HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-15 - Orange Coast Pilot~~-=--"'-'_ --~--·-~· ---..___ ~ -----......_,.~_ -=----. '. .. IUlll 1:1111 ~ YIUi llllTDll llllY PIPll MONDAY MARC H 1 ~>. 1<Hi2 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS .. Escaped convict killed Santa Ana • ID An esc-aped convict who alleg- t!<ily raped a Huntington Beach woman while hiding from a police· dragnet last week was shot and killed by officers Sunday in Santa Ana. The convict, Kenneth F . Troyer, 36, was being sought in connection with sexual assaults on several Orange C.Ounty women reported since his Jan. 30 escape from the California Men's C.Olony Busi ness g i ves aid to f amil y The family of slai n Irvine doughnut shop worker Pedro Flfaro is a little better off finan- cially today thanks to the efforts of several local smaU busmess owners. Six businesses in East Irvine's Arbor Village shopping center plus one in Lake Forest got to- gether to donate some of their profits. or the proceeds of special services, to the Alfaro family. Barbers from a University park shop also took part. at San Luis Obispo, acoordina to Anaheim police officer Jim <ran- dy. He said Anaheim 'a Crime Task Force had been tipped that Troyer was planning to meet a woman In the 2200 block of N. Main In Santa Ana. Anaheim officers were wat- ching when Troyer pulled up at 12:40 p.m. He was driving the 1977 Mercury Bobcat he-Uegedly ' stole from the H untington Beach rape victim, although the auto had been repainted white and had different license plat.es, offi- cers said. Aft.er a woman identified as Pamala Cuen, 24, of Santa Ana, entered the auto, Anaheim offi- ce rs ordered Troyer to stop, Gandy said. When the convict Instead began dri~ off, police fired at the vehicle, flattening a right f ront tire, he said. Troyer led officers on a brief chase that ended near 17th Street and Cabrillo Park Drive when the car veered out of control and struck a tree, Gandy said. Aft.er Troyer stepped out of the car. he made a "furtive move," according to Anaheim police, and was fired upon by officers from Anaheim and from Santa Ana, who had joined in the purswt. Gandy said three shotguns and three service handguns were discharged by officers in the shooting. Troyer was treated at the scene by paramedics and take11 to Western Medical Center. where he was pronounced dead al l :36 p.m. Anaheim police said early to- day It had n ot yet been deter- mined whether Troyer wu ar- med at the time he wu shot. Ma. Cuen, who had entered Troyer'a · car, was not Injured In the inci- dent. " The pursuit and shooting are being Investigated by the Ana- heim and Santa Ana police de- partments. as well as the Orange C.Ounty District Attorney's olfice. Prior to his etK:ar>e. Trover had (See CONVICT, Page A!) Doctors f ~c e big changes By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 the Delly ....,. ..... Doctors must learn to live with a changing role and do only what they can do best if the medlcal profession is to survive the co- ming years without turmoil. a Stanford University economist said Sunday. Their donated work netted about $500 Sunday, bringing the Pedro Aiiaro Memorial ·Fund up to about $9,500, said Irvine busi- nessman William Ackman, who launched the community's chari- table efforts. The idea was the brainchild of Gene Tibbit, owner o f Arbor Village Barber Stylists in the Jeffrey Road Cent.er. ALMOST IN THE DRINK -When the fountain is taller than you, it's tricky getting a drink. This tyle was nimble and fleet, D•llr P11ot Photo by O.ry 4mbfOM running off into the Irvine High School track meet crowd before the photographer could get identification. Victor Fuchs, in the keynote address before the California Medical Association's annual convention at the Disneyland Hotel, said at least two major changes will affect the prof~ion. in the next decade. The changes mark an end to three decades of growth fueled by steady eco- nomic and population growth, he said. In an interview after the speech. Fuchs said that the changes ''h o pefully" will not have much impact on patient care. Tibbit. whose shop is a short distance from the WincheU's Do- nut House where Alfaro was slain Feb. 11, said he and his wife were trying to think of ways to help Al.faro's widow and five children. Girl faces cancer fight decision The fU"St major change is the continuing movement of control of heatlh care facilities toward professional managers and away from doctors, Fuchs said. County youth, 12, may need operation on lungs to stop spread of di sease .,.. The reason for the change is that large. profit-making organi- zations which have the money to buy expensive new equipment are moving into the health care field and that professional man- a~ers are needed to deal with (See DOCTORS, Page A!) Tibbit decided his contribution would be to r.ut hair all day Sunday in his shop. donating each $6.50 fee to the Alfaro family. Soon othor businesses were chipping m with their own ideas. Six barbers from the Univer- sity Park Barber Shop in Irvine volunteered to join the three barbers in Tibbit's shop for a day-long cul-a-thon Sunday Though rain slowed things down a little, Tibbit reported more than $200 was netted. Dentist Charles Touer agreed to clean teeth for four hours in his office and donate the fees The Jeune Ami children's boutique held a sidewalk sale and donated 10 percent of the profits, workers at Arbor Clean ers placed a .:ol- lecllon box on the store's counter, and owner R o n Ma tranga of (See F UNDS, Page A2 I By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of !tie DeltJ PUot 8tafl There are broken hearts and "hearts broken open." Nancy Smith of El Toro places herself in the latter category. She has good reason. Situng across the room from the attractive woman is a be- spectacled, thinning 12 ·year-old. Tamra Smith. The girl twists a gold seahorse necklace and talks about spirit. God, her hobbies and with a big smile tells her mother about the A she got on a math quiz and "I didn't even study." [t has been a busy day for Tamra. She laughs when she tells how her friend Nate Smtley has been pushing her in "doughnuts" and "wheelies" at school. Tamra and Nate are seventh grade school Orlando d enies role chums at Serrano Intermediate School m El Toro. Tamra gets around on a wheelchair. She has no legs. Tuesday, Tamra returns to a place nearly as familiar as the tidy condominium in which she lives -the City of Hope hospital in Duarte. She, her mother, father Bill and sister Dacia, 10, face what could be a major decision this week. Doctors believe Tamtta may need an operation on her lungs to stop the spread of bone cancer. They plan a scan of her lungs. The cancer has already taken both legs, her right leg March 5, 1981 ; her left Feb. 3 this year. She undergoes painful chemotherapy every three weeks at Caty of . Hope. ~hould an operation be needed Mrs. Srnith says the final decisiolT' will ~ Tamra's. "It was her de- cision to have the chemotherapy and it hasn't been easy watching her vomit for 12 hours at a time through the treatments," Mrs. Smith said. "But we feel the ultimate de- cision does have to be Tamra's. She has proved to us she is a winner," Mrs. Smith sajd. Tamra, an inspiration to the neighborhood when she roller skated with an artificial leg after the initial amputation, says she would like to "roller s kate and swim .'' She was doing hand- stands in the community swim- ming pool last summer · "I plan on living lO age 84," Tamra said. ln reality, she may Lave only three to four months. perhaps two Bell grade change • Ill years "1f wP'rP lucky," her mo- ther says. · "But even if she doesn't make it she is already a winner." her mother said, smiling to h1dt.· her (See TAMRA, Page A2) S torms may brlng mor e d ays of rain Ram. ram and more rain l'OUld be the rule for the coming week . according to National Weather Service forecasters. The rain, which began Sunday, and was expected to continue through today could last until Thursday as March storms con- tinue to form off the coast, a spokeswoman for the weather service said. the season. But that remains be- low the l l .92 inch average for the area. according to Denny, whose records go back 50 years. The storm, described as "spotty" by flood control experts, did not resuJt m any maJOr Hoo- ding in Orange C.Ounty. Ex-Edison counselor says he had no talks wi th foo tball star's teachers Chance of rain today 1s in- creasing to 60 percent Tuesday. Also, thundershowers are Likely Wednesday and Thursday. the However, an off-duty Santa Ana patrolman pulled a 15-year-old youth out of a rain- swollen flood control ditch Sun- day night. A police spokesman said Mi- chael Hamann and two neighbors pulled Michael Melanson from a ditch near Trask and Clinton streets about 6:30 p.m .. after Hamann heard his cnes. The boy was uninjured. Former Edison High School student ·counselor Marc Orlando has denied that he made a phone call to an English t.cacher indica- ting that football star Kerwin Bell needed a grade of "B" in her course to qualify for a scholar- ship. Orlando's denial stems from a story published by the Daily Pi- lot on Feb. 18, which reported that running back Bell had grades in two classes improved three months after he was gra- duated in 198t• so he could qual- ify for a Kansas University scholarship. WORLD Bell's English teacher was quoted in the story as saying Orlando told her Bell needed the grade change from a D to a B if Bell satisfactorily completed ex- tra work. ' Orlando, through his attorney, said that no conversation took place between Orlando and the teacher "at any time in or about August of 1980 or any time aHer school ended in June, 1980." The English teacher. in her interview with the Daily Pilot, also said that counselor Orlando Dog aids treasure hunt LONDON -A dog l:\elped find the famed golden hare, object of a worldwide hunt of readers of a clue-strewn children's book. Page A3. NATION 'Jnflation victory: A price Inflation is coming down rapidly, but the price in tenns o! jobless workers and bankrupt buaineaes is high. Page A3. Robert E. Lee's last years I Whatever happened to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee after the 1u.rmuler at AppomatlOlt? A new book .,a he be:aam a pio;rewlve educator. Page A4. ( • may have contacted another teacher to explain Bell's grade deficiency to qualify for the Kansas scholarship. Orlando, howeve r, also denies he ever contacted the second teacher. "These implications are com- pletely false," Orlando's attorney indicated. "Mr. Orlando had no. discussions whatsoever with ei- ther (teacher) at any time after grades were completed at the end of the semester in respect to chan~ng any grade for Kerwin Bell.I\' STATE . . spokeswoman predicted. The grade quesllon concerrung The high temperature today Bell s.urfaced at a time ~hen ~he was expected to be 62 degrees Huntington Beach Union High with overnight lows of 45-55 de- School District announ~ plans grees. Water temperature off to conduct cl~ h~armgs Ofh Newport Beach is 56 degrees. charges th~t &hson H1fh SchooP""' Rain showers Sunday dropped has recruited footbal players anywhere from 2 inches of rain from other schools. on inland Orange C.Ounty and as District officials said the grade changes involving Bell will also be reviewed during those hear- ings which start April l before a state-appointed administrative law judge. The judge was hired by district officials. much as 1.14 inches in Hunting- ton Beach, according to Orange C.Ounty Flood C.Ontrol offieials. ln Costa Mesa, county officials said .76 inches of rain feU during Sunday's storm. The rain brought the annual . coastal total up to 7.91 inches for INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 California A5 Mini-condos squeeze ahea d SAN FRANCISCO -Would you pay $50,000 for a condominium squeezed into 440 square feet of living space? A developer thinks many will. PaJ;Ce Ao. COUNTY She's walking for charity An Irvine girl is planning to walk 18 miles to ra.i.se funds for healtll care programs. Page Bl. Cavalcade B2 Cl85Sified Cl.C3-6 C.Ornics B4 Ctos!lword B4 Death Notices C2 Editorial Atl Entertainment BS Horoacope B2 SPORTS Melanson apparently had at- tempted to bicycle across the flood control channel and was about to be swept away when he was rescued. Hamann and the neighbors formed. a human chain to bring the youth out, the spokesman said. . Elsewhere, heavy rains were apparently responsible for the collapse of a roof on FedMart store in Garden Grove . Ann Landers B2 Movies BS National News A3 Public Notices C2 Sports B6-8 Dr. Stelncrohn B2 Stock Marketa 83 Television A7 Tileat.ena B5 Weather A2 World News A3 Fri.,zzelle, Sills g o at it Magee's status 'questionable' Chargee and counterchargea are already flying ln the &9th Allernbly Dl8trict battle between Republicans Nolan Fri.Delle and David SW.. P-ae Bl. n Kevin Magee'a status la "questionable" for UC I.rvlne'a aeoond-rouncl NIT game at Oklahoma tt.Jnilbt. PageB6. I .. 0 s Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /M -~,. . •' Continued storlf!Js DOCTORS • • ~ reaulation, Fuda aaid. The eeConcl major change la a potentla l cluh be tweeft univel'lity-run hoep!ta.l.s and their dQCtOra and conununity hospitals and their doctors, Fuchs said. I That clash ls corning because the u,niveraity-run facilities are atra for money and are ln- cnii. ... r1aly looking to more patient care said. a aource of revenue, he It up to doctors to adjust to both o these changes. Fuchs said, though he added a.fter the speech that he is not sure such an ad- justment will take place. To meet the first change, doc- tors must compromise with pro- fessional managers and place 'priority on those things they re-ani wish to control, he said. 'Whether we like it or not, some of this (influx of profes- sionals) is inevitable," Fuchs said. "Physicians and management must work out compromises that understand the legitimate con- cerns of each side." • unJveraity-run facilities, he aaid. ~tential third challenp wW be roi-doctors to avoid the urae to jump into new, lucrative medical 'procedures, Fuchs aa.ld. When a new procedure la ini- tiated at preeent ao many doctors become involved in ft that there ia not enough work for moat. but the cost of the procedure ataya high despite the fiocxled market,. F\&chs said. The "competitive squeeze" that results may cauae "a battle wtthJ.n medicine," Fuchs said, a battle that will be resolved when large- health care providers consolidate services at a lower cost and chooee only as many doctors for one procedure as are needed. Fuchs warned in an interview that if doctors don't take steps to regulate themselves the market will select only thoae moat fit to pe rform certain procedures, lowering the price while driving others out. .. The clash between university- and community-run facilities can be resolved if the university af- filiates take on only as much patient care as is necessary to sustain the vital research work they do, Fuchs said. Fuchs said he is not certain any of these adjustments can take place because the medical pro- fession is dominated by old doc- tors who don't really care about the future. "Their attitude is 'li only I can get in five more gocxl years I don't care what happens'." Fuchs said. "We need people who are go_!ng ~ be thinking about what nealili care will be like 15 or 20 years from now." .·STOUT HEA.RTS Tamra Smith, center, _mscusses her school dav with mother 'Nancy and sister Dacia. Behind the.Smlt.bs .iB a 1 heart presented io!J'amra on Valentine's Day by !>elty Piiot Photo 'f Ch•rle• Sia" the singles group a t the Crystal Ccithedra l in Garden Grove. The misspelling or Tamra's, ·name on the Valentine is a common mis take, her mother said. Community hospitals and their doctors can r espond by not branching out into areas or c;a.re traditionally handled at the --CONVICT. • • been serving a four-year sentence for arm~ burglary. Last Wednesday, he was spot- ted near Beach Boulevard and Slater Avenue in Huntington Beach by a Westminster police detective. According to police, Troyer scuffled with the Westminster officer before escaping over a wall. The convict drew a handgun which discharged during th e FUND • • • Matranga's Hair Company ~~8; ped heads and manicured · for.livf:._hours. The Video Etc .. videotape store ~to donate $10 from each $19.95 ~mbership in !ts V 1~~ Radical plan ?' scuffle, but no one was injured, police said. While about 30 officers sear- ched a Huntington Beach neigh- borhocxl for the convict, Troyer a llegedly broke into an Ash Street house to hide, then raped the woman who resides there when she returned home, accor - ding to police. After the dragnet was d isper- sed, Troyer allegedly !led in the woman's car. Club to the family also. Ana today, Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre in Lake Forest will hold a special night where part of any proceeds above a usual Monday's business will go to the family. ., WASHINGTON (AP) -The Ripon Society, an organi?.ation of moderate Republicans, called Sunday for abolishing insanity defenses, establishing commis- sions to replace judges and juries in meting out sentences and ma- king criminals compensate their victims. The effort is one of many for · the Alfaro Family since Pedro Alfaro was murdered in a robbery, that netted less than $100. Al- faro's widow recently was pre- sented with a savings account in her name in which several thou- sand dollars had been deposited, proceeds from a fund started by another businessman. -By STEVE TRIPOLI ,WINNING ENTRY -Sports fans at Satur- day's St. Patrick's parade in Mission Viejo crowd up to get autographs from Los Angeles Rams quarterback Jeff Rutledge, le ft, a nd tackle Jackie Slater (on opposite side of float) as the parade entry o f the Mission Viejo M irror proves its popularity. The float. entered by the community's ne w est newspaper. a publication of the Daily Pilot's Or ange Coast Pubhshmg C.-0., took first place award among commercial floats. Sweepstakes award went to Mission Viejo BeautifuJ Committee. The parade dre w thousands of spectators under threatening s kies and despite chilly. 91rlp will dry up lor Its scheeuled M&tch 22 llttoH The cr1ft la to lllld 1 week Iller, but NASA wants the landing strip dry II f.IXllOH 1111141. Partly cloudy and breezy In the Tha forecast called for a n .. r. zero ch1nce of rain today -afternoon. lnaeulng clouds with though 1kl11 ware eapected to .,, lnaMtlng «ianoe of "--· •• Et-n.re. smell cr1fl advllOfY rem..,n cloudy -and • MW storm over outer northern w1ters !Of In· coming In Tueed1y, Ile said. craaalng northwesterly wind• The ralnfall by mld-eflernoon •· Sunday II Ille Los Angeles CIVIC 15-30 knot• with 3-7 foot _, Center hid reacMd .38 of en Inch so tonlghl. In 'other erea·s. winos since the llloweB began at about 2 mo1tly -terly. Winds decreaslne a.m .. Thompson llld. to "" than 10 knots. West to Unofflclll rep<)f1a _.. re<*ved f1'.":"f'Tr 'northweet llWell 2-4 feet. Partly of u much as an Inch of rein In ~ ~-th!ough tonight. Altlden1and8 to 8 lnc:Mt of lt!ow , __________ _. In the Fruler Plr1c area SO mll11 ~ on V S nor1h-I of Lot Angeles. • • Summary The rllnllll brought the Civic ~ -Center total to dlle 10 8.83 lnc:hea the way? Thunderatorm1 carry1nQ"tOfn1-fOf the ~ lhll begin July 1 C::: - -• -- - doee bleated the South, while a The 1,,.,ege by Marc:ti 14 ls 11 s3 -------------.::.··..:·.:.• ____ -J anowstorm threetaned the Rockie& 1ncr-. and 7.36 lnc:hea had b9.n and melllng snow produced ff-reached oy thet dete In 1U81. ---------------------rtoua lloodlng In the M~. ThOrnl*>'l aald, eddlng that rain Eurella A low·preNUre &rN end 1aso-11111 might reech normal leYela th... Fr--48 43 t6 Blrmlnghm 78 59 I cleted wwm front produced wet •• -~ St 42 82 Blamarc~ 49 27 y.ar Lancaster 57 49 29 -tiler In the central part of the A mudallde partlilly blocked L""" Beech · BoiM 47 41 .02 netlon, with thunderstorms spree-Malibu Canvon Roed •l ll:>out noon ~·"" 61 56 .62 Boston so 42 I ding from Ot!l4'1<>m1 and northem1 Sunday, ind wH cleared In half ~oa A~ 57 55 41 I Brownavne 90 71 Texea Into northweat Arkanaaa., in hour, toe Angetea Count Mona"':0111111 55 St I Buttalo 42 32 and .no-a aidendlng from oen-Sherlll'• deputlee Hid. No eccl ••oni--55 51 1.48 Cherlatn SC re.. 82 tral Nabrllk• and Kan11a to th6 dent• -· reported Mt. Wit~ re ~ 2'4945, Ch1r1etn WV 59 34 r-VMtftt. · · Cheyenne eo 41 .18 Th1t weather tystem produced E _ J -d Needlel 87 59 I Chlcego so 33 II leMt five tomadoee late Sllur-Xlell~,l,f! ~ e.ach 85 55 .34 Ctnclnnatl 87 35 dey and -1)' Sunday In -tern 55 48 .33 Cleveland 82 35 and northern Taxaa, ahatterlng orecast 'Ontario 57 51 Columbus 86 35 ~Iona of doll1ra worth or prop.. ' ' ~=:In ~ 51 .98 Oil-Ft Wth 76 65 03 _., 80 49 29 Oenvet 59 31 In. the Wa.t, I cold front ai><eed COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN ~ 55 51 ·22 Dea Moines 56 30 rain from CellfOfnla to the Great AREAS -Wadnaaday through ~ Cl 56 49 .4 1 O.tro4t 52 33 9uin and ac:roee part• of the P .. Friday: rain and t~1 Seer ty 55 49 .3l t>uluth 35 16 .02 ctllo Hort"-t, nor1hem Ptat.u likely Wedneldey anding Thurlday SallnM amanto 55 4 7 .07 El Puo 78 45 1 and -tern Montana. Snow In the mountafn1. Ptrdy Sen Beriwdlno 54 48 .23 Fairbank• 111 -8 A winter atorm warning waa cloudy and not M COOi Fr'ldey. Sen Gabrlal 57 54 .15 Hartford 51 32 'poa1ed In the mountains of Colo-Windy l*lode 1n the mountelna San 81 51 . ·~I Helene 57 27 I r9do •the oold tn>nt mOYed Into and ooutll .,_ t.ilgtle In Iha Diego 87 59 .12 Honolulu 82 74 .05 the RocklH , and winter 1torm coutal arMa moettY sg to eo rltlng ~an Fl'Wlcieeo 53 48 Hou1ton 78 ae 1 wetcftle w.w "8lled In northern to the SO. Frldey. Hlgtla In the 309 8811 J<Me 58 58 .20 lndn91>ll1 88 38 1 Attzone and "9tem Wyoming. In the mountaine r1e1ng 5 daora. ante Ana 81 54 .48 Ja.ckanvtle ae sa ------------------------------------~ Falling tree kills angler HAGERSTOWN. Md. (AP) - A fisherman was crushed to death by a . fall mg tree just moments after his son jokmgly told him "you betwr look out if that tree eve r falls," accord ing to sta te pohce. Earl Harbaugh, 67, of Hagers- town. was killed Saturday while fishing along .~aver Creek with his 3!l-year -old son, Nelson, au- tho r1 t ies said . H a rbau gh h ad picked a popular spot to cas t his lme on the first day of trout season. police said. The acciden t occurred JUSt moments after Nelson Harbaugh offhandedly warned his father about a dead tree nearby. police said. From Page A1 TAMRA. • e • imonthl of paln. "It doesn't mat· ter, you don't have to live to a ripe-old age to be a winner. ''At flnn 1 waa numb about thla," Mra. Smith aaldt recamng when doctora found tne cancer March 5. 1981 after _growing complaints by Tamra of the pain in her leg. "I questioned and shook my fist at the heavens. • "But we're lucky. We oould have ended up with broken hearts.· But I took a second look and my heart was broken open with love and that's what the difference is," Mrs. Smith said. "When a heart is broken open · love can come forth. ''Tamra does not belong to me, J only get to love her, take care of her and enjoy her." It hasn't been easy for the Smiths financially. They moved to California in December, 1980 after Mrs. Smith, during a visit. with her father Gerrit Schut of Newport Beach, attended Crystal Cathedral ln Garden Grve and was "overwhelmed" w ith the hope s he felt when w alking through its doorway. The y moved from Pueblo, Colo., and Bill took a new .P,b in Los Angeles that left him without ins urance .. There ha~e been constant bills and the Smiths are hoping to get a motorized wheelchair for Tamra. Neighbors have rallied to their aid. thanks to Sue and Jerry' Omasta. A benefit showing of "Robin Hood." arranged by Omasta, will be held at 10 a.m. and noon Saturday at the Edwards Cinema m M~ion Viejo shopping cent.er on El Toro Road. Tickets are $2 each . "We can't say enough for what. people have done," Mrs. Smith said . ''People here in California .have such a good attitude. They don't stare, they den't judge. they care." Reagan again· blasts foes over budget MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - President Reagan, seeking sup- port today for his economic pro- gram in the South, criticized members of Co ngress who "march out to denounce the pro- jected deficit on television" but then vote to "bust the budget" in private committee meetings. Although aides had s.Mli..Rea- gan would soften his rM!ftt ap- proach toward Capitol Hill, the president had sharp words for opponents back in Washington. The president, m the first of three addresses tQ state legisla- tures in two days. said Americans "today need strong backs and deep pockets to shoulder the highest·tax burden in peacetime history. But Washington still wants more." Faced with governors balking il his "new federalism" program and a lack of the congressional support his economic program recei_ved a year ago, ~eag~ g~ve no sign of abandorung hlS fum opposition to major changes in his economic program or to tampe- nng with his tax plan. "I'm not only proud of this tax program. I happen to believe it's the best dam trung that's been .done for wol'kin~ and middle- i)lcome pe ople in nearly 20 years." he said · 1 In !fie Hort'-t. 30 to 40 mpn I Fr1dey. C>wmignt 10we 47 to M In !~• Blrl>et• 58 52 Kana City 81 43 wtndt ...,. f'9POrted llvoughout ' the OOMtal.,... and In the 20a to' s ........ Merta 158 52 'LU Vegas 74 58 I the nortt1ern Ad.nllc Coeat Ital-. 32 In the mounta1ne. toctlton 5e 49 Uttte Roell 89 43 1.33 ~ aell ~. . a alcWIG. muc:h of ~alley 44 35 Loulavtlle 89 37 u ...... Engllnd coeai. -~ • 57 .04 MempNI 54 47 .59 Aoodlng'*-Clbymelllng-J emnerature& ronenoa '6 53 .41 Mlefnl 71 75 ~~River to t1M 9 r" Mllwaukea 45 29 THE ENTERTAINERS IHt above flood 1tage it Fort ·c~ORNIA """°" Mllwllllkee 45 29 Weyne. Ind., In wtwt ~ c.iled ~ Vlll9y 70 40 .D3 · ~. Le3 ,,.. Molt-81.P 42 24 I the-* flood In et~ At leMI Bai!arafleld 86 156 .25 ~s ..,. 1 N~Yllle 88 42 M 2.000 P800l8...,. evec:uated. Bera1ow 84 57 eo 37 New Ol'IMnl es 87 I HunOredl of other .::C fled to a.-nont 50 45 :~~ Alhevlle 70 32 .241 New Yorti 58 43 .G2 I ~:,., Ohio. = ~ ~~ ~ .3S Atlerrta ;: :: ~~ :'1 :: .81 OM 8lld ...._,, .._.Y«tl. c.tallna 81 M -40 Atlenlc cty 113 42 ()ri\lha 57 G8 T..-nperef!Mtl It mld-dey Sun--· Baltlmore 82 44 Orlando ff 85 c:111y rlnfed "°""a 1ow of 2t at-.-~----:.-. _______ ....;;; ___ .;..._...,..; Ptllltldphta eo ~ .02 • Hougllton. Midi •• 10 l\lgfll Of .. It Phoenix 85 57 05 ONDdo encl It.~ AL ~ ea 33 : 14 lllf llPIRT !SU°ri,.mooJ!,:tides ., California ~ pouncted Loi An· "". =· llul ~ ::-..=,"" --· ----. ~on•~--..... ._. .............. .... wllll• • 1>9tton wflo ltad be.n ZlllM 2 ..... , -,,,... ..... -Dir .... ._.~ .. ,...,.,. 1 ..,.. ....,.. 1 t a wsw M ..... Nt,.,.. ... lntlle ~ 4 11 I a WSW Motewe o...n. ~· down· ._. OOl.l"Y a • a a '° 10 a. a a a WIW ,::. -=~·a":.::tn ..t ... I bA, l'ulildliy: ..... to--... wind ClflOP Wllfl lltll ~ • TUUAY I Seoond low 5:N p,m, I • TUllOAY FlrWI lliOfl 12:50 a.m. Flr9t 10W t :48 a.m. leoond high 4:22 p.111. leoond loW l:M p,m. 2 hn Mtt 8:01 p.m .. r1eee dftt.-ota.m. Uoon rlH1 11:41 p,m .. HI ~ t~11Llft, • ' ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' • \ \ I I ·- ............. PUTTING TO SEA -Tht: nation 's newc!->t fa st a ltaC'k nuclear s ubmarine . t hl• USS Albuquerque. hit the watt'r in Groton. Conn .. Saturda\. as vanl workers wa n•d a l lowt"r right. The s ubma r ine \\;as laun<.'hecl from tht· ElectriC' Boat Division of General D~·namics Corp s yard _ De-icing a concern Airline procedures questioned WASHINGTON <AP l The government's inquiry into the s no wy cras h of Air Florida Flight 90 has raised critical s afety quesltons about the way a irlines operate in snow or icy weather. Liste ning t o 46 witne sses during nine dC1 ys of hearings , a federa l inquiry panel focused on whether the Air Florida Jetliner that crashed . killing 78 people. was properly de -iced before it took off from Was h i n gton's National AirporL F ederal safet y exper ts say evidence and t e s t im o n y gathered since the J an 13 crash raises questions about industry procedures used to protect against ice and snow Among the findi ngs t hat concern investigators -Widespread confusion about the chemical solution used to de-ice aircra ft with no consensus among manufacturers. aircraft builders and airlines on what concentration should be used or how lo n g the mi xt u re i s effe ctive. -Wbile manua ls and tra ining programs emphasize the danger ice poses to a jetliner, incidents wher e pilots take off with ice or snow on their wings still occur too frequently Guidelines on whe n pilots should us e a n engine defros t sys te m designed to keep critical thr ust sensors from freezing are vagu e a nd s o metim es conflicting Engine icing has l'merged as an issue in more than 70 incidents in the last rew years. investigators were told. Respo ns ibilit y as to who m <ikes the final ins pection of an air craft was round to be unclear 1n the Air f'lor1dC1 case a nd pcrhap!> at othl•r airlines In Flight 90's case . the probl em w a lt c ompounded becau s e anotht·r ai rl int• handled ground m aintenance and de-icing an int rc.•asingl_y common practice At the 'clo~e c,f the publi c h e arings Frida y, Franc is M t•/\dams o f the N a t ional Transportation Safety Board told reporters he expects the board to determine "a chain of events·· led to the Air Florida crash Oronge Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 15, 1982 s AS Inflation battle's price high Reagan using traditional GOP economics to choke price spiral WASHINGTON (Al'> -The good n e w s. t h e R e a g un administration 1s quick to note. is 'that Inflation i~ coming down very rapidly. The bad news , an une mployed auto wo rker or bankrupt businessm an says just as quickly . is that a severe recession ls the reas on why. What President Rea gan calls "supply -sid e " ecop om ic s appears indis ting u1shabre thus far from traditional Republican economics. It's no secret lh1:11 r ecess ions c ool 1nt1 a t1 o n K1 s 1n g une mployment a nd consume r uncertainty reduce dl'mand fo r goods and serviccis , and that curbs wage and price increases Last month. whole~ale prices fell for the first time in six years. the governmt:nt reported Frid ay. The price drop, at a n annua l rate or I 7 percent. occurred because the recession has "knocked t he st uffing out of e xcess demand." says Walte r He lle r , c h ief economis t to Presidents Kennedy and Lyndon J ohnson The t rade -o ff o f ~lowe r economic act ivity <ind htghe r un e mpl oy m en t rur l owe r i n f I a t i o n h a s b c t' n u s e d r e peate dly b y R e p ublica n administrations a~ a policy tool -a tool ca nd idate Ronald Reagan. and later President Reagan. pledged not to U!>C Re~gan and his ad v1!'.t'r!> insist they nt•vcr inte nded to fight inflation with a recession and high unemploym t•nt But tht·y endors ed the F'edt·ral Ft<·ser w B oa rd 's d e c is ion t o ea s t• inflation by slowing the g rowth of money a nd crt•d1t 111 the• economy which tn,ggt•red tht' recession by pushin g up interest rates Reagan 's in it 1 a I t·<·o nom1c foreca!>t. prepared in C<1rly 1981. predicted inf1C1tion would com<' down s ignificantly. h11t ii did nnt predict a rcC'ession Once the do wn tur n hit . t h e a dm1n1s t ra t ion , at 'arious tim es. bl amed 1t on t h t• e conomic "mess" 1n herit Pd from the Carter administration, Congress' re fusal to enact a tax cut early last year . the Federal Reserve's poor man;1gement of lhe m one y s up ply a nd t h<' financial markets r efusal to s h o w t h e 1 r b t' It c f 1 n t h e president 's progr am hy lowerin~ interest rates Th e a d mi n 1s tr at 1011 •!> sensitive lo suggestion~ that 1t 1s resorting to rece s.,1ons and unemploym ent to sl11w infl ation De puty Wh1tl· llous<.' pres!> secretary Larry Speakes. while ha iling the latest pricl:' drop as "good news." was t"arcful not lo cla i m .id m in1 -.tr at1on r esponsih1 h ty for the la tes t development. presumably sinc·t he also m ight have had t o claim administrntion res pons1b11ily for the recess10n Whitt' !lo us e offl t·i.i l-. "'er" upset earlier this month wh,,n b ud g e t directo r Da vid A St ockma n told a group o f business supporters th<it high unemployment. an une xpectedly sever e recess ion ci nd many bus iness failures "C1 re all part of the cure" for ending inflation Ch le( White Ho use economist Murray L. Weldenbaum called t he rema rks ··an unfortun8te cho ice of words." Weidenbaum suggested that the Federa l Reser ve, which has borne much or the blame for the recession, ·'should get a very large port.ion of the credit" for b1'inging down inflation. In his firs t nationwide economic address. Fe b. 5, 1981. Rea~n said, "We don't have to c hoose between inflation and unemployment they go hand 111 hand. It 's time to try something different and that's what we 're going to do." S ince Reagan took office , inflation. as measured by the Con s umer Price l nde x. has fa llen from 12 per cent to 81h pe rC'ent. Many econo mis ts expect it to fall tu 7 percent or less by year's end Unemploym ent, m eanwhile, has climbed from 7 4 percent to 8.8 percent a n increase of 11h mill ion jobles s Am ericans . Ma n y e conomis t s predic t a jobless rate above 9 percent within a few months We idenbaum says Reagan, in his econ omic address. was refer ring lo long ter m objectives rathe r than the t e mporary, p ainful and un a voidabl e adjustment the eco11omy must go through. This time. Wc 1de nbaum co nte n d s . Rt•aga n h as ·a long-term prog ram of tax and budget cuts so that when the e conomy pulls out of recession, inflation will not flare up again. But it will take time for the prog ram to work. Weidenbaum and his Council of Economic Advisers 'conceded in a report lo Congress last m o nth th at there i s a "short·llved tradeoff between unemploym ent and the rate of inflation." The re port added "polic ies d esigned t o reduce inflation s ignificantly will temporarily in c r e a s e unemplo y ment and r e duce r economic J growth." More a nd more c r itics , howe ver. are asking ner vously ho w long "te mpor a rily" will last. Scampering dog ends treasure hunt sparked by kids book LONUON 1/\P 1 A dog scampering through an English p C1 rk has ended the 2112-year t reC1sure hunt for a golden hare tha t bewitched r eade rs of a children's storybook around the world Clues to the locat1oh or the trt•asure an 18-kar at gold pendant in the s hape of a hare. s tudded with six precious stones a nd worth ahout $5,4()() were sC'attered through Kit Willia ms' hook .. Masquerade." I was dead lucky ," the finder said "I got some or the clues hut not all of them. My dog found it for m e when it r an off to have a wee against the slone " But lhe identity of the finder remains as much a mystery as tlH• hare's hiding place once \i.a !> T he 48-year-old car designer "fears an avala nche of calls and le tt e rs fro m ·Masqu e r a de ' addicts," the Sunday Times said in reporting the end of the hunt. According to the ne wspaper, the finder was an avid hunte r of the golden hare who uncovered the treasure whil e walking hilt dog last month rn a park al Ampthill , Hedford. 43 m ile s northwest ur London. The ha r e "'as buried JUSt be low ground in Ampthill Park on Aug 8. 1979, by· the author a nd ::i w1tness The pendant was hidden 18 feet. 9 inches from a c r oss e r ecte d in ho nor of Catherine of Arcigon, first wife of King Henry VIII. who lived for a time at Ampthill After the dog led him to the stone that W CIS near the cross, the finder scooped out the hare and then was so exhausted from his long !>earch that he had to ente r a hospit al to recuperate. the newspaper said. Fi n all y , the hare's w ax protective coating was melted down l<tst Friday and the jewel was reve aled in the presence of the author . t he finder and the witness Publicity about the worldwide treasure hunt could inc re ase the hare's value t enfold at auction, said the Sundciy T imes "Masquerade " was published 1n September 1979 rn lintain. the United States. Isr ael. J apan and othe r countnes. It is a deceptively simple story abou t <t leaping h e ro . Jack Ha r e . who tci kes a m essage from the moon to the sun There were hundreds or clues in t he sto ry. but the author said m any were red herrings . Guatemalan Indians caught in middle of nation's violence GUESS WHICH STATE? Not North Dakota . No~ Vermont. It 's California. where in La Mesa a freak storm dumped five to s ix inches 'lf hail at ~treet corner in the San Diego Al'W..._.. s uburb. For Southe rn Californians in the flatla nds. it was as close to a local snowstorm as they will ever get. EDITOR'S NOTE : Human nghts organizations say fighting between leftists and government troops has claimed al least 32,000 lwes rn this Central American nation since 1979 The writer, based in Mexico City, traveled into the countryside last week and filed this dispatch By SOLL SUSSMAN Aaoeclll-. ...... awrtt.r SA:NTA CRUZ DEL QUICHE, Guate mala A young Indian with a rope around his waist was par aded into the square outside the church. The civili an patrol s aid h e was a gu e rrilla sy mpathizer found hiding in the mountains. He , li k e 50 oth e r men and 50 wom en and c h ildren brought into Chajul in the past 15 days, gets a chance to swear he will no longer work with the leftists. T h en , explains a n arm y officer who will identify himself only as Commander Guicho, the young Indian will be given a place to live in ChajuJ and a chance to join a civilian patrol that is part of a "pacification" program. Quicho said Chajul. a town in tbe mountains. 69 miles north of I t.be provincial capital of Santa Crut del Quiche, was nearly deserted two months ago when I he went there lo e nforce the •1pacificatlon·~ program. The proaram . he said, is aimed at U.ductna the people -mostly IDdian peuant.a -to side wilh UM anny •a anat tile ruerrilJu. Tbe civilian patrols are armed wtdt m1chetes 1nd old •hotcuns ' cind rifles. and they a re expected to help the army find guerrillas. Guicho said Chajul now has about 4,000 residents The army chief of staff, Gen. Manu e l Be n e dic to Luca s G arcia , d eclined to s ay how many soldiers a re taking part in the "pacification" program. He said 5,000 soldiers almos t a third of Guatem ala 's army ar c in the Quiche Military Zone. <~u1 c he P rovi n ce, wh os e· capital 1s 104 miles northwest or Guatemala City, is one of the a reas most a ffected b y the le ftis t insurgency in this Centr al Ame rican nation . F lying in an arm y helicopter ove r the spectacular scenery of m ountains and jungle, it 1s easy to see why road travel is risky for leftists and rightists alike. lsolaUon is the norm; paved roads are scarce. A repo r t e r 's itiner ary i s deter m ined by the army. with Lucas Garcia piloting one of the two U,S .-m ade Bell ~212 helicopters, mounted with M·60 machine• guns . Soldie rs are always nearby when visitors talk with residents, many ot whom s peak o nly Indian languages. Lucas Garcia carries a Browning 9mm pistol and two sheathed long knives on his belt. He tells a clvlllan patrol at San Bartolome Jocotenan10. 12 m Iles northeast of the provincial capital, lhal 25 more gurus will arrive the next day. •'Uniforms. are coming tor all those in training, .. he tells the men. "lf you want more guns further on. we'll trv. but first there has to be trainin~ .. Juan Ordonez Xotoy, one of the patrol leaders, sa ys that in rec e nt fi g hting , abou t 70 g u e rri ll as and 4 0 patrol me m bers have been killed I Soldie rs on a bluff a t !:Ian Juan Cot zal. jus t so uth or Chaj ul. lay out rifle s, ca rtridges. a n e x plo s i ve d c~1 rc a nd p a mphle t s capt ured fro m guerrillas The pamphleLs a re read10g prime r s fro m the Gue rrill a Arm y of the poor titled , "Let's Learn to Read and Write" and bearing the drawing o r s la in revolution a r y Ch e Guevara. Inside are the Spanish words for "artisan," "guerrilla" and "bullet." The word "wealth" appears unde r a drnwing of a comfort.able home with a car in front. Soldiers also bring up to the bluff four Indian children found , abandoned in the mountains. The wailing children are to be flown by helicopte r back to orphanages in Guatemala City. Lt. Ricardo Alvarez says this is common, "Many of them because the parents died, others because they went further into the mountains." Some who flee are guerrillas, others are afraid of the army. The chUdren are spilt up ror what ia surely their first nJ1ht, two to each he licopter. a l l cotton ch1n o ... elway.s a Lrad1t..1orel ravoni<z.; plczat.R.d or plom front, ~ 9tl'Z.8t w1th ~port.,ccet,::; or kmt eihtr li5 pirhaps oncz.of thz m ost comfort.ablcz. tx~r.s you'll <lVQ.f 'MZel 44 Fashion l1lond • N~ &och • 714/644-5070 1001 ~stwood Blvd.• Wntwood Village ·213/208-3213 \ . . -=--.... -------'"""'-~-_.= ·------~ ~- ' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 1&, 1982 ~\•'~\ ,.,~ \\' Retirement facts offered OF!AR Rft~A UERS . U you are a divorced woman. and we r e mar ri ed t o your ex-husband for at least 10 years. you can receivt' Socia l Secu r ity re tire me nt or disa bility benefits when you t urn 62 years of age. lndlan on the "Keep A mertu Beautiful" advertisements? L.K., Cotta Mesa The crying -India n in the Keep America Beautiful public ser vice ads ls available on poste rs promoting Keep America Beautiful Week, Apr il 18-24. This year's poster features l ron Eyes Cody with the United States Capitol in the background, and the wording, "Keep America Beautiful Week -your cha nce to get involved." Posters are $2.50 inc luding postage and ha ndHng, from : KAB, 99 Park Ave., New York, N .Y. 10016. It's also important for women to know that all Scmal Security records should show your correct name. This is especially true if you are e m ployed, since your employer reports your earnings under the name you give. So, whenever you change the name you use for e mployment, whether because or m arriage, divorce, or other reasons. notify Social Security. These a nd other important fa cts are included 1n a free booklet by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser vices c alred "A Wom a n 's Gu id e to Social Security " To get your free copy, send a postcard to the Consumer Inform ation Center Dept 513K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009 • "Cot a problem? Then wnte to Pat '-l Dunn Pat will cut red tape, getting • the an.twers and action you need to • solve inequities an government and ,..., business. Mail your questions to Pal I I Dunn. At Your Service, Orange COO$t Dally Pilot, P 0 Bor 1560, Costa Me8'l, CA 92626 As many letters as possible will be answered, but phoned mquines or letters not including the reader 's full name. address and business hours' ohone number cannot be considered Thi! column appears five days" a week. lndiall posl'!rs available D EAR PAT DUNN: Do you know where I can gel a copy of the picture of the c:rylnJC ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley PUOk.,,.,anoCt\·t1'f•f'f•.1l s1t •tt •• Robert N Weed Pt...O.nt Thomas A Murphine (OllO< L Kay Schultz VteeP•~"' IJf'd Dr-ec'IOI o• 0\..-• •' ' Michael P Harv..,y Kenneth N Goddard Jr Charles H Loos . ~"9[0•' 09ty ,11ot o~ •• ,., hG_..t .. d MQnoay l=hl:!i" II '''" n t n4,... 'fOJ' C>6C>ftf o., ~ ll C '" •j twrnrp I pm •ncJ y()v' ltlD., "'"' ti.-Jf' oP-tt>d S.1utO•y 1nd Suno1v r ,, ," OI:-nc 1 :: ,6:';,, l~,e: 1t~'~' I ~~m~1 c:: Otl1Yef.O Clrc.INtiool T~~-Motl <>ano• C<>unt, A .... , •o-•U I Nonhwes1 Hurtl· •Q' u .. ~ , •NJ w.,,,....,,,, .. , , ..... uo L..IQut\& N•Qve1 u~eoo Classified advertising 714/642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE llO W~sl B•y SI Coo.I• M..U CA M•ll •OOr~\\ Bo• 1!>60 Cos I• Mew. CA .,.,. C0c>yrl9hl I.., Of'-Co"'I Publl•hl"'jl ""'-"• No new\ $torte\, 1llu\1r4'.Uon\1 edlto,.••I m •tttt'Ot •c:t-"''tlsemt"n1\ hlretn m•v t>e rt proav<.ed without soecl•I r.rm1ulon ot copyri9hl ""'""r Second Cl~• PO\ldlje IW•d •I Crxl• MH•. C..lflO<nl• • CUPS IU IOOJ !>ul>'l(r1plion by Orner '4 IS monlllly by m•1t ~!Omonthly T,,_ Or.,. '°"" 0.1ly Ptlol, .. 111> which ~ com- O•nR l~ .. ttw\ Prft\ I\ puOllS.twd by IM OrM9 '°"'' PU1>l1\l""9 Comp.ony !.ep.or•I• tci.t-s are pubh\h~ MonO•y thrOUQh Friday lor C°'ta Mew , NtWPOrl 8Nt h. Hunlln9lon 6Hth . Fo..nt•ln Valley, Irvine. L.tQUN 8Hch, South'°"" A \lnQle reQion.11 tdlt•Of\ " publl\l>ed S•tur<10• •nd Suno.Y' TM princ •P•I publlihlnQ pl.Ill " •I DO Wut B•y SlrMI, P 0 Bo• 15'0. CO!ll• ~ ... C•lllorn1• ,,.,. Soutli Pacific dwnping opposed G ENEVA, Switzerland <AP - A 20-counlry confe r e nce on environme nt in the South Pacific has voted to ban the dumping of nuclear waste In the region, the Gen eva o H ice o r the U.N Environment Progr a m said. At the meeting, which ended on Rarotonga, Cook Islands, a declaration was adopted stating that "the storage and release of nuclear wastes in t he Pacific regiona l enviro nment shall be p reven t ed," accor ding th e UN EP statement. We1Te Listening ••• Whut do you hkl' about the Daily Pilot? Wh at don't you lake" Call lttt.' number below and your messa ge wi ll be recorded, transcribe.'<! and dehvl'red lo the appropriate editor The :.ame 24-hour answering ser vice may be used to record let ters to tht• t•ditor on <An} topic Mail box contributors must include their naml' and telephone numb(>r for verification No circulation calb . please Tt·ll u~ what !> on your mind 642·6086 ,.~ . .....-.. PROUD SKIPPER Jim Gill on sta nds a t t he helm of his la ke s tea mer. t he Mi lwaukee Clipper . in C h icago. Gi llon rece n t ly refurbished the c ruise s hip. originally the Juniatra built in 1905. It cruised on the Greeat Lakes until 1940. Gillo n expects to use the steamer for personal p leasure • • Lee biography earns praise Legenda r y general was e ducator afte r the war • LOU ISVILLE, Ky. <AP) the presidency or Washington Robert E Lee's name is easily College a nd set up schools or recognized by most Americans, commerce and journalism . He but how many can recall what was among the first to push for happened lo the general after summer school programs " lhl' surrender at Appomattox? But more importa nt tha n that, ''Nine oul o f 10 peopl e s aid Flood. was the effort that probably don"t know. I was one Lee put fol'lth ··in helping heal of lht•m, .. said Charles Bracelen the wounds between the North f'lood ·· 1t took me four years to and the South. I think the whole traC'k down the answers." nation is in his debt and almost H1~ research was converted nobody recognizes it." into a biography, ··Lee -The Flood, a native of New York L<t s l Years ... that has won City. was 45 when he married a praisc from the <·ritics and sold distant relative of Lee's in 1975 about 30.000 co1nes, with a firth and settled i n' hi s wife's printing plannl.'d won hom etown at Richmond, Ky It 'l> a Book of the Month Club ·'I'd been hoping to get an idea <Alternate sell'ct1on a nd, said for a book, when Lee suddenly Flood. '"the club 1s pretty happy popped into m y m ind ," the with the way lh1~ work has taken biogra pher said. "I wasn 't sure off.' · where he went after the Civil T h c biography open s at War but was deter mined to find Appomattox. and covers the out." yearsunti1Lce"s dcathinl870 Wi th a li ttle luck , t he .. Aftc•r the war, he· became one biography cou 1 d eq u a I t he of thl· finest edu<'ators or his success of Flood's firs t book, published in 1953 when Flood was 23. It was on the best-selle r list for 26 weeks and Flood won the Houghton ~irn in Lite rar y 1-'ellowship Award "I was a victim of instant success. It gave me a most unrealistic picture of what lay ahead," he said. "I came out with a second novel a nd took a panning, but I stayed with it and wrote three more ·· He taught for several years at t he J esuit University in Tokyo, a n d covered a nu mber or overseas assignments for The Associated Press, including the Olympic Games. four times. ··There were times when 1l w as f un to b e a foreign correspondent briefly." he said lle"s working on a new bOok a s tudy of I-filler's rise lo power "I'm dealing now with a man who was a s different from Lee day ... :-aid Flood ··fie took over ··Love is a Bridge," a novel -=====================::::::..-=====================================================--=-~~~~~~--= ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-as you can gel." At the Pilot, people make the difference . • • . people like these in classified advertising I en10.11 Iii<' dml/t'11!JI' u11rl 111 vol ve rne11/ of putt mq 11111 c1 daily new.'>paper I o/s11 like work.mg wzth t/11.r; wu11rlerf11l qro11p of people ·· Bill Rf'is Tustin Bill is our real estaH• adve1t ising managl'I' I le is rl•sponsibl<' for coordinttt ing and selling ;.i ll t h<' n•al estate ads for l ht• Dai l~· Pilot " l>.11h 1'11111 .111\1·111 .... .-1111°111 , ..:1·1 11 • ... 1t11 .... Th.11 .... p.11tl• 1,..1,111 .... 1 1111111 ... •1 o111p11I p1·11pl1· \\111:1111'1 11 -..1111111111111\• 11·.d 1• .... 1.111· 11 t:.1h 111 h··lp ".11111-d 1 !11·' 11· 11 .111H·d 111lwlp1·11--101111·1 .... n1.1J..1· t h1·11 .1d "'"!\1d 11 t.h1 ,111d look 11gll1 ...... 1 lw' II t.!•'1 11• .... 11lh Th.11 .., "h~ 1 h1" !..!11111p ........ ,, llllp111'l;111I 111 lh \\\· <kp<'IHl·111l 11''-lllh lll'H'ltlt•d 1·111plll\ 1•1•..; \\ 1111 [!1•1 11!1· 1111> rl111H' n g h1 .... 11'1111 II k1 •1•p l>n11g111).! '0111 h11~1n1•._ .... h.11·J,. F111d111 :.; 1..•1111d 1w11pl1· "1111 \'Il l'" 1lw11 \\111 J.. Ill.I\ l ;1l-.1• l11ng1•1 ,llld 1·0 .... 1 m1111 · 11111 .11 1 IH' l>;11h 1'11111 \\I' hllll\\ II .... \\Ill I h 11 h1T.lll .... I ' p1•11pl1· ""ma"•' a cliff•·n ·n('•·. I 111,1 1/11· 11/111,,,p/11•11· cw,/ //r.• f1t '11p/1· 111 11· I 11 11/\11 fl'lll lll'illl /11/ /I 111 /,Jiil/ ,,,.,,. C'hf'ryl Gnegy, Huntington Beach :\ ll'~al ;uht•rt1 ~111~ <•:-.~ 1 ~1 .1111 . ( 'lwr~ I h;i11dl<':-. fkt it111u:-. hu:-11w~s ad:-. dt•ath n11l ll'l'!'> an<I salt-ads Daily Pilat I like lu11·111<1 tlw clum11· lo talk to s11dt mn• a11rl 111/<'restmg J>f'"fl/1 • It s 11/so 111ce to llc. ol>fo 111 ht'/f> people u'ltlt lll<'tr wis · Sandra Kit'sslinJ{. Huntington R<'ach Sandra is ;,i dassif1 ed ad laker n•s ponsihk f11r t ukinj! ads C'omin).! 1n o\'l'r l h~ phont.• and ('Olllll<.'1" ''Where P~!le make the difference . ., 330 W. Bay St.. Cost a Mesa 642-4321 NEWPORT BEACH * COSTA MESA • IRVINE • HUNTJNGTON BE ACH • FOUNTAIN VALLEY • LAGU~A BEACH • \ .. l Orange Co81t DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 16, 1982 ~UffiUa ' Mini-condos hailed as wave of futur e SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -It's the size of a two·car 1arage, costs $50,000 and Is being balled by its designers as the wave of the future. Introducing mini·condos, the nation's smallest homes -440 square feet each -scheduled to go up In the Bay Area next month. • 'lf this does what we expect it to~ it will change the nati on 's bome·bullding industry," said Joe Head of Barratt Developments Inc .• the British firm building the first 32·unit project In Fremont, east of San Francisco. Other mini·condo v ill ages will b e built from Sacramento to San Diego in the next three years, be said. Architect Bill Hedley, who likens the trend-setting qua lity of the Lilliputian condominiums to that of early Volkswagens, says tiny homes are the shape or the future not only in California, but across the country. "These are houses for people who can't afford houses today," be said. "They ar~ ~steppin& stones. This ls where you start." , • The condos, which will sell for just over $50.000, have a living room, sl eeping alcove, fully·equipped kitchen with scaled·down appliances, a very small bathroom, a sundeck for two and a carport. No hallways. For those who c rave more elbow room, a 490-aquare-foot model is available for $56,000. It bas a bedroom. A typical mini-condo purchaser, Head said , is likely to be a single, professional person earning more than $20,000 a year who can put $5,000 down a nd make $515-a -monlh payments. "We'll sell them as fast as we can build them." he predicted. "I think this is the only altern ative for America. We expect to have a lot of competition " Firni fined $225,000 Spirulina. ads ruled 'false , misleading' BOULDER CREEK (AP> -A Ser vices began eight months ago company that markets spirulina after officials heard an ad claiming plankton and claims1 it can suppress the spirulina was "potentized," a appetite, prevent hangovers and help m ysterious transformation that diabetics bas paid a $225,000 fine allegedly doubled its effectiveness. after being charged with false and That process reportedly was done misleading advertising. with a ··supersensonic Homeopathic The out-of-court settlement was the Ene rgizer" developed by company largest ever under California's strict rounder Ch a r 1 es Hi 11 s a nd a food and · drug law, according to colleague. When investigators asked d eputy Attorney General Tom lo see the device, they were shown a Warriner. copper sheet, connected by a wire to ''We hope this will at least slop a control panel, which was placed on the m from making outrageous a pallet of spirulina cases for 30 claims. And anybod y e lse who's minutes. selling something from heaven may They concluded the process was reflect a little bit about the penalties "completely r idiculous " and that attached.'' Warriner said. there was no way to verify if M icroalgae International Sales anything was happening. Corp., based in Boulder Creek and Among the company's other claims Santa Cruz, admitted no guilt in the disputed by investigators: spirulina settlement but agreed in the future to has a therapeutic effect on diabetes, STILL HANGING ON T wo unid entified fi s herme n stand near their fleet in San Pedro which is one of the last remaining fl eets of wet fishe rs that still hangs on despite the toll taken from the industry by sea lions. .............. r o u g h wa l e r . taxe s a nd insurance. Once a common scene in San Francisco, Monterev. Port Hue neme a nd Santa Ba.rbara. we t fishing re mains. at least on the West Coast. mai nl y around t he San Pedro area . Street car line eyed tout its Light Force Spirulina tablets anemia, liver disease and ulcers; a .. in ways which c ould not be 128-pound person could live for 17 LOS ANGELES <AP> After a Calvin Hamilton has urged a closer misconstrued." years off 100 kilograms of spin~lina, public hearing raised questions about look at a route a long Santa Monica Spirullna -a plankton cultivated and taking s pirulina as described the usefulness of street car service Boulevard. He said that would serve i n alkaline Jakes i n Mexico, s upplies nec essary elements or between downtown Los Angeles and more people and do more to reduce harvested, purified and usually made nutrition. Long Beach , t he LA County pollution. into tabl et s -has been a $1 Nut ritionistssayspirulinaisonlya Trans portat i o n Co mmiss ion million-a-month business for the food supplement, not a substitute for postponed until March 24 its decision T he Long Beach line, a modern company. other foods, and could create large on which or six proposed s treet car version or the Red Cars in the 1900s. An investigation by the Santa Cruz amounts or uric aoid in the body, lines s hould be pursued. is pro1ected to cost' $194 million in County district attorney's office and which can lead to gout or kidney Alte rna t e rou te s are to be 1982 dollars and serve 21,000 people ~he state Department of Health stones. considered. Ci ty Planning Director daily 1f opened m March 1987. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~· 1. m a m eet carol maloney as she presents the fanny bodyfashions collection for spring cuesday, march 16, from 11 :00 to 3:00. fine intimate apparel of beautiful fabrics and g underw1re lace bra in white or black nylon-spandex. 32 to 36 8, C, D sizes 22.00. matching bikmi, s·m-1 sizes 12.00. body fashions .n I n South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa 957-1511 Pilot advertising is good business f 0< Newport Sec11ities. ''The l"ftPOM• of The Daily ,lot ha~ beett exc.leftt." Lawrence Butler. Jr. Newport Sec\Mities Corp. Newpoo Beoch ~ Newport Stc•ritiea c • ..,.,., •• . ·. STACK UP THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR FUTURE ·1u- KEOGH I at• I mper1a H Im~!!~t§.!yings The best place forYoU and your money . ... , l • I ; ' • I\ • • I l . "' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Mond~. Maroh 16, 1982 Rate hike may spur. • water conservation Most householders expect thelt water bills to worn up when winier rains disappear a nd thirsty lawns a nd shrubs must be carried through the long dry season. In Orange County, the bills will worn even higher this sum- mer as the Metropolitan Wate r District, the giant regional wate r agency that s upplies most of our local distributors, implements a 15 to 22 percent increase m 1ts rates. Not all of the increase will hit the Individual househ older, but a typical county family ca n expect to see its $15 monthly ball go up b y about $1.50. And that's just for starters By 1990, say water o f£1c1als, the rates could be quadrupled. The villain in the picture 1s energy -the ever-mcreasmg cost of pumping wate r to the arid Southland from the C-Olorado· R1- ver and Northern California. The water 1s there. The problem ii bringing it to the locaJ user via complex pumping operations that include scaling mountains. But the answer for the user might be to recall the conservation pra ctices tha t tided us over the severe drought of just a few summers ago. ln response to an MWD request to cut back water usage by 10 percent in 1977, many communities along the Orange Coast were able to achie ve 15 to 20 percent cutbacks. It 1s n ot difficult to think about water conservation when we are in the midst of a drought. Perhaps the rate increase sceduled to start in July will serve as a similar reminder. The inconve- nie nce o f conservation could mean m ore mon ey in th e bank. Fatal game goes on Ye t a nothe r talented young performer fe ll vict1~ Last week to an ever-growing drug trap. Actor-comedian J ohn Belushi, 33. died, says the corone r , after injecting both heroin and cocaine into his veins a pract1C'(· known as "speed balling," very ofte n fatal, as the young man's doctor had warned him. Belus hi, little known lo the o lder generation. had be<:ume something of a hero to the younger set for his unquestionably gifted comic antics on Popular television s hows . So a nother e n tcrta1nment he ro is dead, mourned by hL'i wife and show business f rwnds, at a time w h en h is career was only on the upbea t. WilJ has young admi· rers heed the lesson, now repeated so many tragic times'! While marijuana remains the· most widely used illicit drug, at has, an recent tim es, yielded to coca.me as a status symbol among the more afflue nt in the world of music, theate r and te levision It has. claim Lhc• users, th(' ad vantage of boosung the alert- ness and exhilaration so nccessarv to performers who must put out their best e ffort. d ay a fter day and night after night. The story goes that at doesn't make you woozy, like akohol, 1l makes you sparkle. for a while This could spell success for a per- former And it a lso can convince the user. when th e ine.v1table let- down follows the upbeat perfor- mance, that the solutton is s till more cocaine. ft's not hard to find, unfortu- na tely. Last year, sales in the United States reached an estima- ted $30 billion. This year 45 metric tons of the drug will be shipped into the country. Anyone on the music/theater scene in Los Ange les will confinn, "it's everywh ere" OC cou rse 1t is more expensive than the m ore prosaic ''pot" but that only adds to its s tatus. In tht: beginning. the only n sk from "smffing" cocaine was considered by users to be possible nasal damage, a small price to pay for their t_•Uphoric lift. No hang- over. no addiction. they were q uite s ure. Only lately have the grimmer after-df e<.'ts begun to surface - profound depression. terrifying hallucinations. severe weight loss. And, finally. "the trap into which Belushi foll -the need to ach ieve an even greater "high'' by injecting cocaine directly into the blood- stream and. In his case. combining 1t with deadly heroin. So a nothe r young talen t as gone. How many others, not yet as famous but struggling to reach the top. are falling into the same pit we probably will never know. And how many young people who hke to imita te their ente rtainment heroes will go like lemmings to a bitter fate'? Join this gene rosit~y At firs t g lance. 1t might appear that the fund r a 1s 1ng progr CPm f or Orangewood. Orange County 's n ew horn~ for de pendent c hildre n. is advancm~ handil y . ILis true Chat mor e than S93.6 million has been raise d toward t he $6.5 million anticipated cost o f the new 154-bed h orn<.> to be· con s truct ed in Or a n ge There was a S l million cha llenge grant from the Harry G. Steele Foundation , a second $1 million ch allenge grant from Newport Beach r esidt·nt Willia m Lyon . an owner of AirCal; a c hallenge grant (now m atched 1 of $117,000 from lhe Junio r L eague o f Newp o rt Harbor . $621,000 from the cities of Ana he im, Buena Park. Cost a Mesa. Fullerton. Huntington Beach and • Irvine. anc1 a va 11l'l\ of other pledge'> · But lht• h ard parl of the fund · ra1 s 1n g e ffort is s till to come About $3 m illio n must be raised. And that's a s ignific ant s um . particularly in these tighter economic times. Yet we can't think of a more d eser ving project for community s upport Thous ands of c hildre n eac h year who are a bused . battered . n eglected. abandoned or otherwise left without care no w are taken lo the county's A lbert S itton Ho m e, which is operatmg at capacity, or placed in foster hom es. which often are h a rd to come by Donat ions can be m ade lo Orangewood. 4440 Von Karman Avenue. S u ite 300, Newport Beach. California 92660. Do it for lhe children Opinions expressed in the space above are tnose ol lt'te Dally Pilot. Other views l'l(· pressed on Int!> pcJqe ar1• tno.,1• 01 tne•r au1nor~ cJn<l ar\t'>I '> k eaoer commen1.1s mv11 ea Adores!. Tne L)atly P1101. P 0 Box 15&0. Costa M l•\o . CA 92616 Phont-(7141 64:1-4321 L.M. Boyd/ First taxi meter C redlt the Chinese, too, with the firs t taxicab meter. Was only a tittle more than 300 years ago. How it worked {Tlechanically I do not know, bul at the end of e fixed distance, equivalent m aybe to a mile, 1l triggered a hammer that thumped a s mall gong. Q. I just can't believe UUs line - thal every cowboy in the old West carried his own prayer book . . . ? A. "Prayer book" was range slang O RANGE COAST Daily Pilat ~· ... _., .. , .. ,,,. , .. , •• :Ill w..i ....... $1 • C..i• MrM. AM"--·~• to IO• I NO. C"\e Mtiot. CA t?•». tor cigarette papers. Those who know petroleum products say your car on a 400-mile trip burns about as much fuel as it take11 to make 170 pairs or panty hose. Q: What are the odds in Las Vegaa of throwing either a seven or a~l l on the first roll of the dice? A· A seven, one chance in six. An 11. one in 18. Tho~s P. Ha ley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Editor B•rbar• Krelbfch Editorial Page Editor Soviet exploitation W A's'Jil NG TON -The Russi an presence in Iran has come a long way since the day a Tehran mob stormed the Russian E,rnbassy and slaughtered 38 diplomats and three Armenians who had taken refuge there. Thal happened in 1829, and relations b etween the two neighbors have fluctuated ever since. Now, American inte lligence analys ts believe, the Russians are enjoying more intluence in Iran than at any time since World Wat II. JN FACT, a secret CIA cable from Tehran in November 1978 warned that the Soviets were working behind the scenes for the shah's overthrow. which actually occurred a few weeks later . The cable mentioned a Czech offer of arms t.o the s hah's opposition, and noted that the Communist Tudeh Party was quite willing to "cooperate with Iranian religious leaders in overthrowing the shah, if the opposition caUed for the shah's resignation and the legalization of all political parties. and advocated waging an armed struggle if the shah did not resign." Two months later, the shah was gone and Ayaloll~ Ruhollah Khomeini was the new Iranian strongman. The Soviets we re not pleased with the holy man at (1 r st ; he denounced tt1 e Soviets d S imperialists second onl y to the United States M oscow ·di r eel ed Commun is ts demonstrated agains t Khome ini in January and February 1~79, and instigated strikes an the Khuiistan oilfields But the Soviets, recognizing the reality of Khom eini's power , have s ub s ~que ntl i mad e their accommodation with the mullah, on the surface at least. At the same lime, in the Soviet tradition of playing both ends agains t the middl e , hard core Q . -JA-Cl_l_ND-IR-SO-N -~ Communist elements went underground and became pa rt of the leftist guerrillas responsible for assassinating dozens of Khomeini's henchmen. • A secret CIA report shown to my associate Dale Van Atta notes that the Soviets have been skillfully exploiting Iran's isolation fro m the West Members of the Tudeh Party, which is estimated to number 10,000 , have attained influ enti al midd le·level positions tn the Khomeini government. and have begun 1nfiltraling at the higher levels as well The Co mmunists may hold as many a s o ne ·third or the top jobs in communications. the banking and oil industries and some key ministries, act.'ording to intelligence reporL-; They i n gratiate the mse lves with th e theocratic regime by d utifully if cynically observing Moslem religious rituals And they gave Khomeini their enthusias tic s upport during th e bloodbath that followed the s hah's ouster Tudeh's s talwarts h ave b een augmented by anywhere from 2,000 to 5.000 Soviet -<tdvisers, indudlng 36 Fa rsi-spcaking KGB ofricials who were • ID Iran invah:d by Khomeini to beef up his security forces last October . After uncovering a boml> pla nted in their digs al the Tehran Hilton. the KGB experts moved their sc hool for sp ies to Saltanatabad. a Tehran s uburb that was once the headquarters of SAVA K. the s hah 's dreaded secret police. WES TERN I NTELLIGENCE ana lysts s us p ect the Soviets are working determinedly to gain control of the Iranian antelhgence and security forces against the day when the ayatollah dies That would put them in the catbird seat for the ensuing power struggle T here arc other ominous signs of growing Soviet influence in Iran. Sov iet w eap ons, inc ludi ng ~atyusha rocket launchers. are fl owing into t he country, a long with Soviet military instructors. Khomeini has made contact with thl' 'ubans, and is considenng opening :rn embassy in Havana. Soviet advisers have urged him to r eplace the dubiously loyal Iranian Army with his dedicated Revolutionary G u11 rds. and ha ve helped build a lra1n1ng camp in Khorasan province lhal can accommodate 2.500 recruits The Kre ml in has also been :-om ug~ling clandestine agents into Iran, some of whom apparently have orders lo kill leaders of the anti-Khomeini underground who ar e also anti communist More than half or Iran's trade is now with the Soviet bloc. Trade between the Soviet Union and Iran las t year amounted to more than $1 bill ion. State geologist asks quake education (Today's column is wntlen by Mr Water11' as.sociale, Phil Jordan) Wh e n ano ther c atas trophic earthquake hits. according to slate geo logi s t Or. Jam es F Davis, Californians in the arrccted region will be left lo their own resources. perhaps for several days. I t 's not that state and fede ral authorities won't be doing whatever they can to help the victims, r ather that they Wlll be unabl~1.to do so because of the eCfects of a killer quake. Indeed, the sobering prediction by Davis was made al a Capi t ol n e ws confe r e n ce a n l\.O u n c i n g p I ans a i m e d a l s treamlining the state's ability to prepare ror and respond to the coming dis aster. DA VIS MADE it plain the disaster is coming. He unintentionally stole the show from legislators present with his still incomplete "scenarios" of just two possibilities. Both involved repeats or ma1or quakes that have occurred along the San Andreas Fault, the best known but only one of dozens or such faults crisscrossing the state . One s cenario d ea lt with the deslrucj.ion that would follow a repeat of San Francisco's 1906 earthquake, which had a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale of intensity. The other covered a replay of the 8-plus-inlensity Fort Te1on quake, which llit the south state an 1857, then almost unpopulated, now filled by millions of residents. Worse. from the point of view of those li ving in the metropolitan Los Angeles I,~;: IARl WATIRS a rea. the replay or the Fort Tejon earthquake is almost overdue. Geological and seismic studies have established. Davis said, that each area can expect such a major quake every 90 to 130 years. It will be 14 more years before the San Francisco Bay area re·enters that period -but the Los Angeles area's catastrophe can be expected at any trme Davis dis played maps showing the physical damage each a rea could expect, up to a maximum "shock or extreme intensity" followed by "great dis a ster. ruins .. fissures i n the ground ·· He did not s peculate on the number of human casualties. dead and injured. lo be expected. Some s urvivors, however, would be iso l ated i n a manner a ll bu t in compre h en s ibl e for today's Californians Colla psing freeways would block surface streets; rail lines, too. might be des troyed , r elief personnel and s upplies couldn't be immediately rJown an major airports, as well , co uld b e unu s able Communications·! Even the relatively mild San Francisco earthquake of a decade ago knocked out electric power and telephone lines tn the area of worst damage The stale gN1log1st expects to have his rarst two scenarios , complete with disaster maps, available for the public by the middle of the month. Then he'll s t a rt preparing scenarios t hat m ay soon er o r late r hit along other California fault lines Assemblyman Frank Vicencia, one of the legislators on hand at the news conference, called on state officials to "do all we can to prepare our citizens and government for the reality of a catastrophic earthquake ... ONE Of T H E first s teps, the Compton Democrat suggested. might be for the state to undertake a public education campaign with widely d1 s.tr1buted info rmatio n on what Californians can do to prepare for an earthquake, not only in order to survive it but also to get through the hours, perhaps days, that would follow, Until that campaign gets under way, however, Californians might do well to do their own planning for the disaster that, sooner or later, can be expected to strike Mankind's infinite variet y aids survival T he great strength of all othe r species lies in lheir uniformity. It is in humankind a lone that the g r eat stre ngth lies in diversity. Until you understand thi~ profound and radical ~ SYlllY 111111 /....,':/J... ~ difference, you cannot appreciate our absolute dependence upon differences among peo-ple. The lion, the rabbit, the snail and all the others each have one thing they do superbly well. This keeps them alive, both Individually and as a s pecies. But they cannot do other thln1s. and, most of all, they cannot chan1e and develop with a changing-envlronment. It is m"1\'S versatllJly. more than his brain power, that ensures his survival. We cannot Oy as well as a btrd, swim as well as a flsh, run or climb or flthl as well as other creatures -but we can do all of these ln combination, uain1 macbJnes u-extenalons nf our bodles. If there were only ono:: kind of person in the world a hunter or a fisherman or a farmer we would long ago have peris hed. But we ha ve an infinite variety of mankind, thus , different types and different skills permit us to prevail in different ages and different crises. And this is why a ll bigotry, all provincialism, all narrow pride in one's own "kind" is not merely morally objectionable it is materially destructive. We need every kind of talent and viewpoint there is. It Is true in politics and social life as much as anywhere els e . The conse;vatlve who would prefer all people to be cons ervRtives, or lhe liberal who y~arns for all men to see his way, is dangerously short-sighted and self·destructlve , for developme nt lhri ves only on opposition It lR no biological accident that hum ans are more individuated than any 1 other species. This ls our 111vatton. Pluralism i\ not simply a pleaa&nt doctrlne of tolerance, or ·•uve and let Uve." Rather , without pluralism we would not be able to live very Joa1 on this planet before being overwhelmed by one catastrophe or another . Yet, it is also part of our nature to want other people to be more like us and to draw away from those who seem different If the human race ever com mils suicide it will be because one dominant strain has been able to wipe out a ll the others and in so doing has assured its own extinction. What we call "tolerance" is not a moral luxury. but a vilal imperative. lllllllll -Cl\lzens can't afford to "1et involved" ctn crime, arson. accident.I etc.) for fear of falllnl pr~y to intrepid laWJen. CAUTIOUS ..._, ._ __ ., ............ .., ........... ... ..-.i.x.:..,-;c•-............ "' .... ,.., .. , ,,..... ~Delly ..... \ \It'")\' -EV89G-lt:GO, •• Hlwt QWWJl'I AHGEL8 I WHfT! 8HAOOW THe J9'f'l,,.oH8 ·15F AKNEWI ...CNEWI MOVIE TRACKS GANG -Clint Eastwood in his third Dirty Harry role goes a fte r terrorist g roup in "The Enforcer" tonight at 9 on KABC C7>. • • ~ "8mugg1er'e Co...'" 1;~ 9 2 OH THE TOWN ( 1979) Grtig Rowe. Four Fe1tured: the ,_, way '-·IQen find adwniure to IOM ...igni electtonlcal· wtllle aur1lng oft en Au1tr1-ly, 1 jOurney to • remote lien bNoh. town In t<enau wtler• H~ (ll)TO llE AHNOUHCED lywooc:J trtHUrH are 0 MOVIE 1tor.O; mMI Gorc:Jon Cu-* * * "The E*:irlc Hor... 11110. who WH latHty man" (1979) Rob4lr1 Red· Imprisoned for thrM yeete. lord. J-FondL A Laa G 8 FAMILY F!UO VeQM cowt>oy llMlt 1 $ l2 • LA VEAHE l SHlfl~ mlltlon thofOUQllbted llorw a COMPANY to uve him from 1118 Snlrley take• detP«•te ~toltatlve owncwa. 'PG' mee.tuftll to uve • hOrM t:1S. PLEDQ£ 8AEAK from Ille glue lectory. Regutarty ac:lleduled pre>-8 EYE OH LA grammlnO may be delayecl Featured part one ol a ,..,.,,, on X-f lted video due to pledge btealca caaaett•.· a looll 11 """"'· 8:26. NORMAN ,......,.. AOCKWUL'S WORLD: tar Los Angele& night AN AMERICAN DREAM 190t1; a rec>Ort on mar· A noatalg4e looll lt taken 11 rlage todey · 8 BUU.SEYE Ille tete .nlll'I Ille, WOtk Gt M•A•S•H 111\d hometown °1 Stack· Frank setttea In u com· l>fklge, Maauctluaetta. tt•··· t:ao m WELCOME BACK, mending o """ only to KOTTER heve a new one appointed owwhlaneed I ;-9.:::8 AEPOR'T I Cll TIC TAC OOUOH IAAN£Y MILL.EA MACNEIL I L£HAER AEPOA'T Uf. OV£AEA8Y D GREAT Guell: actress Jenet Gay-P£RFORMAHCE8 nor. (R) c:;l "Brldesnead Revisited 7:00 I ces NEWS Orphana 0 1 The Storm" N8C NEWS Cnaries and Jufla. both • HAPPY OAYS AGAIN married. begin a ctandes- 8 ABC NEWS tine al1alr aboarc:J a tran•· 0 YOU A8KEO FOR IT Atlantlc liner during a rag· Featured. "African Sne e l!!i! t1orm (Part Ill o Safari" and '"Motorcycle Ul YOU ASKED FOR IT On Trec>eze." Featured "Chopstick • M 0 A0 S•H Weapons . and '"EngUall Col. Potter•• mare Sopnle ~eons That Save Llvel.'" myaterlousty dlHppears (HJ MONEY MATTERS from ner corral anc:J H•Wk· Specie! ac:Jv~ on pwllOf'lel eye and B.J try to help a money management on young Korean wflO lltrylng topics ranging from to avOld comcriptlOn Into Income tu "vlngs to the army. Investment Ideas In the e JOKER'S WILD stoclt m•rltet and money ID DICK CAVETT mlll'ket tvnd• It ottered. Gu.et· Lowell Thomas. 7:35 (%)MOVIE (Patt 21(R) * * "Dlatence" (1975) Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE Paul Benjamin, JamN LOOlclng to be numb« one Woods, An Army -geant 9111ln; • ,_ achOOI pre>-aul1erlng a mlc:J-111• crlall gram that helpa finds nls Ille complleet9d ovarwalglll klda loaa by an unhappy manlage. pounds. 'R' 9 ENTERTAINMENT 1:00. MR. MERLIN TONIGHT Mar11n c:orMa to the aid o1 Jane Fonda Interviews Ille owner of Ills lavorlta Bonnie Raht. hot dog atand. a TliE MUf'f>ETS .. a UTT\.E HOUSE OH Gueet· Keye Ballard ™E PRAIRIE (C)MOVIE A bl.ck physban's atrlvat • * • "Batt1egrou11CI" upaats the cltlzent ol Wa/i· (1949) Van Jonnton. John nut Grove. (RIO Hodlall. Atneflcan IOldlera • MOVIE ol Ille 101st Alrboroa [)j\11-• *'~ "MUrPf\ The Surf" alon engage In the F1eocll (1974) Robaft Conrad. campalgll and the Battle Of Oonna MlllL Two light· ltle Bulge. hnge<ed beaCt1 bums and (Q) MOVIE a lemale ac;c;omplloa leeve * * • ·~ "'Private Belli•· behind • trait ol empty ml11" ( 1980) Goldie Hewn, leWel bo••• and brollen EJIMll B<ennan. A well-to-arums u they auocealul- do young woman mlatak· ly analcn the "Slllr Of enly Jollle the Army follow· lndla" 04lt"I Ing lhe dee th ol hat MW • 9 -THA rs hull>end Oil their wedding INCREDIBLE ~·~·~e·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- CHANNEL LISTINGS f) KNXT ICBSI 0 Oii TV 0 KNBC INBCl l Z·TV 0 KTLA (Ind. I " HBO a> KABC IABCI c ((onemax1 0 KFMB ICBSI ., tWOR) NY . N Y C1).KHJ·TV (tnc:J I lfT1 1WTBS) IE KCST IABCJ E (ESPNI I> KTTV (Ind I $ IShowtime) 'Ill KCDP TV (lnc:J I 0 Sc>oll•ghl • KCET (PBSI <I (Cable News Network> m KOCE IPBSI F .. tv•ed: an attempt 10 .. , a 20-pound blCyCle In tan deya, a etray dog that • Nwd the tlvee ot .the rami- 'l_thllt tOOll lllm In D MOVIE * * * • "'lha Mark" (1961) Stuart Whitman, Matle &hell. A reform.a MJC devtant lllldl that, althOUQll he 1$ cur9d. llOCl- ety 11 not qulle rNdy to forgive allc:I forget. • P.M. MAGAZINE A new echOOI l)fogram ihat hel1>9 overweight kid• toea pound•, a profile ot con- au mer actlvlat David Horowlll • MOVIE • • •\It "Cry 01 The WHO" (1974) Oocurnenlary The behevloral pattarna ol wolvea are 1tudled, dltpel- ltng talae bellela CC>n<*n· l!!i! their Innate aav~ • GREAT PEAFORMANCE.8 "Brlc:JH hHCI Revisited. Orphans Of Tne Storm" Charles and Julta, botn ' t married, begin a ctandM- tlne affair abOerc:J a trana- Atlantlc Hner Clurlog a rog-'!!il storm (Part 9)0 CIJ GRAMP8 A man and nts grand· daughler wreslle wllh the problems or tnlllr ages @ MOVIE *. * "I Sent A Latter To ~)' Love" (198t) Simone Signor et, Jean Rocnelor1 A middle-aged woman wno has apeot moat ol her adult Ille carl11g lor her lnvllld btothef decld.. to wnte a letter to a MWIP• per lonely nearta column. 'PG' (I) SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madaline Kllhn 1ta11 In a mulleal comedy revve that Mtlrlz- • thOw 1>uelnesa ln<:ludlng punk rode, theatre crltlca. British plays ln<I perform-.,, .UOVIE ••'h "Cetd!K Arr•t" ( 1971) Garry Goodrow, Mike Chan A btac:tt market op«atton that Mita dt_,,. bodied '-1a for trans- plant• I• dlscover9d by an offbeat hofnlctda cop 'PG" 8'.30 8 (() PfWV A TE BEHJAMIN Captain Lewis goes undat- covtW u a cocktall wait· r-at • bar where aot- dl«I 118 being rlppad 011 • ALL ... Tl4E FAMILY Chrlatmu Clkmer at the Bun~ar• !Inda Archie play- ing host to a draft dodge< anc:J • lather wllON eon wu killed In the war. ID 8EAHSTElN I BEEntOV9f Leonatd Bernateln and tne Vlenn• PhllharrnonlC per- form Beethover>'s Sym- phony No 7 In A Mefot, Opos92 t:00 8 Cll M 0 A0 S 0 H A former heavyweight box- ing champion. IOflowed by newsreel er-·· P•Y• II goodwill villl lo the 40771h G AME.RICAN MOVIE AWARDS Fltma and 1r11tt1 ch<>Mrl by direct vota ol tlle•ter· goers are honored In 1n1s annual aw11d1 ceremony, to be telaeu1 from the Piii- -Theatar In Holtywood, Angle OlcklnllOf'I and Rog· 8< MnnM hn<0I e a MOVll • • • "The lntorc.t" (1t71) CHn1 l utwooo, TYflot o.l'f "Olrty Harry" ~ la joined ..,,. • ftlNle r oo111a In ttoJne Gown• band Off~ --wtlO .. *'Ot1dnel 8en FtlnOllOo. (Parental ow.ioo ac1V1Nc1) (RI I ~ AWAN>t Rimi end 8'1tat1 ~ by direct V018 of tr-lar• cio-• .,. ~., In tllll 9111\\111 -arda owemony, 10 ba taleeUt 11ve from the rt.._ ThM!er In Holly• wood, A"O'e OICklnlOll 111\d Ro09t M~a hoal. (.C)MOVlf * *'A "Hardly Wonting" (IN1) J«ry Lee IAwlt, 8\184111 OllV9f All• Iha Cllroua cloMe CIOwn. a ..,... aran down tr ... hi• 11111\d 81 YllflOue jobt, lailtllg mlMo'll>ly at them all. 'PO' (ll)MOVll * • '" "Any Which Wey You Cln" ( 19801 Clint Eutwood, Sondrl loetlt Belore Mllllng dowll with hie gill end pat orangutan, • bar .. 11119d llglltat a1Qnt up for ooe IMt, lucnt~ matell. 'PG' t:10 e MRNITEN/ l!IEeTHOV£H Leo11ard Bernataln and the Vlann• PnllnarmonlO per. lorm Beetnoven'1 Sym- phony No. 1 In A MaJot. Opu192. 9: 16 (%)MOVIE •••'It "81!ween Tho llnaa•· ( 19771 LlndHy Crouae. Jal! Goldblum Tna 11111 rMmbefl or en "undergrounc:J" Boston new.paper nave vartou• romantic and )ournallttlO ancountera with aacll other and the aublaet• ol !Mio atorlee 'R' t:ao 8 Cl) EUNICE Clll'ol Burnett. Harvey Kor· mM and Vicki Ulwr811Ca reprlae their rol .. u m«n· ber• or the nctlonal Hlg· gin• family; K9n S-ry and Batty White al90 Jtar ID PORTRAIT~ GRANDPA DOC Melvyn Oouglu stars In the story of e young boy'• warm relatlon1hlp with hi• q!_andlalhet U MOVIE • * * "Agatha" (19791 Ou•!)I Hollman, vanesaa Redgrave In London In 11128, an Amerk:an oew•- paper repor18' ITIMt I and l>8COmeS 111votved with lamed mystery wtlter AQB· tn1 Christle, wno has lett her unlalthlul nusbend 'PG 10:00 8 Cll •• HEWS D TliE KJHG8TOH TRIO AHO FRIEH08: REUNION The Oflglnal Klngaton Trio ere Joined by Tommy Srnotti¥a. Mary Traver•. Llnc:Jsay Suc;klngharn and currant Trio membera when they parf«m toge\!). Sf ror Iha llret time In 2() years. (HlMOVIE • * "HC>PICOICtl" ( 1980) Watter Mettnau. Gle!IOa JadcllOf'I. A tormar lntetll- ~ agent 11 alOed by an old flame In dOdglng lhe KGB and the CIA. wflO are trying to prevent hlm from pubtlahlng hie memoirs. 'R' MOVIE **'It "Carny" ( 1980) Jodie Foater. Gaty Buaay. An adventurous young woman J04n1 • carnhlal troupe and 1Ntn1 about the hklden amotlonl and lru1tratlon1 bahlnd tne eurlace napplneu or Ille perlortnefl. 'R' 110-.20. I REGRET NOTHING A poignant film biography 01 French llnge< Eonn Ptal ltprMer\led 1()-.30 • NEWS (C)MOVIE "Two Er:!illlll Glrla" 11:008DUCll®l8 NEWS 8 SAT\JROAY NIGHT Hoit Madeline Kahn Guest Carly Simon l1J KOJAK • THE JEFFER80N8 • 8A.NFORD A.NO SON (ll)MOVIE • • "Galu lna" ( 1980) Dorothy Straiten. Avery Schreiber. A robot la m1d11 In the lmoga ol a beaulllul woman wtoo doeen't have ~human reeonga 'R' (Z)MOVIE **'h "Bu111n· Looae" Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 16, 1982 1TUBE TOPPERS . KNBC e 9:00 -"Amerkan Awards " Angle Dickinson and Moore host award ceremonies. Movie Roger KABC 8 9:00 "The En!orc~r." Clint Eastwood ns Dirty Harry goes after underground revolutionaries tes:roriza..ng San f'rancisco. See photo, left. K C F.T Qt 9 : 10 '' Be rn Nl ei n I Beethoven.·· Leonard Bernstein and the Vie nna Pbilhurmona c perform Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 Opus 92. KNXT fJ 9:30 .. Eunice" Caro l Burnett, Harvey Korman aod Vi cki Law re nee r eprise thei r roles as me mbers of the fi ctional Higgins family. (1081) Aidlard Piyot, cio. e OOUPl.E8 ty fyeon. A bumbling bur· (Part 11 A wll•'• axtre m.,.. glar, a co1101rnad Kll-8'111" ara POiing 8 aeh0ol1..ctw 11\d elgtlt problem to llet marriage dllldten ma.lie • trlglltan· Or. Waltar &ec11a1man11a 1ng oroae-oountry 1r1p 1n • llOat• 11111 _... brollan-down aoh<>OI bue. • NEWS 'R' 12:te (%) MOVIE t 1:*1 8 Cl) ,Q,UIHCY * • ',.) "The Cnloeaa Con-Ga TWI 8U'T OF MCllOn" ( 111131 arw. L•. CAM0H Roo.n Bakw. A martial Gueet1. Bob Hope, Mafalla art• atudant Nia out 10 MUOll, Nell Cartaf, Mena eveoga tha muro.r of Illa Eatle. (R) taacne. In wtllcll • rlval G 9 A8C HEWS 8'lhOol wu lllvo!Yed. 'R' NIGHTUHE 12:AO 8 Cl) COLUMBO Gt ALL IN THE FAMILY • LOVE, AMERICAN 8TYU D CAPTIONED A8C NEWS O fofQVIE * • • ·~ 'Soldier Of Of1111ge" ( 10791 Edward Fox, Susan Penllallgon SI• ctaaerna1 .. II • Dulch unlver11ty go their MC>•· rate waya when war btNkt out In Europa 'PG' t 1;45 9 DIQ< CAVETT Guetl Gwen V8'CI011 (Pan 1)(R) (S}MOVIE • • ,_. "Tho Outaldt r " ( t978) St8'Hng Hayden. Ctlllg Wauon. A youog ldaallll traveta to Nor111ern helanc:J to l<>4n tne struggle for lndl!P8lldllf\Ce. 'R' 11;50 CID MOVIE * * "The Flnll Conntc1" (1981) Sam NelU, Roeaano BraaJ In the third part ol "'The Omen" trilogy, youog Damlerl, tne embodiment of' the Antk:nrlst. Is now en adult and a trusted advlaor to the prelldent ol the U S 'A' -Ml>NIGHT- 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Jana F6nc:Ja Interviews Bonnie Raitt. 8 9 MOVIE • * "Tna Whit• Dawn" (1974) Timothy Bottoma, Warre11 O•••• Tnrae wtlll«a becorna foal In Ille ArGtlc In 18N. (R) 11J MOVIE • * .. ~ "'Tiie Privet• Navy 01 S.,geanl O'Farrall" ( 19611 Bob Hope, Ptlytli9 Diiier • MOVIE * • • "Go W•I" ( 19401 Man1 Brothers, Olerla L-· II . • LOVE, AMEAICAH S'TYLE 12:10. AMENCA: THE 8ECOHO CEHT'URY 12: 15 CC) MOVIE * • • "Stay Hungry" ( 1978) Jalf Brldgee. Salty Aold The offbeat ICIOn ol an old Southern lamly trtea to uve a aeemy gyrn trorn the hand• of rMI .. 11te spaculatora. 12".30 G Q! LA TE NIGKT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guesta vtoeo jOurnelltt Jon Alpetl, IC1or Jack Lar- llOf'I. 1:00 I ~AUTRY * • * "'Llsborl" ( 195e) Ray Miiiand, Claude Raine A alllp'1 captaJn It nlt9d to rateue • woman'• nu. band lrom Communist captors 1;J01 (8 HEWS GENE AUTRY 8P£AJ<OUT MOVIE • * '"1 "Thief" ( 1981) Jama• Caan. TuHClay Weld. A proteaalonal crOOlo glv .. up nla I~ tor • big ecora that ne nopee wttt aecure 1111 larnl- ~ IUtU<a. 'R' 1;40 (8) MOVIE • • \.It "A Nlglltlnglle Sang In 8et1teley Square" ( 1979) Richard Jordan, David Niven Tne night watcnman at 1 81111111 Benk Is tempt- ed to return to a "'• ol crime 2:00 CC) MOVIE • • • "The Otner Side or Tna Mountain -Part ti"• ( 1971) Marilyn Haaaett. ' Timothy Bo11orna Former Champion aid.,. Jilt Kln- rnOlll. randet9d • qu9drl· pleglc by a tragic accident, wr•ttea with Mll..c:Joubt wnan a oaw love enters her Illa Cl)UOVIE • • "Pnobla" ( 1980) Paul MIGhaal Glaaer, Suaan Hogan. A group ol rnan1a1 patlenta ara murda<9d eocordlng 10 tnai< lflc:Jlvldu- el,_., .R' 2:201~ 2:35 HEWS MOVIE • ~ "Big Bad Marna" ( 197 4) Angla Oldllllaon. Wllllem Stuatnar A woman outs a path ot lllolenoa and romance through tile Soutllweet of Ille 19301. 'A' 2:.&e 8 MOVIE • • * ··The Storytaller' ( 1977) Mar11n Belewn, Pat· ty Dul<• Aatlf'I. 3:21(8)MOV1E * * '"' "The Ca! And The Canary" ( 1971) Ho11or Bledlrnan. Mlct!MI Gatlan. Helr8 battle tor a fortune at the epoolly .. late Of a ~ mllllonalre, 'PG' 3:to Cl) 8CRAMBUD FEET Comac:Jlenne Madaline Kahn •tars In a musical comedy revue 1nat Ullrlz- • allow bualneea lncludlnQ JOHN DARLING punlt rOC61. t11Mtr1 orttloe, ll1Uell pleya end '*"°'"'f .... Ml(C)MOVll • *.,. "Jlml Handrl•" ( 1173) Ooc;umenlllty A MOnteoa of GOnOart 1001- • anCI Ill~ Wllh aaaocletH, admlrare, lrlellde #Id lover• ol the ·eo. todl atar wtlOM death In I 870 algnaled the end ol a muelc:el •• 'R' •:OO •MOYtl • • • ''Fir at flamlly" (IOIO) OllcU Radtw, Bob Nawnatt. Tiie M •l.lelly r•--deughi.t Of ,,.. COUtllr(• W'Wdael P<• dantlel family COfN)tlcalM hat lathar'• attampta to ~CIUGI the alfal,. ol •late. 'R' CZJMOVIE • * * "Saboteut" 11942) Pr11clll• Lana. Robert Cumrnlnge AcciuMd ol Nbotaga and the murdflt' ol Illa beat fr larld, • rnen 1811 out to t111d tha real NllZl llbolaul'I 'l'ews day•s Dayti•t-Mor les -MORNl«J- 1:00 Ci)** '"1 "Ally Whlcll Way You Can I 1980) Cllot Eutwood, Sondra Locke. Balora Miiiing Clown wllh hla glrl ano pet oraogutan. a b1t•ll1t9d fighter lllgn• up for one laat, lucratlve match 'PG 0 * ll\ot "The $noguo Warrior• Granc:Jlzer ( 1981) Anlrnat9d. A pow8f· fut robol defil!ld5 Earth Whell It II lnvaoed by Vegan lnvaoe<e t:OO ~ • * • 'Sundey In N- Yor1C' ( t964) Clolf Rot>&rt· eon, Jana Fonda Alter being Jiited by her bOy· friend and traYellng 10 New York to Viall her bf other. e young woman conllder1 hat poalUOn on vtrgln1ry 9:30 m • • "Tne Man From Utah" C 193'11 John Wayne Gabby Hayes 9:36 CZ>•• • "Tna Battle Ot Algiers" (198 7) Y acar Saadi, Jun Marlin. Algeria •llQM a delperate strug- gle tor lnc:Jepeodence 119m 1954 to 1982 10:00 (HJ * * • "The Electn<: HorSMlan ' ( 19791 Robert Redlorc:J, Jane Fon<la A Las Vegu cowboy tteals • $12 million thoroughbred horae to aave him lrom hit explolta ttve owner 1 ·PG' CS) * • • "The Aaphalt Jungle" (1950) Sterling Hayc:Jen, James Wnttmota The po!IQll are baffled by e criminal mallelmlnd a hlll·mHll011..c:J04lar robbery 11:00 ~ • * "loving Couples" (1980) Sh"lay MaclaJne. Jamee Coburn A married couple and • pair ot youog alngies switch partneta 111 a game of fllHlyle sampling and romantic revenge 'PG' 11:30 0 * • "Roadie" 119801 Meat Loat. Kakl Hunte< A roe!< mullG roadie lets nothing gel In nia way In his pursuit or the girt ol hi• dreams. PG' 11:36 CZ) • • 'h "The Chinese Connection·· ( 1117 3 J 8ruce Lae. Rot>en Baker. A mat· llal arta 11udent aeta out to avenge the tnYr<let ol I'll• teecller In wlllcn a rlVaJ 8Chool WU 111volved R' 12:0011J * • '.+ "Man Oii A Strlog" ( 1971) Cllrlstopnar George, Wiiiiam Schallert •**\.It "Bonjour Trla- ,_ .. ( 1959) David Niven Deborato Ke" m * *'It "Casanova Brown" ( 1944) Gary Coo- per, T• ... Wrteflt. A men on tt1e \Wga of r-rtaoe dleocMll'• 11111 Ila .. a ....._.,._an~ rnarnaoe <JD •• ~ • 'The f\ollldll119 Advanturaa 0 1 EllU ,.,._.. ( t9TI) 8-lneil Yark, Jonn Wlltta In 19'11-0antUtY Aualrlllla, a ... ~1al11'1 wffa llllta IOf • techaroua rogue •board alllp. (I) t1r • • "OM-Trlelo PtJtYY" ( 1HO) Ptul llrnon, 8lelt ltOIMI, A ~ lat "'torrnw It prauur9d by ~ around llltn 10 dtop hi• al~ ol rllUtlc and wrlta 110ng1 that OM bring him bactl 10 Illa toe> .0 'R' 1:00 CC) • • "From NOOn flu TllrH" ( 1~71) Charle• 8ronaon. Jiii lraland A drift• la rac;ruttad Into • ~·1911 robbery gang 1:M CZJ It 0,, "Big Bad M•m•" ( 1974) Angle ~lnlOll, wu11am Sl•alMr A woman cute e p11th of lllolallca 111\d roma11c;a through the South-I of Illa t030t 'R' 2:00 (I) • * • 'lne Campell lion" (1980) Rlclllfd Otey ruaa. Amy lrvtog Two pla11- "'' ai • San Franeleco mualO competition find met their IOve tor eacn Oth8t conn1C11 wtth lllalr protau1ona1 1mblllon1 'PG' 2:.30 0 * • • • "Plenlc At Hanging Rock" I 111751 Rachel Roberlt Oomln1c Guard In 1urn·of.fhe-Gen· tury Auatrlllle, tnrae young llChootglrts wander l \Or&y rrom • KllOOI l)lcnlC and become Iott In tne l>uah 'PG 3:00 11J • • * 'My Favorole Brun11t1e' ( 19471 Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour A myate<lous woman per. suades • baby pllotogr •· Pller to become • auper- s1au1n OD • • • "Wnen Hell Was In Sflalon" ( 19791 Hal HOl- btook. Eva Marie Stlnl Captured t>y the Viel· nameae, an American naval commander sum· mona nls will power 10 meotally c;ornbat hla tor· ture<• and organize otner pr11011er1 ol war onto torm· ln_p a r99411aooo aHlance lZ * • •' • "Scanner'" (1981) J11nn1ler 0 Nelli, Pa1r1cl( McGoohan A lethal conflict arise• belween 1wo small groups of people whose extraordl- n a ry 01ycn1c powers ltlclude the ability to kill tolepathocally 'R' 3:30 (t) • • ·~ "Tne Kid From Leh FoetO ' ( 1979) Gary Coleman Robert Gull· laume A bat bOy't ttrat&- llY launches a IOalng ba.- ball toarn on a winning streak that takn them to the World Serles 4:30 (S: * i> ·~ "Plnchdrtl Grand Prix" ( 1990) Alll- mated Alter his cat dnlgn ''' etolen by an t•-()()1· league. • brilliant mach•n· IC Oacldn to build an even belt• raciog mactolne and c;ompeto with nls nemeels 'G 0 • • •., "Tile Sl!Ogun Warrlore Grandlzer·· (19811 Animated. A~­ ful robot detenc:Js Eanll Wfl8fl It ta Invaded by Vtigan Invaders 4:46 CZ) • • • "S&bOleur (1942) Priscilla Lane. Rob· ert Cummings, AGGuaad of sabotage and the murder ol hi• best friend 1 man MIS OUI 10 llnd 11'18 reel Nazi sabOteura. 5:30 CC) * • • • "The Angel Wore Rll<I" (1960) Ava Garc:Jner. Oirli Bogarda A priest laave1 his order to 1a1urn to• WOtld roc;1(9d by I vtotent war by Armstrong & Batiuk IHI:, 15 PHIL-IHE° F"ORECA'STEA AT BUZZARDS ROOS'T IN HINCKLEY,OHIO •.. WHERE EACH MARCH l='rFTEENTH WE GATHER IN THl5 SL.EEPy OHIO VILLAGE 10 AWAIT IHE. RETURN Or:" l riE MEDIA.' Burnett's 'Eunice' expands to 90-minute show ~.~-r-THE ~x~D~~? }(~~;.~ This is not to rault the sensational Miss managed to overcome the stifling, nigh-decibel 775-1491 ~~~\.,., ',:~:~ .... . NEW YORK CAP) -Everything about Eunice is small -her town, her mind and her fortitude. T he only exception is her dream to be big, bul that's sabotaged by her capacity to work, which, of course, is small. Carol Burnett's satir ical s ketch character bas been expanded into the 9C>-minute play, "Eunice" tonight al 9:30 on Channel 2. This bittersweet par ody of mid-American life won't even play in Peoria. Some will find it silly, some grating and some offensive. As comic relief on the long-running "Carol Burnell Show," Eunice and her cast of dolts and numbskulls could work for 10 minutes al a time. But the one-dimensional quality of it a ll is blinding in long form. A Tradition for lg Yeera 1112 5rvtngNlgtlllf T111 A.M. Burnett and her fine cast. The problem lies with family environment by leaving home. He becomes • " '' ........ • • ..... . the idea, which never nouris hed because the script a successful writ er, and he is the s ensitive, 16808 S . HARBOR co11A1111sa641 -12 89 never orrered anything really funny or touching. sensible one, and his life has become a form or '~'0-•"d One has to wonder, though, how such a talented taunting to the rest of the family. DECKla...JG ,,., .. l()flvl<J0495-0401 ' " 1"11 CafNN> C.~t••r-. performer as Miss Burnett would sink this low, Harvey Korman plays Ed Higgin s, a ~a.ft o..o• ... , ..... ,,,...,, although she calls ·Eunice' "the best thing I've beer-guzzling dimwit whose goal is to own a chain •---------• 11---------~ done in a long time." of hardware s tores so he can finance musicals. Miss Burnett plays Eunice. She's a shrill Vicki Lawrence is Mama. She doesn't want the woman with a talent for nothing except finding best for her children, just what she has. Noth ing. flaws in everybody else. The plot is simple and simple-minded. It's four Miss Burnett says she likes lhe c haracter s hort plays stretching from 1955 to 1978. The set is because she's human and vulnerable Actually, the kitchen, where Mama works and dispenses her she's about as human as the sticky s ide of a brand of sarcasm a nd depression. postage stamp. It's hard to figure out what audiences will like Ken Berry plays her brother, Phillip, who has about this black comedy. Reaervetlona· 8u199atec1 145-7071 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---! SENIOR"CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set For Newport Beach ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be gh ·en at Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center Mon., March 15, Tues., March 16, Wed., March 17 9 A.M. lo 5 P .M. Hearins tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist . who is licensed by the California State Board o( Medical Quality Assw-ance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser. Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is welcome to a test emploiying the latest electronic equi~ment which will determine his or her particular Joss. You wall see a modern hearing aid so tiny It ms tot'ally within the car. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER 1600 West Coa t Highway Newport Beach 646-8266 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMEN)' TO AVOID WAITING Construction money available at Heritage Bank. . Resldenflal · Commercial Bulkllngs: Taheoul COmmltmenl required alonJC wllh ~.ases. con&att ·Jdf Johnson SOuah Ora• eounc y11nitnf' 1-.1&~ c Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 15, 1982 ·Reagan's crack at Ni' par~ riles offiCia~ NE W YORK CAP ) City P arks Com missioner Gordon Davis was in bed one night, dozing In froht or the television, when he heard President Reagan talking about Central Park. "Llatening lo the born-again budget balancers moan about deficits,·· Reagan told a Wyoming a udience, "is kind of like hearing a mugger in Centra l Park complain about crime in the s treets." The crowd laughed at the president's joke. Davis did not . "I sat right up," he recalled. "Here he has cut $80 million in our parks' funds for next t wo fiscal ' years and he's making jokes about Central Park. Talk about kicking s omeone while he's down." Reagan had reopened a wound that healed, more or less, after the "Tonight Show" moved lo Holly wood and left behind most of Johnny Car son's monologue jokes about muggers in Central Park. No on~ denies the park can be dangerous after dark; but es[>ecially on warm nights, people go a nyway at night to jog, bicycle, roller skate, walk t heir dogs or just hang out. They say, that although s ome sections are dangerous, people who s tick to well-lighted and well-traveled areas can avoid trouble. Thal also was the opinion of patrolman Roy Lugirs as he guided his cruiser through the park, which is the 22nd Precinct , one night this week. A litany of cr ime squawked from his police radio, but it was all occurring in other precincts; the park was quiet, save the panting of joggers and the swishing of their plastic running s uits. "If I tell som eone I work in Cehtral Park, they say 'Wow!· like it's a war zone," said Lugirs. "They think I drive around in a tank. "Reagan doesn't realize this is an oasis," he added. "The 23rd (which includes East Harlem ) has more murders than some countries." -·--~"ObCentl'4H-Park-R-a.s. th~I. -crime rate.....of a ny precinct in the city," said Davis "Crime there -gets· ·much -mare -attention -lb-an if it-happened elsewhere. I don't advise that people have a post-theater drink on the Great Lawn, but the nighttime danger has been exaggerated." "This is the front lawn of the city of New York," shrugged Capt Carl J onasch, precinct' commander. .. Anything that happens there gets publicity." Last year the park, which at 840 acres is larger than Monaco, was the site of three murders, 21 rapes and 713 robberies In the same categories the central Harlem precinct logged 59 murders, 61 rapes and 1,264 robberies. Each of the two most fashionable East Side precincts, which also border the park. had six murders One had 23 rapes and 834 robberies. the other 26 rapes and 1 ,378 robberies. The officers patrplhng the park and the people using it s aid Central Park is no more dangerous than any other section of the city if you know what you're doing and wl'iere you're going. Male or female, alone or in groups, people are al most always using the park: roller skating on the mall, throwing Frisbees in front of the bandshell. jogging along the reservoir. "Al 4 a .m. in a blizzard you'll still see people o gin ,"said Lug1rs . ~·· RTNESS SPECIAL $40 Unlimited Visits 11 Mo. • FREE AEROBICS DesiCJMCI for the Matutt Woman~ • liet & Nutritional Glidance • Firm & Tone • F~ Exercise fllliJment BAD BACK? TRY OUR THER»EUTIC LOUNGE" AEROBICS O,...To,..lc 10 Classes $2500 10 LM.·6 ,.. .. WHOOPEE Children laugh it up on swings at a carni val in Pho<!n1x at the ,..,..1..,.. .. a nnual Arizona India n Festival reC'ently. Tampa airport rated suPerior WASHINGTON (AP) -Tampa lnt.cmat1oru:tl was rated the airport with the best facilities while Chicago's O'Hare was cited as having the worst in a survey released of U.S . members of the Airlln~ Passengers Association. • American Airlines was selected as the most preferred airline (or travel w1tlun the United Stat.es, folJowed by United, Delta, TWA, Conti· nental, F.ast.crn, Braniff, Western, Pan American and Northwest. Following Tampa m the favored airport cat.e- gory were Dallas-Fort Worth, Atlanta, Chicago O'Hare, Seattle, WashingLon Dulles, Newark. Kansas City, New York Kennl'<.ly and L<~ Angell-s. After O'Hare in the ·least-favored category were New York Kennedy, Los Angelt.>S, Atlanta, Washington National, Nt'W York La Guardia. Dallas-Fort Worth , Miami, L<indon's Hcuthrow and Dc•nver. The fact that several airports mad<• both "Top Ten" lists reflects th<' fac:t that they are heavily US('CJ. APA memberi; arc> frequt'nt lravt•lt'rs, mrnilly business pc'Ople. The quest1onna1rcs wer<· rru.uled to 55,272 do- mestic and 6.027 Canadian and Mex1c:an members last September. A tol.iJI uf 13,:i:J l domestic: and 1,092 Canadian-Mexican rc'Sponses were r('Ceived. A s lightly d i Here nl questionnaire was mailed to 41,000 international members. with 8.138 respon- ding. Results were published for all three cat.cgon~. ltS the opening of our new office in San Juan Capistrano. P icture a red-ti led roof with blue sky above and a tiled walkway below. Inviting a rched windows, p roviding a view of ~crv i cc you 'II receive when you step "hrough our doors. Like o ur ta tefully decorated commun ity room ... our complete safe deposit MMitlJUA & JM.BERT MEAi STATEI MAHET handsome wood beams and carved ._ _________ m!!!ll!!l!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ wood accents with in. H and-painted facil ities ... two drive-up lanes to serve you ... and 24-HOU R . .. a n ever-increas ing strength reflected in our new corpora te na me : G reat American Federal. And soon, Laguna Federal Savings will become a divi ion of our p ro ud G reat American Fede ral family ... providing our customers with a total of 18 offi ces througho ut Ora nge County. Come visit o ur newest environment of g reat interest and receive a free Interest Checking PLUST'M account for '82. At Great American Federal, we're sharing o ur interest with you. You can help your newspaper carr(er collect al times conve- nient 10 you by having your cheek or money order ready so the earner won I have 10 call back Because t hts young person 1s ln business for himself or herself. please be ready - and watch that big smile which says Thank you ·.Daily Pilat Mexican tiles a t every turn. And the most intriguing ight of all : the magnificent "Tree of Li fe " in bas relief. T hey're all part of the wa rm feeling you'll have when you visit our new office in San Juan Capistra no. It's truly a n enviro nment of great interest, from t he spacious surro undings to the , TELLER 'round-the-clock banking convenience. As the State' oldest fe deral savin gs and loan, o ur interest in California communities has been growing stead ily since 1885. Tod ay, o ur network of mo re than 90 bra nches is backed by more than $3 biUion in resource Great Afl'lerican 'f-ederal /San Juan Capistrano SAlllNGS ANO LO"N ... SSOCIATtON T he new name for San Diego Federal 32222 Camino Capistrano Telephone: 661-0897 Hours: Monday-Thursday. 9:00·4:00; Friday. 9:00-6:()(); Soturda>\ 9:()()-J;()(). Tlw stn ttJlllt to soar ... o ttttllll)' of s.cu:is ;,. mowy "'"""lmt~ttt •.• Mef• sU.u 1115. ' I \ 1 • THI GUST AND THI .COUNTY MONDAY, MARCH 1S, 1982 CAVALCADE CO MICS SPORTS ~\' " , ~\\'\ ~ Big Brother: ' Wins another ONLY I N LAGUNA DEPT. Laguna Beach City Ha ll certainly has been flexing its might and muscle in r ecent times whe n it com es t o dea lin g with the mercantile c·ommunity in the Art Colony of our coastline. It 's been an awesome display TOM '~ I'\ MURPHINI ~"1 Most recently. the full weight of judicial au th or it y c.·a m e crashing dow.P after City Ha ll fi led a s uit against a young wom an w ho ope r ates a Coast Hi g hwa y b o utiqu e known as S trawbl•rr v Shortcake. · The voung woman. Oruscilla Tysen, apparently haCI fl a unted municipal authority whe n s he paint ed some tin_y s trips a round her show windows lavender, a color s he had used successful ly at anoth e r boutique . So mebody com plained to Cit y Ha ll about the color. Forthwith. Laguna City Ha ll cranked up its mig hty legal machine to bring DrusC'illa to Justice for this awful lavender !>in. NEVER MIND that the Laguna business distract 1s splatte red with buildings of colors that could be fairly described as bilious blue, barf brown or h a n gover yellow This lavc.•nder just had lo go. Thus after cons iderable thrashing and Lord knows how mueh legal expense lo th(• Lag una taxpayers. Miss Tyscn was hailed before the bar of j us tice A ruling was handl'd down that she must now fall upon her knees bdore the Design Revie\\ Hoard to plead approval of her lavender trimming!'> Al Cil\' llall . the eourt order was h ailed as <1 grt'al v1c·tory foi· lht• e1t~ OME T IME BACK, then.· \\as <mother cast• where a pet shop on the main stem of forest Avenue had installed a very nice litlll' flo\\'t•r box in front of the window dis playing its doggies and k1tt1es The n ower box was VffY µrl'lty and probubly served as a deterrent to s m<Jll children pressing their noses against the glass and possibly getting hurt. City Hall. however. viewed the flower box as a zoning or building <1nd sa frt~· v1olat1on. or som esuch like that. and ordered it rcmon·d Numerous citizens signed a pctltwn that tht· flowered area stav But it went T he power of City Hall once CJga in prevailed in Laguna Reach No doubt this too was hailed as another great victory for City Ha ll Mos t reccntlv. a nolhN businesswoman. J ackie Haworth. ha!> built up fairly flourishing commerce at a plal·e called On Con)',1gnment on Glenneyre Street in Laguna. At that loeation. ht'r sidt•walk is sort of likt• a front pon·h where sht' d1spla~·t•d som<' furn1tun· for s ale Some real bargains prevail lht.·re. b~· the way. Bl'T ALAS . SOM EBO DY blC\\ the \\ h1s tle Li nd sc·n 'amcd foul tu C1t\ llall because Mis:. llaworth 1s aµparently in the wrong zonl' lo allo" mer chandise tc1 be d1spl a~·crl out front .. B2 B4 86 • Plastic surgery could turn a teen's life around. See Ann Landers' co lumn on Page 8 2. ,. Whe n it comes lo T V commercials. the sk y 's th<: limit. Last week a ere\\ filmed this 1941 Tt>d Stearma n p lane trailing a "Welco me Gettv" bannt>1 at Meadowlark Aii·port in Huntington Beach. 'flw pilot (below 1 W<!S Boh Cannon. Once again. City llall 1s bringing down the m ight of it s zoning dicta upon her e nterprise OnC'e again. Laguna c1t1zen!-> arf' s igning petitions to suppor t the store\ ow ner Tht· outcome on this one is still unclear but !->O far. Irvine girl putting best feet forward Lagun<i':. C11\ H<d l has S('ored victorv after victor\· in C'r C1c king down on these s mall mer chants · Another thing 1:-. also t'nclent around Laguna Hcach thc!-.l' dc.t~ s r\ d1st1n gu1shc.·d furniture.· outlel downtown JU!-.t closed ~ff m ove elsewhert• A long·t1me s portswear s hop near I fol e l Laguna 1!-. going out of business Empty s ho ps :.cc·m to clot the Art Colony business disttict. MAYBE IT'S JUST a coin ciden ce that at thl' samt• time. City llall is winning victory a fter victory in c racking down on business establis hme nts . Maybe. But it's possible if they aren't car eful down at Cit~· Ha ll. they might wake u p one day and not have anybody left to he victorious over That would become empt y victory indeed As empty as a vacant !-ilordront. Frizzelle defends record in Assembly Answers Sills charge on gas tax vote A sse mblyman Nola n Frizzellc. R-Hunlington Beach,, whose voting record has been attacked by fellow Republican Dav id Si ll s, said h e wa s representing his constituents' wi shes when he voted against an increase in the slate gas tax. Si Its is challenging fellow Republican Frizzelle for the nomination in the 69th District Sills, who is mayor of Irvine, called Frazzelle's r ecord on tran s portatio n issues ''counte rp roductive and confusing" during a press co nf f r e n ce T hu r s da y announcing his own candidacy. "It shouldn't be confusing to people who know the issues," Frlzzell e said Friday. The gas tax increase was designed to provide additional funds for stale lransporuUon projects. But FriueUe, who is ' concluding his first two-year te rm in tihe Assembly, said voters in his district do not want increased taxes. Frizzell e said the s tate instead should rearrange priorities for s pending the money it has. He said he favors less money for welfare rolls a nd more for transportation. The newl y apportioned 69th Di str ict includes Irvine, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and a bout half oUiu.ntington Beacll.. While con ced i ng t ha t a primary contest between two Republicans may be ''healthy," Frizzelle nevertheless said some GOP supporte rs would have preferred to save their funds for "more critical" races. Frizzelle claims lo have Uie support of all local Republican organizations. Reflecting on bis Cirat term ln Sacr a mento, Friuelle sald, 'Tm not -saying I've been the epitome of virtue up there, but I think I 've s u cceeded in transmitting what the people.or the district seem to want." • Fifth grader practicing for 18-mile walk to raise funds for charity By SANDIE JOY Of U.. O.tly ~i.t SUft Making her s te ps count is Michelle Guzzelta's goal. She intends to go all the way. All 30 kilometers of Project Con cern's Irvine Walk for Mankind. That's 18 miles, folks . Eleven-year·old Michelle, a fifth-grader at Bonita Canyon Ele mentary School in Irvine, has her goal all planned -right down lo the shoes, socks, shorts, s hirt and jogging pants she'll wear. And, to make certain she's in shape, she plans a pr actice walk the day before next Saturday's event. S he inte nds t o whip her co·walkers into shape, too. On that practice walk, she'll take along her dad. Larry Guzzetta, and he r fr iend , Ja s mine Gediss man. Meanwhile. she's not letting grass grow under her feet. S he's out there plugging , signing up friends and relatives as we ll a s f riends and acquai ntances of friends and relatives -a nd even some s trangers -to s ponsor her efforts. So far, s he's signed up 115 s ponsors, p eople who have pledged to donate from 10 cents lo a dollar for each kilometer she completes. "That's $658.SO. just about, ii I walk the whole way," s he explained. - She's been beaUng the bushes for s ponsors ~ecause s he believes the walk's objective - raising money for international primary health care programs -is a good one. ''A walk to benefit many s truggles" is what Margie Wakeham, Irvine Walk director, is calling the effort. Officially called the 1982 Walk for Mankind, the 30·kilometer hike to ¥gin a t Irvi ne's Heritage ~ ls designed to rai se fund s to s upport international primary health care program s and Project Co ncern, which Includes med 1cal and dental clinics serving Appalachia and the Navajo reservation in the United States as well as in Mexico, Indonesia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Africa and Hong Kong. Locally, 20 percent of the funds raised by the Irvine walk are earmarked for the Irvine Education Foundation, a group d esigned \t o r a i se private contributions to Irvine schools. "I took my Mom's phone book," Michelle explained, "and I called all her friends and real estate clients, asking them to sponsor me. I also go to offices and ask them. "I asked the ice cream man," she said, "and he sponsored me . I asked the mailman, too, but he was running late. "I h ave m y o wn bank account," she continued, "so I went lo my bank and asked them to sponsor me." Michelle's mother. A8rienne Guzzetta, indicated s he 's proud or her daughter's efforts, especiall y the zeal with which she has tackled the project. "I think it's her attitude," her mother said. "She's so positive that most of the people agree to sponsor her." Indeed , s h e is positive. The re 's no mi s taking the bubbling enthusias m in her voice. O f her efforts t o obtain sp on sors, s he s aid, "Some peopie say 'No, 4 -'ve-atready sponsored someone.• Some say, ·How tar are you going to walk and how much do the other people sponsor you for?' and most of them sponsor me even ii th ey 've already s pons ored someone else." The going rate, she said is 15 cents a kilometer. "But I've gotten a 10-center, 10 cents up to a dollar. "Last year I did 'it because Mrs. (Margie) Wakeman came lo my school and gave a presentation. You know. they show slides and stuff. The second picture I saw I turned to .my dad -I was alttlng on hll lap and said I'm gonna walk. ' "Last year I got to go lo Tijuan a and t h at r eal ly encouraged me. This year. I'll try harder. .. In Tijuana, when we first got there," s he s aid. "the bus stopped near these big trash dumps. "It smelled so bad and 1 saw ' people there. "Ever yone on the bus was touched by t hat because," Michelle said, "we gel to live in houses and if it gets hot. we have air conditioners and if it gets cold, we have heaters. "When I'm old er," she said. "after college, I want to go to the dumps and visit the kids and teach them." On her Tijuana visit, Michelle met Angelinca, a Mexican girl who was to benefit from money raised in the walk. "She was fat because she h a s n 't ea t en," Mi chelle ex pla i n e d . "S h e had malnutrition but she's gelling better now because of the help she's getting." Mrs . Guzzetta said sometimes when Michelle is pitching a potential sponsor. "She goes Into the whole spiel, telling them about her Tijuana visit and Anielinc:~, .. About last year's walk, ¥r maiden effort, Mi chelle said, "I didn't make it, but I did pretty good. I came In high money-wise but my card had gotten losl so ll looked like I'd walked the whole way. and I went down there and told them I hadn 'l gone lhe whole way. I got almost there, though. I think I did 21 kilometers or something like that." The. Irvine walk, being held for the sixth consecutive year, ls coordinated by the Junior Ebell Club of Irvine with the help or local sroups including the ·Jaycees. Liom, Orange ·count,y Dally 1'1194 ltaft .._ DETERMINED Michelle G uzzetta , 11 , of I rvin e practices for h er 18-mile w a lk for c ha rity. Search and Rescue, churches and schools. 1 Last year's · walk ralaed., ,: Ul.642 with 4'fS Wilkers eaCti averaging $59.23 iil donations. " I \ Ill Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT /Monday, Morch Hi, 19a2 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •t-OROSCOPE Plastic surgery could t~n teen 's life around to know rnt>. so wh~ t ry tu Ix• frie ndly'' My life •~ lonely und I fcl"l rotlt!n about m y future I rea lly nl•t•ri some-OOl' to help ml' with this problt.•tn Will you tx· the on<."' IN THI<.: <:UT'fEH DEAk ANN LANDE RS · My problem ts a ver y big, ugly, repulsive·looking nos{!. l ha ve hated it ever since l was 4 years old. (I a ~ 17 now.> Kids have teased me about m y s hnozz as far back as I can re mem ber . I pretend like it doesn't bother me, but it's as if a knife is being jabbed into m y flesh DEAR f.'RIE N O : I h avt• no Idea every lime someon e m e ntions it. regarding the l'xlt·nt to which your nose is I told m y mo m c~ how I felt when ruining your louks. but it's imma terial. The I was 13 years old. She s aid nobod y is fact is it is ruinin~ vour life. perfect a nd I should accept the nose God It is not m .) custom to go against ga v e rl)e . S h e w a nte d t o m ake an pare ntal a dvice, but in this case I must. a ppoint r™!h t with a psychia trist \\lho would Since you. hav<· r<•jl!cted thr psychia tric he lp me "Straig hten o ut m y t hinking," but approach (gettin g talkt·d into liki ng ~ re fused to go. I KNOW what m y proble m yourself as you ar<'). I reel they s hould is a nd I don't see a n y point m going to a a Uow you to ha vt> plastic surgery. Be s hr ink to discuss it. Then my dad got into aware it m ay NOT c ha ng.-th.-way you feel t he act. He said I had a ridiculous set of about yourself, but lhc n a~ain it might be values a n d a d ded, ·'Look at Barbra exactl~· what you n(•ed to turn your lir•• Str e isa nd ... I told him if I could sing like around. Barbra Streisand my nose wouldn't bother U your pan•nt~ rdus4"•, I s uggest you me so much. get a job as soon as possihlt> and pay for l a m complete ly miserable because of the s urger y yourself. <A word of warning : m y ugly nose. I stay away fro m people. Not all nose jobs turn o ut g re at. See thinking they couldn 't ,possibly care to get someone whose redont' nose you like and ~~~~~~~~~~~~-"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APW ....... DRAMA SEMINAR Actor Robert Red ford ac ting e xperie n ce h as influence d his gestures during a sem inar h e ga ve recently directing . He explained that his method is to to d ram a students at Har vard Univers ity. let actors direct the m~el vcs w ith him Redford talked a bout directing and how his w a t c hing over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~-"':::,_~~~~~~~~~~.!:.'.--~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~- Aries revises policies Tuesday, March 16 ARIES <March 2l·J\prtl 19 i. Many poli cies are r e vi sed a nd s u bjec t to com plete c hange. Li nes of communication open. you gain needed informat ion and could begin making travel plans . You'll be deal i n g with s tubborn . c r ea ti ve. det ermined people . • TAUR US (April 20-May 201 You gain inf orm alion concerning financial status of those who seek closer r elationships with you . Keep eyes open. see othe rs as they a re a nd not t hrough haze of wis hful think ing. Mem ber of oppos ite sex confides feeli ngs a nd your mor a le soars as result GEMINI c May 21-J une 20 1 · Go slow. lie low, be diplomatic a nd gain coope ration of family me mber, partner. mate . Major dom estic adjustm ent due, could include pur chase of luxur y item . You'll be offered contract a nd key is to play waiting game. CANCER 1June 21-J uly 22 >: Obtain hint, from Gem in i message . Ma int a in mod era te pace. avoid extremes. Accent on e mployment. dependents. pets a nd your gene ral physical condition. Appointment for checkup rates h ig h on agenda LEO <J uly 23·Aug . 221: Good 1unar asp ect coincides with c reative c han ges. stron ger relation s hips, de a lings with children, a dded responsibility a nd greater chance for rewards . VIRGO (Aug . 23-Sept. 22 > · Long- standing transaction can b(' broug ht to successful con clus ion. You'll feel more secure . you'll gain g reate r unders tanding o f basic values and need for do mestic tranquility. LIBRA cSept. 23-0ct. 22>: Rela tive • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA a p pr 0 a,. h (• :-..... 11 ti ('I l' <il I \ f (' r q.~ I II .ti p i o n N' nn g c·111w 1· pt B1 · n•t·1·p11 \ t· hut avoid '>talter111J,! \Ollr fort'l''> Somt• 111 'our fondest hope:-. w1:-lw:-<-.111 nm' ht• flllfill1·d Homann· dt'partml·nt 1:-. "l'\l\'<Jlt>rl SCORPIO 1<kt 2a;-.;u, 211 Elfort:-. bring desired rt•-.ulh Jn('onw pt1tl·nt1al increase~ and '011 ('ould -.1nkt· pa~ <.11rt rirsl 1mpres'\io11-. pron.' C'Ol'l't'CI Emph11s1~ on ton '\olicla t i11n . promot 1on a 11d th<· locating of n t•l·flt•d mall·rial SAGIT T A Rll'S 'Kn\ 22-Dt.·t· 211 You'll b(• at J'1i.!ht pl:.1n· at nght 11mc· C ircumst a1H'<'S t urn in \'(IUr favc1r 1>o pula ri ty 1nl'reas1·s · ·' 11u n·<'t'I\ 1· invitation lo prest1g1nus ;,1ffa1 r-. CAPRl<.:O RN < ()(•t 22·.Jan l!h Perce1n.• motivt·:-., dwtk fnr "ton he h1nd sto ry . St>crct" an· t'<>nfidt•d <ldails unn1vr l and path 1s C'lear·ed for n•ttl progress Ym1 could bt• \l~itrng 1nd i\'i<l11al <'<mftnl'fl to ho m e or hos p 1t <.il . A 0 li A R ll' S ( .J a n 2 ll F l' b I 8 1 Emphasis on f 11Ifi11m1• n t of d t' s 11' c.• ~. i nt ens 1f1 e d r <'I tit 1''n"h1 p and au r <t 11 f r omanct· Sf'enurio highlig hts changt'. tnivel. v<irH·t~· aml 1•lernl·nts of t1mi11g., PIS('F.S < F1• h I ~I March 20 1 :\1 ;qor conccssmn m;ccll· h' onf· in posit 1011 of a uthontv You1 p1'l•sl1 g<• rtM•s as n·sull p ast contacts Pil.\' <11v1dl·nds SurpriSl' gift is o n agl'nda May need mor~ 'than aspirin Df:AR DR. STEI NCROHN: Is there anything ne"1 la-the t r e at.ment of rheumatoid arthritis? I'm only slightly arf ected In my hands. . My doctor bas prescribed about 8 to 10 aspirins a day. These conrtrol the pain somewhat. But It Isn 't getting any better. Shall I see a specialist? -MRS. 0 . DEAR MRS. 0 .: Yes. ask your doctor for a consultation , o r have tlim tum you over to a rhe umato logis t for treatme nt. It's unlikely that takinf aspirin without any other treatment wil sufficiently take care of your rhe umatoid arthritis. YOUR HEAL TH· DR PETER J. STEINCROHN antimalarial dru ~~ may Ix• mcticate d So maycorticosteroid ll'catm('nt And in reply to yout question, Mrs. O . there is somet hing new now being used when indicated . This is "tota l lymphoid irrad iation" in severe c a ses of r heumatoid arthritis. ask who did It. The best rt!tommendatlon for any k lnd or cos metic surgery is a ple ased patie nt.> Pl.-ase write t u me a gain after you've done It and tell me ,how you feel. Good luck ? DEA H ANN LANDERS M y b r oth er ln .fuw lives with h is retir<>d parents llt• is 40 years old, has a good Job b ut contributes nothing for h is kee p. He has no friends und goes evt·rywhere alone. Even to c hurch His o nly hobby is "rl'funding .. He sencts coupons for cash rt>funds a nd free gifts . It l'unsumes all his free time Last Chris tmas. as us ual. we r eceived refu nd s peC'i a ls u coffee mug from a food company and a cheap razor from a drug company T hl' kicts got dog dishes <g iveaways with instructions to use t hem a!>i cereal bowls J • My hu~band and 1 decided to ask you how we can let him know we've had it with his eheapo "gifts" and to please takt> us o ff the li s t perma nently COVI NA REBELLION DE AR REB: Sure ly you realize that the poor guy is not wrapped very tight. It's not tha t he is stingy -he 's sick. Why deny this patheth:, friendless guy his only joy in life'? ll costs you-nothing to accept his g ifts g raciously and then throw them out. DEAH ANN 1.A:'-1DERS· I work tn .1 fint• s hop 1h.11 g1H•s ml' a 25 Pl'l'l't·nt q ANN UMDflS discount on a ll pun·hase:. Sevt.·nil friends know a bout lht.· d1~tounl and have a~kcd me to gel dresses and coats for them l don't mmd doing an occas ional favo r. but it has gollt'n out of hand . Two rne nds IHIVl' made !Ill' wuit as Ion~ a~ thrN.' month~ for m v m onev Anothe r wom:.in denied t h at a t·erta in pur('hasl' was for ht•r Another wore u dn•:-s sev(•ral timt·s and a s ked ml' to return 11 llow tan I ~top this pract1t'l' without dt•st royrni:: fnendsh1p:-. ·• WESTWOOD DEAR WEST : U the company kne w what you were doing , you could lose your discount privileges. Put an end to the "favors" at once. The friends you ma~ lose hecause of it a re be tte r orr "lost." Cari drugs be a /nend m 1tme of stre1>s'> If you keep your head together can they be of l1elp" Ann Landers· new booklet. ·The Lowdoum on Dope." separates the fact from the fiction. Get If toooy f 'or each booklet order ed . send S2.00. plus a long. self addressed. stamped envelope 137 ce71fs po.c:tage 1 to A nn Landeri. £> 0 HnI 11995. Chicago. Ill 60611 Cheers for achievers llcivt• you ever wondered what happens to rejected cheerleaders? Sornl' of them . convinced there is nothing to II ve for. drop out of school a nd enter thl' labor market. Other s put the d isappointme nt out of their minds and go out for ice hockev. ERMA BOMBECK ATWIT'S END But m ost o( us become eaten up with resentment a nd dwell on it for t he rest of o ur lives. I CAN WALK INTO a room ful o f people and with 90 percent accuracy point out those who h<.1vl' been cheerleaders I <:a n te ll wit hout bei ng told that Dyan Cannon was a c heer lead er Sh e's a laug her Eydie Gorme was a cheerleader She· s cutl' Dinah S hore was a cheerleader She 's popular Patty Hear s t was a cheerleade r . She's rich . Raquel Welch was a c h eerleader S he c a n d o py ramid s without anyone s tanding on her shoulders As I looked out over the crowd of well-wis hers. I clutched the leather bound honorary degrt·c and blurted out. .. Don·1 tr~ to make up n<1\\ It ·s too late'. Where were you when 1 had fat thighs a nd a cheerleader wish '' .. A couple of year s ago I was in vited back to m y collegP l'ampus to receive one of the greatest honor s your alm a mater When J ohnn ' C<tr~on went home to Nebraska on his 'special a few weeks ago. he a lso me ntioned how he was rejected as a c heerleader a nd ne ver for got it. For so m e of us. it 's like being short We com pensate We tQ harder to achieve We s pend our lives trying to make the ones who made 1t feel miserable I 'II b et big mone~· Alexande r Ha ig alwa~·s wanted to be a c heerleader' can bestow u µon '011 a n honor arv cloctoratt'. · · As I stood up lo m a ke m y acceptance s pecth, 1t all t<Jme bac k Chee rleade r Tr\'outs :1 p.m W1•dnesday. March 12. in tlWg\m POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRI LLIANT ~i\R (;n: KR ET SCHE R wearing a turtl<.•nl'l'k :-o\H'a tt•r that hung LOOSE .1rou11d 11,.,. llt'<'k llt1ll~ ll<t q w r . who didn't h,I\ t' room 1n hl·r arm~ for bones Suz1l' \\'t•rll'. \\h11 h~1dn t cut hC'r hu1r since the I h1rd ~1 adt· '.rncl 1l "a ~ Si.!pping all the .,, l'l'llJ.!I h ll\\Cl\ from her brain 1 ~HEN I MOVE, I MOVE FAST ~ I 1<m•y, t•\'l'n ..,ingle word of the cheers. E' c·n muvl'mt·nt was flawless. I jum ped l1k<• I h.ici -.prings m my feet I was the o nly onl' who did thl· entire routine carrying a hantlb<ig GOIEN ON BRIDGE BUT l C AN1T R..EMEl-1BER WHEl-J I LAST M OVED. ~ I ... At'P\ ~~ l •·l•·f· ~ It It g"'t R•t•~•-0 l'I'•' '"tko"-' (.')l"'ltt'' \t"O .,. BY CHARLES H. GOREN AN D OMAR SHARIF Q.1 -A~ South. vulnerable. you huld· •AK63 ':·AQ965 •Al093 The buid1ng has proceeded: Soulh Wut North •:a1t I 0 Pa11 I NT Pu8 ? What do you b11i no.,.} A, -h 1s mori• lckely that pulner h11s n rlub suet than that he ha.> four spades. :-.le111·r1 hcl,•s<. we would rhou't' Lo n•vt·r~ .. with two •Jtadt·~ Thcrl' " ~ 1·hancl' I hAI -.,or! h opted to bypass a w1•11k luur cnrd 'padr rn•I. an1l Wl' m1gh1 Hill he 11hle to "how rluh~ ronvencently at 1tur n••xt turn Q.2-Ne11her vu!nerabl!', as ~ou1h you hold· •73 "K963 OKQJ8 •AI09 Thr b1dd1ng hu proceeded. North F.a" South 1• 1 <> ? What 11t•tcun do you take? A .-You •ave just been pr1·~1·nlrd with 11n OlU><>rluni 1y 111 tell pa rt11er thn much of your slrl"ngth is in t he op ponrnt~· 'uil. Doubl11. Oon'I wnrry 11houl the pouihil!ty I h111 t hl' op pone nu m1y run to 'padt' Partntr might bt- abh• to lakl' care of that 1ult and, Anyway, you11 get another chance to bid. The bidding has prot·ceded: North Eul Soulh Weet P .. • Pu• I o P .. • 2 + Paa ? Whal acLion do you take'! A.-Partner's jump as a passed hand is a one·round force, so you must bid again even though you have a minimum opencng bid. Because of the balan~ed nature of your hand and the good 1ntermedcates, we prefer two no trump to a racse ot par1ner's su1L with only three trumps. The faller action might make partner overvalue his hand and gel your side overboard. Q.4-Neither vulnerable. as South you hold: •JlOS 0 763 OJI0865 •K7 Partner opens the bidding with onl' spade. What do you respond? A.-With only 5 high-card points. we would not blame you If you paaaed. However, we are reluctant lo take that action with s uch good trump support. Since a raise to two Spadea would be too en· couraglng. we would respond one no trump to ate how partnn react.a. Q.5-As South, vulnorable . you hold: +AJTt oe OAIIM +1154 Thro blddlns h.u proceeded: What action do you Lake'! A. -ll looks as ir West 1s try ing a baby "psychic" on you. Since parlner is marked with spade length for his penalty double of one spade, we would bid two spades lo ex pose West's chicanery. Q.6 -Neither vulnerable, a.s South you hold: •J6Z 0 Al09 OKQ863 •9' Thl' bidding has proceeded: Nortb EHt Soutllt Wut I 0 I • Z 0 Pa• 3 o Pua ? Whal action do you take? A. -Partner is ahowing ex Ira "'alues, and we have something in reserve for our free raise. If partner has a spade 1topper, there could be rusonable play for three no trump. and even five diamonds cannot be ruled out. We would show our in- terest wilh a cue·bld of three heart• and leave t he decieioo to partner . Havey ....... ~a.. te 4Hltle trHltle? Let c...._a....._.,..._. ,_ .. , .............. .. OOUILES ,_ •••ldM u4 .... &all.Met. Fw a_,, ef Ma00UILE8.......,__. ...... ....:...0 ....... . care .............. P.O. a..a nt, N ...... N.J. " For exam~le, standard the r apy ror patie nts like yourself inc ludes s p ecia l e xercises. s plints and s upports to pre ve nt deformity. Gold tre atments and use of ' The tudie: s.re still going on . Chances a r c you a rc not u su itable candidate for this type of the r apy at t his time . Rut let you r doctor decide Q.1 -Nelther vulnerable. a• South you hold: •JIOGc::?AQIO O KtM•Ql09 Eut 8Mdl Wetll N.,.Q 1 0 ow. •• ow. , ... PU. r o r ... p .. ' c. N .. ,.,,11111 b. OJM, M• ~,.,.... 1 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- I . I i , : -.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Mondey, March 15, 1982 r • s e s oa success u ara e sa e. Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales. street sales ... no matter what you call them, the idea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH . When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and follow ing these 10 steps will make it simple. Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your • sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any ~ingle day. What to sell. Everything! That is, everything you haven't used in the • last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere, and list everything. Furniture. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compa rtsons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. Rockinq chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped. and kept c lose at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. Clothing. Make su re clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid 's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a must on c lothes except for unusual items. which should be tagged w1tn an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers. dress worn by Mae West)." Appliances. These will sell for a fair price on ly 1f they work. No one wi II take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned on etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". Plants. These u sually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the S31e (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper. Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your ad. Here is a suggested ad : "Garage Sale -desks, • Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many ~adgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions if needed. Don't use abbreviations -many people w on 't bother to decipher them. CAUTION:.'Don't advertise anything you don 't really have. Every item in the ad must be on hand at the start of the sale. Where to advertise. Place y"our ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The • Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure. And wj th the Pilot, you 're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more, and start 1t a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. Make a sign. .. To help make your sale successful. make a few signs • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker A good sign size is 14 " x 22''. Pla.cing your sign. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your • signs. Be sure and add your address and any directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign w here it can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION : Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or clerk. Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varo1us size s and colors of stickers that work well, or you can use masking tape. However you mark them, make prices low. Garage_.sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can 't sell you'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. Serv in9 refreshments. This doesn 't have to cost much, and creates a friendly • atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts. or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. Display. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or • boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to be nd over unless you can 't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin ca ns or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who _can help answer questions. relief for lunch, etc. Check your neighbors and friends. 11 See if any want to join your sale. Th is will give you someone to share expenses with and Increase interest 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 in your sale. If others jo in you, be sure to include t his in • · your ad (exam ple: "three-family sale," "neighborhood Daily Pilaf ______ sa-le"). -Grou-psale-s are-a 10:-more-fun .-too. - GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GARA~E SALE! MAY IT BE SUCCESSFUL AND FUN! 330 W. Bay St., Co sta Mesa, CA. Open 8-5 :30 Monday thru Fr iday, Saturday 8-noon. • _j _____ _ I • .......................................................... _. _________________ ......, ________ ~~~~---'---'-=-=----------~--~------ H3 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 15, 1982 TH£ FAMIL\' CIBCt8 by 81 1 Keane BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) I ! c::-m-'-'-'-~~ ~:::-J ,r=rrr/ r ~ -:....---~ [][_~ PEANl'TS I MAT& FIELD TRIP5 1 I MATE RIDIN6 ON ™15 8V5! ~E~V Vou\.L PROSASlY SE A SECRETAAY.MP MAVE TO RIDE A 605 EVERY PAY TO 6ET TO WO(IC. J '1 NOT ME! l1LL ~AVE MV ~ SfWTS CAR ANO A P~VATE PAAKIN6 PLACE : by Charles M. Schulz . . . ~ =====1 by Tom K Ryan [ [ [ ~~,__·y-·~ ~. [l J l\; L"!""SH_O_E~-------- "Why does Grandma get a question mark on her coke instead of a number?" Jl D6t: P:\RKt:R S usPECTtNc; THAT LINDA MAY'S ORtNKINef COMPANION Mt6HT POSE A PRO~LEM. 5AM REALIZES THAT VERBAL PER5UA5!01'4 tW VEILED THREAT 15 THE e>E5T APPROACH ' !lrRO•O r; PJ.~;\ by Brad Anderson "I hate blueblrda of happiness." DE:\:\IS THI: ME~t\CE Hank Ketchum 0 ! IT ONLY TAKES ONE DRINK TO <;ET HER IN TROVOLE. MISTE~! • ._ift_M_l7A_~_? __ , ______ ()•1J112un.1..ii.OiV•StnCk~ I"( HOO:\ JI l ' LLI NS ACROSS 54 BlouMS 1 Statutn S8 Sota 5 ..... llld -82 Reaume well" e3WMk 9 Stone cflip S4 Trap again 14 At the peek 88 Collier 15 Vlflff\e( 87 &11th: Sul. 18 Porch 88 Bore 17 LMWI town· 89 Sltigh1 2 word• 70 Werbled 19 Thole "tgln" 71 Lath 20 Rtllttw to 21 Rldlllll 23 TrlNl'llftltr 25 "From - -lhlning ..... 29 Gabor ton<! Peron 210fead 32 tgnoft 37 Per dltrn 31 lndMdllll 39Gt-.y.,.. ' , lowl oolllgt C2 CllCOUI C5 Fllteut<* 2wordl 4'0.Cowtr ...... 2wordl I ...... ., ..... DOWN , Prlttt• 2 Reooncilt 3 Loom·rnadt 4W1ttrtl 5Wllllbt 8 B4uee 7 Vtult• I FllNon 9 8lll9d 10 lo• opener of mytfl 11 Alnd 12 Aldlned 1ST• tlNINtftl 220otl' ""'"' ....... .11roa11 llC-.- IATUN>Art PUZZ1.E IOL VE> 30 Swen genue C7 Cl.lltomera 31 Certain C9 Sf>ot breeda 52 Elpfll de - 32 ActM one 53 Hoc*~ 33 us ... _ pellet . wtlQtlt 55 Geet~ S4 Undertttndl M -flrml 35 Senctnet 57 ~ 38 ~ 58 llntln 40 ~ 51 Indigo"""° .. .... Ila...,. 44L-. .,~ ...... .,,.. ' .."**'* ..... I 1 -« t ~ow COME THE • • • • • • • ' 0 • -.....----~ NANCY, I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR AUNT ABOUT YOUR BREAKING ER--- 5HE'S ASLE~P MY WINDOW TODAY GORDO 11 THE DHJ J..f::l/E:L VF iMEll< VAW/>.J ti..Ji;:, t'OO W!>.5 FOJ'-10 TO ei:: ,t.\~T ..:EJUAINL.. '/ OOJE.::.Trc:>J- .\f,U? T.:) A ~~ tT:\K ,. "l:\Kt:RBt:.\' WHEN IT CDME.5 70 TEU. HARRQ WHAT FU~D-RAl51~, ()(..' l,t)()R KID5 50LD LA~T MAR5HAU. H~£ 15 A l.'EAR I IVlAR5HAU... ! RE.Al~! 11~ ~LIE'IA6LE.,~)tKQ'i \.~1 ~I(, I \Jt.t41' ~ A Qlf.'l, ll4t> I ~t>l. fl\-1 L11'H.E 6«01'~1l ~I SE M01' fo l.E 1 ll't. EA1' ~~"ltlli ~fff.M\ltQ '50 ~ E.>ILR" 1iM£. I 1RY 10 ~ME.AK 4'0Mt (,()(1Jlf.S 14t. l'oPS uf O\Jf Of. ' ~"E.~E. 'fo 1'Al<t-'fMf,M AWA-I 1. tfl-4 llfE. "A'S M.tt>l IN l\M vl'IWAR~ I JIJST c~·· °flLl 'b..l ~ NIC.E It IS fO (;,() ()\}1' AHO E.H JO'{ l\t-t ICE Cllf.AM ~NOA€. IN ! :; r--------. VE.ACE ~ 0 I HI, '!'M 1"WINl<1e CHOMPeR ! f..'M A PISCE:S AN!.? MY HoeeY 1s v1Peo "f"H e:Re's A HUNK OF 1.-e:-r-ruce OR SOMff."'f'HING ON GAME:S .' ONE: OF YOUR FRONI 1'E:E:IH by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Amata ·,r: ~e'O .a...J T.:J EEC'~\IE r1w: ~s .:.Hl.._"Kt=.VS, ~HE:fi?E 10 l!JE: VO t:'e,._ 'E>LEA t...l r by Tom Bat1uk ~N&~ESTJm: I':> t-0 Bl& THIN&! by Lynn Johnston MUD AND MES~ RN010'{5 AND CLOTfiES -AND WH'/ AM I f\SK\NG-You '? MfttN ! -------------- :. 'Blood Knot'. unraveled lb TOM TITUS of!MDM., ...... t\Mt F'or the secund time thla &Hsoo, South Coast Repertory's Second Stugc Is otrertna a play about \ wo brothers in 'moral and psychological connlcl, but ht're the similarity ends. WhcreaR Sam Shepard's "True West" vuhap11 the finest production yet In SCR's intlmute downs tairs theater -crackled continually with spoken and unspoken hostilities, the current mounting of Athol Fucard'a "The Blood Knot " simply simmers occaalonaUy. The elements or crisis appear to be present: the brothers are black but one is light-skinned enough to pass for white, and they share a meager existence in a South l~-----------~rri ca n ghetto. The UT111--1011 im~ending arrival of a 1111 . 11111 II white, female pen pal , .................... ,rouses the specter or apartheid and upsets the balance o( the brothers' tenous lives. But even under the direction of SCR's esteemed Martin Benson, "The Blood Knot" is not tied as tightly us one might wish. lt is too long, depressing and without sufficient resolution after an evening of rol e playing and exorcising of personal demons. Beyond that, it is a quite tedious piece or theater Both Tom Bower as the light-skinned brother and Sydney Hibbe rt as his darker s ibling expend enormous energy attempting to endow Fugard 's script, written more than 20 years ago, with a sense of social urgency. Hibbert in particular demonstrates laudable depth, but both are flailing away at invisible windmills. A third character representing white repression_1s needed lo bring the picture into focus "The Blood Knot" conUnues through March 28 on the Second Stage, with performances nightly except Mondays and on weekend afternoons at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Orlv<» Costa Mesa * OPENlNG -Two new plays arrive on local stages this week "The Ceremony or Innocence" at Orange Coast College and "Division Street'' al the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. OCC's "Ceremony," a historical drama set in 11th century England , is directed by William Purkiss and will be performed at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday or this week and next, along with a matinee on Sunday, March 28, at 2 p.m. Tickets may be ordered at 556-5527. "Di vision Street," the second production of Steve Tesich's comedy along the coast this year, opens Friday and runs Tuesdays through Saturdays thereafter until April 10 at the Moulton, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. with an 8 p .m curta in Two Sundhy matinees an: scheduled at 2~30 pm. March 21 and Apnl 4. Directed by Craig Fleming, "Division Street" features Reginald Rook, Karen Jackman. Jerry Littleton. Barbara Edivan. Andy Hedden, Regina Regan , Jam es Boresi. and Ca rol Mack Reservations are being taken at 494·0743 Joan Jett, the Go Go's hold lead in singles, album charts ByTheAssociated Press The following are Billboarrl's hot record hits for the week ending March 20 as they appear in This week's issue or Billboard magazine. HOT SINGLES 1 "I Love Rock ·n' Roll" Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (Boardwalk J 2, ··open Arms" J ourney <Columbia> 3 "Centerfold" J . Geils Band <EM I-America) 4 .. That Girl" Stevie Wonder CTamlaJ 5. ··sweet Dreams" Air Supply (Arista ) With a competitor ... how close can you get ? ~,Fascinating .. EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT edwards 5~ow<;.0~~~ UNOIKO~f.ATHIUOI, 751 "184 AC-OU HOM$ C. r\AU HOTll <4f COUA..U& TOP LPs I "Beauty and the Beat" The Go Go's (J.R.S > 2 "Frec1e· Frame " J . Geils Ba nd <EM 1 America 1 3 ... , Lovl' Rock ·n' Roll" Joan Jett Black hearts <Boardwalk > 4, , '4 .. Forei~ner (Atlantic J 5 "~ape" Journey (Columbia> lflllA R·• .. P.~141 ~}g ~ 'f]Q cosra MUA td.-.'1 ~· iM • ~·o ..... fl TOtllO to""~''' .~Ji ~ri.., .. ~.JP •,ftdO fOUNUIN ULLlY • tJllJllPJ'., VAi"·· o .... ,. j,, 1lf>;.t /4HI llAllOlll CllOYC Wf' 111'110" 11m ••01 OllAllCI {)•fl ~' f' , )4 OllAllCl ,,_.., 1..,,. h 1'4 ~ /I OR.AllC( UA c;..1, t """'IJ ~ )4 1q" L -0••~••101 tOlh••(~·--f -. BASED ON A TRUE STORY. AfMlllh. Ml·WAY31 ~ DRIYEIN .. , '"" " .. ' .. •• -•• 891 3693 11 ~ EDWARDS , \P C1"t "1ACENl fR I >u• FUN Fo o £•CITEMENT' I 811nt fM f •m11v To Ou' Nl W Oc>ml With 8o'(Offc:e r= --===:-=i RICHARD PRYOR UV£0N~ SUNSET STltl~ (R) 1 002:454:30&:15 8:00 9 :45 ~~'tn~ (RI 12:30 3 :00 5 :30 8:00 10:20 1 1 I Sony Spacek MlsstNG (PG) 12:30 2:50 5 :10 ' I c==7==i=:40 I 0 :0====>0 I Peter U1tlno• In EVIL UN0£1t THIE SUN (PG) 1:003:15S:3$ 7:55 10:10 Dine at our Captains Table I .... ttt.llQ-f'lS..M Su.!'! ~ty Sound Oirect To v...,. Cir Rado a. 111>rtK11e I Tune To 825 .and ENJOY I ..--. . Marlel H•m=y PIEllSOllAL (R) Celebrate your birthday or anniversary with us. Call for reservations and we will provide the cake! Celebration hours are from 5:30 p.m. until 9 p.m . Airporter Inn Hotel 18700 MacArttv Boulevard. IMnt, California At Onw9 Coont>js JoM w~ Arpon Reservations: 833-2770 Pluil Urban Cowboy (PG) Terror On The Hlth S.ul Oltlt:AT WHI~ IPOI Plu1I Co·Hlt 11'9 IUnd(A) John 9elu1hl 111 .... "90llS(i.) Modern ~0111em1 (l'Q) Or1n·ln1 ()pen 6146 WMniQhll/6:30Wwlc•ndt 11r*'12FREIEUnte.No1td Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Mo11<J.iy, Morch 15, 1982 Bl KNOTTED ·rom Bower 1left1 and Sydnc· Hibbert enact ttw dimacllc· scene frorn "'T hi Blood Knot ... on I he Second Stage of South Coast Rcpcn ory T he play runs night !~· except Mondays through March 28. *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perform1nces before 5:00 PM (Except Spec111 Engagements and Holldays1 UI MlllAOA M ALL Muoao ot llotec,on1 LA MIRADA WALIC·IN 994·2400 "PERSONAL BEST" 1•1 ,.,......,., U U , l ... ••n tfrw Ju I (Ill 'THEY All LAUGHED 1o01 "" .... ' > " •• ·~ , ....... u " ' ••• 1t "THE BEAST WITHIN 1•1 l110 ' ... ,. • lO • ,. It,. I .. , .... .,.,., ..... N•-• .... CHARIOTS OF FIRE ,..., •1. > .. '),. •• , •• )I LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN llATlt(JUHt MfNIJAJll tt(_-Y PONO• ON GOLDEN PONO 1o01 ..... ,, .... ,to •••• C't441U..ll llAONIO• 1111 OEA TH WISH II "'' 1J ,.._, O_. .... 4M U 1•4' THE AMATEUR 101 U 0 ,) ff I Jt. I .. ti OI 'RICHARO PRYOR LIVE OH Tl4E SUNSET STRIP ,, .......... _.,l lO .. . 'oeulry 01 Conol•wooo 213/531·9580 MISSING 1~01 U ao > Ol ' 40 I U •o Ml THEY ALL LAUGHED '""' 1) 0 ) JO • " • » .... u nttt41 O• ..._ ,,_,.,.....,. 1.Mfl o.., ,.,. ,,,_., 09) • ,..,._-.N.•• D~ ...,...,_ ~ I•,........ --.... °""" ..... ,. ..... ~,..... .,.,. ....... , LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAUHN focu,ry Ar 0e NnO ___ 2_13/634·92&1 EVIL UNDER THE SUN 1""1 I .. t >• I 10 I M t I 10 LAGUNA so .. COAST WALK·IN "RICHAAO PR\'OR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP 1111 ..,...,._. f • I 46 1• M •• , ..... '" ••.•-» ........ REOS 1001 IJ )e I )t I Jlt MAKING LOVE 1•1 IJ .. J U41MIM I M11M ..... °""' • u J tt ... , ... ... o...., p,... •••••• 80f CN)lj ANO I.AN Ct\Allll,.._llOH CHARIOTS OF FIRE 1001 t II > 0 I tl..t O .._,, Soulll Coosl Howoy 01 l 1ooo•oy 494-1514 EVIL UNOER THE SUN ~ft , ... u S•"'°"1eo •.M1 .. IH • 6 I 5 I> 00 .... -• 6 45 IMPORIANr NOi ICI' CHflOREN UNDlR 12 fRtf' "'•·t• -, ..... ,.,., filjlf: • • s 30 • "'' s-" "01'' JO , .. '"'' r• 1.r Hf • • w 1¥ 1 JJ4 MOO •S •OU" sPlMH~ 1• ~I AY .lif. "'' iN""' ~~ ACCfUOAY POStTlON ""'I,(,'" l<Jj!lllj(I • •u r"4f-A OlllVfJNS IJO ()I;.,,. llADIO ANAM(IM ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN f'•••av 91 01 lemo" St 879·98SO HALLOWEEN II ••• -AN A"°'ERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON 101 IUfHA PAlllC BUENA PARK DIUYl·IM l•"1 otn Aw• Wei~ o• .-"O'' 821·4070 IUEHA PAlllC LINCOLN DRIVl·IN FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN VAWY DRIVl·IN ~on O.•oo ,,...Y at l roo• "'"'''' i'-I 962·2481 WfSIMINSIEll HI-WAY 39 DRIYE·IN HALLOWEEN II ..., -AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON .. 1•1 C 10JIU .S eM)N.ltll)H ... OEATH WISH II "'' "''" THE BURNING At DON T CRY IT S OHL V THUNDER '~'" -MY BOOYGUARO ,...,, , "'' ... ,lf,J"f RICHARO PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP "'' .... THINK DIRTY f'll VICE SOUAO '"' ..... THE BOROE.R f'lt THE BEASl WITHIN 1•1 .... OE AOL V BLESSING •• 1llttl t l "'i MISSING t"Ol .... "BOROERLINE loOI "4 MIUOl 0# A 01 NlU ''°" CHRISTIANE F "'' .... DEATilSHIP ,.., DEA TH WISH II r•tt .... THE BURNING 1•1 CINI rt SOV•D ___ £,11tli $0\JH r ,I•! II SOlrNP ------ lA HABRA lA HABRA DRIVE·IN l"'°'ilil •• I'll" .... 'UQllf fl!, 871-1862 OllANGI ORANGE DRIVl·IN 'CHRISTIANE F l"I , -VICE SOUAO'' 1•1 ~AN JUAN l &P,SIU&Nv MISSION DRIVE·IN 771·7731 ·••1Nll1'f(;ION 9111(" WARNER Dl11Vf,IN WO'M t A•• IA'•tl C)t .. O<" ttwO 147·359,J 642-4321 RICHARD PRYOR LIVE OH THE SUNSET STRIP 1•1 -THE OIRTY 1•1 \ont.J "''0 • ,.., • s101e Co• •o• 558·7022 -[l M[JOA i.COAlO "4-00 '° CAltl.OAD Direct or collect, to nblcri~ to your hometown paf>fW, the . Dally Pilat • .6 1/2-hoiJr 1V series·. comple te<IJ SYDNEY. Australia (AP) "For the Tenn of lhs Natural Life," one of AustruUa's most ex- ,,..ns1111• wlevUlion proj- l'Cts, has completed pr<>- duct1on uftN ~7 days of f 1ht111l.,, Tl11• ti 11 -hour miniBe- 111.."K, wh1ch cost more than $6 milhon to pro- d uc.'t·, stars Anthony Perk1rn1, Patrick Macn~ Sama ntha Eggar and Diane Cilento. Rob S~ wart directed the mm . FRU MOVIE flAfUUNO VAUDAT& A "RICHARD PRYOR 111 cmmtt • ••-"ONI f'ROll ON SUNSET SfR"" THt HURT"' -tl!Ull• •it.---. ......... ••~U.ow tl'OAo&.•in 'OUEST FOR FIRE --· ••••t111 "°"'*_.. "EVIL UHDE,_ THe IUN" __ ,,,It .... IJ..._... .......... _ ..... ______ ..... __ ....,.. ______ ......., _______ __;_...,---..~---------·-- '\ . .. -.. OrMge Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Mlll'Ch 15, 1112 . Rea·dy or not, uc·1 faces Oklahoma ~~~. -It MUy ahould come u no •urprile that thta clty'a major Interest ll the Uni·' venity of Oklahoma. p01t-aeuon toU.mament tlOl&.nC to Mlmowi). but _the)'. were allo .. ~ ~ 1n that t.bcy'i:e ~ toniaht'a eeoand-round NlT oontmt ap!Nt UC Irvine (!3-8). "lt'a up to th trainer and Mqee," aa.Jd Coach Bill Mull.laan. The cloudl aurrounding Mqee became darker Sunday when San Diego State'• ~am phyalclan, Dr. Lee Brown, announced las~ Friday nJght lt would be in ~·a beet interest -llnd (utW't' -nut to play. finger and plnkJe on h.la nght hand, offered Ut~ encouragement "I don't know yet, I JUll don't know," he said upcn ha a.n1val. "We'll just h.ave to waJt IUld aee." Without the campus, the city of Norman mi&ht not ~n ex.lat. &addei,iy, with all that's happen.Ing, the people ot Norman Are •tart!Df to ~notJce and ,Svea little. Mulllganrountered that report by iNAymg: "How can a cut hurt hia future? He went and saw a doctor yesterday (UCI physician Dr. ~yrnond Berg) and he aa.Jd he could play. Without Magtt, the Anteaten would almoet certainly poee a differen t look to ~he Sooners. Mogee'a •~nee might even call for dr1tt1c mea- sures, like more ball-<..-ontrol than a run-and-gun attack. Moet of the attention ii naturally fOCUled on the Soot.,.• football team. Actually, when you CXllne riaht down to It, almolt ALL the attention 11 toe\&led o,n the arid.iron. "We're a lot like Rodney D.naerfleldl~. smiled Oklahoma buketball Coach Billy Tubba. "w e don't s et a whole Jot of respect around here." On radio tonight KWVE (108) FM at 6 "It's up to Magee. I don't think he'll play, but 1 don't want to tell that to the OkJahurna papers." ''Even with aU the preparation, basketball i·eaUy comet down to who's shootin_s well on a particular night and who's rebounding," Tubbs analyzed. The Sooners are shooting 48 pen-ent from the field this year UCI leads the nation In that category with n better than 56 percent mark. Oklahoma's basketball program. which was ~ 18 lut aeuon, has done a complete reversal in 1981-82. Not only did the Soonera fln.i&h third in the BiJl Eight (they were picked to finish eighth), not only did the Sooners post 20 wins (against 10 m.e.), not only did they reach the fl.nala of the Big Eight respect. And, u a ~~l 10,700 tans att expected to jam Noble Centtt wiugnt (6 o'clock tipoff, PST) to pay h~ to the Soone.n and to catch a glimpse of All-Amenca center Kevin .Mqee. · There'• atill aome doubt. n owever, as to whe-. ther Magee wUJ pi.y tonight or not. He ran with the team Su.nc:t.y. but didn't touch • basketball and didn't work out with the regulars. Tubbs, in his second year at Okla homa, said his team had been preparing as if Magee would be on the court. · "We're planning on Magee playintt." said Tubbs. "I ho~ he does play. Now that might sound cra.iy but hes the type of player our people would like to aee play." ~gee, who split the webbmg between the ring "If you want mf> to be honest, I'm really more <..'Oncemed with what we're doing than what's happerung with Irvine,'' Tubbs added. "If I was concerned with all the damn things they can do, I'd (See UC IRVINE, Pa"e 8 7) Wilkes • regains his touch INGLEWOOD (AP) -Los Angeles forward Jamaal Wilkes amf the rest of the Lakers had their problems against the Chi- cago Bulls last Friday night. However, it was a mttch different story against the Dallas Maver- iclc.s 48 hours later. Wilkes connected on just six of his 18 floor shots as the Lakers lost to the Bulls 111-105. That uncharacteristic. performance lo- wered his tield goal percentage for the season to an even 51 percent. Wilkes came off his sub-par performance with a brilliant ef- fort Sunday night as the Lakers overwhelmed Dallas 138-116 to snap the Mavericks' three-game winning streak. AFTER MISSING his first field goal attempt, Wilkes was successful on' 12 straight shots. By the time he mWed again, late in the third period, the Lakers had the NBA contest wrapped up. "I wasn't aware it was 12 in a row,'' said WUkes ·afterward. "I just knew I was shooting good." Wilkes wound up 12 for 16 while scoring 26 points as the Lakers, who had lost four of their five previous games, continued their mastery over Dallas. Los Ange les has beaten the two- year-old Maveric.ks m each of the eight meetings between the clubs. · "I was· very pleased,'' said Los Angeles-Coach l>at Riley. "It was one of those games we needed. It was a big win. Any win is a big win for us now; we've been in- consistent, spotty." The Lakers. 43-21 , blew the game open late in the second quarter and early in the third period. They outscored the Mav- ericks 12-2 in the final 3:08 before halftime to turn a slim 58-56 slim into a healthy 70-58 advantage. lT WAS MORE of the same a fter the intermission as Los Angeles acored 28 of the first 38 points of the third quarter to go ahead 98-68. Dallas, 22-42, didn't threaten after that. It was 110-81 entering the final period. Re- serves were on the floor for Los Angeles after that. Kareem Abdul-Jabar led the Lakers with 28 points, malting 12 of his 19 field goal attempts. Norm Nixon added 23 points, connecting on l 0 of his 14 floor sh ots; Michael .Cooper had 14 points, and Earvin "Magic" J ohnson had 13 points, l l re- bounds and 13 assis~. ''This just shows how far we have togo," said Dallas Coach Dic k Mo tta . "When the elite teams get ready for us, this is what ~ually happens. We played fair for about 18 minutes tonight. Then when it collapsed, it col- lapsed. Angels win rain-delayed game, 2-1 PALM SPRI NGS (AP) Left-hander Gi!<>U Zahn went the route in a rain-abbreviated, five-Inning game, pitching a five hitter: to give the Angels a ~-1 win over San Diego Sunday. z.ahn, who walked two and struck out five, was U>uched for an unearned run in the second inning as he raised the Angels' •Pl'ina mark to 2-4. Ansel centerfieldei: Bobby Clark accounted for the Angel o«en.. driving in the first run and ICIO.rinl the winning run in the fourth lnn.lng. · lUck Burle90n lingled with one out Ui the fint inning, then stole second bHe a nd continued. to third on catcher Dou&_ Gwoedz' tbto:!;!e error tietore Clark'a. ftiwt axnd him. Clark llnl)ed again to lead off the fourth Ind toUred the bMa on a r.tbal1. 9D in.6eld .:roundel' by Ju_an Beniquez ana D•ryl. Soo11ttn' llCrl6ce fly. ~ in hia eeoond ltart .,... IMinc 18YS'&l. ~ off '° .. 8 .... artn, aJ9o had fWO bJtl I ,...,.~ ' - ·-Fernando report a hoax VERO BEACH -The timing couldn't have been better. On a night the Dodgers reserve for their annual Christmas in March party here at Dodgertown, an annual get-together for fami- lies of the Dodgers, the ultimate gift, in the form of a rumor out o{ Mexico, surfaced. The rumor: Mexico City's lar- gest newspaper, the ExC'elsJOr, reported that celebrated holdout pitcher Fernando Valenzuela had agreed LO tem1S w ith the Dodgers Sunday. Greg Brock a Dodger hit But rookie has Garvey Ln his way A,~o READY TO GO -UC Irvine's Kevin Fuller shouts instructions to teammates during Friday night's win over San Diego State. The Anteaters are in Norman, Oklahoma to play the Sooners in round two of the NIT tonight. Jt was a rumor that oversha- dowed even Santa's arrival in some circles here. aut a statement from Dodger president Peter O'Malley had aU the impact of waking up to find coal in a Christmas stocking. It read: "We have had an offer un the table for some time, but we have not heard if it has been accepted as of this time, and if it is true, we look forward to seeing Fernando here at Dodgertown." The report, from AssocLated Press, came via Mexico City's largest daily newspaper, quoting a Mexico television station that "an agreement had been reached between the Dod~ers and Fer- nando Valenzuela.' In effect, O'Malley said t})e Dodgers' offer was $350,000 for the rookie sensatio n who heTped major-league baseball save face in its strike-tom season and if the repo rt is true, welcome back Fernando. Reports reaching Vero Beach Sunday night could not even confirm the story ran in the Me- xico City newspaper. There are also reports that Valenzuela's agent, Tony DeMarco, is in Me- xico, but they, too. were not confirmed. Even DeMarco's wife, when reached by r e porter s, claimed there is nothing to the latest report out of Mexico City. -By CURT SEEDEN By CU RT SEEDEN Of tti. D•llJ Piiot 81etl VERO BEACH -"Not very many people know this," Dodger vice-president AJ Campanis was saying, "but Steve Garvey hit about 22 homers his first year - in 60 games." A quick check of the record book shows Camparus wasn't far off with his tidbit of statistical tnvia. Garvey hit 20 homers in 62 Rames back in 1968, p_laying for the Dodgers' Ogden Utah. farm dub. It should be noted that one Greg Brock produced similar statistics in his first year as a professional baseball player In 1979, 11 years after Ga r vey's auspiciou s beginning . Broc k clouted 16 homers in 66 games at Leth bridge. BOTH PLA VERS, incidentally, are first baseme n But Brock holds one distinction. Dodger Coach Manny Mota has referred to the youngster as the "new idol of the Dominican Republic." Garvey will have to settle for the more mundane title of idol of Los Anfteles And it is because of Garvey s established superionty at first base that Greg Brock will no doubt see his impressive spring get ham nowhere but the minor feagues. Prior to Sunday's exhibition game with the Houston Astros, Brock had collected seven hits in 17 plate appearances for a .412 batting average. While has stats Third tiine not the charID for DePaul Other ranked team s survive scares as the t.ournament field is pared to 16 B y The Associated Press It was bad enough when ~ht­ ning s truck the DePaul Blue Demons twice. The third time, however, was as crushing as it was unexpect.,9rl. For the third year in a row, favored DePaul failed to survive its opening game in the NCAA Basketball Tournament and Co- ach Ray Meyer called Sunday's 82-75 loss to unheralded Boston College "a bitter pill to swallow." T her e was, h owever, some small consolation for the veteran coach. "The difference this year is I really feel we tried hard," Meyer said. "They never gave up. The last couple of years our effort was lacking." Second-ranked DePaul's Joss was the biggest surprise of an excitement-packed weekend in which the field was Uirnmed to 16 teams for the regional tourna- ments March 18-21. Besides the Blue Demons, No. 10 Tulsa, No. 12 Arkansas, No. 14 West Virginia, No. 16 Iowa and No. 18 Wake Forest reached the end of the road, while to p-rated North Carolina, third-ranked Virginia, No. 5 Missouri, seventh -ranked Minnesota, No. 8 Idaho, ninth- rated Memphis State, No. 11 Fresno State and No. 13 Alabama posted narrow victories and No. 17 Alabama-Birmingham troun- ced defending champion Indiana. Midwest DePaul was done in by a pair of smaller ·players. John Bagley, a 6-foot senior, scored 26 points and 5-10 freshman Michael Adams .added a career-high 21 to p ace Boston College. Five DePaul players fouled out as the officials whistled the Blue Demons for 35 personals to BC's 17. "The officiating didn't beat us. That's part of basketball," Meyer said. "We w ere outplayed and deserved-to lose. We don't have any excuses. 1 don't believe in jinxes of any kind." DePaul Jumped. to an 8-0 lead before BC settled down. "I was afraid we were going to get blown out," said Coach Tom Davis, whoee F.agles, one of four teams from the Big East Conference in the NCAA, were the object of scorn by coaches whose teams were overlooked. In Sunday's other game, Ty- rone Adams scored nine of Kan- sas State's last 11 points and· finished with 21 to lead the Wildcats past Arkansas 65-64. Wei t Danny Evans scored 18 points and Lester Conner added 16 as Oregon State pounded Peppe.r- dine 70-51. The Beavers led by six at the half before pulling away Brian Kelle rman 's 15-foot jump shot at the overtime buzzer bounced off the rim twice and dropped through to give Idaho a 69-61 victory over Iowa. "Was it only two? It seemed like 10," sighed Iowa Coach Lule Olson. Mideast Virginia's Ricky Stokes scored his only points on a pair of free throws with 15 seconds to play, but that snapped a 51-51 deadlock with Tennessee and the Cavaljers won 54-5 l. Prior to Stokes' shots, Virginia had missed 12 of 17 from the fo ul line. Minnesota Coach Jim Dutcher said his team "didn't do a good job" of getting the ball to Randy Breuer, but the 7-3 center's layup with 55 seconds remaining lifted the Gophe rs over Tennessee- Chattanooga 62-61. Breuer scored 10 of his 17 points in the second half. Willie White and Russ Schoene had 22 and 20. respec- tively. for the losers, but Schoene missed a layup in the· closing seconds. East Two free throws by freshman Ennis Whatley capped a six-point run in 50 seconds that gave Ala- bama a 65-63 lead over St. John's with four minutes left en route to a 69-68 decision. Eddie Phillips had 16 points for Alabama, which led by 12 in the first half. ''We had the lead. then the other team came back, but we kept our poise," said Phillips. Stewart Granger scored six points in the third overtime as Villan ova turned back North· eastern 76-72. Include three intra-squad games, It's still hard to overlook the fact that he has ripped four home runs and collected l 0 RBI Because of his performance, Brock is tugging at the hearts of several thousand fatthful who have seen him perform at Holman Stad1um here ·Gregor y Allen Broc k. as s portscaster Vin Scully might refer to him, belted a grand slam last Thursday an an intra-squad game to help the Monty Basgals nip the Danny Oz.arks. 7-6. That home run might have damaged a light stan dard in right-center field. Now, normally. intra-squad games rate right up there with other tedious bits of life such as local news programs, o kra, and indoor soccer. IN HELPING THE Basgals win before about 84 fans last week, Brock picked up three hits Ill four at-bats. induding his towering slam and a double. He finished the game with five RBI Among the scattered spectators at that intra-squad game was veteran Dodger pitcher Terry Forster, who was scheduled to throw in the Dodgers' rained-out exhibition game with Atlanta in West Palm Beach that 'day. The rain left Forster free to sat an the stands and ride the rookie. "Let's see you hat one out, Brock," F orster yet le d as the 24 year-old from McMmnv1lle, Ore, came to the plate (He had already doubled has first tame op ) Brock promptly shot a sangJe into right. "Even .189 hi tters can get a single." Forster responded as Brock stood at first base, flashing a satisfied smile in his direction. BUT RARELY do .189 hittershit by guing 9-for-9 with five home about three-quarters up -as Brock djd in the fifth inning. Brock has been the hJt of the spring, so to speak. But there is one small snag in this success tale. Brock has always played first base. And as long as Garvey continues his steady excellence at that corner. Brock wall have to settle for another year an the minors . Brock fi~es to make a lot of headlines an 1982, all m the pa- pers in Albuquerque. "I don't -think they want me up here (with the big club) just to be a pinch-hitter," he says. "I know there isn't much of a chance for me this year. l'm 95 percent sure I'm going to AJbuquerque." Broek's spring stardom is the result of his winter ball play in both the Domjnican Republic and Venezuela. ''The last two years, I've had terrible starts. I just didn't hit the ball well at all," he confesses. "Manny Mota helped me a lot (See BROCK, Page 87) Rain plaguing women's golf tournament again By HOWARD L. HANDY Of ... Dlllr......... . CITY OF INDUSTRY -Ther started play three timea, the lut around o'clock, but rain waa the winner Sunday 1n fordna ~t of the final round of the Olympia Gold Clulic women'a lolf tournament ·at lndu1try Hilla G olf c.oww. Tournament offldall did everything they could to try and pt the round in in order to abow It oo 1elevWan but the ra1nl ~· It WM finallf called a ''wMhout'' at 1: 15 af1er 11 e1tl)' at.arttna thnewomel and two edd.tdcnal FOUP' were beck on tbe c:oww. The final round wU1 be Dlayed today weather pennittina, or tt wlD be w~ out completely and Donna H. White, the third-round leader, will be declared the new champion. Thia la the third straight year that the tournament bu had rain problems. 1;-ast year, Sally Little won the ftnt tourna- ment at lnduatry H.llla under the Olympic Gold banner when the event was ahor· tened to two roundl by rain. Prior to that it WM known M the Sunat.ar t.oumament and rain allo hampered play dUrlng the final two yean under that banner. White, alone with molt of the other 1Mderi, WM not hampered by the WM· ther'. TM late Nl'1len h9dn't even been on the pncdce t.ee when the tournament wm calltd oU~ The tint 9Ulpmaion of play came ~t 10:10 and aftel' rteUming at 11:03, play was called again at 11:10. "I've been up in my room watching television," White 18id when she appea- red brtefl~ for an lnterview when the toumamerl\ was called off for the day. "l had a feeling_ this was going to happen and I'm retily glad I didn't Kave to go out and get wet le'Yel'al times. I wouldn't mind rt they called it off alto- gether. ''But I don't know any more about WMl ll cJn8 on than you do. And Sally (Little) ill snarter than all of us becau.e she's probably up in her room right now watch.l.na televlaioo." WbJte aid the WU ,0.IJla to a movtna pkture to spend the rest of ihe ell)' bef OC"e rfluminl to the coune IOdey with a ihree-stroke lead over Japan's Ay•ko Okamoto, winner of the Ar1mna Copper Classic two weeks ago. Little is al.so in a contending position in third place, four strokes behind the lea- der. Arny Alcon and Janet Coles, the first round leader, are tied for fourth at 219, even par for the two Ind~ Hills counes. Whll~ the leaders were fortunate enough to remain ln lhe1r roorm during the downpoure that ~ frequently, thole who were out on the COW1le were drenched and apent mnliderable lime beck and fotth ln the wet weather pN1e clothlna. ency Lopea·Melton, the 1a~ery f~· (See RAINOUT, Paa• 8'7) - ., I . '. Georgetown SID wins his campaign From AP dltpalCMt WASHING TON -Eric Floyd's selection as I' a ffm..teun buketball All-Americt.n . ~ Wll more than juat a triumph for the ·m aenlor guard called "Sleepy" an<! the Geor1etown University basketball program. lt ai.o marked the end of one of the most aggre.lve public relations campaigns the sport has ever seen. For the last two years, Jim Marchiony, the Hoyas' sport.a infonnation director, has been bombudlng writers nationwide with an average of three articles a month extolling Floyd's bas- ketball abWties. Puahlng an athlete for national honors la nothipg new among college athletic departments. Slick brochures tout1nj a ~hool's star basketball or football player long fl.ave been mailed by the hundreds to reporters and editors by publicity- conacioua sports infonnation directors. Still, the Marchiony campaign on behalf ot Floyd was IOmething special. 1 Quote of !he day \ •'This is one game that these guys will cherish for the rest of their careers. This is what pro basketball is au about." -San Antonio Spurs Coach Staa Albed, after his club had defeated Milwaukee 171-166 in \riple overtime. The two clubs set NBA records for most points (337) and field· goals ( 136) in a game. Canadlens' unbeaten streak grows Goals by Doug Jarvis, Doag Wtckenbeiser and Marlo Tremblay within a seven-minute span helped boost the ~ red-hot Montreal Canacliens to a 6-2 ' victory over the Boston Bruins in the ~ational Hockey League Sunday rnght. The Canacliens are 7~0-3 in their last 10 games and finished their season series against the Bruins with a 7-0-1 mark . . Elsewhere, Stan Weir acored on a rebound of a slap shot by Don Lever with less than 10 minutes left to give C.Olorado a 4-3 triumph in Hartford . . . Bengt Gastaf11on•1 second goal of the contest with 1:12 remaining spoiled a four-goal New York rally and ~ave Washington a 5-5 tie with the Rangers. ' Rice's blast Ignites Red Sox Beeton's Jim Rice bel~ a two-run horner in the first inning and the Bot.ion Red 'Ill Sox went on to post a 4-1 exhibition baseball victory over Detroit Sunday . . Elsewhere, Cary Roe-• llicke drove in tour runs with a homer I and single to lead Baltimore to an 8-5 vlctoryover the Yankee. ... Former Angel Rance Mulll· nlkl had four h.its for Kansas City and Roa Kittle contributed three Cor the White Sox in a 13-13' slugfest called aft~r 13 innings because of darkness . . Chill Davia had three hits and scored two runs as San Francisco beat Cleveland, 5-1 ... Three New York errors on a single play enabled St. Louis to break open the game with a four-run fl[Jh inning as the Cards defeated the Mets, 6-1 . . . Juon Thompson, Jobn.oy Ray, Tony Pena and Eddie Solomon had two hits aoiece as Plttsbur~h won its fifth straiJtht exhi- bition 9-1 over MonlreaJ . Pinch-hitter Larr~ Whisenton slugged a two-run homer in the eighth inning to break a 2-2 tie and lift Atla:r\~ to a 4-3 victory over Texas . Rookie shor1Btop Fred Manrique hit a three-run homer Ul the eighth inning as Toronto topped Minnesota, 9-6 . . . Mark Brouhard st home with the winning run in the sixth inning on the front end o( a double steal as Milwaukee shaded the Cubs, 3-2 . . Gary Redus drilled a bases-loaded single in the bottom of the ninth as Gincinnati overcame Philadelphia 3-2 ... A throwing error by Wayne Gro11 Ul the bottom of the ninth helped the Seattle split squad beat Oakland. 5-4. Barber wins at Indian Wells Miller Barber shot a I-over-par 73 Sunday to capture a 1-shot win and first prize of n $40,000 an the Vinta~e Invitational at In~ian Wells Barber. who had five bogeys and four birdies on the day. · finished at 6-under-par 21:12, one shot ahead of Arnold Palmei:, Dan Sikes and Art Wall, who all finished ai·5-under-par 283 ... Capping a nine-hour 67-66 performance with a magnificent shot from the trees that produced a . last-hole birdie, Hale Irwin took a one-stroke victory at the lnverrary Cl8$iC. Irwin became the game's fifth man to go past the $2 million mark in career earnings. finishmg the double-round with a low, running shot through tree trunks and under branches to within three or four feet of the hole. Irwin tapped it in for the birdie that lifted him out of a three·way tie for the top with George Barns and Tom Kite. From Page 86 . BROCK A HIT down there (in the Dominican Republic). He showed me some of the little thinp I've been doing wrong. I have a tendency to drop my left shoulder," Brock ex- plains. But even without Mota's helpful hints, Brock did just about everything r ight on an µpward course which has inclu- ded stops in Lethridge, Lodi and San Antonio. His .295 batting average last year at San Antionio was the worst of his blossoming career. Still, he ripped 32 homers, 25 doubles and collected 106 RBI in 148 games. • • • 13th choice in the 1979 free-agent draft. Brock also earned All-Western Athletic C.Onference honors while playing at the University of Wy- oming. The list of accomplishments goes on, but it's not long enough, apparently, to earn Brock a spot with the World Champions. Next year, Brock says, is the year of decwon. While he will be trying just as hard come spring training time, his future with the Dodgers hinges on what Garvey does at contract renewal time. "NEXT YEAR is big for ~arvey'." Brock says. "If he re- SJgns wtth the Dodgers. I might ~ant to ~o to another club. There JUSt aren t many places I can go if he signs." From Page 86 RAINQUT ... l vonte whether she is the leader or back an the pack, was smiling and en)Oytng the day with friends and relat.Jves. "It really doesn't make any difference to me if the tournament is delayed. I feel I w1U play just as well tomorrow," she said. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. March 15, 1982 117 'Slkma caps Seattle comeback A foul thot by Jack Slkma with two seconds left gave the Seattle SuperSoruca a m 98-91 victory over New Jeniey Sun<Uy I night in the NaUonal Basketball AB· , IOdaUon. The Neu had taken a 97-95 lead y.r1th six al!COnda left on a jumper by Albert KIDI but Seattle scored on a eass from midcourt to James Don.aldton who wws fouled on the play. SUuna rebounded the mis8ed foul shot and was in tum sent to the line . . . A 22-foot jumper at the buzzer by Jobn.oy Moore gave San Antonio a 119-117 victory over Chicago, snapping the Bulls' three-game wanning streak . . . Klkl Vandewelbe scored 26 points and Glen Gondrellck adde<f24 aa Denver routed ,Golden State 127-101 ... Robert Parilb poured in 33 points as Bos~n_ topped Phoenix, 105-92 . . . Sld.ne)' Moncrief had 22 points and Mickey Job.nloa added 21inMilwaukee's129-100 triumph over Utah . . . Jollaa Erving netted ao points, spar.king Philadelphia to a 128-114 victory over Kansas "City . . . Greg Ballard led a balanced Washington attack with 20 points as the Bullets stopped Atlanta 92-85 ... Kelly Trfpacka acored 37 points, including 13 in the last nine minutes, to spark Detroit to a 109-103 win over Cleveland. Waltrip wins first race of season Darrell Waltrip picked up his first victory of the season Sunday. taking advantage of an accident that knocked Dale 1• Earnbardt out of the lead to win the Valleydale 500 Grand National stock , car race in Bristol, Tenn. The defen- ding NASCAR Winston Cup champion had dropped out of both previous 1982 races after suflering mectianical problems but his Buick Regal ran tlawless1y ~unday . . . Vlta1 G.erulaJtls of the United States captured the Belgian Indoor Tennis Championships by coming from behind to down Mata Wilander of Sweden, 4-6. 7-6, 6-2 in a match in Brussels. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Hockey -KinRS at Edmonton, 6:20 p.m. KPRZ (1150). Basketball -UC Irvine at Oklahoma. 6 p.m., KWVE (108 FM). TUESDA y•s RADIO Baseball -Dodgers vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Fla., "10: 10 a.m .• KABC (790); Seattle vs. Angels at. Palm Springs, 12:55 p.m., KMPC (710). Bucket captures Pritikin Trophy .... MARINA DEL REY -Bucket, skippered by Frank Meeks, Santa Monica Yacht Club, was the winner of the Pritikin Trophy predicted log race Saturday, sponsored by the Southern California Cruiser Association and hosted by Del Rey Yacht Club. · The 22.5-mile race in the ocean off Santa , Monica Bay drew 29 boats. It is·one of the major I predicted log races for skippers seeking points in the Southern California and national championships. Predicted log racing is for power boats and is a contest of navigation rather speed. Skippers are required to file in advance the speed they will run. a.n~ predic_t th~ lime th~y w~ round all marks and flJ\lsh, taking Lnto consideration the wind and sea conditions. The winner is the skipper with the least percentage of error over the entire course. From Page 86 UC IRVINE •. . .. be in a nuthoute tomorrow,'' Two players have kept Tubbe from th nut~ houac this sea.son -6-1 forward Dnid Little and 6-4 guard Chucky &rnctt. Little and Barnett~ the .1 B!g Eight m 9COrin{C th_l.a tca10n at 18.~ and 18.3, finishing l -2 rl'Spe<:tivel y . In Okl'1homn's fl.rat-round NJT wtn CM!r Oral Roberts Tuesday, Little ac;(.'OW\~ tor 33 potnta and Barrwtt 24 of the Soonera' 81. Tubba, in fact, when pressed tor # stalr1Jntr lineup Sunday could only name Little and &mett u tu. certainties. "Tortl()rrow we'll pick th~ rest," aaid Tubbl of has lineup. "Somctlmt.-s, if we can get away w1lh It, we'll try to sneak e{ght guys out there. "Honest, though, we don't know for sure who's gomg to pl<ly " Like San Diego S tate, wh.lch UCI defeated ln its .11'8t·round game,Fnday, Oklahoma will have a dec·1ded advantage playing on its own home court. "We're something like 15·1 at home this year," said Tubbs (Oklahoma's only loss was to Mi..ouri). "We hit a lull during the middle of our conference season, but we're playing now like we did in the early 1>3rt. We're really a funny team. In most cases you can figure a team out, but this one hasn't put together a super game all year. We'll have a good stretch, but we've never been able to put It together for 40 minutes -and that's unusual.'' That observation brought Tubbs' attention back to Magee, since the All-American is the type of player that can dominate a game from start to flni.sh. "Any lime you have a guy hke Kevin , you have to care about him and what he can do," said Tubbs. "Our players may not know about Irvine, but they know who Kevin Magee is. "I watched him on TV before, hoping we wouldn't have to play him." Who knows? The Sooners still might not have to. Santa Cruz-50 boats dominate By ALMON LOCKABEY Dllll• Pilot 8oellng Writ., LOS ANGELF.s -Sailors in Los Angeles Yacht Club's ocean racing series for the Los Angeles Times. Lewis Whitney, Little Whitney and Todd Pacific troph1es had an easy weekend Saturday with a day race around the buoys off Los Angeles and Long Beach breakwaters. lt was the third race of the series and the first in whkh the fleets were not sent off on courses around the channel 1sJands. The race was sailed in a brisk southerly wand that provided plenty of windward work as well as reaches and spinnaker runs Trophy winners. TlmH S.rt.• CLASS A -1 Clpango. 2 OVERALL t Rockal. Marl< Amante, 3 Brisa 8le1we1s SBYRC 2 Obsession. CLASS 8 -1. Elfoo.._. Ann, Paul Weege< WWYC 3 Whll.JOM Lar,ry Harvey, CBYC, 2 Blue Stea. LBYC CLASS A -1 North•r. 8111 Sulllven. LAYC. 3 Rocl<el. 2 Obseu1on 3 Rodeo Drive, Roger Chittum. Whl1 CLASS 8 -I Blue Mu PMYC Bruoeodert0n. Capo BYC, 2 Wiiey CLASS C -I lAlacllno Ledy, Coyote. John Meuenger-M•• Ro· Hobie and Sanoy Kern. WYC, 2 . eenbefg, KHYC; 3. Ghoat. Al Berg. I Coeur d• Lion, Edward Hue, WYC CLASS c -1 Raveoe. KHYC; 3 Medlc;lne Man. Bob Lane, Bud Troller-Mike Ellu, l YBC. 2. LBYC Torch, Al Beartng CBYC, E•c.ell· MORC (Llllle Whitney) -1 FU! bur Al Jones WCYC Whltn•J Lene, Shadden-Coleman. LBYC; 2 Wreckteu. A G. Kading, Cepo 8YC. 3 Trip)• Crown, M•11l'lall-. 911es-Rey. NHYC Whit,,.,..,_ OVERALL -I Clpengo, Even Mcllln. LAYC (protest pending). 2 Amante. Mel Rtchrey LIYC, 3 Brisa. Oennl9 Cl'loere-Olck Memo. LAVC Todd Pacific (PHRF) -1. To-ma11. Tom and O<K>g JorQ8<1Mn, LAYC: 2 Gln119r Ale II, Andy Ayele, ABYC, 3 Rlbbet, H•mbrlck- lnlel111e LA YC Sixty turn out for regatta Sixty boats in nine classes turned out for Bahia Connthian Yacht Club's St. Patrick's Day Regatta Saturday Saturday's races were for small boats sailing courses inside the bay. Races scheduled for large boats in the ocean Sunday were canceled because of blustery winds, rain and heavy seas. Results of Saturday's races: SAN I ANA·20 110) -1 Mtke Nesll NHVC 2 Mart.. Jensen, BCVC .) Jim 'lorman BCYC PORTSMOUTH HANDICAP (5) l Karen Bluel BCVC SNIPE (6) Tte between Jon Gary Thorne, BCYC. eno CllacJ TWIChell, eve LID0-148 ( 11) -1 Don Webb BYC 2 Alan Oleton. BVC: J. Tom P0<02. eve. I ,• J I ONE OF HIS biggest accom- plishments came in the Domini- can Republic last winter. Playing for Mota's Licey team, Brock managed to raise his bat.ting av- erage 150 points in just two games. He accomplished the feat by goi!lg 9-for9 with five home runs and 15 RBI. Ano there are no plans in the works to move Brock to another position, like the Dodgers have done with another first baseman. Mike Marshall. who works out at third now. The final round was split into two groups, some start.mg on the first tee and the others on the 10th tee. With no television to contend with today, the idea was to get the round in early so the players could leave for Las Vegas and the J&B Scotch pro-am that starts Wednesday at the Desert Inn. Meeks' percentage of error was 1.427. Second was LnLeLu, skippered by Whit Shaffer. CaJjfomia Yacht Club, with an error of 1.455; third was Roz n. Si Bessen, Venice Yacht Club. 1.485. Pinckney. BCYC and • Don Crenll'law KHVC SABOT A (8) -1 Jim Otis ABYC. 2. tie between Joann Nor- man. BCVC, ano Jell Olson, NHYC SJ.BOT B (51 -1 P«ry Stern, BCYC ' ( Wlnner in the first year racers division was Lolita, Bernell Blockus, CYC, 2.430. Second was Audrey W, Tom Moore, Venice Yacht Club. 2.877. LASER 161 -Cnerlle Bucio.· Ingham NHYC. LIDO· 1411 (61-1 1181>61-SABOT C (6) -I Mlh T aytor. BCVC Dodger scou'ta Dick Hager &nd Andy Pienovi signed him alter the Dod~ers selected h1rn as their "It's the only place I've ever played," Brock says. • Sequoias WIDS title SANTA CLARA (AP) -C.01- lege of the Sequoias became the first Northern California school Ii.nee 1963 to win a state Division, I community college basketball title with a 67-51 victory over Compton Sunday. . Roland Brooks, a 6-7 sopho- more from Detroit, led the Visalia school with 20 pointa and 10 rebounds and was voted the outatanding player in the Cali- fornia C.Ommunity C.Ollege Bas- ketball TournamenL Skyline C.Ollege of San Bruno captured the Division n title with a 72"'65 win over Shasta C.OUege of Redding. Compton Wll led by 6-7 aoph-' omore G reg Brandon of Phil•-· delph.ia, who had 16 pointa and nine rebounds. He was narnect to the all-toum.ament team, along witr. teammate Nigel Wal.lace, a guard from Milwaukee, who played the final game with a heavily taped, sprained left wrist. Cleave l...ewis of Idaho Falls, ldaho, and Todd Davis of Detroit. both from College of the Se- quoias, also were named to the all-tournament team along with Alvin Battle of Merced. Jamal Hoeey. a 6-6 freshman from Oakland, 8COred 20 points and pbbed eight rebounds for Skyline. while guard Otis Ward of San Franciaco added 15 points. Both made the all-tournament team, which was beaded by their 5-11 sophomore teammate Joe Sweeney of San Francilco. Mission Viejo's Marde ll Wilkins. who had a brilliant front nine during the third round Sat- urday but faltered on the back side, was tied for eighth going into today's final round. lf she can maintain that positiqn, it would be her best-ever finish in an LPGA tournament. Shoe scores Madison overlooked CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -James MADI- SON C.oach Lou Campa- nelli has no chance to get his basketball team in to The Associated Press Top 20 poll this season, but after his team's narrow loss Saturday to top- .J ranked North Carolina, ARCADlA (AP) _Blush With he feels a n:consid~ration Pride, a 6-1 shot, wo(l the $167,-~ ~e~p nught be ~~am5¢o~~-~:1;~1J0fuu°: , ''North Carolina _is the Sunday as champion rider Bill number o~e team m th~ Shoemaker added another to his co.untry, Campanelli growing list of $100.000 winners. saJd. Shoemaker brought Blush Unfortunately, the With Pride in aheaa of the fa-Dukes aJa:o have los~ their vored Skillful Joy by "' of a opportunity to claim an length as the latter, with Chris NCAA championa~p af- McCarron riding, could not ter the 'J'ar Heel.a 52-50 withstand the closinR dash. ·victory fin the Regional TEMPERATURE'S RISING AT ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS See and talk to GENERAL HOSPITAL'S nrey HEATHER WEBBER (Robin Mattson) this Sat. .3/20. 1-.3PM & hot . GOLD MEDALIST BRUCE JENNER this Sun. 1-.3 PM at the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA KIT CAR & ULTRALIGHT SHOW. It's the world's most sizzling & sensatlonal KIT CARS based on ·55 Mercedes Gull .Dodgers ~q, __ ~str_os VERO BEACH (AP) -Rookie Candy Maldonado Zillgitt ·and Wright ._..._.._.1----lng, '49 •ag X-IU~. '55 Bathtub l?Qrsc~e, ·29 - Mercedes. '.37 Jag., Hall Pantera. '52 MG. ·55 T-Blrd, Cobra. Manta, and more. Also the Quicksilver, Falcoln, Pterodactyl. Tomcat Ultralights. farth Sta- 1 slammed a two-run homer and Roo C.ey and rookie ln1le1der Daw Ander.oo ellCb knocked ln two Nm \ to leed Loe Anfelel to a 10-5 exhibition victory over =========~ Howton Sunday. ) The Dodpn, ·win the sprtnc, bad only a 5-4 Jeect I 1en~ the elchth. but~Pl)eftld the Aairtw' Mark •r&o. f« five NDI on alX 6f1a, one of them Maldc> mdo'• tint bbmel' of the sprina. Bob Welch. the ~· 11\arte', earned the win and Tom Nledenfuer a MW. Dave ~. wbo followed starter Bob Knep-1 per, tocak tbt ... ,,_ ~ bau.end foJ.a' 1:1omton ptcbentor 1e blta. 11 ot ta-~ ~.:. ~2- 1 tndt,,..""i:. ct;;ft~. Wtth • 2 .. 2 exhlbhian m.rk.1 25th year Annlv"er1ary ln 'Ke Hl'ri.r Artln •• insur.ancr .i.~cnts ;md brokers .,_tallers: Insurance cml.s rising ? Contact us for a competitive quote tor a Buslne s Owners Packa1e Polley which Includes most covera1e nffded to protect your bu.slneaa. We also write Group Mediul and Life for small 1roups aa well as larfe. r>J1 Mx Arthvr Boukv.trd Ntwport Bcxh. C;i ~2660 (7\'1~2~~ ,. tion demonstration & Kits by Heathkit. · AMERI 12 Noon-9 P~ ftriday 9 AM -9 PM saturday Marcil 20 11 AM-7 f>M Sunday March 21 Admission$~ (Chlldren under 10 free wtth adult) Orange County relrgrot.tnds Costa Mesa. Callfomle • - -. ,• .. ,_ •' .Ii . ~ •· ··' ')l· ,, fl ..... ' I= I u , , it w vd " -Orange Cou1 DAILY PILOT /Monday, March 15, 1982. \.. t -(_ > . NBA ftlTUIH COM"IMMCE l'edftc OMelofl w L l'ct. oa lMeH 43 21 872 SMttle 42 21 687 ·~ Plloenla 35 28 556 7\.\ Goldea S1a1a 35 211 54 7 8 Poni.nd 32 30 5115 10 San Otego 18 48 2SO 27 Mldw .. t DMelon San AnlonlO 311 24 8 Ill Houtlon 38 28 583 3•;, Oanvflf 34 30 531 5•;, Dallas 22 42 3<14 17\.\ Kantu CUy 22 43 .338 18 lll•h 111 45 2117 20•;, USTl"N COHFEMNCE Boston Phlladelphl• New JflfHy Wethington New York Allaflllc DM•lon 48 15 782 45 17 728 2'" 33 32 506 16 31 31 500 111•;, 211 36 440 20 C...tr•I Dlwi.lon Miiwaukee 43 21 672 Allan1a 211 33 468 13 Dalloll 211 35 453 14 Indiana 29 38 448 14'~ Chieago 26 36 ~ 17 Cleveland 14 48 226 28 ._., .. ._.. ~-138, DtflN 118 Boalon 105, PhOenla 112 Wuhlt>glon 112. Atlanta 85 Pfllladell)hle 128. Kan ... City 114 Milw-ee 1211, Uleh 100 San Antonie> 1111, ChlCaO<> 117 SMll!e 118, New JatMy 07 Oen..., 127. Golden Slate 101 Oettoll 109, Clev9land 103 TOftlelll'• a-No g--uleO TIMMey•aa- Lall.,. at Ponland San Antonie> •t New York S..ttla at Indiana Boaton a1 Wunlngton San Diego al 0.trOlt Phllao.tpnl• ., MllweukM Pna.nlx at HOU91on Utah at Oen- Lekere 138, Meverlckl 119 DALLAS -Brl1low 8. Vincent 22. W Cooper 10, Davll 14, Tum41t 5. Blackman 25, Span1rkal 5, AQ1'1rre 111. Lloye 2. Nlmphlua 4, l eG•tde 2. Kea 2. Tot.i.: 49 17· 111 118 LOS ANGELES -Rambl1 4, Wilkes 26. "bdul.Jabbar 28, JOMIO<I 13. Nl•on 23. Brewer O. M Cooper 14, Landsbergflf 9, Jordan II, McGee 11. McKenna 1 Tottls 57 24·30 138 ._. by 0uert .... Dallas 3<I 24 23 35-118 Loa A~ 40 30 40 28-138 Thr ... polnt goaia -Aguirre. Fouteo OU1 -None, Total hMa -o.... 28. Loa ~ 23. Tec:Mlcel -o.11u Coecn MollL A -13.909 COLLEGE (a.cond llOWMI) EAST MOIONAL ..... ...., .• aco.... Nonll Cerottna 52. J-Madison SO Meml)ftls State 56. Walce F0<"1 55 luncUy'I 8cof'M Villanova 78. Nonheatlern 72 (3 Oii Alabama 811. St JOlln s. N V 68 MIOEAST "EGIONAL S.t\WlMy'• Scoree lOUllVllla 81. Middle Ten~ 58 Al•bam•·Blrmlngllem 80, Indiana 70 SUftdaJ'• ._.. Virginia 54. lenneasee 51 Mlnneeota 82. Tenn -Chananooga 6t MIDWHT "EOIONAL S.twdaJ'• Scoree Houlton 78. Tut .. 74 Missouri 75, Merquene 611 lundey''• ._.. 8011on Coti.Qe 82, OePaut 75 Kan1as SI 85, Arkanau 84 WEIT "EOIONAL Saturday'• lcOfM Georgetown, D ~ 51. Wyoming 43 Fresno Stale 50. West Virginia 46 luncs.J'I lcOfM ldahO 69, IOWI 67 (OtJ Or90on Stale 70. Pepperdlr>a 51 EAIT MGIONAL (htntflnale and Flnele) Match 11and21 (al IWelgh, N.C.) North Carolina (28·21 vs Alabama 124-8) ~pllis Slate 12-1 .. VINaJ>OV• t23-7) MIDEAIT MOIOHAL (letl'llllMle and f1M6a) Merctl 1• and 20 (al elnn.,.._, AIL) Louis.vie (21·11) .. MlnnelOI• (23-6) Alabama-Birmingham (24-5) vs 'llr- gtn1a (30-3) MIDWIT lllECMONAL (hlll""*9 and Flnala) ~ 1tand2'1 (at It. l~) Hou11on t23-7l .. Mlssou<l (27-3) Boston COiiege t21·111 Vtl Kanaas St (23-7) ftBT l'IECMONAL 1*-......._and,,_..) MMdl ,. aftCI 20 (at Provo. UUll) Georgetown. O.C (27·81 vs Fresno State (27 -2) ldlllO (27·21 vs. Oregon St (24-<I) NCAA Flr\al Four ( .... lf!MI and FIMI) llletcll 7T and 21 (•1New011NM) Nl'T 0-T°"'Vflt (ltcOftd~) IJC !MM (23·8) al Oklal\oma (20-10) Mwyland ( 18-12) al Georgia ( 17·111 Btadi.y (22· 10) at SYTacuM f 16-121 Dayton (20-81 at IHlnoll ( 18-10) 8 05 Virginia Tech (111· 10) al MINAulppt (18-11) Aulgers (20-11) el Purdue ( 15-13) Tulene t 18·8) al Nev ·L .. Vtgas 120.111 Te•aa A&M t 111-101 at wa1111ngton f 111-91 ,,..,d ,._,., SllM and !>Winge lo be cMl.,"'11>8<1 lefftlftNle Monday, MMcll 22 "I N-YO<k f!Mk WedMadeJ, lllMrcll U Al N-Y0<k ~ • I • • E•hlbltlon &tendlna• AMEIUCAM LEAGUE W l Pot. Cleveland 3 I 7SO Miiwaukee 4 2 687 Boaton • 3 571 Toronto 4 3 571 Seattle 2 2 500 Oltcago 3 3 500 re.as 3 3 500 Ollktand 2 3 400 Kansu Clly 2 3 400 Anoaf• 'l4333 New York 2 4 333 BaJllmore 2 5 286 0elrOH 2 5 286 M1nneso1a O 5 000 NATIOMAL L.IEAO\le W L l'ct. AU•nta 7 t 176 Plltsl>Urgn 6 I 851' Cinclnnall 4 I 800 San Otego 4 2 687 Phttadelpl\la 3 2 600 Chic.go 3 3 500 HouSlon 2 2 500 Dodtl«• 3 3 500 SI. LOUIS 2 2 500 Montreal 4 5 444 New York I 3 250 San Fr anasco 1 4 200 Today'• 0...... ~ vs New York IAl •• Fort L&u0er081a Aa New Yonc (NLJ,,. T0<onto a1 OuNld•n. Fla Florida State vs "llenta at w .. 1 Palm Beacll. Fla Minnesota vs Housion at Cocoa. Fla C1r>dnna11 vs Bos1on at Winier Haven. Fla Pittsburgh vs CetrOfl al Lakelano. Fla Mon1real •S l(ar>SU c11y et Fort Myers. Fla P1111ade1p111a vs Bafllmore al Miami. Fla Oakland vs San Fr anc111Co at Scon•· dale, Ariz San Dt-00 •• Seattle tSS) al hmpe "rtz Ch1c890 (NH) vs Cievetano at lucson Ara Anoaf9 vs MllW&ukae ••Sun City. Arlt Chicago (AL) vs SI LOUii at SI Pel· ertburg. Fla Suttle (SS) va Yucatan Uona al M .. rlda M••lc.0 Exhibition Angeli 2, Pedre1 1 (at Palm Spring•) San O.ego 010 00 t 5 I Cel1torn1a 100 10 2 S ;: LOiiar Eache4Detger «•1 and Gwoaor Zahn and Boone W Zahn l Elcl>elbe<ge< Dodger• 10, Aatro• 5 (al v ... o .. ach) HOU5lon 20? 000 002-~ 12 I LOS Angeles 200 300 05• 10 16 ' Knepper Roberge t41 Ron t6J Meredith (81 and Pu1011 Knicely (6) Weleh. Pa-(5). Ntac1enturllf (8) and YNQef. Crow (91 IV -Welch l Roberge HR -LOI AngelH Maldo MdO OrlolH a, Y1nkHI 5 (al Miami) Ne .. Yor~ 000 •oo 010 r. 9 1 Balllmo<e 023 012 OOa-8 II 4 A~"41111. Wer.1mel11er (4), CtslrO t7J and Foote. Flanagan. Grimal9y (5). T Mar11nei 18) and Dempsey W F'lana gan l -Rlgrielh HA Balumore. Aoenlet.e Blue Jey1 9, Twine e (at Orlando) Toronto 032 000 031 9 13 1 Minnesota 000 102 300 6 a o Leal, Befenguer (4). Murray (7) and Pe1ra111 Gaudet (5), Reotern A Wiiiiams (4).Corbell(6) Ves.tls(8) Hobb1(ll)and Wynegllt A Smith 16) W Murray L Veseltc HRs -Toronto. Mlnr)que Minnesota. A JOllnlOn 2, GMlll Cerdlnele e, Mett 1 (at It. l'eterebut9) ~ YO<k (Nl)100 000 000-I 4 3 St lOU11 100 040 010-8 tO 2 JC>nfl Lynch(:>) uan mend HO<lget Bochy t6). Anou1ar Romo (3) Cllatella (5). Bair (7) l<UI (9) •nd Brumme< Pone< (81 W -C11atet1a L -Lyn<:n Brewert 3, Cubt 2 ,., ..... , Mllweu~ee 000 102 000 3 5 2 Chlc;ago tNLI 001 001 000 2 10 1 Vuckovich. Purol (5), OtMn (7) Ber nerd (8). Mueller tlll and Yotl. Bird. Noles l'l. Hernandei (71. EaslW>Ck 19). and Oavts, Cox (7) HR -Mllwaukae Coo· per w -c-w -Perrot L ~ Note& Glent1 5, lndlena 1 (at lcottadele) Cleveland 010 000 000-1 10 2 San f'r1nc;1sco 110 010 02x-5 8 O 61yleven. Lewellyn (2). Barker (4), Sutclllf• (8, and HetMy, Banoo t7t. Blue, Fowtk .. t•J. HOlland(JI. Barr \8)andMay, 1 Pruitt (81 W BIUll L -8 yleven. Royela 13, Whlte Sox 13 (at llerMOl•) Kanae~ 201 410 000 022 1 13 22 3 Chic.goOOO 120 221 022 1-1321 1 Fros1. Spllttort (4), WrlQllt (7). l:riem- berlaln (Ill. Hood ( 12) and Outrk, K~ C71. Lamp, Gelger (41. Ootaon (5). Ed· werda (llJ, Slwy (lb). Cerranu t13) and Hill. S.Clhalmer (~). Skinner (10) HA Ch1C8QO Kime SCOREBOARD Red Sox 4, Tlaert 1 (at L.ak91end) Bot1on 200 200 000-4 9 o Oetroll 010 000 000-1 8 c TU<!Or, Rainey (4), APQnle (7) and Uc kart, Wilcox. PUhnlck (4~ Aotl\ec)lllld (8~ Saucier (II) and Pttr11h W -Tudor L Wtlcor HA Boalon AIOe Plretee II, Expo1 1 (at .. edeftton) MooltNI 000 100 000-1 5 0 Plttal>Urgn 030 330 ooo-11 13 O Lea. 8ahn1en (51. Fryman (7) and Blackwell, We~hHu1 (5). Rhoden, So- lomon (4). Griffin (7) and Pena. Ale>.and« (81 W -AhOclen L -l ee HAI P111t1>urg~. Pana, Berra Redl 3, PhllllH 2 (at T.,,,pe) Ph1ladtfpllla 101 000 000-2 I 2 Clnclnn•ll 020 000 001-3 14 3 Chrl1ten10n, Oavts (5). RIJttch (7). Proty t8J. Md Diaz, Virgil (8), McC0<mack (7), Pa11ore. O'Keete 1•1. Combe (6). Pric11 (7). and Notan, van Goroer (8), O'Berry till W Price L -Proly Breve1 4, Rengere 3 (al Weat Palm hach) NHL CA ..... LL COHFEMMCl lmJlhe DM9loft •·Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Ktno• Colorado Minnesota Wlnnl1>911 St LOUii Clltcago T0tonto OellOll W l T Of OA !'ta. 43 17 12 373 271 i8 211 30 18 300 309 88 24 33 " 243 281 82 21 3<I 14 287 311 '\ft 17 43 11 218 311 45 Notti• Dlwlelon 31 Ill 20 307 252 82 27 29 13 273 297 67 28 315 8 260 304 82 26 35 10 2115 322 82 17 36 115 287 338 so 18 41 12 240 312 48 WALES CONFl"ENCE Patrick Olwlalon x·NY lalanoers 47 IS 8 340 221 102 NY Rangen 33 2• 13 288 288 79 Pniladetphll 34 28 8 286 280 76 P111aburgh 27 32 t 1 283 290 6& Wash1ng1on 23 37 tO 281 2115 ~ ...... Anlte IUMDAY'I MIUL.Tt (Mttl of....,"-.......... _..,,., ,_.T flACL 1/18 mlee. Moorl.ri Siar (Upllam) e.oo 4 :10 2 ao Black s.11 (ValanNala) II 20 4 80 Cltl The PrOWI t~I 2.80 Aleo raced Atlantic Clly. Rooney. Clleel<y Tudor, Bandlque, .....,_., Royal Eetl Time 1'48 185 NCOHD "ACL 8 tu<longt Buoyant LeN (Hanaer1) 43.40 I 7.80 7 40 BO<rOwecl Maid 1s-1 18.20 6.00 Marie'• F .. t LeN (McCanonJ • 3.00 Aleo raced· Triple Mactl. Sunny Ridge. Modeaty BlalH , Raging Storm, Tar-reato's Pazan Time· 112 ~6 12 DAILY OOU9L£ (9·1) paid S210.20~ TIMI> "ACll. 11118 mlie9 tn61ano1a raxaa 000 001 t01-3 8 1 Atlanta 0 tO 000 03x-4 8 O Adame DMalon Mont•••' •~ n 11 3211 1115 10 I "(Oelehou ... ye) 11.40 7.40 5.40 Hough, Matlack (4), Darling (7) and Sundberg. Cowger(T). Nlekro. Bedrosian (8). Alva1ez (9) ano Slnalro, Owen (8) W Beoroelan L -Darling HAI Tex as Wright A t1an1a. Whl...,lon Merlnere 5, A'• 4 (al T.,,,pe) Oakland 010 002 010-4 6 1 SNUle (SS) 013 000 001-5 8 0 Kingman Jonee (41. McLaugnHn 171 UnderWOOd (9) ano Kearney. Mltehell (8). Bannlller OIMlon (51 Muuelman (8) an6 Bulling W -Musselman L MCL8'1Ql'll1t1 HR -Seattle, Zisk Merlnere 7, Mexico City 1 (al Me.:lco City) Seallle <SS> 020 •oo 001-7 18 I Mt~iCO Clly 000 100 000-1 3 1 Beattle. Beat (41. Castillo (61. Ra~ l7> Andersen (81 and Easl.,., Flrova (8). Escetrega Otu (4J, Calderon (81. Antu· nea (71, Luna (8) Navarro (9) arid Heres. Alvarez 181 W Beame L -escarrega ' HAs Seallle Slroughter Mexico City Heru .:• .... ~. -· Vtlleydele 500 (at Bnetol, Tenn.) Resulls lrom Sunday" Valleydllle 500 Grand National Slock car race wllh lype ul car tap& compl<tted ano wtnner 1 ave<ege speeO 1n mp/\ I Darret1 WalltlP, Sulek Reoai. 500, 94 225 2 Dale Earnharo1 Fora Tnunderbiro 500 3 Morgan Sheptiero Buick Reoal 500 • Te1ry L•bOnte Cr>evrolet Ma111>u •99 5 BobDy AiltlOtl ChllVfolel Mahl>u 4118 6 Harry Gani Bu<ck Regal 498 7 Rocnaro Peny Pontiac: Grano Pr•• •97 8 Ron Bouchard. BtHc~ Reoal 497 9 Benny ParlO<IS Pontiac: LeMan1 4116 10 Da"9 Marc1s Ch&Yfotet Mellbu 495 11 l\yle Pet1y BulCk Reo•l. 489 12 9red Teagoe Chevrolet Malibu •87 13 Joe M1ll1~an Ponuac Gr and P(lx 485 14 Mark M11run. Pon11ac Grand Prta, •82 15 Buddy Arrington. Dodge Mirada. 480 16 Jimmy Means Chewoiet Malibu. •7• 17 lom Gale, Fora Triunoerblrd, 473 18 Joe Rullman Buick Regal 4H 19 JD McOvttie. Ponllttc Grano Pm •3• 20 Jody Ridley f ord Tt>unde<blrd 421 21 Shck JOhnson. Pontiac Grand Prl• 413 22 Nell Bor>nett. Buick Regal. 404 23 Gary Bat0U9n. Buick Atgal 391 24 JOhn Mc:~adoen Bu+ck Reoat. 368 25 Ronnie Thomes Poollac Grand Prla 307 28 DK UlrlCh, Buoclt R90a1 297 27 Rocky Rudd Pon11ac Grand Pr11 217 28 Otck Brool<s. Ford Ttiunoerb1td, 109 Bolton 38 24 II 277 244 85 Buffalo 35 2 1 14 284 223 84 Ouet>ee 31 25 24 313 2117 78 Ha.r1tord 111 3• ta 229 301 54 J< -clinched tlrat pl-In dlv111on SundaJ'• kotM Montreal 5. Botton 2 Colorado 4 Hart10<0 3 Washington 5. NY Range<• 5 Tonlllht'a G-1 Kine• al Eomonton P1t11bur11h •I M1nneaota Tueeclay'I 0atnM Hartford at Oueoec Boston at Bunato W111nlpeg at SI LOUii MeJor Indoor Socc:.r Leegue £.atern Dlwlalon W L l'ct. oa New Vor~ 24 6 800 Pittsburgh 22 9 7 10 2'tl Belllmore 20 10 667 ~ Buffalo 17 t5 53 1 8 Cleveland 12 18 400 12 New Jersey 10 18 367 13 P11111oetpn1a 8 24 250 17 WMlarn DMalon 26 6 813 1~ 12 613 8'> 14 18 4311 12 12 t9 387 13'~ 9 23 281 t7 St LOUIS W1cn11a Memp1>1s Denver Kllnl8S Clly C)hOf)l'U• 9 23 281 17 leturday'a lcore N-Jeroey 5. Oen-2 1uncs.y'a lcorM Cleveland 5 Kanta C11y • ButtalO 5. 881\lmore • (ot) Plt11bur9h 8 P! oenl• 8 N-YO<k 4 W•CMa 3 IOI) SI lOU1$ 3. Mef1' pn11 2 (ot) Oetivet 4 Phllaoelpfltl 3 IOtl Today'a G- No ga""'5 scr>eouleO T.....S.y'o Qa,,,.. PtlCle"•• at N-Je<sey Bai11m0<e at P111ladelPh•• Pittsburgh al Mempn11 Trout plenta LOS A'4GIELES 919 • Ao<ck Cron. C•~I••< l •k•. EI Oo•lclO Pa rk L•ke FlhalMth ukt, Hanwn Dom Lt99 uil.H ~llllt Aotk Cre.ik, Lilli• Aotk Ae"rvolr Pee• P•r"-L••«. PuOdlMO\lon• L•llle: Pyrarn•d Uk• S.n Olm•' Aeter"YOlr. s..nt• F• Rf'Wrv°O'r OllANGIE L-41Ul'WI NIQU<PI Park Lekt lllVE .. SID! C.i>ulil• LO t , $1<1,,,..r uu SA'4 llEll'4AllDINO Lytle Crnk !MlclOlt .one! No<lh Forlo.•l. Sllnrw-L•lo.e Deep ... n1hlng DAMA -A"f/ 12 anglerl 5 cow cod. 27~ •OCll. cod SAN DIEGO (HllM L.andlft9, F..__'a, Point Locn•) 46 anglers 32S rock COd, I •halibut. 3A bass 145 roe;~ htll 5 mackerel Gr ... y (Guerre) 14.00 8.80 Glam0<ou• Oalu (\ltlanrue4t ) 5.20 Aleo raced: Hasty Nl)lnaky, Horizon'• Dream, Ce41nda, Salute To Lo"9, Vttto. Time Value. Royally Rewarded, Thraet Time 1 47 FOURTH "ACE. 6 lurlonga. ACCOUttleel (Gue,,e) 4 60 3.20 2 40 Gallflfl (Slelnflf) 4 40 3 00 Senior Senat0< tValenzuela) 2.80 Alto racao Public Speaker. Tanno- neci. Bold Toonder Nevada Dawn, SIMI Mask Toma 1 l:l 285 f1FTH RACE. 1116 mllaa • 0.p (Hawley) 11 40 5 00 3 20 Llbanon (Oelahouuaye) 3 60 2.60 Mull1 (mcCatron) 2.80 Aleo raced" Olaclaim. Par90n's L-. HIH Song, Pocll•t Man Time' I 48 $5 EXACT" (7·41paid $13350 llX'TH "ACE. 8~ lurlongt Time FO< RadeheCl<a (Mcearron) 8.60 4.20 3 00 Buenos Otas (Castaned1J 4 20 3 20 Aggrand11:ement (LIC>ham) 3 00 Aleo raced Newel'! Love, Tabled Paslion. Aat>elliOus LIL Time 1 182/5 T IEVEpfTH II.ACE. 8'~ lurlono1. erresto s Singer (Jim) 14.60 4.60 3.20 Mu ter Warrior (McCarron) 3 40 2.60 He's Something (Aamutaen) 4 20 Alao raoed· Be On Time. Samt, Royal Pleasure Time I 18 285. 15 EX.ACTA (5-81 paid $117 50 li2 l'ICK llX (1·5-6-7-3-5) paid $53',- 544 40 wlth three winning 11cket1 (llx horset). S2 Pick S•• conlOlatlon paid S 1,049 80 won r.1 wlnnlng llckell (tt.e hOrsNI $2 Pick St• teretcn c:onaolatlOn paid S234 00 with 22 winning Uckate (lour ho<set, one teratcn °'three,,.,,__ 1"'0 acralCllMJ EIGHTH "ACE. 11118 mllaa. Bluth Wilh Pride (Shoemaker) 14 00 5 80 4.40 Si.t11tul Joy (McCarron) 3 80 3 00 Carry A Tune (Castaneda) 5.00 Also raced Avlgaitlon. Flr'Sl Aovanca. Pua 0 1 Gold. A l(t15 For L.ucl<. Flying Pa<lne< .Mtnn1te< B Sunalllne Statlhlna Time I 4S 485 NttCTH RACE. 1· 1118 The "'gyle Kid (Va>anzuela) 8.llO 3.80 2.80 S..u Moro (McCanonJ 3 oo 2.60 Sllnglngly (Guerra) 3.00 Aleo raced Hard To l ee. Perry Cabin. Pierre la Mont. P. Vik lime I 45 285 $5 UACTA (2_.) paid $67 SO Anendance 30,743 Betglen lndOOf' (at.,,_., llnelee flnal VIias Geru!altla def. Mall WHlndar 4-8 7-8. 6-2 • Orend Prtx toumement • ( 14 Uft&, Awtrla) ...... Awl Anders Jarryd def Jose H'--u ~ 4-8, 8-4 .,,_ • • 0--.f'INI J arryd·Hans Slmonuon def Rod Frawley-Paul Krook. 8-2. S..O WCT toumement 211 ..aka SPfleel. Butck Regal 68 30 O.Ck May 8u1ek Regel. 34 IAH SIMEON 144 anglert 356 ling COd. 325 roe~ cod «6 red roell. cod 1.001' bus (llt ltlullldl) • .,,.... fNI rvan Landi def Toma SmlO 3-8 8-.J 8-t.6-2(Lendfwtns $100000 ;,~·~.· $32,000) • • .............. Capl1treno Bey YC ti. Patrk:tl'• Oar A..aetta (For PHRF yacht•) OVERALL -I Holo Klkl, Rici< Ralf. Capy Bay YC: 2 "rlet, Bob Burkhardt, Oana Poln~ YC. 3 Calltornl9 Gold, Fred O'Connor. DWYC CL ... SS A -I Calltornia Gold. 2. Randy Tar. Steve Equlna, DPYC. 3 Rock N AOl<.k. Otck Riiier, OPYC CLASS B -1 Holo Klkl, 2 "''"· 3 llllOMO 8AY (Vlrg'I Lendlft9) 49 anglefs 45 rocll cod 18 red rock cod. 371 bass AVILA IAY (Por1 ._Lui•) 41 angler• 45 ling CO<!. 537 rocli COd 12 mec:1<eral IANT A 8A,.8AllA -14 anglert 121 calico bUI, t9 _,., baN. 1 ling cod 3 halibut. 1 bonito. 'l barracuda 24 roek llsh, 2 mackflfel VENTUllA -50 anglerl 870 rock COd, 7 cow GOd. 1 ling GOd OXNARD -154 onglflf'• 2. t&O roclt cod 1 ling cOd. 24 cow cOd PO"T HUIE'NEME (American) -34 on. glflfl: 2~8 rock cod. 2 cow cod. 232 red roel( OOd PARADISE COVE -111 anglen 201 roell. cod MAAINA D£J. REY 7 englerl 3 halibut. 1 barracuda. 7 rock llsn UN l'EDl'IO (22nd It. Ulndlnt) -53 ang1er1· 68 calico bua. 28 bonito, 321 rodo; llsh, 3<15 rOCll cod (l'cwte o· Cllll) -82 anglers llO bonito. 17 mackerel, 8 celloo Flaplack. Alc.k Orcllerd. DPYC bass. 3 14 rocl< nan CLASS C -1 Serena JOhn White, DPYC ' LONG BEACH (Queen'• Wharl) 50 NON SPINNAKER -t In Lieu Of. TOjTI anglers I wnlle Ml bass I bonito. 222 callco Howard. CaPO Bay YC base. 2 aencJ b•H Women'• toumement (at Dallee) llnglee fine! Martine Navratlfova def. Mime Jaueo- vec. 6-3. 6-2 (Navratilova win• 135.000~ Warn ing : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. B mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicoune av. per cigarette, FTC Report DEC. '81. ln""81J Ci.eek: (a4~FIL) H trwln, $72,000 85-71-61-68 2611 T Kita. 135.200 8M7·71-87-270 G 8Utn1. $35,200 116-87-87-70-270 a Clemc>ell, Stll,200 88-70-87-M-271 C Peete. Ste.ooo 7~7-811-272 R Floyd. $14,400 e&-eMll-88-274 E S~. $13.400 88-71-8M7-276 P Ooathuil,S12,400 70-87-88-71-278 A IMen, S 11,200 86-88-73-68-277 D Graham, S 11,200 117-74-811-87-277 • "North. $8,480 88-70-611-71-278 S Sim~, $8,480 71-87-88-72-278 J Miiiet, $8,480 811-71·72-88-278 S BallM1flfOS. S8,4to 8tt 72-e8·70-278 0 WatlOn, $8,480 73-88-68-71-278 e G11<1«. se.200 10-ee-e11. 12-21s L Travino. $8,200 811· 71-68-73-2711 0 POOiey. $6,200 72· 71-87 ·811-2711 B Brillon. S6,200 74-68-89-68-279 B Wadklna, $4,036 70-68-70·72-280 M McNulty, $4,035 88-71-811-72-280 G M0<gan. '4.036 70-68-811·7 3-280 I AOkl, s.t.035 83·71·71·70-280 e Lietzke. $4,036 811· 71-70· 70-260 G P~1. '4.035 73· 70-89-88-280 T WatlOn, $4,035 71~11-71-280 M Mceumbet, $4,03571-70-70-611-280 M McCllO\;gh,$2,720 811-70°73-811-28 I M Hatalaky, 12,720 72~11.&9·71-281 e Roger•. s2.oee ee-10.13-11-282 J S•mmon•. s2.oe11 70·70·73-811-282 e Allin. s2.oee 12-10-10-10-282 B Bryan!. 12.oe11 116-74-70-70-'l82 Jc snea<1. s2.oe11 13.10-10-68-282 T PU11Hr, s2.oe11 11-12-e1-12-282 M Hayea. s2.oe11 7t-70·73-68-2a2 G Hallbetg. Sl ,880 86-811-74-72-283 M Lye. St.880 70-70-70-73-283 B KraUer'I, S 1,322 68-71-74-71-214 H Sulton. $11322 70-87·74-73-264 W Blac:l<brn,•1.322 70-70-70-74-264 0 T-. 11.322 70-70-71·73-284 0 " Walbrlt>g. S 1.32272·71·87·74 284 c Coody. $1,322 70-73-811-72 284 P Stawarl. S1.322 89-74-70-71-264 M Jamee, $11118 811-70-73-73-265 o Pot14. ma ee-10-11-10-295 M Soft. JWll 116-72·75-70-285 L Thompson, $9118 74-811-70-72-285 V Healn«. $1117 811-70-73-74-286 L Miiier, $1117 71-811·71·76-286 J Coot<, Slll7 78--67-70-73-286 K Gree<\. $1117 72-811-75-70-286 M Reid, $1117 70-71·74-71-286 M Cllavec<:hla, $1117 811·72·72·73-286 M O'Meata. $872 7 t-68-74·74-287 M Brannen, $872 71-89-77-70-287 T Shaw, $872 71-71-73-72-287 0 Elehelbflfge<. $872 71·72·70-74-287 F CQnna<. $872 611·74-74-70-287 Vlnteae lnvltetlon•I (at lndlan Weh) M Iller Berber .$40 ,000 84-611-86-7 3-282 A Plllmer.S18,866 611-72·7~70-283 uan S•••· ,.HI.-IU-71-611·73-283 Ar1 Wall. $18.1168 74·70-811·70-283 Abt DaVICnlo.S 12,00075-70-74-88-287 8'fly Caapar, SI0.000 71·74-70-74-289 Don January. S9 .000 78-70-89-7 5-2110 Tom NlePOr1a. $7,75074°74-73·71-2112 Rob Aoaburg. $7.750 75-69-75-73-202 K .. Nagle. $6,500 72·74-71-78-2113 Guy WOletNm,$6,500 78-71-70-74-2113 Paul Harney. $6,500 76-75-87-76-203 Jack Burke. Ss.ooo 73-73-7~73-2114 a-LllU., $5,000 72-70-8-74-2114 Jarry Berber.S5.000 78-76-811-73-211• Sam Snead. $4,000 74-78-71·72-205 HaMe Ward. s.t.ooo 75-78-75-71-2111 Mike Souchak.$4,000 76-78-73-71-2118 <Hofga Beyer. '4.00077-74-611·78-2118 Tommy Boll. $4.000 74-73-30-72-2911 Dow FnatetW!d.s.t.00080-72-74-73-2119 Don Falt1lald. s.t.000 74-75-74-78-209 Bob Stone, $4,000 78-80-72·70-300 Uonel Hebert, '4.00076-75-78-73-300 Bob Goalby. 1-4.000 81·75-88-78-300 Weettend trenuctlon1 8AH8All ~LMll- ANGELS -Senl Bltt Traver1. Ron Romanick and Alclr. Foley. plleher•. Gary Pe1ti1. oull-. Sieve Hen ano ~H Worden. cetc,,.,•. and Julio Perez, In· llelder. to their minor league camp 1n c-Grwtde, Atlz 13 ....._..L...- NEW YORK METS -Signed John Tim Wllaon. OU1tlelclar. and atalgnta him to \Mir mlno< ~ lrllning camp ST LOUIS CAROtNllLS -Sjlnl Mike Kinnunen, pitcher. and Kevin Kennael)' eaten.. to their mlno< league comple• '°' r·eaalgnmetll Cou.fCM TENNESSEE -Named 8llt Shaw an ... 1s1en1 toot bait coecn VMI -Nwned Marty Flalcnet l'IM(I bulletball coech s:1. .. • \ • ,.~---··- llllyPllat Monday. March 15, 1982 1 , Looking for a ·career in sales? .See today's Help Wanted ads , classificatiem 1100. CLASSIFIED INDEX ••••••••••••••••••••••• " ~ForW. Ho.Ha for U. Ho.Mt for Wt \ ••••t·················· •••.••.•••••.•••...•.•. ···········~·········· •••••••••...•.••....•. 1002' CHMrtil 100? Gttllnll . ·100?1•••r• lo02 •••······•·····•·····•• ..••.••.•............•.••..••••..••••.•.....•• ····················••\ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~~! ... !~.~~ ~~~ ............ !~.~~ ......... ~.~~ ... !~.~!r.~ ...... !~.~~ Te Plaet T11r M, Cd PIMMS&U HOMES' Remodeled. decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath ,. nlltr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. ~er "111 consider trade . BRING PAINT BRUSH & OnEN llG CAHYOM save! Grtat 3 Sr + ror CdM CW-r Dplx GuarileiJ community ner I«. wood Ors Only 642-5678 HOU$£S FOi $Al£ ...... ,al .. lbwlillnd ..... ,.~. c..-.u ... a..,. C'lii-. ... ,.., r ...... n. o...r.. .. ar ... F~tJ.lll\al~) H\lllillfllf',Oft 8U('f~ lr\'tnt i.., .... a. .. ~ , .. , •• tt111, l.ACIHlt N1c•J .,,........,. \"" ~ .. ·..:: .. "-ftJ~• .. f •P."tltllllO ~NIA~ "-till .. ,. ~tit...1""• i4t',ltrUMIPt ~hiOtl• ttomo ""'• REAlCSTATE Anuc~t..,s.i. AP.,t\llWM-. fet \ak t::::=, (tmrtH) l.o(, ltUU t ommrrr••~ Pr~fh t ~1 .. wm\ S•t• ~l.f'~ l ftU\ '\41f lfow"°' tu tw ~o~'' lAl'Omf Ptot)ftl)' 100"-'lrtal f'n~rh Loi' ror ~I• Mobik HIN' l tit ~n -..Wf'llla Or-wrt ""''"' :t..,..r.~p,;': 1i IMltJ)i(••• ~I~ M•ftC'ht\ t •Hf"!'. t.uor\ lh•1 l.A•••~ l., h.~., M•.J •..a.hlft .. •Mftd IEHTAlS EMPl.OYMEHT & PU PU AT ION ~~"'""'""' ... '''fl!'I Jva 1t. .,,,., 1• flftl(,I t4 •Alf'ft \\' ~ MERCHANDISE -'N"'""' ,,,...l'l'f 41'1 ,,-6.< ~ .. &.14-"'t "•'"'''• l •ftlf ., " ~ ·;.1,111""'•"~ .... 'Uof\ hf"tlM\ •Iii J\t,f\llU(f" *••rlll.'" '•If llor.n Hiw\~····•J Jr .. rin y,~(Y· Vl..-,. ... h \11w-ril•"""'' M,\lf'll•YM"' .. •Nf'd '4uur•l ln'H"W-."'l' t)Uw-f' fwtn 6. > Q"'•ff ··~ ... Pia"'" ti htC•lh "''-"" \t••tlm• ~lftff1~-i ... '9+#1'" kf'hwt •"' k.;1 ~:tr.-d~· Hit ""''"•' BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT .... ,,...,.1 f\1•hlll•1nl Yturf' Bi>•h \11t11'Jf t fh•lli l'a•b f'D'oott f'o1tit Rrllt 1 h1u1f"4 ....... ,, '-•• ......... "'P' l)Ol t "" ... -, ... ...,...._..,..,. TUNSPORTATION "'"'•" ''"°'I-"'"' '-iif' Kf"'n• tl..nrK t ""' ~:: &~i:'s~ .... ,,. \ilotor Um• \.alf' M•r.t Tu1lf'h Trhtl Tt•~n I hll4~ ·-·""'"l'f'f ... ,,. AUTOM091l£ \A"IWltf "'",_.!Id C iO " k,.t(f'•llf"' \,.J\,t t's \t•lt1\ "·" "''°~ fVt"ft,ffjlJ(i\lf'• Tiii\ "' \.,n, "i.tt" l.Auu•c "WW. V.•111'·1 AUTOS. IMPOmo WMtf \il•lt0r.-u ...... Aw.hn tV•I•' 11.11\lo l'•p,. Qu-1.o<l u.~""' t,.n •r. t 1t1! tl...i. J., ... Jfl\M"lll 11\•rra.a.n(,1'11• ...... ...,,.., .. ••1d• \ff1t••1i•. tktn1 ... ,. ... ,:~ l)l>fl ,.~,. .. l'"'•M "'°''''"' ""''"'" Jtoi''lt•tr• llth\rt S..•• :::, .. TtytO rr.-.f'f'P't Volh ••IH 111 .... WTIS, NEW 0 ,.-g EQUAL HOUSING :"" OPPORTUNITY "" ,... tm A irshet-'1 Notice: :: 1·erf~~~rl~te1 ~~' 11Uo newspaper •~ subJe<'t lo :: the f ederal F'a1r llous "* tng Art ul 1968 which :;: makei. tl 1lle1:al lo ad 1 ~· 1·crt1se "an) prelerenre :~ llm1tat1on or d1~ ""' l'nm1na11on ha~ed on :: rJCC \'Olvr. rrhRlOn. '"" ~ex. or national nrtl(tn. :;: or an tnlenl ion 111 ma k1• llll} ~u1·h 11rl'lcrcu1·t• •M I 1 m 1 l J t 111 n or ell' " t nmtnatw11 lllu ·~: nu!\ ne"~l'aiu-r "'tll not :";, knov. tnt:h .t<'t•ept .in~ "'" ad\t-rt1~1ni: lur re,tl '.::: L'Slalt' v. hn•h t~ 111 '111la '"'' I.Jon ohhe l<tv. '.~:' 1i---------,., .... ......, BlRORS: Advertisers .~~ should check tt.eir ods ...... daily and report er- rors IMmfdlot.ly. The :~ DAil Y PILOT assumes :~~ liabiity for the first •"-incorrect insertion '" Otl'iy. . ' ... C::. SHECT 1°" PROPERl IE:':> MOVE UP TO NEWPORT • t l,uv. flrlll'i.I l'\l'l'Ull\l' ~= h11mt• l\1•,11111111 1 .ind ~,., 'Jlill'lllll.., I ll!lrm 1•nrn1•r lol'at1nn v.1th lllJI\\ .1mrmllt'' \-.,um1• luv. mtl'r~l loJn Oun l m1~' ~fiiB ... ... .... MESA WOODS Bt•.1u11f11I IU'torn 1·JIJ1nl'll\ 111 nlJ't••r t'rJfhmJn r1 .. ilh 't'l' • '" thl!\ 3 flch m ~ 11.i h11 nll' :,~' apurt Lm 1•11 ~a11•li11 "'" and bea nni: fru1 t lrt'l'' :.r.· Lov. rat 1· n c v. lo:t n !l\utlablr F'ull prll't' $1$.000 i5l 3191 . .., . .. ti•• " ..,, "' .,, .• , ..... ,,, C::. SElECT 1°"PROPE:Rl1E<:, VACANT ~OT t::asts1de Co\ta :"II e'a H I lot fiOX 132 cll'a r and rt• adv to build Onl1 S'i!(950 Ca II !or mo rC' 1)(- trub 546 :!.113 : t!~$M1 "" fil/7 • 1~fj 'ii .. '11> t111 1)11 VIEW TOW .. HOMES Master suites V1ev. or Ocean & Night lt!(hts (~et Arl'a Parks. OJ><'n ::~ spaces SI J7 ,000 X Int : ~ F'in Hal or Pill Al(l s , , i51 9905, li7l i31H> .. li41 t7JI ••• '•4'1• SI0,000 DWH! FIXER! :::; Rargam • fl~Clrm 2 bath. •" pool ' Ov.nrr C'Xtremrl) ;·~ rmt1vatcd' Sl\8.500 total ,., pnre Call lor more <le ~;;: tails 54&2313 ,.m fllll 1111 ml .. ~ ''111 '1111 f7'1 - THE REAL ESTATERS .USOl.UTI STEAL ltdllctcl s 150,000 West Bay bayfront. Shps for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200,000 Ocean & jetty views Manne roo m. 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft Sl.385,000. UDO ISLE HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfrof\t . 5 bdrm. 5 ·bath. Lge L.H. 2 boat slips $1.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm beam ceilings, $420,000. UNDA ISLE IA YFIONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark r m. den. $1.350.000' IA YSIDE CO~E Spectacular bayfronl ~1ew 4 bath, 2 boat slips Sl,900,000, bdrm. 4 1US VIST AS-MISSIOH VIEJO Nev.· French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath. guest house. pool. $795.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR . 341 Boy\1dt> Orovt• N B b7S b161 ~rV11Hllls Allra111\'t• :1 1\t1rm + famtl~ ru11111 cnJ n) ' 1J l' t' 1 a I ti l' 1· 11 r .i t 1 n I! t.: .. tun·:. inter l'llnt 1 en tr:il 1al'uum hu1:1• trel· 1 m l'r\'11 lot SJH !IOU OW(.' "PROBATE" 1\ £~.~I~ t41ci~~. l ~ t 11 r v h o m 1• v. 1 I h mattn1f11·t>nt It 11111(. lam1l\ .irea F1rl'plan• count r} k 1tt h1•n 12 • l1na11nnR a1.1tlJl1ll' 1 Pnt·11 on!) $14!:1,!JOO Ca II !or more dt•tatl~ i 546 2313 I IESTDUP'lEX IUY• START SMART rn~ Coron:i del Mar SI 3 000 Dw.,,_. locallon close to bhop t . "" pmR and 1ransporta11un The u tlmate co~I~. Clean2brlrm hou!>eplu~I ~lesa ga.rden ~o.mc I bdrm ap.irtment Soanngcc1l101?s Cr.1rkl· priced right at Ju~tl mj! hreplart>, 3 :.~aciou~ $289.500 Plus. 11v.n1•r txlrm:. 3 car ,f.!Jruj!e v.111 ltnan1•c 75'. of the·' Only $130.000 ( a II nnv. · purcha~1· pm•e .u ht!lov. fi73 85.50 1n1 rllC't r ;; ll·~ ' WL~JYY ' TAYLOR CO. H 1-; t\ I. T ()I{ s -.1 II t '. 1 ! H (; mG CAHYOl'I "VEltSAILLES" Golf Coun;c view! Beaut landscaped. Park·like setting. Lovely pool, spa & gazebo Gated cou rtya rd wi th fountai n. Marble royer w glittering t'handeher 4 bdrm'i, den. formal din rm. 4•,2 ba. $950,0C:() including land 2111 San Joaquin Hllf1 Road MEWPOIT C&mll. M.I. 644·49 I 0 wffh financina SOUGHT lit!a~t J Hr 2~, ba home n o. o o o v A / I" ti A 3 BR 2ba or 2+gud\ in w/rrurrored walls. lots weleome _Bkr!J48.0'709 owners unit also 2 br SElOOM of marble, 3 t·ar gar rental rottagt All in $600,000 Call 644 04~ oet.lr IHUstah sharp l'Ond w /ext•l'l loea FOUND' •••••••••••••••••• ••••• lion Ownrr will rarl'} • Mobile Homa lge 2nd TD Best huy m 4 Br, l Ba UDO ISLE r....... .r....L... lO~n roronly $280,ooo IAYFIOMT rut"_. II 00 Cal644·72 I I J 2 97°/o $1 000 000 •••••••••••••••••••••• AN 0 •l'(HtTl'Nl 'l'\' Charmin'g 2 Hdrm plus bdrm. I bath, new L I K !'; T II I S ' l r den. 2 bath. pier and slap l' a r Pet & d r a Pei. ~ reproat•hahl} ,pvtlt'') to accommodate 40' ijeau11lul adult park. I-;----:---2 i.ty 2 ) r old pcrrect built North ~1de F'or an lqw i.J>are rent..646:.8612 ____ IMOol..., .... .,.._,I farruh home s1tuatl'd on appointment to !>ee lht) ewport Beach De Ania ) ~ "llU'tit NGOl'S lot exl'lus11•l' property, t•all haylrun\ Park Mint DUPLEX HY(WNF.R w'lnotball ~t11·1J 540-1151 rnniJ '78 dbl wide. MUST SELL,.i..1--+-;:.:lla::..;1.;;·kvard Aboit' In fireplace, brick patio. ~st Colh Of er c I rJlr mdutll'l> l:.I f6t.OOO. '63 double wide 675-3063 679 9667 TI> or approx S74.500 romer lot S39.000 Bill at 12•,•, "AD GET Grund,•675·6_161 Tiii ... 2:\ D T 0 0 F' l'liiiiiiiiiilliiiiii_____ " FIXER UPPICR Al'PHOX SSK,5110 al 'ad1llac or the mobll~ RCTaylorCo _.. 13'•"· 15 YR Fl'l.l.Y 5 Bit 3 Ba, qwel nbrhd. homes' S1hert·res1 Cot PRICE REDUCED 1-'ront row Dolphin Ter AM (I RT I z ED ' llut h submit all 11Ht'r~ 1\sk tal(e. 2 br, 2 ba . wet bar. u11 1h1~ ~uper shJql 3 rai·C' Overlookin~ Yacht loans lull1 asi.unud.lle 111g,J250,000 631 7215 vud v. lru1l t rre~ Bdrm homi.' Wl•I har, Cluh on Buv~tc1l' Dr OWN EH. LEAVl!"iG Adults, no pets Owner Litrl!P'l t-<EE 1111 marhll' frplt' & rnul't1 llwhlcr unahlc 10 lmtl>h STATE ~1l ST SEl.1. 972 "566e\S mm• •~ ulfl-rl'i.I b1 th" n •noi a I inn ~o ) l'J 1 NOW' t>ov.n pa) menl & DOVER VILLAGE Jv.ncr •73 tZxSO 213 r. '41ildtr's Special 01Ant>r v.bo 1~ '™"t .inx finatll'tnl( ai allahll· al tcrnb nel(ottahle Your CONDO "' d m 1 n age 5 5 ViloPltVulot 100' lo mo\t' Onl) 12 , ... l\ie~i.1 .. Jpprox 1·hanrr !or a trul· \dult tomple~ 2 bdrm 514,IXX>olr l·6280l32 Near s m1lhon dollar $129,500 f or add11111n.il I $ ~() JO r h I bari:.ttn di JU~l $W31100 2 ., b J th p (J 0 I . homes Seller v.111 ~uh 1nlorrnat1on 1 Jll C ,ll( to IOI~ pr111ci· Wamt'r,ab'l,559!:14011 r lubhouH, <loublc 19 l'rownpoml 12 X 40, t11errdms111a.'!i:,. s.oooubm1t yuurl·A979 537!0 LSi:4 TE ! l'rlt'lod far helov. market garage Walk lo :.hop~ & Laguna ~al'h. Ocean ..,,,., !or qull·k salt• Very PERFECT market S14!!.500. View $13.500. 673 7443 larjl<' prol1l potenllal 497 2006 7,\cll" p7!:~s apprm1·t! Bkr I SPOT ! RCTaylorCo 640 9900 IOATSLIP I lncludt•d v. tt h Lh1s :"'EWPt>HT ClEA<'ll ~harp 2 stun 1ov.11ho11'>i.' 3bdrm 2:llJth lirpplJt'l' 5211 om IX"" 1 bll' linannnJ! JI .ill SSO.IKJO dov. n ~'u II pr11•1• Sl95.000' Bolboo lay Prop. RHffors • 675-7060 * LUXURY DUPLEX SO.()FHWY T~o spa1·1ous 3 Br 2 Ba + d<'n units L'pper ha~ mtnt \'U or O(:ean Laun tir. ~pare m ~ <ll' h un 11 \dJat'l'nt to lnine Ter ra1·l' $44!1 50tt ...,. "'' Mobtlt' Home. dbl v.1de. REALTORS I ---------for !Jm•I) v.1th l'111ldn•n SJ72 mo spal'e rent, (lull'I \II t't'l du'l' to I adlts pre!. s m pet OK p.1rk' .i111I ckm1·11t<1r) qwet II B corner lot H hool .t hdrm 2 ha $29.000 or best Ov. nl'r CostoMtto 1024 •••••.•........•..•.... Owntr Finonci"q ~ n l' l' rtt• ti 111 p a I I !I 847 2954 Cuk 3 Br 11 z Ila hll"rtll' V.l(h ~pa rll'V. (''llJl.ll'I 1 plumbtnl( & 2 C"al I !:Jrllj!l' .\"Um(• ht .,, OWl' lrR 2nd \i.k1ng $113.IX•I 631 iJ711 Mature: lan<hrap1111: I ~mrtery lots/ 51~ ~1 low dn or trade Crypk 1500 H ,, • "'. ~ •'J I 1 I SEA WIND 1 S435 000 I TRADITIONAL REALTY J u'I n'<luce~ $20 oou on th" Rnrgeoiis ·I l\ H. ~ am1h Rm & Honus Hm ·Fore1er 11e~· Hnght & rherr)' rno1r I * MfSA VERDE * '+573CAMPllSD1:IRVIKE 111 comhllon Owner v.tll 1 WlTHP<'JOI \ND SPA hel11 r:nanc~ and youl Spal'IOUS 3 U<lr'm . ~ ha uv.i)th( hind t Beautalul an·a $15.000 * •21K DOWN 644-9060 dn Askin!{ $2411 O(lO ~~~p)mt Pl' Al(t $1200 /MQ I~ late.ct I 006 • . . l:lt>st as~oma llli.' rindn• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAL~ o.H 'r H "· l) ~. mg IO Woodbndl(i> Lux F..aslS1de (O!lla Mella un l660 s II home Full Trad<• your T O's r1r pro tL<; with large lent'ed lut. up:{t'e onlt"q room for RV Ml'Nash perty tn any stale f<fr Realty. da)ll 642 1334. 179.000 I Iii.._,.,~, lltr. . . ~I '"''..... r 9c L75·28 6 01.Df.R :!Rr. IH.1 lit t•or R ally \ ttrsatll~' ~lud10 Pen ••••••••-•••••••••••••• 1hou.w wndtJ Take 01 t>r 1 Bunal plot II arbor h11th a~wmahlt• loan al Lav. n M 1 O l 1 v ~ 11 ,·. Ov.m·r ~111 tun Mermnal Prk.55i·4349 ~uler I all• m111h·I C'a r as 1fov.n pa1111 t Seller Coftlllltrciol d"blJNatc At·t labt''' P'roperty 1600 Onll S89 'JOO (.';,II J trn ••••••••••••••••••••••• .\i.'l. !l'i!l 53'iullli2 !!597 PALM DESERT ABSOLUTE STEAL!! SllOPPING CE~Tf:R 34.00J sq rt rentable 1 '• arre~ Out or town owner SI .800.000 Term:. •7141 846-32711 12 13 1 ~~ 1100 .•..•.......•.••...•.•. CDM DPLX IYOWNEI COLE Of NEWPORT I REALTORS Balboa Island Propert) l'\'es8SI 9j!89 [Uj)ut. .. ..1h Id " ner lot. lrwt lrt>e~ "m I e garal!t.> SIJO.ooo owr 551.:moo ISAL~: OR TRA O t: PP til41331!Ji51 mo Rarrano l'k .. ,,1n1ne Balboa b land. 9 B!lrm. $ & tJ untb I 1: blm:k to 3Rr ~1?~~~~~"1an-I~ leoc:h I 048 1 ... tJkl· rn) r1•putalwn on the f'Al'T that tht~ IS thl' BEST RL'Y 1n !\cv.port Fka 1·h II 1ou arl' a ll'g1t1malt' bUI er CAI.I. :"!IE DIHEl'TI.\' Jnd 1011 v.tll he impressed CiRf: . .\T Bl Y' <WEA:'\ \'l', LRG 4 BUR. PRO F l>El'OHATEO pool. )pa & hke nu Jll for onl} 5376 51•1 ,\ 1r;uJ1• ~ 111 hl 1 ons1dert'd ' ou v. on I beltl'I c II until \OU SCI' ti r a l l I' A .. I' H I t' I\ TE:'\'OHE Dtrc1·ll.1 759 1221 or 760 R702 roDAY' Two 2 bdrm units, ~o of P Cll . co rner lol smitle story. d1nded h) 1tarages. assumahle 10 7 hi TD of $100.000. o~ ner v.111 assist l1nance. Ice. 1rnmar. $290,000 521 Carnation A\'e . CdM Call 673 0241, 675 5142 I h;n large ~r~t ru ~ .. 6236· ·:rttiP" !••••••••••••••••••••••• 121/ \frNash H1•Jlt1 1~· a ,, .. • 2$1$ l .CoH l Hwy. c ............... . DIS.SOL \'ING PTNRSllP 675·5511 d.n, li42 133f. "'"' E'SIDEJUHITS I r-~lotl!.LLI I 8511~ , . • rvr A rrne I R2 f int> v. ,,11 , op1 n 1 arre + hid!! silt'. .:~nt TWO MINGLES lolboa PeninMlo I 007 I ~.irns. r.irHl1 c•at11n1·1s I\ ,1op1n~ par<"i.'1 ,hurt Pr•rf for sharell 1•11u1t\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• :'o'rw t·arpel l~·lov. a11 I d1~lan<·1• from tcnn1~ & I $5000 eo. j 1Jrai,rd '.tltll' hJ\ 1' hl•at•h ()v.nr ha ~ tn l'dM Duple~ 1\o ne~at11 e v. 1lh pos~1ble lour income 640·6175 u :ASE OPTION l'Xl'( Income Property 2000 rmulo. "111 01•can & ba1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roqiw River Ore ~19.51~ J'sum.i hit• I •t O\\'l' 2rnl 2 bl11m .ill i:lt•\'. IJllOI H\ f'ktnl( l luhh~1· i\dlt ron1m I i ll ,19 5 !lO:!ll or 503·582 02211 LOWEST PRICE m tlll' ar<'a lorth1~ 1011•11 4 &111n honw \ n·al har)!alO Jt $1 211 <NMI t'all nov. !179 537 O ALLSTATE REALTORS HARBOR Rl(X;E-fRENCH MANOR 180 dtcJ"ft VIEW of lay, Ocean CMd r"I' ...,.. MocJlificetd qyality oftd detail ~ tws 5,700 sq. ft. residence. Formal ho111e with 4 btchoma. l bnrf, fonnal clRIRcj room, ilmlenM farNfy room ond qlomorous nmter ~ wttti fi,..,iac:e, aundeck SCllN C9ld spo. Impressive ond custom for tht pcriic* homto~. In the bftf tndtion of ttiis LcMlis XIV Monor ...... S2.200,000 fM. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAl ESTATE S.W. RmlM p,_,.., M~1 24J6 W Co.os1 Hv.v 315 Man"" AV« Nl'WllOn Bt.c h &lbo.l lsi.nd 611·1400 '7Ut00 a~ roo&..Sl'DD Y AID + FtHAHCIH~ • This almost new 3 BR (or 4) 2 master su1lt',, 2 c·.ir I Peninr.uf Point doru~e n,t ' l.i1v.. •I~ l'ludcd 111:.in~ for 1·u_~1111n I gar TOO ~ood In mt". J lldrm :iha1i larc1• l11 Sl~~l5~1~1\ pl,':.i ~ ~.·•t.'t·' ~111~ Sl25.o,oo Spt>1 Sll~.roo inc mom v.1th f1r1·11l.111• ov.~er Agt ~ d\~1~-;(l)'~H F \I n 675-1771 .in!I l11rmJl d1n1nf,! I · · · '1 • l µ,tdtr' ll'dlu1"' COLLEGE PARK ts.io731 m11 ,lc·r hdrm v.ith Spd1·111u~Jll1f2 11ahume FAHT~STIC .HOME I lu t•pl;11•1• huj!i• f,·"" ti~ 1 v. high .1i.~um.1 hh• lo:in. 1110 ch•i: llC'l'a n 1 11•v.' I room l..t ri:•• ~ c"J r luv. 1nl 1.111• t•nl\ 30011 +-.ind l'U~tom Ill'"' I llfl • d('n, ru'r I tfh re min t .111 fi73 48!19 tl\' BIGCAHYOH 711rl'lam tv.nhunll' 2 hr. :? ha, bt•Jul upgr;1dt•cl mdl !I~ M33 v. klly~ !I !"> ArPLE VALLEY Tax Shetkr :"l·ar nev. 4 plex 2 bdrm. 2 bath ea1·h untl \\1th ltreplare. enl'losed pi1t10. RaraRe 9'•'; 1st Pos ca~h llov. Now $159,500 Ball Grund} Rltr fi75 6161. g~rn'fi' P.lu' put 111 v. ti h Sl:!\l ~~I Su hm1t l1•rrno, G 11 u r mt· t k 1 t t· h" n l(a~ H~ Ov.n1•r v.111 {'Jll Rli t \l tlll ~1·n nlil !>~l\t• II\ 111)! rm r<1rr. 2n1I s.195.(l(~I lnrma I 11anini: t 1111 WATERFRONT 1.AGUMAIUCH HOME C.omrn'I indus. 14 units 642-520J) hreplan'' pool ~P~ LI! I , LOCJUftO VillOCJf R.E ,. n·<·areJ s.S89.t""I PRJV A TE IEAC H 9 3 limes l(ross Ov. ner Sensat11111JI I Rr homr fin AskmR $550.000 By ~matk un lhl' ~all'r" owner 645·34'!_7 To plael' your nws~JJ.\l' belor~ thr reading pubhr phone : •• c 497-1761 I ' · MHo Woods Dream '41ild to Suite I An ideal 2 ~t11r1 4 Panoram11· 01·1•an 111•v. F'ealunng F'rcnrh door!>. Walk to beach. beaulllul frpk. prolt'!>~tonall\ de tn plex. 2·2 Br I 3 Br l'oratl'd & SAN DY BEACll Onh $249.000 & Patio lrpk S499.000 bedroom POOi. home lot m Lai;una Hrat•h T!unkmi; or a nt'v. homt• ~•th exlrJ~ ~uu II JP Call Leoneford1•ta11' sellrr v. all ·t·arn su· Owner will help l1nanre hiJn at 1:1· i59 i5()1 01 Agent He<lda.646 1044 Daily Ptlot Classified. 642 54'7H f ~ prel'1ate' 211 fiJth~. tlm \lob1'1'<1 & It) lt'l' th 111 or sprtni,: St•c t.hc tnl( and lannly rooms 714 640 2!112 mal\\' hsung~ m today ~ anti rrarkhn~ l1n•pl.ll"~· 752 ;:r.:i 12 l'ovmgton 4·plx. xlnt terms Ask S290K ea l'la~~1fted ro lumn~ Loket•p offtht•i·hill ' \I SIOt<Dn -lyOwner &t25678, I trar t 11·e hrirkv.i>rk Leasev. npt10n 5)rold ------------------around ~I 12 2·, m 3Hr 2•, ba. d1nin11 rm. TIU.,.'rr.1'1'l.T c. ~ 1) '~ ".( -f} 1!: ~c... WOID ten>:>t I CJll for rleta1J5 I lam rm 2 car gar rni:d Wc.lker Blee Real fstate v~ l'"l! ~~ ~ f.;(J' ~ 0•1 $199.000 979 2390 t yrd ocean 'u $245.IHIO • 14,,., ~.CV.Y I POU.OH ----TARBELL .i97TWI0510 HOME~ I O fe'J1tonoe '4foe1t o• 'h• fou1 teroniblfd WO'd' be \ I NO DOWN OR low IO fo-m '""'~mp'• wo•d• I BToro I 0 32 I lot. nct•ans1 e or ••••••••••••••••••••••• htl(hv. JY north end N u l E AR BT C4 Wh1tev.ater 111.''I 111 JR•D[ oro nyon beach See nnc Z Rltr " ... I II I I' I S98 500 1 494-0.164 ~7 5386 I " 1 1· t u r e \ q u e _ _ . _ _ 2 b<lrm. 2 ba rondo 6 ' ~'ALLRROOK rant·h. IS rmpths n('v. ll111h as l.dle Fortst I 055 acres loveh home w11h B U T I C I surtia ble loan By owner ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4500 fl + tennis rourt. 11 I' I I 1 21J 493 1151or7611 4589 pool, ndtnl( t ra1b Trade , .. •l(p• .. CE for smaller home in I ~Oii ~och I 040 -~ OranRe Co Full pnl'e I I • ....................... ESTATES $995.ooo Call wk nds R U K Q I '· O~PERATF. OWNER 4 Br 212 Ba ""·5000 A•t "'"' or ext . Theres 1htS guy wf\o only 2 7 SQ Ft ...., ~,. """ I I I 14 "_-t1l~e<l 1bou1 re111emen1 Now l.arReSI Seachll 5 Br. 0t:-h4E I{ THAN 11;0 Wl'Ckda)S l!JI 1400 - -. -lhill he's 1e1c1e<l, he can't talk ru I <It'-s ii c· P r11 a<' Y Country rlub area MOD EL Jue.I ,.--------..1 about anytntno ... .... SllJOO's under m kl at llA..'i ~:VERYTlllNG Capistrano I 078 1--r-R_On-B..,.....E_W..-L-.--1 $249,500 Bkr 11411 0709 Cul dt• sac strl·et •••••••••••••••••••••• I I' j 1 j j 0 C.°"'P •'• '"• • <11• qvo•1d Sun & Sail II Cluh _ _ . _ . . bi •1.n9 ·n '"• '"'"'"9 -d• • 2BR 2BA M anner·~ 20 min to Newport --------'"" dovelop ''""' ,,.., ...., 3 i..-C.ove Condo Pool. Ten Center rus. Serunty $2500 ON. S210.000 with $160,000 ACREAGE lyr lease opl1on Jl 12t,ftxe<lrale &fully S1250/mo . S125K. 961\ as amortized ESTATES ~um OWC. Prtn onl> No pomts orquahlying 960.:.1J~-770-0347 Rustie English country Sl25.000 VA 12r~ Ln Owner I Agent estate on I acre with 5 Br Shary 2400 sq ft 4 BR on --------•I 3ba home Wood and rul-de·SIC. $179.900 ----bnck noori ng, French YACAH'Tlll l'Wwport•.ch 106t doors. bay "'indows. 7S9.ISJ Pnnonl '.A...8!.~9·1366 8UMITS ewport Bch F ee land Excellent Deprec1allon Owner 1Bkr 955.3454 N E..JrJf//~'lfc HTS. $270.000 S am Ag t 76().1756 MESA VERDE 4- PLE.X 3 2 2 2. great t e rms Under 1 lXgross. Only $315.000. Bill Kennedy. agt 63\.1266 SUPH TAXSHB.TEI FOi IHVIESTOI! _.MOw.l§ll ........ ._-1--1. -eteeutive-h6rne1ft Northwood-ha a nicely landscaped front, and large backyard. French doors, eat·i'l kitchen. green house ..widow. library, laundry rm, 2 fireplaces compliment this value priced home. $235 000. Lorraine JackSM s.51·8700. 11. r-°""' ~·, c;. ~~S•on on cul-cfe-sar. "rry 10<:\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocean and valley views. nal ~-OM.-N-ew,ort it ani rnsolffb1e Shorest 4 Br Oen. offer orlrade Sari t lemente pnde or owners hip Modern Spani.sh style. four unit apartment house with OC'eln·hills & golf course view. dose lo ever yUung, only three yurs old. shows like new. will sell with exrellenl flnandng. or trade equi ty for residential ocean view lot or home . Of comtoercial pro.Pertv P RINCIPALS ONLY!• ::: SPYGLASS = oJl~~~~NG = 6br/41'1ba 4100sq n ..., 2S Bodega Ba y :: C.11 owner, 759-0737 -, ________ _ --•ll -t9il -•1 ---.,. SUPEI ()dy fJfl.T61tand irlt CoRa Mesa garden hOme. Owner must sell now! Good aaauma ble lit. Sweepln1 stairway _co ma1t1r bClrm. Jut t ll1tedl C1ll tod1y, ,,,... ' THE REAL ESTAT,....i:-5 Mnl IOQ Ll4SI Almost new edra clean 3 BR 2·story condo f~ one year's lease. $1,475/mo .. Beautiful canyon " city Ughta . · view. Move lD 1n seven days! ,. Gilela Jeadnl eo.aas .1 /. To dt•tloP me>109t for Tvet<loy, rcod -lk corr~ong IO.........., 111 l'N' lod>CIC birt+u.,,. 1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ESTATE SALE IYOWMH Cstm w aterfronl on lee.side ol Davenport Isl. 4 Br3 Ba. '2' dock. 2-aty, BM> aq ft. 18922 Barun1. ~~00 . 548 ·7898 , '"'-1044 ....................... S2S.OOOdown. Owner will urry Must sell! Make offer• TeMls. pool . walk to beach. Agent 646 1044 or 645-1.llOS • OP94 SAT /SUM I I ·6 N~ 3 slory'beach houst 'Bly &ocean views Cktan side/Balboa Blvd 19ll Court Ave. nr 19th m.2211 or ... JU3 Ample eartin& in rear MIAI 2~·rtr~. DllflaAft ,~.~bit .. ,. ... 1 woidiil'dii~i.ola1. la• ... A~·'"°· ..,MICll ....... 'MA . ...._. ..... ...nit ,..... (llllm----- F..arly Cahl Stylecustom Ca II owner I 7 14 l home with 4 Bdrms~ 31; 842.0131. baths. gourmet kilchen1 •--.. -Wt-- 2 wet bars. 3 frplcs. poo and spa. Level I.I ac. lo( w/ocun and valley views . Asauma bit tttms Sl.200,000 Capture toC1I privacy Oii thli U:Z ecre n late with lftQue •bdrm 3\11 balbl contemporary home . Outatandln1 vl•••.i. OVWllll ~ iad •Pl· hr ml1utt1 to MariH. JJOO • ••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR RIDGE Wiil trtde/Jolnl venlure II million. 1444177 COMTIACTOIS/ l.cU, l~ or OM •'-. ....s 1.2. Oeeb ..-. 0...... UNCI of IQilil ......... If. .... Cirol. .... .,..,..: "11 I b.. t tr ••• t:-.._ ______ _ 11•• • \ • 1' Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Mondey, Maroh 16, 1982 llotlCI TOC•llHTOH 0, •UUC T•ANS"e a lieu •ttt -u.c.c ) Nollt• h her••r t ln 11 10 Ill• CtwfllOr• tlf WILl.IAM 0 (:OPl'IU l tld EUIAllTH A C:OPPlfll S, Trthtlwnw,, wlloMtMnlnou adtlr"• I• llOIO South C•H1 "41tllway, i..tun• •lta<ll, CA '1U1, C..,,..y Of 0.-. Sleta of Catl~"ta, 11 .. 1. Wik,,.,..,_, h •-I lo tie M-lo EOWAllO WEllS -PATltlCIA 11 WEll\, Traft•ler••· ..._ _,,,. .. -... 11. i.oou ... 8-h, CA t1Ut, c ..... ty Of 0f•"9<1. $'-W of C•lttoml• TM P•ot»rty 10 lie ,,_ .. ,,eel It locattHI at IOIO So CO.JI Hltl'lway, L ....... • ~h, CA t'>lSI, COllM~ of Or~. S1-o1 Galltofllt• S•ld Pf-rty h cl"'<''""''" oenor If .. All •IOO I" l••d•. ll•turu , tQUIDM•nl •fld QOOd will of ,,,., cerl•lll oroory l>u•l ... u known •• GENE'S MARI( ET •nd IOUtM •I 10IO r .~ .. t YNO"lt 0 .. YNe AIHfU.U. UATIMa•T 0 , ' 0ULl' INtu•ANC9ClOMPA"V .............. 1(_0 .,,,-. .. 111 fOlJll edmltttld ." ... fota111e1111111 .. .., .. , ·-~ t1, ,.., IN< ••• tll'l>lln ·-· Cae>lt•I pa~/Guer..-1y Cn 1 .. 11Statu1ory ~tt Gron e>alCI In and <O"lfiC>uWO •urplu• a.A"• Ullaultned hMt<h t..,.plutl U A1•.J• SUrphn at raoero. DOllOf\olOt" ll,ltt1m lftCom• for ii. yNr tll.:111.tM 01\bur~ IOt Ille fNf D,-,SJt W• ,,.._ c•rtlty t ... I l.._ •OOn 119m> Me In .. CCN'-t '"""Ille ,._I ~lelam-IOt Ille V-•t eftClad Doc•-~I, 1 .. 1, ,,_ 1• tlW l tt--• COMmlu~ ~ ,,,. St.ia of Calllornla, pw--" 10 '"'"' R C Fettlo~tton VIC• Pre•lcltnl R C Ff1 ... •\lon ~rotary So C0.•1 HIQ,...1¥, LagUNI Bea<,,, CA nu1. County of or.~.,.. Slala Of • Celllorn .. Pllbii_ 0._ Co.•1 O•llV POOi, -IJ. I). U . I). 1•, 1'9J r\llllC MOOCE PVIUC llllC( 10U4t l he bu Ill tr•t1•ler will Dt <ontu••\11\etod on or ef\•r ll>e J1tl c:tev 01 M•rc,,, t91l, 11 10 00 AM e l WESTERN MUTUAL ESC ROW COllP., 14141 Allele P•••w•y, Sulto F, LeQune Hiii• C-ty of D•etl99 Stale of C•lllorftlt ~n. ClEOllA PRICE ESC~OWOl'flCEll So '•' •' 9'nown to the ft•n,terees •II bu11,,.., n•""" end eddr .. M\ ,,..,.j by T ran\lwror\ lot Ille lhrff YH" l•ll P•it.•re ~ ~ .. ~~11:'.~::i:!~~-O•ltd -.,,, S, ttl7 EctwatdWtlh ... ,., SYNO~"OI' TNI ANNUAL STAllMINT-YIA• £N0£0 DICE-ltll •1. 1'91 .. ..... ,..k i .. ....--.c._ OaHH,hlLM ro1e1 ec:1m111.o••i.•• 11•Ja .oa Totel llabilllle. 1.ss1.u• ~=.::: ::~~:;.:~ ... ,. (apllel• " SI e lu IOry "-'H 1,000.ooe Gro\i palcl·lll aftO (Of\4r1Dui.d \urplu\ tt\,.i Unn•lvned I"""' hure>tu\I •.ttt,Jl7 Sure>lu\ •••-rO•poll<y"'"6ar\ t,1l4 .... GOOD GRIEF, WHAT'S THAT? This car , called the ··world 's longest limousine." turned heads recently in Santa Barbar a. The 32-foot long 1967 Cadillac with a 4i0 horsepower t:!ngine, a rumble s eat carr ies a $200.000 price tag Al'W ........ a nd other extr as, P .. rkla R W•ll\ r,.,..,,., ... Publl•lled Oranor (OoHI Dolly Piiot. M••<h IS, l"7 115G-.t1 lncomt for lhe y .. r 6.1111,Ml Ol•bur .. manl$ fOr Int YHr •.~S,9'0 W• ,,.~.,.,. cartllv lh•t the eoovt ll•m. art 1n accoroeno .. 1111111e Aft-I Slaltmtn1 tor lhe year tnded Oa<tm-ll. , .. ,, -to ,,,. rnwr.iwt Laetrile may pose new danger Researchers say it causes birth def ects i n. ani mals W A S H I NGT ON (A P J Laetr ile. lhe purported cancer treatment that most doctors call worthl~s. causes birth defects in animals when taken o ra lly and could pose a sim ilar hazard lo hum ans. a researcher says. 1 n a r e port publis h ed in Science magazine. Or. Calvin C. Willhite says the cyanide poison that is a natural pa rt of Laetrile caused nu l'T)erou s s k e le t a l malformations in the offspring oL ha msters. "This 1s the first time birth defects have been found with Laetrile ," Willhite said an a telephone interview "We'r e not sure this would happe n with humans. but we kn ow l he r e 1s a si mil a r metabolic pattern of Laetrile in h umans as in hamsters:· the tox1colog1st continued. "If people are still using Laetrile. I would recommend further studies with subhuman pr imates lo see if it causes birth d efect s,·· s a id Willhite, a scientist al t he U.S. Agriculture Department's Western Regional Research Center in Berke ley. The resear cher said that there is at le ast one documented case o f a pregn ant woman being treated wi t h Laetrile. a s ubs tance derived from the pits of apricots, peaches a nd other fr uits But because o f the num bers of people taking the treatme n t . m o re p r e gnant women could be exposed Hundreds of t ho us a n ds of ca n cer patients a round the world have used the s ubstance, a n d the Nation al Ca n cer Institute INCi > est imates that 70,000 Am ericans wi-t h th e disease take it Because of pressure from Laetrile ad vocates, the federal government sponsor ed a major hum an trial of the lrealment at severaJ medical center s The NCI study, completed last year. concluded l hat Laetrile a nd its accompanying regime n o f vitamins. e n zy m es and s pecia l diel are of "n o s ubs tanti ve value in t h e treatment of cancer ." Alt hough the s tudy said "l'linical use ell s uch therapy is not justified." Laetr ile has been legalized 1n 27 states a nd many Americans sti ll go to Mexican c linics for treatments. Willhit e termed his birt h defect study "the fi nal nail in the coffin of Laetrile." Dancing finally legal Repair workers needed FORT SMIT H, Ark <AP J For the first ti me in almost 30 years. da ncing on Sundays 1s legal in Fort Smith Mun icipal Judge Don L a ngs ton decl ared unconstitutional a 1953 ord in ance prohibiting S unday o peration of pl a c es where peop le might dance. He said the law's wording was vague and could lead to selective enforcement. D u r i n,g co u rt arguments, lawyers said people could apply the ord in a n cc to rolle r d iscos, private police parties. mus icals and marching bands L a ng s to n s aid l h e decis ion "in no way affects the right of the city lo enact a precise, valid ordinance on this' s ubject." Steps told in preparing for fix-it jobs By J OYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyct>: I 'll g raduate from high s chool this yea r and want to Hod regular e mploym ent in some kind of .r e pair work. I 'm good at fixing elt>c trical things around the house a nd a m thinking o f going into appliance repa ir. How do I begin? -W.L .• Scranton, P a. The winds of economic change barely ruffle the appliance repair business People still blow-dry their hair. machine wash their ultra-suede and call the repair shop when their m echanical servants break down. Taking your first steps can be as simple as building up a high school foundation o f s tudies in m ath. science and s hop cour ses and getting µart time work in an appliance store CAREERS work and the time spent on each JOb. l:n1un technic ians perform clear ly define d and l1m1ted tas ks In C'om munilies where unions are not verv ad1ve. technicians can make full° UM: of thl.!1r ab1ht1es and do ~h ate\ er Joh ~u1ts their employer's need!> Pluses Training 1s relatively short two years or less Some positions may require up lo three years' on-Job training The work is stead y and the pay's not bad Salaries often range from $5 to $12 an hour Minuses Your h our~ could · inc lud<' Saturday and evening wo rk and emergencies may drag you out of the sack on wint ry nights. Your muscles mighl take a beating from all the lifting and carrying. And there's always the danger of shocks. burns. scrapes a nd cuts if you're not cautious . PtltllC M8TIC( , Commru-• Of,,,. Stall or Cal1fornla pur...,.ftl 10 law t-------------v'~: P~•=,:..~"lon FICTITIOUS IUSINl!SS s 11 ( felher>lon Tree cloning eye il NAME STATEMENT 5•<rttary bu~~~f',~o~~owmQ pt!'t\Ol'I\ •re OO•nQ Pvbhs.hfloOr•nQllt Co.\t 0•111 P1101. "'-rch n t), u , U. t6. 1"1 ,_ M O HGANTOWN . W.Va <APl Once a proud and pro1Lf1 c tree, 'the Amcn l'an chestn ut m ade up a fourth of the nation's hardwoods until d evas tated by fungus blight ear l y t hi s century But rcsel:l rchers say the process may be r eversed . JUSt in time. with the help of cloning Franklrng Cech . a forest sc1ent1sl at West V1rgin1a Univcr~1ty, s aid th e rollegc 's breakthrough in cloning a chestnut. means the ~p ecics c ou l d b e r es urre cted fro m a ~1n g l c, yo ung blig ht r esist a nt tree wailing t o be "d 1s rovcred o r dcvelopt•d " Today, then• arc onl y ahoul 50 malure American c hcstnuls known to exist and all arc di se a se d . the r esear chers said PVlllC MOOCE COSI A MESA EMEllGENCY PH YSl(. IANS JOI V1<1ort• Street. Co.ta~"' CA'71'71 P'UILIC MOOCE AOAAV A MUA(HISON. JA NOTICE OP' SAlE OF aEAl M 0 IN( .• Calll0<n1 .. (OrPorallon l'•OPERTY AT ... IYATE SAlE '101• Arc hlblHd Awn ..... Cuornonoa No. sw p 111'1 CA ~21)() In 1ht S.-roor Court OI llW! Slale of LUI HEA M HANO, M 0 , INC,• Caloforn1a for tne County of lo\ C•lllornl• torPor•llOft . .00 N lwbol A1'Qt•o 1,. 1,,. Mallet of the E•wt• of Sir.el GHlnd•le,CA.i'IOli JAMES T CAUGHll N IU JAMES MICHAEL GO RDON MORAIS. fHOMASCAUGHLtH 0.CHW.O M 0 ..00 "'• (Ot"'"'· ANtwrtm CA Not•<~ t\ tltHeby QIVl'n '"•' '"' 1'1801 unoer1>1on-o will .. 11 •• p..,, ........ . PAUl M UMOf MD, INC. a lo lh• hl0""'1 ~ betl blOder, \ubfacl C•lllornl• <O•po•~non . 11110 1oconw""'11onofwldSu..-rl<l'Cou•I, 81uewoler l ftnfil, Hunt1no1on Beach, >n 0, •U~ ow l\•h ct.y Of Merch ,.., CA•?... ., 1hf' 0111<@ or JOE llAYCAAFT lh1~ bu\INU t\ conou<tHI by 4n 4ttorn4tY )'0000 ~"' Wt\1tr-n Awnue unm<OrOOt•tf'd •\socl•tfon on~r lf\•n Room _,, s..n Pfidro, (.ounty 01 LO\ • P•''"''~"·P •no••·~. S••1~ ()I C•Htorn••. •II tho& Rot1rv A M utcr\•\on, Jr , rioM t1t1~ •net tnitrf"\I tt\at tf\e nt•te *" D Int Of "•td dec••.._•d h•\ •<quired by Ao•ry A Murcr11wn Jr 09r•t1on of la• or ottlf'rwl w oHwu Prf"t,KH-nl th•n or 1n .Odlhon to tnat ot ,.,o Tut\ Stdl•""""'t w•s tllttd •Un IM :tecea\.ed •I the t~ ~ oeao ... In and County c.i..r~ of o •• ._ Counly on Jin IO •II lhlt tert•ln •NI pt_.,y 1>Uu11ao 11 "" 1n City of Or-Gounty ol O•.,Gt ~taU.11 'Stalf' ot Cat1torni• o•r-flcu••rty Publ''""° Orange Coul D•lly Piiot, :te\Crlllt'<I ••follow\, 10 wit Feb 11 M•rCh 1, •. IS, 1911, ..... , lot , .. of Moc11~· Hom• Ylff1 r\llUC NOTICE f 1n f"" Counly of Qt.,,~. Sl•t• 01 C•lt torn••. e11.cept St 4\ (Hr m 1p ·ec Of' dPd 1n eoo.. • P.tQn " •nd .0 of NS-tt1• ~•O\ +n ltw 0U1c~ of tne Count, FICTITIOUS I USINESS AtcorOOr of Y•O Counh NAM£ STATlMl NT Al\O ,,,., Porllon ol l01 ,,, OI Tt'lt 'ollow1no per\On\ ar-• ooino Modi•~'• Homt Shet't F. 1n i nt 11us1""" •• CounlY of Or•"~· St•1• of Celltornl•. A I A w A .. I N 0 u s T A I A L tx<tOI SI •• ""' m•p r-.:o•O•O In BUI LDI NG. 3010 Airwo Avonut 8000.• P-•1'1""41400IAMI>• Int~ Co.I• _,.. C.lllornla ''llll'llli >fflCt of '"" Counh AK or.,.. of Wiii C•I W~I AUi E ..... ~und IO. •401 County •••no..,,, Of • h~ beql!VHftQ All•nlt< A...,,..., S..•1• No "°°· l""9 •t • PO•nl SO •eel W••I of ltw Nor11M! .. I Bt~ch C•litor-nt• '°807 :.orner of Y id Lot •~' thtonce runnlnQ Thi\ blOIM\\ '" conducted by a Soulhw•\terly from U\'t Southt•\t Qfnt'rdl e>arl,,., .. hlp :orntr ol wld LOI 1'1 ID911tl ........ ,,,•II Bv C•I Wf'\1 P•r1Mf \ ,,, G•'· ........ •NJ m1rwr •• r-I Ql'\h l ub V M<C..r'l"v t•sem""" -r '°"" or w.Oy on wlo P•rtMf o.tr-<tl\ Of r-toal prOQlf-"Y TM\ ~•tf'l'nllH'lt w•i fifed wltf\ tht M or-e commontv 11 nown "' 1-..s. County Citro. ot O.•n90 County on M001••k• Canyon Stir Routt. Or1n9", Ftbruary,. 19'1 CA F1131" T rrm\ of sat~ C•~n 1n lawful money Publl•'-0r•"9l' Coa•I DAiiy Piiot, of tlllt Un1tl!d Sl•ln on ••it, 01 e>a•I Mir 8 IS n 1' t~ 10.4·U <••h ancl b<lt•n<a t••Otn<eo by nott ruauc MOOCE Ytu••O l>Y Mort~or "' T•u'1 0-on lht pro..-t1y •o •OIO Tf1'1 ..-ttanl of •movrH t>td tot» ~ltl"d w1tn b'O 816\ or ottt'f""\ to 1:)11> In wrlt•r.Q •no NOTICE OF DEATH 0 f lCTITl~i~J~StNEU at"!!: ;t~!·~.:•,:,;,~:::~·~~co~:.~ T H 0 MAS I N A J A N E NAME STATEMENT Mr•ol and btfo•• O•I• of WI• M ( G u I N N E s s a k Th• IOllOwlno pe .. on\ ••• dolnQ D•lod th" stn "'"•of Mirth 1"1 T H 0 MA S I N A J bu~•;~·;~~Yl1 ADOBE llEAlTY ~~~~~~!u:~ M c Gu I N N Es s . aka n•Sl A•09• Roule Lok• Foru1 Es1 ... •of '410 Oeoo.nl T H 0 M A S I N A Calltorn•• '71•30 J .. ll•ycr•" M < G u I N N E s s a k a C.•nlury n Wosttrn HomH In< .• Attorftey" a.. .. J A N E C A R 1 A ~:~::·~~· ... :~~1•1~:~110~~~!3,:;941 =.:'°,.!::,~ir;_~";. lloom 401 M ( G u I N N E s s a k a Junt Coftty 1i•sl Aldll'! Roulf Att-y ... loll• .... ,. THOMA SI NA J CAR I A l .,.• Fort•I Cal1forn.4 •JtlO Publl\IWCI Or•._ (oa'1 Daily P1101 aka JANE CARIA ANO ;:;.:n~~~~'"'-""'eoDY11tm•1eo M•rc,,1s.1•.n 1"1 tnlln 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 C•nlury 21 '911UC MOOC( ADMINISTER ESTATE wo1•mHomt•ln< 'I NO A·1124S1 ~~1:,;', C""e>m•O NOTICEOP'•Ul l( T•ANSFEll T o a I I h e 1 r s J-C:oftey ts.ca •111 .. 101 u c.c.1 benefiCiartf'S credifor• Thi\ \IAl-1 we\ lllfod wllh Ille NOllC• ... hertbY Qlven lo I ... , County Clorll of O••nor Cov"h on C•tOl1or\ ol G•oro• Co••• and contingent creditors of F@b 22, ,.., Tr.,,.,.,..,..h1 """°,. 11u ........ -, .. , ruauc MOOCE T·tl1• NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ForKIO\urtNo TS•31s.t ON MARCH n ,,.,, •I 11 00 AM CALI FORNIA LANO TITlE COMPANY 4\ Ouly •PC>O•n1e<I Tru~t .. ~def M\G OUt\IUM\I to o.+o ol Trvt,I t•t(ulr<I by MICHA Ell FURIANI. a \in9tf' "'4Jn. a\ T fU\\Ot for-lhl benefit •no ucurily of ANITA MAlllE fHOR NELL. 4\ Benolt<lar y, dlltd MAll CH .,,,, l'l90 •nd •ttoro.d •• ln\trum•nl NO 16016 on MARCH 14, •-or 0!11(111 ll0<ora. •n Ille offi<t of • ne C ountv R~< order ot Ora no• County Slflt 01 C•l1lornla Will SEll Al PUBLIC AUCT ION TO HIGHE SI 8100ER FOR CASH, CASHIE R'S CHECK OA CE RT ll'IEO (>lt:Ct< fpe\IM>lt •I lime of ••I• In 1aw1u1 "'°""•or un11m St•lftl .i IN fHE l0B8V OF CALIFOUNIA LANO lllLE (OMPAHV. 1010 HORlH MAI N STH EEl SA NTA ANA, CALI FOAHIA '1?101 •II rl9fll lltlt - tnt .. r•\1 convevt'd to ano no•· n.•d ~ It und•r \410 D•"o or Tru\t In tl'I• p•o~rtv \lhuttd '" \.41id Counh •na St.tt.-o.yt1~ ., LOTS 1 AND J IN BLOC:I( ln OF CORONA DEL MAR CITY 01' NEWPOIH 8EACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE. Sl ATE OF C"LI F'OANIA AS PER MA P AECOROEO IN 8001< l PA GES .. ANO ., OI MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, AECOA~ OF SAIOCOU NlV EXCEPTING THEAEl'llOM THE SOUTHEAST EALY S• 00 FEET THEREOF t f\('" ,,,.,, •dCJr•\\ And OU 'lff (Ommon <Jtt\•Qn•1•on 1r •ny ot lhe rtal IHOP*'fV d~Ur•l>ftd •oovt 1s ourporlr<I lo M •Ol F EllNlEAF C.OllONA DEL MJIA CAllFOANt'A ~•H THE UHOEASIGNEO IRUSTEE OISClAIMS ANY LI ABllfTV FOR INCOAl>E CT INFORM ATIO N FURNISHED THA f \••O \air-I\ m•d~ "'''"°"' covtf"lanl or w•r-r.nly r~r011"19 tUtt . PC>SS.e-'\\fot'I OI ttn<.vMOf•n<.•\ « as to 1n,ur•b1flt., at title THE '°'.-•"'ount of lhf' unp•IG bdl•ncr ot t.••O ~·0ctt1on' tooettwr- w1lh aovanctt\ .tnd e\tlm•1td coth •no ••~Mt\ '' '264 llOS 1' THAT no11c@ 01 bruch of ••Id 0011o-at1on •no tlf'i<hort to Mil M id rul p,-oPt"rtv w~ rP<or-dfiO as '"'trument No UJll on NOVEMBER IJ, 1'191 of OttlctAt Rf'(Oft'X 11"1 tnf' OOl<f' ot tht-Covnl y Rrocordl'r of ORANGE Counly Std It' o• C al1forn1a T ru~tf'if" or p.art·,-cont'v<t•no ~•Ii CAl1FORNIA U NO TITLE COMl'ANY 40 UNIVERSAL CITY PL.&z:A UNIV EIUAL CITY,CA . ., ... ATTN FOllECL05UllE DEPT. 11131 1'6-1100 OATEO JMlu.Uy18,1"1 By CALI FO~NIA LANO ll TlE COMPANY Bv c...-m1M BurQU-M ForH"k>SU"~ 0th<ef" Publt\N!d Orange (O<t\I O•ll• Pllol. Match I 8 IS, 19'1 'IM-ll T h 0 m a c; I n a J a n e FIQJ5'4 I• 1612 S•nll•QO Ori ••· New port McGuinnec;<, and per•on• Publl\11.0 Oran~,,,.~, Doily Pilot. e .. ch County ot o ..... or. Sla1t of 1------------- > , "'•• I 11 12 1' 19'1 104(,.U Colllornla lh•I • bulk tran\lt• " PUllJC MOOCE who may be OlhPrw1 se .tbou• 10 I>@ mao.. 10 Brian c;...,ror interested In lhP w rll. rutuc MOOCE c~ .. T,,,,,., ..... h . whO\f bu\mtt••-------------and or est a tr """'"" ,, SI••.» c ...... tek Oranor NOTICE OF TR Un£ E'S SALE Countv of OrM>Qt State of C•l1lorn1• T S. No, 7Mi-S A pet11ton has been filed P'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS Tnt pr0ptrty 10 "" lran\ltreO I\ "MEAICAN llTLE COMPANY.., lby Frank A MCGu1nneSS NAM[ STATEMENT loul•d • 333 E 17Jh, Unit 10, Co•I• duly fPPOln ltO Trusltt und1tr lht in I he Superior Court ol lne lollow•no l>t"On• Me do1no M.'1'11'0,-c,~unly ol O••na.. St•lf of tollow1no<1H<rlbed -Of lru\I Will bU\lnt u.. c .. ~ SEll Al PU8llC AUCTION TO THE Orange County request mg E lC E cu TI v E Bu SINE 5 s Seid or-riv IS CIP'l<tllleo tn 114Pner•I HIGH EST 81 DOE ii FOR' CA~ij that Frank A Mc.Guinness SERVICES 1111 Ctnlf• Ortve, su11e u Al• •too 1n 1r10•. '"'"'" te>aubl• •• "'"' ol wre In l•wtu• be a ppointed ac; pPrsonal :,~1 Hunllnoton Bmh. C•lllor.,1• ~~~;,:',"~ •i:,~,,!~dk;~~ ";, ·~~; ';;:::;,.: ~:;,~~·::!~::•:0 ~:!; Gas decline SACRAMENTO <AP> F or broad opportun1t1es. you'll need further tr aining the kind you can get in technical schools offering programs in electronic . electrical and machine lechnolog1es. Home study courses are available too. If you find work with a manufact urer or distributor. you m ay get free mstruction r e p r es e n I a I I v e I c Sut M EhrNt1, 16131 e ..... a VISI• Wesh•"(I Well ano loulod .. , lll E h..ld by It -WIO Oted of Trust In a dminster the esta te Of Drive LaqvnaH1ll1>,Callfoml<t916~ 17th, Unit 10, (<>$la -••, County ot lhtpro..-nyt1er1tlnMttr d~crlbeO: If you want lo know more about T h 0 m a .., 1 n a J a n e 1 1 L•tca 1M1f CM.!",j, 1 Sprlnowoo<1, r•n.o•. S•••eof c.111ornl• s:EAlulsYroleNNPA0u.Lv1ss v 0Av1s •nd McGuinness !unde r the rvne • om••·· T .... but • tran•ltr w11 1 be ~ Gasoline cons um plion in California during 1981 was t he lowest in five years. the state Board of Equalization said Tax was collected on 11.1 billion gallons in 1981. I ALTI I HGHON SMITH & TUTHtll WISTCLlff CHAl'U 4')/ E 17th '>I Cos1a Mt>~" f,4fi Q'\71 "IHCI IROTHH S SMITHS: MORTU.AR Y li77 Ma111 <;1 H11n11na1on Bo .1 1 '>36 6'>3'l ,.ACIFIC VIEW MIMORIAl l'~IC Ct'me1erv Mqrluarv Chapel·Crematorv J500 Pac1l1c. V1Aw Ori~r Newoon ~aLh 644·2700 McCOll .... QC MORTUARIES Laauna Beath 494·9415 Laouna Hill~ 768-0933 San Ju.an Capistrano 495-1776 HAHOll lAW..._MT. OllVf Mortuarv • Cerrelerv Crematorv t625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "9ClllOfMllS 1&1.llQADWAT MOlfUAIT I 10 Bro3dw11v Cosla Mes• 842-tlSO .... Electrical appliance technicians per form f1x-1t jobs for small a nd large repair shops, retail stores. appl ian ce fa ctor ies a nd utility co mpanies They may also go directly lo a hom e or bus iness and make repairs on the s pot if the appliance is too large to conveniently mov<'. training and oppnrtunilies in the This""""'"" conou<1eo by • onwmm<11eo on or111er '""JOU\oo BE NEl'•C••RY GERllY L. d dbl f. Id f 1. . I n de p e n d e n I Qf'Mr•IPM1""'"''P March, t<lll ., ••• , Sanlt-Or THO MPSO N •no JEA N y epen a e 1e o app iance repair , Administration of Estates Lt'!• Mc.,._ t•POn e.acn couniy 0, 0,..,114' THOMPSON, nust..nd '"" •II• .. you can obtain a 16-page booklet . A I) Th 1 1 This •1•1.,,._1 ••• 111oc1 wit,, th• 1e1eofC:..lltorn1• 101n11•n1n1t 1 C e pet ltOn S Set for County tlerk of Or•n9" County on So tar a\ >.no ,. n I 0 1 he A.corded Nov.m~r 3. 1'71 u lt1slr. .. You r Career as a n A pp iance 'hearing in Dept. No. 3 at "~bru•ry1t1<111 ran\ler .. 1s1 .• 111>ustntnn.\mu•no No sn11r1_1,.10,peoe 1uot Service Technician." You'll also ·700 Civic Center Drive, P'f.,,,. reues u....i by TransferOl'h) ror 0111c1a1 Rt<orch in,,,. office of ,,,. rece1 ve a I isl of manufacturers who West, in the City of Santa ":i,u~~·::, a:·.~.~':;' 0•11Y :'~; ::,.:~;: ,::.~ ~::• :'~ 11 d111_,.,,, :,"~:i:; 0~.~~~~.~o;';~Y·,!~1~=: o ffe r t raining prog ram s to their Ana . California on March 01100 March 10 ,..., property employees For holh, send 75 cents to 31 , 1982 at 9 30 a.m 'Vil.IC MOOCE &••anG4-orQ1t Cokas A •u1>1.,.......,1c1 Est•tt111 atld 10· the Association of Home Appliance 1 F YOU OBJECT 10 the Thi• ~:":::,~~ •• ,, •ut>Jact 10 ,,. or L~.°;a'in ~oc'~lNo~i;e~'.' ~;:~;~~ These technicians use a varie ty of hand a n d po wer too ls . With wattme te rs and voltmeters they meas ure current flow T hey look for loose parts. leak s and causes of vibration or over heat ing . They replace bearin gs. gears, belts. s witches and wiring . To s peed repairs they often refe r lo service manuals and wiring diagrams. In addition. they keep records of their Ma nufact.urers. 20 Nort h Wacker •.Qyor aunst ihnoguldof e',· thheerpeatp1tp1eoanr. F1CT1T~o!;~1:s1Nus ac111f1?.'.:."1~-un11,,,m com-"'•' c-lt>e City of N-Por1 e..cn. county of 0 r Ch go 111 60606 NAME STATEMENT ~· ·-Or•Oil•. Sl•I• of (Allfomla, H -I Ve, I Ca . · a t the hearing and Slate • The lollowlnq person• are OOlllQ Publls'*I Or-Co .. 1 Dally Piiot, map recorcll!d In -U, l)e9el S - Fight back e rs jailed CENTER CITY, Minn. CAP> - Three men convicted of dog-fighting .-iolalions have been sente nced lo jail ter m s ranging from 90 to 150 days and ordered to pay prosecution costs. Your obiections or file ""''"t••.. "a•c,,1s.1t11 1u~ •,MlsullentOU•M4'ps.1n 1M01tlca of the county rtt-r of wlO coul'lly written ob1 ect1ons with the NA r EC •NC · •100 Air way .. alllC 1111111111'( EwoPll"il 111eretrom 1ht Nor1Mrly Avenue, Su llf 116 Coal• Mt ... 1 f"V PIUlll< court before the hearing caiitorniacnu6 ------------·' 11001eeloflof2I Your appearance may be L r Sim\, Inc . • Delaware B·77't ~!:11:,;,~·~t. Ne wpor I Buch. in p e r son or by yo ur corpor•llon. 3t00 Airway Avenu1t, NOTIC£0FPUILIC "(If 4 slrffT <l<ldreu 0, <-attorney. Sullf 1 I•, C°'la ~~. Callfort1fa 9161' SAL£ OI' Oeslonallon Is •llown above no T"h buslnH• I\ tonducleo by a Pll•SONAl l'aDl'l•TY I F Y 0 U A RE A corPOra11on Notlnl\llortb•Ql .. nltw1l1>•H'u1n1 ••"•"1Y ta Olv t n as lo II; c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a l F Sims.'"' to W<llon ,. of""' CIVIi Code. Stele complete ..... sorcO<'rKlnoH) .. . Prttldeflt of C1llfornl•. lhe un<lf'r\IQned will Ull The -flcterv unclat wlcl Deed of contingent creditor ol the r,,i. ,,.1_,,, ,.., flied wlln ,,,. ••public ,411, by competitive bl<ldlno Tr11s1,byrN-of•b•Hcllor defeu11 deceased, you mus t f lie coun1v c1tr11 ot O••noe county on on '"" ?lro c1toy oi March. ,..,, ., , In '"' ob•l941llon• Hcu..c:t tllaraby, your Claim With the COUrl Fobru1ry 17, 11111 o'clock Pm .°"' Ille premlwl w ... ,. harelofore n Ku1t0 ond delivered lo fDRTHI RICORD ll•TMS SAN CLE MENTE CJENE •At.. NOSPITAt.. ..........,,. Mr. i nd M,. P"lllP Luc•t9. Caplstr•,.., 8"ch, Qlrl ....,,.,...,,, Mr aftel Mr~ l(lrk 8Mwn. S... Ctem1ft1e,lllOY Mr ar.o Mn Slaph~ Freo•, O•t1• Poll'll, olt1• \ ....,_.,,. Mr -Mrs. Cayet-C.,..Poa, l~IMcft.My. Mr tf'ld Mn Cr..rtes C ..... S... C:lam..,.,,Qlr1 Mr anel Mn Earl Jorcl•"· c .. 1srr•no BMC'" t lfl. .. ......, .. Mr. -Mn. J...-Fer,wlrom. D•t1• Polftt, 11<1. ....,_.,,, Mr -~ Jofwt Gllla,..i, $tll c-...... .,. Tro11e c11u111oy •"• Ml<lleel l etma, S...Jll9ftc..iltr-, lley .......,.JS Mr. •llCI Mrl. Wiiiiam l •r,,ee, ........ ...,. ...... ....._.,. Mr. •!Id ""'-r...,_ o--. 5All J-C'941tf-,lley. ....,_.,,., Mr . •1'141 Mn . Jell" O•rl•flf, Ctlfllttr-... II. elf1. Mr. enf Mn . ·Jamu "•"'· C._..,,_ ... II.""'· ......... Mr -.. ,__ Hen'llll, .... ~ .... College to sponsor YoseIDite., tour The community services office al Saddleback College will sponsor a pho\O tour of Yosemite "'Nationa l Park on Aphl 30-May 2. Outdoor photographers Michael Good and Ro be rt Coop er will guide and ,ins truct the molorcoach lour and pboto sem inar, wh ich is int ended primarily for the novice photographer a nd experienced amateurs. Non-photographers are welcome. I T he fee is $185 per person doubre occupancy, inc luding transportatio n , accommodations a l Yosemite Lodge and ins u rance. A $50 deposit holds the rese rvation. A pre-lrip orientation m eeting 1 ls scbeduled April 22 at 7:30 p.~. al the Harvard Community Par k Clubhouse in Irvine. For information call 831-4646 OJ' 559-1313. Flights boosted TOKYO (AP> -J apan and China agreed to Inc rease com mercial flight.a between the two countries by .c> percent startln.& ApriJ l , officials said. Some 1.82,000 people m ade fli ght.a bet•een &he lwo countries from April to December last year. P'llll'lf .. 10 P•Ol»r'IY h~• boon \lort<I, end '"" underwQl'ed •wr itten O.Clarellon 0 r p res e n I I t I 0 I he Publl\/W'd Or•-Co.\! 0.lly Piiot, whkll "' IO<elf'd el l'l>l>lk Slor•Gt. of D•l•ull -Oem.nd for Salt. •11<1 personal representative M•r l_,U,21.tt,11112 1~ lnc .106~PlacenllaA"'n\lf,ln111e Clly wrllltn....Cl<tofbraach•ftOOf t!Klklll . lo CaUM! Ille undP"!QlleO IO Mii MM<! appointed by t he court ol CoataMKa,Countvof0r•n9".Stet• properly to wll•fy w1c1 oblt,.1lo"t. within four months from MIC•JlCE of ca•itornla, ,,,. •11.tndont<I good\, 1notharHft.-11>e-•IOM<l <•u- the date Of first iSSUanCe -• _1_ ~~~:i::: .:.~~:~::.n~:.r.;;:,••I y Uld notice of brHCll and Of ele<tlOfl to f I tt 'd i "~• -be racor-Novemller 17, 1tt1 as 0 e ers as pro111 ed n P'ICTITIOUS •USINIS.S GARY J PARTEN, Foam rubfler, IMtr. Ho. no11 In -1.m . .,... '"· Sec l ion 700 Of the Probate NAME STATIMINT rim a, •"O Hrl•. 2 Wit<-•, 4 ci..i,., Of ulcl Ofllcl.tl Rec-. ~ -1 ~· mirror, couch S.ld ~te wlll ~ L ~ ~~. ~., wii~~ Co~e of California The •""1011 nue>enOfl •-"O llU•'"'" l •ncl'",. .. ,..,t,,.,..,,11011io a1 ----._, tl~e for tiling claims wllf •\.z.M M••k•11,.0 Servlcu 1"9 Hle Pl>r<N111tmuit 1>e m-w1111 f~;~,';:~!.:r,:~~~t':;;P.::!"U:.:~ not efcpl re pr ior to four :ompany, lDOt 11..i Hiii Avenue, suite c•"" only -!Mid for •I tM lime 01 e11cum~anco1, to pey tlle ,.....lnlng months from the da te of m . BIOQ 2, Cosio Mtw. Callfomla ourcr1•S:.. All ou«hlued QOOCIHr"H Olo prl11<1,..1 wm Of 111e not•(•) -ur9d ,,.,. •1> I•. -must Ill removed at tt>e time by wlct OMO o1 Trvst, wltll 1Metw'1 es the heari1l9 noticed abOve. St•f>I>"" E e.st, mr 8 E .. , s.nia o1 purci..se s.1e •uDfect 10 pr1.,. In u ld -~ . .ctvancH. 11 .,.,, YO U MAY EXAM INE c1.tra A-. s.nia A,,.. CAlllOf'lll• at><ellllllOn t"the .... ntof setttement -r t"9 ttf'"'u fwolcl0eado!Trw1. the flle kept by the court •Hos wiw"" 1--•ncl 01>t1oete<1 Nt1y. tee•. c11 .. 99, •"" ••--"' t11e If I t t d I th . Thi• butlneu I• COftdUCl•d Dy ... D•led thh Ith & encl TSlh 0.Y ., Tru11.M -Of ""' lrum ,,._ .., you are n eres e n e l11<1lvld11tl. March, ,.., Pub41< s1or•aa. inc. wld OMc101 Tr11t1. • estate, you may file a s"""*'E Befl latldlord s.1c1 wo1aw111i.,,.1c10t1W9d11a-,, request with the court to Tllh 11ateM0<1t was fifed •1111 the ~u~1t:;i ~-c:o<nt O•llY .!'..'~· M•rcll u. 1m at 2:ao "'"' "' IN receive special notice of County Cte•ll °' o.....-Cout1ty °" r • • -· c11apni..,•--A11<• .. .,.c:.,,1c FMrU41ry 12, 1tG Co"IH 11111141 ... JllO Eat! ~ the Inventor y of esta te l'tDt7' Piil.i •Ta AOflUe. '" Ult Ci ty of or ...... assets and of the petitions, P1tb1~11ec1 Or-coas1 O.lly Pnot. c:.111or111a a cc 0 u n t 5 and r e p 0 r t s Mar •. u. n. "· 11112 1ou NI tttP At tl'IO t11M ot .,,. "''"•' .-.icatltfl I "ICTITIOUS IUSINI H Of !Ills ,.,.IQ, Ille tte.i ~ Of tlle descr bed in Section 1200.S -• l9T1Cl N~I STATIMSNT u"11•lt1 t>A••M• ot "" 01111eat1 ... Of ttle California Probate r-... Tt1e1011_""_.'°"''dO"'Obu>1nen -u•ed_.,tttt...,,..,_,.__,... .. Code. • _. tnr1t ent1 """""" cllft, • ...,. .... KMne & Dion "'CT1T1ous1u11Nus 1,. c:;. •HT11u0Rs, ttso ,.,,,..,, enf""-'''"·""*I M.,.._STATaMa"" Orlvt, Suitt A••. Coue Meu, To.....,,.... .. _..•· YW 3333 W. CNSt Hwy, #401 Tiie followtn9 Mno11 I• .. 1 .. , C•lllortlla.,.a INY<MI trU)~....._ NewPOrt Beach, Ca. t26'3 1W•l1101101: $111r10 M . .,...,. .. ,,, "'° Alrw•• 0 ... 1 "*-Y "·HD (714) 645-4044 CIUi:$T SECltET Afll lAl Orio. Sulle A·•· Cott•,..... AM.flllCANTITU!CO. A ~E RVICES, 11 lh UP•CI• Court, C:ollfom••m• ...... T,,...., Publlshed vrange Coe st Htwt*1hll<11,c:A""3. Tiii• Dvtt11eu I• ond~t•4 11y a11 .., T.o WvlcaC:.., Dally Piiot, March 6, 7, 13, 1.ou11« OAv1SON. u EIUOMt tMlvldullt. ..-t 982 c-tt . .........., ltOKll, c;A "*1 Sl'llrtey M. ~ .., ............. Thlt ........... Is <tflllV< ... W All Tlllt Ila~ Wat Ill .. •I'll the AtMlltlllJI~ C•ll 142-H 71. ' Put• tewword1 to work for you. IN 1111We1 c-t• c..,_ llf o...,.. ~., _... o..tc~ ....._--. t..oultt o.v..... ,_."h ,, ,.. °'91111, c:Mff ..... 'rlllt tlatllfl'llOnt •• fl ... wllll ttie MaM•'f v. U.SA•Y (71•1 ..,_ C0\1111~ CIOfll Of 0,.llet Ctllllly All "'1 MacA19e ahl&, --......... Ot .... Ctlll D9f\' ..... lltll tt,ltlt. ............. "..... -~ ... , t,L U,IW -- ,.,_. ~--M -• . -. I f"l*l ... 0....,. CMlil Dell1 flllM, ~ ..... Of .. Qlllll Dell9 ....... l&.-"11 to lodaJ I .._ _________ _,~.-.tt,Mlfth t,t,tt.t• ...-._, .,,,.,,_,. *'• tor l b • be~t b•r•. .. -. Use llnswer /Id service when placing your ad . a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your mes- sages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5.00 per week. For more information and to place your ad call 642-5678 . Daily Pilat Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Monday, March 16, 1982 . ··.rket Place ..... ~,......... .......,......... ......u............ ~ ........ , ~ ........ ,.,...e..4 ,.. ........ ;. .... .a..d .,_..;.haw... . ...... ~,i. ~fllllp J4 IO .................. eee 1 eee ........................ _.tt=eeeaeeee•ttt•eeee, e e•ttteeeeee ••eeeetet e ee •t•t•tt••••••••••• ••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••A.ii ....................... ............ 3106 C..Mttt lU4 ""'"portleedl 32,t Wttl tll!dtr lJtl ,_.l.... J7H C....Mesll JIJ4 eo.t.MtM JU4 50'7tt lnt. ln cu.atom rnoun ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••,•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••,••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••• ••• ••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t~ home Below •P· Avail. 411 lO 6115. 2 Br. Brand nt"w dlx condo for 2 Br 1 8• Newport HOMt FOR RENT La1un1 8t'»ChJ. buut 2 8 1 Ba 19111 Muple &!per ihup 2 Br lllrlflt' ~iMd value. Nr foreat, waterfronl U SO )ik, n'flt 2 master BR's, 2a,, Helghu . Very private, 3 Bdrm $&-0. f eM ed furo . suite 2 HR, •P•. Av~· Upati lra ~ulet no &pallo No pet •kilni. 1011. Low dn, no ~roo 673_.:f.8_21.. _ bi. fplc, back fncd yd 2 aaraae. near lloaic yn d ' 1araee Kida & u una. u tell1t\' TV . r.! 2 rson · 251m., · 642.~ qual. Low pymts 1500 sq car aar Located at 1932 oo.~ pet& welcome 54$ 2000 ma 1d str v n oo wk 1>t ti ---n. 3 br. 1\'t ba, gar 141 uportleocll JIH Meyer See to apprer .\lent,no fet), 71•.e.2227 •• ierra M11mt Co Euulde2 BR. am y;ard Jeqxm.3395~ ....................... Call~~roraJU)l, Bluffs 3 Br 2 Bu ...._.,,..,...u.dw -.'!'.'I ~ attad~r. $525/mo 900 .... ..... Bachelor, In Vmalllex ,._...Valley 32l4 ~!:a~ ti,:,~;:,;,/ A~:1l u.tw-.itMd 3300 ... ~~~L 11{'! new Igel I br ap:s E.S9· ~. t ·~~ I 1 b~ 2100 sezs ••••••••••••••••••••••• May 151 s9001 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~d ..,..et romp ex. no pe s 11 ..... n p ex. 11 . QWt' .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile UdoPark $100 HOM E FOR RENT 642-85-99 m H'._l ... GTO... ••••••••••••••••••••••• $470 & up Mesa Pines. 2br. lnd~Lpallo. adlh WANTED,Hou1eonL1do Ba v 29 Co d 3,Bdrm Condo, $6SO ---·--""'" " IWbooPNwla 3107 ~11Jtl~S492447 ~-2!~ ~.673·360Cl Isle for lnco~ g::o er· Y ie~w 'lOOr n o h nced yard & &.arage. Exec. 4 Br. 3 Ba . Cpl, H.AllOU• ••••••••••••••••••••••• N~W BREED APTS "'--P-.J...A 3126 Pri onl , .. 2. K1da & pets welrome. dshwsher , ntw decor •1ucH,•OPHTY N •· B" • CH f --· n "" --Villa Bal a 28 r $1250 5'S·20QC1.A&.ent no fee I fr d 0 r w e s 1 t'l If f .._ u 2 .. 3 "· 2BA yearly I BR & BA rom ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ~ Newport Crest38r /lon · "'"' · OWHltlS Frplc,blt1n~.1111r,park ~ Frpk . rec .roo m.2 Br or tan view. ~ • StSOO 3 BR 2 Ba, mo. to mo . 1·325/mo 646·72SO, Let WI rent your lnc·omc Ing Close to b11y & pool. Ja.cuni Gas & balrony. 11arage, clean trade $4. e uitri Waterfront Home:i S7~. Ni ce lor Kids OK 1S2-25SO~ ---property By the Sea ocean Brk r 675 4912 water paid. No pets 393 246112 "A''f Cordo\la Dr ~~.c:~I ~~~!1s1~~S::01 631 1400 960·38()5 _ !Mi Monaco 2 bedroom Realty h ( 213 >592 2871 , <kean/ront pn me area HamlllQ!!.. C M 645 H11 213 402-26S7 {rQ.llet1 1 Take over low pay '4 ...... CMaleecll 3240 2baden;JtrdtnerSt 06-0 askfor -111 38r 2Ba ·frplr Nopets' I BR $360. otll pd ments. Trade for mobile ••••••••••••••••••••••• -8248 --~.... I ye a r:. l case at carport No µt>ls 3113 W ~·~ Vl.w! home Camper trur k. r I H-.. u .. L-'·"-d HOME F'OR RENT llG CAHYOM Ullflnitlwd 3425 Sl3S01mo 67S 8004 aft ,5 ~-548·~16 ~m. 2~~ ~~s~~~~ten~ P Call Answer Ad # 631. ~-3 Bdrm. $700. Fem·ed ~1? .... D~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 337·2414 day~ .. 642-4300 3' hrs ••••••••••••••••••••••• d •. K d • " Be aut 2bdrm ron110. gar no pets h bter lalboo IN.d yar "' garage 1 s "' 3 Br, ul gol l'ourse ~Oft lcll pnmt SC Plaza lor bdrm ha~ <.:a th ec1hng •--r llhlh 3206 pets welrome 54S 2000 view, tennis. pool, s pa 2 bdrm ro~o SS.SO 3 m1 Cotta Mna JIU4 Waterflllls. st reams . No pelb Pat io $775 W...ttcl ••••••••••••••••••••••• A~nt,_n.o fee Lease $1200. Avail now from 118 556·0363 or .. ••••••••••••••••••••• sp~. pool $800 mo 661911.3 ••••••••••••••••••!~.~ ~fr~ntg3~asc~.' ~2~r F.2 qUPLEX 119 Hunt Prime loc 6«·7424 f!k r 549-~I I Ill 2 H . 3 IR. (1141673-0019, 675-0540 BToro 3132 Private Party seektnic Bay fro nt. Ba Ibo a 111jf1~ ~"~1 Ore~n rlell • Newport Hgts S Bd. Cape 2 BR. 2 str. pool , D W, ~~Mfy g~~cod ~:~h ~~. J Br. encl gar ..idlt-. no ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br.2Bahome . RW side Island s1 2oo 'w1nter ' Y a er· r Cod. den. game rooql, 3 stove, llB SSOO mo b ~_ts trig. elrr raniw. ?Hr 2Ba newcondo.d•~ C.M. Have $25K for Sl400annual Herh.days ~~~en~ir~rd~fl~~~r car gar.h 3000+ s'ii ft. Availimmcd.842·0269 =~642bsi.,3Ad u lts, no ~,642 5964 hw!bher refnge. pool ~w~g~?a~"b'o~~il~ o~~ 213~478·3.m s11 001mo Ca I Bob ;~'~e~~e i~s~~~~ r:ri LEASE OPT ION t'Xel' 2 Br11,ba. l14nhst' Jl(>OI Kids OK Ii.I. laM & de Bill 642 2533 art 5PM Duplex. 4Br. bay '1cw. 66Me1y7e622r 586home3SOO ofc or Diana, a..fil 631 1266 'v'Olldoie"· .1N~ROe+eadn" &n. braoyr IMMED OCCPHCY! b 111 n) $5011 M ~ r posit $595 mo Avail r I newly decorated. no " o • $400tmo 2 Br I Ra 642 1602or540 31'66 4 I Dan 642 6~00 1~ · oan assum ""IS •. '\"'"~ 752·1820 So~fa:·• Hiii 1rnre info l'all ti73 4899 Pool. beamed t·r1 ltn g, 581-6824 • • • ... -.. t 0 llilyfilll Cl•U ifiKA<h P...,,. .. M611 American R('(!C"*< + ~ we can cha¥~ ,·--· .. -· ...... __ . ..r:c -'.t. ~ 3 BR 2\2 ba upgraded. ffc • I d N t Be autiful 2 Hi 2 Hu ....... --P-'-···•-3207 twn.shse m Beachw alk Spect ar ocean view, cvs aWl ry room u l'l') S.SSO mo l'.irpct) dt\ H·~-•-o*h 3140 ---.... I . , 1 3+ family. formal din No last roo rent _.....,_, -~ ••••••h•••••••••••••••j ""b·hmmpoo ,Jar, •m• o mg, pool spa. $2000 ,.._._-£.Fu I h d TSL MGMT 6421603 hwa)hl'r A\iJ ll 315 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l',brhouse yr.round no < No C'hildren, no 7.§0-9333 .....-•m•ma "'1 t 675fi606 Del uxe pools1dl' xt ra pets, S.SSO. I blk to be a.ch. vle4 l85s7 12100 y6r75 168s9~' agt ~::_:·:·I:.::_·~··· ••3••7•0•6• Roof:my 3 lirt Tdowlnt house large 2br 2 ba bltn~ 675-2010 Z....,8 · · '• Stcrwitd Artct -MUnU a m qwe a u l'Om 2 hr l ba duplex apt d5whr 1•, mile~ beat•h .>.»-142 3 bdrm house. Spec ••••••••••••••••••••••• P ex Ne14 I> dernratt>d 14 sitl t•.ir gar S500 Pt-b Adult.:.. no pel!t SSOOmo CoronodriMor 3222 SIHUl'2br.remodeled tacular view, 1e nnii.,ll Br l12ba.}earlyS7SO+ hreplace.enclsdµal ao& 1•uru.1dered 559~)01 SJS-8362 ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar k1d·pet NOW $400 I pool Sll5() mo 760·8708 ut1l A\'a1l 1\pnl Isl A~ garage Sorry, no Vl'b Si>ectacular Ol'ean & l'lly (.}(.' 1h:NTALS 7S0·3314 andbiS2144 Vance673 4062 SS75 Mo 645 33KI or NEWPORT TllE WlllFFl.F:T Hl-:E fights view from "' erv bd . ,.. __ .... _, 3722 675 5949 APARTMENTS 1. 2 3 Bdrm Apt G} m room Large 2 Br fr 11: 4 2ba. $750 mo 19811 Jbr. 2ba. pool;. din rm fm , .___-.Mor 1 Br E Mde !tma 11 bu• 2 Br $320 mo lnfJnt~ Spa. Sauna. pool. knnt~ many amenit ~ . 1 CIOO<'ester r Bu!thard l r m 1100 '-'5! NB ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'Ul\' 14 lot~ of nl'al only.nope!~ l ctc 846·0619 $1200.mo Call Ant~~~y &Ada~ 96S099I ~HM mo A.Kt 1 5032 I SooclochApt wood S3f~) Adults only 2A50Newport Hl1cl MARIHYSWAU days 642 S757. He:. & ~°" APT W /DOCK 2 bflfs-to beach, nl'ar &st 9522 Costa Ml'!>ll Lrg 3 Br Townhouse wknds 6Jl·66JO HorbOur 3242 Waterlro[lt. 2 Br 2 B.i shop F\Jrn. <'Pb drp:. fl REPLAl'f. Pool Smalll Br tperwn unl\ Ap artment Frplc LEASE OR OPTI ON 4hr 1••••••••••••••••••••••• w spa m lnStr Ba Bil an w~all Apnl. all 0111 pn1·ate patio & <11:. no pets $:12 5 mo I e-nclsd ga r. patio yard 2ba vo exe1· hm $1400 I Waterfront. BroadmoQr I' k11. frpl, dbl ear gar. + 21 673 ~~ 673 0164 hwashers m XTRA Lt: I 675 fm4, 527 74011 Near Hunt. Harbour mo. Ownr Agt 759 8006 2bdrrn, 2ba. frfi''" wet off.st spares $1 300 · ' & 2 Br j.\arden .apt~ ,on 1 & 2 BR gardl'n apl . Childrt'n OK S6SO mo I blks to ocean. 3 Br 2 Ha. bar. dbl gar. !t 1P a\'all, J.R. PROP. MGR Costa Mtsa 37 24 Easts1dt• S460 S:ihO 14 pool, <twet 141·11 kept SI0-6&YI frpl. ;tardgt-, S8!l5 pat i o s975 mo Lnwo 675·6J7l ••••••••••••••••••••••• 557 284 1 1 160 w W tl~on· l'.'vf 12 br, 2 ba. all gar. 6C2 ~ I 17141675_ 7171 I VJ.:1 --.ire I Br dplx Quiel " 557~ 2 b 2 ti 30· 2br lux Condo (Jn l.agoon Walk to tiearh 3 Hr 2 Ha I Sep by uar 1 t>mpl)•d I Br garuj!l' yaru 1\11 ~ 737364S 42711 , rm r. a. s 2" r I 1 "' pets Kid~ OK S450 mo • • gar t'H t1 le fl r~ .1pac1ous nr rp l'. ( t•n I 2 fp. gar & many Ktras garage 14 hoo~ upi. I adult 01er JS No pet:> &II 0063 · Spar1ou' I Br c.ardcn s,s75 rm 1146 9~1 1 11 s i Sffi5rru Sll50 mo Call eH~ rrplr dshwshr Sa\al(e $350 5481021 Apt Pool & rt•t \II utrl • 840 80117 wknds 840·6309 .... 831·29J2 I Wilde &Co 675·6606 S325 Sx2S trailer 10 QUll't 2 bl'l S355 mi 352 \ u· 1 paid Nupeb I' Br patw. car port. pool I ton a Adult~. no JH'b El Puerta ~ie~;i spa. set•unl}. $495 l:lil CottaMtsa 3224 I"'--3244 WESTCLIFF ' adult park . .:as & wa ter 64511161 1959 Map lt>1ht• Apl 5 mrl A\a11 4 7 892·6745 ••••• • •• • • • • • ••• •• .. • • • -paid 673 7787 UC RENTALS ....................... & POOL 2 Br I HJ u11r.1·r 111, • 2br in 1 vteli. $4iS :-le14 1 5br'b $200 lo S2000 l\mhome ne14 3 br. 3 ba I Lrg t>nough for a family LOCJlllMI leach 37 48 h14U!ther voo . pdllOJ . I crpl.S 14 d hk·up. enrlsd 7503314 7da)~I ~a~io. gar Park. poul. but not toolargt>forone •••••••••••••• .. ••·~~~· ~ tarports /\1l ult \ l gar1 NopeLS.645·9494 J_al fS75 mo 833·9057 f.lcgant deror. l'Xl!l' 4 I L,ul(ury studio, spa I \. 645 036l • Onlr S400 rents th1~ j 'l'urtlcrot·k Jbdrm 2ba Bd 1(11rdener & pool s1 i· maid sen ice phones. Be ~PrAfl™rTs t ~°" 2brl4 .gar pat~o k11.I !block park pool.' $1175 anc'I A1a1t wash dryer SllS 14k 499 2227 I Pa~1~1 dec=~r Se~ a:r;t 2 e: 2 R.i ,Pl>'>l. i .1rpl'b ~ 3842 OC RENTAL'i 1503314 1 1 t&I t 6445444 I refnll $1600 mu ,\gl •SIGHT &SOl.INUOF . P drapti) No ptb Bu~• 1•••••••••••••••••,••••• IE OHE OF s as l.ois631 1266 SEA I Br. frpl~·. itar. ffi~ ~~~ti. $525 ~~~s ts~~oro~cir~~ ~5~~, QUIE.I STL DIO ('()Nl)O TH" LUCKY FEW TURTLEROCK 4br 2• 1ba ram rm din I Marthru June 494 SI~ ll8 W W1bon fi31 5583 A~ent . }'tpk r,errigeh hbl~1n_,s, . .:; . 3Br. atrium. $925 mo · · "" Jl'roS~ rm 1 .4n 1 Rent m Co~la M c)~S L.i. uleEnt Rltr73144~5 rm i"~iJX'~ r\\ail l'Wwportltoch 3764J Easts1de2 llr I RJ Cot Stud111 Apt for n •11t 1 962 4914 NEW EST i:,a t l' d .2 ~ 0014 "' · ......... •• ••• •• • • • ••" , luge $495 mo 2625 D& F Pn\ atl' !.'ntrant•t• bath & • i;ownhome \ILLJ\(,f. ZBr Zba . ~o~~· frP11~ BtO 2br. 2ba, den. dbl Want somc'\hmg xtra Elden 6311755 refri1te K1lt'hl'n ll"tnt 3844 COMMUNITY 2 & 3 fi r ' l 8 2 2 2 Ma> a P P e I . f I lk b h I . I . 2 8 I $2 5( ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2•, Ba 1600 1800i.q ft of f715 ~o 644 6397 & fg~'o 'Ci~· ~ 30 1~94 ~ ~~:~~~us~.n c~mµletef} N c ~ r f S1 C k ~ ~ :Jt a r~~1d, ~~al: 2bl((; r~~ 1 , Br + Io ft !'on do pure luxur} CarJl(l'' 00-1 752·5111 furn• '895 Mo 76Q 91l7 Ul'aull u p..i~ .1 t> 'el 0 CC and 3 mt from ()rangNn•e Plan 4, Ten hydro·tubs 1n ma~ter I · -Lrn11.. pool. ~pa, t~r 1>orl tx" ·h 1 .. d ,. nl), pool adults. no pets suite, cl1n1n!\ rooms . l b 1 ~EHTALS S6SO BigCanyon condo.newl~ 1F\nd what ~ou w~nt m l l:lr ~75 6460686 ne~'ghbo~ehi~~d · iu~1 \ I s.540 Will rons1der lse wood burning fireplal·c~. 2 b~·+d:n 2 ba $975 I dee $11?0 ~ Spar 2 I Daily Pilot (las~1flccl) Want Adi. c1111 642 5G711 l4kda)~ ati59111112 opt 730 1250. ~2i609 m1rro wa\ e 01 en'. 3br Zba $950 br 2 ba. \le" Mrs ~mate patio~ & }ard., I Jbr.Zba SISOO l-'urn Slratlon,759·15l5X232 IAMolM<""'nh 5100 A111tcutcemtnh 5100 AMolM<ements SIOO IAnnowtcemtlth 5100 Gardener pro\ aded 4 bf 2•2ba $1200 1 BLUFFS ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ... •••••• F.legant hvmJ? only 15 Jbr 2ba S975Costa Mesa 3 br. 217 ba. on green I ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• minutes from Fash.10~ 4br. 2ba S800 llonl Brh belt. nr ~I L,i!c fenced Island. 7 mmo\es lo S C I Le Raisor Hit) 833·8600 pauo New crpt. drp~ • Plua or 0 ( ,~1rport XJnt rond. SUl!iO 494 6306 I • 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL ~~,~~ la;~ ~l s~~o~~;~ I * *LEASES or (213>556· t676 1 • • • e ~'r14J Starting at $900 a 3Br<;ondo. Wdbr S900 I NEAR BCHI tbr u1111 • 8 Days 3 lines 8 Dollars • month 63 t 5439 2473 JBr Hst> Wdbg S900 ~ jlar. uti pd $29S Ora.ni?e \ "~ . Co 'l d I 1 t ~herS to choose from I OC RENTALS 750 3314 I • • :\1esa I Wt> re the ones to rail for Lido 3 bdrm. 2 ba frml It s easy to place your 8-0ay Week Ctass1I1ed by ma" and 11 • Ht:HRY' 3br.2ba all leases din. 2 sty s1300 mo Agi 1 e costs 1ust $8 -that s only a dollar a day• To quality tor this appl puropt S495 I [gw..... Wend) 644 4895 I 1 ff be 1 ff e oc.RENT,\LS 150 3314 ~i "'"\Cfhrtd9e CONOO lrg 3 h;, 2,, b..i . e spec1a o er you must a non-commerc 1a user o ering e Easts1de 3 l:l r . 2 Hd ' I Rtalty f•p. 2 :.tor)', nr ort'an I • merc handise for sale up to $800 per ad ano the price mus t S750 rm tst last & ~ec 551.3000 sroo Agt,673 9060 be 1n your ad The cost s tays the s ame whether your ad e deposit L'all !\41! 43118 1 19!0 Rar rann 'ri. .. ,,1,.,n,. Nwpt Crest rondo 4bd ., • needs eight days Selling time o r jUSt One • aft 5 21,ba. 111'. dm. ram rm & • Spac· 2 br. 21 > ba. hit ms. LOCJllMI leach 3248 ~$1'ix£~11.{i~.otcnn1:. • iar. pool. qu1e1 art>a ....................... e • I e Use one word in each bo.x About 4 words make one e Bkr 675 4912 Lari:c I bdrm dplex. ~Cltt'f''sTwnhtt • classified ltne o f type M1n1mum ad IS 3 lines P lease prinl 3 Br 1 Ba cnrbcl l!arag~. '1e14 frpr $700 per mo E. Elh.11'1 l\e14 Jy clecor I plainly • new 1·11r1>ct' & eustnm 552 56911 thruoot. spat· 2 hr. 2 ba. I • drapr~. large yard & \.'Jl'anl s rm ~~I ramll) forma l din l'nol \lel4 I • • 1iat1n l41th playhou~c· no d-.l'lhni.: $SIS mo mrl A\·a1l 1mmed to Sept I r------------------------------, pets No ,.,11t-rbed $550 gardene~ 442 Montl'rl'}l 82 Refs SllOO n:io • I • + depn'll 548 5442., Dr 494.0154 •furn a\a1I xt ra1 Call I • 770-5629 collet'I . 213 2il 3939. • I 0 c E A ~ r R 0 N T 7t4·760 3667 for appt I • llou.~e. hori.e ok. 2 Br MOHIL E HOMES.•,m1 , • $650 rm 20202 Rtrf h St p\'t beach lol~ or rlll'k' tkean \:1Pl4 3 br 1·ondo. I • Santa Ana Hg t b & rnves.' pool . 24 hr Nwpt Crest .. yrly , avail • 55100:U.., set'uri t y, adlt~ 4 I Mr Clark al(l. I • EASTSIOE Clean 1 Br perlerred. no doi.:s. 4 to ~3370art 6 • I rottage, rouple or sngl. choose from $775·$1 000 Lado. 2Br I Ra mo bale • I • ~16 +_~7-2040 --1714 ) 499 3579 horre. P\1 brh, ~<IS BBt} Redec Two bdrm. U · I LOCJllMI HiC)Utl 3252 lndry facil. sm Y"1 o.K. • I • cellent loc Eastside. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~3~1~0 1 n c I 01 I • 11 I • QI.let 646·1078 Ot-ean new 38r. den, 2b11 ~ I I I F.xec~Br custom home , Shorei. ho me . Gate LARG~: DUPLF.X 2br • • 3 frplr. pnvate street. fuard. Near pool;.beat·h Iba. gar. lndry. 20· to I I • Rent or lease option. 800 tie as e v w n er bch f7~) rly 962 4914 • I I $1 17S mo (8051654·0322. ~J638_or 493926S BLUFFS 3 BR z•, ba. • I • t71 41997 8600 ask for Pvt comm Sea Terrare, fplc. upgraded. patio, I • Pat. Plan J 4 BR. 2 Ba. ram $900 mo or be opt • I I \'IEW FROM rm, C-Omm pool. {!1('. 700-8ll4 I Publish my ad for 8 days s t arting I • EVERY RM tennis. walk to P''t ch Do;er Dr in Wt'stl'11H • I New Bluff Condo 2 Br No pe ts 1 y r lse "--do Ultimate l1v1ng. Cl f' t' I • 114 8s1.1200 . li7S·6892. ....,., e 1 ass1 1c a to n 1 212 Ba, m1rro. spa. S825. 5.l).8142 master swte with frplc. • 541.~1~~675-1781 -sW1derk + 1 Br & den. e t Name t E'side Lg 1 Br. unique Condo on golf course. 3 frpk , lm ng rm & huge I I • cabin hke features w pd Br w d. pool S750 patio. pool. spa. bbq • I Address uti lities SS25 mo 8311678_ StOOO/mo . 6 4 ~ 72 98. • ----------,--------------! • 645-6266 ...._ rt·-h 3269 493-~ ---· rwwpor-oc e I C ity Zip Pho ne I e 1 & 2 Br Trailers $185 & ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------1 I I o~ + $1 50 ser No S~VIEWLEASE 2BrAptnrWestrliH • I C hec k o r M.O. enc losed 0 I • ~lit~le n o r d oi?S 4 rm3Ba,F R .. D.R1 Eastbluff·~1ly ltome • I C I • 2 B;,-e-;;~, yard. pets kids ~1!ie + ~~~n ~u 1~:;,rsa SISOO • I harge_ my ad to : I • ok. A\11111 Mar 14. 221s Sl700 mo. Bob or Dovie Bayfron t 5 Bdrm w dock Pomo na $550 m o KooI!._.a_gt.759·1221_ Waterlr:,;imome s tnc • I 0 ... # Exp. I • ::~: 4 Br. 2 Ba. Ea. IAYFIOMT 631 -1400 • I 0 ~ * E l • c M. f'rpl. lg gar. 11.reat 2 story. 4 ~ bdrms. 2 BALBOA BAY CLUB • I ~ TI' xp. I • lor.Lease.SS001mo. b11t h s, ~1re p.l a ce 1 1 Br. Excellent view. • --~631 1~ _ 8'?1'&eousv1ew Paer a~a $IOOO/mo . Take over • L------------------------------1 Vacant 3 br twnhse. dbl sli .S3000 permo.Avail. lease . 644 9Sl3 o r • r-------·-WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE --------------• gar. Nr SC Plau. Im· M>SOOOext. llQ... __ I • :.~:n:lds OK. S62S. ~ell•• 1276 •• :: 11 NO POSTAGE :, • ... •••••••••••••••••••• NECESSARY 4Brhse.MesaVerde.S800 ColonyCove Condo If uAIL'"O I • rn>. lnc:ludes grdnr. Isl 2 br, 2 ba. After April I. • II m '" t & last + cleaning dep. IN r uE cm • .,,., 752.0759 Use of clubhouse & pool. ,. ., o • ~""""' Canal Front, Newport Walk to beach. No pets. • ~ UNIHO ST Al[S : M2S mo 2Br. !Ba . no Shores.4Br +.Leaseor rm.661·6332 • .2 ~ • ~· 64S V1cton a. 116. =to buy. SlSOO/mo . '-.._ f BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ... 912A , .:n°t!.s Apo~t:..!¥8~ to c.,...... 3271 • ~ Fl ll~ClASS PEllMIT NO I) COST AMlSA {ALIFOlli.IA ~ 3 Br. 2 Ba. Boy 9 years, ~~ gen ....,.1 or ... •••••••••••••••••••• • g ; • girl 5years welcome. 287 . abr. 2~ ba, ram rm. spa. Btentwood. 646-.8788. H CANYON LSI Si>ec.'lac:ular ocean view. • ~ POSTAGE Will BE PAIO sv •~£SSH 0 • Executive livln& New 281{ lifrLaln Condo. N'o pets . S97S /mo . • < Orange Co11t Dilly Pnot m • ~e8:i~1C~ni~'. ~·~~1 Sll.Z5Jne'r:r~~~ry •t·1007.~MHt • ~ Dai•ly Pi•lm' i • frplc. pauo, pool, c:lbhle.1 1210 ;i; § walk to ahopa 1750. 1 ......,..... ...... • u1 i • 7953 48S-0903. 41fatil; ti'iil 8lnllil, (Jr , I 5IO I • SDa In becltyard, 3 Br. + atudJ, beaut. def, 11e •tmo. +.tut .!JZ16 ll·: l 011 I : famllJ roomt clean. dttts, ''~&. •1l•w f: -330 W. lly It. Near S:c. Plaaa. r=.o,..,: .11ob Co1t1 Meu, CA 12121• I •• ,,.. ...... I• ~~~ • I • d ... .._'U ... ~-•••••••••••••.••e.:e·e••••·~~~·· , I 11 • I .. . • P ri .. O' t1 11 a.. D ~~! .............. ~~~~ ............. ~~ ............. ~~ ........... ~:!':? ................ ~~ .............. ~:.: .... ~.: ......... . ft:; 1"11 IJ t-.:1..F.£l'RIC'IAN pmed ltt'~id romm indus MD & wife a\•1111 tor h•t< ....AICMOVIHG-t:Xptrt w11llt'U11t'nn~ in J 0 HomRtf1n11h111c l'• ALL you P Y nitht. fr~ t'lillmutt• un Mamt, l'lt-1111 u•i.:-. trt" ... •1' ftATL'. O .. V OR '1 llltlU'lfl for I yt be1t1nn1n1t •>uarr c11teful 6521>4111 &t11lh111on Ho~ prirr) AlllJQut'S. kit r11binft1. for a I 11 1 1 ,... ,. ""' ... " 6 R2 s lit l 1nln~ ...-<.:oosultant A1>~1anment flnepalnlU'IJ 645 0664 30day ad Uarge ~ffill2 ,o >:13 03 tnm 1-'l t't' i•sl fi41 IOOl1 Al.I. MISC JOBS .lptl•1·1ul 7y o3r11 {' ~ARVIN(,· ''()LI.'-:''~'. "'I.,.,.,. in tho: c .• .....,., I ti7 ~U Pt<tt' INTll':XT PROMl'T i·nmp1l' tH n u '" '" .... u. ..,,. ..._, a.....a.... u,l'tll.~l-d 1•h1lri h('Urc my 'l'OPQUAl.ITY IN&'TALLATIONS sa>·~ STU(D,f~NTSTM~JV361Nti WAU.l'APt:KfN(.; ::::~ .............. . DAILY 0 11 1 n It 0 °' .. fo:l.F.C'Tltll'AI. WOl!K GAllOt:N ING WANTt;t> Cll~"I' 64Hm lftcomt Ta• r > ""(' • fqo 4 ~:x p 'd, bondt•d Lt!' Rt:PAIRS Jo'OR u :ss PILOT .. ......~ ~~"Mal(nulla l.1•11 Re~ rall'b S3 1 ~M Mow1111( ~1(1111(. r11km1t, •fAU\!l.•,!.H-tl~A··R·E··.:·· w~~~itrJrcfw . C.:6/366843 DIH'OUllb on Shmtlts. nat 30 yr& SllVICI u r •S49892 770 6554 . ) wt.' t' 11 in i: r r '' l' t.M't.K l'Kt. " wolk'011enn1<, Frt"r t'~t exp Free ~t 710 VZ;) t:.uter var dil} ramp Rl-~W l'OMM 'l. INU t'~hnwt .. , li4S~>737 or '4crdwoodAoon l-:11rulttd to prllt'l11'I' ~iARVING A<"l'ORS Rodl739-~ lluberRoolln"411 1)""6 ~ICTNotr GllW1(l( &SOM lbkin&. hshllll!. boah111: 20yrs Dom)"'Uwn"o1k ~437:! ....................... before the IRS Quaht} MOVINC:COMPANY t) .. ~ lf OW 8111tder.1Stnre1947 ¢J::I 5lh 9th A~t's S 12 Lar 27*>41 Al 646 8126 R 0 Jl ft'lb t'OSl ~9 2418 f""t & ('11rcful Lowt'Sl WALi.PA 1'1-:n Nt'w tl't'OHr dt'l'k:J A1i11 Fer S..... Add R d I -J-JCl'F,"TC:•\ul)L',NINC,' HA OWO U ... LOOltS -, Conttac1or & l'11111Unl( 1.ir U I 1802 S48 9734 Y--<ll r D·i llYPITol 1t1on!I emn tl 1ng arm. homey ~wPQrt RESIL> t'OM M ·I. n ' " r llt'aullfully t'll'llnl'd f/\l\T AC'('llltATE ltatfti Law Allows M ( 0 C' 2.3yrs I.II' 3211240 Se~,r .... aDilryM~ooryt Door!I, wtndow~. p11t10 Mesa ll rt'il S40 6468. •:Xp l'le1111, dr11••nriabh.'. llt't1son11hle Clean up:., and waxed 832 41lKI lnt'Omc.' tux M'fYll'l' you1 Visa Lie/Ins 673 0853 G11ry Gom11f 4!14 4366 ROOF l.•:AK ' .. ,,. ,. "' n" rovers f'reeestHE'8b 7S0.7S46 .-v Tnmmm"Toml\317111!1 hob t %36821 .~ r ('C1urtni:h1&Sno Representative Lie. 113.10042 549 2170 -Quit·k & rc11~on11ble I.I-a-ll'i! y BJ>P r-......, F'r Fi> 5116 ~292 642-5671 tit 322 Uc. #33'71flfl 6JI 234~ M:>wrni: $10, $1 ~ $20 ~='··•••••••••••••• ll1·r11<.1nul a, Hustnl'~!\ In ••••••••••••••• .... •••• "'9" leMO•al ee ·t ., -liliiilliliililliiiiiiiiiil.I ROBTSTEINBRONER, CoRtrodon. Wtffral Fi ~ I fLI ht-llaullni: durn11ini: Sl5 & DllMP JOUS co ITI(' T 11 ~ It 1· 1 urn t'int' p111nt111~ by H11·ha1J ..... •••••••••••••••••• Oran11eC.:oa~t Roof1111< GEN'LCONTHAl'TOR ...................... , ~ t .. 1 "'9 $20 754 9004 . 9SS UO!I~ &Small Mo,1ni:-Job:. Prepar;illon A\·1111 fo r SulOr L1(', In~ 13 yr!\ of •llRYANT S• Re roohni: lh•p;urJ> l.ic 1399@ 645 64~ ADD'NS R EMU Ut;I.f NG •••••••••••••••tttt•••• Mark l'llll MIK E MS 1391 E\l.>nm.:~ & Wl'{'kcnd Of h11pp)' local {'U~tomrr~ W11lko\enn11 ltt'11llJ\ ul Kl-lb r;1te\ ~ 1733 • RttllOdtt S..clalat {'ustom d rprnt•> dr1·ks & pat1011 J ~ Const Co 1'op quahly work Lt(' no 380801 ,.)'l't' est_ S59 ~SI I Have rall'ulator. will travel' All at·ctg sen Call for '!J.)J?t, 760 7122 ~ CA~ •••·••···············•· ......•...•..•......... Driveways, Parking 1.ot REPAIRS R .. :Mo ll Repairs. Sealcoallng Int ext & bt1at docki. S &SAspbalt ~yrs Char6453749 _ L1c631·!19'J .. 1NE FINISll WOHK ~ R1·modeling Ouor!t huu..: •••••••••••••••••• ••• • Rand)' 720-1260 <.'tlM ~b~~11r\;n& o~; ~·1~ BOU'SCARPENTRY time 642.:..841!.2 646 5759 All I ypes No joh 1110 l~:t> sml Hefi. 8J9 i;;m Lov1n11 Mother "111 Plans L1l"J lil'or.:1• lland ~tnppm& rrµ:m H-+· fl({' or llorrw M poml Thank you i;31 4410 All'rypes 642 1343 Ptlmer & Soni. SS7 6932 1ni: Anllquei., r .titan. -fl"ll" 11.Al'l.I 'G & l)l ':'14 I' nll'nlb J.imri. L Z1m S....OS"°""' t new furnllUll' Ch·11r ....................... JOU.\ k r R J C..sto.nraifttMQ M--LHIOA• ••••••••• ~-:! ......... .. COMM 'L RESIU i· .in in i: r u ~h i 11\: I l"Uf'J'l'nlr) M,1"1111 > • • ~J1 Jh an Y. itl'rnwn Cl'/\ 615 4212 2.S JN l'XJ> l.11: 4cr.l!l4 I ~:::' .... •••••••••••••• HUDGE."T llAT t:s l.1l"d Rt>rrod Add'n~ Repairs SPECIAL any chair Roofmi: Plu111b111g n :n1-:11 ATEU ltmdl'd In~ Reli. l'olo1 l.uw min SmlJobbOK Vt'ry reas Lu: 3902SO an)· C'olor hund· )ln pprci Uryw:1ll Sll•l't'O Tilt• l>erroht11111 Grutlini; tn<~mll• Tu s.-r~11·1• ex""rt 963·11911 Oil'k PIANO LESSONS Fh-e est In~ 641 7581 Jat'k H Bennett Jr t ' I'• 1i•d t J H n•t1 ""'"I 1'rnn.~"'·rt i\~phalt, 1•1111 "JI ·'"'!I r-and U\Ulilt' tht:ory $4 00 . • " • or re~ Ul'd. Sl9 7!'> A ,u ' l' '" "~"' "" v ..,, PAIN1'•'.f' NL'L',OS I ,, II I'· I (;(:n (.'onlr !)52 9142 'fOUC'h Of ''Ill". flll"rlllr•. \'rl?tl' & Ire!' fl'mO l'l" r \ Lr fJCf .,!~11 \,II l".'11 jl r--C'.-1 .. • ' ~~ ' ·' Gl•ntrul M111111c1111111·1• · t I 1-...&..-' W<>llK ' "" 1 t Y"""" ,...,. _.... ....... All 1 t I & •11 w 17th St Al (' M 1 SOI prl'µ & 11 antin~ .._..aptnq ""vr!\ 1•xµ. n ••••••o••••••••••••••• ru l'OOS rue ion,. arj!e '. . · {epu1ri. & Uel'oratmi: ()ptorall'<l l'Qwp Comm 1 ••••••••••••o•••to•••• l'Xl i\rnust11· rl'1hni:~ E T p ~.~a1a~e~!!r1t101·~r adult!> I ~1712 ·~uahl) •Ruy 61U 5144 & lle~ICl'I 642 7638 \'AN. DENlll-,:11c; O.i11J> Pa1111mi: 1147 51111; P'tattw/lepalr ·l·u~~rr~:{i.arnudn:~;~·t' n 4 •• ..,,.,., ' I"!...-~ I I •"''"'('A PfN( J f ••••••••••••••••••••••• iur~; . __._,....., i llOME IM l'ltOVE~H.~'f l!J\lllf '11(' ~lollent h<1' .n.i•u.~ ' ' .lll\lft Collt'ltl' ~tudenl 7 > r:. t·x Nl".it patl'hP:. & ttxlurt ' St>n 11·es 957 8 8 Hl::MODEL AUl)''ll~ tt••••••••••••••••••••• REPAIR f'l.l 'MBl'llG f•p lru<'k i.o t' l l . 1 nlilUll.<'omm res1d lrt·t· per Int l'~I rer!\ I>:ina All &an)'l)llC\ \\l•uffrr 'K&Dl.and'1'Jf>l'\1a111t I lll'Ullnl( ('Jrpcntr~ I ~rompl c·111~9 ~97~11 e lnmm1ng.clranu11 &46lllal tkl'eptry1111:1. fntut 893-1439 1·01111>lcte &en 11·1· Jc I Hc:.1d l'umm l'lt!an uµ t'll'<'. till' ~Tt'l' l'SI "'<11 Th· k a. J h In.~ ti bonded II<· d . PIASTER Pt\TClllNC: ~1i.(11, hlul'pnnt. ralpt•n Lt llauhn~ 5<18 JIR!I JObloo"null 64521111 an )UU, 0 11 9795146 H1shop&Son l'ainl1ni: flestun·oJ> Int CAI JU try, !!IN•, plumh . 1·1111 . . . LuULl ... G/CLE ... "-'UP u.-~ :10 vrs exp 111 Ut·Ji h ~ Nut I' ul 545 2977 nele mll~llnrl lili· 1 f.;rnc!St'<ljlll1~ \d( 1111111!\ l.tr))t'lllr), rt•mo1frl. rt• ""' n1, c"'" l"-"J !Jr\'3 i-TC(•t,'S( 541110;!11 )' ii i•<1b1netf\ L1t· :j37 11;9• Trl'l'lnm Exµt•rt ma1111 pu11 . 1iat111~ pa1111mg C'on~t rl'l' Vil :aragc: ••••·~~··• .. ••••••••••• • · MK ~:trs Pl.AST EHI Nt: Wk • h t . J1mliSl lll"!l 11111\11111 , 1lf\ quult t\ •Hl'ntulrt'puir 63111322 llHHKWOHK ~m.ill 'ETBl'SPAIHTIHG AllType~ lnt orE"l e ,now 0~ I ~> 111 11 •· 11nrk MS :/(Jill . Juh~ "li•"pnrl "'"'·1 I01'r.l'A ·r 111t 01 t•'d 6458258 Frn • r:.t nghtQukk 631<i3 15 ('ll'Jnuv..,·lit•t•Trnn I '40UHClean111q \11·"1 Jn1n1• llf'f, 5~1J.l~ Completr Tree ~nut· Oen I rln up & l rni: I.awn reno\ 5'.lio O!ll4 ryping~niu ...•..••............... I ' babysit F 1' Costa Me:. C\i'STOM l' AR I' •:N1 It\' Area Nr Fa1rv1e" an in·• •J1\'r' • • DRAFTl\t; s~;ll\ IC'... :'ll,11nt He~1d Cu111111 I J \(.'~OF \I.I. 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(,AHO~·:":'I ~(, . trt'l'' ~ i:11 '" ~1·11 ~J.\U!~& ll:•hahlt• 1111h1h· h11111e·' dtrr r.1rt l!J\NGING SIO HOl.I. bookra~t·~ ,i..1111n &LAl\lll:-it. \I l'l• rromt II hJuh11" h1·1• .•l.til'lllS l~I H·lll. •t1· .... ,, "I 1~1~""111 "··aht.1 l.1r '"' ~lrip MANAGEMENT •RESIDf.NTIAL• for all you need to k no11 Work guar MS :n tr. about bankruplc~. l·all Shampoo & sll'am l'leJn -~-'-71'""4!.835-9162 Color bnghll'llt·r:. 11 hi liildtn crpb 10 m111 hll':Hh II I' Jn~ l 5!570"'' " 11 7 • ril tt ., ··•m• ,,.. Oranl(efo <1rl'Jl5)r' A\gl st)$3lla\1!2~l~ 1·ust 1110 11111: c .. ' ap;i c.e •I'll ·~ l"l • vm • IMo•' 11111.: U1:.1uunt:. on ellpent•nc•· l'Jtlfnrmfo I ~ l'hns!l57 ll:J88 rHlilW'.1 '10 \\1N(; t'l.U:>.ll'S Profess1'onal I lJU.ihl} l>t>J>t'llllJhlt• •••• !'!? ................ J>Jllt'f \1su \IC ~<Oil Jl\llrate:. \\1NDOW l'l.EANING ••••••••••••• • •• • • ••• • llall. II\ din rm!t $15 MocHALE CONS TR. a\g room S7 50 1·0111·h Custom homes. fram SIO, t•hr $5 Gua1 t'hm mg, remodel, Frenrh Pt'l odor Crpt repair doors. skylights & patio 15 yr~ exp Do "urk ""-w.....11 tluuhni: t.J111l'l.'J.111,ni:1_ j t'Jll l'.m1 ~. ~iul.11 1>" 1~h1 _ .... 1 MOYl ... G * 1\15 '1325 .,. r uo I fr E t I:! l!'J( -· · ~"' " Ul.f 182 hrs in area EHellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• {'f :.-, Ii ' J h S · C 673 ''"~ Toii i/u.1111) S111•1·1al I.It' l'APEH llA CEH &12 5449 i;45 7!172 ultrWALL ACot:STlt' rull ma1111 & I h•.111 Ull\ OLE erv1ce 0. llOl '~b:l'LL\N 1:-.1. 1·:m In h.mrlhng i.s ~ r~ llo11d1~t & guar No ,.,.. PROF. MGMT ' l·I yrs ex ii r'ulh ht''d & Spct· in t·o111111 & 'hllll 1~131 592 35!17 ur 17 MI I fa11'tl. refs & rt•lwhlr· l'All t'ompdtltH' rale' lm~rnall ortoo larl(l' Uy OCIP ltlrunl!C' t'o ::icll thmgs hibl with Da ily roye~.~~2 m,Yself Ref~ 531-0101 insured .S32554!1 pingrtr~ Ton~filti 7556 114011618 l'ala11yt1mt',!l5:.~11K N111111•rt111w 7:101:15:1 ~h1·1'Sl Tony8!111 272!i In\' Pro.ptf:d5346!.llO l'llot WanlAd~ Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place ~!.~~~.~~ .... ~?.2.~I~!.~.~~ ...... ~~-~~ '~.~~~~ ..... !~.~~ ~~~.~'.'.~ ..... !!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!~ ------.. --• Fo1.111tl t:olrlt'n Tll't 'I! l'lllLl>CAR ~. & llSKPG Apar+mtnh; F \II F1rook~11 1 ... 1 & I \liOt.IOTI\'~: 11:.·aul}: h<'~ll~t·tl & 1•,.111:1 In l'Xrh. for mum & RHidettcu Atlm1tJ. II II !11 •• 1 1~1 DRIVER m.ikl' up art"I l'anl~d hoard Student m 1.11 Offk ellildill, ~!Jtur<> rll:'µt•ntl.il1lt· ''.'r F lime ll,11' in ltrn> 1·mpl ol\ :-.; ... 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Hl'ill'h Ill \ft Fadrlcn In• On 1,ill "''' Slli5 ,llJilJhlt· pn· ... 111:11111, DHdi 5035 rl'rt'lll't'' µh'J\I' l • .ti \1ipll 111 l>t'f,Un l'ru\\n I ~ 11m1· ~-'"ti 11rer then Wl'~l un \fl'f.uhlt•n '"•' rn.>ll\ ·11111•11111t'' m11 1 11 E II E \ IJ '""l~•M 11 ... n·h .ir••J 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llanJ ,11 llaril"df l' lbt l SJlt Sou•"' sJnd111rht•' i\1>JJ S I i~K::.-'\itd""' •.• !l!l~ll t " " .--:~141~~ ~:~~t \ ti a i:t· I'll'' ""nJ, I ~(~~wsr 1\ ~r~r •. ~~~~.~~.1 ~ ~\'~:1~: ~ ~·.~·, ·~.'J.l '~':,"r~ 1\llsl~~r.~•.iaf~slalt' Linda & Vicki's 548. 7 82 7 I \ligul'I. ~l'\\j>Urt 111"11 h ~~ I~ Pl'G~?~. t'; 5~r;1 · NO FEE' Apt & ('11n1to rentals Villa R~ntal~ 675·491<! Orokt>r Rooms .. tw 1ow11hom1• n1 hr•h H.'•1 "081 l111n1 ~l ltdt•11h1111" Formt•r or 1·u rr1•111 St :'\orth "''"!Hirt <> "OOO W1ll .,harem}.!h.t1 in ~ ••111111111nw111 171 1 1 &275MJrt ln1l 11·1·1•p 11t\'t•,lnl(•nt,smn·1~49 PHOTOMODELS ltlllEf l llei.1auran1 .1000 Hr1~1ol ••••••••••••••••••••••• S250 rro + •, 1•11·1·1 nun 1 · ~··n11T 9 5 ''"·n·lartJI Sptcialiiinq in ESCORTS 1!1\:'\Kl:'l:G nl'l'<le<l a~ 111'lru1 tor fnr llra1·h Sµa c lbeor 2 bhra11ts lmi Pvt home.no~mokmi:nr s moker ·\1.1il t 1 Ne~ri11 n lli';fl'h ni•Jr bkkp~wr111·1•\ & mp~ 2ndTDs 11\Cl\&H~:Tl EH h1)!h~t·hu11l1ra1111111:11r11 . ~~~'!!..~, a(' "11 Jlt'I\ dnnkmg. QWCI M 11\1.'r &I&~ e11·~ llll<IJ! 111"1' 11-"1 "l II 111.11·hmt• ,I\ a 1iJltl1• h11 642·2171 545·06 I I ·111 \\ E\ r.n ' 2~ II H~ l(r..1m.1n f1MHI 'l'f\ 11 1'' 111 r lh~tllhlj!l~I II .intt•d Ill ""'..,.., .ll S!i5 mo S51; 063i w1·11nd rtn11r i1tl11·1·' •• m m111• rnfurrn.1111111 '.111 669-0207 TB.LERS dustn Pili nl'i:11t1.1blt· 111>rl. In .Lal!UnJ 1~<11 h r1irr Ha\·en 2 hr I bJ IRoomll\llll'l',lllle•I !lJnJ 1>lt• parkmi: "''II m;im ~&5111 LoanD1tt? rnnRt'ht•m;f11,111dudt'1l '>dlon Good ('n\1ron t r h 1 :! For111shl'd rm' Point 21ir '.!••·• S<!~u hi 1.11mod htdi: \11k1 tl.11, ....,a.dCa·h'. 10u1r:ill1 t'Jll l'<1ul !'nidt•i .at I n1ent. ,0 mt' fol,lu"tnR new rrp · res p,t1n "bathroom pn1 ~r & t.i~l + ult!' \pr I iM t.15 -IMIMI l'n,,•tt' "11111011 11ll1u• """' • prefe rr •d I h11 n1• frpk eatink11 'llope1~ So l''-1 Plu1J & IOS -1!1311!1117 , . ' , J\,11l.1hlt•:-Oh.m·•o,tr111 llt'<d ~;~t.1l t' ·m•1nt•\ OURINTEREST •i l4 1!1i919S5 ~4~8888 • $§00&122134 Fw} :"on ~mkr s.ss 11k • !U h11h 1rµttl.111l'lld1 ~l'l'l'I 111• \trp1>it ,l\;11h1hl1•2nd11r3rl1TD P'enona!Ser•icH53601 ISYOU' I . Waterfronl. dlx 2 lli s;,;; l"Ji ~ ~hr furn .1111 1 ••111 I "'r J ,. 11wl .ill 11111, i ·r.~ 1,:.1 l..t1Jn~ on rc~1d1•nt1JI 1:r , ....................... • re<11t Ht'l~tl . qw et.pm·:itc $'i95 rno ' $184 + 11111 !\ill .ill \mpl(• rrk,.: 1111•.il fur-•· 1n1·offit' iiro11t·r111·s ~t· SWED.ISll:\IASSAl:E fiHEAT WES'IElt:-.: Bull111:ksSool h lo:i~1~ Dock a\all Gi3 G3Jti & lla)lronl Maslt•r hdrrn ti 30pm Ht'f , 11·11 I I.ii' a1·1·tf! 1•11i:1111•1•1 \pµm' :1m .. q rt ,, 1· 111 hJndlt• ,1 1~11 ranl(l' 111 1 Foi 1111•11 & l'lltni•n I SA\'l~GS AN I> l.O\N s~km~ a profo~~wn al 642.9666 w1thhath.Poolundten n45-4i4n ck :'\r.ios r .. ,&llt•J1 h pn1111.·rlol'nl011nlor on m1rt.iai:1.• (1•H'r.11!t' at h.w•.ilb Holtt•rtMtlill:lll hJ.,animrrwdiah'OJ><'n Retail oru•nlJterl a~ 111~$3.5011408087 Prof :'11 F '.I.~ ., 11 'RhJ X.li 7i'~i \I i:>!'> \l'pl tll11l (' '1 '."r: rnmpN1t111• rah'' 1~'"' angforJT ... :1.1.r:H 11 1111 ">t11·1ate for a ru11.11mt' Newportlle1~hl~l'Ondo.3 Rnum for rent $250 mo 1 h. t: \l j11"1~m \\knri.,il-' hll h:!IK S~1111 ""' I.JI i l :!ll <ourll'" 111 ll111k1·1 " J rull tune bu:." m uur f Id 1 • JXl'll1on in nur (reri1l bd lOl'nhOUSl' 2 bath lnrl Ulll Call l'hnslina ~~ :~ep HSI :!11!1'1 11 ... 1·u.,l11m l'\1'11111\l """'' hil I'm ~.14 j l,O 1:.~1 J 'k for rra•tl 5450 :-Jewpon fltoa1hhr.m1h or" "ct1on f?t'Pl Pri'\IOU~ Retail pOl'der rm lrµl t· 55727113 , , ~KISll fl I'll h,ithllith l l'n\Jlt' 11rr11.1. lll'l'di•tl 1 "1t'l1'l•r lluJn1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.red1t exp mandJlur) comm pool S9'IU mu I or 2 Rms F\t rn"hed. ft m rmmt~ .,ht}n.: ''~'."h I 'hul'1'r 11.ilho.1 1'1•111n "'" 'ha1 I' H1·1·1•plllllll'I Will fll't'l•Unl ~!Ulm T fl Riderto Alaska l'r~1 IOUS fin an1•1al In Call a ~~eellenl s:ilar~ & fu ll 9lll645·4955 ors45 1834 1111 ba. upslatr~ Kitch rm pnt bath l '1 "'' '111 Sl.,1m IH:! 11;:i:1 t'lf!'I~ 11 (' .\1rpnr1 areJ ~t'• h\ r:11 unit' \ll'ltl t.111· \l.ir ti:ll 10,!1~ I J>lllut1on or l'ai.h ha ndl t ompani hener.i-in 1 Br 33rd St 2 hl111·k, pm Mt•sa \'errlt• 11 ,1 II{'\\ horr:~ "11 h " m ~17;,011.io ?l.' llut• ti !14 1\is·:i.11~1 & 111i.: exper1l'n t l' 1... Oai'ly Pi'lot l'lutlmg mt!dit•al & drn Crom beach. garal(t' No lor q ut t'l "m 111 nun S161l~·lili• 2 I ,..in~ I 01111 t' 'µ .11· i· .11 ,1 ii I l>a11 En.,&oyme"! nt•re!tsary Puhh<· ron lat. emploH••· d1~1·n11n1 pel.S $450 S1err;i ~lt.:mt 'mkr 5-15 :J'i22 "l.'l><I \1 Or r llHlrTllna It' sl~~:l~~;~ ,~ti"i~~n phon.. Business Rental 44501 ~Cemt'nts/ P~porahon tart ba1·k~rnun1l lll'lpl11I AnVISOR I ·,·ire a1 al~Llahle with '"b1"' Co &ll 1324 for 2 hdrrn apl :'\1 l'C I " ''• ··~···•••••:·:~··:••••• PtrSOnals/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Knr.111l1'dg('uf 111 kt•1 .111d I U-,"r l'o~l" .1pp \ Ari u ll s . 2 Hr l fl J -.; H lrl! ha '1 •1/'' 'ill' '.I. on i. mo k 111 c up 1• 11 HUNTING TOH .! H~t n~ f It ~. (, \H Lo t & Found ~Wanted, 7 075 hl!hl II J>ln!! 1., ft••111111·1I 1 erwnnJI tXh•·•· \' II d bt•at·h sho~ 't ' ~:J:!5 'rl11n•I•"' 'tutlt•nl 1t1•-.1t1·1I B"' .. CH Xlnt 'Pl 1\1 h lu1 S:!95 s ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642-5678 BL'Ll.<11'1\'-. ersa1 es. erpt. rapl'~ fii5 ~ ' "' -~ ·~ 1 ·1n. • r u -, 41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SOL'Tll ('0 \ST l'I \Z \ ~r~l.S'i50moHh ' I '11kcS5ll5!12 65lli!!511r2111 ,f-111tl'S SJ • '"' AnncMMcftftfnts 5100 \uuni: m.1rr1t•tl m.111 \oullhnduur,Jl.m1•" 33338 ti\.(,.,; . 1 646_ . .., • ., · · Stead} emplo)('fl Jlt'r,un Share., litlrm nr "l'I fur 1mmt•cl 011 r ull ~orl'forlcJ"' 1~~611 6!1ti 111111111hkl'n<ltl1uh•.,.•H·~ 1vmpet1l1\t' ht'nl'fll"''' I T F~ '1'0« '~.f)L' -._l, C.O"IO • -~ C'. I r ... .. \1 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' k I l. I . II l d I ' l ··1 ues -11 .J r r. Jltract1\t' room in \I t"'•' Pla7il <her :!:i l'ruf .,.•n1rt• 1!rt"' !'aw rom ., 1!1111 !)I ( n11111n• i\ \ ~" F IOd l' <" " l'nl' .in 111 .1 l'l' en an •· 1m or au<' Villa Balboa Penthouse 2 Verde W11h S2 15 1 S200 00. .,0•• I !15> \l:un & Flurirl..i nr lil*j\\' l!lth~I 1ir1·:tl 11111 rt ' air < on \Jfl\•11 of ha11d1·ma11 1111rkin1t rnnd1t111n' DRIVER Br 2 Ba. ram rm, frpk. without kltr h pm SZJ~ puo 1 ~ '' I i>a1·1'r1t·a lln~p o" 11r Ii-I~ 3250 ll'!t~llln bids arc• no11 bl' JOii!\ !17:! !l!l2.'> 1·1 I'!. .1~k l'lrast• appl~ m persnn Dell\ en I> ri \ <' r r 11 r skylights. m1rro View 979-96.56. Shr hse ~\\pt llr h. 11t>•>I Bob Jarrartl 111~ .irrepl rd \\ mr & for lltll I 10 FO(>d s·e r 1 11, r 0 ilP1 ' b r b I r I t h ~ C:ri•al 1·orn1•r. 11ark111g I I heer .Jpnro\ cd erndin" -... 0 ay rom a rnny. rp <' nr 11• ~ i•:irl 17 141848 3133 ,. " needed b\' llun1111gton Pool spa. sec bldg & Hottfs, Mot~ls 4100 I/. a rag(' s J 1i II Ill.. • hlk to heu1 h. rt•t.:11 •ll' oft-" II (.' f)l'rm1t ~ ood5 tu ietp Want~d 7100 : GREil WESTERN M 8 k e l h 0 s e R 0 II fl flearh Cit\ ~l·honl Dist parking_ I blor k' to •tt•••••••••••••••••••• 673-6i05 1141 sf pror ufflll' + 'Jlai'e. l!ltlO sq fl Jll or con~rMnC. but not hm1l ••••••••••••••••••••••• " household item .. \OU re II mo . poc;1t1on beat h. $950 675-8865 or HEED j , PLACE? -'ecrE.'l:m spate i\la1I part 673 62IO t> d Io ' '' r ' o u' AccountW!q Clerk not UStnl/. a'JllJbll' to I Sl.069 $1 332 mo de• 850-11~------Reas Weekh Rall'S GaroGts 5-15 $325 f Sli5 Oranl(l'I 'andv.11hes C'hlps bur l'~pcrd \\llh exrelll'nl s1v1NGS I Kitchenettes: Phone~ for 1letit 4350 Coa.~t fmani·1al Crnll'r OCEAN VIEW ri t o~ :. a I ad ' 11· ,. l\pmit sk1lb for :in El er I " some othl'r lumil~ b\ at! pendmg oo oper Af P ~ -Ore an vie"'• yrl) 2 Br. I ·z" Chann"I ."o\ ,.... • • • • ••• •• ~~.•'.\I 9s-, 1•1 • 1620 ~q ft orfirl' ~pare i·rl'a~. soft dnnks. ran lnt·JI ''on•t firm L,·, "50 ....... ;g;rt \ertlSmg them for 'Jle i 35 14th SI I R ba, 2 patios. ,\'3rd. $650 ... "' ~-' •••••• ••• ••••• ""·" ~ ~ a1a1I 111 11u1('t Cos la I d Ro h II 1..~ ' J r A .. ""' I 536-8851 Sandpiper.1967:-/t'l'port SIRGLEGARAGE Mesa industrial rom ). etrb 01 \\I ,"" 1ell1.•11t bend1ts l'11nta11 Ctfttff' r. in Clas~1r1ed l'all · rro 644·678Q_or646·3189 Bl Costa Mesa G4S 9137 Cost11 Me~ $70 968 1452 WESTMINSTER p I e x I d e a I for h111it r Art \ ~ <11 r \'1rR1ma Newport leach, 642 5678 Fast Food t' I erk a I 3110SEASHOR E OR '"" t~e ""a"h hotul r1111ms. • Double Jara"t', '. lora"e 1•"•" l},~a~•hSOl.1~' 1'twn arr h1l<'l'I s, t•ng1ncers, Fl'Sttva All food eqwp 54U 9570 C ... 92660 I • Orange Cou nt~ 's ITl()Sl NEWPORT BEACH 'ni 11 ""' ' ' ,.. ·' " """"' <><= , RI " > 979 9 33 lo he supphed hy \'tntlor "" SELL idle items with a umqul' hot do~ stand 3bdr. across from hth. kitchen & bath. $3(10 .only es ts11le L'osla t 2 Frwy s. Cl\1r C'cnter arti!lls.t•H' · 5 · For 1•11mplete informa ACCTSPAYAILE i\A EOE M ~· Daily Pilot Cla~s1ht>d Part time n1l!hl s & avail 1mmed Nc.>wb t S300 deposit 2300 w w esa 548 4720 I Shopptni: C1•nlf'r l'nmt' Conwnerclal lion call <7 14 1494 5173 CLERK Ad wknds 645·4007 dee .lndl"},$800 mo Ot·eanfront. ~e"port Garage. smxte ru1 rt•nl IO('a llo n !l7!1 llR8!l nr Retttals 4475 ufterfipm Sll.Wtn $ro0. at l1•ast I }I __ (213)~·5882 llearh 67341~ '• blk to ~l ain hr h I &IS-1280 !....................... SCRIM-LETS l'XJ~r Balanre rt>porl• 1 Br apt. Sto\'e, refrifl. & VacatioftRetttals 4250 Laguna $65,49.t 311.l l ill4 sq ft prorl·,~1un.il Prime Tustin & San ft hatrh & code for cnm I park111g on Penin $400 ...... •••••••••••••••••• Offi Rettt 1 4400 bldg. CostJ \l!'s a Nr Clemente rl'la1I or nrfice poter. 10 ke) b) lOUl'h £.1111675·0612 a.ft~ OCEA.'ffRONT 2 & t Br ce a Ha rbor &. 11 J kl' r spa1~ i30 14701 1131·8699 ANSWERS Apphc:it1ons no" he1n1: •\•ail now WDnkl' thru ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~14.494.4797 , ...... _trial R-tal 4500 l<1ken 8·5PM at L'S Ren ~ewporl Vers ailles " 1~7 ' 1617 Wesl rhrf, ;<.;fl Want .,_ ...,.. Nature Cubit tals Corp offlrc 17871 ~tud10 pool, spa. club, summer 673· 8 3 f111anc1al 1nsl 7001b ( C M. 345 ft .. hath ••o••••tt••••••••••••• Quirk Blower M1tr hell. Ir v 17t4 ) p~v. Gar Serurity gate Palm Springs area 1 Mon tst n~r i\j!ent 541 503'! Storage avrul S250 mn N 8 . :J975 Birth 8860 sq BUT WORK 556 4800 ~-8000 eves terey CCI condo 3 UR 2 S48·J3.15, 494 3803 ft or lci.s MIA 10nc. 5(T There'& this guy who on A f' ART M E NT AS --.-Ba . furn v. atrium EXECUTIVE per ~q fl Agt'nl ly talked about rt>hre OCEAN VIEW 3 Br Golf. tennis Dull\ Des1gntoswt{'e~c1·u111 e S4l5032 ment Nowthathe's re· SISTANT MAN AGf.R wl new c pts drps 14eekl~ & month!) rate' SUITES I off1res "'Ith senet • .inal llred.hcran't lalk about Couple for 65 unit Apt PermanentS800 mo .req :l\ad 71 4 551l llOUI IN scf\·1ci'. poos11Jh· 1111111-: ~1esa lnl1ustna1Park .ilt unylhmgBl'T WORK t'~mpl e ~ 1n H B lsl/last +l' b c r~funda 95PM ask for :'!l ark HEfUTAGE area Good lo1·at1un m w 171h St P aC'1 f1t· 213 m 1573 ble pro-rated I Cr refs , CaMery V1lla.:e Brnk1•r Blutrs lndustnal Park. Lost Ii Fo.d 5300 • lnqu1 re by ma ii A Lr!! 811( Bear rahm pool PLAZA 675-4912 18.1.S Wh1tt1er '' \ e 1500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apartmenl :'11anal(er Ex Mclntosh. 8560 Hun I lbi. rotor l '" 2 fph NI'" lux ury orfu·l' s1ia•" J!X>O, 371!0 s~fl units Of. pencn<'cd, mature rou . gton Dr San Gabriel sl~""l4 545·6916 1n lrl'lnc ·, b11~1csl 17fttSt,C .M. f pie Reaut maintained 111 • ' .... renter' Easy Frw) ill' I & 2 room oftirt•s /\ r. ic·e ware nus<' spa('e 44 units. Costa Mesa No .fa. 91775 ----Pulm Spnnfs I Br rurn cess. A\'a1I no"' l'all plenty or prkg. U11l m1·I w i·arvet.i.. rira~s. wet FOUND ADS p t' l s A p l t Beach I Br. bright & airy. con~o. _j><lO Jar tenni~ for details Avail. now. Call bar -642·44631612·7604 salary 1bonus 642 4907, 'l'J block ocean. yearly pcld~wk 673 6210 5ll~LUL 640·42l0 ReJilonqmics 67S6700 fenced Indus 'I lot . ID[ fl[[ wkd~9'4_. __ _ No pets Avail 3-15. ll .... to~ 4300 87xl23.1dealfortonlrar M APT MANAGER I $496/mD. Days 67S-2699. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co6ta Mesa. 250 sq fl MBUftAL SUITf tor or storage S6Q01 mo ""II·. Semi.retired couple-for Eves673-910S. Slllte S1751mo l'tils m· 2!:8S sq t front ground See at 2057 Plarentia W 18 unit Adults, m Nwpt I W 9 h S noor. sarden ~ell mg. Av, C M Call S51-114L . 8AIJOA BAY CLUB ROOM MA TE !Jt.&J;~ I t t ~~~1~:~c:r B!'a~~ l,IXX> SF S32S mo. 1100 642·5671 Mamlen~~~:i~· req. 11 t Br. Excellent "iew FlllJDERS xlnt access to Hnag S.F ·$.'MS mo. Ofr whse. ·------•I ~CHITECTUl ... L t ,1000/mo. Take over " H-06p. Sl .2.'i sq fl Long r close67S·62SI "" t Oldest & largest a gency I .1 1 w hiring Arehltet'· t use. 644·95 l3 or All cUentssrreened with 9X0CUP an term lease avai A so tftlhlh W..ted 4600 HWA.RD FOR IMFO tural Ora fls man . ' ~5000ut. 110. photos & referenres 385 si . rt prestigious ••••••••••••••••••••••• leading to the rerovery Knowledge ot mill work I , .iR-ns•• 3176 Cr«i.its: Cosmopolitan "~f:• '"-~~" Westc 'rr area SI 00 sq. Business lady seeks UP· ol Powerllte raring biJce cabinet work. Back· --Good Morning Amenca. -I\. oo..6501 --per I bdrm apt taken from condos near ground m rtStauraots · ·-.. • .. •••••••••••••• Tiie Tomorrow Show servlce/cu.s om ~sq rt or office space & GU-646·7886 England & Memphls1 desirable. Call for pre· 2 Br. l ..... Ba. garage. rf II orftce&deskspace S i JtB.Chromeframe; reo in . & I f . 11.-...1...,, bl'" ,0 ... _a"h, *"' o • to a new N 0 c Airport recpl. area. ec ur ty ..... v-11•••• terv1ew appt. ..... J .. • ""~ climt.swho needaplace. r. · · S,YSterm Wet bu Op·---· handlebars, wheels & RAVGALOESJGN mo. 974-'7225· MIWPOIT 641-llH "Seeto~precltue'.. uonal warehoust s pace. ....... 4650 brakes: black Unisut. A.SSOC IATES < t ___ CO_> __ > > IANTBD c ( __ ...,(05 ____ ) ) ·Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach ' 'Larae 2 Br. 1...., Ba . 7 8978 $\165/mo. ULn inrl. O.C. ••••• .. •••••••0 ••••••• Plewca11536-9832. Irvine.CA. a 1 race . fr p I c. Ai rtarea.545-0636 l..-ltl•wOrt !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~1 _ __.(..,.71=4._)64"""""1·87.-----00.___ I , 1'11her 7dryer • patio. 25001q ft rondo lo ahr{ lg 972 sq ft recepllonist S300 rl!o 2 bdrm, all elec, Lost adult male Siberian 1 dltbwuhe r . SSSO. rma o n buuli i>l aru.4 0/nces &supply pool,RVpkln11 .Clubhse, lbty,brwnltwht,blut ~ lli·P Oreenblt It view of the rm nr Newport/17th St. 1 Adh comm. 114-495-9028 f1' 6 brwn eye, Jolt in ...... Hit ::cc;pool.a.SSHll3or iii! pd. »per 1q tt., or5QS.582>022$ • So. La1una aru. • -"*••••••••••••••• _. ~"--' REWARD! W ·UOI 1 Ir, MC. pted, 1du,lt r--te ~f H.B. Cd • ,,,,_;:,,-.. _./ r.:r~•.::O.tf.!t; 9115+~ ~e~of.~ ............. .. n •taio. A'•U 4/1. ' HH711 ·PIH• • t.y Pac. Cit Hw1. ~!.s.l:l~n---- ..-i=-1..-----1LINt J Ir. c.dD •TIM Ideal retail 6 /or ofc ..... ~··· ................. == ,t.•·111 rv ... · : .:=.·~ y .. ~:t,: 4n9ITIOM: Ambltlous ·tioya and pll 10.U years old, to Wor\ 0ot or two even· ln11 1 wttk 1ettln1 nt••P•Jtr tublerlp, lloa1. Tran1porl1tlon d atu't adult oa_trnldtd . ~I!!!&.. ... ,. • ............ •Good EarllMgs Super Trips • • &reatPd .. CALL CIRCULATION . WAATMENT .... ..... 142-4321 L Cout DAILY PILOT/Monda , March 15, 1982 110H-..W I Mm W.W 7 I 00 Aa1µ:a 1001 IOfO HIO .... ..,./ W.W tltO ........................ -;i ............. •••••• .................. ••••• .................. ••••• .................. , •• J ~ to70 Cwrb ti JO ..................... .. lllY COOll .,___. ,.,.._ .~ .... f Cl vu way prictt 1 Oak or we Jukebox , 1ta1ne ....... ,,,,,,, .......................... •••••• WI IUY hltfiil\alllliftl-~" ~t 'Tbu-1S: or Oflllela....a• ... ••M/ llCllTAll rlc. 1wlvel cbilr, 19$ a....auST lluafront,wlthrtrotdl ~...._=-MOD~·'A" I USEDCARS6'J'R Ut:KS •.. _ .a-..."'Orin tr ·-1 Urt, ... pm. ~ lnt'lliMllii1co., rvlo•. GUiie•• .. •1• ... Em~lre -Sill '520· Bir tvpe pon& '"!'t' ,... • k COMEIN OR an ,_ ... ...,.. 1...;;i;::~::;.;lt A~COUMT AMT ~ .... .L.!:., M aboaanr lfoul>Te bed fr;~· , t 0 0 • b a I I me , nex fo-Ruaty Sh1y rep ns. pit' ups • I -Exce lent ,. Min. J yu. 11P·1 •r clrtaer, liMJU, Oak me .... Ith ma tr"••· Mnon, / .. , ..... 1 a.au1 elkan. 714-1144·4'19 & coupea. • to choose CALL FOR -.......,.;=~--L•us1e•y ~•rttr op curate ty9l1l, alct. <:lock.~. Old pine 6' .. "' ....,..., ......., s k f111APPIA1ISAL S(l\rW.;'Porf "Ctr law ~1.mllfu for lhe Rlfhl aome TLX exp. Full {elly cabinet. 9800 Coun· &haped mirror on head Naua recliner $125, Udo Sllp tor 50' t Power ~; ~~~8~t•'rt:n, · COrmltr·Oetillo llrm dt.lru up Cnon a Proreuve t ime 8 .30 ·4 .4 0 ry store counter 14', ~rgBO 11317197 .,16 t::&J:¥chr.S76 whe.-lrhr ll>at,110.00 perft PP at On nt~ penon ror cl~ll dl~~~f~~ld .,:.,~~ 'IOOOt mo +. Norma JIOO. Oak rolllofc cJe~k. $75.$4S-23$7 '7$.I074J!tl?'7·7408 OM.YS,,ftSf uafim~ri\h.vo llti1atlon. Generous strona Accj& l Ad ~0--SISOO Oak roll op ftle Sitt Bed, W Sim Loral Yacht Club mem Newport Beach •horc HUNTINGTON 10-,A( 11 salary· full beneflta mlnlatr1t Ive' all 111; Secrttuy ~ub"r. a. dw~~· SlllOOh Jrt>N ru:itom made.ma t berabip for sale 12.000 mooring, with 9' k1tr 147-60l7 or $1Clll . Plf'111nt workln1 en: Super E xtr S1•c 'Y w~~utr ~f1"~hm.r ~c:!i~ ~-vrry rleon SIOO 673 9570 7Z0.1440 vtronnYnt Send reaume ~ for PrH1dent o( 9• 1111 • 12100 Hrs 9 5· ...... ~ Ct.-w R.-BOAT Sl.IPS AVAIL 54f·JJJ I J:!!~SIClnilY to Perlorman re ~n a to1letnt5 Co In 64277U wi n 1»1~11 1 1on ,.... Nwpt Beh 20', 25', 26', ,..._..,,,..., ewport-Biarll· ·oover Sallcrall eo,,, 7~ w lt\'\M Must ha~ xlnt .. _ ... Ilk Casabellll, ever U!IC'd ...... 33', 34', ·o·. so·. 67 ' ...................... . area Altorn•v, n"eda 1"'" St , • "'. ;.,M "A akllla. front offi•• ap wuter~. e new. wua W1tuhp li&ht• Wu• .,.,0 "" " "1 ~ ..... r \; " .... f'renr h lovestat, ..i50 $800, .~ .. 111n11 $300 ~11 s120 • "*". 642.s44_ ,9SPM ........ 0 HOS Lt3aJ Secretary Some IQll2'7. pearance & 5 yurs .., ' "' UIJ. requl red. Good rri lnlmum recent u Vktonin plant stand. ~!:~ MZ·0796 Hw1Uni,'lon Harbour Bay r,.;c.. -"••••••••••••••••••••• <itner•I Orowtna Oranae Countr, «>m,,.ny hlrinf for po1 • Uoni llartin& I ; typist ualn& dict1pho11e p••TVeJIM~ eculive exper Typmg ~rb!!to.e.'115 ~-l932 Chest of drawers din & R1rquet Club. &at tHO ~lta ltlOO equipment needed. S/H "" 90o+, shorthand 110 ... f}i1l. Gothkstyle over rm/game table 'w 4 OffluFttrWhret. Sl\r 11vallabl11 Call ......... •••••••••••••• VeloctC-•trtlott? not required. Salary Attrartl e poa t ion figure aptitude req . mantlt w/3 mirrorR, ehlltl'I, bumper pool I•• ..,,_,.. 1015 84 7766. 846 7767, • "-dHtw 'It All port& to c·onvttt 101 commensurate with o w /flex iblt' wo rk Gt'nerowi uhary +car ~.B&.1932 ble &lamjlll 759·07M ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.13/592-1359 O..yLUVPlck•! 1600 to Vl'IO<'l'. ot perieoce -schedole General orrh·e allowance + expenses -, . -()face furniture ror sale •tt t 0 h , 8 8 3 1 1 111st0f1!1 Sl <l-00 97!1 Z1'11l P l l · P 0 Boll 18823 lrvtne luble tl25. the11 tre ~cats md1 S~ 4 entry luddrr 641·0763 Slupne_rrYS SE67n200 i...1 •v.n I $11 800 642·1448. &typingskllls.8339590 Reau~ lo: Panco Ltd . ANTIQ ES ouk 1tl111ng,Butt•hcr blk t;iblr. 42" a l dt&rount prr t·1•:1 . 40'MoorilHIM~t Prire S60111L t;M r e 1f\.rr6pm 1>rwknd~ LlFE GU AR DS ARC a r 1 me · ' · setof 4SlllS,2onk chrs barKchalrs.1200 Engl "' .,..,..,.,,.,,saeµm·ei!< '11 Spnnt Vtloce ,\lft•lJ -pt}year Certs. M.76 hr Also Warehouse ma 0 • non <2~92713 !7l4>540·073'7. S80 Maple t~an bunk, oak butret. $400 Xlnt N SU.r Hontoo II. Quad aoats. 5pHd I OHL Y S5S91 C:T 35,000 n11lt·~ J ll •Clerical trainees sMrmker,!.ohr small 2~sta ~AlY/P-' 1..1~ beds Sl20 NB t all collect, den~1 t Y. G4 K 1 n "I Sli 9080 HOWARD C~•rol.t m r. f;tr 2'11f1'1.\' $4!!!111 D'-1 968·0311 esa r"' •ng co """ 3 G-'" ~51 '""'I lJ CS O I' r II V O I'-~ ·~ ~ l'··nl.. .11 .. , 11:1 W • ..,., a~ ~r wet!k. nexible Ca ll rs d1uly l'O I or ., """ 213 271 3939 714·760 3067 a~ 11 . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'\\.' ua1 Sts "' •~o", ' .,__ l I k r h I I .. new "f3rt ca rt on .. . L""h Sk .. h b NF.WLv• T Ul:: \l'll liilv (.' M 645 2'J6J ·~reana MA.NAGEMENT mat 957 lOOI btwn wor or w o esa e O&k Tabll'wtlraf$250 4 Like nt'~' t'Omer l.(roup. s:iooo Call N111l . t4 "r1.11 I 7~ p. lilt . r v i LJ ·~rbution Jomourteam,Ptr 9AM·4PM =ure salesman Oak Chalri. $12 0 w 3 red, whl & blu 1 727 ozoz or t'ralit Lk dble hull. trh . al' 03·0555 IMW 9712 •And ~t'lrs Exp'd ooly. 831 3838 Part ti me. 9 30 2 30 --~men~an Hocker SISO I bollltcrs + rovers $185 63Hl213 1'\!SS f600 67~ Zl40 I !17 9 f'O H IJ '• To u No uper nee. an .some Medical General Office skills SK.retant /C llwd1 Eur Stow Rocker S85 -r'wn bed '30 2 gold vinyl P11·k up 6 <' y It n du li!lds. Active young lad&offkt Assl1t.t Good typing a most, P/1'.-·eip-:-~eply Mon 960-4607 . wing rhatr) S35 ea P'.ts 1017 f~atiOll aulomulle l>fl~t·r steer minded people sought f'Ulftime. salary open. pleasant phone voice Fri. 11·3. Untled Meth. Cloek SIOO, Curio l'ab 963-6378 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• UlJ!. 8 fl 1·am11n shell, 17141!61·3555 Send re~ume to f 0 . Box Tuslm. 6m-1035. Ch 1601 Marguerite ~. Wash basin $100. Girls' 9 pr Drexel de· 2;:rc~l~~,~~:~~,1~ecNtsl Aircraft '110 white with hrnwn On(' -~...._.. ........ ...__....., __ , 2932, MISsion V1eJO, Ca. Part·llrnt serretonal. 30 CdM.644·07_4L C'lock StOO, Curio l'l1~ l'ora t ur n n ~ 1.'l , SlS-8574 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ownl'r, 111,000 mllrs ~L OFflCIE 9'.&l. hrs wk to start $5 hr SECRET ARY ~. Onent vases $45 S40010BO 1140 6082 aft Cessna '79 1'210. '• ult for I ll'tll 16~ t Sli495 Jim Part.ti me , appro•. Modelsneededforp/l1me ·rypmg, filing, phones, Salary-Range :1a~9 basin SIOO Spm PERSIAN IHll.l.t:llS suit> fu ll) c11u 111'd ~ax~:' \lolh~ai:en 2dlr , 5-Dafu Week. Sut & work in .82 .. 83 Conven• sm growing co ca II 5117g.s14331mo !bys dresser. desk and F1ock or 10 1Jt!rforman1·r \7141979 4361 dys Sun. incl s nu. typ. uons. golf tournaments, 631·2320Tom Vogele Reqwres any romlnna L<l(4 e oak En 1 111d1dable,hs:isok chair s1 2s. Bentwood btr<h. ~.2 ... ,.3 "-. s•/ '711 Dnhun, ' b, 18 K ing. riling. telephone. promo t 1 o n s lloo eqwvalent lo high rntry a er ar roc.•ker, S.35. comb ~mt' .,.. 0"" ~· SJ.SG-4 hours dtrondin.8 17141613-1388 school graduation & J chairs. S200 Jo:ngl oak rack, 1V stand $30, !(lass l'APUt'lllN l'IG ~:ON!>. 9 120 mile~. orig tires .• ur ~tcrro $.l 125 &Iii 23!19 r:,:~.~~441.on·Fn. PARTTIMIE yrs 1ncreas1ngl} buffet. S3SO Xlnt Coll light fixture St5 Fanl') shn~ bird~. -_U.O_~YD'SNURSERY Moclltt ~Mow 6·9pm E•pand1ng youth ·responsible s t eno l'Olle('I. 213 271 3939. 960-3154 pni•todperquahty Immediate nings. l'Ounseling firm has graphi(' & l'lenral ex 114 7W 3667 Nwpt lirh 2 Sh 1 u .. dd d 642·4653 Hau-Cutter & Manrcunst M/F -All ypes Opt!mogs for 3·5 sharp penence. Flex1b1lity to eve ..... r w P•1 e with followin g Hair Must H.ave Head Shots outgoing mature people type SOwpm & lakl.' d1 t· ._. 1010 elbow ~uvers w 4 ~toob l'IClllOS & 0MJC1ftt 1090 West, Ne""""rt Beach. THIE JOI S~UR~E to root1vate amb1t1ous lat1on at 80wp"1 To app ..,.,...C111Ctt FO. ~ 06S4 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ·· r -10. 3 Ids C 11 2 • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' L'-· I• I I I fi'73.4186 Lowse. 50771 llA 7P l yr o . a ·Spm ly, contact City of San llARBOH AR ~:A Dre.1u.>I Table & 6 Chairs, r.Dpey 1ano yr ~ < By Appo111tmeQt OnlL. 642·4321. ex{ 343. Ask for Clemente Per~onnel of APPLIANCE Sl!:RVlCf: I!' rge Buf r et . !> 1 y I e Showroom l'~nd , l ui.l HAIRDESIGHH Need!emale liveinSiller Andrea. fi re . 100 Avenita Webuyusedapphanl'i.'S Esperanto Med1lcr1J $1500,nwkcori ~3h l4!l:l ~:Wres ~:~e:.s rctt~r for 2 little 1tirls. light Pres1d10. 492 5IOI F1hn1? We sell recond . guar nean. xlnl t·ond S 111et·e, Thoma~ l'h·1·tm· 2 hv 646-8600 Eves 979.5164 00t!sekeep1n11 & l'OOkrng. ----deadline Ma rt• h 19 , a_pphanres S49 3077 ii~ 759 8936 IJoard ~:~1·1·lll•n1 ronrl 2236 Plarent13 ~ D, Costa Part lime Permanent 1982, S.OOpm llUY Af;PLIAHCIES Wal nu~. oval dr ta tilt•. $500. 841l llt23 HAIDWAlE SALES Mesa SECRETARY ~ 957 8t33 42x60 . 4 t·ha1n S7S Upnght st~•n~a~ pwno. Full time Crown Newport Beach Invest S4perhr. + boMa The nation's lead10g Q\·er'Stuffed <"hair~ ot good rnnd l~~l offrt Hardware. 3101 E Coast ment Counseling Firm elet·t ronar distributor. Gas Range & ()\ 1!11 c:ar toman ps 497 3441 ~I 1)611 Hwy,CdM needs sharp ind1v1dual We are Amcr1ra ·~ Avnet Electrontrb. r~rs 3brand .n.e~.st1llin1 Ne~ full b11e mattres' SkiincJ 1093 Helper for stork room. lO handle detailed chent ~rr~:l~~g l~Oe~ ep:nhyo W~ I 0 ~a led a l 3 5 0 (Braltde . 301 ~d hla le set. S60 New tiut•en ~1ze. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Will tram S.A FtT re cor d keen 1 n 5 Mt<.:orm1ck, CM. has an ui er s • u1u1 J 100 SIOO 7~ 51132 •1ens Skt !loot' ~•urtlr•"• · Res b I' ...-ha\e an ext·ellent pcm f S22S na (•1st a M sa " • '" S40-58SO. pons1 1 tiles inclu .e t'ion for salus ori·•nted opening or a seC'retao ' • • l'. 9 ~· $39 I r I "' .. IO our produrt ma naun 1)45 2937 I Ll?l' l'll!>Y l'hr. rt•d n:iul? . I ZN. U~t·d Olll'l' . • main ainance 0 r_ient s people with honesty, re "' h I S75 li13 5919 HO$T /HOSTESS files, account reco•r1I habbii'·tv & a strong de ln'nt dept w opportuni I Rt•fng f~'. l('ema kt·r I Ot'" l'Ub ion. l' l'.tn, Expenerfced. Inquire in !Jig & hm1ted bookkeep I sire ul~ s ue reed Must ty ror advantement Ap xlnl ~O St.111• 111 low ~2130" llt'd~ ~ niall. SportiftcJGoods 8094 person fk>arh House ~. g. Reqwres good ap have a cle<ir telephone pt1tude for math and a(' Ol'en dean .11lnl Sl65 fuu1Hlt1t1on & fr;imt'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Res l a u r a n l , 619 t1tude for numbers & vmce. For conf1denl1al curate typing <ire ol , 54114485 . I ltnen & 'Prl'ad~. $75 l'l Marlin 375 Win ' $1 50 SLaleepyBhohllow Lane, good or gan1iat1on mterv1ewrall Mr Kolar oo.65wpmamust <~real L1kenew 6466714 Firm H&R 12 r.:i1ui:e una c . ___ , Salary commensurall.' atS45·5776 bencnts offered Pleas ... 1 Admiral upnght !rce1er Match•nR 1•001,h & l'h;m 0 L'. made 10 Spain $JSO HOUSEKEEPER/COOK• with experience . cull 714'754·6061 to ar xlntcond $200 F1oral. perf cond l'all Firm 4933307 Live-in . r or o I de r _714n52·5900. range for an interl'1ew 646 3349 before 2 30P M S 1501 woman ~ust drive, re NURSERY j1200 S.C...tarvP/T I KenlT'()re ~lO\l'. d t•un. ~6.'nl ,rv.Roclo, ad & wnte Nwpt Br h Exei.-Ser with strong ~11rks ~~ll.SISO 1>1nelle ~immons l>lond rrib HiF;,St.tto 1091 area Refs req Top ~IALIST pe roonth to start typing, SH skills needed )>{'l, P5 l:H 1 113711 ~ mall dresser 1'hangr 1 ·····~··•••,••• ··~.· •••:• salary 644-6686 16·8am Green ouse assistant Marketing firm expand afte.moons lntrrestinl! Scars '81 ~ s Rer Almd table Xlnt <·nod $200eJ BEIAl TlVIFl LI 225 RCA orevsi j needed to fill full·ttme "Ork 1 l N 1 ,. 1 ... .,.. uu 7 •.• ro11r sat' yr wrn -----i ~ at Pubhc Gardens mg operations m Orange ~ . . x n · wp ~en er """'· gs rni:e $235 dn 1 ,...., 4.,.. l} Sl4S t-'ree delivery Housekeeper hve 10, Hun-I III Corona del Mar Must County IS enthos1aSlll' Calocll r~aom""!.mo.4-44k9e2r prer I $17S 646.2590 ~ sofa uph rornt'r !It'(' _TV John's 646· 1786 · have expe . .,0 k g young minded peo~le ..., 1 t 1 n gt on Ha r b ou r r " r 10 -Refngerator, tl'I' ma kt·r, llona , eustom. "' prnx 4 ., .. Prof Vid~ SAstem 7141840-4464 Must like with plants including a needed immediate Y S250 Waln t d k Sl50 yds Ol'W repl fohrir · w • children. knowledge of soils. Will pay $1200 to start Secreta,..., XJ · 1 G-i3 ;J $11!i 962 3282 H1tarh1 f'p.306(). t•olor rertilizers, tesl control & after being trained 'J 01 rouc 7 l'ameru & l'anasun11· HOUSEKE E PER propagation. Call Alex, l4l!61·lli5 EXECUTIVE Rdngcrator dean. late H1de·11 bed. ver) n1(·(', CR 4400 U port. re COMPANION wanted, Mon·Ftt. 8.30AM ·4P M SECRETARY model. autotlefrost $155 hardly u~ed. SJSO bbl ronler + elltras $.WOO S0.60 by older writer. only. 613-2268. Plastics Large rnsurance agency 893-0060 oJr 493 3307 t_2l3l_592-1022 ~\rmL ~av~-r:wpo. 0 ~ Norsing MACHIHE ::rs~~T~"h~~0J1~~~1~~~d> Refni:, llotpomt t9 ru rt flunks s:mo. ~ueen hdrm Larl(e portable Color TV • OPYATOIS xlnt rurHI Swng out ~ be d S 5 H O 19inrhQua~er srro t /dnnk. Lt work_ R.M.. r 1H .... 7·3,;.lO lmrr.!d. openings on all d responsibihties MU!>l sheh·e:. & dr~r $1 2S sofa lo\'eSelll $300, .:lass $110 S4114138 ...........•....•...... l'AMPEH 10 ', Open l976 f IUO. IH 1JOll m1. 111 Road. i:.elf·t·onta1nt•d, rids air 'hl'll 1.ipc. $600 or best offn radio, Cll l'olJra $34:.15 1193-lkl53 492 ~i or 7"16 111!6l J(I(' CUSTOM BUILT '76 4X4 Chl•\\ ~11\cr.ido DIESEL CA MPER luuded tn1ip1·1, ~reul Must See Tu Apprf!('lillc l'OOd 1192 511!111 1700 M1 ran~c C'o~t ·~ Dubun K111i: L'ab. A<' SIH,0011 UHr l{aln ut AM fM . Shell top $12,(01675 1358 $4!Kl0 ofr 1l31 Hl'JJ Motoriud likes 9140 '78 Toyut.i Sit~ ln11bed. ••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• • ;ur, :.hell $34511 X Int Ill Put·h. blue. i.lnt S<l6 4!63'7 rond $395 1;75·347!1 Puch Maxi. 2 !.pd. \IOI t•ond, must ~l·e to ap prt'l'IUll', $475 640 G85J '7t!CITANE OHAN(;~; GOOD CON 0 SZSO S57 0867 l!lill l'UC u mo peel ~: % ('1•lle.t t•und s:n 5. 1· a II Palnrlll 714 640 1>11:111 t~ Ve~pa motor st·oott'r :!oot.'111: "'1th extra' $1200 714 1147 3!!7d 79 Pord Pl 1,1yl. I" 1 : ton, Jfi 1100 1111 ~Oil"' clean mui.1 't·ll d1t.•.i11 Dy~ 554 SI 11 I'\ I'!> 960-GK:ffi <.'he\ <luJI fuel 1m·k up '79 B1 lo( 111 modi• I Prop1111t• & j(:i:. row1•rt'd /\ut11 Tran ~ I':-., /\ (' ' ltl•ar ~ 11Hl •1"' Tt It ~ hel'I, 'l1'rl'O Mot·k l,Jlld l'3m1Jl'r ~hell lllJl'k & ~tute l'Xl l.11\ul) gra> 1nten11r, 361\ nu S67 1)()0 ll72 151.JO Mo lll.'d for ~ale '77 l'ut•h Vma 9570 Net1.1>0rt~r Goud t·ond •••••• ••• • • • • •• • •• • •• • • $2'.19754 1570 ·77 ford E2511 "'111110" MOPED \'e~p.i red Grande. dill. 1980 Must be seen to apprl'l'1ate Dual exhaust. earner hox, many ell\ ras Cost O\er $1100. bCdl SGOO 960-8172 art 71'M or Sun \•an lo~ milt-:.. rnan) xtra!> $4 2011 Ca 11 675 l211 '62 CORVAIR Window van. l'omµletl•ll reblt. custom !>Cal!>. ask 111g $2500 543 9003 Motorc.oof:~/ '72 Dodg1• Trade~ma n Sc 9150 ,·an reblt 1·0~ ""'" ••••••••••••••••••• ••. • pa mt, ~Int rood ~JR S944 ••.•........•••••..••.. CREVIER BMW TM beit' '82 IMW's Ar':?ttre1 I\(('~ rt'IOdlOtr1• ~I \lodeb & l>l'lllU Ill ~llll J\JdJ!Jl1 \lc . bJJt't't:ihtl' 1n t:ur 1111t .ru dt!l1\l'I) Jlld !J J'A IC"' prt• ownt'd llM W ~ Wlll're C'u!ttom1· 1 St-n tr{' <:ume ~ ht SUlr6 S<•p ll'e Ll'J:>IOt. <CJ! W Isl. Sant~ \11 • <714 1 835 31 71 C:IO!>ed Sundal. l MODELS IN STOCK HOW! Clltck 01.r qood u lectlo11 of DEMO• ••d 9UAL IT Y 'all-OWHEO IMWt rn well u other f lu ............... , .. Call cw Come In TODAY! SALES• SBtVICE • LEASING SAD~LEBACK IMW 21 402 MAllGUElllTI P'•WY. MISSION YllJO Avery Pkwy oU 1·5 83 J .2(M() ~~949 Open Sundays Write details : Mr Supervis'e. meds. nX 's three shifts. for trainees be organized and ha n• ••• d ..,., ... ""---r. Gray,"""" "--ean Sm ronval hospt nr C M good oral and wntll'n ....., 5114 top innette. •"'· ... at I nt e I I 1 ' 1 s 1 on 3 rr•n• ~"" or exp 'd ln1ert1on tr-• bollspnnos tw•n Blvd., CdM, Ca. 92625. Fairgrounds S49·3061 mo Id Ing ma r h In e romm unirat1on sk1lb 23 5 l'U rt GE frost free ~~lull S90. cooeen Sl30 S2rartn~!(l'IS. hke ne ... 7~ Yamaha RD2SO Runs A.utos Wanttd 9 590 ~ell SSOO -631-2126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19.11 H"\\ ll\11,•01111· N """tators Xlnl benefits Ellcellent rnnse bener1tb refng S yrs. hke new NEVER USE 170 0901 30 Cal Answer 1\rt Jmitori• ursmg ...-1nrludmg paid dental UM SS2 307S •S72, 642·4300 24 hrb RO u 'l't -w o R K incl · Pa id ma i or r"" E h. LYN medical, dental, hfe ins, For appointment call Washcrb, dryer. refrii:. New rattan dinette i.l'l 411 loah & M ·• ronomy ve irle re-Conv. Hosp New;riort Pl us shift bonus pre-Linda 549·~· J 1Y s. Guar Al~o trade inrh round glabs top, ·I £...; onne WfME.EO YOUR I i o112 ~ 11 h 1 .. , .. • ,, '78 11ondJHa~k400c.r I GO~USEOC"'R ' tranbOl l'•'"'" ,1101 .. .,1 Runs grl'at. $6~ OlilO ,_ • and r 111111 n n 7521400X2848 55~ llSji!i \It)I IOI( l'Un,ldt.'red . J I c 0 .,~" ' ~ l977thru l980 \~r) l'l l•an J_,,\'\/ quired miums Good working ...... k beau ha back hosl rhrs ....-P""llt 71 s.,~· RM 125 213·439·5675 Beach. Pos. all1lo e & d .,..., · wor mg or not SllOIJ new srl1 S7011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 smiles needed. Xlnt rood, work 71, hrEs, p1~'h SECRETARY I l\59.()(,82 4lrl 3t21 ,. __ __. 90 I 0 Under IOhrs S67S be fits Ca ll 642 80 4 ror 8 hrs. Prer ng 1s _....... 714·613 61149 ne 1 · 4 speaking. . , licycltt 8020 Lge !>tde by side refrt!! •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• • , Nursing Ellpd, word processing 1 ....................... ice maker .n •H'adu 14 ft AMt! loat 1Yamaho \ 1ra!(o 750 w11h NURSES AIDE CIMCO typist, prefer Qyx 114 I Ml'n's tO spd Motubel·anl' I $i95 I pair golcl \t•I\ et I Vt'!') l!ood l'ond $250 extras. hke ne". unh ~-546·4460 Order processing &i loonng bike xlnl 1·ond. sw1\t>I r hatrs $1 25 6731950 45CJOmales $2~600 Ex""'r all shifts C<>nv. phones Irvine furn SI.SO 8324224 491 3t21 <!Iii l'\pre:.s 1 1 &16·4ti29 I If I '"Or~ c_.,. $6995 ,J 1 ITI \1 ,JI II• \'c~b"a~;i-n ti-I~ WIMI ,.,. KELLY SERVICES IS ON THE MOVE Hosp Nwpt Br h Plate room person 540-8894 . EXERCYl'Lt: BIKE 1..ag_unullearh boJt 10 ft oars Xlnt 78 <11•DA2SOE:"VlRO ,... PRIHTIHG Mfg Call EH . 1 · ·1 13 t Lapstrake fl~h111.: · II "'' .. ChetrfuJ, dedicated to p lime. Mon. 2 JOpm. to cM W1. hke ne" S75 l Waterbed $200 hl•a1er t'Olld $250 631 6352 Runs great. 'er) l'lt'an 29'.ai 1 larhor flh 11 L't>ST i\ ~I ~:SA 979-2500 ~ Most bcitin9 Part Of Your IMW flurc:han Or leaHCould~ Mclaren BMW!! luy Or lease HAPPY NEW Of ACE LOCATED IN THIE HEllT AGIE IANC IUILDIHG 2171 c..,..DriYt Wtt 340. l"IM. Ul·l441 good P\1 care Xlnt ans a1>prox 8 Pm Tu es. 536 268-1 Jnd bool\ea't' Ill mu old . I $-IS~ ask for ~11kt• program. Call 642·8044 I 30pm to appro• Bpm Ser" ice Station Atle.n I Wa.&.... Mate . I 1025 iSl 9227 loak, t:'CoifttetHMct/ Motor HoMrs Sal./ nnnn r h No uper nee Appl} dant. exP.fr'd with rer s I ._.., na 1 Sen1u '10 20 Rtwt/Stor ' • 160 ~,.r.rtunrty or gro~ I Penn Y s a v er. I 6 6 O Day shift 6 da} s per ••••••••••• •••••• • •• ••• W\t' seat ~lel'p sura $8() •••••••••••••• •••••• •• •' OCJe with professional young Placentia Ave . C M week Son da) or f .._.OW 25•~fT ~atrhmi: ottomans SJo Mannt' Electrician l•R••••••••••:··~··••• ••• company. Apphcanls ~ (Z'IS wk N B. 644·7151 Red" ood 2 6 k , 9 sora w ma 11• h • n It Design install rep.11r e n l 2 2 1. u '< must be career oriented R :...ti · t -.w x, er mi:. drapent•s. $75 2 t•hairs 11 .. 31 work 549 ~20 ootorhome sips 6. )elf with front office ap· Part ~ml !ri!~noons Service Station Allen 4·20 lon1i: also rt·d~ood $S()ea Rod l'offl•t• IJbll' "'u · l'Onl. $29!'1 ~k + rn m1 pearance & rongemal Optometrist ·s orrice danl 3 llPM Ap~I) fen~mr.: Lowesl prt~l' Sm> Dum•an Phyfe drn loak, Mariae 6408585. personahty F' o u n ta in Va 11 e y Shell Station. 17l & ~~~.~I'll' ;;~114~11r Kl n table. mahni:, $2~5 2 end Ecppment 90)0 R£NT 26 ft motor httmt• Gener a I CI erk -'l ature person F:xper Irvine, NB ) • · tables, S35 ca Kini: hl'd1••••••••••••••••••••••• Slps8 full\· loaded Secretary· good bostl' preferred. bul will train 11.raVICE ST .. TIO.., Cots 8035 " hdbrd $100 Danish 19112 E\ 1nrudt>~ JI 10', ' &iS·8611i arrountmg skills & ar 963-8349 ~ ,_ " ••••••• ••• ••••• •••• •• •• I "a In desk ~ <' h" 1 r o~cr t1i:.1 1 5H p $749 99 . curate typing SIOOO mo Attendaftt re~aans • 2 adultrcm. s,,o l Sl50 673 3573 4 S II P $599 95 :HI I' fratltn, Trani 9170 starungsalary RECEf'TIOHIST P time eves. 4pm to •. s·r • P6 r·. tin a I 11 > $349 99 & more· 673 1434 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Serretary/Rerepllon1st, TYPIST 9pm 32·35hrweek Mu st :mal~ $ISO 546 9965 llllf'lbo & hrasi.&bed " 11~1·~ . > Z:J' Teri') self l'ont . sip:. expenenred & capable Good phone personality beexpr'd CdM area ' x )pnng ntJll . x nl 15 Sporthne 65 Ill Men 6 xlnt coml lean S3800 d handhng 28mdt\1dual f'ront ok appearance _675-2276 Dogl 1040 rond. }'SO OHO 64S 5916 Trailer M.in) t'XI ras I 642 1989 . l company phones & type S800 l'TD. Executive Row, --------• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Har'lf'I 806 $l200 968-6l28 .71 y 11 l 1 1 50 l'orrect words per :B>l M Arth St 2l I KE""'HOND p \KC I e ows one ra1 er minute. S950/mo. st3rt-ac ur. e Student Jobs """ ' ups ' •••••••••••••••••••••• loots. Power 9040 :/Sft . sleeps 4 fully sell ingsalary N. 8. 752-7170 HEY! Champ sire M F Pet & 2 Horse trailer. dua I ax I('. •••••••••••••• • • ••• • •• • rontamed great rond1· Exel'olive/Secrelary, 75 Reta.JI 5 h 0 w P v l Pt Y S150 bst ofr Zif Cns-<.:rart. ~xprcss uoo 642-5i57 cor re rt w 0 rd s per Mr Elliot's. the store for IOY~IRL,? 2_13t1B7· 134S aft 6 pm 493 3307 1966 Cle an • Fast • · - WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USEO CARS AUHMAGHOH POMTIAC /SUIARU 24!KJ llarl'1or Bh II t'OST 1\ \I ESA 549.000 5 49.14 5 7 WE BUY ClEAN CARS AHO TRUCKS COHMEll CHEVROLET :>OI llJrbur HI' ,f < CIST .\ \1 ~-' \ 546-1200 .fELL~•~·, minute. flexible broad the fashion conscious. How wood you h e to I •Poodles "R" People• ~ 807 Newport Slip. asktn!! I b career·minded women earn ~s much a.s $50.9<J a T·Cups Toy, S200 lo ..,._....., J $10.500 Trades. f'manl' Auto ~ict, .Parts HIGH IUYER g:~1~~re u~~nqe~~ r:~ of today is seeking an ex week Do Y0•11 11.ke dr!YC· S500 p'ets sOarded & •••••••••••••••••••••• 111g_ avail P. P 673-5200 & AecessorH1 9400 I Top dollars ror Sports S t per'd MANAGER !or 10rrovres,p1c01cs,p1zza Groo d •• 6.,...0 Diamond. I 75 ct , -' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cars. Bull•. ('ampArs. I ZOO/ mo s a rt 1 n g parties. beach parties, ___ me ,,.. . ...,..., Emerald ~u1 L,· \'SI . Wellcraft 26' Nova or I 'I~ "' E.O.E. M/F/H ara their s.c. Plaza store ' T f p 914's.Aud1 s SEA,v1C E S ________ 1111 s ry. Good benefits, pleasant pll.L'lmanyotherthings~ Yellow Lab Rtvr male. USGSI appraised shore two 181! 11 . ALFA ROMEO PARTS Askforl' C MGR Call851·0744 -surroundings. Please Then you would probaby !Water Dog > 3 mos, $34 .000 . need cash. tandem trlr. RDF . All parts to ronl'ert IOI I JIMM .. Rl..,O SFDlETARY /RECEPI'IONIST Wiit a Tap Jil ii Telecommunications? Teiconl1uicatiln? ••BORED?•• Pl1 TiRI • FuU Time? We need 30 telephone r e· ceitionist/secret.aries to service our co mputer, legal-medi cal · professional & indus trial customers. We will train you on rur computers·word processors & accounting syste~ ! ! Ralle!!M Y• Own H•rs ~-·"' • 1. 6.5-00 tested wpm typing speed 2. M~t have pleasant voice & manner l M~t be able to read·listen·speak &type at the same time ....rs 1. Excellent compensation 2. l"\all time or part time 3. Flexible hours, choose your shill I 4. Paid vacations.·holidays·medical s. Management advancement nationally 1MA1 llM ICl•UI .... IOlm ...,.uam lun>lpm 121>m·21>m ----7pmlpm-____ .. . ~ ......... .. ........... : ... -. . . , ' call Barbara Belloise probably enjoy work mg Some shots S30 ofr $13.900 Dys 642 5640. radio. bait tank xtra 1600 v 1 , .-,.. rorus 497 5641 eves1~knds 642·6421 faetory hghtmg chrs. to e ore. exr VOLKSWAGa. <213>558-0200 QUALIFICATIONS binum. CO\ers. stereo 8 pistons Sl400 Dennis IR711 Beach Blvd I Over12yearsofage DOBER MAN PUPS 4 O Co Io m h 1 a n trk. tnm tabs lmmar :~~48 after &pm nr mrNTtNGTON liEACll SALES Unlirruted potenltal. xlnt ~uk111g conditions. we will train. No exp necessary 770-2028, ask for Jack 2. Neat. honest and de· AKC.8wks. black rust. EMERALDS Your c·ond Sll,900 OBO S'4"·""00 pendable. Sl50 choice S20 per stone 839-8221 or839·7203 '82 VW Rabbit Nu 4 'ltk 6 :AY Call us about the out standing .career op port u n 1t 1 es as an Insurance Agent Train mi will not interfere with yoor present employment 96J.4SIB S~IES Interest tn art/decorat· In g. Fu ll or P /T . Unlimited opportunity. ~Mon4·7PM 3.Workartersrhooland ~-J6S4 ~ -------rims. 13x5 1l . SlOO Saturdays. Yorkshire Terrier Pup 644~~ 8J0.8600 CALL TODAY ~ fiY· Mal". AKC Champ '78 271·'2fl BAYLINER ~ ADJUSTA BLF. CHAINS v · .. Fl b · d Mag wheels & tares for 53'7-5836or S31·52S7 nesshots,J400S468624 MI CRO L IG HTS .. tctona Y n ge. Dauun Pickup SI OO BAM lo IQP M VHF' radio. bait tank, s Gorl(eous rem Husky electronic jewelry depth finder, outriggers. 3349 __ _ pup, purebr ed, w/o Dl GITAL WATC H 35 amp.gen .AMIFM8 Trlr hitch, bolt·on for papers. bandit mask. S85 Products exam pies track stereo w1lh trailer Ford truck Elec. brake TRAINEE or offer 646·510'l pens, lighters. golf balls. Call 646-2843 Will sell controller CB radio S50 etc. balance ofloan ,, • ., 1989 for wirt operator, S Cocker puppies M F. 6 Wholesale/qusnllties ea~ switchboard, re rep· ~ks. Buff <'olor $100 ea only ----_ VW engme, 1300cc. newly llomst Fast. accurate 644-0481 BlLL831 1257 40· Owens Tah1llan. hve rebuilt $2SO typing necessary. Early 4 Spnnger Spaniel pup· aboard shp avail Call. 4~654_L hrs Nwp~Ctr brokerage p1es1 $1 00 Adorable, -010 Judyor Harvey642 4644, '740ievVegaparts firm.Mili644·2442. gooa wtkjds, S wks. htscelmt1oet I 11wn ,9A~&_5PM SALE JJ'?~'-~· OFC _548-7002 ---.. ••••••••••••••••••••• ' SKJ CRAFT ___ Phone642·8342 .., 11Jvertone I keyboard or 17 . . VB · V o s II .M. rirm. Dobie Puppr· red male. gan. good cond, $350. drive. with trlr. Basket Prefer termite exp .. but Cha mp s red . s how 673-7144 Balboa Penin. !;!S~ $500 I bs t of r ..._for Sal. not Del'. 752.2357 g_uaJlty. $500. 968.3753 vr..-.rov1 ttttttuuuHHtuuec YETllAMS: Lab pups, AKC. field & 2 Color TV 's, D~ & SI~. CANVASS & PLASTIC Serve your country one show, 1 wks. shots, S200. Xfj~0~f ~0~~ete S20. BRIDGE ENCLOSU RE weekend each mo nth 646-1970(966·1366 · · - -for 28' Slt~4ack. Used S~s plus two weeks each Dalmatian miit puppies. 9 LOVE IAUOOHS once 150. -4758 year in the Army 120. 963.8082 eves , Heli um Bou qu e t s ..... -.. .r-11 90 ... 0 IMM DIATE Reserve. Earn u tra Delivered. Perfect for --. .,.. • OPENLNGS money, PX and r e· ~Sda Sue evel")' Occasion Green ••••••• .. ••••••••.•••••• For P/T reader·•d Uremrnt benerlts. Call Fwllhu 1050 tor St. Pat's673-4419 "19 Downeaster 38 • rully ~reHnUttlves tor In ltlClar.fordei.lla. ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• -lo.ded w/Farrley Jib. *Ir aaJe11 position. APP· fllntinlllon Bch962·11121 ~ n water bed, com· Bim Mar auto pit~. Xlnt ly In person : P en· SantaAna552-3113 **I BUY** plete l200. Min1·refrig, cond. Owner purthHed '""aver 1660 Placentia Good UHd F\lmi'ur• & new ;}50, 142-8182 new boat, fM,000. 1714> ·v· M' WAITRESS full lime ~ " REMlNOTON GM431, (714) 4116-8248 Ave., C. • evenlAi. minimum 31,. Appliances-OR I wlll (?u ) _, .. 7u eellorSELLfor You Elec. T pwrllcr. "Int ""'""~~· .... -..=~ ... -=-----cllnner exjler, re(a req, 493. 7 ""-• ..... n·· .. 13'6". Raclnf s.18 Apply 3-.SPM. No phone MAST9S AUCTION ......... ., "" PIONSSIOMAL ciflt pie .... Jolly Roaer 6*1"6. IU·tUI Computer TRS·80 level ~~'lt!t wt:g~~~kaehol 1a91ffOM1••w Rt1t1urant, 400 So . ., ........ N• 118 Lo one, 4K RAM. w/baaic pl •aoo /bst ofr $100,00I 1rl1 ~ult. QlatHwy, LIKUnili!!:, a:b. -~Sleeper:: t'OUrle• a~r· 213~4'1eevea • ~ ... '°~':itf:~ ~~ma~. ir::·~~ ':1 •. FACl'OAYM?.$709 c:r l'-1aila, lrtUtf, • !J:1a/ ~. ~ Nwpl .Bell boerd. '-!. No 1alary, llONG INNERSPRING """'Elect lawn mower aon wort.•· Cli.1&1 Hit ~ ..... •aJer let... ·ID. I EXTRA nR• IDIUl'tll a.c11•DeO:•S15 Dl.... • ..................... . Un £'!-!: ... ur. . ;..~ .. ~ := --IOLI NG I If •• I ~·· *· .. .... WE HEED YOUR EXOTIC t. IRITISH CARS 1~·arle /he fOTOTA·Y~YO 1 ............ .. c .... Mete " u .. uu .. u o."u Raw -.,. ........... ,rtJ ........... -........... ca-... wonll ~ ..... d1hr SIJO, -...!.!!!' ..... amd.-ftnn. --... • 09!L 1 ! ...... ailll...,..-tt11'9l ' reH• UH fll, ~-I!....&........ --.. •• .. ,,, ··;:mom;;-'Eh' ..... ·-.... ~ .!!!!!t•p5 J!!!~!!!!!•!!!!•!!!•~<~___.~~~~~~.:!!~!!f!:!!!~=.,.:!!'E!! .....,w~·!YIAi~·!!: .. ~'~.,,::::;:;===!!~ --•w i ~ Mnr.' ''. . . 1111111 .. • IJ Our Phont Plan! 1714) 522-5333 ORANGE COUMTY'S t!A_~ (A ._"I'~ r. \•--. "4#• "'111,t.. .. ~ ... .t.U 1980 320t tu rho \ IJtt•h• eqwppecl mJ n~ 1·\tr J' Sl7.99S or 11Ht•r \lu'I sell 640·!!13>! 581 tt;to '80 633 Wh1tl' tan ~II W (l nu. Perl <•ond 1 u kt' O\l' r 1¥ $632 rm 494 !1456 Capri 97 1 s ....•...•.•..•.•..••... '73 Capn 21< l(ood l'Ond recood en.: , ne~ llrl'~ brakes & halt Quid .. 54!11 $~or nt>ar 11fll·r 675 4280 7411 2000 .. )Pft•d. 111~ mill.'~ Jm Ina $4/ll!IS URO PP ll~i 5l I 1 or 833 7329 9720 ·······•••••·•••······· I ~ I ) ( t ) ( • I l t ;J Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Monday, March 15, 1982 . AND SAVE! GllA T SIUCTIOM CIVICS ACCORDS ftRELUDES 548-7430 ~1 W. Warner, 112 westolS. Main llJ79 HONDA Civic Silver wilh black. Immaculate. must see. (38SX UBI. S399S J im Marino Vdkswagen._642·2000 '76 Civic Honda Aulo • ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvel . Costa Mesa. Tel 546-1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Bivd Complete ,body shop. Sates. Service. Parts Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A.M. to 5 30 P.M. and 8 A.M. lo S P.M. on Saturd!Y • IE.AC H IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. we're the specialists for Alla Romeo Peugeot Saau & Maserat 1 ........ .. rW • , 1.,otted .............. , • '"' EAILE IKE VOLVO 1966 llarbor Hint l'OST I\ M ES1\ 64 .. 9301 540-9467 9920 CONMF.lL CHEVROLET .!!lb! llMIJ11r Ill\ d • t~T!\ 'M.~\ 541>-1200 9960 9965 ...............•••..•. 978 PONTIAC Tr.in\ Am Wh11e -. uh n•d in Chrysler 9925 1enor Lo-. mile:. and ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1mma<-Uldlt t 13221 t ·n rordova, 50 UCMt mill'~ $4495 J 1 m M arin u \lln1 1:ond . 111•-. trrl'> Volkswugen, 64 2 2000 $28Xl 760 0009 '&I Pon II.it• II( "'.i (ltOll i.! l'liry,ler S!l.1100 milt•' .iood l'Und $6SO 6-14 0611 nt-t'(b work $3011 d~~, 673 1776 l'\l'' ~A NTU> 711 11r 79 fi751;sl7 ·711 LeMan~ !.la -.i.:n . I St·\lllt• " lu nu l'd'h I Ford 9940 runs -.ell i:ood rund p11 Ill) Jun. hl 1 11~11 •••••••z••••:•••••••••• f;SO Call 642 1989 i~t St•\lllt• 1111\1 I op 79 PM1to 'rd 9970 hni\\ 11 01 l'! tan l;·,11 hurl A\krng $3400 67~ flOiS7 ~ .......•••...••....... 'l'.ab, loat~d $!1 11011 ·711 Fll..,ta .... nrf Ill'"' ttrl'' 6:1 T 13 ir d .. 1 e 11 o"' "·•)> 5~2 7.!01 I'\,,, pvr!l't't 'hdp•· $351111 I tx>aullful Jll ne ... \Ct' m ~ I ~' 9193. ~z K5iS3 th~ $1.9!!0 159 1914 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newi>ort Beach Tel 833-1300 Al ttte tnangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol beh•nel Vrc· tona Station Sales. Service. Leasing & Parts. Fleet d1s- co~mts to the public 0 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9100 Orange County s Larges\ Caeltllac Clealer Sales Service Leas- ing I OB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Wes1mins1er Tel 892-6651 Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service.· Pans SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach "Chny'a 90t it oft ••. for yo.!" SALES HOURS Mon ·Fri 9-7, Sat 9-5, Sun 10·4 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-64 tO Serving Orange County tor t6 years 1 Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home ot Willie the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove B lvd . Westminster Tel 636-4010 494-1131 546-9967 !,·.·1------------------.... ------------------.... ~.------------------.... ~.------------------... THEOrulllttE ROllHS FORD DAVID J. PHILLIPS BUICK-PONTIAC-MAIDA SANTA AHA DATSUN DGM LEASING. INC. t Modern sales, se;J.lll:r parts. body, paint & tire dep19 Sales • Serv1ce •Leasing 2001 E l 71h Street. San la Ana Tel 558·7811 Your 730 w 19\h SI Costa Mesa 642-1944 Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor 24888 At1c1a Parkway Original Deel•cateel Datsun Dealer Blvd . Costa Mesa. 642·0010 or 540-8211 Laguna Hills 837-2400 • JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel ~5630. 57 Years of friendly l1m11y service -Orange County's oldest Lin· cotn·Mercury dealership • SOUTH COAST DOOGE 2888 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa. Tel 540-0330. RV servt,ce spec111tsts, custom van converStons NIWP'ORTl~S 3100 W. Coast t:i1ghw1y. Newport Beach Tel 642·94~0-1764 The Ferr111 Headquarter•. 0 CHICK IVERSON P'ORSCHtAUDl-VW 415 E Coas1 Hwy , Newport Beach 673-0900. The only dealership in Orange County wilh these three great makes under one roof' • ALAN MAG NON POH'hAC·SUIARU 248Q Harbor Blvd Gosta M6sa Tel 549-4300 Sales, Ser/Ice, Leasing 'Mr Goodwrench · 0 HOUSE OF IMPORTS MHCIDIS.llH% S••· s-lce·~ 6862 Manchester Blvd . Buena Park (on Santa Ana Freeway) T eke Beach Blvd olframp -sharp r1gh1 on Manchester ~ DIAL ME R·CEDES (213 or 714) 637·23 3 0 MIRACLE MAZDA We ve moved! Our new location 1s 1425 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Tel. 545-3334 Stop by & v1s11 our brand new showroom and see why we re the #I Mazda dealer tn Southern Caltlorn1a Sales. Service, Parts and Lea11ng 0 ANAHEIM MAZDA "o..ty o.c. ~ °"""' .... Ft-9e S......k• Lo9 Cen" 601 S Anaheim Blvd . Ana~lm 956·1820 Just north of Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Blvd Call us first! ·WE ARE HARD TO FIND-eUT WORTH ITI • SADDLEIACK IMW/SUldU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy , Avefy Pk>NY exit We olfer what no bank or lease company can. t Expertly staffed, most modern service & parts depl , 2 One of the Southland s most experienced sales & leasing stiff, 3. Ellmlnetton of the middleman by leasing dealer direct 831·2040 Mission Vie o 495.4949 You re in tor a surpnse at DGM Leasing 0 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa. Over 20 years serving Orange County! Sales. leasing, service. Call 546·1200, special parts ltne: 546·9400. body shop llne. 754-0400 ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCMMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newport Beach. 6'0-.,..... Sales. Service, Parts And Leasing. CONSIDER IT SOLD! lJsed cars are 1n demand and sell quict<ty When ldVerllsed In ctass11ted To place your private pany ad, call Salty Lee at642-6678 . \ FOR ·FURTHER INfORMATION, .OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS t\D, CONTACT YOUR DAILY · PILOT REP. 1 642-5678 ' I n111 c• YllR HDllTDll llllY PIPIR M O N DA Y. MARCH 1 ~. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS .. Wisely 'guilty' in HB murder ... By DA VlD KUTZMANN or._~,...,..., Willie Ray Wisely, accused of kil.llnJl his stepfather by lowering a 2000 pound truck cab on him, was convicted of first degree murder today by an Orange County Superior Court jury. The panel of seven men and five women also convicted Wi- sely, 29, of a special circumstances Business gives aid to family · The family of slain·lrvine doughnut shop worker Pedro Alfaro is a little better off finan- cially today thanks to the efforts of several local small business owners. Six businesses in F.a.st Irvine's Arbor Village shopping cent.er plus one in Lake Forest got to- gether to donate some of their profits, or the proceeds of special services, to the Alfaro farruly. Barbers from a University park shop also took part. allegation which could lead to imposition of the death penalty. Wisely told reporters after the. verdict was read th.at "if they think I'm guilty of this cr ime then obviously I should be put to death." The jury announced i'8 verdict at 10:45 a .m. today in Judge Kenneth E. Lae's courtroom. The jury had been deliberating since last Monday, when it received the cue after listening to more than 80 witnesaes over a three~month period. Wisely, an ex-convict from Huntington Beach, was 8CCUled of sneaking up on Huntington Beach truck drlver Robert Bray's tractor trailer rig on March 9, 1981 and causing the one-ton, tilt-away cab to fall on the 61-year-old man. Bray died of auffooation. Wisely showed no emotion this moml.ng as each juror was indi- vidually polled on the verdict. The defendant, a former San Quentin irunate, had represented himself throughout hls trial and repeatedly denied being involved in Bray's death. Just prior to this morning's verdict being announced, alleged crime partner James Marshall. Dunagan pleaded guilty to vol- untary mans laughter and con - spiracy to commit murder in the set'Ond degree in connection with Bray's death. Dunagan had testified during Wisely's trial that he served as lookout for the defendant while Wisely sneaked up on his step- father's rig, parked on Springdale Street near &linger Avenue. JURY SAYS -Willie Ray Wisely's guilty of murder. Doctors face big changes By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Delly Piiot It•" Doctors must learn to live with a changing role and do only what they can do best if the medical profession is to survive the co- ming years without turmoil, a Stanford University economist said Sunday. Victor Fuchs, in the keynote address before the California Medical Association's annual convention at the Disneyland Hot.el, said at least two major - changes will alfect the profession Their donated work netted about $500 Sunday, bringing the Pedro Alfaro Memorial Fund up to about $9,500, said Irvine busi- nessman William Ackman, who launched the community's chari- table efforts. The idea was the brainchild of Gene Tibbit, owner of Arbor Village Barber Stylists in the Jeffrey Road Center. ALMOST IN THE DRINK -When the fountain is taller than you, it's tricky getting a drink. This tyke was nimble and fleet,'. 0.ity Piiot Photo by OM)' Ambfoee running off into the Irvine High School track meet crowd before the photographer could get identification. in the next decade. The changes mark an end to three decades of growth fueled by steady eco- nomic and population growth, he said. In an interview after the s peech , Fuchs said that the changes "hopefully" will not have much impact on patient care. Tibbit, whose shop is a short distance t'rom the Winchell's Do- nut House where Alfaro was slain Feb. 11, said he and his wife were trying to think of ways to help Al!aro's widow and five children. Girl faces caiicer fight decision The fi.rst major change is the continuing movement o~ control of heatlh care facilities toward professional managers and away from doctors, Fuchs said. Couh ty youth , 12, may need operation on lungs to stop spread of disease The reason for the change is that large, profit-making organi- zations which have the money to buy expensive new equipment are moVJng into the health care field and that professional man- aRers are needed to deal with (See DOCTORS, Page A2) Tibbit decided his contribution would be to cut hair all day Sunday in his shop, donating each $6.50 fee to the Alfaro family Soon othor businesses were chipping in with their own ideas. Six'barbers from the Univer- sity Park Barber Shop in Irvine volunteered to join the three barbers in Tibbit's shop for a day-long cut-a-thon Sunday. Though rain slowed things down a little, Tibbit reported more than $200 was netted. Dentist Charles Toz.zer agreed to clean teeth for four hours in his office and 'donate the fees. The Jeune Ami children's boutique held a sidewalk sale and donated 10 percent of the profits, workers at Arbor Cleaners placed a col- lection box on the store's count.er, and owner Ron M atranga of (See FUNDS, Page AZ) ... By JERRY HERTE NSTEIN Of ttie Delly Not 11811 There are broken hearts and "hearts broken open." Nancy Smith of El Toro places herself in the latter category. She has good reason. Sitting across the room from the attractive woman is a be- spectacled, th.inning 12-year-old, Tamra Smith. The girl twists a gold seahorse necklace and talks about spirit, God, her hobbies and with a big smile tells her mother about the A she got on a math quiz and ''I didn't even study." It has been a busy day for Tamra. She laughs when she tells how her friend Nate Smiley has been pushing her in "doughnuts" and •·wheelies" at school. Tamra and Nate are seventh grade school Orlando denies rOle chums at Serrano Intermediate School in El Toro. Tamra gets around on a wheelchair. She has no legs. Tuesday, Tamra returns to a place nearly as familiar as the tidy condominium in which she lives -the City of Hope hospital in Duarte. She. her mother, father Bill and sister Dacia, 10, face what could be a major decision this week. Doctors believe Tamra may need an operation on her lungs to stop the spread of bone cancer. J'hey plan a scan of her lungs. Bone cancer usually spreads from one leg to the lungs, Mrs. Srruth said doctors told her. But in Tamra's case the cancer spread to her othe r leg before moving to the lungs. The cancer has already taken both legs. her right leg March 5,' 1981; her left Feb. 3 this year. She undergoes painful chemotherapy every three weeks at City of Hope. . Should an operation be needed Mrs. Smith says the final decision will be Tamra's. "It was her de- cision to have the chemotherapy and it hasn't been easy watching her vomit for 12 hours at a time through the treatments," Mrs. Smith said. "But we feel the ultimate de- cision does have to be Tamra's. She has proved to us she is a winner," Mrs. Smith said. Tamra, an inspiration to the neighborhood when s he roller skated with an artificial leg aft.er the initial amputation, says she would like to "roller skate and swim ." She was doing hand- stands in the community swim- • Ill Bell grade change Ex -Ed ison counselor says ·he had no talk s with football star's teachers Fonner Ecfison High School student counselor Marc Orlando has denied that he made a phone call to an English teacher indica- ting that football star Kerwin Bell needed a grade of "B" in her course to qualify for a scholar- ship. Orlando's denial stems from a story published by the Daily Pi- lot on Feb. 18, which reported that running back Bell had grades in two classes improved three months after he was gra- d uated in 1980 so be could qual- ify for a Kansas University_ scholarship. Bell's English teacher was quoted in the story as saying Orlando told her Bell needed the grade change from a D to a B if Bell satisfactorily completed ex- tra work. Orlando, through his attorney, said that no conversation took place between Orlando and the teacher "at any time in or about August of 1980 or any time after school ended in June, 1980." The English teacher, in her interview with the Daily Pilot, also said that counselor Orlando WORLD . Gold falls to $312 LONDON (AP) -Gold fell to a 2 ~-year low in trading today, dropping nearly $12 before stabilizing. Gold fell to $312 a Troy ounce at the morning fixing. NATION Central Park remark hurts The man who directa New York'• Central Park isn't happy over President Reagan'• recent critical remark about the park. P~ A8. U.S.-Mexico move gains ground NEW YORK -The United States and Mexico are w orkln& to develop a regional plan to .. lncnued ~between the United Statea and both Cuba and Nic:arqua. P-. A3. ..- may have contacted another teacher to explain Bell's grade deficiency to qualify for the Kansas scholarship. Orlando, however, also denies he ever contacted the second teacher. "These implications are com- pletely false,' Orlando's attorney indicated. "Mr. Orlando had n~ disc~ions whatsoever with ei- ther (teacher) at any time after grades were completed at the end of the semester in respect to chansrirul any grade for Kerwin Bell.t'i' ~ STATE The grade question concerning Bell surfaced at a time when the Huntington Beach Union High School District announced plans to conduct closed hearing~ on charges that F.dison H1fh School has recruited footbal players from other schools. District officials. said the grade changes involving Bell will also be reviewed during those hear- ings which start April 1 before a state-appointed administrative law judge. The judge was hired by district officials. Mini-condos squeeze ahead SAN FRANCISCO -W ould you pay $50,000 for a condominium squeezed into 440 square feet of living space? A deve loper thinks many will. P~e A5. COUNTY Sh e 's.walk ing for charity An Irvine girl ts planning to walk 18 miles to rai8e funds for health care programs. Page Bl. FriueHe, Sills go at it . . ~and coun~ are ~Y Oytna in the 69th A.embly DMrict battle between RepubliOanl Nolan Frtaelle and David SUJa. P..re Bl. ming pool last summer. "l plan on LiV1ng to age 84," Tamra said. In reality. she may live only three to four months, perhaps two (See TAMRA, Page A2) E s caped convict killed in Santa Ana By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN Of t ... 0811y Pllol St•" An escaped convict who aJJeg- edJy raped a Huntington Beach woman while hiding from a police dragnet last week was shot and killed by officers Sunday in Santa Ana. The convict, Ke nneth F . Troyer, 36, was being sought in connection with sexual assaults on several Orange County women reported since his Jan. 30 escape from the California Men's Colony at San Luis Obispo, according to Anaheim police officer Jim Gan- dy. He said Anaheim 's Crime Task Force had been tipped that Troyer was planrung to meet a woman in the 2200 block of N. Main in Santa Ana. Anaheim officers were wat- ctung when Troyer pulled up at 12:40 p.m. He was driving the 1977 Mercury Bobcat he allegedly stole from the Huntington Beach rape victim, although the auto had been repainted white and had different license plates, offi- cers said. After a woman identified as Pamala Cuen, 24, of Santa Ana, entered the auto, Anaheim offi. INDEX At Your Service A4. Erma Bombeck B2 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified Cl,C3-6 ComJcs B4 Crosaword B4 Death Notices C2 l&litorial A6 Entertainment B5 Horoecope B2 SPORTS ce rs ordered Troyer to stop. Gandy said. When the convict instead began driving off. police fired at the vehicle, flattening a right front tire. he said. Troyer led officers on a brief chase that ended near 17th Street and Cabrillo Park Drive when the car veered out of control and struck a tree, Gandy said. After Troyer stepped out of the car. he made a "furtive move," according to Anaheim police, and was fired upon by officers from Anaheim and from Santa Ana. who had joined in the pursuit. Gandy said three shotguns and three serv ice handguns w ere discharged by officers in the shootinR. Troyer was treated at the scene by paramedics and taken to Western Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead at 1:36 p.m. Anahei~ police said early to- day it had not yet been deter- mined whether Troyer was ar- med at the time he was shpt. Ms. Cuen. who had entered Troyer's (See CONVICT, Page At) Ann Landers B2 Movies 85 National News A3 Public Notices C2 Sports B6-8 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets B3 Television A7 Theaters B5 Weather A2 World News A3 Magee's status 'questionable' Kevin Magee'• status ls "queeiionable" for UC lrvine'11tCOnd -round NIT game a t Oklahoma tonight. Pate 86. J . ) J ·-• Or~~~ul0AILYPILOTIM~d~.M~~~~i:5,~i:9:8:2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Page A1 .. DOCTORS NE W ROLE . • • ln~:reasing ~gulation. Fuchs said. Th~ second mujor change is u pote ntial .clash betweeft university-run hospitals and their doctors and community hospitals and their doctors, Fucha said. That clash la comin~ because the unJversJty-run faalities are strapped {or money and are in- creasingly looklng to more patient care as a source of revenue, he said. It l.s up to doctors to adjust to both of these changes, Fuchs said, though he added after the speech that he is not· sure such an ad- justment will take place. To 11\eet the first change, doc- tors must comprorluse with pro- fessional managers and place pnority on th06e things they re- ally wish to control, he said. "Whether we like it or not, some of this (influx of profes- sionals) is inevitable," Fuchs Satd. "Physicians and management must work out compromises that understand the legitimate con- l'Cms of each side." univennty-run facilities, he said. A potential third challenge will be for doctors to avoid the urge to jump into new. lucrative medical proc.:dures, Fucha said. When a ne)Y procedure is ini- tiated at present so many doctors bec-'Ome involved in It that there is not enough work for most, but the cost of the procedure stays high despite the flooded market, Fuchs said. The "competitive squee?.e" that results may cause '·a battle within medicine," Fuchs said, a battle that will be resolved when large health care providers consolidate serv1ces at a lower cost and choose only as many doctors for one procedure as are needed. Fuchs warned in an interview that if doctors don't take steps to regulate themselves the marke t will select only those lll06t fit to perform certain procedures. 0 lowering the price while driving others out. TAMRA • • • ~ yean "Ir we're lucky," her mo- ther sa~. "But even Uthe doc'Sll't make h ahe la already a winner," her mothtt aaid, IUlllling to hJde her months of pain. "It doean't mat· ter, you don't have to Uve to a ripe-old age to be a winner. "At first I was numb about thia," Mn. $mith said, recalling when docton found the cancer March 5, 1981 after growing complaints by Tamra of the pain In her leg "I questioned and shook my fist ut the heavens. "But we're lucky. We could have e nded up w ith broke n hearts. But I took a second look and my heart was broken open with love and that's what the differe nce is," Mrs. SmJth said. "When a heart lS broken open love can come forth. "Tamra does not belong to m«:. l only get to love her, take care of her and enjoy her." The clash between university- and community-run facilities can be resolved if the university af- filiates take on only as much patient care as is necessary to sustain the vital research work they do, Fuchs said. Fuchs said he is not certain any of these adjustments can take place because the medical pro- fession is dominated by old doc- tors who don't really care about the future. "Their attitude is 'If only I can get in five more good years I don't care what happens'," Fuchs said. "We need people who are going to be thinking about what health care will be like 15 or 20 years from now ." STOUT HEARTS Tamr a Smith, center, ..discusses her school dav with mother Nancy and sister Dacia. Behind thf:>~~miths is a 0.., Not ""°'° 9'y Ctwtee lfen heart presented to Tamra on Valentine's Day by th e singles group at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove. It hasn't been easy ror the Smiths financially. They moved to California in December, 1980 after Mrs. Smith. during a visit with her Cather Gerrit Schut of Newport Beach, attended Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove and was "overwhelmed " with the hope sh e fe ll w hen walking through its doorway. They moved from Pue blo, Colo,, and Bill took a new job in Los Angeles that left him without ins~. Community hospitals and their d octo rs can respond by no t branching out into areas or care traditionally handled at the CONVICT KILLED. car, was not an jured in the ·inci- dent. • • Boy injure d in accident The pursuit and shooting are •• : being investigated by th~ Ana- •• heim and Santa Ana police de- partments, as well as the Orange County District Attorney's office. officer before escaping over a wall. The convict drew a handgun whic h discharged during the scuffle. but no one was injured . police said. While about 30 officers sear- ched a Huntington Beach neigh- borhood for the convict, Troyer allegedly broke into an As h Street house to hide, then raped t.he woman who resides there when she returned home, accor- ding to police. An 8-year-old Irvine boy today was listed in stable conrution in the intensive care urut at Western Medical Center with head inju- ries he suffered in a traffic acci- dent Friday. Brian Pak apparently was chasing a ball into the street at Deerpark and G lenwood in Irvine at 4 p.m. when he was struck by a motorcycle driven by Eric Taylor, 16. of Irvine. said a police spokesman. Prior to his escape, Troyer had been serving a four-year sentence for anned burglary. Last Wednesday, he was spot- ted near Beach Boulevard and Slater Avenue in Huntington £each by a Westminster police detective. According to police. Troyer scuffled with the Westminster AIDS FAMILY Matranga's Hair Cor:npany cli~­ ped heads and marucured nails for:_five hours. The Video Etc .. videotape store agreed to donate $1U trom_~ach $19.95 membership 10 tts v1aeo Club to the family also. And today, Chuck E. Cheese's. Pizza Lib er a ls lead in g Aller the dragnet was disper- sed. Troyer allegedly fled in the woman's car • • • T1me Theatre m Lake Forest will hold a special mght where part of any proceeds above a usual Monday's business will go to the family. The effort is one of many for the Alfaro Family since Pedro Alfaro was murdered in a robbery that ne tted less than $100. Al- faro's widow recently was pre- sented with a savings account in her name in which several thou- sand dollars had been deposited. proceeds Crom a fund started by another businessman. Taylor was treated for minor leg injuries by paramecLics at the scene in the El Camino Real Vil- lage, and the injured boy was taken to the Santa Ana hospital. Laguna probes ea ter y blaze Laguna Beach fire anvestaga- t.ors were probing interior walls at TortiDa Flats today in an effort t.o determine the cause of a blaze Saturday at the restaurant. The fire. which broke out be· tween waU spaces in the kitchen and upstairs bar, was put out by fire units from Laguna and Or- ange County Saturday afternoon BOGO'T A, cOlombia (AP) President Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala's Libfral Party took the lt•ad in early returns today 10 elections for a new Congr~. -By STEVE TRIPOLI Dozens o f p a trons a nd em- ployees were evacuated from the two-story building shortly after the fare erupted at about 1:45 p.m. No in iuries were reported. • rain on the way? Panly cloudy and breezy in 11\e allernoon Increasing clOuds w11h an Increasing chance of showers 10 conhnue until Paclfk: Telephone Co restored service cu1 ott when • cable was damaged by waler from Sunday'11 rain, phone company spokesman Don Norman seld Also ,,, Beverly Hiiis. more than 2.000 homes and buslnesses _., wllhOut electrleity for several hours 1>eeause of a power !allure that Elsewhere. small cratl advisory over outer northern waters for ln-creeslog northwesterly winds Edison crews -e Sl•ll trying to 15-30 knots with 3.7 root ~ p1npo1n1 late Sunday noght tonight. In other areas. winds National Weather Service mostly westerly. Winds decreeslnp spokesman Allen Thompson said to leu then 10 knots. Wetl to the latest In e series ol storms from northwest swell 2-4 feet. Partly the GuN of Alasu moved through cloudy ttuough tonight. Southern California -e "pe9flng ott" one aher another • v .s. SUfnmary A new storm II expected Tues- day. he aeld. Thunderstorms moved across Arl-.en18s 1n10 the Ohio Valley to· By Ille end of Sunday's storm, day., meUlng snow caused severe retnlall al the Los Angeles Ctvle lloodlng In Indiana end nor1h-I Center measured 412 of an Inch Ohio. Since the showera began at about 2 Heavy rain letl on Arkansas end a,m Kentucky. A winter 1torm Wit de-The re.lnlaJI brought the CMc veloplng over 011 -tern moun· Center total to date to 6.9• lnc'- talns tor 1he Nason that l>egen July 1 Miid weather prevBlled ecrop The average by March 14 la 11 53 the South. Oenee log blanketed llfe Inches. and 7 .36 Inches had b"'1 Gulf Coast from T exas to the reached by that date In 1981, Florida Panhandle while pertly Th<>mpton said, adding thll1 rein cloudy slcles cover.cl the Eestem still might reach noret lewlt lhls Seaboard wilh a lew lhowere along the mld-Atlenlfc Cont light vear showers lingered over Northern ----------~:ornla and the Pec;lllo North· E x t end,ed Flooding along the M1umee I Or Ced the evecuellon of 3,000 "'o rncas l rMldenta at F0<1 W1yne, lnd . as the,J 1 • ~ river climbed to 9 !eel above flood . stage. COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN Gov. RoW1 o. Orr declared the AREAS -Wedneadey through city end surrounding county • di· Frldey· rein and lllunder.,_.s auter area. 1111.ey WedneeOay ending Thuradey, Em«gency crews 181ldl>egged Snow In the mount1rn1, Pertfy the rl'Mf as the f10od moved 1-erd cloudy end not ea cool Friday. us mouth on Lake Erle 11 Toledo. Windy perfo01 In the mountllna sn-wu f()(ICUt today from end oou1el ar-. Hlgl'I• In the Montene acroes the Rocklee Into coastal•-moatty 55 to eo rlllng 1he mounteine ol Artzone Snow to the .,_ Friday. HIQN In the 30t changing to .-i wu expect.cl In the mountelnl rlelng 5 deOf- over the noni-n Pleln1 wllh rein Frldey. Ovwnlghl tows 47 to l5 In spreading over the cientrel pen ot the ooeatal .,... end In the 20t lo the country. 32 In the rnountelne, Temperaturee around the nation esrty today renoed from 13 In 8eult Ste. Merie. Mfch.. lo 76 In Key w .. 1. Fla. T empe r a tures CALIFOttNIA Apple Valley Bakersfield Bar1t- Beaumon1 Big Bear 81y1he Catalina Eurell1 Fresno Lancaster Long a.ech Los Angeles Merysvtlle Monrovte Monterey Mt. WH90ll Needlel Newport ee.cn Oakland Ontario Puadlne Puo Robin River tide A.a Bluff Redwood City S~trnento SallnH Sen Bem•dlnO San Gebf'lel 70 40 03 65 55 25 64 57 .02 50 415 .52 49 32 .:is 72 58 8 1 58 4() 48 43 18 5t 42 82 57 49 29 61 58 82 57 55 4 I 55 51 55 51 I 46 5" 49 44 38 30 2 95 67 59 es 55 34 55 48 .33 57 51 54 51 ,118 60 411 .29 55 51 22 541 411 41 55 411 .3t 55 47 07 54 48 .23 57 ,.. .15 81 51 .83 California IURf REPORT ! .... ·-...... San 01990 67 59 12 San Francisco 53 48 San Jok 58 56 .20 S11n11 Ana 61 541 48 Santa Barbeta 511 52 Santi Metia 58 52 Stockton 56 49 Tahoe Valley 4• 35 Thermal 69 57 04 rorra.nc;e es 53 41 NATION "' L-Pre. Albany 44 30 Albuquerque 60 36 Amarillo 70 37 A1heVtlle 60 410 Ot Allen1e 78 51 .93 Allanlic CUy 60 41 Ball I more 82 44 Blrmtnghem 78 81 Blsm91Ck 411 35 8olM 417 37 .2 Boston 50 3" Brownsville llO 73 Buffalo 42 24 Charleston. S C. 811 eo Chllrieelon, W.Ve. 58 40 .68 Cheyenne 81 33 CllleagO 51 38 Cincinnati 59 42 .52 CleYel1nd 47 37 Cotumbu1 58 38 Oel-Fl.Wor1h n 57 .<M Oelrott 45 32 Duluth 38 111 El Paeo 88 •5 Felrbtnk1 111 -3 Hert lord 53 31 ...... 58 3t HonolulU t9 82 HouSlon 11 89 tndlaneooll• 67 41 Jecktonvtlle 88 82 1(.,,... City .. 41 t5 48 HMvy re1n1 totl(td Loe Angelel 1or 1tmo1t • hill dly. oau1lng problem• rangln9 from a bua-•m~ etalh thllt lett 11 Ill~ red to an ov1rnlght tat1p11one blleteoul atfee11ng 200 POtll len- lMVegM LeM'9ell .. ~ ..... T-.. ~on 9'Mft 14 PoOr &a __ ..., _______ ... =::t:'.::, Jetty t! = :: ,su"' moon, tide• tdlet Clft10l'I "'°"*' Tn• Lo• Ano•'-• Fir• O.par1-ment and pOliOe d1P81'tment• In !><*I Loe AnOi* Md ee-ty H .. --" 11e1ta ,,.vdt '° IN PduiM hllllde .,.. ""-" of ...._ wvtoe. flf• dePl"!Mfti 990kae-rnen ,_. v.nMI .., ~. a.e..A1r Plttol. a .....,... ~ """ .... -.=:-hOOCl.llto b.-.d "'Ila IDfCe. ~ ..,. lllellltf9pMrolt ............. • 40111 St. ~ 24 pocw 541 • TOOAV - 22nd St. Newpor1 24 PoOr 58 Second low 6:51 p.m. 2~ M1t1oe Wedge 2... PoOr 58 TUllDAY =~ !~ 1; ~ l Rrwt Ng11 1Z:IO 1.M. --4 .,. ,....... ..., Fnt tow 1:4t a.m. S., ~ Pier W pocw 87 Second hlfl'i 4:22 p,m, I . 9lcOtMI !OW 1:24 p.m. a. ~ N r poor 57 Sun"'' 1:01 p,m., t1ell T . -~~ T~I TIOfa: HIOfl 4:22 Cllll.. Low 1:4' a.in., 8wll "oon rlHI 11:49 p.m., ••t Dlreatlcwl w.it. T---10: 11 a.m. • • l . More days of forecast for area • rain By JEFF ADLER Denny, whose records go back 50 Of lhe Dally Plot 11.n years. Rain. ram and more rain is the Despite the heavy rainfall, local outlook for the coming week. flood control officials said Orange according to National Weather County did not experience any Service forecasters. major flooding. Also, a Southern The rain, which came down California F.dison spokesman said· heavy at times Sunday, could last the rain rud not cause any power through T hursday as moist outages along the Orange Coast. March storms continue to form However. an off-duty Santa off the coast, a spokeswoman for Ana patrolman rescued a the weather service said. 15-year-old youth from a rain- Chance of rain is increasing to s wollen Uood control ditch Sun- 60 percent Tuesday. Also, it might day night. be wise to carry that umbrella A police spokesman said officer Wednesday and Thursday when Michael Hama nn and two thunderstorms a re likely, the neighbors pulled Michael Me- spokeswoman said. Janson from a ditch near Trask Temperatures today were ex-and Clinton streets about 6:30 peeled to top out at a cool 62 p.m. after Hamann heard the degrees with overnight lows of youth's cries for help. Melanson 45.55 degrees. Water tempera-was uninjured in the incident. ture off Newport Beach is 56 The youth apparently had at- dei;trees. t empted to bicycl e across the Sunday's rain showers dropped flood control channel and was 2 inches of rain on inland Orange about to be swept away when County a nd as much as 1.14 in-rescued. Hamann and the neigh- ches in Huntington Beach, a c-bars fanned a human chain to cording to the Orange C.Ounty bring the youth out. the spokes- En vi ron m e ntal Management man said. Agency. Elsewhere, heavy rains appa- Closer to the coast, Huntington rently were responsible for th~ Beach resident J. Sherman Den-collapse of 20-by-20 foot section There have been constant bills and the Smiths are hoping to get a motorazed wheelchair for Tamra, Neighbors have rallied to their aid, thanks t.o Sue and Jerry Omasta. A benefit showing of "Robin Hood," arranged by Omasta. wlll be held at 10 a.m. and noon Saturday at the Edwards Cinema in Mission Viejo shopping center on El Toro Road. Tickets are $2 each. Hote l gu est rips 'em off in $402 haul Hotel managers have grown accustomed to guests making off with ashtrays and an occasional towel but $402 worth of the stuff? That's how much operators of the Newporter Inn in Newport Beach calculate they lost to one guest this weekend. Hotel employees told police that when the guest check out, they discovered two $40 blankets, four pillows, th ree bath towels, two hand towels, two bed spreads and an assortme n t of s heets missing. They told police that a $150 TV control unit and a coffee pot also were gone. ny reported .55 inches of rain at of a busy FedMart department 8 J his home. store in Garden Grove. urg ar g e tS The "spotty" nature of the The section of roof collapsed stonn meant rainfall was highly about 3 p.m. dumping water and $ 5 000 } localized and accounts for the debris into the store's hardware . ' 00 l wide-ranging disparity in rain and paint department. measurements re ported, accor-A visitor to Laguna Beach lost dini;t to local weather experts. While a large number of $5.000 an jewelry and cash to a shoppers were in the store when burglar who ente red his hotel In Costa Mesa. county officials the roof came down, only one r oom S unday while h e was reported .76 inches of rain fell minor injury, a cut hand, was asleep. during Sunday's stonn. reported. William S. Leander, of San Diego, told police someone The rain brought the annual A Garden Grove Fire Depart-entered his room at the Vacation coastal total up to 7.91 inches for ment spokesman estimated da-Village on South Coast High.way the season. But that remains be· mage to the store, at Harbor through a sliding glass door. low the 11.92 inch average for the Boulevard and Chapman Avenue. Taken were rings, a watch and year for .the area. according to could reach $100,000. other valuables. police said. _:~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • THE ENTERTAINERS "Between Rock ... . . ,and a Soft place." ,, .I . ' I • ... swc::= .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 15, 1982 H/F Al I . . Move to ease Central Americ3n tensions gains NEW YORK (AP) -Mexico's top diplomat says he is prepared to follow up on proposals by Secretary of St.ate Alexander M Haig Jr. for easing rapidly es- calating tensions between the United St.ates and both Cuba and Nicaragua. Mexican Foreif'n Secretary Jorge Castaneda wd Sunday that contacts by his government with Cuba and Nicaragua on Haig's suggestions might come as early as this week. He also held out the possibility of promoting a move toward a negotiated settlement of the El · Salvador conflict after the March 28 constituent assembly election in that country. At that time, Castaneda said. ''There might be an opening for some ~d of constructive action b)' one or a group of countries" aimed at endina the bloodshed ln El Salvador, wnere leftist guer- rillas are fighting against the U.S.-supported junta. Castaneda's remarka came at a news conference Sunday after a meeting with Haig, thetr second ln a week. Neither spelled out what Haig had suggested, but the &ecretary of state's own assesarnent of the Sunday meeting was more cir- cumspect than that offered by the Mexican official. Nonetheless, Haig's remarks and the absence of any significant attempt by U.S . officials to temper the optlmis~ tone of Castaneda's comments reflected apparent movement to- ward an increased U.S. willing- ness to negotiate solutions to the Central American turmoil that has dominated U.S. fore1!(n poli<'y concern ln recent weeks. The development comes arrud u growing movement in Congress to take more control over the Rea- gan administration's actions in Central America, including pro- posals to require prior congres- sional approval for military action and covert h1te!Hgence opera- tions. Although Haig gave few details of his session with Castaneda, he acknowledged that U.S .• Mex:ican differences over Mexico's 3-week-old peace plan for Central America had narrowed at Sun- day's meeting. Specifically, he iridicated that direct U.S. talks with Cuba may take place on Cuba's a lleged support of rebel moveml•nts in Dinosaurs nJay have drowned Gia nt asteroid could have cau sed 500-foot tida l wave PASADENA (AP) -A dino- saur lazily chewing on some swamp land shrub 65 million years ago may have heard a tre- mendous roar, twisted its long neck to look at the sky and seen a huge ball of fire plunging into the ocean. The startled dinosaur might have been knocked off its feet by the shock wave spreading out- ward as the giant asteroid roared through the atmosphere. Then a great flash of light would fill the horizon as the big rock hit the wa\er with a shock 1,000 times greater than the biggest earth- quake ever recorded, says geo- physicist Thomas J. Ahrens of Caltech. The sky would grow quickJy dark as debris from the exploded asteroid and dust churned up from the sea floor reached the stratosphere, spread into a dense layer and obscured the sun. A warm rain would pelt the poor creatu re as superheated seawater thrown into the skies began falling gently back to earth . "It would get darker and darker as more dust drifted over and pretty soon it would be P.itch black -so black you couldn t see your hand in front of your face. even if that hand held a flashlight," Ahrens sald. "Then the dinosaur would be hit by a 500-foot wall of ocean water" -a tidal wave of mind- boggling proportions that would race around the world within 27 hours. Ahrens and colleague John D. O'Keefe said that might very well have drowned most of the lowlands-lurking dinosaurs and set the stage for the rapid end of thetr 140 miU1on-year reign as kings of the earth. The scientists were presenting results of their computer study of the impact of a giant meteorite today at a Lunar and Planetary Science Conferen- ce m Houston. AP Wl....,,tioto TRANSPLANT TW INS -Thirteen-year-old identical twins Siobhan Doyle, right, and sister Linda smile as they leave a Dublin hospital after recovering from a kidney transplant frQf0 Linda to Siobhan. The twins celebrate their birthday April 1 and Siobhan said "It is the best present I could have gotten from m y sister~..am fetling great -thanks to her." Ahrens said 1n an t·~rl1er interview these effects would be about the same 1f a similar as- teroid ploughed into th1• ocean today -"and in fact, that's nol impossible." This is the latest entry or at least a new variation of an l'arl1er entry -Lo try to explain one of the longest-running and most intri~uinR mysteries of sc·1en<.:e: what caused the Great Ext1m· uon that wiped out tht• d1nsaurs and many other land and watC'r species? The mass extinctions left the way clear for mammals. then a motley collect1on of small ro dents, LO begin taking ovt r Ahrens and O' K t.'ef£' bas(•d their study on a now-popular theory proposed two Yl'ar-. c1go b\ Luu; and Walter Alvan·z of th1 University of Caltforn1 ;1 a 1 Berkeley. The Alvan'l them~· grew m part from ev1denn· a layer of debris deposlll>tl around the earth about ti5 million years ago was, in Mime· of 1t.'> composition, more hke an astl'ro1d than the earth's c:rust R eagan sees n ews slant on S alvador RADNOR. Pa <APJ Presi- dent Reagan says he ha::. dt:tP<:ted an "editorial slant" in l<'lt•v1sion reporting on AmPrican involvl' ment in El Salvador that 1s rem iniscent of <.:overnge of th<' Viet· nam war. There is "a tcnden<.:v to cdtto· riaJize in the m('(.iia and prl'SC'r.t a certain viewpoint." thf' president said m an mtervir•w with TV Guide magazine. wh1c·h will ap- pear in the Man·h 20 1ssU<' Reagan. speaking about c·d1to- rial1zmg m TV news. Jff,.rc'Ci as an example. 'thl· dfor•~ wc•'d made m El Salvador to trv to convince the Ame>racan pl·oplc• that what we>'rc havmg 1s an mfiltrauon into the Amen<·as that is really directed by the> other superpower." Television news always wants Lo say "we're mterv<'nmg" m the conflict. Reagan said "There has been a kind of editorial slant that has something. almost, of I.he Vietnam syndrome. which challerl'ges what w e're doing there." Poles pray for Walesa release Spiritual leader makes first public appeal since arrest WARSAW. Poland (AP ) - Twenty thousand Poles joined Poland's Roman Catholic primate at the Solidarity stronghold of Ursus ln a prayer for the release of Solidarity leader Lech Walesa. Arcbbishop Jozef Glemp. the spiritual leader of Poland's more than 30 million Roman Catholics. on Sunday made his first public ap peal on Walesa's behalf in whk h he mentioned the union leader by name. E#)'pt's leade r · ,,.StfHJnes trip CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -Presi- dent Hosni Mubarak was quoted today as saying he has postponed hil visit to Israel because Israeli leaders insisted that he visit the city of Jer usalem, newspapers re~today. 'It ii not within· diplomatic DOrm1 that 8 COlpltry impoees oertaln plk'es on the itinerary o1 a villting prelldent," Mubarak said in an lnten'iew with the Kuwait newwpaper Al-S iyuaah. · Nlae tee•·••ers I ldllefl ,. era MJNIX>LA. N.Y. (AP)-Nlne 1 lilen-gen ldlled Lo a van when ' the ditver apparently tried to beet • Plllfl1lll' train to • ao. *" "weft P>d lddl,'' laid their lllllRllfB stunned fanlilies and friends. A 10th teen survived the acci- dent. m which a Long Island Rail Road locomotive traveling at 65 m ph slammed into the van broadside and knocked it about 150 yards down the tracks early Sunday. The survivor remained hospitalized in critical condition early today. OOP endorses , r e eall ellort SANTA CLARA (AP) De<:lding that reapportionment• and election battles are more J important, Republican Party lea- ders have voted to support the recall of state Su_preme Court Chief Justice Roee Bird, bu t not.to give any money to that ca\18e. ''We are endorsing the princt · pie of the recall. but we are not g oin_g to conduct a recall cam-, paign a1ain1t her," said puty chairman Tino del Junco after the party executive committee I ~ting Saturdly in Santa Clara. Callle ear l•rM laereaNfl te II SAN J'RANCl8CO (AP) - The COit of hopp&na on thole uni. .. cable cars and cJim"bing "halfway to the stars" doubled to $1 today as San Francisco tries to keep up with the cost o( maintenance on the 109-year-old system. Be a gan <-h astl.4iPd b'' economis ts NEW YORK (AP) -A group of conservative economists that has been bird-dogging Republi - can and Democratic administra- tions and the Federal Reserve Board for nearly a decade says it still supports Preiiident Reagan's economic-recovery program. But th e economists Sunday night chastised Reagan for step- ping too gingerly in proposing spe ndin g cu ts to reduce t he mushrooming federal budget de1idt. Nonl'oten rappe d by Frene• ,,.rty PARIS (AP) -P resident Francois Mitterrand's Socialists went to...work today on Commu- n.lat voter1 whoee ab&tention 1ave COnMrvattve parties the edge {n the tint round of elections for local ~mment councils In be· half of France. (;entraJ America and elaewhere in Latin America. One of the most serious reser- va t1ons expressed previously by Haig about the Mexican plan was its !ailure to deal with the ques- Llon of outside support for rebel forces in Cen tral America. The administration nas made a major Point of asaertlng that Cuba and Nicaragua have been helping and, to some degree, directing the rebels m t:l ~aJvador. And on Sunday. Haig identi- fied "Russian resour ces and arms" as a major destabilizing clement in Central America and as being symptomatic of the ~lo­ bal character of the growing turmoil in that region. The implication of Haig's re- marks was that Mexico lacks the diplomatic clout to deal with this aspect ol the problem. But Castaneda clearly was In an upbeat mood afterrus 75-minute meetin~ with Haig. "I think that from an objective point of view, the logical basis for a series of agreements exists," he said. "We feel hopeful the process of negotiation may be started in the Caribbean." Castaneda said any U.S. rap- prochement with Nicaragua would have t.e Include a halt in Nicaraguan weapon flows to Salvadoran insurgents, along with a U.S. pledge to avoid any interference in Nicaraguan internal affairs. When he unveiled his Central American peace proposal Feb. 21 in Managua, Mexican President Jose Lopez Po~~illo had made no reference to Nicaraguan arms flows to El Salvador. Castaneda said he and H&Jg did not discuss reported U.S. plans for covert U.S. operations in Nicara- gua. But he said any such activi- ties would have to be haited if normal relations between Wash- ington and Managua are to be restored. He added that this goal could not be achieved 1f counter- revolutionary forces Joyal to the ousted governmen~ of President Anastasio Somoza made cross- border raids into Nicaragua from Honduras and oth er sanctuaries. He also srud tensions between Nicaragua and the conservative countries of Central America could be alleviated through "a set of non-aggression pacts." ~~~~~~--~~~~~~- DIRECT HIT I James and Nelda Rhoads had taken shelter and were embracing in the hall JUSt outside this bathroom when a tornado ··truck their home between Lawn and Golds- AP Wlr9Pfloto boro, Tex., 20 miles south of Abilene. The pair and their two children were thrown as far as 50 yards from the house as the tornado demolished it. but none were seriously injured. Rock band ruinors 'false' Lead singer of Go-Go's said alive in L os A ngeles LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Go-Go's, an all-female rock band riding the top of the music charts. ha'i b<.-en beset by nationwide rumors -unfounded -of the drug-related death of the lead smger. a spokeswoman said. "They're here m Los Angeles and they're fine," said Betsy Alexander. national dtrector of publk1ty for lnternational Record Syndicate, who speculated the rumors might be related to John 8('lush1's drug-induced death March 5 m Los Angeles .. They seemed to start right after Belushi." she said Sunday. "The only thing I can think is that the girls knew Belushi. John used to hang out with the people in the underground LA scene. He was very much into New Wave and punk music. He was very instru- mental. I think, in helping get them on ·Saturday Night Live.' " She said swi~chboards have been flocxted by calls at IRS, the Go-Go's label, and at A&M Rec- ords, which distributes the Go- Go's No. I album "Beauty and the Beat'' and top-10 single " ' "Apparently the New York ofhce o( A&M last Monday and Tuesday got over 100 phone J calls." Ms. AJexand~r said. She said the cafl ers are pri- marily teen-age rs claiming to have heard on radio or television of the drug-related death of lead singer Belmda Carlisle. The rumors seemed to center on Chicago and the Northeast. "mostly out of the New York- Boston area, but our promotion guy says he's gotten them as far as Ariwna, Texas. I've gotten a lot Ra lly, march hit U.S. imm igration LOS ANGELES (AP) -A demonstration to protest Reagan admirustrauon ururugrauon poll- cies drew some 2,200 people, many of them claiming to be illegal aliens. The peaceful rally and march through downtown to City Hall Saturday was sponsored by the Coalition for Visas and Rights for Undocumented Workers and the National Mexican Brotherhocxf. They were joined by Hispanic trade unions and some Catholic ·agencies. of high school kids calling up in Cal1forrua," said Ms. Alexander. She has contacted radio and telev151on stations cited by the callers but none have reported broadcasting the rumors, she said- .. It's always a drug thing. Her mom and dad hear these stories and they get upset, .. she added. In fact. Ms. Carlisle and the four other members of the Go- Go's are in Los Angeles cutting an album. Ms. Alexander said. She speculated that some cal- lers might have misheard the name Belushi as Belinda. Also . she said. the band is sometimes viewed as physically frail because all-female bands are so rare. "One of the first things that reporters ask 1s , ''How are the girls? How do they do on the road''!'.-Ms. Alexa nder said . "l don't know if it's the Big Brothers angle or not, they're always loo- king out to see if it's too strenuous for them on the road ... Adding, perhaps, to the mys- tery. has been the fact that the band members have been closeted in preproduction on their new, as-yet-unnamed album, schedu- led for release in August, and "they're not doing interviews." a11 cottonch1no ... always a trad1L1onol . fayoril<z.; pla.aL<zd or ploin front ~gnzatw1th sport<:xl:lt!' or krnL~htrv5 pzrhaps oncz. of l.hz. most comfortabl<l t..r~r.s you ll IZ.W.rWtZar @)~o@@J§@ 44 Foahlon ltlond • Nnvport Beoch • 714/644 -5010 1001 Watwood.Bluel .• Watwood Vfllogft. 213/208-3213 \ I I A4 Hl f Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 15, 1982 ,~~\ "'''' . , ., Retirement facts offered DEAR READERS: If you are a divorced w o man, and were married to your ex-husband for at least 10 years, you c.an r e<.'eive Social Security retirement or dis a blUty benefits' when you tum 62 years of age. · lndlaa on lite "Keep America Beaullhal" advertisement.? L.K., Cotta Ml'sa The crying Indian ln the Keep America Beautiful pubUc service ad.I is available on posters promoting Keep America Beautiful Week, April 18·24. This year's poster features Iron Eyes Cod y with the United States Capitol in the background, and the wording, "Keep America Beautiful Week -your chance to get involved." Posters are $2.50 including postage and handling, from : KAB, 99 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. It'll also Important for women to know that all Social Security records should show your correct nam e. This is especially true if you are e mployed, since your employer reports your earnings under the name you give. So, whenever you change the name you use for e mployment, whether because of marriage, divorce, or other reasons, notify Social Security. These a nd othe r important facts are included in a free booklet by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services called ··A Woman's Guide t o Social Security." To get your free copy, send a post card to the Cons umer Information Center. Dept. 513K. Pueblo, Colo. 81009. • "Got a problem? Then wnte to Pat \...,. Dunn. Pat wtll cut red ta~. getting • J. the answer1 and actiop you need to • solve inequities m government and r1 business. Mail your questaoru to Pat Dunn. At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Pilot . P 0 Bor 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 As many letters w pou1ble unll be an.swered. but phoned mquines or Letters not includtng the reader's full name , address and business hours· vhon/! number cannot be cOl'IS1dered. This column appears five days' a week. Indian posters available DEAR PAT DUNN: Do you know where I can get a copy of the picture of the cryln« ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley P"'*""' ...-S Ch·•I (•e<1.11·vt!' OU·ter Robert N Weed p~ Thomas A Mu rph1ne EOIOt L. Kay Schultz YaPf...o."I .., Dl.ctor ot ()ptt4U10"• Michael P Harvey M9n.et•"'Q ()u.ctOf Kennelh N Goddard Jr Charles H Loos ~"9EO•IOt Monoay-F ms•v 1 f y0u "o nor "~• '°"" oeoer ov ~ 30 o"' cal· oetore-7 om ano t0u' coov ..,.,, bl" Oe4•~eo S..u•O•r •n<t SYnd•) It you oo not tlCJetve "°"' coo.,. b, 1 • m u tl t>ek>fe 10."' •"O VOUf COPY ll'Wlil oe o.J1veteo Clrc.wlotl T...,,.._ Mos! O.anqe Counly 4 •ta• 40•0 11 Nonh~t Hunt1no•on 8,.dCt'\ lf'O We~li'n'"11ttr l ... tllt LAOuf'\I N•Ou•1 .,._.... CleuHled edvertfslng 7141642-5678 All other depertments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE l30 w .. 1 Bn St • Cosi. Meu, CA t.Yll • .,.,~ 114• IS60, Costa~. CA .,.,. C°"yrtQM IW? Or-CoH I Pul>ll\lltng ,...._.,, No new1 •~le\, lllu"rallon., t<lllorta l m .tter or .o-vertlte.....,11 ,,.rein may be •tl>'OClu<ecl wltl'toul spe<l•I oermlulon or c09yrl911t owner Se<ond t i.is PIXl•Qe paid at CO\t• Ma ... CaHlomla (UPS l-M.-001 Subuription Dy cutler ~ IS"-'"'' by m••I. '4 !O ,,_ll'lly TIW Oranot COH I 0.lly Pilot, with whl<ll K '°"" blned lhe -Press, I• publlsht<I l>Y the Orange Cou t PubH""ng Company S.parate -~ are publl\hed -.Uy through Friday lor Costa -... Newport BN<h, H.,.,111191on S.a<h. Fountain Val .. y, lrvlM, 1.aQUN 8HCh, South Co .. I A •Ingle ~I t<lltlon Is l)Ublllol>ld s.tturd•Y• and Sunda~. The prlnclp•I l>Ubllshlng plant I• •I l30 West Bay StrMI. P 0 . Boa IS60. Cost• Mes.a. Calltornl• .,,,_ South Pacific dumping opposed GENEVA, Switzerland (AP - A 20-country conference on environment in the South Pacific has voted to ban the dumping or nuclear waste in the region. the Gene va orfi ce of the U.N Environme nt Prog ram said . Al the meetin g, which ended on Rarotonga, Cook Is lands. a declaration was adopted slating that ''the storage and release or nuclear was tes in the Pacific regional environment s hall be prevented," accord ing th e UNEP statement. We're Listening ..• What do you hke about lhe Daily Pilot? What don't you hkc'' Call the number below and your message will be reror dC'd. t ra nscribed and delivered to the appropriate editor Thl' same 24-hour ans wering ser vice may be used to rerord let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number fo r verification No rirculat1on calls. please Tell us what's on ~our mind 642·6086 APW~o CHINA 08SER VER -American moVle star Kirk Douglas v isited a movw set in Peking, China, over the weekend to see how fil ms an• made in China. Here he greets performers on one sc.:t. At right 1::. director W ang Yang. fleavywt"ig ht ki champ wins Tipping till' scales Jt 407 pounds With all o r his gear On, Bernard Hehl won his second He;,ivywt-1ght S ki Charnp10n- sh1p m a row . defeaung 27 he rtv riv.11'. 1n the annual l'V<'ni at Sugarloar USA m Mame. "It fet!ls grc•at," tht-TV re- Annie Glenn, the wife of S£·n John Glenn, D-Oh10, has gonC' on nallon::il TV to Wik about h<·r lifl.'lnng s truggle against a SIJ('l'(.'h 1mpechmenl. "h'~ hkf thr-answer to a prayer," Mrs Glenn said slov.rlv. lw1 vmn still showing trnct>s of 1h1· stutter that has F11r th1· sc.•tond ~tra1ght vt·ar. a m,m b<"'t known for his jt·ung h..c. \\ un the Direc:tors Guild award for d1rect1on. Warren Beatty, who direc- ted and st<trrt•d m •·Reds." the 'Wlgci of journah.,t John Reed , made· a r;,in· <.1µp1:aranu• at a ltlrn mdu ... tn t·n•nt to aC'Cl·pt pa1rman from Laurel S prings, N .J .. said. "I was pretty ner- vous at first. I wasn't sure if I l'OUld do it again " Hehl, 28, who says he weighs 350 pounds unencum- bered by ski equipment, also won the event last year - wht•n h(• weigh ed a mere 325 affhtted her since childhood. "I can carry on a conversa- tion now. and l could never do that before," ~he said. Mrs. Glenn was accompa- nit•d by Glenn. a former as- tronaut. fo r her appearance on ABC's "Good Morning Ame- r1l·a" program. the award The GuLld awards often are an mdicator of Oscar trends Last year, Robert Redford, was named best di.rector for "Ordinary People." Redford, like aU but two winners in the Guild's 34 years of awards. went on w win the Academy Award (or d1rect.or. The aardvark ii an Ujly animal with an anteate r '• noee, a doney'1 ean, a .pig'• body and a bad smell, ao why would anyone want to be Mllta American Aardvark? "God meant the aardvark for aomething," said Mary Ann Jones, a 44-year-old ar· chaeology student from Ha- worth, N .J ., who happily ac- cepted the title and the crown of daisies at the fourth annual contest a t the P hlladelpt\la tOO. It was part of the American Association of Aardvark Afl· cionados' National Aardvark Week. Lawrence Welk gave the amateurs high priase when L os Angeles City Council members heartily sang a song o f tribute to the bandleader on the occasion o f his 79th birthday. "Champagne musk," was Welk's appraisal of the song. Council President Joel Wachs said, "An d -a o ne, and-a two, and-a three," and the council enacted a special r esolution ho noring Welk's 79th birthday. The administ ration is Qressuring evangelist Billy Graham to turn down an m- vnation to preach at Moscow's Patriarchal Cathedral, News- ..yeek magazine reports. Graham was invited by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to preach in May, but the magazine said the adnµn- 1stration fears the Soviets will use Graham for propaganda purposes. The press greeted Auu - Margret as "S°uperswede" af ter her first show in her nauve land. "A more professional show never has been cast in this country." said the Stockholm Afton blade t after her perfor- mance. He likened h e r with an· other Superswede -five- time Wimbledon tennis champ Bjorn Borg. Tax rebel James Dwight S pyder was sen t enced to three years in prison and fined $15,000 for tax evasion JUS t hours before he a tte nded a banquet in his honor at Ba ltimore At the Pilot, people make the difference. 4 • .. people like these in classified advertising · .. , en1oy Ille chatleng'-' and iTlvolvernent of puttmg 011t a daily newspaper . I also like working with tins wonder/ ul qroup of people .. Bill Reis Tustin Bill is our real estalr advertising manager He is respons ible for coordinating and selling all the real estate ads for the Daily Pilot. ' l>,uh 1111111 :1<1\1·rth1·111l011h !!l'I 11·:-.111t ... Tlwl .., p;11·tl ' h1·1·.111...,1· 11l 1ll1, •1 °111p1tl f11 1upl1 \\'h1 ·tlH'I' II .... 111ton1t1t1\1' n•al 1· ... 1.111• 11•1.!.11' 111 h··lp \\,111t1d 1h1·' 11 11.111wd111lwlpl11:-.t11me1 ... makl'lh1•11.11t ... 1111111l 11:.:h1 .1111! 111"1-. 11 l.!hl "" t ltc•\ II ,!!l'I I l':-llll:-That .., "h~ I h1 ... ::r1111p I' '" llll fllll t.1111 t 11 "" \\'1· d1 ·1>1·1Ht Ill\ l'l'Sllll s Ol'll'l11l'ct 1•mplm l'C'"I \I htt l.!l'I 1111' 111h d111a· rtl-!hl "" ·' 1111 111-.l'l'P hnnging _,·1111r bus ttH':-:-h:1d; 1"111d111!! l.!11• lfl pl·t1pll· ~ h11 1·111m I h1·1r \\11rk m;i~ 1 akt• long<.•1· and l'""' mon· h111 .it t ht• l >;11h Pllol \\ <' l-.1111" 11 ... '"1rt h 11 lll't':t\lst· pt>oplt• ctn m a kt• a Il iff t'I t'll<'I'. I /11\1· til1• 11t11111-;1>l11•11· <111rl till' /'H'llflli• /)('r(' I 1•c· 11/.\11 k11m('1L 11 Int 11 m kmq h1'll' C he ryl Gnegy, Huntington Beach A lt•gal advcrl1~tn.£! :.t!-ststant. Cht·r~·I h ~1nctle:-. firtitiou!'. business ads. dC'ut h not 1tcs :md :mil· ads . Daily Pilat I like haumg the cha11c1· to talk to .~uc·h nrce ·a11rl mterestmg people It·.-; a/so mce to be>. able lo help people with their ads · Sandra Kiessling, Huntington B<>ach Sandra is.a cla ssified ad taker-res ponsible for ta king ads coming in over the phone. and C'ounter "Where p~ple make the difference." 330 W. ~ay St., Costa Mesa 642-4321 NEWPORT BEACH * COSTA .. ~A *IRVINE * HUNTINGTON BEACH * FOUNTAIN VALLEY • LAGU?'<(A BEACH I r Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 16, 1982 tt I F 83 NY E COMPOSITE rfRAN ,ACTION ouot "''°'" u•c1.1.101 r••Olt Oll , ... llSW 't'O•C MtOW&n, flA(IPI( ••• 10\TO .. 01 ''0" ... o Ctlt(llO•'lf• i 100 I AC•A•OU ANO 911POllTID I Y , ... NA\0 ANO 111\flllrT )al., Not S.lt\ IOI M IO'\ Nrt \,tin N•I \•I" N•I P tod c1 Cl\Q PI! NJ\ Ct<>"' t f\9 Pr 1'41• l •u~ Ci\u "1 11·~1uij '"" Pr "Cl• cio ... c ne 11.i • '.., ;rv. •... H11••"' ..... .., l4 .... 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'lo -0.01 I 60 • 11· --·~ .....,.... -" H•nfl• 1 ) I 11 Vt r-I -s 111 ---PolarlO I " 1." 11-.. v. ltlcorn ,, ,,. I Wom•I SJ 11 ., 71"-. "' -u~ • l..,.I •+ .. Ola!Co t -II -_,,. • •~ ,., -u--Teld~ • In II~ • )14 ' ~~ n • '°• •k Olt ttrtl J 20 It 7. ;:::,:: ·~ H••l!lJ • I s ... 011•.i.-" Or pf J 20 Sol JJV. .... Pnclro• 411 • " ''"' , ... ~·-• ,., 1 ... 14 W-Pt .. 10 7) ""'. .,..r.._ ~ .,........ H•rlnd s U 10 0 I~ '-Or pl J eo J 11 POPT •I 80 ll 41 "'°' l'I JS.... Wotwlh I 80 • IOI II • •r. Ble<JlO 1' 10 162 ll'"t In pl t JO .. tJO llVa' '4 H•rnhh «I I "0 I V•-.... Ontd I 112 '114 • Ito Pot'lt< .IO S l?t IO'o lelln<O 2 .0 4 •7' • " Work!Ar 11 1'<. 1,. l!lllHPw J 11 S 11 22'1> ~ 1 7• ti 631 22'A• '" Herr81t J.JO 1 1 11 + V. OnO 114 :1D2 ,._. ..... PortGE I 14 S :JJ7 IJVt. ~:~:n 40 ~ ~ ~:: l't Wrl9ly t -• J 31'~, \"+ BlelrJn I 1 t 24 oi-s IO t• U. 45"' Ha rris l • I "'9 1'tlt • II. McGEd t S IS ""' . Po<G pf 1.40 · 11 II + .... Tetor pl J It J J2'4 • \<o WurlUr 4 Jlli 86<JIHA I 91 tt 6t 32•r. • ;,; Olillel IO im lt"4•1111 He rte > 1.10 t 16 , ..... • II\ McGrH t.a 11 160 4114 '+ \.. Pot11<h I 41 I SS ~ '' Tuaco l 4 IOOO '°"" + l't WyleLD .cl t J9 I.. ;_ 8""6 1 IO 6 IOS1 2,,'~-"'··-Cl~",:: : ,:,: ~·:... H•rtSM '11 1 • ""'. '4 Mclnt II • •• CIUY>-.... P01mEI I .. 7 IJI IS'h. TtxCM '10 • 200 ,. .... l't Wyly 17 j() l\t .... 8oe4ng I 40 , lS1 ff ~ HertH ·"° • ll' u -..... M<LH n .32 . lfl u -"' Pot El pf 4,()ol 00 ,. • v. TuEtl •.80 ' 11• «>'II ... Wynn• '° s I 14\tJ II. Bollie 1 'O • c1 21 -'I• ~ t 10 1• 2'1 tlYI• "' 11ens. 1.-1 •1 n I\ McHtll 'O • 2 1:w. Prmrk n2.40 • 41 t•V. ... TuGT i .n 4 ,; 1~ \\ -Jl-Y-.Z, llOnllfl , OS • llt JI "' ""'"· -• ll l "' MwllEI , ... 1 ,. 2•1"+ ..... Meed • , s 111 I-" Pr1m.c IS 1092 ........ 1\4 Tex Ind IOI> • 11 :7211. " )\~o• l s so. 1S\t. " llot'QW sl:40 • ~ U + V. . .._, ·-1 "" .: '' H•yesA t •V. ·" N\eHra .lll t1 ft 1•11. • II\ Pr MN.I.IS. t 3 IS ... Tu lnst 1 17 ~ 76''11•1\'t XTRA ''°' 17 41 II · • • llwrft'e • M+ .,.. lll"nl 0 • •• 1 .,, ICMt 14 Manltll .to jo 4 27 -"' rtM<flrn st 1J -a.-.-11,1, ProclG 4.20 • 9'1 ,.II\+ ~ r .. 1n1 .OS 27'1SI I~. " Z•ltCP 1.8 J 11 u ......... ~""" • IO • ' 27' ,,_ ... DllNlil ... -01•-" Heckt' .t• 1 u ..... • I!. ~-11on n1'•• • • ...... • .... PN!Rsh .l2 12 IJ I • ..... T OG ., I ... 1s·· "· Z•A•'-72 • -llV. , I bl' II' i:11 . • ....... .,.. 8::tv ,·: .: : ~-... Hacl•M "' ..... + "' MelVlll• 1:0. • 111 u-"' PSYCOI 1. ... m l'" .. Vt • •• ... I ~-" ~... . ,. .... 9":=/'6 1 ..... t tV.-1<\ "---. 'I t J 1-.• :· !4e!lrn1 ,n J H 21"''"" Mer<SI t • S S7Y>-V. !'$Go!.ot1.IO .. I 4 II; ~XP~~ll 1:1: 11~ ~::-~ f-~f;,R ;1: n: It •"" !Ir '1t 1•1o ""'-• ._ HoilV I I,.. I !t7 7' + \lo Mer Tea 1.12 t '° tt"-,.... "511'1d 2.60 I 101 ,,.., .. • e• ' z~o s . S. t tl ti \lo • I"+ !lrltdl t.» "ii • rw,"" · °"'°' ' ... 1 230 ~ ~ ttelenc s 2 n .. .. Merck 1.10" GI ,,_. + 111. PS111 pf 1.CM .. nt ,_ ~ Te xii •11 " • tl't · "" !1r1i1M 1.10 11 JV St ... "~ IAD 7 tte ''"· ' · Holrl11I I.JD 70 tJM 11~+ '-Merclllh t,IO 7 17 SS\lo-111. P.$1n pt I.Cl , NGO 1~ '"' Tu trOll I 80 1 100 11 -V. l umlnd 1:lll S xtO I... "'° llrltP\ 1 tllt , 17 "'~ • .,.. OrM.tn '' 01 20 112 .,... "" HolmP .a 1 42 ""' + "" MerrLv 1 • s 1"1 »I"+• " =pt a.• moo""° · M h • d !lrGck n 10 12 11 m't: 14 .. IO lS 121'+ 'lo HemC• 1 J\lo,., .. Mt .. P > ." t .. 1"-+ H 1.12 • 1» ''°"'"" oney growl l'nlXe lll1tWGI 1 JO 1 n 14 • " • • JD lJ\I\.. . Hot<ult I.JI • 11 IM . "" Mffl• t ;.. .. ?1\ti 11111$ tlOO " • ..... = t.10 I I.... • 14"... • Hertlly I.ti • t• M \\ ,_.,.. 1'"" ii IOI flV... ~.:: ""*' plC..U 1• 2'14 \\ AP ",. s a . .a. i ,. ~. "' ......... JO ' t , ... •ete t4 .... ~M ,, .. s itt ?Jo...... . M'l:'tat YORK ( ) D..-.... f .... I B 2.40 • 112I Jlllllt+ "° Hottft fJ11 IMI, I 1-... , MOMl"I _io. 'j 411 ~ • P.Si;«O 1,41 1 10I , ...... Ii< "'"'" • -Cn.lllpecU Or ..._: : 's ~. , __ Vt =:..: . 't r: 1" ........ 1 '"" ,.v.. '"' Metrrn '11 IS 1.i _, P.seG "''.., I IO speedy relief Crom lofty interest rat.es lr'IMll., .. m , __ .,. i.a ' ,.. n -"" Ho•1P' .Mu'"" ·~· "MiE "°-'° '" n • (11• .. dO i.11.+ "' h bee dam ...... ~ b Fed _, ~ l,10 10 1; ~t V. pt 'i . 12!0 Jt -\Ci! Ho11.cet ,Ila! .. n w.-I: MIE fJllFt.1' .. t lOO 4S'h+ 12.tS • rlOO fl'\\ .. · ave n ..,........... )' a e uu 91.cy& •• t .. I~" !If I rltO S1 ~le':r ~ 4. ~ !!!-., ~Ea wfd e.11 ::1~ 4W.4.._..... llfl.: . ~ :~ ~ Reserve Boa.rd report Of mixed arnwth = .0. 4 ltd ~ ,, r: ·: 110 SM+1ita I 2r--,,d _, _..-jlft IO t \'\ o ·- J.1t • • ' 1 • • .. • pf i., 1 -"I'.-1 4 "" M<11e• 'f. ·; 1 " -.,. .. ..... -•• ln two meas"-of •"--nation's monecv I:. 1.S> J 191 2914+ \41 'II • -..... H l'9f\ 1.91 I <1$101~ 141 .-C:Tell t 1 U lf\h ~ IJ i JO ,...+ n ... ,.... WM:' J ~ l.S2• • -45\hl\.'t : .. ~ ::= ~:: ..... '*4149Y .. '":t: t• '24' JIAMICllll t• S .mt """• "" IJ ~.... su~ly. I .ss .. ' s...... .... , •• 14 ~' ;;: ..... 5 ,. ,, ,. -JrAldSv t ' ... s .st tt\4 '·" ' ,. ' Y' Fed _ _,.. that 1 of =N • J ... I) ·,· ..J ',~ .... .: uo 7 t10 1 ..... IJlfl.101~ • "'"•·· ....... I,«! 1 ... H ·;··· '·'° ~ '~ ,., -"' e repo1~ a poo -·--... , ! ! ... ...., tt1 ..... ..s I' •1.,. _.,....,, ,-, •11 ,.._. ,. " •111 • ,., m.,. 141 c ..1-d1l ailabt t • 1penc11.,.a uo .... Jal4+ " ... •• ~· a ' .: 714 ..... SJ'",. j ., ' -16""• -""""' '1.(14 1 :l •1t1-"' un11.111 rea l. av e o. ""O• ..,." .n : ~ ~·.:·" 0 IJ :: 1w.!~ =~ 1.~ :1 , tt~:': "" . ..Jt 1 n " ..... If.~ uo '1 \.,a,'+ ill known u M ,oont.inueetogrowfaate.r -c:-c -111tl<t-1t • • '"' • 14 i.nh 1..e • • u1+-"' !IA~· "'• 1 .!1 ,. -..... .• • 14'! to -"" than d__.__... But It ~t..i • "'--• ... er I .... 1 AOe 1 1IO , ... ~ 4 ,, J !l .. !$~..... ii "' ' ti ....._ ..... =i-11 I. !··· •, ·-,-!! -. . . . . • Mi • ,., 11.,,._ "' 11;:91n::u. ...eu ""'~ ,. i.., -~~ 11r J:•:;!l! =:· .. ~ ,..,,,., •"····~111111,f.a, 1 ii-+16 • ~ ----~ ~ofthemoneyaupply,known . I'll 11 'I u;:;; .t!O • ·11 ,..._ • .,. 1• J 'I:-~~~ a.a s • ,,..,. -•-11 as M2, la finally within the central ,, m lt 'Z..::..... ~'.!. 2!. .-..... ....r~ !:I 1 ~ r-::·" ::n~llft.: J ·~ ~ rr. :t ~ ,J .:. ~ ban.le'• aroW\h wan. '· ·~ s:t ~; •• ~ 1•H ~""== =i:.~f.ifj.'i, L . ·::ij 1· ,:i~ g.. ..... 118 H! ·'. ~· ~ .. : ~ nie Fed Mid MI IOaJ'ed f3.• bWJon j • .. ·• • ' ·~.,. =' 1 , ~ "' ii • 1 . ... 'M • ... tn the week ended March 3, to a ~ 4 ~ r~ _"' :; 1 ~~ ~. j;il r:·-• :1 ~ ~:~ '~ I j 1:·~ $~=~/~ I I ~ ~ t,J JI';·-in-•.,.._,_.._ .. 1 \-::::,==.:I l .d r-;1 1 ll!. pnvloui week. withdrawn 111n ~)mm---- Stanley Hiller Jr., who heads the investment g.roup involved in a poosible acquisition ol Kalaer Steel Co., S{lfd his group tuts withdrawn Ii. proposal to purchase the out.st.anding shares of the company at $55.25 a share HilJer cited the substantial ch.ang~ in !mandal t.-ondiuon of Kaiser. including the $529 mt I lion m write-o ffs announced by Kaiser Workers at four Kalsu Permaotnte medical racUities went back \.0 work alter a monthlonll stnke today while nurses at three San Jose hospitals consider a contract offer to end their two-month walkout Kaiser workers voted 465-204 to end the strike by 1,400 clerical workers al medical facilities In Oakland, Richmond, Hayward and Fremont, as well as at administrative «'nters in Berkeley and Oakland . . . Cetus Corp. of Berkeley has decided to .delay c.'Onstruction of a $15 million advan<:ed plant biology laboratory near MadU;on, Wis .. local officials o~the fum said. The proposed laboratory would replace a rented bu1ldini;z in suburban Middleton when~ researchers are attemptmg to develop improved crops through ge_neuc engineering and other advanced bt0logicaJ le<'hniques IARlllCI S; World Airways suffered a net loss of as much as $ l5 million Ln 1981 , the carrier sa1d. According \.0 prelimnary, unaudited results for the year, r:evenues wiJJ be about $370 million and the net loss will range between $1 2 million and $15 million. The l06S will push the company's nel worth to about $75 million, too low to meet a requirement in some of World's loan agreements that us net worth ht; at le~t $85 ~Won after Dec 31 The airlrne said 1 t 1s seekrng a n amendment of that requirement from three lenders · ·Wi ckes Cos. lac. said that although the audit for its fiscal year ended Jan. 30 has ~ot been comple~. it anticipates losses from contmumg operallo~ Wlll be approximately $40 million before store l:losmgs and di\testitures. AddHionally, the company said 1t expects a $20 million loss for reserves for anticipated. store closings and a $20 million los.s from d&'Oi:itmued operations, or a total ID$ for the year of approximately $80 mH!Jon Wickes said the audit should be ~mpleted hy the end of this month It will release final figures at that ume. c .a.••-"~d~---------- National Education Corp. of Newport Beach and Temporar ies Inc. said they have terminated their nego\iations with respect to t~e acquisition of Te.m- poraries Inc by National &iucat1on. N'auonaJ &iucauon said tt conunues to be interested in the temporary help industry and intends to seek oul other acquisition candidates in that fi eld. 111111 <:::::'7------~ The $70 m1U1on which Ford Motor Co. 1s puttmg aside for Laid-off workers isn't going as far as some workers thought it would when they app~oved a new contract with the automaker. The money 1s going mto a fund only a ltttle at a ume to keep the fund operating, Ford srud. That means fewer checks per worker . United Auto Workers negotiators faced two- pronged bargaining today -devising a counteroHer for American Motors Corp. and trymg to convince General Motors Corp. to pass contract concession savings to consumers. Today's talks between the UAW and GM were expected to focus on whether the No. 1 carmaker should lower car prices if it logs labor costs savings due to union concessions. Both sides endorsed such a proposal tn earl>er talks that collapsed without agreement Jan. 28 .. The Delaware Chancery Court has ap_proved the merger of Federated Oe~artment Stores Inc. of Cin- cinnati and The Children s Place Inc. of Pine Brook, N.J. Federated paid $30.50 a share t.o acquire The Ch1Jdren's Plat'e .. A presidential advisory panel said a national export pobcy needs to be developed and given the same high priority as US foreign pobcy. The plan was submitted to the President's Export Council by a member of 1ts agricultural subcon:i~ittee. which re· ferred it to the full panel. The council is headed by Gov. Charles Thone of Nebraska. Gold, metals quotations Gold By The Associa ted Press Selected world gold prices today· London: morning fixing $314.25. off $9.00. London: afternoon fixing $312.00, off $11.25. Paris: $317.01. off $9.53. Frankfurt: $316.02. off $7.98. Zurich: Late faxing $314.00. off $7.00 bid: $317.00 asked Handy & Harman: onJ y daily quote $312.00, off $11.25 Engelhard: only daily quote $312.00, off $11.25 . Engelhard: only daily quote fabricated $327 80. of. SI 1.81. Metals o NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal today. Copper 74 ~-77 cents a pound, destinations. Lead 28-32 cents a pound. Zinc 41 cents a pound, delivered. Tin $6.7383 Metals Week composite Jb. AJamlnam 76-77 cents a pound, N. Y. Mercury $390.00 per Clask. Platinum $320.00 troy oz., N.Y. Silvf:?r Handy & Harman, $6.976 per troy ounce. Coldcoim prices U .S. NEW YORK (AP) -Prices late Ftid.ay of gold ootns. compared with Thunday'a price. llnaerrucl, l troy oz., $335.26. off $8.26. Maple leaf, l croy ~. $386.~, off $8.25 Memcu so peeo, 1.2 troy ~' $399.~. off $9.75 Antriu 100 crown, .9802 troy oi., $315.SO, off $9.7& .~: Deak-Perera H /F Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mondi)', March 15, 1982 ·~·TO C• .. MT'CMtl •••uct.....-•• c-......-...wu.c..c.1 M•Uu It ll•rOy t1Y•ll t• tlH a WILLIAM O. COlll'lll'•M Al•TN "'· COlll'lll'a1ts. ..... .....,,... ..... 1. ·-SWiii CM4ll H ....... ,,. L...-e-11. CA ~I, C..,, tf Or ..... ..... 9f C ........... 1Nt • .... ,,.,.., It •-..it tt ........ "' •OWAltO W•LLI ... lll'ATlh(IA It waLLS, ,, ..... ._ ................... la ~ ._II. CA _,I, C..,, 9f Ot ............. cei ........ Tiie _...,, 11t ._ "~ It 19<,•-.. ,_ Se <:Mt! Hltflwrt. L..-. leedl, CA tlUt. c-.ly 9f Of ........... Cellftt'ftle. ial4 ~Y l•d .. cr'Mf 111..,_,.1 H ; All •t•O. 11'1 •••••· ll•tvro, •t111lpmel'lt 111• .... wltt ol tllet ~·'1•11'1 ·-y ...,.,,,. .. ~ ........ GIN E'S MAltkl!T .... l«etecl et IOIO S.. C'°"' Hltflwer, ~ h«ll. CA ttts1. c-tY 01 o,.,. ... Stet• 01 Cellferl'lle. Tiie llulk tren1ter wlll lie '_"'.......,.., or •"'' ,,,. 11o1 ,..., Of Merell, t .. t •• , 10.00 A.M •• Wl!Sff:ltH MUTUAL l!SCltOW COltlll',, t4741 Allele P-••Y. 54111• F, L....,,. HIM•. c_... Of Or ...... Stew Of CelllorN.a IJ'aUJ, CLl!OltA PltlCE, l!SCltOWOFll'ICElt. s. ,., '"k-10 ,,. Tr_ ... , .... ell !Mn'-....._ •ftd .-..-vMCI llY Tre..--. IOr I,_ lllr .. YMN letl ......... :_ T .. el HmlnMMMU , .... u ......... "9(1el~i­ c.H•I ~Gwr .. l't c.,ii.1,..._y ~" or ... ~-CMll;..,... ... ,.,.... u,,_..,_.._._.....,, ' . $utp!Vl .. ....,. ... ICY••••u .,.,11UIN ll'IC_,_ ... ,,.., '*"·"' Dl~ftr-·-..... '"' ... ,,......, """" , .... , ......... I--'" e<<.,,._. .... , ... ,,._, SU.llt-~Ille.,.., ...... De«,,.,. )t, 1•1. -.... 1-,-• c:ommlts ...... Of Ille St.Keef C.lltofille, ~to lew " c. "9'tle"-Vlc• Pf ....... t R C. Fetllfflton ,.. ...... Publl ..... Or-Coe>! O•llY Pllol, -12, II, u, u, M, ,. . ...., t'l'~llO' TM• A••VM. ITAt l-WT-YIA• ••D•D Ole•-·· n, Itel .. A-··--·~ 0•11• .. T•-T olel eclmln.cl a1Mtt Totelll .... lllle\ . ........ ta ... Soeclel wf'Plv•f-... C91>11el ~/Gue<.,,ly Cepitel/ , 1,SSJ.1• 4 St•tulory 0..-11 t•MO Grou .,.1c1.1,. -contrlOu~ 111rpl11• . "5,Alt un .. 1l(lntdluncb (wrplu11 •• m .•1 GOOD GRIEF, WHAT'S THAT? This car , called the ''world's longest limousine," turned heads recently in Santa Barbara. The 32-foot long 1967 Cadillac with a 450 All'-...... horsepower engine, a rumble seat and other extr as, carries a $200,000 price tag. OeteG: -ell$, IC EclwWCI Well• P.trlei. II. W .. I• T,_..,_ Publl ..... 0r.,,.. (OH i Delly Piiot, Me~<.!!.. lS,_ltG _ _ 11~ Surplua •Heootrcb pollcY-•• ....... t,DA,IM lnco,.,.. fOf Ille yMr · · · •·•• Dl111Ur-lor ,,,. YM• . . .. •.MS .... We ........... cerllly .... , .... •DO•• 1 .. ,.,.. .,. In MC-• wlttl Ille A ...... I Sl•t•mel'll lor Irle ,,.., ..-Deumw I•. 1•1. -lo u. IMur-• Comm In-ol IM St•I• ol Calllornla, pur-lo lew Laetrile niay pose new danger R esear cher s say it cause~ birth defects in. animals •' WAS lllNGTON (AP) - Lae trile , the purported cancer treatment that most d octors call worthless. causes birth defects in a nimals when taken orally a nd could pose a similar hazard lo humans, a researc her says. In a report published in Science magazine. Dr. Calvin C. Willhite says the cyan ide poison that is a natural part of Laetrile caused numerous s k e letal m a lformations in the offspring of hamsters. "This 1s the first ti m e birth defects have been found with Laetrile," Willhite said in a t elephone interview. "We're not sure this would happen with humans, but we know t h e re is a s imilar metabolic pattern of Laetrile in humans as in hamsters," the toxicologi;t continued. ·' lf people a r e s till us ing -Laetrile, I would recommend further studies with subhum an primates to see if it c auses birth d e f ects," s aid W illhite, a scientist at the U.S. Agriculture Department's Western Regional Research Center in Berkeley. The researcher said that there is at leas~ one documented case o f a pregnant woman being treated with Lae trile, a subs tance derived from the pits of apricots, peaches and other fruits . But becau se of the numbers of people taking the treatment. mor e pre gnant wo men could be e xposed Hundreds of thousands of cancer patients around the world have used the substance, and the Nation al Ca n cer lnc:fit 11lo t Nf'll .,.,1lm<>fo" lhllf 70,000 Am e ri~a ns with the disease take it. ' • • •" - Because of pressure from Laetrile advocates, the federal government s ponsored a major human trial of the treatment at several medical center s . The NCI study, completed last year . conclude d that Laetrile and its accom panying regimen of vitamins, e nzymes and s pecial diet are of "no s ub s tan t iv e value i n the treatmen t or cancer." Although the s t ud "clinical use of s uch th e r not justified ," Lae trile has legalized in 27 s t ates and any Americans still go to Mexican c links ror treatments. Willhite termed his bir th defect study "the final nail in th1>.roffin or Laetrile." DIAT~.~.~TICIS1Repair workers needed GARRETT H. BRADER 1POP), o ~•dent or Orange. C;; Pas&'d away on March 12, 1982. Survived by daughter Mildred Puckett. so n Clyde Storm, Steps told in preparing for fix-it jobs daughter Lola R1dgewav. and By JOYCE L. K ENNEDY daughter Esther Miller. aaugh- ter HaZl'I Walt.s. and son Garrett H Brader Jr , prl'("eded Ill dealh by his daughter Josephine Ha yes Also survived by 15 grandchildren 53 great· grandch1ldrl'n and 22 grl'al- great-grandch1ldren Graveside serv1~ w1U be held on Tuesdav. March 16, 1982 at ll:OOAM iit Pac1f1c View Memorial Park. F'r1en& may 1:aU from 4.00PM to 9 OOPM on Monday. March 15. 1982 at the monuary Pac1f1c View Mortl.IM)' diret>tor.> Dear J oyce: I 'll graduate from high school this year a nd want to find regula r e mployme nt in som e kind or .r epair wo r k. I'm good a\ fixing electrical things around lbe house a n d a m th in k ing o f goin g Into appliance re pair. How do I begin? -W.L., Scr anton, Pa. CARI IRS work and the time s pe nt on each job. Union technicians pe rform clearly d e fined and limited t asks . In communities where unions are not very active, technicians can m ake full use of the ir abilities and do whatever job suits their employer's needs. DEATHS ELSEWHERE HILTON HEAD lSLAND.' S.C. (AP) -Joumall.st and diplomat Ralilll T. Hiltoa, 74, died Saturcfa y. He w as co· founder and edl tor or the l.sla.nd Packet here and former corre-spondent and editor for The Aallocia led Presa. ANCHORAGE (AP) -Lacy Hoa Caddy, 92, the matnarch or a pi~r banking ranuty. died Fnday. BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -A1rtl Bt rutil, 86. the dean or 20th century Hungarian palnten who belonl{ed to the mrun5t.ream of Frencn-ortented European art. died. MOSCOW (AP) -The reti- red dll'e<:tor of the Soviet cos- monaut tratnlng program, Nlkol•I P. Kamuill, 73, died BALTIMORE (AP) -Pu- lluer Pnz.e-WUlllll\g journalist Ftllx M. Morlty,88, who edited the Waslungum Poet's editorial page and became the Balumore Su-n's r1rsl t'Orre1pondent tn Chma. died Saturday SHELBURNE, Mu.. (AP) - Horace Grecory, 83, retired author and proreuor, died Thursday, two month.a arier his wife. the Pulitzer Prize-w1nrung poet Marya Zaturens- ka Gregory He was the biog-rapher or Amy Lowell and James McNeil Whistler "ICTITIOUI I UllNRH NAM«ITATRMI NT Tll• IOllOWl"9 ""o'" ... Clolno tM)sJ,.tHH COSTA Ml!SA EMERGENCY /t/A C Fet ... rSl<l'I, VlcePr"ldem /l/A C Fetlleruon Se<retery Publl-Or-Coe>I Delly PllOt.-<1112. ll. I•. IS. It. t• ._ PHYSICIAj!IS. 301 Vlelorla SlrMI, Nil.JC •fl:£ PVllJC ~ Coste ,,,...,. CAt2.21 ------------!-------------.,, ROARY A MUACHl!'OM. JR . NOTICR Of' IALI Of lllAL T~lt M.O INC,. • C.lltoml• corporallOft, 'ltOl'IEltTY AT 'ltl'IATR SALE HOTICI! OF TllUSTRl'S SALE 9011 Ar<lllbelcl A-. CvcetnOn941, .... SW I' 172'1 ForM~ureNo. TSOIMI CA t21l0 In Ille 5-rlor Covr1 Of Ille Sl•I• 01 ON MARCH n. 1m, •• 11:00 A.M. LUTHE AM HAND, M.O .. INC .. • Cellfornle. lor llM Coun1y of LOJ CA.LIFO RN 1 A LAH 0 TITLE Celllornle <GrPDr•llon, 400 N. hebel Antelff In Ille Metter o1 -Etlete Of COMPANY. a\ duly epl)Olnted Trustee StrHI, Glandela, CA t1:io.. J,t.MES T CAUGHLI N •k• JAMES ..ncHr dOO "'""""'' to !>MCI of TrVlt MICHAE L GORDON MORRIS, THOMAS CAUGHLIN, 0.CHMCI t><ecute<I DY MICHAEL L FUAIANI, e M D., t400 VI• Correl. A,,.helm, CA Hollo 11 llereby 111,..n tnel tn• """'" m.,,, •• Trustor ror tlle -•II nt01 -rtlone<I wlll Mii at Prlv•le Wle. •nCI u curolv ol "'"""' M•RIE PAUL M UMOF. M.0 . l,.C •• to,,,. M(lllKt -be .. b'-•· JvbjKI THORNELL. et 8eMliclory, deleel C•ll fornl• <orporellon. 11120 IO COftllrmetlonOIWld~lorCovn. MARCH ••II '"°All<! fKO•-•• Bl.,.weler Lent, H""tlnQ10ft Beacn, on O• Atter IN Utll dey ol Maren 1"2 lnttrumenl Ho 16076 ll'I MARCH I•, CA •u•• •• 111• ottk• ot JOE AA YCAAFT, '"'° ol OlflCl•I A.corm In, ... olllu ol Tllla -•ntts '' ,_,.., l>y •l'I •ttorMy, 2'IOOO Sovtll WHlffn AWllve, Ill• county Recorder 01 Or•l'lll• "nln<O<por....., ~-••tlon other 111.., R_.., «11. $M1 P!tdnl, Covl'lty 01 Lo• County, Ste•• ot Cellfornle WILL epa,,,,.,....p MO-IH, Slate Of Calllomle. all lhe SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO lloery A Murc111,on. Jr . rl911t. tltla-lntere•I lllet I ........... HI GHEST BIOOER FOR CASH. M 0 . Inc ot H id de<eueCI llH ecqulr•O by CASHIER'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED RO!ryA -r<lllloOn,Jr -rellon at law or olller..,IM ol ... r CHECK ICNYM>lt Al 11,.,. ol Ulle In PrfflOent lllAl'I or In eCICllllon 10 lllel ol ulld 1aw1u1 .,_, ol Unlleci St•tet) M : IN Tiu$ '1.tl-t Wet llled wllll Ille OKUMICI, et t ... ti,.,. o1 deelll, In eno THE LOBBY OF C.ALI FOUNIA LANO Counly ClertlOl0r9'1(1o County onJ..,, toelllllec.er1elnrMIP<-n'l''llueteCI TITLE COMPANY 1010 NORTH 22.1•2. ln Cltyol Or-.CounlYOI OrM\Qe. MA IN STREET S•UH• ANA, Fll1117 ~tale ol Calllornl•. perllculerl~ CALIFORNIA '17101 All rl(llll 1111• end P11bllShlCI Orengo Co .. 1 Dally Piiot. ::lucrlbed aJ follow•. lo wll lnttrUI CO'lvtyeo IO •nCI "°* llelCI by II Ftb. 22, M4tr<ll '· •• IS, •• , ,,...., LOI ... ol Moelle, .. Hom•. SllMI und•• Uld Dua ol T ruJI In Ille NIUC "811£ F. In the Cout1IY ol Orenve. St.ie ol pr-rly 111...,led In .. 10 Counly •"" C:tll larnle, ••UPI St, u per m•P St•lt de)CrlbtG aJ -Orelee! In -t , Pe0et Jt anCI «I Of LOTS I AND J IN BLOCK Jn OF Ns.tna 'llep,, In, ... o411ct ol Ille Co11nty CORO NA DEL MA R, CIT Y OF FICTITIOUllUlllHU AecorOerahelCI Coumy NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF HAMR STATEMENT AlloO lllAI porllOft of Loi ltl Of ORANGE. Sf.t,TE OF CALIFORNIA Tll• foll-lr>Q "''°n' .... oolno Modi••"• Home. Slleel F, '" Ille AS PEA MAP RECORDED IN BOOK "'"'""' •• County OI Or-. Stele Of CelllO<l'll•. J • p ... G E s • I ... N 0 • 2 0 I A I R WA y 1 MD I) ST A I AL ucepl St, •> per m91> recorO.CI In MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS BUILDING, JOJO AlrwAy Avenue. B-•.Pe911Jtend~olMei>l,ln lhe OFSAIOCOONTY Cott• MHI, C.llfonll•t:ltt1' >Hlo Of'"" CovntY RKoroer Of~'" E~CEPTING THEREFROM THE C•I WHI llNI Ettel• "'""" tO. '401 County, lylno .... Of • llne l>eQlnnlno sou T ME As TE R\. y St 00 FEE l Atlel'ltk A.....,., Svlle No 400, L-ti e p0lnt 50 tMI We1il ol I,_ Nonlle••I THE A EOF BNcll,C.llfomle'OI01 torner al MICI Lot 191. ltlen<.e nmnlr>Q Tn• >I reel •ddr•u end olll•• Tiiis llv1IMH I• COftClucteCI by • S..uthwuterly tr om IM Sout,,.asl common oulo11<11tlon. II •ny, ol IM -·•• P¥tntrtlllp. :omer al wla Lot ltl, lOQetho>r wltl1 •II r~al pro~rty dts<rlbed above 1, By: C•I Wff1 P•r1Mr\ )II, , ... WAie< •nCI mlMral rlollts, purported lo be' 40) FEANLEAF, LuM V M<Car1tly teMments -rl(lllls ol w•v Oft telCI CORONA DEL MAR, CALI FOANIA P-parce1,o1,.e111<ooer1y nus Tiii• .... _I w .. 111..S with 1... More <ommonly •nown •> 2 ... S. THE UNDERSIGNED TRUSTEE County Clark ol 0r•"9e Collnty "" _, ..... CAnyo<I, Sl9r Route, o.: .... oe. DISCLAIMS AMY LIABILITY .FOR Febru•rv t•. 1"2 CA I N c 0 R II E c T I ,. F 0 AM AT I 0 .. "1~ Term1 Of IMe c .. 11 In l-1111 "'°""''I' FUR NISHED Publl>lled Or-(OH1 0911y Pilol, of .... UnHed StatH Of\ ..... or .,.,, THAT Uld •••• " m-... ._. BLOWING ROCK, NC. (AP) Mer I. 1s. n . ,.. 1m 104441 CHll •nCI belence evlOenceCI by nol• co,,enan1 "' werren•• r-ralno 1111e. -J1mtt McLeedoa, 40. the M<ureCI..., Mori-"' T"'" °"" °" ~w.u1o<1 or emcumllr•nctt,"' ••ta -.,. •""( tlW 11<ooer1y >O ~ T"" pe<CMI ol •n•11r•blllly Ol 1111• author and ronner neW1paper-~ '"' •"'°"ntbkllobeOtootll.O wlllllMd THE IOl<tl •movnl ol lllt ""P•lcl man best known for his UilotQ' 1------------BIO. or offlt<' ta i. In wrluno '"" .,.1an<e OI •••d OOll~''°"' tooethe• "Death work." "F.ddle Macon s .. $-ft!SI wlll be rKtlWCI al lhe efOl'eWICI ottke wllll aovence-. -••llm•l•d <011S Run" and "Swagman," died "1CTITIOUS IUJINl.SS at •nv 11-elttr the 11,.1 oul>llc•tlon •nct upem.e-.. "U04,'0U•. Frida HAMl.STATl!MENT reot-beforedeteolwl•. TH•T not1ct ol l>ruch 01 Jeld Y· .Tne tollow1n11 ~t1ons ere dolno Oa1ec11111• Stll Oty ol Merci., 1.c ollll~tlon end tle<llon IO sell Hid rNI llvslntu •• Joy Etllel Autll P•OPtOrly w•• recoroeo n l!'llrum9"1 CE HTURY·21 ADOBE REALTY, E1tecutrlx0f tllt No 1033 on NOVEMBER 13, 1911 Of HtSl Al«19e Route. Lake Forest. E•191•olwld0.C..,.m Olllciet Rfl<ordi In '"" Ollk• ol '"" Celllornle mJ0 • lleycr.ft Counly AKor-Of ORAN GE CounlY. Centurv·2t w.st•m Homes Inc., • An. ... , at Law Sl•I• of Celllorru• NOTICE OF DEATH 0 Calllornl• corPG<atlOft. nu1 Rl<19S 2""1.--..,,. ..... 11-401 Tru>1e.or.,.r1v conovc11r19wli T H 0 M A S I N A j A N Route, Ult• Fcwet. C•lllomle t1lt30 S.• ,.-., CA t97l1 CALI l<OllHIA LANO M c; U I N N E SS June Coffey, 21'Sl AIClee Aovl•. At-y lw NMI ".... TITLE COM,AHY C , a k L .. e F'-1. Cellfornle tJUO Pubtllllecl Or-Co .. 1 Dally Piiot. .. UNIVERSAL CITY 'LAZA TH 0 MA S IN A J . Tlllsbu!llneul.cancluct..ibyellmlteel MerclllS,t•.n 1"1 1237..i UHIVEltSALCITY.CA.t .... GREEN ALFRED E GREEN, a res1· dt'nl of Costa Mesa. Ca P.used awa'I <>n March 12, 1982 He 1s survwed by hlS wife Susie, son Arla or Sunnyvall'. Ca . '1 grandchildren and 5 greal-grandch1ldren Services wttre held on Monday. March I:'>. 1982 al Harbor Lawn Memonal Cha· pel. 1625 GL~lrr, Costa Mesa, Ca Serv1t'\'S under the d1rect1on of Baltz Bergeron-Smith & Tuthill Wet1tchH Chapel Mortuary of The winds o f economic change barely ruffle the a ppliance repair business. People still blow-d ry their hair. machine-wash their ultra.suede and call the r epair s hop when their mechanical servants break down. M c GU INN ES S , a k IN,,,,..,...P ATTN· i<0•EcLosv•E oElll'T P luses Training is relatively short T H 0 M A S I N =!!o.,_•n< PIU •1'£ 11;:!~:-D~..,...,v it. •9Cl two years o r less Som e positions M c GU I N N ES S • a k ~":::.;'. c11epmen, NOTIUO" •VLK TU Hs..t:• Bv CAL•FORN1• ~No C'osta Ml'Sa 646-9371 SLATER MAURICE KENNETH SLA-TER. a res1dl'nt or Ole.ta Mesa, Ca Passed away on March II, 1982 He has been a resident of the area for the past 4 years. He IS IWVIVed bv his Wife Barbara. brother Robert E , mt.ers Elea- nore Tarantino or F1orida, and Dorothy Stout of New Jersey, nlece ClaudJa Slater or Costa Meea, Ca Services were held on Monday, March 15 . 1982 at 10.00A M at Harbor Lawn Me monal Chapel With Rev Bruce Kurrie, pastor or the Presby-terian Church or the Covenant, oHteuiUng Services under the direction or Baltz Bergeron· Srrulh & Tuthill West.cliff Cha· pel Mortuary 646-9371 IALTI IEllGERO~ SMITH & TUTHIL( WESTC LIFF CH.V ll 421 t 1 /!h SI Costa Mesa f\46·q371 "UCE llOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUARY G27 Main S· Huntmo1on Bt·d • S36 65J<l '-'ClffC VIEW MIMOllAL ,AJlll Cc~1erv Mortuary Chapel-Crematory J500 Pac1f1c View Oriur Newpore Beach 644 2700 *CO.MtCX MOUUAlllS Laavna Beach 494 ~1 5 Laquna Hills 768·0933 San Jwin Cao•slfano 495-1776 HAllO. LAW.._MT, OLIVE Monual\' • Ce111e1erv Cle,.,.torv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,. • may requireup to threeyears'on-job J A N E CA R 1 A J CoHw 1s•o •1e1 .. mu.c.c.1 TITLECOMPANY t . . Th k t d d th Mc Gu INN Es s' aka Tlllt miar_, ~ .. lllael wlm Ille Motl<• I• ller•by olven lo ,,... BvCermlM Buroveno. Taking your first s teps can be as simple as building up a high school foundation of s tudies in math . science and s ho p courses and getting part-lime work in an appliance store . rainrng. e wor IS sea y an e THOMASINA J . CARIA, County Clerk Of .,.,"9e County on Creel llora Of Georo• Coll .. , For1!CIOlurtOllk ... pay's not bad. Salaries often range aka JANE CA RIA AND Feb. 22, 1'92. Tr•n•lerorls), ~• llU!llneu eeldrns Pul>llSlled Ounot Coest O•llY Piiot. from S5 lo Sl2 an hour 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T O Pu1>11s11ec1 0r_. eo.11 D•h;•=. ~ .. ':~.2 i~~~~·o;: g;!;~, ~~::0~ .--M-••_'_"_'_· '-· _'s_. -1911--------' Minuses Your hours could : ADM INISTER ESTATE Mer I. IS.21.19,1"1 I~ C•llfornl•. lh•I. l>ul~ tr•n,ter Is · I d S d d • k NO A 112451 ' •boul to be med• to Brl•n Georvt inc u e atur ay a n evening wor T. • · . 1 _.,. llllCf ot<•>. Tr.,s11tr .. 1s1. wt.os. llUslneur------------..,, and emergenc ies may drag you out ~ a I I h e 1 .r s , ~ AOO•en " 11.-..n crl. ... ioe. oranoe. MOT1CEOll'r11unEIE'JSALI! "'IUC NOTICE For broad opportunities. you'll need further training -the kind you can get in technical schools orre nng programs in electronic, electrical and machine technologies. Kom e study courses are available too. If you find work with a manufacturer or distributo r . you may get free i struclion. . . beneficiaries creditors . county010r-.s1a1eo1c.1110,-n1e t .s.H •. 1..._s of the sac~ on wintry nig~ts. Your and contingent' creditors of "'CTIT1ous•us1Hus T11e property 10 be 1,.,,.1.reo 1, AMERICAN TITLE COMP~Y •• amlul stchles 1':1llft~hgt takde a beatµigg fAromd Thom as i n a Jane Tll• ,:i:~:T;:,~~".~. ao•no ':.~':! ~o::;..E or"~";~;!~ 'ii.~~~ ~.;::;.;',,";'°~:l'~=":.~~w1'~~ e I In an carrym . n Mc G uinness and persons bvSlnttUJ C•lll'Ornle SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE there's always the danger of shocks, who may be o therwise EXECUTIVE BVSl,.ESS S.klpr-rty l•cflncrl-•n -r-4 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CA!U b d ·f , . . . SERVICES, nn Clllller Orin, Sulle \ All Sloe' In trede llalures, l ... yebte •t time ol Nie In leMut Urns, Scrapes an CUts I YOU re interested In the Wiii .00, Huntln91on BHCll, CAlllot'nl• qulpment enCI QOOCI will of lllAI moneyotllle Unlted SUllHl ellrl(llll, not cautious. and/or estate f1MI L•unCI""""' -lnHs know" •• T,,. 1111• •ncl ..,,.,."' <on ... 'l'eel '° -,,_ A petition has been filed sue M. E..,,..,,, nm B-'• 111s1• ulllno _, -1oce1eo •• w E . 1~dpr"~~r·~~.°""', A-~ •• T-nm .. in Electrical appliance technician s pe fix-it jobs ror s m all a n d large re pair s h ops, reta il stores. appliance factories a n d utility comp a nies. They may also go d irectly to a home or bus iness and make repairs o n the s pot if the appliance is too large to conveniently move. If you want to know more about training and opportunities in t he dependa ble field of appliance repair, you can obtain a 16-page booklet, ··Yo ur Career as an Appliance Service Technic ia n." You'll a lso r eceive a list or manufacturers who offer training programs to t heir employees. For both. send 75 cents to the Association of Home Appliance M anufacturers. 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. 60606 These technicians u se a variety of hand and power too l s . W ith wattmete r s and voltmeters t hey measure c urrent flow. T hey look for loose parts. leaks a nd causes of vibration or overheatin g . They replace bearin gs, gears, belts, s w itches a n d wiring. To speed repairs they often refer to ser vice manuals and wiring diagrams. In addition, they keep records ol their Fight backe rs jail~d CENTER CITY, Minn. <AP> - T hree men convicted of dog.fig hting ,.violations have been sentenced to jail term s ranging from 90 to lSO days and ordered to pay prosecu.Uon costs. 1 The communily services ofhce at Saddleback College will s ponsor a pbo\o tour of Yosemite National Park on Apk l 30-Ma!' 2. . Outdoor photographers Michael Good a nd R ooerl Coop er will g u id e •n~ in s truct tbe m otorroa cb lour and pboto seminar, whic b1 is intended p rimarily (or the novice photogra pher and .expef'!enced ~mpteun. Non-photogra phe rs are welcome. \ • 'the fee\~ $185 pe,r person double occupapcy, ln cludln& tra nsportation, accommodattoni a t Yosemite Lodge and in,aur ance. A SS> depoclt bolds the rese:rvaUoo. , 1 A pre·trip orientation meeting I la ac•ectulecl Aprll 21 at 7:30 p.91. at · lhe ' Hatrvard Community Pull ClubbouMiid Irvine. fl'or In.formation call . u 1.-.e or 5-13 3. . Flights boos~ed . TOKYO (AP) -J apan and China al"ffd to lncr eah com mercial flifbta between the two counlriet by 40 perttnt •tartlae April 1, oltlclala 1aid , • I Some 282,ooo people m• rupu betwten ,lbe two c:ountriel from April to Dec.mber lu t year. Drive. UIQ<#\e Hiiia, Cellfomle '1tSJ 111h. Unit 10. Colt• -· Covnly Of ·-.....,..,, ·~ ... ..,, -• ~y Frank A .. Mc Gu Innes L•I• M Cofl•n. 1 Sprlno-. ··-· Steltof C•lllornl• TAUSTOR· PAUL s "·DAVIS •llCI 1n the Superior Court of lrvlne,C•llloml•t2114 Tllo bul" lren11 .. Wiii II• SHELLYLYNN OAVIS Orange County reQuestin Tlllt bv•IMU Is COftClu<leCI by. on1umm9ttClonO'eller lheJOllld•Y BENEFICI ARY : GE ARY L. that Frank A McGuinness o-ner•• ~~"'c'P· Merell. ·~ •I tt12 Senti-or.. TTHHO~MPSOP,!, o ~ ... !."..! L. Ed "'•N''• v.s· • ~• m . -owporl IW•ch, County ot Or.,,oe. m ~-. ., __ ,,.. .., be appointed as personal 1 Tiiis ... ...._, wes 111ec1 w1111 111o t•t• Of C.ll10r,,1e. 101n1 'lwij1111s. r e p re Se n t a t j Ve t County Cl•rk of Orer199 County Oft So I • r at 11 no• n t o I 11 e Recor-HOvernber J, ltll a1 Instr. adminster the estate o Fetwu.rv11,1t11 ••n•f-111 ... 111us1neu11<11m.s..,., Mo. s112 in -t1'10 . .,. ••"' • "1UQ6 rn-..-lly Tr.,verO'(s) tor Olfkl•I RKorck ln ,,,. office Of the T h 0 m a S I n a J a n PvbllsN<I Or-Coest 0.11• Piiot. th••.,.." 1e>1 p.a~1. 11 e111t ... ent Recoroor Of Or-Coumy, seld -M cGuinness <under th Feb u.,,,.., 1,l,IS,1"1 IOW1 roml ... -...... Non. ol """ ducrlbH , ... lollowlno I n d e p e n d e n Oel.-1 -ell 10, ,.., oroi:~.!'t..e.-Est••• In •nCI to: Ad · · t 1· f E t PllUC 91TIC( BrletlO.Oroe Cou1 minis ra ion o s ate Transfer" L0111 .,., ,,.. Hort...,,.,. 11.00 fMt Act>. The petition is set fo .. Mtttf T1111 bvl" ,,.,, ... , "•111>1ec1 '°.,.. ofLollt1ne1oc"llol Trec1 Ho m ,1n earing in Dept. No. 3 a ,1CT1nous1u11H1.ss •1t1~~"•'•,~Vflllorm c:om-~• .. c-. tiw ciiv"' ....._, e..c11. c-tv 01 ..,., _ 0••"9•. Stett ol C.lllornl•. • per 700 Civic Center Drive NAM&STATIMRNT PublllhedOr-CoeJI O.lly PllClt meprKordocl lrlbaOli tl.-•S- West. In the City of Sant ·11v~'::..~o~owlne """"' ... dolno "" U,"" 114~ •• Mlsc .. leneavs ""-·In,,. office of C 'if I M tlle countv recorclt< Of Wld county, na, a Orn 8 on a rc NATEC. INC., 1100 Air way rv•tll' •""( Eaceptlno lllertlrom tM Hor111erly 31! 1982 at 9:30 a .m . Avenue, Suite II•. Cotta MeH, I -lllo l1.00fff'IOI Loll! t F YOU OBJECT to th Cellfomi. '261' ------------1 o• Prosp•ct, Newporl 8••<11 , 1· f th titl L. F. Sim>, ll'lc., • O.lewere 1-77.. Celllar')la'2MJ gran 1ng 0 e pe on, corpor•llon. J100 Alrwo ,,. ... n.,., NOTICEO, 'UILIC .. 0 1 • strMt .00,.u or common YOU Should either appear 5.ill•ll•,Ccltl19 Mne,CelllornlH:ltt1' I.ALEO.. deslon•llon 11 shown above. ,,0 at the hearing and stat T111s bvtl11H1 I• <one1vc1ec1 bv • '•tttottALlll'ltO,RltTY .,.rrent y Is e lven u to lti your Objec tions Or file corpor•tlan, Notlu lsl'Mtll\rolv-enl ... tpvrsu•l'll complete-orcorr.ctneu)." L F. Sims, Inc to M<llan t• ol IN Ci.II ~. Stele Tllo -ki.ry u,,.r Nici 0.. ot written objections with th "-'-' o1 C•lltom•,.,,. _,....., w111 sell Trusl. by,_ 01. brHc:llor .,..,11 court before ttte hearing. Tiiis ttat-1 wes Iii.ct w1111 .,,. at pUlllk ,,.. tw compelltlv-e llkldl"' tn tll• o1>t1oe11ona aacu...i .,,....by, Your appearance may b Counw Ctef'll Of Or-COUlllY on .... nrci <My ol Merell, ,..,, •1 • ,,.,.talot"• eqcutecl and dfll ... ,.., to p!.-l>rv•rv 11, 1'12 'cloc" pm. o<1 trtt premises -·• in Per SO n Or by your "'mil se1c1 .,.._,,Y nas bffn store.cl . ..,., '"' 11ncfltnlQneCI •••"!Ml O.Claretlon at1orney. Pvllllslleel Or-Coest D•lly Piia«, Wlllcll .,.. ~ete<I .t Pvblk Stor-. of Default -~ for Sele, encl IF Y 0 U ARE A Mer.l,1S,J2,1',ltG 104.>G ln<.tOUP!«-l•A .. nve,lri l,,.Clly wrlllenr>olk•ol'"'-ll•llClofetKtlon . CosU. Mew. eovn1y Of Or-. Sl•l• lo <•UM the -"..-ta •" Nkl c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a -.,. ..nf'C Of C•lllOrnle, , ... -QDOC!s. proP41rty to Mtlsl., NICI ....... ""'" Contingent Creditor Of the ,._ ... ,"" ClleltlU or pertonAI property ::;, '!t~: ..!:.c~~..:::-: deceased, you must file Ms.t11a .crllltdbt4-.lnllltm.ttenot. .,. recorded No ... mller "· 1•1 •• I I Ith th t l'ICTITIOUS•ust•... GARY J. PARTEN; Foem rubtler, lnslr. Ho. ltOIS"'..,.. 1cm. -.... your c a m w e cour NAM• ltAtaliQMf rims, •1'11111et1s, , ... 11utes, •<Nin, ot wlcl Ollklel Recoroi. 0 r pre Se n t j t t 0 t he Tiie !Ollowl I c1of11t llual mirror, couch. Seid Ml .. Wiii 1M macfltt, 11ut wltlloul Pe rsonal representa t·1 ve "''*'.., • """ L•lllllorO ,._,.,,.•toll• 10 blcl •I •s: 1,_ Nie. PvrchMt• mvtl IM m9Clawltll covel'lel'lt or werrel'lty, u preu or appointed by t he court E·Z·M M•rhllnt s.,v•<u cesll011IVand t1elcl10re1_t...,..ot 1mp11ec1 . .._o1t1t1111t.-wts1ot1.or Ith ' f th f Compeny, Jmll Red Hiii A-, SWlte tl'ICUmbrmKe-. to pey tM ...,..11111'1(1 w n our mon s rom m ,...._ i CattA Mii.. C.lltonll• '"••·All PIM'<lllMd OOodt .,. t<11c1 prlnclpel -'I ., u. _,,. wcvreci the date of first iSSUa nce n.H ' ' sis, -must lit rwmo-'ellllt time by wlcl o..dOI Tl'\llt. with I~ es Of letters as provided j S........ IE 9"t m7·9 hst Seflte purcllHt. Seit subject to prlcw In Mkl -lllftVI-. ""...C"' If •l'IY, ectlon 700 of the · Probate = A_;., s.;... ,,.,,., c.t•lenll• .u .. =11e .:-".!.:.'::= :'::.' ~':,~ !, "'::-9' ~·~ ode of California. The ""'' i...11,.u 1a condUct" ,., .,, o.1.e1 '"" "" • •"" m11 ,..., of Trvsi,..,..., 111e ,~ ,........, ..., t me for filing c laims wfll lolftvl4wl M••<ll, 1"'· '"""''' St•-. '"' • uld °'"°' Trvst t I I f ~I!.... lel'ldlonl Seld Mle wfll .......... ~ .... no exp re pr or t o ou r ,.111, u-w•• "'" •ttll ..,. Pu411i..... Or-eoaa1 o.i1y Pltot, Merell 14. ,., .. 1:• ,.m. "' "" m onths from the date of eov111v cM111 ., 0r....-c-. .,, .,, ,,, i. tOHll. e11e,....,,._...,a11<••---ctvtc the hearing noticed above . ~--'"'"·'*· _..,. _ ce11ter ..., ....... • ENt C'-'*' You M"Y E XAMIN '""" ,....... ... ,"" Avel'l11•. '" , ... City Of o •• ,. ... '"' "*''"'" Or .... C.011 Delly lll'llelt, C.llfornla. the file kept by the court 1Mr. •. u. n , "· t• ttu ... .,11 Att11e 11me "'.,,. 111tt1e1 -'IC.I"-' If you a re Interested In th [ ::::;;= ....::.:· ""'. ,1CTtnousau11•su "tt11, Nik•. e. ..... .,.,_... ot • estate , you m a y fil e .._ ••ww. "AM&llATIM&Mt u1111•I• 1>11e11ce 01 111e ., .... u ... request with the court t •. , , 1 !:9 '°'_.,,....., , ... _,....._. ::!:"".,:::=:.,~.=:, rec;,tlve special notice o 'IC'TI"OUl•UM••• 1 .... c. 1NTe1t10 .. s. ,.,. Airway 11M..._1u1u7Ui. he lnventOr'.Y Of estate Tiie :1::"::::!"1, ••ll'lt ~;::;;..:~ A·4, CUI• Mna, ~:,=::.,i:.._...-. *• - •SS.ts and of fhe petitions, • ........... .., s111ri., M. .-.... ,.,. Aln .. , o.t. . ..__., "·""' •c ~ounts a nd r e port L c ••tr t •ctteTAtt••'-o••••. 11111• A•. c .. ,. ..... AMa1t1CAlfTIT\.ECO . d escribed In Section 1100. •E 1tv1c.:c,.1~•.,:::-C•••'· Cll...,.,,..... •••llT~. of the Callfornla Probat ,...~fM oAVttQM,., ....... ==--,, C~t .. -y aft ::;.: D.ltnlceC:... odt • ...,,. -~ ~Wtt. ....... 9Mdl,CA-.... tllllnty._,,,.._. ey:SlwwlNtlCll, " .... & !)loft T'llll ..._ It ~ W 1111 Tlln ......,_. wet fl,_ wmt OW """"'"I«,..,., JmW c:...eHwy #411 ...,.........,., , C-IY CltA flf 0teft9' c--, • 0..CllT ...._ ..... • , ...... OaYIMll "t ,... Ot' .... catlr .... N....-t ...... c.. f2'N ..,... ........... -, ................. ,.V.CUIAJI\' 17WI ..... l714) MS •n _ t--.. ~ "' °"' .... c-itv ......... ,... ........... .........,.er.. c--o.N\',..., Publl~ Orange Coe ~w.tt,tm. .._....,......_CA... 1t11et.t,,1t..• ..,. Dally Piiot, March 6, 7, 13f ~ o.-.. c:.... o.11y "-. ,,_,.. 0r .... a.. ~ h\.n lo t0d11'1 claN I 1912 ... W.tt.Mlrdl t.l.U,t• IMlill Mw ... U,11,.. (rot llle bu\ btlJI . ., ' llAlllCUIT llWPllT lllCll I fllll ITll:U MONDAY. MARCH 15. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Wisely 'guilty' in HB m .urder .. By DA VlD KUTZMANN or .... DtMr "°' ..... Willie Ray Wisely, accused of killing his stepfather Qy lowering a 2000 pound truck cab on him, was convicted o f first degree murder today by an Orange County Superior Court jury. The panel of seven men and five women also convicted Wi- sely, 29, of a spec.tal circumstances Business gives aid to family T h e family of slain Irvine doughnut shop worker Ped__ro Alfaro is a little better off finan- cially today thanks to the efforts of several local small business owners. Six businesses in F.ast Irvine's Arbor Village shopping center plus one in Lake Forest got to- gether to donate some o! their profits, or the proceeds of special services, to the Alfaro family. Barbers from a University park shop also took part. allegatJo~hich could lead to lmJ)Ollition of the death penalty. Wisely told reporters after the. verdict was read that "if they think I'm guilty of this crime then obvioualy I should be put to death." The jury announced its verdlct at 10:45 a .m. today in Judge Kenneth E. Lae's courtroom. The jury had been deliberating since last Monday, when it received the cue after listening to more than 80 witnesses over a three-month period. Wisel y, an ex-convic t from Huntington Beach, wu accWled of sn~ up on Huntington Beach truck driver Robert Bray's tractor trailer rig on March 9, 1981 and causing-die one-ton, tilt-away cab to fall on the 61-year-old man. Bray died of suffocation. Wisely showed no emotion this morning u each Juror was indi- vidually polled on the verdict. The defendant, a former San Quentin lrunate, had repreaented himaelf throughout hia trial and repeatedly denied being involved in Bray's death. Just prior to this morning's verdict bei.ng announced, alleged crime partner James Marshall. Dunagan pleaded guilty to vol- untary m anslaughter and con- spiracy to commit murder m the second degree in connection with Bray's death. Dunagan had testified during Wisely's trial that he served as lookout for the defendant while Wisely sneaked up on his step- father's rig, parked on Springdale Street near F.ciinger Avenue. JURY SAYS -Willie Ray • Wisely's guilty of murder. Doctors face big changes By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Delly Plk>t It.ff Doctors must learn to live with a changing role and do only what they can do best if the medical profession 1s to sur vive the co- ming years without turmoil, a Stanford University economist said Sunday. Th eir donated work netted about $500 Sunday, bringing the Pedro Alfaro Memorial Fund up to about $9,500, said Irvine busi- n~ William Ackman, w ho launched the community's chari- table efforts. The idea was the brainchild of Gene T ibbit, owner of Arbor Village Barber Stylists in the Jeffrey Road Center. ALMOST IN THE DRINK -When the fountain is taller than you, it's tricky getting a drink. This tyke was nimble and fleet: Delly Piiot PfM>to by GMY AmbtOM running off into the Irvine High School track meet crowd before the photographer could get identification. Victor Fuchs, in the keynote address before the California Medical Association's annual convention at the Disneyland Hotel, said at least two major chan.ges will affect the profession in the next decade. The changes mark an end to three decades of growth fueled by steady eco- nomic and population growth, he said. In an interview after the s peech. Fuchs said that the changes "hopefully" will not have much impact on patient care. Tibbit, whose shop is a short distance from the Winchell's Do- nut House where Alfaro was slain Feb. 11 , said he and his wile were trying to 1hink of ways to help Alfaro's widow and five children. Girl faces cancer fight decision The first major change is the continuing movement o{ control of heatlh care facilities toward professional managers and away from doctors. Fuchs said. County youth, 12, may need operation on lungs to stop spread of disease The reason for the change is that large. profit-making organi- zanons which have the money to buy expensive new equipment are moving into the health care field and that professional man- agers are needed to deal with (See DOCTORS, Page A2 l Tibbit decided his contribution would be to cut hair all day Sunday in his shop, donating each $6.50 fee to the Alfaro family. Soon othor businesses were chipping in with their own ideas. Six barbers from the Univer- sity Park Barber Shop in Irvine volunteered to join the three barbers in Tibbit's shop for a day-long cut-a-thon Sunday. Though rain slowed things down a litUe, Tibbit reported more than $200 was netted. Dentist Charles Tozzer a~reed to clean teeth for four hours m his office and donate the fees. The Jeune Ami children's boutique held a sidewalk sale and donated 10 percent of the profits. workers at Arbor Cleaners placed a ~ol­ lection box on the store's counter. and owner Ron Matran~a of (See FUNDS, Page A2) By JERRY HERTENSTEIN O( , ... 0...-, l"ttot It.ff There are broken hearts and "hearts broken open." Nancy Smith of El Toro places herself in the latter category. She has good reason. Sitting across the room from the attractive woman is a be· spectacled, thinning 12-year-old, Tamra Smith. The girl twists a gold seahorse necklace and talks about spirit, God. her hobbies and with a big smile tells her mother about the A she got on a math quiz and "I didn't even study." It has been a busy day for Tamra. She laughs when she tells how her friend Nate Smiley has been pushing her in "doughnuts" and ··wheelies" at schooL Tamra and Nate are seventh grade school Orlando denies role chums at Serrano lntermedtate School in El Toro. Tamra gets around on a wheelchair. She has no legs. Tuesday, Tamra returns to a place nearly as familiar as the tidy condominium in which she lives -the City of Hope hospital in Duarte. She, her mother, father Bill and sister Dacia, 10, face what could be a major decision this week. Doctors believe Tamra may need an operation on her lungs to stop the spread of bone cancer. They plan a scan of her lungs. Bone cancer usually spreads from one leg to the lungs, Mrs. Srruth said doctors told her. But in Tamra's case the cancer spread to her other leg before moving to the lungs The cancer has al.ready taken both legs, her right leg March 5: 1981; her left Feb. 3 this year. She undergoes painful chemotherapy every three weeks at City of Hope. . ~hould an operation be heeded Mrs. Smith says the final decision will be Tamra's. "lt was her de- cision to have the chemotherapy and it hasn't been easy watching her vomit for 12 hours at a time through the treatments," Mrs.· Smith said. "But we feel the ultimate de- cision does have to be Tamra's. She has proved to us she is a winner," Mrs. Smith said. Tamra, an inspiration to the neighborhood when she roller skated with an artificial leg after the initial amputation, says she would like to "roller skate and s wim." S he was d oing h and; stands in the commumty swim- in Bell grade change Ex-Edison co unselor says he had no talks with football star's teachers - Former Edison High School student counselor Ma.re Orlando has denied that he made a phone call to an English teacher indica- ting that football star Kerwin Bell needed a grade of "B" in her course to qualify for a scholar- ship. Orlando's denial stems from a story published by the Daily Pi- lot on Feb. 18, which reported that running back Bell had grades in two cl&'$SeS improved three months after he was gra- duated in 1980 so he could qual- ify for a Kansas University, scholarship. Bell's English teacher was quoted in the story as saying Orlando told her Bell needed the grade change Crom a D to a B if Bell satisfactoril y completed ex- tra work. Orlando, through his attorney, said that no conversation took place between Orlando and the teacher "at any time in or about August of 1980 or any-time after school ended in June, 1980." The English teacher, in her interview with the Daily Pilot, also said that counselor Orlando WORLD . Gold falls to $3 12 I ' LONOON (AP) -Gold fell to a 2 ~-year low in trading toda)'. dropping nearly $12 before stabilizing. Gold fell te $312 a Troy ounce al the morning (i.xing. NATION Cen tral Parle remark hurts The man who directa New York's Central Park lan't happy over President Reagan's recent critical mnark about the park. Pap A8. U.S.-Mexico m o ve gains ·groun d 1 NEW YORK-The. United States and Mexico are 'Working to develop a f'elional plan to UR inc:reued ten11on1 betW9eft the Uniied States and both Cuba and ~PapA3. may have contacted another teacher to explain Bell's grade d e ficien cy to qualify for the Kansas scholarship. Orlando, however. also de nies he ever contacted the second teacher. "These implications are com- pletely false," Orlando's attorney indicated. "Mr. Orlando had no. discussions whatsoever with ei- ther (teacher) at any time after grades were completed at the end of the semester in respect to chaniling any grade for Kerwin Bell.:r STATE The grade question concemjng Bell surfaced at a time when the Huntington Beach Union High School District announced plans to conduct closed hearings on charges that Edison High School has recruited football players from other schools. District officials said the grade changes involving Bell will also be reviewed during those hear- ings which start April 1 before a state~appointed administrative law judge. The judge was hired by district officials. Mini-condos squeeze ahead Would you pay $50,000 for a condominium squeezed into 440 Bquare feet of living space? A developer thinks many will. Page A5. COUNTY Sh e's -wallcing for charity An I.rvtne girl ii planning to walk 18 miles to raise fund.a for health c.aJ'e programs. Page Bl. J!'ri,2zelle, Sills go at i t Charaee and oountercharges are already Oytng ln the 69th Allembly Dlatrict battle between Repu~ Nolan Frtzzelle and David Silla. P9 Bl. • .... ming pool last summer. "l plan on Li ving to age 84," Tamra said . · In reality, she may live only three to four months, perhaps two (See TAMRA, Page A2) Escaped con vict killed in Santa A na By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the D.tly Piiot St.tf An escaped convict who alleg- edJy raped a Huntington Beach woman while hiding from a police dragnet last week was shot and killed by officers Sunday in Santa Ana. J'he convict. K e nneth F . Troyer. 36, was being sought in connection with sexual assaults on several Orange County women reported since his Jan. 30 escape from the California Men's Colony at San Luis Obispo, according to Anaheim police officer Jim Gan- dy. He said Anaheim's Crime Task F o rce had been tipped that Troyer was planning to meet a woman in the 2200 block of N. Main in Santa Ana. Anaheim officers were wat- ching when T royer pulled up a t 12:40 p.m. He was driving the 1977 Mercury Bobcat he allegedly stole from the Huntington Beach rape victim, although the auto had been repainted white and had different license plates. offi- cers said . After a woman identified as Pamala Cuen, 24, of Santa Ana, · entered the auto. Anaheim offi- INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified Cl,CJ-6 Comics B4 Cro.word B4 Death Notices C2 I Editorial • A6 ' Entertainment ~ Horoeco~ 82 SPORTS cers ordered Troyer to s top. Gandy said. When the convict instead began driving off, police fired at the vehicle. flattening a nght front tire. he said. Troyer led officers on a brief chase that ended near 17th Street and Cab(illo Park Drive when the car veeied out of control and struck a tree, Gandy said. After Troyer stepped out of the car, he made a "furtive move," according to Anaheim police, and was fired upon by officers from Anaheim and from Santa Ana, who had joined in the pursuit. Gandy said three shotguns and three service handguns were discharged by officers in the shootinR. Troyer was treated at the scene by paramedics and taken to Western Medical Center. where he was pronounced dead at 1:36 p.m . Anaheim police said early to- day it h ad not yet been deter- mined whether Troyer was ar- med at the time he was shot. Ms. Cuen, who had entered Trover's (See CONVICT, Page At) Ann Landers B2 Movies B5 National News AJ Public Notices C2 Sports B6-8 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets B3 Television A7 Thea ten B5 Weather A2 World News A3 Magee's status 'questionable' Kevin Maaee'• statua la "questionable" for UC Irvine's 9e00nd-l"OW'\d Nrr game at Oklahoma toni&ht. Pace B6. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, Maroh 1&, 1982 N .. ,,_ __________________________________________________ _. ____________ __ NYSE OMPO ITE rfRANSACTION OUOfAVQUIMC'\.UOe T•AOU 0" flll MIW '0111C,¥10WH'I'. "A<tllt(. "IW, I OiTO.., DITI Olf A"D Cl"C'"""" UCKll ••CMA..., ANO •tllOITI D ., TMI ... ,0 AIOD tNtTtlll f .. Dow Jones Final UP 3.81 CLOSING 800.91 ""7ithdr.awn· ITATI B,___ __ __ StaDJey Hiiier Jr., who heads the investment group involved in a possible acquis1tJon of Kaiser Steel Co., said his group has withdrawn i~ proposal to purchase the outstanding shares of the company at $55.25 a share. Hiller cited the substantial changes in financial condition of Kaiser, including the $529 million in write-offs announced by Kaiser ... Workers at tour Kaiser Permanente medical facilities went back to wor1t alter a monlhlong strike today while nurses at three San Jose hospitals consider a contract offer to end their two-month walkout. Kaiser workers voted 465-204 to end the strike by 1.400 clerical workers at medical facilities in Oakland. Richmond, Hayward and Fremont. as well as at administrative centers in Berkeley and Oakland . . . Cetus Corp. of Berkeley has decided to delay construction of a $15 million advanced plant biology laboratory near Madison, Wis .. local officials of the firm said. The proposed laboratory would replace a rented buildin~ in suburban Middleton where researchers are attempting to develop improved crops through genetic engineering and other advanced b1ologicaJ techniques URlllCI World Airways suffered a net loss of as much as $15 million ln 1981. the earner said. According to prelimnary, unaudited res ults for the year. revenues will be about $370 million and the net loss will range between $1 2 million and $15 million. The loss will push the company's net worth to about $75 million, too low to meet a requirement in some of World's loan agreements that its net worth be at least $85 million after Dec. 31. The airline said it is seeking an amendment of that requirement from three lenders c -·~··~"~~~---------- National Educatloo Corp. of Newport Beach and Temporaries Inc. said they have terminated their negotiations with respect lO the acquisition of Tem- poranes lC)c. by National F.ducatJon. National F.ducation said it continues to be interested in the temporary help industry and intends to seek out other acquisition candidates in that field 111111 s:;;i _____ _ Tbe Delaware Chancery Court has ap_proved the merger of Federated Department Stores Inc. o( Cin- cinnau and Tbe Children's Place Inc. of Pine Brook. N.J. Federated paid $30.50 a share to acquire The Children's Place ... A presidential advisory panel said a national export policy needs to be developed and given the same high priority as U.S. foreign policy. The plan was submitted to the President's Export Council by a member of its agricultural subcommittee, which re- ferred it to the 1uU panel. The council 1s headed by Gov. Charles Thone of Nebraska. ~TOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT "9...00 414,IOO .... ooo l'll.600 :w..soo lll,600 JO'l.SOO 1"1,600 11l.IOO 271600 mLloo , .... .ooo lil,ClO U•, 100 Ul.'IOO UPS AND DOWNS ....... l ~=~ J T'ran.c:n lllC • 2-1.a C» . s Olall Ullll ....... tEnQy 1 ~ • .._ •• II( • PYlrntCln IO a.ta Gent ti._. Ind It UHR Ind 1J "'*"'-' 1' ~Int IS TCIKoCp ,. <MIU,*' 11 ~0tn 11 Teuttnu " "-"""''' ... '"' '·'1 .. ..... ,, ,.,.. . ~ .,, ...... IP\ • \r, . ·~ '• \11 Pct Up 17 t Up t1 1 Up 10 S Up 10 t Up 10.0 UP 9 • Up • 7 Up 11 Up 19 Up 7 I Up IS Up 7 1 Up t 9 Up t • UP ti Up t7 Up t S Up l .S Up •·4.. AMERICAN LEADERS MflALS NEW 'l'ClRI( (AP) -Spot nonlerTolls metal prices loday: c°"'*' 74\\-77 cents a pound. u.s desUnatlons LNCI 28-32 oenta a pound. Zinc 41 cents e pound, delivered. TI11 S8 7383 Metals Weell c;()m909lta lb. Aluminum 76-n oenls a pound, N.'I' ~ $:!90.00 per ltuk. "-ttnvm S.320 00 troY oz., N Y. SILVER Handy & Harman. $6.978 par troy ounee GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 Tha AMCKlieted ,.,_. Selecled world gold prloaa todey lon0on1 mornl"9 ll•lno $314.25. olt $9 00 London: all81'noon ftxlng $312 00, off $11.25 Perla: $317 .0 I. olf $9.53. Fr&MMt: $316.02. off $7.98 Zundl! l.lla fixing $31'.00. otf $7.00 blct,~$317.00 Hluld. HeftdJ a HenMft: only dally quoit &312.00 oft s 11 25. I~! Ollly dlllfy QUOll $312.00. off s11·rs~···-·- ' •