HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-21 - Orange Coast Pilot... O H A NC i C 0 U N ! Y C A I I F 0 R NI A ~O C. f N l ~ ... • • • • • ( • . • • • SIZING UP -When~ visitors to the Orange: County Marine Inati-! tute in Dana Point eee! artist Robert Wyland'•! whale mural match.inC: flippers with the• bleached bones of a . 28-foot gray whale' skeleton, they will: have a better idea of the creature's sleek-· ness . Wyland, who P.ainted his first Whaling Wall" in Laguna Beach, studies his·subjects up close in a Baja California la- goon where the whales are described as "friendlier than puppies." Shuttle crew readies Whaling Wall shows. beauty, not bloat Countdown activities ahead of schedule for Monday launch CAPE CltNA VERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia embarks Monday on what i~ts ota term the "ultimate test t." a mi&- sion to advance the ·p toward cargo-auTyi.ng journeys later th.is year and to aemonatrate it is a reliable, on-time transport to apace. The first two crews, NYJ Col- umbia'• third commander, pro- ved the spaceship could set up and down. and fly again. "We're goinc to do that plua a lot more," taid Jack R. Louama. The mil- lion, 9e'Yen days, will double the ahio'a Ume in apace. •twe•re reedy to do it on time, on achedule, to fly the full du.ra- tion next week," his ~wtnate, C. Gordon Fullerton said upon arrival from Houston on Satur- day. Two killed in Fairview collision An unidentified man and wo- man were killed Saturday in Costa Mesa when their sub- compact car was struck broadside by a four-wheel-d(ive pickup truck, poJice 'aaid. I (Photo Page A21cc9rdlng to police, a third .,...enger In the car, identified only as the man's wife, was taken to c.c.ta Mesa Memorial Hospital after the 8:20 p.m. crash. The accident occurred at the intenection of Wake Forest and Fairview roads. Police were withholding names until the next of kin couia be notified. According to Officer John Fitz"patridt, the man driving the late-model Suba.n.a was making a left turn onto the northbound lanes of Fairview Road from Wake Forest Road when the driver's aide of the car was hit broadside by the aoutbbound truck. The woman killed was sitting }?ehlnd the driver. Tw~uengera in the truck y eecaped injury. WORLD After their jets were refueled, the astronauts took to the air for an hour of spins and roll.a over central Florida. At latmeh pad 39A, the count- down activities were running ahead of achedule, and the wea- ther outlook for Monday waa .. very F ·" Marine Col. Louama. 46, and Air Force Cot Fullertan. 45, ~ to begin their 116-orbit mt.Ion with a fiery aendoff at 7 a .m . PST. The fllgh t plan calla for Louama and ·Fullerton to rout and freeze Columbla'a ayatema and lift payloads with ita robot arm. meuurinc lta capeclty aa an orbitfna eclence laboratory. And then the unexpec.1ed teat bringing it home to a continaency landing site -a white sand 7.3 earthquake bits Japan Homes were damaged and 30 were injUred when a 7 .3 ~uake struck ~m Japan early this mor- ning. Af'terabocka n•mhled throulh a vOJaae near the epicenter,, 180 mllee north of Tokyo. NATION Salvador involvement opposet) A majority of Americam believe El SalVlldor could tum Into another Vietnam and want the U.S. to lhwi inwlwmen'? llCCOl'dlnC to media aurveys. I.et craab bodiet recovered runway in New Mexico's Tula- rosa Basin. The new destination was necessary because the pri- mary runways in the California desert are flooded . Lousma, the commander, is a veteran of 59 days in orbit aboard the Skylab space station ln 1973. Fullerton, aft.er 16 years aa an aatronaut-in-waitina, is making his first trip out there. "It's a very ambitious and cbaUengb\I fllaht plan," Lousma said ln a recent interview. For the public, nothlng exci- ting, like landing on the moon. But P8lliN grades on thia and on ane fnore. f ..a.y fliaht in June or July would end COiumbia's tell progrmn and .et up ita &,t ope- rational m'-ion next November. The first oommerCial payload wtl1 be two communication aatellltee. COMMANDER -·Marine· Col. Jack Lousma, along with space shuttle pilot Gordon Fullerton, made fin al pre- parations Saturday for Mon- day's launch of Columbia's third mission. By STEVE MITCHELL or .. .,..,,......,. Robert Wyland is not the kind of artiat to walk off and leave a project half-finished. But he's ma.king an exception in the case of a 45-foot long whale IDW'al he's doing for the Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Point. Even now, the 25-year·old- airbruah artist is In Baja, Calif ... ornla, soaking up the sun on a: 100-foot boat ln the bay at San Ignacio. But before you get the wrong idea, you should know Wyland packed up his sketch pad and pencils for the week-long trip. Along with sunscreen, beach towel and swim suit, of ooune. Wyland, and Dana Point ex- peditionary sailor Doug Thomp- son are afloat in the Pacific about • 90 miles south of Scanlon'• Bay' to s tudy the California gray whale. Thev selected La~una San Ignacio for th~. research be- cause, as Thompson points out, "It's the only place in the world where the whales actually come up to you." It's a 20-mile long lagoon full of. behemoths that are friendlier than puppies. ~ "You ~n even stroke their tongues when they come up to your boat," 1bompeoo said. And that's exactly the cloeeup view that Wyland needs to com- plete hia latest whale mural. On the Whaling Wall he painted on a 200-foot long con- crete "canvas" adjacent to the Hotel Laguna Marine mammals are so realistic that tourists can (See WHALING, Pa1e A%) Caught with counter£ eit hill? Expect scary wait in jail, loss of money, conj us ion STATE By UITll TUBER .,.., .............. On March 2, Ginnie Guevara, woke at G a.m., got dremed and prepared h er daughters, Jenni- fer, 10, and Sbarly, 6, for school At 8 a.m. she arrived at the Daily Pilot, where she has worked for two years in the cla11ified advertising depart- ment. Ginnie made plans to meet her husband Keith for lunch. She never made it. By midday, Ginnie Guevara was locked up in the Newport Beach dty jail. Leaving the Pilot at 9:30 to make the pickups and deliveries that are part of her job, ahe stopped off at Robinaon's at Fu- bion bland to buy a pair of $20 aunalasaes. She paid with a $100 bill ner husband had given her. Then It happened. Aaxrding to the police report, Louise Bouy, who WU working 9eCUrity at the store, was alerted to "a female using po11ible counterfeit money." Sales clerk Maureen Reagan in upbill race Maureen Reagan la trYln& to di8pel the "coattail" tag some critica have attached to her U.S. Senate campaign. Page A3. LA hospital closed Broedway c.ommunity lbpttal 1n Loe Anaela was cloeecl Saturday followtna state alleptlona of tn..de- quate care, and allowing unllcenaed Mexican .:hool lfllduate to pnctice. COUNTY BaDh are lu.torlan 's dre11m ~ ,....,. Bw:h ... compete for mate than ~mid ..... lt'1a~•towbmebaaUcttnc11 the mare CDbM. ~ Dl. SUNDAY SPECIAL Ann Spearman pointed out the suspect -Ginnie Guevara. Ms. Bouy followed Ginnie down an escalator and out the store. Meanwhile, Newport Beach police officer John Davia was summoned. He watched Ginnie enter a white Toyota and stopped hec at the intenJeCtion of Pacific Coast Highway and Avo- cado Avenue. "I thought I had a tail light out," Ginnie explained a few days later. "He asked to see my driver's license and asked if I had bought anything at Robinson's. "After r told-him he took the sunglasses and my purse and said, 'You 're under arrest for paasing a counterfeit $100 bill' "I couldn't believe it. rve ne- ver been arrested before, never even got a traffic ticket. I kept telling him, 'You've got to be kidding."' INDEX The officer trampot"ted Ginnie to the Newport Beech jail, where she was read h er rights. Her• boots, jewelry, jacket and pww were confiscated. She was locked into a tiny investigation room. • She asked to make a phone. call, to her husband or to her: employer. Her request waa de-. nied. "U you're arrested," said police Lt. Gary Petersen "'you're allo- wed to make phone calls within two hours after booking. She wasn't actually arrested, she WM 'detained' for questioning." Therefore, the officers in charge could refuae her request. But police Sgt. Mike McDo- nough said. "Whene ver your freedom of movement is taken from you, you're under arrest." Davia took the bill in question to Detective Ken Smith, who (See CASE, Pase AS) Bridge E2 Horoecope D8 Cluslfied El,ES-6,Fl-6 AnnLanden D8 Consumer Cloee-up Dl Movlee , D6-A en.word D6 Real Estate 85-6 Death Notices E2 Sparta Bl-4 F.dltorial Page A6 ~~ Cl-4 Entertainment D6-8 D5 Finance Dl-3 Travel . C5 Featuring D8 Weather A2 SPORTS Georgetown, Louisville win ~ Louilville advance In the NCAA bu- ~ playoffl with impre..tve victories Saturd•y. Pate Bl. Host yacht club upset Scott Perry IW'pr18e winner of eon,re.tonal Cup ln Lona Seidl. Pap Bl. HALING WALL. • • waya be teen takinc pk:turel of huae mural ln ~Ber.ch. But Wyland'• ltrivina for even ore perfection ln 11Whalln1 all ll." "Th ere are things you can't apture when u1in1 a pbotoJ ph of a whale for a model," OW\I artist said. e molt.Una of the skin, for ple. And the texture of the ~undreds of barnacles that pla- • e-all large eea mammala. : For lnatance, says 'Thompeon, :1Jl09l people have the impreesion ~t lf8Y whales are fat, ungra-~ful things that chug along in ithe oeean like a trash barge. "The truth is, they are very 04 • tleek, very graceful animals - ·;nothin1 like the paintings you "Thia mural la more for the educational benefit of vWton," he aald, unlike the orl1inal Wha11nc Wall whJch hM more of an esthedc value. Addin1 to the realllol of hl1 latelt mural ii the akeletcn of a 28-foot arar whale, hanging on the ceiling jUlt a few feet away from the painting. "If you stand right about here," Wyland aaid, walklns to the far side of the bleached bone1, "you can aee where the bonea fit exactly into p<>sition with the ~ted whale.' And its true. The barnacle- covered painting blends right in with the ake1e1on -to the extent that even the whale's flippers match up. . · -aee even in recent biology books ·.and dictionaries." he said. • The miarepresentation comes m the fact that most marine ts uae photographs of bloat- , beached whales as modela. Not Wyland. He's going to oto~tketch the animals as they live Wyland plans to have the mu- ral completed before the April 4 unveiling of bia artwork. That's when he'll hold a poet.er autograph party -from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the institute. FAT AL WREa -A small car was broadsided by a pickup truck Saturday after the driver, killed with a woman. pulled Dallr .... ......_bf Ndlard K..._ into the truck's path on Fairview Road at Wake Forest in C.O.ta Mesa. The car drivers wife was injured. ttrl1 and breathe. He'll even use ec:uba l!t11 1fear to get a real clOIM! look at bia 3rw tubject. And when he returns later this week, the Laguna Beach artlat plans to put the final touches on hia 28-foot whale in the marine institute. Proceeds from the $4 per per- son one-man show go to the artist who's turning over 10 percent of his profit to the Friends of the Sea Lion organization. So lf Wyland finds a few minutes to alp a margarita and enjoy the sunset in &ja this week, don't hold it against him. He deserves it. ' 0.-, .... ,..... bt ca........, :ALMOST FINISHED -Bernice Sherwood and Frank Jolly ve balloons to two of the 825 entrants in Walle for Mankind through Irvine Saturday. More than 600 backed by monetary ledges finished the 18 miles, raising funds for international rirnary health care programs. 3 suspects nabbed after Mes~heist Three Costa Mesa men were in custody Saturday at Orange County Jail after being charged with the at~mpted armed rob- bery of a city gas station late Friday night. Police identified the men as Randall Craig Johnson, 25, Ro- nald Curtis Johnson, 25, and David Wesley Nelson, 23. The Johmons are twins, police said. According to Sgt. Dennis Cost, the three men entered the Fast Save gas station at 1740 Newport Boulevard at about 10 p.m .• where one of the men pointed a handgun at the attendant and demanded money. Cost said the 'attendant, Ever Granadlno, 26, struggled with the three men and the gu~ discharged. He said no one was hit. Granadino was then struck over the head with the barrel of the gun. The John- son brothera and Nelson then al- legedly fled the scene in a car. Based on descriptions given police, Cost said the three men were taken into cuatody a short distance from the gas station. Granadino was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital, where h e was treated for a cut acalp and released, Cost said. Sunny skies due· , LIQM variable wind• \hrouoh tonight except -1&4'1y 8 10 15 knot• In atlernoon. 2 to 3 toot we1te11Y ...... FW WM1har, ex- cept dOudy at flight. .U.S. summary The Upper M ldwett waa blanketed wftll llMvy anow Sat· ;Wday, Iha flrat day of epr'lng, and thundttatOl'rns aprMd along the ONo v.,_, Into Waat Virginia. Snow 1t1et bega"I flllllng Friday left u to 15 lnc:hn In well· ~and 14 kdl99 northern South ()Mota. Thunda4'atormt dumped 3 In- he• of rain at Valley Head, W.Va .. cauelng eome evacua· elone. Floodlng or the threet of lloo- dlng eleo '*"'*' Iha Cadle ~ _., the Ouacf\lta Riv« and the low. WNte Rlwr, al In Altl-. Tiier• aleo wu floodlng or a ltw'Mt of It on the St. Joeapft Al- In -.. Midi .. and the Tho-ftllP.On Atvw and NlatlnabOtna • boCh In iow.. In Ohio, the .....,,.. and St. Joeapft oontlnued to reoede. Tamperatur• wound Iha na· 1tofl at midday Sa1wday ranged Jrom a low of 12 at Cutbank, • to a high of .. at T1lulvtle. For today. anow ctlanglng to aln wM foreca,t for the upper ,.., Lale• region, extending from .. lower ~ UIQa and .. ""'*· ONo v..., to acMNrn , Englend. Aallf•MPel• and ............ *""""-.... ec..e from Merytend to nor-"*" ....,,.... and from !tie Car~ Hlgha~=~ "°"'*" Ml*MI and from the car ... LM• ecrota tlM _._.,. M ? ?1$ pl V....,, Illa ~ Ptelne, Montana and ~ tN IOa In the nor-"*" eo.t: naer eo along .,. nottMm ooeat of c.llfomla; In the mlcl-tOa ecr-Illa IOU-._,. oa.e of Cllforn2a Md .. cefttr•P AtlMtlC Coaet: In th• l'llld-70• thrbugh th• Inland ~and nMr to In IOU-"*" . and IOUltlsn T-. .California w.n ~ ... be fair today t>vt cloud• wttt lncf .... ton1oht. Moetly oloudy alclH Monday, with chance of lltht ._... O'enge C9unty can expeot ~to 72. Iowa 44 to 50. In ... ~.,,,..-= r Mol ... = nonMrty ..._ 10 at INlf'. 48 to 61. LOW1 11 to ... lftOW .,.. 1,000 ..... ......... cse.r1 llltft• "' tlle ............. ~ .. ........... n. '°"' 41 to •• ~ ... o..91 CeMomle --~-.... Moll- \ dey with -afternoon cloud• and chance of • law aharnoon M-. In mountain ., .... Pat- chy coaatal low clcxida tonight. Cool night• but warmer daye. Snow leWis 3,000 fMt In nonh, 5.000 ... In eouttl. Extended forecast .. ~,. ... s..-,. Tu.d9y-T'tlurad8)': Pant)' clou-dy with chance of a few tight ahower't at tlmat. In coutal tee· ttone, hlglla In eo. and lowt 35 to 48. Mountain high• In 40• and Iowa In 20a and low. 30s. NOAA_ US 0••• ••<••••rt• Temperatures PtloanQ 1111 .. Santa Marie M 39 ~ 55 38 Sentt Monica 87 ... NATION 48 33 Ste>Qton 82 38 Piiand, Or• 58 41 Tahoe Valley 40 13 .. Lo Repld City 23 18 Thermal 73 41 AA>uqua 53 24 Reno ... 21 Torrance 87 42 AttdlOlage 42 38 Rk:tllnolld 47 45 Yuma 71 45 ~ n 61 Sall Lake 43 33 Atlanta 81 83 Seettle 50 38 CANADA Altentc Cly 47 40 St Louie 73 43 • .. Lo Baltlmore 47 40 ~pa 83 et c.lgary 38 18 Blnnlnghm 114 85 45 31 Edmonton 38 19 Bltmatck 24 20 Tuceon 83 35 Montreel 38 27 BoM 45 37 Waahlngtn ... 41 on-41 28 aoeton .. 38 Wlctllta eo 42 Regina 25 00 Buffalo 45 28 TOl'ontO 40 29 etierttt. NC 83 57 Vanoouvw ... 38 Cheltttn SC M 83 CAL9'0ftHIA .. Lo Winnipeg 33 11 CNttetn WV 87 47 =; .. 35 23 Apple Vella)' 81 28 .. 38 Babrafle6d 83 42 PAN All Clnclnnatl 78 .. ear.tow 83 40 .. Lo ~ 53 .. 8-lmont eo 30 81 72 Columbua 53 38 Blythe 70 46 70 M 0.-Ft Wth 78 114 =· ea 49 ee 48 Darww 48 29 53 40 .. n Del Moll'9 61 38 Fr91nO 58 33 .. .. Detroit 34 22 l.8ncMtar 56 28 .. a l!l P.eo 70 36 Long Baectl 89 42 .. .. Het1ford o6 12 ~ ee 42 .. 72 He6ar\& 35 15 82 38 .. 72 Honolulu 81 87 Monrovia 72 38 11 68 HOUiton 80 70 Monterey 58 39 N .. lndnaplla 74 43 Mt. Wlleon 46 27 11 48 Jedc8IWlla .. 65 Naadlet 87 41 N 70 Kini City oe 43 Newpott lead! 83 43 15 72 laV .... 68 86 OMlatld et 41 Ill 56 Uttle Aock 86 87 Ont.no ee ~ IMI ee LoultVtla 80 50 Paao Aoblet 80 34 M 75 =-78 • ..,_... 83 37 81 78 Aid Bluff eo 34 ...... 37 33 . Atdwood City et 41 QLoeAL. ~,... M = Seoan-.to 61 aa AlntMrdam ... 14 NMtwlla llO 8lllrlM 61 35 AtMna 81 50 Naw<>MaN ee IMI San '-'* clllO es 38 =olc llG .. NawYOftl M • San Oltgo M 47 37 ,,. Olde City 70 46 San ~MCl9o0 58 45 lr'*8ll 50 41 OrnlM 43 14 SanJom 58 SI e·~ .. .. ONndo • •' S.UAM 71 41 c.ro n 50 ,.,.,., Ne 15 Sii ........ 81 37 Copeio.'lagan • 32 ="' 11 70 11 • .. Jo'burg 11 .. Ki.t 12 at lllf llPIRl • , Utbon • eo London 41 4t ~ • 41 ..... es 72 .._ 31 u .... °"" a • Pll1I 48 17 No '° .. ... ... ... .... ........ ...,,,. • eo .... ... -"" ... -Dir SeoPNo 71 .. ZWM 2 I 10 1 I w ::: '° n ...... Mon6oa I • 10 1 I IW 14 aa ~ 2 • 10 II • w ~ n '° *-' =-004lltty 3 4 12 2 3 w 50 .. -~ Uttle °"""" ·VlenM • 14 ' Scientists visit volcano VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Scientists ventured Satwday into the crater of Mount St. Helena just hours after two eruptions dusted parts of two states with aah and sent an 8-foot wall of hot mud and melted mow down the nearby Toutle River. Fear of flooding after the first blast Friday night prompted the evacuation of about 86 people, but no injuries were reporteq_ and most evacuees later went home. Rumblings beneath the vol- Bracelets Brooches Rings Earrings cano diminished to almost Im- perceptible levels by Saturday afternoon, but scientists said more eruptions of steam and ash were poesible. Three wary scientists prowled on foot through snow, steam and mud ln the crater, looking for changes in a lava dome. "They are certainly not planning to. spend any more time in there than they have to," said Kathy Cashman of the U.S. Geological Survey. By nightfall, the scientists had left the crater, where seismic vi- brations indicated the presence of avalanches. Ma. Cashman said it would be several days before geologists could say whether the current phase had ended. The first blast, at 7:28 p.m. Friday, shot an ash cloud to nearly 9 miles above sea level - nearly 7 miles above the top of the volcano -and the second blast six hours later sent an ash cloud some 3 miles into the air. Necklaces Cuff Links Watches · ,, Came0s, etc. OF ANTIQUES, ANTIQUE REPRODUCTIONS & ESTA TE JEWELRY Our estate Sa!e represents a once a year oppor- tunity for you to purchase estate, antique jewe~ and antique reporductions at prices considerably low present market value. Our collection this year is an unusually rme one with prices ranging from under $100 to man; thousands. AND U TO " OFF SELECTED ITEMS FROM OUR OWN STOCK Come to buy or browse from 10 am to 6 pm. Sale in progress from March 20 through March 27. Maater Charge and Viaa. CHARLES H. BA RR • Mau:r.een iaS ans ivers· . . But Reagan administration policies raise questions I ~JS~::!" of N•wport BHch tn1urance company employee1, Ma. ~ 11 dfrect, •b: 11111 ''people ...... and call8 on ~ to cut lta own $3 million per member budaet. Her campai1n button• may t..tu.re only her ftnt name ana ,maybe •h• doe1n't uae "hi•'' name d\lrlna campai1n appea· rmcee, but there ll no doubt at MCh •top the crowd knows just 1who 0ahe" la. I Sh.e'• Maureen Reagan. A candidate for the Republican Senate nomination fint and moat. But betler Ttnown, thele., u the daughter of, dent Ronald Re-aan. . "rm runntna becaU1e I want to ~pneent the s'8te of California and aomehow .to be a part of build.tnc the cohesion we have to have as a state in order to find answers," Ms. Reagan explalned following a sodden campaign swing through Orange County last week. ''This is the time to put on line programs for this decade and the next," the 41-year-old first-time candidate said. Her campaign style is vigorous and forceful, her speech peppe· red with funn·y anecdotes at which even she laughs heartily. lier approach varies according to the audience. To a standing-room-only group Tlien. in quick ~. ahe advocatet provtdlna a we credit for the hourt people-apend vo- lunteertna for charttable organi- ia tlona; convertln1 the food ltamp Pl'9jl'am into a non-profit food bank cooperative ("SO peo- ple can afford food"), and refor- ming the welfare sy1tem. She tells the gathefin& 1he In- tends 14to be for the whole at.ate of California, from where the water comes from to where the water goes." To the Women's Council of Realtors In Newport Beach later in the day, Ms. Reagan dwells on women's iasues. The ~ption la enthusiastic. She tells them that more child-care facilities, rape crisia clinics, displaced homemaker centers and senior citizen services are needed. "Women have done a great deal to enlight~n the political process in the last 15 yea.rs," she says. "We are an untapped resource." In a wlde-ran1tn1 lntervt•w, Ma. Rea,can explained tbat be.r Senate bid ta not pndlcaeed on her~nanw. "I ve Hid what I'm tor and what I think i• important and what bu to be done and molt of It la community action and a lot of it la retumin8 aovemment to the states and cornmunltia," l)le emphuir.ed. 11l'm the candidate, I'm the one that'• running and I'm the one whoee ideaa are on the line." She added that ahe does not use the president'• name In her campaign appearances because, unlike eome other candidates, ahe doesn't have to "tie" herself to h~. I "The whole theme of the 1980 election, his whole' reason for running, was to open up the road; and communication to govern- ment so people could begin to solve their problems," Ms. Rea- gan said. She sees the next logical step in that process as enactment of some of her propou.ls. "I didn't help elect him be- cause I thought he had all the answers, I helped elect him be- rause we are going to come up (See IDEAS, Page A4) Details of money told I Counterfeiting is one of the oldest crimes in history. How can you prevent becoming a victim? The U.S. Secret Service, a branch of the Treasury Department created in 1865 "to supp~ counterfeiting, offers the following suggestions and tips: . · . -The genuine portrait appears lifelike and stands out distinctly from the fine screenlike background. The counterfeit portrait is uauan1· lifeless and flat. Details merge Into the back- ground which is often too dark or mottled. -Become more familiar with U.S. curren- cy. Pay particular attention to the quality of printing and paper characteristics. Genuine pa- per money looks good because it is printed from engraved steel plates by experts, using equip- ment and paper designed for that purpose. Counterfeit paper currency often looks bad becauae it is usually produced by a photo-off.set process with equipment and paper designed for other purposes. -Genuine serial numbers have a distinctive style and are evenly spaced. They are printed in the same ink color as the Treasury seal. On a counterfeit the serial numbers may differ in color or shade of ink from the Treasury seal. The numbers may not be uniformly spaced or aligned. -Genuine paper contains no watennarks. It has tiny red and blue -fibers inbedded throug- hout. These fibers are not embedded in the counterfeit, although they are sometimes simu- lated by surface printing. Some people believe that a bill must be counterfeit if ink rubs off. This is not true. Genuine currency, when rubbed on paper, can leave ink smears. U you doubt that a bill ls genuine, ask the U.S. Secret Service (these numbers can be found on the inside front page of your lOC;al telephone directory), your bank or the police. From Page A1 CASE OF PHONY $100 BILL ... confirmed it waa counterfeit. Davia repeated Ginnie's explana- tion that her husband got it when he cashed a check at South Coast Bank In Garden Grove. Davis then asked Smith if be ahould book her, "and I told him no, don't," Smith said. Ginnie's possessions -minus the sunglasses -were returned and she was taken back to her car. ';l'he episode, which took several hours, left her shaken and angry. "I was treated rudely, and I didn't do anything wrong," Gin- nie said. "I didn't know it was counterfeit.Uthe bank can't tell. how am I suppoeed to?" Ron Miller, who manages the South Coast Bank branch at Garden Grove and Harbor Bou- levards wasn't aware of the lriddent. "All of our tellers -I speak tor our entire bank -take clas- 1ee in funny money," he said. "We scrutiniU? large bills very atrefuily, but I couldn't aay in all honesty that benka don't take in bogus money. It might happen to any of us at any time. "We would never willingly or knowbWY paae bed money to our customers. But rd be lying if I said it could never happen. It could happen to the best of us - especially if it's a good fake." Detective Smith, who called the bill "a medium falre" sent it to the Secret Service in Los An- geles. From there, it will be rou- ted to Washington, D.C. and de- stroyed. The sunglasses were booked as evidence. "Counterfeiting increased last year, but there bas been no sig- nificant change this year," said Al Joaquin, supervisor of the Secret Service's counterfeit sec- tion. "We receive $25,000 a week In Los Angeles and Orange count- ies, mostly in $20s." Counterfeiting is a federal of- fense. Dealing -the buying, Given fake bill? React OK. you think someone's just handed you a counterfeit bill. What do you do? The U.S. Secret Service rec- ommends following the seven steps: l. Do not return it to the pas- 1er. 2. Delay the passer if possible. 3. Observe the passer's de- IC'riptlon, aa well as that of any companions and license numbers of any vehicles used. 4. Telephone the police or U.S. Secret Service. 5. Write your initials and the date on an unprinted portion of the suspect note. 6. Do not handle the note. Carefully place in ft a protective covering such aa an envelope. 7. Surrender the note only to a properly identified police officer or Secret Service agent. Remember, however, that the last person to have haee1sion of the bill is the one w o is out the money. When you turn in the counterfeit, don't expect to get it replaced•by the real thing. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHllfled •dvertlalng 1141842·5171 All other <Mpertmenta 842-4321 Thomas P. Haley ,, __ CfW! h .. uuve ()111 .. r Robert N. Weed ,_ Thomas A. Murphine r .. ior L Kay Schultz .\lloe,,_ ""'Direo0t ol ()pefot- Michael P. Harvey. .,.,_... Dt1-0t Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~Oi..aOt Charin H. Loos -.......r- MAIN OfflCE DO West &.y St .. COit• 'Mu, CA. Mllll ......... : ao. IS.O. Cw~ Meu. CA. ftQI Copyr'9f!C 1"2 0r-. Coest PubllllllftO ~. No 11-s 110rle1, lllvl1r•U0111, tclltOt'Mll m..., cw* Yff11M ...... b Mnlll .... y M ·~-......... _W...,....ssloll Of <OPY•ilflt-. selling or exchanling of bogua currency -is punlshable by up to 10 years in prison, Joaquin said. Manufacturing and~ slon can carry a penalty of 15 years In priaon and a $5,000 fine. Laat year, 210 people were arrested and convicted of count- erfeiting in Orange and Los An- geles counties. In January 1982 alone, there were 40 arrests. •One Secret Service agent who works Orange County said he had eight arrests so far this year, "but I'm just on~ of l5 guys working here," he said. · Joaquin said that "intent to defraud" is the important factor in determining whether or not passing a counterfeit bill is a crime. "Unfortunately, a lot of inno- cent people get hurt. But like anything else, it has to be done. The officer acted in good faid), as there appeared to have been a crime committed.'' Lt. Peteraen agrees. "This was one of thoee things that happen to people in the so- ciety we have to live with," he said. "It was just the set of cir- cumstances. No one did anything wrong, either her or the police." Ginnie doesn't buy that. "The whole experience was a nightmare," she said. "I feel I was denied my rights as an American citizen. "Thia country is suppoeed to be different than thoee others, but it's not true. I was treated like a criminal would be in other oountriel, where they slap you in jail wheth er you're guilty or not." Sgt. McDonough believes her treatment could have been wor- 1e. "Personally, I would h ave 'cuffed her,"' McDonough aaid. "I cuff everyone, especially fe- males, because I won 't search them. ' "She's lucky ahe w• brought here. Other metropolitan cities would have booked her, and it could take eome time before she was able to 1ee a detective." ' Since she received chanae for her purchue, Roblnaon'a la out around $80. The It.on, once the .unglallee are ~leued. will get them beck. Ginnie loees the $20 OI' IO lhe spent on the g1z u, and pbw a painful· memory she'll never fcr- aet. .., ..... ......, .......... We're' Listening ••• What do 1ou like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you Uke ? Call the number below and your messase will be recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. · The tame 24-hour answerin1 service may be uaed to record let· tera lo the edJtor on any toptc. MaUbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No clrculaUon calls, please. • • Tell us whal'a on your mind. TRADITIONAL DUNKING -Scott Perry of the Naval Academy Sailing Squadron, Anna- polis, Md, is hoisted by his crew preparatory to tossing him in the chilly aters of Long p ,. ( ,..,-.. _ ... -"' .. -----.:: 0.-, .............. Beach Harbor after his surprise victory in the 16th Congressional Cup match racing series. He defeated defender Rod Davis in a thrilling race of the last series. Story on Page Bl. Journey to South Coast Plazcl' s KirtgdOin of~© .No PassPQrt Needed Discover European Cities, Castles, a Space Command Center-even a building blocks play area .i • • I 1 ltt Y, D 11. LOOI if.. .... ..... It'• • ob9cun race fOI' an ob· IC:ure CIOUDty office, but look for a Coelidoll of veterw to r .... ~ of Onn8I ty PWallc Adminlltrat.or Jfm Heim. The alternative for th• di•· 1runtle~ veta la 11 Toro at! torney Vietor E. Bobbi, Helm'• only oppc>nent In the June 8 oaunlJW* elecdon. The vets are alter Heim'• hide -.we Uwy are dillatldied wlth the way thln.-are F'na at the douaty'1 Vetenna SeMce Office, which Helm directl aJona with hia other dutlei. The irony of all thl• 11 that Ham w• appointed to the vete- rana job by the county Board of Superviaora. His elective pmt as ~ adminlatrator bu nothing to do wlth the veterans polt. The flap began last summer when county aupervilors combi- ned veterans services with the coun~ Consumer Aftaira Of- ·ftce, nan by Helm, who alao W• appointed to that job by the boerd of auperviaon. · The supervisors aaid the mer- linl of offices waa merely an efficiency move. However, acme veterans saw it as a stop toward eventual elimination of veterans eervices and blamed Heim. * * * WHO SAYS NARY A Demo- crat treads the plush threads that cover the floors of Newport's Big Canyon Country Club? Why, only Friday Democratic aubernatorial candidate John Garamendi was the guest of banar at a $100 per penon fund.- rat.er at Big Canyon. . And wasn't that Democrat J-.e Unruh. our state treasurer, prowling the hal1a of Big Canyon dwtna a fund-railer ln h1s honor NEXT STEP -Mau- reen Reagan sees )ter proposals as extension of her father's opening of government chan- nels. IDEAS •.. (From Page AJ) with the next set of answers," she said. Turning to California iuues, Ms. Reagan said she believes in off-shore oU drilling, but that the decision u to where to drill ~ be left up to the state. "We are much more responsible and much more undentanding for the needs of this state than anyone in Washington can poesibly be," ahe said. She added that Cali- fornia 11 coaatline is "volaUle" and 80IDe 25 to 30 percent of it would be too dangerous to drill on. Ma. Reagan said she supports Proposition 9; the Peripheral Canal, and Propolition 8, which would eafeguard nor- thern counties by emu-rlnl the aouth could not draw too much water from northern reeerwa. A supporter of the Sbfd!>ruah Rebellion, w would return pu- blic landt admlniitered by the federal govern- ment to state jurladic- tion. Ma. B ...... ukl lbe would favor returo of California'• national parka to the nate park syatml. Que9tloned ·about the economy, Ma. Reaaan IAld ahe favors institu- tion of a minimum In- come tax to close the loophole through whJch people in hilber' income tax bncbtl often pay a reduced tax because o'f the many deductions al- lowed. Ma. Reaaan faces a tou1h and hotly con· tf"lted primary battle with such well-known p>Utical fiauree u Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr., R- Woodland Hilla; Rep. Pete McCl01key ~.1 R~ Menlo !Wk; Rep. Rooen It. Doman, R-"Loe An- ..i.; San Dteao Mayor. Pete Wlbon.; 1tate Sen. John Sebmits. a.Oirona clll ... -Ted Bndn---t:,!trmer dean of .. Law&choo' ' ~ • '"' ,,..... b-=k? 'Jho -~ ohoc:ked aome folb by the Unruh recepdan. Howard 1 of eo. rona dill Mar md Coto Cua. a former South Cout Repertory, ,,,.. ... pn.ident and lonstlme . •vi9 and loan executive, toe. Md tlie party for Qaramendi. Who aaya all the rich IUYI are RepubUcana? * * * TBB OUBERNATORJALLY .. minded Garamendi wW be ma- k Ina other appearances In Orariae County Chia week. HelJ.l speak at 4 p.m. today at the Newport Harbor Democratic Club'• meeting in the Riviera Apa.rtmenta clubhouse, 3~0 Ri- viera Drive, C.O.ta Meu. Then, oa M~f at 9 a.m., the state Senate maJgl'ity leader will appear on a panel with Southern California Edi.on Co. officials and A.11emblywoman Marian Bergeeon at Leisure World, La., • guna Hilla. The panel clbcuasion, o~ to the public will be about higher costs being experienced by ener- gy conaumen. It wi1l. take place ln Lei.sure World's Clubhouae 3. * * * ANOTHER gubernatorial hopeful, Republican Mike Curb, will swing into Irvine Thursday for the 11 a.rn. grand opening of his Orange County campaign headquaraters. The Curb for Governor cam- paign will be doing business out of offices at 17962 Skypark Cir- cle, off MacArthur Bou~vard and Red Hill A venue near the county airport. * , * * GULP: ORANGE COUNTY Supervisor Harriett Wieder of 3.57 ~~ . Hwttl~n Beech hu been ap POU\-1 to the National Drinktna Water Advtaory Council of the U.S. Environmental Protection ~Wsed.-. ~to aide Bill Hod .. , wu to leave today for Wuhtn1ton D.C. for four daya of meettn1• with the 16-mlmber council. Her appointment, announced tn the natlon'• capital by EPA Administrator Anne Gorauch, wW nm throuch Dec. 15, 1984. * * * ORANGE COUNTY~ Repu• bUcan Central Cammlttee .. bac- kln1 the Fair Recliatrlctln1 In- itiative that Common Cause la ~ to 1et on the November 'nle meuure would eet up an lnde~t commlalion to reap- po ;n lelialatlve and congres- sional district.a in Callf ornia, ta- king that power away from the Legialature, which baa a bad habit of alidna up the pie accor- ding to whatever political party happeN to be in power at the time. * * * CHUCK KENNEY of the Saddle back Valley, one of 17 Republicans aeeklna the party's nomination for the 43rd Con- gressional District, plans a golf- ing fund-raiser Monday at the Mission Viejo Country Club. Golf and dinner will cost you $100 or you can go to the dinner for $50. Call Kenney campaign headquarters, 768-6664. * * * KENNEY'S SERVICE on the Mission Viejo Municipal Advi- 10ry Council (he's currently vice chairman) baa brought endof9e- ments for hi.a oongreasional cam- 7.77 =~r~=~ aler and Ann Foley. * * * DAVE SILlA, Irvlne'a mayor ean nomination ln the etth M · Hmbly District, will be the 1DUker.J'ridaJ ~hen the South Coui nepu Forum meets at 1:1 Capitan Reetallrant ln Irvine'• Herttae-PJaaa. The 1oclal hour bell'.'I• at 7 p.~ with diMlr at 8. 8Wa wW 1 at 9. · RHervatlona for Friday'• meeUna can be made by caJUna 062-070'7, or 602-30M. and a candidate for the Republl- A uction ~iiiiiiliiiiii~~~~liiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiij to aid • seniors The Dana Hilla High School PTA will spon10r an art auciicin Friday at Crown Valley Commu- nity Center, 29761 Crown Valley P~kway, ln Lacuna NlaueJ. The auctioning will begiri at 8 p.m . aharp. Previewing will take place from 7 p.m . to 8 p.m. Hon d'oeuvres and beverages wW be served. All proceeds wUl be uaed for acholarahipe for Dana HU.la High School seniors. Admillion ~ $5. I SP,are room profitable International students attending Saddleback College need roorbl to rent from local residenta durin.s the achool year, according to college offi- cials. ·Any family with a spare bedroom to rent la urged to call Mike Mer- rifield at 831-4519. THI PllOBLIM: •ISITY OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH •HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE •HEART A TI ACK & STROKE •DIABETES •JOINT DISEASE A SOLUnON: OPTIFAIT A MEDICALLY SUPERVISED FAST SUPPLEMENTED WITH A PRODUCT OF PROVEN SAFETY AND SUCCESS •80 % success In loslng 40-80 LBS or MORE •NO HUNGER •Behavior Modlflcatlon, Nutritional Counseling • & Exercise Rehabllltatlon-lnsur. Reimbursable •GUARANTEES LONG TERM SUCCESS THE PLACE: PHYSICIAN• S WEIGHT MANAGEMENT GROUP WITH OFFICES •NEWPORT CENTER • LONG BEACH THI RESULT: UNBEATABLE TIL. (71•) 760-8078 L.eleure Piiiow• v-.ca.. ...... Leisure throw pillows In assorted col- ors. OispoMble. For most vacuum cleaners. 2-5 begs per pact<. Two Paci< -2.99 ~-Oal. 99c Your Choice 5.50 ~Reg. 7.97 ....... , ............ PolyHter In choice of the newest styles and coloB. M1111~ Dllp 1111111 UOll- Chooee .. country now.t" fra- grance 0< Yineger /water. 2. 6- Conoentralad lhlg lhenlpoo Stfe fOf all rugs. Loosens dirt to be vacuumed away. ~Or Automatic Y.,.._ 32-oz. liquid Drano® 12-oz. Vanist)e -·ac.w..o...,. Comt0<table Casuals, Brown and blue sizes 6 Y.i· 12 an. On PropMe Crtlncler Many uses 1nc1Ud!ng P{op8ne t<><ches. camp stoves. mo<e. oz. pkgt. •A OI. Sale Priced 35.88 ...... ............. worx dOne fOf rMny U.S. and for9'gtl cars. _ ....... ,.,...,. love at K matte CARRYOUT tnllAdl1n ....... Mon.·tat. 6.77 Ea. .,..... .....,"°"" ..... SlzH tor many U.S. m•d• cua and llght ""'*9. Bew . ' PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK . Additional spao8s are now available in a newly deYeloped section of Pacific View Memorial Perk Pre-need p0rchases qualify for discounty from $90 to $145 per grave. Discounts on ayi::tsare 15% for a limited time. IXU:>le interment in a single grave may be ~from $835 in our Ocean View lawn. '§ PACIFIC VIEW ,,,,, ,..,,.,,.,, ,,__ llM PUlllM .. MEMORIAL PARK AND MORTUARY 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, California •••••• STOR• HOURS1 9 A.M. -2 A.M. LIQUOR STORE f'r•• Dellvery Home or Office 1 .... Hungerian B.con Sliced and ready to cook. Jmported from Hungary. Save. ........ (7 I 4) 644-2700 o Pierce Brothers Company 11.97 Hend-Mld Soler Calculator Needs no batteries! Powered by a tiny solar cell: with memory. 2.09 Hoe .... Senchrich with whipped potatoes & gravy. PLUS dish of fello. March 21 end 22, 1982 . c.eort.•NapklM ~s. naptclns In a variety of 11.97 ElectroFleah® 121 Camera Convenient. built-in flash. Uses 126 film· and batteries.• 4.97 3.57 .._90t1Llght 646-6878 *Your Choice I-pr. Pllg. lhn'e T&tbe Soc:lle Sturdy worl< socks of absor- bent cotton /nylon 1e • length. Sa ' · A light refreshing rose' or cttabtis wine tor any occasion. ·1.a"'· .I. Color ll1prillfl Froni lq1tiY11 14t Pri1h fro111 Slides 41~ •,.,'<9, u lll 1 .. 0~ ,,, 'A.ID GIVEN -Lor-d~ ratne Pleraon, preel-r dent of the Manhala •J,, A.odaUon of Orange 11''' County, tries out the Ina lilt u Ellie Kenneth of lll'l"I Laguna Niguel and ~tt J im Owen1 of Costa .,di Mesa admire one of six .1,CXJ vans donated to the ti ~ Rehabilitation Inatl-'IM iute ot 0range Count- y. Below, Pat Boone 1•.t1 encou rages Betty '""'1 Schelatrate of Costa q,i.:a Mesa to perfomi with ouq the "RIO Ramblen." ~ ,_, Facility • g1vel) wheels The donation of seven new vehicles to the Re- habilitation lnatitute of Orange County has star- ted events rolling toward the Easter Seal Telethon next weekend. •:--i • Six blue vans are pro- viding transportation to therapy treatment ser- vices for RIO patien ts · ' throughout the county. Eacti cost $33,000. Their purchase was ! ,. made ~ssible by mat-..,,. ching trans funds and ·· 1 donors led by the R. C . ~ Baker Foundation and ... an anonymous donor, .-..; I $10,000 each; the Mc-. ·'' . Donnell Douglas West Personnel Commun ity ·1: .. ' Service &oup, $5, 700, ·~ .1 and the ange County .:'1 Marshals .Association and r • .., Los An&roles Times I •l; Fund, $5, each. 1l •!.: The vans are specially ,fiJ equipped for wheelchair accessibility and have "'J1 trained drivers. ':ll') A Chevrolet Caprice ..1'1 1 was presented by the "{ J Breakfast-Optimist Club ! "' of Orange to start a .-i Handicapped Drivers Program in the county. cl J im Owens o f Costa . ' ,~ Mesa, president of the ''·'· RIO board of directors, , ,J and sinfer Pat Boone, I who wi 1 be master of ...... ceremonies for the tele-.:H thon, acknowledged rec-1flk eipt of the car. lVI The Handicapped Ori-•,r{J lflf'I vers Program wlll eva-'"'b luate a person's potential 'lri to drive by checking vi- sual skills (90 percent of " driving is what you rec-i..~ o~nite visually) and lw C ysiaal maneu verabi-,;1J <u irf Therese Malloy-., Ill Martinez, occu0ational l 11 therapist at RI , deter-l;Y/ mines a penon ls capable IQ:_} of operating a vehicle, ·~q she then decides what , . ..,, special equipment is . i: needed for safety. '-'l . These may include . ,., hand controls, or a atee-oiJ I ring knob, or a left aide 1 'l') gaa pedal or a left aide ,'Of gear shift. Aq She explained that ;r&t some people, who are bin called ~uadriplectc, can :>tit drive i they have en--..01 ou1h 1tren1th in their ~ arms to operate a hand 1oi control and a 1teerln1 wheel.• Penom lntereeted ln qualif yinc for this RIO ~r·m mal lbone 400, !::Kt. 1 . Bocne -VilltlCI ... RIO'• Sentor 80\IM ln Oranpdurl~ ·~ tjMnpy dl9 .., ~ IAlbdnA 'ftit t~t. ..... WM ftbMd 8nd Ji)ij :=-~antlie . Aim IRS enforcement at big tax che~ters A potential $72 biWon a 6: W. 1n government revenue income tax cheating -up from an estimated $27 billlon ln 1976 - baa the U.S. Treasury, the Gen- eral Accounting Off ice and the Internal Revenue Service un- derstandably upset. The United States· baa long been one of the few countries where voluntary compliance with income tax laws has been almost routine. Americans, traditionally, have bent over backwards to pay their taxes on time, lived in fear of being audited by the IRS, and paid out huge sums to have ex- perts help u:iterpret the ~ laws to be sure their returns are in order. So why, asks officialdom, is all th.is clieating going on? The IRS says it just d~sn't • have enough staff to keep up with enforcement. And even with a $328 million increase in its budget that would expand the work force by more than 5,000, it still w on'.t be possible to audit more than a small percentage of the returns, the agency complains. Part of the problem appears to be the increasing complexity of the tax laws and tax fonns which leads to inadvertent errors. But much of it is due to the ¥.rowing tax bite caused by the '.bracket creep" that keeps push- ing taxpayer s into higher tax categories as inflation increases their incomes, but not their spen- ding power. This, officials surmise, encou- rages more people to fudge on their tax returns. And not helping matters at all are the constant re- port• of 11legal" tax evasion by well·to-do lndividuala and corpo- rations who have mastered tne fine art of taking advantase ot tax loopholes. Part of the aolution could be a basic change ln the IRS pollcy that seems to encourage agents to go after the small fry instead of tum- 1 ng their guns on bigger, and probably more profitable targets. ~t anyone who has been through a divorce, for example, appears to be suspect. Are they both now taking credit for child support, or deductions for taxes and interest on the family home? A two-way audit is routine. F.qually suspect are all such potential cheaters as restaurant employees who may not report.~ their tips, and self-employed c1ti- zens like musicians, artists and handymen who probably are get- ting paid in cash and unde r - reporting their income. The IRS keeps a sharp eye out for this sc;>rt of thing and cracks down heavily when guilt is uncovered. Tax ch eating at any level is not, of course, to be condoned. But if the IRS r eally is so under- staffed, and losing so much money for the government, it would seem more practical to use its available work force to ferret oµt big bucks fraud on higher income levels. Or, even better, to clean up the tax laws that permit the affluent to indulge in the "legal" cheating that only encourages the small fry to take a chance on trying to create a few tax loopholes of their own. R ejoice, b ut conserve The two-hour waits in gaso- line lines, seemingly never-ending price increases and talk of fuel rationing a.re little more than bad memories for motorists today. The United States is awash in oil, prices are heading downward and Americans couldn't help but chortle as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries hurriedly agreed on a production limit to stop the price slide. The worldwide oil glut is probably the best economic news of the year. The resulting price drop has helped pull the inflation rate downward, ana gasoline prices sliding toward $1 a gallon have made a buyers' market. The "energ y crisis" issue has low priority. Therein lies the danger that could spoil all this good news. The key factor that led to the oil glut was the commendable conserva- tion, forced by high prices, in- dividuals and businesses have been practicing since oil costs doubled following the 1979 Ira- nian revolution. Complacency about oil sup- plies could bring back the ~ys of wasteful driving, wasteful heating and cooling methods and overde- pendence on petrole um. Althoueh OPE.X: doesn't have its knife quite as close to our jugular as it U8ed to, a cutoff in Middle Eastern oil would still have extremely serious conaeque11CeS for the economy. Continued conservation is es- sential if the U.S . economy is fi- nally to rid itself of dependence on petrolewn sold by countries in an extremely unstable part of the world. _ .... --.- Conservation is also needed so that oil supplies can be stretched out, ~~ more time to develop clean, affordable long-term alter- natives to petroleum, which will eventually run out. There is no doubt Amencan!I have done an outstanding job cutting back on oil use. Consump- tion in 1981 was 16 million ban'els a day, 1 milJion below the 1980 level. A more dramatic statistic is the drop in oil imports. About 2.7 million barrels are brought in to the U .S. daily, compared to 5.1 million just one year ago. OPEC is hoping to dry up the surplus and prop up prices with production cutbacks. There is doubt as to whether the output limit agreed to this weekend will work. Although Saudi Arabia, OPEX::'s leading producer, plans to reduce output to 7 million barrels daily, the Saudis can afford to re- duce. Other e xporters faced with less abundant reserves and trying to develop their economies are interested in selling what they have while they still have it, and may be tempted to break the pro- duction cutback agreement. And non-OPE.X: producers such as Bri- tain have shown no hesitation about underselling OPEC. Some analysts believe prices may drop from the current $33 per barrel to $25 this year. Considering these facts, con- sumers in the United States and other industrializ.ed nations are in the driver's seat in the oil market. The best way to retain that posi- tion is continued conservation. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views e_x· •pressed on tnis page are I hose ot their authors and art 1sts. Reader comment ~s 1!W1t ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. PhOl'le-1 714 ) 16'42·4321., L.M. Boyd/ Sultan's swell sale Q. Who was the potentate wbo ruled for many years before he found out it wa.s not necessary to buy cars by the dozen? A. Believe you refer to Abdul Am IV ol Morocco. He became acUng sultan at aae 20 ln 1900 and reltned uoW 1908. Some salesman got to him pretty early, and for several years there, he bought grand pianos, diamond neckla~. and automobiles, too, only in 12-'unit lota. Q. Wbo flnt uttered that standard rule ol merchants, "The customer Is alw•)'I rlpt"? ~ . l A. Fl rat of the great hotel magnates, Cesar Ritz. Q. How much blood doe~ a vampire bat drink at any given time? A. About enough to fill a small shotglaal . Q. How long does it take a llihted but unsmolted claarette to burn down? A. About 12 minutet. IKideotally do you buy the claim that the tn1cai cl1arette 1moker Ollly takel about ei1bl d.r&CI per cl1arette? That'• the report from the American Lun1 Aaaoct.tlon. Thom11 P. H•ley Publisher ·• Obledo targe t s L a tinos By CHARLES G. BELL Dr. Charles G. Bell is a profeuor of political aclence at Cal State Ft.tJlerton. It's hard to see how Mario Obledo has any real hope of winning in his campaign for governor th.is year. In fact, it's hard to see how he can even hope to make a respectable showing. Politics is a game of names and numbers -who's supporting you, how much money can you get, and how many votes can you expect to get? At. this point -Obledo has neither the names nor the numbers. The most recent California Poll ahoW11 Obledo tJed for a diatant second place with State Sen. John Garamendi, D - Walnut Grove; both currently have about 5 to 6 percent of the Democrats' supoport. Far ahead is L os Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley with support from 58 percent of the state's Democrats. ST ATE CONTROLLER Ken Cory had support from about 15 percent of the state's Democrats but he has now an- nounced that he's not a candidate for .governor. Cory's support is more likely to go to Garamendi in the north and Bradley ln the south. Obledo has a long way to go if he's going to catch Bradley. Repe•tedly, Obledo ref era to the state's large Latino electorate -about 1.2 million vo1ers out of about 11 million total. This huge vote bloc sometimes re. ferred to by politida.na and journalists as a "sleeping giant" has a poor history of political activity. The numbers are sim- ple. · About 70 percent of the 1.2 million Latino voters are Democrats. In the Dem- ocratic primary election, they are the only Latinos who can vote. Thus, whil~ Obledo repeatedly talks about a million Latino votes there are, in fact, only about 840,000 :ivailable in the primary. And Obledo has to wln the primary first. Further, Latino voters have a record of low participation. In the last guber· natorlal election year ( 1978), about 3.8 million Democrats went to the polls in a ClllfDRllA CDlllNTB lackluster June primary. Of tho&e voting, about 520,000 were Latinos -about 14 percent of the total. Even if Obledo got all of the Latino votes in this June's ~rimary he would fall far short of whats needed. IN ORDER TO WIN, Obledo has to be more than the Latino candidate for governor. He must have support from. a larger -aegment of the state's Oemocratic voters. lri order to get that 1Upport he needs help from big names -major Democratic party leaders. And, he needs money. It is thl.s need which makes his cam- ~ look almost hopeleee. Obledo has repeatedly talked about getting $1 each from a million contributors. But the state's Fillir Political Practices Commis- sion, which keeps the records of cam- paign contributions, reports that well over ~~ percent of campaign money comea in big chunu. Indeed, only 5 percent oomes from individuals at all. Assuming, for the mome nt, that Obledo can't win -what can he hope to achieve from a losing campaign? First. he and other Latfuo leaders can hope to increa8e Latino political partici- pation. This would help future Latino c.andidates in statewide as well as local and legislative campaigns. . Second, as a candidate, he can talk about the issues. And, indeed, he has handed-out a 26-point "pcmtion; paper" identifying some important problems and describing his stand on them. Ria position on these issues would get little attention if he were simply another cili- um. And, he was not free to make them as long as he was in Gov. Brown's ad- ministration. SINCE HE SUPPORTS the Periph- eral Canal. Obledo has probably lost most of the Northern California vote. But his proposal to limit elected public officials to eight years in office and to make the Legislature part-time will have considerable appeal to the voten. Obledo's candidacy also creates some problems. . With Obledo and Bradley running against each other there is a potential for conflict between Latino and black Dem- ocratic Party leaders. This puta other Dernocratit' Party candidates in a tough spot -whichever candidate they sup- port they run the risk of angering a sizable block voters. Neither the black nor Latino vote is big enough to elect anyone in California. But, bot are big enough to deny victory in a close elec- tion. Perhaps most of all, Latino political leaders rur a real risk of seeing Obledo get such a small share of the .Tune vote that any claims to political importance will be badly damaged. What if Obledo gets only 400,000 votes in the June pri- marY? That's not a bad vote for a minor' candidate,.for an unknown candidate wiih little or no money. But it won't speak well for the "sleeping giant." On the other hand, if the Obledo campaign can register 200,000 or 300,000 additional Latino voters this spring, get Latino voters to the polls, and get them to vote for Obledo, he might end up with as many as 70C,OOO to 800,000 votes. That won't be enpugh to win but the "sleeping giant" will have at least awa- kened ana Latino political leaders can make reasonable plans for success in the future. R e m ember i n g lo ve h e als her grief By GINNY OUON DAVJF.S of Carom de! Mar The family's sobbing was almost silent, like the whispering of leaves, but the tears flowed and their bodies trembled. They were all cryln1 in the hospital's surgery waiting area, oblivious to passersby. Their world was no longer familiar. The huddled group included a young woman with her arms around \he shoulders of a litUe girl, who bad her face buried ln tbe young woman's lap. A surgical nurse, whose cap was stlll pulled snugly over her hair, bad joined them ln their weepinJ. Her years of dealing with death had not made her immune to grief. Tbelr lives now touched Iller life. J ! I' I I ,. I did not pause. I continued down the corridor with my eyes focused atralcht ahead. 'Ibe wbere, wile• and wllat had been unavoidably observed. 1be wlto and the wily were none of my business. I bact accidentally happened upon their I 1 · private circle of shared grief. BUT MY WOaLD would not be the same. My vision blurred and my personal losses paraded before me - four wit.hln lhe last six years. I tbouahl I bad faced them squarely, one by one and bad emeried with new •trenith· i bad dwelled on pleasant memories, but now I knew for certain that we never totally recover. At eacb member leaves the famlb circle, no amount~ couraae or relilloua faith can completely beat the tbrobblns, raw place in our cbelta that la left behind. 'r.bere alwa11 will be •ometblna to trl1ter the pa.la -llkt today's circle tn the •W'llO' •aitbll room. Once atain I relived our carrytq out of our loved ones' wilbee. All bed uUd for cremation. One wanted wao service or funeral of a.ny kind; two bad requeated a famJ.11 tat.beriq la tbelr home and tile bartb llad not tPICifted. How dlffermt from ct.ya ,_. by wbeo there ..,.. few cnmatloal and Marly everyaae bad a tOrmal hmeral. Wben l ... a eldl4, I nm1mber tMt numerom relattn9 ... Mlelll woeld 1atber ..... GI &M la&W. I tlliM, aUtDdld CNt ti PIM fw '.._, nemt ............................ ,....., ntMr U.U • a tri.._ to tM eloie111 Of tlMU ~. In retrospect, what does it mean that not. one of my recently deceased loved ones bad requested convenUonal funerals? Many of our friends today speak. of similar wishes for their passing. Perhaps we are a 1eneraUon maturtni in our facing or death. We know there ii less space available on this earlb for full casket ,lturials. Happlly, many memorial aemWes bave become a celebration of the penon•s life ratber than a dwelllna on our lou. WllBN •Y sister-in-law died 3,000 mlln away, beT friends Voluntarily 1atbend for a aervlce tn her 1arden and 8Mb OM lhared with the others bow • bad touched their lives. My huabaad could not be there, 10 her trlenda taped tbelr lovlna thouPtl and seat bl.JD a reeordlnl to treas ... tombstone still carries ber name, date of death and states that she was buried at sea. MY OWN PARENTS bad many friends in their city. Some s"med disappointed that there was not to be a larae funeral or memorial service where they could pay their reapeeu. However, moet understood and adlnired them for their wlab, wbic.b lheJ bad made known in a teller to tbelr minister, asking that only close family members 1atber int.be family home for a short service. We met in their llvln1 room surrounded by mementos of tbeb uncommonly full and lont Uva. Tlllil Intimate family memorial wu the .aoet meaningful ''funeral" I bad •••r att.nded. Their minister spoke brieftJ about their commitment to eartbb causes and read poem• tbey bad selected aeveral years before. One of thele poema WH "Noel'• I.alt Poem"• found in Noel Coward'1 lMt paperi and publiabed after bll ....... T•o lines, wblcb refer to bit clN1111d loved ones, help my llle move fGnrard: '' •• How bapp.J tbeJ an I ~ know But.....,aalwboMedtMm•" ..... ,,,. .. =? ;: ftt .. ., Noel ee.n; 0. ; AfNil ~ ..... N.Y. ""· ._ m. • .. • -~-, Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 21 , 1982 I A7 • Vie NaCl. VOtel'I #Ill be aaked thia ~ to vote for two of the ux nunea on the ballot ln the ctty- Wtdt -*~ Ntll•oka. a Col"p. mark .. You and your tritndl are lnVfted to heir _ an lntPfrlnQ Chttltten Sclenoe lAofure entitled: t1ce in Jwy. "Ollrfd'a 111119'1 Pn11101" Incumbent Art Anthony lan't Al •• T'hundiJ l v.nlng eeeking re.election. Maroh 21 Another _J>Otlible candidate, llllltl .. ., ... tf .,..., lollltlet Univenity Park relident Jecqua Nlwport ...... Warahauer, luued 1 1tatement •100 P8oltl•¥1ew ~ Corw del .._ recently •Y1na he dedded not to • .... ._. . Deadline ....... ~t.lon paper• cl~~y. lea- vtn• the araellnt fl~ld In the history of ~ 10-year-old city. The 11x c8Jldidatea will vie for two four-year te rms on the council. J;.Candldat .. are lncumbenl Larry A•:1:· • lawy•r: John ~ 1ped ud local 110hool baaid truatee; Marjorie Keber, retired colle1e hutructor; Wil- liam Doman. Orange Cout Col- l'le tHcher; WlWam Pozzi, gen- eral manager of a moving com- pany, and Barbara Wiener, put president of the Irvine Hiltor1cal Society. run ana will IUpport Agran. A free Ctwwu.n lcleMe l..eChn by M b 1 l Mn. DebOtat\ Hedin. c.e.. A ,..ftlrilMI eanw l e, two cha len1era of London. EnQtend 11U11111Nn will try to unaeat any of the ChUd care Provided-Ample Parking FOi 60 YEARS three incumbe nt• seeking re-~=====================~ ,,. MerlJ Tl election ln the raoe for the Irvine Ranch Water Dlatrict'• Board of l A.M. Two yem ago, 10 people ran for three aeat.s on the council. In 1978, nine candidates aou~ht two The two winners will take of- Directora. C. Orville Reinhardt and Frank Hurd are challer\2ing incumbent• Peer Swan, Ray Auerbach and Betty Ol8on. L.M.Boyd in~~fi!!Daily Pil EXCEDRIN TlfE UTIA-STIDICTH PAIN IEUEYEI VISINE A.C. AUEIGY a COU»S EYE DROPS ltEYLON DRY SKIN RELIEF MOISTURE LOTION fi!OL2.79 MISS CLAIROL CH•Foneuu HAIR COLOR BATH ltEYLON MILK PLUS 6 SHAMPOO Pl.US CONDfTION£1t .... LADY BLUE AUTOMATIC BOWL CLEANER SPECIAL! 'I j ~I~ I I ... ~- 7 oz. SIZE WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Ma!>t er Card NEW! LOW PRICES AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY. MARCH 21st THRU TUESDAY . MARCH 23rd - SAVE•2.oo •STEAM & DRY IRON Instantly swltehes from steam to dry at the push of a button! Features 25 ~~~'~\~~~ 14.49 SAVE20e TEA BAGS "TACUSS" HANOCIAFTSofllEJICO BAMBOO HAMPERS wltll RlTED LIDS <1r.:tt.o 3.99 MEDIUM LARGE (14" x 21H) (17" x 2411) 5.95 7.95 SAVE •1.ae PRO PISTOL 1250 WATT HAIR DRYER ., MOlr11fEn Features include l ~e~~:t~~~~ 1 0 gg ti nos. #1171 • SAVE30e Minute Rice "BONUS 'PU" ht 4 ..... Freet VITAMIN C ;::t2g IRON CAPSULES FDIOUS r:::Us2.59 SAVE 8 1.00 DETERGENT "LOW SUDS" FOi YOUI UUNDIY SAVE •t .00 COMTREX MUL11-SYMPTOM COLD RELIEVER CDMTREX ..,.....~­,.., __ 6 oz. LIQUID KERI LOTION FOR DRY SKIN CARE Soothing lubricant moisturizes skin & (1;pp~·) helps relieve dry· '"'"••-•• ness and 11ching ~z:·· 3.99 CORTAID Clt£AM or OINTMENT ~oz.mE 1.59u N.:ri lf111on . ~ ,.,, #J,.,. ..... DIAPARENE ~ ,..~ BABY WASH CLOTHS t>~, . ,,..,,,.,.,.,.. ,~ T•••.tt•• wtiu..IM ~~so 1.99 PENNZOIL MOTOR OIL n. T..,P lllrft ~ 20, 30 er ~ PENitiDll l 40WT. QUART 89~ ~~·J SPECIAL! • Al Extra crops ·found Don't 1klmp on the suacamole! Al the leadln« avoca- do·arowlng •tate of the Ntion, Callfomla IJ'OWI far more of the 1weet- taatlng green fruit than anyone 1u1pected -42 percent more. The California A vo- cado Commiaalop, bued in Irvine, reporta that a apace-age aerial survey over the last three yean haa turned up 14,:)00 'acres in avocados pre- viously unaccounted for. lt'a all in San Diego County. ' Alan Landry, vice president of the grower- aupported commission, said "lt comes down to the fact nobody was able to keep up with the great increase in the crop in San Diego County." In California, already credited with 90 percent of the nation's avocados, San Diego County has always produced more than half of the total "All of us suspected we had a hell of a lot more acres than reported," said Ralph Pinkerton, the commis- sion's executive director. This year's bumper harvest in California produced more than 100 million pounds above the predicted crop. The survey mak ing use of low-altitude aerial photography was spon- sored by the grower- supported commission and made by the Un- iversity of Californfa at Riverside in cooperation with the National Aero- nautics and Space Ad- ministration. Federal and state crop reporting agencies have been reported unable to keep up with changes in farmland uses. About 2,500 additional acres have been put to avocado in San Diego County in recent years, sand Landry. The crops are used as tax-writeoffs by some landowners. In San Diego County, according to UC River- side, researcher Claude W. Johnson, "the big problem . . . has been the explosive growth in groves that nobody could keep up with." He said many of the hidden groves were found "in the hinter- lands around Escon- dido," a valley whose Spanish name means hidden. Groves of at least one-half acre we r e identified ln the survey. Now it is being expanded to cover deciduous fruits and nut crops in Ven- tura, Fresno and San Diego counties. The photographs were correlated with land ow- ners h Ip maps f rom county assessoni to com- pile a complete list of avocado owners and parcel sizes for the en tire state, Johnson said. Teens can keep aid DENVElt (AP) -The Community College of •Denver ia offerinaJ a special lellleSter ao high IChool students can avoid losing Social Security aurvivora' benefits. Aa part of the Reagan adminiatration'a econom- ic package, the benefits, formerly paid students until age 21, will end when they Qraduate from 1h'-h IChoo[ But thoee in college by May can con- tinue to receive them under the old rule. The special semester at.arts May 1 and extends into the summer at the regular coet, $298 in tu- ition. 7 honored by college Orange Cout DAILY PILOTl8und•y, Mueh 21, 1982 I REGISTEJt BETWEEN 8:30 A.M. AND NOON.MARCH 25 AT ARCO PLAZA, C LEVEL FIFTH SIRED AND FLOWER 10 WIN A FREE ROUND TRIP ncKn. DRAWING AT 12:01 P.M. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. Official Rules -No purchase necessary. 1 The pnte offered in nm contest is one round-trip hcliet on Republoc Aorhnes between Los Angele lnle<nolionol Airport, Los Angele\ ColifOmio, ond ony one of Republic's ddinotlon$ within the t.ontinentol United Slotes. Trove! Is only good on Republic Airlines ond must 0<iginote from Lm Angeles lnternotionol A1rpon. 2. Republic will draw o totol ol 150 winl'lef'l. Origi· noting ond return travel for oll w1nnen must toloe ploce wllh111 60 ~ cl the drawing dote, sub- je<f to Republic schedule ond seat ovo1lobllity. Stopoven ore not peonitled. Winnen WT!ply coll 772-5100 ond reserve o ftlght time. 3. Only one entry form moy be submitted for eoch penon. ond duplicore entries wi" \/Old eligtbllity. Entry form~ the offlClOI contotner for depositing entry forim. ond the drawing to detefmine win- nen will be locoted ot the Arco Plozo, C level, foshoon Coort, Afth ond Flowef, Los A~ CA The regtstrotion wJI toke ploce Morch 25, 1982 betwMn 8:30 o.m. ond 12:00 noon. 4. To~ obloin on olfldol entry k>rm os indicated, print yovr nome, odd,_, ond zip c.dde, ond ~ mil it OS OIJli1ned below. 5. Entry forms will be ovoiloble ot 8:30 o.m ond nwil be completed ond pkKed on the oflkt0I c.ontooner by 12:00 noon. The drawing will follow ot 12:01 p.m. Wlnne!'l must be presenl ot the hme of the drawing. 6 The conlesl 11 open IO oll penons. age two ond older ( lnlol)15 under age two "tOY oc.company o parent in the some MO!~ ex.where prohib- ited, restricted 0< taxed by low. Employees (and their Immediate famllla) of ll!tf>Ublk Alrflnes, its affiliated companies, Its advertil4ng and promotion 099ndes, avppllet1 ond monufoc· tvlWS of contMt mot9riok, ond emplo,.-(ond their iml'Mdlotw families) of ott-oirflnes or air trgnaponotion companies ore not eligible lo partidpote. 7 All toxes, 1ncludil'lg but not llmlted to KJles ond income to1<111 ore lhe sole responsibility cl the winnet. An offldavil cl eligibility ond o release from I.ability moy be required. Pnzes ore not tronsferoble ond ttonsportotlon given os o pnze 11 not endorsoble to change either the routing or flight Khedule. Such tron~totoon e non·refundoble ond hos o redemption volue cl one twentieth ( 1/20) of one cent. If o pnze 11 won l:1y o m1nQ(, 1t will be oworded 1n the nome of the parent Of legal guordlon. No co:sh pnzes ore owo•ded Ticket cannot be~ for cosh. 8 The winner gronl5 to Repubhc Aorh~ w11hov1 'mitotlon the r;ghl IO the w1noe<'s nome 0< like- ness lor ony advertising ond promotion. • pur~ without oddrt1000I compemotion REGISTER BETWEEN 10:00 A.M.•1:00 P.M., MARCH 23 AT ONTARIO AIRPORT CONTROL TOWER AREA TO WIN A FREE ROUND TRIP TICKO. DRAWING AT 1:01 P.M. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. Official Rules -No purchase necessary. I The pn1e offered in thh conNnl is one round·lnp IKket on Republic Airlines between Ontario lnternotionol Airport, OnlOrio, California, ond ony one of Republoc\ destinations within the Conlinefltol United Stoles. Ttovel is only good on R.epublic Airlines ond must originofle from Ontario lnt9motionol Airport. 2. Republic wiN draw o tolol of 150 winnen. OriQI· noting ond retvm travel for oH winnen mVlf tole ploce within 60 days of the drawing dote, sub- ject to Republic !Chedules ond seot ovoiloblllty. ~ore not penn'"9d. Winnen simply coll 988-8585 ond teMlf'Ve o tight lime. 3. Only one entry k>rm moy be submitted for eoch penon, ond duplicate entrieos wiM void eftgibitll)l Entry forms. the o4flclol contoiner for depositing entry forms. ond the drawing IO det9nntM ~ ~ wlH be locoted Of the Onlorio lnt'llmotloool Airport, Control Tower AAIO, Ontorlo, CA. The regiitrotlon will toke place Marth 23, 1982 between 10:00 o.m. ond 1:00 p.m. '4. To.,,_ obloin on oflldol entry lorm C1S indic.oted. print your name. oddl'eS'-ond zip code, ond wb- mlt ii en outill'led ~ 5. Entry lorms will be ovoiloble Of 10:00 o.m. ond mvst be completed ond placed In the officio! container by 100 p.m. The drawing Will follow ot 1:01 p.m. w.,.,.,, must be prewnt ot the time of the diowing. 6. The contest Is open to oU peoom, age two ond older ( lnfonl5 under age two moy accompany o eorent in lhe some seoti except where prohib-ited, restrided or loxed by low. EmployMS (and their lmmedtote families) of Republic Alrlinet, its affiliated companies, Its odwt1hing and promotion ogendel, 1uppllen ond monufac:· tvren of contett motoeriafa, ond .,,po,_. (ond their lmmedlat9 famlliea) of att. oitfi,_ or air tronapottolion companies are not eligible to partldpote. 7. All loxes, including but not limited to soles ond income loxes ore the sole responsibility d the wlnn«. An ofRdovit d eligibility ond o releoH from liability may be required. Prizes ore not lronsleroble ond transportation t os o priu il not endonoble to change the routing 0< flight schedule. Svch tron'f)Of'totlon Is non-refundable ond hos o redemption ll'Cltue d one-twentieth ( 1/20) cl one c..nt. If o prize is won by o m~ it will be oworded in the name of the parent 0< legol guordlon. No c:oth prizes ore aworded. fdlel cannot be redeMned for c:oth. 8. The winner gron!J lo Republic Airlines without llmitotion the right lo the winner's l'IClme or lllte- neu for OffY odvertitlng ond promotion~ without oddllionol COITlpemalion. 150 FR&TIGcns JoHN , WAYNE AIRPORT REGl5nR BETWEEN 10:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M., MARCH 24 AT WESTMINmR MALL, BOLSA AND GOLDEN WEST AVENUE TO WIN A FREE ROUND TRIP TICKn. DRAW- ING AT 1:01 P.M. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. Official Rules -No purchase necessary. 1 The pn1e offered in th11 contMI is one round tnp ttdlel on Republic Altllnes between John Wayne Airport, Oronge Counl'J' Col6orn10, ond any one of Republic's destinotioM within the Continental Uni!ed SIOfes Trove! is only good on Republic Airl.nes ond mUil o"ginote fiom John Wayne Aorpoti 2. Republlc: win draw o tofol ol 150 w1nnen. 0091· nof•ng ond return travel lor on winnen must toke place within 60 ~ ol the drawing dole, sub- jeo to Republoc schedules ond seat CMJ11obollf)t ~ore no! per"""9d. Winnen simply coll 5~·206<> ond -o flight time. 3. Only one entry fo<m moy be submrtted for eodl pen<>I\ ond duplicate entries w1H void elig1b1lity. Entry forms. the off'tciol conl01ne< lor depoilting entry forms, ond the drawing to determine won- ~ will be located ot the 195 Westminster Molt Bobo ond Colden West Avenue, \Meslmon518f, CA The regisuotlOO will toke place Morch 2-4, 1982 between 10:00 o .m ond 1:00 p.m. 4 To enftK ot:Jbrl on olfiool entry k>rm OS indocoted, print your nome, address, ond lip code, ond sub- mit i1 OS outlined below 5 Entry forms w1U be CMJ1loble 01 10:00 o.m ond must be completed ond ploced 1n the oflkiol contoiner by 1:00 p.m. The drawing ""iN follow 01 1:0 I p m. WKlnefl must be preienl ot the hme of the drowlng. 6. The contMt 1s o pen to oll persons. age two ond aide• ( .,fonl5 unde< age two moy accompany o pare<1t 1n 'he some seat). except where prohib- ited, restncted or to)(ed by low. EmployMS ( on4 their immediot9 families) of lepublic Airlines, ita offilioted componiet ita advertising ond promotion ogenciet, 1upplien ond monufac- lvfWI of contest mat9riols, ond employMs (ond their immediate families) of other airline. or Olf ITOn1ponolion companies ore not eligible to porticipot.. 7. All taxes, including but not limited to soles ond income toxes ore •he sole respons1btlity of the w.nrier. An ofhdovll ol elig1bolity ond o release from llobility moy be requited. Pmes ore no• tronsJeroble ond tronspo<tohon given os o pnze 11 not endonoble to dlonge erthet the routing or Aight schedule. Such tronsporto1ton rs non·tt!lundoble ond hos o redemplion volue cl one twentieth ( i/20) of one cent. If o prue •S won by o min0<, it w~I be oworded in the name ol the parent Of legal ruordion. No cosh pnies ore oworded r 1Cket connol be redeemed for cosh 8 The w1nne< grorm to RepubllC Airr.~ without ltm1tohon rhe right to tloe winner's name or like- ness for ony odvemsong ond p!'omofl0f1 purpo!oe\ without odd11tonol com~1ton 150 FR&TICICEIS ..... , AIRPORT REGISTER BETWEEN 3:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M., MARCH 25 M SHERMAN OAKS GALLERIA, 15301 VENTURA BOULE- VARD TO WIN A FREE ROUND TRIP TICKET. DRAWING AT 6:01 P.M. YOU MUST BE PRESENT AT WIN. Official Rules -No purchase necessary. 1 The prize offered in this cont~ Is one round-lrip ticket on Republic Airlines between Burbank Aorport, Burbank. Col1fornt0, ond ony ore of Repubhc's destinations within the Continental United States. Travel 11 only good on Republic Arine.s ond must onginol9 from Burl>onk Airport. 2. Republoc will drow o tolol ol 150 winnet'l. Origi· noting ond return travel for oll winneo mw tole ploce within 60 ~ of the drawing dote, sub- je<f to Republlc schedules ond _,, ovoilobility. Stopoven ore not permitted. W1Men simply coll 247-8333 ond f'8WINe o ftight lime. 3. Only one entry form moy be submitted for each person, ond dupllcote entries wi• VOtd eligibility. Entry lorm~ the ofliciol contolnet for depositing entry forms, ond the drawing to determine wi~ will be locotwd ot the Shefmon Oob Galleria, 15301 -..nruro Boulevard, Sherman Oola.. CA The registlollon wiH !Ole ploce Morch 25, 1982 between 3:00 p.m. ond 6:00 p.m. 4. 'k> ent'll( obfoin on~ entry k>rm OS indic°*1, print yovr name, odd(WB, ond zip code, ond ~ mil it OS outlined~ 5. Entry forms will be ovoiloble ot 3:00 p.m. ond mw be completed ond placed lf'I the offldol contolner by 6:00 p.m. The drowlng will follow ot 6i01 p.m. Winnen mUJt be preMnt ot the time dlhe~ 6. The contest is open to oll penons. oge rwo ond older ( inlonts unde< age two moy accompany o parent in the some seon except where prohib- ited, restricted or taxed by low. Employees (ond their immediate families) of Republic Airlines, ill affilioted companies, its advertising ond promotion 099ndes, suppliers ond mol'lufac· tvrwn of contwt moteriols. and employMs (and their lmmedio .. families) of other oirfines or air trgnsponolion companies ore not eligible to porticipote. 7. All toxei, including but ,,01 llmlled to soles ond iflCome loxes ore the sole respons1bil11Y ol the wmnec. An otfidovtt cl eligibility ond o release from liability moy be required. Prizes ore not tronslefoble ond transportation et' os o pn~e 11 nor endonoble to mange the routing or ftlght schedule. Such tron.sportotlon 11 non49fvnd0ble ond hos o ~ volue ol one·twel'lliettl (1/20) of one cel'ft. If o prize is won by o m~ It will be awarded in the nome of the ponint 0t legol guordion. No cosh prizes ore oworded. fochet cannot be '9deemed lorcosh. 8. The winner gronti to Republic Airlines without Rmitotion the right to the wlnnen nome 0t Iii• neu for any odverti5lng ond pomotiot• purpmes without odditionol compemallon. I l I. '. FROVO, Utah (AP) -Geor- &etown'a Hoyu qualified for the ·NCAA baaketball tournament with a quick, agrellive def~. but they made it to the Final Four Saturday with aome dazz- llna ahootina • well. The Hoy•. bitting &lightly .. than 50 percent from the floor this -..on, connected on 29 of 39 for a alnUng 74.4 percent -a tournament reconl -in routing 9reaori State 69-4:5 in the West Reaional final. :a\t one point, Georgetown hit 12 straiaht field goaJa, 10 in. the 1«0nd half when they shot an utounding 86 percent on 12 of 14, I Led by aenior guard Eric "Sleepy" Floyd, who scored 22 points on medium range jump ahots and uncontested layups. the aixth-ranked Hoyas got ahead early and never let up. "WE PLAYED our beat today," said Georgetown Coach John Thompeon. "I would have to say it w as the beat perfor- mance by any team I've ever coached. "We tried to B,et. the ball into (center Patrick) !!.Wing early, and once we did, they tended. to for- get about our other guys, espe- cially Eric Floyd. Eric is one of the best players in the nation.•• Floyd credited .Ewing'• domi- nating play inside for hia scoring opportun.itJes. -"Pat is such an aweeome force inside that a team would be stu- pid not to fall back on him. and that left things open for me outside,'' Floyd said. Ralph Miller, coach of fourth- ranked Oregon State, called Georgetown "definitely the best team we've/layed this aeaon. •• ''They di an excellent Job in every fhue of.~ pme iat both ends o the court," added MWer. THE BEAVERS shot 38 per- cent from the floor, and Miller ' Mid hia team'a dlfficulty in hit- ttn1 the outside ahot waa '1the reuon we fell behind early." The Hoyu, railing their record to 29-6, will advance to the Final Four in New Orleans next week and will meet Louiaville, a 75-68 winner over Alabama · Birmingham in the ·Mideut Re- gional final Saturday. It will be the Hoyaa' first trip to the Final Four aince 1943, when they lost to Wyoming in the championship game. Georgetown, dominating the boards and throttling Oregon State with a swarming defenae, applied preaaure from the outaet, moving to a 10-point lead on COn1eCUtive field goala by Floyd and stretched the margin to 42-25 at halftime. Trojans facing probation? LOS ANGEL!'.8 (AP) -The NCAA la expected to impc>H a three-yea football probation on the Univenity of Sciuthem Cali- fornia that would include a two- yeer ban on bowl And t.elevision appearances, the Loa Angeles nmee reported today. Southern Cal President James Zumberae hal received a report from t6e NCAA Infractions Committee detalllna what aanc- Uona the NCAA w1lI impme aa a n!IUlt of ita inv.Uption of the Trojans' football program, the Times reported. The newspaper attribuced the information to a ''reliable ll>Ufte.'' Tbe wllvenlty'a athletic direc- tor, Dick Perry, conlirmed that the NCAA'a Jetter bad been r.>- elvecl but .met 9Cbool offlcYk bad not bad time to thorouchlY re- ~ .:d'::" unh1pty haa untll llerch 28 ta appeal the NCAA rmm. .. ~ the NCAA allows. 1&-cliJ Jlf'rlod to '-'Oml· der -.pp.a, that would w USC received the report lHt week. He would not, however, talk about any penaltlee imPGMd, ..._ NCAA Nim fllr bAd that. TIM JlfCAA'a in~ of die 8uu11Yn> Cal foodiaD pl'Ol- ram repo~.;;; deafi pn .. IDUtlJ With debt ... :l::r -blhllf .. .,... ~· .2 ........ -........ ao.-..; ..... ,a.~ Mt.Dil. ~ er.tit for .... .., .. ~ ....... REAL ESTATE ~ Huntington Beach, Edison share Sunset lead. B2. OD Bartow1 s dream shattered ~ BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - Louisville, Ute team that never p , ahattered Alabama- ham'a aiua allp~r Sa~ urd y y winning the cham- ionahi of the NCAA Mideaat basketball tournament. 75-68 victory aent 20th-ranked Louiaville to the Final Four in New Orleans next Saturday and Monday, w ith a clw\ce to win ita eeoond national title in three yeara. The 1980 champion Cardinals will face ~town in the aemifinala of the Final Four. "Even when we were 11-7, I didn't give ~p on this team,'' said Louisville Co4M:h Denny Crum, who atill has four starters from the team that won it all two years ago. 'Tm an optimist." Crum credited his team's ~f­ ficult echedule -which included non-conference opponents such u DePaul, Oregon State, Mia- aouri and Viralnia -for hia team's tournament readiness. "It doesn't guarantee any vic- tories, but it does give you every opportunitv to play well In a toumaiDent.1' Crum said. otWe're playing well. I don't know if it's good enough. but I think we're playing just about as well as we can." A PAIR OF clutcn free throws each by reserve center Charles Jones and guard Lancaat.er Gor- don broke the back of a late Alabama-Birmingham rally and ended Coach Gene Bartow'a at- tempt to become the first coach to take three teams to the Final Four. Previously, Bartow led Memphis State and UCLA into the Final Four although he never won it all. percenia,e, ~ 60.4 percmt to 45.1 for the 81.uin. "We were gett1n§ the ball to the open man well, Cn.tm .ad. "Look at the amiats. We ,ot 20 and they got nine. A very im- portant part of abootlna 60 --cent la getting the ball to the openinan.'' JODe1 hit two free throws wlJb 2:31 left, fvl.ng the Card1nU a 64-60 lea , and after ~. stole a n in-bounds paaa by Alabama-Blnningham, Gordon was fouled by Nonnan Anchrum. Gordon aank both foul .... li- vi.ng Louisville a six-point lead with 2:28 left. I Jones added five more free throwa down the stretch for Louisvllle, 23-9. Alaba.ma, Blnningham finished the eeuon with a 25-6 record. Tralling 40-32 at the half, Alabama-.Binnb)gham outacored Louisville 14-4 in the fl.rat 7:56 after intenniasion to pull into a 46-44 lead. Anchrum had aix points in that run, and Chris Giles scored four. • Angels, Dodgers • • v1ctor1ous -- - From AP dlapatdlet .; WHEN STRANGERS MEET -Louisvill.e'a Rodney McCray (left) and Alabama- Binningham'a Norman Ancbrwn crOl8 pa- ,.,..,._... .. thes in their NCAA Mideast final contest Saturday in Birmingham. Louisville advan-.P.Pd. with a 75-68 victory. "When we started on Oct. 15, we had our starters beck bull • C6anCes Of~NFL strike high -~t"'eam that went to the NCAA tournament last year,'' said Bar- t o w , whose program at Alabama-Birmingham la only four yeara old. "We eet 80IJle high goa1a for ounelf. We wanted to win the Sun Belt Conference . . . PALM SPRINGS -Bobb.y Grich's lead-off homer ln thf fourth inning, his third of the aprin8. broke a 2-2 tie and Jed the Angeb to a 4-2 exhibition win over Milwaukee Saturday.· ": Tbehom1.fi._~Ui:~icetJlj~.._-i-~ thiiidei' lrooee Hw al80 waa the second ln two days for Grich, who shared the 1981 American League home run title with three Players have the options, but it'll cost everyone plenty Any-doubt that the National Football League Players Asaociation 1a serious about ita negotiaUona with the franchise owners was eliminated the other day when the president delivered a memorable stab at the classics. Quoth Gene Upshaw of the Oakland Raiders, "the issue of a percentage of the gross profits is etched in stone.' Clearly, there was no longer any question that (a) the players are serious and there will be a strike of the 1982 NFL seaaon and (b) large Gene Upshaw has hired himself a staff of writers. The percentage of the profits to which Upshaw eludes is 55 percent of the sroa~ revenues generated by the NFL clubs. alt.hough the figure might be negotiable. Of OOW'IM!, the owners Utt.en to a demand for any share in money off the top and run whimperinc into the underbrush. Mouthpieces for the franchile proprietors, in fact, state Oatly that no amount of the gram reve- nues will be surrendered. Therefore, the picture develops of a very serious struggle inasmuch aa negotiations are difficult when there is nothing to negotiate. A PLAYER'S VIEWPOINT comes from Jack Youngblood of the Rama: "We are in bi« troUble becat.18e they (the owneri) do not want to negotiate with us." The ownen' point of view is more specific. "We will not negotiate the llsue of• ahare of the profits," says Max Wint.er of the Minnesota Vild.np. "If the players had a 55 percent aay in fi- nancial matters, they would not Ule dilcretion in selling out to television and professional foo,tball would become overe>CJ)Olled." You 11ee where Winter la not concemed for the welfare of the o~ but foe the overall aood of the game. , AT ANY RATE, a betting man would lay 8-5 that a atalemate is unavoidaole and therefore a strike will take place. The players will do the walking and will have an advantage INlmuch as they will be in a paeition to decide on the timing of the walkout.. That 1a to aay, the players can stroll aft.er the SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER exhibition games and before the regular season. in the middle of the league schedules or after its conclusion and before the playoffs. In any event, the effect on grma revenues will be awesome. The NFL Playen Aaeociation recently relealed a lilt of the IJ'C9 intakes of the various NFL clubs and the total wu staggering. For instance, the Rum were shown with re- venues totallinl $19 million. At that, the aaaoda- tion's figures wer inaccurate since the Rama' take ii elmer to $25 million which is hfah in the NFL. 1 The players amocfation abo accuaed the NFL of the dastudly deed of entering into a aecret contract with the TV networka involving a billion dollara, or thereabouta. Aside from this, there ia the matter of cable television. The timing and format for this monster are shadowy at the moment but any dis- cuaaion of the matt.er abo embraces the word bil- lion. SO IT 18, THEN, you see where an agreement to the utiafaction of all parties to the tune of this IOrl of money would appear to be almost oot ol the question. Hence, an imminent atrike. Meanwhile, a trial Lt in prosn-in Los Angeles involving the LA Coliaeum and the Oakland Rai- den va. the NFL_ From this could come antitrult implications which could destroy t he NFL In its preaent form. It would eeem that aotnewhere a voice would be heard to imprem upon the entire pro football community that this ia an inappropriate time to be roll.ina in the gutter over a few dollan. P-erhapa Gene Upshaw and his writers will think of aomet.hlna(. Bud Tuclrer can be heard dally on nKJ.Jo muon KWIZ (1480). and we did. We wanted to win the conference tournament, which we did. And we wanted to make it to the Final Four, and we made a real good run at that." The difference probably was Louisville's fatiguing full-court presa and a deep bench. "Our bench was a big diffe- rence, t.nd that's w hy we.'re going to the Final Four," said Crum, who got 31 points from his reserves, including a team-high. 19 by Jones, compared to only six from the Alabama-Birmingham bench. "It was fun to play against them." said Jones, a 6-8 aopho- mq,_re. "They run. We run. It waa just a dogfight.. .. LOUISVILLE HELD an overwhelming edge in field goal others. ~ being blanked by ltal1l!r' Angel Moreno in the first lnnfnc, the Brewers nailed winning pi~ cher Steve Renko for a pair o second inning runa, with Do Money, Mark Brouhard an Larry Rush accoun~tin for o run OJ'\ conaecuttve · . Brouhard wasp· off hue before Rush took aecond Randy Basa' sacrifice and, after walk to Jim Gantner, scored oo a single by Ned Yost. In the third, the Anaela tieCi it on· singled by Doug DeCincee and Bob Boone and a sacrifice fly ~y Rick Burleson for one run and another single by Rod Carey for the other. Angel right hander Bruce K.iJOn allowed only one hit and struck out three in hia three in- nings. -Monct.yalamaMeta ST. PETERSBURG,Fla. - Hot-hltting Rick Monday's irand NICHOLLS LEADS I slam home run powerecl the KINGS rr.o D?JJV •Dodgers to a 10-4 victory over i 1 W . the New York Meta. INGLEWOOD (AP) -Rookie center Bernie Nicholls turned in his second oonaecutive three-goal performance to spark the Los Angeles Kings to a 7-5 National Hockey Leaaue victory aver the Pittsburgh Penguins Saturday night. Xtnga center Marcel Dionne scored the winning goal with 9:16 remaJJling in the game on a re- bound of a Larry Murphy shot from 10 feet out. The Kings scored four con- secutive goals after Pittsburgh had taken a 5-3 le~d at 47 ae- conda of the third period on center Paul Gardner'• second goal of the evenm,r. Monday, who earlier this week drove in five runa in a 8-4 triumph over the Ne w York Yankees, highlighted a five-run Los Angeles rally iJ) the 8eW!ltb inning with hia homer off io.m. reliever Nell Allen. u the Docf- gen mapped a 2-2 de. The Dodgen added three nml off Terry Leach in the ninth. two on a triple by Jay Johnstone. • Jerry ReUll pitched the tint five inn in&• for Loa An1elee, allowing three rum and two bita. Craig Swan woriaed the lint five lnninga for New York and yiel- ded only three hits and one nm. Terry Forst.er, who pitched the llxtb and seventh inDinp for Loe Angeles, WU the winner. Perry is surprise winner of Congressional Cup BJ ALMON LOCLUEY ................... Scott Perry of the Naval Academy Salltn1 Squadron, Annapoll•, Md. ahocked the local yachim. enahltahment Saturda1 by beaUna dele~ cham- p&orl Rod Davia of the lat Loni ~ Yacht Club in the final nee to 1-aome only the aecond skipper eMt o( the San Dleao Freeway to win the oorited Ccn- areatonal Cup. Ted Tu.mer, Atlanta, Ga., won la 1977. Perry'1 wm cmne In the &bird nee ot the ninth...-..vm. him a u. .rm and -recard of 7.f wttli Davtl, but be Wl9 \he cup winner by havtn1 ddeated Davia. Ako endlQs tM ...... wtdi .vWD wtDI end two aa... WM Dick O..wr, Lo. AnpJea Y8dlt Oub-but I» Md allo belll beatm ,by.Perry In cbe ...... ot t11eman1--.. The dedct•ni nee between Perry and Davia w.. • CIOWd thriller with the 1-d ch•nain1 banda three tlmea over the 10-mlle wt.ndwlU'd leeward ~-lo a 20-knot tine.. Dav» Md a one second advmtaae at the atan but~ oui.iled him OD the, weather lea to le.cl 21 aecand8 at the mark. Davll 1.mect llX lleODda on the downwind Jee and cmne up on the wind to pue Perry and lffd by 16 teCOnda ltal1inC the ~ lap. Pwry reduc.d Davia lied. to eletit .... condl at the HCOnd roundlnl of the .-tber amtl md ou...o.d him down- wind to trall ~ only one llCCmd at the --~ 0Dtbelbort"9MMr, ... to ... ~-hlleNWout-.... DaYll In a efUrlca.-dUe1 IDd wan bJ D ---. 1M final --~ ol1 wtth om. leading Perry with a record of lix wt.. and no loae. to 8-1 for the Annapolis -.n, and Perry waa fadng a prot.elt. Perry won the proteat, ao it bolled down to who would win the final three rece9. Ironically both Davia and Perry 1,,.t their lint match. Both won their HCOnd match, leavtnf D.via with an advantaae of llWll wina and one io. to a.2 for Perry. . Thia 1et the •tap for the final race between the two and U.ere waa little doubt on t.be p.n ot t.be ...-.. csvwd on •pectator &oata and tlaoee wa~ cbeid drcuit teleYllkJri in the dubbcue. The aper.a Md noted that Dlvt. bfid not been ~ fut on the pnvloua downwind ... iD it ... ..:--' .. ~Md • ._.... ..., clim to DiMI an .. wllldwwct i.. · FlnJahee in the final three l'8Cll: RACE VU -Crebbin def. Davia, 02 aecondt; Ber1rand def. Pen'J, 1 min. 10 eec9; Deaver def. McLauaJilln. 43 aeca; Udinpre, 67 aecl; ~ def ~----Laoa def. Petienan.·12 1ecs; Durgan, def Cudmore, 14 88a; Deaver def, Bertrand, 1:19; PerT7 def. Crebbin, 66 leCS; Davia def. M.clA"'lb-Un. 61.:a. RACE IX -Cudmore def. a.1awlt 31 eecw; Duron def. LoGi. 1:11; Plft7 def. Davill, 31 ...; Cnbbtii .W.lltd • ~ Deavw def. PwtM-..1:u. FINAL STANDJNOS-1. ~..a; J . Dav11h 7-2; a. O.vw, ~-· 4. MeLa~•tn. 1-3; o .•• IHI ' Phil Cnlbbm, M; 1. Jolla .,_ .. llM'Old 0 ....... M; •. °"'99 1M.t J-'7; 10. P9De ......_. 1-T. I. --- 'Detroit ~ 1111• .. ,_ht T .. ldtld Ud 'a .-1 Ud an auiat to liad the Cblca10 Black Hawu to a 4-8 ~ owr the Dt- trolt 8-4 Wlno Sawrday niaht in m Oilers, Edison on p ............. tdlel CHICACJO -ComPlalnina that m he ii ~na treated unfairly by the Chb8o ntWa media, Wtel'an DePaul bMlutbll eo.dl Ray Meyer •ya he !ln't IW'e he'll be blck fol' another·eeMOn. Meyer, 88, M1d he will dedde 1000 whether to atep -'de and band over he9d coech1na rs. ponllbWtiee to his eon, Joey, an Uliltant coach who bM been cte.ianated u hi.I father's eventual aua:emor. Meyer'• commenta came on the beela of DePaw•a 82-75 lou to Boaton College laat Sunday in the NCAA Mid- west Regional. The defeat marked the third conaecutive. year the Blue Demons lost their opening game in the tournament. ...,. .,,1 ho~ my detractors aleep well,' aakl Meyer, who hu coached the Blue Demona for the last 40 aeuon1 and la the winningeat active major- oollege coach. "My wife ii very disturbed at the way the Chicago media hu handled this. So much ao that ahe haa asked me to aerioualy con- lider retiring.'' Meyer said he waa upeet at the difference in the way he was treated by the media during the , 8"IOO, when hit team was 26-1, and the pre91 rtpor11 that aurfaced after the tounutment loss. ·· : "All through the season, wheh we were goiq 26-1, I wu all right," Meyer said. "But we -that pme, and an of a sudden I'm stupid. '• rm the guy who lost the tournament game in March, all right. But aren't I the same fellow that helped win all thoee games back in Decem- ~r. January and February?" . At a preaa conference the day after the ' &>&ton College game, Meyer indicated that he • planned to remain at DePaul as head ooach next aeaaon. But on Friday he aiP he might change hJa mind. .. : · Quote of the day ! "Let me give it some ·thought. I'll get back to you in a couple of years," -Jolm McEaroe, responding when asked what the . preea should say to persons who don't un- derstand McEnroe. Nauan.l ...._, W..-action. L)"liak GPllMd tbt 9DOriftl for the Hawb who handed Dttrolt ita 11th aua1-bt loet . . • Ellewhere, Phil•· delDhia'a BID llarhr ICONd a abon.handed pl wlih 5:4'1 remalnlq to aive the l'lyen a 5-2 t.rf wnpb over Hartford. The vtdiary Wll tbt fim f« W ===~=· Ured Pait Siiia• ... •• ,.. ... I 11th pl ol. the ....,.. pw 'St. LoW. a 3-8 Ue •Ith tb• New York l1landera . . . Goal• by 18n'J Beet and MIU a.cen ln a '15 HCJDI lfllA W11 ln LYllM th• third period cave the New York Rangen a 4-3 comeback win over Wu!Unaton . . . Dav. Clrlldu and 23 ee-oonda into the aame to~ Winnil»fta 7-0 rout of Toronto ... Rookie B,_. Cnw .. r ICOl:"ed the so-ahead goal in the •ttcond period to lead Boston to a 6-4 win over Buffalo . • . Molltreel maintained ita .:>lid 1-d in the Adami DivWon wlth a 5-1 victory over Mlnneeota . . . Van· couver and Quebec ak.ated to a 3-3 lie ..• Cal1ary upended boat Colorado, 4'-2 . . . Scotty Bowmu, the Buffalo Sabrea~,ceral manager and coach who has been ah for three yean between the f.rcnt office and bench, is again behind the bench. He told reporten Friday In Boston that he plana to coach hl1 &lumping Sabres into the NHL playoffs. Parrish's blast llfts Detroit La.ace Parrlak crashed a three- run homer in the teoond lnn1ng and teammates Rick Leack and C.et Le- moa added homers to power the De- troit Tigen to a 9-2 exhibition bueball victory over Minne.ota Saturday ... Elaewhere, Mae Vall'• solo homer ignited a four-run rally u Cincinnati claimed a 4-2 victory over Kan.au City . . . Juoa ftompsoD smacked a three-run homer and Toay P .. drove in three runs with four hita as Pittaburgh banded Philadel- phia a 10-7 defeet . . . Jene Barfteld went 3-fOl'-5 as To- ron to improved it1 aprlng mark to 9-4 with an 8~ win over the White Sox ... Pitchers Pllll Nlellro, Tem- my 80111 and Al BralHKky PAM8H scattered two hita as the At- la n ta Braves, now 11-2, blanked Houston, 2-0 . . . Reeerve. catcher Or-' ludo Suckes doubled home Mike Ramsay in th1 14th inning as St. Louis outlasted Boston, 10-6 ... Randy Bau' baaea-loaded single sparked a five-run rally ln the sixth inning u San Diego shaded Seattle, 6-4 ... Dave Berg mu tripled home two runs in the f~th inn.Ing, then scored the tie-brealdng run as Ftanci- aco stopped the Cubs, 6-3 . . . Ball McBride and Jerry Dybd.nalli each hit two-run doubles as Cleveland beat Oakland, 8-7 . . . Baltimore's Gervin sparks San Antonio win Dellllis Martillft hurle aeven acorelea lnnin8JI as the Oriole• knocked off Montreal, Georse Gema 8COl"ed 20 of bia 4Lm , 3-1 . . . George Wri1llt doubled in a run and pointa in the third quarter Saturday scored twice in Texas' 5...2 vict.oL.y. ove.1'-the · park San-lttltom<rto-i--__,..,.Yin1Cee9. -. 115-102 National Basketball Allocia- tion victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers. Ger- vin's heroics lncluded three-point field goals at the end of each of the first three quarten . . . 1n other contests, Jolaaay Davia acored 12 of b.la game-high 25 pointa in the firlt quarter as In- diana edged New Jeney 104-101 . . . Eddie Jobaoa scored 23 points and keyed Atlanta's r8lly from a 22-point deficit aa the Hawks topped the New York Knicks 104-98. Pomona-Pitzer women win in OT Forma...-E stancia High star m· Broawya Raad scored with one se-. cond remaining to send the game into overtime, and teammate Jill Apper· 1011'1 basket with one second left in the extra · period gave Pomona-Pitzer a 72-71 victory over Clark, Mass., Saturday night for the NCAA women's Division m conaolation title. HB nips Marina; Ghargtrs belt Lions,· Mater Del edged l'Atl8orl and Huntlnctoo BMch ~ ~ d*r own te1pecUve methodl of ~ up &&met Lee- p b111bell W!MJriel s.~, ~ ... rea&lt. ..,.. the only u.ndef•t.:l ... In ine ie.,ue. The 00.. meded 101D1 nl.fty ~~ While the aw..,. JM tbeli bill do tbe falldDa .. both ~ ~ 2..0 ncor• mto ~·· ecdoD. In the AJ1911'9 ~. Maw Ult came out on the ahort end of ft. cona.t whb Biahop Montao- mery • Here'1wbat~ Htlntlngton ............... 1 an. 8b1rley ICOl'ed both NM. the tint oom1.na on a ao1o homer to left-cen~ .tarter Garv Buckela wet tbe d1stance to hll fourth w1n without a defeat aa the Oilers Improved tbelr SUNet i.e.,ue mark to 2..0. Shirley'•_ home run in the eecond opened the ecorina off Marina hurler Treff Bennett, who w• ~hard-luck loeer. Bennett aDowed alx hJta. struck at.Lt five and walked two dwinl his .tx lM1nal of work. The Vlldnp Ued the pme in the to~ o! the th1rd on a triple by Mark CobUln and a llngle by Ken Luzlo. 'lbe deciding run came when Shirley tingled ,and raced home on a triple by Brian Beard. Greg DeValk alao had two hlta for Huntington Beach. Buckela WU in command throughout, U be did ~walk a batter and struck out aix. The Vlkinp polled no aerioua threats after acoring their lone l'UJ'\. The OUera return to the field 'rueeday to face Edilon. while Marina ha.ta Fountain Valley in a najteup ~ Monday. ldleoft 12, W•tmlneter 2 The ~ improved their SUNet Lea,gue record to 2~0~ exploding for seven runa in the first two 1nninp. Pauls co:mbine to win at Sebring SEBRING, Fla. (AP) -Their powerful Pors- che 935 Turbo was virtually lame, running on five cylinders and without third gear, but John.Paul and John PaUl Jr. held on Saturday nlght to win the 12 Hours of Sebring aporta car race. • The victory by the father and son from At- lanta, who alao took the Daytona 24 Hours in Ja- nuary with the help of Gemlan driver Rolf Stom- melen, gave them the first sweep of ~nca•s two premier endurance races sin~ Hurley Haywood and the late Peter Gregg did it in 1973. "That'• pretty doggone good company," aaid the Holland-born aenior Paul when told about the aocompliabment. "l didn't know that nobody had done it for 90 Jong, but rve been coming here since 1969 and It's always been in my mind to come here and win. This is just great." The car, which the younger Paul drove to a pair of eeason-ending aprint victories in the 1981 International Motor Sports A.9ociation Camel GT _xriel. has oow been in vidon' circle four .iraish' times. But it waa on ita last lep when the young driver brought it acnm the finiah line this time. It ran for the last two hours of the grueling race with just five of ita six cylinders working, making a horrendous clattering aa.pld, and Paul Jr. said. •'That was bad enough. but I lost third gear about 15 minutes from the end and I was just ho- ping we could make it to the end." The younger Paul, 22, was at the wheel when the car went on top to stay on lap 155, shortly after the halfway point in the grueling race on the twisting 5.2-mile Sebring Airport CoW'8e. PREP IUSE&4U ' Stantna pitcher Mike DeBenon be1d the Llonl bltlell th'°"'8h tbe flnt Wee innlnCll. a1rik1na out • In the procem. He then jomed hia tM!nmat. in their 12-bJt. 1'-'f\U\ au.ck with a pair of dou~ and an RBI. ~ relief pitcher Greg Cloney alao WM in on the fUn with a buea·bded double in the alx1.b lnn1nc which p6cked up three RBI. 'The Charpn picked up .even extra-bMe hlta in all, lncludlnc Mike Powell'• triple. The .enior rtaht--fielder now bu five on the young ae.-m to aet a Charaer "900rd. Edl9on wW return to action Monday wMll the Ctw-een travel to Ocean View for a 3:15 contest. The game, oripwly acbeduled for lut Tuetday, was rained out. 81ehop Montpmery 3, ..... Del 2 The Monarchs have only themlelves to blame for lming tb1a one, as all three Bishop Monigomery runs were uneainect. In fact. the ha.ta tallied all three of t.Mir runt without the benefit of a base hit u Mater Dei hurler Ed Dauer yielded only one hit and atruck ~t 11 'ln a strong perfonnance. The K.n!ghta won the P.Jne in the bot1om of the seventh, 8COring the winning run on a walk, sacrifice, l.nfield groundout and a cruab.lng error on a ground ball. Bishop Montgomery had broken in front 2-0 in the third, parlaying a walk and a pair of errors into two runs. Mater Dei retaliated in its next turn at bat as Mike Kelly ripped a two-run homer to center field. F.ach team is now 1-1. Mater Dei has a makeup ~at Biahop Amat M~day afternoon at 3:15. Anteaters tripped by Huskies, 9-3 The University of Washington exploded for four runs in the fifth inn.Ing and three more in the sixth frame Saturday en route to a 9-3 victory over host UC Irvine in non-<:ienference baseball act.ion at Anteater Stadium. The Huskies, 5-0, pounded UCI pitchers for 15 hita in handing the Anteaters their 12th loss against 14 victories and a tie this eeason. Washington right-fielder Jeb Best provided most of the damase with the bat with a 3-for-5 performance including 2 RBI. The Huskies' big fifth inning was fueled by a double, back-to-back singles, sacrifice fly and ano- ther single for four runs. Washington then picked up-1:hree-wwan1l'd l'W1S ln~ pu the game out of reach. . UCf's lone bright spots were third baseman Mi,ke Rupp, a transfer from Santa Ana College, who was 4-for-5 with a double and an RBI, and right-fielder Ron Cummings who belted a aolo home run in the fourth inning. Dennis Cowan started on the mound for the Anteaters, and the Fountain Valley High product breezed through the first four innings before falling victim to the Huskies' explosion. Cowan is now 3-3 on the year. Pirates, Rustlers, rout foes; Gauchos pounded Lietzke, Simpson share lead Orange Coast and Golden West col- ltgea exploded for easy confeJ'ence bpeball victories Saturday afternoon. perhaps funneling their power after last 'ftek's rainouta. Saddleback, meanwhile, was the vic- tilb of an explosion by Citrus bitters ln going down to defeat to the visiting Owls. Here's how the action went: Orange Cont 13, Mt. Sen Antonio 1 · "We really needed a wln like th.la. I'm pd to see we've got our bata out of rttirement," noted OCC Coach Mike ~JbaPirates errupted for 16 hits in handing the visiting Mounties their se- cond W. of the South Coast Conference auaon. The Buca, meanwhile, evened ~record at 1-1. OCC Jumped out to a 6-0 lead after two 1nninp, allowing Mayne to give BASEBALL starting pitcher Jack Reinholt.% a rest. Once the Pirates bad an 11-1 advantage, Mayne pulled Reinholtz (4-1) in favor of Ron Rooker after five inninga. Rick Hopkins, the Pirates' freshman aecond bueman, sparked the OCC attack with a 3-for-5 performance at the plate. including a double and four RBI. Team- mate Jeff Thomaa, meanwhile, went 3-for-4 with two RBI. Thomas came into the game with just two previous at-bats. Relnholu, Rooker, Rick Kellogg and Robb Munaon combined to acatter five bita u the Pirates continue their dorpi- nation of the Mounties. Mayne ia now 12 -4 over aix years against Mt. San Antonio. The two teams came into the game ranked amona the top 10 community college teams in Sou- thern California. Due to rainouta laat week. OCC will play five games next week, beginning with Monday when the Pirates host Santa Ana. Golden WHt 1•, CJpr•• 2 Golden West College bitten knocked around seven Cypress pitchers for 14 runa and 14 hlta u the Rustlers impro- ved their Southern California Confe- rence record to 6-0 with the win on their own field. Coach Fred Hoover's 9quad scored ln every inning but the fourth. Sophomon: left-fielder Curt Gervais led the GWC attack with a 4-for-6 performance in- cluding a triple and four RBI. Teammate Bob Grandstaff, a fresh- man out of Marina High, finished the day 3-for-5, while Rustlers Mike Wagner and Chuck Spiegel drilled home runs. Spiegel's sixth-inning blast came with two runners on baae. Scott Marsh atarted for the Rustlers and pitched eeven aolid innings, strikin8 out 10 Charger batters in the process. GWC returns to action ~ when the Rustlera travel to Los ea CC. GWC is now 11-2 on the aeaaon. Cltrua 15, a.wtdleback I .. The Owla banged out eeven doubles, a triple and three home runs -two round trippers by Scott Roebuck -in handing Coach Jlrn Brldeweser'a Gauchoc their first loss in Mission Conference play. Saddleback, 3-1, 8-7, fell behind 6-1 after two innings and never could rec- over. Roebuck did the moet damaged, collecting six RBI on the _day. Teammate Mike Campbell collected a homer and a double to help starter Randy Robertson pick up, the victory. $CC rowers $iccessful Top-ranked Tar Heels seek Final Four Qi '82 debut MARINA DEL REY -When Dave Grant decided to step down tJ;a .Mon and take a =ear ~of at.nee aa hMd of Ute Onnce Cout Colleee crew, ht left the Pirate rowen in ~ '9llble bandl of ..utant Larry Unrank~d Villanova provides the opposition in today's East Regional finale RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -Dean Smith, who bu carried atx p~oua North Caro- lina basketball teams to the NCAA Final Four without attainlng the ultimate prize, aaya bis top-ranked collegiafie basketball power la under more premure "It's bard tor a No. 1 ranked team to go on through the NCAA," Smith said Satur- day at a final neW11 conference before to- day'• clMh with unranked Villanova, the Bia Eaat Conference champion, in the NCAA !'.Mt RepJnal title contest. "Yes, there'• more p,...ure this year," he aald. ''Being ranked No. 1 you always take another team'• best ahot." But,· S.mith added, it'• not the most presau.re be's had to endure. "The biggest preemre was throwing it up against Yugoslavia in Montreal,'' he said of the 1976 Olympics when he steered the U.S. team to the gold medal. '"lbere were a lot of alumni -160 million." The Tar Heels, 29-2, and the Wlldcata, 24-7, a aquare off at 9:10 a.m. the natiomlly tele"o'Uled event that will qualify the winner fot the Final Four in the Lou.lslina Super. dome at New Orleanl next Saturday. 'nle East champkln will take on the wtnner Ott. toda.y'a pme betw~ Botton O>Uege and Houlton ln the national _.,ulflNJe Carolina advlnced with a 74-ee triumph over No. 13 Alabama Friday ru,ht ;.wt aft.er Houston, BC tangle in Midwest fin al ST. LOUIS (AP) -H~ a team the experU aaid would be unstoppable 1t It eYS' put all the p.. teether. and a.ton Collete, which for a while looked like I\ w.. IQl.na to p6ec.9, meet today in the final of tlMt NCAA Midw9lt BetPonal BMketba1l Toummnent. 'npotf ii 11:20 a.m . in the St. Louil O.kanlome. • The ouscoa>e ma.y b1np on the ball-bmdlbtc wi-*1 ot a 1&6 .-rd wtlb die ...,...... ot I w1aam', Cll' a 7-0 .. sr tram Nipria who OMhel alpll of becomlna one of the college game'• dominant bta men. Villanova trimmed No. 9 Memphia State 70-66 In 'overtime . The game will match team• with po- werful inside games -Oarolina featuring Jamea Wortby, a second team All- American, and Sam Perklna, in All-Atlantic Cout Conference performer, and Villanova counterina with burly John Pinone, a 228-J>OUnd ....-:J.eman. and 6-10 freshman star l'.d Pinckney. • Smltb aaya he doean't think one can pinpoint a key to the owtccme, but Coech Rollie Maallmlno does. '"lbe by wW be controllinc the tempo and maklna IUl'e we pt to the riaht spots at the rl8ht Slme.'i the VillanoYa COllCh akl •"lbe bla-t omt.ac1e S. to make aure we pi.y llDM't and control tempo and not set all cauaht up with the tam and aituatiom that come about with cbanClna defemm," MMaim1nO ldded. Althouab the pme ii bein& played on • neutral floor -that of Carolina Mval Ncnh Carolina State -Tar Heel tam will doml· nate the aellQut crowd of 12,400. UWe're P1C tnto it with confidence and With the ldea We Can Wlft th• came, II M ... mlno 191d. ''We've came here to win. We didn't came hen to tie." Smlth ~ hll ........ pla)'iftl the bmt we haw~ all~·"' "1 tmpe ... bawn t pla,.t our belt~ yet.'' ' PONTE VEDRA. Fla. (AP) - Bruce Lietzke was ~ starting to talk about how glad he was to be only two shots back when he was informed he shared the lead Saturday in the third round of the '$500,000 Tournament Players Championship. He quickly regrouped. "Pd much rather be leading or tied for the lead," he said. "tve won coming from behind, but rd rather be leading going into the last round every time. "This w.ould be an awfully good tournament to win." His chances were heightened considerably when Scott Sim- pson, playing behind him, blew a 2-shot lead with a double bogey- bogey finish -well afte.r the national television cameras had finished their coverage for the day. Simpson'E loaa of three shota to par on two holes lifted L1euke and Brad Bcyant into a share of the top spot going into Sunday's final round of the chase for a $90,000 first prize. Lopez in command at LPGA Pro-Am LAS VEGAS (.AP) -Nancy Lopes-Melton .book off a double boieY on the ninth tm to flN a 3-under-par 69 Saturday and tau a commanding 5-abot lead after~~ ~the Pro-Am wommi'• aolf ~t. \ Lopes-Kelton. who Nrtad the ct.)' two abota in front ol. Sudra Haynie, made five blrctiea and 12 pan on the 6,23'1-yard par-72 n.ert Inn C.ountry Cub count. She faltered onJ1 on the par--4 ninth when 1he hit her 8eCOnd ~ ac:hlplhatand forallbt. Lope1-Melto1a .flnl1bed the three round• al 201, 1 l·&&Ddel'·I*· .,.. Altier -ewn·~ '12, wu al 211~ WWl.t A:r~ Obmo~ of Ja..-,,.. lth1rd ., 212.. , ON TBB AIR -Gary Bender (left) and emr. Paes-will be the announcen for to-day a NCAJ\ Eut ReJrional final between top.ranked North CarOlina and Villanova. NCA'A twinhill highlights TV Dodgers, golf also slated ):Concannon aequittetf But judge criticizes ex-quarterback CHICAGO (AP) -Former NaUGnal FoocbU1 lAllW q~ Ja ~ .... .cqwtted of dellverlnl eacaiM to an widercover ~cJwbut • Jud.-aiddald b1m 1ol' • 1a·o1)adcmen\"and1etUna down t.mlly and fana. ConauulDn, 39, ot auburban Rlwr· woodl, buepd hil wife, Vtrpiia. and aid in • Yob choked With emodon that Orcu.lt Judp Earl a Strayhorn WM rfabt in the critidlln lfYen him. The former Chlca10 Dean a tar lt.ood before Strayhorn Friday u the .~dse dellvfred the verdict and 1ub- aequent statement. ''Seldom have I been confronted with a altuatlon where a man ha• dllplayed 1uch woeful lack of good judgement, particularly when ~hat person has been in the limelight ... hu been suppo.edly .the leader of men," Strayhom said. more lm.,ortan\ •than even their parenta It Rec.nine to Qmmnnon'• ~­ bWty to h.11 tam. the ~eakl. •vou haw not lived up to It. Uld with dial you'll 10 to your 11ave ... not to mention the diMppo&ntmmt 10'& have been to your own four chOdren.'' c.onc.nnon WU chalpd with deli· verln9 2.2 pounda of cocaine to an underCover ~' for an acs'88d upon price of $67 ,000. He wu arreated March 18, 1981, durtna the tramaC• tJon in a parklnJ lot at a 1uburban Schaumburg apartment complex. The three-day bench trial centered on the laue of whether. Concannon was ftltrapped lnto the drug ule by a woman who once worked for a res· taurant be owned. She sut.Quently became an informant for the North· eastern Illinois Metropolitan Enfon:e- ment Group. If you've had your carpet cleaned wtth conventional (obsolete) methods, your carpet was probably only halt· cleaned. Foam, steam and home methods just don't get out all the deeply-embedded Grit. Exclusive Electro-Jet· carpet cleaning gives you a 100%jobl <>NM DAILY._ t:OO , ... , IAT\MOAY 'ti! t:OO fl.II. .---Pbotle For Fr11 Estlllllt . .----. ·~-...... c...., ..... .. • COITA lllll9A noo•'°'' • ...... ,......,. • IL 'TOA02*1 IJT-N ............ 11• • FULLlln'ON *IL~-.,,,,.... • GAWN GROW.., fudld .-• • 111-1171 • HUNTWMrTOH ICM ,_ ... -. IU4UO • LAOUMA llACH aez "*"' •...... 1IO.o7IO • IANTA ANA 11MO Edir1llf A\19 ........ ta-2111 •IO. OftANOl CO. ~4*Dll""9do .. M1·2134 • TU9TIH OftAHOl 1020 WW. ••••• 7'1-4171 MMtOtnCMa,._,. 1217 Logen Av.., Co.ta ..... '40-1311 RADtO DePATCHID VANS lllMHO ALL OMNGI COUNTY • .. ,,_....up a °"'"'J. C.il Community ....... You" : ................................................ : • . . • : Concannon, he said, had failed Strayhorn ruled that the proeecu~ ~ "untold thousands" of people, ~-tton failed to prove that Concannon 1 Following are the top aporta events on TV tQ-cularly young children, "who see was not entrapped. Such proof is reJ !, day. Ratings are: v v v v excellen~ v v ~ ip~ro~f~es~s~io~n~alCa~t~hl~e~te~s~a~s~s~om~et~h~Jn~g~~quired~~un~d~e~r~tlli~nnoo~ia~~:w~.~~~_l~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~· worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. r-• <I); t a.m., Clwmel ! """' """' """' """' \ East FlDal NCAA BASIETBALL TOURNAMENT: Auoucen: Gary Bender and Billy Pack~. . . Top-ranked North C.arollna will try to advance to the Final Four when it meeta upstart Villanova, one of three Big. Eaa,t Conference teams still re- maining in the NCAA playoffs, in the East Regional final today. The Tar Heels, led by Coach bean Smith, are 29-2 and will be p~ying today near their home bae of Chapel Hill. Villanova, 24-7, was the regular-aeaeon champion in the Big F..ast. II· lt:H Lm., Clwmel 11 """' """' """' . DODGER BASEBALL: Mets vs. Dodgers. Auoucen: Rosa Porter and Jerry Doggett. · The Dodgen beat the Mets Saturday, 10-4, as Rick Monday crashed a grand slam. LA is 8-4 ln the spring; the Mets are 3-7. ~. 11:15 a.m., Claamael ! V' """' """' """' Midwest Flul NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Auoucen: Frank Glieber and Steve Grote. Houston (24· 7), from the Southwest Confer .. .. . . I• -: .. • .. .. . ! . . · ence, tangles with Botton College (22·9), one of three members of the Big Eut Conference still alive in the NCAA playoffs. The Eagles, led by guard John Bagley, reeled off upeet victories over USF and DePaul before knocking off Kansas State Fri· day. Six Houston players reached double figures in t}ie Cougars' 79-78 win over Miaaouri 1 Friday. • ! ~-J:st p.m.LCllHPeli """' """' """' GOLF: Tournament Players Championahip. Auoaeen: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, Ben Wright, Clive Clark and Ken Venturi. Scott Simpeon fell back into a tie with Bruce Lietzke golng lnto the final round today. Slmpeon had a two-shot lead when be dumped his tee shot into a tiny bunker on the 17th bole, took two to get out, then missed a six.foot putt for a double bogey-5. Brad Bryant also has a share of the top spot. Ol'llER TELEVISION 10 a.m. <•> -NBC SPORTS: RINGSIDE - Aaron Pryor (29-0), owner of the highest KO per- centage in the history of the junior welterweight division with 27 in 29 dedsions, defends his wBA title against Miguel Montilla (3~6-2) in a acheduled 15-round bout lrom Atlantic City, N.J. ' 1 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Renaldo Snipes (22-1) vs. Scott Frank (16-0) in a scheduled 10.round heavyweight bout, telecast live from At- lantic City, N .J. 1:15 p.m. (7) -SUPERSTARS -The Oa.kJand A's battle the Cincinnati Benpla in the finals of the Superteama, taped at Honolulu. , 2:30 p .. m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS RADIO Baseball -New York Meta vs. Dodgen at Vero Beach. 10:10 a.m., KABC (790); Milwaukee va. Angels at Palm Springs, 12:55 p.m., KMPC (710). Baaketball -Houston at Lakera, 6:50 p.m., KLAC (570). MONDA Y'S RADIO Bueball -Dodgen va. Minneeota at Orlando, 10:10 a.m., KABC (790); Milwaukee vs. Angels at Palm Springs, 12:55 p.m.. KMPC (710). T ropiQI Fish • F rest. • Marine I ~qmrium Supplies . , SpDIW _... .. 1-M1rcit 21. 1112 · c ... 1111n.~1• I -'""'9 8outlt AnlertM. I llllWe a deep bodJ: ...................................... to ..... .......... a.1'1DI of tlle .... 8lld Oilolt.., 1-d ln·tlle *•Mt••••, I doft't do_.. of tM1 In• , 9qHrtmL I -............ not aa~ eftd ...., bttt I In• oow...... ........... ,_, · 'U..mebenar•......,lleechet."lamon .... et A ..... T11plc• tor..., 1A . r;:--• • mTW. 8•ker • eo.e. ..... -·· . . 'a.-1* • Comer ....... a .... r -----. ·----- SHINY CERAMIC AT SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! . Ref rnh a bath or kitchen with the-glamour and practicality of glazed ceramic tile on floora, walll and counters. Juat aponge clean! ". x ...... LOOIC PO" ll'ICIALLY MAIHCID Ml .. CHAHDIK AVALUILITY YANtl l't ITO"I LOW COST VANITIES . • CULTUR•D MARBLa . TON •ROOMY ••••• • FAUCaTI Y2 PRICE SUPl:R SAVINGS ON ITALIAN QUARRY FOR EVERY ROOM! Tough, glazed decorator tile re- •ta mara u It enhances any decor! Huge~ of detlgn1 and colora. taay-care, never needs waxing! r1o· x r4· x ., • ...- ,.4. I T'lo" I illo" LOO« PO" SNCIALI. Y lllA"IU!D IMllCHANDlll AYAILA81LITY VAAIU H ITOM WALLCOV8RINQS YOU'LL LOY• WHILE YOU SAVEi Select from all our remaining stock of dllcontlnued wallcover- lng1. Pre-pated vtnyl Md grau- doths In prints, 1trtpes1 IOlldl, etc., to flt your decort MOSAIC TILE FOR WALLS, FLOORS AND COUNTERS! Gorgeoua dealgn1, colora for wery decorattng motHt They11 go f .. tt Oven-fired glaze re1l1ta ecratches, 1talna. Sheet-mounted for ... 1er Installation. 2 PRICE SALE LOOll POfl INCIALLY MA"KID lllEllCHANOIH AYAllAllUTY VAIUU IY ITOM SPRUCE-UP FOR SPRING WITH OUR PAINT SPECIALS! An auortment of Interior and exterior paints -acrylic, latex, flat and 1eml-glo11. All flrat quality, quick drying, water clean-up. 1 2 PRICE ·1 .2 PRICE 1 SALE SALE 2 PR1CE .SALE LOOK POfl IN'CIALU MA"KIO Ml .. CHANOlll AVAIU.ILITY VA .. IU IY ITOM 12' ,VINYt FLOORING Glwt a lpedout look to kltc:hen1, dent •nd play. f'OOIM. No ...,,. In mo1t roomi. No-wax. 1/2 PRICE LOOI( POft lfllCIAUY MAMID IMftCHANOIK AVAU91UTY VAlllH H ITOlll LOOK rofl ll'l!CIAU.Y MAAKIO ~Ill AVAILAllUTY VMIU IY STOM DISCONTINU•D TOP QUALITY TOOLSI IT'S nM8 TO STOCK·UP AND SAVI!! More than a dozen fine tools -mu1tt for every handy home-· owner. S.le Mlectlon lncfudea: Uttllty Knife Hackuw Olau Cutter Maaonry Drill ·, Putty Knife S.fety Scr•per ovaaeonu, MINT A• WALLPANR lurlllllARTS NATIONWIDll '• u i. ~ . . " " .. ..... ..,., (MT .... ) ~Cit)' 001 010 000 -2 5 4 ~ 040 000 OOll-4 • 0 W!Wlt. C4W 15). ,.,,._ (l~llld WMNn; ~...,.,..Ct). Qlrrll\ II llnd T~. W -LellrMdl L -Wright. R -Clnc*l-nell, VsL •• ........... 1 ( ............ , C1swe11nc1 4 t:i ooo ooo -8 10 1 ~ 140 020 000 -7 10 0 Denny,~ (4). ~ (7). Glynn Ill ~=<r>.=~':t=~ 1>9nny. L -Norrie. HA• -Cleveland, ..... Oeltlend, Meyw. MM& -..1.c-.a (M ee.lhchl , ML) ()llcsgo 002 100 000 -3 7 0 Sen F'rendloo 010 031 10x -II 8 2 Bini, Gr1llln (8), lllp'8y (1) end Morelend; ~. ~=-(t), Tun. (II) end inntr. W ~. l -Ottllln. HR - Sen Frwidlco, DMI. ~ .......... 4 (MY-. ML) Seenle too 010 200 -4 11 1 Sen Diego 000 OOIS 10ll -t 3 0 CWll. Bordi (t), Stamon t•> end Nsrl'Oft: l..cller, Talrnann (II) KullaUlue lll 0et..eon 191 ~ ~· Kennedy (II). W -Tlllm&M. L _..,., ....... 4 , .............. , ToronlO 014 000 t02 -I 1 t 1 CtilCllgO (All 030 O 10 000 -4 I 3 Gott, Clancy I•). Jackaon = Whll1. P*a11 (Ill; Trout. a.ot-(5), (8) end Foley. W -Gott. L -trout. HR -To-ronto. Aodtlgue&. ,.,.. .. ~7 (M9rd1 tu, .... ) PllladlllpNa 041 010 100 -7 10 4 P1tt1111q11 110 aoo OOll -10 15 2 Knlk-. Wiii (5), ~ (tl. Fermsr (1), Lyle (II and 8o Diaz, Wllllard (ti); Romo. AoblNofl (5), 8armllnto 191 and tony P9M. W -Acmo 2.(). L -l<Nkow 1·2. H"9 -Phlledel.phle, Vukovich, Ma1uau1t. Pltte- ~. Tilompeon.. .,.. ......... . ( .................. , Houlton 000 000 000 -0 2 0 A11enta 100 000 10ll -2 I 0 Houllon: Slltton, Pn 111). ~·Ill end Alllb)' Aot>ene (7); AtlenUI: Nlekro. &oooe (7). Hrebceky 191 end 8lnstro. W -Nlekro. L -Sunon. . ~ ......... . , .................... , 81. Louie 100 002 020 000 14-to 111 3 Boaton OOt 001 021 000 tO-II 20 2 Rellll'-. LaPdnll (5), Sutter (II. Belt (10). Romo(13) end~ Sencns(11); o.nmen. stanley 1n s11e9pee 11crtt (t3) end Gedman. Ucbrt ft). W -. L -Burtt. HAI -St. Leda. ~. Pot19I eo.ton . ...-. AmNCAM L.UOu. w I II II 5 8 5 7 II 4 5 4 2 3 2 MATIOMAL l.IMM'9 L flat. 4 .882 4 .M7 4 .eoo 4 Me 8 ..500 5 .500 1 .600 7 .4$2 II .400 e .3115 7 .3e4 5 ..218 8 .260 I .182 W L Pot. 11 2 ..... 10 3 .1ee 8 4 .M7 1 4 .11341 II 4 .too. • 5 .J.t5 5 5 .500 7 I .4e7 4 5 .444 4 7 .314 3 II .333 3 7 .aoo o-.ec.-11.-. ........ 1 Mi. San AAlOnlO 001 000 000-1 II I OrllflOll Coel( tllO 801 tOx-13 ft 1 ~. ""=-~~ Jotwl90n (I). f'ol (I) llld .IMltlil>. • AllnhOlla, Rook• ~~~~~:.f:1t4~ff~\:/o~~, ~·;r~ TllCMftM (M\. ... AIMn!O). ~ (ClfWloe COMI), Hopkin• (Or•noe Coal!). Tinoco 1°""'9 Coal). Cllrw ............. . OllNe S30 003 213-15 21 leddlllleOk 100 000 m-• ,. 2 ~ Pwry (I). AIMii (8) and ~ i.kl, Eunon; ShMt8, EMlef,, (2). KObel (I). lloudr9Mi 11) and INin. W_;AoOtrtlon. L-sn.a. 28 -AldwOe (Cl\NI), ~ (CllNI), C8fl'll)b9ll (Clllld). Corijelue (CttNI) 2. Stewart (CllNI). NorleOa (Cltruel. Helln (S1ddleb1ck). Cumming (81ddleb1ck). 8-• (SeddllOeiCk~ Unll (~). 3 8 -Smith (Cllr111 • HR -C1111pbell (Cllrua), Roebuck ( ltrua) 2. Eatlnger (a.dcllebel*). Lee (Seddlabedl). High tchool ................ iti ... 1111 .... 2, --1 M1ttN1 00 t 000 0-1 5 I HIM!tlngton 8-dl 010 100 ll-2 e o 8annMt end F'lofea; ...... llld ~· 29-K ... (M~ 18-Coblen (Mlltrla). 8Hrd (Huntington Beach). HR-8hlrl•)' .I (Huntington 8eecfl). EdlMfttt.W .... ....,t w...,,..,., 000 t 10 0-2 7 4 Edlaon 340 006 •-t2 12 3 Deley. Medel (e). Beetz (81 end HarrtlMn. OeBenon, Blegl (4)1 Kwolek (5), C1oneY {II) and Lingard. Elllaon. W-De8enon (~-0). L-Deley. 2B -~ {Edlaotl). Oe8enon (Edlaon) 2, Cloney (Edleon), Pimentel (WeatrnlNlter). 3B -Powell (E~). Kwo- lelt (Edl9on). ............ ,., • ._,.I. ..... Del t ....... Del 000 200 0-2 6 5 8Wlop Montgomery 002 000 1-3 1 0 0... and U\lwllc*; T~ Ind Aod rtgua. 28-Kell)' (Mii« Del). HR-Kelly It.let• 0.0. aun..t~ W L Oii ~one.ctl 2 O Edlaon 2 0 o-iVlew 1 t 1 ~lain VaileV t t 1 MMne 0 22 w..Nnsl• 0 2 2 ......,. . ._.. HIM!tlngton 8-:11 2, Mlf1na 1 Edlaon 12. W..unlneler 2 ........ 0..-11:11) l'ountllln Vfl//llr/ el Mtf1nl l!dilloft •• o-i VlilW .,__,..a... Fountllln VtM!ey 111 W.,,..., (3:15) Edlaon at Huntington Beach 11 Mii• Squete Pertl (7 p.m.) •.•.•. ,..ca-. Hunllng1on 8Mch at Wealmlnater (3:111 0.111.) Oceen View ..... Menne et Blw FlekS (7 p.m.) 8outt. COMt L.eegwJe W L 09 uoun-tt11a t o Sen Olmente t 0 ~v..., 2 t o.n.... 11 l4t Mlllton Viejo t t l4t t.aoi-8-:11 0 2 t\41 I I ... ,..._. D101 Hiiia 5, Clic>IMnino v..., 2 .....,.. ca-(1111) l..lgurw ... Ill Laguna 8-:fl Mfillon Vle)o at Sen a.m.nte ....... ,..ca- ~ v..., at San Clemente Mt.Ion Viejo Ill Laguna Hill Laguna 8eecll et Dane H• Servi•• ..... o.I . Angetya l.Ngue 8WIOP Monlgc>rnrf 81.Peul BllfMIP Amal ......,. . ._... W L Q9 2 0 t t 1 t 1 t 1 2 114t 0 I 1~ 11111'°9 Mon~ 3, Meter Del 2 SI Paul 2. 8WIQp Amat t ....,..0-..~ ... ..., o.I .. 8Wlop Amel ......... ,..a-ea (1111) M.w Del el St. P .. Senfte .. 11111'°9 Montgomeu y WCT toumement 1.e ::n•.:i• .. i. ~~I lven Lend1 def. 8endy M~, M , W ; Tim M•)'Olt• def Teny Moor. 4-1, 7-4, M . QrMd ltrts...........,. , .. """""' ......... 111a di) .................. J1tttrmoJ Connon del. Bnen Oottflied. M , &-t: Gulltermo Vltu def. Bu91« Mottrem, M ,M . ......... o.-... K9'11n Curren-Fritz 8u.iinlng def Tomea Slftld..PaYll SlOJll, 4-e, 11-2, M ; Sllerwood Stewart-Merk Edmondeon def. Henad ~ Yen1d. M. 11-4. 11-1. Women'• tournement , ........ , Kath)'~ :.~e:roaduMI(. t-2, &-2; Wendr TurnbUll def. Andrea t.e.ld. t-7. Ml.Ml. QrMd f'rbl tournelMftt t:.=',...., Stew Denton def. ~en den M«· -· ...... 11-2; Enc lekenlly def. HeM t.. C:CW-.M.M. IRDUP &DLF LESSOllS • Starting March 23 8 weeks for $25 Golf Blls ., Instruction lncklded Le11on Hour11 Tue1., Wed., Thur1., 9 o.m. or 6 p.m. lat. at 1 p.m. SHARES LEAD - Bruce l.;ietzke entera the final round of the Tour- nament Players Cham- pionship today tied for the lead. TCMtl'MIMftl ,..,.,. Chemplanahlp (M ,.....Y ..... "'9.) .,,_ Ueta• -.12• -210 lr1ICI ~ ~71 -210 Scott 8Wnpeon .... 70.73-11t VMCI Hellnet ... 70-71-211 Georgl~ -.n-10 -212 ,,..,., ,.... ~78-70 -213 Ed 8Med M-71-74 -213 Hale .,. TIMt-76 -213 Tilll 8lmplOn 12.-.11 -213 Tom WSle«I ~7 ... -214 a... 11111 111 oa 78-72-80 -214 Scott Modi 72·70-12 -214 Don ,,..,._., -.n-12 -214 Gibb)' Olber1 ee-71-74 -2t4 Rogat Mlltble •12-73 -2t4 Cnilg Stadler 71 ...... 711 -214 Tom Wallkopf n-ea-74 -21f Bob Eaatwood ... 72.74 -2111 0-0. 8uma 17-7$-7& -215 ~ H-7:Ml6-n -215 Jim Tll«pe •7&-71 -21• Jim 8ooroa 73-Ja-71 -2111 · ~ "*"' t7-71-n -21e T~ V~ 73-72·72 -217 811 8'1tton 71-78-70 -217 D.A.weibltnO 7._7$-70 -2t7 Tom QI 71·71-75 -217 Jim 91mor11 -.n.12 -211 811 Rooar9 78-70-75 -211 HJ.C. &esd 12-78-70 -211 Lyn Soon 117-71-80 -218 Huber1 G.-i 73-76-70 -218 Bob Bymatl 71-76-,!! -211 Attl"1 6eaft 77~w -211 °"* Wateon 12-74-71 -218 Bobb)' Cols 72-75-72 -218 BNce,,....... 99-73-71 -21t ~= 711-70.7t -218 BNce n-ee-n -218 JoM ~7~74 -~ • Nick l'tildo 75-~76 -220 John Cook 72-75-73 -220 John MuD 75-70.7t -22t titlt• McCulougl• 78-71-74 -22t Amr ZOiier 73-73-75 -221 ,...., JscobsSfl 72-72·11-22t ~ 8nnge 73-74-74 -221 Lea Elder 71-711-74 -221 Jlnt.... 7~75-71 -22t ... "8lcl 71-74-17 -222 MOt Hor1tu 7&-70.7t -222 Doug T.... 70-75-17 -222 Jell Mllc:MI 75-11-7t -222 Bob --. n --.1e -222 Os"9 Bc:Ml*gsr 76*-711-222 0-0. Cedle 74-74-74-222 Allell -W. 73-75-74 -222 0on ~ 111-n-n -m 8obbr Clsnlpstt 7a-72·11-223 9obt1V Wedldna 72·72-7' -223 ""' Hencodl 74-1').7' -m .... He9lll ea-n-11 -223 BsrrY Jeac*el 12-111-H -m Jim bent 73-73-71 -224 Bob Older 12-74-71 -224 Pat ~ M-7•71 -224 Gii Morgen 10-1•1• -224 £d F1otf 70-74-70 -224 Lou Gralwn 73-74-17 -224 CsMn ,..... 73-7a-70 -2211 Gary Hllbsrg 70-7&-n -22:5 LPGA lcM'WMftl (•a.-Y..-> Heney l.cP&E u•on ?o-47...._20I 8Mdra.... 71 .... 72-21'1 Aytlllo OUmolo 74-ro.tl-212 Alloa...., 71-72-70-213 ~ ew11 •n-74-214 Patty 8flMflln 72-7......__2 t4 Pel ltrecley 71-75-tt-215 l(8tlly Wlll1WClnfl 12-7'3-71-2ft Donne C..,oftl ra..74-211 .,.. Colee 12·12·74-211 Ho111 SUC)' 7a-1').7t-211 8erberWI ........ 78-71-72-nct M. ~ 71-7•11-220 Doi Gennllln 75-72·7S-220 Sal)' Ultle 7\.71-74-2*> Jene lle6cldl n-12-11-220 NllOa Rltaouwl •n-11-222 SenOr•,...,,. 75-72·711-222 ~King n-n-1e-m ~Hite ~7'-222 ,...., Ataon 74-1').71-122 Gell Hlrele n-11-?0-221 T'*-.....,,, 711-17-11-223 ~ l<l9!J 7•73-71-223 8tlllleY Hemlln 11·13-11-223 Amt Mcoct 711-75-11-223 Bonnll LAuW 12-12-n-m c,roi. Jo Ca111on II 1-72-71-224 8ertler-a Berrow 12· 70. 72-224 .... Oenllll 7a-74-17-tt4 JoAnne Cerner I0-74-71-226 8Me a.rtolecelnl I0-74-71-226 Jertl)'n Brttz n. 1a. n-2211 Jo Am WMMm 76-7 .. 73-2211 Cetlly Morw U-ee-74-2211 eet11y Ment n -n-111-2211 ~Ven Hooee 7&-73-n-2211 Kectl1 Youno n-11-n-221 Pem HlclolN 1&-12-n -2211 M.J. amfth I0-7'-73-221 Jull l tenger.f"yna 71-11·74-221 Dianne Qlllley 90-72· 74-221 Connie Clllleml 1•11-14-221 Anlndrl ~ 11-11·15--221 Merc1e1 W!lkn n-11-111--221 Lon Gar--71-74-75--221 Yk*I f'efOOfl 711-71...,_227 Petty H«Yll 11-75-12-228 Joyoa ~ 71-71-71-221 Cindy .. n-..,..111-m Mertine ..... 7 .. 71-11-42t ....... Mlll'1lhle 71-71-77-221 l(8tlly Mar1lll 75-71-17-221 M\ 8---71-7t-71-221 Cetlly 8tlsrlt 75-n-eo-221 NIT MOl!'C~ 8rsdle)' (~01 w. ()kw-(22-10) Georgia (18-11) w. Purdua (17·13) Wa.N NCAA DtwWon Ill NW.a (Mn • ....... ,,_,, EllDDeltltOM'I 17, N.C.~ M (ot) ,._,.Pltlsr 72, a.ti (Mont.) 71 (0I) u. AIM"9oe eATUllDAY'S ...U.Ta ~ ....................... , ~ AACa. One mill.,_. ~ (Deeo!Mt) 13.oo e.eo a.80 Glefl Inn (Clementa) 12.00 11.40 ..,. ..,_ (Lonool 3.00 A*> recsd: Ctllef Ed, Bound l'or Glory, Euy 0 v, Nol:ll• C•d•t. Tu111111 Ridge, SOIY'• .... . lfMat 2:03 411. a DACTA ~paid 11 .... 00. IKOMD MC& One mlt pscs. o.11¥ Lord (Mloullll 5.00 3.80 uo a.nertl :m=:,r> 7.40 4.80 ~ 1-80 Ntto Brtlant .lec*le. Bey Leef, Odd Rend. c-i-. ~· Os¥11, Prince "--ac:sl. Tims: 2:02 415. ntRt MCe. One ,,.. s--. Froaey 9'llpper (~2.80 UO 5.20 OK-Olnwnte .._ 3.IO 3..80 OK.o-Nlglll (Aul:lln 4.111) 4.10 OH -Desdhest I«~ Ntto ..-cl: Oublll. Tribute, Jonall\ln Jan. °"*"' """8-Tlms: 2:02 215. a DACTA (2-3) paid 12UO. • DACTA (24} paid 146.40. POUllTM 9'AQl. One mlla ~ . ~~) 2-IO 2.20 2.10 Ollnleed (\..sclb¥) 2.80 2. 10 Sea Aowsr (ToOd} 2. 10 AJto rllOed: ~Double OM. Tutor, Ute'• Mel1ne. l'llcllsrd ~. ~~6. """" MC9. One mile s--. Yount ~ 18flerrwll 23.20 12.80 11.00 Brencl)' Arid 0ry 1~1 14.eo e.eo Don c... ltsr (Aul:lln) IJ.40 Ntto r8Cld! Mulll ...,_, a-M l<8te, Wlllald 1k11ww. °*"PSGlue ,.,..._, °"'- TllM: 2:01 3/&. ti DACTA (1-t) peld 1257.00. 9IXTH MCI. One .... ~ Leop«d (Mkennenl 4.80 2.40 :1.~o .... DollOll <Ander9onl 2.20 2.20 llnml:l6e 8Cnmllle (Todd 11) 2.40 Aleo reced: 8 C Count. Craig Del . Tims: 1:U 1/$. Vilas accepts ..... , ..... 1., .... ~~ ==~~-=··= ''*111**-llM WTMMO&O... ........ ...._" ,, ..... -uo .... ~~ ... :::. ---~._. ...... o.. "'=='::I.tr-· ...... .... • IMCTA 1$-41 pe1c1 114.to, o:::~ OM mile ':'z: t,to LIO ....., ,..,.._, . 7.to uo •UOlll~I uo A eo rlOld: Ml•t., G, Trlckel Ollerget, CenletlilwY Lan•. Tll)amon, lf1ttl 'Iden, Mttf• Houftd. ,,,_ 1:00 115. • UAOTA (1-7) pe1c1 .... oo. ~MCll.OM"'41e~ Ill ONmp 1~1 7.20 •.OO t .80 e-rt Koele 'l(Uel:lletL ..., 4.40 told 1"1111 (I'~ a.AO Aleo reced: 8ro04I , T0tokl'e Knight, NaW. LMdet, Md)' Hen!IY l>et.,, f~ Nvll. 1"'* t:H 115. II UACTA (4-8) paid 134.IO. -..vmt'TM Mell. One mlle .,.... Au\on <Ander9on> 31 .20 111.00 e.80 Handover ICtoohMI e.oo 3.40 Cod 11 Miii (~J UO Aleo reced: Gr••• Hit, Maple Oem•. Smooth CherlH, Tony Brevo, Cap1e tn --. lltysl\. nm.: 2:02 4/5. • OACTA (7•11) paid '2 te.00. A~UM. I a.ntaAftlta IATUN>AY'I •SUL.Tl ( ...... ....,_..., ....., AACa. • luttongl. ~l'I Nellts (81=~ I tO.llO 5.00 3.00 CoUnlelor COonsy I I 4.00 3.00 The~~ 3.40 Alao raced: AMII)' 8omebo<ly, Big Geo. Allton, Don't 0.-, My Mlflerpleoa. Time: 1 :Oii 3/6. •COND AACa. One mlle. Allamlc ~= ,.,00 uo 6.40 Sea Ride I 2.80 2.eo """' "'-(Ola) 5.20 Aleo r~: Ster o.r-. Beta.,_,, fin. per« MiflQ. UM T-. On The Prowl. Tlmr. 1~7 215. •DAILY~ (Ml paid $234.llO. ntRt RAca. • ""1onga. l'eneull LaM (811oemsk•) 7.40 3.40 2.40 8WMI ~ t~I 2.80 2.20 Raging Stoml (e.atenedel 2.IO .(leO teoed: lot Freie. Medeme Met1• • Time: t: 10. • UACTA (3-1) peld $44.00 "°"'"" RAca. tl4t furlonol. Crofted ISlloemek«l 10.20 · 5.eo uo Qusdt Attam (Toro) t.40 11.00 ~.,_«<~I a.oo Aleo raced: HawUlre. 8MYo)', 8-1 oi. der. Spanllll Nucloel. NaYejO "'* Ad< • ..._ rold'• Oynemlte, l"ul Vlalon, Tltlen Spy, Bc>- llnllkl. Time:t:te~. ,...,.. AACa. t 11 tll ,,..._ T .. Aoeil' (Hewle'f) 7.llO 4.llO 3,80 L.uculM (Siolls) 10.40 7 .00 Cllrtlsrtk ~) uo Alao rllOed: Hean Bell, ShHhy, Early Settler. Tom'e s..neda. Tirne: 1:4 t 1/5 • • DACTA (4.2) peld '21UO. toml 9'ACa. ll'Ai l\Jr1ongl. IOI Flow (Mc:Herp) 48.20 20.20 8.IO OOftbiofl , ... ~ 5.40 3.10 ~ of Nole I 5.00 Ntto r-4: eemc.de, lrnberjeca. Gii- t.,._ Orcaa, KJno• Oewn. Honeel Bullet. H1WY Elcoft, Angelo G .. NatMt Bello. T1rne:: 1 : t e. asftNTM llACa. 1 11111 mlee. Coral 0.-(~•> 1.40 4.llO 3.20 l(artllc (~) 4.00 3 00 ~· Toy (McCerron) 4.20 Alao reced: DO·Joen'a Lady, Hall 10 8oldnslie.. eouo-'. Maril, Ptnk &,get Plum. 00 -AnWued ~. dlecr.Aitled end placed lourtll. Tlmr. bt3 VII . • DACTA (~11 paid ll0.50. •..cc 80l tw.+12-61::.M,792.20 ...... 32 wtnnlng llakaea (ftw ). *2 Pick 6b conao11Uon. pe1c1 lt3.80 with m ..,._ nlng llckete (tour horaH). 12 Pick 81• acratch conaoletlon peld 1335.llO 'Wi1h 14 ~ Uc*elS (llv.e llor.-. -ac:raldl). D8HTM RACa. t•Ai mllea. Treclt Robbery ~I e.eo uo 2.40 ,..._.. (McHergue) 11.20 3.llO Adt'• 8ecf'll (~) 2.80 Ntto reced: Tec«a, 8-1)' Buell, BelMtc>- mene, Haociy ~ Tsrge. Time: t:41 115. '9fTM MCa. One mle. DINN Mike=---) 8.00 3.llO 2.llO KTEGonzo (8lscll) 11.20 4.00 T (MoCamln) 3.00 reced: UrMltcca. Peclllc Mom, Whit• Sptlte, Don Won. Wail'• Alb. Timsc t:~ • UACTA (3-1) peld 1120.50 . AntlldelmE 45,316. ~et:-:':'-(• _.._ ce.r. ,...,,, ..... ~ ,_ Cook dfll. &It Antt!Ony, 255-tt6 . 0... ....... Cooll def. ,.... w.i.. 137435; Co04I Clef. W~ Webb, 241·227. ..... ,. ....... ..... 7 ......... gh5 Boeiolt • ..,...4 Pill.,...,.... IS, Httdo<d 2 v~ "w.°':-3 Monll'M 11, t NY IMndln 3, 81. Louie 3 NY Rlf'loer'I 4, Wlllhlnglon 3 W1nnlpeg 7 J... T !>'onto O Calg9ry 4, ~· 2 ()llcsgo 4, o.trott 3 T ....... •~ Monlr ... st Buftelo Herttord Ill PNledelpllll NY lllenderl 81 WM!llngton 81. Louil at NY RenQer9 °"'°" at W1nnlpeg P11U1>urg11 et ColoreOo 221 107 27$ " 291 7t att ea ao6 111 Klnga 7, Pengulna 5 ._..., ....... PltUburGfl 3 t t -5 L.oa AnQelea 1 2 4 -1 ...... ....... t. Plltaburgh, Sheppard 10 (F'erguecn, Certyle), 11:31: 2. LOI AnsN.lcholl• II (Teyb. ~), 11. t2; 3. • Gird-ner 30 (Kalloe). 17:41: 4. , Schutt 5 (St. Lanni), t 8:311. Penaltlee -Miione, Pit, 5~ Teytor-, lA. 11.'04; Scftllt, Pit, l:Oe, Shepperd, fJtt, t:41, Lewie, lA. 17:S1; Me- IOne, Pit, 11:48: W .... , LA, t1:4t. .........w 5. L.oa Mg8lel. Nlctda 7 (Hardy, Olorwue), 4;t4; t . Loa Angelle, Simmer 14 (Bonar, Hardy), 7:42: 1. Pllleburgh, Bullerd 34 (MecLellfl, Fet~). 11:H. Penelllea -St~ Pll, 3:42; 8c:hutt, Plt2 4:3&: Bc>- mar, LA, 4:311; L Murphy, LA, 5:1 : ~· LA. t5:13; Bonar, LA. ~-majOr. 20 , Sllepperd. Pitt. rNljCr. 20:00. Tl*'ll ....... II. Plttlburgh, Gardner 31 (lloutette, Kehoe). :47 .; 8. Lo• Angelea. Nlchofl• I (T9Y!Of, ~ 5:2'9; 10. L.oa Mg8lel. M. Mutptfy 1 (L Murl>hY. Ev-). 1:23: 11. Loa Angelea, Dionne 4? (L. Murph~, Taylot), 10:44; t2. LOI Angelel. F'Oll 27 (Hardy, L. MUtplly), t4;21. Pen•Hlea -Carlyle, Pit, 4:00: Outer, Pll, 8:41; Bonar. LA. 1:48; eoutette. Pit. 12:36: 8rnltll, LA. 1t:22. 8llOl8 on ~ -Ptltlbutgll 10-te-t-35 Loa Ange1ee 10-5-7 •22. Goelel -Pltt9Durgh. Dion, L.oa Ange'el. K-. ~.A -13,433. •=:rnmwtlca C COLU• .. freM&eoo ............... ,,.. Veull -t. LIZZllMO (SF 8111•). e.e; Otllerl 3 Springer (OCC). 8.4; 4. Manllta COCCI. 1.3. S. Hoflmen (OCC). 8.3; '-"-~ -t. Heath fState), 1.0: Other•: 2 Menltt• (DCCI. 1.7 11.7; 3. Truebe (OCCI, I.I ; 4. HOllrnen (OCC). 1.3; ~ ~ -1 (tie) Haulblker CSF S'*I. S9"r'lllf IOCC). 11.5; Floor exerc:lM -1. L&lCZlllino Ill' 81.lte), 1. 1; OtMR: :1.. SOr1naer 1ocq, 8.t: 4. eon-wey (OCCI. 1.5; 6. ~ (OCC). U : Al- atOUllCI -1. ttMt11 (SGF lletl). )4.75 • Teem --1. Orenge eouc. t:M. t5: 2. Sen Frencleco 81111, 133.1; 3 011blo Velley, t tl.7; 4. w .. t Vllley. 113.15, 5 Sen•• Roaa. t t0.8. ( ......... ~=del"-f) Vartity alghta -t. UCLA. 11,41,4; 2. Long 8eedl State. 7: t3 4. ,.~ JunlOr YWlity alghta -1 Orenge ....,_,, t :45.I ; 2. UCLA. 11:54.0; 3. Long BHCh State. 7:28.3. C Freellman elglll• -I Orenge ou t, 7:11.3; 2. UClA. 7:t8.I . ~ llgllta -t. Orenge Cout. 7' ti.II. 2. UClA. 7:28.3. I MILAN, Italy (AP) - Argentine tennla star Guillermo Vilas accepted a last-minute call by the organ.izen to replace in- jured John McEnroe in the $350,000 Cuore Ten- nis Cup Tournament be- ginning at Milan's indoor Sports -Palace next Mon- day. How would you lb to buy fuel far your truck or van far just 85c per gllon? Imagine how that could cut your monttlty fuel bl. Fuel at 85c per gallon Is a reality. Jn fact,• lhat's exactly what we pay here In Orange County when we fill up our trucks wllh propane. That's right, propane. The same tuel that's used tor barbeques. heating systems, and forkll~s can be used as a sate, economical alter· native to gasoline Propane ts a clean burning, efficient motor tuel with an octane rating that's much highef than eveo premium gasoline. Sound good so far? It Is, our ®ii fuel (propane/gasoline) oart>uretlon ty$tems flM been Installed on numerous' fleets wfth ~tent results. Our patented dual fuel systems assure smooth operation and excellent pef1ormance on either propane or ga9041ne. Wrth }ust the touch of a switch. you'll have two fuel systems to choosi from. Our exclusive dual fuel systems nn't glrrlrllcks or t)(pef1mettCll ~· They're• h~ dMlo.P!d time tested practical solution to today's soaring fuel costs. For the com- plltt story ~a lest drtve, give us a call. MARCH SPECIAL/ftCK-UPS, TRUCKS I VANS,COMPLETE IMSTAUAT10N INClUDtNI ALL PARTS ANO lMOft 1715.00 Villl Proplne ~ Systems ONN a AM -4:• PM .. , (114) .._, .. I • I I l I 1'nandna prasram1 ca:itinue u the focal 1el- llq polnt for moat n•w home developmenta in QNnlit County,~ to a tWW)' publlahed by CaWamla Land Title CO. In conjunctlon with De- ~t Dirnemlona. ~ DeY.pen of'-9d many finandally creative pl'Oll'Unl u an tncentive lo buy ln economically wana1n Umee," aid Jack Barria, vice ~t •and mana&er' of Orance Q>unty Operatiolia in Cal-llam&a Land 'ntle Co. ''nuctuatioo la 1ncreuinC in tllll atea u finandne pl'Olrama almolt supenede product aa the focal aelllng point for many pro~" The 0 Residentlal Houalng Summary," which aummarbel various aspects of new, for-sale housing activity during the three-month period ending March l, 1982, states that projects In Orange County were able to offer buyers a wide range of ~ p.ckages -either through builder buy- down arrancementa or with shortened tenns for the loan commitment. ''The reel estate industry has slowly but surely responded to the uncertain econOf!Uc environment First-buyer aid and bltch.S market altuation,'' Mid Jay L. Mom, pr-'dent ot ~t ~the South· ern Californ.la firm which oenducta the OftCO'ftl quarterly IW'Yeyl. "And it la now mare equipped to offer buyers 'real' lncenttvee throu1h more In· novadve ~ pl'Oll"UIW. Thia lhOuJd spark a revltaliaed aalea environment In the next few monthl throu1hout Oran1e County, as well u Southern c.al.lfomia .•• J'ederally apol'1llOl'ed prqpuw continued to be ~· and moat financing package• in Orange ty ranced trom 11 ~ percent to 16 W percent during the survey period. A number of innovative flnancln1 programs were noted, Including the "zero-lntereat" concept where new home buyers pay principal-only payment.a for a specific ahort-tenn. . Despite these incentives, ovierall aales activity declined to 820 unit.I during the quarter. Thia figure la down 15 percent from the previous quarter's total of 965, and la comprised of 178 single-family deta- ched sales and 642 attached condomi.nium sales at an overall median price of $122,344. hill drafted ~9':11 Ola- -~ J#tm ... Dl¥Dm .. 'IQllD -LMI ~ uma ~ -uaa lllOIL lll9lal Vl'.&JO IM JIN ~ -DJllll IODW .. aa9lllll AWll1IN. Diii ..... aum ii ..,.....,aum LA ~ • --11.mY lllWlf llClll& UMa-~ IMI l'UIUll'IOI -.... INlll CWllDI ----_,.,. ----- I ••• • 0.04 ..... .... O.Ot ..,. O.H u 0.20 ... '1 o.ot t O.ft ..Jl ..a.u O.ll u 0.10 o.:n o.oo 1) 0.11 0.04 o.ot 0.00 :::ii Ill m ~ 0 I 3 11',IU -1 1n,500 l JH,000 • »s,ooo u uz.w u 10,soo >I n 4,ff1 -» 1U,OOO • 205,toe u 2M,"1 :Jiii m::w 17 162,)00 21 lM,UT u 110,000 0 0 lt 10,lll > no,ooo 1 1$5,000 0 0 -2l iiiJli ..w~ ..... Jl o.io t 0.Jj t e.u u o.n 0 .... • n 1•1.000 it Ut .... U 111,N7 uo 122,soo • • i.n i., 0 ,112 ••• '2 ...... Z 0.)1 10 llt,511 o.,. 10 121,ltl ...... -f 10, .. Ji -AM ::Mi" :iiJii 0.09 ' 120,000 -o.os -> w,250 o.oe s u1,ooo o.o 2t "·'" O.J2 2S 122,273 O.S2 34 102,701 0.46 II t>,lll 14 0,)S H 14,64) ..M ::ui ::m ..Jl..1£ JJlt ...D.J2 JG .Jl.W .. .u u .... •2 • u •~ 2t m,ooe • o.n u n1,1u IS t,H U4 JU,000 1-M » 112.MO " l .t• l7' to.7ll 11 0,42 W 1M,M7 ' ... u -10 uo,ooo u o.u " JM,*11 10 1,02 , lt),ll) iii :ili :iii ULiil u 0.16 2l lSJ.000 u o.cn 11. 111,250 t o.u lt 166,'250 0.45 2t M,714 U 0.11 U Ul,571 u 0.2' )7 lot,125 5 o.u 20 t4,51l 14 O.lS 64 141643 Ji ..A..U ::Ei :uiii:iii m: • .JUO :a w:::w HB realtor wins EXPO seat Legislation would. reduce mortgage interest rates Jewell Chapman of Colonial Real Estate in Huntington Beach has been granted a seat on the largest nationwide real estate trading floor in the world where $2 blllion in properties from all over the country and abroad will be exchanged tax-free, or aold during a five-day event. tate EXPO '82 held at Caesars Palace, Laa Vegas, Nev., today through March 26. SACRAMENTO (BW) _ Seb Sterpa, presi--Those eligible, for assistance under the dent of the 130,000-member California Association first-time homebuyer program are defined as in- "Tax-free exchanging enables investors to trade properties they no longer want to own for other properties they want, without having to pay tax on the gains, but you must have tho- rough knowledge of the tax laws," warns Jewell Chapman. of Realtors, announced the introduction of legisla-dividuals not having owned property for a Period of lion, AB 3507, which would provide financial as-three years, except in economically depressed areas. sistanoe to first-time homebuyen. -There are no income eligibility require- In a joint news conference with Assemblyman ments. Such dream properties as an island in the tropics, Er1gJlsh castles, shopping centers, office buildings, businesses, hotels and homes and ranches from all over the United States (and elsewhere) were sold or exchanged on the tra- ding floor l~t year. Bruce Young (D-Cerritos), who is sponsoring the -The type of housing eligible for purchase bill. Sterpa outlined a program that calls for the under the program is owner-occupied single-family A network of more than 200 local real estate trading floors now operates throughout the Un-, lted States according to A. D. Kessler, author of "A Fortune at Your Feet," and chairman and publisher of Creative Real Estate Magazine, the national monthly publication considered "the voice of Creative Real Estate." iasuance of a tax-free bond at no cost to the state or residences, including condominiums, community the taxpayer. apartments and cooperative units. · The Young Bill, AB 3507, contains the folio--The program eligibility applies to either wing provisions: , newly constructed or existinji( housing. This marketing and educational session sponsored by Creative Real F.Btate Magazine will take place at the 10th Annual Creative Real Es- -The assistance provided would buy down .-------------------__!======================!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!====!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!====~ conventional mortgage rates on graduated scale for the first six years of the mortgage loan. -The program outlays would be recovered upon the resale or refinancing of the property at the end of the sixth year or through higher monthly payments beginning in year seven. -The amount due from the first-time home- buyer would be based upon actual costs plus ac- crued interest. -The interest rate would be sufficient to re- pay bond holders and cover program administrative costs, within limits imposed by the federal law. -Based upon the issuance of $100 million annually in bonds, the program could as&st with , the purchase of 11,000 units each year. REAL ESTATE .811111111/Cllllm Housing legislation would help first-time home buyers Q: Bow ls the flnHlme Myer ever go1D1 " be able to parcbase aay klad of a llome la Calllonla today? I cu a.adentud bow the ~·'Or tlllnl-lime buyen -tltose wllo llOW 01r11 tlilelr lllome ud ltave accamalated a Hb.taadal ~alty -caa afford to move iato a more appropriate lllome. Are Uaere HY means OI' metlloch by wlllclt a penoa IWe inyself that does not laave a lar1e amount of cash, can parcbue a bome! J.D., Costa Mesa A: There are several met.bocb that a first·time buyer short on funds can purchase a home. One, which we described in this column recenUy, was the "equity share" program. The equity share program is considered by many to be a very t,eallstic and viable vehicle for-all the parties <oncemed. · And Satramento ls considering some far reaching legislative action. Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti, CD-Los Angeles), and other Democratic leaders are considering a plan to 'guarantee first·time home buyers in California ·with 12 percent loans. The plan;-provided by a firur1under cl>ntract with the Senate, also calls for increased money for rental pension fund investment.a in the housing market. The package also inclq4es use of millions of dollars of tax funds. , "Despite the evident need for mare bousink supply, 1981 stands out as the wont home-building year since 1966, said Jonathon Lewis of rJ.. Lewis Associates in bis f.toberti-ordeted report on .solutions to the housing problem in the state. "1982 ts the time for bold legislative acUon on the ~lng front. Tbe california con.sumer is siltins on the sidewalk, staring through the housing market window and wondering if affordable housing will ever reappear," said the .Lewis report. Amont the proposals ls the 1uarantded 12 'percent loan, which would be amortised at a fixed rate over a 30-year period for fint-time home buyers. U°*r this plan a 10 percent down payment would be required Jnd the load values would not be able to exceed the median bquae price in a liven reclon. F.Ji&lble units would include alngJe.famU1 cl'wellings, one· to four-unit dwellings, condomlnluma, units In planned developmenta and inan\lfaetured bousinl. · Tbe state, to help the first-Umd buyers, would create a '500 million mort1a1e revo~g fund. Offlclall estimate ihe fund lnltially would W auffldent to help families acquire between 5,000 and 8,000 homes. . In llDOtber area, ,the repOrt prc>pOffS creation of a separate fund to provide financing to devel~ of rental boualn1. The 'developers ..would be required to pay back the state f\JDdl at tbe end ot 10 yean. , Moreover, public uct prtvai, ~Ion funds wllbinl to invest ln the bomlna market woUld be 1uaranteed a 15 perc;ent Jleld, COD\PoUDded annually, on tbelr lnv .. tmeata. ' --~ llcbinfl. ie,prt .... o/ T1w ~ E...,.;' ~ ..... ClllUlor, ~ ... -:=.Ind,.,., .,..,. ....... ..., .....,.., to Rllf!tlllJ M , e/o n. ~ Piiaf, P.O. Bot JSIO, eo.:Aff• nm. 13 Ys "lo 30 Year Fixed Rate (14.25% A.P.R.) WHATIS THE MEISTER DIFFERENCE? • Design that captures your imagination ... Detailing that epitomizes refinement ... Craftsmanshjp that demon- strates old-world pride ... Concern for quality that exceeds your expectations. These are the demands of the select few who will study our homes, compare them to others and notice: Hand carved solid oak'entry doors• Schlage Hardware• leaded stained glass sidelights• imported Italian ceramic entry tiles • hand troweled ceilings • oak handrails • furniture finished cabinetry throughout • Kohler bath fix- tures • beveled glass master bath mirrors • hand set Latco tile master baths • raised vanities • Franciscan kitchen counter tiles • Thermador appliances • award .. winning exterior architecture ... all secured behind ptivacy gates. Come ... observe ... these are but a few of the special considerations that require your attention when you choose to ~k out THE MEISTER DIFFERENCE. GATE GUARDED C0\1MUN ITI ES LAGUNA HILLS IRVINE Secluded on 1 hiUtop ovcrlookina La1un1 Hills. l·S 10 LaPu ~xit South 2 10 J miles to Charleton lcn. Amons the rcw rem1lnina sinale family communitcs in Irvine. l·S 10 Culver Drive North, rilht on Bryan. lcfl on Yalt Avmue 10 Hk ks (714) 83l-S380 From $214,000 Canyon Drivt. (714) 7l().lf00 From $261,000 Information rcptdlna the Community Scrvkcs Ftts avallable 11 sales ornce . Prica Effective for date or t hls P\lbtic:atlon. Building Better Communities ' I \ .... somas seeks changes b8sic land plannillg · 0 We're paylJti for the 111embly line enctnee-rina of 20 yean acc> with the JlolaUon of llnale· family 1ubd1vlaiona today," •ya nm Plomu. the 40.year-old prelident of Ploc'naa and A.odates, a a>lannlnl. enafneerlna, •urveYina and construction ~nt company. ''Thla riCid land u. pattern la C01tly in both effJclency and economy compared to mixed use de\ielopment." he says. Thouch Plomu recognizes the backa-againat· . the-wall revolt that would accompany a rapid move away from the traditional urban/suburban apllt, he -.ueves the transition haa already begun. And he'• confident that people will find the ne\·1 style "a very aatiafytna way to live." t Surveying the car crowded atreeta of bis Bal-boa Island home. Psomaa atopa to reflect. People can adapt. On tiny Balboa, people walk because it'a easier than driving -and because services are within walking distance. But it Is not enough. "Even the most basic land planning decisions s.oday must incorporate a new seruie of priorities up front," says Psomas. "Unfortunately, a proliferation bf agencies and controls have sprung up to enforce these rules, rules that can •low the planning and • building process to a crawl.'' Yet slow or not, Psomas knows that planning must change. When he n¥>VeC:i to Balboa two years ago with the opening of the finn's Costa Mesa of- lice, Psomas began epending more time on the freeway, travelil)g between the 35-:year-old com- pany's four offices, the original Santa Monica headquarters, the Orange County location at 150-A Paularino Ave. and the newly opened Ventura and Ontario branches. It's on these treks, crisscrossing the Southern Cautomia basin, that he sees the consequences of \he kind of building that took limitless resources for granted. "Horizontal planning, the commercial versus residential thinking that allows exclusive suburbs to fill the freeways with cars, must give way to other uses.'' says Psomas. "Planning for cars is a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if commercial facilities were designed to serve amall communities we wouldn't have these kinds of t>roblems." Where planners once forced the land to flt the need, they're now "talking in temis of establishing capability," says Psomas. And planners and deve- lopers are learning the importance of looking beyond land uses, he says, "to the public attitudes they must deal with." When Psomas' father George started the com- pan)! with ~terWmrn:rwar IT, ffie firm's surveying depended on a $250 transit capable of achieving accuracies of one-half foot in a mile. A project file for an entire subdivision might have been a half-inch thick. Today, electronic equipment costing about Townhomes I in Newport Private patios designed for outdoor entertai- ning add to the Newport Beach lifestyle at Brookview Newport, a gated luxury community of 24 Mediterranean styled townhomes located just north of Pacific Coast Highway. Priced from $179,900 to $199,900, the two-and three-bed.rOom homes range in sl.ze from 1,324 to l,675 square feet. Designed in three floor plans., all homes have baths. Included in the sales price are washer and gas dryer in a separate laundry area. Each kitchen is Hlllllli nllfl equipped with refrigerator with automatic ice maker, built-in dishwasher, disposer, gas range, and microwave and continuous cleaning ovens. Brookview Newport is within minutes of sai- ling, fishing, beaches, Fashion Island, South Coast Plaza, the Irvine Industrial Complex, Hoag Memo- rial Hospital, medical and other services. The sales office la open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 815 West 15th St., Newport Beach. Drive south on the Newport Freeway, con- tinuing as it becomes Newport Boulevard, to Hos- pital Way. Tum right on Hospital Way and proceed to Placentia Avenue. Tum left on 15th Street to the sales office and the new community. Phone 642-4310 for more information. · * Woodview Properties Inc. has reduced Tudor JIW prices by $100,000. Tudor Hill is a new two- home community located in the exclusive Lemon Heights area of North Tustin. Commanding a prominent hilltop 1etting over- looking al)eCtaCU}ar view• of the countryside below, Tudor mu presents a most private and secured community aetting. Introduced by an entry gate )"Ith electronic opener and intercom, the Tudor- atyled architecture of the two homes is comple- mented by an extensive uae of cobblestone and brtck environmental accents, Lilted among the features included In the ·~ floor plana are sunken living rooms, fonnal dln1nt l"OOl'l1I. two-aiory foyers with ~ramie tile or Bruce ftrellde plank flooring, family rooms and 11-brari.. l\n ovenlzed pme room ii lncluded ln one pi.n. well. 1 Decorated by Interior• by DiLor of Laguna Beech, the two hornet are available for viewing. 1'11r.e the Newport rre::•tt to the Newport Avenue offnmp --..,,... 10 Poodlill Boulevard. rrwn 11Pl on l'oocbW. ther) n,ht on ~line Drive, t oa Lemon ca Drtve and t on ~ 1tar Lane~ hOIMi. ean 10-:t2 1I' for more ldlrm.ltion. $2&,000 Pm brouaht field ~ to one-quarter of an inch ln OM nille or 2~ Umel the pred.llon of &he earlier meMWement. And in lnwr. proporUon. IN fl.le for today'• aubdlvlalon now denianda 2 feet of fillna ·~ • -...,. r,-).iat not the ..me businMI any more," aaya Pao , who haa auided the company's growth fro i. lO·member amale-offlce atatUJ in 1969, wben he bouaht out bla father'• partner, to itJ ~nt 120 empJoyeee aervlnc moet of Southern California. In ;addition, Tim Paomas hu been larl•lJ reaponetble for the company'• expanllon into enctneerina and project ~t lltYbe and foe the acquWUon of a computel' that can dral\ drawfn&a at a speed of up to 30 lnchel per second. Theee chanaes in the waya of doirl4[ bulineel, along with the oompany'• increued involvement in all phuea of a given project .. a project manaaer, have contributed to the youna president'• brollder world view. That world view could have significant impact in Orange County as P8omaa and Aaaociates pro- vides a guiding hand in aome of the area's major indusfrial, commercial and residential development. Currently under way are such projects as the peri- pheral development of Anaheim Stadium, c.om- mercial and residential development of the farm- lands adjacent to the South Coast Plau and the proposed Orange County Music Center, develop- ment of the Irvine UniversitY. Towne Center and several industrial parks in north and west Orange County. These are added to existing landmarks, i;uch as the Brea Mall and the Westminster Mall, for which the Psomas firm was responsible for surveying and civil engineering. . BIG WINNERS ..:-RE/MAX of America rec- ently held its Eighth Annual Awards Con- vention in Hawaii and honored members of its 100% Club, who are among the highest paid real estate agents in the country. They are (left to ri~ht), Bob Koop, Dovie Koop, Rae Rodgers, Patnck Tenore, Suzie Miller, Clint Moses and Jackie Hendleman. Bob Bauer (not pict~) also was honored. Psomas and Associates bills $10 million an- nually. With the oUices now open in Ventura and Ontario, the Psomas principals predict their firm will continue to match the average 25 percent growth, it has seen in recent years. Office condos continue to sell But Tim Psomas won't let success take up all of his time. His Santana 22 can still be seen weekends on Newport Bay, with his wife and four children on board. Photography, a Colorado river rMft trip, a European tour; Psomas fits them in. He wouldn't do anything else. Because human values, he says. start with a conscious decision to make your time -as well as your environment -"work for you. not against y<>u." Office condo sales remain good at South Pointe I Office Condominiums in spite of the poor eco- nomy. Sales began only five months ago for South Pointe I in Laguna Hilla, and 50 percent of the deluxe units have now been sold. According to Hawthorne Development Co. President Richard Hawthorne, joint venture part- ner with Rodeffer Investments for the $5 million project. his belief that small-and medium-size bu- LIVING IN N~WPOKf BEACH sinesses would prefer owning their own office space rather than renting, has proved true. "Smart busi- nessmen have decided that owning is the only way to go." said Hawthorne. Among the' new office owners are Kirk Steele & Associates, Nick Martin Creative Writing and Thayer & Adams, Architects. South Pointe I Sales Office is open daily. Prices begin at $67 ,500. For furth.er information, call 859-1000. HAS ALWAYS SHOWN GOOD TA5TE. AT VILLA BALBOA, IT ALSO SHOWS GOOD JUDGMENT In the eyes of the financially astute, what matters most is not how much money you spend, but rather how wisely you spend it. Which is precisely why you'll appreciate the new condominium homes at Villa Balboa. Unlike othf:r new homes in Newport Beach which promise superlative lifestyles, only Villa Balboa gives you as much value for your money. Instead of merely offering sophisticated contemporary archi· tecture, Villa Balboa also offers the lowest price per square foot (from Sl00.33/sq. ft.). As well as more floorplans to choose from -eight excep- tional one and two bedroom designs, with patio or sundeck. Even the luxury of a sweeping harbor view is far,'far less expensive when seen from a ,Villa Balboa window. Come see Villa Balboa now. Ask about our new 30·year financing with a three-year buydown to U~% (13% A.P.R .)-and no prepayment penalty! ' . Models open 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ~ ~ Closed Tuesday and WL-.dniilday. l;&I ~ VILLA BALBOA, 220 Nice Lane Nnvport Beach, CA 92663 . (714) 645-6459 the Neweort Development Company Newport Beach, CA ----~--------------------ro VILLA BALBOA I THE DEFINITIVE STATEMENT OF VALUE JN NEWPORT BEAC~ __ ONE AND TWO BEDROOMS FROM S12~000 TO $350,000. .J i , Or ... COMI DAJLY PILOT/SUnday, .... ,1. 18'1 e '.\~ith different accessories,' most anything will work By NORA LEHMAN ..... ,..lnLI ... 11IF YOU SEE SOMETHING you llke, really like, buy it. You alw~ need a black drell. and you'll never find lt when you have to have it." That's been my very own Mother's advice for yea.n, and time and time again she's turned out to be right. Not that 1he'1 condoning lmpulae buying or even 'dvocating a .. little black dreu" for everyone. I)epending on your coloring, your "little black dress" could be forest green or skipper blue. What she ill saying ia there are certain basics every woman must have ln her wardrobe. The baaic;s are those items we pull from our closet time and time again when we're confronted with that unexpected occasion. The no~n piece of clothing, with different accessories, takes us from lunch, through dinner, to the theater and home, exhausted after too long a day. Now, that is important, as we all know. Certainly Annie Grau and I know it, because we had a good discussion about that "with different accessories" clause just recently. We all do lt. It's a fact of life. We impulse buy. Show me a woman who doesn't impulse . buy sometimes and I'll show you a very up- tigh t, overly disciplined person -or one who never leaves the house. So, let's say we've done it again. We've come home with the dress, the suit, you name it. Often we've ratiol').alized buying that item by saying, "I'll wear it everywhere," or ''I can wear it anyplace." Sound familiar? Sure it does. But what m~t of us haven't done is to stop and think exactly what we mean by "everywhere" and "anyplace." And, even if we do know what we mean by those words, is our cl04let properly equipped to make it that versatile a piece of clothing? Whoever said "confession is good for the soul," was right. My supposedly versatile dress is an off-beat shade of green. It's so "off-beat" there isn't anything in the world that could bring it around. Nothing, including my com- plexion, looks nice with it. Heaven knows what devil possessed me that day. But can it leave the house? Not yet . . . a month or two more of quiet, I guess. Annie's example is a two-piece black knit dress she bought last fall, using the time- TUESDAY. MARCH 23 Eileen Cregan, director of consumer education at Charles of the Ritz, appears to introduce a new skin treatment called Age Zone Controller. In Cosmetics, from noon to 2 p.m. MAY Company/South Coast Plaza. Perry Ellis collection modeled infor- mally from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sports Shop, Neiman Marcus/Fashion Island. WEDNESDAY , MARCH 24 Castleberry envoy brings the spring '82 collection of two-piece knit dresses and suits to the Townleigh Knits Department from 11 :30 a .m . to 3 :30 p .m . Bullocks Wilshire/Fashion Island. THURSDAY , MARCH 25 • Ron Charles of Diane von Furstenberg is available for make-up consultations using the von Furstenberg new American mist colors. From 2:30 to 5 p.m. in Cosmetics. Broadway, Huntington Center. Special envoy of jewelry designer, J .P. Morton, presents semi-precious necklaces, pendants, bracelets and earrings from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Fashion Jewelry. Bul- locks Wilshire/Fashion Island. Pierre Cardin modeled informally in Galleria from 11 a .m . to 3 p .m . Neiman Marcus/Fashion Island. FRIDAY, MARCH 26 Jag, Inc. modeled infonnally as well as the "Best of New York" collection modeled infonnally from noon to 2 p.m. in' th~ Zodiac Room. Neiman MarcUs/Fashion Island. Cover story photos by Patrick O'~nnell. Thomas P. Haley .......... Thoma A. Murphlne ..., Nora LMtrnen ....... Mlotml ~. Haiwy .............. te".r:• Fendel ..... -...., FOf ..... Call 64~1. Eal 205 ...°""'9 330 W..C IJey Str .. t, Poet Office Box 1HO. CO.Ca MIU, Callf. t2l2t-05IO honored "everywhere" phrue. She at leut wu on the right track, but to beet her tell it. ahe never finlahee &he journey. That'• a eu- phemistic phrase meaning 1h e doean't finish ahopoirur. r.weu," she aaya of that drem, "everytime I put it on, I took it off. I began to think of it aa the d.re8I they could~ me out in. It hung in the closet, remlndlna me I'd alven in to an impulle again. But I couldn't give it up. It wun't jult a drea, it waa an investment.'' Everyone baa a different point at which a drea atope beina a dl'e8I and becomes an ln- vstment. but how many can't identify with that state of mind? 'tlfhen my daughter came out from New York," Annie continued. "'Ibat alwa)" means 'let's raid mother'• closet' time. She spotted that dress immediately. It was instinctive. She knew I'd never worn it just as certainly as 11 I'd left the price tag on it." "Have you ever worn this, Mom?" "I hedged. I didn't want to give it up now. I knew she was planning something wonder- ful. It didn't take long for her to get it of course, and betore I could change m.y mind she had it ln her cloeet. "When I asked her what she had planned for it, she said 'Oh, a lot of things. I'll wear it everywhere. I have these black suede shoes with red lizard trim and a red lizard belt. I can probably wear that silk scarf you gave me last year and, let's see. . . I have a gold belt. I can wear it at night with that, and those gold sandals'." "I interrupted her. I didn't want to hear any more about it," she laughed. "Anyway, you get the idea." Yes, we all get the idea. This beautiful lady, a smasher in her own right, is saying that her own rotten kid knows how to put things together to give them a flair of her own. Whatever she wears she wears with panache and she obviously looks like a finished product when she's done dressing. Lord protect us from our own chicks. Mine has the figure rve always wanted and the assurance. She, too, is a clothes horse. Have you ever noticed that first they're thin? There's no doubt some are born with that sense . . . j~t like long legs and small ears., They shouldn't even be congratulated for it. It's just something that's part of them. But good news. It's also something that can be learned. And it's well worth learning. It's major step number two in organizing the closet. The first, obviously, is to take a look at the major items for wearabillty. The second is to take a look at what you have and what you need to make those major items work. Is it a belt? A pair of shoes? Maybe, it's something as simple as a pair of stockings. Think about that for a moment. A simple pair of stockings -in the proper shade or color -can turn something nice that clothes the ' , Dllfr "-' ,...._ '1 ~ ICoelller Diana Sauter and Suzy Sutton look deUght!ul in any case, but Jook how their hat.a put a flnishing touch to the outfits they wore to the Florence Crittenton H-0me pre-St. Patrick's Day luncheon. body into a major fashion statemen't. And she'• Maht. Fashion mual be fun as U you don't believe that, start looking at well as ... well, if u. lan't Cun, it'• not fun at any fashion magazine. Really looking. Don't all. just say of a photo of a dress that catches your Some practical odvioo? Make a lilt of what eye, "oh, I really like that." ABk younelf why you already own and ihare it with, if you're you like it. Notice what the experts have put going the department ewre route, the personal together to make you stop and admire it. Take shopper. Or ff you're a boutique type, pick one it apart item by item. Analyze it. whose owner and penonn 1 you tru•t and When you get really skillful you'll be able have the look you're tryinc to achieve. Then to look and tell Immediately lf you 'd like start building a wardrobe ol accestories. It something if you took away an item or two. doesn't have to be done ln one dey or even one Jackie Ballard, who's no slouch at putting year . Good bao, belt.I, even some bask: shoes, "a look" together, was perusing a catalog wt an incred161y long time. from one of our better department stores last Next, give your bnagination free rein. For fall. She was outspoken about a pair of metallic instance, what doe1 neutral mean to you? gloves the model on the cover was wearing. You're right. In a color 1ense, it means black, Her feeling was that they'd never take off. grey, navy, beige and that all time great neu- Well, she was right. The length of that skirt tral -white. But given a free flight of fancy, was acceptable The boots were perfect. Eve-a neutral can be a color one can wear with a lot rything in the world turned to gold -or silver of things. -or _.::opper -or pewter. But those gloves Now, wha t does neutral mean? It can were on sale practically immediately. mean yellow or red. Try grape or turquoise. Meredith Foreman, who's no fashion Think of shoes in those colors, then think of all slouch either, gave up telling me th,at the mo-the colors that mix or match any of them. hair jacket I went for in the first place was the Look at jewelry. Is it big or small? Is it real one I should have instead of settling for tlw... \.or not? Is a gold chain the look you want or a safe one. She did a whole number, pulling lucite bangle bracelet. Do you want to combine blouses out, necklaces, showing me, by exam-them? If not, why not? If so, why not? ples off the racks at hand, that similar items in It takes a little time at the beginning. my own wardrobe would work beautifully. Learning any game takes time at the begin- Remaining unconvinced, safety won. In retro-ning. But, as with anything from raising kids spect, the other would have done just as well, to learning your own style, time spent at the and perhaps better. Her point was that a few beginning saves time later on. relatively inexpensive pieces could have made And there are. lots of skillful people some super outfits, not j11st handsome and around willing to l.elp. Ask and ye shall rc- useful. ceive. All-American is her style • • • The fashions you see on our cover lady, Liz Toomey, are as all-American as she. David Hayes, not only an American, but a Californian, is based in Los Angeles and best known for his femininely-pretty suit dresses. A designer American women have taken to their hearts and closets, his firm is only six years old and still gro- wing. Ralph Lauren is single-handedly responsible for the brush-fire spread of the Santa Fe or Prairie look. Liz wears a lighter weight, brightened color for awn.mer, but the look is unmiatakenly RL. She could have gone "pretty'' for her volunteer work. Instead, she chose Calvin Klein. Clean, crisp, comfortable, smart, subtle and a relief from the "grey flannel suit" syndrome both business and volunteer women have tended to overdo. Norma Kamali, also a Californian, has moved sweatshirt material from the locker room to the COVER: Liz Toomey wears a deceivingly simple David Hayes. Two-piece silk, this bluish -purple late-day-into-evening dress is an example of what B-W calls the "purist approach." The Chloe-inspired, geometric detailing at the hem, done in a knockout yellow, gives a Mondrian effect. There's a subtle line of acid green dividing these two dramatic colors. cocktail party and been accepted almost overnight. Albert Njpon almost needs no introduction. Liz chose the dress you see on the next page to~ the ATSC Champs Elysee Ball. Beige silk w ith a dropped waist and a metallic glimmer the lines and fabric carry it, leaving little need for accessorizing. ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL WALDOW C HO SEN F Oi DESIGN QUALIT Y • . Liz's Albert Nipon is feminine, soft, yet sleekly sophisticated. In brown and off- white silk with a touch of metallic glimmer picked up by the Julianelli sandals and sil- ver seashell-shaped evening bag. Norma Kamali and Liz were made for each ot h er. Together they make white- sweatshirt-material look as elegant as silk, but more fun. Note the brown and white headband, Chinese-mood amulet and brown and white stripe flat-heeled shoes by Eclis- sex. -·--·--.... ~ - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 21, 1882 r o6rney: Orange Coost lady of feshien • • Born in Rlvenide, Liz' Aldrich Toomey 1pent a fair amount of her 1r:owln1 years ln the Newport Beach-Irvine area. Oraduatina from CnmnA del Mar Hiah School in 1965, ahe went on to Univer- sity of California at Davis and Cal State University at Fullerton where she earnecl a graduate de- gree in educatlon. Putting it to use, she taug·ht English and American history for four years at the junior high sc:hool level. Married to Michael Toome~. a commodities broker with the Los Angeles office of E.F. Hutton, in June of 1970, they spent the first four years of their life together moving from New York to San Francisco to a brief stay in Utah. They returned to Orange County and Irvine. in 1974. The mother of two youngsters, Heather, 7 and Christopher, 4, Liz could teach a course in time ma- nagement. One morning a week is spent in Heather's classroom and an afternoon in assi!:!ting with a Brownie troop. 'l'hat's one facet of her volunteer time. \ In 1979 she joined the Junior for March 26 at the Newport Marriott Hotel. Not content to leave well en- ough alone, tor the put two yelfra ahe11 eerved on the ateering com- ml ttee for KOCE-Channel 5011 major fund-railers. Thia year that m eans being involved in the Orange County premiere of "Annie." Together, she and Michael, share an active life with the chil- dren. An outdoorsy family, they swim, ski, play tennis, bicycle, and, when time allows, retreat to an old beach house in Leucadia. Cultµral interestso1are focused on the theater, with attendance at SCR and UCI and an occasional trip to Los Angeles included in their busy lives. Liz's father, UCl's Chancellor Dail Aldrich and her mother Jean have alway11 been heavily invol- ved in community activity. As a way of life they encouraged their children to do the same. Liz notes that Michael is also supportive of her ~mmunity ser- vice activity and further that al- though_there are times when she'd An outdoorsy family, they swim, ski, play tennis, bicycle, and when time allows, retreat to an old beach house in Leucadia. League of Newport Harbor, a nd moved into high-powered volunt- arism. Within the League she has worked on one of their major fund-raisers -Christmas Com- pany -in public reiations, com- munity research and business support. She was responsible for two chapters in the soon-io-be- published league cookbook and is presently chairing the Training Core. This committee, responsible not only for internal skills trai- ning, also answers training re- quests from the community. If that weren't enough, Liz also gives a large amount of her time to the Assessment and Treatment Services Center. She's been acti- vely involved with ATSC - whose motto "Arrest the problem, not the child" has been the focus for an exceptionally successful intervention program -since 1980. She serves on the board of directors, and this year as support group chairman. In that spot, Liz is totally involved in that group's major fund-raiser, the Champs Elysees Ball, scheduled this year like to say "no" to some of the requests coming her way., she feels the fulfillment she gets from a job well don e encourages her to re- main active. And talk about a job well done, -she does it! • • • Liz is particularly excited about. the auction items to be offered this year at the ATSC Ball. Among them: A Buddy Bombard Hot Air Liz in Calvin and both at their best. Clean, crisp, comfortable linen in a Balloon Tour of the French wine chic color combination: brown, black, off-white, and for variety, on the country, with two round-trip air-sweater, a touch of blue-green. A perfect spring-into-summer and fares, plus a three-day, two-night further into fall dress for this busy young wife and mother. Camel- s tay at Rome's five Five-Star color, go-with-everything shoes by Bruno Magli. Her portfolio from Hassler/Villa Medici Hotel; furs BW's Accessory Department is designed by Coach. Necklace. bracelet by M.Jacques/Fashion Island; a and e · available in BW's Fashion Jewelry. designe~~~pingtri~whkhwill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~------~-- include selection of three designer {}A / JlJ / //) -,1 / items from the best of the Euro-e.Pfllf.PJf ~/ aJf !f ,/t-eJlrafJ pean and American collections at Neiman Marcus; a Semester at Sea I /,j I .f4oit·J1 .'l1 J'f'f'I trip for a college student and a (;' If '(,' /, gourmet-dining party in the win-' ,, ;lo . flf'Jft. "' 1/1 "'"" .'J.?f/.?C - ner's own residence, with floral 5-f 5--166 7 decor by Robb Friedline of Floral Decor. If you want more informa- tion on tickets, auction items, any ques tions you may have. call MY-1814. 'I NOW OPEN Spring's little darlin '(White or bon e leather flat wedge, laced with ~old for only 36.99 Fabulous Eyeshadow kit yours free with . our great $40 perm. This week only, s33 ReGIS HAl~STYUSTS ... Lis, on the campu1 at UCI, enjoys Ralph Lauren'• 1UJD1Der Santa Fe look. The plaid lkirt in turquoiie, vivid pink and yellow ii --t.ed by the blending yellow prairie ah1Jt, turquolM and tttver jewelry and turquoise I · andal by Bclieee . 540-8888 MasterCard • Visa SOUTH COAST PLAZA 754-9047 the accessory that becom es th e esse ntial It could be eakl that C«'O Chanel wu IO much an innovator that ahe lnvenc.d what w• new lo 20th Cen- tury fuhjon -apedfically a NI.axed ...-of atyle and ti. art of weartna and pla)'lna with -both literally and ~Uvely-the rflbt accmrey. Sh6 underacood the allure and --.&ality of beautiful, natural fabrics (what the proper ahoe and handbea can do); and the aleight of hand that can be cNated with jewel.I, acarvea, flowers, collars and cuffa. From the new Chanel S pring/Sununer 1982 Accessory Collection com es a navy and white silk cardigan ensemble shown with a white cashmere skirt, topped with a white felt beret with navy gros-grain trim. Chains, necklace, and gold and pearl ear- rings are also from the Acce~ry Collec- tion. • Very much ln keepUia with the heritqe of qual.Jty charactettdnc the int.rodUdM>n of MCh new perfume and cmmetlc. the HOUie of Chan.1'1 new collection allowa today'• woman a chance to wear Chanel without ne-- ~y weartna a little braided .Wt. Chanel Ready-to-Wear and accemo- rlea are available at Bullocka WUahlre/Loa An1elea, I. Ma1nln/ Beverly HUit and can be apeclal or- dered throu1h Neiman Marcua/ Fuhion Ialand. . A .white cotto:'l ba~te ruffled blouae ~own with a black cashmert akirt, accessorized with a black satin hair ribbon, and black and white 1ilk camellas worn in the hair. The hand-cu t faux-stones broach pearl and jewelled earrings are also from the A~ry Collection. ' Against the background of a red and white striped crepe de chine scarf with a red Chanel logo is a flapped, quilted handbag j.n red. The passamenterie belt with the gold- clasp buckle is also red, and the flat balle- rina shoe in beige has a red tip. The metal belt and necklace are gold. By VIDA DEAN ~ ..... 9NutJ l!cltOf Richard Stevens wants to be to makeup what Richard Simmons is to exercise. Stevens is a Newport Beach makeup artist who wants to educate women from the neck up. "It's so easy to look nice," he says, "if you listen just once." Stevens was in the cosmetic business for nine years back in the Midwest before he moved to Orange County in January 1981.. When he first arrived, be was using his living room, or a client's living room, as his studio. Today, he's established.. as an expert makeup artist at Andrea's Nail-Salon, 3519 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. But somewhere in the future, Richard Stevens hopes to establish a career as lec- turer as well as conduct seminars to teach women what he considers basic and sensible makeup. "I could answer all of the questions I have heard over and over so many times," says Stevens with a hint of frustration. "I want to reach middle America and take the mystery out of makeup," he says. He actually opened his lecturing efforts earlier this year before about 30 women at Promontory Point. As he talked, he made up a model. In the background a giant screen displayed color slide§ which further depicted the Ste- vens technique. Stevens answered questions · regarding each step of his procedure, from cleansing to the final dab of lip gloss. On moisturizer, St.evens says during the day hours this skin-care aid should not be used on oily spots, but only around the eyes, smile lines and cheeks. And, it should be applied whenever a person needs it. Moisturizers should be emphasized for skin care early in life. Stevens advises pa- rents to start their children using moisturi- . zer regularly at night. · Here are some other Stevens makeup ideas: DRESS UP RESALE BOUTIQUE GRAND OPENING FINE LADIES FASHIONS ON CONSIGNMENT SPORTSWEAR . TO FORMALS ACCESSORIES, TOO! Search Your Closet For Unwanted Clothes and Turn Them Into Cash MOteAY·SATUUAY ll~P.M. He dresses . A purple-tinted moisturizer over- comes a sallow skin, while a green moistu- rizer tones down a red complexion. . . . Foundation should be dotted on the face and then blended with a thin sponge. . . . One shouldn't be able to feel ma- ke up on the face. . .. A white concealer cream should be used around the eyes to cover dark circles rather than a stick that might pull this delicate skin. But don't use w hite over puffy eyes. Dark recedes and light brings out., . .. Wet camomile tea bags or witch hazel-soaked cotton pads help diminish eye puffiness. . . . Natural colors; brown, plum and grey are t he best for eye shadows. Most women from the neck up •,I . .. emphasize his knowledge of the subject.) . . . Eyebrows should frame the eyes - le~ your eyebrow shape. Keep the stray hair pluc ked away. Points of tweezers should meet. Check this before you buy. . . . One of the most common mistakes women make is the application of blush. Some look as if they have racing s tripes on their faces. . . .. Here's how to do it properly: First find the top of the ch eekbone. This is where powdered shadows can be applied wet or the blush goes. It is then extended to the dry. hairline. To highlight the cheekbone, con- . . . Remember to concentrate on not tour powder is brushed under the cheek- frowning or scrunching up the eyes as you bone, but not in the houo·w . . apply makeup. . . : Always line the lips. This will ... Curl the eyelashes. Before buying balance the mouth with the eyes, as well as curlers, take them out of the package and ~ving defin.ition to the lips. A bronze lip- test them for adequate tension. liner goes with everything. ... Apply mascara (only black or . . .. Af~r f~llowing the natural lip- blue-black except for special effeCt.s) with line, feather m with the pencil to avoid a the tip of· the wand which has had the ex-harsh line. Brush in lip color. Gloss should cess mascara removed. As it dries, the wand be applied to the center of the bottom lip will separate the lash es. Mascara balances onlv. the color around the eyes. . .. Most women wear too much ... There is no reason to spend a lot ma~eup. The face sbould look balanced. of mon~y on mascara. The cheapest ma-These rapid fire edicts are laid down scara will stay on the lashes if it is oil free. with authority as Richard Stevens demon- Oil makes the mascara slide off. stra~ his expertise on his model during his . : . : (Between $600 million and $700 lecture. If you question his claim to being an million is spent on mascara each year in the a uthority on the su bject, you'll just have to U.S . -. That's just an aside Stevens uses to see his walking work of art. ======::::~~=============== ~ /J ' ~~./.~· y~~~t/ ~Yi• NATIONALLY KNOWN,· AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER Creative Jewelers, Inc. ell • (714} 760-6766 ~ ,2810 ~ •. PACIPIC COAST tiWY. •!CORONA DEL MAR • llli~tadr$v.4m • REMOUNT SPECtALIST OAIGINa&. OISIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING & AESETTINO A DESIGNER COlLECTION OF OOLD & PLATINUM JEW!LAV k• DIAMONDS• PEARLS • FINE OOlOAED GEMSTONES -- • ,OrlnQe COllt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Match 21, 1982 Cl • OA Cataline Spring IS the perfeGt seeseA Alk molt ma r..-lenta of C..tallna, and ~ wW tell you •'IDl'lna ii our favorite time of the year on the &aland!' Catalina pta viaiton each month of the year wlth the preaent dally boat ..-vice from San Pedro and Long Beach, but "everythin.11 plcka up ln the aprina," aaya Tim Muur, gen~ eral manager of Catalina Crulae9 and Its fleet ·of five apacloua, triple-decked, 700-pusenger vee1ela. The island exudes a freshness and heal- Ptineu -hills are adorned in green blankets of vegetation, baby animals peer from behind their mothers' protective hovering and wild- flowers dot the ialand. The laland buzzes with /activity; there is excitement in the air. In the harbormast.er's office, looking over the quiet waters of Avalon Harbor, Mary Sa- ~bury can begin to see and feel the traces of springtime. Slowly but surely, moorings are placed in the waters, the phone work picks up and more and more requests come in for boating res- ervations and people wanting information on harbor policies. On Crescent Avenue, in a printing office echoing from the sound of presses in the background, Leslie Kinder, too, can feel spring approaching in her work as advertising ma- nager for The Islander, Catalina's weekly newspaper. "It gets really busy, and the advertising starts picking up. People start putting in their ads for their rental \Jllits," she explained. "A lot of new people come to the island to operr up their houses. Gradually the island population begins to swell." For Cookie Romo, pleasant weather sig- nals the coming of spring as ·temperatures range from 75 to 80 degrees. Business picks up for her, too, at the Catalina Chamber of Com- merce. "That's when you know it's spring," she states emphatically. "People come over to Catalina all year long -winter is enjoyed by many visitors, but as spring approaches, acti- vity really picks up." As secretary to harbonnaster John Phelps, Salisbury sees springtime hit the island in a renewed interest in boating. "It's hard asking a local what they like about the spring, because it's usually a busy time for us. The winter is our time to kick back and relax. But spring is our time when there is lots of work. We start getting really busy here. There is a feeling of anticipation." When the temperatures hit the mid-70s, The time for relaxing is 'about over on Catalina as islanders get ready for tou- rists. the beach could pose a likely distraction for Romo -as receptionist for the chamber of commerce, she sits in an office located righ t smack on the waterfront, the sandy beach a potential lure. There's no doubt about it, 111 like the weather of spring best of all," she said. The increased traffic through her of fices, however, keeps her mind off the beach. ''We try and line up accommodations for people, and help them with .the various businesses. We help the people as best we can," she said. "We have a lot of campers during the spring. The island is so pretty during the spring. It's a good time to enjoy the scenery. And that the locals do. While the work may start to get a little more hectic, the spring still offers leisure time -enough to enjoy the true beauty of the season, traveling to the innennost sanctwns.of the island. Romo, Salisbucy and Kinder agree -there is no other time like it for enjoying nature's gifts of springtime. "For myself, I like to go to the interior and watch the sunset on the other side of the island," Salisbury said. "Sunsets are particu- Big Bear offers Alpine setting By JERRY and JUDY LENCH C•pllol New• S.rvic. What you won't find in Big Bear is swank -there are no casinos, intimate night clubs or elegant floor shows. What you \\'ill find in Big Bear is skiing, fishing, camping, riding, hiking, and general frolicking in an alpine setting. Southern Californians obviously love the lake area. According to the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce, four million visitors go there annually -more than visit all of the Hawaiian ls lands. At an altitude of 7,000 feet. the sk y is usually blue and crystal clear. Air that is a job to inhale, and. more miraculous by most Sou- thern California ~tandards, air you can't even see! Lovely. Our recent two-day trip began as a spur- of-the-moment frolic. We wanted to hike in the snow before it all melted and we delibe- rately chose mid-wee k to avoid difficulty in finding accommodations. We chose a pleasant cabin near Big Bear Lake Village. complete with fireplace. With logs bought at the Safe- way, we enjoyed. an evening fire and a brandy after a day of gamboling in the snow. Big Bear is about WO to 110 miles from Los Angeles, 120 from Orange County's major population ceriters, and just a little farther from San Diego. State Highway 18 is the direct approach from the San Bernardino area on the west, Highway 330 connects from the south, and the scenic route, Highway 38, extends from the Redlands area. During snowy weather, chains are requi- red on all ot these routes and ;jH 1s often im- passable. This crea~ monumental traffic jams when Southern California's skiers tum out by the tens of thousands to tr Snow Summit, Gold Mine, and other famous resorts. There are eight cbair lifts and dozens of surface lifts in the resort area. One delightful surprise to us was the quality of food available at several places. Of course, there are the inevitable fast-food franchises, but , there are some goodies, too. Imagine, if you will, enjoying sauerbraten, aged for seven days in a 50-year-old barrel1 along with potato pancakes (lightly fried, suc- culent, not oily) and fresh red cabbage. All of this for about $10. That was our menu at the Log Cabin Res taurant in Big Bear Village. Owners Robert and Barbara LeCroy are car- rying on a tradition established by the restau- rant's original owners and they have added fine French dishes, as well. The chefs of that gemutlich feast we de- scribed, by the way, are both 19 years of age! The proprietor's son, Tom, and friend, Mike Ramirez, both have served their apprenti- ceship at the Log Cabin Inn. There's hope for the future of American cookery. We loved the drive up and down Highway 18. The contrast between towering pines at higher altitudes and the semi-arid vlain below is always a captivating sight. The unique and wonderful thing about Big Bear is the relative ease with which you can leave high-pr~ure, urban Los Angeles or San Diego and be in a relaxed, outdoorsy community, ready to be renewed. Which is, after all, the definition of recreation. The Chamber of Commerce will be pleased to send you a colorful illustrated booklet describing the area's attractions. Write to Manager Gloria Holt, Big Bear Lake Valley Chamber of Commerce, Box 2860, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. Europe on sale. Seven countries in 1~ days for $1218 When TWA puts Europe savings. And it includes on sale, you get Europe at hotels, sightseeing trips in all its best Our Getawaye the major cities, most meals, "Vista" Vacation gives you t and even a theater ticket in 17 days in England, / London. Holland, Germany, / All for only $1198 to Switz.erland, Italy, _... . .... __ _. $1258.• And with TW~s Monaco and France-at tremendous great low fares, you' I! save on air fare, too. March ls Ge1away Month at: Mesa Wrde Travel & Tours MESA VERDE CENTER 2701 So. H.-bot Bou ... wd Coet9 M.e, CA 92928 hire going to like us -..111111•• .... Ind II beeed on per pcrlOft, doubla~ . - Avalon on Catalina Island begins to come to life during the spring. Many islanders believe it is the most fabulous time of the year. larly beautiful in the spring. Wildflowers are blooming and the hills are all green. I like-the feeling of everything opening up with nature." Kin der likes to spend as much time as possible in the interior, too, the scenery being unmatched in the spring. "Sometimes we look for mushrooms -if they're pink on the inside, then they're safe and they're okay to eat. I love to go hiking. And you see lots of youn -buffalo, Cultu re tour readied A cultural and pho- tography tour will take travelers to Greece, Italy, Swit- zerland, Paris and London this summer.• The itinerary has b een arranged by Phillip Sopocko, a Golden West College professor and program coordinator for the Photography Instruc- tors A ssociation of Southern California. . .... ,, and wild geese by the reservoir. "It's really the prettiest time of year," Kinder continued. "Everything is so peaceful and quiet in the interior. The baby buffalo are blondish-brown in color, and all legs. You might even be able to see a fe w bald eagles, too. We have about 10 on the island now. 'rhe Island Conservancy started bringing them over in 1980. So, if you're lucky, you might see one." Sopocko says his programs are designed to provide learning experiences and are flexible e n o u gh to meet the needs of all partic1 pants. .: :_ \ M . ;?'/ For more informa- tion call Sopocko at 595-5151. ·~- ;z~~· / /l / "'41 E." Uoc~o Onw Xo""''''· AZ 1<5253 ~ 602 / 948-711 1 or toll fre·e 800 I 228-9290 Effective over the Easter Holidays THE ENTERTAINERS ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' - I ..... 'I.. Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 21, 1112 . . II SHERMf:-J'-! 1'f c;;LAY 4 I capez10 ... I ~.SOUTH COAST PLAZA ' • ..t....-. • , .. . \ • I I I IUNDAY. MAACH 21, 1MI TELEVISION 05 . .. Australian moviemaket:s search ~--­ for identity 'K!_ith excellent films ... 'D6 Banki~g on business I ' Two new Laguna Beach financial ins'titutions • share rich histories, compete for customers By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of .. .,..,,... ..... A clairvoyant might relish a trip to two new banks in yaguna Beach. A studied look at the arl-filled interior of The Laguna Bank on Forest Avenue could bring back visions of sugar plums that were decorations of Christmases past when Eschbachs entertained ho- liday visitors. CUSTOMERS COMFORTABLE -Customers at the Laguna Bank can sit in swivel chairs while transacting business. The·stained glass mosaic above d e picting a warrior at the campfire was part of the Eschbachs' d ecor. Tina Fierro is teller at left, Teri Woods at right. Or listen -is that the sound of the old Laguna News Post press? (The building once housed the newspaper plant). A few blocks away on Broadway, a visitor to Laguna National Bank and Trust Co. -without too much effort -might visualize the shiny, new Bulcks once sold inside the remodeled structure. "Someone comes in and is very pleased," said Joan Chapman, chairman of the board for The Laguna Bank. "We will give a tour of the building -much of the interior is the same as when it housed Esch- bachs -but we don't charge 50 cents to get in." That charm is "something we were proud to maintain," Mrs. Chapman said. There is original art on the walls, stained glass, paneled wood. Laguna National Trust has lush carpeting and huge green plants. ' Emphasis of each new bank ls community service. Officials pooh-pooh recent publicity questio- ning whether the two new facilities made banking too competitive in a town of 18,000. There are five bank branches and five savings and loan operations. The two are the first independent banks approved ln Laguna Beach in 25 years. "A survey showed we could open and get our share of the market," said Richard H. Tunnicliff, president and chief executive officer of Laguna National Bank and Trust Co. "We are not concerned with what other banks are doing. We are concerned with getting new deposits and are busy trying to develop business.'' Tunnicliff said. He said the first three months show the bank's growth is on projection. Figures at the end of February record total deposits of just ove.r $3 million and a three-months loan figure of $3.4 million. Tunnicliff, with nearly 47 years in banking, says his bank is seeking business froru all aeg:ments of the community including business and profes- sional men and women. "We offer personalized service and coruiatency in dealing with the same bankers on an ongoing basis," Mrs. Chapman said. "A customer can esta- blish good rapport here. An employee is likely to be here day after day as our turnover is almost i.e.ro." The bank deposit base in Laguna Beach is more than $280 million. "With the amount of dollars in Laguna related to the number of ban.ks we felt there was room for another bank.'' Mrs. Chapman said. There have been some claims of politics involved in each bank "coincidentally" opening Dec. 1, 1981. Most recent records at The Laguna Bank show deposits of $6 million and assets of $9 million. "We try to keep a 75 percent loan-to-deposit ratio," Mrs. Chapman said. "Customers are referred to us by satisfied friends and associates. '"We can respond quickly to the customer," she said. "At branches the managers are usually pro- moted. up and away. The sphere of influence is in our bank -immediate and direct. She said 70 percent of the 250 shareholders live in town. There are eight directors and 50 founders who work daily promoting the bank and more than 70 bwJinesees in Laguna Beach have accounts there. The Comptroller of the Currency in Washing- ton, D.C. is the approval agency for national banks. The Laguna Bank capitalized at $3 million at $10 a share. Laguna National Bank and Trust Co. capi- talized at $4 million. While economy experts forecast gloom and doom, officials at each bank see good times 'econo- mically for the Orange Coast. "The economy affects everyone to a degree," Mrs. Chapman said. "But then~ will always be dis- cretionary dollars. There will always be a need for food, shelter, clothing and banks." CHRISTMAS STORE NOW A BANK -The exterior of what was once Eschbachs, a popular spot at Christmastime, is now The L aguna Bank. Two passersby stop to look through the . window at what is the reception area, below. ANOTHER OPENING - The Laguna National Bank and Trust co., left, once housed an auto dealership. At another time, the area to the right of the sign was the service bay for foreign car repairs. The bank houses a spacious interior, right. Karen McKinney, a business development consultant, sits at a desk where new cars were once show cased. Ernest George, board chairman, is at desk in background. o.ar Piiot Pftot• by Nc:twd ICoeNef Tina Fierro, seated at wood-paneled desk, talks with employee Teri Woods. The exterior of the building is the same as it was when it housed Eschbachs and much of the old charm also has been retained inside. State sets example 'with work sharing plan Workforce remains intact while fir!tJ.s reduce payrolls Bt PAT DUNN or .. .,..,,... ..... A growtnc number of Calilomia employen and worken are benefiting from a state law - first ln the nation -that pay1 partial unem- ployment insurance benefits to worken who Iha.re a lhoc1er work week. The Employment Development Department reportl that since the 1978 enactment of the Work Sharing Unemployment Inaurance pro1-ram, more than 2,500 employers ha\le filed re- duced. work plana for 88,000 worken u an al- ternative to layoff• (data through February 1982). Tbe WOl ken receive a pro raca lhare of their unemployment imurance benefits to IUpplement reduced waa-. • California was the first state to enact such a plan. More recently, Arizona and Oregon have introduced similar ones. Because of its pcmible use as an anti-recession measure, the program is attracting national attention from both lndultry and government. according to the Employment Development Department. 1 Belore the law went into effect, an em- ployer faced the probabWty of permanently lo- CONSUMI R CLOSEUP ilng trained and experienced workers when a temporary layoff occurred. Now both worker and employer have a way of ecting '°8ether to minimiJie the impact of such dia'uptlona. For example, under thi1 proaram. an em- ployer may reduce the work week of 100 em- ployee1 from five days to four daya bwtetd of laying off 20 workers to achieve the aame 20 penie11t redue1ion. All 100 worken conUnue to earn wages for four days of work and are eligible for unemployment benefits for the fifth (non-working) day. A worker eamlfli $200 for a five-day week would receive $160 for a four-day IChedule and then be eligible for one fifth of a week's unem- ployment insurance benefit for the fifth day. For this w.,e-wamer, the benefit payment for one- fifth of a week would be $18. Th~ the week's i.noorne for th1a ~would toe.al $178. The 2,270 plans submit1ed by employers and approved by the Employment Development De- partment throuah January 1982, cover a wide ranee of manufllClurtnl, trade and aervice lndu- sUiee throughout the 1cate. Moet of the plans (1,440) call fOI' reduction of 20 percent ln w-aes and work week. Under the procram, an employer ii able to keep the work force intact during a temporary •tbadt and the employee recaln thelr jobs. If the employer muat reduce the work force per- manently, th1a pl"Oll'UD allowl time for the af- fected worken to find other employment. The program contains the following provi- sions: -F.ach plan must provide for a reduction of work or wages of at least 10 percent of the re- gular work force in the affected work unit. -There must be a reduction of at least 10 percent in the hours of work and wages of the affected unii aa a result of the reduced work time. -Any concerned employee bargainiJl8 unit must agree with the plan. -To be ellgible for unemploynient benefits, the worken on a temporary reduction mU1t be able and available for full-time work, but they are not required to aeek other work. &nployees on a permanent reduction mu1t be able and. available for full-time work -and they must actively seek other work. Interested' employen "*Y obtain a booklet on the pr'OIJ'am by contactina the Unemployment Divl1lon, MIC 40, Employment Development Department, 800 Capitol Mall, Sacramento ~14 . • • Ol ... OGllt DM.V PILOT,..._,...,_ 11, :tta Fol~ lllW IM 11oclc mtUktt actlvltllJ of publicly tradtd Orange County firms/or IM w.k Mil-' Frlday. March 19. Data provided by Newport Stcwrltlts Corp. · •AM• !m •MMl•n•• rlOllCICTI i11uot1J:.f .. ::!1.. f .,,..,,-,,-,-.:,-ua--.. -.,.....-.. -.-0-1 ·~: • LDCATIOI OS.U1U•lt CN•llOI t 1 flHol t la 100Cl'o -·---.. ······----·-··· ---·----·-····· ·-------·---···------· --·--······ .... ____ ··--· ----------------------·-·---- I AIJM "'•"" l Al\M Cor,. i :::;::~·· s ..... , •••. 6 ........ "· f ..... Tll.-1 ...... ........ ~;r.:' ...... levPOrt l n oll ~:r=:' .... 11 "'·,...-··· ., . .... ...... 4 ., •• =:i:1u~~·;.r •. ::- 11o11e bldl • & elHt. ..._.. 4.H 4.,o .. ,., ·'' u.,,., ··n ... ) •••llO .1 .M Pell ,,,, '·'° OTC •• eo T.00 OTC 1.t o l.H -'·, ···1 •. ' ,_,._,, • t.s io.• 1 . t·"·I' • 6. O. 6 • .. 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Strto Chart laco-..dtr Vlld lift oerl< Rao• T,.ac111 tetraY•ftov. Cathe ter a.al e1\.at.e 6 pert. S.wtttc• a. loan S..teond\Jct.Of" wda • ln•u.1t. ~oe•.a.a •oh. lliltll Qt,.,. ttNtn.ah llolflUI 41•1· kilo lftto P'f'OO•••lnc Prff "'•· CT SoanMro rteo. tnalr. l •r•. 011 & OH 011 on4 Ou .9ohr llHtl•c 11•· MoM Con•tM.tc\ lOfl ~utar printer• • ... ,.., .,, l••.1 Corae,.ett '' raohc" hUtl 'Yrnlt..ir-e Ho .. Conet. I oo. 1\11. T•leohOf\e 3wat. Ot 1 •nd Ca• "'• lnt•creud Clro llobllt ~-0 Ort U lnc t.ooh I eq. neo. t1u t.r.1 s••· UI U IDAO 6.1] 6.1) 9.1' 1 t.2S OTC HIDAO UIDMI IUDAO ·" .is t: i:: '.oo •. ,. OTC .10 lllDMI I .JS •alDAO T .so :::~ :U WllDAO 1lo.OO • 10 a.so T.SO ·" llO 11.2s UIDAO 1.S6 1,56 OTC 4.~ ).00 UC J.11 ),00 OTC 1.6) 2.0 UIDAO 2. 1) 2. 11 ur "· 50 16. 6) H lllAO 2.~0 •UDAO 1.00 H SIAO 5.50 llUI 11,11 .. IDAO .)8 UID&O ,56 ), I) 1.00 s.oo 11.81 :l: u:: :~ s:Z; HSIAO 1X. n '7. 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' o. )3 IC 1 .6~ . •.) '·" IC (O.~) IC 0. I! .. 8.2 10.92> llC 11.2 9.' 8.' 5-)1-11 ,_,,_., 12·) •-to •1-26-to 9.30.-1 9· )0·10 11-11-80 1.11.11 1-n-11 1. J 1-80 1·)1-81 6°)1)..I• •· 10-81 6-)0-81 12-)1-80 9-10·8• 6-10-1• 12.11-80 ., .... 4, 11-11-80 ·~-l'-80 •2·1•-80 ,_ J0-80 l· I0-8• 2-28-81 2-21-81 9· )0-80 l?·l•-80 •0-)1-10 9-)0-80 •-10-81 llC 1.01 • 6.6 (O.O•) IC ,57 MC 0,11 -•s.• co.•&> • 2.6 2.06 7.1 6-)0-81 -6-10-81 6. I tz. l 1.to J.' 12.-11.!o • • l·l•-8• 6.9 '2·l•·!O ?~:m '9,•01 T,)10 6,21) .. ·'" llT .ooo •1.6•• 10,6)1 .. ,90T •O,OS2 16,0 .. 19.119 "' .05t 6,01),JtS """ 12.901 u •.•ti n. ,,, 6),511 SO,OT6 •J.9'• 2,)11 20, 70'r 2,TU ::m •,96) t,19S 18,s•8 ,, 2,99' Tl,219 '·'" 10,1~ SS,611 ;z:m a•e 15,0IS 10.u 2 10,761 219 '·"' ..... , ~::m 1 .•oo 1,569 2'3 121,255 52 .•28 J,086 ~~:m i•.•oo 10, •IT 11.021 •8.65) 11•, 1JO 1 .985.100 .. •.6TO 121.00 H. B• Jl. 59• 2,on T, J8T 9,•99 .. m i.n• 2,997 ''· 111 t6,04it 108,511 2• ,6ll 2 . 890 116 .886 Ir TOO llOUU> Lllll TO RICIJfl • .,POIT SICOUTlU COIP •• llOITllLf MDISUTTlll "'"' OUllGI couwn ~toCI ftCPOIT" OR fllDIVlOU.ll. HPORTS DI Tiii .uou C014PllllS CAW. (T IO) 9ST-•08• (U I ro• J rrnn L. ULP&TlllCi . ,,IJIODTI i:m ~: ... , HI t.5'9 5,161 TSO 1.•08 1,256 -l.110 l . 132 1.101 •st.n1 ),SM ' '·"' ,,, -to1 ;:m •S, 126 )10 1,SlS · ll• 1 2 .. , 211 -716 •. 218 ·TS9 -167 Z,920 loJ' TU ), •72 •,o•• 929 .1s1 ),709 179 I, 159 -TT~ '1 l,n• '. 1)1 7,15) 125 _,. 160 -26 10,&29 •.6!8 Tl •• ,,,0 652 10,100 689 .1 Tl• .1.015 79,071 H0,000 1,901 _,, 8 .. 61 '. !90 t. "' -1,n8 ~·6 -1"8 ·S6• 1,ou ·2S -•61 89• 1,569 ".900 -~01 JZI .1,q5' 1,)65 .lf I 165 •9• ·'9S 1 ,502 A t•) lllDICUIS TllU •DIPOU SICURITIU COIPOUTIOI IUS I 1'1111.ISlll> 'l~Clf H POU UUUILI O~ TlllS COK,UT h\el\ll•• tttort1 ..ue a d• \0 u.avr-e Ua• acowr•cf &od t.tMU•••• or U.• d:at.a e0fttala•4 •• t.b .. • t.&.blt•. vhloh er• Ma•d oo •Got.ire•• ••ll••ff to ttie r-•11••1•• Mt tueh aocvraci, a.Ad tl•lln••• .,.. 60\ au.rant••• ar.d l4vport S.ovrHI•• a.Ad t.hh n•v•-paper •••__., oo llaltUU., tor an7 lnaecuraoh• or u.nllM lle••• or Utt data pt,1bllah.e Mrt. MIKlllltlASI GE qualifies for tax refund NEW YORK (AP) -General Electric Co., which earned $1.65 billion last year, still qualifies for an income tax refund of up to $100 million, thanks in part to its active role in a controverslal provision of the 1981 tax act. credit to another company, then leases back the equipment. Thus the credit seller gets a cash infu- sion and continued use of the equipment, while the other company gets the tax breaks. The credi t buyer gets a one-time investment tax credit equal to 10 percent of the value of the equipment purchased, and then the depreciation write-offs in the years to come. The provision allows companies to buy and .ell tax credits on new plants and equipment. Called tax leasing, or "safe harbor" leasing, It was meant to give companies with little or no profit -and little tax liability -incentive to invest in new equipment since they could "sell" their credits to a company that could U8e the deduction. Besides GE, International Business Machines Corp. was a major purchaser of the credits in 1981 , while Chrysler Corp., Ford Motor Co., Asarco Inc. and B.F. Goodrich Co. w ere among the sellers. A. company, on paper, sells the equipment and REDWOOD 2X6 -36 LIN FT. 775-1491 16808 S . HARBOR DECKING ._,TO ST AIT A FOllCLOSUU7 17141 542-511 I STAN-SHAW CORPORATION. Professional Excellence Since 1951 WE'RE A LOT M•E THAii A BELL • Y-WALL Behind the bell. Behind the lamous Seacoaet allcker. Behind all the stat.of.the art protection deYloee we make and !natal I& Seecout central station. When en alarm goes oft on your property. we get the tlgnal In a near- by,· 24-hovr·a-day centtal station. tt the elgnal Indicates fire, burglary or holdup, *9 caA the polla. Of fife de- pertmen1. ' Since our central ttatlon la UL hted, our central atatlon cuatomere ~ = • alable dleoount on And to lncr.eaM our rMch, make reeponM time even feater end lm-P'OYe 9ffldelioy ... ,. computerizing our lldon. But irnpnMmelltl nn't new to 8eeco9lt We've.._, getting b9t1er tor 21 ~ And todey ... ,.. the leedert In the MQMtty ~ In the twtJor .,.. With °""' 10,,000 CUlfomera lnctUdll"3 • wide renge of big and emel retall, lndwtrlel end comtnerci.l • tableh neots. To ftnd out men about s.oo.t centrll 11111on write Of oome by our new fllOllty at 248 twport Bl\ld., Cceta Mele. Profit sharing negotiated Drl'R01T (AP) -The United Auto Worbn and General Moton Corp. need to narrow their dlfferencee on profit 1bartna, plant cloeinp and auaranteed lncome toe ... Wd-ott ~ u. union'• chief n.aotia• _...Saturday• berp'nlna aonUnued on a new aontnct. "On tome lnues, we are very, very cla.e," Owen Bieber, UAW vice pretident 1n charte ot the GM Depert:ment, Mid at a new. briefine. "11ut there are sui.t.ntial difterencea on eome other lmuet." . Bieber Nld the two •Idea, which met for 17 houn Friday, continued woridna, but added: ''I am not going to pred.lct a timei.ble for ending the talk.I at this point. Certainly, we're IOlng to star here and work u long aa the tempo dictates that.' Bargainen were trytna to work out dltferenoes in~t.-lharini "numberl," Bieber said, and were " about" eeven plants that GM NII announ· oed be phaaed out In the next two years. "The 1-ue of cloeed plants la obvtoualy a very tough issue," Bieber said. However, be uld ~ on UAW-repreaent.ed plants not covered by the national agreement and 10me 1eniority proviaiona have been eettled. IHVfTU YOU TO OU.. QL9 &SlbVER OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, March 23, 6:30 • 9:30 P.M. at 12 Corporate Plaza • Suite 200 Newport Center, Newport Beach WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: • Projection of prices ol gold and silver lor the next live yeara. • Spec.Ille dates to buy and •ell gold and 111'1/er • A compendium of thinking ol 20.000 hours ol computer asslated research that has resulted in 60 In-depth etudles on gold • silver • interest rates -atock market RESERVATIONS REQUESTED RSVP (714) 76G-HOO ·ASK FOR STEVE BIZAL $//Ill :/1l 11 \\Ml\ a .. .. " .. . . . ., .. . . H S •" 30 watts per chenn.1, minimum rms Into 8 ohms from 2G-20,000 Hz, with no more then 0.02~ toi.I harmonic dlltortlon Save s120 199~~ 0 Equalization (EQ) Switch for Solid Bass from Mini Speakers • Auto-Maglc'll Fine-Tunes, Locks-In FM Stations • 11-Step Bass, Treble and Midrange Controls Dramatic price-cut-"big-component" power! LED FM-stereo. tuning and signal strength displays, FM muting for noise-free tuning, 14 up-front pushbutton controls for easy operation. Hear it today! #31 -1999 s~&,"L $~~~Sll~~e "~""";..,..,..",.,,., AM/FM Stereo Recefver • Two Nova®·10 W•lnut Veneer Spe•kers Wlth 8" Puslve Radiator, 8" Woofer, 21h" TwHter, Lattlc•Work Grille • LAB-395 Direct-Drive -.... Automatic Turntable Wtth $29.95 Reallatlc/Shure R4 7EDT Magnetic Cartrtdge Another winning combination from Radio Shack for lovers of clear sound and clean styling. Step up to component hi-fi at low cost! Cut 20°/o ' ,, .. f. BJ ITBVE MJTCHELL or .. .,..,,......, In Laauna Beach me1al rental unlta can be located 1n a converted 1arep, an upstairs atudlo or • ~bedroom equipped with hot plate and IDlAll re tor. o the owner of such Wepl lodstnp. they're a mNnl of paytna the monaage, often steep 1n the Art Colony. To many resldenta, they are the only meana of maintaining a divene population in Laguna Be.ch by offering affordable renbl for low-lncome artiata, studentl and the elderly. , To the city and many city taxpayers, they mean additional residents in town and, subse- quently, an additional burden on traffic, police and fire .ervioes, and public utilities. Former Councilman How!lrd Dawson, who resfined from the City Council this week -partly becauae of hia frustration over the lack of enfol'Ce'- ment regarding lllegal units -says the units "breed alum conditions." In Laguna Beach, enforcement of zoning laws regarding illegal units are only taken when a written complaint is submitted by neighbors or a city official. Dawson unsuccessfully sought a more stringent enforcement policy during the four years he was on thecouncil. . limina. . A report on the city's progress in e ting the unita -four months ln the making -was re- leased to the City Council this week. The re port says city officials are currently Processin8 40 to 50 complaints of illegal rental \.Ulits, aome complainta da~ back as far as 1978. And while city officials say it is very difficult to compute the success of the enforcement program, they say a recent practice of taking landlords to court has taken some of the ineffectiveness out of past practices. Several years ago the city changed its enfor- cement procedures from issuing citations -often ineffective because many lanalords with illegal rental units live out of town -to labeling such violations as misdemeanor crimes. The penalty upon conviction ls a jail sentence of six months or less, and/or a $500 fine. In the past two years the city has successfull)' abated illegal units through the courts in only three cases. Another four cases were resolved by letters of warning sent by the city attorney. . But city officials !ind they are returning to addresses where illegal units have been eliminated, only to find the units rented out again. As a result, the report states, the city has begun a program for rechecking illegal units on a periodic basis. Meanwhile, 'City Council members agreed the enforcement program should continue as it has in the past, with action being initiated against land- lords only when a written complaint has been rec- eived. SP ECIAL AGEN1' -Shauna Bern.acchi is a Los Angeles literary agent who sees her job as a combination of editing ability, hard- • UWlrepMto nosed negotiating skills and a good measure of mothering. ' Bibliophile becomes agent LOS ANGELES (AP) -Being a literary agent requires editing ability, hard-nosed nego- tiating skills and a good measure of mothering, says Shauna Bernacchi. · "Authors are a very special group of people, as creative people in general are. They fre- qu.ently need to work with ~pie who~ l_Ul· derstand and appreciate the1.r way of thinking and their mode of working," Ma. Bernacchi said in an interview. "The concept that you can just sit down with a pencil and you're a writer is ubiquitous in our culture. ·People <f:o not ~der­ stand what it means to be a profesmonal wnter. "Authors frequently live on the edge," she said. ''They're pushing themselves to the limits to· see where they are, and where they can go - not only for themselves but also for the book they're writing. They will take more chances of an emotional, social and psychological nature than someone who Is less inclined to be a writer. They take risks." Ms. Bernacchi, a stylish blonde in her late 30s says she became a bibliophile while running a library for armed forces ~rsonnel on Okinawa. She held a number of editing jobs after return- ing to California and ultimately wound up as editor-in-chief of Ward Ritchie Press, a respected regional publisher whose authors included Jack Smith and Howard Fast. "I did everything. Since it was a small press it was a wonderful opportunity," she said. "I had been doing copy editing and book designing from the time 1 arrived, and 1 went on to do book promotion and negotiation of s ubsidiary con- tracts, buying the paper -~ of It from begin- ning to end. I contracted with the author and arranged f o r th e binding . It was a n 18-hour-a-day job and I liked it." From Ward Ritchie, Ms. Bernacchi went on to a screenplay production company headquar- tered at 20th Century-Fox and finally to her own firm, Shauna Bernacchi & Associates, a li- terary agency specializing in play~righ~. a~­ thors, screenwriters and teleplay wnters. Its still an 18-hour day. "My involvement with my authors varies," she said. "Some of my authors are not basi~y in need of assurance and others almost need 1t on a weekly basis, and this is totally aside from the quality of the work that they do. It has to do with the nature ot the person, their personality and their needs." Ms . Bernacchi , who has a 13-year-old daughter, Vanessa, div!de~ her days betw~en negot iations with publishing houses, reading new manuscripts and trying to provide for her clients' financial needs. One of Bernacchi's clients is screenwriter David Westheimer, whose credits include "Von Ryan's Express." Another, Laura Levine, has written for the TV shows "Three's Company," "Laverne and Shirley," and "Good Times," among others. Freeway • wo~r1es NoFthwooa • By GLENN SCOTI' °' .. ~.......... '-" .. ...! Resldenbl of Northwood Village in .... ~ .. ~•Y they don't.want a freeway ln their back yarda. Their pit.ion wu made with adamant clarity during a apecla.t public forum called by the <>ranee County officials examining routes for a freeway along the so--called Foothill Transportation qrrt- dor. _ __....bl • , An alignment for the freeway.,..,.,,. 'I WQn t be chosen for another year. County Environmeltal Management Agency planner Ken Smith exp~ that Thuraclay's aeMion was to collect COl1llnellql on a network involving 52 propoeed routes. ' One route would pass between Rattlesnake Reservoir and the northeast corner of residential Northwo9<1, about a quarter -mile from nearest homes. j · "Any'alignment that runs between the hOl'lle9 and Rattlesnake Reservoir would be unaccer.table," resident Tom Glenn told the planners. 'There would be too great an impact on that village to be considered a reasonable alternative." I ~ Said Hal Maloney, president of the Northwood Village Association: "This project could have a, ra-I dical effect on the area where we live." . · The forum at Irvine High School attra9ted j;. about 85 people, with abouti a third of them from Northwood. The turnout was about twice as lar~e · i . I I as for another forum he ld Tuesday even n. n Mission Viejo. Residents there also objected to any alignment that would pass within a half-mile of existing homes. However, as Smith and private consultant Les 1 Ccp-d explained, planners are studying many align- ments that would be included in a 14-mile span of freeway from Irvine Lake to the Ortega Highway northeast of San Juan Capistrano. An environmental impact report and a route selection study will gauge the consequences of the alignments considered by planners as the most reasonable, they said. The county Board of Supervisors will make a final decision on the alignment after the re- ports are completed and public hearings are held, probably after next February, they added. Card, a traffic engineer with van Aµen and Associates, explained tnat two general alignments are being considered: one to run on the northeast side of the Santa Ana Mountain ridge and the other on the side closer to lrvine and Mwion Viejo. The freeway is intended to relieve pressure from the Santa Ana Freeway and handle traffic generated by large new subdivisions proposed in the foothill ranchlands. Projected traffic on the I · Santa Ana Freeway would be similar with either of the two general alignments, said transportation • planner Jerry Bennett. But he said the alignment on the far side of the ridge (paralleling Santiago Canyon Road) would cause congested surfn e traffic on such streets-as Irvine Boulevard. 51AIE51DE DELIVERY SALE For those of you who can't go to Europe this spring to pick up your new Porsche or Au di, we ho ve great savings on stateside deliveries. Why buy or lease your new Porsche o r Audi from just any dealership when yo u can get the special treatment at Park. For more information call 714/521-8621 or 213/921--n«. At Park Porsche/Audi we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Porsche or 1 Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Se rvice Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary . ervices. You_'ll also h~ve a pers~nal P~rk . " Consumer Representative, here co answer all your automotive que~t10~s. And, 1f you d like ~~( y. to pick up your new autom~b1le right from the factor~~ ask about our ~nique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi- ~o~'-(L-II -'Ui)• cated to giving you the first class treatment you deserve. r ,_, rl: II &a I Come in and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. 6700 Manchester Blvd., Buena Park, ca. 90621(71-t)521 ·8621 (213)921-7744 The Beach Blvd. exit off the an ca Ma frttWay. UNLIKE ANYOTH ER M=t<···· 6700 Manchester Blvd. i'O=tlC"i AUi>i Buena Park, Ca 90621 I . l crsc ATSC't Board of Dlreaton, S,.ff, and Support Group~ to thalik our -,,,.,,de In ttt. community for having the vllloa to .upport A TSC'• /uvenlle divert/on counN/lng program and contrlbuUng 1ow.r.da our fHIW permanent (aolllty In Santa Ana Heights. On Friday, March 28, the Aawament and T1'811tment Services Center of ' Coaatal Orange County will celebrate the first year at our new location. A TSC welcomes all oUr ow.ta who will be attending th6 Champa E/ytN»s Ball st the Ma"lott Hotel In Newport 8-ch. We look forward to a great evening of dining and dancing, and an exciting auction featuring a Bombard Society Balloon Trip, s "semester st sea" and a shopping adventure at Neiman Marcus . T.HANKS . YOU, .... THE COMMUNITY, A TSC appreciates each guest's donation ... your COtltrlbutlon to this fund-raiser Is extremely Important for the continuation of A TSC's juvenl/e diversion program. . FOR YOUR SUPPORT . .. .. ___ _.!!!!!!!lm!!!!!!ml!!ll In pairtlculer, A TSC thank a the follow Ing donors. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ill HOST COMMITTEE Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gering General chairman Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Kremer Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Gerkin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Haley Or. and Mrs. Daniel G. Aldrich Or. and Mrs. Harvey Green Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Wiener Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Carlson Sheriff and Mrs. Bred Gates CONTRIBUTORS Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michelena Buddy Bombard, The Bombard Society Ray and Marty Lenahan, Design Plaza Travel Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wilson M. Jacques of Fashion Island. Newport Beach Tim Parker, Neiman-Marcus A Friend of ATSC Robb Friedline, Floral Designs Shipboard Education-Semester at Sea' Mr. and Mrs. John H. Scudder Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Lind Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson Hans Prager, The Ritz Restaurant Hal O'Neil, South Coast Cultural Services League Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Toomey Jon Loeb. Marriott Hotel of Newport Beach Penni McRoberts, McRoberts Media A TSC Is a private no.n-proflt organization dedicated to the objective: ARREST THE PROBLEM , NOT THE CHILD. It is a juvenile diversion program aimed at providing an alternative to the juvenile Justice system for local police and the youthful offenders who come In contact with them. The center offers a program which uses a professional team to provide a service to youths and their families to resolve a variety of problems which can lead to delinquent behavior . . CHAMPS EL Y8EE8 BALL COMMITTEE Mr. and Mra. Michael C. ~erlng (General Chairmen), Mrs. Mich.., A. Toomey, Mre. Oelane Thyen, Mrs. Hall Seely, Mra. Peter Shea, Mrs. J. Robert Fluor, II. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: George E. Dathlell (President), James Dale (Vice Preeident), Elaine J. Parker (Secretary), Donald R. Hofflander (TrMIUrer), June R. Adamt, Lewla S. Akerman, Jr., John w. Appfegate, W.ttet R. Gayner, MIC::hMt c. Gering, Charlel w. Heeter, George H. Janee, Irwin Kempfer, Roger E. LlghthOldir, J\ldlth H. Looe, Lora Lee Moore, Margaret F. Reed, Calvln P. Schmidt, John H. Scudder, Elizabeth A. Toomey, Loring' P. Warmington, Robert W. WllCOx. ' \ .c:ACJ'SC THI AIUIM•NT AND TMA'rmNT laRVICal CINTU PATRONS Mr. end Mrs. Byron M. Tarnutzer Patron Chairmen Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dashiell Mr. and Mrs. Roger Turner Or. and Mrs. Frank R. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koll Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Warmington Mr. and Mrs. Howard Richardson Dr. and Mrs. DeLane Thyen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warmington , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carver Mr. and Mrs. James Warmington Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiiam Parker Mr. and Mrs. Alan· Ryplnskl Mr. end Mrs. Donald Lawrenz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guggenheim Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler . Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Toomey Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steele Or. and Mrs. John W. Applegate Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hester Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michelena Mrs. Margaret F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gering Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Gayner Mr. and Mrs. John Coelho Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Christiano Mr. and Mrs. nm Parker Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Haley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crary Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Strader Mr. Roy Carver Ill , 1981 Orchard Drlw (one block IOUth of Brtet<>\ on the comer of lrvtne AVWl\19 end Orchard Drtw), Santa Ana, CeHfornla 92707, 549-1814. ·• 1 LMf OP lHI WILD ... WOllWr8 DGBT I* CIHMTOfltB Ol.Olll• ... I ~Y'a MUCilON ..... °""' MlMC ANOntl , I,; UOKINWON> I ~YIMNC LA YOUTH ANO THE MUM l :::e.~ aut«)AY MOANING ~: .... Interview with e11-CIA egent llnd eiuthof Frank 8nfl)p; • prollle of Pulitzer Prtze.. wlnnlnQ writer Peul Hof'· x:·DNCTlOH8 ii HAMVCHAPIN'8 COTTON PATCH Some of the let9 Hany CN!pln'e last ~ from the off.lkoectwey ml'*8I "Cotton Patch Goepel" .,. pef'formed. cc:>MOW! * ·~ "Hardly Working" (1981) Jwry Let Lewt., 8uun OllYW. Aftllf the drcua ~ down, • vet· • .,, clown ,,. hla hand at varloul ~. lallin;f,l m.._ablyat them al. 'PG' UO (%)MOYIE **'A "Who'I That l<nc>c*· Ing At My Doo<?" (1967) Harvey Keitel, Zina Bethune A young mwi liv- ing In New YOf11'a Uttle lta- ly • h.. trouble adjusting when he embetka on a romance ""lh a blonde WASP. .al) I COMMfTMENT THAT'S CAT • A08ERT SCHUUEA I PEOPLE7 AMENCA:ntE 8ECONC> CENTURY I! ~PUl.SE (l)EU8IEI A• aplritec:t tnput• to the ganklt ol ~ Euble BIMa. IMturing 24 ol his ball eongs Including "In Honay9Udlle Tlma'' and "I'm JUl1 Wiid About Har- i 'MOVIE ••in "The Shogun Warrt- or1: Orandl:zer" ( 1981) Ani- mated. A ~I robot defend• Earth when It Is Invaded by Vegan lnvad- ara. 8e46 <JD MOVIE • * * "Chapter Two" (1979) J-Cun. Mat- ltla Muon. Soon eftar Illa wife ·1 death. a writer finds himMlf raluelantly l1illtng In love again. 'PG' 7:00 I LOUIS AUl<EY8ER WHITNEY ANO ntE A080T I UTT\.E RASCALS rT 18 WAITT!H IJ KENNETH COPB.AHO • DA y Of' °'8COVERY • CARTOONS I YOGA FOR HEAL nt SPECTRUM QI 8UNOAY MA88 7:30 8 SUNDAY MORNINO Scheduled Ill lnlanllew with ex-CIA agent ~ author Fr.,. Snepp; 1 prollle of Pulitzer Prize.. winning wrller Paul Hor- Q!n. U RAINBOW PATCH 8 CAMPUS PAOflLE "Pelvlc Health" Guests: Or Betta Adema. llCtrMS Janie Paige. ac:tr88$ l(lftl Lankford. • JNVf SWAGGART • MISTER AOOER8 (R) {() TV .. LOOKS AT ~ 0 SEAACH CllTHEWOALD TOMORROW (C)MOVll * •'A "The Kid From L.n Fleld" ( 1979) Gary coi.. man, Robert Oufflaume. A bat boy's atrategy lllU~ • toeing baMball tNll'I on • wlnr)lng ltraek that tall.. them to I.he Wortd Sar1at. 1:00 D THIS 18 ntE UFE 8 POP£'fE AHO FMN08 • PEA80NAL OIMEHSIONS 1J LLOYD OGILVIE • OYEW1WE "The Letter" WIHle and Pll)O forge 1lowi.ttar10 Grandpa lrom hi• old -'heart, GIOrla dal Mar (Yvonne oa Catt9).i{ 1 :-v~WB.L AEXHUMMAO MOYIE • • ... ''Plndldttt Gland PflJI" (1NO) Animated. Attar 1111 car dat6gn Is tlolan by .,, 9ll-cotlali0U9. a brllllant mechanic dac:ldal to bulld an even better r.clno rnacHne and comP91• with his riamaele. ·o· (%)MOYie I ••• ~ "The Stnnger" ( 1N7) MlllOlllo ..._roi.. nl. Anna Kattna. A4tC*d lrom fie ncNlll by AIMl't Camu1. A llandtome. atona-llaarttd ttrattci-r ~ 900l9tf• ooiwen- Qone _.~the prtoe. ... 00\'W't Gu9IU: Dr.~ c w. ..,,,., min.. "' "°89' CHAlllL LISTINGS e 'kNJ(T IC8$1 e KNIC INIC> .ti.A (llld ) e 9CIA8CI • FM8 (CBS) e KHJ·TV (Ind.) e KCST CABC> ·IC~llN) •teC~TV (Ind t •KCIT<NS> el<OCI ,,.., CELEBRA110 N -Frank Sinatra pa.rti· cipates in celebration of 2SOth annivenary of ~rge Washingt.on's birth tonight at 9 on KABC (7). Wllllama MIMlonery Bap- llat Church. Loe ~; R-end Joan Cempbell, Auocl111 o-•' Sact• t111y of the Nllk>nal Coun- cil ol Church; Slater n--Dodol o1 Ow Ledy of Mdbu SCtlool. 8 TOOAY'8 8lACK WOMAN • a.ETINO TIME AT CN..VAlft I FREDEAICK K. PRICE NATUAAL HISTORY Of'A~ "MtlllllQ Ugtlt W0111" Sit' Gaofge Porter looltl at Vllfloua kinda Of IDier oof.. leclora. (Part 2) i THE LAHAYE8 KJ«)W YOUR e.lE MOVE •• "Aolldt." ( 1980) Meal Loaf, Kakl Hunter. A rodl mutlc roadie leta nothing get In hll way In hla purlUlt of the girt of Illa ~. 'PG' 9:00 8 Cl) NCAA BA8K£T8AU. Eut reolonel llNI (live from Clwlltotle. N.C.I D NEWS OONFEAENCE AHorney Oen•r•I George Deulune111111 guee1._ I PEOPl.E7 ORA.L A08ERTS • 8E8AME STREET (R) i rT 18 WRfTT9f ®MOVIE * *. "Otl Godl" ( 1977) ~ eum.. John Den- ver. God 1el1C11 an unauapec1lng young euper- marlcll manager to deliver • -aoe of hOt>8 1111d good Wiii to the akaptlcal people ol the modem-day world. 'PO' 9:30 a a MEET™" PRESS Attorney Oen1r11 George o.ukmejlan guaat,. 8 HEW ZOO A!WE G DAY Of' °'8COVERY • THEWON..D TOMC:>fW)W al KEHNETH COf'ELANO cc:>MOVE • • • "North By North- ...... ( 10591 Cary Grant. Eva Marie Stint. An adYar- tlalng man'• lite le Changed dr•tlcally when he Is mt .. taken for • CIA itgen1. 9'..46 (%) MO~ • • * "North By North- -1" ( 1959) Caty Grant. Eva Marie Saint. An advar- tltlng man·a Nf9 ls changed dr .. tk:tlly when he Is mis.- taken tor a CIA agent. 10:00 D a RN)8IOE 15-4'ound W8A Junior w-. terwelght Champlonahlp ~ titleholder Aaron Pryor encl Mlgua4 Montlna (live from Atlanllc City. N .... ). 8 MOVIE * * * "Wollder Men" ( 1945) Danny Kaye, Virgin- ia Mayo. • 8A8E8AU. 80NCH Holl: Johnlly Bench. Guatt: Pete AoM. 8 HERALD OIFTRUTH • OOOOEA DUGOUT • n4E LAwt.W<ERI Corre1pondent1 Linda Wertheimer end Cottle Roberta )oln Paul Duke for an up.to-the-minute aum- mary of Congr ... 1on1I actMtlet. Ii> MAGIC Of' OIL PAINTINO ())MOVIE • * • "The Big Red Ona" ( 1980) Lae Marvin. Marit Hamill A tough Army --geant lead• lour young, lnexparlanQad racrulta Into Iha viotenoe-fllled Irey of WOf1d W11 II combat. 'PG' 10:10 • DOOGE.R PRE-GAME 10:25 • PAE.sEASON 8A8£8AU GAME Loe Angelfl Dodgers vs. New York Mell 1<>:30 8 al KIDS ARE PE<>Pt..ETOO GUMll: actora Jamie Fan and Greg Hlne9. Robinaon The Maglden, MWlng wtltl Robert Hymn, Olan Thom- .. with houMtlo4d hlnll. (R) G AOKRT 8CHUU.!R I Ofl£HM1NO MAGIC OIF Oil. PAINTING .MOVIE * * "HIWll The Slayw" (1981) Jac:ll Palanoll, John Terry. An td"'9l'tlutcxi1 young men enn.t1 ltle aid of a band of w..non to light Illa 9Yt1 undl, the CMW1ord Mio killed '* ,.,,..., and II holding an abbatl for raneorn. 11:00. MOVIE • •.,. "The White warn. or" (1M1) St-~ 0.0la Moll. A trtbeil hero IMOI 1111 P9QPle aQllln9t • '1!'-** cur. • MMfBW:ect THIATRI (OJ Qn.TV (JJ Z.TV ( HBO (Cl IClnt~•I "I Remember Nellon: Bet- it." Wiiiiam Bledct., a !Ow- •r·deck gunner, 1ee1 'action wllh Nelton 11 Tralalgar -a battle that wlrlt Britain command of the -ror a a.ntury to c;orna. (Part 4)0 • WASHINB'fON WEE)( .. AEVIEW(R) ®MOVIE • • y, "The Blaca Peart" ( t978) GNber1 Roland, car1 Anderson. A IMn-aga pew1 diver must contend with a deadly mwita ray In order to retrieve a valuable bltlQll pearl. 'PO' 11:05 (Z) MOVIE ••'h "Any Which Way Vou Can" ( 1980) Clint Eatwood, Sondra Loc:tte. a.fore Nttllng down with hll girt and pet orangutan, a bar•lllted fighter algna up for one !alt, 1ucr111va matCh 'PG' 11:15 II NCAA 8A8KET8ALL M~I regional ftnal (!!Ye from St Louie, Mo.). {() TO IEAHNOUNCED 11~•0 THllW&KwrTH MW> INNKlEY 1J TEMY COLJ5.. WHITTAKER G WALL STREET WEEK "Can Vou Bank On Them?" Guest: Jamea Wooden, ~ pratldent, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fanner & Smith. (R) {() MOMINTI IH TME 11:'5 Cl) 8AH DIEGO PADAES PAE4AME -AFTBtMOON- 12:00 8 Cll JOHN DENVER ca..E8ArTY BKI RACE JOhn Denver hoeta thla event featuring Cllet>rltl .. trom the world of enlllf- talnmant and 9'>0'1• (from Heavenly Valley Ski Rator11- • L08T IN BP!ia. Hoping to lend on Earth, Smith brlngl Iha Jupiter down on an alien planet.. D SEAACtt • Pl.EDGE MEN< Regularly IChadullld ~0- gremmlng iney be daleyed due to pledge btaaka. 8i) PER80NAL FINANCE AHO MONEY MANAGEMENT "Houtlng. An C>Yervlew - Where. Whit Kind, How Muell?" Cl) PRE-8EASON 8A8E8AU San Otega Padrn vs. Saanle Marinara (C)MOVIE * * • "JoMny. Wt Hardly K.-Ye" pen1 Paul Rudd, William Prince. An ambitious young lrllh Bol- tonlan, JOhn F Kennedy. •hOwt early llgn1 of • gltt for greatheN •• he baglna his polltlcal journey toward the praeldenc:y. ())MOVIE **'~ "Any Which Wey You Can" ( 1980) Clint Eae:twood, Sondra Loc:ke.. Before aettllng down with hit girl and pal oranoutan. a blff.flsted fighter algna up for -!Mt, lucrative match. 'PG' 12: 10 • Alva. OF 8AHO Camera• caplure the e11traordln1ry animal belleYlor elChlbltad when e four-year droug.hl 11rlkee the Tlve River In Kenya. 12:30 • DIAECTlON8 IJ ™E~ CD PER80NAL F1NAHCE AHO MONEY MANAOEMENT ''Renting Vs Owning: The L_ .. ·~ • • • .. Allegro Non Tt op. po" ( 197&) Animated. Life In the machine age 11 utlr- lled. 'PO' 1:00 D a 8POfmlWOflllD 10-round hHvywelght bout batw.en Renaldo Sn!c>at and Scott Frri (llYe from Atlantlc City, NJ.~ I THE MUNSTBW al IPOftTUIAT G TUNTAU< ··0n Suicide'' • AIJAM..12 Malloy end Read tum up a n'IUl'dar IUliC)aCt In .mat "'81 appear• u • 1111-anct.- run pedallrtan tat.itty. • AMINCAH 8TORY "Victory At YOf'ktown" (8) M,PNIY MATmW 8'*'91 adlllol on Pl'-* money ~·ton toploe ranging lrom lnGol"9 tu ~ to ~ ldaat In t"' .. oc11 marillt and money "*111t f\lndl II offWed. 1:0l(J).,.. ** "The Hand'' (19111 MldlMI c.Jne, Anclr• MarccMool. ..... "'°'" dent• end nlghtmar .. beglrl llllpptnlnlJ Ir\ • oer- toonttt' • lift atlar llt ~ tN lote o4 • hand. '"' 1:111.-:.:' AM, ""al rovl'lcl of r u1e ....,.,.... .............. ...... "'lflt _.....Md ....-b•ll Pftllmlnertae • ·~HoMMu • ......,. • lHI Q9fT\.I ~ °'*" ................ I 5' I 2 """"' If .. ~--~ ........ ........ 'c 9'•,... ...... • ••n•c"" w~' a o•&a • • ...... -...Of ... "'" __. &M •om ._ r_...._ ._.,. °"* • ....,_"'Ponte v.h,"9.). • '-l'ROOft O'Rowrllt tl'ld Agar" ......,., ""' the """" to --... ............. .MnOMC918 . ..,_.,..,,.. .. e NCMWre...,_ ftt. IClllllltJ, Motll'l'I 1111wtut•1 oowrter, 11 I .,.,.,... ...,....r«!. • AIMM-11 ....... CAH STOftY "Cfeetll'le A~ .. Ql)MOW!m * * * "I ltrlt A LAt"8r To My Lo¥a" (1 .. 1) a.-i. ~ JIM AooNeott. A mldcllil-119fd WOIMll wtlO llet '°''" MOtl OI lltr ~ .... wtng for her lnvallct brother daCllcNI '\o .,... e lettw to e ,_... par lollely ._. ~ 'PO' 2:00. OIUJQAHll lllAHO • MOVIE • • * "Dear 8rlglll•" ( 19&5) Jamee Stewart Br1- gJttt Batdot. • MOYIE • ··~ "The llobo" (fMT) Peter Sellar9, amt EklMd. • WNTINO FOR A AEAION "Spacial Peragraph1" (P8111) ~MOVIE **'~ "Hardly WOf'klng" (1N1) Jwry Lee LAwta, Susan Otl\IW. Mar the ClrCUI Cioaat down, a 118'· f'"' clown trlel nil hand at 11arlou1 ~. filling miserably at thern 1111. 'PG' (l)MOVIE * * * "TM Aaphalt Jun.. gle" ( 1950) S1-llng H-.y- den, J-Whltmote.. TM pollcl are baffled by • crtmlnal ma1termlnd'1 hall-mllllon-doller robbery. I ACAO&IY 8HORf8 2:20 THE VAHISHtNO OIAHT'8 Loretta Swlt narrllt.. a documentary on the dan· ger1 lacing the world'• whale populatlon •!Id atepe being taken to aid In their eurvlval. 2:30 I IN8MlHT OIUJOAH'B l8lANO • al U.8.A.. V8. THE WOAlD ... OLYMPtC SPORTS The U.S. natlonel IMm vs. the natlonel team oC Hun- gary In gyml\Utlca (from Atlantic City. N.J.). G MOVIE * • "Shal'locll Hotmae And The Secret tfeepon" ( 1942) a .. u Rathbone, Nigel Brvc.. 8i) WIVTIHO FOR A AEA80N "Speclal P1ragraph1" (Part 2) Cl) TOUN«AMEHT PLAY£M CtWitf'tOHIHIP (Joined In Progr-) tll8UOAARAY LEOHAAO'S GOLDEH GLOYD Aor1da YI. T-0 MOVIE * *"' "The Fiendlth Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" (1980) Pe1ar s.tlen, Sid c-. The FBI and Scotland Yard'• Dat. Mayland Smith pu<-Ille 1&8-~-old arch vtlleln M he -chat lor the lngradlantt, Includ- ing the Crown .-.... UMd to make Illa II~ longing tlbdr 'PG' 2:50•~000 SHOW HtGHUOHTS 3:000 ATONE GUMt: Patty Duke Aslin. 8 MOVIE * * * "TM Ghost Btae.k-ers" ( 1940) Bob H<>c>e. Peuletle Goddard. An ..... lly frightened men ~ a young helreel rid ,_ W•t Indies illand of ghoete and ZOftlbie9. • OIF EARTH AHD MAH "Mounlainl: Hermit King- dom, TOUftlt Pancllee'' (Z)MOVIE ***.,. "The Stranger'' (19&7) Maro.lo~ nl, Anna l<al1na. Adeptad from the noY9I by Albert Camu1. A hand1ome, stone-hearted etranger lgnor.. IOCialy'a con"*'· Ilona and peya the price. 3:30 I LMT Of' ntE WILD 9 WIDE WON.D OIF 8PORT8 J54ound WBC World Light ..... .,,weight Qlern- plonlhlp ~ Dwight 8'uton and .>arty Martin (trom Lal Vegae); Wor'h- en' a World Alcortl Hlgtl Dive Challenge (from Orlando. Fla.). G OIF EARTH AHO MAH ' "T robrland leland9: Kula And Cricket" Cl) FACe ntl NATION QIMOVIE • * 1h "Mackanna'1 Gold" I 1H9) Gregory Pack, Omar Stlarlf. A party of 21 I• reduced to three through the herdatllOt they encounter In their -.'Ctl tor gold. cc:>MOVtt • • • "latueground" (1949) VWI ~.John Hodlak. A""'1cen aoldtarl of IN 1011t'Alrboma DM- elon engage In Iha French campaign end the Battle of the Bulge. ®MOYie * *IA "A N'Ohtino-Seng In Bartl-.V 8quwa'" ( 1t7') Alc:ttard Jordan, D9Ylf N!Yen. The lllgtlt W9ldllNfl at • 8tllletl ..,.. le *"Pt· ad to rtllWTI to • tltt oC cMia 4:00 • ..,...ACI IUND4Y Looatlon: Atllfltlfn'• tncte- pendtnct HM for tt. C... fornla Crime "-'ltlOll ''*· • MOVtl •• "NtorointnCY" ( 1971Q OrlOf'I WettM, Pamela ,,..lln. • MOVll •• ...,......... (1971) Jotwt Wap a, Aloflard """*'""""· . ..,.,. * .,. ...... ,,.., """* AMfW. .IOM .......... A m;*'IOiia WOIMn oan. ..... ........... .,_ ..,,.Ill,.... .... .. tN ..... , ... " ., .. -... ..,_. Of'Mge COMt DAtLV PSLOT/Bunday, Mwd1 21, 1912 TUBE TOPPERS KOCB (50) 8:00 -''Evening at Symphony." SelJl Orawa and 1he .SO.ton Symphony Orchestra perform Tcbal· kovaky'1 Violin Concerto in D, Opus 3~. KCET (28) 8:20 -"Gala of Stara 1982." Bevtrly Silla ha1ta perfon1\&Mel by 1tara ·of o~ra. dance. theater. KNBC (4) 9:00 -0 The Towenna Inferno ... (Part 1). Suwe McQueen, Paul Newman star in movie about fire in ak)'ICraper. &ABC (7) 9:00 -"I Love Liberty." The 250th anniversary of George Washing· ton'• birth is ~lebrated by roster of pro- minent America.ns. See P,hoto, left. • THI AU..lWI AMINCAH 80HQeooK HOit ~ Shor• le 1<*'9d by Mty Colltne. Sergio Fr.ndll, Melba Moore and many otllarl for • rnueloel tribute to Amartoa'• lavot- lt• popul# claaeice from Tin Pan Alley to Holly- wood. G PROJECT UNIVERH {() VIOTORY AT 8eA "Magnetic North" The Murmanlll COfllloy9, the struggle tor the Aleutlana and raid• on Getman ~ "' Norway -e all part of the -"on top of tllewor1d." (l)BJ81El A IC)lrttad 1rlbu1-lO the gankla of oompoear Euble Blake, ,..turlng 24 of hie ball IOnQI Including "In H~le Time" and "I'm Jual Wild About Har-• 4:30 ~· NEW8MAKER8 • PAOJECT UNIV£R8( Cl) LOUIS RUKEY8ER .MOVIE * * ·~ "Tiie C.t And The Canary" ( 1978) Honor Blackman, Mlch..i Gallen. Heirs blttle for a tom-at the l900ky ..,.,. of • daceaMd rnllltonalre. 'PG' 4:'5 (%)CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THE.A TN: "One A.M." (191&1 Cherfle play• • drunken pllyt>oy who return• from a night on the town and runs an obllacle courM with hi• lront door, the llalrs and Illa bad 5:00 8 FACE THE NA no.. • 8TARTAEl< Al the Enterprise aoc>roachat Ill dattlnatlon, anotllar tpapeehlp. Identi- cal to Iha Entarprlle, la l_i9tltad. • GREATE'ST SPORTS l.EOEH08 "8obH1yat" D PftOJECT UNIVERSE Cl) M0 A0 8°H Stumped by a c:rouword puzzle, Hawkeye radloe I Navy buddy for help bu1 his call la Interpreted .. a medlcel -geiic:y. 1= ** "Thie II EMI" (11Ml1) Oooumantary. Fiim IOOlage and drarNotlc ....c:r .. tion• -l.llad to 11• the story of EMI Pratley'• ltfa and cat- 5:05 (%)MOVIE • • .,. "Any Which Wrf YOU Can" 11980) Cllnl Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Before NttMng down wt1h his gin and pet orangutan. • t>ar.-fllted lighter llgrw up for -INI, lucra11w match. 'PG' 5:30 8 C88 NEWS 8 NBCHEWS 8 9 Al/CHEWS • FAOM JUMPSTAEET "Danoe To The Mutllc" 09cer 8rO'M'\ Jr tr- black dance from the calt.-alk through the 20th century. featuring Pllffor- mancH by the Rod Rodger• Danae Troupe and tip dancer Honl Coles.(R)O Cl) HEALTiiBEAT (C)MOVIE * *'A "The Kid ~om Lett fltld" ( 1979) ~ eoi.. men, Robert Gullleuma. A bat boy'• 1trategy l~aloelng~ Item on a winning ltreall thllt tail.. them to Iha WorldSarlea. CIDMOVIE • • • "Chapter Two" ( 1979) Jamee Cun. Mar- th• Muon. Soon after hi• ..,.,.., deeth, a writer find• lllmMll reluctantly faling In love egaln. 'PO' ())MOVIE * * * "The Competition" ( 1980) Richard Oreyf\111, Amy Irving, Two planiatl at 1 San Franc:lac:o rnuetc competition find thet their tow tor each otltas oon- lllctt with their profaNlon- al arnb1Uon1, 'PO' -EVENt«;- e:oo•D•HEWS • AMERICA AT tHI MOVIE.8 Ctltt1le Chaplin. lAufel and Hsdy, ,,.... Harlow, c.n.. Oloe Bergen, Jon Voigflt, Jamee o..n and Anne Bencrott -IMtUfed In • montage of PMt c:lneln• ,_.. ... • KOJAI< Kojek ttlat to tlell a rw:on- ing ,_,,. until he can OOMplett I murder lnYllr· Q!tlon. • M0A08°H Tiie 40n111 1urn1 up a lldl ' htllcoptar pllot who doatn'I WWII to quit and I ~_,ndtd GI wflO dOtl. • MOYla • • ··&cape From 8ootrl County" (1t77) Jec:tyn 8llllltl. Mltdllil ~. "" .,,....IOator for lflt 11tor- n1y general'• oltlct •tternpta 10 .... powwtul pollao.I CUr'I wl'I lo ...... tyeoMltMhlm. -~AT ....... Off a.I~ 0.W. end IN le:. -~~ ""°'"' lof\•lllCWtlty't Vlolll ~Ill o. °"" M_....,._._. .... klll, 91\d ... tllO'fefl'I "'---8 o.tll't No. I." I i ==~ n.-.. ..... ...... """'° ........... .. ......... ~ '"""'bar9 afW .. Ing ,,_ money l~HIWI • * • \4i "Bedknobe And 8roomatlck1" (tt71) Angele Unlbury, Oevld Tomllneon. Dul1ng World War II, • llOlllce torcar ... end her three young friends Mt off for a maglo llland where lhe Inland• to learn enough about wltchClaft to UN 11 agaln•I thaNazla. '0 ' t:30 I FIGHT BACK THAT'& HOU YWOOO "You'w ~Seen Thie Before" • THE JEFFEMOH8 A reunion of 1111 old 1traet gang hes 0-ge acting Nice a llld again Cl)CllHEWS 7:00. Cl> to MINU'IU D CllFATHER MUAPHV Whan rustlers ti.NI the orphane' favorite l\orM, the Children plan 1 daring 89~= ... Danny rWll his Nia In an attempt to aid a friend undergoing emergency surgery IJ YOU A8KED ~ rT F .. turtd: "Mid-Air ~ Translar" and "The Men Who Dr-The Pope." tD AOCt< COMEDY al PLEDGE 8REAK R~ tchedulad pro- gramming may be delayed due 19 pledge bleak• El NOVA "Anlmal lrnpo91ora" The remarkable form• of ~tlon ulad by both predator• and their Intend- ed Ylctlms -to "' or avoid being .. ten -are ex.arnlned.Q (0) NBA BA8KET9ALL Houaton Rockets YI. Loa Angelelbkera 7:06 (%)MOVIE * * • "North By North-_, .. ( 11159) Cary Grant, Eve Marie S.lnt. An adve<- lislng man' t Ute le cflaflg8d drastlcally wltan he la mi. tallen for a CIA agent 7:10. UOHTSI CAMERAI AHHIEI "TM Making Of A Mejo< HOiiywood Mu1iul" in th<M ent..illnlng llCt•. IOngl.. lnllfV\ewa and ~ Cial production nurni:.. highlight an lnlide lodt at Nit on Iha Ml of I big Hol- lywood musical. 7:80 D BUl.LSEYE (C)MOVIE * * ''°' "Bellee Of St. Trlnl- en'1" ( 1954) Al .. telr Sim. Joyu Grant911. The prob- lems of ruMlng 1 glria' school are lncraued by the an1val of the ~ tr•••'• bookmaker brot'*. 8:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE One of Stepnanle'• blr1h- day pr_,,, c:reat• • rift bel-,_ and Archie (R) D Q!CHIPS Jon end Ponch try 10 Quell a gang war In Ponch'• Oki nelghbortlood D 9 TOOAY'8 F8I A rellgiou• fanlllc tahs DY*' • t.deral building and lhrNI-to kill hit cep- tlwa. (RI Cil ITl8WMTEH e wow • * o,t "The Taking 01 Pel· ham Ona, Two, Three" ( 1974) Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw Four man hijack a c;rOWded llUbway lraJn and threaten to mur- der one ho•teoe tor every minute the ransom demand la late. • SOUDOOLD GD EDWIN HAWKINS AT THE SYMPHONY Ed'Mn Hawkin• Is fOlnad by the Hawkins family and Iha Oallland Symphony 1or an evening of gotpel mualc from 1111 Paramount The- ater In Oakland (R) <JD BAAEFOOT IN THE PARK Richard ThomN end S- Armttrong 1tar In Ihle per- formance ol Nell Simon'• comedy about • pair of N-York newlywed1. Taped at Iha Moore The- ater In Seattle. w.-i ())MOW * * * "One On °""' ( 1977) Robby Baneon. Annette O'TOOle A boy who goat to oo-.ge on a baaketball ICholarwhlp .. abuMd by the c:oactt, ecomad by hi• tutor and UMd by Iha achoof for Ill ownpu~.'PG' • ANTHONY NliWlEf ATIMWON..D dO. QAlA Of' 8TAM 1M2 8eYer1Y 81111 ._.. .,, - nlng of pariormel-by top "fl" In the WOf1Cll of OC*a. danol, l)'mPl'toliy, Cflan'lbar ""* and the t'*'-: Jtmel L.wie .. muelo dlr90tof 1or the g& l:tO. Cl) ONI M Y AT A r-.. A ... .foot ""*' ~ IMllMUMlll ~ ,... for ecu ...... ant8"glno t11m llllMtlllddltOla~ '"1ttMtlclnal lnoldtnt. e INT'MTM .. IT TMawmc JtM f'oNla IMeMewl lolWe -..: 111 ....... """ ... Ulllno¥. u.. .......... "'-Y ... lloo.tlk. • lMIWON..D ,....,. .... Cl) ... ................ about ...... • llOet ... ~ --- ~orur.....,. .. .......... •• MOWll • * • "flle towerlnt ll'llilnlo" ,,.,, 1) I 1t14) t1eva Moou .. ,,, ,..,, ~. fin .,,.._ out '" • 1U.tlocw -~aper on tl'9 flllollt tt le '*"O .. .._ ,,_, • 9 I UW. l.lellm A ro.tar of prominent A1111tic:-oalllbt• IN 250111 annlvatta1y ot Otorgt Wa1111,,gton'1 ~ I .. c:!, 011atlt: Jadcy Ward, ~ McEnlh, JllMly ~. -~ P\AYHOUll "The Ortat American ,ourtfl Of .My And Other Oleut.,1" Jeen 811tp- herd'1 orlglnal telaC>Uy centara around Ille blt- t....et pange °' grOWlng up In Iha M4dweel during the lat• 1830s end eMy CQ'& ••• "North av North-_, .. ( 1958) Cary Grant. Eva Marie Saint. Alo advar• tltlng man'• Nt• 11 changed drutleally when ha II mla- 11111n for a CIA agent. (DJMOVIE * * "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980) Nall Olemond, i...u- rence Ollvter. A New York cantor break• with family tradition and Mii OU1 to find ---.. • pop mulic 1l11. 'PG' O MOVIE • * ·~ "Somewhere In Time" ( 1NO) Chrialopher Reeve, Jene Seymour ObMIMCI with the portrait of a 19th-century ectr-. a modem-day New York pleywrlght u-hypnoail to travel beck In time and mae1 "" ·po· 9-.ao ti Cl) THE JEFF'EMON8 Louise and H-.n baconll convtncad ttlat their ettorta 11 the help canter are u-...._ 8 WILD 10HGDOM "White Gnoeta Of The For· •11" 0 BREA TH Of' UF£ CZ)MOVIE * * "HoplCOlch" ( 1980) Welltt Matthau, Glenda Jackson A former 1n111m- genca agent Is aided by an old ltarne In dodging the KGB end the CIA. wno are trying 10 prevent him from publiShlng Ills rnemolrl 'R' 10:00 8 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M..D. Gonzo auspact• that • ,. tow ph)'llcllan la an unpr1n. --~ IJ EAHEST~LEY llD 8EAACtl '<>A ALEXANOE1' THE OREA T "The Young Lion" Jam .. Muon hosts tlu• r&-cr .. allon of the ntraordlnary Ille of the man hll1orletl• have ceffad the world'• grNl .. t leader NICholu Cley tiara (Part t) ())MOVIE **~ "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Lode•. Before Milling down with his girl and pet orangutan. • bar .. lfstad lighter sign• up for °"' 1811. lucrellve match. 'PG' . t0'.30 tD JEAAY FA1.W£1.L 8) JIMMY SWAGGART CIDMOVIE * * "The Final Conltlct" (1981) Sam Neill. Roeleno Btazzl. In the third part of "The Omen" lrtlogy, young Damien, the embodiment of the Antlchril1. la now an adult and 1 tru1ted edvtaor to the pretldent of the u.s 'R' 11:00 &DDW9Q! NEWS 8 PACESETTERS 8 WORLD VUOOH ltl) SEARCH FOR Al.EXANOERTHEGREAT "The Young ConquMor" lhe Greek city-stat .. are stunned Into aubmlulon as Ale•andar preptT• for -· Nlcholal Ctey stars. (Par1 2) (DJMOVIE *"A Change 01 Seaona" ( 1980) Shtrley Mac:Lalne. Anthony Hopklna A mid· die-egad eouple try out younger Perl nera during a mountain vacation. 'R' 0 MOVIE * * o,t "The Flendllh Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" (f980) Peter Sellers. Sid c- The FBI and Scclland Yard'• Det. Mayland Smith pur-the 168-~-old wch vfllllln • he -chat lor the fnoredlentl, lncluO- lng the Crown Jewel•. used to mllk• hie 111 .. pro- longlng tl1xlr 'PG' 11:15 8 C88NEW8 (Z)MOVIE * * "The Hand" (1981) Mlohffl Caine. Andrea Marcovklcl. Bizarre Incl- den ts and nightmares begin happening In a CM· toonl•I'• Ill• alter ha l1Ulf9R the loM of. hand. 'R' 11:30 8 8POAT8 FINAL • 700CW8 Guest: composer arranger JohMy Mann ·=-NEWS • • "8rannlgan" (1975) John Wayne, Richard Altenboroogh. An Ameri- can police detective attemPtl 10 locate • rlldc· etter who hH been abdl.tc:tad f\'()rll hit hiding ~lnlondon.. • T A.U!1 °'THIS UHECNCIED "The Pw1y'' WNll the -ofetoy~ orgaftllitl the ollloe Ow*-"* party. "" ~ staff pi.,, their own eape. r ... IMtNltlat. -~°'--­Sttve AlllMI t_.• wlttl £~~Thom· 11 Jettaraon, Bar'trlllld ..a... llfld taint Augu.-ttna. (hn 1 )("> 1:.TMMUM **~ "TM Impatient "••rt" (19711 Carri• lllOdgr-. MldlMI Doll- ---.. A IOCllal~er tan'\ ...,,. ..., .... ~ ...,. ......... too '-1 .... ~ ..... .llOlll • • "'°""9"' (.-wt I) ,, ... -°"' .... • "9lptl e.IMir A ..... .... ClliOllO ...... .......... ., .. O.•lfln 10 ~ ,...., of • PDW9M unlOtl ~MOVll • • • "lattl-otownd" ( 1941) Ven JGM9on, JOfWI Hoc!WI. AnwtcM ..... of Iha 101111 Airborne DM- lllon ..... In lflt ,.,.,... .,.....,.. alWI IN e.ttlt of ttltMgt 11:41·lHI~ .... Aodcford ....... kl .,, .. l9C1 "" CftlldlloOd ..., brother from tllt underwOl'ld . • MOYll • * "Poww" (Par1 2) (tffO) Jot Don ...... ... 8tl*ny, A t1rOt19- wllled CNcago cfoc:I(~ ba11lel ,. way out of the 0aprMllon to baGome lw.d Of • o--ful uNon. (RI • MOVIE * * o,t "The Oiria Of Hunt· lngton Houae" ( 1973) &Nr- ley Jones. Merced•• McCambrldge. A young teacher wo<klng at a 11omt for unwed mothtrl becomH peraonally Involved In her lluOenll' problem•. -MINOKT ~ 12:00 . THEY RUH FOA THEmlNU Johnny Mann narrat .. the plight of Ethiopian r4'1U- 5)'~ • * * "The 8.g Red One" ( 19801 l.. MaNln. Mark Hamill. A tough Army --gaant lead1 lour )'OUl'IQ, Inexperienced racrulll Into the vl~llllad lray of Wor1d W11t II oornbat. 'PG' 12-..20 <JD MOVIE * * 14 "The Poelman Always Ring• Twice" C198 I) Jack Nlcholaon, Jesajca Leno-A young woman and '* IOver ptot to ITIUf'dar her hulband. 'R' 12:30. TOP Of' ntE WORLD Cont .. tanu from the UNI· ed Stat... Gtaet Btltaln and Auatrllle compete In a Quiz program that 1 .. 11 their expertlM In • wide vanety of eubjac:11. 12:'5 8 NAME Of' ntE GAME Oen Farrell lnVattloatn corrvptlon In • 11111 prll- on . 1:00. 8NEAk PAEVIEW8 Roger Eberl end Gene Siske! review "Death Tr"'" and "Ou Boot .. (R) Cl) LOUS RUKEYSER O M<>W * * 'h "Bullin' Looee" (1981) Richard Pryor. Clc:e- ly T )'80rl. A t>umbllng bur· glar. a concerned schoolteacher and e!Oht chlldran male• a lrlghlen· 1ng c;roaa-country trip In a brOken.Oown IChOOI bul. 'R' 1:05 (%)MOVIE * * "The Pltot" I t980) Clill Robertaon. Diane Balter. A pilot tuma to drinking IO ~ Iha ~of his mar- riage ano the lruetrallon OI hlacar-. 'PG' 1:80 . TURNA80UT 9 A8CNEW8 Q.INE#S {C)MOVIE * * ~ "Hardly Working" (1981) Jarry Lae Lewtt. Susen Oliver Al1er the circu• cioMI down, a 11et- er1n clown trlea Illa hand II vatlOul joC>a, f alllng me-ably at them all 'PG' l:~D ATONE a..-t. Gordon Parka. 2:00 (J) MOVIE * * * "The Competition" ( 19801 Richard Oreytuaa. Amy Irving Two plenllt1 at a San Fr llllCllCO mutJc competition find that their love for each Olher con· fltC1S wtth their proteetlOn- aJ ambition• 'PG' 2: 15 8 LOUIS RUt<EYSER 2:20 <H) MOVIE * * • '"' "Eyewltneaa" (1981) Slgoumay W-. Wtlllarn Hurt A lelelllllon raportar .,__ lnll'OIY9d with a janitor who iney know more •bou1 a mur· dar th•t he wllnamed than ha II uying. 'R' 2:40 (%)MOVIE * * ·~ "UlysNa" ( 1955) Kirk DouglH. Anthony Quinn. Whll• Ulyues makes a roundabout return Journey !Torn Iha Trojan Wars. hi• wife atruggles to protect Illa ttvone. 2:'58D NEWS S:OO 8 TOOAY'8 AElJGtON (C)MOVIE * * • "Johnny. We H11dty K.-Ve" ( 1977) Paul Rudd. Wllllll'I Prince. An arnbltlOUa young Irish ec.. tonletl. John F Kennedy. lhOW9 early algn• of a gltt for graetl'llM .. he beglr\• hi• po41tlcal journey toward the pralldency. O MOVIE * • "Separate W1ya" (19801 Karan Blaclt, Tony Lo Blenc:o. A young cou- pte · • lallure to oornmuni- cat• ~ r.ults In the daelNClion of their INlr· riage.'R' l:30 8 NEWIMAKEM 4.«) 8 INT8W'ACE 4.'06 <JD MOVIE • •., "Chapter Two" ( 1979) J-Caan, Mw- lha Malton. Soon attar hie wife'• daeth. e wntar find• hlmMlf rtM:tantty lalllng In lcM llQl!n. 'PO' 4: '°Cl) wov-. ••• "One On One" (1en1 f'obt>y e.n.on. Mnet1a O'Toole. A boy wm 90M to 001901 Oft • ~bell aotldelettlp .. abuMd by ~ OOllCfl. acorNd by fW tutor 9'td ueed by tN 9dlool tor Ila -~·PQ· dO.MOYla * * ''My ~ v...,,_ tlllt'' (1H1) ,_. ~. ~ Hllltr. A .,,.. '°""' '**-• ..,. "' talTOr dutln9...,. _., v~ ... 0. danOt. 'A' 4M(C)MOVll .......... Of .. T""'° an'1" ( , .... ) """'*"" llM. JO)'ot Or9IM. 1"' ..... ~ °' """*" • .... . ldloOI .. lflo: I II J f '¥ IMsrMl!af .......... tr•"'' •ooet111•ll•r lwottter • ! Aussie films seek identitI Some movies are inakl~g it big in United S tates ~DlTOR 'S NOTE: What do "Breaker Monnt," •IQ.nJpoll" and "A Town Like Alit'e" hav. in common? They were made in Auatra- JJa. And &h~ir auccess is leading a surge in ln~rnational Plfttize for Che Austra.liarMnade /Jlm. Bl PETER O'LOUGHLIN • n 11111• ,,_ wnw SYDNEY, Australia -After 60 years of belng upstaged by Hollywood, the Australian movie industry is suddenly establi- shing its presence and prestige internationally. And in what might be called Australia's revenge, Aussie producers have their eyes firmly fixed on the huge American film. tel- evision and cable TV market. "The Pirate Movie.'' the biggest budget Aus- tralian produc\ion to date. He says he has a guarantee from 20th Century-Fox for U.S. distribution thls summer. Meanwhile, at the government-owned Film Australia studios in Sydney, Byron Kenned~, 31, is oomr.leting his second major movie, • Mad Max II. ' His first movie, "Mad Max," waa inade for $399,000, ~d Kennedy says it has now grossed $100 million at the box office worldwide, net- ting $25 million ln rentals. "Mad Max II" is costing $3 million, says Kennedy. Already two major Australian films, .. Breaker Morant" and "Gallipoli" are making money in America. A mini-television series, "A Town Like Alice" won an International Emmy award for best drama and had a highly-praised run in the United States. The ~ry is set in ihe future, in a world almost depleted of gasoline, where bikers and punk-rock-style baddies try to capture the last gas supplies from the good guys. Max, who, according to the publicity, is a cross between a samurai atld.a cowboy, saves the day. The star of the movie is Mel Gibson, a New York-born actor who came to. Australia when he was 12 . He is the star of "Gallipoli,'' a lavish movie about Australians in World War I which is now showing in the United States to critical acclaim. PRIME MINISTER TAKES LOOK -Aus- tralian Prime Miniater Malcolm Fraser checks on the government's investment du-I ring a visit to a movie set. · ' A look at the Australian film industry sh ows 32 movies or mini-television series in production or planned for the next year on locations across the continent, ranging from the deserts of the outback to studios in Sydney's Dockland. And they all have bigger budgets and ambitions than anything that })as gone before. Kennedy has a forth right comment on why Australian films are beginning.to take off internationally. '°' FUNI f .. JXCITEMENT• '"~FY To Ou• ,..ll"I At an old mansion on the outskirts of Melbourne, two young American actors, Kristy McNichol, Emmy-winning star of "Family," and Christopher Atkins, the teen-agers' heartthrob from "Blue Lagoon" are polishing their song and dance routines for "The Pirate Movie." 1 ''It's not that Australian movies are so fresh," he says. "It's that American movies are . so bloody bad. Hollywood is so stale. so stodgy and deal-oriented," says Kennedy, who spent time in Los Angeles looking at the American industry. Another ambitious film project has begun in a former steel factory in Sydney's waterside Balmain suburb. Qi ..... , ~ -=-=-1 RlcttARD PRYOR UVl!ONTHE SUHSltT STRIP (R) I :00 2:45 •:30 5:1 s 1:00 9:45 Loosely based on Gilbert and Sullivan's light opera "The Pirates of Penzance," the movie has the Australian film industry baffled -first, because the producer, David Joseph. has 'never made a movie before; second, be- cause there has never been an Australian musical movie, and third, because Miss McNi- chol, 19, and Atkins, 20, have never sung or danced before. Parts of New York are being re-<:reated in the hangar-like shed for the $6.84 million musical starring American Alan Arkin. Michul Caine DEATH TRAP (PG) 12:40 3:00 5:20 7:35 9:50 I S•HY Spacek flllSSING (PG) 12:30 2:50 5 :10 c=====''=·=0 =1=0 :=0=0 ====> I Peter Ustinov tn EVILU..DER TICSUW(PG) 1 :00 3 : 15 S :JS c::===7=:5=5==10='='0====~ Joseph, a fast-talking former record com- pany executive who lived for a while in Los Angeles, has raised $6.84 million to finance The movie is called "The Return of Cap- tain Invincible." Arkin plays a comic cross between Superman, Captain Marvel and Monty Python who has become a disillusioned alcoholic because he can't tell the good guys from the bad guys anymore. The movie will have 10 songs by the See Australian, Page 0 7 ~ A.-it No<'*-CMARIOTS OP l'IRE (PG) 12:30 2:so·~ IS 7:45 10:10 TDDAT'S CIDISIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 86 Light: Lat 163 P.-+boo 42 DIM>rd«t 103 "-Atta" 97 Royal heir openings «Notion• 106 Heavy swell 1 ConclM 99 Swine genu1 166 Ooctor'a gp. 46 "The Few" 108 Ripped 8LapM 90 "HMS 167 -la raining of WWII 109 Norse god 10 Reptile. for Pinafore" 168 Michigan 48 Wooden pall 110 Kiin al'lor1 role cenal of old 113 Work hard 14 Rage 92 Trader 169 Ponder SO Plly9d wUh 115 lndua trlbel- 19 Menece 94 Flower 17 1 Mild oath 51 Ceylon man 20 Hetb genue extract 172 Guido note mM11>re 119 Edition 21 Cry of pain 96 Induce-174 Bone: Lat. 53 YOY, In 121 Compau 22 EY9 pan men ts 175 Orum of• Roma point 24 Either'• t9 Gambling aort 55 Betrayal of 124 A Oeteti panoer g811141 117 Spring one' a 125 Ohureh 25 Timber tree 100 Wrote ~ co~mtry ottlcef 28 Algetlan city 1~ Saul'• unc:le 178 Looi! tl.adly ' 57 Rue de -121 Native of: 27 Pro -105 Cooking fi* 179 DillWUI Palx Su1. 29 F19h egg• 107 Contlnuou1 181 Pr9')8red S8Compleln 128 "- 29 Attending drumming 182 "Red" coin 59 Afghan prolundi1" 30 Singer ol 111 Big ruas 183 Watched pt Ince 130 M0tt pte- a aort 112 Make merry 184 Happening 60 Indian crop clp1tou1 32 Forerunoer 114 Cancel C>Yt DOWN 6\,.&lholdl 132 lmmerM 35 Beginning 118 Hindu matra 1 1<tng'1 chair 63 Roland's 134 Italian rlYer 37 Gone by 117 Harem room 2 Vocal pause destroyer 135 NorMgod 38 Arrow 118 Middle: 3 Turmenc 85 Sorrow 137 Controver- pol Ion Comb.form 4 Wide belt 68 Miss alal 40 Nothing 120 Monitor 5 -Allen, Clncter1 138 Laroe knit• 41 Gefman lizard Am«lcan 67 Part of 140 LC>Wefadln painter 1221mpr...,lo patriot ~ rank 43 Pr-tly Hur<>ll 6 Otlflcutt 68Sermon 142 AblOlve 44 Small bird 123 JewlSl'I quetllon topic 143 Spellbind., 45 Fragrant month 7 Ear· Comb 71 Harvat 144 Alcotiolk: wood 125 Oi8COl'dla form godOMa bevefega 47 OOE't 128 Reign 8 Endure 73 Wlthdrawa 145 For eacn opponent 1Upteme 9 Blood. 75 Fortify 146Channef 49 lnltlgat• 129 Cattle genus Comb'. form 78 Thaplan deepener 51 Partake 131 Free(of) 10 Mak11 right 79 Sublet 148Chum 52 "Roacol" 133 Well-to-40 11 Maori root 81 Abnet'I 150 Tibetan 54 Epigram 13e Fr. holy pit friend glZllle 588af1Ht woman 12 Eight: Pref. 82 Hebrew 151 Approxl- 57 Aloha 137 Harbora 13 HolloW bed letter mately 1ymbot 139 Anlll 14 Tht .. ded 84 Lyrk:muH 152 ROYflf'S lead S8 Cautious 141 Ancient nan 85 &all 154 Specious 82 Workuntl 142 Rucal 15 Horn sound 88 Briel lllOOH 158 Atomize 84 Pigpen 145Presaga 16 Loda load 91 Royal trap-158 Female ruff 85 Shlt1 or akin 147 Brisk energy 17 MD'1alde plnga 181 Frame of 69Swecllen 149 Licit 18 Sparee 93 weather mind ~re 153 Lake of Pl4-19 Subfect word 162 Poeitlve 70 H-allan zlelame mllllf 95 Theatrical 164 Miat bird 154 Aeluctance 23 Mika ottering 185 Eutern 72 Ll1taner'1 unit amend• 97 Number for European "loan" 155 Yarn 31 Fool: Pref. 124 Down 188 Amtrack 74 Stnoe measur•. 33 Small Inlet 98 PefChed atop 78 Wiid plum of yore 34 SMeaglel 100 I/ acetionef · s 170 Mltdeed 77T-:SI. 157 Damage 380btr-choice 173 Chemical 78 Oneof lhe 159 Actor's llgnal 101 Garman aufftx Smit hi goal 37 Altar con-river 178 N-. Eng. 80 l/anua or 180 Uncle ltellatlon 102 Common State Mara 181 Customs 39 Anxious 1un1on 180 At home 83 Wlpea ~A-ONl>n*­IUUDCJtS ~ TIC LOST AIU< (PG) I :00 3:15 S:JO 7:4 5 9:5$ '" 70mm Adrienne Barbuu S.~ THtNG (PG) Take Thh Job And Shove It (PG) MOVIE RATINGS . I FOR PARENTS AND Terror On The High Sea.I OllEAT WHITE (PG) Plus! CO·Hll Tl'tt _.,CR) YOUNG PEOPLE I uouble Terror! 1lte CWW-C,. ol N "~ • ro .,,,,.,,. THE 9EAST ,..,_ ooour N ll•llo.il)' ol WITHIN IR) &. ,.,,.,._,.iu. ... -11or""'~•--Oudly B eu1n9 CR) fr!] ~SA~~O c=========:=i ~ I Pia Zadora In IMITTKRf<LY (R ) All AO!S Al>MITTEO ' The Amerlun Pa,.ntol 0,.clllnco S..119ttt.O Glgoto ( R l I I c==Jo=h=n=ae=1u=sh=,=,n===::i NEIGHllOllS (Rl Modern AU CJ~ ""!0 !BJ FILMS RECEIVE It<( SE.Al~ fH[ MOIOON PlCTuA( CO()(~ SlLr llEOUl.AllON Problems (PG) Arthur (PG) ,,,_.,.,, A.-il ~ fllAIDEll$ °' THE LOST ARI( (PG) &. TAPS (PG) Dnve·•ns Open 6:45 WM1tn19ht1/6 JOW"kends Under 12FR EEUnlauNoted "Like a greatest hits album of grue and gore!" -David Chule L A HEHl\l [J lXAMINI H This motion picture contains scenes of graphic and Violent horror. AMAMEIM Slookhursl 772 6446 "'u Blea Plua 529 5339 NOW PLAYING COITA MEIA OIWlll otWMIE Edwards Btlslol Orange Mall UA City Cloema 540·7444 637·0340 634·3911 £L TOllO OU.-WllTMHllTD EdwardS Saddlebac:k Stlldlulll Oflve.ln Hi· Way 3 9 Dnve In 581·5880 I 639"8770 691·3693 FCMl'Tll• YAllfY Fountain V*Y 839-1500 (..0 .. -~-T ... ~l "NUMBER ONE PICfURE OF THE YEAR ... " JOtU1tc;11.A1C" N••l-Ce4 fer 11 Aeatlemy Awa .... '"''""'"-BEST PICTIJRE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR Mark Rydell One of the Yut"s 10 Best. I I With a competitor ... how close can you get? PERSONAL BES1 DEATHTRAP MICHAEL CAINE CHRISTOPHER REEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set ... For a wickedly funny who'll-do-it. IAAYVIN'S "DEATHt'RAP" I·~·.,. ,, "' l •' •• JAY PR! ssor JAL t l r J ~ , .. ,, l Al I PHJ <l•' L IAGR1 )f{ 11 b. JOHNNY MAt ~D~ L " • , • Bl.JI< IT HARf.liS '>·~r<n •·t: JAY PPlSSO JALLlN lh··· RAlf/N ~ •ra o, SIDN~ Y l UME 1 fPQlHM•fN.GUIWGstmlTlOCiI 0 •"'w•~~~~ .,, ._, ~,,.,.. ~-" ... -,...,··~·-c: ..... ~ ··~·'"' .._ - ·-------.... , .... ---- · Keep an eye' oat for the fuon*•t movie ahoat~up -----ever maa.T --- - You'll be·llad J'01I camel ---------------.,.--------' MELVIN SIMON PROOUCTlONS/mRAL BEU£VUE ~THE INC.,._ 808 ClARK'S ''PORKY'S" KIM CATTRAU·SCOTI COLOMBY·IW<I HUNTER· ALEX 1<ARRAS.111tw SUSAN Cl.ARKa0111y'- tm1it"*-tHAROl.D GRE~BERG •MELVIN SIMON,,_..._ DON CARMODY• 808 Cl.ARK ,..."°"""".BpB CLARJ< •. ;_ lb -~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, MatOh 21, 1982 07 Mental health is e"Jrer-changing condition . . ~ ~ AllM LAHDDS: Some ~ If Uaey ma•ea faverable lmpre11loa oa DEAR ANN LANDERS: For that teeoaae annoyed whfn you run a letter a Ml11 or Mr, X., er If t11eJ ....... ,_,fork ••wtdow -Aae 70~' who aeta up with WW .... time. I am noi one of U... In fact. 1 or wore tM rtpt *"'· Power, luncbel wt\h ArthW' IU.. jop with !lave et\ioyed IOl'Oe of your l"eNN more the OD oeeulia WHa every laatr 111ot la Charley Horse and 1oe1 to bed with Ben ~ tinie than the first, becaUle they pve place, or tla•J may laave .... tlae wroa! Gay, I have a few addltlonal playmates ahe 1119 an.opportunity io think about tomethini fork er w.on tM wroa1 drn1, *'•J doa & might ettjoy. iD a new light. apalle over It. TMy pve a 1eod MDH of Alter lunch she could take a nap with A Iona time ago you wrote a definition pnorltlu aad now wut 11 really lmpor· Chster Field (he'1 a nice comfortable guy) of mental nealth. I am asking you to play lt tut. and two or three times a week she mia:ht again, Sam. Thanks so much. -CINDY Meatally lleaUlly people are able to exercise with Jim Nasties. Jim is a Ukal>le FROM CARMEL, CALIF. accept Ute laadequcles ... Uortcomlng1 fellow though a little on the rugged side. I DEAR CINDY: Here It II ... wltb of otlaers. Tlaey do not feel tile need to can allo vouch for Pete Rolewn, a slippery· pleaHre: overhaul everyoae wllo does aot flt lato tbe individual who will be awfully good for her ' WHO IS MENTALLY HEALTHY mold tlaey bave decided la "correct." Tiiey callouses. Mental Hal*' Uke plly1lcal llealtb, 11 a are aatltfled to live ud let live. At our age, one thing sure does lead to •pamle, ever-e1wt1t111 eudltloa. Some Mentally laeaUlay r.eople are able to another. --WIDOW OF 82 IN SALEM, daJ• JM are bond to he In better 1upe accept wbtever life v 11&1 .,.. daem wl-ORE. tlau otllers. The mentally bealtlly person daoat 101D1 to pleeet. ftU meau ftauclal doH aot experience wide personality revenn, lllan1, death, d.lvorce, separatlon1 1wlng1 -on tbe moon one day and ID tile anreq11Jted love -tlae U1t 11 elldln1. Ana damp1 tbe next. Be bat tbe qualities of tlae-y have tlae abUUy to wltlastaad tile sameae11 ud predictability. craeltlet and lneq.ttln of file, to recroap, Meatally laealtby people tbiDk well of re-energize, ~ tlaelr way tHMP a pro- tllem1elves. Tbey do not waste time aad blem and go forward la a posltfve, con- eaergy worrying if every bair It In place, or stractlve way. • • . Australian niovies From P.,e Dt Australian hit rock group Air Supply. For the traditionalists in Australia, such trends are cras.s and possibly unpatriotic. "Th e Pirate Movie" is regarded as an American movie in Australian costume .. "It is outside the mainstream of Australian film-making," says Joseph Skrzynski, the youthful general manager of the Australiaq Film Commission, the Australian government- ''Fascinating .. hw1 MNI>•. NEW YORKTIMliS "Remarkable" PliOPLE MAGAZINE funded -$6 million last year -organii.ation which has been the powerhouse of the Aus- tralian film revival. The commission, which has offices in London and Los Angeles, helps fund produc- tion, script development and marketing of Australian feature films, as well as producing some 70 documentary and special short films. a year through its Film Australia production company. Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise. TWtHTlETlt CENT\IR'f.f'OX MIES£~ WALTER MATTHAU ANN-MARGRET DINAH MANOFF A HERBERT ROSS FILM NEIL SIMON'S I OUGHT 10 BE IN PICI1JRES Director of Photography DAVID M. WALSH Music by MARVIN HAMLISCH Produced by HERBERT ROSS and NEIL SIMON ~tive Producer RCX;ER M.ROlliSTEIN Screenplay by NEIL SIMON Directed by HERBERT ROSS r 1 n h.,., .1 -..~"it l " ~ DEAR SALEM: Tlaankt for telllng as about Cllester, Jim and Pete. Seven play- mates tlloald be more titan eaoagb for any woman -no matter wbat tbe age. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a n 18-year-old colle~e freslunan and no dwn- ~lnthc - G.ruk Wu, fomou6 ~ Mcrwlc Poirot apottcd o beautiful woman on the bead\. Rcollrlnq that lh& W06 dead, he did not o6k her to dinner. fK'Jftlftft Ctt1Sl1fi tvlLUnDfR Tttl5lJn • • m1SSltlg •.. "**** 'MJMiq' la a tnaly ri,-etiog mo,-ie •.. executed wilt. Coata-Ca,-ra1' usual brisk '•teu,ty." Kadtlff• Carroll, NEW' YORK DAI- LY NEW'S • • m1sSltlg ..• "ELECTRIFYING . • . 'Miaaiog' la a magnificent aehJe,-emeat that towen crter moat fit.. oae aeea ia the eoarae of • year, and I recommend it atroqly."-Bex Reed, GQ MAGAZINE • • m1sSltlg. ..... A,_m.t > my. My 25-year-old brother is married to a 20-year-old sexpot. She is a brainlet11 fool, and it, is obvious to me that she has the se- nior hots for my 21-year-old boyfriend. She can't keep her eyes or her hands off him. Should I talk to my parents about this, to my brother, or to my boyfriend? - SLOW BURN IN BffiMINGHAM DE.tR BURN: Don't talk to anybody. If your boyfriend it inclined to play game• witlt your brotber'1 sexpot wile, be will do 10. U be 11 not Interested, she will dJ1cover the It wasting her time and the problem will be resolved without yoa coming off aa a threatened, insecure woman. 642-4321 Direct or collect. . . I , 1.,, ,1., , 1 .... to subscribe to your hometown paper. the . *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All ParformencH before 5:00 PM (Exc.,t Special Enpgemtnta and Holidays) I .A Miii.ACM M.At 1 M11000 01 l o 1•cron• LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "9UTTERR..,.. ... ·~ ........ , ......... "DEATH WISH II .. .,_ '&4..&&•• .. &A.- UV£ •-n« BEAST WITHIN" 1111 "'11..-...r-.u,..~11.. ... • ... •• ''Tltf AMAnUR" 1111 "' ... 'Ul.*9' ...... ,...t • ._ ........ ·---''OtAAIOTS ~ ARE" ------ OH THE SUNSET STRIP" tlll "PORKY' S" P'GI 1d.~ ............... , .... I LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN ,. __ _ ''ON OOl.DEN PONO" -................ _ "PORKY'S"- 1k49, -.-. ""' - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALk IN "EVIL UNOEA TI4E SUN" ''°' 1.e.a:.a.•, ...... , ... LAGUNA Focully of ConCll••OOCI 213/531·9580 .... SSING" ''°' 1a:ll, >:a. •A, I 1• .. , • .Jil llc-0..---'-0., ... 1""' ~c::=:~~--i::-:= .=:- REOS IN! nae •••• ''8VTTEflf\. Y" '" ·~~9;M,t • tt• et.N caotl ... tA1i1 CMMu.iio.. CHARIOTS OF FIRE .-01 ' .. J 0. ,, ........ u so. COAST WALK·IN Soucn Coo11 H••ov 01 lhooowoy 494-1514 •·fttCHARO l'ftYOR LIVE OH THE SUNS£T STAIP" I'll _..,,., ... _,_ UT...,..,llt1,••1::M.r':4l.kM "DEA TtfTRAP" loot ......,.,. , ... .. ......... -.• :a ...... . ,ACIFIC THEATlllS OlllV(·IN SWAP lllEflS """'• ·-•u<os-s""' 1~10A• •• HAllaOll l l VO OlllV(·IN 6 OllANGE OlllV( IN .... 10 I .. U lullO.t•. SuH•• flU """'' $U .. 0AfS ti aaaMt1• StAOIU• ........ ·~ .. , o,. ... 5·1S \•1 ..... 6:00'• .. i '..,.,. ,,8 •S IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRH! ... ~ ".,.,, 1"4 w .... , M"' !Or• Ir• 5 30 • Sii S•• ""'4 30 'II Cllf-fl 5°'JNO • fOllfl AM CAii llAOIO IS 10\ltl Sl{Nl!R llf NO ,,_ CAii MOIO lWITI! °""°" MXLUOtl'f f'OS/TOi -WC NI l'QllTlllU !•AU CM.$1 _. llD Oii AM MOIO AN.AHi• ... ANAHEIM DRIVE ·IN Fteewor '1 01 l emon 11 179·9150 "DEATHTIUIP" --"THIE SHINING" Clll ---.......-- ·-awmANE , ... (lit -''Va IOUAD'' ... °"' " '°""°" 8UI N A P.AllK BUENA PARK DRIVE IN Unc:Oln ,..,. W•'1 OI ~nott 121·4070 8UI NA 0 AllJ LINCOLN DRIVE·IN \1ncoln Awe W•" o4 •l"IOtt 121·4070 "DEATH Wl8" II" Pit -.... QHTHAWKS" '" r Clllt ~ "RICHARD PRYOfl LIVE OH THE SUNSET STRIP" I'll -"THINK OIRTI" .. , "evrT'E1'f\. y · '" -"UTT\.£ OARUNOS' Pt •e1·u!lln::·-·~ ~;=~· :OKTS son O<eoo llWY 01 l•oo-ft11r11 cso I WUIT OUT IN OEOAOIA" 1111 962•2411 CIH! Fr '°'IND "'' S'MIN "tg HI WAY 39 ORIV( IN "QWIT1AHI , ... "' -''W:l IQUAD'' ... CUit fl SOUllO "DIAMRAI"' --..,. ........... Cllll •" ICM10 A "> ... & LA HABRA :JlllVI Iii --.. "'·--........... 17Ml62 '-' ,.,~.n .1 ORANGE DRI VE IN ~ ..... -...,,. '""' ,. .uatfTI _,,.OUT IN~··_. . .. M f~S I ON l•RIVf IN 14ocft IJYO SO ot Goloen G10>t '"''"°' 891·3693 "DEATH WlaH II"<" -''Tl« BEAST WITHIN" tt11 Clltf •tt SOUN!> ----.. .,,,.. THING:' 4"11 -·~· .... CM· A SOUllO -''THI• .,...,..,.. "' So~lo Mo hwy • Slore Cot1e99 558·7022 -"THOM OlfnY'" .......... ,.. -.,....._ . P "9C#ll 119'011ALCA~· - I I 11 1 w A i,i N E i:.' ' h I 'N ". J I i:. I <>nnoe CoMt DAILY PILOT/8und9y, Mardt 21, 1 aurus: Follow your hunch· 9J IYDNBY OlWUl M••11, Mara H, 1111 ARID (March 2l·Alri 19): ftestat..1ioal aN due to be removed; U98rt vtewa, maintain lnde-~' l\anCe and review tOUtce material. You'll he Mked to attend apedal mMtina Cll' conference - be clilcreet. obelrvant and play carda ca. to chest. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Follow throuch on hunch -recent c:ontact la more important than m&aht be iml&ined· What appears to be a mere ac- lllllCIN ~uaintance might aoon be tranaformed into a •meaningful relationship." Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius natives figure prominently. GEMIN1 (May 21-June 20): Room i.a made for you at top; you have allies behind 1eenel. FOCU8 on versatility, communication, possible travel plan. You actually are being con.aidered for a very im- port.ant assignment. Sagittarius and another Gemini figure prominently. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Emphasis on conununication. education, long-range plans which could include travel. Be aware of details, check security measures, be ready to rebuild on a more suitable structure. Scorpio, Aquarius persons play key roles. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on challenge, creativity, investments of time, energy and mo- ney. Individual who aided you in past could p.18.y ~le. It will be necessary to dig beneath surface tions. Special meuage or teleph~ call re- sulta in change of plans. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Highlight diplo- macy, patience, wil.lingnem to listen to one whose views may be in direct conflict with your own. Be aware of legal rights, pennissions -protect a&9ets by going through proper channels. Watch Taurus! Hadassah group to nieet today HADASSAH, Huntington Beach Chapter, meets today at 10:30 a.m. in the Villa Warner Recreation Center, 6600 Warner Ave., Hunt- ington Beach . For more information call 842-7249. . LAGUNA NIGUEL Woman's Club meets Saturday at 10 a.m. for book fair in the Alpha ClUB WEIDAR Beta Mall of Laguna Niguel. For more infor- mation call 831-9688. LAGUNA NIGUEL Woman's Club meets at 7:30 p.m . Thursday in Republic Savings, 30212 Crown Valley Parkway. For more in- formation, call 495-1438. COLONEL WILLIAM CABELL Chapter of DAR meets Wednesday at noon in Glendale Federal Savings, 100 Newport Cente r Driv~\ Newport Beach. For more information, cau 646-5667. Ranchers busy SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Land ow- nership in Santa Barbara County makes for strange political bedfellows. A recent listing of county building permits in the Santa Barbara News-Press showed a per- mit for a $15,000 remodeling project at the ranch of ''T Hayden et al." That, of course, is left-wing political activist Tom Hayden, who owns a 118-acre ranch with his wife, actress Jane Fonda. Next in line was the listing on a $55,000 project to build a small house for the foreman of the ranch of "R Reagan et al." That. of course, i.a the 688-acre ranch owned by President Rea,aan 25 miles as the crow flies from the Hayden spread. 1RUFFELL1S • UPHOLSTERY . 11 .. t I I~: ~ '-'9 · ltZJ HAHOI It.VD. COST A MI U -54a.1 156' Nrwport Slusic C!Ionstruatorv 'Cullen:e in ~ f:duca!ion' Ilia no ........... ~ ..... C•• ,.._,a-.. vo!O&violln-flute-guitar ......,., .... l.M. ...., C811 for Brochure 11..26 ...... LllR.A (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): lndlvldual who 1uppoeedly performed baste eervtce may confide that A ie.tban-t.boroUih job WU ,.Wt Of efforta. Define t.erma ln pred8e manner, make clear your needs and 1tate expectatJoaa tn no uncertain man- ner. Watch Ptlc:eel SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. U): Emphul1 on producdoo promotion, added reeflOnslbWty and in- tenal.fied re.latiOOlhip. Ttm1nc ia on target, you are apt to lucoeed ln apeculatlve venture and you could have luck in 1amea of chance by 1ticklng with number 8. SAGITr.ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You're due U> finiah important Ulignmeni, project. Tranaaction la actually completed and key ia to be aware of it. Know when to cl<* deal. Don't be lut guesi to leave party. Contact wW be made with ooe who recently left your locale, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll make new start, you'll have chance to initiate project which bring:a forth your creative re80uroet. Focus on tripe, meaagee and tendency to scatter forces. Leo, Aries, Aquariua penona figure prom1nently. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Intuition could enable you to strike pay dirt. Emphasis cooperative efforts, reunion with family member and comple- tion of tasks which had been neglected, delayed. Cancer, Capricorn and another Aquarius figure in acenarlo. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Popularity in- creaaes, judgment is on target and you'll have op- portunity for dazzling display of venatWty. Focus on promotion, prestige, special honor. You get point aero. by utilizing humor. Gemini, Sagittarius per-sons play key roles. _ "'Jh.e onl» rUS0'1 -wh_:J noth.LnJJ lasts forever o ... ._ ............ .....,,_ 0....f~~~·J·~ LS that nothi"c9 ha-:. ever proven i.tse,lf perman<ntl~ 1-tec..essarJJ. , HE RITAGE QUILT CLUB of Newport Beach meets Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Shera- ton Newport Hotel to hear quiltmaker Jinny Beyer. For more information call 640-2585. B'NAI B'RITH of Oranj{e County meets today at Marriott Hotel of Anaheim. For more information call 536-9950. LAGUNA BEACH EXCHANGE Club meets in Laguna Beach High School audito- rium for annual "Search for Talent." For more inf onnation call 497-5441. NEWPOR T HARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For more information calJ. 759-9966. ORANGE COUNTY BREAKFAST Lions Club meets today at 4 p .m . in Gary Cooper's Restaurant, 1601 E. Lincoln, Orange, for Wes- tern Night with the Orange County Associa- tion for Retarded Citizens. For more informa- tion call 738-3972. CARISBROOKE CASTLE CHAPTER of Daughters of the British Empire meets today at 4 p .m . in the Huntington Beach Playhouse. For more information call 640-8396. HADASSAH , Newport Beach Chapter, meets Monday in Mercury Savings and Loan, 23021 Lake Center Drive, Lake Forest for their "eye bank luncheon." For more infor- mation call 960-4114. LIDO DRUGS hone 675-0150 Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special •2.99 It's e treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy flsh fillet, plus f ryes, slaw & hushpupplesl Shrlmply delicious! 3095 Harbor Blvd., In c... w-"* South ol San oi. f,_.1 A~ Crom F-6oo ~l\t• ..,_A......,, .. &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS ~. FAI. 8:30, 8:30, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3;00, 5:00 7:00. t:OO 6 SAT. ONLY 10:50 "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" .... Aiiae1&£• FRI. 1:10 SAT/SUN. 4:10. 1:10 TI41 ... WITHIN 8 FRI. 6:15, 10:15 T N. 2:15 1:15, 10:15 "THE SWAMP THING" FAI. 7:15. t :OO. 10:45 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 3:45 5:30. 7:11. t :OO. 10:45 (PG) DEATHTRAP ..,...c.ti99 a.I~ ...... 0 -~ Bl FRI. 8:00, 1:15, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 1:30, 3:45 8:00. 1:15. 10:30 08(Ma~' FRI. 7:00. t: 15 IAT-1UI.-. .... -. ..., ..... 111~---llOTTO-Mt.._ __ I. ''SHOUT ·~•r-- THE ~O~N' o~= "PORKY'S" FRI. 1.11. 10.30 SAT/Sit .. 1:45. LOST AllK FRI. 8:15, 8:30 8:20. 10:45 '"'· l:>O 10:35 "PERSONAL BEST" FClll. 1·.i I AT/SUN 4:00, 1:.i SAT/SUN 4:10. I :10 SAT/SUN. 2:00 ~ 4:00,8:15 FCllt. t :30, tO:JO l :SO, 10:35 IA) IATllUN 2:10. 1:30. .. :JO ....... _.... "EVIL UNDER THE SUN"" ""'· l ttl, l :M, 10:41 8AT/9UN.1:41, 4:et.1:1t. 1:11.tt:• ' • TM•..,..,fll•"""""._.._.,...,,._... Sff<DT THE M<DN IE ""· 1:21 IAT/IUN. 4:00, 1:25 n. Amllt8ls l!I IW. 1:15, 10:40 SAT • 2:00 1:11, 10:40 "EVIL UNDER THE SUN'''"' FN. 1:15, tl30 SAT,.,... 1:00, 3:15 .... 7:45, 10:00 mi ssi.ng. ....... 'RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP'" ...... 7:00, 1:40, 10:15 SAT,.,... 2:00, 3:40, 5:20 7:00, 1:40, 10:11 (RJ ..~, FAI. 7:00, t:15 SAT/SUN 1~45. 4:00, 1:15 l iJO. 10:41 CJ1ARIOTS OFflRE f•dwtl rd.-. LI DO CI NE MA "'fWf">Rl BlVU A ' .iA Cl('• 673-8350 IH WP<lR! RI A< H ABSENCE OF MALICE ...... t:a , 1o:u SAT,.,... 2:00, l :a 10:N f'dw.ard1., SAODI F fl.flCK PLAZA 11 ' '", "'.'.::::·"''' 581 ·5880 DBI (R) All:.... --.. -, ..... , .. - "DEATH WISH II" ... fl,.._ M'-ut, 111' ,_ __ .. ,_ __ " THE"llBl!ll' WlfiiiN,. ---.. -~ ...... - RICHARD PAYOR "POAKY'S" LIVE ON THE fN.1:41, 1:41. 10: IAT/IUN. 1:00 2:11, 4:IO, 1:45 1:46, 10:40 (i.) SUNSET S1'RIP" ..... 1:15, 1:00, ... SAT,.,... 1:00, 2:46 •:a , 1:11, 1:00, t:• a U T. ONLY 11:00 "ORE.AT WHIT£" FN. t:11 IATllUN. 2:10 1:•. 1:11 (PO) "SWAMP TIINQ" ""· 7:30, 10:• SAT,.,...S:• 1':20. 10:. "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" ""· aoo.1:11. 1•.20 IAT/IUN 1:a , 3:45, 1:00, 1:15, 10:20 (.-0) 1· ' I ... -----"" -- llOIU -!lllJll ---1610 = flltl ...... ltM ,,. '"' rm '"' Ylll ::: 1111) rm --mt ,,. WT a . ,, .. 'Ila ,, .. ,,. "" ,,. "" ,,,. m. fltl ,,.. = -"" '"' f7TJ - AL.OT FOi Ttils ~Y];tiL~amlly home hu expanded with a 4th Bdrm + ramlly rm. Total living apace around 2.000 aq rt. Alot ror alittle prire $123,000 lliih assumable VA ls\ $1~ P&l/mo. Don't de· lay, call Diana today. Diana Pletenpol-Volpe 559.9400 1411 W. IAY OPIM SAT 1·5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remod~led 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. UDO 1511 HOMIS 708 VIA UOO MOU SUH 1·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings, $420.000. a.NA ISLE IAYFIOMTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! IAYSIDI COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1,900,000. · TIES YIST AS-MISSION YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR j 1 ~ ./\ 'j, l,' , • '-.. f', f1 /) f'i I (J 1 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES IAYlllJT .._ 1 Understated elegance, spacious 4 BR overlooking sparkling pooUspa. Enlarged & remodeled kitchen with Garden ea- ting area. Picture perfect. Assume First & owner will carry lg 2nd. .,..,...,, ... ,, ......... IN NEW,PORTCENTZR 644-9060 BUILDER CLOSEOUT! \ FINAL DAY SUNDAY Beautiful Ocean And Night Light Views CONDOS From •111,111 -•iat,&11 11%% Financing 2277 PACIFIC find of WllsonJ COSTA .MESA Lender On Premises -· , Furniture is bought and 1old everJJ day with a classification 8050 ad. \ THI ILUFF8 -FEE LANO Populer 1 1tory Unda Plan OPEN SUNDAY 1-4:30 2445 Vllta Nobleu (Comer Vitti del Oro) Bright & cheery 3 bdrm, 2 bath, air condl· tloned, security system, 2 patios, $275.~ Fee. RACHELLE ROBERS, RL TR 175-2'73 * TllnEllOI * 11,111 ...... Is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel or .. Newport Beach, 759-1501or752-7373. *T&IEIYEI 11.2'. Lill* Only $20,000 down on this spacious four bedroom, 2 bath home with soa- ring cathedral ceilings. F.arthtone de- cor throughout with custom wall coverings. Bright and airy country kitchen plus family room and custom patio. Offered at $154.900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035 .. ,. ..... * 11.41\ FllAICIH Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 br's, fplc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *SIX 01 A LOT* Six houses on one lot in prime rental area of Costa Mesa. All but one have fireplaces and have recently been painted. No deferred maintenance. Asking $395,000. 9032 Adams, Hunt- ington Beach. 556-7035. *UIYlll YIEW HIE* Sensational PORTOFINO model on exceptionally large lot on FEE land with 4 bedooms, spa, fireplace. Only $349,000 with 10.97~ assumable financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *110,000 llYS ITtl Ladies apparel shop with good lease terms. Located in busy shopping center. Inventory negotiable. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach, 556-7035. *WATEllFIOIT lllE* PlllYATE IUCI Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring french doors, frplc, professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Mi- guel Dr., Newport Bead•• 759-1501 or 752-7373. *ZEU HWI* On the water. Price slashed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Pro- fessionally decorated w/gourmet kit- chen. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *120,000 .. * Spacious family home with soaring cathedral ceilings and bright and aJry country kitchen. With 4 large brs, 2 ba's and a family room, its a bargain at $154,900. 9032 AdMu, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *"·000* *llEUTE* On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 mstr swte & de/loft over- looking liv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. *Wtncun* 12~ FIUIClll When you takeover existing loam on this ~ HOME featuring 4 br 2 ~ ba's and pool. Only $339,900. 2670 San Migu el 759-1501 or 752·7373. *llAlllYE OllTll FllEPUOE * Spend those romantic evening bas· ldng in the glow of this massive fjre._ place. This apacioua four bedroom home ii Ideally located cloee to Weet- minlter Mall and Goldenwest Collete and priced to sell $119,900. 9032 Adamt, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. MIWPOIT .. CH OflRCI 1670S. ..... Drfft 171411n.1111 l714J 112·7J7J . ~TOM-CHOMCI MD..-• .._ C7141 MW671 C7141 IN-7tH LADY Ill WAITlll&. Wilma rents. Wilma wants to buy. Wilma is afraid to buy. Wilma surely can afford to buy. Wilma is waiting for prices plwnmeL Wilma baa been waiting for many, many years. Wilma has lost $200,000 appteciation. Wilma's rent is not tax deductible. Wilma's rent is going up, up. Wilma is still waiting. Wilma wants to buy. Wilma is afraid. Wilma rents .. . and rents .. . EXAMPLE: The Monaco model in Harbor View Homes in 1979, $160,000; In 1980, $185.000; In 1981, $215,000. EXAMPLE: In Cameo Highlands, 1980 prices, $197,000 to $315,000. 1981 prices $225,000 to $372,500. Four sales in 1980, 12 sales in 1981. Don't wait with Wilma! Buy now! Buy in Newport Beach! Call about the following listings: Cameo Shores, 1 block to beach. Cameo Highlands, super remodel, pool & view. Harbor View Homes, Portofi.no with pool. Huntington Beach, 2 BR 2 'h ba condo. The PeniNula Point, 5 BR, remodeled. GllllllT I CBBllT& STARNES COMPANY $89,000 1----------FHALOAM Only su.OOll downi as-sunv $119.000 FHA oan. 15"'1%, Sl310 PITI. Shup 3 Bdnn. hardwood floor home i n a supe r neighborhood Price on· ly 199.950. Call to see. ~2313 THE REAL ESTATERS I-" CHARMING IRYIME HOUSE c'mtL ~n~~~1~g~~~w We ha!~~Iu! ll!~JL at this time. All noor p1am. Good views. pxt financ;ing, good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. "° 1·1 2t1tYiltl~Mw 2111 flit• ... .,., .... 2Ml ... •14a,ht,Mw ..... Ul .. .. ..... HELEN B. DOWD WI.Tiii, K MM1M dwn pa,Y.menl. lo" mt . no q•1ab(ying, no points. A dollhouse in a great ~rat~n . Rtc5~194~eg CAU TO SEE ELEGl~CE Big Cyn1S Br. SI .950.000 Udo Is. oay vu ~75,000 Penin Pt 5 Br S495 ooo .u~FOR ' Duplex bo at doc k _. DAILE ~1500 Massive rock frpk, sur· VIEW I "'Y ex nrocean $187.500 founded by spacious "' C. esaduplexSISS.500 ramrmw/Fr.doors de. AND OCE.A.M! Wtrfrtdock R-12 S499.500 corator rans. Oak plank Owner wTII ex-cliange 673-9060 entry. rountry'kit. form. down! Newport Heigllts din area, 3 Bd 2 Ba. FBtaCe' Excellent view $137,500. S30K dwn. S1Cl57 thru la rge p1t'ture win· P&l /Mo. Don't delay: dow. A must see. Only call Diana toda y. · $429,000. Call for more Diana ~=I-Volpe Bil• ~ "'\;f.[:.'.l.~· .. -;;;; " GARDEN PARK VILLAGE FAIRVIEW RD. & AVOCADO, COSTA MESA Two and Three Bedroom Townhome1from1137,950 ~13~% 30-Year Fixed Rate Loans 10% and 20% down* A.umable/No prepayment penalty t I I. 1. I· I I I I I •• . otanoe Cout DAILY PILOT/8und1y1 March 21, 1912 ' GOif i ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF ASK OMAR A qui1 que1llon and our diseu11lon of reapon.ea when UJin1 flve·catd m1jort pro voked a mortt heated cor rtspondence th•n usual. so in1tt1d of havina a w lnn r t.hJa week. we'll tackle a sub ject ot Interest to many: The quiz question was: Uoth vulnerable, u South you hold: • K865 ~' 0 A98' +7643 The bidding has proceeded: North Eut South W eit l 0 PaH 1 + Pua Z <::1 Pan 3 0 Pa .. 3 <::i Pa11 ? We suggested that South bid five diamonds in the hope lh1tt partner could go lo six. A r eader writes: "How does your partnership know that North isn't bidding a short diamond (we play five-card majors)'/" Several others accused us of bas ing our responses on four card major opening bids when r eplying to a query about how to respond to an opening bid or one club when you hold a five-card diamond suit .rnd a four·card major and your side is using five card major opening bids. "Don't you know t hat you must respond in the major!" In reply lo these com menls: the fact that you play a five card major system d<>t!s not mean that all bid ding logic Oies out the win dow to be replaced by a series of "rules." You still need a comprehensive system to get you to the best contract. Let's consider the quiz question first. IL is obvious from the bidding that North does not have three. four o r even five diamonds -he has at least six diamonds and a strong hand although he never rebid diamonds direct ly! North has made a reverse bid in hearts and then rebid the s uit voluntar ily when he had tf'<'etvod no support from hi• partner. Therefor1.1. North mu•t hav" fivt heart•. Yet, he chos. to open the bid dtnw with one diamond. With fewer than ftve d iamonds. he would Ct!rtalnly have opened one heart. With five diamonds and rive hearts. he ithould st.Ill op1•n ofle heart and either jump to t hrcl• diamonds. or rebid two duamonds dt!pentling on tht• strength or hii1 hi&nd. Th1.• only lime you open one d ia mund when you have a flvt' card he art suit is when your diamonds are >onger than your heuls. Ergo, North has al least six diamonds. so you don't have to worry about the a dequacy or your trump 1>Ull. As to responding to a minor s uit opening wh1.•n playing five·card major-;, I diJ not know that I "had" to bid one o r a major bt-fon• showing a five card minor suit. My mosl frequent 1>arl nt'r 1s Paul C hemin. n member or the French lt'am that won the W o rld Team Olympiad in 1980. We play a five-c·ard major system and. on most hand!!, we would nol dream of bidding a four card major wht·n we also hold a five card minor A1> an exam pie. suppose that. as.South, you hold: +7642 ·n 2 OAKJ54 +8Z The bidding has proceedt'd: North Eut o u th W est J + PaH l + 2 PaH P ass ? Q.1-As South. vulnerable. you hold: +Q854 ~J763 0 7 +A962 The bidding has proceeded: North East Sout h W est 1 + 2 0 • P us 3 0 O bie Pus ? •Preemplivl' What action do you take't Q.2 -Both v ulnerable, a:. South y ou hold: +9853 ~Jl0853 0 KJ06 +2 ' 1 The blddinti hn11 proceeded: WH t Nerth Eut outh 1 + Obie S + Pa11 PH• Ubte Pa11 1 Whu.t 11cl,ion do you take'/ Q.S-Neither vulnt•rablo, 1 South with 70 on scor(1 you hold: •5 <:?K96Z OAJ76 +AK83 Tht' b1ddanl( hu proceeded: W ett Nor th Ea1t South 3 + Paa• P a u ? Whal nclion Ju you lake'/ tl.4 -/\s South. vulnerable ) llU hold: • K6 "AK83 O A6 + K 10952 Tiu• bidding ha'i proeeedeJ: South We1t Nort h EHt 1 + 3 <> J + P a1111 ? What do you bid now'! Q.5-Both vulnerable, as Soulh you hold: •9S2 0 KJ107642 +983 The bidding ha proceeded: W est North Ea11t South J • 2 ':J Pass ? What 1wtion do you take'.' Q.6-As South. vulnerabll', you hold: +Kl0872 c:>6 OA9 +AKQ6Z Tht• bidding has proceedt'd. North East Sou th Wut Pass 1 0 Obie PaH 2 Pass 2 • PaH 4 • Pass ? What ut•tion do you take? l.0<1k for answt'r'> on Munda) Kubber b ridge d u bs throug ho u t t h e country u11e the fou r ·deal b ridge form a t. Do they know 80mething you d o n 't ? C h -rle11 Gore n '11 "t'o u r·O eal B r idge " will teach you the strategies a nd tactics of this fast -paced action game t.hat provid es the c ure fo r u nending r ubbers. F~r a copy and a <icorepad, send $1.75 to "Gor e n·four D eal," c/o this n ewspaper. P.O. Box 259. Norwood, N.J . 07648. M a ke check s pay a b le to New s · paperbook s. DIATH 1mc1s Egypt to keep Tut relics P'llUC llOOCE VELA FICTITIOUS IUSINESS MAMIE STATE MENT ANTONIA S. VELA. age 79. a reeident of Huntington Beach, Ca. Passed away on Thuraday, March 18, 1982 at the H unti11&· CAIRO, F.gypt (AP) -Fifty-five ancient relics of the King Tutankhamen collection must remain in Egypt because of their frail state and the small amount of money they generate on tours, a Ministry of Culture official said. Th• followlno oersons ere ootno l>uliMU•> HOW ... RO BOOK KEEPING. toll Sleler Av ....... Suite 10, Huntln010n Beacll, CA., ... , Mergl• N -•rd. 191•1 C~W. Dr. Ahmed Kadry told The Associated Press that the ban affected all of the pieces that were most recently shown in the United States and Eu- rope. Founteln Vello. CA '110I Ftore W.C..,,..be. SS7S Muir Ortve. Buene Pe ..... CA '0&11 Tiii• bu>lnon Is con t•d Dy • o•ne•al pertne,..,.1p Maro1e N How•rd This \tel-I wa> tolMI with the County C'-•ll of Oren~ '°""'" on Mar<ll S 1"7 F1 .. m PuClllSllocl Or•-Coest O••IY Pilot M•rcll I 14, 11 11, 1912 1041.ft • ton lntercommunity HOtlplt.al, Huntington BNch, Ca Beloved· wife of Juan P Vela. alao belo- ved mother o f F.ather lvera of Huntington Beach . Ca. Stella Bernat of Garden Grove, Ca .. Fehpa Perez of Westmins ter, Ca .. Miguel S . Vela of S\anton, Ca .• Jose Lws Vela of Hunung· t.on Beach. Ca .. ~ynaldo Vela o( Sdlano Beach. Ca .• also survi- ving a~ 21 grandchildren an d 11 great·grandchildren. Friends may call at Pierce Brothers He said Egyptians were appalled to learn that the Tut exhibit in the United States earned various entrepreneurs about $100 million, while Egypt col- lected only between $15 million and $16 million. •---PHUC--.rt--E--- Smtths' Mortuary on Sunday March 21, 1982 Crom 12:00 Piil.iC •OC£ to 9:00PM. The fltoly Roury wu.11-----------NU •TICE be recilt'd on Sunday. March 21. l'ICTITIOUS •VSINESS FICTITIOUS a uSINEH 1982 al 7:30PM •l St. Bonaven-NAME STATEMENT NAME STATIEMENT lure Catholic Church. Mau of The lollowln9 "''°"' ••• Clolno Tht loltowl,... .,.,son •• ,. CIOlllQ Chnstian Bunal will be conduc· llu•IMH .. ~lntt• ~ It'd on MOll(by, March 22, 19,82 ACTIOtt APPRAISERS, UJI North STARWAflE MICAOSERVICES, UO at 10:00AM at ~ ~b .. -h wl•'-Grencl Aw .• Ste. F. SMiie Ane. CA E J~no SI . Cost• Mna, CA '1617 ... ..... uo '1701. Keren Slerleet. UO E. Und St , Monslanor Mic ael Duffy aa TllomM fl. Mellon. 3271'1 AIM1hY••. C•te Mew, CA on•11 celebrant. Jntermentwlll be B•lboe "'-· CAt2662 Aon•ld Fr•nlllln O.•I•. 150 E nno made in the Good She~erd Jo1111 K. B•ioro Jr .• o Cllolo. SI. Coslt Meja, CA '1•?1. ,..__ lrvlllt. CA'27u. Tiiis bu•lneu 11 conClu< teo llv '""""'etery , Huntington ach. Tiii• ~""' It conducted 11'1' • llu\bencl-wilt Pierce Brothers Srnltha' Mor· .-.wral__,,.. KennS1ar1of tuary directon. 536-6539. Tllornft R. Melton Thi• _, wa• flied wllh '"" ;fti~;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:;ji~ Thi• stet_. w.tt 11100 wltll U. county Cl•rk of O•enoo County on County ca.r11 of OrenQe County on /!Atrch t, 19':1 ·f.ntune Soca·et~ Mt•<h s, 1..,. F1MHt !Ml"Tii 1'1 PUl>lltlWCI 0rtrl9t c .. sl Oelly Pltot CR TIOH IOAIAL AT • Pul>I~ Orenvt Coell D•llY Piiot Mtrcll 7, u. 21. tt. rm I~ 64&-7 431 . /!Atrcll 1 14, JI, 21, IC 1 Our lit erature tells ltie· complete story of our. society. · w ............. ,. lW'L c:-..e.. ULTllHGHON SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLlff CH.4'1El 4:>7•( , llh <;1 Costa Me<,;i f\4f\-Q371 rtllCf llOTHHS SMITHS' MOlTUl\lT 627 Main SI Hun11no1on &af n 536·6539 l'ICTITIOUS ausiN•U FICTITIOUS austHl!SS NAM& nATIMI NT NAM£ STATE MIENT Th• lot-lnt pef'IOM ere doing Tft• loll-lno person• ••• <101no Dvs.lftttt-. t>u\1ness •i l lo l ELEC.TRONIC SURPLUS fl end H SMIT,. ELECT!! IHT£ANATIONAL; (8) E.S.l., NO II 201•1 Soulll Now Brlleon Le"' Summor•lnd, NowPor1 BH<tl. Clo Huntlnoton Bff<ll, C.•hlornra '11"411 '2660. Rltl'llrd Herold Smltll, 101'1 Soutr. BA It BARA J SAYE No. U New Brll•ln l-. Huntl"tlon 8H<ll Summorwlncl, N•wPorl lleecll. CA Ctlllorni...,... '1MO. HerolCI Roll•" Smllll IOll Tiiis -'-·It COllOUCIOO"" an P••"dlo Ori•• Coll• MU • lncllvkluel C.•llfor nl• mi. llar1MroJ. !><Ive This Dutinou Is conduct•d by • Tlllt atle!Mftl w.tt 1119<1 wllll t11o oeneral p.ortner\lllP County Clel'lt .,. Ore"90 County on RICl\fltd H Smith Merell II, 1"2. Tl'llt ... .,,,,_. ""' lllM! .. 11h Ito. ,.1_ Counl• Cl••~ .,. Oreno-Counly or, Publl-Orenvt COH1 Delly Piiot, l'ebru"'v,. 1"7 Mtr<ll 14, 11, a . Aprll 4, 1"7 1117..., F1Mff0 Publl•he<I °'"""* c .. sl Dolly Piiot F~l> 21, M•r 7. I•. 21. 1912 ••S.-7. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAT•MENf l lie tollowlno "'""' ere 00<110 bu\inn\a\ SOUTH COAST LIMOIJSINE. 1070 Tulw,D•I ... C••·-· CA t2U.. STANLEY ACl(EL!>OH. JSS• ForOll•m Ori ... Gotl• -... CA .,~u MICH ... El T EDSON. 1010 TulMe Orin , c..u Me$a. CA mi. Tllh -Inns I• COf>OUCIOO by • 11.,,.r•I Ptrt.nenlllp. Mic-I T. EcKcfl Tiii• mteftWll •• meet w1111 111e county Clerk ot <><•,... County on M••<ll,11. IC F1.-.S Pul>ll\IWO Orenoe Cot•I Dolly Piiot, Merell u. 21, ta. lolW11 4. 1"2 llu..? NIUC 1111£ l'ICllTIOUS BUSINIEH NAME STATEMENT Th* fotlowlno ~rs.on" •rt dol'u~ 11uslneuu· NA TIOfoi"L SERVICE CE NTER, 191' Sou111 llllchev A••nue, Sant• Ane. C•hlornie '1IOS ECS E~rono<c C•I< ~--Ice, 19" South ~llc,..y A•tn~ S.nl• An• C•llfornl• '1IOS Thh butinen I• conducted Ill' a COrQ<>tallon ECS E1oc 1ron1c Cele Wllm.t J Gt n lry SK Trus This sl•ltme<>t w•• Ill~ with Ille Counly Clerk ot 0••-Counly on Ftbru.,y 1), 1"2 1'111'J4 Publl•l\t<I Orenc;,e CM•I D•llY Piiot. Fet> 1t,"""' 1, I•, 21, 1"7 .,._., l'ICflTIOUS BUSINISI NAMa STATa MllNT Th• tollowtno o"""' •rt Ootno CluSi~U•• f'ACIHC YtlW MIMC>llAL f'AllC Cemetery Moriua"' Chapel-Crematory :J5()() Pac1l1c Voew Drovf' NewPOrt Beach 644·2700 l'ICTITIOUS IUSIHEU .. AMI; ITATaMa NT Tht lollowlng p.,1011 h oolne 11uslnnu1. CE NTER FOR EARLY l'ICTITI°'" •USIHIU PSYCHO-SOCIAL INTERVENTION, MAMa ITATaMaNT J0131 Town CentOf', Sulle *· LfOune Mc~OllMtCIC MOaTUAlllS Leouna Beach 494·!M15 Laouna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAllOI U..._MT. OU¥t Mc>rtua"' • C.meterv CrelTll IOf'V 16~ Gisler Av~ Cos11 Mesa ~5554 I "WTN. LTD .. " ?stll Nelllt Gell ltoH, 1..eoune Hiiis, Cellfornla •1'.s:J fl~ e_... w ......... a-rel Ptr1Mr, 14111 l'fetlle Gell Ad-. Le9Unt Hll~. Cellfomle ~ Tiiis -I~• Is condu<led b• • llmlloopo~lp. floll0f'1 E. WllMltr T11I• 1l•te<Mnt WH llled wltll U10 Coulll'I' Cler•k of Ore-. County on .......... ,., ,,, "" 1>1"'11 PublltlWCI Or ... Cotti 0811'1' Piiot, Fttl JI,-· 1. 14, 11, 1'81 .,,.., Tiie followlno per"" h 001119 Nlouel, camn. l>utlnesut: MYRA E. FANAflOT, U N llAYSHORI! EHGINEEflllfG Slo11lnoton,So L ....... CAt2•17 I.. TO., 1n. C,...M•• Of'I.,., N..,.llOr'l J£FFAEY O. llRAHTl..EY, M,0 , 1-11. Cetltomle t2iMJ. 70S eo1,_, Lt9uN 11-11. CA '1•Sl. Wtlle<e .. _,, LlmC>u•o. JUI ~Ills ...,.._, It <OMUCl•d by • CtHhlew Of'lve. Howporl e u cll. ooner•I Pf(tnerslllp. Ctll .. mte ""3. Myre E. F_.Cll Tiii• """""• It C-.C:IOO by .,. Tiii• 1181-1 Wet flloo wltl\ ""' lnclMduel. County Clef'll ot O.e1199 cou111y on Wellac• O. Lift!...,,. Merell It. 1'12 Tlllt llt W!Nftt wM fllect wllll the ,.,...,. County Ci.rll Of °'""* County on Pvblls-0rtc'l9t C-t OeOy Piiot, Mar<" J, 1"2 ,.1... l!Ur<ll 14, tl, 11, Apr11 4, 1"2 n...a ,.,_II,,.. Or .... C-t Oolly "llol. ------------·--------------' Merci\ 14, ti, ft,, A!lfll 4, 1•2 1'4M2. PIUllJll ..... lllC'Ttnau&IMIM•e• ~"l\tt•MT Ht ltlltwl111 .. ,.o,. It •et11t b<itl11••• ••. U"ttllt CU1'$, tit! Htrlltf II~ 1"'9 P', Colla Mt .... CA '7tM I..,,.. Marie OttMrtuoll, J»lt Mtllly l>I , He,_ City. CA to1 ti. 1'111• tu\ltwtt It COMllClM IY ell lt\tll•lo.i.tl. l.W!tM Oe_..,.,. Tiii• ··-· Wt• 111941 wllll t ... County C..,11 ti Ol'ell9t County Of\ MttCll ), 1'19), ,, .... "'*I .... Cll'tllllt c:.t•• 0.llY l"llet. Mertll1, ... 1f.M. ltlt IOOJ .. J 'ICTITIOW euttNIM .. AMelTATIMIMT f lie fOllOwfl•t "'$011 It ftlftt Iv••-"· Wt:STlltH IMAOH. 10M Owdell Ltllt, • 9, C•I• Mltu , CA tt•t1 ALBERT ITAHCHl'lll..0, HM Oercten ........ • B. Cotl• "°'"'· CA t2•U. Tlllt• Minftl le conduclt4 bf tfl lndl•lcllltl. A......, ll•ntllllelO Tiii• NW-I wH fllecl wllh Ille County C....., 01 O<•"Olt Cewntv on Martll 11, 1"2. .. ...... Pubtl,_ ~ ... Cotlt Oell\I' Piiot, •1trch u. ll, ». Aprll 4, 1"2 lltt.f1 "1CT1Tiou1 aut1H•• ..AMC ITATU,aNT Th• tollow1111 P•"O" It <101110 bu•ln•KH: HIGHL.ANO WOOOS, llo07 Sylvle L•n•, NowPort llH <ll, Ct11for11le t2MO Edw"'d H Conway, lj07 Sylvie L•n• Howl>O'I Beech, C•lllornlt .,_ Thi 1 buli~I I 1 Conduc '-<I bf "" lndl•kli>al EdWerd H Conw•Y Tlllt Itel...-wet llled with U. Countv Clerk .,. Or•n99 Counly on Merell II, 1"2 .. 1..- Publl"'9CI 0. ..... Cotti Delly Piiot. Merell u , 21. 21. loprll •. 1"2 1m.f1 FICTITIOUS BUii HESS MAMIE $TATl!M5NT T llt 1011ow1no pe,.on I• oolno butlnen ., THOMAS S. &WILTllEY: nephew of ROSEMARY HANDLIN, DECEASED, or any person knowing his whereabouts. Please contact the First National Bank Trust Department of Fort Smith, Arkansas Wiiiiam B. Buergler Trust Officer First National Bank Trust Department P.O. Box 7 Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902 CALL COLLECT: (501 ) 782-2041 Extension 452 BL ENTERPRISE 175" LO<.nt St.. • Fount•I" Velley, CA ttlOI PVIUC llOTtE PUIUC llOOCE Robolrt Y C. Ltt. llSM Lo<u•I St Founl•ln V•ll•I'. Clo t2IOI Thi~ bonln~s t• conoucleO by •n lllCllVIO..•I R-rt Y C. Leo Tiii\ •l•l-1 ••• llled wllll ltw CounlY Cl~•• ol Or•nqe Coun1y on Merell•. 1"2 1'114474 PuC>ll~ Ore19 Coe•I D•llY Pllol, M•r<ll I, 14. 21. 21. 1't, I~ "ICTITIOUI BUSINllU NAME STATI MENT T lie lollowlno Pt,.on I• OolnQ bU\fntt' .,. ZITEC svstEMS. ,.. Acacia Ttff Lene. 1nr1,,., CA '111~ fl-rt i.e.. Wallln, 3' ACllCle Trff L•M. Ir.one. CA '171S Thi• l>uMMU •• conouc ,.., Cly .,. ll>dl•lduel "ICTITIOUS 8 U$1NllU P'ICTITIOUS euSINUi l'ICTmOUI llUllMll81 NAMI' STATEMllNT NAME STATIMllNT NAME ITATDmtfr T "• lollowlno penon1 .,.. dolno The tollow1110 pe"on• ••• oo•no Hie 1-..0 .,.,..,.., .,. c1oono 1>u11- buMne1' ., bus.tnet' ., neea u CAL·PACIFIC STEEL CENTRAL PROCESSING 111 PVCORAG<>H 112 4l<dSI .._, CORPORATION QI C'"llllen OrlYO. W•\l 11111 Slrttl 0 1 Coste Me'-'. BMc:ll. CA 12M3 HuntlnO!OO> Bff<h. C•llforr1le .,... Call lo• 111• ~ ~":"~: ~;~· 112 43r0 SI . B & R Enoln .. rlno Comp•nf. How•rd Fr~cer9. )II IOlll Street. Inc o' po r ti• d , • Ca II Io r n I e 2 C. Hunhnqton Beech C•llfo•nl• 1~ t,"t;1"' Bell, 176$l lron1>•'1o.. COfl!Or•llon, 1361 Cullllen OrlYO, '1Ma Thie -II conouc:t.O Dy• gene.el Huntlnolon 1••<11 . Cellfornoa Peul M All>ert .,.I Prn1M,,I• _.,... .,._.._ Ort11e Huntinoton Se•" C•UtOf"n•• An0few9 Jefoa Tiii• Du•lneu I• conducted Dv • '1Ma Tlolt ttetomenl •H 111•0 ••II\ th• COtl>O••llol'l. Tiii\ 1>u11M\\ 1>..conouc ted DY • County°*" ot Orenoe Counoy on MOlfc:ll II & fl Enol,,.rlno Co , In<. q~n•tr•I P¥1,,.,\hlp 18, 1"2 - 80 rnar d EI> low 11 r , Ho'#o)td Frelbol•Q ,,_ Prelldenl Thi\ \letemtnl wn toled with lll4I Pulllltl\<td O•ang• Cou1 Oa•ly PllOI Tiii\ lltl-1 ., .. toled wllll 11\l C°"nly ci.r-ol O•eno<t Counly on M•Cll 21. 21. Apnl 4, 11. 11182 1216.82 COUftly c1e..-... CK•-County on F•O•uery JS 1'81 l!Urch II, 1"2 F1Qt17 FIM... Pullll•...., °'"""" C.M\I Deily Piiot, Publl•Ncl Oreneo Co.JI D•llv Pilot, Feb , •. MA• 1 "· ,, ,.., 1183.fJ Merell"· 21, 7', Aprll •. 1"1 1J47.f2 . ...._ __________ _ l'ICTITIOUS IVSINESS NAME STATIEMIENT R_,.,LMWallln Tllll mt-I wet Ille<! with 11141 "8lJC -~ Covnlv Cieri<.,.<><•,... CounlY on------------ T "• tollow1nQ p•rson it e101no tH..t\lnHs~ CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP NO I 1200 He.-.. ......... ra. CO.I• M .... C Alllorn1a -n.11 M•r<ll ), IS. . .., .. ,., Pul>ll•Nd Or-eo.11 Daily Pllol, Merell 7 .... JI. 11, "'' IOJI., ACtTTlOUI M.I ..... NAmlTA~ TIM ~ .,.,_ • doil'll --u INSTITUTE FOR SKIN THEAAPY, 120 E. 18111 Su-. Coate -. CA ne27 Her,,.,. M Lew, 245 Son ~. Lo OUN 8-11 CA fn6S I Thll l>u1IMU It coftdUCled l>J an In-- PtC:11'T'lOUa ........ ...,,_ITA.,......, TM IOllowtno Petton• ero OOlng t>ual· ,_ .. (A) ALPHlo oeS•GN I ENGINEERING 10.eian & F•Drlcotlon DI•). (8) ALPHA CLASSICS CO tCOlf S-Oi• I ICI lol· io7~t'~~°!~':J~H~~~f.A'r2: NAL !"'-S-1; «El AlPHA OESIG N GROUP IAO~••tltlng Agen~yl, 54411 Oc:eenut O;tv1, Hunt1ng1on BMch, c.111 12&t9 J ES lnclualrtoo, Inc • • Celdor,... cor· C>O<•tton. 64olll Oc:eenus o.., Hunt1noton 8-:fl CelHomce 121149 This --ia _..,._ Dy• corpo.. •••IOn l'ICTITIOUS a uSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne foflow1r.Q ger~on\ •r• dolnQ bus1n•\\ ., HELSON & loSSOCIATES. Sl4 El Mooen• /4.•t Newport 8ti1c h , Celllo•ni• '1i.l Mery J-tffl'°" U• Et Mo<Mne A•e H-1 &..ch C•lll0<n1• tMJ Al Nel'°"· 5lol E• MOO•na An New Port ~ech, Cemornll '1 .. J Thi' t>utifneu '' c.onouct~d by a Q<',,.,.1 ...... ,.,.,,1p -ryJ-H411""' This SI.el-I w•1 111.0 with lhe J~"V A WOOCI 3'19 WHI B~f Slrttl. 8101. Co.I• Mew, CllllOrnl• '1611 This btl\ln•~\ '' conduct•O bo; • 1mUed ,,_,,,.,.,Y'l•P Jeny A WOOO Thi~ stltf'f't'Wf"lt was f1tt0 .wu" '"~ County Cler~ ol 0••"9@ C.°"nly on Much• t"1 Fl-Pullll""" Or•f>Q@ C.0.•I o ••• , Piiot M•fth & I) 10 11 ,.., '1'7 11 County ci.rk of 0r•"9@ Couniv on ------------ M••<ll 4 1"7 Nil.IC llOOCE F1"4M -----------~ -..-M L.,.. Thll •talement ... 111•0 •1111 lho Coun1y C-Of 0rtl1Qll County on Merc:ll 19. 11182 JES lll<lull,_, Inc: PubllsNcl Or-Co.nl Deily Piiot. l'ICTITIOUI llV ... BI =e~lpllebel March 1. u . 11.11, 1"2 IOJl.t'J NAJlll B"TAru.Jff F~ Publllll•O O• ango Co ell OoJly Piiot Mercn 21 n.""""" • " 1992 1311..t2 Tntt alel•ment WH lll•d with In• _.,. .ftl'[ ullle lo4lowl<'9 .,.,_ 18 dOlne -- C........,. CleA Of Or.ngt C<Mlty on Mer~ rwwu.. "'' YOUNG AT MEART PROOOCT~S 19, 1~ t-------------2IOS Or .... e A ... Cc!Ma ..._. c.t. 1126211 ,,_ "ICTITIOUS BUSINESS l-l(ey WMlon. 280S O.lke ,,,.. Put>ll-d O•enge Cou l OoKy PHot. NAME STATEMENT eo.1e Meta. CA llMM Morell 21, 28, Al><• 4, II, 11182 13 IS-82 Thi• 1>u11ne11 It conduclOO "" on ,,,. Th• toll owl no P•"on I• dolno "'...,..., ·• PVIUC llOTtE l'ICTITIOUS eUSINaU NAME STATIMENT buSIMU H L-l(ay We11on SWALLOW'S NEST, JO• Vie 11111 11a1ement •H llleO wllll tho OPortO, H-1 BH<ll, CA tn6o, County Clef• Of Orenge County on Morc:ll LYDIA RUCKER, IJJI Slone-18 1982 The lollowlno p~rson " do I no bU"nHIAS l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS Ce>urt, S... P9dro. CA '°In . ,~ HELPING HloNO REALTY. 2IGtJ YI• llu•O•. San Ju•n Cepistreno, Ctllfornla 9UH NAMtrlTATEMIENT Tiiis ~'~· •• <OllOUCle<I "' ... Pulllllll.0 O••noo Cou• O•llr Piiot T lie lollowtno person• ere Oolno lncll•lduel M01cl1 20. 21 lol>fM 3 10 1082 busl,...u •• Lyd•• Ruoer 13-49·81 ALICIA TOWING, 14001 Allcl• Tllos "91...-1 wt• flied will\ ttw Pllw• •SOS Ml•sion lflelo CA mt• County Clerk .,. Oral!Qe Counlv on Allele F01?1Qn Ctr Ser•lo Inc • March II 1"7 PUil.iC llOOCE C•ltfornla corpor•tion. Ct•r-. Lee FtMM'I Fronk voo.-1'°81 Vlt Ruedt, !Mir> Ju•f' CtP'Slreno. Celllornla '1'7S Tiiis busl~• I\ conducted bl' an lnOlvHluel Fren1111.....-Clltl\lopher Pre110enl EIH"°' E PubllsNd OrenQP CMSI Delly Pllol flCTTTIOUI ..,._U Cllrhtol)her. Vlo Pr~lo.fll U. Plete Merell 14, ll, H . April•., .. , lllM? NMll ITATIMPfT Tlll• .i.~t .... hied with 1M County ci.n. of Ortno<t county on Merell 11. 1'81 FHll••I, Sen ci.mente. CA.""' Tllto IOllOWlnQ _...... .. OO'ng - 1'1N•" Publi\l\t<I 0...llQll C.ot•I Oeoly PllOI, Merell "· 11. 21, AIW•I •. 1'81 17...., Corporellon C>ustMH •OOrn• 1.001 u loll<I• Pllwy •SOS. Miu-vi.1o. CA PVIUC llOC( SUNSHINE SPECIALTY COMPANY '1•tl ------------1$98 Hem111on lo••nue HuAt1n111on Tiiis butln .. s II <Of>OuC te<I by e 8-11 CA I~ con>orellon "ICTITIOUS BUSINESS Chorlu Kenneth llltke• 7166 I All<te For~ Cer NAMll STATaMa NT ll•ookllurll SI No 175 Huntl"ll'On Sorrvlet , tnc Tl\e lollowlnQ person " dolno 8Mch CA t1&4e Clerll CIWlslop"" 11u11neu es Tr.It .....inen 11 conducted II)' .,, ,,.. PrHlci.nt NR MAINTENANCE, 711 W 17111, e11.-... NIUC llOTICE NS-Hiil T"" i.telomenl was 111"' wll" Ille J·t , CO\ta Me$a, CA ttUI °*""" KeMOln Ula1<• NOTICE OP DEATH OF county Cletk.,. Or•"Ot County on NOAMAHJ.REYHOLOS,203'E Thi• 01tttmen1 wu111•0 wllh the O<ttnfr'Ollt, H-1 lie.ell, CA .,, .. 1 Coun1'Y Cler1' Of Or.ngt County on Mardi ORACE E. LEE. aka GRACE Mtrcll i, "" "1MJM "'" ""sl""" 1, <-too 11v .,. 1a ea2 ,,._ EVELYN LEE, a ka GRAYCE Publl-Orenoe Cotsl Deily PllOl, lncllvklv•I Pulllllri.d O•enge Cout Delly PllOI ~N L~:E '!:.8~~ v;:T~i1~~ Merell '· ... 21.,. ,.., 100.ft Thi• ==~ ==~~~ with llW •Clll 20. 21 . ...,,,.w 3, 10. •982 1350-87 TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO county c1erll.,. Orer>oe county on ------------ A·llUl7. PllUC llOlt( M•rtll 11, 1'81. • Ft-• PltUC llOTICE To all heirs. beneficiaries, ------------Publl.,,.., Oranoe co.st oe11v PllOi, ------------ creditors and ronungent cred1 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Mtrcll1'1l,11.Aswll t.i"1 111'M1 RCTITIOUIM.1_.H lOl"!I of Gr8Ce E Lee. aka GrllCC! PAULE. MELANDER AND ---------''----NAm ITAro.Nt Evelyn Lee. aka G rayCP E Lee, OF PETITION TO ADMINIST· PVIUC llOTIC( ~"'.~OllowinO l*IOM "" domQ 11ua1 aka Grayce Evelyn Lee and ER ESTATE NO. AllH tO. -----------OMlllOOeMOUNTAM TUU& persons who may be olherwlllC To all heirs, beneflt'iarlel, flCfTT'IOUI ao.-81 lOY CO . 1021 Sou111 LlnwoocJ A•• --' · h ti and/ NA• ITATUmJIT S-• Ant. Clo 12705 tnteresto:u tn t e w1 or et-creditors and t'ODlingent credl-TIM ~per.on •• doing-. y.,. .. .,.. __ "'II 1..c • c.i.tor tale tors of Paul E M elander and • n10 cCttporolion, 10'7 South Linwood A pell\Jon has Ix-en ftled by pe~ who may be othel"WlSl' RED·UG, 4118 w Acoputco A•• A ... Sen!•...,... CA 1270S John W. Tulac:"1. m the Superl0t tnlereated In the will and/or S.:::=11 c~w,a.y. 4911 w Ac-. ,01':: ...._'" "°"""'180 0y • - Court of Orang<> Count y re estate: ""'°° 11 .... Ben1a An•. CA 1121~ ..,_ .. wooo-on.1no. inc: quc.•ling that John W, Tu1aa be A pellllon has been filed by ~t>u•tn•u 11 cono~too Dy en In· =-~ v..,,,. appointed as personal repre Carol A PaullOn tn the Superior p...,.. I( BIUen-Wlley lftll •l•l•m•nt wu 111eo with tho tentative to admm111tcr the et· Court o f Orange County rt>· Tiii• ll•t•m•nl wu 11100 w1111 tho County Cler~ Of Or-County on Mweh tale of Grat'e E Lee, Ba Ibo• questing thAt Carol A Paulaon ~~.,. °'""119 County on Merct1 II 111e2 ,,_,1 Wand, CA (under the lndepen· be 1ppolnted as penonal repre-,,.... Pulll••h•O oreng• cout Delly Piiot dent Administration of Estates sentatlve t.o administer the es. Pullllthed Orona• Cou1 D•lly Poot, M.,ch 20. 27, loll'• 3, 10. 1982 Act) The petition Is set (or talt' of Paul E. Melander (under M.,e11 21. u . A!>tM 4, 11, 1912 12119-82 13-411-112 hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 lM lndependent Admlnletrallon Cwlc Center Dnve West. Santa of Eatates Acl) The petition is rulUC llOOCE PUil.iC •tt£ Ana. CA 92701 on Apnl 14. 11182 wt for heanng m OepL No 3 at ------------------------ al 9 30 a.m. 700 Ovic Cenu-r Drive, West, in l\INOPlll °' ""e.:~Al STATUll£NT IF YOU OBJECT to the the City of Santa Ana. Califor-Of granting o f the petition, you nla on April 14. 1982 at 9:30 a.m. CAllALl!A IN8VAANCE CORPOAATION 300 SI PllUI Pl-BalllmG!• should either appear at the IF YOU OBJECT to the Marylonc!''202 Y_E_,,O.C....,_Jt.ttel bearing and state your obj«· granllnl of the pellllon, you UOM or file written objection1 ahould either appear a\ the with the court before the hea-hearing and at•le your objec· ring. Your appeertnce m11y be ln Uona or file wrillen objections pel'IOl'l or b:t your a ttorney. with the court before the hea· IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR ring. Your appearance may be in or a contingent cr.dltor of tht penon or by yow attorney. decuaed, you muat file your rF YOU ARE A CREDITOR cla.lm with the a>Un « preemt ii or • contingent creditor of the to the pert0n1l representative decea1ed, you mul\ file your appointed by the court within claim with the court Of' p!"elent ii four months from the date or to the peraonal rep rl!Mnlatlve (Int ~ of lett.en u provl· appointed by the court wtthln ed In Section 700 of the Pro-four month• from the date of ba te Code of Callfornl•. The first llluance of letten aa proV\· time for flllns claims will not did in S«tlon 700 of the Pro- e11plre prior to four monU. from bate Code of Call forn la. ')'he lhe dale of I.he hcarina no~ time for fllln1 c.Jalmt wUI no\ .~. flltp(re pt!« to four mor.d'll from YOU MAY EXAMINE the lhe dat.e of lhe bMrtni noUoed file kept by the COW1. u you art •bow lnlerWtcd 1n the state, you rNY YOU M AY EXAMINE the fiJe a reque.t with the coun \0 tile \ept by the court, u you a.re recelw 1pec:l.al not.Ice of the In· lntitmled In the •'-W· you may wn~ of n~tt .-eta and or fllt-• req\lelt with the court to the .,.UUOna. a«ounU and ,... ~w ~ ~ of the ln· poru ~bed ln Sec:Uon 1200 5 wntory of •'9te ...,. and of the Califomi. Probltit Code. tb• peuUoN, IOC.'OUnta and ,... TremalH, .... ,, l&n•• a por11 .-nt.ct In 8«\lon 1200 IBt.ftlaa, IJ: Ja•e1 P,. Mefl· of the Calltom. Probate Code. HU•, Auerae1 •• 1.-w..L '41 ettteel a CkeMI. Aa .. ,..1 e OU.. S&rMt. Nida ..,.., et IA• at4 l~lffll .... "• • Aa1ete1, CA "'"· (Ill) la•J• MHlu, Celll. Httl, 7-llll. (lllJ ....... ,. Tote1-1.o-To1ot UollllitleO $ ().. 167 '" 2>7 34 ~·3 !>4• si-... tlllpl\A lune!• Cep<lel '*°'uP&Gueranly Cap11tl8S1tMory Oepotil 4,600,000 G10N ptlO-"' and cortlrll>ull(l 141rplo• 2S.•67 ,S50 UC'lotolgMd tunclt (eurplutl ' 111 I 143 Surplus H •-OWO• policyllolder1 33 171,ff3 1ne .............. )'OW 12.003171 QJ~ts tor Ille y.w '1 448 10 I We _...., -bty 111e1 tM -ttem• .,. ., --Mth 11w Annuei Sta-I for lhe yeor tond.o Dec-31, 11181 ,,,_ 10 Ille ..,__ Commluoon41r .,. lhe S1t10 ot Celllor111t, °"'-' to I•• A C '•l ..... ~ton VieePr-1 RC Fe1-flon A-ten• S-"4aty ~ 0..,. Cont Oelly Piiot Merell 17 11, ti 20 H 1182 l J ...-................... ..._. .. lte9U1tMICll CO.-AM'I' °' l'ACIP-'IC COABT *l1'11 ... tt_A..,......,c.....,,.._ WM..., DI~ t\ *' , WELFARE SNOW JOB Ellis McCov and Thomas Robinson. right. clear s now rfom a Milwaukee bus s top to work off their welfare ............. grant unde r the county's work relief program . Both we re on welfare at time picture was taken. 'Queen' wants race 'Afri~an Queen' may enter riverboat festivities LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP> - The Belle of Louisville and the Delta Queen might be join~ by an old movie star as they race up the Ohio River in this year's Great Steamboat Race, part of a week of festivities before the Kentucky Derby. . The African Queen, which starred -along with Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn -in the 1951 film or the same name, just might join this year's race. That's if former Louisville resident Jim Hendricks gets his way. Hendricks, of Key Largo, Fla., recently bought the 76-year-old boat, and has been keeping it in front of the hotel he owns. In November, J:f'endricks spotted an advertisement offering the African Queen for sale by Hal Bailey, an Ocala, Fla., thoroughbred breeder who had used the Queen for excursion trips in Oregon. For $65,000 Hendricks got the Queen -JO feet long and 8 feet abeam. plus a large boat trailer and l} tractor-trailer on which the Queen once toured the United States, raising money to fight cancer. Hendricks also got a pack of old clippings that told where the boat had been. According to the clips. the Queen was a real African riverboat long before it ever met up with Bogie and Miss Hepburn. The Queen was built in London in 1906 or 1912, and used in the river trade until 19Sl, the clips said. I n 1951 , th e boat was "discovered" by director John Huston, who rented it from the Uganda government for his movie. the clips said. In the film, Bogart -as river-rat Charlie Allnutt -and Miss Hepburn -as a missionary named Rosie -try to navigate the African Queen along a jungle river. In the film the beat is destroyed to n e utral!ze a German gunboat, but Jiuston's _,rop crew actua lly had constructed two other boats, letting the Queen stay in tip-top shape. Hendricks, who keeps the boat a m Ue or so from the Caribbean Club bar, wtiere another Bogart fiJm . "Key Largo," was filmed in 1948, bas already installed a video recorder in the boat. He says he's watched a tape or "The African Queen " about 10 times already. Eventually, he plans to use the Queen to haul passengers around the harbor by the hotel at Key Largo. But he's also got his eye on that Louisville steam boat race, and if h e gets "a lit tle encouragement" -financially s peaking he'll make the trip to the derby, scheduled May 1. The Kentucky Derby Festival week starts April 25. Normally, the race pits the Belle of Louisville, a local excursion stemwheeler. against the Delta Queen. a Cincinnati s tern wheeler . The boats travel from a point in the river near downtown Louisville, six miles upstream to Six Mile Island. and back. The prize is a pair of gilded elk antlers, which the winner gets to keep for one year. The African Queen can travel at about 8 mph, as does the Belle of Louisville, Hendricks said, so he thinks the Queen stands a chance if it isn't hurt by the wakes of its larger competitors. Don't postpone having baby Study finds that women's fertility best in their 20s BOSTON (AP > -New findings on fertility suggest that working women who want babies should have them during their 2A>s instead of waiting until they have established their careers. A study by a federation of sperm banks in France found that women's ability to get pregnant drops significantly after age JO. Until now, many ·had believed that women's fertUity remained high until at least age 35. Two American doctors who reviewed the report say it may have an important message for women who intend to hold orr preinancy untiJ their JOs, when they have more job security. "Perhaps the third decade should be devoted to childbearing and the fourth to career development. rather than the converse, which is true for many women today," wrote Ors. Alan H. DeCflerney and Gertrud S. Berkowitz of Yale Medical School. .. Although this might entail restructuring educational and training programs and the labor market." they added, "it might be the best way to ensure that speculate about why the older women who des ire to have both wom e n had more trouble a family and a career are able getting pregnant. However. in to do so." their editorial published in the Statistics show that 8 percent journal, the Yale doctors said of America's first-time mothers some or the thange is probably were 30 or olde r in 1979, due to gynecologic diseases. compared with 6.8 percent in Among the most common of 1960. these is endome trios is, the The fertility study was growth of tissue from the inner conducted by the Federation des lining or the uterus in abnormal Ce n tr es d · Et u de et de places, such as the uterine wall Conservation du Sperme and the ovaries. Humain, an organization of 11 The Yale doctors said French sperm banks. It was physicians may want to develop published in the, New England new guidelines for giving Journal of Medicine. reproductive counseling to older The doctors kept records on women. Now s uch advice is the ages of 2,193 femaJe clients usually limited to the increased and measured fecundity, which ris k or Down's syndrome and they define as the capacity for other genetic disorders. procreation. AJI the women had Until now, the effects of age on sterile husbands, and they pregnancy have been difficult to received artificial insemination gauge because many factors for 12 monthly cycles. may be involved. For instance, The women were most fertile the editorial noted that "male while in their 20s, when nearly fecundity may also diminish three-quarters were able to get with age, and coital frequency is pregnant with a r ti r i c i a I thought to decline with length of insemination. In the 31-to·3S age marriage.'' group, 62 percent became However. with regular pregnant. and Ute rate dropped artificial insemination, these to 54 percent for those over 35. possible complications were Tbe French . doctors did not elirnaled from tbe statisUcs. Summer, caDJ.p,· hut different ·u .S. youths may get ~hance to tvork in Europe NEW YORK (AP> -A group is organizing a program for young people who want to learn about the world the bard way, and some participants may ftnd themselves in camp this sum me. r -a PoUsh work camp. "Buildinf the Country" is the theme o a new summer proaram that will send more than _, Americans to Poland and nine other European naUons to work without pay alonplde outba of other nationa. Tub ante rrorn castle upkeep lo 1echo1lovakla to dune reservatlon1n West Germany. In Poland, workers wlll be fed d sheltered by the vemmeat wbll• they bulld or atr 1outh hostel• and centen, accordlna to Hickey ot tbe Couadf on raational Bd.acatloaal , wbkh II arranclnc f-0r Americans to help people and learn about the world. It's a learning experience for them, and beneficial to the local community. ••People shouldn't expect the program to satisfy thei r wanderlust," added Hickey, who su11ested workers make camp part or a longer European vacation. ln most cases. "a work camp ls very much a camp, wllh spartan, rural accommodations,:' s uch as tents, says Hlckey. "They're not golnf to be goofing otr." · Nor will there be much free lime. alnce leisure acUviU. are planned by camp or•anizer1 for U.. eatn P'OUP, parttcula~ tn tbe two CommunlJt countri•. ln UloH countries, worten will atlend meetln11 wltll the SoeielJR . l\Dloa of Yoatb and lair• · jalM toun of factoria and farm colJectives. Although there is no ban on travel to Poland by Americans, the State Department urged travelers not to go IC they don 't have to alter martial law was Imposed las t Dec. 13. The council says if the Polish situation doesn't "stabilize" by summer, the program will be called off. Camps range ln site from 15 to 40 people, including workers from the host country and other European natlons. Applicants are asked tr they pref er ph,ystcar or social work, and the latter wlll Uve In cities and help the handicapped, the elderly or children. • Applicants pay a $100 appUraUon fee and their own t'OUnd·trtP atr fare. Virtually aU other ~ wlU be picked up by the-pvernment or afency runalnl the work camp. I Orangt Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Merch 21, 19'2 WASHINGTON <AP> -Sam Fltcb, a Unlvemb' of Colorado poUUcal .clence teacher, decided a term paper wu worth an A·mlnua. He chan&ed hi1 mind when he read 1 virtually identfoal term paper from another 1tudent. .Fltch lnveaUaated and found tbat both 1tudent1 bad bouaht the J)aper on a Latin Americao solldarlty movement from Pacific Research, a Seattle-baaed company that ran advertlsements in campus newspapers and ortered "a solution at last to atudent1' term-paper problems." The company advertised a 336-page catalog of 10,000 research papers and also offered to do "research to order" on topics su11ested by customers. Academic officials have condemned commerciall~ed ghost-writing of papers since entrepreneurs more than a decade ago first hired statrs to write research papers on thousands of subj~cts and then sold them to students across the nation. Until then, fraternity house files could help some students plagiarize term papers and some otf·campus merchants sold them, but this wu on a far smaller scale than the mall-order companies operating naUooally . Pacific Research reported anllual sales of $300,000 worth of research materlala, Postal Inspector James A. Harbln aakl. Sales from tbe catalog were at $3 per pa1e and custombecl papen went for between $8 and $10 per pqe. The company was charted by the l'oetal Service with using the mall for makin1 mooey through misrepresentation, and in an out-of-court ·settlement agreed to tell colleges the names of all students who have bought their products. Leading efforts to end the market in term papers is Thomas Ziebarth, a Postal Service consumer.protection attorney who formerly taught evening classes at American University in Washington. "Term papers were part of my leaching responsibility. It's a very valuable learning experience, but the callous, cynical buying of a term paper doesn't 1help anyone except the one getting the money. It is unfortunate that cheating can so easily be applied to term papers," Ziebarth s'aid. The landmark court precedent in this field has a ~uling by the U.S of Appeals in Boston. Oyerruling a lower court, it said four term paper companies violated a law making it illegal to "obtain money . . through the mail by means of raise representation ... Previous ly, this law had been used only against mail-order schemes in which the seller misled the buyer, such as by advertising lotions that would "cure'' baldness or that touted worthless diet pills. But the court held that when a third person, such as a college professor, is rtaisled. that is also using the mails to misrepresent. Using this precedent, Ziebarth has won decisions or obtained what he called "favorable settlements" against more than a dozen other companies. Since then. term-paper companies have made it more difficult for the Postal Service to bring the cases by being less blatant in their advertising, Ziebarth said. ·'Some used to say. ·Let us know what grade you get.· They now are in the same business but they adopt a head-in -the-sand approach and don't s ay they are selling term papers, even though they know very well what the student wants.''· Medical care • cost soaring WASHINGTON <AP> -The cost of medical care in the United States rose faster in 1981 than in any other year s ince World War ll, according to government figures. Analysts disagree on the reasons for the 12.5 percent jump in medical costs in a year when over-all inflation was held to 8.9 percent. But few think the situation is likely to improve soon. The health care system "is a poorly functioning market," said Robert Ortner. chief economist for the Commerce Department. "The incentivts aren't there for moderation." Some analysts contend there's not enough competition among the limited number of hospitals anct doctors to keep costs down, and consumers don't and often can't -shop around for the best prices. Others c ite widespread health insurance coverage. a s hortage of nurses, expensive technology and a growing number of elderly patients. "There's no real good answer," said one industry source. ~ An economist for the American Medical Association suggested there may be more demand for services in a weak economy. Newly laid off workers will get medical care before their insurance expires, said the analyst who asked not to be named. He also suggested that doctQrs may be trying to catch ·up with inflation, noting that their costs rose less than the rate of inflation in the three previous years. But Sidney Wolfe, director of the Public Citizen Health Research Group, offered: "There are too many people making too much money in the health care industry to expect anything other than this." The system , he said , "is totally out or control.·· Analysts outside the industry attrlbuted much or the soaring medical costs In 1981 to widespread insurance coverage -both by private companies and the government. Because of insurance, medical care is "perceived as a free &ood," said Thomas D. Thomson, chief economist at San Francisco's Crocker NaUonal Bank. "It's got to be in a person's Interest to save on medical care," Thomson said. "It won't let better until the recipients pay more of the costs directly out of their pockets." However, Edward Yardenl, chief economist at J:.F. Hutt.on & Co., notes that, "When people are sick, lMy don't start ha11lin1 over the price." ''I suspect it wlll.contln.ue to be one of the sore spot.a on lnflation," Yardenl add.I. Labor Department fl1ures ahow that, except for medical care, all major cateeortea of conaumer spenclinr had smaller increases taat year than in 1980, when mecUcal coats raM onty 10 .,.re•t compar.cl witb over·aH inftatim ol ll.4 J)tretftt. A breakdown of the t•t meckal C!Ollta ftturee shows that pbyslclana' reea roM lL7 pereent, up from 11 pereent tn ~. wbUe dlntiata' cbarsea cUmbld 10.2 l*"f9t la.It,..,., compAnd wlth 10.T perffnt ol l .. • • 5 6 7 8 D A I ·L y l ........ 1002~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• u~ Attention 85' yKht owntrs 4 bdnn, 3 bath on -main Lido Channel. ltl IWI M U. Shown by appomtment only. Owner will carry lat T.D. $1 ,200,000 . UNllU •Tll WATD 40 foot lot. 6 bdrm, 6 bath. Watch-the sunseta from your gigantic mu~r aui\e. 4 car garage $1 ,7M,000. Ult l&fFlllT You wiU love this new exclusive listing, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, excellent tt.'rms. Owner fi· nancl . $1,:>oo,000. REDUCED TO SELL De I I g h l r u I n l' w 4 H d rm w It t traditional design, library & den formal dtning, bay 'iew. C'Orne 1 loc:alion in Old Co rona dt.>I Mar S595.000. owr ~:xt·\•ll(•nt terms 0 1 trade 714 760-9 333 . I t I· • ' ~· p I L 0 T • I c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5· 6 7 8 I HERE'S YOUR DREAM HOME! \ uu h.111• 11 .iTI lw11" t'har111 ~ni.:ft,h 11111111 ~1\l1· 111\1•1\ 111'1' 11111·.t 'I I I' I' I I' I Id I' 11 I 11"ll\'1 'h1p 111·11.:hlHll h11111I :11141 .1 n ,1' '11111.1 It I 1• I $71,,!IMI 111.111 .11 l.!1 Hill p11n• 1111 l111, .I lld1111 2 balh 1l11llho11"' " """ tJJ.!il•l l'.ill1il1'Hil THE REAL ESTATERS SI0,000 ~~~~~~~~~,I~~ llffr '\o 1p1.ol1l1111 c rr1·~hl\ 1•.111111·11 \1·11 I .lf!Jl'h 1l hl t.:.11 11\1111 \i.:1 l'lllT.1111,1•11 .11 s1111.1~•· 1 '.111 111.111.1 1.11 l:ll~· ! OpettHouses 1·5 GIANT SI 87,500 11111:1• I llel1111 ~ h.1l ll; l1111n • 111 h1.,1111tl 11I \11•,,1 \ 0'1 ti<' ,11 .1 111\\ 11111·1• 1.11 I-!•' 111111~ I •Miiii 1111,;\• l,111111~ 11111111 . 111u111n • l.111 twn m .. 1 i..11., 1 ... 1r. ,,1nl Yon 11111'1 'l'I' 1111,. ••ll'' l'.111 ~h :i:t1:1 THE REAL ESTATERS MOVE UP TO NEWPORT , ..... 11111<•el ',,., 1111\1' hunll' 11 ... 111111111 .11111 '1'•1111~1' I lltt 1 111 1 ,,, 11<•r 1ut .111011 \\ llh fll,1 U\' .lll'l'llll 11" '"11111t· 11111 111h'1t"I h•.111 fl11n I 1111-. lht' ,111111h ~IN 'Niii 1 ',1 II 1.l11 ii j I THE REAL ESTATE RS lltl\l' '"""''""'~ '" >i'li. ('fa~Ml11'll .111' 1111 II 111•11 Whal it means far 1J01lT ad UJ be "c/nsgif ied" . ' .. .. I' Custom Condos 1 Lo•efy Tudor stylift9. , I catlledrol ctihn9s. I lsi.d kitc~ns. All in I I So. of Hwy locale. Frat1t unit 3 ldrm I ; SllS,000. RHr Uftit 2 ' Ir '295,000 or buy I both for $605.000. t . 411-411' 1 Dahlia MoLHs~old Womts Ltase has bun re· MwH .ct ls fixed for 25 yra. Totally re· no•ated Irvine T tr· roct l ldnn l la ho111t with family roo111. $349,500. 1416 Strtnade Ter· roct COLI OF NIWPOAT REAL TORI lltl L C-1 ttwr. c-Nl•w 975.551, 11,_.4.._ ,, ... ... u ...... .. ><OI .......... •O...-,, .... ~ ·-· ., .... '°°"' .. _ a1111.,, ... .,._ ..,, .,,. .. -. .... ,. ,,.., .. -. ...... ,.,. Whtn PfOplr reed your 1d 1n cl111iried. lhty'rf l'ffdy lo buv ind 1cl1vely te1°rch1n1 for lht tllCl 11.tm l.o r1ll lht1r nefd- rnaybt 1l't 1n vour 1d . D1ily Pilat cl•aained,ds 4 ·5611 ..... "°' NCM• .. "°'•' "'"' . ....,.., ... , ,, ,..... ·-·-,. ...... ,,, ... ,,~ .... ,, .. ,.~, ....... ,.,...,., 1'lf't 110. I ....... ...... . ... , ... _ .... . .... .,,., Ill .. \)_ ,.,_ ....... ........... .., .. ti-.... ,. •O. ., ... ..... .. ........ :c... ... . ........... .. _.. .... .-. Nf ,.... • f j t OrlnQI Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mltdt 21, 1112 I r~~.~ ....... ~.~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~~.'!'!':~ ........ ~.'!'!':~ ....... ~.~~ .•...... 1~-~~•tt•n. ~~.~ ...... ~.~~ ....... ~.~~ ...... . •••ti 1002 l1Mrtl 1002 •-•II 100 G1•ril IOOJ 1002' ._,... tOOJ 1 .. II 1001 ~ .. ,.. IOOJ I ti IOOJ ChMr9' IOOJ ....................... ······················· ....................... ....................... .................. ....................... '• .. ... , ...... . $117,000 DOM'TMISS . . ••••••••••• .. •••• .. •••• ....................... ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• ••• ............ . W• i tlllgt• THI~ COMbO o...of.A..l(lutd I st Tim itly•r SUPll ST AITU ttMtif,'~ •C4M ST AITEI ,_.. ~:,:~~\uVi~~~~: ri~! ~q~·~~rnd ll1UUJ()H. REAL'r\' Tht~::'~I, OMLYS~4.500 ~excltlni nuhomeo:,: dATNO:• ~~!!2a~h~~~t ln WoodbridiITdoot1 to lnlerHtwlth2UrA 3 con3oorterdbedroom5 Costa Men hou e In· Olltltaootn1(;01t1Meu ~•oc.a.n.4BR,nutr. 45' bo'l°s'tl; private lntcrut auunublf ~I~~ f •P•·, thif 2 Hla h ly u Pl,. du:,f: 21~ bathsia"d iJ primely / 60 flll ON THI IAY tludea ran1e. mic ro. 1ardet .'!,1bom' 0 ooodwner for:!at bmlrblt '~[' beacb, lilt ;, chury loan• Coz)' hreP.lare. bat~ • Wiit na ror privatf toution r 1 I0(11ttd n pre1t111ou1 Private:er and float for lar1e yacht. wuhtr. dryer. SOiiers ITWI _, now . u · ·• Hl'U Y home i lar&e bedroom• Comp)etely remoi:Jcled t0rneonejo ltHI It al the mlM)lty pool jacuizl 1r~; t:a•ttlide. Clnn to tht Beautlt decorated bayfront home in will help ~/tlnoncin& eum1ble ls&. Sw"plna l)'Jtt!!l.1.. ~~r 0aan~e. It den' 2 batllt, fireplace spartJinc kitchen Cov · lowetl_pnce now IVflilll· room and ltnnls CO~rts be11ch ; 3patl~. one next Dov·r Shores. A bdrms, plus den con-with lltUe down. C•ll stairway to muter Now ~l . pen n and much more! Will effd patio. Walk tu bt'at ble Call LOI• Mllltr Won't lHt al $100900 to lbt relaxln11 SPAI "' " Dlanarordetalla bdnn, Just ltsttd! Call l·S,1511Mlramar trldedown!JNCLUDES beacbes~ Call now , 6.11 1286 846-mt · Otrtdoor barbl:cur Ac V8't:lble to a 5th bdrrb., formal baytide Dla.oa PietenpohVolpe 'ad:. 1 '71-toH LAND! Owner-Agent ~ Are you pl11nnlnc a rrove" Classified ads will point you in the right direction to find the hom.! you ne~ 642·S61!_ I llelp yourself to 11 H~ping selection or Qualified Hopefuls in the DAILY PILOT HELP1WANTED ADS D~ LlllT 11111 HTATE lllUI ISUll - Hand crafted • truly a home of ex- cellence. Slate roor-brick courtyard entrance · wood floors -leaded windows-walnut carved doors, rn house. Rms w/tree top balconies & charm. Formal din rm, 9 BR-beach· pier & slip to accommodate 95 fool yacht. $7,000,000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (E36) LlllA ISLE Outstanding residence lo- cated on main turning basin . High beamed ceilings, 4 Cplcs. library, 6 BRS. Beautifull y decorated in light colors & plantation shutters. Dock for 2 lg boats. Seller will hnance. Asking $1,800,000 Leasehold. Cathy Sch- weickert 642-8235 (E37) LlllA ISLE Spacious 5 bedroom, 4 ~ bath home. Formal dining room, sunken living rm, family rm and master suite with views of the bay. Entry patio w/spa. Slip and side tie for large boat. Security gated com- munity. $1,600,000 leasehold. Lois F.g~-6200. (E.18) nm wam NW •YDL•• ;etty & harbor. This custom designed lri-level residence offers 4 BR. fam rm & game rm. White oak floors, skylights, French doors & decking on all 3 Je- ve ls. Private master suite w/spa. $3,675,000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200. (E39) IEWNIT WCI· EtlH11lll Located on 2.4 acres, property includes corrals, riding ring. barn, pool & beautifully authentic Georgian Colonial home w /5 BR. d in rm, fam rm, den & maid's quarters. Exclusively offered $2,200,000 Martha Macnab 642-8235 (E40) PUIUllC VIEW IF HUii Cameo Shores, south of PC}{. See sensational sunsets & shimmering sails! 3 BR, fam rm + many extras. Priced to sell $729,900 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (E41) ~IU llPUJ Fabulous financing · Excellent location near Balboa Pier. 4 BR up, 3 BR down -good income producer, no maintenance. Only 19 yrs old. Good condition. $325,000 Julie Van Wieren 752-1414 (E42) 111111 YIEW .. , Customized one of a k ind h ome. 4 BR , fam rm , atud y/den, skylights, hardwood floors, wood beamed ceilings. garden windows, master bath w/spa. Seller w/uaist w/financing, Long escrow possible. $285,000 Fee land · Joyce Edlund 642-8235 (E43) OPEN HOU- SE SUNDAY 1-4. 1836 PORT AS· HLEY, HARBOR VIEW HOMES. NEWPORT BEACH. .... LAU Two BR. Covington situa· ted on private green belt across from Woodbridge Lake. Many upgrades includes air conditioning, security system, mirrored closet doors. Rogers Gardens design landscaping. Amlma· ble loans. Owner will assist/financing. $189,900 Lorraine Reid 551-8700 (FM) Llm.Y OIWIE PAii YAU • SPI Beau- tiful home in family neighborhood 4 BR, lg fam nn. F.njoy the brick spa & fully landscaped yard. Walk to parks, pools, shopping. Centrally located to all the Irvine Schools & freeways. Owner anxious. Priced for fast sale. $175,000 Allen Beel 551-8700 (E45) F• TW Hiii PltfEHlllll II IEW· nrr IUll Here is an excellent op· portunlty for the firat time buyer, invettor of working couple. This 1 BR, condominium home offers secu.rity, recreational amenities & excellent location. Offered at $89,500 with low down & good financing. Bill Wedrnore 551-8700 (E46) .... ,. ll' Tl II' YAllT. Spaciou,, Mediterranean style home with 4 BR. 5 BR & convertible library/den. Li- ving room, dining room. kitchen and breakfut room all overlooking bay. The nwter suite with sitting room & fireplace is a separate wing. $1,700, 000 including land. Larry Dyer, H2·8235 . OPEN HOUSE 1-5 842 HARBOR ISLAND DRIV E, PRO· MONTORY BAY , NEWPORT 81Aal. rents lncludo custom dWnt rm., kitchen with 1eparate eating ~9400 '! -:!'!! · ST3-t117 or 875·1060 ~~;1.~.~1~l: i:J':.ipet area, workshop baa out.side access con-J: . ~ 1•~•"•·000-·-----1 ven.lent to the dock, large bayslde terrace -( ..... -I 0.750'0 Lo-ll I b i k bi h f l Telllna· the· rooaz people THE REAL ESTATERS "' ..._..,. " -a in r c -I enougn or a poo · Clwlfied advertising ls PoSSible ls jmflortant Lo M.akt a areal dlbl'O' en 0....Atsbf•ct! Elegant bayfront living. $985,000 L.H. the succeu or any " · For cari!free fa· n&. take Think.ins ot a new home a better way to tell more ---garage sale. Make sure Shop clas 1r 1 ed r or ti look at this 1 bedroom 111 ... Ill. IAI .... .,, for spring? See the people about the service ~er meets aeller·wlth your a i 5 I ls red in today 's best buyb l'ondo. complete with .,.. ....-1.U many listlJ1(S In today'• you huve to orrer. Ask 11n eftectlve .claasified Claulfled , phone 6425678 l'Ommunlly pool. Choice location near shopping. Large claulfledVolumna. about our low rates to-..;,;;ad..;;.....;..MZ-;;...;.;56'78;.-.. ____ -"'=='-- clubhouse and weight w--1 ..... ""' built duplex with 3 """-· .,... ......... day, 642·5678. ------~~~~~ room! Close to South ....... ._..,., .,.... .. .., ~'"'"'a Coa~t Plaza and more! and 2 baths in EACH unit. Fireplacea, Take over ha~h balance separate garages, beam ceilings, blt. iN, loan at 101sr, inttrest! carpets and drapes. Terrific value at ~= Call todoy • $319,000-0wnerwillflnancewith20C. MOCJ11ifiu1tt MffoYerde 11.87% ........ ,.! Thl' owner must euve Ule countr) ~oon. ~o sub· m1t your offer on this spurious 4 bedroom . 211 bath home. the lari:est rmdel in :itesa \'erde North. Famll} room. rarC'plare. rera mic• tile atcents entr} llui:e \'ard has room for a pool Exl'cllent c·ond1 lmn ' 5166.SOO for de-t.11ls. c·all 9i9 2390 I I% Rnanc iftq Soi,dpointe ShowplP.ce For fine fotnil) h' mg. Lh1~ 4 bedroom. :!' 1 bath orrers neurly 2'1SO sq ft Of Spal'e, With d1nmg and fam1I) rooms. den largt' master bedroom and a I bonus room ' Attr:1t t 1ve white bm·k firepla t•e Close to the purk on a qwet. tree lined street. As~ume II', interest loon. $HD.91JO 979 2390 Me-so Woods MOCJlc Anancinq Aid! This remlf'dl>lcd 4 ~room n•\ eals an ex cellent taste 1n deror t.>ITa mil} ana dining rooms. bonus room, master swtl' and 21 >baths Cot) ftrcplare arc·ents fro nt room Heltzer built homl' in a quiet area Selll·r wlll help w11h ftnanl 1nJ! $210,000 Call toda~. !1i9 mi :n~I's\311¥0l. SANTA ANA '.Tarbell, I Hr \1.rotts AJl·lmportant Blouses M 339 SIZES 8-18 Fashion's ma,1:1r ele ment now 1s a bt>aut1ful blouse to romplement you r "ardrobe ll ave il rufned or softlv 1a1lorcd s1de·bulloning high· h1thls one style. shoulder rurnes cap lhc other Pnnted Pattern M339 by Angotti Coltl('s m Misses Sius 8, 10. 12. 14, JR, 18. Site 12 <bust :M l side· buttoned blouse tokes l'• yarth 60 inch. other I' J, Send S2 50 for this Print- ed Pattern to DAILY PILOT. Box S9. Old Chelsea Stu .. New York, N Y 10113 Add 50' for po&tage and sperlal handling. Print Name, Address. l,1p. Style Number and Site. Stnsatlonal savings on Sft\Satlonal clothes are you~ with our NEW 1982 PROMINENT D~ICNER PATTERN CATALOG. You save "'° IO ~ and more when you uw' All the top Mmrs. ne~est euy to· ~w deslcncr looh In d reuu. co1 t s. ~rtswur. Plus SO" BONUS COUPON ror any patttrn ofJ011r chllri. Send SI. for down, only 12 'hlJ> interest. SPICTACULAI OCEANFIONT HOME Overlooking private community beach and the waves breaking oo the shore in exclusive Cameo Shores. A lovely 4 bdrm. home beautifully maintained with sliding glass panels opening onto the tropical garden and spacious oceanfront terrace. All the features you would ex· pect in a home of this quality including formal dining rm .. den, refrigerated wine vault. workshop and much, much more. One of our area's m06l magnificent homes and an excellent investment at $2,900,000. 103 DOWN Sharp Bluffs Condo overlooking the pool. 4 bdrms .. 3 baths, cheerful kitchen with separate eating area, large living rm. opens onto patio. A great buy at $299.500 L.H. with great terms -12\hlJ> interest, 30 years fixed rate 10% down! DUPLEX SLEEPER Talk about value -here's a duplex in Ccrona del Mar priced at just $289.500! Cute 2 bdrm. cottage clean and nicely decorated plus a 1 bdrm. apartment. Great location. 2 blocks from shopping. Owner will finance with 25~ down. SWINGING TERMS Owner will lease-option. carry a 2nd or carry an A.l.T.D. to help you buy this smart West.cliff condo conveniently lo- cated near shopping and transportation. 2bdrms., private patio, Isl floor. $129 ,500 . SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Beautiful 5.5 acre home site with an unbelievable view all the way from Saddleback to the ocean. Owner will fi- nance and might even exchange. Horses pK. A super value al $695,000. FULLY LUSED llYESTIEllTS INDUSTRIAL BUILDING High visibility comer location. Ccncre\e tilt-up <.'Onstruction only 4 years old and nicely maintained. Apx. 15,300 sq. ft. leased to 4 tenants all with C.P.I. or comparable adjustments. $1 , 133,0(10. Owner will (inance. COMMERCIAL BUILDING On Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Attrac· tive brick building leased to popular Mione'& Restaurant plus 3 apartments. $498,000 owner will finance. SHOPPING CENTER Prime comer location on West 19th St. in Costa Mesa. Interesting tax consider- ations with long term land lease. Owner will finance. $77,000. (714\ 673-4400 (2h) 62 .. 2121 The Harbor Area'• LongHt btabll1hed leal lltate Company flUNM C./fl.l'O ~'-'-f)~ ~C..• trOlt "11LJI ~~ \'Q'i.I ~~ 'b ~(.r ~ IHI ----f""'4..., Cl.6.Y I l'OUAN Oh<lll0"9f tho 6 0:1omblod -d• below to ma~• 6 ~ .. -.l• ,.,,,, le!lef• ol _.. "' •• 1.... ol *l"""' G I RONE WOTU TJ I I I' I I C E N H J A I I' r I I I LYWOLH I ~ ..... 1 .;...... 1 - 1 , ........ 1 ,-- 1 -4 A llfth gradt1tudtnl was . . . . . . ~•ked to give her dtllnltlon ................................ __.-.J of 111 1cologl1t. Sh• I y , L C E E I repllld: "Ecologlat• are ._ . ...,....-;",_;..,,-,_.,!'"'""'f. lhOM ptOpll Who lhlnk .__.l__....I __,_I .... r__._I _ th•Y ow• th• -I -." I DlMADY Je ~"'-dl.dlt~ In In I I I J ~ ; :et!~~.,=: ,.,, --.... - U4AYUm .... lltffl IPUlll 1-1 LWl/lmll • SW Only $15,000 Down. Large Assumable Loan With 30 Year· Fixed Rate. Owner' Will Carry Large 2nd T.D. At Low Interest. Lovely 3 BR F.nd Unit W/Wrap Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt. lm· mediate Posses.sion. Only $210,000 1HINITWIMIM IAIMllYOlllU IPEI 1111·1 New Listing. Corner Location. Great Curb Appeal. Carmel Model. 3 BRs. Skylight In F.R. Very Secluded . Yard. Comm. Pool & Park At End Of Block. CaJJ Regarding Outstanding Financing. Askmg Only $235,000. 142 UUM ISUll NIYE Pll•ITllYUY IPll SH 1·1 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Floors, New Cqrpets. 3 BRs Plus Conv. Den. 31h BA. Sep D.R. Huj(e F.R. W/ Wet Bar. Kitchen W/Pantry Brkfst Rm. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1 , 400.000 20fl VISTA HL Ill lllfFI IPll Sii 1·1 Lovely View -2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths - End Unit · Decorator Wallpapers, Drapes -Plantation Shutters · Super Finan· cing · Large Assumable Low Int. Loan - Shows Like A Jewel · $235,000. A "Joy Of Newport'' Listing. 110 YU FL•lll UICUmtt IHI Ill 1-1 Catalina Sunsets In San Clemente - OC'ean Views Everywhere Great Loca- tion. Hardwood Floors, Imported Tiles. 3 Bedrm Office. $i82.000 Existing 1st T.D. OfCered Al $395:000 H12 SEIWIE TEUICl CHIU HL IAll IPO 1111-1 Irvine Terrace 4 Bdrm Home Just Re- duced $28,000. Owners.MUST Sell. YOU OWN THE LAND. Owner Will Carry Low Int. 2nd To $150,000 Isl. Now Asking Only $350,000. Submit. Ill CllYN Finally! A Big Canyon Dover On The Market! Huge Master Bedroom -Mirro- red Dressing Room & Bath -Pvt Guest BR & BA · Den • Beautllul Decor - Shows Like A Model • Pride of Own· ership -Owner/ Agent Will Finance - Priced Under Market Value At $425,000. llYSlllU Prime Bayfront View. Pier, Dock. Qua- lity 5 BR In Desirable Gated Commu- nity. Pvt. Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even U Purchased With Land, $2,076, 000 Total Price Is Less T han Equal Locations With Equal Amenities. Priced At $975,000 Leasehold. num. ..... Spectacular Custom Built View Home. Private Security Gated Location In San Clemente, 6300 Sq. Ft. 4 B<irms. 3 Fire- places. Solarium Hot Tub. Exercise Room. Maid's Quarters. You Musi See This Breathtaking Home Buift on 3/4 Acre & Priced $100,000 Under Value For Fast Sale At $950.000. Call Now To In- spect. FUIUIS IOUI YIEW Plus City Lights • Exclusive Newport Beach Spyglass • Beautiful Capehorn Model W /Four Bdrms. Family Rm - Courtyard W/Pool & Spa · One Of The ~ost Terrific Views In All Of Spyglass! $750,000. 111umt -mn Walk Tbru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble En- try. Winding Staircase & Spac. L.R. Large D.R. Den W /Fireplace. Huge Muter SR & BA. Plut 3 Add'l B&. Big Lot W/Paddle Tennis Court. Mountain, Otan Views. Reduced To $825,000 . UIYlAM ..... One BR Q>ndo1 Adult Llvtna. Upl\lin Unit W/Deck. Cloae To Pool & Spa. Walk To South Coast Plua. Just Bedu· ced To $69,000. Agent-Owntt. • ~-759-11• u:.1· 12 c.r,.. ..... ~~ f4ta,.tC... IH'T llSS TMESE 10% down. Irvine condo. 3br .. I~ ba., $106,500 Newport Terrace, 3br 2 1~ba Greenbelt Vu $129,900 Newport, Seawind, 4br, 2ba. Try Irvine condo exchange $259,900. Rusty Guinther 6·31 -1266 ClllU Hlllll Sweeping ocean view, private beach access, your own pool, land included. Ocean side of PCH. Favorable Ci· nancing. Only $698.000. Tom Baron 559-9400 2 ULF llRSE EnlTES Two excellent values for custom prime goll course fron· tage. One property has 4 bdrs., tam. rm., pooVspa. paddle tennis crt & is priced at $695,000. The other has 5 bdts .. fam. rm., pool/spa_ . . .& more & is priced at $599,000. Call JACKIE HANDLEMAN for more info 631-1266 llTIYlnt SEWIS Unique Mesa Verde location 4 bd.r., Cam. rm. formal di - ning, 2 fireplaces. Best•value al $225,000 JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 -1266 Piil I SP& Spacious 2 story 4 bdr. & fam. nn. home in Mesa Verde. Perfect for entertaining inside and out. Prime toe .. ~king $285,000. JACKIE HAJIU)LEMAN 631 -1266 IEUYDIE Perfect starter or investment property Assume $62,500 F.H.A loan and sellers will carry $10,000. 2br condo - $96,900. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 MYEI SlllES Beauurul Spanish style 4 bedroom pool home ON FEE LAND. Loan is assumable and st!Jer will carry large second. Price $420,000. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 IELIW IUllET IY 141,000 IWC 12~ Take advantage of this reduced price custom bit execu- tive 3bdrm & fam. rm. pool home, on quiet cuJ de sac. Perfect for entertainment. Walk to Mesa Verde golf course. Call now for price and terms. Diana Cappel 631-1266 IPT ILWFS IS Pm .MUSii Fee land 4 br remodel $325,000. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266 . SUEii SETTlll No neighbors behind this charming 3br condo. Enj:>y the open feeling 1rom your lv nn, D.R.. and kitchen. Priced $229,000. Call Pete Johnson for details 631 -1266 SAYE 120,800 by paying all cash to existing loan. A real bargain 3 Br 2 Ba detached home in desirable Deerfield. Price may be reduced approx. $20.000 if you can provide cash to sub- ject loan. This property ls well manicured and is located on an extra large lot. For further particulars, call Les. 559-9400 SI~ FISI, SUP Owner will trade equity in Wrightwood mountain cabin and alao a condo near So. Coast Plaza for a duplex in Corona del Mar. Call Marcia, 759-1221 E•tm PlllUSE/UE "11111 Try an equity purchase or lease option now! Fine East· bluff view home with pool & spa. Move in condition • prime location too. For details o' E.P. or lse. op. call Nancy Im1*nino own/agt. 759-1221 or 644-6636 (1111 m1UI IF llY Tastefully Decorated low maint yard 38<1. 2Ba. Famil. Avail lmmed. call Adrienne 975-1060 or 759-1221 SAYE 121,111 by paying all cash to existing loan. A real bargain 3 Br 2 Ba detached home in desirable Deerfield. Prioe may be reduced approx. $20.000 if you can provldt cash to subject loan. This property is well manicured and is lo- cated on an extra large lot. For further particulars, call Les. ~59-9400 INL 1Mlt., ...... Alk for LOR!n~ CURCI Oftict (1'41 eU·IHO THE REAL ESTATERS - --------- OPEN SUND~Y 1-5 PM 1707 E. BAYFRONT BALBOA PENINSULA HISTORIC MEDITERRANEAN LANDMARK ESTATE with 60' on Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic view, from the Pavilion to the mountains. An authentic architectural statement of bygone days throughout this 3 Jtocy residence plus 4th floor ob- servation tower. The quality and craft- smanship in this dignified structure offer spacious~ and privacy, in addition to generous indoor and outdoor balco- nies, patios and courtyard entry. This magnificent villa offers two wings for private living. This includes 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, a fonnal dining room. 2 kitchens, formal living room, large fa- mily room and much more. A separate ael!-rontained master swte. Large pier and float will accommodate a 60', plus two other boats. A detailed brochure will be available upon request. $2,650,000. Fee land. Adjoining guest apartment, plus 3 car garage available for $395,000. On a separate 45x100 ft. loL LINDA ISLE FEE LAND! An exceptional residence with spacious roorm and winding stairs to 4 bedroorm plus 1eparate maid's quarters. Open and well-planned living room, family and formal dining room and separate step- down bar. Pier and slip for 3 boats. A spectacular home for entertaining and daily living. $2.750,000. Owner will ex- change or submit. BAYFRONT 6 BEDROOMS Unobstructed wtde "waterfront" view from this open and spacious home with large brick patio and pier for two 55' yachts. CAnvenient location and especia- lly large Uving room, elevated dining room, large bar, family room plus island kitchen. Huge master suite with marble fireplace and breathtaking view of all. A very comfortable floor plan with a fee- ling of privacy! $1,950,000 includes land. 631-1400. NEW ESTATE TENNIS count Convenient Laguna Beach addrets away from the crowds, bu~ clo.e to all. A na- ture lover's paradile on 1.88 acres with commanding pastoral VIEW o{ ocean, hJlb and nitht lights. Total security, privacy and \erenity. This quality tradi- tional home on 3 levels offers lhe ulti- mate ln finished details. Four bed.rooms including 1,000 IQ. fl master suite, tennis room with full oak bar with hr.-rail. family room, sauna room, locker and weight exercile room, wine cellar and other detaila for the dilcri.minatlng! Your own regula&ion lighted and fenced tenn.ia court with ample obeervatioo &reel. For a viewing and appointment. 67~. • * NEWPORT HEIGHTS POOL Super Jocation on sr-t street. I.Arif lot wttb trees, flowen and beauUluJ pool. Perfed family bome with 3 bedroon and family toom. Low cuh down and OM* wW carry. C.aJl for firwlc:ine • .... sm.ooo. es1-1~. WATOFllONT HOMES...c. llAl.UlATt 2 181111 2137 E. Oceen, Peninsula Point, NB 631-1400 $323,000 Sunday 1-5 117 Marine Ave, Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1214 Rutland Rd , Westcliff, NB 640-5777 $123,000 Sunday 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa Island 673-6900 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 2267 Pacific, <Asta Mesa 631-1400 $179,900 Saturday 1-5 381 Costa Mesa St., Costa Me.a 631-7370 $119,500 Sun. 1-4 fr 2067 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sun 1-5 700 Lido Park Dr 22, Lido Penin, NB 631-1400 $56,500 Sunday 1-5 45 Canyon Isle, Sig Canyon, NB 631-1400 $350,000 Sunday 1-5 507 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 67J..8550 $220,000 Sun 1-5 2512 Santa Ana ~ve E, <Asta Mesa 759-1501 $137,~ Sun 1-5 4942 Raintree, Irvine 759-1221 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 II,.._ F&I II w lfl 227 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 2701 Hillside Dr. Newport Beach 644~200 $265,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shrs, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2308 Cliff, Newport Beach 546-2313 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1706 Miramar, Penin Pt, Nwpt Bch 642-5200 $325,000 Sun 1-5 , ...... 616 Marigolf, CdM 640-4521 $385,000 Open Daily 1-6 3807 Calle La Quinta, San Clemente 498-1653 $132,500 Sunday 1-5 241 Mesa Drive, Costa Mesa 731-5556 $129,500 Sun 12:30-5 502 "l" St. BaJboa Penin, Npt Bch 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •• 19 Balboa Coves. NB 675-$« $575,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 3024 Ocean Ave, Corona del Mar 631 -1400 $1 ,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1510 Abalone Pl.ace, Balboa Island 673-6900 $575,000 Sun 1-5 1723 Plaza del Sur, Penin Pt, NB 631-1400 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 Rue Fontainebleau, Big Canyon. NB 640-5777 $500,000 Sunday 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royale. Big Canyon. NB 640-5777 $675,000 Sunday 1-5 ** 1126 E. Balboa Pl (BalPen) Nwpt Bet 1-524-5980 $1,295,000 Sun 1-5 311 Walnut , C osta Mesa 673-7300 $147,500 Sun 2-4 466 Broadway, <Ast.a Mesa 673-5354 $155,000 Sun. 1-5 511 17th St, Huntington Bch 960-5580 $225.000 Sat/Sun 10-5 19072 Pauline, Huntington Bch 963-1329 $104,000 Sat/Sun 12-3 1437 Serenade Terr, Irv Terr 673-1181 $398,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1911 Court Ave, Newport Perunsula. NB 675-4746 or 675-2291 $399,000 Sat/Sun 11-6 116 Via Quito (Lido Isle) NB 1 646-7171 $319,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 409 Columbus Dr, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $330,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1824 Port Stirling, Hrbr Vu, NB 644-4910 $225,000 Fee Sun 1-5 312 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $425,000 Sun 1-5 510 Via Florida (The Pinnacle) S.C. 759-9100 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2718 W. Camden, Santa Ana 963-6767 $105,950 Sun 1-5 2245 Republic, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $124,500 Sun 1-4 2135 Parsons. Clg Park. Costa Mesa 646-7434 $109,900 Sunday 12-4 * 113 Aspen. E'side, Costa Mesa 646-7434 $137,000 Sunday 12-4 315 I.ris~Corona del Mar 644-9060 $347.750 Sat/Sun 1·5 -.•42 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 642-5200 $550,000 Sun 1-5 a U pin Fii II tr Ml 2298 ~ Dr. (Back Bay) NB 631-1851 $255,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 • 10082 Jon Day (Meredth Grdn) HB 846-5215; 673-7771 Sun 12-5 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 645-1771 $275,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-4 123 Via Genow, Lido I.ale, NB 645-1771 $399,500 Sun<by 1-5 2331 Cliff Drive, N"'port Hta, NB 631-1400 $795,000 Saturday 1-5 366 Genoa (Nwpt Riviera) CM 642-1523 Sat/Sun 11-5 ** Oceln Bl., C«Ona del Mar 673-5354 $1,250,000 Sun. 1-5 211 Opal, BaJboe bland. Npt Bch 645-4000 $647.500 Sat/Sun 12-4 1436 Settnade Tm, CdM 675-5$11 $349.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 , •1472 Ge1axy Dr, Dovtr. s"°"" NB I 642-2510 $739.000 Fee Sat/Sun l·S 1515 Cumberland (Weetdlff) NB ' 54().1151 f240,000 Sa&/Swa 12-4 DIRECTORY 1e1.., .... ._.,~ .. ,_ .. ...._._ ,_ .. -., ......... ._.._MMWtw. -4etutM4i. ,,...... .. 4 i.y .................... ...,.. DAl.T N.OT WANT AOS. ,..,_ ._ ... .,..._.. ...... _.,..., .. .,..... .... _. .... _. ...... c ... _•~ .---,. . 4511 Camden (Cameo Shors) CdM 673-7761 $925.000 Sun 1-5 2113 Miramar, Pen1n Pt, NB 675-6161 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1537 Ocean Blvd., Newport Beach 675-5660 $390,000 Sun. 1-4 102 Via Koron, Lido Isle 642-8235 $685,000 Fee Sun 1-5 928 Goldenrod, Harbor View Hills, CdM 644·6200 $375,000 (With land)Sun 1-5 317 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1543 Sernade Terr, lrv Terr, CdM 644-9000 $335,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Dr, Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $536.000 Fee Sun 1-5 Rustling Wind. Trtlrk, Irv 759-1501 $280,000 Sun 1-5 701 Goldenrod, Corona de! Mar 631-1400 $350,000 Suncfay 1-5 ••3711 Seashore, Newport Beach 644-6200 $820,000 Sun 1-5 ••3713 Seashore, Newport Beach 644-6200 $850,000 Sun 1-5 18 Sycamore Creek, Trtlrk, lrv 752-1414 $269.900 Sun 1-5 ** 101 N. Bayfront, BaJboa Island 642-8235 $895,000 Fee Sun 1-4 1223 Dolphin Terrace, Irvine Terrace. CdM 642-8235 $695,000 LH Sun 1-4:30 * 1087 G len Cir, Costa Mesa 640-9900 $229,000 Sun 1-5 2352 Colgate, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $132,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 1721 Kmgs Rd. Cliffhaven, NB 759-1501 $650.000 Sun 1-5 • 62 Drakes Bay, Corona del Mar 640-9900 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 904 Lombard, (Mesa North) CM 646-7434 $154.500 Sat 12--t 1393 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $495.000 Fee Sun 1-5 2048 Commodore Rd. Newport Beach 631-0680, 645-3758 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 ll 11lfl LlfT 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island &14-9060 $469.500 Sun 2-5 4 IEllHI 233 Poinsettia. CdM 673-4271 $695.000 Sun 1-4 424 Bellvue Lane. Peninsula Pt, NB 631-1400 $419,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5777 $2.3 Million Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge. Newport Beach 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2804 West Oc-eanfront, Balboa Penin, NB 631 -1400 $725.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 474 H1lledRe, Laguna Bch 855-0517; 495-10650pen Sun afternoon 105 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle, NB 631-1400 $445.000 Sunday 1-5 * 2842 Alta Vista (FJB!uff) NB 673-8550 $325,000 Sun 1-4 20092 Port Circle, Huntg Bch 548-3350 $117 ,000 Sun 1-5 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 673-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2375 Redlands, Nwpt Beach 673-9060 $210,000 Sun 1-5 3202 Delaware Place, Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 4 11 ,en Hlll tt KI 1533 Tahi\i, Laguna Bch 497-5454 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2839 Catalpa, (F.astbluff) NB 644-1506 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1720 c.ndlestick Ln (Byast) NB 752-1920 $324,~ SaVSun 1-5 2665 Temple Hills Dr, Lag Bch 497-5454 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1801 Antigua Circle. Nwpt Bch 548-8798 $450.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 2221 Frandtco Drive, Nwpt 8ch S38-3305 $295,000 SaVSun 12-5 *ft 27655 Chapila, Tres Viata, MV 768-m9 Sunday 1-5 ** 16252 Wayfartr Lant, Runt Harbor 870-5232 M-49.000 Open Sun 12-5 2078 Phalaropt, Mesa Vttde, CM 957-1568 Sa&/Sun l·S 69 l Sturaean, Qist.a Mesa 7&1·3191 JlSS,000 Sun 1~ •••25 Warmsprings (Wdbrg) Irv 751-3191 $425,000 Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront, CdM 760-9333 $595,000 Sat/Sun 2-~ 1511 Miramar, Penin Pt, NB 673-9060 $595,000 Sun·l -5 3.San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 640-5777 $2.3 Million Sat/Sun 1-5 * 4639 Gorham (Cameo Shrs) CdM 673-8550 $698,000 Sun 1-5 320 Vista Trucha (Bluffs) NB 640-6259 $269,500 Sun 1-5 *3448 Santa Clara (Mesa Woods) CM 979-2390 $199,000 Sun 1-5 3322 Maryland (Mesa Verde) CM 979-2390 $166,500 Sun 1-5 • 9572 Woodlawn, Huntington Bch 546-2313 $154,900 Suh 1-4 133 Via Undine (Lido Isle) NB 675-7298 $735,000 Sun 1-5 1836 Port Ashley, Harbor View Homes 642-8235 $285,000 Sun 1-4 2227 Arbutus, F.astbluff 644-6200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 * 1776 Panay Cr (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $350,000 Sun 1-4 1909 Lanai (Mesa Verde) CM 963-6767 $345,000 Sun 1-5 ••842 Harbor Island Drive, Promontory Bay 642-8235 $1.700,000 Sun 1-5 2933 Cassia, Npt Bch 640-9900 $299,950 Sun 2-5 * 945 Begonia, Costa Mesa 556-8394 $169,900 Sun. 1-4 1306 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $550,000 Sun 1-5 ** 1617 BaySJde Dr, Yachtsman Cove. CdM 644-9060 $1 ,795,000 Sun 1-5 * 14 Burung Tree Rd, Big Cyn. NB 644-4910 $750.000 Fee Sun 1-5 1251 Surfhne Way, HVH. CdM 644-4910 $420,000 Fee Sun 1-5 • 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 $2.400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 10122 Biddle, Trtlrk, Irvine 759-1501 $213,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1007 Tiller Way, HVH, CdM 644-9060 $369,000 Sun 1-5 * 3901 Topside Ln, HVH. CdM 644-9060 $385,000 Sun 1-5 1715 Galatea Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 644-9060 $498,000 Sun 1-5 20521 Montauk Cr, Huntington Beach 962-9597 $227,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 3024 Cleveland, Mesa North, CM 646-7434 $134.900'3at 12-3, Sun 12-4 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 $849,500 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I IOIHI 824 West Bay, Balboa Perun Pt 631-1400 $1.495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 Rue Fontaine, Big Cyn, NB 644-6200 $750,000 Sun 1-5 * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1,500.000 Sun 1-5 I II .... Fii ii tr .. * 10861 San Leon. Fountain Valley 968-4456 $179,950 Sun 12-5 * 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1.595 Million Sat/Sun 1-5 • 8 Cypr~ Point, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1.8 Million Sunday 1-5 • 1700 Hi~hland Dr, Newport Be.ch 549·0693 Auction 3/28 Sat/Sun 1-5 441 Begonia, Corona del Mar • 644-6200 $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1;5 1818 T~. Costa Mesa 646-2313 $280,000 Sun 1-4 2824 San Juan (Mesa del Mar) CM 640-l151 $165,000 Sun 1-5 • 41 Bodela Ba.v, Corona del Mar 840-9900 $639,500 Sun 1-4 ...... 1707 r.t Bay, Penlnlula Pt. NB 631-1400 ~2,650,000 Sunday 1-5 , ............ • 938 Via Udo Soud, Lldo lalf, NB 644-9060 SatlSun l-6 , I 1111111111111 Fii SW 1••• 1030 Bayside Coves E. Nwpl Bch 642-8235 $325,000 LH Sun 2-5 2-•1704 Westcliff Dr 16, WestcUff, NB 673-4400 $129,500 Sun 1-5 209 19th St, Peninsula Pt, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 411 \n Dahlia, Corona de! Mar 675-5511 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *300 Cagney 101 , Versailles, NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sun 1-4 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7300 Sat/Sun 9-5 •25 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-4:30 522 Hamilton. D-1, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $114,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 15 Evening Song (Trtlrk) Irv 675~70 $174,990 Sun 1-5 2525 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 640-5560 $499,000 Sun 1-5 2 II pin Ml 1018 Bayside Cove E. Nwpt Bch 642-8235 $484,000 Sun 2-5 '* 501 St. Andrews, Nwpt Hts, NB 673-7300 $162.500 Sun 1-4 * 10 Crest Cu'Cle. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $165,000 Sun 1-5 522 Hamilton, A-1, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $123,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 ••&MT 146 Yorktown, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $93,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 ...... 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2445 Vista No~leza, Bluffs, NB 675-2373 $275.000 Sun 1-4:30 * 8 Baruna Ct, Nwpt Crest, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sunl-4 2116 Felipe, Bluffs, NB 1644-491 $270.000 Sun 1-5 a II .... Ill ., • 18623 San Marcos, Fountain Valley 963-3562; 963-8678 Sat/Sun 12-5 TOWllOISES FOii SlLE 1 II ,._ lJfT 10 Navarre, Irvine 640-9900 $149,950 a •1111 2559-F Elden Ave, Costa Mae 645-1771 $159,000 Sunday 1-4 * 873 Village Creek, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $136,500 Sun. 1-4 5166 Maple (Univ Pk) Irv 752-5668 $170,000 Sun 1-5 Fairview Rd/Avocado, c.o.ta Ilea 548-2239 $152,950 S.V&m 10-.30-.5 IOllLE l•D FOi SlLE 1 .. ,enl fll u " .. 100 E. Coast Hwy 113. Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 1111111 300 E. Coast Hwy, No. 370, Nwpt 8ch 675-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 MPLEIU Fii SILE , ...... 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $347,750 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 . 2 ..... 1911 Cliff Dr, Newport Hta, NB 631-1400 $323,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 11111 Fii IEIT a ••nr• 287 Brentwood, Cotta Mesa 646-8788 $900 or ofr ... all day ;' ... • • f': l~: .. i;~ ... ~-... : ;:. •• ••• •• . ~~ ... ...... , ....... Bllut 4 Bdnm, ,_ nn w/~, fonul dln nn, 2~ ba. Newly deconc.ci 1n 10ft pltulng colors. Beautlf ul new cptn1 & dnp-. New marble entry. Pool & spa. 1.-...... .. .. 1 .. ...... ~ 4 bdnns, fam nn, 3 ~ ba. Teen·ager's priv. suite. Comm. spa & pool. $345,000 incl. land. $52,000 dn. Owner finance . ..... "llU ....... View of ocean. bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br. 2 ~ Ba, fam nn, 2 fpks, $420,000 incl land, C6 $330,000 leasehold. '6M per yr ground rent tiJ 1991. Owner help finance. Submit ,111 smRm WAI lfll -1-1 ._ mw ..s UH,111 Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model. Fonna.I din rm. Many extras. Security system. Large &9llJm8b1e loan. Owner anxious. 1ac NIT nam .,.. • 1-1 , ... , ....... 1 ..... Near Westcliff. fiewport Beach. Lge 4 bdrm. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910 WY WALi Tl llAll 11M,NI 4 Bdrm family home. Formal din rm. Se- cluded pool and patio. Lge assumable loan. Land included. Quiet cul-de-sac st. llUT llUI NW ....... 3 bdrm. (am nn. Pool. Security S)'Stl'm. Vu of night lights. Lge assum low int. loan. No oew loan fees. Most attractive street. llc,111 -11. llUT PLW Attractive 2 bdrm condo. A great starter home. Pool & spa. See now. 644-4910 ....... _ .. ,All Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac street, 3 bdrms, fam rm. $379,500 in- cluding the land. Quiet cul-de-sac st. CllWl1H ..... FUUll Family home in College Park of Irvine. Nice yard. Air cond. Spa. Good assumable financing. See now. 644-4910 WISUY tl TAYLOI CO .. RLUTOIS Jiii S-JolllfillHilllood ..wt'OIT cana. K.1. 644-4910 IAYVIEW Owner leavfog area! ...._ lsa.d I 006 Udo I.ale romer lot w /2 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• Bit home + separate 2 BR. unit over garage. Completely refurbished. XLNT low interest loan. $575,000. Open 1·5 Sat & Sun. 790Via L1d0Soud . 673-9060 DAV IDSON REA LT Y TAX SHELTERS N~\~'llAcH 211-13 32nd St $275.000 1826 Balboa Bl $192,500 WVJ 45th 1282.500 R2 VIC. lot CdM $280,000 CAPO BEACH 2 Units · $179,950 '7S.1771 ~o.w.._ ~~ 14. waterfront boat docll. 2 Br up, Br ... .500. '71:9060 O.iV!DSO N f.~ALTY '"' f Trade rour T.D's or pro· iierty an any state ror Balboa bland Property . ...... .., ....... 67S.Jl'6 OPIMS. .. 1~4 Jll~ ........ a.ikC1 ht Um:•u ~.iar quality, I dlll~ed W /otd .orld nn. Solid oall flra. oil c1bintU . ....... rorll (rpk. much 111>,... t Ir Ind matr 1te. a.. ram rm. ronu I dla rlD • 1a roor dee-. -·· J PETE BARRETT Rf.All Y /Jn NIG(L QAIL[ Y & ASSUCIAT(S ' 0ne yr~\/<H., Ba family rm home on Bal Penin,sula. One week to forttrosure. Call ror de· ta11s. 752·1920 . 640·7814 .I ,. llYm Mn PIU11ll Owner must Bell this rare 2 BR den penthouse condo with bayview & decorators touch. · $80.000 & high assumables moves you in today. Enjoy pri. beach, Balb_oa Island nearby, spa, pool and secunty gate. $484,000. Call Debbie Fratt 1 642-8235 1111 HYllH HYE HIT · lllNT IUll lfll _, 2:1 RCTaylorCo 040 C)C)QQ CLASSIC IEAUft This new cust.om Spygwa home offers the ultimate in elegant living, with warm woods used throughout, beautiful bevel leaded windows. a library, family room and elevator. There is a maater bedroom suite with balcony overlooking the coastline and city lights. There are 4 dditional bedrooms, pool & spa, air conditioning, alarm systems and 3 car garage. Offered at $2,500,000 GRACIOUS LMNG is youn in this immaculately kept Spy- glals home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining room and family room. Breathta- king mounWn and city lights view. Ex- cellent financipg is available. Price just reduced to only $495,000 NO DOWI Yes yoµ could own this 4 bedroom, 3 bath Spyglass home for u little as tel· ler's dOling COl\L Price has been redUCl!d $1 25,000 and 11 now available for an unbelievable $399,500. Hurry, \.h1a one won't last. SPYCWI SPECIAL 1011 Popular Sou\bport model,~ wkb ~ btdrooml. pool, jlc'ulzl, ancf Nthl UCht vltw. Seller hu bou1h\ anotlier and must sell. Will conalder exc~ for baal, plane or? Mll1nf "31,$00 HOMITOll !£t~JRi l.V..IC ()peft~~~1on I R&"M~ Bta~~rca~\~!ed , d~at@d 3 Bdr, lrg of·•------- lice/den. Good Aasuma· IAYFIOMT W /SLIP ble loan. ~.soo. Will 42 ._........Co••• consider t rade for -• Newport condo. 645·7408 Vle~~e~·.Sliv LIDO'S FINEST ing and dining rooms. on 50· lot. 4 BR 3\IJ ba. et!JOY sunny days from French doors lead to.,Jge froot deek on the water. So. patio. Tradilicrt\al Lots of extra parking in oek floors, great for en· the area. On ree land' 1 tertaining. 400' to $550.000 with good : clubhouse be a ch f'manc:ingavailable. $735,000. Ownr/agt. ,42•5200 tlS.7298.<>PenSun. l·S 133VIA UNDINE lUMITS WATBFIOMT i PVT IOAT DOCK j PETE ' BARRETI ... REALTY OHL Y $525,000 Low down, su&mit. as-1 _______ _ . '' RVM~ ewport Beach De Anza bayfront Park. Mint c:ond. '78 dbl wide, fireplace. brick patio, 181,000. '63 double widel comer lot $39,000. Bil Grundy 675-6161. Mobile Home, dbl wide. $172 mo. space rent. acilts pref, sm pet OK. quiet ll B. corner lot S29,900 or best. Owner 847·21164 By owner, double wide adlts, no pets. new cpts. drps & Akan siding. lo space rent 714-893.3377 . 71H1G-0459 Orange Coalt DAILY PILOT/Sunday. March 21. 1982 Newpo'n ~t~~ee land Excellent Depreciation Owner /Bkr 9SS·~S4 S42S mo. 2Br. l~a. no ~ l244 ~· 645 Vlcton a, 116. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 91.24 Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba, Executive living New patio. ar. Park. pool.11-'-""'-=:=.;..--0rleao1 Condo. Large ac:. mo. 833·9057 end umt1 3 Br. 2 Ba. Turtlerock 3bdrm 2ba frplc:. pat o, pool. clbhse. lblock park/pool.' S875'. :,:~l!..~.o • .,!.hops. $750 1st& last. 644.5444. xch Honolulu 2 BR ....,..,....,_ .....,0803 Marina condo for Isl TD Eastside clean 2 BR 1 Nr golf course & pool. or• 185M eq. Bal $72M al Ba t'· •. d N. 0 Rancho San Joaquin 2 llGCAHYOH 3 Br. fu~~~ course view. teMis, pool. spa Lease $1200. Avail now Prime loc. 644-7424 Bkr. 8~CX.PP714· ·7070 a,paio"' yar · br. den, 2 ba rondo SUP'll PETS. mo. S48·6680 s roo. ~-1120 S.Valas Hll . llGCAHYOH 3 ~~fr:~'ool, Jacuu.i & Tennis Newly dee. Vacanl Sl.200/Mo WMJ.v M. Taylor Co. Reallo~ _ 644-4910 T .. v SHRIT-TRADE 01 SILL Nice clean 2 Br 1 Ba Spectldifar-Oc:e•n view. FO-~ 1 ... V~STQ~I Sacramento -1\esfcJence enc:lsd garage, yard, ORANGE TREE PATIO ~+ family, formal dm· C..pe Cod lrg 5 Bdr 2-sty "'" " for South Coast newpaint&c:arpel No hollY.3bdrm,2 ba,A/C. ang. pool /spa. $2000 3000+ sq rt. Freshly San C emenle pnde or Residence. 4 bdrm. 6 ba. els. ss25 + sec:unt . WtD .. g~.· modr _opnirrs't n&o _7_60-_93.13_.!&l_· -. __ painted. Avail. no"" Lrg ownership. ~fodern rormal diningroom. pet: 0 h >-'. pets $7..., Fi yard RV parking. Call Spanish style. four unit redwood extenor. swim· 2546 range, ouse E last, with I yr lse. plus 3br, 2ba, pool, dm rmtrm Diana,6311266,W apartment house with ming pool. private and SfJ·Z718. ---Sl50dep.552·4146 rm 1100 Clay. NB oc:ean-hilb & golr course public schools close BR + bonus rm 2 ba, lg Rancho San Joaquin 2 Br l050 mo. A..it:..M! 5032 S. Cle•llft 3276 ythlog, only three years Newport, Dana Point or ~!.tOOO. Isl, last. Sec course & night l1les. Shonclff e or Irvine's nicest old,showshkenew.will Laguna $275 ,000 . ;)411·1411i --Avail Apr 1. S875/mo . &POOL R r view. close lo ever· Prefer Corona del Mar. yd, trees. frpc. hot tub. ~den. 2 ba. view or golr WESTCLIFF ••••••••••••••••••••••• parks. 24x60 dbl wide. 2 sell w Ith ex c e 11 en t 916-487·0321 ___ liSTSID& 675-7716 Lrg enough for a family ~a!3hl<lry~ .{>1:: Incl~~ br 2 ba. SSl-864-0 ~~~i3~~fi~1e~i~1n 2 Br. hOiae wfth den. lrvme new. 2 Br 2 Ba but not too large for one yd, Bc:h + clbhse. No Ro~al Lancer triple. view lot or home. or TR~rv~~°MR D g:ra~e w/d hoolt·u~s back~ard~I & spa Elegant decor. exec 4 pell,p?S/mo 496-8818 '""' H d It k B 1 1 • 8d gardener & pool svc --....., .. a u par . Y commercia property. TO SELL S.F.R'stc:on· ruvers1ty Dr. ee 5. 60-1 inc\ Avail wash /dryer/· s.1111.ocJ-a J216 .,..._ sludlOI. one and IWO bedroom aoart• men1s. FU .. NISHED end UNFUANllHED. Oakwood also 01ter1 • All UtJllciel l"llct 0 lftWI ...... ~ • S 1 Million In Aecnltlofl For a mon lh or a life nme Model' ooet1 daily 9em to6c>m No pals. -. Oakwood Garden Apartments sume GREAT loans. Fast escrow needed! 96.1-4'159 owner 968·0626. PRINCIPALS ONLY!! dos!TD's for 5 ACRES manager at S. MB-0648 The Lakes. Lovely 2 Br. refrlg. Sl650/mo Agt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• N&m'l~'~sT lOxSO F1twood ideal ror Ca 11 owner '714 1 PALM DESERT Ready Eves. Townhouse. many ex •l..Dis631_l266__ _ Older J br. I ba Ckean 2 BR 2 Ba w ipartial retirement. Hemet. Ca. 642·0l38. lo build-or bold for in-EASTSIDE Quaint & tz:as incld pool. spa, ten BLUFFS vu SSSO/ mo 30831 Newpor1 ee.dlJNo. 880 lrvtne (•116111) (7M) 645-1.,.. r.m.~~~s ! 50ft dock. fee simple 1·524·5980 ocean view Mint cond $102 mo. me. incl util f lfi ilSUMAILfl vestmrnt. 714-673-2290 coiy. 2 bed, pal10. yd, rus No pets S62S/mo 3 br 2\IJ ba on green· M~n!.Y!!...!k....840·1441 reduced· '9 90 o 1 'c) Carport & encl P~tio. 10£AL TAX SHEL'r'ER 1 Bluff vu condo, Sl95K gar. $S9S. BACHELOR 714/497...o72. belt.'nr pool.'Lge renced C=1'aR- Sl40,000. Wont last. ~ cln. $8500-F-irm. LIKE NEW QUA I.ITV F.P. OWC or trade S88K apt. Util pd. $3&631-4320 Woodbndge Lake view ~tio New fllt. d~ ~~-~ 3425 Well kept Tn1>1ex nearl ~Dal 113•"~.6451.Q.!.1_ 180 degree v1·ew new 3 B 21 Ba r tcond Sl 494 _,....-"' , . r. , . am rm. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------•II BLUFFSZ PLAN '73 Tioga 19'''° Hi M 1 S.C Plaza Priced bdow bluff condo. 2 Br 2'1 Ba frplc . wet bar & a/c. rov-~ (21J!SS6-1676 WTILUFF . ,_,_tk H~ :taBnRd.m2SOOf ansdq 's\pf:~~ SS7SO g~~~~ romparables at $247.!"!00 ._... ~nucro, spa, dbl gar S82S ered pauo. rrench doors Big Canyon rondo. newly 3 bdrm. 2i,.;z l>a. frrpc . $9?5 Newpor1 BNctl/So. 1700 161h St (Oovtr •I 16111) (7M) 642-5113 Ong Mooer or Bayc:rest gr""nbel loc:a 1269.soo. ___ .:.___ Owner will carry 2nd ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo 533.t300 6?5-1781. !.A? laqie sun deck $105(1 doc SllOO/mo. Spac. 2 rm fi40.85S9 M in do 2r I I -.~ Save yourseH com u.....--· L--'-&.-d bd-'-=-='d 1 --d ~__w.2550 b 2 b M ____ _ ov~ con . P cs . g I OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 mission. points & high .._..,. ..... _ rm up ex. carpete . r, a view rs ----family rec rm .. Beau 1 320VISTATRUCHA mterest Open THURS ••••••••••••••••••••••• garnopels $475 LEASE/OPTION Stratton 7'.w·l515X232 LEASE 10PTION exer Versailles Newport ~~~~~lselenStaCtm&.Sun 640-6259 •EXCITING* lhru SUN 817 Jennirer.C:-.. .. M• l 122 _642 7927 -rtor 1 yGroodWoodt bridgGe c,:>.!_ BLUFFS "-3-.BR 2•' ba. =·r:R °"+eade~. bti~ Beach. fully furnished ~. 1'1'Agt 631-0680 dli~-'rJ1/ Estaft S. Lane. G.M By Owner ••••••••·~··•••••:••••• EASTSIDE Move in t!ge.SJG.6288erms. r ..... fplc:. upgraded. patio. rrore info call 673·48r.i Jr I bdrm SSOO ~r mo -With or without furn. 546-1575. _ Decorators Bit Ca nyon cond. 4Br 2ba, Newport ~ ----S900 mo or lse opt. evs Gall Morris 549·1 O 2b64 Greenbrier Home Deluxe Covington 4-plex ~'WR ~o,;pl 2ru~~'. Schls. f:OO/mo. Refs Tw~ri,~~P~2 ba ~760-8384A BAY CLUB 2BRNRSC PLAZA Ba~o~pt.. MEW UVSTwlMH~!!! • 1· R E A L T y m Lagra ~ills nice3~ 5 choice F V loc Good :u· 1175 Bltr, 645.0295 752·5040 "'92--Adult condos Trees. 642.3449 ....._. i. OMt.lr • ~ar oung a ls sum loan owe Great ft.-...•-L..t. Beaut 3 BR. 2•, ba. +bonus room. 2 story, pool, Jar. S565 gas inrl -~ Cliarmlng-~ or 3 BR 1 ________ ,1 wecome. terms.l}kr!!9·4183 _,._., 1126 twnhse. fplc. pool. etc fireplace New cpts J Br. Excellent view 5.56-l&26,775.2580 _ SotAL.ocJ-a l786 Monaco. In excellent --Gr11:;af Porti 20ELUX£4 PLEXES ....................... mo.548·5128 a· Nr pools/ schools $1000/mo: Take over d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ph 21 l. L I Bt!l24x60 ey~·est llm . Lux3Br 3Ba o~nv1ew ----.964·5927 lease 644 9513 or NrSoCstPlazanew Ix ase oc:a ion. ove Y IA(:I( IAY " by Cov111Rton. Great as· pool t . . ' $1200 lovely 3 bdrm house near ----645-5000ut 110 Cond.o. PENTR IDG E Laguna Beach. beaul large yard with trees Outstanding 3 bdrm on 2Br. 2Ba. This is the besl s u ma b I e Io ans or . enms. spa So Cst Plaza Family 38r detached home in ----·-COVE. 2Br. 2Ba, frplc. furn . swte 2 BR. spa. and pnvac:y. $225.000 cul-de-sac. Xlnt cond. buymtown $200.000 ea 2or, 10 25'r l!O 493-6891,493-8812 __ rm. dining rm, bit ms. Cul\erdale, entry kit. I br Versailles rondo. W / D . I eve I 0 r 5 , sa.una. sa.telhte TV. ULJoanAkerman Large yard with many CLASSIC down. Pnn only Agt LalJ-aleodl l141 ut.ilrm,2 ba.rrpr,2c:ar steps to pool. tennis. lughJy upgraded. great microwave . 2 ear maid sen S300 wk Coastal Area Prop fruit trees. Custom spa. MOllLE HOME ~1366-••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. Covered patio. park. schl. dbl gar. S800 amenties. $600 l furn. garage w /opnr. pool. 7)4-499-2227 67$.6170, 675-Z691 Assumable 91# interest SALES Lido VIiiage Duplex 3 br. 2 ba, whitewater ~!_dener. tnllny extras mo. 552·4105 --avail I 631·07491 752 1925-Jac:uzZJ, S8SO mo + $600 loan. See & compare for 2706 Harb0r.Ste206 A 3 bdrms. 2 full baths view home. frplc. Apr I, ~ 546--0605, 751·2474 1\utlerock 3 Br2 Ba. ram Under market condo sec dep. 759-9141 dys or ~llh DESPERATE! value.si79.500 540.5'37 each. Nr beach. Owner l~rm.494·9655 _ 2 Br frplt' bit ins . rm. h\ rm. 2 car gar llGCANYON \21J )431'""506 eves__ u.fwwi*d DAVID D. CARLSON 1--------•1 wiU finance. 998-58611 refri ge, washer/dryer. ~a951~ 411 S900 / mo On {th green, 2 6drm. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FORECLOSURE IEAUQl lll-UU Ma.t• D• rt N.wport leach 31 H dbl gar., gardener. near ---- -ba sec. pool, spa, tennis .• ,.._ .... r,.,..1.a..d GeMral 3102 --------•1ee..ttryLot1/ lftOrt• M • 2400 ~~ .................... i>a:rk.nic:earea. No pets 4 Br + Family Rm ~0549ev,?S7 3046 ............................................ .. MUST SRL-41 VIEW-VIEW Crypti I 500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ts. 645-3603. S 1200 Mo In rl u des Westc:lirr area condo. lge ...._ tsk.d 37 06 S370/$460. Garden apu 1 HOUIS Newport Beacli 3 BR •••••••••••••••••••••••Park City Utah condo BachelorVersa1lle\ $62S 4 BR. No. Costa Mesa Gardener Agent 2 br. den , 2 ba. newlr ••••••••••••••••••••••• &2BR Pool. Jar. Buena Ju,,t make up back pay· 2,12 ba condo Formal 4Cemetery plots. Harbor Owner looking roi-2.Br Mob1le.L1do $700 home. cul de sac street. 759-9100 dee .. frplc. patio. poo . Bayfront: 2Br Iba. avail Park area 714/821·7490 ~':::."/~~e ~~~r1.~ocit dining room. plus living Lawn Memonal Park. partner. S8000 up front, ~rcondo, vu .. f1200 no pets. $800 mo. 545-7506 Twtltrock Gt.w 1f750.646.m._ __ 4/1 lo 6 II. S300 wk or lcAoa lsk.d ll06 .. room with rii'replace C.M. flSOO. 957'8187 l2 oftd3'mo 642·0671 Villa 8alboa2Br . 1200 Buu ~·--~ ~bdrm • baths 3 rar $975/mo 673 ·8821 or you'll save $60,000 going · ~ '.L.l -· --Nwpt Crest 3Br $1500 ·-----~ · " · 67.>4000 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ln. 4 Br. 3 Ba c:ul·de·sac:. Large 10_)C28 balcony C-rcld T1-~~i.t.nel Witerfront Homes 2 B,R I Ba duplex, new ... ,., D.ai garage Unobstrurtable · --I bdrm apt, beamed ce1I bot tub, lots more! Only w/oceanview.$215.000. Property 1600 0.-r 2450 631-l•OO pa111t & cpts. no pets Must seeloappreci te v1sla view. $3000 mo. CostaMHa 3724 1ngs, S600 t mo . yrly OOO.Owner675-9522. .. .............................. ::::•••••••••• SS25 + dep 1948 Meyer 40SyramoreCreek S48-0040orl·S68·1826 _ ........................ lease,ut11W..:.67S·986l!__ OCEANFIONT CUSTOMNEWPOIT Catalftolsla.d ----549-~ --J Tri·level4Br2•,ba. ewport Hts Cute 2Br. CASA DE ORO ~P .. Mlo lt07 P-•ftPt.-~·ustbeac:h.no Fraclll'.lldorH~ QfACE BLOG ,, PartnersliiDp In 2 ,...___, ........ _,_ .. _d QU1ETSINGLES395 631~1.John,Agent 2ba cottage. Lg yard ALLUTILITIESPAID ..................... .. ~· JBR: fam1Tyroom . den. ~vwnswo-. Uhls pd. I Br 960-3989 Avail 1mmed $750 mo N & BR B I sidewalk. and make formal dining room and bdrml,3'~ rbaedwl watrer1••••••••••••••••••••••• 233SElden.NoDog_s. IEHTALS 5411.714~ u2 3 .2 A year y ofr. breakrast nook 3 ON THE WATER View ' 1x oan or .,.~ 3202 ----1 br 1 ba S650 -Compare berore you fTplc. bit-ms. gar. park· firpelacesfrenc:hdoors 30yrs.Byowner ~ •BEAUTlFUL1QUIET• 3br.2ba $950 .. ~1rstrallergels lh1s rent. Custom desig_n 1ng. Close to bay & 1AstY2?FIOOdHTe1. vCieOwN. DOal and windows thruout. ~ sq. n. + 60' .ix?~t ___ 960·1065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br home. yrd . .:ar. 3br: 2 ba SLSOO f>'urn 3br. gar. spa. NOW S62S reatures: Pool . BBQ. ocean. Brkr675-4912. Be Bo PncedlosellS365,000 slip.Excbangeposs1b1h (Mafr--'w I NORTHIAYHOMf lawldryhkptrh1ld.No 4Br.2.•2 ba Sl200 OC-R~NT~~ 750~1~ cov'rd/arage. sur Ckeanlront.pnmearea. sli bl 1475000 Agt ty.Greatterms.CallB1ll ~·1 £astSantaAnaHe1glits Dogs.960·3989 4br2ba SBOOHuntBr h B Ba ho rounde with plush B Bar I 67~:C67·6 g4.7t-1>.u ·--~?.•.·!•"•"~--Merrell. Ploperty 2550 spa cious S br or 4 l81CSan!_;,ls_abelis.ls LeRalSOrRltl'._833·8600 "Ba~kJBa ~ 2~1 ~~Yar landscaping.Nopets. 3 r 2 1'c Nopels --~---__ ;;!_'.'!!!'.'!!!'.'!!! •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br Den 3 Ba rront & re· -----J • 1 Br rum from $490 1 Ye a rs ea s e 3 1 SHOPPING CEHTR ar pal10s. 2 rar garage & 2 Br. encl.rard. pets/k1ds LCllJlllMI IHch 3241 I .1!!1~~ ~-3119 -2 Br. rum. from SS80 S1350tmo 675-8904 art 5. DOY-SHORES S.Cltwlllh I 076 Just orr Hwy 78Tn Vista. carport, gardener 1ncld ct'· Avai n~~·5F A ........................ Newport Crest 365W. Wilson_, 642·1971 337·24l4days 11,""lG-'--T ••••••••••••••••••••••• $275,000wlll handle S1225mo 5497962, ~na . mo Vacant5rmsglfam1I)' Tc;iwnhouse2Br211 Ba NicelBr"dplx Qwet Deluxe 3 bdrm <2 -. o..a.5'1N l·S l/4J3.1723Bkr Broker/A~ ---·-d"'elllng. S815 /mo incl with teM1s. pool. spa Sep by gar 1 emplyd Masters>. 2 ba w1lh Ac:~~;l~xy Good financtng Ocean ltmdff,Fw., ltalboolsa.d l206 u;ntPD.$600MO. f;!~~54442 Monterey ::_~~o 642'3850 or adult over 35 No pets ~1::g~~c~ea'r'ly~l~u:~ parltinprestigiousarea. view 3 Br 2•, ba .•-------•11 Gro•ff 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 I Ba . lge renced . ------.-, -~-~·1021 avail Ma y lst $850 Spacious, light and airy $132.500 3807 Calle La •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2ba. rumished Short ~9~6101r~~J~~ OK · Large 1 bdrm dpl_x. ocean ~rrwLoca~r~n.s ~~c 5 $350/mo. 1 br, except ~ 3 Bdrm nome w)th c:en· Qllnta ldalloCa .. R.cll term $900+ per mo view. frpc. ul1ls incl estc . I mo clean.quiet.sec:ure,ulll ---- tral atrium entrance. Ttrrtll~offy 8,200 deeded acres. .675-4000 3 bdrm. 2 ba qualtty imo.552-54i9!,_ mclgard.&46-~ --lllCI Adults nopets 1991 ~1r· between beach & high ceilings. den with 491-1653 12,000 Bl.M. Reservoir ----home . 287 Brentwood A.. vi 3Br, 2128a Condo. huJe Ne rtB1:646·8373 ay, $350 /mo . Yrly wetbar, seN>tate formal ----'"-'""-~-....... ...._ ·--r C:-..dtf Mw 1222 SSOOor orrer. Will sell no ~tan . ., ew mstr view end unit 673-4417· -dining room and family OCUHVllW ~~era1':!5·r~~~~ s~'!: ••••••••••••••••••••••• rroney down. trade for 2 Br. l'!Jba. ~car gar. $750 im. (2°13) 829-0446 ......... oc .. 3740 r. lBa upper. deck. It sited kitchen with 2bdrm,3baconcJo.frplc:. Valley.Toni Lash Ram Soeclac:ularO<'ean&clty TDs.motorbomeor• -sn~tmo. Avail Mar 20.I dys, 1213) 372·4755 ••••••••••••••••••••••• blkbay&6ch.S700mo breakfast end opeo5 to wet bar Sl98,SOO Ex·--="'""'"~~~ Real f.stale Box 509. fight.a view from every 646-8788___ ~~~I before Spm I eves/wknds. _ __ H.J • f1MIE$T yrly (213> 459·4530 evs h1Ce yard with alle( ar· tenStve rec real ion Sun Valley, Idaho. 833S3. room. Large 2 Br. r,rplc. SANTA ANA HTS 3Br -.--BLUFFS <:ONDO 3Br. Spanish \!tatel.1ving! ~-roop.arag~:.orerci:o ;-t1~ rac:ililies. sec:uritybpark· l20l1726·0122 man Y a ~f1 nA~th~~ · tam rm. frplc. · S6oo: Woods <;ove ocean ~1c"'.. 2 1"28a, 2452 Vi5ta Hogar. Beautiful park-like sur· eoro..o .. Mw 1122 Ing! stairway to each.~""""'~~ $1200/rno. 'Y lsl/lasl + S200 dep Br. air cond. i>lo~e. $750mo.64Q.S274 roundangs. Terraced ...................... . love y home may be chi dren welcome . Opp· HN llSJ[R days 642-575?. eves & t\Jller Realty 546.0814 garbage d 1 s po s a I ---pool Sunken gas bbq. Soac. 3 br. 21, ba 2 bl ks leaseoption@dand1sva-l'yforsummer&winter ULU wknds631-6630. ---• S'750tmo 964-1661 leave 2Bdw/bayvlew&rolal sparkling rounlains rrom beach S850 mo =.1::iy~vl.~~~ 1f!:: :i::\.rJ ... ~~~ 1~r!p~it· •••••••••••••••••!~.~~ DIMCH LEASE OR OPTION 4br 2w8e~t~1Pfr c~'6d5°0 ~~r mrssa~ --~l\g'~~,: P.~ at ~~1' spacious rooms <2131493-3680 eves or eludes land. CDM DPLX Just N"""orlh of Santa 2ba vu exec hm Sl400 David 646-j266 . a...,.o MHJ-1 3252 760-8702. A Separate dining area. m4)673·9358__ -mo. Own~759·8006. ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• W a I k · in c.1 o set s . IB .th 1 ed 64J..5200 KE~I IYOWta(Ell Barbara Last beach GOODDEAL.lg3br.2ba CkeanviewlBr den 2ba homelike kitchen & r WI cos garage. Two 2 bdrm units. so or ranch left. 100 acre EXICUTll E w/lropic:al eatio $495 Shores hom'e (;a le UDO ISLE 1 ~ablnets Walk to Huot carpets & dg?,· enclosed A PETE BARRETI REALTY P CH. corner lot . parcelsfrom$270.000to Sbdrm.-3ba1. am rm . ...QC-RENTALS 7S0.3314 ~ Nearpool beach Immaculate 3 bdrm , angtonCenter ~Uo.675-4 7 - 1 smgle/slory, divided by $500.000. 8"2 miles or wetbar. poo • Jar · etc. 800 ·1 6 · den f ·1 d' · 'I l Bdrm-rurn ssos l650 Mo. large 2 bdrm, 1 ea .4 1g 5 atrTages 01 ,a$s 100 su.m 000 ab. 0 1ewlnOe.7r pnvate beach with ex· Pvt. beaches. ocean 4 Bdm\ 2 ba. frpc, ram I ease. wner 'amiyroom. inmg 28drm-unrurnr~omS565 ba, priv yd, beach ac I: D eel. f1Sh1ng and surfin,B. view S2 .SOO/mo. Ref. rm. gardener included ~or"9l·9268 · t800mo. cess.nopets 106, will assist finance. fee. Smaller Interest In please 760· 1654 sn5/mo. Avail. immed. Pvt comm. Sea Terrace. No Pets ___ 559·9~ BUILDER IN TROlllLE Unable to finish. Must aell. ~ oomple- ted 4Br, 3Ba custom home, 2 frplcs, open beamed ceiling, just reduced to $420,000. 142-7414 ... .., ... u.. ~NEWPORT ~~HORIZONS ~REALTY lmmac. $.290.000. 521 partnership also avail 67S.2687. ~-4984 Plan J. 4 BR, 2 Ba. ram Utililles Free! Carnation Ave. CdM. Call Daniel Johnson. ~RBOR RIDGE . focAlalaV..aty l2l4 rm .. Comm pool. jac:.. Eager buyers read the Cal1673-0'Ml,675·Sl42 Sundance. 805·963·8773 ~nng c:ath,edral c:etl· ....................... tennis . walk to pvt bch. LA QUINTA HERMOSA Classified ads every and685·2887hm. ings. be~ut 1ful view. DelwceTiberonCondo No pets. I yr lse. 182lf Parkside Ln. I blk day. If you have 2 STORY DUPLEX country kitchen. 3 BR. 3 br 2 ba fam rm S685 714-857·1200 : 675-6892: W. of Beach. 3 blks s. or something for sale. re Gnaltv R.clilced NO DOWN OR Yrly lse. Sl900 mo 413 Appl.' now · $36-3142 F.ciinger acb them fast and inex· 4 bdrnis-. tba ln upper· 2 Barrett Rll.Y 642-5200 213-42M2z.312i3.438.9693 br. 2 ba. lge master pensively, call 642·5678. bdrm lower. 2 rplc:s TRADE 1224 -suite, micro. comm.,__ ______ _ Some ocean v1e w. ••• CodoMna 4 bdr, 21-; ba. formal din pool. S?75 /mo . Wkdy 2 bdrm. den condo. Pvt l1&1-11m1..,.,........d -, lwlh'-,..,.... ~000er c:aur';/ T .D or ~MJRiJKe ~A\~He ••0•H••M••v•:0 ••t••1•b•.••l••t .. nn, fireplace. good loc S99-Ql2l;evs640·402S patio. garale. Avail. orU.fwwhlltd 3900 oru.t.Mslwcl ltOO ...-. at · · · grea rs er In Fountain Valley, Apri I l 850 mo . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• M.wPric•S25',500 15 acres, lovely home erw/allapel.NOWS18S yearlylse 646-0SSI Lease Condo El Niguel 640-C with ,4500 n + Tennis QC.RENTALS 750.3314 . Golf Course. Clean & 1...:::~%:!.---:~ M. TGYlfr44i·o coort. pool, riding trails. OC·RENTALS lluli19•heclt 3240 quiet. 3 Br. a/c:, w/d. ILUFFS 1 · Trade for smaller home 1 Sb ·'!S200t S2000 ....................... pool. $72S. 831-1678. 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. new decor. inOrangeCo.Fullprlc:e · r 0 7d SBlutoocun.Elegant2 4 br 3 ba view hOIJI(! upgraded. I level $900 del Mar Duplex. comer $995.000 Week ends 7~3314 · ays Br. Family Rm & Den. &>nils rm ram rm 2 mo lease. Avail approx. lot . xlnt Income . 545.5000 . ext 110 or llONEOF l!50Mo.Plusb crpts,2._., frplc:s wet bar si2oo 411.644-4482. uu~oo. 640-6175. 644·9513, wkdays THILUCICYFEW 81. Cedar & glass. sun· mo uiida 49s.to64ut. •-=-=--~-='-----~25111 i 831-1400or644·9S13 R ~nn C t -M • deck, dbl r ar ~rv · · DMIWt'tTWMH Ttlling the most people 11.S acrt farm near Vb-N~W~STos ~te3582~ earage, fully m~1nt. .._..,.,. .. _. 326' E~ 'Blan. New custom pc11$1ble is Important lo alia, b.ome ~u~. & Townhome ~JLLAGE ~~~~~ire at ••••0 •00•••uuu•u decor thruout. srac. 2 the success of a ny water. $160. WC. COMMUNITY.2ft3 Br. · · · ~VIEWLIEASI ~·r.2 r~~8~0W'11o ~~~i: garage sale Make sure D /528-6674. 2~Ba.J800·1800aq. ft .of DUPLEX -119 Hunt-fMrm 3Ba, f][.o.lt1 Gar. w/opener. pool, . •1. d 1 pure luxury. Garages. lnaton Ave. Ocean view, city +ocean vu. Guaru view 1 you rs . II I s't e n Mardi to your phone to hydro-tubs i.n master volleyball crt, 1 Br ate. Pool + tennis. · txpanJ ve gretn· C lass1fled . phone place a fast-ac:tlne awte dlnin& rooms, l500/mo: 2 Br teootmo : 700/rm. Bob or Dovie tr;..f.v~s11:,~~·er~~ tc-5671. cluslfied ad. MZ.5678 wood burning fireplaces. or rtnl entire duf lex for a 758·1221 <rum. avail.> 760-3667 or mlcro·wave ovens u100/mo . Ca I Bob ----.._,,.,., 2000 --Pr.,.rty 2000 prtvate patios ft yards'. eyer 586-3500. ofc or _ µ!!:~~· ~2 l!:,j3 ~'l7~·~39tc.:.·- .............................................. Gardener provided. OIFZR2h9me. IAYr111vm :n'~: ~~~~~~lo~ I 3..._ 1'1... t.'m'. 4r (r ep~'!'~·ed2 I lllTS Pl.IS l•E tn h4rff• ,_. •• I 111t1 "" 111 ""' It •111• II 111 llt•Htt. ·~· ... • ......... Att "• -.. _ ............. .. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC lt£Al l TAft ~ ~ P,,111ft1 14Mw+ll••• J.alllld. 7 minutes to s.c. =yro0m. 'lrpc, nr PfeOUI view. Pier an Pla1a or o.C.Alrport. n West fr EiUnger. 1Up. l3000 per mo. AuU. Just east or Newp0rt water and 1ardeoer pd, feb, l. . Blvd.• so. or S..n Dle&o mo me, Mfl43l Frwy. Startin• at '900 a !leDI to bch, tbr 1ar mo11th. &31·S43ti.. 2473 tn~~On~S400 ram rm ft din rm. pool. Oraou Ave., \;Os ta OC-~M!Y :!1!!·1314 tenls. apa • .., ml to ocn. ..... Ur. wttll ara1e. Cb.Ud • Jlg_mo · ! •Uldt 3 Br, Z Ba . 1aU oil. "50/mo, , 281 st~ to bc:h. I '750/mo •• IJt. ~aat •tee. Cual Frat, Newport frDlc:, db\ 11r, pvt, stOO. ~It. Cell. ~48·43198 1 yr new 3bdrm 2ba, S..,48t +,LtaHor ,,.,_tm,173·&209 _ rrplc:. detached ~omt, _..to "1 · '1500/mo. Studio Cott••~ poo mo 2bl\Z~ ba. bit 101, comm fadJUiet (pool. ~ pool. welk lo Ull1-d. t44·Ull or '' qwet lrea. taialli c:habholaM> tl1&. -Aaat 14'-lOM or Rm"_ 2. 1 ' ............... ...___ -- 11 .. Vtrdt J 8R Hrt1m.1Mft~ ...... '850 lf~Lll S::.f"..::-;=:~ flm rm. a bl.• mo. H.-.11111 ..... a •rt-lli-C'Oiio. ~ '*''•· Yrtr llt :t'A .. ,: Jaue. "Tim • q •. eauo." tt,L~· w.,. •. associated _Kennebunkport?~ . Wasn't she the biologist who won The Nobel Prize for Medicine In '697 ~ro~ If you·re not sure wtlO (or what) Ken~nkport was. dofl't feel bad-y01ire not alone. KennybunkpOrt Is one of 14 d!stinctNetj different ~rtment floorplanS at SNwlnd Village In Huntington BNdl. SNwlnd Vinq is a ~ of tocally personalized professional planning. The kind of attention )'OU destM . A perfect blend of nature and hving- nestled In a forest ~ blbblang brOQl(.S and ~ pond:s. cOOltd 111 natural OCNn tntzes. Adel to that tennis couns. swimming poolS. ajlcuul and a conwnlent lcXatlon nNr stioppng and ~ and you\le got a pin ln)'Oflt YalOUICI proudly c.all home. (Even Kennybunlqlortt) One and two t>eclroom. ooe Ind two t»th ~ts from• $51$ 15595 tVI~ Yllgl Lane ~ lladl. CA (114) ....... 1 Fl'Clm IN 5111 Dllgo r._., CllM 1Wt1 Oii 1111111 • ~ ""' ... Wlllillll W> S.....~ FWMllli• ...... •Qplll .-W tO Mii ll ML ' II u•• llff not ..................... • ltol ...................... . No~. oodrt&· WfnM nt ...................... t!~TING HOWt' ·• UOOllWAID• .wt 1 dorlilf d~Uet part Baildyour own bualn._s lloYTe • !xtu1•. MO di!' • I.Alf 31t1:~1m-&a~lt w1..,0 r • ' r000t · no rrst to rmt'nt fob "'•· J<&. au lypcs N'u PIPPf cs mo• 01c1 i. "e • I 'm look na ror s hprr Buell/Sliter Famlllt ....._ I eneraetlr peuplf lo Tht Jolt 5olwct hdJ1broktn "'8·7723 a t Afala11t1Ulfln. HoWl,Mohh 4100 ...... SMN 4100 Oflcj....., 4400 /l••tat terested In makin1 ;_omfl.(M71>M S M. __ ,.~ .. M ........ ••••••••••••••••1•1••2•4• ...................... ; .............. ••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ....................... ,.._, S700ol~/mo, In 6rno Loat ladit1 &011 " _ -· c..e.MtN ~ rt ecll 1169 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• or rellrin& In 1·3/yra DIUI TS di d ~11 t ............. !':' ............................... ;.:!!.~;.~ ............ JP;'~~~ ~wT~all. ~~l'" r~mmf~ t~ Newport Burh nur &#immin~ p00l cbemlc»I Call Oeor~e Carey for 1, SC1UU1-l.£ 31~ire1r w~f ~o • 11~! Blotrht1 .... ~r.QnQ klt~b.,~nl S 2.iteleecft Adu th. 2 Br 2 Ba 1105' up. Color TV. 'P;~ apt /~col~~ n:ar ~~ Od1~rJrrl:.!~a~· tr.!~1tu:t~:ch~!~~ hr C 14 JIMH2S3...1.. IM•W£1S :::t:J:{r l~~iR~; •wY ulft . .,_. nc 3bdrm~Da~ram 1 unit Verullla. crpt, dra~•· Phontt In room 22'74 Ml........ parltln.1 well main No exp nee Will train IUW 3771. · utll6'7JS4IS ~7&o.lllll2._SZ2l'f34 ear,poo11.f1SO/moyrly. New~rt Blvd CM Shr %100 1qrt lux hse Wdblda.'Vlrkyday; SIO.OOO .full .1mount re:MoMJtol.09 5025 lanore-Oulwit P-3-=1"-·-----V I 141 ~l.1149 2:841 648-'J 714/~. tu I rod . W i 11 net ••nu•n•••••00•" •••• Cl nine Wholly -try c t1n, ronvenlen\ 2 f.utJlde 2 Hr. 2 ea. dis· -~ ·-- _ _ 2min lo FWy F.V. '305 ---Cltave Mldd•y_ Vound: F PUPJIY · blk w. Br I Ka pool. lndry, hwuher &•rb1&&t dib N Intl utiJ ' phone. Pvt MISlitlSS ADDHSS ~~~ i iaAIL c6o~eMct • WORLD 1 LIVING tan race, AIJ>hl Beta on ~.'ISZ.~or648·Sl78, Potal,_p~!lo le laundl'); f~J>Ort ~eru11,1eb1 WHoma 4175 th Male.~68 Answulna ' mail ..;,,, -Olli "' . .,..._...,, A flflh arede student llltbor,C.M.540-14M_ Bachelor wto kitchen, roq_m J.'IOO/mo 64~ 1 ·v '°car.osec!~r ct!~t~ j(~~~·0~;;t"ii;;;~·tt;• Shr 2br CdM apt. £rplc, aervlte conference -• ll..W..C" waoslced to give her de· Found · tan Razorback balcony wJb1y view, 2 bdrm 2 ba built Ins l~evts board & care 24 hr awtroom,aundtck.Close room Adi OC Airport. ....... OffktW..... rlnltlon of 11n ecologist doa new molhtr . clo e to beach. S260. dr11pt'1. pri v patio' I 8upuvilion In ta'm1ty en to beath. 1300 mo. + l100/roo.7J41~1-l342 O,pa..-fty SOOS a.-.: She replied: "Eeoloalsta Falrtlew & El Cimino 61 Townhouse. carpurt vi~ment. M5·1R90 lb. Vlckle75.Sllj_ ....................... Office WW.at are ~hose people who 5.17·1984_ ~e bachelor, fr~. sep. ~1~rOkpool, utll pd t ON TH~ IBAY --Profl nh. Mt FC35+M. tuBxl. 2rrbr 11~d;.q·&st~ro~~~~~1~: tt!*~~~n~r~e·'yulpred Loato3MtoflSOC.ooo1oo1 l:.'J"'e e-1rm:.r WbitJ~tfv?N'cf .. the r.iaa• 5350 lc.it ,newc~ 5.mo fast+dey~~HZ~~~-~ . "\,; VocaMo.ll ... alt 42SO w se •.. u a, Harbor & Baker n bh ~ ro· years. a osee1 •••••••••• .. •••••"'"' .!Afjud 1go. 7 l9lh St Ste Mgr at 19'16 ~u~~~~~ntr,:~t'ed •••••••••••••00u••••00 ~ + ~ BSlJ!!!!L l4 ' r:1!~r~~~t1l ~~r:s ::.n:bfe tr~~ ~~~ ~g!~' Lott & "-cl 5300 o.c tell Manl)'n Adams ~tlfn.~t5o2:: .• t..~;r4 ~~e St A ti_. _ directly across rrom the OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 4 Br exe c h11 e · ~hr campus Dr. omre. 90< sq errort. Const oriented Call Mr. Nelson 1714 > ••••••••••u••00•••••" that Steve lovt'I her and """ Reuben J.o.:. Lee . Avail.now.Weeklythru w1ow nu. I rvine . Ct. Lse or Mo /mo . Write Ad #942, Dally 966·0755. Cambridge want to talk tojler._ ~?lfil_ ---PoW 3126 OverlooksNewportB11y. summer.673-1873. $395+a,, utll. 64184lO, Mull.anReall.)1540·2960 Pilot, Box 1560, C.M Ca~ital Group . a M 2Br,w/pool.carport,$600 ....................... SI~ month. For ap· PaltnSpringsarea <Mon· 7-4801 --CM 345 rt + bath 92626.__ California real estate FOUND ADS ·~i h,::~~ f~vall Apr t 2 Br ocean view , po10tment, please call terey CClcondo3;BR 2 Prof. M/F over 30 to Stor"eavall.$250/mo WHOLES.ALER broker.alsoactingasa ~~ys aweekaf' ___ __ bolrony. prage, clean 1714l720-2473M·f8·5 Bal Curn w/atnum. &hare 2br. 2ba. Newport 5tl 3345 '94 3803 lender. Al£ fl££ 69 c ge s !iris to ,. ............. ~-24ll82 "A' Cordova Dr Go r tennis. Daily, BeachCondo. $295inclds . ' . HHDfO or OU _. .... ·_._ 1124 213 II · weekly & monthly rates uills. 646·1332 Oes\gn to suite executive tn the rast·growing Elee· -pamper )'OU . acuni. ....................... /402·26S7 tco ect) avail. 714 ·558 ·8001 olfices with secretarial tronic Security Busi 2nd T.D.'s to s11~.000. Sauna.Localsaswellas I II. 2 Ill. l Ill. OCEAN VIEW BALBOA BAY CLUB 9-SPM, ask for Mark. F£~)1~~13 $~~5~0~as~tlP aervice..1. ~Ible living ness. Tim Is a recession Up !O 20 years uowney Call: l 0 u r .1st s Ba 0 k New!Y--<fecor. Gu pd Lge2br.2ba,garage I Br. Excellent view . . area. uooo lotation 1n proofbuslness Wearea Savmgs,9632611 642-5671 Americard, Master en"I ta d h• t.t;,75 615-4174 SIOOO T k I.Jg Big Bear cabin, pool ~. !t1_!ce Ca v ·11 B k f Char.,. Amencan Ex , r iv.as "r, ~--___ mo. a e over tbl color tv 2 Cpls nnery 1 age. ro er manu acturer looking BORROW against/our press' Diners all pool, bQ. Adults. no .spacious 2 Br 2 Ba lease. 644 ·9513 or sleeP6l4.S4Se9l6. • Mature M/Ffoshr2br, 61~12 _ rdorawholesalertohan R.E eqwty <res1 . or ---welcome 7141845.3433 pets. 642·5lr7_!l. duplex unit. Frpk, walk 645-5000ext. 110. --2ba N.B. apt, $250 + 1 a le the imst soph1st1 c?1t· comm'I). Broker eoop 2112 Harbor Bl CM IMMID OCCPMCY! ~ash. ~25~ 492·4488 OCE.AHFROHT KAUAI, HA.WA.II utils. 631-3048__ 1 & J~J~r~c~·. AIC, ed electronlr security welcome For details. REWARD FOil IMFO -----~- 14001mo. 2 Br l Ba Dix twnhse. 2 br. 2•, ba. 2 Br 2 Ba, bit-in kitchen. For rent !iy owner. 2 br, Shr 3 br home In CM , plenly ol prkg. Util incl ~m on the market lo call Fidelity Standard leading to the recovery Coeds would love to party Pooll beamed ce1 hng oce1m view No pets DIW .. rrplc . 2 car 2 b.a condo in Prin· t9'h & Santa Ana, $295 Avail.now.Call ay No experil'nt•e Bancorp, 646 3921 . olPowerute r1.1 c1ngb1ke with ,vou Leslie or launory room. No pets ~1·91 !!__ garage Yrly S97S cev11le. sips 6 easily. rm. inc. utils 646·4395 Realonomirs j75~6100 n e c e a s a r Y 548 2971 e' boo Llr'd R E taken Crom condos near S > 1' I a . a n Y l i me . No last mo. rent. Golf, tennis. xlnt pool & 1 N V ES T M E N T Brkrs 260 105 30 82·1~ England & Memphis 76' ~- TSLMGMT 3 ~Oft leach 3140 JR PROP MGR beaches. callle tv 157" NB prof. M will shr lge MRft"fi't SUITE REQUIRED S30 ,000 -----B d. ·--------• -642· 160 ::::.:? ...........•... __ ._.6]'r..1..1 :,~ screen), rully equ!J>ped Harbor View h m ..., '"' IOO't SECURED 0 Y Can you nwk1: the pay H . Chrome frame . re ,. ~'JU.LL kit. w/mierowave. f\eas. w/adult 30+ 760-~_2. 2(85 sq. . ront ground I N V E N T 0 R y rre~ts on a home but handlebars. wheels & Wiff!.trffA.ph Yearly small bachelor rates Forbrochure,call Need prof resp rmmte noor. Jarden settini:. EARNIN G POTEN dont ha\'e a do~n pay brakes; black Uni~eat Unfurn 1 bdrm ?lpl ,All unit on ocean front Mr. Burns. dys 760·2670, aged 25·30 to sbr Jbdrm ~~1C:S:~~g·~a~':f. TIAL $7S.OOO+ FlltST m!nt.?_~aul 9S3 2872 agt Pleasecall SJti 98J2 SPACIOUS l nr ~ All .amenities ~S~:to B ro ker evs8»7683 ---CdM hse non smkg $250 xlnt access to Hoag 'fit:: CA LL TOLL rriYote M0ttey Fireplace, pool & much eluxe poolside xtra -Ma~mol EthCondo.slps.lO. +ulil.63.H058ev£L_ ~J:·1!'as2! 'J;iitl'. Ll1~~ 1 •i"l2J3 -6556 $10,00&andUp ~kt?t~~ln ~~ht~l~i~1 rrore. large 2br. 2 ba, bltns. Obecean froGn t Balboa . ava1 aster vacattonl M/F shr 2Br apt nr. So. llS si ft prest1g·1ous .. ""x·l'.ll·1"8 TomorJcanne 22nd & Placentia. C.M 646-9883 dswhr p 2 miles beal·h au. on reenbelt 4 nr 8th & 16th Cal Cst Plaza. 25+. Prof w :rr · 00 · S.. 642·8852 --------•II Adults·. no pets SSOOmo bdrm. lower dplx. 2 cur 644-1405 S200 mo 966.2077 aft n estc area SI sq Ask for Mr aw,ter -Reward. 64S.22A8 IAY TIMIERS Linda' Vicki's PHOTO MODELS BA~l~m.ER TiiAN EVER! 24 HRS 669-0207 <Outciilll 5l).8.162 gar Sl400 184-0551 da, 6PM -~I --ARCADE MACHINf::S' Mort~, Tntst l Br Eside. small but --7S2-9442eve wknds Relltdtto~ 4300 -----OFFICE/STUDIO • 41d!fferentlatestmoney Deed$ 5035 Found while rl'd Lab. cozy w tlots or neat Beautiful 3 Br 2 Ba Con ---::.....=== •••••••••• .. ••••• .. •••• PROF Mt F shr across BathJBar Lag Bch j makin.ll models' Brand ••••••••••••••••••••••• ma le. v1c llu nt Brh SI 1 -. I' h wood $350 Adults only do. built ins. pool Lq0ce0ftfrot.t rrm bch NIL Patio. blck to bch Seer serv new. Free PC board ex· r ........ --Mt·~ Co. btwn PCH & Wa rnt'r rt"' ,o~e yourthgir ~ &.SI·~. 1,?l:.~ 2 bdf~. 1 ba. S7SO mo ~~~no gar· s33o. a_vjlil.494·125odns changers. $1995 & up All~ of ~ul estate t2131592·t~ ~~~k"Pa~~:P e g FIREPLACE Pool. THE WHI FFLETREE .mrh .G42·l9Jl_ ROOMMATE --CaJ.LmJ>3457303 _ mves~nts smce t949 Found Doi: Ilk grH ~rivate patio & dis 1·2·3 Bdrm Apts Gym, 2Br studio. waterfront flllt..JDERS ~~ ;Pe:_p ~';;.~":k1~~ l~ R.-wal*/.....,al Auto Deta1hng Mgr SpKialidftg lft v. hte tnm. ratJract;, TrcrYet 5450 washers mXTRALG t Spa.Sauna,pool,tenms. w1carport S875 mo 1""1111 LMIM<f/P LgnaHills uniqueoppty 2ndTDs Brookhurs t Atla nta •••••••••••••••••••••" & 2 Br garden apts on elc. ~ 06l9. 675-~ 1 last + deJ!, 631-6367 Orange -CO pnfne oHace to go be)'ond Polishing 968 ran 2 for I Worldwide pass on Ea stsicfe. $460 SS60 --· -Oldes.t&largestagency.12Christianproff,2Slo 3o spaceC/P. 12,S00 &2780 cars Person must be H2~J 545·0.611 Found Fern . lhhbtt. Pan Am. good 'Iii ~131, 5.57-2841, MillMERS WALK !!hlOA. IAY CLUI AU clients screened with , share 3 bdrm, z ba with sq ft bldgs. f'ountain neat appeanng & ca pa Cull Rrov.n . super tame JriOea 11!.>2·2844 -Bah;a Mar Apt:. Lrg 3 Br Townhouse to Imo_ 63t 6000 photos & references saine. Sl6S mo plus util Valley School D1stncl ble of managing & train LOOlll Due? Blk w ft_l>;l l 5086 Large 1 Br ca rport Apartment .Frplc . LIDOVIEW CredJts·Cosmopohtan I 549-7189 PO Box 8510 FV 92708 1 Se d MftdCosh? AUSTRALIAN pool I · d 1 · enclsd gar, patio yard 2Br 2 Ba 2patio GoodMormngAmenca --Ms_,~ieland714-842-66St mgpeope n resume Real Es tate mone) Found Ebluff ~hoppmf.( 5•11!•RI aundry A u b . no Near Hunt Harbour The Tomorrow Shov. ~ to Tidy Mart, Inc 5327 available 2nd or 3rd TD 'l 3 17 <: k "",.. pet.s S450 931 W t9th • Cluldren OK. $650 mo Mults jl~G75·~59 1 rr II I COSTA MESA Andrew Dr · La Palma. l.oan.s on res1dent1al or Nor. ~011a}f')631°~1JJ3cF°or Cuddle a Koala. camp St.548 <1492 '84().68<Y7 2 br.2 ba,"ar.~1.suh •.'2 o •lo a ne~ for ftlt 4350 t&2roomolfi<'es from G11;.!Kl623 ' theOutback.snorklethe _ ., clients who need a place. •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• income properties W~ 673·K68i Great Barner Reer this I Br. garage, yard No Mt to Bch I bdrmt2 bdrm deck. d1shwas er $6SO NEWPORT 641-1899 'Garage, single for rent wa.s Util.inrluded I Orange County 's only tea handle a full ranf.(e of f ound Watrh. Jo'a~h1on summ!r W.A y Tours ~ts Rids OK S450 mu Ulll rum no gar $.190 and Avail nov. '• blk to Main br h. _ealonomlcs 675·6700 shop. Tea & Sympathy mortgage C'oH·rage at Square Man h 18 o~ner \:jl-0763 i!SQmo S46-9SOt 673-2287 646·2992 ---Lajuna $65_,-t~.3044 M.dcal S.it. Compl furn w antique!. very compellll\e rates laentif_\ 831 3977 Inc 7141914-~ ---2bdrm tb ad 1•· Roommate wanted. Dana &china incl ""me & beer Courtesy lo Brokers .3Br.l1"1Ba.2cargaraRe. pets j403 ~lay ~t"'Nio Point,2 br.2ba.S250.lst Single. nr Harbor H1Rh. forLHH he. Fully s tarred 71 4·760·1551 ask Cor Found female Malt ese lilflDlc:Mllf WcstFteld It no pets. gas wtr pd. 215 $SOO;n"i> + S500 sec dep & last + 17 ut1ls Avail Npt Ii l s $50 I mo Westcliff N6. 646·8614 ~ 000. Call645-4860 Steve or Duane tu I Poodl ·r~TM~Ts ~27a03m s $590 mo Rhod ___ a_McG1ll 642-3600. ~.493-0981 StQTl!.&.e...Qn_IJ.675·.Q.34_!! IHMonlhruThurs E·x"'E-CUTIV"' S"IT "'. nux w le, male Db. e ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" """ I ...,.,. "' v '· 35% Yield rrux ·gray. ma e 0 ie Jabs Wanted 7 075 Beaull ul garden apt~ -lBr 31333rdSt Back un Fem. Nwpt B<"h 3 Bdrm Eastside double garaRe CO RONA Df;L MAR AND SECRETARIAL Sl6,735 Seasoned lst TU bl k & brwn . ma le ••••••••••••: ......... . Pallos decks Spa, heat I I Br patio. car port. J>O;OI. it, 'old but cle~n. 2 blks Con do . furn . non for storage only. 20 x 20 Ocean view Offll'e ap BUSINESS a\'a1lable in on 13.33 acn.•s at Adel an German Shepherd blk & Dutch Lady ~ould like to paid Nopets spa. secunly, $450 Uttl Crom beach j!a ral(e srmker, $250 + ,, ulll ~1!1!!.5435478 prox 400 sq ft. 2nd Or I n ine Curre nlh to. San Bernardino Co tan. male nusk>· mu. rleanvourhome 2BR 2BA SS25 incl Avail 4 7.8926745 ~""" s · · ,1 1· Avail 1mmed. Don Offi -R--'crl 4400 walkupNewly carpe.terl O""rat1n" and almos't blk wht & br~n male -1 · ----"""" mo 1erra " gm u '"" & raneled S320 mo mrl ... ~ .. 15', mt onl) month I~ . . . 170·4648 ~WW1 son 631558335r,2Ba J!arden apt.2 Co.&11-1324 ~l~<*t5S•S 96. •••••••••••••••••••••••al . Mo to mo ok full Perrc,·t for pro Duel yr 20'• d1sl·ount ~~-~!~;e,.~l~~~·n~;1z ompamo~•Sec·y seekli Like new lge I br apt:. P.r1 v~dt e phatk1o s . BAYFRONT PAD ShrNB.apt,3br.11bo,·e 1617WestchH.N.B Want S4.S·3165752·1830 ~1onaiwomantowork 714 ·75 1 41127 . t'\ whl Ne~port Shelter. li ve in position. pref Qwet romrlex.nopets. v.as~r ryeroo ·upt Big 2Br.lBa~e,er. Nwpt Centef.S232+1• Cinanr1alanst 1000sr -~~ onerown1nas1tuation 71 4 -4 93 1153 or 2 M C 1 LagunaNv.rtarea patio. r~. d w. ~I. ~ garage ~':is xtra. ~uiet. pvl. n"r utils. 7~0524 e\'s ~ [lQOf Agent 54_!:5032 t:fr'Fr:sNR~uce~P~~~\1!~~ ~~~~h ~~1 pri'~~ 5~~ 714 ~-'!J9t W:~:s a Dr · ~ ~h~~~~e~uroi>'eas·~~;~ spa. $47 2650 aria --beach, ock a\"811 $750 25 female desires F pref EXECUTIVE Secy , messe nge r soc1ates. tOAM 3PM on &nenJency Sale Lost Substanllal re dme. Good local refs 549-2447 2 BR. 2 sty, pool, D1W, rro.~2-9666 rmmate w furniture senace. Law & Tax ly li l4 l96Z 8311 or 8,owrc•r ward. man ·.· Rolev 1 631~-- Beaullrul 2 Br. 2 t>a stove. HB. $500 mo. 2B 2 Ba r . II r Wendv6734060 SUITES L'b x h t 18988 .. • .. ~ n Avall.immed.842.0269 r · art1a Y urn -"'-· I ary. erox. Pone wra e · "'l S30.000 0 or $27.000 Watch Lo3t 2 17 an Refined hvein nurse SSSO,mo. Ca rpets. dis Steps from bearh S750 Clean F nsmkr wtd for IN aMw~nng From S350 Demete r. Fountain due45days Secured b) Eastbluffi, area xlnt local refs 9$73063 hwasher Avail 3 15 Huntington Creek Apt Call for appt ask for Cnendl) l'OOP CdM hsl' HERITAGE ~l-S333 Vall~CA 9Z708 ..2!!fill'..R.E 6735451 I 7~9-l20,7S2766f ext21!f_ _ 67~ _ Deluxe I & 2 Br Frplcs. Kate6750124 nr bch own rm $195 + rLAli Prime Office Spate 1 & 2 Br Trailers Sl85A< enclsd garag~s · TV Lo\ely 2 st) 3 Br 2 Ba ~~ New luxury mffre spare Corona del Mar. 10711 sq ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• u~ + $150 sel' No secunty 848-l6lJ, 8AM yearly1 rentalS775 Coast~,,., nAh w llff .-i50 tn Irvin e'!> bus ies t fl. s uite $850 mo C lldren Or dog. s. t33 L' 5PM onJJ• ....._ ,.,.,. P'. • estc . ... , F . • "' ~rt1es673·54_1Q_ Lovely28r.2Ba.lrgliv center. Eusy r~y ac· 67~~10. • _!_6th St 642-919!_ ~ • .i........a.. Oft Across from beach. lge l!lgrmj)OOI 631.§489. I !!'dei~il:11 now Call ll•.ff'ffre11t • 8-DAY WEEK' sP~IAL • Deluxe 2 BR. fam rm 'MDOW 3142 bachelor. encl garage, M F 3br P a rk N pt 5:r.•i 1 .,~ 3 .c. ~ 4.500'sq n·-offire spal·e E;V patio. bltns. S490. !st. ••••••••••••••••••••••• pool. lndry. $370 > rly 210. Twnhse Pool spa. ten I ~ J v_40·_4l., & re rep t 1 on are a • 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars • last+ sec. Refs. 645·1693 ~IET STUDIO CONuO Cedar. Newport Shores rus. vu back bay Jan •DB.UXE OFFICES• Securit)' S)stem. ~et I Studio Apt Cor rent pie. rrrnge. bit ins, Apar~ 4 Go direi·t. 7_S!!.:OOl8_ -I From I room up to 2()()() bar. optional warehOUSl' • Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Class1fted by mail and II • Private entrance. bath & across rm bch S4SO ~n. ·50JS Gorgeous 2 br. 2 ba condo I sq. ft. From $1 16 a sq space.~ mo util ind • rer rl g e K 1 l l' h {' n 962-4914 -SanClemrnte 3876 w pool. l3l'. ett· Nr SC fL No lease required 0 c. Airport arl'a • costs iu st SB -that s o nly a dollar a d ay• T o Qualtfy for this pri\'lleges S250 mo lrfilw 3844 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plaza. ore & Fluor AdJ. Alrporter Inn 2112 S4.S.ai36~ e special o ffer you must be a non-commercial user offertng • lnclds ut1ls. 2 blks Crom ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br p, Ba . i.:araKe 556-4776 aft ~orkinl( Dupont Call AM ll21 B Harbor Bhd in o.c.c and 3 m1 from Orangetree t BR + loft. laundl). blk to beach. '1~ _ 833-3223_ Harbor· Baker ctr. r M e merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad and lhe price must e ~ch Lge } ard. qmet pools. tennis, $535 mo ~ mo. 974 7225 Need rmmate to shr I~ Across rrom Fed co. 580 • be tn your ad T he cost stays the s ame whether your ad • neighborhood. Call 730·12SO: S.42·7609 , ---2Brapt1nl'.8 .. nrb~h. BAYFRO.._.T ~rt .. vacant .orreredal needs hid II t wkda s at 759-8812 • .,., """" -4000 ' • 1""1111 • etg ays se tng 1me o r iust one e -"=~=-:----_,,.,.,._....,.,.,_ _,.. ~•·.S250mo + 12uhl ~meomce 673.:1003 75. See toda) A~t C., SA SC Pl ••••••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • ~ C,60. 1366 " areanr aza L-leoch 3141 R b th ~7~.Et6~1 -"~-l\ie•a . .,.,,. ~· ft ,,.,,_.__ • 2 bdrm 2 ba air cond -r--"."'· v. a room prl\ ...,,,... " ""' • U d h bo A Pool cluld or cat OK ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nr. So Cst Plaza & 405 2 Br. house an CdM. male swte. $175 im Uti sin Exec. swtes 8\'a1l . S300 Se one WOr 1n eac X bout 4 words make one SS9S call 991 0621 or Oceanfront 2 br, I ~a. in Fwy Non smkr Female p.!!'erred. near hbrary cld. 779 w. 19th St pr mo. 8 30·5 00 recep • c lass1f1ed linE: of type M inimum ad IS 3 ltnes Please print • 754 0630 old Medll. villa f rplc. ~er s.ss wk. 556· 1737 12'72-+ 1, utils 640·6479 &.'il-89211. tionist. conference rm. -----I e ad e d w n d ~ s Cum. omce <optional). • plainly • W1s1de. lge t & 2 br. DW $1140 mo Sgl pref Laguna Beach, If.( furn 2 BR nr SC Plaza. lge 520 & 512 5~ ft Sl.OO~r secretarial serv & col ~d s lndr)' carport 64().5629 nn.pnvba.S240mo + deck. ~I , jar $275 sq.ft .. 397 Birch .. B fee machine avail • r------------------------------, • · • · ---~den .inn.ucn Nons • ..,, 1626 A enl 541 50.12 C · &$485.645·6625 I Br. Some ocean view . .=....,__...,., ~ m r . ...,.,_---. -·--1t1zen's Bank Bldg For rent or sale. 2Br dining area. SS50/mo. Room w full house Rmmate wanted M/F in Crai .631-0213. • I • 1~48a condo.AC,recent· Refsn 5040btwn9-5 -pnv\leges.NptBch.Call Npt Bch, comm pool . execuplan ...... ll ... al 4450 • I • ly redecorated. security II Studio t • block ~·3655__,___ tennis. on canal. $325. ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• I fence, pools/sauna. So Crom Main ~a.ch'. SllO. Pvt home N~ drin~ing, ~ 5Wre forlease. l5x60'.696 • • Cst Plaza area. SS25 mo ~til me _.94.3044 k1tch ba pnv E side M F to share 2 bdrm hse "A Mew CCMKfltt" W. 19th St, CM. Inquire • I r------+-----...-----+----~===:::=:;:s • 962-7521 • -,,--·--CM. 00 mo 631·2410 inHunungton Beach l'Ullserv1ce/cusfom 896W.19thSt.orcall Bill I S 00 EASTSIDE 2 bdrm. 1 ba. \1ctona8eachlrg2bdrm --__ 962.5759_ offlce&deskspace. 64>3250 • I I . • l§liand child wekome apt, whitewater view. pyt ratio & &itr M F .,.._ 35 k h Nr. O.C. Airport 642.9771 Iba. fq~k. b.alconies. room amfbath. Xlnl loc. I ...,. • nonsm r, s r "SeetoAopreciate!" OCliH VJEW • I 10 60 • ----beam ce1hngs, ,, blk to .mL_mo~ 7_60-0189_ Jbr/2ba oceanfront dplx. 7~·89'78 l&ro ~ rf ofrlce space • Eostside 4-PIH sand, gar Wknd view· Laguna Beach. Room. ~ll'-?'8:4148_ avail 1n quiet Costa • f • 2 Br l Ba large sun mg Avail around 4 I. !)\'t bath. 12SO. Prof over Rmmte wanted. N B Mesa lndustnal com • 13.20 • deck. garage with laun· Uul. · 494.2255 40, non·smoker. 494.0451 oceanfront furn dplx. PI ex I de a I f o r ~7s.~~~.P752~~~~s. no Ldreforest 3855 Pvt. home in West~hrr Sl~o Call Tim MEWPOllTCEHTU =~~~~~:~:g{g~/~~e~rs . • 15.80 • -=" · r-••••••••••••••••••••••• area No smoke1dnnk E..__ Exc.lettt Office E/side Ir~ barhelor. Cull Beau. 2 BR condo. t blk ing. Quiet prof ma le Share luxu11· C M home Sooc:t Park concession ·fast • Add $2.60 for eech 1ddltlonel tine for 8 time a • kite. p_a_t~o. no pets. v. ork Crom lake lnd1 v1dual 0 v er 30. S2 7 5 m 0 w I prof p e r s o n SOO to 200f sq ft . A \'aila· foods·City of Huntington • • ~ 548·0908 gar & club membership &IU846ev. 1st last ~ dep $285. blefor Lease Beach. loc in 270 acre --~mo Avail 411. Call 900-8479 Call Wm F Cote parlt which incl 2 lakes. • • Quiet l Br. l Ba New 714.615-4798 Will show FIJ!' prof/traveling man. r · ·r · · Building approx. 1280 crpts & drps . Good wknds Kitch prtv. Beach/Bay PEACEFUL 2 Br. 2 Ea. ormorelll ormation sq. ft .. parking in front Publish my ad for 8 days Starting • Eastside loc. Mature · $200 /mo. 873·8013, S23S + •1 utils. Female *' Cote Reaft)' Cor39vehicles. forappt • adults only. $350/mo . Newport leach 3869 634-4449 preferred ~l ·~3-0l! 6 & Investment ca 11 Mr. M 0rr15 • Classification • 147 E. 18th St. •41 C.~ ....................... OCEAN breezes. jog or 2 Br apt, pool game rm 17141~. 2Br, 2Ba twnhse. E. Side panw NEWPORT bike to beach. Lite, brite etc .. across from OCC 640-5777 2 RM OFFICE + gar e Name • 4 yrs old. yd. ~ mo Mft rum. rm for busy work· $220/rro + 11 util. Call xlnt Npl Bch loc. $29S • 1.993.7300 dys. Dick. IDIDfMENJS ing person Pool. jac bet9·3.~2163__ VerySECURE! 646-7641 • Address 64().2426 eves/wknds. ,....."" Mature. clean. neat. sta Need M /F ror Newport KOU C~TER 2 RM OFFICE + G'r • ----------------------• Avlifimmed., lovely 2 Br ble, resp. "up" type. Crest Townhouse with MEWPOIT In N B h loc C 't . 2 Ba. Lrg fo. & lndry COU....,.RY CLUI Nonsmoke. nondrink tennis. spa. non smoker Elegant Exec suites in x 1 pl c · 95 • I Y---------Zip Phone • ~6313537 "' TV, kit. pnv. Rers. S300 pref. $350/mo. 642·3850 prestigious loc. Incl Very$ecure! 646•7641 C · . --LIVING IN mctdsutils.631-2288. or646-1em. _ ___ secrehria1. recep· ._...Cllll..._. 450 e heck or M.0 . enclos ed 0 • TRJ-PLEX 2Br. I Ba, bltn · 1 h •-•· alk 'n ... E~RT Femal'Jreferred. Room Npt Terra"e i·mmed O"cu tlonlst. le ep one ans "' ...................... • Ch • range "' oven, w ·I " '""'"" · 11 . h ' ' Of r $436 I 8(Q0 my ad to·. closets, W JO hook·up, IEACH tn C. w tru kitr pool, sauna, jacuzzi $275 more. cs rom Sl N.B .. 3975 B rth. 8860 sq • patiQ. sm mo. 646-334Q_ ~vileges. S195 ideal incl util, no Isl. last. no rm. On-call oCcs 165 n. or leu. MlA ione. 5(). • NEAT l Br encl oar. A luxury community on -ation 64S-lS39 .~9215 ~~Al/EER r ~~ R. per sq . rt . Agent • 0 # Exp. .• adlts. no pets. f'ri11. elec the Badt Bay. Spec· S22S upstairs. $250, mastr PANI~: A professional -=54""1 :..:·¥132=:.:...· -----1 range,s;l50,642.59!L _ tacular Spa, 7 swim-bdrmpvtbath.llOOsec. environment. (714 1 Maalnd1.11trl11Park.711 • • • --· mingpools,81ightedten· nr Beach & Adams. &U.(>6111 W. l'Jth. St./Paclflc • 0 # Exp. • Bachelor I employed nis courts, biie trails. Judy 960-6030 dy!I , Bhlfs Industrial Park, adult. util pd, E.slde, no putting g r e en . 9ro-'7874evs 1113S Whittier Ave. 1500. L • ~.646-57~ Bachelor•. 1 and 2 Lee bdrm ln blg, clean 1100,3'700~flunits.Of· • ------------------------------~~~~ir~~o~:~~~ik~ ~:: ~"fo:~h~~!~"7r°c:~ ~H.~:rb;~d·~r~~-im.642-4623. ~%;,;~~d~~s~P!~~ e r------··· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·--------····i e $475. 646·0686. So. Coast SS40to$1000~rmonth iruter. 6 mo. lease req. ShrnewcondonexttoSC 450 sq. rt. rurn. orflce bar.642-642-7604 e : : • Ptauarea. OnJam r.eeAt $115/mo. Incl. utlls. Plau, own rm & ba. spate.$.100/mo. R&DAt............_:. ,·:. 111111 N~O:~PMEOA~Sll:T~aA~CYE ~·:, : W 1 d d -1 -San Joaquin Hills Road Shrey831-4178evs $2'75/mo + utlli. Days 841..qr63 ~, ,. ~. :nm!~~e~e BR.u~ 714 ·l900 __ NICE. F\tmllhed. Rerrt • 641·3151i evp ?54-7?96 Mlllt Utt Ba 2 car gar. w/opener. NO FEE! Apt. Ir Condo hot plate, TV, !Nile. ~r M/F 1hr 4Bdrm hae, ~THOM ~ 2!>1lconies refrig rental.s.VillaRentala. beh oceanus.851 N"ptShores n r llAC 3eOOaq.ICRelfypower, micro, r11tc. nr beach: 67M9128roker. Pl rum em IM Ind heh/pool/tennis. W/D, S50,78Sor-~.llla/faultea alrt'OOd. Hi•b lnteps\Ly • .2 UNITED STATES 1) • ahoooln& & quiet. 1'750 Lar lBR U~I s l· r ' No' _ .. P. •1;.· Ary r.,,1c. ••rage, piano. for lmmed occ. Full li.&hlina. 70 car ~Ina. t BUSINESS R p y L~ mo·'4S~MI e &e · · poE ac. smal'I. • ""· n. ~ mo. + ~ utll. ServtceJroflltue rrom Anabefm loc ~ sq n. E E L EL ... ...&::::-.=~==~ -lt'sa. (Net. . 2.421 lOlm, 646-C811. e . llam a fiorida nr lltr, • w > NEWBREEDAPTS UlhSt.645-4718 •FOR PROF· rm In Parlfira Rotp. Ownr/ OCJleaitYllld42·3317 • i ,1.,T(LA'l~l4'lllllTHO IJ,COSTU~IS• (ALI OllNIA ~ • l BR 6 LOPT. rrom $470 ~c l or 2 br ~ll. 1 r.1 •llllt Bcll. lux.'hae, ROO, 'd:m.J' ~ae S 111 Bob Jarrard .... W..e.d 460, ~ m~~ll~air:·w'='r ro~ beach. O pt I . . 1· •Mftl-W mo. + 17141141 .. JIU ••umm .. u•••uou • ~ llOST~ 'rYU ltE PA.08'f i\OOMS&t 8 • paid. No pus. 393 M.w. 4100 w-.. •'-riM>mmate 144 ar pror. omce + VW rNcbanic,' 29, aeek• : <.. Olra1n9i1IC101p1t Di1llly I Pttlot i : Ha on C.M MS· 1 Newport Heights rondo.h3 ... ••••••••••••••••••• tolhart2 Br. apt. 1cro11 aecrtUJ')' apecc. Avail. lft. 5/1 houat/apl to ahr Ea laid h 1 BR bd lownhotise. 2 bat • ~A ~Cl? from Newport Beach. $-1$, 9125 + $175. Oran1e w/ltlble In H.8 bit,. •~r.~illl$4~ powder rm . rrplc , ReuW-k Ratti M111t be clun 6 1 •Financial Center ...:°'~:,J:·B::.:'·.llZl:::.::ia::.:!.....---• m>. Ca~l 540-11$8, 1111 for comm. pool. . 590? mo. Ki&cheneta.s· hona ble ·801' I ~ ll'H4l4. Lf/11 --CallM$:4*or6'5~ ''Z"Cll1nntlll0Vift remal• to •hare CdM1' WISTMIMSTB • 'lox 15'0 I • nDI Ac1'<* trom '-•ch. Ira 2 SllldD'1>tr llf7 N•~rt houe. pclO/mo. locld 1200 la.IT I .O:JW:Oa. 11r,111.likuu'700/mo a .c.itaNesatU-131 :1Udtpotlt. Temp. iate•adl-lfVcl.°Btwn ux e 330W.'8f IJ. .• lllionl••· asu.bteehhetelrooma, -·~lll.fD.S9. J rrwya, Cl .. c Centtr lar•td Greduale It•· ~ Cott Mi CA 11121 • *' bk ....... our lll\ltG J br l ba kltrlMn • batlt, NM ... 1•"'7 C.11 .... --Center. Prime ........ """ ......... •• I ... I • ~ • .,, •ii 'JU.V: .,. a,t ·,,..... atat' +• ...-. 1111 W. •/prof. perua. loutloa. Dix. office _..,.,..,..apt. Ill 1 ,~ Nt....... bk ~lkl rJ, ... Oet11froot, Newport lat/l.,t+dtJ. tHS, IPlct. tTt·HH or C.11. lnlM:'lft"'°~ ._ .· 18.' . . ... IHIM IMm .... .... .. ....,.. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -----' 1 \ .. .. ~~~ ~rv1ce Directory Reprtnntahve Orange COdt DAILY ~LOT/8und1y, Mitch 21, 1182 Mtllln ~-.... ~ • -·* .. , _...., r--,. Nlllllt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~,.~: ............................... . ......... •••••••••••••• ....... •••••••••••••••• .... ••••••••••••••••••• •••0 •••••••• .. •••••••• •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ........... ••••••••••• Neat pate~• ft tuturtt TIL£ JNSTALUD F'INE HOME ~mp00' 1team dua. ELECTRICIAN pnrtd TREF.iJCLf.AN·UPS HAULINO' DUMP rEDERATED PAINTER N£ED$ Al Kfnds O t .ct AddlMPROVF.ICENTS eo&o; bi:i&ht,nttt1 w~t ri1ht .•• frM HI OIJ\lb let on •!XJ>EllTClARDENINO JO~. ••k for Randy, Income Tadervlt~ WORK! IOyrfllCP.t '"t/ hat. .1fl•J4lt Rtf Jg~~O~t2ll ltlona• R,~delln .. f"f'i 10 min. b1ear . l.,_oramal Jo 1. 1!W ~l.:18J9 _ _ ~L ext. Acoutllc eel ln111 PWTER PATCHING 1-11. llv/dln rnu SI : ULI~l 87. ·~ DtmoUtlon·O adlftJ L..dic_.. J)trll nt Ml:,0J88 Retturcot. l11t1ut 30 CU.tomCfra~kTUe av1, room 17 $0, t'Q\l<'h flESID/COMN'L H• .,... Tranl~rt. Alp~alt. c · ....... ~;;1.......... iUthopliSon Palntlna Jn ~fl ul ~5 2911 Prom 'rv. hteest 1 l1 ~.~ ?u:r·l~hm F~o.Cltan,d4 dable. 0 •••••••u•••••••••••• §' 6 tree removc:J VANDENBF.RG 30 Yr! up. In Beach MK. !!:O'SPl.ASTERING e42 kl'JS .. \lo~ fr. Yl'f u'J. rp~1 work Qli'ck•rtuo:t?e. ~~~'>' pru~'gf111' ~~-~1 Jl,ntlnc1 LANDSCAPINO·Lndscp .lrfl llMHt. 5'8 1029 AllTypt1 fnt or >:xt. Oer•mlctlle' marblt in Uc..DtMfl.. 7..1ll..lW Jlll'HIC, ra...m-OlQl , Uumttl( .. JJH.:'At$ Oeywall·Slucco ·Tile ~~~omrn r,r.tnt,romm/rttld.trce PITH'SrA,MTIMG ~ frtetJl.., s~~l1tlo~l~11on1blt ~~HA~COM~H NoSteam/NoShamPOO ltfllltll~ BtJJRdfl. J.B.846.JW,I l m1n1m,l111. cnlc:~~·,u11J!_.,d ·1lr:Yiiexper. ntorvxt ,.....,., l! ~ • St 1n • 1 1:... L' 1 ~ ~ %~..aup d/bO dn1 ac . .u, 04.a ••••••••••••. •••• •• • ••• ..... ~---·-· . us om ~~·· ram I Ptc aiut. r u .................. ••• General Malnte. nance r " .c.1•• .....,... "" Drai--,.l .. at"d r ... $10 '""' ........,.~ 1111. remouel French ff ~ and stripping rep•lr· ftepajra Ii DttoraUnf 11, • • 1r11e " "v -uui • '"' ~ ru... •••••••••••••••••••••• doors, s_!t}'llJl~i1 41 patto -........ ,,.__ 1111. AotiQuea,' ratt'an, •Qsilltlxt Bay HO·~U II 63J·~~ Palnt1n1. r•J'cho1vertng, Plumbin1 Repalri. •Expert Tree Prunlna• mm H~ _ _..... new furniture Chair 0 u. _._ 1 •••••• .. •••••••••••••• wood rer n sd 0,11 by Jo)'~t11. Ml{M iwi 9033 Commercial Landscai>e ....................... can In K.. r u I h In l H MF. IMPROVEMENT HIGllttww• ng RICK WOftK S II r.t>r{Nn·traine. ather d'lumbing •tlleullog & Sf;rv1<'t 95'W1388 a-cW ~ctol1t Cllll,DCAR£ SPECIAL uny cha Ii· 'REPAIR•PLUMBING ......... •••••••••••••• ob N t Cmll & SOn. 40 yrs exp. Refs •Elect rl ca 1 24 hr ~~~lill~~~il.~ C'iii1o~--r!rpentr~. My C.M.horne.Xlntref. anvcolor handstripperd Hulin&. carpentry. WantaREALLYCLEAN e:a f~fi~re , R~sr~11 Llt3M25118319678 emer..,.ncv t:d848782:S ...__. -= decb °' patios. J s. Jnunt ·•·~ Gf4L p;.'' reglued St& 75 A elec, Ule. Free est. No I HOUSE? Call Oln11ham · OIMlltv '°"'"-,,. ;;-M ...t ;•;;;~1••••••••••••••• Me1•t!':r C«ist. Co Top ~allt{ Careful & lovina mama or TOUt'h or c1a'!IS Interiors lobtOQsmalUfs.2811 GJr.!...t:reust. 114 ·Sl23 liltf'norU terl~opery -. t<X11 Subjects. K 12' col· .. PiR•Qtn;1i~r·0st;.:ts .. ;>~ear1~c.9.~~· 080 ~1 mos to c•r.f ror yours 111 w. 17th St. A2. c M' C..rpenlr)'{· remodell. re· ROBIN'S CLEANING wa~e~tne~~11j{h~5F:i •••••·,·.·•0··,·;.:T••y••••••• ~~~M~!." ~x~--r, hr Co I !:.tel in Se U""'---•M" VY -Qlllf~me Ftr. rnranl ™ pair. P• IOJ, pain l.IH?. Smilre--athoroullhly 7$1·9103 ut VJ.Al!D.Jil.:JU • ..au:&aiili·UP&54u,M34 AQD'N~tREMODEL · _ez_ ___ . ~ ·windows. dra. qualify cleanhoust. ~O·QH7 MAN&GlMlNl vDIMStrYict pes1gn_mcl. Wilfert & c:o..tractors,G .. trat Gar-•n1R9 ~-·-Ex 'dHousecl aner Or1111&e-Cci arc11 1.yrs .:r.-;·.". ••••••••••••••• , Cr~ce!AlE BK~PO •. ~·t83'7 art. 4J?.!ll_,_ .............................................. JACK OF ALL TRADES :fature' Re1Table e~~nence Call for info Typ1n11 ·rtsumes. term mllll~· or l~I~•"' c.-.t -ADD'NS/R,EMOOELINO K&D Landscape Maint C811dayor night. 542.60851869.0416 · lltl.5 Fort.lung lntenor Design a,.., rites papers, dissertations. mess, 'twlJI... ... --.,.;.-.~............. P~ans. L1c·d. George Rtstd/Co~m Clean·up. •Jack 615·3014• !&·loml t.g : HANGING SIOt ROLL -'•1-.llll 1.1ord processing R~as. Pbtr .boolck~'P for sN' REPAIRStREMOD Pilmer&S9~2 ,U!kuUn&. Wl·24H Home Maintenance HOUSECLEANING ...................... 1 ~ahlYD. L!c ms. ~lnp· PROF MGMT rat~s , L. p Office GE;1~51& quaf.tfr.(1es Int /ext & boat docks All cons0t~uctlon, large & l..andscapinJI· Yd Clnups Yard work & tree trim Exp'd, rers & reliable. -A.IC MOV,NG-e1~hw1§~.i>tto~5~3f;r. liy octf> •<Orange Co. Sc_q.1ce~ .. ~~-ll.3~L--~i:!._ ... , Ch!lr 645·3'749 small. 1sc to Sr. adults. Tree trl.m·f;"pert ma inl 20m. G~e~2·0458 CAU anytime i55·2ilL Qwc'k. Careru Service UC PAPER HANG ER Inv. PcQ!>L f;d 53"·61140 ~~t Wratmg , Editing! Asp11att -FINEFINISHWORK W!YMm:llJ2 -__ Jimft5l·Ol2:1!_ LOVETOWQRW Housecleanln& ... morning fftt.~tes. ~..2·04IO a>nded & guur No Job Ri~ ~ok1~~l~~uri1. Sm ••••••••••••••••••••••• Remodehn&/Doorshunit DRAFTING SERVICE Cl~an·UJ>S, TreeTn~ Carpentry, painting. hrs. Mesa Verde urea. •.4-1 MOVING• . toosmallortoolarge ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · ~ AU.STATE PAVING ~120-l~i!M_ 20 yrs exper com~/ re Mamt. Resid./Comm I trees & erdns. ~en c;.M.Have~(LS4Q:~ Top Quatay. Sper1al Free est Ton_y898·2728 JD Horn Reranashing WlildowC ..... SeaJcoating · Slnpinl' 60B'SCARPENTRY '11!-673-6047 dm.f\S_ _Ami~-84 4 malnt. It hauling. Pree HOUSECLEANING care in handling 25 yrs Expert wallrovering IO· Antiques. kit cabinets ....................... . Repairs. Comm ./Res1d. All ty s. No__job too REMODEL/ADD·~NS Jessie's Oardenl!JI! est. HonestJ:~PC!ndable. exp. Competitive rates. stallalloo. Reas prices r~n.InM1L645·0664. _ "!--et the Su.nsblne In .. ~362 645·8181 Re(.5.W_:i~J and Carpentry. L1r'd. Cle.an·ups. tree trim Pr f • I ~ __ f'i2.2n~. 730· 1353_ Consultant Assign me nl Rooflftg Call Sunshine Window Driveways ParkingLol CUSTOMCARPENTRY 2.UrL lr~in~·27 9 &1!!1!nLmv. ~3~ 0 8$$1003 .. GERMAN LADY ** STARVINGCOLLEGE ~ · ••••••••••••••••••••••• C~ank~g,L~~·o ~8853 RepaJrS sealcoatmg. BY uJAY .. Drywal laDclMM Gw l' b s . c Housework Exp Rers sruo~NTS MOVING WALLPAPERING Hubet Roofing ull t) pe:. ' !.Qntl!.!l'J JSt,:ount S&~Asphalt ·BMl!Ct. Spm ....................... m: l< _ DIE trYIC8 0. 96Q.Q7J9J645·294L _ CO. Lac. l!Tl24 -43G Exp·d. bonded LH· New reco'.t'r decks •RESIDENTIAL•. Lk63Hll!L I RESIO COMM "L DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC GARDENING (213) 592.3537 or 17141 Mature woman ei<rell. Insured. 641 ·8427, C·6/36684~. Di~rounls on L.tr141@2 ~ 9734 Avg I sty $30 . avg 2 sty labplttlftg I All·AroundCa~nlry .14.fl'Sexp Fullylic·d& &LANDSCAPING 0;8§18 rers.S20prweek W.An&U!SJIRQW . wallrovenngs Fret' t'Sl R<.>q~'LEAK??HWI ~ Chris9~~ ......................... _l2!m17i · •MY!~ ill~4j Ji1panese. Geo 54~·7Qll 979. 5 __ STARVING ACTORS Rod 1·739·5800 Courtnght & Son WINDOW CLEANING Babys1llmg in our C M llun&ry carpenter needs DRYWALL TAPING MOWING . CLEAN-UPS ood Roors Coll Sud II I MOVING COMPANY WALLPA'PER Free Est S86 52112 7 yrs in area -Excellent ~mes._!_'!'.r_~ !IP.· -~ny wofk 1 No more food All textures & acou.stic Hau!!_ng Landscap~7 ...................... ege t dent~ kc ~an Fast & Carerul Lowest Contractor & Painting Orange Coas1 Roofing _ W·~~972 ....ll.mtL~ stamps.Nojobtoosmall ..f!tt.~1. Kevin675·9088 Freew.. 64.2· HARDWOOD FLOORS b~e-h~?~1 8 or VRales1 ~~ Allows.M C ~OC.23yrs L1r 328240 Reroofing Rcp;urs OrangeCoastWindow& CHILD €ARE or too bag 8 yrs I oral .,. _ _. • -. • 1 BeauUfolly cleaned -l!J.U: ~•.u.tns &73 0853 Gary Goll!Pr 494 4366 Reas rat~ 548 1733 "We leave you with a MyC.M. home w/ ard. exp. Rers ll:lllll'Qncal Full ma mt & c ean·ups !!l!!tw_j.!_~, 83t._4881 Hll•HlttiftcJ . b ght !look, .. $1/bour . 6'2.o 62 --~~21JS49.;J_§§§ ....................... Spec. in cornrn . & shop· ....................... alnHncJ CMOLesS011s andbfasffft9 Fr n erou 830 6111 . .1 r~ . LIC'D ELECTl\lCIAN J>.!n&ctrs.J'olll' 646·7~ Prof'I cou le washes to ................................................................... -.reesu~ . Babys1tling m my home -,....., Stnlct Oual. work Reas. rates GARDENING WANTED ·~··•••••••••••••••••• houses 't ~ t . Fine pamtmg by Richard rt.ANO LESSONS Bl'DGET RATES L1c'd WrftWM) B. C~sta Mesa area ••••••••••••••••••••••• ft~~t. _ 631·507~ Torri Mowing. edging. rakinl(. & ~1~1,.~;v~:~sJobs Jul.v. r~(s. &4~ ::sea. Sinor Lie. ans 13 )'ts or and musir tlieorv s;i 00 Lo1.1 mm Sml Jo64b.o. 07K58 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ansl Ho3, 548-7286 We Care Crpt Cleaneri. TOP QUALITY sweep In g . fr ee "~ILMIK' I;',,. '3'll happy local customers. per lesson. Call nl'n al Free est Ins I I WRITING. RESEARCH. a..u...t..._ Steam clean & uph.ols ELECTRICAL WORK eslimates 645·5737 or '<!' --".B.'" ~ YAClIT S~TI~R·College Thank you. 63I 4lli 898 fi80'J .,...,_ EDITING Any subJ'ect. -NSn Truck mount unit student will hve on your ~co ....................... Work &Mar. _ &(5·3716 R~rites 5~1·5055 ~ HAULING student has yacht, clean it at no cost Cmtom raffttlnq _ art your ~h1ld leurning ............ ~.......... format, style. 646·4~ ROBTSTEINBRONER. RESIOJCOMM'L IND Mowing SIO ·SlS-$20. lge truck. Lowest r.ile toyou.Mary633-8728 25 )'I'S exp. L1 r 4113941 music Piano lei.sons RcMui:cos lnm painted WANTACTION~ GEN.LCONTRACTOR Find what you want in 20yrs Do my own work Haul dumping Sl5·S20 Prompt Call 759-1976. -Bonded. Ins. Rers Color [ gi\en in m) SJC home free Sandblast & bnrk ~~-~·~56 ~LfijotC!Y.s.ill.tds. bir..m!Ml Affil.:ill6 ~955-009~MM.L ~l'.!>Y.loh.!h__ WantAdResults 64£W! '-"Zrt !@-O!IJ!D1ck _ 496.sa!S u((l 9578218 _Q_assaredAds642·5678 I ~"!!~· ..... ~??.~ ~"!!~ ..... !!.~~!~~~:.~ ..... !!~~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~! ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!!~ ~.~~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~::! ..... !!.~~ YounJ .marri~d man ASSEMBLER Barber Styhsl or beaut1 COUNTER HS:LP I Female Blonde models Housekeeper1Cook UIRARIAti' NEt:O F.XTR t\ $$.. OFFICE Person Varacl~ ,Pos11Jon av~ilable an Ftn ~ hk3 odiJobslves Rapid I> gr o 1.1 1 n g c1an wanted to work an 1 hr u fr 1 s·l'-v ER 1.1 an led for summer Live m. middle aged. Nifee 10 applicant Part time or "ork al of du11es mcludang bk pg. Vly ror P u~e typist to varlete~ sf h 8 '!.u 0 a manuraclurer needs Laguna Be.ach salon SANDWICH Costa beach l!Ubh cal1on . no rers.~7776 MaryHkkleAiienry home Call Det> ~ 3683 lite l~ping. ans busy . ass1~t 1n typmg letters. iobs ~2 b an~ ma k talented person to help Good en\ iron men l . Mesa I nudity. Send rompos1te H k p T l9762 MarArthur Bl or John 759·6600 phones Atile to work Un· invoices and process1.ng lorBlll . t!ve&, 85 : build prec1s1on ~quip some following pre 545-4867 to ~e.wport Beach. Ad· .f,..~~:firfhto:e( Swtt' 200 Irvine .. -aer pressure & maantam paper,. work for ship t ---· · ment. Near OC Airport. (erred. 494-8888 - -vertc151ng. PO Box 2000. 494 9717 C d I 640_2920 He~r D•liHry a pleasing per:.onahty ment. '-all 714·963-5500 La<b' will be companion Call forMWI 546·6458 -DATA PROCESSING ' CdM .• .£a. 92_625 --· -in 1 -C. A Tnnt!s to homt's on Part ume Call ror appt SRW Computer for coneenial person. ATTENTION IUUTICIAH knowledge or supplies FOOD MAMAGER HOUSEKEEPER I Lookang .for part ltme Balboa Island 3 30 am afl IOAM 979 0747 CQrvponenls Co. must be mobile. will not HOMEMAKERS S&S. perm tlayr Barn. used ma doctor's oHict' S L A iT tnru Must be reliable & have senior c1t1z.en SO+ 1.111h tu 6 am S650 mo . Part Time Girl 18 26 Pre school teacher. AM Ii ve .1 n Ha ve 0 w n 10 10 15 nexible hours 609 W 19th. C M reqwred Hou rs nex1blt' S:~50;'!ci co::C~r htlp OIA'TI trans . 5 hrs pr da>'. expenence m merchan· 548·~.....Lor646·1413 Photo ass1Stant & model. only. comm ro.op. lransp. 642·4809 j _er week Can earn up to &l§:..8480_ 642 ll1Q3 ()(fice ~·ork. llunl1n~on ~d~k. Re rs req d ~-nL produce Ca.II Nursini: Ira' el plus x Int gay ~el!IJ>Ort Beach 644·6541. Paralegal Whiz kid 131 5toSJOOaweek Call BEAUTY D~alAssist Reach area. Senior !!ll'L '"' LYN S5+hr Wken s. yrs exper in plainlirr: de.. l!l!dra Rlch. ~42 t::xper-D,\' wanted for l'lliteos welcome lo OPP· II 0 us EK F. E p E R LDt Person. ran tame for holl d a) s. sum mer. rRIHTING fense &.lnvestiga,llonsl PrMtiaicwrlSaJon NB Endo o rra ce I,) CaUeve~544537~. Matureladvror2yrold rar renta rompan) Conv Hosp Newport 6758609fo~PJ1.lll Plate room person. Handle riles. from m1tial l Lookfiii _fi>_adcf to our Pleasanl ~urround girl and 5 bdrm home John Wavne Airport Beach Pos attitude & P !Jme Mon. 2 30.fm to intervitwloseltlemenl ~Tff:HTIOH: s taff s e\era l ingsgood pa) rT GEHBlALOFC/ Rersreq.$90wk pvt area Please c·all smiles needed Xlnt PART/TIME aeprox 8pm ues . No ency. Ms Webb A.mb1t1ous boys and man1rurists Richard 6.1l-3380 ClHICAL . room'!&!!.th 752·7498 .SS7·0l82 benefits. Call 642 ll044 Typing, hg1lt bookkeep· I :llpm lo approx 8pm girls 10-13 years old. lo Ouellette Salon. 200 -Rap1dly-growTni:11rm rn HSKP•(LIYE II" mi:. phones & sh1pp1ng No exper net• Appty work one or two e\'en Ne~rt B Center Dr.. DftttalAssi~tant Santa Ana seekinit fa "I ·b MAID Nursing for small marme com· Pennysaver . 1660 tiefpW..t.d 7100 mgs a week gettintc NB_._ Newport Beac 4 da)' personlohandlephones. fHuor 1 aHrn1boy"' aby5. 642El<pe 3030 rience preferred NURSES llOE pan) Costa Me ba _flacent1aAve,CM.:._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• newspaper subscrip weelC Exper'd or pror fahng. typing & in\01c n ar ur urea. -_ ,. ~5883 Professional Interior ACCOUNTING lions. Transportation IOOIUCEEf'ER school I ra1n1n~ pr~· m&. I )r exper Contact Wsa wk R ds req MA 1 NT EN AN c E Exper all shifts Con' Part·!Jme Designer needed with Electrical Contrartor and c~nst ant adult Customer service want ferr¢,_~-3535 KO Compo nents -1-1 --PERSON qu alified Hosp "Pl B r h EXCKLEHT ro11owm .7149571~ seekine expr·d person supervm.on provided edme'!facsmaal·l!~eu!1g:g~/nt'~ Dental bark omc·e ass'l , 54.>711.i _ Hvaienlst person with strong Cheerful. dedicated to P,.,.. R . . rr 1 for accntg duties to Call3to5.30PM ,askfor fi . EIT" • needed to ronl1nue 1 T An:ll(e· 8792000 me chanical back · goodpvt<•are Xlnlms PUILICCONTACT ., erep1ton1st ypsti financial statements. Andre11. 642·4321, ext. 1rm 1_n -oro. 951·3602 growth Pleasant Npt H~IR STYLIST ~--e.Lm. · ground. 10 service sail _21'0&rl!m Call 642 8044 EA.RN SI 25/WM weel«!nds. residentia Must have xlnt typing 343 lookk F/C Sch group practire EK Expenenced cutter for lntenor Decorator art boats in local charter ORMOlf~ r eal estate o rrace. _540-9570Virginia CP-A-offi~rarfge Co per necessary 640.1122 first .class Ne"•rort sales. full or part 11me OM Pltim.. pos incld Nursing I Wearenowinten•iewmg Sat Sun 8·30·5·00 Lie &rCOUHT ,.LEH Salary«>e!!I. !l<!o_ee:xper. --men s ha 1 r s a on No exper nee Flair for wknds..:..64~7100 CERTIFIED for part·llme pos1t1ons m'erred. 631 ·0213 Ail lodi\•ldual 1'$ needed HaP WANTED _ti;H;!I084 DOMESTIC ~Z716 . decorating essen!lal. NURSES AIDES .iht>moon. e\t'S. Satur· Real Fiitale tofiUatemporaryposi· SALES AUTO La\·e in . roo k j HAIRSTYLIST Wall train. Ms Lloyd. Manaae•nf . 7.330 S"m t•on,·111 daylnlerestmgworkon TOTHETOr tion 1n the Finanre AUNMAGHOH l&,~f~G housekeeper. rompa-ll1gh-energy stylist with ~..fil -Corporate"' Exerutive hospl nr c M Paar-behalfofma1or corpora-Commerrial real estate Division You will assist nion lo elderly lad) I a full clientele needed Je .trv &t • needs help·m wholesale. grounds 549-3061 !Jons Musi have rlear (1rm seeks investment m the processing or AC· ~~·~~~~ft~~~o ~Yc~~Cl Refs req Call 73 J.1.1443 for Balboa Island Salon Crea'rive~ngr1'~~~nl retail d15tribution busi teleP.t10nevo1re&depen-lraanee to r111 eustmg counts Payable between experience necessa r) Good opportunity with afi 4 ~ {1m 673-40IJ ed for expanding buckle nlf~ Personal •itcrvic" I . . dab1ht) SaliU) ~ xlnt proper I y s a I es & ~arch 29th & June 2151 We will train Looking fast-growing company Earn xln~ mone) l) pin1t.111and man nee<led at company. Must he able I on.Y 71! ~-SOS -Nl RSING bonus inccntl\ e f or in· management pos1t1on. Requires 2 )ears related forout-gOlng. ambitious. _ 545.2444 addres31n~ or stuHtni: sma ft resort 10 -help 10 work with German Man1 r unsl with r hen REGISTERED ten 1e1.1 a ppo1nlme nt No e x p e r 1 e n c e experienre. Salary 1s hard· working in emelope~ .11 home . ror 1 W/!Tlllintenance & (•are silver. Help us l(row. tele. rental or lop com .._.URSE rall Mr l\lr K111non neressary Altraclive $6.U /hr. For more in· dividual. Just 2 openings G~A~~~~~~S Also details send 2~ stamp . 1 o( cfassirianllque autos we'll help you grow. Call mission. Daulers Salon. "" 545·5776 compensation benerit formation rontact The available tu B&H ~nlerpra~e~ & 10 do gro ndskee ng. now 661-6289ror 1111pt 67S.3828. Part tame 1 os1l1on for P ·'RT TI .'l '°', s· •. (. ... . package. Call Mr Bc>1ce City or Ir\' in e at ,._ . I aj?jl_renlices 760 ~ I' () 8 0 >o I 0 3 J . u pl ---RN in drug abuw rhnir " ,, r, c. ' 675 6700 !710754 3761 This post ""me'" person to sa es W1ldomar C'A 9239S Apply to _gen mgr LEGA~ SEC'Y M .a.111KETl.._.G I Start al S8 42 an hour llomemaker ~tudenl. 4·6 --. I "II"..! manager CASHIER & • {;aptstrano Counlr) Ba) G """ ..... L· II '-~ r hn. \lk nex hr~ Legal R-...1 Estat ~nunt_i _,,_~ · Harborat FairDr HOlJS-EWAlfESALES F.le<.tromci. j IM,34862S Coast Hwy. enera pra rt ir e u.t.u.t.GEME.._.T r,\CC ent.,.,neil!. or In s bk8rnd ll'Uf • --------i ___ C.osta Mesa A~pla in person Cro1.1n (. B h Orange County Airport 1'91Al""I"' "" S4 5(1 .. 00 h 21 Assittmtt -QSC I a_po _ t . area 51yrs. lel'(al ex · TR •1a...1EES i\pply lmmed1:11t•I> ""· r \'l'" Extremely• bUS)' broker , ACCOUNTING AUTOMOTIVE ~ar ware. 1614 San ~Dw"'aEStiLES penenre.Mustknowdis· "'"" I prer V1r C.M 5~2791 FUU CH •RGE M~el. Ne"1>0rl Beach ..., -1 l Eff l I reqwres an ass 1st ant lo "' t 1 me r o "' n sou ion icaen · or· COUNTY OF handle adm1n1stra11ve ACCOUNTS IOOICICEEPER CATERING Job ~~l~~~l~s\en Hardware 3107 E Coasl ftin1':iJd self s tarter $1200 . on .t. .... ~E PART TIME ta,sks and \I Ork d1rectl) We lleed someone full) Homemakers. barten lon control rlerk t:x fly,..v..CdM -·-9'Al""I 69pm F.xpandrni: youlh with brokers t'l1ents P·YABLE lrllllled In all phases or de rs . w a 1 le r s. per helprul Contutt llOUSECLEANl ~G LEGAL/SCTRY Dersonnel ert rou nselinl( firm has Must have current " jautomollve arcounlini: waitre sses Earn Mike 1926 Plal·enlia Working Mom needs To$1920.N'oleetoapph-Pft""'°""' 6~~~od~I~.. Ol)l'nml(s for JS sharp license. excellent phone CLERK Accounts Pa Ya b I c. $125·S27S/week. approx A\'e c :'11 hel~. pref Sal morning l'anl. Mafl' Hickle Agen· + lo outgoing mature people personahty ~and be able I analyzing arrounls. 5 3 hours1da\ Need car -' ~~ H B 36 2080 <'Y . 1976 M acA rtnu r MtS•I Santa Ana. C1\ 92701 10 motivate am bilious to 1.1ork unoer pressure. 0 range Count v day week. immediate Easy & enJoyable. Call Classified Ads. your one r-' r.~ .5 . evs Bh•d . Suite 200. lrvant (7141834 7828 IO 13Holds Call 2 5pm C.all Wilham Cote for an p harm a ce u t 1 r a ·q open 1 ng Ca 11 E \3 ~_!>fl 9 & J2 _ st~Rlrut center_ Sell idleatems &4l:.5678 640-~-NO EXPER. HEC. Arr1rmat1\e Art1on &l2 4~1. ext. 343 1-\sk for 1nteme" !ll<lnuracturer has an Hauser at Advancement manage Employer M F Andrea. *Cote"' Rea•t·y immediate opening for l eo....ttCIM•rol•t CHILDCARE. loving menttraining. Upward -• I ah Accounts Payable ~2828"ffaroor Blvd. Fturei:omrn ~?k car~ ENGINEERS mobility. Young· minded ~ & lnveslmenl Clerk with 1·2 years ex· COSTA MESA or new rn. ,t. s P,g. people sought. orr.re Manager. 5 Al-PAYROLL CLERK 640-5777 SpyserlieemnceW1'ollnhaanndleEAD<'~ 1200 ~M.s-~.~~vsis~r1ve J114lliJ·l555 -I tome}' Law Firm Legal The Jolly Roiter lnr . an . -'- Medical ex Per 1 e n !' e n o l 1! estabhshed restauran1 ••••••••• c~~nts Payable for 3 b~~itlmg. need remale Clencal necessary Airport Jrea rhaan has an opening I'" dlVISIOClS li\·e·in Siller 18 +for 2 PRICING CLERK. foll lack.offict AulstCMt 1851 ~'-' for a PO} roll rlerk lo For Ad Act1·on littlegirls.llhsekeeprng 11~. must be acrurate COMPUTER DESIGN f'ulTfone . salary open. I workma 4 persondepl Please call for an in & cooltmg in exchaniie w f1g~res. xlnt company Send resu~ lo P.9. Box I OFflCE MAHA.GER/ Pa>roll exper ' hl'lprul: terviewappoinlmenl' forrm&board +small bene(1ts. Call Balboa ENGINEERS 2932. llt1ss1on Viejo. Ca ACCOUHTAMT bul \llll train an IO Call a salary 2236 Placentia. Ma rt n e Hardware !lj\ml Excellent career op· dt\ldual who ha~ hmated Ed Smith 110. C.M. Mon·Frt art 549-!1671. E 0 E_,_Ml.EJ_!{ ttdical porturul) for lht' R1 gh1 exper & a dhire to (1141546-8901 4PM.Sat n anytime. Experience the ultimate environment... BACK OFFICE. some X· Person in a Progr1>ss1\e learn Sa la n com Dai"' Pilot HINABQLIC INC Babysitter·for infant. 7 Clerti.-PertOIMlel We're Transaction Technology Inc., a ray, lab. temporary Co mpan v The 10 mensurate with exper. 11 M 1 • AMlo2:30 Mon-Fri Permal)enl. fu ll·llme high technology subsidiary of Citicorp, from May 15 for approx dlvidual should possess Apply in person bc·tween l7~G1llette Ave. _ _liS-614!!_ 0 Pen 1 n 11 a ~ 0 d 2rm. 646-3903 1 strong At<'l!( & Ad ·; Sam Sprn or l>end re· AO.VISOR lrvine.CA.92713 1.t..t..... knowledge or Span11h 8 dedicated to maintaining Citibank's ----m1n1strat1ve :.k1l b sumeto E I 0 . lelwt'""r must. Minimum 1 year leadersh·p bycreat ng and ma'nta1·n·ng tl4()DR.S W&HTED Pleasant '4-orkmg e n I JOLLY ROGER INC qua pp!) Darhnjff'tmooldneeds general orrire ex· I 1 I 1 LUlgene-catalOg. up lo \1ronmenl Send resume 1i042GtllelleAve 6425678 Em lo er M F babys1tte.r while m~m ~erience & Terminal the most sophisticated stat&of-th&art Sl50perday. l 0 p err 0 rm a n re I lr\'ine CA 927 14 • ---works 8.30 a m1-5.30 ata Enitrry Accurate ba k'ngtransact·onandcomm · t' •Fashion shows, S25 to Sailcrart Corp . 785 W 171!)·546.0031 Acctg Clerk CR. CD. nr. go~ Mc:fa "s~~91J~ o~[. typist, good 'with n!Jm· ne~~rks In the1world .... umca ions !ft.1l sho1.1•s. S25 to sso ~St . !IF', CM CA '. --ing, some typing. good 64H,Si§ · ben & record ~eep1n~ dy . -, benes Newport Bearh --I Exrellenl bener11s Ca I We are seeking Computer Design Engt-•Print work open I area Ca II Sharon Babysitter to care for 10 S44.01209am-llam. •Leather catalog $85 + HOTICE 673-2m. mo. old child in my IRVIHE CO. neers who will be responsible for plan-clothes how Daily Pilot Class· ANSWERING SERV. home. H.B Approx 12 A 'ultwe DI•. ning s pecification, logic design, impl& -Gallery art photos up to tried ads display their Telephone OQr .. 7 3 wkdys per mo .• S2.50 hr t ti d t . t t• f $100 messages with legibility shift, 362 3rd St.. #C. Over 25. own transp men a on an sys em tn egra ion 0 Noexpernec. All types. and impact' Our ads. I.aguna Beach 960-4612 Central Processing Unit Memory, lnpuV THE JOI SOUICE we are proud to say. re· A p ART MEN T As BABYSITIER Lovinl(j COMPUTER Output Processor. Requires BS in Elec-fifB-0777 llAM-7'PM :_ ally get results. Phone SISTANT MANAGER mature woman. needto DESIGH 642-5678. • Couple ror 65 unit Apt ror newborn care• EHGIHHIS trical Engineering or related field plus 642-5678 ---- com l ex in H .B . wkds.MyhomeCdM. See our ad -u nder minimumof4yearsexperiencelndesign 2 · 513. 1144· eve ·Refs. ~~~eintter. ri~,a~s!~i~·~ and development of computer related l\~mellt Manager. Ex· pod ts. ~enced. mature cou Bantin& olo , Int'. r UC pie. Beaut mainta11Jed "units1~sta Mesa. No l!LEru~ TII offers one of the finest salary, bene-C:~. ~~-~7•52!ed~ ~'!l~ ~Mons" avaW'l~ COMPUTER fits. and vacation plans in the industry; the South Orange Coun· OPa&TOI medics~ dental financial serviceSj van APT. MANAGER -ty area. Previousexper. Rapldfy _i_ro~ing in· pool from most outlying areas of Los Semi·rrtired couple for Pttlerred but will accept ternational company A I I I di Th d O k l8 unit Adults. in Nwpt. I.how persons with min. seeks e o m P u I e r nge es nc u ng ousan a s, Mainlt'nance exp. req. ltyr cuhierln& ex~r. QPet.ator for awing shift. Valencia, S. f. Valley, Pasadena. Orange ..... Salary $735-$990/mc>. de· Minimum 6 mootbs ex· C t d S th Ba d · I ,,_.1 · oendin& on exPfr H In· perlence with HP 3000 oun y, an ou y; an a spec1a ·~~AM~&BS lmst~lease a'Wly in Series 3. knowled~e of health club membership. lflyou're ex• Qui j ' St m ent 1m~r ~betw~~bam·~~ ~E~r:i~t "c~mp~n; cited by the Idea of creating the future :fnr.· te::'10~en13l+ atl~No MalnSt .Ste. bellefits, pleasant worlt· ofbankingfortheworl~ lolntheTilpro-· units. Must be fully H • 200.SanlaAna. lngenvlronment. €xper. fesslonals. R01. IHOO/mo. 75%·2197 CAUfOIHIA ~ l)flly appll'. CQntact £a~rieaM ror nlu promotion. S. ary plu1 romml11ioa 8rtn1 re· """' lo a1 Oour Dr NB. ~lollal 10n11n 6 C'Clftll Ml( Uoa n r or ma lian Strvlca "HT IANI PJt Mil.II. AMF Scltll· £.0 e· ---MtF/H tlric Drilllnf lnterna tloaal, 1801 Mitchell 'liii _____ ;m 11 SoA 1rvtM. ssMos1. I• E.u.E. M/P Pl••M Hnd your ,.aume In confidence to: H. HOLLAND PAOFUllO~ STAFFING TTJ PLAZA Secretarial service Spt'no/1ml4 111 .; RESUMES TYPING CONSUL t A TION PREPARATION COMPLETE SERVICE CHOICE OF ST A TIONERY FOR COVER LE1TERS ' COPYING SPIRAL BINDING IMMEDIATE TURNAROUND SATURDAY A EVENING HOU"'9 752-0322 REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS IF: YOU WANT to work in a plush, well- located office with a group of highly motivated profes&ona.ls. YOU desire the chance to grow with a rapidly expanding, progressive multJ· office company. YOU deserve to earn the hi,'helt pomi- ble splits and still rel'eive fantastic com- pany t.oola. YOU want tpedallzed, penona1 tralnlJ\I and rnanaaement aa1siance. CALL ME NOW in atia:olute conCidence. ---" ....... . OUb9 U\ Newport a.ch Pabn Sprmp & Rancho Minlt .. • Mm'Aftwtt• JI W.W .... 7111 ... W... 7111 ts+ II NIO 1111 Nl11' 11• lllt n J..... ..~/ ........... -......... .-.............. .. ................................... ~ ........................................ _.................... ......... '"' .... "'' • ... iWWtt •~I H l Hll~cac''' ft!' ,. n Qa ft WtlUDlhouH Q--.Wv• aota. SMO. PAH All ••• ,_ oee __ ,, ............ "_ .. , ........... .. .. rw:Rtwtert ~ :a. i,_. ,....._, , lolri tretor. •111. 1\ownd ~Iota . ._.., U tff1trltt llAUTtrtJI.. U" llCA UdollJJlerlO'+ Powtt -' ftrm 1tar-O.C. ~ 1! I t t. la UM-a~ Co. hDurt nta Pff ~ _, Both Ukt "*"'• Yi S15CL eolor'1V 11~. z(._' wm bl, SJO~ ft. PP ~AllOM!OPARTS ~~;'P~lp~':i IU't'lft•r!icliad:: 6 ,t11Dtiv~1ttdl W/lYI 1"1' at ' t'I "Ma : Slove.hMowovea,ci°iean, i!lJ __Jtt~aft PM ty W'j~~l_~!l"1· '1HOJ4or ·1---11.11petrtlo Vtoeltollo"'tYt·rt'~:·. -• II """8a.....,JJti:..TUW.:. U'JOHn 11 I\ •· worts xlnl very nice 5 Cl.!ttom 111Jdo Pltnlt -.,......., ~• ~ Harbour 81)' toO 1 ~ ~ClllSLraonal . •nenu. dayt •eon· S H l P P 1 N Q ' • • , Ttbltl, U~ fanllh. Weddln1 drtll• ever Teac 4 cb1nnel Slmul· ' Ratquet Club. Boat ~tonl. 11400. Dtn111J. Rlx:~iorc ... ~o.. ~~/clffO ,_.. wonla tavlroo· PACKAGIN~~·tltne. IWria 115 Waabtr IH ~..!.!ch. •htc,hln' ~·~11,~:~P:j~~ 1 oc tape ncorder. Sllr av•llable. CJll n• •rttr ••m or 8o "' " ~,ful_lor 'rt·tlmt '.:.:. ~.C ·~ Dryer, Ill H5. Ali ;:;fJLSt1.eb. 8 '7 . 1!t ofr.'75-7170 _ 14 UU, 141 ·77v7 , ..;.:Jirm.-- Or:'tCo t"all Hin\ted ~>'· NJ.icw llCllTAIY Pn Silt Dlrtt'tor to work clun work iood ·*'1135--J.!UilM•k>n, a cart., suo m we. ·• VW Futbatlt front a. Sa'-· •:;Mqn;:t;;l;;;'-~;;;;;;;;;;j ~:~SH'iY,. .. •1llll ttroa1 w/cft'*-i l .. Jradt1 ln _Gd buy1, uaed furn.( ~~~E U~ielt~~~· or mike offer. Call Udo r.adtol nHClt tUp MS1 ... 0Nttwra .. ~. boi~h~~: "".. -t• · =· -1 llat oetdt• eel Colla M•t afteracll9QI Admlral dk brwn retrti =e's{""· l1mpe, Mu• 'I°' 11~~.l::s _,.,, Anlwtt Ad #572. 642 4300 for45' powtr bo1t. ... ·-• '"'*'· n trtatlna IJl'Oll'lm. &11./Spanl•h w/frir on botto .,· • l·l . ex~~-_ 3' houri. D1)'1 (21J)27S.N10 -==~----- CAREER OPEN HOUSE COSTA MESA NEWPORT TUESDAY MARCH~. 1982 7:30P"' CAU.MISSKELLY 64S.OJ03 tall today and &et all lhe JN Wei'$ to what a future In reaidentia I Real &lite Sales could mean to you. Salea ~1...1t.._l Nwpl C.llUr tptillln1 recfd. Call m. · Solid Cherry wood f\ill IOfa bed IUIO· ltlnJ ... h k • ~eYLffi4l41l·2058 -------~·-••s _. "on .. moker pr.f. Oraaae cout YM· d 1 b . ~ ,_ 't .,,,.,,'. bl .111e ttttr bm •P n . --.,.,...., Cll!Pam;ttt 1Wris_~r..ae1ldebrtlde rener wl mirror ••mu.~. 1 Walnut ublnel1. very M ,....._. SUYISAYH Procreaalve O.C. Com-~ only llJ', Ouar. super $12$. 1 sae_,_180>t\144. Jllct. 12'' bau. 175 ea suJ::r!r d1j, wk or wmt USID PAITS puy •okin& sell ~ ~ PMYaklllt Studtn J deluxewuher larsealu .1.Hl:9' Movlns oial of St1te. J!l-J>ll mo.~l 1rnportedcarJ1•rtt rmtlvaled lndlvldu1l1. ~•th a~t lude 1ome l obi only Sl85G .• Ptrfet't t'Oftd. 2 YIJ\YI leather eur. Refri1 1ideXtlde t75 ARCADE MACHINE ...:=::..=;;...;:;::;:.:...____ IMPORT Prancblae or di•· llOokk ln .ohO MIY! l\Mlf. arden·GroveAp· chair•. l$O each. 13 Colfee.2endtableaS75. dl.U loah.s,..d& AUTOSUPPLY tributonhlp backaround tacUi~n1•Pote~f1!fr~ IOYs-GllLS plltl')ce 13191 Harbor blk/wht TV $45. Used 2 Plants up to 120. 5122 41 erent lates1t mone SW tOIO 101 N M h t preferred. Must po1sesJ be ofrlce. m1 nae er How would y~ou Ilie lo Blvd. Garden Grove mo1. An aood cond. M1ple (Terrace> Irv . ..-kin& moPdeCllbo. Bdrand ••••••u•••••••••••••u Anabel . anc ~~l~ utronualn aptJtude & · earn u much as $50.00 a 537-6333. Open Sunday Ml-043f new. Free ar n WANTED-Bow Rider 17 m -'eulonal .a.,....a .. or week' Do you Ilk d . Jl.f. ..._ .. H I d cban1er1. 11995 & up 20' PP k ,_ """" ill -·-., . in . I I I e nve-new enttdoo A vara o Polaris nowmobile Call !2ll!MS-7303 to . ue s cican !~v~s~n/ SECIETAIJ ~"bf.~~ c1i~~1: ............ Wt IOJS Bdrm lft. In stor11e. ~~pc Ba11ett Bdrm --boat rrom P~ 85~ , _______ _ •salnToolJ Self.motivated or· p1~minyottierf:ln11~ , .......... •••••••••••• Colt~· sell moo ?r set $1200 559·5306 aft IMh&W.W 17'6" St'bJada, nal bot· '74COUllH •Hi&h Commlsslons nnitedlndivldual,good Thmyouwouldprobaby NOW25•,n SPM ... ,.... tom. (Hallt'ralt> V M0STS£LLNOW • •No Investment nr Cn>ingaklll•. Knowledge Df'obably enjoy worklng fteCtWOod fia-eclclng Rollawiy bed, used twice 2 Etageres, walnut , •u••0 •u ••••••••••••• drive, 312 ford freshly C:Oml>lete cab body. off Uctnse Reciuired. ontag Card II. Newport for us. . ._20• loft&: also redwOO<i f: 1149 Sears, wlll sell c h r 0 me & c 1 as s ........, tO IO re~ll O hn New Eeoxy truci, best offer. Also Call 833-0159 Mr Keith, ~acti area. Q{!AUFICATIONS. rencing. Lowest price _111.§36.8079 wflighll. @ea. 645.9442 ....................... paint. IU)bol aood. Boat mlsc~~r parts A+ R.E . Ca rter l.Overl2yearsoface. guar Jim or Ken formaloaidin,rrn tbl.6 ---15...,ft look• like new ....,..9932 De'1el7rnent. 2. Neat, honest and de-inyt.!oje. U}l49}. matchlna wicker back l doghouse & 1 fold in& FIBER BOAT 138 o o /OB o ( 7 H , -------• COLDWeu BM41(eR a pendable. chairs, 2·1eaves. New poker table, SlO/ea. ~·3202 S23-8116J , SALES ttSICHTilt lS. 3, Work arter school and 0.,. I040 $2000 Sell S6SO OBO 67H638. -,-=------"-,.-... --PR persfns needed ToPres,:Shl-~ll fll.ooo. Saturdays. ....................... loah. M•t•••c•/ ,_,a 4CNt • Alllol for Salt Magic Island is looking r ~gal Lltlaat n lt,200. CALL TODAY ! KEESHOND Pu~ AKC AR<JtrfE ~ACHIN ES ! S....tce f020 •••••••n•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ror a r'"w . tlli t l T60S.80R.E. S18;.000· 5378·5936AM or1530Pl-MS2S7 Champ1lre. M/F: Pet & 4mal kineremont daet1e1•1l moBrannedy ..................... ,. C1FT1r1, Salt/ IMf>ORTANT " m e gen • a · Exp. Consultant vu rs to b P t 11 .~ t 120 NOTICE tO tractive s1neere UzReindersA Inc S s ow . v ply . FY PCbO de MarineElectrician -persons lo repr~senl 4020 BirchF.at'llEOE 213/187·1345 art 6 pm. ~· ee $11195 •r x Designtinstall/repa1 r ....................... READERS ANO them In their pri vate Nev:port/l33·81901Free YorbhireTerrierpuppy, Dln1n1 rm set , 9pr &.iT~ills.s.7303 up. al.work~9·2S20 _ iOVWramperPtr,reblt ADV~RTISERS dub U1 Newport Beach _ • TICHHICl&N male, AKC Champ lines. Danish Modern Am. of --· mtr. New tires & bat· The pnct or Items AnEQualOpplYCo Interviews re.quired. For.Eier't'lse ll'Wei•ht §hotsH00.5t§.8§~ Martinsville. 7SG-1§26 for Sale: membership in 'or.:.M.iM 9030 tery. AM/FM 8 tra~k. advertised by vehicle Res · Callforanaepointment, Loss Health Clinic. Dobe AKC 9 Cooch 9. good condition ~vt. Fountain Valley ;a;,....t CB. .494-3202 dealers in the vehicle -.. ~-lOlll mtllarbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 taurTa~, .. , t6r. HMaol~:.:rFgr,16.1' c~0900sk .ror ~llT~Y • Growing co. with op· wtc:s.r~luf:rs & tail SlOO. ennls Club. ,., reg. ••• •••••••••••••••••• um Van Camper evec-rlalsai riedd advertisi,ng -""--" E t ~ 1 """unllyforsubstanti1i ~ .. -..0 ..... ,.,u price-$600.Call Darlene: Simpson Lawrence~ -it ..... cN. ... c58 ·coumns oes not n-ls l~mg or ull and Seamstress with ex xce en secre aria op· 'd' cropl5" . ..., ·!Yi""""" 11)634·0371 , 646·1254 Hyspeed Windlass. ,.:.JaytnDr·C~M·"""· ~ elude any applicable• part lime help. Day or ri d d Portor a~m.est2nlet.ase call ..lQ.YA!'!Sement. 645·7717 -Bta&le, Pup. Fem. AKC. NBDRroodel hhomel :hdecol r mess. Never used. Sacrifice ..... -. . . -tues, license. transfer ~t. Opportuni~ for P.t ence nee e • part ror i ,....,. ~... ~ $100 ti 11 set 6 u~ o c rs ge r f' h ID--nt AP LY Ume for small manufar· Mii)' Hickle Aoency Tele~e Soliciting ~ s · gen e. a · · · "'~ bo ri R!S. 675-5840. DWMl/C....,..,. A· I ees. 1nanct r arges. llllecWtHwy La .. Bch lurer. 9S7 ·1108 or l9762lhcArthu~ Blvd. We need good people to -·Call 71HUS leaf OO. ..,.mi llte x 5j ngs & lOO'k rompl.'equipped, reesfor air pollution con· -!! 540-8925. Suite 200 set up appointments in Cocker Spaniel, male, 1 6 pc decorator bdrm set mattress. use 6 mo. loatt. Power 9040 cost $18,000 not incl. trol device certiricat1ons Restaurant Irvine, CA. 9271S the eve.nlogL from my )'Told. Good w/children. 9rig. cost $2000. sell ror u 25· reg 1449. 97 ............. ~.......... labor. priced ror immed. or dealer documentary BR 0 I L E R M A N ~l~A.IY No Fee to Applicant N.B. omce. For Holiday 175o(fer. 64f·048l ~.675=900? 968--0620. -Welkraft 26 Nova or· saJePSOI>. 675-l358 creparation charges un-G~~Bfp~~/'i~yp~~:o~ ~ttege1%rrer~~:!,':tnJ!r. • ~~~r~e~ l~~v:lm~lu~. Germ. Sheph~rd ~\!PS . NB model home : ore ~ f!~0J':in t~~I /88R ~ r camper for DalSuo pick essthe~~:~~e~rified btwn 3·S. The Rusty ty to learn new ed. bonus Call 75HW04 art. AKC. Excel d~s1t1on. de~k. credenza · chr. _,... 1013 radio. bait tank. xtra IC>· S300. David Pelican, 273S Pacific systems. S/H 100, tyJ>ing SECRETARY lOAM ISO ev l· 1 ev . Ori Sl600, sell S800 ... ~.................... factory fighting chrs. S40-~51 /ii/JMp•/ · w . N. 50. Sl251·SlS24/mo. Tully AKC Springer Spaniel. 7 67 -Q\ilter PA+ a Boss ~rho binuni, rovers. stere-0 8 C*aks 9520 paid medical, dental & Ex 'd d . mos, liver & white. 6 Antique Oak Dining Dela, chorus line. trk. trim tabs. lmmac Motoriudlll&es 9140 ••••••••n••••••••••• .. lff41LSA.LES other Insurance. Re· e . wor processing UplolllHealtftcare male.1100.646-9107 Cbalra 4 piece Sofa. ralanger. SSOO/bst ofr. rond. Sll.900/0BO ................ ~....... MODB.""" I Fine Ii n 'err e & quest application from I ~PISl. prefer Q~x 114: s.n& smaU Dining Table w /3 67S.7870 8»8221or839.7203 Mo-ped for sale. 77 Purh Sh r ~ ~ k swimwear bOutlque in Coast Co mmunit y hder Pfoc.ess ~g & HMK"S;--CNfr, LIVE· Exceptioul German chalrs 646-7628 rl k Newporter Good rood ay rep1cas. pie ups Newport location. Colle&.e 1370 Adams pi ones. rvine urn. INS. Wor" ftlos• to Shep. pups. AKC. see · · Buncly da net li .e new CANVASS & PLASTIC 754-lS70 & coupes. 4 to choose Fllllhme, responsible Ave, c.M.. 556·5947 &IMfg . Call : E .H.. "~ .... pa.rents. Xlnt tempera· Diulnt set. Fr. Prov .. w/SUmner mouthpiece, BRIDGE ENCLOSURE from ! <006768) IStk. sales person needed. submit by SPM April ~. tloln!. Plenty or patient menl. 7 wks Sl2S up. solidl>irrh, II pcs xlnt used l yr. S250. SS9·6386 for 28' Sltipjark. Used MOPED Vespa. red Anni Prirt>s starting Comm1Ssion ofportunl· 2nd. EO MFH. contact Competitive PQs.592 ~~ 64$-~2_ S. m ooce uo. SSH758. Grande, dlx. 1980. Must at ty. Please mai resume pay. Call before 3/19 I Kin l .. _ .. hdbd ALTO SAX Co 1 be seen to appreciate. to: Flamin!oL. 2721 E. Secnf.v/.lt•ceo 752·0092. EOE/M·F , DOIEIMA.N PUrrlES ~J si wa er"""· · mpi over· 16' ~at. cabin. 45hp. Dual exhaust, carrier OH&.Y $9,'95! Coast Hwy, ~dM 92625. TVPrsr·roaai\ tame mall Sec"y ... To $18,000 ... NB . ----Slacli & tan 6 drawers. beater. ho er. hauled Mar 82. Extras. 1 r a ii er + ex 1r 8 5 . box, man extras. Cost congenla office. 2S hrs. Lots or variety in lhi.s w.....t.l--/W..l.1..-. I p5. 538·S964 cgmpl. $3SO. 893·2188 Top rond. S42S /Oho . c1soo10BO. 831-2678. Sl IOOY II $600 lehlil Clert& afternoons. apet'ial position. Screen .....,.... wtTirlHS . 0es· • 67~ ..%.!-----over , se . THEODORE Pharmacy.fulrtime 10·7 548-3464AskforMr. pbooe calls for the Over 18 yrs Apply 1n Labrador Retriever ""-•&nerslnvento~ -MUST SELL! <2Jboat 960-m2aft7PMorSun •Ye> at. ngemal1 .,..-ac terorMrsScot a .. rs. om· person. ala or bl' • Country French c ina lifi h s·· ~wnt>.r. earay ·~ 100 Peugeot Moped. ""-thruS Co · ~-h h van'ousman g• c El. M d I Pups 6/wksold yellows u1gl. oak buHet, . 1Kustomll.8Swattbass S 1977 neighborhood shopping pany is fl'C)wing & offers Restaurant 168 Newport & lacks, S200 Ca 11 cabinet, ""SO. Carved amp ier wit one 1 77·24 cuddy cruiser 1400 m1, excel cood . ROBINS FORD it. .,...•2111 s.cr.t-xlnt beriefjta. Good typ-. • 964·S14l: 759-5089_.__ -speaker. plus, I Gwld T 4701 10 M bet ... ,... bs of •c" 7328 cen er . ..,,. Legal Sifr.elia~ry·' w·anted. lna p•----'or ""nlract •· Austnan armoire. Sl500. cabinet with 2 JBL IS'" Wiil ert'S. Pl"/ t r. ~· -.... ~•' w "' YorkshireTerrierMpup· Country Fren c h k .,.6 .....,c ler than new. ISO hrs 1000 HARBOR el VO CO~lA MISA O~:I t•QIS for buslntas and Real correspondence. aitress. experienced. py. champ hne. 10 wks fruitwood table. 8.x3', s a era.'!!..:.'"'...,--Asking $16.500.Dys t2131 ~':'/ IOllHSOH'S ra\i'!a14~i:ri3~iWo~~ for1rn~:~~ ~~~ID; club. old, S300. 96}3339 _ circa 1860. s1100. PLUS Tenor sax. new, sarrifice. 278·86 to: l'V s 1714 1 Sc ti SO 'Ill Fireb1rd. Mint cond. MEWPOIT IEA.CH processor exper helpful. Golden Retriever pups. roore. Xlnt. Best orfera. must sell. SSOO. 67J.~ __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ong owner. 6 Cyl OH Non.smoker . pre r. AITR ESSI WA IT ER with shots. Call 78().3667 or collect &4S 7J1_8__ 12 . Avon Sport boat F\llly chopped Triumph Cam hvy suspension re- has position avail for : Salary commensurate wtcar for wicker basket 7S4-7883 _ i.21.31271·3939 Nwpl Be~ Office,_....._.. & w arc IS hp Johnson 650. Needs work . S300 or ar. Rare $'2500. S36-8079 t •,..i ,....., with abi~~lly ~h.t{fv-e!~~~sn'J~S ""'° YOll I04S ~·she mattress & box Eicf9,_.t IOIS 018 wtelec starter Ap ~e:~ll %fer 5S2-3970 4 WIN Drins t550 SIPe"lsor wkly. Must be neat. ••••••••••••••••••••••• spnns. brand new Spr· ••••u••••••••••••••••• prox 30 hrs ~n both ~1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s,-.1 laglisla personable & energetic. t.dorable Benjie look Ill.& Aire, rn. 645·9442 Clfice furniture for sale both or Wiii sell srp. RM125 19'77, runs good, *Hew 'II CIMwv ~CampusDr .. N.B. 979.0747 aft. lOam for alike.lyr.trained. Must sellsora&loveseat at discount prirt>s. l.714!986·JSI? -looksgood .. $450. 4 W1we1Driv~' Please apply in person, ,_.,.,.,...,.,.ITY 5S7-6122 _!P1lL. ___ Si9·1000 SJ.SO. Blk lthr rerlnr S8S 641-0763. SWOO. ·73 SkipJ'ack. 20·. C811even1J!is646-1145 L·~ P'M!' Personnel, Mon -Fri. v.-rviuv"" 14211 Yorba St .. Tustin 63 ft6PM --fl b d T ·1 I 10.12. kooclcs onen when you 731-U ll Germ.Shep. 1•2 yrs. good ..!___.. NStar Honzon II . quad ying n ge ra1 er ·im SutukJ 450. 2500 mi. Loade ! 1216 ifl888 > 2 Fashion Island use result·getting Daily ... -------• ~ watch dog. needs fenced Save· Barker Lounger. density. 64 K 1 n c I. SllXXlutra SS9-4306 e\s, fairing. xtras. perr. S7298less S500rebate NewportBeachCenter Pilot Classified Ads to ....................... yd.7SJ·9740wk!!.Y!__ __ 1Jvmgtndsora 1rerhning UC.S.D Pascal IV. o. 834-464.JwkJ!l'..s_ cond SI SOO OBO Pri E.0.E reach the Orange Coast ERVJCE STATION AT· ....... 1005 "w<ltwt 1050 ends I · nu cond M} cost new .. fact. carton" s man Achilles inflatablt> 54>12m ___ Htt ce S47H ~~~~~~~~~! marttet. . Jf:Po~~Tshm~ t;;r~: .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ... ;: .................. ~.7f&200. Sar S9SO S3000 Ca 11 Ne i 1. w116. h.p., Suzuki. 2 hrs 78 HONDA. 350 H~~8u~ft\~r*t srarry id~,l~~e~fa:s'me~ Phone642-S6'Tjl ~~l~ep~~nfn e;::so~ WESTMINSTER * * I BUY * * , ... Salt -105S ~l~i:i~202 or Cra ig ~~.hme $1400 Eves niduroJ65(t 642-3338 NEWPOl\T BEACH Ad. l!!:i02 Beach Blvd .. H.B. ABBEY ~used Flld~itre .~ , ............. , ........ Near·new IB't St!lertric ~rs 28' sport f1;her.1~~ma~a S~~· 1i'3° rx· ll].0555 ANTIQUE MALL ~«aGMlrorYou wi INTHEALLEV II typewriter. correct-twin engines. cabin & 1 ~ ~m 5 l\ · ug '61 lnlemational Scout 4 117SlWestminsterAve ....... ii..-S"UCTIO..a Sat/Sun.4205DanaRd. ing,etc.$900646·3389 nybndge,nav & radio ~S .S48'87~ 1 enew cyl . needs work Area Supervilon, Unit Managers, Assistant Managen The Good Earth IS the newest mul!Minil opwating division ol the General Mills R•taurant Grouc). With 5 units currently under oonstrvctiOn. this lull setYloe restaurent c:ondlot haS alreedy put Into gear a nationwide elCj)8l'ISlon progltm which w1fl exc"9 111y lood service l1'llnlger Of aree supeM9ot Our expension Wiii tlllt us lrom a base ot 7 company owned units today to welt C1VfJI 100 in iuJt 1 lew shOl1 yean. Company owned '"taurants are currently open in Calllomla. Utah and Phoenix. Those joining us will enjOy en above average compensatlOll peclcage plua unprecedented promoCion opportUlllbel. II you haoie a hlllOIY of stlble empiO'Jmtn1 In food ~ rnanag1m1nt ancl .,. !rel to relOclle ...i times to ldY8nCe your career. then ruen your retume 1101'Q with your •laty hllltOfY and 1 brief 1111« of lntrOductlon to: Rlchlrd J. Mlgllo, The Good Eattt'I. P.O. Box 68. Maltlend, Florida 32751. Don't delay. We will be lntM'iewlng In your aree very soon. Newspoper Carriers for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & N"ort Beach GAR~~~VE ...uwn;-., "" "" B tnrHoa&HOJpital) Xerox 3100 LDC. assume equip , outriggers. bail · &46-148LCbeap. 64U416. lll.!615 DineUe table, coffee tbl. bal. Xerox sates con· t.ankcond. ,,~i:,ll~vers. Mint Motor Ho.1, Sale/ TNCb · 9560 31 sot N S98 Lo kit utll.. misr. 9842 ....., ...,.... ..... ,~ 9 160 1 ladder back cha irs ~· ss8w.Sle4° Y-Hamilton #19 HB tract at 1163·23 mo. 30 ---------~ ...................... . 111 Oakdresser,Sdwr· '!!!afACTO.RV;senf~ --' , . ~.540·SS05 IDybaer ~-yacht ltend~er I •R•u•••t•.•••2··2·~··1•••••• c;tiev du?I fuel p1ckd up s. Oak ca r ved f!=E· -....:~ 5167111St.HI Clfirefurniturefor sale. y ....,...t.4 cy iese. e n · ux 79 . Big 10 mo el. esser 1250 Scollish KING INNERSPRING Sat:SUnLoiSor sturr I (714> 642·778I daily ~-S newBW ,hydr.trans rmlorilome. sips 6. se1r. Propane&gaspo.,.,ered. wall cl0ck si:is. Xlnt. I EXTRA FIRM mattress A-rt~ k 1. . Mon·f'r•. · _§7j-091S 673·7212 coot..~ wk + 10' m1 Auto Tr~ns. PS. AC ' II set. never ~ worth wor · iying roo m -----. . 640-8585 Rear window Till 760·3667 or co eel I ~sac $24Sdtl Never rum, Answenng service Royal Typewnter self· 78 21 WELLCRAFT wheel st Stockla d !213l27l.:..3939Nwpt Br used queen 51 worth <Phone Mate) propane rorrectmg. pd S7sS. Ask· NOVA XL wttrlr In; RENT 26 n motor home cam · r :h~i Black"& Beautirul German Clock. s.tl!I. cash only. $;218 del. tank, etc.~ ~S46·8l92 I brd outbrd Vo~vo eng Slps8. fully loadt>d whi:ext L ry g a earl~ 1800's. S179S/bst UsuaUy homr. 754.7350 Antiques. bed. picture Typewriter Elect. port ~oJJ~ ~':ii L~~: r1e9~: 64S·ll!il&__ interior, J6K ~l !67.~ _@:.,JLWL frames . radio. "rlo$hes & w/rase. Sears Smith 832.00180r 731_0443 '74 Roadllner 21 ft Class 97?·~ ~.CH 1010 furniture 370 La Perle A. clean. roof 1ir. ....................... MUSTJc~\ Lane.CM_._ ~Jg Perl cond 11501MOORING; & boa t . geoerator j6900673-3826 "64 Che\· ,., ton 6 r}I. 3 HARBORAREA wM1~thoh g!~ltr .. osus. eMoboedn Mo vln• Sale Horse ~ --1 Newport Harbor Call 1--11-y _.--9 17-0 spd transG. tool bohx & APPLIANCE SERVICE .... "' " Left handed Secretarial . 973-06.W ~ ro•., .canopy real 5 ape We buy used apgliances shaped mirror on head· ~~l!.er1l· .. .!~.tique Mreayresr. desk, xlnt cond. Walnut •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 646-4072or S4S·6567 - W II board .. _, "'""' 2236 fiinish· CllJS' 966 S232 34' Royal Cr ·74 ·71 Yellowstone trailer. Iese recon ~lu~7 ~OBo 831·7797art6 _Place.C.M.Sat/Sun --~-·-·---From Sweden. econ tw 2Srt .. sleeps4.fullyself· '66 Ford ,, ton P.U. ..!2P!!!!'Cet. . GARAGE SALE Desk. walnut finish, good 106 HP yo1vo dsl. like t'Ofllained. 11real cond1. w 'Gem lop shell. xlnt l IUY A.PrllA.M ES lOAM·Dusk, 21871 Kiowa rondition Sl20. new: Asku:ig $47.500. Fin tioo. 642-S157 rond SI49S. 546-5913--Les 7· 11 3 I IUY FUlHITUIE Ul. HB. S. of Hamiiton. 986-S232 Ir slip avaiL Trade poss 77 o~-p U =----~-"""'~ Les 9S7-8133 E. of Mi_gnoUa. Green NORD YA C HT S '81 Prowler trailer 19". ....--• • Washers. dryer, refri&. refrig, $2.00 : llobbl NB rmdel home : Desk. 673-88'18 sl~ 6. self cont. great Auto,aJr,stereo. S319S. 1V1. Guar. Also trade. ITl><ler flan-. ,.,,..uch credenze. chair, orig. cond. 960-2065_ 64S-<6244 buy,wwkin.gornol "'0 w 1600 sell .675·0092 1979 Appolo Ca bin 0682 lovesea . brown plaid, Cruiser zs· and trailer. '74 Terry 2311 rt A/C "76 FlOO six cyl stk. runs S40 set. Misc hshld & WOID PIOCESSQI FUily equip ror naviga-Very clean. $3750. great. Orig. Sl97S OBO Admiral Refrigerator, top_ door freeier. S90 OBO. 831-2678 after 5pm. Desiener's Inventory 4 country ladder chairs. wal., $200. 4 country cbain oak. $250. En · tcy/Wfet, oak. 2 dwr. $!i0. Xlnt cond. Call col· lect, <213!271·3939 or earden items. &Jn, 3/21 xerox 8 so t y p 1 n g tion Ir fishing. Xlnt cond 642·1989 964-2922, 775·0151 ~-•atdGoocls 1065 system;, manuals. tapes Must sell i2 Ideal trailer. 22'2 ft Long-Bed Truck Waaher/Dr{:er. Dis· hwasher. l2S each. Refri era or. S250. .. ....... •••••••••••••• Ir suppues. Under warr. .._ locm 11 30;. Self contained. Air camper shell S3SO Deep frylrooker. electrioc. ~· .. ~ ofrer. 833·2122 mts 1.96 roo 832.1242 o $3400. 962-0MS 955·2786 days __ 220 VO t" 1250 OB . ftfWN &11·21678 a!ler 5pm, -28' Californian SF. new Mio S....lce Ports '76 Che"f Ln PU •"'SOIVCARPETING LI.KEHEW Bimini. equip. fasht. &Accnsorles 9400 ~. ..?.75-8191 714 76().. .B Side by Side Refrigerator with Ice Maker. SISO. 54}2711 Di,,.. i ed . omce (urnlture sac. 9 500. 646·4005 Sears complete Canop>.' scont nu hne. sell 857-4271 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Datsun Pickup. long set W/Qlattreu "' xln t belowcosl.531·26411 _ . •~ t'i.t/ bed, 5 spd. air. rampr SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEALER lo CdM. Remodeling Sale. DiJplay models, I ea. Toucl\.tronic 200S. reg. SI <»9, now f6SO. 332 Marautdte. 675·3663 $400. Anligue o•rber a-..1... 1070 <lfice Desk · pale hght --. A.TT&fTIOM shell. xlnl cond Lo mi. chair S75. Gold beveled ,...._ r & re en w I p u 11 out c:a..ttr tOSO Mfi $4500. 979-7660 chandelier. new S2SO. ··~·••••••••••••••••••• typewriter stand. S70.00. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OUA.aRAS New Casablanca lamp Diamond, l.75 ct., 96U739,964-8008. 40 · Berth, close to TONNEAu"CoVER "73ELCAMI NO $100. 16782 Robert Ln. Emerald cut. E . VSlJ .._.._ 1017 Pavilion now available. Fits MG's, .71. ,81 Runs good. new paint. H,8. iz.6Dm USG SI a ppr a 1 s e o .....,. 673-4928 · ~· __ 979·Sl~ v :-, .. _.. T $34,000 : need cash. ••••••••••••••••••••••• , --. -Never used. S7S "i:f:'z.e ueu 175. win $13.900. Oya : 642·~0: Hand.tamed talking 28 F\berllass SF. equip, Maria 631-7797 IYe msg •-9570 Admiral Refrig. Side by side.=· gd cond. Si!OO. '-A $5000se. l0. m'Qtuneeg ntasob~ae evet/wknds : 64.2·6421. umbrella Cockatoo on I y s 9 5 w k I~ . .. ................... .. ~ SlOI o· d B 'I I' 847-7573 bareboat. Also Westsail '17 Ford E2SO window md ~IS w/4 chairs iamon • ri unt . 42· w1skipper. but UTEBODYWORK& van. low miles. man) Side by Side refri& freeier, Norlfio gooa cood· S3SO. 631- ~·-"le! SEnlO deal C:Oblefs. f:!, .26Wi.ll A!..Prariosred .... ~ot CocM k~llels l pr Pllieds. rates. 646-4005 =-up lo $Cn orr your xtras. $3800 feet-. a _... xll _, ovmc must se S4S sbonesl. 536·9832 67S 2 $10 ea. lor TV $175. cash. Call Answer ad 218>. 645·9565. 530·7858 loah. Sall t060 ~ --·--__ ·l_ll_ Refrig. Heu rt. $50. Girls 11573,6q:'30024hrs.. eve ·~ .................... . Huffy 3 spd bike $65. Necll••-IOIO u b 11 C:O k t 1750 . uao 14 No 3210. trlr. s Weatlngbouse dsbwshr. Huvest color, bll·ln. .c.ood cond. QO. SSl ·3876 644·5166 ••••••••••••••••••••••• redreL!rd c ~·Very saill. ~ cond. SlSSO. New Singer Touch·troolc REMINGTON lime S48·s44o . 962-ms 2001 Memory machine Elec. Typwriter xlnt · · -W-------.d-.----f Admiral aide by side llX!OBQ9GCH316 cond 1130 493-09&7 rs-& n.-.. IOfO ante . partner or relr11 $17S Frigidaire . • -· -· ,.... Wcslltll 32 diesel. 7 bags Wlhr '95. Mayteg 11 Walert>ed king·siie w. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• sails attractive tax dryer SlSO. Mayfac sbeJves j. beater, $100. ea .. ~[:: used. ~~8:~&, Grond. beriefita w/cha~er bual dlh-r 1175. Sff.1672 Aft. 6, 631-7788 · W/l.uli Ugh!JI. Was S260. 87$.~ nm. Berthed 1n Nwpl lllayta1 . Electric Dryer MOVINO·Mu1t sell all ael1 ~ . _Bdl. Ph. 875-2324 Warullkuew.t&S. this wknd. Almost new SSZ.0798 Anlique Upri&htP1ano. 30' Islander: Loaded, ffZ·7912 decor1torsectlonalsof1, A mint cond. w/moorlnf Befrieerator very dean. formal alus din •et. 5 f; near Pavillion. 631·5319. I~µ~ like new. dinette{ 111~ chr. 8 ~Mlm ~ '-BRINKERHOFF Oak 8 ft llillng sabot wanted. J:~!.!!!!!'.~ select n o photo-MfteS41Mt player piano, all orig, PrivateParty. -------•I t .;.ea & more.· Natura ·RUaslan uble nted1 work . 1800. 831-1896 .:uJE;X!!~~!.:.·----t'lpt Jacket. Private _,~=:--l!t;;..:;.. _____ ----'=::..="---- IRllBATOIS I> Sol., new~M ea. 10 party, ST.500. Shon by c. .&a.a~ 1094 24 ' 0 1 ad I at o r . MCT~YOIMOS loveeeall ta. Mel· ipp06nunentonl1. ...,1,....,-LAPWORTR. new OillY-l ,f tne-11 t lrn!elii. -UOI m.-.or•7ou " ..................... spen, OB. buy now for :y I 0 e I 11 .___ Buoy an c J Co m • EDHt11da Race! Sac. inode • mo1t • zu, Couch • ..,.,,.._at, chr, ot• peoutor/btcltplt'k &IM005Bllr 1100.aoo,.1300.." & lamp, tootemporarx. 2for 1 World•~ pa11 on com .nat on, cubua Have aomelhln1 to Hll! lll.ln7 in now •save toma1, t'O(fee tbl, end tbl b' I s ., ~· · Di:ll·'fwllt ·-" Uie,Y're -ofr. 6'5·1'77 all Pan Am. IOOd UI 5/31, ;>. Mcll '70, 1110. Tom a 11\ed dad It II IDDt,_tbty're IOM· ~ l!!Oea. •JIM .2'JOI ua a o we . 2 pc LS ft IOI• 1old/ with ~ Mllrinl macb ~. 30 IMh,,.... tt41 P..,. 9040 W~I DIYBS ar--~. . pl zand'm. ·~•t _ .................... -•••••••••••••••••• C . J , 1 Y l 1 1 , • Dr. CM ~ •. 1 ~st at P'rl "d''" Wblrl.POol, -• ···-St u d Queen from 2 Wicker lounre chra BabJ Furn. p laypu , XLNT TERMS •···• w/C\lllliam, ••·Qua ttrolltr, 1wlGJ, •tc. dttp Pil• cinnamon Madl9I ... ,. rrs. Ship ....... to sll NoWI DllllW~' brwafWlllll1~. 1100. IDdlllib.Aft.Sbtfor7. wtNJ Galfiri' ·., a ., 1 lll'Olllr •·....., KlldmAJd. aw: IGOLDEN OAK dlnln1 W...W, new mu ' a.I., 01•,rro111 •111. I :J lea. I Iva• It pre· lnlr. •t ~:r'Wtl btd•. Ho IJMftlb .. offer tt· bl CMI, $1200. ('!lll!IWiaa. f1H41T ,...., f1Hm Slroller, .... ll1Ud llillll·4 w....-Praa. •••'· 141. Grote PLAYPlllf an:H RT AJrltat 8'lPfl•I • Use ,,,,.,,, M service when plac ing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in you r classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call In at your convenience during.office hours and 5"t the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5 .00 week. For more lnfonn1· tlon end to place your ad call 642·5'11. • ••a.o..,.~ •Harbor BIY' 008'1' A MESA tlt.2500 WEP~Y TOP DOLLAR FOi USID CAIS ALAMMA•MOM p-~~~yfU COSTA II SSA HM300 Ut-141Z MOOl&.S IM STOCK MOW! . Ch cl eer. t••ll ttlec .... ef DIMOe WllUY Q.EANCAIS MD TRUCKS Tep Bellar ,. For Your Car! JOHMSOM Ir SOM Ll9cff: MtrellrY 216216 arbor Blvd'. Calta Mesa ~543() ••• 9UALITY ,_~IMW•• .... .. ...... . ... ........ 1Ua. CtlorC-1• · TODAY! WIS • SHYICI LIAS.. SADDLEIACK IMW I IMJ MAHW1m NWY. MISSIOM YllJO Avery Pkwy. off 1·5 131-IMO ~ Open Sundays -WMEDIMW'1 Maroon .......... sr4601 28118 ll:irbor Rh·d. 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CHIVROLU FORD FORD CHIVROLET FORD 510 GALAX II 210 CHIVlnl MUSTANG GT f·250 PICKUP CA MARO PINTO 1272TXE-06 I 41 IZUSSOl -50731 1339914-5098! t766XTE-S070l !Hr0789-12071 IW8609S-4960l IS77WYO.S0481 194 IWQY-04191 $3199 $1199 $3199 $4199 $4599 '1899 $6499 '3499 .. NANCY . A WALKING STICK? · ASSOON-AS- ~E 6ETS SACK, we CAN LEAVE ON OUR ~IKE .. WNRA"' 6lLL, OLIVIER, WOODSTOCK AND ME •.• WE'RE ALL ~ERE! BECAUSE YOU WERE BAD TH'fS MORNING YOU'RE Rl6MT •• WE ALL 5MOULD . HAVE WALKING · \~l STICKS Bv Ernie 8ush"1iller BUT r*'wAs GOOD · THIS AFTERNOON .. _t> >I> lRV iURNINl9 rr ON. By Hank Ketch.am <I <J <l • • ... --.a -----------------------------------~--i Flf(5T, WE HAD 6~TTER HAVE A FRANK Dl5CU&510N ! . ! . 4 . ·Moo· We oWE IT To THE MARCH OF CIVILIZATION iO kEEP OUR SHOULDeRS - iO i~E WHEE:L ! OH,I CAN Do IT IOMORROW> MOON . u~ ... WIT~ ONE NOTABLE EXCEPTION ... DOCTOR SMOCK : Lo~D P., Wf LL You PLEASE "TAkE' DOWN OUR OUTSIDE . CHRISTMAS . Ll<SHTS.~ .. ALL IN DUE COURSE, M'Pc,A~ ... By· .George Lemont .. ' .~~~: .. ~ ...... ,, ...... -. 'Tl-\~ GQA~S t!> GQOVJINC, ! , __ _..,,, I 'f ~ . ' .7 "' 4' . .8 ·1h·'. RUOOID FOEt Wllet CM r-*8w te a_,lell tNI cur· H.,..,.,._11w-u ..,. taMt To flNI eut. a11111d dltl ' te 2 tD i. etc. .,...... ICON 2 points MCh for ell ... of four letter• " mot• --.-....-;..;~.....,;..;;--.;;;.;... ...., ............... r 'Try .. ICllN at 1M1t • ,..._ ...... ...,:_.....,.....,. I : I I I l • ' NOW, MLJl.. ilPl-'1 iHA-r ft'f Ftr;Ty- Tl-tJ:,~ f,()6,-~CT . 1'rtJCee ~U#JO~D . AIJO 61){"f''/ r FIVE./ . 4oS5 4-6~ -4,47 + 115 4:.Z..6Z . tf'MA1''~ &£'~ I MAV-. WMA1: tf ~~ A4!> "!Ot10l's 1. ~ By Gus Arriola wArr A e,ec,/ :tM IJOf' 100&000 AT IHI~/ · .J 89 ,.. so 4450 -:!>65 4085' ~ by MacNellv NAM, I COU..t' NE~ PAflT . WrlU~E~ow~ .. .. .. .. March 21, 1912. Dail) Pilat • ; Slfld lhe ~ion.••,......, 10 ''NW.," Flmlly ~. ~1 ~Ave~ New Volk. N.Y 10022. w.·u pey S5 tor ~ QUll1icn. Sorry, we c:an ·1 .,...,., OC11e11 PRO R..-11••• W. Wlddi9i (O.·Okla.), mem· be,~ .. Commiaee Alm Worid War D we draft.t the Manhal Plan t9 rebuild Europe and ntabltahed programs to ,..... our~ Inn« dHa. "Enfepalie ZIOMI , now se ~ poeed tlO , ..... PfOll*ity to Inner cm.. wt"-nnl Amtrica, facing equ.Dy -1oua ecionomk ..a toml problam, ii forgotten. M)I PROAflDCOfl Should .E.nterprfM ~ •· &toblWted by the U.S. ~ '"~~to ~ •liWll*ig "•1•petM 1IOflWlt" In depcwed rural ... would provide~ tor am.a hu9n-.. et> CNllll ~ and Income-producing oppor· • ......., thul ~to NYMl'WCoi1 ol thw .... ..._.... ..................................... ... 141 Uillillllll M , -_..II.If ~ ., ,_ 11' Ill._ ........ 1he lleSt VllUlliia pu can ta · Lm1the best__.yaua•1 W.. A national taste test of oomemade chocolate chip cookies proved Nestie- Toll Hou~ Cookies taste best ~~ So to celebrate, we want to send y_ou and your family on a one-week dream .vacation an_ywhere in the continental United States. There are fifteen grand prizes and l, 000 Toll House cookbooks for runners-up. . To _g_uaJify, just pick the statement that's correct on the entry fonn below (see the official rules). Then mail it to: The Nestle Toll House Cookie' Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 50, New York, New York 10046. ;;.M@! -- THE TRIALS OF BOSTON'S I I i Ainge U1lth wt/e Michele and daughter Alhlee, 2. Son Awan &OC11 born In October. It seems as if the enormously gifted Celtic rookie has spent more time in a law court than on a baSketball court. • • • MMILY WHAU' ....... '1 ... Oil a time, It looked as If Denny Ainge, the modem-day Frank Mentwe.11, were desdned to become the man without a sport. During a good part ol 1981, he stood tomewhat bemuted .. the cen111r ol the molt blfllr contrac:tua.I ~ In NCent memory. Indeed, In an era when legaJ111 NgUlerly drowns out the mOll lyrical of pllformanca on~. hlrdcourt Oil~. It II & tatarnent to the Mrtotllnell of the Aklgl cw tMt It lnlplred the plllliof\ It did. Now ht he II a bona ftde, alJ.lt -~ metilbra ol the Bolb'l Cdk:s, cWei ICbr1g chai1 ..... ol the Natk>nal a...tball Allodatlon, Ainge has put al the fwor behJnd him and can concentrate on his game., Hard to beliew it was only months ago that he was waring the besebaJl uniform of the American League's Toronto Blue Jays. But on Sept. 24, after ftnally deddlng that he was "a better basketball payer than a baseball player," Ainge announced his retire· ment &om baseball In the middle of a three-year, $525,000 contract with the Blue Jays. The Celtics, baseball contract or no baseball contract, made him their third pick (31st p&ayer chosen ownJI). Ainge h1mseJf attend- ed the draft. dling dilaetely alone In the back ol the room to see which pro team might have the temertty to select him. Soon thereafter he stood In dv· vies In Federal District Court In Manhattan, seeking to escape his baseball pact. The reason was that Ainge was not pleased with his commitment to bwball. A third baseman, he had been pegged by the Blue Jays as "the next Brooks Robinson ." But at the plate, he more closely resembled Brooke Shields, hitting all of .187 (a pound under his playtng weight) with no home runs In 1981. Few fans knew much about his baseball career, but nearly everyone remembered his heroics In last year's N.C.A.A. basketball finals , when he led Brigham Young Unlve:ntty to a stunning upset of Notre Dame with a. drivlng,fulkourt layup In • the ftnal seconds ol the game. He had proved over a brtlllant four-year career at Brigham Young that, at a wispy 6 feet 5 inches, he could play guard or small forward with equal fadllty, that he could run, pass and shoot with the bat of them, and the N.B.A. scouts garlanded him with praise. The trouble. was that the baMbal1 dJamond and Its doUm had lured him early on. Under N.C.A.A. rules, an athlnt can stgn a profask>nal con- tract In ·one lpOl't and retain his amateur standing In anoeher. So when the bateball ICOUts cam. at the dote of -his hWl·IChool career, Ainge couldn't Nlllt the temptation. 'When I 19* the eo1drad I w sure I wanted to play b• 1bal," Ainge latllr Nfled.d, "but I was too arty. I lhould twve webd until after my tenlor year. I never tmaglned I would hew the kind of yur thlit I did (24.4 potnts ps_ ~ • Brtgharh Young's ~).My~ w thlt I w stuck In a blct attuallon for tt.. ~ and I lhould try and mlike the l110lt out of It. I know I tokl a lpt ol people I DANNY AINGE was going to play baseball, but there's a difference between saying, 'I have a contnK:t to play bMeball,' and 'I have a contract to play baseball but I really don't want to,' which Is how I felt." Even now, Ainge, who just turned 23 on St. Patnck's Day. says, .. rm a ltttJe puzzled by aD the controversy. It's been nonstop for four years, peas* anxious to talk to me about this, as if I were such a unique attllete. rm hardly the first athlete to have the opportunl· ty to play more than one sport." Of course he Isn't. It's common knowledge that the New York Yankees' $20-million outfielder. Dave Says Michele Ainge, "If we had known what all was involved in jumping to basketball, we probably wouldn't. have made that step. " WW\eJd, had his p6d< of the three ma- jor prof~ (be.ebal, foot· be1 and . It Is also true that at one ttme several· ~yen tned their Yel'Mtile hands at two sports at once: Deve DeBusachere and Gene Conley each spent sewraJ hectic yairs pbdWig for major-league teams In the summer and shooting for N.8.A. teams In the wtntw. But that was before the N.8.A. playoffs com· pet8d with the traditional Memortal Day doubleheader for public attention and before the World Series col· llded wtlt\ Hallov.oeen. Baada, no one et. but Ainge signed a long-term coolrec:t in one sport before deddtng .. ~ lay In another. Up to that point, life had been a .ample matter ol studies and games fOr Ainge. and he excelled dordasly In both. He~ up In Eugene, Ont., and In high IChool adUlwd the Uigular honor of bang named to Scholoatlc magazine's ~America ttaml In bwball, belketbal and foot. bel. Bui before melllCUlllng at B.Y.U. In 1977, which he elk* In pllt ...... II a Mcnnon, hi Iced the echool'1 Mormon~. o.nnv _.. • mulalvw hut .. contract wllh T~. He thUI led a cwtou1 IOlt of collglate doub&e Ide: • PfOl'.N- nent campus figure who wouJd pack ' hls books away at the end of the I spring term and gO off to the profes-f sk>nal baseball wms. That klnd of responslbillty will make a youngster grow up and setde" down quJckly. In March of hls sophomore year, Danny manied Mlchete Toolson (whom he met when" he asked to sit beside her on their first day of classes) and became a father (daughter Ashlee is now 2) midway through his junior year. Meanwhile, hls basketball career leaped and bounded even as his basebaU career plodded. He was third-team '11-American his sopho- more year, second·teem aD-American hls junior. Then came his fabulous senior year, when his aforementioned spectacu1ar feats In the N.C .A.A. playoffs captivated natioMI attention. The nation's college coaches even voted him Kodak's player of the year award, ahead ol felow seniors Mark Aguirre and lsiall Thoma&. His professional bwbd stattsth were less a matter for celebration. A. the Ul-starred 1981 season began, Ainge had hit just . 239 over two seasons bouncing back and forth be· tween Toronto and ID 5yracuM farm tern. Blue Jay president Peter Bavasl and vice paeaiimt Pat G9d< Nmained high on Ainge, but Danny did not en- tirely share their enthusiasm and began hinting he would rather jump to pro basketbell. That was all Red Auetbach, savvy general manager ol the Cdics, needed to hear. His bldcourt of Tiny Ar· chhld and Chris Ford WM aging, and Ainge was just the sort d hot· shooting, highly maneuverable guard the Celtics like. Auerbach saw In Alnge's versatility the reincarnation of John Havbk, the &ongtlme CeJtic - "Sixth Man" now destined for the N.8 .A. Hall ol Fame. Auerbech decided to make a full-teale bid for AJngc. In Iha bottom of the ming. A ball was hi Into the hole, and I claw to 1eve a run. Thea I tried to throw h«M, but I dnw my arm out. I think I got a The Blue Jays heard the drums too, of course, and Mnt out letters of dilcouragement to all 23 N.8.A. teams before the June bmketball draft. The C.eltlcs dedned dlecour· agement and picked him anyway. The strike-shortened baseball season followed. and it was a dreary one for Ainge. "I reaU. now I had never been happy tn bueball," Air9 says. and his play Nfiected that dleenchantment. Listen to his final b11•11D memory: "Do I remember my lllt bwball game? I sure ~It WM Iha 13th Inning on a cold rugJ\t In Toronto. They put me In et lhcntop .. touch of tendonldl, which I stll1 feel playing t.ketbal. That's what I 1enlember about my IMt beseball game." Ainge decided to go with the Catties, and the Blue Jays took the caM to Federal court. Ainge claimed GOck had dven hbn wrbal pennis· lk>f'I to play besketball. The Blue Jay front office saJd that WM not the tall; 8avMi aid In court hta ruction to Ainge'• pronounc.mcnt wa1 .. "an (~on,.6} The problem, you ·see, is that 23-year-old Danny Ainge is just too talented for his own good. MMllY WUKl.Y, Mltcfl 21, -e t DANNY AING• /condnu11d from~ 5) .. ·ailing wtfe being left behind by her husband for a blond floozy In Boston.'' The jury agreed that Ainge had no right to break his baseball contract. It was said that the Blue Jays wanted to beat Auerbach more than they wanted to keep Ainge, but legally It did not matter: The court ruled that Danny Ainge still belonged to Toron- to. Ainge, vowing that he was serious· ly through with baseball, returned to . Brigham Young to coach the basket- ball junior varsity. As if all this weren't enough for him to contend wtth , Michele gave birth to their second child, son Austin, In Oc- tober. "'The whole affair put a lot of pressure on my famlly," Danny con- cedes. Michele Is Willing to go a step further. "I didn't really care which he played," she said recently. "I Just wanted him to be happy. But I will say this: When we made the dedslon to jump to basketbell, we didn't have any Idea what all It would entall. lf we 3 WAYS BE I I ER: No-hit Ainge sang the blua In T0t0nto, when M never batted ~ .243. had known, we probably wouldn't have made that step." Still, Danny stood his ground, and the painful negotiations between the two clubs begM, with the Blue Jays demanding what amounted to a $1-mUhon ransom. Anally, on Nov. 27, a full month after the start of the N.B.A. season, the Celtics managed • Tablet for tablet, it has SO°/o more pain reliever. to win Ainge's re&ease and sign him. Best estimates put the payoff to the Blue Jays at $500,000, with Ainge signing a Celtic contract for either two or four years (so It will not expire In 1984 along with that of Larry Bird, Boston's millionaire star) for between $400,000 and $500,000 a yeM. Predictably, Ainge has started slow- ly, playing seven or eight minutes a game. Rare Is the rookie who ever tnaks Into the Celtic lineup under the '4 best of condJtlons, and Ainge missed o the entire pre-season and a month of I. play. Right now, as the team's fifth guard, playing mostly In nonaitical situations, Ainge Is proving to be a { fine shooter. though his floor game and timing remaJn Inconsistent. "My game has been spotty so far," Ainge concedes. "Good moments and bad moments. But I wanted very badly to be a CeJtic, and f m just glad to have It all done. The other players were great from the start. They've gone out of their way to make me feel comfor- table. on and off the court. It makes you feel part of the group when you get razzed by everyone else." For their part, the veterans on the club Uke Alnge's look on the court. • It gets more pain reliever into your bloodstream in the first few minutes when arthritis first flares up. •It gives you protection against aspirin stomach upset, Bayer doesn't. Arthritis SttengthBllEBlll --- Says forward Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell: "He can't look like a seasoned veteran. Right now. though, I see his potential as a pro. He shoots the ball extremely well. He plays good defense. He's a player who's going to help this team In the future." Insists Auerbach. "He's going to be a great player, not just a good one. He's got that baby face and guys think he's kind of weak, but he's really a tough kid. He's got the quickness, he's got the shot, and he's got a lot of Intestinal fortitude. He's a winner. He just needs to learn a little about the pro game. It's only a matter of time." Ainge likes Boston so much he has already bought a new house In the ritzy suburb of Newton. Now. at last. he feels at home. "rm a lot more comfor· table now than I was." he admits. "I think I can contribute more on the basketball floor than I did on the baseball field ." Still, he's well aware of what he's up agalpst. "The first thing I have to do," he says, "Is beat raw. somebody out of a job." IAJ Harle Goodmon Is a frulonc• writer who fr•· quenlly cot11tn the '"°'" world for ·FAMILY W EE<LV ': Is Botedom an Occupational · Hazard? In a further test, sub}ects were divided into two additional categories: (a) judging types (who have a tendency to come to a conclusion about what· ever they perceive), and (b) percelv· Ing types (who have a tendency to simply observe and be aware of their surroundings rather than to form judgments). The investigators noted that judgjng types seem to be more satisfied with their jobs than do 1"9111 perceiving types. l&J By John Glbaon · TRUE OR FALSE? 1. A dull, boring job won't cause you any prc>91ems. 2. Working hard can be good for your health. 3. Many people who give serious thought to switching careers end up changing-their minds. 4. How happy you are with your job may depend on whether you are an Introvert or an extrovert. ANSWERS 1. False . A study of 23 occupations. conducted by the University of Mkhi- gan 's Institute for Social Research, found lhat boring jobs are the hardest on your health. The survey noted, for example, that "assembly-line workers reported the most boredom and the greatest dissatisfaction with their work load. as well as the highest levels of anxiety, depression, lrrttation and somatic {physical) disorders." 2. True. The lnstitute for Social Re- search study showed tMt jobs involv- ing a high degree of responsibility cause the least amount of . psycho- somatic illness. FamUy ph.ysidans, for example, put in a large amount of overtime, had very large work loads and reported that their jobs demand· ed a !J"eat deal of concentration. But family physicians also seemed to be the most satisfied with their jobs and also reported low levels of anxiety, depres.slon and lrrttation as well as few somatic disorders. 3. True. Career-development studies by University of Callfomla. investi- gators noted that searching for a new vocation can sometimes give you a more positive perspective on your present job. The researchers observed that a numbeT of people consider • career changes because of difficultta with'~ employees, and when they start job hunting they realize truit changing careers won't solve their problems. The job search does, how- ever. gtve them a sense of having op· tions and taking charge of thetr lives so "they're no longer afraid to face their work problems," the Investiga- tors observed. '1bcy confront their supervisors and often completely re· structure thetr jobs." 4.. True. A Youngstown (Ohio) State Unlvcntty study measured the per- sonalties and worit-1811tfac:tion levels of owf 70() subjects In Vedous OCCU· pational catiegortes. The retean:hers found that extroYeU tend to be more Mtisfted with their Jobs than~. """"4.Y WllJCL'f, MMlft 11: 191 8 1 THIS SALE HAS VALUE ADDED: SINGER QUALITY. FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODEL6104 NOW ONLY $19999 SAVESSQ Off REG PRICE FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODEL 5522/ SHERIDAN CABINET SAVE · $60 OFF REG PRICE VIUA CABI NIT SAVE ~5 Off REG PRIC£ PORTABLE HAND HELD VACUUM SAVE 2Q% POWER MASnR OEl.UXE t..AK,HT VACUUM SAVE $35!. TOUCH-IRONIC* 2005 MEMORY MACHINE SAVE ~250~ BRIARWOOD CABINET SAVE $35 Off REG. PRICE SUPER SPECIAL DELUXE FREE ARM SEWtNG MACHINE MODa 1411 SAVE $150 Off REG PfllCE SEWtNG CHEST $3199 THE SINGER STORE WHERE SNING IS ALWAYS IN STYLE. The Idea cake Pan Perfect for all occasions. Nn '-,.., c:d...._. bwi ,.. rwa wild! N.9e Wan r ac:itilC eew t.a, felliYe P• W. cMa ..... _, .. ,. -........ -·,. Qa.,.., ,_ pll'tJ aa.. iYlly ,....tia.Mllit_, _____ ftttlllptilril!M..._.it'a ,.._.._., • ............... .,.....,r..... . wtridiaM..tT.a.t D illteritr. ,_. eak• .. ·t ltidl. 0.tMe ia. ~ '-"'• r..w ...._ £aieilc. rm,..._'"*_..• ...,_ ,t ea.......i priee an ltllieed. Makes a good gift, too! •Teflotl ti la • r191a1erecs ~ INPont ~ w ~ traoemwi. r-----------, ..... '°'~*:.~ria~~PA~lml I leao•• I I 00nt(11,.....Plllfelrl5J7plual1.25P&H I II ~s:: =-~ Pn fir 110.87 '*" 12.00 PIH •• SAftnDllOM1 • I 0 9'nd ... ,3) F .. lwe Pn tor 114.75plua12.70 PIH I I &ICIGllll 11 ~ c:hecll or monew an11r. madl I I ... 90 Ille COidiy 8'olt tor I talll of I I 1IOIM"_..,0 visA 0 ~ I ' I _ Acct. No. °"' = I ,..... I I....... I I°'" I I naft a. I I WT ... •0121'11: • t101 ......... ""11ls11111 ..... ._,_, .......... ,,. ............ _ I ~ ........ .,_.,..,MC..~ -·!!!_M f-.. "-~-'-~~~~~~~~~~ ......................... .. When Being Apart Brings Couples Togethet Is a person who enjoys solitude a poor bet for a marriage partner? Quite the contrary. says family therapist Carl Whitaker of the University of W1SCOn- sln. Couples who enjoy spending time apart actually feel a greater sense of closeness. Whitaker notes. than do· men and women who never leave · each other's c.ompany. In fact , unless a person enjoys separateness, he or she often can~ tolerate togetherness. Being separate does not mean avoiding closeness or keeping a spouse at a distance . It means being able to function as an individual. If you know you can act independently, then h's possible to overc.ome the fear that belng close to another person means being overpowered, a fear that can get in the way of tntimacy. How <2n cou~ encourage the growth of personal Independence within a loving marriage? Here are some suggestions: • Enlist each other's support for the Idea of Independence by talking frankly about your needs and feellngs. • When you want to be alone, be honest and specific about It. Don 't ex - pect a partner to "know" when you want to do something on your own. • Give your partner the right to be alone without getting jealous. Re - as.sure each other that the need to be separate does not mean you are re - jecting the other person. The Look of Love Do strangers have a more positive perception of married people than of singles? To find out what effect rruuiml status has on how outsiders judge a person, psychologjsts Claire Etaugh and Joann Malstrom of Bradley Uni· verslty In llUnols asked college stu- dents to rate the rebabillty, frlendb- ness. achievements and happiness of married and single persons. Married individuals were seen as more secure and reUable than single people and happier than either di· vorced or widowed Individuals. Wldowed persons were said to be more friendly and Ukeable than either divorced or never-married individ- uals. And singles scored higher In most areas than divorced persons. On the other hand, married per- sons were judged to be less successful In their work than other groups - perhaps, the researchers say, "be· cause It is assumed they must choose between job suc.cess and family syc- cess." But when the results were analyzed by sex, men and women were said to be equally dedicated to their work, equally competent and equally successful. Women outscored men In two areas: The students found them more responsible and competJ!ive. Gtooma Getting Their F..t Wet lllere's new hope for the man who feels he•a been left high and dry when friends give a bridal shower for his fl- anCe.. The "groomal shower" Is growing In popuJanty. A ft>wer tor the !J'OO'tl II a d-nre but cxpandk\g phenomenon, wrte family ~ FcftK Berardo end Heman \Jira of the Untvnty of Ao- rida. It II • protest 9b1llt tndttlonal patterns ol sexual ~. tt'ley say, rdectlng changing attitudes about marriage and a mow toward greater equality between hUlbands and wtves. But there are some dlfferenoes be- tween male and female showers. Un- like bridal showen. where presents emphasize domattdty, gifts at the groomal showa the raearchen 81· tended were tnapcnstve and replete wtth sexual )oka. How did the SJQOm like teltlng the wetera? "His reaction was essendally a feeling of not knowing how to act." wr1te Bersdo and Van. Still, every- one lli!J'Ua th'e event was a r111 "grutparty .. and "lotsoffun." ilLi W-ekend Woes: Why Days Off Can Sting On a Headache By Suaon Gordon F or most of us, the weekend means leaving office tensions behind, catching up on sleep and just relaxing. But dlOM precise weekend benefits can actuaOy cause headaches. In fact. "the vast majority of headaches ocxur durtng periods of relaxation," says David R. Coddon, M.D .. associate profe§OI' of neurology and director of the Head- ache Onie at The Mount Sinai Medical Center ln New York and author of &eolcthrough: The Control of Headache• (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, dU. out this fall). Though il hardly sft!ns fair, the body's systems don't adapt readily to a change in their Monday through Fri- day routine, and In headache-prone people, dmupang the body's pattans can tr'9ger a headache. Here are the causes and the cures for 10me com- mon weekend headaches. aw.r. ,.,.. .. pmaen. If you wake up at 10 A.M. on Saturday after ftve days of ristng at 7. the change In your blood 8ow (and/ or hormonal siptem and biorhythms -sde! cttsas aren't sure of all the factors) may brtng on a headache. In addttlon, "by sleep- ing lat.er and missing your usual breakfast time. your blood1ugar level drops," says Seymour Diamond, M.D.. director of the Diamond Headache Clnk In Chicago and author of Adulce From the Diamond Headache Clinic (International University Pres., due out In April). Dr. Diamond advises setting your alarm for your usual wak•up time. grabbing a bite to eat and then going back to -., If you want to. ~ Cod· don recommends another approach: Get up at your usual time and 1reat yourself to a NP later In the day. u.w.e ..... bebbl: The term "tension hcadachc" ... misn6mer, Dr. Coddon bellava, bee.au.. on-the· job teflllon can actualy preuent headacha. When you're c.nte, your body reJeaMs adrwnallnc, which con· strtcts the blood ~. evening out the flow of blood. When the weekend antVa. without the UIUaJ ........ the adrenalin• recedes, the 8ow of blood " no bnger es cwnly regWaMd and a headache Is more Ukely to occur. To avoid this type Qf headache, Dr. Diamond advises that you plan week- end acttvtties and keep busy. "Maybe relaxation is not for you!" he says. Change In eating habits: A weekend can mean lofs of snacks and p&1y foods. Unfortunately, consuming too much food can alter your body chemistry and cause a headache. In particular. avold eating too many foods containing sodium nitrates, which dilate the blood veseels, often caustng a headache. Nitrates are used primarily in presenied meats -such as hot dogs, bologna and salami. In· terestlngly, undareating can also cause a headache. As mentioned earlier, there's a drop in blood sugar when you mlsa a meal. Shoppers and museum viSitors who skip lunch ere part:icularty prone to this type of headache. A glass of orange juJce or a candy bar can temporarily relieve the pain (because of the sugar). Alcohol: Even if you're normally not a headache sufferer, you may have experienced "the morning after'' Reporta one neuTologist: '7he vast majority of headaches occur during perlad9 of relaxation." headache. Alcohol, like sodium nitrates, Is a vasal dilator (It dilates blood vesMls) and alcoholic drinks contain other substances besides alcohol, such as tannin, which can In· teract wtth the alcohol itself to change your body chemistry. If you wake up with a headache caused by overindulgence, take three plain asptrtns and have a cup of coffee with sugar. The sugar will boost your blood-sugar level, and the caffeine will conlbict the blood vessels (as adrenaltn• does). c•1~· wlthclrawlll: If you're ac· customed to drinking coffM, tH or cola during the week and then cut way down on the weekend, the with· drawaJ could be glvtng you a headache. Try drtnJdr'9 at ie6st a pcrccntl!Qe of the amount you usually CONWne on wMlidays. 0t cut beck on your caffmc contumpdon dur-1"111 Ing the WMk llO yourw 1aMnd '-wl. a.:J ·----------~----~~au~---·-------------I I I t r Genuine Diamond, Emerald, Ruby I: Sapphire Jeweb-y As Little As $3 'a piece UNTRAPR. 25, 1982 ~ Pt.dMi IM /6" .'t ('/t<nni c-i. ~'pt. l':'-r.m ....... .,....... . ' . ,.,,.,, '"'"' """"' .. , ......... ,l3Sl:'" 13 um. \: :l; , ... ~F..-...... ~'"" .... ''-11117() $\~~tr.CJ CenW.t Ruby• $1 ~ I. :..i111 ~,.. ....... ,,~ ~s.ppwn.· "" Pmdol1I r 7. ,-,.. "' ,., ... ..,,,,. ,.\ .~3(> ----------u .. ,..,. ... Ar CJ.tfil ... I .td •• ......... ~~ TN .J1'l -1 ... ifl'N tlunelftjdan s..•. ~. \. -c;lly . ......,.,,,...... Oii 16" s Cho11t) -Vii c;..a.. -1"\ II'· I':'-~ ......... ~ $\ (U.'U'!) -vi~ c~r.-.w ~ (~'lr.•l -1,11" ··~-. <lll-------------- '""' """'-.. IJ ~·-111), - .. _______ ,_. _____ _ it.\NllY WUJU.)', MWllll :l1, ,_ • 11 l'1 ~~~----------------------------~-----~, Howl You Can Start Your Own "Miiiion Dollar" Zoysla uwn! tr,.,.,, ...., • Ille 1n1ne. rou·,. .. ...z1ne 9".f1 c1o1a. 1o make ....,. JOU MM enough lo go wound. And It IOok9 Hile "'ln9I are OOint lo •t8f ..... wer. OM tnr lo cut openee1 II lo cut ... COltl, MCI wort, of lewn care. For ............... ""*about ..... .,... ..... that ... Md mowed It ontr twice ALL SUMMER. She hadn't .,..e a cent on '"ecMclHen. Not one cent for fertlizerl. Yet her lawn •• • II'"" and weed-free n a phcarpet. ZOSYIA LAWNI STAY 8RHN THROUGH HlAT AllD DROUIHTI Let tbe ICOfc:binl sun bum lawns around you into ba}"-four ZOJ'lia •lays fresh and sreen. an emerald isle of beauty. I ha¥e yet to water my own ?OYU• lawn. One d.,-I uw tbat IT\Y q,rinkler htd tot~ cobwelfs! In Iowa. a zoytia lawn wu declared tk area's "Top laWft-Marly PCffccL" Yet tbis lawn bad beC1I watered cin(y once tbat a.tire wni- lllCll . CUT voua WATDt •UL'-SAVt: THf: WORK 0 1' LAWN sPlllNKLI~. START A FAMOUS ZOYSIA ca.us LAWN NOW. w .. cMdllln1 chemlc1l1 ere NOT NH'.DED fOf a WHd·f,... Zop&e Lawn How ii 1t pou;ible tbM Famous Merer Z-'2 ~ ata}'I weed-Cree without u.in~ upm- sive, risb cbt:mical17 It SJO'ln so thick that crlbaral (weed) ~ don't tet cnouth li1t11 to IU1Din•l91 J HH Cut Mowlnl To Once A Month 7.oysla atooQ tidew111. not Juat up lllte Of• ctiDary If ... h fota a thkl., interwowa ~ of 1urf ttl.i be111 ht "IJ.pOCIC'Md look -.ks loeeer. h cvll your mowiaa by ba1f, 2/) Of monl " -,_.~.,•nd'• .Ttn""'' l oyau Plua ia Ld:ela.nd Zonia and neYU buy pW Med ... ill.~ la.,ns don't pow old: theJ: jus& srow better. Tbty aparkJe under 100" heal ..• stay sretn lhrCIUP droulllla. T'he1 tttilt dw-.s llld in.cts which ruin Of· dlaarf ~ After ah.-p frosts, they only ,;w up their J*n color, Ihm ..-n up bet· ter th111 ner each followl111 Sorint-Famou1 io,.i.a ;.-.. y~ llle c:loee14 1hl111 to an in· delUuctibll Ian JOU ...... nfl' MCI\. lndt W1Moutl °" ltMp l lopn ~w....ou-...... 00,..., ~ ZO)'ll9 bolltt IOI! In plact, atopa ii froe fttbill aws.r from .ao,c.. h's y~r pcdect Mt.., fat WOfft out Of weedy ~­too, ln a lYl*at M'WIPQltf ertide I rHd (~): l\jQ l\jf(r! '0 l')I(, •n '""II' A~ .. PLUG IN I.,,, /0«,1A "~rallin1 your c:uiwnt Inn" requ1rn the r I wlfclion of lrW ~ plus ··re1ular ap- p lcations of feriiliur (and lime •here needed)... Tbi1 anicle allO \llid rou need. ''Weed, insect and di1nx c:urmo . ·• Sound f lllli liaf? Of oou ne I Wlly not fortet all that work and upcnie, and plu1 in famOUi Meyer Z..S2 Zoysia'! To upsrade your lawn with ZO'J'ia. don't d11 it up. Just Kt plugs into holn in 1hc wiil a fooc aput or lcs.s. Let lboK plup SPfCDd toward each other ao form a c:arptt uf solid turf. Growth b so viaorou• it cholcn out old f!lU1~la)'." •nnt to let rid of. WEEDS IN· ''°"' Coett to C~at ,...,.Write to ,.,.. .. ,..,. p,_ ff ...... N.Y .. E. La· "ocha WTilC$ bow he pl"'11cd olu11 "in the wont pouible place-clay wit)\ weeds and 1ravel •.. It formed a 4• thick car~t of 11•~. Not chil· drtt'I, clop. cits, rabbi~ uuemelJ bot •un Of dro11111,t could ktll it." ,. • • Wfl e~ W bouaht our Zoysla "for a weed infcittd ~pol -It took care of the problem." r-........ M.A. Low. Sr. writct bow he vbiltd a phyticlan friend in Alben Lea. Minn. where ht »• a "wtlok back yard was enlireli in z.oysia and it wa1 beautiful.. .• dttp arcen. Tiie tuccct1 or many tbotMnd• of dclisfltcd Famous• ZoJs,ia owners awaitt you. Prove it to yourwlf todty. ''lame Der 'nMh' n. day we cut your plup is the day they are on their wa:r to you. lltcau.c frclhncu C9'&ftts. lAllaland Us 2 11'ipptna l!()lnt1. one "' the Midwe:M aftd OM in the ~L Your ptu• .IO out ronn the ncamt P<)'nt '-Same Dey f ""1" and rudy to pow, 1hlppln1 cher,. collection Ille mOM ccOftOmkal • .,. OD credit clld ~ the 111ippln1 COM ril tit ~ bJ ua .ct b&IW to your account. t..k.,and'• f '!!"".!f4. 30-8.,0W·Z.,o Zor•I• Tues We.,, THr, CookOClft, Children'• G•mea ... Alter 30 8elow Zero Wlntera, It Bouncn S.Ck OrHn, Tltld, And 8Nutit111! Cloae•I Thing To An lndHtrucUbl• Lawn You H•n EHt Sffltl Poor ,Soil? Ho Problem! Ow Famous l.oysia plup are so vip>rous we 1uaranice them to srow whatever your soil-from heavy cla>'s to taDd:y aub-soils. You C&MOt lose. ...,_ Z-62 Zoysla Ora11 was l)ef'tec:ted br ._ U.S. Govt. and reteaalO In co- oper'lllon with the U.S. Goll Aasoeiallon. A001t£SS _________ _ CITY------------ llATt------Zll'·---- I tllCloM dlecll Of 111.0. fof ._ ___ _ (Kl I AL m. tdd 111" ~ ...... "fnM· ....... c.flwt" ............... . to avoid dtlt1 II tlltllvtrJ to ltMl ltoutn I ... No.,,. ... , lllChldt,...,, •1 pfloae -· .., (Araa Codi),,,.,.,.~~-~-~ a.Mii Ti..,, a llllatMCllar .. o Olw• c1.-, C C.11111--. OAIMrlCH[lffns C VllA Acct."°·----------t•p .... rrs so EASY AND INEXP£NSrYE TO START A MAGHlflCENT ZOYSIA LAWN Stan your own masnifk:cnt. ptrennial r.o)"'ia lawn with u few :a, 100 plup. Just let your plup citabli!Jl -.olid turf. Then take up tran)plants and pluJ 1n other placn 10 your hurt'~ dc\ire. Plu11ed area\ ll'OW rlaht back into solid turf Your Ju~ ply of plu1-1 i., endlts~ PrlcH and 8ar1alns If JOU plant mott 1rau thll <1lS thtre an 'trualn-or d~ on you-you may not miu your work and~oo~. It's the time you c:annot rcc:o"er. So :ue don't c:onfuw l.aktland's JO-Below-ro Zo~a with any onlinary turf offered a_, a "bar· &ain." If our ph•IS cost a lilllc mon in the bcamnina. 1hcy remain, in the 1001 nm. the only true b:upin for your lawn. Ord9r t UM•ntHd TLJ!"!!E4 ..,.._ :z:s-· for •lh'HJ r.--.... -. ..-.. v-, ~ wt11 .. .......... ,..,.. .. '°,.... .. ,.... ... . . ·1.~111? ' .,· . "-· -~ . ·" • 11' 0 200 l'U.CS (l00093SY) + 90 FllU 'lUCS V1lu1U!Ut,1.0lllJ 110.!I ••• yM laft t!.l4 0 200 l'lUCS a l'LUCCO ILOOOIMY) + eo f11£E l'lueil Valve $I0.2A ... Ollf 111.!I, .• YM Ult te.2' P\. ... i 1iClMi mi iifi NMllS or -·-fUll 11 HO l'lUCI ~79Y) + FltU l'lUCGElt I J.50 FllCl P\.UU Yal11t $43.17 .... 1' Jll.M .. TM lllfe ftUJ n 1000 l'lUCS R.oonolY) .. nu l'lUQCU • )00 Fm "'* Y1hlt $11.JI .. ..., Pl• .. YIMI ll¥t $45.6' U lOOO l'lUU !UIOU9'YI + f'llll P\.UGlllt ·-~"''* va1111ns1..u •. ..., ....... ._ .... ,, .... C AIU SIZl llO*lllO P'l.11'41Elt OlllY R.OOOZ7IH>... • • • • · • · M• CJ JOOO fllllca (UIOlllOY} + I no PlUOCCltl a 100 "'°" MOOll7Y> + ao NI "'"" • eoo f'lllt "'°" V!f917 ...... d*JU!. I.'"' ... f !.lt V•hll f!!!.U ..... pu!..,. ...... ..,, lit ------ - --- ----·• MJt.t. &•--• .. ---------_ _. I 1 r~;.-.;;, IMO, .. •·111\,.. ................. .._-. ;,;1-----.... t lwt, I WMt t. llJoJ frHll-PiCUd i-to toof. D [liclOMd 11 (cllKkormOfleJordtf') ' --Ollt ti ..._! KilldlJ llUSH Tll£[ !'A rtSldMta ldd Mita~.) TIJlllMTOU (UOllfO() IS llllfated below on I ...,..11 11111r•• ritllfT llAME I 0 t TllfE TOMATO e 11111}' $$." + eo. ,oat. a ---------- 1 0 ~~£ TOMATOU e only $9.91 + Sl.40 jlOSt. AOOflUS ---------- 1 a Ml1. CITY I 0 4 Tiil£ TOMATOES e oely $1Ut + $2.AO ------------ llOSt. • lldl1. I CIWla IT: 0 Allltrlc.al [Qtln 0 CartUt.lldlt ITATt ,, ____ _ I a 0111en c1• a v111 a ... 11"' Cll•rs• a CMcil ,..,. llld aelld so. ror 1 111r•s sw1erlptl011 to our full color 11urury e111101. I Acc't No. Exp. Ott• --(Ull9S7X). L--------------· e "·"·'· 1..c .• 1112., _____________ .,,, DOES 60 lbs. OF TOMATOES FROM ONE YIELD SOUND INCREDIBLE? NOilE10U OWN THl: TREE TOMATO II• IM t111 l!IOlltllt of Ille ,..,1 Of ••• cuttl· *' t111 Ml TOMATO n I .....,lilt 1nJ1l111e t i llM r.E TOMATO wlll ecftllW 1111 18 I ft. ......... 1M1t It u.. tit t,.... to"""""'"""'" ...... I .UOY TIU TOMAJIU U IWft OILICTAIU WATSI Wt t11• mt TOMATOU "' _.. tlslltf !NII .,,._,, a-t• ... 11'1 IWf II 111111 I .-t~~J t(!Mr, -. "'111RC·Wltll-IOOdntU IHI• tr-! ==C, TME·TOMATOU lfl llMIOlll ht I 1111111 lft IMollltelY fllQllfc ......... ,......-1 D.~;!:.:·,::=rt:"~ --TCllll I M 9Mf\m ••• llOT , Ml T I TOOilTI ....... ~ ....... nit 1lll ,_ .... ·~:--"-lllftl· """81 ~... • ..... f'll'W..., ... ....,., -· ...... ! •• -·,....., ...... .... tlllt wttllttt .. -'"" .. ...., ••• ICJJ? I ......... GIOWS llDOOIS OI OUTDOOIS ... YOU ra usm um US1tT °' 11Pt T&Sn TOMATOU ••. ONI IUMI CIOP Amt ANOnB ••. S TO 1 MONnG A nAI ... nAI Ami nA11 From New ZHland comes the ltillftf 11rcltn sensation of the century • • • Tll PERENNIAL TOMATOI Genuine Leather Why Pay~ Why Pay~ • H~. Double·stitch Oeta1lin1 • Cobbler·Cr1tted • American Made • Concelled Sturdy lnnef Zipper • Smooeh, Buttet·soft Luther • LOfli·wearin, Composition Sole •nd Heel $1¥1 $1.78! 2 prs. $31.00 Here'a lfle town boOt ol the renge-odlng W.-mtt rugged.~. nc>-flOI-• No wond9f .. "*' °' ...... ~. '°' r,.11erM1191 W9y °' .... , The bold. ~~gc)Mgr'MI WllhlPCX1S dalfWI Ind,..,,. Ind .. -...i ... .,, dMigrl glvee a ·~ Ir loOk to lhe bulNes IUit. TNe8-ofl'a0.....9oot v°'..-1 WNI' thaM boota ...,.,y oey, ~. Thly'rw hard to bNll klr ~ The 9lippla ....,_...,_and 1t'9 Ngh eNfl cradlle anldaa. &di~ .... you aAip it on Ind off •Miity •• loaJaf. Man-made .-lndhellfMllV ~up 10 .... and .... Don't mlal l'9 c:Nnce 10 get itn aeeaon'1 t.t boat buy! .......... :.,,,.,,8,8'i'l,8,8'i'l, 10, 10'1'a, ''· 12 ...... : C, 0, E. Cellrl: Cofodainn Brown, ltedl EJbB Vlbl.rA&f! !iffEP HaMWtr, Pa. 17331 TRY THEM AT OUR RISK! ..... Wlllll11 14 111'9 hf Ml!lltf ltdl ( ..... -' WllJ. •----------SATISfACTIOR ~MAIL COUPOtl TOOAYI ·---------• OLD YIWCl SHOP, .,..._ f'M·~HI, )40 ...,.., tbett, HMtwt, rA I 7Ul ,,... Mii --,,.., of 1111 9tttltl .. LIMller "•llldllro" ~ .... "' Ille ... fltcl of ,.,.. $11 ... ,-$2.10 ...... end htNR .. Oii -f'lllNT NAME--------- MMr·lllli: ........ ••_,°'"' ... Jilin tor,... ua.oo""' M1011US ---------is.oo,...... • '-"'• • .... ......,.** ......... CITY------------"" r::r,r..._., STATt ------=n..~....&c.. a.·e .... ----------.._ Dllll ,.... "~ zw __ _ OCl!tc' ._. IM _. .. ,_ ..._... .. te • 'E-1' C ~~ 11111 tllf fflllleU ~ .... ,._.== =:;'_.w,~lf:.....,. --------------~-.......... -. im~~--------------4 I t i ~----------------------~ I TIE POTEllT .... , , AID I I FOi Cl EllPAI RA'S DAY ! I FREE! ALOE i I Aloe Vera ii t.he raft, m)'tierioua I I ~ plant menUoDld in the 8ible. It• VERA I thick, aplny lenee coot.I.in a pl eo ~ I I remarkable the Esy~tiana or I I Cleopatra'• era ca.Jled it mqical." Ancient Greeb UMd it in coametic I I belma. Today iu~er la deeply re-I I apectecl, althou modern ecienee cannot run, exp a.in the plant'• er. BEAUTY I I £ectiven.eu. Now Aloe Vera'• 3,600 year old beauty LOTION I I aecret hu been re-di9c:overed. And juat in Um.. 4 OZ I Today' a world ia moat dlftlcuJt £or your akin. Witiely · I we are readiina again for Nature'• pntle sifta lib I 11 ~~i:.r.:i::,1::,= !::i!:t!'.1v:: the predoua Aloe I Vera pl bu been concaitrated and combined with other super .JDCM. I I tur.Uerund natural lubricant. in" ALOE VERA BEAUTY LOTION." I I ALOE VERA BEAUTY LOTION alma to help NVitaliJ.e dull. dry, acinl altin ... to help rac:W .tin npin Ion arnootho•uncl mobture. I I and toorecU.o it. fNah look. I Find outl .......... Ml ..... 4 oz. ...... °' ALOE VERA BEAUTY •• I LDTION {lndllilll t1 ID Mlp cowr ,_... Md t.Mllna). I ...._. ......... C:"••s 11 I 1CMw.tJldlwtk.1' ..... al01 I 1 ....... i.. o CMtk o ~Old.,..,.'° ~1, _........,. • haDcllu... I I s-s-.., nu ruu..._ .. •.J-rot ALOI VERA BEAUTY umoN. Sony. I I llO CaneclWI ow-. ...,W-«111 -6r per,...,., ,.... •• Pn•lf-1 ~ I I c.t, o 1•......,-. 91-. z1, I ·----------------------· For .. ,.... tbal Stieb or SqUMll.a. u.i.a..... ... orcs. ,,.... .......... ~-hlbric:Ma. It really \\Urks. • 'f\)U7 ·~J Adorable Bunny toys are easily made from soft terry cloth. Craft ·157 has pettem pieces for 11" toys and costumes: full directions. Send $1.00 to tndude poa.geand ....... f« uch pettem to: f...UV W..ldv ,.. ......... P.O. Bos al. o..t. A·l98 .......... SWlon New York. N.Y. IOOll ~ ............. .-... "_ ffliiAoJ ~--)t ... ,~,-!"" ...... ··~J Can an IRA Really make You a m1llionai1e? By Andrea Powlyna The new Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA's) are being touted as a wage earner's dream of financial securtty come true. The question ls, are they as good as they sound? IRA's have been around since 1975, but in the past they were avail· able only to work· ers not covered by company pen· slon plans. Since Jan. 1, however, when the Eco- nomic Recovery Tax Ad took ef. feet, anyo ne earning an In· come (and this In- cludes about 80 million working Amertcans) auto- ma tic ally be- comes etgille to start his or her own tax-sheltered retirement plan -with compounded Int.rest. Under the law, indMduala are allowed to contribute $2,000 a year to an IRA. Couples with one working spoUte can invest $2,250 and two-Income couples can salt away $4,000 yearly. Whatever money you put Into an IRA is deductible on your Income tax return. For ex.ample, if you have a tax· able Income of $25,000, you will pay $700 las In Federal Income taxes next year If $2,000 ol that Income Is depostwd In an IRA. What's more, earnings from IRA contributions are not taxed until you ~ withdrawing mqney after ag1 591/t -when, If you've re- tired , your tax. bracket wtll bl Iowa. How fut your money ~. of coune, ct.pendt upon the interest rate that ta being pllkl by the fnttltudon you lnvat wtth , and tt wtl vary ct.p.ndlng on economic: conditions. • AIWha Pawl),lno re •Ire-"--.,,.., ..,.rtmllillq M CONUINr ""*'· '' • fMIM.Y WUIU.Y, Matoft l1. tm Consider the following: A 30-year-oki worker who In· vats $2,000 a year In an IRA for the next 35 years (assuming daily compound· Ing and an average Interest rate of 12 percent) will retire wtth the grand sum of $1 ,161,137. Your money muJtiplk!s fastest when In· terest Is compounded daUy, rather than annually or quarterly. "Be.coming a miltlonaire ts naturally going to be an en· tldng factor," says Rita DowMy of Baltimore Fed· mil Sr.dAgs & Loan' whkh has been heavily promoting Its IRA "Mllllonatre's Oub." There are a vartety of IRA's to choose from. Banks, savings and loan MIOda· tions, Insurance c:o,npanies, credit unions, brokerage houta, even the U .S. Trea· swy Department. are offcrr· Ing IRA's In the form of cert!· ftcates of deposit, annulties. stocks and mutual funds. Some employers are also setting up peyroll-deductk>n plans for tha workers. Which approach ls bat for you? Banks and other lend- ing lnltttU1k>ns offer MCUrlty, but th.y tend to pey lower In· terat rates. Stocks and mutual funds, on the od\C hand, dangle potentially ~-tmnlngl b.doN you, but they pOM an element of rttk. Anandal plannm point out-ihat your age, cunent ftnandll ..... and GJltlng rdrernent CO\lm9 should be carefully weighed before deddtng where to put your money. "I'd tell a younger person (30 to 40) to put the money In an aggresive growth fund of stocks and mutual funds wtthln an IRA," says Harry Gulnivan, associate director of pubbc Information of the Investment Company ln· stttute in Washington, D.C .. a group which represents mutual funds. Counselors often advise swttchlng to a 1 conservative, Federally in· sured bank cert:lflcate as retirement nears because It offers a stead• return . Contributlons to an IRA can be large or small, de· pending on what you can af- ford, as long as yoti don't ex- ceed the annual limb set by law. But once the money Is deposited, it cannot be with· drawn before you reach age 591fl without your lnamtng subltantial penalties. According to Internal Revenue Service rules, early withdrawals are taxable as I ordinary Income. In addition. • 1 ().percent penalty 1s levied I on the amount withdrawn. (These penalHes are waived I In the event of death or dlsabiltty.) When you reach 591/t. you may begin making with· drawals without penalty, al- though you do not have to take any money out until age 70•/t. From then on, a mini- mum withdrawal schedule Is required. The IRS permits you to transfer your money from one account to another once a year, provided tho money LI reinvested within two months al withdrawal. IRA'•· howewr, aren't for cwrycnc. Money needed for a down peyment on a house or for a collage education, for example, ahould be left fairty bquld. And If Inflation con· tlnues at Its pNM.nt pace. ~ $1 millon won't buy much In 35 ye ... h wll1 have about as much buylng power u SS0,000 today. according r.:;~~ of ll!J BOOKS AND COOKS~ By nlotllyn Honaen R auWc Nablduo. by Don Man- nablrg, M.D .• and June Roth. publllhed by Hawthorn, New Yark, ($13.50), should help you to look and feel better. It II a fMdnadng book concerned with how to achieve good health ~ good nu11tion and good Mng habits. The Introduction states, 1'he . seaet of preserving youth and vitality 50 that each day cast be used to its fullest, both physically and mentaly, Is to maintain good oxygen delivery to the brain .... There's a direct relallonsh!p of nutrition to the availabdily of ox- ygen to the blood. That .. what aerobic nutrition Is aD about. . . . A change ol daily dJet to permit an unblocked now of oxygen throughout the body. along wllh a change ol at- titude that will keep the mutdef of the body In frequent modor), could man a change In your~ b a long and vttal life." The book allo COi dains an aerobE nUlrlllon weight-Iola diet and a large cok:tion of recipes. Each recipe has been tabu&1trd for protein, unllltu- rated and l8luraled fat. carbohydnms and calories. The authon are weD qualified. Dr. Mannerberg, former medJc:al director of the Cooper Clinic of the Aeroba Cenm, Dallas, Texas, Is now In prtvaM pracdce. June Roth has wrtt- filn many nubtion books and cook· books. lndudlng &*-Free Coobtg ...,., ,...,,. and Spots (Cont.m- ·ponry Books, OUcago). SMNISH BAKED FISH .... (l-411d161dl>~ a,4 .... ~ ..... a,4 9 ' ............ ,..,. \4 ca•~-. 1 ............... .... I ts 0 II ... ......... ........... I" s 111 ............ .... I~ ................ . IA~.,.._, ..... ... IA~ ..... .._.~ - l . ~ own to 3500f. W,.,. fllh wllh dmmplMd PIS*.,..,., Sprinkle wllh ... ,.,... PIPPlf Md nu!meg. • I. Amnge onion .. and pniento In boDoln ol 8)( 12.-tnch b.adng dllh. Top wllh I Tl I l>t-fllh .. , ... lgld lids by tide. Cowr .. pis.a ol ... . .,..., ** ....... wlh allnl ... . flln ... 0011• ~ .. : -9d MM end t..s~ ..... ~ ...... .,........ ......, ..... Taat1 .. Eldl-WV fl\T Fl\T RO' . PnlMill tMllt&nMd s...d l:atd¥ft-Clb'9I IPM> v-s> flJMts> (pis) 123 5..5 4.4 IO -20.5 .95 .1 10 tit Landmark Smoker Study: One Low tar cigarette consistently proves it can meet the taste d~mands of higher tar smokers. The cigarette: 'Enriched Aavor~ MERIT. MERITBeats 10ughest Competitors. In impartial tests where brand identity was concealed, the over- whelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than -leading higher tar brands. Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Yu Heelth. . 1asae Debate Fnds. In a second part of the same study, smokers confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in completing their successful switch from higher tar brands. Confirmed: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT is an easy switch, that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-tasting low tar they've ever tried. Year after ~ear, in study after study. MERIT remains unbeaten. Th.e proi1en taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. O l'Nlll MoniJ Inc. 19"2 Ale: I 1111 "t1C 0.8 .. !Mc:otint--Mltl: 7 "II "w;· 0.6 .. .._ t00'1A1t:8 .. "w;'0.71111~100·1•: 10 ..... :· u ........ "·,. ~ m: ...... Mlr:lt • Ki¥&100's The lmpo1tance Of Being Ptalsed By Jody Goylln W hen LlttJe Jack Homer stuck In his thumb. pulled out a plum and said, "What a good boy am J." he may really have been on to something. Praise ls an Important ingredient In raising a happy, conftdent child. Unfortunately, according to Donald Peters, profasor of human devek>p- ment at Pennsylvania State Universi- ty, some parents tend to overpraise their children. while others tend to LJttk Jade Homer: Pfumb proud. underpraise. Nonetheless, the right ldnd of praise and the ~t amount can stimulate and motivate a chlkl, aid In the development of his talents and bolster his self-esteem. Child- development experts offer some do's and don'ts: •Be spedflc:. When Tommy bulJds a tentflc tower out of blocks, don't just tell him what a good boy he Is. Jt' s a positive remark but too vague. And don't say something like, .. You11 be a h engineer someday and make us aD 10 proud:' By doing that you are reaJly just using your child's ac- compWuncnt for your own seJf-ag- grandlzement, points out child psychiatmt Rkhard A. Gardner In his book, Understanding Children (Cradw Therapeutk:s). lnstead. let your c:hlld knoW wNit. an ~ tower he built. By linking your ap- proval to Im spedftc achievement, you not onty encourage him to do mor8 but allO hq> him Um what your vlllua m\d standards me. When your child does IOmCthing bed INtad ol good, tM Mme rule applla. Make an It II tM beh.vior, not the child, you condemn. A child who spills his milk at the dinner table should not be told that he Is clumsy and awkward. Such negntive labeling, says ~ school ~ Bonnie Maslin, only damages his self- lmage. Instead, agree that It ls a shame the milk was spilled -and teach him how to clean It up and avoid doing it again. •Don't overpraise. "Children are great lie detectors," says Maslin . Go- ing overboard about a minimal ac- complishment won't fool a child . According to Gardner, some par- ~nts go too far with theJr praise because they cannot pennJt them- selves to see any defects ln their child- ren. A parent who is disproportion- ately overjoyed at his daughter's suc- cess on the tennis court, says Maslin , puts extraordinary pressure on her. Too much praise can frustrate a child by setting goals that are too high. On the other hand ... •Don't be too honest. Despite aD the warning about praising too much , most of the experts agree that there ls a place f« the gentle whtte lie. When yow 4-year-old b1ngs home a sticky, messy Mother's Day card, it would be mean for you to comment on the ar- tistic merits of the work according to adult standards, says Gardner. Besides, he adds, when you tell him or her the drawtng Is beautiful, you are really re$p0ndlng to the feelings of love poured Into the aeation and your response to those efforts. •Avoid "k>adeo praise. A parent who says, "The pk:tu.re ls beautiful, but wouldn't it be better to put the tree over there," or, "The 98 on your math test Is ftne -maybe next time you'll • bring home a 100," ln)plidtly atticlzes his chJld, conveying to him that he hasn't quite measured up, ays Maslin. This type of praise doesn't stimulate or encourage a child to repeat a noteworthy performance; It only results In anger or &ustration. •Be consistent. Acoording to Donald Peters, 1ame parents dllh out pralle ·only when they are feeling ~. ?rm. should be baled on your chid'• behavior, not on your tnood. Peters believes that no chtJd Is too young for praise. He urges parents to pay cloM attention to their chdd' 1 behavior to that they can be specific tn their pr-.. MOit parents don't need to be Nmilded when to IClOld their chi.Id. but when it comes to ~ hJm rW1t and wrong, a pat on the t-=k CSI be CWf'I more effedlve fm than a twel on the behind. _., IWllltlY WUl(lY, MatCll ti, *2 • 11 I I I I SAVE 50°/o NOW ONLY OR. LEONARD'S, Dept. FW .. 7 HMtth Care Products AMPLIFIES CALLERS VOICE! • Speak & hear normally without asking callers to repeat themselves. • Undetectable. un- breakable beige plastic. • Slips over all phone receivers. no tools required. • Ad1ustable volume control. • FREE battery included FREE FOOT ANO HEALTH CARE CATALOG Plua a $2.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE 85-19ttt Street, Broolclyn, NV 11232 Print I i!~•eeeh=·=·~::. NM\e I D Send me my, FOot l HNIBI Add,... I c-.og' my 12.00 Gift~ . --------;,_,_,;;..;..__ ' 8'.=:.:.r4 o YIM ~~_:._ City ' I e1re1 • Sea•• ZJp ~• :~-----------···--•v.-... _, Ambassador's sensational ••. MOTHEtrS DAY SALE! THE ULTIMATE BAG only s1298 Mall to: AMBASSADOR, 711 West Bfoedway, Tempe, Mione 85282 YD! Rulh me (tlOW meny1) -ULTIMATE BAGS (No. 58211111 lor only 112.11 tor one.~ for aa..11 (NYe Sf 00,. . .3 for SllM (MW S2.00,. I l.Wlderlt911d I Cllf'I ~my pun:l\Ue for 30 "-YI. then twtum It for a lull '9funcl if noc locally delighted but lhal the FllEl gift la mine to keep! Ct-* Color DeelNd """TN=~ ~~ Tot11 for 8aot IS Color First Mid. Last 0 Ct'9Ck encloMd Whitt (25} ~.~ T911 '24) Q\etgl to my: Brown~ 0 ......, CM --lf-~___:.:..:;:_+--+--+----4 Ov. 8lac1' !041 Adds:;emno ~I :a? Ind H llng ToUI encloMd I orct.rv-ct c-111 Cenl No (PrlM AU c!19lttl Cen:1 Eltp!,.. I I I I Mo y, -----;;,~.,.,~ft~--=------~l.a=,-~-.... -----2AOOIO __ J C1eate Egg-citing Eaate1 T1easu1es By Rosalyn Rbrevaya E ggs, long the symbol of birth, spring and the Easter season, can be the basts for a number of delightful craft projects to make now and enjoy . throughout the year . . Real eggs. plastic eggs and crochet-covered eggs are used to create everything from an Easter- momlng treat to a keepsake treasure. Panorama eggs, the old- fashioned kind , with llttle scenes Inside are made from egg-shaped pantyhose con- tainers covered with a special mixture which Includes SU9'lf, water and the juice Make an old-fashioned pano- rama egg with a little scene m.Jde. &om fruit . The peek-through windows reveal scenes In- side: You can draw the scenes yoursetr or cut them out of greeting cards. Plastic eggs can also con_. taln wonderful surprises, such as a beanbag bunny which Is made from fabric scraps and curls up Inside of the egg when nof being hugged or tossed! With our lnstructk>ns, you 1 also can turn out delicate lit- tle boWta ustng eggshells, 1 plastic eggs, Jello molds or I A plostlc ~ COV· aed with fabric and~d with rlclcmcJc can hokJ a beanba9 bunny. .111 A pearl-studded egg with a favorite photo on It makes a loue/v ~e1»0ke gift. egg-carton cups covered with the special mixture mentioned above. l.Jke the panorama eggs, they can be filled with miniature flowers, paper cutouts or candy. For another delightful de- coration, ftll a straw basket with aochet·covered eggs. Any beginner can crochet the covers because onJy one kind of stitch Is used. A jeweled "photo egg'' also makes a lovely keepsake gift. To maJw a "priceless" treasure, mount a snapshot on a real egg and decorate it with simulated pearls Complete directions with photographs and illustrations for all of these projects are In· eluded In the booklet, "Eas- ter Crafts That Last All Year" ( "354) . For your copy, send $1.25 plus 25¢ postage and hand.ling for ftrst-das.s mall to: FAMILY WEEJa.V P.O. Box 438 Dept. E Midtown Station New York. N.Y. 10018 Be sure to include the booklet number and your name, address and ZIP code. (New York rest-J iii dents,~ add sales tax .... MMILY wmcLY, 111111C1111, -• 9t . The unique sound of Dixieland jazz and the unique taste of Southern Comfort. They're both originally from New Orleans, and they're bothjust right for those special times when good friends get together. Add a perfect note to your next evening out with: Comfort & Coffee Add 1-ounce of Southern Comfort to a cup of hot coffee (regular or chicory) .. Stir and enjoy. SouthernComfOrt ... ,..,u.-,_._.._.oi.o.t ................ ~~·i.-..•-·- Atlanta 1s one peachy THE 8ITB RllPORT city. In fact, according to the Pb:a Rated Alma· noc, it's the best spot to .... . · '· . . ... :.• ... . . . . . live ln America. ····.,:" ... This fa9dnating new book by Richard Boyer and David Savageau looks at 'Z'/7 metropoli- tan areas, comparing government statistics in nine categories -cli- mate, housing, health care, crime, transporta· don. education, recrea- tion. culture and ec~ • . : nomk:s. Among Its thou· sands of ftndtngs: Buff. lo has a milder cltmate than Phoenix. Charles- ton, W. Va .• 15 the fog- giest city In the U.S. St. Cloud. Minn.. Is the least crim~rldden city in the country. (Miami Is the most crime-ridden.) Billings, Mont.. has the most bowl- ing alleys per capita; Tusca- loosa, Ala .. the fewest. The worst place to find a drink Is Florence, Ala. ; the best Is l twice as bke.ly to engage ln crime as those whole biQ:. ~ fath«s were not ai- The causes of c:rtme are mlnal. And the likelihood many and varied, but a re-lnaeased If the father was a cent study indicates that a repeat offender. He specu· predjsposltk>n to atminal !ates that such crlme-felated behavior may be inhertted. factors as nervous-system Or. Sarnoff Mednick, disorders, low intelBgence professor of psychology at and alcoholk: tendencies U .S .C .. studled records of • are genctk:aJly transmitted. "The envtron- ment still Is the most aucial fac· tor tn determln· Ing crlmlnaltty." Mednick told us. "But biological factors can make the dlffmmce In the. soda) setttne =tfllW":::::il situations where l ;;;;;;;;::===a would not pmilct l atme " 14,427 children adopted In the 1920*s In Denmark (chosen· for Its precise recont-k.ftplng). He found th• chSdren whoM bio- logical fathm had cttmlnal records and whoM adop- ttvc parents did not were __ _, He notes that the bul4 °' vk>Mnt a1rne Is committed by a tiny per· cant.age of peop&. and seys he hopes his *'.ch wtU lead to comprehensive tat· Ing of fnt.tlme offenders and voluntary treatment for poeentSal r«idtvlsts. Eau Claire, Wis. Here are the book's top 15 U.S. metro areas: 1. Adanta. 2. Washington, D.C . 3 . Greensboro-Win· ston Salem·H lgh Point. N.C. 4. Ptttsburgh. 5 . Seattle-Everett. Wash. 6. Phlladelphla. 7. Syracuse. 8 . Portland, Ore. 9 . Raleigh-Durham, N.C . 10. Dallas-Forth Worth. 11. Knoxville, Tenn. 12. NashVille·Davidson, Tenn. 13. Anaheim -Santa Ana· Garden Grove, Calif. 14. (tie) Cleveland. San Franctsco-Oak- land. CONCDTION& TMPIU. Women who use birth· control pills take &anger to conceive after they stop than do women who UM other forms of contracep- tion. a new study says. ,... ULTlllAft SOLUTION If these ~ your sen· tlments about that Infernal multicolored toy, pick up the new book Dtaolulng Rubik'• Cube, offering 93 novel ways to dispose of the sucker once and for all. As author Ken Lawless told us, "I was amused by all those 'simple solution' cube books, wtuch are about as simple as the theory of relativity. I wanted a way to Insure the cube .iayed solved, something along the llnes of a hand grenade." A TAXING ANALYSIS lf you've ever considered aocordlng to Karen AJen. worklng abroad, 1982 is a son. author of The New great time to try tt. Prov!· York nma Guide to MaJc. sJons in the new tax law Ing the New Tax Low Work allow expatriates to exclude /or You. "It has only up to $75,000 in overseas worsened inequities that income from U.S. taxes. were already there," she Several sections of the told us, "by providing Its tax law have now become ~benefit to the rich. It applicable and will affect would haw-been fairer and your 1983 return, including generated as much revenue a reduction In the mlnJmum for the Government to eltm- tax rate on unearned In-lnale loopholes completeilj come and easing ~-..--...... and just cut the of the .. mar-tax rates." l1age penally" for two-In· come couples. Still.despite the Reagan Admlnistra· tlon • s grandi- ose claims, the tlmllr"o_....,,. new plan ratts onlyaD-. lllRTllDAYS (AU Aries) Sunday James Coco 52.. M~ -Kart Malden 69. Tua- --Wllliam Shatner 51. Wedneday -Roger Ban· ntster 53. Thundmy - Anita Bryant 42; Elton John 35; Howard Cosell 62; Simone Slgnoret 61 : As nrported recently, a team of Boston doctors Inter· viewed 3,214 manied women who had had planned preg- nancies. They found that while 77 percent of those using other forms of birth control had conceived within six months of their last contraceptive use, onJy 57 percent of P\U users couJd make the same claim. Similarly. 25 percent of ex·Plll users required more than 13 months to conceive, compared to 12 percent of thoee using other contraCepdva. Frlday -Diana Ro9I 38; James Caan 43; Leonard Nlmoy 51. Sa1unlay Gloria Swanson 83. The doctors note that while many couples are considered Infertile If they fatJ to conceive wtthln 12 months after stop- ping birth control, for PUI users 15 months might be a more appropriate interval. .,,,. MJM IP._. 11.,,.ZIM fir Ull""'9fl A..._ ,.,.. ~ N, Y. IOOtt RALEIGH -···· MAIL THIS ORDER BLANK TODAY! ·-·· lllCIOIM IUll COWMY, De,l. K·~ 1151 ....... "* .......... 41551 '9tnt ruJ/t order H 1"41Uttd btlow 101 sptlft& PIHllllC. lllCllldt t it fll(( lloftina lo wltlclt I •• ttltltlN. All It.Ms COWied ., }IOllr "° fAUlT CUAAAllTTE • ... MISS ,,INTNAME::.5.---------------- CllY _______ _..TATl---~"------= CAT. ... nm CllT 200 CllJ/tlOll .._. (10 for SUI · 20 for SUS) 100 C:ltcllolus (40 for SI.ts • IO for $1151 7IO '°fl'tr P'lifle, SI.ti 12 fer $3.15) 205 Cl"11l"C ~ (4 for Sl .. 50 • I lor $2.15) 20I CniwllYtldl (6 tor Sl.tt • l2 for $3.15) 251 Ooolblt Holl,tlocU C5 for SUI • 10 for $3.15) 217 swMt W1111-(5 for Sl.11 • 10 for $115) 204 c:ne,l11t l'tllol (I for Sl.50 • 12 f« S2.t9) 121 Halllhtl 51,.....,,, "'*tt, $2.tl (2 for $5.75) 591 Traill ......... w~ SUI 12 for Ss.75} 101 Olllllft CC f•r SUI· 12 for SJ.~ 201 Caruti-11 for Sl.tl • 11 for $3.IS) 117 ....... lltlrtl, $2.tl (2 ,., $5.75) 111 ltplae II for Sl.tt • 11 'for $3.151 101 SlnWMfrles l20 for sz.• · 40 for U.15) 315 llll0Ud111d!011, S2 .. C2 fw U .15) JU SMoU TtM, $2.tl 12 for Ss.75), :n• CltNtll VI .. , U.tl (2 for $7.75) 803 .lapMfte Ytw • ..,..,. .. ~IMY2 .,. ...,_ Ytw, UM·fallt for SI.IS) ut Mlllltblrt bH rltftts. Rtcl $2.tl HCll 531 Mlftiallll't llOM l'letlts, Yellow (2 for SUS> JOO Prim IWce 125 for SJ.ti • 50 for $7.75) * nowtrl111 rt11U, $4.tl (2 for tt.75) 311 2·T-rlo• .. rl• OOpetcl, Sl.tl 12 for $7.75) 700 ~.CollCerd St.ti eedl 701 ln!lft. Reel cmwll9 11111 3 for SUS. 102 era,es. •lie Nlapra Ml • for S 10.M) ' 213 C....-. W,rtlt (20 for Sl .ti • 40 fW ~ 714 """"'"" 12 for SJ.ti • 4 for S7.75) 301 Rtd r1ower1111 DolWOf, S1M 12 for $7.75) * ,.,_.lab (50 for S5.91 • 100 for $11.11) 412 12 ..... (I _.. ftrlttJ . $21.15) 400 ~ 401 lllflCM Mtllerlft 407 ... ,..,, llOIU, 402 c~ Qlory :"& 12 -ec1i,.e for us. •10 fortJ·lllMt .,., . 405 Tiff My for $11.IO, 40I Cll11lll111 llate for~s.ls. 411 Clttyllet IMjltrltl ---Qfftft tlllllltl~ for SI.ti 421 111o111.- 404 Cl'-bl111 !'Met ' n u a.i lllMlc• ff .,., .. ,..,. ., ._... n ••• i • 'II(( ... .u ~-lft If .,,.., ..... $7.00 0 . 00 • 'llU ._... ,,.... • f'Mctt• Oldllfl) ff .,.., "4llllt SI0.00 ••• 0 IJ 'llU o.1111 ......... ---.... ,._.~)lf ......... SIM •••• ,. r•n .._.... ... 12 °'* .... I ...... ..... • ,,_.. Orcll*) If .,., --..... 0 ••• Cl 1-'"-t .. -... "'°' Sl.10 ....,_ ............................. ma It c ... -~::-i:: uni.,... ........ .. .. ...... ·==:-:--&-. ........ "" ......... --II M _..... •, c*lt cM111 ......,, • mil I ............ a ~a VI• o "-'· _.., ~QIN·--~~~~------'----~------...; MORE SP/t/Nfi PlllNT/N(} 011ERS fl([ [ H?J~~is •• 1,.rn ,.. ~rll I AT•ErruCDSTIFYGa ...... 50 FEET F•E PRIVET HEDGE SJ. 98 IMtzillc lllue 'ess n. 8' I ftlll 2S roote4. Ctftififf ht11t11y plallts to ..-. 50 feet of llNt, dressy lllClet . . . less tlwll •~ 1 foot! We ship tht species bat for your dimatt -liJ115tnim SilltftSis Of 11111rtt1M. Prlvtt lfOWI quidty Into dense comPld htdct wldl slll~ creen leaves . . l•nd:scloft your PfOPt'tY be111- llf11lly! Hiahly decorative, pllnt 2 ft apart for formal protective lledlt. At this low ptlce, JCM1 Clll afford 111 you need. Rusll ycMlr orclef today! 2 ·TONE ROWERING DOGWOOD • SJ.98 One of thl wt OfWlllltal of llMI tr-. .,.. better thin .,., since boftlcutturists ... lflfted tlle Pink no.ri. llld Wllltt f1o'llllr. fnc Oftto one root st~ Brandies flowlf' 111 IP'in&. 1111111 witll Iii'* bloo!M, ... witll *• -1-2 fl trtts, .. ,...., 1-2 ""' old. ldlll SU. I T rvly t lhow\lltCll CREEPING MYID.E , 20 f• •1.98 "' Prttt1 blue periwl'*lt flow.. ers float Oii • dttlst car,et of Siil~ everarffll foliqe! Thrives '"" 111 denu slledt. Mltul'M plallt diwi-siofts, 1Yint1 rllillO(), 20 plants COftt 40 tqlllrt fttl f' fl f" ~., f " ~~Ir • Stlld JCMlr «der for flt'/ se*'ion In this 3-pap stl'in& planllftl Thtst ~ nluls lft pttctd low to sell out! All tr1a, 11w11b1 Ind Slit befcwe April 25 llld we will Include 1 Giant Hibsicus root It i.dps offMd I• ttlis 3-flil'-"" p&llt.i• sale .. _...,, lfllll'll ff1ll seed no extra Wiit-Proctuces hull! 6-8-briaht rid blooais on 6 ft. or Cllttlnp. rooted, certiflld llMlthJ ill st.le of Ofilla. Tiiiy •• •4Y 9ld stems. You 1et ewn m«e v111/ele bollllS itttns, too. for llfltr vllOflMIS, 1·2 ~ old, llrtldJ 1·2 ft. tal~ "'* .,......... 'a.ct order ordefs. Set blcl Piii of this section. b11111k 10W ••• our f--"llo Fut" C.. .... praleets ,o11! . --Ln':i, :I ........ ""'*' .... 111.n Mmes of Blooms Year After Yeu, Without Replantin&1 Imagine . • . a h•nO- IOITI• flowering fance of rainbow colorl A continuing 1uccenlon of gorgeou1 bloom• earty 1prlng to late 1ummer. Provides pri-vacy and protection. ac,_nt out nolM. Thia ,, healthy, hardy •tock, gl'llded to halghta tor fining out. May be trimmed to de1lred height. Growe more beaullful, more valu-able ye., after year. Transforma IO feet of barren ground Into a IMng ~ of btUllent cotorl Ordef I Produces Super Y°leld of Fi Sweet Berries! siiAWBERllES 20~12.98 Here they are. ttlt llrp juicy stJIWberries with the mouth-wateri111 taste. If you've never trHted yollr taste buds to fresll straw- berties from '°"' OW11 Pltdl. l\OW is the lime. SUNRISE Of KOBE fl varietv as avali.: able. 8eM abundant field of firm berries. MINIATURE ROSE PLAllTS-12.98 -1..-s. Giit! Now, 111111illcl1, Mlflilturt Roses can be lllldt to leaf out Ind butst into bloom In- doors with 111a11y doll-size roses 11 colorful. soft llld delicate as l1r11 outdoor vlrf. elin. Clft be transpilllted to window boxes or 111mmer pr· dens. WI II srew whlrntf ordt- nary prden l'OllS flourish.. Well rootecl 2~ • Pot size. An Dem at Uvi111 Color! CUSHION MUMS lt 10 for only 11.91 ~ Gilnt bills of flMniftl color to set yow ~ llllllel Tlltw hardy MICltiPft lllllWfY lfOMI root dMtioll ,.,. tn11ills comt lo ,au In 111 ISJOrtlMflt of wlftd. l«lfOllS COIOrs • • • rfd, Jtllows. p lnb. put1llts. bfOllZI, etc.. IS IVlillble. Nonnally dMi._ to IMIWI _..t .sll.t, r1cll pl111t dttnclltd with mwes of 1·2" bloollls. GNf. llltttd lo blOOlll tllis SftSOll. CROWNVOCH 'cii:''=- 6 Pl.ts •• 11. 99 Stftutto.I flowerilll CTGUM CO'ltf quldty trMSlonns stetp sio,.s. bris, trolltlitsolll weedy ... into I ttjld 11111 Of lacy lfltll follltt SlllCltlltrtd witll -drtds of •licltt plnl 11111 wllltt blooms. Hudy, llllilltt11111et ''"· distaw and droupt rtsislalll Bloollls llld sen• 111' lft11 year w1tllovt repllntinc. ~ 3 fl IPlfl Helps stop emioft and 'ftltlouts. Pros,ers i11 probltftl •us "'*• nottlint tlM bis a cNlal Or•r todly! '. ---_, --=>-.... ... -. '• . ,,~ ...... . IMPOITU • • s • H•-' "" ... -:.l GLADIOLUS Medl11111 sin 2y,.3• cln:. bulls.. Ill rtldy to .... Into atorious color '" ,our &lf'dttl tllis ""°"· Stately• ll1d tltpnt, &lads lrt I pnlen and cut flower I• YOfllt. fltry rtds. dttp purplft. 1tisten1na •Mes and yellows. lli-cofors. etc., IS nlilll>lt A tlMltftdous blrp1n It this ptt·stlSOll ...._ ~. 71 ~1Ct.Stndtodly1 ---· --· ..... ~ ........... -..-=:: ................ i&1-~·= • • • ... Fm -6 P£ACOCI OICHIDS L .......... .,,~ ... I • PllKR Imagine goirtg lhtoui;,lt a list of today's fop obms -lcnowing1ftot )OU can pa )OU" 1 J fuvorifes foi only a pennyl Can )OU tftinlc of a beffet- woy fo spend .... nut ltaH hourf Slort now and ... ~Slte'aGotA Wmy 9f1d s.,,~ To..,.,~ •.. ~Fella;mcn. EMMVlOU HARRIS CJMARR)N ~No. 1 llMlh wllh No. 1 112111* The .. 90ng. plul ,._.. Seng 81ing(M'ya.t' met1• No. 1 Cel Me; HMtt 11812* No. 1 /f / NNded Ypu, lttnl* Whllt A Fool 81 .. \W; Ille hi; tmah Someone Could &I Miiiis; C.0.Cl; Spelbound; Shot Me Oowr!).· /Lowed Her; Of G.INa." Tt. Tide la Hl(llt 9f1d plul Rose Of am.trm: Bom To Minuflt By Mlnule; ~· t.oeeA HNtt ... ; *· ~;more. A Long NfDht more. ~;more. R&#J; more. On You; AMI Low; more. F.\MILY WEEKLY. MllR:h 21. 1tl2 A RELAX ... ENJOY YOUR HALF HOUR! TAKE YOUR PICK -~,._.;"'A ,.··~ d/!§'-~ ..... ~, t -'-'" ,,. ......... .......... ---........ ---... tlll?t* The hit S. MN tllm .. YMwdly'• Songa. ~ plUIRNchlng Out (U '!'.!... Drlft91.· ~.~You; Rainy "What a grand way to spend the next half hour 1·m Al Youn.: men. Der-"' ,,_. -picking the 11 albums you want!" ••• JOURNEY ESCAPE ltaaTop 10 Who'1 Ct)tfng Now; the ll'Nllh Don't stop• s.llrltl': more. a lll1ific half hillr! ·==----==-" KR 1e== c SEE DETAILS ON PRECEDING PAGES. r-~------------TRIALrMEMBEA8- FINISH HERE ' ........ TMt It On "rtt. Run; Don't Let Him Go;~ On Lomg You; ... L.effr. etc. 111fl'e* No. 1 "' Nwdtld You 111'1111No.11 Hiii Prom-. In (wMtt E. Herrtl); MhclN; ... T'* The Ollt Ind Fh And Ice, plul O.y I• Good; etc. JcJllt U. IH; more. <-,t•t·:\, I T"\l f f r1 111() . I -=.::r:: r---------------1 .... COi .,_. MCON>A BN cwa, ........ I P.O .... ,, ................. C1ftt ::=.!!. I I I I I ~ ........... ct-* Of mane,_.., tar 11.1• (Whictl lncludet 1 c for my 11 Mlectiol•. plus $1.85 tor~ Md handling). Pleae accept my member· ahip applaitlon under the terms out· lined in thll ac:Nertilement. I ag,.. to e>uy •1 more t.pes or recofds (at nigutar Club pricel) during the com- ing three years-and may cancel memberlhlp anytime after doing ao. lend my MMdlone In tlllt lype of ..-ding (be-. lo dMCk _,. o •Tra c.mcto-o c...... o AMI~ a Aecorda Wtf IMln ln\IMcal ~It (etlec* -I But~,, ....... ,, .. ,OCl'I oufrl)IT'i an,,c•l'tPgC·~ a~ u.e.n1ng 2 a 1-1 Hits 1 a Clellk:all 1 a Country 5 (no ,.... ...,.> a Jazz 4 (no l'MI ...,.> 0 1*. O llh. K2J/BJ 0-------------------------------------,,.,...,.,lltfJ RntName ltllllel LA«Hlme Dollllll"-A ........ 10._. ONo Jl7ltlr .,,. °""'"°' ....... """" l'll'O. MIMI.,.......~~ _,,,, .... o1........_.-. c..... ___ ,,_.,__ D ~110 H nd mJ.:;~ Mlecllon tor •t 18Mt • ~ I.tot "'*" I em ..... '1 1111 ............ ol .... .............. 1 ... 1° =·· .• ..-a.a.-. ........... ,.... K2K/Af I I K2MIZJ' L..-----~----------~----i ~~Ci FRON[ COVER n FORI . ...__. ... ___ ....... __ _ M . ....... _... ...... _ .................... MORE SELECTIONS ON BACK PAGE 0