HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-11111111 llllY NIU ORANGE COUNTY. CAl IFORNIA 25 CENTS . l"El Toro .. le'· for commercial flightsl jT • I • 'unaccepta By FREDERICK SCBOEMl:BL ottti.O...,NMtWt Thoee tactors were listed in a rt planl and Southern California Aasocilltion flight patterns involving nearby Cabl said· "A ti.rnea, the s.nJ. letter sent Tuesday to ~~~:-...-f:1 rz~r:,-:_. ofl.icer Steven Kozak· of Governments, a regional John Wayne Airport. e · t T Airspace c:.-onprtion, aafety, eevere noi8e lmpacta, overloaded freeways and multi-billion dollar of the county's "blue ribbon" uded that commercial planning organization. ~po~ ats9-concluded, ~:pars::~. ~:cf~ committee examlning potential U1e of the Marine bue W-8 Ca , that joint ~rations th ..... are the only ma' jor -.--.a locatioJft for a new "fatally Oawed" Cable nmP_.llted In th ·L--ooul~'-'" 'w u bo •• L--...a ...._. ''"'&...,....,. • ..,. --c:-e uu_,.-~ letter to u ...., e a ve ~au· roads aervtng the -n Tori> a.rel ~ eol\&. make the El Toro Marine Corpa Air Station unacceptable as a Bi~ for a new commercial airport. a ranking Orange County Airport official .has concluded. international-type airport. It was · th.st contention in h1a lett.er. committee chainnari Keith Mur-~ ca~ity of the Federal and are now --"'"'"' ca~ty I& signed by Murry Cable, mana~er Study of the El Toro facility as doch, Cable cited a 1979 SCAG Avtation Administration's radar peak periods,·~,.~· bad of the county-owned John a commercial airport hu been report which concluded'th.at ~ control tower located at the baae. situation would be made~ Waynf" Airport. under way by the county's com-military-civilian use of the And, Cable cited a portion of by adding congestion of ve In an earlier letter to the mJtt.ee and separately by the would interfere with existing the rewrt which said civilian traffic from airport uaera." aircraft operations at El Toro ~ · -ee1-uShi drug tie probed . Park,_ lock, take off shoes ·Low tide lots could solve downtown congestion • • LOS ANGELES (AP) 1 Comedian John Belushi is dead and blp'ied but the investigation into who supplied him the drugs that led to his fatal overdose still continues, police officials said. I Investigators said they are questioning acquaintances of Be-r lushi. but Lt. James McMurray, chief of the Hollywood Division's homicide detective bureau, ex- presaed pessimism TueSday that . investigators will be su<n!SSful in findiM out where Belushi obtai- ned the drugs. · The 33-year-old entertainer died March 5 of an accidental drug overdose of cocaine and heroin followiq a night of heavy drinking, the coroner's office said in a final report Qued Monday. "MWtiple fresh need.le punc- ture marks" were found on the insid$ of Belushi's anns, the re- port said. "we are receiving some infor-moftiob from people who have so-called infonnation concerning ~dent and the eventa that the overdoe@," said pt. iJ'erry Dyment, in ~ of Hollywood Division police detec- tives. "As that information is recei- ved, ii will be analyzed and it will ~ either investigated by oureel.f.p, or by narcotics lnvesu- ptorsJ "As to how vigorously it will be investigated at this point, the case ul low priQrity becal&ae no crimesJoo are inv°Olved, -- To logy test' results acoom- pan~· the coro~r's report in-dica Belushi had extremely high evels of coqtlne in his blood, urine and bile. They also show Belushi had morphine in his bile, indicating he had been taking I heroin. Cathy Evelyn Smith, who is bell~vqd to be the last pel"90n to see Bf:\uahi alive March • in his at the Chateau Mar- mon tel. "is not being in- vestiga as a penon who may By STEVE MITCHELL Ofeti.O...,Plot ..... La . Beach City Councilm- an ~ard Dawaon is frankly amazed no one thought of it be- fore. Off.shore pa.rlcini Iota. That's right. A aolution to La- guna's decades-old parking problems. "It's the ultimate jn public beach access." says Dawaon, who, until now considered himsell a long-time believer in "parking congestion as a means of control- ling over development." . . Oawaon propoees tounsts JUSl drive onto the beach at low tide and _1)8J'K their cars. !ff figures Main Beach Park can handle up to 1,800 vehicles at low tide, thus leaving the paucity of parking places cfowntown to shop pen. That should make the mer- chants happy. And there are other obvious advantages to a tidal parking lot: -No need to restripe the lot every year. -·At high tide, you get a ael.f~ee.ning parking lot. · -No meter maids, for that matt.er. "The J.ifeguarda could petrol the lot in their dory," he says. DaW900 Mid the 8Cheme could "add meeawably to the dty's revenues u a small fee could be charged for towing illegally f:!.ked vehicles as the tide comes u Daw.cm'• tidal parking plan works at main Beech Parlt: he sees no reuon why it couldn't promptly be initiated at other beaclle. ln ~- A low-tide parking lot at Sleepy Hollow might ~ a little unreasonable, given the rocks and all, but how about a lot on Mountain or Cress Street beaches? With the above-mentioned sa- vings, the city might iristall speed bumps on the beach, Dawaon offers, or provide vehicular access ramps to .the beach at Wood's Cove. But Dawaon says he's eoing no further with his parkirur proposal until a full h~arina on t.Jle'issue is held before the city's various vemmental 1>Qdi.es.__ _ _ have any responsibility for the death of lTohn Belushi," Dyment told tbe ~ Angeles Herald Ex- aminer. , ~--~.....,..-.......::-::.-:--:-::::-~-=====-====-=-::::-:=:=::-:-::=::-~ .,.., ,.. ...., ,.... . Meanw~. ew prk. an OFFSHORE PARKING LOTS? -.Laguna Beach oouncilman And while he says he's only half serious in proposing low-tide parking, he IM!e'S no reason why his plan would not result in instant accolades and _!Upport, tnsurance rompany source con-Howard Dawson practices· ribbon-cutting ceremony for his ~;,u~ih~n!o~= le$~ proposed low-tide parking lot at Main Beach that could ac- million from three life insurance commodate up to 1,800 cars. policies. Seal Beach quarantine to last a week? By PBD.. SNEIDERMAN or .. Dl9r,......, The waters off Seal Beach may remain off limits to awtmmen and surfers for another six days because of .. contamination from partially treated sewage effluent and rainfall runoff, an WORLD Oi:ange County health official has .Predicted. "I wouldn't feel comfortable about going into this water," Mid Bob Merryman, the COUJ'lfYa al- rector of environmental health. He ~ the Seal Beach quarantin~. which took effect Hardest part still ahead Mexico's peace initiative for the Caribbean Basin has drawn abme support but the difficult pa.rt lies ahead. Page A3. NATION • U.S. benefjts _from glut • , Petroleum prices are falling worlclwide, tiUt the U.S. ha benefited the moet. Page Bf. -. -CUDI required in town A Gloraia town la .requirtng all ti. ~ to lf-p &euml. an Ofdinance J-.ed 1n NlpJl'9 to Md1m GroYe, Dl.'1 handpn ban. J>aae M . Monday, could last another week, · especially if additional rain ar- rives. • Merryman said the quarantine applies to""'lhe ocean between the L.ong Beach breakwater and Anaheim Bay eouth of the Seal Beach Pier. He said the contarni- STATE -nation is not expected to paee ~! hazard to nearby Huntington Beach. The partially treated sewage water la the result of a Sunday morning fire at the Sanitation Diatrictl of Loe Angeles County (See WATER, Pqe .,.%) Pac-Man homeward-bound Atari Inc. is planning to market a home Version of Pac-Man, the latest crar.e among video game buffs. Page At - Pla~tic milk causes sought Outraged dairy producen want to recover $10 milllon· '!Orth of plutic mD.k catee taken annually ln California. Paae D6. ; COUNTY Ecliso11 caught in middle Southern California F.dilon offlcltla are tna.tra- ted. 'lbey're aetUna an earful about rilln& eJecti1c ra-. but little lntlreet in Ii. ~-~ Bl. · t would contribute "toward gen-Necessary improvementa al accommodate conunercial uae er aifSpace sar:uration and El Toro could cost from $29 would increase the probability of million to •2 billion, Cable ~ mid-air accidents." • The airport manager also lilted minded committee members.~ material ffom a 1980 SCAG location of existing military acQ; study that listed Tustin, Oran~, vities could cost as much ~ ff San billion, he said. • • ta Ana, Irvine, Laguna H' , • El Toro and Lake Forest as Beyond "technical shortat communities that would be ming8" Cable said comrnerciaJ threatened by noise if commer-use of El Toro has oonsistentlt cial jets were based at ES Toro. • been opposed by Irvine officialS "In my opinion, these com-and representatives of the Ma- munity noise consequences are rine Corps and Navy. just too enormous to ignore," The county's regional airport Cable said. site committee is next acheduled As for road access to El Toro, to meet March 30. Storm slams s~hool, storeS I By JERRY HERTENSTEIN ()(the D811y Not Slllff · Rain and thundershowers that damaged a school "and shopping center in Huntington Beach and caused, temporary flooding are expected to continue through Thursday on the Orange Coast. The for.ecast call.s for showers and thundershowers along the coast with chances of rain dimi- nishing to 40 percent by Thurs- • day njght, according to a spokes- White House avoids Watt proceedings WASHINGTON t(AP) -The White House. sidestepping a confrvntation with Congress, says h will let members of a House subcommittee review .Interior Department documents ' previously . denied them under executive R_rivilege. • Thus, tlfe administration ap- pears to have avoided a House vote on a committee reconunen- dation that Interior Secretary James G. Watt be.cited for con- tempt of Congress. · "We don't !iiant the confrontation," Fielding, counsel to Presiden Reagan said Tuesday. Fielding told~e ers of th. e .Ho~ Energy Committee that e disputed documents would bt made avai- lable to individual congressmen for brief review, with certa.in restrictions. I Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., the....c;~:>nunittee's chairman, said the elecutive braneh's decision apparently wo~t the tenns of a subpoena -issued to Watt in October and end the pending contempt proceedings again§t the secretary. But Rep. Albert Gore Jr., D-Tenn., who offered the con- tempt reeolution in committee, said he would withdraw his mo-· tion only after seei.rlg the docu- ments and satisf)'in8 h.imaelf that the Jdmlnistration had complied. (See WATT, Page AZ) INDEX At Your Service Buaineaa Calif omia Cavalcade. Classified Comics ere.word Death.Not.ks Editorial Ente~t Food ~ A4 841 A5 B2 E3-8 C7 C7 E2 A6 D5 Cl-8,Dl-4 B2 B2 SPORTS • woman for the National Weather SerVice in Los Angeles. The rain which fell intennit- tently throughout the early morning hours today and Tues- day measured up to 2 inches in aome parts of the county. Three classrooms have been · closed at Lake View Elementary School, near Newland Street and Slater Avenue in Huntington Beach, becauae of a leaking roof, according to of ficia1a fot the Ocean View School Di.strict. The cl.assrooma are in .. really bad shape," according to Gayle Wayne, spokeswoman for the district. She said students have been moved Into -the library, other (See RAIN, Pap-A!) Fullerton father, son die in crash TLE CREEK (AP) -A ar-old Ful.lerton man and son died when their light slammed into the aide of a tain, the San Bernardino County coroner's office said. Deputy Coroner Nelda Britton said officials recovered the bodies of Duane Delmar Davis and his son Bruce, 19 or 20, from the wreckage Tuesdpy. Officials said the plane appa- rently crashed Saturday when visibility was obecured by rain and fog. The DaviaeS . left Fullerton Airport at 10 a.rn. Saturday on a trip to Daggett to inspect eome property owned by the family. Officials said it was not imme- diately known if the two were en route to Daggett ~· returninll home when the crash occurrea near the Cajon Pa.a. The wings· and main section of the fuselage of the Cessna 210 were charred by a fire appa- rently ignited by the collision. authorities said. The wreckage was spotted by a Civil Air Patrol plane early Tw;sday. Movies D5 Mulligan Stew B2 Mutual Funda B4 National News A3 Orange County Bf Public Notieel B4,D6-7,E2 Spor:t. 86-8 Stock Marketa B6 Television D8 Thea ten DO Weather A2 World Newa A3 / I I . I I I ! " I • • c1amroon:w and hallwa)"I. Oren-m!?tal chutA.>s into the store and .. x~ ched oarpeta ha.ye been removed t into th tree °'card 'd frcm the c1-'oon11 and heaters OU e I t, C" J' sat • \.. _ The PJ'C!Wem appiµ-enUy was Ii . nmve been brougtlt in, ahe said. caused by Clogglil roOt drain. · ~ .'(?l• There is a pcmibWty 80me A ligh tning bolt hit a Soulhel'll Jad ltUdenta could be moved to ano-California ~ Co. transfor- ",£9 ther IChool. mer pod at MacArthur Bouleva-Thi! roof hu been ~ for _rd and :Jamboree ~d ifl.. Ne.w-_ five..}'J!!an but '1\aeel:My·a tneident ·port Bea.ell at . 7:57 a:m. today 006• WM the rbt leVel'e. A new root knocking out service to 1,200 '(lrl ii ecbeduled th.II aummer. . customers in Irvine, a spokesman Jns 'n"8 main beam of two small for the utility said. · 1tore9 in a five-atore shopping Another j>ower outage was re- -'ld ' center at S~ Street and ported along Crown V alfey ~' Warrtlt.f Avenue m Huntington Parkway in southern. Orange t.Ji Beech collapeed Tueeday alter-Coun\y~ About 1,200 custnrnPrR ~bn noon due;tc> a large ~t of were affected from 6:58 t~?'S;-45 afi '. water aocwn~tecf ~ the roo~. a.m . today. . -mt. according to fire <?Uef Ray Pi-Police in coastal cities reported -du ca.rd of the Huntington Beach the usual rash of rain-related Fire Department., fender bender· accidents during ~ . The roof didn t colla~ but the height of the rainstorm du- -m! firemen ~ed a hole m the ring Tuesday afternoon's heavy' ·:n roof and drained water throuah crush of homebound commuters. m~ ~: >f:>G ~~WATER TAINTED ... water reclamation plant in Long solids and floating uiatena1, plus Beach, adjacent to the San Ga-the addition of chlorine to kill briel River. bacteria. 'The San Gabriel&:tties into A spokesman said the Long the ocean off Seal . Beach plant was expected to re- Sanitation districts spokesman sume normai operations and full Don Avila said an electrical room treatment late today. fire caUled the plant's main gen-Merryman said the partially eraton to shut down. treated sewage effluent may still ·~ backup generators contain virt.&ses, including the one were not capable of powering the causing hepatitis. complete sewage treatmen t He said county officials have mo~t~I r ) LOS ANGELFS ~) -The young wif~ of a.~1'.di ~b1an ftleik says lb4'._.hap-py thet a judge awarded her $7~.ooo a month in temporary aupport, but aays her children are her biggest wony-oow. "Thia is the highest support order ever made by any court In the world,'' attorney Marvin Mitchelson said after the bri~ court hearing Tuesday. Byt the judge who ordered the paymen t admitted he had no way to force Sheik Mohanuned Al Fa.sQ to pay She.ilea Dena Al Fassi, who is seeking to divorce the sheik. Mitchelson contended the award was warranted by the la- vish lifestyle of the royal couple when •hey were married. He daimea the 27-year-old sheik1 spends $2 million a month on li- ving expenses. • Superior Court Judge Robert Fainer said he reviewed an order made three weeks ago by now- retired Judge Harry Shafer that ordered the sheik to pay $75,000 monthJy. Fainer said he had de- cided to keep that order in effect, "there being no showing of a change of circwnstances." He said the payments were to be masfe the first of every month, beginning April l , but told Mlt- chelson, "I can't help you collect." prociem, he said. As a result, much had difficulty measurin g t h e of the eewage was diverted to hazard level at Seal Beach be-"I feel very happy," the another plan\. cause contamination normally 23-year-old mother of four said By early today, however, about increases after a rainstorm. -after hearing she would be four million gallons had received Seal Beach lifeguards have granted the support she sought, only primary treatment at the ~ted signs warning beachgoers b Lona Beach plant before dis-tditay out of the water. Although " ut what is important is to get • th c:._... my children back here." charge into . e 01U1 Gabriel Ri-bad •ather conditions have kept The dark-haired, Beloinn-born ver. most bathers away, the beach o--Y· Avila aaid primary treatment attrl)cts surfers, who also have sheika, the first of three wives in includes the removal of settled·· been warned of the hazard. the sheik's harem, is embroiled in a custody battle in the Bahamas, WATT PROCEEDINGS · ... where her husband took the children from Florida shortly af- ter a judge ordered him to return them to her. Rep. Marc L. Marks, R-Pa .. . the only Republican to vote to cite Watt. said the committee still could proceed against the secre- tary il the administration does not live up to its promises. "Our options a.re certaU11y open if the dictates of the hour are that we continue on," Marks said. Under the .,mprom.ise, the 11 documents that have been with- held under the executive privi- lege claim would be brought to CapitDl Hill by a Whtie }iouse Mif.chelson said he expects the custody iswe to be resolved by a judge in the Bahamas this week. Six days of hearings were held there. oton I J2~ " tf"l!j Stabbing victim The sheika married Al FlWi w h en she was .a 1 :>-year-old salesgirl a t a London boutique. She ultimately seeks half of Al . • .. . .. . . HIGH LEVEL HELP -President Rea- gan, in a business suit, lends a.hand to sandbag a dike on flooded St. Mary's Wayne, Ind., Tuesday. • • 5 county officers exonerated Probe says police justified killing esca ped co nvict Five officers who shot and killed an escaped convict in Santa Ana "were justified in dlachar- ging their weaponl," according to the preliminary results of a probe by th e Santa Ana Police Depart- ment. The convict, Kenneth F . Troyer, 36. was fired upon Sun- day afternoon by officers after a car in which he was fleeing crashed into a tree near 17th Street and Cabrillo Park in Santa .Ana. Santa Ana police Sgt. John McClain said his department has detennined that Troyer+ stepped out of the car, raise!:i his hands, then abruptly dropped his arms and a ttempted to get back into the car. One Santa Ana officer and four Anaheim officers fired at that time, believing Troyer might be ·reaching for a weapon, Mc- Clain said. The Santa Ana detective said the shooting Investigation results will be presented to a depart- mental review board and to the Orange County District Attor· ney's office Friday afternoon for furth~r evaluation. · McClain said a search Tuesday of the Mercury Bobcat auto Troyer was driving turned up no weapon, although it did contain unspecified evidence linking him ' to the alleged rape last week of a • Huntington Beach woman. Troyer escaped Jan. 30 from the California Men's Colony at San Luis Obispo, where he was scrvmg a four-year sentence for armed burglary. Orange County authorities were searching for him last week in connection with at least one sexual 'assault and other offenses reported locally since his escape. off. critical list · representative and taken to a se- cure room guarded by police. They would be available to Fassi'sfortune. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~---~~~~~~-- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ac-members of the oversight and tress Theresa Saldana's assailant investigations subcommittee for apparently t-:n "in love with aboUt three hours, probably her" after aeemg her in the 1919 Thursday morning, Dingell said. movie "Defiance,'' and then be-The members could read the gan to make notes-about her--in-a~ocwuents and "take notes, but diary, detectives said. . could not photocopy them. Con- Jf!L The 27-year--old actress, knifed gressional staff members would '!l.• 11 outside her West Hollywood be barred from the room and a I!~,. apartment Monday, was taken White House rep~ntative •or" off the critical list Tuesday. She would remain present to ensure ... ..,.._..,.l ._~~h hbars of surgery the documents .don't leave the 9 '1 at c.edars Sinai Hospital. room. . I Seamen rescu ed HALIFAX. Nova Scotia (AP) -Rescuers in helicopters battled 80-mph. winds and a blinding bl.i.z:z.ard tD pluck 27 seamen from a listing ship in 42-foot-high w aves along the Gulf of St. La- wrence. One rescuer said the snow was so thick "jt was like trying to fly through a glass of milk." Skies ·to clear? -io .~ Lru lo ,nc. lo ,19. ' 80 17 8Q 48 80 ~ 47 n 50 49 58 47 50 56 51 42 45 48 51 78 83 33 48 89 45 70 48 aa 75 35 81 72 39 50 40 39 37 38 27 48 38 31 39 38 30 57 85 28 27 41 38 4S SPECIAL BONUS ; 1 FREE BENCHESY' v alu e · S 16500 WITH THE P URCHASE.OF EACH SOFA, LOVESEAT OR PAIR OF CHAIRS YOU REC EIVE FREE ONE OF MA RGE . CARSON'S FAMOUS f3ENC HES. SELECT FROM ANY OF OUR FAMOUS HANDCRAFTED UPHOLSTER Y LI NES AND RECEIVE THIS SPECIAL BONUS. LARGE SELECTION OF BENCHES READY FOR DELIVERY .. STOP IN TODAY FOR THIS FANTASTI C OFFER. • OPEfl SUflDI Y 12:30~1:00 lit NEW YORK (AP) -Mexico's auade the parti~ to end tl)etr 3-w~ pe-. bdttattve-fo~ polU.ical confPlta- th~ Carjbbean Baain has attratr tion an« begin i.nlteed a ~ ted the lnten:tt of Cuba, Nl.cara-of negotiation. J gua and now the United States Aa Secretary o~ State Alexan· -a reflection of the )n!luenoe der M. Hai8 Jr. tees 'it, Mexico Mexico commands amo~ the has an overriding national inter- Ideologically divene part1es in ·est in promoting peace ln the the region. area lest the political tunnoU But, for Mexico, the hardest spread to Mexico it.self. part lies ahead. In a recent interview, Haig Mexjco'a objective is to per-~d the Central Am:;:can cri&i.s r cOOld become." a ·"very funda- mental threat" to Mexico in the "v,ry predlctabte future." flaig'a comments provide one explanation why Mexican Presi- dent Jose Lopez Portillo decided late last month to offer his i;{ov- J Residents told to' arm selves- I Town's ordinance requires head of house to own gun KENNESAW. Ga. (AP) -A new otdinance requiring every head of household to own guns and ammunition won't cause , more injuries to law-abiding citi- zens, although would-be crimi- nals better watch out, warns Mayor Darvin Purdy. The orditiance was approved unanimously this week by the City Council in the northwest Atlanta suburb because "we felt for the safety of our residents, that it was highly beneficial to ann for their ~ self.defense," Purdy added. The measure, which takes ef- fect March 24 in this city of 7,000, states that "in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and j;{ene ral welfare of the city and its inhabitants ... every head of household residing in the ~ity-limits of the city of Kennesaw ls required to maintain a fireann, togethe r wi~h ammunition therefor." Convicted felons, peopl~ with physical disabilities that would prevent them from using a gun and those who oppose the use of guns for religious reasons are exempted from COJnpliance, the ordinance states. There is no penalty for viola- tion and officials, "don't antici- pate any house-to-house sear- ches" to enforce the law, Purdy said. He added that he didn't be- .lieve the new ordinance .woul~ result in an increase of gunshot wounds in Kennesaw. Bu&there might be a n se in the ll9ftence of crime perpetra- tors getting injured," Purdy said . Councilman Mike Fredenburg said the law was prompted by a recent ordinance passed in Mor- ton Grove, Ill., banning posses- sion of handguns by all residents except police officers and mili- tary personnel. The Morton Grove law, which took effect Feb. 1, also required residents of that town to surren- der their guns to police, although few guns were <(urned an and no one has been charged with vio- lating the ordinance. Art decO district change eyed Critics say Miami Beach buildings could be overwhelmed MIAMI BEACH (AP) .-His- toric art deco buildings in this resort city could be overwhelmed by condominiwns and other con- struction if a preservation plan is weakened, critics say. The Miami Beach City Com- mission will consider a proposal today that preservationists say would have the effect of revo- king the district's national his- toric designation. ·The. square-mile area of 1930s-era architecture includes J)uildingJ that look like trabls, ilhipe and even vacu~_ cleaners, while the names recall a more :!~Sant past -St. Moritz, Ver-. es, San Souci, Cadillac. The historic district is the na- tion's second-largest, behind the French Quarter in New Orleans. City co~ioneni will decide whether to go along with a countywide preservation ordi- nance or write their own version. Art deco supporters say the city proposal is weaker because it would let building owners decide . if they wanted to be included in the historic district. CurrenUy, 800 buildings, nioet- ly hotels, are m lbe. a.astnct, which was established in 1979 after a nationwide campaign. Dade County has told cities within its jurisdiction that they must write their own preserva- tion ordinance by July or adopt the oountywide rule. The Miami Beach proposal is spearheaded by planning board member Abe Resnick. a develop- er who tore down an art deco hotel, the New Yorker. last year. "U someone w3hts to disp<JSe of his property, whatever is con- venient, heshould be allowed to. That's the American way," he said. • U Wlrephoto FIERY DEMONSTRATION -Flames leap from an overturned car in Brussels as an esti- mated 15,000 steel workers demonstrate to seek help from the Belgian government and other Europeans for the fi.nqncially ailing Cockerill-Sambre steel. plant. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley P~ •nO Cn"9f E•.CYlive Ot•1cer Robert N Weed "'-" Thomas A Mu rpti1ne E- L. Kay Schultz Ylct~ -O...Od' 01 Oilefllltonw Michael P. Harvey -"'0°"9c!O< Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Cttarles H. Loos -(dllOf CIHtlfled •dvertlalng 7141842·5178 All other dep.,tm•!''' 842-4321 MAIN OFFICE ~West S.y SI •• Cott• Mew, CA. A.11.-. Bow IMO, Cotla Mew. CA ..,. 'C09yr1or.1 ,., Or-COHI Putlllllllno C-y ~o n-11torle1. 111 .. 11,.11..,._ .-111orlal m-°' ~ •••llMrnent1 herein may be •99roel<t<ecl wftllOVI 1pec1e1 pennlulo!I of <OPY•lolll ow.,., $Kond <let• pottaoe ~Id al COii• Mew, ceo1om1a !UPS 1'4<IOOI SueilcrlPtlorl by carrier ~.1S monthly lly mell. '6 Jelmonlhly. Admini~tration hit .. on smokiqg tags WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Robert Packwood, R-Ore .. said · the Reagan administratio11 ap-' pears to be backin8 away from its ·support for a bill1that would re· quire stronger btalth warnings on cigarette packages. "Your ... a "!d•Y is sub-•tantially weak r than last week," Packw told Edward ~. Brandt Jr., tant aecretary ~ Pf health and human .ervices, at .. kt~ Senate Labor I~ Human Re9oon:es Commit-~· We're Listening. J. · What do yoo like about the Dally Pllot? Wul4~'t rou like' Call the 1'1Umfte r below and your m•ssa1e wlll recorded, t ranscrij>ed and delivered to the appropr\lte editor. The ume 24 hour an1werin1 service may be used to record let· ter& to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for. veriti~Uon. No-carculatimr calls, please. Tell u.• what's on your mind. ' . .,. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WednMday, Mar~}' 17, 1982 .. ArMe }>Oin~year, t. e mJdst of the Reagan administr;t- lion's campaign to denounce Cuba's ~lleged meddling in El Salvador, Lopez Portillo called Cuba the Latin American coun- try "most dear" to Mexico. The Mexican president's peace initiative attempts to grapple with three separate but interre- lated issues -the political crisis In El Salvador and the accelerating tensions between the United States and both Nicaragua and Cuba. Of the three, by Car the most difficult to deal with is the U.S.-Cuban problem. In the view of Cuban President Fidel Castro, the U)'\jted States "is to blame for all of the prob- lems that affect Laun America and the Caribbean." According to Assistant Secre- tary of State Thomas 0 . Enders, the crises in El Salvador and other countries are the product of Cuba's "deep-seated drive to , re-create their own guerrilla ex.: perienoe elsewhere. . "Promoting arms struggle la not just a tactic of foreign policy, it is what reassures them that they are still revolutionaries," Enders said last week. Castro's own wil.lingne9 to take part in the Mexican peace plan was, like Halg'a, highly conditional -but for different reasons. Castro said Cuba would partic· ipate onJ y if the United S•te1 ''promises not to assault it. neighbors, if it stops its conti· nuous threets, if it stops using lta arms and money to support gen- ocidal regimes, if it stops its sub- versive activities." As for Nicaragua. Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega has endor· · sed proposals that his nation re- duce its armed forces in return for a U.S . pledge not to attack Nicaragua and to stop giving military training to Nicaraguan exiles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OLD TROUPERS -Veteran entertainers Bette Davis Oeft) and Ginger Rogers greet photographers backstage· after Miss Davis ac- ,., .. ~ cepted the American Movie A ward for best actor for the ailing Henry Fonda-. Miss Rogers presented the award. Firm complies on forlllula Nestle to follow WHO's code for marketing product WASHING TON (AP) -Nes- tle, the world's largest maker of infant formula, has announced it Is vof untarily complying with the World Health Organization's in- ternational code for marketing breast milk substitutes. Rafael D. Pagan Jr .. president of the Nestle Coordination Cent- er for Nutrition in Washington, said Tuesday the comP\lPy's aim is to ensure that its formula is not marketed in a way th~t discou- rages mothers from breast fee- ding. Nestle said it will implement the WHO code "on its own ini- tiative in all countries where no measures have been taken to apply it." Last year, Nestle said it en- dorsed the principles of the WHO code. The company has been the target of a boycott by groups opposed to its infant formula po- licies. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cert1(1ed Gt!molosist. AGS OUR NEW HOME will welcome you Soon we will move into our beautiful new store, just a few doors down the street at 1809 Newport Blvd. We expect to be doing business there within a month . You w i 11 fin~ the same friendly people that hav e served you in this community over the years. We will s till have . our own watchmaker and our own jeweler right on the premises. Because we are moving into quarters that are double the size of our preseot store, we will have room for an e ven wider selection of fine jewel11y. We are proud of the fact that our move Is tht! first major step taken by a local bu.slness to uperade the r edevelopment area in our downtown block. We 11t abo In today's announcement, the company included copies of pre- cise, lengthy instructions it has sent to its managers worldwide . for them to follow in observing the code. The WHO voted 118-1 last May 21 to adopt its non-binding code to restrict the promotion of infant formulas. Among oth er things. the code prohibits ~ media advertising of infant for- mula, givi'ng free samples to mo- thers and other sales 'induce- ments. Used properly, infant formula can sustain life and promote growth. But critics contend that for- mulas oft.en are used improperly in Third World countries where water contamin8tion, illiteracy and poverty are common. Incor- rect use can lead to malnutrition, disease and death, critics claim. The United States cast the lone dissenting vote on the infant formula code at the WHO. White House spokesman Larry Speakt!9 said at the time, "We did not want to make the WHO the in- temat.ional Federal Trade Commission." Two top officials of the Agency for International Development quit in protest over the vpt.e. One, Dr. Stephen C. Joseph. charged that l million children die each year in poor countries from di- arrhea, under-nutrition and other problems linked td bottle- feeding. , Nestle does not sell infant for- mula in the United State:S, where it is best known for its coffee, chocolates and Stouffer brand frozen food. But with gross formula sales of $300 million to $400 million, Nestle controls about one-third of the worldwide formula market, according to J ack Mongoven, an 8ssistaAt to Pagan. Corum ' s Masterpiece Collection Fine Gold Ingots. Weighing 5, 10. Or 15 Grammes. Electronic Quartz l20Gofd Piece,E~k: QUartzAnd Water Rn4etant grateful that our cust.omen -J C.fi, /., J. {. many of whom we have known • si n ce we first opentd for • ump ~~ Wll '11'~ buslr\ess here in 1946 -b.ve made it possible for us to arow @ with the Hubor Arta. w, :~~~~~~,~~ G~~~~~~ r .&~ appreciate the support (OU ba¥e ~ .-ven " PlelH atop -IOClft. • 36 YEAAS INT .. SAME LOCATION t and yialt dl"in our new bomt. d~e .. !•!ntt!Am!!e!fka~r!d!-!"'~ .. ~·~r~c!l!!!!!!!!!.!~!!P!H!CfN!!E!548-!!~340!!!!,=!!'. , It I . n I I ' ' Artieles _: :_ ~\~~­ on Nixon, • ., . collected ·. NEWI'OWN, CoM. Presley estate (AP)-;-One of. Marianne Jjnuida ti on ask-ed "--~"'1 • WlQDl.e. ~1R'N--r-:.L ~ .,.._,. ------=-=---· s1ons Is her "Triclty Col. TomPaner ls asking a ki · ts 1• s sue Dick" doll, whoee anna court to liquidate Elvl1 Pre-s r . "an" legs never go the 1ley'1 $25 rnllllon estate and same way twice when lta give him half the proceeds, strings are pulled: saying he was not employed DEAR PAT ·DUNN~ I pl•ced aa order wl&b First Edlliona ID Hanover, Pa., IHt J•ae. My $8&.%5 check waa for a lhree·plece o.tm. The jacket was delivered, but I was told tbe skirt was back-ordered aad tlte camlaole was no longer avaUable. Tben I was laformed that the skirt wasn't available eltlter. I requested a n fupd of the amout maUed 'for the two misshig Items early ID October and again ID January. A.a you can auess, I have n't had any reply. · -J .S., South Laguna The customer ser'lice department for First Editions, a division of Hanover House, explained that on the back of your notice Qf unavailability, there·was a form allowing you lo request either credit o r a refund. • Also, a refuqp for t he skirt was issued in October, but it was a check printed on a post card, and you say you didn't realize it was a real check and disposed of it. Mail-order companies do seem to comllicate refunds and credit or exchange no~es, but First Editions promised to issue another check for the skirt. You a re being asked to return the credit voucher for the camisole. A refu nd, credit or exchange can be requested. Drunken p edestrians DEAR PAT DUNN: The new tough laws for dealing with drunk drivers have focused a lot of attention on this problem, but bow about drunk pedestrians? I'd be wllllng to bet a lot of pedestrians who have been kUled or Injured by motor vehicles also bad been drinking. Are there are statistics on tbl~? ,... S. W., Huntington Beach Studies conducted in various parts or the country indicate that your' conclusion is· correct. According to the Fatal Accident R e porting System maintained by the National Hi ghway T r afCic Safety Administration .. 14.5 percent of drive rs involved in a pedestrian accident had a high blood aJcohol content. but 23.2 percent or pedestrians hit by a . car had been drinking. As with the drunk driver, an inebriated pedestrian's loss of coordination and s lowed reaction lime, coupled with poor juagment, can lead lo tragedy. ' • .,,. • ··Got a problem? Then write to Pat \..1 Dunn Pat will cut red tape, getting "' the answers and achon you need to • ·solve anequ1t1es an government and ,.... business. Mall your questlons to Pat I I Dunn. At Your Service. Orange CO<Ut Daily Pilot. P 0 Boz 1560. Costa Me&a. CA 92626. As many letters as posSJble wall be answered. but phoned inquiries or letters not anclud.mg the reader's full name. address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. This column appears five days a week. \ The doll, a look-alike by the' late entertainer but of fonner President Ni-was a business partner with xon, is one of more than him. a thousand political artt-· "I had no choice ... but to cles neatly displayed in ask the court lo prol('('t thl• her home. assets which Elvis and l Miss Kopko, a piano worked so hard to build," teacher. itt .the editor of Parker said ln an inl.('rvlt>w "Checkers," the newslet-from Las Vegas, Nev., where ter of the Nixon Political he filed the suit. Items Collectors club. Parker, 72, guided Prt' The title refers to a 1952 &ley's career and handled 1h1: speech in which Nixon, singer's finances more than 20 as a member of the U.S. years. Senate, replied to .char-------------ges that he accepted Kilts and favors -inclualng his dog, Checkers - Crom California busi- nessmen. People who stumble upon one of the club's conventions "loot< at us like we're fanatics or something," she said. But it's all quite se- rious. Inside convention halls. club members trade trinkets and dis- cuss the only American president to resign. Some pro-Nixon mem- bers of the club dis- dain Miss Kopko's in- terest in the anti-Nixon memorabilia the "Tricky Dick" doll, but- tons that feature a pic- ture of a nude Nixon declaring, "I have noth- ing to hide," and a ticket printed in anticipation of threatened impeachment proceedings in Congress. "They don'.t realize I'm a Nixon supporter," she said. ''I'm not upset with him. l'he only tblng he's guilty or is havrng a brolsen tape recorder." ·wate r okay LOS ANGELES CAP J -Heavy snows in the mountai n s will guarantee ample water for Los Angeles this spring and plenty of water in mountain lakes f o r fi s hing , t h e Department or Water an~Power reported .~ Sen. John Warner, H Va , nominated singer Kate Smith for the Presidential Medal of Freedom -the highest honor a U.S. civilian can receive In a letter to President Reagan, Warner. said Miss Smith, 72, "'has throughout her life shown an outstanding degree of dedication and ser- vice to her country." _ Miss Smith, retired and an poor health, lives with rt'la- tiyes in Raleigh, N.C. She was born in Greenville, Va. and is best known for her rendition of "God Bless Amerjca." Cal State Fullerton rolls rise Spring enrollment reached a record 22,339 at Cal State University, Fullerton, olficials re- ported. Dr. Ralph Bige low, dean of admissions and records. said the figure was nearly 2 percent higher than the previous spring record, set last year when enrollment was 21,958. The record. Bigelow noted. placed the uni- versity over its budgeted expansion limit and oc- curred despite a decision to clos.e admissions a week earlier than usual t)-:~+~ . (, ~~ c,O . You can help your newspaper A~ ~lfN IN . ~ .. DONOR -Princess Grace of Monaco has donated two dolls to· help save a Roman CJthohc elementary school an C~lumct, Mich. Bids of $500 <·al'h have been received for the.· dolls. Ballet star Mikhail Barysh- nikov was "doing fine" follo- w1 ng knet-surgery that furel'<I ham w ('ant-el his Cah- 101:111<1 1x•rformanc:es with the J\m1•ncan &lll·t Theater, a rnmRany spokl•swoman saad . "He 's doing fine, the sur- g<·ry was suln'SSful ," spokes- woman Nancy Austin said. _ Stw saad . Baryshnikov. the ABT's prineapal dan<.'Cr, ar- USlll director and chief box off1<·1• draw, is resting at an unnamt-d Los Angeles hospi- tal 1£.2 US OurJng a Senate d bat.o, Sen. JoseDb Blden, D·Df.I., suggested that a dfsagr anent ~er an ue bctw n hlmacl! and Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Calif .. was lar~ely "a mat- t.er of semantics.' · Wr-estling in· Jell-0 fits mold CONCORD, N.H . (AP) -The sight of two wo- "I implore the dlalln- gu.ished eenator . , . lo leave . that de terminoUon to me, since I have written five books on the subject of semantica." Biaen: · " o ten won er about that comment with re- gard to generals, 'is war not too important to be left to generals,' If it would not a~ ply here: Is semantics too im- portant to be left to those who wrote books about it?" -mo.A-W&Qltlt1R-£oing 8\.---'---1"''"' each other In a vat' full of Jell-0 may not seem like sport to some people. But the state says at Cits the mold. "I am fascinated by that argument," Hayakawa res- ponded. "l have not heard such academic hairsplitting since 1 wai; a graduate student." A judge granted a request by noted defense lawyer F. Lee Bailey of Boston that a jury trial be held on a charge that he was dnvang while· drunk when arrested an San Fran('tSCO on Feb. 28. Municipal Judge Daniel Weinstein, hearing Baall'y's case an has private chambers. granted the Jury ~rial and scheduled at April 5. Baik'Y was not prest"nt at the hea- ring, but was represented by Los Angeles lawyer Robert Shapiro: Baik·y was arrested whale driving a borrowed Mercedes after being stopped for alleg- edly running a stop sagn in the city's posh Pacific Heights • area Women an revealing bathing suits have been m1xang at up in Cruit- flavorcd combat In nightclubs in at least three New Hampshire c1t1cs, so the state attor- ney general ma,dc the· activity a regulated sport. It was put under the eye of the Boxing and Wrestling Commissjon. "I think where some physical wrestling is going on and it's perfor- med lJkc wresthng it should be treated like wrestling," commission Chairman Robert Ste- phen said when he asked for the stat<.' ruling. Peter Foley. a lawyer in the attorney general's orftce. saad the ruling means promoters must obtain a permit from the commission and pay a 5 percent tax on gro:ss re- c.·<.•apts. The clubs, he said. must pay a $10 pt•rfor- manl·e fee Presumably. at also c.·alls ror a physician at tubsidt'. 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special $2.99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy fi sh fillet. plus fryes. slaw [, hushpupp1es1 Shrimply delicious' :rn<>s Hurt.or Bh d .. ..., ·' •f '111 If .. L'H f h• '°' U \t fl••• 1 . ' • earner collect at times conve· nient to you by having your checll or money order ready so the camer won t have to call bacll Because this young person is 1n business for himself or herself please be ready - and watch that big smile which says Thank you Daily Pilat serPnteen· TBF21ZA · 6 97 au. n.. freez.er oa.n ~ ahopptng t.rtpe · Two Ice 'n Easy t..1"11{1 • Energy Sa.ver sw1t.ch In norma.J posltlon helps out. operating cost.. • t - Flats ~Y dress-up. "Fun little affordables ~bronze or white/gold weave. Bag only 5.99 ) 15.99 & 19.99 ( QUALICRAFT8 SHOE STORIS ' I 4 I lf ASHfON fS!4ND • NEWPORT BEAt H. 759·9889 ·- .. • .. ... .Packer ·packs it in in beef over beef LOS ANGELES (AP) -One of two packen provtdlng kosher bfff to Los ~eles but.chen, "caught in' th e middle" ia a dis- pute between two rabbinical groups. is going out of the kosher buainess, a company official said Monday. "It's one of those untenable poaitionJ. It's just not worth it," said Acme Meat Co. Vice Ptesi. dent Paul Blackman. "I was ho- ping I might be able to satisfy them , but I can't." soun:e which we thought might make koah8beef available at the competitive price. "But we're caught in the mid- dle of two diffetent factions and we can't seem to satisfy the council," he said. • - Rabbi J uda Glasner. head of · '' the United Orthodox Rabbinate, confirmed he had withdrawn his supervision of Acme In the dis- pute over the ritual inspection and blessing procedure. · CONFUSION -Staie schools chief Wilson Riles says con- fusion exists over federal rules on subsidized lunches. .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednaday. March 17, 1982 s -rule-. · free lunch program to continu~ in California schools f' 1 SACRA.MENTO (AP) -State numbers and ~d 1ehool districta h 's unconldonable to try and U8e Superintendent of Public In-mu.a~ refuse {o feed children theee kinda of. tactics to prevent J st.ruction Wilson Riles has told Whose parents la.iled to meet the what there ia of it." I California sehool districta he deadline. Whitened< laid the state wants won't ehfori:e a £00.eral deadline Deputy ,at.ate schoolJ SUperint· to be assured It ha.a the authorit.y requiring parents t.o give $octal endenl William Whlteneck sald to demand Soclal Security nurn- SeCurity numbers for their chil-federal official.a had agreed to bers and wants to know what the dren to be eligible for subsldl7.ed extend the deadline until April aovernme?t ia golpg to do with Lunches. 13. • them once it haS them. Riles told· hot-lunch· program "There ts so much confusion administrators Monday that they over this matter that I fell I be.t- may continue to provide the free t.er notify school districts not to G D • food until there 1a legal cJarit1ca-take any youngster ott the rree ray _4 a VJS tion of ·the regulation the U.S. and reduced-price lunch program Department of Agriculture lm-until we get a clarification," Riles posed in an apparent effort to told the Los Angeles Times. track down cheaters. "I have not found any wide- The agriculture department spread cheating," Riles . saig had set a Monday deadline for Monday. "If there were. I'd be coUection of the Social Security the first to try and eliminate it. announces f o~ Assembly The dispute has raged between the United brthodox Rabbinate, which has supervised kosher meat production at Acme. and the .Rabbinical Council of Cali- fornia. A civil suit filed late ·tast year by the rabbinate was thrown out of court last month. "In the Lace of continued anti- trust activities by the Rabbinical Council of California, we have withd~wn our kosher supervisi- on of lhe Acme Meat Co.," he said. citing "constant interferen-ce" by the council. County pondering tax on p~t BEVERLY HILLS (AP) - Gray Davis. Gov. Edmund G. Brown's former chief of staff, made official his candidacy for the Democratic nomination to the ~d Assembly District Tuesday. ~ging to seek improved public education in California. Rabbi Glasnec said the rabbi- nical council is conducting a boycott of Acme. and he doesn't know why. Money would be used for law enforcement costs Blackman said kosher beef constitutes less than l percent of Acme's "multi-million dollar" business. "It's been just one headache," he said. "If that's the way they want to operute, let me out." • "It was our intent to provide a kosher alternative, an alternate "The boycott is that they in- duced the kosher butcher shOP5 not to buy from Acme, and they have threatened them with withdrawing their kosher ~p­ proval from the butcher if they do buy .. " said Glasner. WEA VERVILLE (AP) r.- Trinity County, where $150 mil- lion worth of marijuana was sei- zed last year. is considering ask- ing the voters to approve a tax on it. District Attorney Ron Barbitoe said it could be on the ballot in November. Barbitoe said the tax would EY SAVINGS AND LOAN h~". FAST CASH · FDR HOME LOANS Ol'I·' ll fl to l1111r 111111,1 $10,000 to $1.000,000 I 1urchJ'l.' mt me~ 'l.'l'c •ml,, cquic~: and '" ing lo;.111' ( :J11·1~ lcr \ \crnng (714) 962-2407 s xn HU" s -. ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION (11ulu.11t nt ool..,·r~. 1>1, .1-. I G) .... i !CUI,! llmulJu1N ..,lll'\.1. I li11111n"u11 ll..-011.h S EN R LOSE .... BOYS CLUB OF FOUNT AIM VALLEY Spring Baseball For Boys & Girls March-June Age 7-10. 11-13 c.ost 12()00 C.oaches Also Needed Tryouts March 27, 1982 9-11 am. -12-1 p.m. 968-5252 9840T~ Fountain Valley The University Diet is a clinically proven, medically supervised, supple- mented fast, prescribed by an authorized physician for those who need to lose twenty pounds or more, quickly and Safely. . . ' Clinically Proven. The University Diet isn't a fad diet .. It's a medical protocol preScribed for rapid ':\'eight loss. Over the last eight years. it's proven itself with literally thousands o( test su~ jects at teaching hospitals such as Harvard Medical Schoo~ UCLA and UCL TheJoumal of the American Medical ' A ssociation has twice reported favorably on the results and recommended the procedure. Medically Supervised. The University Diet is a safe, effective fasting program, personally supervised by an autbori.zed ptiysician. No shots. pills or surgery are involved. . Initially, you are given thorough laQc>ra· tory workups. As soon as the physician is . positive there are no contraindications, you · are taken off traditional foods and yoo begin the University Diet. You Can Do It. Thoosands have. One thing thathelps is that you 're only required to make one decision: The decision to try the program. · Afur that, there's no calorie counting. You don't have to choose among "right" and ''wrong'' foods or portion sizes. -You're comp)etely free of the Deed to deal with food: . ' . The University Diet is fOI' you if you 're ·~= lotof weight. With the help of a · physician and an understand- ing ooumelar. we know you can achieve_ your goal. Fast. Safe. A calorie controlled powder, mixed with water. tea. coffee or a diet soft drink, provides your body with 45 grams of ero- tein and 30 grams of carbohydrate daily. In addition. you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Some people say it's delicious. The ~int is, your nutritional needs are fully sat- isfied without eating. Meanwhile, your body does the natural thing. It bums up pound after pound of unwanted fat. Quickly and safely. Reach Your Ideal Weight. You can stay on the. University Diet as long as you need to, burning off fat as quickly as medical safety permits. Lab work is done regularly to ensure your safety. and nonnally there's an ECG test after every loss of 50 pounds.• Once you reach your ideaJ weight, the University ~ht Maint.enance program helps you stay there. - WeCost Less. The University Diet costs less than s imilar programs. It's every bit as effective. And yeur insurance paj)ably covers a major portion of the cos£. Ask for our fee schedule. You 're irivited to meet with any of our patients. And of course we'll gladly send complete details to your persdnal or f amlly p'hysician. If you need to lose more than 20 p<>}lllds, call us for an appointment or inf onnation. - In Southern Callf omi• ... 1-800432-8876 operate much like the timber yield tax. an which landowners pay a tax when their timber is cut and sent to market. County farm officials estimate that marijuana is a more valuable crop than timber, the most va- luable legal crop in this mount- ainous county near the Oregon line. BarbitQe conceded that mari- juana growers would not be li- kely to report their croP5. but said the tax could be levied after a police raid Assemblyman Howard Ber- man, who as vacating the seat to run for Congress. a ppeared with Davis a t Tuesday's press confe- rence and said he "whole- heart.edly and enthusiastically" endorsed ham. "I think if we were to tax marijuana we could at least pay for the law enforcement, maybe more,'' he said. Democrats hold almost a 2-1 voter margin in the distnct. Sale Prices Effective Thru M ar. 29, 1982 VITAMINS RICH LIFE EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 50 TABLETS REG .'7'.95 •· COUNTRY LI FE SPIRULINA 50 TABLETS ·REG. 5.00 .... 3.95 3.25 SCH I FF DELECTA YEAST• NET WT. 16 oz. REG. 5.30 RICH LI FE VITA-MINT 500 MG -C H E WABLE 60 TABS REG. 4.95 RADIANCE BETA-A 25000 iu 100 TABS REG. 3.99 RADIANCE B-COMPLEX 100 TABS REG. 2.75 3.50 2.95 2.50 1.75 BULK PRODUCTS OV E R 60 ITEMS . WALNUTS 2.37 SUNFLOWER SEEDS-RAW1.13 lb. lb. ROLLED OATS FIG BARS -RICE BANANA CHIPS .37·. lb. 1.57 lb. .41 lb. RAW ALMON~l>S 1.21 lb. 1.·15 lb. LUNCH COUNTER SPECIAL 'l'lie 'liaY'l'rio Start with a cup of our Soup of th~ Day. tb~n choose HALF a Sandwich and HAL F a Salad from our HALF AND HALF SPECIAL. . . \ SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 L OWER L!VEL CAROUSet MAL"L PRODUCE ORGANIC ~ED DELICIOUS APPLES .49 lb. O R G ANIC RUSSET POTATOES .• 29 lb. O RG ANIC MONEOLA ORANGES 5 lbs. $1.00 ~'i~~ ~~~~~~ ~ -'(~ . OT KINGTUNA TUNA~ 75( 6 .5 oz. REG. 1.23 LIMIT 3 GROCE RIE S RAOl~NCE-500 MG . BRAN TABLETS 270 TABS REG . 4.59 2. 95 HANS EN'S e ~ft_~R~t. ~5l9~ E 1.. 89 HAIN NO SALT DRESSING* • ITALIAN • CAESAR ' Mill CREEK KERITIN SHAMPOO 18 oz . ' 1 65 Reg. 3.50 • CONDITIONER 1 85 REG. 3.50 • DONS BACH ALOE VERA GEL 16 oz. REG. 3.85 2.~9 AL TA-DENA DAIRY OUR LOW EVERYDAY lh GAL. MILK PRICES CERTIFIED RAW . CERTIFIED NON $1.12 FAT .87 HOMOGENIZED LOWJ AT a ' NON FAT . $1.01 .95 ·.ll 8 oz. ·YOU GU RT I ' NAolA ,_ ' ' Cl 11 .11 I 'I I ' ... .. Orange Coatt DAIL y PILOT /W~netday, March 11, 1982 .. TaX proposal I!Ji'ght ~T- ease tr~nspacL w.oe.--ci1~---t¥tr-ml~-~~ Many countie\ in the state have' sales tax rates in excess of 6 percent ·so that they can raise revenue to fund mass transit projects. Now, Orange County officials are studying the idea -but with something of a twist. They want to boost the sales tax rate, as the oth ers have done, but to spe<:ify that the money go for any type of transportation project, not just mass transit. That could include sorely needed road improvement. Voters, of course, would have to approve .any change in the sales . ; x rate. It is likely the_ issue : ouldn't face them any earlier · :than 1984. , But the groundwork is being , prepared. Assemblyman Richard Robin.son. D-Santa Ana, with sponsorship from other membenJ of the Orange County delegation, including Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach; Chester Wray, 0 -Westminster, and Nolan Frizzelle, R -Costa Mesa, has submitted legislation that would enable such a vote. A 1 percent increase in the general sales tax -from six. to st-ven cents on the dollar -wo~d raise about $140 million annually Such a sum could help make thei <.'OUnty more self-sufficient when it comes to funding transportation projects. And it could be just enough to break the transportation planning quagmire that seems to surround, the expenditure of existing state and federal transportation dollars. ireworks bill back , Undaunted by failure in last :&rear's Legislature the pro- . :fireworks lobby has revived a bill :-J hat would prohibit cities from . : '.banning fireworks sales. There ow are some 80 such city ordi- ances in the state. The fireworks manufacturers d community organizations that ke r;noney for their good works m the sale of safe-and-sane ireworks argue that these local ws deprive them of their right to o business and to finance their rograms. They point out that the sale of pfe-and-sane fireworks nets some • $7 m illion a year for assorted ,s:!larities, a sum they contend . ~ould be much greater. but for ~al fireworks bans. And they argue further that nning legal fireworks only in- eases the underground sale of lhe illegal, and much more angerous, varieties. Fire officials disagree. hrough bitter experience they homes destroyed and young- ters injured, year after year, by . e so-called "safe" fireworks. ;~d, they contend, whe n the sale · of some fireworks is permitted, it js that much more difficult. to track down the illegal sales. A particularly specious argu- ment has it that even if cities were required to allow the sale of fire- works, they still could ban their use4 Just what the buyers would do with their purchases, if not al- lowed to sst them off. is unclear. All these arguments notwith- standing, it is clear that fire haz- ards vary from city to city. In some areas a rew sparks from "safe" fireworks could be enough to start a grass fire in dry July weather. On the other h®d, some beach- front communities feel it is ac- ceptable to permit the use of fireworks on the sands, 'provided they are kept away from residences. In short. thts is not an issue that could be·eGuitably settled by a stotewide law, either banning fireworks or forcing all communi- ties to permit their sale. The fireworks manufacturers should c:ontent themselves with providing materials for the spon- sored public displays that are permitted in most cities, including those that ban sales to individuals. And the charitable groups could raise funds4l'hrough ticket sales to such displays. ·i}ustice wins gamble • Alyn Brannon gambled three lion. Bra nnon was indicted by the "ttimes and lost. Orange County Grand Jury for t Brannon, you may recall. is operating a $100.000-per-week ~he former Saddleback College betting ring. After numerous con- ttrustee who wasn't able to shake tinuances, n e got what be had t love for bookmakmg. coming. a two-year state prison You'd think the 52-year-old sentence. anta Ana resident would have But after only four months, fiearned his lesson 10 years ago Brannon was out -temporarily twhen he drew 90 days in Orange released so he qould attend the .~unty Jail after being convicted funeral of a family .member. n a misdemeanor bookmaking Brannon and his attorneys used : barge. that release to their advantage. · · · Brannon's first arrest occurred Brannon stayed out of prison for : hile h e was on the college board three months while lawyers pro- : ~f trustees. Many remember him as mo'ted the idea he should not be . r verj conservative law-and-order reincarcerated. · ype official. Finally, last week, a superior Brannon in 1979 -long after court judge, William Murray, put eaving the coll~ge board -was the matter to rest. He ordered . onvicted a second time on book-Brannon to complete the prison 'itnaking charges and placed on sentence. probation. With all the current talk of -It didn't do any goOd. cod1dlin~ c riminals, Ju?ge Mur- (,n :s ~::;:,:i:: .:~.:~. :::~,; .::~ :, ~~::,::,,:~f::~,:~;ws '" :~ressed on ttus page are tno~ ot tl"IP1r autnors ancs artist'> Redeler 1.omment '" 1nv11 ed. Address The Dally P1101 PO Box t5b0 Co'>td M Po.,a, CA 92626 Phone (114J . ;641·4321 .M. Boyd I Mys tery keys Whal household articles are you , most inclined to keep even though :l they're no longer good for anything? ' Useless keys, that's my guess. Do , ~you not have in some drawer at least ·"one keyring that holds several keys r: o long-forgotten locks? Most do. , mostdo. . : Q. Which ls the more dangerous, driving under the influence of alc<Shol or mari.juana? A : Marijuana interferes with vision more t han a lcohol does. ' according l~ the National Institute of Mental Health. It can be parti~crly hazardous al night, therefor . But you can't say one is .more dan erous without implying the other Is I so, and nobody who knows about s ch matters is wllline to do that OfiANGE COAST Daily PilDt. Q What makes the scientis ts believe the dinosaur~ were warm blooded instead of cold blooded? A Those beasts that carried their heads high above their hearts needed a warm·blood pumping system, it's thought Royalty researchers, who studied the girlfriends of Prince Charles . before he met and married Lady Diana, could find only one pattern common to almost all of them: They werf,! tall . The pattern held. Q . "Fly" or "flew" or "flown" Is correct, but "rlied " Is not a word. right? A IL is now. Baseball jargon. "Flied out to left.. is all right, because· common usag~ makes It so. Thomas P ~ Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Editor Barbara Krel'*" Editor ial i•ge E91tor .. ' l ' . : Commodity policing shaky . ~r WASHINGTON -Trading an com- modities like grain, cotton, precious metals and sow bellies is an excruciating- ly complex business. It used to be a field roi-professionals only. But in recent years, amateur investors have been flocl<lng into the high-risk game. Unprotected from fast-buck oper,,... ators, they can lose their shirts in no time. Protection of the lambs from the fleecers is largely a matter of self .. policing by the nation's commodities exchanges. But there's a federal agency -the Commodity Futures Trading Commission -that's supposed to malte sure the excha!1ges police themselves properly. UNFORTUNATELY, there's distur- bing evidence that the commission has been pretty much taking the exchanges' word that they're keeping their act clean. The General Accounting Office soun- ded the alarm on this as far back as 1978. It concluded then that the comrmssion's compliance reviews were basically noth- ing more than an examination of how the exchangel!' self-r~ation plans 'looked on paper, not how they worked in practice. Investigators for Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal, 0-N.Y .. came to the same con- clusion. But the warnings apparently were · ignored. A recent GAO draft report - JACK ANDIRSON pendent CFTC testing_ and investigation.'' In other words, the fed- eral agency lS still acceptmg the paper descriptions of the commodity exchanges' self-policing efforts., instead of doing its own investigation. The OAO report also concluded that there is "insufficient Commission dlrC('· tion. control and support of the review program." Here's one example of the federal agency's delinquent supervts1on: Investigators from two separate divi- sions of the CFTC studied the New York Mercantile Exchange's self-policing ef - forts -and came to opposite conclusions Investigators from the commission's Trading and Markets Division looked at the New York exchange's enforcement program for the period from July l . 1979, through May 2. 1980. and decided that It ''apparently meets acceptable mmimum standards.'' The investigators found that the ex- change handled customer complamts in a timely fashion, and did a "satisfactory pb" of penallz.ing traders who broke the rules. BUT INVESTIGATORS in the com - mission's Enforcement Division studied the exchange's earlier supervision of al- leged abuses in a tra~ction involving 400 ounces of gold contracts. "These investigations revealed a wide-scale pat- tern of noncompetitively executive trades an the 400-ounce gold contract during the period Nov. 14, 1977, through Jan. 25 . 1979." Non-competitive trades happen to be illegal They c:onsutute fraud. Yet the same pattern was perceived by the commission's Enforcement DivtSion in a silver transaction during the same period. The GAO report found that "the al- leged motives for these (earlier) violative transactions were to accomplish tax de- ferral objectives. cheat customers, create a false impr~ion of market activity and pass money between accounts for varying purposes." Looking for wQrk can he deffieaning Looking for wock is one of lhe worst things to have to do. There's riothing good about it. You don 't really know how to get started, you feel like a jerk and it's demeaning every step of the way You'd rather no one knew you were doing it. There aren't many of us who haven't looked for work at some time in our . lives. There are 10 m illion Americans doing it right now, today, and 1 feel terrible for them. I feel almost as bad for them because they have to look for work as I do ~cause they're out of work. Being out of work is bad enough but having to look for it is even worse. ... IF YOU AREN'T working, it's almost impossible not to feel a little ashamed of yourself. If you're a man, you feel a little less of a man; if you're a woman. I don't know how you feel. Considering that just about everyone bas looked for work. it's amazing how lousy the people with the jobs are to the people without'them. You 'd think they'd never looked for jobs themselves. .You 'd think they were born with jobs. Once a person gets to be in the position of hiring o·r firing someone, he or she seems to forget what it's like lo be unemployed. Why is that? When you fill out the form for the personnel de partment, the man or woman who takes it from you always makes you feel like dirt. It's as tr they don't like associating wlth someone who doesn't have a JC)b. The person who interviews you always acts as if he-or she was president of the company You know darn well it's just a flunky's job but you don't dare let on you know lhat because /~J --~~~~~~~ ANDY ROONIY ~ your application could end up in the wastebasket. When he turns away from you and walks to a desk or a fil e cabinet, you feel like giving him a swift kick in his smug tail I renwmber the first time~ looked for work. There were hundreds of classified ads in the paper under the Help Wanted heading and I figured it was going to be easy. Well, It didn't take me long to find out that the number of 1'1elp Wanted pages in the classified section of the newspaper has very little to do with getting a job. First, you count out all the ads l ooking for nuclear physicists. registered nurses, animal trainers :lnd, if you don't know anything about computers. you count out the ads IO<>k1ng for computer programmers. I mention ~hat because there seem to be a lot of lt'ds for them these days. I don 't know what lherlo but I assume it's a terrible JOb that doesn't pay much If it wasn't, there wouldn't be so many ads for them under Help Wanted. t\S SOON AS you get some experience lo.oking in the classified section. you get discouraged You begin to read the classifieds the way you read the phone book when you're looking for one number. You know all those hundreds of listings don't mean anything. You get to spot the ones looking for door·to-door salesmen to work on commission only. T he r e 's us ually only one .or. two categories that mean anything to you. If anything is listed there, you're probably too late . Unemployment is as much of a mystery as cancer aml almost as bad. I've never understood why there should be any real unemployment. Do we mean there isn't any work to be done a nywhere in the country? Do we mean people have everything they want to eat? Everything they need by way of housing? All the clothes, cars and creature comforts they want? Of course not. Then why isn't there work for everyone? What we need is a president who can figure out a way to match up those 10 million unemployed with the 10 million Help Wanted ads. And when that's done, I hope everyone fires those people in the personnel office. To IDeasure values, start with highest ran·k Over the years, three or four maxims o f judgmen t have helped me In evaluating ideas and attitudes. One of the most valuable comes from "Meditations on Quixote," an early ¢'!\ SYDNEY IAIRIS ~ book by Ortega y Gasset, the Spanish ephilosopher whose centenary we will be observing next year. ''The minimum is the measuring unit tn the realm of quantity," be wrote, "but in the realm of ulues, the hl1best. values are the meaaurtne unit. These brief two doun words, 'o profoundly true, call tor a little medltaUon on Orte11. In meaaurin1 distance, we begin w1th the inch, not the yard or the mile. rn mtUurini Ume, ,_e bealn wlt.h the aecoad, not the hour or the day. . QyntiU~art compared In relaUoo lo lbei~maUat unit, to delermlne what aball reelly be call..S "I.Jr .... or .. _, .. or "hea\•y" or "fast" or "rich,'' or anything measured, weighed, counted. But when we are dealing with values. we use the highest value as the measuring unit. All diamonds are judged by what a· perfect stone would be; heroism is compared with the most heroic act we have known; an actor's ability Is caugea in comparison with the. greatest actor we have seen. Now what ls the practical importance of this distinction between ways or measuring quantities and values? It Is this: in t.be realm of values, if the really. topmost values are ignored or suppressed in out scale, then those next in line assume the highest rank. And th.is ls why what is called "Utopianism" and "Idealism" by most people ls actually the most practical and nett:a&er>' ~rspeciinJQ main.ta.in In an such matters. Otherwbe our standards become lower and lower, and we are soon measurinc values as we do quanUty -by the amalJest unJt that is conYenient, rather than by tM largest. Once we l~l' lhe ldeaJ ol the first -rate maQAlll public life, for ln•t.a~~a: •eftpl the aecoad·rat4l u ttM • 1 UMn h ta easy to. to t.e'lbe .. third· and rourth·rate -until, fmally. we have utterly lost sight of the ideal of the public man, and are mer'ely choosing between "lesser evils." as we do in so many elections. The archer always aims at the center of the target, though he knows he may not hit It. To aim elsewh~re is literally to "lower o ne's sig hts." It ls "idealistic" to hope for the bull's-eye, but it. Is the most realistic way to get close to it. Cllllllll Judging ffom all the ada by peopie lfl· line their grave sites ReapnoaUcs. h.111 America mo.re concerned with CMt\ to Uve on than real ettate investment in the future. A.ft. v' ........ ____ :::;t::"' ::l:;; ... !. __ ._., ""*1 .................... a..-• .................... ~ -• .-.i.-. .. Orange Cout DAILY PU.OT/WedMlday, MarCh 17. 1982 ' . f:reators of video gan:ie expect it to ea t up sales records . , . SUNNYVALE (APf -After "Pac-Man without a doubt will "Women aren't Interested in gobbling down 800 inUJion quar-be our best seller," said Atari shooting rocks out oC apace," 1ay1 ters in bars and v1deo arcades last ap(>kesrnan J eff Hoff. "We expect Atari's HofC. "But th y like Pac- year, Pac-Man wiU head for your to sell more .Pac-Man unite than Man because it's non-violent and livi!'¥. room where creatora ex-all. three of our all-time top; fnvolvC!l. a llUle more tbguahL ~.,. ____ ,~ ---·--- pec:l.Jt to eat Ul) all paevia111 video -~ gBtile& coni6lnecl.~ t ou tiive G:> remember your \tay , game sales records. . To play Pae-Man at home, around the maze." The happy-faced creature, cons need not only the The Pac-Man cartridges, ma- which baa not been available !or game cartridge it.sell, but also a nufactured in Hong Kong, Tai- home play, has proved so popular $150 base unit. Industry officials wan, Puerto Rico and El Paso, in coin-operated distribution that say6 million American homes -Texas, were to be delivered to it 1B the subject of a hit song, T-about 8 perceht -already have retail outlets in the San Francisco shirts and a nwnber of "how-to" such unite. Pac-Man ls expected Bay Area this week. manuals .. A $1.5 million pul;>liClty to swell the ranks td 10 percent "We won't be ablt? to keep up campaign Is backlog efforts to by the end of the year. with the demand," said a sales- .-make Pac-Man a household "I'd buy the .entire Atari setur. man at Poor Richard's, a video word. to get the Pac-tidan cartridge, ' store that has been inundated Born at Atari, Inc. in this said 17-year-old Brian Allen.... a with advance orders. "ll is, after high-tech Silicon Valley city on high school senior wtlo spends up all, THE video game of 1982." •the peninsula south of San to $12 a daN to play the game in Two Atlanta songwriters say Francisco, ;Pac-Man races around arcades. "l'd save a lot of they were pleasantly surprlsed A Value-Packed Monthly Feature \ "' Wlrephoto DINAH, DYLAN MEET -Musician Bob Dy- a maze trying to gobble up 240 money." when their song, "Pa<:-Mf\n colored dots before be himself is Another hi~h school senior. Fever," sold more t})an a miUion devoured by four bungrS' ghosts. Miguel Villasenor, also is planning records and soared to No. 14 on ~icials at Atari, wMch con-to buy the game cartridge. Says the national charts. ~f the Daily Pilot &4l-5&78 : lan and singer Dinah Shore meet at the New York Hilton Hotel at Songwriters Hall of Fame awards dinner where Dylan was induc- ted into the group and Miss Shore reeewed a "Lifetime Achievement Award." trols aQ<>ut 80 percent of the $5 he: '"It's better than dropping .. W e didn't realize the nerv~ billion-a-year videq market, say quar ters in the machine aJI the we ~l.Jched," said keyboard artis~ Pac-Man is far more popular time." J erry Buckner, the 29-year-old than three other, more mllitaris-Unlike war gamL'8. Pac-Man t'Ornposer who wrote the song in tic garoes: Space lnvad~rs • .As-seems to hold a special appeal for two hours along with guitarist teroids and Missile Command. women. Gary Garcia. $389 •~Washer/ Mini-Basket'• Tub '-"-"' ·' lV" hf~' f~Y'!~'fOfV(~ n\ l ,-JI N "' ._.,-,~\iJ'I k.hif ) 1 ,., "'lh-~' s-.-:<..' • a .. ~"' ')!" 1 • )t,, f ,., "'''•t:l 'l+:,i.,•·l"l~, 2·Speed Large Capacity Washer JrQt> cono"•:Y two ~oeeo .vOSht'I S c~c1es ; w wa ter ~ IAI ""' -ro·cr .var,~~ I I I SI ~ .'• J j s324 ·~ hr.o system Ml 'FM cosseMe piQ\<(>f re-or•1ef P«> \'J'<'.lmmoole 1umtot>te oa.o, · ft.4t1Doow~~CO'O s1ee ' ZWldlc•• ....... AM/FM With 14n»c:k, CotHh 8 tr oiover r1on1 I '<>0•"0 cossene reco•oer/ptover 1 11 s11e •eco1d Chong& ·Solle full-compon.nt ltefeo System AM/FM receiver 8 t• /coue11e reco1oers ond iwo-... o. speo•en Duol recorO•~ level meten wotn roto"' con11Qls A \moll•• K mo11 •n <*1to1n e1eO\ moy Mt dt1plo, •oc-h od11•1t1t•d mod•I b1.1f lftt1ll worehou'• order for yov &l 13" Olag. Meas. Color Portable Qo'J ·IV' rt 'J• •"·S n \m J· \.{ , ... h1 fl')(_., i , 1r•. !ur .... ,, t I. r lq!J , l!.S r ouro conrro1 co&o< svsie" succ• , ., "'l<o, l()n(Jt.• ful'\iO l S~'• .,,., r .. ' ) , 9.97 75'x'Yt"• Myton, Hose 19" Olag. Meas. Color TV '.JI.• 1, ... , 0-"1 •'T I r· f"Ofure-' ""'lri tCY ~ 1,.,, 'ut .... 11., , •• ' 1>\ f)r")t,\1' ouro l' '•'t•' '': t )TJ '1•,el.., ~ ... ' 169.88 SeH·Propelled Rotary Mower/Recoil start t. w. ··~ ' •-1' '1C)(t f 1()r'.. • 1~ ',~ l..llJ~l.fL"CJ fl11v\llli.._., v..if-PfOC..'\t;fl('ltj s" l 1. • 1ti. .;.. m1c·t• • "" on tW"lt')(1tfll l oe O•\ChO•oe b•·Q;J\ &. S11onor t-•r"lg~ne 80.$~ rolhng p Ntt'91S ·"°'""Cote,_ A~ '- 2.97 $544 19" ::!.Color/ Remote Control IQ 'OC•>' e>:: ruro tl.IOE> tr1'ie-"'-IS enc& l•S QIOC ••on"'." 1un1ng. COio• 58'\ll\I Y"} OJ ,, •. .,, ''" conr•oo 1,.,,,,_.es 001 :Jt...""-,, ' lf •J ~'l'V\1ng QUtll«> fleJtble garden t>ose Q~ and slfono w11n ruM llow btou couphnos 1 CJ , l·lnch Anvll Pnlner Strong slo1nless steel blade YoUr ChOICi Garden Tools 23" Olag. Meas. Color Console In ' l.: q\ c 1\. hire h.Jt'>ll ffll •h • 01us C"'-J~5J4 " t,,·"'~< ft.JI '"J ~ rt "\l'f\ t'1>'l~ r tt t " J bi.v~ ...,..,.l'.C 111w' f, • h1J 1' ~,,~ th l'"ll'fl 1tQa t:'"'-Jn It•• 1 11 ,.__,, ' 25'' Diag. Meas. Color Console With Remote c ""'IJ<.Jlef Scxx:f• \.0'"""1 )(o(J. l&X) tu1•11 se1 or• O! "" cn1lf>geS pro QI J''°'" r~ ' Jf\f'\'-'\ :>), J\'S SOU"O xn....ot~ "" .... ..ii ,,_ ()f l)tr'lm~ IV no. QIJOt': c """"=>"C'<.1 ntee trornc fun1n ) ''' f JS t >K. li.Jft • 'ube Ot'l ' • \Cfl.af 111'11 -f'l,.J ... •'"' t~ lf'Kl f1fT\8:. dospl<)v DwcHf Citrus.Tr"• "CJTRUS AllO AVOCADO FOOD 1.33 S.Pqund" Citrus Food • YCJUI C"Oloet.. I l >''eel (j.,Olf C <lfU\ frp..o; \..I >Ole •~XI fU.el I ; Y<QB. V1unc 1 • ,l"QO ~.'•'Ye< "'""'""' fffl<: A>tnh r:.v1oe '''-'" "->n11 ona Pion• SuOOllea NaLAMotoble Commerce Jto ono folllo• wes1em ono lmpenoJ 1i/2 Cu. Ft. Potting Soll Reo.J\< I.;) use won 1 bum' 0001res~ C,.oves •->use "PIQl'llS O "90111'1~ sole! Slort So"9 r-cw lo .JOuti< Joni c. •){lS on Qtee<"• ""'>llh\ rrees ~O< t-•ooe• er o0s o. •tte< r 1v0r ,....., eor •.o. , ""' ·no .... _ 2.88 2 Cu. Ft. Top Dressing ~.~~~ .. b.,.u~ . , Charlie's Chili ! Ama1in7 two for one offer! Chorfie's CJi9a!ttic c~ Its •• 91~ wlttt deiciovs fret1cl1 .friH cw 0000 OfOI. v WlTH tnltl qrtett salocl , .. s~ Onty '3,. and you «Jet ONE FREE. COST A MESA OPEN 1• HOuAS MfW,OlT Hit.CH JJ11.....,... -GOOCI l~'u 3 31~ el~,..__, p,.. Goo<l thru 3-31·82 . FREE ~,~ ~ _ .. _ ~'k • oz Laurett e Shampoo. 4 ~ '' \ "'- oz Laurett'e Cond1t1oner f~ '.I\ With Hatr Cul at regular price. Good ltl April 10. 82 /;m't . ~alk'UJ EXPRESSIONISTS 12 I 5 W. IAKER 556-7850 FREE SEMINAR WITH COUPON Sign up at the: .. THE WABASH APPLE, INC. Confttr Systems 2n20 a r-d.. a r-1114t 7H-l2J6 In Saddleback Valley Plaza 1 HourFreeComputerl1me/wtime w/purchaseof 1 Hour atRegularprige • Entertainment , • • Learning programming • Do Your Taxes lteOME TAX SERVICE I 0°/o off al ...... til April 15 EILEEN REDMON l~Sky Park Circle, Suite G, Irvine 641-0444 State Lie. 11406239 10% off* every complete interior paint job· FREE* waterseal around base ol building with evt>ry complete paint job. I .. I t LOCKING GAS CAPS °' IBPS PRJV(NT 11lfT ~;=== Of cosn Y GAS A TANK Of GAS COSTS ABOUT $20. ISN'T 511 $.5.88 A SMALL INVESTMENT QQI 2946 BRISTOL ST SO OF SAN 01 EGO FWV PHONE ~·9·153J ••GULATOll TYPI PIPIOn 79c Wl,.a. . ussaun 25c ITMAll RllllTGa TYPI :l/:."a 99c wsaan 25c ITIAAI. W I A<t•••Uta&mwa•ro. : ~c:=:-a:-u ,1s.-,-~ . • :::t: .................... . •.o.. .... tr ....... ,, ....... ~. RUI 11c COUf'OM ........ _. ._,........ PINT QUAaT I GAtLON ~f!s: l~z. Z!z. 7~k PULL-IT-OUT THIN'"' A SAND DENT PULLER ='!-:& ............ - 'I . ~ ~ The U.S. has ·benefited ., W0 EON!SDAY, MARCH 17, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS SP.ORTS the most ·from t~e worla- wid'e oil•glut that has driven · the price of petr9/eum down. B4. Schaefer, businessman/legal coun- sel, Oceanside, ·and Deborah Szekely, businenwoman, Escondido. ~tt?~D~~SCHOEMEHL Can t~pub~ Party doctrine be exfressed 17 rufferent ways? Voters in the new 43rd congressional district that includes portions of south 'Orange and north San Diego counties soon will have a chance to find out. There are 17 candidates se~king the Re publican nomination in the June 8 primary election. Another three candida tes are seeking the Democratic nomination. Democrats seeking nomination ' are Roland Mora, ousinessman, Mission Viejo; Roy Archer, professor, Escondido; and W. F. "Pete" Powell, teacher, San Marcos . • Two other districts in which eleotions are being held this year cross county lines. Deltr ,... ""9tee ltr NeMfd "...., PUPPY LOVE -While Jennifer Paulin described dogs to kindergartners at Agnes L . Smith School in Huntington Beach, the 5-year-olds cuddled a rare litter of 12 cocker spaniels brought by Ann Marie Garisek. One puppy slept between the legs of John Lies while others were admired by Matthew Seybert and Tessa Hillbom. From Orange County, the "Republican candldates are Mary Schmitz, wife of state Sen. John Schmitz, R -Newport Beach; Charles Kenney, bGsinessman, Missi6n Viejo; Elizabeth Davis, businesswoman, Laguna Niguel; Bob Curtis, San Clemente; Lawrene Nixon Anfinson, niece o( former President Richard Nixon, San Juan Capistrano; D. Robert de Carlo, law clerk, ·Capistrano Beach; Johnnie Crean, independent businessman, San JuaD Capistrano; Jerry Shaw, businessman/attorney, Newport Beach, and Thomas Mauro. family physician, South Laguna. In the 42nd congression~l district, which includes much o'f Huntington Beach and coastal communities in Los Angeles County, candidates for the Republican nomination include incumbent Dan Lungren. R- Long Beach , and Thomas Heinscheimer, city councilman, Rolling Hills. Candidates for the Democratic nominatio.n are James Spellman, Long Beach, and Martip Vazzana, accountant, Rolling Hills F.atates. Unopposed for the Peace and Freedom Party nomination is John Donohue, peace activist, Long Beach. In the 58th Assembly District, includtng West Orange County, Assemblyman Dennis Brown. R-Long Beach. is unopposed for the Republican nomination, while Patricia Springer, educator. Long Beach, is unopposed for the Democratic nomination. Paul Haak is seeking the Peace and Freedom Party nomination. From San Diego County, in which 70 percent of the district is located, the Re publican contenders are Martin Kincaid, tax specialist, Rancho Santa Fe; Donald Martinson, attorney, Vista; Bill McColl, surgeon, Carlsbad; Ron Packard, mayor, Carlsbad; Jim. Rady, city c:ouncilman, Escondido; Art Sanders, teacher, Poway; Mike 1n the 74th Assembly District. -·Alcohol which includes south Orange County and much of San Diego rogram proves an eye-opener County, Assemblyman Robert Frazee. R-Carlsbad, is unopposed.,, lrvin.e mother urg s parents to ~get their heads out of the sand' and help kids McGaugh ·quits UCI psychobiology pos_t By SANDIE JOY or ... ....,Not•lllff An impressive plea for parents "to . open their eyes and really look" at what is happening to J heir children has been delivered by an Irvine mother during a public forum on alcohol use, abwie and dependency. · James McGaugb, UC lryine "rd like to speak to the parents professor of psychobiology, has out there whp are putting their resigned his position as executive heads in the sand," said the vice chancellor. He wiU leave the mother, identified as Lori. post Sept. 21. She urged parents not to be increas~ awareness. are to develop alcoholism education programs, encourage develop- ment. of alcohol resources in the community and to ask the ~ city · to establish guidelines 'concerning alcohol use and safety to the public. • "I want people to know that this is not a witch hunt," said the Rev. Allan Waterson of University, Methodist Church. Waterson. who heads the task force •• explained during an £nterview that "alcohol is deadly, and it's deadly among our children. We wfl!ll to review the legislation and city policies. "Companies utilize our parks and there'• no rules that they can't bring in a keg of beer. And. they do, and they have a fun party. Then they drive home, but they drive through our city. "I don't think that's terribly endearing to our city," Waterson said. The task force "wants to ensure that laws that are on the books are being fulfilJed and that the community is aware of the problem," he added. "so they become allies with us and try to make this a safe community so maybe there wiU be some truth to the bumper sticker that says 'Irvine . . . Another Day ln Paradise.'" .. McGaugh. a Newport Beach afraid to take a stand against resident, said he will step down their children's drug and alcohol from his administ,rative job to abuse, explaining she had to take pursue fuU-time research. that stand with her own He has been studying the ef · children. r~ts of man-made and naturally d occurring drugs on learning and "You do what you have to o," she declared, "and the rewards memory. He also is interested in are great." how hormones and electrical SCE frustrated:· Customers won '.t 'take free inspections stimulation influence brflin The 2 ~-hour forum, d'esigned activity. to increase public awareness The folks at Southern California &Uson Company are frustrated. Understandably. Last year McGaugh won the about the use of alcohol as it prestigious Distinguished Scien-affects the quality of life in On the one hand, they are up to their eyebrows with complaints from ele<;tricity QOnsumers about rate increases that have boosted bills from 17 to 39 percent. tific Contribution Award from Irvine, drew approximately 100 the American Psychological .As-people Monday night to Irvine sociation. City Council Chambers. ·He became a faculty member at The Corum was presented by RESIGNS -James McGaugh has resigned his post as exec- utive vice chancellor at UC Irvine. UCI m 1964 and was the ·first the City of Irvine Alcoholism chairman of the d~partrnent or Task Force. an outgrowth of the psychobiology. The researcher city's Youth Support Team. .On the other hand, they can't understand why consumers won't sign UR for a free home inspection that would show wasteful aspects of their current energy use and also .has served as dean of the . .. Objectives of the 10-member School of Biologi.cal Sciences. task {orce, in addition to ~,,,_-_ _l • ... Mike Farrell back to Laguna for ERA Former playhouse star to wield gavel at celebrity auction Thursday By NORA LEHMAN D., "°4 ITYU Edlt0t .. I MIKE FARRELL AND M•A•S•H translates into the F.qual Rights Amendment in Orange County Thursday night when he appears at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse in Laguna Beach to host a celebrity auction. Our county ERA people are billing Farrell as "the star of M• A •s•H, the popular television series starring Alan • Alda." But maybe Alda won't mind for the evening and the good of the ERA cause.· And, no' wonder, since Mike Farrell ~ming home to roast. He starred in several shows at the old Laguna Playhouse in the mid-688. First order of bualness at Laguna will be a ~ormante of Steve·Teeich's "Division Street" with furtain· at 8 p.m. Then Mr. F Will take over the mike (pun ~T) to urge · the participmta to bid on such items aa a private fliaht to Catalina Island and brunch (or two; a five-day vacation In a cabi.JT on the M~ Coast; a catered dinner for 10 complete with Madriaal singers, and a week'• 1tay in Hawaii. . " Some other entertalni.ng Items are on the auctton block and (f you call S86-2350, or eve~. 497~522, you can hear •• • about them and also leave your name for ticket availability. It's too late to write in and have· them write back to you, mails being what they are these days. COLLARS UP: During the Florence Crittenton Services pre-St. Patrick's Day luncheon, at one point three models came out in sports clothes and they all had their collars partially turned up. They looked marvelous. It reminds you that every time you try to get away with that, some kindly soul walks over and not only turns your collar down, but sort of pats it back into place. That pat is just to let you know you look "neat" again. It will never cross the kindly soul's mind that you might be trying to look chic. SOME P.f!OPLE CAN atways look chic.'\Yoµr corre- spondent had a college roommate who could pu( on a pair of blue jeans, a blue Oxford-cloth shirt, pull her hair back in a pony tail and look like she was about to pose for V<>g(le maaazine: • 1 Often, abe•d just pulled ~items off the closet flpo~~ On the other hand, your correspondent could 1"lill ~right out of'the cleaner's =and before it Wu on tny back, itJooked like rd been we it all day. ... Maybe that's why helpful souls keep tumin8 my c;x;llar dowo. ' ~ And speaking of c'hic at the Florence Crittenton Services l\4nclleon, a tip Qf. the ha\ to Annette Hurwitz for tak1na this t'OlT81pondeJ)t In after reservations md the check never arrived. Annette came to the f.eacue when the mi8cUe wa1 dllcotend and 1n a roomful of femt.Uar facea, it wa1 much better than throwing youraelf inGS ~ Cout ffi&hway or even whimpertna in a corner. , M.)ll>e we can blame the maill once apln. how ~t waste could be stopped..: category, who uses about 5.00 kwh F.ach week, Edison sends out ~r month, would have faced a about 11,000 letters encouraging $37 .32 bill last December. In customers In Or~e County to Janu·ary, the bill climbed to sign up for the so-called home $43.55, a 17 percent increase, energy survey. ·oruy about 1 to 2 Bellis said. · percent 1w to iiu For a customer with an customers -express an interest. all-electric home With a lifeline· ''There is a frustration on our allocation of 1,040 kwh (the part." says Ken Bellis, an F.c:lison allocation is higher because it spokesman. "It's not a •high includes electricity for space and response. water heating). a December bill of ~ In the retirementcommunit~ of $54.52 climbed to $76.03 in Leisure World in Laguna Hills, January; for a 39.5 percent where owners of about 15,000 increase, Bellis said. all-electric homes have expe.rien-Some all-electric customers, he ced steep rate increases in the said, are using the disparity last two months. only 400 people between the two price increaaes have requested an energy sur-to ~gue that all-electric users are vey. Bellis said. being treated unfairly. Yet owners there have been Bellis said that is not the caae, !JOl1le of the most vocal in the pointing out that between county over the lncreaaes in their January 1977 and January 1982, bills -ao vocal, in fact, they all-electric customers faced persuaded county Supervisor average prire increases of 105 Thomas Riley to send a letter to percent, compared to 101 percent the state Public Utilities Com-for persons with homes using °" mission expressing concern over natural gas for space and waCer f the matter. heating. l EdJaon officials aren't denying Alan Smith, F.diaon's energy rates are going up. Two different services manager in / ~ 1 rate increases hit within a County, aays homeowners should !~ fiVe-day period in early January. stop to consider how much I Additionally, the county ' electricity may be wasted. t experienced temperatures well He recalled one recent case in I below normal during the past Laguna Hills where a the~t three months. Anc:f .that has on an electric beating system'!• meant lncreaaed uae of electridty, out of calibration by 15 degrtm. and, hence, higher billa. -When the owner aet the BUUne rates for the 625,000 thermostat on 55, it was actually Edison customers in Orange keeping the home at 70, .8mlth C~n~ are divided into two explair\ed. . ca ef· , Many t.hemlotatata, he ~. ere is the so-called lifeline are not equtpped'with switthes lo rate for buk electricity u.e. Theo that hdtlng systems can be there ta a rate for eledtriclty uted oompletely .abut off -an option above the lifeline allocation. It is that can •ve COl\IUJnerS a lot of billed at a hilber rate.. 1 money lf they are away .for an Cwtcmera u.lnc lo1a of power extended period, say on a pay proportionately more than v .. tion. : c:uatcmen who \Ille lima1l amounta OUt-of-aalibration or no-thuiod _ ;.i euctly the oppoeite 'Of thermo_atat1 are amona tile! the atuadon that eJdlMd yeuw aapect1 of eneru · w••· aao when electricity WU dirt pmpabl~iby ~ home ~ cheap. . IW'Yey, ~tfl . . ~ wt.a. homel -are Per1on1 1Hkln1 furttttr , 1upplled wl\h natural 1a1 for information on .the U,. ..,_.and 'Waier headne recei.J9 a autvey may call a tolt..free lifeline allocation of 240 iwaabt,r, 800-302-4461.. hr tM ~houn .,_.month. ,beartnc and_. .....a. M A typjcal cuatomer ln that ,,nwnber la 80Cl-15i.lllO. I .~· ~ ~ ~ ' • Orange Cout DAl~Y PILOT/WedMlday, March 17, 1812 . • ANN LANDERS ~ ' • HUGH MULLIGAN 'I ,0-_-.-::" __ . • • HQROSCOPE ... ·How }!eade:ts Washed . ·hands· ·of . ' ' . . ~ ~ compulsion : .. . . . . DEA.l\ ANN LANDERS: MAJ l uya word ~o to ."Soap and Water ~ tne"'Com· r ve hand-wUhet1 I had J llmilar prob· , only I wu oblelaed vdth com~ my hair. (l am a male.) I would spend an awful . lo~ of time dolnc what I considered a perfect 1 j>t). Then I wOuld aee a few strands that weren't exactly where I wanted them to be ana Mell it all up and start again. Sometimes. thla meant as long aa 30 minutes in front of th' mirror. I· (\fter awhile I started the same thing with bry.ahing my teeth. After doing a diligent joh, I would put the toothbrush. away and sud· denly have the urge to brush my tee\h again. I wu never a religious penon, but I decided to take this problem to Jesus because it was making me crazy. I asked Hirn to free me from the~ I h'ad built for myself. Please, Ann, don t think I am a nut. I just ~pted the fac_l that the problem was too big for me to handle al>ne and I asked Jesus for help. He sent it almolt lmmediately. Today I am free of the habits that were ruining my life. Please print my letter and maybe oth~who are suffering wtth the problem will my method. It worked for 1 me. -G RT, MISS., SALVATION ROAD OF CONTRASTS -Horsepower used ' by dairy tanners contrasts with that of regular . traffic on a highway .outside Warsaw as far. I . • DEAR GULFPOR.1· RC yt J.11.e· ollly per100 to write u aay .-ey prayed for laelp ud received It. ') r endorse uy Hecetlt.l tolDUOD to Wt bldeoat problem. Tblak1 for wrUba1. Tiie next letter may be of latereat &o yoa. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I believe you failed to present all alternatives to the gentleman seeking advice on hta obeeleive, compulsive hand·WashiJU[ problem. I auffe. red with the same thing lor 10 years. I uaed to wash my hands so much they would bl~ if I just beJl$ them. · I went frOm doctor to doctor, trying bio. feedback, acupuncture and costly visits to ~e psychoanalyst. The resulut were rero. A friend suggested, as a last re9Qrt, the Temple University Hoespital behavioral therapy unjt. There I learned no matter how eievere the anxiety, it will not last forever. I finally got it through my head that, like the alcoholic who s hould not have even a drop of booz.e, there is no such ~ ~ a little bit of "ritualizinR" -so I decided I should put all of it out of my life completely. Then I quit. Thank you for letting people who suffer with this terrible problem know they are not .. u..,...,.. mers go about collecting and delivering milk for market. Gas is rationed and ~ts 70 cents a liter. 11 c . . ~1 • ancer: Take plunge Tkart4ay. March 18 ARIES (March 2l·April 19): You ride with tide -opposition melts, green llght flashes and cash flow resumes. Hannony can be restored on domestic front. Focus also on community project, political awareness, ·prestige and promotion. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Good moon aspect coincides with distance, lan- guage, Q011UDunication, spiritual insights and IC>nf·range t:olvel plans. You'll have oppor- twUty to streamline techniques, to be rid of superfluous material and to obtain clarlfica- tt.on of terms. · GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Production · coatJ come into focus. You learn where you stand in connection with payments, collec- -tions, financial obligations. Relationship lri- tensi.fies, commitment is requested, time be- ' comes major factor. • I I • • I ~ i· ' I 1! ' " CANCER (June 21-July 22): Transac- tion ii finished, whether or nQt you're aware of it. Avoid hangiilg on to past; break indicated, know it, take cold plunge into future. Emphasis on legalities, partnerships and marital status. Aries native plays key role. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): New approach to employmettt domina~ scenario. Basic taska, important work decisions relate 1o · "Georte and I are on llne ..,eakllll t.ennl Our 11_,.., bow9\'t'I', aren'l ttpe1kln& at •.II.'' • HOIOSCOPf • BY SIDNEY OMARA frest1 concepts, new contacts and original methods. Stress independence, willingn~ to take chance on pioneering procedures. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Avoid going too far afield -:--what you need is closer to home than origin_all)' anticipated. Emphasis on publicity / special appearances and per- sonal promotion. Older family member re- quires attention -know it, map plans accordingly. ~ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Read Virgo message for vf.luable hint. Be versatile, but avoid scattering your efforts. Focus on home, property, security,, relationships with older family members. Pleasant. surprise due in • connection· with personal possessions, com· munication and holiday prospects. SCORPIO (Oct. 2~-Nov. 21): Opportu- nity exists to rebuild, revise and reF,ir - yow.ir position is strongef' than you onginally anticipated. Relativ~ fiSUfe 5minently, message or call will clarify or e plans. Short trip is part of scenario an so is a surprise visit. 8AGmARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Mail catches up. Messages get through, you're able to imprint style and money decision is made in your favor. Gemini, Virgo and another Sagittarius figure prominently. What had been mi.Eng~ be located. CAPRICORN.(Dec. 22..Jan. 19): TiminB ta on target and you could hit jackpot. Family reunion could ·top ecenarlo. Moon polition emphaaizes penonallty, apectal appearancee. hunches that pay dividendt. Wear bright colon, includin& green for money. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Qandee.. tine meetln& could dominate 1eenario. ~ cret8 are ~. cat ii put of t.g Mid you gain valuable ,l)Mk behind 1CenM. You'll· learn whom to uu.t .00 wbiCh perlOI• ~ merely playing i-!nea· • :--PISCES (Feb. 19-Merch 20): What bepn ae a CMUal Nlationlbl_p coul'd now ===:r~~.:.= You'll be llYeP tidded ty, mont authDrtty and chance fot --~ ~ I, •lone ADd thanks for ~tell them • they can be cured. -N.A. DEAR N.A.: Coapatalattoo1 OD a moa•· meatal vlc$017. If yo• cu quU cold tarkey, otben cu. Tiaikl for Jettliag them· knew. 'DEAR-ANN LANDERS: It annoys the dayligl:lta out of me when people aak you for advice, and if it'a not what they want to hear, they call you a crummy old bat and other not·so-flattering names. U they don't want the truth, why do they write? I get burned up when SOJlle yokel from Clinton, Iowa, or Mitchell, S.C., tells you your aClvice stinks jUJt because they don't happen to agree with it Why do you print those 1et1ers anyway? - ON YOUR SIDE IN WHEELING, W . VA. DEAR WHEEL: I print those letterp Allll ' l.All8S I beeaate dley repre1eol uotlaer polal of view -and 1ometJme1 tbey're rig.lat. Bat tlwlk1 for your loyally, Lamb Chop. .. Discover how to be date, bait without falli.nst hook, Une and sinker. Nm Landers' bookfet, "Dating Do'a and Don'ts." will help you be more poised and sure of yourself on dates. Send 50 cents along with a Jong, stamped, self ·addressed envelope with your request to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. ·Toast to Irish teiior RIDGEFIELD, Conn. (AP) -Some· where, just about anywhere in this favored land this St. Patrick's Day, an Irish tenor is choking the sobs out of "Mother Machree" and milking enough tears from "Danny Boy" to flood the Shannon estuary. ·John McCormack. soloing away up there with the Seraphim and the Cherubim, you have a lot to answer for . The lethal legacy of the lrulh tenor is still with us, and there's no getting away from it, come the Id~ of March or thereabouts. U the sun goes down once tonight on "Galway Bay," it goes down a couple of thousand times into a soggy shamrock strewn sea of booze and bathos. Sure it wouldn't be St. Patrick's Day without the ghost of John McCormack wa.il.i.nR like a banshee in every pub imd music hall from the Mountains of Mourne to the Irish Channel ~tion of New Orleans, · not forgetting Savannah, Ga., where they dye the river green in honor of the patron saint .of the Gaels. DID JOHN McCORMACK have any clue of what was to become of our cultural burden every spring when at age 18, he went off from his home in County Athlone to test his untrained voice in a singinjZ contest at the Irish Feis (festival) in Dublin~ The year was 1902. He sang "Macushla Macushla, your red lips are saying that death is a dream" in that pure, effortless bell·like pianissimo that in years to come sold five million records ot this same bilious ballad which he inflicted on St. Patrick's Day celebrants yet unparaded. . McCormack won the contest and went on to Italy to study bel canto under maestro Vincenzo Sabbatini, father of the novelist Rafael Sabbatini. He made his operatic debut at Savona, near the Gulf of Genoa, under the stage nam~ Giovanni Foll, which he borrowed from his girl friend, Lily Foley.· In one of those astounding coincidences that shimmer in, Irish history like Erin's disappearing falljl lakes, another Irish tenor named James Joyce was runner-up in that Dublin song contest. He too went off to the Continent, writing novels like "Ulysses" and "Finnegan's Wake," but for years flirted with the idea of becoming a professional singer. Literary critics in this the Joyce centen· nial year are fond of pointing out that a singer's trained eiu-is responsible for his lilting, melodic prose. Actually· Joyce once appeared on a concert program with the great John McCormack. two authentic Irish tenors who in life followed different drum- mers, although both preferred the harp and the cello. UNDER HIS OWN NAME, McCormack made' his New York debut with Tetrazzi.ni in .. La Traviata" in 1909, after scoring a tri- umph in "Cavalleria Rusticana" at Covent Garden. He sang often with Melba, Tetraz- zini, Schumann-Heink and the "other great prima donnas of opera's golden age. Al- HUGH MUlllGAI 'MULLIGAN STEW .. though a poor actor, he was mych in demand by opera house managers around the world, but disappointed opera lovers and some of the critics by iv.ming more and more ':<> the concert stage where he became the qwntes- sential Irish tenor. McCormack, who despaired of his acting talent and knew he would never escape the giant shadow of Caruso, had 1\0 regrets about pleasing a ne.w er, wider audience just be- ginning to discover the home delights of the phonograph and the radio. In the next 25 years, he made 580 record albums, became a mainstay of the Victor Red Seal ~talogue, had his own radio show: "The Irish Half Hour" and.eagerly, generously sang in towns too small and farflun~ to have hosted a circus much less an opera. Still a . country boy from County Athlone, for all hi.$ elegant diction, McCor- mack always felt that the unsophisticated ; audiences at town hall concerts had as much right to the. enjoyment of his God·given talent. rendering simple Irish airs7"'tl5 the white tie and mink draped opera goers blubbering over "Mimi" in the diamond horseshoe. ~ I have some of his old, old records from my grandmother's collecti9n, unrefined by modern hi·fi techniques, so that he some- times sounds like he's singing in a shower ~r while trying to pull an Irish wool knit sweater over his head. But the voice is silver sweet as ever, despite the static, and the sentiment comes across sincere and uncyni- cal. , Orl St. Patrick's day only a pseudo- sophisticate would prefer "Vesti La Giubba" to "0, me name is Paddy Leary. from a spot called Tipperary . . . and I'm off to Phila- delphia in the mornin'." And what about "Danny Boy" for an encore? POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THE L.lNE FOR vou~ F"l\lENOSMIP FOA.MS• &EMIND ME. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Norlh-So11lh vulnerable. Ea11 dealt. NORTH •QJlU 1:1 It Q• OU ..... WEST EA8T •AUU •V.W 0 1 o attU OltHI O llJU •HI •AQJOll SOUTH r . ,,., O AHU o AQI •• Tiit blddl!ll' r-._.WM N.U. t • OW. l• lNT r-·1 o ,_ I o ,_ 4 0 .... ,_ ,_ Openlnr 1t.td1 Jaek or •· ' . lf~wua~rdut .. , ...,., llla• tile ...... 111 Her.ti Sobel l111lth. It It tit•• 10 111. Thet It llM JIMt tile-...... ol -ol ll• wrlttfl ti W. ..i1111111. •ht WU ft.t .... ,, f"rl• Mt NJl!lat'll&""'' 111\it .. Illa Oflaloa or Ille world'1 rreal ,la11r1 wh hd tllt ,nvu.p ot watclll., ~· . .. Her biddlnr mlfbt not havf' 1lw111 WIJ'1'll~ lh~ heart.I of purbl.a, bul no mal· ter how hlrh ahe climbed in lhe 1uc1lon, 1he had lhe abili- l7 10 deliver the ronlract if there waa any hope. Here'• an u ample or her 1klll. Ag1i111I lollr hearta WHl p l orr 10 11tt pod 11.&rt or lhe juk of d11bt -a low~ weuld !Min tncl pla7td Eut al trick ode: and ace of apadtt and anolller, thoqh ffvlnr partner a r\ltt, trOllld liave 1reaLl7 almpllfled decl1rtr'1 wk . Dedarer covettd IM jack · or debt tJllh 1he lllAf, and Eul WOii LM l et. Eaat COD· Unued wltll the q11et11 of clubt a.ed. with llardly a 1110111 .. \'1 the111ht, Helen dlacaNtll 1 dla-ndl Now UW'dtltll4tn ••ro helpleta.' a1~ ti.. ce• .r d11bt ...,Id Ml 11p Ult llM In dummt la low tl11~ W0111d\. tlO better, ; tvH If Hei.a clltM to r11m. r..f c .... a. 11ITT\ i.. a1a. • aoll4. Det.larer flaH .. d, dnw ftur ro111M11 of tru111pe 11141 forted eut the •et or ..-. Maklat fotlr.W. NM tlMt dMlarer e.llllOt alftri \o niff the 11-.• of club.. WMn Wnl wl111 Ille ace ol 1padea. he IHda hi• re malninr club. and £111 will end up with looser trump• than declarer -al1hou1h that ,, nol _ ... rU, fat.al u the tard• lie . Wh7 did declarer cbooee lhit rather unu1111I Unt? Whtn £111 a hilted 10 °1 dla mo11d ralhtr 1han a spade, Helen decided lhal he wat \'Old In 1padea. Thel'tfort. ll w .. quilt poeeibk lllal Eul held four hearta. and llle llne or pla7 adoplecj b7 Soulh proltelecl aplul thal poe- albUl\,J. ---; ·-~~., ~,,... . .. ~. ... ....... t • .....,_ ........... ~----0. ... , --_ .. ,.....,.. ••••• , ClllHltl o., .... "P••t-OHI lrW,." wlll .....,.. .. ..,..... ... ........... ._.,...._ .......... ~ ... .............. ~ ----_..,._.,._... ... ,., . ..,, ............. .... 11.n .. ~'­Oeat," on af dl1 ......... r.o .... •· ,,. ...... ,..1 ...... ...... .... ,.,,... .. ,,. .... ........ TME ··"MILl' CIRCt8 by Bil Keane "Wind is air in o hurry." ,,. by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Well ·• whit do think of my new cookbook?" I '9.\R'9:\Dl'IUi by Brad Anderson DE,,IS THE '9E:\i\CE Hank Ketchum I --~1 3-11 "It isn't hungry! It just wants a drink!" Jl'DGE P .\RKER ACROSS 45 Butf 1 Salvef 46 Cleo's makl 5 lnsecl 48 Tennit 9 Stnlle games LEAVE THE DOOR Of'EN! 1 OON'T WANT TO 5PENO THE l(ff)T Of THE Nl&Hr l..()()HtNC":I FO«·YOV' MIKE? THl515 tJIO.' ~VERY· THING'5 OOIHuTO t>E 6REAT1 LINOA MAY WILL e€ QN THE JO& EARLY JN THE MORNING' by Ferd & Tom Johnson TSK-TSK·· ~ wµy? IF You ST.ARTED $oMETIMES l ~ OVER NOW, You1P Wt$H I COUtD$T,ART STILL Ni:~D SIX BITS ' TUEIDA'rl PUZZLE IOL VED r • 1 14 14 Hindu gO<I 52 Raptures '15 Frag.ranl 56 Night before F.E-~.:-t~~E+:~ plant 57 Order 18 "On --5a Oischlfge Boat .. 590u1 17 Article 60 Pat1ern 18 Mire or nova 81 Bare 19 Old pronoun 82 Correla 20 Pastry 83 AtlOrlt IM<lef ~~~ 21 Temperature &4 Consumet lndicllor 65 Heed: Fr 23Sadder 2S Katy DOWN 2t USHA Of'ICI. 27 Biiiet bird 1 Cruitn 2t Gnome 2 Ouol*'t 32 Germen 3 Atllft rullt region 4 Menu lltnl 35 Mow ll'ound ~ launder• M A*' boet t Mutate 37 AdfQlfl 1 To.er 38~ 8Halrd0 ---.. f Oftlc«'f I 40 ,.,... "'°" ... ~ • 1 o-w to Aulnt • &M.,...... t 1 Olldld a_,. 11ic., .. o-t tJ ,.. II T 21 Antllf 42eon.alnen 22 Peror••• « C"8llpltot 24 Sleeps 45 Pipe - 27 T 1btet 4 7 Kltc:l)en tool 21 StgeCIOUt 41 Oerll!Yt 30 Sol!ttry • 49 Quay 3 I FMl'llonl 50 Occasion 32 HMlnlY 5 ' lntutt 33 ... 52 Oii' P\'tf. 34 Sc*t Into Iota 53 Conwnotlont 35 Adi-«* ""' 54 Ill of ... ,. ,,,... S*'I 5$ .... , ... 3t TICttlM SI CtlOOM • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wed~1y, Mareh 17, 1982 .. P£ANl'T8 WMAT AAf WE' SUPPOSED ro 8E TAKING NOTES ON ? Tl'MBLE" EEDS MOW PO I l<ti?W WHAT ~NAMESARE? H'L.O,MISSV. ~~E. \ 't'OlJ ANV' we WORU7'5 } rorJ'I CALL. 1.-AtlfSIC?OO? PMAMAS t..At'Y'! rrs ~UPE Al\IV' NAS1Y! I'VE GOT THE • BLUES TODAY··· I WISH I COULD. CHEER UP DR A BB LE w~K'f. \If, f A'f({tCl< ~ M ~ ~ OtE\ 15 ~E-R ~ OR.SMOCK I 1L L GO OVER AND LOOK IN THE PETS~OP WINDOW FOR Bl;TTER 8 R t'OR 1'8 RNt; w11Af's 1RE ~f\ Yoo'VE UUSl" 6Et:~ 01u:o, You ooMB ~~II CflN<HEBPJ LOOKING AT PUPPIES ALWAYS CHEERS ME UP NO,rt''> ~Oi I Su11'1"C~EO LA~~l.N"~ 'fi.IE ~EA\. ONE 1? IMOtR ~ 6€.0. 'IO\J A1E. A Q1E.it1'"1(. t.A<SA<.~A MAQE ~ ~AN~ ANQ KE.I.I' ~ ANNE~ .. I NEEE> ~1bCDME.~· :1 COFF E.E. ... . •' ... .. by Jeff MacNelly . . by Ernie Bushm1ller PET SHOP by Gus Amota by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ANc::::> 1"HE: NA.M e O F 1"HE: COMPANY HOL.c::::>ING "f'He MO~,-GAGe ON Y OUR House/ by Lynn Johnston t · . . ... ... :·, •,.,, :·:·, . •J·. ". ·!• ' l . I ·I I 1 i • I CO·~!DIY P-.CIF1CA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL A$> lliE AMERICAN RED CROSS IT TAKES ALL KINDS OF BLOOD TO SAVE LIVES INCLUDING YOURS! . ,. THE ORANGE COUNTY BLOODMOBILE ._WIU. BE AT YOUR'SERVICE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 25TH,-1982 12:45 p.m . to 5:30 p.m. <Dllllct ·Jdf Jah.-.on SOUSh Omn&e O>w:ffllnine • 7WISM050 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CALL 842-0611 EXT 401 CARMEN VUPPA CONFERENCE CENTER llllt o.i.-Ser-(\\ tu.ck ..... ., ~ ........... ._...~ NOTICI OP DIATH OP ORA lloGUIQAN AND OP ITITION TO ADMINllTI" aTAta NO. A1U... To 811 heirs, l>enefldaliea, redHcn and contingent c:redl- ora of Dore McGulgen and who may be othetwtM t.,...ted In the will and/or te: A petHlon hes beel1 filed by 0. Conklin In tlljll SUperlof ourt of Orenge County re- ue.tlng that Rollin 0. Conklin appointed u penonal rep- tattve to admlnl9ter the Mtate of Dora MeGulaan (under the lnde?endent Admlnlstratlon bf Eatat .. Ao1). The petHlon Is Mt I« hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic CelsW Ortve, West, In the City of Santa Ana. Callfoml8 ~ April 7, 1982 et 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you ahoul~ either appHr at the tieerlng and atate yO\.lr ob)ec- hona Of Ne written ob)eetlona ttlth the court bet«• the l'IN- '1ng. Your appaet"lll'ICe may be ~ penon or by your attorney. ' IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR Of • contingent oredltor of the decMNd, you must ftte your claim with the court Of Pf'9N'\t It to the per90n&I repf9Mntatlve appoint.cf by the eoutt within four monthe from the date of ','rM· IDT GOii& TO MISS DELllERll& I BIBY ••• '' "I can relax outsioe ot home and otfice knowing that rm not going to miss dellvertng a baby when I'm 'between locations'." -·Eugene R Sollman.·M.D .. Canoga Park ''MM TllE GASOl..- CllMCH ... WMAl MOM CM I SAY? "Whefl I gel Pillld 50 ITlle$ !tom tne otta ..i can be rcu1«1 10 ~ MICmJr near !NI~ ~ Page P1YS all to •s h9leSI ~-Ano wrtl1 my busNss • l\apQefls llrnost daily I'd be IOSI WllllOUI • , .. ··JGM s Drmwtk AOlilt £19r*f$. lnC • ~ .. EV8i WITH IWllOS Ill Tit( TIIUCI( .:· ·as lb hawlQ ~ lllpyouon Ille Sllolidef Ill SI'/ you ilfl ..,., . .. 113y A CullUnilncl AC&A ,._,, COndlt.oonets. ll1111gerMs. Glrden r.i- "MY rM9I ANO I Allf PMnlal ... " "My OUSiness ci.11 In S11v1c1 10 the public. l*ng l'laillbll II II ..,.. 1$ I mus1 ..,_ PIQI ensures 1111s My P1!j1r Ind I n 1*11*S; its saliry-Jusl a lew 11oftarf a moolll. The rlSI la r!Wlel" ·-WC~ II C Ml.w'l)lly 1'Jmbng EUN m ''nwG'fOMIWllfMl ... ·· ''Al I prNatl ccnsullanl, OC*1MQ wl(tloul an ollice SQfl. 1 can -do oer. SCINI errands WC110U1 worrying lboll whllher IPf CM1S 11M oin. 111 ·-Gordo!l 8. Wflf A.lloed WealhlW Consuftanls l.DSAtigNs ''Wl llAVf llAIB ACC8UllTI ..... ''M5YM PIQI nn or~ us lflSQr'll conlll;I With GUI men 111 lllt lilld We '-~ ICCOUIU ~belig*9 IO g11110~Q11sn~our MIOmefS QuO 5'lw:I ..., tl"Y ,_ 'problem . ··Jmc:nir. ~ Ftst ear.rd c.o Los At1QIJleS "TIIE OllE TIM THAT SETS ME N'MT.'' ··1nr111 estat. 'fOll Qls •~ •• ~ llll:Oloocl Ooe trwig !NI -me icioart lrom OO'els tS lllal my Qlls gel • lllmtNOw1" ·-Ell.Jones tn.wy 21 AU ESQle UMwoad Answer Page can alert you 10 lfllj)Oftant phone calls. too-·24 hOurs a day '" Los Angeles. Orange. !We<· Side. San Betnard1no and PilrtS al Venlura counties Thefe's no lllTllt IO the number al ·'beeps" you can reawe. and no ellra pllOne chatges 01 speaal eqUll)metlt to inst.an When someone wants you, they iust dial ti's as easy as that! Cal us today-IOlt-lree .. l(J( an tile details' ® fU~SWER Pff (jE 731-7777 cau toll-lree 1 ·800·252·916 I Or call lnlonnatlon !Of the Answer Page olfice nurest you flrat ~of lettera aa pro-t=;;:=::::;;;:========-r·-=:..==========-i-==========---t vlded In Section 700 of the PIH mta· Ml l9l1CE Probate Code of Calttomta. Their-----------. -------...,...--- time fOf flllng c:lelma wtH not l'ICTITIOUS euSOlllU MUMICl':.~.T 01' explreprlortofourmonthtfrom N~STATllMllNT CllMT•AL O•A••ll .IUDICIAL the data of the heertng noUced TllR 1o1-1n9 i-non• ... llolrt11 • om•tCT abOYe. butlnnu1· COUNTY 01' OllA .... , YOU MAY EXAMINE the flle s u .. c 0 As T G E .. E R A L ITAU 01' CAUl'OllMIA kept by the court. If you are CONTRACTORS, am Plau PoM\19 1•c:twtcc..Dttw--lntel'e9wd In the eatate you Drive, 61111• 100, Le911n• Hllh, IMMAM.~tOtt ' C.lltomlaftl.Sl Pl.AINTIP:F· COMMUNITY eANK may fife a requeat wftf\ ~ COW1 S 11 n CO• 11 0 e Of e IO P m en I a CallfwNA ~MloA, ' to racetYa epedel notice of the CCW1'0f'•IOft •• catlfOn\la ~•lion. DEFENDANT: PAUL ... IUZZO. ln¥entory of eetate aaaeta and 23117 Plu• Polftt. Orlvt, SUit• 100, llldl .. ......,,, ...... GOLDEN WEST of the pet111ona, flCCOUf'ltl and Yiluna Hiii•. c:.tttomla msJ MOVUlS, -DOES ' llw°"9I' '°· report• daacrlbad In Section Tiiis IMnlneu 1' c-cle<I ._., • lntlllslw. <~•lion. IUMMOefl t 200 of the Celltomta Probate So.w\ c-• CASa MUMS•• '•* Code. Dl•elopmet.C c..._etlon ltOTIC91 Y• Mw ..... ..._ ,,_ Speotor,..,6Cone,At• PNllltAJe, c.eM~_.. ....... ,_ ...... torney et Lew, 11111 8an YI•. Ttllt = -., '""'° wltll IN =-~~ '::,,,'-= yftte 81Yd., aulle IH, Loa COUftty C1ertt ot 0r.,,.. c-ty on ...... ,....... CA ... teL (111) ""· tt, 1•. 11 "" WWI .. _. ._ Allllk• e1 an iiiflCi Ofl tiff8'"10l9 1164791, Ptllm eno.Mylnlflh~.-*'*.. TONU.•eALf'llOl'llart P11bll1-Or .... Coed Delly Piiot, H pre .... ty M !Mt ,..,, wrltteft NOTICE IS HllateY OIVEN """ l'lllllllNcl ~C-o_.,, Pllol, ..._,, Fetl. 2~. MM. f. 10. 17, 1ta • 171.C r..-. lf--t, INY M fl ... • U... • F~ ... ~ -..... el "11. "1f,~ 1tlf ·--t*'82 iVllOt U... ....... Orn t t l111Ull9'1 ef Ille New .. rt·Mete ------------------------·-i11 .,._, ,_. ...... ~ u-. U111f194I Sc,_. District .,, O<'e .... '9JC ilJa 11• ••lll••cl• • •••et ••• UC. Co1111ty, C•llfernl•. adeptod • ---,.....,.......,.-------,....-. ....... C. ... ._ LM .. reto•11t1M el l"4IMtlen ..... • pertel ................... .. , ... '""9'1\' .. ..,...1 ....... 1y NOTICI OF DIATH OF 1LLA ODY AND OF flETIT10N SI U...,,._Mlk!Urelc-le• 1e.M2-..-~llltfl9Cttyet 11n ....... M .... -· .... n. Ce1U Meu, On11e1 Co1111ty, llectrlo lllrnedlatemonte Ce Ht• Call,.rnla, -ty •-a .,. TO ~TIR laTATm NO. The tollOMrlO .._,. ... dolrlll ~• .., ,....... etcrii. 11...., "We11e11am Site" ant M•r• A11m7. ~ A880CIATU IHTEll-WUT •tellfte.P---.....-.... i......._ perttc11lerly c .. crlbed 111 u lt To all heir&, ~ P\AZA. 2'111 La c.tr... ..... -. 1. TO THE DEl'ENDANT: A clvtl ·~ .......... -~ ---11 and ........ ,_, _,.. u.ew-..... c..a...... ~ UMPl•l11t .... been fllod .. , llM ·-.. MIMlll-cr ... on ............ _. Of J ~ ~ 24Mt Woodorwlll """'''" ....... you. If .,... •IM .. ,1ccept .... 11111 •• Tllre• Mllll•n tOl'I of Ella Ollby and perlON ,,....;., ~ ._ Clllor'llla tttU. ...._, w. 1-wlt. you ,......, wiwn c~•--1 0et1ar1. T .. """....,. who may be otherwlae Inter-,.,.,.,,, w. ---. .... ...... • 1'y1 .,.., INI -is tHw4I ""' .. .,. ...., "' c-• .,.,..,. eated In the wll and,lor eetate: ...--. ueiN ....... -Cellarnll tMn. on 'l'W. Ille wte1 IN• cwrt • -"""' .._ ....,.,_,.. • 1"C'*1 111 .,. ... .--..__ ..___ ......... ...., a-G........,.17tolllltth21111 ,...... .. -~u....__ • .....,... " ~,.....,, ·-.._, ,_, "T ,_.,"-'la, AltloNo NOte. te .. .,_def..,.. whl M _.,... • Jtlty 1, ,_at t :e6 •'<led! P·"'· 1Mt Robert R. Hurwitz In the TNa......._1100llCMlled11y•..,.... 9"itCatloft e1 .. lll•lntlff, ene ttlh Mell tt..c..,. .. tl!M e1 • ..,..le Superior Court of Orange .--••· C-1 _., ....,. • ,...,_. ... .,... 11e1r1,.. Wllkll •Ill i. ...., ht a. County requeetlng thet Robert TNa .=i:.. a.: ... .. 'l'W ._.. t1w rwfte1 CtOMI .... !ft .. •111IHM Office el 1151 ~IK911Ue R. Hurwitz be appointed aa CeuMya.tiOfO..,..Ooo.wltyon.....,.. ceMp10111t. wllkl'I c~c rewlt 111 :,.-..:...?-~· ~·,... -..i r-tat!Ye to~ ''· ttu. e•rn1111ment ef ••9". te.ine •1 ~~~CIK attanel ---_,..._, ,_. -•Y or IWACIOflY or et ... r retlof _,....,,.._ ....... -........ llwlM mlNster the eatat9 of Ela Oxby ....., ICWA. a .,,._llTC* ,.........., .,. u. comptelll\, alM lie remhodet tMt 11-, (under th• Independent Ad-Ar 1 1u.eca,..... DATeO:Meyt1,1.., ~ • ., ... .....,...........,...,. ~of EetaleeAct). The ......... 0.... C.... ..., ..... E ....... W. a.a.a, tlle ""-Md CllR1"lello el ...... =ltlon ..... tor ..__... In --"· ... .,, •• '· -..... Oefto -............. .....,_ Offtce .. .. 700 ,.;.'=,::.:!.. 11 .. v•-. "'° Sclleol Olatrlct, 11S7 ~lecefltl• .No.~at .... ~-·t• °"""" "'~-....~ Orl\oe, w.t. In the City of 8Mta ... 19'11( ltOllN, WACWT•t.LA a1LaHT OATa: Merctl s.,.. I Ana. Celllfomta on APtlf 7, 1982 A Pt fa I I CAI"".._ J0Htt W. NICOU. att:30a.m. •==~· :,.'="'.._..,. =:-',=. IF YOU OBJECT to th• Tiie ....... .,.. ......... ,. Colne LAI ....... ~..., ll11t;a\Mete ·artnttng of the P9Utfon, you --.. .. : lltll ....a Uftltlod ldllet DIWlct ihoulcf •ltti.r appear at th• HAllTHY VIE• .. \'Kil, MIJ1 ......... Or.., c...e o.tty Pli.t. ~ ..... Or-.. c.... Delly Pli.t. hMttng and •tat• )'OUf ObJeo-Slater A-. WW*· F..-. ... MM.tt,17.14,lt,1• lttM2 MM.tt,11,M,ltm 111 .. ..._.., Of ..._ Wfft'*' ~ V .... y, c:atlloftl&eftM •I ,..,.,. ,_ c"""" L. ...,_,,. ... ~. -• -• -• -'lflth the oourt btfore hee-Ne . J4. C.-dtt MM, C:.llfonlla ,,_ •tllK r-.... •rtK ring, Yow~ mey be tau ------------.----------In~ Of Dy your attorney. ..,., ........ ., Olltl'lrte, -'" YOU11 A~ AC~:' ~'::;,,.'!~· cm"• f•I M.,, SYNOPSIS 01' THE8=UAL STATEMENT. ,• cOft ~gen ere or o • Tl'llt _1_ 4, cOftductH ..., • • Oft • ==-·coo::::-~ ,_,.,=~N.-SEL.ECT INSURANCE COMPANY to .. ..., ... ,.,_.._. TNI ......_ -,.... -.. ll'IS c:Mar S,Wlllp, Deftal, TX 7S'tl'9 ' 1PPat• llty tM ~ -., c:a-tY C1ertl .-Or ..... c-itf YNr EIMIN Dec ..... J1 , Hl1 ,_., montM trom ttlt-.. of lllllKl'IS, ,.._ " Total edmltted .. ,.ts • '* ~7,479,552 ._..,..of~• pre>-,.,........ 0r.,. c-Oalty,.... Total llabUltles 35,329,955 ttded In._..,, 700 of the r.tt,11,14.11,t.a t 'Speclalsurplusfunds ' 0 ,.,....CodeofCalb'nla. Th9 • Capltat.,.16-Up/Gvaranty • • tllll9 b mne c1e11M .. not Nae ma Capttal/StaMory Deposit 1,500,000 _.,. IWIOr to tour"'°""" from Gross paid-In and tM ,-. of ._...,.. nollCld r1CT1nounvttN11it c; contributed surplus •,805,239 tbo"'9. ..,.. 1TAT9.MHT unassigned funO.s 'YOU MAY !XAMINE ._ flte Tllo ... ~ ...,...... ,,. _.,. <s~rplus) s_..... 351 ' = = n °=" .:.= ::: ~-~NNll INTHNATIONAL Surpluses r901rdS POllCYhofderS ' 12 14' $97 .. ----oourt CflaATIVll OUIONS... ....... Income for the veer-2itt0'117 ~·;;;iii ,..... of .. :!:•· ,.__. ~"'· c:.11*111• Ollburwn.nts ~the yep • u:..n:a ..,.....,, rt ...... -end H1"11a ~ 1~. • We heretty ~lfy mat the abcWe Items .,.. In of IM pellOfll. llOOOUnta enct ~0 ~"*'·,. w..cc1Ht accorcs.nce with the Annual S&ltlrnem for the .,.., ,..,.,., deeOtlbed tn e..tton ,, ... ~ llff<l'I, C•11..,11" ended Oecembet' 31, 1,.1, me9t to ltte tnwrance 1aoo ti • ~ ,,__ TM• ....,_. " ,...._...,. •• • Commissioner of ,,,. Sta• of C."fOmla, PUrSUant to li ~....... law . ....... -. • I r't ..._".,.....'"'· • RC Fe...._,_ ...... llk...... ......,,.._,AcN •• Vic ... ~' ..... '"' ........ .::, '::.": :9..:'C:, ': R.C. fl«'*"°'• OA-'"*-' o.,.. -SKrwtery ._Clolll ...... ..,. ,..._.Orwla9c:.ito.6t¥": Publflhld Oren,. Co.st Diiiy Piiot, Man:h 16, 17 ... -..... 14, .... a,"''·... .,,. 19, 19, 22, 1"2 ·~ • IUW YORK (AP) -Dwa picel are faDin&. and that ii a.,._ relW fot oO·impx1inc nauam adi • th. Unl-.d Stai.. A.a the Wol"kl'1 biaeet eswqy ..-.. U .S. indu.try ltanda to p1n perhape the ~­ And ~.are benefidna by low« peoJ!ne and home beatina oO prica. . Bunhe re~ II not unlvereal Excepdona can a. found eY9I\ MDOftl the induttNJUed natfona IO bard blt by the oil~price lhocka ot the 18'10.. Ccnlentation, econornk: etapation and ~ eMf1Y exploration have l>'lolhed totne crude oil oricel nearly $10 a barrel lower than • year .,o. But not all the olJ.lmportinc countries are fee.l.lol tbrfull .etfec18. ·lfere are 80lne qu.tioria and anawen Jo help explain how lower oU prioel can ltil1 mAA higher enerv bill.I tor .,..,. countries~ Q: 'How can oU prices be falling when just a few yeara .,o prke9 were IOaring? • A: In large pert, lt ia precbely becau.e prices skyrocketed. ln 1979 and 1980 that the trend bu revened. People and · busi.neaael began takina energy con1ervation aerioualy after prices for .guoline and lAdustri.al fuela jumped following the Iranian revolution. An example of how draltic the revenal has been ii Britain's Nort.h Sea oil h now sells for $31 a barrel compared with $39.25 ln January 1981. Some energy analyata believe prices will fall even further, perhaps below $20 a barrel. · Q: Why does the United States benefit the Dl08t from declining oil prices? - A: The main reuon is becat.11e crude oil eold ln the free world la priced i.rt American dollan. So when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries lowers lta prices -aa aome of ita me~bers have recently done -the United States enjoys an i.mmedi.ate and direct cut in i'3 import bill. Q: Why isn't that true for the European countries? A: The link between OP~ prices and import bills ia not direct for the European countries becauae the value of their currencies are not constant ln relation to the dollar. In recent yeMrs the value of moet European currencies has fallen. For ex.ample the value of the West German mark has fallen about 5 percent since last sprina. So OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND wm 11 wodd oil prbl have declined, OermAny1 oO-tmport bill Ml not. Oennany'1 federal tndol offb reported that while ita Imports fell about 18 perceot 6' the flnt 1 l montha of 1981, la olJ.Jmpcn btll l'OM about 12 pefCet\t ln the ...... period. Q: .\Y.by ii oU IOt:f in.dolWI? A: .from the viewpoint of OPPC.. whicll ::S.~ ebout 40 percent of the tree world'• oU the dollar lt the mmt stable and reUab&e ..currency on which to bue lta price9. And for now, the dollar'1 ltftnlth on fc>teign exchanae mark.eta la one of the few thi.ncl worklnl ln OPra favQf'. Jta ..ie. have dropped llw'pli ln the put yev but the strenith of'tbe dollar has prevented an even lar8er to. ID revenue to the 13 members. Housing starts up 6.5% in February WASHINGTON (AP) -Housing starts by U.S. builders roee 6.5 percent in February, with all of the gain coming in construction of apartments and other multif.alnily buildings, the Commerce Department has reported, Overall housing starts -at a seasonally ad- justed annual rate ol 953,000 -were at the highest level since last July's 1.()4 million. January's newly revifed raie of 895,000 had been up 1.5 percent from December. Starts have been easing. upward for four slraight months. but they still are low by the standards of m08t of the 1970s. In February, new starts of single-family units declined 10.9 percent from January, hitting an an- nual rate of 533,000. · However, the building of structures with two or more units gained 41.4 percent to a rate of 420,000, the report said. One other bright sPQl wu in building pennits, which climbed for the lourth straight month. Permits for future construction were iuued in February" at an annual rate of 838,000, up·0.7 per- cent from January. UPS I.Ml ,,,,. l ~ ·~ 11-16 10 2-. ,..., "" ·~ 11Vt 70llo • •llo 7\1. 1\lo 1'4 ""' ... M M s M M 12~ .~ • \I) . " + "' +S-16 + ,.,., • :tlo • Vt . ,._ . "' ...... • 1 + 1 • Vt + "' . '"' • 14 + '"" ...... + .. + •;. • 'It . "" . "' • 1\lo ~I. Up ... VP :IO.O Up 20.0 Up 11.• vrr 11.t Up 17.6 Up 16.7 Up 1' 1 Up ~· Up IS.• UP 1S.0 Up 14,t Up 1<&.• Up 11J Up 11.7 Up 11.S Up 12.S ; UP n.s Up 11.• Up 11.1 Up 11.1 Up 11.1 Up 11.1 Up 11.1 Up 10.t j expanil~ creClit p ... ,,... a .... of Irvtne. one ot America'• · iar.• bomebu.JJMre, baa expend.9d its f1nAnda1 ca- pal:ill\Y wtth newg.~r .. that lncr1111 its a>mmitted benk by million to ~ mlJl&olL The acreement ai.o aw commerda1 paper from $S0 millkln to $100 mUJJoo. Bobm und, cocporate~t and tnllWW, Mid erou aom-• e $26& ~of bank Uftel COl1* • a l'elUlt of" ~ of new and amended loen~ta with 14 tiitnD . ; . WTC lac. of Newport Beach said that the pr• vioualy announced aesottationl for • merpr with IAabflct C.trol G,..., la1eruu.al have been ter- minated. A IP!C)kmnan for wrc ttated that aft.er COllliclerable dfort. the l)U11e9 had been unable to reach agreement on ell point.I and. determined that it would not be productive to devote further time and expen1e to try to complete the transaction at this time. Su Bar ~rp. of, Irvine has received a contract through G.W. }Jall, the company's Canadian dimibu- tor, to supply $788,700 (canadlan) of line cards to Alberta Telephone Co. . ••m Morelaoae .... 1trin lac. of Fullerton for the eecond.quarter ended Feb. 28 had net tnoome tram continuing operations advance 34 to percent to $207, 500, or 7 cent.I a share, from $157,800, or 5 cents, in the comparable prior year period. Sales roee to $2.4 mllllon from $2.3 milljon . . . Newpor1 Corp. of Fountain Valley reported ear- ninp from continuing operations were $84 l,202, or 36 cent.I a share, up~ percent from $591 ,153, or 26 cents, a year ago, for ita quarter ended Jan. 31 . Sales were $4.3 million compared with $3.4 mllllon last year ... Wyle tabontories said it expects to report a net la. of approximately $2.1 million for the year ended Jan. 31, fqllowirig a deciaion to write off about $5 million ol intangible uae~ aaec>qated with its trucking operatiom. The company said it expects to report a net loaa for the fourth quarter of about $5.1 million. of which an estimated $1 million was from operations .. ·. Jet America AlrllDes lac., which commenced operations on Nov. 16, reported an audited io. of $3.2 million, or $7.71 a~. on the weighted avenge sh.area outstanding for the fiac&l year ended Dec. 31. The airline, the first new trunk carrier in 20 years, said that $675,400 of the W. related to the pre-operating period and that $2.5 million applied to the first 45 days of o~tion ... . Un• <:::!1-----... s _ Yields on ahort-t.enn Treuary aecuidn roee nearly 1 percentace point. reaching the b.ighat level in a month. About $4.8 billion ln six-month b1Us ~ Monday at an average di9count rate-Of 12.962 t, up from the 12.064 percent.of last week. e tll; emment alao 1e>ld about $4.8 billion in three-month · at an average rate or 12.909 percent, up from the 12.0$8 percent of last week . . . . STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS Pct. Up IU IJp 11.• l)p 10.S Up t.) Up t.O l)p .. , Up ... IJp .. . IJp .. . l)p ... Up u Up a.o VII 7.1 Up 1.1 Ull 7.1 IJp 7.5 Up 7.4 I.Ip 7.1 ~ H IJp ~ U• t.t. Up 6.7 U• 6.6 IJp ... HEW VORJ((API ll'INI o-.JonH ..... ~ ..... Y. lllW. ll. JO Ind °1:.61 :Z1 ~ :::-,,_ f:l IO _TMI . ~27 m.n 221.72 DUS+ ue IS Utt 105.44 IOUI 10f.~ IO:S. :i.-O.D ., .. 114.$1 311.0S J1 us JIJ.11-0.2' ,,.. .................... • •,1'2,6il0 T"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . ...__. IAll1 ................ -.... (7'(• u Slll ......... ............. 7,7-,'0ll . WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (API Mlir 16 .lldv-Dlcllned '';'14 U2 == ::a J .-.... -TAMfllDIO t .. HEW YORK CAP) NM. 1' Todey ~ -·~ f~ TCIUI I-761 -"""' 3 _ ._. ., MOALS SILVER ,......, ' ......... •t1t m ?JO 164 s " HMdy & HW!ften. 17.230 per ~ --. GOLD QUOTATIONS ,........, ......_ momlnO fllllno 1321.00, llP ... 00. &..-...: ellefMoil ftllln9 Ut4.00, UP. 112..50. • ·' .... t.US.4', up ..... 7. ~ IS24.00, llP 11• ZWtllll "-....... 1121.CIO. • 110.00 • IS24.00-... ' ....., a ...,_ (Of!IV *""' .,.. 1324,00 • l tt.M. Ir•• (Of!IV Oii/ir CIYC*) 8324.t0.111 • 112,. ....... ~c~,4:1. ~ ~ . SYMBOLS ' BY CURT SEEDEN • OftMo.llJ .......... VERO BEACH -Dodgel' rookie pitching ~Nation Ted Power hold.I a distinction Fernando Valensuela can't even matCh. The 27-year-old rtcht-hander wu the only pitcher in professional baseball to win 20 earnee in 1981. Surely, such an accomplWunent can't go overlooked. That'•· w:;_:;_~wer is befug watched ever ao cloeely t.heee daya by er Tommy Luorda. ' .------~ You see, Lasorda needs a pitcher to ao out there and throw every fifi.h game. Power, coincidentally, needs a job on the major league level. U he doesn't get ll this 'spring, he will either be traded, 1 picked up on waivers or sent back tb the xninors. ~ The last option Is doubtful. Known for his fiery fastball, Power has now gone through two exhibition games alloWing three harmless hits. He bas also j::&Ught the anention of the Seattle Mariners who have been trying to pull off a deal which would send F loyd Bannister to the Dodgers. But if Power is to stay with the big club and join the world champions when they Dy back to Los Angeles in April. he's going to have to beat out veteran (and highly paid) Dave Goltz as the Dodgers' fifth starter. And there is always the possibility both Goltz and Power will find true happiness, providing Valenzuela is still TED POWER in Mexico on April 6. "I've done everything l possibly could the last two or three years," Power says. "I would feel a little bad about not being in the major leagues this year. I know the Dodgers want a pennant and want to repeat as world champions. And I understand it's tough to bring a rookie into start under those circumstances." · Still, Power says he doesn't feel like a rookie. And at age 27, he hardly looks or thinks like one. · "A lot of tiriles rookies are pushed back (to the minors) because they don't always have that saltiness of a veteran," he says. "I just don't feel like a rookie. I know all the major leaguers now. I'm around them every spring." TOUGH STOP -San Francisco's Darrell Evans doubles over· . to backhand a hard grounder off the bat of Angels' Rick Burleson in action Tuesday. Power doetn't deny that hi.I tint couple of )'e&rl in profellional bueball were marked by, whaf he calla, a lack of NepUNlibWty. But all that chanaed when he WM mar- ried. -... . "When J wu in hlah tchool and ooJ.leae, I alwaya had thinal handed to me beau . .u1e l wu an athlete. I probably never really bad a eerwt o1,ftlponllbWty.'' he explatna~ "But When I aot married, I really real.lzed I WU not only responsible !or my.ell but f« my wife (Karen). If I failed it WU -8Qinc to affect the both of ua. Now we have a little girl and that makes this 8eaOll eyen more import.ant to us." .. Power's bid to make the big club la the result of six years in the minors and is topped by his 20-game wtnn.tng perfor- mance ia..t aeaaon. It included 18 victo- ries at Albuquerque where he 1oet just three times in compiling a 3.56 earned run average. Victory No. 19 came in a Pacific Coast League playoff game against Tacoma. Win No. 20 was alao Power's first major league victory. It came against the San Diego Padres last September. Actually, Power alwaye expected to Be with the Dodgers in September. He just didn't expect to start the season in New Mexico. Like several other Dodgers, Power played winter ball in Venezuela and even earned all-star honors while pit- ching for La Guaira. It was while he was playing in Venezuela that he met Sean.re Manager Rene Lachemann. Considering the Mari- ners reportedly have lour open spots on their pitching staff, Power hasn't forgotten the man and he hopes Lachemann hasn't forgotten him either. "I have no qualms about him. He's a great ~y," Power says of Lachemann. "U you give him everything you've got, you'll stay on his good side." UWlr ......... • Power also feels he hasn't done anything to jeopardize his long relationship with the Dodgers. "I think I have a real good relationship with Tommy (See POWER, Page 87) UPSET'WINNER -Billie Jean King r~turns a forehand shot to Pam Shriver during their match Tuesday in Boston. King recorded a 6-7, 7-2, 6-4 upset victory over the second-seede<I Shriver. · Senlhlance _of sanity detected There is faint hope in the discussions in the barber shops and taverns and haberdasheries and similar salons of sound thinking that some good may come of all the henuning and hawing · between Fernando Valenzuela and the Los Angeles Dodges. Fernando went home to Mexico 1.o wait. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER and therefore could not become a free agent or even enter arbitration. In short, if Fernando was going to pitch in the year of our landlord 1982. he was going to pitch Cor the Dodgers. The Dodgers indicated that if the left-hander was waiting for a contract calling for a million dollars a year, he might wait until there were no poppy fields in Mexico and the bulls began defeating the matadors. It is a small thing, perhaps, but it may be the first encouraging sign since the lunatics first took ove.r the asylum and the inmates began running the prison and the patients commenced calling the shots at the hospital. across as a suggestion that some of the absUrdity involved in the salaries of professional athletes must come to a focus lest the entire concept perish. There are organizations whose greed would have become panic and the second-year pitcher would have become a millionaire overnight. This is not to suggest the Dodgers' track record in such matters is one of total brilliance. A pitcher named Don Stanhouse, who couldn't pitch, relaxes poolside in Las Vegas and the mailman brings ched . .s from the Dodgers which will total more than a million dollars. Still. the Dodgers' posture in th.e Valenzuela issue could be the first hint thlt cooler heads might begin to prevail and tl)at the sky is not necessarily the limit. This is not to suggest that management has been a persistent victim of foul play at the hands of the players but by its very (See BUD, Page 87) The Dodgers' stand on the matter came Of course, the Dodgers had considerable going for them. Valenzuela lacked seriously in tenure. He was in his sophomore season Dodgers, Angel~ post 6-2 victories From AP cU'X!~~bes . SCO'ITSD -Jose Moreno homered and Angel Moreno pitched · five inrurigs allowing only one run,· as the Angels defeated the San Francisco Giants 6-2 in a Cactus League exhib1tion game Tuesday. Jose hlt the second pitch delivered by Giants starter Dan Schatzeder. Moreno allowed only three hits in his five innings to win .. The Angels 9COred four times off Schatzeder, who came to the Giants in an off-season trade with Detroit. He went four innings, and struck out one batter. Dodgers roll LAKELAND, Fla. -Detroit reliever Kevin Saucier, rattled by a pair of balk calla, yielded four successive singles in the 10th inning and the Dodgers took a 6-2 victory <YVe'r the Tigers. Sauder, who came on to start the 10th, issued a one-out walk to Greg Brock, then was called for two successive balks whlch sent Brock to third. Brock acored the go!ahead run on Steve Yeager's single. Chang heads All-area team .. Hugh es, DiBerna'rdo, Gardner,:· Bardsley gain first team By ROGER CARLSON Of !tie Delly Piiot SUit Richard Chang, Edison High's three-year starter and an All-CIF Selection as a junior, heads the All-Orange Coast area basketball team, following a season whi& found the area dominating Orange County and playing a big role in the CIF playoffs. Chang, a 6-6 standout boUnd for the University of California ,at Berkeley, was the runaway choice after pi.eking up similar honors in the Sunset .League and Oraii~e County. Also chosen to the 15-man roster are two other F.ciison players and a pair of Corona del Mar figures, while the other 10 berths~~ spread out between 10 other schools. · Coach of the Year, based on the entire season , is Edison High•s Barry Leigh. who guided his Chargers to a 24-3 record, and the Sunset League championship. It was the first league title in basketball in Edison's history and the most victories in one season by a considerable margin. lliiaon was ranked no lower than No. 2 in the CIF 4-A Division the entire year and entered the playoffs as the No. l seed before being eliminated by Servite in the second round. Other first t.e,m selections include Fountain Valley's Jeff Hughes, Edison's Rick DiBernardo, Fstancia's Jeff Gardner and Costa Mesa's Ken Bardsley. The Orange Coast area consists of the Sunset League, Sea View League, Laguna Beach, Woodbridge and Mater Dei. Hushes was a one--man wrecking crew for Fountain Valley, despite the Barons' failure to make the pla~off:s, while DiBemardo, a three-year starter like Chang, was a force on the boards. as AREA'S BEST -Edison High's Richard Chang (left) and Barry Leigh are the Orange Coast Area's Player and Coach of the Year. well as in the scoring department for Edison. Gardner was the Sea View League's MVP and was the catalyst to a 22-5 season for Fstancia, while Bardsley. who scored in double figures in 50 straight games for Costa Mesa, was the key to Mesa's first CIF playoff competition in 16 years. The 15-man squad includes three juniors and a sophomore. Mike Hess, camouflaged nicely by Corona del Mar Coach Jack Errion for most of the year, joins senior Chris Lynch on the second team. and Huntington Beach's Billy Thompson, al*> a junior, made the Oilers one of the big surprises of 1982. Seniors Rick Smith and Jim Uaevitch of ~ and Ocean View, respectively, round out the teCOnd t. '\It, while Byron Ball, a junior at Newport Harbor, and Matt Beeuwsaert, Mat.er Dei's aophornol'e, were choeen for the third t.eam. Blazers forget defense ·and let ·Lakers run Rounding out the squad are Univetaity High's Brad Guess; Laguna Beach'• Neil Riddell, the area's lf>ading sco.rer, and Edison guard Jeff Stephens: AJl-Oru1e· Coast Area PORTLANB (AP) -The Los Angeles i.akers beat""the Port.Umd Tr~ Blarer5 120-108 'I\ie9day night because the Laktrs remembered to run, said Los Angeles coach Pat Ril_ey. Portland coach Jack Ramsay said his team forgot to play defense, The National Basketba.V Asaociation game ata- tistics show additional reasons for the Lakers' do- mination. LOI AnReles outrebollftded Portland 51-32 and blocked 14 'l>or1Jand shots. LOI Angeles out.shot Portland 55 pettent to 51 percent. ' . Jamaal Wilkes led the Lakera. now ff-21. wllh 27 pcMta, Earvin "MaP.:P Johnaon and Kafeern Abdul..Jabbar lt'Ored 24 points each. JohneOn ICOft!d 16 points in the third period when the Lakep took control of the game. , _ " . . "Wilkes hlt his open shots consistently tonight," Ramsay said. "Our defense left a lot to be desired.'' "They played to their 1~n~ very well -to Kareem, to Wilkes, to. Johnaon, Ramsay aaid. "To win against them requires superlative defensive play in order to make the offeme counl That didn't happen for us t.onlght." Mark Landaberger, enteriq the. game fot Los Angeles wi.th the acore tied at ~7 with 8:40 left in the third quarter, had 14 reboundl and 10 polnta. In the next tour minu'4!11, the LU.en ~ u,e an 86-72 lead and had little trouble the rest o the ~ay. Jlm Pu.>n led Portland ... th 26 pointa. My· cha1 Thompeon added 24 pointa and Calvin Natt, 22, for tM Bluera. . . Flnt Team ' Landsberger played touch defenae and had a Player, lcllool Ht. a. Ava. at.ea1 and two blocked ahota. ~ ·· Richard Chana. Ed.iaon 6-6 Sr. 20.8 "I felt we got a ble lift from Mark off the Jeff Hushes, Fountain Valley 6·3 Sr. 20.5 bench," Riley aaia. "Defeme is Ule thing that makes Rick DI.Bernardo, Ed1aon 6-4 Sr. 15.6 our mt-break go, and we ~ a runnina team. Jeff Gardner, Eatanda 5-10 Sr. 12.1 When we can run; we tend to have streaka llke you Ken Bardsley, Caeta Mesa 6-4 Sr. 19.f aaw tonight" Secolld Team Ponland'a laclt of a falt-break, caueed by a lack· ruck Smith, Marina • , 6-5 Sr. 14.f of rebou.ndlna, enabled the x...aken to double-teartl . Jim Uaevitch, Ocean View ~-9'\.i Sr. 20.3 Portland playen when Portland had the ball, Chris Lynch, Corona de1 Mar 6-.2 Sr. 15.6 Ramsay Mid. . Billy Thompeon, Huntington Belch 6-1 .Jr. 12.9 The WM tied at S4 after the tint period. Mike H-. Corona de1 Mar 6-2 Jr. 8.9 The Laken by five at the half. 'ftlrd Team .. ~ e ran the ball early in the pme and "Byron Ball. Newport Harbor 8-7 , Jr. l 7 .1 In portiona the third and f°'ilf1hq~ we dJd Brad Gue98i Univenity • ~ Sr. 19.0 well," Ru y lald. "We tot In trouble when we Matt BeeuWMert, MM« Def 6-5 So. 19.2 alowed it and allowed them to double-teem Neil Riddell, Laguna ae.cb 6-1 Sr. 22.3 ua.'' Jett Stepheftt, ldt.on 6-2 St. 12.1 .. BelDI a auceeuful host or hostess requires some versaWe lkWa ID·tbe kitc~n. A capable cook can move from one type of eooktaa to ano&her when the situation -or weather -calls for it. One time of 1year that presents challenges to even the most Uillf\ll chef la 1prin1 -one day it's cool and the next it's sunny. Became JOU have to flex your culinary m~cles accor~gly, it's a IOOd idea to have a repert6~ of hot and teold food and dfinks at iand.tbat are easy te prepare. ' · I One winnin& en tree lor cool weather is Duckling Beatrice, an lmpreuive dlah wtth prunes and bananas that's named with liqueur at the table. . When temperatures rise, top off a light repast with Coconut llum Froaen' Desfert, 1a meltrin·the-mouth, creamy refresher made wltb crushed plrieiu>ple, grated chocolate and a lub~e touch of eoeonut rum. Delectable beverages that run the temperature gamut ~e a eoqllq, fruity punch, a creamy-coconut ice cream drink, a minty bot chocolate and t heated egg nog-based beverage with the flavor of elder and coconut rum. DUCKUNG BEATIUCE 1.ducklln1. 4 to s pou.¢5 1 teaspoon salt, divided ~cup coconut rum liqueur, divided 1 tablespoon butter 1 medium siled onion, chppped 2~ cups water, divided 2 teaspoons sugar ~ teaspoon around cinnamon 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 cup cooked, pitt$1 prunes . 2 firm, ripe banan.S, peeled, cul jnto chunks Rime duckling and pat dry; reserv'e giblets and neck. Sprinkle duckling inside and out with ~ teaspoon salt. Brush duckling inside and out with 2' tablespoons liqueur. Close cavity with akewen; truss lees. Pierce duckling sk.in with a fork in several r.lacea around the perimeter of the breast and on the back. Place n routiq pan (do not use a rack); add 1 inch hot water. Piercing and steaming are important to eliminate fat. Roast in a 350 dffgree oven 30 minutes; pour 'off liquid. Place duckling on rack; pierce akin again. Roast f hour and 4S minutes longer or until done (meat thermometer inserted on inside of thigh should read 170 degrees when done). Pierce skin every haU hour to let fat run off. Meanwhile, melt butter in medium saucepan; brown reserved ·libl.ets, neck, and chopped onion over moderate beat. Add 21/• cups water, aqar and ~emaining ~ teaspoon salt. Cover. Simmer 1 hour. Strain broth. Add water ii necessary to equal 1 ~ cups or reduce to 1~ cups . Add cinnamon. Mix cornstarch with 2 tablespoons liqueur. Add to broth. Heat broth mixture to boiling; boll '1 minute. Add prunes and bananas: beat through. Glaze ducltllnl with sauce; arrange prunes and bananas ar9und ductu.n,. Warm the r~aininl IA cup liqueur; ignite and pour over t.he ducltlln& (do this at the aervine' table for effect ). Serve ducklin& with extra a~uce in gravy boat. I 1 COCONUT RUii FROZEN DESSERT 2 egg whites .1 1 cup heavy cream I/• cup confectioners• sugar · 6 tablespoons coconut rum liqueur ~ cup toasted,1 Oak~ coconut 1 can (8 ounces) crushed pineapple, drained ~ cup grated sweet chocolate Beat eeg whites until stiff but not dry; set aside. In small bowl of electric mixer beat cream until foamy. Gradually add confectiOners' sugar and liqueur, beating until cream is stiff. Fold In coconut, pineapple chocolate and egg whites. Spoon into 8 paper. cupcake liners or sherbet glasses. Freeze 4 hours or overnight. Yield: Eight 3-ounce servings. (See Cookbook,' Page DU •. SPARK APPETITES -Duckling Beatrice is an impressive company dish to serve when weather is cool. . < _For Friends, it's ·all a niatter· of literary .. taste . ~ Anita Ferguson (left) and Fran Sloper take stock of 'Sailing Through Supper'cookbqoks now on sale. By MA.KY JANI!; SCABCEU.0 James Roosevelt b.as visited the Delly,. ... ,_. •-.r group twice to talk about books for workshops, guest speakers a nd a tour of the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Bookworms lake note: ·a tasty concerning bis father's years iii new volume has hit the shelves the White.House. Another project for the local group is an 18-month study to determine community needs as they ry:late to libraries. . this month. A n d t h e n t h e r e • s l h e "Sailing Through Supper" is a · . fun~·raising aspect. "We raise book of recipes complied by the about $8,000 to $10,000 each year Friends of the Newport Beach to help with both the basics and "First we asked patrons to show us on city maps where they live in .relation to the branches they use," Mrs. Sloper says. ·'Our next step is to interview people in local organizations. We want to spend the money we raise OQ what residents need and want." • Public Library as part of this some extras al the branches," year's fund-raising efforts. Mrs. Ferguson says. Fran Sl~r was responsible According to Mrs. Sloper, only for collecfing and organWn1 the about nine cents from each city recipes donated .by clu~ tax dollar goe.s to the library members, librarians and library syste.m , which mus'l meet patrons. · . . operating costs such as salaries, "We put boxes in each of the maintenance and new book four branch libraries for recipe purchases. donations," she says, "and "We managed to give $21,000 She's hoping for brisk-sales on the cookbook, her third in less than 10 years for local groups. we're proud that there were few to the Newport Center Branch repeats in the 336 we received." . The book is divided .tnto ... sections on appetizers; soups, salads and vegetables; main dishes; desserts; breads and rolls ; beverages and micrOWJl\re. · - "Sailing Through Supper" is for sale at the four library branches in Newport Beach and at the Bayside Phar11¥JCy. Cost is $6, and proceeds go to Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library: A unique, 'Newport Beach flavor is added to each section with drawings of local landmarks such as th'e Balboa Fun 1.one, the ferry an~the dory flsh~rmen. · To add a literary touch, the drawlnp are accompanied by short blatoricat notes provided by branch llbrarlana. Dorothea Sheely, who retired in 1m after 30 yean as city librarian, added more bbtory with 1om• ·notes about the library branches, bepnlQI witb Balboa ID tm. She belan (and 'la still aetlve ln) the Friendl ll'OUP in 1157 to help build the Corona del Mar Branch. Now IOln& atrona witb about 450 members, tbe or1antrltioa · .meet. monthly at \be NeJrPQi'l Center Branch and in private ho111e1, accordla1 to Anita Fer.-.. wbo will IUp doWll tlrh June after 1enta1 two term• u pnUclent. Pro1ram1 often lnvohe auUaora, and loeal rHl ... t I • " h e n i t o p e n e d , ' • s h e "Anita Ferguson and I met in "~members. "We provided the the Colj(llla del Mar Web School kitchen for the community PTA dtiing a cookbook," she room, shelves in the children's' remembers. "We collated it . aecUon, a conference table with ourselves, tied It to1ether 1 with 12 cbain and furniture for the yarn and sold copies for S2 ea~. lounee." "Then later I was on the Fund·ralaln& activities int.be Harbor Council PTA af paat year bfave,included a laome treasurer, and I put out another tour and a wine and cbeae cookbook. We made $1,500, and ta1u111. but the 1roup provides It wu ao aucceutul tb•t ~Y more than Just financial printed a second edition t.O 1upp0rt. years Jater." E~cb auutmas tbe Friends Her )current effort 1ook about put. on a luncheon for library 21 hours a week from AUl\llt, staff members (lrom which when red_pe.a weu flr1t ·sever.a eooldtook recipes came), -~olTectecl, until the flnt week ol and t.bey recently boated a Deeember. wben ever1tllla1 reception for a new branch waa aent olf to tbe Prints in JibnftaD. · Kam• CltJ. 11n~· nm Tbla weekend tbe) wlll stopped, by tlae fadlitJ weleolm a ltate CGGYeDtioD ol lut fall while on a to tM Fi1eDcll ol Callfomta Llbr ..... at "9 ~ c.ter ll-eaeb <'9"<*.'Pa .. Dl) . ·- ' 010. liqueurs I I OLD-FASHIONED MEAL r-Modern kitchens can nave a traditional aroma with ste-:v simmering. 11 Gettillg • into a stew Your modern kitchen will take on the warmth and charm of a country kitchen when filled with t he marvelous aroma or old-fashioned beef stew. F lavorful chunks or beef, carrots. onions and prunes combine for a hear ty winter e ntree l ha t:s delicious. Beef for stew is an excellent beef buy,, for it is economically priced and contains no bone and little waste. I t bri n g s good . nutrition as well as good flavor to the table, for beef s uppli es hi g h qua lity pr<Jtein and important B vitamins and minerals. Country·Kitchen Bee r Stew Combine 3 tablespoons flour. 2 teaspoons salt and 1 " teaspoon pepper. dredge 2 pounds beef ror s tew <c ut in 1 1 ~ t o 1' 2-inch pieces>. Brown meat in 3 tablespoons lard or drippings. Pour off drippings. Sprinkle 1 2 teas poon ground savory over m eat. Add 1 v.i cups water. cover tightJy and cook slo_wly 1 1 ~ hours. Stir in 6 m ed ium carrots. cul in I-inch pieces. and 1 medium onion. cut in 6 wedges. Coo k . covered . 30 m in u tes . Stir in 18 pr u ne s and cook. covered. 15 minutes or unt i l m eat and vegetables are tender. 6 servings. ., · MUDDY DIRT? DISCOVER BIZ BLEACH ... AND DISCOVER A CLEANER WIX]~ WASH! when you buy &'•' one any size •A when you buy 2 B•th Size ba,., or 2 Super Size bars, or 6 ~_.__--' Complexion Size bars ~~v By TOM HOG£ ., ............ ...., There's a -ro mance about liqueurs that is unmatched elsewhere ln the world or spirit.a . a romance baaed on their origins and the colorful figures with whom m any are linked. Some of these elixJrs were bom ln lhe cellars or m on.asterles in the Middle Ages and were used al llrst to treat ailments. Then, as s ugar and ~it h e rto unkn o wn s pices were brought to Eur.ope from the New World. these often bitter m e d i c I n e's w e r e tra nsforme d lhroue h improved distilling into de li c ious a lc oho l ic- cordials. like those two classics. Ber.edictine and Chartreuse. · Lique urs becam e p o pula r in F r a n ce ;Suring the age of Louis XIV. the Sun King, who reigned until 1715. Th e best -kn o wn , Scotch 1iqu e ur is Or a mbuie, whic h ls ba~ed on a formul a brought to Scotland by Bonnie Prince Charlie when he went there in 1745 in an unsuccessful bid to regain the throne of his ancestors rs;om the English. A price was pl aced on Ch a r les · head but he was hidden by a-loyal Sco t s m a n . In appreciation. the prince gave the formula of his personal ·liqueur to his c protector . It Is made tro m S c otc h m1U whiskey a nd heather honey. . I recently discovered that Drambuie is loe>d in a. steak sauce. Here l• the recipe. ·" 1 c up rrozen peas l ~up baby carrots, whole 1 c u p • cauliflower nowerets 6 tablespoons butter \ 12 t a blespoons vegetable oil crushed bouillon 1 clove 6 minute steaks lh c up be e f 2 o un ces D~mbuie 1 ounce Scotch whisky Coo k th e CO UJ' vegetables separa tely. Drain and toss ea~h with 1 tablespoon butter. Set aside and keep warm. In th e r e ma i nin g 2 tablespoons . of butter and the oil, in large frying pan saute garlic 1 minute. Remove gar lic. Saute st e aks a bout 3 m i n utes each sid e . de pending on desir ed done n ess . R e m o ve s teaks and add bouillon. Cook 1 minute. Remove rro m heat a nd a dd Dr ambuie and Scotch. Place steaks on platter. s ur r o und wi th vegetables a nd pour sauce over meal. Serves 6. Good with a hearty red Burgundy wine. when you buy one any· size • • Dis tinctive Fosh'ion ., • . MEATS Center Cut CHUCK ROAST Reg $l.9S lb $1. 49 lb Boneless BEEF BRISKET Reg$2.89 1b $2.5 9 . Boneless SHOULDER CLOD ROAST Reg $2.69 lb Lean and Meaty SHORT RIBS Reg $1.98 lb $ l.49 lb Marinated CHUCK STEAKS Reg $1.79 lb $ l.29 lb SIDE OF BEEF Get a FREE Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets ' Turkey (20-24 lb) with every Side of Beef ordered! Avg \\eight: 375 lbs $1.39 lb HINDQUARTER OF BEEF Cut and Wrapped FREE! ~ Avg \\eight: 190 lbs . $ J.69 lb Available at the Tustin and Ne~rt stores only! · SE 'AF 0 0 D . Fresh PACIFIC RED SNAPPER Reg $2.49 lb $1.69 lb . JUMBO SC.l\.LLOPS Reg$8.98 1b $6 .49 lb Fresh Skin-On PERCH Reg $3.49 lb $2.79 lb Fresh . CANADIAN COD FILE TS Reg $2.98 lb $2.39 lb ... Fresh . REX SOLE Reg $3.49 lb . $2.79 lb A-vailable at the Tustin and Newport stores only! , BAKERY Homemade 100% Natural SPROUTED SEVEN GRAIN BREAD 2407-Loaf , . $1.39 Homemacte Irvine Rane~ . Fanners Markets DANISH SWEET ROLLS Packageof4 $1. 79 Limit Rights Rese rved No Dealer Sa~. Store Ho11rs:·/O am to 6 pm. Se1•f11 Dav, JRVINE STORE \Olamel Edition XIV . ' DE LI WESTBURG SWISS CHEESE ;I ' From Holland. ·Reg $3.49 lb s ·2.19 lb Gallo of San Francisco COTTO SALAMI Reg$2.79 lb $2_49 lb ·~-r.,c PROVOLONE ' Fresh ansl Tender LEAF·SPINACH · 29¢ bunch Fresh Local MUSHROOMS .I ., ____ ' Large Button Size First of Season SWEET WATERMELON 19¢ lb U.S. #1 Premium · . RUSSET POTATOES IO lb Bag $1.39 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES · ·31b for · $1. 79 lb $1.29 lb $1.00 Slice these delicious mushrooms into a fresh spinach salad and garnish with one of our natural salad di:essings! • NATURAL FOODS . ~stbrae Whole Wheal MACARONI AND CHEESE DINNER "19o7 Rf'1(H9t 49 ¢ Pure and Simple ../ PUFFED CEREALS Cl>nl, WIM-at. Rlno and \1illfol Ii OL Mf'I( i9t 49¢ Irvine Ranch Fanner• Markets FRUIT COMPOTE Ill 07. Mt'l( 82.39 $1.85 Irvine Ranch 1-anners Markelll CAROB CHIPS 16 or l«•I( 81.65 _$1.25 CAROB PEANUT CLUSTERS Rulk Ot1I} Rf"!I ~l ~ lh $ l 89 . • lh RAW PECAN HALVES llulk Only R"1C 84 HS lh $ 3 • 19 lb ' CHOLINE 10011tb... Rf'1( 82.7fi $2.47 High Potency B -COMPLEX WITH C MAGNA B -STRESS 301iol». Rf.ti SJ.70 $3.34 DOLOMITE Natural CA!Mum & M•ICJ'l"8lum 100 !Ahli Rf'l(S'-'ll '$1.18 250 111"8. R'-"11 Sfi.1:1 $5.51 250 IA!». R..-82..SI $2.26 ) r-~~~,,..,.~~--i ..... -.-IJlllllJll"....,....-!~...-- Where Tradition ia Country F. reshness. _ tUSTIN.STORE-- _ _: - CHEESE . . Perfect for Sandwiche.'l! Reg $3.49 lb $2.98 lb Rich's All White TURKEY BREAST Reg $4.79 lb $3 .98 lb Marie's BLEUClll:ESE SA·LAD DRESSING 16 oz. Reg $1.89 $ l.59 Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! PROVISIONS \\eston's STONED WHEAT THINS 10.6 oz. Reg $1.19 89¢ Knudsen Farmer Style COTTAGE CHE~SE 16 oL Reg $1.09 Swiss Chocolate Almond WHOLE BEAN COFFEE 89¢ Bul.k Only. Reg $6.I~ lb $4 .99 lb LOWER EGG PRICES! Due to popular demand1 we will continue our low pricing policy on eggs. They are delivered fresh daily, and come from hens that are fed a specially·fonnulated high protein feed with no chemical additives or honnones. You can s hop around if you wish, but you won't find eggs of this quality at lower prices anywhere. ~------COUPON------~ I 25%0FF -~ 1-. I ~y I I VIE DEFRANCE I I BREAD PRODUCT I I Offer good 3/17 through 3/23 I ~------------------..1 YOGURT AND JUICE BAR YOGURT CONES Reg 75(' 59¢ Peach , .. SMOOTHIES Reg $1.55 98~ Pri~ good tbroug~ 3/23 Srore II ours: 9 am w 9p.11. Se1•tn Days I ·-. . - -14002 Myford Roact At Santa AnaFreeway 13152 Newport Avenue At Irvine Boulevard CE>Sl'A MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 Irvine Avenue South of M~sa Drive 631-4404 838-2851 838-9570 ' Stort Hours: 9 am 10 8 pm. S<'vtn Dai·~ .... \ •1 MARY JANB SCAacau.o ................. •. A wt new1paper atory OD Ult 1a 811111f.::::::,, breathl-1y revealed that Soviet wtMnen . •H . txp•cted to work at Jobt out.tide tM bome aa• well aa doln1 traditional home Ud Jamll,Y chorea. • """ • · The writer waa an American male Journalist who took 1reat 1lee la polntln1 out tta.rauaey of a Ruaalao hollday called Women's Day which traditionally meana a famUy feast bou1ht, cooked and cleantd·up-alter by women. · Thia is front pa1• news? And did he have to travel to Moscow lo file the story? American women have kno~ fort yea~ what the reporter was Just diacbvering about.. our SOviet si.stens: holidays meaan the women cook and clean while the men take a nap after dinner . They usually wake. up and want a snack just when the dishes are done from the ori1inal feeding. The writer sympathized with Russian women who, after working aU day, come home to a kitchen with no convenience foods and few modern amenities. Ir Russian women never have seen food processors or electric can openers, they also Sa ving time for th e cook BROADWA·V store in Newport Beach will host Marion Cunningh am teaching a class i n time·saving cooking at 3 p .m . Frid.JY. Fee is $10, and resei'\-ations can be made with the store's execu.tive ~e~retary .at 644·1212. ·iames Beard and Julie Dannebaum will be featured. A brunch class will be taught by Tarla FalJgatter on March 30. Call the store al 751-1166 for class information. Joan Gerson Nathan, author or "J e wis h Holiday Cooking," wilf SHERMAN LIBRARY conduct a free cooking and: Gardens in Corona demonstration and book del Mar will offer a signing at the store at 1 class In pre paring a p.m . on M~rch 30. She C hinese dinper on "'will Prepare seve ral ··March 23 and another traditional Passover for a Mexican dinner on dis hes. March 30. Classes are 11· a .m. to 1:30 p.m .. and registration fee Is $20 for each. Call 673·2261 for preregistration. DIOSA'S Books and Cookwa~n Irvine will host Tarla'=-Fallgatt;,r tonight at 6 :30 in st ru c ting in two 60 -minute gourmet dinners. Fee is $20. Corlis Rose will teach a class on bagel making from 1 to 3 p.m . on \ Saturday. Class fee is $10. . Easter champagne brunch will be taught at 6 :30 p.m . Monday by Susan Slack. A complete menu will include Amaretto peach cubes.. s ausage casserole, s alad, bread and lemon ice with cookies. Cost for the class is $20. Tarla FaUgatter will offer a class in chocolate desserts at 6: 30 p ~m. Tuesday. Class fee is $20. A festive Mexican dinner from cheese soup to Mexican bread pudding will be taught at 6:30 p.m. on March 24 b y Dolores Hoffman. Cost for the class is $20. Call Diosa's at 551·0280 for information and registration. KITCHEN TIONGS in Corona del Mar will offer Rpy Pingo • demonstrating a seafood and vegetable r isotto and a German apple pie on March 18. He will return March 25 with a veal recipe from the Four Seasons restaurant in New York. Fee for ~ach class is $20. Bets9" Moulton will teach a three-h our course based on an Easter dinner on March 30. Included will be boneles's leg or lamb, s pinach feta and a trifle flavored with I rls h Cream liqueur. Class fee is S23. a food processor on April 13. Class fee is $20. Call the store at 673-3444 for information and registration. She will teach a clas:. io Italian cooking using a food er process~r processor on April ~. Class fee is $20. Call tht> store at 673 3444 for information and MR. STOX restaurant in Anaheim will offer a class for an elegant luncheon at 10 a. m . March 18. A champagne Easter brunch on March 25 will feature shrimp souffle WILLJAMS·SONOMA ro 11 , bak e d ham , in South Coast Plaza will Fabe rge East e r ~eggs host Tarla Fallgatter in and chocolate baskets. a s p r i n g d i n n e r Class fee is $32.50 each. presentation on March A n e v •e n i n g 22. Lamb and asparagus · participation cooking will be featured, with a ·class and gourmet dessert of hazelnut roll d i n n e r w i 11 a I I o w and rum cream. students to prepare their . . , own m eal under Breadmakmg will ~ s upervision of Executive t ~ u g h t b Y G e r r ' Chef Charles La Forte Gilliland on. March 2:J. Cost is S37.50 per oerson · from baste. 4ou,gh The restaurant will p r e p a r ~ t 1 o n t o sponsor a culinary tour 1nternat1onal and o(ParisMay6toMayl6 dessert breads. to include two afternoon Ro\. Pingo will offer demonstration classes at thr«:e great recipes·from La Varenne Cooking three famous cookbook S c )\ o o I . C a 1 1 t h e authots on March 29. restaurant at 634-2994 Dishes from Julia Child, for information. lllCllllVI Cllllll ~ecipe .BltANDIED CHOCOLATE SIPPER 1h square (·~ .. o unce) uns weetened chocolate, cut up ' 2 tablespoons suga r 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder Dub aalt v. cup water ~ cup Ugbt cream 'tit cup milk • 3 lableapoona brandy IA cup whipped dessert toppln1 .. 1111tmmm. don't worry about prmcbool car pools, sona with paper routet and the daqtsi.r who has sold 2,IOO boMI ol Girl Seoul cooldes and now h&a to dell ver thetD in 1 nlut.orm, ' l,n the 1ray, homo1enlaed, world of Communism, probably no sllck, four.color women'• ma1uines extol the Superwoman virtues, either. with sfories aimed at ma~l&al a female feel unworthy 1rshe Isn't simultaneously a company president, faQ\oua hoateu and perfect wife w~ is raialnc two 1enlus children and volunteering at the local hospital In her · spare ti~e. <All this on a dally Intake of 1,000 calories to maintain her model·stze figure, or course, or the shiny magulne wouldn't be interes~ In ber) .. Somehow those presaures don't seem to. apply to a woman in charge or a tractor factory in the Ural Mountains. Reporters are famous for traveling far afield to discover a shocking story about a universal problem they could have dug up in their own backyards. It's so easy to point and : ~, I ' ' scorn aomeone far away, 'nd besides, you '1et a 1entroua trt1vel allowance. But what about the aasne thln11 happenln1 hero? A woman who apenda tl&ht hourt a day at a factory oromce shouldn't have'to come home and pick up aomeone elte't dirty socks from tbe. noor, whether It's ln M09cow, Buen6a Alrea or • La1un.a Beach. ' Even with Americl'• muc b -prai·u d' mechanical helpers, we know vacuum cleaners don't run themselves. No one has Invented a clothes .,.dryer able to fold and put away the s hirt.a, either. For many couples, set in their ways alter a lifeUnte of traditional r.,jles, It may not be worth discussion. He balances the checkbook -e~en If he bates math -;-·and she fixes all the meals -even If f!he's ~.rotten cook -because that's how it'~ always been. B11t older couples can take a look"'1lt the carved·in·stone jobs. around the house and rethink their duties, especiallx if s he's gone into the work force as so many Wives antt mothers have done In the Pir.>t decade. No one's suggesting he's going to' sit down and sew rurned curtains for the bathroom, but he might at least lend a hand with an occasional ---op Sirloin lenelHa Sofew s.i:1r~~.~"•1 $189 The P'lec Appte1imote fllSI . 12 .n.. Slae fttOl ' AUJU ''" lb. •· IWo Wilc..t& ..... W-) SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Pork Loin Chops c.nt.C411 Fillet Mignon Steak ~=.~ Beef Cube Steak ~~ Top Slrloirl'Steak ::::::='::X.. Short Ribs Raw Shrimp Shrimp Meat Slllll Oft lilldMll Sill"-ar~ c...i&l'Nlld ff-Dttrllllll lb •1" lb s4e9' ._ s2se • '228 ~lb ID •159 10 17" lll s4tt Thin Sliced Meats Sa'-Y 2,:: 49' F h B f B · k t S::::=~ •199 res ee ns e (AM au 12 111 11> Variety Pack Meats Sallwllv ''t: •f• Wllh Rllit Al!Klled foster Fryer Breasts F•"" FtlSll. Fwni1y l'IQ io s 159 Calilartlll Gt- Safeway Corn Dogs Hlf.iand ._ Breaded Shrimp F_:~_, Salmon Roast ~~~~ .................... • 7 ..... ,,,. ... GROCERY • meal and cleanup. Men ollen find they enjoy' cooking, once they overcome the Insecurities and terrors their wl\tes raced yeart before u Loa t burned and blacuiU dropped Uke lead sinkers . II your husband simply refuses to help out around the.,houae, teach your son how to operate a stove and washing machlne. Another generallon of women will thank you for U. Here's a muffin recipe th'U-'s easy, good and food for what ans you because It's made with a generous jolt of wheat germ. Best ~erved with hooey or jam if you're not counting calories. , WHEAT GERM MUFFINS l cup nour 112 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder I cup cup to~sted wheat germ l 1h cups milk ~cup sugar l cgg • II!'~ cup vegetable oil Mix .the dry ingredient.a togeth~r. then lidd milk, egg and oil. Mix only until 'blended and spoon into"a greased l~·cup muffin tin. Bake at 425 degrees for about 20 minutes. ' ' · s1as FROZEN --. "'" •219 Jsso ·Lucerne Ice Cream -Y'' c,11on :..!; Bel Air Spinach ·~ 3 ~ 5100 ::-£>Jeno's U-Tqp It Piila ~~ 5259 2t Cut Green Beans ... ..8t:.-S ·~ 79' ---:... ~tOlS ....... 3 _ ,, .. .... -..& --· 48•0I . lottle ~2--.0....-n"1 ~ Multimeal Bread ... Wlt9f111 2~: 79' C-i>Sweet Rolls ·c.·~~rv ~ 99' c [> Grainbelt Bread "'~::US· 2~0: 79' ~9 ~\) MM ga;ll• Bliie_o_n-net ~ ,.,b. 49·c Corton u...it J ..... ..-o... u...it .. Itel LIQUOR AND WINE HEALTH & BEAUTY Newton Apples Tangy Lemons· Fresh Spinach Yellow Chill Addllfll'IOI • . , ·~ ~ ' Wh1te·lo11 Pot at M l ArtJchoke Hearts C:: Red Radishes · ~ ((•Cll)!Cai.~111) tf.-i· Gallo Tyrolla or Spanada Ji!, '1" ~ Ban Roll-On Deodorant • Aos.llO ~ Riunlte Wines ·~-e:::o 2zis5oo ~Vitamin C ~,: ~/:, •219 ·~d .J C-i> Taylor Light Wines ~= 2ll1,;,•7oo .~Poly Vi Sol Drops • : •5•~ • '· :-'i1Kessler Blend :=; Winners Cup Gin ~ U! '9" ~ Vitamin E ~'Tu' 1~ '4 71 ~1:! 16" ~Multi-Vitamin ~~ :':i '4" J;:::====:;::::==:;::====;i Gallo Wine o Mfft. \#If! l- e"-" hrpft4fy • a..llllt llOM • "-"' a..t.111 Olhlne • ---• In a 4·cup glass meHure or I -quart ' ca11erole, combine chocolate, au.aar, coffee powder, aalt and water. Cook at HJ1b for 1 ~ to 2 minutes, unUI mel~ and bubbly, at.lrr1n1 once. Gradually atlr in cream and milk. Cook at hith for 1 to 1 ~ minute, just until heated, aUrring every 30 eeconda. Beal wjth a TOtary beater until amooth. Stir ln brandy and pour lnto mup. Spodn •hipped toppin1 atop bot chocolate. Makes 2 aervtn11. • Alfalfa Sprouts ~ Fresh Garlic f:!: _.:· .. :-··~~ a:iiAj Utet • ,,. SAFEWAY I , 'Pot roa$t w:ith fo eign flair ...; Nearly tvtry culJlne . ln the wprld la renown4NI lllW r11111~ , for its own particular •--• reclpt that turn• ,.,.. mii••.-1111111•-------lntxpenalve ellt ol bMI ~==-1~ .... liKe • favorttwdtltJ. 1 cup elder .me1ar Wbat we knPW aa pot ~ c u p fllf l r m l y roaat ln AmeriC'a packed li1ht brown becomea Sauerbraten 1u1ar ' (marinated roast> ln 1~ teupoona salt G e r m a n y a n d 'ht teupoon 1round Rlndflelach ln Bier 1tn1er (bolled beel ln beer) in ~ tea•noon bot Aualrie. _. P o t r o a s l s a r e pepper sauce • dlstln1ul1hed by 8 long, 2 lab l e s poons slow simmering process cornstarch in whlch an the navors Hot, cooked wide of the gravy penetrate ,_n_ood_le_s_._ H•at oil ln heavy kettle or Dutch oven: browD meat on all aidea Remove meat rrom kettle; reaerve. Drain olf all bu\ 2 table11poons (at. Add onion and coo~ 5 mlnut.ea, sllrring several times . Add 2 cu pa water, vinegar, brown sugar, sa il, gln1er, and pepper sauce. Return meal to kettle. Cover; bring to bc.Hltn1. reduce beat • Rimmer 3 lO ~~ houn or until moaat lh~rmometer r~gl!lters 170 de1rM1 F . turnln1 m•at ••hy )lour. Remove meat t.Q nrvlna platter; keep warm. Blend cornatarch a nll rem•IJ'ln1 14 cup WQltr .. "Orin& llquJd ln kettle kl boilln1, 1Ur la corhstarch mixture. Coo l(. stlrrln1 cons t .. nUy, unttl 1ravy bo 11 s and thickens. l\rra nge meal on platter with noodJes1 serv~ with ~ravy. ,. Yield : 8 to 10 aervin11. ,. ... • J FRENCH FLAVOR -Red wine -vtl . new tute to ~ beef rout. the meat, producing a cemarkable tenderness along wllh a ·sensational taste. A truly spectacular version or pot roast from France is Boeur a la Mode. The oven-braised b eef b e come s succulently lender as il cooks In a seasoned wine ... , ··SOJIETHl1'' IXTRA AT YORI PLUS i>OU!~!~S.!!~!?!! .. !!!t .... -.. --~ OORO<WW'l'TEEOFVONSt.OWPRICES :, •332 ' , 11 sauce. Sweet and Sour Israeli P.ot Roast is another s pecial offering for guests .. The s auce is delectably piquant from th e rine ly chopped onions which become nearJy_ pureed through long simmering. BEOUF A LA MODE 2 table s poon s vegetable oil 4 ~ to S pounds rump roast or beer 2 cups dry red wine 1 can < 101h ounces) condensed beef bouillon, undiluted · 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce l clove ga rlic, minced 1 t~aspoori dried leaf thy me t bay·lear 2 whole cloves 2 parsley sprigs . • 1 teas poon sa lt, divided ~ teasp~on hot pepper s~uce 4 tablespoons butter or m~rgarine, divided 16 s mall carrots, pared 1t2 pound medium mushrooms. cut in half 20 s mall white onions, peeled, "X" at stem en<f.s. 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tabl es poons cornstarch · !14 cup chopped parsley, optional Heat oil in heavy kettle; brown meal on· all sides. Pour off and discard fat. Add wine, bouillon, tomato sauce, garlic, thyme, bay leaf, cloves, parsley sprigs, ~ teaspoon salt and peppe r sauce. Cove r ; bring lo boiling. Place in a 325 degree oven and roast 3 to 31h hours until m· e at the rm o m e l e r registers 170 degrees F. Arter meat cooks 21h hours.-boil carrots in skillet in salted water to' cover until tender, about t:! minutes . Drain, discarding water. Add 2 tablespoons butter to skillet, saute carrots until lightly browned. Remove carrots ta serving platter and keep warm. Add mushrooms to saRle skillet; cook, stirring, until tender. Remove to serving platter. Place onions in a large skillet; add enough water to cover. Add remaining 2 tablespoons butter, sugar and remaining 1h teaspoon salt. Bring-to boiling. Cook until all water evaporates. Shake s killet to brown the LIQUOR • ~u Amaretto DI &ironno 329 699 629 ,If,(\ ( ~~ I 1fjfj\ " 10 COIWl~nc o# Vont c:ommltment to low prlc:es. 1 11 DOUBL.E COUPON 11, -·rema this olfer. f ~ c:en find ~ pric:es ~1111 lhl Week at eny ache< eupermartlet. Vons will ':• Present this coupon along wtth 1ny one INllUfKturer'a •centHfl'" coupon I', · pay~ ble the dilferenc:e. Just shop al Vons Buy and get double the sMlga from Von.s. rtot to lndude m..ler, free coupona. 2' different Items worV\ •20 or more. Compere pric:es coupons erutet ~ one dollt « uceect the yMie of the Item. on the Mme ilemt .c eny other superTMIMt. •f !heir 11 11 tOl.41 i, lower. bf1nQ ~ llemlzed V0011 receipt and die I Umll-(°"":"~ ~.coupon_,.,.• coupona,..,, c:v.._. I oUler market'• prices to Vons andwe'lpey~doublf 'I ...... .-.:co_,• :?,..-..m 1•· tile dilferenc:e In c:flh. Vons-Low prlctt you con be ·I ~ toN ~ 1• "°"'-di • 1'82. I l~ln. l----------------· ·-•v---;---__, r---------------_____ , •I •332 I• :, . DOUBLE COUPO •i •11 PreMnt this coupon along wtth eny one mMUfllcturer's •c: c:oupon l'i and get double the ~ from Vona. rtot to Include ~tllltr. fru coupons. 'I C:OUpoltl gre.eter thAn one dolw « Qeetd the~ of the Item. I'' I Urnll one coupon~ INllUfllCtWtr'• coupon_, 1m1 • CO<.l90M,..,, cu.._. I JI ""'°'· lollecco _, .. dM) pn><Mla. I 1 I · c:oupo. ~ "-" 111o ~ 1•. 1912.. 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CAN-FllOZEN t l•\lf ) IP .... 11~,~ '''"" lirnfl lf"Q ~~ 871 U'VT 2 ·~ -llrncrf!g pnc~ 489) llEG PRICE ~E JUICE 83 GRAPf JOICE 79 FROZEN FOODS lf!Ot.1¥ f r' K .. l Moores Onion Rings -f. if" L~ tt ltu\ Heath Ice Cream Bars )()()I,... f ••. , " ..... Torlno's Combo Pizza .99 }19 .99 2 79 MEATS GROCERIES ~c-.rorNto Sauce .45 ~~<"fomato Paste .73 ~ ll~'i~to Ketchup 109 IAlll.f Kl'IO KU-l!Orn£SS Slrioin 1lp Steaks fMOiS~dl~slng .76 GROCERI ES ~~'-:Grape Jam .9.9 ~~~1\.-.U.l A:N'V\ -anca e Syrup 229 ~ ""c:; lik""CllOC~(r ttermJI Penca e }12 ~r5CCN<-AU'O unk DogFood .39 onions. Place onions on ~ serving platter and keep>l--~~ldtllm Club Whisky 1089 699 149 999 2 19 ift.Ol)f'.( t"""' l.Alrrtif Sara Lee Pound Cake ~~~ks ~e;,,rn~ UI 248 UI 229 UI 258 UI 259 UI l 69 L.9 229 ~BeefStew 235 ~lJquld Bleach .77 warm. Remove meat to serving platter. Skim fat from kettle. Blend cornstaq:h and water. Bring liquid in kettle to boihng. Stir in cornstar:ch mixture. Coo k , stirring constantly, until gravy boils and thickens . Serve in gravY. boat. Sprinkle meal with chopped parsley. · Yield: 8 lo 10 servings, POT ·ROAST, ISRAELI STYLE 2 t a b 1 e s P'o o n s vegetable oil 4 ~ to 5 pounds bon~d. rolled shoulder roaslot beef 4 cups c h opped onion' 2'4 cups water, divided DAIRY PRODUCTS 7QIQCN!~ Reddl Whip Topping .75 119 .33 169 DELICATES Sf N 11£0 fllCCUl.I U •-,-.Y"IO( L9 229 Vons /11\onterey Jeck Cheae 120l "'° -flLUllUl!'t-T1!0 P\.A\OIS 4 5 Big Country Biscuits • IZcx.Q 'lrl::N4L-otl ICAT ~ J 29 Vons Slced Beef Bc*>gna BOU"'<I r .-.c P< '\(.! Oh Boy Ganie Bread .79 PRODUCE OliF(1'\l.AI"< Fresh Spinach pol. ,ye)~ fr.1_ tt0Hlllt UI h Large Artichokes IOIH.f PAO< Fresh Mushrooms ~"'f.fl ""° o :v Sunklst Navel Oranges ~TllEA! Hawalln Pineapples Wh~Onlons it.,~T %\(111$ ~Glll'l(f Jt., <"'a I Fruit Kols P4I .25 IA .69 10( .89 an•35 111 •25 .... 39 fA .35 HEAL TH £,BEAUTY ~~:Ku:p?i.:S~EV1' ll l 99 ~~-~ Ul 209 T AaL Kl'IO-l"llDH Lean Ground Beef OOU l'l()T CllCO'.D m, 11 T '1'm~~ R*lts UI J 88 UI J 89 Sf RVICI Sf Af'OOO =~~--:119 ~~Shrtmp ~399 . ~~ ... 599 VONS RAKE RY -~~a::'" 129 ;:tt'e.by Fruh Wipes 2°9 • ~~IOUIDOUDM fA e39 Z~"'19 -llEU•IW'l-TUllll:Y 39 l.OZ..llST.llECl,HCJll\""5(1..K l 88 ~ \t.i-~.OIOC8tt .69. Vons ll*1 Slced Muta . • lnttnslYe care LoUOn "'u ,..,.., Olltmeml Cooldee- \f~~ ]59 ~gz:,llOlx' 1 57 X:~~QK .98· \l:n"£W~ .99 !CO(l•f PllO -YICflOl'>E eeNapklns .39 PLAY· VONS 82,000,~00 SOMETHIN' EXTRA GIVEAWAY WBI There ~ no purC'h•i.c ne<-l'•S<ll\ Mu~• be 18 O! older to 1>1.t\ Com~t ''*' and detll,ls ••a1la!* al 166 Von~ SIOft") "' Cahfom,. and Nevada So come in end pllly tod.iy Oec;iu.,.• lhet"l' C'OUld be Sotne4hln (l(tra wa~lng IOI you al Vons Von, S2.00().000Somethln t;~tra ends~ S t982 oc when 1111 Plftt' hllYI! been dllerlbuted. Odds: Visit your local Vona fOf • complete Odds Chert. E~ ulltll 30 days.efter JebNary '4. 1982. ~~ 189 ~':Mvttamlns . 688 .~~IOUIDOllQtt .77 llOCIUa8Alll llllDlllGllTATlllOne'IOllD ' 1WCD ancTM nqs, n-.. W!.D .. llWI01 11 fO llWIOtM. ltR.CM.L(JIJ)'7•14'tl'OllLOCA1'10ftfW..,...WW>CL "°'~,,_,._,_. .. "9MU .. :rMAT .,.._ UM W. nM ITJIUT, 1500W. l'tCO aww t57 I tr. 80TH 8T wl.08 NICll1D, tN'lllB>O,,_.,NeUI ~--"mTM.CMWfmB Of'LY, _, ~ Oflf't t /114 TO~ 7 °""A "'9.. LUX DISHW~~O UQ<JID 22-0Z. .. .99 • JIF PEANUT BUTTER CREMW /CRONCHY 118-0l JAR • J .67 Ollil Rllt, llC I 00. ti!< lllOl CN8 • I-" lit:. o... -..11( 100, Oed't ....... "" -... ~ DQVE . DISHWASHINQ UQUI) 1.59 100Z.. 1 By BAllBAlt.\ OlftRON S.-et)d monty to aave m o n • y t h• l n k muahrooms.· Mushrooms? YH, mu11h1'00ftls. You clo eave cath H w«>ll &!'I calorles f>y a rv l ng .renerous helplug or mu 1 hr oo m~ w it h s malle r ~er \fln gs of mea/,. Oospile t heir lma1e RS Q luxury food, mushroom.'! usually cost less than the meal th~y displace on a plate More mushrooms and less steak saves you I money., a nd so c.loes m or e mushrooms and less hamburge1 . Wh at 's more, mus hrooms seem so extravagant U1al ham- bur.ger Instead of steak t is less of a deprh atlon if yo u 'r t-a m o ng the I nouveau not-so rich. l When you think of i mushroo,m s a'! a meat ; substitute -instead of : an expen,sive vegetable I l-their economy sc<·ms perfectly clear.• , F or vegetables, 1m u s h r o o ro s a r e :re l at i v e I y hi ~ h i n lp r ot e in about 12 'gr ams a pound so ~ating less meal when lmushrooms are on the :me nu is nutr 1llonally ~ouod. l The calorie savings to be earned by strekhing hleat with mushrooms 1s ~ven more appur<'nt a ~h o l e p ou nd o l )'llushrooms is only 127 ~a lories, less than C'ven ~he l eanest fish anct poultry. .. Flounder anti -;ole are ~58 calories a µound, tyh ile ha mburger and 'teak can rangtt from J .500 to 1,800 calt1ncs or : T h e psychological more I 4ividends of Javi ... hing four diet dinners with Q'l u s h ro oms are ~ubstantlal. <'""" 1r your <Jiet dicta tes '>l £'a111cd ~od or brniled liv,..r, it's h~rd tu feel depr1v£'d when ~ou cau mllulr" 111 all till' lllUSt I ooms \OU want. /' ~W h e t her yo u 're watching your wallet 01 )iou r weight (or both l it's nice to kno\I that m u s h rooms a r e v,ersalile companions to e,v e r y kin d of m e·1t, seafood and poullr}, as ~ell as meatless· main course ingredients Iii< c ~gs and cheese. There's just no hmit to the ways )OU cu11 feast royall} w1lh mushrtw•ms a,s pat t of your mr-nu And there's no ht'tler ~ime to tPy mu~h1oorn m a,gic than right now t he mu:;hronm 1c; one vegetable that's more w;cte ly a vailable and less expensive in winter than it is in surnmP' Some ideas l ns ~end of ser ving s kimpy.size steaks, cut the. meat into cube'! and alternat e t he s teak c ub es wifh who l lf mushrooms on skewers. Brush lightly with oil <or salad dressing J and broil. .Serving stea k on s kew ers Y.•th m u s h r o o m s 1 s• a restau ra n t trick for m aking l~ss meat seem like more .. 0 r. pan.fry s I iced fresh mushrooms in a nons tick skillet with a teaspoon of bullet arid a tablespoon of wine 1'hen s p oon over s mall b u rgers. stC'aks or c hops T en minulec; bPfnre your roast is don(', wash an d dr y w hol e mushrooms lots of t h em anrl s prt'acl them in thr ruasltnf! pan. P ile mushrooms on your plate. aJong with ver)' thin servings of roast meal or poultry. Moisten mushrooms with low-calori" snlad dressing, t hen shake them u p wllh '>Orne It a l ian -season<'d l>readcr~mbs., Spread them on a shallow, nonstick cookie tin and bake in a very hot oven for 10 minutes and serve along with broiled risb or c:blcken. Serve spatht ttl with mo s broom s a nd meatball.I{ more of the forme r , less o f th1' latter Adtf the thinly sliced mushrooms to t.hc sauce Mlx mashed cu yolks w ith canned deviled ha m and moyonnnise for l as l e a nd m oistcnlna. Add tln~ly cbopp00 water chestnuts and walnut.I. Flll egg whJles • aaf1ll•h wath paprika or p8l"!llry. f ooms . durlns the lut a to 10 minutes Of cooklftC. Uttlt wtne and buUtr uae a• a flllln• for llll 111110 qulck·cooklng meat Thinly sliced uw and str,•r ·r -etch th•"' Cateak 1lripe, diced raw · m u ah r o <>ms 1 d d expen1lv~1hrlmp. • fOr omH m t1t altosether and Hrn a.paahettl with tomato-mmbnlom 11uee and arated"ehtlM.> fl ovader ro ll · 11p1, tioMI .. dlteklD bnut. ___ .._ ___ _ chicken brea1t, etc.).. diet-wise deliaht to 0 r , 1 er v e raw Add a 1plash of soy meal·aiie ulaeia, too, mushroom cocktaU. for aauc• and a pinch of parllcularly steak al\d -an appetizer and ror,et 1 r ound 1ln1•r for an 1plnach ulad Cmad'e 'the shrimp. t Add a layer o f rnusbroollll <lftatead of in.eat) to lasa1na. Nobody will even noUce that It's meatless. or bMfateak cut tbln for roUtns. O r, m oun d rat·lrimmed ·pounct beef around chq_p p e d mu1broo1J11 for atuffed h•mbursen. mu1hroom1 and a little (rated Parml1ian a cbeeae. Or, 1tuff the mushrooms: reme>ve the stems and chop them. M lx the chopped stems wlth lean ground beef and seasone<1 breadcrumbs; mound the mlJcture into the upturned caps. . Stir-fry muabrooma wlt.lt. sweet onl9f\I, bell pepper sllceis, diagonally sliced celery, fresh bean sprouts and small amounts of Orient.al maln courae. w Ith leftover cooked ~ Leftover cooked meat s teak or rout beef) or E idto.I. Snd can be ..reeycled lnto a chers salad made wlth a • am~ ael/-odareaaed one·dlsh dlnner, too: thinly 1Uced chee11e ... envdope and so cmt. to simply slice lntO strips cooked ham and leftover SLIM GOURMET CLIP 'N' or cubes and add tl to roast chickeo or turkey. ·COOK PARTY RECIPES, the aUr·Cry skillet at the Add raw mushroom P.O. Boz 624, Sparta N.J. Stuff lt. Saute finely m I need muabrooma in a Make esp lnto a main course by muns an omelet with thinly 1Uced last minute. • slices to shr1mp .c~ktall 01111. ' iw WEAEOEEM, ~000 STAMPS Ar l\U. STORES J VAfllt1f ff(S 10-0.l: LITTLE JtWI BUHITOS NABISCO CHOCOLATE SANDWICH OREO 1.0Z a · STATER IAOS. ~ 5 VAlllfTIO • rn. FRUIT \j/T.UR~VERS HI C FRUIT DRINKS ....oz Ten Hi&h -........ SUI Seagr• V.O. """'" s17.19 BEEF Chuck Roast • F-.Y PU ftUJ • l .11.19 l.11.89 ll 12.09 BU~ 9"0Ul.O(ll -.LUB u 11.74 l t 12.04 'll '2.54 l.12.59 ll •a.5a FAllU STWS IEEF CllE STWS When yo11 1hop Stat•r Broe. look /or our Stater Savers St•t•r s.,..,. l11dlc1t• lt•m• which,,..,.,,_, glv.111 I 1,,.c/1/ l•m· po,.ry dt1cour11 by th• m11111/1ctu_, W• pl U llN,. H •lflf/I 00 to you by /urth¥ rfl(Juclng our •""fd•'I tow·low prlc•• on TUF'N llEAOY ASIOllTEO COLOllS -PAPER TOWELS 1·ROL.l f OH BOY ' 11-0z 59c , POTATOES ~~~;nu ' 'FOi.GERS COFFEE ~W!',u " •6-0l s2.72 f PAMPERS DIAPERS OVI AHIOHT 12C $1.79 -(fg,~L _4t) 'SHASTA DIET SODA ~QUUIA .~24c Halseas J1ice ~ • "'°' '1.69 Otter Paps ., t .. Ml 8' C&C Cola ~.. t ""°' '1.33 Castro! GTX :00 o• 51.23 Frlldts Pqtitoes ?'.5~~"':° • .. o .. &r Hnel =-t .. °' '1.55 Slccess Rice ~· 51.19 Wart Soap .. _ '1.29 '"°' '1.49 ""' '1.11 t _er llailsca ....... . • .O• '1.13 E&J Brandy ........ s11.8 Knchatu Yollka .... '7.99 ~iil""--'111 /lundffld1 ol n1m• br1ttd ~~~~ 1111111 .,ch and ... ry WffA' PIPI Coli~,... t ~·°' '1.79 A&W ._Hr e;.:=.,,_ ... , .... '1.29 Dr. ,... Oii-I W>IOIC:.. Sl,89 llllti ·~ Ir' . • -· 89' •• • LB @ gr,ob<;od g j)().C!OQs ll 11.99 fAUH '•L.LLlll Tiii COi fN>nN CUAll ~NGI 11-0Z EA 11.ar U•WTIOUT BE" CMUCll La 11.49 l'llOZEN flLLUS ll 12.39 10•m10AST CWlllAll COD llE' "°'-IND BONE IN l• 11.79 £e11111<•c C0fl0i gpec10Qsl 119IOAST ll 11.99 4lL< 49c UEF ll'BUIAOE E"'O 11 IOAST COU SLAW .. ll BEEF CHUC.II -HCA SllOlllll IOAST BU' ROUND -HUI Siil.Oii TIP IOAST LI 11.99 ..oRMll HAii l CHEESE LOAF LI 12.49 IUCtD 10 Oflllf.A IOASHW 3 VARIETIES AMERICAH BEAUTY NOODLES t:M>Z l\Uaac l\ll 11.79 I 3 VARIETIES HEARTY CUP-0-NOODLE OR Cup·O·Noodle ~~ .. 2.s.oz S6e I BETTY CROCKER GOLDEN 19.5-0Z OR FUDGE SOUR CREAM 23.5-0Z Bro~nie Mix REGPK •I.46 f p;~Hft;t~Butter . 1~oz 8I.63r I MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT Coffee .. · .1a.oz •4.26 I PRESOAK Axion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-0Z •• .52 I LAUNDRY LIOUlb • • · Dynamo ................. 32·oz *I.7S I LAUNDRY LIQUID Purex . . . . . .. ........... 64.oz •2.67 I DISH LIQUID l Pal_..olive .............. 32-oz •I.69 I ZEE FACIAL ASSORTeD Niee'N Soft ................. 200.cT 68e I DI APERS. DAYTIME '3.28 OR NEWBORN Pampers ... ' DIAPERS.NEWBORN 00.CT,TODDLEi,S 48-CT,EX·ABSORB DAYTIME 60-CT Pampers .............. REG PK •7.85 CUT GREEN BEANS.CORN NIBLETS WHOLE, I CREAMED CORN OR LEAF SPINACH Green Giant ........ 1a.ozFROZEN 89e g'~r.sh ~oduce gpeNo~sl LARGE SWEET VINE RIPE CAllTALOUPES lmla ~ t ._91° c-. ~.. • -'1.!I --....... . •11111 Fnlt m... , ... 71' fntt Cdlll ... -· ,.-p .. -15' Cn m "-41' SWllt Pm ..... en . -• "'* 5111111 .. _ '2.11 " .. I (6-oi.)can Hunc's• 6 En&U.b mulfim.'f'lil 10mato Patl~ and toaud • I cup wartt 8 oz. ihmlckd mou.attllll 1-t NpgnMrd Plltnwsan c~ c""-' W>ppingJ: sliced ~p~.-i, 1-t tn>p. orqano grtt11 ~r ri~ sliced ~ '"'l'· ...,., olivo. slad musbroorm In• •n...U bowl. 'vrnbonr Hun1'~ 10malo Pallt", -er. Parmrs.on.. ~and sup<. Spre.I equal iunounu on muff on ....,_cs Spnnldr "Ith ITIOUlW'rlla. pnosh wllh """"~ ..s dnmd. Brod .l io 4 m1rue °' unrJ dw:w rrrlK.. Mala 12 rru.-.,.uzm • FREE COOKBOOK MAIL-IN FORM I haYI! enclo8ed any combination d fronr btiels 101alif18 96 ois, oi Sunlilt' • I 00% Pure Sunflower Seed Oil. plus this mail-in Fonn. atd 2'}¢ for haRiling atd post9. Mail to: FREE SUNUTE• COOK900K OFFER P.0.8al91X> Sc. Pwl, MN 5' 191 Name _________ _ ~---------City _________ _ State ______ Zip __ _ , \ ~. I .. .. •• • loOd with Jess salt '0•• ••J lo b•lp ... _ .. , .._e .. ..... ,: fo0d1 tbat = .. ,.__ .,. lower •n hi--.~ .................. ... •tin r 11 to l'lt•• Ille •ftlOUnt of aalt ,_ Md to f0od1 ,...... . Tlafte. rec•pH for folded ... wttb brown nee ... apple bread wUla rata•H call for ......-Nit mla~re. ll .._ only If alt the eodlwa Md all the taste of ....._ ult. fol' which lt na • .... u a dlrect ,.. ••••• ln eoo1tln1, ba.., .a at-the-table H ....... POL9SD 80LE WITH aaowNUCE ~ np brown rice ~ .._poon reduced Hit mixture. Z C1IPI water '\'4 cup unsalte d buttftor 111ar1arlne ~cup chopped 1eall ~ "1P choppe-d ereee~ 3 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 close l•fllc' crushed · .,,, teaspoon r ably 1round black peppe 1~ teaspo6tts reduced salt mixture 1 teapoon paprika \4 teaspoon while pepper 8 fllets or sole or no under • ' (about 2 1.4 poundi), thawed 2/J cup white wine or water . Cook rice with 11.z teaspoon reduced salt mixture inlZ cups water as directed on package. In small skillet, melt butter. Add scallions, 1reen pepper, parsley and 1arHc. Cook over mediwn heat, stirring, just uatil pepper is brifbt green and seal loas are almost tender. Remove from beat ; stir in black pepper. Combine vegetable mixture with cooked rice. In a small bowl , combine tbe following seasonings : 111.z teaspoons reduced salt mixture, paprika and white pepper. Wipe filets wttb paper towels. Place ·mets in large shallow casserole which bas been brushed with oil, or use two smaller, shallow casserole Sprinkle "4 teaspoon seasoain1s over each met. At one end or each filet, place 11.z cup rice mixture. Fold opposite end of each m et over rice mixture. Secure with wooden toothpicks if necessary. Pour wine or water into casserole. Lightly s prinkl e remaining paprika mixture over lops of filets. Brush oil over center area of a sheet.~( foil ; place oiled siae down over fish. Bake at 375 degrees for about 25 minutes , Zucchini pickles As good in winter as in summer. 1 pound zucchini (four, each about 6 inches long) 1 Spanish o nion (about ~ pound I 3 cups ice-cold waler salt 2 tablespoons coarse i cup cider vinegar lf.t cup sugar . lilJ teaspoon celery seed · 11.z teasS?OOD mustard seed •i'J ·teaspo o n turmeric 1A teaspoon dry mustard Trim zucchini and scrub ln cold water; do not peel: slice thin - there should be S cups. Peel and thinly sli~e onion; 1e~arate into rin1s -there should be 1 generous cupful. In an enamel ot stainless steel bowl stir together the :Water and salt until salt dissolves; add the succhlai and onion , makln& sure they are .covered with the brine. "'Let stand at room temperature for 3 hours;,. drain. In a 3-quart aaucepot stir together the vlne1ar, sugar, celery teed, mustard seed, tUl9el'k and dry mustard; -rio1 to a boil; Mii U. zucchini and .._; brtnc to a boll a1ata and boll 1ently for I minutes. Store la die relri1era&or. · • II alt ea 1 teant quart. lben nmove foll and" bak• I bnitel lonpr or untll lllb ft•ll• euUy w•tb 1 fork. But ftah wUh ~ltt eeteerale durln1 lut 5 mlautn ot l>altln4. lf detlred. ll1UI t Hrvblp. APPLBBaltAD ~ cup shortenlnf 1 cup honey 2e1p • 2 cups all-purpose Jlour l teaspoon baidn1 socia 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoota reduced aalt ~lure and clovet. Add half of 14 ·tlupaon around nour mixture to hOMy cloves mixture and mlx well. \11 cup elder Be a t 1 n c 1 de r . Add ttt cups -.M1fdded rematnlns nour mi'XtUT~ apple• (about 2 and beat until well medlwn> mixed. Combine appl• 2 tableepoons lemon wltb lemon Julee; aUr tuice lnto batter llnd mix w~ll. • _1/3 cup railina Then sllr ln ral1ins. In lar1e mlxln& .,_,.. •. Turn batter lnt.o 1reased beat shorten101 Just to and noured 9x5-lnch loaf soften: 1radually beat in pan. . honey. Beat ln e11s, one Bake at 3SO de1rees at a UrDe. for 60 to 70 mlnutet, In another large bowl, until wooden toothpick com bioe flour with inserted in center comes baking soda, cinnamon, out dean. reduced salt mixture Makes 1 loaf. JA)W SODIUM -SOie and brown rice ii • t.uty entree without extra aalt. ~ -WF!fECOMiiiffED TO .G/Vl~G· ·YOU A LOw.ER FO.OD TQTALI ome e _ ~av in BONELESS 177 FRYINC 4~9 RIB EYE .. 298 BLADE CUT 87 ~~!!>a!TEAK lb ~~~!~nGr~A lb . FILET ~U£K ROAS~b • . ~s eonoeo Bttf s~~ PORK LOIN .. 1~7 F'.RESH 118 LARGE END .. 187 BONELESS .. 188 ROAST ~R9~ND BEEF lb RIB STEAK RUMP ROAST Slrloil\ cut. s lb Avg llOnOfCI llfff S.rlOln Cut eoooeo.Bftf ROunCI oors NOt Exceeo 5°" Fat rLADYLEE 33 !CITRUS w~•••89 ~~Y!! aoz cup • PUNCH 8 Rav«1 • sunny Dellgnt GENERIC 135\ rBAN . ... , 1~9 rc&c "~""' 129 ·BOLOGNA .~an~-~ ~~ Slicecl 16 oz Pkg 6Paclr f"FISH 3 ·29 ct ~!~~~~S~ 24 oz BO• • Frozen • unscl!r'lt~ or 11equ1ar . .. ........................................................................................................ _. .......... ____________________________________ __ r GREEN GIANT 1· 15 COB CORN frOZl!r'I 4 E<tr Pleg !~9~~:~,., '" 159 f"PABST '~~~Ir ,,., C.M3·29 f"PILLSBURY 22 ct ~~tSUITS 7~0z Cane r::~~~:~s~1 r~~~~· ... 189 CondltlOn« or Geta111 ln$tant Conottk>ntr /Yo 1J11111U or 9lmmlcb. lnitcad orpmcs. stamps or gimmicks 10 111ract customen. IWC offer discountJ>riclna. auuring you 1 lower overall food bill and no costly frills. •••• m'*' utra uvln1P. Kq Ru~' 11rc 11cm.' pnc.:d ~'"" 1llo:1r ''\l.'r}di.i~ d1,coun1 11m:•"" "' .i ''"ult c•l moanutiu.1urt1r,· 1cmporar~ l\rt"1'IM1111•111l .ill11"11n.·..-, Of o:Ho:pt111nJI purcha"" Youit hnd hundred• 111 k'.c\ Ru~ ~11\'rn• cH·r~ 11mt1 )OU \hop ~ ....... LENTEN ITEMS FRESH TROUT FILLET OF SOLE Frozen FILLET OF POLLACK Frozen .. 188 .. 129 .,129 FRESH •MUSHROOMS Country Stano FILLET OF DOVER SOLE Fresn .. 268 ~~.79 FILLET OF TURBOT R'Ozen CANADIAN COD Frozen Fiiiet GENERICS .,188 ,.228 C<:>RN BREAD & 23 MUFFIN MlX · Gener1C 7 S Ot 80• Lt> e BATHROOM 69 TISSUE · · Genlfl( • Paci! ns SI PKG • PQRK& BEANS . . / .. ~~-39 , D'ANJOU PEARS us NO. 1. Large , .. 39 ROMAINE FRESH LETTUCE BROCCOLI A Sal/ICI Favorite 111ct1 1n Vitamins ·~··29 , .. 39 HAWAIIAN -KINNOW PINEAPPLE TANGERINES Naturally sweet Heavy wlttl JUiee E«h.88 ~:33 ~"";::',~~~";"".;'o•tt- ,_pr"l{f\"°'tti.n ... .,s-a-aai..u .. ~c- .. N o t ,.. D~ me-/ U !tC foattilll 1ame. "They all bow me b9ek thin by DOW," abl layt, "Fran ·1 a 1ood or1anlaer," llr1. Fer1U1on uy1. •'She. • ., Cold •· .. It DOWI bow \O ••t CoelUll ..,. bread ev:rJ:=. bd.o place bJ or UIGdt4cndt.,. tbe -)Wit Uke Cut cb .. H lDtO I a IOod eooll." ..... -,._ lD lballo• H•n an aome aampl• beatProaf!.aervtns cllab. rtel.,_ from "S9lll111 Bruti elaee1e wttla Tbroqll Supper... • butter. 8lt Ma fQr braO and/or uo dt_lreH. :PLAlllNG CIR881C Broll ._. wtti· tap 4 (A,fp1U.r> to e lnebll troiD beat • 11' pound Ka1Hrl, untU bubbly ud llpt Kefalotlrl or Mouarella kown, I to I lldnutel. cheese Heat braody until ..,., WWa rye brud or a 1talk• eetery', •'a H•r•. •kn t-cho)JIHICt aervloli~--::: ·· 1 pound 1barp ' TAllALS PIS Cheddar cbMM, srated • ( .... Caine> I Ui·ounetJ ca Froia aa Oran,-e Wltole'tomatoel county llQlou kitchen 1 Cl·OUDCt) can ts yean .,o. tomato uuee 1 d o 1 • n c o r n 1 can tomato paste, tortlllu re1ular •lie a.,., poada trowel . 1 teaspoon chili round powder • Salt and pepper to • 2 I m • I I c a -0 I tute _. chopped olives f e11 whites, be.ate.n Iliff 3 (1 ~ce) squares PnmP .. eCl C&ANBEaav CARIBB 2 ounces coconut rum liqueur l tablespoon butter w a r m ; po u r o v er : or mar1artne, melted c h e e 1 e . I•·• l t e 2 tablespoons immediately. Squeeie a medium onions, Brown onion1; bell chopped pepper and celery with unsweetened chocolate, melted 1 ~ ounces triple sec . 3 ounces cranberry juice cocktail • · l ow:u:e orati8~ Julee Ice Club soda Lime slice Combine coconut rum liqueur, triple sec, cran b erry juice cocktail, orange juice. and ice; shake until well chilled. Serve in a taU glass. Top with club soda. Garnish will\ lime slite. Yield: 1 serving. CREAMY COCONUT CAMIS , 3 tablespoons softened vaollla ice cream 2 ounces coconut rum liqueur . 1 ounce Creme de Cassis Copi b lne all ingredients in container of e lectric blender. Cover , Blend until smooU\. Serve in an old-fashioned glass. Yiela: 1 serVing. HOT OOCONVT RUM . 6 OWlCe8 milk 2 ounces chocolate syrup 2 ounces coconut rum liqueur •h ounce peppermint schnapps · In s mall saucepan, combine milk and chocolate syrup. Heat to below boiling (scalded). Add coconut rum .liqueur and peppermint schnapps. Serve in mugs. Yield: 2 servings (5 ounces each). cocomrr CIDER NOG 2 ounces coconut rum liqueur 1 egg l ounce milk 1 tablespoon sugar '4 teasP.;OC>n ground nutmeg '4 teaspoon ll'OUDd I cinnam~ ' 3 ounces bot apple cider l cinnamon litiek, optional In container of electric blender combine liqueur, egg., milk, sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon . Cover . Process 10 seconds. Add hot cider . Serve immediately in a mug. Use a cinnamon stick for a stirrer. Yield: 1 servtnc Corn to relish Easy to make and seasonal 'h cup sugar 2' tablespoons flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon turmeric 'h teaspoon dry mustard 1 cup cider vinegar 1 teaspoon celery s-eed 16-0unce can whole kernel com, drained 4 -ounce onion , chopped medium fine 10-ounce we dge green cabbage, finely shredded 2 cups packed down 1 large (6 ounces) green pepper, chopped medium fine 1 large (6 ounces) red pepper, chopped medium fine In a 3-quart saucepan stir together the sugar, flour, salt, turmeric and mustard; gradually sUr lp the vinecar, keeping smooth. Add the e~lery seed , corn , onlonl cabbace, creen and rea pepper. C01)k over moderate heat, slirrlnc . constantly , u n t'i I cabba,e wilta aDd sauce 'thickens .and boils; let bubble 1ently about 5 minutes. Makes about 4a,., cups. Store in the , refrigerator. lt'1 Ume to plan for t11atc vee.-tttp For d&nl Cub,'* Dal Mll ..... , ~ tboM ft.ems JOU -'t· n...s db • ci...llMcl .syeo.llfl. . brandy le~on. pver cbeeH. Cut \'<a lemon w911es into halves and 1 bell pepper,' meat. ~dd tonuto chopped lnJr~dienta and chlli 2 tab.lespoona vanllla USDA Cl>olc:e liHl loin T -Bbne Steak USDA Cholce BHI Rib·Smatt Encl Rib Steak PM Size Rainbow Trout USDA Cholc•·IHI loln Porterhouse Steaks Special Meat Values ·' Patti Jean Frozen Comish Game· Hens per}b( Assorted Varieties .Westem Hecirth Bread 1V2 lb. loa1 2 59 USOA Cbolc•IMI Lolfl 2.89 ".:' • Top Slrloln St••" .... lb 2.49 USDA Cholc•IHl l<Mft 2.19 .... loin Talls -lb lb 1.39 Wiison Polllll Of 1.99 pe• S.eked Sausage .,.. lb lb 2.89 USDA Cholce·IHI .. 2.79 per Cutae Steaks 119' Ill lb Special Fisherman's Cove Values Fr-O.lroslecl 4.89 Fronn 0.lrootecl 2.19 Eastern Scallops .... Cod Fiiiet per lb Ill Fruh FIUet 2.99 Fr-0.l~ostff.Wllole .,. Hall 2.39 Dover Sole IMf Sliver Salmon per lb lb Special Froze" Food Values iiuiigc;;~·-~;;·;ae 99 Mein CourH 1.21 '~:: • Swanson lasagna ,, ... OI' ..... A•lp/11 lrellded 1.59 10 Inch 1.09 Fish Sticks 1401 Jeno's Plzz'a 120I P-0 plr9 cfoliitid Spinach .29 Old Fetnlon 1.59 1001 Ralphs Ice Cr111n l'l eel plr9 Clll r.!fC1~ners Special Dell Values 99 ........ .sllcM ' ~~ , ] • Clllcll•• lol91n1 1111. .95 plr .. ClllllM 89 t· 1111• Stieff 2.99 Super lecco "':=. • . avern Ham ..., lb. . PWllWllP Savings ~';ititsiuce ~ 1201. 1.07 -l:tl:-~ii.er ... r.: .......... 1•·· a .• . 100~ 1:29 r.m-·._, •.. • •1cmng n leading nam• brand .................................................... t11t11....., ............. llllNIM_IM_,,_.,...., ..... ,.._,,.._..._ltlllft.._.._,,.._"'llY•_, ......... .,... ..... _,,. ....... -1eec ...................... . ·~_,_.,,_.-.._,c....., ....... .......... ......... ,..... .. ,,...._ ..... , ~..-...... 1 ... """ ......... ,,... IHllC....,,.etwftre . •• .......... ,,_.loMI,,..... m •Milt • 1ia n .. aua .ma •-.. lllfilr"1111 •• , .... Hiii. , .. .-... 12" .... Jlltll. •••• • -... ' • C&B a..AT IUIJ, -. 113f na ST .. ~ .. . CID Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturer's "cents o ff" coupon and· get double th~ savings when you purchase lhe item Not lo include "retailer", "free" or)'grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item. Excludes IJquor, tobacco and dairy products. limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and'l:lmlt 3 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon effective March 18 thru March 24, 1982 Ralphs Monterey Jack or Mild • Cheddar 8oz.pkg. 09 ~WIAf IOO Counl lloll1 athroom Tissue P11111 0< Pe•llUI Chocolate Ma M Candles 1801 1.79 b911 Wesson 011 IOlb 3.85 Mt Purina Dog Chow iiiut" G•tnelt llfi--.-ros~ Coffee Trigger Fantastlk 1101 .89 1111 •••••••••• Special Produce V1lues •••••••••• VIM lllpeMd Salad Tomatoes per .29 Ill i:.~ .89 Fresh INIP•l Chinese Cabbage ~,_,. Avocados .,.. .39 lb ••ell .39 F~elh Crl19 "lea ma ••••••••••Special Bakery Values •••••••••• • c-..y ,_..,Cit. Baguette ~ ... '1.09 89 llelph• •.;:; '• Danish Horn ......... Iran •utt1ns 95 ll•lpll1 • 2 09 i:,\ • Berry Pie ~ • · •••••••••Special Personal Care ValuH ••••••••• :: 1.79 •Aa-*IF.,_.H llln lll1n Cream 1.59 750:~· 4.!'98 Prices effective March 18 thru arch 24, 1982 · ,, I .. I \ I : 1 ! ~ ,, . I • . ; t• : \ '• ' ·' Quick 1 ideas When the menu caJls for gal'Uc bread, try this idea instead. Brush both sides ~ sweet French or sourdough bread slices with a hearty bottled Italian dr essi ng . Sprinkle top side with finely chopped walnuts for eating interest, and grated Parm es an c heese. Heat on a baking s heet at 350 degrees for s to 10 minutes. Serve hot and toasty. Treat winter appetites to a summery taste. Stir-fry some minced onion In cooking oil until soft. Add llices or strips of 1uecbini, cooking until teacler-crlap. Flavor to your liking with lllettled barbecue sauce. Complete dish , with chopped walnuts. / Homemn piaaa? Try cbanlbll the crust while keepilll .&be toppln1 simple. l'or II larl• Ii• pi11a Cl'Ult or 2 smaller ones, Mme-ecoaomllts • 1u11e1t a recipe addition ~ t,ii cup flnely chopped walDuta and t,ii to '6 teupoon dried baall, .,..bled, wben m hl•f la the ctry 'nare•i••U· Spread · phaa •••~•, top 1ener•••I ' wllb · abreddeld llouarella or otber f tvoritf cheese ·andbMI. • Vt cup allced sreea enlOftl a tablelpoonf butter or mar1artne a ll v • r e d 1 can u~ ounces) almonds condenaed cream of Coc*ed noodlel • Shrimp IO\IP ln aldllet, brown ham· 1 toup can water and cook celery la 2 tableapoona butter. unUI jusl tender. Chablis or other dry A d d re m at n I n 1 white wine in1redien ts except noodles. Heat; stir occasionally. Serve over noodles. Makes about 2'h cups. 4 1ervin11. SHRIMP BISQUE · \4 cup shredded carrot In saucepan , cook carrot and oolons ln butter unW tender. Add remainine lnJrt<Uents. Heat; sUr occasionally. Mpkes about 3 cups, 4 servings. . . PORK. LOIN ROAST Fl'flh Eo1tern, Armour, Veribest, Bon.leu 3 •9 PORK LOIN ROAST LB • FrHh Eo•lern Armour l0tn Cenler Cut PORK CROWN ROAST . .. tB. 2.89 Frflh £ottern, Armovr, Veribe•t. Center Cut I 99 PORK LOIN CHOPS .. LB • LOINOR Ill IND AVG. WGHT. 3..4 LIS. .99. .. FrMh Eo•lern Armour, Boneleu for K-8ob• 2 89 CUBES OF PORK LOIN LB • f-#f ... -.. ~-\_,-..,., ..... ~ CUBES OF PORK LOIN El Ron<ho FRESH PORK SAUSAGE IB LIMIT 2 Bulk 01 PolhH, ~' Nol Exceed 22% Fol 2 19 LEAN GROUND BEEF LB • El Rancho Ho! & Swee! ITALIAN SAUSAGE El Rancho Porlt. S.ruon111i BRATWURST SAUSAGE LB 1.69 LB 1.69 Fl'flh Eo•lern, Armour, Ver1be1t, Thick Cut 2 09 El Roncho PORK LOIN CHOPS . LB. • RANCH STYLE BACON - IAITIRN ARMOUR PORK LOIN ROAST V£1U&EST I 89 FRESH ' CENTtlt CUT • La. • i.. ,........ ~ -..... MA•U111•• . G.E. LIGHT BULB IAU son :=::. :r~~w I ~98 Cenler Cut Northern h ozen HALIBUT STIAKI f ..... ~.i 8U'T11RFllH f r_,j, MOMTUIY IOUID' fTnlo F.llot\ ol 18 2.19 18 .69 ll'ACIFIC nD SNA•ll'lll ........ 1a 1.69 It 3.99 18 1.29 ll 4.99 HEINZ KETCHUP 12-oi OrVllle Redenboch~r POPPING Oil 30·or OrYJll" Red.onboc h~r POPCORN 3 5 lb Bog . THRIVE CAT FOOD 16-or Non·Ooiry CREMORA CREAMER 16·0J: PrM"t"M KNOTTS STRAWBERRY 44-0Z. BOTTLE LIMIT 2 1.29 1.99 2.69 1.79 1.45 .55. 16ot Vi10C1unch Anl Vor~loe$ . GRANOLA CEREALS .... 1.19 25 Ol Jor .as MOTTS APPLE SAUCE 1 I 5 13 0 1 Ch« Chip Otml·Moc.·ked Roo"'n MOTHER'S COOKIES 14' IS 8 Pk Chocolate 1.29 DOLLY MADISON CUPCAKES 2·l1lrr -t If. C. DIET RITE, ~UBBLE-UP & 100-• 99 212.!!. 2.1· 9 . PERiONAL 1111 84 WllilliR~n• IVORY SOAP ..... • ·NAVEL ORANGES (1U o"'o" Ar M·ffl' 10 01 &one. SWEET COOKING SAKE M.l'Kh+CJOM# t 6 0 1 P\ 0 SWEET RICE SUN KIST FANCY URGE SWEET 25~. i""OOtiS rJF ftff' fJRi£~ fNOU-Ntllt~.._,, W..tPoc . • 01 ("" 1.45 7-0Z. CHIKARA OR MACKEREL FILLETS SAKURA BAMBOO SHOOTS .6,9 .49 ... HAM IT UP -Fruit adda a tropical flavor to economical ham. • U S.O A Choice Beef, Boneleu Loon Cui NEW YORK STEAKS -LB •.99 sH0ou'loER' c:Loo~Ro~hs'r'"' LB. 2.49 US 0 A Chooc.,, (""'~' Cul '6EEF SHANKS tB 1.49 US 0 A Choice Bttf Chuck Cut 0 -BONE ROAST LB 1.69 BEEF 7 -BONE ROAST CHUCK I 29 ~'. . (?E'i¥1!111 tt~ .. ~ t )lit .. COLONY·~-: 2 1 9 WINI . ., • I 75 I•••• 116 .,.,_. CLUNY SCOTCH 6Po<\ 1101 Co~ SCHUTZ LIGHT BEER 12.99 1.99 Firm -CCOLl ................................ La ••• 9 T~S....-.16-oi l'lrt NOODLES .es UDON .63 4 '°" •• 4-lnch .es ARllCA• YIOLITI ................... EA .• 99 ~•o ''>4"1(•t (Of'l'Of'l_ 9 0 1 "9 NOODLES •01. Top~li • . 79 COOL IP .... • .......... • 4/Plo lli..P, Eora I 19 • BIRDSEYE COB CORN . . ... . ..... • 17~1.-19-01. l'tain, Cherfy,5'"'wWry 2 19 SARA LEE CHEESE CA~E ... .. ...... • .-0.01. lox C&W PETITE PEAS.~ .... , .. , .......... ~, .• 69 LDIJ@i~ 3·01 89 GALLO . · IUCID IALA• e· 12-oz. Ind. Wl'flflPld a-'-'·~ 69 KRAFfAMERICAN SINGLES ...... I. . 32-01. 'Nhole 0t HoH Koetlef CLAUSSEN PICKLES .................... 1.19 I 2·01 Wlsp!ide, '4·Vbrietiea 2 29 SOFT CHEESE SPREAD . ... ..... • • 1 ·lb, ICllOCk-rtt " NATHAN'S BEEF FRANKS .......... 2.•9 •• t • • I . , , I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WedMlday, ~etch 17, 1'82 R _efunders must learn Jo plaY by the rUI'es 8JIAaTIN8LOANE refundtfof'tnl at the El P110, Teiae 79977. 11 ymbols from 12· or Sa~oae Free Eiga WILSON Sap~r "Thla year c:onaumel'll I u P er m a r k et • I n Receive a Sl refund and 11•1111111 111•p11 16·0unce Lovitt Shaved Ofter. Receive a couPon Sunday Refund. Rece1\le are expected to make, n e w I p a p • r I • n d a Sl coupon for Rath r1 r Steak pouchea. Expires worth up to SI for .... a $1.25 refund. Send UM more tbaa 180 mllllon me1al aint•1• han,d 1 whden Blick H1wk Canned June 30, 1982. ·and a lO·cent coupon for reqyired refund foriln . re..que1t1 for lradn1 wt ren 1· Ham . Send tbe MORTON HOUSE Sl Brown 'n ' Serve and the proofa df Ua.n may not H proof·of--parcbaae Dell ~et. Send the Refund Otte"f. Receive a manu(acturera' refund available in all areas of certlllcate from In.aide required refund form Sl refund. Send the Refund Coupon Offer S1usa1e. Send the purchase from any fo\&r offtrl and more than 7 tbe country. Allow 10 one Ratti Black Hawk and three Universal required refund form Receive a Sl coupon for required refund form, Wiison product: Ttle mllllon ~ them will be weeks to receive each Hickory Smoked or Product Code aymbols and three entire labels Morton House Stew or three Universal Product proo£ is the WH•on bl.e rejected. . refund. Honey Glued Canned fr 0 m any 0 c the from Libby's Chill Chill. Send the required Code symbols from ribbon and seal with the · So said Roland Drier, . The followlne refund· Ham. Explrea June 30, following FO$tcr Farms and . or· T .am a I es . refund form and three Swift Premium Brown word a · ·pt o or. d f a nd he should know. orters are worth $18.74. 1982. •Deli products: Chicken Expires June 30, 1982. entire labels from any ·n• Serve Sausage and purchase" from ttle Drier is vice president This week's often have Franks1 Jumbo Chicken LOVITT Foods . combination of Morton one Universal Product .WUsoo packa1e or tile of mark-etlna and atotalvalueof$25.SO: These offers require Franx s, C hick e n Receive a $1 refund. House Slew or C hili Code symbol from an proof.of·purchuesUpor services for the Neilson_ Boaus~! Till• otter refund forms: Bologna. Expires June Send the requlre.d products. Expires Dec. egg carton. Thi:'i offer is 1n~pection slip frofn Clear1n& House, which doelD't ~aJrea for•: FOSTER FARMS 30, 1982. refund form and two f, l~. void Ln Wisconsin and Inside canned h,llm or fulfills the ref.~nd.~ RATH Canned Ham-H-oltdaY Ve1t o . IBBY MeNE-fhlrand -L O"Y+t Io go a or S WIFT PR EM I UM Was hington. Expires canned flam pal.lid. addressed to the NB Offer P.O. Box NB·616 Receive a Foster Farms LIB BY Chlll·Tamale Universal Product Code Brown 'n ' S ~ r v e June 30, 1982, Expires Jun~ 30, 1982. )· post-office boxes in El • ' -----------~-----_..._ Paao, Texas. Drier was speaking before more than 600 avid refunders and couponers at\ending the recel)l First Na lion al Refunders' Convention in Houston. Many ot the conventioneerti wanted lo know why so many of their requests we re being rej~ted. ''The most frequent reason for rejecting a r e fund r equest i s non·compliance with the ler'ms or the offer." said Drier. "Peopl e are sending u s r efund r e quests that are missing the required refund form o r the correct numbe r of proofs of purchase or a required cash-register tape. "We also must reject r efund requests if the proofs are not for the s pecific varieties or sizes asked for by the manufacturer. We can't accept substitutes when the manufactur e r s ' marketing strategy is to promote specific sizes of a product." Drier went on to cite othe r reasons for the rejection of refund requests: .. Many requests are received with the wrong post-office bo1' number. -"When offers are limited to o n e per household , then we must enforce this restriction and reject duplicate requests. -"We now accept only one refund request per envelope . Group ma i lin gs are al so returned to the sender ." Drier pointed out that. in addition to the 7 million rejections, almost a million and a half refund requests cannot be delivered. ·'This is u s ually bec ause we get an improper o r an incomplete address." he said. "When sending for a refund, you should print your name , address and ZIP code in block letters . If the space on the refund form is too small print this information on a separate piece or paper a nd attach it to the refund form. ''Refunders will also help to insure the proper handling of their refund request oy attacbing their proofs of purchase to a separate piece of paper. It is easier for us to count them and there is less chance of a stray proof of purchasing falling o ut o f th e enve lop e during processing. "Please don't staple the proofs lo the refund form since this can cause damage to the form when the proofs are detached from it. .. Drier offered a final word about requests for refund forms: "We don't like to ignore any mail that we receive, but in mo-. ca ses th e manufacturers do not give us refund forms to send to people who write for them. So, most of t h ese requests go unanswered.'' The conventloneers agreed that Drier bad given them some very good advice. REFUND UPDATES Readers who sent for the Betty Crocket "Buy Two, Get One Free Offer" may have _l>een surprised to recelfe a form for6' a box of noodles rather than the one fpr a box of potatoes that was rrrenlloned in l h I s c o l u m n . T.h e mistake was ours and we 1lpologize for any inconvenience. CUP 'N• FILE &EFUNDS Meat. PMl&ry. 8eafoo4. Otaiter Ma18 Dllllet (Fiie .) Clip out this file and keep It with similar cuh·off coupons - beverage refund off era with bevera1e coupons, for ellample. Start ~0UecUn1 the ne~ded proofs of purchue while looklnl for the requ1r9d LOWER PRl .CES . OVER .Al l i FREE! Mb. Pk&-Or ..oa. Pk&. Na ture'• Dellpt Natural Snaclu Wlth ~"-Of One ""--At ..... ..., Wllt1e ·!J!~G .E . Light Bulbs .. , 16·0Z. CAN -.1tfltf Vtnt1111 !ff Chee-tos Snacks flll'9fltt l1.,uet '"llC• Or 1111111 Riu nite Wine ........ Scores.by Scofch ~ ............ ·~· ..... -.... ..... -•.:,. -• , ... • ,. . -=---- &Z·OZ. BTL. PER LB. LB. 2 llTR s1 BTI .~ Jl Pl\ 'i flt I' ..... ""' !ij Hostess Twinkles 1 J I 3 'j ) '.i c: 2 ) l J I ) ~ ~ ! l J 1 ~ ( 11 '• 2 i: " l ('.. I ·1 ft 'J j h J J a 0 l 0 u l I/ l ., :) ,. I! Q 0 a & :) •J d ' ~ 1' .. I ( I I I STORE COUPON ~ato~mato7c CHEDDAR AND CHIVES SMOKEY BARBECUE .... _ !•-.. -........... _ .... _ .... ,. .... .... ... ..... .... ...... .. ~ ., ... , .... ,_,,.,....,. ..... _,, ___ ,,,,., ... _ '-............. -:. i:a.: ~ r:. ':::.':: ·~.:: ... ~~~-= = -: -·-----·--,..•--N ..... ~ ........... _...,"' ....... , .......... ,......"' -·-----.... 1 .. -M-• -· '--C. llMI .. _ ... ""I•_.,_,_.., ........... , .. ... ..,.,. ..... ,. 1112. Lm-• """'°...... c AVAIUILE IN PIU)DUCE DEPT. 7 .. NAME ADDll!SS !!:!:'::.C::::' .. -::-=::=: ... =~'!"'' .:t!.::.= ..... ____ .. ___ er-.. ...,.., .... __ ... 1No other newspaper brings you more ' fot your city council, planning commission, school and college districts and county CITY STATE ZIP _,__ _.... c.i..-... --Colll _,§iii &---'-·-- -11111111 .. -1lt; M -&, ,,._ .-r.; 1U1 ort. l.C. = I _ · gov~rnment than ~he Daily Pilat Now makes dinner I Now Mrs. Smith's makes manicotti, cannelloni, quiche and crepes. In 14 delicious varieties. You'll love 'em alt, - because they're made with the finest Ingredients and an the quality Mrs. Smith's ls famous for. So try one tonight --ar•au. ..... ••_,. __ _,,_. _ _, • ...,.._,..,., ______ CllmllllWIDW 4(MI ----------~ Beef a Cbtckea hut • 'IU.rkey a: Glbleta hut • Beef a: Uftr hut .. ) . .. Ustinov no Christie .fan., but. Actor delights in return visit as Hercule Poirot ly IOI THOMAS . ................... HOLLYWOOD -Gone are Philo v~. Nick Chara, Nero WoUe, Mr. Moto, Charlie Chan. l:Uery Queen, Bulld08 Drummond, Nick Carter, The Saint and all the other omnildent moVie detect.Ive.. But -ucre bleu! -Hercule Poirot ii at.ill alive and ~ant. • The Aaatha ChrtaUe aleµth, hero of her lint publilhed myat.ery, 11 returnll\I to the nat.ion'• theaWrl in the UnfventI-EMI fllm, "Evil Under the Sun." ,.. uaual. Poi.rot hu a colol'ful cut of auapecta @1M1 victims: Maute Smith, Jame1a Mason, Diana !Ugg, Roddy' McOOwall, Sylvia Miles, Jane Biddn. .Peter Ustinov is Hercule Poirot, repeating his role from the successful "Death on the N~." 'nUs Ume he is on the prowl f<>J' 'the murderer of a Broadway star who has a penchant for making enemies. The scene: a lavish reeort on the Adriatic. But 'the flltn actually was shot in· Majorca, where the director, Guy Hamilton, li~. Ustinov t'ecently talked about his alter ego, Poirot, who UtTINOv was created' by M~ Christie in "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" -a book she wrote while a volunteer worker in World War I. ·15 Ustinov a fan elf the Christie art? "Not really," he says ... ,l admire il. but l neve read it. I admire Wagner, but l never listeh to it. To appreciate Agatha Christie requires a crossword puzzle mind, which I do not have. "I must say that my performance in 'Evil under the Sun' kept its freshness. During most of the filming l couldn't remember whodunit." Ustinov is not the first actor to undertake Hercule Poirot. Albert Finney played the wily Belgian in "Murder on the Orient Express," but he was so obscured by makeup that no one recognized him. Ustinov appears as Ustinov, with only a waxed mustache as a concession to Poirot. "I find you can't stre!th too far with a character in the way of makeup," the 6l·year-old British-Russian actor said. "You have to invent something comfortable; you can't live with dissx>mfort during the making of a film. It's bQtter to avoid excessive props -unless you're playmg the Hunchback of Notre Dame, in which case you have to wear the hump." Nor did he burden himself with a heavy French accent: "I figured he would speak English as well as a French master in an English school. Because of his national pride, he would probably speak better French than the French." Ustinov said that he had to make Poirot extremely unpopular at the resort. "He was like an albatross merely. because o'f nis. presence there: he had to have something to solve. "I saw Poirot as a man who was obviously and unswervingly in love with himself," he said. "His C~pra TV f ete set o~ HOLLYWOOD (AP) -James Stewart is the host of the American Film Institute Life 11----------1 Achievement Award sa- lute to director Frank Capra, to be broadcast by CBS April 4. Stewart, who received the award in 1980, star- red in three cl~ic Capra films, "It's a Wonderful Life," "You Can't Take It With You" and "Mr. Smith Goes to Wash- ington." The black-tie event, held at the Beverly Hil- ton Hotel March 4, marks the 10th anniver- sary of the annual AFI event. I Wttha competitor ... I howclose can you get? ~Fascinating" hWf MMlle, N6'1f YORK TIMBS moral ttandard wu aucl\ that he could never cheat.' Why did he never rnarry'1 BeceUle ~WM eomethlna he ooWd never IOlve. "He m IOlnethinC of a voyeur," U1tinov1added. "He pta hil kkka at qyhQles or pee~ _through the German naval blnocu.lan from Wori.rt War I, which he always caa1ea ln hi.a~. "l,t there anyone that omnilclent? There are J:°~~~ who thl!'k they are. Obviously Poirot thlnkl Playing a detective {a not euy, he concluded. He compaft!d the role to· an interviewer'•: "Your role la more dJfflcult, becauae you're aakJng the questions. l 'm merely fleldinR them." In both films he sought relief from the incetiaqt questioning. In "Death on the Nile," it was an encounter with a snake; in "Evil under the Sun," he takes a swlm that is a comedy h.lg~ht. Will he continue with Hercule .,olrot? "I can't predict. There has been a gap of five years between the two pictures. If this continues, I may end up playing ii'\ a wh~lchair, like Raymond Burr." , ~ *BARGAIN MATIN.ES* Monday thru Saturday .All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (Except Special En11 .. 1111nt1 and Hollcl1y1) I A U tfii'At•A l.i'A.11 Muooo ot loaecron. LA MIRADA WALi< IN 994'·24'00 "~RIONAL HSr• _,·-uo.·-""· ... r-··ntey ALL LAUOHrO" '"' _,., ... ---·~" .. ·- .. THE IEAST WITMN'0 "' .... l:M.--... --.- ·-·--"CHARIOTS OF FIRE" -•r:a.-u•.-- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN .... ____ _ 'ON OOLD~N PONO •• 11'11 .... ,, ........... ~ .. THEY ALL LAUGHED'' -,,. ............ '""' LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAll( IN Focully Al Del Amo 21S/6J4·9211 LAGUNA so . COAST WALl<·IN "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THI IUHMT STillP" "'' -·---... ,_ 1:11. __ ,__ --·-· "DEATH WISH II" 11'1 ti::~~, ..... "THE AMATEUR" 11'1 taM,•--.-..... - "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE OH TI4E IUHRT STRIP" ,OCUlly OI CO,,dlewooO 211/531•9110 .. MISSING" ll'OI ta;», ........ 1111, ti,. "MAKING LOVE" 1111 ,1: •• 1-.............. . .... o.., • •t..1:11.t•.• .... •-ewr-~----·· •Df c-ou ·-'4lrt ~"°" CHARIOTS OF FIRE -'ti,'·~·· .. e:., t&.t• Soutll Cooal Htwoy ot ltoodwoy 494-1514 "EVIL UNDER THE SUH" -....., .. , ... " ----·"'·'-·"" -....... -e:15 '" ~ 6:00'-• '"" .. e;45 IMPORTAMT MOTICl! CMllDRH UNOlR 12 FRH! M .. k .... ,.,..., "'"' IM• 1115 30 • Sii S.• ""s4·30 PM CH.fl SOUNO •'IOUll •M CM MDIO IS YOIJfl 5"MOI tlf NO •M CM MOlll WITH IGllfllClll ACClSSOllY l'OSITlOll -IMIG Ut 'lllllM.11 •au Clllf.fl OIWMIS 1311 Oii AM llAOCI -.N .. ,.f1o,I ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN lt•PoY ti ol l•MO" St 179·9150 -Lit-• 'DEATH WISH II""' P\.119 ·THE BURNING" " CllOf It SOOOIO "HALLOWEEN II" "" I : oON°'T CAY: ----GT'S ONLY THUNDER" -"AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF - IN LONDON" ,., "MY BODYGUARD" - Clllt 11 soui.o c•~t " !iOIJ<Ou BL1f NA ••Ill BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN llM:Olll ... .. ... OI I noH 121-4070 ~JtNA PAWll: LINCOLN DRIVE-IN '•ft<o•n A•• ••" 01 •non I 121·4070 I IJ,fiif ll"i $0ft °'~ 'rwr ol llOO~ltu .. 1 (SO I ··RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THI! SUNSET STRIP" flll . -"THINK OtRTY" 1111 "VICI! SQUAD" "'' -"THE BOROEJll" 1111 "THE BEAST wrTHIN" flll -"OEADL Y BL.USING" 1111 c'"'''SOlllfO ! 962·2411 -.j:. "HALLOW!EH II" 1111 -"AH AMEAICAH WEREWOt.F INL<*DON"t1t1 CJIOt. ,, sou.> --°'·-.-"CHRISTIANE F." tl'l -"Ot!ATHSHIP" 1111 CIMl It $OU110 lA MA fl"1A LA HABRA DRIVE IN ··MISSING" ,,.. -"BORDERLINE" - ::1Nt " 50UllO 'DEATH WISH II" 1111 ri ... "THE BURNING" 1111 Clllf fl SOUND "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUN~ STRIP" 1111 _,.., '""' • -• -6 -""" "THE DtRTY" fllt 171-1162 11PA.Nf.f ORANGE Ol>IVf·IN .... A.•, ' • , .. MISSION DRIV E IN . • Son•o •no I nry • l•o•• C 011•0• 558·7022 -"THINK Dtln'Y" 1111 "OOM'Ta.Y IT'S OHL Y ntUNDul" """ • .. Orano-Colet DAltY PtLOTIWedneeday, Mwch 11, 1882 UJIO(WlflllOWI W~broOlo SJO 001 COSTA •SA OIWIGI ,,,.,. __ ,.,, 8'""" ()i;nqe- ~40 1444 631 0340 ll JOllC) OllAJIGf fa'""'°'~' Sl-lli•••"' ~·· ~810 6391110 fCMHIT Al• Hlll Y OIWIGI • ovni.wl V4wt",. °'•""In UA. Viv CwtefHil 96?1481 634 3911 llO•...,•~co•no 1 .. ' ..... I i.A•O.C•Ufl BASED ON A TRUE STORY. • • m1ssing. IPGI f,.. fUNI ,., EICCITIMINT• lf•"I Tl>o '-''i T• 0..• NIW ., ••.. r= --.==::l IUCHAllD NYCMI UVEC*'nte _,. ST•IP (RI I :00 2:45 4 :30 I : f5 1:00 t :4S Mariel Hemln9way M~ALmsT (Rjlio 3:00 $:30 1 :00 10:20 Si~=cek M <POI 12:30 2:50 5 :10 7:4 0 10:00 ""ter U1tlnow In EVIL..,..... T.-IUMIPOI I :00 l :IS S:JS 7:55 10:10 /!tadaTry A.-d ~ ~fOTS OI Pl ... (POI 12:30 2:50 5: IS 7:45 •0 :10_ ==..rs~ L.OST AllK (PO) 1100 3 :15 5 :30 7 :45 t :55 II• 70mm ' ......... a.. ... _.. 51.!t* ~Sound Dnct To Vour CW Rldlo or~ I Tune To 12Sand ENJOV ! ,......_ ' Mariel Hem~~Y N:RSOllAL (RI ,.Ull Urban Cowboy. (PQ) I uouble Terror! THSmAST WfTHl•fRI lo OHOly • eulng IR) r==:==J~ ·I ~A.-d,..._ AlrtttU• (PO) Sltarky'1 Maclllne (RI But!ln' LoOM (R) -r===========:::i Jolln Beluslll In NE:MIH90llS ( R ) Modern Problem1 (PCI ~"'--,.,,_ llUUDEU CW THE L.OST AaK (l"G) lo TAPS (POI D,,we·1ns Open 6 :45 WHkn•ettts/6: 30Week•nch 1Jnder12fl'EEUnlessNoted Oscar Fever rules 11 All l'nl1fos mu;.I lw on un orrit·ml hlank d1111wcl I rnm the l>ail~ Pilot :'\11 photot·opll'>i or hahcl cln 11111 l'nlr~ hlank;, "111 lw ut'l'l'l>ll•cl 21 Inell\ 1llu<1b m a' \•nh ·r a' m <trl\ ltrnl'" ,,.. lhl•\' hl..1· :11 Enll'll'!'> musl lw poi-t m;ttkl'll nu l,1l l·r lh;in ;\la11·h 2i l!JX2 . ' .i 1 l>ath Pilot 1•mplo~'l'i.'' anrl mt•mht•t"i "ur th1·1r 1mml•d1.ih• lam1li1•' at c· 1101 l'liJ.(thlt• 111 l'Oll't 51 St>lt•l·tuini-n111'1 ht• ma cit• Ill l'.tl'h t«r I c•i:on lnc·ompll'l1• 1•nl nt•, \1111 nut ht• .1t·1·1·t1tl•cl Oscar Fever OFFICIAL BALLOT Bt:ST Pl<'Tl Rt: O Atlantic City O Cllariols of Fire 0 0,, Golde,, Pond 0 Raiders of tM Lost Ark 0 Reds Rt:ST \ITOR O Warren BHllY O Henry Fooa• 0 Bur1 la,,caster 0 Dudley Moore O PaulNewman Sl'PPORTIS<: .\("l'OR OJamesCoco 0 Joh,, Glel9ud O la,, Holm 0 Jack Nicholson 0 How.rd E. RolllM Jr. Kt:ST 1>11u:cmR 0 Warren Beatty 0 Hugh Hudson O Louis Mafle 0 Mark Ryct.11 0 Steven Sc>ielt>ero R•~ST \(TRt~"i...; O ICatllarlne Hepbum O Ol•ne Keaton 0 Mars"-~SOii 0 Susa,, Sualldoll 0 Meryl Slreec> Sl'PPORTIN(l A<'TU:S.'4 0 Mellllda Diiion O J•MFooa. Q JH,,HKkett 0 Ellubeth MCGovern 0 M•UfMn St1pleton ORIGISAI. sosr. O~est That You ca,, Do O Endless LOYt O The First Time I,, H1ppe,,s O For Your EYfl Only 0 0,,e More Hour Deadline MldnlCht March ZT, 118% OICA" nvu IS SPON90HD BY THI ..., .... rRl1.F.S PRESENTEO H'' Tile Gran,I Dlllner neater ... ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednetd•v. March 17, 1982 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) 'i;try Pl'Oducert, outtaged by \he ._. Ual th~ft of more than $10 ., ln plutic milk. catH'I in ,California alone, t)ave begun a ~~· ~-iweeplni vtg{lante effort to 1 ver the aturdy, 24-quart car- "' na. · The Coalition for Milk. Case '"'Aeeovery, representing 19 major dairlea in the state, staged Its fU:St PIH Me'flE ,ICTITIOUI a UllNaH .,. NAM81TATaM8NT " Tile lollewl119 ,.., .. ., 11 001119 IN&IM11e1: • OUK£ 01' HUNTINGTON, IHO) "llt9011qul11, Hu11tln91on 8 t ecll •, ~j11llor111e ~ MHud H Sllelk ll, •OU Delle A tniM, Allll Lome. Celltornl• "'01 ,., Tiiis MIMH Is conouct..i llY •" lllcllv'-1 ~-H Sllelkll I •L Tiiis Sltlt,,_1 was 111..i wltll IM i;;ounty Clerk of Or•no« County on "Merell t. 1"2. • 1'11471' ~~lp1.11111.-0te19 Coesl Dally Piiot, .. ~or. 10, 17, 2A, JI, 1"2 t07).t2 PIH llTICE l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAMa STATl[MENT ~" T llt follow ing P•rson IS do4nv llusinessu .. , PERSONAL MANAGEMENT •$1lRVICE5. ~4092 P•.-11111 Road. La"• For.st, C.iltotnl• ~ ' MAA F Trail, 1«191 P•.-hlll Road \Ake Forfll, Cellfornle t?UO Tiiis llu51~s tS Cond1.1<tecl by an ·•tln<flvldual. Mu F Tr•ll This stat...--1 was filed with th<I ••COi.iniy Clerk ot O••no« Countv on n Felltuary 11 1'!07 FIU.1' -"•JPullhsheCI Or•nQe co .. t D•••• P11ot 1,lleb 74. ~r J, 10. t I. 1'ie7 117 '7 FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollo.wlng "''on\ ar-• doing '""°slne\5H 111 NEWLAHO PROPERTIES !11 NEWLAND REAL ESTATE Ill "" E W l AND A E A l T 0 AS ( • I ,11!4EW LAND ASSOCI ATE S ISi ~EWLA.N D AEA'l TY, 11• Ad•m• "..:11enue, a 10s. Huni.noton Buen Collld<'nl• • .,MI ' Gtr•ld L Conlo 8771 Dryb.lnk Orin. Hunhnqlon 6t<Kh Cahtorn1a ,,,... . Phyllr\ A Ahy&n tOlOI Joo Oay Hunlln9ton BeAC:h. C•htorn1• 97"'6 ._., This t>usln•'• 1\ <onouclrd by • 11qeMra1 par1nersh1p • • Geuld L Conley . This st•t~menl ¥rt•'\ f1tf'd w•th \he To .. nty Cieri. ot Or•nQO! Coonty on February I. 1'111 1'111'1S PullhslWd Or•noe Coast Dally P1101, Fell 24, -rcll J, 10. II. 1'1112 .. S-07 l'WIUC NOtlCE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT "bu!~~.s~o~~O••no Pf't"\01'\\ ar• do1nQ 8&8 BUILDERS. IJ10 AlaWm• litreet. HUt\tlnoton S.itc.n C•litorn•• ~... . " -Ao~rt Waynt> RHO. 1Jt0 Alab.lma S,tre•t. HunllnQlon Beach, (ahtorf'I'• ',"+I\•• Gu'\t4'41'e 8vddY Cont•r 110 Spr1nqhekl No 8 Hununq1on 8tia{h c .•. htorn •• .,_.... Thi\ bu\inf'\S t\ <onouctt>d by • o•ner•t partnenthp Custoe euoov Conltt Roller1 Wayne Reeo This stetemtnt wa\ llled with 1"41 1'¢,,..nty Clerk 01 Or•~~ County on Fell•u•ry 11. 1'1112 Flu.JO Pulll•sM<I Or•nve co .. 1 Oa•IY Pilot ·~•II 14. _, J 10. ti 1'197 -.11 PUILIC NOtlCE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tilt loflowlnv per\Ons are ool"U ll•llinz:~alsN PIP\; 4 SUPP l Y c&RMP A ... Y. tt1• E McF-n S...t• ~,."°, ean1«n1a '7m THE SOUTH LAND SUPPLY °COR PORAT ION, • C•lllo•n•• .. corporation. 191• E M<F.t<lden, S.nt• Ana, Calllornla .,70S ' _ Tiiis b1nineu Is conoucltd by • c OtPor a1i0fl T1'e Soutlllarcl S<eoly Cor_ .. ,.,.. John Novello. VkePrtsldenl 'This slat.nwnt was tllecl wtlll the 'County c .. rk of Or•nve Coonty on .~rcllt.1"2. ..llM7:111 ... 'l>ullliSNcl o.-.. (OHi Daily Piiot, .r•r. 10. 11. ,., 31. 1"2 1~ ' FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT "1•0Tlle ro11owlno per\on\ arP 001nv 1iu"•n•\S as 1' PLAZA VERDE LIQUOR IS1S Mt» Y.erOt DrtYe Ea\I. Unit\ 111 1t1 II Cost• Mes41. Cahfotn1a 92b76 •• Wilham S U.wlon. 00'!1 East L• -Petm• Suit~ 8 Anatwlm Cttlifornta "'°' N•ncv J Lawton. 4091 Ea•t L• -,ri1ma. Suite 8. Anaheim C•llforntA 'l?IOI M•<'-1 E Parnell. -• East La r>~alm•. Su•le 8 An•llelm Caflforn1a .,t7806aV11• R Perrwtl 00'!1 E••I l• '· ,S•tm•. Su1tf' 8 An•Mun Ca1ttorn1• ~I "'•This llus1neu IS condu<t•d ov • ~rel part,..,r,nlp Wllllam S Lawton •'1· TMs sta·t~t *•' filed wUh '"• County Clerk of Oranqf' County or February U 1'11'1 PubHshed Oranoe Coa\t Da11., P11ot '"March 3, to. 11. 24, ,.., 960., n•' ,,. l'WIUC NOll:E ~ ...... _________ _ NOTICao .. ANNUAL MaETtNO 01' TMe MaMallllSOI' "ACt"tc ... DalllAL SAVI NOS AND LOAN AISOCIATION Notice Is llertlly given tllat the " M1n1.1el Meeting 01 Memlltn of 1"41 •bove·......O -lollon will ti. lleld ~lllt office of Ille AHo<l•tlon et UO ,., l•rlno Awnw, 81.1ildlng D. Coste to, Colltomle, Oii the Uni .S.y of 1f!f"<ll, 1"2, _. t,.,. ...., of 2 00 p.m ol ;,'Aid dty. n.. boll!Mn lo llt lllit ... "" I il Ille 10141 ~ -1119 INll llt •• .. r A. c;on,1_1,. • mollon lo OClfO\lrn me .4..--1119 of Mernt>tn 10 • NN"ll 15, 1"2 ti t:OO • m. et Ille office tit "" A•sos••llon •t uo p..,1ar1no Avenue, 81.1lldln9 D, Coste Mno, .;fthlornlo. ,..._i!_I_ 11111 matlon -s not cetry, tllt ..,.., -INM to 11t lei. .. UP el tlle 1 110I MMllftl -II llt tllet lilted 1-. If tllh mallon ~ ,.,., •• .,,. h ~llneu to l>t l•k•n up ol tllt JOI.Ir-Md MnlMl Meetlnt ltltll lie os '"li110w1: I. COMlderlnt end votlr19 upon -""'""•I ef U. mlnvlft OI ltlt l•I IMf'll'bef'J' .-.1,.; I . C-~llle ellcl V0ll"9 - P ,...tts tll Gftlcen f"4I ccwnl'llH-ot .... A111Kltlleft, ./ a, c-l•rl"I w~11<19 -..... tHkallontf .. ecb tll dlrtcton •Ml ,. tJtk.,. Of .. A-1o11on; !:ft• •· E ledlOfl tll diAclon to 1111 ttie kn 1 .. ttfma el wlllcll •rt tlltll plrl11e; • s. '-•lfy • ~ ......... .., t)e ••••• ot Di rect~• ot 11\elr • ~ ...... ~ti, ,., )ft ...... .. .. otadltlltef OINCtlU ll1Mr111ft; ........ ~ ~ ... 9W1 _,, tll Motcll, '"'·ti ~· ... c.t""111•· ,. 'I OlrtllW I:. "'9tter IKP'Atl'V raJd ln the Bay ·Are~ lNl month: 4:Kl case1, clearly marl<ed u dairy property, w re N.'COV,red at a S.n Mateo county doa show, where they were being 1Jlled to store dog sham,POOa-and combs. "We're t.alking about several more raids, We're trying to make the pubUc aware that we're very serious about. th ls," sald Daye Ringle r of .Fpnost-McKeseon SPECIALi! TIDE LAUNDRY DITUQENT son. REINFORCED GARDEN HOSE l OO'll. Dtl ,Giit Tl,. C«ll .. , ... Specially com pounoe.i lor yedr round fl::::ly 5 99 %" x 50' • 4NU!i+ SCOTCH·BRITE KITCHEN SCRUB SPONGE Ame11ca s ieaomo lammate!l scouring pad 2:J9C • ,,_ I .. • FANTASTIK SPRAY CLEANER AdJUSlable easy lo uv l11Qger spr ~yer 32 ... ggc SPRAY'N WASH LAUNDRY SOIL & STAIN REMOVER Just spray on wash & see stains & laundry soil ''":~·~~ 1.6 5 C\\1JM• WINDEX GLASS CLEANER REflll wltll lmmotll..O For sparkling clean glass 32 or. 99c (ii1ffj• BATHROOM SEAT I . Made or top Qualily molded wood to meet any need =· .... 5.95 dwry, which lOlt 180,000 cues va1'1ed at $1.2 mllllon lut year. The care.on.. popular .. hi-tech 1tora1e bina,. atepladden and f""'1t\.lrt, ce»l l.lP lO ~BA each~ In California, 2.5 milllon dlaap- peattd laat year, add1.ni two to three cent.a to the prk.-e-of a gal- lon or milk, dairy lndu.atry spo- kesmen say. thina 6Cep_t what they were (n. They ho&*-to aee a tougher law tended for -carrying milk -one that would make polleS• products from dairy to 1tore," slon of more than $200 worth of Don liu(f of C&m.ation said. the caaea a felony -replace the ..The.· CallJornia lioultural code, ey of t.he coelhion, whether lt'a under a redwood tree or a cactus plant," said Jack Miller, a Knudsen security officer. "We may not get 'em today, but-we'll get 'em tomorrow or next week . ..-Code sets fines and terma of Meanwhile, they continue to up to $500 and 90 ays for un-stage ralds, alwaya after tlnt lawful use or possession of a milk obtaining help from local pol.ice. case registered by a dairy, but Eventually, "th~re won't be Call 142-5871. "People uge them for every- most dairy producers say they've any nook.a and crannJes in Cali- never heard of it beln.g enfon.'ed. fornia that won't be under the Put • few word• to work for ou. --' ---- BAil FRESH -------WIPU "r SCOTT BOX OF 40 ''"'" ""'"'" • 01 1. 2 I wipes thoroughly clean baby's skin A[t] ;J il iPLACE TO SHOP .... Rubbermaid OR6ANIZER{I ..----------~ . • I WRAP & BAG ORGMaER Slores them 1n one conven1en1 place Com· par1men1s hold all Siles ol boxed bags and wrap 111321-25 CLEAN-UP CADDY Organizes ctean1no supplies Perlecl for "under lhe sink" s1orage #2320-25 GROCERY BAG HOLDER Keeps lhem in one con· ven1ent place Helps end kHchen cluller •212.2·25 tt:4;JI LATIX GLOVES 5-M·l Wl!HONOA YOUR CAl!DITI • LIU !G.,AllGLER" cMjti@._7 Gets lhe dtrt 3 99 ·~o/1·1 other brooms r • miss • ....: H LIGHT & EASY " 6 ~ : SPONGE MOP \_ -! -:-L1ght~erght -CD yet duraole 3 99 '--" . wont crack or break • I" COIN "LOVELAND" WHISK 129 BROOM • ITAUAN BROOM w1t11 melal handle & ~~~rI~r 2 7 9· age "'291 • "LOVELAND" CORN BROOM With 2 99 ~rltll • SAVE •s.oo-SAVE •3.00 '3.00 REBATE DELUXE .t: ·1 ~ PRESTO FRY DADDY ECOLOGIZER hmlly Size Ea11 Fryer "GOOD-AIR" For a llfealh ol lresh a11 in your own hOme contrnuousfyl Cleans air by remov1nv offensive odors bac1e11a pollen & drrl quietly and etltc1enlly "FIRST ALERT" PIOFtSSIONAL SMOKE la ARE DETECTOR .~ .. w~.17.49 .. ~-~ 3.00 ~PECIAL! PENNZOIL . MOTOll OIL .... , ...... PEKftfl 11 20, 30 w 40 WT • .,~..,..}I• tttoroR OIL '••u• ....___ 81~. SAVE •1.30 ~:=::JJ OIL FILTERS .. H1Qh quahty hllers lor most Ame11can cars & llucks al 1nllahon ttghter p11ces• • #S0-1 • #50-25 • #S0-16 • #S0-29 • #50-24 YOUR CHOICE! ({\jlirn SIMONIZ NEW LOOK FINISH RESTORER Quickly anll easily re· stores your car s color and snme1 4irrl!N• 1.49 ~ HANDY GRIP I . ii r., ~ '- CELLULOSE I $~ SPONGE ~·~/ w1lh 1apem1 enlls 10 r't:r'-J clean c11rome corners . i§;~J · anll ha1d·to-reacn places• • f/ll!,,;;;: f! . &9f ~-.. j •¥1&• INSTANT KRAZY GLUE PEN Comes our one drop al a 11me thal can nold a Ion• ,,.,.1.29 No conlrols lo sel for perlecl l1y1ng temperalure aulomahcally F11es 4 generous servings wtlh only 4 cups of 011 Presto scoop makes messy. clumsv baske1s obsolele' ~~STtO 14 49 ' ... _:::::._.;.... 2 : 1.00 ... h1 r,.. '"' .., ' SAVE •.1.00 80NUSPACI< SPtCIAU SO' ABBATE~ ~I -;a SAVE24e -™ DETERGOIT LOWIUDI ...... __ .... ~ .. 2•Pak ... : ., -l e09 Cllt,w• ·~-:-50C , .. c..:: 59c • It ci.... .. tis.. .... """,. ,. .... -.. """,,.. .. ....._...1J1111tt..,.•11t tt1 ,.... r..., • ..._ 5avons lhQ~l SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK! 32 u. SIZE I.II -~ fllalftc ...,...., 5"1ft91 .................. :.:~a. .... ~ Delly .. 1 ... ""*'· •uc"_ • ..._,..,........,.._....,.,, •. , ,......,_..._,.......,. ' .. -,.....:-. ;aMloln ~.,...,..,. •9\-- ---~ Dr.••-- ILTOM-Ml?t flallt. .. ,,..;.. . ...,._ VllJ0 -*7111 ... ••• ~ ... "· "· .. ,.,..., -• POUNfAIN YAU.ft -M1.,r1•1 A ·-IMTA ANA _ _,,.._..._. ..... a ,,, . . 'Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Wednftday, March 17, 1982 Consumer Product Sal ety Co~mission' recalls toy indoor gym 1a"ll:der r WASHlNGTON (Af) -The ~t hu announced a re- newed Neall of a 10y ladder on ~lch a Ca11fomJ1 child was kll- led lut month, and one offldal l'rlticiaed the toy's maker for a "very tnadequate" 1'eC8\l ffort the flrat time around. · The Consumer Product Safety Commiaalon, ln announcing i\ was eclOperaling In the recall of, DRY IDEA ROLl...CHI ·Alfll.PEISPl,IANT ASsottTED FORMULAS 1.Soz.SIZE . . the Creative Plaything. Indoor Gym Ho\.Ule ladder, aald u.snany as 239,000 of the toya may stJU lje In <.'Onsumerst hands. The CJ>SC said the toy'• man- ufacturer will re~ th. ladden free whh a similar device with improved design. ""' · Th toy consists of a amau ladder which leads to a platform, with a slide on the other aide. Sandra KJ \Z.el of thl" CPSC't ccmplianoe divi.taon explained that children had strangled on the dev ce by ltlck1ng thetr heads betw n the top run1 of the laddt't and the platrorm and getting stuck. The s.-ommi!ISIOn voted last month to "ck>ee the file" on the recall but then learned of the I stra~lion death of a 2-year-old tot ln Oroville, Call.f. the .third 1ucfi death on the toy -and decided to reopen the cue. Cornmiuioner Sam z..orta said that only about l~ percenc of the toy ladder teta had been re· placed by the manufacturer when, at the company's request, the comm.laaion voted 3-2 lO cloee the file. AW-SE~TZER ANTACID • CUSUlU 1rA11 Of 111 • nll!Ts cru Of 2•> 1.71 ~-~ ':=---_:¥~ ·: &-,.: . .:.-... VALUES FOR MARCH ''l lb1nk UUa WU a tiAry ifMMi.. equai. r«aU,11 Zagoria aald, charalni that the c:ompany UMd "relaUvely modest de~" to announce the ortpw NC&U In February 1980. He said that the Creative Playthings unit of Gabriel lndu- atriet, a division of CBS Inc., has agreed to uae newspaper adver- tisements, a public aervlce tele- BU Ff ERIN UALQlllC ASPllllt WORKS TWICE AS FAST AS ASPllllN! 2.11 100 TABLETS <M1''b REVLON DRY SKIN RELIEF MOISTURE LOTION Speeds ms1ant rettet even 10 skin thal twits from Ory· ness °"' si. ... Rollo! -· ~ ·----·-... -- vitlon. announcement mm-a wldespre d publicity effort. ""1 Aldred Nordstrom of GabneJ denied the company'• o~ ..recall effort was "modst. ~e aald poetenl were put up ln y stores, letters ..were tent to than 30,000 day care ceniera d announcementa publlcUed y newspapera and television wr made. 1, "ICTITIOUJ lU,INU5--NAMI JTATIMl!ftT Tll• lollo•lno per10" •• 0011•1 l>U\lnf!!\ ~\ H U A J A M E S' ~ ASSOC I Al ES, JO t• C• .. h t\• L•oun• Hiiis, C.lllorni. fl•U l ~r Jemo Selln th•• ~:,~ . U0--Htll>, C•h~.£"• Tll" l);l\lne\\ I• COAOIKted b)A.,, •nG•'ltdt.Hil ~rtnur J s.11.e Tiii• 1lilte,,_I we• llled w1111 , ... County Clerk 01 Ore1>99 Coun1y';pn l'ebrtJ•fY ti,,.., l'tP411 Publl.,_ 0.•"99 Coe11 D•llv Plll>t Fet> H , Mercnl. 10 11. "'' aa'l1 PHllC elm l'ICTITIO'" •USINISS NAMI STATIM,NT The fo1tow1nQ p•r\on I\ 001n9 1 t>uslne\~ ., u ANG ENTEAPAIS£S 19/IJ lf\'IPtne \\, Munt,noton B•U-tt, C•hlornle '!21>1t • Aooe•I N Gr•QO•Y 1'113 tnvr rne\\, Hvn•1noton 8t~. C••llornl• 92M41 Thi\ bu\11\n\ I\ CondU<.ted b• 'M\ tnct1vtd1.ial AOOl!rl N Gr-y fh" \l4tement w•' tiled ••Ht the. County Clerk 01 Or•~ Count• on reo 11 •'111 F\ll6U Pubh•Al'<I Qr-Coe•t D•tly P1tot, Fro 2• Mer J 10, 11, 1'117 ..,.., FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! IS.8u.2.79 ,~OH; T "' 1011ow1no Pf'' \On '' dqtifG bu\HW\\ a \ VITAMIN E SUPPUMENT 4001.U. BO~~EOF 2 99 100CAPS. • ' = ·~ 1 (\tjlit• . ~ ~~~:~ · FUNTSTONE'S --1 .A,l!A'a....,. CHILDREN'S e .;,. #' .• "'6Y' '"" : , CHEWABLE .f ~~\ l · . VITAMINS 2.37 I ~~ ...... ~ .... ~~ .~BLETS '~1 ~ITH IRON §:~~·~ 269 ; . _.,..-;" . . 60 TABLETS • ................ ----·-- Ci§JH• DES EN EX ANTIFUNGAL ' SPRAY POWDER Kills Athletes Foot Fungi :J.79 MEN'S DRESS or CASUAL SOCKS Made of or Ion acr yhc & s1re1ch nylon tor a com· tor1able 111 ll020I "COMFORT TOP" KNEE-HI 'S For a sheer. luxurious feeling PAK or 2 PAllS 88~ .. AD PRICES PREVAIL: W~DNESDAY, MARCH 17th THAU SATURDAY, MARCH 20th Master Card "' SOUND£SIGN Retorder /Player Port.We Mini Tape Full·Slle cassettes give long record109 ttmes. yel compact design fits in lhe palm of your hand1 8u1IHn microphone ~:~:on'~10B·=·19.99 __ NJ_n_3_9_.9_5 ___ _ Mac Kinnon's 8.99 SCOTCH ID PllOOF (j hi!!.• l.75 LT. Count Vasya 6 99 VODKA e:1:~r. (itjl•·:.. • 12 ez. CMS 750ML "~ 1.49 2.99 '~ KODAK TELE-EKTRA INSTANT CAMERA with BUil HN FWH • MetwlzM ,, ... hll .. ry Ci§J!.19 TEGRIN MEDICAHD SHAMPOO Get~ 10 tne root ot prootem dandrutt• 6.&u.2.79 Ci§!.! .• CAL DEC ORT CREAM Gteastlts$ to1mutd con lams hydrOCC1rt1sooe I for temporary relttt ot minor skin rrrttahons h.1.39 Ci fill• MURINE or MURINE PLUS EYE DROPS Cleansing refreshing & soolhing ~ ~ GALLO "PREMIUM" TABLE WINES • CMA1US ILMC • MUITl IUIGUNDY • Y1N llOSE • RHltE 1.5 LT. • Si"'Plt Alm I Shoot Opeuti01L If·~:: 54.95 ........... 1000 , ....... -. ~:C.Ulh~ 44 9 5-.s..1.39~~ Just whirl & curl' Genlle mist penetrates the curl • 1ust enough to ··set" 1t Doesn't overheat or leak Cool 11p protects sensitive ear & finger tips -·-~-w~9.95 ~-2.00 ~.=7.95 2. '-' ... Sit • "" s.."',. ..... tt ... .._. ,_ lltlttt 8AVE•2.97 n DAISY 2h HOME PREGNANCY klT Contains 2 complete tests for great• accuracy. Test hme onlv takes one tlour ·~ bNtt -• YOUll CMOIC(l 2.79 ' 10 OI c .. _ 11-" h • t• °'" Slt<ts I• ,... lr•acr" .... Dlttct rre11 ..... _,., ... l,.11 8fltt 11 a.t Ill ltUU "' Coll- «t§•H• REVLON 1 5.00 REBA TE "COfWR" 1250 WATT Pro Style HAIR DRYER Ones laster with less heal 2 speeds & 4 heat setltngs Protesstonally balanced wilh unbreakable case -- ~~ 18.95' E ·-5.00 '•J: 13.95 LOW' NEW!1t11CES ON DIAIETIC SUPPLIES! !!I U-1• s· 79 ~ ..... . &:J-- ~!I· .:~ .. 11 .49 ... ...._ -~!!.. :~.16.29 1 3.00 REBATE GILLETTE ''3-HEAT'' HEAT WRAP ,, MILK PLUS 6 SHAMPOO PLUS CONDfTIONER In One Ass'I Formulas for superior delanghng & clean tond1honing 12n.2•29~ ''fii'·:1. flexible elecint CASIO MEN'S \ 1195 heating pad '"';.~ • WATCH wraps in heat 0 w1lh 3 setMgs ..,.., 3.0 Features Hour. Minules. to choose from ~:! Seconds, AM/PM Date Sponge tneluded '*"' -Day . & Automaltc Calendar tor ~tst heat· 8 g 5 Includes Lithium Battery or use dry Ptasttc Case , .. c.i & B 112'20 ~"" and . a• c:... 1111 SI'!•""::·..,,..:....., 111 • 9.9 5 liNcl ''"' '*" lf1. VE 94c ALLEREST "HAY FtYD a· AWllCY MEDICINE PERRIER ..... WATD MllJC \'WS6 MUWt. H!CM-.. ,.,,.. I 1r.-t111rte-~ ... I ~.,._, -1 .. c" & Oef"I ,OUNTA'" VAL.LEY -'M .. notle a W•IMf . . MODEAN DECOA.-.TOAS 99)) E ll1n91on D11_,., Hunllnqton Be.asn (al1forn1• 9'646 • A:olJ•rt 0 H•rtttfi•u• tU1 Ell•nQl>Mn °''""· Huntington a.•(n Ca1trorn14 'l'lM6 Ttu'\ OU\HW\' I\ tonovcll'CI bV •n •nd1v1dual Aoborl D H•rnell.tu• T h1\ \1.alenwnt wa\ ti1..ci wtth f.._ Counh Cl~r• 01 Or•n~ County on March t 1982 ' F, .. , .. Pubh\IWCI Or-c.o.i\I D••lv Piiot M•r ) tO. 11 H. 1'117 <IOll ff FICTITIOUS •USINESS N""'!E STATEMENT lht' tollow1no o•r\on •\ c:JOtJlO lb!Sintt' •• 1•1 P !>-'llDO DESIGNS 1111 MESA \JPHOLSTEoAY. ,._,~ So~ Blvd CCKla ~ ... C•ltlOr'l'• '1611 Pn11tp .S.ordo •S.~ H19n Knoll Ao.tel. Enc•no. C•llla<n,. "l16 T~I• b•"'~' '' condokle<I t>y ,otn tnd1Vt0U41 Pt.hp S.rdo , ,.Jhl\ st•lem<>nl we\ Ille<! wtlh 1.,. County Cl•,." of 0f.tnQ!f! Count• on Merell 1 11181 Fl..;Jj,,7 Pubh\hrd C>r""'JP C.0.•t D•ilY Plro't Mer J 10 11 1• 1'117 • q~ FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T n~ 1011ow 1nq JHr\.on\ .,,. oo.n9 t>u'l.tn~,, ., i PAl'fACti£ IMPORTS lll 11111 Pl•c•. (O'lta Nlt'W, C•ltlorn•• '1611 Em11v M Mus•••n• 'ltJ 11'111 P••< P Costa ,,,,,.w C•"'°'~• 97&11 £1fr1flda G She-Mer. 1Cll Trf'mont NewC>Or1 8•<t<ll C•llfom•• 91601 Tl'\1\ bU!lln~S\ I\ <OnduCIPd 0.... • ......... ""'1 .... .,,... • Ellrle<la G !>M•ror Th•!io -.1.1tenwnl Wtt\ fllf"d wun tht' County C••r~ of Or•,.,, County On r.,o n t'lltl1 Fttt9J Publt\l'tH C>""90 Co;o\I D•••v P1ftn. Fob 1' M<lr<h l. 10, 17, 19'7 94q ~J PUIUC -~ "" FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT f"-r to1tow1nv pe-r\.OfU. ar• Oo•no OUStnf'\\•\ G AAPHICS TWO, IOU 8qo•o D•lve Sullo 107, Cos!• M~H Celt torn•• m11 ~· P•u•• J Zellm••er, ••'° P&r-Newporl ,.. _ _, BH<h, C•lllofnle qJ..oW•ltt•m D L1nc10erq, 1090 P~'c­ N•wDOrt NewPOrt O~.icn. C•lllorn1• •?600 T "" b\1\-tnfl"\ 11 C OftOVt"tt'tf tl:&.. • o .. nttrdl par1nentup P.oul•J ut1m•,., l'IW.at ll11' \l<tte-nl •a• ltll'd will\,""' County Cit'<~ of 0••"9<! County ..., Fob 11 1'192 .. , Pubh,,_ 0.•"llt Cont D•ll• p, .. ,, Ft'b l•. Mar l. 10. 11 1911 llCH1 .,, P:~C:~T~~!:~:.-·:::s 'I" T ... lollOWlllQ O•••on I\ dtjlf9 buitfte$\H 11 "' ENRIQUE'S HOUSE OF WAX, ~SI W 17tn SlrHI, Cosl• ~ .... C•lllO.Ct1'• '1627 .... Enrt-R MOiina. 2•U E 1('1n Strt'tl, No O , Newport 8•~· C•llforni.~ Tllos ouslneu Is conoU<t•cl t>y •n lndlvldu•I , , • EnriQUe'S -Of W•• , 1 ErvlqwA lt'ollM Th•• statement wes filed wit,. ll>t' Covnly Cler .. of Or•-c-•y,.on Ftbruerv n. 1"1. FIU.U Publlshtcl Or-Co.st Delly Piiot. Feb H . Mer l, 10, 17. 1"1 tOJ..e2 l'ICTITIOUS IUSl"WU Ht.Ma STATWM&NT The tollowl119 persona er• cl~ \IUllMUM' • THE MINI BLIND UIUNDttv. IUt MOnrottle A-. •t. Ne'")fr1 8N<h, CAlllONll• '*3 Gllbttt1 E Heinly, 10t~ ~la SlrHI. Ntwporl Be•ch, Celllotf't• .,,~ Wtlllem &. Vl•r, 17UI ~r Orh•e, Sent• AM, Calllo+'nl• t110i.,A TMI bll1lne1S It COllCIU<lad "i\ • ....... ~ ... Gllbeft (. Helftly , Thia ttlltemlnt ..,., fllecl •1111 IM c-•v Otni of 0r..,._ c-v,.,CM1 Mer<h I, 1112. ~I P11tlllllwel Or ... coast o.lly Mer.>, IO, 17, 24, 1'11 •t .\ 1 .. .. .. TUBE TOPPERS ro.t•ftM tllr.Vtll IM IOU'.n.-. 91 1i1W 1NOI. ·w --1~ t ...... Mtf'9--tlfl .,...,.. adlOOI for.,,,,... were on an Alll'ONI lltdlln ,-·~ ·~ ... ,,.. .. (1111) Tom Lauglllln, Ot4«et Taytot NI u.Gtttn .... NM·breed ~18 IN o.m CM a frtMclm ICllOOI tor runoMeY' on 11n Atl-_,.llldlttl l'MlrVatton. t: 10. LJOHTll CAMIMJ ~ ••fM Maklftt Of 4 ......, HOllYWood Mullcal" In "'* an14111Mnlne aota, ~In.,.... lllCI ... KOCE (50) 7:30, KC&'T (28) 8:00 -"The Wann-blooded Sea.'' Jae.qua Couateau traces evolutJon of. 1ea life and the return of. mamma.11 to the tea. • • "1,.. ,.,,.,... ( tt74) .JoM ~. IMron ,.,., ... A~b.oy~ Into IN wOtfid wflh fanoa, ct-. and a .. ,one. dealf• tokll. ~tl(J)••l "TM~ lnO" (IMO) 0-.. C. loott, ftWt van OMw•· A widowed tnlHlicl .,,..,, ,.,,._ an dd llOl'9e thll ...,_" 10 .. fWIMllllld. .,, • r•Ci911 9'11fl1 with a eo- }!_er-olcl _. to ..W.. ·w -ptodUOtlGr\ ~ .......,.. Ill .,... ..-.. ..._ on the Ml of a big Hol- ~ mueio.I. KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Herbie, The Love Bua." Premiere of .erlee about Herbie, the VolksW~ and h1a owner. See-• pho10, left. . . l:llO. MOYie ••• "Atiacal)s-Now'' ( 1171) M#lon lfllftdo, Manin ~ Olrad-1 by ftande f«d Coppola. An ~agent emoertla on a "*"°" up r"'9r lnlO the 11"4tllf'lleM tungle (o flnd~kW·~· AWOL Army omo. wllO hM lolled tit ~ •'*"Pl• at hit cac>tura. 'R' tt:ae av • • • "Oh Oodl" I 1t7J) Gaof .. ~· John ~.Q.o ....... M ~ting YOtlfl9 llUW• l'llattlet manaoer to ~ • i-. 0( "°" and fOOd .i• 10 11\9 tileptlGal peopta of th9 mod«n•day ' wotld. 'PO' \\I 11'\~Sl>:\'t -EVEN11G......-e:oo1•• NEWI HO. (I) MICl'f9 ~ (Preml«•) A pelt Of under• cov•r QOP• POH .. ~ to nab a auepec1 •• a ..... bet '" ..., Manhattan. t K.NXT (2) 9:30 -"Baker•a Doi.en." New ball-hour series' about undercover cope premiere9. See story. below. ()) * * "Hopec;otdl" 1 IHO) Wall« Mallhall. Glenda Jacktofl A former lnttlllglflC)• agent la aided by an old flame In dOdGiflO tile KGB and the CIA, wfW> , .,. trying to P'....,.I lllm from ~blllfllng hit memo olra. ·R' CMAN.lf'I ANGILI 1 1. YNH IHA.CKll.,OAO TH! JEfnMONI I·~ H80NEW9 MOVIE ••'A ··ouy, Olly Oxen Fr.... ( 1978) Kath1rine Hec>bufn, Denni• olm11et A hlgh-aplrlted woman lal<es oil In a balloon wilh two young bo~ en roule to an exciting adventure 'G' MOVI£ * * '-' "ROCkal'IOw '' (1980) Paul McCartney •ffd Wino•. Thia recOfd of the l>and'I U.S tOOI Includes perfOfmancea of ••Jet. "Band On The Run/' ··s111y Love Songs" and t0me old e..ue ballads 'PG' I: 16. Pl£DOE BREAK Regul1trly seheduled pro. grammlng mey be dellyed due to pledge l>rMkl t:20 IJ LOS ANGELES VS. UTAH JAZZ 9 ~ATABOUT TOMORROW? Olcll Cavett narrates this , documentary I which axp4orea the WOf1d ol basic research and the people who ere looklng for ans-• that may add to our knowledge and 1he benefll of mankind\ 8:30 G) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER D BUSINESS REPORT Cl)Q!NEWS ®) BARNEY MILLER (C)MOV1E * * "Girt Friends .. ( t978) Melanie Mayron. Ell Wal· lach. 4 young woman learn• 11\e cardinal rutes of romance l>y watching the ··n1nos.. of her e1o .. 1 friend and deciding to have one herself 8:50 e OVER EASY .. Age Oiscrimlnallon·· Guest Lucine AmBfa ol the New York Metropolllan qpera (RI O 7:00 tJ C88 NEWS 0 N8CNEW8 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Fonzie hires a recently dls- al>led mec:hamc whO blt- tetly rejects any otter ol lrlendahip G A8CNEWS ' G) M•A•&•H A young surgeon from Tollyo bring.a home to the surgeons of the 4077th that they are out or touch with MW rnedlcal pr8C1iC· ... • JOKER'S WILD fr!) DICK CAVETT O.-t· Gwen Verdon (P8r1 2)(R} Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A suburban riousewOe and mother who became a PenthOOM centerfold, a hellcopter tr apeie dare- devil. d) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT -... An lnt8'Vlew wltll Peter Ustinov Q! THE MUPPETS Guest Viet°' Borge {Q)THE WAY IT WAS REUNITED -Dean Jones, as Jim Dou- glas. is reunited with his beetle-budd y in "Herbie, The Love Bug," comedy series premiering tonight at 8 on KNXT (2)~ achievement• of Triple Crown legendf • Citation ( 1948) and Secretariat (1973) 7: 15 (%) M0\11£ • • • "Heater StrMI" ( 1975) Carol l(ane, Steven Keate. A Jewlah Immigrant couple have prol>lema W.... Ille wife I• unable to Americanize herMll tut enough 10 11.111 her Yankee- worlhipplng hual>and 7:30 fJ 2 OH THE TOWN Featured: a St. Patrick'• Day IOOk at the lrllh I!\ Loa Ano91es, a visit to G«\tle Jungle. where animals are trained for Ille movlea; an unusual tour of burial places of aome femoua HOllywOOd ceMlbrltles 0 Q! FAMILY FEUD 8 LAVERHE&SHIRLEY &COMPANY Laverne 1>reak1 her leg 8 EYEOHLA. Featured. a report on oa•· ollne pr~; a look et dome homes. -ID M•A•&•H Hawkeye tangleS with a tough Almy colonel and 8.J helps a GI who's reo.4V9d I "Dear John .. lell«. .. Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH f!l8 MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT C!J THE COUSTEAU OOY881!Y '"The Warm-Blooded Sea Mammal• Of The Deep" cap1a1n Couat-. trecea 11>e evOlutlon ot -Hie. the warm-blooded "revo- , lution·· a.nd the return or mammals Ilka whalH. Mais and dofpnlns to the ML 9 YQ4 ASKED FOR IT Featured: "Swlas Clroul Stars Are Koda'" and ··Super Dog Oot>ermans:· ®WOMEN'S GYMNAST1CS •· 1982 Caesars Pal-lnvl· tatlonal.. Olymplc-<:lus gymnasts compete f()( all· arourid and Individual titles In floor ellerClM, Ille llOrM vault. the · balanCe beam and the~ bin. (SD NHL HOCKEY Calgary Rames VI. Loa AngeleS Klng9 1:00 • (I) HEMIE.. THE l.OVEBUG (Premiere) H.,ble the Voll!twagen and hie OWTl8I Jim (Dean ~) atumble on an anempted bank rob- b«y and rncue a hoetage 0 8 REAL PEOPLE Featuied: a 7!>-yeat old vo111n1-rweman: a r .. - • taurant, wl\e(e tlle menus are written on the wal· treaMS: the preppy 'ii anti-preppy controYetsy 8 MOV1E • • • ··The War L()(d" ( 1965) Charlton Heaton. Rtehllld Boone A knight ,,_ to the Nortll S.. ahOre end ntablishea • 1own •@ THIGAeATEST AMERICAN HEAO Ralph Inadvertently INplrel thTM o&..tlie fellow taacn.ra to ,laka wild cn.n<:ee. • P.M. MAGAZINE A wburban houMWlfe and molhel whO became • Penlhouee cencerlold; e hellcopt« trapeze det .. devil. • MOVIE * * "Wilder,_. Joum.y" (1970) Adventure. A young AIUllan lndlan boy rl1lll dang« In ()(def to locate hi• !•the< and destroy the de(non• of ancient leg· ends. • THE COUSTEAU OOYSSEY "The Warm-Blooded Sea: Mammals Of The Deep" Captain Cousteau tracn the evolutlOn ot Ma Ille. the warm-b4ooded "revo- lutlOn" and the return of m•mmala Ilka whalea, seals and dolpnln1 to the Ma (C)MOVIE * * "11'1 AIM!" (1974) JOhn Ryan. Sharon Farrell. A l>Ounclng baby oom.t Into the W«ld with langa. clawt and • 11rong deelre tokllt. ' (l)llZAAA! "Roastet'I Famlty" 0MOVIE * **'Ir "The Cat And The Canary" I 1939) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. ~n ()(def to c:ollect their Inheritance. • lamlty muat spend the n_'9ht In • haunted hOuM. 8:30 G) ALL IN THE FAMILY Arehle get• mad wtlen he d1acover1 his chair hu dlt- iappeared. fr!) THE VANISHING GIANTS Lor9tta Swit narrat• a documentary on the dan- gers feclng the W()(IC:f'I whale population and 11epa being taken to llld 1n their aurvtval. (B)MOW • • • "Loll Horl1on" ( 1937) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyett. A kldrwipped diplomat dlt<:OYer1 the Himalayan kingdom of ShMgri-La. a II'-of eternal~ and tmmor- tel_lty. Cl)!OelEJ A spirited tribute to the genlut of ~ Euble Blake. featUflng 24 of hl9 bell, aooQI Including "In Hc>ney141Ckle Time" and "I'm Juat Wild About Hlf· l:OO tt0 CI) WKAP IN aNCIHNATI Herb and Jennifer are trapped tn an elevator when the l>Olldlng catches llre. 0 THE FACTS OF UF'E Natalie vows revenge when Blair eml>atr-'* In front of everyone. 8 QI LOVl. llONaY 81dNy end Laurie dlacover 11\al IM fire that deett0';9d thelt llYlng rOOlft WM Mt !Pan I IUU.HYI MOVIE * * * "North By NC>ftll- -1" ( 1959) Cary Grant. Eva Metle Saint. An adlt'llf· tltlng man'e llfe I• Chang9(1 dratlcally when he la ml•· taken for e CIA agent OMOVIE ** • "Caveman .. (1G81) Ringo Statr, Denni• Quaid. The clownlah member of a Wely human prel\lst()(lc tribe begins 10 dleeolt'er lhet bralne and nol bf11W11 WIU l>e tlle key to hie peo. ple'a aurvlval. 'PG' 10:00 1J ()) SHANNON Shannon dl1COver1 that the areoni.t he Ill looldng '°' ,. hie format boyhood adverMfY. 8 80UtHCY ··~~EWS Blake await• the r.ulta of a blood IMI to -If Felton Is hie daughtet, and Jeff catcilea Claudia ateallng Denver Carrington'• MCl'et Oii Ille (l)MOVIE * * * .. Tl\e Big Fled One" ( 1980) Lee MINln, Matk Hamill A tough Army -· geant leads lour young. lneitperlenced recruits Into the v~lllled 0 lray of World Wat II combat 'PG' 10:20 • A ON:AM CALLED PUBLIC TELEVltNON The pillory and growth ol public teleYl9ion ()Yet,_. ly 30 year• .. ch<onlded. Oteon WelleS narrata. 10:30q) HEWS (8) MONEY MATTfRS Special advtee on personal money management on topic• ranging from Income tax aavlnga to inveelment Ideas In the stock man.et and money ~et funda la offered. lg)MOVIE • • '-' "The Oclagon" (1980) Chuck Norris. Lee Ven Cleef. A wealthy young woman hlree 1 rellrect martial arta cham- ple>n to protect her lrom tetroriltl trained l>y the '!!}'ltetloul Nln)I c:un. 'R' 11:00 908Cll9Q! NEW8 • IATVN>AY NIGHT Holl. Margot Kidder. Guests: The Chieftains. G KOJAK • THE JEfffMON8 .SANFOAOANDSON (B)MOVIE **'h .. Tribute·· (1980) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benton An "'9aponllble Broadway preaa agent t>eglne to regret hie wuted Nie and 1111 tenuout r .... tlonenip with hie grown aon. ·ro· .MOVIE • * • 'h ··Manhatlan" (19791 W000y Allen. Olane Keaton A New Yorfl City comedy writ« brHk• up with hi• long-time otn· friend to aqolre atound an Intellectually vapid lMn· (!)'~~\ n~) Hott: Johnny C•r.on au.t; CM,_..._. •@ A.IOHIW8 NICIHTUHI • AUINTHl,AMtl.Y • LOYl. AMENOAH ITYLE Cl) THI WHITE UCAPI 11:46. THI G#'T Of 81..AOK P'OU< An account of three l>ladl 1Mder1: Denmattl Ve8*;, H111rlet T11!)man and Fred· ' wick OouglM In the nght rMOVl!-..ery. •'A "H.O.T.S.I" I 1979) &!tan l<Jger. Llea London A aorotity retec1 deQdee to form her own Clul> ot co- ad• whO conc:enlrate on gratifying Mx-atatVed col· leglana. 'A' -Ml>flGHT- 12:00. INTEATNNMEHT TONIGHT An lni.rvtew wtth Pet« UltlnoY. G O LOVEIOAT Four people ahate their marital problenla. a man ~ta at ewd• to pay '°' the trip, and Doc la aNliJned to protect a woman'• virtue. (RI a wow * * * "Call JH Bwana" ( 19&3) Bob Hope, Anita Ekbetg. gj MOVIE * * 'h "Tl>e Neptune Olt- ..,., .. (1g13) Ben ~azzare, Yvette Mimleux. A reecue team racea to .. ,,. thrM men trloP99d underwet« Mat Nova Scotia. • LOVE. AMINCAH 8'TYLE • AMrNCA; THE RCOHO CENTURY ~ABC Cl) WOHOEA WOMAN (I) WHAT'I UP AMINCAJ Thia month'a edition f- tur.. a well-known tattoo arti.1, a IOOk at the wor1d of tranaeauallty and a group ol Otange COunty reeldent• whO rel!W the 609. 12:16 (1D MOVIE •• 'h "liappy 8irttlday. Gemini'' ( 1980) Madeline Kahn. Rita Moreno. A Hat- 'vlld 1tudent'a blf'1hday party e1 hll f amlly'. South Phlladelphla home becom8' an~ eJIPerlenoe '°' hit vlaltlng ~lea.·R' l2:aO 8 8 LATE NIGHT wmt DAVID L.fTTEMtAH Oueets: Ted Twner. COIKI· room artlat Ida Oengrove. • COUPl.D Todays epllode teaturea an llCOhOliC husbMld whO t>Mll hi• wife. 12:46!= • * • ··Saboteur•· (11M2) Prl1cl111 Lane. Robert Cummings Accused of Nbotege and ll>e mutdet of hi• beat friend. a man aeta out to llnd the reel Nazi uboteurt. 1:008 MOYIE • • 'h "Far Horizon•" ( 19551 Cl\8rtlon Heelon. Fred MacMurray. • MOYlm . • *"" "TM LMt ~ OI Pompeii" I 1MO) Stew RMYtt. C11ri.ctne Kauf. m ann. (J)MOVll • f/f "Humanoid• From The Deep" ( 1N0) Doug McClure. Ann Turkel. Loellltome cr.a11.rea tr the ooeM'I del)lha a\t a c.lltornla COMtal t°""'· lllMlng tl>e men and raping Ille women. 'R' 9MOVll! * * * "The Competition" ( 1980) Rlcf\ard Oreyfuea. Arny lrvlng. TWO pjanllta at a San Francleco muaic competition nnd lha1 their loYe for eactl oti. c:on- fllcl• wllh ltlelr profeeak>n- al ambltlona. 'PO' 1:06®MOVI! **'it "Amenc:.n Pop" (1981) Animated. Tlw hlt- tory of American p0p ""'*· from vaudevllle 10 re>e* 'n' rol, II traced tllroUgll -· gener• tlone of • f ernlty ot mutl- ciant. 'R' 1:108 MOV1f * * "The Ruthleal Four" ( 1970) VIII Heflin, Ollber1· ROiand. A quartet of MQet proapec:tora batUee NCh other and the etemenl• to ~gold. 1:20!= • • • "First Family'" (1980) Giida Redner, Bob Newhatt. The Mxually repreeaed daughter of Ille country'• welrdeel pretl- dentlel family c;ompllcalel her f.iher'• atternpte to conduct lhe affair• of MOW • •• "8atabbal" (1981!> Ant~ Quinn, Siivana Mangano. The Ihle! rei-d In lieu of Jeale wr..U.. with the quint• ol fate ttlat follow him - after. 2:209 MOW • • • ··cry Danger" (1951) Dick Powell, Rhon· di Flaming. An ell-eon return• lo all'ltnge his wrongflll lmprleonment. 2:30 CJ) MOVIE • • "T,,. Extetminator" ( 1980) ChrlttOf!her George, Samanthe Egger. Atl• h6I -buddy la left 1>9'11)ud by a N9w YOf'k youth gang, a Vietnam vet decldH to teke hi• revenoe t>y murderl09 street crlmlnale 11'\rOugll grueeome, ~.·R' 2;40 . NEW8 tor1uou1 2M (8)STAHOINO AOOM ONl.Y "Simon And Garfunkel The Conc9rt In The Peril" Paul Simon and M 'Gat· 11.!nkel pwtorm old taYOf· It• In their 11r11 joint con- Cl«1 In 11 years, tac>ed dllt'· Ing the eumrner ol • 81 In New Y orfl City' I Centr II Park. (Z)M<MI *"' ··Big Bad Mama" ( 1974) Angle Oldlll\lol'I. Wlltlam Snatner. A woman c:uta a path of vtotencie and 4*'. THI AMINCAHI 4:10 (%) MOYll * _. "EV-Untee" ( 1970) Mark Leater, Suean O.,,~ A young boy known tor ha'ilng an overactive lmagln•llon can'I convtnoe anyone that he hN wltr-..d the mut• der ot a prominent black '"*'· . 4:11®MOVIE • • * "Lott Horizon" (t937> Ronald Colman, Jane Wy•tt. A kidnapped diplomar dlacovera 11141 Himalayan kingdom of Shangr\.La, a pl-of eternal peace and lmmor· tallly CJ) A cnoAAT~ Some of 1he l>lgQMt atara of pop-oountry mutlc·per- f()(m their grMlnt hilt 11 The Forum In Loa AngelM. Included are Maureen McGovern ( .. The MOfnlng Attw"). Kris Krl1toffer1on ("Bobby Megee .. ). Rocky Burnette ("Teat II Up"). Glen Campbell ( .. Rhine- 11one Cowboy") and Tanya Tucker ("Lay Back In The Alm• Of Love .. ). 4:30 4D MAYBERRY R.F.D. (C)MOVIE * * "The Allie" I t979) Cartle Snodgr .... Ray Ml\. land A Nbrlfllfl llvee In the paet with her memories OI a loYe who dilappeared Thur•doy•• Bayt i•e :ff orit-• -MORNNG-• 10:00 U * *'Ii "The Loved One" I 1965) Robet1 Morae. Anjaneue Comer. The nepllew of a dec:.aaed HOI· lywood 1t11 lncufl some debts and headachea wnen 11 corne1 rime to make tlle funeral arrange- menta 10:30 (%) * * .. Eyewitness·· (1970) Mark Lntet, Suun George A ~oung boy known for having en overactive Imagination can't convince anyone that he hU witneseed the mut· det of a prominent black man 11:00 CC)•• ··Tne Apple"' ( 1980) Catherine Mary Stewart. George Giimour In t994, a tinging duo fall• Into the Mnd• of a dlal>Oli· cal lmpreaMlo 'PG" 12:00 IJ * *'Ii 'The OeYll"s ()j~ clpte" ( 1959) Burt Lancu- tet, Kirk Douglu 8ued on Ille play by George 8« • n111d SheW. • • * * * "A DamMI In Oletreu" ( 1937) Fred Allaire. Jolll Fontaine. A Brltlah helr.u .. wooed by an American dancer who l>eflevel She 1$ I Ch()(UI glrl • **'.\"Shake Hands With The OeYll" ( 1959) Jama c.gney, Don Mur- ray. A student from-tl>e U S attempt• to refrain from gelling lnvolwd In the underground tnOY .. ment during Ille lrl1h Rebellion. 0 • * "• "Biiiy Jack'" (1971) Tom Laughlln. OelOfn T ay\Ot. An ex Green Beret half-breed 1:00 (C} * * * "Johnny, We Hardly KMW Ye" ( 1977) Paul Rudd, Wllllam PrlNle. An ambltlou• young ,,...,, Boatonlan, Jonn F Kenn. dy. snow. ew1y llgf\8 of a gll1 tor greetneee u he t>eglna h11 pollllcal tourney toward the prnidency 2:00"' ••• "'Boye" Night Out" ( 1962) Kim Novaik, Jamee Garner. When a ahapely young co-ed undertakn a aea r....,el'I pro,lect. arie hnda four ,40 t>uliMllrnen more then willing lb leaee an epatt· ment to aid her In her lludy 2:16(%) ••• "The Battle Of Alglera.. ( 1987) Yacet Saadl, Jean Martin. Atge<la W8Qff a deae>e<ate llfUQ· gle for lndependeooe from 1954 to 1982 2:30 CH) * * • "I Sent A Lett« To M y Love·· ( 1981) Simone Signore!, Jean Rocl\efort A midd ... aged woman wllo nu spent most ol her adult Ute car· Ing f()( her Invalid brOlhet decldel 10 wrlle a letter to • newepeper lonely neart• column 'PG' 3:00 IJ *•·~"How To Com· mlt Marnage" ( 1969) Bot> Hope, Jackie GIN.son An unmarried couple give their l>at>y up r°' adoption, and the glrfl dlvOfced per· enll decide 10 reet the cll11d undet • lake name CC) "Wings In Tl\e WllC)er- nns" 4:00 U * * '"1 ";L1llle Mtas Merker.. ( 1980) W•ller Matthau, Julie Andrews. Based on tl\e D•mon Runyon 11ory A gruff. a tin- • gy 19309 l>OOkle's Ille is turned around When he accepts a 6-year-old moll· pet as a marker tor a rec.- ~ t>et PG' 4:15 CZJ * * * ··ApocalypM Now" ( 1979) Marlon Bran- do. Martin ShMn Otrected by Franaa Ford Coppola. An 1nteltogence agent embarks on a million up rover Info the Vletnameee jungle 10 find and kUI I mysterOOUI, AWOL. Army olloce< wno hu IOlled all prev1oua attempts et his capture 'R' 4:30 ~ • • * "~ljellltrom Chrontele ( 19711 Oocu- mentaty Narrated by Law· ranee Pressman. The var- ied survt'iel tectonlquee of Insects. wllleh may eventu- ally put them Into direct and successful competi- tion woth man. are revealed • • ·~ ·smugolet s Cove" ( 1979) Greg Rowe. Four teen-agere find adventure while a.Jrflng off an Australian l>eaCh LS) * '• Up River" ( 1980) Morgan Stevens. A young pioneer becomes obsessed willl revenge allllf lloa wife 11 killed by I 1ocal land baron who rllleflls his auc:ceaa "'The Triple Crown' Joc- keys Eddie Arcaro and Ron Turcotte compare the -------------------CHANNEL LISTINGS 11 0 THEFAU.GUY Colt ~· HOWie and Jodie oil to Nevada to pick • • ··eyewttneee" (1970) Mark Lealer. Suean GeOfge. A young boy known for having an overactive Imagination can't con~ lltl)'OOa that he hu witneeMd the mur• det of a prominent blacil man. JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk 8 KNXT ICBSI 0 8 KNBC CNBCJ l 9 KTLA (Ind.) " U 'KABC (ABCI c 0 KFM8 ICBSI T 0 KHJ·TV (Ind ) 11J Gil KCST !ABC I ' GJ KTl'V (Ind l f 'II> KCOP·TV (Ind I " On·TV Z·TV HBO IC1nemax> tWORI NY ,N Y CWTBSI fESPNI IShowtlme) Spotlight uc> a cnec:k 1orger for BIO Jedi. 9 YOU A8KED '<>A IT F .. ti.ncJ· "The Man Who Lives With A Monster" and "Playing Belgium'• 2000· Pound Beile." I =GRIFflH 11:20 • Ota< CAV!TT GuMt· Julian lond. (fl) 11:30 IJ MOVIE fJD KCET <PBSI g <Cable News N~tworkl • • * "Auntie Mame" (1958) Roaallnd RulMll, Forre11 Tuciler. Aft« Iha death of hit perel\11, a young boy t>ecome. lhe ward of Ille flamboyant and eccentric aunt. * * *'-' '"The LHI Tycoon" ( 1976) Robeft OeNlro. Jeanne Mor-. , 8ued on the novel by F Scon Flngerald. A young genlua becomel head of production at a ~ Hof-D KOC:E I PBSJ Q!LOOKAUV£ ;"Baker's Dozen' premieres tonight . ' --Series centers on adventhres of special undercover agents }By JERRY BUCK •A' Televlllon Writer LOS ANGELES -Ron Silver studied lChinese for years with the intention of Jgoing into government lnt.eUigern:-e. But 'a trip through the Orient sent him into acting instead. ~ Sliver. who stars in "Baker's Doien," a 1"ew 0BS comedy about an underoover p<>lice unit, studied Mandarin in college m this country and in Taiwan. "I was going into intelligence in the Department of Defense," he says. "I've always loved languages. I still do. l s tudied Spanish for a year in Spain. l studied Italian. I lived in Taiwan for a year. "I was intrigued with the Orient. It was so exotic in terms of my own back- ground. I was born and raised in New York City. It seemed so adventurous and trench-coaty." He traveled. extensively in F4n'pt, In- dia, Cambodia and Laos (during -the Ume of the ~ietnam War), took the Trans- Siberian Railroad acroa the... Soviet Union, and emerged from behind the lron Curtain in Czechoslovakia in about 1970. "By the Ume I got to the Statee, I was di9enchanted with. our government polidet.'' he aays. "I started taking acting le.ona, but I waa just playing around wit-h it until I got involvtd with Lee Strasberg and the Actors Studio. He showed me It can be eerioua and have a aente of purpoee and dignity. "I was lucky as •n ~tor -l dld_ntt have to spend a lot of time u a wait.er." "Baker's Dolen." which premtere1 at 9:30 tonijnt on ~l 2, la centered on the adventures of a~ undercover unlt that worb autonolnowly within the New York Pou~ De~t. The thaw w• created by Sonny Gf'OllO, who ls co-executive producer, end wu F.ddlt !'on'• ~ ln \he NYPD dwina the •1fttncfi Connection•• caper. su~. chanc1F i. bued lamely on I I Grosso, who was played by Roy Scheider in "The French Connection." Silver's partner and love interest in the spring tryout series is Cindy Wein- -·traub. The program, filmed mostly on location in New York, also stars Alan Weeks, Sam McMurray, Thomas Quinn, John Del Regno, and Doris Bel.ack. who plays Capt. Flottnce Baker; namesake of the special unit .:.-and _the show. Like most police shows today, ''Baker's Dot.en" has a conaervative bent. "We're more CONdous of \he crime and wanting to pUt people awa.y," Silver says. "It's a reflection of J,he way people feel now. The pilot is abeut a guy, who's been knifing girls and how we finally nail him. "People are frustrated by the revol- ving door kind of jultJce. Guys walk out of jail before the c6S-finish filling out the papers. It's a perveraion of julUce. The perv"erslon of juati~ is one of the first signs that a toclety is falling apart," Silver says. 642-5678 Pul a few words to work /or you in the lliilj PWlt· ; _,;BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATION SALE By Order of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Case # SA 82-00334 THE CLOTHES RACK 227 E. 17th Street. Costa Mesa Be9innin~Friday March 12th, 11 :00 a.m to 6:00 Pm Sundays 12:00 noon to s·oo p m MEN'S and WOMEN'S CLOTHING so~ OFF ALL .MERCHANDISE Men's Slacks. Shirts. Levis: Women·a Blouses. Tank Tops. Slacks. Levis; Long ~eeve Velour Shirts: (2.00) Shirts in Extra Tall Sizes: Cowt>qy Boots; SPort Coats; Accessories. Al 5*1 CASH. Moster C ..... VIH ONLY! e41. Sal•• To S11e Undef the ~Ion of· OSTRIN & OSTRIN CO. t888 Santa Monica Blvd. -. Beverty Hiiis. CA 90212 (213} 277..0414 IDEA -Sen. H.L. Richardson of Arcadia has proposed· retur- ning the state Legis- lature to a part-time body that would meet every other year. Poetic answer to plea MIAMI (AP) -Alas· ka Gov. Jay Hammond rould have used a simple "no" to d1sm1ss a pro- posal by a Florida county commissioner that oil- rich Alaska finance a new sports stadium in the Sunshine St.ate. Instead, h<.· wrote a 55-linc poem Hammond wrote an "Owed to Barbara M. Carey," the Dadt' County commissioner who made the proposal. Here is an exeerpt: ''We know you Alas· kans are rolling m wealth "Is a statt'mt•nt heard often these days "From those with a plan for ripping us off "To further some cause or pet craze." The comn11ss1oner's straightforwa rd letter las\ month suggested to Hammond that Alaska rould put som<.• oil money to good use by helping build a AJ>Orts arena in Miami. Dade County wouJd donate the land, the rommiss1on<'r of- fered. In return. the Miami sport.'> events on televi- sion would tx· broadcast from the Gn·at Ala-;kan Sport.-; ComplL·x. HummoncYs pul'lry suggt>Sted that Alaska wasn't rolling m 011. ·as the tomm1ss1oncr had assumt'Cl: "While /l's true 1ha1 we briefly wt•re riding high "On a ballounfng oil wealth bubblC' "Total depenclem'<' on pricing of 01/ "Can lead w a barr<'l of trouble. ' Ms. Carey. meanwhile, turned to othL•r suitors. She dashed off a poet1c plea to neighboring Bro- ward County. dubbing 1t "Carey's Ode To Bro- ward County:" "Give us honey." Ocean camp offered The Catalina Isiand Marine lnsl.it.ule i1Y-0ffe- ring an F.aster Ocean Adv<-nturc Camp April 3-8 tor students ages 8 to 13. The institute is a non- profit organization pro- viding enrichment pro- grams for youths and adults throughout the year. The one·week camp program wiU explore the 1.J11derwater world off Catalina. Students will participate in snorkeling and take several dive trips. Nature hikes are al;;o included. as are ses- sions with marin~ mam- mals and plants. For Information, write to CIMI, P.O. Box 796, Avalon, 90704, or call (213) 510-1622. Sentenced MARTINEZ <API · A self·pr~laimcd Ku· Klux Klan cbie1 bas heen 1 sentenced to six years In prison ror firing shots into a housin1 project. Michael Mendonsa waa sente nced by Contra Costa Superior Court Judg~ Richard Patsey. CREW.NECK SWEAT SHIRT OR · SWEAT PANTS SAU PRICI 1:' Eqsy-core Ac(yfon' ocrylict cotton blend For sports or le11ure S thru Xl. 16-PC. MELMAC DINNER SET ~~~~!~Le~~~l;up• l '' • \Oucers bowls & plotu SHVKI Whil e s tock> 1011 • FOi 4 'Orang• Coat DAILY PILOTtWednMday, March 17, 1982 M.EN'S OVER-THE- CALF TUBE SOCKS WEBB D PATIO QR SAND CHAIR 1 , • "(l0f4'' REG. 6.99 6 Stretch tube 'ocks with stoy ·UP comfort bond. Stocli vp ot th1> price 1 rAllS ~~~~l~~!1~!thylene 'I'' with plostoc ormre,ts 'fOUI • Folds flot for storage CMOKI HG. •.O /PACl Of• IOYJ'SOCJIS .•.....•..• 4.49 /(«dcfeft~. - RUSSELL ATHLETIC BASEBALL.SHIRTS REG.4'' S.99 • Anorted team color •lee11e1 ton• SIUS/llG. 4 ........... 3.ft MOM NTlOtl USHAll JACln .. 15.ft EVOLUTION® TWIN- SIZE MATIRESS PAD REG. 549 6.99 nm SllHIG. 7 ..... --...... 6.49 9UHNSIZI ltG. 10.4' •....... 7.ft lltlG Sill llG. 11.4' ....••..• I .ft PORCElAIN-ON -SnEL 7-PC. COOKWARE sn 24!' Your choice of 3 colorlul lo1h ion kitchen pottern1 With non· chip ~es While 1tock1 1011 FROSTED I-INCH GLASS VASES 'i SPICIAL2?1 BUY! OIOICl lovely crackle finish glou vase on ouorted shapes. Per· fKt for gifts. While 1tock1 lost. •. ctnAMUA •IMLIM-C.-........ ~ ............ _ ............. c.... • CElANESE CELANESE FORTREL ® 'BED PILLOW SALE! !~~,~.!:~.~ ...... ···" 3!.! lNtG/UG. 7 .0 ......•... S.ft fOUI OIOtCI Non·olleroen1c· res1l1en1 & mochine-wo1hoble. '· •F0ttr.t'* tJ o trocMmotf. of f•b•t lndv•''•H tnc Swt>.1d10,, of '-••one•• C0tpo101.on SPUNDOLA ACRYLIC KNITTING YARN ~~~.·e ~~c ,~!E!~.ds 69.C or 3·oz ombres In lash· ion colors Sova today' SlllN IOTI CIOCllfT MOOllS/llG. Ht TO 1.H ...•..... JtC Auorted sizes. r: I 1,: WORLD TRIP -Kurt Petersen and his co- d.river Judi McMillln plan to drive this' 1931 Ford Model A "Woodie" around the world in an event organized by the Model A Ford Club I# W11191t1U of America. The 'Seattle pair will leave Min- neapolis lat.er this month on the trip that will cost them $19,000. .. , By THOMAS D. ELIAS • ~la clearly build1n& for a major ..... of tM federal Clean Air A.ct. On Jan. ~ tn Loe Anaete.. the prelldir\t Of a.n.ral Moton Cotp. can.ct lor loc.en1D( the and-1mOC law, up for revtaioo t.bJI year. About two monthe later, the Re9pn Admlnla· -tration'• chief environmehtal officer mued a virtual ... cow..(.\fJ,Mt;M.oUlda.l'a..fl~ T 'nlelr unanimity could have eevere air quality OONeqlAenee8 for California, even thoush this atat.e Ia the ~)' one allowed to eet ita own polludon 1tandardl, pnerally much atricter than tho. ln the • other 49 at.ates. ''Then la no need for . tougher auto emillion atandarda," GM'• Jamet McDonald aald in a January interview. "U we went back to 1980 standards, in ·l:lllflRliA fDCUI ,ICTtT.......... .... .. ...,... ... , llAMe tTAT9 ... •T tM 1-.e TN .......... ,__, are lt0'1ell•~GIYIM ... lle,_ -·-·"' .,.,... ..... .._ .. Qlwllrf/I~ Ill IUNOANOAMOCIAT&I: ti) ....... ~.~-110-... N •* ll'OltT /1 llV IN. A ltl A • eor-... -·°"el....., &.Ocltl-.ITHIL Cll Nl,OOIT ..... ~ _,. ....._ • '°"' IUCH LOCdoWTHI; WI fltVIN .... l.OCCSMITHI, tO HACH CITll• LAI .a et T""" ... Utt. Ill N ~ AUTO 1.0CC IMUOINCllll 16> ~·=~°::"::... 11t llACH·COA•T HIOHWAY ......... , ...... 'Ml • www LOCCUlllTHI 17) NIWltOllT ... lfl ... OlleeOl .. o-itr-..,. UN't'llll"Al•OOH l~HO AHA .... ..-a..._~~-.. .... LOCICfMlTIUi CO MllllON ............. ._,__. t:M LOCKIMITNS; 1tl OANA l'()INT .......... 0.... ~ ..... t.OCKIMITHIJ 11e1 IAN -=1...aNTI ~Oft ........ "'2 l'OO •• LOCllhalTHS; 1111 \AN J\IAN .. M __. ...... lot "'...._, CAltllTltAHO LOCKSMITHS• OU ~ti IM UMad IL TOltO/LAltl "01tHT AltlA TN ................. -. LOCUMITH$; Ill) IL TOltO :=r:::::·e: :., »t; LOCKSMITH$; (tO !,.Al(Lf.01\U' · _..,..,,_ .. ~""' rM; nn UUSUNAX•t• --.. 111 .. ~ .. T,,.. .._.._ LOCK•Mttl4S; Ct•l .. OOUIACIC W ,...._ 1....., w ................. VALLIY AltfA 1.0CKIMITMS; II)) llr.IMMM-W.•JoMlt~• All,l'OAT Alt£& LOCIC.IMITHS: lltl T,_, llO "--HOMe w.;,_ AIACAAFT LOCKSMITHS; lttl TNll o.d ._..~.I~. MOTOA HOM! LOCKIMITHbCMI IOt,.... -..cw-.n. • t111MM. IOr IM CAll'ISTAANO VA LLfY ......... =:t.:'""'*"-',_. LOCKSMITHS: l211 MISSION VI.JO :==:-0::..,y ~ "I: MOllLE LOCKSMITH$; IUI ~1.n-9:-6ed .-.., If~ 1f1 OOLDlf LOCICI, NOMI LOCK & .._.. 1 ... 17 ,. ,...., M ..!....-K~Y Sf.IJVICE; IUI OBHUIS V; ~i'.m. :roiQ ...,,;.;or..; 120 OfHHIS MA.AKfTING; IUI CoulofyOfOr-..8-of~ GENESIS INTllt .. ATIONAL; IK I -of Diii-Mel l'lllcllOll .O tell THE FIFTH GENEltATIOH. ,.,, "'9 ~ , ... prOCMftY ..-Ille MHA1tllur 8oule,,,erd, Suite Hie. 09ed of Ttuet •• _.., in llOOll Hewpor1 8Mc:I\, Calllort1la 92660. 14320. Page 3417. M 1n111.-l61N, oro A A. King. ts4SJ 8atton RNd, ~ 11. 1M I, of Oftlclel "9cotci. of 101·8, Lome Unda, Callfortli<I ~ ~.;o:: :.°'~of c-::=: Tlllt Dutiftess 11 c~tt<I IW M iCAH HOME MC>fl'TOAGE T~T DEED llldl"'kl ... I SERVICE COfU'()f\ATIOff. 1 ~ leu than 10 years federal clean air guldelinel~uld A.A. KlftCI ::cwpcni1on. -aoo.-., 230.....,. be met ... -. .• uy everywhere ex,...pt in Of Tiiis •la-I WM llllll with "'->M Cenlel DI ... 200, ~ 8eadl, v&ei.uau """' Counly Clerk 01 0<11199 Cwnty on ::atllotnia 112MO Phone: 714-76t-1515 California.'' Jenuarv 2J, 1tn. Th to~ 1981 ·--..a-.....a-he --•d add ,,111... Pflnde>4ll enc11n1 ..... -· stM.4'0 44 e er lln08 Swuauan.11>, _.. 1 Pul>lh.-Or-C .. tl D-4ty Piiot, eo.tt, -· ---M to the cost o American can, helping put U.S . auto .. .,.,.t4,March1>.10.11, t~ .,..., ~otA~·~ .. workers out of their jobs. I --..,. _ DATED . ....,e>11ts.1M2 'two months lat.er, .t\nne M. Gorsuch, adlnin· ~ ... UK AMEAtCAN HOME MORTGAGE TRUST lstrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, "'CTITIOUS 8\lllNUS OEEO SERI/ICE told the Economic Club of Detroit, "Workers ln NAMa ITAHMUIT CORPORATION •• De • I... th {r b d d bu and cl TM fOUOWt"41 perM>l\I are dol"9 C-nie CGrPC1'81-. tro1t can rnave ~ rea an tter ean butlrwu ff: ~-=t Ka~~. air. It would be a shame if we were to seriously c E R R 1 T o s o F F 1 c E 0n ....,c:t1 1$. tM2. ......, ...... the ...... compromise their chances for employment simply DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTUltf. de!llOI*' •• _....,""*In -kw Mid 1· J I' 90-cent gas seen by s ummer because of a poorly-formulate~ environmental ~!.;.i!,r1eo.:::,~~.~ii~~~~~,:::· toJ. =,~ .. ~.-:.=.. =~ po~." Harold G. Mor.....O, '" eo~io. bl ~~o1'' _,c!~~ me to bl th MCDo--'d and Gorsuch back Clean Air Ori••. H-' a.~ Callfonll• nwo IN--• t11e """ lll<M .... 'lUU Z,ld A. NIM~. fl Whitewood, acuted the -......,_, ~ IO Act revisions proposed by Ohio Democratic Con· '"''7•~~~= um a-. ::.: :.~.,;:.::: ::"C:,:: gressman Thomas A Luken, whose district includes Piao. ~Hin., eai11ornt1 tW3 ~~ =~ ~':::,.. ~ a GM assembly plant. Luken would se .. tailpipe T11l1 l>•lllnffl 11 conduclecl by • #lllltn tnal•-• pUrtuanl 10 Ill l>y-emission standards outside California at the looser oenerai .,...-1t11p. "'• ,_,.'°" o1,.. eo.o o1 oncw.. Hlf'Old G. Mor-ad Signed: ~ S10cum Ca1111 1980 levels, saving about $100 on every new car. Thtt 1wt-• •ff 111..i "'''" 111a ~ ~ "-'llor -,,,_ ·· Wo rldwide crude oil ·glut responsible for plummeting .prices r t • f I t ' ' I· I DALLAS (AP) -The glut of crude oil worldwide could lower P90line prices acr<a .the United States to 90 centa a gallon by midyear, an industry expert says. CWTently, the nation.al aver· age for all grades of gasoline is $1.25 a gallon, but the price va· rles widely. Plummeting prices will be fu· eled in part by promises of con- tinued petrolewn supplies, Sam F . Sengar, president and chief executive of lnt.erNorth Inc., said at an oil conference here. He said the glut will force oil prices to $25 a barrel lnt.erNorth is an Omaha, Neb.- hued exploration and pipe· line ccnoem which supp.lles nat· ural gu to much of the United States. Later, a high·ran.k.ing Vene· zuelan official said his country can supply one-twentieth of the world's energy needs well into the 21st century. Rafael Alfonw Ravard. presi· Listings g oof t dent of the state-run oil monops oly Pyet(Oleos de Venezuela, predicted during the Gas Proc- essors ~tion conference that his country's current pfOs duction of 2.1: million barrels of oil a day could continue for 125 years. Crude oil prices will fall as long as economic recessions con· tinue in Western countries and the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries is unwilling to lower production, Sengar said in an interview. "Crude prices will drop some more before they improve," said Sengar. "But with the recovery in the economy, the increased demand for gasoline and the de- liberations of OPEC to get its pricing in order, prices will pick back up again." But Sengar said oil prices will not rise as steeply as they did following the fall of the shah of Iran in 19711. instead, pnces will settle in the "$25 a barrel range," LONDON (A P ) -Et.on College, England's famous and very expensive school near Windsor CasUe, has disappeared from the telephone book. So have a perfume manufacturer. a family planning advice clinic and thousands of ordinary people. British Telecom, the state monopoly in charge of the nation's telephone network. left out all the subscribers with E and F names from li;J,600 copies of the new edition of its West Thames area book -and printed G and H names twice. 11 schools cited NEW ORLEANS <A P ) -David Rockefeller Jr. has.announced that 11 schools from California to Maine will get $10,000 checks for art programs that are among the nation's best. which converts to 90--0ent gaao- line prices at the pump, he said. Gasoline prices have fallen from more than $1.37 a gallon last spring to less than $1 a gallon in pans of Texas. Industry analysts say the decreue has resulted from sluggish business activity and excess production. Ravard said Venezuela will spend $20 billion by 1986 in en· ergy investment He said there may be 1 trillion barrels of pe- troleum in unproven reserves of the country's Orinco oil belt. He said even if only one-tenth of the oil were recovered, Vene- zuela could maintain its current daily production until the year 2106. ''What we are doing is spend· ing money to stay in the oil busin~." Ravard said. "We are no\ diversifying into other ener· gy ventures, nor are we looking beyond oil to other business sectors." Tustin Marine unit wins H eadquarters and Maintenance Squad- ron· 16 of MCAS(H). Tustin, baa been named the best heli· copter turboshaft en- • gine repair· unit in the naval service for the eighth consecutive year for one type engine and the fifth consecutive year in another. .Lt. Col. Don Frost. Marine Aircraft Group- 16 'a aviation officer, accepted the Vlllard C. Sledge Memorial Award. . The 1980 standards, Gorsuch said., provide "a Covftly c11r11 of oonoe County oro --.,.. o.anoe c-()ally Merell 1. "'2. Pll01 Merc:fl 17, 24 31. tH2 proven, cost-effective formula for improved air .. , .. ,., ~uallty" at the same time theb mean lower prices -Pubn111ac1 °'-C:O.tt o.uy Pi1ot, ---PIU---.-11C-£ __ _ d li red. GM' d ""''· ,, 10. 11, :u, ttet ~., e same message e ve y s presi ent. But Henry Waxman, a Democratic congressman ~ 1111( ---,-te-nTIO\le--.,.....---- from a smog·rldden'J>Ql1 of Los Angeles, calls the ....-eu~ proposed rollback to 1980 standards a "dirty air act." l'ICTIT10U$ l\ISINISS TM lollowll'9 -... Ooino -- Waxman chairs the House health and environment ne ,:.:!~':!~~".~. dolnt ;:-..,~~PORT HOME LOAN Ho , 21e; subcommittee conaidering Luk 's bill l'I--...... IMH as· ti) NEWPORT HOME LOAN NO 280. IC) ·-. en . . OESEtiT ENTERPRISES. 1001 W; NEWPORT HOME LOAN No 281. 101 He has echoed the concetna of Mary Nichols 1.a vet• A,,,...... suu•..., <>'antt NEWPORT HOME LOAN No 212. E1 chief of the California Air Resources Board, wh~ ea111orn1a .,..._ • • • =:= ~: t8~ :: ::: 1~ ed last · •'"'·t lling back to _,_, WI II lam E. 01terml1ter, Jr , HEWPOflT HOME: LOAN No HS IHI warn . spnng UUll ro au e ........ on Trv1tee ol aw OIUrrnlller ln1 ... VI•• NEWPORT HOME LOAN Ho 2M, 17 standards m the other 49 states would lead to a Tru11 datecl ...,u n. m•. m Lido eorpor ... ""'"'' __., Bec:t1 Beec:fl. similar retreat here Perl! Way, ~ 8Mc~. C.lllornla Celllotnla 1124MIO • ' flt63. Newl>Or1 Home loan. tnc: • Celflot· This, ahe said, would be likely despite GM John w. H-h. Trull" ot tlw Co<por ... PWa. ~ 8-:11, .e.. President McDonald's diaclaiJner Hent•tll inter Vt•CK Trust, d•t..S kw.,.. 82MO • Autull' "" ..._, ........ l ..... Inc: • eaator ... ''We know that California has a more severe Thi• Mi~s 1t <OMu<led 1>y • _ _.11on. Corpor.,. Ple:ta. __., ~roblem than the rest of the nation.'' McDonald said. oene••t .,.::tp.._,. 11 r t ....,,., c.io.~n:... loan !<IC •we would never push to·make its standards the r1111 , .. ,_,·,._. 11~.d :i:11"uw r..=~....,.,,, same as the Other 49 stat.es." Cqunly Clerk ot Orante County on ,,:..1 Vice Pr~ B• •t JUS. t such a ~ush was made both in 1980 and Fet.ru•rv u . "12· ,,1_ TNI 11•-1 wu ,...., "'"" tM 'W' ~ c-ty 0..-k ol Orange County on Merell 1981 by a powerful obby of California GM dealers. JACKM*, KtDOH a sucKLINO 1s 1ee2 They narrowly missed last year in their effort to get 1ta.1.:-.':.:'::',,!::.,.,.1,. ""-0r.,_ c.-O.:.*..: the Legislature to end California's separat.eemissio.n ... ~~ ~. 1Marc:t111 24 3i. -"""~ 1· 11182 1290•82 standards N...-rt hKll, ca. ,, ... • Publllhed Or•lltt Coatt Dally Piiot Nichols and Waxman fear th.at if tailpipe Marc11 >. 10. 11. u . 1m *-t2 standards are lowered in the other 49 stat.es, while California keeps demanding ever-better controls, ~ 91ll ~A~ .. the political pressure to adopt 49-state standards 1----------...11 n .. 1-.v '*""°" .. "°"'II ...,_ here will become irresistible. l'tCTITIOUS 8USINIUS .. NAME STATU••NT CEllTECH PARTNERS I 4301 Ma· Electoral reality adds to their concern. For the The lolto•lng person Is dolnt cArllv' 11ou1ev .. o. __. lleac:fl, Cell· main reason the Legislature finally rejected the GM t>tnl~~:HoNv svLKs. am L• '°'~:!° M c..t11a. a.-.. P ........ dealers' lobbying Jas~ear Was its certain knowledge Caslla Ave.,..., Fountain Valley. 4)i Vilt• Suen•. __, 8-:fl th t Gov B d to eak • f Callfornl• n-. -112MO a . rown wo ve any w erung o smog ••rtiar• Jo R•lrt. •s.i IA Ca$ll• r..,.. --" cone1UC1ec1 11y • ~-.i controls. A¥enue. Fountain Valley, Calltortlla -''*Whli> But Brown will be gone next 'I.ear, either in the .,~':i, _.._, 1, cOflduct..i .,., .,. T1111 ... 1: ~!"'1,:., .. 1" 1,,. U.S. Senate OT in a nolitical loee~' . a'"'""· And 1n111v1<1ua1. Aunt)' Cieri< o10r.,,.. County"" ,,..,e11 r--·J 15 1ee2 whoever becomes his succes.90r · most likely be ...._.Jo R.,.y OURYU cuime , YAOCAllO less of an environmentalist and more likely to go c:..~:Y ·~~ ~S:..::!.oc.::,~Y t:: A ,. ........... -...... along with the GM dealers. FnruaryU, tJa. :'~ ~:"""' So Nichols and Waxman will resist the Pu1>11.-0r..,..c•st oau:1:f.:, UOlMacAltllw!IMl Lukerf-Gorsuch·GM weakening of the Clean Air Feb. t•. Merell>. to, 11, 1..., tit-n ~::...ca.._ Act. Pu-0r.,,.. C-t [)My,._ But it's doubtful they can win anything more ....C 1111( ~~,d~;ic~'·,~~ '992 •111w' than a compromise. For easing Of th.at law wu one .. .....,.. of President Reagan's most definite 1980 campaign "'CTmouu1.111Ma&s and th _ .... _, ___ f th H cornmi •~STATSMSMT promiaes e UuaUIUCUI 0 e ()Wle ttee Tiie lollowlnt person It doln• th.at may ultimately decide the issue is MichiRan's 1Mn1natu1: AC..:.:A'r:r11 John n; ... .-u. a supporter of boµi Ll4lten and nM. OR.t.NGf PAltK flOOL SUPltL Y, flle ~ -... -.. -~u.16"" _ 4JO E. ~ Affflw, Orante, ,.... • Callforllla.... • tSC CONTRACT SERVICE.S. 4667 Darrell ~lmrow, •1 t Pa<lflc MKArtnur Blvd Suffe :ioe ~ Coast Hl9llway, Latun• 8Hcll, 9-:11 Callfotnia '92ee0 · Callf ....... "'51 tni--Stalllng c-,n_,.,, Tllh """""' 11 <Oftducted Ill' .,. .~ 1 Cellor'nll -MIOI•. 4M7 lftdlvkhlal. t.liacMlu """'·· .,,.. *• ......, o.r..... Pr.__ ...,., CallorNtl '"'° (Elias i.s a columnist based in Santa Monlca). The winners, chosen from 450 applicants, are the first in a five-year program of lhe Rockefeller BrQlhers Fund lo honor excellence in art education, Rock.efeller told the American Assocfation of School Administrators. One winning school is in Beverly Hills. IDEA MAN Senate M a j or i t.y Le ad er Howard Baker wants lo do away with middle initials in gover nm e nt publications to save money. Outlook sticky Tlllt ......,_ WA fl!M wltll tM Thie -II conduel..O by a eotpo. c-ty Clel'lt of Orafll9 County on ration. MarcllJ, 1"2. I.AL n: I HGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIFf' CHA,EL •21 e 11111 s1 Costa Mesa t>•fl·q371 P'IHCI -.OTKHS SMmfS' MC>l TUUY 627 Main SI Hunt1nQton ~acn 536-6539 ,ACIHC Y•W MIMOllAL ,,._W Cemeterv Moriuarv Chapel·CrematO<V 3500 Pactltc View Drive Newoort Beacn 644'·2700 McCOIMCX MO•TUA•llS Laouna Beach •94·941~ Laquna Hills 768·0933 San Ju8n Capistrano 4'95·1776 MAllOI U.~MT. Ot.IVl MonutwV • CemetetV CremitlOIV 1626 Gisler A11e Cotta Mes.a 540-555-4 ...Ct•OTHIH m&.•OADWAY MOllTUAaY 1 to lkoedwav Cost• Mesa 642-91SO l Init ially, h is p lan New .paperhangers face competition . . is to save WASHINGTON <AP) -Senate Majority Leader Howard H . Baker Jr., R·Tenn., has an idea for saving tax •----------·' dollars: ~ away with Dear Joyce: After belplq my mo- tb er wallpaper two rooma In tlae bouse, I've beeome Interested la dola1 It for a living. Cu I get a lob after l graduate from blp acboolf -L.K., Fredericksburg, Va. Paperhangers are strapped to the same rollercoaster tbe construction industry rides: With the current downturn, thoee who are not laidoff altogether are finding l()l'De'Nhat bet- ter prospects in redecorating jobs. '"lcTmous 1us1Nus m id d le in it i a J s In Tiie .:=1~!"'!:.';':n"~s dotno g 0 v e r n m e n l Although you can learn on· the job, 11utlMS1H: publications. hou'll have to compete with paper- lfoYAL QUEEN HEALTH SPA, wh""' .. experie""·ce goes be "I have no• calculated an~en ..,..... ... • 2Ml2 l!I ,_ R-. SUll• , .. £ •• El .• M ..... __ TOf'O,c ai11omt•mlll the potential savings but yon helping Owig. Norman Manilla, U07' VI• cerua, ~1u10" v1e10. ca111orn1• il could be significant," Finding a formal apprenticeship .,.., he said. opening -ICal'Ce aa they are -can 1,J~·~~1"•ss 1' <onduct"' 1>y •" Baker joked about the enable . )'OU to begin earning rlaht N•"-Mlftltt• proposal after the away. When vn11 start an apprenritb-Thi. ata~t wa llled •lift lfle d J--..._ .. COUl\IT ci.t11 of 0r.,,.. c-tv ... Senate's year.en report ship, you're paid a...,,.. 50 percent ol. F11>tv.,.,n,t...,_ came out with the an experlencied worker'• waa-and, 1"ub11sNc10r..,.. coast 0•11~1= notation on the cover with prog:re11, you get a pay lncreue ""·,.,Mar.>, 10, 11, t'lt2 ,...., that it was submitted by every alx months until you're ~ -• -"lbe Honorable Jloward the full waae rate. 'The procem takei ~ .... IK ·' N. Baker.'· about three yean io c:cmplete. "Who is this Howard -. . "::::re::~...::S N. Baker and why ls he For information on apprenticeshipa, Tiw '011""1111 "'""' are do1n1 writing about the U.S. you can contact I~ unlonl, pain~ . II II I I II I I t a I : H A T U It A L -.... •I..--·•-a:rUceahip exill'itess10NS. i.tt o..,... •...nw, Senate?" Baker asked. con .. -..... n or w11e ·-- C•11• Mew. Ca1•fwnlatttn. "If I could rind him I board in your state caJJi. Ter-L. tkOWfty~tlfl, Jh al h I &ut Ou•"~" A\fuue, ore"•• wou.ld person ly s aKe Another w!nfto lN'rn to line your. cat•:~~. win. i.w CH~ bis hand.'' pockets by wa11a ia to attend a • .._,c.q_,.,c.tHemta•ttu., Doing away with vocatlonahchoo whichoff ... tralnin8 '"" •1-•• <_.,<tad .., • middle initials would in ~perhanlinl alone or oomb&nea .. _..,-'"tnlll,. avold such mlatakea and wt ..... , .. tt .. •. , ..... L. ._yet...,.. ...... -.. '"" .....,._. -..... wl1tl tllt ellminale confusion , c-cy cienr., o...._. c-.tY.,. Baker noted. In whatevet you learn. you'll pick a wallpapering job well done can satisfy your sense of artistry and make you (eel you've added 80mething in· valuable to the flavor of the decor. You'll handle fabrics that range from vinyl-<X>eted paper to rugged burlap to costly silks. You'll work everywhere from country kitchens to executive suites. Paperhangers working for contrac~ tors are earning from about $10 to $20 an hour, depenciina on the region of the country· and fevel of expertise. Thoae with experience who aupervi8e crews can make more than $30,000 a year. U you decide to work indepen- dently, you can expect comparable eaminp. An occupational br ief, "Paperhanaers," number 98, ii avail· able for $2" postpaid fl'Ql1) Chronicle Guidance Publlaltiona. Moravia, N.Y. 13118. n ' Merell'·,. • •·After all, wbo ever up the lkWI ol preperinc aurf--. ....,..... <>rat11t eoaet oai1:~iot. heard of Ron•ld W . UliNr toola and matleblni pettilml. _.;..-----~----MarcJ-"_a._,_t7_·2_•._i• ___ t1M1. __ 1 Rea1an. Bini L. Crosby Paperbanaina ii alwaya done ln· a n d L u le I J . doors and, fW t6e most pert, ii clean Skywalker?" work. Howww. you may haw to IUI ~~ dirt cheae,. VISAUA (AP) -A n.Ddl ID Mid ol some lmd~cl1attn1 IDQ prorille Tulare Oouaty wttb enouO fret di.rt for a deeade•a worti of road conatnactioll and ma!D-..... 'tbe count1 •1reest lo lenl lud for ..... LOgbook -o.Md~• ''" ........ ,,.. "Let us look on the ladden md ICaffoldlna ID U.. ~ b rl g h l s l de , " he dlmb, -.nd and earape oCf old ~ continued. 'If we do • lnp, pe1Ch bolll and NmOYW dirt that use a mJddle lniUal, lbey .QI\ .pot! a new ~ 1oob. cannot 1« ll ~·· •• ~ 1he Wtll'k cu _,. • ._~ ca1-w.-,. ~-111 ·~ rw 80,000 tens ol aeeu dirt. \ "ICTITIOUS l\IMNass ---NAM« STATaMmNT .._ .. llK Tiie lollowlnt person Is dol"' ----------- bllslft .. s et: "tCTITIOUS 8\ISINaH COMPUTER SOLUTIONS CO., NAMaSTATEMl!NT .,, 81rch StNlt, s.Hi. 2n. N-P«I The tollowlng persons are dol"9 S.acll, Callfoml• t1t60 bu~lness as: Jollft R. llNmaft. UJO y.,_.n1 PROFESS I 0 NA L TOUCH way, C117, Co.la MaM. CatUornl• SEltVtCE COMPANY, 1617"1 CNN!et ~ .._ Lane, Huntl"91on 8M<h, Gallfornle ThlJ .,.,.,,_. "~-...... -.... lndl•kNal. David Ro.,.rtt, 417 Co,.cerd JdWI R. llMmen A ... nue, _.,..1 •• C.llfomle tt01' Tllll ttalemant Wat 111111 •1111 h L" Trlmble. U4 E. P•lm AWl\W, County Clel'lt of Oral\99 Cw"ty °" MOnrovla. Catlfornl• '1014 F.WV•rv 22. 1"2. Thls l>vSIMSt h cl>flducled by • ,tlMll ..... rel ~p. PvbllsNcl Or" ..... G•lt Dally Pl'°'-oe..td ltoba<tt F.0.2'.~.3,t0,17,1'12 111-a Tlllt wt-was lllM with tlw NU11111 Covnty Cllf'll of Or~ County on March 1, 1"2. • ,., .. ,11 Publltlwcl Orantt C:O.st Dally Pltot. Mar. l, 10, t7,24, 1"2 *'G Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedn.day, Mll'Gh 17, 1082 II -... Clllllflll The marketplace on the Orang~ Coast .,. 642-5678 "4% of people buu'no r eal 11tatt have read cla81if jed adl in the pcut w.tk. a notional stUily ndfcotts. c-.i BNU M11M Sirf•t«'t -.111..-.:.., __ ., -.11 .. n ..... -.s..1 -.51,,_ Doth -·~•5'1 -...51« ... JUIMtTATIOll MnTlft ~~11•"4 =~ ...... . --.s.k .. .. Tr-. Trawl !'U:.'-;';!1'.:!''J..,._. AUTDlllOllU ..... .i . -~i&Hlft lllttrtauo• Vtlurltt ~.!..~~fMh hwrU "-~::.tw~ft~~ AllTOS, IMPOITEI ~·· u.ao.r. \Wlil I Aw.OA~•I«) ~lllW --~ o ..... t'f'fr.-n .. , .. ·-· J•Ctwr J- KM'•H\,tll• .-...... )l,ud.1 )1.-r\tdto, •• , Ill. llG~ Upol , ..... rniatt'\lt ,.,., .. .......... -~ ... 11 .... ~: :iol...,• ,.,... ,,_,.. , ...... ~. V•hv ECUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ~~··~~f:: ad· vertised in this newsJ>aper Is subje<'l lo I.he Federal Fair llous· ing Art or 1968 which ll'llkes it Illegal to ad· vertise "any preferen<'e. hmitatu1 n . or dis crimination based on rare. color. religion, sex. or national ong1n. or an 111tent1on to mn ke :: any such preference. •»> II m it at ion . o r d IS :: cnnunat1on " l• I lat 111111 ·--11tt ml Ulll 2d nus newspaper will not knowingly at·cept any ad vertising ror real estate which 1s m viola· Jion9f the law. ~1 ................ . -1* -- ,,,,. .. -,., .. --- ::~ SHAAP UNITS :m f'lve pnde or ownership mo E side units. There art =: three l Bdrm units and rm two 2 Bd r m units mo w/garages & ya rd As· ;:: sume existing fin ancing :;: and owner will assist. .,., l'\IU price 1339.SOO '1«1 .,, .. ,,. vm .,. mo rl1' ml f 111 TRADI T IQ\,\L RL\l TY PIMMSULA HOMiS · 'Rerood~led, de-00rated 3 bdrm, 3 bath,. - ll$tr bdrm \\'ith ocean view $425,000. C>Nner >MU consider trade. ·west Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath Sl,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room . 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. • LIDO ISi.i HOMIS Pr:ime Lido Nord bayfrol'\l. 5 bdrm. 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,50-0,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420.000. UNDA ISLE IA YROMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, s bath. playroom. dark rm, den. $1 ,350.000! IAYSIDE COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1.900,000. Wit/ ... Shown. By Appointment Asking Elegant Condo -Neutral Tones -Two Bedrooms, Two Baths -Formal Dining Room -Gorgeous Sunsets -Super Fi- nancing -Low Fixed lnl. Rate. Seller Will Carry Large 2nd -Poolside Setting -Shown By Appointment -Asking $220,000. A~-~=,, Listing. Forever Bay & Ocean View. Built On Oversized Lot In Corona del Mar. Great Investment. Owner Will Finance. $1, 500,000. := -,. ,,., '"' '11'l PIJCE REDUCED C=l #2 c...,.. th,._. on this super sharp 3 '!!!l!!!~~~!!!!~~;;~~~·;•;la~: ~ 7SS.9100 Bdrm home. Wet bar. :::-.-= marble rrpk &r much -mo~ i.. offered by this owner who Is most anx· : lous to move. Onl)'. : $129.500. for additional •1 inrormat1o n call : msno. ----.... -..., = -.., -., ---~-· ALLSTATE REALTOQ .: LOWISTNICI In tlle area ror dilslovely 4· Bdrm home. A real ba~in at 1120.000. Call now979-5110 _,,...=:.t: ... Oit""' a.d. 2 Wrm. all *· poo1, av Pt1a1. Cldllit. Adil cocn•. 714 ·01·tfll , or ··- A£SIOENTIAA.. AEAL lSTAft SERVICES ..... au ... a 4 BR "Montere)'' ii at lut avaii.blel 'lbia hJahly dellrable fJoor plan ofien a formll dUdnc nn & •parate family nn with wtt blr & <my fireplat'e. Thia one la • '"mull _, .. \\' I : ii J . Y \i TAYLOR CO H L i\ I. T ( ) H s ·,. l I I I I ! ) . l( ........... " ..... Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model. Formal din rm. Many extras. Security system Large asaumable loan. 2111 •• , .... ,. 1111• ••-' UNIT lllTn. I.I. '"-'110 LEASE OPTION exer rondo. NB. ()('can & ba} view l BR + dl'n for rmre info. call 673-4899 "~'- HEWPORT VlnCllille' Co"•' Slucfio5; · I & 2 bdrms From $88,000 and up. All have good assuma bll' loans with low down pay ments. Pool. rec room sub parking, sauna and I jacuzzi. anil some with ocean views. I 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aonm Niimi OW FLOWI A rare bird indeed Ill today's market! 30 bread 'n' butter apartments In an excellent location. Income on these have DOUBLED in past 4 ~ years! For more info call Bob Licata broker-owner 759-1221. 110,000 NWI 11~ llT-10 Yll. Owner financed -no lender qualifying! Three bedrooms, 2 baths. Quiet cul·de-sac. Parquet entry, brick fireplace, homey kit- chen. !amity room, water softener and fil. ter. Tub spa. RV pad. Huge patio. Extra stDrage. Reduced to $167,000! Hurry. call Bob Licata. 759~1221 RVM* of Newport Beach PAii PLACE ISTATIS flfr 21~ "Ba. 2174SQ Ft. BE'M'Elf1'HAN MOD El. HA.5 EVERYTHING Cul-Oe·st<' stree1 . Sun &Sail ti Club 20 min to Ne1ot1port Center $210,000 with $160,000 at 12...., fixed rate & rull> amortlied. No po111ts or qualifying 770·0347 Owner I Agent iclWE RusticElW~Scountry estate on I acre withs Br 3ba home w~ and brick nooring, French doors. bay windows. ~an and valley views ms.ooo. SUbm1t any rt· asooable offer or trade. -. F.arly Calif Styl~ custom .home with 4 Bdrnl4. 311Ji baths.._ gourmet kltthen1 · 2 wet oars. 3 frplcs, poo ...__.. leoch I 069 and spa. bevel 1.1 ac. lot -~· wtocean a~d valltY ••••••••••••••••••••••• v~ewa . A1 1uma ble OPa. SAT ISUH I 1-6 terms s1.200.ooo New 3 slorlbeach fiouse Bay & ocean views <keansidetB11lbo11 Blvd 1911 Cour1 A\e or 19th 61S 2291or11'18·3133 Ample parking 10 rear ~~~.~~~.~.~~!~~~ ............ !~.~ 1---------1 HEAR Capture total privtcy on this 4.32 acre estate with wuque 4 bdrm 311 baths <'Ontemporary home . Outst anding views , oversize pool 11nd spa 10 mrnutes to Marina flex i bl e t erms . Sl.500.000 SI 251C VA 12% LR. Sfta11> 2400 sq (j 4 HR on nil dt• !>al' Sl7!1.~0 VACANT l IR on 1•ul 011 sat' Tl) 10' dJ1 $119 000 R E \•rofess1linab 963·8371 PRICE REDUCED on th1~ ternfu· tn\ e't lll!Ol or :.tarter homl! 2 bdrm . z ba W1nd,ur Mod<>I in Thl'• Terrat·1• £\erythtnl! within "alk mg d1~tdn1·e Pr11·ed belo" murket for t1u1<·k sale $125.000 HOAG HOSPITAL 2 Bdrm. 2 bath ronoo Patio. double garaKe. S123.~ Col 493-2752 Wihoa & Weiss l .I 1091 Roy McCorch, Rltr. --•541itili.7iii71i2tilt111. -•I Wn ... shr NO DOWN OR TRADE ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• F.at off the noor. Spotless J Br , good area VA FHA ok $119.900. Bk r 848.g'l.Qll P1<·turc•sque F'ALLBROOK ran1·h. 15 am'l!. loH'I) home \I Ith Other RHI &tote 45ill fl + ll:!OnlS l'OU rt. •••••••••••• ••••• • •• •• • mil. ndrng trails Tr.ide Mabie Ho.a for 'mailer home tn ForS. 1100 Orangt> C:o ~'u II pru·t· ••••••• •••••. ••. • •• •••. S!l9S,OOO. Call wkncJi. 2 pdrm 1 bath ne"" 64S~.ext206ort•>.t carpet & dr apes . 110 \\eekda.>:. 831·1400 Beautiful adult park. SS OOO DOWN lows_pare_!:ent f>i6·8612_ & tdh O\ er l oans on Ne""i><>rt Beach De Ania \'en.a11les I Hr penthse bayfront Park. Mint c·ondo. S25.0t~I below ap c:ond . '78 dbl wide . prau.ul Ta kt· 0' er $1585 f1replac!-'· brick patio. pmh "'o 4u<1hf, 1ng Slil.000 63 double wide. Sl15.INMi Uom1n11: .igt <'Omer lot $39,000 8111 631 tr749, 75;! 1920 GTUD<!.Y 675·616L LIDO OPEN HOUSE 126 Via Lorca Hc•i.t hu~ on the lsl.rnd S bdrm 1·U.~tom rlec·ornt<'d hume l'rm.• r1•dul't•d Cur fu~t art ion No"" only Wl!ISOO Wed & Thurs I .4 Friday I 0-5 UDQ IA YFROHT Yoo "'II IOH' lh1~ rww l'Hlu~I\ e l1st1ng ~ bdrm J bath. l''<rellt.>nt tnm!> Owrwr f1nam·1nJ: Sl.StKl.<XKI Mobile Home. dbl ""'de.,. $172 mo space rent. adlls pref. sm pet OK. ~et H.B corner lot ,000 or best. Owner 847 2954 '711 Crown\i!int 12 X 40. Laguna ach. ()('ean \'1ew $13.~ 613 1443 497 2006_ By owner. double wide adlt.s. no ~ts. new l'pts. drps & A can s1din~ lo sf.ace rent 714·893· 1. 7 'l·77U·Q459 One of Irvine's Ol('e5t g:r1ts. 24x60 dbl wide. 2 _,._2ba..:...~l.s&W ___ l0x50 F1twood, ideal for retirement. SI02 mo 111c tnrl util CaT!rt & enrl ~llo. furn dn $8500 rm _~.:.4452 ee-fe!y Lots/ Ctypti 1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Burial ~lot Harbor La"" n t 0I1 v e T!term_rial Prk S~2-4349 _ COMMfrcld Plopttiy 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ; .. .. ... ... -; : , . • .. :· '· ' . H.wpoti 9toch I OH PW .,..,. ~ech t OH ·"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dir Llmt -... Prime bluffs location in Newport Beach avtt~ king huge greenbelt. Light, bright lnterior features plush carpet, 2 BR at 2 Car gar. Walk to ~ & tchoola.4152,500. Dlr~ Pdntlngtl' 551-8700 (053) ... .. , ... Owminl ... I frant bomt S BR; ~ Bath. ..... I .Mary Lou Marion 842..tm .~ l. I l - ..... ..... \ ~ ,~.:!E·~ .. , .. ~ .. ::t~1!E--.. o.~~!!"r. ... ~ ~£~.= ....... • ..,.,,. ... : ,...., .. .,...,.., 1111111 .... ll JMI ICWTWAAI l'IA'!Ott .. AllTMON't .,..,,0 • AllOCM,. ,OUTM CO;lllT .c>AT YAllD, 111' • llllW le~ 1111""' ~l Me111ll .. 11 Awou, ltllto 1 r•. H• ,.._, ..._, 0......... NoWHtl llv•., NtWH•I atecll, f1' THI IOUTH OOASl u 11•11 .. I rn.~...... ...~~'!!'~ ...... Ctll~t~ftlMI ., ........... .--:t~C::..":::.:: •o( ••Mrl ll . t1111111, 11111 , _ _,. .._ ....., _.._., !MOl!y<llliltl,7',•0rtw.c.t ...... " MerHt•rte•o L•"•· H1111ll11tltll ~ ... ....,,__ 11--.....-""'1111 lfto lelltll ~ ...... '*f ,...-.......,. 111111 ..... ....,_ .... ,.-" II.~--.,._ _ __.....,,... TMt ...._,la t~IM.., • _._ --._ .. ' -aM,. ...... It <......_ .., t11 WIN~ . =J ~ ::-,..:-.= t/: " ...... Tiiie =·~ ... -"'9 ,......,, ~~ ............ ..... ,. ._..,.. .. ._ -c-.-,~.,Or.,..Ctullly ... ....._. ,._, • ..._.... ..................................... _. • .. , ............ -tllM wtttl .. , .. '* cew.t' ( .... ., OrMtl c.w.., .. ... _......, .... ,,. .......... It _c. ..... ~ .. Ot11n11 GelilM' .. , •• IMftll 1,... ...... All'J -~ ...., ... .... c• '*"'-"'II,~. ~ .~ ,eo... Ollllw ""°"• ,, ...... lllNirl9 ..... ror IN ,.... f1i W. 'II ,,_ Mar. rt ..... 41, """· • ... twr... ltlllllltllM o. .. .C:..11 Dllll't ~-..... ,....... ......... ......- ...... ltllM OI' .... c... Dtllf ~i.t. Mer.a, I0, 11,14, t• •IHI it Miii eit !flt .... '~~°'.;"" ., ...... MIM'cllt, 10.11, it• .. ,. 1------------~ llO -... --.. "' ' , .. ' .. Pal Illa . . -• .. l flNlll' lllM ...... -·-· ,. .. ., ............. ,,.......,."'° ...,. __________ • ~ --• ........,_ .. ~,.,....,.to,... --• ~•-1111111111 ·~----~ Ill llC'nTIOUI ButlMHI MAMI t'l'AT'IMIMT .. ·-..... ~., .. ~'·"'• I -.._., .... T .. UIT••'l IAL• ~ICTITIOUa9Ule..... "-"• ...,. • .,. ....... ...., NAMHTATIMllMT e:.:--=-·--ell= p119 .... .._ Tiit loll .. lt!O ,_, .. " It .. lllt lftd -...,... ~ T lie lollowl11e ,.,.on It dol110 NlllH•e•: Oll~t 1-. .. t1•t'ClecltJ.M., M"'"9ffl ,,_m11111t ....... t1Nellott1"'9 rt Tiiie Ca. et Or..,. ~. J T STlllPINO. 1141 PttlltM, T1t111o ~tflllt~efc.t.._ MANNY'$ IAR. Utt tcorlll ,.olrvlew, Sanu AN. Cell .. "'la tt106. ....... ..,...._.,, l'.O. lea 1711. ~lo INM. Utlftrl\I• mt7 lacJll !Iii 9IWI lie ftlMO Oft"""'"'""" entt AM, C.111 .. ,.le .. 101 111•1 JOIWI ......,, 1141 ...,,_., C..U I-...... P•1...,...... N tar ..... Ill M.-1 J, Ho1tU41t, lllA w.tt t lld •111• M wly liHOlft"9f Trv•tH Melt, Clllftnll.i ..n \flt 00flll90! ~ .. lftCI tNll Ille Mo 1tr-.1,5tftuAN,ColllenllettlCIJ. ,,., w -t to LMle ,.._ Tlllt Mlllttt It cllfMluca.ci by.., ~e:ti!,.,~.:.~ Tlllt ~-It <OIMhtCIH by en SM11tlt)' (llllttll"*'41 1.M\41 CCWl4roct 1"41Mekltl. ". lllCllv .. wet. , 1111 ,._,Of lelt l"Ctfltre<t"I JtlWIHMly OlllW..._.tolllll"41 . ._._...,o ~ J . HOtfuln '"°'._. J-n. •• ... i..n.-i n is ......_. ... iii..._..,, "" ,,. o.y oleo.ta...._ Nd~.,... Tlllt tla-WM lllee •1111 .... Ne, a.. 111 ..... 1lM1, p ... a tif COIHlly ci..-ti ~~ C-ty OA be __..,. ..... -·--~ CAvlllY CM•• 01 0r•"9t C-t'I tfl Offl<lel ~ 111 'llt tfflce Of .._ .,..,,..,., tl. 1'9J. =· ott!W't ~. c;aall ot *Mf't FObnHlry tt, ltl2. C-t'I k ....... ef ~ ..... CWl!ly, fllNN7 No b1C1 -1110 oont!Otrtcl ..... 11 11 ,, ... llatt ef Colllorftle, •••cwl•cl by Pll«lllSNcl Or.,. CoeJt Dally ll'ltot, -on a blMf< to<m lllrllleMcl by "" PU411lalltcl Oranoe Coast Delly Piiot, JAMl!S L.. OICl(~NS •M C1-ROL ....... U , IMr. l, 10, 11, "" IOMl Clly of Coal• ...... -II -In -Feb. U ,IMr<lll, I0, 17, 1"2 ~t. LOUISI! DICKENS ~tl\CIW... CO<...,_ Wltll Ille prcm.IGM OI Ille P,e>- -It ................. "V.,...... MCUrl... Nale m.-c PMeirtQUif-PllJC llJa <trltlll elllloall•"• '" tav., al -·~ ~ lildCIW -be liclel>Mcl --DONALD I . MARIENTHAL, t ---...... • , • P<......-S•rtclUlftclllit ..... ...... ~• .._,,,_ Tiit Olly Ccud ol Ille Olly ol C:O.UI ,.,.,,_ """•••mt t04e '"" -••te .... _ -A-""-,_ lllt 1111111 to rtjllcl..., or• PICTITIOUS IUllNl!SS ,,.._.,,y • V ....... ; -•• •-• bldt NAMl! ITATl!MINT Tiit olltet Of an AtrHment el Tiit Conllaclor -con.ply wl1ll lllt The lollowlnt parson It dot no ltaKIMlen ._ J-H, t•, -Tiit ~,..,_II ... .,._ orcMalOM of ~ 1770 to lflO 111 butl-u: recorded JwM n, 1•. at,,.~ • YU. YINMHIA. 109 Via OWllO, ~.of 111e c.llornla lAlbor Code. Ille THE GRIEEN DOOR, Newltn4 No UllO, IOOk 13'4, Peea CJ Ill tM .....,.,, llllMlll. C111ofn1a..... pra.eilinO rato -~ 01 wtOM Ml• :e11 .. r, l'61111Hc11 111vct .. H111111noton Oflklel lt«.,..flfOr ..... C-•· . Vlrtlllla A. ,.,_, 100 VIII°'*--..... bit Ille C*l' d c-.._..,.. .. Kii, C.lltornla ,,.,_ • , The flftlK1 d Ille ,,,.....,., '""''"* .............. ~ 12fU. .,. lllacl Miii llw City Cllr1t of Ille ..., Roberta Merle Ridgway, llt? hevlfte -~ to T........... ~ ~ • _..,.. .,, 1111 City: 111'41 INll lorltll penell._J'::": Mun1lar Drive, H1W1llng1on &Hell, Deed Corptratlon, a Ctllf""'• lnclMdllll: tt.er.111 I« ~ ltle MIO Calllor1tta,._ c orporetlo"· by Anltnmenl of ....._ ...!!!!!!_V.1 ,___ ....... --.. Code EILEEN P. PHINNt!Y Tlllt blalMU 1, conelwcltd bY en vonoor't Security 111taretl of L.,.. .... -· -" .. lnclMclwat. Porm St<wrlly C 111tte1tme111 Lallcl ~ Cllrll d 0..,,.. Counly on Mwdl ~~~oat• .,._ .--no M. Ridgwty COfttra<t WI"' ~ of Seit datM 15, 1Ml. 0.-C-Delly Pllol, Tlllt ltatit!Nnt wn llltd wltll tfw Oc~t7,Ht1,-racoro.o~ ..........., Or ... COllt ~-.,!'! , ,., ,.-~ Cou11ty CMr1l ol Ore-County Oft 20, "°'• a. IMlr-No. 2Jt10 Ill t, APlt t f1 ~-. Fe4>. l2, 1"2 llooll IGZ, P ... IZSI In Illa Ollk tal Mi9rdl 11, 2', at, f , !tit 1~ -· -Plaut Racornof~ ..... c-y,. ~ ••IK ' Publl.ntcl Orenge ~oast Delly Piiot, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOH Fatt.24,Mer.J, I0, 17, 1"2 .. ..., TO HIGHEST lll>OCR l"OR CAsW ------------· (payalllt .. Um. of teM 111 i.wtut • PICTITro.11 BUllNHI M.AMll STATl!N"T • -· ol .. u-S..tnl •t oflk tt ol ST'£WART TITI.IE CO. --.'""'"'-,-ICT-l_TI_OUS __ •_U_S_l .. -.. -.-s--... lo It A .. GIE c ou .. TY. H O Nor'" NAMI! STATeMl!NT llr'ONW9Y, P.O. loa 11'1. S..t.a AN, Tllo lollowlno parsons ••• doing Ca. '1101 (7141 59-1114, •II •ltllt, uoo bu\lllOH at: tncl l"tenit t-ytd to --lltld HALLETT MARKETING, THE lly II ,.,.-., Mid COftlrect In tllt HALLETT COLLECT I DH, 162SI S...lt Pt0tlt'1Y ........... lit ..W C-y tllCI " ... _,..,.._: =-ra I.MW, Huntlnvton llta<ll, CA TM N°""91 .. 1t1y M f•I of Loi SI of Tiie fellowlno parsen I• clelnt llonl-••: L. CARL lfltAZER COMPANY, 11052 A-s..en.. F-C.lft Vtllt't, Calllorll4t tJ100 L. c.erl FraH•. uon Ave11. s ........ ,._.'" ,,, .... .,. Calllorlll• ttl'OI Tlllt llul"'-1 Is <Ondllctecl by t11 llldM dl.lal. LCarlFraar PICTITIOUS aUllHl!ll MAMa ITAftMIWY Tiit lolltWlllt perMll It 41tlllt _,....._: UDOPP'S, 101 _,.,,...,_ MAii, WottmlMMr.~ Jec:t. S..t'l\lf', llSU C,_,,., Lao Orl11e, El Mot*, Clllftmla tint Collton s.m... llSU Cllffrt Lw Drive, El MoMit, CAlllorlllt tlnl Tl'llt bu1lnen It ctnclvclecl bY lndlvldwels I..,_. ..... WIMI. Jtclt$1wnH C.......Stor..., LUANNE HALLETT end Tra<INe.JOOn-meprecor•clln BURDETTE L. HALLETT, i.2s1 80011 14, P•tat 11 and u of S•nl• Bt•b•r• Lant , Hunllngton Ml.C•l'-~lntlleofflceoltllt a..c11. CA mM. County ltacordOr ol tald Oranoo Tlllt business Is conducted by a C~':· ~t~~-drus aftd oJl'lor PllOl6 flttcMI -·•I PW1Mr'llllP. Tiiis ......... t WM """ with Ille CCMllllY Clark of Or ..... COUllly t11 Marcll t , 1"2. Tlllt ... ...._.. was IUocl wltfl Ille Caunty Clerll of Ora,,.. Cownty '" Mtrcllt,1•. '--H•lletl cemlnOfl ~Ion. If .,.,,. Of Ille -...1-0r...,eo.. Dally P"°"' ~~o..,..,t7,•'f.~t.t.£--Oal1Y11"'._I.~ ~~ •••• pr_.-ty dHC•I-...... II Mar."· 11, 24. JI, 1tl2 ttua -• • -..,..., Tiiis stat-• ., llltd •llll Illa p11rportad I• II• JOI Newpert llowlavant Cotl• ~. CAlllornla. -.,. -c CO<lnly Clff-ol Oran~ County on TM"'_,._. Tnnl" dlsCltlmt r-..-••~ M.arcll 1• 1*· ,.1 .. ,. eny tlallillty IW tflY lncorrac"-t of ------------ Pvbllt!'" Or ... CoUI Delly Piiot, tlla tlreot eddrau -...... c-T4'11 ...._ AN!rcll J, 10, "· U , ,., ~ '9Ntlon, If MY, -.......... •OT•C• OP TRUIT••·s SAL• .,,_ ~ °" CAUN .. Seid Ult wlH lie ...... :Wt "'~ T .$.Ne. ntsS..7 CowrTY Oii -,_ aM C:-. Ovtlltllt or ••rr•nty, HPl'HI or ,,.._411 Ot .......... ,..c:a. .. lmplitd. ~ tltla, ,,_..._,'" w 0.. A"112, ltl2. •I J :OOo'clo<ll P.M., ncwmbr-. 1o pjty tlla romelnl,.. Stewert TMla Co. of Or~ c-ty, • .,.... prl"clpal tum ttcwrod lly u ld Ct lllor11I• corporellon, u <luty .. OTIUOPT•UITll!'IULa Ct,.trtCI. lo·wtt· lttS,010.00, Hid appolnltd Tru1tea u11cle r en T.S. Ne.Hite •t.J emownt lncl11dln9 Ill• prl11cl•tl w11rocor ... Lo,.. Form S.cwrlly o A 11 1 ttc o oo M b•la11ca P•Y•lll• l o unclarlyl111 Clut•ll"-' Lancl CM!lra<11, wllll H on M r R E c 0 H ~ ~ ~ A :·c E enc-•--csl, -1ec1 ... "'*" .. -Of s.. c~ ""°""to COMPANY a OWiy -'Moel Tn.tltM rHI Jraptrty may be Hid, •lffl a "Security LAlld Cefttrad,") -""* eft11 1 Ooocl of T I Interest "*-· B pnivldtd In Mlcl Merell 17, t•. tl9< ..... .., WILLIAM °'roc.:ded J~ ,:,, H lflst. '.:. COltlract, advances, II any, _, t11a M. JOHNSON end DONNA M . JllSI, In llooll 14151, ..... , .... 01 1«m1 ot ukl C:-ract, lots, e:Mren JOHNSON, lluttt.1141 and wife H Olflclal Recordt In tlla ofll<• of 1,,. aftcl H..-S ol Ille T,.,. ... tllcl of 1M cammunlh Pl'-11y, H Vo-. Cowl\ty RecordW of o..,... Couftty, trvtUc....,..111¥YldCofltract. ttewrlfttc.,,.*'99t._.l11f..,wtf '•Slii1a d CalllomleHt<Wlocl by .>emo1 Tl\o ,,,.,,.,. _, telO C-lra<I KE .. NETH H . WEIST IHI ••<I ·F. Felloy -Linda L. Ptllty WILL heretofcwt PtCWd -clMl¥Of...s te JEANNE W. WEBSTER, • V ....... SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO tlla uo•rYfMd t written Doclar .. IN ~Ille Sec.,lty LAlld C:...trtd Mel of Otltutt -~ lor Sela, allcl • ulldtr a llola~81141YM of *"'"' .•HIGHEST lllDOER FOR CASH wrltta11-.Ceof0ol•lllt-Elodlen (IMtall ....... , Golltract l"C:-rect''I .:,cpaytl>lt et time ol tale In ltwfut lo Soll. TM ....,. • .___. ,_ Nici recor ... AprM t, t•, n ,,..,,_.. -y of tlla Unllocl S~I at IM --Ne 1 In .--. ..... •-1-tf front tMrtnco of Suite 101 et 117 W. -k• ol Oefautl -Elo<llotl to Sell • 14G -1_, '",_.. ._ 10 lilt,_... In.,_ c-ty.,.,.. Ille OHklal R«ordt lfl -olllU tf ._ Ora~ Aw., Plac-ta, CtlH. rNI ...-tfll!K"" c-ty lllKercllff ttll Or .... c-ty, m10 1714) SU-22:50. •11 •loM. t111e -At of e. ...,. ... ~lotl of 111e S•••• 01 c e111 .. 111e,o .. cu1H •Y lntarH1C-yodlo_now_bylt -k tofSelt,lhetoltl_t .. lllo WILLIAMM.JOWH!Otf -DONNA tUnder seld Dt•d 01 Trust In Ill• 11npalc1 belanct ol Ill• obllo•tl•n M . JOHNSON, ........... .,. wlM H .,property tltwetod In selCI County -N<wrtel 111y Ille ..,._.,., lo Ille sold, commw111ty pr_11,, at ,,,,,... .. , ,$talo dtSC:•Ml9cl "' Ille, .... ". Ill• P•lllCIP•• b•l•ll(t -lftt con.111 ollllfMlotlt In ••-of L.otd,TraclNe.SCIOS,H-map P•Y•ll l • Olt Ullcltrly l • KE NNl!TH H. WEISTER .". AC..wd In ..... '"· "991 IS -... enc .. mer-hl. (~ ... """"" JEANNE w WEHTE• ... -Mlsc:ell-""-· rocerdt ef Uicl real property may N M lcll an WILL SELL •T PUILIC AUCTION Or~=~· address and oilier rtt-*Y ~ <-. ,.._, TO HIGHEST BtOOElt l"OR CA5'4 common •11-tlon, 11 enw, 01 1119 ""'ae1¥-_lt • ,......,: Cpoyobla .. time ol MM In tawNI • Toltl Unpekl m-y d the United Sl.alfll et !tit , •• , properly dtscrlbtd ....... Is Prine ..... e.ienc.' oflle.ff d STEWART TITLE co. 01" purPOrtocl to bt: J12' Boston Wey. EsllM•tedCosb O RANGE COUNTY, tOO Nertll Cost• Mela, C..IH. m• •llcl E-.......... Y. po. lo• 11>1. Senta AN, Tiie ~tlonod Tn.ttt .. clltclalms ot ,.. __ •: Ct lllornla 92701 17141 S,._llU , a ll .-.y 11.tbtllly tor .,Y lncorroct11ess of EttlM•tedAdvencn r'911l, ttoe -a-r.tl _.,... te -rlreoi addreu -othff com.._ -c.-s end -l'ltlcl by 11 -MICI c-ac1 dttl.,.atlon. II any, --heroin. of,,,....,, 1 t ,1n.1 111 111a p._rty tltu.atect In telcl Counly l'llbllllOd 0..,,.. 0.. Doly ""°'- S.ld salt will ba ..-. bul •ll'-t TOTAL: U07.$,.,.7 allclSteltdHCr-al: Mtldl 11, 24, SI, Apt 7, lta 1~. covantnt or w•rranty, oaprtts or ITl!WAltT TITLI c;o, 01" OltANOI! Lot It lit ~II • ot Soctioft S fll 1------------ lmpllff, ,....rcllng lltl•, potMsalolt, • c°"trn' lleffloa 111enc1, " -map rec..-d 1 .. encumbrtncft, ln<kd,.. '-·char-n..WT,.,.., a-1.,... t of MIKeti.-Matlol. • -••.--°""" T.--ol Ille o.i.:...., a. t• In 11\o office Of Ille C-y tt..:tnlff., 1------------tn.llt crMlodby H id Oooclof Trust, t• ....... a.wry ..... c:-.ty. PtY the ..-lftlng prin<l,...t .....,. of .. _.....,,............ EXCEPT Ille Northerly ts Ital the note(tl towrocl by telcl Dood ot </_,....,_.....,6 ~ 111ereot, belnt meewrtd .-. tlle Trusl to wll: IU,000.00 wl111 1111-1 ,_._,..,...._ •tM Wtll llMofselcllot. • .uwroon lrom .. ti.OZ ., JI""'"' -..... ,.,,....., ea. ... >67. Tiit .,, ... •ddrtU ... c1 olllar _.....,, • P'-ldld In telcl _,.,plus CN I....,. comtftOfl -..11o11, If e11y, of IN cosh tllCI -...,..._of '6o..17 "'"" P'*41Vltd 0r.,.. Cotll Dally Piiot re• I pr-rty clffcrlbtd tbtvt It llltwrett ""9rcll 10, 17.14. ttl2 10.1.a. purPorttd to be Ill J -Avo,...., 'l::!t "::'::,':i!,':"':~::':t~n~ -------.,.--------·~~ =~~ 411Kltlmt dt""''td to Ille ....,., • ....., • ••ltttn r-..-••IK 111y lltblllty tor tflY lfKonot-ot J>tcltrallotl of Wlault end o.m-fot• IM tlreot tddrfts end 01U1ff c-:i!::.•·1•~.:,. ~':'a.~~~ MOTJCS OP TIIUITH'S SAU dftltMtloft, II any, -..11ere111. ... ~ T.S.-. 11119 Seid lt'9 will Ila made, -wlttlovl ••U,.Md Mid Notkct Of Otftult -NOTICE IS Hl•EIY GIVEN. .... cavtntllt or we,,enty, t•P'ltt tr EIO<tltfl tD St41 to be ---111 1M we.,_.y, Mtrdl 11, tta, .. t :ec l"'ptltd., .......... lltM, -lltll .,, <~ wlltrt tM rH I Pf--1Y It O'<IO<ll. t .lft. d Nici tlty, 111 ttte ,_,. tMumtlrtnc•, to pey tlla rtm .... lftt d lo< · Mt ttldt lor c-ucll,.. Trwtt•'• prl1tclpal tum u cvrt<I lly Hl<I -1lfta.:MIW'dl .. 1tl2 Saltt, wllllhl Ille offl<H or 1'EAL COii1rtcf, lo·•ll: t100,0J7.IJ, Hid ==OllWy...ce ESTATE SECURITIES SEltYICe, atl>OUllt not lnchldlfte Ille prlnci.tl __ .-u111 l.-louttd -~ .,_.,, SMtte ••ta,.co ••Y•••• ..... 11c1ortyl1t9 •·lit tlla OIYef Senle Mt. C--,tf e11c:..mllrtncah l, tulltKt te ftltll --:="-=:. Of•~. St• tf Celllornla, IELL reelp~wlllllltMlcl,wltfl l-...t •' PuMI .... Or... Dally Piiot, TRUST 0£EOS, IHC., • Ctl ........ a tMnOA, e -IOocl In Mloll C-ect. l!Mrcll 11, M, 11• ltl2 ln.G co•Po•ttlOft , H dwly eppot11ttc1 ..,,,_," -· ...., trlt """' 01 • OPPKSCWTNI! SMIRIP~··· COUNTY O .. otlA .... '• MO'OU CW~· '' U•Ollt Dl!C1t•• '• OP Ntlaa.OMlltl! :• CANYON MILLS COMMUNITY !ASSOCIATION, ETC. Plal"Utl n . JAMES E. MORE\.AND, ETAL OtfellUnt .... »t1 IO. I, the _.,.,.... lltAD GATU, ·Slltrlll-cor-r Coullty Of Ora11tt. ·State of Cellforlll•, do_..,., cartlly 01"91 llr 'IM1Wflf Dt<r .. tf ,._._.. -Seit "' .. Superior c-t of .. • C-ty .. DrMllt, Slate .. Cel-.iie, ... tllttrtd °" J ....... y ... "" ..... rtCOrWcl .. ~ , .... ·-Ill .... ebovo tlltltlad ecllon, wlltrel11 CANYON HILL$ COMMUNITY AUOCIAT!Oft, t Call~ _.tit '(Or,eretltll Illa alleve llOMtcl I ptelfltllf(t~, ~ t ,..,..._.. --.c ......... ....,.. Mel ........... JAMES E. MOtlEl.AND....._,_hl, ftf 91a -If ON n.....il Eltlllt • H1111•ro4I Tlllny Two el\<I H /110 I· Dollart, lawM -'i' of tllo UllltM $ta .. t , -.., vim. of • writ Of tMttt....,.. Ill told ~ ...... °" ,.__.. .. ~·----te ... '" -_,., Ill ... eowity .. a-..s... .. ~.~ .......... : 1..t1t JO If Tract rm • ,.. MW ro<tNH "' .... 114. """ 1 .. ,., IKlwtl..-. Of Ml-ti•-Me", ~ .. °" ... ~·~·· , TllO~ll~--- 1 "'""'""'* ~. ~ 9MCll, c:.1--.. ,......, ................. .... < to,.•1111t11h, 11ere•1t1n1t11U a11c1 .... ,.,., ... , ...._... ............... •111...,..W ....... .... t ll'U8LIC NOTIC• ti H•91e8Y GJVIM Tiii& • ,,.,......,, ..... II, ,... .. ttt• .. , ... A.Mo ..... -'' ........ ""9r, c--.., ,_ C191< .~Ofht--(ltyef ..... ~' .......... ...,... ....... . ......... ""' ............ --....... ...,._... ....... ...... E .. ...,.. ... c--. "'•• .-r.twc•1t1t....i " ......... ~ ...... 0-. ....... AM, ( .. .._ •• , ,...,.., .... ......... -"'C& WWWf .: c.-r10r--.~ .:~· .. t it • ..__, ,, .... r=.;.. -............ •• -I .t"; ....., I r ti t&~C&illll._..._, ........ .,. TruttM ""*' -,..,..,,_ lo Illa H id Co111roe1, fffS, cllarttt 111d power ol MM COftftlfrtd 111 llltt <tf1111t n--Of tho TrvstH and o1 -Dead of Trutt uec:ultd by Jwllt11 tnitb crwtted Illy telcl Cantre«. Totlt, a _,.,loci !!\aft• 1'111 .... alld Tiit ,,,......,.. Ulldar Mild CCWl4HCI -..r•te ,.._,.,, •«......, llolwctl 26, .,.......... a.clAtcl -•llwrect te 1'01, 111 .._ ,,... ., Oflk lal Rocorcta -u,...rtlfnocl • wrf-OtctaretlNI of u ld Cau1tty, at P••• 1U6, Of Oof--0...-fllrs.te, -a It"°'*"• ,,...._..,. Ht· 25041, llY wrlntft ~of Oaf-end Eltdloll rt•M" of a ll•ta<ll or dtfewll '" to Soll. TM ...,..,..... cauwcl talcl payment or porlorm•nca of Ille Nolk• ol Ottault -Ela<tloll to Soll ollllOtlloM ~ ..,...,, lnclucllftt 1.e Mr--lit IN c-ty .,.,.. the tfltt WMdl ............ Notl<t of wt\1<11 reel 11'.,.n)' Is ......... WM rot.,._ J-. It, ltll, la ... As ef Ille a.ttlel pullk.U... OI t11a 1410> of OHklal Records of talcl Notle.t., Salt, .. tal•l -t of Ille Co11nly, al ~ 11t . ltacort1tr'1 ""'•" btlonco of tl'lt obtlttt1011 l~Ht. ~.WILL SELL AT teeurtcllil¥tllt'""""tolllt..W,lltl PUBLIC AUCTION TO THI t11C1u<llnt the prh1clp•I btlall'I HIGHEST 91DDElt l"Olt (ASH, pt' a.it on 11 n •er I y I ft o ltwflll _., ef lllt Ulllttcl 5'lloa. er• t1te.-.....1s1, I~ to wtlltll .. CMlll~s dlKll. ·-ti\ t .... er rt•I propertr Wiii IN Mlcll aH Mt•• .......... .,, ........ U04lll ,.._...,., ~ ctlll. '"'°"""' W!lell, fW t 1411'9 or,_ .. ...,,........ tllCI ~It estotlowt: ,,_ ,......_, Or .... a-o.lly "'°'· ...... f7. 24, ''· """· 7, ,.. ~ PIH 11111 INn euocletlall Clof'lllclltd In tllh Tttal ~ 11'11ftcltool l'ICTTl10UI _.8 lllllt, tll ......... at tlM time If oalo, lltl-• 1100,U7.IS all r'911t, lltle -ll'lt-t lltld 11'1 It, Esti-ltdca.tslllcl Tiit ~ :::,,..~..,_ 1JW1.. H Trutt•. 111 111at •HI preperty ~-~of --~-... ~.., 11t .. tt lllUl<I CMJnty end Sltlt, r:---.: i U I U 4 Ill ~ MAHAOEMeff (2) COM -.Cr'-• fol'-': Et:t.,,.... .....,_.. FAii. aS20 C..-.C A-. C-.._, Lot 4 If Tract Ne. tla, H _. -Md (IMlb.. c........... 02at ~Ill .... .,, ...... 11 ..... U VlllCMr: i t,tlt.M ""'-'Ill H1a11a. ltl6 Al'O'I Cln:le. Of Mlscet......,. ..... llt<ortll If T01ALl lllf,tnAS eo.t. ..._, Cellfornll IMM 0r•"90c-it¥. D ... :~tt.1• ...... J, ~117N8tnP:lilpt Tllo , ...... _..,_er•--• se.w.rt T"lo c........,., 81NM, ,~Veller, Cellfomlo t210I ......... ., .. ,..., ,... ... rtY.. f!IOr .... c-y Tiiie......._ .. _"' ....... ...... ~~11,...,.,_te ntolclfrwloe ,..,..~J .... - •: tll ..._ Clnlt, Cat.a Mtto. l'tl ,_..... (_.,.., -.. _...___. ---"""' tllt c:.....,. Vfu............ ·--" T• .............. l\«My cfltclllMI (/0 ""'*'-• A-.n ~ Qlrll ol Or-.~ Oft Mardi .ii llaMllty for ,,.., 11\Cerrtet-111 & ._. 16, Illa. lttd '''"' ..... er of..., c-... WlltNrt81vd. ~ .... ~ ...... ,,. ............ ...... l at• MIO wlll lie MMt wltlloVl l.M"""'"'CA•le.t.14 ..... ~-werre11ty, t•P••U er IMPlltcl, Itta)_,., , • ., ,. ........ tltlt, ,. ........... , ............ Ol'Mllt CtMl OOltf .... ~ a-. OoMt D* ~ tM-ait~ to ... "" ..._ "'"''"' l!Ufot" 11. 11, tA, Hit ,.... .... 11, 14. ti,'-· r. ,.. • t-.. ~ .............. , .......... -------------·---------== .... ----.1 19(wft .... DMcl Of Trwt,""" ..... ....... t ....... ~ ...... wr. tllor.111, ..... ~ If.,,,.,,~ ,------------"" """" ..,.., ....... .,..,. ,,.efl .. --. .. -..... dlerell .... ........ fll .. T ........... ... .... ........ .................. '"'* ~ W NH 0.. flf Trwt. TM ..... llMtllll ef ~ ......... '"''"'"" ......... ,~ ...... ..... ,,_. COWNtJ tW PAC91C eout, _, Yllll a-"-......... a.....- , .................. T,......., ... .._ ...... ~ ...... _,,..,, T_..,..._ "9ti<............. , ... ...... 'WM-·---·"'.., 0....l --~.. • • .... ..,.. Ill!"' 111.4 TfNIT OHDt, I~ c.M ,.....,._llllCY CefllAll ·~---. \ •T,.._ ......,0..- 9f; ••AL utan .,.. """'•--•...,..,,.... 1aCU•ITIHt••v1c•. """""""',......,.,., 1,119.-·~~ ---~.,,....,........ ..,,.,. ... ,..... ._.. ~ """"" e.: CMAU O.J • .....,, t • :.:;/:. .. ..,. -.,. Ill wwwa:• ... ~-= ::== ...... .., ......... o.e.-11. , ............. ..... .... ~ ..... •· °"'' ............. tC~,..._.. ... . .....-.,CA..,. ' R.C. ~ ' ftft (1W)..... ro-......... -~::zc....~ .. -= ,......~ ........... ., .. -...... ,.. - ti 6 4 2 • - s 6 7 · a. D A I L y p I L 0 T e L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • s 6 ~ -1· 8 ,, .. ,., 2000.... . ~ .......... ~ ...... 't. e ....... e••·•······· ....... ~••e•e••······· .......... e •• e .. •e••••• eet•• ... eeeee,•• T.W../PMI "'-"fWllrM~ C..W.. UH IHdt JHt NEW'POllT"'REJGHTS. -•e••e••'••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• -.. ••••• .. ••••••••••• 210,000 hm /All ..... 1111111 JIN Ul+.,..rm.lba,J1 tt.t.raw....._. ~Lo&.=-------1•...................... d. &reel, tr,c. hot tub,. 4Jliti:(rii1tin1Di:f/r, Walk \o btac'!: beauUtul Avall 4/1 to t/l5J 2 Br. l,000, lit, lut, Sec. atUdy, beaut. dtc, lit tri111u, z.z Dl'. l·3 Br. waterfront. p,o wk, • dfflta, fab. vl••i pvt Pauo. r1111c ....... 000. 11.oaoa.rza •21 ~·-ft ~ aat•, p0o ll•n· Owner'wtDhelofina.n«. ,,.~ ...... -Jl22 2 Br -h d nil. IZIOO/IW). Alt Bob AllpltteddaMl-tOM. --• • ~. ~Kooe .. 7~_1221 . ............ , ...... , .. , Wl~t w/d hook·UJ)S • I UMITi Detorator'1 811 Canion !21 u0lver1lty Dr. See NwPt Hta, 3 Br. 2 , Ba. NewportlJt'h'·l'ttlancf hnbome ... 2 br, 2 ba, mw1er at s. S48·0Mll •1mo.1Jyul + dep. Ex~llent l>tpmiation formal Da, cocnpl. rum. . Av11loow. ~7400 __ 0wper/Bkr95HU4 lll1Utr.Ht.oa5 •bdrm 2 b r r Blutfl 3 Br. 2 Ba --• • 1, rpc, am T h Ml ,.,..._. J16t rm, 11rdtntt included. own ouu. 2 car T.!:_TM ....................... ~rcr;,. Avail lmmed. f ara&e w/opentr. Avail -~ Ma 1st. UOO /mo sanfC!!:!~f,ST~fi! t Blchelor. In Vertallles EASTSIDE. Quaint &t ownenblp. i od~r0n MoblleLl':Park rroo :it &s~el~U~J>~ 5p&niah style, four U!!il Bly Vltw 2Br Condo IJ)( Utll pd, P'S f3H32() apartmtnt house with $1200 . Ott.1n·hill.1 &t Coif course Villa Bllboa 2Br $12$0 Y~ J234 vie.w, clost to ever· Newport Creat 3Br/loft ............ •••••••••• olythind g, only1 three years Sl.500 BR 2 Ba:. mo to mo .. . sbowa Ii kt new. will Wattrfn>nt Homes fl~ Nice 1oc. Kids OK sell with excellent 631-1400 3805 flnandn&. or trade eqw· 1--------ty for ttaidentlal ocean ,.. .. ~•le.cit U40 view lot or home . or ~ach 2 Br. Avail. 4/1 ror ...... •••••••••••••••• ~0.fl~f~ll~Rl.Qf! ~=· ~;. ~~3.~9~~~~ 5~F~~~·Vt'~'11i~tn~ Cal l owner 1714 ) 873-9105. _ llSOMo.Plusbcrpls.211 e4£0138. tto.ts ~ Bl Cedar & &lass. sun· t 1 deck. dbl car prv ~ll't\M!ri't ....................... 11ra~ rut11 ma inl 1~KENEWQUAltT:· fi•l•d ..... ?~.~~ $jff@~G'.~.n w.reat Well kept TnPltx near x. 4Br. bay view. DUPLEX 119 Hunt· S.C. Plau. Pnced btlow newly decorated. no in•oo Ave Ocean view ~rabies at 1247.500. pell, ~1!)150. 78-1820 __ vollevball crl 1 Bi Owner wall carry 2nd • · Save yourself com ..... ,......_ U07 ml/rm: 2 Br IOOO/mo . mission, poinla & high ....... , ... •••••••••••• or rent entire duf lex for interest. Open THURS. l''tbrhouse,yr round, n.o S!lOO/mo . Ca I Bob Um.a SUN 817 Jennifer peta. SS50. l blk to beach. Meyer 588·3500, ore or Lane. C.M By Owner 87}~10 _ __ ·1622 borne _ '""" 1575Co 1 · C.--dlt M• U22 4~10oc~te~~~'.'Wus~9:~J ~uxe vincton 4·p ex ••oo••••••••'••••••·~·· &t Adams. -0991 choice F.V. loc. Good as· Soectacular ocean & r1ty -- sum loan. OWC. Great fight.a view from every 2 Br. Condo. pool. Jae um. terms. Bkr979-4383. room. Large 2 Br. rrpk. clbMe. carport. frige. L_.... .......... ~....._ • •oo many a men 1 tie s . No pets. SS001mo 1st un.,.... -"" f.:!rro. Call Anthony IN! t dep. 768 7633 _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• i! .... 5751 & HARBOR RIDGE ys '"'. · eves I Br. Condo. pool. tennis. Will trade/joint venture wJtn!bQl:§Q() ---dblue. frige carport mllli 64 -0377 LEASE OR OPTION 4br No pets $425/mo. Isl -LL=::.:on=.:.... ~--'----2ba vu exec hm. Sl400 1.Yl +_~.168·7633 . lect.ft. ftrm, mo. Ownr/M}. 7~·~. I BR Iba. adult condo. Gro-t" 2700 Spacious 2Br. rrplc. den. Cmc t'enter area Close ••••••••••••••••••••••• $695rro to beach No pets acW.o c.ttt.1 .. 11 _,M0-8087 -~1~ 7890 s.200 deede·d H res.1 ________ 1 3 ~ P/.?lo l2.000 BLM. Reservoir I streams. 45 min rrom 3 bdrm. 2 bath. just orr rami yroom. rpc. nr world fa mo us Sun Orean Blvd. Lfe patio. 2 Golden West & Edinger Valley. Tom Lash. Ram car garage. 1replace. water and gllrdener pd Real F.atate Box 509. ntal! Sl.500 mo .. less to .JI~rro.846-6431 Sun Valley, Idaho. 83lS3 ~ght tenant. • 3242 liq)726=01U __ <f5uu>1UJ tbJ vi(.~ H11h• ~,,..J..AJ.k~l. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. v·~ Waterfront Broadmoor NO DOWN OI TlADE ... Picture s que FALLBROOK ranch. 15 a1. 2bdrm. 2ba. rrplt'. wet· 673 .. 84.rt bar. dbl gar, shp nail. patio. S975 1 mo »tt E. eo..t H:J·• C.. 1]10675-7171. acres, lovely home with ---3224 HUMTIHGTOH 4.500 ft. +tennis court. •••••~•••••••••••• HAllOUI IJOOI. ridinf trails. Trade llACH PIOPHTY ror smal er home In IEOHEOF Orange Co. Full price THI LUCKY FEW OWHEIS 995.000. Call wknds Renl.1n--COsta Mesa's Lel us rent your int·ome 00-5000. ext 206 or ext NEWEST gated 20 property. By lhe Sell 110. Wffttdars 83H40Q. Towohome VILLAGE Realty. (213 1592 2871. COMMUNITY 2 " 3 Br ask ror ~i!! lldll.... 212Ba.l&OO-l800 sq n.or 3244 &ct..p 2100 pure luxury . Garages. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •oo•••••••••••••••••••• hydro-tu~ in ma st tr "'"-'"-3 b 3 b WANTED. House on Lido auitet din ing rooms. , .. ,u..,mt. new r, a. Isle for income proper· wood ouming fi replaces. patio. gar. Park. pool. . Prin ool ·0369 mi t'rO· wave ovens. i..•r.j&'.7~ 833 90s7 ()nvate patios & yards Turtlerock Jbdrm. 2ba. ""-P•s.rt.as Gardener provided Lbk>ck part pool. $175 Willt~ S4:Cll0 fi1ulty Elecant livin& only IS IJt&last.~·~4 I in 5 acres parcel sma II minutes from Fashion cabin. Full price Sl3.500. Island. 7 minutes to S.C. TUITLllOCk Take over low pay. Plaza or 0 .C.Airport. 3Br. atnum. $925 mo menu. Trade for mobile Just east or Newport l,.aule.f.riJjRltr 731-4445 ~.Camper truck. Pl Blvd. &so or San Diego UKT S P Call Answer Ad • 631.1 Frwy. Starting at $900 a 1br.1 ba AL S6SO Mi-U>Ozt rs month. 631 5439. 2473 2br+denZba $975 Newport BeachCd M, Orange Ave · Costa 3br.2ba $950 spectacular view of ~ --3br. 2ba $1500 Furn Balboa Is land '1Spac.2.br.212 ba,blt·ins. 4br.211ba $1200 Peninsula s Bath. 2 rplc ;r, pool. quiet area 3br2ba '9'7SCosta Mesa +den +pool room. ext.. r 67~12 4br. 2ba $800 Hunt Bch rtmodef. lge home JBr.IBa enclsdgarage. J,e RallQ!Rlt,X 8J3.~ Trade for tncome prop.. new carpets & rustom Rand)() San Joaquin 2 llr small home or condo. drapes. large yard & den. 2 ba. Yle\f'' or ~olf Pvtpty,640~7__ patio with playho11se. no-rourse " night htes. lldllhlh pets. No waterbed $S50 Avail Apr. I $87Slmo W..ted ZtOO + gQrs•t 548·5442. 67~!7L Eltt. 4 Br. J 81 . fpl, dlhwsher, new decor. l rdnr . Wut c llrr 1,325 /mo 646 7250. 162-ZW, llC'i CANYON 3 Br. fu~t? rourse V\ew. tennis. ~I. spa Lease ~LAvail. now Prig . 644:B14 Bkr._ Bh"s Front row. bay view, 2 br. 2 ba. de· coratDrhome. Adults. no petJ. Sl200 mo lease. Kathie Hardesty Realtor 7~·--5-a&.ssHll Sperffl"\ifiir-ocean view. 3+ family. formal din· ing, pool/spa . $2000 ~~_!.&l, 3br. 2ba. pool, dtn rm Im rm 1100 Clay. NB ~Jl!'!O. Agt.}41 ·5032 WESTCLIFF &POOL i. enough ror ll r .. mily not too large ror one. legant det·or. t!Xl'I' 4 . gardener & pool 5\'l' 111d. A\'ail wash dryer re(ng Sl600 mu A~t 1,.ots_6.11 ~ 4br. 211ba. ram rm din rm rncd pool. Avail ~ ~~·IMIO!I 8lf1 2flr. 2ba. d en. dbl gar. frplr. wlk to brh S9SO mo . '730 5945. 752·5111_ - BLUf'l-'S 3 br. 212 ba. on gret!n· belt. nr pool Lge renr~d patio New rrpt. drps Xlnt t'Onc1 SI OS() <C9.l ·6306 ~ J213J~l676 Lido 3 bdrm. 2 ba rrml din. 2 sty 51300 mo Al!l Wendy1?44 ~95 CONDO lrg 3 br. 21: b11 r p. 2 story. nr ot·ean ~ A.&\S/J.90GIJ Nwpt Crest l'Ondo 4bd. 212ba. liv. dm . ram rm & "ood n Pool Jat· tenn13 Lse JIOOO. 631 \WI Ckean V1ev.. 3 br rondo. N~l>t Crest. H I) a\ .iii 4 I Mr Cla rk. al(l • 645 3370 _art s LARGE DUPLEX :!br Iba gar. lndf). 2cr to bch J7SQ.yrly 962 4914 BLUFFS 3 BR 21: ba rplr . upl(raded. pat 10. $900 mo or be opt 7~s;J84 Do\·er Dr in We~tchrr Condo Ult1male h\'inl?. master s111h' "11h rrpk. sundeck + I Br & den. fri>k . hvmg rm & hul(e patio. pool. spa bbq SI OOO mo 64~ 729A ~ 2 Br Apt nr WeslrhH $iS() E.astbluH Fa mil) llolllt' $1500 Ba)rront ~m" dm·k Waterl'ront Home s In<· s;Jl ·1400 BALBOA BAY CLUB I Br Exrellent \II'" SIOOO mo Takr O\ er lease. 644 951 3 or ~-ext.110 .............. ••••••••• Il(). --The Lakes: Lovely 2 Br. Private Party seeking Lovely Mesa Verde 3 BR TownhO\lSe. mllny ex· 3Br,2Ba home. RW. side ram rm. 2 bll , t800 mo. tras indd. pool. spa. ten· C.M. Have S25 K for Kids'pets neg. Julie. nis. No pets. $6251mo I br Versailles r ondo. down payment. Prin on· u&, 546-2313 JH/4'1-4072. htghly upgn1dtd. f r"t ly. Conlact Connie or Howe. horse ok, 2 Br. Woodbridge Lake \'ltW amenties. $600 ( urn Bill 642-2533 art 5P M. ~Imo. 20202 Birch St. 3 Br. 212 Ba. ram rm. a_v11I. 163!-0749, 752· 1925 Prel.loanassum. Sa nta Ana Hgt s fri>k.wetbar&a/r.co\" ILUFfS __ 551~31. _ _ ertd patio. rrench doors 3 bdrm. 2 ba. nt•w flet·or. What ii mfflns hr _yuur ad ff) be "clossified" . . ... repeat awearances The mariltt for w~&ewr you ad*"'t •c contiDUIJly. w 10CI ...,..lyour ad. ,.a IWCh ... .......... "°"61 '"°"*' and~who .... ew.y day. llllJPlll clHIMldedl (.{!(it: t=l\lhat Clwlf td P•ca IAIGAIMS! IARGAIHSI EASTSIDE Clean l Br ID large sun deck SIOSO upgraded. I le\'el S900 cottage. rouplt or sngl. ~52 ~SO rro Lease. A"ail approx Sill t 1tt.8}HOtO LEA.5E10 PTION 4 I !'H~ Elec:. 4 Br. t'uslom home. rcw I yr. Woodbndge cot· Under market condo 3 fri>k . private street. Lage. Good terms. Great llG CANYON Rent or le ue ~lion. buY. SJ().6288 On 4th -green. 2 6drm. 2 $1175/mo. 1805) ·0322· 1~ a.eci. 3241 ba sec. pool, spa. tennis ~\4l997·8800 ask for,., .................. ~·· ~.644~_e\·,95_7.:_304~ · Vacant 5 rm sgl ram1ly I ~2 Br. Trailers Slll5 & dwlllng. 1815/mo inrl. SCllllll...,_. 3216 up + Sl50 Ste No &ardener. 442 Monterey ••••••••••••••••••••••• ch ild ren or dogs . Dr.49-.01~ Older 3 br, Iba Orean 6'2-9193 Lar-lbdrmdplx.::ea_n_ vu. $850 /mo 30831 ~ .,.. ryl'fu'.!1.!2L_84Q· 1441 -2 Br, encl yard. pets1kids view, r~c. utals incl. olc Avail Mar 14. 2215 1'7!K)/mo~·S698 __ C:n tar•l- Pomo n 1 SSSO 1 mo U.fwlli~ 3425 6*.Q38 ~........ 3252 ...................... . ~cious • Br. 2 Ba. Ea. •0 •00••••••00••••••00• 2 BR. 2 sty. pool. OIW, C.M Frpl ~ar great Orean view 3Br. den. 2ba. stove HB. SSOO mo. ..:_ ; ---e' tmo' Shores home. Gate viii i'mmed. 842.IVX'lD ""'· ....., ... • · ~rd. Near pool btach ~-631-1!§1. $100/le ue. 6 wner LEASE10PTION exer 8rind new dlx condo for ft.3631ori?3·'268 l"Ondo. NB. Ocean & bay rent. 2 master BR's, 212 Pvt comm Sea Terrace view ! BR + den, for bl, fpk, back rncd yd. 2 Pian J. 4 BR. 2 Ba, !am ~re info call 673·4899 car far. Located at 1932 rm,. Comm pool. jac .. Me:-er. See lo apprec. t.emls. walk to pvt bcb. 2 bdrm, den garace. pvt C1!!13M3Z2forappl. No pets. 1 yr lse Uo. Gorgeous decor. Vacant 3 br lwnhst, dbl 7l4·8S7·1200: 675-6192 : mo.640-~_. __ pr. Nr SC Plaza. Im· 1'2 MACARTH UR ma c. Kida OK . S625. Olndo 00 colr course. 3 VILLACE $1·7374 Br. w/d, pool. 1750. I BR~I. tennis. no ~ mo. 2Br. lBa. no Al·tm eets. ~646-GO ~. 64.$ Victoria, u . 3 br. 2 ba. lat master .,124 suite, micro. comm. 4f Mwlh~ a Br. 2 Ba. Boy e yea.!?A ~I. S775/mo. Wltdy ..................... .. fir1Syearswelc:ome.~e1 ~C12l:tv1640·4025 ..... ,.._.. 3706 JlrelltWood. Hf:f'ZH, ttl rt.... JJ6t ...................... . ExttuUve llvla• ~:;,~ .. ,;f.'!'tt ....... , ...... ~l ~ .. prvt I ~· I Orleans Condo. 'La~e -· 1 ..... r:y. Jar o~-. no ·r::sac.":!ilo~ ..:: cf bhae: Nm VJ~ H~I. ri':i .s:.'1:r~1! · f :rs walli: t~• nso. ~ + J:1" vu. Gui.NI 213/tSCH~l. !!!!·-..-• BR '1:tmo~Bo~ or~~re .... ,,, .... 3707 ~. Cteln 2 , I ......... _,,.•••••••••o Ba~' yard, NO .... fllm. -t~ !All· HIM IAY Y11W Nlee clean 2 Br. l Bl. 2 .~~"°:frma 2 ~llaecuntycrthu1econ· udsd 11ra ... yard , ba.thl' flr:ll ac'e do. 1 bdrm .. 2 bathJ . new~\• carpet. No ' ,_ 1 ~J nluly f11rftl t hecJ . pets. SSU+tecl!rltt. !f..~v...... er aaa .... ytront .buihlln1. Pool . AM 9.r'n:P· ltcMIM. E. "'· r,... . Av•U.: ...... lllO •rm. . . 11141 '7M4el UM the Daily Pilot ''hit RttUlt" 1tnkt cllnctorr Your M'ttceltwr . ... ,. c..11 ea.next. m 41tlt ..... MAll•Oll iloln HugJies Ground Systems Group In Fullerton We h•vt long·term growth oppottunltles at ID levelt. Speclel needs t >eftt for Intermediate end Mnk>t ltvtl englnMra, team IHdera, technlcel apeclellata, technl· eel supervisors end ateff englnffrt. Look for your spe· clalty below 'Ind contact ua aa soon as you can. FOUlll ABS ~~tfon AIEFIEr an_..,_, Pae Ctl H•y. 1'Aif • --ldtal retail ll/or ore WI apace for bUJlritaa ne~· • 6,. 1 71 • ClRCUII.JlESJON -- • ANALOG CIRCUIT DESIGN FOR DISPLAYS & OTHER APPLICATioNS ~ !"ata vlalblllly. l,000~~~ .. ~~~ ~"f'Oaq ft. avail. (714) 1-.......... ......,.,.__ ____ lolt Sun. JI\: S mo. old M tve otrlce space Me, It bm ft wht. vie. ble.1.~ pre1ll1lou1 ?2nd ll Placentia. C.M " aeach area. 2 Bcwacsl. H5-~8 ·1 private ollicea Found . Fem. beife w{ac.Jcvlewa,2341qft Cocker, vie. San a ~ Z15 aq ft. Incl. recep. Ana/Univ. Dr, CM. aft s. lloDlst, telephone savt~ 9·5, secretarial, ... ro ... UN ........... D_: _S_m_a_ll_b-ro_w_n_, bkkpc servicn. & C®Y madline available. Yor male P90dle vie Baller & m>re lnformation call RoxceLn.CM .S:4H474 _..zzx,..._ ____ 1FOUND : LI Sllepberd Private window otrice mix, 1111le dog, 3-14. Vir available. Share cost for Bristol 6 Nwpt Blvd., ~ OC Airport. CM.UH033 ..... ~...._~.__ _____ 11.clat: Sml Chihuahua, It •-300 rt / 1 brn, Fem .. Pomona/ • ....,. .. a. SQ • a c. n Hamill-. a. .......... ~me downtown loc. on ~--=='=--'"'~-~,,......,.-~-- $2 ~v m! . 1 v A1 . ~ 4 ~: ~s MgrJ . ME~1::ne~fur' ~f7~+~·192.,...l..._ _____ 1 .!!:ti!. N.B. 9§3·0841 ' OFFICE /STUD IO ~ Found: Sml blond rem ~~~~h~~cr~~~·rv~ dog. Newport Heights avail. 4"·11.® dan. _,Are""""•::.:·..zH2;:...;·4 .... ~=----~~ lse Found ma le German n.....;: rr· Shep mix. blktgold, Irv. V1U1&& pr me 0 ice area. 551-4751 space C/P. 12,SOO & 2780 -'-""-""-""'-a.a... __ ...,_""-"------1 sq ft bldgs. Fountain Fo11nd : Persian Cat, YalJey School Di.strict. HI.lilt. Bch. Bolsa Chica PO Box 8510 • FV 92708 &lleil. IHQ.1710 Ms. Wieland 714-842·§651 .... .,_,.....,_.........M~b~/.__h_•_t_, .. .....,,..; . m W t nUS • Private orrice needed. ~mix, M. wht mixed Will share receptionist Teriier 11 F. wht mix COits OC Airport area Maltese. Newport 975-0Mo: · · Shelter 644-3656. 125 Mesa Dr, CM 1 ~~~~A J?c!trrom FOUND: 2 dogs, l rhoc lab, 1 black. 25th It •um. included. OranR 7 e e .. CM. oc Shelter. • ~ics m -6700 MS-7'43 -=.......,...,._ ____ _ ....... Wt. "'.,.... 5350 w ... ,.flr r ........ ·~.i~·w .... ;,;;; .. M Mon t.hO! Thurs 0 24 'his~af' ...... lt..W 4450 days a week ••••••••••••••••••••••• 69 Gorgeous girls to Store ror lease. 15x60', 696 pamper you. J acuni. W. 19th St CM. Inquire. Sauna. Locals as well as 6116W. l9th1St.orcall Bill I t o urist s . Bank ~ Ame ricard. Ma s t er Cbarge, American Ex· OCEAMVIEW pr ess. Diners all 1620 sq ·1c ortice space welcome. 714 /645·3433. avail In quiet Costa 2112Harbor Bl. CM • A·to-OIO-to-A DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT • DIGITAL OESt~N FOR DISPLAYS l DATA PROCESSING APPLICATIONS •DISPLAY SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT • LOGIC DESIGN •MICROPROCESSOR APPLICATIONS: FIRMWAREJHARDWARE t GENERAL PURPOSE DIGITAL COMPUTE"5 • MEMORY DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT • MINICOMPUTER·84SED SYSTEMS • POWER SUPPLY DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT •COMMUNICATIONS SIGNAL PROCESSING • COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS •COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE • COMMUNICATIONS SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT • SOFTWARE ENGINEERING • •SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION • REAL·TIME APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMING • DATA BASE MANAGEMENT •OPERATIONS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT •OPERATIONS RESEARCH • MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: THERMAL ANALYSIS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PACKAGING DESIGNERS DESIGN CHECKERS DRAFTERS • ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS We offer hlghly competitive salaries, lhe variety and stability of Hughes' 1,500 varied projects. and all the benefits you would expect from an Industry leader. For prompt reply, call Dick Roth at (714) 732-2135, or send resume to: Hughes Aircraft Company, Ground Systems Groul>. Employment RR, Dept. 597-0C, P.O. Box 4275, Fullerton, CA 92634. r------------------, t I l HUGHES l I I L--·---------------J t4UGHCS AIRC r:t•,.-T COM~ANV GROUND SYSTEMS Proof of U.S. Citizenship Required Equal Opportunity Employer Mesa industrial com· plex . I deal for architects, en~eers. artist!, etc. 979=~ Coeds would love to party with ,YOU Leslie or Syl via , anytime .1--------•1 l· ( CASHIER& Dental Assistant - 4475 ATTIHT.IOM: HOUS£WARESALES reg15tered. Are you look· Am bilious boys and Apply in person: Crown tnR ror rewarding career LiMla & VIC. kl.'$. .,.;r15 1~13 years old, to Hardware, 1614 San opf::rtunities with ex-•••••••••••••••·••••••• O" u 1 1 N °-h 1 t t t · 1 r Prime Tustin & San work one or two even· "'gue . e~t_ ..... ac . ce en po en 1a or Cle~nte retail or omce ings a week getting CHIEF personal ~wtb & n!· SM .... ,7..,,147o,·83l·""""'· PHOl'OMODB.S n.ewsp¥.er s ubscr.l p-Former or ~ .. 1 rognition. tseekyour ~'""' _>Jll" _____ .,,,.,.,., MC£'am ,urr,n raring chairslde ex. lions. raosportahon needed as 1nstructor for . l' ............. ...., 4500 BA ER and constant adult hi&hschool training pro· pert1se to comp 1ment ••••••••••••••••••••••• niAN EVER! 24 HRS ~rvlsion L'ovided. gram in rood services in our hilhJy skilled team N.B., 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. '''·Oc' 1 207 ~IDS:'JIJP 32 ask for dlntry. Pay negotiable, ~odern p11easant11 ent ft . or less. MIA ione, sor (Out ili) ..... a. 642·4 1, ext. rriofe benefits Included vb1ronmer I tn . ex eke en pe_r sq. rt. Agent I~~~~~~~~ -.. Cal Paul Snyder at ene pal' 8 ge · 541 I-i7Hl'19·lm ~~~.o r t Be a c h ""-al Senices 5360 IUll!I a W a.a..ED CHILDCARUc HSKPG ------- -Mesa lndustrial Park. 711 W. 17th. St /PacHlc Bhtrs Industrial 'Park. Ul3S Whittier Ave. 1500, 1900, 3700 sq ft units. Of· fire-warehouse space w1c; •• wet barl • • 604 MilltfUw Heavy =e~ir cond. High intensity lighting. 70 car t>king. SA loc 35' ~ft. Blr. Rulty Inc 542-3317 ...... W..ted 4.600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VW mechanic. 29, seeks aft. 5/1 house/apt to shr w/stableJirson in H.B. orN.B.. ·ff!i Room needed in exhanee for housecleaning or bal>Ysltt.ine.. Good rers. N ~i 1C. M. S-39 ·8406, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........-A" 1 In ex ch. for room & D8'TIST SWEDISH MAS SAGE SALES AUTO board. Student or pt( wantecf, busy practice. For men & wome_!!1 Al.AH MAGMOM time empl. OK Nwpt I Newport Beach Ar~a . iH)alls Robert 661·7~ PONrlAC/SUIAIU 644 .48[7 1 p l!i 1 v ell ~lleot pay with £xcelfenl lfenefits, no ~) lls 4868 r,..... 5450 experience oeressary Clencal -- - -- ••••••••••••••••••••••• We will train Looking PRICING CLERK. full Dishwasher I to_Almla rorout-going. ambitious, llrnr. must be acl'urate THEGOOO EARTH La e . iJl•i59f hard· working In · w/fig~res. xlnt company ...... -' & lala Hor 1 Worldwide ~ass on div!dual. Just 2openiogs benefits Ca ll Balboa i 5 full in 8-ro.,,-, a avai.lable. Marl n e Hardware hardworker for evenings Pan Am, good· 't I S/31. Corn! in person to sales 549-9671.:..E.O.._E. MJFJH.. & weekends. Company ~ea. 962-2844 na,ger 11t. I .t • maH bo 1 F · D COOK insurance. vacation &§ ayw ........ • ar ra air r. Breakfast u pcrienl'e. available. EHellent P're,. UllOll Costa Mesa Apply Patio care. 1900 pay. Apply_ .in pe rson ....................... Babysitting. oeed female W Balboa Blvd,N.B. Thurs. or Fri. 3·5 pm: JablW..t.cl, 7075 live-in sitter, 18 +ror 2 --.-. · 219 Newport Center ....................... little girls. It hsekeeping COOK/lite hskp. Aide & Jlrjve, Neiiport Beach . Young married man & coOking in exchange natural ro ods exp would like odd jobs eves for rm & board + small '!elpf~I. rem prer. Can DIC. ~lfTAIY & wkends. Can do a salar)'. 2236 Placentia. live 10 Rer req. No Siieilng 1ntefl1gent ex- variety or handyman 1'D. c.M. Mon·Fri art srmke.CM642-3481 i>'r. pe.tsoo wtexcel. jobs~ 972·9525 eves ; ask 4PM. Sat/Sun anytime. COOK/Ute hskp. Aide & skills for real estate de- f!!r._Q!ll. BABYSITI'ER: Loving n at u ra I rood s ex p ;J::g:\a~a~e~"j1· ~w~ Mature housekeeper mature woman. neede~ helpll!1· Fem prer .. can 8:JOam and lO:'JIJ am for seeks live-lo poslt100. for newborn c a re ! live in. Rer rel No appt. 714/556-8155 ~~tn. Xlnt refs. wkdys. ~Y home €dM. ~rm~CMSU.348_. __ • ~llO:J01m·t>m> 64f..8S&teves. Rers. COOK'S ASSIST: ~ OfffCE ..... 4650 Pl para legals wlz kid, 13 Banking Ftt ime . l:xp'd pref Parl·t1me • approx · u•••••••••••••••••••• yrs e~r 10 plai~Uff, de· SAYINGS Souostaandwiches App · 311r ... 5-Day Week. Sat & ._ llY 0 rense • lnveat1gations. ly In person, 3-Spm I Sun. Ind. Hrs. !lex. Lyp, PIO dlj 2 lid,:: atrelec. Hand.le mes. rrom initial M . F . C o w e r S t. inwiling. telephone. DOOi. RV pting. c tubhse, interview to setUemeW nbtb. REPR£SENJ A TIVE Restaurant. 1000 Bristol :,· exp.~'if: dro~~~f. AdJt comm. 714 ... 95.9023 No ~ency. Ms. e St. North. Newport forappt.646.7441. or -0226 ff}~ a U.OYD'SNURSERY ~to Loma 50%5 Dutch Lady would like to Brenlw~ ~gs and Coob ••••••••••••••••••••••• clea.nyourhome . Loan has an immediate THE GOOD EARTH HAii STYLIST U!H§18 opening in our Corona ltd .t I labry Expeneftced ·cutter ror •· HllpW..ted 7100 Del Kar branch ror an ia f~Dn g TOr 2 rlrst class Newrort ·~•.....__ ' •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• enthusiastic individual hardworlcers with an in· ~Z7a hair s a on · ..-ff • Aide 45 to 60 yr old wm has prior S & Lor terest lo healthful food . ~-=-=...='--• ...-----OffktW... WOIJllD to assist 93 yr. bankingexperieoce. Company insurance . HAIDWAIESALES I_..; partially Invalid man to vacation. Must be F'uTJ time . Crown ~ bathroom Mon. Wed. U you're loolcln~ for 1 available for evenings & Hardware. 3107 E. Coast ~ears. ci11 io s::\~ rrJ·p8;1 't ~01111~ts: ~~~fmk':ro.:g~~n~ :e~~~i-s.~fY{~. J.~. -'""""'"""Y ...... ,,.Cd""M==-. -.---- we tiave the best rates ABSOLUTELY no awarmandrriendlyen-pm:210NewportCenter HmlM&Pos1Hmt1 available for your loan. smokln!1drlnklog or vironment, we invite you ~ .. N.B. · ·-aviiifabfe~"C'alr Call Mr. Nelson (714 ) <In.Ip. .mo.NB/CM tocall: Credit/Retail A.T.Leo's759·1854 966·0755. Cambridge area. ellable transp. Bullock.s SOuth Coast is tfOSTISS Capital Group ·a BUI Cono~ seeking a professional Parttime lor real estale Cahfomla realin estate: A p ART MEN T AS. 1714) 760· Retail orientated as· co. in Ne~ For info broker, also act g u a SJSTANT MANAGER sociale for a full·tlme .£111 Ruum:§TI6. lender. Coople for 65 unit AJ>t lrwtfwood posllion i.o our Credit co;&m ·rex in H .B. .r-a..-Dept. Previous Retail HO$TIH05T1$S 1 .v•-.,-Credit exp. mandatory. Expeneifeed Iriq1.11re ln 2nd T.D.'I to Sl~.ooo. %13 •1573· AINI Lo. Excellent salary & run 1>1rs011: Beach House Upto1/J/:trs. wney APT.MANAG-ER Company benents in· Realauranl 619 I 1 ~'1~ta~~~~~ Alsocl.tioll cludlla&; medic.I• den· SleePfhollow Lane, IBoR.rErow ~&al(nst il.ou~ Mlintmanceup. ...... An ""ual .. ()ppty emplr taJ, employee discount Lu\!pjjch. com'm~~rkro~:~ co!p 6*1801. . ~., v, ,,A_[f'_ aruvallable witb job of· HOOSEKEEPER/COOK welcome. For detalls1 fer. Please apply : Li ve-in. fot older call 1'dellty 'Staftdaro ~. MAMA•llS Barber/Stylist or beaull· Pasomi,aJ 9f!~~ 1l'Ol'l'laD. Must drive, ~· 8 848 3921. Qial1iliecf ralaat m1r dan wanted to work in Bul.UJU\S ad ' write. Nwpt Bch ancorp, · • -ie. Stroll& renter/· Laguna Be.ach salon. SOUJ'HCOAST PLAZA a f T se.zrn ev1. Lic'd R.E. miTfti. tum for 180+ Good envir9nment. 3333Brtsto1Ave.CM area. e • req. op Brt.n. unit& Mutt be fully ea· some followtn g pre· Tues-Fri 1~5. EOE. salary) 6"-e811 18-lam • 11111. iHDO/mp. 1g.21tz ferred. §tW. · ~livery man over iaror 91;-evs Ma .... a. T,..t Are you kM>klfll for a .oon•a L.A. Times to homea ttth••--~lf!Nf/Aa. : ~ SOH lion! I need a llve-ln f'lll cllar~_-1' rr.-1-en. C , M • 3 a m • 6 -m . ovw '°·for ~fdir]f fady. ... v•1.1··~··~·••••• llQwdeaiU • rompr· ledger. nnanclal slat.e· EcioMa'l1 car reqldred. Weelmda. No 1moltin1. ~ •· nlon. Phase ca I menll eap'd. May Jud No co 11ecl1n1 .... Mta.......:=....._ ____ _ All,,,_ of a Hlale I»OUf, \0 full tune. In Lido -/mo. + bonbl HOU Sf_, .. ~ E PER : 11t-.ma1 cc INI. Marina Vllliare. Pleaae ~ Mat""')?iJor 2 yr old S,.~.!_1.. ~lt!mt!•co. ltlld meme8 Cto: P.O. ~llDI AN't, Ortho exp. 1lrl a,.s $ rm home. _,.. _ ... ft.:.__ lOm·n l>llf14.e • 4.gsa. " A rtQ. • dy wt. Rett r~•l•l ·_J>vt 1 UL!~ ~'14' 11 ....-111 rw '"' IOOll~ New JI o r £ Bea t' h . rqom ~'1!...752·1~ ..-·~ '-tlOlnln w ere 11 or "'-'-r .,_., ..... ••Ill· 142-Sl1. , ~ qvtr, ........ Hit hi IP-...,..._, ... ~· .... . 1 Mi!fCatll7 t:!fnce •free to edbucnallbut1rowina O.WAalht for lam y w/ aby. · · =.r:a:J~-~·I& r.:· ''t;~~t.:~1 n;'~cllls!;::IH.;i' ~·rr~~~o"~0/f1 /:r :::-w'r. llcr:~'eq~ , • Lor • = .l.dlltt Pleaunt 111 rro11nd · 1 ..... HH11 ....... zu.l ____ _ . "J Uf.~• ~·" ~!1Jood pay F /T . ~. pmoa needed for 1 rt ec J8. :'2~~ . ToplaeeJ::'*'•I• --:. 1 s.Tu&riJ~n, Hpm. Giil'litr-~==t !f Ji:: ~Mk, =--~I. lib ._J .• ,~ law .. 1;ir o.Qr PUot ;p,31ar1. Car mu llim"&r.ru,.:~ril c:~;a;~~=I c~ .. .,. I •• un ... , ... fill btMflt.a. ~~~.·.~.......... • ..... ~ .... .?!~ ~!~~.~ ..... ?!!! -.! .......... ?!.~ I ..,. I '~'e'~l,, ~.=.:.r.=. . ~'ALES ~~11 ..... H ... .;-... =~ I :':l'Attoney, ued1 ~11~! A" lu1t4 UiiMmredPiiti-ltal, alat ~.-ir.;r.11 Cllak pl ti• ••••Io h · Lua! 1tmte7 Some be earw °"''"" ~ ~Uoal. Wf ~ ~•· wills op· Hllll bltrlo• uu. = '!t*Jrti • Goo wt tro11t otllet IP· will trala. -No up. .n..ltr[ottubltaatial ftl»pltlll1S'1M • 111 • r,:t• • eoe1ea1a1 • no.w. h.11 ~ •• 1t1m1 11>_._ llll' eq pant 8/ l1\ "'-'... .. Ioli I ill -DOl ttqulred Salary • D • r • • • .£..1 • r k I •Ulff&Mt et ~ ...................... . ~~ralewltb ... :-CDtmt'"· alnr; :·:~~ !f ;-!.=!tC'fu f: Ptnlw!2tdtdtfem1aw ..., ....... ~. i$ a. .'1· ooo, / mo SAU! U.. ntolia.._ trom. my ' eu. Peraooa lty llillmT.CTE N.B. alfltt -ror Holiday •Jt IJJO. ~ MAID /~; OPENl.HGJ ' ..., ttavtl eluti. -IMIJ EIPtritnce preferred. ~.\.Jf.'V!.~ ~~~tfv::'t!:·fa~ alarycat 1u=·.i. =oo,';' .• AKC~ MA l ~TEN AN ~ I fn:r~~: t~ y In per::,~~'f/f". -------OwDpaJre. M ~J, Pet' :e~:000~1 &u~'No:: ~:f•J-'fmo. alart· ~~ .. ~ Plat"Utla ~,;.r1lJJ.ftaeG-~ 1 · mecbanlea I back· J!:riivtiS.cmary: 75 • •Poodles "ft" Pto le• ~lo aervl5:, aaU eorfJ,C'i'tif~Noi'' • . ~r ~-=•• :. i:~f! =tr al udnear ~~. =.e tt:rlb7::'J1 ::re1 . ,:m;~e::,. ~· Pett arded It rerlence requ red. n p•rluce l o 111l flnn.Mlli&U·at.a. f'Ol!!!!d.~ .. M. .. I •~~00/mo . aCartlna medical emeraeno Ytllow Lab Rtvr II.lilt. __ ,,... 1U& Utlema approved by YITllAMS: <Water Do&> 3 mos. Corporlll~ Executive ryCa!IUl=O'ZH U.S. Government, Strve ~r country one Some ahoh. $30/ofr. netda ~Ip In wboluale ~IMI ho1_pltat1, doctors. weekend each moath -. ........ retail dlslnilut.ion b1111'. . Artrclea Ip Ruden plus two weeks each -'-"'"'-'·~=----- lltll. Pel'IOftal lntervlew r • ~rn1J11•11 Dli11t, Newsweek. rear In the Army Gor1eou1 fem. Hu1ky or o~ometr at. Wl "nme Maa11ine ulled it Reserve. Earn extra pup, purebred, w /o !ala. B.lfS.3030 "mlnl llf~ saver''. HJ..., money, PX and re· --... __ _.il maa ..... ~ Manicurist with cllen· .,.art t :....., t .· •o.• ·. 30. · F ln i •" ,...,_ •• -., ~ _._ 1 r .. _ ., • mcome. or terv ew Urement bentflla. Call ocolfer. •5102. tcic; renla or lop com· Gefteral Office akilla. call 714/03-3235 or •..A•u fordelalls. m&uloo. Daule.-. Salon, Good trpio& 1 must, -1 ~ ~ 4 Q,...&. s a I t t p .., .,,_,, ffwll.in&too Bch 982·8821 ..,,. ... ,er p a e u · ~n phone voice. SamiAA• $$;·3173 ples1 $100: Adora le , Medical ~--IQ3S. SCTIY/llGAL 1000 w/lt1ds, 5 wits . t.clloffk• AuW.t Patt-Ume secretarial, 30 to SlJif Yif fO appll· W"'*'/W.,.__.. 541-10&2 Fulflfme:-salary open. hrl wit to start. ss. hr. cant. Mary Hinkle Aaen· OYer 11 y:rs. Apply In ----------------Send rnume to P.O. &1 Typln&, filln&, phones CY· HQ.2920 1>1raoo. El Matador Dobie Puppy, ~ male. 2832, Million Viejo, Ca . am 1rowln& co. Call ~ Relllaurant. lUNewport C.~J.mP 11r!,!.37~ow 981. ..2DJ mV ele Super Exec. Sec'y 81,CM. g ..... tx.F!OO.- neeided for Pretideot or Wallrea1, experienced, lAb pupa, AKC, fleJd • in~ ~~!nftfce. PMT TIMl l me !l's ~letrit 'ehs Co. lint ror orivat.e country club allow, 7 wks, shotl. 1200. Badt and front omce 6-tpm. ~&>ai>din& youth mne ... us ave x n Catrtcamff4·HSO M&-ll70JtM..1* ... p.w~10 counaeho1 firm hu lkilll, froot office ~P· WAITRESS/WAITER ~-!!:!!:!!!__ -1-fi .. 5 h pearance 6 s years . Dalmatian mix puppies, 9 Models oeeded for_11/time ,,,_ ... ,p or <I' s a~ minimum recent ex· w/car for wicker bullet $20. tU-1082 eves , work in '112·'83. conven· :-~fv::t~':i~flu! ecutive exper. Tiploi ~~~.t!:iUni~s 752-lmdarSue tlons.goll tournaments. l~UyroldJ.Call 2-Spm. 90+. shorthand to+, willy. Mu st be neat, YorbhlreTerrierpunpy, promot io ns . 1142-43Zl,ext.l4l.Askfor figureaptitude req. bl •-ti 1e •"CCh 1r !_714){13.1388, ~ Generous salary + car penooa e • energe c. ma . "" amp mes, •. allowance + expense.1. 979-0747 an. l01m ror &hep $400. 548-1624 ~~n~n~~ Raume to: Panco Ltd., ' ,,_ .. Y• 8045 MtF~A~~ w• Part time Permanent P.O. Box 18823, Irvine, WAREHOUSE CLERK· •••••n•••••••••••••••• M .... Ha-ve ea Shott $4wllr. + bwt Ca.92713. !714)540-0737. full·Ume, must be ex· F do to ood h ._ r-· per'd hard worker dot ree •& & pme ,,.JOISOUICI We are Ame rica's s.cnt.v/Cllllrcll company benefits.' Call wtyard, medium sz, -.-.Ql1711AV:1PV-lar&est telephone P71'.~eip-:-~epfr:V-on· Balboa M a r i ne spaxedfemale.6"-1149 Bx Appointment Only marteUnicom_pany. We Frt, 8·3. United Meth. Hardware 549-9671 J)'eeDol. Needachildren MODB.S have an exrelfent posl· gay 1~~07~arguerlle. E.O.E. M/F/H " yarcf. Filled remale, needed. ~Tolervaew Mar tioo for sales oriented -·-. Mii c•••1t has shots. 'JIJ lbs. Ter· • 24, Wed 6 PM 3rd Fir at ~e with honesty• re· Secretary. wanted, hiJh ·-•••••••••••••••••••• rl er t Lab. 3 ye a rs. Wfanya Jity ~ a 1tron1 de· tYWtl wlls. use or DIC· • .... 1005 17~ aft 6:30. -:..:="""------1 to succetd. Must t.aJ>haifte small 2 man -·- MO .. S WANTED have a clear tele_phone financial office, location ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fr:~ to &OOC;i home, non Ungene catal-01. up to voice. For confidential Lido Village area . FRE;NCHDA'k'.BED YIOCU, lov1111 dog. Nels $150 ~a)'. interview call Mr. Kolar Please call 714/673-7480 Wllb 1.11tricate ll'OD de· yard. 631-49 :Sdy. shows, S2S to t OPll./St I$ ~ . £"-tailinh '1' f7SO. 963-t t~so Fa 11111 ' IOSO •JWr shows. S2S to S50 Your co ff g e .n 1 a 1 EllCUTIYE rrenc , oveaea • .., · ••••••••••••••••••••••• dy.. penoo.alit~ will land key stem ARY Vittonao plant stand, I Y •Print work open. poaitbl with prominent Lar~ IDIUranre agency marblet.op, 195. 963-1932 * * BU * * •Leather catalog SSS + company. Bentley baaopeningforquallried ill&l. G«hlc-atyle over Good used F\lrn.iture • clot.bes Hayes & Assoc. 1570 person to handle variety mantle w /3 mirrors, Appliances-OR I will oGaJleryartphotos upto Broolthol.low Dr., 1114. ofrespoasibiliti~s.Must 963-1132 sellorSELLfOl'You SlOO. SA 92707. Pb: 549·2625 be organlr.ed and have . ~TaSAUCTIOM Noexperoec. All types Personnel services l~ good oral and written ANTIQUES : solid oak re· THEJ0111sou_71c1. ..!rtt....-~ commuoit'ation skills. rectory table $225 ; H6 IH6.HJ..H25 ~ AM Plil . rllMTD4 Excellent frinJe benefits theatre seats set or 4 KING INNERSPRING Nt1wport Beach Invest· Pl ate roo m person, including .Paid dental. Slii5: 2 oak library r hrs EXTRA FIRM mattress meot Counseling Firm p/tlme. Mon. 2:30Dm lo F~r ap_po1otment call Ill. set, never used, worth needs sharp Individual approx 8p m · Tues · Unda: 549-8909. 5.57-8681 ~ sar. $248 del. Never to handle detailed client 1:30pm to approx 8pm. SEClfTIDJ Oak Table w/lear $250. 4 used queen u worth r ecord k eeping. No exper. nee. A·pply NI Oak Chairs $1 20 . S389.cashonly,Cl8deL ~ibilities include pen n l sa v er C 1 6 6 0 Se Ir. motivated or. American Rocker $150. 1 Usually home' 754. 7350 nvuntalnanre or client's el!icmya Ave .. _.M. g,anized individual, good Eur. Sew Rocker $85. files, account reconcil· Proresslonal Interior typing. skills. Knowledge !la).4607 1--------• ing 11 limited bookkeep· Designer needed with c:iOla& Card II Ne port MUST SIU ing. IUciuires good a .. folloWtn&. 714/!57-1057. Beach area. · w Clock $100. Curio cab Mahogany double bed tltiide (or nu mbers & 640-8950 $450, Wuh basin SlOO, with mattress. Moon good orga nlutlon. lt~st Clock $100, Curio cab ped d Salary commensurate Part tiinl ~afternoons. Service Station Allen· $450, Orient vases MS. aha mirror on hea · with ex erienc e . Optometrist's oHice. dant,ex.P,er'dwitbref's. Waah basin $100 . board. 714 . Fountai n Va ll ey . Day shift. 6 days per 6JHl9'l9 l.'500080 631-7797aft6 Nursing •Mature person. Exper weelt . Sunda y orr. """"""-=-'------• .., ,, /"'--, 7.J• JP erred. but will train. fl7S/wk. N. B. 644· 7151. 1.# oalt En1I. table. $250. -------- -~ -i\'x"' SERVICE STATION AT· '"4'c!itry ladder bark llUYFUIMITUl.I ~~va1.=:nr c . .:· ~. TENDANT, mature. chain. l200. F.ngl. oak La 95T-IW Fairgrounds. S49-306l. ~ur~11lve Mortiage 6AM-10AM shirt part· tlllfet. $350. Xlnt. Call u.u oew comer group --Dinkin& Firm needs re· time attendant eves & Collect, 213 ·27l·3939 , W/3 red wht ' bl~ reptlonlat for busy wknds apply in person TI4·760-3687Nwpt Bch. bolsters+ covers. $115. phcines, light typing, OP· @Beach Blvd .. H.B. Goin& out ot businns, 10. Twn bed Pl. 2 gold vinyl partuolty to advance! Site Director to work tique oak counters & 1ift wine chairs _$35 ea NW"Sing LVN Conv. Hosp. Newport Beach. Pos. attitude I< smiles needed X Int benefits. Ca II . 64}·804...L_ =l·=~lable. Cal w/childre:n 1-6 grades in items at cost 9932 963-6371 Colla Mesa anersrhool Hamilton H B 964-4991 ~~~-----Restaurant _ program. Eng./Spanish • · · · Girls' 9 pc Druel de· .._yaHOF'S speaking req"d. Call .... iltcet IOIO corator BR set , 1n Irvine li'u Immediate Am~Orange Coast YM· ....................... $400/080. 840-6082 aft Nul'Smg opening for sandwich I CA~-99':1 HARBOR AREA sem. ... ISES AJDE maker/food pre_p. M-F Stock Boy ror warehouse. APPLIANCE SERVICE Drexel Table & 6 Chairs. nu 8:J0.3.S.S7-6232aft.1~ part time, Moo. Wednes. Webuyusedappliances large Burtet. style E;&per all -Jhllls. Conv. ft(ti.all Fri. 12:30·3.30 . .Good -We sell recond .. guar. Esperanto Mediterra· Hou> N w P. t B ch · Mr. Elliol's, lhestore ror pri o t ing. Tu st 1 n af)2llaoces. 549·3077 nean, xlnt cond. 8 pittes Chet!°'rful, dedicated. to the fashion conscious. ~uns. I IUY •-••wcES tJfm. 75"938. good pvt care. Xlnt ins. career-minded women ·-------• ,..IT.,,.." program. Call ~2·8044 oltoday ls seeking an ex· La 957-8133 New rull -siie mattress f!!:j'd MANAGER for Student Jobs Admiral upri1ht freezer, set, 96(1. New queen.size.. R OfACl/P.tt.. 1 r S.C. Plaza store. HEY! xlotcond. si-00. $100. 7»5132 .~Office hds pit &a . Good benefits. pleasant IOYs-GlltlS 646""349 Lee easy chr. red naug .. 10·2 daily, S day wk. aurroundings. Please How wciuld you n~e to new cushion. clean. $75. MUST be reliable. resp.I call Barbna Belloise: earn u much 88 $50.00 a Kenmore stove. l'lean, 12)30" beds, w. matt, gd phooe manner, wel l213}5.S8-02QO. wee«? Do you like drive-works well, Sl.SO. Dinette foundation ~ frame . groomed, non-smoker. . 1·0 mo · ·pi·~ 1· ;.u set . &U-8378 "--... call Jaclue or Linda for Sall boat instructor Vlei, .. n cs. p....... UUICll & s,>rea~. S7S ea. interviewi.wn9·Sdally. ~in !"'wpt Beach. parties, beach parties, Sears 11 s/1 Ref. Almd . .L.ikeoew.646-6714 67}Z3ll 2$.27 cn.i1111g sail boat ~many other things? u . p rnge 1235, dryr Weekends now. full time ~1C?U wo~ld probk,by . 114&-2580. M.i~'pe~!!,~d.cb~~j -iu•M•'--Ra/ summe r lncludin f 11>1.y en)Oy-wor n-i ~ _",...,..,. lriekenda Call645-7100 orus Rdricerat.or. ice maker. before 2:30PM SISO CC HT . QUALJFICATIONSfi. C!SO. Walnut desk 1150. 64&Gl8 Ex~elle~~er op-'Sales l.Over1Zyeal'$oTa i Xlntcond.673-5097. -"-""-==---=-=-PC>rlunlt,Y ror the Right Hamilton Covet~. lux-2. Neat honest an ~-Simmons blood crib ~in a Progressive urlous condominiums iiftMl';blc. Refriguator dean, late wtmaU, dresser/change Co mpany. The i n . under. construction on ~.-WCit-l"tter school aMJ model. auto defrost SISS. table. Xlnt cood. S200ea dividual should Jl:OSHSS Catahoa l1land. Joo s.turdays. ll3-80liO 5411.7434 strong Acctg. & Ad · Douglas Co. ~al.es CALLTODAY! 23.5 cu I\ GE rrost rree Hlde·a·bed. very nir~. m1ni1tratlve skills . ~l! are lnterviewma 537-5836or531-5257 refrig. s yrs, like new hardly used. S350tbst Pleasant working en-r or exp e r i e n c e d &All to lOPM . 552.3075 olr. t9:UJ07 vironmr nt. Send resume salespeople to be part ol -------- to : Perro rm a n c e the winnin• team. For Waahers. dryer. rerrig. New rattan dinetteset, 48 Sai.lcraft Corp., 785 W. an Interview contact WANT ACTION ? 1Vs. Guar. Also trade. inch round glass top. 4 17th SL. II F. CM. CA. Fr e d M c M I 11 a n bl(y. woriling or not beau hi back host ch rs ........,.. "13 .--C11S1ifed Ads 642·.5671 200 ti ..._.. .. ~-858.o6112 ll new · se noo. { t ____ cc-iiiii:'.:> __ > __ ., ) \UTBD ( c---c---) ) 'tf ewspaper Carriers tor l'outes in Huntington Biach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach CALL CIRCULATION . ..QUAftTMENJ .,., ..... .842-4321 Washer/Dryer. Dis· hwuher. '125 each . Refrigerator. S2SO . 646-5148 8015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• POLICE AllTION SatMar20. IOAM llm>Slater FV Bicylet, ate~ Etc 9cydn IOJO ....................... lilen's 10 apd Motobecane ~~.xlnt~d. EXERCYCLE BIK E IM/Wl. Wtt new $7$. .... MOWJl•/FT Redwood be 8tckln1 • 4-20' m,: alto redwood ftnelfta. Lo•tal prtce auar. l l m Or Kn anltlp!, TIH .. '!l~ . _ 497-3121 Lge aide·by-slde refrig Ice maker. avocado $495; 1 pair gold velvet swivel chairs Sl25. 497-3121, 216 Cypress. Lacuna Beach Waterbed 1200. heater. and booltrase. 10 mo old. 751·1'227 9' sofa w/mat'c hlng draperies. S7S. 2 chain, llM> ea. Rnd coffee table. 1100 .. Duncaa Phyfe din. table, mabol. SZ95. 2 end tabla. S3S ta. Danish wain. dealt w / chair. Sl50.87W157J ~-~-----........ c.,.+Stmct 9'dt4Cll • h ..... , ...... .;..,.. ,... . ,.......... ..... . ~11 a. D ••••••••••.....••.•••••....••.•••••••••••••••..••••••••..•.••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••..•••• ·········'········· •••••.•.••.••••••••••••••.•• •••••••••··•·•••···••·• ············~·········· .••••••••••..•••••••••• • r1f 11 MecHALIC:OMITI. Sh&UIPOO ' •lnm c:lean. TOP QUALITY GARDENING WANTED D\JMP JOBS f>enollal II 8ustne11 In· fW ptlotln& b)' Richard •BRYANT'S• ROOFl,EAK' 9 '"9 !! l'•Al.Lyou p y Cu&tun,-nomH, )tarn Color-br1•hleners. whl FJ..EcrRJCAL WORK Mowtna. ed&lna. ralrlna. "Snllll Movln1 Job• come Tu R •turn 8'noi' Lie. lna LS yr1 of WallroverinJ Removal CourtrtghU1 Son for • Ins. remodel Frrnt'h rrpta 10 min bltiu~h. Reu rulff 531·5055 aw u p 1 n a • fr e e CullMIK 648·1!91 Preparation. Avail for happy local t'utt.o~r• All'J)JWt. 842 1343 Free t!»t * Jm 30dah ad ~ra a~ltsr Ii pallo Hall.' llvJdln rrM 11$: R~lDICOMM'L/INO ~~i" 8l$ 5737 or tlAULING i OUM p EvUilnp " Wetktnd .or. Thank~ '31·~10 ,._ LIHoM OranaeCoaat Roofln1 D~~L ~ (i~WICK & SOM :~I., ~~.'b~·r C:~~ 20yra Po my own work. JOBS, ask for Randy. z:0:r J!= t~~I~· 2S ~'=,~ .... I ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ~!:·.~fln11R•~r:,33 PtlOT iiwld~l'liSlnr~IH1 petodor Crplrepair Uc.2'1ll04l AIS.U 28 ~t°""'t~a ur·~~$·;,i _S.l-342? merman C."PA.&U-4212 Bonded. ln• Refs Color PIAMOLISSONS I Addatton Rt'modebna 1$ yra exp Do work R~ID/COM M'L au / ump"' ·..-Oem>Ulaon Or»dlnl - --. rt,183-4811 Dick and musk theol')' S4 00 S• t.a ... Sll¥1CI Doors, WU\dOIU, patio mpdC. Rtf!I. 531·9101 Exp. Clt1n, de~ndable. .l.54-9'104,95S-0085 lthrk TranspOrt. AJpbtlt. con· F£D~RA~.o I rAINTER NEEDS pu lealM. tall Btn tllJ ...................... . DlllCTOIY ~~·~~r:" Frffttt. Reu -Qlirk,rtasonable. crele.. & lree removal. ln~,.~Tl rv re WORK! sO 1 11 ~ BUOOE1'RATll'.S/Llt'd ~lX111' OW ! Lit' lt310942 M9·217Q CYdCore lj!,1337188_ 631·2345 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Soil prep & plantin~ ... A )"Ntj el(e1.lin m-&-;a-..1. Low min SmlJobtOK ··~ RO'_S,...'"'INJ•RONER ... ,................... Ca t""" M ()peraled"eqlllp Comm I • ~--a... e..... l'OUJ c ('f nea ~ ........ f)-eeesuns &41 7581 Yo~ • • o •. "..,. ' • Cllll.() CARE ........ ......... rpen •:s asonry & 'Resld'I ~2· 76311 ._......., Davis Paint in 847·5186 ....................... - S.our al ot GENLCONTRACTOR M CM ho Xl el •••••••••• .. •••.-••••• Roor1nf.·Plumb1nfi ---·--••••••••h••••••••••••• Neatpaltbtt&lutures Tit fte,!~~~t~~~ Uc.•399463 ~MM l~~l '·~'"'6846ntr . Hand •lri~PJ:f· ::~air =··S~~6 ·~1e '1:eut~~-cbot~~.!!!~~!.,RG ~~~J:i~~~e:lt lnu lL:: ..lf~!).J-...................... _-.. --,.~'9-f671 ...-+-1!t9"1111defSrrcfa1tt-nt . ' ta , --~ ,.,.,., •• ,.., .. I I 'd 646-l868'keentn1ana1 p• ..,,TERP TCHING TJLF.INSTAJ,U;O ,·twtl,2 C F.•at•r v da new rurn ture Chair H•.._• I Prompt Call 7&9·1976 me nt.comm re11 .tree --\ ~'J!AJ L.-w A .. llK ... G t d • -u~tom r rpcntry · -~ llC >" camp · ' -..:... J hn · trimmin1,clean·UP 01.i.-'So p I i Restuccos In t/ext 30 " in ... uar11n ee dl'~:ki. & putw~ J s Hi. k1.ns. rashing, IH>atln1 r an In a. rush In a. ....................... ~"'you. 0 . lnl'd/booded/lfc'd ...... ,..,,. 0 .• nl ng N l p I 54>2977 Rda John IM0-11217 ' • Havt r•lculator. wall travel! All acctg serv Ca!!Jor ~L. 760 7122 FIRST RATE BKI\ l'G Ser vices for 1nd1' & s mall bus1ne~H·s 966.2983 --.....- ~ l'oo!il ro Top quahl) Apnl 5th·9th A&es 5·12 • SPECIAL any chaar. Gt>Mral Malnlen11Me u.t.UlJ..u!./Cl ~A .... UP 979 < 46 30 yra exp. an Beach 1-9· • ell au ~ork 1 •c 00 3801101 Wann. homey New rl any rolor, hand slnpped Repair& & Decorating ""' ""' .ya5c1" ---"-1-area. ~ee esl.5411-1029 MR ED'S PLAS'rERING Trft Stnlct f''ree e111' ~-5511 Mesa area 540.tf.:'011. or reglued, $19. 7~. A ...!_QualllJ..!....R•t.649·~44 8::;:~~liae~r. · J{.~:2 MGIOllf'Y PITIR'S PA,MTING All'fypes Int or F:xt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ADIJ'NS REMOOF.I.. 7~7~ • ToUC'hofClaas Interiors. HOMEIMPROVF.MENT ---•• .. •••••\••••••••••··~ IO yrsexper.mlorext ~8258 Free est. •ExpertTrce Pruning• a. ~1i1n ind W11fert & eo..lrodon.GHtt'ol lli.~12t7th St A2· C M REPAIR-PLUMBING tto.ecle-g BRICKWl:>RK. Sma 11 _M2-0458 ~ ~ommert·tal Lan~55/'= • ~1S4818.T7a(l4pm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---Heatang. rarpenlry ... •••••••••••••••••••••Jobs. Newport, CRosfta PaJnttng, wallt'O\enng, ••••••••••••••••••••••• rvares --ADD'NS1REMODELING Gcr••g elec, tile. Free est No WantaREALLYCLEAN Mesa, Irvine . es wood rerioishin11 by Orains cleared from SIO CompleteTree~rvice eor,.nttt Plans l.1c'd. George ••••••••••••••••••••••• J.!.1bloosmall 645·2811 llOUSE? Coll Glngham 675-3175. German-trained rather Plumbln1 Rec:in Gen'I ctn up & lrng ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pilm!r&Sons 5576932. K&DLandscape M11int C d 1-Gari Freeesl 64S·SJ23 CustomBnck,Stone, &son 40yrsexp Hef:. _Freeest MM 29033 Lawnreno\' $36Wl4 HEPAIRS REMOD , . ,..., --ResidtComm.Clean·up arpenlry. rerno e · re· Block Co t St Lie 354256.8319678 TopHot"'-billQ -ln"ext & boat docks lOM?tt Li.RESIO Lt !;fauhng_ 548 2489 patr. patio~. painltng. ROBIN'S CLEANING . nrre e. urro -~tv poifitift Spec. in remoif". rortrm 'I T"'°"'"J · 2S >rs .. Char645·37'49 l~rrod Add ns·Repa1r~ windows, drs., qua hty Service a thoroughly Reis. Free Esl. ~9 9492 I teno~ & ex~er1!rs & resta!!r!lnts. 636·.?030 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• \ ery rea~ Llr 390250 Landst'aping.Yd Clnups work. 545-2901 clean ~se. _540·0857 MW a.ch We e Lerrter (IXOY F 1 Most SubJects. K-12 & col- FINE F'INISll WORK J ac~ II Bennett, Jr Treetnm·Expert muinl. JACK OF' ALL TRA01';S ....................... yn 751.9103 · ,.,opetiy M•.-ltf lege. 2S yrs exp S4 hr Herrodehng Doors hunJ( Gt>n Contr 552 9142 Jim SSJ..:0129 ('all day or ni"ht. Exp'd Housecleaner uJNl·BUNDS Cleaned p;......._ -••••••••••••••••••••••• ~!. ~orjan, 642 9033 Rand) 720 1260CdM • " Mature& Rehable "' ,.. .... ~ ::/: ••ALLST••••••:.:;:E•P•A•\:1N•.(.;•• u•it•·s•'•Rt'ENTRY All l·onstqit·t1on. lar11e & RMes.1d ro1 mm 1n du s •Jack 675 3014• 542 ~/669·0416 Aho. RVh's, boats,. lrlr,s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• fllROPUT Typiftg S..-vlct °' • "" :imall. D1sr to Sr adulls atnt. t' ean·ups. tree Borne Maintenanre (6·1PJTI_)_ rrob1le ornes. a1rcra l, Farthing lntenor Design MAHAG ENT ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sealroattng ·Stnen~ All ,tvpt's No Job too Wa)1ie539-7112 trim Free est. 641 1096 Yard work &tree trim ~~eees.\;__645-8616 HANGING 110,ROLL Oran11e Co. ~rea IS yr~ Typing resumes. ltrm ~~p=-~i~mm 5~:;e~~~l lgl' ~ml Refs ·839 6297 DRAFTING SERVICl': Pete -20yrs __ Gene 552·04~ i~~;;,~~~~l:~~e Moriag Qualily. Lil' tins Strip expenenc-e Call for info papers, d1ssertal1ons. l't 'STOM C AH I' t-:NT n '\ :!O yrs expt•r romm re Clearr UJlti, Tree Tn m Call anytime, 9SS-24 l8 ••••••••••••••••• .. ••••• ping Oise un paper and rates 111-ord processing Reas Drweways,Park1n1:l.01 UY .. J ,\Y .. Md 673-60.fTd)s e\'· Ma111t Res1d Comm'I LOVETOWORK -AICMOYING-Vasa·M.£SeottG45·9325 _tU-8182 rates LP Off1re Repanrs,SeakoUlHll: 642880!!.lll 5pm Amae5488414 Carpentry, sainting. lluuset'lean1n14 murmng Qu,ick·carer_ul._ 552·0410 LJC.PAPERHANG EH PROF.MGMT Sef\'iCt'S 548-7135. 8Lt.s~t~~~t H ~:SID c:mtM L ~.~~••••••••••••••• Jess11"s Garden1n g ~~t * ~a~IJ~:· ~r~~ hrs Mesa Verde area. •A-I ~Vl .. G• Bonded & guur No Job Ry OCIP 10r11nge Co Typmg, Writ ing. F:d1t1ng. --~ -All Around l'arpentr) DRYWALL ACOUSTIC C:lean·ups. tree lrtlll est C M Have refs 540·9915 Top Qu;Tity Special loo small or loo large In\ _Prop l Ed 534-6940 ~office or your!> Sml LA....IMI... Juhn 715 1111112 1• "'·II I 'd & & m_a111. l ser_v S40'1W!5 dli f)-ee esl Tony 898 2728 • L ok 642 2142. _, .... ...., • \r)exp <u > 11: Pr f · I llOVSECLEANING rare in han ng 25 yrs £iiper{ willciJ,•enn~ in RefiNNMnc) --• ;;b;;l~;i~·t1~·~:·,··(:~,1 · CGrpet s~rvice IO~ured 532 5~9 JCIPQMH Gardener 0 ess1ona llonesl & dependable exp Competitive r11tes stallalion. RNS prll'N> ··············~········ Wlftdow Clea11M9 home~. I Yr & up 1\ny ....................... Bectricol ""~esl. Ken839·5035 To•llf'h Serv1'ce Co. 9622690 Noovcrtime._7~·135:1 Consultant A~s114nmcnt J O.HornHef101shlng ··~ .................... ~·· time 642·8482t&l6 S759 \\'.l'l..'are l'rpt Clemwrs ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARDENING _, STARVING COLLEG i:; S8l 859Cl Antiques. kit t'ablnet). Let the Sunshine In -::::.:..C -C-E Steam l'lean&uph_ols UECTRICIAN pm•ed &LANDSCAPING 12131 S92·3S37 or 1714 > llM:GMtTm STUDENTSMOVING -W UP PFR !llG r111ej>a111tmg 645066-l CallSunsh1ne Windo11> HJLD AR Trul·k mount unit h r "•" 8618 •••••••••••••••o•••••• CO Lit' llTl24 436 E ~d bA d, I. R........__ Clearung. Ltd 548-8853 MyC.M ho~"' \ard Wurk ll3r c .5.3716 ng t. ree esttmate on J.apanese Geo 54571172 O'tV' • xp . un ed LH' -·...., 20'<Moothlv0isrounl I/hour .,1.21,16., ll .,.. largeorsmallJobs. Hcr...L..·oodA EXPERPHEPAHER lnsured.6418427 C·Gi366843.0i~c·uunlson ••••~··•••••••••••••••• -• u ' I.at· _!1396621 673·0359 MOWING CLEAN UPS uw oort ~:nrolled lo pral'lll'e WATCH U~G ltOW ' walkoveringi. Frt•e csl HF.PAIRS FOR LESS •RESIDENTIAL• N~t~11~is"i!c~~~~tf!:~ LIC'D ELH'TRICIAN Hauling Landst·uping ·j~ROWOOD.fLl)OR•S • tierore lhl' IRS. Quahty STARVING ACTOHS Rod 1.739.5300 Shingles. Clal 30 ~ri. Avg I ~l> $30; a\'g 2 st> ...... tcy ••••••••••••••••••••••• for all you need lC> knu"' aboutbankruptl.'). t•ull --· 71~835-9162 d0 ~'ret't'!tl 1139 Is&:! (Jual 'o\Ork Reas rate!t free Esl · · · · 642 9907 8eauttfully rle11ned at reas <'Olll 549 2418 MOVING COMPANY WALLPA P EH CXJ? _Pr~ est 770·2725 S45 pins 957-8388 f'ree est 631 5072 Tom FUil matnt & clean ups and waxed. 832-48111 t'AST ACCU RATE f'asl & Carerul Lowest Contractor & Painting Huber Roof1nR all types WINDOW CLEANING l'l~Mf1erl Ad~. ,\our one -S & h RaL L All M (' O C E ti pee tn comm. s op Income tax service your es aw uws I .. 23 yrs. l.1t· 328240 I New-ret•over·decks 7 yrs in area xce ent s1or shoppin1: r1·nler Want Ad Results 642-5678 l!!Mctrs. Tof!Y 646 7556 ~assifi~ Ads 642·5678 tiome br '!!>.Pl 963 6821 't.~a. Lic/Jns. 673 0853__ _Gal}' Gom2.f 494 4366 Lli__!411802 541}-973-4 __ 642 5449, 645 7972 _ Real Estate-the Complete Oran~ C'ixJSt Market· Place -' 4400 Aparttntttts r,nishtd Aportment1 lWum. AparhMnts Uwfww. .Apw hwHh u.fwn. AportwMwh u.twa. Rffltats to Share 4400 Ct ReetCll c.e Reetol ....................••. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~······················ ............................•...•......•.......••....••....•......••••...••...•....•.............................•........................•...................... CostoMfto )724!Coronode1Mor 3822 CostoMno 3824 ~Oflleocll 31 46 S.Clewllte 3176 Will share my 2 bdr"b. ~ ~~ ~1fsaino2SOU~i1i: ,r~ BAYFRONT ~lorn em•utt\e oHire 71>4 sq rt professional •••••••••••••••••••••·~·•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ba townhorne. nr r Id 779 W 9th c 400 sq fl Pvt balh v.uh bldg Costa ~fe~a Nr IS450 ,c·irl\ Ll(e modern 1 Mi to Brh I bdrm12 bdrm. 2 Br I' 1 Ba l(ara~e $2:5() mo + 11 elect non c · I .,t Pnme '!fr1t•e, 673 IUOJ shower. Balboa Pemn Har bor & B 11 k er . CASA DE ORO I bdrm • Garaj!t' "' upnr 2 B~ 2 li;i. pool, rarpel~. ulil furn no gar ~!lO and laundry. blk 'to beal·h: ~mo k er A,. a i I 4 ' I 851-8928. 5aJ & 572 n $.lX}.!fDc642 4623. 7Ji·494 4797 ALLUTILITJESP1\ll> No l)('t~.&12·99111 dr~r No pets Bu~1 · ~mo 846-9501 '$42.S mo.974-7225 646·5366eves 144 sf pror oflu·e + sq ft .·:J1i Bir:~ l.ll~r ·~1 ft r ff I· , nl.>ss & prof people $450 2 Bdrm 2 Ba upJ>ta1rs • Roommate \\anted. Danu :>ecretal'} spare A\ ail ...,. sq urn ° it·e Campus Dr office 90' sq Compn re before \ ou St>at 3 br. 2 • bil 2 blks 518 -1827 ur 731 6829 apt d111 bal sgl 14ar I ~..ts hnushed Point. 2 br. 2 ba. S25ll. t~t S.15 $32.S + Sl75. Orange iY:.eot 511·5032 :.pare $300641 ~63 ~~ llLsRl' olr 54~1oo .....,.m,.o rent. Custom design r~om bcac~ ~50. mo ,\gent ch1id Ok Water paid. oru..twftlshtd 3900 & last + ': ut1ls Apr I Coast Finanl·1al Center v• ·~11!. an ea l.Y ·nuv feat~r.-s Pool. HR<J c~l31.~9339·~~}!> t\l:. ur f: tsd 2 HR . d $475 5452000 A14ent. no ••••••••••••••oo•••o•• 4930987 rt6,CM957.J414 execuplan HUMTIHGTOM C M 345 ft + bath CO\' rd !araie ~u 1 filllft i """ ..us 1 e · sm }ar (e 11: ... CH St.or3ge a\a1I $250 mo r·ounde \'ll pl11.-h ,._ M 382 .. ;iltarh gar.S525 mo 900 et'.· SEAWl~D Fshr rum apt. i, rent '61'1!STMl .... ST1:• ,.;;,.. landscapmg':-;111,t'b ·' "°sto esa ... :-q ft 5411·4845 ~°" r'll $184 + util Call aft nic " ~ 6.'.Jll 785or2.lll ~ hutte' ~-334:>,4943803 IBrfum . frnm S-190 ....................... E s1detnplex.lg .qu1et ~ 3142 VILLAGE L30f.JJ' Ht•f 's req 142S8 1£.~~hS?lfl'1uwn "A ~wCottuPct" for immed O<'l' Full Des1gnlosw1eexe!'ut1ve 2 Br rum from S5!:10 , I BR. 2 BR. 3 ,BR. 2br. lndr.. pallo. adlt~. ""•••••••••••••••••••• New 1&2 bdrm luxury .....,-4 2 F'rwys. Ci\'ll' Cenll'r ~"\JI ser\"l<'e l'US om Scn1re ,l(ross lease rrum offil'es "'ith Sl'cretanal 3 \v "'I -.. • I\ de ·or ( ., iul · nta 14 I , t Bdrm Need M F t • orr1re & desk space %' Mam & nonda nr service, poos1ble living 6.5 n1 ;on, li l2 1971 · l''o\. c ••:. no pets '535 673 3600 ~IET STUDIO CONDO a ... ~ m Pans. f or roomma l' Shop~mit Center Prime Nr o c AIM'"rl rarifica Hosn 0 1\nr area Good location in . en<·I ga r fl "'"'hl'I' pl" r"fr1·.,., bllln' lromS515.2 bdrm rom for2bdrmupt Nrl'l'l Ion·· ion Dix off&<" ... ~ .. Nice I Rr dph. ()ua•t. pool bb'l \il11 lh nu 2 HR dt>luxe. ~par ioll!> aao~'s frm"'t)rh u~'o S.S70. Townhouse from Non smoki nl( open '" 979 8 89 ·~1 ··SeetoAppret·iate'" BobJarrard Canner) \'11lage Broker Sep b~ g1ir I empl\ II pt.'h t>-1:! 507:J lam rm "'alkin rh~els. 962--1914 5040 + pools. tennis. rrunded student des1rt'll ~I~ 11 0 r 759-8978 1 l7J4lt48-3f13 675-4912 adult U\er 35 :"\11 pc•i-$-185 _+_1a:.t, ref 645 1693 waterfalls. ponds' Gas Mike.~ 1592 p.'i()..}48.IOll IMMB> OC~PNCJ; D I SA area nrSC Plata l"illt l8441 for 1·ookmg & healtn~ Shr ~e Nwpt Bch. pool . • •• • • ••• • ••• •• • • • • • •• • • • ••••• $325. ~28 trailer 111 "q111c•I S4UO mo 2 r 1 • a 2 bdrm. 2 ba . air 1·ond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• paid f)-~m San Diego frplc . nr brh . 2 c·ar adult park, gas & 'o\iilt•r Pool. beamc•d cl'ihn1t. Pool Child or cat OK. I Br + loft ron d o j Frwy dnve North on garage SJOO mo • ~ajchF~lU't. laundl) room '\o peb 5595 c·all 991 0621 or Orangelree. Plan 4. Ten-Beach to Mr f a dden 673-670.S · •• 8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL • :"o laJ>t mo rent ;54-0630 'rus. pool. adults. no pel~ then West oo Mr F'adden Logunoleoch 37 48 'l'Sl..,~IGMT 6~2 WO:l SSW. Wtll l'Onsuler be to Seawtnd Village COM. 1mmed onup. ~ep ...................... ,\\atl no'o\ I br dplx, ~. 730-1250 542 7600 \714)893·5198. J entrance NoarOl.·t•an • 8 Days 3 Lines . • a Dollars • Luxury studio, spa. T\'. r11>ts. dip... ~ur .. yd No • ' -1 673·2763 maid service. phurM IAY TIMIERS pet:.. $410 642·5889 LacJ-a leoch 3141 ROOfM 4000 Shr NB apt 3 br abc)\l'I • • {!~wk 499-22£7 SP.\Ctot·s 1 Br w side. tge 1 & 2 br. ow. •••••j·0 :;-0 ;••i,jk••• '··••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpt Center. S2J2 +,,, Its eas y to plac e your 8-0ay Week Classified by mall and 1t e •SIGllT&SOl':'\OllF ~ii eplare.pool&mui·h d_rps. lndn r arporl 2r.~m ~th•~·SJ115 'l 'IP\thomenosmokml(or ut1ls760·0.S24e\s • COSIS JUSI S8-t hat sonlyadollaraday1 Tooualtfyforth1s SEA I Br. frpl~ 14.11 mm• ps5&$48:> &IS 6625 m:;n~94~~4 uti dnnking: qwel M over Clea~ f n~mkr 'o\ld lor • spec ial o ffer you mus t be a non-commercaaf user o fferang • _blar lhruJune~9I ~Ill~ 646-9883 2 Br I &t ~Oii Pool. ' :ll $275 mo 556 06J7 fnendlv r'oop CdM h!tc • merc handise for sale up to $800 per ad and the price must • Reaut furn 2 Br ~pt ,,o,e. refri~e .\dull L*Fottst 3155 Rm w1batbroom pm nr brti o"'n rrri Sl9S+ Ot'ean \l(>'o\, spa !>auna. l'Omplel no pt>ls ~23 w ·······················I Nr So Cst Pla1a & -W5 6405992 • be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether yo ur ad • Satellite T\' m.1 1d Room) 3 Br To'o\nhou)e R3~ 5489516 Beaut 2Br rondo.tblk l f'.A} Nonsmkr Female sen tt•e St0110 mo alll m qw el .1du ll 1·um F\STSIDF 2 bdrm Iba f_rom lake lnd1\1dual pref. $.').5'o\k 556 1737 Female lo ~hare "'ith • needs eight days Selling time or JUSt one • winter special 19\l :IV15 · p ex ;-.;r"' I) cl1•,·uratl'd. '' · · · gar & l'l ub membership ~am.'. ma lure 2 Hr 2 i.._ fireplac·e. enl'l~d pat111 & ~t and l'hild 'o\t'kome S550 rro A\'ail. '4 1 Call Room for rent. $1511 mo Ha Newport Bearh • ,wwport leoch 3769 garJl!C Som no p!'IS ~75~-9771 .... 213 2:>8~76 aft s 30 Will Ind util Call Chnstma pxl.63130-'8 • Use one word an each box About 4 words make one ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ssi~ "" 6153Jx1 ur EASTSIDE sho'o\320 &3 '21,. :>572783 M f 3br P ark Npt e class1l1ed hne o l type Minimum ad as 3 lt nes Please print • Want somelhtni.: \tra 6i5~!1 1 or 2 Rms ~'urntbhcd . Twnhse Pool spa. ten special in a :! Br B F I II b C~ Woods wport leoch 3169 pvt ba. upsluirs Kitrh ms. ,.u bal'k bay .Jan • pla1i:ily • T~~houze~1~o7~~l;\eJ~ \.11;, ·\\ '1\~i~_.,'::}1 111.,~1: ~rn:osr.1~c{' 2~5~ pe~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• pm Mesa Verdl1• 1CM 1 759-00!8 ~_, -.•. &S:OOJ54, _,,1u11., ooh lli~61s 4262. f:\t'!> PARK NEWPORT !~~~l37~m11 111111 <~~J;~~·e~~aN~n~~ • r------------------------------, • NO LEASE REQUIRED N>oeelo1t1 slud1os. one afid two bedroom aoan· ments FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED Oakwood atso offers •All Utilities Paid •tmmecliale Occupency ·11Million11'1 Rec:reetion And Mueh More' For a month. o' a hie time Models ooen daily 9am 106pm ·NO pets ~. f'I REPL\CI:-:. Pool. l!--L.:...a-~p•-COUMTRV Y6CLUI N.B lrg ba .1, JJ!I we. r~4zT1a.6 0nC~ & Fluor •• 1 1 •• pm ale patio & dis anr>HK' • "'II LI IMC beach shops. yrl~ S.125 ,,.,,,.... ~-a · pm. h'o\ashers in XTRA LG I 2 Br 1 811· a~lt sun Bachelors. 1&2 bedroom biS.5291, Need rmmale to shr lg I • & 2 Br garden apts. on deck. rrage Wit laun apts & townhouses. Laguna Bearh lg furn 2Br apt Ill H B . nr bch, 2 • ~~~:de S460 S560 ~ k8P752~~~ts. no N~_g;fi.o.!~~ :~::!! ~S~~:e--~ mo + · ~t~~t'r~M~ 12 uut e I e Bahia Mttr Arts ' 2Rr, 2Ba twnMe. E. Side. rentals. Villa Rentals. Room wilu.ll house 2 Br. house in Cd~ mall.' • I • Lar~e I Br i·ar~ort, 4 yrs_old. yd. S565 mo. 675-4912Broker pnv1l~es. Npl Brh. Call ~ferred. (\tar hbrary • II • I I d d I I 998·7300 dys. D1<'k . 5 • t I 6406479 poo aun n \u s.no 640-2-12Se\eS 'o\knds ~c.lor2brapls.lmt afi6 ·3655 2u1 s · ~ll> $t50 ~31 W l!lth b h N t ' --' Ms bd b • rom ear . o pe s P\t home No drinkmg. tr rm. p\1 a. !'on • I s.'8 1).192 1\\ a1l 1mmed 1 lu\'elv 2 llr 642.2357 kitrh ba pri" E"side smkr S27S+ SIOO F V 1 Br garage. \anl ~o 2 Ba631f~11 & lndry Cliff Haven. 2 br. I ba. CM.j2Q9 ,mo.631·24!0 968-~ • \ • ~~n~ds OK Sil511 mo =Point 3126 ~~~1.~\~f~~~J':!~!: ~j'~~h~l!!'rs~~~ ~~: "•Tewt 43~0 • I • 2 hr. S355 mn 352 \'1r ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Pl -smkr female pref $350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • II • ton a Adults. no pets 2 Br 0 c ea n ,. 1 e w . Wa~erfro!'ll. dlx 2 Br .8:19~7 Garage, single for rent • I • 6458161 halrony. p rage, clean qU1el. pnvate. S7951mo. -La--Be h R • 1 blk to Ma in bt•h. 2-1682 '"A' Cordo\•a Or Dock 3vail 673·6336 & guna al' · oom, Laouna. ~~ 494.3044 • I • 642·9666 pvt bath. S250 Prof O\'er """'""-..,,..• --••~tfi~_._. 213 '102·2657 ~collect I --I 40 non·smoker 494.0451 Single. nr Harbor li1J(h. p bl h d f 8 d •--=-11::91.1 . Oc Vie..,' Newport Heights condo. 3 '-' --' Npt Ht s $50 mo . • U IS my a Or ayS Starting • ArARTMENTS Dix to~ouse ·Apt. 3 bd townhouse. 2 bath. Hofefs Mot.ls 4 I 00 Slor~_&eonly. 675-0349 • 8eaut1(ul gar!1en apts. bd 2• b ' 1 ent' powder rm. frplc. • e Classi fication P:it1a; decks Spa. lie3~ r,a~m.no 1pe~s 1, aster romm. pool. $900 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Office Rewtal 4400 ---------------------- paid !':opels bdrm hul> coth cethng C~U64S-49Mor645·4834 . NEEDAfllLACE? ••••••••••••••••••••••• e Name _ • 2 BR 2 BA 5525 No-pets Patio. S77S l Br. 33rd St. 2 blocks Reas. Weeki)' ltites I • :ll8 w W..ilson 631 5583 66l91!3 ___ from beach .. garage No ~i~~~:~~e:i·~~~~=~ NEWPORT CEMTEI • Address f..asL~1de 2 Br I na Col. OCEAN VIEW ll't'l.s. S4SO.,S1erra Mgmt. Sandpiper l967 Newport butlettt Office • ----------------------• Oakwood tage Sil,95 ",?<' 2625 OU Lge 2 br. 2 ba. garage. Co.641-1324_ --Bl.CostaMe"sa MS-9137 SINlc: • Ci ty Zip Phone e Garden Apartments Elden 6311.155 '57S.67~:-4ll4_ _ Adulls. 2 Br 2 Ba Onlhebeat'hhotelroo~ SOOto2000s<a~ft A\·aila 2 Br 1 Ba 1981 Maple BT 31l2 Versaalles. crpl. ft-rapes. kitchen & bath 1300 blercaorlLel Wasme. F, Cole • Check or M.0 . enclosed 0 • Newpc>ft Beach/No. 880 lrvme (1116111) (714) 645' 1104 Newpot1 ee.ch/So. 170016th St (Dover 11 16111) C7t.4) 642·5113 Aw L'~ta1r,, qu1el. no oro gar, pool. $750/mo yrly. S300 d it 2306 w ~)l?L~ 2 personi. $425 mo ....................... 9341 646·2848 + epos · for rrore in for ma lion • • ' urra M ml Co 2Br.2Ba.new rondo.dis· ~ -Oc eanfront. Newport . " Cha r.·ne my ad to· 641• 132A • ~ hwasher. refrige. pool. Oa!an vie~. yrly 2 Br. 1 Jleach. 673-4154 _ t Cote Reafty • ~ · e -Kids OK tst. last & de· ba. 2 patios. yard. $6SO Vocafloll Rewtals 4250 & In vestment -Like ne"' lge I br apts posit S5951n».--Ava al. ~-678Qor646·31~ ....................... • O 1L1~ # Exp. • ~ift&~~~~~s~oPrn!~. :Sl.stJan 64 2·6800. 31N10EsWEPOASRHToBREEADCRH. OCEAN FRONT 2 &4 Br. 640-5777 • • II I • 2l6Ml H I 549 2447 --='----Avail. now. Weekly lhru ar a, . --H...tinclOfl leocll 3140 3 '*· across from bch, su mer. 673-7873. • 0 # Exp • t BR SJJO. u t 1:\sl~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ::•IJm~~ewly PalmSpri.oes area!M;;;. KOUCENTH . I • . ~rpo;l,95~j'ts Delu ><e poolside ~tra ·· m~·m-ma · tereyCC) condo3 BR 2 Elegan~~Jites in e L-----·-------------------------' SOllttl.CllJIM l716 y. ._ --large 2br. 2 .,ba , bebllnhs, N t v ,-lle-s-Bal furn. w/atrium. presUgio11a loc. Ind • r---~-----WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE --------------. • •••••••••••••••••••••••Beautiful 2 Br. 2 Ba. dswhr. 1'2 mt es ac . ewpor e r s a 1 b ""Go r tennis. Doily. serrefarlel. recep t..asuna Beach beaut. $.SSC) mo Carpets. dl5 Adults. no pet.s SSOOmo st~)() . pool, spa. cu . weekly " monlhll rates Uonist. telephone ans " • •• 111 r NO POST .. GE •, • rum .. suite 2 BR. spa. hwasher Avail 3-15 ~~· v. Gar. Security gate avail. 714 .55 ·8001 rmre. ores from l438 .. sauna, satelhtt TV . 675-fi006 ---THE WHI F'FLETRSE eves -9-SPM,askforMuk. rm. On-call ofts 185 • : NECESSARY . : • maid serv $300 wk t & 2 BR _garden apts. l·Z.3 Bdrm. Apls. Gyr:n . OCEAN VIEW 3 Br ...... toSIHre 000 mo . TH E R E AD. • 11 If MAIUO 1 1 • u~~ Wipool qwet well kept Soa.Sauna.pool.tenn111, W/new t'MS/drps ........................ QUA RTERS COM· 160 W Wilt1on . CM e{c. 846-0619. Permanent /mo, req u 1 ... PANIES: A proresslonal •· , IN TH( ,.... • Af t•llti 64273736'.5·4278 · ·MARJMB W LK lst/laat+c/ (refund•· -~eT::m~n%n~·i~: environment. (714) • ~ 1 UNITED STATES ¥ .......... d Spacious I Br Garden Lrg 3 Br ~ow~ouse ~qe~:·~~)m~~·I re~: I and tennil tourts. • ,2 ,, • '••'•••,•••••••••••••••• Apt. Pool & rel' All ulll Apartment. Frp lc , Mclntosh. 8560 Hunt· · TO. 17fttSt,C.M. • w! · BUStNESS REPLY LABEL °"~ • llllo4'P•• .... 3107 paid No pets entlsd gar. patio/yartl ington Dr. San Gabr!el, l•-------1 I " 2 room offices. A/C, ....................... El Puerta Mesa Near Hunt. Harbour. ca 91 l DlentY of prk_j. Ulll. tn d. • n ""Sf CLAU "'"'-'1' NO IJ cosu ¥U 4 (AU F(lltlljlA i • Nu U1 l&R. 2BA. yearly IJ'i!I Maple Ave. Apl5 Children OK 165() mo. -: --ROOM MA TE Avaif. now. can .. Frplc. blt·ins. gar, park 2 Br J Ba upper dis 840-6807 Dll DnA BAJ CLUB fl RS 87 , • ~ POSTAGE wu 8l P•D 9'f AOOACSSU 6' • in1. Close to bay ' h-.asher, "poor. patio. 2 -br~2 ba alt oar DN.DU MDE 1817 W l Uff N 8 W t • Or1nnt Co11t Dilly Pilot I · IJr.!r: 6J~4912. -t' ~ r.i>~ rt s A d u I t s . s.mirm. 2 br, 2 ba" 301 1 Br. E11tellent v lew. Oldest ldaraest agency. ti c ' · · an • <., • • Otanlnml. pr:lme ana.. IMt4!l!l ---~.· ttr tile firs . fl~/mo. Taitt over I Alltll~st'rttnid With fina clal iluliJ~: D11•1y ,.,, I t • JBr..~111.frptt'.Nopets. Studio ..... , for rent lffi/111>.a.f·~ltll-Sl eau. eu 1095U or , llhoeol•ttfemiceal. • IXICUTlvl •• _OA I • 1 a,. le a 1 e al . ,...,.. · b h 6· . ~ · ' 1 tredits: ColmoPo ltan ..--8t04 aft 5 Priv1tu nlra11ce1 at I Br. p1t10, car port, ~If I Good Momlng America~ sums · refrlae. Kll Cf\en ·~security $'95. \Jtl OCUMFIOMT 'lbeToa»"'"'Sbow r~-I • -firlvll~u. t,250 /mo. lt'cl:Av1!14n'.892-874S 2Br2ti_,lllt·fn kltdl«\, I ·~ otr• to all niw • I lo115IO · I .._ C1wlfled ncldl lb.2 lufrom -· ·~ ....,"New D/W, irpl~ I c ar clllUwllo...Saplace tm?A•t • I 330 W.lly... 11 1 • ad . o.c.c. and a ml. from • -111 •• • ~ .. ,. ....... Yrt11•15, W • Pl.Ali t ~ to lft , JOU rt IS• e.cti. Let yard, q_ulet crpta, w Cl Ilk.up, eadtd I. PIOP M•I tlV!OII Ul· IUZ New lwcUij Offret apHe ••• I Co1t1 u-••• c& 12121 • "" of a frlen,llly n tatabo hood. Ca II w .NopN. ffl:994 """" • ta Jrvl.1•'• butut ,,.. ~ e " and llelp In Jlr, t"•· 1 car praa•. HMIH 'iOOCllallte 11/F H.B. ad tWts! 1:111 rr_, •« ,e , I.• ~ ICI for bnt l[lptr ~ l Ir, aarai• ., , 1 .. iwtr pd, 11.s Aa9 rro. beld.-s.... lrl z loc cm. Aflll •• ..,, Call ~·Cell Now r •p1&1o.NO~. A '"'· • '° 110 •• ~ 111,Dt••iw/IDO -~" ....... t •••••••••••• ···············---- , Cua~~l!v': used. Wl\ulip li&hU. Was $260. sell$120 552.()796 _,,, . .. .. ' DAILY PILOTIWtdneldly. Mlfdt 17, 1tt2 SHUSFtRST! We have a good selection of NEW & USED Chevrolet.s ! CONNELL CHEVROLET ~ .. ,.. fl I IP I• "' \ ,. t . ' 54(>. I 2 00 '11 Oldl Wagon diesel. AUlo. air. In lovely cond. tcMSlO .... '"' Ak,fY UllD CAI •OW PUii 40 MOii UllD CAIS ~SAUPllCa for 24 moe: Def. pymt. $4592.88 $ (incl. fin, chgs.. 171 ~~ tax , lie.) A.P.R. 21.57. Calfl price $371 0 .14 . 19'1~Y). '7 5 FORD ELITE. ~~="~:~~:s1o&s3 lie.) A.PR 21.20 Cash price $2999. . MO. (816KYU) '78 VOLARE . lor 36 mos. Del pyml $4020 06 (in· s9ss1 lie) A.PR. 21 20 cl fin chgs , tax, ' MO. Cesh pnce $2799 (947WYO) '78 DATSUN 510 10< 42 mos Del pymt. S565"4 52 (in·S J 2239 cl fin. chgs .. tax. he.) A.PR 20.98. , Cash price S3799 MO (272TXE) •• . '19 MUSTANG GT r,:S7~:~2E: SJ3661 he.) A.P.R. 20.75 Cash price $4599 MO. {tR>789) l<>t 60 mos. Def pymt. $14.596 54 s2274 (incl. fin. chgs .. 1111, he I A.P.R. 20.31 Celtl price 18899. Uft (7A1~). - .. .. •' INCLUDINCi 5500 FACilORY REBATE (Ser. # 2307861 : IMMEDIA IE : DELIVERY! ' . 5995 Down Plus ... Tax, Llcase ~ DOQlllRntary fff and FACTORY REBATE s 99 PER MONTH SM..I f'IUCI $515150 ....... le. & he. fH. SH5.00 Dow• ., .. , SJ 16.41 ... $120.00 OMV left.. $20.00 Dec-cala f flee,• Hto.00....., ..... far • toW of SI 960.14 Dow• '•r-•t, co.ti or tro4e, ud Stt.tt ,. ..... far 60 ......, S224t.U F"'-ce CM"J•· A.J'.l . 20.n-r •. D1tw-i 7'5t.M • BRAND NEW 1982 PONTIAC J-2000 ~9 5 Down Plus s Tax, License & Documentary Fee and FACTORY REBATE -.CLUDIHG 57$0 FACIORY REBATE 159!.3 . MONTH (Ser. #567270) SM..I f'IUCI S6tl0.7' ....... le. &. Doc. FM. SH5.00 Dow• pi.s $411.15 ... $154.00 DMY ~ ~. $20.00 Doc-•twry he, .. d $750.00 ..._., ...... far o ~ of Ullt.00 Dow• '•r-•J. cotlli or trode, .. d Slst.tl ,.,. _.... fer 41 -"ts. S24'2.0l flilHce clli•"J•· A.,.l , lf.m' ... DlfwTod,.,.... pric.e SI 0,015.64 o• oppro•td crtdft. IMA\EDIATE . DELIVERY! s IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! ,77 . FORD rtMrO 6 cyl engine. autCS(Tl8t1c trans . factory air cond .. gauges and only 28.783 mies 1529TJA) $5695 '79Economlc:i~t!!!r engine, 5 $399 r speed lransm1ss1on, AM-FM radio and only ~2.665 miles! (438XKA) PONTIAC . AMC CONCORD '7~ptionsG~~u::x:~tomatic $2695 '80 6 cyl , aut~'in-:;~cG~ns .' power $499 ransm1ss1on. power steering & steering & disc brakes. AM-FM disc brakes. air conditioning & stereo, spht seat tilt wheel, roof · more! (211WRG) rack & only 10.2n miles• (736WDI) '79 ~~t1~t!E:~eel, power $499' 5 steering. AM·FM stereo with taoe ded<. custom vi.tleels. cle:ay Yllipers & only 32.158 miles• (607W01). I 'llWY. MAZDA '79 Autom1t1c~a~~actory air $799 oond111onlng, AM-FM stereo, tape ded<. Wire ""1eel covers & morel On 33,872 miles! (351XWE) .• 599 Soown Plus Tax, Uc ... & Doc .... 11tary Fee AND s14933 . ONLY ~~MTH ' SM..I f'ltlCI $6495.00 ,._ tu. le. & Doc. FH. !ttS.00 Dow11 plvt SlfO.tO tm. $112.00 D.M.V. lk0ttM chon)e Olld $20 Doc-utory '-far o taW of SI 527.tO Doww ,.,_,.., coth or trade, 011d $14'.U por 11111111111 fer 60 _._. Sl2tt.60 Flilo11ce chonJ•· A.J' .l . ZG.ll"I-. DlfwTod ,.,_...price SI 0,)27.50 oe oppro•ed credit. '78 L~!. £~~~J trans .. 2 $4 795 tone pamt. pwr. st .. """ndows. dr locks, till. cruise. AM·FM st . cast alum ""11s. & l1l0fe' 1719TXA) '78 ~= $4995 Loadecf1 Inc auto trans pwr spilt· seat-steering -Windows.-dr locks. lilt. cruise. AM·FM st w/laoe dad<. WI re vi.tleel covers I 1 RCS!95) DATSUN ·' 814 cylinder "'e~~~~e. 5 speed $599 tra nsmission. AM ·FM stereo. Tonneau cover & only 9867 low miles! (1Z793631 SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN 7 A.M.-9 P.M. MONDAY 7 A.M.-6 P.M. TUESDAY-FRIDAY ----.. ---------- March 17, 1982 .. ... - ---~ ---2_-T.9d81'• Women -A Supptement to the DAILY Pf~OT, WednwMly, Merdl 17, 1912 TODAY'S WOMAN Making conniCtlons Network fies women to success lly JANINE FIDDELKE ................ Thousands of Otange Cc>ua,ty •omen are doing it. Some are professionals wbo bold bigb management positions. Others are young college atudents just enteri.na the wqrk1force. Some b~long to laree a.tructured organizations, others juat looselY knit h"cbeon groups. But they all have one IQ&l ln commont to advance and prom~ t.bemaeives and their careers through networktnt. ' · -1 Networking la tbe oldeatl form df communications. Men have.been doinj it •iiace time immemorial. Now the en>wtb of women's networks in Orange County lD part illustrates where women are 1oln11 in• the 19)e. It also illustrates what they want. • . Accordinl to Shari Able a peycbotociat in Newport Beach, tbe reuom for jolnln1 a network and what women want OtCt of them are as varied u the numb!r ol networks now operaUna. · _ · highly reliable way of getting the word out on yourself and your career. Perhaps most importanUy she believes that networking frees you from being a slave lo media or the post offi ce. "With six lo is phone calla I can ultimately get bold of every business woman in the country," said Able. "That's without using the print media, radio or •endint a letter. I th.ink that's pretty impressive." Kay Byrum, a financial planner for Financial Benefit fos urance Group Inc., is another woman who bu had favorable results with networking. · ' Byrum believes that networking is juat another way for her to do good business. She belones to two formal networks, WeCan and Wo111en in Business. She also belonp to two informal iiefworu-; a breakfast eroup, and the other a real estate aasoclat.ion. "I learn a loU.ntbese~," aaid Byrum, "I feel free to ask aueationa and follo\f leads that I obtain." "' Byrum believes that lo tbe pa.st women have· been their own worst enemies. Networb are for women wbo are 1aglou to' help others ol tbejr own .U. but wbo are not uha~ about their' own ct.ire. to advance. They are for WOJDed who If~ secure enouah to move forward but •till have some' lin1eriJ)1 ~!bbl.a~ tbelr_p~ and~. organization· existed to tie all the netwotks "Women in the past bad the feelin1 tblt1 they had worked very bird to eet where they 1 were and they want everyope else to work juat as bard," said Byrum. "I tbiiii women are findinJr nowt.bat in clawing your wat to'1be t.Op it ls not necessary to claw other women." together. . Above all, networks are for women who fee\ there are serVfces, i.baltbta and U.~e thal other· women can offer that are different, even better, than tboee that 111en could provide. Networks are .job marteta and support gr~!l!!• lecture clubs and loibyln• _o!J tiom. Some are_ connectiolll bued oli proreuliODil ititiii, race, or home toWir. AD are conneetkml baaed on cenchr. . Able bu watched net1"rb-srow lD Onn1e C9unty and·put them to work for, ber. lmpreued by the nwaber alld diversity of women's networb available U. Orflll• County abe Wu at the same time cqncerned \bec'auae many .orga.nlutiona were bard lo ~ate and no central So, she and Andrea F~y of Disneyland founded the Women's Referral Network. The referral netwol'lt is not a "botllne," but a service that helps women locate the specific services or organizations they are looklnt for. •'I have very stronc feelings about networking, but that ii beeaue I have bad Cood rea\llta," said Ablet "I hesitate 10 talk about feelln.11 , beeauae certain a elements in our industrial society havf made feelings a four letter word. But actually i • ls one ol the futest forma ol commUnicatlona on the planet and networking II a way of puttiq those feelings to work," sbe aaid. Also Able believes that women can use networking to help each otber become successful in their careers. 1 Sbe also believes that women •bOUld not isolate themselves but should also belool to ~o-ed groups. "Aft.er all," said_.Able, "wo'men .ar~ aWJ working with men in the tiusineaa world and it is a wise move-to have contacts with both men and women.'' • . Able ii confident about the effects of - networking. She feels it is an inexpenalve, See page 15 TC? ensu·re a sotind future, give yours01f some credit BJ BBTll &\LOWIN Dta.Donda may be a girl'• beat friend, but credit can give you futer'Caah. _ "Credit la one ol a woman'• most . valuable aueta," Barbara Jenldna, assistant vtce preajdent of Imperial Thrift and Loan Aaaociatlon in Fullertoa, said. Without it, you may be stuck m an emertency w1tbout a loan, or out of an apartment , throuch lack of proof of ftnancial respomlbWty, ' I Proot ol fiDanclaJ raP,ODlilbWty • usually takes three. yean ti eatabllab. Where do JOU belinf· ''Start small,'' Jenktna aalcl. ()pm a HWao laCCOUftt, The lenltb tJL time 7ou have an account and th• avw.,. monthlJ Mtuee aaay bt roar ftnt cndlt ...r.awt. a, p1ac1a1 rour aeeoum wttlf • baU n&ber 1ban a aaftql Md la.a auoetlllaa JW. laaq aoe dllllll:et .......... Bab wtll """·: aeoOalll onr I.be t1hpilaM!:.8' lilll.-eat"f.._....., bJ ••U. • loll eaa _..ti•• .... 1. A favorable credit history la also refiected by a secure job, Jenkins said. Only after you have had a job aad a aavln11 account for six montba abould you attempt to apply for a credit card . A credit card not only gives you tbe opportunity to delay payment for a purchased item, but qiay also guarantee the payme nt of your check and is a valuable credit reference. Some department stores offer a betlnner'a credit card pro1ram with a spending limit below that of the normal charge. Once )'OU've proven your ability to mana1e money by payin1 blll1 on \hM, then you will be iaaued a card with a biaber apendinc ceil.lna. W1Mn the time comet to QPl.J tor your ftnt loan, YoU'll proba\111 haft to ban It co-aiped by ' familJ ....... Jenkim aald. Tbe .... plaee to set that loan ii tbroulla a car~p or a (Umlture .eon. U ,_ an rtlfuMd a loan, U.1111 Pair a.et ReportiAa Act liftl ,_ tlM not to requeat tM ...... address of the credit reporting bureau that released your credit file. . You may call the b\lffau and insist upon ltno...tng the aubltaDce. (not an exact eopy) of the report and aourcea of lnformaUon. lledical reports and sources Of information concerning your character are excluded. 1f the material on flle ls o.ntrue or the bureau cannot prove ita records are accurate, you have the riabt to demand that the ftle ~ CCll'l"eCted. Coples ol the correetion should then be malled by the bureau to employers or proapecthe employen wbo bave nceived credit repo111 wltbin tbe tut two yean. Anyooe elM wbo bu recetftd a report wtWD tbe lut •ix ---1bouJd. alto be malled a~. ~ ..... to nceift. Iota;. -· ............ cNdlt lma7:ti' entitled to bow tbt reuoe for .............. Aceordlq to t'M 1m ..... -~Ad(900.\)"kll_ credit • • • From Page% unlawful for a c reditor to discriminate on the basis of sex or ~ marital status with respect to any aspect of credit transactions. The ECOA cites 20 reasons why you equally may be turned down for a loan. These include incomplete application, insufficient references· . verification. problems, temporary or short hme of employment, insufficient income , excess obligations, inability to verify income, inadequate collateral, too short of a residence period, non-credit flle or delinquent credit obligations. yourself unmarned or widowed. Jenkins also cautioned women to give special consideration to -every contractual agreement they sign with their spouses. "Keep separate property separate." Money can be an emotional tool that when used in anger, can ruin your credit, sbe said. Above all , take care to maintain a spotless credit history. Pay your bills on time and periodically check y~ur credit file for accuracy. ln the impe r sonal business world, a favorable credit history unlocks many well-guarded resources. TODA Y'S WOMAN "Prior to ECOA, applications we re subjectiv~ -a divorce would have been enough reason to tum down a loan applicaUon,:.! Jenkins Today's Woman Is a supplement said. Now the ·tender must notify to the Dally Piiot preparect by the you in writing within 30 da.ys or he Special Sections Department. is in violation of ECOA. Special Sections Editor Married women s hould also · Janine Fiddelke consider having thetr own credit Special Sections Writers files, according to Jenkins. U you Nancy Hewitt maintain a separate credit history, Beth Baldwin you won't be stranded if you fmd -DRESS ·UP RESALE BOUTIQUE GRAND OPENING FINE LADIES FASHIONS ON CONSIGNMENT SPORTSWEAR TO FORMALS ACCESSORIES, TOO! Search Your Closet For Unwanted Cl()thes and Turn Them Into Cash • . . ' -Today's Woman -A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Wednesday, March 17, 1982 -3 Another generation of fine·taste ... • The new spring season brings the Susan Carter Store. In keeping with family· tradi.tion, Susan Carter selects clothes 'for the imaginative indi~iduality that's so much a part of Orange County's -" way of dressing ... you'll want them all! A s sp-ing emerges, the Susan Carter Store begins - the result is the most beautiful yo~ ever! Monday thru SatLrday 10 :00-5:30 I 0~4 Bayside Drive Newport Beach. 7 '14 -6~ , 4 -Today's Woman -A ~t to the DAILY PILOT, Wednesday, March 17, 1982 ----~..,,,,, ........ -..=.-.......... -- ' -~119• fl.Mf alPll• • •., wm .,..11 $3.00 OFF I I I .I I I I I ,;= I OMI oanio NCI I Swim Suit I· I, 1 OCl#'ON PSI UT I °"" _.... ,.ac I _____________ ,.,I ...... ......... • 5'lrt • lllllmr• JtOI. IMlt. e.1111 .... ...... ------ .. New· perspectives for an age old crime "" By NANCY JO BEWl1T s,ieclal 5ec1lem Wl1tw The most frequently .eommilled violent crime in the United states occurs every two minutes. It takes place in residences, on the street, in parking lots, or in the back seat of a car . It happens without regard to Income, race, or age. It leaves the victim feeling both physically and emotionally battered. Sometimes, it even ends in murder. Yet, the American Bar Association estimates only one in five rapes are reported. Most experts agree r.iape victims are reluctant to come forward because they have been socialized to believe rape is the woman's fault -that they ask for, and probably enjoy it. Even the justice system at one time contributed to the myths about rape by requiring victims to take a polygraph test. But the anti-rape movements that began in the early 70s have brought an increased awareness. They have helped to educate society that rape • is, in fact, not the woman's fault and that she is truly a victim of a violent crime. As a result of this increased awareness, the laws have changed to help protect the victim. No longer is the victim required to take a polygraph test. Ne longer does the victim have to resist her assailant in some way before it can be called rape. And this increased awareness did not stop with legislation. It trickled down to the people who enforce the laws. Realizing that the victim of a rape ha s und e rgone a dehumanizing, shattering experience, and that she is under much psychological stress when the police arrive at the scene, many police academies now provide rape training programs. Police agencies know it is See page 5 , . Ce~~~~li~Afa!our · };/ With the winning FRENCH FLIIITS .. /• --·-----... ------· -- Today's Woman -A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Wednesday, March 17, 1982 -5 rape ... I Coa't fro" paie 4 import.ant that the police officer on the scene identify the sex crime victim as a person in a state of crisis who has undergone a horrible physical and psychological ordeal. The officer must be able to e mpathize with the victim, and display kindness and compassion. ··All of us -from patrol on up, have been more educated in the sensitivity and traumatization of rape so we can handle it with more understanding," said Detective Lynda -Giesler of the Costa Mesa Police Department. It is Giesler's personal opinion that as a result of the changing laws and the increased support victims can now find from the police and society, prosecutions have gone up in the past few years. But th e co n v iction ,and incarceration rates in California remain relatively low. The cpriviction rate is 35 percent and the incarceration rate, 5 percent. Joan Donoghue, director of Rape Crisis Network in We stminster, attributes these low rates tn the same socialization process that led the victim to believe the rape was her fault. "Jurors are a part of society. Many were brought up bearing and believing the myths -that the victim must have done something to deserve it. And even if the jury does convict the person, there's still the judge. He's going to have his own conceptions about rape. The jury may convict the person, but the j udge may only give probation," Donoghue said. Pamela Isles, an Orange County deputy district attorney, thinks the low conviction rate problem lies in the prosecution system , which might be correct ed with the adoption of a vertical prosecution system. Or~nge County District Attorney Cecil Hicks is formulating a vertical prosecution system that w i 11 go befor e the Board-of Suepryisors for approval in late March. Vertical prosecution would include all sex crimes. It will cost about $350,000 lo get the program on See page 13 Anthony's Shoe Service • B.,k of America • Charles Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardwete • Or. Lou Elder • Hair Handlen &alon • HaftktaJ'I ....... Ql9 • Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Gallena • Market Basket • M• Amie• Teena •Nancy Dunn Anfiqu" • Newport leeoa ~ • Paper Unllmlted • a.w-On OrUOI • Stor.keeper • Veta's lntlm.te Apparel • Wettcllff Clt1nera • Wntcllff Corn~ra • Wntclltt• Shoes • Xa'IW'a Flortat ·-... •• I ..J I ... • ------~ -~~-------------~----------.... mml!I--~--------..... ~ You'vi aH b~en asking • WELL IT'·S HERE! NEWPORT SKI COMPANY'S SUPER I .~ . Clothing' ti Equipment Sales and Repair 2700 W . Coa1t Hwy. Newport leach, CA 631-3280 Rentals 2~00 W. Coa1t H~.Newport Beach, CA ... 631-3144 :t:ODAY'S .WOMAN MARCH p '112 ~3T4 15 r -6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1a l19 remenstrual Syn.drom e Causes & Cures 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 I By BETILBALDWIN s.«111 Sec1MM ..... 25126 ! If stormy moOds, weight gain, breast tenderness, lethargy, headaches or nausea precede a woman's menstrual· period, chances are good that she bas premenstrual syndrome. She's not alone. Estimates vary, but even the most conservative one shows that 10 percent of gynecological patients in the l:Jniled States develop these symptoms and other severe period pains that routinely interrupt their lives. • Premenstrual syndrome is a new word for an old problem. Two thousand years ago Greek ph ysician s coined th e word hysterical, from hysteria or womb, to indicate the physical origin of women's nervousness just prior to menstruation. Jn the 1930s Dr. R. T. Frank collectively named all period problems "premenstrual tension." By J.969 Dr. Katharina Dalton, an I English.,gynecologisf, defined · ·premens trual syndrome as a legitimate multi-symptomatic complaint of at least half the female population. Still, our understanding of the syndrome and its cure are in their formative years. Why has such a nagging problem been overlooked for so long? The answer may lie in the belief that if left untreated, premenstrual syndrome usually does not worsen. Women who were interviewed said they have learned to accept discomfort as part of a package deal that goes along with being a woman. Others do not associate irritability or lethargy with menstruation and therefore may not report these symptoms to their gynecologists. ln fact, it has Only been in the last 20 years that gyneco~ogists have gradually become convinced that premenstrual syndrome is more than a neurotic complaint. C AU1Es, SYMPTOMS AND CURES At least 20 years ago Dalton described pr.emenstrual syndrome ln great 1detail •'The suffer« becomes \agitated , impat1ent, Jittery, explosive, intolerant, ,spiteful, bad tempered or . i rration ally acgress lve. Her outburst or irritability· may brio& her on the wron1 side or the law, may cauae a break up of her marrlace. may mean the end of her Job, or It may mean the loss of her friends . Then suddenly, her J1Rritt1~cy;e~1llA>alton wrata> ~ "The patient may sho~edema or puffiness of the ankles. abdomen, ringers or face. Some complain that their dentures don't fit securely ... Others need two sizes of bra, one reserved for premenstrum." · Dalt.on wrote that many of the symptoms are characterized by water retention; not so much the quantity as where the water was retained. "Excessive quantities of water can be retained in any of the cells of the body. Wherever this occurs it can cause characteristi"c sy mptoms, such as tenderness whe n in the breasts, paiQ and headaches in the sinuses, pain and glaucoma in the eyeballs , pain and edema in the ankles." Dalton hypothesized that these and other symptoms of sodium excess and potassium depletion There I• no ah\°gre explanation for the cl••••, Just•• there Is no "cookbook remedy ." Premenstrual syndrome 11 not one problem, but many. were caused by an imbalance of two hormones produced by the ovaries. She concluded that when the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone during the second half or the menstrual cycle, It is borrowed from the adrenal glands, at the expense or corticosteroids. Without progeste rone, the balance of corticosteroids is temporarily upset and may result in the patient having water retention,. an imbalance of sodium ano potassium, failur.e to control allergic react.tons, alterations or the blood sugar level a nd lowered resistance to infection, according to Dalton. • She claims that patients are reJieved of their symplons when they receive progeslerone. Since the hormone as oll-based, however, it must be given by injection or in supp 0 sit 0 r y r 0 rm . MO'S t gynecologjst.s who were interviewed. are not famiUar with Dalton's work. Other physicians reportedly have tried giving pro~esterone treatments and did not have success. Dr. David Mlller, ass6ciale adjunct professor, Department or Obstetrics -and Gynecology at the UCI Medical Center In Oran1e. offered alternate hypotheses. ~l~iff.lu IO lllfldrt ( 'II Ht ~ ~ltO .. !tll'•f'!I) <t .. 1l/ _!')J1'Jllf\lit ----------------- DT . David Miller of tire Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the UCI Medical Center. premenstru-al, syndrome ... eoa•t from pace - •'Perhaps a better theory is that other hormones may manifest in the absence of progesterone," he said. The adrenal elands are capable ol producin& sex hormones which may elicit premeastFual syndrome symptoms, be explained. Mill er said pr, menstrual syndrome may also be triggered by the sudden withdrawal of a hormone. As the procesterone drops during the second half of the menstrual cycle •. a withdrawal phenomenon may be produced. It may elicit bodily changes, just as the s udden withdrawal from caffeine or sedatives, for example, causes al:mormal behavior, Miller pointed out. He added that there is no single explanatton for the disease, just as there is no "cookbook remedy. Premenstrual is not one problem, <i'm-.'' Ill~~ said he doesn't normally prescribe birth c_ o n t r o I p 111 s • s a treatment. "We're dealing wHh the body's response to natural versus synthetic hormones," h• said. "H • woman wants birth control, then pllla may be used, but you have to be very careful to give the right birth control pill to th• right perMn. You h8ve to be careful not to change one problem for another." A common thou1b sometimes lncldent1l treat111ent for prel'IMmtrual syndrome II Ufit me of birtll control pm.. Btrtb control pills inhibit ovulatloo/1'Wbl~ stimulates the pro1esterone an estrogen hormones into activity. Without ovulation, the only hormonal balance necessary is to be found in the type of birth control pill prescribed. . • Miller sald be doesn't normally prescribe. birth control pills u a treatment. "We're deallnc with the body's resJ>C>fl* to natural versus synthetic hormones," he said. "U a woman wants birth control, then pills may be used, but you have to be very careful to &ive the right birth control pill to the riiht person. You have to be carefuY'not to change one problem for another." One of the most popular theories surrounding the cause of premenstrual syndrome concerns pro s taglandin activity . Prostaglandins, which affect the constriction of blood vessels and contraction of smooth muscles. are apparenUy higher in women who s uffer from premenstrual syndrome. According to recent studies this may result in increased fluid retention, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Drugs elven to inhibit prostaglandin activity have been shown to relieve symptomoloa. As • result, many gynecologists have ad.opted their use . Gynecolo&ilt Dr. R. C. Apew of Newport Beach, for example, estimates that he prescribes prostaglandin inhibitors to 80 percent of hh patients suffertnc from premenstrual pain. The sid e effects of using prostaglandln Inhibitors include f a ti I u • , n er v o us n e 1-. a n.d headaches. Until the effects on tbe fetus by these drup have been confirmed, women who •r4' not usin& t>irth control are advisecl- againat taktn8 lnb1bltors. Perhaps. the moat important inf ormatlon connection between premenstrual syndrome and proetaclaactin lahlbiton ,. .. ma by Dr. AntbonJ Lab,tum, from tb8 Uai~ ol Rocbester .... ol ·MecUctne .. 1tle..•wrote.• m ..,. •tbat See.,P•leU !.! £_ ·- Todey'1 Womtin -A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT; Wedi~, Merdl 17, 1982 -7 3404 Via Oporto Newport Beach California .. (714) 675:5454 colors: red khaki ·yellow white vino beige navy (In Lido Marina VilJ~ge, For dedicaled PappagaJJo People wbo crave color ... sunny summer aa:essorles malcbed wilb crafty canvas runabouts. Green and pmj canvas /()le. f2 7. ()() ''Swifty" canvas es/XJl}ri/Je j1al wilb slilcbtng /rim. $30.()() color&: red navy A.wrtl!d hair bands In new sly/es and colors. $3. 50 "meryl" open·toe canvcu espadrille. $34.00 ·- I 1 -- .. ---~----8 -Today'll Woman -A Supplement to the DAILY P1LOT. Wednesday. March 17. 1982 By JANINE FIDDELKE Many women feel that for all practical purposes, men probably have had more intimate contact with, and certainly far greater accessibility to a woman's body · then they have ever had. When a woman goes in for her annual checkup and pap smear, for example, more often than not she is oblivious to the techniques used and depends entirely on her doctor to find out what's happening with ber body. Thanks to the Self-Hell!_ Clinic of Los Angeles, women no longer have to be in the dark about their bodi es if they don't want to be. The clinic was formed by women who decided that If they were ever going to get the right to control their bodies, they would have to gain a lot more knowledge about their health and familiarity with medical procedures. In the course · of educating themselves Carol J)owner and Lorraine Rothman, both originators or the gr oup, cam e to some astounding conclusions. One was that throu gh self Cl)Q_ic offers Se.If-help · progra. on . women's health • 0 examination women can learn a lot about their bodies a nd can ever1 learn to de~ct infections. pinpoint ovulati...o-n . and d e t e rmine pregnancy. The other concl usion was t hat the mystical medical mystique which insists that only your gynecologist knows for sure. was not always true. "Whal Lorraine and Carol were trying to tell people was that, although there is no substitute for a pap smear, self examination has its advantages," said Kathy Hodge, director of the Feminist Women's Center in Santa Ana. · Wh at has spread from all this research is that women's health centers across the country a nd world are now holding self-help classes for women. The Feminist Women's Center in Santa Ana has such a class that begins the first Thursday of every month. Wh at tbe sell-help group does first is lo introduce women lo the vaginal speculum. The speculum is a du c k -bi lled bit o f plastic technology which puts women in touch with themselves. Thi s d evice. t h at costs , approximately, S3, upon insertion in -J the vagina allows women lo view thei r cervix and the upper walls of the vagina. "You've heard of the window to the. world," said Hodge. "Well. the cervix is the window to a woman's body . With a little education a woman can learn lo detect problems as they arise. not after it's too late." Some of the things a woman can learn from her cervix is whether she has an infection, cervicitis. a cancerous tumor or pregnancy. If ~nything is suspected she can then contact her doctor for medical advice. This early detection is extremely important. Through the speculum a woman can also monitor her own personal cycle. She can learn when s he ovu lates , the beginning o f me n'struation, and when she is fertile. These observations can be very important when using various methods of birth control. The self-help groups help women learn these techniques of self examination in a consciousness raising atmosphere. The groups consist of six to ten "' 0 • .. c -51 HEADQUARTERS FOR women who share with each other common experiences and seriously conside r some mutual questions concerning t he care of their reproductive and sexual organs. Ho me re medies and natural methods in curing infections .are also shared among member5 of the group. "The self-help g roups are a unique aspect or sha ring," said Hodge, "the emphasis is on well women h ealth care. Self-help is for all women regardless of age. sexual activity or preference." 1 Self-help groups are offered at the Deminist Women's Health Center in Santa Ana in four weekly meetings under the guidance or trained staff Self·help begins the first Thursday of each month and costs $20 for registration ·'There has been a whole school of thought about women's health that does not in clude in any wa y a womaJl's right .to know and have control or her bod y," said Hodge. "Self-help is one way of expanding her right." The Feminist Women's Health Ce,pter is located al 406 South Main St. in Santa Ana. E :a • • Q ., Camous Casuals e - Block & W~ite for Work and Play ... Windsor Presents. i ·De Weese Designs 51 California ~ Brown or Navy .! Sizes 8-14 c -. ' Showing Along w ith More Styles and I Colors in bathing Suits than Any- ~ place in Orange County. El (>..e• ,..., '""" joU.:r \ r r"OV > yj 'o-·' ~ ~ PA•l .... ~c.t /~)' cP l>,,. stud-n'' on-:i ,,.,~,· ~ :1'*'°"'\ """°' *"' . 1....... •t-o· '"eW' \O.lte'> ••'\' Ji, ' -- J Ell..CATl()\l AOVAN:EMENT SERVICE founded by Cor•nne S.q~ her.'""' l b oQt\ ;,..," ,, I "<.llYo xl P'°'?:I"'' on '' '"'"'" ••e• • Jli\!'\ , P'"" je\ me ,, A-<' NU :J \'u )I f.noncw) ~ '] \ >' .. , 1., ""'<h. .... \ ~ f«J oo..ed .,, ·~ nlcwrnr:i•on •.bm·1ted by f,,m Ca•rre r(1\ed '""" ~ :"-!&!"" n ~~onq> C.:iun•y ..+.ole pu<\u•n 1 he• ~ :!eve ·= 7"' l ry~~ f'?10'<>n She '°" "'0"• o! ,,... CICM"U'e\ 3'00 u_. ul \ tlOCJI J..-! IC fonQr>'e\ ,A,tte ~rq """'" '""" r•,,;..nq ~ encl\ of f•noncol o•i:i for >e-·~ bo'(\ \fie •,,.;o1"zed 1~ f.not1 d ne~ of k.ql> w:hXll ond cu.-r \ludent1 ..i.... :ie"'e 10 pvr•ut> :i n.qhe• ed.c'JO.on end d9cided •o do \Qmettw.q to heip e~q-ble \ludent• IWd 10<Xef of f"'CJl"<>d Old • For 1.rher .nl0tn'O"Off phone (7 HJ %81)255 OI .,., •e IDUCATIOH ADYAMCIMINT SllY. I 040 I AflecM IU•w A••· ...... Y~. Celf. 927H .kre Bedfod-l(ennedy 1-o\ 0 ,,_ ond .rq,e concep "' i:.• CO'O P,,. S.tret\ me. ... prOoftde ..,.'n<::J '°" lor yoj pei ,,.. o ~ ;,way !rom home ~e. """le 'IOU lfOCO!l(YI <>" f,n(j ,, reces>OI) to bP ?N<3V No O'JI?• "" \emeis' Roles COf'l'P" '<Ve ...,1h who• yClu "°"' pay P91 S•tre-\ Ir< ""'' bP ~ rnd Ap 1 Pl'O'e ~ Q226 101 nfcnratlOn. .... Sitters. Inc. 17 I 4t 964-9226 Today's Woman -A Supplement lo the DAILY PILOT, Wednelday. Marc:::tl 17, 1982 -9 ' Pom Mon '' prt»ident of Freeport Reol Estate on inveumen• eachonqe ond lone brol•OCJD corporotlOn located ,,, Newpott Beoch ~ I\ curerwly on """"''°' ...th Coosrt.r.e ond 00t>qa (.oosr COleqM .., red Mtole 1nve1tment\ Mou •\ o spociolisr '" 1ynd•co1ed ~ St.. I\ o O.ec•or of the Newport Boord ~ O.Vl\IQn and the Oo-qe ~ AwxOllOfl of lnve1tment Bro~ers ond IVIWOU\ Oll'Clf L-,cd, reqotlOI ad noliotO orqonz.atocn. "'':f,;'1 Fwlil. .. 19 Westerly Pl: Suite 101 Newpo r t Beac h , 851-8800 - The Ynchl Bra'er I\ o bdy? Sondra 0\terho..dt. partner btoker of · Newpon Yocht &chariqll'' heodi I-'> one of ~ oreos rn<xt sue ceufJ yochl '°'9< orqon.zo1ons Sandro •S o IS year resoden1 of Newpo<t Beoch. ottended CX:C and lJCI She hoid1 a i\ec:J &:ate Ileen~ L~.nq for o woie<front 00,,.,e '°"""°'e """*' yacht? ,.,, he< / COi lie.,_ plare '°YI ~ ~ 8ool Aq ~ Sonoa _, The Boo< Show w~ •o 5.rdoy on r,.,. er..v~ tJJ 0.-i of t 9iow MIWPOST YACHT llCMANM 3404 Via Oporto, ~'~ L Newport Beach 67~ Rene M rC l a n e a ros · motolo~lst in Shea!' Oes.i1tn In 1-~ountam Valley._ Rene 1s an independent hairdresser 1n her own business. Rene says she loves working \Wth people and giving them a service that will make them feel really h•.PPr.· She was born in New York and came to Cahf. n 1970. She bas rahed 2 teenage boys and it a sln&le parent working to support them. 'However. opening her new bu.sintsS has helped her. ~~0+ 1780W~ Fcwela: Valley • --.A ,· 142-0054 .. ,.~- I 00/o Disco.t with IM1 od.. Martha f,efdmo" wtth _,. ~ of e.operm "' ,._ ~ rield, 1-.odJ the 01on1e County l us1neu Journal, on oword·..\oilinq rnonthly ta b loi d . A s o ~""'°"'°" the " ..... °"'°. of ..+.oi Qonqi11 (any &«...,... nMd to •no w about the --chonq.n9 bu~<lflt .aid The ~ Jo.nd reach•' 20.000 to~ decision·"'o~e" eoc~ ~ Woman Lois Millw hos served the real estate community fa the post IS yeas. A Hetirre rrerrber of the Mllion, Della Cltb. she continues to excell in p-ovidnq he< clienls "Mlh superior service & dedtCOltOn Lois is associated v.ith RE/MAX of Casto ~ Next to kei' 1st 1ove of real estate corres ranching & ~ Pc:Uo Bailey ~ been with MocNob-lrvine RecJty, OS 0 r~ltol sOe:\ ~ fcv over I 0 yeas. ~~es Mac:Nab-lMn& Realty Phone 642-8235 Mor.onne Ca••no recently 055000'ed ... m Freepon Red Esr0te on 1nvesrmeni ond home brc*eroqe «irporOlon lcxored on Newpott Booe., eaw.o " 0 specicltil "' ,+,. E.doqe motetploce She I\ o mem,. of the Notional G:ud of fxto,cps. So.n. OO'qe COOS1 E.do-oqors. and IS aederfded 10 orher locol rrqord end ro!O'fd eacharqe ,,_"9 Cos.no c~ed ... 8A ond dd qoci.ol4 wot e1 ht UWcrsity of Redonds She ,, o membe< o f rhe ~t Horbor Boord of ~ ond tS on offte11 of ht I~ 0Ms.on. I Fi':z=FwcklK. 3919 ty Pl. Suite 101 Newport Beach. 851..aeoo .- ' J .. I • ~-OC o cA 0 o~ Creative Je'¥elers, Inc. "~~M £ I;"~./" Reset Your --- Diamo nd Have Barbaraj[ Jackson magically recttate your heirloom or outdated jewel!)'., unmounted gcmsJ()oes and cJJamodds into .new exdtlog jewelry. ' -Through the month of March, Barbara, a nationally known, award- wlnnlng Jewelry desJgnerJ will pcrso~ly consult with you · s;io obli- gation, of course. Please call for an appointment. Bllrbera K J1elcs0t> OIUGIMAL D1!51GNJNG•aJSrON llF.STYUNG a USElTING A O!SIGNll cou..r.cnON Of GOU> a PlAnN\.IM,TEWEJiY • DLUIONDS• P'l!AJIU• ftME COWUO GEMSTONF3 (714) 760-6766 2110 E••t Plldftc Co•st tflg"w•y Coron• del Mtlr, C•Hfornl• 92125 ACROSS FROM SHERMAN-GARDENS w. ecapC ~ ~. \llsll Md M.tne.rd. Wherever 'f'JX tey ttinerMY takes you ... for ~ « plea:ue, befOfe )10U ~ -~a stop to Pat M;rley's. f Of ll )VS oow -Pat taley, himself, nl m>ciates contiU to fUSSltmen's ~ that eidr"e 1n dress Of casual! lbw we've extefd!d to ladles' tr~ We *6tS have a hideaway sale 14151-s 11 tt1 attic roan. PM alt nlld the swe you'll find 111expected collectibles nl gift ttlmS f« aiy special gift! s CAUIOUllA JEWEURI AllOCIATION TODAY'S WOMAN .. Fashion forecast: Drop waist is new; nautical mood is a big influence. Pants are plentiful and wonderful, jackets are a soft supple suede. Garden of options in spring fashions Latest fashions offer the freedom to choose romantic, sculptured, nauticaJ playful looks. Spring fashions bloom as abundanUy in design and color as nature's most prolific flower garden. Graceful, precise (nothing extraneous) spring fashions are 19ft and fluid , reflecting the individuality of the American woman. ''This season is a time of options," said Sue Ellen Devericb, fashion coordinator for Nordstrom in Southern California. "There will be options in length, in color and design.'' fABalCS There wW be an abundance of clltterent fabrics W. 1prin1. Linebs from softest 1beers to 1utsy bopaackln1, silks, tweedy knits, leather, 1abardtne and denim will all be reflected ln 1pria1 desipa. Suede makea ID unseasonal appearance witll lmpact and style. Warm , soft and suede la seen in evel')'lhlnc from •hoes to dreues. Fabric patterns include 1eometrlcs, naatleal patterqa, tablecloth ebeeka, eountry florals , AltH printa, N••• prints, 'calico patebworb, modem art bk>cb and splashm ol C!Olor. . COLO& Color makes lta presence known ,,,,. this spri ng. Bright white te • off.white to cream stand alone 8nd bring the freshness of spring when combined with other colon. Black and white adds class and spunkiness. White is breathtattn1 with pastel and seafaring with red and blue. Calypso colors are splashed around brtgbUy' tb.ia upfini. Red, blue, yellow, 1ray·turquoiae and orange are dominant. Shades of s~nd, bark, siena toast, curry and pearl grey are added. The new color for this spring ls Celadon green. STYLES Sprtqtlme ~ WUJ\- A provocaUve play of proportions, elimlnaliQI the utraaeoua, plays an important part in the Sprin&Ume scenario. Loose and fluid, the sculptured look. ls desl1ned to be easily transfonned from daytime to evenina with accents and acceaoriea. Pants are in every shape and len1th. The lon1·over-1bort proportion makes its way into Sprint with brt1btly colored tunics over banded pants. · Tbe sculptured look features a narr~wnesa ln Une, a.louses tJ\at are an1ular and have dramaUc eolian and 1ltffft. The luxury loot of See Pqe ll .. Romantic lace blouse with flounced skirt is in for Spring. fashion ,. • • Con't from page It s uede enters dramatically in dresses are accented with sapor jackets,.$hirts, skirts and pants. collars or contrasting piplng and The Amerteaa Regat&a trims. Everything will be gaily The Summer nautical look makes lopped off wilh' the classic sailor an early appearance this Spring. hat. Blouson-shaped tops with sailor Santa Fe Romantics ·collars and hip bands with Thelookisa cnsp,fanc1fulmixor s1de-buU.oning will be worn over a cowboy's shirt and a floun ced flared skirts. The middy bloose prairie skirt. The romanti~ look returns with an ultra lone straight with lace, ruffles and petticoats is skirt or with an adorable mJni. back again this Spring. Tops in traditional mariner Jeans arc still pert Gd feminine stripes go with white sailor cut.offs mixed with lace or a rurne-collared or clam di11ers. Boat necklines, blouse. The country peasant side-btlttons and bib-front trousers ambiance is layer upon layer ol will be topped off with drawstrint • flowered prlnts, tablecloth checks, tops and matching duffiea. country-quilt fabrics and soft, 10 ~~~fBxifln~1, 9ro)3f, :~a•ftJ!t supple suede. h\t.UJ~ -re -.Nol :J;)llt><' ·1c.s d11 t>!.>ihur; 1()1n:l · For Help Without Time Off From Work ... ..._...._ _________ .-,..._.... t l ' . ' TODAY'S WOMAN Tips to find employment ·So you're a woman looking for a job -how to go about it? Career counselors advise organiting your sea_rch, rather than merely looking hil·and-misa through the classified section. First off, prepare a resume. Remember, your resume is important in representing you to a prospective employer. It should include not only your educational background and em,Ployment, but your skills as well. It's important to list everything you can do, ,from merely driving a car to operating business macftrnes. Besides letting employers know what you can handle, your list or skills will Jielp you ·affirm you r own sense of"'Self worth. Give a list of rererences, and include a letter of recommendation, if possible, from a previous employer. You'll (ind book!! to help you in preparing your resume, available at the public library. Armed with your resume, you're now r-eady to tackle the want ads, plus many more sources: the classified phone directory, listing prospective employers in y·our area of lnterat; relatives and friends, who may knot.r of job openings; and your library, which has association directories ._ and trade journals in your field. The next step is selling up an interview. Be appropria~IY dressed for this; a good rUle of' thumb is to dress for the job you are applying tor. Be alert and confident during your interview. A negative aWtude will turn off a ny prospective employer. Enthusiasm counts for a great deal, so let the employer know you are genuinely interested in his or her field and really want the job. Keep track or each Interview and follow up on any good prospects with a phone call later on. An opening may very well develop · where there was none before. Re member, you have something to offer an employer; keep your attitude positive, be persistent, and eventually you'll be joining the rast-growing number of women at work. Premenstrual syndrome .•.. Coa't from pa1e 7 increased prostaglandin activity may be linked· with abnormally high prolactin, Prolactin impairs progesteronf synthesis according to Labrum. This results in estrogen excess, a premature fall in progesterone and an increase in prostaglandin production. Labrum found that by treating patients with bromocryptine, the prolaclin was suppressed and premenstrual symptoms were relieved. Both Miller and Agnew noted that prostaglandin inhibitors affect each l woman independently. It may worsen a woman's condition or bring about a wonderful change in her life, Miller said. An article recently published on primary dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps) stated that a Benedek-Jaumann study found bromocrlptlne especially effective for women sufferln& from breut tenderness. Women skeplica) of hormone treatment are not without recourse. Diuretics, used to increase urination and relieve water retention, have been taken for years. Some obnlclana, however, claim dluretlcl cause potaulum depletion, wblch may increase tension. llUler cauUoae4 tbat diuretics may remoH ftuld from the ..... body compal'UntMa ud tbat evtdlnce ol 6ta elfftti,_ la very...,... Women wbo decide to take diuretics should supplement their diet with foods rich in potassium, such as bananas or apricots, or with potassium pills. IN THE MEANTIME " What can yeu do for yourseU to combat premenstrual syndrome? Eat well. A hiib protein diet can maintain a normal fluid balance by facilitating the Oxidation and excretion of food . Try to stay on a low-~odium diet, especially begin.n411 10 days before menstruation. Thii will offset the tendency toward salt and water retention. You may try eating grapefruit, a natural diuretic, if the •water retention becomes painful. Exercise is another . way to keep your body in good working order. Besides working off body nulds through perspiration, regular workouts relieve the body of built-up tension. In the meantime, keep a monthly chart to discover whether particular symptoms occut systematically. If you think you may have premenstrual syndrome, consult your 17necolo&iat about a diet and exerdle pro(l'am that can ~lieve your paina. If thia doesn't hefp, the next step may be hormonal treatm•t. Above all, keep your cbiD up. A1aew aald that aometlmu .a p.arson'a 1ymptom1 are ea~ by anxious utletpation ot tbe Mat mea1\naal ercle. Take eomlort kn6wiq tbat tbe problem •'t jUll ,.w.,o111er, it'• lettint ...... f Insurance IVlail-order protection Never before have so many women been burdened with the responsibilities, concerns, worries, decisions and obligations that face the head of a household. But as more and more women find themselves becoming beads of households -a 50 percent increase since 1970 -their new-found economic and personal status forcu them into an expanding concern for the protection of families, including providing in~•u·ance coverue. •For two-thirds of all American house-holds, however, buying through the mail may be the only means or contact offered them to obtain insurance protection. Many ol the policies that can be bought by mail are specifically designed to supplement other coverages. Many private, group and government plans -like Medicare, for example -just don't cover everything. And, with costs rising all the time, most people can use extra protection so that they aon 't have to empty their pockets to pay for things their existing insurance doesn't cover. rape • • • <(oa't from__py_e 5 its feet, but Pamela Iles, a deputy district.attorney believes il is worth every penny of the taxpayers' money. "It will bring abdut more efficient filing, better services to the victim, more pros ecutions, a higher conviction rate, and, hopefully, longer sentences,·• she said. Shirley Almeida, a sexual assault victim specialist with ·the Victim/Witness Assistance Program, said she feels the successful adoption of vertical prosecution would be "the biggest breakthrough for rape victims yet." Vertical pNM1eculion would set up . a team of district attorneys specialized in sex crimes. It would also cut their case load from 22 to 11, freeing more of their time to bulld the best poulble cue. One district attorney would also be uaiped to see the cue al{ tbe way through the Justice system. WlJ,b the ayatem u it ls now, the vidim rarely bu the same district aU.orney throu1b the municipal court arralpment, the preJlmiaary he•rinc. the superior court bearin1 and the superior court trial, not to mention appeals. Therefore, lbe vlillmma1 end up tellln1 her atorJ H or 15 times before the cue ll finally decided. • Jles Hid many vlctlma wUI eveat.ully sift apt.be cue. "Bow wftld 1ou Hile telllna srapblc Jleealll Moul tM flnt time '°" Ud ~lSU...?''IM.....a. ne1 ..., ,.... 1t 11 tmpartut·c.at t.be Tietlm .... • dtllriet .... .., There's really not much difference in buying an insurance policy. by mail or from !ll !lent. Once the policy bas been bought, the mails bring premium notices to be paid by mail. Claims are often sent to the insurance company through the mall, and benefit checks are received by mail. So, no matter how the policy is purchased, most contact with any insurance CEmP-_~1 is by mail. -:_ Buying insurance by mail has many advantages, especially convenience and reliability. Because all of the sales information is committed to writing, in clear, simple language, it can be read and re-read at leisure. There ls no risk or obligation even after the policy arrives, because the buyer can read it and the first premium is refundable lf what the buyers sees is not satisfactory. In addition to th.is kind of protection from the insurance company itself, insurance companies that sell by mail must be licensed aDcf are regulated by state insurance departments. saying that many district attorneys don't know what things to loot for when filing a case. She said it ls also import.ant the attorney know , how to be compassionate. "When you come to see Uis noW:- it's like going to see a G.P. (general practitioner). Expertise would · make handling ~e case much more efficient. I cwteacb someone bow to put the mechanics of a cue on in a day, but developing the HftliUvity ~ to deal with the problems of the victims takes time. A lot of lawyers just aren't trained in cases of sexual aaault. I lurned tb'at through years of wotklng wlth social workeral" Isles aald. A rape vTcllni wliOWia auaulted two years a10 in a Newport Beaeb office building at 5 a.m. Indicated just bow important it ls that a district attorney be trained to handle a rape cue. The vlctlm, who uked not to be identified, said sbe would have dropped tbe cue if the flrat deputy district attorney uslped to ber case would bue seen lt all tbe way throup. After ber meet1n1 wttb the deputy district attorney, abe called .. the police otflcer wbo bad been lnveatiptina tbe cue ad said if IOm-.... W• D0t ...... to ber UM, abe WGUld drop It. "It IDM• a 1111 cltftenDee ID Mw. tactful a., an," tbe vtettm Aid. ''fbft •lot ... 9ledlm ...... .,. ..... ..,_ ..... ,~ ~ftltk .............. ....... lllid.- • , ~,.----~-----------------~~--~.---~ 14 -Toctay'a Woman -A Supplement to the DAILY ~ILOT, Wednaday, Marett 17, 1982 ; TODAY'S WOMAN Title IX update: Women's athletics complete a forward pass Distinctive Fashion. Every Sunday By NANCY BEwtn It seems most of the schools were in SPecW 1ec1tone Wrft9f. • · compliance before IX sanctions TiUe IX or the 1972 Education came down. Amendments was passed to ensure "Before Title IX, we treated all equal treatment of males and our teams equally, said Linda females in educational institution.S Dempsey, women's athletic that receive federal funds. · director at UCI. "There was no The result was an.increase in the distinction between what was done number o r women e ntering for the men's teams and the previously "mal~ d~minated" fie!ds women's. The support the teams s u c b as med 1 c JD e , law and .were provided in facilities , practice engineering. time and t.rJvel was equal. We were In 1975", the . Department of not equitable on the basis of Health, Education and Welfare scholarships and coaching." extended Title IX into athletics, Since Title IX, UCI bas phased in calling for equality for both men rul'l -time coaches for its women's and women in the number oJ teams . Before Title IX , the s chol arshi ps issued, sports women's teams had part-time programs, e quipment, facilities , coaching staffs. coaching, travel and publicity. De mpsey said the number of Soon' after the extension, a roar scholarships available for . women was heard by men's teams across athletes at UCI were on the same the country about the imminent loss par with the men, but the coaches of some of their funding. Women were not using them. athletes became worried that Title Sue Brown, division chairman at IX was being ignored. Orange Coast College, said Orange Along the Orange Coast, however , Coast College did a college-wide: Tille IX didn't seem to have too study in 1976 and found they were much effect-on women's programs. "basically already in co?lpliance See page lS 45% OFF ..A.r<•··· I CAlllNETB/ Until April 30, 1982 CllllOS * CEUlllC TILE * SIOWEIS YlllTIES * COllll llRILE Ann larker, owner & designer wlll help you plan your new kitchen or bath to be beautiful, functional, and very affor dable. Memb.r: American Institute of Kitchen Dealers General C.ntracton LicenM No. 8329682 r------------.---.---1 I Regular $50.00 · I I HOMI CONSULTATION I I FREI with thl1 od • I L--~----~~,~~Ap~~~~~~ 111111 llTllUI I llTIS \. ~,~------------------------..... -........... nelwwork· •• From Paiez· / • Network contact• In Orange County California Press Women -835-4333 Charter 100 -850.1001 "Networking is .not a sewing circle," said Able, "you are not here to lead girl scouts or cut bandages. You are here to advance and promote your own career." .. • According to Able, what makes a good networker is someone who is willing to work at it. A good networker must have a willingness to break stereotypes and to flower out ~f the mold that has been set for women. Most of all she must be willing to ask for assistance in order to receive the help she needs. "The most impof't4nt thing I've learned," said Able, "is that I don't have to be good at everyt.binc. All I . need is a roll·a-dez ruU of contacts that are good at something and who are willing to help me. "Then I can appear as if I'm good at it all. Which brings me points in the business world. Which advances my career. Which is really what networking is all about." • • ·leads Club -951-0832 Orange County Women tawyers - . 533-1820 Professional Women 's Network - 548-7933 weCan Women's Network -835-4333 Women in Business -851·2319 Women in Manaaement -556-al33 Women's Referral Networt -760-1882 (A.c-i lllM CM Pll!-11 lo4ICll •ot1111 Ml• WOtb) u1s1na . .,., Tfil LOWEST Prices in Orange · -ounty! PROCESSOOS List Price D&.C I• ............ 130.00 DLC• .............. 185.00 DLC 71 ••••.•.••••••• 260.00 AUWITH MIW ....... ... lWll cw .... t'oodProceuon ....... a,•d1dfee4 ....... ........ Our Price ''·'' .••.• , '''·'' CROWN HARDWARE EYWVthlng ~ want In a h«dnre ltcn . Title IX from pa1eH with TiUe IX." • • • The only major impact TiUe IX bad on OCC was forcln1 tbe California Community and Junior College Association (CCJCA) to• bold tournaments for women. Up until TiUe IX, the CCJCA was only open to men. At Golden West College <GWC), the effects of Title IX were about · the same. Dr. Fred Owens, the dean of science and health at GWC and athletic director at the time of 'J'itle IX, said be had made up b1a mind when he took over as athletic director that the school would bave "a full-blown" women's athletic P~1ram. Owens said while other community colleges bad what be calls a "Mini Mouse" program - one coach for several teams and practices only a couple times a week, Golden West "treated our female athletes the same as the men athletes." When other schools were forced to comply wit.b Title IX, however, GWC benefited from it (!eaUy, Owens sald. "When tbese··other colleges who were carrying on in this Mini Mouse manner bad to comply, they bee an providine us . with more competition." One such school. wu Saddleback College. A relatively new school, Saddleback started moat of it• men's programs off camput. The women chose to wait for facil.Wes to be built on campus. As a result, before Title IX, Saddleback offered only volleyball ·and swimming for it• women. athletes. To comply with the aanctions, Saddleback needed 'to offer seven women sports wttbin three 1ears. The school added crou country, softbAll, tennla, and track, falling one sport sb<>rt of meeting TiUe IX regulations. · Aecording to Betty Sherrer, women's athletic coordinator, Saddleback bad planned to off~r basketball as the seventh 1 rt ~e~ed to_ c_omfil. - -~We're_no.w_apen on Sq,nday ! ! /. J'Come see our complete selection of kniting and crochet yarns by Bernat, Unger, Reynolds & more· . - DMC Perle ·& Floss Counted Crosstitch Needlepoint • Stitchery Paternq Persian Cwtom Finish.ing ~ . . m_•> sst-1f6l' . . ~ J4252CUW!RDRIU£ • YARt' IRVN. CALIFORNIA 12714 • • •• • i ' 0 I I . - ------ • • . -. • • . . El Toro ·'unaccept3ble' .for cOmmercial Oig4tsl . . 1h.e fKton were lilted In a letter 1ent Tueeday t.o memben of the county'• 0blue ribbon" committee examinin'l potential tocatlona for a new intemaUooal-type alrport. It WM U.t by Murry Cable, manaeer-of the county-owned John Way-ne Airport. In· an earlier letter t.o the -Irish adrift St. Patrick's celebration soaked By JEFF PARKER Of1tleDllr ......... They were brave. They were tough. They were wet' and they were Irish. And St. Patrick's Day began early for them as they fought the elements to congregate in their favorite Costa Mesa haunts. Some of them were carried into Scotty's Shamrock lounae by Seo~ himaelf -the rain had left an ankle-deeo puddle around the ever-popular back entrance. Others found that -bUckets placed over the feet kept .• them dry as they braved the flooded Shamrock. And an intrepid few hlked their panta and sloshed their way into the o_!d watering hole. But all in all, it was a slow morning on this Irish ho-liday. . "We were l>usy by this time of day last year," la- mented Shamrock bartender Sam Young. "I served 250 ham and cheese sandwiches. But this rain is even tough on the Irish." The Irish at the Fling Lounge in Costa Mesa didn't aeem to mind that it was raining on their parade. In fact, one Irish American, John Hegarty, said that back in Ire- land, St. Patrick'• Day ia much more "subdued" than its American counterpart. "The pubs aren't even open," he said. "lt'a a reJJgioua obeervance for a popular aa.int. But here, well, ••necne hM to lell aome Iriah whiakey. riaht?0 Hegarty buddied up witli Bob O'Neil. a fellow Iriab- man train County Clue, who had brou&ht aloQg hia lucky -i!Ulleligh for the occasion. "RANDED DOWN FROM my grandfather," O'Neill said u be brandiahed the walldng stick with a modest but unmistakable pride. Certahi Fling patrona, led by Bill Kloha (not lrlah), committee, ~ pJana and. p&"Olfamt offbr Steven Kosak bad ooncluded that oommerdal \.Ille of the Marine t-waa . "fatally flawed" Cable repeated that contention in hla Jetter. Study of the !!l Toro !acWty aa a O••omen:ial alrport hM been under way by ~ county'• com- mittee and aepe.rately by the Southern OillfomJa A.90Clation of Government., a retPcnal p1ann1nc orpnilatklll. . In the three-page letter t.o • committee cha1miari Keith Mur- doch, Cable cited a 1979 SCAG report which concluded that joint mllitary-civWan uae of the bue would interfere with existing inmted that O'Neil U8e the mme¥ u a golf club. ~ .... ...,.,.... "It's not for golf, it's an heirloom," O'Neil countered. PUDDLE-BOPPER -If you STARTED celebrating St. "You'd undeistand if you were Irish." Patrick's Day b~al.king in buckets., you'd only admit your '""b hell," Klohs said. "Today, everybody'• Irtah." -1-t----too is Bo V ' UIUUUUJ..M:, • pper. ~Bill wollld increase county sales tax Robinson's measure would raise funds for local transportation projec_ts Leglalation baa been introdu- ced in Sacramento that would pave the .way for Orange County voters to decide if aalea tax ~ ahould b e increased to raiae money for tran1portation pro- jectB. Aaaembly Bill 3283, by Aa- aemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana, ia deecribed .. the first in a long aeries of atepe that would be required before voters would face the queation of rai- sing the sales tax rate. Scan, suspects held A couple accused of conning more than 100 people in a aeries of buslneaa acama in Huntington Beach and other cities acrom the nation have been arr eated in Tallahe 1 ee, Fla. Kenneth Robert Ma:tey, 42, alao known aa Tom Tatum, and hla wife Lillian, 38, were being held without bail today in Leon County Jail, Florida authoritiea said. Huntington Beach police have obtained a $25,000 warrant cal- WORLD Ung. for Manley's a~re t on a grand theft charge. to polk:e detectlve Dennis Branch said the man last impem:mated a Corona del ~ physician with the aame name t.o · bilk a Huntington Beech couple out of an $11,000 CactUJac Seville they were attempting t.o ae1L A variefy of cliara9a. tnduding other counta of grand theft., for- gery, bad checb and weapons violations are penc:ltna agalnat the pair ~t Callfcmlla. U.S. benefits.from glut Petroleum pricell are faJUng worldwide, but the U.S. bu benefited the most. Page B4. NATION St~amlined .primaries uked · · A ~teaTttaan commlnlon baa recommended 1trHm11n1Q1 the national polltlcal primary aynem. · .,.... A.8. Judge baeb von Bulo:w jury . . · A Pflit hm nta.ed to lilt ... a P7'• caavtetlan Ola.. .. Bulow, 1'bo ... belD d:Millld wltb ~ .,.... • kdl htl WU.. Pl.-Al. . The current salea tax rate is aix could be taken. percent. Officials .. Y.. a one-half Officials said the bill likely will percent increue would generate be amended from its present $70 million annually that could form to give the obwlty Board of go exclusively to county trana-Supervilon and city coundla the portation projects. final deciaion on whether the tax The proposal baa l>M:king from lncreaae proposal should be sent the Orange County Tranaporta-to the voten. .tion Coalition, a group of indu-Ed Gerber, the coalition's Sac- atry leaden focuailll on ways of ramento advocate, said under the improving existing transporta-best of circumstances, it would be tion f.adlities. unlikely that a vote would occur Roblmon'a bill is co-authored before 1984. by three other county 811embly Gerber deacribed the bill as the · members, Marian Bergeson, R-coalition'• "major legialative ac- Newport Beach; Nolan Frizzelle, tlon" for the current aeuion of R-Coata Mesa, and Cheater the atate Legislature in a newa- Wray, D-Weatmlnster. letter recently sent to coalition Tom San~, an executive of membera. Pacific Mu Newport Beach, "The coalition strongly belle- a member of the transportation · ves such a tax ii the only major coalition, said the Robinllon bill ii local funding 11ource1 which is strictly "enabling" legialation. It adequate to begin to meet the would not raise the tax rate in magnitude of tranaportation pro-Oranae County; rather it would jecta in Orange County,'' Gerber eatabliah the proceaa under aaid in the newsletter. which .a vote on the propoaal -By FRED SCHOEMEHL ST4TE Pac-Man homeward-bound Atari Inc. la planning to market a home vendon of Pac-~ the la~ c::rue among video game buffa. Page A"I. • Plastic milk causes sought · oU~ dairy producers want to recOver •10 million wOrth of pluUc mllk ~ taken annuall)' in . California. Pace D6. · COUNTY J fliaht pattema involving nearby Jofm Wayne Airport. 'll\at report abo ooncl•aded., Cable aa1d, that joint operaUona could be "well above" the hand- Una capeclty of the Federal Avlation Administration'• radar control t.ower located at the bue. And, Cable cited a portion of the report which said civilian aircraft opera\iona at El Toro would cbntribute "toward gen- eral airspace saturation and would increue the probability of mid-air accidents." The airport manager • lifted material from a 1980 SCAG study that u.ted Tuatin, Oranae. Santa Ana, Irvine, Laguna Hilla, El Toro and Lake Forest as communities that would be threatened by noiae if commer- cial jeta were bued at El Toro. "In my opinion, theae com- munity noiae oonaequenoes are just too enonnous t.o ignore,'' Cable aaid. . Aa for road access to El Toro, • . . Cable IAkl: "At~ the Sant4 Ana ond Sm Dleao l'teewa~ virtual puidng Iota. The fact theee are the only major rOllda aervinC the El Toro and are now l"e9Ch1ng ca~padt peak periods, meana that a lituation would be made w by adding congestion o1 ve traffic from airport u.en." ~ Neoe81al')' improvementa td accommodate ~ uae oC El Toro could COit from ~ million to $2 billion, Cable ~ minded committee membera. Rei1 location of existing military AC!1J vtties could COit aa much M ~ billion, he ~d. ' ' ' Beyond "technical ~ minp" Cable aaid commercial uae of El Toro baa ~:~ been oppoeed by Irvine of and repreee{ltativea of the Ma- rine Corpe and Navy. The county's regional airport site committee ii next acheduled to ~t March 30. Rairistorm damages school, two stores By JERRY HERTENSTEIN o<hl>ellrNotatMI Rain and thundershowers that damaged a achool and shopping center in Huntington Beach and cauaed temporary flooding are expected to continue through Thunday on ~e Orange c.out. The forecast calla for showers and thundershowers along the coast with chances of rain dimi- niahing to 40 percent by Thura- day night, according to a spokes- LB's Dawson • resigns council post By STEVE MlTCBELL o<hl>ellr .......... Laguna Beach Councilman Howard Dawson surprised a :rJie council audience Tueeday t by resigning his poet, but not before lambasting two of his colleagues. The four-year council member, whole term would have expired n ext month, said he resigned early ••to dramatize my point that I don't like what's happening in our fair city." &adina from a prepared sta- tement, Dawson accuaed Mayor Sally Bellerue and Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick of "misfeasance and malfeasance of office, viola- ting their oath of office," and participating in "selective law enfon::ernent." "Having accused Sally Belle- rue and Neil Fitzpatrick of mal- feasance, I have no choice but to seek their resignation," Dawaon said. But noting it was "unlikely" they would do so, Dawson said "I am handing in my resignation.'' · He accuaed the two council members of botching up plans for a aolution to the Sycamore Hilla land sale, in which the city la attempting t.o aell 522 acres out Laguna Canyon and pay off a $7 million ~rtga1e to former ow- nera of the land. He said they violated their (See DAWSON, Pqe A!) . . INDEX woman for the NatiopaJ Weather Service in Loe Angeles. The rain which fell intermit- tently throughout the early morning hours today and Tues- day measured up to 2 inches in aome parts of the county. Three c1asBrooma have been cloeed at Lake View Elementary School, near Newland Street and Slater Avenue in , Huntington Beach, becau.e of a 1ealdna roof, accordina to offidala for the Ocean V1ew School District. The clwooma are in ''really bad shape,'' according to Gayle Wayne, spokeswoman for the diatrict. She aa1d students have been ·-= moved into the library, other (See RAIN, Pase A!) Fullerton father, son die i:n crash LYTLE CREEK (AP) -A 55-year-old Fullerton man and hia son died when their light plane slammed into the side of a mountain, the San Bernardino County ooroner'a office aaid. Depuiy Coroner Nelda Brittan said officials recovered the bodiea of Duane Delmar Davia and hia 80J\ &uce, 19 or 20, from the wreckage Tue.iay. Ofticia1.a said the plane appe- rently crashed Saturday when visibility was obecured by rain ~fog. The Davi9es . left . Fuµerton· Airport at 10 a.m. Saturday on a trip t.o Daggett t.o inapect aome property owned by the family. Official.a 9-id it was not imme- diately kno\vn if the two were en route to Dauett or retutnina home when the crash OCCW'T'ed near the Cajon Pa.. The wings and main section of the fuselage of the C.emna 210 were charred by a fire appa- rently ignited by the ool.lhdoo. authorities said. The wreckaae WM spotted by 8 Civil Air Patrol plane early Tueeday. . At Your Service Bullne9I A4 B4 A.5 B2 Movies D6 Calif cmia Cavalcade Oaettted CClmlcs Cromwonl O.th NotM. Editorial Entertainment Food Hormcope ' Ann Landers E3-8 c::T c::T E2 A6 D6 Cl-8,Dl-4 B2 B2 SPORTS M~Stew B2 Mutual l\mda B4 National News A3 0ranae County Bl ~ Noticea MJ)6-7,.1!2 Spor1a B6-8 Stock Marketa 85 TelfMlion D8 TbMten D6 W•ther A2 World Newt • A3 County cage hoJlon told · · a.on HJcb'• IUcbard ~ and Barry IAllh. copped the onna-c.o.t an.•1 bil awardl ID -.: ' IWd.ll. See Spara. P.-Bl. ' .. ·Laguna not rlield 1 ~llerue ea.id "Thi• 11 really amazina, I mUlt MY· "I g_u•'8. we sit as a body of four otficfal members." , Flupatrtck te.rmed Daw.on'• rea1gn atlon "A very dramatic ~ '' adding the councilman •mad~ some very aerlou1 .U:C~ hJa record on the council, aayi.ni "Si.nee Day One, I feel my actions, whether liked or unllked, have been conailtent." Saying 4he biggest issue in Laguna Beach has been "h ow heavily we want tQ develop this community," Fitzpatrick said, .. there are times when you have to stand 'IP and say no (to developme~t.)" _ . 'liatile ' The Qt~~ Belich WM releued y from all liabl- llty autroundin'k!i cau.e of a Lllwla Omyon cruh three year1aao. On.nae C-ounty Superlot CGurt Judp .ramee L. Smith ruled that the city -n\med •• a co- defendant with the State of Cal- ifornia ln a lawsuit -it not re.- ponaible for maintalntn1 the state bi2hway, and llO.cannot be held liable for any acddentl oc-. CWTin& on It. Attorneys for two Laguna Beach residenta injured ln a 1979 colllaion allege that Caltrana and the city knowingly allowed un- 18.fe highway conditlo(w to exist at the accident site 500 feet north of Blg Bend. RAIN DAMAGE ... In a month o1 testimony, mbre than 45 witnesaes have been cal- led to the at.and to give their' vel'lion of road conditions along the 7.5-mile highway. c1am'OCllDI and hallways.· Dren- ched carpets have been removed from the clasarooma and heaters have beeil brought ln. she said. 1bere is a poesibllity ~ students could be moved to ano- ther school. The roof has been lea.king for five years but Tue8day's lncldent wu the most aevere. A new roof ii 8Cheduled thia summer. The main beam of two small stores in a five-store shopping center at Springdale Street and Warner Avenue in Huntington Beach collapsed Tuesday after- noon due to a large amount of water accumulated on the roof, .,.coord.ing to fire Chief Rll Pi- card of the H untington ~ Fire Departtnent. ,. The roof didn't collapse but • firemen punched a hole in the -roof and drained water throug~ metal chutes into the store and out into the street, Picard said. The problem apparently was caused by clogged roof drain. A lightning bolt hit a Southern California F.dison Co. transfor- mer pod at MacArthur Bouleva- rd and Jamboree Road in New - port Beach at 7:57 a.m. today knocking out service to 1,200 customers in Irvine, a spokesman for the utility said. Another power outage was re- ported along Crown Valley Parkway in southern Orange County. About 1,200 customers were affected from 6:58 to 8:45 a.m. today. Police in coastal cities reported the usual rash of rain-related fender bender accidents during the height of the rainstorm du- ring Tuesday afternoon's heavy crush of homebound commuters. WHE RE'S THE CORNED BEEF? -Bill Aldis of Costa Mesa shows off 15-pou.nd cab- Deir .... ,......., ....... O'OecW .. bage he .grew for St. Patrick's Day. But last year's cabbage weighed 23 pounds. 5 county officers exonerated Probe says police· justified killing ·esca ped convict Five officers w}\o altt>t and killed an.escaped convict in Santa Ana "were justified ln d.iacha.r- ging theU: weapon.a," according to the preliminary results of a probe by the Santa Ana Police De~ ment. The convict, Kenneth F. Troyer escaped Jan. 30 from the California Men's Colony at San Luie-Obiapo, where he was eerving _a four-year eentence for armedb~. at the time he was shot. Sgt. McClain said officers' vision was hampered eomewbat by exhaust coming from the crashed auto, but said officers did aee Troyer move back to get back ln the car when they fired. Among thoee called to testify by Santa Ana attorney Gene Goldaman have been fonner La- ' guna Beach Police Chief Jon Sparks, Larry Campbell, past publisher of the Tides and Times weekly newspaper, former La- guna Mayor· Jack McDowell, Orange County 5th District Superviaor Torn Riley and Terry Brandt, Laguna'• director of municipal services. Goldaman is representing Art Colony residents Peter Moir, 28, and Diane Goruales, 19. They were struck head-on by another car March 16, 1979 . That vehicle, driven by Lisa Chaffin, 21, of MiSBion Viejo, croased over from the north-· bound to southbound lane and rammed the oncoming vehicle. "'Newport mayor's Troyer, 36, was fired upon Sun- day afternoon by officers after a car in which he was fleeing crashed into a tree near 17th Street and Cabrillo Park in Santa Ana. Orange County authorities were aearching for hJm last week ln connectioii with at leut one sexual assault and other offenses reported locally alnoe hi.a eecape. He was a~ near Beach Boulevard and Slater Avenue in Huntington Beach last Wednes- day, where he scuffled and drew a gun on a Westminster officer who tried to question him, ac- An autopsy disclosed Troyer was hit ln the back, thigh, but- tocks and lower back by a com- bination of bulleta and shot.gun pellets. McClain said. McClain said investigators have learned since the shooting that Troyer told acquaintances he was not going to De taken alive by authorities because he did not want to return to priaon. Campaign funds total correcte d -condit~on improves Santa Ana police Sgt. John McClain said his department has determined that Troyer stepped out of the car, raised hJa hands, then abruptly dropped his arms and attempted to get back into the car. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, confined to a hospital intensive care unit, is mak ing slow b ut steady improvement after suffering a stroke March 7, according to her husband. .t .• ~ren Heather, a cardiologist, :t"l&lO his wife has regained eome: ''lftrength in her hands and legs 9."ftut ii still sufferin g some fn•t:lng)..lnJ(• on the her left side. c / Tiie 52-year-old mayor is not ~tet able to walk, he said. rut Dr. Heather said physicians rtand a~alista have deliberately kept wife inactive, tea.ring that movement could complicate · n'llte bleeding she su1fered ln her ~!\ead. -!>, -tr! "It will still be a while before 1rfhe can go home," he said. The mayor was rushed to Hoag Memorial Hospital after suf- fering a ~rebral vascular nem- morhage at her Newport home. She has been listed in fair -but st.able condition for more than a week. Dr. Heather said his wife is resUess and finding it. difficult to adjust to being confined. He said she's anxious to get back to her city hall work. "It's hard for her because she's the sort of person who never stopped moving. She wants to be back on the council. In fact, she even wants to hold the meetings in her (intensive care) room." Dr. Heather has suggested his wife may be able to return to active council work within two months. One Santa Ana officer and four Anaheim officers fired at that time, believing Troyer might be reaching for a weapon, Mc- Clain said. , The Santa Ana detective said the shooting investigation results will be presented to a depart- mental review board and to the Orange County Diatrict Attor- ney's office Friday afternoon for further evaluation. McClain said a search Tuesday of the Mercury Bobcat auto Troyer was driving turned up no weapon, although it did contain unspecified evidence linkinR him to the alleged rape last week of a Huntington Beach woman. Skies to clear? .. 30 ee 60 ee 52 83 58 55 60 49 55 52 53 52 81 83 53 55 eo 58 67 58 58 55 33 70 81 25 Challl1n -SC 48 Ctlw'lltn WV '50 Ctlwltte NC :~~ 44 Cincinnati 41 Cleveland 40 Columbua 46 Dal-Ft Wth 40 Oertv.r 43 Dee Molllft / 42 Detroit 39 Duluth 48 El Pao 47 Hertf~d 63 Helena 4ll Honolulu 41 Houtton 50 lndnaplls 42 Jechnv11e 44 Kena City 42 I ea Vegaa 51 Litt .. ROc:k 40 . LouleYI .. 21 M«nphl9 47 Miami 48 Mllw9ukM M~.P N .. lwll .. HI lo fl'cp 'New Or1Mna 40 32 .43 New Yont 83 33 Norfolk 74 33 Okla City 58 44 18 Omaha 64 50 ~ 44 38 .29 PNladpN• 45 40 Phoenix 84 70 PmebutQh ae 33 .oe, Pllend, Me 48 28 Ptltlnd, Ore 55 38 .10 .~ 91 71 Seit Uill• 43 35 .31 SMltle 81 58 ee eo 28 49 44 55 30 57 33 78 47 .09 58 38 .40 58 48 .81 81 65 83 30 49 36 48 35 .48 33 28 .05 74 37 50 34 .21 35 24 07 84 72 78 70 77 45 .73 85 58 ee 41 80 41 1141 85 80 50 .74 n 87 80 78 48 28 .~ 37 30 .48 80 85 .03 84 72 47 3& .23 49 15 .15 77 48 50 33 89 81 • 48 38 .27. ee '2 51 44 .71 50 84 57 35 42 2S .03 50 35 .oe 51 37 cor<linR to police. _ WhiTe }liding from a police dr~et in the .area. Troyer alle- gedly broke into a local home, raped the woman who resides there and stole the woman's car. Police say this was the vehicle, repainted and having different license plates, Troyer was driving The detective said officers at the scene did not know this but said it might explain why Troyer made a sudden move to draw gunfire after he was surrounded 6y officers. An article that appeared in one edition of the Daily Pilot Friday was incorrect when it listed the campaign funds collected by Huntington Beach City Council- woman Ruth Bailey. · The correct total that Mrs. Bailey collected as of the Feb. 27 tiling date should have been listed as $4,812. The Daily Pilot regrets the mistake caused by a typographical error. -. SPECIAL BONUS "FREE BENCHES" value S 16500 WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH SOFA, LOVESEAT OR PAIR OF CHAIRS Y©U RECEIVE FREE ONE OF MARGE CARSON'S FAMOUS BENCHES. SELECT F.ROM ANY OF OUR FAMOUS HANDCRAFTED UPHOLSTERY LINES AND RECEIVE THIS SPECIAL BONUS. LARGE SELECTION OF BENCHES READY FOR DELIVERY. STOP IN TODAY FOR THIS FANTASTIC OFFER. OPEi SlllAY 12:11-1111 I '· Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Wedneaday. March 17' 1882 H/F WASHINGroN (AP) -C.U-tna the ~ntial nominatlna system 'cumbel'lome, complex and confualng," a bipartlaan <."Otnllll.-ion recommended today halving the number of primaries and shortening the time period for eelecting national convention delegates. ~ The cornm1asion also urged in- creasing the influence of elected and party officials at conventions. and eliminating . otles binding delegates to suppoh the results of primaries and caucuaes. Headed by fonner Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird, a Wiaoonsin Hepublican, and former Sen. Adlai E. Stevenson m. an Illinois Democrat, the commission was established by the White Burkett Miller Center of Public Affairs at the Univer- sity of Virginia. Also serving on the commis- sion's executive board were Robert Strauss, fonner Demo- cratic Party chainnan, and Anne Wexler, a White House aide du- ring the Carter administration. "From both ends of the politi- cal spectrum come demands for c~e," said the commission re-port. "l'tus new movement knows no partlaan caat, nor doe9 it leek to &enefit any one candidate or fection. It la moUvated 10lely by the belief that the public lnter'est la Ul-aerved by the cummt no. minating system .•• The commlsaion, which took testimony from about 1,000 peo- ple, said the current nominating syatem "is more the result of unintended comequencee and mutual rniacalculationa than de- liberate del.lgn. "M09,'0ver, no one claims ree- ponsibuity for this System be- cause no one ever wanted It to be as cumbersome, complex and confusing as it is." The group said it was advoca- ting a small number of practi<:al changes which would be imple- mented bnmediately. However, there appears to be no inclination on the part of either the Ji>emocrats or Repu- blicans to jettison thetr own plans in favor of the Lail.d-Stevenson commission views. The Republicans have no pJa.ns for changes in their rules before their 1984 convention. The De- mocrats are rewriting their rules and are expected to approve changes at a party meeting later this month. ' ·Diahlo nuke plant under fire again - • WINTER RETURNS -It was slick going along Skyline Boulevard in Hillsborough after cold temperatures turned rain into snow above 1500 feet in California's Bay area ' I ( AP~o Tuesday. Temperatures dipped into the 30s and travel~rs advisories wer e posted for higher elevations. ~ LOS ANGELES (AP) - Anti-nuclear forces contend a consultant's finding that quality controls were seriously laCking during design work at the bit- terly opposed Oiablo Canyon nuclear power plant raise new questions about the entire faci- lity. of the reactor, provided by Westinghouse, is not being questioned and the actual con- struction phase appears adequate sirice "the overwhelming con- centration of our own inspection effort is aimed at construction and procurement. Floods ravaging Indiana, Ohio Nuke freeze • motive questioned . Michigan also hit as ice and snow overflow rivers Pacific Gas & Electric C.O. s~ kesman Chris Piper argued Tuesday that the report by .Roger Reedy Inc. simply oontirma what the utility had cqnceded months ago: that It had failed "to imple- ment strict quality control procedures.'' Spokesman Jim Hanchett of the NRC's San Franciacarea office, said the commi-.ion staff is reviewing the report, which it received Friday. "We hope to ·meet next week with Reedy and PG&E to discuss. the report and seek some clarification," he said. "What we do from there is uncertain at this moment.'' Hanchett said the basic design "Where the problom comes in," he said, "is in their uae of other contractor-consultants in other areas. notably the 1eillmic area.'' Piper contends the string of design errors, which began sur- facing shortly after the U.S . Nu- clear Regulatory Commiasion is- sued an interim fuel-loacilni and low-power testing llceme ln September, can and will be cor- rected without major problems. The mistakes led the NRC to suspend the unused testing li- cense for the $2.4 billion power plant near S'an Cuis Obispo pend- ing a complete design review to identify problems and determine what might be done about them. JSy 'ne A•soclated Press Four thousand ~ple are beini moved out of the way of woraening floods that have al- ready driven 3,800 others from their homes in Fort Wayne, Ind., where a broken ice-jam threate- ned dikes and President Reagan donned borrowed boots to help aUng sandbaga. Downstream in Ohio, National Guard troops guarded against looters in a flood-drenched town along the Maumee River, and residents were told to boil their water in case it had been conta- minated by floodwaters. And the weather service said there was a chance of more rain todav in MichiJ(an, Ohio i11ld In- Judge hacks von Bulo~ jury Magistrate refuses to 'set aside socialite's conviction NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) -Judge Thomas H . Needham, saying jUrors had ample evidence to find Claus von Bulow guilty of twice trytng"to murder his heiress wife with insulin injections, today re- fused to set aside the 80Cialite's conviction. Von Bulow, found guilty ·Tuesday of injecting Martha "Sunny" von Bulow with insulin that pushed her into two comas, has returned to his New York City apartment and did not at- tend today's brief hearing. Needham said his review of the evidence "in a light most fa- vorable to the state and a,nsis- tent with the guilt of the defen- dant" left hlm convinced the decision of the seven-man, five- woman jury was supported by the testimony and exhibits pre- sented at the nine-week trial. Defense lawyer Herald P . Fahringer, who alao was absent from the hearing, filed the re- quest for judgment of acquittal at the conclusion of testimony last week. Needham said he agreed with lawyers from both sides to withhold his ruling on the re- quest until the jury completed what stretched into 36 hours of deliberations over slx days. He said Fahringer had decli- ned to preeent arguments on the motion. Von Bulow was repre-.. senled at the hearing by co- counsel John F. Sheehan. Fahringer said the guilty ver- dicts on two counts of attempted ORANGE COAST ·Daily Pilat Cl•Hlfled •dvertl•lng 7141142-5171 All other" cs.pertment• 642~321 Thomas P. Haley ..,_... -c-tuc .. ,,.. Oltiu• Robert N. Weed ~ Thomes A. Murphtne (-. L. Kay Schultz Viet-""' Ow«:IO< ot Opet .. _. Michael P Harvey -"00o'9ClOt Kenneth N. Goddard J~ ~Oorecio< Charles H. Loos .......,....,_ MAIN OFFICE DO WHt Say SI., COiie Mela, CA. ~II...,...., 8oa IMO, CClll1ejMttA, CA.,__ CopyrlgM ,.., 0r.,.. CoHt p ... , ..... Compeny • Ho ,._, Allf1ft, lttvttretlOl'I., eclitorl'i"t ,.,_,or M-veru .. ..-ts .,.,..,,. mey M ,___, wfti.u. -lel pef'l'nlUIOfl of <OCIY•'9111....., mW'der will be appealed. Needham has set no date for sentencing but will hear a de- fense motion for a new trial April 2. "The court has concluded that the witnesses presented by the state on the medical aspects of this tfial were credible and I gave great weight to that testimony," Needham said. Proeecutors argued von Bulow tried to kill his wife so he could inherit $14 million of her fortune and marry his ex-actress lover. Instead, Mrs. von Bulow: now 50, fell into two comas, the second a lasting one. On each of the two counts he faces from two to 20 years behind the stone walls of the century-old atate prison, which stands 30 miles from the s1one mansion in Newport where he and his wife 1pent vacations and where, the jury fOund, he injected her. Mrs. von Bulow, who with her husband once breezed ~gh a high-society world of big money and exclusive clubs, lies oornatoee on a hospital bed in New York City. Her hospital is not far from the building with wrought iron, doors on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, where the von Bulows have an apartment. Von Bulow artjved there in a van T u esday evening and two doormen gr.uped his arms and eued him ~ the crowd of reporten waiting o~taide. ..., ........ ..., ............ We're Listening ••• \ What do you like about the Daily Piiot? What don't you Uke? Call the num~r below and your mes1a1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate edltor. The same M·hour an1werina tervice may be used to record let- ters to t1'e editor oolany tople. Mailbox contributors muat lnclude their name and telephone number for vertficaUon. No circulation calls, pleue. Tell us whal't on your mind. diana, where ih.awing ice and snow, coupled with day after day of rain since the weekend, have spawned floods that have killed four people and caused about $34 million in damage. Elsewhere, a winter storm spread heavy rains and snow across Southern puifomia today and the weather service said up to a foot could accumulate in the mountains. The storm was expected to move inland, spreading snow into Utah and Ari.wna, with winds up to 50 mph. Snow also spread across the northern Plains today, with 2 inches of snow falling in Rapid City, S.D., Casper, Wyo., and Broadus, Mont. After making an unscheduled stop in Fort Wayne, Reagan, his boots muddied and his face red from lifting a few sandbags, told refugees he hopes "we meet again someday when our feet are dry." Governors of the three flood- ravaged states have asked Washington for help. The president's plane touched down less than an hour after a tornado was sighted in the area. No injuries were reported from the tWlSter. In Kansas, Missouri and Oklahol1!8..1-_meanwhileJ.. Gem Talk ByJ.C. HUMPHRIES Ctrtifttd Gemolog i11t. AGS OUR NEW HOME will welcome you Soon we will move into our beautiful new store, just a few doors down the street at 1809 -Newport Blvd. We expect to be doing business there within a month . You will find the same friendly people that have served you in this community over the years. We will still have our own watchmaker and our own jeweler-right on the premises. Because we are movina into quarters that are double lhe size of our present store, we will have room for an even wider selection of fine jewelry. We~ proud ol the fact that our move is the firat major step \alten by a local business to upgrade the redevelopment area in our downtown block. We are a1ao crateful that our customer-. - many of whom we have known aince we flrat opened f9r business here ln 19" -bav. made It poalble for ua to arow wttb the Harbor Area. We appreciate the support you Uft oven ut. Pie.,. 1top b7 101a t a~d vlalt ua ln our new holM. q cleanup operauons were under way Tuesday in small towns ra- ked by tornadoes. Five people were killed and more than 100 injured in Monday's storms, which damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes, businesses and farin buildin~. Hours after Reagan pit.clled in, Fort Wayne Mayor Winfield Moses Jr. announced he wanted, 4,000 residents evacuated by noon today, bringing the number of homeless to 7 ,800 in the city and Allen C.Ounty. The evacuations were a pre- caution after an ice jam began breaking up and flowing down the St. Joseph River, threatening dikes. Moses said the city would shut off gas and electricity to the Lakeside neighborhood along the Maumee and St.Joseph to prevent fires, and Army National Guard members would patrol for too- ters. The Fort Wayne flood is the worst since a 1913 flood that was part of a series that killed more than 700 people across Indiana and Ohio. U.S . Army C.Orps of Engineers spokesman Mike Perrirti said the "p~ concem" was the Maumee and St. Joseph Rivers. WASHING TON (AP) -'l)e Reagan administration's ~t rejection of a new nuclear ~ proposal by Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev is based on a judgment that it would unden;µt the current U.S. military buildap and allow the Soviets to maintain. their superiority in EuropeAn rnis&le strength. J( In • .th A-l~la~ll terviews wt a............. n officials and public statements y President Reagan and hiss smen show deep distrust of the Kremlin's motives and conc:etn that Brezhnev is just trying to strengthen the hand of 1 nuclear forces in the Uni States and Western Europe. Although preferring that two superpow~rs deal with their differences quietly in Geneva, the administration is having to deal publicly With '• proposals lest it lose the ganda battle. U.S. arms control chief Eug~ V. Rost.ow, a veteran of Johnson administration. ac ledges that the Sot'iet leade a overture ·naturally appeals people with "a perfectly real natural fear of wars." Corum' s Masterpiece Collection I Fine Gold Ingots. Weighing 5, 10, Or 15 Grammes. Electronic Quartz S20GOld Piece. Electro(llc Quartz And· Water Retlatant MEMBE'A AMERICAN aEM SOCIETY 1823 NEWPORT BlVD COSTA MESA SI VIM'S IN THI IAMI! LOCATION leMArnertce,.-Meet9t Ch PHONE ·1 l I ,· -· .. ...... -., . - .. ,, -· . Golden West, -'t Pa Am talking .!so.Af--1"':':-&. a 0.W. w .. t .AlrUMI, the fhymclaUy aD1DC ftewport Be.ch ,..sona1 e&rrler, is ~ dJtcw. llnl eeWna up to 26 peft)ent of the airline to Pu Amerku WerN Atrway1. Pan Am in a ltatement la- sued late 'l\aaday Mid "dl'C' ....... about • .,-ble commuter operation have been held with Golden West" but declined to elaborate. Meenwbile, Golden 't West employeee are voUJll on the airline'• reque.i fat • 20 =~~deala latenadoul i.e. Mid tt bu withdrawn tta ·request few a Food and Drua Admlniatration bear1na for ita controversial and-viral drug boprinosine. The drug, which. ia lepl in 52 countries, WU developed to ~t aubic\.ate 8Cleroli.ng panencephalltia, a d.t.eue that aUecta about 200 chil dren annually in the United States. Company pn!tli· dent and board chairman, Alvin J . Glaaky, uid the firm withdrew lta request becauae of the heavy ex· penaes incurred in trytna to have the drug approved. In the ~t two years, ihe company hu apent aome. $2.5 million. Gluky reported. Effor:ta will continue, howewr, in tryiq to get boprinOOne approved for treatment of other-diRuel . . . Wespercorp hte, of Tustin will be llat.ed on the American Stock Exchange beginning· Friday, the company reported. The company had been liat.ed CYVer-the--counter. Un• <::::z----~-- A new round of 9'W•priat price lae1'Ulff ia be- ginning to take effect, despite forecasts that there will be a supply glut thla year and reporta that acme C-anadian producers already have echeduled produc- tion cutbaclu. A spokeswoman for Coaaolldate4; Ba~ant lac. of Montreal -one of eastern ean.da 1 major newsprint producers -said the company rai8ed prklea for U.S. customers by 5 percent March 1. 'nie change, whkh waa ~last fall, boosted the price by $25 to $525 per metric ton. Geaeral Dyaamlcs Corp. said it haa completed ~ pun:hue of ar,1ler Corp.'1 tank manufacturina subsidiary for $336.1 million. The price waa $12.4 million lem th:an the price set in the preliminary agreement announced Feb. 19, reflecting what Gen- eral Dynamjal called "oertain ~·UpoD adjust. menta arising aince that date." . . . . Job '· Cuey baa ~ his pmt .. chairman '&nd chief executive of Brul.ff hl&enaadeul to accept a position with Pu Amerleaa World Airways. ~· ward D. Pablam was subeequently elected ~f chairman of the board. He already holda the title of president and chief executive officer . ••• >1? •• Ill , ... J .. ~ 0 q 3 ':J I ~ ,, .. ·:l I p " " ') IJ ., ~ ii " ., Newport Pbrmaceetlcala hl&eraadoaal lac. laid total revenues for the nine-month period ended Jan. 31 were $7.4 million, an lncre88e ol $656,000 aver the like period last year. Total product sales increased $1 .2 • million from $5.3 million in 1981 to $6.5 million in. 0 1982. Net lo. wu $709,000, or 9 oenta a aha.re, com- pared with income of $830,000, or 10 cents. for the '\I >I e ,, comparable nine--month period last year ... Datapower lac. of Santa Ana tor the third quar- ter ended Dec. 31 lost $35,000, or 3 oenta a share, compared with net lnoome o{ $128,000, or 13 cents. in v the like period a year ago. Sales for the quarter were '' $2 million, about the aame as last year's like quarter. 8 '-------------------------------------------------~ ~ '1 --~~~~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~~~~:-:--:~:-----4 STKIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LWEIS 12.2 1~, u ••• II H«W YOlltKIAPI "1NI o-.Jonet avvt. '1 :roors••Y. MM. 16. ;: JO ,,,. '1:.1 :z, ~ Rm-~ 0 • Tm l*'-17 119.11 111.12 JM.1S. t.• 11 '5 ~ m:; =:: m:1 ~-tr,:: ti: , ~--·····················n J n;: ······················ 1 -Ulllt .~.................... '· .. 15 tn1 .......•...........••• , 7.716,G >I WHAT STOCKS DID Ne'# YOlltK IAPI Mw. 1' ,_,.,.,_. T";lf 01ct1nec1 m =-=-:~ """ 1119'11 t ........ .. -TMH:•OIO I HEW Y'Ottl( lAPI i!Mr. " T_., -29 221 "' J Pm. 4:L 729 4' ,.., 1 ID ........ dad. "5 uo , .. s .. , A .. '1 ll 3 r A ., lf # '9 R Mn-Ls T-e ~ 1' .. ·78 c.nt.t e PO\lnd. U.S. J detttnatlone. q i... 28-32 oenta • PGUnd. ·q Dlte: 40 Clnte • pound, cNhwwd. "" Tift M.1t31 Metela W..it oomPOeltw ••) ·aa.11 I .. 1 .. 11 oenta a~. H.Y. ll ....., SSt0.00 pet..... .q ...:.;llll=&M:;::;:;::ltd:;;:•;,.'3=.;:20:;;.·;.;00.;;..;;tr.;.oy~911-;;;.i•~H.;:.•Y.;.;;.---~ SILVER •A T_.... e I Hendy & Hermen, S7. 130 per troy 0 ~-·~ ,, ~I l I " •• ! ,j , , Ii , , I l I ' l · •' ' I ' I 1: I. I• 1: I' !. ~. 1 '. I: I ; 1· I: I. I I I • 1, I . I • I \ I : I : . .. : 1 11 j I I; 11 I , 1. I I .· .. . . ........... . WORLD TRIP -Kurt fetenen 1md hia co- drtver Judi McMillin plan to drive this 1931 '.'Ford Model A "Woodie" around the world in an event orpnized by the Model A Ford Club of America. The Seattle pair will leave Min- neapolla later th.ls month on the trip. that will cost them $19,000. ···90-cent gas seen by summer .Worldwide crude oil g/u( responsible for plummeting, prices DALLAS (AP) -The glut of crude oU worldwide could lower ctne prices 8Cl'Ol9 the United tAte. to 90 cents a gallon by midyear, an induatry expert says. Currently, the national aver- • for all grades of guoline ia $1.25 a gallon. but the price va- ri• widely. . Plumineting prtces will be fu- eled in part by promi8e9 of con- tinued petroleum supplies, Sam F . Senpr, president and chief executive of lnterNorth Inc., said at an oU conference here. He said •the put will fon.:e oil prices to $25 a barrel. InterNorth ii an Omaha, Neb.- bued exploration and pipe- line concern wblch supplles nat-. ural pa to much of the United States. dent of the state-run oil monop- oly Pyetroleos de Venezuela, pred.ict.ed during the Gu Proc- 'talo.ra A.9ociation conference that his country's CWTent pro- duction of 2.2 million barrels of oil a day could continue for 125 years. Crude. oil pricea will fall as long as economic receasiona con- tinue in Western countries and the Organization for Petroleum Ex · Countries is unwillinR to ~production, Sengar saiCI in an intervie\v. "Crude prkles will drop some more before ther. improve," said Sengar. "But with the recovery in the economy, the increased demand for PBOline and the de- liberations of OP~ to get its pricing in order, prices will pick back w again." which oonverta to 90-cent guo- line prices at the pump, he aaid. Guoline prices have fallen from more than $1.37 a gallon 1.ut spring to le9e than $1 a gallon in parts of Texas. Industry analysts aay the decreue haa resulted from sluggish buaineea activity and exceea production. Rava.rd. said Venezuela will spend $20' billion by 1986 in en- ergy inves1ment. He said there may be 1 trillion barrela of pe- troleum in ·unproven reeervea of the country's Orinoo oil belt. He said even if only one-~th of the oU were recovered, V ene- zuela oould maintain its current daily production until the year 2106. .auf111il llCll letl than 10 years federal cleen air guidellnel would be met virtually everywhere except in parts of c..lifornia. .. 1be touaher 1981 lftlOI atandarda. he said, add to the COit ol American cars, helplnc put U.S. auto woritera out of their Jobe.. ' Two monthe later, Anne M. Gorsuch, admin- istrator of the Environmental Protection Aaeney, told the :Economk Club of Detroit, "Workers In Detroit can have their bftad and butt.er and clean air. It would be a shame if we were to eerioualy comprornlle their chances for employment simply because of a poorl)"-formulated" environmental po~~ McDonald and Gorsuch back Clean Air Act reviaiona propoeed by Ohio DemocraUc Con- 8J'E'M'DAn n.om. A. Luken. whoee diatrict includes a GM amembly plant. Luken would eet tailpipe emlllion atandardl outside California at the Jooeer 1980 level.a, saving about $100 on ~ new car. The 1980 staildarda, Gorsuch · provide "a proven. COit-effective formula for improved air quality'' at the same time they mean lower prices - the same mel88ge delivered by GM'a prelident. But Henry Waxman, a Democratic oongremnan from a smog-ridden part of Los Angeles, calla the pro~ rollback to f980 standards a "dirty air act." Waxman chairs the Houae beelth and environment subcommittee considering Luken'• bill. He has echoed the conoema of Mary Nichols, chief of the California Air Reeources Board, who warned last spring that rolling back auto emiaaion atandarda in the other 49 states would lead to a similar retreat here. Thia, ahe said, would be likely despite GM President McDonald'• dieclaimer. "We know that California has a more .evere · oroblem than the rest of the nation,'' McDonald aaid. 1•we would never push to make ita standard.a the aame as the other 49 1tates." But just such a push waa made both in 1980 and 1981 by a powerful lobby of California GM dealen. They ~wly mi8led last year in their effort ~t the Leglalature to end California'• eeparate emtllion standards. - X..ter, a high-ranking V ene- zuelan official said bia country can 1Upply one-twentieth of the ' wOl'lcl'a enes'8Y needs well into 'the 21st century. • Raf-1 Alfonzo Ravard. preai- Bu~ngar said oil prices will not rise as steeply as they did following the fall of the shah of Iran in 19751. J.natead, pnces will aettle in the "$25 a barrel range," "What we are doing ia apend- tng mane)' to stay in the oU bWdness," Ravard said. "We are not diveraifying into other ener- gy venturea, nor are we looking beyond oil to other buslne9B 8eCtOn.'' N~la and Waxman fear that lf tailpipe ttandarda are lowered in the other 49 ltata, wmle California keept demapdi.nj ever-better CIOlltrola, Pia& Illa ~.~ .. the political premure to adopt 49..tate a1andarda 1---PICTl--TI ... out-.-.,. ... ,-.. us--~1 .. n.,. i-. ...-• clOlllt -- @11 llD ... "'oDrrn.o..o . .MULUY SANK> JOSEPH GEN'n-WILUAM L. MULKEY. I.OMO, relldent of Irvine, Ca.. nilldent of Costa Mesa. Ca.. P...s sway on March 7, 1982 at P-S •,way on March 14, 1982 UM ace of 87. Survived by 1 at the aee of 87. He is survived . daucb• and her bUlband Anna by 3 • .,.....,. Samuel A. Skem and~ Hardy, Jr. ol New· of~ Lee Boy Di¥s at ~Belich, Ca.., 1 p-anddau1M· Y\G.lpa. Ca. and W . DtJca of er :u. Voldlnc. 2 ~Loa Angeles. Ca. and 2 step. Robert A. Hardy, m and Steven daug)\tus Ruby Wricbt of San J. Hardy, a1mo IUIV!ved by 2 Bernardino. Ca. and Ruby Aru · brothln Lqu.la Gentile of Texaa of Loa Angeles, Ca. Priva~ 1tt- 'ilnd x-ph Gentile of F\orida, vies were held wtth burial at t1iNr9 J'*Phine Ohrke of WJ. -. Pien:e Brothen Bell Broed·• ~ and ~1 NorUn of way Mortuary dl.rtt1orL '•1Jll6oa He WM • PMt Com· . "rnMder of VFW Poet #2018 of W &ter free Pcmona. Ca. Redt.adon of \he Bo ~WM on 1\ie.say, March II, l_, at 7:30PM at Pmfic View ~ J'riendl called at \he ' Mclnuary on Man:h II, 11182 from IV4:0QPM to t:OOPM. Mam of ~Christian Burial took place on ·w--.,, March 10, 11182 at l'1o:toAM a\ Our Lady~ of AJllllll C.tbolic Church. New- •part 8-:h, CL Jntennent mer- . W. wtD be belcJ a\ Fort Role- MADERA (AP> The Madera Irrigation District is offering free water to farmers to make room for expected spring runoff ln Lake ,Millerton. The district ·must pay the U .S . 8ureau of Reclamation $1.50 per acre.foot. cram National Cemetery, Point ' i.e... C.. Pacific View Mor-----------, IUll(Y, Newport Beech d1ndcn. ! j I I I I • I I I IALT'l IHGNON StoflM & TVTHtLL WISTCLlff CHA'fl. 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 8416-9371 .... ClllOTHNS SMITHS' MOlrTUAIY 627 Main SI HunllnQion Blracn 536-6539 r ...... __. .. IDEA MAN -Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker wants to do awaY. with middle initials in g o v e. r n m e n t publications to save money. Initially, his plan is to save Tustin ~rine unit wins Headquarters and Maintenance Squad- ron·l6 of MCAS(H), Tua tin, baa been named the beat heli- copter turboabaft en- g:Ine repair unit in the naval service for the eighth comecutive year for one type engine and the fifth CONeCUtive year in another. .Lt. Col. Don Frost. Marine Aircraft Group- 16 'a aviation officer, accepted the Villard C. ~ledge MemoriaJ Award. here will becxcne lrresiatible. .. ... ITATUMINT CEU.T'ECH PARTNERS I, 4301 -Elect.oral n!ality adds to their concern. P'or the Tiie fo1to•1111 '4tl0ft 11 401111 cMtiut ~. __, 8-, Coll· J ~.1.. finall ~-4 the GM lllwlnou es: lorNI t2t00. main realOn the ....... a-ture y rel""~ SYMPHONY SVl..KS. '"" I.• Wlmeftl .. CYrtla. O.-• P-. dealers' lobbvina ~ear WU ita oerta1n knowledse Cull• A"o11uo. "-'•'" ve110. 439 VIit• a-to. ~ 11eec11 • .r--e C:.llfof'llle.,,. -·~ • that Gov. Brown w veto any weekentncof smog .. ,... Joi.-.._. u ~ .,,,.. -• -11y • -controls. , ....... w . ,,_.'" v .. ...,. c.onfotNe ~W-. .._ c..rt11 But Brown will be gone next~· either in the moa. ~ 11e1-1 --w1t11 111o U.S. Senate or in a political loeeri' purptocy. And 1..!::~~ 1' conc1uctee1...,.,, ~~f-°'°'enoe <:ountron Mere11 Whoever becomea his suoce90r will mcilt likely be TMs =:,r :.. ... J .... with IN IMmA CUlm8 0 YACCAllO 1esa of an environmentalist and more llkely to go • Pw-•.......,. al°'1with the GM deal-~~~ .... ~ Oronoe c_, ., ,, 1 1 "c.,.. • ..a-.-...-.n. f-. AflOWWI AT LAW h P11UM °".....,.., ~ o Nichols and Waxman will reaiat t e .. .,.,,._°'.,.. c..11 oe11y "''°'· r.o. ... _ Luken-Gorsuch-GM weakening of the Clean Air "°"· 2•. Met"d\J. 10, 11. Ha "'.a. ....._.,.~ea. - Act. ~ Wiila ~ •. ~n:..~t12~· But it'• doubtful they can win an more PU8UC NOTICE 1292-«? than a compr'!>IJliae. For easing of that w was one .. ...,.. of President ,,_ .... an•s most definite 1980 cam~· rtc:Ttnous•utt .. aa ..X l9ta ~~ .. MM ITAT9Me11T promiaes and the chainnan of the Houae oommi ne •••.•~•lltll ""•" 11 401111 • l'ICTmOue llUl9IUI that may ultimately decide the laaue ia MiclUaan • '*""-•· ...-ITAnlmff John T\l•u-11 a supporter of both Luken and CM. Oi.AHGE ll'AH '°°" SUPl"\.Y, The .-. s--.... clOlllt -..,u~ •SO E. ~ •-. Or ...... -• (ElJ&918 •columnist based in Santa Monk2). c:ellfwftle..... 1SC COHTMCT ~ .... 7 De"911 ..,...,,,..., •11 l"eclfk MocAt1lu IMS.. 5u11e >06. ~ Cout Hlell••r . l•I•"'• •Hell, a-:11. ~ t2tl0 CM!fenlle tll51 tnt_..,... Stlllllna Cofteuft811ta, Tfllll ....,_ Is --..Ctff bl' 911 Ille.. a OillfotTlla OOIJol~ *7 ............ • MeGN1IU ........... IOI. ......., 09f"'fll ~ ...... ~..., Outlook , sticky Tiltl ......... -...... ... .. Tiiie -· ~ "'"~ c-" <:'"1l .. 0r.,.. c:-.tl' .. -v Mwc11a,,.. = =""9 "..... Jollfl "-Alcom ...... ..... Or ... C... OMly........ VIOi Prtlldent. t 1111er.10,11,.24,a1,1.a 1....a Thia ... ._._ ftleCI "'"'1n. County Ciotti OI 0.engm County on - New paperhangers face competition Dear Joyce: After ltetplq my mo. tiler want:?:' two roem1 .la tile U.ae, l"ve me lateret&M la dolu It for a IMq. Cu I 1et a Job after 1 gradate from~ .elloolf -L.Jt.. Predertcbbvs, Va. :....--------------""! 15. 1812 ,. •• ,....... ""HK I ~ OrWIOO C.-o.tiy Pllo4. ---------~; W.. 17, H , SI, "41r. 7, 1MI 11ta-C WASHINGTON <AP> Paperb.angera are strapped to the a wallpapering job well done can aatiafy your 1eme of artistry and maka you (eel you've addecf tometh.mi in- valuable to the flavor of Jhe decor. You'll handle fabrics that range frtJm vinyl-coated paper to nlaed burlap to OOltly ailka. You'll war& everywhere from country kitchens to executive auitea. ' llJICTIT10US IUM .. au ~ITATaMallT -Senate Majority aame rollercouter the construction Leader Howard H . industry rides: With the current Baker Jr., R-Tenn., bas downturn, tboee who are not laidoff an ldea for savina tax altogether are findina anewhat bet--________ _.,,. doUara: Do away with ter prospects in redecontiQI Jobs. PaperhJ,ngerJ worldna for contrac- ton are eamina from about $10 to $20 an hour, depeOd1na on the rellon of the countr/ UMl fevel of exper1i9e. Tboee with expertence who auper'Y'i8e crews can make more than '30.000 a year. U you decide to work indepen- dently, you can expect cam~ ,Ac.te Y•W MIMOllM.,All Cemete~ Mortuary Ch1pel·Crematory 3500 Pec1f1c View Ortve Newoort Beach 644-2700 MllC:OlbiKIC MOlrTUAl•H LIQuna Beach 494-9415 LIQl.lftl Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.1>t1trano • 495-1776 Tiie lollowlnt ,.,.." II ctol111 ..._ ... , i.OVM.. QUEEN MUii. TH Sl"A, mJ2 II T-"4MMI, Swlte 7 .. & t, El T-.~92'1D Nerme11 Me11ltte, U07• Vie Cer•H, MIH..,. Vlojo, Collfer11le .... , Tf111 ........ t1~ ..... , ...... NIM!. --~ Tfllll----ft ... wttfl"'9 '-'• Clof1l ., 0r.,... c-r ... ~n.1•., m i d d I e l n l ti a ls in Although you can leem on the pb, g o v e r n m e n t hou'll have to compete with paper-publicatlons. ri be "I have not calculated nangen whoee expe ence 1oe1 • the potential aavtn11 but yond belplna Mocher. lt could be sipificant," · Finding a formal apprenticelhip he said. openina -Karoe • they are -can Baker joked about the enable . you to begin eamJ.na riabt proposal after the away. When you start an a~b­ Senate's ye~nd report ahip, you're pUd aboUt 50 percent ot ca me out wit b tb e an ex}>erimCed worker'• .,.._ encl, notaUoo on the cover wtth prcv-. Yo'& ~ a pay mi:r- thal it ... 1ubmJtted by f!Yflr'J ax monthl widl you're ........ "th• Monot-able Howard the full ,...... ra•. Thi ~ tabl ~'!"-N. Baker.'' about thiee yean to comPJete. "Who la th1a Howard • N. Baker and wby lJ be I'm' information on :ticelblJ:i writina about the U.S. ?!'~~or~~-ar· ~P Senate?" Baker asked. ....... ...... -. W)lg ·- "If I could fl.nd him I ~ in your lta .. mpl would penoaallY abate A'notbel-SJ:ito leim to line your his band.'' pocbtl by waDI la to attend a Doi n a a way w l t b vocadonal 1 whk:h off en tralnlna middle Initial• would in ~ ..., er ~ avold auch mlltakea and with punttni. - ellmlnate confuelon, . ~-m ~ Baktr DCMd. In wbawwr you -... you.,, .-- '1 After all, who ever up the *in. of pnpu1.nc ....,._, heard of Ronald w. ~toolaandma~~ Reaaan, Bln1 L. Crolby ; Paper~ 11 always done SD· a n d L u k e J . doon and. fci' tfie malt part. la daln Skywalktr?'• work. Howc:.w, ~ 'M1 haw to luC "lAt UI look OG LU 1lddlr'S and -wnc ... ~ brl1bt tide," b• dlmb.8'Udand~ClftaldOIJN'­ COlltiauld. 'If ... do not -patch bo19 and llllllOW dirt that UM a mhtdle lntia.I, tbe)' GD~~.~ ~~~ cannot att JI wroni:' J &.-...• _. wwk-. -llnDUOW. ~· • An occupatio~al brief, · "Paperhanaen." number 98, la avail· able for $2' pCJltpUd ban Chronicle Guidance Public9tiom, Moravia, N.Y. 13118. ~ .~dirt~pl VISALIA (AP> -A nMta lia ..... of IOllM land.elwtal maJ fr°'* Tulare Oomtt wttb --0 he dirt for a decaae•a wort• of roil coutnlcdan and m•••••r:•. fte COUatJ all'ffd to 1•9tl laM ftr Cal·W-.. RanclMl ID •zel\ ..... fGr ···-... ot-=-~ -. . : . •I ' I 1· I, I' r • I. ' !· I; 1• I .. /. I ' I~ " 1 .. . • CLASSIFIED 'INDEX ' TIPllDl•M.Cll 142·5&71 .SMSll :=.... ..... ... , = 51:::. i.a.-1oadl ~ ---~­....... ........ ......... .. _ --·Solt EQUAL HOUSING . O~.~QRTUNIT_V . nu a...·1 Motke· u mm -...t1ws.i. ~ouwSolt .... ~ =:, IAiJ c:, ... c-. ..... r.-n, All rffi c11h\e. ad· vertlsed irl this news~r la s~bJect to I.Ile Federal Fair Hous· Ing Act or 1968 which nkes It illegal to ad· vertise "allY prererence. limitation. or dis · erimlnation baaed on race, color, religion. sex, or national ongin, or an intention to mike :: any such preference, := limitation1 or dis · '* criminlJion · ,.. ~-kl· °"""""' U..US..11 -............ ·--"-" ::":tf:°"'"' -H .. TrltPrh --··- :: This newspaper will not 1• lt.nowinsly accept any ::= advertising for real mi estate which is in v lol a. : tionoltbelaw. = 1~;.;;;.;.;.';;.;.;.;.;;;;;; t":t'~~ .. o.itt• ... ,.., ...._~P•mGr"n -.-...., ........ 1111111:11 ... 'lh- IOITAU -.... -- -.......... 11'1 -u-....... mt -....... u., -c... ....... P\tf. ~ ~ ..... u.1 - f-h<• -f-U•I lloll ~'""',. wt °""''" llol -~""" -Afb \ittlWIO - IUOIS: A.dnrtf1en ..,.. checll ..._,r od1 .., .... -~rt .,,. ,., ... ~.Th· DAILY rtLOT .,._, w.llty for the first lacorrect hnertlo• -,. C"'"li•I :1--------·1 _,_ - Ocean &c jetty views . Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 baµt , 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. LmO ISLI HOtie Prime Lido Nord bayfroqt. 5 bdrm. 5 ·bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000 . Remodeled 3 bqrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings. $4.20,000 . LINDA ISLI IA YROMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath playroom, dark rm. den. $1,350,000 ! ' IAYSl»I COYI Spectacular bayfroni view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $}.,900,000. ~ TIES YIST AS MISSION YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR J 11 f'"v'·d· ~, , . ...., o 11 ') '•01 =i:= :: Ho.etforW.l -~~~~===~===~~~~~ ~= l= = ...................... tZ . . jt > -< I ~= ir::::; = .__ .. Olllnll...., -...... ""' -1002 ~ .... ., t: MESA. VlllDE ::t ~··-... I 4• & POOL/SP A. 11 ... 11tt1t.u -Outstanding '11fUe an IUSll6S, llMST· this tri-level home on MEMT, ANAllC( cul-de-sac. Ove rsized ::::: =· -Io t . fa rn.i I y r o o m 1_ .. _, :~ j ~/ftrpl~.hOwnf. er ~111 asA· 1 ......... w•--sis w1l mancang. =~.!:, : great buy at $239,000. .._..,,n,TD'• -151-3191 ANllOUllCOllUS, POSllAlS I lOSU fDblll I c::::. '->t t 1 c , -t"" f'IJ( )Pt I~ 1 '( ', UOll -- THREE HOUSES ~°'-=-.. :J $S4S ea. Only $179.900 Eastside R-2, rented at w .. hnt.~ CallM.>91£1 975·5511 : OPEN HOUSE Rf Al TY / 645-9161 I --.. - So.rset"A." ..... 2 Ir 21/J lo. cat9'. ctfllH) COtldo • Fireplace, 2 car ucloud garage, llri•ate rord. '"---------1 lo c etl•• · Owaer ------•I twwfwred. ... t Ml. ........... 11• --------= J)IVE Rl.GHJ IN OCEA.H I ILOOI S3'0 Swim anytune 10 lovely Extra large R-2. corner := solar heated pool. 3 lot. Seller will help JHt red11ced 'to $140,500. Bdrm, H• Ba . re rwance! $215,000! -rrodeled kitchen in one ..... ley rtop. •COUCW~ AUi.TORS HtlLO...Cltwf. of Costa Mesa's best lffllon area.. Owner very nexi· 7 ble. ~II price Sl45,000. __ •11tiil7iilf.lllili0iiltil011*-• ~ T5J.3ltl c.-... -•11·1111 Tito -ltlt IMS -1--------= Find out about the high· -.. ~g real estate sales : career opJ>ortunit ies -wi!h THE REAL = ESTATERS. Licensing -&Chool fees completely : refundable to school of .,. your choice. Extensive : sales training. For an· = formation, can 751·6\91 : VIEWTOWHHOMES -Master suites. View of : Ocean & Night lights . -~et Area. Parks, open -spaces. $137,000. Xlnt F'in. Hal or Pat A gt a 751-9905, 673-7300 :: .. --------------,,.. ... -tit• ti• tie • tilt tt• - A.ISOLUTI STEAL ReclKed $150,000 MOW $525,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMfR OWNtR FINANCING 6br/4"'1ba. 4100sq ft 25 Bodega Bay Call qwner, 759·0737 SHAAP UMITS Five pnde or ownership E.slde units. Tbere are three l Bdrm unlu and two 2 Bdrm units w/garaies fr yard. As· sume ex.isling nnanci.ng and owner will assist.. F\ill price 1339.500 TR,\DITIO\ \l RL\I T) ' P11C11mucm I oli iliil super sharp 3 Bdrm home. Wet bar, m1rble rrpk 6: mU(h rmre Is offered by lhi• ~ wbo Is most anx· lou• to mo u . Otlf'L WI.sex>. For addl~n l informat ion ea J f'JN370. -ALl.$rAr~ . RIM. lOM._ .. NEW TENNIS coun ESTATE ........ Llpu .... " 1.11 --.... Yll .. 11111 ....... , .... ,rt-,.., I ..ttJ at 9't _, tf a ,,Wiit ,_ .... ,........ ................ ... ........... ~.""'......, .. , ... "' ........ tlleli1lnt11 """"· F• lttll Wr...., waa,·.,a I .... ............................. .............. 12.-.• . WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALESTATt Wn.~ ... Pr.-•v~ W6 w Cout HwY 31.S Mlnllt twe. Ncwpof1 8t1c:h IWloa lliMld '31-1400 t7Utte LUatWNI -Shown By Appointment -~ Elegant c.ondo -Neutral Tones • TwO Bedrooms, Two Baths • Fomlal Dining Room • Gor,aeous Sumets -Super Fi- nancing -Low Fixed Int. Rate. Sell« Will ~ Large 2nd · Poolside ~tttng • Shown By Appointment -Aakina $220,000. A !'Jofa Of Newport" Listing. DN llU.-.U Forevtf' Bay & Ocean View. Built On Oversbled Lot In C'.orona del Mar. Great Investment. Owner Will Finance. . $1!500,000. I® ·--............ Orqt Oollt DAILY PILOT/Wtdneeday, March 17, '"' ........ ~ Popular 3 ~· Monaco model. Fomlal din. nn. Many extras. Secwity system. Large ~ble loan. 1111 .. -....• .... .-.. -111 ... ~:u. MM111 Walke r & lee 1022 /.Jn ~IG[L QAILEY & ASSOCIATES PIJCI lllDUCTIOM CdMCi.or.rD.lt1 3 Br~e~r+c~t'" owners unit · also 2 Br rental cottage All in lop cood -exreL location. Owner will carry lg 2nd TO. NOW ONLY $269.SOO CA.1-644-7211 /.Jn NiGEl 13AIU. Y & ASSOCIATES ~~~ ....... !~.~~ E'SIDE l UNITS R2 Pffle walls. open .... .. , ...... "" .... '1.IWI A rare bird indeed {n today'• markei! 30 bread 'n' butter apartmenta ln an excellent locadoa. Income on 4hele have DOUBLED ln put 4 ~ yem! For mott tnlo call Bob Licata brolctt-owner ,759-1221. ......... 11\ llT-10 YU. Owner financed -no lender qualifying! ~ ~ 2 baths. Quiet cul-de...ac. Parquet entry, brick fireplace, homey kit- clien, famlly room, water aoftener and fil- ter. Tub spa. RV pad. Huge patio. Extra storage. Reduced io $167,000! Hurry, call Bob Licata. 759-1221 R&I M * of Newport Beach beams, carved cabinets --------New carpet Below ap· ABSOLUTE STEAL!! I stake my reputation on the FACT that this is the B~ BUY in Newport Beach. IC you are a ltfitimate buyer·CALL ME DIRECTLY and you will be impressed GREAT BUY' OC EAN VU. LRG 4 BDR. PROF DECORATED. pool, spa & like nu all for only $376.500. A trade will be ron.sidered. You won't believe It until you see it Call PATRt C K 1. TENORE Direc tly 1 759-1221 or 760 8702 TODAY ! praised value. ha\•e documents Low dn w/Sl20K I s l F /P $1'9.500. Ph 645-6266 OwMrAgt __ _ I l187%Mt1a Ver• Delight in the spacious· , 11e1s of this lovely 4 bedroom. 2"'1 bath home in Mesa Verde North' Features ma ster su1te1 romfy family room ano flrtplace. Ceramic tUin~ accents entry . Relax on the patio looking over the huge pool-size yard! As$Ume nigh balance loan It 11.S'R' $166.500 mm> TARBELL LEASE/OPTION SIOK dwn. $1 ,000 mo. 3Br, 2Ba E Side. §73-M!!.548'~ MESA VERDE LEASE/OP.TlON exec •br/2,, fam. rm. frpl. condo. NB. Ocean It bay fl30K, wner, ?S2-07S9. view. l BR + den. For $5,900 Total Dow11 tl'l>rt info. call 673-4899 MocW JoM o..t 1..:rn~·:·;;;;;;;;;;;I 8ranO iiewcefi&ann' BR Ill 2~ ba. fplc, 2 car 11ar. &>th bdrms are master MIWPOIT suites w/vaalted clgs v...-.. CCHtdo1 better ea.II rast. Total StUcilOi; r· & 2 bdrms. pymts $1 174 per mo From 118.000 and up. All 12-5. 63l·M05: 751 -3297 have aood usu ma ble 1~evs~------- lolnl wUh low down pay-IY OWMH ments. Pool, rec. roomd ~r 4 Bdrm, 2ba. 2 sub parllin&, sauna "ii frl>1cs, 1acu11I home . In ~vie~ some wit lfe11 del Mar. Better Jee thia one quick. flt:ll38 102• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOMOllOW'S HESTlGG. Is now ava1fa6le an th1! ch11rmin1 Rancho San Joaqufn Villas 1 bedroom and loft tota11y U.J?Jraded condo. Ter· nfac assumable flnanc· ing Prire has been drast1cal!Y redured to Sltl.950. Call today! RCTaylorCo I »1l\ 'I"()(,' .. For Ad Action Call a Dai~ Pilat AD-VISOR 642-5678 STAR GAZEK•~ .,__.....-....----..CUYLl'OUAN--~~~-11 A PETE BARRE TI . REALTY I ' . j I • l I l !. I I I t I I I ! t -. ... ' • I\ N ' ·' ( l HJ N I ... ( A I 1 • I) H NII\ . . ' I ••. ' I 11or,Q 'un;acceptahle' ·fop c':)mmerCi.aI-- By PREDEJU<S SCBOEMEBL ~ ....... ,... .... Alrlpace ~ aatety, eevere nolle ·lmp9cta, over~ freewa)'I and multi-billion dollar oosta make the El Toro ~ Corps Air Station unaocei>table aa a lite for a new COCDl'Qll!'J"d airport, a ranking Orange County Airport offid.al has concluded. Thoee factora were lilted 1n a letter lellt 'l'ue«lay to memben of the county'• "blue ribbon" committee examln1n.I potenu..i locat>lon1 for a new lntematlonal-i)-pe airport. It WM "8ned by J.furry Cable, ~ of the county-owned John Way- ne Airport. In an earlier" Jett.er to the f Irish adrift St. Patrick's celebration soaked By JEFF PARKER OfhC)elJNelatllllf They were brave. They were tough. They were wet' and they were Irish. And St. Patric.k's Day began early for them as they fought the elements to congregate in their favorite Costa Mesa haunts. Some of them were carried into Scotty's Shamrock lounge by Scotty himself -the rain had left an ankle-deeo puddle around the ever-popular back entrance. ---Others fbund. that buckets placed over the feet kept them dcy as they braved the flooded Shamrock. And an intrepid few hiked their pants and sloshed their way into the o]d watering hole. · But all in all. it was a slow morning on this Irish ho- liday. "We were busy by this time of day last year," la- mented Shamrock bartender Sam Young. "I served 250 ham and cheese sandwiches. But this rain is even tough on the Irish." The Irish at the Fling Lounge in Carta Mesa didn't aeem to mind that it was raining on their parade. In fact. one Irish American, John Hegarty, said that back in Ire- land, St. Patrick's Day ls much more "subdued" than its American counterpart. "The pubs aren't even open.'' he said. "It's a ~ oblervance for a popular laint. But here, well, 8CJlnecme ha to aell some Irish whiskey, right?'' Hegarty buddied up wit& Bob O'Neil, a fellow lriah- IDl'll from County~ .... ~ ~t along his lucky shillelagh for the occasion. ---• "BANDED DOWN FROM my grandfather," O'Neill said as be brandished the walking stick with a modest but unmistakable pride. Certairi Fling patrons, led by Bill Klohs (not lrlsh), insisted that O'Neil uae the shille¥ as a golf club. "It's not for golf, it's an heirloom," O'Neil countered. "You'd ~erstand if you were Iriah." · "Oh hell." Klohs said. "Today, everybody's lrilh." commlttee, alq>ort planl and pl"Oll'8ml officer Steven Korak hMI concluded that oommerdal Ule of the Marine bue WU ''fatally flawed" Cable repe.ted ttiat CICllltention ln hia letter. Study of the El Toro fadllty u a cxmmerdal airport bu been under way by the county'-com-mitfet and eeparately by the Southern Calitomla A.ociaUon of Oovernmenta, a relional plann.lng organiution. In the. three-~ le*1' to commlttee chaimWl Keith Mur- doch. c.ble cited a 1979 SCAG report which concluded that t!: military-<!ivilian Ulle of the would interfere with eldatlng OelJNel ..... "'9to P UDDLE-BOPPE R -If you STARTED celebrating St. Patrick's Day by walking ~ buckets, you'd only admit your nickname, too. His is Bopper. Bill would increase county sales tax R obinso'n,s measure would raise funds for local transportation projects Le~tion bu been introdu- ced in Sacramento that would pave the way foe Orange C.OUOty . •qters to decide if sales tax sb9uld be increased to raise money for transportation pro- jects. . Assembly Bill 3283, by As- semblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana, is de9cribed aa the first in a long aeries of steps that would be required before voters would face the question of rai- sing the sales tax rate. Scam suspects held A couple accused of conning ling for Manley's arrest on a more than 100 people in a .me. grand theft charge, according to of busine9I acams in Huntington police detective Dennis Branch. ~and other cities aero. the Branch uld the man last year naticm have been arrested in lmpenonated a Corona del Mar Tallahaseee, Fla. physician with the same name to Kenneth Robert Manley, 42: bOk a Huntington Beach couple aW> Known aa Tom Tatum, ano out of an $11,000 c..ctiDac Seville h1I wife IJJlian, 38, were being they were attem~ to eell. held without bail today In Leon A variety of charge8, lncludinl County Jail, Florida ~other counts of grand theft. for-aaid. F--------gery, bad checlu and weapon• Huntinctcn Beech police have vlolatioos are pending apinlt the obtained a $25,000 warrant cal-pair throughout California. WORLD U.S. benefits from glut Petroleqm prk:ell are falling worldwide, but the U.S. bu benefited the most. ~age B4. NATION Streamlinetf)td-.arie1 uked The current sales tax rate is six percent. Officials say a one-half e!rcent lncreue would generate $70 million annually that could go excluaively to county ttana- portation projects. The proposal has backing from the ()range County Transporta- tion Coalition, a group of indu- stry leaders focusing on ways of improving existing transporta- tion facilities. Robimon's bill is co-authored by three other county assembly memben, Marian Bergeson, R- Newport Beach; Nolan Frizz.elle, R -Costa Mesa, and C hester Wray, 0-Westminster. Tom Sant!!:r, an executive of Paci.fie · Mu Newport Beach, a member of the transportation ooalltion, said the Robimon bill is strictl "enabling" legislation. It woul~ not raiJe the tax rate in Orange County; rather it would establish the proce11 under which .a vote on the proposal STATE oould be taken. Offici.a1a said the bill likely will be amended from its present form to give the county Board of · Superviaon and city councils the final decision on whether the t.ax i.ncrea8e proposal should be sent to the voters. Ed Gerber, the' coalition's Sac- ramento advocate, said under the best of circwnstances, it would be unlikelt that a vote would occur before 1984. Gerber described the bill as the coalition's "major legislative ac- tion" for the current session of \he state Legislature in a news- letter recently sent to coalition members. "The coalition strongly belie- ves such a tax is the only major local funding sources which is adequate to begin to meet the magnitude of transportation pro-jects in Orange County,,, Gerber said in the newsletter. -By FR.ED SCHOEMEHL Pac!.Man homeward-bound Atari Inc. #a plarming to market a home v~ of Pac-~ the 1'test crue among video game buffs. Page A't. . fla~~ic milk causes sought Outraced ~oducen want to recover $10 million wOrth ol mDk a11e1 taken annuall}' 1n Califomla. Pace . COUNTY · flight pattern.a involving nearby Jolin Wayne Airport. Th.at report allo . ,concluded, Cable said, that joint.operations could be "well above" the hand- llna capacity of the Federal Avlation Administration's radar control tower located at the bue. And, Cable cited a portion of the report which said civilian aircraft operations at El Toro would contribute "toward gen- eral airspace saturation an4 would increase the probability of mid-air acddenta." • The airport manager allo lifted material from a 1980 SCAG study that listed Tustin, Onulal!, Santa Ana, Irvine, Laguna HiDa, El Toro and Lake Forest u communities that would be threatened by noiae if oornmer- clal jets were based at El Toro. "In my opinion, the.e com- munity noise conaequenct!9 are just too e~ to ignore," Cable said. AB for n:>&d aooees to El Toro, ' Cable laid: "At th'nd, the Sani. Ana and San Diego Freewa)l8 u9 virtual parking Iota. The fact ~ theee are the only majoc regl.onlJ roeda MrVing the. El Toro ~ and are 'now reach1na ca]j peek periods. means that a ldtuatlon would be made w by adding oongestlon of ve traffic from afrport Ulel'I. '' ' Neceeary lmprovementa to ~te cximmercial UM of El Toro could oost from $292 million to $2 billion, Cable ref minded committee members. Ref locatiqn of existing military~ vities could cost u much aa $-4 billion. he said. · Beyond "technical ~ minp" Cable said commercial use of El Toro baa consistenti; been oppoeed by Irvine officiaJa and repf'e9entatives of the Ma- rine Corpe and Navy. • The county's regjonal airport site committee is next acheduled to rnt>et March 30. Rainstorm damages school, uvo stores • By JERRY HERTENSTEIN OftM Oelly ""°' Stefl Rain and thundershowers that damaged a school and shopping center in Huntington Beach aru1 caWled temporary flood!Jl8 are expected to continue through Thursday on the Orange Coast. The fOl'eCaat calla for showers and thundershowers along the cout with chances of rain dlmi-niab.ini to 40 percent by Thun- day Nilbt. according to a apoka- LB's Dawson • resigns council post By STEVE MITCHELL oru.. o.tr ,.. ,..,. Laguna Beach Councilman Howard Dawson surprised a larp council audience Tueeday night by resigning his post, but not before lambuting two of his colleagues. The four-year council member, whose tenn would have expired next month, said he resigned early "to dramatiz.e my point that I don't like what's happening in our fail'.. dty." · Reading from a prepared sta- tement, Dawson accused Mayor Sally Bellerue and Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick of "misfeasance and malfeasance of office, viola- ting their oath of office," and participating in "selective law enforcement." "Having accused Sally Belle- rue and Neil Fitzpatrick of mal- feasance, I have no choice but to seek their resignation," Dawaon said. But noting it was "unlikely" they would do ao, DaW8911 said "I am handing in my resignation." · He accused the two cquncll members of botching up plans for a aolution to the Sycamom_Billa land sale, In which the city it attemptine to aell 522 8Q"el out Laguna Canyon and pay off. • $7 million mortgage to former ow- ners of the land. He Jaid they violated thejr (See DAWSON, Pase Al) I NDEX At Your Service Ba•h>eM California Cavalcade OW'fied Comic8 era.word Death Notlcel Editorial ll:nienalnment • Food Hor~ Ann Wndeta A4 B4 A!> B2 E3-8 C1 C1 El A6 D6. Cl-8,Dl-f B2 B2 SPORTS .. woman for the NatiOPal Weather Service in Los Angeles. The rain which fell intennit- tently throughout the early morning hours today and Tues- day measured up to 2 inches in aome 'parts of the county. Three clalsrooms have been • cloeed at Lake Vlew Elementary School. near Newland Street and Slater Avenue in Huntington Beach, becauee of a Jeeking roof, accon:ti.ng to officiala for the Ocean View School Diatrict. 'lbe cl8IBl'OOIDS are in "really bad shape," according 'to Gayle Wayne, spokeswoman for the district . She said studenta have been moved into the libnlry, other (See RAIN, Page A!) Fullerton ' father, son die in crash LYTLE CREEK (AP) -A 55-year~ld Fullerton man and his son died when their light plane slammed into the side of a mountain, the San Bernardino County coroner's office said. • DeRUty Coroner Nelda Britton said officials recovered the bodies of Duane Delmar Davia and his son Bruce, 19 QI' 20, from the wreckage Tuesday. Oftida1s said the plane appa- rently crashed Saturday when visibility WU obecured by rain and fog. The Davilles . left . Fuµerton• Airport at 10 a.m. Saturday on a trip to Daggett to:)inspect aome property owned by the family. Officia1a said it was not imme- diately known if the two were en route to Daaett or retwni.ng home when the cnah oocurrea near the Cajon Pua. The winp and main 9eCtion of the fU8elage of the Ceema 210 were charred by a fire appa- nmtly ignited by the colllllon, authorities said. The wreckage wa1 apotted by a Civil Air Patrol plene early Tueaday. t I · 1 I t \ l f I I l ! ~fl\~~-~ Packer Packs_ it in in beef over· heel . . LOS ANGELES (AP) -One of two p.ckera providing kosher "-f to Loi Angeles butchers, ;rca~t in the n\Iddle" ls a di&- pute betwe6l ·two rabblnical Ci:. II 80'.na out of the koeher · , a company official said Monday. "It'a one of thoee untenable 'politiona. lt'a jwlt not worth It," -.kl Acme Meat Co. Vice Presi- dellt Paul Blackman. "I was ho- ping I might be able to satisfy tbeln, but l can'L" aouroe whkb we tho\.utht ~t make koeher beef av.U.ole at the compeUUve price. "But we're caught in the mid .. dle of two different factions and we can't leelD to satisfy the council." he aakf. Rabbi Juda Gluoer, head of the United Orthodox Rabbinate, confirmed he had withdrawn his 'supervision of Acme in the dis- pute over the ritual inspection and bletling procedure. CONFUSION -State schools chief Wilson Riles says con- tusion exists over federal rules OQ subsidized lunches. orange COUt OAll..V PILOT/Wedntlday, March 17, 1982 Riles ·woll't push-rU1e . ~ free lunch program to continue in California schools •. SACRAMENTO (AP) -State nwnben as Mid IChool districta It'• ~e to try and J. Supertnt.endent of Public In· rpUlt refult. to feed children thele ldndl of tllCUm to Dl'e\i~ strucUon Wlllon ROee bu told wh"'8 parenta f.alled to meet the what there II of 1t." Calltomia llCbool dt.tricta he deadline. Whiteneck Mid the ttate wanta won't enforce a federal dMcW.ne Deputy stai, echaoll Superint-to be~ It hM tfw authority' niquJ.rlna parenta to Cfve 8odal endent WUJ..Lam Whiteneclt Mid to demand Soda1 Secwity nwn- Seewity numbers for their chll-federal offidala had agreed to bera and wanta to know wbat the dren to be eligible for sut.ldtied extend the deadline until April aovemment ii aol.na. to do with 1unche8. 13. them once It hai thdn. Rilee told hot-lunch--'!l'OIDIJL "There la ao ~h ~- admln.lstratori Monday that they -over thtimat · that t fell 1 bet.- may cootinue to provide the free ter notify achool diatrietl not to G .. oy Il'o V.J•S food until there Ia legal clarWca-take any y~ter off the free .a a a tion of the regulation the U.S. and reduced-price lunch pr'Oll'Un Department of Agricu.ltuN Im-until we get a clariflcation," Rile8 pmed in an apparent effort to told the Loe Angelee Times. track down cheaters. "I have not found any wide- The agriculture department ~(>read cheating," Riles said had aet • Manda~ for Monday. "li there were, I'd be collection of the · Security the first ~ try and eliminate it. . announces for Assembly 11le diapute has raged between the United Orthodox Rabbinate, which baa supervised kosher meat production at Acme, and the Rabbinical Council of Cali- fornia. A civil suit filed late la.<it "In the face of continued anti- trust activities by the Rabbinical C.Ouncil of Callfonilil, we have withdrawn our kosher supervisi- on of the Acme Meat C.O .. " he said, citing "constant interferen- ce" by the council. County pondering tax on pot BEVERLY ~ (AP) - Gray Davia, Gov. F.dmund G . Brown'• fonner chief of ataff, made offidal hia candidacy tor the Democratic nomination to the 43rd A.aeembly Di8trict Tue.day. pledging to eeek improved public education in California. • year by the -rabbinate was thrown out of court last month. Rabbi Glasner said the rabbi- nical council is conducting a · boycott of Acme, and he doesn't know why. Money_ would be used for law enforcement costs Blackman said kosher beef conaUtutes less than-1 percent of Acme's "multi-million dollar" business. "It's been just one headache," he said. "U that's the way they want to operate, let me out." "It was our intent to provide a kosher alternative, an alternate "The boycott is that they in- duced the kosher butcher sh ops not to buy from Acme, and they have t)lreatene d them with withdrawing their kosher ap- proval from the butcher if they do buy," said Glasner. WEA VERVILLE (AP) - Trinity C.Ounty, where $150 mil- lion worth of marijuana wu sei- zed last year, is considering uk- ing the voters to approve a tax on it. District Attorney Ron Barbltoe said it could be on the ballot in November. Barbitoe aaid the tax would DOWNEY SAVINGS AND LOAN has FAST CASH FOR HOME LOANS (l p to four un11,1 $10,000 to $1,000,000 Purchase money sc:comh. equi~~ antl ~'' ing loan-; Call Nan<.,. BaU<.."f • (714) 730-1045 OPl·~"I ~... • SAWRl>AYS ~ ~ ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 1.\0711 \alc: ~cnoc. II'\ 111d:\onlmouJ (noloun hr11l..cr,, plc1.1wl @ BOYS CLUi OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY Spring BasebaJI For Boys & Girls March-June Age 7-10, 11-~3 c.ost f2()00 Coaches AJso Needed Tryouts March 21. 19e2 9-11 am.-12-1 p.m. 968-5252 9840TcAett Fountain Valley The University Diet is a clinically proven, medically su~ supple- ment.ed fast, prescribed by an authorized physician for those who need to lose twenty pounds or more, quickly and safely. Clinically Proven. The University Diet isn't a fad diet. It's a medical protocol prescribed for rapid ~eight loss. Over the last eight years, it's proven itself with literally thousands of test sub- jects at teaching hospitals such as Harvard Medical School. UCLA and UCL TheJoumal of the American M edical Association has twice reported favorably on the results and recommended the procedure. Medically Supervised. The Univ~ty Diet is a safe, effective fasting program, personally supervised by an autbOriz.ed physician. No shots. pills or surgery are involved. Initially, you are given thorough labora- tory workups. As soon as the physician is positive there are no contraindications, you are taken off traditional foods and you begin the University Diet. I You Can Do It. Thousands have. One thing that helps is .that you're only required to make one decision: The decision to try the prosram. After that. there's no calorie counting. You don't have to choose~ "riaht" and "wroog'' foods or~ mr.ee. You're ~free of the Deed to deal with food: -. The Uniwrsity ~is for you if you're reedy to b9e a~ of 'Might. With the help of a dedicated pb.yaician 8nd an undentaDd- ing OOUNMllor, "9 lmow you can achieve your pl Fast. Safe. A calorie controlled powder, mixed with water, tea. coffee or a diet soft drink. provides your body with 45 grams of ero- tein and 30 grams of carbohydrate daily. In addition, you get all the vitamins and minerals you need Some people say it's delicious. 'The p<?int is, your nutritional needs are fully sat. JSfied without eating. Meanwhile, your body does the natural thing. It bums up pound after pound of unwanted fat. Quickly and safely. Reach Your· Ideal Weight. You dan stay on the University Diet as long as you need to, burning off fat as quickly as medical safety permits. ·Lab work is done regularly to ensure your safety, and norm.ally there's an ECG test after every loss of 50 pounds. Once you reach your ideal weight, the University ~ht Maintenance program helps you stay there. . We Cost Less. The University Diet costs less than similar programs. It's every bit as effective. And your insurance probably covers a major portion of the.cost. Ask for ourfee schedule. You're invited to mee\ with any of our patients. And of course we'll gladly send ~eb:! details t.o your personal or f . physician. . -I f you need to lose more than 20 nn11n.rfa, call us for an appointment or f;d~tion. In Southern California ... 1-80().432.8876 operate much like the timber yield tax. in which landowners pay a tax when their timber is cut and sent to market. C.Ounty fann oUicials estimate that marijuana is a more valuable crop than timber, the l'll06t va- luable legal crop in this mount- ainous county near the Oregon line. Barbitoe conceded that mari- juana growers would not be li- kely to report their crops, but said the tax could be levied after a police raid. "I think if we were to tax marijuana w~ could at lea.st pay for the law· enforcement, maybe more," he said. Assemblyman Howard Ber- man, who la vacating the aeat to run for Congress, appeared with Davis at Tue9day's pre18 confe- rence and said he "whole- heartedly and enthusiastically" endorsed him. Democrata hold almost a 2-1 voter margin in the district. Sale Prices Effective Thru Mar. 29, 1982 VITAMINS RICH LIFE EVENING ·PRIMROSE OIL SO TABLETS REG. 7.9S COUNTRY LI FE SPl-RULINA SO TABLETS ·REG. S.00 SCHIFF 3.95 3.25 DELECTA YEAST* NETWT.16oz. 3 50 REG. S.30 • RICH LIFE VITA-MINT SOO MG-CHEWABLE 60 TABS REG. 4.95 RADIANCE BETA-A 2sooo iu 100 TABS REG. 3.99 RADIANCE 8-COMPLEX 100TABS REG. 2.75 2.95 2.50 1.75 BULK PRODUCTS OVER 60 ITEMS SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL PRODUCE ORGANIC RED DELICIOUS APPLES . ORGANIC RUSSET POTATOES .49 lb. .29 lb. ORGANIC MONEOLA ORANGES ~'i.~~ /f~~·~· 5 lbs. $1.00 of~ KINGTUNA TUNA* 75( 6.5 oz. REG. 1.23 LIMIT 3 RADIANCE-500 MG. BRAN TABLETS 270 TABS REG. 4.59 2. 95 HANSEN'S APPLE JUICE WALNUTS 2.37 112 GAL. REG. 2.59 lb. HAIN . 1.89 NO SALT DRESSING* • ITALIAN SUNFLOWER SEEDS -RAW1.13 lb. • CAESAR .99 ROLLED OATS .37 lb. 1.571b. ., .41 lb. HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS M ILL CREEK KERITIN SHAMPOO 18 oz. Reg. 3.50 1.65 FIG BARS RICE BANANA CHIPS 1.21 CONDITIONER 1 as · lb. REG. 3.SO • OONSBACH RAW ALMONDS ALOE VE-RA GEL 1 7 5 lb 16 oz. REG. 3.as • • . 2.49 LUNCH COUNT E R SPECIAL AL T A-D ENA D AI RY OUR LOW EVERYDAY V2 GAL. Ml LK PR ICES l!.9'b ~...a/9,,_...a CERTIFIED RAW $1.12 -a e-.... 3 -.-.;_,-_ ~ERTIFIED NO~ FAT .87 Start with a 'CUp of our Soup of the Day,·, HOMOGENIZED $1 .01 then choose HALF a Sandwich and ijALF LOW FAT 95 a Salad from our HALF AND HALF .. • SPECIAL. 8'0N FAT .78 loz. YOUGURT .. l I I I I I . . ' ... The U.S. has benefited the most from the world~.:..-.:_:.. -0-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1~2 CAVALCADE COMICS SPORTS wide oil glut that has driven O the price of petrole!lm down. B4. distriCt spot By FREDERICK SCROEMEBL or .. ._,...,..., Can the Republican Party doctrine be expl'elled 17 different wayaT · Voters in the new 43rd congreaalonal district tba t includes portions of south Orange and north San Diego counties soon will have a chance to find out. ._ There are 17 candidates seeking the Republican nomination in the June 8 primary election. Anothe r three candidates are seeking the Demcaatic nomination. From Orange County, the Republican candidates are Mary Schmitt, wife of state Sen. John Schmitz, R -Newport Beach; Charles Kenney, businessman, Mission Viejo; Elizabeth Davis, businesswoman, Laguna Niguel; Bob Curtis, San Clemente; Lawrene Nixon Anfinson, niece of former President Richard Nixon, San Juan Capistrano; D. Robert de Carlo, law clerk, Capistrano Beach; Johnnie Crean, independent businessman, San Juan Capistrano: Jerry Shaw, businessman/attorney, Newport Beach, and Thomas Mauro, family physician, South Laguna. · Schaefer, busineesman/lepl coun- ael, Oceanside, and Deborah Szekely, busine11woman, Eecondido. Democrata aeek:ing nomination are Roland Mora, buainelsman, M ission V iejo; R oy Archer, r.rofeaor, Eecondido; and W. F! 'Pete" Powell, teacher, San Mal'C.'08. Two other districts in which elections are being held this year Cl'08S county lines. . In the 42nd congreaaional district, which includes mucli of Huntington Beach and toastal communities in Loa Angeles County, candidates for the Republican nomination include incumbent Dan Lungren, R- Long Beach, and Thomas Heinscheimer, city councilman, Rolling Hilla. Candidatel fOr the Democratic nomination are Jame. Spellman, Long Bea.ch. and Martha Vazzana,· accountant, Rolling Hilla Estates. Unopposed for the Peace and Freedom l>arty nomination is John Donohue, peace activist, Long Beach. In the 58th Assembly Dlmict, including West Orange County, Assemplyman Dennis Brown, R-Long Beach, is unoppc:ieed fdr the Republican nominatlon, while Patricia Springer, educator, Long 0.., ............ ~ MoMN "...., PUPPY LOVE -While Jennifer Paulin described dogs to kindergartners at Agnes L . Smith School in Huntington Beach, the 5-year-olds cuddled a rare litter of 12 cocker spaniels brought by Ann Marie Garisek. One puppy slept between the legs of John Lies while others were admired by Matthew Seybert and Tessa Hillbom. :F'rom San Diego County, in which 70 percent of the district la located, the Republican contenders are Martin Kincaid, tax s~, Rancho Santa Fe; Donald Martinson, attorney, Vista; Bill McColl, surgeon, Carlsbad; Ron Packard, mayor, Carlsbad; Jim Rady, city councilman, Escondido; Art Sanders, teacher, Poway: Mike _..Beach , is unopposed for the Democratic nomination. Paul Haak is seeking the Peace and Freedom Party nomination. In the 74th Asaembly District, w hich includes south Orange County and much of San Diego County, Assemblyman Ro~rt Frazee, R-Carlsbad, ii unoppoeed. Alcohol program proves an eye-opener Irvine mother urges parents to ~get their heads out of the sand' and help kids McGaugh resigns ·' as vice chaiicellOr ·~~J!;~ An impressive plea for pareJllS "to open their eyes and really look" at what ls happening to their children has been delivered by. an Irvine mother during a publJc forum on alcohol uae. abule and dependency. James McGaugh, UC Irvine "rd like to speak to the parents professor of psychobiology, has out there who are putting their resigned his position as executive heads in the .. sand," said the vice chancellor. He will leave the mother, Identified as Lori. post Sept. 21. She urged parents not to be l.ncreMlng awaJ'el:M!9, are to develop alcoholbm education programs, encourage develop- ment of alcohol reeources in the community and to ask the city to establish guJd'ellnes concerning alcohol uae and safety to the public. "I want people to know that th.is is not ~ witch hunt," said the · Rev. Allan Waterson of Univenjty Methodist Church. Waterson, who heads the task . fonie, explained durina an Interview that "alcohol la deadly, and It's deedly among our children. We want to review the legialation and city policies. "Companies utilize our parka and there's no rules that they can't bring in a keg of beer. And, they do, and they have a fun party. Then they drive home, but they drive through our city. · "I don't think that's terribly ·' endearing to our city," Watencn '. said. -The task force .. wanta 1o ensure that laws that are on the ! rooks are being fulfilled and that . the community ls aware of the c=lem," he added, 1'ao they • · me allies with us and try to make this a safe community *> maybe there will be aome truth to the bumper sticker that. sa~ , 'Irvine . ., . Another Day ~~ P ..a:--t .. \ ara\.l.UIC". I' -··· j!.• McGaugh, a Newport Beach afraid to take a stand against resident, said he will step down their children's drug and alcohol from his administrative job to abuae, explaining she had to take pursue full-time research. that stand with her own SCE frustrated: Customers :o' He has been studying the ef-children. fects of man-made and naturally "You do what you have to do," occurring drugs on learning and ard.s memo~. He also is interested in she declared, "and the rew are """'"t." how onnones and electrical - - won't take 'free inspections stimulation influence brain The 2 ~-hour forum. designed activity. · to l.ncreaae public awareness The folk.s at Southern California ~ Company are frustrated. UJ\<fentandably. Last year McGaugh won the about the use of alcohol as it prestigious Distinguished Scien-affects the quality of life in tific Contribution Award from Irvine, drew approximately 100 the American Psychological ·As-people Monday night to Irvine On the one hand, they are up to their eyebrows with complaints from electricity consumers about rate l.ncreaaes that have boosted bills from 17 to 39 percent. !Ociation. City Council Chambers. He became a faculty member at The forum was presented by RESIGNS -James McGaugh has ~ his post as exec- utive vice chancellor at UC Irvine. UCI in 1964 and was the first the City of Irvine Alcoholism chairman of the department of Task Force, an outgrowth of the psychobiology. The researcher dty'a Youth Support Team. also has served as dean of the • Ob;ectives of the 10_-member School of Biological Sciences. task force, in addition to On the other hand, they can't understand why conswnera won't sign up for a free home inspection that would show wasteful aspecta of their current energy uae and Mike Farrell 'back to Lag(ina for ERA Former playhouse star to wield gavel at celebrity auction Thursday By NORA LEHMAN ~NM9TY'lildllw ' MIKE FARRELL AND M•A•s•H translates into the F.qual Righu Amendment in Oranae County Tbunday nflht when he appears at the Laguna ldoulton Playhouse I.ft Laguna Beach to host a celebrity auction. ~ county ERA people are billing Farrell as "the star of M•A•s•H, the popular television aeries~ Alan .. , Alda." But maybe Al.elf Won't mind for the evening and the good of the ERA cau.e. And, no wonder, ance Mike Farrell ii CQmina home to .rout. He starred bl eeveral aliaws at ~ old IAcuna Playbouae in the tnfd,.60il, • Flnt order of bust-em at Laauna will be• perfonnmoe of Steve Tmk:h'• "Divilion &reet'' wttb ~ at a p.m.· Then Mr . .,. wU1 take over the mike (pun ihere=to urae the pu11dpata to 1*t cn IUCb items• a llft.Fa• t to Catalina Wand and brunch for twoi a ~y~ In a cab&n on the Mendocino CoMt; a catered dirmes' for 10 comPlete with Madrtpl ll.ncen, and a wwk'• .,my in ~-~ . Some other entertamlnl iteml are on the ~block and tf JOU mll &88-2360. or~ 487-2822, ~can b..r about them and also leave your name for ticket availability. It'• toO late to write in and have them write back to you. mails beinB what ~ey are these days. COLLARS UP: During the Florence Crittenton Services pre-St. Patrick's Day luncheon, at one point three models came out in sports 'clothee and they all had their collars partially turned up. They looked marvelous. It reminds you that every time you try to get away with that. IOIDe kindly aoul walks over and not only turns your collar down, but aort of pats it back into place. That pat ii just to let you know r.ou look "neat" again. It will never crdes the kindly soul s mind that you might be. trying to look chic. SOME PEOPLE CAN always look chic. Your corre- spondent had a college roommate who could put on a pair of blue Jeana, a blue Oxford-cloth shirt, pull her hair back in a pony tail and look like she was about to poee_ for V0tue magazine. Often, ahe'd just pulled thOle iterm off the cloeet floor. -.. On the other hand, your corr.pondent could pull IOIDethina !'Wit out of the cleaner'• baa and before it WM on my beck, it iOoked like rd been wearing lt all day. -· down.Maybe that'• why helpfu.l 10ula keep turpina my coUat · And .-1rtna of chic at the Florence Crlttentcn Ser.vm l~ a tip of the bat to Annette llurwua ~or taJdna tlUa oonspaodent In after reeervaUooa and the d*k D9WI' arrl'Wld. Annette came to the 1"elCUe when the milcue WM ~ aiid In a roomful of fam)Uar fw, lt WM much b9hlr' than~ youne1f into hdfjc C.oMt HJabway GI' ewn w~ ma mMr. · . Maybe w. cu blame the mull ance ~ how that waste could be stopped. F.ach week, Edmon aenda out about 11,000 letters encouraging cuatomers In Orange County to lign up for the 8C>-C8lled home energy survey. Oilly about 1 to 2 pen:ent !!U to iiu cuatomera -express an interest. "'Ihere ls a frustration on our part." saya Ken Bellis, an Edison spokesman, "It's not a high ~~tirementcommunity of Leisure World in Laguna Hilla, where owners of about l~,000 all-electric homes have experien- ced steep rate increases in the last two montha, only 400 Pec)ple have requested an energy sur- vey, Bellis said. Yet owners there have been 110JDe of the lllOlt vocal in the oounty aver the tncreaaee In their billa -10 vocal. in fact, they persuaded county Supervisor Thomu Riley to send a letter to the state Public Utilities Com- miaaion expre91ing concern over the matter. Edilon offidala aren't denying rat.el are aof.na up. Two different rate increases hit within a five-day period in early January. Additionally, the county experienced temperatures well below normal dwina the put three months. Ana that has meant lnl:re11ed UR of electridty, and, bmce, h1lher bWa. Blllina rates for the 020,000 Editon customers in Oranae ~~are divided into two ~-.. the ~ llWIDe rate for bMk electridty \m. ~ tt.. la a rate for electridty med above the l1fe1lne allocaUan. It II blJled at a ~ rate, 0........ ualn& k* ot poww .,., propartlanately mote 1biln ~-. wbo \.mllMD amaunil -Pt eaed.Y the oppol&te • of tW altuatkln that eJdlted ~ :f:.;ben tlecUiclt1 wu dirt • 0..1-. whale bmn9 an supplied with J\atural 1u for .... ............... ,.,..w. Ufeltn• allocation of. HO ldJowau..a.n per month. A 'Jpioal cu1tomer ln tha.t, < . • ...:.· ~ .. I • ,- ) OllAN G [ COUN I Y (.Al If OHNIA 2~ CENTS J . • t # 'EI Toro 'unacceptabl~' for comm.ercial flightsi.J. l !~~~ SCBOEMEBL '1'hoee facton were listed 1n a committee, a1rpoC'.l planl and. Southern California A.oclation fliaht pattema involving nearby . Cable Mid: "At timea, the sen~· --. letter 1et1t Tueeday to members J)l'Oll'UDa ofticeir SCeven Kouk of Governments, a ~ Jolin Wayrve Airport. •--and San 1'\1--. -.... -"""" A.irap11ee conaettion, safety, of the county'• "blue rlbboo" • had ccncluded that commerd.al planning organization. That report al80 concluded, ni,.a ~ ... 'l:"C'wa)W-J11 eevere noile impecta, overloaded committee examining potential UM ot the Marine bue wu C..ble aid, that jolnt operationl virtual parking Iota. The fact th.Ct ~~~-~~ = :: cat.~~~~ for a new "fatally flawed" Cable repeated In the three-page letter to could be "well above" the band-!!:: =~';Jc;~ Corps Air Station unacceptable tema ... llU-type airport It Wiii that contention in hia Jetter. committee chaJ.nDari Kelth Mur-Una capacity of the Fede.ral and are now reach1nc capacity 4 81 a aite for a new commen:ial :r= by Murry Cable,~ Study of the El Toro fadlity u doch, Cable cited a 1979 SCAG Aviation Adminiatratioo'a radar peek periods, meena that a be4 airport, a ...... 1r1 .... Orange Counhl one ... ,~ty-owned John ay-a oammerdal a1rpon hM been . report which ooncluded that jotnt control tower located at the bue. situation would be made worw .__..'6 •J -t-.. under way by the oounty'1 corn-military-dvWan uae of the bue And, Cable cited a portion of b ....tA1 .... --.... f _ .. i-.1 .... Airport ottidal has concluded. fn an earlier letter to •'--1!11.,._ and -....... •-'y by •'--would interfere with .. ~.-.f.... •'--hich Y -• .._ ..... ._... 0 v~....., WJ'C ·--..--Ka UllC ~-Ull!IC report W • said d villan traffic from airport U8efW.'l ; ain:raft operationa at El Toro Neoemary improvementa to Irish adrift St. Patrick's celebration soaked By JEFF PARKER Of .... Dlillr Plot ..... They were brave. They were tough. They were wet' and they were Irish. And St. Patrick's Day began early for them as they fought the elements to congregate in their favorite Costa Mesa haunts. would contribute "toward gen-aooommodate oommerdal UM Ol era1 ainpace saturation and El Toro could cost from $292 would lncn!ue the probability of mllllon to $2 billion, Cable re: mid-air accidents." minded committee members. Re. The airport manager al80 lifted location of existing military actb- material from a 1980 SCAG vtties could COit u much u ... stUdy that listed Tustin, Orange, billion, he said. Santa Ana, Irvine, Laguna Hills, El Toro and Lake Forest as Beyond "technical ~ communities that would be m.lng," Cable said commerdai threatened by noiae if commer-uae of El Toro has oonsisteotly dal jetl were hued at El Toro. been oppoeed by Irvine offidala "In my · opinion, theee com-and repn!9entatives of the Ma- munity noiae consequences are rlne Corpe and Navy. ju.It too enonnoua to ignore," The county's regional airport Cable said. site committee ii next ICheduled >.. for road aa:em to El Toro, to ~t March 30. I So.me of them were carried into ~tty's Shamrock lounge by Scotty himself -the rain had left an ankle-deeo puddle around the ever-popular back entrance. • J Rainstorm damages 1 Others found that-buckets placed over the· feet kept them dry as they braved the flooded Shamrock. And an intrepid few hiked their pants and sloshed their way into the o_.!d watering hole. But all in all, it was a slow morning on this Irish ho- liday. "We were busy by this time of day last year,•: la- mented Shamrock bartender Sam Young. "J,.:served 250 ham and cheese sandwiches. But this rain is even tough on the Irish." The Irish at the Fling Lounge in Costa Mesa didn't seem to mind that it was raining on their parade. In fact, one Irish American, John Hegarty, said that back in Ire- land, St. Patrick's Day is much more "subdued" than its American counterpart. r . "The pubs aren't even open.'' he said. "It'• a r,la,ioul · oblervance for a popular u.int. But here, well, 90IDeODe m. to 1ell 90m.e 1riah whiskey, right?" Hegarty buddied up with Bob O'Neil, a fellow Irish- man from Chmty Clare, who had brought along bis lucky shillelagh for the occalion. · "BANDED DOWN FROM my grandfather," O'Neill said as he bra.ndiahed the walking stick with a modst but unmistakab!e pride. Certain Fling patrons, led by Bill Kloha (not ltjlh). insisted that O'Neil uae the ahillel~ as a golf club. "It's not for golf, it's an heirloom," O'Neil countered. "You'd understand if you were Irish." "Oh hell," Klohs said. ''Today, everybody's Irish." . Dlillr .... ...,, ,.... PUDD~BOPPER -U you STARTED celebrating St. Patrick's Day by walking in bucketa, you'd only admit your nickname, too. His ia Bopper. . ... Bill would increase county sales tax Robinson,s measure would raise funds for local transportation projects Legialatioh has been introdu- ced in Sacramento that would pave the way for Orange County voters to decide if sales tax should be increased to raise money for transportation pro- jeci&. Assembly Bill 3283, by Aa- aemblyman Richard Robinaon, D-Santa Ana, ii deecribed u the first in a long 9el1ee of steps that would be required before vo1erl would face the question of rai- sing the sales tax rate. S.;am suspects held ,..J A couple accused of conning more than lOO"people in a series of business 8C8l1lS in Huntington Beach and other cities ~ the nation have been arrested in Tallahallee, Fla. Kenneth Robert Manley, 42, al80 known aa Tom Tatum, and hia wife Ullian., 38, were being held without bail today In Leon County Jail, Florida authorities aaid. Huntington Beach police have obtained a $25,000 warrant cal- WORLD lin g for Manley'• arrest on a grand theft charae. acoording to police detective Oennla Branch. Branch Aid the man 1Mt year impenonat.ed a Corona del Mar physidan with the same name to bilk a Huntingtml Beech couple out of an $11,000 Ca<Hllac Seville they were attempting to .U. A variety of cl\araia. including other counts of grand theft, for- gery, bad checkl and weapom violationa att pending ap1nst the pair throuahout Callfonlia. U.S. benefits from glut Petroleum prices are faJ.llng worldwide. but the U.S. has benefited the most. Page B4. NATION Streamlined primaries uked A blpartlun commiHlon ha1 'recommended IU'eemlintnc the national political primary IYftem. P..-A3. Judge back.I von BUiow jury A Judll' bM ref\.-t tom..,.. a )lry"1 orm¥tCUan ol aau. vm allOW, wtio Md belll ct."9 wftb ._ tl7IDI tO km .. wttt ...... Al. . The current sales tax rate la six percent Ottidals aay a one-half ~ .increue would generate $70 million annually that could go exclusively to county trana- portation projects. The propoeal has backing from the Orange County Tranaporta- tion Coalition, a sroup of indu- stry leaders focuatng on waya of improving existing tranaporta- tian facilities. Robinson's bill i.a co-authored by three other county umembly · members, Marian Bergeson, R- Newport Beach; Nolan Fri.zzielle, R-Co1ta Meaa, and Cheater Wray, D-Weatrninater. Tom San~, an executive of Pacific Mu , Newport Beach, a member of the tranaportatlon coalition. aa1d the Robinton bill ii atrictly "enabling'' legislation. It would not raise the tax rate in Oranae County; rather it would eatabl11h the proce11 under which .a vote on the propo1al STATE could be taken. Offidala said the bill likely will be amended from its c:nt form to give. the county of Superviton and dty councill the final decision on whe1her the tax increue proposal should be sent to the vo1erl. FP Gerber, the coalition's Sac- ramento advocate, said under the best of circwnstances, it would be unlikely that a vote would occur before 1984. Gerber deec:ribed the bill aa the coalition's "major legislative ac- tion" for the current aeaaion of the state Legislature in a news- letter recently sent to coalition memben. "The coalition strongly belie- ves auch a tax ia the only major local funding aources which is adequate to begin to meet the magnitude of transportation pro- jects in Orange C.ounty,'' Gerber laid in the newsletter. -By FRED SCHOEMEHL ·-Pae-Man homeward-bound Atari Inc. ia plann1ng to market a home vend.on of Pac-Man, the lateat qrue amona video game buffL PaaeA."I. Pl~tie milk ca~es sought .. Outnced Clairy produoen want to rec0ver $10 million worth of plMUc milk cuea taken annual!)' in Callfomla. P-ae D8. • I COUNTY school, two stores l By JERRY HERTENSTEIN or .. o.tr .... IWf Rain and thundershowers that damaged a school and shopping center in Huntington Beach and cauaed temporary flooding are expected to continue through Thur&day on the Orange Coast. The forecast calla for showers and thundershowers along the cout with ch.anoes of rain dimi- nilbing to 40 percent by Thura- day night, according to a spokes.- LB's Dawson • resigns council post By STEVE MITCBELL or ... Dllllr ,... • ..., Laguna Beach Councilman Howard Dawson surprised a Iarse council audience Tuesday night by resign.in& hia post, but not before lambasting two of his colleagues. The four-year council member, whoee term would have expired · ne xt month, said he r esigned early "to d.ramatiz.e my point that I don't like what's happening in our fair dty." Reading from a prepared sta- tement, Daweon aoc:uaed Mayor Sally Bellerue and Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick of "milteuance and malleasance of office, viola- ting their oath of office," and participating in "selective law enforcement.'' woman for the Natiopal Weather Service in Loa Angeles. The rain which fell intermit- tently throughout the early morning hours today and 'l\.ies.- day measured up to 2 inches in some parta of the county. Three claasroorna have been •cloeedatl..akeV~wElementary School, near Newland Stn!et and Slater Avenue in HunUnatoo Beach. beau.-of a laking t()Of, acard1ng to oftida1I for the Ocean View School Diltrict. The c1aMroama are in ''really l:*1 !Shape," accardlnc to Gayle Wayne, spokeswoman for the district . She said students have been moved into the library, other (See RAIN. Paae A!) . . ·Fullerton father, son die in crash LYTLE CREEK (AP) -A 55-year-old Fullerton man and hia son died when their light plane alammed into the aide of a mountain, the San Bernardino County coroner's off:icle laid. DeRUty Coroner Nelda Britton said ofticiala recovered the bodiee of Duane Delmar Davia and his son Bruce. 19 or 20, from the wreckage Tueeday. Officials said the plane appa- rently crashed Saturday when visibility WU obecured by rain "Having accused Sally Belle-and fog. rue and Neil Fitzpatric.k of mal-The Da~ . left _ Fuµerton feasance, I have no choice but to Airport at 10 a.m. Saturday on a 1eek their resignation." Dawaon trip to Daggiett to inspect 101De said. property owned by the fan_uly. But noting it was "unlil<ely" Offid.a1a said lt was not imme- they would do ao, DaWBOn said "I d.iately known if the two were en am handing in my re9ignation." ·· route to .l)qgett oc retumina He accused the t wo council home when the a'Uh OccwTea members of botching up plans for near the Ca,jon P ... a solution to the Sycamore Hilla The wtnaa abd main aection of land 1ale, in which the city is the fu.elqe of the Cam. 210 attemptlna to tell 522 acres out were charred by a fire appa· Laguna Canyon and pay off a $7 rently ignited by the collbdcn, million mortgage to former ow-authorities aid. nera of the land. The wrecbae WM spotted by a He aald they violated their Qvil Air Patrol plane eerly (See DAWSON. Pqe A!) Tueeday. INDEX A4 B4 M B2 E3-8 C7 C7 a A6 D5 Cl-8,Dl-4 B2 B2 SPORTS Movies D5 M~Stew B2 Mutual Funda B4 National News A3 0ranet County Bl •Public· Nodcm BU>e-7,1!2 Spana BM Stock Marketa B5 Televtllan D8 Th9aten DO W•tber A2 World Newt A3 Packer·-Pa ·ks it' in in beef over beef LOS ANG~J!:S (AP) -One ol two ...... providl.na kclher bellf to Loe A.nae.lei butchers, 1uueht In the mlddle" ii a dJI;.. ~ between two rabbln1cal FOUIJI. II &olna ot1t of the aro.her ~ a company offidal said Manday. "It'• poe of tho9e untenable paatiana. It'a just not worth lt," ..... A12ne Meet Co. Vice Presi- dent Paul Bleckri>an. "I was ho-~ I miaht be able to 1atlafy \him. but l can't." IOU1U which we thou.aht inl&ht make kmher beef available at the competlUve _price. _ 0 But-we're cauaht in the mid- dle of two c:UHenmt factions and we can't lleeftl to aatiafy the oound1. '' he said. Rabbi Juda Gluner, head of the United Orthodox Rabbinate, confinned be had withdrawn his aupervialan of Aane in the <fi4- pute over the ritual inspection and bl~ procedure. CONFUSiON -State IChools chief Wilson Riles says con- fusion exists over federal rules on subsidized lunches. -- . . Or.,.a Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, MM!h 17, 1982 C/N Free lunch program to continue in California schools -..., • SACRAMENTO (AP) -Statit numbers and Mid IChoo1 dlltrtcta 'lt'a uncomdonable to try and \om 1 Superlntiendent of Public In· mUlt ref\181 to feed ch1ldrm thele ldndt ol tadka to pnwnt atrucdon Wu.on iw. hM told whole p&rentl t.aOed to meet the what there II of It." Califomla ICbool diltricta he dead.Unit. Whlteneck 9ld the ltate wani. won't enforce a federal deed11ne Deputy at.ate tehoola SU,perint-to be ..ured It hall the authority ~ puenta to give Sodal endent Wllllam Wbiteneck aald to demand Sodal Secwity num- Seewit,y numbers for their chil-federal offidab had agreed to ben and wants to know wbat the dren to be eligible tor aublidlsed extend the deadl.l.ne unUl April . aovemment ii aotna to do wtt.h lunchea. __ _ __ 1a.__ --- - -ihenronoe 1t haf'"t!iiim: -1We1 lOid ho~fondi Pro.ram 1'Tbere ia 90 much con.tu.ion adm1n.latraton Monday that they over this matter that I felt I bet- may continue to provide the tree ter nod.fy 9Chool d.istricU not to G n · food until there r. 1ega1 clarWca-take any yc_>WlP1er ou the tree ray 8 VJS t1on of the reiiulation the U.S. and reduced-price lunch program Department 0£ Agriculture im-unUl we get a clarification," R1le9 poeed ln an apparent effort to told the Loi Anaelee Tim-. track down cheaters. "I have not found any wide. The agric\llture department ~eread cheating," Rilee said had tet a Monday deac:fllne for Monday. "U there were, I'd be collection of the Social Security the first to try and eliminate it. announces I or Assembly 'n.e 4is1>ute h¥ raged between the United Orthodox Rabbinate, which hu ~rvi8ed kosher meat production at Acme, and the ~ Council of Cali- fornia. A civil .Wt filed late last year by the rabbinate was thrown cut of court last month. "In the face of continued anti- trust activiti~lc the Rabbinical Council. of omia, we have withdrawn our kosher superviai- on of the Acme Meat Co .• " he said, citing_!~tant in~eren­ ce" by the council County ,pondering tax on-pot-, BEVERLY IULLS (AP) - Gray Davis. Gov. Edmund G. Brown'• former chief of staff, made official his candf.dicy for \he DemocraUc nomination to the 43rd Amembly District Tue.day, pJ.edcing to eeek improved public educ:ation 1n California. Rabbi Glasner said the rabbi- nical council ia conducting a boycott of Aane, and be doesn't know why. Money would be used for law enforcement costs WEAVERVIl.LE (AP) -Blackman aaid kosher beef oonstltutes le. than· 1 percent of Acme'• ''multi-million dollar" bulineea. .. It's~ just one headache," he said. "U ihat's the way they wmt to operate, let JDe out." "It wu our intent to provide a koeher alternative, an alternate "The boycott ls that they in- duced the kosher butcher shops not to buy from Acme, and they have threatened them with withdrawing their kosher ap- proval from the butcher if they do buy," said Glasner. Trinity County, where $1~ mil- lion worth of marijuana was aei- zed last year, is considering ask- ing the voters to approve a tax on it. Di.strict Attorney Ron Barbitoe said it could be on the ballot ln November. Barbitoe said the tax would IXJWNEY SAVIN~ AND LOAN has FAST CASH FOR HOME LOANS ct·p10 four units) $10,000 to $1,000,000 <>Pf~"" SATURDAYS Purchase money se<.'Ondc;, equi~~ and swing loans CaU Jim Nevison (714) 556-9270 -ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION lnoluun broi..(,..., plcu.w) @ 3.WO Bristol Sc. (South Coast l>iau.I. Cosu Mesa C/N BOYS CLUi .OF FOUNT AIM VALLEY Spring Baseball For Boys & Girls March-June Age 7-10. 11-13 C.ost '20>0 C.oaches Also Needed Tryouts March 27. 1982 ~11 am-12-1 p.m. 968-5252 9840TcAett Fountain Valley The University Diet is a clinically prove11y medically su~ supple- ment.ed fast, presat"bed by an authori7.ed physician for those. who need to lose twenty pounds or more, quickly and Safely. . Clinic.ally Proven. ! The University Diet isn't a fad diet. It's a medical protocol prescribed for rapid ~eight loss. Over the last eight years. it's proven itself with literally thousands of test sub- jects at teaching hospitals such as Harvard Medical School, UCLA and UCI. TheJoumal of the American Medical Association has twice reported favorably on the results and recommended the procedure. . l ! Medically Supervised. The University Diet is a safe. effective fasting program. personally supervisEd by an autlaoril.ed physician. No shots, pills or surgery are involved. Initially, you are given thorough labora- tory workups. As 8000 as =sician is positive there~ no contr · · tions, you are taken off traditional foods and you · begin the University Diet. You Can Do It. Thousands have. · One thing that~ is tbat~ou're ooly -~to~-·--. . ...l......!...!-u~,-~ IDlllWODe~: ~l . t.o try the prqp'8lD. AftAr that, there's no calorie countmg. Youdon'tbavetocliooee ''riaht" and "wnmg''foodsor~~ ~ou're ~free of the Deed to deal with ne UnMnity Ditlt ill ~Yo:u if you're 1-.lY to be a lot ol ""8ht-With the help of a cledic.ud i>bY*:imLmd ID lJDdentand. lnccouns r' rr, W. lmow you ~tdiieve · your pl Fast. Safe. A ca1orie controlled powder, mixed with water, tea, coffee or a diet soft drink. provides your body with 45 grams of ero- tein and 30 grams of carbohydrate daily. In addition, you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Some people say it's delicious. The ~tis, your nutritional needs are fully sat;. isfied without eating. Meanwhile, your body does the natural thing. It burns up pound after pound of unwanted fat. QWCkly ·and safely. Reach Your Ideal Weight. You can stay on~ University Diet as Jong as you need to. bUrning off fat as quickly as medical safety permits. . Lab work is done regularly to ensure your safety. and normally there's an ECG test after every loss of 50 pounds. Once you reach your ideal weight, the University \\\?ight Maintenance program helpe you stay there. We Cost Less. The university Diet costs less than similar pJ'ograms. It's every bit as effectiv8\ And your insurance probably covers unaj~ portion of the cost. Ask for our fee schedule. · You 're invited t.o meet with any of our patients. And of coune we'll gladly aend ==·toy~peraOnalor ~ If you need t.o loee more than 20 ftt'll'~• callps for an appointment or ~tion. In Sout.bmu California ... 1~ operate much like the timber yield tax, in which landownera pay a tax when their timber la cut and sent to market. County farm officta.la estimate that marijuana ia a more valuable crop than timber, the most va- luable legal crop in this mount- ainous county near the Oregon line. Barbitoe conceded that mari- juana growers would· not be li- kely to' report their crope. btat said the tax could be levied after a police raid. "I think if we were to tax ~juana we could at least pay for the law enforcement, maybe more," he said. · Amemblyman Howard Ber- man, who ia vacating ~Ill! teat to run for Congre., appeared with Davia at Tueeday'a prem confe- rence and said be "whole- heat\edly and enthusiaatically" endoned him. Democrats hold almost a 2-1 voter margin in the dl9trict. Sale Prices Effective Thru Mar. 29, 1982 I VITAMINS RICH LIFE EVENING PRIMROSE OIL SO TABLETS ~SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 ( LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL PRODUCE ORGANIC RED DELICIOUS APPLES .49 lb. REG. 7.95 3.95 COUNTRY LIFE S·P·IRULINA ORGANIC RUSSET POTATOES .29 lb ~ l 5 lbs.' 1 $1.00 SO TABLETS ·REG. 5.00 SCHIFF 3.25 DELECTA YEAST• NETWT.16oz. 3 50 REG. S.30 • RICH LIFE VITA-MINT 500 MG-CHEWABLE 60 TABS REG. 4.95 RADIANCE BETA-A 2sooo iu 100 TABS REG. 3.99 RADIANCE B-COMPLEX 100 TABS REG. 2.75 2.95 2.50 1.75. BULK PRODUCTS O V E R 60 1T EMS ORGANIC MONEOLA ORANGES ~~ f:,,'#-:. . /6~~ .... ~. of'-( KING TUNA TUNA* 75(' 6.5 oz. REG. 1.23 LIMIT 3 RADIANCE-'500 MG. BRAN TABLETS 270 TABS REG. 4.59 HANSEN'S APPLE JUICE 2.95 I 'WALNUTS 2 ·37 lb 1f2GAL.REG.2.S9 • • ··HAIN 1.89 SUNFLOWER NO SALT DRESSING* SEEDS -RAW1.13 lb. : ~~AE~t~ .99 ROLLED OATS FIG BARS RICE BANANA CHIPS RAW ALMONDS .37 lb. 1.57 lb. .41 lb. 1.21 lb. 1.75 lb. LUNCH CO UNTER SPECIAL Stace ~jth a cup of out Soup of the Day, then choote HALF a Sandwich and HALF~ a Salad from our HALF AND HALP SPECIAL. HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS Mill CREEK KERITIN SHAMPOO 18 O?. Reg. 3.SO 1.65 CONDITIONER 1 85 REG. 3.50 • DONSBACH · ALOE VERA GEL 16 oz. REG. 3L85 AL T A -D E NA DA I R Y OUR LOW EVERYDAY ! V2 GAL. MILK PRICES I y CERTIFIEDJll'W .$1 .. 12 . CERTIFIEp NON FAT .87 HOMOGENIZED $1.01 LOW FAT .95 .78 m ni on O:> OH ANCf <.OUN r Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS \ ,,_El-T-0Fo__!_u-nacee-ptable~--for cotnmercial flights By FREDERICX SCHOEMEHL Of lite Delly "°' ..... Airspace congestion, safety, aevere noise impacts, overloaded freeways and multi-billion dollar 008ts make the El Toro Marine C.Orps Afr Station unacceptable as a site for a new oommerdal airport, a ranking Orange C.Ounty Airport official has ~ncluded.1 Thoee factol'8 were Uated in a letter sent Tuetday to members pf the county's "blue ribbon" committee examininJt potential loca t io ns for a new international-type airport. It was signed by Murry Cable, manager of the county-owned John Way- ne Airport. 1n an earlier letter to the Irish adrift '"St. Patrick's celebration soaked By JEFF PARKER Of the Deity Piiot l!Mf They were brave. They were tough. They were wet and they were Irish. And St. Patrick's Day began early for them as they fought the elements to congregate in their favorite Costa Mesa haunts. Some of them were carried into Scotty's Shamrock lounge by Scotty himself -the rain had left an ankl~deeo puddle around the ever-popular back entrance. Others found that buckets placed over the feet kept them dry as they braved the flooded Shamrock. And an intrepid few hiked their pants and sloshed their way into the old watering hole. • But all in all, it was a slow morning on this Irish ho. liday. "We w e re busy by this time of day last year," la· mented Shamrock bartender Sam Young. "I served 250 ham and cheese sandwiches. But this rain is even tough on the Irish." The Irish at the Fling Lounge in Costa Mesa didn't seem to mind that it was raining on their parade. In fact, one Irish American, J ohn Hegarty, said that back in Ire- land, St. Patrick's Day is much more "subdued" .than its American counterpart. "The pubs aren't even open," he said ... It's a religious observance for a popular saint. But here, well, someone has to sell some Irish whiskey, right?" .. Hegarty buddied up witb Bob O'Neil, a fellow Irish- man from County Clare, who had brought along his lucky shillelagh for the occa&ion. "HANDED DOWN FROM my grandfather," O'Neill said as he brandished tbe walking stick with a modest but unmistakable pride. Certain Fling patrons, led by Bill Klohs (not Irish), insisted that O'Neil use the shillelagh as a golf club. "It's not for golf, it's an heirloom," O'Neil countered. "You'd understand if you were Irish." "Oh hell," Klohs said. "Today, everybody's Irish." committee, airp;ort plans and . programs officer Steven Kozak had concluded that commercial u.e of the Marine base was "fatally flawed" Cable repeated that contention in his letter. Study of the El Toro facWty as a commercial airport has been under way by the county's com- mittee and separately by the Southern California Association of Govemmenta, a regional planning organization. In the three·page letter to committee chainrian Keith Mur- doch, Cable cited a 1979 SCAG report which concluded that joint military<ivilian use of the base would interfere with existing Dally Hot St.ff l'ttoto PUDDLE·HOPPER -If you STARTED celebrating St. Patrick's Day by walking in buckets, you'd only admit your nickname, too. His is Bopper. Bill would increase co~n~y sales tax R obinson's measure wo uld raise funds for local transportation projects Legislation has been introdu- ced in Sacramento that would pave the way for Oran'ge County voters to decide if sales tax sh ould be increased to raise money for transportation pro- jects. Assembly Bill 3283, by As- semblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana, is described as the first in a long series of steps that would be required before voters would face the question of rai- sing the sales tax rate. Scam suspects held A couple accused of conning more than 100 people in a series of business scams in Huntington Beach and other cities across the nation have been arrested in Tallahassee, Fla. Kenneth Rober t Manley, 42, al9o known as Tom Tatum, and his wife Lillian, 38, were being held without bail today in Leon County Jail, F1orida authorities said. Huntington Beach police have obtained a $25,000 warrant cal- WORLD ling for Manley's arrest on a grand theft charge, acroo.'ding to police detective Dennis Brall(:h. Branch said the man last year impersonated a .Corona del Mar physician with the same name to bilk a Huntington Beach couple out of an $11,000 Cadillac Seville they were attemptinl( to sell. A variety of charges, including other counts of grand theft, for- gery, bad checks and weapons violations are pending against the pair ~hout Califohtla. U.S. benefits from glut Petroleum prices a.re falling worldwide, but the U.S . has bepefited the moet. Page .84. • NATION Streamlined primaries. asked · A bipartl1an.commi11ion baa recommended etreamllnlnt the national pollti~ primary system., Pace A3. Judge backs von Bulow jury A Judae hM ref\md to eet Mlde a jury'• convlcdon of Claua voo Bulow. who had been cbaf8ld With twice. Cl'yinl to kill hJa wife. Pace AJ. The current sales tax rate is six percent. Officials say a one-half percent increase would generate $70 million annually that could go exclusively to county trans- portation projects. The proposal has backing from the Orange County Transporta- tion Coalition, a group of indu- stry leaders focusing on ways of improving existing transporta- tion facilities. Robinson's bill is co-authored by three other county assembly members, Marian Bergeson, R- Newport Beach; Nolan Friz.zelle, R-Costa Mesa, a nd Chester Wray, D-Westminster. Tom Santley, an executive of Pacific Mutual, Newport Beach, a member of the transportation coalition, said the Robinson bill is strictly "enabling" legislation. It would not raise the tax rate in Orange County; rather it would establish the process under which a vote on the proposal STATE could be taken. Officials said the bill likely will be amended from its present form to give the oounty Board of Supervisors and city councils the final decision on whether the tax increase proposal should be sent to the voters. Ed Gerber, the coalition's Sac- ramento advocate, said under the best of circumstances, it would be unlikely that a vote would occur before 1984. Gerber described the bill as the coalition 's '•major legislative ac- tion" for the current session of the state Legislature in a news- letter recently sent to coalition members. "The coalition strongly belie- ves such a tax is the only major local funding sources w hich is adequate to begin to meet the magnitude of transportation pro. jects in Orange C.Ounty," Gerber said in the newsletter. -By FRED SCHOEMEHL Pac-Man homeward-bound Atari Inc. is planning to market a home version of Pac-Man, the latest craz.e among video game buffs. Page At . Plastic milk causes sought Ou~ dairy produce.n want to recover $10 million worth of plutlc mil.k ea1e1 taken annuall_y in· California. Page 06. COUNTY Edison caught in middle " Southern Califomia Ed1'oo oftic:lala ar. fruma. ted. They're ~ an 4llarfUI about r&m>a ea.ctric ra• but little interest in free imlpecdanl. hat Bl. fUJlht patterns involving nearby John Wayne Airport. That report also concluded, Cable said, that joint operations could be "well above" the hand- ling capacity of the Federal Aviation Adntlnistration's radar control tower located at the base. And, Cable cited a portion of the report which said civilian aircraft operations at El Toro would contribute "toward gen- eral airspace saturation and would increase the probability of mid-air accidents."~ The airport manager also lilted material from a 1980 SCAG study that listed Tustin, Orange, Santa Ana, Irvine, Laguna Hills, El Toro and Lake Forest as commuruues that would be threatened by noise if commer- cial jets were based at Et Toro. "In my opinion, these com- munity noise consequences are just too enormous to ignore," Cable said. As for road access to El Toro, Cable said: "At times, th~ Santa Ana and San Diego Freeways are virtual parking Iota. The fact that these are the only ma)>r regional roads serving the El Toro area and are now reaching capacity at peak periods, means that a bad situation would be made wone by adding congestion of vehicular traffic from airport users." Necessary improvementa to accommodate commercial uae of El Toro could cost from $292 million to $2 billion, Cable re. minded committee members. Re- location of existing military acti- vities could cost as much as $4 billion, he said. Beyond "technical shortco- mings" Cable said commercial use of El Toro has consistently been opposed by Irvine officlala and representatives of the Ma- rine Corps and Navy. The county's regional airport site committee is next scheduled to meet Match 30. Rainstorin damages school, tlVo stores By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of lhe Dally Piiot Staff Rain and thundershowers that damaged a school and shopping cent.er in Huntington Beach and caused temporary flooding are expected to continue through Thursday on the Or~ge Coast. The forecast calls for showers and thundershowers along the coast with chances of rain dimi- nishing to 40 percent by Thurs- day night, ac.rording to a spokes- woman for the National Weather Service in Los Angeles. LB's Dawson • resigns council post By STEVE MITCHELL O( lhe Dalt) Piiot Staff Laguna Beach Councilman Howard Dawson surprised a large council audience Tuesday night by resigning his post, but not before lambasting two of his colleagues. The four-year council member, wh05e tenn would have expired next month, said he resigned early "to dramatize my point that I don't like what's happening in our fair city." Reading from a prepared sta- tement, Dawson accused Mayor Sally Beller.ue and Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick of "misfeasance and malfeasance of office, viola- ting their oath of office," and participating in "selective law enforcement." "Having accused Sally Belle· rue and Neil Fitzpatrick of mal- feasance, I have no choice but to seek their resignation,·• Dawson said. But noting it was "unlikely" they would do so, Dawson said "I am handing in my resignation." He accused t he two council members of botching up plans for a solution to the Sycamore Hills lafi'd sale, in which the city is attempting to sell 522 acres out Laguna Canyon and pay off a $7 million mortgage to former ow- ners of the land. He said they violated t heir (See DAWSON, Page A!) INDEX The rain which fell intermi~ tently throughout the early morning hours today and Tues- day measured up to 2 inches in some parts of the coiwty. Three classrooms have been closed at Lake View Elementary School, near Newland Street and Slater Avenue in Huntington . Beach, because of a leaking roof, according to officials for the OceStn View School District. The classroOms are in ''really bad shape," according to Gayle . Wayne, spokeswoman for the district. She said students have been moved into the library, other (See RAIN, Page At) 'Tornado' rips along Mesa s treet What at least one resident de- scr ibed as a torr.'ldo touched down on Pacific A venue in Costa Mesa at about 11:30 a.m. today, causing moderate damage but no injuries. Grown trees were broken, mail boxes ripped off their stands, and in one ·place, a picket fence was r ipped out of the ground and thrown into the first floor win- dows of a house. Cornell Ilieseu, a resident of 22 18 Pacific Ave.I said the fence about 15 feet from the side of his home, was thrown through the window by the force of the stonn. Ilieseu said his mother was home at the time of the incident. Jean Hessler, a free lance artist living at 2220 Pacific Ave., said a passer-by told her that he had seen the funnel touch down. In the front yard of Mrs. Hes- sler's home, large sections of several pine trees were snapped off and lay strewn along the walk. A second report o f tornado damage came from Adams school, 2850 Clubhouse Road, abo in Costa Mesa. - Instructional aide Pamela Bra- dac said the funnel cloud cau.ed a window to pop out, uprooted one tree and puJled branchH from other trees. At Your Serviee Business California Cavalcade , "Classi!ied A4 B4 A5 B2 Movies ~ C.Ornics Crossword Death Noticet F.dltorial Entertainment Food Hol"OICOpe Ann Landen E3-8 C7 C7 E2 A6 05 Cl-8,01--4 B2 82 SPORTS Mulligan Stew B2 Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Orange C.Ounty Bl Public NoUces B4.1)6.7,E2 Sports 86-8 Stock Market. B5 Televlaion D6 Theat.en D5 ~ Weather Al ' World Newa A3 COunty cage1 honon told Edlaon Hi&h'• R5chard Chang and BuTJ LIWi copped the Qrimp o-t .... bla ..... In .... bi&all. See Spo11a, Pap 88. .. • ,. ~est., Pan Am talking ~~: ...................... ~, .. a N..,.n Pbnnaeelltleall la&erud.ai lac. iaki iotal revenue for the nine-month period ended Jan. 31 were $7.4 mllllm, an tncre.. of '666,000 OYel' the like period 1Mt year. Total product ..i. ~c•ed $U million from $5.3 millian in 1981 to $6.5 millian In. 1982. Net i.. WM $709,000, er 9 timta a ah.are, com- pared with income of $830,000, or 10 Cl!llta, for the cam:pe.rabJe nine-month period i..t ~ . . . . $flaS Ill THE SPOTUCHT AllEllCAll LWEIS ... :P: =...-~ .... ""'M'i.': p:::.: ........ ...._..,. __ F:-a.m-.= IN --It --. .., .. 571' . " ~~· ., ....... n i. + .. ·=-m. ~ :. l"ftnr • T_., I ... ·~ .g· ii f --+ " ="1lrte11 .,~ ... E:. ... ii tN + " • : :: :M-"111 L"' ...... 1-M _, UPS ANO MWllS METALS c._.. 1•~1• oema • OCl'lftd. u.i . J ....... LeM a-u °"* • pound. a.. 40 °"* • powncJ. Cllll'4red. Tiit M.7N1 Metllll w.-~ lb. ., ' 11-11 Oll"9 I p()Und, N.Y. __, --.00 per .... ....... l»0.00 troy CIL, N.Y. 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