ed Sela....., and Aln& M .Wed for 10 r\Qtcbea apiece. Don't for1et next . 111111 n Il Saturday' a reun6on ot tbe · ' Klaatu 81r1da Nlklo Society at the home of Tracy Godtrh. If )'ou hav~a'l ~ 10 already. call him at 118-S. to confirm your atteftdance. • • •, .. Today'a trivial fact (lint of a weekly 1eries): Did you know that IAll Claa1tty Jr., the We>ltrnan in "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein," donned the monster tarb •nd finished out the ntck when Gleaa &&r..,. broke hls lea in the chase aeene? Onward and upward to the next 10. 1. Etiiabeth Keno toot a 1amble on a new ·name and found earlY screen success as whom? 2. What's the last name ol the ga mbler Ace in the comic strip Tumbleweeds? , .. 3'. Polly Purebred is a character from what TV cartoon series? , 4. Before John Kennedy did so, only one U.S. president had danced at his lnaucural ball. Which one? 5. The TV series "The Dukes of Hnzard" is based on what movie? TRIVIA BOWL XXV ITANOtNGS I 141 k ""-let 1101 Ill J.A .. ftt•CIOI 1'1 a. Owr 111e Hiii G.,.. m tt 4. TIWGNW (11) II S. Meft ,.,.... N...tU<k•l ltl II •• ,,._., ,.,..., 141 ... 1 C ..... 1(14111 C•> MW ... ..,..,. o.ltNlt ll\'o. .. •. 1110. w•-m u '°· J.iw. .._.. en ,.. 11,,,,,,.....,..,, 11 8. AJl actress named Gay \Vellincton takes the stage in what play! 9. In tbe movie "8attle1round," n.me tbe hom e towns of (a ) Ricardo ~oqtalbln and (b) Marshall Thompson. 10. The good guys had little hope or wtnnln1. but the bad guys' chances were equally11Um in what movie? Last Week'• Allawen l. Louis liUYt"ard C oain~ cbaiiie> 2. The Tr,ombone (Drabble'a newspaper) 3. Elmo (Elsie's calf) 4. USS Memphis (Lindbergh's retum) 5. Toby ("Used Cars" dog) 6. Yorn Kippur ("Lost Weekend" holiday) 7. Pele (Edson Arantes, etc.) 8. "The Importance of Being Earnest" (Algernon Moncrieffe ). 9. Ca> Sonia , (b) "Swanee River" ("Hatari") 10. "Superman" (movie riddle) 642-4321 ' 6. With whom did Bud Abbott team briefl y after the death of Lou Costello, reprising m11ny old Abbott and Costello routines? 7. Name the college football coach who has been pictured the most times on the cover of Sports ruustrated. (Send your a~rs to TRIVIA, cl o tM Doil11 Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mel4 92626. AU entries mut be recn~d b11 Wednesday, othttwise half the P'a11er'1 last score will be awarded1. Direct or collect, to subscribe to your hometown paper, the .Daly Pilat MOVll RATINGS flOR MltEN1S AND YOUNG PEOPLE r,. OQilet\19 o1.,.. 1•twtg1 •to ~'" ~ •OOUf tJ"'8 JUl•t>t'ty ()/ ,,.,.,.. ~ '°' "'·~ o~ ,,.., ~'•" ~ AL.l AGES A~tTrtO l!:!'J Genef'et Aud~•t All om "'"° 1111 '•LMS AEc ,,.,.c Tt<E SEAL. Of TliE MOTION PICTVl\E COOE Of SELF REGULAllON 1fH• ... rt• ••••P••ntf For Cm slrlf'J Ad ACTION Call A IAllY PILOT ... "'°' '41·5'11 .. 0 Masterf ul" -L A Times Sheila Benson "Wonderful" -Newsweek Magazine. Jack Kroll ~ :Y: C~HARI=:;::::::::::::=-oTS~o-=====F ===1RE~ J I PG I "' l ADO COMpjlNY ANO WAAN£A BROS. O.lUMf ... --·.-,,...o·--··~,~~· ~ --··--· ... ·-[ __ ....,......__ edwards CINEMA CENTER HAHf: !:~':AID 979-4141 COSTA MISA missing ... .. 'Missing' is considered so politically hot that the State Department has issued a three-page state ment rebutting its premise ... It's golng &o stir up audlences as no political thriller has s ince 'AJI The Prea;dent's Men' ... " -David A.uen, NEWSWEEK missin g ... "A suspense-tbrUJer of real cinematic style, acted with immense authority by Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek ... (their perfromances) give ·Missing' an agonizing reality." -Vincent CHby, NEW YORK TIMES • • missing. O-UOOl¥tc-01• ........ "' WED°" A TIIU£ STOflY. . ------~----------------- PERSONAL BEST - -------- In a world al professional assassins, 11 ... ts .1e0111 fermt811111191& ,: ,··\·.\: L/([/ \· , ~/~.... f ·..:......: \-(·~ ; ' , ""' ,:;~ ·~~· f ~J . :--. I / I ""; I ~ + -.:.-...;i, / t , • I ,,. ... . ,_. j '...; ... . ,,. . The CIA trained him , briefed him, armed him, ,./, I , } \ and then ... they abandoned him . It'• bappeaiag again! Lut week's sneak prerieii or••Por~·s" ... wu ao ovenrhelmtng, we decided to do it ___ -~@In ~nil'!= Many who aaw It last week may be back for a•cond look. -· JIO lft .. 11:119 pu to qo~eearly. ; ' t (C. t flWA.Hl l-. ~~ ',l\(•f" ffl41 "' 8ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS A H\kM'OM l.f Ill( ,,.. I "····-,. ""''"•~J .. ,"' .. "" .. ..,. . NOW PLAYING •IOWUOS SOUIM COISl , .. ,] IOWA"OI SUOIUM oam 1• 11 , 'I· fOUN r&ffl tAllff •"' h Cl] ' • • " NO P•Ut& •Cl•fOOMl tOWl~OS WOOOl"IKf :~~!:~·;.~~· ,,.,, .. .......... ~· '1NIH ~1~1 ABI l:. ... not •>nl) lrut but detpl) .rrrctin& ... affirm~ unt'\ faith in indhidual 1oudnr.,," ,...,.,.,.. ,.,....,,_ "Oecnni.~ Chri~luphtt i-. not unlil..f '>idne~ Poilifr 1n ·1 ilit-. of llw t irid.' l>on'I m1'' i1!" ............ ," • . .,..,,_ ·~C/tAf. v]T'S-0-NE-X TIIUNDER !°'lllAAl"•lnl h~ A T HI '1: STORY ~ ~1>flY'1>H~ •~ J< .. ' AV<\1 ()H I 1Jf1 fl~lt•• llU.clk.c;:,nroi ltt •·~AIUl<IR""" IOIR' l'•O:H I I~ ,,. lrt.)1 ~.)/If. : .... •,• .. It £ 11\9.1 ~f!I'. NII l~'·'MJC ''ti'. V'~""4 V.Al 'ttlll>. -J''"'1 Jf'<IJ{J"'.l..J 1ffl• I '""''~ U ;nlt><''.1,~ !t!'&IJI <)it~ iJo IW\'.lt.•AAl.11'. u t\ Y/d41J ..llff. vc~~.(,11,'9. H Ito< tit >ti(t 'f'e.il' ,, JUH"'v N, 141.it.1 ••"'JI ::i, Ii Ill' M!Nll .. ,.,. .,... .. , ,, ., .. .!. IPG!PARllllAlGUll·IM:U.CJl~ __, _-.--n ... -•OIO'•..,,..-.J•~ ---NOW SHOWING --- AHAHEIM Anaheim Onve In 71 4/879 9850 IREA MAU UA Movies 7141990·4022 COSTA MESA 'UA C1nemo 7141540·0594 OAAHGE O<onge Moll C1nemo 71 4 637 0340 OlANGE UA City C1nemo 71 4 634 3911 SAN AIAN CAPISTRANO M1SS100 Dnve·ln 71 41493·4545 WESTMINSTU MAU UA Twin 71 4/898· 1243 SOllllY HO PASSES ACCEPlEO fOll IHIS I PtGAG(MINI ..Fascinating .. ··Remarkable" l'HJl'l.f ttM iA7.IN f. .. Exciting .. /J1wullk""1. W ll' >ORA HAGAZIW ··Impressive" . EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT SAT/SUN. 1:30, 3:45, 8:00, 1:15, 10:15 ---sovnt~O~ ,,,::..-=.:::: ==-151-4114 COltAll9A t:OO CR) ITANDINa MQI ONLY "Simon And O•f1mh li The Conctlrt In The Pllfk" Paul Simon Ind Art ca.t• ""*" !'Ped duftng Ille IUfMlef ol '81 In New YOtie Olty'e c.ntrel Pwtl. .MOVll! * *... "Suttin' LOOM " 11 N 1 I Richerd Pryor. Clc»-IV Tyeon. A bumbllflO bur· gler, • concerned IChOOllMC:tl« end ligtll Cfllldren mell• • frighlen- lng crou-country 1119 In • l>fOken-down ICtlOol bu&. WJTNESS -"Real Peopl e's" Peter Billi ngsley plays role or only witness to a robbery on "McClain's Law" tonig ht at 10 on KNBC 14>. 'R' &:18. MOVIE • * "Th• Mummy'• Grlost" ( 1943) Lon Cheney, John Carradine. Due to an enclent CUl'M, I mummy It kapt atlve '°' 3.000 Y'N" In Ofder to ptOtec1 the IOUI of an Egyptten pMceaa wnicll riu bewl rllnc:emet- ed In an Am«lcan glr1. 8:$0. VIEWPOINT ON NVTRITIOH =1 :.Se SEMESTER SERENDIPITY TE.EN TALK BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MOAHIHO i PUBLIC AFFAIAS NEWSMAKEAS MOVIE **~"Tile Young L-•" (1984) Pater Fonde, Deborah W.iiey. A young collegian's romantic lnttr· •I In his co.d girlfriend w-. wnen he dlecover• that she's pregnant CJ) EUBIEI A 8')1rlted tribute to the genius ol c;ompoeet Euble Blake. IMturlng 24 of his bea1 songs lnciuc:llng "In H~kle Time" end "I'm Just Wiid Abou1 Her- t:1a &0MOVIE * * ~ "The Chi,_ Con- nection" ( 1973) Bruce '--· Rot>er1 Beker. A marllal art• sludent Mii out 10 •venue the murder of hie teacher In whlcll a rtval achOOl.wu lnvOfvecl. 'R' 8:30 8 DUSTY'S TAEEHOUU I THAT'S CAT PACESETnAS AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY I SPEAJ<OUT CAPTIOHIO A8C HEWS Cl) VOICE~ AOAICVL TURE I rrs YOOA IC lltNUa DflSNUGOLU MOVIE * * * "The Electr1c ~ man" (1979) Rober'! ,_._ IOfd, J.,,. Fon<M. A Lm Vegascowt>oy~aS12 million lhorOUQhbr9d hofM to save him from hie expl<>itltlve owners. 'PO' 1:00 • KI08WON..O Futured: an lnttnllew wtltt lelevltion "" l(Jm Field• from "The Fact1 Of Life": a repor1 on t4·yMt-old Pam Lecllner from Cincinnati, C>nlo. • lllented twlmmat who hopee to compel• lh tile Olympics. I atJ THE l'UNT8TONE8 BIO BlUE MAML£ D 0 SUPEAFMNDI I DAVEY AHO OOUATH TURNABOUT • 'i'O<IA FOA HIAlTH Cl) IHTEAHA TIOHAL HOUR eMOVI! ** "This It Elvie" (UMl1) Documenlary. Fiim 1o0tao- and dremaoc re-creatlone .,. uNd 10 lell tile •torr ol Elvlt Presley'• lffe and car-. 7:30 8 MARLO AHO THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE D88MU#8 I DR. 8HUGOl.O III RICHIE RICH I 8C008YDOO I =AHO OOUATH LIHMMTAHDINO HUMAN IEHAVIOA l:OOI ~TOOAY i.EX HUM8AN> UNOEMTAHOIHQ SPACE ANO TIMI Cl) BUGS BUNNY I M>iAO lllUHNER (C)MOVIE "The Bellel Of St. f'rlnl. ena•· Cl)MOVIE * *in "Tile Ofeet Dll · mond Robbery" (tl&-4) Red Skel1on, Cera Wll· llams A alow-wlttad )e-l•r'a apprentice 11 conned by ctatty croolca Into recuttlng • oertall'I ptedoul dlemond. (l)MOVIE ••• "Saboteuc" (1"42) Prlec:llla Lane, Robett c-lnga, AcQieed of Nbot .. end tM murder of ..... fr1lnd. • - MCa out to find 919 reel ,,....~ .... • TARZAN I LONI ~ ··-..-'°""' HOUR • MTfJATROL CHAllll USllllS • 9 FONZ I HAPPY DAY80ANO • MOVIE **in "Blancti.ville Mon- 11«" ( tM2) JOM H-. Rictlerd DavlL l~ART * * "The 81.c:k "-'1" ( 1978) Gilbert Aol#ld. Cat1 Anderton.A young MeJd.. cen boy INmlnO IN llf1 of .,..,, diving dlecovert • prized bleck i>Mrl guarded i an evil menta ray. t:OO LIA\11 IT TO BEAVER 0 LAVERNE& SHIRLEY G MOVIE * * * "Tile Thing" ( t95 t I JamH Atneu . Dawey Martin. A U.S. r~ alatton In tile Arc:llc Is llllunted by an ewie being. I aecAETWAA ~(R)Q OOV9MitEHT 9:30 II 8UG8 BUNHY I AOAC 'RUNNER D 8 SPIDER-MAH I OZZIE AHO HAMIET 9 HEATHCUff I MAAMADUKE • ourTAA WfTH FfEDEAla< NOAD • AMENCAH OOVEANMeNT (C)MOYIE * * * * "Animal Creck· era" ( 1930) M8rll Brothers, M.,garet Dumon1. Capteln Spaulding, the African expl<><er, retuma from • recent expedition to wreall havoc at • •oclety matron's WM61end party. 'G' • Cl) WACKY WOALO Of ./.ONA THAN WINTEAS Gue.I: Barbara Feldon. t:801CINEM~ 10:00 8 SPACE STAN IHANANA lll THONOAM I OOU>tlGOU> I CAA CARE CEHTRA.L. 909JOND ,... OU>"'°'* Norm Abram Shows how to dry Wiii 8 IWW room and ~ tOOll with 8oO VllL(RJ Q • VOTBr8 P1NLM1 "Secramento Dateline" Jim Co099r lntlNlewa .._btyman Holen Frtz· zelle, Auemblywoman Marian Bergnon, Sime SenatOf JOlln Schmitz. Cl) TAAZAH I LONE RAHOER Cl)MOVIE * * '.~ "SmOl!ey And The Bendit II" ( 1980) Burt Rer· nold1, Jackie Gleaeon. Sheriff 8ul0td T. Juttlce calls In hit two lawman brother• lo ttop • retired boolleoo«' the Bandit, from trentpOrtlng • baby elephant. 'PG' .MOVIE * * "Thunder And Light· nlng" (1977) Oevtd c.r. dine. i<.te Jlldtaon. A moontfliner and hie glrt- friencl try to atop the dellv- ary of • balch of dMdty 1)(-ec:ddent9'!y concoct- ed by !let falllef. 'PO' (l)MOVIE * * * .. ApocalypM Now"' ( 1971) Mltt1on Brando. Marlin 8'-'. Directed b1 ~"'°" FcKd Coppola. An ~a agent embwb on • ml9l6otl up rw. Into IN Viet,_ Jungla to find and td4I a myecertous, AWOL Army ofllcler whO has lolled an pt9Ylou9 9ttempt1 It Ille captura. 'R' 10:30 I MmlCA'S TOP TIN WFMMOYIN' NA8tM.1.I """'° "40TC>IHOW flCMnWT'a .. fJAIT!LI (ll)MOYll * • "Tiie Rolllcklno AdventurH Of Ellze ,.,.,._.. ( 1'7t) 8-wlall VOf'k, John w..... The Jw1Y wife ol • I 9th-cenlufy -~aln fllh '°'a *""'°"' rogue el>oer'd "" hulOand'• llllp, 11:0l 8 (I) NCAA Mll<ETMu. 8econd-round l~t ectlon ea ..... 10.rovnd mlddlewetollt bout bet-MulteM H.meho end Qji1fla Ps· lier, tO-round ... , * elgllt bOllt ....... ...,_ T1llr'y ... MoMo ...., (1he frOffl Alllnllc Qly, N.J.). .WC'T,_ "NI0,000 WOftd C..,, o....,.. .. ....., Almlflo ...... ....,,., t:.:,saao • KNXT CC8SI • KN8C INBC.l • KTLA (Ind. I eKMtCCABCI 10 ) Q,i::;y lf1 l •tV 1111 H90 • KrMe CCBSI • l(H,J TV (Incl t e KCST (A8CI e KTTV Clnd.I • llCOP.TV fl..._J etCCH tNll eKOC11 c-.a. IC tC"'9ffttlll· CYJ (W0Rl NV , N V ti! CWT8$1 t 1 rHPN1 . ......,., ......... ·~ ..... ---· • "Zecll And The Magic Ftc> 10fy'' Two young people combine lhelf telenll to open up • magic lhop Ian l)(R) 80Ul. T'RAIH THIRO<>t<IU COCMONG MIXICAN CAWOAAl'HY u:ao a AMERICAN IANOITANO I WILD, WILD WEST JULIA CHILO AHO ~COMPANY • CAWORAPHY (C)MOVIE * *.,., "Flareup" ( 19891 Raquel Welell, J1mea Sii· cy. A beautiful young go. go dancer 11 puraued to Lo• Angelu by 1 deranged, perllnOfac: klllef who ~ that Ille 11 Ille cauM ol tile flllure of hit merr1age. • THE OLD TANOO Katerina M .. 1mov. and the Kirov Ballet Company -fMtured In the ltory of • young woman who 11111 In love with ti... rich employw wtien "" enters hla MrYiee ... maid 11:48 Cl) MOVIE * * * "The Compelltlon" ( 1980) Richafd Dreyfuu. Amy lnllng. Two planlall •I 1 San Francoeo music comi*ltlon ftnd thll lhelr io... lor Mell other con- ~. with IMlr profeulon- al llfnbltlona. 'PG' -AFTERNOOH---- 12:00. MOVIE **'h "Hiii Dlve<1" (t931) Clark Gable, Wallace 8-y. • ADAM-12 •. aUMCUllHE "Meet .... Dllhel" 1~1~ * * "Calwty Command" (tN3). Soldier• help • email Philippine vtnage trvm being -come wtth tnlmlea. • ADAM-12 • OOl•IOeFOR CAMNl8 8'uce Seeelol\e ..... how to COtNCt a dOg who dlga holll end llaO ~ dOg Otooming. IRI I~ *•in "A Thunder Of Orums" (196t) Richard Boone. Geotge Hamilton A Maloned c:aplaln of the U.S. Cavalry rldel hard on 1 grMn, young lleu1en1n1 just out ol Weal POfnt. t~Cl)MOVIE * * * "HHter StrMt" 11975) Carol Kane, S1even Keate. A Jewilh Immigrant couple h•v• problem• wtlerl the wlfa 11 unable 10 A~anlze herMll IHI -..Oh to IUll her Yanlc- wortfllpplng hutblnd. 1:00 8 Cl) NCAA 8A8KET8ALl Second-round tourn11ntnt IC11on 1=:UN8TEW **'Ai "Harum-Sc:aTum" (1"5) EMI Preel9y, Mery Am Mo«>ley. A movie 1111 becomet Involved with Intrigue and a ~""' prtncaee wtllla tr1Y9111ng In llle~e..t. • MOVIE **'Ai "The Man Who Ttllta To Whllel" (1977) Vietor Jory. .,. ..... ~ DllOOVl1'Y The Inner wor1clnQI of the ~tonal MuMUm of Am«- ec.,, Ari In Wllhlng1on - ...... In Ihle ..Wd-wfnnlng tllm. ·~YIAM "The Emerging P"90n8fi· ft MOVIE **'Ai "The Girt Moat Llk• IV To ..... (1973) Stoekard Channing, Edwlld Aan«. 1 :15® Ya<> JUl(OOX t:ao 881NV1MARY ClAlllC Thlnkvund C0¥9r1lge of Ulll loumernent, '-turlng acme °' the top narnea 1n Pl at11110t• golf (11\'e from "" '"-rery Oolf and Country Club In ~. Aa.). I '"'"°°" t«NA .. ,..._Of~" A ..... o..oer .. lo(ltl II t•bn et Sen~·• ....... ~ ....... ................... ............ Q •w~,.,. ,,_.....,a..aw" <l:lMCMI • • • "NMll ly Horttl· ...... (11111 Cary Gteint. ..... Mltle ..... All tchw· tlelnt -··.,. .. OMnged di ll'all) ~ .......... r..:.:OIA ...... • •• """"" .... -In ........ ,,In) .... ..... ................ ~--~ ................... ............. --·~.,..... ...... -...... ....... ....... __ __ ........ _ ... ,=: .... ....., • • """ ·~ Ill·"" ..... ,... ..... .... l..... .,,.,.,..._ .... ••• ··ne "-"" ~It I •I'' .... W...., ........... °""-• uimaarMD111 ~ ........ .. ~~-·· Cl>lllDVll • * • "HolM ,,_ TM Hiii" ( wtM) )lol>lf't ~.ca_,.,.. !*'Cl. A l'lllft'I 119-.. -----1:10 CZl lllCMI ***'~ .. ._.....,. The Line•" c 1tr?> llnct•ay OtOUM, Jeff Goldtlfwft. The '"" """''*' °' atl "unci.rground" Botton n~ have VariOUI rOl'IWltlO and Journelletlo enoounwl wl1'I MCtl OltlW and Ula .... of ....,. lt~'R' t:IOI AGM:Ul.TUMU_..A. CM..UCIAN'l lllNC> • ltJCWIAAY L!OHAN>'8 GOLOIN OlOVU FIOrlda ...._ TenneMM • MOVIE * * * "Auntie Mame" ( t951) AoNllnd AulNI. F0tr•t TUC*er. Atter Ille deeth of hit parenta. • young boy bec:om. 1M ward of hit llambOyant and ecc«tttlc ...... ID UNOIMTANOIHO HUMAN KHAVIOA "Viau al Perception" a ~ BOWL.EM TOUR $1 t0,000 Felr LMM Open (lr0tn Fair Lanae C8')1tel Plaza In WNNngton, D.C.). ·= AHOTifE MAH *** "Caveman" (1981) Ringo Sterr. Dtoo!t QuMt._ Tile clownllh member of e barely human ptehlltorlc tribe begin• to dlacovw thll b<llna end not br 8Wn w111 be Ille key to hit peo. ple'1 aurvtva1. 'PG' 3:00 D ON CAMPUS Featured: • )ourney beck to the Chumuh lndlen cul- lure wllh anthropology 11u- dent1 and faculty mem- ber• of Peoperdlne UnlWr· ally. g MOVIE * * "Mad Mont11f P.,ty" ( t967) Anlmaled. VoloM of Pllyllls Dillef. Borll Kar1ofl. • MOVIE * •'h "Boeing, Boeing" ( t 965) Tony Cullls, Jerry Lewi•. G HOME GARDENE1' atJ MUSIC CfT'Y NEWS TOf' COUNTRY HITS Of THE YEAR HOii• Tanya Tueker and l(rla Krlalolferaon honOf the t5 top 1ong1 of 1911 H Mlec1ad by Ille rNdarl of lh• n1t1on'1 old"t country mualc publication, "Mullc City Newt." FM · lured per10f!1MIB Include Barbare Mandrell, The Oak Ridge Boye end The Statler Brolhera. a:ao D EVERYWHEM location: llw from St. Patrtcll'1 Dey Ce6aC>retion. 8 NCAA 8A8KIT1W.l Second-round t~t action • ""°' El l lOMA&. BOWUAI TOU. S 110,000 F.W Lenee Open tfrom Fat< '--~ Plaza In Wuhltlgton, O.C.). ·HOMf~ Cl) DRAG RACING ON TWOWH&L.a ®MOVIE * • * "The Elec:trlc H0tae- man" ( t978) Robert Aed- fOfd, Jane Fonda. A L•• Vegas COWbOy ~Mii a $12 million thorougl11>fed horM to Hve him from his expl0f1aliv• owners. 'PG' 4:00 fJ ONZZ1. Y ADAMS • MOVIE * * "Return From The AIMI" (t985) Maximilien Schell, Ingrid Thulin. A woman rt1urn1 lo her money-hungry family alter ~· In a concentrltlon camp. ID INTROOUCINO • BIOLOOY Cl) 8TAATAP 0 ENTERTAIHMSfT THIS WE.EK lntervlaw1 with Gen.- Heckman, Robert IJ\1dl, Jemie Ferr, Buddy Heck· eu. INbel Sanford. CC>M<Mr • * "From Noon Tiii ThrM" ( 1977) Chari" Bronaon, Jll lt'elend. A drifter Is rlCtUlted Into • ;~obbery ~ * * 'lo "Tile Fiendllll Plot Of 0.-. Fu Manchu" (IMO) P.W 8ellera, Sid C-. The F8I end Scotland Y.,d'I Oet Neyland Smlttl PIK-. Ille IM-yew-old .,ch 'tllllllrl • he IMrchel for thll lnOfwdlenta, lnclud- lng tile Crown ........ ueed 10 ,,,., 1111 Hl•pto- ~ •hdr. 'PG' (l)~ 4:30. INT1'00UQNO BIOLOOY Cl) HOU YWOOD Biii Hlr'rtl . Pl-'1 up- cloM repona on the peo- ple end -'• wtlldl -making -1n' !tie pro- duction ll'ld gfemol# capi- tal of the r'llO¥le lndu9try. (l)MOVll! ** "E~" (1t70) Marl! LHter, luHn o.ot09. A r°""9 llQr known for lla'tlllf an overecuve 1me91n1t1on cen't oonv1no1 enyone Chet he,_...,....,.,.. • def ol I Pl°"""IMI tleedl men. ... , ..... ALL •MTMC ·-WOMOOll ..,..,. ,, WOftd '1ourt 1111uno ~ ..... --Mlft'• ... IDI o.na.,. ~ .... ctrom eo.-........ Ol:INttc). • ICCMAIC ,..., .......... ............... ........ -..... ... ....,....... ....... ... "'-... C..... ~·~---=-~~ =· .. :~'It~: ...... ~ Orano-Coa1t DAILY PILOT/S,turday, Mlteh 13, 1182 ••• TUil tOPrus I P 1jf X KABC • 7:00 -"Sweet Sbteen and Pre1nant.'' Doeumentary focuses on the ertectut~•I• prepuey. KOOi:. ··7 :001 KCET 8 :20 - ·•Broad a y Pl1 ya w u ftngton." Broadway 1t1r1 t urn the Kennedy Center into • celebration of the Amerieen theater. KABC • 8:00 -"T.J . Hooker ." Premiere of series starring William Sha tner as T . J . Hooke r . fo rme r detective who returns to the beat. KNXT 9 9:00 -"Th&·€hamp." Jon Voight, F aye Duna way in film about washed-out prize fighter who tries a comebac to retain custody of young son. • lc:>c:IC9 MADI• ~ Penl'tl.~ (I) M•A•l•H EJdl&wted lfom 24 nour. of duty. Hewt!• _,Col . Potter reapond to a '*- .,.,,.. oa1 '°' -oeone from a Koreen 8ITft'/ hoepl- tal. -~WIU< ''!joflQI Of The lllendtl'' (IJ)MOVIE ** "The 81eca HOie'' (1979) Mexlmllian ScMll, Robert F0r9ter. Yvette Mlmleull. Tile er-of a fulurlltlc ~10 dll- cover1 another veHet perelled on Ille edge of a f0tmetlon wlllch pulll any- thing nMtby Into • giant 'tOld wl'ler'e time and epece oeeaa to elCllt. 'PO' ())~~ A comedian hOl1 end lour comic· eont•tant• wflo compel• ag1ln1t one another .,. featured in !Ill• U~ed comedy 0- lihOw. l'.20. PlB>OE MEAK Regularly acheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due 10 p6edoa brNkl 5:30 I INTE'AFACE ~ONTNO AHO l'NINDI: REUNION Tile orlglnal Klng11on Trio •• )olned by Tommy Smothers, Mary Tr.....,., UndNy Buckingham and current Trio member1 when 111ey per10tm logeth- er fOf tile tlr11 time In 20 llMfS. Cl) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER Gibe'• lather pay• a turpriae Yillt to the e1 ... rOOtn and cauSM ptOb· 1em1 when he trlel to take Charge. lll WIDE WOfllLO Of IPORTS World Figure Skating Championahlpe -Men'• and Ice Dendng Competi- tion (from Copennagen, Oennwll). ®MOVIE *I+ "Olertie Chan And The CutM or The o.-aoon ~ .. (ltll) ,...., u.tl- nov. fUcherd Hatch.Charlie Chen " aided by hll bum-blno er9ndlon In eoMng • l1l'lng of murders. 'PO' (I) WN:M.Y WOfW..D ~ JONATHAN WWTW au.t: Bettllt• Feldon. ~EVENM- ~1== * * "Go<lzlll• On Monat .. llland" I 1977) GOdrllla betll• enemy lflenl In 1 war that could ptove to be the nnel blow fOf E8(1h. I WHITE 8HAOOW THE MUPf>ET8 G~t: Ruth Bual. • MOVIE "UF0'1: It Hu Begun" (1978) Rod Serllng, Bur- ONI Meredith. lntlf'Mws of aclentllt• end Govern· """' eoent• •bout Uf0'1. Aleo • looll It "" report«! EreAMENCA **** "Animal Credi· era" (1830) Marx Broltlera, MllQ81'« Dumont. Oac>tliln SplUICll119. Iha African ~. retumt ltom a recent expedition to wrMlt tlavoc et a 1oclaty INtrOn'• welllencf party. 'G' ())MOVIE **I+ "8'nolley And Tile 8lndlt n" (IMO) Bun Rey· nolda, ~le Oleaaon. 8lltfffl Buford T. Mtlce calla In 1111 two lewman • llrottMtw •• •op • rethd boot1egeet, ttle Bandit, from trtnepor11ng a belly lllptoent. 'PO' .MOVll * • ·~ "Honeys11c111e "°9e" (IMO) Wiie Nellon, Oyen CaMOn. Wiiiie on tOllf, a ,_ COllntry-.... em....., .._ ~ .......... ..,..., ol '* lldeldoll ---·-iow.. e:ao 1'* w 00 at=-?G' ~,...,,, ,,.._ lnterwl... wtt11 Oene Hlduften, ...... Urtch. .,.,,. ,.,, ..._ ...... ......... ......._. . .,....,,, ... ,.a-==::· ''°MIM'' .IMlr.,...., 'RllJWft' . Tilll ..... .....llltl ... t11t 11•• 1aw of ..-. ~ .......... _____ ,,.. r .. P:ll&&• ,,....,.,., IWIDYDlmr .,. .. am ..._ ........ .... .. ..,. ..... .. ••• .....,_ .. f'J ... a===-...,.. .oration Of the Amer1Can lhMter; lhe pertorrnera Include Debbie Reynold1. PHrf Salley, Sarry &etwtdl, Aober1 Morw and many othllfl. (I) IN MAACH M ... "W ... Of Jerlc:ho" Ill l'eOPt.rl ~ 8THI~ au.t. Allee Cooper. ®MOVll! ***"' "Bedknob9 And 8 room1t1ck1" ( 1971) Angele ~. Oevld Tomlloaon. Du<lng World Wer II, • novtc. tOfoer- •nd her thrff young friend• Mt oft fOf a mllQlc llland where the Intend• to learn enough about wlteheralt 10 uN II egalnet the NUii. 'G' (D:l NHL HOCt<EY LOI Angeiel Klngl on. New York ltland4Wt 7: 10. lff ON EARTH "The RIM Of Tile Mam- mat1" David Altenborough 100111 at platypuu1, Tasmanian elev*, llan- earoo1 end Oilier od<I crMlurea In hit ac:c:ount of lhe developmenl of mam- mele. Q 7:30 II OAHCE F£V£R C.lebrlty judge1: Beth HOWiand. Richard Round· trN , CllattM HM. Gu.ta: r: lnwgy. LOOKATU8 OMNI: THE NEW F'AOHTlER 0 SA TUADAY EDITION Qt THE MUPP£T8 au.t: Cheryl L..edd. 1:00 8 Cl) WALT D18HEY "Tile Moon·Spjnner1" A young vacationer In Crete becorn. Involved with • i-.iry 1mugollng ring. (Part t) Dal ONE ~THE BOYS Qrampa I• 1nubbed by • cet«>rlty wtoom he clelm1 10 hive known during hi• World War II USO deyt . • MOYIE * * * "Dragnet" (1969) Jaclc Webb, Hany MOfgan. Sero-it Joe Fridey and Ofllcer Gannon ~ the mwoen of two pretty modlll and the~· -"' • "*"· • 0 T .J. HOC*8I (Premiere) Wlliam Shetner ...,_ • T.J. Hooker, a ......... --dNQ- 11"9 --,.,,.,. to "'-.,... ol. ~,...cop. • MOVIE • • "P1ychlc Kiiier·· ( 1975) Jim HUiton, """' ~ p.,. "** "-a men wtio apparently hM the .,_. to murder otfl. "' merely by tile ~ of concentration. • AMENCA'8 IATTLE ~CRIME • THEY AUN FOR THEIRUVU Johnny Mann narretea the plight of Ethiopian retv-S' ~all1. * * * "NOllll By NOllh· _, .. ( t959) Cary Grant. Ev• M.,le Saint. An edver· Ualng men'• Ute It Changed d<utlcally wtl«I Ile II mls- lllll.,, IOf a CIA agent. Cl)MOVIE **'Ai "Any WNdl Way You Can" ( 1980) Clint Eastwood, Sondre Loch • 8efor9 Mlllng down with hit gll1 end pet orangutan, • &>er.lilted fighter lignl up for one taat. lucntl'tt match. 'PG' .MOVIE * * * .. ApocalypM Now'' ( 11711 Merton Bren<lo, Mwtln Sheen. Oirec:ted by Francie FOfd Coppola. An lntelfigal a agent embari11 on a mlMlon up rivet Into the Vletnen-Jungla to find end klll a m)'llerloul. AWOl A.mry ofllcll' who .,.. lolled an prev1oua lttempll et 1111 ~"''· 'R' 1:11 (l) MOVIE ••'A "8u1tln' LOON " (IN t) Aictlatd Pryor, Cioe- ly TY90f!. A t1umb11nQ bll· gler, a concerned ac:hoOlteecher Ind eight children melt• • frighten- ing oro• OOUl*y trtp In a twollerMIOwn IOlloot IM. 'R' ' • l:iO. llllOAOWAY "-AY8 WMl•'9TONl •IB~ ~TOll•rT A 11oet ol ...,_ from ~ IQm .. Kenn. dy c.... ....... -..,,...°' .. ~ lflMW: .. perfof ..... lnCWe D*lle ---. , . .,, ..... ,.. ..,,.,. lklltwtdl, RoMrt Mcw'M Ind~--.. ...... CHCMOITORY M .. en lnvHll91tM a ....... ...,.....,...., .. • ..,,... twill, .... Joe .,,_.up M .......... ..................... ~·--....... *." ''Tiit °'*"P" um> .ion VOlllll. ,..,. o.-.y, A ..,,._. tor-,_,....., ......... . ... ...... ,.... ~ I°'~~ .....,,..,. __ .......... _... ... ............. ID ... .............. ·- --....... .... .--.;A ..... .... ............... .............. ..... '*" ..... ......... & l'WI __ .._ .. t•·1 ICMf ............ _. """ I '"'1Y ~ II ..... ..................... .,,. 0oo ............. --··~LAW 1'-0flly .............. ~•Ptlrof r~ll fl .,.., • boy .... leerM' ...... ,....... .. ............. 1·= * * * "FllQlll Of The Phoenix" (1He) J- 811wert. lll•ler Frnoll When contaot wtth r• °'*9 beoofnM lmpoMI.. Ille, Ctaatl IUNlvot9 beglrl repelrtno If\ old ~ fotWd ..,, In ttle deMrl. -~~A LIOINO "Aretha F reneilln" • "-IDGl8MN< Regufaily lldleduled ptO- oremmlnO may be dll9Yed due 10 p6edga bl"Mk1. CD>MOVIE * "A Chenga Of 5-one" ( t980) Shll1ey Mac:Ulne. AnthOny Hopklnl. A mld- ote-aged COUple try out younger ,,."'*' during a mountain vacation. 'R' CIJMOVIE * * "SquNZe Play" (l)MOVIE * * * ·~ .. Sc1nn1r1" (1981) Jennifer O'Neill, Patrick Mcdooh1n. A lathal conflict arlH• bet-two 1ma11 group• ·• of people W'hoN extrllOldl· nary p1ychlc powere Include lhe •blllly to klll telepa1hlcalty. 'R' 10:15 .1>0WN HOM£ COUNTRY MUSIC Ch.,ley Pride, Hoyt Altton end Tammy Wynettt era lhe holt1 fOf a country mu1lc extravaganza fNturlng the many 1tylea of counlry music; ached· uled .,,,.,,.,,_. lnck>de Roy Clark, Mk*ey Gilley, Larry Gatlin and Lacy J. Dalton. 10-.ao!~8 • * "From Noon Tiii ThrM " ( t877) Cheri .. Bronaon. JHI lrlland. A dnfter' It recrvtted Into • ':!P·leg robbery gang 8 MARTIN MUU. "It SNmed Funny At The Time" Several up-and- coming comlcl Join Martin Mull In pt_,tlng their nlghtelub routlnee which fMture magic, lllnd·up comedy and eong pero- d .... 11:0011eeC1Joa NEWI I AMENCA'8 TOP TEN M"A"8"H Fatllet Mulcahy wrll" I pt...OWlttmN letter home to hle•ter. • ""80H£A; CELL 81.0Ct<H CHlMOYtE * * * * ''TM Stunt MM" (IHO) Peter O 'Toote, St ..... ~ Wanled by tne polllda, • dlltllf'bed VlecNm .,..,.,, .... "" uneure ~ on • lftO'fta Ml.._.. I W0'1d W., I 'llic II beltlg fllm9d. 'R' 11:ao• ~ "Fight Of The Month" • 8 MTUN>AY MOHT LNI Hott: 8IM Murrey. ~a· The Spinner1, tile Whlffen· pooft.(R) • MOVIE • * ~ "Croucurrant" (t97t) Robert HOOlla, Jere- my Slate. Two San Fran- cleco det~iv. lnvettl· oet• the murder of a youth llbowd a cable car. l~NEWI * * "R«urn From Tilt AIMI" ( 1965) M .. lmlllan Schlll, fnQrid Thutln A women ret11rn• lo her money-hungry family '"" ye«• In • conoantrltlon camp. eCMIAT ~ "BrldHIHlad R•vl11ted: BrldHllead OeHrlld" After IPlfldlng two ~ In Central America. Chaflea Joinl hie ..... Celia In New YOf'k lor en UMUC- CIMflll reunion. (ftwt I ) 0 Cl) MOYtl *I+ "l<.lllo Of The Pecot" (1138) John Weyne, MIH'lel Ev-. A young tewyer, wtioee~-.mur­ der'ed b1 a ""'*" oetlta baron, preperee hlm191f c:welully fOf .,, open GOn- frontatlon wfth tile k•. lll MOYtE * •• "Detour To HowNl'e" ( 1172) Oeorge Pepperd, Clwletlnl .... lofd. "" ....... in¥11111- get0f .... llOVI pOlloe end buelneM lnvol-.1t In low MWdef9 end en cr.:='**Y· • • ....,. f'Mlily'' .MllMI **'it ''auMln' Loote" (ttl11 Alctwd ~. cto.- ly ~ A~bur· tier, • ooncer·ned .. .......... ..... ....... ...... .......... ---~ ... ""· ... ...... •-.otbul. .... n:Ale MCMm w.... .......... Glerlda ...... A,._ In_. .... ........... ~-..-..... lrl~tM ICM Mii t11t QA, .tic.,. ..,.... \!> ~ lllro IYom &J:.c='*IWtOlt9 'R' • • • "10 "lllJnoton Piece" (1t7fl ~d '" ·•' Alten«iorCMlgh, JoM Hurt. A >'°""9 MW.~ fel wlotlm IO e ~ Mllf\Oor ... ol9wl to ....., "*" out ....... ~ nwit. tl:1t (C) MOVIE * * * "Tiii Fifat Deadly IW' (1NO) 'l:rank Sinatra, f aye ""'-.,.. A veteran .N-YOik -City police ~·""· wl10M ..... " flll't(ll!Q tr.9th 4_tt!IQj.j_l.Jllo, neaa. trlee 10 cateh • brutal klller 11n0tlzlng Manila!· tan. 'R' 12;30 • MOVIE * * "TOllur• Chamber Of Dr. 8adlem" (toet) OM .. t(lphet-LM, la• B#ker. A ....ithy woman II kid· NPPed by • wicked count who hold• her caotive In • dungeon of horrOl'I. CJ) MOVIE * ~ "Lawttu Range" ( 1935) JOhn Wayne, Sheila MannOfl An undercover agent 1nvea119atH the cauN of ~lngly ..,, ... .... rai<ls occurring 111 a ramolt mining r41gion 1:00 II MOVIE * * * "Thie ProO«fy II Condemned" ( t966) NlleJ· le WOOd. Robert Redf0<d .,. A young women marries her moth«'• lover. but becomH dlthHrtened and fOllowa 118' true low to N-Orleans where he learn• of her put. I ROCK CONCERT EVEHIHO AT THE IMPAOV I: 15 (II) MOVIE * • ·~ "Th• Poatman Alway1 Ring• Twice" (\981) Jack Nk:llotson. Jesatce Lange A young woman end her tovw plot to murder Iler husband 'R' 1:30. MOVIE * • "Beauty And The Robot'' ( 1960) Marnie Ven Doren, Tutldey Weld An elec1ronlc braln ~a brlglll llrlpt-to run Ille ac:ience department ol • college • MOVIE * * * * · Muttny On The Bounty" t t93S) Clark Gable. Charles Laughton The craw ot ll'lfl H M S Bounty. rebelling egalnll tile er~ 1rea1men1 tnnlCt- •d by their caotaln decldea to mutiny llMOVIE * 'h "Enter The Dragon" ( t973J Bruce Lee, John Saxon A kung fu expert Is 111Jgned to penatrete an Island fOllress In ord11< to destroy a.n opium and white Slavery empire 'R' 1:48 (!I AllC NEWS (S)MOVIE **'It "SmOkey And The Barldit II" ( 1980) Burt Rey· nolde. Jackie Gleason Sherm Buford T. Ju11k:e calll in Illa two I-man brothllfl lo ltop I retired bootlegger, the Bandit. from trantpOl'llng a baby elepnent ·PG ~!: • * * "S1boteu1" ( 1942) Prl1cllt1 Lane. Roberl Cumming• Accused ol Nbotage and the murder of hi• 114111 friend, a man Mtl oul to lln<I the real Nazi Nboteu•s 2: 10 CC) MOVIE **'II "Flareup" ( 1969) Raquel Welch, James Sta- cy. A beautiful young go. go dancer Is pursued 10 Loa Angeles by a derlnged. paranoiac killer who believes th81 She IS Ille cauM of the f1Hu1e ot hie matrl199 2:300 NEWS I : 18 CHl MOVIE *'~"Eyes Of A Stranger" (1981) Leuren Tewes. Jen· nller Juon Leigh An lnqulslllve TV reporter 11llk1 1 madman respontl- ble for • series of rape. murdeB. 'R' l:201 NEWS l:IO MOVIE ** "Who Killed Tllddy Baer?" (tfil8CS) Ju1te1 Prowse, Sal Mineo. A nightclub hoatus befriends a busboy who turne out 10 be 1 psyct!Otk: telephone ptenksler CIJ MOVtE * * "Squeez.e Play" .MOVIE * * * "Apocalypte NO'N" (1979) Marlon Brando, Merlin S"-1 Directed by Franclt FOl'd Coppola. An lntelllgenca egen1 emb•rll• on a million up rtwr Into Ille VletnameN Jungle to lino and kill • myaterloua, AWOL Army officer who haa lolled Ill previous atternp1111 his c.pture. 'R' 1180. MOV'll * * "Beware My Lovely" (1952) Id• Lupino. Rowt Ryan. A widow's Ill• II threeteneci when Ille dls- COYWt that the hendyman ttle llired II mentally unetllbte. CC>MOvlE **'Ai "The Young Lovers" ( flt4) Peter Fonda, DMlorah Wt//Wy. A young collelen'• romantic Inter· -In hie CCHd girlfriend --..., he dlecovers tfletshe'•~· •••.,. ··aa """ 1Pwt t> (1t74) ••n Oa11er1, Ant11ony Hoplllne. An ~..,...,,~ CJ) OI • tAeooM .... MOYll ......... ..,. --.. m ...... · ....... ,,.. ... " '""' ,.,_ Wlleon ..... . .......... ~ ....... . ...... ed.... oofUlllft * * "Couraoeout Or Clwietten" (1140) Jean Htretlolt, Tom Ntel. A t'ea-.J dOCtor-. -.... Poer .. ~ .. "'*'. ~. I •Mrll• Oft • "'.,., ,....,,..._.~ -n. ........ (1910) Merli Leiter, l11Hn ....... A youno ~ ........ '°' ll•vlne ... .· .. .. " l:llfllp ..... ·-··----;:-.:pr. 9VlrMtl.. l .... MtlOn ..... OOlwlllle ...... -.............. ..__ . ... ,. ............. ....;;:.. .... ,..,llUlt:" (1-..., ....... .... ....._A.._ ...... ... ...... ..... .. --.. -........ ... .. ....rez '10'!19 .. -... iftll'. ·f •\1 I Outside ' ' '""' .111I1.111 IT'" t, •111111111 lih 111, ,11 II llltt'flllh. J I u'~H• I 11 I; .Vht'd I 1 11 «Ir 1111 t11Ut~I 11ht .1 '1nnt 1••1!. 1 • Jnaldt f 11ll l1.1u 11 11 1 pa ~r I 1t1•,ll\111i1i•11t.1111 •r1 ._.' 1lt t ! l •'t~·il 11 , 1'lh'l!ilth'•·h'lt u J 1 "'-)h!•>.uucl 'n·rn.,, \fol r\ t tl' t.tt I I h t-'d 4 lh ,., .... t 1 t..1~1·ht...1 Jc I II 1. r~ I. ,. , .11.· '", 11tlll 11. h, ·111 l •'tt1tt ..... , t w.1uv The Alfa Romeo GTV Coupe Under the Hood /\l\1.,l1I h·tl•'llh ltul1111••h•I '•lltc1.11..i11" 1•••11dv,1 \\ill\,tlhlt l'l°'l11V11!hl\• ti HI IHI !11111 11 jll• \'!•t1•f11l)h 1·,•1h•1 111,111~·· d11v111w It•· l· ud \ 11111•11 .h ,·111 • .-li.•111 mul l•tll 111\11 *t\\. .I\ h,tt• dll Ii. II fl, 11° +• 11j•11 h•li p1•<1IU\t !lh!•t•o,1l•klP.t llt.\11.111111 AJ10111htr A 1~·tff'• I lh 011-,.._~ "' II.th Ill' lo\ 1111, ·•h· I 111h110 111\. \'Jl•t.·11,·u·, Bxpcrknc• th• Alfa Romeo GTV Coupe today at Beach lmport1. 1919 VOUSWAGEB C09VUTIB1.E 1980HondA \9110...... t.tus1•1 (876ZOP) $7600 848 Dove St. PRELUDE 280 D ~~·· ~:.:..,~ (460 20!.J Scxtt, # 1800 $7500 $11,900 t!176~..-i VOl..lfSWAGl!lf BUS is;i~m:;,vt-:.$4850 (IOIH901) 1969 Harbor Blvd. Newport Beach (714) 752-0900 : I H IMPORTS Costa Mesa (714) 631-7170 ~~ih~ Buy any new car or truck thtS weekend at Newport Datsun and we ·11 qive you a 5 Year/50,000 Mile Servtee Contract FREE' 1982 DATSUN s ~~~~x ·F · THE MOST COMPUTE PUTS & SDVICE DEMRTMHTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! AUTOMOIU CWI Of SOUTH- ERN CAUFGUIA APPROV£D SERVICEJllMll FACIUTY1 z 1982 0111sun 200SX Hardlop Spolly Economy• Ser •5244 22 More 10 Ch~ from at Somolar Sa~•ngs• $7,187 22 More to ChooH fn>m e t..,..._.....,..,.., 19820a1sun 280ZX 5 SPH<I 2 8 Loter Engine. Cruise Control. AMn:M 01g11a1 Srereo With Casseue and much more• Ser •432708 $12,984 0-U •-Z's to ettoo.e from et...._ Sevtnpl 1982 Da!Sun MAXIMA DIESEL Loaded Wtlh EleQanc:e' Ser 114707 8 Mortto Chooee from $11,300 8 More toCflooMfrom et.,.._ ..,,.,..t ALL CARS IN STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES! 1981 J AGUAR X J6 4.2111 4 OWNt.:RS DEMO When New $28.067 Only $24,595 Brand.New 1980 FERRARI GTB ~ #3311 W as $48,635 Now $42,995 SAVE NOW SAVINGS :Q-N~ALL REMAINING ROVERS 1981 ROVER DEMO When new $16,917 only $}1,995 F a )tory ince nti ves allow u-. to pass o n s ubs tantial savings to you Ron·r combint'!'o thl' quick handling or a s ports car v.1th thl' <:omfort of a famil~· sedan and the utiltt~ of a wagon 3100 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, CA 92663 (71 4) 642·9405 (213) 581·1532 Tlte Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU ~NCID H ·I00..1001 .,.. a ..... ll .,. • " • ·THE ISUZU DIESELS ED E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! EPA CITY These figures are 10< comparison only, your mileage will vary EPA HWY. I •I I I ~ I 1 I l It +f-l I ~~~ Service Directory Representative '4~5671, ext lU Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100. ' . c.,.tSenke • .._. 0-..Semcn ...... t' 11••lllf .. ..._.. ••'lh'n l ................................................................ ,.... .......•••...•........• ..............•......... ............. ........ . ...................... ~ ......................................... . ••Wla I SOM NoSteath/No Shampoo R~ID/COMM'L/IND DUMP JOBS HOOSECUANINO lllN'l·BUNDS Cltued lJC. PAPER HANG ER J 0 Horn Refillith1ns 8Ufldeti!;;i11ccll41 StalnSpeclaliat Fest 20yn.Oomyown work. CrMll•eC...,.._ &rSmlllMov!ftg Job• £xcellentrererenres Aho RV'a. boats, trlra. Bonded' 1uu . No job Antiques. kit. cablnela. Addltic:w . Remodelina ...... ~!l.)'\o tt . 839·1582 J.Jc. 278041. Al $46-8126 wt d 0 -1 n g 1-~ · ii '1 . C.11 MIKE~_l.391 -"713 m>btlt homes, aircrat't, t.ooallll!ll or loo large. flnepalnUn&. MS oe&c. Doon, windows.patio ClildC.. RESID/COMM 'L nlveruries, orrlce HAUUNC lt DU MP 1, JMhn etc. Fl"ttest 645·1616 Freeest Tony991·2728 8 _._ rovers. Fret-e~I Reas El(n Clean de-ndable pan.I~ t F 11 JOBS uk ror • andy • u .... ..., ~ --rt II ri _...., l..u.• •llCllM2 249.2170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n.l' k, · •"w · . e c. or a your . ,. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... .., ......., wa rove n1 in ••••••••••••••••••••••• F N, .--Ould rare. full or P(r in Lkcll ~a:sona J1.234s Cite nc & bartendln1 ~· l 0 C llD. l wile avail for hse •••••••u••••••• ....... ltallaLion. ReH prlcH REPAIRS t'OR LESS I E HOME our home Ba kcr & ---needs. call . y ~u A sittin~or l yr be&innlng -Ale MOVltU9 Ccinsultanl Assignment ~Shin lea, flat. 30 yrs 1¥PROV£M ENT~ Harbor area. 546·6620 ,_....,I.A.&.:"'-6'1WlC»/17H909 eva . Yarcf/aarage &.12 clallly lrainln~ QWck-clreful 52-041n S81 ex . tst 170·2725 Mcl1Uon11 & Remodeling -~. · --,_.., cln·up etc. 1 ton truck. · I d a c ~ · ~ w . Ucensed cl'11ld care my ••••••••••••••••••••••• -t111 63j. 2' br com ete 7 · 3. a AUPAPERl.NG ..,ber Roof1ng·alltypes. eel I. 1 0 v l n g h 0 me tland strippina. repair· .._..,_. ~ •. *A-I ~YIMG • Exp'd, bonded. Lie New·recover·dtclis. Slater/Magnolia Lea ing. Antiques. rattan, ...................... , Den.illtlon·Gradtnl Mature woman will r are Top Qua 1ty. Special U/31AU. DI&tounts on c ,.111102. S48·9734 a 842·27L _ _ new furniture <;hair Ca""'n'~ Masonry Tunsport. Asphalt, con· for plants, animals, care In handlin&-25 yrs wallcoverinp . Free est -.,.~ ,....._.__...& G---' cani ng , ru a h1n11.. ROOfan':•~Plumblnfi crete &..c:'Ue removal. h 1 R f ex p. Competitive rates. Rod l-739-SIOO ROOFLEAK?????!! '. .. • .....,.., _....._.on, _._ SPECIAL a"l chair D 11" S T Soil prep & planting. f o 'fst~ ~ 7377 e s. tiO .. .c;>Ver!i~. 730J~R-. W p R C'ourtnghl & Son .... c. #'""°"* 770·6S54 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lo h t . d' rywa · tucro · e Ol>erated equip Comm 'I ..J:l!I\ ~-·-ALL APE fMl 586.~?Q2 ModU.LE CONS TR.-ADD'NS/REMODELING ~~y rC:gl~ed~n $1~.~fpe A Re~ttlJ B. 646-~ & ~esld"l_~.7638 (Eas ter V Hali on I ~J~'1i~~'\}j~~ Contractor l Painllni OraneeCoast Rooli~ Custom_h_omes, rram-Plans L1r 'cl George Tourh OlClass Interiors. General Maintenance I HAULING student has Houses ill er 11va 11 co. Uc 1T12H36 ~C. 23lors· lf~ Re-fooling/Repairs Accu tlwa; ing. remodel, French fllmer~SQ.ns.~7·69~ 711 W. 17th St A2. C.M Repairs" Decorallnf ~truck Lowest rate Respon teacher w/ref'5 Insured. 64l·8427 lll' ~ --· -Reas . rates 5411.1733 doors. skylights & patio COMM1..•RESID 642·7712__ -.guali • Ra}'640·5!!4 pt.C;a11759.t976 · Tia. (2131743·2490 to Ive WA HUSGROW! ---•-•II --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• o.~o '10c:,, mess •........ S • llll1d.fn.-p /R Qtrll, ~. Fi'n. Stmts covers.""!""'"''' RVerrod.·Add 'ns Rrpa1rs '"-•i.&-g · HOME lMPROV ~:M ENT _Thanlu.Q.l!Jghn --· STARVING ACTO RS .................... ... "'--J Compl. Set up & Serv ery reas. ir. J"'' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• A · u&11111.U'!./"• ., ..... UP .__ U MOVlNG COMPANY BUDGET RATESJL rd ReJS()llable 540.51134 •-..t.....t SM lal t Jack H Bennett. Jr K&D Lands M' 1 Heating, carpe nlry , .--"9 --" ••••••••••••u••••••••• Fast " Careful Lowest Wallcpvering Removal S 0 1 K .... L """250 ----I REP JR PLUMBING '---T •BRYANT'S• •••••••••••••••••••.••.•• --c~~ar~en~ry . Gen Contr ~29142 Resid/Com~'C1ea~1.':ip ell>c. tile. Free est No 't!l.·yree-Yd·Garage EXPER PREPARER Rates Law Allows.M c .M_T_.y~s. 6421343 'k:::nlns~1 ~1.7~1 ~~:.~a~llu!~~~·5~~~. derks & patios J .S All ~truct1on. large & LandsU l!auli.·ng.Y548d C.2 1 489 ~ttryOCl_,s_l~lmll rY64rS5·28~rl .:,1 ~~ 631·0322 Enrolled lo practire Visa. 1..icLlns. 67J.<l8S3 "-9 LftMM --Callforannt 76().7122. Cons!. Co. Top quality small. Disc to Sr. adull.s ""'' u ~ .._.., before the IRS. Quality 111~ • --....................... T'"Sertlce -~ work. Lie no. ~0801 Wnl'.!lf_~·lli2 captng· llUJIS pnlng. rnt (1< up ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• atreas.C06t.549~24 18 r _ __, n •••••••u•••••••••••• ....... freeesl.S59 ~11 Treetn.m·Expertmuint. yrdwrk' reas Jerry' WantaREALLY CLEAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIAHQLESSONS •Expert TreePruning• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,._ .. REMODEL /ADD'NS J~m~l·Ol29 ~3395 · • HOUSE? Call Gingham ln~~t:xcs~~v~te'.y~ur f'\ne.paintmjl by Rirhard and music tlieory $4.00 Commemal Landscape Driveways Parking Lot '""lM-•r All & any types We offer Res id rom m i 1 n d us • ---Girt. Free est 64S·Sl23 Sinor Llr, ins 13 yrs of per lesson Call Ben at Serv1res 9S7 8388 Repairs, $ealroat1ng •••••••••••••• •••••••• • c:omplete service de· Mamt. clean up~. tree Carpentry, remodel. re· RO-BIN'S CL---~by a_21>t 963·682] happy local customers ~ --_ _:__ " sign, bluepnnt, r arpen-tnm Free est 6411096 pair patios, painting. EANING Personal & Business.In Thank o 631,410 CompleteTreeServ1ce S~ SAsphall REPAIRS , RE MOD try. eler . plumb . ron· Pete windows. drs, quality Servire a lhorou~hly come Tax R el u rn !!. · ......,/lepolr Gen'I rln·UP & lrrig. --~Li=-=-c"'-'63!·4•99 _ lnltext & boat docks l'tete, masonry. tile. work. ~·2901 cle!l.[I hQuse. S40·tt8S7 Preparation. Avail for Cm._ PailttiAG ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lawn renov. 536-0914 ~ 2SYts:.:. .. Char6~}74? cabinetry Lir 337169 <.:lean·ups.Tret>Trlm JACKOFALLTRADES Exp'dHousecleant>r Evenings&WeekendOf 25 yrs exp. Lie. 4<tl941 Neatpatches &texlures -l>Hda- ••••••••••••••••••••••• FINE flNISll WORK We know how to do 1l Mam!. Res1d 1Comm'I C 11 d · h Mature & Relia ble fice or Home Appoint &>nded Ins Refs Color frH nt. ••'ll.j ,. 'll• Trwt •· dC n".,t!''"'rk 63123.iS Amie548·8414 a ay orn111t. expert963·0911Dick ~---...ru~ :L.u-...................... . .... c· hildcare. loving Rerrodehng Doorshun~ c.o• :...'L"' --•Jack67S-3014• ~-~/669-0416 ~nts James L Z1m ------PLA.5TER PATCHING DELINQUENT~ care & companionship. Rand 720·1260CdM DRAFTING SEHVI CE Jessie's Gardeninl( f6·"1J.mll merman CPA 64S 4212 PAINTER NEEDS Restuccos Int ext. 30 Judicial Forerlosures fenced Yard.. 556·~ _ 20 yrs ex per l'o m Clean-ups. tree trim llorre Mawtenant·e "'"' 1 t De ct 11 WORK' JO yrs exp inti N l P I 54S 2977 F M Cus.tom s pa dec.k,s. ml "res id 673 6047 · Yardwork&trtetnm ""a 1 Y pen a 1 e FEDERATED · _ I Lr:!:_ ea . ~· Harold cGrath Esq Babysitting in our C.M. pauos. Fr:· doors Lu.• d davs e\'es & mill~~ 540·803~ 20yrs. Gene 5~2 0458 Call Pam & Bob Dw1~ht. lnrome Tax Service t'Xt A~ou.st1c ce1 in gs. MR. ED'S PLASTERING --851·171.L. -homes. I Yr & up A(IY· John or Rick 979 3218 "' -J .... it Gar•11er LOV"'TO--WO~ -673·7012 631·4871 Dav1S Pamttn__g__847-518f! AJITy""'s Int or Ext th~. 642·8482i646·S7S9 f n_~ est. Ken 839 5035 11: Coll ud 7 ,... T.,,i.g Sertlce BOB'SCARPENTRY C.to.11 Woodworilia9 GAR .. ENING Carpentry. pain ina . If you n~a housekeeper Lmdlc--.., ege st ent yrs ex· ~ Free est ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loving Mother will All N b .u tree~ & ordns 11en asfussyasyouare. "'r"'I per. Int/ext. refs D11na babysit Ftr Costa Mesa types. 0 JO too ....................... & LANDSCA PI C ma ml. It hauhnl(' t-"rec eull673-8890 Xlnt refs ....................... 646-ll!m (kee.PJD'.IO&) ,._.h I Typing.resumes. ~erm Area. Nr. Fain iew and I~ sml. Refs 839·6297_ C'l:STOM HAR OWOOD Japanes_~ Geo 54S 707~ --VANDENBEHG --••••••••••••••••••••••• papers, d1sserlat1ons. Baker. 546·8653 CUSTOM CAR PENTR V lntenor;;. bars. mantles. MOWING -CU:AN UPS est HOljSECLEANINC LANl))CAPING·Lndscp Bishop & Son Painting Drains <'leared from SIO w6rd processing. R~as BY ••JAY * libraries. <·ahinets. Profess1·onal Expd,refs&rehable rnimt romm/res1d tree JO yrs exp_ in Beach Plumbing Repa1rs rates L p _ Off1c~ Babysitting. approx. 6 to 642·ll809 aft S•nm bookr as es, s ky 11 t es. llauling . Liindst·aping Call an111me • 955 2418 tnmm'1n~~tean-up, area Free esJ__548· !.0_29~ 1-'ree est M& M 642·9033 Services 518·713S - S:JO. M·F. House, yard = ('USI molclinl( Refs t'ree £st._. 642 99117 Tuh Serv1·ce Ca. ' c M hr. 642·299S ,. __ • tt-ict 646 0092 "'·II & l Mature h\e ID lbekeeper. lru.'d• nded lir'd mll'S PAIMTIMc; .. .,. .. ., M••"-.J Wlldow c~ · -,...-~.,, " ru matnt l' ean ups """arale qlrs. xlnt refs 979-Sl46 IOyrs ex""r 1·n1 or evt r-r "' 'T" "' ---.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-"'wwal ~"" & h (213) 592~3S37 or t714l ""-t" M I r . ,. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHJLD CARE .... , --rt' m romm 5 op 8408618 ~llA ·9PM Lawn servire. mow, S52·~~ _ "LettheSunshine ln" MyC.M.homew1yard WeCareCrplCleaners •••••••••••••••••••••00 pmg__rtrL_Ton.1_646 7556 -_: G L d l f ed l ' · 1 PIOPYTY CallSunsbine Wmdow hour_. -_6'!~ 0162 Steam clean & uphols DRYWALL ACOUSTIC GARDENING WANTED * erman a y • I r s. ge, nmmin g, t· t>1tn Painting, Willlcovering, MAHACilMIEHT Clearung, Ltd 548-8853 Truckmountunit 14 yrsexp F'llllyllr'd& Mow1111(,edgmg.raking. tL.ATRATEDAYOR •~ exper 960-0719 or ups , planting design wood refinishing by Orange Co. area. IS yrs _20"~Month_lvDiscount lw ... tcy Wor!.gjlar 645-371ti insured, 532 5549 s ~ e e pin ". fr el' . ALL MISC JOBS 645-~ 96J-~J09 Bob German trained father expenence Call for info !L ~····,1•••••••ed•••••k••••• a......& • al estimates s'.15 S737 or I NT EXT PROM PT BUSY Profess1onal1 M__,., I & son 40 yrs exp Refs and rates •RESIDENTIAL• ror a you ne lo now Shampoo & steam <·lean Ulr'Q'nc ,,,.~ • .,.,2 INSTALLATIONS Need clean, 'has~le free· Lir. 3.S4.256 831·9678 Avg I sty SJO; avg 2 st) bou b k II '""' ...... ' '·vm•o• Cilll 548 6857 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --·---96" • t 12 Ch a t an ruptcy.ra Color bnghtener~ wht ....................... CHET645-47S7 u ,... P~ ~ ~ __ ns 9S7·~ 714/835·9162_ __ <·rpts _ l:l min. bieach. ELEC.-TRICIAN. priced EXPERT GARDENING --• BRICK WORK · Sma II .,....._, -~~= nght f t l Reaso abl Cl s I PORTA MAIUS b N C ••••••••••••••••••··-·· -OF MGMT WlNDOW CLEANING wi.n Hall. liv1d1n. rms SIS;I · rtt es.ima eon n e ean·up · -Pr o f ess 1 o n a I JO 8 • ew~orl. ostil Farthing Interior Design ,." p' 7yrsinarea Excellent ....................... a\·g room S7.50; rouch large or small Jobs _Tnl!Jmm_&: Tom631 781~ .HCS'dwoodRoon housecleaning ~ ith Mesa. Irvine· Refs . HANGING SIOtROLL ~v ~~ > k0d~~~4~o -~ 5449_._645-]972 SlO; chr SS Guar ellm. uc ~~1 673·C3S9 Mowini: $10. SIS. S20 1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• lender lovmi: c-art> Our 57s.3i75 Quahty L1r ins Strip ROBTSTEINBRONER. petodor Crptrepair TOPQUALITY HaulJng-dumpmR SIS & llARDWOOIH'LOORS Speciality Rental Custom Bnck.Stone. ping Di scounts on Tumtotoday"sclass1r1ed SELL idle Items with a G-EN'LCON'T'RACTOR ' lS yrs exp Do work ELECTRICAL WORK S20. 754-9904. 9S5 0095 Beautifully l'leaned Clean ups Block. Concrete. Stuero paper Visa .MC Stoll for the best buys Daily Pilot Classi!aed Uc. 11399463 64S·6456: m elf. Refs. 53!_:_0101 Re_ag~~s. S!I ~s Mark. and waxed. 832·411_81 ~75S7 996 0433 Refs. Free Esl.549 9492_ ML932S 642-5678 Ad. Looking for Real Estate Sales and Rentals? Please see today•s special REAL ESTATE SECTIO~ A new, regulcr Saturday feahre of the Daily Pilot IUSlllESS. INVEST· MENT, FINANCE ===~~ = lft\nlnrM ~1) »Ii ''"'"*--· .. •nli"' JD ....,........ -Nc.JV.•MM' ~ llartia«n Tfl • • -ANNOUNCEMENTS, rm11t1m' LOST l fOUNI "OitM»Homtt .,_c,-.s.-...... · Mouw Hm..~•lt Rtf'll tu1"n Tn,tl !:;~t'nc!~"~.rt~ AllTOlllOllLE Cf'M<•I • 4~..n llOtlO Rf'(rt•ttOn \#ll1clu :V~1~rr:~~od' fr"'"• v ... 4WllAILA•unc A-.W.ntH ~:: AIJTIS, IMP111HJ ~ ~r•J W> AU•Avcrwo l.D'l A\tllt1 SC.VICES ~tn~tMOt) £MrtOYM£11T l rftflAUTION ~flaot\ h'~"""'hOfl .A:»w.,., ... ,. "°"'"'•111 .. "' r MCICNANDISE $4100 A•hft ltf'•I•) MIO ~llW ...... r..b• 4'1 ---WSlll -.. --· -ttlu ""'' Wll --till --W)J --*' -., = -""'' ---.... ... .r7 flelp )'OUl'Mlf lo a lfelpini1tled~ ol Qudfted ltepefula 19dlt DAILY l'ILOT HILP WANTID AIJI To Pleet your "Put Res.it" Serrke Oirtdor1 ...... Cll .... .... ,. ... ' .. ~ 5005 ~ Tnist 5035 ~.~.~ ...... ?~~~ Lj!= HtlpW..ted 71 00 HelpW..ted 7100 HltpW..ted 7 100 HelpW..ted 7 100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• APART MENT AS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found s mall Gra~ male ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2nd·3rd·4th TO's dog. \'IC Mesa Vrrde. Jobi W..t.d. 7 075 SI STANT MAN AG 1-:R BANK.ING WHOLESALE Judmal Foredosures CM 641·0328 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Harold F. MrGrath. Young married man J£AH STORE All at Law. 851·1771 PtnOMls 5 350 would like odd Jobs e\ es Own your own beaulJful --, ··•••••••••••••••• ••••• & wk ends Ca n do ii des 1 g n er Jean & Will dl.scount .128.000 TD aa--&1 \'anety of handy'Tla n s po rts~· ear s tore. sec by CM units. yield A.-.Ope S Massaqe jobe, 972·9$2S eves , ask fashions from Paris. 22'">. Due 6/84 67S·2500 n 24 hrs a day for Bill Inc .. offers the unique Dan I 7 days a wrl•k -opportWlily Lo sell na------69 Gorgeous IJrls to Mature person St'Cks llonally known brands ...,..___ pamper you. Jacu111, position in med1l'al of wh>lesale di rect to the Al. a;-ah/ Sauna Locals as well .is fire. 10 yrs ex p theavy I public $20.000 ht 1•rlt/ tour 1 s l s Ba n k on insurance I Write includes beginnin~ in· Lott•FMct Americard, Mastu Da1lyPilot.Ad1941 ,Box 1 ventory , fixtures. ex· ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'"harge, Amenra11-Ex-lSfiO,C M.~26. tensive training pro *•w ... .ts 5100 press . Diner s 111 1 Companion/nurses aide icram, trip to .market •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• welcome_ 714 /60·l433. position desired by exp 'd and grand openinit pro Ar: A Fair Food Con 2112Harbor Bl CM man U rooking. hskpg, motion! Absolutely no ress1on bids art> now be· 1 Coeds would lov~ to-party l.'tc Please ph. 9~7 3063 rompetition sell first ing accepted Wine & with you Leslie or X2251 ~ quroatity 8meR0rcChHanUdR1sEe & beer approved pending ..s y Iv i a , an y t 1 me . Respunsible woman will R A B.C permit f'~s .lo 761·9036 INFORMATION consist of. but not hm1t · ----be COMPANION eves. BY MAIL e d t 0 v a r 1 0 u s 7pm to 7am Best re CALL TOLL FREE sandwiches. chi ps, bur I ;...a,. t v· k.1 ferences Nonsmoker. 8~527-1 011 ritos. salads. ice LlllMI • IC IS nondnn!ter 6423153 2920 N. Main St. <'reams. soft drinks. r an PHOTO MODELS Exp C'are for elderly, Pans, Texas. 75460 dy. ete Booth will be eonvalescenl or ii I bwll by Arl A. Fair ESCORTS Eves and or nites Uest Fesuval. All food equip BACK & BETTER f!f's 7~-ll~ E\'es llrftttw.t tobesopphed by vendor. THAN EVER! 24 llRS LEGAL SEC'Y I Opporiwtity 5015 f'.or complete 1nforma 669-0207 E1ghfy qua lilied Xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• lion call (7141494-5173 <Outralll skills & ref's. Exper'd OPPORTUNITY after6pm. -civil lil igation!gen . Wilfsellpartinterestin Lott&Fo.d 5100 ---pr act1 re. 64S ·7922. waterfront property al ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,..... Se.-.Jcet 5360 ~ss 631-8336 discount lo raise rash ••••••••••••••••••••••• Htlp W..ted · 7100 fast. 1714 )752·2747 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prof woman with AAA A. omtiM Cleft MoM'f to Locmt 5025 FOUND ADS refs. exper in cleaning, expe~d-wltH" excellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• shopping, It cooking. tyPing skills for an EleC· Pvt rroney Sl0.000 & up. ID( FREE hses1tting, boals1tt1ng, ltical Const. firm Ex· Call Jeanne or Tom M apt managing seeking rellenl benefits. Contact Couplt' for 6S unit Apt complex in II R 2_l31S412· 1573 APT. MANAGER Semi.retired couple for 18 unit Adults. In Nwpt Maintenance exp. req 646·1!!0J »..CHITICTUUI. Now hiring Arch1te<'-t u ra I Drafts m a n . Knowledge of millwork1 rabinet work. Ba ck· ground in restaurants desirable Ca II for pre· 1 tnlerv1ew & appL RAYGAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES Irvine. CA. I 1714 I 64) ·8700 I Msembly F'abncat1on Supen1sor for high \·olumt' mfg. of popular leisure time products Musi ha\·e a min of 3 yrs Ill a SUpl't VISOry rilpac1ly in mfg & a mt'rhilnical background in mfg proresses Proven ability to or· gan1z.e & d1rec-t a work force of 2Q.30 people if ne'ressary. Bilingual <'Om mun1rat1on skills desirable Company 1n business over 30 yrs. of. fers stability & long term benefits. Location is LO Huntington Beach. Call Paul lor an 1n · lerv iew app "t (714 )894-721S. TD.LERS OUI IHTEllST ISYOU! GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN has an immediate open inf for a TELLER ll on a ull time basis in our Newport Beach br:anrh I Previous hnanr1al in- strluuon or cash handl· ing experience 1s necessary. Public con tact background helpful Knowledge of IO·key and light typmg LS required You'll find our solanes competll1\'e, benefits ex· cellent. and romfortable workrnl( rond 1t ions Please apply m person to GREAT WESTERN SAYINGS 450Mewport e..terDr. Newport•ocll. CAt2660 AA1EOE/M/F G42·88S2 Call·. room & bath in exrhange Virginia for same Call & let us 540-9S70 '42.-H7I discuss ,Your situation. A.CCTSPAY AILE --------•I Beauty. licensed & exper make·up artist wanted .,..._.ts: --liliiillillililll.__.I only sincere calls CUii( ATTIHTION: l..W..Cet ·--------·1-ip1111e111ase-..11smial!!nd11r11a1164•2lll-6lllllll4lll9• 11.'iO lo SOOO. at least 1 yr Ambitious boys and Office wa.a.-__ _ urch Balanre reports, girls ll>-13 years old , lo _.,.. work one or two even-lftlfdl; IEWAID FOR INFO SWEDISH MASSAGE ba ch & code for com· Office WlclRcn leading to the recovery For men & women ' put.er. 10 key by tourh. ~nt~s:ap~~e~u t:~~i"P~ Loons to S2SO,o00-.-T'e-rms ol Powerlile raring bike ~alls Robert 661·7820 Applications now being lions. Transportation to3years.Callloseeif lakenrromcondos near (9-8) laken S.SPM al US Ren· and constant adult we have the best rates England l Memphis. lals Corp office. 17871 supervision provided. availableforyourloan. ltB.Cbromeframe,red ......e 5450 Mitchen. Irv (7l4 > Call3 toS:JOPM.askfor Call Mr. Nelson (714 l handlebars. wheels & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. Andrea, 642·4321, ext . 966·07S5. Cambridge brakes; black Uniseal. IWlrtoAlosllo Aide & Housekeeper for 343 Capit al Group -a Pleasecalls:J6.<1132. Late-iilar.63l,159S arthritic woman on --------• California real estate --------Have something 10 sell ? Balboa'lsland. Mon·Fri. broker. also acting as 3 Lost : Black Cockapoo Clusifiedadsdoitwell. aft.erl2noonto7or8pm. lender. white marking on chest. ------m«96. Her bie, fem A Cl 6 '*,,',, .. ,,ll,' ~/ii.I 1l .i h. { _ f) t::. ~Q.• OPERATING CAPITAL 546-2159. Reward!__ \J~ \'~ ~~ '11 l.:;({";] .... .... AVAIL. Any worthwhile Found: Basenji Club ui..' ~, ClAT I. POU.4N ----- project can apply. Mr wishes to place yg. bark· O-'°"o• Ille 6 oc•o,,,bled Donald (214 >J68.2635. less dog that yodels. WOid\ bolow •o ..-. 6 11118-31126 .._.. wetdr '""' lellt<t ol 2nd T.D.'s lo Sl.000.000. -" •• '" Lne o1 ""'°'"' Up ~ 20 years. Downey Lost adult male Siberian 1 , SaVUI 963·~11' H&.laky. brwn & whl, blue . eye & brwn eye, lost in Morl11111. T....t So. La1 u na area . RO F L A M I 12 I I I Deidi 5035 REWARD! ~·5708 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found 3110: orange/wht ~-O__,X..,.E;...,...S_·E ....... P ...... -4 Wtler-MtG. Co. M cal, recent surgery. 1 I I I I 1-AJJ types ol r'lar estate ha£ Bcb. DH141 '-· __.__ ........ -L-. -L--'--' investmentsaince 1949. Pbund: Fem Golden Lab -,-R-1 _C_A_P_Y __ ~Ill lypt, wit chdt spot. Vic I I I I' I M TD1 lndianapoU.. " Bushard. _ _ _ _ . '42-2171 HH'll H.B.M.»738 . .,,xED RATE 2nc1 To i.: nt Cat w (blu·1rey I T u a " o T f d \11ly AmortJ&ed ... "CJl•rm111", •ic., I' I I r I . 1 Jnt cw frOln. weo. ·~111 Assumable HB.~tves. dlno where tM C04.IPI• wu •No Pre· P ay me nt Foucl· tab/Shepherd ... -------. In their tlghtln. They wtrt Ptnalty · I p A O R R E I both ttery !rail. Wt were Aa rorS11te154&-0283 ~~:k:;~·ob1~~b~~1:.~, I 1 · I' I I ~it~::'!:.. ~h. w. Lem ._1 Out, eloodllound mix. • • . . .. . . .,.... ~. a.trt.Ttrl ... -~;....,;;,;....,_;...., ..._..c.., • .,..Alla,c•re'I Ruf tltate. moa•1 OIM!r.?Jt.JTM. J ... ,...-..;..;.....,.....,.;._;_. ••allablt Ind or Jrd TD I &.-on , • .._.., or Found Ill Cdll: Male .___.___.___._...._ ...... ...1 ._ propertia. We -~·c.lor, tall• llilMll I r.ll ra.,. of ~ ... ==·~~;.:..;;;~~~~- ......... COftr•lt ....... a.. .. 11 -=~;::::::====~·== .., _,, ........... p ..C .,_..=1" I c.1""7 t• .,....... .;, .. .:---714. ,... .... ... ,.,. ··--.... Atrl'OMOTIVE D•YY Mature, dependable perm l'lffded full time . Must hav e v a H d California drivers liceme & outslandlng drivln& record. Salary • benefits. Apply In person al Service Dept. • 910Y CAIYa IMW ~~~~1~ NEWPORT Bt!ACH BabysltUng in exchange for room w11led by 1tu· dent. 997-7221, $39-8408 8 A B Y S I T T~t R : Mon /Wed 6 Fri evH + fY«Y othtr Sat. for 2 firls, 3 H yn . ~·0119 IAIYSIT1'A WAMTID! Part·Ume d11rl•1 ll1t my Oii llond•1 Ulru Fri· day. Would Hitt re· ft rtncea plust. Call Dafta• IM-ZIZ1 · .. for F /lime pos 1n Newport Salon. Call _2l3-~4·857S &>at Sales Firm seeking person for full lime . commissioning work. Must be experienced In all areas. Leadership & good atilude a must. 496-4.933. Se111~~~"c bk· kpr. needed by Garden Grove ro. Expr in all areas of bkkpg lhru tnal b4ll.ance. Must be able lo type 60 wpm, Non · sm>ktr pref. 714 /89 J.()253 ~·=~~gen. ledger. financial stale· 1111!111.a exp'd. May lead lo ruU time . l.n Lido Mattu Vllliage. Pleast aend mume to: P.01 In lt'741 NB, CA. IZIG. CAS HIER -P IT Marine h a rdw a r e . Wlmda ote. Exp. prtl. '61113 Corlmli°"/ Aide Need male cdmpamon for elderly adult S2001mo + room + board Must be expr as nurses aide or s1 m1li1r ca11an6, 851-1os1 COOK Lite hskp. aide & natunl foods exp He~ful fem pref. Can live in. Ref req No smike. C~.1_642·3481 COOl'S ASSIST. F/lime. Exp'd pref. ~/sandwiches App. ly in person. 3·Spm. M-F · Gower St Restaurant. 1000 Bnstol St. North. Newport Beach C09W SWIF-Ti• Higl'i'volu rfie Xerox duplicating Exper on 9400 and 9SOO series copiers. Call. Oreg at. --714/114().81<!> ~mer Service Major So California dis tribullon firm is seekinl( a full.time Customer Service Representative for San Juan Capistrano location ~·ho 1s a self starter. communicates Y>'tll & has typing & 10 key experlenre Send re· swm to: P.O. Box 5627. lArl& Beach, CA. 9080~ ~~~~~over 18. good driving record essential. neat ap. pearancc Pleasant working cond1t1ons. steadyw~. CO FFICE UPPLY _1121 Harl.!o! J3lvd . C M Dental Ass'l. Ortho exp. & RDA req. 4 dy wk. Newp ort Beach 642·21626. D..talAssist Exper DA wanted for NB Endo of f ice Pleasant surround 10gs11ood pa)' F T 631·3380 Dental R O.A . 2 yrs exp req'd. back office order 1ng , exrell pa y w1benef1ts. prHl1<'t' oriented !46-~ II ~~~~Se\!~li1 lfVOU • Are an experienced dental assistant. •Are eager to work in a fast.paced progressive office. •Have a fnendly outgo mg personality •Have a mature al htude •Have good verbal skills •Are a non·smoker •Would enjoy a challenging career Please cilll 644·059? Dtwtol Auistont Exper. with X·Ray ht· Part time, full time ii necessary Carman 661-2290_ Dental /Sery A re you searching for a pro gress1ve. quality ore where your outgo1n~ personahtv & dental ex pertise ln handling telephone. appointment scheduling & patlenl contact 1s appreciated & rewarded We a re a highly motivated. car ing team who 1s happy lo offer lop salary & xlnl benefits meld med1ral insurance to a ded1rated professional Sl600 11 quali fied. Newport BeaC'h. 631 2490 _ WM17!~ ~~ ~~col~? la ..... " YfhfVJ'\1-t?J ~ow ed Use ,,,,.,,, M service when pl acing ·your ad ... a Dai ly Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at. your con~e n i ence during off ice hours and get the respon ses to your ad ... t"ls service Is only $5.00 week. For more infort'('• tlon Ind to place your ad c1H l0-5618. I • I ' Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Marcih 13, 1982 ~tdWAHUCAT ... N• •KTIW.U..Ne• ttAHMMtCNI 'f' ... ,, •• , ~MMl99 aN OMMIMMtfl OIJ lit#Ml ITA1't•ln 0" VWIW "tCTfTteul ALCOHOL.Kt l Vl•MI uca.... TM ... ._ .. --•r• Hl"t tUIWPI llMWllMI T• Wt11M h M9y C--: OUIN MINll•I "'• t•llewlftt ,.,. • ._, II••• llAA I HT.,. .. IUKI i. ~It NI W"°"t .. AC.,IC LIMOU51NI .......... --ti .. "lnl''-U. 0.,.,..., ... ,. ff~.._ ... •eAVICI ... ,. "~-Dfl S.. t l wtMt.t .....,,.. P sycho log • selDIDar Satur day C4f\l'91 1w "41" ON '4LIE Hlft & '"911Wt W (At;;. w , ' CHA"Sl ITAllT NMIATIH, WINI 1111111 e.el. Pl.I le .. 11--..1< H""*1"K"k111.....,._.t, IM., e " l ......W We>t, l,.llM, c.i...,. ........ , •• nao e .. c11 ""' . eeuw,... ,.,......_ .,. c-"7t• "Journal Keepintr H1111111111N119McJl.c:.t••· Ot"•ve,se• . .....,..,1aNct..u.,ttiwe. Tll• "''""'"' '"''"'" "•-Bread ....... d """-ptb" will "'*rtNt or.,... c .... Del•• "'*· '"'' ~· ,, ,~, .. °' • ,_..,,., '° *"" ........ ._ °'~ Wl ... , U'W Mer<1111,Hlt 11.a. CtrlNl'ellllll. C.Wl'lly Oft J-'f U, 1•. I' ... -be the s ubject of the ,.__________ ~ "•"1c ,.,.,.., k t dd b 1......_,._., 1"' T ........ J ,..., tr .. It T~-9 y n 0 e a re a a y MIC ma cw.I""..,.,,.. •••. Ir• ..... C.ilto<lll• m1 •. Mo rton Ke lsey at the ........,,. O.M•• o .. _,..., •~ u "•I• I J $1r•I. ,,..._Viele.( .. ....,,.. • .,..I n nth annual ungian ir1CT1Tiou1au11•1S1 T111t .._......,. ·•~ "*' •••11 111e Tlli. llM"""6 _ ~-~., • C f " · Ch n MAMelTAftMAttT c-1., c1e<11 ,,. o.._ c°"n'" ... _,.,~ on e~n ... e lD apma Tll• tonowlnt --• •r• d.i111 Merell IO,"• T""'* J . ,. ... , St Colle1e'1 Uaashinger &u•lneu•i: 1tentta a-....._1.. 1111, ... __.. ... 11._. •1111 111e Hall on Saturday. I.At THE F1H1CKV ""AMElll; 1&1 ,.,.~!""·?:!!:' County C••n Of Or•• c_,., on BAVSHO ll l GALl.l ll Y & ....,...._,CA•-...... _ M•rcll12,1tin Th f Ill FllAMEWOAKs,.-e.11t11 s1.11-... , ....... e con erence w ••.c•i.-.cAn•v Pv1111t11M0r-c:o.t1 0.11, "'""· c--. .. .._ take place between 8: 30 L.enca cnttord 011nm1re, 11tt M9'cll" •· n, ~· » ,.., •to•"7 ._MK.,._._.._ d 4 th WUl<llH Or .. 11, ...._, BM<ll, CA -llN1 a.dl,CA'MM a .m . an p.m. on e .,.... Pv1111~0r-c-oe11.,,.11o1, Orange campus . The J-IL.,.,,.Alll ....... 17H Wtflellff ..X'9TICE MerchU,10.17,llpril),1"2 11'"2 public is inviteJ. 0'· •11·~~~ll,CAm.o Tiii• IUl...,_I -• llled with Ille l'IC'TITIOUSBUllNlh K elsey, author o f County'Cltrll of Df'•l\99 Counly on NAMlllTAT•MllNT books OD psychOIO"Y and Merell 11, 1"2. Tiie toll-"'9 .,_._, ere Hint e P•Mtl• .... ~ ....... : l'ICTITIOUI BUSll .. 11 NAIMSTATaMNT religion, is a f aculty Pv1>11,._0r..,..eo.11 Delly""°'· THI! Gll EAT Wl!STElt H 011. member at Notre Da me Merell u :io 21 """' > ,.., •UH? COM,.ANV, 4"S MA<Ar111vr covr1 Tiie lollowlft9 HrWll It dolnt IMl\lneM .. ' • ' ' Tlllt ... -... flled •"" C,ounly Uoi versity. In addition, 01 .. ~ of Or-'-""·'" Merell 10. A A WILLINGEllCO .. t•N-1 Center Drive, Suite 200, Newpo•t 8eecll, CA 9'..o the conference will offer PlalC l9m '~. 0 .... w..t•"' o11 c-• <• 1 2 work s h o p s o n D•I••••• corporellon1, H H Allred 11-11 w1111,,..r· ao er~•·• co ... WIOVN a .. ,11. CA m s• s ubj' ects from dream l'ICTITIOUSBUSllHIS M..:Art~Courl. SUit• IOOA, N--· HAMii STATIMINT Be..:11, Cellfornle t2"0 Tlll1 11us1 ... u I• condueled 11\1 '"" 1r .. 11.1d ... 1 In l e r pre tat i 0 n t 0 The lollowlno Ptr•On •• doln9 Tllll ""''""' .. eondvelH lly • ceremony and ritua l in 11v11 ... u .. : c«por-'*' A 11 w1111,.r everyday life, all from ,!:LL~ !~!!£:.:'.A~,!~~~ '&~t:;:::ste•n the pe rspective of the H111,, CAflM1 wim.,,, M<0onne•1 'flll• il•t-.... llltd •llll Ille Covnly Cler11 ol <><•-CooinlY on Merell 11. ltl2 ' -~-........ P s y c h 0 10 g y o f C . G . Katnetin. Gena•••· JOCD Los AllMK Vlo Prn1c1on1 Blvd ..... L..-Hiii•, CA nu:i. "'""" Pullll•lll<I Or-C.otll D•llv PllOI, Mereh 13, 20. 77, Aptll J. 1'192 12_, Jung. Tl\h lluM...U •• eOl'IClucted l>y ... lndlvklYel. The conference is K•theOne Gona1e1 new job as ad vertising director for Te mpe. Ariz., Daily News. Pvllll\llecl 0rM91 Cotll D•lly Piiot, Merell IJ, JO, 27, A1>tll J. ,.., 120~ B ACK AT WORK -Mary Gohlke, who underwent a heart and lung trans plant a year ago. happily returned to work this week in Sponsored by the C.G. r111• ·~• .... , 111ec1 •"" ------------c°""'' c1er1t of o .. no-c ...... 1y on PWlJC llfi( ..... , ... Jung Club or Orange Fell 11, 1"2. C F 1'1..,4 0 U n l y ' 0 r Pvllllllled Or-Coell Delly PllOI, in formation , call J ean 11i11atchu.10.11,A..,11>.1t12 UJH2 HOllTH OllANGE JUOICIAL OISTlllCT "~CIJ,.~'rr!:~:,,·::r 1275 N • ...-., AW. d ' ""'-·Ce. fte.M Barton at 894-8376. 'Crib death' causes studied Tll• lollowlno perwn• .,. o•ng PL ll lNTI FF c & w •CTION L------------l l>u•lneuet• RENTllLS, INC 'fHE HllUS i<OLK, :..111 Vie Lido DEFENDANT JULIE MORALES; Allergic reactions, bacterial poison may be culpriis ATLANTA CAP> -"Crib death ," a s udden, unexplained illness that strikes thous ands of infants each year , may be linked lo bacterial poisons or to a n allergic react.Ion. the findings of l wo teams of researchers s uggest. The studies, presented at the a nnual co n vention of the Ame ri can Soc i ety for Microbiology h e r e, suggest J divergent explanatio ns fo r s udden infant death syndrome. o r S ID S . whi c h kills an e stim ated 6,000 lo 8,000 infants e ach year. One study by researchers at ' St. John 's University in New . York round evidence to suggest SI OS is the result of an allergic · ... reaction in infants who have Immune system deficiencies. The babies lack the ability to DIATH NOTICES co mba t allergies to s uch common ite ms as cow's milk, household dust or fungal s pores in the a ir. said Consta ntine J . Efthymiou , a pro fessor o f biologic sciences at St. J ohn's . "I think this is the firs t time we have a definite association of . some biological event that can be considered the primary cause of S I DS," he said in an interview. "If this is really the sequence o f events .·' the n a n early id entification of i nfants susceptible to S IDS m ay be· possible in th e near future, he said. The other study folfhd that monkeys injected with newly recognized poisons produced by a common bacterium died a sleeping death ·indisting~ishable from SIDS. The monkeys "showed a quiet death in four to 10 hours and an autopsy was in c apable o f determining how they died," said Dr. Ste phen S. Arnon, a researcher from the California Department of Health Services who headed the bacterial poison study. The lwo poisons were produced by the Clostridium difficile bacterium , whic h is "extre me ly common" a nd is found in the intestines of a ll a n i mals, including humans, Arnon said. The bacterium is also found in soil, household dust and el s ewh e re in t h e environment. "Our work does nol prove this toxin causes human crib death," he said. "What really needs to be done now is search human SIDS babies to see if evidence of these toxins can be found." Sama Ana Army Base l i , .. i f . . . ~ . r e1Wi on set ! Business~en Former s oldie r s i d stationed at the Santa ! I / Y <> u a r I! o 1 n 9 Ana Army Air Base in j bu s 1 n es s u r1 t! e r a Costa Mesa are invited jF1c t1twus Business : to a reunion March 27 at ! \'ame you are required ! Oran ge Coast College. ! b11 law .1 Business and 1 i Pru/esswns Code. Sec i ! 17900 to 179.10J to /1/e a 1 ! Fre i 1t1ous Business! i "J ame Statement and i i have it published for i : four consecutwe weeks 1 ~WE at the DA ILY j ! PI LOT can help with ! : both. Call the LEGAL i Retired USAF Col. James A. Millon will be the featured s p eake r during the luncheon that begins al 12 :30. Tickets are $6.75. T h ose interested in attending can mail a check to the Costa Mesa Historical Society, P.O . Box 1764, Costa Mesa. D 1-: I' A RT M E ,\' T a t 1 fj42 432 1 F.rt 332 for i . furt/1er m/ormat1on j ................................................. SLATER F'nends may Cllll al Pierce brother Peter of Mi ami, • HOIOSCOPE MAURICE KENNETH Arolhers Bell Broadway Floridaand6 grandchildrcn SLATER. a resident of Costa Mortuary on Satu.rday . Gra veside services we n.: BY SIDNEY OMARA O F '~&.- Soud, H..-t llff<l'I, CA.., .. , TOl>IY MORALES, DOES I Ill~ Mealtle He.,...5. ~IA Vie Lido Soucl, XX, lnclvtlw HowPOrt BHch, CA '1..:1 IU-1 f'renlt •-•II,"'• ltvlne Ave c-... A-*27 NewPOrt 8-:l\,CA'1..0 NOTICE! You M"9 --·· T ... Tiii• lluslnen I• conducted 1>Y .., cour1 mey Otckle -•n•I yov wll'-1 unln<or<por-••-lellon other lhen yovr belno ht•rO u111tu .,... ""'°"" • pertnertNp, wllllll> JO °"Y .. Reed lt'9 lntorm•tlOfl Fr ..... A-II !Mlow Tiii• Itel-I ••• llled wllh the 11 yov wl•h 10 ..e.lt tht edvlce ol .., Covnly Cieri< of Or•ft9t (.ounly on •tlo,,,.y In lhl\ m-•. yov "'°" .. oo Merell 10, 1"1 '° promptly '° tllel yovr wrlllen "1-••"'°""·of eny rn.y be 11 ... on lime Pvllll•lll<I <><-c .... Dally Piiot, AVISO• Usted ... \100 .,.,,,_ M•rtl'I U, 10.17. Aprll >. ,.., llSI~ El lrll>VNI purde Otclcllr eOftlrt Ud PUIUC llOTiE ''" auctlel'<i• • m enot que Ud re.Pond• ditntro * JO die•. Le• I• lnlorm.clon que ••-SI USlf(I-• toll<itu el <Ofl"jo Ck "CTITIOUSaUSINllU un •llo9ed0 en este •""''°· *llerl• NAME STllTIEMEN'f lle<erlo lmmedlalernente, de uta Th• tonowtf\9 "''°"' •rt do•no m.•ner•. w respun1A ncrii... M l\rf &u•lneu •• •lgvne, p.--reoistraclt • llerolPO T88W COMPANY, 1•10 He•port 1 TO THE OEFEl>IDlll>IT A Clvll Boulen•d, NewP0<1 Boa<ll Cahl0tnia comp••lnt ,, .. llHn filed lly Ille '7..:J. pl•lnllll eoainst you II '°" •ISll lo Or. A-rt E Buucnamp, 4000 o.teftd 11•1• ••wwll. you mll\I, wlll'lin llillacArthur Blvd_, Sv•te 100, NewPoF1 JO oey• •"-• '"" sum-It M""" Beeell, Celllom,. '7..0 on you, Iii. ••lh lhh '°"" • wtltten ll lchatO L Bt•vth•mP, •OOO r .. pon .. lo!M eompteonl Unlt•yov MecArthu• Blv<I . S..1te 700, 1>1ewPoF1 do IO, rour oefautt will ~ entared °" BeKll, Celllomle '2MO •OPll<allon ol ttw Pl•ln111f, and 1111• Jemes P. w .. m1no1on, 11100 court may enl<Pr • Jv09emtnl agelnsl Gillelle, lrvone,C.elilomlatl714 you tor 11w ,..lief .,.,,,_ In ttw Thll .,.,,,,. ...... <OndV<l•d by • complalnl, Whl(h <OUIO re•vll '" oenerel per'lnerslllp, oarnl>llmenl ol wege~. tekln9 01 Al<l\erO L. BHuc,,.mp money or prOl)erty o• olhe• rellel Thl1 stei.n-1 ••• fllecl with lllt teQuetled lntheeomplelnl Covnty Cler11 of Ot._ C"""'Y on Oele<I s.oc.-s, ,.., March 11, 1"2 . 11.-rt II 11111, Clen 11-.. I( ..... & M............ By C-ie Sol-. ()f,pvlt A,.,___, LewC.._•-~ ,.,.._, •1" MKA_ a,..., 5-lM -WI ............ •* --.-.. ..-. CA-l-1y Mllh, Ce. -11 l't Ull) •5$-t1t1 Pvllll•lwJd 0<""90 CNSI O•llY Piiot. Pulllhlltd 0.•nge C0.1' Dally Piiot, Merell 1u. 10, 11, APf'll l, "" U.., liiller<11 tJ. :I0, 17. Aprll J, ,.., 1741,.1 Mesa. Ca. Pas!>ed away on, M;irch 13. l~ from 9.00A M held on Fnday, March 12. March 11. l982. He has been to 9·00PM. Pierce Brothers 1982 at 11.00AM at Harbor a residentof the areaforthe B.ell Broadway Mort uary Lawn Memorial Park past .i years Ill' 15 survived d?rectors. St.>rvices under the direction by his wife Barbara. brother of Harbor L'.lwn Mount Ohve Sunday, March 14 By SYDNEY OMARR J..-4 ... ~ 0 ~\ PUBLIC NOTICE \."llJJ OF A Robert E . sisters Eleanore CARICH Mortuary of Co'!ta Mesa Tarantino of Florida and ANDREW ··J AC K " 540·5554. Dorothy Stout of Ne w C A RIC H. r es ide nt o f SLATER .Jersey. ruece Claudia Slater Graeagle. Ca Born July 7, MAURICE KENNETH ARIES (Marc h 2 1-April 19): Family gel-togethe r prove5 s atisfactory ~ ffi3;'1Y ways, including solution of m oney question. Diffe rences a re settled, calm returns lo domestic front. B e of Costa Mesa, c a. Services 19 2 2. Passed aw a Y at SLATER. a resident of Costa will be held on Monday. Eas tern Plumas District Mesa. Ca Passed away on 0 OOAM t Hospital m Portola, Ca. on March II. 1982 He has been generous without being gullible. \1 arch l5. l9S2 al I : a S d "'b 21 1982 a resident or th" arn11 for th" ll arbor Lawn Me morial un ay. r e ruary · , , , TAURUS C April 20-May 20): Perceive potentiaJ. see picture as a whole . Leave d etails for a nother time . Social a ctivity indicated, you r eceive compliments on artistic achievements. Chapel with Rev Bruce Jack had lived in Costa past 4 years. lie 1s survived K u rrie . p;i st o r o f the Mesa , Ca. for 40 years and by h1s w1fe 8arbara,brother Presbytenan Church of the had moved to Graeagle. Ca Robert E . sisters Eleanore "l'ovenant o ffi c iatin~ 4 years ago. n c was born in Tarantino of Florida , and SN\'ices under the direction Oakland. Ca . at one lime Dorothy Stout of Nl'w . of Baltz lk rgeron Smith & w a s a co mm e r c 1 a I Jersey. nien• Claudia Slater ruthlll Westcltff Cha pe l fi s h e rman 1n Nt;!wporl of Costa Mesa. Ca Services 'lorluan of Costa Mesa Beach. he was enlisted in will be held on Mond a~. fi46 9371 · the Navy dunng World War March 15. 1982 at JO·OOAM at II and was retired out of the Harbor Lawn Memoria l Operating Engineers Local Chapel with Rev. Bru('e 12. He is survived by his Kurrie. pastor of the Presby- wife Alene or Graeagle. Ca .. tc r ian Church of the his son Andrew Jack. Jr. Covenant. o ffi c iating and a daughter Bobbi Davis Services under the direction and one granddaughater of Balu Bergeron-Smith & Amy. Allor Costa Mesa. Tuthill Wes t cliff Chape l GEMINI <May 21.June 20): Stick to factual material. Leave speculation for another time . You'll revise, review and rebuild on a more s uitable structure. Exchange thoughts with co-worker, one who s hares basic interest s , JOBST REBECCA C JOBST. a resident or Santa Ana, Ca .. Passed away on March 12. 1982 Mr Jobst had been a resident or Costa Mesa. Ca. since r.MS. She is survived • by her husband Louis Jobst . concerns. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be ready for c hange, travel opportunity. numerous contacts with interesting, creative, challenging people. Focus also on children, variety, speculation and ability to express self in dyl1amic, graphic m a nne r. <;r. of Costa Mes a. Ca .. 1 son GREEN Mortuary 646·9371. LEO <July 23-Aug, 22): Emphasis on security, territorial right s, surprise gift and important d omestic a djust ments . You could receive information which leads to a profitable trade . , Louis Jobst. Jr of Grass ALFRED E. GREEN. a Valley , Ca . 1 daughater resident of Costa Mesa. Ca J acqueline Kravitz of Costa Passed away oo March 12. Vlesa. Ca . 6 f grandchildren 1982. He is survived by his and S great grandchildren. wife Susie. son Arla of Graveside services will be S u n n y v a I e . Ca . 4 held on Sunday. March 14, g r and chi l dren and 5 1982 at J .JOPM.at Harbcu' gre al ·gra ndchildre n L awn Memorial Park Services wi ll be held on Girl-Scouts sell cookies rlHCl l&OTHHS ~IAOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-91 50 IAL TZ lfttGllOH SMITH & TI/THILL WlSTCLIFf CHA'll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 .... Cl •OTHllS SMfTHS' MOITUAAY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 PACIFIC Y•W MIMOltAL PAD c.metelY Mortu.,-y Chapel-Crematory 3500 Peclhc v.-w Or•ve Newport Beach 644·2700 Monday. March 15, 1982 at H arbor Lawn Memorial Chapel, 1625 \iisler. Costa Mesa. Ca. Services under the direction of Bal l i Bergeron·Smith & Tuthill Weslcliff Chapel Mortuary or Costa Mesa. 646-9371. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Count your change, d e fine terms, see othe rs in realistic light. " Elem ents of c:onfusion are part of scenario~ know Girl Scouts will be it, protect self in clinches. s elling cookies at local LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphasis on shopping centers March investme nts, a dded res p o n s ibility and 12 to 21. opportunities for greater achievements. This can "Proceeds from the be your po we r -play d ay. Know it, proceed a nnual cookies sale go to accordingly. · s upport t roop activities SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll finish a nd to operate the Girl import.ant project. As result, you gain credit long Seo u t pro g ram i n ove rdue . Lunar position emphasizes personality, Orange County. s pecial appearances, initiative. new start in ne w L ast month the girls direction. WJLLE'rr went d oor · to · d oor . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be ready EUGEN I E MAR I E selling among oth e r for new start and c hance lo rectify recent error. WILLETT. age 94. a former d e 1 i ca e i es, th eir Areas previously dark will rece ive benefit of res ident of Huntington chocolate mint cookies. M f d bt ·11 b Beach. ca. Passed away on g r eater light. any ear s, ou s w1 e March 9, 1982 in San Diego, eradicated. ca. Mrs . Willett was an Housino law CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. l9): You receive active member or St. Marys --e coope ration fram pe rsons who pre vious ly By the Sea Parish when her S AN FRANCIS C 0 appe ared in~ferent. Romantic interlude could health permitted. Beloved (AP > -Energy and highlight scenario. Focus on im portant contacts, m other or Lilllan D. Ehman wate r -saving d evices fulfiUmentofdesires. or Corona del Mar, Ca.. ·11 h be · t 11 d -... 18) Soc:i 1 Uvity Rola nd L. Willett, of San w1 ave to ms a e AQUA&IUS (J an. 20-reb. : a ac Diego, ca .. Wilfred E . in old h o u ses and increases,popularityilemphuisedandnumei:ous Willett of Orange. Ca .. and a partme nts in San qu1t1Uons are answered. Focua a1ao on prestige, Geor ge Wlllell o f Loa Francisrowhenlhey-are promotion and participation ln communit y or Aareles, Ca. Also survivlng sold or teQOvated, d ue to political rally. are 8 grandchildren and $ a new city o rdinance. ·P ISCES (Feb. it-March 20): Plan ahead for great.grandchildren, a sl$ter Sal) Franc isco is the change of scene')'. Review options; you do have Amelia OUellet or Montreal, 11th city or county to choice and cah amd restrletlont. Get vlewt Can a da and a brothe r have approved such an across in s-Jnc manner. Sp6rt"'at melation A 1 p hon a e 0 u e 11 e t o f -~ Lewiston, Maine. Kass of ordlnance. could bighli~t scenlrlo. Christian Burial will be l celebrated on Saturday. S ' ff IF.!Orke·... a:d 0,.,, March 13. 1982 at tO:OOAM at eason 0 ,,., • fl I • " .. 'J J St Marys By the Seal • • Catholic Church with Fathe r SAN DIEGO (AP) SANTA CLAUS-, .ind. (AP) -Soundeslgn Corp., DanleJ Johnson as celebrtnt.lln a move aimed at the nation's larcest malter of stereo c:onaolea, says it Interment will be in Good,aavinl the San Diego ls laying off worlfers as It thane• ita productl to Shepherd ~met~-PIWtt Sy m Pho n Y fro JD conform with chtnctne tastes. Brothen Sndthl Mortuar>' b t n k r u p l c y , l ta e The company said AmericUI prefer to stack directors. SIM53t. mualclana have ~ed to t heir turntables and a~reo rtffiven on racks ud AnM cancel tM 0N?be1l re'1 sale.a of sell-cont ained eo..i• have a=m to SAMUEL ATLAS •• 1 Ix . week • um m•r muc:b thatonJy 80 of lta ........ .... . ruldent of Or1•1e Ca. seaMft Ind freae lbett Vice Prealdtnt 1Ucbard-~wle1 Sr. _.. ~-PUBLIC M EETING TO BE HELD ON AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON 81 -TT-1021 WHAT'S BE ING PLANNED WHERE IS T HE PROJECT WHAT INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE HOW YOU GE T INVOLVED (Fl RST REVISE) The applicant, Irvine Pacific, ts proposing to revise the tentative tract map for 262 units on 243 acres to a llow a change from public streets to private streets. The project Is located south of Turtle Rock Drive between Rldgellne and Starcrest In Enclave 3. The proposed plans, a copy o f the e nvironme ntal determination (negative decla ration) and ottler project Information are available for Inspection at the Community Development Department, 2801 McGew, Irvine. Do you have any comments? Questions? Cone-ems? You are Invited to attend a public hearing to be held by the City of Irvine City Councll on Tuesday r March 23, 1912 at 7:30 p.m. In the City Council Chambers a t 17200 JembOreer Irvine. WHO TO CONTACT ~;:.3~~r~t the Department. 11-TT-10216 t.11-12. ~tHCl11:~.!:-;" .!; 11lariel. c.c.&laUod ot 1-,.ar-okl Dlant btre will bttln maldq woocllll racb war~ norenN d.a1•t•r \be ltpnlDel' PIP ~~ and at ancla for lter... ttlHltlou aad 19om• IOAl• 11e1aer: .an Ml1et Hl1t'r Wiii coat each eomputenJ and Plltt bf tM ~~ wtll bit ,_ ap tor AU•• of Wblttler, Ca.,lPl11~~~~~. sale. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' , ' Oronge CoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13. 1982 I < ' 'ICTITtOUI 8UllNIU "AMII IT 4lT8MaNT Tiit lollowlnt Hrto11 I• ooln1 ..,,1 .... , .. C:AllOUHl •WlU $tt0P NO I tlOO .. .,..,, llOll•••ro. C..te ~ .. ('all111tn1a .-.11 . Je rry .t. w..a, >ff Wot thv S1r .. 1 8101. CatW Mt ... Ctlllo111lt flttJ • Tiii• l>vt.IMu " conf11c1to Dy • tlml .. cl -1Nr\lllP .Hf ry A 'WMcl lhlt "•l-1 Wt\ Ill .. Wllll 1"9 C•t1nly Cit•-ot 0r""99 COllnty on ~•(11 4 ,., l't-..... 11,nta 0. ._ Co.ti CUiiy '1101, Mtt(h t ti 20 11 1"1 .. , t1 PVlllC •Ja NOTICE OF DEATH OF IT'ATIMINl'O,.O•NOOHMINT MARILYN LEE PAUGH O"UHO,l'I01Ttou• AND OF PETITION TO eu••••»NAMI ~DMINISTER ESTATE .~:~11~1i::! :,e~·~~,7,z;:,• ... o. A ·112231. eYtlllH)........ ' benrefol • a 11 I h e i r s , ,,;.,~: .. A!!:'..!.~o~~':. ... !~D11 c1ar es, creditors .,,)J CA and contingent c reditors o f T11e l'1t1111 ... , •u•I""' N•m• Marilyn Lee Pa h d "'•"Itel 10 ·-..... 111ec11n 0••"941 ug an county on F_...,Y It ,,., person s who may be w ull•mors-.11S1uer1.2 .. 111-1on o therwise interested in the ••• .1.-H1111,CA'2UJ w ill and/or estate A-rt we111n, M Atote•• r.ee 1.ene "CTITIOUt 8U$1NllU NAMa $TATU141NT T ,,. IOllOwlnv Pt<"tont .,. Clplnt ai&l•lne'••· GARY YOCl-IES C11M1 Al.TA OENA ~11 A_._,, Pl • CKt• liillete, CA Garv Yotl!M, 1t72 Rowm.,y Pt Cosla Meta, CA •1'11 It Tot>ty Yoc11.. 1tn A-m••Y Pl C~t• Me ... CA t2t21 Thlt llutltlHS " (OllduCl•d by nv•D•nd-wlte A . , · Irv In•. CA '2114 petttton has been f iled Tiii• llu\inn .. ••• con<1uc1ec1 Dy by Darren Paugh and ~,,., .. .,.,.,,..,.111., K TOC.y YOChe• • Thi• st••-· ••.s lllod with IN County Clerk 01 O••nve Courlly on Merell s, ttn D e v o n p a u g h t 0 be w1111t m A s'""" a.... I t d Thi• ..... ,,_, ... llled wllh th• .,po n e ilS personal Counly Cler~ ol Or•nve County on r e P r cs e n t a t i v e s t o M•rc1111. ,.., FIUWt "•Ott PuDll•lltO Or•nve Coast Delly Piiot M.,<11 •, 13, ?0, 27, 1'112 tOIM:i a d minister t he estate of Marilyn Lee Paugh (under the Ind ependent PuDll>tleel Or41t19t c ... ~I Delly Pllol, -------------M•rtll tl, 20. ti. Apni J, "U t IJG.tt Administration of Estatesl----------- Actl. The petition is set for P'lllllC NOTICE N01'1c1 OI' ,.ue1.1c hearing in Dept . N o. 3 at•-----------"'••UNO IEl'OllE T"E ,-f'UINNINO COMMISSION 700 Civic Cente r Drive NS.ttM Of'THE CITVOI' w est, in the C ity of Sant a F1cn11ous 1us1NEss l'OUNTAtN vA1.uy A.na. Caltlorn1a on Apnt NAMESTATEMENT NOTICE 1$ HEllE8Y GIVEN lhtl 7, 1982 a t 9·.JO a .m . Tll• lollow1n9 l>ersons ate dolnQ on,tdnt\cl•Y Marc11 14 1912 at bu\1nt"•• I 30 P m In lht City Council IF YOU OBJECT to t he NEWPORT BURGE R. 6800-A Cha mD•o 10100 S••tor Avenue grant ing o r the p e tition WH I Patlll< COdtl HiQhway, Newporl Founttlll V•lley, lht Pltnnln~ • Buell C•lilornl• 921>6.J Commlulon wlll llo4d • puDll< lle•rlnv YOU Should either appear .O,IU-r A Ldmy 1>61l Roo> on tht lollowlnv llems a t the hea r ing a nd s ta te Drive, Hun11nv1011 Buch t •lltornia CONDITIONAL use PERMIT NO your o bject ions or file •1~41 SU TENTAlfVE TRACT NO 'tt b ' Gletl04 A. UimlWlollll lloolLDrl•t, 1 l7/4' P,,ll11on >uDmlltecl by E.O w n e n 0 Jectlon s w ith the Hunllnvton B.au• ta111ornla 92.,.1 Rodelttr tor '"" e.ta1>11shm..nt ot a court befo re the hearing. Thi\ bu\lnt•• " con<1uciec1 bY an ••o·'1orv otllce bulld•nv com11<"1n9 xour appearance may l)e lndlvlOuol aPOroaln>altlY ... 000 MjUUt IHI ot 1n p e r son Or by YOUr Atua~rA l.•my bulldlnQtrUonlhepr_,-,ylocaled Glt!ncs. A l •my on lhe Ml<llh slcll! of W•r-Avenue a tto r ney. Tn,~ •latt-nt was 1114'<1 w11n Ille 1370 leol HSI 01 Ntwllope ~rttl I F Y 0 U A R E A Covntv Cle,., OI Ill• Ore~ Counry on hnl•lln Trotet No 1171• subdlvio1no c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a f'tDru.11y II ,.,., '"" pr~ Ottlco bullcllnQ Into tO t ' Fltllll <onclomintum ottlce unlU wat tut<! In COn 1ngent Creditor Of the PuDll\l'lfO 0.<1"90' Co.SI Dally Piiot <onfun<tlon w1lll llliuppllcallo ~IC flTIOUS 8USINHS NAMI STATEMENT Tnt tollowlno Pertont .,. dolnQ bu,tneu ., SPECIALTY GLMS £ MIAAOA co • I 10• Vl<IOrle, Co.ta MU• Ct lllO•nre m t1 ' A I chard C Anae,.on, 10041 Slarbotn:t Clrc 19 Huntington Bo<Klr C.alllornl• 9~. ' Gery S G•lllln, ?IHI Brookllu•ll :,~· Hunllnoton B••th, C••llo•nl~ T hit Du\lnu, " tonOuCled bv • vener•I Perlne"l\lp G••YG•lllln T "'' SIAll•.....,,I w.. "'"' Wilh the County C•er~ of Oranve Covn1v Oii FeDruery 1t, 1~ .. ,_ PuDll"""' Or-Co•st D•lly Piiot Feb 21, Nl<tr •. 13 20, 1911 901 .. 1' PUIUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINEU NAMl STATEMENT The tollowlno person " oolno buslneu•' !Al LANDON FI NANCIAi. GROUP, IBI Tl-IE CAMBlllOGE GllOUP, CCI CAMBAIDGE PACIFIC I N VESTMENT GROUP, (Dl CAMBRIOGE PACIFIC FINANCIAL GROUP, 1.01 Dow s•-•. Sull• 110, l;lowpo'1 Betell, Ct •llorn1• tiw.o Larry J Nlehon Jr . 1101 Weil Stt\oen~ •venue • •l. S•nta Ana, Calllornla .,JOI Tiiis ~n .. s .. COftCIUCl.0 by ti\ lncll•IOutr LAfry J Nlthon, Jt deceased, you must file FtD 11 -· •. IJ 20. 10$1 •?Hi CONDITl()HAI. use PEAMIT NO your c laim with the court s.J Pe1111on su1>m11t"" Dy Dolly M l.tt fO• a ChtnQt ot owne(lhip ol Ille This stal.,,_1 ,.., 111@<1 wllh Ille Counh Cler~ ot OranQt Covn1v on February'· 11191 D r p res en t I t t 0 I h e PUIUC NOTICE Siar Shine Chine ... Aostauranl IOCtltd /. personal representative at 16~SBroo~11u"1s1 .... 1 appointe d by the court NOTICEINVITING 81DS PAECISE Pl.Jl.N NO 348. Ptllllon l'tnn1 PuDll>IWd Oranoe Cot.i Dally 1>1101. w 'th' f NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEN thal suDmlttecl Dy Home !>avln~ ancl l.OAn I In OUr months fro m 1Ultd bid\ will tw rt•<elv•d by lhP Clly tor approval OI • Home SevlnQS &n<I the date o f first issuance :1erk 01 •ht c11y 01 1rv1nP c a11torn1a Loen taclllly comprlslno 10.~ squ•re Of letters as provided in lor turnl\lllnQ all pl•nt lf!JC>r M>rvicrt lttl ot bulldlnv orH to IMP loot.a •t Sec lion 700 of the Probate m.ieri•I• tooh tqu1pment supp1oe. lht nor1hW<tSt corner ot Brooknur\I tr•n\port•lion ut•hCif'\ •n<S all otht:r Strfft •no G•rt,etd AYMut Code of California . The llems •no lacllltlO\ nHusarv PAOPOSEO BUS SHEl.TEllS A t ime for filing claims will •n.refor M oro•1oocs 1n ,,,. con11ect PuDll< hur1no 1n1t••teo by tne not expire prior tO four do<umenl\ tor lmprovemenl ol Fountain Valley PltnrllnQ CommlHlon March&. 11. 10, 11, 19111 tOlS-t2 PUlllC NOTICE FICl'ITIOUS •USINESS ltlAMl STATEMENT The tollowtno "'"°"' •re dolno butlne'' ., l'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT '"" fOUOwHH4» ptt\Oft t• Oo•,,o buSIM,,., COAST OFFSll E. /II WUI 11th Strttt. 8 9, CO\le M"'• C•lltorn•• '2611 Ronald Ao Ats•••. ?Ciel Stale Slrttl C"'I• Mes., Cel1tnrn1a 9?&11 Tiii• busln.-, I• tonduclO<I by tn lndlv1c1ua1 Ron•lcl A•y Rosel T hit >ltterno111 •H 11190 with lhe County Clfrk ol Or•110. County on February ti. 1911 FIUtJJ PuDll"'9cl O.anoe Cots• Dtllv Piiot Feb 11. M<lr •· 11 10 1981 M1.-i 'ICTl'TIOUI aulttHH ltAM8 ITATIAdNf Tlte tollowln9 "' .. '" ar• dolno l>u~ln•tt•~ CAR·OON I NTlll,_11111$. ttcMI VPOerl~• Clrc• u unlln9f0n a..c11. Ct11'9rnle nMt O•rtofl ,. Hltlmt trom, 11041 V-t1•• Clrci., Hunll~ a-11, c;tl lforni. "'4. Cerlten ,. Mlt lrrUlrtM, 11041 u...,.,1 ... Clrci., HllM~ e..<11 Cell lornlt "'4 ' Tlllt .....,_. It ~, .. Dr •~ lnc11•14u.I C-..... J: Mjtllll>ltom Tlllt ._, Wt\.111.0 wit/I IN Covntv Cler' 01 Ore1>99 C011t1tr 04' IJtO<u.,yl).lilU ,I_ Publlsl!M Or<lllOe Coott Ool•v Pilot "1"°' f'•D. JI, Mt• •. 1$. 10, 1"7 l1' .. ) ,ul>U"'911 Or-C..\I Delly Piiot, PHUC •Ja MOl'ICI 0.. Af'l't.ICATIC* 'Cl• CMAllOl INOW..IUH,,o• ALCOHOLIC •1¥111AOl 1.ICINH ~·•.t• To Wllem II Mey COftCttll CAFE 811 ISTO\. INC:. " tPPlylno to ,,.. OeptrtMel'lt Of A"-llc a.vereve Conlrol ,., "•l" OH SALE GENEllAL IPUll EAT PL I to Mii •l<~k lleverevet •I IMOO Peclllc Coast Hwy. S\e 10). l-lu..tlllQIOft &Mell, Ct lllornl• t1M'I PUDlltllecl 0.""90 Co .. 1 Dally Piiot, March 1a, ,.., t 01 .. 1. PUIUC 1111C£ PUIUC NOTICE Mero•· u. 20, 11 1.., 10J1.12 "'C'TITIOUI 8UllNiH -• N-ISTATIMaNl '"• tolntwlnv pe,.on It 001110 bu•lneu et l'1CT1Ttoustu•1Nus N""'l tfATIMINT • Al.,..A OISTAl(IUTINO CO .. ftJt e.11.111 •• 0.1 ... l-l11llllnofMt eo.c11. C'ellfornl• .,.._ I lie lottowlnQ P•t\(111 1$ Cloln9 1111\IMUat l-IOMES M.AOAltNE, lOIOI r-t> Ct nler 0. L-N~. C• .,.,, RIChtfd Det. 51tMd mn P•- 01 ..... Sen J~ll (aOl\lr-. C• UtH Tl>I• bu\lnn• I• <Ollcluct"" Dy on lnolvld..al Rl<ll¥d 0 Str .. o l'lllt , .. ...,_, we1 tu.a wllll Ille CO\lnt y ,,.,~ of Oreft911 Cov11ty on J •nuery 11. 1"'2 Anlonlo V•l•1. •01 lolltlllre r;,r:;.•· HW'\lillOfon a .. c11. Ct ll'9rnl• Tlllt lllo11lt>tn It 'l"CllKl .. Dy tft lncll•l<lutl AnllJNOVtltl T .... lttl-1 -·· lllOcl •1111 ,,,. '°""'Y Clerk ot Oren,. County 011 M.,(h 4, 1"1 ,. ..... 1 Pul>ll-°'-Coett O•llv Piiot, Mtr(h 6, I>, 20. ti, l!!l !ft:5- PUIUC •11Cl l'ICTITIOUS I USINISS NAME STATEMlltlT Tl\e followtf\O otr,on h doln9 .,.,,,.,,,.u •• DOUGLAS PAECISION MACHIN ING, ISO Soul ll Ht rDor Boulev.,d, Unll I, t 11 Sanlt AM C"tltornf• ... · 0...01 .. Eric Ot I.a llos.. 11171 Bot st Chi~• •St. Hunllnoton 8-tetr, C•llfllrnl•~ Tiii• llu\lnfts It conducteo OY en 1ndlvldu•I DE de I.a llOla l nls ~•ttmtnl w•ll lllod will\ the County Cler~ or OrenQO County on March•. 1'1111 l'ltMt.> Publlthed Or•nqe c ... 11 Delly Piiot. M•rcn •. ll, 10, 11. 1'117 "S"J NS.'11M SUl'E•lo.t COUllT 0' THE STATE 01' CALtFO•NIA 1'011 THE COUNTY 0 " O•ANGE 1• Civic c...ter O.lve w ... s""'• .,..., C.tlfonll• t1111 Pltlntltt TIMOTl-IV SCHIFFER tnct DAVID WEINBEAG 0..ltf10a"I J~CHARD HEAlH CHAMBl.155, TOO AATMBONE,•nd ooes I throuoh 10, lnclu••w SUMMONS NOTICE I y..,·~:-... -T1'e cour1 lftay -'* _,,.., YMI wl-y..,r .....,.,...,,..,,..,.,....._ ....... 1,, • "6yL .... Ille IM-alfff ··-th Ed•son ll•Qhl ot W•y P11as. 11 C•P D.,ltlnlno to a proposal tor D•1t mon S from the date or HO I) tOQtt ... r w1lh dPP<Hte,,.nces shelter\ In Ille (lly Of F°"nltln Vtlley the hearing noticed above. !hereto 1n \lrl(I ~coroano Wil~ lht NOTICE OF PREPAAATION OF YOU MAY EXAM INE ,.,.<•l•<•llOMonflle•tlh<'olll<tot NEGATIVEOECl.AAATION Fort,,. OH LI NE PERSONN El.j-------------SEAVICES, 11UI Nt•Port Avenue SU,.11110.COUllTOFCAl.IFOltltllA 1-------------.;~ P 0 BOA '193, lus1ln, Ctllfornl~ COUNT:.~~llANGE the file kept by the court. '"" Dire<torof P..011C W<><h 1lemt lct.nlllltcl w1111 •" aS1•'*" 1•1• DATE OF OPINING 81DS. BIO\ ,.U I IC.t IS l-IEREBY GIVEN Tl-IAT If y ou are interes ted in the .... : O• •l'<••vec1 •• 111e 0111co 01 the BASED ON Tl-IE 1n1t1a1 s1ud••• • es t a t e , YOU m.ay f i le a CilyCltrkolthtC1lyollrv1nel<>ca1eo Neo•ll•e Otelar•llon hu b~tn • •I 11200 Jamooret Road, ltvln<' prepa1ed Tne En.lromnef1tal lmPtcl request With the COUrt l o Calllorn1a, ~7714, until 7.00 p M on At•lew Commltltt will consider receive Sp ecial notice Of Match 74 1991, •l wl\1ch llm• ano IPProwal OI lhe NeQtll•t Oe<lor•llon the Invento ry of estate and P1•ce D•cl• w111""1><1b11e1y 0P<1n@cl •nci )n Fridey, M<trch 19, 1992 Of th t' · rud•IOvd Bt<l\>Mllb<'>ubmltreo tn ll-IESE MATTE AS •re belnQ e pe ltlOnS, aCCOUnfS U•led envelODH "1u~eO on the OrOCtHed l>Ur'\U•nt 10 Ille PtanninQ The Jemu G•oup Inc , • Celllorma cor-•l•Clft. 126ll Newport 'venue "IOI, P 0 Bo• "3. Tu~lln, Ctlllornla 117WO This buslneo i• conducted bY • corpor1t1on Tne J•mosG•ovt> Inc 8 J Fl\cher. Pr ... fhl> \lal•,....nl ,..,_ llll'CI with lllt County Cler~ ot Or•nQt Counly on OllOEllTOS"OW c •use l'Oll C"AlllOI 0' NAME In 111e Matter of '"• APOlkellons ot JACI( & SIMASlASZEWSKI Wllorou. tho petition ol J ack St•uewskl Ind Sima Stnrews~1 h•• been 111.ci wltll Ille clerk of tnls court for an °'°*' ("•nolnQ n•m• from J ACK STASZl!WSICt to JACK STAAV •nd fromSIMA STASZEWSltl to SIMA and reports described in ouu1c1e 8 10\ tor Eo1~on Lew• ot Ille Stele of C•lltornla Sec t ion 1200 5 o f the R•ohlo1w., Gonrnmer>1Cooe,H,OOOetM<1 ,•nd California Probate Code. w;r~C~T~ .,..0:0,!.".! .:?.~~rT':: ~~ •• F,c;""1.'" V•lln Mullklpel c-. l'I-STAAV, r_tl.,.lv PubllsheO 0r..-. Cotsl O•llv Pilot IT IS HEAE8Y ORDEAEO tllel e ll Ft Druary II, 1'1'1 Mark S. Silver •<><•l•d '"""' c 11y ot ,,,,,,,.,county 01 r1-1ose DE!>IAI NG TO 1-s111, 1,, Fell 10, 21, Nl<trcll •. tl, 1981 111.-i' '"''°"' lnltretl•d on U ld meltt• --------------' •PPUr beiort lllit court ti 10 lO . 1900 Bank Of America Oranot •• Ille Edlton R•QllH>I W•Y , .... or"' -51tlon to the propo>els Tower • belwun Culver Orl•t an<1 J•ttro •lllbe ol,,.,,•n~unltvtodOtoet tj Ila.a lllf Publlc lltarlnQ. 11 further ~ 1 City Blvd. West OE SCIUf'TION 01' WOIU(: The •nformallon h d••lrtcl, vou mey Orange, ca. 92618 "ork 10.,. ~<formed 111t111...:1u0e ""' :on1ec1 u. Pt~ Oepertment •1 (714) 634 386] not be llmtltd 10 run•pinQ or ~•-r-tothee-.1..,,.,L • • con•lrucoon ot \e••••I areas 10 allow CLINTON SHEltllOO, Stc• .. ary ·i1 Publis hed Orange Coast 1nst•lla11on 01 ••nd.c•plno with ~1ann1,..c-it- 1 Dai I y Pilot. March 13 14 ltr•o•toon •v•t•m>. Ac Dlkt trali. •n<1 PuDll111ec1 0.""9P coast Dally Piiot, ; 20, 1982 1163• •62•. mlscell•ntou• \lretl 1mprovtn>er11s ar ~trth 13, 1'111 _ 11..,...1 Culvtr Drive ano JellrtY Roeo 1 1 COMl'l.ETION 01' WOlllC All •orl! I PUllJC NOTICE I\ lo be comoltl@cl wllh lhorlv !JOI -------------co"S~<ullvr workln9 da·o trom '"'e dollt \Pf«l•td In 11\t Nol1<t lo M II N IC If' A I. CO U It T 0 F NOTICE OF DEATH OF Prott@cl CAl.IFOANIA •1 FREDONIA D BARNUA.& I AWARD OF CONTRACT ""' w Es T 0 A AN c 'i Ju DI c I ... L t • , ... ,, Owner '~'~'""'"' '"' r i9M •fler OISTlltlCT llaka FREDONIA DURBIN OMlllllOl>KI• IOrtlKlanyor a llb•O\, IUllJlllSI B A R N U M A N D 0 F to •••vt an, •n•orme111v on a bfd 10 Wos1rn1n11i1r, ca t1MJ p e T I T I 0 N T 0 ma kt ...... o. '" .... •nlfr('\I o• Int p L A ' N l I F I c A 0 w E L L A OM I NISTE R EST ATE o .. nt• •nc1tor•1ec1 all otht'r D•d• WEEDON £ CO ~!NO. A·ll2S'6. -, .;N":s"OSAI. CUARAN TEE ANO BEDA~~~NOAN r l.EHEll H rtlUC •nee 'I T 0 a I ' h e i r s • Eac II b>CI \hall bf .tC<omCMnltd by • SUMMONS , b enef iciaries Creditors <erhlltd or U<h•-r \ <hf<k or Dv a C .. t NumMtllU6 "ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAMIESTATIEMINT Tnt IOllowlno IHlrtOll It OOlnQ buslneu a• •CE STAR FASHIONS av RUl'IY .,., Via C.ron• Drtvo, Hunllnvto~ Bttcll, CA '1M1 CHERYL YVONNE KENOAON, 61'1 Vie (Mont Orlve, Hunllnoton 8HCll, CA'7M1 Thi~ bu>lntu ,, COnclUC '"" Dy en indl11tdu•I Cheryl Y Ktnclron Tiiis ~•ttmem w•• ll•f'd •lln Ille ;c:,~~S ~~· O! o,.nve County on J:tMW Publl\hecl Ora"9f Cot\t OeHy Piiot M•rc11 • ll 10 11 ,_, 10J!>.8? NIUC llTICE d l ' . corporal• \Urfly DOM on 1ne torm NOTICE! Yo.. Ila" -SUtd. Th<I 'Ian COn_t ngent Creditors Of lurnl\nO<I Dy tht' Ow,,.,,"' flu•ranttt court may <ttcldt ... Inst you wit-I SUf'Elllo.tCOUllTOl'CAl..,OllN" Fredonia D . Barnum, and thal "'• b.aa-· w111 ,, an .,..,0 ,, your .,.,,.. ,,..,., ""'°u you'"""" COUNTVOl'OllANGI o the rwise inte r ested in the ltrm\ ~· hi\ b•o o1orno11v ••<urt below. ccc!.~'1191111~!'7' 11 pe r S0 n S W h 0 may be madt lo him on anordanu w1lh trot wllllin JO dty1 Aetd llrt l11tormallon OllDEI' TO SHOW CAUSE • Wor•tr ~ Com0ttn\.8t1on 1n\ur11net~ and If yoo Wl\h to 'ttltt thf' .cs"''' of •n ,.. ~ .,. Wiii and/Or estate. llab•lll~ 1nwrdnC• tU<ult a ConlraCI dllO•ntv on lhl' melltt, yov \houlO ao IN l 1-1 E MATTE A 0 F THE tJ A petition haS been f iled In th• r•qu.,tO lo•m •no 1urn1s~ \o prompllv \O lhfl your wroll•n APPLICATION OF JUDEE I.EE •1 by Laur a EI i lab e' h ••l•\taclory Donel\ lo• tM latlht<H rt<pon.., II ;iny mo l>t lfleclon l•m• JAECKEI. FOR CHANGE OF NAME r B IH!rlo•m•n<e OI lne con1r .. c1 • ...., •or AVISO! u ....... •Ide ............ w HE A EA s. Ju DEE I.EE 11 a rn um K el togg • aka tne p .. ,,,.,.,, or Pdtm\ 01 m•l•t1almtn El ,, ........ _ ... dK1411r comra Ud JAECKEI.. Pelllloner. ""' llltd • ·~Laur a B . Kellogg and •n<1•a-e•\IM,.,,undtt ~lclCht<kor ........ diontl• a mtftH <llM• Ud Pellllon wllhlhtch!.-Olllll\COUrt lO< It p a t r I c i a D a v e n p 0 r t bldclor • -""'" be •n •n •mount Ol ru,.."'6 -·· .. lO CllU. Lu la and oroer <llllr>Ql"9 P>ahllontr ......... J L k k p . . nOI '"" '""" t•n 1101 Pt>rc•nl of tne lnlermec-11 .. 11-from JUOEE I.EE JoAECICEL t< I ac ner. a a a tnc1a M . •mounl ol the DIO T hp Fttlhlul SI U\lf'd .,...,. sollcllar •• con~10 ~ JENNI FEii LEE JAECICEI. Lackner in the Super ior Ptnorm-e 8onCI \hall .,.. noi ••ss un •Doo.tOo tn Ht• esun10. oel>trie IT IS OAOEAED ti..t •II ~ f Court o f Orange County than ont ltvnc!rf'd 11001 P<'rttnl 0, 1,., 11acor10 1mmec11attmen1t Cl• uta lntertt1«1 In the e....,..n1111ec1 melter ' r equ esting that L aur a IOl•I •mOU<ll 01 ,,,. Oto Oflct n•mte1 In n•l>tram" rewves•a eS<rut•m SU Qal •PPHr l)ftort ,,,. Covrt •• 10 lO on j 1 E 1• beth B Ille conlrtcl Tne Lebo• ano M•lerlah a19una. P-ser rtQlllrada a l1tmpo Apr II 14, 1"1 In ci.o.rt,,,.,,t No. 1. or ! IZa arnum Kellogg 80110 •hall D• nol ltH thatl ont 1 TO TME DEFENDANT A Clvll Ille Orenvo County Su1>41rlor C.ourt !'land Patricia Davenpo rt llundreo (tOOt l>frc•nl ot the 1ota1 comp1tin1 hu been til•d bV Ill• loct 1tc1et100Cl•l<C..nt.,Dr1.,.w .. 1. L a c k n er b e a PP 0 in 1 e d ::;,~~;: 1 of 1ne bid price na"1tc1 In 111e :~~~~·~11111~~n~~r~u YO:: ~~t ... ~~h:~ ~=~~ ,•.:,:, ~~f:;.~::iC:.":'o~~':; as p e r sonal representa t ive '"'cont••<• oocument• call 10,, .JO d•vs atter 1111t summons Is,.,,,.., N1me'1*11c1no111tvr.,1ec1 11 to administer the esta te Of . .o.>nthly orooreu oomenh Dts"d on you, Ille with !Ills court • wrlllen IT IS FURTHEA ORDEAED thtl e .1 Fred 0 n i a D . Barnum upon th• enQlnttr s estimate OI 11\t rupot1Sf 10 llWI complaint Unless vou copy ot this Order to ~ Cauw De ( d Ptrcenl"9f ot W<><• completed The do •o YOU• dtltull wlll tit •nler@cl on C>Ul>llsllOcl in Ille Oranve Coest Dally un .e~ the , Ind ependent C•tv wlll retain 10 .. o< ... ,11 proq'"" •0011c111on ot the pta•nlltt, eno lhls Piiot, a newspeper 01 oeneral Admin1strat1on of Estates p1ymen1 as Sf'Curily tor complehon 01 <ourl may enlor a IUclQmMI aoa1n11 tlrculotlon prirlted In Orllr\90' Co..nty, •• A c t ). The petition is set for the Dalan<eollhfwor' Allhtrequesi you tor,,,. rtllel demlndtd in ,,,. Calllornl•. once . Wttk •or tour h • . De •ncl hotntt ol lht WC<t\\lul bidder comp1a1n1. wlllch coulcl rttull In wccenlw -ks prior lo ll>t d•le tel eann.g .•n pt. No. 3 a t lhe Clly ••II OIY Ille amounl .~ Q.,nlshmtnl 01 we9ts ••Un9 OI tor lht llearlnvon lllellCllllOn 700 C1v1c Center Drive retained uPOn comp11e nu wlln 1111 money or Dro~rh or other rollef D•t""· March S 1"1 West, in the Cit y of Santa rtQuoremenh ot Go•ernment COcl• rtc11>tsl@cl •n lllt<O<'f\Pl••n1 ....... "· ""-' Ana Cal'f . A . Sttl•on 1£401 •""'"'provisions ol the O•ltcl 0..:ernbe< 11 '"1 J.._. ef tllttS.WlerC..rt • I orn1a on pnl 7, co111rec1 docun>enh IH!rlatnino 1 llk ... ,..J.Wtc•.ci... COOICSIY,CO\.IMAN &"OWAllO 1982 a t 9:3() a .m . 'SuD•lllullonOI Securities.. o E•• "altm!M, 0~ -.thlNllll I F YOU OBJECT to the lht Owner rt'4trvu lht ,.9111 10 "Ell MllT \.DI.IE GllEIN8EllG ~'I-lat C.-trt g ranting Of the p e t 'ttfon rtjt<l•llYbond,11,lnllltoplnlonofl... JU00<-f'.tt1!11Y41.ISll'-177&tl.11tt1SI. , e n o I n t t r 1 h t s u r , 1 v · , ~ -·· C•. -J T"•t111, Ce. you Should eithe r appear •<knOWle<!Qernenl " "°' In Ille lorm (ti)) 0 2.-(1141 •·NU at the hearing and State Included Ill lht' ton1roc1 document\ or PuDll•htd 0r•11Qt Coast Delly Piiot, P11bllslltd Orenvt COit! Delly Piiot yo~r object ion s o r f i le ~~.:C~f:!~',~:,"' •ub"an11a11y u F•D H ,M•r•.u .10.19t2 no.u M.,c11•.1J.20.21.1•2 io>Hi written Ob jections w ith the P AEVAll.ING llATES OF WAGES:. ----,.-ll---------t-----------=.~ court bef ore the hearing In •«Ofcl6"Ct with the provl•lon• ot : IC llTICE lllC llTICE Your appearance may ~ ~~~"':,.!1~,·~,c::::;::::_e~·= HtN in person or by your oene••• ort••ll•nq ra1 .. of~· diem sYNOf'SISO''"EANNUA\.S T INT attorney. waQts In Ille loc alily tn whiCh lhe wo.k 0, I F y 0 U A R I" lo Dt ~rtonnt'cl to bf'"•' conraln~ GUI.I' INSU•ANCI COMf'ANY C R E D E A In the !>oullltrtl Celllorn,. M .. ler UIO-v-.K•-Clty,-Mttl ' T 0 R 0 r a I.•-AQ .... menl .• (opy Of wl\I(" ,, VMr ·-O«-11, "'' contingent c reditor of the on lilt In .... olll<t ot 11\f Clly Clerk of i=:: ~=:~:'sHM1S ""·m,.... tH,ISl,JM S,000,000 d eceased , you m u st f i le ,~':.,~':J.. fa ~~v:':t:,~,::;·~.~Y'::= Sc>o<l•t ..,rp1.,, 1u11c1s your Claim w ith the COUrl requtsl Tiit Contreclor end •ny Ctplltlpel~up/G,..ranty 0 r p re Se n t i t t 0 t h e •ub<onlrtclor uncltr nlm ti..11 PO nol G CtplttllSl•lutory ~It I Ill the lflttll Ill rou Ptlcl·ln allcl <Ol>trillul9cl personal representative 0~·~.9: 10 :.*-.-~:~P~oY;:·r~ ""P•us ,.,.,.,.. appointed by the COUrl lll .. H<UllonOl lNCOnl<f<I UllHtl~ltMCb(wr'l)IUtl >507U• within four months fro m A,f'lllNTICI: The Conlra<tor SurpluutreetrdtPOllcytlol(l9r1 . • • 7t,11t,071 lhe •te of fir s t iss uance •h•ll comply wltl't o11111t requirements tncomt for IN yNr ... 111.m Of I tt of St cllo11 1711.) ot lht Callfornle Dltburw..._..sfOt lhe Yt•r U ,t«l.SS't e e rS a s p rovided in 1.et>or CoclO We herwtloy certify thtl Ille t bO,,. It."" .... In eccordenco wltll tllt A,,_t Section 700 o f the Probate o " A w ' ,. G s A H D s1a1omen1 for '"' '°" ,......, oece-J1, ""· ...-to "" ,,.,,.,_, Code of Callforn'a Th S'ICl,.ICATIONS: A lull ~I of Commln.....,OftheSl .. tofCallfOf'ftl•.--IOl•w t i f flll I • e drtw lllQt tlld speclllcellons I\ 11.C. F9'tlertlen m e Or flg Claims Wilt naltOle tor ln)poctlon without Vkt Pretlcl9M not e x pire prior to four <lier~"'"' offke o1 ,,,. O••Ktor of A. c. Fttl\o•~ months from the date of PW.I< w_, .. ,,..c,,1oi 1rw1ne Seem.,.., the hearlnq noticed bo comp1ei. "" of '-'cl 0,•••no,, PUOll"*' OrOl\ft coast O•llt f'I~! MM. n, u. 14, u, "· t"7 Vo a Ve. ._111< .. '°"6 -Did docu.ments mey U MAY EX AM IN E be Purc!WMO from me Oop.wt-111 of the file kept by the COUrt Pul>ll< WWl!t, C:lfy ef "vine, t7'00 If you are Interested In the' J emllorH ROtd, ••••n•. Callfornla llSWt '2114 A _._ fff Of llO 00 estatel y o u may fife a w111 1>e cll••v•o for u c11 .. , ·0f request w ith the c:ourt to documfflU. °''"''"'" S1>tcH1<at10111 receive special notice Of •no 1110 --•• w111 1>t m•11to, I h I t f t "'°" •ffllltll Of ""'""" "° l•t•r tll•n e nven ory o es ate and 10 caiencw oart l>"lor to '"* uie .. , ol the petitions, accounts tor -11111o llld,, for •n -11io,,.1 and rePOrts described In c11•rveo1uoo. Sec t i on 1290 s of the 11tOJ1CTAOM•Ntnu.Y-101111 All Callf"-fa' p ..... .:., ,.~ "'Hltbflt retttl•• •o 11111 tt•let•111,,., ... " r...,.. t -..-. to 011en1nt lllti """ 11t e11roc1Jte to uw H Y r w I t 1 , ,. e m -. r 'Nlftt ~. c11, ot 1 ... 1,,., ,,,,, MacDonald •rwl MMde r ,~ '" N9Wpe>rt Cenwr 0 ev ottou,.. "-C.11-, c-11 ., •1•tt r. ~CltyClfl"'tno ~ OAle~ ,,..,_..,,._ ttlJ N~-....C..'2660 CITYOlllRYINE (7f4J,,...,., NAHCYC. •OWi.ANO PubfJShtd OranQe Coast ~=:';91M Dall.Piiot, ~rC:h 13 14 CflYtf t"''"'·~ 'Jtll 1 11il-ti: "'* ..... 0r-. C.Wet Ollfly Pllet, ... MerYll._,,,,. •SJ• ~ IY""'tOI' TMI AMllUA&. ITATtMaMf - YIAlt ••DID OIC ... 81t J1, '"' .. .. ..._ ,..,._c.,..,, Tot•l tdmltttll ••wtJ , ...... ~t, ,_ Tottl lle41111tlot • "' .. "" ' ' • "· .. " • t1',l'lr,Oll SM<ltl -.vti~" ...... ' · · " · • ............ · , 1,H1,t• c;:ii.1 ~rtfttY C11P1t•1'i." .. " •"'.' ' .. '. ... • '"'''' .-o ~ ";';: =~'.;.,---........ ....... ..... . ........ . Ullatt ...... ,_...(M91Ut) twllM ' ............... " ... .. SWIMvt.,,....,... peoc::!.1:.-, .......... •. • •. . . . . . .• . . . ,,.._. 111< ___ ,,_ •• •·•:. • ........................ " " ..... t ...... 01....._..., ... .,.., ...... , .. . .... . ... ' ........... ·-· ... .:...-: i=:..~-·j-~·~-~~·-.;..':!: c .... m......,...,. .. ...._ .. ,_.,~'*'· ""· --w. '--:• Nlt.C,,~ .,,__ .. ,_, Vk•,....._ ' 1111'.. (. ,..,.,...... Irle,....,., ~--0..._C... DMty ,......~tl ta, te. ti,'' 1• Mtr<ll 31 1"1, In '"' <Ollrtr_,, oi Dept. l to tt\ow ca ut• w l\y Ou\ "9flcetlon lo< Chenot ol M f'nl t"°"lcl not l>t Qttrllecl IT IS FUATl-IER OADEAED lhtl e copv of lhlt orO.r to tllow uuv De pubtl11\•0 once • •••'-fot tour •ucceu1ve --• 11<lo• 10 lhe city of u ld llHrlnQ In Ille 0•11, Pilot e newsp•ptr ot ~nertl circult1lon prlnled In lhe Cou111Y of Oronvo Datto Feorv.tr y 11, 1981 M.,k o!o Soden J<lclQt ol Ille Suporlo< Court Published Or•nQO c ... st Dally Piiot, Ftb 10, 11 Mar •, I), lt'1 81~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8a~urd•Y· March 13. 1982 UNCOVERING PAST -Archaeologists a re uncove ring and restoring the Templo Mayor. the m ain temple of the Aztecs, in the center uw ........ of Mexico Pity, and preparing it as a tourist attraction., Aztec temple unveiled Ancient ruins to "become tourist. attr action MEXICO C ITY <AP> - Archaeologists who have peeled away the many-layered heart of old Mexico City are about to display their spectacular find - the remains of the fabled Great Temple or the Aztecs. The site m ay become the biggest tourist attr action in ruins-rich Mexico, and certainly will be the most accessible. The excavation. the size of four football fields, is situated just off the central plaza or this sprawling city. After the Great Temple opens to the public in September, visitors will be able to get a close-up look at the centerpiece of the complex culture that He r nando Co rtes a nd his conquistadors found when they enter~d the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan in 1519. From the top of the pyramidal temple, the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II (also known as Montezuma> showed Cortes the city spread out below, one of suc h "excelle n ce and grandeur," the Spaniard later wrote, ". . . that in Spain there is nothing to compare." The temple was also the place where tens of thousands of people were sacrificed to the gods ofrain and war. The huge structure stood 200 feet high and extended 250 feet on each side, compa rable to great churches of Christendom. The conquering Spaniards tore it down s tone by s tone, in a process that may have taken 14 years . The vol canic-r ock building bl~ks were then used to r·aise the new Spa nish colony's massive cathedral, which still stands nearby. It was long thought t he cathedral had been built atop the Great Temple site. But the discovery of a buried corner of the temple early in this century a le rted ar chaeologists to the , true l~ation. Then, in February 1978, at about nine feet below the surface, a ditchdigger chanced upon a carved monolith, a relief sculpture of an Aztec goddess. Specialists· later deduced that this stone, at the base of the temple, was the spot to which sac rificial victims' bodies tumbled from the summit. The ditchdigger's discovery set off four years of excavating "I n Spain ther e is not h i ng to co mpare ... ,, by Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History. What the archaeologists have la id bare is a rema rkable system of five pyramids in one temples built over earlier temples. The four outer temples are essentially pyramids with their tops lopped off. The steps the Aztec priests' victims once climbed now lead into empty space. But the most s urprising discovery was that the S paniard s a ppar e ntly overlooked the e arli es t , innermost and smallest of the five temples. Its two summit shrines to the rain god Tlaloc and the war god Huitzilopochtli remain almost intact, including an anvil-like sacrificial stone. The base of what remains of the grandest, and last , temple is decorated with powerfully carved stone figures of serpents and frogs . In addition, the archaeologists have found 105 offering containers, either vases or stone caches built into the structures, that held more than 6,000 artifacts of the Aztec age, a priceless collection thMl will be put on display in a new museum being built behind the temple site. These objects include statues, masks, ceramics, utens ils, jewe lry, seashells and other offer ings. "We are now entering an entirely new phase of the project , s tudying this vast material that we h ave collected," the coordinator of the dig told a visiting reporter. This bearded , balding archaeologist's nam e, ironically, is Eduardo Matos Moctezuma. But he laughed off a suggestion that he may be d escende d from the Aztec emperor. "Thal was so long ago," he said. The di sinterment of the Great Temple -whose oldest part dates back 650 years -is described as the find of the century in Aztec archaeology. And it is bound to whet some antiquarian appetites here. Steps, walls and .platforms leading away from the temple make clear that the e ntire sacred core of the Aztec capital, an e nclosure of perhaps 70 buildings, probably survives V1 some form beneath the less ancient buildings surrounding th>e modern -day plaza. the Zocalo. The still-buried ruins may inc lude Moctezuma's palace, said to have been a fabulous residence complete with its own zoo. It probably li es below the National Palace, the seat of Mexican government. "Of course there are other pre-Hispanic monuments around here," said Matos. "But there a r e colonial-era monuments above t he m. We can't dig anymore." This 'nice gi':l' finishes first Devout churchgoer plays arch-villainess on TV soa p By JERRY BUCK ,._._ ... ,.,_Writer LOS ANGELES Ginger Burgett began as the model mother on "Another Life," but ended up as the spoiled and scheming vWainess. Producers of the Christian Broadcasting Network soap opera initially considered her too nice for the role of Miriam Carpenter Mason, who's as malevolent as they come. "l was originally cast in 1979 as the All-American mom, Uz Cummings, the wife Of the alcoholic," said Miss Burgett, who was on a visit to Los Angeles to pick up an award. The show is made at the CBN headquarters in Virginia Beach, Va. "We hadn't gone on the air yet, and they recast the show in Los Ange les in 1980," s he recalled. "I read again for Us Cummings, for a sexy career woman, and for Miriam. 'Ibey called me back for another reading on the first two roles. So when you· strike gold on two out of three, you ask about the third. T be producers said, 'Oh, you were too nice for that'.·• After sereen tests, she tot a phone call from the producers. She bad been cast as Miriam - and , by the way, could she report for work in Virclnia Beacb the next day? "I started to tell them that I was \GO nice to pl•J lllirtam," 1be aaid. "Then I t bou1bt, 'That'• a dumb move lf I've got tbe art.' .. .J: people who .cut me u lllrtam laacJ pever seen me u Lla, •· Mtu Bu rsell aatd . •• PIOllle like lo t.eaae ud .. , tlaat ti'• Jmt Jl)Y real .. u co~ out. I Ut tt'• uni fw me t.o P'-1 ...... w110M UIMtyle It 10 .tae..-•Plelome." SCHEMER -Ginger Burgett pl~y s the s p oi led and sctieming Miriam Mason on TV's "Another Lile." Tbe JIW'POH of ''A.ootber Ule'' is to u.ndeneore Christian values and to demonstrate bow the family might cope wtth certain situations. Neverthelesa, the serial also slrea1es entertalnment, and Dallu ud JoAnne Bamel, TV writers from Loa An1elea, recent11 were named to 1upervile scripts for tbe abow. ·'I don't k11ow •n1ta.tn1 Cbrlttlan In my character," said Mill Burlett, benelf a deYaUl member of the First Bntilt Cb'1fCb of Norfolk, Va. 7-MJ per1pecUvt It tbai w9're 1bowtD1 Cbrtltlana u put 'of nerydaJ life. We're trJtaa to show how people function in all areas, spiritually and mentally, as Christians. I see it as a slice of life." "Another Life" is seen on S3 stations and on several cable systems. "We're not on any religious stations," Miss Burgett said. "We don't want it to be known as a religious show. We're a quality entertainment vehicle that wants to show Christians as a slice of life in our society. "It's not a Sunday sermon," she said. ·•People are coming from the point of view that Christ is the lord of their lives and we show how that affects their everyday life, including the problems, triumphs and temptations." Since its debut last year, the show bas undergone many changes in cast. "We've bad a lot of car crashes," Miss Burgett quipped. Woman found frozen dead CHICAGO CAP) -An old woman who ••• "afraid of strangers" and bad ber cu cut off because abe wouldn't let In tbe meter readers was found dead In her South Side home. be!' body frozen, police said. Tbt body of Pauline Sedlinlkt, 70, WU found b1 poUce llcmda)'. She blld ~ed herself lD two pairs ot pant.I, a heavy Jactet and rubber boots In an apperert attempt to ward oft the effects ol Cbtcaro'• coldest winter on record. Peepl,'1 Gas Co. H&d Mr Hr¥tee WU N Au,. 10 IMcMM lln. Sedzlwl refused IO Mt ...,.,......,. bouH to ......... •etfl' .. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T "" ' c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • I!~~~ ..... ?!.~ ...... ~~~ ..... ?!!«! ~ .. ~~ ..... !~~ ....... ~ ..... ?!~· Otnlal A1111tant H<MSEKEEPERtCooK .J.hritf rtli$ltrtd Are)'oulook· GINllALOfftCI Liu-In, tor oldu RO U-'f~ W,0 K K lniforrewardm11care\•r Patl Hine. appro11 ~n. Must dnvt', re Economy veh1t'h1y opportun1tlea with U · 2dlr '~·Oay w""k· Sot & Id " wrilt Nwpl 8rh quirM ctllent poteollal for ~n lncl lln nu. typ aru Ref• rtq Top 213 439 S815 PfflOOlll growth " rt· ma. fi11n11 . teltphont aalacy 644~ 16 811m coanlUon. We '"ek your 13.~ 4 hours del)(!ndinl( ~vtl _ To buy, st>ll or rent use a caring chair11de u Ofl up Call Mon Fri p-~ hat . 1 low fO.l cla ~1r1ed od pertln to comphr:nent ror.appt 646 1441 .... w >OU w~n in '642 5678 our hliJily skilled team .• LJPYD'SNURSERY Daily P1IOlCIU5~~ed6 Modern p le u ant t n r::=::::::;;,r-:--::--:--:-=-=::;;7:~ vlronment excelltnl GIAMC AITl$T benl'rit j,11 ckage E11ptrltn('e required New p 0 rt B 1: 8 r h Typesetling helpful. Ca II ~1·24~ • alt. 7pm,.. 97$·0733 DINTIST wanted, busy prart1 re, Newport Beach Area EHellent pay wit h Hatr Cutler & Manu:unil with rolluwrng Hair West. Newport Beach 673-4Ui6 Lowse benerlts HAil DlSIGMH 646,411 Mature exrel. rutter DisHWAsHEi/ Ca 11 Shear~ C M DIETAIY AID ~Mm i::H:s 979 $164 Ralei&h Hil1I Hospilal in HAltDW ilE SALES ~rt Beach has an Full Lime C rown imn-...diate openmg ror l'-rd.,.,ar"' 31"" E Coast an individual to work "' ~ v• FT. relier shirt Hour& Hwy~ Cd l\1 will vary. Duties in· Helper for stork room dude. disbwashini,\ & Will train SA F T assisting cook Com 54().5850 pensa11on package com --mensurate with bark HO$T /HOSTESS ground. For interview F.xpenerfced fnquire 1rt rail Barbara Duran. person Bearh House 71464$-5707 EOEM ~-Re sta u r ant 619 -DRIVER Sle1:pyholluw Li1ne. Deli very Drh•er ror ~~:!.:un::.:.a ,:;:Bc::,:;·~~---L::==:===========~ Food Service Dept .. needt'd by Huntington Bea ch <:1ty School Dist. II mo po s 1t1on Sl.069 Sl.332 mo de pending on ex1K!r Appl) 735 tHh St . H II S36·88.SI Fast Food CIHk .i I Orangl' Count)'" moo;t unique hot dog stand Part time n1i:ht~ & wknds &l.S-400'7 FoOD SERVICE HELP Su~l1tule rood Sl'f\ ll'I' help nee<ltd by Hunt I mgton Bearh <:1ty Sth1111l Otstrit1 S4 24 pl.'r hour I ~~:~~}~ 1:~.~~:::~·:.11 lalht• mill & tooltnl( 1•). per ner E~t1ma11n11 helpful ~I m II )~·ar~ .. , I penenre I 1231 Vnunl( I R11·rr Ave. Fntn \'I\ I I !>57 3.'11-0 ask for M arJ.. FlYCOOK I Part or full t11n{' Opl'n I 22 hrs Nrwport G rincll.'r 642 SllRI I General UHu:e C.:arl't'rl opporto111I) for au 111 div1dual ""'th l?ood ac rounllni,\ bark1otround & I) pin,1: skills. Prerer word proressrng ex ( t.._ __ < __ 0 ___ ) __ , ) WANTED ( ( ___ d5 ___ ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley. & Newport Beach • Good Eami119s • Super Trips • Great Prizes CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT , Daily Pilat pemmre Will ron~1der tram mg per~on "'Ith re quired s kills Non smoker prl'ferrecl Salar) romensural1• "' 1 1 h e ' p I.' r 1 e n 1· 1• Be nd1ts \ p1>i) 1 n pel"'ion 621 W 19th SI Co~ta Mesa ~1od1•I B111ldt'r Ma)?a11ol' For appt 1'311 645 8830 bl II II 9-1 Ask for Uawn 642-4321 G£t1~~~/p~M· 1 l'all 549 3942 '------------------:--:--:--:--:--:--:~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL : e 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars e e It s easy to place your B·Day Week Classified by mail and 11 e e costs 1ust $8 -that s only a dollar a day• To qualify lor this • e special offer you must be a non-commercial user offering e merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad and the price must • be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e • needs eight days selling time or 1ust one e • • e Use one w ord 1n each box About 4 words mai..e one e classified 11ne of type Minimum ad is 3 lines Please print •. plainly • • • r -----------------------------, • • I • . 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Mii 0 • t 1; I IMt .... .... . ..................... , ....................... .....••................ .. .................. ....................... .......~·············· lfllill ....._. .., a..tuatty f• .IJOW\h J •LE1 latn&ary 1-.,., l ·lf11t. -.a PftftilllMoal 1oua1 "' UICU'ml .-D.MIUl:ll.i..---co111p111y. Appllunte ~mlted~ 1l,1lnl .. , ~ nut bt fll'Mt onenttd wottlQI eOodl&-. •• llellf- ..... I IHI PttlC IOYINlt "50. W. 115 Dryer (H S Cocker NP'-M/P, I Bulebtr bll llblt, U " Hlclt-a•btd, ¥1'1 ale11 ....................... Ill P._lut '1tand, tu. both 'clean, 'work wb Wf color. 1100/H . ~..t. SJJO, 4 mtl)' Jedder ba1dly uttd. P M/b11 ------•I .Jmlll..ll~tJ!l!:.!l!B. .44IS mes dWtl. llOO. !n1l. ..:olt~·~•=t.:.---- waz:.lNSTE.R .... Qe&blc..t,rle over ~ !11.l:i ht freem 4 ~er Spulel tup· :l, ~:;.Jr.· Xlat. aa.b r:· Quete Wrm AJmQUf~ALL •.U. '1/1 11tlrror1, *-'-g;· ' P::t .• 1?:id:d;r~~:: Jia.zr1.-.. 1H·7f0.3MT d~/lov.:.~ J.:. :.!.; um Weslmbuter Avo MOYPo! S "'LI top dlnnttW, •· lllt· " 1 wllb troll offlu llP· will train. No hp. l..lrtlliiiuruee •&•~c r •• pearnee ' 11 1 ~ no.acm w llaao,.efftaforquall fir• d11lru up. Uty ~•en 1 (orJeel · ' ptl"IOlltobudlevarie imt.rt ,.,.. for civil ~ r 1 ·, c I e r k / · of rciaponalblUtl". lluat GA.RDENOROVE A ...... JS. S..rt t&ov1 el1H ..._..~ A uw./box.,... .. : twin 5iHI03 ~~11·1i1ar14th. --·--: o!Miii -r. hl>P(· red male. txceP.t onal cu1tom ., full~-mo. ,,.. adale••· Hunt· lll.&ffl~ "'-•• • red, •bow furn. Sora It loveaeat HiNlRJ.!.llR.TftilOL llt11a\lo". Oenerou1 Secretary· aood bulc Salel be cqulsed and have 1111 • full beneflta. •ccountl.oi akllll 6 ac· ..,_"&-...a-1ood c1ral end wrttten =lf!cr~~lt 1re1 Attorney, needs Wiil Seeret•7· Some 11e. require . Good tYJ*t lllift& dkta.pbone ... pant needed, S/H not required. Salery ~naurate with u peri~. IC-1448. Medical ................. Fu1rium, ulery open. Stnd fttume lo P .0 . Box 2112. Mwlon Viejo. ca. •1. curaw typ1la1. 11000/ mo -.... ...., communleatloo akllla. .......... !utli.t frinae beotfill ~-salary· Call us •bout \he out· lncludln& paid dental. Secret1ry/Rettptlonl1t; 1tandlof cereer op· ~·!~~. nt call •IPtrlto('td • capable portun tlea 11 an ~-~--of b.ndlin1 • tndlvldual tnaurance Aaent. Tr tin· rompan,y phontt ' type lni wUI nol lnterlert Service Station AUen· 50 correct words per with your prneot dint-3-llPM. Af'ply: minute. MO/mo atart imploymtnt Shell Station, IT h • In& aa1ary. Irvine, N 8. Executive/Secretary; 75 96MSll .. _.,_1 ST "TIO ... correct wQrdt per _.,_ "' " minute, nexlble broad --------....... &eoeral busineu U · P/tlmt evea, 4pm to petlence r equl red. lM\\fsJl,.E llpm.32,35hrweck. Mual 11 200 I mo s t a rt in ll OPENINGS"' be upr'd, Cdtil tl"ea . salary· For P /T read er. ad __ __.67 ... s. ........ 227 ... e..._ __ OU Tabkl tOlear szso. 4 ~ CIMlf Mell 40S • · •'-7$3 -llOO, 2 Nltrtl "5/H , Oak Chairs suo. f"fl'/ lod •acb Blvd, lall'I '11 tJt ltf, Almd ... Mii. AKC, IH!ld • coffu table 11001 ~r::t~~~ Amerit'An Rocker Sl50. 1 HB •m ... clrJr .-. T wkl, tbotl. llOO. mllctl library . lb t.u hi bas hott-:i.n Eur. S.Yf Rorlter 185. D _ ' 'I-IA•~ C. 1.10. vanou• $1200 new ... u rroo ~ -1rc0:,~f~°d~::•·~ Wt-.:t:'ut 1U~· Dabnttiu mixj)upplu, t ' •·JO -.,.3121 · 4 dwr ctlest, walnut \op Ir dlaln, SZOQ. t..o11. oak ' . · O. H3·IOl2 evea, Ulle eew corner 1roup. t.p 1lde·by .. lde refri1 plne dwra, scroll cu\ Wflt, $150. Xlnt. Call Sue w/3 r-ed, wbl ' blu Ice maker, 1voc1do skirt, bracltet feel! collect 213 ·211·3939 1Wri1ttator clean{ late ,._ .. Y• 8041 bolltefi + covtn l llS •· l pair aold velvet f'""':t'°°m ~\~.2~.x~· 714·,..,.., Nwpt Bch. ' __. auto def roe 1155. ....................... 1'WQ btcUIO. 21old vlnyi 1wl~el chalra 11 25 t~ ct~~ mid L9th ~n· CIO(k 1100, Curio cab Auatrallan Shepberd wl1& chair• $35 ea. 417-3121. 218 Cypreu , · ~-8714 $6.W, Wuh buln 1100, 1Wrt1. Hotf.tnt, 19 cu ft . mix fem., I~ yra nffda 91HS71 _ La Be.,,,ac~h __ _ PtncflEn liahOtlt Clock 1110, Cvrio cab xlat/on ·d~:• f;'sl •-~·-Ornately r anoed W1~1bed 1200. beater. Hutch, dt~·Ud table, ~· ~ i8'"11 rt· *1 ;: 6 1 · To 1ood home . Ma le cm~f-beveled mir-and bookcase. 10 mo oJd n-.ntle bed&bookcase. u at a . Bauett, 8 yr11, xlnt ror•r;f1 llble. Green T51-122'7'------ ISO=fUOO. 841-8868 WMbn'I, dT)'er, refrl1, W'/chlldren. Nds love. :J:. an ue. $l4S. or Loveaeat/slttp sofa, '80. StudentJob& ANTJQU~· oak dinlna 4#1•" 101 TVa. Guar. AllO trade, • ---· -matchingotlom1n11 $.1Cl. ..Y! t.able$2Z··theatreseatB ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~nol 1050 Oitll' 9 pc Drexel de 9' sofa w/matcnlna CallMl·07« n!presentallvet for in· Att~~rfe?~~s~ tio n fydei ~~e~~~~n. t::: stt ol 4 SISs: 2 oak chra APPLl~~CREARSEERAVICE ... •••••••••••••••••••• s;:,~~ r J_~1 ~ft · ~:rift0ctS7~1!ecm1:· IOYS-GllLS jl(). Maple twin bunk "'~ FACTORY DEMOS . ..,., h f di ' How wou1d y-ou rtke to btc1s $120. We bU)' UMd appliances %1 llllW refrlU, wehra, * * I BUY * * Jilm. $100. Duncan P y e n. w I f I e • 1 b I e w o r k n,ysaver, 1680 Placentia sdledul~ General office Ave .. C.M. &t . skills.833·9590 _ ... ____ ---4 art l me Warehouseman, non· smoker for small Costa ......_~Mo Me$a clothin& co. 2<1ars. rmme lt nine":. per week, nexible. Call M/F-All )'jle$ JGm at 9S7·1001 btwn Must Have Head Shots ltill9AMillili_.illPilMill.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Models needed for p/Ume won in •az. '83 Conveo· tionl, &olf tournaments. promoti o n s . ( 714 )673.1318. earn u much as $.50.00 a 557·8681 -W~aeU rtt0nd., auar. dryn, dahwsfirs. up to Oood used Furniture &c &ys dresser, desk and table. n\llhog, ~5· 2 :~ SALES week' Do you like drive· apPliances. 549.3017 $300 oil. Sat/Sun Only Appliances-OR I will chair $1U , Bentwood tables, s.lS ea. Kana . in movies. picnics. pin a Giveaway prices 1 Oak of· Refrip 1pt.1hellZS. 11;4. Garden Grove Ap. sell or SELL for You rocker. SJS. comb wine w/hdbrd.esSklOO~ l~h'"a'1.srh !Aoking for experienced parties, beach parties. flee sw~vel thair, S9S. Upt.o IUIM by side only ptiance 13191 Herbor ............. S "UCTIAM rack, 1V it.and $30, glass iiSJ0.·67J.d3S73 .. • ' saleslady. Gotr shop ~manyothertblngs" Gun cue,1125. Em~lre $199. Cuar. Garden Blyd.CG.537-ms. -·-"' "'" light fixture. SIS . sales & some1 knowledge probabC:Uy =~~~Yd e..'"~r~a!gy dresser. ssoo. Oak l me Grove Appliance 13191 --..a... IOZO 64M616. Ul.:!fil 900-3154__ Handsome sturdy 8 olgolf.Sa ary +comm. fc • ., clock. $500. Old pine 8' Harbor Blvd. GG _,_. ~ llOlas. New $98. Lov couch, clean. no mark.s ~1~'l.~1i~1 By N>eotntmt nt Only Party ~~st\ for 2 pe~ple on a w~ekly buts. Reasonable1 pay. menl. I will bring & pick \.I>. 5'.S-9345 aft 6PM. NUISHY 5"CIA.UST Greenhouse assistant needed to fil I full ·ll me pos. at Public Gardens in Corona del Mar. Must have exper. working with plants including a .knowledge of soils. fertiliun, lest control & propagation. Call: Ale~1 Mon-Fri, 8·30AM·4PM only. 67J. 2268. Nursing llJil,, /ff•. 7-3~0 &lpervise. meds. RX 's Sm conval hospt nr C.M Fairgrounds. 549-3061. Nursing LYN Conv. Hosp Newport Beach. Pos attitude & smiles needed. Xlnt·I benefits. Call: 642·8044 Nursing I lllRSES AIDE Exper all shirts. Conv. Hosp. Nwpl Bch Cheerful. dedicated 10 good pvt care. Xlnt ins. program. Call 642·8044 OfACE MANAGER/ A.CCOUMT A.MT ExceTlent career op· portwlity ror the Ri ght Person in a Progressive Co mpany. The in · dividual should possess strong A<'ctg & Ad· mioistrative skills Pleasant working en· vironment. Send resume to . Performanc e Sallcraft Corp . 785 W 17th St .. !IF, CM CA. 9'ai27. PA.IT TIMI t,.9pm. Expanding youth counseling firm has openings for 3.5 sharp outgoing mature people to motivate ambitious 1~13 yr olds. Call 2-Spm. 642-G!I, ext 343. Ask for Andrea. Newport Beach golf QUorAUus. FICATIONS·. Jelly cabinet, $600. Coun· S.:1'7-6333 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t $88 SI epers SACllFfCEI S7S &m~l Beach area course. Contact · John tn · · --25" 10 spd Motobecane esea 5 er · e · Beaut. 6pc bdrm set 213. 592.4097 Leonard 1. Over l2yeara of aae. ~-·~~ ~:ilt~~erd~:k: I IUY A.JIPLIAHClS "Mirage", new cond. ·FA ORY 957 s7~ Cost s:m>. sell $850. 2 ~ - 7S1·4&3 2 Neat. honest and de-SISOO. Oak rolltop file Les 9S7·8133 eqlippid, $165. 675-5194 KING INNERSPRING couches w /2matching ~-me flotation Btd ----'-.=;.:;...='---1 pendable. blnt 24 d $l800 M 'JOnAMtb--EXTRAFIRMmattress chrs,cosl S1400,sell wJbase, $300 ,0BO SALESPERSON Fff 583.Wtuor'"<Mkaft_er schooland i8oo:~ase .wW~en c ti Gas stove,Sears30"drop en~ ~'k o1o ecar'tt set. never used, worth ~.Chair wiollomrin 497-1895. __ Manne hardware exp. walnut, all glass doors, in. Avocado.1150. touring l e, x nt con • $S30 sac. $248 del Never $12S, desk & chr S175 Iron & brass bed w tnew ref. N Bch. 645-1713 C TODAY ! 9. Lall, $2700 Hrs 9.5. 557-26'14 ~832•4224 used queen sz, worlb Mort' Newport Ueal'h boic spring & mall , xlnt SECltETA.aY SIIS~t°:l~~:-57 MZ-7712 Frener.Colds1>0t. EXERCYCLE BIKE S399.ruh only.1218 del. 644·2'421ext27,63167S5 ~080.ti4S·SGl6.;. IJ'll'I trading co .. Irvine. I Anllaue Duncan Phyfe 20cf, l200 (M/W). like new $'7S Usually home' 754•7350 Dresser. end tab lh. Min. 3 yrs. exp., ac-1--------48'1 oval table. $295. 548-7SlO. 536-26M waterbed. soras. + lots ~•••••••••••!~~~ Plasti~ curate t~iat. diet .. --------645-7807 REFRIGERATOR liiiclRgMaterfals IOZ MUST SB.L more MUST SELL 2 Horsctrailer, dual axle. ~?~e ~~: 3e0x~4 : ~uoll TRAINEE FRENCH DAYBED Late rmdel, clean, auto •••••••••••••••••••••• Mahogany double bed MZ-~ $750/bstofr. MACtlHE SlOOO /mo+ Norma ror wire operator, With intricate iron de· defl"Olll 155.893-9060 MOW 25•/FT with mattress MooJl 2 Shelve Bar w padded 493.3307 l mme~A.,,1n~~~n all 833-8970 switchboard. recep· Wlln SO. 963-1932 Rdri&. FF. 1cem1ker. Redwood 216 &ecking, :!:~mirror on head elbow savers "' 4 stools How•okl Gooch IOU three shifts, for trainees Secretary t1onisl. F'asl. accurate ·-------•I xlJll szso. Stove Hi-low 4-20' long: also redwood $5000.80 631 7797 rt 6 0. 54.5-065!._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• or exp.'d. Inject ion Super Exec. Sec · y typln~ necessary · Early oven, clean. xlnt. St55. fencing. Lowest price · a . »pc set starnless steel mo Id 1 n g ma c hin e needed for President of hrs. ~Ctr brokerage 548·4485 g u a r J 1 m or Ken cookware. brand new. ''°' operators. Xlnl benefits lll!n's toiletnes Co. in -'-firm'"""'""' M='-"544~·24=--42-.-·--1 for Ad Action Refrigerator. Frigidaire ~~. 775-1491 --I IU'f FURMITUIE · ~mce, S22S. 842-2915 aft uic l : Paid ma !or Irvine.. Must ha.ve xlnt TYPIST/GB .. OFC FF . xlnt rood. 1200 Glass building bri cks. Les 957 8~~ medical, dental. life ms. skills. front office ap· For sma'll C. M rirm Call <'Ill 851-6761 $4 oo 070 Plus shift bonus pre· pea & 5 Pref l it b l • · ea RATIAN Dining Set. la Walnut oval .._ table. Jtw*Y 1 rru·ums . Good workln~ ranee years er erm e exp.. u 23.5 cu ft GE frost free _ 548-llOl!:J ble & 4 swivel chairs u• ••••••••••••••••••••••• minimum recent ex · not nee. 752.2357 Dai~ Pilot . ..1 . 1 k 42x60", 4 chairs S7S . d cood. work 71~ hrs. i>ai ecuhve ex~r Typ1'ng •' --------'"'"~·.,,5.J.'!· ' e new Cots 1035 ~-Co!tllL00.548·5048 Ove-tuff-" chair wot D1amon , I 75 ct , I 8 hrs p r E )' h $400 IJOU;JUf~ •• "" Emerald cut E VSI. 1or . re ng1s 90+. short and 110+. · --•••••••••••••••••••••••Oak dining rm table 2 \gffii!nl\5_.;_..4!!1·3441 USGSI ap praised speaking. figure aptitude req Upiolla HHttttCore Al-VISOR Gas Range & Oven Gaf. Persians' 2adult rem, $50 leafs. 6 chrs & burfet New fu ll-size mattress s34.ooo . need cas h. CIMCO Generous salary + car Set-Ylces rm. 3 brand new. still in & S7 5 Pe rs on al 1 t y ~ 957·1568 set. t60 New queen-site. $l3.900_ Dys 642 5640 . allowance + ex""nses HMK'S, CNA'S, LIVL',. 642 5678 c rate. 30 " white. +male 150.546·9965 fi--ed bl & k ds ,.,,, ,.,,,1 548-4460 Resume to· Ptnc~-Lld . .. • . Builder's liquidation. -Wal amsh game t e .1100. 750-5832 -eves1w n . '"'''"". -,ltl~l ... G PO. Box 18823, lrv•fte. INS Work close to 1225 ea. Costa Mesa "--1040 4 ~lack Naug~h yde 4 O Co I o m b 1 a n "' " u• home. Plenty of patient ._,. chairs 100 549 0022 Plate room person, Ca.92713 (714)540·0737. contact. Competitive • ll!!!!!l!!!!l!!ll!!!l!!!!!!m••m!!~I 6'.S-2937 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·-RttirinCJ EMERALDS. Your p/tim.-. Mon. 2.30vm to pay. Call before 3/19 ------KE~HOND Pups AKC 3• capt bed, cedar dwrs. f.erwtw.G choice $20 per stone approx 8pm . 1'ues , P~rr f/C1-.Cll 752-l9J'l.EOE/M-F Alie&. IOIS ~ IOIS ~:~sirep~~F PP~ty& S200. Wood dtn set. 4 fine fur'n. 24"·~~sar 640-11688 I JOpm lo approx 8pm • exp Xppfy~ Mon-________ , .............................................. 21316971345 ftS chrs. SSO Dinette. 6 Re11¥>te w stand $300. 3 -------- No exper. net'. Apply F'n, 8-3. United Meth · a pm. -chrs . S75. Sofa bed. pc liv rm set $300; 8 pc ADJUSTABLECHAINS Pennysave r . 166 0 Ch 1601 Marguerite. WAITRESS full lime HarborKeyChlldGuidanceCenter •Poodles "R" People • yellow plaid . S95 pe<"antwinbedset. w/2 MI CRO I.JG HTS Placentia Ave., C.M CdM. 644-0'14~ evening. minimum 3 yrs T-Cups. Tor. S200 to 661·7341_ dressers $600: lamps S2S electronil' Jewelry bclDficMHst ~fl IT dinner exper. rers req. of Orange County $500. Pets Boarded & New6 pc Charlton sofa , It pr. 10 ft 2 man rubber DIGITAL WATCH pro· Part tiiril.ilrternoons Ex <'-th''· Apply3,sPM.Nophone -AUCTION 81 Groomed.546-2848 c ·reta1'ISl800.sell boat S60 , misc oar d ts lgh•· 0 t t . rr· ec "" strong calls please Jolly Roger -.. IX' x. pens. I .... P ome nst s 0 ice typtng, SH skills ne~ed Restaurant. 400 So Yellow Lab Rtvr male trade ror playpen itemsiclothes 1761 Port gol!balls. etc. Fount a In v a 11 e y &ttemoons. Interesting Coast Hw La una Bch. a IU. • ~ rmo (Water Dog l 3 mos. set. 66J·7341__ M~nle11h Nf!. Wholesale1quanutles Mat ure person. Exper work. xlnt N~t Center --...._ ~ Some shots. S30torr M h only preferred. but will t a· 1?) 2 King Siu Bed. W Sim ate mg cout'h & chatr 963-8349 · r m. loc. Non-smo er prer. Warehouse -. . · · -::49'1:;.:..::·564=1-__ mons cu.~tom made mat Floral. perl cond Call --•Bl•L•L•83•1•·lZS-7-- Call Pam644-4492 Opportunity for "Hands ,..,..~ HW~ UfPS Fantasuc German Shep. tress, very clean SlOO before 2 30PM SI SO IECIPTIOHIST On " t y pe w 1th ex· ""!'t JJW 646-6.'Q TYPIST 1---------i perience superv1s1 ng & M iqis. AKC, see parents. &&>?;!!__ --Msc1l•1C*S 1010 Good phone personality SECREJIDY motiuting warehouse l · · I ~!'!tult_e'rt~~~i2~~~ ! T w 1 n FI oat a t 1 on Lge easy chr. red naug . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Front ore appearance M personnel for a major No Host SU.._. Costa Mesa waterbed. like new. was new cushion. clean. S75 Sllvertone I keyboard or· S800mo.ExeculiveRow. Exe'd, word processing So. California dlslribu· ~ "' Community ..:963-:=..:5592;;;;;;=----$800, selling S30 0 (2)30" beds. w mall. gan. good cond, S3SO :all MacArthur. Ste 211 typlSt. prefer Qyx 14 : lion firm in Sao Juan MAR c.. DOBERMAN PUPS 847·9554 foundation & rrame . 673-71« Balboa Penio N.B. 752-7170 Order processing & Cafiistraoo. ~eking a PAIZEOOORS 14"'• 1!45_!_~~~.· AKC. 8 wits. black/rust, Chest of drawers. din. line.n & spreads, S75 ea Raggedy Ann & Andy Restaurant phones. Irvine Furn j we I organized leader ......,..._ $150. rm/game table w. 4 Ukenew.646-6714 crib, changing lble. ru\ Boy~~eede~ fr Mfg. Ca 11 · E H · · tlh g<r-11lc:om~un}ca· 964-36S4 ..-chairs. bumper pool ta· Simmons blond en b dresser w/acces. 1200 .. UDC or ner. l>P Y 540-8894. ion 5 1 s. re er Donata'on ·~ Yorkshire Terner Pup· bl_e&lam . 759-0754 _ w/matt. dresser/t'hunoc 4XS' playhse , SISO A.T. Leo's Restaurant pusengu & truck lire •,--.. 750-1854. exper Excellent fringe. py, Male, AKC Champ Kin2 Size H20 Bed. light table Xlnt cond. S200 ea 559·6475 Restaurant Sl.CIETA.IY 1'..t. tm Salary t'ommensurate -----All proceeds------lines shots, S400 546·86~ edl>oolt tase headboard. 548·74!4_ Ready to go• New 2 ch an· Jobs avail for Une cooks 3-hrs daily. Gen f oTc with experience Send Donated to Child Guidance Center Gorgeous rem. Hu sky wood blse with cup· 2-sofa uph corner sec net radio-controlled JJ" "kitchen preps. Cati wor~ for v.•holesale resume to· P.0 Box f E o· pup, purebred. W/O boardl. $400. 7x8' Sofa Ilona!. custom. w prox 4 Coast Guard MODEL 759 1854 A. T. Leo· 5 furniture sale s man· H88, Compton. CA oc motionally isturt>ed Children I papen. bandit mask, $85 Set Br/Beige Herculon. yds new repl. fabnc BOAT Must see to ap- Restauranl ~ 90224. --1 L::==============J orolfer.646·5102. ~W.67S-9677 _ j_HS.962-3282. 1?,ret.poo l!!!!Q.SSl·lJf!Q Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line ,tiff/I-----------------... ---------------··----..... ~--.. ------...... our famous DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. • Brtng them or mall them with correct ca1h to Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Cotta MeH, CA. 12626 • Eact) Item must ~ priced with no Item over S50. 20c pe• llne -$1.00 mlrtmum. • No livestock, produce or plants DIMES-A-LINE FOR l NFORMATION CALL LOIS 642 -5678, ext. 319. • No commercial ad1 allowed DRYER. gas, clean $50. Dishwasher, built-in, clean $50 Both work good ' S48-44llS OLDER refrigerator, works good SSO. 362 'Hamiltoo. Costa Mesa GAS sl.Ove $20. Full ~ze, looks good, works fine. 1734 Miramar, Balboa Penn.67J..6726 HICKORY rocker S50 \l'JT I QUE s e wi ng KING.SIZE blue·green ANT IQ UE s t eamer PORTABLE TV S30 .,TWIN bed with frame NINETEENTH century PING Pong table $50 Tools Sl-$4 Lawn chair machine base. makes h eadboard SS O. wardrobe trunk with Honda motorcy~le SSO. S35 Walnut and gold Octa"on case Pendulum Pach1nlto S2S Lafayette SS. Directors chairs SIO. fine table S28. Heavy M a l c h i n g k I n g d r a we rs . pr 1 me needs work. Bicycles. fabric Danish modern wall clock $45. Unique Electronic kit S2S Myty T y pe w r 1 t e r S 2 5 iron ice t.ongs SS. Nine bedspread S50 Antique condition SSO Many mens and womens $30 chair S25. Lane end wood slat and ro~ two meta I detector S 15 Sweeper $1S Man's blke dioihg. kitchen and trunk SSO Walnut wood antique wooden trunks. each._ Stauffer ex~rclse table and coffee table person Porch swing Sl6. Avon hot l I es S 2 SIO. Childs bike $20. Gas lamp tables $12-SSO. cabinet. S fool long , chests and boxes ·S2·S35. machine S2S Tncy_clc S10 each. Two wire Old Cowboy leathers Yardage 2Sc·$1 Monk ey dryer SSO Electric Solid mahogany library great for storage or Very old cedar chest SIS. Phone Answering wheel hub caps SIS <'haps SIO Jackets SIO Pod bowls S2 .. Copper dryer SSO 1'rundle bed table $18 Hardwood records SIS. 2 burner carved wooden ends $30. machine $50 Kitchen each Pink Rattan twrn Antique pressure gage mugs S3 241n brass S4 5. Two single box maple drop leaf din.ing hot plate SlS. 6 meter Huge brass bound Pine w_are l lOc·llO . Clothes headboard S7 Cabinet collection, much brass decorator plate SlO Two springs forkingbed $40. table $50. Ten desks, SSB transceiver. needs Blanket chest S28 . (infants, ch1ldrens. hardware15ceac:h.1524 S2-m .Solidbrassgage sets El ectro strip $3. Twin bed frame SlO. school to office SlO·SSO. work , with manual SSO Boxes or Nauucal gear. men. womens) ~OC·l40. Keel Drive, Corona del beveled glass S7. 9 inch Twelve bottle spice rack S torage cabinets . Mission oak Library P ower s upply for lights and rope 10c·l10. Shoes lOc·SS. Chil~re~s Mar. ba nd hammered S3 Large Her aldic drafting desk sso. desk SSO. Variety or old transceiver $30 Good bait bag and toys lOr;SIO. Childs Crafts man signed Shield 110 Picture LADIES 10 speed bike Jewelry SOc·SIS. Wnsl typewriters and office Oldsmobile wheels. $4 brackets S20. 10 lb l~rge rid_ing horse and BENTWOOD chair S3. copper bowl ss. Brass frames S2·SIO. New $50. 645-4534 watches S4·S7. Pocket equipment Sl·S35. Good eac h . Auto air mushroom anchor with fire engine 115 each. Striped clothes hamper English spitoon 13. purses S2 S6. Ouija watch (Hunter casei working twenty's L.C. conditioner parts, chain and line 117. Toilet seat $3. Popcorn 13, Am/fm clock radio Heavy solid brass round board $2. Sheets $2·SS SNOW chaw $30. Step S2S. Pendulum clock Smith typewriter Sl8. complete $20. 1867 Antique solid mahogany popper 12. Saturday· 110 King bedspread S7. kitchen pot hanger with 2214 W. Ocean Front, ladder $IS. Ironing S12. Fireplace scrttn Elegant 1913 copper Tustin Ave . Costa ships cabin door $15. 3206 Idaho Place (Mesa Twin bedspread S2. hooks S2S. Old nine inch Newport Beach. board SIO. Tree saw S12 S7 so. Portable Singer plated adding machine Mesa. 642-2762 Old ships batch cover Verde area I. Costa Assorted flower pots solid copper and brass 1--------- Sta mp catalog S2 sewing machine SSO. 135. Sturdy typing table $35. Antique wicker fish Mesa. SI 50 each. Modern tinned and covered cook HECKER board SlO I 536-6030 Sewing attachments SS Strong vacuum WOOD kitcben table S2S. creel S8. Six pair of Bl BL E in stereo. 23 plastic chairs $7. Dishes pot.a llJ each. All bras1 Portable oxygen unal · and button hole cleanerJl2.Tenoldoak Tables and Lamps classic oak and hickory IOc and~ each. l524 TlUey Kel"06ene healer U S. Rotary power AIKES 10 d d a1n ffi h . d kl l Albums in a beautiful Keel Drive, Corona del d I mower $45. I.amp with ,... mens -spee attachment 125. Single an w ut o ice c aars IS·llO. Twin beds 135' woo snow 1 s grea vinyl cue. 20 speakers. an a.mp. 17. Copper unique &lass and wire I also 5 speed. have new wooden bed frame S12·1SO. 20's Tilt swivel each. Dressers S20·S28. for deco $10.ISO. JeMy Cost over S70, never Mar. bottom lllinless Revere lire, cables, saddles re fin is hed 14 0 office cbair 13S. Big Desks S18 to SlS t.o SB. Llnd wood spool double used Pl. New deep sea CLEAN double bed SJS. whl1lle tea ket\.le $3. base IIS. Colored glass Look, ride new. Choice Upholstered chair SlO selection ol antique and Couch and love seal $25. b ed 13S. Rag rugs poles, Penn rte.ls, tackle ~ine drawer dresser Antique door knobs, lamp shade l20. Golf I $49 cash. S48-8068 218 22nd Street. Costa v i n tag e fa rm • n d Refrigerator $35. High S I 2. S 3 s. M • n y o Id bo $20-$.tl 548-!1832 $.50. Two nite stands 125 door Mts and plumbln1 b•I ca~ l lO. Wooden !l'EAK table $35. Lounge Mesa. Saturday and kitchen tools and Chair 112. 543 ·2987, wooden chairs and ll • each . Lion print fixtur ... brasa, 11111 tabl~ W1th form.lea top, , chair '35. Mirror cofree Sunday. r.ontainers 2Sc·llO. Huge 667-1109. r()(kers SC-~. Antique MAHOGANY entrance bedspread $.5. Matching tad porcelain 12·17. c le 1 " 13 S .. I e I 5 bl W 1 old wagon wheel $50. oak bearlh rocker 128. door 361nx79in. solid curtain s IS. Two Antlquebnsssoap daah detac_hable Roll.around lt ~ISO. ~o r~g WESTERN Mag w!leels. Wooden Dynamite cue )ALE 4in pots to lS Childs rocker SS. Good core SJS. Stereo chair windowahadaS2each. $3.Coppergoodworking chair on rolll es . BEDROOM furniture s; S4S Bar and stools ~, t S28. Tables SS·S30 Uay bed S10 Appliances Sl·SB Lamps S2·SIO \ Umbrella Stroller S20 Tools S3·SIO Zenith Console AMIFM stereo pho no S50 Toys . ! clothing, dishes. dolls, .. jewelry, music boxes 25c·SIS 3102 Coral Ave.. • Apl A Cos\a Mesa. 4 Blocks west of Spires Re staurant, Harbor ' Blvd Saturday and Sunday TOILET stool and seat SI S Kitchen cabinet with 4 drawers and cutting bond 120. 2-8X8·8 screen door. complete S8. Wood d oo r s S2 ss 398 Hamilton. Costa Mesa LARGE metal office desk l40. Bunk Bed m 1626 Iowa Street, Unit B .. Costa Mesa hangina 12!1. Kmg size 5 SinxlSin. ' lug. in $5. Old wooden dated gallon pots 2Sc -$25 . upholstered chair Sl2. S2S . Red wing work Color TV and stand $25. radiant electric heaters c 0 n v er l 5 l 0 flat blue comforter SfS excellent shape. Four. 1923 field fruit boxes IS. Hanging wood basket Authentic wes tern shoes, like new. size Debbie. 213·S92·5645. 19-$12. Large variety of platform $35. ~t stereo AQUARlUMS 51.'J gallon I Matching wall hang ns 122 eac11. VW stock Hand tu 'ed 9 inch $4 -$6. Maple wood saloon chairs $4S. Two 6 10 Yi B 128. 12 volt Huntington Beach. Ught.s and lamps from sp~aker cabinets 120 SIS. 10 gallon S28 1S $1 S · Ca II 64 4 · 57 26 r i m s I 1 k e n e w walnut S< ad bowl $4. console stereo record wheel single bed frames fl uorucenl I amps, every era ror floor, pair ~lko watch. new g a 11 0 n S33 · E er h I starting Monday. conditi~. (4) $14 each. CI ea n PI n e wood player l50. Vanity sink 16 eac.h. Large selection great for R V .S. 112 CARTOP bike rack $S. table aod ceUing S3-l50. 140 Tire A-78·13 S8. includes healer. gravel, !OMM Enlaraer tense Bean Bag chair Sls. bookcase Sl2. Vintage llS. Electric ride wood shutters Sl ·llO. etch or 3 for 130. Carrier bike rack 13. Claulc 6 way floor Dual power supply S35. ~~!~ f::::~1n~.1tp;t~ llS. 405 Poloroid mm 875-3313 aln&le day bed with motorcycles with Lobster trap coffee Con tour l ounge, VarilJper AO. Arneson lamp, ornate base 110. Elecltonlccounter,tube 7Sl·9Sll2. pack '30 35mm roll rwo 26 lneh 3 speed sprinyt• back tills u/, batteries 12S each. table "5. Antique ships medium brown 135, pool aweep l30. Pump 27 Inch brass and maple type "5. Fou~ Ford 14ln neaatlve carrier for Jlrla bkyclel 12!1 each. 118. ollodex file I · Saturday end Sunday lantern $45. W.W. ti Ha nalnc la mp 18. 120. Hydraulic boat table lamp. glass ahtde rims llS. Fisher lube SUNBEAM Industrial Omega D-4 ll5. 8llO Auto U.S 1111 ~la for •58 llOO's circuit court 9·2· 20$l S. Towner· Navy hat and coat rack Electric drill 'Mtln M. steering wheel with 115. Four roses bar \'IP .e lune' 8 n d vacuum for lndoor or Strobe $40 41.5 Film F d ...:.i. _, ... Jud1n lap desk 12!1. 143 SB•,~!~ -~'w· 557-1489 $30. 14.1 W. lSlh Slrttt. Mirror 481na301n $10. rudder $20 . C 0 2 lamp $12. 24 lndl cluslc amplifier as taeh. 2060 outdoor use. complete ·btn1er1 l5c each. T:la 'il.'ts"." c;;..::~ W. 15th Street, Cotta r ...... ._ anaer. Costa Me11 (between Profane tank as. Cub operated aodt fountain old fluorescent du ll Slate Ave .. Qlall Mesa wlth attachments. ~ Bessler.'"°'°' base for Laite ant 11th Street, M e s a < b • t wee n --------Pacendt and Monrovia on Y. Sat u rd • Y 1'ith S heada po. Tanks limp $8. Five t Inch ,_aft_e_r_l_pm_. ____ attachment bag end • tube processing 125. Huntington Beach. See Pltcent.I• and Monrovia ! GOODYEAR Soo tires u reeta> Sd·OUS 9·S. afternoon only. 913 110. Wort b9Mhe1, 8 hanclng capiz a hell L 2 v 0 LT 30 AM p dolly m. m..w7 Slie 12 pink weddla1 sl1na In alley. L Streets>. 5"·0135 9.5 700·13, like new SU Saturday, UM Sunday. Arbor Street, Coste feet long S20. AoUqut globtl as. Foldln1 arm regulated power supply dreq, lone 11teva l20. H • " Tu KIT H S.tulday, IM Sunday. ~thh~~ :e~},! ONE bathbab, 2 tolle\S, 2 Mesa. 5,~~lapenNCae! 140. 3 way floor lamp Ill. 27 $50. 3048 Klllybroolt . ~~tBtY !,._wUta. ~ TVGM !!!. ' Wood IWta Crib, fttW .. " n • m rYPIST p , ....... ·ND t bl "5 h ""''-sit. ft ~uh loch double shade table Colla Mesa ~ •IV .,_.. -SU. Upllollttttd brown shortwave receher ro1rammera U1es, wide tract 111,er alnks, all Workln& SIO . .,.. • ea ... etc . re111ter. old '15. Htn& lamp '1. llin unique . Baby ~ &•.•· ... plaid ttlelr $35. 2xL KR·lO.B $50. Worldn• u:e~nr!,~ !! e~ tO tubeleu StO. BR7'-U M2-7Z25 SofH $15 Heh. Chain$ Ten aktteboerd u . blut ~ btver-.1 DllMER e drawer wtth Ma~ ..,._, 111t Robot ud Tepa llS. 8'W televiltolt 17 Inda aell $50. Ornel for Goodt:r poly redlel srovE m. Relr1&erator ~ r ~ table. Super fQnc 1ame 110. urn fram twenty'a m. mlrror, maple finish a.10 ll• loolll Zk·50t .• 9·4pm Saturday and tJO. Pioaeer Arn/Fm drive allforSI S4Mm Ill. matcMd Mta $50. Cub •ter UO. • !:!.' AlK 0 8 1 W.Uuit. \4iD StO. S.a.n Old Diet.I Monarch oil US. R4dwood outdoor Baby betlltlllt ll. Baby Sunday . 1141 1 llXP.....,tw.tmodtl ' . ha11a .. : llet,Z~ El ectri c 1ddl111 CoetaM..,-.~ Oly..Wldb,MW llS. l1atern SS . lltoy furnltun $$ aad AO. ba1lltt aad llMr SlS. Stadalwood. Foalaia uo. •ittl 1pealltN. SIUATS k s....... 11 t"· 21111 let '..-.*'°· macbloe •· !lectne ELECTIQC dryer neer Wrouatit llDD r-.., $16 antlqut and vlnta1e KJ4' .a. all! boota and Skateboard SS. St.op , Vel.leJ, mm. ~~ ~el'!: :S~ KAit dreu S.S. Put twU 1 wn spreader U . d t1 er SC O . 0 I d new..,, WIAfr•. Off • e c t l o Ii . I 7t t brua or lnln rireplece to0• llo0la -.sis. Small nnum tu. L••J• llMOO'I Cofttrolt for tptaitll ... Merlnt •· Llbnew,alut 10.12. •• P•Ptrbacll '°°b He white ear,t( 12111 SID. Hummla1btr•. ~01t1 Mtl ... RaN ptttte blh u . Portable '5-$10. 8alttU at 1. model alrplenu: r-adlo t e leptlou ..._La fTROLUhalf·plntbaby eac h . Skateboard KlnilillbldSIO.Klq lles1.w.41n. rnod bell bra u b111ltUt1ll beckboard lafaotlell ... Pkbnl Maco....,.. J ~.111111 tru1celnr. Hedi ;.. • .J ttroller wllb UDOPJ, ~:: t= ~ llH .... Mard SU. 1>rt.1TT& ul SU . rrr1plau udlroa•. ud ..... SU. ..... .. •• Sldt $JO. ,.... .. I •. °"llr J dmMf -:er, •. 9ol6ll Slate n•J:S a NiPl -11•.· IWl ID box ta. Uft ..___. COi Twlo M4 .... Twl1 Partatlll:-1~-brat1 ftn ~Sit. 1p1e4, 4ama1td Sll. ~~.· ~~.-,~~ _.. .._........, 1111 ... SI ou palaUqa • •• ~· -~e 1•mee i.e.._..• DNMr lraa .._.. flrwwo9d a1.-1m.. ·-'---. A• Pm lllultlplu ca· mera •it 11111· $10 141c:11 CIDdl nctio'• • ..._. • •m Ru1l•1 amp SH. or m··-..__L ... SlJ ...... WHt 1'••..., •· 1ttrto •It• record auta..;.. "1atata lllNll alll boola U·t~. Old w1teb'1 ~1' • 5 Ml.ft. e.aw~.;c.a HUPPY bike PG. La..,.....,.- lttrUl\:tear•H ~ ....... V.U., womtDI llaa T~N · .... Pltio tablel St• PUSIYWILLOWS ti K ta I (bet •tt I Maellll:• SH. loMa ......... ::.!* ..... __ :. II _.*U: ~ ITU..;Y \'bW Idle :.!!.:! ..!!!:' tu'. wl.._·~c::r GOOD ... tlnl: Ill ti tac• Pllllk _.. .. ,._.._.._.... llt.sL '"*'-•• ~~'::i:~~·, ':'.!~ .~ -~ ·-___. __ = ___ To ... aMI • r.r11111M•Ml•11• nci •Mall• l&tetta). lfl.flll M Ywtlllllar.aWllla .. tirewa ~al ..... ~II. n .. -=-------...... ... O....llml.... o.•. ~ ... _....., '-..... I~ .... ~. rtd!J!!·~ •• ,.. ~ --··II ..... M&D,Olltl •.• ,.. .. um.a........ ......... I --· WW ...... :=:---.... !!;:'"''·'·"· ... ll'"il'= .... ---llHllU 1•1tra Ill ............. IOI, ~~ .... "Ci -C.... l'!*'.:'l':J!aat* ' • ,1ftC!e -- ...... ......:... • ..... .. 111? t .... , ..... .... ·"''" ...... ,,,, • • ............ . '--7".....-.. ----..... .....,. °'* .... • • / .. \ Orange Cout DAJL y PILOT /81turd ' MllOh 13, 1H2 Wlanl•11• IHI,.. IU71Nh.Pww ft4t s,..41 tO ·=u. MlaeW...W Off l•1..W ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••,••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 tlZO ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• &NII um~tr 1hell Pb. 2ptach f1ced loveblrd9. 1 21' Cri1·Craft. E111 r .. , ...................................... ••••••••• ..W ~r s.w. 2 Iona Y!~-~d.ucelncl'dtas uea. Cioni rut I •• "f'lahSkl"7$hp, bill MOD&'"A'"ll WE PAY ...................... . ca plee $$11.oeel_ ~ __ Newport Slip, Hklnl t.lr, ell* lluU, lrlr. •C· Shty npllcu· plrkupt KIN llw bed, 100!! cond PERSIAN RO LLERS o.500. Trade•, Flnanc· 1'0 • coupes. 4 io chooae TOP DOLLAR $ w/l rame and hud fi()('li. of 10 perfornuinre • &Viii p P. ?3-5200 from! (00e788) (Stk. FOi usm CARS board. $~. black 11nd blrdii, s.w. A3183> Pricts 1t1rtina u •uM.••uou while TV S35. m11t &U·'4W '18 2'1Vatt BAYLINER at ,.WV" ,. " " MW8'10 -"Victon1''. •11 brtdae. .-. y •t,ttll PONTUC /SUlilU CAJ>UCIUN I'IG EONS VHF radio. bait t1nk, ti I 0 ""' ,, -WO Rlr6or ltlvcJ Utt.on Royal Typewriter. F1nry ahow birds. deilth flniler,outriffera, •••••••••n•••••••••••• COSTA MESA "'®. pm'td per qu.ality "" AM M 11 Cealnu '79 P210, v. Int. for ... 5 ....... U'> ..... ... amp. aen .. n I F II I 'd ...... ~oo S""t 1"'17 ---'" ......... .,_ . ........, tr1ckalereowlthtr1ller uc. u [ equ P · .JEU!:U • • • Kenmore washer, MS "-I C>nJ-1 lotO C:.ll &46-2143. Wiii sell Ut4>91M3f_d)'!. WE IUY CIEYIEI BMW n.la~.'IJ A~e~~1·11 Models ' Demos •rt still available! We ·~·rW ................. t7U .. ...........•••.••. 1'170LOSCUTUSS ~~-~ brake.. aJr. automatic. St ca...u.. power wlo· doWI and more! Wt:l:.1CEND SPECIAL $2"1 S~CI 111.2040 ~HI t715 apeclallte In : European •••••••• .. •••••••• •••• • delivery and flawlua 72CAPll1700 Studlo ~ich w/trundle, ••••••••••••••••••••••• blllenceolloan. S./ Q.E•a..11 C "'IS ~~· Olh~r ml c. ~ 8063 Hammond organ mdl ..., t I JO """ " 2 Color 1V's. $95 & $125 AIOO, wfLeslie :f.kr. At 40· OweN Tahitian, live· ••••••••••••••••••••••• • AND TRUCKS ~a~~r'~o~~ete rzo ~~~:'~~~~ c~r~~ ~=r!~rv!;a~-~: c:0~fEa~lr ~!~·t a?!e'd~ ·ee Firebird1 clun, one pre-owned BMW's" 080 841-53111/6'8·1990 WhereCustomrr, '73 Capri 2.8, good cond. LOVEIAUOOHS 184.5 Park Ave Min bid ttwn.,9AM'5PM. S60~r beat offer ':::: 6 c.ys36~~9 Cam. Ii e II u rn B 0 u q u et s _@IS cash~ Info 642·5M3 ·•-------• -•~'-'-=----CONNELL CHEVROLET Servlre Comes l~t. recood. eng .. new tires. Sales·Servlce·Leasing brakes " ball. Quick St~. r~~~. ~8J~. Pr~ S:N~':ng::i&" n)o~~ot~t:o ~~~er~ra!:~~~e~r::~ ~~r~~o co~r c~~t Tent Tr~. sips 6 ·~~ rf:,n~lnt orig wllnutatereocab.1•8'& Ruth~DvrShr,Na forSl Pat's613-4419 _llSOQ.make ofr S36·1493 *SEA RAY* I 548·8063 6'2·0t52 · ... ,. II .11 I• ' I\ •~I \ \1 f • 1 S0 -12 0 2Ql W. Isl, Santa Ana sell. s~ or near ofrer. (114) 835.3171 875-aO Closed SuM!L -----'= '74\.'J 2000 4 speed low 8' IOl1. Misc blankets lo GARAGE SALE '29 Ford Roadster P /U tools. books & a c 3 Families S1H1Su n Kmg st wuter bed. com· Thoma s electric' 2 key Fori-dl• DCUIESSJ'OELMC~UMIPLETR '5500. '30 Ford Cabriolet ceuories, some anti 17892 Qu'iit.·in"i, •·t u plete $200 M1ni-refr1g, boardJtrellent cond ........ n 500 675 3175 1 • • o new $150, 842 8t8t to:M 848 --•ery Must See To Appreciate. · ueaetc Pian o . Ma )la M ~ ·II~ We'reWheeltn& 1'700 Mi range. Cost '62PlllOOVolvoClassir washer dl'}er. oak 1·of Buven N)lon Shag, Upnght Stetnwli)' piano. deahn! $18 ,000 Bargain a t Rast<>red Reule S11les. T_emple Bat Yahm NB fee table. stereo, unio UH>Cado. 70 yds. St SO good rond S250/bcst ofr EXAMPLE : 12 ~675-1358 443 w Bay . c. M _ SUNDAY Mar 14. 9 to 3. rle, Onental rui:. Parrot yd Pad SO' yd, Not worn ~I ~II · · ~~ Corner Camelbock & w/r~&.e.Lmun• 8476618 SRV.lf2. 117'1 Witt. Motoriltdllb1 tl40 Jamboree. btwn Bristol b h Unique Chinese Panda sad"9g 1093 troll•r, crw••· ski, ••••••••••••••••••••••• '50 Plyrmuth 2dr Coupe. & Bison, U tum at Bison. An119ues. enc pn!~11 ••••••••••••••• •••• •••• .a..a. ua. #262 'SI Pu h bl I xlnt cond, $2250 OBO right at Camelback BBQ. moped. furn. l"ni: f!ear Bt-dsprea.d. satin Mem Ska Boots, Nord1ra ..-.-c · ue.x nt 642 2623 Dealerswelco me ma tt2340EldenCM hned, appraised at 91'2M. used once S39. Ust$15,204 T,g·~5· -·-· Sl700, best offer Mar<' 673-59l9. "'-'-....ic•Sl2 999 · Truclts 9560 Len.handed golf "lubs, Mens 3 S" btke. draft ,.,, u.,., ------,... • Puch M I pd I , " ~ ....... , ax , 2 s • x nt •••••••••••••••••••••• • musical instruments, Ible. books 1oys , REMINCTO"' SportiftcJGoodl 1094 --•-rond. must see t.o ap •• ....__.. ... •w 'll tools, tv 's. di s hes, hsewares. roller skatt'~ •• . -" Eler T"pwnter "'Int ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 6 0 SD F I 3 6 • J ~111te 75.640.6851 ,..._~LUY Plca.'f! clothes. misc. office & much mure Sat Sun , · " 1 f t s fb d 7• ~ • A"-1'rs •-plants. Sat 8 • l!-4. 17071 Twain Ln 118 cood '130 493·0987 n tni )' ur oa r ' '78CITANE·ORANGE 1, l o ( 8 8 3 l . .,.. .. ~ '" clean, light blue/orange. ........~. 3201 l956f1amingo Dr ,_(.M 8466000 llammond organ. mdl ~.644·6l7S. T··1-· ' GOODCOND. S2SO Price $6098 ; GM re· ESTATE SALE Sal. 10.S & Sun l2·S 831 Santi a o Rf!, C _M _ Garage Sale. Sat/Sun 8·4PM, l730l Keel'son ln Hntg Bch Bearh & Slater 1 MO VING SALE TV . stereo. couch, bed plants. much more Sat/Sun 10.S. 297 Wa\c> St. (Alley ) Laguna Reh Ph AIOO, w !~he spkr At tlrt.o • loaded. __ SS7-0i167 _ bate $500; sale pri ce ts olo equip women 's auclloo3 14 IPM Co:.ta Maritn 37S Win $150 SMl #211. I""" PUCH mo;d E~ OHLYS55tl size 1 8 l'lothe!> pink Mesa Comm l'l'nter P1rm ll&R '12'&auge Ust $192,065 """' .. H v.edding dress. antt 1~ Park Ave Mm. bid o u. made in ~10 S3SO ..,_._ ..._. SI 65 OOO cellent cond S. t all OWAR~ Ct.noi.t q~ 16431 Sandat"ood, $97S_c:ash lnfo~2_5583 ~rm 493.~ _. r-nc. , P!!.Uicia 714·640.0838 NR°.wvPOet uTaBilESAtsC.'ll F'o 11 nta 111 Va 11 c Y TY R-...n --•-1980 Vespa motor scooter. r Saa Sun_, !1 4 Airhe Tickets • 11111110• 200eng with extras Ul:.0..5.5.5 Oak c:ha1r..,oakrocktn ~ 121 round trip lo HiA.St.reo 1091 1736'Boats jl200714·8473870 1979 fORD -44 To n l'ha1r. drum sel. Che\ Austraha.:is•; d1s!·11unt ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Pi ckup 6 c:ylinder. en11 parti.. hand toob. Call Rtrhard 990 2751 BF:AUTI FUL 25.. RC A i'n stock Mots::J:.':'f automatic, power steer sk1s.MGw1rl·whl1>.'• , -• rolorTV sale2yrwrn 9150 8ft h ll in>torrvC'lc tire k l ·h Computer TRS-80 level ty Sl-18 Free deh very ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing. . camper s e . utensils oddr ~· tdl one 41\ RAM. " basic TV John's646 1786 HARRISON ·74 Yamaha RD250 Runs wliite with brov.n One ·• ·' ~ en ' murM>4 jlamei. ssoo owner, 18.000 mile~ Sat Sun. 20361 ,\raw1 !">46.5212 34• Prof Video S)stem. well SSOO. I IU01162) $6-495 J 1m St ,S A HL\ 751 0543 liJlat•hi F'P 3060·A c:olor 631·2126 Marino Volkswai:en. (;arageSale llluff~ Ruwe JUkt•box, stained camera & Panasonic BOAT CENTER '78 Honda Hawk400cc 642-2000 I King waterbe1I " at• glass front , with rel'ords CR 4400 ll port re· Runs great. S6S010 BO 18 Ford Cou-;,er. ut1I bed I HIGHIUYH Top ifollars for~ Sports Cars. Bugs, Campers, 914's, Audra Ask for U/C MGR JIMMAllHO YOLkSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACll 142-20QO WEHHD YOUIOOTIC &lltmSHCAltS 1~-• 3100~W Coast Hwy · Newpurt Beach 61?·9405 WANTED! Late rmdel Toyotas and Volvo s Call us TODAY !'~ Earle Ike 2 FAMILY SAU Sat/SI.in 9-duslc Th rn hshld items. clothing rrusc 7 Sunndge. Irvine <Culver lo Deerfield. ll'f1 on E Doe Trail to SUnnd el 1ess LR l'hrs. end SSW. Bar t)pe ~on11 corder + extras SSOOO Consignment boats 7~.2-1400X2848/SS2·8S69 & ladder rack. 40K m1 I tables. sTr,~nnE•s , g~~f M ~1~~7 ~~~ a 11 <213)59'.! 1022 _ Trade-ins acce~ted. !4500. 536-0464 TOYOTA·YOLYO 'rons. . n r)' Y Large portable Color TV 15 f" . AC 78 S..lllld IM 125 im Hrier ai.& ~lntann1ra; World Book Power l::lc•rt lawn mo\\ er 19int•h (Juaser yr 1nancing . Under IOhrs. S67S '80 Chevrolet D1 rsel. Cott• 14.,. t ompl. i.:arden tools. Blark & Decker S7S SllO S4B 4138 0,... 7 dys a wfftc __ 7!.4.:..673-~9 Slh•erado loaded. 50,000 "'•O·HOl ... u o..0 1 mt\r 314 ,\\en1d.i Cum 640 3687 -I HARRISON '81 Honda 900 Custom mil~ '6200 964·S974 DOH'T l~D THIS bre toff of \'1~ta dell r ,1 1 h d 1 $ISO Quas.ar Video Retordl.'r lmmac cond. $2650. Call '78 Datsun. 5 b. 181\ because we re hanng .i Oro1. :-1 B Sit< Sun ~s a r an e ll'r t tapes . $300 W I ~l.S miles. ong. tires. air. dnveway sale 1n Hu nt!( -1 round area ruit 898 1951' Gordon H ---Bch. On Crater Cirl'le, S1~T ~UN 9 ~. 202112 81rl'h hrl!_.&old S7S 963 1932 ~-2331 ·_ ' BOAT CENTER 13HONDA CB175 stereo ~12Sp16 2389 Sal/Su I B ·h 1 St. SAfl f'urn. stuve. "t d. "'-d bol -, Needs work $20010 80 1.976 f 100 61 ooo mt n n on y usl arc ; fn i:. stereo T\' tJik •• ., , u 10 ."" s v. ster~ loats & MariM • · · · 1 &Adams.962-3785 H·rm•nt mt~t·r tool~ ~Xl~•d::Jrreen forT\ .,..nt 3939 W. Pacific 'i.l Vespa63= Sr~terl ~!~o.acts ~b:~'. ~~ HUGE5FAMILY 1'\er)th1ni: i.?ue' -I •••••••••••••••••••••••' CstHwy w1s1derar.&arcess.l yr ~~or746·71116,Joe GARAGER 5'~·9292 N~g recliner SllS. ~ 9010 Mtwport•ach,Ca. old . 600 mi. $1 ,775 ·73 •,ton Chevy p L' fri. Sat 9.4 at t976 SAT st·:-. 111 .1m 11 2 S7S ~~fs Whl'elrhr •• ~~;~••••••••••••••• 673-0940 5_:4.>5986arter6PM Good rood & m1 S2.200 Top Dollar ·Paid for Your Car• JOHNSON & SOM '2mU~rt'1 <Asta Mesa ~0·5630 Pelican P l t Mesa . f\Jllertoo~plllb,mJI 14ftAlwnloat 1978 Yamaha . 6 so 0808466090 Verdel CM. Lwn mwrs 1 1 It•) tls hv.shr (o \~. Local .Varh< Club mem very goodcond S2SO ci~· 1 1 Premium prices din set. car seat. bah) . treasur~ bersh1p for sah.• $2.000. 673.1950 ...-•a · o mi. new tires. 76 4X4 Chevy S1lveraclo, paid for any used car furn. drapes. men su)ls, I I k . 673 9~70 -t7' SKI CRAFT VS V ball .. tuneup. cle11 n loaded. topper. gn•a< (foreign ordomesti<' l 46R s hirts & pants J I' nev. girl' l'lothmg, 13 rt Lapstrake flshtn!( dnve. with lrlr Basket tL.400. 494·7832 _ ~ 892 S098 tn g_ood condition books toys pa1nt ankesl dresse~ ~"l'ater~ Klng.Sl/e bed. xlnt l'Jnd. boat 10 ft oars Xlnt c:ase SSOO/bst o fr YamahaVirago 7SO'Atlh 'i.l DatsunKin~Cab.AC SeeUs f1rst! &~ miSr . coats.ell' wes612 SI~ 2captam se.itsfor cond..l250.G.'lll>352 675-~--extras .. Like new. only A .. F'M. Sell top. "f!lll!ll•W9!!!'-'llll!!MI ..=.;="'-'-'=;.:...·_ to $10 t rhlldrcn ~ 'an,~ ea 9686813 --'" _. 3 F'amily Sale. Sat 9.4 book~. Ch1hl l'raf1 ~:n1· TAD·Laser rowing shell. 79 2A' Skipjack. open. ~miles S2.600. ~1ofr G.'ll-1093 F\Jm .. sew. mal·h, t\· ~Other rntM' item~ SCRAM-LETS 18'.red.xlntcond,rov-many xtras , immal· ~·4629 -1'67 lnt 'I Harvard 1966Port Bri!~l.._NB ~~ali:i)\'11.'W \\t·~.io er._'950 1146·9549 ~~~~2si3o 5~~5•1 ~6~ki~~ '78 HONOA250ENDURO Tmelall. good body EST ATE SALE ·NSWERS loah, M•t ~1 m 7~ Runs great. vea cltan I rond Xlnt eng. S99S Sat·SUn 9-4. 40 yrs ar Garage ~Jll• n•dl rlNb " S · 1.._"9o2o -~~_ask for 1i 1ke 833-8383 ext 316 dys. cumulauon of gds, also 200 Pea rl St Lag lli•h Strong Often •••• e::_•:_~••••••••••••• loots. Sail 9060 Motw Hoiftti, Sale~ ~!">412eves 1 wknds Sat So 11 d Sixt v Shaken ••••. •••••. ••• • ••• •• •.. •--a S 1978 Cadillar 23 Rain · n a a~ 'l'l-flRTEEN Manne Electncian .79 Pearson 424 Ketch -/ toroge 160 1.978 Dodge .t4 ton Low ~1188 lla1 lJ.11 llhd bow fa lls . I r\ Sunda}Onl~ !I I Lnui.ujl :.l) .... ifeistallandshe's Des1.i:n1nstall •repa1r lmmac. yacht. fully ••••••••••••••••••••••• mileage Exl·ellenl ''"tJ\h·~J~O:l.10 tTIJRTLEROCK I Cash stuff ti03 J a~mme A q~. kind d senstll\ e about Qual 'A Ork 549 2520 e q u 1 p · d . 6 s a 1 1 s • R e n l · 2 2 · I u x J§ ... ~ OBO.J...91.~S onl " Cd:O.l 11n alle_y 1 ll. She tt>lls e\ eryom auto•pwr. speedo. log. rrotorhome · sips 6. self '78 Toyota S~ Ing bed. GARAGE SALE SAT ONLY" s he '~ f1,vc feet loats,McriH depth. VHF. EPRB. coot. S29S1wk + lll'/mi air. shell. S34SO Xlnt Household and work Kids stur t ."p:i 's THIRTEENmrhes EqiiP"Rllt tOlO frh1g . ele~,tNroC fa n & ~-546-26.17 ___ _ items. refrig. t"m beds, treasures ma s Junk Mkcellalteou ••••••••••••••••••••••• r arger. 0 water. lftlt 32 ft YOQIM ·79 ford p U 6 cyl, ps, •,, • 1V Alum extension lad 9 3 23S Ma' nolt:t r ~1 w-&...~ s 1081 19112 Evtnrudes al 1or; I diesel. cust inside. full Luxury motor 11ome ton. 36.000 m1. super der, power tools carpen-, . ~ over cost 7.SHP $749 99 spin gear. oCfshore pole. ~ M I t b k I I d I · S ~T ""-'LY 11 ·~·•••••••••••••••• .... 4 ,s Hp SS99 9S 2 Hp All safety items. 4S lb om ay 5 Y w or c ean. must se I. cheap ~es~nEt~.uE~~g4~~P; K1d s1"s 1~rf "ma ~\.\ANTED 8 Boogev ~999 &more 673·1434 1 CQR. 50 lb Northhill. month.75l·S66S Dys . 554-Slll, e\•es Golde c s · k 9 3 Board in good cond . ---1 Wllldless. incl Newport RENT 26 rt motor home I 9frO.Ql26 nrod OM al ·Sun ~a,~ures. r P~t . 'A str~& tins 968 9907 15 Se!>rtllne 6S HP Mere I s!Jp owe with 'l dn no Slps8. fully loaded --.JQ.l!!.1..!Q__ · ag_n(!ta, Offi. . Trailer Many ex tras . interest As ki'ng ___ 645·86!_6__ v.. 9570 WEIUY I USEDCARS&TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL t'OR FREE APPRAISAL Cormier-De Lillo CHEVROLET 18211 BEA'CH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-6017 or 54,·l.331 Sat Sun . Ant 1 q u es. SAT OHL Y!! c! f\antiture & Sl200 968·6128 -1 $145.~ Make me an of· ••••••••••••••••••••••• chairs. lamps . hooks. Coll~<·tlfln Doll> 110 E .. pmtld 8085 1o~ Pow• 9040 fer PP 7141634·8243 or 1976 Toyota Mini motor '77 Ford E2SO. window tennis equipment & Tram To s Collel' ••••••••••,.••••••••••• '""'· .. r 541·9959 home.self cont'd. Good va n. low miles. manylAAltol.lm-rttd rrusc 1809 Tustin Ai·e Ltbles ) (Xfice furniture fur sale ....................... . .--mpg. [1,~ 754·4520 xtras $4200 Ca 11 T"""' ,.""l\'\'\"'C'IR'"' EllB at cl1scoun1 priru Wel:Craft 26' No\'a of. 19 Oowneaster 38 . fu!IY T---T -• 9170 675-1211 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Casta Mesa ••• , 1 • r. u . •>11076.l f h tw 188 HP loaded w'Farrley Jib. ,._...., "°""" .-----AHalOlllto 9705 Hshld, clothing, furn & !19115941 ts ode . nl RDF . 81mMarautop1lot Xlnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 73Dodge Max1·Van.h1gh ••••••••••••••••••••••• m:>re. Everything goes Garaitt> Sa IE' 2 Hi rvpre..,~ NStar Honwn p. quad r:dlo e bat~ rt!· k l · tood Owner purchased 23' Terry. self cont .. sips top. o•tn .. 4 burn er I Al/3 1600 MOORS IN STOCK HOW! Chck ••r t••tl HlecHM •f OIW01 ••4 QUALITT ru.o-. ....... ••II i1 •tktr flu ........... IZL Cal or COfM hi TODAY! S,ilfS • SHVICI LliSIHG SAD~LEBACK IMW 21402 MAA.wllfl l'lWY. MllSIOt4 YIUO Avery Pkwy off 1-5 131 -ZW ~949 Open Sundays OIAMGE COUNTY'S OlDEST $ Sales-Service-Leasing IOr'Q\RVER IO.l.S·IOCE. Btv1W 1978 63lCSi·A ooupe, wtute re<l. all OP· lio ns. lo w mil es EXCELLENT CON DI TION • M \:ST SEE'"<220XKI ) SADDUIACI IMW/SUIAIU UJ:.2~.0 4.ll-M4' 1910 IMW 320i 5 speed trans . air cond . c~te & alloys. HY/96 l ROY CARVER IMW 1540Jamboree Road NEWPORT BEACH _M0-64.!4. IMW DEMO SALE Big Savings'•' SADDLEIACIC IMW UJ.:.20.il 495·4!i9 ltll IMW 320i Automatic trans . air cood .. rassette. alloys & sunroof (473S) ROY CARVER IMW 1540Jamboree Road NEWPORT BEACH --6.!0-644_4_ cheap! 891 w. rnh St . Dr . La!(una R'e a 1 h 11 e~ ~II y. fi4 K 1 ~<'I fal·tor) fighlt~g · 1:~:5a new boat. $66.000 (714 1 6, xlnt cond. clean. 13800 stove. r~1ge . toilet I Jtloc C • 1 C.M Sat. 9-3. Sal Son 10.S l CS D Pa~ral I\' 0 , bim•n1 cove s st reo s' 628 8438 1714 l 496-6246 642-1S89 $47~~·1999. -:ieaJs t°"o c"o~nve':r'io1 ·73 Bavana 3 0. 4 spd • nl'" fact <'Jrton" "'· r · e 1714)499-4754 A C S38~0 ft D Sell h · $30011 r · 11 ;-.; I trk. tnm tabs. lmmar -'71 Yellowstone trailer '62COltYA11 16 to Velore. exr • rm. yi. WANT ACTION ' ' 1 ings f:is< "ith Dnil\• -·>~ a '. ei rond S 11 900 l 0 R 0 18' sailboat. bw lt in '75 by 25f't.. ~leept! 4. fully self· Window van. comple'\ely pistons. $1400 979·2748 ~!!.53'7. eves 962·3~2 Classifed Ads 642·5678 Pilnl Want \ds ~) ~i::l202 ° r l r a 11: 839 8221 or~ 7203 · La g u n a y a r h t s . c,ontained. great cond1 rebll. custom seats. as\:· after §J!!!l or ~knds. 1980 320i turbo. A lp111:1 Moto.su!Lc::'I Motorc ltt .... in>tor & ~hp. SJJOO l!<>n. 642.51$1 i!i.&.i2SOOJ43:fl003 '77 Spnnt Veloce Alfeta eqU1pped. many extras. 9150 sc:r:.:: I 9150 ~~s/ 9150 ~si' 9150 SJ6.ZJ64_o.r t2l3)3Sl8145 Mltos.r.k• Paris •72 Dodge Tradesman GT 3S.OOO miles. air ~u·:.9~~Jom~42~usl •··~··· .... ··_·· •• ··.-.•••••••,•••• ... ·.···~·····~·.·(•1 ............ ·,.··•••••:·.·.·~···~····~· , ,··,·~··--:~·,·•••.../:•.•• Ranger 26 w1SO' Nwpt &Acua.ori-. t400 1 \'an. reblt eng. new m1~. Etc. 288TZV. S49SC _ • , • . _ moonng. Rart' invt'S l· ....................... J!i!!!!l, xlnt rond. 898·S944 or Resale Sales. 443 W 'i.l 633. White tun. 20.000 ment oppty S48-7992 UTE BODY WORK & • .-.. W_._-;-9590 BalLC.M. 645-2963. _ nu. Perl cond. Take over eves t to 50'h-ff ---..... ~~ 494·~ Eriterpnse 13'6' Racing ~~es ·......,. .. miles. am/fm . U095 ODO PP 857·5214 or 133-7329 o.t.. -t7ZO ••••••••••••••••••••••• GIANT DATSUN CLEARANCE SALE . . . ~ ..... 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa .ll~540.6f I 0 '75 Dal.sun B210 Deluxe, very good cond S2.000 892· l!..46 __ - - .btos, H•w 9100 '-ntE LAST OF lleREAL SPOITSCAIS mtAHDNEW 1911 SNll $-tO!MO t ir c:ono 4'-'~'M __ .. ,,,,_ ---•ID< u.t l'rtc. SI 2.1 W' .. llOO"' W. Ma I JUJOO MAMYMOll mtAHDNEW lilGAIHS INSTOCI ! ! ! 1'19AAT 2000 5PIDll °'-5 111(1 _.., ... C\11110'" wf\lt low "ttlet allM •6495 lt7' RAT 2000 5PIDll •5495 ltnAAT 124 5PIDll , ___ , ...... ____ ,.... '5495 lt7'AAT 124 5PIDll ~--"""'s tDd --... orl) ,_,_ .. lllXZ 14195 lfnAATXl/f ·--allo,o -$11(, ~aat.91 14795 lt7' AATX 1/9 s.o --·-~ -.rn,JllmMV ~ 4 "..') • f · ----.---pai'.ll~: t • ..29832your •••••••••••••••••••••• IMW 9712.._ ______ _ eqlllpl>t'd w /spinnaker & WE HEID YOUI ••••••••••••• •••••••• •• trlr Xlnt cond Mahog ALFA RO MEO PARTS GOODUSB> CAI! 1976 BMW Dynamite .~WHE:D IMW'a '5995 ' ....... . ~t ef I ·- ~ I\ .... ,,~ u;J ,. ~ l ~' 'f 3001 So.McM!t s.ta Ali4. CA 957-1966 , ..... 't,. 'lt -~- PRICES GOOD THROUGH MARCH 17th 1982 ply . S800 1bst o rr All parts t.o convert IOt Anything consldered. 2002 with 4 s peed Maroon sr4601 213144 Hl95S eves 1600 to Veloce, exc. um thru 1980 transm1ss1on. sunroof '79320i ti.. Shor k t Endeavor ). pistons Sl.00. Dennis. and air conditioning. Anthrte, snrl XZP358 W fiberglass 26' sloop. A I 979·2748 after 6pm or ~· Very clean. (12SXNZ>. "79733i co n d . s I! s 4 • wknds. '6995· Jim Marin ° Topaz. loaded 947XZM ~ ... -Ma rt n eh ea . 6 Hp •82 VW le Volks a en. 642-2000. 'i.l320i " Johnson OB. teak trans. ~!.mt!~. . , n.. Most bci.&... Safari. st. cass. ZCZ802 radio, full cover & eqwp. ......_,., .. _.., SADDLHACIC Call Dys 213-627·1214 or #I 1rito,...,.c-..y . P.tOfYow \. 714·847-6011 ---Mo8fts~~e~c~u~ e$1 ~ir 2925 Harbo"rBlvd. • IMLWr.rcc-~ .. Or 28402Ma~~~tepkwy \....\ ) Omega 14. sails. trailer. 646-~ . . COSTA MESA MM -Mission VieJo 831-2040 "'-~~me work. $600 979-2500 _ McLaren IMW!! Hllpw.ctle. "-'-d T~ .. ' MA.Alf SperttC... ,,,, __ llll ftlUER flJTiltS tlOW,.._.,., 557-2132 SOUTH COAST HONDA l.twffll MecArffw & Dytr Ofl McM!t St. T ISTQ.ASS ISEU. idle items with a "'rOrLHM '76200'l4·•P. 7SK mi. xlnl 5 Stw#l711 &Trtr w·"'~&w•x Daily Pilot Classified IJOwl'hoMrto.! cond. Grn W/lan int .. A complete c lassic ~ "' Ad 171,.) 522 5333 AMfFM.615-1579 l3200.beforeSpringcos· Auto -ruck ·Van ·:i~· ,_Nocr1 s~111m ~ ~lie. More after Quality service at your A.to.. H•w HOO Alltoa. H•w HOO ....._Hew , W 536-4809 ~or mme. Your con· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••. ••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •!•••••••_•,••:•••• • veruence. Free e1t. Con-ST. PADDY'S DAY SPECIALS! r'n ~) I ti I CLOSM>UTS llANDNEW 'II MASO s f 'a207107.207122, 207137 399 ·:1'cml1JO '588. ·:,~~.. '1059 :~~. .'2250 'II CIX "6cyl" s 1300787 ......... 4298 1912 SWll SNCW.S! llAteNIW 'IJ CllZSS s979 •.• Kl02350. K80'2347 ' .. 1l&~o13•1 • ... 'I 398 w==M·~ .. 11598 'UCMIOTMAWI 'I 600 •.• ....,,M0015e& .. 1912 SUPll 5'1CIALS! t llAM»MIW ·12 Cl450SC HICiHTHA Wk s I 7 2 5 1t a s M0049'41, M00579 ~ '12 CXSOO CUSTOM s2 19 5 £ #M~1671 1f' .12395 <;; 'UGLSOO 0 M102297, M100787 ta :~1~00-~~STATl ....... '3295 8:5 ~CNH '19 8 J #M~1073 .. . .... ..... 9 W 12 Cl6SO "9GHTHA WI s219 8 " OM001951. M001180 .. . • . . ?19 ·:~~~ ........... s3499 t( SlalCI DIPAITMBft' SllCW.: ~ FREE OIL I N.Tll wmt TUMIMIP I SllVICI ... PAllS •A.lnieff SPICIAL:. C I t .. ~ .. st.llOwc.t,._ I.,_ llftON ,. Mii' Wis " ·~ ~ il ~tl s 0 L I NG Ra c l n g tact Paul Perron (714) ________________________ ...,. equipped. 3 sets sails. ~~Sat8-S. trlr.~646-4474 -------• 36' McGregor catamaran 078. 4 saill, OBT bank re· Trlr hitch, bolt-on for M Ford truck. Elec. brake po. ust sell ry $9000. controller. CB radio. "50 Avery&Co 675-8990 ea.64Z·l!l89 ~~~~~~~---< Catalina 27. tradn'I inl. Ot B. 1977. 7 bags, knotmlr, 5 winches. $17,750. 831-5025 VW engine, 1300cc, newly retx,j It. $2.'IO. 49.S-6549 'SI Freeport 36. diesel, rurt sys, electronics. SSAVI SAYI$ Uke new. Ed Cox Bkr W11M mm PAITS 964-§110 · 1mpc>rieercaga111 31' Col MK II, slip, s bags, A~~~PLY fully equlp'd, $10,800. 841-'nBl 101 N. lllancltnttr INh, Sllpl/ Anaheim T7f.tl00 DocD f07G ~~~~~~-• ••••••••••••••••••••••• i•awvvm_~· ~.,...., ~.,, .,.:,tu.PP Pelican. 7lA.f46.44ll .._ ... Udo Sllp for 50' + Power _ ................... . &>at, 110.00~. PP. -ITANT m«114 or~. ETO HAD AJID ' ISERI TM pri~ of lttm1 ..Svertlled b' ••lllicle dtlJen in tile 91111tt. ••lfJtd 1dnrU1lJla eohun• doa '-" In· dWlde ~ applleablt =-·.,..= = ~~ ... . .,,,~ .. \ Orenge Cou1 DAILY PtLOT /Saturday, Mereh 13, 1982 ........ .w MtM. ... 1.W l11f11.W .... rW ...._..,,,w ............ ~UIH UtM ..... UIM .._..,_. ~·;············••te,!• ·····················~ ••........•••••••...... ••.••.•.•.••.•.•...•.•• ....................... ....................... •••••••••••••••••••••• • ..................................... ~······· ...................... ~ -'120 W... '121 Mw11•1... '740 T..... '761 Y• t77J AMC ttOI C1•11 ttfl a..,.. ttJO ~ tt40 CM+m"9 ttH .................. .•......••..........•.. ....................... ....................... ....................... ...... ...•...•.......• ......................• ....................... ....................... . ..................... . • -_ _, 1'1'tHONDA<;ivlt' s+l~er WUI trade llOOllO eq11At1 ..,.TOYOTAS..,ra. Full II YOlYODlilll "71 Ortmhn Au~o. olr, THIW~HST UIUS RIST! 7t...... 'IO Otdt Cuti.., l..o M1 *IUI blarlt. l11ma<"ul11tt. laZBrc.o.ta Mtta Condo "'"'· ..Wlaa rOol, eltt IYORANOl!eOUR'FY' ltttto. rtbll ena. trans. SILICTIOM WihiVe a &~iilt{<tlon Aatln&JMOOl75 8087 Xlllt Cond "'II Pwr ' mu1t tte 1'85XU8> ror la t e model lric~whlttwlth · uphl, plus $975. l'P of late mohl. low or NE W ' USP.D . £q1fnS7171, SltOtltl t~s J im M11r1no M ....... belie Interior. Pure ' SM.15.IMYICI 1111·100 mllta&t Cadillacs In Ow¥ro&NI '?,o~Gal~~!!·b~at~.~ ~ WllM '42·2'!00 mam• !U'"'· '7495. .,..a. ttlO SOUt.htmC.tllr0t11la! In"" . aood. 15 ~0 '80 Cutlau Suprrmr . , .._ '742 J I m M a r i n o Ate lll!ING -,..., J Oiesel a ti tilt i 76 Clvlr llondu Auto .... •••••••••••••••••••• 'i~ilw!l~OU.~ OVERS~,'XPL,'l'!R.TS.qVl-:Rv ....................... NAlllS 3!~ dual ti~ 3.i#J ,n,r,~: N1eed:i l\4•1tc1jlnkc~.1S Mid11etromplfttOll. -t767 "· .. 1'761UICI CADILLAC "11Flesta,anrf.oewtim. browo. 15900. P .P :J~ bt1t Ull 406 • Low ml lea. ICOOCI cond. ....................... •AL COUPI 21)() lfiibor Blvd. rfert ab ape. 13500 ~~ts ' ~.~·<*1$4648.6423 lHt TRIUMPH TR7. IAILlllCE Vll.•utomat1C lr1111s, "r C~,.AM ESA l.fltS 552·11583 'ti .._.Accord 0,.. '746 ~t "1~wb1:f1 ~0f: Ul66 t~~Btvd :1'tie1~:t~S::;;: 540-l_lil Automaur. 5 t warr, •••••••··~··••••••••••• (APOZMI. It'• a •ttal ul (..'()STAM ESA Ml vinyl top U17$RFW I '611 white Eldorado. all '11 C.~ce Cl.asalr. ts.000 WM> liter~ I .ooo m1 Ol>tl GT 72 Xlryt c~nd 11195 Jim Marino _!U.tlQlliO-t.!61 Private Party. SISOO/ ong .. red uphol.. M,OOO m . oadtd. must sell '71280Z, to mi. mint f1QX1.6'73tq7 ~~dJ~P~~tion ~duw~'!;_642~ but orrer Coll true ml body4imotor P-1.MS~ cond .. shup. nu tires. "19 Ar<'Ord4dr.4$.000ml. -·. _ '7'7TR,!Hualr&atereo. ~~ii.~?e~~re~e~s:~ l714}T70-0356art~r5PM topt'Ol\d.Mustseel-OllV i3Nova.llcyl,1ll10.p!l,2 1 1 .!1'~2 Ilk . ~~~!:it.i ~ifw ;1~! r :ko Spo~yl , 75~ .. ~~I ~~·1 11~dw ~~o· 14400. 8'8·2371 , loaded and Hke new '7o11~)1tate Wagon, 9 pasds, .Pret. 646-4939. ~.:!((· owner. u575. -'• 10. e new. 4 lll)d, · · ~ -· " · ._ • ...,, !~751 110.995. J!m a po66w1e7~~1runs 1100 · '81 El.do. Loaded, c.an rL-lefo-tt2S amtfm rass. 16.500 n11, .pp 494·311t5 • 1800· P.P.9Sa.&llO 1975 TRIUMPll TR7 Marino Vol~swu~en }WO. '" __ _ rlnaMe. IU.000 ~1260 :':'.~:••••••••••••••••• P109 ~7-~19 112 llonda Acrord Need 72 Opel GT, AM/FM f.:f;· Yellow/black. ~~ 1 1980 Buick Regal LTD. Pvlj>t)' '7'7Cor00va,SO.OOOmile:1 11 Datsun l200automallc rtl. PlY. No b;irk P>'mls. stereo. sharp S21t5 and runs like a "19 a..GL. auto. air. sun loaded & Immaculate. '72 Eldo conv, Tnple Mint cond.. new tires l A IF no conlr11cl 1059590) TIS-5S.!l dream 1130841 $2995 roof, amlfm stereo cass. V-6. cream w/tan hair black. xlnt ('OOd. S3975 p!OQ760-0809_ - '72 Country Squirt: ~&Jon. Nds rad wrk ~~t ofr 642 4034 MOVING Must Sell '112 EXP. every option. lll lft800 tjlke:.. 497 2280 '81 ESCORT I. Hatchback. uulo. Jlr ~--5527133 ,.r111snssf!lt11ses1odne-,.k.m"oomd ~.0189 ._..__-9747 J i m' M a r I n o all ..... . l-Op $7500 842 7450 or , ~ , " ,.._.. Volks 2 000 O)' wms, new tires. 673-0060 • . .QBO. ~-.9L&i_ '72 Chrysler 59.000 mi let. Urea. extra spare, runs ....... 9710 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -!'IB · • · leather, only 29,000 m1 · ----. 7 4 F 1 e e l w 0 0 d needs worlt S300 "19 Mustang. 4 ipd. lo ml, ~ llMO. 631·2529 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• •71 ,....,._ 7S Triumph TR 6. new ~64G-0614 .78 Re~ul Ltd. Low B'°oughanm Loaded ,. 67>9117 white, xlnl rond . 14500 H57 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Wagon, tuper r<>nd. must see. 4 spd. &ood gas mi. am fm stereo rass Mu st sel l P P . $3600 '0RO. 956·3365 ,..,_. H60 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75PLYM FURY Needs minor work. $700 or best offer 893-80S3 ·10 Plymouth Satellite. S7~ be~l offer. 631 l311 .1~--1979 JAG UA lt XJ1 2L Collector's. 12th In US paint. lofc· xlnl mech & 00 122S, auto. runs xlnt. nule1111e11oaded. sml V8, Clean. 1 owner. Best Qr Conttte 99]2 751·73».,.548 352J '71C..Drice F\Jllpower.maroonwith lS&Nl298i' Stored6yrs' 1111·• Ye01°t0blk. Babied. new paint. 11soo ODO must sel S4795orbstorr rer.536·6000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MG"Yerick 9947 '78 f'lyllonzon.auto.a/l'. F.ttate WakLoud~d ll\lllch1ng leather 1n SACRIFICE. Best orre~ ·~00 B . 552·9094 , lakes. Must sell thls wk 7590024 'TT .Seville: :.ilver, 55K SUPER ••••••••••••••••••••••• 411.000mi $2500.494 7451, ~2SO 857 oSss teno~. Must 3s7eewtoy G~P· over $12.500 By 3115/82. Brian -Ml·39Q4 ,._ .... __ 9915 miles. oood rond111on Uni F'ord Maven<'k 1168-6846 --preciate. ( 5 ) H 714 ·645·0077 w v• 9770 -----.. SHARP•• '7] 240z Steal this one ror only 675-8882 · ..,... 79 Volvo 245 Wgn. auto. •••••••••••••••••••••••! $J~5SO_Call : 673-~71~ .. BX! OHO ·79 VOLAR E WGN On milt:. Stt.995. Jim Marino -----••••••••••••••••••••••• AMIPM. air. 28.000 ml. COMTIMrt.ATIHG 1977COIVRTE _ -~065.9 A1r.rf\llse.1toodcond. l.J.~-1.o Volk wa en 642·2000 ~ 9741 PUPAIEFOl xlnt rond. Wht w1blue 'IO&mradoJiwrih lowm1les . "3312 Mef~y 9950 $2:195 54111835 _ _ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,_1...,....J_l,I ~-615·7751 CADIJ.l~C? Oiesel~ilark blue. Moon Only $8988 ~-99L 5 63XKECpe.nicerond "'"" nw: We specfahze m lease~ roof. auxiliary tank. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .----• $6,000 I 982s PllSTINEIUCiS '71411 Sedan. good cond. ror the business ex· 23.000 mi. All options '00 Mercury Marquis 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _4~4'.[98or497·1011 ~19M's thrul970's _ll800£ash640·6325 _ erullve&proressional bkenew SL2.900. , I ./~ ~ ~ door. hardtop. clean. gd 1978 PONTIAC Trans ARE HERE!. All reronditioned & '68 Volvo st. Wagon. Ex Lcrp SetediOft CUSTOM MOTORS f;/Pi7 f?A~~ tiresJ!~. 645·3567 Am. White with red in :=:~£:~~!~a{:~i~: ~~1~~s~~~n~:~~~a1~~ fe~~nt df:s~I ~"A:a~~~ ~~~~~e:1· ~l~ tr~dG f =· SU50 or bst orr. Of d!:;.J,12 iC:-ro 751 . 5851 9917 ~So Coast llwy . ~~ •••••••••• !!.~~ ~~~~ c~a:~ m~f!;f f 1: idnt Interior. Runs norf Runs superbly S6.000I ble for immediule de· --MILLER '*>Volvo GLE. 20.000 mi. o.a-w •-SfocLl, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Beac·h Mach I. ra1r c·ondllwn. Vol""wna,en. ~ .... 2000 ,,~ 67< .,.,.,. llve,.,,•! ..... e whv people U"-" I 1 ,_ "' • 4~ · Th 'I ..,, ,,.,. ~"'4 .e= ___ . -a re s w 11c·h1 n R lo MOTOIS $10.700 lse or buy. Dys '""' ~. ..~ · ..., ... .,. -"' 67541~ '69 Ponllar. lg wagon. tttv1 646-7211 .-:.....,._ _ ., .,.. < s vr met . every extra NA~R~ '81 "--maro Z"° 4 sru•ed J 1: .. u. J·•.t7 71 Sl500 urs " on ·16 8210, xlnt cond. great Mada 9731 Peugeot ' · 120W. Warner St . SA 957· 1633, Eves/wknds Met brown. r w. Tilt 9935 · RQOd rond S650 644 0611 l ~i.11995 hrm ....................... BEACHIMPORTS 557-2131 61~7197 PP CA ILL1\ ~ ~~r~1 ca~~~4~M~1ie~:·.59°j)0[)c·i·P;t;;;~·~e~~1~~~;:.g.5 r~~/1 11~~~· ~.673-mseves - I IA. • 'J 848 Dove St reel '68 Bus. xlnt cond. clean '62 Pt800Class1r 11.cxu~ .. 1~~ 111"1 ~1nl Days 645·5570. clean. good transPorlU· Jl800 Firm. 631 5038 ·70 Le Man~ i.1 a. wgn. i8 8210 GX. xlnt uµkeep, \...ca:;* NEWPORT BEACH & dependable. SI 700. ~tored. Reule Sales. 1 ""'" \\-.1 i,40•11lXI ~vcs645·0948 tion~. 642 ?l65. ---runs well, l(OOd cond. must see to upprer WE'VE 752 0900 001-621f} 443 w Ra". C.M .72 ,..~ma·ro 0 o•~ {750Call642 t989 I c,are. asking mi.d Blue _ :: -~ ------64.5'2963 J "'' ng owner ·73 Wagon. Clean .:ood -•bile 9955 -.:. - . a>ok .968-4263 M ,.OYEDI .7~ P-·~-" •"". ~tean. 1979 VW BugP>nvertible. ---WANfeED. 78 or 79. $1700. Call Evesiwknds body & mecha~H·al. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78Trans Am. loaded, T •1 .. "'" "v~ ""' ' Whit e/while s uger :i. • .oc __ U·-..1 c,. I" 1 · ~ h &16-17tfl ~' 080 <•5 •059 'i9 Toro Di'es"l. clean & top. lmmar cond. 32.000 • ,·72 Datsun 240Z: Low sunroo , lov. m1 Must " -· "'" .,.-vi"'' w 0 mi .• as · ~ __ ..... .., loaded. 55'K . s6900 m1.C<.llnn_ 731-6144 _ I r sharp. ~.000 miles ne ••••••••••••••••••••••• p\1 pty Jim 644·109~ ,...._ ___._. 9920 •77 Dod c It 2 d -~ li'les. Jensen stereo. · y _ •.. se I. sacn ice $1795 or or a kind. (928VOD 1 ·~ • ...... rul'llT ge o oor 833-24G2 63 7218 od rond S3000 STW I I .. _, bst orr 63 ~ $8499 . Jim Mari no ....._ 9905 ·79 Se\illc \ 1n•·l top. ....................... r ust om co u P e ~ 1 Tw.dtrbil·d 9970 .Jl50 646-11169 ~ca.rm 15 ;i6to-1 pd l Volks a en &42·2000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• brown over tan. Jleather 7!l Mah bu Class1r Stu silver black. 4 speed: ' s~t th 1iese ·11 · x,nt -'76 Skyhawk. air, am/fm seats. loaded. S9 1100 Wgn. xlnl l'Ond . must air. stereo N1re l'ar S~ idle •~ems with a ~Gj0T~Bl;d~0;;jj~:;~ '~Dats.110 fOl ruou · am m, 3 r . '75 Beetle. Bright yellow. rasselle, sunroof, tilt Da ys 542 1201 . 1•vei. sell Make urr. l'I'. Quick sale. $2350 D31lyPilotClassiriedAd. beautirul. all new , see Xlnt rond. Many xtrs. YOU• snrf ... $!J7jl0. 494·6815. radials. xlnt rond $2450 ._ 1 Sh 497 ~ 960-0436 49J.9IOO_or~91·7451 642·5678. this. t.ct,950. 759 1914 SS.500/ofr 963·8082 evs. MAIDA onclt. 9750 661-6281 ~ure · arp. 494:6638 · c.:r 75HV5days ~!_ _ · "* •I/ .................. ~ .... lmVweuiconvertible. A.tltos,H•w 9100 Autos.Hew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos.Hew 9100Autot,Hew 9100 Alltos,He.; 9100 ·~il.l~·S~. ; h~· 171:~ ,~ =~ ·1·rwig~:1:i;!.~~: ~i5:~~jj:i.;--·······y···H···E···o····o· ··0···1···E······1···a····a··· Nf "f ORif iitc·1or·ar ·u1o·EiitDr··· t'71DATSUN1210 --Vol~\\~en 642 2000 I Hatchback. 5·speed. 1977 MAIDA 1971 VW Bug Convertible minl cond .. I owner GLC HATCHIACK MEISTER Yellow with blai·k top • 30.231 miles. FAN·', 5-speed.stereo.GasSa\· Impossible LO beat this., llAE213Jl. $3999 Jim T~TIC. l436VNJ I I n g I o " 11 e r PORSCHE/AUDI Marino Volkswai:en., $4995 Cutie! ! ! I #510092 I 13631 ~fa.rf>O ervd ~-~. DICI MILLER S299s· Garden Gro\'l' 1979 VW Rabbit Diesel L. MOTORS DICI MILLER SalH-s.r.ice.l.easiltc) Silver with black an 120W. Warner St.. SA MOTORS 1 lj_636·ZJll tenor. Very low miles. 557·2 I 32_ l20 W Warner St . SA '66 912 C"". mint Start >fleanesl one '" town _5_51: 1.132 ..-. t618YMWJ $5149 Jim Det.ore.. 9721( • haggling at $6000 No Marino Vol kswa1ten •••••••••••••••••••••••iMercedes !kn 9740 dreamers" <213)832·4~7 fl4210Qll_ .._.EW ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 914 . new clutch. " b k d & bl k Sqbk parts parting out DnoREAN •Ml, prefer a ra e,s: re . ac · '67 w/new eng. tares, (#060571 $24,950 ·HONDA SANJ.~~~~ 1540.100 · _ m.J ............ !?!.~ 6 .p I a t : 1 2 8 3 P tchbark. good cond. wi ti res . a m r m 1 cass;ette, lov. miles I ~675·9961 1 '75 F'i l conv. Xlnt cond Spe al rims. lo m1 1 Mus I. 848-8123 '76 Fiat 128: 4 dr r pe gd cond' rblt $2600 OBO r~:.::::i::=---- us.ct M..-c•cks s_haip · ~· 673·6578 ~~. $.S·P50. 646·416 I toan.w 69 Porsche 912 new 1981 VW Sriroei·o cmvthinq ebe? paint. S5.000. 0)11am1te ·s· model. 5 Compafe Hoose or Im 4~~or497·l.Q!.L speed with air cond111on Ports D1rec1 lease and 60 ·~ C. white. bla ck mt. ing, Only 19.000 miles ITl0$ sensible pymts romp!. reslorM. $12.SOO Like nev. I nee E866 ) D 1 a I 2 I 3 or OB0.(213144752S6Mtke $7995 Jim Marino 714/MERCEDES •~ 213 .00 p~~~he 912. 4 spd. Y~k_swa&.rn. lij2 2000 or7l4.L637~~ Blaupunkt AM/FM . WANTED VWVAN 1974 MERCEDES 280C yellow·blk. c hrome BODY, PAV UPTO Light blue exterior. blue whls. exreplionally __ '200.6617341 interior Naturally hos clc_an _t!iJO(l.S.159159 1980 VW ltabbit ·L· full power 1 IA025291 MOVING Must Sell D 1 es e I 4 s pe ed $749_9; Jim Marin o ·m 911T. 5 spd. I~ m1. transm1ss1on. sunroor., Vcjks~qen. 642:..2Cl00 needs paint $5900 or or aJr condihoninit. super Must sell 1979 300 SD Ex rer 497·2280 clean. llBEA428 1. S599S.1 rellent 1·ond ----J 1 m M a r 1 n o I iG().6285 '76 Twbo Carrera Volksw!ifn. 642·2000. j Peru red. 30.000 m1. I 1972 MERCEDES 350 o\\ner orig 1t :.1d10 ii VW Pop.Top romper interior. rull power leather Xlnt c·o nd. 951-7546 Coupe Whal(' With blue telephone. sunroor. tan szeoo. 494·S639or I Must see to apprec:1ale $25.900. 1917 vw Bus -&ynamite 7 9727 this little jewel l 13230) CUSTOM MOTORS Pa s 5 '· n g e r w •. l h I $13.995 Jim Marino _ _751·58SI automatir tr .. ft•mission. 1 · ...... •••• •••• • • • • •• • • • Vol ks 2000 -··~ i I SH wagen, 642· ~ 9755 overhead air rond111on ' ! HnMOA Cute Cute Cut~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing. low miles Cle;inest $ un 2J0Sr. '66.pampered one in town 1038134 > I ~ car While na\\'1nt GREAT $4995. J im Marino ' ANT A A Sar. Sl3.500 Ask for SB.EC Tl OH! VCJ!ksw!.len. 642-2000. • ' _MalJ',_673·1148 RENAULT Ill's 'Q!Squarebark. r .t.HD S VEI Sedans and wagons with SlOOO ~ • '72 M BZ 280SEL 4 5 0Mk many options to ch005e r 1 I • ~MACT ~.,RIC TIOH bl'!~.1 w dark blue An from art> anilable now 851·_1000WAskR orb Iba • .,... au:w ule gorgeous car. at 1980 V a 1 l complete!~ loaded Oll.UtGE COAST Dynamite rustom 4 door 1 CCORDS e\•erythang $7400. ph w 1 t h a u t o m a t i r )' t B.UDES 720-tlOl AMC/JEEP transmission and air 77 280 SE. Sunrl. <·om REHAULT conditioning. \451RSZI 540-7430 plete s erv. records 2524 Harbor8lvd $4995. Jim Marino ) 1 w. Warner. , , blk Slvr/blu new tires Must 54!.~ 645·7770 Vdks_!'.!!&.en. 642-2000. _ I est br S. Main ~!U!b.900..:..640·0614 Rolls loyc• 9756 '69 Coftnrffa. • '78450SL. silver. w black ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~/080. 645·4001 ' AT uph Pn\'ate Party #lDEALERINU.S.A. 1980 VW Vanagon . ' H""DA 213_59'l-1573. A u t o m a t I c un '76 450SEL ~CARVER transm1ss1on. Blue ex· . l'HITA ANA Silver na\•y, sunroor. T:V"'1 Tc ~ lerior. blue Interior Mnl .. p ., NJU..,.JN.../l\_L Very clean. llAKB129). ~'REDE•Ll.._.G Am / " c a sse tte ""°JN«lllff••H~~ $7995. J im Marino -W• "' "' Loaded Pvt Ply Sl5.SOO -!Jf>Oo l' .. 1..._,_. Vdkswagen. &42·2000. SAVE HOW ~7·0330__ ClOSIO SUNOAYS •cCORDS Regret selling converti· --·79 Dasher diesel, 2·dr "' ble'67250SE SISK P\1 Silver Shadow. '68. xlnl Htchbrk. $250+T.0 .L. CIVICS ~97>0142, 673·7081 cond .. 72K mi , Blk & 673-9042, 673-3984 --301 W. Warner -stvr.67S-1S79 '7S VW Bus. ractory air. 3 540.7430 '80 .~D turbo dsl. 19K 97L 2 seats. r1dials. A·l. $3450. . -------m1. xlnl cond whl s.llanl • 633-3230 80 Arcord. 4·dr. auto, w/bambooint 675-1579 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~·~-----Vtt)' rln. air. AM /PM -----,... .. o..Lr-r. C-.IUYY'S '71Camper. restored. 15K cass .. $6500. 552-2092 1973 4~0SL. burgundy ~" vv"' mi.$3,000. eves w1lan int. 1 owner. ask· NEWEST 67~·58S7 . · -ing SlS,750. 760·8101 Authorized 15 Wagon .. new batt .. eves/wknds. 759.1221 SUBARUDEALER IOlalpbitDieYI radials. paint & brakes. wkdys. Ask for Craig ~ 4 dr. lo m1, red w{blk in· V cln. 250. 962~523 ~ Glass terior. S6 250 080 ~ .. 1·4994 ~·.~::: ....... !~:::1~· .. :.~ ....... !~ '62 ~ NEWEST SUBARU DEALER t982 MODE1.S Gdrood. $1350 HERE NOW!!! 631-4994 Sales-Service-Leasing SADDUIACI SUIAIU 284(iz Marguerite Pkwy. Missioo Viejo Avery Pkwy orf J.5 '72 VW Squarebark. runs xlnt, good cond. good mileage. $1 700. Marc S3s.6'l95 '71 Bui. lint coad. Auto 11Ui. new paint 15950 ........... U I· 040 4'Mt4t __ nSunda bul.teo.d 19a'> RABlll't. Ak itereo T oyot. t7 65 . 495-454 t • ••••••• .. ••••••••• .. ••• ·n VW Squ1reback. "19 Sup ra! A/C. stereo. 12,ct0. To;-condltlon. 5·spd. x nt cond. Nu onpw OJtMI'. Sat. le cl utch . b r ak u. Sun. 300 080, ...... Short bed ....... •1111 • 1981 TOYOTA .PtchP.. ·a· .. blue intettlr. Bii "1·rtM • map. st•. 1114 •rel 15 f\lel ~ V'fl Beetle 1130242). Outatandlftf needs uDi.oi • minor buY at~. Jim M arlno ~.or\... itlSO/OBO. Volkswaaen. MH OOO. ~· ....... ta Mf·5'091 ,. ...... 2 dr. •Ir. s •pd, I ........ i ... 1' '· \ Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Saturday. March 13, 1982 MILEAGE U 11 tr1e11 numoer1 fo, comgar"°" Y~ m1&eege may "art oeoer•d•ng Oft drt•N'O ...._, lttO ~ft and ••••"., cond1tt0n1 Actuef "•9f'WIY m;tNQe w1N O<OO•OI~ 00 IHI GREAT GAS MILEAGE PLUS FAMILY COMFORT 1981 USED PHOENIX Equipped with: • Factory Air Cond. • Automatic Trans. CHOOSE FROM 2 DOOR COUPE OR 5 DOOR HATCHBACK • Power Steerin9 • Pow~r Disc Brakes • White Sidewall Tires • Low Milea9e • Choice of 4 C yl. or 6 C yl. • Front Wheel Drive • AM Radio • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Body Side Moldin9s Down Plus Tax, License & Documentary Fee AND ONLY SM.I PllCI $44'1.00 pM le•, lie. & Doc. FH. SH 5.00 Dow• 'IM SJ90.90 toa, 5122.00 D.M.V. lic-c ..... .ct S20 Doc-..tary Fu for o totol of Sl427.90 Do-r~. ce1'1 or tr.de, .d S 14'.ll pet"-"' for 60 _.. Sll5'.IO FM..c:e c._.. A.r.a. 20.l3°'o. Deofwred ~price SI0.317.70 °" appr-o"4 cl'9Clt. SELECTION I 3 DOOR HAlCHBACK IF YOU HA YEN'T SHOPPED AT t 1 ••• YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED FOR A CAR! ;---SUPER -----~------~-~~----~----SUPER----r I SA VE1l! ~ SA VER! I I I I We wi• C)i•e your car a . I I complete chassis I I lubrication and I 5 point I I safety check for only 'I I forty~ cettts. I I I °''"'E'°'r ..... cn31 1'181 WITH COUPON I _________________________________________ J WE PERFORM ALL PONTIAC FACTORY WARRANTY WORK REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU ORIGINALLY PURCHASED YOUR CAR. r----------------------------------------1 SUPER SUPER I SA VER! SA VER! I I I I I I I I I 2 DI We wil install • to 5 quarts of oil in yow-ccr wifft on oil and filter chan9e ot the ~ price and fjn your ccr o free 15 point ~ check. PER QUART WITH COUPON ON We will qive you a 25 Pere ... Dis~ount on any mechanical repair over SI 00.00 performed in our shop between March I 0, 1982 and March 31 , 1982. Does not apply to advertised specitlls or accessory purchase or work pre¥iously completed. Suggesled retail price may heve dealer lnttelled accesson.S All Cel"I Sold On ApproYed Credit All Cani Plus Ta• a License & Doc. Fee All Cers Subject to Pnor Sele Prices Good Thru Mondey, Merch 15, 1982 Fectory Reblte lncludel o .. 1er Participation ' ; .. ~ I I J I 0 ~~ ~.l::"m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 D a 0 0 D 0 0 0 t - Z-Orange Q>unty Reel Estate/An Adv~rtlalng Supplement to the _DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13. 1982 First-time buyers comprised 44 percent of market Altbou&b 1980 wu oot an euy year to f\alfil1 the American dream of homeownership', many fint-timtt buyers managed to make the t r_:a D S it i 0 D f r._O m re D le! t 0 homeowner, according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors. First-time buyers comprised 44 percent ol the homebuyi.ng market accordiDI to the survey of 14 metropolitan areas. Although n!lttively bi&h interest rates and hltb bome prices preva1lecfln may areas at the time. of the survey, moderate ancf middle income households were still able to participate in the homebuying market The median household income of the homebuyen reaPe>ndi.ng to the survey was $33,100 substantially · higher than the U.S. 1 median of $17 ,650. About one-quarter of the buyers responding had incomes ol less than $25,000. 1 In the areas surv~yed, the median price ol a home was $70,000. Prices ranl'ed from a high of $1.Z&,000 in SaftFranclSco to a low of $41,900 in the Tampa/ St. Petersburg area. In determining bow much a homebuyer could a/ford in ye.ars past, the rule of thumb was mmthly housing costs should not exceed one-quarter of the buyer's gross monthly income . In other words, if your salary was $1,000 per month, your payments should be clOM to .$50. · · But with housing costs rising faster than family incomes, these forml&las are cban1ln1. Realtor News, the newspaper of Ule• National Association of Realton, recenUy reported that Morta1age Guarantee lnaurance Corporation (MG IC) bas Ulted lta allowable debt rate from 2S to 33 percent. Acoordinl to the nt:w formula, if yO!J earn $1,000 per ~oath, you can handle a bouainf payment of $330.' MGlC' also raised the allowable total indebtedness to 38 percent. Total indebtnesa is the total amount a person pays for housing, car and furniture payments, school loan payments and any other long·term obligations. Likewise, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation <Freddie Mac ) has a lso eased its debt form~. Freddie Mac now places less reliance on m~etlng the 25 percent of income criteria and more attention to the factors that may sug1est the buyer is able to meet his home mortagage payments. According to Freddie Mac, these facton may include the ability or willin~ to make a larger than 'minimum dowri. payment, the existence of other assets and the. potential for increased earnings. Jfor instance, iT you are certain of a 10 percent pay raise within six months or ii you own land somewhere or have a, •lttabJe· portfoliO Of' sf.Oen ancf ~the lender may consider them rather than basinl your eligibility on a salary formula. Will Woods, executive vice president of the Huntin1ton Beach/Fountain Valley Board of Realtors seems to think some lending institutions may go u hilb as so percent. •'It depends if the husband and wife are both working, if they have children, bow long the borrower bas been employed, and if they have any other outstanding loans," he said. He said the smaller lending institutions would be the ones more likely to go as bigh as SO percent of the gross income. "It seems JO work out that the bigger the lending institution, the stricter the rules. The smaller ones ar e more eager to give loans. Us ually, as a rule, the smaller lending institutions will bend a lilUe more," Woods explained~ However, Woods expects the income formula criteria to tighten up as the economy gets tighter, with the 33 percent formula winning out. I E Q&A. After we ran the story on housing trends across the country and the wo rld we received a question from one of our readers. a. How many uHd home• were •old laat year (~1) and what'~ the prognqal• for th la year? Orange County Real Eatate section would like to help. If you have a question per- taining to real estate. buying a home. or selling a home, di- rect your questions to us and we'll try to find the answers for you. Please direc t your ques - tions to: FIRST-TIME BUYERS (Percentage of Buyers) Homeowners and potential home owners have many questions about the real es- tate industry, second mort- gages, warranty c overage. interest rates and resale va- lues. J•nlne Flddelke Home Q & A D•lly Piiot P.O. Box 1580 Coat• Meu , CA 92626 Allan ta 33 Dallas 36 Pittsburgh 54 Billi more 46 Los Angeles 37 Sen Francisco 35 There are answers t o al- most every question but sometimes it's hard to know where to go to get those answers. Well, the Dally Piiot Meanwhile, if you're inter- ested in the answer to the above question, why don't you check your real estate section next week after our staff has done some research. -- Boston 59 ~am• 40 Seattle 34 Ctucago 53 Nashville 48 TampaJSt. Petersburg 43 Q9'\leland 59 ClaKland 31 All &.irvey Mets 44 OEAOLINES F0< Tuesday through S4turday publications, 5:30 PM the pnivlous day. For Sunday and Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday EMORS Adv9rtlMrS should check their ads dally and report emn lmmedlatety. Th• DAIL y PILOT ~• llM>llity for the lltlt Incorrect lnMrtlon only. Diiiy Piiat CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ~ 642-5678 PUll..ISHER'S NOTICE: All real eetatie edYertlled In this MQpeper 11 ~to the Federal Fair Houling Ad of 1998 wtilch ~-It Illegal to ad\19rtl .. "any prefe,.nce, llmltatlon, Of ctiacrimlnetlon ~on r~. color, reHglon, Mx. or national Of1gln, Of an Intention to ,.,..ke rPf tuCh pteference. !Imitation, Of ditlcfimlnetlon " n.-,,....,..,... will not knowlngty accept any adYertitlng '°' ,.., ...... Which la In vlolatlon of the l.w. HOUSES FOi SAU 0-•I 1111111 llalboelal....S '* .. llloe Ptft.IMul• llO'I c:.,i>IUllO llee<h IOU c ............. ., 11112 c.a. ..... , .. 0.0..POIM ·-ti Toro IOll r.::::u•V•ll•r .... ~ ........ , .. , ... =~.::". , .. ·-==' ·-. ltlf ::..~..::· ,. '"' S.. hM C•jli>ll--:::-.::. ' -.. ............. -.. _ ·-........... s. .. . ... Q.~SIFIEO INDEX REAl CSTATC .......... , ... s. .. 1100 "''"1"'""" lot s.1. IJllO t:::.=~rty , ·~ 1400 c. ........ ,~., .... 1100 =::.::'!'m:'' JO 11'0 °"""'" u ..... S.k ·-................... '"° ._,~ --.i•I Pr-11 21• ~f:' HS,::: Trlr Pt•• ---.-.11nen -~.,.~~ la -<Mtla.ie -t:r"·'-•.Or.,,., "" lloUMIK ....... --Ee· .. ··-... - •Ade in this categOfY mutt be p~ Open 8-5:30, SaturlMy 8-noon (Cloeec:t on Sunct.y) 330 W. Bey St., Cotta Mesa, C.. 92827-9983 RENTALS '100 -UIO -----------... ''*' ... cm ... ... --43911 uw -- ' Q-ange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY P1LOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982-S MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A SI asDNlff OF lME IAVM ~ IJGH1' HOUSI ISTAft H.AalOI ISLAND Hand cralted -truly a home of excellence. Slate roof-brick courtyard emraoce . wood noors · leaded windows -walnut carved doors, green blllle. Rmsw/treetopbalconies"charm. Formal din rm, 9 BR-beach-pier "slip to accommodate 915 foot yacht. $7,000,000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (Dl.3) ""MutGtM9"1N IAYPIOMT CHATIAU NIWPOln' IMCH I I 1bls l.KliqUe home approx 8,000 sq . ft ia an en&ert•inert paradise. Lg. slip', bayside lawn, pool, 3 fplcs, plus His " Hers bathrooms, den office/art rocm, library, gyrmasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx. H rt on the bay. Qily 5 yrs old. $4,9Ci0,000 John Macnab 642-8235 (01') Mt&t .. CINT IAYNOMT LOCATION Spectacular 180 degree view. 145 ft. of pierbead line wi II accommodate 3 larle boats. F\ve spacious BRs. each with private bath. Fully e quipped "aitdown" bar -large· playroom for billiards. S~cluded sundeck/roor garden. $4.300.000 including prime land. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 <015) UMDA ISU Spectacular location' Dramatic architectural des ign;_ h igh ceilings. plantation shutters. elegant mast.er suHe + 4 additional BnS. Slip for 2/3 lg boats Setler wiU finance Sl,800,000 Leasehold. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (016) SO'IAYNOMT Wat.er. water everywhere ... There are water views from all the liv!ng areas ol this innovatively designed home on a SO rt. lot w/ excellent docking facilities. 4 BR. 4 BA, FR. OR. Seller w/carry lg 2nd. Best price in town $1.550,<XX> including land. Dona Chichester 642-8235 ( D 17 > NEW IAYRONT UNDa OMI MILUOM! PRIVATE It quiet location on Balboa lsland 3 BR, Includ ing lavish master suite w/fireplace, lg fam rm. Included in the price a s lip for 35' boat, land &the view! $895,<XX> Jane Paquin 642-8235. OPEN HO USE SATU RDAY 1-4 · 101 N. Bayfront -Balboa lsland (018) 1Mi CANYON -IMMIDIA'n OCCUPANCY Exciting Deauville overlooking golf course · walk to club. Double door entry w/lavish use of marble, moldings and custom cabinetry. Garden kitchen opening to terrace w/spa. Expanded plan includes 5 BR. formal dining rm & library. Terms available. S750.<XX> Lynne Valentine 644·6200 (019) llG CANYON ~g family home 4 BR. fam rm &c spacious areas for outdoor living. Broad.moor Plan Two on extra lg lot. Custom lile floors. vaulted cei.1ings le stone fplc. G11rden paUos orfering privacy -pool &c spa. Submit · Owner will CIUT')'. $750,000 Lynne Valentine 644·6200 (D20) ~ ISi •MD IA YFIOMT Beautiful condition . Formal dinint room · lg master suite w /(p ie le view -2 secondary BRs w/party deck -Owner will finance -$625.000. Barbara Ame6C2~ (021) AaCHITICTUULLY PllNCT- COllOMA D& MAI Exceptional offering South of the Highway on 40 ft. lot. Newly constructed specious 5 BR. 4 BA, (am rm, 3 fplcs. lg country kitc hen It In-Law or maids qtn. F\nancing available. $595,000 Belle Chase Lee 644·6200 (D22l tev •YN TIUACI USTIMG &c>er-ocean• bay view from th.is spacious single story residence. 2 matr Nt.es, pl121 2 more lg BR. 4 BA, fam rm, It 1ame rm. Pool in courtyard. Great ror ent.ertaiftlnc. '585,ooo LH Donna Godshall 144-6200 ( 023 I SIT'IU roa MOii .. coaOMA DB. MAI This remodeJed s119cloul home baa SltyUJbla, at.lned 11a11, French doofs. llleCI brick fplc, toncue Ii gr'oove Ooorinc. 3 BR, 2'-\ BA , 1ourmet kltcheo Ir ram rm. $495,000 Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 <tnc > 901 DOV~ DRIVI NIWPOn •Aat, CA 92669 • (7J4) 642-8235 MY Y'6W CONDO -LIASI on10M Owner anxious to sell or leue-option beautiful 2 B ll + den condo in the coves. Try 6 mo. lease option at $2000/mo with $20.000 option money or $484.<XX> High assumables. Debbie Fratt 642-.8235 <025) OPEN HOUSE SA'n.JRDAY 1-S -1018 Bayside Cove East -Newport Beach. 18JICT MIMatB HOMI Darting 3 BR. 2 BA modernized beach house on prestigious Lido Ille Sotibem patio, French doors, warm le cozy liYin1 le dining rm. Owner wiU help with financing. $419,SOO Tom Allinson/Terry Hanes 642-8235 (026) ISi •te CHAllMlll Prime location -Walk to belt beacbea · 3 BR with front patio • brick fl.replace. Rear rental unit • 2 BR with deck. Call rental i~ormation. &i>mll OWC. 1395,000 J..ynne Valentine 644·6200 (D21 ) S .. OOMS PLUS POOL Big comfy home in Eastbluff on quiet street. Prime family neighborhood. Hard to beat from the standpoint ol price and terms. 1298,000. Coby Ward 6C!-823S (028) HAUOI YllW HOMIS ' NICI UDUC• TO S27 5,000 Sensauonal Portofino w/40' pool. Cttarmlng used brick courtyard. Gated eruy. 3 BR. 2~ BA, ram rm, separate quarters w/living rm , BR lc full b8th. Lois Egan 644-6200 (0291 OLD COIOMA DB. MAI Charming 2 BR home with bachelor unit in ba~k -Pro1ess1onally decorated. 5 blocks to ocean. Owner will asalat wtrinancing. Must see to appreciate. S216S,OOO Pal Oak.son 7~1414 (D30) EASTa.lff -com1• LOT WITH PllYACY Olanning 4 BR. ram rm borne w/sweeping night light's view. Impressive floor to ceiling st.one !pie in Uv rm ls one or many in this special offering. s:Bl.<XX> LH Belle Chase Lee 644.QOO (031 > A SPICIA&. HOMI Owm lc style prevails in this highly eustomized Eastbluff home. Lusk built w/3BR + lg ram rm le formAI D.R. Park like yard areas freshly landscaped. $239,500 Jane Paquin 642-8235 ( D32) &UffS ON GllBllB.T ()ie story, 3 BR "Bonita". Newly painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely wallpapers. Perfect for small family or retired couple. Excellent financing. O:>mmun.ity pool nearby. $225,000. J an Young 642-8235 (033) UDUCm SI 0,000 l'tnmaculat.e 3 BR 2'h Ba McLain Big Canyon Townhome. Rare El Dorado rmdel. Move in condition. Seller wants a fast sale. Security gate, oommunlty pools, spas, lc tennls. $215,000 Suzanne Shuler &42·8235 (034) awttate MIWPOIT HltGHTS Sl!J0.000 Secluded shingled 3 BR partially remodeled home on pool a lie lot 'l'nple garage pl121 alley access RV storage. Paula Bailey 642-8235 (035) MIWPOU llACH Oellghtrul 3 BR custom built pool home. Quiet back bay area. Lg assumable • subject to loan lc seller financing. Home bulll for eaay enertainlng. Outstanding value at $1"1,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (D36) LOYIL y .,...AN Pl.AM Sinl)e story condo in the newer Bluffl. End unit w/3 BRs. 2 batha • 2 Plltb. Greelbelt view. $190.000 k!aaebold. Dick Halderman 142.1235 (031) 1648 IAN MIGUIL DmVI NIWPOllT •ACM, CA 92660 (714) 644 6200 • PRESENTS GltACIOUS UVIN& CLASSIC llAUTY is yours in this immaculately kept Spyglass home . 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. formal dining room and family room. Breath taking mountain and city lights view. Excellent financing is available. Price just reduced to only $495,000 . This new custom Spyglass home offe rs the ultimate w/warm w~. beautiful leaded windows. a library, family room & elevator. Mstr bedroom s uite w /balcony overlooks coastline & city lites. 4 o the r bedrooms. pool/spa, A/C, aJarm systems & 3 car garage. $2 .500.000. NEWPORT BEACH NODOWM Yes you couJd own this 4 bedroom, 3 bath Spyglass home for as little as seller's closing costs. Price bas been reduced $125,000 and is now available for an unbelievable $399,500. Hurry, this one · woo't last. SPYGUSS SPICW. HOMI Popular Southport model, complete with 5 bedrooms, pool, jacuzzi, and night light view. Seller has bought another and must sell. Will consider exchange for 40 ' to 50' Sport Fisher boat or airplane. Asking $tm,500. . . JUSTUS11D t.7Solo RNANCING 'Th.is beauti!uJ ·3 bedroom end unit condo ha.5 it all, including a spectacular view, new appliances, enclosed patio and a large ~umable first loan. owe a 2nd loan and will consider trade.,$284,500. JASt••CIEB Se~ational 3 bedroom end unit located on a magnificent greenbelt. Professionally decorated with many upgrades. All this and outstanding financing is available for $427,CXX>. EASYTOOWM Lowest priced one bedroom unit in t he highly regarded Versailles adult condo conununity. Guarded gate, pool, spa, and rec room. Large assumable loan and seller will help in financing. Only $106,000. PALMSNIUes I J45 S. PALM CANYON DllYI C7141 JJJ.Nlf COSTA MESA EASllLUff ROOMTOGIOW Macco built 2 story unique f amity home. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths and large custom designed family room. Magnificent view. Large low interest ass umable loan available . Asking only $299,950. In the very desirable Mesa Verde area. 4 bedrooms,. family room, formal dining room and large lot. Seller will help finance. · Offered at $210,000. HM.IOll IHHH Spectacular view and price on this newly listed 4 bedroom Lautremont model home. Professionally decorated and landscaped. What value at only $729,500. HM.IOll IUDGi LEASE Kensington model ! 4 bedrooms, 3 lh baths. Beautifully decorated. Has added loft and plantation shutters thru·out. Private gated community. $2750 per month. OLD CORONA DUPUX Premium quality two 3 bedroom units beams, fi.replaces. shade trees, six year~ new. Pride of owner ship. Seller wi II exchange. Create your terms. Offered at $347,500. IAUOA IS& AND Attention builders -Choice location with tear down. Halfway between ferry and shopping. Owner will subordinate with reasonable down payment. Call for details . $325,CXX>. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE . MIWPOU llACH J COIPOIAU PLAJ.A DtlYI 640-ttoO • · fHste TO naFICTIOH This pride of ownership home is for the f~y buYer. 3 bedroo~. family room, 2112 bath.5. Professional interior landscaping. Dramatic pool and spa· complex. $229,000. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR LICE TO anaT AIH We have the perfect setting with 3 comfortable bedrooms, <*en and flowing floor plan, secluded pool and spa and elegant decor. Offered at $389,500 with good financing. IRVINE TOMOllOW'S HISTIGG Is now available in this charming Rancho San Joaquin Villas 1 bedroom and loft totally upgraded condo. Terrific assumable financing. Price has rbeen drastically reduced to $149,950. Call today! · UMCHO MllA•I -...2 IOI HOPI DllYI 17141 341-46" O'ange County Real Estate/An Advertising ~upplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982-S JACOBS REAL TY LOYa Y SPANISH OCEANFRONT right in the sand. Four large bedrooms, newly remodeled bit-in kitchen. and huge family room, + a formal dining room . S pacious living room with flreplace. Take over $500,000 loan at 123. Asking S875,cm. Owner will help. WATERFRONT w /PIER AND DOCK A remarkable 2 story design provides this bldg. to be a single family home <a large one) or a duplex as it is zoned for. A t-0tal of 4 bdrms. 4 baths that can be converted into any combination that (its your needs. Bit. in Kit. incl dishwasher, plush cptg., Spiral staircase, antique stained glass. used brick patio and walkways, room for a boat up to 36' plus a couple smaller ones. •.<XX> and well worth it ! IALIOA CHARMER "Little House Near The Ferry" 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. dis hwasher etc. Only $245 000 ~th super financing. ' 0 STEPS TO THE IEACH Large 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba. single story on oversized 40 ' x 132' lot. Blt-io kit. incl. dishwasher & fireplace. Vacant and low priced at Sl85.<XX>. . SHARP TWO STORY 3 Br 2 baths-fresh paint. Plus h carpeting. Update d appliances incl. microwave. water softener w/purifier. Walk to beach. Askint: $174 ,900 and seller will help. IALIOA 6 Wlits -comer location near the bayfront. All have 2 bedrooms, l 'h ba ths. Excellent rentals in great condition. Asking $650,000. IEACH HOUSE J BDRM 2 Ba, peninsula home on a big R·2 buildable lot 100+' to sand. New carpeting, drapes thruout. Only $249,500. l/VHY 'MJRRY ABOUT LENDERS?? OUR LENDERS CAN 'T/WO N'T BE BEAT. Reasons Why??? No points. no appraisal fees. no Junk charges. no waiting on quahf1cC\t1ons. no delays on funding, the lowest int rates obtainable anywhere. with effective rates from 9% to 12%. Yes. our SELLERS are willing to be the lender so wh Y worry about financing. INt. VE GOT IT!!!!! ANO, with some real low down payments too! IMHEWPOIT-$119,900 & SHARP WS THAM I 00' TO THI SAND 1 2 It conv. den-dining room, 2 baths, bit.in kit. incl. dishwasher etc. Painted, papered It decorated like a dollhouse. Wide open terms. so. offer your down payment, It seller will finance balance. CUSTOM CAPE COD Over 3000 sq ft on three levels for gracious living and entertaining. This one year old home has 4 Bcinns, family room, formal dining room, 2 used briclt fireplaces, 3 declts, and is MOST beautifully decorated. Offered at $450,000. DUPLEX One block to beach. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + 1 Bdrm 1 Ba. bit-Ins and fireplace in each unit. 4 car garage " owner will finance entire balance after a small down payment. $315,000. Quality-built, large beautiful studio apartments. Three bedrooms . Fireplaces. Double parking. Large master suites in each unit. Ready-made financing will also please the fussy buyers. Asking $450,000. OCEAMFtlOMT DUPLEX 3 Br-2Ba upper -2 Br-2 Ba lower. Pvt. patio. Take over $-425,000 30 year. loan (fixed) incl. only 12~% int. OfCq dn pymt a nd asking $659,000. Completely flnlished. ' TUITUROCX CONDO Immaculate, upgraded end un.lt with 2 Bdrm, 2 Baths, plush cptg .. CUlltom shutters, shelves. paneling etc. Central air cond. ft much mire. Only *1,74,990. Jacobs Realty has built its reputation on friendly, professional servic~. We have a complete property management team to assist in the rental and maintenance of income property. Th is service Insures carefree ownership and lets you like your investment property again. JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 2919 Ne.wport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 ... 8 -0range County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 $1 3 7 .000 WAIMIN'iTON TOwt•IOME ln Woodbridge 2 doors to adult pool & spa, this 2 bed 2 bath is waiting for someone to steal it at the lowest price now available. Call Lois Miller 631-1266. EXTRAORDIMAIY FINANCIN'i!! On this picture pretty 4 bed fa m . ' rm . pool & spa home located in a peaceful Mesa Verde community. $167 ,500. Ca II Lois Miller 631-1266. MESA VERDE . Perfect starter or investment property. Assume $62,500 F.H.A. loan and sellers ~U carry $10,000 2 br condo -$96.900. Call Anne Mccasland 631-1266. DOYIRSHOUS Beautiful Spanish style 4 beQroom pool 1 home ON FEE LAND . L oan i s as.sumable and seller will carry large second. Price $420,000. Call ANNE McCA.51..AND 631-1266. CON»O WITH VIEW Deluxe security condo with VIEW. Good financ in g . Only $127 ,900 . RAE · RODGERS. 631-1266. IXCWSIVI USTINGS In NEWPORT HEIGHTS. From tear-downs to 4 bdrm homes. Call RAE RODGERS for information 631-1266. SH CATALINA! From this beautiful VI EW h o m e . Traditional CAPE COD design with 4 brs, 3 baths, fam. rm. & pool ! $590,000 ~th the BEST TERMS! Open Sunday 1·5 RAE RODGERS 631-1266 . NEWPORT HEf~Hl'S That CHARMER you see and want to own!! COUNTRY COTTAGE has it a ll plus 3 car parking! Owner finance. $250,<XX> RAE RODGERS 631-1266. llST COSTA MESA IUY 3 bdr. + fam. rm .. remodeled kitchen . Terrific investment at $115,500. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266. ~COUISE <Ale of largest homes on Mesa Verde C.C. golf course ... 5bdr .. 4'hbas., Cam. & rec. roo~. pool & s pa ..... Priced to sell quickly at $599,000. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631·1266. llGCANYON A roost unique contemporary Cape Cod estate on the golf course. Features are 7 bdrms. incl. maids qtrs., & study, gymnasium, A very discrimin a tin g property for very discriminating people. Priced at Two Million, Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars. Ca 11 for exclusive s howing JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266. NEWPORT 18CWHl'S SI 60.000 2 houses on 1 lot w/good income & high assumable loan. Submit on down. Curt Herbert.s 11 631-1266. eotmlACTORS EqUIPMINT Y AID :l},500 sq. fl. land. 1,280 sq .. ft. office. Central OC. te rms Call Curt Herberts fl 631.J.ai6. NEWPORT HEIGHl'S VIEW! Beautifully decorated 4 br h o me w/numerous am e nities. Owner wi II finance purchases at 107' int. fo r 5 years with 25% down. C urt He rbe rts J l 631-J.ai6. RllSN. Y llMODEUD New Oak floors, over 2400 sq ft of spacious Ii ving. Vac. Immed iate occupancy. Lease/option possible . Asking $325,000 Fee. Call Pete Johnson. 631·Iai6. NEWPORT aUFFS IS Piii JOHNsOM 3 Listings to offer, priced from $205,000 to $325.<XX>. CaU Pete Johnson 631 -1266 . .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------~----~··------------- ()ange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILO!/~aturday, March 13, 1982-7 SEA VIEW LEASE 4 BR 3 BA F.R .. D.R .. city & ocean view. Grd. gate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. IOI or DOVll ICOOP. 759-1221. IAYFftONT LEASE 2 BR 2 BA. Huge L.R. Super Bayview $750 mo. IOI°" DOVIE KO~. 759-1221 COST A MESA R-2 E. SIDE Large 2 bedroom. 2 bath. den. Huge Living room with dining combo. Large comer lot with room to park 6 a utos. $130,000. IOI or DOVIE Koor. 759-1221. 700-1580. OCEAtRONT -OCEANFRONT Convert this ex. large duplex to your private residence and live on t he finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%, 2nd of $2.50,000 at 10%. Steal at $650,000. IOI or 1)9VIE KOOP 759-1221. IJM)A ISi.i TRADI Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat docks. room for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 bedrooms , 6 baths, game room, formal dining, separate guest ring, pool. Seller carry 1st TD or trade industr ial or office tlllding. $2,100,000. IOI or DOVtE KOOP 51221. HAUOR llDGE LEASE Four bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining room. family room, study, beautifuJly decorated, large decks, fabulous view. Private guarded gate, pool and tennis . S290() a month. IOI or DOVIE KOOP 759-1221 . CAMEO .. GHLAHDS Ocean view. re-decor .. and remodel 3 bedroom, 2 bath, for mal dining. Very large yard, private beach. $339,000. IOI or DOVIE KOOP. 759· 1221. • MJ .. NEWPORT CllST CONDOS Largest models with bay and ocean views. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Fr. wet bar. Outstanding buys at $210,000. IOI or DOVll kOOf'. 759-1221. r.osta Mesa 234 l 17111 St, Slite 117 631·12&& NEWPORT CREST CONDO Two bedrooms. 2'"i haths. loft, highly upgraded, oak floors , beautiful papers, ocean view. $98,000 1st al 12"~. Pl'iced at $170.000 .. IOI or DOVIE ICOOP 759-1221. .ANXJOUSl! REDUCB> $9.500 3 Br 2 Ba shake roof. Lots of used brick. Large lot. Now $127,000, $107 .000 Assumable loans. Effect int. of 13%, Sll67 per mo. Agt. ALAN MIHOlt 759t t221 642·la>2. • $13,000 Lowest priced two bedroom, two bath near So. Coast Plaza. Call Al.AH MIHOlt 1$.1221, 642-~. GET THE MOST ••• for your money, 3 Bdrm plus lg fami ly rm with 2 sets of sl. glass doors overlooking landscaped yard. Upgraded. Walking distance to shops & schools inc . Orange Coast College. Only $134,900. Rl'T A Wl1HAUIYl. 759-1221. GIT NEW IBllFfTS From Your Present R /E Investments . For Co unseling, Problem Solving . Exchanges. Call K. ROSIHIEIG, 759-1221. INVESTOR'S DILIGHT 2 ~dos. Low down, good ~erms, 1 Bdr. lovely pool, j ac . MARCIA llDICI(, 7$.1.221. TmlST Dia INVISTMBCTS lrvine-N.B. trust deeds. Call for latest list. 19-21% yield, 1-3 yrs. CRAIG GLASS, ~1221. CAMEO SHOllS Fabulous ocean and coastline view 3 bedroom, 3 bath, formal dining room , family room, study. large pool and courtyard, private beaches. $925,000 Fee. IOI°" DOVIE KOOP 759-1221. FANTASTIC V~UE! $30.000 DOWH-11°/o INT.-10 YRS. Owner financed -no lender qualifying' Three bedrooms , 2 baths. Qui e t cul-de-sac. Parquet e ntry , brick fireplace, homey kitchen. family room , water softener and filter. Tub spa. RV _pad . Huge patio. Extra s torage . Reduced to $176.000! Hurry, call IOI UCATA. 759-l..221. 30&N'TS POSITIVE CASH FLOW! A rare bird in today's market ! 30 bread n' butter apartments in an excellent location . Income on these ha ve IX>UBLED in past 41h years! For more INFO CALL IOI UCATA broker-owner, 1$.1221. SI0,000 DOWN No qualifying quiet Cul-de-sac Street add 2ns story, have ocean view . CAltL MOSIH 759-1221. RMtE Sl4GLI STOllY OllFHJMCJ Outstanding condition a nd location! Enjoy the amenities of Award Winning community. Two bed plus den, wrap around patio by Rogers Garden. beamed ceiling. Shown by appointment only. $255,000. NANCY IMIERHIHO 759-1221 or ~. GORGIOUS S&IGITS ·POOL· SPA Gated privacy leads to top of hill feeling. VIEWS through walls of glass. Single story, three bedrooms, family a nd formal dining room>. Move i.n condition. Anxious. owner-assist ed fin a ncin g . $2'75,000. Call HAHCY IMIBHIHO 759-1221 ~644-663>. - S -0ra"98 County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 WEST :\'EWPOHT CONDO In ~ewport Tt>rr<H'e End unil. nt•\\ carpet & PJIOl. TentfH· l l'rm~ 2 -;t11r.\ .,how \\t l! 'IZ:l 110~1 ( IJ>t•ll ~tin I :-.. I I l •llJI' FEE IN IR VINE TERRACE Olarming 3 Bdrm home on corner location with formal dining room . spacious family room and pa tio. Workshop in garage. Call about great financing. $395,000. tl ONE OF A KlND View of the ocean & SWlSet. Professionally decorated. a real beauty. Ilas extras galor e . End lfilit with 3 Bdrm or 2 Bdrm + den Ever}thing you could a5k for rv(•n price SIS-4.900 SHllll' \ 1·1 \ It•\\ 1woplt 1-. no\\ \',tlt•rt•Bt•t"•lt -.,111d •\t•nf,.~\tl \\" c\er l'\.fll'l tl'tH'l' tlus q11wl -.1•1·l11d1·d <ll•'CJ (In l)lt' h.t\ lll':ll 1 111d:1 ,tlllf !~rho· l-.l,11ub 1111-. d11plt·:-. 1-. -.1 .. ;,., front tlw h·•.11 I. m•c•ds ,1 11 t t•f 11\, and t~1r<• 11111 \\Ill J>ll>\.'ldt· m111'11 111 return ~1!1"1 1100 BRIGHTEN YOL H OJ\ Y See this Monaco model in Scawind. Mexic·an pavers. fruit trees & low pri ce . $269,500. Open Sun. 1-5. 2307 Port Carlisle. LOADED WI T H CHARM -This duplex has 2 Bdrms in the front house & a 1 Bdrm plus an in-law unit. Beamed ceilings and lus h landscaping make you want lo sit down & stay owe. $349.soo. 1 ~1v1 I• 1-..: I< \N' ·1111 :-1 '\ ~ r1, \( 'll1t;,' • ,J, I f cit, hw • l 11'.ll Lh1· p~ll k 1llt•g1• o111d -.,hctpp111 I 1 I I right 1111"" ltor ;111 11ppl 111 ..,,,,.,ti $18.5 •()(XI. UNIQUE IN WOODBRIDGE 3 Bdrm, 2+ baths, this condo is easy to maintain, patio, bas sprink lers. 2 good loam 4 Woodbridge area. $157 .soo. WE'RE HE TOPS! UNIQUE ON THE WATER Only the rich need apply -rich in appreciation of life's finer things, such as -heated fish pond -pool & s pa. Overlooking the private sandy beach past the rocks on out towards the jetty. Complete security s ystem with 1V monitors. barbed wire fencing - complete stereo syste m thruout the house hut mosllv on tlw rt('h in moncv becaLL'>l' It's S3.3'.10.1>1KI - 1llc mo'it romant1t· !'i l>t't'tal pn\ all' -.pnt in. ';''" porl 1s B1·.1c·1111 Ba' \.\ ._. ht1\1· .,,.,1 hon11·-. f111 .... t11· 1111 l111• hi ,tt'h l)IH \\llfi .I 111 f11>11' ,'\. 0111• 'llh ,1 -;'II llll' an·a h:11.: h11:tl 'lip lt•111.i ;111d '' 11• .11 H .!Ii 11 1-.1:111.t I l.1rl1111 .\ I 111 hi• I ti \\tll111I !lit r1,l!lt1 .1,1., 1 rr 1c11 " \, ,11 11111~ I lt1• h11 .il 1•:• r f1111t1 .1.11111 lt\111g 11111111 sq_!,.11111 111 ::>l 2:)11,lll.Ml (.' () ~l F () n r \ B I I ,\ w \ H \] 11 IHOL GllOL T :1 Hd1 m ~ dt•11 1111 Balboa Island. Hight ''° thP <; r <ind Canal. TI1is home cvt•n has an incomt• unit. Owne r wi II he lp wr th th e fmancing. $650,000. Open Sat/Sun 1·5. 123 Grand Canal. U~l()lJ ~ () PACIFlC c:.ouT HlGHWAY AT MacARTHUR BOULEV~AD IN CORONA DEL MAR 675-6000 l ":\lQUE IN llAH !!OH \'I I•:\\' HI LLS Th ts ho ml' h .1 .1 d r a m ;i t r c· 1•n1ra1H't' 11·nt1·1 11111rt,·.11d fur '" , • \ 1 r ~ 1 • )\\ 111 , ,q 11 •• ti { 11 1 .. •;11 ,, IJI I• I >11 ~ ~ •I '\ l ll I°•:.:. I )Ill) TOT AL PAN AC 11 E ! Country kitchen. Oak cabinets, skylights. brick fi replaces, pool , view, 4 Bdrm . Sensational. $.5.59, 000. HARBOR RIDGE AND CITY LIGHTS Make this expanded Dynasty model one of the more unusual condos in our city. 2 Bdrm + den \\i lh an enclosed JX>rl'h for viewing th<.• rt'M'I'\ 01r. ci t y li):thh & mo uni <J ms S.12.'i. •KKI <'llLf f'\ 1'111."I t'lll•H I·:~ l'111t1 ·• 1~11'111 ('(llld<I ... 111 I lit. hi' I 111111 \JI ,{ \'ls old \\llh fp)1• ... 111d r1·:..it IL'l'llt'i Hu\ •II((' 1(' ,111 'i;J:l:.! flO Ip,( llU!-. UU E \.\ \I f'I< \IF\\' \\ 111 llL<;ptr(' ~OU .IS \tlllr l'l'fllt1d1·l111g talt·11ls go tnlo ac'lwn :J Bdrm:-. 1111 .r large lot and· in the center of clown coast growth can be h a d with estate financing. $350.000. AITENTION INVESTORS -Ve rv nice 4-plex in good Costa Mesa location. excellent fmancmg $235.000. <X.'l'.J\:'-1 VrEW At tht• Versailles 2 Bdrm ~ hath. fin·plan' I .11\'l·I~ rH'Ulral d1·1·11r .'<..-\C'!'\ .tttra<'ll\'t' frn:irwinc '-, ,, , ., If l' II \l I 11 H I .\ H L I·. ~\ \\ ,\ H !\1 ·n UWL GJIOUT :I Bdrm & d en on Balboa Island Right on the Grand C.anal. This home even has a n income unit Owner will help with the financing. ~.<XX>. Open Sat/Sun l·S, 123 Grand Canal. CXange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982-9 OPEN SAT. 1-5 r .M. 1510 Abalone Pi~ Bal. Is . , $575.000 3lH91h St. off Balboa . .. • • . ............. $319,000 . :ma~an Blvd. CdM U7 Manne Ave. Bal. ls 80!4 West Bay, Penin. <IS Canyon Is. Big Canyoo 4 Narllonne. Hrbr Ridge . 28>4 W. Oceanfront 1723 Plaza del Sur . . . . . 502 "I" St. Peninsula 22£1 Pacific. C.M ..... . . . . . . .. . . $1.350,000 •........ $295,000 . .....•....... Sl ,495,000 ......... $3SO,OOO . .. $2.200,000 $725.000 • •• . . . . . $295,000 .......... $435.000 . $185.000 IA YFRONr-HEW ON MAllET Great location ON THE WATER with dock for 2 •boats. Old Newport charm 2-story with 3 bed. & large patio. Perfect for remodel Call for financing details. S1..3X>.OOO.;. fee. tiEWPOlrT teGHrS...EW EX! &.iper locatioo oo· great street Large lot with trees. flowers and beautiful pool. Perfect family hon:i.e with 3 bed. & Cam.rm. LoW cash down I. owner will carry Call for financing details. $279.000. HdlOR RIDG6-IUNCH MANOI JJl) degree VIEW of Bay. Ocean and night Hghls. Magnificent quality and detail throughout this 5,700 sq. ft residence_ Formal heme witlr 4 bedrooms , library, formal dining room. immense family room am glamorous master suite with fireplace. sundeck sauna and spa. impressive and c ustom for the particular homeowner, in the best tradi~ion of this Lwis XIV M 8JlOI" house. $2.200.000 ( ee ll«llSTRUCllD vu Premium street with estate size grounds, 75 ft. frontage, 2 legal lots and panoramic VIEW of frontage, 2 legal lots and panoramic VIEW of ocean am jetty. Early Newport residence with the charm and quality of bygone days wood paneling, moldings and large rooms. Sl.lS0,000. IHCalDIU UHDA ISi.i LINDA ISLE 2-story with 4 bedroom plus maids room. formal dining room. large family room with step down bar and country kitchen. Landscaped to perfection plus bridge over dlP·Pool and s pa. $1.a .ooo. Slip for 3 tioau. IAYROMr--6 ... OOMS Unobstructed wide "waterfront" view from this open and spacious home with large brick patio and pier for ~ ~· yachts. Convenient location and especially large living room. elevated dining room, large bar. family room plus island kitchen. Huge master suite with marble fireplace and breathtaking view of all. A wsy comfortable nOOI' plan with a reeling or privacy! $1,950,000 includes land. 631-1400. ~LEA~OPTVUHOME Panoramic close up view of bay. ocean and aight lights. Spacious, open and potentially formal home with large living room, family room, formal dining room plus 3 bedrooms. Marble bath master suite and 2 large view decks. $795,000 PEE. COUNnlY B.IGAMCE. unu IS. Ouum, elegance and every decorator amenity in this 3 bedroom home with brick patio and french door s Also one bedroom plus maid's unit on corner. Easy *PB to bay. $575.000. 673,6900. 1510 Abalone Place, Bal. Is COMllMPOtlMY NIAi IA Y Open with loads ol wood. gins and warmth. Young 2-story with soaring ceilings. master s uite with balcony overlooking living room plus 2 other bedlwms. family room and dining room. Excellent "1old coast" location C11l for details on loan available. S438.000 63\.1400. .. STOllC MIDITEUAHEAH u.NDMAll ESTA n 'Mth ro· on Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic view. from the Pavilion to the mountains An authentic arclut.ectural statement of bygone days throuj\houl this 3-stor)' residence plus 4th noor observation tower. The quahty and craftsmanship in this dignified structure offer spacious rooms & pnvacy. in addition to generous indoor & outdoor balconies, patios and courtyard entry. This magnificent villa offers two wi~ ror private living. This Includes 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. a formal dining room. 2 kitchens, formal living room, large family room &c much more. A separate, sell-contained master suite. Large pier and float will accommodate a 60', plus two other boats. A detailed brochure will be available upan request $2,650,000 ree land. Adjoining guest apartment, plus 3 car garage available for $395.000 on a separate 45xl00 fl~- UASl/OPTION OPPORTUNITY! New luxury Condos. just steps to Newpart Bayfront and walk to beach! Great location and unusual quality in this 2 bedroom townhouse condo. Owner dfers flexible terms of $15,000. Cash down, $2,000 per nnrth lease and a one year option to purchase for $319,000. Four total condo units available with flexible financing plans. Brochures and details available on site al 209-2\S 19th St. otr Balboa Blvd. PllCI ~ ••• IA YNOHT Great locatioo with panoramic vu of boating activity and ni ght light from large patio. Spacious 2-story home with every necessity for enjoying li ving and outdoor entertaining. Pier " s lip for 2 boats. ASSUMABLE LOAN OF $900,000 $1 ,495.000. fee SUBMJT YOUR EXCHANGES M.tGHIACIHI' UDO ISU P.!rfect m every detail on Udo Isle. Gorgeous Country French 4 bedroom, 3~ baths, 3 fireplaces, plantation shltten. brass fixtures. Hardwood noors. beautiful ti.lei. golden oak staircase, matchln1 wall coverings. Master suite with spa and fireplace. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. View from maslA!r suite. Reduced to $58).000. •VN llllliCE ~"airy 3 bed. home with large kitchen. ram.rm. with fireplace 4c open beams. Nice patio and back yard. SMS.000. 631-1400 . TWO UM'TS-ML IS. Woods and warmth in a 2 bedroom home plus 2 bedroom apartment with deck plus guest unit with bath. Steps to north bayfront. A valuable rent.al property PJ0.000. 673-6900. ..WTBNSCOUIT ISTAR Coovenient Laguna address on 1.88 acres with VUs of hilL'I and ocean. Tot.al privacy I. security at the end of a private road with regulation lighted tennis court A dramatic 3 level residence with every amenity and room for IJvmg and entertaining lavishly. Four total bedroorm. sauna. s pa le much more Call for our detailed brochure and a private showing $2.800.000. UMDA ISU -FH LAND An exceptional residence with spacious rooms and ~ stairc~ to 4 bedrooms + separate maids quarters. Open Ii well-planned living room, family room. formal dining room + step-down bar Ii large kitchen. Pier &c s lip for 3 boats. $2,750,000. Owner will exchange or submit? IALIOA ISL LOT • PLAHS Drive by 309 Sapphire and call for details. Plans for single (anuly home approved and ready to build . Reduced to $329.500. OW build to s uit for total pack.age. ~.000. 8 &HTS PLUS HOME 'I'M> bedroom home and 8 units only one block t o beach in San Clemente. Won "beautification" award ~umable loan and owner will help finance $495,000 COllOMA DB. MAI CONDOS Soaring 26' open beams, solar glass, new spa plus interesting levels and generous rooms. Unique 3 bedroom plus den on corner. with many amenities and lots of square footage. SSS0,000. We have 2 available, l at $,1:5,000. ME\WOIT ~ STUIT Qi cul-de-sac, surrounded by trees. Comfortable 3 bed. 2 ba. with ru-eplace in country kitchen and Uving room. $175,000. ree. 673-QJOO. CHW •tG OCEAHFllOMr Great location with 4 and 2 bedroom units you oouldn't duplicate today. Reduced to $525,000. .._...al.ATIJRllSH IALIOA IS. One cl the best prict!J homes on the Island. near all shops. Spot.less 2 bedroom plus brick patio. $295,000. 6'T.HllOO. 117 Marine Avenue. ma. llAMS. CHAIM <n? cl the best Peninsula Pt. streets near bay and beach. Appealing and adorable 3 bedroom, 2 bath with 2 patios, 2 car garage plus darkroom. Paneling and mouldings thorughout. OW help finance to qualified blzyer. $385.000. 631-1400. LUXURY PENTHOUSE OH WA RI • lnterior is right out or Architectural Dl1est and offers dramatic quality living throughout. Spacious 2 bedroom plus den with seductive master saite with fireplace. Brass, leaded glass and antique accents. Boat slip available. This is only for• the cb:riminaUng. S72S.OOO I ee. WOODll»GI OM WA Tll Gorgeous 2-story condo with superb views across greenery on lake. HUGE ASSUMABLE LOAN OF SQ.000 at 13%. Professionally decorated 3 bedroom. 21,-\ baths. $348,SOO fee. WATERFRONT HOMES, 1Nc. REAL ESTATE Sales. Rentals. Property Management 315 Marine 4\vcnue Balboa Island 613·6900 2436 W Coast Hwy. Newport Bench 131·1400 " - le-Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 • I Z. t°/o IMTEUST HARIOR VIEW HOME * Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2 bedrooms, den, fireplace and spa ! Low interest financing available. $241 ,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive , Newport Beach. 759-1501 or752-7373. For the 2nd consecutive year in a row Carol has been named Walker & Lee's Newport Office Sales person of the year & has qualified for The Winner's Circle. She was recently promoted to Asst. Office Mgr. Call Carol for all your real estate needs. 759-1501or752-7373. LEASE WITH Ol'TIOH TO IUY $10,000 ·moves you into this luxury townhome on a private lagoon in a guard gated community. Gourmet kitchen with J ennaire and random oak 'planked · flooring. Slro0/!1l0nth. 556-7035. * WISTCUFF * 121/40/o ... AMCltifG when you take over existing loans on this executive home featuring 4 Br, 21h Ba & pool only $339,900. 2670 San Migue l Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 12114". FINANCING *\ available on brand new townhome! Featuring 2 master suites, enclosed garages and private courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. * IJ.JPAtRMAMC ... * WOCJl••M M.IN Sensational 3 Br, 2 story town.home w /super financing. "Birch Model" only $131,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 75&-1501 or 752-7373. * llmJrA .. ,._ * 5r IM MQMCIM6 Absolutely smashing 3 Br townhome f eaturlng central air conditioning & security system only $132,500. 2870 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or 75~7373. ** r•••wo tuDOI YllW HOMI ** Totally remodeled by craftsmen! Featurina trench doors, wooden shutters, plank floors, used brick and pool and spa. FEE land with great terms! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. * 111'9• •IOYll * f~frlitAltc ... 'when you take over e~'Ung loanS oti highly upgradedJormel"1 model. "Orangewood Model" only SlU,900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 758-1501or762-7378. , . •ll.000-ATI • On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 master suit~s and den/loft overl~g llving.rool'J\. Only $123,~50. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 12.t-/ol4JllBTHADOl YllW HOME* Immaculate MON~~Q mod,,el .featuring 2 bedrooms, den, fireplace and spa~ Urfr'infere!t 1inancing available. $241 ,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WAT ... ON'tffOMlrllYADllACH • Sensational 4 bedroom bome smack on the water I Featuring frencb doors, ftftplace, prolessionalfS' decor~ted and private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 and seller wlU carry AJTD ! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 75Z-7373. * TUITUltOCI S 1,279 rB MONTH ••• * Is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T .D. Spacious 4 bedroom executive detached hom e . Featuring formal dining, family room and fireplace. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. SJOOO-ATI Superb financing at a low inte rest rate available on this bright and cheery-four bedroom two bath home PLUS the seller will give you a $3000 rebat~ at the close'of esct'ew. Asking $119,000. 556· 7035· I ZO/o MOMIY! Spacious four bedroom pool home on large lot iA desirable Westcliff area. Sellers will helR finance by issuing a trust deed at 12%. Ideal for large. young family. Offered at $339,900 with one year home protection plan provided. 556-7035. DIO DOWM PAYMENT On the water. Price slashed $10,000 to $2H,OOO. Owner will finance totatly. Professionally decorated th ru-0ut to model home standards. 556-7035 OWi• rttu.MC ... AT IJOlo Executive home with soarin~ cathedral ceiling& plus a solar heated pool and spa. Professionally decorated throughout, it 's ·ideal for entertainment. Fabulous landscaping front and rear .. Offered at $239,000. 556-7035 MAS5IYI CUSTOM ,..._.Cl Spend those romantic evenings basking in t he glow from this massive fiftP.lace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally located close to Westminster Mall &'. Goldenwest College. 9032 Adams,H.B.556-7<XJS , . • ,. ~ ; 11, ACH ISTATI . ~ompletety. remodeled home with new kitchen f~aturing custom oak cabinetS, built-in microwave and trash compactor. Large formal din~ room has built-in oak buffet and cabinets. Huge detached garage has ~ bath & could be easily converted to gueSthouse: Sactifice for $174 ,900. 556-7035 * PAMOl.UK OCEAN Ale IAY YllW-CUfFllAYIM * Unbelievable VIEW home from spacious 3 bedroom home -on ,ext~mely, large ,lot overlooking ""BalbC)a Bay Club a nd Chmmel. $ttto,OOO FEE with great "term~! Call 759-1501 or 752·7~3. t I ' * LOW. LOW INTlllST IATIS * When you take over existing financing on super town home! Featuring 2 master suites, fireplace and $137,500 price. 2670 · San Miguel Drive, Newport1Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. · , •• IMYISTOIS ** t Cl ' Bring bui.lden and contractors! ! Have two units now-build aoother later? De~eloping Costa Mesa area. Great financing. $1~.850. 759-1501 or '152-7373. ~-~ ' , 9}. t ~ .... • • v HUllTINeflit llACH ~ .. llUA•••'A• Huftlllll• l1111a. CA 12141 (1M)Ml-JOll TALL&PllOW ........ Executive manor offers -4 big Bdrma overloolclng peaceful nei&hborhood park. llce bonus room and famlly room with masaive rt.replace. 3 car aarage, prest.lcious 5'S Home. Just listed! Act now by calling 962-5.B. SIU. YOUI SPOllSI SIJl.900 ~ this spacioul 3 Bdrm family home iD prime locatioo. Truly a sbowplace! Take <M!I' 10.6% loan for low monthly payments. Just listed. Won't last at $138,900. Call 962-558S. llDUCBH Sl24.f00 ~et cul de sac location makes this 4 Bdrm family home a prime consideration for the growing family. New Kitchen! Spacious and sharp lbruoul. Owner may carry paper lo. get you in. At this new low price it can't last! C.alJ now. 962-5.58S. ILOCUMOMTHI lllA-S $175.• Feel that oceM bc'eelle from your spacious + Bdrm 3 bath family home. Formal dlne. Master suite accented by ocean view. ~. wetber treenbouae. Million SS loC8tion -all this /or $1.75,000! Seri~ seller says act fast! Call 912-55BS. 4--.+POOL tlll.000 Brick entry cotirtyard with mature rmllcape. Sumh.lne kitchen with adjacent 1--*Y room, famlty n101D plus dine with <my ~. Solar beat.eel pool Slln"OWlded by deck1QI iD aecluded atmosphere. Now anb' SJ.56,000! Act fut. call 9S2-55BS. 5 ....... Alit 1141.500 Larse s Bdrm olfen formal dlnina plus ownbed boow room. Spacious living room "'1h cocy finplace. Wetbar. Freshly palnted exterior. Serious seller will conalder carryt.nc paper with low, low paymenta. S...,mit what ii Sood for you by callln1 -..s. . -TOTHllMCH SIU.IOI Lush landscaptq aceenu tbla spotleae 4 Bdrm. FamA1J cine. OMlby kltcbeD. La"le endoMd puty pelio, Cloee .. lboppUac and freeway 1cce11 and1_ lout.d In quiet ~ Doll't WU! JUll dlal ta.5811. FOREST E. OLSON, REALTORS zao PBCINT INTEUST Seller will consider zero percent interest . offers. This former model home bas the Island local.Ion and quality you want. From the gated courtyard through the double doors and expansive tile entry. Your eye is taken back by the soarlng ceillna a.nd double fireplace. Your home provides 1pacfous Uvina and dining rooms. ~· main channel boat dock, bubbling spa. ctourmet kitchen, security systems and wetbar. An Exclusive By Coldwell Banker. caU now 894-7521 LllEHEW INCllDllLI TaMS This new home bas raised entry, large li ving room. spacious dlnlng room. bright kitchen ~ window, looking al huge spa on decking. 3 large Bdnns, 2~ bath. Great terms complete the package. Call Coldwell Banker for deta ils. 894-7521 $255.000 SWIM. SUN. GOLF Spacious and elegant and location. All wrapped into this 4 bedrm 2~ bath pool home. Close to fwy & shopping 4'l golf course. , Features Include: huge family/living rm. den and master bdrm wlflreplace. Plus large bonus rm. Call 894-7521 WAITING FOR INTEREST RA TES TO COME DOWN?· The Coldwell Banker · 115°/o SOLUTION'' is on it's way! (Own your bolne Ir. and clear lo l 1ean.) Call the Coldwell Banker office nearest you for complete details. • $U2,000! MESA VERDE Can you believe this price ln prestigious Mesa Verde? Owner is an.xious -you gain! Spacious home with loads of privacy and easy care y11rd. Enjoy Costa Mesa's best address now : Call 6-4S·0303 NIWPOD ..W·CUSTOM Deal~ aqd built for contractor. Quality! .... merous amenities. Security gate: Must see. Only 1249,000. Call 64S-0003 OLD FASHIONiD .. CHARM Is fresh as spring! Brick fireplAce, plus1- carpeta, bardwood floors. Cheery kitchen~ Larae covered brick patio. Separat.e garaae. Huge yard. Priced to sell Cast. SllS,000~ hurry! Call 645-0303. TROPICM. SPUNDOll Gently swaying palms beckon you. Enjoy privacy and seclusion beside sparklhlg pond tn your own back yard paradise. Fruit trees, separate etorage area. Charmin1 bomt featw. brick fireplace plus 4 Larae bdrma Only Sl22,llOO. CaU now. ~G.103 NEWPORT CONDO • I Approxlmatel1 1~ mil" alone r.,iooal tralla. E:aq1dalte townboee features tile entry, fireplace. I lrln1 ebe bdrsn•: Cbannlnc covered ,.Uo and DliDi yard. Near) acree ol ~ Md tnill. 'hire 1dvuta,. now o1 um tentftc bQ. c.n ...-I NMINIW U. thin a y..,. old In Plua del Sol, aear Soalb o.t Plua. Step-down living room .tt.lt ftrelUce. Formal dlnia1. Family nt0m wit.It wetbar and fireplace. Gourmet ldtcM11. °'8rmial breakf ut nook. Luxurious m11ter au.Ile wfUl flrepl1ee. Alr conditioned. Community pool and RV parking. Aa~ exdtlnt home at an unbelievable Sltt,900! lbTy. Doo't misa thia one. Call MS-030S SPAMSH.._.. Receltly remodeled 2 story family home ...,. ScMb 0>8lt Plua. Lovely formal Uvln1 room with IDll9ive etone ftreplaee. Coay den. ae.dul ll*'°'ll lriteben. 11lree kiq al.wl ~. Separate muter autte. Load.I of bqamUd tile ........ SpeftU.., pool 8Dd IPL ~+llind. Cd DOW, M5 Giii. ._ --Would 7ou Uh tbe connnlenee of a condomialum lnlt, 1ecarit1, prtvae:r and t appndadobol--JMrownbome? You • cu bave tt 'all! Unlque dealper owned buq.aow, daanniJal l:UCllde Colta ..... One~ a kind. ltarr11-.-. -.... .,., , . ' 12-Orange County R?al Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 / ~ / ',:=T This Weekend ! /Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you go / house-hunting. All the locations listed below are described in greater / detail elsewhere in today's DAILY Pl LOT classified ads Patrons _, advertising open houses for sale or rent In Th~ Daily Pilot may list such information in these columns each Saturday and Sund~y. HOUSES FOR SALE IM ... LOFT •10 Navarre, Irvine 640-9900 $149,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 ZIBIOOM 1651 Miramar, Balboa Penin Pt, NB 642-5200 $339,000 Sun l ·5 1214 Rutland Rd, Westcliff, NB 6«}.5Tn $123,000 Sun 1 ·5 ?'J£1 Pacific, Costa Mesa 631·1400 $18.5,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Melody In, Irvine 675-5511 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 • ... FAM IM or DEN •19 Curl Drive, Jasmine Creek, Q:lM · 640-1515/l =t28-5151 Sat/Sun 11·4 562 Hamilton A-1, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $123,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 4521 Trermnt, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat 1 :30.5 •#8Sandbar, Jasmine CreelC, CdM 759-12X>6 $445,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 Z10l Hillside, Newporf Beach ~ $26.5,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 4521 'rremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ~19th St, Balboa Penin 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 • .... IHCOME 754 Cliff Dr, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sun 1·4 J-OOM 1911 Court Ave, Nwpt Pen, NB 675-4746 or 675-2291 $399,000 Sat/Sun 11·6 ••42 Balboa Coves, N. Bch. 642-5200 ~.ooo Fee Sun l ·S 425Gloucester (Qape Series) CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sun l ·S 19 Balboa Coves, NB 675-«>M $5'75,00Q Sat/Sun 11·5 616 Marigold, CdM . ~ ~,ooo Open Daily 1·6 432 FUilerton (1'4W.Pl Hgts) NB 642-5200 $1•,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 455 Vasta Roma (Bluffs) NB 78).8384 $172,000 Sat 1-4 212Via Eboli, Udo Isle, NB 613-7300 ~ ,234 Sun 1-4 1 Rue Fontainebleau. Big Canyon, NB 640-5Tn $500,000 Sunday 1-5 1824 Port Stirling, Hrbr Vu, NB 644-4910 $225,000 Fee Sun 1·5 325 Rochester CE/Side) CM 645-9096 $149,500 Sat 1-5 2Al5 Novia, Newport Bch (Bluffs) 644-9060 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 Rue Mars ielle · Big Canyon . Newport Beach 644-6200 $475,000 Sat 1·5 29.1116thSt (NwptHgts) NB 646-5002 $190,000 Sat 1·5 ••1418 W. Bay, Penin Pt. NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1·5 216 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 400 Columbus Cr, Corona del Mar 673-8500 SD>.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 941 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa 546-2.313 $1~.ooo Sat 1.5 17Zl Plaza del Sur, Bal Penin 631-1400 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 !m "I" St, Balboa Penin, NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ~Ocean, Corona del Mar 631·1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••1126 E. Balboa Pl (BalPen) Nwpt Bch 1·52A-ml $1,350,000 Sun 1-5 466 Broadway, Costa Mesa 673-5354 $155,000 ~un 1·5 3 M ... FAM RM or DEN ~Commodore Rd, Baycrest, NB 631-1476 PJ(),000 Sat/Sun 1·5 · ll8 Via Quito (Lido) NB 675-8900 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·6 •17 Shoal Dr, Corona de! Mar 7~1756 $395,000 Sat/Sun ~Redlands Dr, (Back Bay) NB 631-1851 $255,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 2421 Bunya , Newport Bch (F.astbluffs) 675-1771 $275.000 Sunday·l -4 ·Home J 1700 Miramar, Balboa P en . Pt, NB 642-5200 $32.5,000 Sun 1~5 1393 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $495,000 Fee Sat /Sun 1 ·5 •1472 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores. N B 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 '25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irvine 759-1501 $280.000 Sun 1·5 1842 Port Westboume, HVH. NB 759-1501 $241 ,000 Sat/Sun-12·5 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven, NB 759·1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 a>12 Redlands ( E/Side) CM 642-~ $149,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2(» Via Eboli, Lido Is le. NB 644-9060 Sat 1-5 542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1993 Prt Seaboume (HVHomes) NB 759-9100 $23.5,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 'S11 Croydon, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $114,900 Sun 1-5 #2 Pierre, Heritage Pk. Jrv 759-1501 $132,500 Sat 1·5 •lBfK) Maui (MesalVerde> CM 631-1266 $320,000 Sat 1-5 Z?Jf1 Waterman Way, CM 759-1221 $167,000 Saturday 12·5 62 Drakes Bay, NC.Orona del Mar 640-9900 $ 95,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2ll3 Mira .. iar, Penin Pt, NB 675-6161 $42.5,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 ra> Shorecliff Rd, Shorecliff, NB 644-9060 $445,000 Sun 1 : 30·5 1515 Cumberland (Westcliff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/SUI} 12·4 3 Kemington a.. Harbor Rdge, NB 644~ $5.5.5,000 Sat 11 ·6 21 Purple Sage, Turtle Rock ~ $26.5,000 Fee Sat 1·5 ••101 N. Bayfront, Balboa Island 642-823.5 $895,000 Fee Sat 1·4 6892 Sowell, Westminster ~67 $109,000 Sat 12·3 1510 Abalone, Balboa Island 673-6900 $.575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 10> Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••3415 Ocean Bl, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $1,250,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J • ... LOFT 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 644-9060 $498,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 a>13 Redlands (Back Bay) CM &tS-7167 $179,800 Sat/Sun 1·5 JM ... GUEST 2211 Waterfront; Corona del Mar 642-IP.3.5 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 ... 00M 28>4 W. Ocean. Balboa Peninsula NB , 631-1400 $725,000 Saturday 1·5 Zt3 Poinsettia, CdM 673-4271 $005,000 Sunday 1 ·4 ..................... ._._ ............... _________________________________ ~~~~~~--- , ~ange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982-la 7Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5777 $1,595,000 Sat/Sun-l-5 3San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge, NB ~5777 $2.3 MiHion Sat/Sun 1-5 :1531 Almond, College Pk. Irvine 644-4910 $169,900 Fee Sun 1-5 1412 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 759-9100 $.178,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1~ Via Ravenna, Lido. NB 631-1400 $445,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ~ Delaware Place, Mesa Verde, ·CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 4 • ... FAM RM tw DEN •2763 Tern Circle, Costa Mes a 5.56-1393 $247,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 1511 Miramar, Penin Pt, NB 673-9060 $595,000 Sun 1-5 32 Vienna, Newport Beach 640-5884 $725,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1533 Tahiti, Laguna Bch 497-5454 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 6S72 Jardine Dr,FrncscpFnt,HB · 842;9216 $173,<XX> Sat/Sun 12-5 '9i5 Temple Hills Dr. Lag Bch «17-5'54 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •Ul>l Antigua Circle, Nwpt Bch 548-8798 Open Sal/Sun •1009 Tulare Dr, Mesa Woods, CM 546-00'12 $184,900 Sun 1-5 1844 PortOtarles, Harbor View. NB 631-6194 $319,500 . Sunday 1-5 2Zl Via K.oron (Udo Isle ) NB · 64.2-5200 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 173> CandJestick Lo ( Bycrst) NB 7~1920 $324,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 ll40 Sea Bluff, Costa Mesa 552-1714 $2169,500 Sat 1-5 133 Via Undine (Udo Isle ) NB 675-7298 $735,000 Sa t/Sun 1-5 1.818 Port Manleigh, HVH, NB 759-1501 $399,000 Sun 12·5 ••1706 E . Oceanfront, Balboa Penin,NB 67s.8676/675-8444 Sat/Sun 1-5 umWhilesailsWay, CdM 759-1221 $376,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •*25 Warmsprings, Irv <Wdbrg) 751·3193 $425,000 Sat 12-4 •Z119 Tern Cir (Mesa Verde) CM 751-3191 $239.000 S un 1·5 •*92 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 644-9060 $990,000 Sat 1-5 1251 Surfline Way, Hrbr Vu Hills, Q1M . 644-4910 $420,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Burning Tree Road, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $750,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 um Newport Hills Dr, Hrbr Vu, NB 644-4910 $435,000 Fee Sat 1-5 1912'i Biddle, Trtlrk, Irvine 759-1501 $213,500 Sat 1·5 ID Santiago Drive. Dover Shores 642-823.S $319.500 LH Sat/Sun 1·5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle. NB 673-2556 or 675-3048 Sat/Sun 1-5 34(6 Wimbleton Way (Wimbldn Vig ) CM 645-0303 $255, 000 Sat 1 ·4 4 Narbonne . Ne wport Beac h , Harbor Rdg 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1.:n> Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 673-8.550 $550 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 :.m21 Montauk Cr, Huntington Bch 962·9597 $227 ,500 Sa t/Sun 12·5 ~ Waterfront, CdM 7~9333 $595,000 Sal/Sun 2-5 5 llDIOOM a;s1 Basswood, E -Bluff, NB 673-7:m $232,000 Sun 1·5 ••7~ Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 *824 W. Bay. Peninsula 631-1400 $1.495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy Ave, Corona de l Mar 760-045Z $598,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 • ,.. FAM llM tw DEN 2.817 Shant.ar, Cost.a Mesa 5.56-1393 $257,000 Sunday 12-4 1700 Highland, Newport Bch 549-0693 Sun 3: 00 PM 1448 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 675-2373 $1,400,000 Sun 1·4 13> Via Lorca, Udo Isle, NB 67J..7:m $498,500 Sat /Sun 1-4 2854 Via Arnapola, San Clemente fi61~1 $350,000 Sat/Sun •70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon, Newport Bch 640-5777 $1,595 MillionSat /Sun 1·5 1-52752 Bayshore Dr.(Byshrs) NB .' 759-9100 $975,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •41 Bodega Bay, Corona del Mar 640-9900 $639,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 442 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-6:m $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM · 644-9060 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ID& Kings Pl, Newport Beach 673-2102 $790,000 Sun 1-4 CC»DOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM •21l00 Block of Santa Ana Av. Costa Mesa 631-6194 $129,500 Sat /Sun 11-5 229 West Wilson, #13, Cost.a Mesa 675-1771 $100,900 Saturday 10-4 •25 Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 673-7:.x> $265,000 Sun 1-4:30 ~Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7:.x> $189,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 ~Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7:.x> $137,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2:m Elden, Q>sla IAesa 5.57-4579 $117,500 Open S /S 1·4 With all the inblrest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your home ls also whel'e you'll be living.-Sure, resale value is imPortant, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balanc~. consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Each one is required to be a reel estate professional, actively englged In real estate, and publicly committed to a written-Code of EthiC$. REAL TORS® art uperlenced In helping you find the ri~t home for today Mtd tomorrow. It could also take a heap o' lookin'. Before m you start, c.11 1 REAL TOR$ first. t:a. l<m Bayside Cove East , NB 642-823.5 $32.5, 000 Sat l · 5 4ll1h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ~Van Ness, Costa Mesa 675-5511 $140.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 U ... DEN •501 St Andrews, Nwpt Hts, NB 673-7:m $162,500 Sun 1-4 •240 Nice Lane #310, Villa Balboa 673-7:m $385,000 Sun 1-4 1018 Bays ide Cove East. Newport Beach 642-8235 $484,000 'Sat 1-5 4.5 Canyou, Big Canyon. NB 631-1400 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 l tmaOOM 2559 F Elden Ave, Costa Mesa 675-lTil $159,000 Sund~ 1-4 2Al5 Novia, Bluffs, NB 644-9060 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4ll Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-SSll $33.5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 l •pllllDEH •314 Avenida Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 ... 00M 10 Vienna, Nwport Bch 640-~ $47.5,000 Open Sun 1-5 3 ... 00M 873 Village Creek, Q>st.a Mesa 546-2313 $134,950 Sat/Sun 1-4 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE I • ... FAM llM or DIH :m E. Coast Hwy #113 Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2.-oOM :m E. Coast Hwy #270 Nwpt Bcb 675-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 ~ W. 1Sth St, Newport Heights, NB 673-6900 $55,000 Saturday 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 .... I• 315-3151.h Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $347,750 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 • 2 tmaOOM ~l Kings Road, Newport Beac h 631-1400 $415,000 Sunday 1-5 •• ,..2. lll-43nl St, Newport Beach 644-4910 $259,500 Sun l ·S PROPERTY FOR LEASE HOUsEs FOR LEASE l • ... MM IM or DIM . 18782 Saginaw {Trtl.rtt) lrv 7»9100 ~/ mo Sat/Sun 1·4 . ' 4a .... MM1Mor ... • 3K21 Upper 8-Y Dr, Santa Ana HellfU s.9-7982 $1225/mo. S.tJSun 1·5 ..... •• wa:•• *** wa••&PMI ' I ·-- -- - . - 14-Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY ptLOT /Saturday, March 13, 1982 IA YflOMT HOMES We have several fine bayfront homes with boat docks. Call for information. VUA IALIOA 'fflW ce»eo Be tM. flJ'Sl to ertjoy this 2 bdrm, 2 bath with den, family room, dining room, fireplace and large windows to add RJre light. Dramatic ocean and ti.y views. Security guard, pool and jacuzzi. IAsnlDI CONDO 2 story condo with 2 bdrms. tile kitcben, rear yard, double garage. Asumble loan. Asking $106,000. ILUf'5 COMDO 3 bdrm. 2 bath, single story Bonita on wide sreent>ett. overlooking pool. New carpet, immaculate condition, 2 Jlivl*e patios. Good income property. Low price at $215,QQO. SIAWIHD COM>O 2 bdrm. 2 bath, largest 2 story unit, lovely beach retreat. Owner wi 11 ~trade. Priced low at $149,500. WT SHOP 2 lots in Cannery Village. Going bt.L5iness. Owners retiring. Owner wi II carry 1st T.D. Can be purchased with or-Mtbout inventory. IASTSIOI Olarmng'small 3 bdrm family home or redaJ investment. Beam ceilings, large used brick fireplace, huge yard w/alley access, quiet street. Owner 1 very motivated. $147 ,500. IMUTIULl.Y MA.IMJAIM8 3 bdrm. 2 bath Westclilf home . Close to Qoola, part and tennil. Room (er expaMinn. Good fmancinc at $185,$00. -...s llST IUY! 3 bdrm, 2 story P!ua Condo. Near shops. pool, schools. Only $137 ,950. HUltRY!! .... l90 2 story, S bdrm, 3 baths, corner lot. Bank otrers new variable loan for 30 years. 'Ibis home needs TLC & save sa Olber terms available, call now. ... AMCI ON UDO 5 bdrm, custom decorated, is an exceptional value. Formal dining room and family room . Ute, airy and spaciom. ........ DUfUX Fiddle location. 4 bdrm, 3 bath up. 3 bdrm. 2 bath down. Fireplace, 4 car ,...... aundedt. Priced at 9155,ooe. ......... '" We ltaR a variety ol exeeptloaal seUOllll fr annual reatal1. Some fwnislllll. some .. with •Mel' Yi•••· Call for more lnfo. GE GEORGE ELKINS CO CUSTOM IUIL T English Castle In Laguna Beach, Perched High On A Hill Above Ocean. Imported Carved Entry Door · Sunken Bar In Game Room · Marble Bath In Master Bedroom · ~ & Leaded Glass · 2-Story Fireplace & A Pool & $1>1. Complete The Picture. Appointment. Please. ~.~. ..... , IAY wooaM <X-ean View Home. Superb Modern Styling. Sharp. Clear. Oean Features. It Sparkles. It's So Clean. Excellent f1nancing. Undoubted ly One Of 'lbe Best Priced Homes In F.ineraJd Bay. $695,000. H CAMYOM Spectacular Golf Course View Location! This Elegant New Listing Offers Privacy. 3 Large Bedroo~. 3 Baths, Family Room. J.Car Garage & Lovely Gardens. You Will Qljoy Entertaining In This Dramatic Home. Priced At $850.~. Very Motivated Sellers. Excellent Terms! CUST~ILT HOMI Promontory Bay .. Formal D.R. Den /Library. Master BR 01.ooks Bay, Has Frplc. 3 Other BRs & Ma jd:s Rm & Ba . Pier. Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Will Assist W /Financing . $1.850,<XX>. IASTILUff UU OI LIASl/OPTIOM Owner Fmancing. Flexible Terms . Large 4 Bedroom l.mk. Spacious Family R08m w/Parquet Firs. Formal UvinC/Dining Area. 2 Fire~laces . Sunny & Cheerful. Beautiful Mountain & Night Ughts View. $229,500. AISOWTll.Y! This magnificent View Home In Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge. That Will Be Under Construction Very Soon. Will Be One Of The Finest In The Area. The Style Is English 'lDllDr. AU The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect 'lbem At Any Time. Please Call Us. IM.I0.4 IS&.AMe Sl>,800 Down Will Buy A 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home On U&tle Balboa Island. Askinc Price, $.149,500. Owner Will F1mnce. SUbmit All Offers. ~ SW.. LOC.ATIOM Cll ~et OJl..de.Sac In Old Corona del Mar, Just Two 9Dt Blocb From Beach. Comfortable Home On An R·2 Lot Offen Relaxed Atmosphere, Typical Of ·This Desirable Community. Realistically Priced At $290,000. OllMW. ILUffS Alrther · Jewel · Delores Model · Vacant · Ready For New Owners · Three BRs, 2~ BA · Built-In Bookcases & OUna Storage . Large Courtyard Entrance · End Unit On Beautiful Greenbelt · Price, $218,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. COIONA D& MAI 'DUPllX Secluded Duplex Located On A Quaint Street In Corona dl!l Mar. TM> 2 BR Units Are Surrounded By Lush • Lmdscaping. 2-Car Garage. Attractive Financing. All IDclusive T.D. Offered At $272,000. ....,,...~ Ai'*""'°" IMSTOIS Allradiw Spanish 2 BR P\tmilbed 4·Plex. No Vacancies. Good Location. South Of Riverside. Xlnt Terms. Reduced ~sm..- , ... l.Gls OCIAM •llW flul City Ug!U . Exclusive Newport Beach Spyalan • Beautiful Capehom Model W /Four Bedrooms Plua P'lnilY Room • Coortyard W /Pool fr spa · One Of lbe lbt terrine Views ln AU Of Spyglass. $750,000. tt.MsfwW. ForW. ....;~w. ....................... ..•.................... ···········~········· ~ 1002 G1 .. rt1 IM2 '"-"911 • ·1002 ....................... ··············~········ ...................... . $15,000 DOWN sa ':lu HR.P No qu )'inc torlliis Im.mac. 3 ltr. bgbt airy College Park home . Sellen have done 111 lhe work. You move in & en· joy. S127.500. Call Diana for prh•ale showing. Diana Pietenpol·Volpe ssg.!MO() HE11•s YOUI Y~l~~Ui!~e! Charm. Enclish Tudor style. lovely tree lined s treet. Pride o f o w n e r s h I p nelfhbortlood. And. as· 1 swne $74.000 loan. Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll houae b only ~-Call Ni-'1171 m1m1 CtWtMIM'i IRVIME HOUSE OHLY SI 34,900 Great linanring, low dwn pa.Y.menl, low int .. no qualifying, no points A dollhouse in a great •• MOVE UP TO NIWPORT Low. prlcea e~ecutlve home. Beautiful and spacious 4 Bdrm corner location with many amenities. Assume low Interest loan. Don't mlss WI at only 1288. 900. Ca II 641-7171 tMM BIGAMCI IS AFFOIDAILI JllaM;ve roek frplc, nr· rollDded by spacious fun rm w/F'r. doors de· ~tor fans .• Oak plank dry, countrykil, rorm. din area, 3 8d 2 Ba. M ,500. S30K dwn. Sl0S7 P61/Mo. Don't delay, call Diana today. ' Diana Plelenpol-Volpe VACANT LOT F.utalde~ta Meu R·l ~ eoxm clear and re· ady to build. Only m.-. Call for more de· -. THE REAL ESTATE:RS ~YTOMIY Here s rour ct.ince '° -.i ,o.ar °"" home • ~.Anic911dnn, I..._, _el.._..,. + Gtucll ..... ~ ~ ..... OWC It low rate. Avail for "1.000. Call Tbomaa t•.1211/All. ~-- .:-?~· Merrill Lynch ·.~t; Realty ...... DESPllAT10N Ca~ (Red Tag Sale). Near beach 4 BR 3 ba, all financing considered. s;:m,500. Open Sat. 1·5. 1140 Sea Bluff. HAUOI VIEW tlU.S Ocean view & spa. Sophisticated floor plan, custom design inside & out. Beautiful home + beautifully priced. S ,(XX). Open Sun. 1-5. 2501 Harbor View Dr. 714-552-1714 RES10£NTIAL RE.Al ESTATE SERVICES THE FOba lttl DESI~ HOMf This custom Mediterranean Villa atop Spyglass Hill captur es unparalleled views of Pacific coastline &c Newport Harbor. Authentic old world detailing 'Cc charm are offered throughout the S BR. 7 bath home. Gated privacy. $2,400.~ CP9e SAT. I 5'14. l·I 17 ... IMCH CllCU t.,: IAIUli IALLMAMM IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 llJ llltltSI * 11 lllTDEST S... Ir.of IOW1of SSSS I Lovely, light le airy BLUFFS single story townhome on prime greenbelt overlooking Reflection Pond. Fmnal dining, sunroom, 2 bdrms. 2 baths. Assume $101,SOO, 11 % lst TD &, after down payment, owner wi 11 carry S YT· fully amortized 2nd TD at NO INTEREST. (Could save you • nach as $71,~.) fhlt row customized BLUFFS 'E' Plan with MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF BACK BAY " MOUNTAINS from every room. Formal dininc. ta.we 500 sq ft family room, 3 patios. 2 fireplaces, 2\A baths " much mre. Assume small 7 w~ tat TD '· lft8' down payment. owner wi U ctny s.rr. fully amorthied 2nc1 TD It M> INTERDT. (Could save you • ftlCh II SllMIOO.) For f\l'tber details " to see lbeae otslanding opportunities, call --•.--IJMlll I • . j I Q-ange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 -l~ ,. + co Tr IITJ\LTT © 1nvrs 1nrn1 conrnnr 1. FD TOP TO BOTTOM-THE FINEST HOMES IN NEWPORT BEACH KYIOa ISi AND CUSTOM,....AIN CHANNEL The finest wilterfront home with the best location in Newport Beach. Over 5,000 square feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large bayfront lawn. The price is $5 million and the owner will finance 41 notable amouqt. L9GA tU CUSTOM-MAIN CHANNEL Breathtakirur views al the main channel from every important roctn in t.hi'home. Over 78 feet on the water, 6,500 square feet d sheer elegance: The price is $3.6 million. . HADOa•&ICUSTOM .. COMPAaAILI YllW 1his Country French estate offers one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 square feet of the finest ·craftsmanship. The price is $2.3 million. 3 San Sebastian. Open &m. 1·5. 115 CANYON CUSTOM OM THI GOLF COUISI If Country English and privacy are ·your choice, this 6,200 square feet estate with new pool and s pa is the answer. Right m the 10th fairway. The prke is $2.3 million with over $1 rmllion of assumable financing. LmOfSl.I WAtaROMTCUSTOM Simply the finest waterfront on Lido on the market today. Pier and slip pita oversized lot "and $1.4 million in assumable financing. The price is $2.25 million. .... A 151.1 M.MM CIUMNIL f1ve ~rocum •. all ensuite_. and right oo the water with your own pt~r and slip for m_u.lt1ple boats. Owner wi II finance over $1 million. Call for appointment. 'Ibe price is $1.85 million. • CM«ON CUSTOM OM., .. •OLF COUISI -"'Tr\ilyJhe best family ..home with 6 large bedrooms includfug a separate 2 bedroom suite w{[b its own living room. On the 9th :-.f lrir-.y with private pool. The price is $1.8 million. -CAMYOM CUSTOM OM THI •OLF COUISI nu, awill'd-.wiooing flome, on the 7th fairway is country club Jiving a\ its finest. Over 4,qoo square feet with dramatic architect~ and LARGE rooms . 1.'he price is $1. 75 million ·~ith owner finapcing. KtDm _..CUSTOM RAND SltAMtUMG NIW Elegant Country French estltte with the · finest amenities. Terrific views and over 5,000 square feet. VERY creative financing available.. The price is $1,595 million. 7 Trafalger. Open Sat./Sun. l..S.' . · .. CMCYOM CUIT~1HTAKIM• 'YllW ' ~ i~ ~ pr\vate 2~ ac ~k'. C1dB 6 bedroom ~ j11_v¥aJlt and ready, \0 tnClff'. . &,~19.500 4quare feel with a Vl'iRY ppvate pool ~s*-7be Ptiee ia $1.~5 millipn. '10 JIJlcrest Open Sal./~. ).·5 t • • • ,. • • f .. LHtA IKI CUSTOM' 1hia 3bedroon{1ac>me {a a odCe in a lifetime opportanity. FEE SIMPLE on Linda and the owner will finance. Excellent ~· 'lbe price ls $1.4 mlllion. DOYa SHOltl5 AHA CUSTOM-OYH I. I ~CllS Out o( the flight path, t~ custom home offer.s ipagnificent opportunities. Separate guest home and private pool and s pa. Owner will finance entire Joan. The price is $985,000. llG CANYON TOWNHOMl-O&Ull POOL An "end unit" Deane townhome, this fine property offers an exce~ional yard with custom pool, spa and sauna. Three bedrootn.5 and over 3,400 square feet. The price is $895,000. 115 CANYON TOWHHOMl-CATA&.IMA Y•W Exquisite in every detail, this 3 bedroom, 3,000 square feet home offers multiple use of skylights and enormous privacy. Highly upgraded. The price is $675,000. l.90 TO\Wl IDt. w flOATa. OM THI w Ana "Refined" is the descriptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom plus den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square feet and a BO~TSUP! The price is $595,000. WIST MIWPOD DWLU-WATllMOMT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent owner financing for qualified buyer. The p;ce is $54.5,000. · • • cMfYoM toWt•IOMI CANYON'S lllT MY nus new to the market home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on its own comer. Excellent assumable financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty. The price is $500,000. 1 Rue Fontainebleau. Open Sat./Sun. 1-5. ft.&.AMUOA TOY11•10t• ll•HLY UNIADID 1bis lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offers the ultimate in lumry witb hap assumable financing and owner will carry. The price is $239,000. ( • ---"' • I Nl\WOD CllS1' TOWNHOMl-SUPB naMS OOerlng 4 bedrooms and 21h baths, this home ~~s it all. O>~ty ~ and tennis. Vacant arid ready to move in. Lai'ee ~available. 'Jlle price is $225,000. ~Towt•D•• tAM YOUl ... Ylm · A 2 bedn>Om, 2 bath home with pool and a huge assumat?le loan. Seller· will lease option with $5,000 down. The price js · $1Zl,900. Open Sun. 1·5. 1214 Rutland Road. _J,IA~S . .... . .iAUoAP ... fSUl.A-WITH PB A SLW OOering 4 bedrooms llOd • baths with pool alt for p ,ooo per 1 • • ~-lf I I I .... • ~ ~~ • .,.. Ot4 THI •OLI co•• '.· ~ upcr ~ 3 ~. 2,85t square feet home 1'aa•lt .UI Move in l'.lgia.nqw. $2,800 per month. -\MT"...-OU·aOMftilW&TH . I I • 'nm-~ 1111111 2 baths ri1bt pe the water in a qwet nftltl!horbood. Lease only lo.;.$1,100 per mont". Or' bedroolDI ' and 3 baths with spectacular cban•el view few '1,300 per · mah. -· . ... - ta-Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 . Houses for Salt ••.• , ••..•••••••.•••••• •!••··················· ••••••••.....•••.••••••••••••••••..•.........•.•••••.............•••••••.•....••......•••••• ~ ~--~= :::~ ....... !?.~!! ~ .......... !?.~~ ?.~ .......... !?.~~,~-... ~;~:~ c~~~ ......... !?.~~ 2113 MIRAMAR Of'EH SAT/SUH 1·5 2 Bdrm 2 Ba. nu crpl., patio cover & WESLEY ~ ~YLOR CO HEALTURS ~11u·1.: HM •G CAMYOH COUNTRY CLUI Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal din rm, fam rm. billiard rm. refrigerated wine rm . a sin ba. Marble. finest wood paneling. air cond., + many custom features . $2,150,<XX> incl. land. May sell furn. llG CAHYOH llOADMOOI $750.000 • Beaut. 4 bdrm.5. Fam rm w/fireplace. formal din rm , 21h ba. Newly decorated in soft pleas ing colors. Beautiful new c{tng & drapes. New marble entry. Pool & spa. 14IUIMHG TR.EE ROAD SAT/SUH 1·5 A UAL JEWIL IM THE ILUPfS Just listed a fantastic 3 Br "Linda" rrodel oo widest greenbelt. Like new. Vacant. $270.<XX>. See anytime. HAllOI YU tlLLS llOADMO OR View oC oc.ean, bay & Pavilion lights .• 4 Br, 21h Ba, fam rm, 2 fplcs, $420,000 incl land, or $.'m,000 leasehold. 65 per yr ground rent til 1991. Owner h f111ance. Submit your offer 1251 SURRJHE WAY. SAT/SUH 1-5 GREAT OCf.AH VIEW $405,000 3 bdrm, fam rm. Pool. Security system. Vu of night lights. Lge assum low int. loan. No new loan fees. HARIOI VIEW -HUCiE YARD Quiet, park·like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac street. 3 bdrms. faro rm. $.179,500 including the land. mG CANYOH "VEISAILLES" Golf course view ! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool. spa & gazebo. Gated courtyard with fOlllltain . Marble foyer w/glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den, formal din nn, 41h ba. $950.000 including land. HAllOI VIEW HOMES $225,000 Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model. Formal din rm. Many extras. Security system Large assumable loan. 1124POaT mRUMG SUN ONLY 1-5 574.950 HEAR SO. COAST PLA?A Attractive 2 bdrm condo. A great starter home. Pool & spa. See now. FACIHG FORIC&.OSUH $185.000 Near Westcliff. Newport Beach. Lge. 4 bdnn. Vacant. See anytime. WY WAU TO lf.ACH Sitt.too 4 Bdrm. family home. Formal din r m. Secl uded pool a nd patio. Lge as.5umable loan. Land included. HMIOI VllW HOMIS -roaTOflHO 4 bdrms, Cam rm, 31h ba. Teen-ager's priv. suite. C.Omm. spa It pool. $345,000 1J1Cl. land. $52,<XX>dn. Owner finance. ll07 Ml\WOIT tlLLS DI, I SAT l·I W1SUY tl TAYLOI CO .. UALTORS 2111S. ............. ..wPOlf CIM'f1I. H.I. '44-4t I 0 Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath, garage. Assume ex1stfo g financing m;tr bdrm, ocean view. $425,000. and OWC with small down. Full price Owner will consider trade. $119.500. 1418 W. IAY OPEM SAT 1·5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200,000. .~. I Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 I bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. j UDO ISLE HOMES 701 VIA UDO MOllD , SUM 1-5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 1 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1.500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ceilings, $420,000. LIHDA ISLE M YRlOMTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm. den. $1 ,350,000! MYsaDI COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1.900.000. TIES VISTAs.MS~~YllJO New French NormaRdy .14 bdrm. 4 ath, guest house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3 l I Bny,,J,. Dr·v· 1\1 B olS biol START SMART $13 000 DWM The uft imatc Cost a Mesa garden home ! Soaring reilinl(s. Cra r kl· ing fireplace 3 spacious bdrms. 3 car ga rage! Only $130.000. Call now . 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS AISOLUTE STEAL hclilcH $150,000 HQW $525,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMER OWNER FINANCING 6br/4h ba. 4100 sq rt 25 Bodega Bay Call owner. 7.59·0737 l • UDO ISLE HOME 56'LOT Excei:tional assumable; financing at 12:114'1. Ow..-wil carry $100,000. The potential of this property must be seen_ See Dennis Scholtz. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 208 Via MeftloM $560,000 fff IClftd. lNQW HOMES 673-5644 675-6000 BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at th.is time. All floor plans. Good views, good financing. good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. ()Pa. 1-5 2643 Vista OrnadD. view 2071 Vista .. Oro. view 1912 Vista c...w with le.id 422 Yesta Grandt. view $250,000 5210.000 5325,000 $410,000 IE.EN B. DOWD IEALTOls. IMC. 644-0134 CORONADO CAYS Opett=l-5 vuf~e wrier. Pnvate boat sli p S325K. Try $12SK down wlbalance at 6'1 for 2 yrs. David EP6tein. Bkr La JQ!la 1-459-1217 ''PROIA TE" COSTA MESA A fantastic 4 Bdrm . 2 s tor y hom e with ma«niricent Ii ving, farruly area. Fireplace, country kitchen 12•:: finan<'in g avail able , Price only S149.900. Call for more detail s 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS '"9U1U AIOUT OUI ?HO IMTlllST FfHAHCtMG WATBFIOHT Absolutely elegant lakeside home in Irvine. 4 Bdrms. 3 Ba, family room. A breathtakin g view. Kil<'hen has Jenn· Aire range w t bll·in microwave. ceramic tile noors and more! Owner will assist in finan<'ing. Full pr1 <'e $42S .OOO. 751-3191 DUIUHG GlAND OPENING OHL Yfl• .,.... ,.... podlogt. • Subterranean garages-npaces • Wood burning fireplace • Microwave oven • Ducted for central air • Commwlity spa & rec area • Bon1.1.1 area/Ion • Mirrored clO&ets • Plcturesqut ('()Urtyard • Dlclo&ed I aundry area in each wlit • Completely carpeted • Private decb It patios frwYocaMo.I for two (21 ln San Francisco Including trans portation. accommod8lions It ~.00 cash with each purchase during Grand Openina March 13 &t 14. s.. , ..... lMsW......_. Dynamic 2 &t 3 bdrm noor plans for . families, single~ or partnership beyers. Close to major shopping areas &t business di.strict. WI TAILOR FfMAMCtH• TO IACH IUYll'S MllDSI ,,,_ Sf 4,000 1401 ,,.... St .. s..e. ... MIMWIO,.T....,..S..11·1 P.M . 1)141141al670 '\.ln'i'9d offer-lnqyite tot dltllll C:::. C,E l H T -f'"' PH< )Pl H' It <-, SUPER STARTER Only $94.500. Outstand· ing Costa Mesa garden homi:. 0'<''ner must sell now! Good assumable Isl. Sweeping stairway to master bdrm Jus' listed' Call todey. .,_ LUCKY '3 $13,000 down, 11300 mo. Q)lr 3 Br w/pool & 1_p11. All rice 113$.000. C• 11 r ~. '.'._. _ _J H.B. CONDO 1 Large 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. former model. Amenities include 2 car garage, comm. pool. A!C. Assume existing f111ancing. f\Jll price $129,900. 631 ·7370 RESIOENllAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES ffEN SATURDAY 1·5 92 UtlJA ISLE Least expensive home on this gate guarded Island. 5 bdr~. family room, large pier and sli p for 3 boats. Tennis and sandy beach. Excellent financing avail. Call 675-76.56 for admittance through security gate. LUCY ROSE IN NEV{PORTCENTER 644-9060 lllY AN fl.EGANT CUSTrlt BllLT llJME EXCBJ.00 TERMS 1s.11r .... ~ ... , OP94 SUHDA Y I ·4 1441 CiAUXY DI .. ,,, .,...,..,,... ~l.400,000"" Lmd PllCI JUST ...UCED IM TO satOUS tUNISS Beautifully appointed S bdrm (children's wing), 4'1'> baths. A/C, JX)Ol, waterfall + + + VIEW. 1Ul l C...t Hwy •• Mt~ 221 c......... 67Wl7l r <Xange County Real Estate/An Advertising Su pplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982-:17 'Hofttt For Wt HcMMs For Wt HcMMs For Wt Hoftes For Wt ' HMHs For Wt ~.For~ Ho.Ms For Wt Ho.ws For Wt ........••.............•••...•................................................••...•....... , ..•..........•......... ~...-.........•••••••.• ~ ...........•..........••...............••..•.. ~ I 001 Gt.rat I 002 GtMflll I 002. ~ I 062 ~ I ooi iGeM"ral I 002 CorOM def Mar I 022 COf"OM .. M• I 022 ......•................•..•..........................................•..........•........... ····················~·· .....•......•............••••••••..........•......................... SPECTACULAR SHORECLliH 1 •• " :i1 h 1UH1 f'\ • I' ... ~I I ~·1111 \ Ofl:N 5AT SUN l.S REALTOR~ 675·6000 VIEWIAY 138dr.S87.900 Noquahr> rt.ICEREDUCED cng By M1 Sq Pk Rent on this super sharp 3 AHO OCEAN! or buy Sub m 1 • Bdrm home Wet· bar 0 14ner will e£diange I Murchison En lt>rpnse' marble frplr & murh <1?wn' 0Nt>WJ)(>r1 Heights ~ 17J2, 7St 1242 rmre 15 oHered b\• this f..statt> Excellent 1 ll'\o\ I OLDE EtofGLISH I ov.-ncr 14 ho " musi an\ thru laq?e Pll1Ur" ><in iou' to moie Onf\ ha.River On S49.~~assumablt> Isl' owe 2nd 2 bdrm. all 1 elec. pool. RV Pkang., Clubhse. Adil <'Omm 71 4 H!'> 9028 or 500 582 0226 ~"' \ rn,11'1 M'l' u11h TUDOR EST ATE $129 ')(JI.I For .1dd1110n.il ~·--· tall for 1111111• SI04 900 r I--------· .... 1 · •· ;,.t 2·• 1 f 1 n 11 r nt d I " n , .1 I ,..-.i1..,, h ".J J)r;illl.1111 Ill ("If II~ lj•1).f,t1 fl~t{i12ll '11:~,;·:/ \Id '~.l'./,';h AL LSTA T~ nr l ... ORS )tw"STPAICE ... o I ' l.A.RGE DUPLEX CORONA DEL MAR \\ I ClllN 00. MAR DUPLEX • SalllllofHwy • 130/ofor 10 Yn • PM CoffacJr :i liJ ov.11l'i ' unit 1L111 1\11 h ;t 'l>·• 1111 f'I( ·ti 'lfl'!\ ' I l<Ult>y /. .AHOC11h:, 644-7211 So~rut "A" Btaut. 2 Br 21 J Bo, cath. ctilin9 condo. 2443 Euc <.uol Hi9l11 .. ~ <.oron• d•I Mu Firtploct , 2 c ar Wl HAVE 50 OF THL BE.ST LISTING~ IN TOWN uclostd CJOro9t. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I prhate yard. Primr lacat io11 . O .w 11tr ASIC FOi IOHIT A CHOICIUDO location: JBR, 3 car gar. Needs TLC. $399.500 SHA.IP & Cort: 2B R house and I Br income unit. Price reduced. $235,000 HBGHrS COHDO: 3BR 212 ba. Only 2 yrs old. Assume 1st at J33•"•. $172.500. 6 75-1171 J 1 I'" f 11" \ I I till "'" '' IJ h•tl•l'llll.' • Ill I'( -EASY MONEY- NO QUALIFYING BACK BAY ME ~,,.. t .... ) Jo f :JOn" 0"~ ' ~t) ~ l ·e-Jv.o t:J 0 •m F .,.,, • IC" >'l '" 9t.y.-;p\ ::pdPn ""'~ Wf><J,.. J ~JI , smrm 3b os~e loot> JW( ]rd Sl'J9.WJJ ~'iaoordCi.r ~ 201l 11~ Cc~io ~ CMta I-GT 6'16-7167 trwKftfnd, MUSt sell. Jut reduced to $140,500. 909 VH HKs j Ho~d Worries Leow has been re-l newed ..ct is fixed for 1 25 yrs. Totally r~· no•attd lr•ine T tr· roct 3 ldnn 3 la homt with family 1 room. S349 .500. _ 1436 ~rtnodt Ttr· OCEAHVIEW Custom Condos lo•tly Tudor stylin9, c:othMlrol ct1l1nqs. i~<Sld kitchtni.. All in So. of Hwy locolt. Front unit 3 Bdrm S335,000. R~or unit 2 Br S295,000 or buy both for $605,000. 4 I 1·41 112 Dahlia W oodbridCJe D•ouie 2 1r 1o~ mocte1.1 hicJl'y IMl'Oded. tile ut2 & -111irrored wor obes. Good as- 111• ble I st TD & owe a 211d. Very motivated. Sl49,000. 4 Melody Lit I COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2SU f . Coat! Hwt Coron• ct•t ... , DUPLEX I' ' . I 11.i, I It t pl.1 -fl I (11 n\ 1·r f.tf .qt !\'t I tu '"~"h <:1'1111•1!• ~.1~1 1 , ,,,.., I 673-9060 DAVIDSON 1£4LTT f 00,o DOWN Turtlf•rofk In t!'1'11M"1 3 Hdr 2 Ba 1 u •IAYAlOHT• 1 11enta1tt> Park In 3 IOAT SLIP' Bdr I'• Ba St06.!'!00 S555,000 The Springs . Ir\ $82,SOO 1 Br 1 Ba Jem Jones, ~I 1266 F~LYSIIE& CAPE COD STYLE 3 Rdr :? , Bo + den rnr ne1 lot. cre .. ll\e fanant 1ni: Brand spank101t new You snooze )OU lose Call Tern Rhone. ai:t 63 l · l266 or 720-1263 wow· l.owesl pm:ed b3yrront home ON BALBOA COVES Large 4 bdrm. 3 bath. double fareplaC'e, l'O\'ert>d palio pl~ mu<'h mort' Will WATERFRONT A ITO or t rade for CARLSIAD CONDO f~~~~1luH Rayshom or 1--------•I 2 Br 2 Ba front~ on lagoon, o<'ean view. up 1:ra1fr1I moclcol Fr Sl~l.r.10 10'. down. 12 ' \JTI> n11n•·r1151 0:?:1•1 Balboa loy P'rop. ReaMors • 675·7060• LIDO ISLE "S RR + ~tud~ t dtmnl! rm l'l97. 000 R.m• \ A rondo 2 blo< ._'.'. to tx>arh. 2bdrm 2ha up per Ubl j(3r pool ~pa , $126.000 \ A or ~<'lier hnan<'ed Owntr Agt 496-97116 CorOM def M• I 022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·JASMINE CRF.F.K . l(Uarded gete rommun1 ly. w1tennis rourts. pool. spa & t'lbhst Highly up ~raded 2Br. den. forma I dtn rm. 2 (11>lts pvt pool & ~pn & sauna $445,000 Ol'EN SAT Sl':\ 11 :! •R Sandbar i59 12tl(j /Jn NIGEL QAILEY & ASSUCIATES ILOT ALONE WORTH $200,0001 OR Fwretlf for S695/lllO. ACT QUICK l Y WOR't lost '°"CJ ot this price. Phone 6021991·7368 or 002 278-5954 & lt>ave cnrs~agr for return l'311 ~75-5~1 1 N1•ar 1w11 ,I llll • d111m1' Balboa 1,lond r "' ', ,, f It l t I fl l' 1006 HAlorPAT Ut GTS 67)..7300 Of'EM HOUSE SAT.·SUtt 1·4 2277 PACIFIC l9'1D OF WtlSOHI MESA WEST TOWNHOMES Y 4,' OR COHYfHTIOMAl Of-DOfR'RH E1GH" ( l' \ I>< ) 'I I fl \ f • .......... t4~•c I • }P [)()\HI ,A, pt) lllf'llli; ,ts 111\1 I~ ~I prr mo \A f'mant·1ni: 1111 Jl 151 t ·r. Seller ~ill takl' ba<:J.. :!nd lo lowf•r paymenL-; ..._,.. C4llfonH •""1 546-MOI -631-6 lt4 c lwftal ....... . .Ill•••· • it I 'JJ • I'~ 1(1 • II POI.IC AUCTION MANSION _ Ste lldJ!..nder 1009 ISLAND CHARM ER U&hl, cheu y. Prit'ed right. Xlnt terms, 873-0188 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY PilCB> TO !.Ell \\ 1 11at~h l(r 1Ut1f11I \ Sp~ l.!1:1' I 11rlctrn •t • ~ IR,l(! f'RJit'..'d c.'fimh ml ~ m 1111ml .. ~ !~ ~\: ·1~1 .. l • AAI \\lll ffill\'t" ~011 10 .t;,11,0011 l'nm 1\llin...c)f'l 1·Prry tf;mcs 64:!-823;, 1'0'liL DJV1CXI. toUt U!'llb.CTD. QWIOJllUACll lllJ ~an... _,,""" ~ ~a.eh, QA~ hw\IClft llodl, CA lll880 (?1411141 ll30 (Tl4\eM elC)O ·-/ ... ... I --------------·---- 18 -Orange C.ounty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL y PILOT/Saturday, March 13. 1982 Mo.tn for Wt ' 1 HoelM1ForWt HoMtes For W. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Cor0M cMI Mw I 023 Mesa I 024: Meta I 024 Coeh Meta I 024 Costa Meta I 02• Coste Mesa I 024 H ...... o.. leocll I 040 niM I 044 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DUPLEX BY OWN ER MUST SELL! lest Co• Offtr 675-nl/679·9667 BY OWNER "NEW" CdM CSTM BL'J' 2300 sq ft. Wik to bdi. 38r, 3Y.Ba, ci rcular stairway, skylitea, grdii window s . Ask i n g S3SS.OOO. OPEN Dally 1-6 616 Marigold &4CMS21 637-8778 NI.IC AIETION ~~~ =~!1~233 Poinsettia. 21;, yrs old, 2.sty Cape Cod, 4 Br 31.'J Ba . $695.000 Excell financing Georgia 673-4271. hlMIMCr'eff Biggest plan for 3 bdrm . and spa $395.000. Agt Sam 760-1756'--- MUSTS&L THIS W.EHD Charming Jbdrm w fabulous ocean \ 1ev. • •AH OWHll MOW! $109,900 Your dream come true. The perfect opportwlity to own a nr new 2Br. 2'h ba corxlo. Earthtooe cpl ·g, pvt patio. 2 car gar w/elec dr opnr. Great loc nr. O.C.C. sho115, bike to beach. Open Sat 10-4. 229 W. Wilson #13 For fman. info: Call Lisa or Jack 675-1771 COSTA EA BARGAIN a.. .. s..-. Coet ..... .......... 3 bedrooms. l ~ baths, custom carpet and drapes, enclosed patio. double garage, RV access, newly painted, corner lot. Low down payment, assume low interest rate 1st TD. iqrl, IUCHAID Cl8GHTOM 631-7170 Beaut CdM Canyon loc I 2 £rplcs 1nt bfh. A~ Corona .. Mar I 022 MESA VERDE sum ~tan.low int ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3900Sq ft s Br+ ram loan~ Price Just re rm Remo de I e rl duced, S330.000. Ruth. w.garden & cabana ~67~ 7~1334 FIXER UPPER Owner very rlex1ble Front row Dolphin Ter $257,500 Open house Sun race. Overlookin ic Yacht 1!·4 2817 Shantar Real Club on Bayside Dr. ty World. 8eachs1de Large s t FEE lot. Grace~t393 · &alder unable lo finish 4 lrTo-'-·IH WALK TO IUCH Co ro na del mal" DUPLEX in most de· sirable aru with pool. Only S12:S.OOO. 644-7211 renovation. 30 year ........,.. financing available at l.d lw-¢.Mna 12~.%. Needs approx. aiOVe-ilift m to this Sl.50.000tofinish project. rreably /alnted and Priced far below market carpete townhouse, for quick sale. verr w/dbl car garage loo! large profit potenlia . 10% dwn. no qualifying. ;._~~~~~~~;WAJ~l~pl~ans::~a:pp:r~ov~ed.::.:B:kr~.1 Qid unit. Good location. _ 7~7292 Near schools & Fwy. V11W YllW VIEW Paymenu an S1100/pr ~~IGF ~ GAILE. :_ ASSOCIATES Super location and FULLOCEANVIEW mo. Ownr/agt. Diana financing! Quiet area •JASMINECREEK• ·~·.. ·... ~·. with itJ own spa flus OWN/AGT FINANCED communtily poo . 4 640-1Sl5/1·121·5l51 RVM~ Bdrms . 2t,; baths. formal dining room and •-------•! family room. 5'29,000. 642-5200 A PETE BARRETT REALTY W•:-,;:r.!Wi JftflfJlRYP1tp. 000. Orean "VM!W 3 gr8ded 48r + fam rm, , 2 ba. Call act. ~be. Suer fin1ncln1 Nan Fryer 64-4 2999 ~%. O'ifC 2nd. Open ' · · • Sal/9.ln 12·4: 2763 Tern Cr . R ealty World/Be a cbside : o... w 1s. .. 1-5 ________ , N" l'lluTtf.tevel custom Grace~ 1393. lyOwMf' Quplex l'>n lira wide lot. Pnde o( ownership. Best location. Priced under 1T11rket s.139.500 home w/guest qtrs. ..,_.r..500. Sale or lr1de. 333 r Ave 760~ 1024 •••••••••••••••••••••• --~l-~942.~ISIO~--C?M~~~u~t~·. U Inf •rr toen. C\Jte 3 8d .t ~!-. . . l ~ Ill, IPPtOX· lW 'Cl _...r ft . tonveniently located near NB 1hopplnc. 1'..900. Call qulck·Pe1 , ron SSt·MOO •MISAYEIDE• WITffPOOL AND SPA Sc>aciotls 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. Beautiful area. Sl5,000 dn. Asking $240.000 ~/rno pymt. PP Agt. 7a).7<m COLLEGE PK 3BA Nr':-aTI scho0l1. A/C. Gar 1>r Opu. Nu Roof. $83.000 In asauma ble Ion. 9.lbmlt dn. pay. Noq&a11ifyin1. Sl2S,OOO. M.T~Co. 644·4910 SO. COAST Pl.Ali ~ A wain • comfortal>le 4 Br 2 Bl family home micro.wave. covered 1 patio. attrtctlYe st • 1 sl4)er price $135.000 fr I owner wlll help "1nnanc1A1. 7~· 1920 SALE OR TRADE Eastsic!e Costa Mesa un· its with large fenced lot, room for RV. McNash Realty. days 642-1334. eves8SHlll89. OLDER 2Br, 1Ba. lg cor· ner lot, rrwt Lrees. sm garage. Sl30,000. owe. PP. (714) 3311·37Sl MESA YEIDE 3Br. 2Ba, assume loans. 7 af &PM. E'SIDE l UNITS R2. Pine walls, open beams, carved cabanets. I New carpet. Below ap· praised value. have documents . Low dn W/$120K lit. F I p S1'9,SOO. Pb 60·6266 Owner COlilGE Pill( Sparioosa M 2 8a liome w/high assumable loan, low in t. rate. O nly $129,900. Submit terms. Call Rbt. Millike n, ,-.c ..... R&"Mt-X ~ 91;,0/o.JSI( • Pnce reduction, ,great 4bi.2ba. A 776·4100 terms on 1mmac E1S1de LET'SSEl.L Below market ror qwck sale on this super up· graded 4 BR home near beach 1 BR downstairs. RV access and much rmre Sl41.900 For Sale By Owner Franciscan Founta ans, single s try home , 4bdrm, 2ba . nearby schools, parks & hbrary $173,000 Open House Sal/Sun. l2·Spm 6S72 Jardine Dr . H B <Nr Goldenwest & Slater! 1714)1142-9216. -=-<= -3 BR home. R·2 lot . LOWDOWM S149.500. Jackie Gillis Oil TIADE 1 631..mgo Park Bristol Condo. high t--------aMumable loan. Owner will trade late model car. Seller desperate ~· 646·0686_ - OPEN SUNDAY l·S 19501 ARAGON CR HB CENTUKY21BERG 962·~ By Owner. lwo 2 Br. houses on I lot. Assuma ble 11~ ist T o. owe 2nd. Asking Sl2S,OOO with $25.000 down. 20th & Ponx>na. 640-7.--464-.·'--- MESA DELMAR 3Br. pool. pri\a cy, S74.000 avail at 8' • Ask 1ng $136 ,SOO Owner/agent ~-80()() MODOWM 4 Br 212 Ba nook. ram1ly Ll l/JO/o IHTEIEST --------rm, 3 car garage, pror u d' LEASE/OPTION landscaped, 2 patios 2 r ... e. 1terranean SIOK dwn, Sl.000 mo w rovers. wallpaper & Villa. Qualify to Seller. 3 Br. 2Ba E Side, cusLOm pamt thru-out , Full price $108,000 673-2482, 548·~ Sttunty system. crown ent ~6516 CUSTOM E.SIDE 3 Br 2•., Ba. $1 29.SOO moulding, Mexican 3 bdrm 1~• ba .. lg lot IACICIAY HOME I Fonner mdl. Opn Sun paver flooring. 2 used Sll0,000. GI lo assume Tly I ''oDOW ... ~m1111 Aspen Ln . brick frplcs, blt·m TV Slll.<XXI 9S'k loan. owe ~4 " .,,,,_ ster eo ra binet & 968-100 Ownr/blar· has spared ---bookshelves m ram. rm no expense in this new. High assumable. Must '~°" 1042 unique rount.ry English SHAIPUSTSIDE I see to appreciate 1......_. 4 Bd 3 Ba home. 3000 sq $219.000 Open Sat/Sun It al luxury living witoo 6 Pl.U 714 /963-6163. Priva te •--•••••••••••••••••••• m.iny amenities to list. ONLY 150/o DOWM Part ____ ESTATE SALE As«IOI( $31S,000. For pvt and owner will finance , IY OWMB s ho w1 ng ca II GI en LO qualified buyer. Well I' With'°?t '1.0ME d Cstm v.•aterrront on Hellwar1h. agt SSG-9400., located. good looking 6 11~ ¥:. ar 4 ~~te;, ab leeside of Davenport Isl units + 4 car garage + 5 ts , a 4 Br 3 Ba 42· dock. 2·sty ample parlung. Below 11 home with large ~en and 2!n) rt' l&922 ea ' forentertammg or fam1 $750,000 548 · 7698. ... =====-' CallT-,644-7211 l}lfun 846-9"68 _ r times g.ross Nutone Food Ctr 1s great sq · run a $115 <XX! for a 3 BR 2 Ba --OPEN SAT. Noon-4PM lrviM I 044 L~EOPTION q~et nbrhd, RV access' ~ 17332CO~ONAOO, HB ..................... .. IOkdn S 000 3 BR 2 Ass u ma b I e Io an I_._.:_ CENTlllY21 BERG ba Easis:d, mo. . Own ajl 642-906.\ 1 . . 962 8891 OnEM ----- ~5336_,673 2482 --ATllll'M E~THY LO\(' I I> 31lr+ (.im rm f'1nr't SOUGHT IEST IM WEST Mesa Verde 1oc:it1on s1 2!1 ~10 Rkr CANNOT IE $98.500 buys 3 Bilrm. 1 •, 848 0709 SELDOM baths and huge ft'nced A I -· · I DUPllCATED backyardNea1andt1dy ssume •,2RR.2B.\ Mariner~ FOUND! AT Sl5t,OOO. wtth remodeled kitchen 11 1701 CO'e londu Pool Trn I 3 Bdrm. 2 ba condo P\1 and b3ths new paant , • JO rus. Seeunt} ~00 o:-. spa. AC. interco m. anddrapes'Veryronve Youll apprenate the tyr lease option 41r,31a pl~hcpts&muchmuch nient to s tores and room offered by this 4 $1.250 rro S125K 96Kas 12•97010 irore. schools bedroom. 2'" ba!h re· sum OWC Prtn only AN OPPORTUN ITV 675-1771 64~5200 s1dence. Featuring a !lfi0-!158 LIKE T H I S! I r . ..-master bedroom suite. -ra m ily roo m and YACAMT reproachably spotless A PETE BARRETT REALTY fli8A WOODS I 06t 111.ME •. OPIM SUM 1·5 4 Bdrm, 21f.i bath, fami ly room, bonus room. pool , 2 story . $1M,!m. Ask for Helen Yunker. 146000 BJIN AVE TOWNllMES 231 8111 Ave. 0,.WS.1·4 Fiii $117,51 fireplace. Entry accent· LOW INT Assumable 1 2·sty 2 yr old perfec1 ed by new ceramic tile; loan 2Br+~en 2 story j family homr s1tu1ted on new carpeting Sharp Condo m Villa Pac1f1c "HUMUNGO US " lot rondil10f\. Ample rear Qlic.k escrow poss. Call w tr o o t b a 11 s 1 ie d 1ard.Owherisveryanx· 834-GrJ8.0penhouseSun backyard. Above in 1ous-submit oUer ! Mar 14, 9921 Barranca teresl rate inrludes 1st S I 6 6 . s o o C a I 1 Cr. T.D. ol approx. $74,500 now-879-2380 $7000DOWN at 12"•3. "AND GET Mlnutesto Beach 1lHS'" 2ND TD. OF T Blll WAY UMDEI MICT! 1"frp~J'otlW!! SUNDAY Sl.JS,000 John . 631-2242 IOOfoDOWN Pricelect.ctto. Two custom Newport Helatits condos. 3 BR 21.! ba, lge yum & patios. Now, $170,000. OPIMSAT/SUM 12-4 lZ7 OGU ST., CM A5ent. Ul 5661 1026 OPIMSUM. 1·5 ••••••• Prat. landsctped. 3 br. 2 b•t.!!lllsci ruo.~K. ;unl Old Bridge Rd owner .4n1 PIU AIETION Set~~­.... __ •ect. I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LtlM w/optlon Sl8'K. 151( do. Part rent to r::i;ae H2-112'7 ar OPENKOUSE SUN l·S •1 Robinwood H B a It. coantr)' -~chtft. Cell A1 lta. S 6 S Owner anxious! Two yrs APPROX SS8,SOO at 13\4"-. 15 YR FULLY new, 3 br w1dramat1c AMORTIZED ! Both cathedral ceilin gs loans runy a.ssumable SlOOO's under market. OWNER LEAVI NG best~·?OlOBkr STATE, MUST SELL NOW! Down payment & Sl.2S,OOOVA 12'H Ln. lemlS negotiable Your Shan>2400sqft4BRon r haore tor a t r ue cul-de-sac $179,900 l>arpin at Just $193,000. VACANT l II Warner a SS9-9400 on CUl·de.sar. Try 10'% dn. $119,000 R.E Proressionals ___ _.;.;963o;;.;::;·837='l, -- .,..... 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bir LMGI HOUSI I SMALL DO~ This lovely University Park Deane Home has 4 BR, 3 8A - country French kitchen with family room. Walk to pool. tennis. schools and sbOpplng. Owner rin an~ing available. Priced Wlder market at 1235.000. Julie Van Wieren 833-0013. . oange county Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, March 13, 1982-19 Hoaft For W. Hottln FOr W. Hollws For W. ~For~ Hoaft For W. Ho.Hi For W. Hollws For W. ' For W. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• ·········~············· 1 •······················ ·······················~ ••••••••••••••••••••• , • ., •••••• i;~····io6t In'-I 044 I 044 &..op. leocll I 048 L_,.. •adl I 041 ~Forest I 055 Mlwpe;. •ecll to6t Ml...,t •och I 06 ...................... . ..................... .. ......... , ........................................................... ······················· ....................... ....................... .. -. ~ $5600DOWH IUYS WOODIRIDGE COHDO Beautiful upgraded 3Br Condo end unlt w/xtra l~ patio. "A Dollhouse Call Peg Dameron ••FOR THOSE WHO DESERVE THEIE~T Lullury Woodbridge home w /u cellent as- sllmBble loans. $209,000 i :OObrldge Rei leg 551.3000 1m Barraau Pk1'), lr~ioe TURRERO CK SUHll VALUE! 1 yr old sgl family de-4 BR 2 Ba, beams. 2 tached 2 br + den. 2 ba, fplc's, bonus rm. patio Mellican pavers in l.R. w/spa. Dbl gar .. RV DR & kit . Prof parking. clbhse. pvy, landscaped'. Pool. ten· Sylvan setting, immar. · ....,., """' B $149 ,500. Harcum & lllS. .............. y owner. u~-.... a«1 Assumable mrtge. Open .:.:nlH="'-"~~='----­h o use Sunday 32 Sunlight 955·2996, 675-!lmO. UMCHOSAH MEW CUSTOM RESIDENCE AT 18.0W COST Magnificent canyon It ocean views. 4 bdrm. den. ram. rm. wet bar. din. rm. 2 (rplcs (I in M/brl. 3 car gar & roore. Bank a ppr. at ~u oceanvu 4 Br. Pl6.000. 1533 Tahiti. Opn Wknds. 497.5454 SI OK Dw • •y OWMr Inse w/opltOn.'5 yr old 3Br. 2"'2 ba, dining rm, (am rm, 2 car gar. fncd yrd, ocean vu. $245,000. 49'7·1~1 THRHil.CHIAY 3bdrm. 363, fam rm, completelr remodeled, garden kitchen, spec· tacular ocean view. sec. gated, walk to beach. At· tractive financing. (714)499-5663; 673·2936. f'AllC f'UC! ESTATES 4°'8r. 2\'J ~a . 2174$Q. Ft. BE'ITElf THAN MODEL 1W EVERYTHING Cul·de-sac street Sc.In & Sail II Club 20 min . to Newport Center $210,000 with $160.000 at 121-'l Cixed rate & fully amortized. No points or qualifymg. 770-0347 Owner I Agent JOAOUIH VILLAS 18r +!Oft. 2·sty. formal dining rm. atrium, rooll'L'I of glass. Situated be.tween golf course & tennis club_ Seller wiU help with financing. Sltl.950. Call for details. Ml·S338 Ownr/Agt. Opn Hse Sat/Sc.In 1·5. SS20,000. Below cost at TWO HOMES PlS.OOOfor immed. sale 1 Jot. oceanside of Mewportlti.di 106'1 Save SS by purcha$an~ I highway north end ... ••••••••••••••••••••• WOODBRIDGE NEW 2 bdrm and den. highly i.q>graded, price $198,000 17'", dn. Single sty. fully shuttered. frpc. atrium, nr pool , tenni s . Owner lbrkr 552·0660 directly tt'tffl own~s 1 . Whitewater. next to 960-7106 -----beach. See one. Z·Rllr: DOVER SHORES OC~ SIDL 494-0364j 497·~ -4 Br. Den, Formal Dill· NEW OH MARKET ~ teoch~I 04' Detached home, So. Irv. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .poten~al. Great v!ew.s I i..,.a Hill I 050 ang Room, 2 Fireplaces. from thlS 2 bdrm 4! fa ma· •••••••••••••• .. ••• .. •• 3 car garage + large ly room ~ome with 1!1· We proudly invite you to Hobby Room Pool sited come unit. There as inspect our beautifully lot. beaut. landscaped. room on the R-3 street to decora!ed 3 Br. 21't Ba Own~r will assist at slrehet lot.tto bual11d Penth ouse . Well fanancing.Only$4.20.000. anot er uni as we coordinated to suit the ()pen Sat/Sc.In l-4.30 New paint in & out. N"ew FANTASTIC HOME carpets. drapes, 0 d · wallpaper & landscap· 18 eg ocean v aews ing. With view of park & 3000+ and ~ustom greenbelt. Priced to sell Gour~et k.atchen forquicksaJe,Jim agt ma SS l\e .ll\1ng rm . ~.000. most discriminating Robinson . Realtor THE SHOllS Many closets. shutters. 541 5647 A lovely 2 bdrm condo in mirrors. skylights. 2 ter· ----·----this gated private com · races. beauti(ul view of UDO IAYFIOMT 40 foot lot. 5 bdrm , 5 bath. Walch the sunsets from your gigantic master suite. 4 car garage. $1,750,000. OCEAHFIOMT DUfUX 4 bdrm upper unit with panoramic view. Excellent investment property. Owner will consider all offers. OCf.AHROMT 6lNTS 2 bdrm, 2 bath each unit. more than one parking space per unit. Prir:ne Balboa Peninsula area. Opporturuty for creative inv~r. ! ~ · forma l dining . rozy fireplaces. pool. spa Lg rec area. ~.000. munity Amenities an · SaddlebackMts 2,500sf, elude private beach. ten· 3 gar spaces. all aµ nls & pool. An ucellenl pliances & carpetin g up· opportunity $230,000 graded. For sale by 2 MSTR SUITES You'll love this lrg home on a secluded cul·de·sac.1--------•WATllFIOHT• RVM~ ------- LOCJlmlO Vil• R.E 49Z·Llli TUITLHOCIC New ocn vu 4 Bdr. pool. By Owner. Plan I. 3Br S69S.OOO. 2665 Templl' 2ba. atrium, upgraded Hills. A . 497-5454 w/mirrors and Juniper Wlcl to Suite paneling. Tennis courts. Panoramic ocean view park & pools. stet s lot in Laguna Beach away. SlH.SOO . h CallLeooefordetails. ..!:833-~2'1l~O~or:!-.s~7~5-8899=:::..---1 Molsee<I & Rylee Dvlp <>Pen Sunday. 12-4. # 11 714/640-2912 Crockett St.. Shadow MIA owner. $260.000 Wall Pnme industrial proper lease I yr w option to l y "' it h he a v y d u 1 ) pl![Chas_e 85s.476.J :~:~r~Z!c:~d 1:~~a~~ Log.a MHJ-1 I 052 Great financing avaala· ble wllow interest loans. jacuzzi & fareplt on lr11 back patio Won't last at $289.000. 752 1920 a large securely fenced "••••••••••• ••" •• • •" lot. Great opportunity' Retirina? ' QUAIL Owner will help with O C E A N ~ J E W ·r.nancing. SQJ5,ooo. townhouse. 2 BR, den, 2 pi ~CE f11tr•r ba. diningrm, patio. As· I.A • ~\M41Jdlf4., sociation 1maintenance. PIOPHJIES .. ., •. .,.. landscaping, pool. jac. $222.000. Assume ble •HOME* 4.5' boal slip, 3bdrm. Jha. remodeled like new , $575.000/0BO Trade part of equity. Open House Sat/Sun. 19 Balboa Coves. 675'6044. Q.IFfHAYEH Rambling country in formality best describes our 4 Bdrm ramily home with its abundance of wood and brick. Bay and ocean view from the 1 Bdrm guest apartment. Pool and spa plus addl· 1---------i tional amenities. Call for details. 642 .. 5200 OPIM SAT /SUH R~lrnlr<!~a. fam ·rm & 2 frplcs . $255.000. Owner will Run. Northwood. Almost POI.IC a•lll'JION new 4bdrm. 2ba family "" '*" c.-"'91M9t loan s100.ooo at to.s<:: .1-------lllllf .._....,.c. 921161 ...,Ca=ll..::499:.::....=·3623=----DOYEi SHOllS carry. SbOJL anytime . J PETE BARRETI Marvelous a Bdrm liOnW 22.98 Redlantrs-Dr. home . Assumable rllllllcing w/20~ down. Asking $179,500 ~. MAH SI OM See ad under 1069 171414'4·1177 1--------•1 situate'1 on ~) acre. BACK BAY AREA Large formal dinin~I• .. •------• 63i.5G67 631·1851 room. kitchen with i-111111Cou_.rt•esliiyilto-B•r•kr•s•. • .. REALTY 10 UNITS Steps Crom ocean w/forever vu, Approved to time-share. 5250,000 & OWC equity. Wants more units in /out of state. Very oph to trade. St ,600 ,000 7SZ.l.9'l0 J QUAIL PLACE PIOPllJIES"' DOYB SHORES un:::y Spa<:~tio!- atrium entry. with high ceilings. large den with wetbar and fireplace. Step down living room with fireplace. formal dining room and family size kitchen with eating area. Huge rear yard with alley access for boats. etc: Reduced price. and includes land. 642-5200 j PETE ' BARRETI .. REALTY OPIHHOUSE SAT/SUN l·S 1720Candlesllck Ln Baycresl. NB area (off Santiago, so of Holiday) Luxurious 4 Br, 3 Ba custom Ivan Wells home. pool, covered patio. beautifully lndscpd, cathedral ceil· ings, new lullurious rarpeting. Owne r financing at 123 w ilh r;.~r;ea~~~1,•t~1 qilicltly at SJ3'.500. In above mkl hOfnt' at a below market price & terms. 7:>2-1920 NEW H OME IN TU RTLEROCK-Ha gh leverage, high loan, no seller carry back. SS.000 total to olose. 857 -6594 Dir For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot br~akfast area Oen plus Canal front, Newport uruque garden roo.m_ for Shores. 4 Br Den . gracious enterta1n!ng. 125,000down, Owner will TruJy one of a kind. carry. Must se)l! 'Make Priced to s ell at ofTer!'rennia,pool.walk $399,500 ~ C~ll An tobeadl. AgenU46-UM4 28rtownhouse, den. new· ' QUAIL ly carpeted .• roof SUD· p• •cE deck. ISK to uisting I.A loan. 230 Prospect. DO PIOPEITllS,. not dialUrb occupants. --------213/llU· 7537 INVESTOR UOUIDATIHG Turt~k Ridge 4 Br 2a,;, Ba, 3 car garage, .. Montecilo... Choice view lol! High assuma· ble loan at lower rate ()pl Hse 1·5 Sc.today. 1133 Sc.tnlight or call John Granath. \\bodbrtdie Rtiltv 551·3000 •'21 llurann !'kwy, lnllM BEVERLY IUS HASMOTMIMG OM THIS!! ' ara..o .. 1224,900 Tu rtleroclc ~len . Presti stout I u• ury li v · inc in Ulil drama Uc airy urden ho me con· domlnium. Asaociation, ~ • t.nni.s close by· ~eoune Jutt a 1h0rt Walk. Th&s ft truly what 've beell lookln1 for! very anxious and o( ~rt ·'SUPE R CREATIVE tlNAN· aNG W/l!)W p()WN". ,,. .. , ............. IO )'GUI' dN91111, WUHI' • !II-- l<e/tclioru laglmlleD ''A coastal residence of palatial splendor". A vision of glass, mahogany, teak wood and concrete. A dream home of noble dimensions ho vering 50 feet above the Pac ifi c Ocean Including a separate spaciously designed apartment, 8 car garage, complete gymnasium with sauna and steam bath. Tennis court and heated pool with inlaid Milanese glass tile. Pathway to sandy b'eacb. Brochure. Offered a t a sur~risingly low ss.0001000 fumlshed. John .Macnab · Bob Owens (114)642·8235.' George Grupe (714 )644.m>. Peters for details. or64s.2805. 642-5200 ...:::...:..:==:...--- AD-VISOR 642-5671 J PETE BAR~ETT . RtALTY ua MISSION WI.IC> New custom 00me in r,·.arded community of Tres Vistas. Lake views from most roo~. Elegant French Country has extensive use of natural rock. Ubrary w /solid oak paneling. Separate maid's quarters. Gourmet kitchen & • l1JJCh more. Owner will assist in ftnlndng. $765,000 Kate Heppler (714) 85.S-434.1 IOl£L mftlll.MAl.MN&'IW LMVUIDl.Y A.llOI& OCDot IVk asaoi PMeo de A1.1o1a •toe ....a& .. ('l'J4)•·4'U i1 MIC•TION 4500 Sq. Fl Mansiln -.,. w.dl 14. J:OO, .M. f 700 "" • Dr. AUCnOt&l llG .IM 11PWUC. RIALTOIS ....... 149-NtJ m llJUSE '. HDr lsllll Dr. ft ... ,..,,..,. .. ·SAT. & Sii. 12-1 4 bdrm, 4t\ bath, pvt oflJce. boat slip. Elegant in design le craftsmanship. Seller ia extremely motivated & will consider all olfen. lbtellaes: Patti Perfette or M~rgol MlcKerrtw. m.371 s &JWJ33 "4m:.:S 0.-W/S..1·5 3 lllrm wftft-lots of charm-move in condi· don, out potential for tbe future! Fluible terms. See ittoday. 642-SZOO J PETE BARRETI REALTY ·~··~ t.··~ 2 dlx ...,,0 Beach condo9. 1'1111 security complexea. tl. Owner desperate. SIOK below apprsal. 0•11er w111 carry equity at Ot1ly 7~"· Lo w down . $129,toO, t2 Bentfful 2 Br I Bl VUla Ba lbN condo. I 1111tr ault••· vM'#, oab M down 6 owe. Sl#.580. Submit. •1• .... .. ' - ,-· •-Orange C.O~e/An Advrtising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 ...... for Wt • I Ho.es for Wt Ho.Ml for Wt ....................... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ......•......•......... .............•........ .••••..........•....... • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tte ,.,..Kil IOH •Kii IOH He.,.,t•Kll 1069 Hl•rt•ecti IOH tte..,_rt.ocli IOH S.J.. ~.._s ._,,..tty 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C .. tr.o I 071 For Wt 11 00 •••••••••••••••••••• • •• ......._......_......_~~ DOYEi SHOIES ~to :':ftk~ M~ SEAYIEW a.,, OWHEI .............................................. Walk to beach. beauuru1 UIC. tfOME Got . yo~.~e9200? BaJkl Tom $379. ooo. -ft are Ba r C.osudladMesa1. b)'.downer.1'79 tn·plex. 2·2 Br 1·3 Br DOVER SHORES Beautiful 3 Bdrm , 3 bath. extra wide lot on Galaxy Drive. Dining room , family room, 2 car garage, patio. View of Back Bay, Fashion Island & roountains. POOL & SPA. $100,000 down. Owner will help finance . LOUIS HERSOM, lkl. 673· 1464 MeCf.sly1Hounyard lier....... r__ Harbor JBr tp<>ss 41 . B Y sg ·Wt e. WI rg Patio. frplc $499.000 Pool,d'acuizi, overlooks 2'~ba +Cam rm, 2frplcs ACREAGE patio, all room to add on. Owner will hel p r.nanre bay. alaxy Dr Forrrui I Guarded gate. tennis. rarpon, storage ~hed. Agent Hedda 646-1~4 Dining Rm . 2 frplcs lfG CAHYOH pool. etc. $126.000 as ESTATES lo'A• space rent · I m0 1 ST.ll,OOOree. CUSTOM sumable 10 1 ... , 1st. rrom ocean. $21 SO -~2.510/646-4848 n..-s..1.5 ownermayass1stw12nd. Rustic F.nglish country OWC 548-7204 work Ofl9t SAT f SUH 11 •6 IKllet;rf, HJlt Call for Bei>l._640-8227 estatec>n 1 arre with 5 Br 6]5-6597 _ NewJstorybeachhouse Gorgeous• & am1ly OC~FIOMT·OrEN Jba home Wuo~ an~ AcrtogtforSale 1200 Ba & room with beautiful golr Sa 06 F. bnrk noormg, f renc ••••••••••••• • •••••••••I y ocean views l/ n 12·5, 17 .asl doors hay windows. 2 ac Ca hr ftines. <keans1del8alboa Blvd course view Owner will Oceanfront. Ba lbou ocean and \•alle) news ma' keof er L911 "-··n A 1<'th ftnance Submit all or p I .....,.. ve nr ~ erunsu a Submit any rej~nnahle 960--4640 aft 6PM 67$-2291or848·3133 fers $1 ,395.000 A gt oHerortrade A_mi>ltl>arkin& in rear 644 ~or 644 9060· ask' IJ.YFIOHT CONDO C..terf Loh/ for Carole McMahan. 270 deg Best view Boat l!:arly Ca hf St) le t•ustom Ctypts 1500 HUI ---slip. sec bldg $475.000 home w1lh 4 lldrm~. 3' > ••••••••••••••••••••••• 91/J AS SUMAIU! Owner will carry 2nd QUALITY well ke1>t TnPlex near S.C Pluza TWO UNITS newly dl' corat ed Built·1ns fenced yard & enclosed garages Pnced belo~ comparabll's at $249.SOO Open niURS lhru St:N 817 Jennirer l.ane. C M B ·Own~r H"'"G Hoir•tf"l 1•• •o" ISL" ... D 61.H616 675.f444 I bath<;, gourmet kitchen. I Ru n al plot llarhor i---------i ..,... -.. ..... .. ..,... 2 ~·et bars. 3 rfllkS. pool I. a~ n M t 0 I 1 v e Unusual new 3 Bdr ·2 Bdrm. 2 bath condo j IAYFIOMT and spa IA'HI 11 ac lot Mermnal Prk 5524349 COST A MESA 4_,UX :?t'", down, lge unit. fine cond fUll pnce $225K Call 972 9300, ask for WILLIAM LINDNER <Agt.) custom. has everything UDO ISLI Patio. double garaite.. Pier &slip Sl.600.000 VIEW-VIEW I.\ ot·ean .ind \a lie) -- Must Stt to appreciate 222 YiolorcMI $123,900. I 2yrsoew 673 1633 Neb::" Beach 3 liH. views t\!>~u mah le C:O..rciat ()pl Fr1·Sun 1·6 118 Via SI 200 000 a ....... 1600 .Q!!to, Lido Isle. Ne~~!~5 on loyMcC.nt.. IUtr. IAYSHOIES ~inga ..:~~oplu~~~'~:~ terms . , , .. !:~ .......... .. a... W IS.9' 1·5 street lo street lot Soar-541•7729 0,.. S.!lday 1-5 room with rireplace Cal)ture tolal pm at') un ZONED C :! Delo-rator"s dream ' ingceilings,Hireplaces, ----260IWAVOLY Larite IOX28 bah:on) thts432arrHst:stt'with Costa Mesa Auto re 2 Covington 4·plx. xlnt terms Ask $290K ea ~ooll' A_gt 549 I~ Very private lot 3 bdr + 3 Bdrm plus master Enchanting French w ocean view $325.000 wuque 4 bdrm 311 bllths · pairs. bwldmg contrac den suite No expense has Ve~I: ~~~ro'-Pen Normandy l'ontt'mpor;H> home 1 tor. animal hospital up Ownerw1llhelpfmaare been spared to assure lhousecondo.Take over Woodsy ~e t t1ng . CUSTOMMEW..alT Out standinit \'le ~s.i holstery1urn1ture re 1900COMMODORE RD the r111est quality and creatively designed O\'Crme pool and spa. 10 pair, heatmg·plumbmg, I UHITS Newpon Och F~e land Excellent Depreciation Owner t l!k r 9~·3454 ,..,.M,.1.31.1476 amerut.1esmth1"s home'. highassumable loanat kit c h e n . c h ee r y Fn.diTudarH~ minute~ to Marin a etc.2050CharleSt is ~. lH .. 1 Owner Wiii eon breakfast alCO\!e 3 BR 3 en: famffyroom. den. Fl ex I b I e t e rm s 51.DUlble for any or these 642-5200 sider late model car as inftludina restful mu ster formal dining room and Sl,500.000 useds' Sl74.SOO. Call to· down paym't. Seller ' " bre akfast nook 3 da Hunungton Beach 9 units. 10 yrs old All 2 BH. S465.000 Prine only Bkr 536-0123 HAllOl IJDGE 32YIEHHA Cslm decorated Kens 111glon ( 4 Br + loft 3 '"1 Ba ) Creal vus. Fan. tashc landsr ap1ng. Ston4! counyard, lighted fountain. Opn Sat/Sun 12-5. f72S.OOO. ABSOLUTE STW.!! j PETE J BARRETI .. REALTY llGCAMYOM Guarded community Beaut. 3 Br 2•11 ba home w/mirrored walls. lots of marble, 3 car gar. 000. Call 6«·0448 UDOISU IAYROMT $1 ,000 000 Charming 2 Mrm plus den. 2 bath, pier and slip to accommodate 40' boat. North side. For an appointment to see this exclusive property. call 540-USI desperate. Act rast ! '' suite. den, spa set '" pie fireplaces. F'renrh doors Y Only 189.900. Call Jim turesque paho and Kuest and windows thruoul Coll 493-2752 ~rrell RllJ 642 5200 ~979-5370962·9597 cott:tge $59S,OOO ~red to sell. $395.000 WihGft & Wein l .E ~us/ Custom Bayrrest home ,,... lWh Sale 1100 2310 s-to AH AY Sale by Owner. 4Br + rt:= 63 ·5661 s..to AINI I 080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cotto Meso Den 3•.,Ba. pool & sp3. 1---------c •••••••••••••••••••••••! CDM D'U Ten 2bdrm townhousts all cabi nets solid 1 IYOWHEI +a 4bdrmhouse.Well walnut Owner will NEAR 1Wo2 bdrm units. so or mamtained units In ex r~.~-8798 NEWPORT SoothCoastPlaza Love PCH. corner lot . cellent location On\'e 54'.f54Z ly family home on qwet smg.le/story. dl\'1ded by by ooly Good rmanring LUSE HEJ"HJS street Ill A 1 cond1t1on in· garages. assumable 10 7 Pnced less than 10 X OILliSE OrTIOH HAllOl llDGE a Side and out 3 bdrm. 2 ISi TDoCSl00,000, owner gross . Call Wolhnger EAtblUtt 3 Br. 2 Ba . IOo/oDOWH O'EH SATURDAY ba Proress1onally will assist finance. ree, Realty Family room , Dininii 28r. 2Ba tw nh se. landscaped. Ca ll today lmmac. $290,000. 521 213·539·1394 room , rrplr, new $425,000. 640-9605 Open 1·5 for information on eJC· Carnation Ave , CdM • T~a/rool kitchen, breakfast area, HseSUn l·S 2507 16flll Sfrfft. cellenllerms S138.000 Call673-0241,675·5142 NEW RT HEIGHTS fenced yard. $2.S0.000 . ..._ _______ •I l.4ively 3 Bdrm 2..., bath 2901Catalpa. ,.. English Tudor co ndo 2STOIYDUPLEX i S270.000 Sam 1Agt By0waer720-l211 ua• EW Large kitchen tncludes GrNllw ltclllc.cl 71l}17S6 OPIH SUM 1-5 nMBOI VI bui !tin apph a nces' 4 bdmii. t'ba in upper. 2 31.-5 ... WPT IC:H ----microwave and cozy eat· bdrm lower 2 rplcs _..' " LEASE/OPTION exec ffllt(S ing area. Living room Some ocean view WJPVTIOATDOCI condo.NB.Ocean&bay features, oversii ed Owner carry T.D of OHL.Y$45,000DWM view I BR + den. for Mo.oco Modet fln!place plus vaulted $220,000 at 13~ Sun 1·5 And take over existing rmre info call 673-4899 3 Bdrm · 2 baths ceiling open to 2nd noor. lll-4.'lrd St. Nwpt Beach loan. s:so.ooo below mkt ~s JM 1...t UJ4,900 Located on large lot with 96H759 OwnerwilfFinance spacious front yard plus 11tr.<H "·-.. ft...t-•wir Nwrriu $259,500 h ~"~ ~""'~.-. '"-. .. ~ W.-V.., T-a... ,._ DLX HOME & INCOME. I stake my repulallon on the FACT that this is the BESt' BUY in Newport Beach. U you are a legitJmate buyer-CALL ME DIRECTLY and you 12'f4o/ol•· $195,000 will be impressed. m"-W.Lo. · ~ .• HERITAGi REALTORS c:OllNct Jollit SMo ~:k r::a lar/~1 ~~~u~t Reallor\,.... '"'ii4~·o 2i., yr old. 1·3Br. S·2Br .....,. 955-3454 $190,000. Financing OllierlHUstoh w annual income of GREAT BUY! OCEAN ~-------1111 on thls beaut1tuff8d~m VU,LRG4BDR,PROF Portofino model 1n DECORATED, pool. spa 5 BR 3 Bal quiet nbrhd, Harbor View. Separate le like nu all for only submit al offers. Ask· mother-in-law qrtrs. S376JOO. A trade will be jg, $2SO,OOO. 631·Tfil__ almosl new carpet1n1. EASTILUH 3 BR. deT1 le lam rm. Pool and Ure pit considered. You won 't ,..~& I 1319 soo believe it unlll you see it. Adult Mobile Park on the "'""""topoo · -.~. Open Sun I 4 Call PATRICK bay:2 bdrm,2 ba 0,.S-1·5 TENOR E Dire ct ly $46,000.lbdrm,den,lba tl44PoriC:"-'lff 906Aleppo Eileen Artukovlch Rily 720-0332 759· 1221 or 760 8702 lll0.000. 2 bdrm. Iba furn ~.000000.~2 bdsrm s' bal So.,.. ........ ·~ t I• RVM~ ...,, . o at -un ~'" • PM lOS P . 300 E Coast1 ~5605 0 I· 194 Hwy Unit No 113 , I SOlD • 3 LIFT 2 Brf....,bii-$124.900 JBr21;ba Sl31.000 N rt Beach 675 3347 -Grut terms of course. Be c real iv c John HAllOI ... Award wiMing Casa Blanca with spectacular view of ocean and tity ligtts, 3 BR, family room and formal dining. Gated tnatyatd entry and spa. Custom earthtone decor throughout. Great assumable financing. •.ooo. Belle Partch 644"'200, ew:nings 79-10'18. ONt HOUll IAT 11-6 >•••TOM COUIT ..... ~ , ... -'c Yltw M h 11 A 642 2242 aiJoy casual. expansive ars a -'--· -- Uvfng with privacy and TWO FOi OMI huge fee lot. Spectacular Two urutS for one price liv rm with cathedral that is located just steps celllnc. 2 used brick from the oC'e•n In Hreplacu. Gourmet Newport Beach, Older kitchen, jac. S bdrms, charmin1 duplex Is 2 • .,.. ba, study or den. story desl1n features of· Mull see to appreciate. f.atreet p•rklng, loads of f180,000. Owner wlll 11ed knotty pine, carry back. Open house bumed ccilinp le de· S\ln 1•4, 2CM Kings Pl I la.lied architecture of WJ:Dorl7S.21GZ l'9dar bMrd 6 batll. Of. ·:,m·.._~ ........_ rerect al only 1217,500 rw ,_ FULL PRICE! FOR • · 51 terms 1 TERMS CALL !Oftdoet, feulmple. ~ION REALTY l·D4·5190 •So. Cat Hwy, La1u.n• -CANYON I 1714HtH7 lkaia tftliOini. 2 br11 ~IAI. AAIH I be, beaut. uepadeaj Oil marllet. 2iilii sq mdl, '65=1Ghrkdft f.5. I\ . 3 Nr Ua. famil.1 IYftNIR rm. llvinl rm, 6 forni.I .,,. 2 ''Ji• beach dlaln1 rm. Pl0,000., SUl.OIO, t~ • l~ fill ._. laduded. Call Jim, C-.. Sit/SH IH. mT ....... .._S-.....IZZ=-l ---- lrwe Creatnt <Lt .. •• ...... can-·_ , t> ..... l . ,_ --·· available. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 634 Center St. C M $42,700. Seller will carry PAC"'"ETTER .............. u~ Duoln. 3 Br. & I Br financing. 2567 Elden ~ _.._. 2160i>sq. n 3 fp Great A CM """'<"""Bk REALTY ,_.S. 1100 rental &c tax shelter ve., · ·••r-r. 546-5092 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• S18S.000 Cropper SUPll •------•2 bdrm, 1 bath, new 626-llS7,981·07!1..~· TAXSHB.TB carpet & clr11pes . S.a.-• 1076 Beautiful adult park. DISSOLVING FOllHYESTOI! ••••••••••••••••••••••• lows ace rent. 646·8612 PTNRSHP. 1 San Clemente pride of HIW'AMOIAMIC: ---CdM Duplex. No ownership. Modern Newpon Bearh 04! Anza M&ative with possible Spanish style, four unit OC:IAN VIEW bayfronl Purk Mint four income 640-'175 apanment house with Assuma6te12•1t;l loan cond '78dbl wide.-----·--ooea.n·hills &gollcoursc with 201% down No nreplace. brick patio, •-Property 2000 view close to ever quahry1ng. Spacious 5 961.000 '63 double wide. •••••••••••••••••• • ••• • yt.hing, only three ye an Br euc. home. approx. comer lot $.19,000 Bill APPLE VALLEY old. shows like new. will 3400 sq. rt .. presli1uous Grund.,..Yfi!:i·6161 Te StMlhr sell with excellent San Cltmente loc. Call Cadillac of the mobile Near new 4-plex 2 Cinancmg. or trade eqw 1161•1 A ent. ~s! Silverrrest Cot bdrm, 2 bath each unit ty for residential ocean THERE'S .BIG MONEY In LITTLE WANT ADS To place your Clastitled Ad CallS42<5"1 TOOAYl ta&e. 2 br. 2 ba. wet bar, with rireplace. enclosed vttw lot or home. or yard w1fruit lrees patio. garage. 9a•"I tst tommerc1al propert) Adult!. no pets Owner. Pos rash now Now PRfNCIPALS ONLY" "2-45611eva 1159,SOO. Bill Grundy, Calk.towner 1714 1 Owner ·73 12d0, 28r. J!~!.~.J!..75-'161· -~--·-- w/d. min age U. Ua ..... D.....t. t11 rt•D.....t. ooo olr. J.&28·0132 ..._. 2400 ....... Z4H Hunlln1ton Beach :I• -••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Part. Bairrinaton 34d4 ~ .... ,._,. uqulsllt tiome . 2 ~ ._, -.. Bdrma. F/R, 2ba, wood llGMAIM I.MB 111ndec1t, lovely rum. CALA...S COUNTY IUIUt)' extras. Walk to TwoAcijoWns LoU aaop.. Xlnt riun. by owaer. soo. 113~ Suitable for retirement or '1t Crowneo1111 12 x 40. vacationl in developed L.aaua• Beach, ~e1n recreational arH Vin 113.500. 173-7443 Slakes Sk'in .... SI&.• I g llotllle Home. dbl widt, ••n rno space rent, Sell or tnde for down .... ~. am pet OK. ~on home ill Orance Co. """ H.I. comer lot. ..... t1 lllllt o...., Cll,__.M .. ~Mln. 117 ... U'Sf90 County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 -21 a..-IHll Estate ~a.-Estate Holttts UafwWtlwd tto...s u..tw.imd .__.,..,. zlslleci HolMt u.fwaidled ...._.. U.L....,.d HOUll'I ~ ..•.....•.......•......•......••••..•.........•...........•••....••.. -······················ ..•••.••••.•.••••••••••..•......•.............•...••.••.••..•••..•••........................ -..rro,.rly 2000 llttalEstah Corwct.fM .. 3222 CostoMHo 3224 ........ leecll 1240 l.OIJM•och J241 Mrwport•eci. 3i6' Mrwport•oci. l26t ••••••••••••••••••••••• W..ted 2900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUMA.IEA.CH ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4blkstoocean. J Ur 2 Ba. VIEW FROM 5 Blkstooceau Elegant 2 OCEAN F R 0 NT i.MI Monaco2bedroom Sh;arp 3Brhome w ocean Comm'ltindus. 14 units frpl, i.:ar;igc. $89S EVERY RM Br Family Rm & Den MOBILE HOMES. 11 011 2baden. gardener$1050 view. I house lo be~ 9 3 times gross Owner UHUSUA.l 642·~ New Bluff Condo: 2 Br ~Mo Plush crpls. 21? pvt bea1·h. lots of rnrh _ MS.l!f48 -S!<XX>lmo Yr~y lse avail hn Asking $550,000 By OPPORTUNITY ? R d 8 r 1 21., Ba. micro. spa. $825 Ba Cedar & glass. sun & coves, pool. "-4 hr llG C" ... YO... ~2 ~16ls Wayne, Agt ~11!r64S-3477 1-r, en.I .i.:! rpi·s. 541-41~675 1781 deck , dbl car pn s e curity . adlt!> "'" " ~ -lrg palio. Z car Kar -' ----garage, fully ma1nl. pt>rferrl!d. no dogs. 4 lo COMD01 LARGE DUPLEX 2br Mealit Ho. Park J>\t par1} desire~ 2 lo SOOU-StOSO 517 Po1nset E's1de Lg t Br. umque yard No pets lnqwre at choose from S77S·Sl ,000 3 Br, run -golf ro~rse Iba gar. lndry, 20· tc 83 spaces. n r Dallas. JBr ~e not lo ex reed lla 644·1093 cabin hke features w tpd 527 18th. St 960-6331 (7141499·~79 view. teruus, pool, spa bch flSO yrly 962~4 1400000 lh S150000 5425.000 located 10 NB -utilities . S525 mo -----Lease Sl200 /\\&II now --cash' do.,..:'1No paynienl Purchaser will ut1hze SO 3 ~· ~.8;·19frJ~~~11~1!. ~ DUPLEX 119 Hunt LAllJllMI Mi«)WI 3252 Pnme loc. 644 7424 Bkr. Harbor View Knoll 3b1 on debt serVll'e & in· ~~~~t°l'~a~~h Pi~r~~I CdM. Call. ~75-6494 ms IUDS O in~lon ~v~j O<'ean r1e:. ••••¥••••••••••••••••• Newport Hgts S Bct , Cape f.O"~ ~r~rg;ag~~v~~ terest for 1 yr Will ron· mediately adtarent lo IC \'O ey a crl. r Ocean view 3Br. den. 2ba. COO. den, game room . JI 51 z.e 0 a r r 0' m m sider Orange Coast pro EXECUTIVE Westside 2 Br. I Ba SS0011:ro. 2 Br S6001mo Shores home Gate rar gar . 3000+ sq fl, " .. perty in trade Ca 11 fishing. quai & durlc 5bdrm, -3ba. Cam rm. ~75_rro 556 6SJ6 or rent entire durlex ror guard Near pool, bt>ach .,.,alk to hi-school May ~ol 1enn15 SI 1 OO 714!720-L036 or 752 2213 hunt mg, horsl'bar k nd .,.etbar. pool. jac , et<· L & 2 Br Trailers Sl8S & $1100 mo Ca I Bob $800 1 I ease 0 "'n er go lease option Ca II _ _:_5568 By~~-ing, lmmir & health spa P\•t beaches. Ol'ean up + $ISO Sl'l' 0 Meyer 586-3500, ok or 4!J9..3638or493·9268 !>1~~1·12!2§ H.taorVi.wHoms LotsforS* 2200 ~n~~ale·4'l:'!·i~~e;:~~ view S2.SOO/mo Rer I r hlldren or d Ol?S 661·7622ho~ Pvt comm Sea Terrace, SpymassHll 3 BR, fam rm , rut de ...... ;•••••••••••••••• Nwpt Brh 640.SJ99 I' I ease -7 6 O 16 5 4 642·919'1 J BR 212 ba upgraded, Plan J. 4 BR, 2 Ba, film Spedll{'IJrar ocean vae.,.., ~c 1150· 7~ HARBOR RIDGE 61~2681-2 Br. end yard. pets kuls twnshse in &>a~hwulk rm. Comm pool. JlH' 3+ family, forma I din Hlrilor Vu HOtllltl Will lraderjo1nt \'enlllre Spacious 2Br. (rplr. den I olc Avail Mar 14. 221s Comm pool, Jae· ' mi to I tenrus walk to pvt brh mg. pool spa · $2000 4 bcfrm ·Exec residence ll"J!fuon 64-4·0377 .,.... soosrro I Pomona ssso mo hrh No children, no ~o p'et s I y r lse 76().~-'L_ ID Seawind. Fabulous C~ "CTOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• _840 8087 ~ "el 5 100 Yr ~ 5 ~ 714-857 1200. 67S 6892 . S..WW A.~a , v-!. Amenilles galore. "'"'""' I .._.,.fwlllsiMd I 714 857 12 67S· 89 SJS.8142 3 bdrm h()u~e. Spet Includes gardener & IUIL.qE:IS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ •• : •••• ?~.~~ 0•EASTSIDltE HOdMES· S3&Sl42 ~leech 326' tacular vie.,.. tennis, ~.!"m pool & tennis Lou two 2S Tots or one .. ean. pre >·no ugb SHHH ' 2br remodeled ·--,.....' pool $1150 mo 76011708 "' 50. IOt umed R·2 Ocean C:C...O .. M.. 3122 OC:REN rALS •F Br $39~ all uuls paid, · •• ,. ... •••••••••••••••• · · ·• _ 675·687Q.Ji75-7m8 ne· rby Owners i ired of ••••••••••••••••••• •••• I 5br s $200 to $2000 I forqwet smgh.• 11.ar, k1d:f:.l· NOW $400 BALBOA BAV CLUB. 2 ~ 675-2144 Dover Dr in Weslch ff pa~ng taxes Make of Cozy r otl age with 7S0.3314 7 daj'S •2 Br ~7SonHh1ld OC R~ _ALS 750 3314 Bd 2 Ba $1800 mo yrly or 3br. 2ba, pool, din rm rm Condo Ulllmate living. fer Carol. aJ?t 673 7300. fareplare. 2 BR, den Onl) S400 renti> lh1~ 1111 CSanta Isabel. 4 Br Townhome, 11 > Ba S22.SOO to bul f1veJearj rm 1100 Clay. NB master swle "'ith rrplc. S48·J2l6 Ava11for 6 months W D 2br.,. gar. palm kid near Elden 960 J9A9 enclsd patio, serunt) ~er! ft~~ s ; a 1 r1 ar = J.!050/Dll ~ !>41:S03Z sWldeck + 1 Br & den. ----meld PJO mo Call Ann. OC·RENTALS 750 3314 Spa . 4 8 2 8. f" 80 ITl) Isl mo -+ de ItPori:.._a_gt 7~_.:J'AJ _ .An. w /DOCI( rrplc, living rm & huge TI. se....t i.t.r•al 642.52()() c M(IO\ISF'-I Ir. a .• al {l0$1t 919-65!9 ~VI~ }I s1 Waterfront ~ lir 2 Ba patio, pool, s pe. bb<t OwMnlUp 2450 --IE OME OF •P • g 1?ar. 11.rea 4bd. 2ba. $750 mo t981 \ W .&~ w/s a 1n m5tr Ba Bil in SIOOO/ mo 645·7298. •••••••••••••••••••••••~•oclt 31411 -LUCKYr.r.W loc.Lease,$900/mo Gloucester Nr Bushard "· mJ · .. ~.D. d k1t.frpl,dblcargar. -I 2 493·~-50'"~ int in rustom moun-••••••••••••••:•••••••• Re~t~n Costa 'Mesa's G3l·IOS4 &Adams 9611 <1991 <'lty + ocean vu Guar oU·stspaees. S1300 tarn home Below ap· Engltsh Collage. 2 Br. 2 N•:WEST oaied 20 !bdrm E s1dt.' . .,.,alk lo e Pool + tennis J.R.PROP MGR BPl.IV.ATEPA.RK pra.ised value Nr forest. Ba. dining room. walk to " ~ CE stores. no pets. $295 rro Bob or Do\•1e • 2 r. 2•11>8 vu. $700 sk.ung golf Lo.,. dn no bearh. shops S750 597 ~O~t~uN'fnY121.:.k~ Br' ~-368J, 646 8695. t~ 3242 , agt 7S!H22_L _ '7W'10 UWill ~ ;:Ybi:e S'700. kids ok. qual Lowpymts l~sq Lombardy l.an e 2•2 8a t600-1800sq fl or Jbrtwnhse.2•.ha.rfl11,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• llGCAMYOH Pl.IVA.TEPAI•: JohnA£!..§;!1·2242 fl. 3 br, 1'1 ba. ~ar 2J~. 3'78-Jll9 pure tuxur) Garal(e~. etr S82S mo Waterfr.ont Broad moor a.. Goff c 3 Br, 21tba. li1dso\i Pets1 ________ _ Jerry95S·J:!9S 3 br. 2 ba wh1te.,.att-r hyd ro·lubs an ma stt>r ~ Sl2Sor!l6J 3018 2bdrm. 2ba, frplc. Wt>t J &kms 2•; °l~ool ma ybe 631 ·2242 John OutofC-_... viewhome frpk.Al)r I. suite. d1n1nl( roomb. -. bar. dbl l(ar slap 3,a1I. Jacuu1&Tenn.ls.Newly A 2BrAptnrWestclJH ._opetrf1~~·1 2550 $1600fll0494_96S5 woodburmnitfireplal·es. Sharp upper F. side pat io 5975 mo decVuantSl.200/Mo. WES FF t6SO ..-.----l"-"m 2Br 2• ba den TCLI Eastbluff Family Home L. 3 9 m1cro·W3\ e O\'l'ns. wiui ., • ' f714_)6'75_·l 121 W.-VH T.vlDrCo S 500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hewport leac11 16 I pnvale patios & > ards frpk . dbl gar Pool. Jae JklifLo~ · :'141-4!!9 & POOL 1 ' COUNTRY/SWAM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gardener provided sawia S62S mo. no pets 2br lux rondo on Lagoon Lrg enough ror • fam1l) Bayfront ~m w/dock REAL ESTATE Bachelor. in Versailles ~·i~u':~~ '/;0~ ~~~hi~~ :;;;::~~::0 for ~fog!~ 6 gi:riy :~~ass; IA.YFIOHT ~t~~~~~.e ~~~~~e4 Waterf~~.~~mes lnr Vineyards, ranrhes in • ~ Island. 7 minutes to s c rent. 2 master BR ·s. ;i11 .,.1t_nds840-6308; 831·2932 2 story, 4 + l>drms. 2 Bd gardener & pool svc - - the Paso Robles-area .. Mob1leLidoPark$700 Plaza or O.CA1rport ba,fpk,barkfnrdyd.2 'l'rinidadlsle baths. ~i rep.la red inr\.Availwash/dryer/·1S.O...• 3276 Interested' Call Bay View 2Br Condo J t t f N t fuor~ view. Pier an refri£ $1600/mo Agl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Doil swan s1200 Blued 1-:0. ~ sa~ore;0 ~~Y~:r ~at~ed a~tP~:~2 r,:;i ~~ggr,~~~r ~g:t . DJOO per mo. Avail. LcU 1·1288 _ O>lony CoveCoDClo or Ken Marks Villa Balbo:i 2Br S12SO f)-wy St.arting at S900 ;i QIU B39·t3Z2 fo!Jll>.Pl_ 673-88t9or 83l26SO l. 4br, 2"1ba. f:im rm/din 2 br, 2 ba. After Aprill. Agents Newpon Crest 38r loft month 631·5439. 2473 rm. fncd pool. Avail.I Use oC rlubhouse •pool (8051 Zll·ZZIL Waterf~~s ~~!~ve. Costa Shar~Tq~~~!t 2Br. Im. 324 fw:N/.A 955-0llm =r:.':~~Mo pets. ~ AIAT IUY!! 531 1400 l"' Ba lted T ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Btl1 2br, Zba, deo. dbl D I · ·2bd • -HURRV!3br,2ba.all •• V~ll bl cet ing, Twnbonw .new3br,3lla. . rrplc, wilt: to heh • __ up,ex, unit,.k br~. Taecwer paymentson _ ~~~LSt.S4SS frplc.pallo, Hnrange p 11 1 950/lllO . 730·59'5. ,. ... , rp r.wa to c.,1 :llOO sq ft home with in· --OC A 7.,,3314 &oven. pool. S600 mo. Pl,!1°· garmo .. ~·to' poo7 • Sill SS2S/mo. 830·7145 ral law quarters in best Vis--· .,.,. ~1 ~!.!_milton Jal -" Canal Froat, Newport altert2noon. la area Owner Agl Homet U.fwwl.a..4 Easts1de 3 B1 . 2 Ba . Vacant 3 br twnhse dbl WOODBRIDGE NEW Shores, 4 Br +. le1Hor 3 br. 2~L~~ ireen-S. Jllm 1·9U-4TI7eves. .. ...................... S750 rro , lst, last & ser. gar Nr SC Plaza ' tm 2bdnn.den ,cornerunit, oolioo to buy. SlSOO/mo belt, nrpool. Liie fenced C•h•-1271 --~ 3202 deposit Call 548·4388 mac. Kids OK ·$625 single sty, fully shut· TenniJ. pool. walk to patio. New crpl, drps. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA ~A. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-· s__ S48·73'74_ ___ tered. rrpc, alrium. nea beach. Agent 646·1044 or Xlnt OOlld. 11050. 49("3116 3br, 2~ ba, fam. rm. ~pa. ~~~:' ir~31;a B!~~ee~ MOITH IA. Y H~f Spac. 2 br. 2h be, bit ·ins. pool, tmnis srmmo. N ~2:ll05 or <211>$H-1'7f Sotttacular ocean view rorated w/panache In East Santa Ana He1glits b'l:c, pool. quiet arcll. 4.Brh.w, Mesa Verde, $800 Pe ts . 5 5 2 0 6 6 ll&CANYO .. lSI NEAR BCH br it No pets. lt7S / mo . spacious 5 br or 4 ...,, '"12 ""· Includes grdnr, lst Owner Bkr 2Blf ifrLaln COnao. "''l/lt~·l 1 ..!::. !!6HOOZ. MHJ49 impt(cable taste The . -~....,_. - -& last + rleanin_g dep. •J. .... ......., ultimate in gracious liv-Br/~ 3 Ba. front & re· 3 Br. I Ba cnrlsd garage, StSll-491!4 ... 152-0759 Turtlerock 3bdrm. 2ba. SJ1Mr mo . Call Gerry OC-R 750-3314 S...Allo 1210 llll· Vlrki Fraser. agt. arpauos, 2 rar gar!lge & new carpels & custom !block part/pool, 1875. Tiflor7fO.l3t7 Lido. J bdr 2 ba ( I ...................... . Windemere Rily. carpott,gardtoertnrld. drapes, laroe yard, M25 rro 28r. lBa. no lst&last.144·5444. 2. Br. I Ba. Newport din 2 ,t m11i....-..1 ..... ~~4bdnn 2ba lrgbome re· $1225 /mo 549 7962 " "' A.u.. "" Vi"'on· •s u....:...... v ri t • 'Y· 111N "''' "•• mocte'l•d,' •arthton' •s. 1-4.54·11.26 Broter A ent. . . ~!°. wN01lhwplataeyrhbeo11d11.e.t.~ ~iz4' .. a. .. Nr gotr tou~ & pool. pr6.:~ ne~/n~!;: WmdYffHm •1m0. + '"tast + sj5() U•ihciilo Con\ .... ~ ..,.,., Rancho San Joaquin, 645-9096 ' 2 bdrm, dell~ 11ara1e. pvt, an. 87H899: ~HS15. eu!t1{uftowering llllaoal"-d 1206 + ~osll. 548-S442, 3 Br. 2 Ba . Boy 9 years, br. den, 2 ba condo. ~ . patto.1_ 0cw.·7raeou1~ decor. IL....llLI-l•IL Redv.'OOd.s on 85 inland ••••••••••••••••••••••• !JO..,...., girlSyearswekome.287 s mo.955-1120 ........ ...._l..Nu ~-..., 59-07_. -~ 6 • ;icres. Level land Bayfront. beech, 2 Br 2 l.Dvely Mesa Verde 3 BR ~~~.646-87tl!L. 4Br3tii;frml9111Ilii.-f/r. CONDO I 3 b 2~ b ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/southern exposure, r· } gart spB 1 ~3boEa ram rm. 2 ba. $800 mo MesaNorth 3Br.2Ba,dbl 3Br~eo~ mo. ~~.r.', t_t~\,1~~,· ~~ !'I\ 2 s~t,. n~· O:ea~'. ~ ls~~,!i,~~ ~=~~ goodwell&rockedroad ay ron · a. Kids IX'tS nett Juhe. gara~e.$725mo + $700 LauleEnt/Rltr73l.:4•9 ~ded~ate. poo ~en· ~.A&t.673·90!!9 __ Mari Dr.&40·!441 S88.IXX>. "" s's1~adnnus!21 OOlle~1nt1l:yr~ ~ 546·231~-~u ty At,tt 549·8547 2Br. 2ba. co•y, frpl~ nis. moo mo. Ail. Bob Nwpt Crest condo·4bd. W I l•tt SEA COTTAGER r. ......, .. ' ' · • " or""vle_oo . 75!1122_1. 2' .. ba Uv, din ram rm •· Ill lhr • 177"0719.,., _,,.23 1!;![478-3577 Nr So Coast Plau. new Executive 1tv1 n11. New 18 2 2 2 ., p I e ~ .... h 1 "' ~ '"'" dlxrondo.PENTRIDGE Orleans (.'ondo. Large 1"3 Y 3 P For rent. East bluffi 1i"OOCI .Pool/~tenn1s.••••••••••••••••••••••• OutofStah Duplex, 4Br, bay tew, C'OVE. 2Br. 2Ba. frplc, end unit . 3 Br. 2 Ba ~~~i;0_~44 '6397 & beautifu~ decorated .1 I.lie llXX>. 1· -· -3 ~EF~RrT d ,.,.,.rti, 2600 ?.!,":"1 1~.c7~!.a1820te · no wshr 1dryr, levolors. rrplc,palio.pool,clbhse. Br. 21., • home over BAYSHORES yardr'maaraae· K~dnre .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ......, .,.. m1crowave. 2 ur 1ar walk to shops &45·7953. •MALS looking laqe reenbelt Cozy tottage 2 BR and :efoorn: ·54~~ t I I d w/opnr pool Jae S850 ~. tbr, l bl S65CJ 5 mo den. fireplaee. Avail yr-f · •~n"f!.!;.1 8~•1•5.:~ds ..._., ...... U07 mo. +' uoo' sec dC'p. 23tirbr-+;_deflba zba ~ N= H•·. 3 Br. 2 Ba. LY !me> mo. Call Ann. •A·._. .,,._ "'"' .... tu .. ~ ....................... 759 9141 d (2 l!l l ,.. ,,..,., ... ~ ..,._, __ _ ~ach. Ree. lot. 20<l dn. ll'J br ....... ~& frr round no ·~1 :....... yg . ...... ,.., lU4 •t1r' 2ba SISOO L'·rn m · lJt, last + dep. ---llff 213 832-'367 '""""'• · ' .., ._,.,eyes ....................... <> ru 7400 ..... ' T ..... · ~· S5SO. 1 lk lo beach. 3Br 2Ba, den, fen red yd, HOME FOR R E~T 'br~ ba 11200 vat w ' .:-Btlr.1'rfew11-'dlcor. i&R";A•=.·a·a·r-;;; ....... 2010 Wiihrtdl)'r hook·up 1700 3 Bdrm Condo. S650. 3br2be 915CostaMeaa ~urrah3 Br. ~ Ba . ~. spac.2 br.2ba, Grew•. 4.1 ulet location l ih 11 JIOO ....... J22J mo lnrl. w1ler.148·30P2 Fenced yard• garaae. t ·t' I:~~ Jr1,~ .:i':;:rier. A~:1I formal dlil. Poolj,vlew. pg,n4ff·'246 ••H••••••••••••••••••·····-•••••••••••••••• Route borat ok 2 B Kids ft ts welcome . __ May• 1 Ill. UOO /mo. AVlll.immed.to~pt.l, WAlllTEI>; HouM Oft Lido ~llC\llar ocHn 4i city ....,.,.:.... ...,..,,., 91' h Str. S45-2000. tnt no f . •-•_...... 1241 MH119. '12 Refs. 11100/mol HUMTIMGTOM Ide for Income proper-OCIU ~ f _,., ...... --re · -r----(flA"ll. avail. xtra) Cal H6110UI D' Prinonly.6'2·03W ~-f:' 1vej>' ,Sa nta An a Hgt 3 . Del111eTlberonCondo ....................... Beautifully up11raded 3 collect, 213-271 ·393t. _ .. ,,.. ... --. room .... rge h irpr, HllJI. 3br,2ba,tam.rm.1885. Large I bdrm dplex, Br.1~841 COndo.frplr. 714180-l!lfHorappt w 0 ... rwv,..,.._,, 1"'1fr!n~,1 ~~~~ C:.11 nAnth~y EASTSIDE Clean 1 Br ~~-~~~i3 View frpc1700pe.r mo. patio. elect rt~ gara{e Ocean View. a br rond~. a.et 11.,~ your\t0ine in 5 ~ IUlfCfl 1mall day1 f'2 5757, eves ' l'Ollafe, couple or •n11., 552-SM =~iae::1.,,~~: ,"L1•1 smtJ.yrly, avail. l)roperty By the ~a c8ll6n ,.'UJl'price SlUOO wb!d!S3t.f430. ls+sec.&S7· _13 BR z 841, mo. to mo., OCIAMYllW ~amnn, .... ~ "larlt, agt, Really t2l3l5t2-2171 , T~h· over low PO· ~p; OR OPTION 4br Reder Two bdrm. tx·1i mo,Nle~~dsOK 2bttr1n, 2be. I car 1ar, Exet. ' Br. 3 Ba , rpl. Udo 28 18 bil 11 mlnU Trade for mobne 2tla vu exec hm. Sl400 cellent lot. Eastaldc. ,----washer/dryer hkups . dahwahtr. new decor/ · r. 1 mo •ic;..••11111-l'llllnt Ca mpe.r tru<'k. PI mo. A 7~~ et 646·1078 ,....._. •ectt 1240 A v a I I n o w • rd n r , West r 11 f honle. f.vt. i)(h, cu BB~, l4H -r Call Ans::ar Ad I 631, HARBOR RIDO E Soar· Exflt! .• Br. rllltOm llbme. ....................... (1141760·l<Ml, 494.4802 1,325 /mo $46·7250, =-;.~1• ~~ cr'u?11' -·-· .. ••••••••••••• "tO 24 ----IOI "athodral ce1Un1u1. 3 (rplc, priv"e street. HOME POR RENT 8 IJllMEO OCCPY beawliJul vie•·. rountry Rtnt or lease option. 3 Bdrm $700. Fenced Vacant S rm U I famll> WaJll IO beach. 3 Br. 2 Ba UFF"S BR 1 he Sits "'°-Semi rurn ''~":n':;';,:e':~ ~!'r! kltcht.n 3 BR. vur1 SU75/mo <80$>1$4 om. yard ' '"''' 1t1d1 ' dwellin1. •1~1mo · tnci jiraae •/hook· up•. BL.1;1 3 raded. 2 ;.uo'. tt'°;~1kJt~~~r.~ ,_ ltale-SUOOmo t714>tt7·8f00 a II lor pm wfkome SU 2000 c•rdftlfr 4G llon.te..-., le. ~wshr Sa•ap •· or lie 'opt a rnucll •re. 10....,.., "2-5'71 __ _.BlrnttR!tr.Mt,..5200 P __ AMM,eeftt .Dr ..... !Jil _ •co,m:f811.. I ... ~. I 1, I , .~ 1 .. . , J II -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 Cand1mi1I-... lwllh~ lrf .._ ... ,.,.liled fLf la:c.t1"*lll•d 4f•lw•F9rWIMd Apelw.ttlhu.fw1L · .,_ ...... u.fwa. · Apet.,........_ "'9fwl:J111td 1425 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·····················••' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ······················! ···················'-· ..................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• C... .. W. 1722 c:o.t.Mne l724 ............ 1740 H...,.,+letldl 176' eo.t.Mne 1124 c:o.t.Mesa 1124 8Toro lll2 2 J~·J~~ 3 m• .... ;:·~=~·~ ..... ··~~~·~~~·~0·0 0·;;·,··:··RN;~$·T····· ........................ ;·;r··~~:;;;::·,:;:·;~; ~~~·;·~·;~·;·;;·;;;;; ;·a;:;~··;;;·~;·d·;:;,;· from HB 556·0363 or 2 bllS-tooeadf. nur Al.l:UtiLl1'1t!S"l'AID Spatiisli\:tattLivrng! coiy w/lots of neat Mesa Verde 1100 sq rt ~asher. refngt, pool. 549-3481 shop f\1!11, cpts. d~I Beautiful park·likt sur-wood. $360. Adults only. Fplc. ln~ry dishwasher Ki~ OK. Isl, last & de 2 BR. 2 sty , pool. D1W. app~ail April. all uti Compare before you roundings. Terractd 851·~. --f~1Ava~.~31. No pets. pos4 11t. Dssa9n5'mo642 :ev~~ stove. HB. S500 mo pd. .....,mo ' rtnt Custom des1g_n pool. Sunken gas bbq, FIREPLACE , Pool. ~!JP_.....,._.!!!_ __ sSl.iis?A · · Ava11immed.842·02lB 67J.S1S4,673-0l64 futurtS: Pool, BBQ. sparkling rountains. private patio & dis· 2 Br. I Ba upper. dis· --~---- cov'rd garage. sur· Sp acious .room s hwashersinXTRA LGt hwasher. pool. patio.H ..... •leecllll40 USTILUFf To Place your roundecf with plus h Separate dining art a. & 2 Br. ga1den apts on carpo r ts Adu Its. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3bdrm.2i;,oa.fri>c.S975 "Fast Result" landscaping Noptts. Walk· an closets. Easts1de. $460/$560. 00-0362 ~AMI rm.64G-8S58 IBrrum from$465 homehke kit chen &c ~7-284L 2-B 2 88--1-•• Un!furn .-fiMr rim ~opft All LE •"£/OPTION Ser vice Directory 2 Br. rum. from $54-0 cabmet.5 Walk to Hunt· r. · poo • carpt ..... 1 . · ~.NB Ocean &eb:~ 36S W Wilson.. 642-1971 mgton Ctnttr. I Br ~rage. yard No drapes No pets. Busi· ~· A'll amemt1es Vl·~. I BR + d'"n, ror ad .... Call Now Ni I 8 d I Q . t t Bdrm·fum. S485 pets. ds OK. S4501mo . ~ & pror people. $450. __ 19._ -. -~~e info call 673-4899 642·5678 ice r. P x. uie · Spedc·11 studios one Ml_-01R_ --548·4827 o r 731 ·6829 Deluxe poolside xtra ~tblvt~a~.1N~m~ls~ No Pets andtwobedroomapart· 2 br. S355tmo 352 Vic· Agent ----'large 2br, 2 ba. bltns, evs ----bt. JJJ ~ 021 Utiht1es Pree' ments. FUANISHEO lOria. Adults. no pets Costa Metia·s finest fami· dswhr. 1'2 miles beach 'lfl lw•fwnlklted . . --.1 ~ UNFUANISHEO. ~161_ ly complex 2 br. Adults.nopets SSOOmo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 LA QUINTA HERMOSA .,.., $425·~ mo. new crpl & S)6..B362 . ..... ._.. l706 16211 Parkside Ln, I blk OakwOO<I also olfe•s I drps. Children welcome. THE WHIFFLETREE ••••••••••••••••••••••• I W.ofBeach,JblksSor 'AllUtllltlelPlid I Wcstftzld l no.ptts . Corner or 1·2·3Bdrm Apts Gym L;,tt:f/Jf.$7~~~able I Edinger ·~ M'ilTMENTS ~:".1'a~· &7~~:f's 9.5 Spa, Sauna. pool, tennis . 951.3243. -.Ul~!L--~ Beauhfol' garoen apts I -· · 55 -etc. 846· 19. IL.,.. •ecll J7 41 'S1 Millon In Patios decks Spa. heat EASI' SIDE·2Br. ~a rage. MAllMBS WALK 67 ~ l..llllW}' stucho. spa, TV. AndMucn More• BR.2BA. S525 --~4260 -Apartm•nt "'rplC' N:gb.!";~~~~·~mo . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aecteltion rad No~ I S400mo. 1st+ las . Lrg 3 'Br~ Tow·nnous1• ,,_, I maid servire. phones, For 3 month 01 a hie· lll!W Wilson _ 63_15S83 Studio Apt for rent endsd ga~. pall~ yard. 3 Br 1"2 ba. yearly $750 + ~k ~2227 - -Easts1de 2 Br l Ba Cot Privateentnnce. bath & Near Hunt. Harbou r util. AvaUApril 1st. Agt •SIGHT&SOUNDOF =t=:"pef:.ly tage "'95/mo. 2625 D&F I refri g e . K 1t1· hen Children OK $650 mo V 673 NEW BUSINESSMEN SEA I Br frplc. gar. Elde~l-1755 I privileges S250 1mo ~@!'.!... _ ........__ p........L. • ...a-M th j t94 ~184 ----llll'lds utlls. 2 blks rrom - -1707 _!!_ rU.J!!l£.._·_ 2 Br. I Ba 1981 Maple O.C.C and 3 ma. rrom 2 br. 2 ba, all i:ar . ••••••••••••••••••••••• M...,t•ecll l76t Oakwood Ave U~ta1rs, quiet. no beach Lge ya rd. qwet S.'175/mo 2 l>r. 2 ba. 30· Dix f\l.m. 3 br. 2 ba apt, Contact the DAILY PILOT 'tor ••••••••••••••••••••••• GardenApettments pets 2persons.$4257mo neighborhood. Call g_a_r. cer tile rlrs octan&bayviewfrom kltormatlon reg8rdlng the Want something xtra Sitrra Mgmt Co wkda•'Sat 7"°·8812. Jli5l f!.10846-9SOl l ll_5i sundtck. avail. immed Newpott BudVNo 6411324 -~"-'--'./"' -Winter $600/mo. yrly county requirement• f9t u9'ng a sperr a 1 in a 2 Br· · · ---'-----S32S 8x28 trailer in quiet I Br. patio, car port pool , @)()/rm. 67>S204 FlcttttcMaa Buslnell Ni-. Townhouse. completely 880 Irvine• IN ear S C. PI a z a adult park. gas & "'at er spa. security. $495 Ulll "-~·Mo 160-9117 f11161"' Beautiful park·hke set ruiid. 67J..TI87 uist~~v••Jil 892·~NS SELL idle items with a Results-that's what you (7t4)MS.'11M ting, pci_ol. spa. <'ar port. Su= h ~2 8---Deluxe garden apl. 3 Daily Pilot Classir1ed 542-4321EXT.332 ittt w11h classified. Newpott Buch/So. I Br.}415.646·0686 _ &':t~ 'N~pet r. garage bdrm. 2 ba. patio. ntar Ad. 642·5678 1700 161h SI Likt new lge I br apts 642 5~ Buch & ~fain $600 _j Rear Efilate· Can Motivate .-~ Americans h•ve been ovtrcoming obstxles to home ownership from the first stlllemcnts 10 the pmenl day. And even with the currtnl climbing costs, ~st Americans still thin~ it's worth the effort to •fflxd a home. Wh y? All the benefiu. Good housing. Good hwcstmcnt. Good inflation hedge. Good tax bene· fits. What inctntives for saving enough to make the down paymtnt and the monthly mortpgt instalJments! When you're re~y to buy a heme, $ a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for mist.ance. REAL TORS® have the profession.ii tr.iining and valuable inform.i· tion a vailable from a n.ltionJI orpniwlon plus the local lbwdown and conucts you need In tht rommunity. OWnlng a home is a gut ~I. To wind up with• prize proptrty, talk to .i REAL TOR® tod.iy, ..., .... CtlStlfieda 842-5678 10ove111 t6thl Qwet romplex. no pets ---96!!:~841-1296 (71-4) M2·5113 $470 & up Mesa Pines 1 Easts1dl' 2 BR. sm yard 2650 Harla ~9·2447 . , attach gar S525 mo 900 2bdrm. Iba. lrg pauo. dis ---, rt 548 4845 hwasher gas1water pd Nl':WBREEDAPTS sg,__ • ·--$510 mo No pets )71 I BR & BACH from E s1dt tn-pltx. lg. quiet Sl>--1370. S...L.,... .....•....•........... Laguna Bearh.1.. beaut rum . swte 2 nR. spa. uuna. sattllitt TV. maid serv $300 wk . 714 ·4.99· 2227 ~ F)'plr. rec room. 2br. lndry. patio. adlts. 2-br . 4 1-$4-75 N 1 ,. & ts t:<.'t< 673 3600 • in ·P ex ew poo · Jacuui "as ~ ·tee"'· _:__ • -crpts wld Ilk up enclsd water paid No pels 393 1 BR. fpk. encl garage gar, No pets. 64>9494 J:!anullC!'f1. C M_,_~ 4411 $385/mo 2 BR rondo -- I BR $360, util pd. spa. rplc. $615 mo Ask WALK TO BEACH I Br. r-,.rport. No pelS. 383 w ror Betty. 645·9161 or s t o \' e & ref r 1 8 e Bav. UA.9516 644.-.:mo _ ~-'SJ&.7979 .;;'~bdr;-condo. --,H~Oll pnme SC Plaza loc. O.OPoiRt 31261 1._._. 1142 •••••••••••••••••••••• Waterralls. streams. •••••••••• .... ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... , ..... llO spa. pool $8001mo 2 Br ocean vie w . ~l:TSTUDIOCONDO •••••••••••••••••••••• iJl4167J.9019 675·0!>40. balrony.• garage. clean. "tpk. refrlge, bltins, Nu 2 & 3BR, 2BA )'ear Iv --' -3'6112 "A· Cordo\ a Dr across frm bch S460 "'-pl~. blt·ins. oar. park 1 Br. enc! g.ar. adlt.s. no 213 402·26.57 {collect l 962-4914 •• ' " ~-~· F)-1g, elec range. --ing. Close to bay & pj0~64£~ _ Oc~ Vi•w! 8"iiw Jl44 OCU11~Brkr67~912. ZB Zba d f . Dix Townhouse Apt 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.... f r ron °· p. pauo. bdrm. 212 bu rrr,1. en•· tBr + loft ~on do .....-ean ront. pnmt arl'a, 2 car gar. Nr brh $650. ' ' JBr 2Ba.rrpk Nopets p 1675-8t20 gar. no pets la~ter Or31lgetrtt Plan4.Ten t ye a r s 1 e ;is e at _au bdrm has Cath rl'1hng IUS. pool adults. no pet.s SllSO mo 675·8904 aft 5 2 Br 1'2ba. t~nhse. pool. No pets Patio $775 ~. win consider. lse 337-2.414da}'S. blt1ns. $500 Mg r 661·9113 . 7:Ml-1250 542·7609 Dlx3br <2mastersl.2ba. &42 l602or:S40·:l666 ......... e1111hect. ll40 Ht1111ti'9d ect. llU frplc ''J blk to brh. Yrly Beau11r1,11 2 Br 2 R.a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cfurn. avail. 1 May t $550/mo Carpets. dis-645-8156 hwasher Avail 3-15. 67~~-2Br. lBa, garage apt. bay view. garage sp. W /D. $600 mo 673·8 276. ~- SPACIOUS le SUNNY 2 Br enclsd gar. upptr. d/w No ptts. 14~ mo. 548·~ -~•0.5446. New unit. 2 Br I Ba. steps to bearh Vrly lease 2 br. I ba du~ apt S100. w1s111 .. ~ar gar. . Pets ~iuc ed. 559·5001 __ 3 Br 2 Ba 2·sty unit. S775 NEWPORT rm to mo. INT COASTPROPERTIES APAITMO. fas __ _,6'"'"'73.1ilL__ 2 Br $320/mo. nrant.5 2 only. no pets. C:0.... .. M• ll 2 3450 Ntwport Blvd. .................. ..... COl!ta Meta 3 Br. 2 Ba. Walk to beach. '/GI Polnstttia. ~/mo. S....U l Br. l ptnoft only. 11 . no pets. U2S/mo . C..MIM 1124 67H!!1f.8'Ma. ••••• .. •• .. •••••••••••• 2 Br., twnhouse. Crp)r, 1 ~JJ!--l~ sl.lldtck. car. new paint u~ .... • new carpet. ~/mo '"'"" r. as .,... encl &ar. d/wuher . pool, b~Adulu. no O!lme i BR. tam rm, 11$. ~~-J::; ltlls. S4t0. 1st. OCCPMCYI -~KS Rm.tq.tet3 mo a Br. 1 lta l • 2 BR j•rden apts. Dtamed 'celUaa: wlDO!, q11et ftll ltept. ~room. No pets llO "· Wilson. CM. Noa.ta rent. tQ.117H4H17.f _ TSLMGMT 14Z·ll8S SpecW. l Br. C•rden Roomy 3 Br. Towahoule Apt, Pool It rec. All ut1J ~et Hult=· ptid.=-11.tt• ~petei lM~H • .MlS , • ~J ao Pftl, 2 Wrm, t ba. J•llo. 71 1110-,-·ib·Ull or • Hat Ft4co. Kennebunkport? Isn't that the horse that won The Triple Crown in '72? ~TD~ 1 I l ' • Orange County Real Estate/An Advert ising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, March 13, 1982-ZI Afclwllh....., Afalw ... ....., low 4000 V...._l .... 4250 ._..tosa-t 4JOO OHlce....., 4400 OMc......, 4400 Offbl_.... 4400 .•.•........••.....•......•.......................•..•..................•........••......•......•••....•.......... ··········~············ ..••..••.•.....••..••...........•.••...•...... ~leedl 1141 Mewportleec• lHt Pvt bomt. no smoking or Hawaii Big lsland, 3br Lovely f~. ~. S300 1~7 W~li('· ~·~O:.ai;t Newport Buc h near ..wrc>ITIU.Ctf ....................... ....................... drinking, quiet M over 2ba S350 wk. Pool. ocun, rm, sh~ ,uu~ avail. 3/15, .:an:; A::Oi Ms-5032' Hotl Hosp. 1000 sq ft., Prime bus1neis10cat1on 2 sml studios '• blk to Westcliff Area Condo. :.>. S'l75Lmo. $5!Hl637 Konaslde. 714·9fi.t·9226 to re ine · 1m• ~u re . . . a«ood tJooroffices, •!"· on busy Pac. Csl Hwy. ~bin Bch. S335/S385 util Lge 2 bdrm, de~. I and Working person. pvt Palm Spnop lBr furn r~~~ne:r D~~·a :~· EXECUTIVE ~g, :e~ 7 111• Ideal retail &/or ore IN'I 494-3044 'l• ba, Crpc. patio, pool home., close to bus & condo, !°°l/Jac/t~nis, .ta!u1tc; · SUITES 1 1~ ic Y ays space for b"iness need· Ml-,ortleodl ll6t 1725 646-4067 shopping cenltr, n~n-l!Ody.~wi.673-6210 JN H · inJ high vis1bUit1. 1,000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Small 2 Br. 2 bath near stimkr.1 no.1~lco_.!l~·.chn,s· ......... eL.-4100 F shr furn apt, 111 rent WIS..._.1..,.STll ~.7ooo100sq ft. avail. (714 I the beacll. '600 per mo. an 11m1.,. -~ • res. .,.. ~ SIM + util. Call aft talTAQE "'"" .,.... p&alf NEWPORT U'early).67J..S370. 5411-3365. ••••0 •00 ............. 6:30pm. Ref's req PlAli UOOSO.FT. ....._1_... 4450 """ 1-;;;;;;;;;;~;iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiil Ba r t M 1 bd 645-47.0. New fwtuiY Ofrlce snace 14258 Beach-81vd. Btwn HMJMENJS 111 1 ron 11 er rm ROOMM •TE _, 'I' 2 Frwys, Civic Ctnter .. ••••••••••••••••••••• K with bath. Pool and ten· A Ftoshr 3 br house, N.B. in I rvine's ba11est ~· "'~nt.er Prime 2RMOFFICE/GAR . ..... ~ .. vi.wb~. nisS350840-8081 Fl ..... DERS flSO/~ v..utils.lst& t'eller! Easy Frwy ac· """" · XbltNrBchloc 1295 """ 3 br, 2 a. unit 1J " lut. nail. Apr I. reu. Avail. now! Call oc on. 979·8189 or · ~ert for entertaining. Nice larce rum. refrig'J Oldest• larsat •1enc{i. m.tm. 67,.2308 forckt.ails. ~U&O. SECUR ! 646· 7Ml COUMTIY CLUI · LIVINGIN NEWPORT IEACH w1~·f.~~11;11~r~~~ ~~~~t.t~~~~. =~~=~:csli~·wi h New Condo In Irvine 551-12JI UH2l0 7~,.!q.~ro~~~onJ: ~J:1~~~·~~~~iu~ rored wardrobe s. ocean.536-11$11. CreditsGoodM:""'!'mopo t~n Ftnon·smoker: S32S + •DILUXEOfftCES• H~bo r " Bake r . 6116W.l9thSt,orcall Blll wubertdryer & trash Yrly house on Balboa Isl. onung Amenca, uU!. Avail now. 9$5·2418 From 1 room up t.o 2000 7l44'-4'197 MS-32:50 comp. has rm f or r ent. The Tomorrow Show. Share .Ille near OC~ & 1q. ft. From Sl.18 a sq. -=.:::-=o.=------ The pool. clubhouse. $250/mo Full kith & •;tl off• to all new shoppina. l2:.l mo. tncl ft. No lease requ.ired. LowC08tofffoesuite A . Prime CdM. Higly up· Aluxurycommunityon billiard rm &i fully living pi;v. Call ~m dlentswbonee<la.place. utiltSIOOdep.63l·SOlll u'.Alrpo ... arJnn.21.72 nrnwl--ft.Pvtba'P. graded des i gner the Ba ck Bay Spec· equipped gym are only bef •. ..-IT 6 .. 1 llt• l'tAl,J '"" ..--....,., th showroom.Readytojust tacular Spai.. 7 swim-aomeoflbeexlrasinthls ore 9am •eves; .-... rv ~ -'Fem. Nwpt lk'h 3 Bdrm j Du~t Call A M . utilioc. Mo tomcl S435, openlhedoors.1.000sq. mingpools.811ghtedten· S«. := 675-52'1!. I Condo. furl\, non· 833-. West 17th/Placentia. ( t . s 15 o o 1 m 0 . nis coorts, bih trails, /month Room w /k1tc h .. nr l2!!00sqf\condotoshr,lg 1rmker .. S2SO t.,.., util. a•YfRO ..... T CM.645-2937 (714)457-41611. puttin g green . Fori.normatlon,call beach/bay. Fem. SISO. rms on beautiful Avail 1mmed. Don A " c .M. 145 ft+ bath. Bachelors. l and 2 6U4111e.xt.2063111·F 613-8013; 634-4447. Non-Greeoblt & view of the @HllUS/SM. Pnmrolfice.i7H003. a.--avail. -."/mo. Gmt corner, parking, 1 bed.rooms apartments. smoker ba I u 17883 --~ _.. blktobeacb, retail or of<' and townhou&f$ from ---------1 . y, w/poo s . ..., . or Fem rmmte shr lrg plush Colla Meu, 250 sq. ft. 5!:3M5, OC-3ll03 space, 1SOO sq ft. all or ~t.oSlOOOper month l~Br apt. Stove, refrig & Lgebdrm, busl. person or ~ rm prvt bath CM ocean suite. $175/mo. Utila ill· <l'fice space 750 sq n. or part.673-QlO OnJamboreeAt oo Penm. $400, student. kit. priv. R•fs Roommate M/F H.B. gd view home with w/m cld. 779 W. ltth. St. Hartlor •Bater, C.M. San Joaquin Hills Road _,ca11~==12!:..la!'.!.ft!.-'5'-----t reg, C.M. 646-$268 1oc 116054"'872 Larry 11&1-81128. I SSSO/mo. 6'1-8200 OCEAN VIEW ___ <1~1~1•~>644-~~'900~ __ ,At'l"ols from beach. Bach Room for rent. $250 mo. S22S + ';. Need M or f' roommate . . tGl sq ft office 1p1ce S290 sludio$.1'70. Yearly, Incl. util. Call Christina 84H711 -D1an1 for 2 bdrm apt Nr UCI Sii & m sq. ~· S?.00 per Delip lo suite exetuUve avail in quiet Costa NO FEE! Apt. & Condo \ 1 d 557.71'1l1 •• 38 Cod Th ~on s molun'g open IQ.ft .,3975 8trch.,N.8. offices with aec:retarial Mesa industrial com· rent.als. Villa Rentals. K::scmgar • 1 u n ry · .... rgie r. n ° on e ~ tude t d ed A"-' 54l·SOS2 service pooalble living p I ex . J de a I for 87~12 Broker. 1 or 2 Rms. Furnished. Bhlfs. bayvlew. to sbr .. , .. _ u! ,_,n esir · . area. Good location In architects, englneers. N v 'II pvt ba up1talrs Kitch w/prof. Woman who """""·-·-"'-~"'II B k · ..., .......... Laree lBR. u~ srt s~~0.r~1.e:;.~ 'ctueb~ ·v. Meu Vercte <CM) travels. Beaut. furn. ~emate to share 3 m:.i'il Yl •Je. ro er _.lltil"'-==11o..•=el"'-c.;..-"""''.,.~~~--~~·~J::ms · ~2 E priv. Gar. Security gate ro'r quiet empt. non· M.SOJmo. 7~-· --bdrm home. 19th and 0X9CUplan Cr-1rcW 8Sl.QOeves .HDkr. ~L---Dana Pt. shr 3 br hse. Colla, Sts. 1295 per mo 11• St, C.M. ..... 4475 Tcc. 1 or 2 br a~ts, 1 ml 2Br 2ba. new cpts. walk N.B. lrg ba i1,. apt s ize, avail. now. Bill 831-1257, Inc util. Steve646-4395 _ "A tt.w eo.c..t.. I &i 2 room Olfice~. ~IC ... ••••••••••••••••••••• om beach. 0 pets. in closet , nr beach. beach shops, yrly 1325. 496-291111 FemtolbrbeaufumNB fulfserviCilCusrc>m ~yofprkg.Uhl incl. Prime Tustin & San -'642=·?.'.l\='7'-------ltt'i/1t1>. 5411·8190 m-s291. Fem. roommate lo ahr condo. Much priv. $275 office &idesk space. Avail. now. Call Clemente retail or office Steps to be1eh. 2 Br. 1 •., OCEAN VI EW 3 Br Steady employed person. wtsame. 2 Br 2 Ba apt. rm 644-4399 Nr. O.C. Afrport Realonomlcs 675·6700 spece. 7J0.1470; 831-8699. Ba.(~~· Immaculate w/new ~~s t drps . 1ttractiveroomlnMesa No~.non·smkr.CM. Prol.womantoshr2br;2 "StttoAppreclate!" .-.CALSUm W tulala..w 4500 cond. ·673·250'7Al!t. Permanent 1mo,req Verde With. S215 ; ~.~a~1L ~ ™·7373, ba Park Nwpt apt, all 75&-1971 2111$tq.ft.frontground ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cliff Haven, 2 br. I ba. lst/last+c/ (r efunda· wtthout kitch priv. S235. '" .,_ v ms... amepiUes, N.B. 640-9159 noor, Jarden se~ting. N.B .. 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. new crpt, fresh paint. ble pro.rated). Cr. ters. 9'19-~. Emp Female over 35 for •Faeeapt9!. M/Floshr2 pro(e1POUI bldg. 111 top ft. or less. MlA zone,~ frplc. eat·m kit No pets. lnq_uire by mail: A. Room for rent. tndry 2br. 2ba, Park Newport.~ br 2 be CdJI apt. Walk MIWPOITC--area ol Newport Beach. per s q . rt. A«ent @ .642-21.34 Mcintosh. 1560 Hunt· Cacil. JJ60 per mo. CM nlD.M0.-3 tobUclL Ftpk. Nopeta. ..,.,.. xlnt access to Hoag SU·SGS2 Waterfront, dhc. 2 Br. ~77~r. Sa~ Gabriel, IJU.~ Roommate· to sbr 2 Br No srnoklnc.. $325/mo + &c1•wt Office :::· ,~ ':va~t'. ~~ -=._.=-==1nd==-·111-1-ri-,-1-Pa-rt-.1-1-1 =· ~.ir.te67f~~ .... _ .... B b . h & . ....._......_ 4100 condo. Fem. prer. S240+ "11s. m.-o <•lk for 500to~. Avail•· 3IS IQ. ft. pr'f1t1e1ous w. n.th. St.tPadflc 642·9186 '"""'"' 1 r. ng t airy, ....................... V,Ulll.546-3582eves. _D!IM) bldor~ Westcliif area. Sl.00 sci. Bhlfs l~ustrial Part . 1'°2 block ocean. yearly. · SllarelikenewSaota Aoa i: 2 br COlldo to shr. ll84S-6.'50l JD Whittier Ave. 15'0. ~~ee~~·h~ ~~·0~:,.·~s.~: ~~w1!-111. home. full kitchen 1~•.,~7.PoOl.Jac. rorea.!~'i.i'r:r~fon ~.J700sqftullita.Of· Powder rm. frplc, Eves673-9to5.~ SIOS •up. Color TV. priv.lleges, Male, pro· ..... ·-· L -500tqftolomcespace&i .. ~warehouse space I Phones in room. 2274 fess1onal. non-smoker. Fem. tosltr 3 br, 2 ba con· recpt. area. Security w/carpets, drapes, wet comm. poo · S900 mo. UN>. Clean 1 BR. gar N Bl d CM ,,,_, mo incl. utilities. do f 1 · S300 '*C ... •e' a .... 1n ... swtems. Wet bar. Op· ber.642.4463/142·'11N Callfl4S..t95Sor64S434. ~ b ewporl v . . _,., . rtt ac. rvine. . '"' ft.'11:' • ._, ~ ttboule · · spabchce. '1 '!.rtrso'unm. lnlf\q 1201Jc 646-7"5 Evnp 'wknds, 556-6303 &'iCMDSl (Iv msc! ' & lnvntmeat. .,,;:,~ UUl '-#Ol~P~~~: BEAT HIGH RENT 1 Br.33rd St. 2 blocks ,.... PartNwptTwnhseto sbr F. has 2Br apt to ahr ~·---~ Free move-in tlaie. from beach. gara£e. No 3fllJISt. ~l!lfviE? w/prof person. tennis, W/Slurt 3S +. l200 + .,., 640--5777 Nl)M!•~a. Plenty or park'&, focd ~&.~Sierra gmt. s.ce.-• 1116 Kl~~~nettes~Ph!~~~ spa, many amenities. Ul.ll. 548-0606 972 sq ft1 receptionist yard. or rails & frwys. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Z"Cbann"I Mov1'"s 752-82161~ or 7S9-9Ml area. 4 orflces Ir '':Kply «IO lo IOO amp truck I B .. .. "ves/w 5. Shr. 2 sty condo 1220 incl N s · Adu t s, 2 Br 2 a 12 Br. I~ Ba. garage. Sandplper,1967Newport "' -til W/D f I KOU.CIMTll ""inr ewport/17 t. dn. New, 13,500 & 6750 Versailles, crpt. drapes, laundry. blk to. beach, Bl. Coita Mesa 645·9137 Will share my 2 bdrm. 2 Av&!t now S.S!~Ii3 rp r . Ull pd. II>' per sq rt. (20 to Z3' g!US) Rancho garG.1, 1750/mo t rly. t.t'-'i/rm,974·7225. ba t.ownhome. nr bch Deganl~~~tes in .._. Cuc• mo n I a 548-l, 646-2848 Large 2 Br 1 •1 Ba ~~bea~ h:el rosms. flSO mo + '1 elect. non· Shr '-Nwpt Bch. pool, prestigious loc. Incl p etlW Offlc (714 )185·5110. eves Large3Br.28a.dl!,Plex. garage , frplc , ~~e~enncitat~06s~o s moker Avail 4 /1 frplr. nr bSc3h.02 rar secretarial, recep-_,'ififTwpt ee:ch .;;98s.=-:S822=:;...·----- Crplc, garage. Quiet wuhertdryer. patio, OceanCront .Newport 641>-s._w:eves -M.61ofe, o mo . Uonist. telephooe ans & Phones, Xerox. F\lrn.&i Fenced Indus '! lot , area. Broker 675-4912 d ish wa sh e r · S 5 5 0 · BeaMI 673-4 lM F: Cute Ii airy, 2 br 1 ba. -rmre. Of cs from S436 & Mott. Low overtlead 8'1xl23, ideal for conlrac- Vtlla Balboa Penthouse 2 851·9522. --.... ~ 4175 CdM arv · W/i;lt $290 Need mature adult to shr mo. On·Ull ores S165 with crut loc Sl.40 per tor or atora,e. t600/mo. Br. 2 Ba. fam. rm. frplc. s.toAM 1110 I +, Cin x 760-. WI~ fl~~ ~br, 2ba in mo . THE H EAD · IQ. ft. · See al 205 Placentia skybghuJ mkro. View .............................................. NE'WPORTSHORES ~i rom o{n. QUARTERS COM · 151·9088 Av.,C.M.Call$51·1H9. ol bay irom balcony. 1 Br ser gated 3dult Pri•"-l'ffldMc• M/F, 4 BR house. ·Nr. . ..... 983·5766 Az . PANIES~ A ?rOfessloeal Shr ...... -in m1y lnt"n·or 1.000 S.F. $325 mo. 1100 Pool ~pa, sec. bldf & comm "walk to So Rupon~1bfi C-a \hollc bch I · w D Gill envlrooaient. n H l ....-'4 fi .. h p1rkl!lg. 1 bloc to Coast Pian pool tennis r!"-Y wlll take lov1n5 frpl~~00~;~~'·ssJ .+fl,"f:., . 050 11&1.olill ~d~nudcios:~PIJ~~· ~~~~~cw se. =~~S950. 675-8865 or crts. $460/mO Av'a11 41i. i:~~f a;s1s~:oce'o? 1 ·~utu MS-43S6 •••00•••••••••,•• .. •••• ~S ADOllSS boob l sources GOOd ..,. W..e.d 4600 · 831·5019 elderl~ person Xlnt Prol . ..:.1eto sh1re~uiet ~~1"'41 Aniwiflng -li mall c u •-allon 63111\LJ\ 'I w AW .in.""' . ....,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ooran view. yrty 2 Br. I SOllll &..J-e 3116 food. esa Veroe CM 2 Br. 1 Ba. house. 2 lks Coau ell · *·1452 servicedy coconf~rence Executive office space Room 'wanted by student bll. 2 patios, yard. $650 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ref. from bch. CdM . $300. .........1..1-t room. A . , nlrport. II bl t . . ... ~.. l d mo.,. •• _67800r""'31.... So., -a ,,...,ean View pvt ___ 556"°33 CaJIScolteves67S-8836. .........,. garace1 s oraye SIOO/ltl>. 1'/15l·l342 1v1 1 e, pres 1g1ous ID exc._,.e o o your .... .....,. °" ..... "" only. Westsiae Cos • ---Newport Beach area. 2 bot.mecleanin1, babysit 3710SEASHOREDR. beach 1 bdrm 4 + livm· Yee...._ I .... 4250 Roommate wanted, Dana Mesa.5411-4720 Otflce s pace avail. lrg pri vate offices or om~ worlt. Honest NEWPORT BEACH grm, frpc. ~ 99.5304 ....................... Point, 2 br, 2 ba. S2SO. Isl Garqe, single for rent. Includes desk. phone w/ICalic views, 234 sq ft Refs. 99'7·7221,539·3406 S bdr, acrogs from bcb. •-4000 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br., ~+ 'h utJls. Apr. 1. v. bUt lo Main bch, mll/1t1>,6'1·0763. & 275 sq rt. Incl. recep· 8'ail1eu lady seeks UP· avail. lmmed.-Newly ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. now. Wttltly thrll l..aftlllA 115.04.3044 .,._,.TAU tionlst. telephone perlbdnnapt dec .• lndry, SllOO/mo. NS. Lproom & ruu bath. summer. 673·7873. MoeUy absent seeks. fem .._, _.. vn servl~ t-5, 1ttretari1I, 1142-.. , "'"7111 !213)213-5812 Sep. • pvt enlranc~. PalmSprtnp area <Mon· rmnwte. parUurn Part Offlcit-..W 44M llACH bkUI aerv\ces, • COl>Y --------• View of bay le o_pe!' lerey CC) ~ 3 BR 2 NwiK 1pt. Pool, spa, sec ........................ no. '7150rl,U11/f tllitft nwidilne 1v1llable. For Reap. F college student ocean.Non-smokerp:;o, Ba furn. w /alrlum. 15'7$. Y~ay $.19:>. LVf' •IQll,ttpld,otwlY • for inumd o cc. Full more informaUon call looldQJforroomtorent. It JH£ BAJ MUOM Golfl tennis. Dally, rnyS.lll1!4-4Z'!! cor .. l/c, lacl. 1ll llllll. SemeeJl'Qllleatefrom l6eot c•pe~to SISO. Pnla ,,.. Luxurious 2 bedroom, I Pvt swte in condo. pref. week r. monthly rates Pro(. (tm to Jhr W/lllN Ample ,.ts. Ideal for 9 . llaln • ,,orfda nr l4\\X40' space Harbor Peters 181 ,J i.th apartment locat~ Qlittnoumokepror. Lt. 1v1I • 714 5$8-IOOJ I 2Br 2b1 apt at Park 1••1..acct(, •nelneer, Pacifica Hotp. Ownr/ Blvd, nr Baker St.1 •=•-~ acrott from the =Ref1.C.M.S22$, tSPM,!Skfor ll•rl!. Newport. USO/mo . ftc.l"r40U'Wyadleach MJarrard acrou FEDCO. Av 4650 Reubea E . Lee ..::.:::::;..::::=-------1Lrlflel1Bearcebln.oool Mcht 131·071', wll11d1 ll~tc1·TTZ'IM·F,1.s. QHH·llJJ ~.Mf.1.111 ...................... . Overtook-. Newport Bay. 2 Furn la h ed rm I tbl, color tv, 2 (pl1, 2U/151645Alllsoo. 1111 '11f/"4..at&. 144 et prof. office + c · aoo IQ ft. a /c, l.11 ._ ... ON SllOO month. For ap· w/batllroom prlv. Nr. lleel!IW.sq.!tl8. Share 4 Bt. 3 Ba. prot. c.com aecutlve otnce. aeent&f7 .,.ce. Ava.ii. downtc..-n loc. Oft llOOd>ZIMln'!l.lllhlet. ~=:..''~r••1~5uJJ Se. Cat Pina. Ii 405 ~ Parle Wett in April. ~J!1 IWI, rtOll•Smoker. 4llO IQ. ft.. ht balll wllb ~II.~+ 1175. Oran1e pt BI v d , C. M . POOi, RV p1tl111. Cl•bblt, .( ... 71Aillllll'12t-· ... ll---•I Fwy. Noa-emtr.1$5 wk. New 1 Br. Condo, 2 min I "'°'' Wnllls, • S\$0 . ...,._, llelboa Peoin. er.t f'lullrial Cftlter UOO/mo. Ul ·7420, ~comm. TJA..-.eoa ________ , •1m fl'!alllft.ama : 11et111.5§:M PIO•.••· •au11-m•. 174-1111 ....... I FOr additional classified advertising, please see Section C. --I . --.o -.l..__.f'l..o. ------'-=" --........_. I ., ....,_ --·-= -.:. .. ' ·- - I ~ ' -- - • ~----,..~.,..--~---~-------------------------------------------................... mi M -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 13, 1982 '' If you're in the market for a home of your own, you're probab ly in th e mark et for a home loan, too. A conventional mortgage is usuall y th e first kind tnat comes to mind , but other alternatives do ex ist. These include • privately insu red loans •G I-i nsured loans • FHA /HUD*- insured loans • Farmers Home Administration loans •urban "homestead" loans •"house-to-house" loans • variable interest rate loans • graduated payment mortgages and eH UD's subsidized homeownership program. To learn about these possibilities, talk to a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® befo re you start lo oking. REAL TORS® are real es tate professionals, and form s of financing are part of their expertise. They can tell you what's available in your community, and how you can qualify. Creative financing could make the difference between a home that's just right and one that's just affordable. For valuable advice and assistance, call a REAL TOR® today. • . •federal Housing Administration/U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Renewal A public service of the lllJPllll Classifieds 642-5678 • •