HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-16 - Orange Coast Pilot_,_ ,., .. STRIKE SETl'LED -Mary Ellen Shaver relaxes_w1th her fp.mily in San Ramon after winning her labqr protest against sloppy children. From left are Beth, 18; John Jr., 11; Meg, 15, and father John. Mrs. Shaver called off the strike after the kids signed a "contract" promising to shape up. Story, Page A5. I • -11111111 llllY PINI crnANGECOUNTV l__ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Voii iBu1o WJ ·g ujJtyQf niurder bid· ' -Free on $100,000 bail, he faces 40 years in prison NEWPORT, R.1. (AP) -A jury found IOdalite Oaw C, von 1'ulow aunty "today of twice tl'YINr to murder h1a bet..-wife wlth-inaulin injectlona that plunpd her into an irrevenible coma. V<>t\ Bulow, 55, could be aent- enced to a maximum 40 years m prUion, but Superior Court Judge 'l'1w>mu H. Needham allowed hii:n to remain me on $100,000 bond pend1na an ·April 2 hearing on a Clefeme motion for a new trial. No da~ wu 8et for aentendng. The seven-man, five-woman jury filed back into the courtroom at about 11:15 a.m. aft.er delibe- rating 36 houn over aix days. The tall, balding defendant, seated at the defenae table with handa folded In front him, maintained the stoic pole he dis- played throuahout the nine-week trial as jury 1orewoman Barbara Connett announced the verdicts. Mrs. Co~tt, in a clear voice, twice responaec:t "Guilty" when asked by the court clerk for the ~·=on the two counts ... of att.aQ awrder. t..w,... for the DuUab-bom f1nandA1 comultant had aaid they would aPDeel a convlcUon. '1t hai Deen a k>ni trial ~ a AN0'111ER NEWPORT IN THE NEWS -Pa1e CZ tren~ lti-a1n OD you, the Jury ... well u the defendant," Neectham Mid before rece111ng court.· Proeecutor Ste= R. Fami- &lietti urpd th_e w 1_lt!_~~ bail, aaytna von a u ow waa a wealth)' man capable ot tJeetng to h1a native Denmark. and ''We could not compel the country of Denmark to return him." U given concurrent 20 year terms on the two counts, von Bulow would be eligible for pa- role in 7 ~ yeera. U the tenna are oonaecutlve, he would have to 8el"Ye nearly 14 yeen behind bars before parole review. I.a the jury-had entered the courthouee, von Bulow amlled and chatted-With apeci.ton. For the second straight day, he walked the two blocks from hit harborfront hotel to the court. The jury found that von Bulow twice tried to murder Martha "Swmy" von Bulow with inayl1n Injections. Prosecutor• said he wanted the $14 million he stood to inherit from her $75 milllon for- tune and ai.o wanted to be tree to marry bi.I 36-year-old lover, a former soap opera actreea. . Mn. von Bulow lapeed into comas after both alfeged at- tempts. She .recovered the first time but has not recovered from the second coma after nearly 15 months. Testimony by 62 witneaeet t.ook five weeks. The state contended that von Bulow choee th1a resort ctty du- ring the off-seaaon as the scene for an ingenioua crime in the belief that he would nev.er be (See HEIRESS, Page A!) . GUILTY -Claus van.Bulow has been convicted of at- ~mp~ to kill his wife wi~ lllSulin. Wisely wants death penalty Penalty trial begins Wednesday in death of Huntington man By DAVID KUTZMANN or the .,.., "°' ateff Willie Ray Wisely, convicted of first-degree murder Monday for the suffocation ~th of his stepfather, wants an Orange County Superior Court jury to give him the death penalty. Wisely, 29, who has represent- ed himself throughout his highly publicized. murder trial, said al- most immediately after the guilty verdicLwas anno11nced· "If 12 people . . ~ think I did that crime, which was actually an accident, I can see no other &1:k to be. which is where they · I should be, whJch is in the gas chamber." after ta.lklng with his client that Wisely intended to ask the jury to- sentenoe him to death. Wi.lely's penalty trial ~gim WednesdJy in Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae's courtroom. The same jury of seven men and five women which convicted Wisely will have to determine his punishment. The panel has only two options -death in the gas chamber at San ~ oritf~ impriaonment without poesibility of parole. One of Wi.sely's advisory attor- neys. Roger Jennings, OO'llfirmed Wiaely's conviction stemmed from the death of Huntington Beach truck driver Robert Bray, . 61, wboee body WM found pmned beneath the 2,000-pound cab of · hfa tractor-trailer rig OD March 9, Rain causes eras~; ____ more due tonigh_t · • By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the Delly Piiot lblft Commuters who were slowed by rain squalls this morning can likely expect more of the same Wednesday in the Orange Coast area, according to a forecast by the National Weather Service. This morning's sporadic rain was believed responsible for at least one traffic accident, a head-on collision in Irvine. Forecasters said more rain is on the way tonight and Wednesday. And one Loe Angeles meteorol<>- gist said Southenn California could· experience the "worst storm of the winter." Chance of measurable rain was predicted at 80 percent tonight and Wednesday for the Orange Coast. Occasional gusty winds are also expected with tonight's low temperatures 48 to 52 degrees and Wednesday's highs fo~t at 56 to 60. Small craft advisories have been issued from the shoreline to 60 miles out at sea covering an area from Point Conception near Pismo Beach to the Me xican border. Southwest to west winds are expected to reach 20 to 30 knots causing 10 tO 14-foot seas on Wedneeday. Two vehicles sustained major ·damage in a 7:15 a.m. head-On crash today on Main Street just east of Jamboree Road, according to Irvine police. 'lllere were rain squalls in fhe area at the time. Police said two people suffered minor injuries and were trans- ported to Tustin Community Hospital where they were re- ported in stable condition. The rain slowed traffic on the San Diego •. Santa Ana and Costa Mesa freeways u well aa other ~=-uall was reported on Ro~ 55 near Coal Canyon. The long-range forecast for the Orange Coast area calls for • showers ending sometime Thursday. Friday's prediction calla for wanner temperatures with partly, cloudy skies. Coastal temperature• are ex· peeled to be in the 60s Friday anti 65 to 75 Saturday with overnight lows 43 to 53. A winter storm watch ia ln effect for the Southern California mountain areas today with the snow level expected to dip to 4,000 feet tonight. Heavy snow is· forecast above the 4,000-foot level. S~ southwest winds of 20 to 35 mph abo are expected today and Wednesday in the mountalna and desert areas. WORLD · Nicaraguan cites torture A 19-year-old Nicaraguan says he was "savagely tortured'' in the United States by two El Salvadorans. Page A3. NATION GOP leaden eye economy Republican leaden meeting to di.cu. the illue9 ay they won't embarnll the prmldent. but they have . tbttr dffferenc. on the economy. Pap A3. Ne w car Biles still dowa 1981. The truck was parked on Springdale Street near lliinger Avenue, near a busy shopping center. Police at first believed that Bray's death was accidental, but later charged Wiaely with the crime on the basis of infonnation from aeveral informants. One of those infennants, al- leged crime partner James Mar- RELATED PHOTO-A.% shall Dunagan, bad ~ntered guilty pleaa Monday to~ of voluntary m1tnalau1hter and conspiracy only minutes before Wile1y's Jury announced that it had rached a ve:rdict. 0unapn WU the pro.ecutioh'1 key witnea and had t.estlfied that he acted u lookout for the de- fendant while Wiaely sneaked up on bis stepfather's rig and·cauaed the one-ton, tilt-away cab to fall on the older man, suffocating him. ise y, however, contended throughout his trial that Bray's death was accidental and that he waa nowhere near his stepfa- t.tier•s rig the day Bray died. Wisely, a wavy haired ex- convict who still faces charges of armed robbery in Los An8eles County, showed little emotion when the jlU.ilty verdictl were read by clerk Ruth Finley. However, in speaking with reporters minutes later, the de- fendant aaid he WU "klnd Of ahocked. ''. He aaid the ftve days of deliberatioos had made him think the jury was leaning in hit favor. & to hit dedalon to repreeent bim8eU, with the a.istance of two advisory a~ya, Wisely said it waa a decision be "regretted almost every day." '()bvioualy rrn not an attorney, and I probably cxruld have gotten a better defeme from a qualified attorney," he said. He explained, however, that he continued to defend himlelf be- cauae there wu limply "no tum· Ina. back. •• Aaiiatant l>lstrlct Attorney Edgar .Freeman, who prwecuted Wilely, aaid hit courtroom oppo- nent had been a "very able ad- venary. (He was) very articulate and very abl-: ... STATE ACCUSE D -Fonner UC Ir- vine medical student Patrick Di:xon is arraigned in El Centro on charges ol practicing med- icine without a license. Fire in subway NEW YORK (AP) -A sub- way train carrying rush-hour commuters into Mlnhattan from New Jersey fill~ht fire this mo.ming and the tunnel with amoke, injurlni 108 people. ~ By GLENN SCOTT Of Hie o.M1 Hee s .... Patrick Arthur Dixon was a promiaing student when he en- rolled at UC Irvine's College of Medicine in the summer of 1975. But the man who was ar- raigned today on charges of _ pra~ing medkine withou.t...a licenae, grand theft and forging preecripdons never lasted at the Irvine campus. After receiving two one-year defennenta on the basis of his top academic record, Dixon began c1-in the summer of 1977 bUt withdrew. in November, 199, cit- ing_ a lack of motivation in rS1:g .wn,a~~,am> . to ~r.I'wni and reared in 'Detroit, Dlxon had brought im- prelilve credentials to Irvine. He had a master's degree in clinical and child psychology and a doc- •torate in education and psychol- ogy at the Univet'sity of Michi- gan, according fo university ofli-ci.als. . Both degrees were with hon- ors, whJch means he was virtually a straight-A student. His disser- tation was on the soc'io<Ultural oppression within the black community, and he had indicated an interest in child psychiatry, said Dr. Horace Mitchell, asso- ciate dean of student affairs at UCL · He waa granted the two de- ferments, Mitchell added, to as- Diapered doggies? That's plan in Massachusetts BOSTON <AP) -No one appeared to boo, bless or bark about legislation that would require dogs in Massachusetts to wear diapers when they leave home turf. The proposals, which would be subject to approval by communities, called for fines of $20 to $100 for owners who permit their pooch.es to run around with bare oottoms. No fine would be levied on the first offense. The bill was submitted to the Massachusetts I.egislature by Sen. Louis P . Bertonazzi of Milford at the request of a citizen. Rep. Charles F. Fla~rty Jr., D-Cambridge, chairman of the Countie~ Committee, said no one -human or canine -showed up for a hearing on the proposal Thursday. INDEX S ubsidized buses viewed At Your Service A4 Erme Bombed B2 'lbe Iona arm of the law IOOn will reach out to' cutno-subeldlzed bules bound for Lu V egaa. Page A5. Mom ends domestic strike I The San Ramon mother who went "on strike'' apinlt her famllv won her battle -her children .a(ped a 11contnict'' promillng to get their act together. Pace Af>. I COUNTY • . L.M. Boyd A6 au.m-84-5 Caltlomla A5 Cavabde B2 Clllllfied C1,C3-e Comb B3 ero.wcrd B3 Death Noticee C2 Editcrtal A6 Entmtainment J8 SPORTS swne family responsibilities after deaths in his family in Detroit. When he returned, he told ad- ministraton he no longer tho~t it necessary to obtain a rnedical degree. Dixon's name didn't come up again at the campus until last week when he waa arrested un- der the namt Df:-RowanlSmllh. To qualify for state licenaes, psychiatrists must hold medical degrees. They are allowed to prescribe drugs. Paychologlsta don't need medical degrees, but they aren't permitted to ilsue prescriptlona, according to oUi- dala. Dixon was arrested last Wedneeday in El Centro after a suicide-prone woman he treeted in a county din:ic-overdoeed on drugs he had prescribed for her, investigators said. · Mitchell pointAtd out Monday that Dixon may have had a good knowledge of psycholo,ical is- sues, but WH not tratned in medicine. ''With his backRJ'ound. he was probably eligible Ior llcensure as a psychologist in California, al- though we have no evidence he pursued a license," said Mitchell. Dixon might have performed many of his same tasks as a licel'l9ed psychologist, he added, suggesting that the urge to act as a peychiatrist must have been related to the differences Dixon assianed the two functions. Meanwhile this week, investi- gators are studying several court · cues in which Dixon aerved as an "expert" witneaa, mostly to rec- ommend whether a defendant was sane enough to stand trial. -Dixon treated an estimated 300 patients in his 11 months on the job. "We are looking at all .his past patients, trying to de~.who he treated and where they are now," El Centro Police Lt. Harold Carter told the Aseodated Press. Students strike DELANO (AP) -Mort than ( ' I t I J 1t '· i I ' . •one third of Delano High School'a students rniaed clal9eS Monday, · many of them boycottina the ' 1 district's refusal to fire two tea· ' chers accUled of alurs agaimt minorities. Hort.cope B2 Ann Landen B2 Movlat-.88 Mutual Funds 84 National Newa A3 Pub1Jc Notioea B4,C2-3 Spdrta B6-8 Stock Mark.eta B5 Television A7 1 Thea ten A8 Weather A2 World News A3 Landmark's dayt numbered Anteaten lo'sen 80-77 An 0ranae C.out lancknark's daya ~ be nwn· · bend • ita 1-~ expiration. pap Bl . .. UC Irvine's Anteeten. minua the inJwed Kevln Maaee, ~ble out of the Nr1' blllketbell toumalMrrt, 80-'7. in 9kJahoma. Pap B6. . HEIRESS. • • ...,ected by police or medical llevln'" tt wo. uld return her pertonnel. . . thfW ¥ you Thouch nc· van Bulow, now But the defeme eountllnd that ~:..~ from the Die. 2'7, Mn. von Bulow wu bel'Mlf re-1"1», coma. docton haw elven lfr"s . • ass 1st ant. sentenced L08 ANOa.&8 CAP> -A . ·~~ man. wflo .... he ~ ccmvtct.d IDW"d9nr WU· u.m o . llanin In tb9 l're9way KiDll' ~ Wll .-.nced to pNap fai lf"' ~ to life. 1pomlble, either by tryj.na 1ul-her little c:bance of awaJUint! ddei tndw.tn.I her appetit.el for 111ice lhe WM found llftW _ ~ alcoTior and sw~ or ln-uncomdoul on the marble floor Jun" Michael Munro muat 1pend at leut et1h~U!' ln prilan ..,.... he • .. I · ~· beneli with inlulin be-of her ~tbroom Dec. 21. 1980. I 1-Jealousy niotive .I . in slaying case? The~ wife of murder defendant Patrick Fogarty hu t.elUfied that lhe ii convinced her hUlband ii reaponslble for the death of a ~ N1puel man whom lbe WM datfna more than a )'Ml"llO. . District Attorney Jamee l!lnrtcht1 Mrs. Foprty, a petite blonde, Mid the defendant admitted to her be wu reapon.1lble for harauing phooe calla made to her bome in late 1980. However, abe t.eltified, Fopr- ty, a former Irvine dty employee, never admitted to her he WM the one .who killed Cook. a Bechtel Corp. ~ who worked at the nearby San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. parole for the Neon ·d•lrff murder of a 19-year-old maD whoH bodl;:h, dum_j>ed' in Hun= mdl'r'cmcu· tor 8 Norril. But Superior Court Jud1• ~Neb cut about 800 claya from Munro'1 .ntmce Monday for time air.dy ..-ved end ... bebavklr. Munro. d-=rtbed in court u mentally retarded.~ ,why JMt Apd1 to ..xmd....,_ mur- • der in belptnc Bonin-iob eodb- ml1e and 1tran1l• Stephen J. NJ,... ... ,...., Welll of~ Bil made body .. WM found beliliD' a Huntmom WANTS DEATH -Convtct.ed Bw:h ... staticn °:J:;!t 1"t80. murderer Willie Ray Wilely Weill Md been with says he is innocent. but want. hll own T-ebirt, .)wt• ane of the jury to eentence him to. Bonln•1 other Wrdml died. death. -· ~ :~.:;, ~ In telUmon.y Mmday before a jury 1n Superior eoun· Judge Jamea K . Turner•• courtroom, Andree Foprty ~ how she belteveQ her ntaat.Dd WU alaQ re1ponalble for 1lara11lng both her and the men ahe WU datlna following their separation 1n 1980. " Foprty. 33, ii atancUn& trial in Oranje ~ty Superior Court ln connection with the death of Al to her belief that her hUl- band was reapon1lble for the alaytna, Mn. Foprty u1d the bJiecfher OP.inion on 1everal factors, lnclUOJna cbanfea 1n Fo- garty'• behavior between Sep-_ tember, 1980, and February, 1981. H . bb d bodlea o£ 44 boys and youna men e1re88 ro e were dumped alona Southern of jewelry ~;1t!..!2:!b'·~t~I! . ,,, ... ,,,,, -, NEW YORK (AP) -An el-nWOit not have been related. FANS' cBOICE -Sally Fleld holds her troph~ for Favorite • Donald Cook in February 1981. · Cook, whose throat waa 111"··· slashed, was found by a room- '11L mate in the bedroom of the home · th9 shared on Ellendale Street. Queetioned by Chief Deyuty Aaked lf ahe 90IDehoW felt re- 1pomlble for Cook'• death. ahe said, "Knowing·what I know now, y~" :J~l heirw bt more than fl Bonin, a 3~-year-old former remaie Film Star followina preeentationa at the American on in jewelry when a well-truck drl ver, confe11ed to 21 Movie Awards in HollywoocfMonday night. She waa voted the dressed "all-American-looking murden in • Jail cell lnt.el'Yiew popularity award by the nation•a moviegoers. kid" commandeered the ~wl~th!!..._!a!._!te!;leviaim~!!!!:!!!...!!1~~L----...:._~ _ __::_ __ __::_ ______ __::_ _______ _ chauffeur-driven limousine of Carolyn Skelly Burford. 65, at gunpoint, police aay. It's gettiiig wetter Temperatures 1'..{(J" ')d l: t;· :I; ·;, !c . :t~f; ' '}[I N11 If ~· 1ut; ·1:-<~ ·'·I. .J I l'!"lit- ·~i , . , Coastal cAL..oNu Apple Vllley Baketltleld e.r.tow 8tlowert ~ng today. Locel'Blg Beet heavy 1hower1 and occHlonal ~he thunder1torm1 tonight and .,.ttlllna Wedneada)'. Eureka Witid) tc::st•W the coeet ~ and Mal' onna. Ovemlgtlt ~-iow. 47 to 53. Hlghe both d8)'1 In Long e..ctl m6d to upper 50a. CNnca of rain Loa AngelM ~ ICHllllng to 80 percent today and Ml Wlllon tonight. ~ 8eadl OMiand U.S. summary. ~ l:ROrtft)' wttw d9\'eloped -Pl!Mdana net1on•1 mldMctlon Mondey ... ~ low preaaure 1)'9tem gr-over a.a-to he PlalM. and wamlngl "'9 le-8#lnaa • from the AocklM to Min,. san Bernardino San Franciaco Snow 11111 at hlgl..-elevatlon• of San GAbftel ah and ArtzonL San Joae 8tockmen'1 aClvl1orle1 were Santa Ana for Utah, ....,,, Col«ado, Sant• llattlara of Wyoming and mucti of the Santa Cruz half Of the P14llna M a Santa Monica b1nat1on of oold rain Of wet Stodnon and ltrong wind ttveetened T llhoe V 111ey *'-tock. T°"anoa . A wlnt• atonn weteh --*' « northern Minn.cit• Into r - o'tne South, a hlcih wtnd .-n-ltATION 1ng wee ....eci tor -wn r-Alban)' 'the ttorm l)'ltem alto -ex· Albuque te<I Jo produ" atrono thun· Ancnoteoe orma from the IOUthem Pt.ina Atlanta to tht WMltm Ohio Vil+./. Atlante Ct)' Showera and thunct.11ho-r1 Baltlmor• common from the TenneleM ao.ton llley to the mld-At'*1tlc eo.M. 8uft8'o In the Mldwwt. rMr9 bloeted by CNceoo 1111 and meltlng -c:ontlnuad ClnclnMtl • "''" loodl11g In lndlana, Ohio and ~ •GP "°"mem Mlc:Ngaf'I . ~ •.ooo ColUlntlUa ;,~ • had ~ 9VllCUllted lnlm Oil-A Wttl hOIMI. Den\l9r • <1•t1 """"· drtDle and low'*"* ... Dae ~ I'-: ~ trom the o1intra1 P!M19 Delroll ·'l l } 'J.(' :.11!1 -2dl1 .o.;_J Into the OtllQ V-.Y M wel M liong E PMO !fll!ch of the Oulf ec-t.. ~==- ~around the nation Houaton et tO &.IA· PST ranged from 23 at lndlanai>olft . Cetlbou, Maine, to • high of 88 at ~ C01u11ai. Texaa. Kana City 53 40 61 5t 17 52 37 29 • 48 87 54 53 37 , 116-#-' 53 <42 83 .. 82 5t 40 30 ea st' et as 5o4 .. 61 .. 7<4 .. 82 ... 61 ... 53 39 56 137 :J ~· NewOr-. 115 50 • New y ortt 56 •2 gc:~ 82 5t . 83 <45 PNl9dpNe 57 <41 ~ 83 51 .,.__ 57 37 .._.., st 3 t 8elt Uk• et 52 :=~ Seettle St~ 89<*- <45 30 59 36 2t 19 e5 5t .. 40 47 .. ... 34 <43 24 <43 38 <47 •2 50 31 42 37 7t 57• et 3t <43. 3e 40 32 f7 .. t3 ·15 83 72 79 • 45 '"· 38 32 T uceon Tulle ~- t7 72 ,... Olllll 50 40 Pltll 8t .. Alo 81 e3 Rome === 50 30 Tokyo <47 <42 Toronto et 57 V1enne 50 .. .. 3e 57 42 45 34 ~~= <43. 40 Bermuda _-72 35 Boeot• ·~ ~· 041adebipe 50 32 Hevana 58 .. . !Qnglton tt 12 MonlilOO Bey 8t "6 ~ 52 <41 Mtrtde • 50 Mecloo City 75 ee Montar1ey 72 58 Nelaa&I .tj<41 ~.P.Jt <41 34 T~IC!g9lpe 45 27 Trinidad N 70 v .. Cruz nee 52 4t ee .. .. 48 Celglty CANADA 7g &t 56 37 .. . 56 37 •~ n n 'TO • <45. et .. •t 37 .s a ti Lo 92 7~ e2 75 70 M .-52 ee n 85 93 u 54 M ee Ml 70 u 73 t7 72 .. 5t .. 70 12 57 M 81 12 ee 14 ,, to ·57 it ~; , . The for thei teeth Ill -·for their body I FOf Tueac:i.y, rain and.,_. J.:ar-_. forec.t alone tne Peclftc. oa eo.M and In the northern Plat_, Miami region, with~.,_.. -the ee' •t 83 441 ea 5t 75 56 79 75 40 32 75 <45 et 4 t Edmonton 93.a ~. liealtfi care .plan for employees -9'11 llf:f!! r, v I !I 82 57 ..,,_ northern AocklH , the nor1hern ~­ Plaine and nor1hern Ml11neaote. 3e 34 Regina 3e 34 Toninto 82 84 • VllrlOOWW 8bower'I and tllUftdelanow..... . wtnnlptg foteceM In the Ultrllll~pl Vlllwf, ~~---------------­the aoutheutern and aouthern Attiantlq. C089t, with ralr\.Jn the Ohio Vlllwf and the GrMt Lek• -Into the north-central Atlantlc ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley ~ -c ..... e .. cutlY• Olt1Cer .., ... ...._, .......... SURf RIPIRT CfHllfted ~-. 114Jl4i·5171 All other depertments MM321 We're Listening ••• What do you like about lht Daily Pilot! What doft't you like? Call the number below ad ,our mesaaae will be rffOfded, transcribed a8d dettvered to U. 1pproprilte editor. !!'he aan\e 2'·hour auwwlns service may be used to record let· tera to the editor on any \optc. llallbQx coatnbuton m•t lnelUde thelr name and telephone DUmber for verification. No clrculatloG c.111, pleae. · Tell m what '1 on your mlnd. .. that actl'ally .~ides for their care~ right down to their toes FHP isn't just an insurance company. It's ~ Health Maintenance Organization with seven medical centers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area alone. : ·- Famity Health Program provides the dent=·The doctors. ·ncluding '!'edical see<Jalists. Emergency care. Hospitali tion. Eye.care. Preventa- tive care. induding regular checkups. Even tam y counseling. We don't just cover your employees' medical expenses. We also pro- tect your employees' health by providing car-e to help keep them from getting skk in the first place. Head to toe. A FEOEIW.LYQOAl.IAEo ~ · For more Information on ~group he.Ith care pro-· · gram that glws you more than just Insurance for )10Ur money, call (21J) 429-2473, Ext. 513 or (714) 898-3516, Ext. 51J. -0 1112 '1ff' ) .. ,. I .1 1 • I • WASHlNGl'ON (AP) -The chairman of the Joint lr.conomic Committee said that Congress should order the inpe pendent Federal Reserve Board to loosen ita grip on the nation's money supply io produce lower interest rates. 1 "Thts step could bring the Federal Reserve back to its senses on monetary policy.before it is too late," Rep. Henr~ Reuss, D-Wis. said on Monday. 'We in Congress are the Federal Reserve's mas- ters." Re uss, appearing before the Senate Budget Comrqittee, cou- pled h is suggestion with a rene- wed call for repeal of the 10 pereent income tax cut scheduled to take effect in July 1983. He said those two changes, combined with a redus:tion in Lawmaker walks ou·t on president MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - State Rep. Alvin Holmes, who had called on fellow black Ala- bama lawmakers to walk out during President Reagan's ad- .. dress to the Legislature, got up from his chair and left 20 minutes into the 30-minute speech. ~eagan received nine ovations, 'but the several black legislators in attendance did not clap during the speech Monday. However, they stood with their white col- leagues as the president entered and left the chamber. Holmes, who is from Montgo- mery, walked out complaining about Reagan's "reverse Robin Hood proposal; his plan to take from the poor and give to the rich." Holmes was the only one of the 16 blacks in the 140-member Legisfature to wall< out, but he said some of his black colleagues did not attend the speech . President Reagan 's defense buildup and a fteeze in domestic spending, would hasten ecoQOmic recovery and tower tne t:>udget deficits cQntal;ned ln Reagan's 1983 spending plan. -Re~s. a pe-rsist~t critic of Reagan's econon:Pc policy, said that if the tax c.t were repealed, the president "would be forced to thank you. in secret, f6r saving ·him from the worst aspect£ of his own policy." Reagan's budget deficits - estimated by the president to be $9A.4 billion in 1983, $81 billion in 1984 and $12 billion in 1985, but figured to be much higher by other for ecasters -h ave promptesf Republicans and Dem- ocrats to call for change& In taxes and spending. Members of both political par- ties have expressed concern that big budget deficits-wiU keep in-· teresl rates high and prevent an economic recovery. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker has told Congress in recenl weeks tl)st he believes interest rates will fall over lhe next several months if Congress passes a plan to reduce budget deficits and if inflation appears to be under control. Reuss' suggestion that Con- gress order the Federal Reserve to loosen its tight-money policy was the most specific suggestion dealing with the independent agency to surface in Congress. Reuss said the Ft'Cleral Reserve should abandon the targets il has established for g rowth of the money supply this year and sub: sutute a looser, two-year target. He said such a pohcy would. lead to lower interest rates without rekindling inflation. Reuss suggested including this provision in the budget plan Conress must pass this year: "The Federal Reserve shall adjust the monetary targets in effect for 1982 so as to permit .llll.eres.Lr_ates ta lalL" He...added that the Fed could notify Con- gress if a change in the economy made a different course desirable. ·Paratr9opers set to leave for Sinai FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) - Paratroopers Crom the Army's ' "82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg will leave for the Mideast today to observe the last phase of lsraeh withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula. The 8<)8 soldiers represent the main U.S. contingent in the 11-nation, 2,500-member Multi- national P eacekeeping Force which is monitoring the Israeli withdrawal. The peacekeeping mission was agreed upon in the March 1979 Camp David accords. "ln this mission. we are not peacemake rs, JNe are peace- keepers," saicP 1st Lt. Mark Hafer, 24, coordin~tor of cross- cultural communicatiOns. Israel captured the Sinai Pen- insula from Egypt in "The Seven Day War'' of 1967. Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai began two months after the March 1979 accords were ~ed in Washington by the late .l!;gyp- tian President Anwar Sadat and • Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. After the Israeli with- drawal, permanent residents in the Sinai will be primarily Bed- ouins. The Multinational Peacekeep- ing Force is a s pet ial indepen-dent, inte rnat1ona1 agency re- sponsible to the .governments of Israel and Egypt. It is similar in f unction to a United Nations peacekeeping mission. Members of the 1st Battalion Airborne, 505th infantry from Fort Bragg will set up observation posts and checkpoints along a sparsely populated 20-mile strip bordering the mountainous 110-mile eastern sho~e of th~ Red Sea's Gull ol Aqaba. An advance guard of 24 soldiers left Wednesday, and the remain- d e r are scheduled to depart Tuesday afternoon for Lheir base five miles from Sharm El Sheikh, at the southern point of Sinai's 23.~00-square-mile inve~ tri- angle. t • ... Orange Cout DAILY4 PILOT/Tu.day, March 18, 1982 8 Al TRADITIONAL RETURN -A flock of buzzards flies over a tree line near Hinkley. Ohio, on Buzzard Day. Every year beginning March 15, a flock begins returning to the northern Ohio town. Tradition~ it that humans in Hinckley celebrate on the Sunday follo ing the birds' Ides of Marc.h return. . . . GOP division with Reagan downplayed -. Party officials confront time-honored Republican issue of balancing budget WASHINGTON {AP) "Don't embarrass the president," was the dominant theme when Republicans met on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay to discuss issues. But while carefully side- stepping any positions that might differ from the White Hl>~~. the GOP officials also seemed to say. ''Watch what we~ db," hot what we say." · • • · That came across m05t clearly when delegates to the fifth an- nual Tidewater Conference con- fronted the time-honored GOP issue of balancing the federal budget. With exquisite precision, the resolution adopted by the confe- rence of party leaders cited the interest and inflation rates during the last year of the Carter ad- ministration and the lower fig- u res prevailing now . llWB llAIYllS But there was no mention of the numbers for_~~l'llJ>Ioxment, .now 8.8 peroen~to 7.4 pereent when Jimmy. Carter left office. "Unemployment la too hlgh. but will be reduced by the eco- nomic growth prosrama enacted last year · and now being implemented," said the Republi- cans. Another number not mentio- ned either in the reeolution or th~ debate was 91.S billion -the number of dollars in the projected record budget deficit the presi- dent proposed for the fiscal year beginning next Oct. 1. And the administration recently raised that projection to $96.4 billion. There was plenty of rhetoric about balancing the budget -by mandating it through a constitu- tional amendment, if necessary -· but no talk about how far out of balance the bf d~e{ now is and bow ar out o a ance itls ex- pected to rem;ain. When Rep. Joel Priu:hard of Washington suggested mentio- ning the defense budget as .an area that had to be examined for possible c uts, he got so little support he didn't push his pro- posal. - However, once the formal ses- sion had ended, the resolutions had passed and the participants were relaxing, they were a little more candid about what they think has to be done. Rep. Carroll Campbell Jr. of South Carolina said he has no doubt the defense bui!get Pf<>.PC?; sed by President Reagan will be trimmed by Congress, and that efforts will be made to raise revenu e by closing some tax loo holes and eliminating the provtsion anowing corporal~ t.osell unused tax credits. Other participants expressed similar views. Campbell is a believer in the Reagan economic program. He predicted it will work, given enough time. But he also is a . believer in a balanced budget and, like many other conference par- ticipants, thinks the time has ar- rived when Congress will be forced to examine programs whose benefits automatically in- crease when the Consumer Price lndex rises. Nicaraguan Claims 'savage torture' Te,.en says Salvadorans administerefl 'psychological' torment in U.S. MEXICO CITY (AP) -A 19-year-old Nicaraguan who changed his story pbout guerrilla fighting in El Salvador said he was "savagely tortured" in the United States. Jose Orlando Tardencillas Eapinoea, 19, before leaving Mex- ico City for Managua, told The Associated Press on Monday he unde rwent "psychological" tor- ture administered by two Salva- dorans. , Tardencillas. who had been in Salvadoran custody, was brought to the United States to repeat his ~ .. ,, .. alleged confession that he had been trained abroad and sent by Nicaragua to help direct the in- surgency movement in El .Salva- dor. But when he was presented to the press Frlday' he changed his story and said he was acting on his own. He said Monday tbat after he talked to the press he )Vas taken to a place he could not identify and was told by State Depart- ment spokesman Dean Fischer "you made us look very bad." President Reagan said Sunday More notes from· the lnternatlonal Gemological 9/n'l>OSlum. "Gems and Antique Jewelry" Y.eS the !llt>ject addres941d byl Benjamn Zucker. Ha had a nwvelous 98t of slfdes which he uHd to Illustrate his preeentatlon. One very unusual ring shown in his pictures OOl'Mlned five uncut diamonds. They were in the perfect octahedral shape as formed by nature. Theee were Ml Into the rrounting so that you saw at least four of the stones at any angle of viewing. With the very ltwp points protruding from the ring I thought it would also n-.. a Vfl/'y effective WMp<>n on • doubled up fist. This ring dated from the si xteenth century. that the teen-ager "was obviously a liar." Tardencillas said that during the "torture," which he refused to discuss further: be was reminded constantly by the two Salvado- rans what could happen to hm if he were returned to El Salvador. He said the United States of- fered to return him to Nicaragua' or to any other country and that he chose Nicaragua. He said he was then taken to the Nicaraguan Embassy in Washington and later flown to Mexico City. Tardencillas said he would ~' ~ concentrate his efforts on devel- oping the Nicaraguan revolution and would not return to El Sal- vador since what he clid on his own had been 'taken to be some- . thing done on behalf of the Ni· earaguan government. Tardencillas arrived here Fri- day ni~ht from Washington, D.C .. an'd reportedly stayed at the residence of Nicaragua's ambas- sador in Mexico, Aldo Diaz La- cayo. Lacayo was with him at the airport here as he awaited a flight home. &EM WISE , certainly lengthen the life of the9e fine Jewelry treasures. Mary Bart. Cet11hed Gemotogist CHARLES ff. BARR After listening to Mr. Zucker's presentation and 9881ng hts slides. I must admit that he did kindle more enthusiasm and interest for these ancient pieces of jewelry. He has pr~'fTllsed 10 send me a 98C of the s!tdes so that I may share them with others who rrey 9flfOY seemg them. Starltng next Saturday we -Mii be having a show and sale of estate. antJq•"' and antique reporduction ·• in our store. They co11.. m N aw England estates anJ I think tho9e ol you who like older pieces will rind them very attractiY&. We •e also hav1nri a stoctt reduction sale of :>ur own inventory at this t'me The prlcn have been greatly reduced . . IOml' to as much • Vt off. Not everything is included In this tale but ltlmost IMWYthfng. If you have been .ino something In our atock with the. idea of a future ~this might bathe time to ITWce the decision. TRAVBLING BY BOAT -Boats move throulb a eouthweet Ft. Wayne, Ind .. neigh .. borhoOd after floodwaten from St. Mary's River covered street.I and yards. Indiana Gov. Robert Orr declared an emergency in Ft. Wayne and Allen County due to rising waten caused by rains and melting snow. Antique Jewelry hu never been one of my major enthuaiasms . . . probably ~ moat of the pieces I -oome into the shop for l1IPlllr and are uau.11y 10 worn out and neglected that they are very dlfflc\tlt to put Into wearable condition agai n. ~ peopte e.m to have the notion that Juat be~auH IOf'Nthlog .. made of pitioul "'"9 and rtne rNtal It lhould IHt forever without a11y nWnc.lnanc9. That ,. not the c.e hoMIMr. ~ '*9 In wearing and occHlonal cNckupa lit the Jeweters wt II ........... -,.~ ... ,._.._._S.CMty . L_.1 ... , t 11• & In._, W1•dff Pina -----"~ .... - !bing thls IM we cannot hofO' ~ Chatgea ... but bring your Cllllh. Visa or Mestler a.,,. oarda. Thia Is a once . ywi ~Unity IO don't miaa 1' . . . Mlr'ct1 20 through th9 27U\. l' r Dt;AR PAT D UNN: Earl y laat November I ordered a Ult·&op table fnua SMM Mall Order Marketta• Inc. f~r $17.77. My cbeck was cashed, but Ute table never arrived. I've writte n twice 11kla1 about delive ry, but ~aven't received Hf response. Can you help? -V .C., La1uaa Nl1uel Mail Order Marketing promises to deliver the table lo you via UPS promptly. Another reader, R.H .. Costa Mesa, who also had ordered the same table in November, will get the refund she requested. ('daU Order Marketing does not have a sterling record with A VS readers when it comes to prompt de Ii ver y of me rchandise The excuse is always the same "that item was on back order." However. when A VS has contacted this firm with a complaint, it has been resolved promptly. MOM 's customer service address is 11828 Glen Oak Blvd .. San Fernando 9 1340_ Gui.de dog laws ~ DEAR R EA D E RS The b lin d of California. and especia lly those who use .guide dogs. now have at their fingertips all laws and regulations applying to the state Board of Guide Dogs for the Bli nd (830 'K Street Mall . Room 218, Sacramento 95814). The board has publis he d its laws and, regulations in Braille . The Braille booklets are provided free to the blind. Published in conjunction with the International Year of the Disabled, the Braille editions of the Bus ine s s and Pro fessions Code and Admin1strat1ve Code represent the first time ·1 lUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY '· ............ _, Sen~ .: 1922 HARIOR ILVD. ' ,COSTA MESA -541·11561 Full Bar Upstairs Full Bar Downstairs Full Bar Outside Patio ~""'::....-. ---___ and StCw tihg McrCh 2 I s..,. Maaday & T•1dmy Woll•• 11 & O.er NO COVER (Dress Code) ~ 11vu Sahrday 21 & lllP o..ty Un 111t1:t laiiw111e11I & dm.c:l'"J featuring h s.ftw1 3180 Airway Ave. :::=:. 546.9880 Cal for McC_.... -~ ---~- The spectator pump: Delicate detaili ng, lowc easy walking heel r I BoneM'hlte NavyM'hlle NATURALIZER. -~ I Tiit I....-. MIWPOIT llACM • t• ltl• T a state agency h• en' able to provide all its laws and regulatl s In Brame. .A part or the .. bepartment of Consumer Affairs, the Gulde Dog Board licenses guide dog schools and instructors. It consists or seven members, six of whom are lay persons appointed by the governor, and one state official who serves by statute. The bol,\r~ meets quarterly in metropolitan areas of the stale . Presently five board members are guide dog users, and six are blind, making it one of the few licensing bodies which has from its inception consisted of lay persons rather than licensees. The board was ins tr umental in the passage gf the new law which gives blind Californians the right to own their guide dogs . It a lso provides mediation. and cons ultation ser vices to assist in the resolution or problems such as blind guide dog users being denied their legal right Lo enjoy places of public accommodation and ~rves as a forum for addressing issues important to blind guide dog userS.'The mos t recent project is an investigation of the difficulties of blind people using guide dogs in travel on commercial airlines "Got a problem' Then wnte to Pat Dunn.. Pat will cul red tape, getting the answers and actwn you need to solve inequities in government and bustness. Mall your questwns to Pat Dunn. At Your Sennce. Orange Coas t Dally Pilot. P.O. Bor 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many Letters as poasibte will be answered, but ·phoned inquiries or Letters rwt including the reader's full name. address and buscness hqurs' "'1o~ number cannot be cOn.!idered Tins column appears f11>e days p. week 1 AP Wlrephoto WELL GUARDED-Patti Davis. 29, actress daughter of Pres ident Reagan. is preceded by a security man as she arrives in London afte r a flight from Los Angeles. A tight security net nf 15 U.S. St1<:ret Service men is guarding her. Dm·t·tor ·F ederico Fellini • ri·portc:dly dropped his plan to emigrate· lo the United States 1n st-arch o t big-budget pro- duc.:cr:,; ThP di rector' recently th1Nllt·111-d to leave Italy bl•· C'ausc n o Italia n producer would put up the amount of mont-y nec-ded for one of his ft I ms Sources m the film industry said Lhat Fellini will make his nl•Xl film at Cmecitta m Rome Begin gets tipoff on who hot J.R. Prime Minister Menacbem BeJID used the power of hla o!f1ce to learn a eecret many laraells would love to hear: Who shot J .R.? Be gin met sev e ral cast members and production per- sonnel of the hJt TV series "Dallas" at his home m Jeru· salem. The "Dallas" garty - minus .stars Larry Hagman, Patrick Duffy and Victoria Principal -1B visltlng there to promote tourism. As the nation watched on Israel Television, ac tress Susan Howard, who plays Donna Krebbs on the series, whispered the 1denuty of J .R. Ewtng's assailant tnto the premier's ear Israeli fans saw J .R. 8111 shot just two weeks ago, nearly two years after the program was broadcast In the United States. The assailant, as U.S. audi- ent-es found out. was Kristin. J .R.'s siser m law and mt~· tress. Kate Nyegaard, $tster of "S tar War s" producer- director George Lucas, will run a wrtte-in campaign in June for the Re publican nomination in the 27th As· sembly District. The 45-year-old Mrs. Nye· gaard of Modesto said that she "would accept the challenge"· of running after the sole an· n ounced candidate in the party dropped out .,, , , Honest, boss. ,, Its Business Class. United introduces first-class cOmfort at reduced fares on Friendship Express. Honest. Starting April 1. you can fly Business Class on United's Friendship Express and COJOY roomy first-class seats. extra legroom. comph· mentary cocktails, even wine witb your meals When the boss finds out you get all this at such a great low price. he'll be proud. Fly United's new Business Class section on our Friendship Express flights to Portland or Seattle. You can also reserve your favorite seat In advance. And if you're not going to the Pacific Northwest, don't pass up our low regular Friendship Express fares to cities all over the West. From Loa Anaelea Portland SUttle Bu1iness Cla11 Pe.tc Off-peak '102 'l12 Leave To Portland 8 15a.m 11 :30 a.m 4:10 p m. 7:00 p.m To Seattle 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 2 :10p.m 5:00p.m. 7:30p.m 9:00p.m Call your Travel Agent today for reservations and information on Uniteci's Business Class. Or call United at 973-2121. Partners in Travel with Westin Hotels. Fares. restrictions ani:I schedules are subject to change. Flythe friendly sides of United. can United or ~1hlvel Agent. Fare-Code-C/VllC • '----------------- Arrive 10.30 a.m 1:42p m 6 f8p m 9: p.m . 10:43 a.m. 1:15p.m. 4:35 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 9·55p.m. 11 :22 p.m. .. .. Orange Cout OAILV PILOT /Tuetday, March 18, 1982 8 .CUP to check buses .. Violations of various laws suspected Labor.pact ends-m UJP 'S -s tri ke •1 ONT ARIO (AP) - Culno-auJ>sidlzed buiea bound fol' Lu Vegu wW I IOOn be the target.a of spot California Hignway P a- trol checks for poaible violations of a alewr of ran~ 'from failure to regtf~r With the Inter- state Commerce Com- rn.lsaion to not providlng drivers wtth the required of Motor Vehicles, the Public UUUUet Commll-. slon and botl\ state and federal i)epartment.t of Transportation. Family works out who does what around the house ·eight ofJ-duty hours In Las Vegas. The probe uncovered everyth1ng from unreg- istered or unsafe buses to drivers-who were not properly licensed. did no~ keep logs and, In 10me 'cases, drank alcohol along with their passen- gers at casinos before leaving on the return trip to Southern California. SAN SAMON (AP) -Her one-mother strike against sloppy, thoughtle11 children brought Mary Ellen Sb,.,ver a lot of at- tention. It also t)roughf her com- _plete victory when her young- sters signed a "contract" prom- ising to shape up. Mrs. Shaver made headlines around the country -and waves at home -when she announced on Feb. 8 that she was through waiting hand and foot on her three children, and that hence- forth the kids would have to make their own meals, care for their rooms and get to appoint- ments and school on their own. Her friends found the story amusing, but the children did not. Beth, 18, was not delighted at having to make her-'own dinner and do her own wash. ~he also wasn't pleased to see her messy closet and unmade bed on tele- vision. "Beth said, 'Yo,u're my mother. How could you rebel against us?' Mrs. Shawr rt.'Called. "It was the · rebellion that shook up the kids. They were mad at first, and I was scared. I waa thinking, what If they all run away?' But they d~lded I was serious and the beat thing to do was work It out. "They ate com flakes a lot and peanut butter and jelly sandwi- ches, and one became a macaroni and c}}eese gourmet," she said. "There was meat in the freezer. I had gone shopping the day I started the strike. Someone said, 'whr don't Y.OU take the meat out'! but my daughter S8ld 1t would take too long. It never dawned on them that I do that every day." The strike finally ended when Mrs. Shaver and the rest of her family -hus~and John and Beth, Meg, 15, and John Jr., 11 - sa1,. down and talked 'about the problem. "We wrote an agreement and everyone has his own copy," said Mrs. Shaver in the soft accent of her native Kentucky. "The next day we all signed it. It's the things we've asked for and expected, keeping their rooms neat and clean, keeping curfews and practicing common courtesy." "Now that at'• in bLack ana white, It'• easier than hearing it' constantly. It has brought the• family together." · The notoriety Mrs. Shaver won Is recalled in a four-inch thick scrapbook stuffed with aewspa- J>ef' clippings and about 50 letters, some of whlch came from as far away as Florida and Penmylva- nla. ' The strike also brought Mrs. Shaver some memorable times. She and her husband ate out every night. She had time to write letters, and she began a book about her son, who suffers Crom a rare bone disease. And she had time, as she re- calls, to "get my mental house, my physical house in order." Then the family started talk- ing. And ~use she was not rushing to handle a million household chores, Mrs. Shaver had time to listen. She found out 1hat one child was terrified at the thought of nuclear war. Another was con- cerned about earthquakes and needed reassurance that the family would stick together. RESIGNS -The Rev. W. Stanley Mooney- ham has resigned as president of World Vision International, of Monrovia,4 Chris- tian humanitarian or- ganization he helped shape. He has been named senior adviser. IUOttS ..................... cllec• ..,. .. ..., ..... .., ....... .. ........... n.DAIU PflOT -Wlllty .... Ille flnl .......... ..._..._....,. ~~~~~~~~~~~- statti and federal vehicu- lar laws, the CHP says. Inspectors on Inter- state 15 east of Barstow -the main Southern California artery to Las Vegas -will be on the lookout for violations Robinsons The spot ch ecks an- nounced by J.L. Putnam, assistant chief of the CHP'a Inland Division, follow a joint task force im:estigatlon by re_pi:-e· sentatives of the CHP, th.! ICC, the Department CAREER WOMEN 0on•t leave your image to chance ... Leave it to POWERS · John Robert Powers laOraaceC...., 3 Tow. 6 C..-,. Oraqe (71f )M7-IZll C.U « C.me ht W..~ $1,500,000 FIELDCREST . ' TOWEL SALE. 6 MORE DAYS TO SAVE 12°/o·56°/o AT OUR . r ' • " -I t • • I ~ I I l r ( .. '• • . . . -1 I ~· d • •• ... :l :1 ~ •• ... •• • tOWEST PRICES OF THE .SEASON;: ;. -~1 •• - Now 1hrough March 21. ouf largest selection ever of Fieldcrest towels 1s on sale Choose from first Quahty or slightly II regular. 1n a spectacular array of styles and colors You II even find some matching mals and rugs lo coordinate your bath beaut1lully (Colors may vary from store to store ) will also be e1tg1ble for a grand prize Should you win. you 11 be able to • completely redecorate your t>ath and beproom In the Fieldcrest styles of your choice 1 DISCOVER HOW to BEAUTIFY YOUR BATH WITH COLOR And white you re here. be sure to register to win a complete ensemble of Royal Velvet towels including bath ha 0 nd wash and t1ngert1p There will be a d1aw1nq in each store on Monday March 22 and the winners lrom each store Come to our Newpor t s1ore al 12 noon today for a special seminar on color towel decorating. presented by Fieldcrest Design Consultant sa.99 BATH SAVE 41% ON ROYAL VELVET GRAPHICS Reg $15 50 One of our most populdr because the contemporary 1acquard design mdkes Fl splasti 1n any bath First quality 1n thick absorbent ·cotton double terry loop with a htlle 1nv1<;1ble polyester hidden 1nsrde lor strength Choose from lhree sott shades mink sandstonP or smokP 8<1lh 27 ~ 50 · Hand 16 x 10 wash 13 ~ 11 Req $15 50 $9 50 $3 75 Sale $8.99 $5.99 $2.49 Arlene Putterman So hurry in soon to Robinsons Bath Shop 3~ To order. call 1011 free 1·800·345·8501 S7.99 BATH 48% OFF THE IF·PERFECT PRICES OF ROYAL VELVET ALL COTTON, TERRY TOWELS If perfecl ·$15 50 Pure unquenchable COiton and among the sollest ever 1 Double rerry loop-slightly irregular. but you d never know Choose from assorted prnks btues greens browns yellows or white II perfect Now Bath 27 x 50 $15 ~o $7.99 Hand 16")( 30 $9 50 $4.99 Wash 13 x 13 $3 75 $2.19 Bath sheet 36 x 70 $26 50 $13.99 • Sl0.99 BATH . SAVE 54% ON · CHARISMA STRIPE Reg $24 V1v1d slripes set against a dPPP bac kground make them eye catching as well as luxurious Our biggest mos1 bounlllLJI towel of first quality cotton/polyester velour 1n hickory navy or sable Bath 30 x 54 Hand 18 x 32 Wash 11 ~ 13 Req $24 $1 5 $4 75 Sale $10.99 $6.49 $2.99 f ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZl!D WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. WE•LL RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFERENCES IN EVERY STORE VIA THE ONLY cOMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA. - . - .. • I ~ .. "' ~· ... •• ~ • I ~ .. ... ~ ·~ ~ ' ' I -' I I • ii l l I l I ,· I • ' I I l I I . • ' t ' . . .. • l . . Orante Gout DAIL:' PILOTITl.Mledey, MllOh 18, 1Ma uhli.c -e ducation needs e x amination There 11 no doubt that eou- catlon in C.a.lifomia is beset with problems. Test.a of ten show a de- cline in student achievement; there is ongoing debate about bilingual education and meeting the needs of tt)e disadvantaged; truancy, vio- lence and vandalism keep surf a- clng in some areas; and the lSSues of compensation, tenure and compe- tency of teachers is the subject of endless discussiow. Newport Beach Assembly- woman Marian Bergeson sees the need for a comprehensive exami- nation of these and other facets of education in the state. · To that end she has introduced legislation that would establish a 17-member Commission on Edu- cational Quality in the Public Schools. If approved by the Legisla- ture, the commission would spend one year, beginning April 1, 1983, examining the educational scene in much the same way as the Little Hoover Com.mission studies state governmen~ organization. Indeed, it would be provided with staff assistance from the Litt.le Hoovl!r Corruniss1on and the 17 members would serve without pay, except for reimbursement of expenses. The commission would in- clude teachers, school administra- tors, school board members, members from the govei:ning boards of UC, the state universities and community colleges, repre- sentatives of private lndustry and .four members of the state Legis- lature . .Mrs. Bergeson is uniqut>Jy qualified to reco~ the problems of public education, having earned statewide recognition 81 a school board member herself and a very active leader in of both the Orange County and California School Boards Associations. "Increased funding," she says, "will not necessarily improve education. We need to identity the problems." · Since the likeli,hood of in- creased funding for schools is re- mote, il is possible that the pro- posed Jar-reaching study could pinpoint the problems -and perhaps suggest solutions. No repe at of -'30s ? For many Americans, memo- ries of the Great Depression bring forth gloomy images of bread lines, auctioned homes, prosperous busi- n~en turned' into paupers and despair over the futur~. A half-century after the 1930s calamity entered its darkest days, fear that the anguish will repeat. itself is spreading as the recession deepens. It is not hard to understand why. Double-digit inte rest rates have strangled the vital housing and auto industries, business fail- ures are up 45 percent, unem- ployment is flirting with the 9 percevt mark, hundreds of savings and loans face collapse and busi-nessmen fear that huge federal deficits proposed by President Reagan will dry up what little credit is still available. Despite the bad tidings. an economic disaster of 1930s magni- tude is very unlikely. Among the lasting legacies of the New Deal are the safeguards enacted to prevent the Great Depression, in which the gross national product was halved and unemployment hit 25 percent, from recurring. Federal insurance of bank and --68V4AgS and loan deposits, t.mem- ployment insurance and oversight of banking are a few of the braces holding off a catastrophe. Also, the federal government has economic tools that were poorly understood following the great crash. And economy in ex- treme danger could get a quick dose of purchasing power through money supply expansion, tax cuts and spending increases. All of which 1s reassuring, but there still are causes for worry. If the anticipated recovery is stifled by continuing high interest rates, key industries could go down for the last time. A major corporate bankruptcy could shake big fi- nancial institutions. And the fact that a depression is under serious discussion adds that psychological element that is the wild card in modern economic management. The budget must be trimmed so that the deficit can be brought down, so that heavy government borrowing won't either drive in- terest rates up, stifling the econo- my, or cause the government to print a lot more money, which will drive inflapon back up and wipe out the ordinary consumer -all this while trying to finance both our foreign economic assistance commitments and a much more credible American defense system. The econtsmtc balancing act the administration and Congress must somehow carry off this year can only be described as awesome. CIF strik es 'sinner s' Let's face it, you've got to have rules to live by and, without something like the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), there wouldn't be much of a system for high school athletics. So, we're all for the CIF and against the rule busters. Recently, though, a tiny Christian school, Goldenwest Christian High of West~nster, was found to be guilty of several violations with respect to its ath- letic program and the CIF came down on the school like a sledge hammer. For one thing, the C1F said Goldenwest Christian would be ineligible for any post-season playoffs thfough next fall . That seems pre tty serious. Upon closer inspection, though, it really is little more than a slap on the wrist. The well-intentioned, but not-too-well-informed Chris- tians, you see, were doing such things as using players from other schools on their tea~. using stu- dents who were over the age limit . -.. . a nd, generally, overlooking the CIF rulebook -primarily, it turns out, just to get enough players to field teams. The fact that all of these misdeeds were occurring on the junior varsity level and "\JSually with the other team's permission seems to make moot many of the punishments in the CIF's tough stand. For example, when the game already has been forfeited b y mutual agreement a nd then is played just for fun, what's the point in the CIF subsequently pronouncing that the game will be forfeited? How can you forfeit a forfeit? Anyway, everything appeanf to be on the road to athletics law and order at tiny Goldenwest and it's doubtful these Christiana will be guilty of any more sins that bring down upon them. the righ- teous judgments of the CIF. Peace. ·Opinions expressed in the space above are th<>se of the Daily Piiot. Other views ~x· pressed on tn1s page are tnose ot 11\eir authors and.artists. Reader comment.is 1nv1t- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Me~, CA 92626. Phone (714) 1642-4321 LM. Boyd/Love scerw What's the most famous love scene In the biatory of motion pictures? A panel of judges on this matter concluded ln Rome recently that the distinction goes to that piece or passion on the beach between Burt Lancuter and DebOrah Kerr in the film "l"rom Here to Eternity." Both were in bathing sails. Mlss Kerr says ORANGE COAST DailJfilot ~ •• ,,.. • ...,., .. , .. ll't , ... •I ~ w ..... , $1 . tMi• 11111e .. -.-. <OfYH-no 10 !lo.I IMO Cv\l•-M, (A f1'1t s he remembers it well. Sand ln her s uit rubbed her raw. Doctors say there ts no colon cancer in countries where the people don't eat beef. rtioa\ of the reported potsoninc cases involve asplrtn. Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Ectltor Barbara Krelblch Editorial Page Editor -' . -;-. D~mos eye election victory WASHI.NGTON -"Did you see what happened in Indiana?" a happy Democratic senator said to the first three people be met in the halls of the Capitol one day last week. Wh at happened was t hat two popular Democrats out there had changed their minds a nd were going to run for Congress this year. · Frank McCloskey, the mayor of Bloomington, is going to run for the House of Representatives·. Rep. Floyd Fithian of Lafayette, who had been planning to leave the House to run for Indiana secretary of slate, decided instead lo challenge Republican Sen. Richard Lugar. Those Democrats were making their moves back home while, in Washington , R e publicans were making their moves away from Ronald Reagan. ROBERT PACKWOOD, of Oregon, chairman of the Senate Republican Campaign Committee, was the most prominent. He lhotight the unthinkable and spoke lo the unspeakable by giving an interview to. The Associated Press that suggested the president was so far out of touch with American reality that most or Washington thought he was calling the old man a senile racist. Packwood apologized -sort or. He did not deny he thought it or said it; he only conceded he was impolite. But other Republicans. without apology, are dismissing Reagan in their own ways. Pete Domenici of New Mexico, the chairm a n of the Senate Budget Committee, is in the process of ignoring the president's budget. So is Robert Dole of Kansas, the Senate Finance chairi;nan. A round the country, in fact, seven of the 11 Republican sen ators now running for re·election are regularly ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1~ RICHARD RllVIB 1 'i -., and publicly disagreeing with .their president on the budget and, often, on El Salvador. That group includes Lowell Weicker of Con.neccOt, John Heinz of Pennsylvania, John Chafee of Rhode Island, Robert Stafford or Vermont, David Durenberger of Minnesota, John Danforth. of Missouri and, to a lesser a degree, William Roth of Delaware. THE ONLY strong s upporters or the. president are Lugar and three W1?stemers, Harrison Schmitt, the other senator from New Mexico, Malcolm Wallop of Wyoming and Orrin Hatch of Utah. The emergence of str:ong Democratic candidates, however , may be more significant than the disloyalty of self· interested Republicans. ''The critical time for the November elections is November through February Ca year before), when candidates decide to run or not," said Re p. Tony Coelho of California, the chairman of the House Democratic Campaign Committee. "Whoever has the best candidates f/ usually still wins." \ If Coelho is right and the ecc;momy I stays wrong there is going to be a very big Democratic victory in congressional elections this ~ovember. Candidates like Mccloskey and Fithian would not be running if they didn't think lt\ey had a very good chance to win. The res ults in eight months could be significantly worse than the loss of 38 House seats that Reagan's man Jim Baker has a lready conceded the Republicans will probably lose -an early concession that has dismayed some Republican candidates. SO, LAST WEEK in the capital there was talk of strong candidates and a Democratic res urgence. Within a couple of weeks that capital chatter will a lmost inevitably grow into the conviction that Ronald Reagan is a lame ·duck president. Things can c hange -Le . the economy could get better -but the odds are right now that we are headed for a polilica1 "depression. The Democrats could hold veto power over congressional action and the president could be using his ·own vet.os and telling his stories to the few friends who stilJ s top by the White House. Textbook loans face many hurdles rToday's column-tSby Mr Walers.- assocwre. Phtl JordanJ On Jan: 1, 1984, parents of students in Ca l ifor nia 's parochial a nd other non-public schools may once again be able to "borrow" state· owned textbooks for their children. Before then, 'however. opponents of the proposed textbook loan program, including the California Teachers Association, tile American Civil Liberties Union, and some religious groups will have plenty of opportunity to block its renewal. THE STATE HAD such a prog,.am, al a final annual cost of $3.6 million, from 1972 until 1981. It was killed last year by the state Supreme Court, which held it violated a provision in the state constitution banning use of public money for private purposes. Four days later, state Sen. Alan Robbins, a Van Nuys Democrat, introduced a proposed amendment lo the constitution which. while leaving the ban otherwise in effect, would allow the Legislature to reinstitute textbook oan~e rec1p1ents of the texlbOOts, mcidentally, are technically the parents rather than the children who would use them because contracts with minors are not legally enforceable. If Robbins' amendment makes il th.rough the Legislat'ure, it will go IARl WATfRS before the state's voters for approval in November . If that hurdle is passed, a bill actually establi shing the program must repeat the legislative process and be signed by the governor; that 1984 date is the earliest it can take effect. The amendment has so far passed onty the first step, approval by the upper house Judiciary Committee. Those opposed can be expected to keep up t he fight at ever y stage of the two.year battle -unless they win earlier. or course. Killing can hurt killer DlOSt Let me try to explain by an analogy, as sl(JlPIY and clearly as l can, why peopfe like me are against capital punishment. It seems to me that our motives and our reasons are grossly misunderstood •. Last rau one of my sons. as he u.sually does, took part in the deer-bunting_ ~ IYllli Ullll ~- se~on in"Wisconsln. Whlle I would not kill a deer myself. I reallae the practical reasons for "lhinnlnl out" the herd for lhe ultimate benefit of the de~ themselves. 1'ut while some hunters go out in ones and woe to get their bag, others eo out ln do1ena or more, like a poeae. They spread out, sequester a fl'OUP of "deer ln a thicket, then slaughter them as they come bOu.ndlna out of the brush. Tbls ts not sport, St la a massacre. This Ume, a 15-year-old boy went wllb them for the firat lime. He wounded a bl.a one, bu.t did not kill bJm, 10 • mall ~l -"P and sllt ~e deer's throat, 10 that the ~ad would not be .. ruined" ror the bC>y•t·'tTQl>hY. • . My objection ls not so l!lUch what la done to the deer aa wh-1 la done to the boy. For -one thin&, lt detenlitb .. him to cruelty ; for another, it justifies whatever is done to win your "antlers"; and for another, it turns killing into \ casual, callous. thoughtless act. Likewise, in terms of capital punishment for humans, my objection again is not so much what is rtone to the criminal as to what is done to society. to the citiiens who execute him. My objection is not sentimental, but humanitarian in the broadest sense: I am concerned about what effect legal killing has upon the humans who perpetrate it. It is terribly easy to become hardened to this, because it Is a simple "solution" to a complex problem <even t.houg~ It ls no solution at all>. And once a society becomes accustomed to killing ila murderers, there is no logical line that can be drawn anywhere against killing others. Kidnappers, of course. aa~lats, moat likely . Terrorists, certainly. Army deserters In time of war. Everyone would have his own little list. Rellflous fanatic8 would like the state to klll heretjcs and atheist.a (and did so when they had the /ow er). Polltlcal extremlstl woul be pleased to klll dluenteu (and do so e'verywbere around t.be world). Capft.al punishment may not be unjust to the otfender. It la. by its very nat.ure, unjust to the character of 1 1ood •~let.y. A spo1<es m:rn!Or t~em~ CTA charged a loan program would mean S4 million· less for public school texts and "weaken California public education " Committee members seemed more impressed that, as they learned from a Catholi c nun , California's Catholic grammar and high schools are educating 370,000 students a third of them non·Catholic -and so saving the state's taxpayers $664,150,000 annually . They also r ejected a suggestion. by .Los Angeles Democrat Alan Sieroty, that parochial school be specifically excluded from any future textbook loan programs. ACLU objections were based on First Amendment separation of church and state and the state constitution's bans on support for religious institutions or the benefit of iodividuals. ROBBINS NOTED similar programs in other states have three limes been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court; the recipients are not the schools wilb religious affiliations but the students. who may or may not be of the same failh. Republican Milton Marks or San Francisco, a former judge, at one point said he had a problem with the state t constitution's ban on the use of "any public money" for the benefit of individuals. .I RepuQlican Ed Davis or Chatsworth, I forlner Los Angeles police chief, eased Marks· doubts by asking how the loan of a s tate.o wned text to a student essentially differed from the loan to an individual of a book by a slale ·supported public library. "What are we supposed to do?" Davis chuckled, "close the libraries and bum their books?" Robbins won that first Judiciary Committee battle by a 6-2 vote, but there are-a lot more ahead in this war. For what it's worth, by the way, he is not Cathollo. and says his children alt.end public schools. CllliYlll 0.....YO-_..,.. ........ _,. ........... .. -----=·-.,,.... ............ ,, .... ,_,.. ,...,. .. ... Oeltf ..... . ' , ~-~-.... -~.-----=""' _ _,. ------ I• I I I '-.I) \' --=~~ ...,, •• NIWI . OtWIJl'e AHCal1.I .....,. PMtl of tto.tno .,....,, .... ~dwlng .. ... mo. and awty ' ·-._g t:.M e U TOO CL.OM~ ~ Jedlllencl ... ~ lj)lllMenta wltti luroPflM --~­ltuhd with ftraarme. 1H0•8a.tMMA M.ANDMl..I. NIO n4I Mf,NCMU. MTW ~ ,,_ Dtlet, Mel 1Tllla.~'1i •• Niwa II ..,. TO HAM A '°'001Mn fortune In •OC*• and bOl1Cle •taahld ltt I ~ oltembar In Iha Hut m1n11on. m1k11 Jonlthan and Jennifer ,.,. ~~dlf.(f\)Q Orange Cou• D~l~Y PtLOT/T~ay, March 1e, 1882 'TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (SO) 8:00 -11Anlmal Im ton . .'' The remarkable forms of decep&n uaed by ~tort and thelr tntended vtcttml. KNXT (~) 9:00 -"The Gilt.a of Life." Susan Dey, Paul LeMat ·in film about young mother who undertakft contraciual surrogate pregnancy. KCET (28) .9:10 -"The Great American Fourth of .Tuly and Other Disasters." Jean Shepherd's original teleplay cente.fs around bittersweet pangs of growing up in Midwest during late '30s and early '40s. J1MO),..,. ..... #' lrowft. A OllOa Pot"llM """°""-It -~-~ ~ arOWICI him to *°' '* ~ ol l!Mlo end ..,... '°'* "* c.tt tltlnt '*" Mok '° the lop 40 •. ,. •. (%)MOVll ......... ,., ltraet" (1878) Owof Kana,·~ ~la. A~ lrtvnlQtMt ooupta ll1va P10bie-n1 wtlef'I tN wife .. wMIDle lo ~---..i teat _,..IO ault het y.,._ worlHpplng l!Ulbend. The ..._ .. (ttlT) ~ Cuaac • lfoel • Puroetl .• tntrodu .., ti', lffO!ra Pcwer. A 11110e ot dlfftr· .............. .,.. IMd Ind"'~\ Qi)••~ "TrtMe" (1N0} Jac:tl Lemmon, flobtiy, lenloft All Irr~ ltoedwey Pf... agll\I Mglnt 10 ,_..,......., .. and '* 1*IUCM ,..... tlonllhlp ...,, '* grown 8111\ 'PG' (J) • * .... "The lllO Aed One" (1N0) Lee MltW\. Mai1( Hamlll. A &ougtl krny -geent lelldl '°"" young, tnexpwlenced recruit• Into Ille vlollnol-llllad • rray or ' • WHITI IKADOW •THl.......O... • ~WA91M~ I ·~ CAREER TRACED -Music career of ~ clarinetist is traced in "Pete,'' tonight at 10:20 p.m. KCET (28). ...... onc:o Biiiy" (1880) Clint lutwood, 8ondt• lOGke. A lorrnat tnoa Mlaarnall from Naw JerMy rMllne Ille drMm of I*• fotmlno In I Wiid Waat ano.. 'PO' KCET (28) 10:20 -"Pete." Career of clarinetist Pe~ Fountain is traced from his roots irt Dixieland to present status. See photo, left. M'c-d"t-•da11'• DayflMt-Ho"I~• ...)'llorld War ti oornblt 'PO' tl) **'A "The Chlnaaa Connection" (1873) Brue. ~. AoOett Baker. A IT*· tlal 1111 ~t Mll out to avenge tha rnurdef\of Illa IMChar In whlcn a rival ld1ool wa ln¥olved. ·w 1:JO Cl:) * * "The Attic:" ( 1979) Carrie Snodgr .... Ally Mii- iand A Ubfarlan llVM In 1M PM1 wttll het mamor1aa ol • !Ova whO dluppeared. ~NIWI MCNIWI .CNIWI IN 1HAN WITH YOH OfWCI Anlrneted. Prof. ~ -Dr .. UMe OoofY• 9'111eil09a 10 .... tlle proper W8Y IO llllerdel and~ In eporta. (l)MOVll * *"' ·~ FrOM Alc6-\fU" ( 1879) Clint EMt· wood. Petric* Mc:Goollen. A hetdenld c:onvtct rnelcaa ll&bofai. plel\I 10 bfeek OUI of the ~oof !lfilOn. , PO' t: 10 e l't.IDGI 1MAK Rtgular1y ICMduled pro- gr11mmlng ml!y be delayed due1•~braeka. ' 1:11 • l'OffTMIT °' RANOPAOOO M9IY)'n [)ooglae llarl In Ille ltOfy of I young boy'I wwm rel&tlonlhlp wllh hi• ~flndfathet. uo. W!l.COf,41! ~ • KOTT'D I ICllwaAIEPORT 8NIWI IAl'NrY Miu.EA •ettu>MH°' THEATM 8TMET Alglara" (1897) Yaea l Saadl, JMn Martin. ~141 wagaa a delpwata ltNg- gle tor ~ ldtC* ICMOOI frOfn 1864101eez. 7:IO G NM IAIKETIAU. Loa Mgelaa Lall.,. 119. Ponland~ 7:80 e 2 OH THI TO'#N Faalured: a day In the llfe of a member of the Loi Angalaa POllOI ~· "*11 Bomb Squad; • loOti at llkywrttlng by computer, a,_ phanorneoon: a11'Q1e adulta wtlo adopt cfllldren. 19fAMeLYNUD LAvtANI & 8HIAL.n &COMPAHY ' The glrll ltand Lenny and Squiggy up tor dltaa with two vttarlnartan1. 8 EYEONLA Faaturad: 1 IOOll_ at *"" oe>ar•; part two of • report on X-rated Video OMMtlM; I ioOll II aporta madlelne. • M•A•&•H Hewllaya llghta to kaap a woundad aoldlar alive ~ an lnoaaMnt barrage • . Prlncwl (I(-~ ''* a look ti.NrMI the wa111 of tht Vaganova Choreo- grlC>hlc lnatltuta -a1ao known aa Ille Kirov ballet acllool -lo aiq:>!Ora Ille draMl9 of two RuMlan dancera whO hope 10 fol.- IOw In the loota1epa of Bar· yahnlko11, Nureyev and Mallat Olla. 11 on naai; Jl'la 4077th. (I) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEIL I LEHAER AEPORT I =' A8K£D FOR IT FH turad: "Family Braadw!Mar 11 A Squlrral" and "How To Malla A Pe»-ca-~·" **'A "Bellaa Of St. Trlrn- an'1" ( 1854) Alutllr Sim, Joyce G,.,,lell. The prot>- 1am1 ol running a glrll' aehool .,. lncr-.d by the arrival ot the hNdmlt- t rtn' a bookmaker brother. • Me CZl CIH!MAICORE 1:11• ~l!AIY "Ql!y ,.._ .. The 9'>80ill problema laclng gay Amar· lcena over 60 are axa- 7-Mlnndi~Y8 A~N A80NEW8 LYNN ~El.FON> u·A·a·H Hot Upt ~alaa her 6 jual,granlad divorce. I JOKErl Wll.D oec::KCAWTT O~: Owwi V«don. (Part '!l.JR) Cl) P.M. MAOAZIN! The .leader of New Yen ·1 Guardian Anoe1a marriaa t111 ~-In-commend: IOfna ~ aolnial eun and their owners. 0 INTlllT AlftMENT TONIGHT An lnlaMlw with Alban Anney. • 8 THI MUPPET8 Gue.ti: Mummaoach1nz Puppel1. ®lflORTI IUUITAATE>: THE FIRST 2!~ JamM Cun holta ' trib- ute lo Sport• lllutlrltad'• llrat qu1'1ar-cantury of •tarllng .IP<>'I• c:ovaraga. (D)MOW * "A Change Of Seuont" ( 1eao1 Shlrtay MacLalna, Anthony Hopk ln1. A mid· dla-agad couple try out young« partner• dunng a mountain vacation. 'R' (%)MOVIE * * * "Tha 81Ula 01 a:oo e (I) elMON a 8IMOH A.J. and Riel! agraa to round up aoma milling c1111m1t11 lor t'l1alr upcoming high school reunion. . e a 8AET MAVENCK Maveric:lc ulla Ptlllo San- dine for help In llndtng 1'-r~ for hla ~··~· • uc:w. **IA "The Halted Prey" ( 1eee) Comal Wilda. Oar1 Van Der Berg. Attar Ills ,... • low llunt-.,. klled by • prlmltlw trtba, a man Is • fl'M IO Ila lultad down by fllrca wwriorl. 8 0 HAPPY DAYS FonzJa II f\lrloul Whan Jen- ny Ploe.io apre9de rumora about • new glt1 In ldlool. .P.M.~ The leader of New York's Guardian marrlae hi• aac:ond-'n-command: tome eucoaeaful lnlmal •tars and thalf ownen. • MOVI£ * • "The Vanlthlng und'' ( 1873) Ooc:umen1aty. Tiie PIOPla of Aluk1 display their tenaetty and ltrangth of wUI In tl1a battll to earw out 1 Ill• for tllamMlval In the bitter wtldarnatt of the North. • UFE OH EARTH "Theme And Variation" CHANNEL LISTINGS 1J KNXT !CBS) a On-TV 0 KNBC INBC> l Z·TV e KTLA (Ind.I " HBO e KABC CABCl c IC1nem.tx) DKFMB ICBSI CWORl NY.,N Y I) KHJ·TV (Ind I Qll IWTBS> e KCST (ABC) IE IESPNl e KTTV (Ind.I Si 1Show1ime> •• KCOP-TV (Incl.) 0 Spotllghl .• KCET IPBSI a <Cable News Network) G KOCE !PBSl DIVORCED? $EPARATED1 .. , ............ 1'r111P ltf llVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Six r...-, h 1A1r4it1 Mscll l .. Aprtl20 St ••ws Presbyterian C~lrC~ Nl•lllrtlaa .. ~ ........ , .. ......................... " ... $11..00 ..... ........ ,.,. .............. u1: • ., •• 2 .. 1 f :OO-J:M U11L-fri. ,, David Attanborougn 100k1 at tN wide veriety of anr. mell -frOM entaatart to wtlalel -that -to be ~Idec! """' • tiny ......... .. "'*"""*· 0 • HOYA "Anlmel ll'llC)Oelors" The ramarkabl• lorm1 of '*"Piion ueecl by boUI predator. and their Inland· eel vtotlml -to Mt or •void bllng Mien -era • eumlnad.Q ®MCMI * * 1" * "The Stunt Min" (1880) Petar D'Toola, Stava Aallabaek. Wal\tld by Iha police, I dlttul"bed Vietnam vttaran llnda an unaura l\lvan on 1 movie Mt wtlar• a· World War. 1 ~ lti bllng lllmld. 'R' cal~ • * *'A ''Any Whlet\ Way You Can" (1880) Clint Ealtwood, Sondra Loella. Before Milling down wt" hlti girl and pet orangu1an, a ~1111ed fighter llgn• up for one lalt. 1uc:t1tJve matoh. 'PO' .MOV!f * * "Roedla" ( 1990) MNt Loef. Kaid Huntw A roek mulle roadie lat• nolhlng get In hit way In hit purault of the girl of 1111 drMmt. , 'PO' , l:aO 8 0 LAve.NE & 8HIA1.EY Carmina bec:omaa lamou1 attar tunllvtng 1 dlrac:t hit ~. lignlnlng bOtt. Q • All IN THE FAMILY Edlttl dema up about Tare-... , boyfriend. t:o0 8 C1J MOVIE "The 0111 Of Liit" (Pram- lar1) SuNn Day, Paul LIMlt. A young mother of two undartakaa 1 contree- tual au<rogata pregnaney for anothet woman. D r8 FLAMINGO AOAD Field IMrn• how hla 1111 fl1her WU mlnic>ulaled by Sharttl Samoll. and Con· ltanoa VOWI to daatroy her "'*>and. e O THA&'8 OOfM'AHY Furfey and L.any klierna 10 katp Jaca. Jlnal and Tam """' moving attar tne -..UV.. era offered I dratm "duat.Q I MIRV OIW'FIH LHOH!ARTH ''Theme And Vlrlatlon" 0.vld Attenborough lookt at tl1a wide variety of anl· malt -from anlNIWI to whalaa -111e1 _,, to be daaOlnOeO from 1 tiny ahrew-111t1 mammal. Q (C)MOVIE *** "G\I~ In .New York" (1964) Cliff Rober1· IOn, J-Fotld1. Attar bajng ~lted by her boy- friend and traveling to New Yorll to vlllt hel' brother, a young WOfrlan oonlld«t het poaltlon on virginity. (D) SAMY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND • ...._..WHIH John 8)'Nr .. joined by Henny y~ and Ollt- .... they bftng the gold- en da)'9 of TV vwtery lflOM beet to Ille • 10:11®~THI GMAT PU.GUI! Erle ~areld hoat.e lhll documentary look at Ille 8PlllWI lnfluenu epidem- ic of 1818, which clelrnad IO mllllon vtetim. Wend· wide. 1o-.20e PUE The ear-of c:lar1natllt • Peta Fountain la tr~ from h01ti roota In Dlxlaland to Illa Pl'-11 11atu1 aa top tourltt 1ttrac:tlon of tlla c,_-.1c11y. 1o:ao1 NfWS AMl.AICAH PLAYHOUSE "The Or11t Amerlcen Fourth Of July And Other Ot1atter1" J11n Shep- hard'• original tllaptay canter• acound the bit- ,.,_. pangs of growing up !n the MIOWaat during Iha lala 19308 and Mt1y '408.Q 10-M (%)MOVIE. **'A "The Chi..-Con- nection" (1973) Brucl l ... Roban Bak«. A martial atll 1tudant llta out to •venua 111a murder of 1111 teacher In wtlloh • rtval acllool waa Involved. 'R' 11:00 880(1)98 N!WI 8 8ATUAOAYNIGHT Hott. Waller M1tth1u Oua.t: Garratt Morrtl. D KOJAK • THE JEFFEA80H8 • 8ANFOAO AHO ION (C)MOVIE * * "From Noon Tiii ThrH" (1977) Cheri•• 8ron1an, Jiii Ireland. A drlttar It recruited Into a <m~bary gang. * • "Goodbye, Emmanualll" ( 19n) SyMa Krlltal. A beautiful wom- 111·1 -ch f()f" the uf1j.. meta arotle ••patlarlc:e brlnga her to 1 ltar1llng rMNzatlon. 'R' • .WOM&nlilUD WM8TUNG "Worid Ugntwelght Cllam- pllOnlNp'' 11:aG 8 (I) ALICE Alloa and Ao dtaeovar that tl1a uma men tlat macte dat• wllh both of them. ® U 8TOHIGtfT Hott: Johnny Carton GUM!: Richard Pryor. 8 0 A!ICNEWS NtGHTUNE • AUttN -lHE FAMILY • LOV£. AMEAICAH STYLE • DICK CAVETT Ouaat: O_, Vwdon. (Part 2j(R) tlD CAPTIONED At1C NEWS ®MOVIE • MOVll .. • ''The OJlpapper Cat· tta Co." ( 1872) Gary Orlmaa. Luk• Alkew. eLOvt..~ ITYll 1=: OH aoo.rrY . *. "Tlla Compacltlon" (1880) Rlehard Oraytuaa, Mr; !Mng. TWo planlata ar 1 San Frandleo '"'* ce>m.,.iltlon find that their love tor aacfl othet oon- n1c11 with their profaaaion- 11 am bl Ilona. •PO' 12:06 8 (I) MCCt.OUO MeCloud trial to bfHk In 1 ,_ partner while lnvaatl· gating a n111on11 car thlfl rlllQ.jR) 12:ao D ~LAT! HIGHT WITH DAVID LETTl!AMAN Oueat: dlnoaaur ••Plrl Jim Jen1ar1. 8 COUPLU (Part 2) A wile'• extra mar· 1111-•lfllrl .... poalng • problem to het marriage, Or. Walt« Braek•manna holll 11111 ..,..., ·= • "The Rtth Floor'' ( 1890) Bo Hopklnt. OlaMa HuH. An Nlll young woman 11 lnc:aroar lted In a biz.arr• mantel llolpltll where vlo- tanoa and drug lbuN .,. the order ol the day. 'R' CI)MOVlE • * • "The Changeling" ( 1980) Oaorge c. Sc:ott, Trllh Van Oavara. A wld· oweo mualc prot111or reot• 111 Old llouM that appae" to Ila haunted by a rMtlatt aptrll with 1 50- yaar-old ac:ora to Mttla. 'R' 12::46 CC) MOVIE , •• 'A "The Angel Wore Red" (1960) AYI Gardner, Dirk 8og1rda. A prlaal lelvaa hlti ordw to return to a world roellad Dy 1 vio- lent war. 1:008 MOVIE • • "Carlbbaan" (1852) John Payne, Arlena Dahl. PlratH In· the 17001 attempt to take over 1 Car- ibbean llland. • MOW! • • "The Amarleano" (1955) OlaM Ford. Frank LOV9joy. A Texaa cowboy llndl romance and adllan- ture Whan he attarnpta to detlYW pttzia Braflnla bulls to Bra:dl. 1: 10. M0\111! ••'A "Don't Mak• WavH" (1887) Tony Curtll, Claudia Cardinale. When Illa ear It hit. a 1our- 111 In Southern Callfomla wlnd1· up falling In love with tl1a euta Nttle ltallan find· ar •bender who II raapoftlf- bla. 1:30 91 :::Wa CIDMOVIE * * * "The Electrle Hore.- man" ('t918) Aobart Red· ford. Jana Fonda. A LU Vegu cowboy 1tea111S12 mHlton thoroughbred horM to Nva him lrOM hit •~tllll/9 ownara. 'PO' 2.'()0 • MOVIE * • • • "The Lady Van- llhH" ( 1938) Mlehul Aadgra\19, Pa.ii Luk• An aldarly Engllthwornan di. appMr'I frOfn • Eutopaan aicpr-train. • ACADCMY IHOAT8 2:10(l)MOVll • * * * "Ona-Tri<* Pony" ( 1890) Paul &rnon. 8lalf &town. A onc:..popu1ar performer It pr--.cl by eYarYOna atounc:I 1111'11 to drop Ille 11yta of muale and wr111 aono• 11111 ean bfing Nm baGtl to the top 40. 'R' 2'.20 8 NIWI . 2:tO (C) MOV1l * *.,; "Ballw Of St. Trlnl- an'e" ( 1964) Alutllr Sim, Joyce Qranllll. The prob- lem• of running 1 glrla' IChool are l~M.Nd by Iha arrtval or the haadm11- t ra11' 1 bopkmaker brother. g MOVI! * *'A "Little 01rtlng1" (1980) Tatum O'Naal, Ktlt- ty MoNlchol. At eummar eamp, two latn·aga glr1t compete to ... whO wiM be tl1a li"t to low her virglnl- (1,'~E •*Yo "Suttin' Looaa" ( 188 1) Rlehard Pryor. Cle> ly T)'90n A bumbling bur· g lar, 1 eonee rnad tdlooltaac:tlar and algllt Children make 1 frighten- ing eron-country trip In a brOl\en-down achoo! bua. 'R' 2:-40 1 NEWS 2:56 MOVIE **'A "Aloha Maana Goodby1" ( 1974) Sally Struthara, James Fran- elaeua. Whan 1 ~an·a IOn baeomat '"· • young girt with • rare blood type 11IOUQlltaa111aart donor. a:00e rSPY S:IOCH)MOVIE *'A "Charlla Chan And The CurM 0t The Oregon 0-" ( 1881) Pat• uau- nov, Rldlard Hatch. Char· Ill Cllan la lldad by 1111 bumbling gr1nd1on In IOlvlng • airing of fTIUf. darL 'PG' l:IO • MOVIE *"' "I Covar The Uodal WOl1d" ( 1954) Sw1 MoClory, Joeihne Jordan. A theology" atudant ~ the Identity of "" gMgat• twin bfother )ult bafor1 tha tan.•a prteon r ....... ())MOVIE •• y, . '&cape From All;e.- lra" (1878) Cini Eut- wood, Patrtck McGoohan: A hardened oonvlet makM elaborate '*"8 to bfNk out or the ~ool prlaon. 'PG' • 4:008 18PY (C)MOVJE * * "Loving Couplea" ( 1980) Sltlrtay Maelalna, Jamaa Coburn. A marrlld couple and • pair of young llnglae 1wttcn partnara In a game ol lllaatyta aampllng and romantic r1Yanga. 'PO' •• CZl aNEMA8COAE •:aoeMOW * * * "On.-Trtc:k Pony" -MQR...a- 1.'()0. * * *'A ''The 0.. And The Canary'' ( 1t39) Bob Hope. Pau1at11 Goddard In Of"cier to ooleet tNlr lntlarltanoa, 1 family mutt IC*ld Iha night In • haunt· eel l)ouaa. CZ) *•'Al "Biiiy Jldl" ( 1971) Tom Laughlin. DalOIM Taylor. An •x· Gratn Bafet hllf·braad Chemplon1 the eauM of 1 tr..ooin aehool tor run• waye on an ArUc>ne Indian t'aaarlllllon. t:oO(C) *** "Caddi1"(1881) Halen Monie, Jac:k Tllomp- aon. A young woman laav11 her eomlor11bla 11.tburti.ll home and her erull l'tulbanc:I, dttarmlnad to take luff rMPOr\llblllty for 11.tpportlng her ChUdran by doing wllat-Odd Jobe aha can get. e:ao e * * "New Frontier" ( 1939) John Wayne, Ray Corrigan. The Maaqylt-1 llap In to help a group of .... Mttlarl defend "*' prop- erty righta agalnet greedy 111'\dgi' abbera. •••• "AllgroNon Troppo" (1179) Animated Ula In the rnaeNne age la aatJrtzed. 'PO' 10:00 <R) • • 1A "A Nightingale Sang In Bar11aiey Square·· (1979) Rlehard Jordan. 0.vld Hiiien. The night Wltehmlll I I • Brltlah Bank It tempted to return to 1 Nia of crlma. ()) * * 'h "A OIObal Alfll<" ( 1964) Bob Hope, Ulo Pulver. A baby, found by I blchalor In the lobby or the United N1Uon1. 11 clalmad by Ill t11a member n1tlon1. C%l * * * "Sabotaur" ( 1842) Prleellla Lane, Rob- ar1 Cumming•. AeeuNd of Nbolagt and 111a mu<dar of hll beat Irland, 1 man . NII out to find tl1a real totazl Nbolau,.., 11:00{t) ***"North By N~" (1959) Cary Grant. Eva Mana Saint. An advartlllng man· 1 Illa la ct\angaO drMtleelly wflln he II mlltllllan 1or 1 CIA !ll"fll. • ••• 'A "Badlcnobl And Broomatlcb" (1871) Anoela l.anabury. David Tomllnlon. Outing World Wat II. a no'tloa -~­and her three young llianda Mt otl lor 1 magic ltland where .,,. Intend• 10 IMrn .,ougn 1bout wm:ns.rt to uaa It agalntt 111eNuJt. ·o· 12:00 a • • "The cn\raa· tw " ( 1973) Meredith 19\ar. Stuart Whitman. A "°"" amulet bflnga 1 datect1v1 Into 1 c1ae Involving 1 eult of eel WOt'lhlppara, • •*'Al "Top Saoret Atlllr" (1857) Suaan Hey· ward. Klrll Oooglu. A pub- lllhar ltttmf)ta to 11op • major ganarll from obtain· I~ 1 dlplomatte poet. • * * * "The Rl9lng Of 'R' 1:41 CZl ....... Suttin' L.ooee" (18811 Ricllwd Pryor. Clce- ly Tyeon. A bumbling bur· glar. 1 ooncarnad. lchooltaac:tlar and eight Chlldren make 1 frighten- .. Ing eroea-country trip In 1 bfoMn-down tdlool but 'R' 2::00 g • * \.'t "The Man Who law Tomorrow" (1881) ()oQjmantaty. Narrated by Orton Wallet. Footage of ...,.,,.. ha pradletad and dramatic re-erNtlon• or hi• Illa comprlM thl• look at Iha 17thoCantUf}' f'raneh pllylk:lan. aatrOlogar and. myltle. Mtenet dt Noatra- Dama, known u Noltr•· damu1. 'PG' 1:00 D • * * "Call Me Bwana" ( 1983) Bob Hope, Anita Ekbafg. An IUlhor· explorer hnd1 romanoa and danger when ha It Mnt to Afrlc:a on 1 MC<et govarnmaot mi.tlon to tlnd I IP-eapaull, CH) ••'A ''The Cet And Tl1a Canary" ( 1978) Hono< Blackman, MlehNI Gaitan Halra battle for 1 lortune at the tpOOl!y •1•t• ol • ~ mllllonllra. ·PG' 1:30 tll * *'A "Tl1a loved Ona'' f 19651 Robert Morfe. AnJ1.natta Comar. The nepi-ol a d-..CS Hol· lywood atar lncura ~ dabta end hHd1chas when It COfMI time to melca the turtlfal arrange- manta . CI) * * 1t "Tha Changel- ing" < 1~eo1 George c. Scott, Trleh Van Devere. A widowed mutle proflUO< ranta an Old llouM that appaar1 to be hauntld by I r11tlall eplrlt with I 50· year-old IC:Orl 10 aettte 'R' •=-(C) • • • "Caddle" 119e 11 Hllan Moree. JIQk ThOmp.. eon. A young woman taav11 her eomlortlbte IUburbl('I hOma and her orual hutt>and. dltarmtnad to take full rllll)Onllblltty IOf aupportlng her ehlldren by doing ~ odd ,lobe Iha ean get. CJ) •• ''Thunderbird• In Outer Spece" (19e1) Pup- ,,.ia. The Thundarblrdl r-agalntt time to ttop a rocl<e1 from c:oltldlng with the II.In. 6:aG tll * * • "The Competi-tion" (1 990) Richard Orey· lvat. Amy Irving. Two p1an. l1t1 11 1 San Franc:19co mulk: eompatltlon nnd !hit their love for aaeh other eonfllet• wt1h their prole11lon11 1mbltlon1. 'PG' C%J * * *'It "Between The LlnH " ( 1977) Llnd11y C<oute. Jatl Goklblum The 11111 member• of an "underground" Bot ton nawep&pe< ha119 Vlr\oul romantle and )ournallatlc anoountara with aaeh otlle< and the subjacll ol their atoriaa. 'R' Manllow parlorm1 1 aatee- tlon or hi• 11111. ln<lludlng "Mandy," "I Wrlt1 The Songa." "Can't Smlla Wlttlout You" and "Copa. cabana." Taped 11 Plttt- buroh'• CMe Arana. (Z)M0\111! * *'-+ "Any Which Way You Cen" (1880) Ctln.t Eutwood, Sondra Loeka. Before Mttllng down wt1h hie glr1 and pet orangutan, a blra-lllject fighter aiglll up for one laat, lucr111Ya metcn. 'PG' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk • • *.,. "Seannara" (1891) Jennifer O'N1UI. Patrick MeOoohan. A lethal eonfllet 1rl111 ~ two tmalt groupa of people wtlOM ax1raordl- n1ry payehlc powara Include t11a •blttty to kill tellpatlllcally. 'R' t: 10 • AME1'ICAH PLAYHOUSE "The Oraat American Fourth Of July And Other Dl111tars" Jaen S"8P· hard'• original talaptay canter• around the bit· ~~- 12:00 • EHTE1"T AINlilEHT TONIGHT An lntatlllaw wt1h Albar1 aa· FANTASY l8LAHO Two g1t11 go on • •e.-tious apandlng ... and • l'tuntar baclorrlW 111a l'tunt- tct. (R) G MOVIE * * • "My Favorite Brunetta" (1947) Bob Hooe. Oorottiy Lamour. tlE'R~~ D CEUIR&l..b o At The Why Not LOUO!;f e t Green Beer • Corned Beef Sandwiches Traditional Irish Hors D'oeuvres ~ • Party Accessories ~ + ~ 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ma·rch 17th _a Lucky Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. ~ Live Music -: Dancing ~ 9:30 p.m. -1:30 a.m. --.. • rt..,..,.... .. .,u, lilv ~ . WE'RE A LOT IAORE THAii A BELL • Y•R •LL Behind the bell Behind the famous Seacoest sticker. Bah1nd all the stata-ol-the 1rt protection devices we make end install. is Seacout centr1l 1t1tlon When an alarm goes off on your property, we get the signet In a nearby. 24·hour·e·dey central station. If IM signet lndfc.ates fire • burglary or hoodup, we call the police or fire department. Since our central station Is UL lilted. our central ~atatio n customers can qualify for • a1zeble di.count on th91r inaurence. And to lncreete our reach. make responM time even laster and Improve '1.llclency we 're • .c:ompUterlz.lng our station. But lmproYemtnta tfen'l new to S.ecoa1t. W•'ve bMI\ getting better 16r 21 y .. ra. And todey we're tM leade1'9 In th9 MCurlty bualn ... In 1h9 harbor a,..e with ~·' 10,000 cuetomera Including • wide range or big end amall retail, induttnaJ Md OOtlWT*Cill establi.tlmtrt ... To find out ~ about S..CO•t central atatlon write or od'me by our new facility It 2* ~~ 81Yd., Coata Mesa. '· .I . I l I J , .... .. Comic recalls the lean years '. -' LAS VEGAS (~) ·-Can you tell ua. Joan ~ IUwra. whether thent wu ever a time you felt your career WM heeded for ahow bwd.nell oblivion? .. 0 Not really, w\lell maybe it w-. that time my apnt eent me to the Swan Lake Hotel ln the New York mountalna for a $6 gig, then took out a 60-cent fee. · • "Or maybe the time an agen( changed my name to Pepper January-comedy with splce-ln hopes · of aetttna booklnaa in Midwest a1rip joints .. "Or the one-night atanda in thoee strif. joints when I'd ~ the hat and the hat wouldn t come brick. "Or pomibly the time the William Morris ~ came to Second City in Greenwich Vil- lage and signed everyone in the cast but me. "Or the tUne my agent said to quit the business becauae 1 was too old ... "Or the time Ule Johnny Canon people tolc:\.lne 'Forget it as a comic, let's ti'f it as a girl writer'." F.at your heart out, Rodney Dangerfield . Thoee early years are a real laugher for Joan Rivera toda~. They were anyt.hirut but that m MVD8 the late 19509 ano early '60s when the Brooklyn blonde was trying to crack the fickle world of comedy. , -Today, at 44, she plays 20 weeks a year in top otels on the Las Vgas Strip and another 20 in ppearances around the country. She manages to ~~QtM!MIZIE;.lJ:Ulltne for husband FAsar1 the butt of many her jO es "The only thrill m my sex tile now is hen l lean up against the blender" -and ... ·4-year-old daughter Meliaaa. . 1 For good measure she's an author, script writer, tlirector and resident guest host for Carson, the man Eo believed in her and plucked her from comedic vi on. But her success is hardly of the overnight ariety and her years-long struggle for recognition is *he subject of a new book she's writing. Appro- priately, it's called "Getting Started." She could write up a storm in thoee early years, but only she and Lenny Bruce believed she had the ability to deliver the jokes she penned. She laughs now about the long roster of strip ts -where females weren't judged on comic ty. Fired nightly, she quickly learned to take her nal belongings with her to avoid the embar- raasment of retrieving them the next day. That phobia carried over to her Vegas years, starting in 1968. . ·' "The first three years I'd take everything home +.rith me each night. I hatl this fear of being fired. ef ou don't know how terrible it feels tQ have to come ··back the next day and pick up vour stuff." I --"THE ·. EARL'S I'\ IMe!NO•H(.A TIHC ....... ... .,MeaOftt $1 l' 71'6\" !.fl'rWlr(e t...-. Sl-""S •t ,....,._., ()C'('llt ' tC.-. Storto....,..,, "°"" "'•• COSU•u641-1289 • ,..,..._ .... _ .,.._ vivo495-0401 I -c....,.c. __ ' .'*.!~ °'!t*,,.. •• A•-!Y ,...., 1• - · MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEoPLE ""'~ ... o/ ... '"""OJ. to .,,.,,,,, _.,. ·-... •<ll•f>Mr o/ -----°" -cMo-~ AU MIU A()MJTlt,p :Jl,~ii=O=--.~ .. ·~~e.· ~ PG AU.AG£SAOMl:n:£0 P.,.ntal GYoO.n,. SuQ9fftecl 'Wltha competitor ... how close can you get ? ... , ....... .,.,.,. I ~Fasciriating .. J•wt M.,Ji•. NEW YORK TIMBS , • TEASING -Doug Hartman flirts with housemaid Joyce Han.son in a lighter scene from the drama "Ladies in Retireme nt" at the San Cle~ente Community Theater. The play ope- ned last weekena and continues on Fridays and Saturdays at 8, Sundays at 2, through April 4. Call 492-0465 for ticket information. *BARGAIN MATINEES• Mond1y thru Saturday All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (Except Sptdll Enpgementa end Hollcleya) !,l Mo~Al>A MAil M11oc:10 01 •01ecrona LA MIRADA WALl<·IN 994-2400 'THE BEAST WITHIN" 1111 ..... ................. t&:ll ,.......,, .................. CHARIOTS OF FIRE" -,,_... ...... _,. ........ ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK -IN ....... ..,., ........ .,,... --• d'N GOLOEN PONO' 1001 UM.J11.•a.r..a.1..._.. Qt.WUAI eM>MIOM tM "DEATH Wla.4 II" 1111 1l.4'ola--.................. ,._ .. •"THE AMATEl,IA" 1111 .................... "RICHARO PRYOR LIVE OH TltE 54.INSET STRIP" focully ol Cono1ewooc:1 213/531·9510 "MISSING .. tt'GI tr.a, a M1 ..... •tt. tt:ll -o.··---0er ........ "::.. ~ .. :...-,,::.. :: .:::.:"' THEY ALL LAUGHED -U4tl1!tl;&.t•ttt& I 'REOS''"' ............ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN ··EVIL UNDER THE SUN" - t ........ , ..... ~ 11f1t LAGUNA so. COAST WALK·IN "RICHARD PA\'OR LIV£ ON THE SUNSET STRIP" .. 1 MAKING LOVE'' II'! • ..-...... J .......... .-..... . la.O.., ', ............. .. ··"""'~·- --··~ ··CHARIOTS °""1RE" -t·tt.lt.41.t:tl.1!:4&.tlat•• South Coo11 H1woy ol l roodwoy 494-1514 EVIL UNOER THE SON" -~-t•e::n ...... , ... , ...... IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRU! H"IK ;nf1ll';lo., M\• fM• n15·30 • !Ill S•• 1111•" 30 r11 Cllll-fl SDtHl • 10IJll AM CNl UOIO IS T1llJll Sl'IM~ ~ ""° .,. w flMllll wmo 1GNT10N acco~ IO$l110ll -~AM~ t•AU CINI-A~ D Oii AM IWIO ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ..... 0, ti •• l•-$1 179·9150 "HALLOWUN 11" 1111 -"AN AMERICAN WIR£WOLF IN LONOON" 1111 Clltl II SOUltD BUE NA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN \•"'< 01n A~• Weit of Knott 121·4070 BUI NA PAl!W LINCOLN DRIVE·IN I 1n( Oln A•• Well of &non 121·4070 IOUNIA!N FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN I Son 0••110 frwy 01 trooU'lunl (So) 962·2481 Wl ~lt.llNSl!I! Hl·WAY 39 Dl!IVt IN "HAUOW£EN II" 1111 -"AN Allllf!RtCAN WEREWOLF IN LONOON" Pll CINt II SOUlfO --Of .......... ._ ·-QiRISTIANE F:' 1111 -"Dl!ATHSHIP" tlll Ctltl fl SOU!10 lA l~ABllA LA HABRA DRIVE -I N ............... _._ ............. 171-1162 it'",,{ ,.1 ORANGE DRIVE IN "~IST~'.''1111 "Vtc• IOUAD" tilt .. '' I Ai .. & ~ 0. A, ., MISSIO N ORIVHN ....... , .. W A R N f Sl CJIWv : 1 .., ....... ,_ .............. " .... M7•H t1 CM#ILD-• 'OEATH WISH II" 1111 ,.. ... ··THE BURNING'. ,. Cflff , , 50UftO 7'oQN'i CRY, -- IT'S ONLY THUNOf:R" --··MY BOOYOUARO" - Cl•t f• \OUltO "RICH.ARO PRYOR LIV,E ON THE SUNSET S'TlUP" 1111 ..... "THINK OlRT'<" 1111 'VICE SOUAO P>l -'TWE 80RDER" 1111 "THE BEAST wrntlN" f'll ..... "DEAOL Y BLESSlNQ" I'll Ctltl " SOUltO e.oc" Bt•O So o1 . Gotoe" GIO.. frHwav 891-3693 'MISSING" IN! -"80RDE .. UNI" - :11fffl---- "OEATH WISH 11" 1111 ~ ... "THE BURNIN~1 C!Ht f.IM>UllO "RICHARD PRYOfl LIVE ON THt: IUNHT STRIP" 1111 -"T~ Dlf'TY" 1111 -''THI~ OtlllTY'' 4111 ''OON'Ta.Y IT'I ONLY THUNOIJt" "" f:!.00 Ne OAMW , .. . . ' ,.. Conni e · baCk where boys are They still love singer in Fort Lauderdale after 22 years FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla. (AP) -Some of the aolle8e kidt ttek.kiN to Fort Lauderdile th.la •Prinl weren't born when 11tQrer Conn:re Francia made the bMch famous bectt In 1960, but the liar' of the movte "Where the Boy. Aze" ltW drawa a crowd here. When Miaa Francia stopped by the beachatde Elbo Room bar, the sunburned students meekly took pictures and asked for her auto- graeh on napkins, coasters, drl· ve; • llcenaee and ahlrt collan. ''Connie, I love you," Dan Sd- lagyl o f Dallas said. "You're gorgeous. You're the greatest." The Juke box blared her hits: ··~ u.. Bo)'W Ne.'' ''Ulllddc on Your Collar'' and "Who'• Sorry Now,'' and one young woman 1Creamed when the MW the linger. . "1 alway. expected to 1ee you o n thl1 corner, Annette Funicello," the woman ..Id. Mill FranciJ laughed and Identified IUft and the oppolllta aex. "fve never 9Mn any of ruy movlea/' aald the 0-year-old entertainer, who 1a perfom\ina thia weekend at a auburmn the- ater .. ahe continue. a comebmck tour. heneli. _ On Thunday, Miss Franc1-fi- nally viewed the movie that made Fort L11uderdale the natlon'.a aprtng-break mecca in a special showfng at the Gate..-ay Theater, where ft premiered in December 1960. "I was really hoping the picture would fade into Oblf vton at the time beoauae I th<>YSht I waa so bad In it.'' 1he NJd{ Miu Francll went into seclu- sion In 1974 after ahe w• raped at knifepoint in a bot.el room ln Westbury, N. Y. Her uaailant waa never ca~t, but the won a $1.45 mllllon aettlement from Howard John9on'a fl>r the leCW'ity breach. The movie Ls about college k:ida traveling to Florida to seek out • NOW PLAYINQ lllU . Ullllllll!Mft Btu PW• Wnltltoolt ~29 ~339 S30 U OI CftT A llfU ""'95' E.ow.liel\ &..... oi--~40 IU4 6316340 llTOllO OIWMll EC!Warlb ~~ St-011ve rn se1 seeo 6391110 fOUellAIN WAUO OIWMll r OU111.1111 va•ll!y 011t1 111 UA Ci!Y ~~ 962 201 634 391 l BASED ON --· A TRUE STORY. • • m1sSl!lg. '°' fUH! , .. IXCIT(MtHT' .. i Tito f-llv Te 0..t Nl W ••••• c= . ===> IUCHAAD ... VOllll UVSOlll"fltS Kl I i STRIP (R) 1 :00 2:45 4 1JO 1 :15 1100 1 145 Marl•I Hemln1wa)' .. UORALWT CR) 12:10 J :OO 5:30 1:00 10:20 Shay Spaeek 'ttS'ING (POI '12:302:505:10 7:40 10:00 fl'tlter Ustinov In IEVILU..lt TME SUI' (POI 1 :00 3:15 5:3$ 7 :55 10:10 c ·~ A;t;;Ci ,.._.._ ,, IUUDlllllS CW THR LOST AllK (PG I :00 J : 15 S:30 7'45 ~:55 In 70mm Terror On Th• Hilh Seu I QltEAT WHfTE !PG) Plull Co·Hll Tlw llllnd (R) I uoubl• Terror! n.mAST WITittN CR) lo C>udly 111 .. ,1n1 IR> c:::::==:::J I ~~,_.,_ ARTNUlt (POI Sh•rky's M•chlne (R) Bustin' Loose (RI John .. lushl In NOetteoas(R) MocMrn Ptobl•m• (PQ I llOtt!llttf1y ~ ..._.._ llUUDCJtS cw TI4E LOST AllK (POI a. TAPS (PO) Or1ve-1ns Open 6:4!5 We.kn19hu/6:30We.kends .Under 12F REEUnlasNoted Oscar Fever rule8 I 1 ·All cntnes must be on an ofrt <."1al blatik dipped from the Daily Pilot No photocopies or band drawn entry blanks will be a<.'<.'epted. 2l Individuals may enter as many times as thl'Y like 3> Entries must be postmarked no later than Ma rch 27, 1982 41 OaiJY Pilot employees and member~ or their immcdwtc f:Jm1hes are not eligible lo enter s 1 Sel<'C'l1on~ must be made 1n each catl'gory lncnmplclt· cntr1Ps will not be accepted Oscar Fever Bt:ST J>l(Tl R• O Attanllc City O Chariols ol Fire O On Golden Pond O Raiders of IN! Lost Ark Q Reds t\t:ST \t TOR O Warren Beattv O Henry Fonda O Burt Lancaster O Duc:ltev Moore O Paul Newm<in Sl'PPORTISG \("l'OR Q JamesCoco O John Gielgud Olan Holm O Jack Nlctiolson Q Howarc:I E. Rollins Jr. OFFICIAL BALLOT Rt:ST OIRt:fTOR 0 Werren Beatty O Hugh Huc:lson Q Louls Malle O Mark Rydell 0 Steven Spielberg Bt:ST '\(TRt:ss O Katharine Hepburn O Diane Keeton O M11rsNMuon 0 Susan S.randon 0 Meryl SlrftP SUPPORTISC~ A<"TRES.<; 0 Mallnda Diiion O Jane Fonda O Joan Hackett O Elliabeth McGovern O Maureen Stapleton OlllGISAL SOSG O B.st lllat You Can 00 0 Endless Love O The First Time In Happens O For Your EYts Only O One More Hour • Deadline Midnight Much 27, 198% OSCAR YEVER lSSPONSORID BY'MtE ..., .... PRIZES PRESENTED BY The Grand Dtuer Tlae1ler ""'ME--------"'------------- AOOR~------~----------- C11'Y-------------PllONE------ --~ .. Mail lo • "IYIL ~RTHllUM" <Mor ''twt-flle DoJ111 Pilot. PO 8or 15'0. CotlO Mt«l. C ftQJ --~"''-~ ,· TUl!8DAY. MABCH ta. 1882... CAVALCADE 82 UC Irvine's basketball season ends with an 80-:77 r defeat !n Oklahoma. See COMICS . 83 Sports, Page B6. SPORrs .. 86 AS THE WORLD TURNS: It develops that maybe California's Proposition 13, that property tax~cutting ini- tiative we passed awhile bac)(, may now even affect global transfer. Actually, this doesn't mean·planet Earth. The globe in question is a sort of sculpture that has, over the y~ars. become a landmark· for Leisure World in Laguna Hillsj out near the intersection of El Toro Roaa and the freeway. This globe, and a small parcel of land upon which it resides, belongs to Rosmloor Corp., developers of LeislW: World. Now, however, Rosmloor doe8n't want the whole world anymore and would like to ~41,e iJ to a 1 ~ew owner. ~ IT HAS BEEN RE- PORTED that the Lei- sure .World Historical Society might be inter- ested in picking up the world except its officials are a bit fearful of the /"'-a'\ TOM MURPHINI ,~It · property tax situation. You see, under one of the dictums of Proposition 13, en-propeny-ehanges-hamls;-~t-euffent- Empty world that graces entralK'e to Laguna Hills LeislH'f: World~ --·------~---·--·- market value. So the value of the globe might go sky high. Can't you just hear the Orange County assessor now, as he gives the taxing word to the historical society? "Okay folks, this one's going to send you right out of this world!" . Well, how much would you be willing to pay for an empty world? THE SCULPTURED GLOBE is actually empty on its insides. It is simply a bunch of rods that make up the earth's longitude and latitude lines, with the continents tacked on. -Reports outof'the-county Seat indicate that Supervisor Tom Riley of Newport Beach is interested in picking up the world as a sort of mini-county park. He called the s~cture "unique." Well good for Supervi.Sor Ri,ley. Give him credit. At least he didn't call the thing "hiStoric,'!.._wbich is what everybody calls anything 'these days if they want to preserve it. . - .One county joufnal dubbed the empty wo~ld ~s "now-historic You. are left to puzzle as to when histonc happened? You may guess that some time back, the metal earth must have been non-historic. · When did the world turn? To historic, that is. IN TRUTH, WE DO have a habit of tacking the historical title on just about anything we decide ought to get reprieved from the wreck~r's iron ball. This approach was tried with the old water tower in Seal Beach; the Hotel Laguna neon sign that almost always had a couple of letters out so it spelled "Hot Laguna;" and the big Richfield tower in Dana "':>oint that was often a navigational landmark for skippers at sea. As lt developed in these three cases, the water tower got saved but the Hotel Laguna sign and the Richfield tower.went. RATHER THAN OVERWORKING the c~ific.ation of historic, we might be better off pleading for preservation on some of these items as landmarks. If we don't avoid the history label, we may wake up one of these days and find a committee has been formed for the preservation of the historic neighborhood car wash .. Disneyland workers approve · contract Service workers at Disneyland have approved a new 2~-year contr~ct to replace one that • expired March 1, a union spok~man says. B9b McGrath of the United Food and Commercial Workers -formerly Retail Clerks - , Local 324 in Buena_ Park said that IOIDe ,75 percent ot the 1,000 vot.el c.t were ln UYwi el ~· new pllCt. . • The aereement coven 1,900 ride operaton, sales and ticket clerks, wardrobe suit, Janitors and other aervtce worken from Ure clerks. ·union and four otbers: Team1UJr1 Local II, Service and Maintenance Woi:ken Loc:af 19!, Hotel. ~. Re-staurant Employees and Bartenders lnternaional Local 681, and lSakery and Con· fectiooery Worken Local 66. Union leadership bad recommended approval or the new contract, which was netotlated last week and which will run'through Sept. 15. 19&&. Disneyland spokesman Bob Rotb ll.llt1Jre pact providee _ror an immediate 7 percent increase for all permanent worken, to be, followed aflJct March 1 with an acro11·tbe-board raise of IO centa an hour. Top-scale ride opera\9ra. currently eamln1 '8.54 an hour. will make se.N during the lut year and • half or the pact. Coastal reStaurantto move? • ....., "! Irvine Co. advises Orange Inn .owner. site slated for' development By STEVE TRIPOLI , .._ J' . . Of Ille Deir,... ,..., OWNER OPTIMISTIC -John Bodrero, inset, · . A 5~-year-old Oranie Coast ~ants to relocate his inn along coast. landmar~ is in danger of being uprooted for the aecond time in its history, but the owner aay, he'll have no hard feelings about it aa long as he can find a new location ' near his preaent one. · The Orange Inn, located just out8ide Corona del Mar on Pacific Coast Highway, has specialized in fresh-squeezed orange juice, sandwiches and shakes since the days when there were a lot more orange trees in the area. But the roadside landmark's lease expires May 24, and it sits on land owned and slated for development by the Irvine Com- pany. . Owner John Bodrero said Sunday that Irvine Company of- ficials have told him this would "very likely" be his last year at the location. Company officials said this is true.) But Bodrero is quick .to jump to the company's defense also. "They're been noth~ng but great to me. They made this all possible for me," he said. "I un- derstand that they have plans for area and that's jirogress." Bodrero, 31, has owned the Inn for nine years and says he was a steady customer there for 15 years before that. His rent is five-. percent of his monthly gross re-landmark for the building (such ceipts under an ~ment that status could make the restaurant has been in effect for years, he untouchable), Bodrero has· trl~ said. ' to impress the historical impor- The eatery originally was lo-· tance of the site on county cated, on the other end of the supervisors. stretch of road between Laguna As h result, representatives. of Beach and Corona del Mar, just the supervisors have already outside of Emerald Bay. The Ir-asked the state Parks and Rec- vine Co. held the lease there, too, reation Commission to make room Bodrero says, and when that l{lnd for the Orange Inn in the new no longer was available in 1957 Crystal Cove State Park if a move the entire bu.i.l.d.ing was moved to is necessary. its present site. The Irvine Company said it is Bodrero is doing more than willing to give Bodrero the Or- keeping his fingers CI'088ed when aiige lnn building -wruch it it comes to his restaurant's future. owns -if he finds a place to Though his lease with the Ir-move. vine Company stipulates that he The park stre~es along the cannot seek status as a historical length of coupty land 8Cf'a!!ll PCH FIRST NIGHTERS -At the South COast Repertory's backstage party, from the left:_Sheila, Katie and Roger Conant. from the present site, and that's~ just where Bodrero would like to be if he haS ·to move. . "f just want JO be part of any . new development there or on Irvine Com~y land," he said. "As long as it's between Newport Beach and ~ Beach it's all right with me. ' And apparently it would be all right with his· customers, too. · More than 600 of them signed a petition recently seeking recog- nition· of the eatery's historical significance and a site for the restaurant near its present one. Bodrero said he took the peti- tion off his counter a short time agq out of concern that it would alienate the Irvine Company. U he has to -move· the stand, · which was chosen one of the "Ten : Best Roadside Eateries ip the . U.S." by Fortune M~azine in . 1978, Bodrero said he d 'try to . move the whole buildir),g again; · just as the previous owner diC:i. "It's a box but it's solid," Bo. drero said of t)le b~ding. Once · a tomato packing plant, the .Inn· has a quaintly weather-beaten" look outside, but inside an is. clean, the wood co\lnters are shiny, and the food looks scrumptious. "Most -wstomers feel it (the Inn) has the same flav9r (l\tmosphere) it alwajs had," saya BOdrero. _ .• ' 09ily PllOt Photos t>y.CMnee St•rr BACKSTAGE PARTY -South COast Repertory Pre'sident, Erick. Wittenberg, "Henry IV" director, John Allison· and Carter Hawley Hale representatives Vincent Conant and Jim Vandeberg. Carter Hawley Hale folks honored Backstage party. conducted for South Coast Repertory 'First Nighters' -I • \ GREAT-GRANDMAS ARE GREAT: Melinda Ma&'iey would agree because she gave a surprise Valentine's party for her great-grandmother, Anna Hoag, who lives at the Costa Mesa Guest Home. She invited all Mrs. Hoag's friends in the Guest Home to co~. as well as the staff, of course. Cake, punch and candy were served to all guests and everybody had a box of candy hearts to remind them of the day. . - Melinda even had Marion Mineefel provide back- ground music at the piano. It's likely Melinda's great- grandma would agree that great-granddaughters are pretty nice, too. TOWN AND GOWN: We have ao many units around theee part8 that it's often bard to tell which T and G we're taUdng about. In th1a Cale, it's Chapman's and ita annual installation luncheon. Jimmy Rooeevelt, a member of the board of ~ wu feetw'ed speaker. . - Ne=• Pat Kendrick turned over the reins to Libby Panke)'. new officera ii Sue t.moureux of Irvine. RU8ty Hood, w husband BW la dean of the School of Bu'lineal Manuement, dld IOIDe inode.Ung. So did Emma Jane Biley, wUe of ruth ~ SupervtaorTom Riley. tor a chanae, the DOl1h coun~le came down. to the Qranae CoMt lor the affair to y their lUnchea at the • Newport Marriott Hotel. 'nu.11 t Kl18t, Sunny Lan0n. Evelyn Lowell, ~ Parka, W. Sharp, Jeen Tandowaky, the Julian Peim-. and the Georwe WUtona. all of our region,. didn't have to drive very far. _ . ..,_ , . HELPING HANDS: We should have. a section titled this way to entice finns out here to contribute to South Coasf Repertory, as did the Carter Hawley Hale j>eople. The CHH fo~ were honored the other night at First Nighters, in a backstage party before "Henry IV, Part I," went on. The James Vandebergs and Vince Connants, witli handsome children, Katie and Roger, w~re there to accept thanks from the theater people . .Kay Brown and Michael Bigelow Dixon talked about "dignitaries and invit¢ guests'' on hand. Gene and Susan Spiritus, last seen in fUll Wes'tem regalia on a hot evening in Anaheiln, were helping to support the Trauma Foundation. Gene looked marvelous in his new shape and good luck, Susan, with the ground- breaking!· . . Stewart Woodard attended with Shawn, who.looked . smashing in purple and red; Carolyn DeWald was equally smashing in knickers. Maury was there, too; Trisb O'Donnell worked hard out on the desk while John spreaa his charm around inside; M.elba Pearlstein and the Peck- enpaugha, Tom and Barbara; Win Rhodes slipped in with: her~ aon, Brice; the Finleya, Warren and Mary Ann and Stephen arid Marc Malaii; with their parent&, Hedda· and Steve Si-. John Alliaon, who directed the 0 Henry,. play, and Tom RumUllell who de$gn.eo all thoee gorgeous costumea, were 1 •. there too. So waaJlavtd Darlow, who plays the pan of Ho!*~ and drew platldffs for his "Jimmy Cagney number'" ln fall1ng down sta,irs after the duel. · . When..that wu revealed, he laughed and .said, "Gosh,Y now you've given lt aw~ .· . .'' -· :. My reectian w&1, ' Mercy, everybody ~ws Percy · di .. . es. . "I didn't," said Marilyn Vandeberg. ~ .. "Well. you're an F.ng1iah major," Birbara Aune poinied:: • out. . . ;: U lO" haven't eeen the play, forget ~bout Percy -~ · youna Perey, that la. ~-. It'll take you awhile to aet the Henrya straiahtened·out.{ '. ·~'1• Kee.II)~ J>l'Oll'AIDI handy, I, ) : .. BriUah are c:ruy about the name .Henry. r A ... !\ . .... . ..,. .... Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Tueeday: March 1e, 1982 •ERMA BOMBECK , •HOROSCOPE I J • . . ., .. I .. -==...t. • oii's rr.eelOading. guest wears out ·welcome . DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our 2P1 ear-old· son has gotten into the habit of bri ging friends home for the night. The las lriend stayed three months. (I'd better m e it plain that these friends have al) be n male so far. but this. could change al an moment.> The friend ate a big breakfast .every nlng, and we CO\Jld usually ·count on for supper. I did his laundry and said ing when he wore . our son's clothes n his shoes>. Last month he got the nu gave it.to the whole family, which I. ize was not his fa ult. but It burned me up. My husband missed a whole• week's wo k and the two girls were out of school for ei"1t days. 1 When the "guest" recovered, I decided I had had enough of his presence -without so ,much as a quarter of a thank-you in 'return for our hospitality -so I asked him politely to leave. My son became upset and would you believe -my husband took the boy's side .. He said the house was as much our children 's as mine and I had no . 'FLOATING FELINE -A veterinarian rec- ommended a heated waterbed to relive arthritis pain for Bernardine Knudson's 19.:year-old cat, Yum Yum. The Vancouver, Wash., resident right to make any guest feel unwelcome. The defense they put up was incredible. ' The two of~them sounded kind-hearted and full of Christian love. I came off like a mean old witch Can they be right? I'd like your opinion. ODD WOMAN OUT IN ERIE DEAR WOMAN~ ·A freeloader who hangs around ror three months, wears your son's shoes and contributes nothing but a virus can hardly be consi,dered a guest. Children should be permitted lo extend hospltallly to their friends, but that last gig was ·rtdlculous. Tell them I'm with you. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Women want equal rights and they are getting .the m. I say it jsn 'l fair. First they started with the zipper in the back, then the zipper appeared on the side. Now it's in front. If most of those fem ales knew ho~ they looked from the rear, thev would return to dresses. · A male who wears ~ girdle. stockings.:), ,., ... .,... .. had this one built to order at a cost of $250, complete with hardwood headboard and fitted sheets. bloomers, high-heeled shoes and a dress is considered bizarre. Why shouldn't he have the right to wear clotMs of the opposite sex if he rinds them more comfortable? (This is the reason most women give for wearing trolisers . > I a lways wear women's underwear and hosier y . It is m y understanding that I will not be arrested unless I try to use the women's facilities. I consider myself perfectly ,normal in every way. The only thing different about me1 is that I have wanted tp be a girl since I was 11 years old. Unfortunately. I am too old for sexual reassignment surgery. so J ' remain a closet queen. Don't you agree it is unfair that people like me can't dress the way we want'! -AFRAID TO BE ME AND RESENTFUL DEAR AFRAID: A man who-.lresses in women's clothing in public should not be surprised if be is considered gay. Straight males don't do this. Many gays have announced themselves and have been happier ror ~ ~~ l.ANDEIS having done so. Others rear loss of job, rejection and humiliation. It does take a ,, great deal of courage lo come out or the closet, but if you aren't equal to It, stay where you are. For heaven 's sake. kwitcherbeeOn' and don't vent your anger on women who wear slack~. A no nonsense approach to how tu deal wtth Lt/e's most dtff1cu.Jt and must rewarding arrangement Ann Lander . ._· booklet ... Marnage -What to Expect. .. wtll prepare you for better or worse Send your request to Ann Landers. P 0 . Box 11995. Ch1cayo. Ill 60611 enclosing 50 cents and a long. stamped set} adQ.resed envelope National diet weighed It all started with Scarsdale. When that diet came out there wasn't a doubt in my mind that this small cit y had discovered the ultimate cure for cellulite. If you couldn't trust a respectable, hard-working community like Scarsdale. who could you trust ? I cannot begin lo tell you the shock I felt on seeing my first fat person in Scarsdale. Not to be outdone. the West rataliated with the Beverly Hills diet. which had everyone in t he country scrambling for the last papaya on earth. Since then, there has been the Cambridge diet. the I Love;iew York diet and the soon-to-be-published Dallas diet. ALL RIGHT, AMERICA, let's keep our wits about us before this thing gels out Qf hand. Just because I've eaten my way across America. J see no need to diet myself across it. ' I know you people and I know exactly what you're going (or. Milwaukee is going to say Dallas doesn't know what it's talking about until it's tried the Dairy Cream diet. Idaho will retaliate with the I Love Idaho Potato diet and Hawaii will come out with the Maui Pineapple diet. · Mark my words, it will pit east against· west, north against south. brother against sister. palm trees against redwoods and grits against greens. flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END I say if we· re goin g to diet. let ·s do it tog e ther. ll 's the gove rnment 's fault. .. with all this talk about new federalism a nd returning government to the states. IF WE DON'T P ULL together on an interstate diet. we 'll h ave another bice ntennial experience on our hands. <Massachusetts sti 11 has n 'l forgive n Arkansas for not painting their fireplugs like Minutemen,. J know what you're going to sa~ The government is doing Loo much already. but a federal diet isn't asking Loo much How much could it cost'! I tell you regional diets are getting out of h and. The other d av someone wanted to know if they had ·tried the Ric hard Simmons diet and she ans wered ... Richard Simmons. That·s a suburb of Chi cago. is n't it? .. If you don't want to gel s tuck with papayas agiiin write your congressman today' Timi11g on target for Capricorn ..... Wednesday, March 11 . ARI~~ <March 21-ApriJ 19>: Whal seemed a lost cause will be re viYed ; changes occur. special material comes to light. Member of opposite sex is in picture. proves t.o be valuable ally . Focus on business enterprise, career a nd participation in community project. gullible . Someone may have you targeted as potential victim oi con game. Know it. protect self in clinches. You'll discover ruse. TAURUS (April 10-May 201 : Family discussion could involve travel plans, long-range projects. education. Lines of co mmunication open. you pe r ceive potential and steps are taken to be reunited with loved one. Libra, Scorpio and another Taurus figure promjnently. CANCER <June 21-July 22>: Emphasis on legal a ff airs. added responsibility, intensified rel ation s hip . You gain knowledge concerning rights a nd permissions. Don't mistake delay for def eat. It is time for an emotional second wind. LEO <July 23-Aug. 221 : Avoid premature starts; job requires attention. to added details. Focus on special ser vices. relatives in transit. those who rely upon yo ur judgment. You 'll complete assignment and be rid of unnecessary burden. GEMINI C May 21-June 20): Tie loose ends, insist on clarification of terms and be aware of credit ratings. St! generous. not GOif N 011 BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. East deals. NORTH • Jl06S2 <::> AIO! 0 7 • J( 85' WEST EAST • 98 +7 <::1 84 <::I QJ95! O K98432 O AIOt •J107 •AQIZ SOUTH +AKQO <::>KU O QJ5 •n The biddinc: Eaa S..U. Wfft N.U. 1 <:::> 1 + . P ... 4 + P .. P ... P ... Opening lead: Eight of <::>. Thf light of a slnrleton in dummy can strike fear in the heart of even the ltoutest defender. Eaat. waa a victim of thil ayndrome Jn today's hand. ' North judred that.. at thia 'vulntrablllty, South would have don to the value• for • an opening bid for his over call. So, rather than put any strain on his partner, he elected to jump to game. As it was. South had extra values and he would have ac· cepted any invitation by his partner. West led his top heisrt. Declarer grabbed the ace in dummy and immediately led dummy's singleton diamond. Eut rose with the ace and returned the queen or hearu. but now declarer was in charge. He won the .king of heartt, drew two rounds of trumps, ending In his hand, ~nd led the queen or d'Mmonda for a ruffing finesse. Whether West covered 'Or not, declarer would get rid of dummy's heart loaer on a high dia- mond. Even thoufh the ace of clubt waa with Eu\, declarer could loae no more than one diamond trick and two clubs. Eaat ahould have reallud that he had. nothlnr to gain by srabblnr th• ac• of dltftM>Dds. Even if South held th• klnr. golllf up with tht • ace would establish the king for a heart slurr, so East would merely be swapping trick for trick. As the cards lie. declarer can be defeated Ir Eut plays low when the diamond is led from the t.able. West wins the king, and he must now shift to the jack of clubs. ur he continues with a heart, declarer can make his con· tract by stripping diamonds and then end playing East wi\h the third heart.I Once the defender's ha've their two · club tricks in the-bag, they can revert to hearts to make sure of getting the setting trick in that suit. \ Han y .. beea naaJ .. hi· to dHbl• &rouble? Let Clwie1 Gtln• laelp JM Dad JOV wa,y di ....... die .... of DOUBLt;S fw p\aalde1 u4 f¥ ~ ..... For a ff!J1 •f Illa DOUllJE8 ....... t. MIMI •t.85 to "(;.,.. • .,,.. ..... , .. tan •f tW. .. .,.,...,, P.O. In 1$9. Nww .... N.J tie4$. Mello cMcb ,.,.W. toN•w~. t I • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sepl. 22>: Good moon aspect coincides with creativity. variety. excitin g changes a nd romance. You'll m ake new a start in new direction. Highlight origina lity. and willingness to pior;ieer a project. Leo. Aquarius persons figure prominently. LIBRA <Sept. 23 -0ct 22 1: Follow through on first impressions. Learn by teaching: your position becomes more secure. Emphasis on property a'ld the close of what could be a profitable transaction. Cancer. Capricorn. Aquarius persons dominate scenario. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 211 : Demands are made on your time ; be flexible, versatil e but refuse to become involved in schemes which flirt with the law. Short trip will be on agenda. Relative is sincere, but could be misinformed. Gemini, Sagittarius natives play key roles. SAGl'n'ARftJS <Nov. 22-Dec . 21 I : Be ready for questions. be aware of sources and have data available. Emphasis also on possessions, income potential and the location of articles which had been lost or stolen. Message or call results in change of basic plan. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 >: Individual who had been indifferent wilt now be enthusiastic. Cycle moves up, circumstances swing in your favor. timing will be on target... Status quo is shaken. exciting poi;slbilities come into focus. Virgo is in picture. AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18>: Important domestic adjustment is part of scenario. Fears, doubts pan be erased. You did make right move arid now yoU:ll know it. Taunas~ Libra, Scorpio nati~es figure prominently. Money picture is brighter than originally anticipated. 1 PISCES < Feb. 19 ~ Marc b 2'0 ) : Popularity increases, proftuional associate conveys ·good news. Plan ahead for holiday which \nvolves travel. Techniques are perfected, k>ss ts avoided. Vireo and another Pisces ftgure prominently . AP Wlf9photo COLD FEET -When there's snow near Lewis Banes' home in Monticello, Ind., the 78-year-old tramps through it as part of a physical fitness ·regimen he's been following since he was 17. "I enJor, the feel of snow squishing between mr, toes, ' sa)ts Banes. "rt'a cold, but invigorating. ' POT SHOTS BV ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MOW' WIL..L. I EVE~ BECOME A SUCCESS'? - .,.~-~--· ........ °"'-~_._.too...... ' .. tT TAKC$ ALL ... y TtMC JUST TO --.irMAtN A. ~tLU~. .. ·, .~ .. TH£ f"MILl' ClltCCI "Mommy when you get old, how many grand- children ore you going to hove?" .. 81GGEO•&E by Virgil Partch (VIP) ::·· ' . ~. ,,_ .,_ ..._ ... ~-I _. ..... ,.. ti'~ ~A~ i-1• • Yip SHOE "Now why didn't I think of glowH and kn11p1d1?" Orange Cout OAJL Y PILOT fTUllday, Mlfch 18, 1982 • ••• WM ERIN J~e1', 0()11\iEE 1"AIL OF A'JrE SMUG6LERS, GflS L.OS'f IN KANSAS, ANP IS AifACKEJ7 ~V QU~ll..CS RAl'7~RS. '9.\R'9ADUKE by Brad Anderson D~~IS THE MENi\CE Hank Ketchum "Can't it wait until later? I'm too tired to play King Sotonionl'' · ... WONDERFUL , THE WAY You Ive C,AREI> F'OR YOUR LITTLE BROTHER l<,AYo ALl THGSE YEARS, MooN . ACROSS 51 VIiion lllONDAY'I 53 Tlw~ PUZZU IOlVID 1~ sss...c - 5 Big cats 56 Can. 10.,..,... 51 lrlnlln coin 14 Engllth 52 lnltllt!Ye queen &4 Serl 15 --cost• 16~ 1&Wlld &&~more 17 Contelner a7 SllmPlt 11 Eight: Pr.f. M Bushed 20 Oynemo plrt &I Food 21 In Whet ut? 22 Pronoun DOWN 23 VIZ: 2 words 1 PlllMI 26 Tool eel 2 Diii herb - 2e 0.00--p1rt 3 ~ netlw 30 Ntgltlw -4 Sttllfy 31 £wnlngt 5 Cllenl • 25 ...... 41 Old Sod: . 3" Men • L.Wlrd QlfM 2t P\tled AbClr. compeftnl 7 LatNrnln: 21 ONmpy. 48 Cob' • ae L.eo 2 wordl - -41 Dlltlgur'ld at Manted I ~ 21 Tempe 51 TOOi\: Ptlf. ,j 3t ltallln lrflee; I Dlttly winner '*fwel 12 ~ Full !WM s.ttle -2t 8ewbuc* " Allownle ~ °'*' .-. 10 Ammary a1 CMw - -54 Alea-., 43 °'** ... f1 loetlr: ... .. ........ ......... 2WOtdl .. ~Qr . f7Tl'OllJ .a~ ta~~ sa..._.. .. ,.....,. 47 __., -ta c.rr-.. M......., •Oft IN"""' ..... ft~ '1MAllllN •t•ualClll .,., ........................ ...... ' e } ~ $ l1 f ! ~ H' ~ "YuP, A ca.:o AAS ro 6E AWFUL FAST ro CA1CH ME ~ • --· . --· ------ NANCY, PLEASE STOP SLURPING YOUR MILKSHAKE--- ! CAN'T STAND THAT AWFUL s·ouND 1'>/E'I WAI.tr ~NOR <DIJIETI CAN'T HAllE /!!JCYrilf WCXJLO #He'( 061< E'1'eteAJAL Nlf!JHT FOi{ .A FEW MINUTE~ OF ex:rli:A ~~ ~ .... .-,mj ..... ~lb ~~4 1""'11~~~ .. t'l'~K l ' "IN9'ERBEA~ weL-t..., 1.-e"T"'s ee 'T'HANKFUL- FOR. SMAL-l- FAVORS, MY c:>e!AR. ..• WEll., lHAr ~S A REAl H~ ... by Tom Bat1uk WHAi WrTH ~ smTt HAVIN6 rT5 DIFfti!VJf RE.60lATION5 AND AU. ... by George temont we NOW KNOW 'T'He SWeL-t...ING HAS GON6 POWN COMPt...e'f'et...Y.' 1 . . I I I I ; ~ .. 1 -:--~----------~~.;.:__.,_.. ____ --.. ________ ,.~--- Ofanot Collt DAIL V PH.OT /Tu.day, Meroh 18, 1882 • ig Three s·a-Ies _(lip 31.,% O&TROIT. (AP) -with the aame period a ew car aalea by the year qo. tion'1 8'1 Three auto-ChrYaler Corp. ahowed aker1 plung-ed 31.1 the deepest decline. tcent 10 lbe tint 10 down 33.3 percent. Gen- YI of March compared eral Motors Corp. aales were off 32.9 percent ln e.rly M.atcb, while FOl'd ules fell 24.9 percent. Spring-time ls GM aald lt eold 94.758 auto• between March 1-10, for a dally selliJ\8 REDWOOD 2 X 8 -36LIN FT 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING SHUrrERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUrrERS Designed, Finished"---..... Installed - 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY •.. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 54M841 or 548-1717 HORWOOD MAllUFACTOllY 19n .Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Was 229.95 In Cat. RSC-6 s1591s ' • Uae As a carculator, Or Program For Complex Problems • Uae "On-Site" In Re1I Eat•te, Engineering, Bualnen The TRS-80 computer that goes where you got More pow- erful, yet euJer to 4ae than a programmable calculator. - Add one of our Interfaces (al~ at new low prices!) and an optional recorder and you can uae our selectk>n of ready~ to-run caqette aoftware. Progi:emmable In BASIC, too. Only 11/11?<•11tx 22f••-put one In your pocket today! llad1e lhaek SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER' . A DIVISION OF :fANOY COR~TION · OR PARTICIPATING DEALER · i JOIN us for our ) St. Patriek"s Da~· • Ct•lt•bratio11 f ea luring: •Corned Be.-f & Cabbage •Fresh Irish Lamb cew •Complimenlary. •Hors D'Oeuvre during •Cocklail Hour Airporter-lnA-Motel ,\ I 18700 MacArttu 8cdMird. lrvtne. Callfomla At Oranga~ty't Jam Wt¥Y1 ~ rate of l0,52t. Lut year ln the period, the No. 1 U.S. automaker aold 1~,$49 autos, ot 15.694 per day. Ford said it 10ld 37,371 can In the 10-da)'1>eriod, for a daily •ll.lna rate of 4,152. LUt year ln the period, the No. 2 U.S. carmaker sold 44,227 can, or 5,528 per day. ' . Construct100 · moo~ available at Herit~e Bank. • ResAdentlal · conimesdal Bulldl~ Takeouc Commitment required along with leases. COO&ert . Jdf JohRSOfl South Orange COunay11rvlne 7U/8Sl-4050 PICTmOUe ..,_.. -Mm IT ATDmlfT . The tollOwlnO ~ .,. ~ ""91-,_ _. . NATIONAL INSTITUTE Of TECH- NOLOGY. 4181 llrch Sl .... f. N-po<l 8-lll, CA. t2MO. NEC ~ ~·· 111c., a c.ll-l0tnla c0tiiot•llon, 4381 lltch StrMI, ~ 8-f>, CA t2MO. , Thll ""*'-'-" ~ II)< • CO<P<>-rellon. • •c.......,........,_. . ,......, ....... '11 .• ......., ~-..... -v..Counly cin o1 a..,. COUNTY oti -<. 1912 , .. ,.,, Publl-'*' 0.9119• CoHI Deltt Piiot, Mardi 18, 23. 30, Apt 8, 1~ 1291-ta NOTICa Off T•UITaE'I SALE T.l.NO ..... On APl'll 2, 1"2. •I •:u a .rn. TITLE SERVICES. INC . • dllly __ ,,,.., Trvtl•......., ---lo 0.0 Of Trust reconlacl OC1~ u . 1•. a1 IMt. No. >On. lft bootl 1•1. -1119 Of Offi<1411 •«onb Ill .. offlco Of, .. C-.ly R«~ Of Oret199 ~. cemoml• WILL SIELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOll TO HIGHEST lllOOER FOR CASH, CASHllR'$ OllCK OR CERTIFIED CHECK. (peyeblo et time Of .... Ill lewful _, ol l"9 U11lttcl S48tl II IN fnlftl ontr...ce lo t!M otd 0r.,... c:-1¥ Coun-. 1ocatect on Senta ANI lt¥CI., bOIWHrl Syornore St. & lroedW•v. 5*nt• M•. CelllOrnle, Ill r19M, llll• end lnl.,ftt conveyed to and -Mid by It WMlltr Wld !>Md o4 Trull In ,.,. pr--1y altuel•d In uld Counly end Sl•I• dn<rle.cl•: Lot 21 In lllocll 11 of ..ctlon J, 9albN Ill-. lft the City Of *wpol1 .. acll, C-y Of Or.,.., State Of Gelllornla. " -mep 1r.cor0e<I In 9 Mll 7, P-.. U of Mh(attenHus Mapa, In llM Offlc. of ti. County Re<otder tll wld '-"" Truator or rocord o wnor : LAWRENCE EICHWALO, • Sl119le ~. Tll• 1trHt addreu end ptll., commo<1 dnl.,._.lon, u any, Of Ille rHI prt"r1y Ml<rlbed ebO"o la IMN'~MI to lie: n1 Rul>y """ .. • .............. .,.., Celltoml•. TIM _.... ........ Trvit" dl9tlelma *"Y 11 .... lty fer ..ly IN:otNcl-Of -..,.... ....... -..... c-........ It env. "'""" ...,...., .......... , ............ -c ... et1.m ., warrenty, •• ,,..., er ·~,,..... .. llM ............. a11c111'1~onct1, t• pay tti. 11'\Htct ~· "' .,. .... ·---"' .... Oeff of Trust, t•wll: t'4, 1U.JI, lllCIWllll M ,.._'ll*d lfl MICI -·· M¥Mett, II any, .,,., .. '-• .. Ml• 0... f/f T,,..a, faa, ,,_..,. on4' ""911-of -TIWW atlCI f/f 1tM W.b ~by NICI 0... of Truat. TIW tllfttfkl4'V u.l9r Mid o.ct al Try1t lleretefere ••ec11tect a11ct ............ lllllllnllllM .......... 0.Cl•etltll .. Otftlllt ... OtiftMc .., ........... ,..,.._ ..... u .. OefelOll llM llk11tft te Sell. Tiit ..... " ..... (~ ...., Netk• .,, Detewn • ltect'-' •• s.11 ,. -. ~Ill -C*llllV wlltrt .. Ael ....... caltl42-H71. 'ul 1 ftw word• towo,.fer JOtt. MUTUAL FUND- Wickes presid8nt ~qui,ts David J . Prima.-has resi~ aa president of Wickes Cc.. Inc. Citing the troubled times that WI :lees was preaent.ly going through, Primuth aai~ he felt It would be better for all concerned Il he stepped aside at this time. He Is not commenting on his future plans. • Daniel Holton has been promoted to president of Lifecycle Inc., Irvine. • C.T. Cono~er, formerly a member of the board of directors of Santa Ana- DC 11111111 I based Case-Swayne Co. Inc., has been nominated by President Reagan and confirmed by the Senate on Dec. 16, 1981, to the post of Comptroller of the Currency. • Jamet R. Conner has been admitted as a partner to the Newport Beach accounting firm of Coleman & Grant. He lives in Irvine. • Jann Cbarcb, president of Newport will have on tile lnduttry at large. • Donald G. Plcbovlcb has been ap- pointed national depot man.ager of Fountain Valley-baaed Mitsublahi Motor Sales ot America Inc. He lives in Huntington Beach. • Nanci G. Cole has been named supervisor. diviaional analysis for ITT Cannon of Fountain Valley. • • Kevin Reynold• has been appointed sales representative for the New En- gland territory of Anaheim-based Century Data Systems. • Jobo J . R y an has been named management supervisor of public relations in the Newport Beach office of BozeU & Jacobs. He lives in New- port Beach. • Robert o: Cocbran has been ap- pointed group product marketing manager for the Electronics Marketing Group of Wyle Laboratories in Irvine. • GleDD A. Miller has been named agency manager of Business Men's Clearing Houae Agency in Huntington Beach. He lives in Huntington Beach. Beach-based Jann Church Advertising .-------------- and Graphic Design Inc., recently spoke at H erman Miller Inc.'s corpo- rate headquarters in Zeeland, Mich. Ms. Church was selected to speak to the company's top design professionals on the subject of new design concepts in the '80a and the significant. impact it Piiot Logbook - Cand1d commentaries excltmvely in the Daily Pilat .,. UPS AND DOWNS OOWMS .°l? .. . ~ . .... • \It . ,, . . " • \It . "" • I . "' • \4 + "· +JI) + ,,,. .. t'.t. • I'll • 2\lo . '• . .... . .... . "' • l ...... . .... .. •1 .. Pel UP 5' J Up «2.6 Up 16.1 Up 2SC UP 1H Up 11.l Up 161 Up UC 119 "s Up 14 3 Up 14.3 Up 14.2 Up 14.3 Up 14.l UP 1U Up 13.6 Up 13.4 Up Ill UP UJ Up 13 3 VP llS Up US Up 11.4 VP II I Up 111 ~... ~ Off Pct 11. 11\I• -3 Oii )I I l -'14 OH 100 10 2'# OH II 4 1°"" -1\4 OH 11.3 1114 2 Off 1S I , .. -~ 00 ... , IV. 1\4 Off 13.1 10 Ill> OH IS.O t'lt -1V.Olf UI J'h -.... Oii 11.S 2~ "' oo no N I Off 11 4 2 '4 OH 11 I l -"-Oii 111 s -'110fflll , -v. Off 11.1 4 .... Off 111 114 -I , Off 10J 414 -'It Off 10.S IM -2 OH IU ,.... "' Off 10 1 ,.. -14 Off 10.0 214 .. ()If 10.0 ..... -..... Off 10.0 l I I. _ __. . .,,. Orenge CoM OAU.Y PILOT /TUMday, M..ah 18, 1H2 s QIU ~)lm ........... l9ml ........... , Staley Blller Jr., who heedl IM lnv.untn group lnvolved ln a poaible ICQUl.sltlon of ~ .... Steel Co., uid h1a IJOUP ~ withdrawn iu propoeaJ to purchue the ouu\A.ndlng &hares of the company ai $55.2fl a a.hate. Hiller cited the aut.tantlal chanaes ln Clnandal condiUon of Kaller. including the ~29 nilllion ln wri~!fa an.oou.nced by Kaiaer .. Workert at four Kaiser Perm ... at. medJcal facilitie. went back to worlt after a mon\hlonR at:rike today while nunet at three San Joee h01pi\IUa consider a contract offer to end their two-month walkout. K.aL1er workers voted 465·204 to end the strike by 1,400 clerical workers at medical facilities In Oakland, Richmond, Hayward and Fremont, as well as at adminiBt:rli\live centers in Berkeley and Oakland . . . Cenat Corp. of Berkeley has decided to delay construction of a $15 million advanced plant biology laboratory near Madison, Wis., local officials of the firm said. The propOeed laboratory would replace a repted buildins< in suburban Middleton where researchers are attemplillg to develop improved crops through genetic engineering and other advanced biological techniques 11111111 ;& World A1rway1 suffered a net loss of as much as $15 million in 1981, the carrier said. According to preliminary, unaudited result.S for the year, revenues will be about $370 million and the n~t l~ will range between $12 million and $15 million. The loss will push the company's net worth to about $75 million, too low to meet a requirement in some of World's loan agreements that its net worth be at least $85 million after Dec. 31. The airline said it is seeking an amendment of that requirement from three lenders c_1_11_n __ tj __________ __ .1 !Sational Education Corp. of Newport Beach and Temporaries Inc. said they have terminated their negotiations with respect to the acquisition or Tern· poraries Inc. by National F.ducation. National F.ducation said it continues to be interested in the temporary help industry and intends to seek out other acquisition candidates in that field. ian• <;:::z _____ . __ Tbe Delaware CWcery Coart has approved the merger of Federated De~tmeat Stores Inc. of Cin· cinnati and Tiie C1tlldrea 1 Place Inc. of Pine Brook. N .J. Federated fJaid $30.50 a share to acquire The Children's Place . A pretldeatlal advisory panel said a national export policy needs to be developed and given the same high priority a5 U.S. foreign policy. The plan was suomitted to the President's Export Council by a member of its agricultural subcommittee, which re· ferred it to the full panel. The council is headed by Gov. Charles Thone of Nebraska. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES ............. tt,..,N,1 ............. U. .......... 1.,..., .................. u. ......... ,..., t..2 t"" .......... , ..... ...... ...,_MU-., .... INY N .. mt.U. ~··· --------·- fl l•e l Oew ·J•••• ...... ~-,.-1s :m ,.,., ay;o .. :r .. ~ =· ~ lD Tm ,._,. J:2A )' 11U7 m.11+ J 17 IJ VII 10SAS IC» JI IOI IJ IOU•-0. If 6.S ~ l11.)5 llS" JDt 11 JIU)+ 1.t.l lllU UW,800 r,.. 1,a..,lOO IAIK m.-6.S 5411 • • .. • . • • • s ..... 100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPl Mor. IS NEW YCHllC (AP) '"'" IS METALS Prev. cs:r1 "' •53 ien ' JJI C••1Nr 14'-"11 <•nll • POllM. u.s ... *'11MtloM. L ... a.» Ul'lb • pound. llec 41 <.,...a llOW\4. O.llwerecl Ti. $6.UftMeWlt W-<-.lw Ill ,..........._,._n, ... a • ...-... v. ~Ull.OOperflMll .......... SDD.OOtroyOl , HY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ~, • l .. t u...:,,.,..fl11ftttm.• ........ J u..a:..-.-flxlfltUIUJ, ....... 1 ,wlil.: ... M. ... '"' "· ,,......:UM•, ... sn•t hftn: U. lbllflt taUM. eff SM •• -t .,,._..... .. MeHy & ... , ..... , !Mly .. 11, • .,... NU.IS,eff .. .. ........ , GftlV -..1, .,.,.. Im.IS. ""') ..... ......... , ............ f~ .............. SYMBOLS MinliS-lUagee.,~it' s still eleSe . ' , .. _Questlf}ns surround final J8 aeconds of Sooners" NIT victory 1, JOBN IEVANO .............. The ~cfuu.Uon, however, uked of MulliPft 't ~ the Soonen' lltlrrlNr ~ lnlteMl, lt dealt with. ~. demiorl d~ the final lQ. ~of the contest w~lUCI eoeches end pa.yer. felt colt them 11\e game. NORMAN, Okla. -It w.. the kind of pm. &ha' IOmlbody could watch from Nl't·to-ftnAlb and. When It Wll all owr, you tUJl W'OUJdn't believe What you MW. "'ftMn ve eome th1n&t I ...ny want to •Y that rm not aoUli to ay .'' Mid a dJllDDOU\tld UC liYUW blllretbal1 co.ch BW liluWDn. who w• .un abak1nc h1I bead. "I ati know what elle to •Y· Dom anybody have any quesUonl?'' l\nt. let'• Mt the ataae: The Ante&ten, In ~ a final laat- ditich eUort.,,ot a 15-fooi julnp ahot from Rainer Wulf in the comer to cut the detldt to 78-77 with 19 aecondl remai- STANDS OUT-UC Irvmes i Rainer Wulf sparkled in de- feat for UC Irvine Monday night. Then were eertainly J)Mnty of qu.- tlOna that needed anawerinar after UCI, without the. lel'Ylcel of All-American Kevin Mape, W.w a 1 '1-point MCOnd:. bAlf leed, and then Need • dramatic rally, only to ic.e, 80-77, to ()klabama In the eecorid round of the NIT before a stand.lna room only crowct· of 11,187 at N<?bl_e Arena here Monday nlaht.. . ~tely, UCI jumped Into a full- court pre9I, hol>'lna to deny Oklahoma'• inbound• paai. The Soonera' Calvin Pierce had the ball underneath UCI's buket with 18 leCOnda on the clock. Deaperately trying to find an open teammate, he faked a pa11, brought the ball back in, and l.rno:¥!diately called for a time out. Granted, Pierce didn't conunit any Magee' s cqrtaiil call I An inauspicious ending to an illustrious college career l 1 1 • • NORMAN, Okla. -It wu certainly a tough way to 'end a collegiate career. . , It wu a ,ahalne to aee one of the greatest I , bMketbaJl playen in Orange County history ieduced . to nothing more than a cheerleader Monday nlaht in hit final e:Dall'e performance. All-American Kevin Maaee. sidelined with an I unt1mely hand Injury, could .dO nothing more f.or h.11 1 teammates than offer advice, pat his comra~es on the b9Ck· and give encouragement. Jt waa de~teJy a. sad sight, the type of acene you wouldn't want to wish on any athlete, especially one that bas done more than anyone ever dreamed he'd do. "With Kevin Magee, we would've killed them," nid forward Rainer Wulf without hesitation, lhodly after UC . Irvine's dramatic NIT lea to Oklahoma. Indeed, MA.Ree's ablence was probably harder on his teamniafet and ooachee than it wu on him- aelf. With Magee wat'ching helpleaaly,·UCl'a uaually powerful inside game was almo8t i:educed to noth-fn«, and hit domination of the boards, eepecially at the defensive end, was sorely mia9ed. . "lt'a kind of hard to be on the sidelines and aee your team. . . " said Magee, who didn't finlsh the thought, "there were a lot of times I wanted to go in there -·but I knew I couldn't." .· I . NOT THAT MAGEE didn't try. Every day after . ~ the injury Frida night against San Diego State, Magee made a.=entious effort to try to get 1 • acme feeling, aome movement bac.k into the ring and pinky fingen of his right hand. kvery intention, every attempt, though, was greeted with pain and frustration. Just a simple tbing like dribblipg the ball caused the All- American to wince. "It's definitely a touah way lo io out," said ~.who was hoping to oring the UCI ahow to the BbfApple. "U I had been in there . . . well, I don't think it would've been a game. U only I wasn't hurt. . . but I guess that's one of thoee e:" . Somehow, though, it didn't aeem fair for to go out the way he did. I guess it would be to Bruce Sprinpteen staging the greatest concert of his life only to leave before tfie fans could show their ·appreciation. LET'S FACE IT, Lassie and Rin Tin Tin have had better.exits.' · ~'It's kind of sad about the way things happened." admitted Magee, "but we were 23-7 this yeer. We had a very good year." UC IRVINE JOHN SEVANO No doubt about it, without-Magee there's little chance_ any that would have been aaxmpliahed. "l wanted to get to the NCAA'a but that didn't work out." aid~· "I g\Aell other than that, it's been a great career. ' Too greet, llMlly, to put Into worda. * * .• IN BIS TWO yean yeara at UCI, Magee set five aingle-.game echool reeorcb; eiaht aingle-aeuon achool records; and placed 9eCIOl'ld" on UCI'a all-time list In acortna (1,47~). third In reboundin,ll (690) and la No. 4 on the all-time NCAA llat in career field goal percentage (.656). * * * U it's instant credibility the PCAA was looking for this aeuon the conference got a bargain In the Anteaters and Fresno State, with the BWldogs still compe~ In the NCAA playoffs. Oklahoma was the third-place team in the Big 8 this aeaaon. Furthermore, the Sooners reached the f.inala of their conference tournament only to loee to Mlaeouri, 68-63. Well, the Anteaters -minus Magee -held a 17-polnt lead aaalnlt thia aame team Monday night. With Magee? Well, there'• no telling how much the Anteaters would have won by. Anyway, the Soonen are no better than a fourth or fifth place team if they bad played In the PCAA th1a aeMOn. And, it should Pe noted, Okla- homa beat K.anau State in two of three meetings this year. K.anau State, inddentally, is ~ in the· NCAA tournament . You make your own conclusions, rve already mad:! mine. * * * SAID MAGEE at halftime, when the Anteaters held an 11-polnt lead: "li I wu playing I would have scored 50 pointl tonight. They (the.Soonera) have no ~de game at all." * * * Almost fitt:inaly, UCI lost to a team whose principal echQOl cofor ls red. A. if-Fresno State's Red . Wave wasn't enough during the aeuon, Oklahoma's Noble Arena greeted the Anteaters with 10,700 red chain IW'l'OUridJnlt the court. violation penonall)"'other than the tact he didn't eet the ball ln play. The problem wu with the clock which.. after the time out, WU stopped at lZ aeco1¥la - a FULL lix aeconda af1er the ball wu placed in Pierce'• hand8. n For tWoee not famiU,ar with the nuea of colleie buketball, •team must inbound the 6all withJn five seconds. Fufther- more, when a referee sett to three and one-half in h1a countlng, a team.under the rules, can no longer call a time out. Hopefully, you get the/lcture. The Anteaten certainly did an they didn't like what they MW one bit. ''When they take the the ball out-of- bowlds with 18 second.a left,". said Mul- ligan, "and are allowed to call time with 12", and the referee says that he had only counted to three, then of(lciala have a real problem counting in the Mlssowi Valley Conference. "And thlaf • .$he flrat time I've aald anythina abOut offida.11 th1a year." Mullfaan waa actually mild ln com- p&rilon to how the UCI playen re.c1ed. .. All I can aay la they (the offidala) cheated, aald a dllturbed Kevin Fuller who, along with Randy Whieldon, led UCI in aco~ with a career-high 18 points. "I don t want to say anything· about the ref.I. . . but they cheated. "We deny them the ball and they let them call time out. I went over to the ref and aid, 'lf we're going to loee the game, let ua roee ounelves. Jlon't take it away from WI.' "It hurta when someone takes the game away from you." UCI's complaints didn't atop with that play, howtwer. There were others, in- (See UC IRVINE, Page 88) Not to mention Magee ha~a pretty incre- dibly career. In the four years . played in Oranae County (two at Saddleback llege, two at .UCI Uvtne), h.11 ~ were 92-19. They al8o reeched the junior college state tournament twice, losing once In the aemia. and the other time in the finala. And, just recently, Magee led UCI to lta fint appearance ever In a Diviaion I 'poet-aeuon tour-nament. Fortunately for the Anteaters, basketball isn't taken quite u aerioualy !iere, where football is king. >.. a result, unlike FreiDo wbkh ls just a 9e& of red not everyone wore that eolor Monday niaht. CAUGHT'IN THE MIDDLE -UC Irvine's Bob Thom ten is hemmed in by Oklahoma def enders David Little (left) and Darryl Allen during Monday night's second round Norman, Okla. in -. 1 Liitle wins I big; Strikes LPGA gold_ CITY OF INDUSTRY (AP} -Sally Little once felt ali!h~ ~ty;::ninoo~:eJ Gold wameil'.1 golf tqumament. · Monday, however. she aoothed her' ccnidence :-: and picked up . 1 another $22,500 -for· winning th.la year'• tournament. . . Uttle WU declared the Winner fn 1981 becaU. abe· Jed after the tint two roundl. The final 36 hoie. w.ere rained out. Thie time, the toµrnament again wu pla-..S by rain, but it went the full 172 hof ea .and Little 1eored a ~from-behind victory. over Danna H. White. . •1 ~think I w• meant \0 win tt." Llttie ea1d Monday after her I-under~ save her • 2..uob over White, who f8ded to • 78. Tbt &al of 1he $150,000 eY9bt wiia delayed ooe day When heavy rain wa.bed 0ut Sunday'• ~rltet in the tournament, Utdt remarked that lbe ••felt a HaJe. IUlltT' 9bout-wt.nnlnc the ·~t tn 1981 without Ftnc tbe....... . . •1. r...t IOIDIWbete the other day that SD:t' win WM a 'tluke,' " ......... ~ rmde ... kind of 1 =r!•, .l~~lt~Uba . •, . WBITB, meanwhile, wun't ct';:\. i:'Ai~~ • '+.tlliC i..s OV9' · Ltttla mad a ~~ .. ,,...-. •• over AJalr.o. -...ar_:~·~·wen.• 'lM.~'11>. · . Belangel-'s secret to success? That'~ easy -keep playing with winners -it's kept him going for 16 years BY CURT SEEDEN O( .. DllJ ......... VERO BEACH -Mark Belanger makes it quite clear. He likes playing for. a contender. 'l'hat'a why, after 16 yean In the major !._~. all with the Baltimore Orioles, .8elanCer signed on with the Dodgen aa a free agent fast December. No one bad to remind the veteran shortstop that he'waa joining the World Chainpiom. Nor did anyone have to pomt out that the World Championa already have a veteran~· BUT THE PRDENCE of Bill RUllell doesn't deter the veteran Gold Glove winner. lt'1 a ptty' .x:eptance for a man who bas always btel No. 1 at his politlon up until lalt ....i. u1 wanted to ltay with an orpnilatlon. that bad a aood chance of wtnnlna," Belanar •YI· "In lad, I don't know HI would'"have played 16 yean if.I had not been on~t oootender." The . Infielder, with etaht Gold Glovea to c:ndit, bas played in leYell . American Leuue cbampbwhlp --and four World" S.S.. BUt cn1y in 1976 · when be batted a 11feUme bNt .2?0, did be ever play_ln an~..._. pme. Today, BelanlW'• Qdnd llD't Oil lllY. All...W: a~. Nor does be lntena to flaw1-ly VllCUum up lilzl1nC aroun- den en route to another ~ve award. . BELANGBR II ~more than a =1t=~~Tandtbeuu. "rm IUN an B• .. u 11 = p1ay. =--=.~nx:.~:: In cheNe-bildln." be pr1dk'ta. "l"blive no Jll'obllm with blml• • *'IP=·" . Ala °""' .... -With • --• ~ ~--.211, '!;1t:r Is °"'°•._. e-....-.. .,.. ~ r ' r • NEW DODGER -Mark Belanger, a Gold Glove ahortatop at Baltimore, ii now a Dodger. · Hi• itn1le a1aln1t the New York Y anbe1 Monday waa his first hit in eight triea. . . "11 I bad to comt to um ball club'• ll1rin8 ~ .. a rookie, rd tind it very dlf:fkUlt 1D inUe the club," be l_llYI. "I"ve af•ay1 been a 1treasy, 1low l'8l1er 1n th• aprtna," S.lanfer cond· au-. "To me, ...... II hen to pt Into lbape. I think lW b9d a eore arm flY9r/ ........ bmdl11:;~=-oc=•=:: tmll'I In .. ~ .... with the . •• Detroit Tigers. He says Russell won 't panic over the fiasco, either. "Errors are overrated. Certainly, no- body wants to make them. It doesn't bother a ~y when he makes errors, because he s got five weeks down here to work things out," Belanger says. Besides making sure the gold on his glove hasn't tarnished, Belanger also has to acquaint himself with a whole new league . "Yeah, I'll have to go back to school. I'll watch op~ players, talk to the guys and see just how the pitchers pik.h - even though I'm not going to be in the gaine." BELANGER CONSIDERS himsel1 a very good student of the game. And he won't deny ~t simple, natUral talent has had something to do with his success with the Orioles. . "Practice, practice, practice. I worked bard, I watched, I l.tatened. There is just no substitute for practice," he saya. >.. you mature, you learn to find the shortcuts and they lead to better results, Bdeball !J a v~ CQDlplex game. There are nne little thl.np you can do that are very bla later," he continues. "'That play In the tliird innina may not teem that big at the time, but-if~ wind up winning the pine, ft WU bie. '' And Bel.a.npr hai made plenty of big plays during his career. Ile holdl the Anier1can Leacue record for the hiahest lifetime fieldil\a pe."celltqe ~~ 1 M<l -Ito~ with a .971 mark. IN 1t7t, Belancer prod .990 fleldina percentaae, commit I juat three erron tn 308 Chancea. DelP-ite the preeence of Ru11ell, Be-~ .. ~: 1C'1 '!.~~~tid!: Orto*' lbonltop dutl• with Lm 8'- bta. ~ IU~ and Wayn. Xnnc:hlcld. <S:ZO~ ~: rr l!lt yw., --' .... Monday's five RBI sinks Yanks FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -Veteran outfielder Rick Monday drove in five runs. ln- cl uding three with a homer, powering the L09 Angeles Dod- gers to a 6-4 exhibition victory over the New York Yankees Monday in a rematch of last year's World Series participants. Monday's homer, with two out in the eighth inning off losing pitcher JOhn Pacella, drove in rookie Candy Maldonado and Jorge Orta, both of whom had singled, and erased a 4-3 Yan- kees' lead. Monday had knocked in the Dodgers' first two runs with a bales-loaded single in the fourth fnnins off New V" ork starter Gene Nelson, Ron C-ey homered in the aixth off Pacella, giving the Dodgers a 3-0 lead. The Yankees tied the score 3~3 fn the sixth off Joe Becltwith on a ·teadoff homer iDave Collina, a double by W Randolph, a aingle by Ken riffey, an error by third bMeman Mike Marshall ' an a grounder by Dave Winfield that allowed a run to acore, and an RBI grounder b~ Graig Nettlee.. The>' went ahead in the .eventh on rookie Andre Rober19on'1 ho- rnet off winnin8 pitcher 8amley Stewart. • 'nUI WU the flrlt time the teuna had met atnce last Ott.ober. ' Auef1 ralae4 Mt 1"e ADIU' ICheduJed exhlbt-?.,:r: with Milwaube WM canca clue to raln at the Bte- wer1' IDl'1ni tn1n1nc bMdq~ -. tn Sun tlty. Arti. . l • I ; .. -Rcmma.paoee T~ ~ Pttt•bu!gh ,.~~:.fm , . ___ _...... __ ~ ..,.. In two Niii Md ..... :~ 'two odall'l a. tM ~ ~. ~· -ah&bta. Wtory OWi' the Plttllburmh - Plrat. Monday. RMMne ICltwed lour hltl and -'"----~,.-~-----_.,.......,....,.. aut'faur. . • Clndnna'h 1lla. YaD IDd" a .... and double to ~ta llWft·nm lifth From AP D&patcllet . I ATLA.N'nCClTY,N.J.-WJU~·· New Jezwy bo 1Jceme WU tern u- pended becau.e xi::t the fiibterl OU ~ the ring after 1oaina to Jamea "Hard Rock" Green. deputy commllaio~r Roben W. Lee uJd Mon- day. • The JO-round unanJmoua dedsion Sunday WU $cypion't aeco.nd la. 1n hit lut three fights, . and hJ.INo. 5 World Boxing Council middlewelght rankina may be 1n jeopardy. WJlen the decision WU announced, Scypion . '&riJnaced, mml>e<l h1t feet, and said; ''The~ took awar. my ranking . . . They robbed me.' Scy- pion a outburst was exacerbated by eatlier inci- dents that prompted Referee Vinnie Rainone to take away a round for hitting a{ter the bell. Lee was anaered by the post-fight tirade and took away Scyplon's boxing priv1Je8es 1n New Jet9ey. . It was his behavior after the deciaion." Lee explained Monday. "After the fight, the language the gentleman used and his 1tctions were un- becoming of a boxer. It waa the kind of action that could easily get people up in arms and create a scene.'' . Lee said he had not scheduled a hearing tp discuss the .incident with Scypion. Tlle vietorx raised Green's record to 12-1 and dropped Scypioh, who is from Houaton, to 22-3. ' Quote of the day , . \ . "It's subject to change without notice at any time." -Detroit Red Wings operations director Jimmy SkiDDer, when asked about a comment he made two weeks ago saying he would not change coaches this aeason. This~ week, Skinner fired Coach Wayne MUDer and replaced him with Billy Dea. Ex-area stars lead Stanislaus GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -Stanislaus State College meets Wabash (Ind.) in the m. NCAA Division m temWna.18 Friday, quailfying for the game with a 61-60 victory in the quarterfinals over Cap- itol of Dallas last week . Stanislaus (18-11) rallied from a 60-56 deficit when Huntington Beach High product Rico Thompson hit 5-of-6 free throws in the latter stages, the winning points with 19 seconds left. Thompson 1COfed 15 points, had 7 rebounds. 3 steaJa and 3 aMists, while ex-Huntington Beach star Curt Wooten added 11 points and 6 rebounds, . and Ricky Glenn came off th~ bench to grab 6 rebounda. The~ther half of Friday's semifinals matches Pot8dam (19-9) vs. Brooklyn (21-8). ~ that emt the .Wt tO a t-1 wtn owir the aa.tiaD Rid Sox. Tbt Redl ~t 10 IQml to Che t=.tno:":1t'1~=a1-=.=:! ~tcben. -~L~Ye iiiit hit a two.out einP in iht ninth ~ to ctve the ~ TWlal a , 3·2 win over Ula HcQton ~ . . Two aoJo home~ by Uoyd MoMbJ pa<ftd the Toronto ~ ~~oronto Blue Jayw to• 3·2 Victory aver-tbe New York Metl .•• The Baltimore OrtoJ. aot lix ttrcln8 tnnfNa from Sammy IS.Wart to breise put 1he Pbll.Mtelphla PhUllel. 9·2 ... Path~ and Bobb)', ...... both h_i_t_.~ !'\Q)I to !Md T.xM Rancen to an 8-1 w1.n over the Mont ~ ... Pitcher Kea ClaJ waa cbarpd widi the Jo. u the Yucatan I.Jona beat Seanle, 8-3 ... The Atlanta Brava broke open a u,ht pme with a five.nm aeventh lnn1Nr and went on io beat . Florida Staie Univenlty 7-1. Chacon's wife commits suicide The wife of former World Boxing Council featherweight champion BOtiby CU· 111 COD ahot henelf to deeth Monday, the Butte County 1hertff'1 department reported. According to a statement . issued by the department, Valorie CbCOD died at her home at about 1 p.m. from a aelf-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The statement went on to aay that ahe wu apparently upeet becauae her husband would not quit boxing after his next fight, which wu acheduled for Tuesday night in Sacramento. . . The finan- cially strap~ Montttal Alouettes .have asked asked Billy Wlalte Slloe1" Jobn1on to take a cut in pay. The Canad.Ian Football League club has Indicated It would like to keep Jo~, but not at his reported $150,000 aalary. . . ltasay Lbmey, bad Hwhc:ompeted oa tbe Ladles Profn1lonal GoU A11oclatioa tov 1t.ce 1t75-1~ed of cucer ~t a BoutorblDltal. Blle..JYI u •. ~ Former llJbt laeavywetib't boxlDI claamploa Arclale Moore suffered cuts and bruiaes when the .i&tion wagon be wu driving was atruck by a panel truck at a south Los Angeles intenection. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watchfng; v v fair; v forget It. (j} 7:20 p.m., Channel 9 V V V V N9A BASKETIIALL: Laker1 et Portland. Announc:en: Chick Heern and Keith Erickson. The Lakert. after a 2'h-hour practice session Saturday. played well on defense to defept Dallas Sunday night and maintain their hall.game lead over Seattle In the Western Conference, Pacific Division. Kareem Abdul-Jabber la the Lakers' leadlng scorer and hit 28 paints Sunday. Portland la struggling and trying to get up to foorth place fof a playoff berth. The Trailblazers are 1'~ games behind Golden State In fifth place. RADIO Basketball -Laker• at Portland, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570) . WEDNE80AY'8 RADIO Bueball -Atlante vs. Dodgers at Vero Beac:h. 10: 10 a.m.. KABC (790); Oakland v1. A,ngela at Palm Springs, 12:55 p.m., KMPC (710). .. I By ROGD CAJlLION or .. ...,,... .... ~ S. View =t.eball aeta under way W and al there are three which f~ conaid tho "team. to beat,'' ree- 111dcally tbebe~ wW aeldom be wed. lt't too I.or that. If 1Mne1 Univenl&y or Newport Harbor~ win It all -mat'• an u.-i. An~ elle, well, It'• PJ\8 to be a cJme niee. eo.ta M .. bu the -pltchJ.na, El Toro baa the lndMdual and Corona cfel Mat bu the ~ tred1Uon, alotll wt th five re~ 1tart.er1 trom the 1981 CIF 2.-A Champlonah.lp tam -and lt'a Corona del Mar that ratee the edge. · Wednelday'• openera loclud& Irvtne at Corona del Mar, Slddleblck at Newport Harbor, Costa MMal \t Unlvenity and F..tanda at El Toro. " He11e'1 a look at eech, ln order of predieted CORONA DEL MAR (1-1) -The Se.a Kino ' ve returning starters ln which to defend their CIF -A championablp, in' addition to their third s t Sea V(ew Leque a-own. 10ur pitching hu Deen aood enough to keep us ln there arid our cfefeme hu I>een very good. °"very bad, ao we need to improve on one Oftboee areas, pi~ or defeme, 1n order to be with the betier teams.' says Coach Tom Trager, entering his 13th year as the Sea Kino' coach. Although the Sea K1no have five returning starters, moat have been swft.ched to other areas. Brent Melbon tnovea from first to catcher; Dave Rohde ia a shortatop-pitcher after a third baae assignment a year ago; Chris White, an All-Sea View League second balleman, la in cent.er field and Gordon Mou, last ·year's dh, is at second. Corona del Mar's starting lineup on Wedneeday figures this way: ' . 1. Gordon Moss, 2Q; 2. Dave Rohde, 81~b; 3. Chris Wh.ite, cf; 4. 13rent M~bon, c; 5. Jim Murphy, rf; 6. Scott Loos, lf; 7. Pat Duddy, dh; 8. Mike Hem, ss-3b; 9. Dave Arias, lb. Rohde, White, Kurt Petersen and Greg Wynn comprise an all-right-handed pitching staff. Wynn, Murphy, Arias Hess and Moes are juniors. Also complementing the outfield are seruors Tom ~orton and Eric W-oods. %. COSTA MESA (3-3) -The Muata.np have the most promising pitching staff in the Jeague in juniors Jim Hyde, Jeff Goettsch and Austin Smith, and at the other end is returning All..cIF catche~ Jeff F)ield. The keystone, too, is formidable with seniors Steve Anderson and Tom Sullivan earning honor~ able mention all-league honors as juniors. Calta Mesa's starting lineup on Wednesday figures this way: 1. Steve Andel'90n, sa; 2. Tim Holley, rf; 3. Tom Sulliv~, 2b; 4. Jeff Field, c; 5. Kirk Pe~, .lb; 6. Roger Ting, dh; 7. St,an Kumett. 3b; 8. Brian Millett. cf; 9. Sonny Lee, lf. Ma~ Johnaon, a dh and outfielder, iB also in the picture, and along with relief help from Kevin Peunung, that about rounds out the Mustangs' stable. "We've had a little trouble throwing strikes early," aays Coach Kirk Bauermeister. "But when they do, they're golng to be pre~ tough. If the pitchers throw strikes we'll be OK.• - I . EL TOBO (l·I) -The Cbaraen have one of the more viatble 11e:ee at th.It; point ln pitcher Mike Lomeli, a rfaht.hander wt th a aolld ~ ball and a -·..: reputation u a rellablie hitter. ~ Lomeli hit .404 u a Jun10f (.424 ln league) and ~ compiled a&.)' 1.98 EltA en route to a 6-~ recorcl "~ on the mound. - "I aee the le~ u very even," says El Toro (l-'f Coach Tom McCafitty. "Any tearp can beat anyone this year. It wun't 11.ke that before." 1 El Toro'• starting lineup on Wednesday fiiUttff., this '(a~ Sweazy, lf; 2. ~tt Dwnaa, 2b; f Doug Maner. cf; 4. Jim Covarrubias, lb: 6. Lomeli. p: - 6. M"ark Matranga, rf; 7. Jim TodaroJ.. 3b; 8. ~ ~ Gonz.ales/Danny Jacobo, e; 9. Barry ::sneed, Jr. 1 h Right-handers Gary Pifer and Ike Clayton, · along with Maher, a lefty, bolster Lomeli and if the Chaigera come up with a leOOnd stopper, obeervera say they'll have no holes. ,,, John Seeburger will occasionally show up as e designated hitter and outfielder Mike McClain and iit utility player Tom Richter are in the picture. • d; r.1 4. ~TANCIA (3·3) -Eagles Coach Ken Millard calla it pitch-ball and it's the lack of depth in'. H-.J that department -pitching -which haa him -~ concerned. M . · "It all boils down to the aame thing," aays Millard. "If we get the pitching . . . we're fairly '(;~ solid at the positions." 1t¢ F.atancia's starting lineup on Wednesday figures ;.1 this way: • 1. Jeff Gardner, ss; 2. Willie Neiman, 2b; 3. Ji.rd ~'! M~. p; 4. J~ Morlett. lf: 5. Steve Nichols, Jb~ ~ 6. Eric~· c; 7. Mike Campeau, lb; 8. Mark Talley; ,(1) cf; 9. Colin Harri.Ion or Reuben Johnson. rf. Johnson, who resembles Fernando Valenzueli tfr> in appearance, and Lake Havasu transfer Scott .42 Covey provide the built of Estand.a's pitching depth '(.q behind McCa.hill, a three-sport star with a football·~~ schola.rs_hip to the University of Pacific. •ti3 The bullpen consists of Kenny Linton, Jim ~elle and Tad Smallcomb. .' ~ 5. SADDLEBACK (1-4) -"If our defens~ ·-" comes arpund," says Roadrunners Coach Bobby Manaram. "we could really be tough." Saddieback has enough firepower and pitching· ··~ to be tough with mediocre defense and there is quite-~ a bit of future talent, too. ·"1~ Junior catcher Mike Ba,ker was a second tean:i' ri~ All-Freeway League select1on at a sophomore. after . throwing out 18 runners and freshman pitcher i11t Leonard Damian ia labeled, "Something elae,' by hia"l ~' coach. , '-Ti'. Saddleback's starting lineup on Wednesday · figures this way: .M 1 News on Reggie: He's not making any at all 1. Jack Medjna. 3b; 2. John Alvarez, ss; 3. Mike ~J§ Baker, c; 4. Blake Smith, dh (for David Vandervoo~ :,.; lf); 5. Jesus Oct,ioa. cf; 6. Erick Jordan, p; 7 .. Ramiro im Torres, rt 8. Rick Curtis, 2b; Leonard Damian, lb. . Ruben Gajvan, a left-hander, and Alvarez, the 07 PALM SPRINGS (AP) -It's been 9everal weeks since Reggie Jackson first donned an Angels uni.form. So far, about the only news he's made during spring training i.s that he has't made any at all. True to his vow to bury his .controversial past and maintain a positive profile, Jackson has appa- rently been concerned only with adapting to his new team, which gambled a four-year, $3.6 million .contract on bis ability to lure fans and contribute to an American League West title. "My past has l>een a sportswriter's dream," said the fonner New York Yankee slugger the other day. "But rm not golng to dweU on ariy of the negatjve ~ that have happened to me. 'I've never been more relaxed, and I'm only concerned with playing with prid~, doing the things · the Angela expected wnen they stgned me. I sense a preaure to keeA> my noee clean and to show people I can sµll play. Jacl<son. who turns 36 shortly after the 1982 season begins. has kept his noee clean, but not because he's been a wallflower. From the first day of spring training, he's been !l vocal leader on the field. urging teammates into the proper frame of mind, bringing the type of outgoing leadership the ~els haven't known. "I'm not looking for a role, but a team has to have six, seven leaaers," he said. "I mi$ht be it for a couple of days, then get tired and 1t might be Groove's (Don Baylor) tum.'' Jackson, who earned the nickname Mr. October for his World Series exploits while a member of the Yankees from 1977-81, credits his new, relaxed state to a less competitive med.la situation and the over- whelming sense of mutual respect among the An- gela. Either on other teems or in All-star games, Jackson has played with many of his new teammates and bad a se.me of belonging from the beginning. Many of the key Alurela are aimilar10 Jaclcaon in that they are veterans wno have e>eperienced s~. Tulane rallies past UNL V Purdue routs Rutgers; Georgia ·and Bradley advance From AP Dl1patcbn 1 LAS VEGAS -Paul Thompson scored 19 pointt to rally Tulane from a nlne--polnt, second-half detidt to a 56-61 victory Monday over the University of Nevada-i..t Vegas in the second-round of the National Invitation ~oumament. .. The triumph moves the Green Wave into a third-round NIT game Thunday. Thompson, who aat out part of the second half after getting four personal foula. put Tulane in the lead for the fint time in the half when he hit a three-polnt play with 2:05 remalning. With Tulane leading 51-50, Rebel center Mike Johmoo milled • jump ahot with 1:20 to go and Tulane controlled the ball. . Tulane guard D8ryl Moreau sank ooth ends -of a one--and-one af1er being fouled by UNL V guard Danny Tark.an1an to put Tulane up 5-50 with 43 teCOnda left. PudM ti, a.taen IS WEST LAFAYE'ITE, Ind. -Keith :Edmomon ax>red 29 points aa Purdue, build1na a 14-point lead at halfUme, rolled over Rutcen, 9U5. · Purdue. now 16-13. \aied 82 ~t lhooting in , I the tint half to build ltl tMa Cuahfon. rut-brak belketa by Mike Scearce and lUcky ~and a free throw bY Gree D.fert Nrt1na the aecxind half . p.-hed the 1Md fo 19 potnta, if-26, and Rutten newr Qme cber than l~ pobltlt the net of the fPUDe. ~ a 6-foot-5 pard who Jed the Bll Ten c.ootesence In llXJl'ina, Md 17 potntl 1n the lllOOlnd half. NIT ROUNDUP The Terpe trailed by 7-10 polnta for most of the opening half and well into the aecond half before Georgia went on a spurt that built its lead to 60-45 with 10 minutes remain.ina. Vlrlinla Tedi 11, Ml11l11lppl 59 OXFORD, Mist. -Virginia Tech'• Reuie Steppe hit a pair of free throws with 33 eecoMi left and M.lasiasippi's Carlos Clark rn.1-ed the last ahot to give the Hokies a 61-59 victory. Clark, who led all acoren with 28 pointa, went to the line with 15 eeconda left and Miasllllppi trail1ng 61-58. Clark '81\k h1t fint shot, but mi8led h1a aecobd. Mmimlppi rebounded itle ball and called time out with leCODda left. . Bnulley 15, Spac.ee 11 S~CUSE, N .Y. -David Th1rdJdll .and 23 points and Mitchell Anderdi .dded 20 .. Bradley aeteated s~ 9~s1. The first of twe three-point elay. by Thirdkill in the tint etiht mlnutet eraaed S)'l'llCUle'• 1Mt lead, M . . . The 6-foot-7 tenJor't aecond th.ree-)Jolater wiped out the lut tie, l7-17. Gretzky drought ends 0.-... h ...., .... at EDMONTON, Alberta (AP) -A m~pme . A'l'IDCNS, Ge. -Eric Matbw'y acond 20 l)O(ntl, pl~ drou&bt . ~·t UIUal1y c:ioneem the ecrualiDil h1I can.-blab. ~ -~ WUkina avertat National.Hockey tacue ~. MdecS 23 • a.or-.a dOwMd Maryland ai.-. ' att then no one hM ever ICC\.-d Waym • The a~ no.1on1y1n the w1y aa&na wt.m o~ ot..,., ·~· ' M8rylmd a 8-2 ~ a.rt lbrylaDd _.. Ttie l'dmolition OUen center Md Pie llnce ... , ......... bul ~· flnt•...... • Jleb. 28 without addlnl to b.la record Pl~ ~ frcm tht rfOt oarw, put-the Bu .... .OW,butbt=-z::toutotltwiibtwopllllanda1 ibMd to *Y at 1~ wttb ~ CMlt 14 minutM ·nllbt, b11 ~ Mtb o1 \be ll90ft, to hlllPtbe ,...,.tntns ID the tint bal1. OC1en wn a 3-3 tie wtth the U. ~ x.tnp. • In particular, Jackson has struck up a close friendship with Baylor, the AL's most valuable player in 1979. With Oakland and the Yankees, Jack.son seemed too embroiled in personality confl- icts to get close to any of his teammates, but such doesn't appear to be the case as far as Baylor is concerned. shortstop, are also available for mound duty. flJ ~rl I . UNIVERslTY (4·%-1) -Jerry Jelnick, a ~~6 fonner Corona del Mar Hi.gh assistant, has reversed Jackson is coming off a sub-par season, in which be hit only .237 with 15 homers and 54 l'WlS batted in during the strike-shortened 1981 campaign. Only a year earlier, he hit .300 for the first time as a big a losing program in very Short order (2-18, 0-15 in ~·1 league a year ago), but a lack of proven pitching is going to be tough to overcome down the. a.i (See SEA VIEW, Page 88) ...-.'{ leaguer with 41 homers and 111 RBI. "For the first time in my career, I let the distractions get to me," Jackson said of 1981. , .. .,~~;-,,,.,, ....., ... _....,. ........ ,_ ....... ,, Jackson ch09e the Angels largely becauae it ,_"" ......_ wrtt.: offered him a chance to play regularly. Knowing JI[ IASSlTHIMTll TDllS CAMP how be feels, the Angels committed themaelves to P.O. Box 664 Redondo Beach 902n f!~~ in the outfield by signing him in the ..... _ .. .....,c,,.• .. u......,u .. 1 ... 11-.1_..ooa-.-'..,•--.lt...,s. .... 1-.t.-o..._ _____ _ 1 fHE fNTERTAINERS ''Between Rock. . and a Soft place." . . t• I 1 ·~ r ~ .; 11·~·,; .. " ... ~ >· NU .. ,.,....c~ ...... ~ . " ..... -a tt m 4:2 21 .MT \It sa a• .6M n. 35 ft .641 • a.a 30 .611 10 11 ... 250 27 ........ ~ 8en AnlOnlo ,. 24 111 - H<Mlon 3e 21 .M3 3\lt 0.-34 30 M1 5\lt o.IM 22 42 .$44 17\lt !<.-City 22 43 .w 11 Ulafl " 45 .217 20\lt IA.,._ CONI B&MC9 ,. ...... ~ ... 16 .712 - 45 11 .72t 2\lt 33 32 .SOI 11 31 31 .500 111\lt 29 3e .446 20 CeMr .. DfolWoft 43 21 29 33 21 35 21 ,. 2e 31 14 ... No gM* ~-C._,... T ......... tO..- Ullen •t Porllllld Sen Anionic> at New Y or1I SM.1111 at lndlana Boaton at Waehlnglon Sen °"VO at O.ol1 ~at Mllwaok .. PhoaniJI at H~ton Utllh at o.n .... .172 -.488 13 .453 14 .446 WAI .407 17 22e 21 NmA......,.. (~ ...... M) OMJ,." .... "• GeMn. 8an AntonlOIO 112 44S 2.011 33.a ~. Hou9ton 13 ne 4M 1,M4 s1.2 ~. Ulafl 14 708 521 US1 30.2 o.-14 115 as 1.m 25.4 1'911. 82 6411 U4 1,508 24.3 ·~: 00 , LA 51 Me 252 1,314 23.t Kina. Ooldeft awe 11 511 211 1 ... 1 23.7 llnJ, eo.ton 51 562 231 1,350 23.S Wlleme, 8aalUe 11 51-4 242 1,411 23.2 Ffw. Ooldeft s.. 82 513 an 1,413 22.1 "\8°'a*'L, T• A'9 Malone, Houlton 13 4~ 4e7 M7 14.~ Slicme.. a.tlte 13 1 '4 117 791 12.I B.WllM, HJ • 271 510 181 12.2 """"*'· Por1lanOeO 203 510 7111 11.8. L-.NewYor1113 112 488 711 .11.S Q .... " .. " Moen, Ban Antonio IO 5IO iJ .-......_LA IO 458 8.1 An:lhltleld, eo.ton 48 411 I .II' en.. •. Phll. 58 481 8.5 Hwll>n. C1walanCI IO 4'5 8. 1 ,..._ca... ... -..... '° "°" ..... Gllmcn. CNCago 432 175 .840 s. JohMon, ~Chy 212 491 .585 King, Go4den Si.ta 578 8117 .580 e. w..m. . ...,. '*wt 1181 ee2 .sn Natt, POtUand 407 711 .572 &a.hom. IO, UC lrflne n . UC IRVIN9 -MoOon.id 12, Wu/ff 12, Thornton 13, Fuller 11, Wllllldon 11. Croeale¥ 4, Jollnaon 0 , Spinn 0. Totala 31 5-t l?tt&.AltO•A -Llltle 111, Allen 2. Pae~ • 1, PWWMI 2. a.men 20, °""'1on 20, Pltroe 10. Jofl9 0. Toe.Ila II 14-20 80. ....... -UC lrltnt. 34-23. T«*I F'oW-~ 18, Oki111ome 12, " ~ out -"'*' (UC .,...,,.,. Nl'Teootee <*llllorna 80. uc .,...,,. n o-gla 13, M*)llnd • ~M.~11 o.yton 11, ._ 51 Virginia Ttcfl 11, UP I le P' 59 Purdue ... 1\11'*9 15 Tullnt M. Niv.:LM Vegea 51 T-A&.M et, WMNngton 65 .... CMING.L. CO.IMNCa ~~ 0/10A .... ll·Edmonton 43 17 13 371 274 IHI c.lgety 2e 30 11 300 309 .. v~ 24 3S 14 243 291 82 ..... 21 34 15 270 314 51 ColOrlldO 17 43 11 211 311 45 11-cllllCNd =.:::.::... cMllon. ~a 32 18 20 S11 255 14 WinfWltg 27 ft 13 27' 2t7 17 8t. LcMa 29 lie • 270 304 82 ~ at 111 10 216 m 12 Toronlo 17 31 11 2$7 S3e 50 Ottroft 11 41 12 240 312 48 WAUSC~ ........ DMllMI x-M' lalend9r'I 47 15' 8 340 221 102 NY ~ 33 24 13 2t1 2tl 78 Pl'olledtlpf.. 34 28 8 211 290 71 Plll9llurGfl 27 33 11 2ee 2SM 85 WMNngton 23 87 10 211 2t6 51 ,.....~ Montrtlll 42 12 17 321 1M 101 BoMon 31 24 e an 2'4 ea 8llllllo 38 21 14 2t4 223 ... 0uetitc: 31 aa 14 a1a 297 11 H.-tfofd 18 34 11 2" 301 54 I .....,.. ...... ~· 4, Ptnlbutgll 3 0... s. Edmonton 3 H.ttord II~ 0-.. Botton at 9uff1llo Winnipeg at St. "'°'* Klnp I, OMer9 I --.-., ...... Lot AnoMa 1 1 1-S EdrnOnfon Ph(,..._ 0 2 1--S 1. L.ot Angllee. DkwWlt 44 ~. T.,...,. 6:52. Ptnelllle .:... ~. !din. 11:2t; loMlk. LA 18;10. ............ 2. Loe A11~1 ... Dionne 45 jNlehol~ ' S.-). 5:48, 3. &dl!lonton, Ortlay A (1(""1. ~ 15'.M. 4. EdmoMon. Orlally ... PWn1l. 17£64 ......... -..,.,.. !din. 1:ot: Konb1 ...'!A-1:11; L.-, fdlll, I~; lcle*. LA .:zz: .__, Ecllll, 18:20: Mir· pl!J, LA....,, 11:Q: ..,.,_. l!dm, ,.,.,,, 11:aS. ,.., ...... i . Loe A1111e1 ... fH II (l. Murph,., ....... 4:N ... l!dlllcllMn. ....... 44 ~=i:· ~l!.'°· fltMttlet -ldrll. t:l2; • La, 15:41; fo- ... II. 1ll41. .... Ofl ... -lot""--11~ Edrllol*lll '°",.., ,,.,,, Geltlll -lot ,.,....... ~ ICeMt. ............ Nir. A ..; 17,AIO. 'V'1 . ' . ' 'f .. Grend Prix toumement , .............. ) ,.......,. ....... Tim Wllklaon dll. SlllOmo Ollellallln, 7-1, 7-1; 8rlain TNC:htt dtl. 8r9d 0..-tt, 7-1. M ; ~ Van "-"'" dll. Peter Aller, 6-7, 1-,1, M : Mel Pu<cll2 dll. LunltCl\etman17-1, 1-4; Stephen Stmonaaon def. Stan 11 .. Blmer, 7-5, 8-,1, • WCT tourMl'Ml'lt ( .. ,.........,,_, ,.,.. ............... Terry Moot def. Cllrll Mayotte, 1-3, 1-3; Nie* 88¥leno def. Tim IQyOttt. 1-2, 1-1: Vljay AmtttraJ def. Peter Rennert. 7-1. M . John f11zQtrelcl def. Tom Oul!Mlaon, 7-1, H . 7-1; Heinz Guntllatdt dtl. 8tuce u.,.. '°"· 7-1, l-3. Lornllt .. tour'MrMnt , .. lllMa. ,_) ,.,.......,.....,.... ,.. D\lclf'9 dll. RoOtr1 ~. 7-6, .... ..... Torrt 611. Ht.Ill Swldltrom. CM, M , M ; JM Gvrww9eOfl dtl. Helmvl ~ tMt. 2-1, M , 8-.2:; Dltd>ell van dtr .._... dll. Ole* 8toclc1on, 6-3, 6-7, M . • women .. toUm.rnent , ......... ) ,..... ...... ........ Jo Durie def. Barbar• Pot\er. 7-S. 1·1. Andf'M ~ dtl. Pwn C-, b-J, D-L Loe Alemltoe MOMOA~ Mau&. Tl ,,...,.... ........ __ ~, P1M'f AACll. Ont m .. .,_ Mra. M IV~) • .1 00 3.80 2.90 Ar4'1• klttl (Longo) 3.40 2.80 WlntttNwk (MMtf) 3.10 Nell> .-cl: Howdy G4t1. AllOY'• Oynt- 1110, Oen'a OuHI, Rerun Riek, l ht ComtdY A-d. S1ranoe Meaie. ,Time: 2:05-215. • DACTA (2·11Ptld121.10. •c:oec> MCC. Ont rnlll PICf Ct1m YourMll =23.IO 7.40 4.40 • IWr ..__ ( ) ' 20 3.40 ar-·a Cllolol CSfwren) 3.40 Allo .-cl: Colt.. Bingo Bango. Stunning Oueat. Ar4(a CMI. """*- Roua. T1mt: 2:04-115. Y.-, AAca.. Ont mlll .,_. Ledy L1Z9ttt iw-tmal 3.IO 2.IO 2.20 Outtllght l4'1 (Longo) 3 IO 2.80 Genletln (Ooulartel 2,IO . Aleo r-2: Spor1lng Son, First °*-· Argo Sur, Uttlt 8arl>tra, SlulnbtrlnQ, J«rf• Doi Httan. Timt: 2:0)-2/5. • DACTA (1...C) 1*C1112.80 fOURTM AACC. Ont mill trot. --(Trwnblt)'t 24.00 1.10 4.80 S.tM'a Aptnntlcit (Wlthard)l.IO 4.20 Snoopy Aodner <OoudrtMJI 3.eo Aleo .-cl: Ell)eh N, Mery'• Win Song. Smoky AHi. 01y1n'• Cup. MHdOW. Vlc:tOf")I. Time: 2:03-4/5. """MCL Ont mlt .,_. ~lAOI 5.IO UO 2.40 8trlgl 0-X, ~ 2.80 2.40 8PtY High (T..._) 5.IO . Aile> rectd~ EOlc: F-, A-. Mr. Gt• hem .... 8l4ltr Scott, Pint Hell Satum, Tenen Alrnl#lurwt. Tlmt! 2:05. • DACTA (l-1) P9d $11.20 . ~::'I-Ont""'.,_. 1~1 1.80 _a.eo 2.80 "'Oil ~ (Ac*tnNll) 4.90 4.00 ...... .. (8Mmn) 5.20 Nllo rao.d;J!!*lt! ~ Soomo °'"· NIOoQa. Moody ...,., lord Ntu-tmo. WlllMt Annbro. nm.: 2:01-415. trf9mt MCa. Ont""" ... UGf*llr\ Sim~ uo 3.00 uo ,..,. Gull(..,... uo • 00 Doi .,,_ (o.omet) 1.40 1111o r...:1: ,... .1oYa. a...iwom. Allwllf.-....,,.,..,..,., Mtlertck, T...,... Time: t:oa 215. • PACTA (4-3) pe6d *21.IO. • fllCIC • ~1....,.t-4). n.. .... no ......... 12 ~ 8IJI COMoleUon =11.00 to SS~ tlc*ttl (""" ~ MCa. OM mitt s-t-'-11 AlollO • •• (V ..... 9'oM\) 111.00 4UO 11.40 ... -(IMnwl) 1a.ao uo QIMrM !(Me ~::-cl) •.ao ei°:=...--~~ • DAOTA ~1) .... llkoo. ..,..Ma. o...1111e,... ~.':ttK uo ~'° Mr...... LIO I.JO ... . .. Mio~ 0... ... ,,,.,., ... .......... ,.. """"""· Wllf °T:i. .. MIS. ~. alUGTA(oWt-laAO, , . LPGA~ • a. Lltt11, 12~~Jr' "~l..10-211 O. H. Whitt, 114,700 7~7S-7t-290 A.. OUomo4o. '8,000 75-7f.10-74-2tt N. lopu,.,,...,on, M,000 71-78-72-ee-211 "' Floyd>-OAnnn, $5,125 71·71-14-71-202 V. Tabor. $5,825 75-73-72·72-212 A. AIOott, 94.400 75-70-74-74-293 c Hiii. 14,400 11-12-14-11-m J. Cerntr. 14.1.~ 71-JS.74-70-293 P Shttlltn, w .300 72-7&.~71-2te M. Wlbla. S),300 78-72-74-75-2111 A.. Atlnlvdt, *3.300 73-78-71-74-2111 T. Olleel!o. as.300 16-n-11-1s-211 a-J. klllller 12.n-1&-n-211 8. Poll, $2,657 7J.71-76-71-297 8. Oanlll, 12.1557 • 77·7S-71-7µ217 v. Fttoon. *'·"°' 11-12-n-n-211 c. Unoolll, tl,805 71-73-73-71-2" T Moody~ 11.1105 71-76-74-fS-288 J. Colla. •1.805 10-74-76-79-218 K. P°"*"'i~ t1,805 71-71-72-74-218 c. JoMaon, •1,805 11-n-n-n-2" 1<. Wllltwcwlh. suos 14-1&-n-12-:zee e. eanow, t1.4otQ 74-74-74-n-m M Stubblllltld, 11,440 71-14-73-71-2811 M. 8'*'°"-0tvln I 1,44074-71-76-71-299 J •• Stanoer·Pynt, *1.4'40 71-7&-74-74~299 A. Bartfttt. t i, 170 13-11·11·13-300 J. AMx, 11, 110 n-1a..n-n--soo 0. Aulllfl, 11, 170 71-75-71-7:t-300 A, Wllton.11,170 7e-ea-t2·74-300 A. Hllcage, It, 170 75-76-74-71-300 M. Owyoer, Sa72 711-72-76-71-:!01 J. Kerr, $172 74-73-77-77-301 v MOrlQllChl. sa12 111-n-12.1e-so1 J. Cterk, Sll72 74-71-77-74-301 J. Joyot, '872 77-73-71-75-301 P Mtytra. '872 7~77-70-78-301 9. l(tng, Sll7'2 77-76-79-70-301 T. Htellon, 1720 79-73-n-73-302 P Pu". seeo 11-11-1!-1s-303 c. Motte. seeo 19-1&-1a..18-803 M. H.,_,, Se80 7,.711-74.79-303 S Hemtln, 1555 78-75-73-78-304 0 . Hltata, $556 75-71-77-71-304 H. H1<111)'. 1555 n -73-711-71-304 It O'Btlln. 1555 78-72-77-71-304 •-dtnol .. -·- f TPA tour Merell I ll -To11rf1ement Pleyers Cl\emp-, Ponte V-•· Fte. Aprlt ,_. -Oree .. , G,....._.., Open, Grffft_...,H C Apr It •11 -•·Tiie Mes~. Auvust.e. Ga. Aprtt IS.11 -MOHY -TOUl'ne!Mftt o4 CllemplonJ,Cerl,_ AP•PI '5·11 Tellelleuee Open, T•llelle"", Fie Aprtl U ·U -USFloG Cl•nlc. Ht• Orl••n•. Aprtt ~., 1 Byran Helt«t CteUlc, De PIH Mey 6 t Mlclltlob·Ho;;ston Open, Hou1t0f), Mey l>-16 ColOnl•t N•tlOnet lnvll•llOft, FortWMll May ~23 Atten141 Ct•ule. Atlente. May 17·30 Memorl•t Tournemtnt, Dubtln, Olllo June w IC9fl'IP9• o ... n. Belllffde, Mel. June 10.IJ D•nny ThomH·MemPltls Ctentc, Mempf\11 June 11·20 -•·O.S oi.n. PebOte hecll. June 24·2 7 -M•nulac turero Hanover·W .. tcl'l .. ler Ctaulc, HarrPS<lfl, HY Jul' I~ W9'1tmO......Oak Br-, 211. J uly a.11 -GrHter MilwtullM <>Pen. Mllwauk• Jutv u II o..ao CPllo Oocn, Coel Vetlty, 121. J11tv U ti y·Brt11111 Open, TrOOfl, Sutter>O J11ly n .JS ,.,.,,... .. ,.a .. Kll CIH Jk. Wtttlem\OUl'Q. Ve Jyly ?t-AuQ P Cenedlen Oc-n, O...vtllt, Oft141rlo A119. M -a PGA Cllemplon'1>1p, Tulle. A119 1l·U s.mmy Dev~ Jr ·Grt- Her11ord Open, Hertl«d, Conn. AllQ lf.n 8ukk Open, Grer.o Blefte, MPcll AllQ 1'-1' World Stfle1 of Goll, Akron, 04>1,o ~ H BC <>Pen.Enokott,H.Y. Sept t 11 ·-o4 8CK!on, Sutton, ~ Sept l~lt Hatt of F•mt, PPM_., H.C ~ 0 I ., . Women'• IOft.,., C~COUIQe °''""' COMt .. ....,.,... 0 AIYtraldt 000 000 0-0 1 3 -orange Coeat 030 000 1-4 I 0 Patricia and Luea; Cllamtier. llllCI Tlnc:lw. 28 -Culp (Orange eo.i~ 38 -L..otalle (Ofwlot CoMt~ WonMn'I 9ymM1tlca .... ~ VIII hftl 1 ..... ~ v..., 111.a VIUll -J. Per!ter (VP). U : 8trt - Gordon (FV). 8.0, ~ btFm -Gordon (FV), 1.8; f1oof Qtrdtl -J. Patller (VP~ i 8; A.II-wound -Gordon (FV). 35.0. SOONER OR LATER -Oklahoma's Les Pace scores over UC Irvine's Curtis Crossley Monday night in second round NIT game in Nomlan, Okla. From Page 86 e • • l ....Uy deeerTed to WIG," aald Whh,j, .... on the bar um ,.., .i. ..._ 1111 all. to.haw a.. 'bebf. ••rm~ I bawn't bMll tn aantmtlml for two ~·· Little, a JO.year-old South 1 Ab1clD who hM wm 11 ewng tn her 12 on the LedMI ~ Ool1 AllodatlclD tou.r, rounda ol 76·74•70 for • &.uaderwper 288. OlcamotO,. ~year-old •tar of th'e Japan LPCTA circuit who recently acored her flnt U.S. vtctory, wound up tn a third· place tie whh Nancy Lopez-Melton. Okamoto had • dollna 74 and Lopez-Milton, Wlable to comple- 1 tely overcome an opes\lnc·rou.nd • 78, abot 6-WMSer-par ea. THE PINAL two rounds were played over the 6,006-yud, par-73 Ea.enhowe1' eoune at In- dustry Hlllf after the golfers played one of the fint two rounds on the Zabariu ooune, al.lo par 73. Little took command Monday with a ~ of three birdlee begt.nn1nl on the 12th bole. She moved lnto a tie for the'lead with a !ion No. 11, when White had a y . White had another bogey on o. 12, then two pan, as Little swept lnto a 4-atroke lead with fOW' holes ~· Her edge dropped to two strokee when she took a double bony on" the 17th hole, but she ana White each made par on the last hole. From Page 86 BELANGER He hit juat .165 in 139 at-bats. Rega.rdle91 of how much he plays ln 1982, Belanger aaye the vast fadlities here at Dodaertown will help him be ready wnen the Dodaen open the 1982 9eaSOll April 6 agalnat the San Franciaco Giants. "Spring training here is enti- rely different than when I waa with Baltimore. I look back at the Orioles and ~have to tip my hat to them for conducting spring trai- ning on 1 ~ fields. UC IRVINE LOSES TO OKLAHOMA e • e eluding the Sooners' tactics after they made a basket. "Everytime they scored, they would either touch the ball, slap it out of my hands. or kick it," said Wulf, who is UCI's designated "fastbreak" originator. "In our offense we try to (fast) break even after a made basket," Mulligan explained. "We tried to · tell the refs what they (the Soo- ners) were doing, but they looked at us like we were a bunch of California fru1tcakes." Of course. those calls JU$t made an unusual game more unusual. UCI playep the first 22 minutes of the contest as if Kevin Magee had never existed. With Fuller directing the attack, and Bob Thornton, Ben McDonald, Whieldon and Wulf shooting the lights out of the net, the Antea- ters stunne.d the Sooner s by jumping out to a 34-23 halftime advantage. Oklahoma, despite playing on its homecourt, just couldn'( put the ball in the hole during the o~ning 20 minutes. In fact1 Da- vid Little, the Sooners' ana the Big S's leading scorer at 18.5 points a game, couldn't hit a field goal in six attempts from the floor and was held scoreless. The rest of the Sooners weren't much Orange Coast posts 4-0 softball win • Sophomore Ronda Chambers pitched a one-hitter and wedt :l-for-3 at the pl.ate to lead Orange Coast Colle~e to a 4-0 non- conference wm over Riverside Monday at Orange Coast. Chambers struck out four while walking two to get the win and help Orange Coast improve its overall record to 8-5. From Page 87 better, either, as they hit only 10 of 33 shots (31 percent). UCI, on the other hand,' couldn't miss (58.6 percent), and when McDonald hit a basket and Whieldon two more to open the second half, it looked as il the Ant.eaters were en route to a rout at 40-23. · But the Sooners, who came back from a 14-point deficit to defeat Oral Roberts (81-73) in their first NIT contest, went at the Ant.eaters with a 1-2-1-1 wne press and quickly created some problems. Strangely UCI, which had at- tacked for most of the game, suddenly became defensive. The result was an incredible Oklaho- ma .spurt that not only got .the Sooners in the ballRame -but tied the score at 53-all in the short span of 8 minutes, 4~ seconds. The Sooners didn't stop once they got there, either. With Lit- tle's 19 points (all in the second half), Bo Overton's 20 (18 in the second hart) and Chucky Bar- nett's 20 (12 in the 21,eCOnd half), Oklahoma outscored UCI 39-16· during the stretch to assume a 62-55 margain. . The Ant.eaters, thanks to 90IJle missed Oklahoma free throws down the stretch, gamely fought back , only to succumb to the controversial situation during the final 19 seconds. "The pressure bothered us," admitted Mulligan. "We played well enough to win. . . we jUst didn't win. I thought under the circumstances, without Magee, they (the UCI players) played a fantastic game." "I thought we were very passive," countered Oklahoma Coach BillY. Tubbs. "Actually, we've been like that our last three games. We BtCrew around until the game gets on the line and then we start trying harder. "I really wasn't surprised by what Irvine did," added Tubbs, referring to UCI's 17-point lead. "~s disappointed, but not a n.ed. I know you don't go 23-with just one guy." • Oklahoma, now 21-10, ad- vances to the NIT's quarterfinala Thursday night. For the Antea- ter'a, all that's left is to <pack their hap and return t\ome, knowing they had just completed the most suocesafuf aeaaon in the school's history (23-7). "I'm real proud of this team and all that we accomplished,'' said F\aller. "Words can't describe how I feel." "I know we should be going wherever the next f>.ame should be -but we'te not,' added Wulf. "For gu)'s like Kevin (Fuller), Randy (Whieldon), Magee and mywelf, this ia it. It kind of leaves a aour taste in your mouth.t.' "I'm disappointed because we should have won the game and we know we should have won,". said McDonald. "rm proud, but we could have gone a rot further." CdM's GOEBEL PICKS TITANS Corona dd Mar H1'lh tight end Hank Goebel. at 6-8, 23o pounds, has signed a national letter of intent to attend Cal State Ful- lerton in the fall. A prominent figure in the Sea KingJ' basketball aucee.. Goebel picked up the football ICbolarship . on the basis of hla excellent size,· in addition to statistics, which reflect 19 catches for 234 yards and 1 TD. SEA VIEW BASEBALL OUTLOOK e e e stretch. "We're trying to get back to aorne basic.a," says Jelnick. "and make the other team beat us." The new-look Trojans have ahown promise, espedally behlng pitchers Trot Lanen and Greg Ef>erhart, a pair o right-handed seniors. University's starting lineup on Wedneeday fiiures this way: l. IUch Sorenaon. cf; 2. Todd Yeaton. 3b; 3. Jeff Miller, lf; 4. Mike Frei, , dh; 5. Jeff Frei, c; 6. Brad Gue98, lb< 7. -Mike Miller/Darren Orlandoa, rf; 8. Randy Myen. 2b; 9. Jeff Carr, •· Two other Nbt-haikien are tn the fold -Dan VOlloo and Tlm Convene. · 1. IRVINE (1-S) -c.o.ch Bob Flint isn't happy with hla team's perfonnance to this point -· but tunny th1nfa hap~n with the Vaqueros aome-tlQ>et -like lut year a runner-up finiab to CIF 2·A clwndlon cor-ona del Mat. . ''l eee ua u unlcnowna,'' tayt Flint, whole chief concern 1a a lack of depth. lrvlne'a iw1Jna lineup on Wec:lneec:lay figurtii .thia way: 1. Mark Bond1L.. ct 2. John Scott, 3b: 3. Jlm GllhoL~ Mike ·.nemt}',_11; &. Ja.y Scou., lb; 6. Mark W1 , lf; 7. JohD 5alinle, 2b; 8. JUcb Kiral. Cj 9. Joel~tWJa. db. Rabmatulla will 1ee duty ln the outfield, too, but that's about the extent of Irvine's depth . 8. NEWPORT BARBOR (1·5) -With~ five tenion and no retum.tnc lettermen, new Rolf Schwalbe appean to be tn a rebuilding staae. "Rlgbt DOW tm juat Jookinl for hwtle and a 110 percent effort," -~ -~ former Newport Harbor and Orange Cout co.ueae player. "I have eo ~. whOcan Play in eo many plloea, it's a matter of f1nc11"8 the rfCbt lpot foe the rlcht guy." Newport Hubor'• narun, lineup «. wecm. 1 day f1gurea thia way: • 1. Ron Nucent, 11; 2. ~. Bolwell. 2b; 3. Karey KoliM, p (3b); •. Jwry Plelkowlkl. lb; &. Viahliu 1'P.too.lnah.t 3b (p-lb)}. 8. Mike~ It; 7. Mike Paib, cf; 11. TciQy tswt., rf (p)\ Aa:UlY I TerrytGrec Selby, c: · Nvpnt IC.oUDa and Batoomne are the -..m. ~t·handen. a.act~ s--.~~ nm1 s~. u.. wtth Wt-iands Joma Pat Slmml. • &-3 ~t-bendecf ....... Itvtnt'• No. 1 pU1tber, with Tlimey and Rob v..n,J. boch rtaht-~ bKldnc him \.Ip. Tobln lt~hler (of·lb) la tbe .. a oal1 twltch--hittier and akml with BerlMU. ttiil fMtlM Othen who ClUl ~:~=-(lkf) 8oea 'J:::~'"'.n.s~ -.--oudte' I ) . . ... .. I CLASSIFIED INDEX ''""''•M.Call 642·5678 -co-11..SUJtl $Al[ .......... :: .._,._.... lllfl ClflUlt1191t•th 1t1• C.0-... lhr Im c.i...... . .. .NNMULA HOMis' Rem>deled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath,. rmr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. Owner will COMider trade. .. Looking for.a career in sales? See today's Help Wai&ted ads , classification 1100. SHAIP WTSIDI uux DAMA POltn' * * 211 DOWN SH,000' . • Moves you 1.n to lhl.5 lov $121 /MR dy 2 bedroom. 2 b1th Best uau1n1~fin1nc­home with ouan view. 1ftd in Wood d Rlductd ior quick 11le .... bn 1e. Lux t6 SC!8.950. Try lease op ~ 1860 sq ft home Pu II ~...... :: ,__ v11i.1 • .,,... .. ___ ., Motice: :=-'" .. ' :: Alrrul estate ad- ·w est Bay bayfront. Slips for ~ boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. ua."au11t111i11 View of <>CelJl, ~ & Pavilion lights. 4 Br, 2 ~ Be, fam rm. 2 fpka, $420,000 lncl land, or $330,000 leuehold. $665 per yr ground rent til 1991. Owwer help finance. ONLY 15% DOWH aricf Owner-'ftn fin 1nce to quallned bizyer. Well located, good looking 6 un.115 + (car garage + ample parkin1. Be low 11 u._, 1roee. c.1Tod9y644-721 I RCTc1ylorCo ~I (~ceioo)=MAy Real11 SSl·JIOO 103 mtllarruea lb).lnlllf' 11 li'Jl41 i,.e-.... , -v e rt I s e d i n l h 1 s ...... ".... ... b" Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. ~-"""'' .., newspaper 1s su Ject to .._v,.,. ,., the Federal Fair Hous &Toro ~':.':' ::: ing Art of 1968 which t:i, "':;,c.,..1..... :: makes 1t illegal to ad LIDO ISi.i HOMES MISA VERDE ••••••••••••••'-•••••• •adl 1041 s.111t .. 11 ,.. vertlse "any preference. ~'..';!!;:" :: limltatlon, or dis -Prime Lido Nord bhyfront. 5 bd rm, 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000 . 2111 ................. .... -,...-n-,1.a. 4brt21ia, Cam. rm. frpl. B Toro CoityM .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ' 1 3 0. 0 0 0 . 0 w n e r . SH 500 MHA VEIDE 7_~2.0759. 2 bdrm. 2 ~a. condo. G A Lot ....... "~~ 1M10 rrimination based on IUI. mm rac~. color, religion . ..... ,,. . 3Br. 2Bu. assume loans. t~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. months new.' High as· For AL~ ~~•!t&f'M.:_ 130, Ft ... "' ... C' ... ~ sunfltfteloan By.owner tacre+bldg s1te,ge11t ...,,..,,i..s.i. ,,.. sex, or national origin, --••'"' ~.. •• or an intention to make Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. 10 ",.." '"• 213-493-ll5l 768 "4589 ly sloping parcel short ~SIDE l UNITS This big 2 story home. or • distance rrom tennis & ~=... _ :: any such preference, C0-••1 Lot.Cr1pl> u .. llm1tal1on, or dis OHE OFA IUMD! R2 Pine walls. open JUSt made for the active HIMtilM#o. •ocll I 040 beach Ownr has 1n beams. carved cab mets ramdy who needs lots or ••••••••••••••••• •••••• eluded plans for rust om New rarpet Btlow llP· room 5 big bdrms. 3 • 2BR 2BA M armer's viii.a. $1 25.000. Spec praised vulue .. have baths and enormous liv· Cove Condo. Pool. Ten· Lacularviews! ~='!:!';:r.'1 !: cnm1nauon." UNDA ISi.i IAYFIOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom. dark rm. den. $1,350,000.! MEW ot4 MA.lKET! Assume FH.A loan: 3Br i:1.ba. end or cul-de-sac. RV access View of die ocean & sun- set Professionally de· rorated. a real beauty Has extras galore. End unit with 3 BR or 2 BR + den Everything you could ask for even pnceS~.900 ~ ... c ... •s.1< 1• -.......... "'" ,.,._,, .... <\) - 1-. .. 11......,.n, llOt IAl>l0<!>ol< -MolMk HN Trlr ~rh OJI -• O...n Rnot1 2-t•~n-~ "'~oo : This newspaper will not knowin81Y accept any advertising for real estate which is In viola· tionofthe!!~ __ $92,900 675-1771 documents Low dn mg roo~ with. ma ssive nis, Security $2500 ON. MISSION REALTY w/S1 20 K t s t. F /P used brick fireplace 1yr. lease option _ 49'-073L. $149.500. Ph 645-6266 Walk t.o schools. shop· $1250/mo $12SK. 96K as Owner~. P!ng, city park and ten sum OWC. Prln only PLAN Owl ti SUI• ~... • -~-==!::~~~ ::1-.............. . llulF..lil••-<4 - IA YSIDI COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1,900,000. UlllllOOf 11{).4tfi COLLEGE PARK IUS. Asking Sl6S.OOO. Call 960-TI~ _ SpaclOUS 3 M 2 Ba home ~251 YA 120/o La. ·100 lfMTAlS --... c ........ i...11-1. •• ur-....._. s.n.ll1•'"' Tra-.tJ• SEIYICfS Mf_.K'« lArM'tor)' EMPlOJMEllT & s--.. ~!f TIDll J.MW•Mitd• Hol$o "..... iu r MEICIWlllSE ... _. ~ Aon-::u::11-..b Ca1Nru 6 £qwpl'Mn1 'tll• Dot• ,,. .. ,.vo. f\lnwitwc: Gar ... Salo --~ '""tl<r Ll't'tM«i. .... ...., .. __ MtM'dl~V.•l"lllM Miu.Kil llMAllK'M1" Olfltt I"•"' 6 Eq.,p "" =~:c:: ...... Goods g_ort ,..,....,.114 I.tr t:•r....H1f1 SlttM IOATS l MAll~E la..PlllEllT )Kl) .. ,. ,,. ,... i.m .w. )4111 --1'1U II ... •m --... IGll -11114.) ------"" .. -· -·--1 -..., ---.. - BtaOIS: AdnrtiHn w.ld ca..dl their ock • ~ --~rt tr-ron ._diofely. The DAILY PILOT 01w.t1 WMlty for the flnt IRcorrect iuertloft -,. 1IES VIST As-MISSION V•JO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest ho e, pool. $795;000. I ~CONDITION I Beault(ully · lands('aped , and malntained 4 Bdrm •home. Great corner location w /uistinf RV a«ess. Owner wi I as-sist w /fin ancing Fu II pri~Sl42 500 751-3191 Realtors, 615.flOOll Ocee111 Yu Dplx Lrg 2·sly 4 Bl!rm. 2 rireplal'es. + 2 Rdrm o'er garage Steps to bea<'h $39S.OOO Easy terms w/h1gh assumable loan, S 24msq Cl4 Btfon low int rate Only cu e-sac. $179.900 $1211.WO Submit terms.· YACAHT 3 IR Call Rbt Milliken. ---------i on cul-de-sac Try 10•;; 631·1266 dn. $119,000 If you're in th'! market R.E Professionals ,r Allfl ,._, I ~..,. .. . ... ,,. ror a better car, be sure 91µ.8377 to check the many autos 1042 advertised for sale in ~°" I <:Ja.\Stfied ----tt.t»ow ••••••••••••••••••••••• ESTATE SALE IYOWMER Cstm waterfront on leeslde of Davenport Isl. 4 Br 3 Ba. 42' dock. 2-sty . Turtle Rock UJll~. 4 bdrm. 2 ba rorme r model home G real VIEW.. Priced below market for qwck sale Highly iootivated seller S2m.900. 30 UNITS POSITIVE CASH FLOW! POTB4TIAL PLUS Well maintained 3 Br hou.5e on large lot Ea sy RV arress Pn Ill(' l'Or ner locallon with future <HI_·~- k r-0..11 "°""' ~ k Y J.u o•dtt•f '• "'• S•o11 y To dtvetep mn>411< f0< w~. raad-dsa><r""'°""'"9'°~ of 'fO" ZodlOC bor!h >qi 28>0 sq fl 16922 Ba run a ~523 C "'-·I ~~oo.-~8 -7698. AM"'5~ RVM A rare bird indeed in today's market! :l> bread 'n' butter apartments in an excellent location. Income on th ese have DOUBLED in past 411-i years! For more info call Bob Li ca ta broker-owner 759-1221. $30,000 DOWN 11% IMT- 10 YIS. •• 1006 commercial potential. lolboa l5'and Owner wtll assist w /financing l"u II p n re • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39 500 75 319 Trade your T o·s or pro· (l('rlY tn any stale for ~lboa Island Property 1i1Han»1ty, Rltr. 67S.21'6 YIEWTOWMHOMES Owner fin anced . no l e nd er LAIGEDUPLU Master suites'. View or ~OIO .... "' ~El. u "'• ,._........, M• I 022 ~ean & Night lights qualifym· g! Three bedrooms, 2 baths. ",.. ,.._ _.__. "" armington ull t with 3 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Qliet Area. Parks. open Quiel cul-de-sac. Parquet entry, brick d h p o spaces. $137 ,000. Xlnt b Tm s . , 2 b al s . OU LEX. BY WN ER fin. Hal or Pat Afls fireplace. homey kitchen, family flreplac~s. beam (•eil· MUST SELL• t ft d f "lt T b angs. patios and built ms • 751,99051 673· 300 room. wa er so ener an 1 er. u I '" each unit A 0 ex 1 .. t C.sli Offer SUPER spa. RV pad. Huge patio. Extra rellent dupld va lue at ~5·3063/67~9667 storage. Reduced to $167.000! Hurry, S319.000 · Owner "'111 1--------ST ARTER call Bob Licata. I ruiance with 20'' do'A n I '. ::.."":\ ..... , ... ·-•C.. .. ··-tiNll("' ..,,_ , .... , 1110 l)°"°'IOt"'l'I~ .. .._ \~·1119' ··-,, ... .. °""' ... ,. .... ltllift, D M'.ct_. 1ar~..,., 1•~""" "" ..... ,. .... 111• .. -. •r.~ ..... Jlff'ION Jl'uc""' l:J"-..... ot' "'"" lh •OO ,,_ •"'-• •co '°°" •1 .. ~I •If.cu I.).,.. uc-O'<C•I(, .. """""' .... ,, ... ,. .. to ··-.. ...... -.. -.. ~ .. )) ..... .. .._. '6,...,.., •• If-,, .. If ... . ,. ...... .. .......... Only $S4.500. Outstand at l212'. interest FfXER UPPER 1 1ng Costa Mesa garden 759-1221 . ! Front row Dolphin Ter· 1 0 '"""-...... , o1 i+.e home. Owner must sell • race O\'erlookmg Yaehl 1 ''"" '"'""oled -cit i... now' Good assumable I Club on Bays1d(' Dr '-101"'"''""'~'""fe -d• lSl. Sweeping stairway Larges l f' E E Io t I to master bdrm Just . Stalder unable lo finish IL' "'1 TIE u,2.M IJ listed ! Ca ll today. I reno\•at1on JO vear 673-8550 ---------~-------finanrmg available al I 12·'• , Needs approx THE REAL ESTATERS ~---~- LOWEST PRICE JUSTUSTED' A l>t\l'1tM1ol Sl50.1Wtor1nishpro1et·t EN FIT I in the area for this lovely · JI Jrbor fo, "''lml·nl Co Pnced Car below ma rkel I' I I' I ' 4 Bdrm home. A real COSTA MESA for qui ck sale \'en . . . . J ti tew ., ... ., .... ..... •c.i-.. _, ., ... ._., ..... "'"'• ...... fl'°"' ,., .. IJ W•l!ttt ttC.1111• ""-"' ...... ··-,, .... ,.,... '"' •Ooo .... .... .. _ .. -. .. .. ·-.,~ .... . ... ·-..._ '"' {)Nun.I -------mil bargain at $1.20.000 Ca ll COMMERCIAL STORE large profit potcnt1al 1 . . t Als6LUTESTUL BLVD. sui table for 760-729'l h· --..--.,....-..--......... ~. Glrla won't pay any auen-nowm~o on busy NEWPORT AJJplansapprpved Bkr. I MIL 0 8 I:·; . ~~:~:~o~~o ALLSTATE OWll.;,:~;~:X~~ THREE HOUSES , _______ 1 ' I I I I' ~~~0!00~:~ y~ur0i:11.5~~:::. SPYGLASS -REALTORS . ' • 6~~0• ~lS!~e ~;,21y r~m~~l CDM DUPLEX 1 .... ,-N_A_B_N_A_Y_.....,1°1 course, irs • .... -. BY OWNER Call64S-9161 New on market. O'Aner·s • I I ,. I I e C....ot.•• .... c~..c•fe Q""'ed OWNER FINANCING ., urul + cottage So or . . . . . . 1>v "''::1 ·• n.. .... ....,,, ._do 6br/4a,,ba.4100sqrt WantAdResults 642·5678 WantAds Call642-S678 hwy.~·. rmancmg.13'. .,....6-lop '"'""011No lb•low 2S Bodega Bly ror 10 yn.. 3 car garage ... """ NUMSU'£0 I' r t' I' I' I' I' I' r I Call owner. 759.0737 An amazing 2 bdrm. 3 ba ~ lfllltS . _ • • . • . • _ owner's unit plus 2Br. ;:;;::=:=:::;::::;:=::~:::::;~::=::;:::;::::::;~ THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS IRIGHT ANDSUHHY . If you're fussy. 3ee this one! Very private 3 Bdrm ~\.'l bath condo. Large living area. highl y upgraded . skylights 2 fireplace. 2 car garage Onl y $124.900 Call to see. 5*2313 ftMl4 PllCE HDUCED 01i th1' super sharp 3 Bdrm home. Wet bar, 1n1rble (rplc & much more is olfered by this owner-who is most anx· lous to lt'lo"e. Only $121.500. For • "dillon•I lnrormativn call m.~o. RESIOENTIAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES BUN GO IUY! Special St. Patricks OPEN HOUSE. 2100 E. OCEAN BLVD. A most exquisite french country custom home. ~lt by Tom & Beth Carney. No detaJJ spared. A truly quality 3 BR corner lot 'home PLUS AN OCFAN VIEW! $795,000 1 .Al.SO OPEN 1415 E. BAY $1,800,000 lEn> E. BALBOA BLVD. $725,000 2101 E. BALBOA BLVD. SS~.000 2UO E. OCEAN BLVD. $425.000 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ------1 11 2 ba cottage w/spa G;" ...... , I I I ·I I • I I I I no less. Priced to sell im--lo.l~~Ol.lu~ceu•--1.-L. . ..J.. -1..-.J.L....-•-m.....J.-L. . ..J. . ....J . • --------1 med. at $255,000. Call SCRAM-lfTS Aft1wen le c•-~ta _ _...._ 5300 quick or lose out. ~ ·COU OF NIWPOAT RU.L10RI uua.c..cM••· Cot_ .... _ 175-5511 Mardi to your phone to place a hst-1ctiog classified ad. 642·5678 644-7211 /Jn NIL(L llAILE Y & A55UCIATE5 1 * MESA YBDE * -WITH POOL AND SPA Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. Beautiful area. ns:ooo dn. Asking '240.000 n~trno pymt. PP Agt. 700.7089 .... . ••111-.LTllTml I TELL MORE PEQPLE ABOUT YOUR SALE 1· •• ..,.. Signs are great to give directions to your garage sala. .. bul ro let peop• know you're IWldtoS.lt. 1"9w I 044 Panoramic ocean vie" ••••••••••••••••••••••• lot in Laguna Beach DESPERATE ea11 Leone ror details Woodbridge Landing Molseed & Rylee Dvlp. L«e 2500 sq ft exec. 4 br. . 7141640-2912 Price slashed S20.000 ~.J..soo. ssz.7322 Sell lhing.s fa.ti wilh Daily I Pilot Want A<ls. Keep an eye on prices the easy way-be a regular c lassified reader 642.5618 7461 i,Q(k'B~ -~ ALLSTATE Gated F.ntry -Decorated To Perfection • Two Bedrooms + Den • 'l)vo Baths+ Powder Room • • Custom Carpeting - Drapes ~ Van Lull Papen . Air condi- tioned -.Storaee Galore • Shown By Appointment. $266,000 . A 11Joy Of Newport" l.Jltini, I , having a .sale, you should schedule an ad to run In the Classified section ol lh1s newspeper! It's the best way to fell people what : REALTORS ..., ---... -..,, -9'1 -ml -.., --... •• .J•=~ Jal OiF'"' W. I bdrm, all tlec, pool, RV Pklnl, Clwlllll•, Adlt comm. 1U·•H·t011. or . · uwimm Bia C.~~ron McLain Condo. 3 BR, 2~ BA. JJUll11' .Koom. .lQ 1Jondo Model. • Community Pool & Tenllia. Sec:urlty 0.t& Gttlt Fln6cin,. Priced At Only '2301000. ---------------- , you're selling, when and how to get to the sale. Call IQday and let us help you word ypur Id. •Y PUT.~. CWSlll* 1'24111 L .... 0 ...... ~1 111• P••IONN•L 1•v1c11. am ••to• •o• ... Von Bulow case disrupts Newport, RI., colony calm :n=:!~~ ~ a fourth 11 • ·tired N-U6C =.-· ,..o. ..... ,_. .... u. rft»ltll worD ot .n. lllOlt Oil UMile ma"""'"' IWt OG ~ Awnue, a two-mile ICred of ~1&.~-NIWfORT, Rl. (AP) -"n1.ta ii fa1rj &ale land, • land ol cmtlel brl1Dmln1 wlth loyal Mrvant. that dec.'oiate a f•bled atrelCh of U'9 A\lanUc: COMtllne-. wwW. Tiii• ..,,.,_ It ~~·.-9• e I' D .. I I ' p ,,. J• .. There'• a yechttn, club, a ten- n.11 club with an-courta, a be.ch club and a variety of French crackif\I ~vement called Mil· llon•hfea Row. Th• JloMcUff manalon Wal a bedcdrw for ~ movi. ~"!be Great Gauby" tn 1971. . Tbedty'•loveofhlltorylhow9 ~h1•8· 1-8 .. <;Ma~~· CM""'~·.i-.... 1M 1n u.. ~y malntaiMid hcg.. -.L .),~.:i ~JC 1111, ~-~ _.. "" • around w~ Square In . """ ltwllS C-tr """ "' Ottnel c-•; ell bwt center °' town. proudly ~ ... ~ #1 N B h , ... ••· , .. rtni plaquet announcln1 they cxn DOVER DRIVE, 4, ewport eac .....,..,.. 0 .,.. CiMll 0•11~·= dlice to the Oolonia1 ere. • ~ ..... ia, MetcA t •. "· '"' "M1 restaurant1. , • For the rich at play, there a110 waa prlvacy -until !14artha "Sunny" von Bulow broucht her million.a and her husband, Claus, to join Newport'•summer colony. From the mldtt of ~fairy tale came a whodunit, a real-We aame of Clue: Wa It 'fttily Claus von Bulow , with the hypodermic~ needle In 1he bedroom? A jury There'• The Bteabn. modeled after an Italian~ DI.l- ace and built for c.omeuua 1111\· derbUt. Tbere-'1 Marble HOUie, modeled after the P~dt Tr1andn a Venaillea, and The Elmt, built in 1901 for a coal ~te. Anet then there'• Clarendon c.ourt. the von Bulowa' 1ummer and holiday home which hu a ht.1ge back lawn Ieactlna to the ocean. It WU built In 1904 by Horace Trumbauer foe Edward R. Knight, an executlv..e of the Pennsylvania Railroad. "High Society," s;arrtng Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby. was filmed there. 1bt Wh.tte Hone Tavern, buUt ·---------------I -1111( ' before 1873, 1' the oldett opera-._ PllJC ma ~~=~!:.~'31'~ ~Adoption N1mOUI_.. "~m=~· ...._.ore ....... 'D--i • ....i-__ .. once ......... ,_., fll• followlnt "r•oir '• dolllt ~I.' UllV ~u ...... I -.nu d •1d r,,.~..,._.llNdolr'tW!I-OWIMtt•: -111"'"-· '--~ ... uartera for n-ue WI . --... H OtST,lllVTO.-, MP w. 11~--3 •--.... ...-..... MJCC etflMAN lllAQIHO. 1 """'°"' M«Arl-111 ... ,. ..... ...,., Ca. '2'°4 Waahlngton, hM become a ~ =· llff .. 140, ""'°" hMll. CA 11111 HYO! r.o, m N. A1 ... 1r1 Or., room for report.en coverinC the MuctA.lllMWt.INC .. •~ A,...._,,,,,eo,mcw decided to4ay it WU. . . Von Bulow'• trial on charges he tried to murder his helrees wife, worth $75 million, opened a door that rarely opens here for the unannounced. von Bulow trial. '.horses D!OfllOflllOn, t ......, ........... 140, Tllb -'-,, ,~ .... "" 1111 h • 1..--hJn ......,._,.,CA-. lndlvkluol There a1n 1 uccn anyt ff 'rNt ..,_ 11 ~,,.. __ 8..,. .._ T .. like the von Bulow trial here Fla (AP) re11on T111t .._._ ... ".., w1111 ... ARCADIA, . .,_A. ...-. ino. c-tv C1er11 01 Ot•nee c-•Y .., lince a friend of IOd.alite Doria • -Wild honM roped on ~ ..._ ,_. ... rv 11• '"'· Duke wu crushed bt_ a car on the the ranges of Oreaon and Tllll-....._....,...,"'°Cowll) ,..,_.1_ or.,. c..." o.i~'= front' gatel of her Rough Point bUft'OI captured in the c... °' o..,.. COWMy on""-" 4, teu. F.o. u. -· 2. •. "· 1t11 'IM2 estate -with the eodallte behind de.tttt of ;&alifomla are ..... •,...., ._ r-..ot · . ...,. _. mnH the wheel. Acddental, abe said, being trucke d to thi1 EC:.~ .... ,. ,_.. _,,.. The fairy tale had a moral: unhappiness can visit anyone, even those who breathe the r1ch air of Newport. In an artlele von Bulow wrote on the histopy of Clarendon ·Court, he conBuded: ''I hope tu- ture writers will be aa kind to the- inhabitants of Clarendon Court as I have.been In this." ~~e~wu ~~ trial South~ cowboy capital jllubllellM o. "-=.t o..ir P11o1. ,.~~!:::::::' that tt Wal tfie potential to be put Up for adoption. _.,,_.. "-JS, IO~ I, tlU 1--..a l 11• lollowlnt per\on I• dol11g was .. Some 250 of these or-bonl""' .,, for SUfC(de, defens~ attorney ~ham Of the wild wjll be fllklC Illa £. ond J. of llBl!RON, lt10 I Herald P F~er said of von uled t..., ccr .. 11111e L•M, Hunu"Vl.,. 11 .. c11. "'CllTIOUS eusiNau • . cr<m.a>Un....., u . . ColltormonMe NAMaSTATaMCNT Bulow. wife In c1oaing argu-part of a federal program NOTtCI 0, DIATH 0, EGf\O R. Gllben, "10 CoHlllM Tll• foll-lno ,__, .,. doing menta. aesigned to thin. the DORA MoGUtGAN AND 0, Lelle, Huntlngtoll 8ff<ll, Collfor11lo -l:i.•~et.:.ENA ORIVE IN OAIRY, The 335-year-oJd settlement nestled at the tip of Aquid.neck Island has long been a strategic location. The British ·Wied it to_ watch for a French invasion. The American Navy was founded here in 1775. The Navy dominated the com- munity until the late 1800s, when industrialists wanting to flee the summer h~t of New York City hifed architects to build copies of European pa.laces on the rocky seacoast. There are dozen• of stores catering to the whims of the rich -ch6colatiers, an imported wood-stove shop, antique shops and expensive restauranta. • But although Newport is al9o the pome of one of the world's premier yacht races, the Amer- ica's Cup, held every three years in Rhode Island Sound, the summer _oo!on.y .makes up only a small part1Sthe city'• 29,000 population. Then, talking to a jury made Up herdp thl t crowd the ::~l~O:C,T~1~:enc.DlltNtaTIER ~I• ~AHs 1, <onctu<locl 0y •n IOU 11:l:r Strool, Cotto Muo, of a doi.en people who never wide o~n ?ed: To _ .. ...:..._ ...... 1nc11v1c1uo1. co11c10!!".!~. _ ........ _ ........ , -. ' edth . h fMilli . • . -· ·-·· -• l Eclne".Glllle11 . ·-~-..----... -..... enJOy enc es o ona1l'eS Dou le-ecker seml-credlt0t9 9f1d oontlngent credl-Tiiis s1ei-1 wes 111.0 "'"' u.. 5U4 For1111111 c1rc1e, Hunt111g1011 Row, he <JUOted from the laat trailer trucks will "carry tore of Dore MoQulg•n end ~uni• c~r".: Oro,... County .., B•:~~~c:'~=s~condu<l•d bY stanza of 'Richard Cory," an the bealta of burden and r,:.:: who may be otherwtM •bru•rv ·' · 111.., 1iui1>onc1 -wii.. Edwin Arlington Robinaon poem. the mu1tang hybrid• :.-r~ted In the wiU and/Of Pu1>11shed Oronve c"'' oe11y P1101. T111s ~ ;: i11oct w11t1 .,,. about the wealthiest man In town, They'll be brought to the : ;..ttlon hu i filed by Morc11 2. '· 14, u , '~ •n.., cou111y c1e<11 ot Or•,... county .,. whom J>O?rer people aaaumed was old rodeo growMla In this RolHn 0. Conklin In t Supenor NI.JC 111¥( Februor• ,., 1"2. ~ the happiest: tiny central Florida Court of Orange C unty re-...... Pubu.-0ronoeeo.11 oo11, Piiot, "So on we worked and waited for the liJlht comm uni~ of 6 000 questing that Rollln o. Conklin MCmCa °' APf'UCATIOll Marc11 2, •. 14, n , 1ta ....., urnbe• be eppolnted aa s>«tonal rep-TO ea&. where cat e outn r reeentetlve to edmlni.ter the A&.COMOUC en111MU PllUC Illa J>e2j>le. . eetate of Dora MoGutgan (under To_,,,.. " ~ ~ Du.rtng two weekenda the Independent Admlni.tratlon CAUIO U9A.. INC. 11 ~ '° .. "'CT1T1ouuusi1uEsa • The result was a line of walled fortresses, many now owned by the Newport Preservation Soci- ety, of which von Bulow is vice president. Stock ed with antiques an<! The larg t emp oyer in New - port County is still the Navy, with a payrolJ of 8,000. Three von Bulow jurors work at the Naval Underw~ter Systems C.enter, and "AM went without the meat and cursed the bread "And Rjchard Cory one calm in April the federal Bu-ot Eatat• Abt). The petition 19 ~ofAIOallalc...._., <::'.!! NAMeJTAn•1eT ' · for hwlng In Dept No 3 t lor • ••r· On Sall O..::;:J.oPu61c-.,. T "• follo•lng P.,M>n Is dol119 summer night "Went home and put through rus head." reau Ot . .rand M:n~-;:, CMcc.ntet onv.: w9.t. ~n :=o=:..~ ..... = ""'1:~~ASKELL 01L & GAS 1'11. ment Wl tum t e -the City of Senta Ana, C.itfornla Pu .. llllod Otani• Cout Dally Piiot uoo Prlv ... RO.O, Now-1 &Nell, CA 8 bullet mats over to people who on Apfll 7, 1982 et 9:30 a.m. Matdl 11. 1M2 · . ~mt.a t2"4> ~plied in advance to IF YOU OBJECT to the _.,. _ ROBERT s. HAMILL, co-.roi ,_ ••~ Portnet, UDO Prlvote·R-. "-1 opt a burro for $145 or grenttna of .the petition, you eooc11. CAt'HfO .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:--~~ ., WhptMlto SPOOKED -Bonnie the elephant is calmed by a trainer after the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey circus star ran amok when it took a wrong exit from the arena at Norfolk, Va. There were no injuries. . Pageant scorned·· LJMA, Peru <AP> -Femip~ts have sent a · ~rotest letter to President Fernando Belaunde Terry claiming it would be financially and sexually exploitive to hold the 1982 Miss Universe beauty pageant here. Pageant organizers said Peru is the first South American country to host the contest, which culminates June 26 with the crowning o.f Miss Uni verse. Contestants from 85 countries are expected to participate. Prof it possible do"wrn on farm LOWER MUD RIVER, W. Va. CAP> -So it's impossible you say, for a family 'to earn a decent living these days on a s mall farm? Not so, sa)lS Roger Sadler, and he's set out to prove it. Just outside t he Lincoln County seat of Hamlin, on eight acres that used to make up the county poor farm , Sadler and the West Virginia U niversity Coll ege o f Agriculture are demonstrating 'the error of that all-too·easily accepted piece of conventional wl.sdom. Inc luded i n the eight acres are a 10,000·square·foot green house, S:iO dwarf apple trees, grape vines, a half.acre of strawberries, tomatoes, an4 a little bit o' anything else that catches Sadler's fancy, included a little tobacco. "This is LineoTn County.so of cours~we have tobacco.'' Sadler says. With all that, he says, a family of five can earn a net profit of about $20,000 to $25,000 a year - -plus a ll the vegetables they can eat and preserve. .. "Of course, that·s assuming you've got three kids big enough to work," he~says. The exception to that "family-of.five" rule comes in the spring, when It's time ·to fill the greenhouse. For three weeks in the spring, he s ays, three addttlOrial workers are needed. · In all , excluding real estate costsL Sadler says he's got abouL $50,000 worth or capital "at today's prices" tied up in the family-sized farm, which be says has the potential lo earn "between $55,000 and $60,000 a year -if you sell everything." Sadler grew up In Lincoln County, a rural region south of Charleston known chiefly for its tobacco farms and oil wells. His love of farming and rural life is what led him to the demonstration project. "The sfrnple purpose of this farm is to prove that it can be done as a family operation," he says. It hasn't been easy, however, and this year was the first that the farm turned a profit. "Next year, barring the wrath of God and Mother Nature, we'll make enough to make it really worthwhile," he says. Although beginning family farmers shouldn't expect to make a profit "before the third year," Sadler says he firmly believes that a family could 'do the job better than he is doing it. a horse for $350. •houlcf either appear at th• · ,.,CTmous •uslNHS Thh t>.ni""' 11 conc1uct11c1 b• • ''W e have to find hearing and •tat• your obJec· NAMenAnMeNT llml1ed=~~11m1n b mes for them ;, Said tlont Of fHe Wfttten Objectlona Tiie lollowlllg person Is Oolrtt Tiiis st.I_,! •• flleO wlOl·U. 0 ' with the COUrt befOfe the hea• bullneUM ' Counly Clet'll of ~·-c-ty on Steve Altman of the bu-r1ng. Your eppeeranoe may be R & w COMPANY, L To, 1"'2 Feti 11• ,.., reau's Washington D c In perl9n Of by your attorney. Mllllken •Avet1 .... Irvine, COlllornle f<tatte office. . . IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or ttl~4Roberl 0 llr lto. GenerOI ,,.';."~~S::,.!;"r,~ Doll• Pllol, a contingent credltor of lh• Port11er, s1 a .. co11 •• ,, N••Po" . · · · · m.c deoeued, you mutt file your e .. c11, eo111om .. .,..., aalm wttt1 the court°' preeent 1t T111s 11u11 .... s 11 conc1uc1•d by • I t t._ ,._,.... .. , ...,. ....... tatlve II ml led -1ne<11tlo. 1------------C~l,... O ,,. .,.......,_ r_,..,_, Ro09<10 9r'901 NOflC• °" faust••I' IAL• appointed by the COYrt within Tiii• sa.1"Nl\t ... flleo •llll Ille f'ICllllOUS 1us11eass On Alt'll 7, 1'12 ot tt:• o.m. FlltST four month• from the date. of counly Clerk of Or•noe Cout1tY on MAeole STAT••NT AMIEltlCAN TITLE IHS\JltANCe flrlt 198uanoe Of letter• U pro-F9bruory2', ltC Tiie follow lng person h doing COMPANY.•Caf""""•<O<JMH"OllonH Ylded In Section 700 of the Pl ... 17 llulllMHOt: .. lrutl••· or SllCceuor TrultH or Pr b t ,....,,,_of California The Publl"*' Oronve Coost Oollv Pllol, F I N 1 l I cS ' S s T A M P s Subslllutad Trwt .. , cH INt c-111 0 e e .,,.,._ .. ~11• AUrch 2, '· 14, U, ltC ••W1 UNLIMI TEO, eCll3 EH1 Eucolypt~ DMd of '""' 0111<"'*1 by 1tlc11er4 N. time for flllng clalma w. not . ---Troll, oronve. c. . .,... St. Thomea -OI-st.,....._, explreprlortofourmonthafrom _.,. "11CE "'•nk A Flnhlo, eou East l111SINnd -wit., end P-lo A. the dete Of the hearing notk:ed t"W9'A Euulyptus Troll, Or•nte. Co. '2 ... Siiier, Oft UftfflOtrlOd womOft, Olld aboVe 'Thi• -lnen Is candu<led by .,. re<;ordocl M9'f II, ltlt .. lflat,_ ' J ftle PICTITIOUS IUMNaM lndlvldUOI. No. 12115, 111 llooll MOU,'°"' 446, of YOU M"'Y EXAMINE the NAMe STAT•M•NT Fr_ A Flnlllo Otflclol "-* el Or0ftll9 c:-..ty, kept by the coutt. If you ate Tiie tollowln9 perao11 h doln9 Tiii• stot_,1 •M meo wltll Ille Collfor11lo, •nd purauo11t to tllot lntereated In the eetate, you buslneuM: Co11111y Clet'll ol Oro,... County .,. c.tUln ftOllQ of Olf9'11t -E1«11M may lite. request wtth the COYrt Dy NAM I c CONC E p TS. 20• Febf'uory 17, 1912 to S.11 ~~ N_ ... , to recelwoT:: notice of the Fernlfff Ave., Cor-•1 Mor. CA PtlltlS JO. , .. , • IMtr.-No -· In · m u Publl-o.....,. CoeR Oe11, Piiot book UJCM, -549, of Otllclol ln'IWltoty eetN eeeet.8 and Oeboro s. HlntJ, JIM FemlNI Avew F•b n. MM 2, t, 16, 1112 nt.c AKO!dsohoNIC.ouflty,wHl _r_ of the i:-tJtlonl, eccouni. and C-0*4-.CAmJS. 11UrwMt to...,. °""'of Trwt toll ot report• detcrlbed In Section Tiii• """-' •• ~loci by '" pWlk -'IM for <-"• 1-"" _., 1200 of the Callfomla Probate llldlv'-1. of -Ulll\ad SC.. af Atna~o, at... ~ S. Hlntl moln ..,...,_lo Flm A-kM Tltle Code. Tiiis -•• ltlod <Mtll -1111uro11<• CaMpony locotod et II• 8peotor, ..., 6 ~ At-Coull" Cler1I of 0r....,. Cou111'1' -Eost Flftll S.rwt. In N <ltv of Sent. torMJ et Law, 11111 8aft VI· Marcll l, t"2. AN, Collfwnio, •"""' rltM. 1111e -oente •twd. aulte 110, Lo• "1-1 ....... 11 ,_.,.., •-,_ llelcl by II ~ CA' --W. (21I) Pullll-Oronoe Coa•t Oelly Piiot, under Mid Doff of Trutt 111 lllo _, Morcll t, i..n.JO, 1"1 lott-11 ,.....,.,y ~ad In Mid County -• Sto .. Lo~"';;'~: 2li3, .. per ..... l'l.ClllNdO...C-0.,Plae.March .....c llTt( recordNlnllodlft, Potn•-Jtef "-t7,ZS, ltlf _. .1~ ~-----------Mltcel'-~ In ... offke of "ICllTIOUS IUSIN•M ltle ~ R--. of Mid CAluftt•. P9)C l9'1C( NAM• STAT••NT' Tiie strwt -s or otller '°"'"'°" • T II• followlftg peraon la doing Cl•slgnollOft of Hid property : 1,1------------:-_ lluliMHos: jHjrportad .. be: JI" SICiiy, Coste llOT1Ca °' TllU9TD'8 9M..I LIFE PROFILE SYSTEMS, ntOI MoM, CoOfomlo. ~ le0. IU"'"11 ....... , Or., WHtnllMt«, CA tMG.""' Said sole will bo mode wllllout T ... leO. r-.a Mory Moyurnl Vloaoll-tioh, unn covenont or worr.,.ty. ••Prou or T~IEIWICO.IHC.•04#r HenloyOr.,WHtmlnster.CA '2413 . lmpllod, °' to !Ille, POH .. llOfl or eppolllloct lruet• uftdor lhe IOllowlnQ Tiii• lluslne1s Is <onclucioct 11¥ .., f<ICTITIOUS •us11e•ss ~ llATaM«NT 'Tiie fol-Int perso11s AC. Oolnt bu\lftttS Ol SUPERllOOIES. lit E. 11111 Sir-. Costo Melo,CA t'16J7. llTH ST FITNESS PLACE, INC, e C•llfornlo ,.._.11on. 11t ..E. 11111 Slr .. t. Calta Mno, CA 92611. Tllh l>usl~I h <onclu<locl lly • corporollon. 11111 SI. Fl"-s PIK•. Inc. Oonlel O.Owrow,Pret. Tiiis sa.t_,I ••• llled wlOI IN Countv Cle11< of Ora~ Cou114....., Feb. 11, 1"1. f"1U. Publllllecl Orenge COOll O•llY Pllol, Fe«>. 23, Morell 2, •. 16, 1912 ,..._., OMumtwoncn to sotllfy Ille u,_ld ~ 09ad oi-.wiu. SELL AT botoflca -Oft , ... Ml• or notu PU9LtC AUCTION TO THE HIOHffT lflclJ.v~"' M. VIOMll·Hoft _..,. l9fl( tocurecl by sold Deed of Trust to •II· lllODE1I FOfl CASH~ ii tllM of Tith scoi-t wM fllocl wllll Ille ,..._ "4.tn.6.5,pf111tt1eto11-1non'11mot.d ... 111'-"'.:::.,C:..tlla~~i.::/ cou11ty CIOrll of o.._ County.,. -----------coeo, --and OCIVOIK• OI IN .. :;'C,,... of T In -II. ,.. "CllTIOUS IUSINass lllM of .... l111ti.1 l>Ullllcetloll of ..... ::::" ~~=llled."* re • "'M617 NAM•STAT•M .. n Nollceof Selell,071.51. Tr~": Pill.It O. WfflT9'iAN, a ~I-Or ... Cont Ooll• Piiot, Tht followlng perso11 la <tolnt FI RST A#l.ERI CAtt TITLa ........ Morcllt,16,u,»,tta IOIZ-42 llvlln•uos: INSURANCE COMPANY, o Colltornlo fENE,ICtAltY: ALLSTATE ~"?..: lNFORMATION MA~AGEMENl cor11onl.... AHO LOAN A890CIAT'ION, a ...C llll( TEC HNIQUES, HIOI Mor9uerlt< Ootocl: MMdl4, lta CIClf9«lllloft • • ------------! Perkwoy, Sun. 112QS, MIS'*' Viejo, Oaf! 0r-roc1. ....... Mwcll ti. 1111 • "'*· No. Collli>rnlo fM2 • ~.-Offkor llMl 111 lloalt '*'·:'I:. a of Olllcllll "ICllTIOUI IMISIN•U Poul Crer11lk, 2Jf'26 S.nollo, t14 hit l'1f9\ ~ "--*Ill .. Olll9 of "'°°'*' .,:! ICAMll STAHMaNT Mlulon Viejo, Cotllorrtll''*1 Santo AN. atlf«fllo fl'1V2 °' .... c-.r. ..... CIMd Of INel Tiit followlng P•flOft Is dol119 Tiiis ~ I• condll<IH by all 1114) -.»ti ~':::.a liit::'!: .... 111-M lllftSH. lndlvld ... I Pvblllllad 0r-.. Coast Dolly Pllet. _111.,., .. LOC t.~n·--•tlO;tn FERN'S LINGERIE . J.404 Vlo P .. 1cum1t rel! 1',D,JO. "'2 lu..«J .. Qlyofc.la...._o-.lyof~ Lido, N~llffctl.Co . .,.., Tiiis 11it..._t we. flleo wltll the ._ofo.-.r..la.•11W1NP--.Jtn Judllll P. Or1, 447 S BOdford Or., Counl,y CIOr1l Of Oro,,.. County on '** t81, ,...-40 llO u ~.,. 11.,,.,,, "'"'·Co. t0212 F•~•rv•. 1ta. 1 c.n--111.,., Ill tlle offtco Of tllo Tiiis _1,_, I• <-ucl.O 0y an ,.,ant o-.ly........, of ... c-.y, llldMduot PWll"*' 0rff9 CooSt Oolly Piiot, NOTICI 0' DIATH 0' TOQITHE" WITH llOll·OJtClu•I•• Jud11'1 P.Or1 Marc112.•.14,2', lta .. ,s.c IL.LA ODY AND Of Nii llOM -*end -..,.._..,.of Wiil' Tiii• ..._,,_t •• meet •1111 111e TO AD•llTER IE8TAn NO. :-...:::::~.;::.'= County c1er11 of Or•-County .., A1187. cabin, polM. wlrM and colldu1t1 for Fetiruorvi•. fta ,.tllln PlklC Illa To .. helt9, benefk:tattee, ~o= i:' ... 10. •• PulMlslled Or.,. Coott Dolly Piiot MOTIC• °" IAL• OP ltaAL credltora end contingent credl-........ -.. . ..-·• -p1poa, Mar. 2, '· 1•. u. 1t11 t42.., ,.•oNaTY'AT ,..,VAta uu tora of Elle Oxby end ~ ---•---. MCI 1or aua11 root -sw" ,,., IALTZHRGUOM SMITH & TUTHILL wtSTCLIFF CHAPEL "There's a difference with working for the DllJH 11mas state and working for yourself," he says. "'First of II all, half or my lime and labor goes to reporters, answering the t elephone, and other such things. "In addition, I'm only allowed to work 40 hours a week. But if this was your place, or my place, we'd work from daylight to dark. If an indlviduaJ is determined just to work a 40-hour week, why it's going to go down the drain." Who m.y be oth•rwl" Inter-~ 911C1 ~·. ~~of..! PIH Illa 111 IM 51.ipenor o-t of• su" of a. or ........ -·_.,. --· Collfort•lo. for tlle c ... 11ty of Los eeted In the will and/or eeta .. : aClj9Cmll Iota of Mid tt9Gt lor root -· A,,..1 .. 1n tlle -... llf ._ Ea.._ of A -ttlon haa been nled by .... 911dothaf•Ooedlil•lll.OI•.. f'ICllflOUSIUllN•SS JAMES T. CAUGHLIN .... JAMES ....... or...,..., ldrid. NAM• STAT•MeNT • Robert R. Hurwitz In the or l!XCEPTINO from Hid undMdod The 1011o•ln1 perao11 h 001119 THOMASCAUGtiLIN, oecoowc. Superior Court of Orange tfN4tll.,._lll_tn911dtot..ot t, lnenos: Notice 11 Mreby gl,,.n tllOt u.a • 4:>7 E 17th SI Costa M e<.a ME\·Cl37t rtllCI HOTHHS Si.t!THS' MOITU4U 627 Main St Hunt1nq1on Bt:ar n 536·6539 PACIFIC YllW MIMOllAL PAalC Cerretery Mortual'\< Chepel·Crematorv J500 Pac1l1c View Q,,ve Newoort Beach 6« 2700 McCO.....ac MOITUAllH LaQuna Beach 49-4-9415 L3Quna Hills 168·0933 San Juan Capistrano •95·1776 ~10. LAW~MT. OLIYI Mortu1rv • <Alrre terv C1ema 1orv '1625 G1~ler Ave Cost• Mesa s.40-565A ,_Cl llOTMll S m&.•OADWAT MOllTUMY 110 8'040W•v Cost•Mnt Ml-9150 I ROSELLINI DINA ROS.!!LLINI, telident of Cotta Me.a, Qi.. Pamed away on Man:h 14, 1982. Survived by her hl.llbend Alfred, 2 8CIW Remy RoRllnl. MD of Newport Beech. Ca.. Davey lbeUW. DDS ot C<ieta M , Ca. and 6 crand· cru.iaroen..1DJe w• a member of 1 of Italy of Coeta Rcmry will b. recited CXl y, Man:h 16, 1982 at 7:30 and Prayer eervicet will be held CXl Wedneeday, March 17, 1982 at lO:OOAM both at PacUJc View Chapel. Entoimb- mmt at hdflc View Memorial Park. ~ View Moru.ia.ry, Newport a.di direc10n. STRlCK.Ell GIX>RGI! H. STRICKER. a rwklen.1 ol Newport~ Ca. P--1 aw~ -Man:h a. 11182. Survived b7 hl1 wife Or1ce Marie, 2....,.. w.c. w..., of Sen Joee. ea .. Rob.n Wacn- of Dana Paint., Ca.. ..... Gr.. Bndford ot ~. Ca. md • rrandchUclren .. lilemo.11aJ M r-vlc11 ••r• held on rrtday, March 12, 1812 •t 2:00PM •t the PMlflc Vtew c:tr:l. Entomb-ment wae 1t P View Me- morial Pd. haUk Vww Mof'. tuu'y, ~a.ch dlrecton. Another difference, Sadler says, is the prices he is permitted lo charge as a state agency. When it comes time to sell the products of hrs greenhouse -'vegetable plants in the spring and poinsettias in the fall and winter -as a state agent, Sadler mus t make certain be doesn't undenselJ any commercial operation. "It's not that I couldn't do it, baaed on my costs ," he says. "But I'm just not allowed to." If he were permitted to undersell commercial greenhouses, he says, he could open up markets for his poinsettias in Charleston and Huntinston. selling up to 8,000 a year in.stead ol the 3,000 be bas a market for in Hamlin. Because of the farm 's expert.mental nature, Sadler keeps a careful watch on the return from each of his endeavors. Thls year, he says, the·big moneymakers have been the greenbou.se andftta half-acre of ''plck-them-1&unelf" strawberries. "We el.med about $10.35 for every hour we put into our atrawberries this year," Sadler says. lb contrast, he'll earn only about $I:ll0 an ~ur for the work he bu put into his tobacco crop. Meetings pubU~~~ County ,_.,uaeti.... that Robelt no11-ucl11alvo MIOlllOftl• ond non· o y NA s Ty E N l E R PA 1 s Es. .....,.,.1.,.0 will sell • Prlvoi. ..... ._., "'V ......._.., -•--'-~ IO IMlllOMJl-llelt~,to*l«t R. Hurwitz be eppolnted a1 adllalwo • ..,_ "' MW • -~ ..... Hu11t111910n Hertiour, s.i11e .en, •..as ,.__ llPOf\ .id t..ot t lor _, ot,,..,...... i9'11quln. Slrael, Humlnvton &eo<ll, to (Otlflrmetlon of WW 5-'lor -., 1)9rSOnel 1'9PreeentetlY9 to ed· 1~,-•llil ogr-. tetovrllOll cel>IM, olltorlllo,,... . °" or ofter the 1Stll e1e., of Mol'dl t• mlnl-19Mhe eetete of Ella Ox~ ~ ._ 9llCI COftdl* tor~. Paul M. Vane•. 4971 SMt'll Orlve, et tlle ofllc• of JOE ltAYC._A,.f, d h I d d t ,. ~ 9llCI "'-' '*91. 9llCI --... Attorney, 2'°°° Sautll WHMnl A-. (un er t • n epen en " • tromen11. tllerolo, end tor •llch roof Hunt1"91on eooc11, Colltornl• n ROOfll e t, Soft """'· c-.t• of L.M mlnl91retlon of Eatat• Act~ The _...,. 9llCI °"* •aoedwnelill OI • Tiiis buSl1MS1 11 conduclect O't on AntelM, Stele of c.llfornlo, 011 ._ petition II Mt fOf heering In aeot......,kllld,lorlMbeMllloflM lndlvlctuol. rl91't lltle -llltlfftt !NI ... OIUot• Dept. No. 3 et 700 CMc eeni. =:i~..: ::.!.~ ~.!!:: nis ,:':"'...:;:~.: "'°" w1111 .,,. •' ~1• ~ ..... "°' 0<..a..-•v Dffle, Weet, In the Qty of Senta °"*"' arid _,..,. ~ .., LOC 14 ounty Clerk of Oro,... county °" =·~':"1,:" O:.: :.~•of°!':; Ana. California on April 7, 1982 ---tor roof~= FebN•r• 2'. 1"2 llKHHCI, ..... ,..,.,. ........ "' .... et 9:30 e.m. -~of•llt•ot of .id ,._ 1oo111Mcorto111...,..,....,,,.,_... IF YOU OBJECT to the r..:-........ of .......,.. .,,.. '°"_.1_ OrMOt coost oo1iv :;:; 111 City of 0r.,..., c-ity at 0r-.. nr::: of the p9tttton you IS44 floOflOefoea. Coeta .,.__CA Mor<ll 2,t, 1',t3, l"1 -· , Slole ol Collforftlo, portluletl"r • Ith 't t.. t2Mt ~ncrlbecl • IOlltwS,.,. '9ft: lhC>ul e er eppear a ne "(JI e ..... ..._ ot -dosllt-Pia.JC 11'11( Lot !ta .. MlldjftU .-. ,_. Maring Aftd ltAte )'OU=Ob ......, 11 __, ..,_, llO __, la . "· 111 tlle c-.ty of 0r-... S.... ot done ot fie writ* 9l•Ofl u to lie _,..,_ •r Collfer11lo, ••<OP' St, oa -~ wfth the OOUft befo'9 ~ ... , ........ -T"8 ~ ~ lllCTITIOUS eUMNaU -.corded Ill ..,_ t, P .... Jt -... .-y be Oaed OI fw.. _,. ,_ a or MAIM STAl•MllNf '-'•It, In tlle office of tM C-y ''"'W• OU( ~~nw)' =:.-:=::.-=..e.:,-:; Tiie folloWlng person la dol119 "KOf'Clff ...... Cowlty. In penotl ot vr your _,omey. o.llllllllall OI o. llutl....._ .. , Al .. tM4 llWfMll .t i..t 1'1 of • ,, YOU ARE A CREDt'TOA Ot ==~ --9'tltM IRVCE IN°'"'"IAI.. SALES, 601 M.cllHko "-· "'"' I", Ill .... a COntlnJent creditor Of the """8 ....... 1M ti...,.._ IO-So. Lombert Orio, 'ull•rton. Coullt• of Or .... , SI• of c:.1--. decund. """'' nut ftle YoUf' .,. ....... • • ... .,,...,.. '° collforll&atam t11<01t St.• -"'-r_.._ 111 ~...-.·~~-........ -It~.., l'C r ...... .......,.. lryco e.w. 601 So. Lombett e.Ollt.Potn1t•••~----•wnnu,....,.,.,_ ..,_,. ...................... .,.,_... ~l.,.,,...,......,.,Collfornlo92'D Jffko ef tfle (lluooty _.,...,ti .... ~ to the perton9I ~ ............. _ .............. ~ Tiiis ~Is C-UClM.,., ... Olllllty. IP!l...tof•llN .... ..... appointed by the oourt _... 1, •t •..-.Mo. ""Ill "80ll ': llldlv~. et•'°'"' ttfellt-.. • u....,...... four moMhl from the~ of ,... ........ 0.......-. •r,cee.110r ,-~••i..tm;~.--. .._ .._, _ _. ,__ • ......_ ............ _. ...... ~ f!llS, It..,_. -HIM .ftll h k11lll111Hlerly .,.,.. tllo IMtllMSt ..,.. --"'--· ... ~ ~ ...-•......, ·.....--... c..,..,,.c .. rlt" o. ..... Cou11ty"' ,_ .. ...,Lot..,.....,... ...... , 'ltded In 8actlon 100 of lM tlFa. J A4 •-•1:1: = Fetwvory M, tta.. 111, t••· ....... .,..· "'~ ,......._ ~Code of Celforn6e. 1lla N,......,. ..... ~l'lllt. W11t1 lfto -... , .... ----,...,.. .. wtr'I' Ill .... .,. .., Mng..,,. .. not ~:r=i::-.::... ..... PlllllllMdO....GoostOoUy_Pl .... MK•l•tfrM~. • ..... Pf'°' to four monJtlafrom ~· ........... ., ... 0...., ~111..• .... ~1-__ ....a ...... _,,,. ... _ •: ... the date of the~ nottoed ~ -:.~-= :=:-.:'.: -· ~ e.,....., !Jwto,Or ..... ebCWe. • .,._ti TNll. ~ ....... lllilll ell ,....... • ., To,,,.. ...... cOll\ 111._.. _., YOU MAY IXAMIHI! the fie ........-~-· MOP.M. ~ "aw UllltM ...... 111 MIO,.,,_. kasM by u. OCMt. lf you .,. =1:~, ..r::a=o::.: . .._ '~===:-:-,.:-.., -=::rr.::::: 1n......a In the ...... you ..... Ill a.ret °'.:i.ft• :;.: Tll• follHllllt ,.,..,. la fol'"• ... .......,. M ..... T• ~ .. 1n9Yflaa~wttf\.the00Uft M• .,.. ""*"; ........................... ...._ to~ ..... nottoe oftht :::.:.:.~==.......:.:::..,... ••CO eok1T.-UCTfOH ..... " ......... .._.,..... ... w .. cn.rt11.1GTON (AP> -An •wa1' court savs "'*''°'Y of ........... ...,.._.. ..... ._..,,_. OM~AHV,n'tt...,.A-.U111tt, .,,.1 .. ~et .. .._....~ i'.n.;,nu"I ...--"' of the paaao.-.. IOOOUntl lftd ~~ ................ Munt"'-'9Mcll,CA.... MMyf_ef'9r .. nl"llt-l1-that Cederal 11ency bud1et meetln1• must be repott• deacrlbed In leoiloft --.=if::lr'.R...-.-. ._!'i::! ... ~..!.=.:t._~ ~-:.T.:::=:,.. public, but it hu thrown out a contempt citaUoD 1aoo Of IM CtlfOf'nla PlrObMe ....... _.. ..... .,-. .... _... ........ afainat. Nuclear Refulatory Commluion memben Coda. ~ ~ 1111C. Tiiie ..,_. 1a ctlllMMf ..-• --......... .. who Mid budfl\'aeutou ta seer«. .... ...... r 01 •• ·'-Im. ......... . . .... .... ~. ' The court aald tbat while tbe NRC vtolated th a --Iii•=' 1 tom. .~.. ..Ntt . .,.. ,.. =..:' ~W: _. =:w."": .. law three tlmea between July t• and Jail re.., , .... 1 11••"'9 "-;: ._ ~ a..-• °' ... °""'" .. _., a-. ..... OctotJer, a cootempt ftndiu by Hn.lor U.S. Dlltrtct CA-. °" ,... "· ""' ,,... ~-=..-=... - Judie Edward CUnan a1afmt commlu...,. wu ......... o.... Dlllr ...... ......... o-a-o... Deltr "'*' er-. r... °"",.., ........... ~ .. -.U,Merdlt.9,M.I• .... u.-.alfll ... tod vape. . • . .. I "' • •ICTITIOUI .UllNIH ..... I TATl ... ltf tll• l•ll•wl111 "'"" h dol111 MlfltUD' , TYH·lllGHT llRVICIS, ll>t Terry Orlw, Hllf'lllfltlOfl 9"<11, CA ftt41. lo\INOY PAYt S.CHWAllTl, Ital hrry Orlw, Munl""'°" lff(fl, CA .ttM, Tlllt b1a l""t It <~MO by .., llldlvlelwet. ( Mindy •• S<flwertr Tllh --w .. fllold wlfll \lie c-•Y c1enr Of Ot•/199 County 0n f'ttl.11,1113. l'latt:M Publl"*I Orangt CMtl Dally Piiot, :•It. 2~ MM<ll !:_•, 16, 1!'_? 1at~ ..Xmlll l'IC'TITIWS IUSlfl IU NAM• S'fATlfMI NY Tiie loll-1110 ... rson1 are dol"O bullllfll U FORMAT PHOTOGAAPHY, 1421 At1•11t• Aw .. Hunllnotori &h<h, ca. 92 .... lruce Haotmel'9•, M21 All.., ta Aw .. Hunt"'91on 11eac:11. ca '2'46 Cllartn H ... ,,,..,.,. •o• AllAlll• Ave., H1111llngton Beacll, C•. '2'46 Tiiis busl ... u 11 (OfldUCl•d by a oe11eret panners111p. Bt\ICA Heoemeyer Tfllt fU-1 w .. llled with UM Cou"IY Clerk of Oran91 County °" Febf'u.,y 1•. 1991 P IUMS Publbhecl OrM>91 C:0.11 o.lly Piiot Feb n. Mar 1. •. "· 1"2 7""'1 "~Oflt eutlNlll ITATIMll"T Tiie etlowl"I Hr~ It fflfll .,.. ......... , t lh1:P'-1I11S..: ,r.,,•~,: f .. :! Mew,ce.tMU Slll•l•Y A. e onherdt, nos Slier~ Pt.:>HCM, N--1 llffdl, c •. .,~. -Tllll 1111\llleU It C-ll'ICCI by ell lllcllvlduel • Sllit'My A .... V..r• Tllb M"'°*U w• Iii.ct wlU. Uw c ... 111y Clerk oJ Ora119t COllllly Oii Ftt>ruary 11, 1"2. , PINJ4j ""bllst.d 0rmft99 C:0.11 Delly Pllol Feb n , Mar. t, •. 16, 1"2 m42 l'ICTITIOUS e UilNEU NAMI STATlfMINT The fotlowlno periOn• ere dolno bll1lneue1: l •I COtlVE N TIO N MANAGEMENT PAOPESSIONALS OF AMl!AICA; !bl CONVENTION MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, 4000 MacArthur BlvO., Suite )000, NewPOrt BNcll, CA '26'0. FRANCIS E. GONZALES, mt W ltno• AwnW. 5.lnta AM, CA t27CM 8EN OLIVAAf;S, llU WHIMr1Y Drive, Loi. Angeles, CA tool5. This 11u11neu. h tonoucl..:i by • oenerel pert,...51'11P FrMICit. E Goftu.lal Tiiis llMeme(ll w•~ flled wHh Ille County Clerk of .Or•noe County on ...... .......... Or~c.nl Qllly ...... , .•• i..~• . .t•-'OIH!I 1 wma. ·, •tC•TtOUt __, ...... MAMelTAT11MCWY ... "·"· ............. , .......... . -·: 11 INAlllANCI daVll.Qf'MllHT ctl., tu 'tree.tvr• ,,,.,,., L. .. - IMefl, Geflfenll• .... 0-...1-ri.n-, 1tt T,....u,. 1tle11d, L .. u11• ... ell, Cellfer11t• f»Sl, Tflll Mlftetit II ~ted .,., ell I Iv._.., ~J-l'TtlOmat Thlt ... ~ WM nie. wlUI .... cou111., Cl<trll of 0r...-c-ty ... Merc111.1• I ....... Pubtttlled Or ..... CO.JI Dally Piiot, l!Urch t., I .. 2', JO, 1"2 10U-l2 f'IC'TITIOUS eUSINIU NAMa ITATIMaNT Tho tollow1111 per.011 It dolnt llvJl-M: SILVt!R DOLLAR FUN TOURS, 11°'7 La NerenJ• Ct., Founteln Valley, c,. 92709. Merll'l'll ~ •• 11°'1 LANeren)• Cl., F-laln veti.y, CA"* Thi• lluslftfft I• cOllCllKted by Oft lndtvl-1. ' Marilyn Go4dller9 Thlt "'"°"*'' w" flied wltll tho County Clerk of Ot•noe County on Merell I, 1"2 Pl*D Publl....., Or-CM tl Dally PllOt, Merch •. 16, n, :IO, 1"2 1-..i Fob 1•. 1"2. P11U47 "CTITIOUS aUSINaH NAMI STATEMENT "'CTITIOUS eu111o1au Publlv..d OrM>91 Coast O•llY PllOt, Tiie 1o11owlno persons ••• dolno NAM• STATaMENT Feb. n . -·~h 1 ••• ~.., .,~ bu9'Mll M : l'ICTITIOUS eUSINHI ~ITAT11M8NT 'fho follOwlflt portOfll are OolllO .,.,. ........ . tltVINlf PATIO ANO SPA, *'2 AHbury, lrvtne, c.. n 1u Clauoo Mltcllell P•rkt, Ott Ao•bW'f, lrvlfle, C•. 92114 PWUC•TCE Oo11 a lO L .. 111 Oodo n, 4102 f'ICTITfOUS I USINaH lto•l>ury, lrvllle, C•. '2714 NAME STATaMa HT Thlt butlneu ts coriOUctod by • Tllo lotlowlno poroons are Oolno IOMl'lll .,.,,,....tlllp. butlMU" c ..-IO\.'Paru NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF Tiiis lie-w• llled wltll -INCOME TAX PAEPARATION, County Clerk of Ot•noe County Ofl N011111 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF March •• 1"2, 8 0 0 K K E I! P I N G A N 0 f'l...at ACCOUNTING; NORTH AMERICAN Putllltilwcl Orenoo CAaI1 0.lly Piiot SCHOOL OF CONSERVATI ON~ Mar •• 14, n .JO. 1"2 IOl1.ft NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF "CllTIOUS a U51NHS NAMll STATEMEN't Tho followlno pertont e re doinq Tllo followlnt periOns ere dolno FUTURA STONE BY Ml~E buSIMllH' . "ll.IC •m 'FAHMIE, 1'20 E. wa ...... r Ave .• Sult• buslneuas· A N I MAL SCIENCES, NOR TH A M E RI C AN SCHOOL OF DRAFTING; NOATH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF FIAEAAMS, NORTH AME'llCA."' S C H OOL OF MOTOllCYCLE AEPAIA, NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF TRAVEL; NORTH AMl'RICAN SECRETARIAL SCHOOL. THE GARTON SCHOOL; JEWELRY DESIGN CENTER THE CUSTOMIZING CENTEA, POLICE S CI ENCES I N STITUTE , H EWPORT/P4CIFIC HIGH SCHOOL. .,., Birch Street. Newl)Ot1 BHCll, CA THE BAXTER GROUP. )Oil Via • ).G. S.l'lle Ana, ca mos Oporto. Sul!• •S. -POrl BHCll, Ca Mike F#Vnle, Inc. Ca Cellmnla .,.., lllCTITIOUS •USIN#U COl9«•1lon) Jin 5kily Ave. Costa Chetter E. Beyllu, Jr , 27903 NAME STATIMl!NT MaM Ca nt» ' lllemore. El Toro. Ce. '1430 Tllo tollowlno II"''°"' •r• doing T 111'1 tH..sinou Is cond\lctta by a Nl<hOI .. J . Goores. 2710 H L-•11 buslnou et: corporetlon L•no. s.ni. 4na. ca. '110. WISE & ASSOCIATES. "°" Perk MIKE FAHMIE, INC Mic,...I w Miiier. Ml Colllor Green Drive, Coron• del Mer. ArlfllwC 0Ulw<1 laM, WHtmlMlar. Ca '16Q Californl• m2S Vke PT""'9nl ' This buJIMU ,, cond11cted by • Offk e Syll-Suc>plltrS Inc • • Thi• SW~I .... filed wllll Ille QeMr•I pertnef'Vlip. C•llfornl• corporation, 3'00 Park County Clerk of Or•-Count'( on MkhMIW.Mhlar Gteen Drive, Corona d•I M•r. Marcll •, l"2. Tiiis stat.men! ,. .. llltel willl the California t262S County Clerk of OrilllQe County ori Tiiis bull""1S h conoucled by • Febf'u•rv ti. 1"2 cor1>«atlon Fl WU Oftlco System\ SuppUets Publlllled Or•noe CMJI DllllY Piiot Merl6nW.G1tenbUQ M•r 2, 9, t•. ti. 1"2 t ..... 2 Vice Pr"'-' & l'ICTITIOUS_austHIEU NAME STATUoll NT Tllo followlno person 11 doing butlnen•• Sac:retary ~his Jlalemtn1 w•s filed wltll Ille County Clerk of Or•noe County on Feb. U. 1"2 ,., .... ,. PubllsNd Orangt Coast D•ilY Pllol, Marc II 2, •, 16, 23, 1"2 •~ Pt...U PubllSlled Or ..... C:O.JI Dally Piiot Mar.•. 1•. n . JO, 1"2 1ou.n f'ICTITIOUS aUSINHS NAMa STATllMaNT Tiie following persona are dolno bu1lneu as: PAPA PETE'S SMALL CAR PARTS AHO ACCESSORIES, INC , ~I West LA Hatw• Bovle•••d, L• • MCO PROPEJITIES. 4100 MacArthur 8outevard. Newport BH<ll, Cellfornla '2'4l Vance C Mape, 3000 Sano Hiii AHO. Bulldlno •• Sult• 110. Menlo Park, Cellfornl• 94025 Ted R Cerpenter. 1401 Do•• Slreel. Suite •50. N•wPOrl Soacll, Cetllornla '16'0 Charles D. Daly, •100 t,\acArthur BOUl•vtrd, N1Wport 8eech, Calllornl• t?M.l Tiiis ouslnau '' tondu<ltd by • QeM••• PMIMnlllJ> Teel R C.,_,ltt Tiii• Stalamenl WU flltO wllh ,,,. County Clork of Or•nqe County on Febru•ry ,., 1"2. MAL.COUii & DALY AttertM" 11t LA• 41 .. MacAtt--..1enr«, PO Box 1110, H•wpert -"· C•ltfem la tu.> F l-I PubllSMcl Or ..... Coast D•HY Pllo1. 926'0 . N ORTH AMERI C AN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, INC, a C•llfornle c.or1>«allon, 4~1 Birch StrHI, Nowport 8HCll, CA '1460 Tllll l>•1tln"' I\ <onducted by • corpor ••"'" No r•" Am•r 1c•n Corr•&pondln<• ScMoll. Inc Jotlr•y A Brill, Vkt PrtS & Secret••• Tiiis •l•l-1 wa\ !lied wllll Ille County Clerk Of Or•no-Coun1y on Jeo 1• .... 1. P 1119S PubllV•CI Or-(OHi Dally Piiot, Ftb 73, Mercll 2, •. 1', 1"2 IS~ M•rcll1,•. t•.1l, 1912 949 11 1;;...---------"'--- LEE'S CARPET CLEANING AND M AINTENAlfCE. 210• Coll•O•, Habre, C.. '°'31 J,.:..-----------"' PUil.iC MOT££ Avenue, Ho. 1, C°'la Ma ... Callf0tnl• .------------ t2tt7 lty Hong 1..1, no. coneoe Awnue, No 1. Costa Me ... C•lltornla 92'27 Tiiis ""''""' I• co11c1uc1eo by •" PICTITIOUS aUSINIEU NAME STATEMENT C & M Aluminum Foundry, Inc. I• Calllorftla c.._atlonl. 1571' Garfl•kl Awnue, Pw-t, ca. t0nJ ~-----------AM-7 T.S.N0 .1- NOTICa OF TRUSTEES' SALE lllcllvlduat. ltyHono Lt This .. _,,_, w .. llled wllh the Cou11ty Clerk of 0••"9e County on Marci\ I, 1"2 I FIM114 Publl\heel Or•noe ~oast Oally Piiot, Merell 2. •. 1•. n. 1"2 tOUJ The tollowlno periOfl• ••• Oolng buJlneu•s. MARSA04 INDUSTRIAL PAAlt, LTD .. 1'1'2 BNCh BIYCI. H..,llnolort BH<h, Q . .,.., H•<IOt M•r .. c h, ltltl 8eacll Blvd .. HurWlogton a.ac:11, ca. """1 Marsec11 lnwstm.nl Company, Inc. la Cellfoml• c.--a1io..1. 141•2 BH<ll Blvd., H..,llnqloft ~II. Ce. t2M7 Tllla !Hnl""1t is collclucled by a <OfPO'Allon, · MAllSACH INVESTMENT PICTITIOUS aUSINaU COMPANY. INC Tllll butlneu Is conouctod lly • corporation. C & M ALUMINUM FOUNDltV, INC ....... J Oen\ptiOW\kl, l'reldlnl Tiiis stai-t was tiled wl1'1 ,,,. County Clert. of Oranoe County on Merell•. 1"2. f'1M6JIJ Pu4ttllNCI Or-C:0.11 Oelly PllOt Mar. •• 1•. 23, JO, 1"2 1-.2 NAM«STATIMeNT ~-Nltef'W<h, Tho following person 11 dolnO Pretldlnl STATa MENTOP AaANDOMMENT bu•IMH" Tlllt sl .. _, ... Ill.cl wlltl the 01' us • OP REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE CO. Coullty C .. rk of Ofeno-County on f'ICTITIOUS IUSINaSS NAME m S.ewlnd Or , N..,.port 8HClf. Ca ,..,.rclle.1"2. Tllo followlno jle rtonl Ila we 92'43 Pt.0 •IMlndonod Ille UM of Ille fkllllou1 Mart. w -rv. >d Un1.,.r\11y Pvllll.-Or-c ... st Det•y Piiot builMH neme Dr.,C.,.taMes.a,C<l '1•71 Mer.t,l•,D.l0,1"2 1-LIFE POWER, ISI01 Henley Tiiis bvSlneu I\ <onducteo l>Y en Drive, w..tmlMler. C..llf0tnl• '1613 lnOl•IOual. Tllo Flc.llllou• Bu•lneu He me Marlow _,, PWlJC tlTIC( reterted ., -VI -• filed In Of•"99 Tllli st ... ment wM fileO wllll llle C-ly on February S. 1"2 Fiie No COUlllY Clerk of 'Or•noe C-h on STATEMINT 0, WITHO•AWAI.. 113jtS. F•t><uary 11 1"1 f'ltOM Mery Mayun1I Yt• .. -·H-'1. 1S101 • l'llll14' , A.TN I .. s" Ip 0, •• AT I NG Henley Orlw, WHlmlntler Callfornl• Publlihecl Orenoe Coast D•llY Piiot UNOI • 92613 Feb 13 Mar 7, t , 16 1"1 1•1-t2 f'JC'TITIOUS auSINESS NAMI M•rofle _.ng, 1• 5-lrtslde Cl • 'E Si n -Tiie follOwlng per-. lies .,.,...._ Newport Buell. c.alitornla ,_ n • oene ra l pa rtMr from 111e Tiiis bui"'911 w• conducted Oy a partnettlllp oporallno unoer Ille oener•I per11Wrtlllp. lie tl llous butlneu n e me of MMy M Yla .. k·Hall t"ICTITIOUS IUSINEU N-1 STATl!Ma NT E N T ERPRISI NG WOM EN, 011 Tllll st...,.,..,I ... flled with the Sierra Tr• LAnt. 1rv1ne, (.allfornla CounlY of Ormft99 County on March I. 92,U 1"2 Tiie flclltiou• b"slneu ne me PUOlli/led Or-C...•1 Dally Pilot, Tiie lollowlno person h doing buSIMSI•• CALIFORNIA LACI NG CO . 11162 Pacific c oa s1 Hlollwey, 11 101, Sl•l...,..,Hor tr. partnersNp was flltel Mar •. ••. 23. JO. 1~ IOl1-el on Mart i\ 6, 1'1' In ,,,. County of ·:.....-------------' Ora"O• Full Name ano Addren ol the Hunllnotori BNch. Ca .,.,.. w •lll•m Scott Anderson, 111u Pac.Ille Coa\I Highway, 11 IOJ, Per\Oll Wll,..,,_nt 1------------- Je•n A. P .. 1. JO.SJ Scenic Drive, STATEMENT OP AaANDONMENT Mu•hoon, MlcNoen ..... j of! USE OF Hunllnoton -h. Ca '1~ Tiiis buSIMU Is cortdu<led by •n lnOlvldual Jffn A. P~I PICTITIOUS a USINIU NAME Wm Scott Anderton ,,,, .. Publl-OrM9 CbH 1 Dally Piiot, Mar .'· 14. U. ~· 1"2 1*"'1 Tiiis "91-1 w .. llled with Ille Cou11ty ~lert. of Or•noe County on l'otwuary "· 1"2. f'IQM4 Piil.iC •Tt£ Publlsheel Orar19t (MSI Dally Pllol 1-------------- ,Feb. 23. Mar 2. '· 1'. ltl2 7-.., ,ICTITIOUI eusuot•H HAMa STATEMENT Tllo tollowln1 peri0n1 ••• dolno , buslneu .. ; ------------A A A PAOPELLEA SERVICJ'. 127 PICTITIOUS aUSINl!H NAMaSTATI MI NT Tho lollowlno II"''°"' are dolno Dullness aJ' CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. 23011 Moultort Perlo-Y. ~ 111111, CA '2.tSl. WILLIAM« SUSAN STUART, 2"11 Hon Avenue, L.touna Hiiis, CA t2Ul ROBERT WALLI N, H Acatla Trff Lano. lrvlM. CA t21U Tiii• !MnlMU II coriduclod by • ,.,,.rat partnenllip WllllemA.Stuarl Tiiis statement w•• tlltel wltll !lie County Clorll of 01enoe County on l'eb. ••. •"2 PIU~ Publl•lled Orenoo CoaJI Oally Piiot, lndutlrl•I Way, Co•t• Meta, Catllornlat2621. Jamet Monroe Frenkel, JIO nnO Sir"<. COiia MHA. ca111ornl1 t1'27. Thom .. Emil K..ter, 212 MaQnolla s1r .. 1. C:.te Mew, eatlfoml• •»27. Tiiis butl""1s 11 cOftductod by a -··· PArtJwnlllp, J--Fr•nkol O-alPart- 1 n11 lta...,_I w.. flied wllh !tie Cou11ty CllA of o..,... County on IMT<fl .. 1"2. ,.1 ... n Puoll.-Or-CMll Delly PllOt, March'· 16, 23, :IO. 1"2 1011.C F•b. 22. March J, t, 16, 1'12 14W2 ------"._ ____ ___..,, n AiTIMa NT Of' WITHDltAWAL f'ROM ,A.TNE•SHIP OPlf •ATING UNDI• J'IC'TITIOUS eUSINllU f'ICTITIOUS auSIN•SS NAMI NAMll I TATIMINT The lol....,.nt --11 .. wllfldrawn The toltowlnt person• a re Ool11g aJ • o•n•r•I P•rtner tram lh• 11onl11ns as. part11ershlp oper•llllO u nder the Al 8 LUE HEAVEN 11; Bl BLUE llclllloua bUtlnelS 11ame of AAA HEAVEN, .. .,. Mt. Wathl1111on, PROPELL Ell SERVICE a l 121 Fou11tel11Vetlof,CA'110L tndustrlll Wey, Co•J• Mu'a , Paul wemKk•. 42" 1 • ....-. SH I Callfornlaf2'27. The lollOwlnQ __, ll•S ebenoonecl IM use o4 -fl<lltlou$ buslnKS n•me SUPREME PACKAGING SYSTEMS at 14141 Hal• Avenue, Irvine , Ca llfornl•t7114 · Tiie IJc,ltlout butlntn name relerred 10 _.,. ,.,H llled In County on Noweme.r I. 1''9 • SUPREME INOUSTAIES. a Callfornl• <0tPOt•llon Tiii\ buSinetS WH ConclUCled by I COi P0r •lion. IS.IR-rt E L_...eo. Vice Pr"ident Tlllt stal..,,.,,t wa• llled wllll Ille Counly Clerk o1 Orenoe county on d•w lndk•ttCI by 111, stamo •bO•• l(U, WONG, VII & PONG 'Att-" Ollva c-. Mt.* .US.Ol ftS-t l..M A ........ ta .. 14 PubllJIMG o..,... Coal! 0 1111 Pilol, Marc11 2. 9. 14, n. 1"2 9SWJ l'ICTiTIOUI I USINESS NAMI STATEME NT T!I• tollowlno f)lliOn• are doln9 ~lnenn· SUP REME PACK AGI NG SYSTEMS, m s Souttl L-1• Slr .. 1. Aneholm, Cetllot'nl• ttaOS Suprwme T-. Inc., a CaHlornla c0tPOrallon. 117S SouOI Ltwlt Slrffl, An•helm, ca11tornla 92IOS Thlt bus1neu I• condutled lly a cotporallon. SUPREMI! TAPE, INC Donna C. Y Wei, PrHlcllnl MUNIC9'AL COUllT STATE OP CAL"O•HIA NOllTH OltANGa COUNTY MUHIC9'AL DIST•ICT 1175-YAft . P.....,_,CA ~S PLAINTIFF ARTHUR FARRUGI A and DO R O THV FARRUGIA -DEFENDANT WILLIAM W. BARTLETT, an lndlwldual •nd Dolnt 8 uiln1tts A\ GOLD COAS T CONSTAUCTION, end DOES I l llrOUOh lS, lnckoSIW SUMMC*I '°" ""' .....-... c.....,..•o CASI NUMaElt: A-4tlt4 NOTICEI Y• Mve ..... _.. Tiii cwrt may da<aet ....,i11st yw w-1 yMr ...._ ....... -y .. ~ wltlllfl • .. .,~ ,. ... -lflformat ... ...... AVISOI U-M sld9 --· El trlMflal ""'* oed •lr clfltra u•. respet!N tie*• • >e diet. La• le iflle,...,eclool -''-· If you with 10 -k Ille 40Clvlce o• an attorney 1n tlli. metier. you should 00 '° p romptly so 111•1 your written respon\e, If e ny, may bCt Ille<! on time SI Ulled dHH SOll<ll•• ti COllM)O de un ·~ en ttle •aunto, deborla hacerto lnm•d••t•mentt. d• •'t• m•ntr•, w rl!WIUHI• etcrtt• ... My elouna. l>Ullde wor rt0l•lre<U • tltmPo 1 TO THE DEFENDANT: A clvll tomp la lnl 11u been lilod by 111e Dl•lntoll '91'MI VOU If VOU wl\11 Id defend INS •-ii. you mult. within JI d"' .,.., this ...,.._ Is Mrved on yoo;. Ille Witt> tills «ourt a wrllltll response lot,,. ~omplalnt Unleu you Clo so your Olfe<1tt will bl ..,ter.O on •l>Plkallon OJI u.e Plelnllfl, -lllls court mev •nle< a 1...,......n1 aotinll you tor tlw rellet de"lt-In the complalnl, wlllch could rHull In oarnlshm.111 of waou . l•ktno of money or pro..-rty or oOler relief rettuHlad lro lho comlllalnl DATED: o.c.mtiern. 1 .. 1. R-rtR.Rlll, Clerk By Esther Z Ou1on, °"""' KLEIN & CUTLf,•, INC. t mN.a,......sy,Sa , m S.11UIAN,CAn7 .. Tel: 111•1 ,,...... Publllhed Or-Coa•t Daily Pilot Mar 1.' 16, n . 1"2 t 46-12 "9UC 9111l ' Oo Aq/Cll 24. 1'11 •I II 00 •.m F I A ST AMERI C AN TITL INSUAANCE COMPANY,• C•lllornl• cotporallon as Trull ... or Su<cttsor Trustff or ~tltuteo Trus1ee, of lllal u rtaln Oeed Of T ruit e1t1cu1eo by DONALD B BROWNLEE. an unm•rrled m •n. •nd reco,.ded Nove mber 2', •• •" ln•lrument no. JIAU, In --nan, P•Qe U3. ot Otntl•( Roc0tch of Oronoe county. C•llfor11la. •nd pursuant to 1h•I c911aln -k• of o.fault and Elect Ion to Sell 111tt....-r recorded Novemblr 13, 1''1 .. lnstrurl>ent no 1-1, In boo-1421'. P•o• us. ot 0 111c1a1 RecorOI bf .. Id County, will under •nd puu 11anf 10 Mid Deed of Trvtl sell •• publk auctoon for,_..,,, l.wtul ...._Y of Ille ~led 5t•l.S of "merlC•, at Ille main entr•nce to First AtMrlcen Till• Insur•"<' Comp•ny, lo<•ted •t tt.t Eul Flllll SlrMI. In ..... d ly of SMota An•. C•lllorn!a, all lhal rlQll1, 11119 •ncl Interest conwytO 10 and now held by it under d id Deed of T ruH In th• irr-rty tllualed In .. id County '""° St•le dHcribeO es Loi l:P ol Traci No_ ~ a• per M•P re<Otdtel In 8-117. 1>911• 37 10 .. lnttullwe of Mlsulla...ous Maps, on Ille Ofhco of '"" County Recorder of .. to County_ T llt slru\ adoreu or otller common dHi9Ni10n of .. 1e1 p1-rtv " purPOrted lo be lOtJ Country Club Ori••, Cost• Me ... Ca 92610 S&ld •ale will b• mfldrwllllOul cove,,Ant or w•r r anty. f •Pr•'' or imDllt:d. liS to titt.-PG,W',\•Of' or encumbr•ntt:i 10 Whsfy ttw une>a•d balance due on Ille nolt or nolu secureo by wkl Deed of Trull, 10 wit $21 ,500 00, plus Ille tollowlno etllmaled cCKll, ••peme ano ad••nc" at the Umo of Ille lnhl•I pUOllC•tlon of lllh Hollo of Sele sm .tt OAT ED F-..aryU. 1912 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, • ca11tornla CO'llOfallon 8y· DAN ORMEROD, Autr.Otlrtel Offlctr 1U Ea•I Flllh Strffl San1• An•, C• 'IVO'l Tel 17141 S•l111 Publl•Nd Or-CMSI D•llv PllOI M•r 1 t 16, 1"2 '1441 "IUC MOT£E B·l20S SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF SELECT INSURANCE COMPANY 3015 Ceda r Springs, Dallas, TX 75219 Year Ended December 31, 1911 Total admitted assets Total liabilities Special surplus funds 0 Capital paid-up/Guaranty , Capital/Statutory Depostt 1,500,000 Gross paid-in and contributed surplus Unassigned funds 4,805,239 $47 ,479,552 35,329,955 <surplus> 5,114'.358 Surplus as regards policyholders 12, 1•9,597 Income for the year 29,990,617 Disbursements for the year 26.•79,•08 8eech, CAW7•. Tiie llcllllout buslneu .,.,.,. A,_ Sii,..._, J -..1no Mlt1. lt•lomefll kw tlll _,,.,.hip w•t llled lrvlM, CA mu. on J.uly u . 1'11 In Ille County ol Tlllt "'-lllMH Is conelucleo b., • Or•""· "11e No. l"·l .. t'I, This ~lement w .. llled with the co1111ty Cieri< of Or•noe Counry on Ftt>ruary 2'. 1"1 We hereby certify that the above items are in accordance with the Annual Statement for the year ended December 31 , 1981, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Callfornla, pursuant to law . R.C. Fetherston Vice-president R.C. Fether ston Secretar y oaM••I ~ f'ull H•me •nel Aeldren of the ....,. Wt<rkk• Petton W1\t!dl'.-lno: LAWOP,.CIS 'KU, WONG, Yla & l'ONG 0 11w c-.s.-.• AmDNSllwnnall WllllW!I tle-lck L°"'lam. Jr., Ml S... Otlw Streat Tfllt ............ w• flied •Ith IN IMS ~la, S.,.Co '7, COii• NltaM, Co1111t., Cllf1l of O.ar199 County on C.lllornl• n.21 Merell •. 1m. • Wllllem A. Lud•m, Jr. LMA ....... C. .. M p, ... ,. f'IMUI ""4Mllflld Or .... Coast Dally PlloC. PutMisNd OYMOI Coatl Dally P llelt, March 2, •. 1•, n . 1"2 H1-t1 Pu&ltlflld Or-. Coest oativ PlloC. Mar.•. 16. n .•, 1m · 101t-G Merell t, '6, n. JO, 1• 1oo.c ........ lllCTITtOUI ausi"1u NAM& STATIMIN't Tiie 104tewlfl0 "''°"' •re Oolnt ............ : AVALOH CELLAllS, "CorllOrMa ,..,., Me. UI, ~ llMcll. ca. ..... Attoelatad ..... , ... COfnpony, tnc. <• o.iew--.ioretlonl. H20 lfH t 2Mll St,.., VerfWI, Calltorllla tlfli Thlt MIMU It <OllChKled ay e CWllOfltNo• ~IATeO HVE'IAGI COMf'ANY, INC. .., .............. .,-,,.. .. ..._. •• n1ee1 -"" ._ C.Vnty Cteni of OrallOt County "" ~., ..... . ...,., S'YNCWSllOf' TMa ANNUAL 'UAT&MallT- YUll I NOllD DICIMea• .,, "" .. AtlaMlc ·-c........ Datln. ,._ • ' Tt4el-.mM..-b ... '. ..................... , •. , .......... Sl6,1111.- T11ttl ll_..ll .......................................... ,1,. .......... 1.SSJ,I• .s..c1e1 ~fwndll ................. , .......................... .. C-"•t~r;ttyCeplt•I/ SIAW.,., °'"9H .. ., .................... , ......... , .. t•• ~ .......... <-...... t41111N• .......................... .. UN...,_lllfldll(_,_..I ......... , ................... , ... .., S.Wfllttot•t ,...,....ik yf1eNa,. ..................................... t ,114 .... IMtifM"' tM YMt. ,. •••• ••. ••., .. • .............. , ••, • •• • ••• ••.•..•.••• , .. o ............ .., ...... , ......................................... 6lJd .... We ....... Cer1HY lflM tM •-I"--'-KCMMl!ea .,_ .... a-l Stt•-...... -..... 0.C-JI, ""· m.-.. -·--· e.m111.._., ..... ...,. .. c • ....,,..., .-.. i.w. 1t1•.c.11.......... • Vice..,...,.. "'"' c. ,....,.. IK,_,.., ~or.,.C.. 0.Uy f'~ ltMRfl t1. I~ t•, IS, M. 1W .._ ... I 18, Published Oranoe Coast Dally Piiot. March 16, 17 19, 22. 1982 1235-82 . ., .. S'YNCWltlOI' TMI A~ ITAT&MIUIT Of' •ULf' llU.UaANCI ~AllY .............. ·-City ..... .., .. v-• ... ~"·"" • D. A I L y SOOO+ ind t uatom • OourmH ltH,c hen mutlve llvinf rm , formal d ln in11, toiy Ottplat'f't, pool, spa. l_,g -------• l'e('lft9.~ . ~1~l~?i'~ SIOK Dft· ly o., .. , ~IJt w1oPU6n S yr uld 3Br. 21 > ba. dlnlnll rm fam rm. 2 l'll or. fnt•d yrd. oee11n vu $246,UOO 49'1 l~l Fort.st 1055 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ,AIK,LACE ESTATES 4 Br 2'' Ba 21745() f t BETTER THAN MODl-_;L llAS EVt:RYTllll'J<; Cul·dt' ~·•<'~I r~t'l Sun & Sall I I Club 20 min to Nt'V.JlOrt WATllFIOHT HOME PIJVATllEACH 5'ns1111onar 4 '"r home 511111ck on the wuter'' Fralunne Prl'n••h door . · frplc. profess1onallr de "or 1 t e d & S"I\ N 0 Y BEACH Ont> Sl49.000 Ii seller wtll 4'arr> 80' • loan at lJ', 7S9 ISOI or 1$2°1:113 < Walkef" & lee ·NO DOWN OR TRADE ... l't'nter p 1 t' t u r l' ~ 4 u ~ Si!IU.00Uv.1th SltiO,tliMI • FAW.SHOOK 1•andl. IS al 1212 fixed rate & full\ ' urrt'li. lovelv hume 14 llh amortl1t•d · 4500 n + ienm& routt. :fopomt~or4uahl~ 1111: pool. n1.hng trail) Tr:sdt' i70·0J.17 for sma llt'r homl' 111 ~Wll('f Ai:~nt Orange Co ~·u II VI ll'I' $995.000 C:s II 14 k nch 00.~ l'Xl 2116 01 l'Al .,_.,..leach I 069 110 Wet>kd:s.)> 831 l4UO .•••.••••...•.......... C-rcW ,...,.,., 1600 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ,A&.MDISllf SHOPPIHC Cl:NT"~ • ,.,000 sq ft rl'ntabll' 7 'l .irrea Out of town owner $1.800.000Terms 11141 848 3278. 12 131 SM~. CoedoM111l••t/Towa, "-ttfor..r. 1700 CoodoSpecialist A svme ................. l ..... VA lo1m. with 6,000 down A,b'l 968·2297 ... ,roperty 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 UNITS llUNTINCTON BCll 7 >rs new. pride of o~ne~h1p 3Br t S 2Br ~9.ooo owe "' 201• dwn Prrn only Bkr 536 0123 COSTA MESA TRI l'LEX $189.SOO Ownc;r mot1vakd Ila& ov. ner s urul Bkr SlG.:.0123 ArPLlYALLEY Tax sti.fttr :-leur nl'v. 4 plt!x :! bdrm. 2 bath eat h uml v.ith r1repldl'I'. enl'lose<l patio. garage 9 • '" Isl Pus C'ash flo14 .-.ow SIS9.~ 8111 Iii und~ Rllr, 6iS 6161 Canal Front. N~v.port $5 000 DOWN Shores. I Ur Ot'n & t.i~t' o'~r loan~ on S2S.000do14n Own~r v.111 \en.a1lle:. !Hr pt!nthbl' 1.·arry Mu~t :-t•ll' :\l.ike 1.·ondo S2S.oou bl.'lo14 L.AGUMA IUCH offer! Tt'n111s. pool, wnlk Taki.' 01 er $15115 pmb Comm'I mdus. 11 umts to bea1.·h Ai:enl 64ti 1011 No 4uJhf~ ml( St l :-i.ooo 9 3 tunes iiross ()14 n ... r or~280S Dom1n11· al(t 631 OH9 Cin Askin!? S.SSO 1100 H1 I OPEN SAT /SUH I 1 ·61 iS2 1920 014-ner 00 3477 'e14 Ssto~ hc•ach hou~(· I Walk to bt•at'h. b1.•aut1ful Ra) & u~1.·.in 1 lt'l4 ~ 1 ISLAND IAYFROMT tn plex i 2 Br I 3 Hr I <~ ean s1d11 RalboJ HI\ d I Be.t bu\ on the 14 atl'r • Patio. frplr $499.000 1!111 Court AH' nr 19th Be~l ruianrini: arount1• j <r.-ner ... 111 help fino1nre I 675 2291 or~ 3f3~ ~uJhfi«d blli 1•1 c·oultl .\i:ent Hedda~646 1044 Amp)epark111g 111 rc•ar I m>ll' right Ill and t•n1111 I 2 Co1101(ton 4 pl~ xlnt I I '"u 2 Bdrm u~1t~ .1ntl terlll!> \~k S29UK ea " tht' land J ll for HOAG HOSPITAL i $750.wo 8 UMITS I ..,EAR pit>r and shµ 'ilu ol4 n Pnn onl) Agt 549 1366 2 Bdrm ~ h~lh i·umln 642 520n \ ewport 81.·h fet' land P I r~l.~tlo iblt.' j?llfJj!I' --,, I f.xrellent Deprt.'r lallon Ov.-ner Bkr 955 3454 I Roy .:4cCorcl~. Rltr. , , , 548 1729 • · Tri .. H /Pool I , ·· . . . !'IEWPOR'r HE HillTS S2iu.ooo Sam 1\ ~t BIG CANYON ;00.1;56 Guarded rnonmun1l) SUPER Beaut 3 Br 21• ba hornl' t L 14 m1rrnrt'd v.alb. lui-UDO TAX SHElTER of marblr. 3 ··ar 'i:Jr USE FOR IMYESTOR! $6001IXXJ Call 644 04411 OPEN HO San Clt'mente µride of 126Vlalorca ol4ner,h1p Modt'rn 0 Low~ artrad• Best bu1 on lht.' l~lantl :i Spamsh ~tyle. four unit Versatile~ 'tud10 l't•n bdrm rustom llr«or.ited Jpartll'll'nl hou~e 14 1th chuu.w rondo T.ih Oll'I lx>ll'lt' Pnre rl'dured for oc-ean·h1lb & l!Olf 1.1lur~e h1J!h ai.1>uma bit.' lo.10 ut I fast action ~1114 onh 11ew rloi.e to I'\ o.>r 11 1,r; ()14 ner 14 t II 1 on 1 54.'18.500 ~1h1111?. onl) th rel' ) t'a rs T ~tder late model t•ar ·" w~ & Thtws 1-4 old. shov.~ hkt' Al'14 . 14111 do14n pa\m t Selh•q Fri"-10 5 "t'll v.11h l'Ht.'llt>nl desperatt' At'I fa,t''' -1 • fman<'ml(. or lradr equ1 Only $89.~1 l':.ill Jim I ty lor rl'Stdenltal ot·ean c L A s i\gt 979 5Ji'tl 002 !J5!1i 11ev. lot or home. or rommerr 1al pro11t'rl1 ABSOLUTE I PRl~CIPALS ()~l.Y " I •(a 11 o v. n e r 1 i I 4 • I stake ~~~!~Lion on ~;~:SSUMAI~! lht' F'ACT lhJI this,, lh!' le:-···-IDEAL T.\X sm:LJER Bt.:ST Hl'Y in ~l'14J'O-l ~~ Lll\E:'\EW(JL\I. TY Heat·h If 1 ou arr "'I Capu trano I 0781 We-fl kt.'µl Tn Pll'\ near ll'!!lllmah• tiv' l'r l' \LL ••••••••••••••••••••••• !\ C Pldto Pn«ed helu14 ~ff DIR~TTt.\' :ind 1ou l romparahle-. al Sl~i $CIC! v.111 hl' 1mprt'~~rd 1 ACREAGE I (l\\Tier 14111 1·arr\ 2nd GHEAT Ht''" OCEAN Sa1·e 1uurs-elf 1·0111 \1 .LRG4 llDH . l'Ro~· ESTATES nus~100 poinb & h1)(h Dl-:COR1\1 ED pool WJ mtert'l>f Op~n Tiil RS & hkt.' nu all for onl\ Rust1r ~:O!!h'h 1·oun1n thru Sl':'>I Rli frnmfer '$376.500 ,\ trn<lt' 14111 ho· t~tall'on I a.-rl'14tlh5 Br Lane. C M B) 0 14ner t·on:.tdC'ro'tl Y<1u 141111 I 3ba homt' Woori dnd 546 1!'175 behe\ett unhl 1011't'l'11 hnl'k floortnj! Frt•nrh Deluxe. Coimgton 1 pie\ C .J I I I' \ i R I « h <toor~ h.J) v. in<lov. '· j <-ho1c·e 1-· \ loc Good ii:-. TENOH~: D1r1nll1 j O<'eanand\Jll1•)\tt'v.~ I · UWC CrJt 7~9·122 1 or 7611 K iCI~ Submit any rl'asnnahh•I r~r~ 0f!kr979 1383 , e lY>DA't" I offl'ror tradl' Lots for We 2200 ~:arl) Ciiltf ~l\. ,,. < tblum ... ••••••••••• •••• • ••• • homr 14tth 4 Bdrm~. 3' • 1 HARDt>R RlllGJ-: ~al~~. iiourmt'l k1trht'n \\111 lrade JOtnl 1enlurt• ! 14et bars. 3 frvki. pool SI nulhon 644-0Jii s l LEASE OPTION t'Xl't I I ' t'OOdo. :'>IB Ot ean & ha) JI \tew I HR + den Fm rrore info. rnll 673 4>1!1!• j I evs ..,, otean .in<l 1 allt') BUILDERS and sp<1 Lei el I I Jr lot I 11ews "~"1 m~ h It• Com171'I fotnn Bearh Bl lerlT\~ SJ.j!jMl.llOll 1 near l\noll 'i. Hl' rr) Farm 11.600 ~Q (t IOI O...ner 14111 rm $150.000 6.11·7370 " 1""11 th•~ 4 32 ar r1• ,.,tat1• "1th F BIG CA...iyo1o..1 1 Captur~ tot.ii 1>n1 at') un I ~1t•C,la111 \14nhome . 2 hr !•imiqur 4 bdrm 3•, baths ~ ba. bt.-aut upl(rallt'll 1·ont1·mµvrJ11 home I mdl 95S 143314ktl~i.9 !> I Ouht.1ndin l!. 111'14' I 1 ---------•I 11ll'N/l' pool .11111 'PJ Ill 'minull'S 111 Ma rina I llG CAHYOM l FI l' x I h I I' I I' I Ill s Mr La1n Greenl>rtl'r SI StlOIO I TRADI T 10\AL REALTY I spht·le1el rondo v.11n 1 I E ~Ir roum· 1 tl'14 l'nol Call 493-2752 RClltChH, Farms, spa tennis ~rrunt~ "' Wilson & Wtlu R.E GroYtt 2700 sumable loan 1\,1111111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7. 8 I S!&.000 NH• a,.rta ., ... , ..... , f or a..lfltd Ad AC'TIOI' Cell A OAlY N.OT U.mOI '4t·M71 Idaho Cattle Rattell WntwnMsttr 1098 8.200 dteded arrrs •••••••••••••••• •• ••• • • 12.IJOO BLM Reserl'oir BRING PAINT BRL'Sll & <trean\5. ~S mm from <a1t.• Great 3 Br+ l·or v.orld falnou s Sun ner lot. v.ood nr, Onl~ Valle\ Toot L.ish Ram S90.000 \A Fll 1\ Re:1l·F-<tate.·Box ~09. welrome Bkr 1141! 11111'1 Sun \'alle). Idaho 83~3. f.al off the floor Spotle~' 3 B r . !( o o d a r e .1 \' A:fHA ok Sl 19.9110 I Bkr&lil CY709 Other Real &tat• .••.••.•............•.• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. I balh. nev. C'a rpel & drapes Beautiful adult park. lows_pace rent 646861 2 Newport Bearh De ;\nra bayfronl Perk Mint t'ond '78 dbl wide f1repla('e. brtt'k patio •um ·53 double v. 1de. romer lot $39.000. Bill Orundy 67~·6161 '79 Crownpo1nt 12 X 40 Laguna Bu~h Orean Viev. $13.500 673 1443 49'7·2006 !~1 726 0122 NO DOWN OR TRADE ... P1r1urr,que fALLBROOK ranrh. IS acres. lo1el~ home with 4500 rt • tenn1~ coun pool. ndmg trail< Trade for sma lier home in Orange Co Full pnrt 995.000 Call wknds ~5CJOO. u t 206 or o\ 1_10 Weekdays 8.'l\ 1400 RMI& .. bct.,t ' 2IOO ....•......•..... .,., .. W A..'fTf.0. Housr oi\. Lido lslt for income proper ty_Pnn only 642 0369 """,.--. Will trade 54.~JIJ ,4uih -------•Mobile Home. dbl w1dt . in S acres pan·el. sma h C'abtn ~II pnrr $13,$00 Takt over low p1y menu Trade for mo bilt honw, Camper \ruC'k, P P Call Al\Swfr Ad • 631. ~·~34 hrs For Ad· Acti1n tall a Oily Pil1t '8-VISOI &42-5171 $172 mo spare rrnt lldlts pref. sm pet OK. quaet H B rorntr lot S:ZS.900 or bes( Owner 1147 ~_ By owner.-double wide adlt.a. no peu. new cpts. d11»' 6 Akan sldln&. lo lpttt l'tllt. 1t4.a3·33'17 . 7i4-TIO-Od Ont of Irvine'• nl~ttt Dll'b. MdO dbl wick, I lr.lbe.$51 .... Ntwport Bu ch CdM. • spnh cultr vltw or ll1lboa l1l1n• a Ptninlula. $ 8-lh. 2 fplt + dell + POOi n»Olft, fill. remoder. ••• llttH. TrMe for \acom ...., .. ... u ...... ~. P!t m.-..n J J .. \ - ~~WR,~_...'I , . , . -• Ta l ,., H•H•HeMHU•UUHe ~~lt•HHUee IHHHeHtt~e.ueiue !:;~.~'tlHllHtjAH ~ ...... -~.. ..... HUtU Htlttlttt .. tlt It t•tttttt .. t•t•1ttltt,_._ ... M-"'LICOMITl. ctiildc1rt,l\lllorP/Tln TOPQUtil'l'Y OAJU>INIMOWANTEO DUMPJOIS l'erlolal 6 81&11Jl1t1 In ,,_palatlnlb1Rlebud •BRYANT'S• OraqeCoaa&Aoollill Cli\oe~1M1, lram our ho mt llaktr & ELl'.Cl'RIC LWOIUC Mowlnc. tdlbla. raklaa, • 61mjl M~la JOh co mt 'tu lhtun .... l.4ct iU u 1n of W.U..lrin1 Me•vat bfoolln11R !rt '"'· rtmodel, l"rench li!fbor•rt•.541·8'20 RA-~lff ,. ~a.sew aweeplnl , fret C.U.IKE 1 frtparatJoo Avail for '-110talc111tomert All1»ft:-MZOO Reu.ra 1133 ·:~d doorl. alt U ht1' paU'o F.atter VJC day camp. Rf.SIPtCO"MM'L/IND t1tlmatt1. lll5-5'1S7 or HAUUNGfrl>U14P lvtftlnpu~WffkeodOf· .11!.Yk..l'...Olli...--....l'1 lD .... &..IMw S 11''.. · w•rs Hloki..t. rilhlntl, botttlr11. 20yn, Do mt o•n worr. J69S."UttortHnlfr, ~n:. ;:: t>~i:!: -c.e-Pft.. •av.•:u.t:~SStfl••• ! .. .!! ••• !'!'!' ••••••••••• -........ -"""DAILY -Pl.OT SlmCI ROBT,STEINBRONER, ~l'Wl·9th A~tt.Sl2. J.4_2'7ao.1, ~128 Mowln• UO·US·$20. 8'1-MJT Q!Ollp.CPA.MH%1J ~ ~·~_:; ftth.Cql~r .;r.;;., i4oo ~~r.J~~.1t,t~d 8:':~T~~~ M:.':·~1 54~wl:s~. RP.SID1COMM'L =~fdu~ L1!~f0. Dem>tilioo-Oradln• I ••c.,1111 ftPf!!. 96J.Olll Dirk per leteol\ Call n a~ Fr•efl-ins. '41TUI 'J30.t&4f_ ~J\CJcean, de~bndable. -. Tranaport. ,4tpb1lt, ton• .. , ... ••••••t•••••••••• PAINTER NEEDS ~~ -~gar lw .. S..Cltht C• .... e rtalOOI le. ....... ~~. ~ rrmojal VANOf.NBERCl WOJKI ao xp lnt/ ,,.,.,.,.,~ ~~mt:.· ~::~.0 ~ ~!f,~:.nt;~: ~/,,c.~~~~~T~~t x1~, ~::;;i:~~;4 .. c.·!;;:,~·.·;.·:;;;.,0• =r~fm~~~~i ~1nt~j~~r~;t;,d~~~ ..v.11;~frJfc:i~~r:e ·~~~·;;~cl,·~·;~~~~;;;· ... riL·i;;;;.r~ti:£o ... S!rtl~ Olrtctory Const. Co. Top quality ~ n 5 0 ....................... Roofina . Plum bin& --· t.rimmlll&. ~UJ>. -~ -Jtl.J tit All Kindl GuaranJted J\tl>r•nlftive WOfk. IM n-o. 380801 --Hand atrtpp~ repalr· Drywall-Stucco . Tl.le RAUlJNG tudent bu I na'd/bondt'd/Uc'd. eoui,e ltudent 1 yrs ex· Pt.ASTER PATCHING ~· _l.._t>hn 94ll 921l '4Z..M71 d JU ~p.~e..S$U • CaAtr«tors, GtMrol • Ina. Ant1qut1. r1tt1n, Rf@del. J.B.~ ~nicll. Lowest rate. m.me --f:· lnt/ut,,. ref•. Dana RntucC<ll. Int/ext 30 C.r1mlc Ule & m•rble 1n· -••••'•'illllllilillim•I ADD'NSIREMODEL ..................... , new f1.t rn1ture. Chair General Malnttnance ~117~·\:6· M-..y . 18 (ke8P trying/ .1._l'il. Neat. Paul 545.2977 stallatlon. reuoooble DHIJn_ incl Willert & ADD'NS/REMODELING .c antn1 . ru1 bll\g. Repairs&iDecoratina you, 0 • ....................... Blabop&.&inP•lnlinll u R.EOmASTERING _J?.fi_ces.Bob67H048 Acca•tt.t Son.!4t·l83'7 al\dJ!.m P!ans. Lic'd. Geo~e SPE~L any chair • alit *Ra 640-514 HAW•ICUAMUP BRICKWORK: Small 30 yra e~p. In Beach 111AJITyptt Int or Ext. rwS..lc• ,, ..................... C:.,.•r ~lme_r&Sons,557-119 any ,r. ~and atrtf Ptd HOMElMPROVEMENT ~CQ1at.:1'iff·Ycl·Oara1e Job• Ntwport Costa _!..ru.tl'eeest. ·1029 -~ Free est ...................... . P ,(!l QlfUts·Fift. Stmts ......... :. .. ,........ • COMM'L/R t:SID. ~~~u~ltis S1~~:rio(: REPAJR·PLVMBING Gme~l labor. 631--0322 \tea a, Irv Int!' Refs. PIT'm'S PAINTING --. • Exptrt Trtt PrW1m11 • ...... mp1. Stt·up 'Serv. REPAIRStltEMOD. Rermd ·Add'ns·Repa1rs 7ll w l7lh St A2 c M • Heating carpentry u. r's h 875-3115. lQynexper, fotorext. "' fl~ g Commerrial Landlca~ Reasooable. 540 C:HA I t t' bo d k Very rellS Lit' 39()'>Ul • • • • • I Ul • Fr N ....... _."', "'· ... -m Bri"k, Stone. • ... I\••• ....................... Servi~ 9•7 8 fl ~ n /OX at oc s J It H Be . u r · 642-Til2 t ec, e. ff est. 0 ...................... '"' .. "' ' ___ ....... ~~ -DtlliN cleared from $10 ,....._~D _ .. Have calculator, will ~ rs. _ ~har 645.:ll49 Cena~lr nne55i~t•2 Gm dmlll Job toS.?•mall. 69·2811 Want-a REALL y CLEAN Blotk, Concrete. Stu~co. Pllntlna. wallcoverlng-, PlumbinlRe~•irs COmph!te Trtt Serv1<'c travel! All acctg nrv FJNE FINISH WORK --·-----4' Ca~ntry remodel re· HOUSE! Call Gln&ham Refs. Free F.at 549 !M92 wood refinishing by ""--·. M M "·°"~3 Gen'I ctn.up & lrn~ Callrorannt 760~'7122 ~ AU CQnStr·~t1on large & ••••••••••••••••••••••• •, · Glrl ,.., t ••:: "l23 ,._ I d r h r1~,.;a' ~ ~ t a.u. c.'\~ 1• :.er~-~rrodelmg/Doorstiung small !~~to& adulls K&l?Landa(ape Malnt. ~rJ~pat1os, painting, .neen ......... ..._,.._. '"'nnan·trane al u --~wn..r~ ~ • A.,..at ~_tl20-1260CdM Wayne 71 12 Res1d/Coml\'t. Clean· up wmuows. drs, quollty ROBlN'ScLEANING ••••••••••••••••••••••• & son. 40 yrs e~. Rers. "•rtY M••gt•flt T~ -....... k •••2901 h hl Uc ""-•~ 831 78 u•••••n•••••••••••••• --,...., ....................... BOB'S CA RPENTRY REMODEL /ADD'NS ™nJl.:.548·~89 ""' .,,_. Service-at oroug 'Y MlNl·BLINDS Cleaned ·.........,., --••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ATEP~VING All tyr.s. N~ob too All&any types Weoffer Lands~apina·Yd Clnu.ps JACKOFALLTRADES .£_1eanhou\e. 540-0857 Al.o RV's. boall, trlrs, ,...,.. PIOPBTY Mosl Subjects.K 12&cul Rep~~~~~·m~~!~~ lgeJsm . Rers. ·6297 complete service de· Treetnm·Expert munt ':'Jlal ~ltay670!30nlg1·~· Exp'd Housecleaner ITl)blle homes. aircraft, ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAHAGEMEMT lege 2S yrs exp S4 hr Uc. 1397362 645·8181 CUSTOM CARPENTRY sign, bluepnnt. carpen Jim &SI 0129 "' ... " M'•ture • ReUable etc. Free est.646-MtS FarWnJ lntenor Design Orange Co. area-15 yn Mr MO!i_ll_n. 642 9033 -BY .. JAY** tty. elec . plumb .. con Home Mamlenance S'2·6085/6e9·0416 u....&... HANGING SlO/ROLL uandper"a't!<'.e. Call for info. T-'-Ser'flc• Driveways.ParltingLot 6428809an Spm rret s t I Res1d 1comm /1ndus Yardwork&treetrim (6-7pm) ...._ • ..., ~allty. L1c/lns Stnp-... ~ ,......, Ren.iirs, SealC'oating. --. . b. e. ma onry. i e. Maint. cltan·ups, tree "" G u2 "• ......... •••••••••••••• p na D1'sc on paper t6~•112 ••••~•••••••••••••••••• ..... RESIDtCOMM 'L ca inetry. Lie. 337169 l . Fr 64 096 ..,yrs. ene ..... .,..5s HOUSECLEANING -AIC MOVING-V . . . --~---Typing resumes . tt:rm SJcS~f-~~;,:t All-Around Carpentry Yfe ~now how to do it ;~~-e~ est. ~I LOVE TO WOltk Exp'd, refs• reliable. 'ck-carerul. -652·0410 lsa·MCScott 645 9325 PROF. MGMT papers , dissertations, John 77S·8082 nght Q!Jick 631 -~S-· Cl T Tri Carpentry, painting, Call anytime, 95S·Ml8 UC. PAPER HANGER By OCIP <Orange Co. word processtnl! Reas ~ ,._:;.r_ 1--DRAFTINGSERVICE M::::~1/~om:I tr,es & grdns, gen HoUJecleaojng morning •A·I MOVING• B>nded11& guar No job Inv Prop.)EdS34-6940 rates LP 13orr1ce ........................ -.-· .._. c• ~yrs exper.tomm re ArmeS48·8414 malnt. It hauling. Free hrl. Mesa Verde area. Top Qua.lit)' SpecJal t.oosma ortoo lari:e. ..,.., .. Services. 548·7 s Babys1tltn& 1n our CM •••••••••••••••••••••• sid. 673 6047 dvsievs est. \ C M u-ve refs .. 0_991s care in handling. 2S yrs ~eeest. Ton_.Y. 898·2728 11 9 homes. t Yr & up. Any. We Care Crpl Cleaner~ --" -Jessie's Gardening · · rui ·"" exp. Competitive rates. -. . •e.••••••••••••••••••••• Typing, Writing, Ed1t111g. time. 642·84821646·57~ Steam clean & uph.ols Drywall Clean.ups. tree tnm ·Professt"anal .._Tu No overtime. 730·13S3_ E).pert . wal kovenng in· JD. Horn Rennl11hing t.<1 office or yours Sm! Truck mount unit ••••••••••••••••••••••• & mainl serv 640·803S ••••••••••••••••••••••• SfARVING COLLEGE ~~!~atl1on. R!as prices. Antiques, kit cabmels. ~ok 642·2142 .... tcy Work uar 64j·3716 DRYWALL ACOUSTIC T h S . C ... -.ER. PREPARER ....,..,,u tant nss1gnment fine mtin . 645 0664 --• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 f"ull I 'd & ..__ .. G•dtHr 0UC lfYICI 0. LAr sruDENTS MOVING 58!-8590 Wl!Mlow CleoltMCJ For all you need to know Shampoo & steam l"iean yrsexp Y lC Frt-liest. ken839·~S 1213) S92·3S37 or 1714 ) Enrolled to practice CO. Llc. •T124·43fi WAlLPAPERI NG -loofilMJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• about bankruptcy. call Color bnghteners, wht i~ured. S32 5S49 ------840-86 8 before the IRS. Quality Insured. 64MM27 E 'd b d d L ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. Let the Sunshine In"' 71418JS.9_!g__ crpts 10 min. bleach. Btdrical GARD~ING • ., l_ ---at reas. cost. 549·2418 ~~~!! ys GROW ! C-~r-3.0015~ounts 1~0 REPA IRS FOR LESS Call Sunshine Window ... -..11-....__-.-. Hall. bv 'din. rms SIS,....................... &LANDSCA PING HardwoodRoon FA.5T ·ACCURATE SfARVING ACTORS wallcoveringll. Free est. Shingles. flat 30 yrs Cleaning.Ltd. 5488853 -.-n avg room S7 SO: couch ELECTRICIAN priced Ja_pa~e c_eo. S4S·7Q_72 ....................... lnrome tax service-your MOVlNG COMPANY Rod 1·739-5800 ex Free~L.770·27~ __¥< MonlhlyJ.>1scount ....................... SlO. chr SS Guar. ehm .nght. free esttma1e on MOWING CLEAN·U PS llARDWOODFLOO RS ~meby appt 963-6112! Fast & Carerul Lowest -WALL PAPER HuberRoofing·alltypes. •RESIDENTIAi.• GflWICI & SOM pet odor Crpt repair largeorsma II )obs Hauling· Landscaping Beautifully cleaned FEDERATED 1 Rates Law Allows M 1C Contractor & Painting N~·recover-decks A\'g I sty $30. avg 2 sly Builders Since 1947 ~yi~lt ~:fs: Ji~01~tk Lie. 11396621 6 73·0359 F'ree F.st. .; ~2·9907 and waxed. 832-4881 . Visa. L1r /lns. 673·0853 O.C. 23 yrs. Lie. 328240 _bl_£J1411802. S48·9lli__ ~ Chri~ 957-~8 Additions . Remodeling --_y LIC"D ELECTRICIAN F\Jll . -Income Tax Service ------G Co f 366 Doors, windows. patio NoSt.eamiN.oS_hampoo Qual. "Ork Reas. rate• mamt. & clean-ups. Put your advertising 631-4871 To bey, sell orrent use a _ -~...l!!J94-4 _ ROOF LEAK? ??HH WlNOOW CL EANING covers.Fteeest Reas St. s 1 t F " ~ Spe<'. in comm & shop· message where the -------low cost classified ad. Courtn ght&Son 7yrsmarea Extellent Uc. 1310942 549.2170 dry~ Fr:~:t 'k!i.1~ ~ee est 631-5072 T~m ~~ l"lf"!. Tony 646· 7556 I readers are. 642-S678 Want Ad Results 642-S678 642·56]_8__ Cla.uified Ads 642·~78 J_'r~ FA!. ___ S86~292 _ 642·S449, 64S· 7972 Other Rffi Est• HouMs Unfwftidtd '°40Ulfl Uflfumished HouMt ~d ...._. U.tw al•d 'Apa lw11h lMfwoL Apa lwtllt• lWwll-Apwi'IH!lh .........._ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~······················ ····················~·· 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ······················~1······················· RHIEshft CostaMno 3224 Coshi'Meto 3224 LocJ-aleoclil 3241 Mewporlleoch 3269 ....................... CostaMeso 3124 CostaMno 3124 &.og.aleocll 3841 SClllfoAM 3180 W..ted 2900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. den garage. pVt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ... •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••.•••I O<>.RENTALS Vacan~ S rm sgl fai:nily ~·Lio. Gorgeous decor. Eastside 2 BR, sm yard 2 s~I studios '• blk t.o 1 Br. sec gated. adult Pn ... ate Party seek1no 1·5br s S200to s2000 EASTSIDE dwelling. S8l5 'mo. tnl"I WESTC.,IFF fmo_ . 640·S324 -IMMED OCCPHCY! 900 Mam Bch S33Sls.185 uttl comm .. waUt to So • " 2 Br house with den. LI -$400/mo. 2 Br I Ba. attach gar. ~25/mo -· Coast Plaza. pool. tennis 3Br.2Bahome.RW.side 7~3314 _!:!la_ys gardener 442 Monterey &POOL Pool. beamed ceiling, U>.ft.548--484_5 -J.!!Cl,494·0044 c .. r ,.,,,,. mo A\a1l 1 I C.M. Have S25 K for Only MOO rents Lh1s ~ae~;\;;s~tSh~~'ll~ie Dr 494 OIS4 _.,... IMtllb Fwr.llkd lawld"' room No ,...ts '!:Jo!. L~-·ir....--~ 3155 83'"'50"""9 do t p · Lrg enough for a ram1ly nf ., "' Avail. now· 1 br dplx. -~ _I I wn paymen nn on 2br"'' gar. patio kid manager al 5-i8·()6.UI Large 1 bdrm dplx, ol·ean but not 100 large for one. ••••••••••••••••••••••• No last mo. rent. d d N "•••••••••••••••••••••• ~111 ~~~~b c:f~n~ep~r OC·RENTA~ _ _JSOJ31-I E\l~s 11e~. frpc. ullls rnl"I Elegant decor. exec. 4 CostaMno 3724 TSL MGMT 642·160~ ~,!r.\ .. 1';f554~.~l · 0 . Beaut. 2 Br condp. 1 blk ~~.~~di1h3e9d00 • $1~-~ 552 ~8 lld, gardener & pool svc ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse L""-'-"C"'~ ---from lake lnd1 v1dual or umw--nlNtC Pref. loan assum. IE ONE OF. °'"Valley 3234 U.,-0 .._., . .,_1 3252 incl. Avail wash/dryer/· Nice 1 Br. dplx. Quiet. are In quiet adult com· W/side. lge l &. 2 br. OW. gar & club membership. ••••••••••••••••••••••• TU& LUCKY F"'W ••••••••••••••••••••••• " d I d t KcJ\ I c II ,...., ii:: refrig. $1600/mo A0 t. c.... by gar I emplyd r.u Newly decorated. rps. n ry. carpor . ......,;mo. Ava1 4 I a SEAWl.._.D .__..._._ Rent sn Costa Mesa·s BR ••••••••••••••••••••••• " I ..,.,;" ' nK&t.tllc;. 64~-6625 2 _,, f ~ -NE · d 3 2 Ba. mo to mo Ckean \•iew 3ar. den. 2ba Lots 63H_f66 _ adult over 35 No pets 1replace, enclsd patio & r""' ~· _ 13·~9476 a t S 30 Will ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEST gate 20 r;so N1celoc K1d~OK 4br. 2,,ba. fam rmtdin pso 548·1_02_1 _ grage. Sorry, no pets 2 Br 1 o -••oo Pool. show3t20 &3 •21 _ VILLAGE Townhome VILLAGE 9603805 Shores home Gate 7s M 6.s 3381 ,,.. " Houses fountistwd -COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br guard Near pool, beach rm ford pool. Av ail. $32S. 8x28 trailer in qwet 0· • or stov&. refri ge. Adu It Newport leoch 3869 New 1&2 bdrm luxury u••••••••••••••••••••• 2'~8a.1600-1800sq.rt or Oftlea~h 3240 $800 leas e Owner f!OW.~955-0809 _ ad!-'lt park.gas&water 675-~9-'--complex,nopets 423 W.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aptsinl4plans I Bdrm lal»o I.a.id 3106 pure luxury Garages. •••••••••••••••• ••••••• 499·3638_or493 9268 run 2br, 2ba. den. dbl J!.a.!_d, 673·7787 --I Br Etside. sma II but Bla_y S48·9516. pan11 NEWPOR from SS15. 2 bdrm from Avail. 411 to 6115, 2 Br suite. dining roomi.. LEX 119 uni Pl RR Ba f 950 730 cg 5 _,____... -wood. $360. Adults only pet and h Id I S040 + pooL tt>nnis •••••••••••••••••••••••hydro.tubs in master DUP H P\tromm SeaTerrare. far, frpk . wlk 10 bch a-a...--L 37 ... rozy w/lots or neat EA5TSIDE2bdrm.lba. Ml\ J SS7U. Townh~e from .,,..urfront $350 wk . wood burning fireplaces. m!(ton A\e Ocean vie~. an J 4 2 • am / mo ·" 4 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS!:~ ~· c 1 ~e co me COUNTRY CLUI ~alerlalls. po s' Gas l IXXlmo ~3-8821 micro-w:i ve ovens . \Oneyball en . I Br rm. Comm JJOOI, {;1c . 7S2-~lll Luxury studio, spit. TV. 5642·9771 LIVING for cooking & healing pnvate patios & yards s;oo mo 2 Br $600 mo tenrus. walk 10 P\1 ch I BLUFFS maid service. phones. Fl REPLACE. p "<!I. USTSIDE Bachelors, 1&2 bedroom paid. From n Diego NtwpOrtlitoch , 3169 Gardener pro\•ided orrentent1reduj1lei1 fur No pel6 1 yr lse.I 3 br 212 ba on green· t_ll5wk.499·2227 ~rivate ptitlo & dis r---.woocts aj)ls &townhouses Fr~y drh·c , orth on ._.••••••••••••••••••••• Elegant Uvino only IS SllOO' mo Ca I Rob 714.357.1200: 67S-6892 . II bell 'nrCwl .Lge renced SIGHT & SOUND OF I washers rn XTRA LG 1 1...ar=i8':.'1ort No '"'ls ~o~ 1000 644-1900 Beal·h to • . 1'1 dden " 'fever ... ., 1C/\o\ r. >r SJ6.-fil42 1·' t d • ' 2 Br. garden apls. on .... ,.. th w nunutes Crom Fashion " · """.wvv. 0 ~ 1 pa 12=:,= w51;;J 4 .... ~~ SEA I Br. (rpk. gar. j Ent si de 1460 ss60 S48S/mo 180 21st St NO FEE! Apt & Condo en est on r. cf adden Bachelor. m Versailles Island. 7 minutes lo SC 66!:.7_622 home Condo on gotr rourse. 31 orXln12•13 ""ron,'!':;,16~76 '"""""" Marthru June 4!M SJ~ S57·21Ml Days 646·4262 . Eves rentals Villa Rentals to Sea"' ind \' 1 II age S62S Plaza or O C A1rpor1 SHJ-IH' 21Jr, remodeled Br w d. pool. S750 1 ...,.,. 645-9:>43 67q 912 B k 17141893 5198 Mob1leol.ld0Park S700 Just easl or Newport k d "C>W 831-1678 I ---Beaut r!-'m 2 Br. apt, t Br. garage. yard No · . oe.: -ro er B C d Bl d & f " o· gar. I pet,•' S4110 • NF.AR BC~. pdlbr unit ocean view. spa . sauna, ""'Q K'd OK u w1mo llC.....1...:...1-4 Pl 8r, b Rooms BayV1ew2 r on o v . so o .,an ie~o OC·RENTALS 7S0-3314 ....... wport•-ach 3269 .w1gar.ut1l $295 Satell1't e TV. ma1·d ..-~ I s ... . _., .. ~ • ex ac. lor2 rapts. I m1 $1200 ~wy StartrnJ? at $900 a ....,.. -oc RENTALS 750 33l4 641 0763 1 2 Br I Ba. large sun rom beach No pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• VillaBalboa 2BrS12SO month 631 ·5439. 24i3 4Gbdl;,.~ .. beas.te$7r50 ..... rmoBuslb9a8rldl ••••••••••••••'•••••••• --· service. SIOOO mo. -de<'k larage~11h laun _6-_42·2357 P,..thome.nosmok1n2or 4000 -.,.... " s~..i.vtEW LE •se I Lulo. 3 bdrm. 2A ba frml wmter._~1al.499'3Ql~_ 2 br. S3SS mo 352 Vic . . ~ dnnlung. qwet ~, o~er :-lewport Crest3Brlloft Orange A\ e . Co:. la r;A "' -Iona Adults. no pets 1 di) h -up. Adult!> no Cliff I-la\ en. 2 br. 1 ba. S1500 Mes21 & Adams 968·0991 4 Bdrm 3 Ba. F R . D R ·I dtn. 2 sty $1300 mo Agt Newport leoch 37 69 645-8161 ' J!W_~20. 7S2-2SSO -new crpt. fresh paint. ~ S27S rm SS6 063i Wate~o~!~omes Ul\'ely Mesa \"erde 3 RR 2 Br Condo. pool. Jacuu1. <'II) + ocean ~u Guard Wend.J'. 644·489S · •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• ID.I PoMt 3826 frplc. eat·in kit No pels Rm w bathroom prn --------•I fam rm. 2 ba. $800 mo clbhse. curporl. ~r},il' gate Pool + tennts. CONDO lrg 3 br. 2~1 ba, Want somethin11 xtr;i ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.642·2134 · Nr So Cst Plaza & 405 ___ __ Kids/pets ne.g Julle. No pet~ SSOO mo 1~t $1700 rro Boh or Dovie r p. 2 story . or oeean s pecial 10 a 2 Br WestFteld, 2 Br ocean ne ~. Waterfront. dlx 2 Br f\\'y !"on-smkr f\•male u.......-~ U_...._1.,L,.d a"' .S46-_ 2313 last_,. dep 768 7633 K~jt 759 1221 $000 A.!1Ji73 9060 Townhouse, completely balcony. uaraoe clean ~er SSS wk 556 liJi .--RTvnt n.. ~-furn'-.. At 760 9117 •••&TMruTS 'I' .. q1.1et. pm·ate S79S mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• House. horse ok. 2 Dr I Br Condo, pool t11nnc.. Nwpt Crest condo-4bd. ~ 0· · -· Bea~f~garden apts ~··A· Cor1:>\a Dr Dock &\'ail. 673 6336 & Room for rt>nl. 5250 mn lalboalskind 3206 S650mo 20202 BirchSt clbhse fr1i:e carport IAYFtlOMT 212ba,liv.din.famrm& Paliosidecks Spa.heat ~IJ4Q?26S7 1co ectl 6429666 Incl ulll CallChm11na ... •••••••••••••••••••• Santa An a H g l ~ No pets $42S mo Isl 2 story, 4 + bdrms. 2 woodO.Pool/jac/ttnms. paid Nopets Octa11Vi•w! NewportHeighbcondo,3 557278.1 Bayrront. beach. 2 Br. 2 551 6931 la~t +dee 71i8 7633 b a I h s. f 1 rep I a ce. l..se '1000=--~l·OSGO 2 BR. 2 BA. ~2S Dix Townhouse Apl 3 bd townhouse. 2 bath. I ur 2 Rm~ F\J rn1i.hed. Ba . I gar sp 123 E EASTSIOE Cle:in 1 Br I BR Iba. adult condo Rorgeous vie~· Pier and Ocean View 3 br rondo. ll8W W1~n 631 ~ bdrm. 2•, ba frpl, enc powder rm . rrp le . P\1 ha upsta1r:. Kitch Ba Y fro n I . Ba lb o a cottage. couple or snl(I C1\1C center area Close i.1.Jp $3000 per mo Avail Nwpt Crest. yrl). avail Eastside 2 Br 1 Ba Cot-gar. 00 pets Master comm pool S900 mo. pm· ~les.i \"erdt> tC~f 1 Island $1 200 "'Inter ~c 85] 2Q:40 to bea ch No peb f eb.1 4 l Mr Clark. a gt. tage 5495 mo 2625 O&f bdrm has Calh t't>ihng ~1164S495§or64S·4834 for quiet empl non ~~;l's~;~ He~~-da\S Exec. 4 Br custom home . ~ 111!. 833·7890 64S-3370art 6 Elden 631·11~. -I ~t9~f3ls. Patio $775. t Br. 33rd St. 2 blocks smkr _S45}7__J2 3 frplc, pnvate street. °" LARGE DUPLEX 2br 2 Br I Ba. 1981 Maple 1----from beach, garage. No N.B lrg ba J , apt me. Duplex. 4Br. bay view, Rent or lease option. HarbOur 3242 Iba. gar. lndry · 20· to Ave. Upstairs. quiet. no B Tor0 3132 peLs. $4SO. Sierra Mgmt. beach shops, yrl) S.325 newly decorated. no s11751mo 18051654.0322, ....................... bch$7S0Yrl,r962·4914 pets.2persons S42S/rno ........................ Co.641·1324 ~5291 __ _ I050.752·IB2Q_ l714 1997·8600 ask for Waterfront Broadmoor BLUFFS 3 BR 2''l ba, Sierra Mgml . Co . 28r.28a.new condo.dis· Adul\s. 2 Br 2 Ba Laguna Beach. lg furn lahol'tMtwlo li07 ~ __ 2bdrm. 2ha, frplc, wet fplc. upgraded. patio. 841 tBi._ __ hwasher, refnge. pool. Vmailln. crpt. drapes. rm. pnv ba . S24tl mo • ••••••••••••••••••••••• E"side. Lg I Br, unique bar, ~bl 11ar, sltp avail. ~~~.F:~~\.1~:fe0~~ $900 mo or lse opt. =-~,=~= Like new lge 1 br apts. Kids OK. Isl, last & d,e-gar. pool. S750 mo yrly g,lldee,499-5550 ll'2 brhouse.yr.round.no cabinhke featureswpd pati o s975 mo optiontobuy.SlSOOlmo. 700-8.1W__ ments FURNISHED Quiet complex. no pets. r.~il.D~9;/~~2 ~~g~·I ~·93il..M~·2848 Room w full hOlllfll' ~ts. SSSO. I blk to beach. u t 1 It ti es S5 25 mo (7~ls75·7l7I Tennis. pool. walk to Dover Dr In WestchH end UNFURNISHED. $470 & up. Mesa Pines. 581~ . 1 Ocean view. yrly 2 Br. 1 pnv1legl'!t Npt Rrh Call , S.~10 _ 64S-6266 2br !we condo on Lagoon beach Agent 646-1044 or Condo. Ultimate living. Oallwood also otters ~Harl 549·2447 _ _ ---ba. 2 patios. \ ard S6SO '!fl 6J ~2 ~ CoroM Ml Mor 3222 I & 2 Br Trailers $185 & 2ss'fo g~~ & c:r'P :~~ass ~~ smaunds'!;ksw+te1 wB~th&Crpelnc, • All Ulllltlel Ptld I BR $360. ut 1 I pd.,........._°" leoch 3140 ..!!_lO ~-671Mlor646 3189 _ P\t home No dnnkin~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• up + S 150 sec No llG CANYON LSE ~~ di · carport. No pets 383 W ••••••••••••••~••••••••i 37tOSEASHOR E DR . k1tclr ba pri v ~; sidt> Spectacular oeean & r1ty children or do gs wlm~~06309,8JI 2932 2BR MrLa1n Co ndo. frpt'-c· livinf rm & ~tr ·= Ba_y.548-~J_!> Deluxe poolside xtra j NEWPORT BEACH CM $200 mo 631 2410 fights view from every 642-9193 HUMTINGTOM Sll25per mo. Call Gern ~~o1giJ,~ · ~~;: 729~: •51 Million In Beautiful 2 Br 2 Ba ~~~/~r; ~11:· t!~~~· 3 bdr. across from bch. Hotek, Motels 4100 room. Large 2 Br frplc. 2 Br. encl> ard. pets kids HARIOUR _673-7761or760_1397 493-(11(13 Rec:r..Clon $SSO /mo. Carpets. dts-Adults" 00 pets S.SOOmo. avail 1mmed Newly ••••••••••••,•••••••••• man y amenitie s ok Avail Mar 14. 221S l~Hl'ROPERTY hwasher Avail 3·1S ~8362 dec .lndry .$800 mo ul!.rft.a.l'L .... i "'". $1200rro Call Anthony Pomo na $5 50 mo -HarborRldae~eoH AndMuch More• 675-0606 __ !. 1213)283·5882 "g;v" " ii::• days 642·57S7. e\•es & 646-6238 OWMERS. 4Br3ba,frmUining.f r. 2BrAptnr Westcliff Fora month 0111118. ----THE WHI F FLETREE 1 Brap-I StO\'e. r~rn" & Reas Weeki~ ates wk:nds631 66:!_0-'---Let us rent your income study. beaul dee. lge $6SO 2 br. I ba duplex apt 1·2·3 Bdrm. Apls Gym. ~ " Kitchenettes-Phones • L2~A.5~u o:xe~~k~11~U ~~~i.~1.%· :a~.agr~:t \teo~~.y (2~~·,5t9~~2i1et ~~~dedf~~te~i:C:i1?e~~ Eastblwf:i:~ily Home =~~:;.1:1~ =~~~~%ii~i Pets ::.-·:.:~9-~I. ienms. rarik~f.~°J'~~tn $400. Sa~;l~~.nl~ ~~:'.~rt mo.Ownr.'A 759.8006 loc Lease.S900 mo ask fQ[_Bill ms $2900/mo Agt. Bob Bay-frootSBdrmw 'dork 1 & 2 BR garden apts. Newport Vers ailles _Bl Costa Mesa64S9137 63l ·I054 .__ 324 .. or~vleKoop 7S9.:._1~ S32SO "'-k....-..... w pool. qwet well keMt. MAllMYS WALK ..studio pool. spa. club. Spacious 2Br. frplc. den. d "-• w rf ff 1 ""' wvvu Lrg 3 Br. 'townhouse · G Se Brand new dlx con u ror ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpt Hts 3 Br. 2 Ba. ate root ornes nc Garden Apertments 160 W. Wilson, C . Apa rtment F'rplc , pnv ar runty gale -sa.s __ rm-'.84'"'0.:8087 -~~\p~r"'g~~r r~:~sy·J'2 Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ha. Sl2i'mo. 1st. last + dep. __ 631·1400 JU--.t n--"/No 6'2·73']364S·427j enclsd gar, patio1yard. _8Sl·8090eves · · · patto. gar. Pork, poo l. A\'.!)1Jla.Q_w fi4S 74~ __ Dll DQA BAY CLUB ,.., ... ....,., ~· · Spacious 1 Br Garden Near Hunt Harbour. OCEAN VIEW 3 Br On the beach hotel rooms . kitchen & bath. $300 +SJOO deposit 2306 w Oceanfront. Newport Beach 673·4154 car gar. Located at 1932 iar $975 mo 83J.9057 81 u r fs 3 Br 2 Ba UN.u 880 Irvine i\pl. Pool & rec All util Otlldren OK S6SO mo w 1 new "'t pt s d rps bdrm 2 b h t fr 'Meyer See to • apprec · --(11 181hl d N p $800 3 . at . JUS o Call8J9..4l22fo~t Turtlerock Jbdrm. 2ba. To~nho use. 2 rar I Br. Excellent view. pai -opets. IM0-6807. ermanent mo. req VocoHc.Rtftfols 4250 Orean Blvd Lge patio. 2 ----, lbloclt park/pool. ss7s garage w opener Avail $1000/mo. Take over (7t4J64~1104 El Puerta Mesa b lsl/lasttc1b l refunda· car garage. rire-pla<'e. Vacant 3 br twnhse. dbl lst&lasL~.u.5444, May lsl S900 /mo lease. 644·9513 or New--rtBNc:h/So. ~Ma leAve.A ts 2 r, 2 ba. att. gar . ble pro.11att"d ) Cr refs t' $1500 I I N SC Pl Im .,.... .,..... -S57S/mo. 2 br. 2 ba. 30' I I el b ·1 A nea . mo.. ess o gar. r aia ·, ---642.9599_. _ 64.s·SOOOext. 110. 1700 161h St 2 Br 1 Ba d. nqu r y ma 1 · righltenant. mac. Kids OK . S62S TURTLHOCIC (OoY9••I ietn) · upr.r, is-gar. rer. tile firs. Mcintosh. 8S60 Hunt (L) ~. -. .,., ..I I H _. ~-7374_ 3Br. atnum. $92S mo F.xec 4 Br. 3 Ba . fpl. l br Versailles condq. (71.4) 642·5113 hwasher. poo ' patio. ~Lmo 846-9501 (ll·SI ington Dr San Gabnel. {')()U>t..,., aa t./n<lll. 48r hse. Mesa Verde. S800 haw_e ~t/Rltr 731.444s dshwsber. new decor1 highly upgraded, great ~rt s . Adu Its 1 Br. patio. ca-;-port. pool. ca 91775 CfA,,J.N>/«» gr d n r . West c Ii f 1 amenties. $600 (furn --------spa, secunty, 149s Util ~"v ·-r-· lTl>. Includes grdnr. tst RENTALS I Sl ,32S /mo . 646-7250. avail.)631-0749,752·1925 2Br.28a.pool.carpets, incl.Ava114[7.892·6745 BeachlBr.bnght&a1r)f. "W!J Ull. & last + cleaning dep 1 br. Iba S6SO 752.2550_ LUFFS drapes. No pets. Busi-___ _ ,., block orean. yearly 67!1-8'Wlf S59-49M_ 2br+denZba $975 ---I ,_....,... 3)16 ness&prof. people. $4SO. • 2br in 4·plex. sm New No pets. Avail 3·1S. .,., I . C..et ...,., CdM S42S mo. 2Br. I Ba. no 3 br, 2 ba S9SO llG CAMYOM 3 bdgrmded• 2 bat, n, ew Ide~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• S48·4827 or 7 31. 6829 crpts, w/d hk·upl ~nclsd M96E /mo673. 9Dl0Says 67S 2699. --------•I .w.~. &45 V1ctona. ~6 3br,2ba SISOOfurn COHO~ up ra · eve · -"' La1una Beach beaut ml &ar,Nopels.645·:H94 ~-=--~9124 _ --b b $1200 3 a r 11 gol o rs• rm Lease. Avail approx . • · · ---_. 4 r.2•.., 1 r. u r u " furn .• swte 2 ~R. spa. Studio Apt for rent. Ml~Bchlbjirml2bdrm, DllDnl BAY CLUB C..MtH 1224 3br2ba S97S Costa Mesa view, teMis. pool. spa. Jll. 644-442 sau~a. satelltte TV, Private entrance. bath & ut.il furn no gar S390 and UN.DUii :e••••••••••••••••••••• 3 gi~·s ~!~ ~fc!J:.a;;7 4br. 2ba $800 Hunt Bch Le!iSe $1200. Avail. now. SOIA a..,.. 1216 7ma14 '!. serv. $300 wk. r e r r i g e . Kitc h e n rm. 846·9SOI -I Br. Excellent view HURRY! 3br. 2ba.9all Brentwood. 646_.:_8788. ~ Rais9_r Rlt1.._833·1!609 Prime. loc. $44·7424 Bkr. .................. ..... ._. prl vi leg es. $250 I mo . 38r l lhBa 2 car garage $1000/mo. Take over a I, ur o_pt. S4 S LU~£S Bluffs Front row. bay Oltter 3 br, l ba. Ocean lnclds utils. 2 blka from no 'pets gas/wtr pd 215 I ease. 6 4 4 · 9 5 13 o r OC· ALS 750-3314 Executive living New * * UW view, 2 br, 2 ba . dt· vu. S8SO/mo . 30831 1if Im.ti OC.C. and 3 mi ff<!m Ad"am's SS90 mo . ~~ext-" 110 Eastside 3 Br. 2 Ba . ~~~t.C3ni~. ~a9~e 3Brcoodo.Wdbr $900 roratorbome.Adults.no MarilynDr.840-1441 U.fwlllMd beach. Lge yard u1et _.2703 OCUMFIOHT -S150/rm .. lJl. ta. sl~sec. f:""'lc, paUo. ~I. clbhlle, 38r I-he, Wdbll $900 pet$.. $l200/mo . lease. 3291 ••41••••9•••••••••tt•••• ne iillrllood' a 2 Bdrm 2 Ba -t-l -2 Br 2 BA .. o lt·ln lutrhen. dt"""it. Call. 548-4388 w'"allt to s ~s s1•0. 11 other&lo choose rrom. Kathie Hardesty Realtor L..11.......-p...... 3107 wltda al 759-8812. . . ups a rs ,..... " 1 f 760-11244 - --apt dw bal sgl gar. 1 D/W. frpl r, 2 c11r aft. 6 ·~79.'13, 493· ~ _ We"retheones to ca I or -· · ....................... ~r sharp 2 Br. garage thlfd Ok. Water paid'. g~&e. Yrly S97S. ~c.2br,21.,ba,blt·ins, F.a.sulde. clean 2 BR. 1 iJ =•Hll NuUaBR,28A~yearl,. &paUo.Nopet. 1:5.545-2000. Aftnt.no J.l.PIOP.MGl il'• pool, quiet area Ba, patio le yard. NO \\bodbrldge ~amil;~fo~!~t'Ji~· yard.:el~~e.~I.~ rn:~c'c~!~~·t~ ~f;r ii M2·~ -1t:.-~ -HiM70 _ -675-6171 r 67 l2. --PETS.: mo. 548·6680 Realty Ing, pool/spa. $2000 ent nC>fee. ocean. Brlcr67S,.912. E. side tri·plexl lg, quiet 317, 3 Br. l Ba. enclad garage, Nice clean 2 Br. I Ba . 551.3000 7~93.13 a -Oceanliront, pr1me area. 2tlr, lndry, pa lo, adlta, 1142 S. Cle•• new carpell & custom enclsd aaraoe, yard, 1 no f73·MOO ••• .. •••••••••••••••• •••00•••••••••••••••• drapet lar•t y1td & ntW paint & carpet No tmllm111u f'by. tr•lllf 3br. 2bl. pool.-din rm/fm IC1n•i 3 Br. 2 Ba.,, c. No pets. . ' ' ET STIJDIO CONDO 2 Br. 1i., e.. aaraae. petio;\th playhouae. no peta. $52Hsecur1ty. RanchOSan Joaquin 2 Br ~~1~0A~1;[1:sc:f· I Ua .. d11Md 1425 ~~~.•17~~a5~ 2,!,'l,~'1:-!~kU:~~!~~ le. rcfr11t. blllaa lal.lldry, blk lo beach. jleta. No waterbed. $SSO 2541 Ofaqe house E den. 2 bl, view of aolf :J-'I ,....................... af1· IA 111$t tut.ref. MS·l•I 1cro11 frm bch '"° ~ "~~ t depoalt. 548·5442• 54"2'7'71. ' · courat & nlcht lites. Walk to l>N•h. 3 Br. 2 e.. 2 BR, 2 1ty, pool, D/W, • 14 Lar•e 2 8r. l V. Ba . 170--UR+ bonus rm 2b• 11 Avail Apr. t. 1875/mo. I• aae w /hook· upa, ato~. poo mo. c:.e.MIM JIZ-4 CM/SA.,.. nr SC Plu~. JIU . I a r 1 a e , f r p I c , t ,,.. \_ •-lie. --. ,_,., 'bot tu' b, IJS.7718 . r1 • dlll1"br. 8ava1e ,\!~d. IQ·08 ...................... 2 bdrm. 2 ba, air concl. """" /dr1er t•tlo ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Avail now Weekly thru summer 673 7873 PalmSpnng5 11re11 11\ton· terey CC I rondo 3 BK 2 Ba. furn ~ atrium Golf. tt>nnis. Dally. weekly & monthly n11r11 avail 714 ·558 8001 9_:SPM, ask for Mark to SMrt 4300 ROOMMATE FINDERS Oldtst Ir lar~st aitn('y NI client.a fil"rttnt'd with photm &i rererenre!I. ~Its: Coamopolitan Good Momin a Amen ra, The Tomorrow Show. '"' off• to all new dMIUwhoeeed• plate. tMolJ tt1-1m ' a • ... ......... .,... Co ~ ,.. Qlild • cat Ol ............... •• " la • s•o ' Ml ,., ltl l oeo. let, laat, See. The...._: Love\1 2 Br. -. LIASE/OPTION uu I & a J a .. : call •t·Olll or llr + loft uedo. 1 wu tr· ~ · "'"JOU i TOWllltMt. l'Dl•Y •••. : .G«GR De • cmdl>.H8.0ttu6NJ .... ., • . eras pd. ,..... ~ ,..., , .................... .._ ____ ,..,.. ... ..._.al. Iii wtt11 u.. 111~.m • tnemckl.pool.1,.a,ten· rorWH1T1=111w: ~. i 11 ..... ._,tor eacl ar. •1•11hr, &J • • •• ..balta,.O,.u. [Nlwa...,.,c._... .re•••lblt .,. ........ , ... ., .. ., .. htfld, 1 .,_ fever. tu •· No . 1m1-.. wttb a ed Ad llDft ato e&u . eTJ.ell poll, AdtlU, to .. _ •t 1'111 wut II iW ....._ IN • W.,.. •It _.11 nt cl-'n.. • all lr.W.Yllll'I.--todt eGMTI .__ Call Im m. . .,._PUatCl.-uw.. fl ........ ...... .... ' . ,. .. . ,. . I. I I i I .. • '8 I 11 llH*-W.._. 7t ie.W1i(~ 11 W.W JIM ... ~ 1f00 ....................... -~................ ~................. • ..................... ,;;r .................. . a.•1ov110pert1 _ --~· llOVtl:!: P 11 • irilna Sall boat 1na1r.-er 1 •Hit JOll, L11Ue or ~~ JI:= COllPAHI trH&td. lVll _... .. .Nwpt llnrh S tYTI. .., 11-.e • ld1w ~ ''°" ~ .,._ .._ Nwria.. IW7' ,,...,.,..a..,_, 111dl . l t l rTI, rm -• .-port W~ now, f11ll t11M ~:;::.m:;&miiiiii~ ,,,.~ c.;cJ1°Ua ~ ttr•·••. • o CoD•. Hasp N••fort 111•••r 111thuh1t II ·----' --::!!!!!!! 1driu. Lt. work. Btldl. POI •tlltlllk 41 wtt*tedl CaH"5·'1IUO CASHI II -p /'f , Wrltt detatlr Mr adallta nttdtd Xlot •-..ft .. tolllr 11 f:.!.-1.• bu ut I t111 . . .... " .... • W/fOQla. MT·• OI lhrtu lllrdwue. ,.,...,,,...,.~ Oti:t1n -.n11_c.i11. "2'°'4 54LE.S Wldldi net. E•p. J>ref. Blvd. ~~ N~ Unlunic.dp0tt11Ual.-:1'J:--nl-"t·-t .9-11 H OU EK J: ~ P £ R : !!9l}JI£ worlina rond1tion11. \\ r & Mature lady (or a yr old • will t rain No HJl H S-ALES 1lrl Md 5 ~ bome. Elper' al • J;onv. llHtlUI')' '1'?0.2028, 1n•k Aid rsoa. Crown Rdt r.g::tlltwll pvt Hoo. Nwpt, B tll. or llOOlamlte M/F H.B. Id lfir1 e, 1814 Sao ~U!;:liz.?_•N_ Chetrl11I, dedicated lllii .JSaJes~m!!.---~-,;'~ * .~~~L-_,.~---~~ M!m). NfwR!>rtJt•c HSINAJYMM IOOd pvt tare, Xlnt Ins IM~ a+ \ot ClllF • fo.r.fijftrty-w1blby. procra~m.CallMt,,.. F.-n ,... -4 l · •!ta .. ..,.iillser.tift 1>60 Former or c.urrent , IW. Harbour 1rt1. $ . C.11 u. about th• uut PlftN!1¥Pt 1'woMtloshr ....... _._\!•••••••••••• needed u imlrll4=lbr for day wk.' Reh req. lnbul31. o lee ttllndlnf rareer "P W/prol person, tennis, ~ITll ~· 300 aq ft, a/c, In ~ N SW!l>UiJf M~SAO t: iu,11 echool tralnlnfpro-~ll · Back sod front oUlce port u n t I e 1 3 s n S!lnll\y 1n1enltl11. 12MIG.ft. me downtown toe. on -For men t wome.n ~1miJlfood11rvke1ln· =----~·S910 l111ur11nre Agent. Train I « 1..,.J 14251 Ttach-llVcf'. itwn w pt a lv d , c . M . •a111 Robert 861-7826 l,lltl')' ~~ ne1otiabJe. R 0 J.....,. .. O \l ,, 1 · in1 will not lnter(eh 2 Frwya, CMt Ctdtr S2 00 /mo • U 1 ·Hz o, .... 4650 r-LN · "fe ...,~1~ Included. lrT'E "f{ ~ ,n · OfRC JP..-. · 14 Ith your pr..,_~ u 1 .. ba ...... _ m,v .. bdrm, ir-=...::=z....::==:::._-i SbooD&DJ Center. Prime '7•1til · .. •••••••••••••u••••• • Cal Paul Snyder 1t Economy vehicle re· R.e-OIClie bcl1-p/11111, emplaymtnt "'au_...., ~ • locillois Dix ffl -· 1r..tl USO '1 1t65 qi.ired 10.2 dally, 5 day wk townbome\ nr bch IP ce '111 ia:9 Ce OFFICE/STODlO ~ .-.... 2.,,...0...l ... -....................... CHILJ>C"O""•"HSKPG 21'-439·5eJ.S -MUSfbe reUable,rHj).. ..... ··111 •mo + ~ 11ert. non-I . • or Bltb/Bar. Lii Bch. 1 _.)nf02 bdrm, Ill e.eo. ..... .. .liL...L '"'"". "-·-1 &d phone manner. well """ w. ~ amok er Ava II 41 l blcl to bcb. Ster. Jerv. pool, RV pkln1. Clubhse, :e-Mlr -• In exch. fe>r room ti ...... ~ peraon needed r 1roomed noo-1moktr. Sales eves 704 tq.n . profeulonal avall.49t·l.2SOdays. Ad1t comm. 114-495-9028 Lale ar.&3MSl6 board. Student or pt/· Tuel Ji Tbura. 7·3pm. ·Cllt Jackle or Linda fo1 Ha1T1.1lton Cuvt"Ja:to kt Roomroatewa1tled, Dani '512 ft Sl oo bldg. Cotta MeH . Nr or503-582·022t for 1 Worldwide eass on Ume empl. OK. Nwpt. Call'l68-l3l3,._ ---Interview btwn 9.5 daily. urloua condominwuh Polnt 2b 2b ft J,\·8 t" h. ).f;r Harbor ti Biker. .,....,.... · nAm,good 'fH5/31, 844 ·4811 <Pl• Ive l.EGALSIC'Y fr7 2311 under construrtiou 1111 filut + ~ ut~i~:r.1~~ JICl· l'su.5032 re '• .B. 7l449Mm OrarijeCOprline ortlce ...... /l••ut~ a.1162-2M4 ssa e smrWewport Ctr law Cat11lln11 Island k n _..., C.M. 345 fl + bath. spaceC/~. 12•500 & 27!!0 ,.._. COOK firm desir es u p .. OfftCIMANACiH/ Dougl1111 C:o . Sitt~:. F mr flull ipt. \It r•nt o.· _):{, ecuplan· ~IJe ~a.l!.J250lmo. t'4a1~y ~a as.I FDo~•nlritacti'n ••••o••u•••••• ••••• l Ll:':tllt I ABru1 kCP1atUoexpe,rlen·ce. qture person fo( cavil ACCOUNT AMT fAgenCs art' lnte1r\•1ewmi: SlM + lltll. Call ;rt ~ ...... ... _,,,, PO Bo M~t2708 D ·....... f n ,_...._ APPIY a Cle. 1900 litigation Generous E•cellent rareer OP· or exp er cared ~30 m. Raf's r•q. M·'-'-x JlO r ,.... .....:...._ SOOS ....................... W. BalboaBlvd,N.B. sal1ry, Cull benefits ll()ttunlty for the Rifhl salKpeoplr to be pa.rt ur .. .. "A.Mew~-Design to suite executive ....... en a..a.u.66St -.fl.--JJ .......... W . 758-l<*l Penon ln a ProgreJa ve the w111n111s ll'1m .. For 40. ~llservice/rusfo·m offices with ~cretarial Pri t m d d ••••••••••••••••••••••• -..e.d. 7075 COOKl1ilt hskp. Aide & Company. The In an 1n1e rv1n con1r111 Need II or F roomm.lle olficetideakapace. service, poos1ble .living Wltl1 Ji o ce nef e .. f11if & Fold La11ndry -••••••••••••••••••••••• natural food s exp LIGALSICRfTAIY dividual shoultl possess Fr ed Mc M 111 11 n for 2 bdrm apt. Nr UCJ. Nr. O.C. Airport atta. Good location In o'te recept on1st Dry Cleanlna Aaency. Youn a married m1 n helpful. rem pref. C1n foreWpe>rt-84lacli. Dover strong Acctg. & Ad 2l3-82Q.2S48 Non.-s moking o1ien "SeetoAppreclate!" CanneryVlllage.Broker ~· .Airportarea. E)i.tb.3SYl'l.640·7200. wouldlikeoddjo.b1.1eves live in. Ref req. No area Attorney, needs ministralive skills - minded atudentdeslred. 7se.at78 • 67~12 . Mo.yto&.o.. 5025 'wkends. Can ao a srmke.CM642·3481 ~gal Serretai;r. Some Pleas1nt working en.1--------• =1&;te:·;552N.·1~592~w;~~-r-·.·.·;;;;;;;.•;:.•: • .,,,.il I 7lfll St, C.M. 1 & ~'?!1 Aotrf!~ttrom ........... ~··••••••••• Jc:.e~ly 2.;kh:e:f:~~~ ~~:1!~ "f !g·d :idee x ~ • ~:~t r~~~ r31,ia~h~~: ~~~.";:~· r5:~~=s~~ SALES ~:· Sbr hie Nwpt Bch, pool, l ft 2 room otnces. ';-IC. Sl8S. Ulil. lncluded. for Bil . · Helpful. Fem pref .. can equlpmtnl needed. SIH Saikr~ft Corp . 78S W 1~~~~JsE ', • ,rrplc, nr bch. 2 Cir MIWPORTCB«ll t!'tf °'P~· Util. mcl. Realonomicl 675-6100 .,..._ ... : HafpW..ted 7100 live in. Ref req. No .not 1equired. Salary 17th St.. IF. CM CA For p T reader-ad ~~· $300 mo. .. ••• tOffk• ~ics II 675-6100 ....... R..... 4450 R..a..ces ... -. .................. srroke.CM642-3481. oommensurate With ex-...:::92S2'=7:.:.·-----recesentat1ve~ ror In S..Ct ••••••••••••••••••••••• Office......... AP ART MEN T AS. COotc'S ASSIST. perienceMz IC41l ~unity for growth SI sales po:slli<>n AlJ~i CDM, lmmed occup, sep 500 to 20Cihq n. Avail•· MIDtCAL SUITE &oreror leue lSx&O-' 69' R.-.; SlSTANT MANAGER f ftlme. Exp'd pref. --with prolesslonal young 1> '" pers~n · P• 1 entrance. NeuOce1n bleforLeHe 2U1S sq. ft: frOlll ground w. 19th St, c·~ JnqUire OHie Wlclllwn Cbuple for 65 unit• Apt ~/sandwiches. APP· LIFE GU AR OS· ARC company. Applicants nysaver, 1660 Pl11fffttt11 673-2763 CallWm.F.Cote Ooor, Jarden setting, 686W.19thSt.orcallBlll Loa.nsto"5ooocf'i"irms co ~l.ex ln H.B ; ly in .person, 3·51lm. Ce~ts, $4.76 hr. Also mustbe careerorientedl•A•ve .... c •. ti.1.·---..-• Shr N.B. 1pt, 3 br, above t srw>re loforUl;!llon prolessfonal bid&. in top 64S-32SO to 3 years. Call to see Ir 213/ 15U. M. F . G 0 we r s l . trainees. with front orrice ap· -----Nwpl Center. $232 + i,,. ' .. r... area. ol Newport Beach, we have the best rates Apart~nt Manager. Ex· Restaurant, 1000 Bristol 968·031l pearance & congenial SAL~PERSON f' "l' ~. 7~ev1 Cote Re .. ..., xlnt 1cce11 to Hoag OCIAN VllW availible for your loan. pertenced, mature COii· St. North, Newport . MAID Pf!:'°"n ealir.tay.1 C 1 e rk 1 Marine hardware eq, *i!,::,m~ ~o,hsot;:. . ~ .:;.:;nent ! :!':r!· ,~;! ':Vai'.. ~l~~ ~~ir\~fCqo~r~cle ~~:~! ~~~o~~ .. ~e~:ir!~·:~ ~eiWt~~t~~~~i.n~~ c::~ologist w1nted to Expenenre preferred ~retary : good bas1r ~er. N~ Brh ~5·ln3 11.nL 00 _ • 38S sq. ft. prest1g1ous Mesa Industrial com-Capital Grou~ . 8 pt t 1 . A p t + ~wit in Laguna Beach 642•3030 !Crountin~ skills & ar· SalesRepresen1ati1·e~ .J~ ~~~ ti Sl Westcllff 1re1. $1.00 sq. PI ex . I d e a I Co r CllHorni• re.al estate salary /bonus. 642·4907. salon Good en viron M A I N T EN A N C E ror1te lYJ>lDg 11000/ mo Matw:..w1th direct salt'~ -KOLLCIHTll ft.66-6501 architects. engineers, broker, also acting as a wkd 9-4. men t: some following PERSON qu al1 (1ed startingsal1ry expenen re 10 st'I Clean F nsmkr wld for Soosqflofocticespace& artlsts,etc.979·9533 lender. _ APT.MANAGER preferred Phone person with s trong Secretary/Receptionist; medir al emergeno friendly coop CdM hse NIWPOIT S . ,._ 1_. Semi · ed 1 ( · mechanic a I ba c k. experienced & capable systems appro\ l'd t.~ nr bch own rm. 5195,. EleglDCf.:x.ec suites In recpt. area. ecutity -re.. ·rellr coupe or 494-8888. iuound. to service sail cihandling28 1ndi vldual U.S A:oHr nme tit, ~51182. preslielous ·toe. Incl system1. Wet bar. Op. Rtatah • 447$ 2nd TD • · 18 unit~ Adults, in Nwpt. Credit/Retail 6oau in local charter company phones & type hosp1 1 a Is, d Ol'l ofl secretarial. recep-tiooal warehouse spare. •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• u · · 5 lo Sl .OOO.OOO. Malo~~~;,~P· req . Bullocks South Coast is neet. F/time pos. incld 50 correct words per Ar11rles in R ead~r ~ 1Female to share with tiooist. teJephone 105 & ~/rm. UUI Ind. O.C. Prime Tustin & San1 sf ~o 20 /i:Ja;ij1DO'f'ney · seeking a proressional wknds.64S-7100 minute. t950/mo start-Digest, Ne ws wetk same mature. 2 Br. 2 more. Ofc1 from $436 Airportarea.~--0636 Clanenleret1iloromce• Ylll&S, • • AnMANA .. ERS Retail orientated as· ing salary. Time"t.1aga11ne call~11 I Ba . Newport Buch. mo. OnT·Ull ofcs $165 972 sq rt. receptionist space. 730-1470; 831·8699.1'MOltP.Yta. Trwst Qualif'!ed miaenl mgr sociate for a Cull·ltrne J~o!~~a~~~1 Exec:utivle/Secredtary . 75 ··rrum lire-Sa\er·· Fqgh SD>631~. mo . RE HEAD · aru,4offl«a&supply la .. flWR--"'-' 4500 Deicli 5015 couple. Stlong 'renter/-position in our Credit Ex correc wor s per mcoine f'or 1nlervle~ QUARTERS COM · nn.nrNewport/17lhSt ....... ,':' • .,.... ....................... matnt. te1m for 180 + Dept Previous Retail p"donly. 83l·3838 minute. Oex1ble broad call 714 673 3235'0r 4JIO l'ANJ~:Aprofesslonal UW pd.~ per sq n. NB ..,•5 B.l .. •h••::::••• SattltrM Co units. Must be Cully ex· credit exp. mandatory. Medical general business ex-~1"6466 ~ environment 171 4 1 64S-4l84 · ·• re · oouvsq. All hi. · d 400 mo.752-2197 Excellent ulary & full ttioffi"'"" .. ,.,,.__. perience required. -" •••••• .. ••••••••••••••••nasl,_. . ft .orless.MlA 10ne <I\< types of real estate -• .. .-. $l200/ t ir~•ET"ay •. G ._. • ,,.,-In t •• · ... 9 Company be.neflts in I time sali 0.,.. mo star 1 n g .-...~ ,.... 1ra1e. single for rent. ~-l~CH per sq (t Ag e_n t 1 · ves men.., since 1,,.. · " ~cmr.ECTURtrL ludin ed" 1 & d · ry ,~n. salary lnl'I trading ro . lrvblt v. tilk to Main bch, ewport Beach qear Pri"!5me"'rv b ... ~' t' 5(1.5Q32. c-..•a1•'--._ hi A c g: m lea en· Send resume to P.O. Box c· all .,.l 0744 .. 3 La ... c ..... ....... H ,, Hos 1000 rt ... men oca ion ~· -.., .. ow r ng re itec· tal. employee discount 2932. Mission Viejo. Ca --..:::=.=°"<.:...::. "''"· yrs exp .. Al · cuna . .pi ... '70I·...,.. ~nc!rorrice!\m: on busy Pie. Cat Hwy. MesalndustrialPark.711 1IMITD1 lur1I Draftsman areavailablewithjobor. 9'2911. rur ate t)p1s t. d1~ Single, or Harbor High., pie partin• well min· Ideal ret1il •tor ofc w. 17th. Sl./Pacific t 642,.2171 54$.0611 Knowledge or millwork/ fer Please apply . -==-=------PAIT I.TIME some TLX exp Ful1 Npt Ht•. sso1mo . tainedbtcti''Vkkyd1ys ~paceror~usln!"need· Bllifs l!'dustrial Park. WUldiscountS28000T.D. ~~:ti:~~~ia:r~~~~ P~~~'s ~ls~~~J~c~~t!~ !t,trf;~iyb;:o~i~i~~ ~~c%ii m~+30 N4or1!':. Storgeonlx.51S.OS4t 714~: :\~sqV:.1~~~ri: (17'l'f: =·=~rCtAuvn~is1~: sec by CM units. yield desirable call for pre-SOUTHCOASTPLAZA Lions. golf tournaments. schedule General omce ~o OHie....... 4400 Orrtce spice avail. ,N7100 fire-warehouse space 2n. Due 6/84 675-2500 inlerview&ag~ l333Bristo1Ave.CM Prom o t 1 on s &typingskllls'-83J.9S90 Se<-retary w;;;::ua:N.·s.·w:~: Includes desk .. phone. Executive oCClcc space W/C~ dram. wet Dan RA~IATE!RN Tues-Fri 10.5, EOE. (7l4!6'73:13S8. PART /TIME Super E )(er. Sec I . financial lost. 1000s.r. px>/mo. 641-0763. Navailable.t. pr-estigious bat. /64 -7604 AtlRw,...llh/ lrvlne, CA. DeL.liA'v.ery1·mema. sn otvoerho18mfeosr MlocWsmmedraa .. te'to:~dnN1'nogws. Receptioni/t: mornings. =~ t~lerr~::1d~~.t ~~r, , .. floor A tS4l •"&" ... ....,,.""*'--TO""* ewport ueach area. 2 RIO .... -.-...... (714)641-8700 T for optomet t Will ..... . aen ·ONM.· nvnunw " lrg prl vate off tees • .__., ,..,_IA•/ A -I k' 'f C. M . 3 am . 6 a m . M/F-All ypes H r1s . I Irvine. Must have l(l nl ,RACH w/scenic views, 234 sq Ct W.IH Use Lott & Fot.d re y~u oo mg or . a Eronomy rar re<\uired, Must Have Head Shots train. ·8 · 963·3030__ skills. front om_s:,e ap Lose something Vllua· &:iO, 785or 2.lll s/huHes I: 275 sq rt. Incl. rec:.ep-flocJlty ••••••••••••••••••••••• home . 1 need a live· in N 0 r 0 I 1 e ct 1 n g THE JOI SOURCE Part t ime . 9: 30-2 30 pearance & S •ye v ble! Place an 1d ln our for ~mined occ. Full lionist , telephone Heavy power. air cond. *•w:ttmllh SIOO housekeejfr & comp•-$400-~/mo. + bonus f.al-077'71lAM ·7PM General Office skills m1d1mum recent ·e Lost ind Found col-Service .Jrou le IS~ from service 9-S, secretariil, High intensity lighting. ....................... n 1 on . 1 ease ca 11 646--0637 Bx Appointment Only_ Good 1yp1n11 a must. erull\E~ ex per T) plti i. ~ 'I I i j 1 l ' umm. That's where peo-95'. Mam Ii. F1ond1 nr bkbf services. & t'Opy 70 car E>king. SA Joe 35' Art A. Falt Food Con· 720-006. ----~ i>leasanl phone 'oice 90 +. shorthand 1 llh ple loot when they've Pacific• Hosp. Ownr/ imdilne av1il1ble. For sq ft. Bir. cession bi ... are now.... Dental Ass't. Ortho exp M0"'-5 WAHTED Tustin.669-1035 -hgure apt11ude re<i , I found an itemolv1lue. Bob Jarrard more information ult OC Rully Inc I lng 1cce;:led. Wine'& ~TTINTIOM: ~ eR..?: or~ .. ~ ed~ thk. Ungene catalog. up 10 Part·time secretarial. 30 Generous salar) + ~1 17141141.] Ill ~l 542·3317 beeBrCapproved • peoodndsintgo Amb1tlous· ·boys and 642.2626. ~tT~altiows 12$ lo I hrs wk to start. $5 hr. =:cfo +P::J':~,~s · • • •• •••••••••• ••• •••• •• ••••• A. · ·permit. FOi &lrb lG-13 years old, to l&.'ldy. ' Typing. filing. phones. P.O Box 18823. lrnnt' • ~lslt ':· ~u! ~0l ~~It~ work·one or two~· Exr~~~'fnf!d for •Hair shows S2S to $50 sm growin\ co. Ca ll _91.92713 17141540·01~ • 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL • sandwiches. chips, bur· ~~s:ap~~e~ui!~~tpg Np En d.o off 1 r e ~~rlntwork o.pen 6.1l·2320Tom 0 ele t • ritos . s alads. Ir • tioaa. Transportation . lt>asanl surround -p~fcpCpl~r~ • • cre11ns.sof\drinks.ran· and constant adult ings1good pay F /T •leather catalog S8S + ,AITTIME fri. 8·3 Untied )teffi . Do • dy. etr. Booth will be supervision pro\•ided. 6.11·3380 -~~ h 6-9pm. Expandihg youth Ch 1601 M aq:uerilt • ID•yt • 3Llnet • I U•rt built by Art A. Fair Clll3to5:30PM,askforl ~~-·'·fl:'! eryartp olosuplo counseling hrm has CdM 644-0745 • Festival AJI rood eqwp And '"2 4321 I I -HQ SlOO. operun' ,,. ror 3 5 sharn • be ledb ndor. · rea. ""· ·ex Exper wit JC. ay lie. Noexpernec.Alltypes .,.. · ... • It's easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mail. a nd ti e ~or ~~p'tete ~;r~rma · 343 Pan time. rull time ir "l!f_0777Jo1 1 LAso_u_ 7 1cE. :~fv~'u:,~l~?:~~ The ~~0~~,! .. <l 111, costs just $8 -that's only a dollar a day! To Qualify for this lion csll (714)494·5173 necessary Ca rman """ M p~ 1~13 yr olds. Call 2-Spm. elerlronir d1~lr1 hulu1 • special offer. you must be a non-commerc'ial user offering • aft.er6pm. HB.P WANTED 661'2290 . Newport Beach Invest-642·4321. ext. 343. Ask for A \'net Ell'l'I ron 1 r, h d f I t $800 d dth • DentalAssutanl ment CounselingFirm Andrea lo r al e d JI 3'.Jf e mere an 1se or s a e up o per a . an e price must CASTING HOW!! SALES AUTO registered. Are you look needs sharp individual · MeCorm11·k. C)I . ha' , , • be tn your ad. The cost stays the same whether your ad • Movie Ex.tras. model· AL.AH M.AGNOM ang for rewarding career lo handle detailed client -opening for a 5erretar• needseghtda Ssellngtmeo ~ stone • · jobs.all..lf,pes_No. PONRAC7 SUl-AIU opportunities w,ith ex· recoi.d kee.,ln& PllMTIMG mourprodul·lmari~· • I Y 1 1 r JU exptr. £xcel(enf tfenefils. no cellent potential for I Responsibilities include Plate room per :.on. DYnl depl ~ oppofl1tn .• • TM Job Source e11perience necessary personal growth & re· maintainance or client's P time. Mon. 2 30pm to ly for ad,·ancemenl 04> • Use one word tn each box About 4 . words make o ne 669·0777 llAM -7PM We will train. Looking cogrution. We seek your . mes. accou nt reconcil· a~prox 8 pm f u es. pl1lude rot malh amt ... • for out.going, ambitious. caring cha1rs1d!! ex-1111 & limited bookkeep· l::llpm lo approx 8pm curate t) ping Jrc :. e c lassified line of type. Minimum ad tS 3 lines. Please print lro.d 5300 ha r d ·wor'k in g in -pert1se lo compliment ing. Requires good ap. No exper nee Apply m.s5wpmamus1 Gr'~,, • Plainly •• ....., dlv1d 2openings our highly skilled team. titude for numbers & Penn ysave r . 1660 benefits offered Plem · av a e. Modern pleasant en-good organization PlacentiaAve.,C M call 714 7$4·60Gl to•':.!1 • • Come in person to sales vi ronm!!nt. exrellent Salary rommensurale Professional 1 nteriiir ran!e for an mien i.·~ r------------------------------, • FOUND ADS manager ~enef1 l paBckag~ with e'11pe rience Designer needed w11h Se<- • I Harbor al Fair Dr e w Po r l e a c m n 52-S900. following. 7141957·1057_ reLal) • Cos.ta Mes'I 6.1l·Z490. MURSHY EXECUTIVE • I . . ME FREE AlTl'OMOTIVE J.BmST SPICIAUST R~1t SECRET.UY • I • DRIVB want . busy practice. Greenhouse assistant Part timl arternoons. Large insurance agf11t , I • Call. Mature. dependable Newport Beach Area . needed lo fill full·lime Optomet~is l"s orrice hasopeningfor quallOt>;I • r. eeded r II ti Excellent pay with pos. at Public Gardens Fo u n l 11 n Va 11 e Y person to handle val'ul\ 1 • 642-5'78 ~~ n have u v a \'rci benefits. In Corona del Mar. Must I Malureef.lrson. Ex~r or responsibilities ~tJ.t,:1 • I California drivers 646·4868 have ex per. working Pttfem ,bulwllllram. be organized and ~if\ .. 10 _. • Urense & outstand1ng with plants includ ing a 963-8349 __ good oral and "'nft~11 • I .vv driving record. Salary & Dishwasher needed for knowledge or soils, Retai.l communication skifb • I 13.20 • ltEWAIO FOR IMFO benefits. Apply in person ~t!~a'nt. FC~tf Ke~i~ fertiliu~. test control &LI Mr. Elliot's. the store for Excellenl rnnge bene.!11 • leading to the recovery at~rvice Dept. :l-SPM. 714./9M-275S. propaga.uon Call: Alex.l the fashion conscious. mclud11~ paid dental •·\I ofPowerUteracingbike ROYCAIYBIMW Mon-Fri. 8.30AM-4PM career.minded women F~r appointment ,cf.I I • 11.IO • ~'faZ3m, COM~:pnhei~: &ROUS ROYCE Part ~lu\t~~. Optn :~~~l·Z'S! ~~ayJ~w:e1~n r:; _Unda"-549·~ L f • llB. Chrome frame; red tS40Jamboree Road 22hrs. Newport Grinder their S.C. Plaza store. Are you pl :inn 1 nf J • I Add $2.60 fqr ••ch •ddttlon•tllne for 8 tlmH handlebars, wheels & NEWPORT BEACH 642-8881 l.M..P/tt-, 7·3:~0 I Good benefits. pleasant move ' Class1f1ed ad· • I • brakes ; black Uniseal. Babysitting. need female ~c!':i~i .:::ts~rRc.~: surroundings. Please will point you m the rlgh1 • Please call 536-9832. Uve·ln sitter, 18 +for 2 GINllAL OFC /C.M. Fairgrounds. 549.~1 call Barbara Bellolse . direct Ion to (ind 'th1 • / Uttle girls, It hsekeeplng -M ust tvl1pe 40 wpm. -(213)558-0200. ~u need 642·s.fil8 Publish my ad for 8 days starHng e " coOking in exchange c.i 549•3942 • lost Sun. 1ft: 5 mo. old M for rm & board+ small ,._.._.a•L ~E • Peke. It brn '1 wht. vie. sal1ry .....,., Placenu·a W'V'I~ vrrt"" Classl'f1"cat1'on ' ~ I P'art•tlml! ap-nrox • 22nd & Placentia. C.M. ID, C.M. Mon-Fri 11\ :!dlr .. 5-Diy Week~Sat &c • Name • Reward. 645-2248 4PM,Sat!Sun anytime ~n. incl. Hts. nex. typ. • Address • r~M~~v~i~~bJ~~tf} BlnkmSAVINGS ~~~'.~~~~3Wo~~~·r, e e 646-9942 nrmrfrMTATIYE ror awt. 646. 7441. • City Z ip Phone e Lost Ladles reading KURWLn LLOYD'S NURSERY • glasses CM Area . HairCutler&M1nicurist • Check or M.O. enclosed D Reward MTliit with Collowtng. H1ir I • 646-7238 Brentwood Savings and West. Newport Beach. • Charge my ad to: • FOUND: Small brown Loan has an Immediate 673-41861.ouise. • male poodle vie Baker & ~ in our Corona ~· musT • 0 ~ # Exp. • Ronelll.CM.5'5·4474 enlhua11'1tblrc1n10.chdirvoidru1anl Expenenc cutter for L .__I • FOUND: Lg Shepherd rlrst class Newrort • 0 • . 1 mix, ma le dog, 3•14. Vic who bas prior S & Lor men's hair 11 on . # E • lkistol • Nwpl Blvd.. bankln& experience. 646-2716 • xp. CM. 75t-1G.13 ~=---- • L----~-------------------------•• sc••u•EJS YUl~~~:t.~t~a: ~~~~5t!f!n W PAY THE POST AGE •••••••••••••• IUVll"I. and would like to work in Hardware. 3107 E. Co Ht •. r··----··· E'LL : • ANSWEIS :i=:r.ctw~~~1~!y':~ ..... H'""WY..,.""Cd=M=.'----- • •, 11111 ·1 NO POST AGE 1 • 1 Amulet -Feint -to call; Part J'l~!'~?I estate • 1 NECESSARY I · : Umbo-Ba"fan -BlllConopast co. in l'fe~rt.For info • I ff MAILED : • I ;,1,i:'.,!>C:~~:Y ~~Y at· (714) 760-9200 c;aU Russ U7'16. .-.IN THE , o • ~ to you lf your e ~ UNITED STATES : atomacll llan11 over •...twood • !l • y011r belt. Unleu, or ~ • I-BUSl~ESS ~EPL y LABEL.. ,. • ~· It'• a MONEY ;;;~ Q ~-> i FllttT"AU~flU•ITNO IJ COSTUo\UA.CAlt,OH IA ,_ • "8llllill IJSO Alsochltlltll : ! ~lll'OS~=-,. wlj~:,:i·;,.:,;~-·:·. 16 =.r .. ~;; .. • ~ • Gor1to•1 alrls to 11 • ~~ '°'· 11cu11l, e u I . IM.a.uwtUu I lo ,.. • toarlata . Bank e • I • A•rlurd, Muter • 110 W. leJ a. I a.,., 4mlrieu 11· •• ~ ,. ............... , ,,.. MA<ta• 11 e preu, Dtuu all ..,..._ ..... ~ ... _. .·tl--ii)idil. tjTl[/gttf[M:Lll.:. • ·•P· ···············~····,••••.•••••, ( l ) ) IANTBD ( {r-""""!5~~-) ) :tfe~~paper Carriers for ~outes .~ ... in Huntington Beach, ~ Fountain .Valley & Newport Beach~· \ .. ~ . '• • GOocl Ew1i119 s .. ,, Trips . ........ Prl .. J. -- COHHB.L CHEVROLET .?01 ll.1rhc•r "" ! I ., "I \ \IL" \ §46-1200 'i.l 633 White tan. 20,000 mi. Perf rond Take over tse "32 mo 494-9456 am SJOI. in xlnt cond Metalhr brQnze w tan Interior Ver> \\Cll cared ror 14 nr nel4 brks & M1chehn t1rc•s SI 1.000 da 7l4 644 ·0~01. C\ 76(!-8753 Brure 9740 ..••..•..•...•••.•...•. ; . ._., ,,... .... meet Merce•s toa..ew an~else? C-Ompa e HOuse or Im · ports Direct. lease and 6Q mos sensible pymts. D ial 213 or 714/MERCEDES IS 213 orJ~4/637-~ Must sell 1979 JOO SD Ex· cellent rond. ___ 7~.:6~--- '78 ~L. silver, w lbluck uph Private Party ~13.}~·1573. I 10 lalpbit DIH.t 4 dr. lo m1. red w blk in terior S6.2SO 0 BO 631·4994 '62~ Gd cond SI 350 631 4994 '62 BaJa $1600 _645·067}. ltHIUICI Vl.~t~=•lr eocicl.. AM·PM atereo, ateel btJttd Utt• (2nur l, fulhlnyl l~. (075RFW> Privatt Party, $l500l but ofter . c11r l114>T70.Ql56 af\er 5PM ·71 Skybawk. air, am/fm onette, 1unroof. 'tilt whttl. ~·!l!.o 494 ·~ c.... '''' ••••••••••••••••••••••• COMT84PLA TIH'i CADtl.UC7 Wt 1pitTaifZe-In team fo r the buslneu ex-ec.-ut!velt pro(tsslonal ...... Stttdloa OfMtw 1912 ,t~-c;: ~DILL~ ll «J H.11oor 1:11. it C~'·' "°""' 't40 n100 '81 Eldo. Loaded. can finanre. SlS,000. S30·1260 ~-----THE LA.IC.EST or ,~n~r low mileage Cadillacs in Southern California! MAIERS · CADILLAC 2600Karbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 540-1860_ '77 Seville, silver. SSK miles. good condition rwoo. ea11 · 673-••n. '10 8cb odo liorrih Diesel, dark blue. Moon roof. auxiliary tank. 23.000 m1. All o~tions hke oew. 112.900. CUSTOM MOTORS __ 751.:~_L __ C:O.ro '917 I. \t1 of. COHNRL CHEVROLEl .,...,. ,1,,,,.,, 11 ' l ••C-.1 \\f ~'o\ S46-I 200 Cllrysler '925 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Tl Cordova. 50.000 miles. Mint cond . new trres:- $2BX> 760-0909 "72 Chrysler 59.000 miles l1leed.s work S300 _615·@.17 _ '18 Fiesta. snrf. new hres. perrert shape. S3SOO S-5 !:91 !!3~ s.52. 8583 '70LTDStation Wagon $650 '72 Cou ntry S q uire Wagon. Nds rad. wrk. ~~ orr. 642-4034 __ '79 Mustang. 4 spd. lo m1. wlvte. xlnt rond . 14500 751-7315, 548·3521 Mcrrtridi '947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971 Ford Mavenrk BJ() ~ 080 '950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·oo Mercury Marquis 4 ~. hardtop. rlean. itd tires $0. 64~3563-__ '58 V AH MMst.g 9952 ~ is_J 16QO. 646·S909 •••••••••• ••• •• • • •• • ••• ·oo VW Bug. rebuilt eng body & int needs work t!<XXI. 673-7173. VW F.ngine Dual port 183Scr. new $700. ·73 trans rebw It. $250 Have 1Weipts, make orrer. _Sall 494-2407 '64VWbm. Good rood BOC1y n•ds SOl'\Y work Xlnt trans $1200080 --J-42·5421 •'66 MUSTANG • 6 ryl, auto, reblt eng. ~-tiresJ.!!100. ~-6213 aca-wa. 9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·si Olds Cutlass Lo M1. Xlnl Cond. -Full Pwr & Equip. S767S 830·0891 . ~·2877 '80 'cutlass Supreme Diesel. am1fm. iur. du11I tanks, 43 .000 miles. perfect SS5oo P P ~~!5 '67 VW. new paint. runs good, good tires Sl!IOO '79 Toro Ole.el. dean & 494.4798 loaded . 55K . S69ou ----aJ.24621 631 7278 "f.6 Volkswaiten S850 Good tires. rebuilt motor 631·29;!9 . - ·79 Olds W11iton dtesel Auto. air In lo\·eb· <'Ond ~-4610 '957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·71 Pinto Runabout. iooct rond. AM tPM rauettc•. SIOOO. 984 4489 tJ ft 5.~PM ..,.... tHO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. "76Pl.YM ~·URY Nft'dll minor work, $7011 <W btst off tr 8t.'t·80~ P..-.c '''' ,._ • BJ ITBVE MARBLE ................ a..cdon hu been rw1ft and beat.eel to announcement.a Mon- day th.al a lfOUP of Newport Beech l"f9idenu ho_J>el ~overturn the controversial Bannlni Ranch development throu1h a voter refenmdwn. · "lt'i jus1' typical of the ob- structionist point bf view," de- clared Councilman John Cox. '~y're like a bunch of terrorista who want to blow up ~world." 'The city coundl, on a 4-2 vote, approved ~ 75-lllft Wett New- pol't development 1ut Friday. The project, llCa1ed down h-om . what developer Hancock "Bill'' Banning had eought, would per- mit building 379 homee and up to 400,000 8quare feet of office and lndu1trlal apace on land now dotted with ahn.tba and oil wells. Mike Johnaon, a spokesman for the Weal Newport Legislative Allianoe, said hil IJ'OUP forma~ WW unveil lhe referendwn Saturday monilnl in a l\)eetlnl at the Newpol'l Oty Hall. Thia 11 the leCOlld referendum drive Newport re1ldenta have launched in the put alx months .. A •ucceeaful vote'r referendum WU put \Opther last year bl remdenta upeet with the oouncll s approval of the Irvine Company's Newport Center expansion pro} ect. Storm due to hit Coast Park, lock, take off shoes Low tide lots could solve downtown congestion -· By JERRY HERTENSTEIN OftMDellrPlet .... By STEVE MITCHELL Of the DelJ Not It.ff 4JNM Beach City Councilm· an Hpward DaW110n is frankly amazed no one thought of it be- fore. . A storm packing high winds, hail and rain aqwilla was expected to hit the-Orange Coast late 10da~ in what one Los Angeles meteo- . rologiat is calling the "worst Offshore park.illJ Iota. 7..r:"":""a=-----~-""----~--.J.:naJt'Lri&bl:, A solution to La-; guna's deca<res:ota parking storm of the winter" for Southern California. The storm, moving down from Alaska, pounded S&nta Barbara with a half-inch of hail this morning. Snow was reported on Los Angeles freeways. Mountain r escuers raced against the incoming storm trying to find a miSsing hiker and to reach two rescuers straned over- night near icy Mount Baldy. The snow level was expected to tall below 4,000 feet in the Southern California mountains. Heavy snowfall was expected above tliat level. Poeaible hail and high winds along with heavy thunaerstorms were predicted for the Orange Coast tonight, a spokesman for the National Weather Service in Los ~les said. Ught rain be-gan falling at noon. He said chance of rain tonight is 100 percent. That foreeut is expected to extend through Wednelday. And Orange Coast commuters can exJ pect more slow traffic Wednesday morning, similar to conditions that they experienced this mor- ning when rain aqwilla hit area freeways and surface streets. This morning's rain was belie- ved responsible for at least one traffic accident in Irvine, a head-on colliaion 'that left two people_in~. _ _ Carolyn~e of Irvine and Evelyn Vannucci of Costa Mesa were taken »-Twrtin Community Hoepital following the 7:15 crash that caused heavy damage to each vehicle, according to Irvine police. F.ach victim was reported in sta- ble condition late this morning. Boaters were being alerted to make sure their craft are IM!CW'ely moored or anchored. Small craft advisories have been issued from the shoreline to 60 miles out at sea for the area , from Point Conception to the Mexican border. Southwest to west winds are expected to reach 20 to 30 knots causing 10 to 14-foot seas Wedneeday. Closer to shore the sea is ex- (See STORM, Page A%) problems . "It's the ultimate In public beach access," says Dawson, who, until now considered himself a long-time believer in "parkinR congestion as a means of controf- ling over development." . . Dawson proposes tourists iuat drive onto the beach at low tide and park their cars. He figures Main Beach Park ~~=tit-can handle up to 1,800 vehicles at OFFSHORE PARKING LO'l'S? -Laguna Beach councilman Howard Dawson practice5 ribbon-cutting ceremony for his proposed low-tide parking lot~t Main Beach that could ac- commodate up to 1,800 cars. • low tide, thus leaving the paucity of parking places downtown to shoppers. That should make the mer- chants happy. _.. AnP there are other obvious advantages to a tidal parking lot: -No need to restripe the lot every year. -At high tide, you get a aelf-cleaning parking :Jot. -No meter malda, for that matter. "The lifeguards could patrol the lot In their dory,'' he says. .£ DaW110n said the acheme coul<f "add measurably to the city's revenues as a small fee could be charged for towing iJlegally parked vehicles as the tide comes ln.'' U Dawson's tidal parkinJl plan works at main BeaCh Parlt, he sees no reason wby it coutdn't promptly be initiated · at other beaches in Laguna. A low-tide parking lot at Sleepy Hollow· might be a little unreasonable, given the rocks and all. but how about a lot on Mountain or Cress Street beaches? . With the abo\l~:mertti.Onei:! sa- vings, the city might install speed bumps on the beach, Dawson offers. or provide vehicular access ramps to the beach at Wood's Cove. . But Da~n says he's a<>ing no further with his park.inR proposal until a full hearing ont.Ile issue is held before the city's various govenunental bodies. And while he says he's only half serious in proposing low-ti,~ parking, he sees no reason wby his plan would not result in instant accolades and support. Seal Beach quarantine to last a week? By PHU. SNEIDERMAN or .. Deir ..... ...,, The waters off Seal Beach may remain off limits to swimmers and surfers for another seven days becauae of contamination from partially treated sewage effluent and rainfall runoff. an Orange County health official said today. "I wouldn't feel comfortable about aotna into thia water," said Bob Menjman, the county's dl- rectoc' of environmental health. He pred.ided the Seal Beach quarantine, which took effect WORLD · Huss to halt missile deployment - The Soviet Union has announced it will halt deployment of mediwn range nuclear missiles near it.s western borde.n. Page A3. NATION Jury convictB socialite NEWPORT, Rl. (APi?._-A jury found 1oda11te• Claw C. wn Bulow l\.lll'Y today ol twice trying to ' . murder bla heift9I wlfe with lrilulln injecUona that plunaed her into a coma. (Belated*"'· C2) 4 baah boo.I prime nle. NEW· YOBK (AP) -,_. maJar bmk1 raJ8ed tbelr ~ ....... ,... toda1 f:ramlt ~t back to the lridU*y level Ol 18.5 s-eent. Monday, could last another week, especially if additional rain ar- rives'. nation is not expected to poase any hazard to nearby Hunting.ton Beach. Merryman said the ql.WWltine applies to the ocean between the Long Beach breakwater-and Anaheim-Bay aouth of the Seal Beach Pier. fie said the contami- The partially treated sewage water is 'the result of a Sunday morning fire at the Sanitauon Districts of Loa Angeles County (See WATER, Page A%) ,-• • STATE ~~lushi drug, drink s~ssion told Comedian. John BeluShi engaged in an all-night drug and cirinkhUl session prior to his death, a coroner's report lndicaied. l>age A3. Mom ends domestic strike The San Ramon mother who went "on strike" against her familr won her battle -her children ~a "contract' promising to get their act together. Paae A~. · r ' COUNTY Lanilmarlc's days numbered An Oranp Cout tandmark'• c1a\, may be num- berea • tta leUe nears expiration.~ Bl. have until April ~ to collect ro~hly 4,200 alinaturet of re.i- iateied Newport votel"9. "I'm opt1m.iltic," aaid Johnlon today. "We've. already bid the way lhown to us by the Newport Center referendum. That drive uncovered a lot of wvest in the city." Councilman Cox said he tears the group could reach its afgna- ture goal. "U they go around and lie and apread ha11-trutJia like before, they might be able to get the signatures," Cox, s~estecS. Of the referendum drive, Councilman Phil Maurer aaid, . "I'm already awfully tired of hearing them talk about it." Cowlcll members had been put on warning as early as laat month that there might be a referendum If tlie project was approved. "ff listening just meana doing it .their way," said Maurer, who vo~ for the development, "then I'm sorry but that's ju.st not fair." The West Newport alliance had submitted theit own development plan for the Banning project and asked council members to permit no office buiJdlna and Ol\ly a. am.all ainount of industrial II*"~ Co4ndlman Don Streu., who voted against the aJ>lll"OW(I plan, said be feels the council laU*1 to reach a ••fair comprombe." Strauu wd he baa no lmme# diate reaction to the referendum. ·"I ju.at don't believe a referen- dum le in the best interest ot the city," voice~ Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, who is Newport's acting mayor with Mayor Jackie Heatl\er h08pitalized following a stroke. Mrs. Hart, during an infomw vote lut month, voted against permitting the office and indus- trial construction but switched last Friday. "I think it waa a good compromlae," she said of the plan. Several council members ,pointed out that if the develop- .ment is pu\._to a citywide vo~ it· likely will collide with the No-• vember city council elections. ''That's true," responded ref- erendum leader Johnson. "U we get a good response I expect it will be a good clear indication to those running for office." Former UCI student faces fraud counts By GLENN SCOTr of, ... 0811y ...... ,_.. Patrick Arthur Dixon was a promising student when he en- rolled at UC Irvine's College o( Medicine in the summer of 1975. But the man who was ar- raigned today'on charges of practicing medicine without a license, grand theft and forging preecriptlons never lasted at the Irvine campus. Five seeking t_w~ seats on. . Irvine. board Last-minute candidates conti- nue to add new dimensions to the race for two seats on the Irvine City Council during the June 8 city election. F.dward Dornan, 42, an English teacher at Orange Coast College, has submitted nomination papers at Irvine City Hall making him the fifth official candidate for the councU. ·And early today, Marjorie Keiser, resident of The Groves mobile home park Bnd an active membef of the senior citizen community, took out papers to seek office. She said she hopes to return the nomination papers before the deadllqe of 5 p.m. ~ec:lnesday. Doman, who filed his papers Friday1 said he decidM to run for the office because of his "growing concern over the need for an independent voice on the council -one that can speak on behalf of those residents who came to Ir- vine because of the · promise of a planned community' with reasonable growth." Dornan and Mrs. Keiser, if she files, join four others who already have submitted papers: incumbent Larry Agran, a lawyer; school board and chapiber of corruneroe member John Nakaoka, a mar- keting executive for Xerox; Bar- bara Wiener, former cident of . the Irvine Historical ety, and Libertarian Party official William Pozzi, aeneral manager of A~o Moving Co. of Costa Mesa. (See IRVINE, Pa1e A.%) INDEX After receiving two on~ defennents on the basis of his top academic record, Df xon began classes in the summer of 1977 but withdrew in November, 1977, ci- ting a lack of motivation in pur- suing a medical degree, according to college records. BorD in Miami and reared in Detroit, Dixon had brought im- pressive credentials to Irvine. He had a master's degree in cl1nical and child psychology and a doc- torate in education and psychol- ogy at the University of Michi- gan, according to university offi- Cial.s. Both degrees ·were with hon- ors, which means he was virtually a straight-A student. His d.ileer- tation was on the aoc:io-cultural oppression within the black community, and he had indicated an interest in child psychiatry, said Dr. Horace Mitchell, asso- ciate dean of student affairs at UCI. He was gr anted the two de- ferments. Mitchell added, to as~ sume family responsibilities after deaths in hirfamtly in ~~tt. When he returned, he told ad- ministrators he no longer thought it necessary to obtain a medical degree. . . . Dixon's name didn't come up again at the campus until last week when he was arrested un- der the name Dr. Howard Smith. To qualify for state liceNes,' psychiatrists must hold medical- ~egreea. They are allowed to prescribe drugs. Psychologists. don't need medical degrees, but they aren't permitted to issue presc.riptions, according to offi- cials. Dixon was arrested last Wednesday in El Centro after a suicide-prone woman he treated in a county clinic overdosed Or) drugs he bad preacribed for her, investigators said. Mitchell pointed out Monday that Dixon may have had a good knowledge of psychological is- sues, but was not trained in medi . one. "With his background, he was probably eli8ible lor licenaure as a psychologist in California, al- tho'-'Sh we have no evidence he pursued a license," aaid Mitchell. Dixon might have performed many of his -same tasb as a liceriai!d IJSYchO~ he added, (See UCENSE, Pace A!) At Your Service Erma Bombeck L.M. Boyd Business Callf ornia Cavabde Cl.um.fied Comb era.word Death Notices Editorial Entertainment A4 B2 A6 Bf-5 A6 B2 Horoecope Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices B2 B2 B8 B4 A3 B4,C2-3 Cl,C3-8 B3 B3 C2 A8 B8 SPORTS Sporta . Stock Marketa T,Jevilion Thelten Weather World Newa .Anteate~ losers 80-77 B6-8 B6 A7 A8 A2 A3 UC Irvine's Ante.ten. minUa the injured Kevtn Muee, tumble out of the NTr t.Utball toumamene.. 80-'f7, in Oklahoma. Paae '88. ... .. I "1 1 ,, j ' I I , I 1 . LICENSED .... ~that the urae to act u a pilychiatrilt must ha~ been related to the dlff erenbel Dixon · Mllaned the two functions. Meanwhile this week~ invesU- pton are studying 1everal court , cuee in which Dixon served as an "expert" witnees, mostly to f'eC- ommend whether a defendant L!thtntn1 •truck a tmall truraamw at 8:46 e In the Loe OIOI Valley, IOU of San Lula a.po. ft out the main Mlbltation ~ San Lula Obltpo. aadlo 1tatton1 KSL Y and KSUM-J'M were knocked ot1 the air and 8.000 CUltomerl were without power. WU eaDe enouah to Nnd tnal. Dixon treated an e9timated 300 ~~enta in bla 11 montha on the "We are looldna at all his put paUenta, tryin& to determine who he treated and where they are now," El Centro Police Lt.. Harold Carter told the Amodat.ed Pre.. T'b9 ~ WU. of IDLU'der ....,,._ Pitrll:k Paw'1 hll ..Ufild tb.li lhe II oanvtnal4 lMr ~ la n11 ntM far the ct.th oi a Lec\iM Nlauel..man wbolb lhe w•ClaUnc Din th.Ila ~·· In t.fett11-ony Mcnday befon • )ary 1n ~.,.... CoUrt JUdlt Jamee K . Turner•• cowvoom. Anm-~Jrq>latned bow abe beu.v.G Ii. tiuablnd .... alao rnpomible for harUltnl both her and ·the men abe WM datlna followtna their teplU'aUoa in 1980 .• FoortY. 33, • ltand1na trial in Or8nie COunty Superb' "Court in connection with the death of Donald Cook in Febnaary 1981. Cook, whoae throat waa aluhed, wu found by a room- mate in the bedroom of the hmne th9 Iha.red on Ellendale Stnet. Queetioned by Chief Deputy District Attorney Jamea Enricht. Mn. Fogarty, a petite blonde, laid the defendant admiued to her he WATER TAINTED was res~naibl~ for harualng . • • • phone caJ,11. made to her' home in. ·water reclamation plant in Long solids and fioatina material, pJ41... late 1980. 'Beac~. ac.ijacent to·the San Ga-the addition of Chlorine to ~ However, she testified, Fogar- . brlel iuver. . J>acteria. · ty, a former Irvine dty employee, The San Gabriel empties into A spokesman said the Long never admitted to her he wu the the ocean off Seal Beach. Beach plant wu ~ted to re-one who killed Cook. a Bechiel Sanitation districts spokesman sume normal operations and full Corp. engineer who worked at Don Avila said an electrical room treatment late today. the nearby San Onofre Nuclear fire caused the plant's main gen-Merryman said the partially Generating Station. !c erators to shut down. treated sewage effluent may still As to her belief that her bus-. ~ · F.mergeilcy backup generators contain viruaes, inclucling the one band wu responsible for the .11. i• wenrnot capable of powering the caualng hepatitis. ~ slaying, Mrs. Fogarty said she ! complete sewage treatment He said county officiala have baiecfher .OP.inion on several .., f r. process, he said. As a result, much had difficulty measuring the factors, including changes in Fo-·~J.• of the sewage wu diverted to hazard level at Seal Beach be-garty's be.havior between Sep- •, another plant.. cause contamination normally tember, 1980, and February, By early ~y. however, about increases after a rab'lSt.orm. 1981. four million gauons had received Seal Be¥h llfeguarda have Aaked lf she IOlllehow felt re- only primary treatment at the posted~ wamtng beachgoera sponaible for Cook's death, she Long Beach plant before dis-to stay out of the water. Although said, "Knowing what I _know charge into the San Gabriel Ri-bad weather oondiUons have kept now, y~" · ·ver. . most bathers away, the beach Avila siiid primary treatment attracts surfers, who also have includes the removal of settled been warned of the hazard. IRVINE CANDIDA TES ..... • ~.:. Two others have taken out ~,,,. no.minAtion papers but haven't '' filed them. They are Northwood ,..,. : resident Barry Kidd and Uni- :."-7versity Park resident Jacques Warshauer. The two council openings are for four-year terms. Councilman Art Anthony is not seeking re- election. ~~:::·Bo.Din accoIDpliee gets ...,n ~~·=Prison in :murder spree h ... ' LOS ANGEU'S (AP) -A ·-' 20-year-old man, who said be ,.~ · helped convicted murderer Wil- liam G. Bonin in the Freeway Killer slayings, was sentenced to prison for 19 years to life. James Michael Munro must "' t pend at l~ast eight years in ~ prison before he ia eligible for paro~ the. second-degree murder of a HI-year-old man whose body was dum_J>ed in . Huntington Beach, said Pro&ecu- tor Sterling Norris. --.. But ~uperlor Court Judge Everett Ricks cut about 800 days from Munro's sentence Monday for time already served and good behavto . Forums-set on Foothill route plan Evening forums will be held . tonight in Mission Viejo an~ Thursday in Irvine to disCuss ot iz.en concerns with a proposed freeway on the Foothill 'trans· portation Corridor . The meeting toniabt will be from 7-10 p~ at MI.loo Viejo High School's multi-purpose room. On Thursday, the sea.ion also will begin at 7 p.m. at the theater at Irvine High School. The two sessions are intended · w give planners for the Orange County govenunent and a private engineering consultll\g firm ideas on what local reaidenta think about problems and benefits of the freeway. ... It's getting wetter Rain tonight end Wadntaday with toc:allY ~ thu~ llkal)' at ~ Sllghtly oooler dll)'L 1 1 11r., Ctltncll ol ~ rain 80• t• ~ percantJonlgttt and Wadntaday. • Coaatal high 56 Wednaaday. l O\'lfTllghl low 48. yYttr 57. I :• · Inland high 60 Wednaaday. JI, ~tc:, ~trty .tnds f ,. 12-ta knota lncreulng to 15 to 25 , t,. lrnota tonlQht trom Point Muou tn "" Nlcolal llll#ld. In other ..... ,l ~ I aouthw911 wlndathle evening 12· t S knota. W•ttrty swtlla 2-4 lett. ~al rain Ilka!)' through to- night. • -:. NATIOll I Lu VegM .. Le ... Uttle Rode 411 20 L~ 6t 33 Mem9hle 72 38 Mleml 48 39 .Ot Mllweuk• 86 48 1.25 Mp!L~t.P . 47 40 I NlllMlle 47 39 ' New OrlMne 12 ee ·to , New Yori! 38 32 .05 Norlolt 4S 27 <>Ille Clly 49 32 1 OnllfMI .. 71 ONndo 43 2t . Phoenix 63 411 .oe ~ 66 2t Ptllnd. ~ 43 38 .48 PUMd, Ore 52 41 . tt Reno 00 40 s.n Lele• 411 40 • tt s.ttle 79 to St l.oW et 3e St P·Temc>e 43 38 .11 St Ste MMe 35 SS ~ M ao . 1 S Tue.on 17 42 t3 .. •1 ao 42 25 13 12 eo 10 .. It !! ~ !Sa ... 72 17 so 48 .oe 75 88 79 75 40 35 .34 38 34 .ti 75 81 17 73 50 40 53 4t M et 50 ... 41 .03 .. &4 86 M .01 40 37 .10 42 27 53 37 50 33 ... M .:II 4t M .07 17 M 11 .. M ao 46 2t .02 a 50 • ~~ely a:slHiig · death enalti~ ·~ =·~°' tla• ... Uo •• ::tr:1 .: ~ ... ~ 1.~• wlao bll .. 111nt-ecl I+ .. diroulbaut ~ 1*blY p1b1Mifled murdir trW. .ua al- IDOlt immeclletely eher the ...otY wnld Wll almowad: -...,11~ .• dalnkldil tbet::t--w:=--m ~ 11 where they I lbauld lie, wbk:h 18 tn tht pa ~." Dllr ',... IW ....._i· Om at Wllely'a adYt.ory attor- WANTS DEATH·-C4nvtded :r:r .. ":"f:i ~ murderer Willie Ray Wl8ely W1111y ......... to Mk Che Jury to . .. yw he ii innocent, but want. ...... him ~-1-~-' "-In• the jury to aentence him to' Wllllr.t ~ty KIAi. -r-:-deatfl. ·-~ Wed.Midey in Oran1e Co~ty . Supstor OJurt Judae Kenneth E. LM'a ODUl'b'OOID. School closure The ..me jury of aeve~ men and "ftw W--1 whkb avk:ted = wm have to determine bla hearing tonight . · ___-t ,,,. panel ha ooly two z:o:a -death in the pa Fountain Valley School District c~ at San Quentin or Ilfe trulteee will conduct the tint of lmp111nmwmt without pcmlbillty. three final JNbllc hearinp to-of lm'ole. ntaht Cll1 a district plan to do9e 9.'laely'• conviction 1temmed five tchoola during the next three from the death of Huntington ~· · · -• Beech tnd a.river Robert Jby, The hearing begins at 7:30 p.m. 61 whme bod.Y WU found pinned at Masuda School, 17415 Lot . beMath the ~1000-~ cab of Jardines West. · bJ8 tnctar .. uauer rig on March 9, " -,, The healthcare plan for .empt~ lthat · ~roviiles fcW their care. 1881. The truck ... puir.td Oft Ssir¥9h Scn.t wr Mineer • ~~ ..... MMy thoppnc· oenw. · PoMce • ftrtt belieYed that ~··death .... eoddent.1,·bat lat.er cMr9ld Wlle1y Y'ith the crbm Oft --..... al bdonllatSan bun atWhl informantt. One of thoee lnfonnanta, al-~ crime penner James Mat- 1tiall Dunaaan, had entered l\d1tY .... Monday to char19 of voluntary manllauahter and ~ only minute. before ~~ly'a _juey announced that it had neched • verdict. l>unapn WU the prmecutlon'a key witnem and had w.tif:ied that he acted u lookout for ~e de- fendant wblle Wllely meUed up on h1a stepfather'• rtg and cauaed the one-ton, tilt-away cab to fall on the older man, suffocating him. . Wllely, however, contended thrcJUlhout bla trial that Bcay's death WU accidental and that he' waa nowhere near hla atepfa- ~fs~y !11: ~:v1rt~~~:'J ex- convict who still faces charges of armed robbery in Loa Angeles County, showed little emotion when the guilty verdicts were read by clerlt Ruth Finley. However, ln speaking with reporters minutes later, the de- fendant said he was "kind of . shocked ... --. for their eyes for their · teeth - for-their body right down to their toes FHP isn't just an insurance company. It's a Health Maintenance Organization with seven medical centers in the Los Angeles and Orange -... County area atone, \ : . . Family Health ,..ogram provides the dentists. The doctors, including ·medical specialists. EmergeMy e11re. Hosf)italization. Eye-~re< Preventa- tive care, including regular checkups. Even fa nilly counseling. We don't just cover your .mployees' medical expenses. We also pro- tect your 41("ploYffS' hntth by providing care to help keep them from getting $ick in the first . . • A FEDERALL v QUALIFIED tiMO "J>lace. Hffd to tqe. For more information on ~group ~Ith tare pro- gram that gives you more than just Insur.nee for ~u.r money, aiO (21J) 429-2471, Ext. 513 or (714) a.JS11, Ext. 513. t • I ~ , Or_,.. COllt DAILY PILOT/Tueedmy, Mwoh 11, 1N2 ~· MOSCOW (AP) -Premdent Leonid I. Brezhnev today an- nowK.'ed a frene on deployment of medfum-ranp nuclMr rnimilee ln the we.tern part of the Soviet Ublon. • But he wU')'H9d of ·~taliatory ~· lf no ptOll'elll ii made at &Me~Arnerbn-talka on anna Umitatlona. Bn2hnev'a announcement wu quickly rejected by the Reqan admlniatratlon ea a trick to maintain Soviet anna superiority. Brezhnev allO aafd the Soviet Union plana to pull back a "certain -number" of the medium-range misailes it already haa deployed ln the· part of the Soviet Union west -o( the Urala, considettd the European part of RWlllia. Brezhnev said the freer.e would remain 1n effect until Soviet and U.S. negotiators 1n Geneva - ' who today recewd their talks to May 20 -reach agreement to limit the deployment of medium-range ~iles in Europe, or LIDlil tbt Un1ted B•~~ ~ otijectlv•," ·MffM aatd. ·~ IDIMW'9 io " ~~Y want to continue to be In a Penhlna _2 an4 aw. ·PGlftfon where they can dominate w..wm Europe. IU'ope and can dominate, in·ef- Brezhney Mad failure to re.ch f9ct, U)e nwt of the world through aareement on medlum .. lanp their head etart In nuclear nUclear m.ipil• would be •a reia1 weapons." • · ' • threat to our country and lta allie9 Preaidenf Reagan told the by the United Statn." "Thia Tenneaee Leaiatature 1n Nash- would compel 1.11 '°take retalla· vt1le on Mmday, 1n responaflo a tor,Y •:J;• that would put the conar-kJna1 nuclear moratorium other • incl~ the Un!Uld propoeat, that "a nuclear freeze at States itself, In an analagous ttu. time w~d legitimize the ~tion;' he aald. politlon of m-eat acfvantage for He did. .not elaborMe on tbE! the Sovi.eta.'r · ·· ·"retaliatory stepe," but analysta A eenior .State Department of- interpreted tlie slatement to fid.a1 aaid Monday in Washington mean the Sovieta would stationr that the &viet Union haa 300 miasiles near Western borders. • SS-20 missiles targeted on West- U .. s . presidential counselor ern Europe besides qther SS- F.dwm Meese~ interviewed on 1eries weapons and had begUn ABC:T~'s . "":iood Morning building flve new launching sites Amenca,. clismi.aed Brezhnev's expected to house 1 O missiles moratorium as an attempt to each. maintain Soviet anns.auperiority. U.S . negotiators have rejected "Th~ Soviets are way ahead of similar Soviet proposals Qn limi- • us ... 111 Europe, and this further ting medium-range missiles threat indicates peace and re-saying that SS-20s deployed east duction of nuclear arms is not of the Ural Mountains in the IOUthwwtet11 8oYtet" Unlcll could aUll ..-:11 Welt t:wope., t.rpta. Sec:retary of si.i. Alexander M. ~r. hulcl••.,...t that Ma.:Ow a 6-1 edae over the Uhlted tatet ln the number of mediwn-ranae m••Jee ln Elm>pe. In Bonn. the Welt Geiman announcement: "Whether t)"8 ii a at.ep In the right dlr~lon d~ pends on whether it will mark a turnlna point for the·Soviet Union ln ita medium ranae rolmUe annt.ng, that~ whether it (the • Soviet Ul\dl) wW not only end the furthermulinaof rocketa but is ready for a real reduction within the framework -of the Geneva negotiations." Brezhnev said, "The Soviet leadership haa ~en a decision to introduce unilaterally a morato- rium on the deployment of medium-range nuclear arma- ments in the European part of the U.S.S.R.,'' Brezb,riev aal.d. Mi_dwe s t wracked b y · tor n a does, floOds Plains twisters kill 5, rip buildings; more rain falls as 4,000 flee floods Bv fte-Aaaoclated Pre11 Tornadoes ~gr.egged across the Great Plains, pulverizing buildings and ~ at least five people, while Miawestem rivers sent ice floes through living rooma, drove more than 4,000 people from home and lapped at mounds of sandbags. The water was 10 feet above flood stage and still rising today in the three-river city of Fort Wayne, Ind., where 3,500 people were evacuated and one killed as thunderstorms and thaWing snow threatened to rna}(,e the floodinJl as bad as in 1913. when 73~ people ·died a.cross Indiana and Ohio. Mote rain fell toda1 on the yalready waterlogged Midwest .. Thunderstonm spread ac:roes the lower Ohio Valley, pelting Cape Girardeau, Mo. with golf ball-sized hail, and showers fell over the upper M~ppi Valley. Rain also spread into !IOUthem Michigan where a flash flood watch was posted. . About 50 familes were evacu- ated in Peoria, ID. as the Illinois River climbed more than 5 feet above flood stage and businesses in low-lying areas prepared to erect sandba~ barriers. Elsewhere; winter took a part- ing shot at Minnesota with a layer of slippery snow and sleet. Litchfield received 3 inches of snow, Minneapolis and St. Paul received a 2-inch coating. causing nwnerous accidents during the morning rush hour. At least five people were killed over the weekend in northern Indiana, Ohlo and southern Michigan. Three Ohioans were among the dead. A 9-year-old. boy died of exposure Sunday in Grand Rap- ids, Ohio, the b od y of a 71-year-old woman from Clover- dale, Ohio, whose body was found along the Blanchard River and a 21-year-old man from Wren, Ohio, collapsed in two feet of water and drowned Saturday at Monroeville. Ind. The tornadoes late Monday kille<S three people in Kansas, one 1n Missouri and one in Oklahoma just as President Reagan was • arriving in Oklahqma City, which was spared by the twisters. A half-dor.en buildings along U.S. 166 in Tyro, Kan.. were damaged and two were destroyed by a tornado that killed one man, officials said, and a twister ripped through a trailer park in Ada, Okla., leveling mobile homes, killing· one· penon and injuring 35. A tornado skipped across northe.m Texas without causing any damage, one day after five tornadoes hit west central Tex.as and another hit a Dallas suburb. Indiana Gov. Robert D. Orr, his pants rolled up over his rubber overshoes, visited swamped areas of Fort Wayne and saw by heli- copter that the only way to rec- ognize the banks of the St. Mary's River were two parallel lines of treea stand.i.ng in water. "It's just 6orrible,'' said Fort Wayne Maror Winfield M~ Jr. "It's an eene situation to see !Jome of the homes. There are ice floes going throuab the living rooms." Some of the thouaanda of peo- ple driven from their homes re- turned .by boat Monda50 re- trieve belongino, and wu Roee, 55, readied a wire cage or a bbat ride to pick up her three stranded cats. 1be' floodlna h.u done an eUi- mated $16.3 mllllon in damage, includ.insr 1the 1-ndmark home of. Hugh McCullough, secretary of the Treasury under President Lincoln. AP~ P RICE CLIMBING -This California street cable car still had sightseers hanging_ out despite a price.increase that went into effect in San Francisco Monday. The fare went up from 50 cents to $1 to help pay for increasing maintenance costs. Sandinistas bar Nicaraguan ·rights MANAGUA, .Nicaragua (AP) -The leftist Sandinista govem- rnept has suspended individual rijthts for 30 days and impo6ed strict censorship to counter what it says are "plans for aggresmon" by the Uni~ States. Junta member Daniel Ortega said the suspension may be ex- tended "in keeping with the prevtilina ci.rcwnsta.nc'8 in ~ country:;p Speaking at a ceremony for the Sandinista militia Monday night, Ortega said the emergency mea- sures were necessary because of "plans for aggression against our country" directed by the United States "with the complicity" of anti-government group& based in neighboring Honduras and Mia- mi. The Washington Post reported last week that the Reagan ad- : ministration was planning a $19 million CIA program for a force of 500 Latin American commandos who would be based on the Nicara~-Honduras border and would attack dams, power sta- tions and other economic targets in Nicaragua. Belushi d.rug, drinking • se ssion described J --. Coroner's report says <;omedian· spent last hours in all-night revelry / HELLO ·woRLD -Two-day-old Veronica Morales, left, waves and takes a peek at life while her sisters nap in ann of mom Irma Morales, who has three other children. 9, 4 and 2 years old. The single mother says her mother will help care for her armful of babies. The triplets, including Rebecca, center, and Monica, were delivered by Caesarian section. LOS ANOELFS (AP) -Com· edian John Belushi. whoee arms bore "multiple fres h needle puncture marks" at the time of • his death, spent his last hours in all-night revelry that included heavy drinking and narcotics, a detailed coroner's report says. &lushi was vomi~ and pale, but stayed up on Maren 5 until 8 a.m., 4~ hours before h~ was found dead, according to the re.- port issued Monday. It also ouWned another night that week when the actor drank and used drugs into the early-morning hours. Belushi, 33, died from an in- jected overdose of cocaine and heroin, Los Angeles County Co- Decontrol 'created' oil .glut Reagan sharply critical of Carter's energy program OKLAHOMA CITY (AP} - President Reagan said today that lifting controls on oil prices hel- ped create the current oil glut and was responsible for greater con- tervation and lower energy costs. While not claiming direct credit for himself for removing oil price controls, Reagan was !Sharply critical of former President Car- ter's energy program, under which decontrol wu drawn up. "The last administration's 'moral equivalent of war' which depended on aovemment plan- ning, bureaucracy and regulation gave us higher prices and shortaaea." l\eagan said in a apeech prepared for delivery to a joint . lellion of the Oklahoma Leglalature. Movi.egoers pick Fondas, Hepburn HOLLYWOOD (AP) Movie-goen picked the two~ at.an of •1()11 Ooklm . Pond. - Henr-y Fd.nda and Katharine Hepburn'-• bMt adCr and belt ac,reu ln th• 1981 American MovteAwm* I And~ C!Mt tbillr ~ Jane •belt .ca-blr ... la tl.e fJJrn. ......... ol tbt Leet Ark" took tbt belt film of the year award. The ..... OflU'1led by the ' NIWSBRllfS National A.seodatlon of Theater Owners and pl'elented Monday at the Hollywood Palace, were ba- eed on audience polls taken at 2,000 theaters nationwide. I dead, 15 hurt , in Irish bombing - BELFAST Northern Ireland (AP) -A bomb blitz acroH Northern Ireland killed an 11-year-old boy and injured at leut 15 people "Monday night. inclumn,z the province'• former home afia1ra mlnlater, police said. The oenten of Belfut and tour outlying towns were hit and da-maae waa extensive. Police aaid the explOliona all within a half. hour, app;;;;i to be the work of the PrcMatonal Irtah Republican Army. It wu the um auch eeriee of au.cks 1n u months. Stabbed actress on cr itical' 'list injured in a stabbing attack out- side her West Hollywood apart- ment, may have been stalked for days by a "fan" who kept track of her whereabouts in a diary, au- thorities said. A truck driver on a delivery run stopped the attack on .Ms. Saldana on Monday by ·taking away her assailant's 4-inch kit- chen knife and e~ng him to the ground b standing "on his neck" until aud;'orities arrived, otficiala aaid. Canal_ ~pponents ~ue over Prop. 9 SACRAMENTO (AP) -Op-. ponenta of the Peripheral Canal have filed ault contesting the ballot ~phlet'a statement on Propomticm 9, scheduled for the June 8 ballot. The iult was filed in Sacra• mento C.oun&y Superior Cow:t on Mooctay by Calilorhiana for a P'a.lr Water PQliey 1&.ainlt Secre-t tar, of State M.an:h l''Ong Eu, the chief elections offldal, aria othera. , Jt contends that th• 1A8ialative ' . Analyst WUUam Hamm and At- torney General George DeukJne.- jan Undei:'Jtated and m'-tated the cmt of the water fadJJtiee that Propoeition 9 would permit. ' r;onekr . Th~ Nogucl,11 said last . wee . 1n New York, meanwhile, the Daily News reported today that Belushi left his wife, Judith, more than $2 million from three life insurance licies. A de~ report by Deborah Petenon, an investigator a~ the coroner's office, said that on March 1, Belush i and an uni- dentified woman stayed up "drinking wine and inhaling co- caine . . . and injecting the drug." Police LL Dan Cooke identib'-S the woman as Cathy Evelyn Smith, a backup linger for rock groups. Miss Smith alto ia belie- ved to be the last peraon to aee Belushi alive. More notes from· the International Gemological 9Jnl>O$ium ··Gems and Antique Jewelry"' was the subject llddresaed byl Benjamin Zuctter. He had a marvelous set of slides which he used to Illustrate his preeentatlon. One VfKY unusual ring shown In hla pictures oontalned flYe uncut diamonds. They were In the perfect occahedral at\llP9 .. formed by rmure. Theee wet9 aet Into the. rrountlng so that you aew at '-four of the ttonee et any #lgle of viewing. With the VfKY lhlWp points protruding from the ring I thought 11 would also n-... a VfKY effectlw wetpOn on• cbbled up flal Thia ring dated from the alxteenth ~· 1 Antique, JeMlry hM .,..,., betn on• of my major enthusiasms . . • protiably blca.-moet of the pieca. I -oome Into the enop fOI' f"IPllr and .. usuellY ao worn out and neglecied thllt they.,.. very difficult to put Into wearabj• condition egaln. ~ piClf* Ml"' to hM-the notfbn that juat becauH il:lrnld'llng It mldt o1 snctoua GlfTa and fine metal It fhould l'aat for~ver wlt~ut any mllrMinanoe. tHtt It not the ~~ . ....,....car• In weerlno and occ•lonal ~·the~~ll . . . On "March 5, the coroner's re- port ooritinued, Belushi and his woman companion were at "Rock City," a private club, where he was "drinking heavily" until about 1 a.m. He reportedly. asked 101DeODe to drive him back to his rented bungalow at the Chateau Mannont Hotel. The comedian n eeded help getting inside the bungalow. He began vomiting and appeared "pale and sweaty," the report said, but "the ingestion of the liquor and drug apparently continued." Unidentified visitors were at the bungalow between 3 and 3:30 a.m., the report said. Belushi showered aobout 6:30 a.m . and ~ '® &EM WISE went w bed aboJJt 8 a.m .. wtlen the woman observed he -.Vas "shaking and wheezing." • The woman was quoted as saying she heard "a loud wheez- ing" about 9:30 a.m., so she woke Belushi to aSk if he was all right and gave him water. When she checked about 10:15 a .m., he·ap- peared to be sleeping and she went out ft>r breakfast. The report said the woman gave police a plastic syringe .and metal spoon that app~ared to have been burned on the bot10rn. It said she told police she took them from the bungalow when she left "because she was afi'aid that the maid would come in and call police." oertainly lengthen the life Of these fine jewelry treasures. After listening to Mr. Zucker's presentation and seeing his slides. I must edmil that he did klndle more enthusiasm and Interest tot lhe9e ancient pieces of Jewelry; Ha has premised to send me f set of the s!1des so that I ma snare them With others wh rrey enioy seeing them Starting next Saturdmy w• v.411 be having a ShOw ind iatt al eaic.te.' antlQUe and antiq!Jf reporductlon Jew4'1ry In our atore. They come from N""' England estates anJ I thin' tl'loee of you who like olde{ pieces will find them verj lltl'aetive. • W. are also hllvlNJ a at~ reduction sale of :)Uf ow• '""'"'°" at thl• t•me . ~ prices have been greatl reduced . . • 90fT1f to • muc as ~ off. ~ot twerythlng i · lnclUded In thla sale but aimo 9119rythlng. If you have • ~ng eomethlng In oor AOCI With the Idea of a futurt ~ this might be the ti,,,, ton-. the demlon. OurillJ thit .... we °'1lnaL honOr "°'* ChlltVM . . . N · bring your~. VIM or~ Owge catda. This ... °"°' . .,_, opportunl IO don't ~ Mlrctl 'le) through t D EA& PAT DUNN: Earl y lut NeHaber I •*red a •. .., &able llUI s•• llall Oider llanedaa lllC. fw tn.71. •1 cllieck WU Hiiied, 'bll& &M &able .... r arrlvicl. I've wrlUH twlee a.ta.1 aboat deUvery, but' bnen't received HJ re1p0ue. • CH you help? · .&. -V .C., Lasua NIIMI ' Mail Order M'arke\-in& promises to deliver the table to you via UPS promptly. Another reader, R.H., COsta Mesa, who also had ordered the same table in November, will get the refund ~he requested. Mail Order _ Marketing_' does n,ot have a sterling record with A YS readers when it comes to prompt delivery of merchandiser The excuse is always the same -"that item was on back order." However, when A YS hu. contacted lbla tlrm with a complalnl, lt hu been ret0lved prompUy. '1IOM'1 cuatomer aervlce addreaa is 11828 Glen Oak Blvd. •-.A.l.P Fern~9UMO. . "Cot a probl.m? 1'.hen write to Pat Dwan. Pat W(ll cut rtd tape, o-tHng the CJJtftOtTI bnd action J10U netd to 1olw IMqadtw• in gown.JMnt and bu.rilwu. Mall JIC)Ur qwatiofu to Pat Dunn, At Your Sm1ice, Orange Coos( DoU~ PUot. P.O. Boz 1580, Cc>fta Meao, CA BM». Al man11 ldtn1 OI poaaiblc wfU ~ 4'a1Wtrtd, but phoned inqufrie1 or t.ttera not mcluding the reabr'• full name, addreu qnd bu$ineu hQun' r:ihoM number ·cannot be ~td. Thu ~umn appeori five da11i a tDHlc. 4 • ORANGE COAST Daily ~ilat Cla11Hled advert1•1"9 7141'M2·5e71 All other department• 642-4321 Remote thief holds up ·pair MAIN OFFICE J30 Wesl •• , SI • Cosl• -·CA. Thomas P. Haley -.Wll •clclreu· &Q• 15'0, Coat. AM.-. CA ""' .. U~o WELL GUARDED-Patti Davis, 29, ac~ daughter. of President Reagan, is preceded by a security man as she arrives in London aft.er a flight from Los Angeles. A tight security net of 15 U.S. Secret Service men is guarding her. ---· -- Be1ln met •~veral caat mernben and producUon per- eonnel of the hit TV ..n. "O.U.U" at·hil home In Jeru- alem. The "Dallu" party - mJnua stars Larry Rapnu, Patrick Daffy and Victoria Priaclpal -is vilitlng there to promote touriam . A. the nadon watched 9n Israel Televisio.n, actreea Sasao lloward, who plays Donna Krebbs on the aeries, whispered. the identity of J .R. Ewing's assailant into Jhe pren)ier's ear. Israeli fans saw J .R. get shot just two weeks ago, nearly two years after the program was broadcast in the United States. The assailant, as U.S. audi- ences found outA was Kristin, J .R.'s siser in law and rpis- tress. I I ~--c-1 e.ecul·•• Oll>t•• Robert N. Weed ,.,_ Thomas A . Murphine fCl!IOt COPYr'9111 1"2 Or-CoHI P-l$11l"9 ~y No new. tlOrie!I. lllustr•llonl, eclltort.I ....ci.,. °"..,. verllM.....,IS herein m•y be r~oduted wllhoul speci.1 permission of copyr'9ftl -·· SAN MATro (AP) -A brown paper bag with criminal tenden- cies and a walkie talkie radio relieved two people of $3,400 in what police believe may be the first robberv bv remote control. D94y l"IW Q .... _, hG-..tHCI We're Listening~ •• L. Kay Schultz VaPreMtent .O OulldOt 01 OcMtrat1on.s Mic hael P Harvey ..,....."9 Otttctor Ken~eth N Goddard Jr Chaires H Loos ,;.UfFEi.L'S · , . • u,HOLSTERY · ~ --...... t ._ •• , .. ,!" ... ~i~. · IUJ HAllOI ILVD. ' ,COSTA MESA -541-1 1561 Full Bar Upstairs Full Bar Downstairs Full Bar Outside Patio Second clau POS1~ ,..Id •I Cosl• Mew, c.lltoml• (UPS 144-IOQ) Su~rlpllon by ,.,rler M.7S monltlly by moll. '6 50 monlhlv. Tl'le Or-Cont O.lly Pllol. with wllkll It com- bined lhe News·Press. It publltlled by ll'le Or- Conl PUOllthlno C,orn-y. s.,..r•I• eclttloM .,. PVbihhed MQncYy lllrough Frld•Y for COit. MeM, N••POr1 9Mcll. Hunllr>91on BeM:ll. Founl•ln Valley. Irvine,~ 8-.11, Soull\ Coest. A slft919,........ ec1111on It !l<Alllll>ed s.1un1os ano s.....s.~ The prlncl,..l l)UbllS111n9 plan! Is •I JlO w .. 1 ~Y SllWI, P.O Bu 1560, COll• ~.C•lifort1l1 ,,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 75 ; -..n;;wa1a.21 .., . ......,1rr •• c111y Wma&IS 11 & 0.er NO cova (Dreu Code) w.dlle~ lhnl Wuduf 21 & ., oftfy ·UYe ............. & d-.clRg fe•lwgfhe SwftOMS 3180 Airway Ave. :~-:. 546-9880 c• for McC°"'*l clrKffw The spectator pump: . " . Delicate detailing, lowic easy· walking heel. NATURALIZER. M<lr'ldl'f J '•O•y It YOU 00 noc h•v• Y\Nt Ol.04ir b, ~ 30 om call bef0te 1 0 m •nd '(0Uf C.<IO• '!"II oe <UthYef.O · Whal do you like about lhe Daily Pilot'> What don't you like? Call lh~ nwnber ~elow and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor S.1111e11y 11\d Sul\Cl1y If you do noo The s ame. 24-hour ans we nng ser vice may be used to record let ter~ to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must 1n~lude their name and telephone number for venh cat1on . No circulation Police Sgt. Bill Hurley said he was told by victims William W. Noren, 21, and Laura Lambot, 31, that they never saw a human being as they gave up the receipts from the Home Yardage Co. ;:=.:;~•,JO:~ ~ ~~, ~~y~uC: ~ ..... ,., calls. please. · Te ll us what's on your mind 642·6086 , ''Honest,. boss. ,, Its Business Class. United introduces first-class comfort at reduced fares on Friendship Express • • Honest. Starting April I. you can fly Business Class on United's Friendship Express and enjoy :, roomy first-cl~ seats, extra legroom. compli- mentary cocktails, even wine with your meals. When the boss finds out you get all this at such a great low price, hell be proud. Fly United's new Busine~ Class section on our Friendship Express flights to Portland or Seattle. You can also reserve.your favorite seat in advance. And tf you're not going to the Pacific Northwest, don't pass up our l6w regular Friendship Express fares to cities all over the West. From Loe Anaelee Portland Seattle Butlnes1 Clue 'IS9 •169 Peak •122 -~119 Off-peak •102 ·•112 Leave To Portland 8:15 a.m. 11 :30 a.m . 4:10 p.m. 7:00p.m. ,/ 8:15 a.m. ·To Seattle 10'!45 a.m. 2!10p.m. 5:00p.m. 7 :30p.m . 9:00p.m . Call your Travel Agent today for . reservations and information on Untted's BustneS& Class. Or call United at 973-2121. Partners in Travel with · .. Westin Hotels. Fares, restrictions and schedules are subject,.W change. Arrive 10:30 a.m . 1:42 p.m. 6:20p.m . 9:10 p.m 10:43a.m. 1:15 p.m . 4,35 p.m . 7:25 p".m . 9:55p.m . 11 :22 p.m . Fare Code C/V /K ·' • • • .._,......,.,..... .................. __ , ____ ................ r.i= . "" ....... ,.,, 0.-..... ............. :- ... ~CUlll'Oft ~---....... ................. ~--~-IE·---. -llJ9ltM MD.,.. -~..,,_ .._~mw.w ff-...111.::- A '°'IOftln ~ In ...... ------In .......... GMmblr In -Hlrl m1n1lon m•kH JonliNn Md ..,..., ..,. sr~ MUfdlr. '"'Q . ~-~=-''Animal~." . The fanm of dece . UMd~ by ~ and &heir in Vlctima. KNXT (2) 9:00 -1'.The Glhl ot Life." Suaan Dey, Paul Let.rat~ ln film abe>Ut Youna mother who~ contnctuaL aurropte prepancy. KCET (28) &;10-11The GJ"Mt Amerkwi Fourth of July and Other Dilalten." Jean .Shepherd'• Ol'iginal teleplay <:enters ~ around b~tersweet pangt of growing up ih Midwest during late '30s ana early '409. ....,.... -,., .... ,.._, A._ 'fl-.,.;. ... ............. .. .. =~~:.:.., .... ~~.~ e.w. M 1111 .. 1 r?P .,...._ ..... ...... .................... ..... ..._ .... ................. . .... W*** . .,,. .. .._ Ofte'' .... ... ...,,., MMe ....... A ... Al"'t ....----~ II • ._. NMllel Imo the wlollfllll ... ""' °' WOftd Wtt • oombll. 'PO' CZ)··~ ''Tbe 0.-... •cor.wt6on" (11711 llNol lM, ~ .... A INr• CAREER TRACED -Music career of clarinetist Pete Fountain 1n "Pete," ~ ** "ll'onoo llllY" (1M0) Cllftt !Mtwood, Sondr• Locu. A former 111o. ...._.,, '""" .... ~ ,_ .. elf..,.. of I*· . 'KCET (28) · 10:20 . -''Pete." Career of clarinetl.St Pete Fountain is traced from his roots ln Dixieland to present status. ~ ·\ _ photo, left. • • Wfl'd11~•daw'• Da11tl•~ Mo"lfl'• till IN~ .... out to -. the ..., °' ,. ...._ In. wtlldl 1 1M1 ldlool -lrwoNild, .,.. · night at 10:20 p.m. KCET (28). ~ '°""'"" In • Wiid w .. Algi.ra" (1N7) Y1cat 8aeell, JMn Manin. Algef1e W..-•dllp••*"t-... '°' llldepelldel-fl'Ofll 1ff.Uo1"2, 7:IO. ~ Mltm'MU. Loi ,.,....... Lakere YI. Por1llnd T,_1111 e f:IO. t OM THI TOWN FeetwW. • -In .,. ... of • ,,.,., of "-Lo. ~ Poloe o.p.n. "*" Bomb 8qued; • loot It~ by oornpuw; I MW .,..~IOIC .... --Who adOpf c:Nldrtn. I • 'NAY lll!UD LAV'UWE l 8HIN.IY &COMPANY TM glfie ttand L.9nny end Squlggy up for dltee with two Y«arlnarlanl. • IYI! OH L.A. FMturact: • look 11 aoeo aper-.; l*1 two of •• report on X-ntact video caeeet1•; • look ., aporte madlclna. • M•A•S•H Hfttl.ye llghll to keep • wound~ eoldlar ellva wtllle en lnoMaent blrr~ 11 on near the ..onth. (J) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEIL/ LEHRER MPOAT -~FORIT F•eJured: "F•mlly Brlldwlnner le A Squtrrel" and "How To Make A Poe- ~ 81-np." (C)MOVIE • **'h "BllM Of St. TJW. .,, • • .. ( 1es..) Ajlltall' s.m. Joyce °'*' .... The ~ iam. of running . a girts' achool .,. lnCfMNd by Iha llrrtvlf of lhe headmle- tr en' 1 bookm•k•r brother. •:OO . CIJ 8IMOH l SIMOH A.J. and Rlolt agree to round up soma mMalng c lanmetH for their upcoming hlgll echool reunion. 8 QI MET MAVENa< ~--A9C>Sen­ dlne for htlp In finding 1'-r-.oi...,.. for hie .... """··~ • MOVIE * *" ''The Helled ~· ( UMMI) Comal Wiide, Gan Van Der e.g. Altar hie fal- low hunt--kllled by • prlmftlva trlba, • man II Mt fraa to be hunted down by fierce WWl1ots. 8 9 HAPPYDAV8 Fonzie II llKloue "'*' Jen.. ny Plccalo epraeda rumors about • ,_ girl tn lellool. • ,_ ... MAGAZJHE The leader of Hew Y Of'k •I Oullrdian Angale manlee hie ~end: -8UOOMlful 8"1mal etare end their owners. • MOVIE * * "TM Vanlalllng lan4" (1973) Documentary. The ~ Of "''*' dllpfay their tenacity and strength of wlll In the b•ttle to cerw OU1 ..... lor lhernMlvM In the bitter~ of the North. • L.ft OH EARTH ''Theme And Vlr1lltlon" Ofttd A~ io01ta ......... ~°'--­"*' -ftom ~ lo ...... -lflllt ...,.,, to be d•o•nded from • tiny ;:INll'nmll.Q "Anlmll lmpoeton" Ti. ,.m1rk1bl1 formt of ~ UMd by both pt9detcn end tMlr 1n1enc1- ad~ -to Ml or avoid bllno ..,.. --eumlned.Q (8)MOYW • * • 1fr ''The Stunt Men" (1880) Peter O'Tool•. 811Yt Rellabeck. Wentad · by the pollce, • dllturbad Vlatnam veteran find• en unaure h•ll'll'I on • movte Mt __.. I World War I (if~ lllmtd. 'R' * *.,. "Any WNott Way You Can" (1NO) Clint E.utiilood, Sondt• loch. Belote Mt1llng down with hla glr1 and pet orengu1an. a bat9-""*I ftgflter llgrlS up lot 0"8 i.t. lucfltfv. metm. 'PO' .MOVIE *. "Roadie" (1980) Malt l.oef, Klkl Hunter. A rock muelc roadie lt11 nothing get In hie .,,_,, In hie pureull of the Qlrl ol hie d,_,.,a. 'PO' t:IO. 111 LAVERNE l 8HlfllLEr Carmine bacomM famous 81ter eurvMng a direct 1111 by • llghtnlng bolt. Q • ALLINTHEFAMILY Edhh darns up about Tere-.. ·~. t;OO. (I) MOVIE . ''The GllVOI Ufa" (Prem- iere) Su11n o.y, Paul laMat. A young rnotMr of two undar1akM a contrac- lull MHrogate pregnancy 1 for another woman. 8 QI fl.AMINO() AOAO Reid laerna how hie late flt'--menipulated by 8hartll Sampta. end Con- tflow. 'PO' • eNPW'l~WHIH Jehn ~ .. ..,by *!"'Y y~ end ottl· _.. • V., bring IM OOld-., dlYf .of TV Vl(llty lflowlblpktollfe. 10:11®~THI GMAT fl\NIUI Erle 8eww'eld ,_.. lhlf documeng,y too1c 11 !hi ~lnlluenu~ le of 18 "· wtllefl c:llirned 20 mllllon lllc1lml WOf16. Wide. 10-.to• .NTE The career of c:WINtllt P... Foun111n 1J tr11*S from hie root• In Olxlllend 10 Illa P'IMlll 1111118 -~ tourl1t 1t1rectlon of 11ie , Creeoet11 City. 1o:ao1~ . PLAYHOUll "The Greet Amerlcen Founh Of July And Other Dtaut.,•" Jun s~ h«d·1 orlgtnll telepley cent.,. around the bit· tlfNMt P111ge of growing up In the M~ cluf1ng tM Ille 18309 1M Mrty '40e.Q 10-M (Z) MOVIE ••'h "The OhlOIM Con- nection" ( 1873) Bruce Lee, Rober1 Beller. I\ martlll ert1 ltudent Ml• OU1 to •venge tile rnurcler of hi• tNChet In wtllctl • rlvll IChool WU lnv°"'9d. 'R' 11:00 ea 8 Cll a a NlW8 8 SATURDAY NIGHT Hoel: Waller M1t1hau. au-1: Garrett Morris. • l(OJN( • THE JER'IMOHS • IAHfON> AHO 80H (C)MOVIE • * .. From Noon Tiii Tl)rff" (1877) CharlN &oneon. Jiii Ireland. A drifter 11 rtct\lltea Into a cnr::.;:bety gang. ..... -•o deatroy ·--i--llueblnd. * * "O'oodbye, Emmenuele" C18n) SyMa Krietet. A beMitlful worn- .,, •• ...,ch for the um. mete erotic axpenence brloga her to • ltartllng rMllz.ltlon, 'R' •@ THMF8 ~NI'( FW1e)' and Larry ~ to keep Jaca. Janet and Tam from nlO¥lng •fter the threie .,. offar9d • d,_,., houM.Q I MUWV GAtmN L.ft ON EARTH ''Theme , And Variation" David AllMtborough looQ II the wide variety of anl- malt -from ent .. 1.,. to wtllMI ..: that -to be dalloll !Otd "om • tiny lfv-aka mammal. Q (C)MOVIE • • • "Sunday '" New York" (18&4) Oliff AoMn- eon, Jane Fonda. After being jilted by her boy· lr1and and tr•vallng to New York to vlllt her broltier, • yOWlg .!ftOl!llfl Ponlll!tart. her potl11on on v1rg1n11y. CD) 8AM'Y MAHILOW: IN THE ROUND • WOMEN'S MUD WAUTUHO "World Ughtwelgh1 Cham· plonllhlp" 11:30 8 (I) ALICE Alloa Ind Flo d~ that the Nma man llu made dat• with both Of them. (R) G Q!TOHIOHT Hoat: Johnny Careon. Gueat: Rlcllwd Pryor. 8 9 A8CNEW9 NIOHTUNE • ALLINTHEFAMILY • LOVE. AMEIUCAH STYLI! • DICKCAYnT Oueat: G_.. Verdon. (Part ~(RJ • • CAPTIONED ABC HEWS ®MOVIE eMOYW ** '"nla Cl~ Cit· II• Co." (1872) G•ry Orlmee, LUM Aakftl. • LOVI, AMINCNt ITYLI 1::: OH IOCltT:Y • • • "Tiie Compatltjon" (1810) Rlcflard Orayfuea, Amy lrvtng. Two planlet1 et • San ,.rltlClacO mue6a competition find that "'* love for ..tti other oon- fllcll wttll their profelillon. 111 emb111ont. 'PO' 12!08 8 (I) MOClOUO McCloud trlal to break In 1 new 1)811nar while lnYM11· gating • nellonal cer thalt ring.J R) 12:30 D QI LA~ NIGHT WITH , DAVID LETTERMAN Guaet: dlnoqur expan Jlf'l1 JanMn. • OOUPLU (Part 21 A wife'• mr• mw· 1111·•" .,... are l>OllnO • P<Oblam to her man11ga. -0r Walter &ackelmannl hoeta this..-. • NEWS 9MOVIE • ''Tiie Flftll Floor" ( 11180) Bo Hopklnl, Dianna Hult An .. na young wom8/l le Incarcerated In • bizarre mental hoepltal Where vto- tenca and drug 1buM are 1he Of'det 01 lhe day. 'R' (Z)MO';(IE * • * "The Cllangellng" 119801 Oao<oe c. &ott, Ttlllh Van Devere. A wld· owao music profauor rent•' an old .ll«IM that llPPMI• to be haunt.a by a rMllau eplrtt with a 50- )'Nl-okl ec«a to Nitta. 'R' 12:46 CC) MOVIE •• 'h "The Angel Wore Red" (1960) Ava Gardner. Dirk Bogarde. A priel1 l11v" 1111 ord« to return 10 a world rOCkea by a vlo- tan1 war 1:008 MOVIE • • "Caribbean" (1952) Jann Payne. Ariane Dahl. PlrllH In the 17001 11tamp1 lo tak8 c>Mr •Car- ibbean Island • MOVIE • * "The Amarlcano" (1855) Glenn Ford, Frank Lovejoy. A Teua oowt>oy lin01 romance and aovan- ture wt'4ll'I ha "llempt• to dell~ Brlllma bull• to BruU. • 1:108 MOVIE • • •'h '"Don't Make Wav .. •• ( 1887) Tony ~rtla. Clludla Cardinale. When 1119 car la 1111. a tour. Ill In Southern Cellf0tnl• winds up flllllng In love with I .. CUii llttle Italian fenCI. •·bander who II~ bla. 9J!EWS 1:30 D la HEWS (B)MOVIE * * * "The Electric H~ , meri" (1979) ~Obert FJect: f0td, Jana Fonda. A Lu Vegas cowbOy 1tM11 • S12 mHllon lllOrougllbred horN to Nve him from 1111 exp!Olllllve owners. 'PG· t:00 m MOVIE • * * * "The lldy Van- l1M1" (1W) Mlcf!MI Aadgl'1va, Pu Wk-. Alt aldertyE~«*­ IPPM'I from • ~ ,~trlln • 2:10 Cl5 ~ 8HOftTf **It "Ona-TrlClk PO(ly" ( 1880) PIUI Simon, 81air B<own. A ono.popu1ar par10Nnar .. prlMUted by ~ 11oune1 him to dtoc> hie l1YN of mualc and write aonge thlt can bring him beck to the top 40. 'R' 2-.208 NlW8 . a-.ao CC> M0\11( * *'h "BallM Of 81. Trtnl- an'1" ( 195") Alutllr Sim, Joyce Grenfell. The prob- lem• of running • glr11· IChool are lncrNMd by the errlval of 1ha hMdml1- t re 11' 1 bookmaker brother. eMOVH! • **'it "Little Darlings'' (1880) Tetum O'.._., Kri. 1y McNlcflol. At eummar c.mp, two teen-• glt1I compete to -who wttl be Illa flrat to k>M (* vlrglnl- &'~IE / **'h "Buelln' Loose" ( 188 1) Ak:tlard Pryor, Cice- ly Tyeon. A bumbling bur· glar, • conc8rned • echoollaacher and eight Chlldran make • frighten- ing crou-country trip In a bf okan-down llCllool bua. 'R'. 2:~. NEWS • 2:&5 MOVIE • • ·~ "Aloha Me•na Goodbye" ( 1874) Sally Struthers, J-Fran- a ecu1. Whan a phylk:lan'1 eon bacomM NI, I young girl with a rare blood type 11 eought u a heart donor. 3:008 ISPY 3:30®MOVIE *~ "Charita Chan AnCI The CurM Of The OflQOn Ouean" ( 1981) P•tw Usti- nov. Rk:llard Hetell. Char· lie Chan II aided by Illa bumbltng 9rand1on In IOIYlng a llrlng of mur- Clare. 'PO' a:ao• MOW! *.,. "I Cover The Underworld" ( 1954) Sean Moeloty, Joanna Jorelan. A theology lludent "9.umea the Identity of hi• gang1tw twin brother luat before the latter'• prteon r ....... ())MOVIE * • ·~ "&cape From Alcl· traz" (1978) Cini E.111·· WOOd, Patrldl M<Goo11an. A hwdenad convict mikes elaborete plans to brellk OU1 ol Iha ~proof prteon. 'PO· •:008 ISPY (C)MOVIE * * "Loving COUpl11" ( 1980) Slllrtay MacL.llne, J1m11 Coburn. A manlad couple and • pelr of~ • tlnglh awffcli partnere In a geme or llf•tyle Mmpllng 8/ld romantic revenge. 'PO' •:06 (Z) CINEMASCOAE ·~·MOVI! * * * "Ona-Trldl Pony" ~MOlla.G- t:oo •••• ~ ''The Cit And • ., ni.-c1n1iy" 11m1 Bob . Hope, Pu.tte OOddwd. In ,,,def to COiiect their lnhetltanoe, • !Miiiy mull IPlfld the night In • heunt· adhouM. CZ>* .... "Biiiy Jadl" (1871) Tom Leughlln, OalorM Taylor. Alt P • Graen l«et W-t>raed Cl\lmplone the cellM of • freedom IOllool lot runa- Wl)'I on en Attiona lndlan r-tlon. t:OO CC) ••• ''Ceddle" (1881) ~Mn MMM, JICI! Thofllp. ton. A young women ... her comfonabte •rban home anc1 11ar mlll husband, determined lo \ah lull reaponelblllty f()( aupportlng her Qlllldran by doing what-odd Joba lh9 can get. t:30 e * • "New Fronllar" (1838) John Weyne, Flay Corrigan. The MeaQul1-• attp In 10 htlp • group of ..,...,. defend their IJ'op- arty rights llplnlt greedy t.ndgl' •bberl. g * • • "Allegro Non Troppo" (19781 Animated. LI!• In the mectllna age I• .. urlzad. 'PO' 10:00 CID.·~ "A Nlglltlngale Sang In Barkeiey Square" ( 1878) Richard Jordan, D1vld Niven. The night ••ICllman at • Brltlllh Senk ta tempted to return to a NI• of crime. (J) * • ·~ "A GIOOll Affair" (1"'41 Bob Hope, Ulo Pulver. A beby, found by • bachal()( In the lobby ol Iha United Natlone. II claimed by all the member natlonl. , CZ> * * * "Saboteur" ( 19 .. 2) Prladlle Lane, Rob- ert Cummlnge. AccUMd OI .. botage and the mwder OI hie beat Irland, a man Mia out to find the real Nazi aebotaure. 11 .00 CC) * * * ·'North By ~... (1859) Caty Gtent. Eve Merla Sllnt. An advartlllng man•• tlfa la Cllangad drutlcally wt'4ll'I he la ~lalcan f0t I CIA ~t. .. •• * 'h "a.dknoba And &oometlolte" (11171) Angela LMtlbury, David Tomllneon. During World War II. a nov1oe IOtcar- •nd her three young frlanCI• Ml off '°' • rnmglc Island where aha Inlands to IMm enough ebout wttchcr•lt lo UM It agllnl1 the Naz.II. 'G' 12:00 D •• "TM Cat Cf ... lure" ( 1873) Meredith Suter. Stuar1 Whitman. A llolen amulet brings • Oetecitlve Into 1 CHe lnvoMng • cull Of C8I WDrahlppara.. • • • • * * 'h "Top s.crat Affair" (1857) SuMn Hay· wwd. Klftc Do\lglaa. A put>- llllher attempt• 10 1top • nwfOf' general trom obtalo- lllg • dlplorNtlc poa1. •••• ''The Riling Of 1:IO CC) * * "The Attic" ( 1171) c.m. Snodgl .... ~ .... i.nct. A· llbranan ll\otl In the .,... lllltf\ '*' """'°'* of • IO\l9 wt,o dlMppeerad. . ... 1:4f CZ>.*"' "lultln' LooM" ( 1811) Ak:Nrd Pryor, po. ly T)'IOn. A bumbllnd buf. gler, • oonc1rn1d IChooHalcher end ligtl( chlld'9n INlk• • frW*n- lng Cf~tty "1P In • broken-down ICllool bul. ·w b)O ...... ''The..., Who Sew 'Tomorrow" (1911) Oocumantery. Nanee.d by Orlon W .... Footage of -·· he predicted end dramatic ,._....kww of hla lff• compr1M tNI took II the 1711l-oentury Franch ph)'91ciM, Mtrologar end mystic, Mtcn.I de Holtta-· Dama. kl\OWn .. Nolt,. damua. ·PO' l:OO G *** "Cau• 8~" (1883) Bob Hope, Anita Bl berg. An lllltlor. explorer llod1 roinenc:. Ind danger ....., he .. _,. to Africa on • _.11 government mlMlon lo find • ..,_ capeuia. (8) * *'h "The Cal And Tiie Cenery" ( 1978) Honor ~man, Mlctllel a ....... Haire battle for • fortune 11 the spook)' Mitt• of •• d«MMd mllllonalre. 'PO' 1:80. * * '1' "The loved Ona'' ( 111e5) Robert MorM, Anjanette Comer. The ~of a d-.ct Hof. lywood lter lnc:ura -dabt1 and headachH when 11 ~ llme to make u. lunarll wrenga- mente <Z>***"TM~ Ing" (1880) George c . Scott, l'rlah Ven Devara. A widowed mualc proftuo< rant• an old houN lhe1 IPPM'S to be haunted by a r•tlaal eplrlt with • 50- )'99'-okl ecore to Mttla, 'fl' •::ao CC)*** "Caddle" (1881) H.i.n Moraa, JICI! Ttiomp. ton. A y~ng woman IN,,. II« comfortable euburt>en hom8 and her cruel hulband, delefmlned to lake tul l'MPOnlft>llt)' lor eupportlng her~ by doing 'Mhal-odd Jobi .,,. can~. Cl) • * ''Thundar'blrdl In Outer Speea'' (1881) Pup. pall. The Thunderbird• r~ ag81net lltM lo 11op a rocket from colliding wl1h the eun.' 5::IO •••• ''The Compaci:-- llon" (1880) Rlmard [)ray. fula, Amy lrvtng. Two~ llU at a San Fr811daco mu.ic compatlllon find that tlla'r love for ..::ti Other conflicte with lllalr proleaalonel ambltlcina. 'PO' . CZJ ** *'h .. ~TM Line•" ( 1877) Llndeay • • erou ..... J«t. Qoldblum. The llalf member• of en "underground" halon ,_..,..,., have vllioua romenUc end joumllllatfc --·-with Md! other and the eubfacU of their ltorlae. 'R' CHANNEL LISTINGS Manllow perfomle a aelee- llon of hi• 11111. Including "Mandy," ··1 Write Tiie Songe," .. Cen't Smlla W11hout You" and "Cope. caben1. •• Taped It Piil> burgh'• CMc Arane. (Z)MOYll! * *'h "Any Whlell Way YOU Can" ( 1880) Cltrnt E.utiilood, Sondra Locke. Before Mttllng down with hll girl and pet orengu1en. • .,.,...,ad fighter llOne up for OM lut, luic;rei.lva match. 'PO' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk • KNXT (CBS) (OJ On-TV 8 KNBC (NBCI ~ Z·TV e KTLA (lnCI.) Ch> HBO e KABC (ABC> (C) (Cinemu) • KFMB ICBSI Cf) IWOR) NV., N.Y . 1J l(HJ.TV (Ind.I ill') IWTBSl e KCST (ABCI ru I ESPN) • KTTV (Ind.) Ii 1Show1ime l 'e KCOP·TV (Ind.I "' SpolliOlll .• KCET I PBSI 8 (Cable News Network) e KOCE CPBS) DIVORCED? SEPARATED? .............. -"'1IP It! . llVORCE R£COV£1Y WORKSHOP SbT....,lud I' w.dl ..... J St,_. ... ,,.,._ C~m~ • "''"" ladl .. ...: ........ It. .......................... Stl.H•tflllr ... ................... Cll: 6Jl-J .. f:tl.l:OOth•.frl * * * 'h .. Scanner1 .. ( tH 1) Jennifer O'Nelll, Patrick Mc<loo111n. A lethal conlllct arl111 bet-)wo emlll groupa of people wtlON extreordl· nery peychlc power• lnCkidt Iha ablll1y to klll t~hlcally. 'A' 8:10. AMU10AH PLAYHOUIE "The Great American Fourth 01 July And 0th« Ol1Utara" JNn Shep- hard'• Otlglnlll talaplay ~ Wound the bit· -Ml>HIGKT----. - 12.'CIO 8 ENnRTAINMEHT TONIGHT An Interview with Albert ii';· fAHTAIY 18lAHD Two glrltl go on• •8-flour epandlng eprae Ind-• hunter bacomM the hunt· ad.(R) G MOVIE * * • "My Favorite Brunette" (1947) Bob Hope, Oororhy I.amour. WE'R~~~ D ~on ~ CUHR~u; j~ . . At The Why Not Lounge t " Green Beer • Corned Beef Sandwicfes Tradjtional Irish Hors D'oeuvres ._. • Party Accesso·ries ~,C . . .L ,.. . \"":" 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 17th _. , Lucky H•PPY Hour 4-7 p.m. ~ Live Music -Dancing 9:30 p.m. -1:30 a.m. WE'R~A LOI MORE THAii A BELL :Oii Y•R WALL I Behlnd~'tfii' bell. -sehlnd the f1mous SHco•tt sticker. Behind all the state-of-the ert protection devices we make and Install. is S..coast central 1tatlon. When en al•rm goes off on your property. we get the slgnel In a nearby, 2•·hour·a·d•y centrel etatJon. If the signal lnolcates fire, burglery or hoodup, we cell the ponce. Qr fire department Since our centre! station Is Ut. listed, our central station customers can qualify for a sizable dlecount oft their lneurance. An~ to lncre ... our r .. ch. mUi• reepanM time •van faeter end . ,lmprbv._ efflqle1"y w•"re .computWtng our ~n. 9ut lmpnwementl aren't new to SHcoaet. We've been getting better for 21' )'9eta. And today we're the IMden In the aecurlty bualneaa In the l'Mlrbor area wltt\ pver 10,000 CUltOmerl Including • wide range of big and 1met1 ,.tall, lnduetriaf flrld oommeicial •t9blilhmeftla. 1 To find out more abOut S.CO.t central ttatlon write or come by our na. (!!t~ltty at 2411 ~Blwd., Coat.a t'!!!M_· _ -....J DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our 20->'ear-old son has gotten into the habit of bri.ft1ln1 friends home for the niaht. The last friend stayed three months. (I'd better m~ke it plain that these friends have all be n male so far, but this could change at an moment.> · : . The friend ate a blg break! ail every mdrning, and we could usually count on hirh for supper. I did his laundry and said no~hing when he wore our son's clothes (e en his shoes). Last month'he got the flu an gave it to the whole f amUy., which I realize was not his fa ult, but it burn~d me up. ~Y husband missed a whole week's wwk. and the two girls were out of school for·eight days. When the "guest" recovered, I decided J had had enough of his presence -without ·so much as a quarter of a thank:you in return for our hospitality -so I asked him politely to leave. My son became upset and ....... would you believe -my husband took the boy's side. He said the house was as much our children's as mine and l bad no FLOATING FELINE -A veterinarian rec- ommended a heated waterbed to relieve arthritis pain for Bernardine Knudson's 19-year-old cat, Yum Yum. The Vancoil.ver, Wash., resident , DEAR WOMAN: A freeloader who h angs around for three months, wears your son's shoes and cqntrlbutes nothing but ii -virus can hardly "be considered .a guest. Cbllclren should" be permitted to e:x,tend hospitality to their friends, but that last gig was ridiculous• Tell them I'm with you. DEAi\ ANN LANDERS: Worfen want equal rights and they are getting them. J say it isn't fair. First they started with the zipper in the back, then · the zipper appeared on the ¥de. Now it's in rtont. If most of those fem ales knew how they looked Crom the rear, they would return to -dresses. • A male who wears a girdle, stockings, AP Wtrepfloto had·this one built to order at a cost of $250, complete with hardwood headboard and fitted sheets. bloomers, bigh·heeled shoes and i dress ls considered bizarre. Why.shouldn't he have the right to wear clothes of the opposite sex if he finds them more comfortable? (This ts the reasmt most women give ror wearlng trousers.> I ~Jw·ays wear women 's underwear and hosiery . It is, my understanding that I will not be arrested unless I try to lfse the women's facilities. I consider mys.elf perfectly normal in every way. The oniy-thing different about me is that I have wanted to be a girl since I was 11 years old. Unfortunately, I am too old for sexual reass•gnment surgery. so I remain -a closet queen. Don't you agree it is unfair that people like me can't dress the way we want? -AFRAID TO BE ME AND RESENTFUL ' DEAR AFRAID: A man who dresses in women's clotbJng in public should not be surprised lf be ls considered gay. Straight males doJl't do this . Many gays have announced themselves and have been happier for having clone so. Others fear loss of job, rejection "1d humUJatlon. It does take a great deal of courage to come out of the • closet, but U you aren't equal to It, stay where you are. For heaven's sake, lt-wltcberbeefin' and don't ve• your anger on women wbo wear slacks. A no·nonsense approach to how t«7Jdeal with life's most difficult and most rewar ding arrangement. Ann Landers' booklet. "Marnage -What to Expect ." will prepare you for better or worse. Send your request to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. Ill. 60611. enclosing 50 cents and a long, stamped. set/ addresed envelope. National diet weighed It all started with Scarsdale. When that diet came out there wasn't a doubt in my mind that this small city tiad discovered the ultimate cure for cellulite. 1f you couldn't trust a respectable, bard·working community-ttke Scarsdale. who couTd you trust? I cannot begin to tell you the shock I felt on seeing my first fat person in Scar sdale. Not to be outdone, the West rataliated with the l3everiy Hills . diet. which had everyone in the country scrambling for the · last papaya on earth. -Since then, there has been the Cambridge diet, the I Love New York .diet and the.Soon·tO·be·published Dallas diet. ALL RIGHT, AMERICA, let's keep our wits ~bout us before this thing gets out of hand. Just because' I've eaten my way across America, I see no need to diet myself across"it. I know you people and I know exactly what you're going for. Milwaukee is going to say Dallas doesn 't know what it's talking about until it's tried the Dairy Cream diet. Idaho will retaliate with the I Love Idaho Potato diet and Hawaii will come out 'With the Maui Pineapple diet. Mark my words, it will pit east against west, north against south, brother against sister, palm trees against redwoods and grits against greens. ' flMA BOMBfCI ATWJTS ENO- I say if we 're going to diet. let 's do it togeth e r . It 's th e gover nme nt 's fault. .. with all this ta lk about new federalism and returning government to the states. · IF WE DON'T PULL together on an ~rstate diet. we ' I I h ave a nothe r bicentennial exp erience on our hands. <Massachusetts still h asn't forgive n Arkansas for not painting their fireplugs like Minute men I I know what you're going to say. The government is doing too much already. but a federaJ diet isn't asking too much. How much could it cost ? · I tell you regional diets are getting out of hand. The other day someone wanted to know if they h ad tried the Richard Simmons diet and she answered, .. Richa rd Simmons. That's a suburb of Chicago. isn't it?" If you don 't wa nt to get stuck with papayas again. .write your congressm an today! Ti1Ding on targe:t for Capricorn Wednesday, March 17 ARIES (March 21-April 19): What seemed a lost· cause · wilt be revive~ changes occur, special material comes to light. Member of opposite sex is in picture, proves to be valuable ally. Focus on b u s in es s en t e r p r i s e , c a re e r a n d participation in community project. gullible. Someone may have you targeted as potential victim or con game . ..Know i!. 'protect-sell iri "cfincnes.'You'll ais.cover ruse. CANCER <June 21·July 22): Emphas is on legal affairs. added responsibility. intensified r el ationship. You g ain knowledge conce rning rig hts a nd permissions. Don't mistake delay for def eat. It is time for an emotional second wind. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Family discussion could involve travel plans, long-range projects, education. Lines or communication open, you perceive potential and steps are taken to be reunited with loved one. Libra, Scorpio and another Taurus figure prominently. GEMINI (May 2l·June 20): Tie loose ends, insist on clarification of terms and be aware of credit ratings . Be generous. not LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 >. Avoid premature starts ; job requires attention to added details. Focus on special services, relatives in transit. those who rely upon your judgment. You'll co mplete 3'Ssignment and be rid of unnecessary burden. • GOlfN 011 BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. East deals. NORTH • ~ 10652 VI A 10 3 0 7 •K854 WEST EAST •98 +7 <;?84 VI QJ95Z O K.9802 O A106 •Jt07 •.AQU SOUTH +AKQO VI K71 OQJ5 .. u The biddin~ Eut Seetlt Wett Nertlt I <:? l+ P ... 4 + , ... , ... , ... Opening lead: Eight of ~. The tight or a tin1leton in dumbly can •trike rear in the heart ~r event the 1t.oute1t dtfendlr. Eut-wu a victim of W. 17ndrome In today'• band. • North judpd that, at tha vutaenbillt)', South would ~ve dOM to U.. vah.1e1 ror an opening bid foT his over· call. So, rather than put any strain on his partner. he elected to jump to game. As it. was, South had extra values and he would have ac· cepted any invitation' by his-;. partner. Wett. led his top herrt. Declarer grabbed the ace in . dummy and immediately led dummy's singleton diamond. Eut rose with the ace and returned the queen of hearts; but now declarer was In charge. He won the king of hearts, drew two rounds of trumps, ending in his hand- ia nd led the queen or d iamonds for a ruffing rineue. Whether West covered or not, decluer -would get rid or dummy's heart loHr on a high dla· mood. Even though the ace of dubt wu with East, declarer could lose no mou than one dlamond trick nd hro clubt. Eut ahould' have realized that ht had nothing to pin b7 rrabbln1 tbe ace of diamondt. Even ll South btld the kJQJ. iolna up with the ace would 11stablish the king for a heart sluff, so East would merely be swapping tr ick for trick. As the cards lie, declarer can be defeated if East plays low when the diamond is led from the table. West wins the king. and he must now shift to the jack of clubs. (U he continues with a heart. declarer can make his con· tract by stripping diamonds and then end playing East with the third heart.) Once tbe defenders have their two club tricks In the, bag, they can revert to hearts to make aure or getting the setting trick in that suit. -.ffave , .. be•• ruaJq la· to double treuble? Let Cb&rlea Gorea belp 10• f1lld ,. .... .,,., Uare..P tlM .... ~ ol DOUBLES for ,..W.1 aacl fOr taktoet. , ... a eopy of. W.OOUILES~M.W tl.85 &e "Gerelt·O..W..," care of tWa .. w...,.r, P.O. 8.-Zit, Norw ... , N.J. 07148. Make c'-ka ,.,...._ a.New.,.,......... ...... ·-HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 >: Good moon aspect coincides with creativity, variety, exciting changes .and romance. You'll mak~ a new start in new direction. .Highlight originality, and willingness to pioneer a project. Leo. Aquarius persons figure prominently. LIBRA (Se pt. 23·0 ct . 22 ) '. Follo.w through on first impressions. Learn by teaching: your position becomes more secure. Emphasis on property and the c lose of what could be a profitable transaction. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons dominate scenario. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Demands are made on your time ; be flexible. versatile but refuse to become involved in schemes which flirt with the law. Short trip will be on agenda. Relative is sincere, but could be. misinformed. Gemini, Sagittarius natives play key roles. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 >: Be ready for questions, be aware of sources and have data available: Emphasis also on possessions, income potenUal and the location of articles which had been lost or · stolen. Message or call results in change of basic plan. I CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Individual who had~ been indifferent will now be enthu-siutic. Cycle move~ up, circumstances swing in your favor, timing Will· be on target. Status quo is snaken, exciting p()ssibilities come into focus. Virgo is in picture. AQUA RIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Important domestic adjustment is part of scenario. Fears, doubts can be erased. You did make ri&ht move and now you'll know u: Taurus Libra, Scorpio natives figure prominently. MoQey picture is brl1hter tha.n oricinally anticipated. P I SOES (Feb . 19-March 20 ): Popularity increases. profe11ional a11octate conveys good news. Plan •head for holiday which involves travel. Techniques are perfected, loss ls avoided. Virgo and aftother Pisces fi1ure prominently. •' • ~ ........ COLD FEET -When there's snow near Lewis Banes' home in Monticello, Ind., the 78-year-old tramps through it as part of a physical fitp~ re~en he's been following since he was 17. "I enJOV the feel of snow squishing between m~ toes,'1" says Banes. "It's cold, but invigorating. 'POT SHOJS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MOW' WlLL I EVE ~ B ECOME A SUCCESS1'- ITTN<'at ALL MV T1MS JUIT TO · "•MAIN A ll'Al&.U" ... I· . I I t I • I· ' I' l .· .. .... I • I i I I. I I I I ( l• ' ,. 1. I I 1· I ' ti .. I ... . .. I I I Moiooue ladutrles Ille. of Fullerton for the second quarter ended Feb. 28 had net income from continulna operatlom advance 34 to percent to $207, 500, or 7 cent.a a Iha.re, from $157,800, or 5 cent.a, ln the oompuabJe Pdor year period. Sales roee to $2.4 million from $2.3 mlllJon . . . Newport Cerp. of Fountain Valley rePOl'ted ear- nings from oontinuini operaUcim W4n $841,202, or 36 cent.a a Iha.re, up 2S percent from $591,153, oc 26 cent.a, a year ago, for lta quarter ended Jan. 31. Sales w~ $4.3 · 'mil.lion compared with $3.4 million last year ... Wyle Labontortea laid it expect.a to report a net lo. of approximately $2.1 tnillion for the year ended Jan. 31, following • deciaion to write off about $5 million of lncangible-a.eta a.ociated-with it.a tr'\llCIWU-.a--4- operatiooa. The company aa1d it expect.a to report a net lc:ila for the fourth quarter of aboyt $5.1 lllilllon. of which an estimated $1 million waa from operations ... Jet Amertea AlrllDet Ille., which commenced operations on Nov. 16, reported an audited lo. of $3.2 million, or $7.71 a share, on the weighted average shares outstanding for the fiacal year ended Dec. 31. The airllne, the ti.nrt new trunk carrier in 20 yean. Mid that $675,400 of the io. related to the pre-operating period and that $2.5 million applied to the fint 45 days of operation . . . Marl.De Natloaal Bau of Santa Ana said that aince beginning operatiom on July 13, the bank experienced a net 1oal for the 5~ month period ended Dec. 31 of $147,752, or 25 cents a share . Yields on short-term Truslll')' secviltet ro.e nearly 1 peroentap polnt, reech1ng the b1gheet level in a month. About $4.8 biJllon in si.x-month·bllla were IOld Monday at an average diacount rate of 12.962 percent, up from the 12.064 percent of lut week. The t).; emment aJ.o IOld about $4.8 billion in three-month · at an average rate or 12.909 percent, up from the 12.~ percent of lut week . . . U.S. llldutrlal pl'Maetlon roae by 1.6 percent in February, breaking. a strina of six consecutive monthly declinel that began with tlie start of the r:ecession last ·~· new government fiSUttS indicated. STOCKS IN THE ~POTUGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES "'"'• D•w-:ie11i i.,._.,,, •. ~,1Mr.1S. JD Ind cw::i. :r. in=:; fl . JD Tm 11&• JM..M l1U7 m. 17 + 1.17 1J Ull ICllSAl5 IOUI *D 105_,._ 0.12 M Slk :nus :ns.JJ •u1 J~tJ+ 1.a =. :.:·::·:.:·:.:·:.:·:.:·:.:-.. t~:m ~ .:.:·:.:-.::·.::·:::.:· .. -.·:: ,3 WHAT STOCKS DID HWI V°"K CAI') INr. IS ,., .... ......, .. 4' ---.., DldlMd m "7 ~: .,. 453 llU 1m .......... 1 • --IJI ,. -TAMUDIO NEW VOit!( (APl #IM. U. ..... y """· -;. ~ tit o.dlned m -~ uo 217 , .. 195 == ' s .. a SILYEI ' ,; I I I Hendy & IWrrw\, 17.HO per n, 4M10e. ...... a. ..... l 01 . ... ·paPaf11se' , . }{on Bulow case dist;upts Newpoit, ·R:.l., colony calm . ' NBWPORT. IU. (AP) -.Thli' Jlft' '• Wartm of an. w ot • t.ailj W.18ndo • lwi of eMtlll ibw ............ -a.a.Yue a fourca •• a retired NUSC t)rtmmtna with,,!~ .. rvanta Awnue, a two-mOit ltNtCh of that demiaw a ltntch of =:~,lft~rlw ~~~i ~dty'• Jove of hiltorY. ~ in .. ~ maintaanid houi- .. around wm•.,,,... a.... 1n the cent.et ol town. proudly •· rlnt plaquM annouftcln11they date to the Colonial .... 1be Atlantic ooud1ne. maNlu\ Wll a .._.._._ for the There'• a ylcll'1na club. a ieD· movie ''The ~.W' in nll cl~ with 8fMIMOw1a, a belch 1973. . =~~ variety of 1"rench There'• The BreUen. modeled , For th .. rtch at play, there a1lo afWr an Italian RtnUNnce Dal· waa privacy -untll Martha ace and built fOl' C«nelba Van. derbilt. ~a MU'bJe HOWie, 11s unny" von Bulow ~ht her modeled ati.r the Peth Trianon milllom and her huabuid, Claua, ---tu-""'--.,. __ '-·" • to Join Newport's summer colony. at V .. llll&UCl9, and 4 1J1W Al.ll9, uwut horn the lnidst of th.la fairy tale in 1901 f~ a coal mapte. carfte a whodunit, a re.1-life aame And then tbere'a Clarendon of Clue: Wu n really CJaua von c.ourt, the VOft Bulowt' awnmer Bulow, with the hypodermic and holiday home whlcb bu a The Whita Hone Tavetn, built before 1873, UI the oldelt ~· Una taYWft ln the country. 'Ibe Old Coiony Houle, built 8& yeen beton the Revolution and once mWtary heedquartan for Oeorae WMhiriaton. Nia tJerc ••• a prw room foe report.en covert.nc the von Bulow trial 'Adoption due wild .. ho.-ses f'~~.\~OUI •UllMlll N1fnDul-ITATl-...NT llMm tTA,_,-Tiie lollowh•g "'H" It ... 1110 TN~""°"' ........... CMl-M: ' -• · I & H DllTIUIUTOlt, lW01 W. MJOl ..-W. ~.!!',,*"' 1 ~ ........ ., ..... Sellt• AN, Ge. tl'°4 =· 1111-. t•o. ""-Of1 . OA IUf\ ...... Teo, Z2t "· Al~ ~ .• MuceA. ......... IMC..~ A1111Wlm,C. ,_. _,.llOI\ t ~ ......... 740, Tlllt _,_ 11 <Oftductld 11¥ 111 , f'l~lftOUI eutlNUI MAMalTATHllllJfT Tiie 1e1tewl11t "'""·la '°'"' """""' .. : MR. IAYNARD INGl!RIOL GOLDMANN INTllllf'llllllS (1111111. 1 ,1,G I, f1CM6 c.-... ~. MIMleft lllc)o. (A"*'· Al.AN WAOl SAnr•Lll!, .,.. c;enfede 1.AtM, MlaslOfl VleJe, Clo t'l .. , huge back laWn lMd1n.a to the needle in the bedroorO! A jury ocean. It wu built 1n 1904 l;>y decided today It waa. · HoraceTrwnbauer ft>r Edward R. There haan't been anythlna like the von Bulow tr1al. heri "'aince a friend of .:>dallte Doria Duke WM crushed bl_ a~ on the front pta of her HoU&h Point eell&e -with the IOd.allte behind the wheel. Accidental, ahe said, and ihe w• never charged. """"'1 9-111, QA IMIO ln41viciu.t. n. ...._It 04lldUCi.s ll'f a~ • ..,. HliOI Teo ra111o11. Tlllt 11.t-t •• filed wltll ... ARCADIA, Fla. (AP) ""*A. ~ 111e. C01H1tv Clffk of Ora,,,.. c ..... 1y °" -Wild hone. roped on ' .,_A. ..,.,.., l'et>rwary "· ,.., ....... Tiiis lwllfleit II C~IH 11'1' e llmlt.td pertnaf'llllp. Von.Bulow'1trtaloncharceshe Knight, al\, executlve ef the tried to murder h.11 heireea wife, Pennsylvania Railroad. "High worth $75 million, opened a door Society," ·~ Grace Kelly that rarely opena hue for the and Bing Cro1by, waa filmed• ,.,....... ,,_ the r&.n&el Of~ and .,........,_. ___ _..._~ Pullll-Ore119t CMIC oat1, Pllel burrCJe ca~ in the Olefl!Of°""fe~Ollw.dl~. ,Fell, U,Mllr 1,t , °'· tta 7SH2 deeerta of Califomla are ...... •....,.... Nale llTll AIM'.IS.Wtee, • ~elP..t""' Tl'llt .._ -,._,..,,. .... C-ty CMl'k of Of ..... C-"t e.i l'ell •• 1tl2. unannounCed. there The fairy tale had a moral;. In an artlcie von Bwow wrote unhappiness ca11 visit anyone, on the history of Clarendon even those who breathe the rich Court, he concluded: "I hope fu- air of Newport. ture writers will be u kind to the. The 335-year-old settlement inhabitants of Clarendon Court aa nestled at the tip of Aquidneck I have been in thla." "Ecbolna all throuah this trial was that tnere wu tfie potential for auicld!t" def enae attorney Herald P. l''ahrinaer said of ·von Bulow'• wife in h1s cloalng argu- ments. belns trucked to thia ='='r•:=-. ... ,. · Soubetheut cofwboadoy caEital •P;_.1:,,._ ar:!:. ':.1 DAiiy '"°': "~ez!~~!:~!':::S to put up or p~oo. ...,. 1' a. IO.Hrl e. 1"' t...a Th• 10110'1.l"g per•on 11 dol"t f''8111t Publlstled Or ..... GM.14 Dally Pllet, """ n . M9rch 2. t. "· 1m IW"2 Some 250 of theae or--h••MUn :,-t:hana of the wild will be P9lJC ~ E. •nd J. of TIB!RON, tms I COHllllM UIM, Hufttl"1Jton IHCh, uled ~try U • Celllornle "'41 f'ICTITIOUI aUllNHI NAMll ITATSMINT dpartlofa dfedet ralt progri tamh DO~:T~~i:.:ADNI:~: g~ l.•11:.di::u:.i~:~a.:~~s c~~~~':: e11gne 0 hin -t e PITITlON TO ADlllNllTIR ., ... The loll-Ing perlOftl e re dol119 h1l11eues: laland has long been a strategic There are dozens of stores location. The British used it to. catering to the whims of the rich watch for a French invasion. The -chocolatiera, an imported. American Navy was founded wood-stove shop, antique shops here in 1775. and expensive restaurants. The Navy dominated the com-But although Newport is a1ao munity until the late 1800s, when the home of one of the world's industrialists wanting to flee the premier yacht races, the Amer- summer heat of New York City ica's Cup, held every three years Then, talking to a jury made up of a doz.en people who never enjoyed the riches of Milllonairea' Row, he <JUoted from the l.aat stanza of 'Richard Cory,". an F.clwin Arl.l.ngtOri" Robi.n8on poem about the wealthiest man in town, whom, poorer people asaumed was the happiest: herds that crowd the llTATI -A1t... Thi• Dusi~• 11 conctuc:teo Dy en • ...,, lncllvld.,.I. wide open apacea. To all Mira, ~arlee, Edlll R. Giibert Double-decker aeml-creditor• and oontlngent Cf9dl-n11 11.tien-1 ••• 111eo w1111 .,.. trailer true'--will t'arrv tor a of Dora ·McGulgan and County Clerk of 0••"99 County on IUll '-·~ ...o.-may~ otherwiM Februervt6, 1'92, the beuta of burden and pereona """' ".., the muatang hybrids lntweetec:t In the '#Ill and/or Pu'b1111wCJ 0renoe coe11 Delly Piiot, • •tate: M•rch 2. t, 1'. ?J. lta '52_., They'll be brou,ht to the A petition hM l>Mr'I filed by 111oolUC ..._ old rodeo grourida 1n th1a Rollln D. Conklln In the Su "' ""'1111: tiny central Florida Court of Orange County re--.... Al.TA.DENA DRIVE IN DAIRY. toes 8eker St•Ht, Coit• MeH, Celllornle 92'2' Chant Sup LM 6 S.unt Sootl l.M, SU• Ftrnhlll Clrcle, Hvntlngton leech, Celllornl• t264t Tii is bu1l1110 Is conducted by hulllencl end wife. O-OSupLM Thi• lte...,_t wn flllld wltll the Cou11ty Clerk of 0r•"9't Cou11ty on February 2'. 1"2. hired architecis to build co1>1ea of in Rhode lsland Sound, the European "palaces on the rocky swnrner colony makes up only a seacoast. small patt of the city's 29,000 The result was a Une of walled population. "So on we worked and waited for the light "Ana went without the meat and cursed the bread c. ommun~I of 6 000 queetlng that Rollln D. Conklln MOnca"" M't'UCATIOM umbe' ~ IPPO!ntec:t u pereonal rep-TO 11U where ca e outn r reeentattve to 8dmlnt1tw the M.coHOt IC~ , PllUC llTll people. · eetate of Dora Mc:GuiOan (under " t,.~1~ ----------During two weekendJ the lndepencMnt Admlnlatratlon roe:=, ~ INC. 1a ~ to IN PICTITIOUS ausu111s fortresses, many now owned by The largest employer in New-the Newport Preservation Soci-port County is still the Navy, with ety, of which von Bulow is vice a payroll of 8,000. Three von president. Biilow jUrors worl< at the Naval "And Richard Cory one calm summer rM6_ht "Went borne and put a bullet through his head. II in April, the federal Bu-of Eatat• Act). The petJtlon la ~O:::=~C::: Th• ,:~:1!:•;::;i:n~s do1119 reau Of Land Manage-NI tor hMrtno In Dept. No. 3 at :::.:,., -to... ~ Mlneu•· ·n h alli 700 CMc c.nler Drtve. West, In .. aaoo 11r1111o11t.. eo.ie ...._ ~ MOE/GASKEu oil. &.»Ai '-'11. ment Wl tum t e -the Cttyof s.ma-Arar, c.ntom l'uti1JlllM'Ota11 .. cou t oany P1101 uoo Prlv• R-. __, llffdl. CA mals over to people who on Aprll 7, 1982 at 9:30 Lm. Mar'Clll '11. ,ea . • )111-12 n..o Stocked with antiques and Underwa_ter. Systems Center, and -------------~·----------~---------~.....:....- ____ ...,:U..;;.;~O SPOOKED -Bonnie the elephant is ealmed by a trainer after the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey circus star raq amok when it took a wrong exit from the arena at Norfolk, Va. There were no injuries. Pageant scorn~d LIMA, Peru <AP) -Feminists have sent a protest letter lo President Fernando Belaunde Terry claiming it would be financially and sexually exploitive to bold the 1982 Miss Universe beauty pageant here. Pageant organizers said Peru is the first South . American country to host the contest, which culminates June 26 with the crowning of Miss Universe. Contestants from 85 countries are expected to participate. · UlTI HltGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WfSTCllff CHAl'fl 427 E 1 71tl S t Costa Me<.;i f)4,;q371 rtHCI .. OTHHs SMITHS' MOltTUAAY 627 Main St Huntinqton 0t-dCh 536 6539 l'ACi.tc YllW MIMOllAL l'AJllC CefT'etery MOrtU81\1 Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pa<;1l1c View 011vt> NewPOrl Beach 644-2700 McCOIMlat MOITUUIH LaQune Beec n 49.t·9415 Laquna Hills 768-093.'.l San Juan Capistrano 49$-1776 DEATH IDTICIS ROSELLINI DINA ROSELLINI. reiddimt of Qis1a Neu, Ca. P~ away 00 March 14, 1962. Survived by her hlllband A1fAd, 2 ... Remy Roaellnl, MD of Newport Be.ch, Ca.. Davey Roee1.Un1. DDS of Coeta Meta, Ca. and 8 IJ'and· chUdren. He WM a member of tbe Sona of Italy of Cotta M-. Ca.. Rcmry wW be recited an Tu.day, Mardi 18, 11182 at 7:30PM and~ 81rVbs will be held on Wedn.day, March 17, 1982 at lO:OOAM bqth at Pacific Vfew Chapel. P.niomb- amtt at hdftc View ac.mon.i Park. P9ctflc VieW Monuary, N~ Beech dlreeaa. 8TRlCKD OIX>ROS R STRICKER, a r916dei)t of Newport Baecb. Ca.. ~ aw.,y on Mardi 8, 11192. Su.rvlved by JUa wlle Grace Marie, 2 ....... w.c. w...- of Su JOJlt, Ca..1... RotlHt w.-of Dana Mlt, Q., ... a,,.. Bndford ol Pu.Ila, 0... -• ttandchlldren. Kell)ol'lll .. ,_ Prof it p ossible down on far m LOWER MUD RIVER, W. Va. <AP> -So it's impossible you say, for a family to earn a decent living these days on a small farm? Not so, says Roger Sadler, and he's set out to prove it. Just outside the Lincoln County seat of Hamlin, on eight acres that used to make up the county poor farm, Sadler and the West Virginia Univ-ersity College of Agriculture are demonstrating the error of that all-too-easily accepted piece of conventional wisdom. Inc luded in the eight acres are a 10,00b-square.foot green house, 550 dwarf. apple trees, grape vines, a half-acre of strawberries, tomatoes, and a little bit or anything else that catches Sadler's fancy, included a little tobacco. ·'This is Lincoln County, so of course we have tobacco," Sadler says. With all that, he says, a family of five can earn a net profit of about $20,000 to $25,000 a year - plus all the vegetables they can eat and preserve. "Of course, that's assuming you've got three kids big enough lo work," he says. The exception to that "family·of-Cive" rule comes in the spring, when it's time to fill the greenhouse. For three weeks In the spring, he says, three additional WOl'lren aTlflreeded". -.---- In all, excluding real estate costs, Sadler says he's got about $50,000 worth of ·capital "at today's prices" tied up in the family-sized farm , which he says has the potential to earn "between $55,000 and $60,000 a year -if you sell everything." Sadler grew up in Lincoln County. a rural region south of Charleston known chieny for its tobaceo farms and oi~ells. His Jove of farming and rural life is what led him to the demonstration ·project. • "The simple purpose of this farm is to prove that it can be done as a family operation," he says. It hasn't been easy, however, and this year was the first that the farm turned a profit. "Next year, barring the wrath of God and Mother Nature, we'll make enough to make it really worthwhile," he says. Although beginning family farmers shouldn't expect to make a profit "before the third year," Sadler says he firmly believes that a family could do the job better than he is doing it. · . "There's a difference with working for the stale and workinJ for yourself," he says. "First of aU, half of my time and Jabbr goes to reporters. answering the teleRhone, and other such things. "In addition, I'm only allowed to work 40 hours a week. But if this was your place, or my place, we'd work from daylight to dark. If an· individual is determined just to work a 40·hour week, why it's going to go down the drain." Another difference, Sadler says, is the prices he is permitted lo charge as a state agency. When it comes time to sell the products of bis greenhouse -vegetable plants in the spring and poinsettias in the fall and win(er -u a state agent, Sadler must make certain he doesn't undersell any commercial operation. ''It's not that I cou.ldn't do lt, hued on my costs," he says. "But I'm just not allowed to." If he wef'1' permitted to tmdenell commerdal greenhouses, he says, be could open up marteta for hls poinsettias in Charleston and Huntln,ltOn, sellin1 up to 8,000 a year In.stead of the 3,000 be baa a market for ln Hamlin. • Because or the· farm's experimental nature, Sadler keeps a carefw wa~b on ~e return from each of his endeavors. Thla year, he saya, the bi& moneymakers have been the 81'ffftbouse and his ball.acre of "pick·tbem-younelf'' strawberries. "We earned about •to.as for ev'ry boi.tr we put lnto our strawberries this year,•: Sadler aaya. In contrut, he'll earn.only about $UO an hour for the work he has put lnto bl• tobacco crop. a~plied ln advance to IF YOU OBJECT to th• ROBERT s HAMILL, <>-••• PmJC llTI( P•rtner, noo Privet• RMd, ....._, a opt a burro for $145 or granting of the petition, you BH<h.CA'2660. a horse for $350. ahould either appear at the ,.,CTITIOUS ausiNHS TM1 ou~lnn• " conc1ucteo by • "We have to find hearing and llate yoor obJec-NAME STATEMaNT um11..i ':::,.~~·~ .... 111 h mes for them 11 Said tJona Of' ftte written objec:tlonl Tit• lollowlng p.,son h doing This Jlel-1 ... llled with 11'9 0 • with the court ~fore the hea-Duslneu ... county c1er11 of Ore1199 county on Steve Altman of the bu-ring. Your mppearanoe may be R & w COMPANY, LTD, 1 ... 1 Fell 11, ita. reau's Washington D.C. In peraon Of' by your attorney. :~',l!ken Avenue. lrvlne .. C•lllornl• Plhftt office. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or Robert o. Brlgo .... G•n•••I Fe';"~~':!r~;nr,~oe11, P11o1, a contingent creditor of the Putner, " e .. con 80. Newoort . • • • • m.n deceued, you mu1t flle your &Heh. c.111om1. •1..0 _ · ....: llTI( claim with the court ctr preeent It Thi• buslnen ,, <onduct•d Oy • I c,...,,,.. · to the perec>nal repreeentatlve llmlllld =~·~,!wt · 1----------- NOTICS Of' TRUIT••l' IAL.. appointed by the court within Thll statement was lfleel with the PICTITIOUS eUSINIUI On Aprll 1, 1"2 et 11:00 a.m. l'IRST tour monthl from the date of couftly Clerk of 0••"99 Co<lnty on NAbolESTATl!¥eNT AMERICAN TITLE INSVRANCI! ftrat IMUance of i.ttera U pro-F•brueryli, 1"2 Th• lollowlng .,.,.on I• doing COMPANY,•CelHlorlllecllf1IOl'•lklftH vtded In s.ctlon 700 of the f'IMIO lluslneuH: Tru1I••. M ~ceuor TrutlH or P ob t ,._,._ f "-'tfom•• .,..._ Publlshed Or•"09 Coest Delly Pilot, F 1 H t z 1 o · s S T A M P s SUlls11tU1ed T,......, of ttlet certlll11 r a • ..,.,.,. 0 ...... .... I ... Marc" l, '· ... 22. 1"2 •o..-z UNl.IMITEO. IOU Eest Euc:alyplu~ DNd of nw. _..,....by Rkllerd N. time tor ftHng ctalm1 '#Ill not -. • -Tr•U. Oreno-. C• . .,... St. T"-'tl.,. DI-St. TllorMt, explreptlortofourmonthefrom _,,. .Tlf'c Fr•nk A. Flnlrlo. 101J E••t llUIN"4 9ld wife. -P .... ele A. the date of the hearing noticed .-.-llK Euulyptus Trail, Orenoe. C.. '1'*9 Siiier, ell u-errllld womM, end above This lluslneu I\ <ondlKled by .,. recor-.._ tf., "'1 M ... ,,_ ' f'ICTITlOUI eUSIN•U lncllwiduel. Ho. m:u,I,;''..._ 14052, ........ of YOU MAY EXAMINE the ftle MAMa STATIMSNT Fr-A. Fl ... llo Offl<lel "-* ef 0.-..... ~y, kept by the COUrt. If you are The lollowlng PerJOll ll doing Thi\ st..1...-t .... 1119d wltll - C•llfornle, and purswe11t to tllet lnt.,..ed In the eetate, you ~ ....... : Counly Cl••ll ol 0r•"99 c-ty on Ul'Ulll Hoclce Of !>Maull ..... Ei.ctloft INIYJlle a request with the court Dy HAM IC CONCEPTS. 20. Feon.ery 11. 1912.. to s.u ..,._ ,_...., N-•r to i'icetve:= notice ot the l'ern1ee1 A .... Corona o.1 ~ •• CA "'m.u JO, ltlt • ......__ No. J0510, 111 '2616. Pulllhhlld Or9n91 C-0.lly Pilot _ ............ Mt, of Offlcl•I Inventory estate eaeeta and 0.-· s. Hint!. 204 .......... A ... F•ll u. Mer 2. '· ••• 1"2 121~ RKOnl• .. MN Geullty, wMI ..... , -of the pettttona, eoc:ounta and" Coron. .... -. CA flili ""-' '° Miid o... of Trvst •II .. report• deacrlbed In Section This 11uo1,,.,, Is G-..Cteo Dy •n ....X 191a "'*'le ...a1on w ,...,, lewful mo..,, 1200 of the Caltfomla Probate lndlvlduel. Of llW U,.,.... ~of America, et Ille 0...a S. Hintz mal11 "'"Mee to l'lnt Amerk., Tiiie Code. This Jte-..nt ... tiled with the l111ure11u Comttl11y located et 114 lpector, lluter 6 Cone, At· c o..nty Clerk of Orat>Cl9 C°"nty on Ent Flf111 S4rwt, If> IN city Of Soellt• IOl'MJ e t Lew, 11111 Ian V1-~rchl, lta AM. c.i....,.,..., •llt11a1r1Qf11,1111 .. nc1 c e n t• 81wd. lull• 120 Loe •1...,. 1.,. .. ~ '°.,... -Mid..., 11 ... --a.... c A' __ tel 'c21a) Pv1111s'*' 0r-co.11 o.11y P11o1. Uftder Uld 0..., of Trust 111 ,,.. ... _, .._. Mer(ll t, 16. 2l, JO, 1"2 lon.«2 procioerty Ill ....... 111 .. Id C-y -lllJ.4101. $tet11~1111MM: Lot SZ Tract J:JU, u P9f' mep 1'1111111.i Ormnoe ~ Diiiy f'lo(, Mlltdo recon1e<1111....., ft. ,.._..a.,...,.°' 11. 11, a. 1112 _ _ _ _ t2e4-C .------------ Mlsc•11-Mellis. 111 Ille office Of PiCTtTlOUS 8UlllMSS U.CowtlyR_,_of,.ldC-y. PmJC l9JIC( HAMaSTATaMaHT TIW llrw1 llddNols or ot~ GOrl'lrftOfl •• The lollowtno pe,.on 11 doing dulgnellon 01 Hid property: h • llusl~s .. : purPOf1ed IO be: 31 .. SICiiy. Co.ta lllOTlC8 °' w1u-. aM.S l.IFE PROFILE SYSTEMS, ISIOI Mew, Cellfoml•, L~.JIO. t11*171 H..,ley Dr •• W•HlmlMter, CA '2MJ . "ICTITlOUS eUSINaSS NAMESTAT.EMENT , The following per...,, •re dol"9 lluSllMU es. SUPER80DIES. "' E. 11111 StrHt. C.Ste Mne. CA '2617. llTH ST FITNESS PL.ACE. INC., • C•lllof'nle corporation, I" E. lllr. Slrttt, Coste Mt ... CA '2'11. This llu•lnHs Is conducted by • ccwporetlon, 11th St. Fltnnl Pl•<•. Inc. Denlel D,.4ller.-, Pr ... This statement w•s llleo with Ille County Clerk 01 Or•no-County on. Feb. II, 1"'1 • Seid WI• •Ill b• made without , ... MO. t~ yuMl-¥1MH-H... l.S~I ~-·" .... -~renty' ..... p-ren OT ~~INC. li15Uff" H•ftley Dr WHtmlMlt• CA ta6a. Publlshl<I Or~ Coest 0.lly Piiot, Implied. es lo title, POHHtlon or appointed TNllt .. un4er Ille IOllowlng This 11u;'.onn1 1, conciucted ..., .., Fell. n. March 2. t. "· 1'12 1~ umbrences to ..tidy the u-ld dllcribed deed Of INlll WtU. 8Ell AT lndl•lduel ;...· ----------b•l•llce cf1M on Ille note or note1 PU&LIC AUCTION TO THE ~C:.::SJ ~ M \lle .... ·Hefl PlltJC •Tl£ M<ured toy Mid Deed of Trutt. l!o wit: lllOO£ll~ CASH 3::*"'1.orNd 8.._, This • ._, ... flO..S with u. _______ ...,_ __ _ '44.tJ2 . .S.llllfth,.._"'8estlmetM =-~ .... :::r.,.._,..,.tollld county Cieri! of Or•"99 County on cotts, •-Md -enc• et... •Midllytt ........ Mldo.dotT""'ln Mer<lll,1912.. "ICTITIOUSeUSINllU lme of ,,. INtl•I PVllll<etkoll of this = lll'Ol*'Y ...... deKrlbed: .. ,...,, NAME STAT•M•NT Notice ot Sele ll,011 . .Sl. TAVSTOA· PETER G. WHITMAN. • Publllhtd Or.,... Coelt Delly ""'"' Tiie following perso11 fl doing " I Its T A loll ER I c AN T' Tl. E llnllll, IMn • Me II t .. ,, JO tta toa.a lluslnttus: INSURAHCE COMPANY,. C.tltomle MkEFICIAAY; A1.L8TAU. SAVINGS re • I • • IN~TIOH MAHAGEME-HT -•tleft NfO LOAH A880CIATION. I Celllornla r.JC llTI( TECH.HIOUES, UIOI Merou.,llt O.t.ct~~. ~--... 1a. 1111 •....,_Ho. -----------• P•rt<way. s.i1te e~. Minion Viejo, _, ..... __ AecorWd --· C•lllornle ._., . ~-Otfket' 111• In bOOll 1 .. t. P9 82 Of Oflldll "ICTITIOUS 8USINISS Peul Crernlk, UOU So11oll•. 1141!.et "'""St.... ..._. In .. ..-. Of .. Aloordw Of NAME STATEMENT Minion llle)o. Celflomle n..1 · • s.MAM,Ce41fonllet11'02 =~~tNlltcM-The lollowlng per\On Is dolno T"ll Mlr>n' Is c-ucled by •n am ~1 LM 14.., • 1~ ....._ ... _,.. 11us111e11 •s· 1nc11.1c1 ... 1 Pul>lllhtd Or .... CO.It Delly Pltot. -In Md to Loi I Of T,.,. lfo. 5180, In FERN'S LINGERIE, 3406 Ill• PM11 Czernik rcht6.D.a ,na t2»42 1NC!lyotc:o.la....,CowllyotOr-. l.ldo,N-18ffch,C• nw Thi• si...,.,_t ·~ 111.0 with IN --of~•l*'"'IP_.-ln Judltll P. 0<t. "61 S 8-rd Dr . Co..ni.r Cieri! of Or•noe CDUftty on Pm.IC ll11C£ boOll 111 ....-40 to 42 ~.... Beverly Hiiis, Ce t0211 Fet>r4•rv•. 1"2 • cell•~ ..... 1 Ill Ille office of .... Thll Dusi""' Is C-..Cled .,... en "'1219S eo.....y lliloof'llllr OI .. ~. lndlvlduel. PvOll-Or .... CO.st 0 .. 1'( Pilot, NOTICI 0' DIATH OF TOGfTHl.fl WITH 11ot1 .. xc1ualn Judith P Ort Merc1'12.t. "· n, 1ta t4SG ELLA ODY AND M NTTTI0N -* 911111111' -ct..,... ttgllt Of MW This Jtll-1 ... llled with the TO AG•ltl'Et llTATI NO. ::.:=.:;::_,~'=· Couftty Clerk of Or•noe County on A11m7. ceblff, pot.e, wlr,. •11d condulie 101 Fnroery 1'· fta ,.,..., To •" .._.,.. ...___.._._...__ -.tdly,........,_..,_~ P 11·~ Or C ID II Pit I ----.-0-.-.-.-0-.. -R-.-.L-.,, •-• .,_..,.....,.._, end accoutram.,.11 111ereto, eewen . ub "'"" .,. oes • Y o NOTIC "-l -crec:tttora and contingent Cf9dl-«--. -· .. llld -plpee. llld Mer. l , ..... "· 1"2 ,., PROPllRTY AT PRIVATll IAL• t0f'9 of Ella Ox.bY and peraona _,.._..---. _. '°' -" root He. sw "nan Who may t>• oth•rwlM lntir-OWIMnal Ind otMr 11te10ldftw* or• W 1111( In t11e'Supenor c:ou.1 of 111e stet. of Ike or.....,.., klnct. llld -on C•llfornl•. for Ille Couftty of l.01 •ted In the Wiii ancVor •tat.: aciteoent IOl8 Of Mid tnc:t '°' root-· AnoelK 111 ttw Mattw o1 Ille &ate of A .... ltlon hu beef\ ftled by l\entll Ind"'* •00~111. Of... f'ICTITIOUS aUSINEIS JAMES T. CAUGHLIN ell• JAMES .,..., Ot.......,_lncl. NAM•ITATEMIHT Robert R. Hurwitz In the °' EXCtPTING trom .. id undivided The 1011owlng person 11 doing THOM•S CAUG+il.IN, De<MMd. Superior Court of Orange 1---..,.1n-1nllldto1.0t 1. •lneues: Holle• 11 llereby 1tw11 tllet ttte ,........, d SES <lfldersl9'*1 will Mii M "'lv•le .... County 1'9qUeatlng that Robert non•Holuelv• H H ment• an non-o v HA s TY EH TE R PR I · • to tlle hf"'9tt Md •II ~. Mol9J«i R. Hurwitz be appointed aa ~ ~: ~·°'~ Hunt1r191on HertlOUf, Suite ten, tt•as to c0111tnNtklft ot wkl "-'1• eowt, peraonal repteMntatlve to lld-E:d .-~"°" c1111ee, A':~:.::-•· Huntln9ton 8H<h. on 0r ett ... 111e utfl day °' flllMocf> ..., mlnlltw the Mtat. of Ella Oxby ..,.. llld OOlllMlil lot~. P•UI M. Vence, •'73 SMrtl Drlw, •I the offl<• of JOE RAYCRAl'T, • "' I d d t •d llld.....,...,...,_ .,.... 4norMy,2tallDSowtliWHMllA-. (under t.,. n epen •n " • tre1,..11to, tllereto, and for •utll 1'1101 Hunt1"9!0n leKI>, C.lltomla Room •t, SM ....... County ef Loi mlNltfatlon of fltat• Act). TI19 ==:.::,, OINr ~-of a Thia buslnHl Is c-ucllld by •n Angeles, SC•e Of C.tfforonla, .. , .,_ petition 19 NI fOf' hMr1ng In .. or Lot8~-T~ii::r.:~ lndl"kkle~I M.ll-• rlflll,IKleMdl_..tNt .. esUle Dept. No. 3 at 700 CNlc c.fl• =-Lot8 lro Ill Mid LOl t; lfld ... Thll Ste-w•s f119d with the Of H id deeffNd .... KllVlrff by "'""-w-1n ..._ ci... of .. __._ .......... ~ .. -·••lclft °' ,_ ...... ,. •• otllff .,.,.,..., -·· ,,,. n 7 _, .. "'*" w -w.e 1Y011i Mid l.o4 ount, Cieri! of Or•noe Counly on ,.,." or 111 -tlon to lllet of Hid Ane. Callfomla on Aprtl 7, 1912 _... fOr root_,..._,°"* Fe11ruary'6, 1ta. dl<e•Md. • u. ,...,,. et.....,., 19 -at 9:30 Lm. _..._,.,:•111•°'*:":"!:1 ,., .. ,. to e111r1eciar1e111,.. ,...-'ys1-.., IF YOU OBJECT to the :.C,.~.... .,._. Pullllstled °'..,..Goen Delly= 111 City ot 0r .... ~ ot 0r-.. ~ of ttle pethton, you • 1144 TIOOI..., .... co.et• "'-. CA Merell 1• t , 1', tl, ltC -• State el C.lflorftle, pertlol•rly .. Nell •scrtlleda......,.,towlt: tto etthtr appear ~t tne .,. 1 ..;... ...,_or -...., f1a.C llRC( Lot 1" 111 ModJetl• .._., 111ee1 heeling Md ltN vc:w~ M11011It1111M11--. 114 -wot:r it "·It\ ttw c-., Of 0r-.., M• of tb19 or fie wrttten 11...,. u to 111 ce11pfeten-or C•tlfffftte, .. c_. 54, ., -m• ...-the oourt ......__ ,_,.. 0011_,...., • ,,_ ~ w.-...., PICTlnous MlltN•u -.c..,.111 .._ '· ,. ... ,. -•et _,,.. _.,.. o-11 Ill TNll, llJ ,_ fll • .....,_ °' NAMS STAT•M•NT ¥ett, 111 111e efflce of Ille ~ ttng. YM _..,.IOt m9Y M ....,."'':.=:::' .. "1o":.; Tbe tot1ow111g perao11 Is del111 Rec~rtfteldCeuroty. ln pef'90n or by yolW llttor'n9y. .......,. D I 111411 Of~ llU~llHIH' At• u..t portio11 ef Let 191 el lF YOU AAE A CMOITOR or :::"~-&:....--:,-;""""' e11vc£ 1Hou1Tt1UALSAL11s ... 1 MMlt•h H-, Sllfft "· 111 "" a contln~ent creditor Of th• llMeY="°'~'°-So. l.•mllert Drive, l'ullerte11, ~, .. 0r .... $1 ... flfc:.iNw11111, d-CIMI ....,., _ _. ...... ..,..,.. 119 .,...._ .... llld ~ C.Mlfol'WfttoSl tlllC ... 5', •t ..... in-. ,_.. 111 -·-·' ,_ "-·-'~ ~--=, • .......,.. lr-,ce C:.tor, .. , Se. l.Atl'Mert ..._,,,....,._. • ......,.,"' ... ::.~~ :::.w:::: •• ==::= 0r~-:Js'.=·~~=:iall¥ IHI t'.!,~y~.=.~~=-.:.: llPPOtnted by tr. oourt ~ 1, teat• ... Na. 1111 .. MOii 1~ 11141vlduel, tt •!Mini Jotwt Wttt et IM...,...._ four montM fl'om ttle ct-. of _..,. .. ,,of_.._ ...... -"""'9CMIOr _,Ill Mid lei 1"; ~ ,--. tint ....,,. Of,.._. • ~ ....... --.-.-..... ~ Tiiis It......,. •• lllM •"" tlle $0ullllllftlt~ly freft'I Ille S...llMtt .__..__ 700 ... ....._ -wot:r • ....-. ., ~ '°P'W Cov11ty Cterl< of Oret199-COllMy °"' ·-•lll..iiltutt'7, ... ._,.. .. 1 ~ Ir! -"'"'" "' .,. ~~:u'-:':'_.11 l'...-Veryl6,1tll. ;.t,•eas, _._ n ,"'IMr .. rttMt, Prob1l9e ()ode of Calfamla. Tiie IM.,.. lw ililll DeM .. TNlt 9"" Ill-f'•tMl1t -IMl!b 9ld rWt of ,..Y _,. ... ..._ tor t11ng dllnl8 .. "°' ~ .l ... ...,.,..,... e.-i Pvt111t11M er.,... c .. 11 oa11r. ,.,.._ "1r<••• 111,.... ..,..,.ny. ...... swtcw to four mol'lthl fl'om :-:;. ' IM .... "~ ..... ti ~rcll '· .!!. 16, I!-"'! . --..... ..,. C-4y k-11 H I .... the det. of ttle tlMrtng ~ =:.-:.-:r.: :=-: = _.,. ._.., ~,.._.~,SW ..... er-., lbOwe, Dlaf ff TN& ....... M ._ • ~ •IM . ~ T"'!.11., .._ ~ 111 ~ _., YOU MAY EXAMINI ttle fie SAlll I. ,_ • 1111 l'.M. •,.!! tf • Ullftll a-.• .... • ..n HUIOIUWK-MT. O\.IYI Monuary •Cemetery Crematory •• vke• were held on frlday, Much ll, 1882 at 2."00PM at 1he PacUto View Chapel. En._.,_ metftaat.P9d&Vi.wM• ma1al Pllrk. P'ldAe vs.w Mor- • ~.~8-11~ Meetings public · .. _ = tM oourt. " -· .. ' --........ -... fCllTtOUIMllUt.. c.-... -.ice ~-.,. ..... .._. ,_ .......... ~... MJllllllTaTS ... llf IKwrW '¥ ........,.., T""'O..• 111'911!1U In 8" ....... ~ ..... M --"~CA. .. Tiie fe1tewl11t '9f'Mll la ••1111 .. .,.._.. M MN. T-. ~ ef -·. """"'""" ttleoourt ,. --· ..... ,............ •1 _. ..................... ... 1625 G•sler Avlt Co111 Mesa 6"40-5554 ,_Cl llOTNllll ~llOA•WAT fleOllTVMT 1'0 •CH1Ctw-v COlteMeea ~·9l60 r HAl..UJWAY TBSl..MA llAS 'BALL(). WAY,a...._otO... ..... Ca. Pr .. !r m ..... H, la .... ol'n.c-~ ...... wtll ...... . fttdu ...... 11, ..... ... ~ of ow J)dMn, ...... LMra ~ r.tr. en.-. DNW .,,.,._ w..i llw-....,. WASHINGTON <AP> -An •ppeala court HYI lhat r.cteraJ a1•ncy budaet meethlc• muat be public, but tt bu thrown out a contempt citation a1atnat Nuclear Rtl\llatorJ Commlllkln memben wbo beld budaet •eaalou in ..eret. TM~ 1ald ta.at wblle UM NllC ftotated the law three llme1 tMt~ttn .July i.. and lut October a cont.nap( ftndh'I bJ Hlliol' U.S. Dlltrict Judi• EdWard Curran a1alnat comml•h•n wu too vacue. to ........... nolaeof .. Wlr1•-.,::=-..::;':: ARCO CONSTRUCTION ll•er...-••111 ..... ... 11 M"°'t o/ ...... --.......................... M~AICY,ittl .... A..-.,UM!t, wtll .. ,..._ .... ..._......_ ~-p1•ow UI0 ... 41td ~.._ • .._..._....._,CA--. • .,._.._ .. IMCi ll&lll "' .. ,. .., 1 ---ALMltT "°" M)Slt,_Jlt,l m1 ...,_..,......,.. ... .,....,; , •• repone ffeoftbed In a.ctloft '9!1""' · ._ ....--;~ ~DrM.HwM ..... ~.CA OetwM•:;.:.~• 1200 of tM CelfiDrNa ,,...... a. "'°" -=. ........ ~ .. .. :=. .. .. Coda. M D ..... IJ ~-......... ......... .......-1 -11 IS T.O. ~..... ~---.Jr .-....... ::.•t..e:=t·.:.= ...... .... c.::.-=-: o::..:.-~ ': ::r.: .... ._ .. ca-. ,...,,.,,. ........,._ ...___. ~ ~o.-CeeM 0.ty ""'· ,.__., .. = .. -=-........ . OIW°'!"~Nlt.-• -_..,,.. •· ..a ·-· .~........ .... ~D.Mlr'Cllt,;t,t-.nll ... • ...... • -·. llJLSDJ\Y MMH ti 11, 111tL' OHAN ti[ COUNl'i l.AI 1rOFi NIA 25 tl Nl ~; . . ,.. .N.e.wport~ ~eside*-ts seek Banning~project Vote . . ' .... .. -~ . (' BY STEVll MARBLI!; who want to blow up the world." Al11anc9, Mid his.croup formally The referendum qualltied for have until April ~ to collect no office ~aild'"I and only a or .. .._ Niil .... · The dty ~ on a 4-2 vote, wW W)v.eil the refereridwn puah the ballot but the council later rouih!Y 4,290 ltpturee of res-· llDAll unount of lridUltrlal IJ*l8. h .. ~ .. ~0 .. ~nmeawiftn•·.M.andon-approved the 7~-acre Wm New-Saturdayl'DOl'lllnatnameeUnaat repealed the $124 ml111onproject ~T New~L~~~ T-'---...... ~= .~.~ _"{~ .. .... -.. ""-· ... -... .. port development lut Friday. the Newport Qty H.all. -et the reque9t ot tha Irvine m optimleyr, 9UU ~ •vMIU w: ....... VTW......., day ~t • cn>UP of Newport The project, ecaled down from Thie la the leCOnd referendum C.ornpany-when faced with the cOday. "We've alrNdy had the uld he eela the cou.Ddl f.a1led to BMch remdentabo_J>el ~overturn what developer Hancock "Bill" drive Newport re1idenu have proapectofputtinaittoad~de way lhown to ua by the Newport 'reteh a "fair ocmpromille." the oontrovenial BAnnlJll Ranch Bann1pg .had IOU.Cht. =.ftt per launched tn the put lix months.. vote. Center referendum. That drive Strauaa said he ha no lmme-development through a voter mlt building 379 h~;;;f up~ A aucce91ful voter referendum Johnaon u.id he intenda to en-uncovered 'a lot of unrest in the diate re.cUon to the referendum. referendum. 400,000 aquare feet of office and wu put t.ocether lut year by lilt 'help from memben of the city." · "I Just doo't believe a reteren-"lt'• juat typical of the ob-lndu1trial apace on land now residenta ui-et wilt\ the coundJ'a -Newport Center referendum Councilman Cox u.id he feiant dwn 11 in the best interest of the atructionilt polnt of view," de-dotted with ahrube and oil wells. approval of the Irvine Company's group. the croup could reach lts mina.¥ city," voiced Councilwoman clared Councilman John Cox. MikeJobnlon,aapokesmanfor Newport Center expa.nalon pro}-Newport City Clerk Wanda ture pl Evelyn Hart, who-la~- "They'relike a bunch of terrbriata the West Newport Legislative ect. Anderaen 1ald the group will J'U they go around and lie and .act1na mayor with May<fr Jlldde spread hall-truths like before, Heatfw:r hospitalized following a 1 Storm due to hit Coast Bv' JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of"'lhe Deir ..... •Iliff • • A storm pecking high winds, hail and rain equalla waa expected to hit the Orange Coast late today in what one LOe Angelea meteo- rologist is callinf, the "worst atonn of the winter ' for Southern California. The storm, moving down from ~ pounded Santa Barbara with a half-inch of hail this morning. Snow was reported on Loe Angeles freeways. Mountain rescuers raced against the incoJDing stonn trying to find a rm.tng hiker and to reach two reecuers stranded over- nlght near icy Mount Baldy. . The snow level was expected to fall below 4 ,000 feet in the Southern California mountains. Heavy snowfall was expected above that level. Pomtble hail and hi.ah winds along with heavy thl!Mentonns were predicted for the Orange Coast tonight, a spokesman for the National Weather Service in Los Angeles said. Light rain be- gan falllna at noon. 'tie said chance of rain tonf8bt la 100 percent · That forecast la expected to extend through Wedne9day. And Orange Cout commuters can ex- pect more alow traffic Wedneeday morning, similar to conditions that they experienced thia mor- ning when_rain aqualla hit area freeways and surface streets. Thia morning'• rain waa belie- ved responsible for at least one traffic accident' in trvine, a head-on collision that left two people injured. -Park, lock, take 'off shoes Low tide lots could solve do"'n~own._congestion By STEVE MITCHELL Of1MDllJNIC8Wf Laguna Beach City Councilm· an lfoward Da~n ii frankly a.mazed no one thought of it be- fore. Offahore parkinf lo~. That'• right. A 10lution to La- guna' a decades-old parking problems. "It'a the ultimate in public beach acce91," uys Daw.on, who, until now considered birmelf a long-time believer ln "parldrur eongestion aa a mee.ne of controf-lina over development." :.Daw.on prosx-s tourilta just drive onto the belich at low tide and park their can. He figures Main Be.ch Park can banclle up to 1,800 vehicles at low tide, thus leavins the paucity 0£ parking places downtown to. shoppers. That should make the mer-· chanta happy. • And there are other obvious advantagea to a tidal parking lot: -No need to restripe the Jot ' every '/Mr· -At high tide, you get a lelf-deanlng parking lot. --No me1er maids, for that matter. "The llfej\W"da could patrol the Jot ln their dory. .. be .,.. :0.W80D II.id the IChesne could "add IDMIW'ably to the dty'1 revenuea aa a llQlA.1.1 fee could be charged for towing illegally ~ked vehicles u the tide comes Ul." li DaW90D'I tidal parking plan works at main Beech Par~ he ~ no reuon why it couldn't promptly be initiated at other t>e.chee ln Laauna. A low-tide parking lot. at Sleepy Hollow miiht be a little . unreuonable, given the rocks and all, but how about a lot on Mountain or Cre11 Street beaches? they mtcht be able to get the stroke. liinaturea," COx, auaestecf. Mra. Hart, dUrtng an informal Of the referenCIUm drive, vote 1-t month, voted aga.l.nst Councilman Phil Maurer Hid, permittinc the office and indua- "l'm already awfully tired of trial oonatruction but switched hearlnc them talk about it." lut Friday. Oowicil members had been put "I think it waa a g.o.od on warning aa early aa 1-t month corn pro.mile," ahe said of the plan. that there might be a referendum Several council memben if the project was approved. pointed out that if the develop- "li listening ju.It~ dotna it ment la put to a citywide vote, ft their way," said Maurer, wno 'likely will collide with the No-• voted for the development, "then vember city council elections. I'm eorry but that's .)Ult not fair." "Tl).at'• true," responded ref- Tbe West Newport alliance tiad erendum leader Johneon. "H we submitted their own development pt a aocxl respome I expect it will plan for the Banning project and ·be a fclOd clear inclication-&o thole asked council members to permit ;tUnni.nc f« office." Former UCI student .- faces fraud counts lly GLENN SC01T Of .. ~"-'·- ' Patrick Arthur Dixon was a promialna student when he en- rolled at 1JC Irvine's College of Medicine ·in the sUDUJ)er of 1975. But the man .,.ho was ar- raiened today on charges of practlclnl medicine without a lkenee, grand theft and torging pres::rtpdons never luted at the Irvine campus. Fi~e seeking two seats on lryine hoard Lut-minute candidates conti- ·nue to add new dimensions to the race for two aeata ~ the Irvine City Council during the June 8 city election. After receiving two 6ne-year defennentl on the basil of hia top academic record, Dixon began cla!llles ln the summer of 1977 but withdrew in November, 1977, ci- ting a· lack of motivation in p~- 1uing a medical degree, according to college records. Born ln Miami and reared in Detroit, Dlxon had brouaiht im- premive credentiala to Irvine. He had a master's degree ln cllnical and child psychology and a doc- torate in education and psychol· <>CY at the University of Michi-pn. llClCOl'dlna to univenity offi- dUI. Both de,rees were with hon- on, which meaDI he WM virtually a atrailht-A student. Ilia di.aaer- taU.O WU on the aoci<>-cultural oppre11ion within the black community, and he had indicated an interest in child paychiatz-y, Said Dr. Horace Mitcnell, auo- date dean of student affairs at UCL Carolyn Sataake of Irvine and Evelyn V annuoci of Costa Mesa were taken to Tustin Community Hospital following the 7:15 crash }.-~Y~ heavy~toeach vehicle, according to Irvine police. F..ach victim was reported in sta- ble condition late thia morning. · Boaters were being alertea to ittHhe above---menUoned sa- vlngi, the dty miaht lnstall speed burn)» on the beech, Dawwon offers, or provide vehicular .ooem ramps to the beach at Wood's c.ove. F.dward Doman, 42, an Eneliah' teacher at Orange Coaat eone,e. baa submined nomination. papers at Irvine City Hall makina him the fifth official candidate for the coundl: n eariy o ay, ar one Ket.er, resident of The Grovea mobtle home parll and an active member of the senior citizen community, took out papers to aeek office. She aid the hopea to return the nomination papers t.fora the deedlhie of S p.m. Wednelday. He was granted the two de- ferments, Mitchell added, lo u - llUl'De family reaponsibilities after deatha in hia family tn Detroit . When he returned, he told ad- miniatrators he no longer tho~t it nec:emary to obtain a medical d .. ~s name didn't come up-acatn at the campus until last week when he waa arrested un- der the name Dr. Howard Smith. make sure their craft are aecurely moored or anchored. Small craft advl1orie1 have been illued Jram the ahoreli.ne to 60 miles out at eea for the area from Point Conception to the Mexican border. Southwest to west winds are expected to reach 20 to 30 knota causing 10 to 14-foot aeas We<h;leeday. Closer to shore the sea ia ex- (See STORM, Page A!) OFFSHORE PARKING LO'l'S? -Laguna Beach.councilman Howard Dawson practices ribbon-cutting ceremony for his proposed low-tide parking lot at Main Beach that could ac- commodate up to 1,800 cars. But Daw.oo says he'• aoinc. no further with hJa parldna propOul until a full~ on tne mue iii . held before· the city'• variou1 aovernmentaI bodlet. And while he uys he's only half lerioul in propmina low-tide parking, he eees no ~ why hi• plan would not result in inatant accolade• and 1upport. ' _Seal Beach quarantine to last a week? t By PBD.. SNEIDERMAN oflhe Deir ..... ...,, The waten off Seal Beach may remain off llmlts to .wimmen and surfers for another eeven dap becawie of contamination fro~ partially treated aewage effluent and ralnfa1l runoff, an. WORLD Orange County health official said today. "I . wouldn't feel comfortable about going into thia water," II.id Bob Merryman, the county'• di- rector of environmental health. He predicted J}le Seal "Beach quarantine, which took effect 'BU88 to 'halt miBBile deployment The Soviet Union bat announced it will halt deployment of medium range nuclear miailes near lta we.tern borders. Page A3. · • Monday, could last another week,· especially if additional rain ar- rives. Merrym8n-.md the quarantine applies to ~e ocean between the Long Beach breakwater and Anaheim Bay 10uth of the Sear Beach Pier. He uld the contaml- STATE nation 1a not expected to poae any hazard to nearby Huntington Beach. The partially treated aewaae water la the result of a Sunday · ~ fire at the Sanltadon Diatricti of Los Angeles County (See WATEI\, Pqe .U) Belushi drus, drin.lc BeMion told ~-·Comedian John Beluahi enoaed in an all-m,ht druc and drinkina IMlion prior tOhla death, a coroner'• report indicated. l>age A3. Mom ends domestic strilce • NATiON -------..,:e-Surftamon mottrerwh--o weni •-ott itrlk.e .. • ·Jury con~icta tJOCialite NEWPORT, R.i. (AP) -A Jury found IOdallte' l ClaUI C. · VOil Bulow auilty today of twb tr)'lna tot murder bJI hCe9 Wife With imu1ln ~ ihat pluqed her tnto • COIDL (1WeWd 9fm:Y, I C2) -- 4 lutnb boo.t pl'i.m,e rate 1 tpinlt her famllv won her battle -her children ·;~~:·contract', prorirllina to &wt~'~ topther. COUNTY Ddman. who filed his papen Friday, said he decided to run for U. oftiot becawie of his "&r:owfni eoncet n over the need fot an Independent voice on the council -one that can speak on behalf of thoae residents who came to Ir- vine becauae of the promi8e of a planned community· with reuonable growth.'' Doman and Mn. Kelter, lf ahe filea, Join four others who al.reedy ha~WIU~bmittedpapen; ~lt a lawyer; a;,avu chamber of oommeroe member John Nakaoka, a mar- ketina executive for Xerox; Bar- bara Wiener, fonner C'dent of the Irvine Historical ety, and Libertarian Party official WWiam Pout,~~ of Apollo Movini CO.Of Co.ta Meu. (See DlVINI!:, Pqe AZ) INDEX Af B2 AS 84-6 M B2 Cl,CMS Ba SPORTS To quallf y for state lioemes, PIYChlatrista must bold medical aeareea. They are allowed to preecrtbe drup. Psychologi:ata don't need medical degrees, but they aren't permitted to ilaae preticrlptiom, according to offi- dala. Dixon was arrested laat Wedneeday ln El <:entro after a suidde-prone WOD\IJl he tie«ted ln a county clinic overdoeed on druca be had prelCribed for her, lnveStiptors said. Mitchell pointed out Monday that Dixon may have had a ao6d knowledge of psychological is- 1uea, but waa not trained in medicine. Jiit' "With hia backaround, he WU probably ~!Ible lor licensure aa a peycholo t in California, al-thouah we no evidence he punued a licenae," u.id Mitchell. . Dixon miaht have perf~ many of bfa same tasks aa. a .&emed Jl9YCho)opt. he added, (See IJCKNs!!, Pace .U) . B2 B2 B8 B4 A.8 B4,C2-3 B8-8 B5 A8 A2 A.8 .· r .. 1*"9d to be • choppy e to 10 feet Wectn.tay. ' ~ht.'• t,mperature1 are ex ':!tto48to~2deareea wl Wed~y·1 h'8hl for-.-t at 56 to 60. The lona-ranp forecut for the ~ COut Calla f~ ahowen end1Dc sometime Tbunday. Fri- day'• forecut calla for partly cloudy 1kle1 and warmer tem- peratures.- . Coastal temperature. are ei: .. LICENSED ... ~ that the W1fe tQ CM a j:ilyd\latrist must have been related to the differences Dixon Uli.rned the two tun¢ona. Meanwhile this week, in\lesti- gaton are studying aeveral ooun aees in which Digon served as an 0 expert" witness, mostly to rec- ommend whether a defendant Lilh tntn• 1truck a a mall tnnd'ocmer at 8':f_S a.m. today in the U. OIOI Valley, just IOUth of San Liu1a Obispo. It knocked out the mabl eut.iaUOn eervinl San Lula Oblapo. lbdlo~•taticma KSL Y and KSUM-FM were knocked off the air and 8,000 cuatomen were without power: WK UDe eJlOUlb to ltancl tna1. Dlxon treated an eetlmated 300 ~entl in_ his 11 montha on the ''We are looking at all his put patients, trying to determine who he treetecf an4 where they are now," ELCentro Police Lt Harold Carter told the Amodated Presa. WATER TAINTED. • • water reclamation plant in Long Beach, adjacent to the San Ga- briel River. · The San Gabriel empties into the ocean off Seal Beach. Sanitation districts spokeszpan Don Avila said an electrical room fire caused the plant's main gen- erators to shut down. •u .. 11 Emergency backup generators. wete not capable of powering the bt 1 complete. sew.age treatment O.' • • process, be said. & a result, much I--~ of the eew~ was diverted to, another plant. By early today, however, about four million gallons had received only primary treatment at the Long Beach plant before dis- charge into the San Gabriel Ri- ver. Avila said primary tre~tment includes the removal of settled aolldl and floating material, plus the addition of Chlorine to kill bacteria. A spokesman said the Long Beach :f was expected to re-sume operauons and full treatment late today. " Merryman said the ~y treated aewage etnuent may still . contain vinaaes, including the one causing hepaUtis. He said county officials have had difficulty measuring the hazard-level at Seal Beach be- cause contamination normally increaaes after a rainstorm. Seal Beach lifeguards have posted signs wam.ing beachgoen to stay out.of the water. Although bad weather conditions have kept most bathers away, the beach attracts surfers, who alao have been warned of the hazard. Forums set IRVINE CANDIDATES ..... ~ .. on Foothill •'Jj t,> • l.-.J1 Two others have taken out 11° nomination papen but haven't· I'!• i filed them. They a.re Northwood ,.,~ resident Barry Kidd and Uni- versity Park resident Jacques Warshauer. The two council openings a.re for four-year tenns. Councilman Art Anthony ia not seeking re- election. route plan h'J'. ~~~Bonin a~f10H1plice gets Evening forums will be held tonight in Mission Viejo and. Thuraday in Irvine to d.i8cuas cit- izen concerns with :a propoeed freeway on the Foothill Trans- portation Co.rri~or. The ~tipg tonllzht, Will. be from 7-10 p.Dl. at~ Viejo High School's multi-purpose room.. t:~· prison in :murder sp~ee •1·'· LOS ANGELES (AP) - A 1!1., 20-year-old man, who aaid he helped convicted murderer Wil- liam G. Bonin in the Freeway Killer slayings, was sentenced to J prison for 19 years to life. J James Michael Munro must ~spend at least eight years in prison before he is eligible for paro!e for the. second-deg_ree murder of a 111-year-old man whose body was dum~n Huntington Beach,-said -toi_ Ster!fng N<?rria· But ~uperlor Court Judge Everett Rides cut about 800 days from Munro's aentenoe Monday for time_ already aerved and good behavior. On Thunday, the &eSon alao will begin at 7 p.m. at the theater at Irvine High School. The two sessions are intended· tel give planners for the Orange County government and a private e~ Consulting fil1Il idetaa on what local reaidenta thirlk about problems and benefite of the freeway. ll'S getting Wetter ···"' ~ Col4 We•• ~-== .. ~, S•o•••"'••• Oult.,4t 4 1illlWI ---=== ·' ..,. ' 11981. 1be tNck WM pei1led \.G Sprb\ada)e Street near = Avenue, near a buey Ibo J:enter. Police at ftrlt believed that Bny'a deeth WU aocfdental, but later .:!11 Wilely with the. crime on but.a of information from informante. One of thoee informanta, a}. leged crime partner Jamee Mar- ahall Dunagan1 had entered guilty p1eu Mooaay to~ of voluntary manalaughter and conspiracy only minutee before Wt.ely'a jury announced that it had reached a .verdict. Dunagan was the proeecution's key wtme. and had teltified that be acted u lookout for the de- fendant while Wiaely sneaked up on hia ltepfatherts rig and ca48ed the one-ton, tilt-away cab to fall on the older man. au.ffocating him. Wisely, however, contended throughout his trial that Bray's death waa accidental and that he' was nowhere near his stepfa- ther)s rlg the day 'Bray died. Wisely, a wavy haired ex- convict who still faces charges of anned robbery in Los Angeles County, showed little emotion when' the guilty verdicts were read by clerlt Ruth Finley. . Howevek', in speaking with reporters minutes later, the de- fendant said be was "kind of shocked."- for their eyes for their teeth for their bOdy Ihe healthcare plan for · .employees that actually P-rovides for their care. . , right down to ·their toes ' • FHP isn't just an insurance compaw. It's a Health Maintenance -Organization with seven medical c~ters in th~ Los Angeles and Orange County area alone. ~ . . family Health Program provides the dentists. The doctors, including medical specialists. Emergency care. Hospitaliz~tion . Eye ~are. Preventa· tive care includin r ular ~ups. ~ven f mil counsel! . _ ----....~ ---We f:i.on't just cover your empJoyees' medical expenses. We also pro- , tect your employees' healtt1 by "Providing care to help keep the~ from getting sick in the first A FEOERALL v QUALIFIED HMO place. Head to toe. .... For more Information on t.,. group health care pro- gram that gives you more than just insurance for your money, CIJlll (213) 429-2473, Ext. 51~ or (714) 898-3516, ~513. c 1tl,Z •t:t, • j ~ I ·Cilit I ~ .......................... . I Morelleue IMatrlet lac:. of F\illertm foe the • leCXlOd q\W1er ended Feb. 28 bad net income frml I continuing operationa advance 34 to percent to $207. • 500, or 7 cents a abate, from $157 ,800, Ol" 5 omta. ln the comparable l)riol' yar period. Salee l'Ole to $2.4 million I from $2.3 m1IlkJn ..• Newport Corp. of Fountain Valley reported eer-nlnea from cooUnuing operat:iooa were $841,202, « ae cents a ah.Ue, up 25 percent from $591,163, or 26 cents. a year ago. for lts quarter ended Jan. 31. SaJea were $4.3 mllllon compared with $3.4 million 1-t yar ... Wyle Laberatorlet aid lt expects to report a net Jom of approximately $2.1 ,million for the year ended Jan. 31, followlna a declllon to write off about t6 million of intangible -ts ~ted with lts UUC:Jdnc operaUom. The company Mid it expects to report a net W. foe the fourth quarter of about $5.1 rDUlioo. of. which an e8tlma1ed Sl ml111bn w• from operat1cm . . . Jet Amerlea AlrllMt lac., which oommemed operat1ona on Nov. 16, reported an audited k*a of $3.2 million. or $7.71 a share, on the weighted avenee lharee outstanding for the fls:lal year ended Dec. 31.. The alrUne, the tint new trunk carrier ln ~ ,_,... aid that '67&,400 o1 the -related~ the ~tine period and tba~ $2.6 million applied to the tint 45 dayl of~tion . · ~~n• ~-------- Yields on abort-term Trealll')' tee8rilles roee nearly 1 percent.lee Point, peching the hJ&t..i level ln a month. About $4.8 billion in lix-month billa were ec>kf Monday at an averaae dlax>unt rate of 12.962 percent, up from the 12.064 percent of lut week. The p- emment abo 10ld about $4.8 billion in three--month bi1- at an avenge rate or 12.909 percent, up from the 12.1>58 ~toflastweek ... , .... 'f'OllllC .:l.,.-.... -prlae -... F .. ----y ........ -W-. ..-...,, M -- Det EdbM m• 11111 -16 19M :::: .... --W.NWCMI ~ +M ·5~ ., .. 1'111 -~ lllld = IM • II) TtMY a M -~· ::: ~ ··~ ~ ..... = ·-~-UY) .~ SNnlt ... :::: 1~ --.MdOllOel ,... ... ~'· •. ,. ,. •i" = ,,_ ~·· IN 0 .. \ I