HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-26 - Orange Coast PilotCAPE CANA VER.AL, Fla. . (AP) -Columbia'• crew waa trouble-Moodnl a radio problem ·today aa the ihuttle pa11ed a . major t..i of en.cine endw-anoe in :the bitter cold of 1pace. A wea- :ther forecut for New Mexico : called few adequate landing con- .diilona Monday, despite gusting •wlnda. I There wu a chance the radio problem could cut the flight :short~r \hat New Mexico :aanda could kee the ship .aloft an xtra day. ifut Flight DlNctor Neil HutCbirial si6d he expected neither -. happen, that Coluinbla would come home Monday u teheduJed. While utronauta JICk R. Lou-ama and pUot C. Gordan hDllr- tco slept. they ..ued Wouita the midpoint of their planned .wn- day voyage. A lorecaat from White Sanda Milsile ftante pr. dieted Monday's land1nl condi- tions would be .cceptable despite winds gusting to 20 miles an hour. Mission Control said adentlstl TEN-FOOT TREADS' -If you usually kick the tires of a vehicle ~ou buy, you don't buy construction equipment. Singer of 30s feted. Horry Bobbitt, wife honored in Mesa • By JODI CADENHEAD Of"tlleDelr ......... Boop boop, dittum dottum, wattum chu. If that little ditty makes any &eNe, you probably grew up in the 1930's and 40's listening lo the crazy lyrics that were made famous by the now silver-haired singer who was honored Wed- nesday night by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. U the name Harry Babbitt isn't exactly a household word to the under 30 set. he proved to be a loveable legend to the more than 150 guests who paid $20 a seat to aee him and his wife Betty re<ieive the coveted Heart Award. Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer and Newport Beach Mayor pro-tern Evelyn Hart each oresented the Newport Beach couple with resolutions honoring them for their contributions lo the community. By the end of the evening the stack of resolutions and awards NATION covered th~ table in front of the beaming couple. Quipped the 68-year old sin- ger, "Betty and I are going to have to build another room." The Orange Coast College Chamber Singers sang nostalgic 'lllnes in memory of Betty Bab- bitt's 11 years as accompanist with the music group. An aide to Congressman Bob Bad.ham admitted that the New- port Beach politician WU greeted with blank stares from his young staff when, after signing a l"elO- lution honoring the entertainer, he walked into the office singing Babbitt's lepndary, "Three Little Fishes.' "Down in the meddy in the , itty bitty poo swam the three little fishes and the mommy fishy too." More than four decadee after he started the famous "Kay Kyser Kollege of Musical Knowle<hre," Babbitt proved he (See SINGER, Pa1e A!) Publisher retires at 16 Todd Engels at 18 has given up publishinC the Turkey Foot ~ews. He wanta more time for himlelf. Page Al>. There's sood news and. • • · The news media actually found a fellow in South Succotalh, but he wasn't inten!eted in an interview. Page A8. WiH die upturn lastf A Merrill Lynch eco.nomiat ... th9 exp.icted economic upturn but feera lt 111111 not 1-t too lane· . J>aceOS. were udt.cl about the lnforma· lion they'd received from Col- umbia'• e':l:t.l"lmenta, and Lou-sma ~ "We',. pl1111d 10 bear l&. that'• what we came Mn to do. ••And we were just remarkini between ounelvea how well the orbiter hu performed . . . it's re.ched quite a remarkable level of maturity for juat the third fli1ht. We've been baalcally trouble free with the syat.eml and abi.t 10 do all theee other th1no while the orbiter kind of toolt cue ot l•lf." When lhe utroaau'8 -.ke. they received "cop of \ht mor- nln1" freetlnp from Ma.ton Coritro alone with ttle_.ted Instruction on how to tackle a fallure In the lhlD-tcMban nctio 1y1tem. Like In any office aystem, they encountered • llltch here -the printer was feeding wildly fot a short time. Thunday, the low-power eec-· tion of one of two S-band com- munications tranapondera failed and offidala aaid that if It cannot Wheel.a of caterpillar scrapers dwarf two spectators at an auction Thunday iii Carta Mesa. Story on Pap Bl. · Deir ............... TRIBUTa -Harry and Betty Babbitt beam as they hold the He&l"t Award plaques presented to the veteran entertai- ners by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. STATE LOS ANGEUS (AP) -The state Mr Reeourcea Board Is comldering emi8llon limlta for dieeel can and trucks after bearing expert u.tlmony tha1 increMin& w.e of the IOOt-proClucing vehiclel could cut vilibillty up to ~ percent ln major California dtiee. Taxpayers set hit asain · . The pla thrown for the ref\arbliahed state C.aptol waan't auppoeed to coet the~ a dime, but they've already been hit up for -with bWa ltilf unpaid. Pa&e A4. COUNTY be Sixed, MleekJn C.C..trol would conalder tennlnatina the m1ht Mrly. nw hi&h-power side of the failed unit wu operat.1n1 when checb were made t.cd4y. and power the next ,;_ days, NASA expected 10 save ~ of both 10 oS*'te Columbla an extra day In ~t. Even with both t.ransponden out, Columbia could land safely, the flilh& dlrecior said. He re- ported aeveral around stations can communicate with the 1pa- C«raft through UHF channels and that much of the re-entry ~~ii conducted through "It doetn't me8ft we're nrur 10 do thia," he str 111 e$1. 1rwe'tel00k-• ing at the weather. It'• aoinc 10 be the middle or end of the weekend before we decide what we're JoinJ to do." For two days, the shuttle'• nose has faced the aun, leavtni ·• • the tail section and ita enalnee On the other hand, Hutchinson raised the possibility of an ex- tended. ml11lon, should high wlnd1 lt~:ficted at 'the White Sanda le Ranae this week- end penlst into Monday, blowing up tne fine gypsum sand and reducing vialbillty drastically. ly. He said that by conserving fuel and fuel tanks ii\ freedng shad- ow, expo9ed to temperatures u low a.a 210 dejreeS below zero. NASA engineers don't believe the cold will affect the ability of the fuels or engine. to function. Lousma and Fullerton were to find out today by firing two of the powerplantl in one of the major thennal tests of Columbia'• (See SHU'ITLE, Page A!) Alamogordo popular . as shuttle nearing ALAMOGORDO, N .M. (AP) -The apace shuttle isn't the ·only thing descending on New Mexico. So are thousands of people -bringing millions of dollan of revenues for local bu- slneaes. Lucy Cacy, a clerk at the Ala- mogordo Holiday Inn, sa.td all her rooms were reserved within 45 minutes after she got word last week that Columbla would land at Northrop Strip instead of the planned aite in California. "It only took two hours to book the whole town." she aald. "Can you 1maClne all thoee people in this little town?" Alamaaordo, a city of 24,000, is about f~ miles east of White Sands Miaaile Range. a spraw- Un1. de.alate, top-secret base where the Landina runways are located. ' Also booked quickly were rentaJ can, said Bill Murphy, who runs an Avis outlet. He doubled hll Oeet by bringing cars In from other towns and still did not have enough. "We've had the Avis shop here for 16 years," Murphy said. ''This is the best business we've ever had." The military at first said the public would not be allowed on the range to view Monday's touchdown, but Wednesday that decision was revened! Plans call for permitting 19,000 cars to drive on the base for the landing. Deborah Giampietro of the Alamogordo Chamber of Com- merce said 150,000 to 200,000 people are expected. Arey Horcasitas, marketing specialiat for the Convention and Visiiors Bureau in Las Cruces, said the shuttle was "having a spectacular impact, It's a great thing for the retailers and the busi.nessroen." I She estimated the landing will pump between $6 million and $10 million into the economy of the city, which is 25 miles west of White Sanda, making it the city nearest the baee. "We were doing all right on our own, but this is going to be an· additional shot in the arm.'' she said. The money comes from hotel rooms and meals for the techni- cians who service the shuttle and the hundreds of joumallsts who have flocked to the area. as well as locally purchased equipment and services. Wet weekend due? Rain blamed for 7-car accident By IBllRY HERTENSTEIN 0( ... DllllJ .... ...., weekend ls over. A Ucht but steady rain that fell throqbout moat of the night moved eastward today but Orance Coast realdents can ex- . pect more showers before the The rain Thursday and this morning left .30 of an inch on most parts of the County and was blamed for a seven-car accident that hurt four people on the San Diego Freeway in Irvine near Stars to join anti-nuke fest Pok singers Graham Nash and Nlcholette Larson, along with "Barett&" star Robert Blal<e, will appear at an anti-nuclear rally Sunday at Doheny State Beach Park. Lake Forest Drive. · Chance of rain from the stonn that moved in off the central California coast was reduced to 10 percent tonight, according to the National Weather Service in Los Angeles. Saturday's forecast calls for partly cloudy skies with coastal highs in the mid-60s after over- night lows in the high 40s. But a low pressure system off the Gulf of Alaska is expected to bring more showers to the Orange Coast SW\day. The event, called the TMI '"I"lltte Mlle Island.. Day Rally. will be held at the Dana Point beach par)t from noon to 4 p.m. Anna Gyorgy, direcior of the Critical Mass Energy Program, will join officials of the Alliance for Survival during the free ral- ly. Saturday's 24th swallows pa- rade in San Juan Capistrano will step off at noon unless the wea- ther is "abeolutely horrible," ec- cording to a apokesman. Rain iau~ for 'a 24-hour pe- (See RAIN, Page A%) INDEX A4 B2 A8 C6-7 A5 B2 Dl,03-10 B3 B3 D2 A~ Weekender A7 B2 SPORTS Intermission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notlcea Restaurants Sports Stock Markets Television ~ten Weather World News I Weekender B2 Weekender C6 A3 C5-6,D2 Weekender Cl~ C7 TVLoc Weekender A:J. A3 .. I i third lhabdawn enalll. ,,.. fin& .. w.t ~if \hen ...... ~111-wtth u.; HC.'Oftd, early du. •venlna, the 1Mro1UM• would uma the laa1 to the~-heat up the unltl -~ 11 tbeY did W.-..say when expmure to the cold fr'Olll ...ilrtc ma&ertal and pNYented a ttaht ~of the CU"F bay *°'9· . r AllO today, tht Mtranauta ex- ecuted another ~-lift t..t with the 50-foot robot arm and a .• 363-pound inltnament packaae. th~~· arm performance • \ft'>l ~ well. ~ Fullerton, operatina from a remote station in the rim of the , ~ockpil. eulded the Canadi•- • built...,~~ eeveral houri Of •t1 wttb tie ~in: :;"'-w ~~.,,_~ job ~· WU de.aaMd for: depom-tlftl and retrtevtnc ateWtee in 11*'1· " l'\lllerton and Louama appa- rently Md OYetCOIW the motion aiclmem and fatllue that bothe- red them durtna me earlY put of the flf1ht. But in midaftemoon Thunday, Fullerton requ.t.ed. medJcal conference OD a private radio channel. Miaion Control aald he complained of ps pain& and a fliaht surgeon recomrden- ded be tab an antacid pill. ~ ~·SINGER HONORED. . . • • could still belt out a tune at the ~ drop of a hat. lrutead of makJng a speech; Babbitt stepped up t.o the micro- phone and sang thank you to thoee who came t.o'aee him at the • Mesa Verde Country Club. "It's wonderful. It'a marvelous tlun you abouJd care for me. It's' awful nice. It's paradise. It's what I like to eee. "You've a.de our year a super '82. Colt.a Mae gee, we think the world of you." .: RAIN TO RETURN . • . ' ' riod from 8 a.m. Thunday t.o 8 ·a.m. today showed .37 of an inch in Costa Mesa, mak.ln.g the yearly t.otal 10.89. Costa Mesa had 7.72 inches of rain on this date in 1981. Huntington Beach had .36 inches of rain for 10.17 for the year, Santa Ana .28 for an 11.18 total and Santiago Peak .60 for a total 28.2, 6.6 more than last year on th.is date. Fugitive nabbed :. in Mesa sentenced .. A 56-year-old fugitive was • sentenced in federal district court in Los Angeles Thursday after eluding authorities for nearly a year before his capture in Costa . Mesa earlier this week. Judge A. Wan.ce-Tashima «· dered Jaaon A.rthur Goldstone to undergo 90 days of observation before beginning a three-year sentence. Goldstone was arrested in COIRa Mesa Thureday night at a : motel at 2026 Harbor Blvd., 1 : where he had been staying about : six w~b. according t.o a federal ~r who asked nbt to be . Gold.st.one was convicted last Juae in federal district court on cht_.rges of mail and wire fraud ana conspiracy in connection with a phony phone solicitation and mail order operation he~ in Van uys, according to offi- cials. Authorities estimate that he earned $200,000 during the four months he was in business .elllng wtult they called falae cerdficates for v-'cationa to LU Vegas, Reno and Lake Tahoe. Following the conviction last June, Goldstone left the area with his wife and two children ages. 13 and 11. 'nley were wat- ching television with him In the motel room when he waa ar- reaed. Federal postal inspectors be· lieve Ooldstooe hid out in various c~tlea in Orange County, Inclu- ding Irvine and Cyprea. He t.old authorities that he worked va- rious jobs, including swap meets. PACT O&'D -United Auto Workers President Douglas Fraser grins at a press confe- rence 1n Chicago after the General Motors council v~ to recommend rank and file accep~n~e of the proposed GM-UAW contract. ta.c&cUeblck Collqe oft&ciala .. • 1 •1*f:5:!•. ~ ;:f.:~~~= buUt on tbe col1•1•'1 Nordi ca·.r.-at lrVIDe Cinter Drive .. elfrey Rold. 8eddleblck tft.wteea adopted a remlutlon Tuelday deltpattni the;Ho•• Memorial Hol_pltaf- aapported lrYtne Medbl C..• IS'OUP • tlw apncy bS able to win approval for corwt.rucdoD of • ~Medical ~nter la pu- lhinl ahead with lta community .. based drive t.o establlah a hmp- tal in Irvine, despite warnlnp that Orange County could have too many ho.pita! beda by UN~O. A recent report 1-ued !J)' the County Health Plannl.nC QjuMJ aaid that by that year the i:"',.3 could have 170 unneeded - ta1 beda and up to 1,473 ~x... phyaidana . Aho\her ~ lite for bae- pital construction ia on the UC Divorcees seduced J by smooth talker SAN ,JOSE (AP) -San Jose divorcees •re falling for a smooth-talking Don Juan who convinces them that having sex wf tb a stranger will lead to a tec'onciliation with their es- tn:naed husbands, police say. '"l'his sounds ridiculous, I know," San Joee Police Sgt. Bob Burroughs said Thursday. "But it's ..nbUs. •• Eleven San J09e women have filed complaints about the man, who contacted them by tele · phone, b~t only three actu~lly Judge weighs bare facts · ' 1 o~ '£'jrl.\ iRAPms: Wc°h'. cAf>> ' · -A~~";.i judge said he would decide today 'whether t.o grant an injunction preventing arrests here of nude performers in the · musical "Oh! Calcutta!" Thomas McNamara, att.omey for touring company owner Dyke s~. ~ Thursday that the pJay ahoWd ~ protected under the free speech provWons of the First Amendmenl "Thia play has stood the test of time, l>oth in artistic standards and in the courts," McNamara told U.S . District Judge Benja· min Gibson. --·-·., met with tum, authori~ aak1. Police said the man called eer- ly in the morning, usually bet- ween 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m., and identified himlelf as the woman'• former huaband. He talked three of the women into having aex with a stranger -whom he re- ferred to as a close friend - promising that the liailon would reunite the women with their husbands. Poll<'e believe the caller and the "close friend" who meeta the women are the same ~ Sgt. Peter Graves of the vice squad said that the caller exploits the fact that the women "will do anything to getback with theu former spouses. U the husband wants a little fantasy played out. the 're willing.'' ~said San Joee police were wary bf 'the bi~'ltbry when they received their first complaint in July. However, two more complaints were filed by seduced women· in the last month, and eight other women have called authorities about the man. . Police speculate the caller must select hla victims' Jl&!De• fro~ phone boob. The three amaulted women had listed their phones under their first initials and last names, as many women do, au- thorities said. "Maybe he calls 100 t.o get one conversation.'' Graves said. "He's unique. He's fast and quick . . . a real silver t.ongue." Jntnt-=· However, there II m lflll'OV8l ~ before hoepUal conatructlon ll able to ~ wbidl la prtma .. rlly balid on lbe need for addi- ~ hOlptt.a1 badl In 9l ... IMden of the drlw ID buJld a ~*'1 "' Irvine corK'9de their ~could be held up beca&.9 ot ..... beddlnc -.. But Ir-,,. Medical Center bu a Loi ~ architect drawl"I plllDI f« a 200-bed holpttal. Abo at laaue In the drive to •tablllb a bmp&tal ln Irvine la ,irhether lt will be M tHcb1n1 facOlty alf.Wa.S with UC Irvine M a ivncnurdty bolp&taL • Seddw.+ offidala aay If the propoted bo1pltal were to be built on the dl1trlct11 North. Ca~ua, lt would be the only such arranaement between a major health care fadllfy and a community college in the coun- try. The land proposed for the oomtruction lite la CW'l'elltly ow~ I ned by the Irvine C.osnpanyt but la available to th, di9trict under a phued ~ -areement for e>am111on ol tbe NOrth Campus. The NOl'tb l:ampua currently camiltl ot 60 acrea. The ctiltrtct hM unUl Aucuat of thil "*' to pw'ChMe 40 more acres from the Irvine Company at $45,000 an acre, a ficure far below market wlue. Leeden of the .Irvine Medical Center ll"OUP include Dr. Arnold, 0 . Beckman, chairman of Beck- man Inatrumenta of Fullerton; OuUel Aldrich, chancellor of UC Irvine; Georire Hoag m of New- porV1 Hoag Memorial ~oepital; Irvine Mayor David Sill• and Robert Lombardi, chancellor of Sadd.leback CoJ.Jeae. Sugsest.ecf ln the group's pro- pola! t.o ~eback ii immediate construction of a joint-use bull-~ of up t.o 15,000 9CJ\W'e feet .. to --de= w) "'.udt· ......... CM••ilte . Later. a 200-btd hoepltll, oammuDltJ hMllh cenw, imdl- cel ---..WC ....... lmtJ. ... .. and ............. would ... buall -u. .... . 8pedfla on the flnandal ar· ranp&n9Dta proPoMd betwffn the cou.p and lrvine Medical <Anter have not been releued. Col1•1• offlciala aay arran1e- 1 mente unct.r which use of the land would be tranlferred to the group -Mle OI' Lease -wUl be hammered out in the negotia· 1 tiona. AL'Oordinc to Seddleback'a di- rect.or of public information, Bill Scht'elber, of greatest interest to Saddleback offictala is the pro- spect for new bulldines ln which to house health education and nunlng prosrams. He said it would be poesible to open the health education buil- ding within a year since approval of constructioQ wouldn't require the extensive review demanded of hospital construction. Four other hospital groupe are com ting with the Irvine Medi,• cat ~nter group to build the hospital. The competing froups muat file a certificate o need· application with the county's Health Planning Council for re- view. ' The other groups are Santa Ana's Western Medical Center, Tustin Community Hoepital, the. Nashville, Tenn.-bued Hospital Corp. of America, and the Health West Foundation of Chatsworth. ; Bandit sought in El Toro. S&L holdup Orange County Sheriff's de- puties are looking for a man in his early 20s who robbed the El Toro branch of California Fed· eral Savings and Loan Wednes- day. Sgt. Jerry Kreitz said the man entered the savings and loan of· fice, at 24361 Muirl.ands Blvd., at 11 :40 a.m. and indicated to a tel· ler that he had a handgun in his coat pocket. Kreitz saki the teller handed over $3,349 in cash from he}' drawer and the robber, who was wearing steel-rimmed aun glas- ses, fled on foot. Witnesses described the man as being about 5-foot-6 and weig- hing 135 pounds. He was repor- tedly wearing a white dress shirt, blue slacks and white jacket. Rain to diminish ' ·Brezhnev blasted SUSPENDED ._ Los An- geles County Coroner Thomas Noguchi has been suspended for 30 days by the county's Board of Supervi- sors in the wake of contro- versial statements about Deputies probed SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) - The San Luis Obispo County grand jury will investigate re- ports that about a den.en sherifi's deputies drank liquor and gam- bled on duty during the 10-day anti-nuclear J)rotest at the Diablo Canyon atomic power plant last year, officials said Thunday. , .. ........., 48 31 Sen,,_ 65 ... 48. s.m. Me 70 40 14 . Senta a.rb«• 58 51 37 8anl• Cnlz &4 88 40 ~a Marla 58 ee 35 Senla Monica 82 58 40 Sloc:klon ee 45 2e TW-V.-.Y 50 81 e1 Thermal 711 eo 30 Torrance 72 80 45 Yume 84 55 42 48 • 48 a6 ee 84 .. .. 38 73 eo 50 88 81 &4 IMI .. 44 ea 51 88 .. Ml 90 88 116 ee ae 76 18 102 ,, 7t 14 ., • • Smog t7 ... : n u 12 u 79 ... te ... 50 44 48 43 58 47 33 41! 50 57 ee 29 70 45 n 20, 52, 72 73 n e3 72 48 .. PEKING (AP) -China's government denounced Soviet. President Leonid I. Brezhl'lev today for "attacks on China" wi- thout directly replying to his of- fer t.o reopen talks on the dispu- ted Chinese-Soviet. border. · deaths of celebrities. ALL REMAINING 1981-82 SKI MERCHANDISE LTJ) .. SKIS BY ROSSIGNOL, K-2, LA CROIX BOOTS BY LANG a NORDICA CLOTHING BY BOGNER, ROFFE, HEAD,SERAC,OBERMYER s'ft.\\\ f.~~\S WE'RE QUlnlNG JHE TENNIS BUSINESS SO NOTHING IS HELD BACK! 1 c.... ....... 2831 C09lt Hwy. Con>na dlt Mir. Ca. 67MI• RA~KITI BY HEAD, YAMAHA, WILSON 8HOl8 BY ADDIDAI, BROOKS CLOTHING BY IZOD, ADDIDAS. COURT CA8UAL8 a MORE. l ~ .. STRUCK BY GRIEF -Fellow medical stu- .: dents Terry Cullen, left, and Patrick Price ·embrace Robert W. England Jr., who found his sister Susan England and roommate Theresa II Wlrepholo R. Acuna shot to death near the University of Arizona campus in Tucson. The two girls were university sophomores. Illinois • mine disaster recalled 35 years ago Centralia lost 111 men in explosion CENTRALIA, Ill. (AP) - Many townspeople remember the sounds of ambulance 'sirens screaming through the city that cold day in 1947·tbat began the saddest week in Centralia's his- tory. Thursday marked the 35th anniversary of the Centralia mine disaster -a coal dust ex- plosion that claimed the lives of 111 men and sent this community into mourning. The explosion occurred just before the end of the day shift at the Centralia Coal Co. No. 5 mine just south of this southern Illinois town. Children were coming home from school and miners' wives were fixing supper. Many of their husbands didn't come home; only 31 made lt out alive. It took four days to recover all the bodies. Each day crewa bea- ded into the depths of the mine and came back up with ttretchera, and Jmded the bodies into waiting ambulances. ~ lo- cal new1peper updated the deeth tolls. Hundreds of people cro..,;ded around the mine entrance, wai- ting. Twelve of the la.st minen re- moved were found in a drde on the floor of one of the deep rec- emes of the mine, 540 feet from t he surface. They knew they were about to die. With the bo- dies, r escue workere found a Massachusetts has deadly I orce law BOSTON (AP) -Massachu- setts has a new statute -the "deadly force law" -aimed at clarifying and strengthening a home occupant's right to use force against an illegal intruder. The law, signed by Gov. F.d- ward J. King in December, went into effect Wednesday. It was King's response to a controversial • d.,c:ision of the state Supreme : Court interpreted by many to ; mean occupants must retreat, if possible, before employing force ·against a house-breaker. • The statute provides an addi- i tional defense for someone char- ~ ged with killing or injuring an • unlawful intruder in situations ;, where occupants are fearful of : aerious bodily hann. : It also specifically says there is · no obligation to retreat from the i dwelling. : King had filed the bill as part : of his anti-crime package early : last year. E Present for the sign.!_ng cere-: mony Dec. 28 was Paul .l'eitavino of New Bedford, who faced shooting charges involving an intruder in what be said was the seventh break-in on his property. He said the complaint event- ually was dropped. King's legal counsel,' WlWam Highgas, said Wedne9day it WU his feeling that Massacluaetts residents already had a right to repel intruders with force, but "SuJ>reme Court opinions mud- died it up." ''Thia clarifies it completely," Highgas said. Nevertheless, he said, the ho- meowner must be in fear to uae deadly force, and that "is a per- sonal state of mind (and) up to a jury to decide" if charges are preseed. "Say you're 6-foot-5 and you shoot a 12-year-old boy. That's different than if there is a little old lady and a big thug is coming in," he said. ''The state of mind la something juries have to decide." .---------------------------------------------P---... . ORANGE COAST . Daily Pilat : Thomas P. Haley . C P~ 1.N C,_. E•ec~uve Offi<.4tt . . . Robert N. Weed ,,,_.. Thomas A. Murphine EdilOr L Kay Schultz VICe ......... -~ol ~ Michael P~arvey ~ .. Ott«IOf Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. C..C-Dor- ~$." H. Loos l - ............. ~ -........... ~ CIHtlffed adltertlalng 7141142•5171 All other department• 642-4321 message scrawled on the rock face of the mine room -"Look in everybody's pockets. We all have notes. Give them to our wives.'' The notes, written in pitch darkness on sheets torn from a txi.' time book, were barely le- gible. They were printed in a copyright story in the Centralia Evening Sentinel. "It looks like the end for me," wrote one miner to his wife. "I love you, honey, more than life it.elf. U I don't make it please do the best you can and always re- member me and love me, honey." Another said, "Goodbye. Name baby Joe, so you will ha.ve a Joe. Love all, Dad." Fred Hellmeyer, 87, the mine's chief electrician at the time of the explosion, survived. "Those men that left the notes -they didn't live very long," Hellmeyer recalled. "They mov- ed down to a certain place where they thought they would be safe, but the air wasn't any good there. They just laid down a few at a time and died." After the search ended, fune- rals were scheduled hourly. Flo- wers were BCaree and caskets had to be shipped in. Rescued miners helped dig graves for their col- leagues. "Some we r e fathers. Some were brothers. There's hardly a family in Centralia that wasn't affected," recalled Hellmeyer's wife, Louise. The youngest victim was 17, the oldest 71. They left behind 99 wives and 78 children under age 18. The investigation into the blast resulted in the resignation of the director of the state Depart- ment of Mines and Minerals and a $1,000 fine for the coal com- pany. More than 400,000 miners nationwide stayed out of the mines for six days. The mine site bas no signs of the old ind_µatry today. There's a picnic shelter in a local park with a plaque listing the ,dead. Six survivors, all in their 70s and 80a, got together at Hell- meyer'a home this week to re- rnernber. \ "I\ lta~ with you," said Harry ''Cotton' Niermann, 81, the mine superintendent at the time of the disaster. "They were all our friends. We knew all of them. I grew up with them. I worked with them." 1u cases down ATLANTA (AP) -Outbreak. of fnfluensa acro11 the nation have been lpOndic th1I winter 1n what appmn to be a "mild" flu teMOn, the national Centers for n... C.OOtrol reported. I Party leaders continue to seek Re4gan compromise WASHINGroN (AP) -Uthe 1talema&e between c.oi.-and the White Hou. over Pnlidlrlt Rea1an '• 1983 bud1el ii le> be broken, some natty poUlbl ltUff la aotna to have '° llll the fJn. 1be -problem: How to l9t the prelident, h1I fellow Repa"bbcana and oppo1itlon Democrat• to stand to1e1her in front of that fan, all facing equally the un- pleasant spray of public reection. At issue ia the alze of the anticipated record budget deficits under Reagan'• apenaing plan, projected to be in the $100 billion range for years to come. Democrats and a growing number of Republicans are con- cerned the whopping 1983 defi- cit, now pegged at $"'96.4 billion, will keep interest rates high and abort the economic recovery ex- pected later this year. But if the deficit is to be trim- med, it'll take some tough, un- popular measures a.ure to anta- gonize large bloe1 of ¥Oten in an election year. That's not the sort of thing any politician relishes. Lists of options for reducing the deficits are growing daily on both sides of Capitol Hill, but eveey option advanced so far carries political risks. Imagine a member of Congress campaigning for re-election this fall and trying to defend himself L egislator to r e f use tax break aplnat c~aee that tM! haa voted to! I -Cut cost-of-llvln'g adjuet- ments for Spcial Secyrity and other benefit programs. -Cut apendlnw for national defente. -Raiae taxeS. The solution i.a to eliminate the chance for partisan attacks by finding a way for congressional pentocrata, Reeublicans and the president all to agree 9n and support the same plan. Listen to R~p. Richard Ge- phardt, D-Mo .. a me1llber of the House Budget Corruhlttee! "The numbers are so difficult, the choicet are so unhappy. the op- tions are so politically paintul that there is only one way that . . . the correct fi8cal decision is going to be made, and that's if it's done in consensus or bipartisan way." Options advanced so far by both Republicans and Democrats generally involve capping or freezing Reagan's recommended military buildup at a predeter- mined level; capping, freezing or cutting the various benefits - including Social Security -that the government is obliged to pay individuals under law; approving few if any of the domestic spen .. ding cuts Reagan called for, and seeking new and hiifher taxes that Reagan doesn't want. talka on blpartiaan compromlte. They fear they may be left out on a limb and subjected to GOP IM.'lCUBationa of belllJ acainat So- cial Security. again1t a atron1 national defen1e, and for hiaher taxes. So the sparring contlnJ.&ea in Congre., with both Jldes bop!na the praident will join in 1eeking a compromile everyone c;:an live with. So far he hasn't, The president has aald Con- gress will find him a willln1 listener when they present him with a responsible, comprehen- sive alternative to his budget proposal. But he hasn't backed away an inch from his call for a massive military buildup and re- tention of the tax cuta Congress enacted last year. Despite no signs of compromise from Reagan, even his Republi- ~ supporters say they expect him to come around. "The president can't be obli- vious to what kind· of comments are being made" and "to reco8· nize that eventually something's got to give," says House Repu- blican Leader Robert H. Michel of Illinois. Settlement reach e d in b oom su i ts Majority Republicans in the CHATTANOOGA. Tenn. (AP) Senate don't want to get too far -The federal government has out in front wittl th~ ide~. lest agreed to pay $26,000 to three they beeome easy prey to Demo-, farm residents who claim sonic cratic attacks. booms from Air Force jets had By the same token, majority killed their an imals, a federal ~ats in the House -still magistrate said Thursday. mindful of the drubbing they The rural Polk County resi- WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. took last year when Congress dents had filed two lawsuits Floyd Fithian, D-Ind., said passed a hyge package o( tax.cuts against the goverrunent in 1981, the new tax break that Ccngress proposed ~y ~e~r~jdent 1-are claiming that sonic booms over voted itself would tedµce his • 1 "!AfJY .qt, Ji11Vlt QO~,t,r:~mi ,Jhe ,. their propwty on Dec..,18, ~979, 1981 tax )iability by about $7 ,500 Whi __ ie_Ho_use __ an ___ pUhllcan& ____ fo_r __ h_a_d_k_il_le_d_ac_o_r_e_s_o_f_p_lg;....1_. _ -but he won't claim the de- duction because he thinks it's wrong. Fithian, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to oppose Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., an- nounced his intentions at a news conference intended to draw out Lugar on the issue. Fithian said the tax break would have cut his federal in- come tax to about $4,750 rather than $12,200. Lugar's office responded im- mediately that the senator will not claim the deduction either. Lugar will release his tax returns within a couple of weeks, an aide said. Several members of the House and Senate have announced they will not take the deduction that Congress voted itself last year. But Fithian is one of few who have disclosed what the deduc- tion w~ actually worth. Under the new law, a member of Congress may deduct from taxable income •75 for each day Congress meets or is in recess for fewer than four days. For 1981, this deduction would total about $19,000. But unlike other taxpayers, who must substantiate their de- ductions, the benefit for lawma- kers is not subject to challenge by the Internal Revenue Service. "Public confidence in Congress has been sinking for a long time, and this tax cut for co~n is a good example why. Fithian told reporters. FINDINGS RELEASED -Doctors Daniel Chai-Sen Lee, left, and Robert Arnold Johnson pose with a model of the human heart at Massachusetts General Hospital where they released findings on digitalis. Their study revealed that half the people who receive the widely-prescribed drug may not be helped by the popular heart medication. NAUlFDLUS. .. ·LlflCINTIA LAST WEiil! ::2 YIAIS FOa $ 99 • • ----·tol gala tab . ~· .. ,~~!--~-~?.~~ $235,5S4 ,.., .. ,._.,.. te &t•t .. •1W-1.I1rW ti etmlaet -.. , 111,_'t ... MJ IMi: WU&.._.. I .. ? • SACRAMSNTO (AP) -The U., CM• .._ we.k·lol\a Dia c:elebraUnc ,_. The lnwnal Revenue SeMce .. ,. dial II a taxpayw hill pent.., of tlie 1tate ~pltol lut IDlde fNef'Y .Uort to aet hit W·I and 11 urma ,_IW. lW or-.be Jan\al'Y hlil COit taxpef!l'.9 •14&,· lhould conClct the IRS for help. The.IRS wW b1tin .cUan an 554, and there 11 ltlll '80.000 in behalf of the taxpayer to obtUn the W-2 from *ibe llDDloftr, "n. unpaid billl, a lep1lative audi' IRS alla 1rill ~ the taxpayw l'OllD 48&2, SublUtute_ Wife and aays. Tax Statement. The taxpayer lhouJd attach the eampletlld form The pl• wu intended to be to the t.mc return, in place of a W-2, when filinl the ret\ll'J'. pivately financed, with no tax· payercmt:t. but the expendl~ Tax deduction cbart available · =~ ~~~':~=~"; • DEAR PAT DUNN: AMtl& lb ......... ap J• p1•U'lll1• a the audit ttport. eMl1 from Commeree a..rtq Bene lltdac averqe eaa.prtea Total coett of 1ata week cele- ef au ......... '1 varlea hleeme ll'MPS· Do JM uve eeee11 brattona were cloee to $600,000. to I eUrt tbt II more cunat! That WM to be paid by private · M.M., Corou ••l Mar contri~tiona and ticketa to gala Yes. Commerce CJeartna Houae hal a new chart from the events, both of whkh fell afiort lateat publlahed preliminary Internal ~ue Service fiauret, of eetimates. For the delipted income ranpa, thla chart tbows the percen·• A di1pute over auditin1 l~la tage of taxpayers ualng the rero-bracket amount. With respect to• com erupted into a ~ 'them who itemited their deductions in 1980, the chart tbows the contest last month between \'Wo averaae·deductiona cla1med for medical and dental expensea, quick-tempered legislative foes, taxe., contributions and interest. In addition, the percentap of Aa1emblyman Lou Papan, D· taxpayers, per each income range, who have made paymenta to Millbrae, chairman. of the As- an lndivldual Retirement Account la ahown. sembly Rules Committee, and CCH emphasizes that the filW'el are average1 only. The Republican Caucu1 Chairman chart does not J.ndicate the amount that would be allowed by the Rom JoblllOn of Anaheim. IRS in a specific in1tance, nor are the fig_urea a li1t of After Johnson demanded an 1•how-mu~h-can-I-get-away-with" or any indication that 1ub-audit, which Papan interpreted 1tantlation will not be required. aa a 1lul' agaln1t him, Papan CCH alao noted that there'a a greater chance the return will threatenec:f to move Job.naon to a be examined if deductions are itemized than if they are not. smaller Capitol office and take When a-1axpayer itemizes deductions, the amount c1almed may away two aides. well trigger an IRS examination if it la aubetantially highet' than Ai. chalnnan of the housekee- the typical amounts claimed by other taxpayen in the taxpayers' pins Rules' Committee, Papan ipconle bracket. ovel'Seft the Capitol staff and , 'nle average deductions fore.ch type of item wu ~puted office usignmenta. Papan also for eech income range by dividing the total amount deducted by heeded the committee overseeing the estimated number of returns on which that type of deduction the '68 million apent to restore wu claimed. • . the ll~year-old Capitol, and he A copy of the 1980 chart may be obtained by sending a personally authorized the dlapu- aelf-addrellsed, stamped envelope to At Your Service. ted gala spendil\R. ; Health spa contracts DEAR PAT DUNN: I've decided to join a lleala. 1pa, bttt l'Ye been a little do•blfwl abHt alpill& a coab'act aUJ I fbad oat wlaat •my rtpb are. My sister told me 1lile'd lleas;d lleaUll 1pu have to offer cenaia tllht11 in tllelr eo11tract1 to protect dte coa111mer. Caa yoa le& me bow abo•t dl.l1? E.C., Coroaa del Mar The contract cannot require you to make payments totaling more than $500 to the spa and services must start within six months of the signing date. You are entitled to a · written copy of ttie conttact. Even though you may receive services for up to seven years after signing the contract, the spa cannot require payments for more than two y~~ after signing. Each contract also must contain a clause saying that if you die or become disabled. neither you nor your estate . hat to pay the balance owed on the con~. Take y~ time before signing and make sure you will use the facili. · tiel regularly before you get involved in a contract that : lutl months or years. a "Got a problemt Then Write to Pat Dunn. Pat wUI ., ' cut red tape, getting the amwers and action you -.1 need to solve lnequitiet1 In government and bu6inestl. MJJiJ. your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, • ' Orange Cout .0.1ly Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M-. CA 92626. Aa many letters• pcsible will be answered, but phoned inqulrlet1 cir letters not including the re.t· der• fu1J name, addrets and b«•ne. hours' phone nWDbel' can- not be consid~." .. 1801 Newport .. .... .... ,...... 145-0032 1~-.. ·•11*' "I'm satisfied'" that my ques- tions were answered. I have the notion that in future situations of this kind, maybe they will follow a different path," Johnson said after the audit wu released. F.arlier thia month, the ~ cratic majority on the Rules Committee voted to reaffirm ''the long-standing custom and prac- tice" of the chairman executing contracts on behalf of the entire Rules Committee. Valley's Lions set art fest The Host Lions Club of Foun-· tain Valley will conduct a fund· ~ art exhibition and auction at 7 o'clock tonight At Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 17270 Ward St. Wine and hors d'oeuvree will be served, and door prtz.es will be awarded. Artworks to be auctio- ned include signed and numbe- red lithographs, watercolors and oil paintings, all framed. PrOceeds from the event will go to Lions Club service projects such as eye banks, eye tests and youth programs. Admission is $2. STORa HOUllSI • A.M. -z A.M. ····-------.------·-·----------------------.. i Al'Wll ..... BAD NEWS -Actress Jean Marsh, left, confronts Valerie Curtin, center, and Rita Moreno during tapln~ of the Twentieth Century-Fox television production of '9 to 5." Jane Fonda ls co-producer of the series. Singer's house attached Meatloaf, an imposing rock 'n' roll singer known for hUa energetic stage shows, can't sell or mortgage his home. here until an $8 million breach-of-a>ntract lawsuit fi- led against him is settled, a Tom and Donna Smltll thought the phone company made a mistake when their bill showed two calli to the town of Milton, more than 100 miles away. But they looked again and took note of the number: 1-234-5678. The couple then went look- Ron Galella has promised never afain to snap a photo· graph o Jacquel.Lae Kennedy Oaa11l1 or her two children, whose privacy is protected from the celebrity photogra- pher by a court order. "You're giving up your le- gal right to take any photo- graphs forevermore -as long as you draw breath?" U.S. District Judge Irving Ben Cooper asked-Galella. "Yes," he replied. The judge also fined Galella $10,000. Former President Nixon is in Morocco this week for a "private holiday" at the in- vitation of ltlng B1111n, a Nixon spokeswoman said to· day. Kathy O'Connor at Nixon's New York office said the former president would be seeing the king while ln Mo- rocco, but she said she did not know what would be discus- sed. judge has ordered. -The civil suit was filed by David Soaaeaberg of New York and two other mana- gers, according to attorney Urban S. Mulvehill, who is representing the manaaera. Ing for the little digit that may have put through the cal l -those of their 5-year-old twins who are learning to count. Smith said his daughter• admiited they had let their fingers do the walking across the dial. HONORED -Sydney Poitier, veteran actor, was honored for his contribu- tions to the American film industry at the Whitney M. Youn·g Jr. Awards din- ner in Los Ange les t his week. Newport Blvd . & P.C.H., Newport Budt LIQUOR STORE Pree Dellvery Home or Office 646·6178 I Recll1 P••era•ee, the former Miami Beach police chief, hM joiDed with former holdup mm Ba1 JobtM to put out a twice-w•kly syn· dicated new1paper column called "Cope and Bobbera." Pomerance achieved national prominence dW'in1 tl)e 1972 Democratic and Re· publican national political conventions in M1ami Beach wtilch attracted tens of thou· sands of conven*'1en, dele- gate~, rotesters. joumalilta and tical pies. • " ocky f':d arre1ted Johnson at one time or the other, maybe more than that." said John Hopkins, an editor of The Miami News. The British. Jfovernment, bowi,ng to the opposition La- bor Party, said it has switched .the proposed site ot Presldent Reagan'• speech to Parlia- ment away from the revered 900-year-old Westminster Hall. A spokeswoman for Con- servative Prime Mlnluer Margaut Tllalclaer said Reagan had been invited to address both hou*s of Par· lfament on June 8 from the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords. • The U.S. Epibassy said it had no immediate comment on the invitation to address both houses of Parliament - the first ever to a U.S. presi- dent. Hubert Morgan took off on a coast-to-coast run to raise money for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, a run he expects to conclude in 12 weeks. Morgan is ~9 and will be 60 before he completes his jour- ney. He is associated with the church in Sayre, Pa., and al- ready had raised J20,000 of his goal of $250,000 for the run. No neoph yte, Morgan has run in the Boston Mara- thon 12 times. A marathon is about 26-miles, wtiile Mor- gan's journey will take him 3,300. . Live Chicks See them hatch for Easter from our farm incubator at the Huntington Center MoU doily thru AfN. 10. Nrwport .W.tt <ibm.suuatorv 'E.celence in ""'9c Educotion' Piano . .......... ~ ..... c , • ..,a-. voice"'liolln-ftute-guiter .....,.,_.,l.M. .... Cell tor Brochure 1126 ...... 917 .. 211.· Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear "The Dally Piiot has been our most effective source of •dvertlslng." Nancy Orchenl, Man...,- L•n1 of C•llfomla FHr.lon ISiand PtaGt mvertt11nv IS good Du1fneufor Lenz of Callfornl•. South Coast Plaza In the Mall by tbe Carousel 751-7500 .I ,, ~I "' I :I) 'If .b ~lJ H : I t:; .. , I . it"" ) I • IJ •C .. .. J .• 1 rRANCIS(X) (AP) -An llillWirtlilllll'ftaftt b}' ~y fllh1on nu acdarer l:lpdt d• Corpa wtni a man ~ one-ot. the c mpany'1 d rellea -wlth • dlmiria woman lna1de It -hu ..... • protel& by. lflDUp that it -~ and violent. 1'Thia lldvert*ment .. ~ that t la woman enjoya vlole"ce a ainat her," Brenda Roth, a rnmnber of Marin Abused W'111W•n'a Services, uid at a pro- i t .. 'I've worked In a battered w n's shelter, and I've seen n.. who have been burned mms,'' ahe added. "It's very r$1, and these ads are verr, ~ It's no )>king matter.' Ms. Roth and ~her members od Wonlen agalnit Vlol,nce in P$nography and the MeOia cal- ~ for a boycott of Esprit de pe until the company signs a Hey statement saying it will • ot sell its products through a vertlaing that depicts obvious orJ implied violence against wo- men or children." ;-,.prft, .which is based in San , F~ncisco, sells T-shir.ts, junior , sportswear and separates such labels as Plain Jane, Baby Jane, Cecily, Rose and Jasmine Teas. ''Why are they picking on us?" aa~ed Helie Robertson, public relations director for the highly s'-*:cessful fashion company. '"l)ie woman's not in pain: she's sniiling. It's a SP,O<>f on role re- v~sal. The husband's home dolng the ironing ... !f'he advertisement ran in Vo-ff• ~demoiselle, Glamour and ~~f magazines in October and Nqvember. Women in Violence also has protested against bill)>oards that Ustd the image of a bound and ~ woman to sell a Rolling Stf>nes record album. IAdiails gain - . f LOS ANGELF.5 (AP) -Indi- ana are entitled to a third more w•ter from the Colorado Rlver ~ allowed by a 1964 U.S. Su-preme Court decision, according to '1 federal judae who ~rves as special mast.er in the 30-year-old water rights battle. l'INCHFORD, Iowa (~) -r TM bed newa around Turke,a F• Hqt\tl Lt that for the flnt time in .rx years U\ere will be no New1, and chat !beans no more corny jokel or helpful hlntt froin the 16-year-old who wu the pa- per"• entire ataff. But the aood ne.w• ii that 10mewh.re aJona the way a little • boy became a joumalilt, and the journaliat la looklna fori bl11er newt. 111 Ju1t decided I w•nted to baw more time for C' ,11 aa1d Todd fAlela, the pu er, edi- tof, reporter, ad sal~. ~i~ ne. apnt t,nd delivery. boy fQr the Turkey Foot New11.whose laat l.Mue rolled off \he presaea th.la week. Engela has been euttlng the paper out almost aingle-handedly and hun't miJl8ed a month since he started It in February 1976 at age LO. The paper got 1tarted be<.2U8e he and a frier;KI "thought it would be neat to have a paper around here." The paper's name came frorn Engels' Turkey Foot Heights neighborhood, a rolling, wooded area near Finchford scatter~d with homes of people who mostly Falla iUp &aloot and wri._ oc the atudent MWlplptt, the 'naet' Ha·Uiie. He llid M Ml* to be e<pror of ah.at pa~ M • .Uor and continue with journaUam J*t coU.Ce. The newaPfper he l1 leavl.n1 behind stfµ'ted with a clrculatloo I t• Turkey Foot Nff.'1 were .,.W eut of edve-rtllin1 and aub9Criptlon , ~!flues. Hil f9Jkt helped. too. ! 1 Sublcrlber1 Jnclud" • opUlill • Qt motorcyclilt Evel Knievel. J{e l sent Enaela Information that led : &O a story about thtt famed dare-: devil. t • Th~ newspa_per '.~he's leaving star.;. t~d with 3 or 4 copies, reached 40 at . ' . I ,, qne point. 11 of t~ or four copiesr reached 4Q at one point but has slipped to 30. Todd's father, Ric}\ilrd. at fu'St had th.e New,11 printeq at Johl') ~r.e, where he works. But tbe young newspaperman decided &O u•e c.olored pape r a nd bigger pages, so the printing was taken to a Waterloo firm. The result has been a paper that usually has six pages and includes front page guides .to what's inside, headlines, artwork and ads. • . ' . , The rate for-apace an each ia.ie waa 25 cents a year. Adveirtiaers included a window company, : dentists and a gift shop. : I In this week's 12-page final mue, Engels thanks his sponsors for their support and includes a story about video games. • i I '. • • "I did some research and ta)ked to a guy who owns an arcade," he said. "It's telling how much people spend on the games ; and what games are popular.'' i ~~ BOY'S F RIEND -Pets are not usually allowed in hospitals, but an exception was made in LaCrosse, Wis., when a puppy from a humane society visited young patients. Here he makes friends with Dan Sauer, 10. • work in nearby Cedar Falls and Waterloo. The Turkey Foot News was one mimeographed pa. ge when it , was started and Engles was not much interested in journalism. "Since I started thjs, this has all exploded in my mind," he said. "l just think about journal- ism so much." In putting together his paper, Engels said he tried to find items "that would be read by all ages, not just one age.'' ' He ~nned othei' newswpers and magazines for articles which might have a local angle, and mixed the neighbo,b ood ne ws with helpful hints, recipes and a liberal sprinkling of jokes. Pay back ordei:ed FRFSNO (AP) -The former director of the Kings County Housi.ng Authority has been pla- ced. on probation for five years and ordered to make restitution I Backers again seek pot, lottery vote Enl{els is a sophomore at Cedar The costs of producing the of $12,269 he was convicted of embezzling. M ichael C. Scott I pleaded no contest in U.S. Di-l strict Court at Fresno. C I i SACRAMENTO(AP)- Backers of the 12th attempt to legalize marijuana and the seventh proposal for a state lot- tery have permission to circulate initiative petitions. Secretary of State March Fong Eu said that the two measures need sufficient signatures by April 29 to make the November ballo1. The marijuana initiative, spoosored by several elected officials in Northern California, neeqs 346,119 signatures of re- gistered voters. It would legalize possession, cultivation and trans- portation of marijuana by adults for personal use. Currently, possession of under one ounce of marijuana is an in- fraction punishable by a m ax- imum $500 fine. Growing or sel- ling marijuana is a felony,. The 13 sponsors of the initia- REDWOOD 2XG-36•11n.t1 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING· . tive incl ude Mendocino County r------------l District Attorney Joe Allen, San ....... --------- Francisco Supervisors Harry J~~-.... THE Britt and Nancy Walker, Santa ' # URL'S Cruz Mayor Michael Rotldn, and '"*-0·,.•'IN<I 1960s movement figure Wavy . 9-:~.~~ G ravy. !. ... ..._r_5,.,.1,v_°""' ' .c.-s..,.. "'"'"' • .,, Al•4• The lottery proposal needs cosu-..141-1219 553, 790 signatures because it ,_...._._ w ould be a cons ti tu tional ·--.o495-0401 · amendment. It is sponsored by i-.ac...~ Kenneth Robbins of Sacramento. ·11 .. ....,. .. ..., ... _,....., •- • conllnental arts • period f umiture • toys • bronze~ • lamps • artgJass • 0 0 ~ i ·c Dorothy Emerson & Don Nolan present :::i ~ ~ i .r ~AITJQU£S · EIPD S 'SALE . ~ 8 ~ ~ l) IN THE COMMEJlC£ I UILDING i .¥ ~ ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS "' ! ' ' .. FAlll DIU'lt: •COSTA MESA. CA ~ ·~ "I I i e MAR. 25, 26, 27 & 28, 1982 il. ~ THUIBDAY 'OtRU SATURDAY, t.tO P.M. •SUNDAY, NOON .. P.M. • -::: "' General Admission $2.50. With rh111 t1ckc1 any numbcr-$2 25 each. :::i J ~ .5 UM! ArllnJ(ton Drive lbacl<J Gott 3A tnrrance Sat urday afrunoon and .\undoy 5. ~ "' • dolls • lighting fixtures • 1ewelry • watches • collecrabltts • paintings . .. . .. FLY AND DUY. Introducing P•rk'• European Delivery ~gfJlm. . \ Taking a European vacation? Come to Park Porsche/ Audi and check out our unique Euro· pean Delivery Program. Themoney you save on your car could pay f0t your vacation! .. . •• • I 2 ~ t • ~ I I I t • t . .. Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi from just an y dealership when you can get the special treatment at Park. ' At Park. we coordinate all the details of your trip with our travel agent, and give you a set of Michelin maps, for exploring those quaint village roads. We'll have your car snipped back to the States, and when it arrives, we can pick ii up. completely iJetail and service it. California certify it and deliver it to· your door. We 'II even handle all the cumber1ome f>l~rwol'k tor you. ' .. ~ .I I • ' j At Park Porsche/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service . Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you co a multitude of complimentary services. You 'II also have a persona] Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all your automo tive questions. And, if you 'd like ~?I< y. to pick up your new auto mobile right from the factor y, . ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The profess ionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-ilO=l)Cl-E II 4Ui)i ca ted to giving you the first class treatment you deserve. II Come in and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. . ' ·~ • What better way to see Europe, and what bet- ter place to break-in your new car! Call today for all the details. ~:~~!=.,~~:!: m~~Y= Park, CA 90620 (714) 521·8621 (2t3) 921-7744 (Alongside the ... Santa Ana Fwy.) . .. .. - • j ' • ' ~ i • • i a • I • t I ' • c AirRortsearch.!ceeps leading to dead endS "In search of a solution ... where do we go from here?" 11 the question posed on the agenda for Tuetday'1 meeting of Oranae County government's "blue ribbon" regional airport site selection comqlittee. It la a question that may never be answered -at least not the way many had intended one year ago when the committee of ranklng business and industry leaden was formed. At that time, county supervi- sors wanted to breathe new life into the search for an acceptable site for an airport that would not only reduce demand on John 'Wayne Airport but serve long- haul travel needs as well. So the board assembled ·some of the most powerful people in the private sector in Orange County. The committee went to-work. It looked at potential sites in unde- veloped areas, the so-called hilltop site, It looked at emting airports. It looked at military bases. Everything seemed to come out on the negative side. Hilltop sites raise airspace congestion concerns. Extattna airport. are at capacity and in pu blic dl1favor .. The mllttary won't give up lta buea. So, where does the commit1ee go from here? No one, not even the committee membere themsel- ves, seems to know at this late hour. Some suggest the committee could point in the direction of San Diego County. Others say the committee suggest the answer, J.or the time being, is development of commercial jets that produce very little noiae and have the ability to takeoff in short distances. But no one speaks with any real enthusiasm about either pos- sibility. San Diego hasn't embra- ced the idea of having a new international airport. Develop- ment of the new technology jets, regardless of existing experiment- al prototypes, is a long, long way off. 80, even the best and the brightest in Orange County have been stumped. They are not the first. And it's an odds-on bet they will not be the last. Bureaucracy curbed It is an axiom of bureacracy that a government agency, once created, dies hard, if ever. More likely, it continues to expand quietly, even if its efficiency has faded or the need for its services is long gone. A few years ago some states began adopting so-called "sunset laws," designed to shape up or weed out ineffective or unneeded government agencies. Usually, the laws set a specific date for auto- matic tennination unless the agen- cy can re-establish the need for its services to the satisfaction of legislators. To date, 35 states -not yet . including California -have ad- opted sunset laws in one form or another. Some apply only to re- gulatory agencies, others to a mixture of state-agencies. In a recent survey conducted by Common Cause, the citizens' government watchdog body, 23 of the 35 states reported improved efficiency and public accountabi- lity as the result of their sunset reviews. Of 1,500 agencies reviewed by the states since 1976, one in five has been terminated, one in three modified, and fewer than half re- estabrished with little or no change. Most of the states review an average of 10 agencies a year, at an average cosl of $12,000 per agency. . The most common improve- ment has been a requirement for more public membership on boards and co~ions formerly made up entirely of appointees. Improved ac:tmi!Ustrative practices and disciplinal'y procedures for regulatory agehcies have been other reforms. Some states have complained about the coat of implementing sunset laws and the amount of time consumed in the review pro- cess. One, North Carolina, repea- led its sunset law last year. But the fact that more than half the agencies reviewed by the various states to date have not qualified for re-establishment without at least some change seerm to indicate that sunset laws are serving the purpoee of shaking up the entrenched bureaucracy, at least to a degree. And considering the kind of money legislatures and admini- strators in every state squander each year, on self aggrandizement, the cost of sunset law implemen~ ation is infinitesimal. Political foolishness Assemblyman Richard Ala- torre, D-Los Angeles, has introdu- ced a bill that would establish a legislative commitee to oversee media coverage of el ections and make recommendations to ensure "adequate and fair coverage of political campaigns." and issues -with sometimes ex- aggerated efforts to present both sides in a controversy. But it is clearly out of line to suggest that a legislative body bas any business ruling on the fairness or unfairness of news coverage in a free press. His proposed Joint Committee on Media Coverage of Elections The Alatorre bill actually would enlist the voluntary coope-proposed giving the committee the ration of media representatives power to issue subpoenas in the and the public to develop ways in course of its investigative work, which· the public could be "better apparently better to probe the informed and more interested in origins of e lection coverage it h rru·.ght consider "unfair." elections," along wit policing news coverage. The assemblyman already has It is obviously unnecessary to said he would amend his measure encourage the media to inform the to eliminate the subpoena power. public on election issues. As rea-Better still, he should drop the ders and· viewers well know, whole foolish and constitution- every election is preceded by a ally repugnant idea of giving veritable barrage of printed and political officials the power to po- spoken infonnation on candidates lice election news coverage. • . --· . . ·-- -.--- Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Delly Piiot. Other views 4t,ll· •pressed on this page are those ot their aijthors and artists. RHder comrnent~s l\v•I· 1 ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone•(1!4) !60-4321., .~ L.M. Boyd/ Lone camper Indians lived on San Nicolas Island, 7S miles off Southern California, untll 1830. A ship went out to remove ~m to the mainland that year. But a 10Uftl Indian woman jumped overboard and swam back. The captain t,boupt she'd left a cbUd or some such, IO let her 10. fil\lrlnl he•d come back for her later. When others did Indeed 10 for ber aaal.o, : ' ,. she hid from them. It wun't unW 1851 that an expedition found her. She'd camped alone there for 21 yeara. Q. W!Ucb (oU coune la it that'• closed on &mclaya? A. The ftrst of them all ;-$. An drew'• in Scotland. Kn9w of noae other. rr~ A MafMILL --AND nw·s FINAL! .~ '" rr jlJ 1, -~---1· l< I ·~ Guards a status symbol? 'I t~ ... WASHINGTON -Environmental chief Anne Gol"IUCh clearly didn't come to Wuh.lngton inte.nd.fns to wtn any po=th conteeu. Her cold, abr.ufve pe lllty bu bwted not only envt- ronmental&ta aabMt at her policies, but IUbordinatel and ~ who deal with her. She quickly won the soubriquet "Ice Queen." . But now, a~tly, Oorsuch ia a.fra.ld she may have inade too many enemk!a u she pl'elides over the virtual di.lll!lolution or pollution controls that the Environ- mental Proiection A¥.e.ncy adm.lnisten. For she ii hiring three ''penonal ~ty officers" -or, ln plain English, body· guards. EPA OFFICIALS were at a loss to explain Gonuch's sudden concern for her personal safety. When questioned by my associates Lucette Lagnado and John Dillon, they insisted that their boss had received no death threats. Some agency employees hostile to Gorsuch -and there are plenty of these -SUjgested that hiring personal body- guards is just another example of Gor· such's cavalier self-indulgence in an ad· ministration that is preaching the gospel of sacrifice. They point to her penchant for fur coats -a slap at environmentalists - and her choice of a taxpayer-funded limousine: an Oldsmobile 98 diesel- powered Regency Brougham. F.quipped with wire wheels, power wmdows and a telephone, the elegant Olds not only C06t four times what her predecesaor's car did, but it is one of the most pollution-prone passenger-car models made in this country. • Disgruntled and demoralized EPA employees a1ao note that Gorsuch, her old friend and assistant James Sandel'90n and two or three other administrators ~· ~~~ -J1-c1-11-1-111-11--;w have expropriated office space on the top floor of the EPA headquarters that used to house a dozen offidalS comfortably. The 12th floor, incidentally, is accessible only by a private elevator attended by a guard. Gorsuch's aides are loath to admit that her policies and practices have ,pven her cause to fear for her life. At fll'St, they denied that any bodyguards were being contemplated for their boss: Key officials finally acknowledged that three "personal security of!icers" were being hired. At a time when EPA personnel are being thrown out of their jobs, the hiring of three personal flunkieti -at salaries of $20,000 to $30,000, and ~bly more - will obviously do nothing to repair the shattered morale in the ranks. So the three bodyguards, who will be authof'i.i- ed to carry sidearms, are being disguisld as part-time investigators in the EPA ·I Inspector General's office. J But how much investigatin' they'll Ae 1 able to get done is problemaucal; they'll be on call for guard duty whenever Gorsuch feels the need. •· EPA officials insist that the three l1eW I employees will be much more than I bodr guarda. They will be trained pco- fess1ooa1 investigators, po!i&bly recruiw! from the Secret Service, the FBI or~ Air Force Office of Special Investiga- tions. They will also be~x ted to dp advance work and uns · 'ed "liaisoo'' chores, the oUicials sai . This means, of course, that they'll oost a lot more than ordinary bodyguards -and will be operating at less than their full quallli· cations when they're serving as GoJ'· such's armed escorts. THOUGH SOME officials hinted. off the record, that Gorsuch's life may be in danger from some crazed environmeµ- talist or ex-EPA employee, others wrofe the move off as just Gorsuch's way Qf asserting her power and importaM~· ' Personal body~ards will put the Et;"A administrator right up there with the big boys, like Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinber- ger. Career women find pregnancy st ylish The Feb. 22, 1982 cover or Time magaWie might have been the 1952 cover for the same date, for there she was in a blue maternity dress, a movie star, seven months preggers. I.nside, the lady, who had recerilly been seen on the nation's TV screens playing the wife or President John Kennedy, was quoted as saying, "I would put on the maternity padding to play Jactle Kennedy and it felt so right, I found myself wbiaperlng, '1 wish, I wish,' " WBl.THER OR Not the wish was the father of this thought, America's premier newsweekly has declared the existence of •"The New Baby Bloom - Career women are opting for pregnancy and they are doing il in style." This article makes a heavy point that the glamorous mothers it is writing about go back to work almost within hour s after accouchement. Nevertheless, it is or more than passing interest that the celebration of motherhood by Time, Inc. coincides with the worst employment situation in a generation. The last time the mass media went ~a-ga over getting pregnant was in the nud '40s when the boys were coming home from the war and there was great concern in high places there would be no jobs for them unless Rosie the Riveter and the other women who'd gone to work to help Uncle Sam save freedom went home. The social and economic history of the 20th century shows women get the boot when times gel tough. This is not to say the executives over at Time, Inc. looked at thP. gruesome numbers coming off the tickers and said to each ,....\ 1-._,., .-.-.-.,,-... --~z, other, "Let's get the girls off the job market." That did happen in the early, 1930s when it became overt policy never to hire a woman if you could hire a head-of-a.family male. The Time piece makes a point or saying that these women keep their jobs. After decorating lbe nursery in French provincial reproductions, our cover·mother, Jaclyn Smith, tells or her determination to return to her movie work: "Although she has not yet chosen a project, she is adamant about breast reeding on the set. 'I'll convert my trailer into a nursery,' she says." Bank vice presidents, TV anchor women, hotsy t.otsy Manhattan literary agents, all these ladies are r esolute, Time reports, in their resolve to return to their work. The ~ that comes through is if they can do 1t, ladies, so can you, even though, as the magazine says, these Match up these names Many common objects have names that come from the names of other things. Each of the entries below has been named from BOmething ellle. 1. Which nower la named from a bird? 2. Whicb blrd ls named after a taint? ~·. IYlllYUlm ~ 8. Whlcb saint la named after a country? •. Whlcb country la named after a harbor? 5. What fltb ls named after an island? I . What Island la 1 named after a metal? 7. Whlcb breed of doc II named after another animal? 8. Whit currmt mate of car ls nUMd, after • automobll• racer? t . Wb.t\ bnDd ol ettaNUe II aam.ct an. an eult A.NI .... : • i. ,.. ealwnblae, ......... ~ the resemblance of the inverted nower to a cluster of five doves. 2. The martin, after St. Martin (the birds mlcrate from En&land near the time of Martinlnas.) 3. St. Francia, whose father renamed him after retumina to Italy from an extended stay in France. 4. PonucaJ. taken from the port, or harbor, ot Cale, on tbe Douro. <Tbouib' its ancient Roman. name was Lusitania.) 5. Tb• tardlne, moat abundantly fo u nd near Sardinia in tbe Mediterranean. I . Cypnaa, off southern T\lrtey, which w11 known 1A clu1lc U1nt1 1.1 the aovee ot tbe belt eopper. 7. TM dacblbund, wiao.. German name me.-''b8cll•r-do1!' 8. Loul1 Chevrolet was an early raclafa:ver and one of the flnt men to have lnltalled ln the Hall of Fame for auto ra~. t . Cbeaterfleld, aamed after the ltth·c.DturJ Lord Cbe1terfleld (Wbo alto 1ne bis name to a klDd of overcoat wltb a nlvet collar, and a larce overatuUed sofa wttb uprlcllt armrtlU), • rich women can afford Sl0,000 a year or more in child care costs. There is a special sadness in the emptiness or a women, or a man, of a certain age who wants a child but doesn't have one. In a humane and ideal society, matters would be arranged so that it would be within the practical means of anyone who wanted to be a parent to go ahead and be one. It isn't in ours and the Time story, by describing these fancy ladies who've contracted "pregnancy fever," inadvertently emphasizes bow wretched hard it is for most working women -and these days that's most women .:._ to have a kid. WHAT POSSIBLE similarity in bargaining power and work in conditions is there between them a Time's Michele Bertrand, the Citiba vice president who bas a comput terminal in her office and ''behind credenza an electric breast mi expressor. a machine necessary for nursing mother who spends long hou away from home"? How many wom are big shots enough to have a creden in their private offices? How ma women have private offices? Without unions or other organiz support, women warkers take wh they're given and try to survive ralse families in a time when pub policy is as adamantly against t family in fact as it is pro-family · speech. Not only is the minJmum wa under attack, but so is every progra designed to give supplemental help wocking mothers, be it in the form food or child care services. Family allowances, Jong establls I in a number of European democraci , are anathema here where .aid · children of paupers is begrudged ,I resented. ". . . there i.s an embarraasme 11 of -riches syndrome ," I Time quotes one of its typical motbe u saYlnc, ''Not just financially, b I emotionally. You have an overflow f , Jove and money thft you Just want \ share with another person." Yup, J t Uh the 1:1rlcs to the old sons. "U 1ot tbe money, hooey, I got the Time." If women are the WM.ker RX, why they Uve lor\a'tr1 • .._, .. ~9ft ....... ., ....... __ _,._..,....., ........ _....... . ... .... ................... ~ .... Aaten •r• pe1'nnlal plania that 1uarantH every pidener a floral bonanza. Thla favorite dcm well ln oontalnen, rock. p.rderw, or u an ed8lnl. 1"e caller varietiel make a colorful blcqround or can be u.d to apruce up the •S** between lhrutJI. 'nle most widely u.ted ii the uw frikartil w(th I lllac flowen ~t Neeb 2~ lnchea in width and ~ocm abundantly On three-foot 1tenw. Al a bom• Ir bloomt are ei.o fragrant, flUing the garden th thetr aoent fr<>m May to October. Choo. a sunny spot in the garden and as a rule y adapt to ahnofl any soil but the richer the aoil, better the bloom. Except for the pcmlbillty of w on their leaves in late fall, aat.en are rela- . ly resistant to _,,.t inaects and dileaaea. Once tiey get going Ip your garden, their roots are in\;Mive and should be divided in late fall or early spring. The smaller varieties 011ly need to be di- vided every two years as they do not grow as vi- gorously as the taller ones. There are all sor\I of varieties to gfow for garden and cut flower \.lie, You will find them-as t.1111 as 3 feet and as small as 6 to 12 inches, which ue the compact or cuthion types. Their fiower color alao varies with the variety. You may find them in bright blue, sparkling white, lavender, purple, rose """()F-pink. Asters are good companion plants with del- phinium, tall phlox or even zinnias for a taller ed- ging. For a low border, plant them with lobelia, ageratum or dwarf begonias. In either eate, be sure to leave the robust aster plenty of room to grow and prosper. . '3rl' -tCJubs set Aq • COLORFUL -The perennial aster blooms f n:1m May to October and their variety of colors wii:U brighten any sunny spot in the garden. ........ 9EJU41*...,_...._ The nailve &n.rkan 1unlto- wer ia not just anothtr prei&y ~~ kb of thole bro9d jolly faca uplifted to the sun nurturel from 700 to 3,000 complete floweN that become IMde. Now the Medi and the oll crushed from them ate a major U.S. export crop. Althouch the Soviet Union h9 ....,_ the number one producer ~f aanflowen llnce the 1930., the United Statee hu taken the Jeld lnaporta ot sunflower_. IDd all. R\&llla bouf1bt about 20,000 tGM oi "am oil from this COWl· "Yin J11nuary 1982 '1one1 , Alnericiln farmers harvested 3.5 miWoft .ere. of oll·IMd aun- Uowen with a value ot $441 million Jut year, up from only 10,000 aa'll ln 1966. Lut ).:ea.I' 1.7 mU.Uon tona of teed and SS2 000 tons of oil were ex.l)Orted. The harvest ii expecied t.f mor& than double in the next fpr years to meet foreign demand' for am oil. aays Larry ~r. ~ of the National Sunflower AIM>-· ciation. Sunf'.knffra are aecond only to soybeans • a cookin8 oil ~ around the world. SUghtl1 mc:>.r:e expensive than aoybean oU, ,an. flower oil ta U. meet economical h.lghly_ unsaturated v•table oil, says Harry Doty, the U.S .. Agrl~ culture Department'• chief sun- flower expert. It also inay have health bene- fits. The oil contains abol!t 70 percent llnoleic acid, the PQlyun- saturated fa~ believed to c:Ontrol hypertemlon, and a higher vita- min E content than all other oils, ~ IO aQ a.odaUGll •'1~ uan. Sea oU co even be poured Into palnta. varnl1hea, and pl•tial. And crude ""'1lower oU e i.e ueed to power cll..,J en- • e1, X.aton B. Kaufman of th Dakota St.ate Univeralty told the 1982 meeting of the J\n)erk.n A•oclatlon for the ~t of act.lee. After the oil ii cruahed from the IHda, the meal lef\ ii a va- luable proteln aapplement for U- yestock. Nor\h and South Dakota, Minnesota and Texas harvested 2.2 mWioo tons of teed last year, only a anal.I fraction of thta the sr*1k food type. Sixty percent of tbe oil aeeda were exported mainly to the Netherlands, Me- xico, Portugal, West Germany, and ltal:y to be crushed, and the rest wu processed dom~tlcally into oU. Then most of that was expor\ed -co Venezuela, Alge- ~ the Netherlands, and Egypt, aa:ording to ~e USDA's Foreign A;ric:Nltw-al Service (FAS). &.t fun oQ is not yet in great demand in this country. Kanaaa, the "avant-garde" of American sunflower circles, de- clared lt the state flower in 1903. Now it is more than a symbol - or a weed -in the Sunflower State, where 35,000 commercial acres were harvested last year. And the sunflower may find a new niche in American Qiatory as a national symbol iJ bills cur- rently before the U.S. Congress are~. S&Cramento landscape designer M8fC A.skew, coordinator of the Netloftel °""~ aoc~ lliwtretlon Tumln1 its head' lo follow the sun, the sunOower·s heliotropism accounts for Its name. The blossom ewotually yields tiundreds or seeds, which Clln be pressed into a versatile oil valued ardlmd the world. catnpajgn to make the sunflower our national flower, says it ii the ideal symbol of U.S. IeaC:ie~hip in food production and s'olar tech- nology. m eetings fJ'v 1•)'1ROSE GROWER Bill Warriner of the Jackson 11Perkin1 Co. will share rhas expertise with the -<lll-ange County Rose So- b:i~ty at 7:30 p.m. Thu.rs- *Y· The group will meet UlllllRI CllClllll Nursery Special AUST LIAN at the Westminster Rec-·~a ti on Center, 8200 Westminster Ave. ll' nMWESTERN Regional ·:C on f e r e n c e o f t h e ·~erican Horticultural -SOciety will be held Sat- urday at the South Coast _Botanical Gardens in 1Palos Verdes. 01 Speakers and their to- -.BAts include Leo Song ~r., of. Cal State Fuller- %n camJvorous plants; . Barbara Schneider, be National Fuchsia • Give lawn trees at least. a 2-foot diameter of grass free area around the trunk. This will make hand clipping around the trunk an obsolete chore and will end lawn mower dam.age to the trunk. • Remember to sow veg~!tables like lettuce, • radishes, carrots and com in su1xessive plaritings to lengthen harvest time. • Enceurage deep rootinig and a larger tole- rance for dry spells by watering infrequently but deeply and thoroughly. This water saving tip for the garden hel'ps minimize this vital gardening 1 chore and also helps you conser.re our most valuable resource -water. • Pumpkins and squash • u·e space uaers but they can be grown in small gardens by using a trellis, wall or fence for suppo,rt. To make tomato gardening easier, put a wire cage around your plants and this will help suppo1:-t them when their branches become heavily lademod with fruit. • Prune to keep evergree1n 1hrubs from en- croaching on sidewalks and pat} ».a before or as the new spring growth starts. And use the proper tools Jacobsen Or· Super Bagger Reg. $329.00 pciety, fuchsias; Mrs. :Jiiyrna Pollock, Amer- \~ Iris Society, irises; and Mrs. Donald ~rge, South Coast Came llia -&riety, camellia culture. to set even. clean cuts. · Get the best for yourself. ~~·~ r f. FR!~v!,!~~·R ~,~!~El i ~~~~~:.~ · $100 ALL 1 GAL. ~ 11011 Pal••ale St. HOM ELITE ~·J Ju f; Photos with I ~:·,lister Bmmy OFF YELLOW T ACi PLANTS 1~ l11tl1ct111~11• 141-HIG • PINK MARGUEAITES. AS•PARAGUS vo•·.uN .. EER • FERN • JUNIPERS • AZALl:A8 Iii :1• • BOXWOOD • NAT AL PLUIM • 6 MANY MORE OFFER GOOD WITH COUPON ONLY EXPIRES 4-2-32 ,\.ill • "'• Bring Y041t child to ~I Huntington Cet)f• for a nl fr" fun visit with the e East.,. Bun~. Photos onty $2.88 on re~st. Daily 'til Emter. teltel!Cl~~PPPCIE«e~;te~ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN AITERN AT11VE ·To 'TRADITIONAL' CHURCH? .. ' '· IMAGINE YOURSELF ... on Sunday morning • r 1 1 with a group of positive thinking •· people ... listening to a dynamic speaker offering >: waya to have greater health, happiness, success, 1 , , proeperity, and more loving relationships. \> That's what you can experience every Sunday morning at 9:00 or 10:30 at the Church of , , ~ Religious Science, Huntington Beach. , Here you will open new doors of eelf-awareneas. d Here you will find the space to rel~ue the ' • maanlficence that ia you. '1 Here you will think and. express, listen and LI' • 'i ah.are, learn and participate. • Hen you will ditcover the richnea of new friendships that will support you u you become the penon God wants you to bet Here you will unlock the aeoret of mastery in living u you diacover the principl .. of genuine happineu, good health, true 1ucce111 continuing You will find at the Huntington Beach Church of Religio•us Science opportunities that are many and varied ~as Wide-ranging as your seeking mind. You will discover unlimited possibilities for expanding yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and' physically through ... * Sunday Celebration * Claaeea * Worbh<\P8 * Seminarit * Muaic • * Dial·A-11houaht (714) 636-2732 * Social an1<1 ~ial events * Book ato 1·e-materiala for positive living * Cbildren1'1t Sunday Activitiet--where * children ft earn at an early age to create a · ' 1" fulfilling Jtif e. EAHTER SUNRISE SERVICE proeperity, and unlimited bleaq. 1------ Here you will feat at the b,nquet of life. a. wrell ol Rellll .. ~eaee Hen .. .at the Huntm,ton Beach Church of Seaclirt Vill~·u, Suit. 46 .Relidoua Science ... ther•'• a whole new church ~m> ~~eet.. H\lntJQlton Beach, CA 92643 ~ on! Teen Group Nunery Can •l You an invited to be a pert ot it. Junior Chu.rcb , Coffee Soda! Join ua oo~ Swula,ya at 9iOO and 10:30 a.m. r - ·~ ( • 1 , 1. -.. ~ -\. . 'j ;.. TREE FERN Fast grawlng, tall , spread":'g light green fronds. N~'ZEAl.AND FERN Lower growing. more compact dar1< green fronds. 6 GAL. REG. 14.98 EA. Prevent ose Miidew ••. ORrHO; ~~~ FUNGINEX eontto~ ,- CQntrota and pre-.en~ the three main Rose Probteme. •• 8oz. • MILDEW m.kM • RUST 16 gals • BLACK SPOT apray Leaves no residue on foHage or blossomS tt f"I j f '. ROSES Many cok>fS. Take home dozensl Sine~ 1 946 HalliRs Nursery -Flor'41t 21~ Harbor llvd.: Costa Mesa I M .... tin ...... H , 1112. • .... ...,....lat artha Wa1hln9ton~ Geraniums ''Pelargonlums'' , ........ • In Bloom. Many oolors I ~ ···1 ··~· 501 ... uo 2~) • ID 7:own enif neer turns off media after Reagan quote MIFFED -Princess Anne la reportedly. angry with the.Britlah press for giving acant coverage of her visit to strife-torn Nor- thern Ireland. SOUTH KINGSTOWN, ft.I. (AP) -la it newt that ICJIDe fella llvea out ln Succota1h Point aomeplace1 that he ahould be tntervlewea natlanwideT Norman Bampton doHn't think IO. Ht•• bad enouah of SUCCO'tllh. and lan't interested In an all· expenaee paid trip to New York City and a TV appearanat. Bampton, South KJ.nptown'a town engineer, lives ln the ... side vUlap of Jeruulem at Sue· cotash Point. He bu been pur- sued by the national media thla week u reporters searched for someone to lnte~ew from "South Succotash, '1 a place In· vented by President Reasan to illustrate a point about the news media. "la it newa that aome fella out in South Succotash someplace ha1 Juat been laid off, that he 1hould be interviewed nationwide.'' 'fteaaan aaid ln an lntKYMw publlaheCI March 17 In The Dllily Oklahoman. SuccotMh, u It turned out, Un ln the town of South KingJtown and net&bborlna N~amett. After reportera found out about Sueeowh, callers to the Town Hall were referred to Barnpton, who la known for h1a dry, homespun humor. But Bmnpton aald he declined an offer by ABC's "Good Mor- nlna America" to come to New Y or1t and appear on the program. He said he told a Pf()ducer frun the ahow who tefe'phoned him that reporters were "digging around trying to make a ms story out of nothing." Then a national radio network called and a ~ service called and Bampton aaid he really · didn't want to be Interviewed because he would aay what they didn't want to beu: ''The preea in general elaborates and triee to blow thinp up and accent little illue9 that are mean.Ingle.." Bampton said a c•ller from "Good Moml.ng America" U.ten· ed to hll oplnlona for a few mi· nuta, paUled, and then, without another word, ~una up. Disease reported ATLANTA (AP) -A new neuromUICU.lar dbeue bu been diacovered in Spain among thou~ sands of people stricken lut year with pnewnonia UIOdated with illegally marketed cooking oil, the national Centers for Dlaeale Control reported. • THE ORMCE COAST DAILY PILors SPECIAL PURCHASE!! 1981 FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALL V LOADED! Including factory air conditioning, automatic transmission, Power brakes. electric windows, door locks. tilt wheel, cruise control. amlfm stereo, deluxe wheels & MORE. MORE. MORE (1BOF815) New Chevys CHEAP! •710 ...... . .,.. ..... .._.......,. .. 19ICl'12Cft.Hon1, CPalien. 10-JO Trwck1! •SOOIMR•tel Mewmd._tnltor 'II ..ct'l2Ct.v..tte1, C1lllM ltys. S-10 wt LUV pkbpt! LIMITED TIME ONLY 1 Get a terrific, discomted HOW ARD deal PLUS RHATE HOW! •WAllll Chevrolet PORSCHE AUDI ii ... in the tt1ldition of excellence SAU;S •SERVICE• LEASINC:i' WILSON FORD m -e-D 18255 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach IM/W Sts., ~Bad '*·......, MacAt1ilr, lristlll B 13631 Harbor Blvd. • Garden G rove 636-233 3 (where Harbor meets th~ G arden Grove Freeway) 842-6611, 556-1070 714/133.0555 ~~~~~PORSCH E +ALJD NOTHING EVEN COMES C•~OSE SOUTH COAST HONDA. (714) 957-1966 300 I So. Maift. s.ta AMI, CA. 1912 y.45 Sabn D WHERE OUR REPUT ATIOH IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #I WITH US! Contest R1l11: 1. Correctly complete the secret phrase by finding and Ullng letters appearing In dealer ads on this PIQ8. See -How to Play" for instructions. 2. All entries must be completed on coupons clipped from the Dally Pilot or on hand-drawn facsimiles. Mllcttlne duplicated entries will not be eliglble. En1rle9 must be legible. completely filled out and algned by entrant 3. One winner of 50 gallons of gas will be randomly drllWn MCh weet( for 8 weeks from correctly completed entries. A grand prize winner will be drllWfl Aprll 15. 1982 from all weekly entries recelYed dut1ng the 6 weeks, including weekly winners, lor 100 gallons of gas. Decision of the Judges 11 flnu. 4. You "'8Y IUbmit only one entry per week. No pet90n "'8Y win more than one weekly contest. Entn. must be rec.lved at the Dally Piiot by 5:30 p.m. the Wednesday following publication. 5. Aa consideration for winning any prlu . winners will autholtn publication ol their names and/or photographs by Orange Coast Publishing Co. without further compensation. 8. Gaeollne ahall be leadad regular, unleaded reguter, Pf*"lum or dieael. Winners must redffm wlrWng coupon within 2 montht of not.lflcatlon ~ t*9 won Mr prize. 7. eon..t Is open to anyone 18 years ol age or older. ~ of Orange Coast Publllhlng Co. and their Immediate famlllee ere not ellglble to win. ~-~~ UP TO 400 Gallons C)f Gr AS Just solve the secret phrase with letters from this page and mail this coup' )n. I heve rud and agree to the rules for this contest. and am 18 years old or older. Here Is my solution to the secret phrase: -Secret n1111 - llJI I t•O llJDDDDDCTJ Name: Address: ...................................................... . City ........................................... ZIP ............. . I Telephone: ..................................................... . Signature ...................................................... . lAST WEEK'S WI~:' I ~ Klmberly Hodge, Huntington Beach WINS ! SO -GAU.OHS Week #4 Answer: CONSERVE FUEL of GA 5 Picked from 523 entries TRADE-IN 'JALUE Spinal Probleml • St,.... Newelt Mo8t MOdern Technique of S.H Help Buy ·or Rent · llcl* ffll -..... .. A-?\~~l Call for Further Intonation ,, ~9!'•Jtnuinc , _. IACKIWING IALll a llMTAU INC. (714) 839-87 26 IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING TO , PUT YOURSELF BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A NEW CADILLAC GM ot1d Not>en Cadillac moke 11.asy IO OllO<d you new Codllloc wit!\ let>olft OI uP IO S2.000 on setecled mode5f lhofl "Ol'I $2J)OOI Thll meons 11\ol the c;oll o r a new Not>efs Cod1noe may never be IOwer 11\e lolgesl ~ OI l>eOlllllul new CodllOCI 'l'Oll• find including 11\e greol new HT •100 powe< system mooet1. NICI VOU 1.c:e,.... oll "'41 MMCe ond ! c;u11omer oore l?lOT's ~ 0 Nobert ITodlllon IOI over 1 A yeol1 And lust because vou re enio'llng huge IOVlnQI ooesn I mean vou hOYe to Com. in IO Not>ers give up sei.cl!on Of Cod~lac: Wf1flt 11\e MtMCe We have one ol lei.cflOn II shM good m NABERS,2600 Harbor Blvd . Cosio Mesa CADILLAC 11141540.9100-12131 551:8266 SEE OUR FULL PAGE COLOR AD IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL •1 0 GLAD m YOU DIDI Ho• to Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks· 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Galons It's easy! In each of the advertisements on this page there are one or more letters for a total of 12 that makes a secret phrase when unscrambled. u .. each letter only once and use all the letters provided, Including the two tetten that have been solved for you on the entry blank. Simply find the letters. unscramble them to make the secret phrase. and bring or mall YoUr COUPol'ltO: • GREAT GAS GIVEAWAY The Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St. Coste Mesa. CA 92626 ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED srs:30 P.M . WEDNESDAY MARCH 31 , 1982 It you have been thinking 11bout trading In your famlty'1 uMd car for a new one, Orange County deaters an• prepared to offer you more trad•ln for some modell than you might think. The ree1on 11 simple: supply, demand and value. There la ctem8nd for certain models of gocx i. clean uMd cara. If you trade now this may mean higher tra~n vmue of your ptWient car -whklh wltl go a long w1y to offMt any higher MW car prtcee. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1982 Whatever happened to the days of steam beer and Exposition hot dogs? Stan Delaplane laments their passing on Page B2. TRACTORS TEMPTING -In today's economy, one home- builder's surplus is another developer's gain. A row of rolling equfpment undergoes one man's inspection before Thursday's auction that attracted a crowd of the curious. Many had wat- 0.-, Not "'4»t• bf LM l"eyne ched the equipment accumulate for three weeks behind a fence along Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Buying action heavy at equipment auction More than 300 show up for sale at county fairgrounds By JODI CADENHEAD O(the Dally l"tlot lt.tf The star of the show was a gleamin~ yellow caterpillar trac- tor for which a man from North Dakota paid $338,000 Thursday during what was probably the lareest heavy equipment auction ever held in Orange County. More than 300 people, mostly mei:1.l.}rom 40 atatts and half a dozn ~unt.MeA att•nded the Millet-and Miller Auctioneers event at the Orange Cou nty Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. From 10 a .m . to 2 p .m . the buyers, ~lutching lists of the 187 Hieces of equipment for sale, stened intently as auctioneer Bill Miller hawked everything from chain link fence posts to hulking bulldozers, with wheels twice the size pf a man's body. A truck carrying Miller passed slowly under the cold gray sky and pattt the rows of sparkling equipment. stopping only long enough ~ sell each piece to the highest bidder. 'II want to tell you something boys," said Miller. "Wes got this equipment in tip top condition to put back to work and then he decided n ot to put it back to work."' Wes Foster, who was selling all the oon:itruction equipment from his company in El Toro, said he Newp ort B oulevard work due A $1.1 million state traf- fic signal replacement pro- ject Is expected to trigger periodic lane closures along Newport Boulevard in b ot h Costa Mesa and Newport Beach during the next five months. The Caltrans-funded project is d esigned to re- place signals and traffic control boxes between Pa- cific Coast Highway and the San Diego Freeway. Workmen also will be installing so-called wire loop detectors In the street at each intersection. This portion of the job will mean lane closures. The detectors, to be pla- ced in the street under a half-inch layer of epoxy, wm be wired to the signals and will activate signal changes aooording to traffic l~. t "~t will mean virtually ~delays to the motorist Newport," aald one trans engineer. 'Signala on Newport ,levard now are c ed by tlmera and, laid, there la a lick aynchronbatlon bet- een 1ianal1 in Newport .c.c.taM-. The work, t>.rrlng bad tber, ltrikee and mate- ahortaael. la 1ebeduled be complei.d in July. was pleased by the $4.2 million shelled out by the buyers. "Construction is down," said Foster. "The opeor!unities aren't MB abµndant and lfll.have a lot of tools rd just be parking ... Despite tt\e brisk sale of all the equipment, many of those atten- ding the auction said they came with no intention to buy. Some just wanted to see what prices were pad in case they decided to sell. "If you have work they're good buys," said Greg Kirst with Kirst Construction Co. in Alta- dena. "But nine out of 10 are just looking at prices. Only 10 percent of the people here have work they can use the equipment for." Fiesta dance program due - The famed Ballet Folklorico Mexicapan performs April 24 at 8 p.m. in Laguna Beach's Irvine Bowl under the sponsorship of Saddleback College. Tickets range in price from $3 to $8. Children under 12 jlet half price. For information on or res- e rvations, call 831 -4656 w eek - days from 10 a.m. to noon, and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. One man who did come to buy was Erin Murphy. a tall gray- bearded New Zealander, who paid $126,000 each for two scra- pers and then barel~ IO mmu• later raised his hand again to buy a $270,000 crawler tractor. "We're spent out." said Mur- phy. "There's n"t a lot of this available in our country." Not everyone was altogether happy ab9ut the prices being paid. John Cameron bid $62,000 apiece for seven caterpillar scra- pers. "It was no big bargain." said the construction company owner. "Let's just say it was a good price." A look of frustration and anger came over his face when two minutes later he stopped the bidding at $53.000 for two sim- ilar. though older model tractors. Asked about the price he paid, the apparently disgruntled buyer would only mumble. "Too much." Buyers would have a week to move their new merchandise off the fairgrounds property. Most came with checks or letters of credit for their purchases. Auctioneer officials estimated that there wasn't more than $50 in cash exchanged during the multi-million dollar transactions conducted Thursday. I ~ ..... ,.....~a..,.,,.. SYNCHRONIZING TRAPFIC -Rick Jensen, front. and Randy Miller lnliall new a,naJ.a at Fairview Road in Costa Mesa, one of 25 intenections in project. t GOING ... GOING -Bill Miller Sr. scans the crowd of 300 at the Orange County Fair- grounds in Costa Mes& to accept bids for 187 pieces of construction equipment. School 'sour note' feared Seal Beach district shutdown would hurt music program The proposed shutdown of the Seal Beach School District would sound a sour note for the music program at Huntington Beach ~igh School. say education offi- cials. The small and financially troubled Seal Beach District plans to solve its problems by being annexed by the Los Ala- mitos Unified School Di.strict in 1983. If Seal Beach a nd Los Ala- mitos voters approve the propo- sal, tentatively scheduled for the November ballot, it would mean that Huntington Beach H igh School eventually would lose between 350 and 400 Seal Beach students. If approved , the annexation would take effect in July 1983, and graduating Seal Beach eighth graders would transfer to Los Alamitos High School rather than Huntington Beach High School. "The Seal Beach kids have been the backbone of the Hunt- ington Beach music department and have been outstanding stu- dents; we'd hate to lose them, says F r a nk "Jake" Abbott, superintendent of the Hunting- ton Beach Union High School District. Currently, 389 Seal Beach s tudents attend Huntington Beach High School. The school has a total of about 3,000 pupils, say district oUicials. 'Work for welfare' Galan Vogel, director of the 100-member music program at Huntington Beach High School, says Seal Beach students. repre- sent 25 percent of his jazz and marching bands. cuts_ county costs "They have a very strong and active mu&ic program in Seal Beach," Vogel says. "Loss of Orange County government's "work for w elfare'' program, now one year old, is doing just what officials wanted. It it hel- ping reduce welfare C01ta. According to a report aubmit- ted this week to county 1upervt- 1ors, the so-called work1are progra.m still Is flexible enough to provide aasiatance to truly needy penons who, for a variety of reaaons, can't meet work re- quirement.a. Under the workt_,.e prqp'am, applicant.a for aenera1 relief wel- fare, which it funded entirely by the county, must report for work two days per week M laborers or clerical aldet at varloua county fadllUe1. Applican'8 who fail to ahow up for work .. 11nment1 are aanctloned. In the past year, 1,801 pel'ION those students could have a t.re- have been assigned to the work mendous effect on o ur music ~:";~pical applicant partici-pr"~-:~feays the Seal Beach ~ I pated in the program for tw o etudenta have helped the high week• and received $171 ,31 in tchool bend in past aucceuu, in- 1!!.!leral relief ald, of whlcb cludiftl performances in both the '5&SG wu "repaid" by wOl'kina Macy'• Than~givlng Day Pa- for the county. rade a nd the Tournament of The work pro1ram particl· .ac.t Parllde bl 1980. pants daring the year received He noted tbal other ~ ele- $308,526 and "repaid" $ll9,f9'1. mentary disttbl -~ Officiala Mid another $72,324 In" S-:1\ Ctty, Fountain V and coeta were avoided bJ not havinlr ~ View ~ haw tied to provide Uliatence io pel'IOftl or cut ha 1hiili ~PJ.lifllnm who mu.ed to ahow up for wol1l .. Nalnt ~ ~.~kfare pro1rem WH of~~ inatituuid by county 1UJ111'1'Yt1an '*YI 11Uta in after tbe COit of piovkfina aen-federal fun ln1 and inflation eral relief welfare beaan to ln-have made it uneconomical to a.. at an alanninl rate. 'operate the 7~-atudent di9trict. -Or11ng9 Coat DAILY PtLOT/Fnay, MWOh 2t, 1812 •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE •STAN DELAPLANE Parents decide t .o 'divorce' their children DEAR ANN LANDERS: It ls a common occurrence, these daya, to divorce a apouae. But what do you think about divorcing your children? My husband and I raised our three to the best of our ability. We spent time with them. took them to church, encouraged their participation in sports and music. Every- thing was fine until they hit their mid-teen years. Suddenly peer p~ure took over. All the things they were taught as youngsters went out the window. The rules and regu- lations we set up were ignored. What their friends thought was far more important. All three married young. Not one fi- nished college. They have bounced around from job to job. We hear from them only when they need money. (They think we are the First National Bank.) Now that the grandchildren are here, it's worse than ever. The kids have no re- spect for furniture, walls or carpeting. No parent ever te lls them NO. They are de- structive, mouthy and fight with each other all the time. TURTLE SAVER -Kim Cliffton (center), a conservationist from Ariwna, works with local Indian fishermen, n e tting and tagging a sea • Last week my wife and I decided to divorce all three of our children. There will be no reconciliation until they agree to be- have like responsible adults, control their kids when they a.re in our house and live within their incomes. What do you think about this? -HAPPY WITH THE THOUGHT DEAR HAPPY: lnatead of the word "divorce," why not 1abstltate "temporary separation"? Perlaapa when your children realize tllat you are notJoing to continue to bail them oat of flDaDcl trouble and f:' up with what sound s Jlke an awful ot of lmmanre and Inconsiderate behavior, they may sJaape up. Meanwhile, I agree, you de- serve a rest from all the tumult. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This is a bedroom problem, to be sure, but not your average, garden-varie ty, "My husband- snores" type of thing. Jack is 47. I am 38. We have a good marriage. Jack seems happy and completely satisfied. From the beginning he has sche- AP WlreptM>to turtle in the Pacific Ocean off Maruata, Me- xico. Clifton is working to halt the decline in population of the much-hunted subspecies. Virgo: Follow hunch Saturday, March %7 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Good news received concerning income potential, per- sonal poasesaion.s and genuine bargain in- volving luxury item. Focus on home impro- vement, domestic relations and ability to beautify surroundings. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Apparent setback will boomerang in your favor. Ti- ming, judgment and intuition are on target. You'll refine techniques and gain allies - aura of intrigue, mystery and romance dominates scenario. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Gain in- dicated through group or committee activity -talents are recognized, you're given more authority and chance for greater financial reward. You'll be dealing with executive types, older individual will lend benefit of experience. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasis on hopes, wishes and meeting which could de- velop into import.ant relationship. Romance, creativity, affairs of heart dominate scenario. Aries, Leo, Libra persons figure prominent- ly, Wish comes true in unusual manner. .,,,,, By PHIL INTEALANDI of Laguna Beach HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): New contact w.ill eventually aid in career. Highlight in- dependence, creativity, originality and confi dence. Professional superior will make room for you. Another Leo plays important role. Member of opposite sex confides feelings. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Follow through on hunch -first impressions prove correct. Lunar emphasis on publishing, tra- vel, education and ability to communicate in unique, compelling manner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You make discovery concerning financial status of one who is verbose, who makes grandiose claims. Reject superficial explanations. Give full play to intellectual curiosity. Surprise party invitation highlights scenario. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Maintain low profile, check details, be aware of legal rights, permissions. You'll be asked to take a test. Express willingness to revise, revie w and rebuild on a more suitable structure. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Exciting changes dominate scenario. Mem- ber of opposite sex is involved, communi- cates ideas which are productive, useful. You now begin building on practical base . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19.): Sce- nario highlights domestic adjustment, gift purc.haaes, successful creative endeavor and romantic interlude. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio natives figure prominently. Status quo is shaken, optimism replaces gloom. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on lifestyle, real estate, sped.al purchase and e1tabl11bment of territorial rights. Longstanding transaction can now be com- pleted. Temll will be clarifled and wlll be in your favor. Pisces la involved. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Project that only mildly interested you will now consume time, will provide challenge and pomble new lncome IOW'Ce. Emphasis allo on short tripe, visits, meauas which verify claiml, ARertiona made by relative. .. .. duled sex once a week. Anything more is considered "excessive." I have learned to accept hls timetable. But when this man is dleep he is all over me. Nothing ever comes of it because he is totally unconscious. If I respond, he imme- diately stops and falls into a deeper sleep. He is unaware of hls actions, just wakes up every morning, fresh as a daisy, feeling rested and peppy. This has gone on for 12 years. Last week I finally yelled at him at 4 o'clock in the morning after being lunged at three times in one night. (He should be so active when he's awake.) The man is a highly successful execu- tive, and I am beginning to wonder if his wo rk has diminished his sex drive more than he cares to admit. When I told him I wanted to buy twin beds, he screamed, "It's a sure way to kill a marriage." Any suggestions before I drop? -WORN-OUT FROM NOTHING IN COLO. DEAR WORN-OUT: Twin beds with a Those SAN FRANCISCO -It's always fair weather when good fellows get together. l was sitting in the Wash. Sq. at noon when Sam Deitsch came in with a sausage as long as Magic Johnson's arm. H e said: "It's a Braunsweig e r . The Rolls-Royce of liver pate. You can't find them here anymore. I have to send to St. Lo ... UIS. Immediately everybody came up with other t hings "you c an't hardly g et anymore." Nothing stirs the appetite like a sentimental going over of the good old days. "You can't get barrel sauerkraut," they said. "What's happened to those player pia- no days when you could get draft steam beer and sauerkraut with pigs knuckles?" AND WHATEVER became of Exposi- tion hot dogs? The big kind named for our 1915 Exposition. ''Each one was a meal in itself." We all agreed that people used to be more honest. Not everyone was just out for himself. And now would you look at the way things are going in government? So to lunch, having put world affairs in order. Nobody would come around toting a 3-foot Braunsweiger but Sam. He's one of the owners of the Wash . Sq. He's something of a food critic. In the evening, customers come to ~at at the restaurant. Sam is home in his kitchen whipping up something out of Brillat- Savarin. SAID SAM: "You used to be able to get Braunsweiger at Iacopi's on Grant Avenue. Not anymore. I don't know why. Only place I can get it now is from Key Packing C.o. in St. Louis. It's the best liver sausage in the world, believe me." On barrel sauerkraut: "Each butcher made his own and scooped it out of the barrel into a carton for you." The bartender mopped up a spilled drink and said: "You used to be able to get it at the old Crystal Palace. Remember, on Market?" He said: "And you could get steam beer on draft there too. There used to be 37 steam b eer bre w eries in San Francisco. N ow there's one -Anchor. And only in bottles. I don't know anybody who serves it on draft. "I'll tell you why. When you pull it, the foam fills the glass. You have to wait for it to go down. Top it up. Let it go down. Tot> it up again. Bars can't do enough business with a barman pulling beer like that. Life's too short." ~-AllN_U_JIOl_RS~~ single headboard might be tbe solution. be doea not feel your body next to blm e mlgbt not lunge. U be should emerge from bis seml-consclouaness, however, and would like your "comr.anlonsblp," you're an arm's' length away. Its worth the Investment. Try It. I "Sexual freedom" presents a difficul decision for teen-agers and their parents. Ann Landers offers down-to-earth advice in h er n e w booklet, "Hig h School Sex an How to Deal Wich It -A Guide for Tee and Their Parents." For each booklet, sea 50 cents plus a long, stamped, self-addrac~-11 envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 119~. Chicago, m. 6061 1. ' the days .. • t' STAN DELAPl.All' AROUND THE WORLD , . . We ordered another drink before luncn and agreed life was too short . (It used to bel longer in the good old days. Take my word for it.) ' . ON EXPOSITION hot dogs: "They ser-: ved them first at the 1915 Exposition, and: they were continued by a German sausage! maker off Van Ness. Like on Vallejo. Or: maybe Pacific, I forget. "They were big, fat sausages. The sau-' sage place was mostly wholesale, but they: had a little retail place in the front. People came from all over to buy Exposition hot; dogs. • · "They've been out of business I don 't: know how long. I suppose the supermarkets! drove them out. Everything seems to be! going out of production. The good things, I 1 mean." We all too k a tap at our drinks and agreed that supermarkets were driving the • good old days to destruction. "Down the hatch," we said. A l o t of writers and ad men and TV people and musicians and artists come regularly to the Wash . Sq. It has very good food. It's too noisy. It's too crowded. So I go there all the time. It ha s a re pu ta ti on of being. "intellectual!" Maybe you thought that? So I put this down to show you that you were absolutely right. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT A SURPRISING NUM&ER.. OF" TM£ 'TMINGS I PON'T 8£LtEVE' . I . I AR.£ EVENTcJALL°Y . PR.O'lrN T'O ~ • UNTRUE. ) I • ' ~a...._;: ' GOREii 011 BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Bc;th vulnerable. Eut deals. NORTH + KQ1097t c;:;>H 0 v.w • Q10t87 WEST EAST •A542 •Ja <::>U c;:;>J7U O KJl0t4Z O At •J •AKtU SOUTH •8 <::1 AIQ105 O Q81U •42 The Bidding: Eut ~ Wfft Nwdl I• I <::> OW. PUI I• 1 0 OW.I <::> Dlt .. P ... P ... P ... Opening lead: Jacko(•· There la a almplt w., to avoid being end played. Ott rid of your bi1h cards wht n you can afford to do IOI Thi• hand la f.rom a recent pair competition. Wttt'e double of ono htart waa .. "negative··: i.e .. for takeout. not penalties. North decided that it was not worth bidding a suit in which West was known lo have at least four cards, so be simply corrected to hearts when his partner's second suit was doubled. East's double was based on the form or competition -at duplicate pairs you often have to make close doubles if you want to obtain a reasonable score. West led the jack or clubs. covered by the queen and won by the king. Eaat made the obvioua 1hlft to a trump. o.darer woo the ace and ruf· feel a diamond In duaun7. He led the kins or •pad•• from the table. WMt won the ace and ex.h.ed with a diamond to hi• partner'• ace. Eut cub· ed the aee of chtbe and played a low club. Oeda,..r ruffed with tht ten of trump!I and cuhtd tht kinr aad queu. On tbt1t tricb Eut oanfull7 followecl with Lhe MVtn ind jack of trumps! Now. when dttlarer . led the Cive or t rumps. East t was able to underplay the three, lea.ving declarer on lead. On declarer's forced dia- mond lead. West was able lo take two diamond tricks to complete a one-trick set. Observe what would have happened if East had left himself with a high trump. Re would have been thrown 'I in with the lut trump and would then have been forced to lead a black suit, allowing dummy lo collect the last 1 three tricks -and the con· i tract. HaveyHMe•......,ill- to clHblo trHblo? Lot CMrte1G_...w,,... ... , ..... , ..,.... t.M .... of DOUBLES for .peMlt.loe &1141ertU..-.FeratiefJel Ida OOU8LE8 ~ .... ll.U te ~Oo .. h1," an el tllll .. .,.,..., P.O. tea Ill, Nerw .... N.J. O?t48. Mako doeke ,.,.w. .. Now.,.,.,....1. . . ... . ,.·. ·' • \1t • . . . T•E F1'MllL l' c1ac1:1 81GGEOaQE by Vlrg I Partch (VIP) : ~ PliNUT8 IF ANVOHE CALlS, l'U. SE IN MY SEAN 8A6 5UU(IN6! Orange Cout DAIL v PILOT /Friday, Miich 2e. 1982 l 3 TUMBLEWEED8 i NOW iM~ FOLJIO'H ~1 IN MV SERIES OF 1·4 (, ................ ·- SHOE L.EC'T\JRfS ON 1HI! NIW f~OF AHIMAL. &.OR! .. by Charles M. Schulz l1M COMIN6 by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly 11 ''' ••• Jack feH down and broke his crown .... '" I "Was Jack a KING?" "Walter, this menu 11 completely blank." ' . by Brad Anderson .• . . . . . . ~.. . .. . . . . . .. ~ .. . . .. • • • 1 , . . ... ... .. . . . · .. - .. . . ···. . . . . .. MULLINS! W~kE UP!! THUMOAY'S PVm.l IOlVED I WANTlO SEE SOME GETUP AND GoA~ND HERE!! UGH··l PUT mo MUCH SALAD OIL ON MY LETTUCE by Ernie Bushmlller 1M~'5 NO [X)08T AeOOT IT! I'M GOfN6TOHAVE10 ~ INCREA51N& THE MnJNT1Mf I A5K FOR t.E.~E FEES! by Kevin Fagan \illll ~ MINVf~ OIO ~ ~~i PS '1C MOl.O(, 'f Of'.. 8IOU>&'f' ? by George Lemont WHESN YOU'Re ,.RYIN1 -ro sei...i... eROSHeS AN' YA HAF'Pe N ,.0 L.OOK Loi Ke AN l R S AUPl'T'OR, YA SURES Mee-r SOMe we1RPOS .' I LAST CHANCEi Due to overwhelming response, this weekend Newport Datsun will make this offer available for the last time. Don't miss your chance to save! Buy any new car or truck at Newport Datsun this weekend, and we'll give you a 5 Year/50,000 Mile Service Contract FREE! Bring this ad! 1982DATSUN 1982Datsun STANZA 4 Door Sedan, 5 Speed. Front Wheel Drive. Ser#8300 $6514 THE MOST COMPLEn PARTS I &VICI DEPARTMDTS IN SOUT1Btll CAUFOIUHAI 1982Datsun 210 2 Door Eoonomyl _.Ser #3~3 $4694 1982 Datsun U'L HUSTLER Pickup Rugged Features! Ser#9795 $5589 19820atsun MAXIMA DIESEL Automatic Transmission. Loaded with Elegance! Executive Car. Ser#3016 sn,208 M4 CAM""'9 tu.,~ DOC,._ .-l&M.9-"'tAU..MOll"nONI. Ai1110 Ml.....,.TO,__IM&MU ....... ~MAfa.oMOP..-. -.. ..... ,.. .. .., ......... ,. ..... ~ ......... WHY SEE US? -\ Because ••• We offer what no bank or lease company can: v E•p•rtly •t•fl•d, mo•t modern ••r-,lc• • p•rt• d•-1Mrtment• for th• •'r•r more ':rt•nt ••r-,lc• •lt•r th• v On• ol th• Bouthl•nd'• mo•t ••,,.rlenc.d ••I•• •nd '--Ing .,.,,.. v Ellmln.tlon of tM mldd• ,,,.n bf #Nelng dHl9f dlrw:t N you CMI .. .,_ eNtt """9/ ALL MODELS AND COLORS IN STOCK NOW! DON'T DELAY -GET YOURS TODA YI _,_,. ,., ,. ,,,, ,.., .,, We Have YOUR llew Dar in Stock • • • PllCIS STAIT AS LOW A~a LIASI AS -.5 23670 =·.1:!.rt1 LOW ii'1.11cr TO AVAILAllLrn AS ~""-:.. 4-WHllL DlllYI ITANDAllD llDTaUCKI ,,_ •n TOYOTA COllOLLA •s un1ACK ntts ~ cyl.. 5 ~. AM FM tt.,M todlo, heotet buchet •Nit. loc 121TlP cyl cu"om wheel• AM FM tteteo coH•tl• •ote1 foctory ou 'S ttJntoof l•< PP 11106 '11 PLY. IAPPOllO .. 2t cy1 • 'pd AM ,M ttereo rod10 f\e.at4tf' ·i 'S uu1'• control \•< tl0~7 'IO OLDSMOllLE CUTLAS UPRIMI IROUGHAM U" uto cu1tom wNel• heoter factory au 'S power 1eoh power w1ndow1 hit wheel c1u•1• control powet door l0<k1 tinted 91011 vinyl roof Full Pow•• OoeHI lie IAllS05 7' CADILLAC SEVILLE TRIUMPHS . . ON SALE THIS 1980 · TR7 DEMO $9595 it01570 THIS 1980 TR8 DEMO $11, 700 it08905 13 Others Also On Sale. Now you can enjoy the fun of a high performance convertable --in time for summer --And for less than you might think. · 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ~2131 581-1532'11•1642·9405 Aston-Martin• Ferrari• Triumph• Jaguar• Rover I I FAIDAY, MARCH ff, 1912 C6 C7 Oilers shade Fountain Valley in prep track. See story, Page C3. Angels expect'60,000 for Dodgers Despite the aprlnt .. ,a of Fernando Valen· zuela and the feet the Angela are still look1ng for a pitching staff, baseball fever appears to be at a Te· cord pitch in both Los AJl8eles and Orange count-t•. Ne~ weekend's Freer Series, between the DodJzera and Angela, ii a ex.ample. Tickets for the lint two games (Fri y and Saturday) in Loe Anseles have already reached the general ad.mia· lion level on a "guaranteed aeat basis." The Dodger front office isn't ready to predict a pair of sellouts yet, but the prognosis looks good. As for the Angels, they're expecting a turnout Ln exce. of 60,000 for Sunday's contest at Anaheim Stadium, which would be an attendance record. The current mark of 58.,353 was set last year in game two of the Freeway Series. The regular seuon attendance record, by the way, Is 51,325. Jt WH set last year against the Minneeota Twins on Cap Night. Capacity for Ana- heim Stadium is 65,158 .. • • • JOHN SEVANO ticket sales have reached nearly 25,000 -a jump of more than 10 percent over last year. The Angels, meanwhile, are staying close to their 15,000 aeaaon ticket figure of 1981. • • • TROUBLE IN PARADISE: Because of Fer- nando's ballyhooed contract dispute, the Angels have been buried OU. spring as far as publicity. That doesn't mean all is well on the Autry front, however. There are more than a couple of disgruntled players among the team ranks. One of them, Butch Hobson, was shipped to New York this week. Ex· BELIEVE IT OR NOT DEP'I'.: The Dodgers pect others. have already guaranteed themselves a minimum Brian Downing has privately expressed his attendance figure of two million for the 1982 sea-displeasure to family and friends. One of the more eon. vocal and outspoken malcontents, though, Is Fred No kidding! Patek. The Dodgers have sold more than two million Patek, who came to the Angels in 1980 as a free tlcketa even before the first pitch April 6. Seuon agent, is currently battling Jose Moreno for the last -=-~~~~~~.::...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lnfield •pot on the roster. With the like• of Rod Carew, Bobby Grich, Rick Burleson, Doua DeCinces and 1uper-sub Tim Foll, there appears to be little room for the little man. "I'm being treated like a minor leaguer," said Patek reciently. "Even wone, I've been treated like garbage. I'm mlaerable, frustrated, depressed. I've been used almoat exclusively in 'B' games. ·•1 don't know where I stand with the Angels. No one says a word to me -not Gene Mauch, not Buuie Bavasi. n ot anyone. It's as though I don't exist. "I just wish the Angels would hurry up and make a decision on me. If they want to release me, fine, then release me because I know there are other teams I can help.'' Patek is currently in his third year of a three- year contract sigJled just before the 1980 season. Although he has played sparingly, Patek has hit .429 this spring. The Angela, however, have reportedly given Patek permission to make a deal with any other club, with nothing expected in return. That's a pretty cheap price. But then the Angels gave away Hobson, too (for right-handed minor leaiUer Bill Castro). What riles Patek more than anything la he doesn't know what he did to deserve hi.I current treatment. Everything looked roay duriJia the first half of the 1980 season when he was p~ylng on an every day basis. And then, all of a suClden. poof, everr,thing went haywire. 'I don!t know what the hell happened," said Patek. "I was doing the job. The An((els kept aaying I was injured, but I wasn!t Injured. Believe roe, I could have played They just didn't let me play. They alJowed me to get in only 86 games." There has been speculation, because of a clause In Patek's contract which calls for him to get an additional $25,000 iC he plays in 100 games, that the Angels shut the door in order to cut comers finan- cially. "I really don't want to comment on that," said the shortstop, who played nine years at Kansas City before coming to Anaheim. "I haven't said anything for two years and I'm not going to talk now. There are some things best left unsaid.'' · To say the least, things don't look too good for Freddie. • • DON'T LOOK NOW . . . OR LATER: UC Ir- vine All-American Kevin Magee will NOT be pa.r- ticipatinst in any colJeRe all-star games prior to the (See SEVANO, Page C?) I ~ 1• Jackson tr< ! breaks out Another sweet win? Final Four underdog Houston likes New Orleans ! of slump I. From AP dispatches PALM SPRINGS -Reggie Jackson broke out of a slump and blt a three-run homer in the third inning sparking the Angels to a 10-3 victory over Oakland in their exhibition baseball game Thursday. ·Jackson's homer off right- bander Br\an Kingman followed singles by Joe F'erguson and Bobby Grich, a walk to Fred Lynn and Rod Carew's sacrlfice fly. T hat gave the Angela a 4-1 lead. Oakland had gone ahead with the initial nm against win- ning pitcher Mike Wi~t in the top of the third. The visitors loaded the bases with none out on sin- gles by Jeff Newman and Davey Lopes sandwiched around a walk to Ricky Henderson. But they had to settle for the one run be- cause of a double play grounder by Dan Meyer. Jackson, who singled for ano- ther run in the seventh, as the Angels broke open the game with a six-run rally, had been 0-14 since hitting his first homer of ~he spring last Friday in Tempe. Ariz. ''I haven't been hitting the ball hard," Jackson said . ''It gets to the point where it bothers you." Still he leads the Angels in spring RBI with e.iaht. The Angels, now 8·7 in the spring, were slated to host Cle- veland today in the first of two games that will end their home exhibition season in Palm Springs. VERO BEACH -Dave Con- 1 cepcion tripled, singled and knocked in three runs to lead Cincinnati to a 7-3 exhibition victory over the Dodgers. The win was the Reds' 10th in 16 exhibitions and their third in a , row. The Dodgers, losing their third straight, fell to 9-7. Cincinnati jumped on Los An- geles starter Jerry Reuss for three runs in the first inning, two on Concepcion's triple and an RBI single by Mike Vail. Concepcion's sacrifice fly in ~ the fourth inning produced a fourth Cincinnati run. and Alex • Trevino singled home Paul Hou- eebolder who had tripled in \he fifth. The Redt added ty.ro un-eerned rum Ln the eighth. t Charlie Liebrandt pit.ched six j• _'n_n_i_n-1g_••_, • ..sc_a_t_t-e r_i_n_s_•_i_x_h_i t_•_. -to f eem the win. Reuss took the loes. i LOPEZ-MELT ON t SHARES LEAD ~ i KAAN AP ALI, Hawaii (AP) - J Cathy Youn& and Nancy Lopez~ elton shared the tint-round ad wlth 3-under·par 70• unday in 'he $176,000 Wo- '• Kemper Open. Wltb wtnda Mtina to 36 milee how', only -five Ol. the Ladies · ~-"IMI Gollen Amodation IDlldnc lta fim tournament Jn Hawali w.. able to w.k at tbe par· '11, 81390-yard Kunapell North c.oune. from New Mexico, and lbe wlDd, but UUI .. tbe --~I'•• played ln," •id .oai•: .. uon, winner of lut UIGA...,,......fni.. ... NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The regional champ1onsh1p in the last t !me the University of Midwest. Houston's basketball team was in New Orleans, the Cougars won the Sugar Bowl tournament. It could be even sweeter this time for Coach Guy Lewis -11 his unranked Southwest Confe- rence club can get by top-ranked North Carolina in Saturday's NCAA championship semifinals. IT WILL be the Courgars' biggest challenge of the season, according to Lewis. The Cougars won the Sugar Bowl tourney last December by beating Louisiana S tate. and Lewis in sists that Hous to n is playing even better now. "We had some injuries then," Lewis said. "We're a lot healthier now." Williams, among others, was hurt earlier in the year. "I THINK people will see a different H ous t on team this time," L ewis said "W e're playing very well now." Like Lewis. Williams has high regard for the Tar Heels, espe· c1all y senior Jimmy Black, whom Smith calJs "the best point guard in America." Williams won't go quite th~t f a r . s a y i n g t h a t B 1 ~ c k .' s "obviously one of the best while adding, "I've got the utmost re- spect for Black." With Black l-Ontrolling the of- fense, North Carolin.a, 30-2, won the Atlantic Coast Conference c·hampionship and captured the East Regional with triumphs over J ames Madison, Alabama and Vi Ila nova. It is Smith's seventh lrip to the Final Four and Lewis's third. Neither has won an NCAA championship. ···North Carolina has n o weaknemm." Le~ said Thun· day. ''We've got teams in the Southwest Conference like North Carolina -but none as good. It'll take somethin'-special to beat North Carolina. ' The Houston-North Carolina game wUl precede the Louisville-Georgetown game at the Superdome, which will be witnessed by a record crowd of some 61,000. plus a national tel- evision audience in the millions. The winners will play for the NCAA championship Monday night. Player s b e ing paid, claiins I r is h c oach l#Wlr ........ "North Carolina is as good as any team in the country," Lewis said. "They've got strength at every position -just a great, great ballclub." The cont.est features two teams of contrasting styles and tempe- raments. Under Coach Dean Smith, a master of control. North Carolina exhibits a disciplined style of play that Includes an in- timidating offensive slowdown known as the "four comers." NEW ORLEANS <AP) - Many major colleges routin('ly pay first-rate basketball players $10,000 a year to compete at their schools, Notre Dame Coach Dig· ger Phelps said Thursday nighl. Phelps said he has spoken with the National Collegiate Athletic.- Association about the problem and has discussed at least one school in particular with B1 ll Hunt, assistant executive clirector in charge of the NCAA's L egi- slative Services and Enforcement Division. WORTHY GOAL -James Worthy of second-ranking North Carolina heads for the basket during a recent game. Worthy and the Tar Heels face Houston in the semifinal of the NCAA Tournament Saturday. as ihe "four comers." Urft>ER LEWIS, Houston is a run-and-shoot team spearheaded by guard Rob Williams, who at 22 points a game is the highest scorer in the Final Four. "Our biggest problem is how . do XQU prove a cash transaction .'' Phelps said when contacfod at his New Orleans hotel. "That's our biggest hangup." Phelps said the transactions in question normally were handled by assistant roaches, boosters or alumni. "Usually, the head coa- ches don't even know about it." he said. "I think the NCAA knows what the situalion is, but they're stymied by the cash." Sampson repe ats Lewis appears to be m ore worried about North Carolina's s t yle than Smith is about Houston's. Beavers' Ralph Miller is top coach "You fall behind North Caro- lina and it's awfully tough to ca tch up," Lewis said. "Obviously, we can't afford to let that happen. We have to come right at them." Phelps, who would not disclose which school or schools he belie- ved were cheating. said his con- versations with Hunt began a year ago. NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Ralph Sampson, 7-4 Virginia center, has been voted recipient of the Adolph F. Rupp Trophy as The Associated Press' college basketball player of the year for the aecond straight year, the AP announced today. · Meanwhile Ralph Miller, who led Oregon State to it• third straight Pacific 10 Conference title this eeaaon; has been named The AS8ociated Presa' 1981 col- lege coach of the year for the eecond comecutive eeaeon. Sampeon. a junior, received 39 of a possible 60 votes cast by sports writers and broadcasters nationwide in eamLnc the honor, which it apoNOted by the Com· monwealth Athletic Club of Kentucky. Preaentatlon of the trophy w• ICheduled today. Forward Terry Curnminp of DePaul wu second ln balloting with 11 votea. Jamea Worthy of North Carolina wu third with nine votes and Paul Pre.ey of Tulsa received one vote. 78-65, in the semifinals. The Cavaliers w e r e upset by Alabama-Birmingham 68-66 in the Mideast semifinals of this year's tournament but finished the season with a 30-4 record. Sampson, a two-time All- A1nerican, averaged 15.8 points and 11.4 rebounds per game this season while blocking 99 shots and slamming home 67 dunks. Houston, 25-7, and second in the Southwest Conference, has adjusted well to every other team thus far in this championship tournament: The Cougars beat Alcorn State, Tulsa, Missouri and Boston Collefte en route to the "I think the NCAA has done a great job trying to police these situations," Phelps said. ''But we've got to review the problem. You hear so many rumors that it becomes obvious that we have a problem." Beach Cities set Satllrday Brown, Kerho gun for records at Newport Harbor The 17th ann"81 Kiwanis Beach Citlea Invita- tional track and field meet at Newport Harbor High ia scheduled for Saturday, after a week'• delay bean.we of the "9Clent rain stonna, and a pair of meet records are Ln jec>pardy. Ocean View High'• Rex &own, who enters with clockings of 22.0 and 9.9 in the sprints, will go after records established by ldt.on'• Kerwin Bell and Founiatn Valley's Denni.I Maas. Bell ran the 100 Ln 9.7 twice, while Mau eet the record for the furlona in 22.2. · AllO a potenUal tte0rd-breaker la Mbidon Viejo High'• St.eve Ker~ the DiablOI' hurdles wbll who enters with timel ol 14.2 and 38.8. The hllh hwdlea record i1~14.~ eo I\ would appear, too, to be in Jloplrdy, a.1 the Sai.lon' track i. known u one ot the 11ower 11 around. Fountain Valley returns to defend its team championship and la joined by the rest of the Sunset League -Ed.i8on, Huntington Beach, Ocean View, Marina and Westminster, along wtth Estan- cia, Corona del Mar, J!l Toro, Laguna Hills, Mater Dei, Milsion Viejo and the host sailon. One of the blue chip events will be the two mile, which ls expected to include Fountain Valley's Bob Erick.Ion and Ned Mo.er, Huntington Beach's Gus Quinonez and Mater Del'• Bob Planta a nd MUch F.ddy, The only aru 2-mller ol note misaing, will be Eetancia'a Jlm McCarthy, who, a.long with hurdlen PhD Bolen and JeU Bowen, have op~ to com~te at the Chaffey lnvltaUonal. The La&una Beach Trophy Meet conf.Ucta. toO, and the meet loeea Capistrano Valley and San Cle- mente. SunPIOft. who beat out Mark Aplrre of DePauJ and Danny A1n«e of ~ YOWll to win 1ut year'• award, Ml econd l ,· ~ Potn11 Ln hill cmeer'. .Durinc hi.I three IMIODI.. tM Cavaliers have polted an 83·18 record and bave 1D1M to the NCAA tou.ma- MIDt tbe ~ twO yean. I.Ail yeiar, S.'!'J*>ft led Vlclnie lDto the Final Fo~\,!here the • CrialJen 1o.t to A Uc Cout OW-.ot rtval North Carolina, R~Uml and ftl'lltJ f6eld even11 (pole vault, triple Pt hfah jump Ind lhcK ~) be81n .at 11 a.m .. the Nllnlnl fin.II ~rD&le ~ at 1 p.m., the '°"I Jump ttvta at 2 and the be8irw at 2:30. O\her atandoui. expected to be on hand Sat- urday at Newport Harbor include Fountain Valley'a Todd Andrews in the hurdl~ triple jumper Gres Trinkhaua of i...,una HUia, lonl jumper Richard Brlm of Hunttnaton Beach, anCl "El Toro'• Scott Hoth ln the dllcua. amonc othen. . ..... . ., . The under.the-table payments, which c.·ould take many forms over the period of a player's col- 1..,ge career, could be a rujnation of sports, Phelps said. "As you look at the auto in- dustry an this country, you see the major manufacturers all trying t o be No. l. and the American pubhc went to buying foreign car s," Phe lps said . "Sports is like any other big business. If we don't police our- selves, we will self-destruct." Phelps recommended, as he has in the past, stiffening •the penalties for NCAA rules viola- lions. The Notre Dame coach also recommended a more carefully dL'Signed program to educate po- tential c.'Ollege freshmen. "W e have to have more o rganization ," h e s aid . "A youngster and his parents should be required to sign an affidavit saying. ·we understand the rules'." Phelps said. "When they send this back to the NCAA. they can release a list of names that tell schools, 'OK, you can recruit these players'." Phelps said that while the practice of paying players was widely recognized among coaches, few were willing to make public the information. "I'm one of the coaches that has guts enough to come out and admit what's happening," Phelps said. "I'm in a minority." . RUNS SATURDAY -Qieen Vlew Hl&h 1prlnter llex Brown wW be ~ I COU· pie of reconk &twdaJ. Ortnge Cout DAILY 'ILOT /F~, Mll'Oh 28, 1812 .;,.r~--------------~~ . Nehemiah wants to jump to NFL From AP d.11patelltu SAN FRANCISCO -Renaldo Nehemiah, world record holder in the high hurdles, says he wanta to sign a contract as a wide receiver wlth a National Football League team before the. league's draft next month. Nehemiah is going around the country sho- wing of! his talents to a number of NHL teams and already has some contcact offers. So far he has tried out for the Super Bowl champion San Franciaco 49ers, the Dallas Cowboys. New En- gland Patriots, Philadelphia Eagles and Washington Redskins. Still to come are tryouts with Pittsburgh, Detroit,. San Diego and Oakland, the track star's attorney, l\on Stenko, said Thursday in a tele- phone interview. U Nehemiah signs a pro contract, it would be a major blow to the U.S. Olympic Committee, which was counting on him for a gold medal in the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. 11 Quote of the day Dick Otte, ro&naiina tdltor of the eo1 .. W'Dbul DlaP11Ch, at a rout for former Ohio S\a\a football coecb Woody Hayea: "Woody 11"9W up to be the man hJa father told h1m not to uaoclate with." Otte added, ''I'm here tonl•ht a1 a 1ub1Utute for Bobby Knlaht. He wanted me to thank Woody for t..ch1na him pt"ell ~Jationl." Gretzky reaches another plateau F.dmont.on cent.er Wayu Grettty ·~ became the lint layer in National ' Hockey League ~iatory to get 200 1 points in a season Tbunday nigh\ · when he umted on a goal in the first period of the Oilers' 7-2 rout of Calgary . . . . .. Jolla ToaeUJ acored one ~ and aet up another and Mike Bo11y tied an NHL record for uaistl by a rfght wing (80) as the New York Ialanders downed Montreal 3-1. The victory gave the two-time defending Stanley Cup champions 111 points, eighl more than Montreal . . Denali Mank assisted on three goals as Washington nipped Philadelphia 4-3 ... Minne.ota's Crall Hart1barg and Steve Payne 900red first-period goals to lead the North Stars to a 4-3 win over Detroit, t he Red Wings' 14th straight aetback ... Brad Park ignited a three-goal first period outburst that carried Boston to a 5-1 vic- tol')' over Buffalo. · Television .. radio Following are the top sports eventa on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget lt. Nuggets capture eighth straight (.) Klkl Vaadeweglle scored 32· m 'l.J 6:30 p.m., Cba.a.nel 9 v v v points and Alex Ea1J111l added 29' Thursday night as tlie Denver Nug-. NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at San Anto- gets notched their eight stnlight NBA ruo. . . . win 129-117 over San Diego, which lost its Auoancer1: Chick Hearn and Keith Erick- eighth straight . . . Elsewhere, Moan Malone son. hauled down 18 rebounds as Houston rolled put Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will be playing in his Portland 108-95 in a battle between two teams 999th game in the NBA tonight. When he takes scrambling for a playoff berth ... World Free the court in Kansas City Sunday. he will be be- netted 34 points to pace Golden State to a come the 15th player in NBA history to.reach the 1 0 7 -1 0 5 w i n over Utah I n S a l t Lake 1,000-game plateau. Elvin Hayes is the only ac- City . . . Terry Tyler's short jdmper with two tive player to surpass that mark. John Havlicek, seconds left climaxed a second-half comeback a fonner star in Boston, holds the all-time record that gave Detroit a 100-98 victory over Phila· of 1,270 games. delphia, the Pistons' sixth win in .even outings and the 76ers' third straight defeat. The game attracted 21,114, the third lafgest crowd in the Pistons' 25-year history in Detroit. RADIO Basketball: Lakers at San Antonio, 6:30 p .m., KLAC (570). From Page 01 SEV ANO COLUMN .. NBA drift in June. - BMlcally, there are two l'fflON for thJa: a) hll rlaht hand, which atm hun't healed 1ufflclently enouah for him to shake hands; and b) Maa-feels he has everythlna to 1oee and nothing to 1atn by playln&. U the truth were to be known, a heavier ern- phula would be placed on choice "b." Even prior to h1I hand lnjury, which wu in- curred agaiNt San Diego State in the first round of the NIT, Magee had no plana to attend any pa.t- MUOll contests. The 6-8 power torward feels, and it would be hard to ~ that he'• shown enough during his two yean at UCI. He feels that any partldpatk>n in all-1tar games would only hurt his bar1a1n1ng po- wer lat.er, not help it. Think what you want, Magee'• move is a smart one. • • • DOESN'T ANYBODY WANT TO WORK FOR mE RAMS?: The latest in a long line of hopeful candidates for the Rams' offensive coordinator position is Red Miller, former coach of the Denver nroncos. Look for Red to tum the job down, too. Like the others, h e's not about to put himself into an unstable position -which is where Rams Coach Ray Malavasi finds himself this season. I was always under the impression too, that Miller was a defensive speci.aJ.ist. • • • CHURNING STOMACH: Fortunately for UC Irvine c.o.ch Bill Mulligan, he didn't watch Wed- needay's Nrr final between Bradley and Purdue. Aft.er watching the game myself there's no doubt whataoever that the Anfeaten would have won the tournament with a healthy Magee. Sure, Bradley is a good club, but when Barney Mlnea, who had 17 points in \he final, ties for high-.:oring honors you know aomething's wrong. HAPPENINGS IN THE D"ILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET .•. ••• ANAHEIM •.• Dwilht Guild, who shoot.I all o( the major mee" for <>r.,. County Raceway, and for the racen, hu put \Opt.her an hour of hJChU,hta that ln· eludes jeta. d.raptttt, !Wl.nY can and mo~ The videotape wW be lhown at the Oranp Coounty lntttnadonal Auio Show, April 21-25, at the Anaheim nventlon C.enter. Guild, who 11 the eervlce maoapr at a Jocal dea- lerahlp, 1erves u crew chief felt Hayden Promu•1 "Hot Streak" jet drap~r. which wW be shown ln the video- tape, along with Scott Hammack'• "Smoke 'N ThW'der" jet draaster. Other aeimenu will Include Don "The Snake" Prudhomme and Tom ''The Mongooee" McEwen In funny car 1egmenta, &Iona with Kenny Burnstrln and his "Budweiler King:" On display at the Auto Show wllJ be the latest 1982-~ modeb from both domestic and foreign manu- facturers. as well• specialty car makers. Discount tick- ets -will be available during April from Alpha Beta Sioree. Shakey's Pin.a, H. Salt Fish & Chips and Wen- dy's. ••• CARDEN CROVE ... "Free Love" (Puppy Love, that .is) la the March theme at Garden Grove Subaru. Chris Rlnker, owner, feela a great desire to help find homes for the many unwanted puppies and kittens in Orange C.Ounty. Because of this, Rinker is now working directly with the Animal Aaiatance League of Orange County headquartered at the Orange County Anlmal Shelter, and Is offering a free puppy or kit1en with every new or used car sold at his dealership. Rinker ia picking up all ol the fees for neceeaary shota, paper work and license fees. ''There'• nothing like puppy love!" saya Rinker and he feels that this is the molt pleasing promotion he hu used in his 22 yn. in the automotive field . He abo stated that more buaineu people should take an interest in areas such as finding home.I for unwanted puppiel and kittens. For more information, contact Garden Grove Subaru or the Anlmal A11i1tance League of Orange County. Mines, for those of you who need thel.{ me- mories jogged, waa a starting guard for MuWgan at Saddle~clt when the Gaucl\os won 34 straight before loelng to Cypreu in the semifinala of the Jr 11 * conununity college state tournament in 1979-80. u1-~ · •..-f th -'-~pal TORRANCE ... Superbowl heroes Joe Montana ano ·~--111 ~ .. WU one 0 e P•u~ rea80lll Jack "Hackuw" Reynolds of the world champion San the Gauchos lost as Charger Coach Don Johnson Franct.co 49en will joln 1lnger/songwriter/comedian instructed his p1-yera to let Mines shoot whenever Paul Williama, six-time all-around world champion and wherever he Wanted. The result WU a mee&er cowboy Lan'y Mahan and actresa Jen.nilee Harriaon in 4 polnta on 2 of 9 from the floor, plus 5 tumt>ven. the 1982 Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race at Long Beach. Tht The Gauchos ended their an.>n 34-1, 10l!lin4r 74-64. 1982 race featuring ten celebrity and 1lx professional Called and reminded of Mines' feata Tbunday, drivers II ICheduled for Saturday, April 3 and ia one of Mulligan painfully remembered them all too well. the hlghlfghta of the Toyota Long Beach Grand Prix All he could say about the entire thing was, 111 weekend April 2-4. know. I know. I know." Mulligan also admits a healthy UCI team The only two celebrities ever t.o capture overall would have won the NIT _ with ease. victories in the Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race will match ---------~=============================~.:.:'.=::..:::.:.::_::_::::_:::_::::~=...:~~~~-----11 their driving skills for the first time in the 1982 version of the Long Beach race. Anteaters sweep twinhill Actor Robert Haya of "Airplane" fame and winner of last year's pro/celebrity event, will face hard drivina competition from Olympic decathlon champion Bruce Jenner. Jenner was the first celebrity ever to take an overall victory in the popular race. Hays held off For- mula One driver Elio de A.n.Relis to capture his first place title by a minuacule .34-leCOnd margin. Joining the ranks of Toyota racing celebrities for the firal time will be the "Motor City Madman" Ted Nugent. KnOwn for his rock n' roll enthusiaam, Nugent has pre- viously raced off-road eventa and will be more than ready to mix it up with pros and celebrities alike on the Long Beach circuit. In its final tuneup be· fore the start of confe· rence play oext Tuelday at Cal State Los Angeles, the UC Irvine baseball team made the most of its opportunity by bel- ting visiting Southern California College in a double-header Thuniday afternoon. The Anteaters scored 11 runs in the first in- ning and breezed to a 17 -0 decision in the ope- ner. In the nightcap, they scored four runs in the second and third f rames to b eat the Vanguards, 8-1 . THE BIGGEST TRUCK SALES EVENT IN TOYOT~S HISTORY! Two other drivers for this year's race come from L.A. '1 airwaves.. KLAC country music disc jockey Hal1)' Newman will make his second pro/celebrity race ap- pearance. Newman hopes to better his showing of last year when he finished oear the bottom of the pack. KUS d.j. IUck Dees also joins the field. Known for his recor- ding ol. the infamous novelty aong "Disco Duck," Dees is the marn morning man for conunuters tuning in U> KIIS. ~revi.ously anno~ professional dnvers compe- ting i.n this year's event include racing greats Dan Gur- ney. P&.rne;lli Jones. and Bobby Unser as well as rising lndlanapolis star Josele Gan.a, IMSA racing sensation Kathy Rude and Mark Thatcher, eon of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Outfielder Ron Cum- ~ mings was tbe hilling star in game on~ as he went 5-for-5, including two doubles and a triple for three RBI. Carlos Rivera also had four hits in five trips to the plate as he drove in two runs and 11COred twice. Right-hander Andy Bisnar went the first six innings to improve his record to 4-1. In game two, Cas Soma went the first five innings, striking out eight, to even his record at 2-2. Ralph Geddies was 3-Cor-4 with an RBI, while shortstop Mike Ingle~art was 2-for-4 w ith a double and two RBI. Inglehart was also 2-for-4 with two doubles a nd two RBI in game one. The Anteaters poun- ded out a total of 32 hi ta in the two eeven-tnnina games. Record pool tor playoffs NEW YORK (AP) - The Natkloal Buketball ~tion playoff pool wlll be worth a record $1.~ mi.Won, the leaaue IAkl 'niunday. 'nwt la U lncr HI! of fl00.000 °""' ... year'• ·~ Membln Of the win- t1ln1 tUll In tb• final --wdl'llivlde .230.-, 000, with the .......... receiviAI •Ho,oto. In additlon. theft an bo-1 nu••• from tH.000 to, $50,0IO fW th• top 1ix .......... olthelwoo conferenm. and th• i.am wttb the beet re- cord ln the IMP_e nc- .._ .. illlldltkJMI tao.-1 000. Choose from a $200,000.000 Inventory-of 12 models- the largest selection of small trucks In America. Toyota dealers have special incentives from Toyota to sell 17.000 new trucks in a limited time. That means just one thing ... dtals. Deals o n tough Standard Beds. spacious Long Beds. sporty smooth-riding SR5s. rugged go-anywhere 4x4s. Nothing Is held back. The inventory is enormous; the choice of models. equip- ment. colors. and options is tremendous. Right now is the time to buy the new Toyota Truck you want and make the deal of the OH year at your WuAT Toyota IAl \I dealer. -FEEL1i1G I TOYOTA The drivers will compete in identicaJJy prepared 1982 Toyota Celica GT-S Llftbacks, modified only with safety and suspension Improvements for high ~ grand prix style racing on the Fonnula One Long coune. This year's field of pro and celebrity drivers wi.1J vie for shares of a $45,000 pune put up by Toyota and Valvoline 00 C.O. The pros redeve a timed handicap at the start of the race baaed on the qualifying times of the two groups. Toyota Pro/Celebrity Races started in 1976 with• modest fields at Long Beach and Watkins Glen, N.Y. Former driver Sam Poeey won the inaugural event in competition with five other drivers. Posey repeated the following year at Long Beach, where the celebrity di- vision winner was S~elly Novack. • Over the years, the Toyota Pro/Celebrity races have featured IK>me of the clo.est, most competitive action of any grand prix weekend. Other drivers who have driven in past Pro/Celebrity races include actors Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Gene Heckman, John Schnelder. and Larry Wilcox, racing superstan Phill Hill, Johnny Rutherford, publilher Otis Chandler, TV commentators Jayne Kennedy and Sandy. Hill. The green flag drops at 11:45 Saturday morning, ApriJ 3 for the 10-lap 1982 Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race. *** CARSON • • . Truck shopping conaumera can save from $400-$600 on spedally appointed Dataun pick-ups beglnnlnc March 8 at all U.S. Dataun deeltts, Including these twelve Oran,ge C.Ounty Dataun dealer1: Target Datsun ln Garden Grove, Dot Dataun In HunUngton Beach, c.o.ta Mesa Dataun in c.o.ta Mesa, Dick Barbour Dallun In Cyprea, Newport Dac.un in Newport Beach, ty Dat.aun ln Orange, Zee Dacaun in Fuller1on, Btta Dataun ln Bree, Irvine Dataun ln Irvine, Anaheim Dataun . Anaheim. Santa Ana Datsun in Santa Ana and Bar- wick Dataun ln San Juan CapWtrano. The 1pecla1 llt'ICeUOry truck, known u 'MVP' for 11M1VWruum Value Pack.qe. ia available on both pl enclne dle9el venions of ~wheel-drive ttgu1ar bed de- uxe and King Cab delux• modela u well u th• au ne four-wheel-drive King Cab deluxe model. . Itema offered on MVP Trucb include bold B&Phb, bodyalde molding, ~r door roim:ln, an -AM/J'M radio and carpeted floor rm". Addidoa&l opUooa included on the four-wheel-drive Kine Cab deluxe are a Uaht bar, pille cuard. tabWar rear bumper and fender Oar. wbOe two-wheel-ct.rw. modell let • chrome Np bumper. All Klnll Cab modela will ai.o include Jump ...... p.rt ol the MVP .......... The apedAI option pee* ... CM 19\te Up to t4QCI OD resular bed deluxe models. up to $500 on iwo-wMeJ- drive KinC cm deluxe mode.la and up IO MOO GD tM four-wleel-drtw Kine C.b cle1\Ulle INdL The MVP U'UCka CGft'9 In • ~ of aokn. lndU· din& d'-mond mist mNWc, thundfr bladt, nu; Nd, medium blue metallic. lllbt blue smtaWc aNI alp&ne white. •.:t• · SEE WHAT YOUR AUTO DEA RA TOOF IN TbDAY -~ ...... ·- • Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Friday, March 28, 1982 aistance work helps Oilers top Fountain Valley ' . GI.LI Qutnones doubled \n the mlle and two-. mile to ofl.eet a 1trona perfonnanc:e from Fountain Valley'• Todd Andrew• aa Huntington Beach Htah edpd the Barona, e1-eo, to hlahliaht SW\let Lealue track action Thureday. 1n othet Sun1et Le.,ue meeta, Marina downed Ed.Lion, whl)e Ocean View got pt.at Westminater. In the Sea Vtew Le-aue, Univ'1'Sity ~owned Newport Harbor, El Toro blitzed F.atancla and Coeta M,_- topped Irvine. ln non-league action, Woodbridge trounced Brentwood, 80-25. Quinonez captured the mile in 4:33.3 and came back to win the two-mile in 9:51.4, beating his se- cond place opponent by 16 seconds. ' The performance was enoufth to offset the sterling ahow turned in by the liarons' Andrews, who won both hurdles, anchored the quarter r~lay and ran a leg in the mile relay. The Vikings were led by the sprint work of Laguna seeded · : first Coaches have been : voting to determine the ; top teams in Orange ; County volleyball circles ; since the season st~rted ' and Laguna Beach has • held the No. 1 spot most , of the time. • That poll will get ere-! dibility this week with : the staging of the ninth : annual Orange County : Invitational cham- , pionships at Fountain , Valley beginning Satur- ! day with 18 county teams. Of the top 10 selections this week, only No. 9 La Quinta is not participa- ting in the tournament. The 18 teams will be divided into three pools according to their ran- king for play on Satur- day with two teams from each pool surviving to Wednesday night's fi- 1 nals. ' Laguna Beach, the No. 1 seed and the team atop : the coaches' poll, Is the ' defending champion. The pool selections in- ' elude: Pool 1 -San 1 Clemente, Estancia, Un- iversity, Huntington • Beach, Edison and L a Puente. Pool 2 -Laguna Beach. Corona del Mar, Fountain Valley. Irvine, Westminster and Mission Viejo. Pool 3 -Costa Mesa, Da na Hill s, Marina . Newport Harbor, Ocean View a nd Capistrano Valley. The teams are seeded in the following order: Laguna Beach , Costa Mesa, Estancia, Marina, San C lemente, Corona d e l Mar. University, Dana Hills and Fountain Valley. Fishing • seminar begins A three-day bass fi- shing seminar and clinic will be staged at the Grant Boys store in Costa Mesa beginning today and running through Sunday. Today's session started at 10 this morning and runs until 9 tonight. On Saturday it will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p .m. The four professionals appearing in Costa Mesa include Dave Nollar, Redlands; Greg Hines, Satata Ana ; Gary Klein. Oroville; and Rich Tau- ber, Woodland Hills. They will be explai- ning techniques and be provicUng demonstra- tions at the castina ponds as well as giving a clinic on the uses oC Lowrance graphs and recorders. Hines and Tauber both quallfled for the 1981 Western Bass grand national fly-away at Bull Sboclls lake in Arkansas. For m0re infonnatlon, contact the Grant Boys s t ore at 645-3400 , 5f0 -~333 or (213) SM-1671. PREP TRACK m Jeff Fran<ben, who won the 100 (10.5) and 200 (23.4) events. For Ocean View, Rex Brown also doubled ln the 100 (10.3) and 200 (23.5)1 posting times that, acoordini to his coach, were far below hla best ~rfonnances. · Upivenity improved Its league ~rd to 2-0 u the Trojans were paced by Brian Healevik in the mile (4:~7.8) and two-mile (9:48.8). Jim McCarthy finished first ln the quarter (2:01.2) and· second' in the mile (4:44.0), but it was hardly enough to stop the Chargers, who placed first in 11 of the 16 events. Colla Mesa's Ty Culver was impressive in the 400 meters as he posted a time of 50.5. The Mua- . tangs Mike Howard alto dded points as he tripled by wlnnlna the quarter (2:03.0), mUe (4:34.0) and two mUe (IJ:41.0). Woodbridge Improved Its Independent record tp 4~1 as the Warriors drubbed Brentwood. Erle &chermerhorn remained undefeated In the 330 low hurdles and long jump this year by posting flgurea of 41.7 and 19-7, respectively. Rudy Figueroa also stayed undefeated in his apedalty -the 100 (10.7). In women's competition, Tammy Webb dou- bled in the hurdles'lO pace Ocean View to Its 66-45 win over Westminster. Meimwhile, Teresa Barrios won the mile and 880 to help University improve Its Sea View League mark to 2-0 with a 75-43 win over Newport Harbor. Julie Evans of Newport recorded a school re- cord time of 49.9 in winning the low hurdles. Irvine's Sarah Morton won a pair of event (200, 100 low hurdles) as the Vaqueros shaded Costa FREE OFFER ''Datsun Guide to Bootstrap BuSJnesses" Pick up your1 from any Datsun dealer or send S2 check or money order to cover postage and handling to Datsun Guide to Bootstrap Businesses, P.O Box 10799-A. Des Momes. Iowa 50340. Allow 6 weeks for delivery Mesa, 61 -57. Jocelyn Lee captured the 400 and 330 lowa for Irvine. The Woodbridge women are 5-2 in duals aft.er poeling an 83-5 decision over Brentwood. Frethman Jenny Hogan won the 300 lows and Jaime Kirven tripled, winning the high jump, long jump and tri- ple jump. Junior Michelle Phillips finished first In the 100 and anchored the relay events. r- Two women's tourneys open PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Two college wo- men's basket ball teams will be crowned national champions this weekend, the NCAA's first ever and probably the AlA W's last. Th e NCAA women's final bejitlns today ln Norfolk, Va. with Cheyney State. Pa... and Mary- land in the opener and Tennessee versus Louisiana Tech following. NISSAN IS PROUD TO SPONSOR m ABC TV S IELECAST Of THE ""~( 1984 OLYMPIC GAMES ~-· f' ,. . •IAS(p ON THI WlllfENCE UTWflN MANUMcnJlff#f'S SVGGfSTtD lff'7'M. fllUCI °' °'TIONS NlfCHASE'iSEMMTfLYANOAS AN MVI' MCXAGE ~ #/Cl.UOI Dl.SCOU"/' I \' MMHJMC'Mtllt ANO MnlCJMTJNCI OfMIM. MO EXCUJOf TMES . • , • \ ... .. ,.,.,..c~ ............. • L .... ""*-47 22 .111 a.attte 41 23 .142 OOlden"-st 31 .5$1 Pll<*1lll a7 81 .544 Pon~ M 33 .515 San Olago 11 54 . 229 Sari Antonio ....... .,....... 42 27 .eoe '*'-.. 30 .5415 .._.on :st 32 543 ic-Cf'1 25 44 .392 Oellaa 23 4t .333 Utah 11 51 271 U.nM CONRllllNCE loll on . """'* DMtlaft 54 15 .783 Plllladelphl• 47 21 .881 New .l«MY 35 34 .500 Hew YOf!I 30 39 .435 Clfttnl Dt¥Woft MllwlUMe 47 22 .181 Allanta 33 35 .485 Detroit 33 31 .478 Indiana 31 31 .441 ~ 21 40 .412 15 53 221 ~---o.trolt 100. Plllladelpnla .. Golden Siiia 101. Utth 105 Houston 108, Portland 15 Denver 129, San Dl9go 117 T~t'1Gamee Laltan It San lonlO Dalrolt Al Botlon Altanl••t~ ~" ci.v.IAnd Hew JetMy •I WNNngton New y °"' " Ctllc8QO l<9nau City •• Oellal MMw•uha•t~ HOulton •• Seet1la Pertland at Golden State ~ I I . . "' " ......... eoflb9lt HIGH~ ......, AMiii 1,.....,.,... Oii 1i. • ·~ 11\t 31~ a ·~ 17 " 23\t 11\t 11\t 24 13\t 14 16 11\t 31\t Mal« Dal 000 000 0-0 t 1 8lltlop Amel 000 000 1-1 2 1 Mendoza, Bale• (41 _, ic-; Her1nAt1 end Siio. W-Har1na11. l -Bakar. 28-Beker (MO). 38-Hartneitt (BA). ................... 1.w11illl~I Woodbridge 000 000 0-3 2 Hunllnglon 8elcfl 000 000 1-1 5 3 Schoonov., Md Ham•nd•~: Zacea and Reno. ......... HIOtt ec: L• Oulnll def. W••tm nal., 15·2. 15-d, 15--3. It was a big day for area community college baseball teams, as all three recorded victories. Golden West stayed perfect in the Southern California Conference with its triumph over Santa Monica CC, Orange Coast won a non-conference tussle from Green River, and Saddle- back posted a vic\Ory over Riverside CC in the Mission Conference. Here's how it went: CAllll9&&. ca.m•1t1 ";r'\....,.,, M ,_ a·!.Omonton 41 17 14 Ml 313 104 Clllgwy 27 32 17 311 3aO 71 v_,_ 21 u " •1 m • ...... 23 :Ml •• ., -i1 Colof'lldo 11 14 11 n4 aat • .._...,...... 34 t2 "w -• 32 2t 1J -307 11 H M 11 114 141 17 2t at 1 ., -• 20M3tltl3MM 11 4t 12 ff7 MO 4t WA.Lat C01911W:t ~DMlllM •-HY lllander9 51 15 • -HY Aangar1 37 24 1S 2t2 ~ 3930 1308 Plttlburgll 21 3t t 1 HS WllllhlngtOll 24 40 11 2t7 ......... .,...... 230 111 280 87 ... 11 311 17 '" 51 x-MonlfMI 43 15 17 340 20t 10S 8catoll 41 24 10 2M 2H 112 lulTlio at 24 15 271 245 17 Quebec 31 21 ,. 131 323 71 Hertfotd 21 3t 17 2'9 320 59 • -dinchad Int ~ In dMllon. ~,_.. Boston 5. eune1o 1 MIMMola 4, Detroit 3 Withington 4, ~II 3 HY lllatld4ln 3, M0<11fMI 1 Edmonton 7, Calgary 2 Tanl!IM'tO-HY Ranget9 al 8uflll0 SI Louie •t Wlnnlelea Edmonton •I ColoraClo • ~ . ' "' " bNbHton =,.,A .. , OMiand (at 001 ~lo-3 11 1 CMfomle 004 000 .,._ 10 10 0 Kingman. Owchlnl!o (~~~ T. U..-dltwood (7). 8"Ulca In. I (8) and Hew!nan, Haalh (7); Wlt1, (II). Aae (81 Ind Fergut00, 8oonl (8). W -Witt. L - KlngmlMI. HR -Celffomia, Jaok8®. "9dl 1, DMeerl I (atV-llNdl) Cincinnati 300 110 020-7 11 1 LOI A"""'9 010 002 000-3 1 1 lalblanctt, Pttca en Hume 111. u.y (t) lfld Trev11io, 0'8'ny (7); ""*-NlldlnlVlr (4~ ,,_ (I). St-1 <•1 end Yaaoar. Crow (I ). W -l..librancll. l -ReulL ..... ,,,.,...., ( .. "' ............. flla.) Pltllt>ufOll ' 000 100 000-1 1 2 ..._ YcWic (HlJ 010 041 01x-'7 11 0 CancMilaria, D. Roblnaol1 Cll end Hlc:oala; Puleo. A•tHr (I). Allen (ti and Hodgea, S-.t (8). W -Puleo. l -CandelarlL HR. .-Hew Yortt, Kln911nt1\, Mazzllll. _...,. .. ...,...1 <•~'11.) ic-City 000 100 000-1 1 1 Toronto 000 000 41x-5 I O Crlll, Bfown (I) IMld Quirk, Sleuo"1 (II: • Clancy, Oot1 (II) and Mwt!ML W -Gott. l -Brown. HRI -~ City, M9rtln. T~ r0<>to. W9b11W. ._.,.....,., ( ................. ,..,) T•ua 100 010 010 0-3 II 2 Allanll 110 000 001 1-4 11 0 Honeycutt. D•rwln (7), JOhnaon (II Md Sundberg, Warner (7); p N...,o, Welk (8). Camp (8~ Garber ( 10) Md e.n.dict, Stnwo (81 W -Garber, L -~. ....... ,_ hllMO ( .. °'1Md9, FIA.) ~ 002 000 100-3 11 2 M~• 000 000 000-0 4 1 Certton. Raad (T). Monoe (II). BruM1ar (Ill Ind McCormack, Dia (11; Encbon, 8orl9 (7). Uttll (t) _, t.9Udner' Smltll (7). w - c.rtton. L -EtlcMon. .. "'~~ 0 ............ ...._ 000 • t loelloll .. , 000 Ot•-1 I t ~-,~·~w:z~ (IL ~ ttl Md AlieNon. W -Tlldor, l -Oullc*eort .......... ~, , ............. , ''·I.OW 000 ,., dt0-7 11 0 OlllollO (AU 100 OOI toa-1 1t t Aa_...,,, MOl',leHd (71. ~ _, ~=-~~,~~~t -lair. "' ........ lOllla. GrMI ONCtlo. ,... •• Montaofl, A!Mell. --=~-=--· ...... ''° 100 ooa-1 • 2 ~ IOO llO Ot1-t 12 0 l104dard, Or~11111on (I) and =~lottnewl. r-_'r.'O:,C:I Olillia ....... . &II Y-. .... , ~(NL) I01 fo1 OIM~O ti 1 ltll\ ~ 000 IOO 000-2 1 $ .......~~··~~!i_~l~M~ -· ,__..(I). I (I), -ICanl\ffy, -Matta. l -WIN. HA -Ollcaeo. ._._... ...... " ........ c.e I 11 "1'1 Al&) J .......... 201 000 1S1-t 17 0 hn Frenc:lloO 000 000 000-0 2 4 Jw~ Olfllno:::.. Port# ,., lfld 8lmmone, ~ tn.'7~ -t.erdl~~_J~H~ ,... ...... TI!omal, ..... ........ ~ . Detroit <• £o~ b._ I I t Houe10ll 000 104 n.-10 12 0 MOl'rlt, AolheoNld (7), lauoler (ti and 'IM1· "4iflle~blto (II. Moffitt It) and ~. W -l -t.torr11. HA -0.. lfolt,~ • Y.._1,0.W..I. , .. ....., New Yonc (Al) 010 022 001-f 13 llMlmof'e 110 000 000-2 1 1 Neleoll, A. May (Tl. A. 0.¥111 II) Md C.- rone; '911Mr, Grimeley (II. ltoddwd 111 and Dtfm•M1. Grall•"' (I). W-Heleon, L-,........, UC ...... J.'ii!!''zrc:.. C:.-... I So. Cel c-. ,, 000 000 0-0 4 1 UC IMne (11)20 211 •-17 21 O Frld~y. Ott (1) and louder; Blal\ar, Col· ... (1) _, llamlrcl. w--..w (4-1). l-F~. 29-0o. Clagg (SOC). Ybarra (UCI). Aupp ~~eddlM (UCll, Cummlng1 2 (IJCI). 2(UCI). ~· •COMOU.. UC.,.... I,...._.. Cell c:.._. 1 So. cal COlleQe 100 000 0-1 2 1 UC IMnl 044 000 •-1 11 1 Hleltofl, Oaunl (3) and SouO.,: SOl'lla, "'"''" Ill. Hlc:lre tn encl Auoo W-""'-(2-2). L-Nleleon. 28-0o. C19m 2 (SCC). Hammond 2 (UCI). ~ !UCl,: c:::c=r ........ °'81 Aober11 11. WMNnaton 2 °'" Aober11 12, TulMa l Melne 7. SIMfofd 4 Miine I , Wllhlngton 2 UC ~Cl. ppd. t111n ... Ula , .... -.., AJtt Force 11, C. a.. C• ~ 1 San ~L t , Air Force 2 ucs.n 11,w....,s o.i.w.. 1 ' Maaaadlualc11 0 L..-&. CW1I 3, M~ 0 San °"80..:.:w UC SerlUI Bltiwa I, Onlgon 8t. I Judeon llaptMt 11, Poi'IOl IM"tmr 1 Attzona 4, H1PUOK OI urwta ~ U C°""'*""J~ Or-.. Ceaal .. --.... Ol-.i "'-000 000 040-.-• 2 °'Wl9' c-000 200 22x-' 1 3 Gay, Martinez (I) and Wynne 8'Uller: Sanloro, Dunn (I) and Tlnoc:o. W-~nn ( 1-0). L-Martin.i. 21 -Hoplllne (OCC). 8"""4nelll (OCC~ o..1lrlg (OCCI. ~ .... u. ........... cca Santa Monica 000 003 G0-3 5 3 Golden w.t 402 410 111-12 • 1 s1-. w ... , 11~ ~ m 1ne1 cum.. AY*; M""' _, Sdlull. W-M- (4-0). l -St-. 38-Aaad (SM~ All~ 11911 (OWC). f '' lu~7, ......... I Sllddl9bacic 40 I 020 000-1 I 1 Rl""9icle 210 100 110-• 11 0 Shffll, EHlay (2). Kol* (7) and Ive•. lrwln (5); HaN«I, 091M1t (71 Md Wlfllain· son . Sanchez tt). 28-Halln (8). _3_8-S~ (S~ Batta(llla !"!)... • =1 .. ·-~ -I ... - Rustlers, collecting two RBI, while teammate Dan Larson stretched his personal hitting streak to 10 games with a single and RBI. The Rustlers wasted little time in getting to the Corsa.in, collecting four runs in the first inning. It was 10-0 af~ four inninp. ~ • l -• 1 g 2 1 3 4 3 I I 5 • Cllru9 4 ""' Bamardlno 4 =:z.cc ~ ............... l1~ll1hlltl 7, "'-9ldl II Cllrul 12, ~ g Sen Bii••~ •. Palornlr 4 ~ .. Sen Olago oc 5 I I..,.,...._ ........ a.noe.eocc ..._.... .. Ian lamaldlllO ClMltaV • atrw Patomw .. loultMaal«n ·-"-·--~ car -nCO&.U 0.-..waatl'l,P ........ l -3 3 6 2 5 2 200 m•4'1•Y ral•y -1. Golden WHt, 2:10.2; 200 lndo medll\I., 1. HMttlg (~). 2-.34.0: IO lww -1. SfWldt (OWC). t-.o; 100 11.ai -1 ... <n 1:14,1; 100 t>r...c -1. liloCllldly {Fl. 1:11.0: 200 lraa -1. ~ (OWC), 2::17.2: 50 lly -1. 9'llalOs (OWC), 30.4: OMng -1. P9ttllt (OWC), no .cor.; 100 .... -1. t<andrtcllA CF). 1 :04. t; 100 llY -1 ... (f). 1:10.t ; 50 ti.. -1. Slllllde '.OWC). 32. 1; 100 lndo -1. McK· .,,. (GWCJ. 1:t0.t; 500 lraa -t • ...,_, (GWC), 1:26.1: 50 br ... t -1. McCtaldl) (Fl. 31,0; 200 traa tlley -1. Ooldln WMI, 1:17.4. •-:;: ll:::r ... ....... 117.4, .. c.......... 141 VU. -1. Palrnlari (M~ I.I: ~ blr'I -1. ~ (M), 1.4; lalaflCI lllwn -I. ~ (M). t.3: Root uerdaa -1. Pel-"'*' (M). I. 1; All-er~ -I ........... (M). 31.0. ............ 9Nclt 111.1, ,_talft y...., MU V•ult -1. Ti. bet-PwryJFV) and OraWM (FV), 1.1: S.r• -1 Oor on CFV) • 1.1: 8Hm -1. Gordon (FYI, 11.9; Floor •••rol1a Gordon (FV). U : AIHtound -1. Gordon <FV). au. • 8addleb9ck 7, RCC I The Gauchos pounded out nine hits -eight from three sources -to re- cord their sixth victory over the Mis- sion Conference campaign. GWC's John Altobelli, who had a big day at the plate Wednesday ln the Rustlers' 30-3 laugher over LA Southwest, added a triple Thursday against the Corsairs. OCC I, Green River 4 Oil filter Mark Swancoat went 2-for-4 wilh a triple and drove in four runs; Tom Link had three hits and drove in two, and Bob Gray went 3-for-5 with one RBI. Saddleback, now 11-8 overall. will ·host San Diego City College Saturday afternoon. QWC 12, Santa Monica 3 Rustler starter Scott Marsh went the distance to pick up his fourth victory against no defeats and GWC improved its league-leading record to 9-0 with the win on its own field. Marsh scattered five Corsair hits while striking out aeven and walking two in the game that was halted by rain in the eighth inning. Chuck Spiegel went 2-for-3 for the The Pirates survived a four-run eighth-inning from the visiton from Washington to post their 13th victory against three la.es. OCC starter Ken Santoro coasted into the eighth inning with a 4-0 lead. but Green River came up with the four runs to notch the score. The Pirates got what turned out to be the winning run in the bottom of the eighth when Scott Groot's deep sacrifice Oy brought home Kevin Sli- winski for a 5-4 OCC lead. OCC got an insurance run when Scott Darling doubled home Jeff Brown in the same frame. Sliwinski went 2-for-3 for <XX: and improved his bat~ ave~ to .434. Reliever Rich DUnn piCked up the victory for the Pirates after taking over for Santoro with one out ln the eighth inning. Barrett sets mark Ga IS GP IM '12 Ate 50 C AM YOU! Gerfleld Ill Megnolle In Huntington BHch 2s~ Htu.ALL ~ ....... BALTIMORE OAIOLE8 -Plac.d tlave Stone, pltdler, on IM 21-day dillbled 11411 rttroac:1M to Matdl 21. CLEVELAND IHOIAHS -AMIOMd lud AnclArlOtl. Gordy O!Mw, Jade ....... and JOhn BoMet, Pltoh«I: O.Orge Ceodletll, Rlc:h Muney and Kem AhomOerg. ~ Md Car"*<> c .. 1Hlo, outflllci.t, 10 Char-._.°" QI Ula lnl-1lonll ~ AlllQtled Ed s--sra. outfleld9t. to Chattanooga of IN 8ou1h9m ~- KANSAS CITY AOYALS -Trseled RlwlCa MIMlnllt1, lnflelder, to ..... TOfonlo Blue Jays '°' Phil Hunman, phci..r. MllWAUKE! l!IREWER8 -OMlgnatad Juan Ceetlllo. lnllalder, for raaMlgnmanl. HEW YORK YANKEES -Pieced Rick Aeu90MI, pltctl«, on the 2 Hl1y dltabled 11•1 ra1ro11ellve to lll!atcll 21. ~trl9h110 Tuck., Aelltord, llllrd ~11. to Col· urftbl.W of Ille "-•ldoilAI t.w. Optlooael ArOt ~ pltdw, -~ aeA TTii i.w.HERS -Olalgnlllad Catt ......... fllldl, lob oai-. Jerry Don GIM1°'1, Tracy H#!1A. Aon Muull 1-and 8am W•born, ~ Al Cllambera, John Mo.et end Tllo Henlll, oullleld.,•: Jami. Allen, V"'" ~ and Jim Preeler. In-n.Id.,•: end OrlMdo M1tcado end b•v• V .... "1cn.r.. for l'WllQhlMnL TOflOHTO 8lUI JAYS -AlllQtled llflen Miiner 9nd Jim Gaudet, c1lchar1, Fred ~· mflllder; Md Mltc:ll Weblllt, , to Syr-of tN 1nt«ne.Uone1 l.Ngue. ANlgMd Ron SlllC>ftltd •nd J•y Sclwoeder, OUlllalderl, lo Knoxvtlla ol Ille Soutllern~ ATLANTA BRAVES ~ Joaa ,..._ VWR and Carloe Olu, pltcMr•; Miiia Col· bem, o.lchar. Md p91.1j """"' and Bfook J•coby, lnlleld1t1, to tllelr minor IHQU• camp for, ... =~ .............. , ..... '"' PORTLAND TRAIL 81.AZERS -P1eced Kavin Kunnett, can19r. on Ille lnfured 1111 Signed Catt~ .......... ~ ....... ST LOUIS CARDINALS -OblAlnld Aldi Kehr. llnemen, on W11¥1ft lrom Iha OrMn Bay Paek-. ltOCUY ST l~~Pany An-d1tton. wing, lrom S•ll Lall• Cit¥ of Iha Centrll Hoctcey ~· 80C"lll ......... ._ ....... HEW YORK ARROWS -Signed Miii• Rajavac. dlflndar, 10 • ewo-,..., contract cou.a• A~LPHI • 1'111Md ~ La"-wo-,,,_, _ ooecll. GEOROIA -NAllTlld Alex Olbba oltanllvl line QOWll. SALE! Super Value Filter Wrench COLD CRANK IN' on co FREEDOl IBAmRY I • PAID DIRECT ro·vou. If you buy or order a qualifying car or truck before April 3, Ford will pay S750 direct to you. You can take these price qreaks as a check. You can apply them to your down payment But you can't wait ON MUSTANG, FAIRMONT, GRANADA AND LIGHT CONVENTIONAL mucKS. 'f you order or take delivery by April 3, you can get a S750 price break on Mustang, For two more of the best buys in America, look into Escort and EXP. Now, both have Ford Care Coverage. It's the closest thing to cost-free drMng. You get two years of cost-free maintenance (for two years or 24,000 miles- whichever comes first). And a two-year vvorkmanship warrant;v·(for t\NO years or 24,000 miles-\Nhichever comes first). You're Orange COut DAILY ''LOT/Friday, March 2e, 1882 covered for virtually any problem from clocks, to cables to carburetors. . This limited warranfy excludes acciden~ abuse, tires and fluids~ scheduled inteNals. But eveiything eJse ~ covered. Everything. It's an offer no Other car company can match. Period. And if you order or ta~e delivery on a new Escort or .EXP ~fore April 3, you get a Fairmont and all Granadas, including Granada wagons. Plus S750 price breaks on most new light conventional trucks. Ford is also offering to you this same S750 price " break on new vans, Club Wagons, Broncos and new '82 Courier pickups if you take delivery by April 3, 1982. Dealer contribution may affect consumer cost Amounts lower in Texas and Louisiana. rrs A LOT OF MONEY. BUT THERE'S NOT A LOT OF TIME. See your participating dealer now. There· s still time to get the ·cat or truck you want So if you've been thinking about taking advantage of this special cash-break program, now's the time. And the clock is running. 5% bonus of the base vehicle sticker price direct from Ford. This cash is yours to keep, or it may be used against the down payment Ford Care Coverage, plus hundreds of dollars from Ford. Two very strong reasons to buy an Escort or EXP before April 3, 1982. ( S750 price breaks do not apply to Escort and EXP.) •LJmlt one per cost~r. Cl > • «:; !f.!~'j;.F ww1J~ e;~4. I.NI~ t« unlMG •1 10 " OOl'flj)M Wllll ....... """ rilMIO~llle~ ... M & MMlollli ..,._ MUC'lfl I NOW, THll'IPO"'· I ~1 _, !Ml Illa~ nelMd ---·~la lllOtllff 10 --Ille lllltlllMi ~11141 ...... llONtl hNtJno IN TDTIM!l)ffV wtWNQf', -- ----..., .... of °""'8 .. ""' "'~·· ... =~~''=_, flal Illa • PullllaM4 Or""ff Co.M l)all) Piiot -------------'' Mlrcll~A, 26, •• t1, tl.,2t, 80, t1, NoTtc•of.7.~':l-' .... ,.u i': ~· _""' ~ s iia ,: T .I. .... et•....C~ ~ IWHK 0/1 ._,II I, ffll, al t : U O'CIOCI! a.m., Oii Ft14ey, at IN f'VfOt enlr•nc• ..-a .. P\aMI MIAW lo ""' old ~ .... COlllllY C-'1'-M, tK>TI!Oe ta HPU'Y 91Vlft ltlel a ,.,._ local.H on Santa Ana a1w.., .._ ellc llHrll\f"'tllftl " Mid Illy tll• iill Svc-. St. & a.-ay, $Mita Ana, CounG11 of Illa a.y of C-. ,,._ Oii cam. •· 1..i.-"' t11e CourlOll ~of I'. & W . RICONVeYAHCIE ...i, T1 lfl' ~ OoelAI IMM, 911: co R PORAT ION, • Callfo r11 I. p.111., or. tot*\ lllerMltw .. ptectletllle, <orp«allofl, ••Trust. or subSIJtvled Oii ._l\:lllDllllrlll .,._ Tr111lee, 11""r IM dffd of trust =)NE PrTITIOH 11·0 ·02. Crown • .. <utM by UrbMtlles, 111e., ,.rein E Ind S......,..... C«porellorl, celled Trvttor recordld Sept , "" agent tor Oeoroe Kobor. P09I H lnUr11meni No. "" of ·official Office Boa 1111, ..,,.,ly Hlha. 10< per· Record1 of 0r.,. COUrltY, Celllornl•, ;-:~':O ';M~t: ~~~~ ~':' ~1 Lynch • eco11.om1st sees short-liv~d recovery BY JOHN CUNNIFF ~ ...... AMIJ•• NEW YORK -Americana e~ $315 billion of interest Income in 1981, about $5& bll.Uon more than a year earlier and twice what they ~arned from that eource in 1977. That'• the positive side of high lnterest rates. The negat[ve aspect. says Jack Lavery. who last year became chief economist of Merrill Lynch. I.a that any real upturn in the economy awaJta lower interest rates. To bring that about, says Lavery, he auuroes President Reagan will be willing to comfromise on defense spending and maybe on Socia Security, th\U reducing featti that federal spending is out of hand. There is room to do so. he says, reminding you that the president was elected on a promise that defense spending would grow 7 percent a year through fiscal 1984. and that the current rate ex- ceeds that. • consumer·led recovery in the second-half of .thlt year. followed by renewed weakneu early ~t year; and expect& a sustained recovery in the aeoo"1 half o( 1983. when corporations might lnves~~ · • vily. ·~ Lavery, who prior to coming to Merrill L was senior vice pretldent at Provident Natl l Bank in Philadelphia, the eighth large.t. tr n- sii tu tlo,n. isn't excited about the expec(eCi con.sumer-led recovery in this year's second ha1& : Statistically, he says. the half will havt'~ ~ percent real growth rate. "but we think ~ (s misleading." That Is. the aaln might look gOc:ti mainly because the economy ls coming up from iac:h a low level. r : : By the first half or next year he Coreseew ;J~ expansion slowing to a mere 1 percent to 1.5 pe~'}t rate of increase, as higher Social Security taxet1 ~ more restrained fitcal policy cut into buying plialf. wlll Hll •I Pllblk •ucllon lo Ille lllo!IHI En""onmantel O.t•mfneuon: Heo•tMI bidder '°' c .. 11. P9Y•~ 1 ..... "'' o.cw-~~~§~~~~~~~~~~i;;;;§§iii;~w, money of the Ullited Stain., Ille time NOTICE 18 FURTH Ell OIVEN ,,,., al Of ..... .,. tnlerest "" ... l'H .. •nd Mid ...... and~ .. ,,,,_~ now llalcl by Mid tni-u...,.,. 1alcl ma1 appur anel b• hHrd b1 tll• Cllr dHd ot trult 111 tlw pr-rty 1llualed In Could on Ille elor-UOMCI m.U• . "His fiscal 1983 budget message contained an 18.1 percent increase. Take 6 percent inflation out o( that and.you still have 12 percent," said Lavery, who recalls economic numbers without referring t.o files. Other restraining factors also will be at ~l. ht beheves. 1. The jobless rate will remain ~'· though falling from 9.5 percent in the se'1ono quarter of this year. 2. Home equities have decllited. J. High interest rates will induce people to llv'.e rather than spend. ~ i ln fact, he says, if it weren't for the taJt cut there might be no recovery at all this year. :·~ : .. kl COUrlly -Stele, described H : EILEEN P. PHINNfY, Percal t: . City Clertl • Unit .... ~ -•1-on '""' PU!>I~ Or~ COHI Dally Piiot <et1•1n Condiomlnlum Plan recor-Merdl lil; t6a ,-.., J-IS. Im, Ill 8-UI"· P•oe 1395 of Offl<lel RKOnB of o...,. c oumy, Calllornla. Percel2: All unCIMdad 1191ft lnle-1 In Md to NOnctA PUaJCA lot I Of tract No. 10CJS, In Ille City of Un ptopo9llO P"bllCO ~ ptopor.r '°" COit• Mna, es 119r map recO<'Wd In Fondoe ,..,... .... de AonlM Publlc:89 el Book H t, Pages 21 10 u of aaiaO.Abtlldet"2.t1er•IOCIOe""'Clu-Mlsce11e,,.ous Maps, records 01 dpda11oa lrll•rff&do• de le Clud•d de Orer199 COUlllY Cellloml• logetller 'ou11teln Valley. La canlkf•d aua -.pe-wllll all lmp;ovemellt• • 1,,.,.011 ramoe d• ar11fclpaclon de toe Fondos ucept1n1 lllerefrOM Condominium =:e .::O ":'-~i:c:. ":'.:.': Units I ltwouGfl t lfl<lusl,,.. located Junlo de 1113 • 131111.211 IMreon IA junta ~a 1M 1;00 de la -Parcel'' para dlecullr laa poelblllel•dH de pro· Al\ H ctuslve _, •Pl'Urtenarll puaetoe pare -toe Fondoe F......._ to H<ll unit IOf' Ille use..., occ-y de Rentu Publk:.U .,, el c...rto de loa of lllOH por11ons of the restrkle41 O.~edoa . .,, la Cludad de Fountel11 common eree designated In Ill• Vfl/ilr/, I0200 SIMar A....,. O.ClaretlOll ol llettrkllons. record9cl Todo toe Clllid...,_ lnl..-.doe 1""-111 ~ 1"'9, P... 1121 of Oflklel drwl la -"'"6CleCI de .,,_..., --'lo Recont1 of sekl Colltlty -"'°-on /o 0<al cornlontoe • 1oe .,,__ para Illa Condominium Pion for Htll u•ill uur HIO• lol\Ooa. Loa cludadanoa The tlr'fft address erld/or other ::,::::::•,;.:;:vtudoe para d•r aua common da.slo11allon, If any Is DEl.EOA008 OE LA pur-'9C1 to•: auoAD OE UOS Pacific Ave • 101, Coste f'OUHTAIH VAllEY Ma .. , Celllomla ~ McOanc1on Said .... will be Mede without C1ef10a de la Cludad w•rr•"IY •1 to 1111• POtHSllon or Pu""""'Orwioec-tl>ellrPlot.2'cle encumllrances, for Ille PIHPDH of Mano de 1112 1~ payfno -ot11'9&tloM ~-by sakl Offd lr1Clu0tn9 U. fM and H-Of tile tnit'" •ndot Ille tru<ts <rffted llY Hkl -· -·l\C·' ll'ttreund9r, Wltll Interest •• provlcleel '~•In. •nd Ille unpaid prln<lpol -lntensl of -motel•I -ured bY salcl dMd. to-wit JAt.421.1• O•ted: F_,,,.ry It, 1tC F & W. Reconveyance Corp. 101 S. ICrMmet', Suite 114 Placentia, CA '2610 11141"3-"31 HWCllTrli.tff Br Chrl$llne Oreoenov T rustft Se~ Otflur Pub11111ac1 0r.,. c-1 0.11., Piiot, Marcll 12, It, 2', ttC ~Jo.a C~111t1 NOTICIE O" TIHllTal'S MLll T.l. .... 1Mt1M>B Otl Aprlt 2, tta. at 9: 15 o'clock a .M. on Fr!Nof,eltlwt.---.MIM 0111 or...,.~ c-1llolae, toc.a- 011 Sent• An• •lvd., lletween Sycamore St. & B.-ey, Serita Ane. Callf. I'. & W. RECOHVEYAHCE CO It PORA TION, • Ce lllor nl• t.,_•llon. as Tr-°" -1v-Tr111tee, under Ille 0..0 of tru11 becvtect by UrbMtltes, '"'·· 11a-.1n called TN*w, ..corded Set>«. •. '"' as lnsln#'naflt Ho. IOD. In ....., 1-4210. Pe.. UJ6, of Official Rec.ords ol o ...... Cowlty, Calltomla. Wiii sett •• ,......, auction llO IN 11._,... bidder tor catfl. pay..,.. In lewllll money of IM Un"" StalK •I ttw time of sate, Illa 111 .. roll conwved lo -,_ -llY 1ald ,,,,_ -said deed of trvst In ttw pr_..,-, slNated In said ~ Mii , ..... dne'1«1od .. : A permit 1P911Catlon for ~ rnent I• pending before the Calttor - nla Coutal Comml.Mlon. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: 20-lnch diameter burl.cl pipeline (Oso Creak Bypau Brine Line E.lrtenslon). LOCATION: EHi Side of Del Obispo SlrMI and Future Allpu Street -Sm'I .ruen ~ano. APPLICANT: S.... .Ju4ln 8uln Au- 1~LICATION NO.: W2-131 HEARING INFORMATION; O~TE: Aptll 7, 1N2 Time: 1 :30 p.m. Pteclt en.a lnll, 7Ut ~ F Stl'Mtl 1th and F Streeta . Euretca. Celltotnla For further Information, pleHe phOne or write the omc. IM!ed .,._ low belw"n 8 a .m . and 5 p.m •• ... ecs.ys. AUFORNIA COAST AL COMM IS· SION h Cout District Ottloe P.O. Box 1450 long Beec:h, Ca. 90801 213/580-5071 Publl•h•d Oreng• CoHt Delly llot. Mard:I 26, 27, 28, 1912. 1426-32 PARCEi. I : Unit I, County ol Ni4i1ii ~~':':·.~:~II~~·:!~: NOTia Of' a.ALE Condomlr\turn Pl.en recwdecl J-IS. Of' MAL ~TY 197' !ft -1111t,pete l-of0tfklel AT PNVATI! aM.E RIKonhof~C ........... C:..lfonMa Mo. AM,lf7 PARCEi. 2: All ...... lvlded 1/ttll In the Superior Court ol the State •-rost Ir\ end to Lot I ot T reel No. of Callfornla, In end lot the County 1t4ts, In ,,,. c 11v of Coste Mesa, of Orange In the Matter of the Ee- ~et o....,.., suw et Callf«Na, late of JOYCE BENNETT MAX HP«IMl'N<.,_lft..,.451.,..... WELL, eaa JOYCE e. MAXWELL. 21 to 22 ef Mnceti-~ kl tM oec....d. 9"kt ef .. ~ lllKonlW Of ..... Notice II hereby o•ven that 1h• c ov" I y. too•tlla r w 1111 •II underllQned wtll Mii a,t Private ..... lm11rovemen11 '"-'""• Hcaptll\t to tlle hlgh••t and bell blddar, tlleretrom Conclomlnlwm Units 1 eubjecl to confir mation of eald ~~~J~_.:~:==. U:::..,. Supef1or Court. on "' .,,_ tM 5th 8-'1enMI to Hell 11N1 tor ltle llW ef day of Aprtl, 1912, at tfle oflce KC11Pat1Cy of tlloM .....,._ of IN NORMAN 8. BERLINER. 330 South rettrlcted c-arM ......,_ 1.-MIHlon Road, Lot Ang ..... Call- Ille Oectarellon of Re,11trlcllefll1 tornla 90033, County of Lot An '~ Ill -. tJ1"· ..._.. tm ef ~. State of Calltomla, all the Offklal Reconfs Of said c--, -right, title and lnt«eat of Mid llMlwft on .. ~lnlurn Plan ,.. c.8ed Ill the time of death and .. aecti 1111". the right. title and Interest that the Tiie '''"' eddreu •rtd/or other estate of Mid ci-ated hu ecqul· common du111nat1011, 11 any, Is red by operation of lew or olher- IM'-1«1 bo be: ZlOS Pacmc • lllJ, wise, other than or In addition to Cotta ""'""· Caltwla. lhllt °' Miki ~ ••• the time °' S.111 sate •Ill M m-wlllloyt deeth, In and to all the c.rtaln reel ••rreftly " 1o lllte -IHSlon °" •11<11mbr•t1ees, tor flM Pllf"llOM 01 property Mtvated In Or*9I COunty, .-'(lne u. ..,.,.....,. tee-..., ...., State of Cellfomla. pertll:Ulalty DeN lllCllodlnt -........ ·-of llCflbed .. follows: lo-wtf: tM ,,,,.. ..... ol IM tnrttb <'"'*" by followl: to-wit Mill ..... ~---· Wttl\ Lot 19 of Trac1 No. &&41 acoo<· •~ .. ..,..,..,.. "*""· -.,. ding 10 the "'IP lhweof recorded In """141 flf'IM• end ......._Of -110c* 251, Pagee 11to1!l, 1ndu11¥1, Neto M<Wed lly uld -· to-wit of Mtacellaneout Map9. ln t1le ofllce f.n,f1t.tl. of' tlle County Recorder of Hid Dated: Mar-di J. 1• County. ~.aW. ••CllMIY•YANCCE COMmonly known by atte9t and COllflOtUlnoet number u 21701 L• 11.,ra Dr., tel L ·-· .,.. MIHIOn Viejo, Calltornl• 92175. ~ Propef'ty cont.,n11 tl~famlly ..... .,_ -... .,: CM-..,_ Thie ....... 8llllrlG Ile 'A.,...... , .......... ~ lll'lllultanaou """ the ... of !fie ...,....,_. o....,.. ~Deity PMllt, ott. 'A _,.,.... by IN ESTATE~ MM. 12, tt ... ,_ IMM:l THOMAS MOfUUNGTON MAX-. --wtll.J.. *> known M THOMAS M. NaJC 1111( MAXWILL, Deceaaed, Orenge :..;..-----------.1 County 8uP«t« Court c-No. AI03,HI. llOT1Cll • ....C '-:,. Term• of H ie cHh II\ lawful ~~~•~•N tllat "'° rnon•y of the United 8tatH on :.ci.,-r.c:=.=::.·.o::.-~ :l:"=:' .::=-aci°' ~~: oe a o. t.,. ........ OI..,., __. • .. cured by Mort.eoaoe or l'Nlt o.d _...... --of...._, alld,.... on the propetty eo told. Ten per Ill ...... ---C9lt of""°""' bid to be~ 0... of ...... ~ .. ttet """ bid .,.=: ~ p.M., or • -8* or °""9 t6 be In wrtttno Ind l.oCllllNn' ......,. """"-Hal Of Atltlftl. I be ~ et ttlt ~ of· rM'WllOI\ '°o.eoo..--...(Oor!W• et any tlfM atw ,,.. Int !Ml· ............ -.... Ma~ ... ._ ...., ,..,_ *ld beforw ... ~ ,.,.CA . .... ~ ,~ ~ .. z.::=-m ,.t_•• '"'• aarc1 •• , ot March. =~~~--··~ .. -·-,....... ....._ .,_.,.. ce.i .10YC1 Im I II I IMxwn.&... DI· CHAllTI It NO. HIM COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Trea~ry Oepertment of Ille Un19ed $tel!H. WttNllCllon. o.c. Wllef'e• Mik"fectory evldeN<e lies been pn-.tad to tlw Comp1ro11.,. of Ille Currency 11181 "INTERIM CAPISTRANO NATIONAi. BANK" locat.d In s.n Jue11 Cat>lstr.,.o. State of Calflomla, IMI complied wllll ell provlstons ol IM statutes ot Ill• U11ltac1 Stella$ AqllNwl to be <omplled wltll II.to,. ~ Wllm<lied to commMCe "" ...,,,,_, ~ -•nv ., • Hatkwlat 8&1\111119 Auoelellon. Now, Ille~. I hereby certify 0..1 t ll• •l!Ov• nemed auoclatlon h autllcWlted to <.0mr1WnC• llw bu.slnnt of b•nlllnv H • Hat1011•1 Bar1kln11 AHOclttlon In leJll"-f -•eof witness my •'9Mtuh encl .. 1 ot office this tth <l•Y ofOauMber1•1. /'I/ Charles E. Lord Actlno Cornptro lier of Ille C:urrency PubHslled Or ... Co .. 1 Dally Piiot, Feb. U, It, 26, Marci\ S, It, It, 26, April 2, t, ,te 1o..fl STATllMllMT 0 .. AUNDOHMllMT 0" us• 0" FICTITIOUS BUMMllSS MAME Tiie tollowln9 per1on' llev• ebendOMd l1'e .,.. ot tM tktltlous llllliMU -HYAn DRAPERIES, IM PrOductlon Place, NewPOrt &Mell, Calllomla '2MI: Tiie flcllllous buslnau name referred to was llln 111 toumy on ... 12.n. Betty E Hy•tt. P.O. Box ..... Bonne~ F«'rv. •-1310S Gr99 o . t4-att, noot S...-. L.ane, H11ntl,...on tleedl, C•lllonVa .,.... Tllh ~was c_.ad by two lrldlv~ll a.tty E. Hyett Tiits --wat flled with llle County Cler11 of 0r•"99 County Oii -.rel! to, ltlat . I ""'" Llppeld, Men4lerse11 •nd ot.- .,,._.. W ... .,,. -. Jr. H91.1MSl., ,...u1.1t.o .... u1 c-. ...... ca.neD PlllllllllMd 0..,,.. Cord Delly Piiot, Merell n. ••.16. Allrll 2, tte. 11~ NOTIC~ INVfTIMO lllDI Notice 19 i.reby gl..., that the Board of Trutt-of the Hunting- ton Bea<;ll Ur)lon High ~ool D1-etrlet wm receive ... led blda tor aupplylng Alhlellc Equipment & Suppllea "'"'Ing or equal to the ~Iona on Ille In IM offtoa of Ulld Ol1trk:t. Bid• shall be clearly m•rked "Athletic e9ulpmen1 & Suppllea, Bid No 48& ', llddreued to Allyn E Rowley. Purctiutng Manager. Huntington Beach Union High ScllOOI District, 10251 Yorktown Ave .• Huntington Beach, CA 92648. and received at or before 2:00 p.m .• Monda)'. N>fll 12. 1982, • ~ time and ~ bldt wll be publld)I °'**' and read. e.cti bid lhell remain Y1llkl lor • period of 30 daya after the date :ipec:llled tor the receipt of bid•. The Boerd ol TN9t-lhall be the sole Judge of the quellly of equipment offMed end r0en1e1 tM right to retect any or .. bid• and to waive any Irregularity the· rein. SUNRICMI COURT OF CALI l'CHltelA. a>UNT Y 0"0ftAMOll I• Ille -.... ~,,_ et MllTTt• L.UCIU.11 FVMIC, JON EltlC l'UMK ... JCE .... t .. CE• L. YMN FUl41C "°" CHAHOll Of' MAMe. CAM NUMlllElt AUM44 O•DIE• TO SHOW CAUSE ~Ott CHAllOE Of' MAME NETTIE LUCILLE FUNK. JON ERIC l'UNK end JENNIFER LYNH FUNK have lllW • 1>9tlllon I" 1111~ court fer an "'*' ••-•llO llftlltoner lo d\anoe 111•/lleo' lltme f,_, NETTIE LUClt..t.E ~HI(, JOH ElllC FUNK •11d JENHIFlli' t..YHN FUNK lo Hc&TTll! UK:ll.LE OEAUGUSTINE, JOH ERIC DIEAUOUSTIHE •nd JENNl,,l!R LY-OEAUOUSTINE. II II ,_,...,., or•ed "'411 ell --lnte,..sted 1,. ,._ metier eto,.Hld •PP••• before 11111 <ourl In DeN""'"" fllo. a at 7'1111 Clvk c.n~ Drl\re W•I, ~ Ni•, c.tll..,l\la, on .._,1114. "'1 et IO:JOo'(lock a.m .. - llletl _., l"'rt ltww uo.tW, If •ny tlleV IMW1 Wf!¥ wld ..Cit"" fw <llMOt Of ~ ........... .,_ .... It I• ""''* ....... Illa! a c°" of tlllt ..-to -c~ .. llUClllWcl 111 ''-Delly Piiot, • MwtlM!Hf' •f .-ntral tlrtu'41119n, PlllMI .... Ill tfll• <-ly tit ..... CllllC• • --.., lwf -c_,.,,.. ..u .,1er to lfle ci.v of uld """1111 . DAT•OMMcJU , ._ ~o H. PRUINeA Jlfdlt .. -"""".., c-t ..,,.., .... oranee Caalt Delly Ptie,, M1WC11 • n. ''• »,"" '°" .. = .. "'. e111~f:r:'r:. 10 111• ...... fl .. aTAftlfW .,...,.... ~ TllaNOlllrlltll ·~i:r= • -=== ;--WMn1Cll "" ..... ""111111 ~, .. ... ,. ~ i.ne ""r::• ... 1-==c. wmt T"9 CAlJllQllM ~ -I. M -';,,_ Wiii !1e11t 01.1 .. A'IQeff 9tT'Al °'-W.lfY ACTl Lm ~-~ •. ,... .. ,_,_.. ........ d " -----.... ~ -.. Cir .. '°"'*""' ~n. ..... ,,..,.... ........ ....,..,_ •......... Pueth'*I &11 .. CMI\ Deity "'_,.Of~~ ,_.." .... "' ....... ._.,., =-.... "°'' ~'""' tt." AfWI a. ,. " .......... "':~I ... -.. ::.•:r=.=.J:=•.: • 141Ha ~~:. .. llllCIMHOP,IUlf ~ .,..., .. lllJO,.tl ,_. .. ~-~ .... I:.':. -==-·=::t.. ·== I D•llY Piiot :-CltY Hall~· Clft .. ==:=.=.~.. ClnlHiedl 'ft.."::-=:..,-:t=: .. -=·-==~t'~-:S':" • wortcfor ~,-........ =:-..= ::::-:L .. ..: ....=.i:·:o: • r.ou. c.11 ... """""WOfllM--. e.-:....;rc: ------'42-9671 '"' if.iii ,..., • m • e for qulctc ;::i':J,~~~ ..::r:-.: .... o.-Oelty,.... 1e <•Ill ulft. ,.....: C::.. oe..• ~· \ ~ ....... ,.. l'IC1'mOUa BUllNlll ..... ITATDllJn Tiie loffowlnQ '*'-• ar• dol"Q OUM· ....... PRESTIOE ENTERPRISES NO 202, 1301 Oo¥a. 8u11e 400, -.,ort S-.. CA t2tl0. Her1UI08 ,,,_,.....,, ~. Oeneral ,..,,,.. 1301 Dove. s..11• 400. "-POrt IMc/I, CA t 2te0 Thia OU~ 19 ~led by a Rmllad pwtnerlhlp. Henttoe ""'-1.INlll Co 0...,M WMl Tiil• alalemen1 wH lllecl wttll 1111 C-1y Clertl of OrMge County on MM-. 11, 11182 1'1 ..... Pubttalled Orange Coot Dell) Piiot, .Marctl 11, 2•. Apt1I 2, 9, 11182 1274-1~ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI STATEMENT Tiie lollowln9 per\CU" are doln9 IMlslnttsu UNl-VIO, 1112 Kelvin, Irvine. CA '271•. "Like kids know batting averages." he explained. Or, you might say, like a person immer- sed in hi.s subject. Lavery 35, has already taught at fo~r universi- ties. "A depression is only a very. remote possibility," he said, alluding to the growing refe- rences among laymen and pro-CUNNIFF fessionals to the possibility of the economy pitching into an out-of-control slide. He concedes the economy is vulnerable to a d eeper-than -anticipated decline because of weaknesses in corporate balance sheets, saving$ and loans, and state and local governments, but he says ''it doesn't translate into a depression scenario." He respects the Reagan program; feels that it is on course toward al least two and probably three of four major goals; looks for a sh1>rt -l1ve d , While he foresees some increase in plan!-\~ equipment spending by the fourth quarter or: ttt~ year, Lavery expects the real thrust will be lri ~ second half of 1983. ... ( Meanwhile, he says, it isn't correct to say the Reagan program isn't working. . :· : As he sees it. the progr8.ll\cons1sts of four~. one of which is to reduce the momentum of mf'l~ growth , which he says is "w orking weJL.' Reducing the rate o( public sector growth ~ t> "working well." The third, tax cuts to stim~~ saving$ and investment, ''really h asn't begun y~:· but will. Lavery believes. with the July l tax rot; It is in the fourth area -restraints on aov,- cmmenl spendmg that a big question mark lQOJ!li in Lavery's forecast. ~ • "He needs an abatement of interest rates to·get a turn in the economy," said Lavery. The need '6 critical, he emphasized. "He won't get the t urh unless he relieves concern m the marketplac..-e." ; Rk"-rd L. Wiiton, 1'1' Java Rd .. ~---------------------------------------------------Cost• Meta, CA '2U6. Gre1101"' B. ~r0. nn l(elvln, lrYIM, CA '21i. Tllh bu\IMU Is condu<lel;t by • venenl ~ship Rlc,,.rdL Wilson Tiii& \tel-I we• llled wllll ll'tt County Clerk ot Oranve County 0" Merell 3. l'IC FIMJ71 Pubh~ Orlln9e C:O.sl Dally Piiot, '!Ur<ll ~. 12. It. '6, 1912 t11.f2 NIUC •TIE "ICTITIOUS 8USllHSS HAMii STATE MiNT The lollowlno r>erwn• ••• doln11 buslneuas. SU NSHINE'S FRUIT BARS & CO, ~':°" .:,~•• Or IE PWl2l. 'Ant• A,.., Brad J Hocll»r, l100 Pl•LI Or CE PH171, ~I• Ma, CA 91704 ~Slllna H H-r. 3100 P1ete Or I~. PH 12), SM!1• AN, CA '2704 Tiiis 11ut1iw.1 h or1ca.ue<1 lly a ....... pa-ll\lil s..n.i.lna H H-r Tiiis H•t-1 WM rited wll~ t,,. Cou111y Clerk ot Or•nOt Coun1y or1 M.,<11•, 1'112 FIMU2 Plll>ll-0r._ co .. 1 DAOy Piiot March s. n . It ,., 1m 962.-? PUU MDTXE FICTITIOUS aUSINl!SS 14AME STATEMCENT Tl•• followlnv person~ ar• dot~ 11Us1neuas· PACIFIC TRENDS FURNITURE MANUl'ACTURING. 2111 South Anne StrHI, 54111• A, Santa Ana, eatttornl• '770. Deni• .Moll.er & c:on--y. '"'., • C•llfornl• corporation, 3J02 Perrlwlnkle, La9u11• Nlouel, Cellfornla n•n This buSll\H• ll COrld\ICttd by a (C>rl>O' ••Ion O Jftter. P.-.tldeftl Tiiis .-at-t w•s 1119" with Ille County Cl••~ 01 Or•nve County Ori Marc II J, t"2 ,., ..... Publl"'9d Or~ Coe•• O•llY Plk.1, MMClt S, 12 1t, 1'. "'1 IOU., FICTITIOUS 8USINHS HAMll STATllMIHT Tl•• foll-lf\9 peuo"' ue dolno busl ""' "' STAR 50\INOS, )lln Pewo Acee:••. San Juen Ceplnrano, CA .,.,s Clllford O. ""'"•Y and w.,.e MM Murrey, J11n Petao A<ac:I•, s.en Juen Cepl'1r-, CA'267S Tlllt Mines• Is <onducl"" by .,, lndlvlduel W~M MuH•Y This «•t..._t wn lllacJ "''"' '"-County Cl••-01 Ot-County or1 Muell 3. 1'12 ,,,..., Publll/IH Or-Con1 Dally Piiot, March S, 12, It, 1•. l'IC m.n FICTITIOUS IUSINISS 14AME STATl.MIHT The lollowll\Q parso" 1, dol1111 butlMU At· DISTRICT l'ROCESSING, 111 Wtll 17111 St Coll• MHA. CA 91U1 R-'1 0 Oug9'1. 11M 8.,,.,,,.. Pl., Casu Mei&, CA "62' This buslnen Is conduct..i bY an lrl<llvldual. R-.t 0 Dugar! Tiiis st.I-I we• 111.0 wltll ,,,. County Cler~ of 0ran99 County on March J, fllG, 1'1&Q74 Pulllltllad Orenoe ¢.o.tll D•llY Piiot. March 5, 12. tt, 26, 1912 •n..., PllUC llTIE OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS u" LIM Ch9 ,. . . '"' 1•. • ,.., ,.. .. "f , .... ~ 2'-.1 ,. 111. • "" l1·1• •'l-16 7 ""• ,.. .... ' . "' ,\lo • .... n~ • 2 s • ""' ·~ • 1 J' l • ,., )', • l) l"• +-._, . . .... 1 • ,,, , + lo\ •"• .. •n .... + • ., ?\lo .~,. 1 •.... 1'. • v. )~ . '- DOWNS Pd. UP Ji .. Up JL• Up &t. Up U.O: Up 11L9 · UP JO.O . Up U .6' Up "·I Up •.• Up 19.S Up tl.7 Up U,1 Up IU Uo U .... Up 167 Up i. 7, UO M• Up IA i Up Ma Up H.J • UP llJl Up t2.• • uo n1 • Up 121 ' Up ll S Up 17 ~, Ltst2 Ch9 Pel Y, 041 IDO 2 •, Oii IOO 2.,, ., Off "' .J'~ .. Oii 157 i'• 'le Oii i..J J • , Oii 1-4l l ,., Oii ") S>. ... Ott " s •'· '-" Off ~, 21 2 Oii • 1 IP.. IV. Off I 'l 1\'o '4 Oii •• 7ll. 14 Oii • 3 •'4 ... Off I I ' ,,_ 14 011 4.0 It'~ "' ()ft ., 1 • -"'°''I.I 11).16 -011 '·' J''I "' 011 1 •• It IYI Oii •1.l l"• 11. Ott 1 t •'II .,, Oii 1 I J'-• '• Ofl I J l '• '• OH 7 1 ,... , .. Off ... p,. • • Ott .. , ,.. '· Off .. , I • Will listings suit 1.08 ANGELES (AP) -Three ru1 ettate orp· nilatlona have won their copYriaht ~ni IUlt ~a firm that .,Id Multiple Lll$1 SeMoo ab@ett to the pubbc. Atto~ Moeee 1::,~ of San Frand1CO, repre-eentina the plalnUffa, Wednelday that U.S. Di-strict Jucip Mariana Pfaelar returned the deciaion acainat Supermarket of Homes Inc. in Northrldge, with ~ to be aic:ided. The pfaint1ff1 are the Calllornla Allociatlon of Realtora, the San Fernando Valley B6a.rd of Realtors and the National Alloclation of Realtors. Airline merger due LOS ANGELES (AP) -Texaa Air Corp., whi~h won control of Continental Airline9 aa the Callforru.a carrier wu potting a $60 mlllion loa, announced plans to combine Continental with Texas International Air- lines. Te xa1 Air, a Hou.ton-based holding compan~ which owns TIA and acquired ~1 percent of Conu- nental's common atock 1ut year after a fierce legal 1truggle, said Wednesday it plans to combine the companies. Telephone earnings up SAN1"RANCISCO (AP) -First-quarter earnings for Paclfic Telephone were 50 centa a common share, up from 33 cent.a a share for the aame period a year ago, the compe.ny announced. Net inccme for the 1982 quarter was $124 million, up $50.8 m11llon from the same period 1981, which was one of the lowest eaminp periods in Pacific Tele- phone hlltory, Board Chairman Donald E. Guinn said Wednesday. Housing aid proposed WASHINGTON (AP) -Senate Democrats are proposing a multibilllon·d.ollar program aimed at reviving the nation's housing industry from the deep slump brought on by the receaion and high mortgage interest rates. The program, announced Wednesday, is designed to stimulate construction of 600,000 new single-family homes and provide 782,000 jobs. It was formulated by a task force under the guidance of Sen. Henry Jackson of Wuhington. Seattle layoffs seen SEATTLE (AP) -Todd Pacific Shipyard offi- cials say they mlaht need to lay off aeveral thousand workers in Seattle because the Navy has awarded contra$ tor three new guided missile frigates to ahipyarda ln Maine and Los Angeles. "It w• a mighty blow to~." although there are ~no definite layoff plane. laid John T. Gilbride Jr .• Todd vice pnlldent and general manager. • Besan raps panels WASmNGTON (AP) -Treasury Secretary Donald Repn has critJci.ied the committees of Con- for rejacting President Reagan's call for new cuta, ancl predicted "even larger deficits" will . "I've been rather dimnayed to 9ee that many of the committees now have not gone along with those cuta," Regan told the Ho~Budget Committee on Wedne9day. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NIW VO..KIAP) FINI °""".Jonn ·~ ..... ~.-.25. • ... ~:tn ~~.~ • n.. an Dt.G1 DUS m.u-I SI 1S Ull .,, -~ ICl7 •• 1GI.... 0.51 ., • m.s. JZJ.• m • a. •• • n ...................... ··~·'°° :::::::::::::::::::::: ~~:= .. ....................... • ..... 100 WHAT STOCKS DID WMlll<WEXOIO WfiW ~K IAPI MM. U Tilw9dey 331 2IO 111 m • • METALS~ SILVER~ ~a 11ernw1. 11.oea.., voy - GllD QUOTATIONS .,,...... UIHll NOTIC9 O' T'llUelW9 MU T ........... On Aprll I. 1112. •t 1:15 A.M., Tit .. a.Moea. Irle, N duly ~19d TN91• 11nd•r •11=urtu1n1 10 0..d ol Tru11 r-ded 11, 1111. • lnlt No. S2554, Ill book 1 111119 70. Of OlflcMI Alcorela Ill ... olllol "' .. County ,.,. "'*of <Jr-._~•• Wlu l£U Al l'U9UC A TO HIGHUT •OOlfl fiOfl CA$4, CASHlfJl'S CH£CK OR OERTlf'!EO CHtcl<. ~ 81 -of H I• 111 lewlul mo11ey ol 1119 U11Ueel Stll•tl 11 Ille ftOlll ..,lr"I« to Ille Oki Or~• C-ly Coutt"-. located °" Santa Ana llvel . bet-Sycemor• Stteet -•oedWoly. ~ Nw.. Ca. al .... -enellrltllr-~IO enel ,_ l*<I by h unCIW Mid Oeed Of True! Ill Ille ~ --.. ..., Coun!y -S\IM deeCriMCI .. Loi • 1 Of trect HO. =Ille C"1 Of Coet• ~. Golinty of ,_ Of Cllllomla, .. ,.., .... Ill lloolc 11•. PagH 38 to 42 ol Mlecellaneou1 ~.In Ille olllol Of 1111 a-y ~ Of Mk! C-ty EXCEPTIHO THEAEFl'IOM II -· olla. peer--l<llldreCI -•t-.,,., natural 11• Uftder Mid ti!ICI. but wltllOUI '"'"' ol Miry 10 , ... tut!-or .,_.. ~IO I Cllplll Of 500 -ol Mid lend, M ~ IO lM>d In-Compolny,. ~ 1n 111• cl..O r.eorcleel Juty 10, IHI In bOOll M$4, paige 7 .. Of olllcMI --Truttor qr r.cord ow11er: Lawrence E .. ..._ "*'· reel .ocir.. ---lion, II any, Of Ille,_, prOj)erl) -'--ll~tob« IOIO .,...,._ Street. Coeta ....._ Ca. 121H Thi U111deollgoled T-dladl*tl9 In) .....,IY for W'1'1 ~ ol Ille..,... -----~·" Aro(· .,_, herein ~aid 111~ wlll ba mada, but wltlloul -or _,.,,1y, .._or lmplleel. r991rdlng 1111•. poaMaalon. or ancum· ~ 10 ~ ,,,. UllPlld ~Of Ille note(•) -111.0 by N ici 0..0 Of Trutl, ICMlll 192.AT 54, lndudlng .. prOOldeCI "'...., notl(8). -·'...,,....,.,Ille lwma of Mid 0..0 of Trull, ..... --and .,.~ of Iha T,_ -Of IM trutlt cree!M by Mid DMd ol Truat. Th• l>enHlclary und., .. Id Offd ol TtUll ~· H tiCUltO -ClellWr'90 10 , ...... ~ • wrltWI Oec:tar8llon ot o.rauttJln 09<!\and for Sale, a11d 1 wrlttan Mc>llOa of Oeleull and 9acllott to Sii. The "':I'=. --...., -ol DelMlll to aal 10 ... rec. ord.d In ,,,. _...1y ......,, 1"e rMI pro- ~ts localed lNat• or petty -.ctlnQ -TrTU SEllVICES. INC • 506 Santa Mona 8l¥d , Sanle Monlce. CA ICMOI, Tai. 383·:S7 .. Dete; Merdl 12. 1112 Thie S--, Inc. •Mid Truttee. llyKatlllean~ l'uC>llll\ed Oranoe Coa11 Dally Piiot, ~ OOMt DAILY '9LOT""9d1W, Mlldt It, 1112 O•ANOIE COUNTY IUPIERIOR COUaT o.....-c:-.,~ ,. Clvtc ~on ....... IMle ..... CAft191 PLAINT!,.,.:.._ W•-O,_ DaPIENl>AftT: Wry Liie'-"'-'· O.Wa J. ~ .... 00.S It .......... X,lachllh•. SUMMl*I Ofll "aST AlllUINHD COMft,AINT CAM NUMaa•: D01' NOTl(a.J Yw ......... -. TIMI cwrt...., ~ .....,_.,.. _._ _.....,.._ ....... _,..,.... wltlll•••n.1tNMI ........... ..._ ....... II YoU wlsl\ lo -k 1111 advice of an ettomey 111 tllls ~ • .,..... SlloUICI do so promptly to llwlt your wrlll.,, r-. 11...,, mey Ila fll• Oii lllM. AVISOI U .... lie tlflt ... S • IEI trlMNI _..-'* C9lllre Uf. • _.._.., __ u .. ,...... ...,. ....... w. .. ....._ ... ~ ........ . SI Ustecl dt1" toll<llM el COfllllo e Ull abo9M1D Ot1 Hte H""ll>, detlarll llacerlo lmmedlate-111a, d• 11ta m-ra. tu •-st• "'"i.. sl lley ........ _._,.... ..... ti ....... l. TO THE Ot:Fl!HOANT: A cMt -ll, H , ~ 2. 1912 1;o..,a comptal11t ,,., -" fifed •r llM plalntlff .... ,., -ti -...... m11H 1ana1 Clef-lhls '-It. yeu f\Wlt, wlt11111 • deys .n.r INS""""'°"' IJ Wrwd °" you, me wttll tNs '-' a wrltt911 re"'°"w to 1111 c ....... nt. VlllKS ""' "' ». -dlfMt Wiii ... ...._ Oii ...i1ce11o11 "' .,. .. .iirtlff. -,,.., (OU.rt ,,..., ....... e J....,_t _.~I YOU f« 1111 reli.f ,._ Ill the CHARLES C. READ, age 77, comptel11t, wlll<ll ceuld re.sun In a resident of Costa Meu r._ ger11ls11me111 or ••ves. tellln11 ol • ,,,_. MOMY or ptoper1y or °'"'' rellel Passed away on March 20, 1982. requested In 1111 come>lelnt. Ht was a member of the UnJty OATEOOc1-t, 1t11. Church, Orange, C&., bad been a LEE A. llRAHCff rancher in the Olive Height.I = wevoonar area SW'Vived by his wife Pearl o.lv Ann, slep-1on Michael Waldman u. OMces .. ._y H • ..._ of Anaheim, Ca., •l•ter Mary ,._...._,... S~den of River1ide, Ca .. bro-•city ......,... NOTICE OF DEATH OF ther Maurice Read of Santa ~~':':;~,...._..., MARD.YNN S. BREWSTER Ana, Ca. Vwtatlon wu held at •~•,...tlMtft, ALAN WAYNa AND OF PETITION TO the mortuary on Monday_ oa11ue ADMJNISTER EST•TE NO. Memorial ltrVICft were held at PllO!e:-<>-. Cou t o.lly PllOI, n the Unity Church at 2:00PM on Merell s. 12• "· "· tt11 10IM1 A-UHtS. Tuesday. DonatloN to the UnJty 1 ___ ....... ,,_ ___ ...___, To all heirs, beneficiaries, Church Memorial Fund would PllJC. .. , creditors and contingent be appreciated. Ralph W. Shan-1 creditors of M arilynn S . nari Fu.neraJ Services clirec1orl. -.-Brewster and persons who WOLUN o.""= ::=. 1 may be otherwiae interested JOHN D. WOLKEN. resident AT ...WATI MU IA the will and/or estate: of Newport &!ach, Ca. Pa.Med ..._ •--A petition ha.a been filed away on March 24, 1982. He wu In the ••rlar CHrl of Ill• by James R. Brewster in the a ~dent of Orange County f« ..... of c ... .., 111 _. * "'-Superior Court o f O range the majority of hil life, havina c-1Y of~ Mflllle. c t t ' th • been very active In boating ulCl 111 the Matter at Illa latala.. o un y re q u es 1ng a . racing competition. He la I Urvi• THOMA• MORMINOTOtt MAX· James R. Bre water be ap- ..... b .... f th Al Wolk of WllLL, •II• TMOMA• •• llAJl· polnted u penonal r~pre-v"" y '"" a er en W1LL.D111111d t ... _,_,_ •L. Burbank. Ca. and bi• Mary No1lce la llefaby given thal tM aentat ve to ••u.u ·-ter u 1e Spelman of Las V eps. Nevada. uodal liQliad w11 ... at Prtvai. .._ e s t a t e o f M U 11 Y n S . al.90 survlVed by his lister Lela 10 the lltgh .. t and beat bidder Brew1t.er (under the Inde· OflfllCW. MOC&111•1 Of,,. MIW OP Leah Milavich of Long Beach, 1ub1act to conflrm•Uon of H id pendent Adminlatratlon of 1U1'911'180M °" ..._ CCMnY, CM.I = ~ OllllllMill Ca. Private .ervicea will be held Suparior Cout1. on « attar lite &Ill Esta1es Act). The petition Is A r9QUl.tr meeting of tlle Boetd o1 ~elf er.,.. Coullly, ~ ._ under the direction of H1rbor dAly of April, 1982, at the otfloe ol -t for heft..lft .. in Dept. No. 3 •nlllO .. llle ao-nrng 8oatd of 1"9oi.tnc.~!Ivthe.....,ol1141•.....,. NO"MAN S. BERLINER, 330 South .,... .. u-e -na1c1 on March ti, 1 .. 2 11 9:30 a.rn. TM 1011ow1111 NIMd ~ _.. ,,._ Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Ml11lon Ro1d, Loe Annal••. Call· t 700 c· I Ce t Dr1"•e --en.c. Nellende. ~ Aeoar "-II-. ~ M. *"-· '-" I. Colt.a M :MO 55~ • a IV c n er •. • Cletlo. Tllomee F A ..... -... a.ti • ._ -.. Ot+w"91Wll olf fool! -eaa. • . Jornla 90033, County of Loi All· West, in the City of Santa ~ 1a _,..o;;d CenAlln ~·c;;.,_. _ _... __...,, • ' rtHClllOntaS SMmtS' wonvAAY 627 Marn St. Huntington Beach 536-6538 < w.rCOllMICll MOllTVAllll Laguna Beech '494-9415 a..gunaHOls 798-0l33 -.., Juen c.pistrano ~'"' getaa. State of Callfornla, all tile "--,..._,.{....,.;,.on April 14 lorbld-Coul\lyJuriadlcUollof .... ..,omA-~llle atyol ..,_/11911t right. Ulla and lnlaraet of Mid ct. n.i ............ -·~ • ~ A.FOllJll~tedlo ... ~..S~Deo •• ICT• ' C*IMd 8t the llma at deattl and all 1982 at 9:30 a .m. Foru E. se1111111, J Anoareon. J. L•n111111. Mr. 1111111111 anel '"' Cllamber Iha rtgttt, !Itta and lnl•aat !NI IN IF YOU OBJECT to the o1 Cotnmatce .,.. ~ s.-111 .w.o 10 ... "°"'Y •••lllllOii81 Olllitct aetate of Mid decaeaed hae acqut. m l"9 United Slit• encl °'*-~ ~ -MllOOl!lad; .... l/ll:IMl'a rad by o~lllon of l•w or olhM· granting of the petition. you Algllll WMll 11111 0..,. County ..,_ o.r .,.. lllOClellMd. TM ~ wlM, 0111« tl'tan ot In lddlllon to should either ap"'""'~ at the Depet11Mn1. North Munlolpel Ooutt Md ~-...,..,.. ~ ,.._ ...,_ ........ IUndt.,. ~ . ....__.,,,.... -......... (.-ii ........ ..,... thet of Mid~. at Iha time of hearing and state your ob--""" 111e Eellllon eo. 1or 111e 11t11 ..,_ ~=:= ..........,. -daelh. In and to al Iha certain ,... '---tioos or f Ue written ob-gerdlnO s.-.i-111 Str..c AHFP "'otact Ho.••• 11 ~Ho. ~1• 111 pro~t)' t1111ala In ti.a Count)' of ,.... .... be eciopteo. Co<Hlty plan for~~~ ~ "-""--Orange, s1a1a of c.llfomle, part!-jecUons with the coun. -.-dlno o.na Po1M Het1M1r .....,,. ......,.. 11 ..,.._ TM•,•..,,.....,.. " d-=tlbad • ~ lcMltt: fore the hearing. Your ap-~.AB• ~!Oft........_.. w-Dlllrtllt, II...,....~ to l I f T N A.oU 1 ~ 8111• Lundilon le eultioftlllf • ._.... Houall\t.......,,. 9ofMI ....... -ot 1 o rect o . .,_ aocOf· pearance may be in person .....,_ 11 ~.Tex l'Mtler9 _...,°"'°·"'*"a,...'°' ..... ..,._. ding 10 Ula IMP ther90f recorded In or ~~our attorney. 19,..,,.,,, tor SAVI Ral'ICll 11 apptow.cl. Tr....e r..-C• -lllllMt...._ ~ Boole 2$1, PtOAt 11 to13, lnc:luelve, I U .. RE .. CREDI ,.......,.. .,. IPC><OYICI. ~ °""' ~ llwdr II.......,~ of MitCllllllAOUI Mtipa. In Iha offloa 0 n n • •ftloll of Onllnanoe to -...0 °'1llMrlCle No. m1 11............ 11 le'°' of tlla County Aaoorder of H id TOil or a conting ent credi-llollofl "''°'""''°" SerYloee 11111 ~ D••••=• ,._ T,..._. UCI -County ~ Cl!yof o.derl Or-............ '9-" • .........,. ...,,_..... ~ly lcftOWft b)' .,... and tor of the~. you mLIBt *"""''*""""'..w.aaw1111......_, ..,. • ...._ •11 11111at01Wt91~. numbaruH701Lallerra Or .. file your claim with the ::..~.~.,i:-""*s...;::,~~Z'=~":'::-;:=.':': MllllonVl9fo,c.lbnlat2871. court or preaent It to the w-Aegtona1P .. -.o.naPo1n1-•.llll*Wlf..._...,...,.,..~ Propar1y ooMalrW • ._..,,. penonal repre9enlative ak ;e:::~or-=~~"C:.':: ... J:='==:: "o;: _. ... It....,_..,,.".,,_.... pointed by the court with we.y "911• of Wey Colltraot .,..,, ..._,. t::c'•" c......, • ........-. o.r-. ~""' '1la-. of 1t1t lour ~tN Crom the elate of :.=-::.=:=:=-.n:.~ ........ • N1 ~== 00-\t ~Illa llTA~ °' fint 111uance of letters aa 11111111uc1y. Huntlllglorl H1r1tc1r ·~=-·~ "...,... TM 1 ~~ u "0YCI ~;,~ provided in section 700 of =:.... ~~ ~':t*~':.... ..:.:0::--.'::: ~ DI 111 f, ~ CouMy 8upartor the probate code o f Callfor-~TM \lector ~..,.. ~ ........................ CM1 ow No. ~touet. nla. The tJme for ftlina =~.ioi:r.:=: °""'....,. •...,..,.....,. ..,,_, 111 T1rm1 of a,1. oHh In 11wful clabnl wm not expire prior rsu.l)~Al.IXA!Oll'I money of Ille' U"ltad 8111 .. on .A f---·L.... from •L.-.... te Clltk of tM e-'11 0111•ur111DM1!flr'lleOl11e01111 oonflrm1t10fl of Mia, Of pert oaaft 1.u ..,_ .. -a11u• UMJ.... A regular~ ot h eo.ci tJ ._..,.., ~ a-y, ~ .. lflCI belanoa rManoed by note.. of the hau1ft& noticed above. llllllnt ..... °"""'*" e.ro elf.,. DllfrtRI ==:_ ... ...,.of.,., ,._, :::.~~~':"f.,,°= YOU MAY EXAMINE -.'::'~a:!! .... ;:._~~~=:91::.:':t:= en of..;.'{..; 10 Ila dell alhed the file kept by the court. U a.~:.::::::=;. c::.:;:!: _, _. :.,;;. ~:::. 111'811 bid. )'OU att In~ In the.. 0oun 10 ...... C-, _. ._ .. ~I~ llde « ~-M 111 wNrll and \IW )'OU r-.y (lie a requ.& "'9'fld, ~NO .. ,. 11t ...... 1'111, 11 ~=~ :.i::;i::.•.::~.:. wlth the court to receive =:,'1.=T'-~~·.:.;:::.Allelt .,.,.,,$$ bloMloft...., _.~-..of apeclal noUO. of lhe lnven .. GallelW "........, ~ • ~....., • ..._. ""...., Ille. I .... ,... d f th TitonlllJ, MetGll '" ,_ • •.ao '"" 01ta4 tMI ~-..et Maroll, tor7 o ••-•an o e lllAUAM~ 1t12. -~ ,.i1t1ou, ..-an'-.nd re-~~~-, Nonwlt."""" port1 dHCrtbtd tn Secuon ~r--=-rr•c ~oftlla 1200.$ of lh• Callfornla Noloatd_.......-..,,_.. •• .......,=.,~=-= r.-. of Prob9W c:ia.. ... ................................ ~.. -........ .. TIMIMel Mol••lflOI• .... NICBOU IT&AD aor. --11·,... .... ~----~-- UIAU • LiMa =--· ~~.... ••• .. .... -:&JNiiM ... ._ ;~------QNiot r.:C'TC.'l._t;t«: • ~PQOe.·~ti '21, H , 6ill'I:~·-140'7-82 ----0.... J~~..._ ______ .....,..~~ 5 6. 7 8· D A I 'l. y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 ·4 2 •. CLASSIFIED r.!I.~ 642-5678 llllSU fll SAU t:cr ... .... .. _ .......... . =:::-:· ~-mo:-'-'""'' _,._ ...... tno ... ............. ..,._,loll• ..,._",, .. 1 M1...a\''tt)t :=~.::::• s. '"""' \'•1t'41.,.. -·--.. .... _ ..... ..... . ..,,. ....... ~ .. __ , ..... IULESTAH Mrni~rorM~ Ap.at111nt4'h fOt '-•lt ltM'" Praitw'1) ........,,,.,,,.,,, r..,lff, a...u n~ ,. .. l"-.W"wl ''~"' , ............. "~ ~, ... ,...,, ... .............. II',.. ..,..,,..., 1-.il'fopon1 Loll•"" s.i. ...WUN trlt t'rh ....... llhff1 ~·­·-:::,·· "<;;e := .. =r.: .. "" ......................... It.I f.t.'4.• ....... ., ................ llMJllS ·-ru.-..... .......... lttf-~ ............ ..,.,.,. , .. , , .................. v,. ··~·~.nt., .. , r .. .......,..., .... ," T..,.,_.~tM ............ ..._.,. l~'\nlal A.fiht'W" Afll•lMwni .\.pl'I •"1••1 •l Ill••*" ........ l, .... ,. ... lk41't• ,. ....... . f;wM u ...... .. "'-'"•••M""''m \.r .... -..i Ht "4••• ...,.. .. .._m"'"'"'' t;.,-~l·•MrM .. , . .,. """"' ....................... l ...... r~Krt11 .. 1 --tc..-.. t~••f'4 .. ....... ,... .. , Ille IGlll tWI .... -.... •• -..... .... '°" . .. ·-1111 llllil ... ..... -•• . .. ·-•• 1181 ,.., .... ·~~) llOO ,,.... ·-t ,.., ,., -"'"' -DUI --""' -11111 ·-- •!ti I nt , .. , .. ., "" '"" ..... .... .... IUSlllSS, lllVESl· llOT, FlllAllC( ~......... ...~ ~.......... •HM .... _. ............... !' •ti• IM'"N..,._, V.•f'll"4 .._, 't•f'lnt .. f~A ~") .. ~l • .,..... ~ ,.....,,,...,..n,.. ~ AMllOUllCEMEllTS, PUSOllALS & LIST & FOUND " ........... h , ••. ..,. .. ,....... ,,.,,, 1.rc.1w...... .,. ,_. ........ ........ 4'W..... r.• "''°; ... '......... Wt" ff,.,,... ...., SEIWICES OIPl.mmu & mrAIAJIOll v-.tW1...-1-. M • .... ne • • • ................ \t6 t UllAllllSl ""'---..,.. ....... _ 4-tM.• "''""" .......... -.1 .... 1. , ....... !I> ...... "" ... "" ... .... '""' .. ~ .... , .. ""'-"'• , . .,..,,..,,.... ,...._ ~· ... d· , ... ,.,~ t.1i~ .. .,.....,.,., tilt"tU........,-. .. ~ ... 1114•'9 .,.,__,. .... , ......... . ••fk'to ,.,.. ' .... ., ...... .~··~ .,... ...... ...... ,.... ......... . .... ~ .. ..,....,-.,.. M41 ;:r;..., ..... "• , .... BOATS & MA'111( lQUlrtillllT ,_ .. ........... tiw-r, ... . ......... .,.,.. ..... .. --.. ...... 9'. .... ll••.rt•f .,.,'-II ....... ~ ... ·~" ....... ,.,......,._., -. ...... ,. llAllSIOITATION .. ' "Jiii ... ,) .. ...., '"'"' -·" ...... .,.. _, --.... --llllt'tt ""'~ --. ... •«> .... . .., .,., -:: I .. ,.. "" ...... ... .... ... .... »J;. .... .... ,.. ...... Moffet: Aif rul eshle ad u rl lae d 1n th•• newspaper 1s 1ubject lo the Ffderal Fair Hous· mg Act or 1968 which makes 1l illegal to ad verttu "any preference, llm1lallon. or dh cnm1n1l1on based on race. c:olOf. religion. sex, or national orieln, or an intention lo make any such preference, llm1tat1on. or dia· cnm111at1on " "-ttf-rWt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• This newspaper will nol knowing!~ 1H·rept any adver tising for real .. iiilll~iililililil. e11tate which 1s in viola "I tlonQfthel~ Plarmg your Class1f1ed ad is so simple JUSt give us .i rail on the phone and \\e'll help you word your ad for fast rl' suits. f42·S678. SI0.000 C.ME~ SPICl~L ~ove n t an lo ifus 4 Bdr. o qualifying. Freshly painted New ra rpets . dbl gar . Ownr/Ait Priced to setr at Sll0.000. Call Diana, NOTICE how Dally ·pnot Class· ified ads display thl'1r rn!ssages "1th leg1bthly and impact? Our ads. \\e are proud lo say. re- ally get rei.ult..s Phone &42·5678 . ........ .. _ SJX'('tacular Custom Built + View Home. Pnvate Secunty Gated Location In San Clemente 6300 sq. Ft. 4 &inns. 3 fire. places. Solarium Hot Tub. Exercise Room Maid's Quarters. You Must See This Breathtaking Ho me Built On ¥. Al'rC & Priced $100.000 Under Va lue For Fast Sale Al $950,000. Call Now To ln- Spl't.'l ---.,. .... 759-9100 •2C•pcutt,._. ~c....,. LEASE OPTION-N.B. &•auttful 3 &inn view home m prtva1.e community. lncludes tennis court allld swimming pool Owner will l·arry 2nd TD or lease oplion. $399.000 BROADMOOR SEAVIEW-N.8. Port Royal 2 story, 4 &inn. 3 bath plus formal denmg and much, murh more. $398.500 IRVINE TERRACE Fabulous Ol't'an and bay views. spac.·1ous 4 B<irm. gourmet k1t~:hrn and swimming pool Just rcduc'ed to $895,000 including the land Owner very anxious a nd will finam.'C. 30 YEAR-13 1/43 LOAN New Cape Cod 2 Bcirm m private com - munity with pool and jacuzzi. Walking distance to everything $137,950-10% down. t.OQ, QC ~IJ~~ l1~1J1r 675 -2311 548-2239 BAYFRONt NEW ON MARKET lrttt ........ M tll W&TD .. W tw 2 ....._ .. ...,.,..,.. 2-tterJ •a..._ ........... Ptrlttt "' ,....... .. "' .......... 1,Hl,IMFIL WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTATt • - ~= .. ·: .. •· .. '82 RX·7 $ BUY $259 MO. ·----·-•..._.U.._ ..... _ _ ......,.. .............. ,.....,1.4n...,. , ... LEASE $189 8!o . ..... 17 , .. .,., ............. c.p. ...... .......... , ... '"'·· -..... --.................. ....-.1tM6. '82 B-2000 BUY $149 MO . .... _._ ....... ,, .. _ .... _ ...................... ,....'7111-, .... LEASE $109 MO • ....... , .. ..,.... ............ c.p. "'"· ........ ..., ..... , .. _ ..... __ ' .................... ~ .. ~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Maren 28, 1982 \ 1425 Boker Street, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 (714) 545-3334 (Stock #29187) ( I 0 #632889) .-.. , (Stock #23050 (I 0 #555349) HU&I Meaa~~ '1t· level with formal Uvlaa and dininr'f'OOIU. Lar" (amity room, brleli fire.Place, 4 aarmt1 I balhl. Cov•Nd pado, Great flnaaeln • 0111 MIS.WOODS B eaufffu) culom cablaetry by muter craft.Iman ceally Hll this a Bdrm 2 Ba bome ap1rt. Lovely 111ebo ud bearin& fruit trees. Low rate. new loan available. Fu II price , . c:. ,! • ,_,...,.. J.J • •• • • ' ..,AYMINTS .. UMOR $1,000 A spectaculi'r 4 Bcf rm 2 balh family home . Laree family area fireplace, enclosed paUO, pool and 1pa. You lllUll see this one. Only SUl,000. Call 54f.23U ma1 ............. Attractive 3 8clrm + family room, many 1pe clal decorating features. inter-com, cen· lral vacuum, hqe trff covered lot. $379,500. owe. -•. OCliN 1 ILOCI E:ldri lafle R=2 comer lot. Seller will help finance! $215,000 ! ..... ..,,,.,. ...... •t7tZHO• Av--~1Some diltreu situations. 1'0-!1871A&l . Mo.S.D .... Co. TaM5 * TllMS BeiiiU?uf all re.b boule quiet country Httina adi. lo Rancho Sama 7e. 3 br. 2 ba, lie Uv. rm w. stone frpfc. 1400 sq fl of decks. $2115,000. '51.000 lat at K . owe bal•nce at 1~ for 3 yn W. ~ do1fD. 771 Val Sereno Dr .. Olheallai.n, CA. Open Sit= l·SZ205 .... uurup . Golf courH view! Beaut. landacaped. Park-like •ttinc· Lowly pool, epa • P · lebo. O.ied COW"tywd wfth fountain. l(ar. ble foyer w/,Uuerinc dw+'W. 4 bdrma. den, formal dil\. rm, 4 ~ be. tteo,ooo ln· cludinc land. Larae cons llte. 1111 ........ .... Wiillf .... U. I• e • e 111' TllPLQ OPIM HOUll u·~!,cl1a 2 rU'o!Wf.., Bdra. i..-. INths, ex· Ht vu1 , IH>iradtd cellui pride of ca~ owe MOOK. ownenlllp. Cloae to Ota Suo 1-5. 13 Kalf ....... (!'tat lacomt lrooll Bly. tlSO.too. Aat . ............ 1111,800. Cal ... 11tWJ.-..-.... ____ _ •• ·L THE 'REAL ESTATE R S a Taro ltarter. Least· oplif!n w sell. t Br 2 Ba ~}ti" new. saooo ~~.lto=om H.ARU<)R REJ\LTl. -----Onldnd the ft.-wtront b:adon In the.,... wllb I• udtinl whlw wa• .... LcMly • bdrm. bomt Hpd to mtxtm4a the enjoyment ol thil lerri& mdon. Hoene containl all the teaw.r. you would expect lncludinl formal dJ. nlna rm., family rm., work.hep, ~ vauft, beeutitW grounda and even a bot houR for your otclUda! $2,900,000. PIM11PB1Rlll Room for a larp yacht with 60 feet on the bay. Roomy bayfront home beauti- fully decorated. 4 bdrm.a. including a spacious muter suite, fonnal bayfront dinJna nn., family nn., worbbop with outaide accea convenient to your dock and a huge ba)'lide terrace all in brick ideal for entertaining or jWlt sunning. $985,000 L.H. with aome cnatlve finan- cing pomible. L N S I U 0 C E S 0 T £ fl T A W C A I l A 0 T R C R II N T R R R I M H £ l S T J I U U W U U E 0 V T E l I Y E R R U I H 0 0 S S T 8 P A W II D W S G I I T A L II t R C E A I Y E P 0 P R A U A A F R A E H P C V B I L L l U Y B A 8 L D R K I I A S R A A F 0 A 0 L I S 0 R D M N R Z B S S R I G L V k H A 8 TO OESREPOOLEGAIBA S T R S C V R T U T U H E S R E D 0 E S U E A P C U A B A R 0 P S T S V A R E P A T C R 0 Y C L S K W I S E 0 L P 8 R P I II C II L 8 E I T H X R U II k 0 L S N I H K I G I E E W L E A II l E 0 I C P C 8 A A 8 R A 8 G E A G E S 8 L S wd, up. ~~~~t::. ~ ~! .... ..,... Clllll•• .... a.. .... ....... Toi.r.: ~Camp • a I llllU-~ decont.t 3 bdrm. s bath, ~tr bdrm wtth ocean view 1425,000. Owner will ccmMlel' tndl. Weet Bay bayfront. su.,. for 2 boata, ,.. modeled 3 bdnn..8 bath $1,200.000. ......... Prime Lido Noni bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lee L.R. 2 boa\ alip1 $1.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath+ large rec. nn. beam cel.ll.np, $420,000. &ml .. l&Ynll1' lAIOQI\ view from e bdrm, 5 bath, play- . room, dark rm. den. $1,360,0001 TIDftlTll ••• _,. New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, suest houte, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR • r r r, j PETE ' BARREIT REALTY I )1 r 'j 11 ,LJ ,f llllllYPLBRllB New cuatorn 3 Bdrm home on Balboa Pen- inaula. 1 ~ blocb to bNch. Extenllve u.e of leaded and beveled 1lua. Ele1ance and quality thruout. Open Sat/Sun. 2149 Mira- mar. $645.()00. Joyce Waltze, a,t. 631-1266 . RE/MAX 3 ~w~tlWan view, pool • ten1l1. Walk to beacb. Owner to furnlab new carpet. owe larp 2nd. 1116.eoo. Ill DOWN 01 TUDE .•. · Plctureaque FALi.BROOK RANCH. 1S ac~!!i. lovely home with ~ ft + tennis court, pool, rid.inf trails. Trade for smaller home an Oranae Co. Full price LIVEIH OMI $995,000. Weekends e!!~~~=-=~~~~ c..e.w... ·~liNAONT ,,.,,,. .. ,, ......... .., WOODBRIDGENEW 1024 "' ~' r T / Business Ill other. Two 645·5000, ext J 10 or homes, one lot, dose in. 644-9513, weekdays call <kean next door. Owner 831-1400or644-9Sl3 rm. Liie/apt. Z·Rltr, -=""""'"---=~-==--- z ~~rpt, ift-dWPfex.i'lc 2 -------•I Z bdrm and den. ~hly 111tio eoYtr 6: aara1e. Bdnn 2 Ba each unit-on SHAl, WTSIDI ~~~~gJri~e 5~1y fucrt°y 494..QM /"7 .SJll6 18"o~ASH DOWM &.aper View property OD large lot w /eltisllne duplex. Uve In one · rent the other or build a new home +guest house. Almost lot value . "15,000. ~m.tln«ftna.Qc· the~willta.kumall 61'\U •t.. 103J 1 ri UNSUVASSED .. -., 8Dd owe 10th small or trade aad carry OMI. y 15% DOWM •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• ~=1e~~ b~~n u.:!'e .. wli~ water eoutline. down . Full p tic e the entire balance. arid OWtier *'" 1inance at .. C.W-S&ln 1•4. 1 Aldergrove. gdf COWM' city lights lllt,5'0.Gl·~ I f1S(),OOO.best deal on the to qualified bur.er. Well Stl.IOf Owner/brtrSS2-0660 . th1a4 bdrm, 3 w:'eots REALTY l~ated, good ooklng 6 2 bdrm. z ~a. condo. 6 WOODlllD""rl boa. It f~m~~ut'if:i~. units + 4 C!lr garaee + rronths new. Hlah as· •di! desiined with a superl1 1 f ~ \ DI l It ) \ \ I k'I \l I \ PIOPaTY MGll ample parking. Below l 1 sumable loan. By owner. 4 Br home on cul-e-sac kitc6en, large pantry. 47W17l tlmes1rou. 213-$11Slor 7111-4SS9 = ~~~.1s1g;7; elevator & is very - WATI ~HONl HOMI ~ 8-. Over DlO sq nloexec hv· c:.IT 64.4-7211 Hida-• le9Cll 1040 f:n mo. Aa~Sl89,SOO. gr!,vate & secluded. lfli. Priced ~we mkt at ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---~'A~at .... MS"""""·-6___ ,ooo. ------1 $379,900. . Agt. WtLlt. R~E, Vir · ia. 821·8400 .. to town beach. This 1-------• Oaulfled Ads. your one· Find what you want in 1-;::::::::::::::J charmer can be either a stollsboollinll center n..11y Pilot Cl if eds I• •9 •.._.DO.._. ED I 2 or 3 bdrm and Is im· ; · ,...... ass 1 • D E L I G H T F U L A An "" • maculale and f riced to Of!\l~M-5.m+:~ ...... *11M\NAR•I Available!! Fabulous TIJRTLEROCK. VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 bra, fpk; p.annet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 (II' ~2-7373. ........ sa1.-... Senlatiabal •r home with $104,000 In low intenst financing. Call today. 2870 San Miiu:el Dr., Newport Be.ch. 759-1501 or 'l52-7373. . ...,... Costa Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly paint- ed. 2870 San Mlguel Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1501or752-5353. ....... ·-"* On brand newr townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 mstr suite & de/loft over- looking liv no. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 762-7373 •.• , ...... tlllW..ht. (l1C) llMllt (714) IM-lat 1120,000 , .... ._.. I 006 for tliia Tovefy 4 Bdrm ......... •••••••• •••••• home. Jt'a a bargain at thls __ jl_rice. Can now Trade your T.D'a or pro-m.w, · · perty in any state for ~ALLSTATE 11a.:;.::p:0:Y· REAL TORL j t7 t'I LEASE /OPTION MEDITERRANEAN UKIMIW-sell. Fea uring SIOK dwn, Sl.000 mo. TOWNHOUSE for sale. 2 411 IST A TE! skylights. track ljghting 3Br. 2Ba E. Side. bigBdnN.super clean, UCOOOO•lowMlrt• &separatedlnin&room. 67J.2482.S48·S336 vacant~% financing. RAR~-8AIIGAIN In ex· Owner orrers excellent Channing3Br. great vu 2B27 Bunya. S232.SOO Ted Hubert Realty 752-0771 1--------1 payments as low as elusive "Turtlerock"! fmancing.$299,500. SllXX>.(PlTllwlthsmall Price sl uhe~.t save MlilLOTVALUE IYTHESEA ~VERD~ down. Agent ~·6516. thousands! NEw plush s«Ii*d. tranq-uif area IUY THE Sf.A 3 Bdr me. 2 aths. ._.ODOW... carpelln& and rreah of South Lagun.a . I"orrsalie or traife ,41 dbl prage, au ID A·l " ._... paint. 4 BR. 3 Ba hu1e Mio!MS from downtown condition. $129 ,500 owe ram rm. Banquet formal Laguna. this 3 bdrm LindJi Isle. Located on SlB.SOOdown.Ownerwill Or smalT down, en~'oy dini.na. 3 car fiarage. home commands 180 very tip of island. Best assist ln fanancino. b v I f ... A i r rl d location and view on en· .. low pymll. 3 r, l~~ a; ery anx ous se ers o . ..,..gree v ew o su an Ure harbor. Will take lor Mcc:.nle, llltr. new cJ'l)t, paint, paper. fer exeitin~ terms AND sand. Surrounded by two 00. yachts, swim up 5 .. 77Jt Nice yd . Many up· WILL PA S3.500 OF homes va lued up to Iler, pme room. wine 1--------1 grades . G 0 o d \'O UR CLO S,I NG Sl.300,000.Largelotwlth cellar. Fantastic lleilhborbood. 942.2032. COSTS! Huny! First plenty of room to add oo. Newpon's finest enter· 1--------1 see STEA LS ! Ca II Excellent owner fmanc-t.ainmeot home built for BY OWNER, 4br 2ba. lkl f• 51111 ing.DS.OOO. a movie star. Most family rm central patio tlll'tia• I 04% ~ · '--r -romantic master bdrm •bllcttpat\o.$176M . •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ~~~-'-in the world . overlook· 3il6Y11ta8aya 548-1392 · I 1 ~ • ~ ·-~ m&entireNewport Bay. WATllFIOMT ~ O(All()llll SeP. maid qrtrs & sep 1--------1 r= Cf~ wrterfrO!\\ llP.AL ESTATB •••a.....,.. r.:l~~r~~p~I:~ MESA VllDI ...ux tnde'for'reeindu: .• e:m: 'I '-... Co_,. \o Kll far below ma rkel. lO"A. .!~n!~~st TD. ~= ~~e 11:':-::! . _ 17141 494-1177 Bkr. 760-?292. all 2 Bd rms plus Ask for P.bll or Lou, L.,..IHdl 1041 "2 interest in a main· "-~-D.Jw encloHd &¥ages, pride IM0-2207,146-4)114. ••"••••••••:•··~•••••• tenance free 3 Br 2"'1 Ba ·Old~ P.""' al ownenhip. For more u••••••-•••••• 3br/Zbe.50x170 I~. c.ondo. FrJ>lc both in Premfum q!.\ality two 3 lofocall546-5880 PLUS need fast easb Xlnt&AWD.fmancan&. mstr Br " living rm bedroom units, beams . HERITAGE sale on lowest priced MOOG. 494.3957 Close to country club: ~aces, shade! ~rees. INVESTMENTS waterfro1*:t me on A 1 . golf tennis & swim · . SlX years new. Pnde of Trinidad 0lffJltr re.you P ao_n1ng a D'lini. Walk to sho & ownenbip. Seller will W...Wooch deaDeraU" -'11 deal! mon! Classified ads banks Ownr /rit exchange. Create/our ~I ClllP!f!,MOdn. ' ,wldlllpolatl youlnfthi edrltght 110.23i7 -495 .3202· terms . OfCere at I ...,.., -· . rect on to n the 4!!6-8630 • • soo The ae er -wm help home you need. 642·5678 -::.~-"=-----• (inaoce this 4 bedroom. • Soectacular Whitewater 2~ bath POOL home Ml; port ltttdl I06t Ml;,.,. a... I 06' View , coastli.ne views. 3 with nearly 2100 sq.n. •••••••• .. ••o••••••••• -• .. ••••••••••••••••• br, den. 3 ba, arly new. RCTc=\ylorC o ..: I 'I, Fonml dimng, separate 1 ~ dn. $379K. Xlnt ri.n. family room and a Oigw.4"·7360. __ -------- crackling fireplare ! SlO 000 Mexican tile accentll en· ...... ...... I 05 Prf ...... tr Y . At t r a ct i v e II MAC:NAB -.. • .. ••••••••••••• lmma~ate 3-9;.·.-r Ba. brickwork around large ~11&.M! 4 BR + bonus rm . Close lo beach. ltfk pooll. PC11ose to tso1 uth nw•~ ~·~~· Jacuui. down. $149,000. Agent <;oas ua, grea oca· ~AITV 1U1&oct• ...... ...,-o?11 Mr.Clar\642·3850 . Uon. $199,000. 979.2390 ~ I ........ I OSS ~~~~~.~-- JAR BELL ·-'-·---....................... =:11V!'ft:r:•f:3 BJ' Owner: Mesa Del Wllllfmf Jewel=:rthe -&.t Bdrm ho'n:sc~~ 1 laree Mar, 4bdrm, 3ba, Ira ali 1 ·-1 •· --, ... ., .. •c• lot + pooJ. Only S239K. f s ooo s o ooo P •comp e .... Y 0& p • ...-_. ... _ c Owner will carry 1st. ~'f0~·m~4:ket 'v~lue. fesalonally fum.ilhed. Excellent fl-HTATIS with low down. Broker Will bel'N fmance. Call nancing. Laree uawnable loan. l!x-4-e-r: 2~ ~. 631-3SU. SS1-546'1. oa&ts.please. cellent locatlon. $515,000 Mall Lou B~iJYJ;lAN ,,..._.,..._ .. ..,,, U _...._.... Marion642-823S(Fll)OPENHOUSE MODEL Low down , Uriffee-as· act-r '9"WWW• SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12-5 10 HA.5EVERYTHING aumable. Xlnt erms. ':'::tr;.. Ba1bok_ Coves. Newport. Beach -~ts~f i'1tci~~ ~i1~0J . 6 4'. o 4 '6 lS~~n o, off 20 min. to Newport Falrview bet. WHson/ · UIJIA .... llU Beautifully decora-Cente.r Fair. Lr& mdl of 3 Br 2 ted 2 BR condo w/rich car-.ting, SZlO,OOOwith Sl60,000 Ba , dbl gar. pool . r -at12~flxedrate4dully clubhouse. Assume loan exciting wallcovering & plantation amortized. or new at below current shutt.era, steam bath & whirlpool. Nopointsorqualifying. rata. Asking Sl02,SOO. Secured building w/pool & rooftop 710.0347 ~ ~Ta~e[.~~d out of sundedt. Boat slipe & pd financing Owner I Afent S&TOIBJEVI Low cuh down. Assum. lat & 2nd UeufltdStntr, lltr T.D. Seller financing. $297,500 Bill HMJH W~re 551-8700 (Fl2) Hft ,olt INd I 06t ... , ••...............•• Caaal Front, Newport Shores, 4 Br. Den. 125,000down, Owner wlU carry. lluat sell! Mab otrer! Tennis, pool, walk II) beadl. Aaent Ml·1044 ....... ~IUCHCOMDO Locate1'!r8.Y: a IUX• urioua guarded com-munity. Call anytime, Mullan Realty 540-29f0 Ask for Lori - ~ 11udlot.. cine end IWO bedroom_,. meflt1, FURNllHED .... UNAMMIHED. OlllWOOd •Ito offerl •M ....... ftlld • 1m111 fll '1 Oool •• io• .,, __ "' n-11fQ I Md Muctl Morel :a·~· Of. Ill• ill!llO~~ ' Lr~~\.~~use Apartment. Fr plc, enc.lsd gar, patio/yard. Near Hunt. Harbour. Oilldren OK. SS85 & $650 8 Daya • 3 LlnH • 8 Oollars It s easy to place your 8-Day Week Classified by mail. and 11 costs 1ust SB -that s only a dollar a day' To Qualify for this special offer. you must be a non-commercial user o ffering merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad. and the price must be in your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad needs eight days selling time or 1ust one Use one word 1n each box. About 4 words make one class1f1ed line of type. Minimum ad 1s 3 lines Please print plainly r-----------------------------, I I ,.,__ __ __.; __ .__ ____ ---+-------+-------~ ....... ....,_~--t I I ...-----------t----------~------------1------------....... --~---. I ,.,__------+-------+----=------+-------+---...... ~ lt----------:--t-----------t----.,,.-------1r------------.--------~ I \i---------+--------t-----------t---------+------....... I 11.IO 1~------'--------'"-----------------------1 I Add S2.60 for each addttlonal llne for 8 tlmH "---~------------------------------------' I I I Publish my ad for 8 days.starting ______ _ I Class~fication _____________ _ I Name _________________ __ I Ad~ress ______________ _ ! g~!ck or M.0 . enctosedZb--Phone I Charge my ad to: I 0 ~ # ________ Exp. __ : 0. # _______ Exp. __ ~------------------------------r········· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·-·-----------• • I ' I l NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IH TH£ UNITEO STA ns• i ---------------. W flltST tlaU,Ll'Mif 'fO U, COITAMESA, CAl.ll'OltlllA ------i ._ ________ . _______ ·----· • ' • I . , . . H ' l_ ' ~ , r, l~ • StalliTY &al• • ,ool I Rte Room • 11 2 811 Patio AjlU. •6alclell ~ • Dishwlllltrs & 88Cl's • "°9 to lleacU Sllo,s COUMllY CLUI UV...IN NIWPOIT llACH '\ no(~ ........................................•..... ··~ Found Wire haired Ter-'! rier type puppy, blk/-,r. l:z~SMNr. Of er Rd . :~'£'ftu~w,elt, houn nu. £.per. req. -... --=:...:.;=----• At11/l..'Y at: Mediul Mart, Rdnttrator very cle&D. ~::=:~:::..:~~:..__1 11.-J'atld,C.M. Fro.t free, like oew. Rollaway bed, used twice ,..1 needed. lottrvlew 115§. a.woeG pc) SH9 Sears, will sell ..;:;;;:::=::...-----• March 31.lt. Wed. 611m. Student Jot» Slove. hi·low dven. clean, for • S8079 3rdFloorTiffan N.B. HIYI workJ xlnt. very nice. Fonnl.l lpak din. rm tbl. I MODIU w AMTIO Restaurant IO ll65. 5411-4485 ma \dUDC wicker back Unlerie catalcie, up to BROILER MAN . ~~? Rdr<t m. Waaher St$. cbairs, i·leaves. New Dtate Sale: Medlt. dl.o. ~~day. BUSYBOYS' OYSTER How d you e to Dryer. cu SH. All S2000 Sell $650 ODO rm Mt, pelf. cond; buf· •F shows, ..... to BAR, .a-1 .. in ~raon earn as much a.all $$0.00 a clean wort 1ood 673-"871 ret' end tab&t, liv. 'rm ....., bl """"' week? Do you ke drive· ~ · chairs, lamp•. chao. '8Sdy. wn 3·5. The usty in movies, plenlcs. plua 2 corner sect. sofas w/4 delier. palnUn11, toffee Jlw*v ...... ._ •Hair ahowa, $25 to ISO Pelican. 2735 Pacific partlet, beacib parties, SEWING MACHINE yds replacement rabm. table, compl. HO train Ba bysltter. Mon·Fri ftialnee Creat.ive~(tlverwlnt· clY. Cat.Hw)'.N.B. plusmanyotherthin11? Sln&er, 1lrn.01t new. !115.&a-3282 l•r,out,4'd'; 1olf clubs, l ·IPll. 1 mos. clrl. r ed forexpailding buc1de •Prlntworltopeo. Route Person w/car for 'lbeayouwouldprobaby wooclcab.l2$0.41M·1312 O>uch 9• llood condltio~ Nikon F camera w. NB/Fub. Isl. Natalie MlcreWtiYt Fthr company. Must be able •Leather cat.aloe 185 + wicker basket lunch r;i::bly enjoy working Hotpoi.nt side by side s100. Household. Bric a Bra~ ttlepboto. Sat/Sun. 16672 640·1950 ext 1U or BS/~~:arsex· ~lv~~H:.i~hu~e~~~ni ~artphotosupto ::~e. Mon -Fri. QUALIFICATIONS: refrlgtf::r= w/auto Ice 986-5232 loedaol iteltlSforllttle Sequoia,F.V. MMJJlevea. perlence. own up to 53 we'Ubelpyou erow. Cal StOO. · J. Over12yearsof age. llWlker. ~.,t41·41¥ NB model home: decor. rmoey. 10.S Sat & Sun. COME OUT EARLY IE _.UTY of company. Top salary now. 861.Q811 for appt. Noexper net. All types. S.t Co 1hlioMcl 2. Neat. honest and de· GE AIR COND. l15V, DRMt, 6upbol. chrs. lge 276 BroadW.ffi C.M. 7amto4pm Sat/Sun "' • benefits. Immediate. THI.IOI SOURCE Fwf or part time. Crow· peodable. 1',00I ITU, ·like new leal,1'700.67S·0092 BLO<J< OAJlA'GE SALE· Truck load or Estat. ~·g~~lt-our E. Cout. Wtlte Ad 1912, Ex~~ m ·r e fa I 65.o'1T711All ·7PM. :i~:J~o:o~·e::aan~ii~: 3. Wort after school aJld t'O!!!l.1200. MS-1882 6 ~ decorator bdrm set Follow U1e arrow' Into ~ l:~~io'::r:i~ -• r •ever a I ~a:.~· Bo.a tseo, sec~ in expanding, MODB.SNEEDED =th ersp~r11~~cwroe· Sat~TODAY ! R=G(~~~fr~~· ::::~000, sell for ~~·s~3'~~ ~~: r~~-aJ,A11Qtiquec•1!'!1' IMmcuriats. Richard prestigious Newport •WilCbiitni printwork. r •ve ..... s.l7 S836orS3J 5257 ..... -• ' --C I t d k +..,,o ..... w ac. + vva. Ouellette Salon, 200 !leach law finn. Must be out&oioc. persona· iAM to iOPM flOO. 145-788! · NB GM>del home : ofc omp el e ·~ rm· fin 6 misc. 21 Rainbow Newport B Center Dr., Elqle:rienced llve·iJI Aide seU·starter. Mag Card ~photos + S200 10 blepeopletopresent our s Weatin&house Gold desk, credenu. chr. pot!:r awnld :i;hu. Fa 11 a , Irvine N.B. • Housekeeper, best U, System 6 exp. Real ~Fashion shows. S25·S65 unique speed·reading Rdri&. Tut/fr 22 elf. Ori . $1600, sell S800. ~ol~~~.:nacka es. <Turtlen>ek) --conditions ' salary, estate background aday I eoursew1re to computer l200 CaJJ 14$-0542 aft. · Slainfd&1 boob IOOIO(~ _ m111t have best of re· helpful. Salary open. ·~mer sports line for: stores, industry and TRAVEL AGENT·Mln 2 SOm. ~ ...... bd GARAGE SALE-Lots of ...... .us.Sat/Su' a:;.o Exp~d. -Pf/ume. l6-20 ferences. 714/499.1t'l2. Send resume to: Ad 'I 1 h ' schools. This is a unique yrs exper must be com· · · •water bed, mi • iood stlif, 2702 Rmalde .--. nusc. n · hn/wk. lly bome. Hunt. '8, Daily Pilot. Bo oat mag. cot es opportunity to make puler tra'ined. Irv loc. REFRIGERATOR lilte 6 •beater. liner. Dr., N.8. (Off fOf'd Rdl 20711ChaucerLo. HB. Btadt.Nomrnoker. POODMAMAGll 1S!!O,C.M.92QI. ~dancerarordaring latie m for the right 552-3052. 552·1995 aft new,. FTolt Fr«. two compl.$350.893-2118 .. 111 . Fri, Sit. (714> MANY TREASURES· IGGl1. (213)6'5-5201 Seaao_!lal;-AprlTT6ru v •how woman or man. Call SPM. door.J!P.p!-9060 HT S · S Homt, nautical refri1. BDokteep(nJ ~ iroooCOWlterhelp. Ll&~SIC'Y fe~a'1!~l~f5'.•.s•10 ": ~91·2'51 for In· Wallt-Ma/Walhn Kenmore Waahr $12$. ttiil'"'~~bo~~~fine lby'acktbtng fum.aotl· Sbo&\. diSrect finder, Frl. work.H&UIUncton Genera practice $1500/mo.+expenses , . Foocflcoilit .1 b MaytagCas~ryr$1SS. Nmishin ·bed f ques tod power lawn at, on lOAM . 221 . •ED Beach area. Senior ~e5/~~tiet:F:~ Manymorehstlngs Sales rtrl. outcome and AWiicfnc ..,.*~.0~l~e Mayt1c bltn dahwshr TV Br~n J~r'd:~· mower. ~48-2607 . 661 ~thyst,Ballsland. ¥ounc. anreui ve, ~~e~:.o=~~PP· perience. Must know dls· No exp. nee. All ly;es fnendly. LI yrs or older. Beat Cafe, 107 2ist Pl. .. ft15. S4M872 desk IJmps, dressers'. DarrellSt.loffWifson> MOVING SALE Sat 9. ~c growioe com· Full Olar-Bookk«per solution. Efficient, or. Tht Job Sottrc• ~~.f:rt.swear, full N'NPl Peninsula (in the Allct6ol ' IOIS ttc. ~S Fri. Sat, Sun. Garaje sale Sat.son Mar Desif:.j LR rum, antl-J*IU'\ North Oran1e Co. .~ ganized self •starter. pa alley behind the Rib). ....................... t32& Mariners On ve. 27).119-.~ jewelry. etc 20 que . alltree ~ sc11les neeu auressive, foe part Ume position, 85t.1733. ll99-0777ll1am·7pro 2 s.c.d~t WI E . d ~wptlkh.642-4116. v-...i.::PICM nautical lnstrumen&s. dynamic, rull-charge. 4-4 hrs per dl)', flexible '7~1l' I a tma: xpenence • ~ , 44.11 W Cst Hwy N.B non·smoltine book· acbedule, ror a CPA of· Leeal Secretary, N.8: good wages, no tips. PUBLICJ'URNlTURE An.UCJIM! l920's MahoJ. ComeOne-Qime All! AR.AG . . keeper \o irow wit_. flee. ma4. Corp. experience. fast NW'Sing m.mo. * &••flON Danane room set w /6 Giant Rumm1ie Sale G E SALE·20 years t.beril. Salary to 118,000. Gardener &c Handyman accurate typist, s .h. & CllTIFtED Sales Wanted for Newport """ * ' chain &c buffet S700. An· 565 W 18th St (Veta of t reu u res. 4Ul Call(n >• ~perience Oil memory U.t.BlfET ..... '--.-s Beach Company: Dis· hlt'YJridllw7·.lOPM ·tiqueQiineseL1mpTa· M~morlal Hall), C.M. Dorchester Rd. CdM 4 1-oz53. Z.3 days per weelt. Must &/or word processor 7 3~30 SIS AIDES 1 . ,,.._. "., .,.. bursement.s Clerk with Wht l"rencllf>drm aela. ble~sst-8664. Fri/Sat 9-4. Benefit for ..::Sa=t"-"9;...:-':.:..· -----,...~II have references. preferred. Salary com· ... -S"m , conva . , I --• b al CM TeenQ!nt,.r MOVlNCSALE r •t t-~A 714/•J.m. _,,live. frince benefits. hospt. or C.M. Fair· Progressive. <?.C. Com· minimum of M wpm, 10 1nm re11 ,many olheT 4 pc ,,.,.a. rown, most · · r · urna ure o "" per ~7072 grounds. 549-3061. pa ny see It 1 n g s e If key touch & general auorted Darm Ct Uvbi& new $250; Ii ~.lique ao!id Garage Sale-Everything &c misc. 3'03 Richmond wt: C.M. Area. Over 11 General Office · Numne motivated individuals. clerical abilities, re· rm Ida. diaing rm Ibis & back o~ dining cha.ir& aoea. Sat only. 404 Colton Way. C.M. <Monticello} m.~tn4 Sm. 2penoa ofc in Nwpt LeClll Secntww Fr an ch he or d h . liability of premium Im· cbrs. chlnu, bank beds, $350i· 421n round fornuca St .. (Nwpt Shores in ·al· GARAGE SALE . C>.S ... & requires 3rd part-time J..quifa Hills. Receflt CA .. ._r~ IJDE tributonbip background porUDce.. Call Qrian at refriJ!J~ lamps. PLUS din ng ta bl~ and 3 tey) N.B. Sat. Only 9am·5J>m. HelUW£>n ESAU:S person. ~ried ofc Probate eiper nua~.A preterred.Mustposuss 752-1400e)l2317. LOTSIWRE. molded chairs $25 .• b lid 2341rilCdK67s.8806 :ru'l ID ..=-.. c--dutiel, lo(J...,Jne typina. necess:!J. E•cell•nt Exper all shifb. Conv. 1 .t.....,.•salesaptitude' M-t! S"'L'tl~~ 1141-1'@ .,.aoy and ch ren ·1 · ..-~ •v-.. E IS bn per wk. .. " Hosp N•p l Bch ~--. Id WwdProc.....-"' cloth.in&,~S. C~•· 500 '-'1ty Saper Y~ ware, 111' San 1 necotJable. Call IYPinl SH stills re-· · · · .., ... esalOlla emeanor. ()Dendor. Lanier no pro-e nor • · Queen Aru)e deslt S300, books, b «;. '1\roller. Si-''° support llaadlo lli@,NewportBucb. ciu1ired . Call llrs ~~ul(a~edii~!r'ift~ !~~'Zt~lngc bfem.La41U1aHlllsLaw Cashier's Checks It ~ee ~blSS200l ·lo boy househol itenu. t'&r Sa~ Jo1guin ln · W nslow for appt. · "-Ii · n Firm.typing wills and Cash. NO PERSONAL .oo. S a em maple seat, play pen. infant termed.Lite School. Sat. CAS._ &•a AL OfffCE &J'J.1080 program.""' 6'2·I044. •Sales Tools l.nlst.S. Must hlvratrong CH ECK S PL E.AS E l dlest SlOO. ~3597 tvs aeat. Sat.:SUn 10.4 1941 Marda 27th. 9-3 . .-1 ~~AllSM.11 llectroelcs fl,. Ml Uf1GUAID$ Nursinc :Wf ~:S!S:,1:~~ or =c and grammar Food av1Uable. Ile.ms Household goods 6 W i nd~ r rd L n Micbd!on,lrvine. or /lime. Apply : Cott• Mete Htb Tbe<:i'y-ol Hulltington LW UcenseRequtred. .CallMra. Winslow-~'s~ucniou funilutt,Sc.ln3f28.S17"1 (Baycwr,e_s} .. "~sBh , orr Sat. 11.4. Books, toys, CronBedware, r wtte. ........ Beach bu lmmed. tn C.11133-0tsellr.Keit.h. roraeotl37·lOllO "'ritJ!Vcl " Bols~Ave,NB. n-ade ............. clothes. s mall ap· Jniae(Wa&tllff),N. · =& ltM Motl-~mentopptya for r:i .. ~=~·.ru~:Jeo~ A + R .E . Career Ma 'r .. t 2075"' fV if8' 831-.31154 Wrqbtlronl>ininiSet pliances. teen desk. CRILDCAB E: lovin1 ....... lilcW-ed li{ecuard' smiles needed. Xlnt Dev ment.. ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• m96ZS !Mt· &ganteartbtonesofa& MS. Couch, ljke i:iew misc . 2015 Port ~~Un.bato .. Pcal·re5 ... '"cc..,.,.•I• ·,_........ ;:.,af~~~r~:.f'!c~~~i benelits.C.ll:&U·8044. • ..... IOOS ~tle&tl tin podlis~~cbott· $220. DrSle&HlO rM~scN1c7h10t Rams&ale,N.B . ..,.._... ..... u. a ,.., -· ...,-ll60-M84. . .. ..................... llcydtt IOZO ...... xn con · -1 1 ~ · v 1 • RU MMAGE SALB~ &'.i_ '4pm. Must dr19e. & Acc1ah IM•• •OfRCE.._,• Sales +. mar1tetin1 ex· ....................... otr.m.mo La kspur A '·· CdM. Fri/Sat llAM. Paliladts ..... eves. Wt. Pwa,......,.. LOOKING FOR Position open 10 real rir. F/time Incl wtnds. w~INSTER 58ilcesfbr$ale. each. Sft Walnut Coffee Table . .Mt-1?.112. Me.thodist Church,~ CMLAC>.11 -s.t.~6141 ptnoa. rm~. emoz:r.·~~~ ~ep~~·~·vpllnma: N;;;,~ S:.ac~oTeff':ii ABBEY 845· , Beautiful Furniture. Ka~molh garage s1ale. Camino De Estrella. LlJlifllouaetee,ine ~5' A -d : ab ANTIQUEMALL Rampar 11ti•1,; ,.red Best<Yfer.731-3951 ant.iqiivfum., m cro· ...::C.~po::..::lk=h·=------~~~ ome Y>.&.Oi i::;ecJso~p:O~ t~'::~ ~ib~.•Y · 5 aya · Sal:: 1 ;8.25 perf. ll~~=~J~vAEe. ~~r= n'ICl 1¥~'. livlng l'm!SPc> & dining ~vlil0nli.c&~f1ne~~: ESTATE GAR AGt: B.ICJIQllCS ex"""ence : .. merchan· earn._. day & up. Sales 554-6103 e • f)tU__ rm set S250 all. (Gm. tex> Sat/Sun 10.SPM SAL~·t8922 Baruna Ln .. ~ .-· "' OFACE ....., w.....u ............ •tOJS yellow. bnvn) 673-9318 . Huntington Harbour, MUM•MTIST Cro.cery shopping at dising produce. Call Sharp ifr1:-10oct with ror 7Jno's Pizza. N.B. If ___,--. aft7pm Huge 7 ramaly ule; Antique trunk, clothes. N"47l0r -fufl/l'me Ralefle ill Costa Meu 548-77116. numbers. MacGregor lntetnted call 67S·3101 1 dd r back h ·r ............ ,.......... · . power tools. rurnlture, pool tbl. hsewarl'S. slot politloa bl top ~e~rt (11th St.). SS /br. Maids needed, exper. Yad1ts. 1631 Placentia. ltwn ll·llAM. Aek ror ·~.O~drflser~5~'w~: MOW36•/JT 'til~d'·~~ra~ "'~e~r. r-:.s1peakMeni.youVn1ame m1a~hs1. 200 old g.olf SU..CaUC211)274-8575. 145-2357. nece111ry. Apply at: C.M. Curt. fl25. Oak carved Redwood ~8 &eckin~ beddin 12S 64S·5398 .• al. 62 onle sta, c u ... , ot.s of goodies. HAllSTYUST The San Clemente Inn, O/R Technician. ex· SALE.5 dresser. $2$0. Scottish 4·20' loQg; also redw6Cid · C.M.,Sat.-Sun. ..::Sa;.;;.;..;t9--'~·------C•ta•• E:lperien'*I cutter for m>Del Presidente, San perlenced. for bus y Sales Representative~ wall cl~k. Sl35. Xlnt. fencing. Lowest price Hous~ full of furn. for GARAGE SALE·Pl111ts, MOVING SALE-Wahr/ r or!fewport Buch lint clue Newrort Clemente. plasUcsur&eon.&40-8576 callonreaderadbus1· 760·3867 or collect euar. J i!'l or l(en saJe. UIOlGalatea,Ter· st~rling s i lver Dryr n 5 ea rurn Omrdl, 3Pll to llPJI. men '• hair 11 on. Manqement ness accounts r~r ad· (213)271·3831Nwpt8ch anyth!!17'1~'9l . ' race, (Irvine Terrace) fumiture.clolhes.hshld: lamps, chlna ... waJnut Full time. Call Cbuck 641-2'711 TACO laL PACICAGIHf, Cl.~ verlillnl, Mon-Fri. hm· Scrolled iron headboard c-,. & CdM. 120000 toSPM Sat•Sun bookcase, kjtcheoware .._.Fri 1·5. 1..-• Electronics frm s ~l~iio:"co+m:~:~ 1145, Type set tray '65. .,.,_., IOJO Elegant t~ak wall lOUDovertµ,N.B. 'ml~c. Sat l·S. 7~7A .. ~~~T wlt.b Manlilr fr~=e. We =~s:.:k1Mrn:~ benefits will train Neat bread dou&h maker SIS. ....................... shelves/ cabinets. 3 un• Bikdramu misc. blhld J~nune ~Alley behind CUSTOM& a M"71iente1e needeJ are looki.nt for 2 ag. record keeplna. Clean, appea. ~ance 6 'good broken vlolia ISO . 5001'.Dm/ft mirror leas ks, ~15: custom u~hol. ~purses: totes l nap Ins/Jasmine). 118' for Balboa Island. SalOll. creafve Individuals wlio qliet environment over· spelline euential. Apply 53M63I S17$. ~itrm~w 2 u~e saclts. Sat 9AM. 7249 Saturday March 27th: A 1 oppty Is l'lS-401.S can~ cbarge.,male looklni ocean. review. Penoysa ve r , USO Dem.Isl Q\alr, circa 1940. -..ea. ..1ttolf:S64s..i:~: se · 8.!_ 11tho r1tlth) Y, H . 8 . refrig., couch, lots or cJPea weber Elec-declsiom ft sOlve pro-Good entry position. Call Ptacentia, C.M. _ elec. movement, $800. s T All T y 8 u R . · \...,1c wa _. · stuff. 411 Leawood, C.M. trcmic:I. a leadlna etec-H~E.AIDE,~ >'i!r1' bl~ms. Day . or night M5-3A2. so&u""'RESS-u arin• ~n56-t030 DARKROOM T D~Yl 2eoith ~ce Command GP'ft Sale Sat. Only. Houtehold. kitchen, and trCllit:a ~bu.tor ror -ui am. e Pl lhifts. Yoo wlll receive c.etUOW• "' "'I Btsel 23Cll 1 800 M~. Console TV Our'dis ds · · tin •t s Su ledlridllal wbo 11 '•ell· a11d en.'!~~!!!. youna complete trailling. ~m· PAIT nlMI f/tlme, w/train. Cal Antique bdrm aet. Queen 1 er en arger. $U5. nteds some .,It• 18921s ~r Ckur cams. pain 11 ems. at/ n • mollvated, bas .&ood ....,......,,.. pany_ benefits . Noweekendi.Cashler&c 548-1416MonthruThun. she bed,,Armolre. !~ ~,!'..llDI lenses. rer~ Admiral Frost: t ., ~· 4J6i,.,Goldenrod.CD)l COllllllUIJlcaUve skllla 6 Franchisee. Interview· k It c be 11 be IP for 8:»2PM dreaer, rwvlendh mlr· ... eu.,.t ' niters. elec· lea. avocado S200 Mal Compare before yoll b11y Garage sale auto accen wliope,)'I attention lode· Make Y•ur advertislnc inc Moo 10.s. 899 Coul saochrich shop. Apply Seu$ry, lfPinf" book· = C:~~peE::~ =~ i1r;:;.y ~~~o~~ pie coffee tbl $15:!.. bed CW&ified makes tteasy: le mitt. iiems Sat 21: doll preferred, but not ~~:eaad~~ 417~. ~·Fri. at. 1$215 scr· Makm. 145-?950. 188 W. = . aeinable.l'miit:h mucb kg.CallevesM2·1197 I tall. Ir. CoUete educa-dollar 10 farther! Lilt Hwy, Laguna Bch. only l·~Oa~ ' 2>49m kee,Plna. Sobs ad Sall ,_ · · dartrooaucceasory Im· fi:ames. 111ttal for aol le El r14t. PJeue contact of this newspaper. Find what you want in ~~!/bet.Bosa · · n .UCiqQIS.dblbedw/2 m>~. All la excellent WATBl9S17S llr'arl:556-.,. ec.sm PIJotClaaifieda ~toM~arotl300 nllltatlndl $1800. Die. coodiUon. WJll sell, as Kinlu.8'19-isSSt&-al · • Part time 1utopart1 de· ualt a pt. co mpleJJ. dbl bed wtn1ghtstand packaee onlf. $600. , ___ ..... bl d llveae UOO·HOO/wt. ~··piloa•. typing, $11115.Bl~fira~plano. 7Sl:!Qeves. , ~~~ir .• e. own--------...---..,..,_-_;;_:;:.::~ eau ve: 646-5781. I p.Jlketrl°EWPORT u::~~ ao't~~r dr!:~~, .,... 1840 ~33 ........ IOt aoao . PAIT nlMI APTS. helmet $300. Trunk, bar· •••• .. •••••••••••••••~• 11taeerbect, king size wi •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Earn exce'1ent money HHIOQ rel 117 KEESROfCD Pu~· AKC. lbtatenS'7S Computet TRS.ao level Rerric. l5cu fl Whirlpool, se1lina liJllerl• at home 011mp1lre. M.JF. Pet 6 147.5820 ~fter5-CIO one, 4K RAM. w/baalc no rrost SUS; Head Skis partje.67S.@l s h o tt . Pvt Pt)" ' · • cciurae4games$500. 17$'1 never used S75 'i 213/97·.1345 arts pm. H 11lt.1ld6oedt I06S !! • 546-5212 Rugcralter ltit with too s.9pm~~m' youth coun1elln1 rlrm hu opeolno for 3-5 sharp outac*af matW'e jle()ple to motiuta ambiUou• 1~13 yroldl. CaU a..1p1sa. 8Q.4321, ell\. su. A* for Andrea. PHOTO LAB ueda ~wr. reliable car• ID· acnace a mGlt. Valid CA drtftfl llt'tftff. Alao various lab duties. 9ltm ~ Plate roo111 perton. p~. Mon, 2:30llm to a~prox lpm. Tues, l:.ipm lo lpt>rOI lpm. No tsper. Dff. Ap9ly ~""..& 100 A•t.,t.;,M. AKC 6prlnCer Spaniel, 7 .. , .................... ~. eenuloe Eo,lish and rrame. never µsed mo1, llver • wb1te, ANSOIV.CARP.ETl!"G Pruq, comp I u . ''40; l&antiquecheaU45. p le.$100.14'-9107 ~ed line, -ell All'llne do& shlp)>ing -.O~ev ExcepUonal Oertna n !!kW~ 531·2648 cra\tllS.HJ.061( , Sterlin~ Silver Rffd • Shep. pape. AKC, eee Outaanding value. staln ... loDa shaft outboard a.rton • I.art 10 place pareftla .. Xlnt ~ro~tJ• less Steel Waterleu 23 cu ft sicle/sldt refrie' aeWal + m1ny aervltlg ment. 1 wtl. •JJS up. cookware 20pc -•t. tbbdrinMt.UM230 · pcs.Silc. Sl,500.Ml:eUS. --Jattu. 841).-0Z41 • • - -_M5-_'.7JllafUPM, DOI• """5 1070 U~j~,~~ 'b:i: ;1~ Full ramHy membershi». l~taa. -~ ................. .,. '•t141N ·' John Wa.YUe Ten.als m. p .-.a Dt a mo n d. 1. 7 5 ct. , ""·U _ ..._,, S 00 .. . Chab, pooo, '*41Pl " :rp:::::;: rt.raid cut. E VSl n -a ....,, l : a~n1 Labrador l e uiuer U~GSI appraised bdbtd,walnul.$40; bard BOOKS FOR ALL~· P\1111,1/wb .... ~llowa P•.ooe: need cuh, . !IMl44. CASfONS·U Yo• '" • 'blec~. 1lt0. C•ll SU.IOO. Dys: 642-51441: llo•lne out or State. bend• like to read caJI INMl· ... Ml/wtnds: M2-'421. RdriC akteX.ide sn . :.-u:~~r~ YClllbMl'eTern,t M ... tdea Cartier llk, cold ~ h ft4Uaba. S7S boob. encyclopedia~ 4 ~~ 10 .~ :ttr'.:.~~of:r,roro: i':i l(t~.~i r:~ ::-nesnau.~~ Goldft aaJ1tvtri pYJll. Papers Included. hraaJe·'-•IOfa tWin 1'1U\lldl ... rcler Blum aold 2 ~t I .._.. ... • .. -r .... ,_. $71a •atcfl Hiii for UQOO, anrea, Wl111Ul, ._, -e tame, 111n1 · •UI aell for SlOtQ. t romE._ • c I 11 • •·--· l YOIWalre~tr P\IPPY· PH117 .w/M#l·"'.811,MHMI Sc.Willn bike 915. Catm :.':·.:.c~¥· Dlallnond aolitalre r~a ' 1.a•n Mo •el' • f r oat kif ~ ~ 1:&451 -• e tt Appr. at q Ww, reel SUO. t.awo Biltalhn.151·~ "H<WilE'' u •· ... l11hirer.AJio1ave11 tr 175· .,... ••?fit. ~1 i 1on L -i t..: ..... IDMM .._.., ..... j14t rl•I valued Ill · • Oii :£, oea , .. , 11 lM I MtlOe, alM-t0m· tlJIO. ••t o iler. ~eth Ttnnl1 =· · "'• WSJ!tl· See. SlOO, ,...,... . .. .._Mtth)p, lllO. -· -~ ' .. 1 ~ .. J'xt• Garden Wl.-o• hllY• · , • '· JZ!!!!:.'!'.-. ...... Supe reco1e T 1 p t :;~:::.-=-. u1u11111••!11•••••·~· l!!WUM*Vl , Ntd twice --__ ....,. __ ..... ~ ...... 1a:;IO-.. -q·a.1·1 ,, of '° ......... ;;-.~ ,........ • Perfect .,.._\. ... ., .. ,.... • ;Jt .. B .. ld!!l..,11==-lll~llL:.f · «1 at m.W llmP . • •• , fi••il-.·w:..:=r.=~~ ' I i • CO~l'Ull r_ Hf:VRUU T -' . , \•' 5~1>-I 100 .. cwnee Delk · pale llpt NI IOl1 tMHIU-YB = w I p u 11 o u --.... , .......... . t.et atUd. fl0.00. OldaUtla 1 pr Pleda. ..... 11o¥1o1 muat aell MSI ______ _ Z/9D. ..... 530-7158 -------1 TOI> -Clollan for--Sporta Cara, Bup, Campen, 914'1,Audra Wal. flnlah dHk $60 f!! ...... Mu lllin I09 ter auto pllot VHF, $50, lamp table $20. ~ -· ; Nr nu Sln1er 2001 714 · 6 2 8 · 8 4 3 8 , ---. ....... -=:.;==:..:....--i Credenll m. uec chal ''-"--s:Jl•···-~50 ...................... radio,. clen. ke.ooo. ma1M:r11.5 = I •• eey Memory , touch·tronlc. 7l4•-G46.714-499·47H · · • Uprst ut, 1tlnt. Must &11 lo moorin1 in Nwpt IM .. n/ Mab a 1reat dlaeovery. GULLPIHCOCKATOO Mll,J750olr.96C).1816 Harbor alao 10 rt ClilllCI t U O · Sbop cl1111fled for Wltb be-utlful black ......_ 6"-9804 today 'a beat buys. wrqJa llUl c11e. ssoo ......, lff · to-5'71 or belt on,,.. "2·1746 ...................... ...... """' . Sida, K2, 244 short. Dedia 9070 .......... tlOI .......... 9IOI llOCm, Marker blndin1 .................... , .. . •••••••••••tu•••• .. ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• uo. Chris 645-1164. 2 .._A all . ~.,....._.,__....,........,,,_ ____ _..__ .. ,i s ...... ~ IOt4 me up_tf>_ 5: ff, COM •u•••••••••••••• •••••• Area • ft. Call Peggy Dlleount sporting goods. Pattison 714·955·2'73, Top names ; many wkdal-5 speclal1. o.c. Swap· ""'eo""'A=T~S:;...Ll_PS __ A_V_A_IL-.-... OMLYSt~t951 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1r ,, HAI. Br,.,1.1 t t. 11 (.C1'ilfl. M(')A I_. ... I 't meet, en. SJS. Newport Bcb. 20' 2S', Bu 0 ya n c y c 0 m . 31', 30', 33'. 34', 401, SO', penutor/backpack 67'.642.-...,9-5pm. combination. Scubba .. , ...... Ba .. Ba ...,. pro Mdl 570. SUO. Tom .,._ • .., c.. Y. lo "'" • .,.27os pvt party, $160 mo. No liveaboard. 645-7814 '57 METRO NASH need N= &111 ii1r~.~ N.B. SLIP Cup to 201'. =bl~~~:~~Ma~~:st Evea8Z7·21154 Marcus banne • ---~~==----· ---1 1100/mo. 673-8145 eves. 1949 ........... Surfboard 6'7'' Russell fl Sbo ri 4 DOOl(-racllO-;-beater, $65 . Waterski 66" or reut:. re moo nl autq trans, comple\e. O'Brien "Especial" ~to 18 · $40/mo . N oeedl repair. SIOO Best l110.8M=1Z76 -='-"7.:.::47-=-4-----1 dfer.50-10111 New Stuuy surfbrd. _... Mnlllll 1T coovl 5fl8in, swallowtail. T1 I '' tsn11 clwlc cOnd. Rare tlnd: Catm.llrbruahartwort! ...... , ................ _,., ffuny 962·7788 Make oUer. Call C~1ra.S./ · · · between 6pm & 9pm. ... 9120 Will trade equ~ly In ! 41M-72S8. • .. •••••••••••••••••••• 0rlJlle County Ulcome .TV...... Camper for Datsun pick proper~y ror F ine tlfl, Shrto 1091 up PIO. David AutonV>b1le. 6+6=0S8$. ••H••utuHeu eueu• 540-9051 ltcrttllh I If BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA ttolwbtdlllet 9140 VIMdes '530 color TV sale. 2 yr wrn· ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ........... , ••••• ••. ••. ly.$148.Freedehvery. 1980 Vespa all ac· 'Tl GMC ~ton truck & TV John'•646·1786 ceasories. StSoo/bsl of. ~mer 8\.1' self con· llntellivision 3 cart $230 fer 546-4455 lamed camper. 11lnl or make 'offer ... Call Puch moped. Xlnl cond. ::=~~~~~st Answer Ad '572. 642·4300 + extru $IOO at hours. 5.5.1543 4 wt.et Drins tSSO Manchester Jim spkrs, MOTOBECANE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Walnut cabinet.a. veey MOPED runs good * Mew 'I I CllleYY ~;j,11f" bass, S75 ea. '200/080.. 548-68a9 4 W.... Drin Banlla Hi-Fl cabinet, Mln1:1'e. 5 HP motor. Load"/!t ~~~t888}. walnul finish, 2 JBL $49. · ~.5036 S7298less$500rebale. Dl30 15in spkrs $300 HttPriuS67tl Allrror U/C MOR JIMMAllMO YOUSWAGIM 18111 Beach-Slvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH . WANTED! Lite model Toyota• and Volvos . Ca ll u s TODAY!!! :!888 1 larbor Hl\·d Ct~ta :\l,·sa ~ 03JO 846-9617 '82Motobecane Mo·Ped. HOWAl~Clw•rolet 2 color TV 's, 1 w/remole 84r:,. Dove/ ail St.s. WI IUY control.$150ea. . NEWPO TBEACH USEDCAitS&TRUCKS '75-4117 MOUlbecaneTraveller U ].0555 COME JN OR Stereo. tuner, tape =1 l, er. 7~F or ----,7&-.;0F'--l.-gc?._____ CALL FOR Incredible sound . --=a:c='-'-'=-=:.:..---1 4 x 360 y8 4 9 . S925 or FIH APPRAISAL 87Hm Ma1or5z 1 bes °' -corm1er-i>eLfllo 9150 t re~,,,,. ... 19" AdmlralColorTV ...,.,,..., CHEVROLET Works good, $75 neg. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 182UBEACJI Bl..-VD. 646-$3118154116524 1974 NOMDA ~ Trucki! HUNTINGTON BEACH l11ClH0141:1 Walnut stero ~mbo. 8' ~ iecil...best offer. Tb ea rand new 147-4017 or cabinet, xlnt t one, Call494·3202. KGftOmical '81 1'1 ton • IUl""llP.'l!ft ... ,..,,!11'1. sacrifice.....,. 751-8472 UN pickup lert-overs .._.-_ ._ ,._ .. . *""' '71 HOMDA 350 bring you a $500 GM re· -..... ... 19" Sony Trinitron $390. Dtdurof650. 642·3331 bate to deduct from the ..................... .. I Callaft6.,PJI~..... '72 HD Sport.ster Chop· followi.ngprices! Alfalomo 9705'!~~~~~~~~ ....,.......,.. per, very quick. $2150 or No. M37 2WD·S5698 ....... •••••••••••••••• Pioneer direct drive brinaotrer. 545.0795 No. 2105iWD·S5898 Alla 1600 1970 240l p L 5 3 o turn tab 1 e . .._... 'Kil '""""' y h No. 2165 WD.$7298 Ytlou Coe•tn&o.7 First year col ectors' Pioneer XS6SO 30 wall ....... _,, ...,..., ama a No. 19614WD-S7398 All parts lo convert 10l car .. Complete!~ rebuilt receiver. 2 Quadrartex 80at bike. recenttune-up E'l rinanclnc available• 1600 to Veloce. ex c engine. New tires and aptrs. Alldnl SSS0/080. mo. Suzuki 400, Baker HOWARD Clle•r*t pistons. Sl400. 979.2748 wheels, 2 extra sets tires 541-4411e frame dirt bike $200. Dove/~lill St.a. 1 wr&pm or wkods. and wheels. Other parts 7514113 "'EW.PO T BEACH -included. SS500 Eves ~~TV Antenna . ..---..-...-------" IMW 9712 andwtttends8S9·1770 lst rt.In moviH. $159 inst. i8 HONDA. 750-F. blk. 4 (Near J a mboree . in 1 Ker1cer hdr chrome. MacArthur) Rebates ••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Edition 9am·9J>m: 6311-8724. a.ooo orif miles. Mint lutday:J.31·82. • ... Teakwood stereo lined ~~!·c 1S50 firm . i3 Landcruiser. VB. ps, &·" Tlllllh2AMl10zx•enary -,v/pearwood. German .,., .,_, k d S 3 0 0 0 B 0 · pb, auto. aux. gas tan . Beautiful car. Red and ma e · · i8 Yamaha 400XS, very roll cage, S6000. Ethan black. one of only 600 6"-02'M lo mi new tirH, xlnt 646-3356 aft. 6 Cl£Ylfl BMW originals All options llllh&W.W c ond. $800 I 0 B 0 . Tl"lldls 9560 S16.000 213-493-1151 W-.t ~. ---= .. 2 daYS -.-r---'"""-'=--------1 ••••••••••••••• '''''''' lllS SA • .. ••••••••••••••••••••• i8 KZ 650 13,000 m1. lSOO '73 EL CAMINO Must sell! Below Blue ...,.. 9010 080alter4:30 Runs good.new paint. A ~·e~n1~1·81 Book! 1980 280ZX GL ••••••••••••••••••••••• 891·84!M 979·5182 Models & Demos are Package. new brakes. 9'SevylorPVCRaft CHE LUV L still available! We warranty maintained. wtsallslpump,$125 ........ .._ .. s•1 '78 v . ow metallic blue. mint con· Call 493.o917 M /SlortMJt 916 milhge, price. S3000. ~!~ze !~d Ef~~w'I'!~~ di t i on . Be s t o r . Bo l 12, I fl l bl ...... •••••••••••••••• ~mcond.645·6898 ~edBMW's. fer /S0 .199.00 . Lie. a · n a 8 e Rent · 22 · lux ,...;•~n&e""m~.'------,..~~-.. 337ZRP 964-67 39 , Acbillea w / 18 bl. ~me. sips 6, sell: 'S>Toyota SRS Long·Bed ~~!&U:~~! 964·1ro!. ~~de m\r, S&S · cont. 1295/wk + 10'/ml P/U. 5 speed, sun roof. Sales-Service-Leasing '8121mX. blue T top. rul· -="""""'"'------1 640-&S. chrome wide wheels, 208 w. tat, Santa Ana I · d · lolh.ULI I a•c•/ RENT218flmotor home. AM·FM stereo cass w (714)835·3l7l Y eq_uippe · •m · ~ fOJI Slps8.fullyloaded equalizer. Window ClosedSunda ~i~ale . Sl2.SOO •••••••• .. ••-••••••••• 645-8616 packaae. fender narea, iiiiijij[iiijtiiiiil Marine,llectricin side mirrors. 34000 ml.. 19'70240Z,sllver.AM /FM Deslgn/lmtall/repa!r T ......... TNYtl ti 7 Uc "OORMLOO" $5600 \,ape, auto, air, map. Qual. work549·Z5ZO ...................... 080. 171Al 963-4881 Eves . 548·1292 642·4122 .....__.____ '&5Silyer ~ak Yrlr. 24' for appointment lo see & '73 Datsun 240Z. auto, --f\illy eqWpped. $4100 . .-dri--....ve..._. ______ 1 new tires & brks, xlnt ..... toJO Calle m 5J6..3206 '73Luv, catmpalnt, cmpr cmd. . 963-697S -·•••••••••••••••• .. • •-•~ 9 11 top, AM/FM cass new Slmpaoa Lawrence ,._._.........., br\•, valves, belts & MODll.S '72Pick-up Hyapee~ W1__11dlass ............ ••••••••••• '" Goodcondillon Never uMd. Sacrifice. Ullllty trlr. new-all hoea,6~r1981.Bat· IN STOCk S57-5l&3. 127S. f7$.SM&. mell!i~!itlO, ramp, brks, ~~ta M4 ~es 1982. , NOW! . '"" _....v, blk wtr·" i"nt, .,EW SAIL BOOAa DD!S .... .& • ."~~:, 1 • Clttclt ••r t••' ""_,""' ""' " · ~ -_--y,_. _.. '79 Ford~ ton, super cab, ......... ef DIMOt 21,000 mi. $8400. 975-9289. ~~~I ' &.Acc....rin 940 lo mi·f.· pb, a/c, 8 lrk, u 4 t UAL t Ty 754@ 14' ~t Trailer Good "•••••••••••••••••••• 8' be • sh•rp ! $6500. PaOWlaD ..w. • 73 61 0.$400 ~7-.......... , .... 4113-3191 condlUan mo. m-el06 ·sa CHEVY PICKUP. ...... .. 'I L '72 510 Datn Wag. Xlnl ATTIMTIOM Runs good. $500. Ph ,...... cond, 4 spd, radfal, FM I Dlnfhy, 11' ftberslau. 2hp Suzuki motor. $8GO. (714)85MllO. .,.. •ma ans. cil .. c-.. · eua. tt475. 541--Mu TO~-~VER '78 Ford Courier. TODAY! Fiu MG'a, ,71.-11 lonabed, radio, low · SM.a. mvJCI 119 ft boat traUtr1 steel Neveruaed,$75 a good cond. $3300. W.S ... frame • lg wheels. llaria631-77'7 Ive ms1 1 5-" 1\1\111!9 -"Cll bwnbl, llgbts. winch. '• Ford Raacbero, 302 """~ " aood ~ape $300. .--..la .. auw 'fl4.IM..-.__ ______ -4 ~. runs, n~ wor... .... UTE BODY WORK 6 f\X up or use for partJ. IMa .....,.UTI IDlh. ,_.,. 9040 paint.up to M. o~ur . 151..a'76 PIWY •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• -'~~~1:::.:l!op""'""'ea"""t.:...:536:=.:...:·=:......1 '15 EL CAMINO $300 l1HllON'11JO llDShawLane. H.B. AvetY Pkwy. offJ·5 539:tMo 131-IMO M5...t949 V• Open Sundays ~STSIUJI! '71 Dat.aun 1200, auto. amffm c11ssette deck. ICIOd Uni. xlra 1pa re, Meth. xla't, cleaa 111· terior. Sl~OBO. 631-25.21or631-73M s 1~~l:!'" m'1f Ja0ae. Bright red with black in· tenor. (438VNJ) SJtf 5 PU DICK MrLLER 1010 To be rued by camera ton!teODS lllTi\~!~~~7·2112 ..... t711 MIW .,. 114,tlO HONDA 'ltlt!!A nu *f AITMTIC 1" *FIATS• HIMJIS•dl11t1 ~­,...., . ........ 4 11~lm.eCJr!m All Vehlclet Ouaranteed Eumplet: 71 .. AT 124SPIDM 5 spd, steM>. -lllOy w-.... air c~«b.,. 911ly 81,qoo miles. ( 1.l;lrd N) $1995 '76PfAT 124 5'1Dla 1 owner, only54,~3 miles, s spd.1 ster • classlr white with red · ttrior. (818RXZ) $4495 '77ffAT 124 5'1DH s spd .• s tereo cul., map, dk. gm. with tan iWrior. A real jewel! (lACP571) $4195 '71FfAT 124 SPIDEi 5 &pd., alloy whls .. stereo, mint cond.. 1 owner. only 38.883 mil's (~PQ) $5495 ........................ ~ WE'RE DEALIN' IMMEDIATE · .. DWVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA ~· ,, SANTA r ANA P&N & Service Open All Day Saturday 301 W. Warner Ave.,,. II blk. west of Main 1 540-7430 .. 1979 HONDA Accord 4 door with a silver e1t· lerior and maroon In· lerior nus beauty h~ all the toys 1798YB~ S6495. J im Marino Volkswagen . 18711 Be a ch B 1 v d . . H . JL 842'2000. SH ... HlllDA SANTA ANA .. AMDSAVE! I GIUT S&ICTIOM CIVICS i ACCORDS ·, PIB.UDES 541-7438 301 W. Warner. i., blk weltofS. Main .. SH US JOI YOUI NUT MAIO.\. ... .... ~ ... , __ .. m,Mmllfl l•Ma •a.usua~ -~ MOTOIS .-UD w Warner SA5S1 -2132 'Merc.•1ti. 9740 ....................... '76 450SEL, slvr/navy, , mrf,AJl/FM caas .. P.P. $14, 'NO. IS'l-4330 '1131>SL. Blue/lea. 7.000 mi. $»,000 P/P MS-4158. 645·3101 lttO MllCEIES 2400 Low mUea, like new. llUSTSEE! ! I (0123) SADOUIACI '='SUIARU UI· 4!Mt4! '.~' -~! SALB.SllYICE ovMr....Wflt\\Rv EXPERTS ' W&.IU • t9!!Pa1vt. OoiFAM!SA MHJOl14f.H47 '•VOLVO WAGON $2,000080 Call t119tpni to tfm 16 Volvo 264GL, 1 owner, -==~==.:.-==---1 air, ltuf, pwr, tape, xlnt '-'1~~£l l ~ ( r 9,-I ~ )•It> ' ' This beauty is loaded with 5-spd ., perma plate. trim rings, bump&r guards, carpeted floor mats and pinstripes. Ser. 106958. 1 l I '77 DA1:.• '79F ... Dou~~rp Pickup ...... -... Ready to Got Air with air, am/fm cas-cond .. auto. trans., sette, custom wheets, low mites, Ideal for low down, low pmts .. construction! Save (1F86576) Anancing Nowt (1RGl816). A- Avail . llOW nanclnQ Available. LOW PIYllEITS $2000~~~·· under actual dealtf cost Ser. 129512 AT THE .•• , ... Galaxle 100 2 dr. with ve, auto .. air, power steering, Must See to Apprecl- ate. Make an Offer! (ZUS501) . Financing Available. '71 .... ~ .... _ Super Sharpl uto., Real Clean! 4 cyl. air, power steerin~, economy, auto. no down with ere t trans .. power stee- a~rovat, Real Ftyerl ring, air cond.. Su~r ( 2JON) . Financing Sharp! (712NZ ). Ava. Flnanclna Available. ... CAU.•• NOT UITltlllCI ..... FACT•Y -An 1710 ·--DllCOtmr t639 Ser. A 14105, Stk. T1289 '78 DATIUll 110 2 .... Gorgeous spice Me-F AllClll& talllc, air, auto., luxury Interior, Great Gas AVAIUBLE Saver! (004614). Fl· nanclng Ava il . CALL llOW '10 FOllD '74MDCU.Y ...... Co••• Sporty Runabout! Nice family earl 4 dr .. Auto. trans., low auto. trans., power mlles, low down, low steering, radio. pmts. (807YTA). Fl-(866KBE) . Financing nanclng Available. Available. CALL•W CAl.J, llOW Ser. A09212 Stk. 1301 LUIS!! '79 VY '80 ClllYY c. ....... Clleweffe This Be rllnetta Is loa-Real sharp 4 dr. with ded, cinly 23,800 all the goodies .. auto. miles, must sacrifice trans.. low down, low for lnve ntory reduc-pmts., (766YTE). Fl- tlon. (!5 77WYO). nanclng Available. CAIL L -CALI.MOW '78NYMOUTH v ...... FlllE Pretty Sky Blue, 2 dr .. auto .. power steering, air, lnventoJ1' Aeduc-CARS tlonl (947 YD). Fl- nancln.g Available. CALL•W •• -. I Att B.RANDNEW 1981-19.82 & 1983'5 I , ¥OU WILL NEVER GET A.BETIER· BUY· YOU WILL NEVER BUY FOR LESS! No Wilson Ford is NOT selling the agen.cy .•. We are simply SELLING OUT our entire stock. Interest costs and our inventory charges are so high that we iust can't afford to maintain a TEN MILLION DOLLAR inventory. Our entire inventory is now on sale at prices which in most cases are hundreds of dollars below manufacturer's dealer in- voice ... The prices offered during our one week selling out sale are inclusive of all factory REBATES and all dealer discounts and REDUCTIONS. Includes Some Demon- strators. SELLOUT ENDS APRIL 3 1982 FAIRMOlU FlJ'l1JRA 4DR 1912 F·2SO STYLFSIDE 1912 3 DR SPOBn' OOIJPE 1912 E-258 VAN CONVERSION S«l•n. 6 cvl. •uto tr•ns .• fKt •Ir, rNtr stm9. ''''" bnls, stl rdl Includes 1150 lltebet. 5.1 L Engine. ~ tr•M., fKtorv air, l.6L CVH Ene. ' sPCI, fKtorv •Ir. rNtr ~trne. rNtr disc brlts, 5.0L E"81ne. I cvl. •uto tr•ns .• buCk.t Sffts, tllt whl. •uit. fuel tlrn, w/w tlrn, lllt whl. clodt, extended renee fuel t1nk, sPted Am/FM 11" whl. cri cntrl. ltd. sllp rHr ult, conwn~ llr"P. AM/FM stereo, cHs, sll rdl tires, tntd ei.u, cruise cntrl, h.d. t•nk. ,,,..., wheels. tires. extr• cooll"' s*e. '*· #AA7451t =~~;:'~ •7u! ~;::;~ ...... ·S)Q 'I ::·;:::;;•s.(Ser.11r7, 9!9 ._ ........ ,.'-S)'l )QD ......... :::;·~' iJVtJ ._.,~"::" ~ .__==rm' tJ ... ":u':rr~ -~ ~ · 1112 F·ISO S'l'YIDIDE PICKIJP 1182 SPOtrn' OOIJPE 3DR l.6L CVH Engine. •uto. tr1ns .• rNtr strne, rNtr disc brkl, 5.0L E"81ne, J02 I cvl. ene, •uto trtns. w/overdrlve, JN1r strng, l.6L CVH Ene, full lnstrument1llon, rNtr dlac: brb, recllnlng reclining bucket te1ts, AM/FM stereo, stl rdl tires,"'"'· dome. whl cvrs, rur step bumper, 1mmeter & oll pressure eua9fS, bucket seets, stl rdl tires, tntd elus, lndtPtndtnt l"Nr '""'' ~:.::s:::~•7226 :E§~ '9910 :E§~'iiiii 1112 SPH'n' OOlft ID& 1912 F·ISO S'l'YIDmE PICKIJP 1912 SNlln' CO I H CPE 5.1 lltre Eng, 1uto trans., factory air, AM/FM stereo, f7Wr frt mq whl~ t. tires, GT bar, console. (Ser. IA343p0l •I ._ .......... ... ..... 1 .......... 7 Full lrwtrumentatlon. 1.6L CVH .,.Int, frt whl drive, f/Wr dltc FactorY elr, ""'"stme, whl cvrt, tntd 111e11, rear step bumper, Frt whl drive, 1.tLenelne,autotrarw., f/Wrstrng, PWrdlsc brb. 351 CID I cvl . .....,_,~IN c:Nlrt, autotrw .. feet air. tntd brttl, stl rdl tires, r.ctlo w/ctu.I frt st*rs, auto tr.,..xJa. <Ser. MIX. tuel tenet, ammeter & Oii tue91t. (Al .. 15) E11plorer Pk9. AM/FM s..,_, stl rdl tires, tntd tlets, d\lfnperll eltcf 19nltlon, et.ts. ext. -'"" t*t. met wNs. CIOfllOfe, ctwwne frt t. r.er 116'1411 recllnlne bucket'""· <Ser. #100252) lllles. ~Ser. fAJMI) =-:-=:"° '•2 =-·~-::a '73!9 =:~111 814-10 1111 'IWIJDllDIU ................ ................ 11411 .... f ........ ......... ,a.._IMU 11111-ISICOGOVAN 1111fMaMOlVI'nrnJU4 .. AUto traM., w/W H,..., wtll cvn, ,...... .. ,. ..... <Ser. 110779l > ' Sliver ~ met•lltc, alldlne 1!d9 Clll'90 door. •xt. sound '*'· Rocker iaenel mldttl, pwr stme. •fl rdl tlrw, tntd tlul. lnc:luct.s (Ser. IA1'17') S7JD RttNt.. eltctrlc deck. (Ser. 111716' > 11111-ISICUGOVAN .... f .. PIW81721 ......... , ..... a••• .... f .. PIW81'-' .................. 821M • ..._f .. PIW811,llS ................. aat 1112 r.zse 8'JPla CO PIC&IJP Feet elr. f/ll#r .. ,.,.. ,,,,,. clllc lwb. AM/FM stereo. •ti rdl tll'WI. XL trim OPtlon. Miio ,,.,.,,fed •Ir, 91Wr .. ,.,.. "" Whl, cne 'G W-.on. owrclrtve ,,.,.. ' ... fectelr,,,,,,, """· ltl rdl ........ 1ne. I CYI. feet.,,,"*' ...... ""'9r cootlN .... eu•. wtllcvrs. """"'· (s.t.IH'1W) cntr1. lfetlt•ni.ou. ef'llmlter9Ue1!". (Ser. IM*7) Hl'WI. "*'• ..... reclffttNINtl. (Ser. II-) twl t•M. (Ser.IAaWS) ....... _ . I•I QUNU~ 5ll Z • 1 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, M.,ch 28, 1812 llllamaTGll 4 .. In E...,._, .......... AM/P'M ....... t~ 11• ........ ,..., Peet elr, '''" lfmt. ,_, bttls. tftN ...... .no. ,,.,.., ($ff • .._..,.._,, E ........ ..._,~-CS.. •A1 .. 12> •113125> 1112 f-211 n'RDIDI PIOllJP Pwr ttl"l'l8. wtll cvrs. tinted e&esa. emmet.r Ii oU t1Uffft, (Ser. •A1101S) --:·::_ ..... 88763 ~·ran.ID .................. 11$ RMr '""' bllmPef, tntd elea, lflell, tire, wtieell, floor meta.17JO R•tw lncludld. (Ser. •513063) ._f.,.Prtt.81117 Q70 .-r ... Prtt.91111 ................. aen •J ........... , ..... , ... 11 SIUAMJTnta Pwr diK brQ, W/W tires, tinted 91e$1, rMr llwtl bumper. lncludHl7JO Rebetw. <Ser. HSJ2'ml ..... f ... Prtt.87MI • ._f ... PriftMDI ........... , ........ 1112 8NllTf (0 3 .. t?E. ...... r .... Pritt 81111 ..._....._. ..... mu .... f .... Prtt.81t,17' lllZ FMllMOlft' IH SD&N feet • .,r, ""' """· flWf wndwl, AM/FM stw.o, tftN etna. 1.6L CVH tn1lnt, Nr .,,,.., PWr dltc twek", AM/FM ,,.reo, stl Front wtll drive, 0¥efGrlve trens., PWr dttc tw•k"' 1t1 rdl '''"· • NIMCS. PWr twk1.1tl rdl tires, reek It Pinion atf'n9, wtll llP mldt., (Set'. •1..,.) Demo. rdltlr91, tntdeleu, coneole. (Ser. •100251) rectta. plnton 1'9et1ne, lndlpe1•ot 4 wttl twP. <Ser. •113351) <Ser. lll1160) ..... f ... ,,...._ ............. , ..... 82114 • 1112 Fp\g.~IDI S.IL tntlM, )auto, tre111 .. fectorv •Ir. tlnt9d gtess, "" wt..I. crutM control, eu•lllerv fuel t1nk, convenience group, ctwome grtll e1111. fuel tank, lll.Plol'er ptg, <Ser. Al6'13) .... , .. Mtlll,4£7 ~862 ............ , ...... SIUOlTI' PRICE 2.3L enelne.'\lluto. tre111 .• pawer brekH, steel radlal tlrH, wt.el covert. rack & plnton steering. <Ser. tOl212) .... , .. Mtfll77 i5908 ............ ,....... ~ . SIUOlTI' PRICE 1912 FA.IRMONT FIJTIJRA 2 DB. Fae~ elr, pawer st•rlne. POWer (disc) brekn, pgwer wtndOws, POWerdoor locks,AM/FMs .. reo,1teel radlel tll'ft, tlnt9d glass,''" wt..1, cnilMcontrol. (Ser. 1210231 lllZ FA.IRMOIYI' ftJTIJRA 4 BIL 1111SPOllTf£PL1 ... UL ene .• etectfk rMr wtndDw dlfn11t.r, POWer ldl1e> brekn. st.el recti.1 tires. full lnstrurnentetlon, eutomltk transe111e, low Nett recllnl1111 ... n. (Ser. 16'156) .... , .. Mt.. 51!16)1 ............ ,:,.ICE'U i 1112FISI11Ml15IDE Plt&IJP s.o litre enelne. IPOfft l111trvment1tlon. euto. tr1n1 .• tlnt.d gleas. cigar llgh .. r, mees. wi..11 • tlm. lklht group, tv- tone. (Ser. 02799) 1912 F2SI rrnESIDE PltKIJP Inc. 750 Rebe ... E11Ptorer ptg. Auto tre111., POWer 1'"11119, wNel c:oven, tl!ftd tlnl. emmeter & oll NU991. cleM lklhtw. (Sir. AlnM) . ............... . 88763 .... .._,==no 1912 F·lOI n'l'LalDE Auto. trens .• tectorv air, POW9r (dltc) br1kn, steel redlel Pl£1l• UP tires, tllt wheel, cruise control, rear window defroster, quartt 4.tL engine. 4 NIMCS overdr1ve 1,.,.,, POW9f' tfwrlng, wt..I cloclt. lklht group. <Ser. 13'2371 covers. 111tre cooling'*'·· e1111. fuel t1nk. XL trim, tu-tone. (Sir. A026701 :-.::.r:: .. Q 57649 :-.::.: ... }8378 4.2L v .. engine overdrive, dirk Cordovan fM1•lllc fewn, tectorv air, tinted glass, radio. 111 vlnvl trim. (Ser. 10UM6l 1112 ESOOBT "L" 1t' AGON Front wheel drlvt. UL tntlne, 4 speed overdrive trensmls- Mori, st.el redlal tires. rectl & pinion st•rlne. elect. nt1r wtndDw .. ,... ...... (Ser. 114701) .... , .. ,..,.. 85887 ..,..._,=no 1112 F·lSI n'l'LalH PICK· UP 4 NIMd overdrive trens .• POW9r steerlne, AM/FM ai.reo, step tJumper, elltre coollne pack ... , 1u11 fuel tank. <Ser. 1At2210) 11121'·1M"S"PltKUP . 4.tL enelne. radio, clear llehtw, ,.., ttlP bumper. (Ser. A11Snl 11118POaft aMJPI .... 1"9M ..... UL lftllM, ,._., (dflc) 11r-.., full lftltrvmen- tetten. ltYled IMt wtlletl • *ttm rtnet. l•'lll•asldlnf ,..r 1111...-...n. eutGrnettc ,, .... JCte. (Ser. 1#152) 1912 SPOllTY OOIJPE IR. Bright, 1.6L enelne, POW'll" (dllC) br•MI. , ... 1 redial tires. AM redlo w/dull front .. rMr NIHkert. ... ,..r WlndoW .. ,...,, lndltP1ndlnt ,.., ~ autometlc trens- •••· (Sir. 16'151) 1112 SPOllTl' aKJPE 3 D& Front wt.el drive, 1.6L tntlM, PoWll' (dllC) bnbl, etecfrlc ,.., wlndDw dlfnllt.r, lndeN ••nt l'Mr tmn,._,, (Ser. 16'14') lta GRANADA "'1" 2 DIL UL ene., 4 NIMd m11wal t,.,.,, 110WW braltll, '"91 redial "'"· redlo. (Ser. 11Jt39l 1112 ESOOllT L 4 Bit B/BACK Power 11wrlne. poww brekel, hl~k bucket ... ts. coneole. rlf'IO. electrtc rMr wlndoW dlfro1t.r. (Ser. 13*1) .... , .... ,..,. M! 61 80 ........... ,=Hlt'liUi 1112 GUNOA "L" 2 BL 4 NIMd manuel trens., POW9f' iw-.., '"91 redlel """'wt.et CGwn. redlo W/dUll apMken, frant bum9ler 9Ulrds. (Sir. 10ot2'0) .... F .. ,,..... 56355 ............ , ..... .., SIUAKJT PIUCI 1112 &ISi \'IN OOlft'lll8l8N Auto. tra111 .• ..., tteertfte, buctl.et ................. er NU911, dwOrnl bumllert."'" ,,,. ......... (Ser ........ , UL I cvllnder engine, bUCk.lt INts, oll • ·~...,... H.D.blttetv.(Slr.~l 1112 &251 VAN atlWEllSION Slldlnt CMIO door, tludllf INts, tlnled gln6, e11111t1-ry fuel tank, ctnme bUmPlr't. (Ser. AJ7M2) 1912 f..158 VAN OONVERSION S.IL I eyllndlr tntlne. euto. trans., flCtofY air. POWer stet<lne. bucket IMtL ttlt wtleet, crvlM control, redlo, ,,,.. whetll& ttres. H.D. towPil•. (Ser. AmJA) =-~:}12,476 JIU &IM VAN OONVEISION 4 '"9d owntrlve trensmlnton, POWer tleef'tne, POWer (disc> iwe«es, buctlet te1ts, llnt9d gl9'S, ammei.r a. oU """"' au11lll•rv fuel tenk. <Ser. Mm) .... , ... ,.... 810 360 ""--::;:a ' 11121-211 COGO VAN UL '51 I cvllndw eMlne, eut.. trena., tludl ........ tlnled tlets. lmmlfW .. oll """"· "'"' coollnt ••• (Ser. A336'4) a • •March 26 -April I • The-· Oscars Carson hosts awards presentations The Mth Annual Academy Awards Pl"e9ellta- tion -with host Johnny Canon -will be t.elecut live Monday ·~ 9 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7). ,,.. Doama of stars are a:beduled to appear and the · entertainment .egrnenta of the program will feature a IOl\g-filled tribute to the late compoeer Harry Warren. Aho aet for the evenina are a splashy nu:mbel' honoring super-sleuth James Bond and J,he li11linc of five nominated IOn4P by perfonnen such u Ch.tlltopber Croea, Diana Roea, Lionel Ritchie and Sheena F.ut.on.. * * * "Love in a Cold Climate," an eight-part dra- matization of two of Nancy Mitford's best-aelling novela, will debut nationally Sunday at 8 p.m. on KOCE, Channel 50. Mitford'• aemi-au~phical writinp focua on the hilarious domestic fife of an eccentric upper-clau British family livinc in pre-World War Il frlvolity of grand balls and hoU8e pardel. Lucy Gutteridge and Boulyn Landor star in this bJendinl of two Mitford boob. 'nley portray two beautifUl aristocratic girla whoee affairs of the heart are played against the glamorous backdrop of the '30s. Political upheavel and the shadow of war wait ominously in the winp. * * * Gene Kelly hosts a display of the country's moet talented young dancen in "In Performance at the White Houee,'' to be aired at 7 p.m. Sunday on KOCE. Channel 50. Originating in the East Room of the White Hou.e, the perfonnanoe takes place on a Sunday afternoon before an audience invited by President Ronald Reagan: . Kelly, actor, linger, dancer and choreosrapher, introduces aeven young dancera from productions such u "Sophlaicated Ladies" and from groupa in- cluding the San Francilco Dance Company and the Martha Graham Dance Company. * * * An alien be.ing from another world comes to North America to search for hia partner in "The Phoenix/' a aeries beglnninc tonilht at 9 on ABC (Channel 7). Starring Judson Scott at Bennu, the aeries ln- dudel 8Cton E.G. Manhall. Richard Lynch, Bert l llelmen, Jenny ~anons. Sandy Ward, Terry Willa and Britt Lach. r * * * ''The Wizard of Oz," the times cl.Mlic a~t a YOUD1 pl from Kamu and her trip to a 1D1cic land of munchklna and witches, will be rebroadcast See a.car, Page 31 New cop shows breath of stale ai1: See Orange Coast TV Antenna on Page 3 2 _, • -.2 a: NEW! NOW AT ATLANTICI THE LINI OF PERSONAL PORTABLES FROM TECHNIDYNEI COMPARE THE FEATURESll COMPARE THE SOUNDI COMPARE THE PRICEIH THE TECllllDYIE HPR-184 .4 $J1500 IOW AT I TLllTIC OIL l ............. .!I THI TICHNIDY.NI HPS-1 IO CASSETII PLAYIR-11.CORDIR '1 WITH FM TUNIRI NOW AT ATLANTIC ONL ~ ............ _. THI TICHNIDYNI HPS-175 -s· ggoo WITH FM TUNIRI , NOW AT A TI.ANTIC ONLY.......................... . TUNER CONTAOLS STEREO PILOT. TUNING. MOOE SELECT (~OISTEREO) -- lllJ"-1 M~NOFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mall address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642""'321 Index Orange Cocist TV Antenna .............. Page 3 Sports Highlights ........................ Page 5 Daytime Schedule ...................... Page 6 Evenmg Schedule . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . Page 8 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 29 Word Game ............................ Page 29 Inside TV .............................. Page 33 TV Puzzle .............................. Page 33 Daytime Drama ............... .' ........ Page 3" Channels 9 KNXT (CBS> 6121W.SUnset8Jvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 8 KNBC (NBC) ~ W. Alameda Ave .. Burbank:, Ca! • KTLA <Ind.) S800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 8 KABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (8) KFMB <CBSJ 7m Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. 9 KHJ-TV (lnd.1 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca (10) KCST (ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KTI'V <Ind. l 57'8 W. ~l_BI d.J Los A_ngeles, Ca e KCOP-TV (lnd.J . 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Aqgeles, Ca. <24> CBSC&ble Qt KCET<PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. ·9 KOCE (PBS> • 15744 Golden West St , Huntington Beach <0> On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale. Ca. (ZJ Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave .• Santa Monica. Ca. CH> HBO . Time-Life Bldg., Rockefeller Cent.er, N.Y .. N.Y. CC>Clnemax • Time-We Bldg'., Rockefeller Center, N.Y .. N.Y. G <WOR> . N.Y., N.Y; (17) (Wl'BSJ Atlanta, Ga. <E>ESPN CLJ Select <S> Showtimt. < S > Spotlidlt (Cl <Cable News Network> TV Antenna New cQp shows: More stale air By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tMDlllJl'lotltlllf The TV networks are just bubbling over with fresh ideas this spring. This is the time when new Pf'08J'8lllS get short try-out runs. U the ratings come in, they may get a permane.nt slot in the IChedule next fall. Among other things, the latest offerings in· elude some new police shows. Cope and robbers on TV. What an oriaina] concept! Look at the variations:"T.J. Hooker" is about a veteran cop teamed with a rookie; "Cagney and Lacey" is about a woman cop teamed with another woman cop; "Baker's Dozen" is about an under· cover cop in love with the woman cop he's teamed with; and "Chicago Story" is about cops teamed with doctors and lawyers of both sexes. You've got to hand it to Hollywood for keeping those creative juices flowing. . Now, there's a good reaon why police shows have been a TV staple. Traditional television drama requires conflict, acUon7 life.and-<ieath situations, suspense and a comforting, tidy reaolution. It's easier to wring the9e element.a out of a ae- ries about· two-copt than-a aeries ~t.-aa_y. two New TV log covers it all The newly reviled Pilot TV Los otfen readers expanded listlnga. larger. euier·to-re.d type and a complete guide to your favorite cable TV ltationa. The complete list of weekly daytime ~­ ming appears in the combined "Daytime' section, which details all shows that appear each weekday at the same time. Cable TV movies abo are listed, with reference to a specific time and day of week the P!'08JlUD will ap~. A complete Jog of everung tetevmon program- ming, with detalleO. delCriptiona of eeriee epilodes and movie plots. ii lilted in new oolumna featuri.na bigger type and wider columns. Morning and al- temoon movie9 are highlighted in a apedal leC'tion clothing siore cler.ka. Just bring on the murderen 'lJ and the rapiatl and the robben and you•n have all &= the drama you need. - Police shows require very little e~tloii tor 1<! a villain's motives. On "Lou Grant.' you need a ,- little time to explain why a aanitation OOOU!'iwimer ~ la crooked. But on a cop show, jUlt brand the villain • a psycho or a cheap hood. Or better yet, just call · ~ him a crued Vietnam veteran. Who needs to know ~ more? ~ Cop show plots are endleaalr recyclable. ~ There's the teen-ager who accidentally witne99es a ~ murder. The cop's wife held bo8gge by a killer. g, The two.bit thiel who '-unknowingly spreading N Black Plague through the city . . . !" And look at the different types of co~ can ~ build a aeries around; atone-faced by-the-COf.9 U> ("Adam 12 .. ), hot-headed rogue cope ("Baretta' ), ~ swinging single oops ("St.arsky and Hutch .. ), vete- ran ethnic oops ("Kojak .. ), hippie cops ("The Mod Squad") and cops in paradise ("Hawail Five-0''). The opportunities in cop ahow programming seem endless. Which brings us to this spring's aeries tryouts Consider "T.J . Hooker," ABC's new Saturday night police series starring William Shatner of "Star Trek" fame. The tint two episodes were wrttte.q and oroduced by the creative mind.a res-ponsib~ tor '1<;harlie's Angela... . The cops on "T . J . Hooker" must be Charlie's Cousins. The male and female rookies all have high cheekbones and blow-Ory haircuts. They look liii:e they're da!2bling in police work to earn a little extra cash between modeling aaaignments. In th e premiere episode, Hooker warns the rookies that "it'a a jungle out there." Sure enough, he and hia troops soon have to dispatch your stan- dard rooftop sniper. The main villains, however, are two trlgger- happy th~ who !.&~_they needed money to ~t See Cop am.ows. Page 31 each day and "Tube 'toppers" r.ero in on your~ beta in TV entertainment. "Sports H.Uzhliahta" atill remains a popular feature of the Pilot TV Log and read.era can get the inside track on wtio's who and what's what in the world o1 the tube with Jefl Parker's ''lnlkle TV .. column. New to the TV magui.ne la Phil Sneiderman. wboee ''Ora.nee CoUt TV Antenna" la alwa)'I on the lookout for penetrating reports on TV and the people who make d~ona on what comes beamed into our llvin§ rooms. DayUme Drama" offen a weekly aynopsta of what happened to whom ln your favorite aoap opera. And Lynda Hinch gives readers an lnaide look at the world of the aoep1 and a chance to poae their own ~ in her regular column. U you have a complaint, comment or question about a TV P1'0fO"UJl. the addre9es of all networks and cable aations are listed on Page 3· of the magazine. VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE . • FOR YOUR EYES ONLY • FINAL CONFLICT THUNDERBOLT & LIGHTFOOT • EYE OF THE NEEDLE •TATTOO •ROCKY • CARBON COPY • PURSUIT OF D.8. COOPER ,,,,.... I ,OOO's of Movies or Sale or Rent See t~e Video Experts at • • . • GAWPOU • HOUSE CALLS v•-r .. ~mnt .l\pta•• t&t COSTA MIS~ • 646-1921 • • r N co O> ..... g> ...J > I-AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC--JEEP--aENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU I 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 BOB McLARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -8~3· 1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. COsta Mesa -540-5630 SANTA AHA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA ---... AIERS C~Dllr.Ac~---MIRACLE MAZD4 2600 Harbor Blvd. 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa _ 540.9 I 00 Costa Mesa -545-3334 CHEVROLET , CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor·Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. An aheim Blvd. An ahei m -956-1820 PEU GEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC ·13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892.-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-673-0fOO MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI · 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 Sports Highlights Friday MAN:Hll, tta ~ t:aO. NM IAIK!'TMU LOI Mollee Lall.. VI. SM Antonio~ Saturday MAllCH %7, 1112 MON9tCI 11• • WCT TINNl8 ''1300.000 Alotlmond Ten. nit Cleelic" Ft9d 8ublng VI. Joee Lull~ 11:IO 8 HENTAGI GOLF C&.Al8IC Thlrcf.<ound coverage Of thll TPA T°"' _,, (llYe from Hlnon ~ 186wld, :i• AING8IOE t5-round WBA Ben- temwelgtlt ~llhlp bout between Jeff O\M- dler end Johnny Can• (II--. from Phll&delpllle. PL). CJ) .. IEBAU 8UHCH AfTEANOON 12:00 CJ) MOT~ MCIHG "Duel In The Dirt" 1.2:IO. ()) NCAA Mlt<ET8AU. Coverage Of !tie natlonlil l«N-llnele (llw from Vie Superdome In New Otteens). 1:I088WOMEWI KEMPER Ol'EN Third-round -• Of Ihle le>urnM*lt '-luring top ~ OOlf«1 (live from the Aoylll Kunapell Golf COUtM on Meul, Hewell). 2::00 I DUil. .. TI4E i.r 2:aO lllGAR M Y L.IONAIW)'t GOlDIH GLOVU NebrMMvt.T-0 PN>FUM>NAL llOWL.EM TOUR 1135,000 Miiier High Ute Open (from the Red Cetpet Celebrity LanH In Mllweuk•. Wiec.). 2:A6 8 ()) NCAA IAIUf'IALL C-ege of the natlonlil ~ (llYe trom the Supardome In New Orlunl). HO. 'nil QUIET CHAMPION A lyrically bMutlf\11 lllm ..... the ltOfy of the deaf etlllete'• perciepllon Of the 3:30~ llOWt..EAI TOUR 1135.000 ....... High Ufe Open (from Ole Red Cerpet Celebrity Le11e1 In Mllw8Ull•. Wlac.~ 4:IO. 80CCIA MADE IH OEAMANY C~eChOllOvakla VI. U.S.S.R. 5:00 8 8A8f.IAU. PREVIEW "NatJonal League Wael'' 8 WIDe WORLD Of' 8PORTI ts.round wee Super ean- temwelgtlt Ctl8rnptonehip --deMnder Wiifredo Gomez end Juell "Kid" ~ (from AtlMtlc Cit)'. H.J.): Woman'• World Record High DIYe (:hat.. lerlg9 (lrom Of1Mdo, FIL). • IOCCE1' MADE IH GERMANY Czacho1lovakla v1. U.S.S.Fl 6::IO 9 WIDE WORl..O M IPORTI 1&-rounc1 wee Super Ban- tamweight Champtonahlp ~ defender Wllhdo °°"* end Juan ''Kid'' Meza (from Atlelltlc City. N.J.): Women'• World ~d High °" Chai- ... (from 0111ndo. FIL). £VENNO 1.-00. WINNEN Ct\aMel 2 eport.1 reporter Roy Fl<aetone COllef8 the ltorlae that don't mall• the IP0'11 pagee end Ille llnMMlQ '*-who com· pet• for the )O)' of playing the game. • FN/14 Pt.AV IN SPORTS ID IPORT8 AMERICA "l11tematlOllal Rugby. Eng- land Va. United Statae" Sunday MAllCH 2t. ttu MOfMHQ t;OO 8 NCAA WOM!N'I 8AIKET8ALL Champlonahlp OllfM (IM from Norfo4k, Ve.). f~ .... IBIAU. IUNa4 Hoit: Johnny Bench. Guaet: Tug McGrew. I DOOGP DUGOUT t0:10 DOOQ8' ~ 10:25 'Al! IEAIOM BAIOAUGAMe LOI Al'1Qllee Oodger'I VI. SL loul8 CerdlMla t t• 8 NM 8AIKETIAU. Phlladelpllla 711era at SO. ton c.ttlcl I IPORTI AFIELD , 1:30 a IPORT'8WOAlO Stedlum Supwc:roae reo- lng (lrom Anaheln\, c.tlf.); Chunlctll Cup gymnutlce - -Men'• Competttlon (from r,=.==========================:::::::::~ JI~~#?/ (~ed~~$mu:t ~ 1912 ·WINTER AVAIWLE• **•LIMITED NUMBER CORPOUTE AND REGULAR MEMBERSHIPS COIPOaATI MIMlllSfflrS have full club privileges including a tax advantage. Members frequently use our attractive facilities for banquets, board meetings, client luncheons and social activities (minimum 2 famllles). lleUU.I • • •BlfW'S for families and 1lngle people are offered In a variety of membership programs Including extentive Jr. programs 12 yrs. •nd up. Wedding receptions and private parties are a·spec1alty et N.8.T.C .. for members only. "NEW"**** AROllC MIMlllSHI' Taught In oor AetQblc Teaching Center by Phil Johnson with 12 years experience in physical fitness. 1150 initiation fee Includes 2 months free or 24 classes PLUS 8 months of enio)-inti a FAMOUS SOCIAL Ufl. $100 initiation fee will be apphed to any other type membership at tU.T.C. ftAMSlllAILI for 8 momth1 only. J•• ••w and experience the "good life." Find out why the N.B.T.C. has been 1ucceeefully 1atlsfying lt1 membera for the p81t 17 veers. For (Mmbership appllcatlon •nd Information. p~... call our s.t INrectw, ..-..s. ................ /fl'1~1Nl }Jf?ol"A Ji:Hnd ( /U 2601 EASTBLUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH. CALI~ AfTIMOON 1••0 THI IUPIMTAM The Wof1d 8upera1er1. feeturing t 2 top lntema- tlonlll •lhlNa lncMlrlg race car driver Jody lchect« and Renaldo ~ (from Ke)' Bl-. ~.AL). 1:11 • HINTAGI GOU' CLMl9C Fiiiet round. eoverege of Ihle TPA tour _,, (live from Hlllon Heed laland, S.C.). 1:30 8 8 WOMIH'I KIMPIROPEN Anal round CO\W8Qe Of "* tournament. leeturlng ~ of lhe top female golfera (live from the ~ Goll CourM on the HllWllllan Wand of Maul). 2:18 8 tUJ U.S.A. VI. THE WORl..O .. Ol YMPIC 8PORTI U.S. natloNll boJllng teem VI. Scandlnevle (from the AM Force Ac:4tdemy In C°'9 °'*Springe. Colo.). UO. 0 WU WON.O Of' WORT8 Atlellta "500" 1todc cat r-(lrom Atlartta. OL~ Wortd Ice Owdlg Flguta Slcetlng Chemplonenlp (from Copenhagell, Oen- mar11). 8800ARAAY LEONMO'I GOlDEN CM.ova Kentucky va. Loulli- 8:00 8 GMATUT SPORTS •EOENDe "Wiiia Reed'' E'VENNI 7• (D) NHL HOCKEY Edmollton Oller1 YI. l.OI ~Klnge 11:80 • 8PORT8 F1HAl Monday MMCH»,1112 MOANNJ t;OO CB> IOXNl'l IQT: JNJK JAa<80N A rare look la taken M the extreo<dlnary Ille of the "Oetveeton d111111," the llnt bladl to become wor1d llM\)w'6gh1 c:Nm- plon. AFTMNOON 8:00 e ()) NCAA BAll<ITIA.LL CHAMPtONIHIP Al*' of the HCM Tour· namem (he from the LcM- llana Superdorne In New Ot1elll'll. LL). EVEHNJ 7:00 ® 80XINO'l IQT: JACK JACKSON A rare lo-* II ta11er1 8l rtle ntreo<dlnary Ille of the "OlllVeilton Olatlt," the flret bladl to become wor1d ~,...ag111 Cflam- plon. Tuesday MAACHS0,1NZ MOANNJ 8:21 CHJ IOXIHO'S IEl'T: JACt< JAa<ION A rare look II tallen II the mreo<dlnal)r llfe of the "GalveatOll 011111:· the flrll black to become world heeV)'Weighl cham- pion. EV!HINO 1• (D) THI WAY IT WM 5 "11341 World s.tea'' ..._ Yortl OIMte va. N9W Yorlc ~ Yri ... 7:IO(D)NM~ g Loa Mollee Ult.,. vs. ~ 8anDlago~ < 11:10CHl90XINWI~: ~ JACK JACKION ~ A rw. look la tMen M the g. extreordlnery ... of IN "o.v.ton Ollll'lt." the r.> llr1t black to beoofne !'> world llM\) welgtlt diam-<O ploo. co I\) !VENING t:OO I LY* IHAa<aFOAD l:20 NHl HOCK!Y Edmorlton Ollerl VI. LOI Mollee Klnga t1:IO CHJ IOXIHO'l IE.IT: JACK JACK80N A rare looll la 19ken et IM extreo<dinar)' Ille of the .. ~ Glent," ... tlrat l>ladl to b«>ome world heb'1welgtlt cn.m.. pion. Thursday APM.1, 1"2 MON9tCI 8:00. WOMIN'I MUO WM8TUNG "Wortd lightweight Ctlam- plonahlp'' EVa..o 7:GO I L YNH IHACKELIOAD 7:20 HM Mlt<ET8AU. Loa Angalae laMrt VI. 8an Diego Cllppers What has been a better investment than BUILDING? ~ NOTHING! Let your ihvestment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one yo u have. Phone (71 4) 739-8532 I (213) 802-2588 21•t CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO 100% Financina We suarantee C)ur work and completion eke. r . l .6 ----~ ------ !Daytime N i ~ ~ 31? ... l.L ~ ..J ~ \I< >I{'\ I'\<; 5:00• 8UNMJE 8EMEBTER WOMAW8 OOEBT (WED-fRI) ~~) HOA8E8HOW JUMPING (MON) POWER BOAT RAaNG (TUE) OYMNA8T1C8 (WED) BAARY MANI.OW: IN THE ROUND (2 HRS.) MON) . MOVIEU1HR.,32~~ MOVIE 1 HR. 30 MIN. WOM 8 MUD . . 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) ~i1~·::l~) 5: ,~~,5MIN. 5:10 MOVE (2 HRS .. 9 MIN.) (FRI) 5: 15 HISTORY OF MEXJCO (MON. FRI) CID E BEBT OF "ON LOCAl10tt' (1 HR., 30 ~lm JOHNNY JONES (1 HR., 30 MIN.) ~ (1 HR., "8 Mk) (THU) &.~<)? BOXiNG'S BEST: JACl< JACKSON (1 HR.) 5:~-JUNT08 (MON, WED, FRI) YOO AHO THE LAW (TUE. THU) JMilY SWAOOART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUA (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT L£ARNtN0 (WED) PU8UC AFFA.N (THU) NEWAAKANOREAUTY (FRI) MEETTHEMAYOAS (MON, WED) NEW YORI< REPORT (TUE) NtNE ON NEW JERSEY (TH~ UNIVEA8ITY OF THE At:\ 0 · ) MOV1E J::• 32 MIN.) ( ) MCME 1 HR., <49 MIN.) (FRI) 5:351MY SONS &.~ HEAL TH AELD (MON, FRIF I AMERICAN GOVERNMENT E. THU) HISTORY Of MEXICO (WED I A.M. WEATHER 5:50 NEWS 5:56 REAL ESTA TE PRINCIPLES (MON, WED, FRI) 111 HOME OAAOENER (TUE. THU) e:ooe LA. MORNING HOTFUOOE PEOPLE 7 (FRI) FOCUS ON SOC.ETY (MON, WED) OCEANUS {TUE. THU) MOANING NEWS COMMUNITY FEED8ACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR~ mANKL Y FEMALE ) fT CAN BE DONE U) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHA~ (FRlm IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON, WED HUMANITIE8 THROUGH THE: AAT8 E. • '1Ja PROJECT UNIVERSE...=. WED, FRI) ~ ~ATHEMA TICS FOR LMNG (TUE. ~FOR A REASON (TUE. THU) ~~lR~ All-8TAR 800CER 8PORTSWOMAN ('tee) AL.l.-81' AR 8PORT8 CHALLENGE (THU) IN SHAPE WITH VON DRAKE (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 1<4 MIN.) (WED) e· UMOVtE e: 15 ARTS OF AStA*MON. Fff) I TH FIELD THU) FU.9THAT CH e: -~~ 8:30~AJN KANGAROO OAYIAEAK LA. fTCANBE~ ~THE l88UE8 <NJ:» OffHANO~ • =-~ACE~ FB.DC'neCAT c.vT1CMI> ABC NEWS ~) AJ l!FUCNf IKVUNE (MON) .W'f SWNJGNllT J'-9~ ltNANCe NllJ MOH!Y MANAGE-\ ~BIOLOGY (MON, WED) AMERICAN STORY (TUE. tHU) ~~~T\JAE (TUE) MOVIE ·(THU) THIS wee< IH THE NHL (FRI) THt8 WEEK IN THE NM (WED) SPORrS FORUM (THU) MOVIE (1HR.,31 MIN.) (TUE) LEFTY, tHe OWGAUNG LYNX (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.. 30 Ml~) ~~·~1~u) e:~<46G!U~~~J..> <FRI> MOYIE 1 HR., 48 MIN.) (WED) 7: I NGNEWS TOOAY CLUB 0 GOOO MORNING AMERtCA THE FAOOZl.E8 AOMPERAOOM BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS BU8INEB8 REPORT PERSONAL RNANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- EHT (FRI) AME:RICAN GOVERNMENT (MON, WED) OF EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. THU) PINOCCHIO (MON) MOVIE (TUE) SPORTS~ MOVIE 1 HR., <46 MIN.) ( MOVIE 3 HAS .. 20 M~.) MOVIE 1 HR., 33 MIN~ ) MOVIE 1 HR., 58 MIN. FRI) MOYIE 1 H8., 27 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 58 MIN. MOYIE 1 HR.. 60 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 58 MIN. MON) 7:06(%) (1 HR., <43 IN.) (TVE) (%)MOVIE (1tiR.,20 MIN.) (THU) . 7:30e THE1'E 18 A WAY fHE FUNTSTONES KAOff'T 8UPEAST ARS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAOtC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE~) . MOVIE 2 HRS., 10 MIN.~) MOVIE 1 HR., <40 MIN.) U) MEETING HALFWAY (M • ml) MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (FRI) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DtEGO JIM BAKKER JOHN DAVIDSON FLIPPER CARTOONS BIG BLUE MARBLE (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON-THU) BOOY BUOOIE8 MOVIE (MON, FRI) COLLEGE HOCKE'Y (FRI) SPORTS TAU< SPECIAL (MON) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS {TUE) NHL HOOKEY (WED) SNEAK PREVIEW (Ffa) MOVIE (1HR.,36 MIN.! ~E) MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN. FRI) EUBIEI ( 1 HR., 30 MIN. MON) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (THU 8:061MOVIE 8:80 LEAVE fT TO BEAVER ENTLEBEN VILLA ALEGAE!lRi Q (WED-FRI) VUA ALEGRE R (MON, TUE) Mt8TER ROG R) MOVIE THU) MOVIE 1 HR., SO MIN.l ~FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 55 MtN. Hr 8:35 (2 HRS., 32 I .) ) t:ooi(l)ONEDAYATATIME () REGIS PHIUMN OZZIE N«> HAMET A.M. L08 ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE AOCKFOAO F1LES I LOVE LUCY AOMPEAAOOM 8e8AM£ 8 IAEEI Q DONAHUE W· 1 CONT ACT (R) c:J POWER BOAT RActNG (MON) NHL HOCKEY (THU) 80)(JNG'8 IE8T: JACK JACKSON (1 HR.) ~POINTER818TEA8 (1 HR.) (FRI) rooH..~-r> (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 42 MIN.u.lrri) MCWIE 1 HA., 20 .._ ~Hfl.20 ) ) -·----- IBEWfTCHED MOVIE B.ECTAIC COMPANY (R) MOVIE (MON, WED. FRI) SNEAK PREVIEW (THU) AEA0808E (MON, W£D, FRI) 9:68g9 • SPEClAL REPOR'T .(MON) 10:00 fHE~ IS RIGHT OF FORTUNE BIG VALLEY 9 LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC OOUGH I CREAM OF JEANNIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING RICHARD SIMMONS OETTING TO KNOW ME (R) c:J (FRO EDUCATIONAL PAOGRAMMIHC:l (MOK-THU) COLLEGE HOCKEY (MON, TUE) MCME (1 HR.. <45 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS •• <4 MIN.) (MON) BAREFOOT IN THE PAAI< (2 HAS.) (TUE) MCME 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 2 HAS., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 60 MIN. (MON. WED) MOVIE 1 HR.. 25 MIN.I (~) MOVIE 2 HAS., 5 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE 2 HAS.) (THU MOVIE 1 HR., 93 MIN. (FRI) MOVIE 2 HAS.) (MON) 10: 11AC= SHC)RtS (WED) 10: 10 8PEQAL REPORT (MON) 10:80 BAm.ESTARS ALL OH08T It.HD MAS. MUIR (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (MON) INOEPENOENT NEl"WORi< NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MOVIE (TUE. THU) TOP RANK BOXJNG (FRI) F.A. SOCCER (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 60 MIN. lii) MCME 1 HR., 27 MIN. U) MOVIE 1HR.,55 MIN. FRI) MCME 1 HR., 37 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., <49 MIN. (THU) 11:00 TATI ALES PASSWORD PLUS (FRI) THE DOCTORS (MON-1HU) BONANZA 0 FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS TREASURE HUNT 8UlLSEYE SUPER PAV CARDS LOVE. AMERICAN smE WHY IN THE WORLD (THU, FRI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-WED) ~J..~~EN (1 HR.) (TUE) 11: 15,THE FOUR TOPS (WED) 11:30 THE YOUNG AND 'rHE AESTLESS THE DOCTORS (FRI) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW (MON-THU) AN'SHOPE Cl) MATCH GAME eNEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEJL / LEHRER REPORT BIG BLUE MARBLE (WED) MOVIE (MON. FRI) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS (WED) POCKET BILLJAROS (THlJ) BOXING'S BEST: JACK JACKSON (1 HR.) /lWACKV WORLD Of JONATHAN WINTERS (fRI) eMOVlE (1 HR.,30 MIN.) (FRI) . \I·· 11JC\< >< >'\ 1200• e DAYS Of OUR LIVES fWUGHTZONE ~MY CHll.OREN ~E DICK CAVETT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) GEO(~ NEW V lR) c:J CTUE> GETT1N' TO tOiOW ME (~) Q (WED) FAST FOfWIAPD (THU) =~rte. (1 HR.~~ MOVIE a:·'° .... u MOVIE 1 HR. 34 MIN. 8CRAM FiEf (1 140.~) (WED) =HR.,43 .... 1 MOYIE 1 HR., S7 MIN, ) MOYIE 1 HR., &e MtN. MOYIE 1 HR., 83 MIN. 1 I -12: 15 (Z) MOVIE (1 HR., 56 MIN.) (WED) 12:30 8 Cl) AS THE WORLD TUANs TWILIGHT ZONE OVER EASY FROM JUMPSTREET (A) Q (FRI) UP ANO COMING (A) Q (MON) WHY IN THE WORLD (TUE, THCJ) GED (WED) COLLEGE HOCKEY (MON) HORSESHOW JUMPING (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 57 MIN,) (FRO MOVIE (2 HAS., 2 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., .W MIN.) (TUE) Cl MOVIE (1 HA., 4'5.MIN,) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR, 60 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 4'9 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 20 MIN.) (THU) 12:36dl) THE FLINTSTONES {%)MOVIE (1HR.4'2 MIN.) (MON) .1:008 e ANOTHER WORLD 1 HOUR MAGAZINE 9 ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE . EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON, TUE. ITH~ UPON A CLASSIC (WED) MOVIE (MON-WED) COLLEGE SWIMMING (FRI) COLLEGE BASKETBALL (THU) MOVIE (1HR.,25 MIN.) (f=RI) 1:05,THE MUNSTERS 1:30 Cl) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW (FRI) CAP1TOL (MON-THU) NEWS SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) AMERICAN CHAUEHGES (MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (WED) MOVIE (THU, FRI) · PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (WED) INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF MAGIC (1 HR.) (THU) 1:351lEAVE fTTO BEAVER 1:"5 MOVIE (1HR.,4'9 MIN.) (TUE) 2:00 Cl) GUIDING LIGHT TEXAS JOHN DAVIDSON di GENERAL HOSPfT AL IRONSIDE OPENUNE SUPERMAN BOTANIC MAN: ON THE LIMIT (FRI) MIXED BAG: VIDEO ART (TUE) QUIZ KJOS (WED) COLLLLLECTING (THU) GUTEN TAG, WIE GEHT'S? (FRI) l£S GAMMES (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) TOMORROW'S FAMILIES, TOMORROW'S EBIEMO& (WED - - --- HABlAMOS ESPANOL (THU) MOVIE AEROSICU)E (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.I (THU) MOVIE (1HR .. 4'5 MIN. (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 50 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,37 MIN. (THU) 2:05 (11.1 THE BRADY BUNCH 2:15{%)MOVIE (1 HR.,4'3MIN.) (MON) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (WED) 2:20 {%)WHY DADOY? (FRI) 2:130!~~..JONS MOVIE (FRt) ONE IN A THOUSAND (MON) RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER (TUE) DANCE ANO DANCERS: TWYLA THARP "ANO PLAYERS RAREl Y . EVER PLAY TOGETHER '(THU) I MtsTER AOGEAS (A) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) MOVIE (2 HAS .. -4 MIN.) (FRI) FlASHBACK: THE GREAT PLAGUE (1 HR.) MON) MOVIE ( t HR., 36 MIN.~ (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR. • .CS MIN. (WEO) MOVIE ( 1 HR., .W MIN. (THU) l.AFF-A-THON (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 57 MIN.) (MOW" THE ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ ED) MOVIE i2 HAS., 2 MIN.! (FRI) MOVIE 1HR,41 MIN. (WED) MOVIE 1 HR. 67 MIN. (THU) THE FOUR TOPS (FRI) 2:36 al) BEVERl Y HILL&IWES 3:00 8 THE ROCKFORD ALES (TUE-FRI) BARNEY MILLER (MON) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE OF NIGHT JOHN DAVIDSON (FRI) MERV GRtFRN (MON-tHU) MOVIE HAWAII FIVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT POPEYE YOU ANO THE LAW (FRI) HOME GARDENER (MON, WED) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUE. THU) HOUA MAGAZINE SESAME STREET O CHILDREN Of AAE MOUNTAIN (MON, WED, FRl~OVIE (TUE. THU) WINTEAWORLO (FRI) SPORTS TALK SPECIAL (MON) F.A. SOCCER (TUE) FISHING (WED) , POWER BOAT RACING (THU) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS (TUE, FRI) 3:05@ ANbY GRIFFITH 3:30 9 OBS NEWS (MON) R1CHARO SIMMONS PEOPLE'S COURT CHARLIE'S ANGELS (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL (WED) BEWITCHED WOODY WOODPECKER GR'.¥-<~ -CALAMITY JANE'S DIARY (WED) THE NEW STORYTELLERS: MARSHALL OOOGE (THU) I YOU ANO tHE LAW (FRI) FAST FORWARD (MON, WED) OCEANUS E, fHU) CHILDREN~ ARE MOUNTAIN (FRI) MOVIE (MON) REACHING OUT (WEOl a ..... COLLEGEBASKETBALLREPORT(FRI) SPORTS FORUM (WED) MOVIE (1HR .. 67 MIN.) (MON) MEETING HALFWAY (FRI) HOLL YWOOO (TUE) ... MOVIE (1HR..33 MIN.) (WED) MOV1E (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (FRI) 3:36 (ll) GOMER PYLE {%)MOVIE (2 HAS., 10 MIN.) (TUE) {%)MOVIE (1 HR., 20 MIN.) (THU) - -4:00 9 BARNEY MILLEA (TUE-FRI) NEWS (MON) MARY~MOOAE COUPLES NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTIER (MON-THU) YOU ASKED FOR fT THE BRADY BUNCH MIGHTY MOUSE JACK-A-BOY (TUE) ~2-1 CONT ACT (R) Q LITTLE HOUSE ON TtfE PRAIRIE VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) CALUGRAPHY (MON, WED) HOME GARDEN£R (TUE. THU) MOVIE (WED, FRI) SPORTS CENTER {WED, FRI) ALL-sTAR SPORTS CHALLENG~ (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (THU) MOVIE (1HR,30 MIN.wrFRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., .W MIN.) UE) · IOA MAKES A MOVIE ( U) THE POINTER SISTERS (1 HR.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR, 45 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,56 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR.,49 MIN.) (WED) -4:05 Q'.ll WINNERS (FRI) 01.I CAROL BURNtTT ANO FRIENDS (MON-THU) 4':30 8 NEWS (TUE-FRI) BOB NEWHART (!) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THE BRADY BUNCH SIGNATURE MISTER ROGERS (R) MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT MOVIE (TUE) COLLEGE HOCKEY (FRI) SPORTS CENTER (MON. TUE. THU) NHL HOCKEY (WED) STEVIE NICKS IN CONcERT ( 1 HR.) (TUE) WOMEN'S GYMNASTICSJHR.) (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,31 MIN.) U) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 30 MIN.I MON. THU) MOVIE (1 HR., S8 MIN. FRI) , MOVIE (1 HR., 55 MIN. WED) MOVIE (1 HR.. 14 MIN. U) -4:35 al) NBA BASKETBALLJ I) al) SANFORD ANO SON ( ON-THU) 5~00 .. (1)-NEWS\ftJE.FAI)'--9 Cl) NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP MON) o:INEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE COUNTDOWN TO OSCAR (MON) KOJAK NHL HOCKEY (THU, FRI) HOLL YWOOO: THE SILENT YEARS (MON) MOVIE (TUE) Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities ··ser ving All Faiths'· l Iarbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial Park· Mortt1ary· Mausoleums -Shipment-Cremation. Plans· Available •7 :2 0 - l 1 \I< >l C\ I'\( ~ \I< >\'I LS 5:10(1) "The Competition" (1980, Orama) Richard Or~. Amy l.Ning. 5:30111 "Sep8fate Ways" (1980. Orama) Karen Black. Tony Lo Bianco. (%)"The Final Conflict" (1981, Drama) Sam Nelli. Rossano Brazzi. 6:00 ~ "The Angel Wore Red" (1960. Drema) Ava Gardner. Dirk Bogarde. 6:05@ "One More Tomorrow" (1946. Orama) Ann Sheri~. Dennis Morgan. 6:4500 ·~muggler'sCove" (1979, Adventure) Greg Rowe. 7:00 Ct "The Frisco Kid" ( 1al9. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Harrlsoo Ford. ' 7:30 (%) "American Pop" ( 1981. Musical) Animated. 8:00 ~ "It's Alive" ( 197 4, Horror) John Ryan. Sharon Farrell. (I) "Countdown To Diaster" Animated. 8:05@ "Shack Out On 101" ( 1955. Orama) Terry Moore. Frank Lovejoy. 8:30 CH> "Chaf<lle Chan And The Curse 01 The Dragon Queen" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov. Richard Hatch. 9:~(%) "The Moon's Our Home" (1936. Comedy) Mar~ret Sullavan. Henry Fonda. 9:30"1 "Three Texas Steers" (1939. Western) John Wayne. Carole Landis. ~ "The Girl And The General" (1967. Drama) Rod StelQer. Vlrna Lisi. 10:00® "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Come- ~ Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. (I) "A Global Affair" ( 1964, Comedy) Bob Hope, Uto Pulver. g "Cardaec Arrest" ( 1978, Mystery) Garry Goo- drow, Mike Chan. "' 10:05@ "Bang! Bangl You're Dead" ( 1966. Come- dy) Tony Randall. Senta Berger. 10:30(%) "Seven Beauties" (1 976, Orama) Giancarlo Giannini, Shirley Stoler. 1 1:30~ "The 400 Blows" ( 1959, Orama) Jea,,. Pierre Leaud, Patrick Auffey. D "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mystery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. .\l· .. llJ{:\< >< >:\ \I< )\'I LS 12:001J "The Set-Up" ( 1949, Mystery) Robert fuan. Audrey Totter. • "The Crimson Pirate" ( 1952. Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Nick Cravat. e "Chain Lightning" (1950, Orama) Humphrey ~art. Eleanor Parker. CJ) "The Final Conflict" (1981. Orama) Sam Nelll, Rossano Brazzi. 12:3000 "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Col· -man.-.laoe..Wyat"" (%) "The Anal Contrict" ( 1981. Orama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. 1:00 Cl) "King Kong" ( 1933, Adventure) Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong. Ct "Allegro Non Troppo" ( 1976, Fantasy) Animat- ed. 1:30(.C) "The Attic" ( 1979. Horror) Carrie Sn<>Qgress. Ray Miiiand. ~OO (IJ "Any Which Way You Cen" (1980, Come- • dy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. 2':30t8 "Ten Day's Wonder" Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins. CH> "Chapter Two" (1979, Comedy) James Caan. Manotia Mason. D "I Sent A Letter To My Love" (1981. Romance) Simone Slonoret, Jean Rochefort. 3:0011 •"fnen Came Bronson" (1968. Orama) Michael Parks, Bonnie Bedella. 3:30(%) "American Pop" ( 1981, Musical) Animated. 4:00~ "Wings In The Wilderness" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) "Countdown To Oiaster" Animated. 4:30e "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" ( 1980, Comedy) Peter Sellers. Sid Caesar. ~:06(%) "The Moon's Our Home" (1936. Comedy) Ma~ret Sullavan. Henry Fonda. 6:30~ "It's Alive" ( 1974, HorrOf) John Ryan, Sharon Farrell. ® "Smuaa6er's Cove" (1 948, Comedy) Leo G<>r-~. Huoti "Han. l . \ l . '\ I '\( ~ e.oo•••NEWS ~ANGELS C88NEWS CARTER COUNTRY ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSON8 HAWAnFIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT IN SEARCH OF 'THE PHOENIX' -Jud- son Scott (left) stars as Bennu, a superior being from another time who rose from the ruins of an ancient Incan bur.ial site and possesses astounding telepathic and physical powers, and Richard Lynch stars as a gov- ernment agent in search of the elusive Bennu in the ABC (Ch. 7) new hour-long dramatic series, "The Phoenix," making its premiere Friday at 9 p.m . I NBC NEWS ELIZABETH A promising young dancer copes with changes In her life after an automobile accident leaves her a paraplegic. (I) MOVIE "The Tunnel 01 Love" (1958, Comedy) Doris Day, Richard Widmark. A childless couple envy their neighbors. who have no trouble having children. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 8:30 (I) •• NEWS 9 NBA BASKETBALL Los Angeles Lakers vs. San Antonio Spurs (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I BARNEY MILLER waCOME BACK. KOTTER STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an adaptation ol James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better llvlng conditions aml<Llhe poverty.aMIOcial lnjusttce of OOblln from 1907 to 1914. (J>art 6) (1 hr.) I BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "The cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mys- tery) Honor Blackman. Miehael Gallen. Heirs battle for a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased millionaire. 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" ( 1981, Drama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. In fhe third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodiment ol the Antichrist. Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the p<esident of the U.S. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 8:50 al) NEWS 7:00 9 CBS NEWS I ~~~~vs AGAIN ABCNEW8" P.M. MAGAZINE A $35-per·tlcket lottery for a 5,000 dream house; the stress-reducing benefits ol Tai Chi meditation. • ttl ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Ed Marinaro Inter· views Prlscllla Barnes. I M•A.•s•H JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY Guests: Tish SOmme<a, Laurie l~~E~~Pb OtCK CAVETT Guest: Julie Andrews. MOVIE ".The Angel Wore Red" (1960. Orama) Ava Gardner. Dirk Bogarde. A priest leaves his order to return to a world rocked by a violent war. 11 hr., 'f> min.) (I) NHL HOCKEY ColoradO Rockies va. Edmonton Olfers (2 hrs., 30 min.) • (ft) RE.AL DETECTl\IES: THE SPECK CASE Thia docomentary follows the Chicago Polloe Depart- ment's step-by-step Investigation of the murder of eight student nurses In thai dofmitory on July 14, 1066. (1hr.) CD MOVtE "Spece MO'Ae'' ( 1979) Documentary. Mutte t>y Mike Oldfield. Archtvat film footage chronl- ctet the triumphs of the U.S. apaoe program. locut· .... Ing on the dramatic Apollo 11 mooOianding. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 19 min.) cm MOVIE "Pretty Mai& All In A Row" (1911, Mystery) Rock Hudson. Angle Dlcl<lnson. A gui- dance counselof, the idol of a bevy of high school beauties. works with a teacher. and a police captain In solving the mystery of several chee<leader killings. 'R' (1 hr .. 32 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a look at past Oscar recipients and a sneak preview of Monday's Academy Awards ceremony: review a newly creat- ed ~ime soap opera, "Capito!." lfm FAMILVFEUD LAVERNE l ' SHIRLEY & COMPANY PEOPLE'S COURT TIC TAC DOUGH feA BASKETBAU Chicago Bulls vs. New YOfk Knlcks (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A0 S0 H • SIGNATURE Guest: Joe Frazier. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WALL STREET WEEK "Bad News Bear" Guest: S. ~Levy, publiSher. Industry Forecast. 8:00 U (I) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD When Rosco goes out on strike. Boss Hogg appoints Uncle Jesse act1119 sherltt. ( 1 hr.) D • NBC MAGAZINE Douglas Kiker profiles B.B. King: Garrick Utley examines Bob Jones Universl- ty' s request for government funding; Jack Perkins reports on possible destruction of Oregon fishing grounds by the Army: Betsy Aaron examines the Implications of miscarriage. ( 1 hr.) g MOVIE "The Killers" ( 1964, Mystery) Lee Mar- vin, Angle Dickinson. A pair of hired killers p<obe their victim's past. seeking clues on a robbery In which the victim had purportedly been involved. (2 hrs.) D [I BENSON The IRS orders Benson, whose recOfdS have accidentally been destroyed. to ~pear for a tax audit. Q UJ P.M. MAGAZINE Meet a real life couple whose life parrallels those in the movie "Making Love" A $35-per-ticket lottery for a $65,000 dream house. m MOVIE "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" ( 1947, Orama) Humphrey Bogart, Barbara Stanwyck. A deranged artist methodically marries and murders his wives after doing a bizarre portrait of them. (2 hrs,) @ MIXED BA\3: CULTURE AT 'f> BELOW A look at the cultural explosion In Alaska that has resulted from the pipellne and windfall profits. I LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a Tube 1hpper 2 on the Town Channel 2 -7:30 p.m. frightening cross-country trip In a broken-down school bus. 'R' (1 hr .. 34 min.) i A DIFFERENT APPROACH SNEAK PREVIEW (1HR.,30 MIN.) MOVIE "The Frisco Kid" ( 1979, Comedy) Gene Wilder. Harrison Ford. A Polish rabbi finds hlmsett Involved in wlld frontier misadventures with e daring bank robber when he travels to San Francisco to take over a new congregation. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 58 min.) 8:05 all JACQUES COUSTEAU SPECIAL "Calypso Countdown: Rigging For The Amazon" 8:30 D (IJ BARNEY MILLER Wojo sets off a full· scale Investigation when he wounds a robber. and a couple are arrested for assaulting a prtvate school ottlclal who rejected their son. Q I AU IN THE FAMILY "ROYAL AREWORKS" AND "MIRACULOUS MANDARIN" The Vienna Philharmonic perform these works by composers George Friderlc Handef and Bella Bartok. ( 1 hr.) !WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW . CAEATMTY WITH BILL MOYERS Fllcn director n Huston discusses his career. Q cm WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK Avery Schreiber and Christina Farrare host a look at TV's most memora- ble comme<clats from the birth of the medium to the e!.._esent day. ( 1 hr .. 30 min,) Cl) MOVIE "Amerloan Pop" (1981, Musical) Ani- mated. The hist~ of American pop music. from vaudeville to rock n' roll, Is traced thro<igh several generations of a family ol musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 mln..l 8:35 Ql) MOVIE "You C8n't Run Away From It" ( 1956. Comedy) June Allyson, Jack Lemmon. A runaway heiress becomes Involved with a reporter traveling cross-country. (2 hrs.) g:()() 9 !)) OAUAS The police question Bobby about his iovolvement with F=°8'fflday arid Cll!f ,'lf8 r • ~--~~~~~~~~ ...... 1111111!111~._...._.. __ ... _..._..a..-.. ~~~ Friday (continued) rtJln at the hands of J.fl ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Magic" (1978. Horror) Anthony Hop- kins. Ann-Margret. A ventriloquist unwlt11ngiy acts to destroy himself and the woman who befleves In hlm._jR) (2 hrs.) • e O lliE PHOENIX Bennu searches for his part-ner Myra. with whom he Is supposed to undertake a I mlselon. (1 hr.) YOU ASKED FOR rT MERV GRIFRN ' WALL STREET WEEK "Bad News Bear'' Guest: S. Jay Levy, publisher, Industry Forecast. e MOVIE ''The Romantic Englishwoman" (1975, 'Orama) Glenda Jackson. Michael Caine. A writer's suspicions are confirmed when his wife's lover ~pears at their home without an Invitation. (2 hrs.) • VOTER'S PIPBJNE Jim Cooper .Interviews EXploratory Learning Center Board members Paul Courtland and Morton Ank about Orange County natural history and science. (C) MOVIE "The Attic" ( 1979. Horror) Carrie Snodgress, Ray Milland. A librarian lives in the past with her memones of a love who disappeared. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40mln.) CD MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939, Comedy) Bob Hoee. Paulette Goddard. In order to collect their lnher1fanoe. a tamllv must spend the night In a haunted house. ( 1 hr .• f4 min.) 9:30 8 BUUSEYE t8 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to creete better living conditions amid the poverty and social Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 6) (1 hr.) I CALIFORNJA WEE>< IN REVIEW INSIDE STORY "Cameras In The Courtroom" With the Von Bulow trial as the centerpiece. Hodd- Ing Carter expk>res the pros and cons ot cameras In the courtroom, which are now allowed or being con- sidered In 36 states. (I) SPORTS CENTER (Ii) MONEY ~ TTERS Special advice on personal money management on topics ranging from Income tax saving! to investment Ideas In the stock market and money market funds is offered. ( 1 hr.) (I) SNEAK PREVIEW (2 HRS.) 10:00 8 Cl) CAPfTOL The upcoming daytl~ drama "Capitol." focusing on the lfves of two prominent tamUies In Washington, O.C., will be Introduced. ( 1 hr.) 1 '-"LLNEWSFORCE Three escaped convicts hijack an Army V8l'I carrying a shlpmet'lt of deadly and contagious bacteria.°{ fhr.) (!) OUTER LIMITS • CREATMTY WrTti BILL MOYERS Alm director John Huston discYsseS his careef. O e ARING LINE "The Council On ~orelgn Relations And Its Critics" Guest: Winston Lord, president of the Council on Foreign Relations. ( 1 hr.) {I) GOLF "Pro-Celebrlty Serles" Lee Trevino and Fuzzy Zoeller vs. Sean Connery and Bruce FOf'syth (!hr.) CH) MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Cean. Marsha Mason. Soon after"hls wife's death. a writer finds himself reluctantly falling In love again. 'PG' (2 hrs., 4 min.) (a> MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Cicely TYS90. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteecher and eight children make a ft1Qhtenlng cr~ountry trip In a b(oken-dOwn school bus. 'A' (1 hr., 34 min.} e MOVIE "Manhattan" (1979. Comedy) WOOdy Allen, Diane Keaton. A New York City comedy writ- er breaks up with hie tong-time glrlfrleod to squire around an Intellectually vapid teen-age<. 'R' (1 hr .. 36 min.) 10:()(5 (%) MOVIE "Seven Beauties" ( 1976, Orama) Glanear1o Giannini, Shirley Stoler. While Imprisoned In a Nazi concentration camp. fl petty thief finds his obeesslve desire for sett-preservation put to the ulti- mate test. ( 1 hr., 55 min.} 10:ao• VOtlTH ~o THE ISSUES I NEWS . SIGNATURE Guest: Joe Frazier. NNDE STORY "earner .. In The Courtroom" With the Von 9utow trial as the centerpleee, Hodd- Ing Carter el(plof • tM proe and cont Of cameras In the courtroom, which are now a~ or being QOO- lldered In 36 etatee. (C) MOVIE "The 400 Btowa" (1959, Orame) Jll~ Pierre LMUd. Petrick Auffey. A young bC)y cMprNed of patentel warmth end the 90CePtance ot hll peers tums hll alienation and dtepalr toward a life Of 1m1N crimes. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 10:35111) a.fOVIE "Two On A Gulllotlne" (1985. Hor·· ror) Dean Jof'l8I, CoMil Sltwr4 A ":'* dlUghter II forced to epend a net< In en -~,.,_ lion II\ order to attain her father'• lnhltltance. (2 tn.ill"e 1 1'1!r.fMNEW8 THE BEA t•s ON -Australian actress Trisha Nobel 8'arS as beautiful undercover police officer Rosie. Jacobi in the hour~long action drama series. "Strike Force,'• Friday at 10 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7). She is a member of an elite unit that takes on cases tha1 are too sophisticated for nonnal channels. i JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFERSONS SANFOAO AND SON MIXED BAG: CULTURE AT 40 BELOW A look et the cultural explosion In Alaska that has resulted from the pipeline and wlndfaU profits. I DICK CAVETT Guest: David Hackney. CALIFORNIA WEB< IN REVIEW All~TAR SPORTS CHALLENGE NBA All-- Time All-Stars vs. Philadelphia Whiz Kids CD MOVIE "The Love Ban" (1973, c.omedy) Hywet Bennett, Nanette Newman. A young Catholic couple are forced by floanclal pr~ to conatdet' blr1h control. ( 1 hr., 36 min.) 11:308 Cl) MOVIE ''The Dark" 11979, Hoo0<) WJl.- llam Devane, Cathy Lee Crosby. A creature from ou1er space commits a &efiee of gruesome nighttime murders. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) D e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Cheryl Ladd, Scatman Crothers. ( 1 hr.) I. (fl ABC NEWS NIGHTI.INE ALL IN THE FAMILY LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "ROYAL AREWOAKS" ANO "MIRACULOUS MANDARIN" The Vienna Philharmonic perfOl'm 1hese works by oom~rs George Frlderlc Handel land=::·A~~~ SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Anal Confllc1" (1981, Ofama) Sam Neill. Rossano BrazzJ. In the third part ot "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist, Is now an adult and a trusted acMsor lo the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 11:46(a> MOVIE "Dressed To t<MI" (1980, Suspenee) Michael Caine, Angle Dickinson. Police search for the psychotic murderer whO butchered a suburban housewife. 'R' (2 hrs.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONtGHT Ed Marinaro ltlteMews Prlacllla Barnes. . • (fl FRIDAYS Host: Susan Salandon. Gueits: iir~~~h~~9=:) c1968. 0ntrrw> Michael Parks. Bonnie Bedell& A runaway bride meets another soul-eUrchtf at Big Sur whefl he arrives on his motorcycle. (2 hrs.) (!) MOV1E "Ali. The Aaht•" (1975, 86ogrephy) Muhammad All. Joe Frailer. Muhemm9d ,\61 rlMI to the pinnacle of hit prof.-00 .. a hMv.fweigtlt box· ~ champk)n. (2 hra.) e MOVE "The Fortune Cookie" (1998, Comedy) Jed< Lemmon, Waner MettMu. A twtncllr'lg ~ tdVlle8 hll bfottw--ln-tlw to play up 8n IOCldint and colect the in.Kance. (2 tn.. 30 min.) 0VE. AMERICAN 8TYLE COLLEGE BA8K£T8All _AEP°'1_....RT,.. (R) MOVIE "Thief'' (1981, Orama) Jemea CIM, y Wiid. A piot•l~"'91 crook gtWI up hie lndlpendtnce for • big ecore !Nt he hopel wtll ~ hie t.mlhl'e Mure. 'A' (2 twa.) ~ MOWE·:z-ilat lalMd" (1880, &ulptnee) Oonlld 9 Sutherl.tnd. Vanesaa Redgrave. An Arctic weether- research team's members are forced Into a fight for .,, their'!«'/ SW'Vlval. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) 0 12:05(C) MOVIE "H.O.T.S.I" (1979, Comedy) SW... - Kiger, Lisa London. A sorority reject decides to form -i her own club of co-edl who concentrate on gratify-< 12:~-®=·~~~ ~00 3S:.)(1980, i Comedy) Cllnt Eastw • Sondra Locke. Before · 'T1 settling down with his gift and pet orangutan, a ~ bere-ffsted tighter signs ~ for one last. lucr•ttw ~ match. 'PG' (1 hr., •5 min. '::< 12:308 e 8CTV COMED NETWORK Guests: the Boomtown Rat$. (R) (1 hr., 30 min.) E I COUPLES 6· ~PET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in an ~ adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one !'> man's struggle to create bett8f' IMng conditions (Q amid the poverty end social lnjus1ioe of Dubrin from m 1907to 19t.4. (Part6) (1 hr.) N (!) NHL HOCKEY Colorado Rockies vs. Edmonton Oilers (2 hrs., 30 min.) 12:40lm MOYIE "Ten Seconds To Heir" (1959. Mys- tery) Jeff Chandler, Jack Palence. Two enemies forced to work 1ogether fight for the attentions of a dancef. (2 hrs.) 1:00. MOVIE "The Spider Woman Strlk. Back" (1946. Mystery) Brenda Joyce. Gale Sondergaard. A private-duty nurse taps a blind woman's blood supply in order to provide nourlshrr.,t for a mysteri- ous type of plant. (1 hr .• 15 min.) • MOVIE "The Mysterlans" (1959, Sclence-FIC- tion) Kenji Sahara. Yumi Shirakawa. A group of highly evolved aliens of superior Intelligence tTy to take over Earth to perpetuate their cMll:zatlon. ( 1 hr., 30min.) 1:20(1) MOVIE "The Exterminator" ( 1980. Orama) Chrlltophef George. Samantha Egger. Aft8f' his war buddy is left paralyzed by a New Yottt you1h gang. a Vietnam vet decides to take his revenge by murder- ing stU1et criminals through gruesome, tortuoos means. 'A: ( 1 hr., -41 min.) 1:301 EVENING AT THE IMPROV 1:40 NEWS 1:-46 MOVIE "Arst Family" (1980, Comedy) G~ da Radner, Bob Newtiert. The sexually repreaeed daughter ot the country's Ytelrdest presidential f_,. ly complicates her father's attempts to conduct 1he affalnl of state. 'A' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) • (%) MOVIE "The Final Conftlc1" (1981, Ofama) Sam Nelli, Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of ''The Omen" trilogy, young Demien, the embodiment of the Antichrist. is now an adUlt and a trusted adWor to the P!esldent Of the.U.S. 'R' (1 hr,, 49 min.) 2:001·NEW8 2:05 NEWS 2:10 MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Musical) Animated. The histOf)' of A~ pop music. from ---·---- ·Tube Topper NBC Magazine Channel 4 -8 p.m. vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, Is traced through several generations of a famlly of mualclans. 'R' (1 hr., 37 mln.J 2:168 MOVIE ''The Soos Of Katie Eide(' (1965. Western) John Wayne. OMn Martin. Four brothers avenge the deaths of their parents and the lou of their ranch. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) • MOVIE "She-'WOlf Of London" ( 1~. Horror) Don Porter, June LO()j(hart. An eerie creeture haunts the foggy street.a Of London. leaving tl!lfor In Its wake. ( 1 hr., 15.mln.) 2:30.NEWS . (!) MoYIE "Cobra Woman" (HM3. A<Mnture) JOn Han. Marla Montez. DMth stalka the African jungles In the form Of a ·~Cobra Woman." (1 hr., 30 min.) • I MISSION: IMP08818l.£ MOVIE "CanW81 Of Cflme'' (1984. Orama) Jeen-Plerre Aumont, Tonia c.rero, When a mllalng women's corpee 18 nn.lly dllcover~ her hulbend's bullness partner, who wu ello her loller. couf11111 lo the crime. t 1 hr., 30 "*'-) e MOVIE ,\~ Now" (1979, °',::J. Manon Brando, $hlln. oncted bv F Ford Coppota. An lntallglnot IOl"I .... on • m11e1on up rlYef tnto the ""''.,... .,,_ 10 Ind and kll a mystetloul. AWOL Al"'1 odlOli Who ... tolled all ~ an.mpta at hll ~ 'A" (2 hrl.1119 mln.) 2:40 WOALD AT LARGE ~·~snit'' lM Tt....ino and ~ Zoeltr '4. 8eM Connlry end 8fta ~ (1 hr.) . ) ' I I I l' l \ 10 ' =·Saturday \I< >H '\ I :\< ; \I< >\.I LS 4:66CC) MOVIE "H.O.T.SJ" (1979. Comedy) SUsan Kiger, Lisa London. 6:00' (I) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (I) COLLEOE SWIMMING "OMslon II Men's O\am- i:>_l9f\shipa" from Clarion, Pennsylvania. (2 hrs.} • MOVIE ''The Fiendish Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" (1980, Comedy) Pet« Sellers. Sid Caesar. (1 hr .. 38 mkl.) 6:06 (I!) BASEBALL BUNCH 6:26 CB) SNEAK PREVIEW A look at the movies, spe- cials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. 5:30. WOMAN'S DIGEST ... i NEWARK ANO REALITY VIEWPOINT ON NUTRfTION MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Mus4cal) Ani- mated. ( 1 hr., 37 mln.) 6:S6~TOOGES I LITTLE RASCALS 8:00 SEMESTER PfTY PV8UC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAKERS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MORNING MOYIE ''Th&cat And The Canary" (1978, My&- tery) Honor Blackman, Michael Gallen. ( 1 hr.. 30 mln.l 6:06 Gl) AGAINST THE WINO "The WlndfaU Sum- mer" Mary and Jonathan make a last stand against tyraMy. (Part 13) (1 hr.) 6:20.NEWS Cl) MOVIE "Countdown To OlaS1er" Animated. ( 1 hr., 30m1n.) 6:30 a DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THATS CAT p~ VOICE~ AORtCUL TIJAE AMERICA: THE 8EOONO CENTURY MOTORCYQ.E RAC.NG "Seattle Supercross" IT'S VOUR BU8lH£88 SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ~~ \ TubeTqiper Pablo Picasso Channel 2 -10 p. m. TITLE FIGHT -"J olting" Jeff Chandler, the unde.feated world bantamweigh( cham- pion, puts his undefeated 27-0-2 rnark on the line Saturday at 2:30 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4) in a 15-round ~ championship fight against Johnny Carter. . • MOVIE "Melody Ranch" (1940. Musial~ Gene Autry., Jimmy Durante. Exploratory Learning Ceot• Boetd members Pu Courtland and Morton Fink aboUt Orange Count1 natural history and science. CID MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Betkeley Square" (1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan, David Niven. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) • MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (1971, Fantasy) Angela Lansbury, David Tomltnsoo. ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 10:16(%) MOVIE "An'ierlcan Pop" (1981, Musical) Animated. (1 hr., 37 min.) 10:30. AMERICA'S TOP TEN IWILO, WILD WORlO OF ANIMALS WFREMOV1N' OORISOAY PHOTO SHOW PORTRAITS IN PASTELS MOViE "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye" (1977. BIOQ!_aphy) Paul Rudd, William Prince. 10:35 Ill) PRE-SEASON BASEBAU Atlanta Braves vs. Texas Rangers (3 hrs.) 11:008. DAFFY I SPEEDY • WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Richmond Tennis Clas- sic" Fred Bublng vs. Jose Luis Clerc ( 1 hr.) • aJ WEEKEND SPECIAL "Arthur The Kid" A 10- year-old boy takes a Job as "boss" for bongling, lwou~~os. (R) Q SOUL TRAIN THE ROOKIES - COOKING MEXICAN CALLIGRAPHY 11:308 HERITAGE GOLF CLASSIC Third-round cov- erage of this TPA Tour event (live from HHton Head Island. S.C.). ( 1 hr.) D e RINGSIDE 15-round WBA Bantamweight Championship boUt between Jeff Chandler and Johnny Carter (live from Philadelphia, Pa.) . (2 hrs.L I QI AMERtCAN BANDSTAND BASEBALL BUNCH WILD, WILD WEST JULIA CHILO ANO MORE COMPANY CALLIGRAPHY AFTERNOON • REAL ESTA TE TODAY (!)MOVIE "Morgan The Pirate" (1961, Adventure) 12:00• LOST IN SPACE Steve Reeves, Valerie Lagrange. Cl) MOTORCYLCE RACING "Duel In The Dirt" REX HUMBARD (!) MOV1E "The Sheepman" ( 1958, Western) UNOERST ANDING &Pit.CC. ANO TIME Glenn Ford, Shirley Maclalne. ALL~AA SPORTS CHALLENGE N8A All-• MOVIE "Captains Courageous" (1937, A~ AM-Stars vs. Philadelphia Whiz Kids ture) Spenoer Tracy, Freddie Bartholomew. ())SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madeline Kahn I AOAM-12 stars Ill a musical comedy revue that satlc'lzes ~ SUM C\JISINE • buslnees lnctudlng punk rock, theatre critics. British NEEDLECRAFT Hand perloonefS. (1 hr., -40 min.) WINTERWORLO "Moments" 8: Cl) 'r ARZAN I LONE RANGER MOVIE "The Cat And The Canaty" ( 1978, Mys- 1 KIO SUPER POWER HOUR tery) Honor Blackman, Michael Gallen. ( 1 hr., 30 FONZ 7 HAPPY OA Y8 GANG min.) MOVIE "Llttte Miss B<oac:twa(' (1938, Musical) Cl) MOVIE "The Big Red One'' (1980. Adventure) ShlrteyT BET emple, Jimmy Durante. Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. ( 1 hr., 53 min.) •ro ANNOUNCED e MOVIE "little Miss Marker'' (1980, Comedy) (I) COLLEGE BASKETBALL REPORT "Anal Four Watt« Matthau, Julie Andrews. (1 hr., 39 min.) Pr~· -(%) MOVIE "Wizards" ( 1977) i'nlmated. ( 1 hr., 20 e MOVIE "Allegro Non T1oppo" (1976, Fantasy) mln.l Animated. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 12:30 a Cl) NCAA BASKETBAU Coverage of the (%) MOVIE "Bear Island" ( 1980. Suspense) Donald national semi-finals (Nve from the Sllpefdome In Suther1and, Vanessa Redgrave. ( 1 hr., 43 min.) New Orleans). (2 hrs., 15 min.) • 9:001 LEAVE IT TO BEA\IER ·• MOV1E "Paradise, Hawaiian Style" (1966, Musi-l LAVERNE & SHIRLEY cal) EM1 Presley. Suzanna Leigh. MOVIE "Macao" (1952. Adventure) Robert e MOVIE "Ballad Of A Gunfighter" (1963, West- Mttchum, Jane Russell. em) Marty Robbins, Bob Barron. IVIUA ALEGRE I KI08WORLO NEWVOICE (A) O AOAM-12 AMEAICAN GOVERNMENT ~ COLLEGE FOR CAMHEB This week's lesson Is MOYIE "Belles Of St. Trfnlan's" ( 1954, Come-the "down I stay" command and Bruce Sessions ~ Alastair Sim, Joyce Grenfell. tels how to keep your dog from destructive ehew- (1) COLLEGE HOCKEY "DMslon I Championship 1· (R) Semifinals" from the Providence Civic Center. (3 Nl:9>LECRAFT hra.L MOVIE "Hardly Working" (i981. Comedy) Jer- 9:06(1!) MOVIE "The Great Lover" (1949, Comedy) ~Lee Lewis, Su..n Oliver. A Bob H~:a Fleming. C1J F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match 9:301BUG8BlJNAN NY rAOAORUNNER 10)__11 hr.) 1:00 •THE MUNSTER8 ANO HNRET di MOVIE "Heuntl Of The Very Rich" ( 1972. Fan- HEATHCLIFF I MARMADUKE t~) Lloyd B~ Cloffi Leachman. DAY • MOYfE ''$h8n(I'' (19$8. AdventUfe) Burt Aey· GUT AR wmt flE>EAICK NOAO nDk11. Arthof Kennedy. AMSICANOOVEANM~ ,~-ANNOUNCED . 10: =~AAS 1: ~-=KEM~ OPEN Third-found I IJ4A" NA NA CCMtage of thll tournament featuring top tem.le 9 THUNOAAA I OOU>le QOl.O gotllfl (~ from the Royal Kunepell Golf Courte 1ilCME "8*'°*o" ( 1988, Weetern) Deen on Maul, Hawaii). ( 1 ht., 30 min.) M9ltln, Jlmel Stewwt. IF-TROOP I CAR CME CENTMl THE HAADV IOV8 I NANCV DREW MVSTER-'A-: HOUIE Bob VIII 1n1t• the new *NA "~ Sttl" The WOf1d of~ n:I ~ _...IOll Ind Norm Abram buldl a new low IS>eed phoeogr~ II CllPtured In tNt prognam ,.., oetto. (A) Q whld\ followl thl ~ wortt done lri h VOTEA'I Pl'EUNE ·Jlm~~--Jllkhnd*P !!"*~ <"JQ-'"~ a .. _....., --___ .. --.... ____ ......, _________________________ "'""'"!"' ____________ ~liiiiiiiiii----------------------------------.. Saturday (continued) •GAOWINGYEARS · (I) FIS WORLD CUP SKIING "Women's Giant Sla- lom" from Waterville Valley, New Hampshire. (2 hrs.) C8) bAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richard Thomas and Bees Armstrong star In this performance of Neil Simon's comedy about a pelf. of New York newlyweds. Taped at the Moore Theater In Seattle, Wash. (2 hrs.) CZ> MOV1E "The Final Conflict" ( 1981, Ofama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 1 :36 all MISSK>N: IMPOSSIBLE 2:00. GILLIGAN'S ISLAND I OUEl IN THE DIRT MOVIE "She Wore A YelloW RibbOn" (1949, Western) John Wayne, John Agar. • MOVIE "The Phila~la S10f)"' ( 1940, Come- ~Ka harlne Hepburn, James Stewart. NATURE Guest: Joe FrazJer. OERSTANOtNG HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVl~a~ound" ( 1949, Adventure) Ven CD MOVIE hBfOMO Bi\tY" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwtxxt. Sondra ~ocke. (I) MOVIE "The Gteet Diamond Robbery" (1954, Comedy) Red Skelton, Cara Wiiiiams. ( 1 hr.. 10 min.) • MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. ( 1 hr., 46 mln...l 2:30. GILLIGAN'S ISlANO • SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Nebfaska vs. Tex.as (1 hr.) Cl) JIM BEAN'S SPIRAL STAKES 0 PAOfES8IONAL BOWLERS TOUR $135,000 Miier High Life Open (from the Red Carpet Celebri- i lanee In Milwaukee. Wisc.). (1'!'~30 min.) MIXED BAG: CUL T\JRE AT 40 tstLOW IN8IOE STORY "Cameras In The Courtroom" With the Von Bulow trial as the centerpiece. Hodd-11"1 Cartet explores the pros and cons of cameras In the courtroom. which are now allowed or being oon- lldered In 36 states. I UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 2: G1) MOTOAWEEK IUUSTRATED 2:468 (I) NCAA BASKETBAU Coverage of the national semi-finals (llYe from the Superdome In New Orleans). (2 hrs., 15 min.) aOC> 8 ON CAMPUS Featured: Nursing and Resplra- t~ Thefapy, Mt. St. Mary. •MOVIE "Aaton Slick From Punldn Crick" (1952. Comedy) Dinah Shore. A*1 Young. Cl) RACING~ AQUEDUCT •MOVIE "Invasion From Inner Earth" (1974, Sci- ence-Fiction) Nck Hott. pa(JI Bentzen. 51 "ROYAL FHWOAt<S" AND "MIRACULOUS MANDAAtN'' The Vienna Pthrmonic perform t'-8 wOfks by oompoeers George Frldertc ~andel and Bela Bartok. ( 1 hr.) • THE QUIET CHAMPION A lyrically beautiful fHm tels the story of 1~ deaf athlete's perception of the r~E(.~~'t Make Waves" (1967. Comedy) T~ Mii. C1eudlll C.rdlnale. • HOMlGAADENER 3:0ldl) WRESTlMG 3:30 8 EVERYWHERE t..ocatlon: Uve from Burbank. COfornla, Burbank on Parade. (1 hr., 30 min.) • PAOFESStONAL BOWLERS TOUR $135.000 Miller High Life Open (from the Red Carpet Celebfl· -11-a.nes In MltwaUkee. Wisc.). (1hr .. 30 min.) HORSE RAaNG FROM 'fHE GULF STREAM HOME GAADENEA SPORTS CENTifl MOVIE ''Bear Island'' (1980, Suspense) Dooald Sutherland, Vaneeea Redgiave. (1 hr., 43 min.) •:~L~~ 9 ENTERTAINMENT TH&S WEEK Interviews with Krta KrletOtfel'IOn, Hany BNfo(lte. Henry Wlnkler and Priecllla Barnes; behind the scenes at "The Young And The Restlesa ... ( 1 hr.) • MOvtE "The Champ" (19j1, Drama) Jackie Cooper, Walace Belfy. A NEW ADVENTURE -Shirley Jones (left), is Aunt Polly, and Patsy Kemit plays Pollyanna in the new "Walt Disney'' film, "The Adventures of Pollyanna," Saturday at 8 p.m. on ~ (Ch. 2). t8 STRUMPET COY Petet O'Toole stars In an adaptation· of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to cteate better llvlng conditions amid the poyetty and IOcial Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 6) (1 hr.) I SESAME STREET (A) Q INTAOOUCING BIOlOGY MOVIE "Belles Of St. Trlnlan's" ( 1954, Come- ~) Alastair Sim, Joyce Grenfell. (8) MOvtE "The Secret Of SeaguU Island" ( 1981. Suspense) Jeremy Britt. Nicky fienson. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) CJ) SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madelne 1<ahn stars In a· musical comedy revue that satlrtz.ea show bualnesl lnciudlng punk rodt. theatre crltlcs. British ~andperfOfmn. (1hr.,40mln.) • MOVIE "The Other Si<M Of The Mountain -Part II" (1978. Drama) Marilyn Hassett, Timothy Bot- toms. (1 hr .. "5 min.} "4!30 Cl) AGAON8KY ANO COMPANY • iOCCER MADE IN GERMANY CzechosJ<Mtkia vs.~~ BIOLOGY COLLEGE HOCKEY "Division t Championship Is" ffOfl"I the Providence CMo CenlM. (2 In .. 30 min.) 6:00. BASEBALL PREVIEW "National League lwes~:~u STAATREJ< WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-round wee Super Bantamweight Championship between defender Wiifredo Gomez and Juan "Kid" Meza (from Atlantlc Clly, N.J.); Women's World Record High Dive Challenge (from Oftando. Fla.). (1 hr., 30 min.} u•A•s•H KOJAK THE PERSUADERS NEWS BOLIO GOLD MOVIE "Tree or Wooden Clogs" LAWRENCE WELK 80CCER MADE IN GERMANY Czech0ek>vakl8 VI. U.S.S.R. (1 hr.) Cal MOVIE "Dot And The Kana8roo'' {1978. Advenf\Jre) An;liated. oncttd by 'f«llfl Groel. J! 6:06@ NA8HVILlE AUVE Gueet Brenda LN. (1 o h~) ~ 6: 15(1) THE FOUR TOPS The ~ hlrmonlel of < the Four Tops are featured In such IOUI cla8lcl as r- ''Bemadelle" and "Standing In The Shadows or o Love." !> 6:308 NEWS ,, (I) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER 1 (II WICE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-<ound WBC ~ Super Bantamweight Championship between ~ defender WIHredo Gomez and Juan "Kid" Meza ~ {from Atlantic City, N.J.); Women's World Record ~ High Dive Challenge (from Orlando. Aa.). (1 hr., 30 g. min.) ..., • ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "A Tale or Two Cll· !" les" In France. armed revolutionaries stoon St. ,.. Antolnes and Defarge urges his compatriots to co storm the Baftllle. (Part 5) (R) Q ~ CC> MOV1E "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye" (1977. Biography) Paul Rudd, Wiiiiam Prince. L\ L '\I'\( , 8:00 8 WINNEN Channel 2 sports reporter Roy Arettone covers the stories that don't make the sports e!,~ and the unsung heroes who compete for the N&Cf~ the game. I G "The Ballad $i>f ~ .. ( 1968. Comedy) Dorta Dey. Peter Gravts. A Widow beglnt raising sheep. causing her cattle-rancher neighbors to fume. (2 hrs.i Cl> COMEa Ck People who have recoveted from ~~~featured. m '£NTmr AJNMENT THIS WEBC Interviews with l<iis Kristofferson. Harry Betatonte. Henry Winkler ~ Priscilla Barnes; behind the scenes at "The Young And The Aestlesa." (1 hf.) I THE MUPPET'S MOVIE "FM" (1978. Musical) Mlcheel Brandon. El9ef\ Brennan. The dlac jockeys of a rock music radio station In Los Angeles band logethef to pro- test the management's decision to cut down on the music and add more commerclals. (2 hrs.) I f=AIR PLAY IN SPOAI S 8PORT8 AMERICA "International Rugby: Eng- land Va. United Stat~" l 1 hf.) Tube Topper Omni Channel 7 -7:30 p.m. CB> MOVIE "Oh Godl" (19n, Comedy) George Bums. John DerlvM. God selects an unsuspecting young eupermattcet manager to deliver a message of hope and good wlN to the ekeptlcal people of the modern-day WOl1d. 'PG' (1 hf .• 36 min.) (I) MOVIE "Any Which Wey You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra tocke. a.tore settling down with his gift and pet orangutan, a bar•tfsted fighter 8Vll up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' (1 hf .. 45 min.} • ~Biiiy .Jeck" (1971, Drama) Tom Laughlin. Delores Taylor. An ex-Green Beret half- breed champions the cause of a freedom school for runawar on an Arizona lndlan reservation. ( 1 hr., 50mln. 6:06 all UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 8:16(1) MOVIE ''Wlzarde'' (1977) Animated. Direct· ed by Ralph Bakshi. In a world of the Munt, 90f<*Y 5 1 tnajor role In the bettles of two great con- ermies. 'PG ' (1 hr., 20 min.) 8! PORTIWT OF GRANDPA DOC Metvyn 0oir;::ars In the story ot a young boy's warm nllet fLwlth his grandfather. 8:30 •• CIJ e NEWS ff~~v~Y NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER . IJi;~un¥t~ ~ • REMOUNT SPECIALIST OAIGINAl. DEStGNING • CUSTOM AESTY\.ING I RESETTING A OESIGNE" COLLECTION ~ GDLD I PLATINUM JEWELRY • OIMi10NO&• P.£ARLS •FINE COLORED GEMSTONES I f ·i I I . I - IAUSCH & LOMI SOFT CONTACT LENSES s79•s INQ.UDES: Chemical Care Kit, lnstrvction, Follow Up Visit. Examination 'and lens Determination $65.00. All Professional Services Performed By The Doctor. Same Day Service On Most Prescriptions. EYEGLASSES s49•s INCLUDES: Your preKription In Quality Oeor Gloss Single Vision, Biofocals or Trifocals In Frame of Your Choice From Our Consumer Selection. Examination If Desired Not lnduded. • ADDEO CONVENIENCE: EXAMINATION AND FITTING AT SAME LOCATION Monthly Special Blended BifOcals -Mo U... Plastic Regular Size Lenses Req. '99" NOW '69'5 OFFER GOOO UNTIL MARCH 31 THE BROADWAY Huntington Center Anaheim Plaza Dr. Ronald Jenson Dr. Kevin McGrath 891-7354 ~281 Newport Fashion Center Dr. John Connole 644-0165 USE YOUR BROADWAY CHARGE - YOUR DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CARPET SPECIAL! Sta.ck Purchase fine carpet fashions by Amstrong 3 COLORI ••• "Cortesia," Nylon, Teflon Coated. / One Week Only $1 0 95 (Installed) with NZX3800 $6IS padding . (Carpet Oply) . 1663 Placentia Awe. Cost• Miu, 92&27 ,., ••• 3. 118-8181 I MARY TYLER MOORE THEMUPPETS WHY IN THE WORLD 7:00 8 (I) IN SEARCH OF ... I FAMILY FEUD WHERE WERE YOU? THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES I NEW YORK REPORT PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK CHECKING IT OUT Featured: a profile of blind comedian Alex Valdez; a performance by the Maria· chi Royal; the New Mexico wilderness experience for kids In trouble with the law. Q I THE MUPPETS THIS OLD HOUSE Norm Abram shows how to dry wall a new room and discusses tools with Bob VIia. c:;J <D BtLLIARDS "Legendary Pocket Stars" Babe Cranfield vs. Wiiiie Mosconi ( 1 hr.) CO MOVIE "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" (1981, Biography) Documentary. Narrated by Orson Welles. Footage of events he predicted and dramat· le re--creations of his life comprise this look at the 17th-century French physician. astrOloger and mys- tic, Michel de Nostra-Oame, known as Nostra- damus. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) (OJ MOVIE "American Pop" ( 1981, Musical) Ani- mated. The history of American pop muSIC. from vaudeville to rock 'n' roll. is traced ttvough several generations of a family of musicians. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 37 mini 7:06 NEWS 7:30 DANCE FEVER I LOOK AT US OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER AGHTBACK NINE ON NEW JERSEY TALK Of THE TOWN The growing Indochinese community In San Diego is examined. I PRESENTE LOOK ALIVE SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el IOOk at this year's Oscar nominees. CC) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lee Lewis. Susan Oliver. After the circus closes down. a veteran clown tries his hand at various 1obs. faili~ miserably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 7:35{ZJ MOVIE "Bear Island" (1980, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave An Arctic weather-research team's members are forced Into a fight tor thelr very survival. 'PG' (1 hr .. 43 min.) 8:®• MOVIE "The Wlzard Of Oz'' (1939, Fantasy) Judy Garland. Ray Bolger. A young girt from Kansas dreams of trJveling to the mystical. magical land of Oz with her dog and three mak&-believe fr'lends. IB> 12 hrs.) D ID CHICAGO STORY Doctor Bergstrom and Doctor Carson try to track down a drug courier from Mexico who has a highly contagious form of plague. l1 hr .. 30 min.) II MOVIE "Fireoreek" ( 1968. Western) James Stewart, Henry Fonda. A small town protected by a timid sheriff is terrorized by a gangleader and his men. J2 hrs.) 8 0 T.J. HOOKER Hool<er's daughter's life is ~ard12ed when his Investigation of the murder of a 16-year-otd girl leads to a pusher operating in his daughter's school. (1 hr.) Cl) EASTER SEAL TELETHON Pat Boone and Mar- vin Hamlisch host the national segments of this annual fund-raiser from New York City and Holly- wood. ( 1 hr.) II MO\t'IE "Spectre Of Edgar Allan Poe" ( 1973, Horror) Robert Walker Jr .. Cesar Romero. A jour- nalist marries his 13-year-old cousin following a fateful vislt to an ln$8ne asylum where a number of vicious murders tal<e place. (2 hrs.) - Cf) PAUL HOGAN • NATIONAL CRIME ANO VIOLENCE TEST "Bur· glary, Robbery And Theft" Art Linkletter and Jayne Kennedy host this special which Informs people on what to do to PfOtect themselves It they are ever faeed With the Pfoblem ofrobbery. (1 hr.) e MOVIE "Possessed" (1947. Orama) Joan Crawford, Van Heflin. A schizophrenia nurse becomet inllotved In a murder case. (2 hrs.) t8 MOVIE "Tree Of Wooden Clogs" Ermanno Olmi won the 1978 Cannes Film F"tlval wilt) this portray- al of the deity lives of a group of poor Italian peas- ants at the turn of the century. (3 hrs.) • LIFE ON EARTH ''Hunters And Hunted" David Anenbol'ough IOOl<s at the vegetarian and carnlvo· roua mammals of the anlmal kingdom. Q (1 hr.) • MOVIE "They Made Me A Criminal" ( 1939, Ora· ma) John Garflelcl. Ann Sheflden. A figtltef runs away aftef being made to belleW that ht committed nuder whit Inebriated ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) 8PORf8 cane. CB) STEVE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood M.c member Nldcs pertorme "After The Oltter Fedel." "Leathtt' And Lace," "Jhe Highwayman'' and ''Bel- TAKES ON TOUGH JOB -William Shat- ner is back on television as dedicated police officer, T.J . Hooker , a street-smart former detective who decides to go back to the beat as a uniformed officer in "Sgt. Hooker" Saturday at 8 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7). la Donna.'' as well as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire. Taped at the Fox Wiishire Theatre in Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Thiel" (1981, Drama) James Csan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his independence for a big score that he hopes will secure his family's tuture. 'R' (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "The Hand" {1981, Horror) Michael Caine, Andrea Marcovlcci. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happening rn a cartoonist's lite ~~~-r he suffers the loss of a hand. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 44 8:06 WORl.DATWAA 8:30 RACING FROM YONKERS 8:..0 SING FOR YOUR LIFE fighttn0t"'~~r rnv.·:~ mTn.r •• ts (%) MOVIE ''Cruising'' ( 1980, Mystery) Al Paclno, :2 Paul SOtVlno. A rookie New York City cop Is sent on ~ an undercover assignment to ftnd the psychotic killer bahind a string of homosexual murders. 'A' ( 1 ~ hr .. 46 min.) r- 10:00 8 PABLO PICASSO: ONCE IN A LIFETIME The c8 Museum of Modern Art's 1980 exhibition of all of the tamed artist Pablo Picasso's works Is seen in :ti l lhis ~~ated by Charles Kuralt. ( 1 hr.) g: 1JtFANTASY ISLAND A woman arranges to -::< meet a love from long ago and a short sportswriter ~ tries out for a professional basketball team. (R) Q ~ l1~) ~ II MOVIE "LIFE Goes To The Movies" ( 1976) N Documentary. Narrated by Shirley Maclalne. Henry .ai Fonda, Liza Minnelll. A look at the American love _. affair with the silver screen and how Hollywood has ~ portrayed American life from the '30s to th& '70s. N l1 hr., 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "Don't LOOk In The Basement" (1972, Horror) William McGhee, Rosie Holotik. Upon he1 arrival at an asylum, a nutse discovers a number ot eerie and grisly murders. (2 hrs.) I MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT MOVIE "Hard Country" ( 1981, Orama) Jan- Michael Vincent, Kim Basinger. A Texas factory wooer Is torn between his desire to continue In the "g09d Old boy" lifestyle and his tlancee's show business ambitions. ·PG· ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:30. THE JEFFERSON AWARDS The ceremony honoring those local citizens ")'ho have worked for the public good without prior recognition is ~hi~. Cl) ~OVIE "Twelve Plus One" (Comedy) Sharon Tate.A young woman searches three countries tor a chair that contains a great fortune. 'R' ( t hr .. 35 min-1 11:00 B D 8 0 e NEWS 8 EASTER SEAL TELETHON Pat Boone and Mar- vin t-tamlisch host the national segments of this annual fund-raiser from New York City. (2 hrs.) I EASTER SEAL TaETHON (CONT'D) M•A•S•H PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H MOVIE "Tree Of Wooden Clogs" Ermanno Olmi won the 1978 Cannes Film Festival with this portray- Tube 1bpper "Wizard of Oz" Channel 2 -8 p. m. 9:00 di LOVE BOAT Jill falls for Gopher. a pub- lisher tries to sign up a burly author accompanied by his attractive nTeoe. and an unusual couple IOOI< for treasure. c:;J ( 1 hr.) al of the dally lives of a group of poor Italian peas- 1 EAST~ SEAL TaETHON (CONTD) ants at the turn of the century. (3 hrs.) WRESTLING • AU8TIN CITY LIMITS Don Mclean and Terri NOWHERE TO TURN Stan Mooneyham and Gibbs ere the featured perlQrmers. ( 1 hr.) carol Lawrence host this documentary on the more (8) BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Ric.hard Thomas and than six million people In Africa who have been Bess Armstrong star in this perlormance of Neil affected by war and drought and the rnults of such Simon's comedy about a pair of New York events. (1 hr.) newlyweds. Taped at the M00<e Theater In Seel11e. • GREAT PERFORMANCES "Brideshead Revlsi~ Wash. (2 hrs.) ed: A Twitch Upon The Thread" Julia and Charles CD MOVIE "What The Swedish Butler Saw" ( 1976, make plans to get married until Lord Brldeshead Comedy) Sue Longhurst, Ollie Soltoff. When the rebuffs his sister's adulterous affair. (Part 10) Q ( 1 beautiful and Pfope< young woman he loves spurns hr.) , his advances, a Vtetorian aristocrat turns an aban- (C) MOVIE "Fame" (1980, Drama) Irene Cafa, Bar-doned as~lum Into a secret love nest to seduce his ry Miiier. Several gifted students at a New York high beloved. ! 1 hr., 2~ min.) school for the performing arts experlenoe varloos cm 908 WELCH ANO FRIENDS Solo hits by Bob setbacks and sucoesses of both personal and pro-Welch •• Including "Hypnotized" and "Ebony Eyes" lesslona~natures. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) -and a reunion with the members of Fleetwood (!) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Mac highlight thls concert taped live at the Roxy. ( 1 Jersey. (2 hrs., 30 min.) hr.) CB) MOVIE "Thief' ( 1981, Orama) James Caan. 11: 10 Im MOVIE "What A Way To Go" ( t964, Come-- Tuesday Weld. A professional crOOk gives Up his dy) Shirley Maclalne, Delin Martin. A weal1hy wld- lndependence for a big score that he hopes will ow grieves the loss of her four rich, dead husbands. secore his family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.) (2, .. 26 min.) CO MOVIE "The Final Conftlct" {1981, Drama) 11:80 THEROCKFOROFILES Sam N(tlll, Rossano Brazzi. In the third pert of "The •• 8ATUAOAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Blythe Omen" trilogy, young Damien, the embodiment of DeMef. Gueslt: Rickie Lee Jones, Michael Davis. the Antichrist, Is now an adult and a trusted advltor ,hr .. 30 min.) to tl\e president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr .• '9 f1*1.) A8C NEWS cm MOVIE ''Shogun Assassin" (1981, AdwinMe) MCME ''Assignment: Munich" (1972. Mystery) Tomlsaburo Wakayama, Masahlro TOO\lkfta. ~for· RkltWd Basehart, Roy SChelder. The government Is mer shogun assassin who was maneuvered out of asafsted by a saloon OWl"l8f In recovering stolen gold his position by a ruthless otan of spies vows to tlke during W()(ld War II. (2 hr$., 15 min.) ~ revenge. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 26 min.,) • ~ "Midnight COwboy" ( 1989, Drama) 9;06GZJ MOVIE "In This OUr Life" ( 1~2. Drama) C>Uetln HOtfman, Jon VOlaht. ~ bom IOlerl hus· Bette Davts. George Brent. A cruet and eeltllh wom· tllng to uvtve In New YOik CltY 4llcowr thtif need an successfully destroys her aistel''a marriage and tor 9ech OChef too late. (2 l'wt.) then lets out to r~~ the same when her IMst• CC> MOVIE "Belles Of St. Trlnian's'' (1954. Come- beoornel 8"gaged again. (2 hre., 5 min.) dy) Alastair Sim, Joyce Gftnfell. ll'le problema of e:soe e ~8 LAW McCleln aeerchee for running a girts' echool are lnchUed by the arrtval of the mwderer of NI frtend and buSlneu bOOdy Sid the headmistreea·s bookmaker brothtr. (1 hr., 20 Lammon. (R) ( 1hr .. 30 min.) · min.) · • MATIHEE AT THE 8IJOU Featured: Laurel and ~ Hatdy In "Flying 0.UC."-1.]Qail,.;.a~..l.W_---.. tht~GP.d.'.'_J~mt_ BOrns and Allen short: •~alftl\"T«"~r~s-:-S--1"Rfr.'""1'~ I 14 N Saturday ( continuedt co ~ white explorers In search of a long4ost treasure Is confronted by Stone Age cannibals. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.} 11:"5 • MOVIE "Eric" ( 1975. Drama) John Savage. Patricia Neal. An active, athletic young man termi- nally Ill with canoer lives the remainder of his Ille with exuberance. (2 hrs.) · 12:00(!) MOVll: "Deadly Harvest" (1972, Drama) Cllnt Walker. David Brown. A world food shortage sets ott a deadly battle between city dwellers and farmers tor control of the remaining supply. • FRANKIE HOWARD · (!) COUEGE HOCKEY "Division I Championship Anats" from the Providence Civic Center. CD) MOvtE "Chatterbox" (1977. Comedy) Candice Rlalson.A young woman's unique anatomical defor- mity brings her financial success but ruins her social life. 'R' (1 hr., 13 min.) II MOVIE "Caveman" ( 1981. Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. The clownish member of a barely human prehistoric tribe begins to discover that brains and not brawn will be the key to his le's survival. 'PG' (1 hr., 31 min.) 12: BIZARRE "The Dirty 01' Lady" 12: MOVIE "The Pigeon That Took Rome" ( 1962. Comedy) Charlton Heston, Bsa Marttnelli. Homing pigeons used by an American spy are eaten by an Innocent family and replaced wtth German birds. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Nightmare In Wax" (.1969, Horror) Cameron Mitchell. Anne•Helm. An actor badly dis- figured by burning wax seeks revenge against his enemies by opening a waxworks exhibit. (2 hrs.) 12:35(1) MOVIE "The Big Red One" (1980, Adven- ture) Lee Marvin, Mark HamiU. A tough Army ser- geant leads four young, Inexperienced recruits Into the vlolence-fllled tray of World War II combat. 'PG' (1 hr .. 53 min.) 1 :00 II ROCK CONCERT 1(1) EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONrD) EVENING AT THE IMPROV MOVIE "Battleground" ( HM9, Adventure) Van Johnson. John Hodiak. American soldlefs of the 101st Airborne OMslon engage In the French cem- ~lgn and the Battle of the Bulge. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Conversation Piece" (1977. Drama) Burt Lancaster, Silvana Magnano. An aging profes-- sor becomes involved in the lives of a woman, her children and her lover. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 1 :30 e MOVIE ''Frankenstel.n Musi Be. Oestroyeq'' (1970, Horror) Peter Cushing, Simon Ward. A mad scientist transplants his insane assistant's brain Into another human. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) (8) MOVIE "The Final Conflict" ( 1981, Drama) Sam Neill. Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien, the embodiment of the Antichrist. Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) I) MOVIE "All Night long" (1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman. Barbra Streisand. After being demoted from corporate executive to chain-store night mana- ger, a middle-aged man's lifestyle and valu~re turned upside-down. 'A' (1 hr., 28 min.) 1:35 all FREEMAN REPORTS Tube Topper Matinee at Bijou Channel 50 -9:30 p.m. I TAN LAUM&. 1:461 ABC NEWS 2:00 NEWS 2:06 NEWS 2:30 D NEWS (!)THE NEW AGE (£) POWER BOAT RACING From Miami, Florida. {Part 9) ( 1 hr.) Cl) M0 \11E "Carny" (1980. Drama) Jodie Foster. Gary Busey. An adventurous young woman joins a carnival troupe and learns about the hidden emo- tions and frustrations behind the surface happiness of the performers. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 2:35 all AGRtCUL TURE U.S.A. 3:009 MOVIE "Too Many Girls" (1940. Musical) Lucille Ball. Desi Arnaz. A group of co-eds go to great lengths to win a football game. ( 1 hr., 40 min.)_ ; Cl) EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONrD) STRAIGHT TALK NEWS MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. Orama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miller. Several gifted students at a New York high school for the performing arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) CJ MOVIE "Biiiy Jack" (1971 . Drama) Tow • Laughlin, Delores Taylor. An e>t·Green Beret half- breed champions the cause of a freedom school for runaways on an Arizona Indian reservation. ( 1 hr .. 50mln.) 3:05 (%) MOVIE "Bear Island" ( 1980, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. An Arctic weather-research team's members are forced Into a fight for their very survival. 'PG' (1 hr .• 43 min.) 3:20(8) MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981, Suspense) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. A young American girl tries to free her blind s~te< from her island captivity. (1 hr., 45 min.) 3:30 (£) WINTEAWORLD ''Moments'' 3:.-o m MOVIE "Magic Town" (1947. Comedy) James Stewart. Jane Wyman. A small, peaceful town undergoes a change tor the worse after being publiciZed as an example to other towns. (2 hrs.) 4:00 (!) DR. PAUL YONGGI CHO (()SPORTS CENTER 4':05 all BETWEEN THE LINES 4': 15 (I) A CELEBRATION Some of the biggest stars of pop-country music perform their greatest hits at The Forum in Los Angeles; Included are Maureen McGovern ("The Morning After"). Kris Krlstotter- son ("Bobby Magee"). Rocky Burnette ("Tear It Up"). Glen Campbell ("Rhinestone Cowboy") and Tanya Tucker ("Lay Back In The Arms Of Love"). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 4':~ i VIEWPOINT ON NUTR1TION 4:35 fT IS WRITTEN 4:40 LAST OF THE WILD Ca st set for 'Rig h t Stu ff' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The major casting has been completed for the Ladd Co. 's production of the movie adaptation of Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff." The astronauts will be portrayed by Charles Frank as Scott Carpenter, Scott Glenn as Alan Shepard, Ed Harris as John Glenn, Dennis Quaid as Gordon Cooper and Fred Ward as Gus Grissom. The roles of Deke Slayton and Wally Schirra wilJ be announced lat.er. Philip Kaufman will direct from his screenplay based on Wolfe's book. It will be Cilmed on location in various parts of the country, including Edwards Air Force Base. ; Announcing The r------------~-----------------• i S 5 Gift Certificate $ 5· i Ma1Tiott Ten·nis Oub : Good Towards Purclia1e of •2500 or More I I ~-...o.~-· .. J/Jt I --------------------------------ill · & D Athletic lear 9594 HAMILTON AVE. HUNTINGTON IEACH 964-3256 "The Very 8nt In Athlettc FOOCW.•r" J • Limited Membership Available • No Initiatioo Fee • 10 Champiomhip Courts • Full. Club H~ Facilities • Robyn Ray - Direc:tor d Tennis ~Beach -~rriotf Hotel&. Tennis Cll1b -900 N.-,ort Center Drive New~ le1ell. CA 92660 r . Sunday ..... .\ I< >I { '\ I '\( ~ 6:00• EASTER SEAL TELETHON Pat Boone and Marvin Hamlisch host the national segments of this annual fund-raiser from New York City and Holly- wood. ( 1 hr.) Cl) EASTER SEAL TELETHON Pat Boone and Mar- vin Hamlisch host the national segments or this annual fund-raiser from New York City and Holly- wood. (2 hrs.) (!) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (!) COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Division Ill Women·s Championship" from 8izabethtown. Pennsylvania. {g hrs.) (%)MOVIE "The Moon's Our Home" ( 1936, Come- dy) Margaret Sullavan, Henry Fonda. ( 1 hr., 20 minJ 5:05 OZ) JAMES ROBISON CH) STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks per1orms "After The Glitter Fades," "Leather And Lace." "The Highwayman" and "Bel- la Donna,'· as well as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire. Taped at the Fox Wilshlre Theatre In Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) 5: 15 (C) CINEMAX SHORT FEATURE 5:30 (!) DAY OF DISCOVERY Cl) MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981, Orama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. (2 hrs.) 5:351 CARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 FOR OUR TIMES SERENDIPfTY EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTlONS BIBLE ANSWERS AOMPERAOOM MOVIE "The last Snow Of Spring" ( 1977, Dra- ma) ® MOVIE "Dirty Tricks'. ( 198 1, Comedy) Elliott Goold, Kate Jackson. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 6:06 (11) LOST IN SPACE 6:20 (%)WHY OAOOY? 6:30 8 T001'yiS REllGl()N THArSCAT DAYBREAK L.A. AMERtCA: THE SECOND CENTURY POINT OF VIEW PUBLIC PULSE NEWS AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE ''Conversation Piece" (1977, Drama) Burt Lancast•. Siivana Magnano. (2 hrs .• 5 min.) 7:00 8 COMMITMENT I WHITNEY AHO THE ROBOT rT 18 WRITTEN EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) KENNETH COPEL.ANO e SUNDAY MASS Tube Topper Father Murphy Channel 4 -7 p.m. ...... OLllM IS~M DAV OF DISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "little Miss Marker" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter Matthau. Julie Andrews. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 7:051 LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 SUNDAY MORNING I RAINBOW PATCH CAMPUS PROFILE "Pollution And Diet" Guests: ,Voshlhlde Yaglwara, M.D.: Vasuo Hotta. Ph.D.: actress Audre~nders. I THAT'S THE 8"' SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS ~ THE WORLD TOM OW MOVIE "Girl Fr1endS" ( 1978. Orama) Melanie Mayron, Eli Wallach. (}[)MOVIE "Wholly Mosesl" (1980, Comedy) Dud· ':l Moore. Laraine Newman. (1 hr .• 49 min.) 7: (fl) MOVIE "The Guns Of Navarone" ( 1961, Adventure) GreQOl'Y Peck, David Niven. HOMEOWNERS ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH* 15 8:00 D THIS 18 THEtJFE .' . . . .. : .. . . . . - EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LLOYD OGILVIE DAVEY ANO GOLIATH JERRY FALWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REX HUMBARD F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match 10) (1 hrJ Cl) MOVI "Countdown To Oisastel'" Animated. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:30 D ODYSSEY Guest: Rev. Stephen Commins. St. Augustine Eplsc~al Church, Los Angeles: actress Gall EdWards o Santa Monica. I TOOAV'S BLACK WOMAN MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERtCK K. PRICE NATURAL HISTORY OF A SUNBEAM "Survival Under The Sun" Sir George Porter discusses the conversion and storage of solar energy. (Part 1) e KNOW YOUR BIBLE 8:35(%) MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" (1981, Drama) Sam Neill. Rossano Brazzi. (1 hr., 49 min.) 9:00 8 NCAA WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Champion- ship ~me (live from Nor1olk, Va.). (2 hrs.) N S CONFERENCE PEOPLE7 EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONrO) ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER rr 18 WRrTTEN SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE "Sunday In New York" ( 1964, Comedy) Clltt Rober1son. Jane Fonda. (I) ALL-8TAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall Of Fame Cleveland Browns vs. Phfladelphla Whiz Kids D MOVIE "Heidi" (1979, Adventure) (1 hr., 33 min. 9:30 e MEET THE PRESS I NEW zoo REVUE DAY OF DtSCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW COLLEGE HOCKEY "Division I Championship Flnal" from the Provldeoce Civic Center (time ru::-_ od extended to accommodate Sports Center Pus). &trs.) MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (1971, Fantasy) Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. (1 hr .. 57 min.) MEN'S TRADITIONAL WEAR For those who shop ror quality l'pstairs . downstairs- all around Pat Marley's you can savor the successful looks in classic tradltionals-tarlored by craftsmen who care- designed from superb fabrics for your comfort Check the attic sale room for undiscovered savings. :!! 0 --4 < ,... 8 ~ ~ a: Cll ~ ~ CD ... n ~ N !'> ~ <D OD N I I ' I I 16 N Sunday (continued) ~ 10:008 INStGHT ,... I EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) cli BASEBALL BUNCH Host: Johnny Bench. N Guest: Tug McGraw. ~ IJ HERALD OF TRUTH CD CI> MOVIE "Hello-Goodbye" (1970, Romance) :E Michael Crawford, Curt Jurgens. I DODGER DUGOUT THE LAWMAKERS Correspondeots Linda Wer- theimer and Cokle Roberts Join Paul Duke for an up, to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. I NEWSCENTER WEEKLY MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Manilow performs a selection of his hits, Including "Mandy," "I Write The Songs," "Can't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civic Arena. (2 hrs.) 10:101 DODGER PAE-GAME 10:25 PAE-SEASON BASEBALL GAME Los Ange- les Dodgers vs. St. Louis Cardinals (3 hrs., 5 min.) 10:308 iALK ABOUT PICTURES • 111 K106 ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: Brooke Shields, Marla Gibbs, fix-It expert Al Ubell, psych<>'- l!t Or. Sylvia Feldman. (R) ( 1 hr.) R08EAT SCHULLER OPEN MIND YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL "Goodbye, Carni- val Girt" The sudden death of her father forces a young P,irl 10 make a series of difficult adjustments In a NIW hfe for which she is not quite ready. I MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Boys' Night Out" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak, James Garner. (1 hr., 55 min.) 10:360l) PRE-SEASON BASEBALL Atlanta Braves vs. Cincinnati Reds (3 hrs.) (%)MOVIE "Bear Island" (1980, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 11:008 NBA BASKETBALL Philadelphia 76ers at Boston Celtics (2 hrs., 15 min.) I SPORTS AAELD EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) MOVIE "Invasion From Inner Earth" (1974, Sci- ence-Fiction) Nick Holt, Paul Bentzen. • EMANUEL AX ANO YO-YO MA IN RECITAL Pianist Emanuel Ax and cellist Yo-Yo Ma return to the Michigan State University campus for a special Invitational television recital. ( 1 hr.) I CHICO ANO THE MAN WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) MOVIE "The Young Lovers" (1964, Orama) Peter Fonda, Deborah W&tWN. Tube Topper Bob Hope Special • Channel 4 -8 p. m. 11:30 D e SPORTSWOAlb StadU'n Supercross racing (from Anaheim, Calif.); Ch\lnlchl Cup gym- nastics -Men's Competition (from Negoya, iln). (2 hrs.) 9 THIS WEEK WJTH DAVID BAJNKLEY TERRY COLE-WHITTAKER WALL STREET WEEK "Bad News Bear" Guest: s. Jay Levy, publisher, 'Industry Forecast. (R) 00 MOVIE "When Hell Was In Seealon" ( 1979, Ora- ma} Hal Holbrook, Eva Ma(le Saint. (2 hrs.) . \I· I 1-.IC\< >< >'\ \I< >\ I LS 12:00 e EASTER SEAL TELETHON Pat Boone and MatVln Hamllsch h08t the national eegmeota of this annual fund-raiser from New York City and Holly- wood. (2 hrs.) esEARCH CI> MOVIE "08(1( Of The Sun" ( 1968, AdVenture) Rod Taylor, Yvette Mlmleux. • me RAST CHUACHILLS .. ~ .. John ChutchlH defeat• James, the hOpe of the Protestant rebels. on the blttlefteld. (1 hr.) S..,.PENONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- (1) MOYIE ttt(retntr Va. Kramer" ( 1979, Drema) OU.In Hoffman, Meryl Streep. ( 1 hr., "5 min.) 12:1!':..~ 8onle Johneon dllcu11111 her ex- ~ from the Mannon Church becauet of her llMd on the EQUll FWttt Amendment. e P£NONAL FINANCE ANO MOHEY MANAGE-MENT (I} -POa<ET-1!!'1' Bl.UAAD8 "l.egtndery ·Stert s.n..·• Bibt Cfanftlld • w.. Moeoonl (1 hr.) e MOYIE ·~di In OUt9r &peoe" (1981 •• AcMnt\n) ~ (1 hr,.'°'"'"·> SUPER OSCARS -Alan Ladd and Jean Arthur star in the Academy-Award winning film. "Shane," which KHJ-TV (Ch. 9) will telecast Sunday at 2;40 p.m. as part of the "Super Oscar Sunday" celebration. (%)MOVIE "The Moon's Our Home" ( 1936, Come- dy) Margaret Sullavan. Henry Fonda. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 1:00• 9 THE SUPERSTARS The World Super- stars, featuring 12 top International athletes lnclUd- lng race car driver Jody Schecter and Renaldo Nehemiah (from Key Biscayne, Fla.). ( t hr .. 15 min.) (I) EASTER SEAL TELETHON Pat Boone and Mar- vin Hamllsch host the national segments of this anooal fund-raiser from New York City and Holly- wood. (2 hrs.) G MOVIE "The War Of The WOl'lds" ( 1953, Sci- ence-Fiction) Gene Barry, Ann Robinson. I AOAM-12 YOUNG AMERICAN PERFORMERS Rising young opera stars Pamela Hicks Jonathan Mack and Thomas Hampson are featured. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ID AMERICAN STORY CC) MOVIE "Loving Couples" ( 1980, Comedy) Shir~ MacLalne. James Coburn. 1: 15 B HERITAGE GOLF CLASSIC Anal round rot- erage of this TPA tour event (live from Hilton Head Island, S.C.). (1hr.,45 min.) 1:30D. WOMEN'S KEMPER OPEN Anal round coverage of this tournament. featuring some of the top female golfe<s (live from the Kaanapall Golf Course on the Hawaiian Island of Ma\Ji). (2 hrs.) I HOGAN'S HEROES AOAM-12 AMEJICAN STORY HOA8E8HOW JUMPING "Anheuser-Busch American ln't'ttatlonal" from Tampa, Florida (time period extended to accommodate Sports Center Plus). (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CB) MOVIE "Dirty Tricks" (1981, Comedy) 811ott Gould, Kate JacklOn. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1:36 al> LAST OF THE WILD 2:00 e EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONrD) (!) YOUR CHOICE FOR THI> OSCARS Rich Ultle and Debbie Reynolds hoet the 17th annual edition of these awar~ hOnoring the Winners of a popular poll in the six majof Otcar categories: Best Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress, Best Plctute and Best Song. (2 hr&.) e MOVIE "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum" (1966, Mualcal) Ze<o Moetel, Phil Sltvefs. • MOVIE "My Favorite Spy" (1951. Comedy) Bob Hope, Hedy Lamarr. MOVIE "Tree Of Wooden ClogS" WNTING FOR A REASON MOVIE "The Tunnel Of Love" ( 1958, eom.ctv> •Day, Richard Widmark. (1 hr., .a min.) e MOVIE "Heidi" (197i, Adventure) (1 hr., 33 min.) Cl} MOVIE ''Convettetlon Piece" (1977, Drema) ~ Lanoatttr. Slvane Meaneno~. s mlo.) 2:06 U) JACQUES COU8TfAU 8 L ''Cllypto Countdown: Rlaalng For The AmuQn" 2:J!9 p U.S:A. VI. THE WON.DIN OL.VMPIC . IPORtrus. nedonel bolclng tMm vs. Sc:andlneVtl (lrom the ,.. FON:ll Acectln'Y In ~ ~ _; Colo.). ( 1 hf .. 15 mln:t- 2:30. PAESENTE CO WRfTING FOR A REASON 2:35 al) WRESTLING 2:458 MOVIE "Shane" (1953, Western) Alen Lad2., Jean Arthur. 3:00 a LAST OF THE WILD I EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) AMERICAN SKYLINE OF EARTH ANO MAN MOVIE "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1976, Drama) Rob- ~Benson, Glynnis O'Connor. CH.> MOVIE "The Rolllcking Adventures Of 8 iza Fraser" ( 1976, Adventure) Susannah York, John Waters. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 3:30 9 LOUIS RUKEYSER I AGRICULTURE U.S.A. 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Atlanta "500" stock car race (from Atlanta. Ga.); World loe Danc- ing Figure Skating Championship (from Copen- hagen, Denmark). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Kentucky vs. Louisiana ( 1 hr.) I OF EARTH ANO MAN ACADEMY SHORTS 3:35 al> NICE PEOPLE .. :008 INTERFACE . 8 SUNDAY Featured: Mlni-Truek Fun Festival, Chi- no Downs. (2 hrs.) 8 EASTER SEAL TELETHON (CONT'D) (f) NHL HOCKEY New York Rangers vs. Phlladel- ~la Flyers (2 hrs .. 30 min.) tD MOVIE "Boys Town" ( 1938. Orama) Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney. e MOVIE "Sergeant Rutledge" ( 1960, Orama) Jettrey Hunter, Constance Towers. e WAU STREET WEEK "Bad News Bear" Guest: S. Jay Levy, publisher, Industry Forecast. (R) I PROJECT UNIVERSE SPORTS CENTER BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Manllow performs a selection of his hits, including "Mandy," "I Write The Songs," "Can't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civic Arena. (2 hrs.) II MOVIE "The Electric Horseman" ( 1979, Ora- ma) Robert Redford, Jane Fonda. (2 hrs.) .. :050l) MOVIE: "The Road To Morocco" (1942, Comedy) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope. (%) MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. ( 1 hr .• '49 min.) .. :30 8 NEWSMAKERS I WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) MOVIE "Westwor1d" ( 1973, Sclenoe-Fiction) Yul ~!Y!l~· __Richard Benjamin. • PROJECT UNIVERSE. 6:00 8 FACE THE NA l10N I STAR TREK GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS ''Wiiiis Reed'' M•A•s•H YOUR CHOICE FOR THE OSCARS Rich little and Debbie Reynolds host the 17th annual edition of these awards honor1ng the winners of a popular poll In the six major Oscar categories: Best Actor. Actress. Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress. Best Picture and Best Song. (2 hrs.) 111 NEWS Qt AMERICAN CHALLENGES Cameras were mounted on eleven boats racing from England to the U.S. to make this exciting document of men and women racing solo across the Atlantic. (1 hr.) • ARING LtNE "In What Sense Are Human Beings Angelle?" Guest: Mortimer Adler. ( 1 hr.) G PROJECT UNIVERSE CC) MOVIE "The Young Lovers" ( 1964, Orama) Peter Fonda, Deborah Walley. Cl) SPORTS TALK SPECIAL "NCAA Basketball Anal Four" from New Orleans. Louisiana. ( 1 hr.) ([) MOVIE "Revenge Of The Mysterons From Mars" { 198 t. Fantasy) Puppets. (DJ MOVIE "Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N." (1966. Com- edylOlck Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan. 6:30 C88 NEWS I ABCNEW8 WELCOME BACK. KOTTER ~ JVMPSTREET "Jazz People" Oecar Brown Jr. hlgt'lllghta Individuals and groups assod- ated with the development of different styles of jazz from 1936 to the present. (R) Q CB) SNEAK PREVIEW A look at the movies, ar:>eolals end tporta eventt coming up on Home Box Office. l .\ l '\ J '\( I r • I I I I -=--..... • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------n c-8 e FATHER MURPHY The daughter of a co!O-penitentiary and commit a series of bank robberles. Sunday (continued) doon, a village in the Scottish highlands. which comes to Ille for a single day every 100 years. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Grad Night" ( 1980. Comedy) Joe Johnson, Suzanne Fagan. A group of students at McArthur High School ls excltedf)' waiting for gradu- ation day. (2 hrs.) Qt ONE IN A THOUSAND A dfama of a you~g boy who suffers from Sploa Blflda and HydrocePtialus and how his famHy deals with this handlcapp. ( 1 hr.) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS 'EVENING AT ~MPHONY Seljl Ozawa conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Weber's Over- ture "The Auler Of The Spirits." and the Piano Con- C8f1o No. 2 in B Flat. Opus 83, by Brahms. (A) ( 1 hr.) (!) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ''Division II Men's Championships" from Springfield. Massachussetts. {g hrs.) 00 MOVIE "Wholly Moses!" ( 1980, Comedy) Dud- ley Moore. Laraine Newman. In blblical Egypt, a false prophet named Herschel eavesdrops on a divine conver98tlon with Moses and decides he most be the one to lead his people OU1 of slavery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 49mln.) (J) MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979. Drama) Dustin Hottman, Meryl Streep. A man battles with his ex-wife for custody of their young son after she walkS out on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (%)MOVIE "Swept Away" (1 975, Comedy) Man• angels Melato. Giancarlo Giannini. Directed by Lina Wertmutlef. In order to survive on a deserted Medi- terranean Island. a Slcillan sailor and an ltaHan soclaNtct must settle their sexual and political differ· ences. (1 hr .. 56 mrn.) 8:05 ~WEEK IN REVIEW 8:308 AGHT BACK I THAT'S HOLL YWOOO eNEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW WHY IN THE WORLD MOVtE "Ceveman" (1981. Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid. The clownish member of a barefy human prehistoric tr1be begins to discover that brafns and not brawn wtll be the key to his ~le'ssurvfval. 'PG' (1hr .• 31 min.) 7:00 •Cl) 80 MtNUTES PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS f REE -OFFICE VISITS FR EE ~EXAMINATIONS FREE-cLEANING a x.f.Avs Our Special Yearly Rates For Dental Services Include : Surgery. Othtodontics and Optometry Benefits. lndlvldual ............ $46 year Couple .............. $71 ye•r F•mlly .............. $96 year Concepts 36 Dental Plans _ (714) 545-~370 =}tyrant falle In love with one of the orphans. ~) N~T~~AL CRJME AND VIOLENCE TEST "Bur-~ • 9 COOE RED An areonlst stalks a young blind glary, Robbery And Theft" Art Llnklette< and Jayne ~ woman In the belief that she saw him hoQk a time Kennedy host this special which informs people on -4 bomb to a bus. (R) (1 hr.) what to do to protect themselves if they are eve< < G FLIP WILSON faced with the problem of Jobbery. ( 1 hr.) r- (1) JIMMY SWAGGART Irr is WRITTEN 8 al STRUMPET CrTY Pete< O'Toole stars In an MORECAMBE & WISE adaptation of James Plunkett's novel aboUt one MOVIE "Love Is A Many Splendortd Thing" ~ man's stn.iggle to create bettef" llvlnQ conditions (1955, Romanoe) Wllllam Holden, Jennifer Jones. ft amid the poverty and IOcial lnJostlce of Dublkl from A Eurasian doctor and an American reportM faN In -::: 1907 to 1~14. C(l> art 6)NJ;1 hr.) love In 1949 Hong Kong. (2 hrs.) 7 e SOLID GOLD ~ •. IN PERFORMA EAT THE WHrTE HOUSE Qt AMERICAN CHALLENGES Cameras were ~ Famed actor, singer and dancer Gene Kelly per-mounted on eleven beats racing from England to ::r Tube Topper "Convoy" Channel 7 -9 p.m. QU KMll0.....U.. forms at the White House with six young dancers; ee.ty Siii hoeta. ( 1 hr.) . ~MOVIE "Sunday In New York" ( 1964, Comedy) Clff Robertlon, Jene Fonda. After being Jilted by her bOyfrlend and !raveling to New. York to visit her brother, a young woman considers her position on virginity. (1 hr .. '5mln.) CI> MOVIE ''Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Collflan. Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diplomat dlscov· ers the Himalayan kingdom of Shangri-La. a place of eternal peace and Immortality. (2 hrs.) _ •• CD) NHL HOCKEY Edmonton Oilers vs. Los Angeles Kli (3 hrs.) 7:05 NEWS 8:00 AACH1E BUNKEJrS Pl.ACE Archie discovefs that he may be ready to fall In love again. D • 808 HOPE SPECIAL Bob Hope and guests George Bums. Andy Gibb, Ann JllUan and Lee Mar- vin take a humorous look at the Oscars. ( 1 hr.) e ENTERTAJNMENT THIS WEEK lnterview8 with Kt1s Kristofferson. Harry Belafonte. Henry Winkler and Prlscilla Sames; behind the scenes at "The You~ And The Restless." (1 hr.) • D TODAY'S FBI Three convicts escape from a • ASIC AIOUT VALET LEASE OUlt • Pl~H ' 900 So. Coast Hwy., Log.a lead 494-1131 or 546·996 7 ~ ........,.,.. t-7, Set. t-S. S-. IM END OF THE MONTH SALE 50% OFF the U.S. to make this exciting document of men and N women racing solo across the Atlantic. ( 1 hr.) !'> e NOVA "Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome" An ..... examination of the research being conducted on ~ longevity and the aging process Is presented. Q ( 1 N hr.) ID MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: Child Hunt" Based on books by Nanoy Mit- ford. Lord Ak::onlelgh Indulges In a favorite family sport -hunting his own children with bloodhounds. ~a~(~ ~MOVIE "Flash Gordon" (1980, Science-Action) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and helped Its oppressed Inhabitants In the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) (I) MOVIE "Ordinary People" (1980, Drama) Mary Tyler Moore, Donald Sutherland. A guilt-ridden teen-ager trying to put his life back togethef after hi& brother's death and his own suicide attempt reaches out to his complacent father and his cold. reserved mother. 'A' (2 hrs .• 3 mln.) II MOVIE "Caddyshack" ( 1980, Comedy) Biii Murray. Rodney Oangerfleld. The demented grounds-keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers Inhabiting hls turf. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) (%) MOVIE "Conversation Piece" (1977. Orama) Burt Lancaster, Siivana Magnano. An aging profes- sor becomes Involved In the lives of a woman, her children and her loYM. (2 hrs •• 5 min.) 8:05 al> CARIBBEAN NIGHTS 8:308 ONE DAY AT A TIME Apn and Francine become Interested In the same man. G THE WOALO TOMORROW' l ' ' • . -~ Sunday {cbntinued) ~ Cl) EVENING AT THE IMPAOV 8:36al OPEN UP ~ 9:00 8 Cl) ALICE Mel bets his diner on a horse he is .s::: sure wlll pay 90-1. ' ~ 1J • MOVIE "MacArthur" (1977. Biography) as Gregory Peck, Dan O'Herllhy. The career of the leg-~ endary General Douglas MacArthur Is traced from >. 1942 until he retums home from Korea 10 a hero's ~ welcome. (R) (2 hrs., 40 min.) ~ 8 SIMON SA VS In this special George Burns, Wal- IL. ter Matheu. and Jack Lemmon salute Neil Simon g> with film clips and Interviews. ...J 8 9 MOVIE "Convoy" ( 1978. Orama) Kris Kris-> totterson. All MacGraw. Truckers and cops try to 1-outwit each other In a rough-and-tumble war on § wheels. (R) c:;> (2 hrs.) a..-I OR.CHO HEEHAW ONE IN A THOUSAND A drama of a young boy who suffers from Spina Blfida and Hydrocephalus and how his family deals with this handicapp. ( 1 hr.) . • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: Child Hunt" Based on books by Nancy Mit- ford. Lord Alconlelgh indulges In a favorite family sport -hunting his own children with bloodhounds. (Part 1) O (1 hr.) 11D AMEAICAN PLAYHOUSE "Piigrim, Farewell" An Independent woman discovers that she has can- cer In Michael Roemer's two-hour drama. o (2 hrs.) ~ CC) MOVIE "Beat Friends" (1975, Suspense) Rich- ard Hatch, Doug Chapin. During a trip to Callfomla, an emotionally distressed young man tries to destroy his best friend's relationship with his girl- friend. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) . (I) SPORTS TALK SPECIAL "NCAA Basketball Anal Four'' from New Ot1eens. Louisiana. ( 1 hr.) CD MOVtE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1981, Orama) Jaci< Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and h8' loYef ptot to morder he< hus- band. 'R' (1hr.,37 min.) 9:30 e Cl) THE JEFFEASONS George vows to get Louise's diamond t»ck. even tt It means a third encounter with the gang that mugged and robbed him. (Part 2) l:i'i~ MOVIE "Tom CurtaJn" (1966, Orama) Paul Newman, Julie Andrews. In order to obtain a secret formu&a necessary for perfecting a new weapon. an American phyllcist pretends to detect to East Ger- me~ (2 hrs., 30 min.) t:3511ZJ MOVIE "The Young Strarpr" (1957, Ora- ma) James MecArthur, Jam. Defy. A teen-ager gets Into trouble when the lines of communication t>etween him and Na fllthe< ctoee down. ( 1 hr .. 45 mlnJ_ ..,_~ 1o:ooe Cl) ~JOHN, M.D. Trapper becomes romantlcelly lnvofved With a female doctor at a ~ wntlon In Mexico. ( 1 hr.) I Urr~LEY 8TRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stats In ·an adaptation of James PkJnkett's novel about one man's st le to ereate better I conditions Oraperie1 made In our workroom. Call ror rree ' ntlmatn in yow tk>me ANOTHER ROMANCE -Archie Bunker (Carroll O'Connor) is attract.ed again to his ex-girlfriend (Yvonne Wilder) on "Archie Bunker's Place" Sunday at 8 p.m. on eBS (Ch. 2). amid the poverty and social Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 6) (1 hr.) e MEETING OF MINOS Steve Allen talks with Empress TheodOra. Thomas Jettersoo. Baf1rand Russell end Saint A1JOUAtlne. (Part 2) (R) ( 1 hr.) Cl) WINTERWOALOT'MOments'' (Ii) MOVIE "The Stunt Man" (1980, Orama) Peter O'Toole, Steve Rdsback. Wanted by the poffoe, a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on e movie set where a WOrtd War I epic Is being filmed. 'A' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) CD> MOVIE "Eyewttness" (1981, Mystery) Sigour- ney Weavet:. Wiiiiam Hurt. A televl8ion reporter becomes lnYolYed wtth a janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he is ~Ing. 'R' ( 1 hr •• "'3 min.) llJ VOTE F0A THE N;AOEMY AWARDS Bill Harris hosts a dazzling review of the yeat In film featuring Its box office Winners and loaefs. ( 1 hr.) e THE POINTER 8l8TER8 Anita, Ruth and June perform In a concert featuring "Are." "Yes We Can Can" and "He's So Shy." (1 hr.) 10:05(%) MOVIE "The Moon's Our Home" (1936, Comedy) Margaret Sullavan. Henry Fonda. Based on Faith Baldwin's story. An aspiring actress falls in love with a novelist. (1 hr., 20 min.) 10:30. JERRY FALWELL • JIMMY SWAGGART CC) MOVIE "Glrl Friends" ( 1978, Orama) Melanie Mayron. Ell. Wallach. A young woman learns the car- James L. Zimmerman Certified Pubtlc Accountant Full range of personalized professional set'Vlces for small businesses & lndlvlduals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION I Pl.ANNINO • SYSTEMS DES.ON A' INSTALLATION • COMPUTEIHZED FINANCIAL Rl!PORTING • Free ,,,..... Consutt.don IS3 Dover Or. 5'*•30 Newpcwtauctt IMPORTANT CARS ~----------w t § d :: • E ..... • OE'fAILS UNLIMt fEt> (7U ) 91>0·9!1'Jf ............. ""'""'""" .... •lit """'' •h•11111,'l11'h"I "' '·'"\'' \II 1k·1,1ihn~ 111111 .. , 111111·1\ In h.u•I l~>t••t1 ti• I""•• ... ,_._., ,,. ..... •'t IMt•h• .... , ih ·•v1101111111t•ltt u11h -dinal rules of romance by watching the "flings" ot her closest friend and deciding to have one he<sell. U hr .. 30 min.) (E) POCKET SILUAROS "legendary Stars Serles" Babe Cranfield vs. Willie Mosconi ( 1 hr.) 11 :008 8 Cl) (II NEWS I PACESETTERS WORLD VISION AMERICAN CHALL,ENGES Cameras were mounted on eleven boats racing from England to the U.S. to make this exciting document of men and women racing solo across the Atlantic. (1 hr.) e TOP OF THE WORLD Contestants from the United States. Great Britain and Australia compete in a quiz program that tests their expertise in a wide variety of subjects. ID CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ([) MOVIE "French Pussycat" (1973, Comedy) Sybil Dannlng. Katie Buchele. A young woman makes a wager that she can bring any man to the altar without first giving him a sample of connubial bliss. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 21 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980, Biography) Rob- ert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La Motta's aptitude for violence brings him success In the ring but disrupts his personal life. 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 min.) II MOVIE "One-Trick Pony" (1980, Orama) Paul Simon, Blair Brown. A once-popular performer is pressured by everyone around him to drop his style of music and write songs that can bring him back to the t()p 40. 'R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 11:158 CBS NEWS 11:20al MOVIE "Witness To Murder" (1954, Mys- tery) Barbara Stanwyck, George Sanders. A wom- an Is hunted b~ a murderer after she witnesses one of his crimes. 1 hr .• 40 min.) 11:308 SPORT ANAL e 700 CLUB Or. Harold Mano< reveals a new dis- covery In cancer research; a new concept among lawyers for settling lawsuits. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) eABCNEWS Cl) MOVtE "Murder Is A One-Act Play" (1974, Mystery) Robert Powell, Jennie Linden. A mentally disturbed young man plots the doom of actors who portray the oppressors of a TV series hefolne. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Marriage: Year One" (1970, Romance) Sally Field, Robef1 Lipton. An extremely quick courtship results In a year of getting to know eech other for a newlywed couple. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Lilies Of The Reid" ( 1963. Drema) Sidney Poitier, Lilla Skala. A former GI teaches Eng- llsh to a group of French nuns While helping them build a church. (2 tvs.) I TALES OF THE UNEXPECTB> SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! look at this year's Oscar nominees. (R) Cl) SPORTS CENTER (%)MOVIE "Swept Away" (1975, Comedy) Marl- angela Melato. Giancarlo Giannini. Directed by Una Wertmuller. In order to survive on a deserted Medi- terranean islend, e Sicilian sailor and an Italian socialite must settle their sexual and political differ- ences. {1 hr .. 56 min.) 11:.Wi•NEWS 11:45 THE ROCKFORO ALES 8 MOVIE "OUr Man In Havana" (1960, Comedy) Alec Guinness, Maureen O'Hara. A salesman takes - ' l I J' I l .... ' ---.~ --_.,,___ ___ _ ~~---------------~~~~~~!!!9'9!!!~~B!llll!ma=:9:!-=====~~-==~~~----=~~~===~~~~~.9 Sunday (continued) a job as a British spy when he runs low on funds. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 12:00(!) MOVIE "Night Must Fall" (1964. Suspense) Albert Flnney. Shella Hancock. An old woman and her niece befriend a demented killer until a brµtal murder breaks up the relationship. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "King Of The Pecos" ( 1936. Western) John Wayne, Muriel Evans. A young lawyer. whose parents were murdered by a ruthless cattle baron, prepares himself carefully for an open confrontation with the killer. ( 1 hr.) ta ONE IN A THOUSAND A drama of a young bOy who sutters from Spina Blflda and Hydrocephalus and how his family deals with this handlcapp. ( l hr.) • THE FIRST CHURCHILL$ "Rebellion" John Churchill defeats James. the hope of the Protestant rebels. on the battlefield. ( 1 hr.) (C) MOVIE "Jlmi HendriJc" ( 1973, Biography) Doc- umentary. A montage of concert footage and Inter- views with associates, admirers. friends and lovers of the '60s rock star whoSe death In 1970 signaled the end of a musical era. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) ([) HORSESHOW JUMPING "Anheuser-Busch American lflvitational" from Tampa, Florida. (2 hrs.) <m MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" (1980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey. A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical' appear- ance to resemble his screen Idol. 'PG' (1 hr., 31 mln-1 12:10. MOVIE "Death Ray 2000" (1979. Horror) Robert Logan. Maggie Cooper. A government egent Is assigned lo stop a villain whose latest plans threaten the world. (R) (2 hrs., 15 min.) 12:1600 MOVIE "Dirty Tricks" (1981, Comedy) Elfiott Goold. Kate Jackson. A Harvard professor becomes the quarry of persons anxious to get their h9nds on a recently discovered lettef written by Geor_, Washington. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:21a MOVIE "Death Ray 2000" (1919. H0<ror) Robert Logan, Maggie Cooper. A government agent II assigned to stop a vlllaln whose latest plans ttweaten the w0<ld. (R) (2 hrs.) 12:45. NAME OF THE GAME 1:m (I) loue& RUKEYSEA ., MOVIE ''Stlerl<>d< Holmes In Dressed To Kitt" ( UM6. Mystery) Basil Rathbooe. Nigel &uce. When plates are stolen from the Bank of England, Shef'lodt Holmes discovers that a music box coo- talns a clue to the mystery. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • QI STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an adaptation of Jamel Plunkett' s nowt about one man's struggle to create bettef IMng conditions amid the poverty and social Injustice of Oubltn from He could have b-een :mos t hated By JERRY BUCK AIT-..... rtW LOS ANGELES -David Ogden Stiers missed out on becoming the most-hated man in the coun- try, but he did get to be the supercilious Maj. Wincbester. Stiers, who plays the .Boston-bred snob, Char- les Emerson Winc hester, on the CBS series "M-A-S -H," had been the station rnanaRer on ''The Mary Tyler Moore Show." "I played the role three times and I hoped to be the man who fired Mary at the end of the aeries," he says. "I'd have been the most-hated man in America. But Vincent Gardenia got to fire her. By that time 1'd been tired my.elf, but not on camera." It was after that, in 1977, that Stien got a call from the producers of •·M-A·S·H .. at 20th c.ent;ury-Fox. Larry Unville wu giving up hil role aa Maj. Frank Bums and they needed a new bad guy to join Hawkeye (A.ml Alda) and B.J . (Mike Farrell). 'Td worked mostlr, in the iheater, so I'd never .een the series before, ' Stien recala. "l bad seen the movie. So I had to brush up on the show. I saw that I wu moving in illustrious company. It started out nifty and it got better." Still, Stlera admits to havina bee. n "very ecared." He ays, ''The penon who helped me the moll early on WM Mike hrrel1 beatm he w• the moBt recent addiUon to the caat. He leld on me hla VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC -Gregory Peck as Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who led his troops back to re-take the Philippine Islands and ultimately led the allied fo.rees to victory in the Pacific d uring WOl'ld War II, in "MacArthur" on NBC (Ch. 4) Sunday at 9 p.m. 1907 to 1914. (Part 6) (1 hr.) e MOVIE "The Foxes Of Harrow" ( HM7, Orama) Rex Harrison, Maureen O'Hara. In 1820, a New Or1eans adventurer woos and wins his way to the top._12 hnl.) 1:10 (1) MOVE "Mel\lln And Howard" (1980, ~ dy) Paul LeMat, Jason Roberds. An otherwlee unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rlghtfol heir to Howard Hughes' bN1lon dollar estate. MEDICINE MAN -·David Ogden Stiers takes a breek on the aet of 1M•A•s•e: own fMn. But I fowad out people look at the other ahowa, then "When a new aeuoc> awta, people are fatnWar come back to us. We were .Don back up then at the with 'M-A-S-H.' ao they sample the other new top." ahowa. 'M-A-S-H' Md been in dw top 10, but the "M-A..S.H" is about to canclude Ila lehh YNr first ahow I was ln came ln 24th. I thoucht it WM on the air, and ln all Ukel&hood it will be around for my ffult._l .~t:nt !t-J•lek !'!I ~.pavement..··• lltlrww.·Nane-ef thr,..• •19' n..._..w 'R' 1:1 hr .• 35 min.) 1:30 0 ABC NEWS .TURNABOUT (%)MOVIE "Bear Island" (1980. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Vanessa Redgrave. An Arctic weather- research team's members are f0<ced Into a tight for their very survival. 'PG' (1 hr .. 43 min.) • 1:<45(C) MOVtE "Ode To Blfty Joe" (1976, Orama) Robby Benson. Glynnlt O'Connor. Based on the "Tl song by Bobbie Gentry. A tormented teen-ager's S: past experiences complicate his first true romance. DI 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) -:C .00 MOVIE "The Rollicking Adventures Of Eliza Fraser" ( 1976, Adventure) Susannah York, John Waters. In 19th-century Australia. a sea captain's wife falls f<>< a lecherous rogue aboard lhlp. (2 hrs .• 10 min.) 2:00 ([) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS "Division 11 Men's Championships" from Springfield. Uassachussetts. (2 hrs.) 2:061NEW8 2: 15 LOUIS RUKEYSER 2:26 eNEWS 2:30 MORNING STRETCH (ll) rrs YOUR BUSINESS 2:<458 NEWS Cl) MOVIE "The Outsider" ( 1978, Orama) Sterling Hayden. Craig Wuson. A young Idealist travels to Northern Ireland to join the struggle fOI" Independ- ence. 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 min.) 3:00. TOOA Y'S RELIGION ~JOE FRANKLJN ii =E "Caddyshack" ( 1980, Comedy) Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield. The demented grounds.-keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers Inhabiting his turf. 'R' ( 1 hr., 41 min.) 3: 15 CZ> MOVIE "Game Of Death" ( 1979, Adven- ture) Bruce lei. Chuck Norris. The king of 1wng tu bettles two fonnldable vlllalns. 'R' (1 hr., 42 min.) 3:30e NEWSMAl<EAS CC> MOYIE "Girl Friends" (1978, Orama) Melanie Mayron. Bi Wdach. A young woman teems the car- dinal rUles of romance by watchlng'the "flings" of ~ ciosest friend and deciding to have one herself. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 3:56(8) MOVIE "Flash Gordon" (1980, Science-Flc- tlon) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and helped lta Clppfeeeed Inhabitants In the OYerthrow of the eYll ~~= 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) •:(i)~ ~ ~SPORT:w~ 4:ti a!) FUNTIME ~(!)_..BAKKER • for the new year. However. six epilodes made this year will be held over for the fall. In addition, nine new episodes will be filmed for next year plus several longer shows. R e portedly, when , "M-A-S-H" does call it quits it will do so with a two-hour show in which the Korean War ends and everyone goes home. "M-A-S-H" has so far lasted longer than the Korean War and World War Il put together. It has, ln' fact, been in prime time longer than any show presently on the air. Of course, "60 Minutes" has been on the air longer, but only about half of that was in prime time. "Archie Bunker's Place" is an extension of "All in the Family," but it's not the same show. The Walt Disney show is the granddaddy of them all, but it hu undereone numerous changes and has been on all three networks. Ssiera arrived in Loe Angeles in the mid-1970s after many years on the ai.ge, including two Broadway shows, "The Magic Show" and "Ulysses in N"&lhUown." ''The first th1na I cot was a 'Rhoda,' " h e. says. "Whtie doinc that f rud for a part on 'Kojak' and got thaL No one bed ever heard of nw. I had no agent. I WM just UU. permn who bad done a muxal on ero.dw•y no one hid ever heard of. "I Md troubl9 dlaUnc with 'Kojak.' I remem- ber w~t.u-.1!~ nerve to approach Telly Sava.IM. My 11ftl'i_ -.._tp my throaL I 1tammered 9Cimeth1na, like, ·~I'm your ..,_ vUJain. • He lpond my outstretched hand and u.id, 'Nice to tee you .. ain.' .. After that he became a frequent ,uest on the shows produced by MTM Enterpriaea, until the call c.rne fram "M-A-$.:\t'' Stien aays he reallied he bad beClClme a part ~f the "M-A-8-H'' company when he attended ht. fint Peoole'• Cbok:ie Awards. "Frienml hadn't seen in a whlle W9l'9 brayt.nc about how envious they were dwl I Md d161ftlll."M-~ 2 ---I , ..__. , -.. tO !Monday N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. .. \I< >IC\ I :\( I \I< )\ · 1 LS 7:00® "The Secret Of SMauJI tsla.nd" (1981, ~se) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. e 'White Water Sarli' (Adventure) Keith Larsen. (%) "Swept Away" (1975, Comedy) Marlangeta Melato, Giancarlo Giannini. Directed by Lina Wert- muller. 8:00(C) "It's Alive" (1974, Horror) John Ryan. Sharon Farrell. 8:06 t!l) "Love And Kls9es" (1965. Comedy) Rick Nelson. Kristin Nelson. 8:30 • "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" ( 1981. Adventure) Puppets. 9:00(%) "Game Of Deeth'' (1979, Ac:tventure) Bruce Lee. Chuck N0<ris .. 9:30e "Westward Ho" (1935, Western) John Wayne, Shella Mann0<s. · CC) "The '°° Blows" ( 1959. Orama) Jean-Pierre Leaud, Patrick Auffey. 10:0000 "Chapter Two" (1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. ()) "The Tender Trap" (1955, Comedy) Debbie ~nolds, Frank Sinatra. •"The Electric Ho<seman" (1979, Drama) Rob- ert Redf<><d, Jane Fonda. 10:06Q) "Dayton's Devils" ( 1968, Suspense) Roey Cslhoun, Lalnle Kazan. 10:"6(%) "The Anal Conflict" (1981. Drama) Sam Neill Rossa.no Brazzi. 11:30(C) ''The Attic" (1979. Horror) Carrie SnodQress. Rav MIHand. 12:00G "Lost Women" (1953. ScJence..flctlon) Jackie Coogan, Richard Travis. e "Let No Man Write My Epitaph" (1960, Dra- ma) Shelley Winters, Bur1 Ives. e ''Youngblood HaWke" (1964. Orama) James Franciscus. Suzanne Pleshette. ()) "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Richard ~. Cicely Tyson. •"A Thunder Of DrUms" (1961. Western) Rich- ard Boone, George Hamilton. • 12:3000 "I Sent A Letter To My Love" (1981, . Romance) Simone Slgnot'et. Jean Rochefort. 12:35(%) ''Game Of Death" (1979, Advenlure) Bruce Lee. Chuck N<><rls. 1:00(!) "Brute F0<ce" (HM7, Adventure) Burt Lan-caster~Hurrie Cfonyn. CC) "St. Ives" (1976, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Jacg_uellne Bissel 2:00UJ "Wings" (Siient) (1927. Drama) Clara Bow, B!Jd<fy Ro0!9f8. a _a NBCNEWS ' ... . . . .. . .. ,. I NEEDLECRAFT PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE "Special Highlight Edition" (2 hrs.) C1J M'EETING HALFWAY Two teenagers on the wrong side of the law remain on the rlgtlt side of friendship. (%)MOVIE "Seven Beauties" (1976, Drama) QiM. carlo Giannini, ~lney Stoler. While Imprisoned lo a • "Roadie" (1980, Comedy) Meat Loaf, Kaki Hunter. 2:15(%) "Bear Island" (1980, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. Tube Topper 2:30(1) "Bronco Billy" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint East- wood. Soodra Locke. 3:00G "Western Union" (1941, Western) Robert You~. Dean Jagger. / Academy Awards Channel 7 -6 p.m. 3:30~ "Choppy And The Princess" ( 1973. Fanta- sy) Animated. 00 "Lost H0<izon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Col-- man, Jane Wyatt. ~:()()(%)"Swept Away" (1975, Comedy) Mariangeta Melato. Giancarlo Glannlnl. Directed b)Uina Wen- mulle<. • Nazi concentration camp, a petty thief finds his obsessive deslre for self-preservation put to the ulti- mate lest. (1 hr .• 55 min.) 6:30. WELCOME BACK. KOTTER ~:30(1) "Plnchcliff Grand Prix" (1980, Adventure) Animated. 5:00(C) "The Apple" (1980, Musical) Catherine M~Stewart, George Gilmour. 5:06 "Perfect Gentleman" ( 1978, Comedy) Lau- ren call. Ruth G0<don. 5:30e "Allegro Non Troppo" (1976, Fantasy) Arli·· mated. • NEWSBEA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL I~ BUSINESS REPORT THE LITTLEST MERMAID Animated. Richard Chamberlain narrates Hans Christian Andersen's stoey about a mermaid who wants to become a human being. 8:008NEW8 Cl) EUBIEJ A spirited tribute to the genius of com- poser Euble Blake, featuring 24 of his best songs Including "In Honeysuckle Time" and "I'm Just Wild About Harry.'· ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 7:00D NBC NEWS I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H I CHARLIE'S ANGELS 9 ACADEMY AWARDS The 54th annual edi- tion of these awards wUI be telecast live from the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles Music Center. Johnny Carson Is master of ceremonles. c:;i I hrs., 30 min.) WHITE SHADOW MOVIE "Captain From Castile" ( 1948. Adven- ture) Tyrone Power. Jean Peters. During the Span- ish Inquisition in the New W0<1d. a Spanish officef seeks fortune and glory. (3 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 ~ESSREPORT OIE CEIT JOKER'S WILD JACK·A.-BOY Jean Marsh and Fred Gwynne star In this film based on a short-stoey by .Willa Cather about the relationship between a 10-year-old boy and three adults whose lives he changes. I OVER EASY Guest: Bob Keeshan. (A) c:;J THEMUPPETS DICK CAVETT Guest: Dav!d HaCkney. MOVIE "St. 'Ives" (1976, Adventure) Cflarles Bronson. Jacqueline Bisset. A former .Joumallst la hired by a wealthy fllm fancier to recover a aet of OllLY SALE!~~ • We'll give you any one of the 11ems below for just one cent with the purchase of this great value or any bed m the atore of equal or greater value. Alphe I Muap S111~m .................. J • Slitet Set DC" Comf«ler .. .. ......... .. .. . . .• 11 3 Pitce Pa.dded Rails •..••...•..••...•..•.••• I• 6 Drawer Spic. S.ver ••••.•..•.. : •••....... I' AM bedt -cornplt1e with man..-. hettl'f', lintr pedtM.), aod fill kit ORA· WERS OPTIONAL TIMBERLINE $359 Reg. $.48~.00 2 3 EC & t ,-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 Monday (continuOO) tnctimlnallng ledgers In exchange for s 100.ooo. (1 ht.' 35 'niln.) (8) BOXING'S BEST: JACK JACKSON A rare look Is taken at the extraordinary life of the "Galveston Giant," the fitst black to become wood heavyweight champion. p hr.) (I) MO\llE ·Tess" ( 1979. Orama) Nastassla Klnskl, Peter Arth. The daughter of a poor English farmer becomes the victim of her family's aspirations and her own beauty. 'R' (2 hrs .. 50 min.) cm BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Manilow pertorms a selection of his hits, Including "Mandy," "I Write The Songs," "Can't Smile Wfthout You'' and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's CMo Arena (2 hrs.) e ANTHONY NEWLEY AT SEA WORLD 7:06 all NEWS 7:308 JACK ANO THE BEANSTALK LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY I BODYWORKS MOVIE "The Wizard Of Oz" (1939, Fantasy) Judy Garland, Ray Bolger. A young glrl from Kansas dreams of traveling to the mystical. magical land of Oz with her dog and three make-believe friends .. R) (2 hrs.) BULLSEYE M•A•s•H TIC TAC DOUGH SIGNATURE Guest: WUliam Proxmire. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAMILY FEUD GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisit- ed" The dying Lord Marchmaln (Laurence OIMer) returns from-Europe with his mistress to spend his last years at the family home. (Part 11) Q ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8:00Q .• MOVIE "Wild Horse Hank" (1980, Adventure) Linda Blair, Richard Crenna. A college student leads a herd of wild horses &Cl'OSS 150 miles of Isolated terrain to preve,nt them from being sold to food processors. (2 hrs.) I WONDER WOMAN MOVIE "Ziegfeld Follies" ( 1946, Muslcal) Fred Astaire. Judy Garland. From heaven, Ao Ziegfeld envisions a revue with every major star playing a ~rt. (2 hrs.) • P.M. MAGAZINE A look at the special effects used In the movie "Raiders Of The Lost Ark"; a 77- ~r-old midwife who still delivers babies at home. •MOVIE "Mister Moses" (1965, Orama) Robert Mitchum; Carroll Baker. The head of an African tribe believes that an American has been sent as a mes- senger of God to relocate his tribe. (2 hrs.) I MIXED BAG: w:>EO ART <HAT PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisit- ed" The dying Lord Marchmaln (Laurence Olivier) returns from Europe with his mistress to spend his Int years at the family home. (Part 11) Q ( 1 hr .• 30min.) ([)SPORTS CENTER CB) MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" (1981. Suspense) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. A young American glt1 tries to free her bllnd sister from her leland captivity. (1 hr., 45 min.) Cl) LITTLE JOHNNY JONES This revival of the 1904 George M. Cohan musical comedy aboUt an a American jockey who tries to win the English Derby features such favorites as "Give My Regards To ..,, security you can Z count on, energy savings . vou can count Ill !' •;:;~l~::o l ~-II~-' ' fr COllTllOlllO I I fllOM THl • £1 ·.__'~~ t -J _ ·~· •••oows _ ••O ooo•s YOUR CHOICE Of CONTROLS :Cj ~t1.:'~ . 'l;i: ,. l ...... ......... . ... ... .., -10U.AD1N 11 "'9t'Om mt9d to CM eirttrlOr' 0 ==:.::o.:c=·r::.,. uwtnga, ........ Ol llOUiiiiiN ........... control, Q)MlltlC9 ..... conttol .............. -CNCltl. INI~ ai1111a. • llla1t77 (714) 63$·577 • kl BIVIMIMLIIBITAL llA ~ I llCUmTY CO., IC .. 2'011. UT&&.A AV ....... CA STYLISH EDITOR -Jack Ba nnon, who stars as assistant city editor Art Donovan , brings sartorial elegance to the city room of the Los Angeles Tribupe in t he award - winning series .. Lou Grant" on Monday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dandy." ( 1 hr . 30mln.) Cl MOVIE "Arst Family" (1980, Comedy) Gilda Radner. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly complicates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'R' ( 1 hr .• «min.) (%) MOVIE "Game Of Death" (1979,· Adventure) Bruce Lee. Chuek Norris. The king of kU"Q tu battles two formidable vlllalns. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 42 min.) 8:30 THE ROCKFORD Al.ES 8:05 IALL IN THE FAMIL y • PAVAAOm ANO FRIENDS Richard Thom- as. John McEnroe and composer I conductor John Williams Join world-renowned tenor Luciano Pavarotti In an hour-long special. ( 1 hr.) I AU IN THE FAMILY RESURAECTlON OF LADY LESTER A dramatic reverie based on the llfa of Jazz saxaphonlst. Lester You~. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:35Ql) MOVIE "A Bullet Is Waiting" (1954, West- ern) Rory Calhoun, Jean Simmons. A sheriff discov- ers that his prisoner is innocent when they and two others are stranded In the desert. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 9:00(!) MAUDE • MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Gary Coleman, Or. Rob- ert Jastrow. Terry Gregory. Use Raggio. (1 hr.) • BERNST8N I BEETHOVEN Leonard Be<nsteln leads the Vienna Phllharmonlc Orchestra and Con- ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCRl!ASING? Our •MJIY 1nan ... 1Mftt ape.ma can red4ACe your utllty co•t Cell ua tor FREE lnformetlon *MCMYCU tlMTl * TOM:llY<U llJSCIESI *IOllASEY<U OOGYI *..-Y<U aooo~. * Trim Y~ F\ouf9 end lOM lnohuAnd vUnd Have a GrMt Time Doing ltltll 141-2111 17141. ....... ...... AM.CA. ....... .,...~ .... ......... cert Chorus in a per1ormanoe of Beethoven's Sym-• ~Y No. 9 in O Minor, OpCJ9 125. (1 hr., 30mtn.) -0 ~ MOVIE "The Attic" ( 1979. Horror) Carrie ~ Snodgress. Ray Miiiand. A librarian lives in the past - with her memories of a love who disappeared. 'R' ( 1 ~ hr., 40 min.) .... (E) COLLEGE HOCKEY "Oivislon I Championship" ' from the Providence Civic Center. (2 hrs., 30 min.) c8 cm MOVIE "The Jazz Singer" (1980, Musical) Nell ..,, Diamond. Laurence Olivier. A New York cantor a: breaks with family tradition and sets out to find sue-0> cess as a~ music star. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) ':< 9:30 9 ANO THE WINNERS AAE.. .. This Channel 2 3:: news special features a special guest celebrity, a ~ look at previous Oscar winners and the difference It n has made In their llvee, the history of the Oscars-and =r llntefw~~i~ear's winners. (1 hr.) ~ THE OSCAR WINNERS co M•A•s•H ~ MOVIE "The Fabutous World Of Jules Verne" ( 1961, Fantasy) Louis Tock, Ernest Navara. A band of pirates kidnaps an atomic scientist to probe his mind for ways to control the world by means of atomic energy. ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) I BARNEY MILLER - BERNST8N I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstein leads the Vienna Phllharmonlc Orchestra and Con- oert Chorus In a performance of Beethoven's Sym- pho.!!i' No. 9 In D Minor, Opus 125. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 9:'5(1) MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975. Ora- ma) Al PaclrlO, John Ca.zale. A New York City bank robbery escalates Into a near-circus when commu-• nlty actMsts join in to stage an antl-<pollce protest durl~ the caper. (2 hrs .• 15 min.) 10:00U e TWO GUYS FROM MUCK A reporter and photographer from a sleazy scandal sheet are assigned to Interview a museum guard. ( 1 hr.) llDe•NEWS CIRCLE OF STARS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Christopher ~ve. 9 JACK-A-BOY Jean Marsh and Fred Gwynne star in this film based on a short-story by Willa Cather about the relationship between a 10-year-old boy and three adults whose lives he changes. (8) MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings TWlce" (1981, Orama) Jack Nicholson. JessJca Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' (1 hr., 37 min.) CD MOVIE: "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcovlccl. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happening In a cartoonist's life after he suffers the loss of a hand. 'R' {l hr., « min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy. young Demien, the embodiment of the Antichrist. ls now an adult and a trusted advtsof to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 ht .. 49 min.) • MOVIE "All Night Long" (1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman, Barbra Streisand. After being demoted from corporate executive to challl-Store night mana- ger, a middle-aged man's lifestyle and values are turned upslde-<jown. 'R' (1 hr., 28 min.) 10:20(Jl) MOVIE "Fort Worth" (1951, Western) Ran- dolph Scott, David Brian. A gunsllnger-turned-news- paperman finds that his prowess with a six-shooter Is still more effective than words In deallng with law- less elements. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 10:308 LOVE A'r ARST SIGHT A burglary frightens ~;;;;;;:;;;;;=:=-==~.:;;;::;:;:;====-~ Jbuth Coast Repertorj) The 81-82 Season by William Shakespeare ----..: MOW Pl.A TIM&:..-- M9clt 2 ........ A,nt 4 Mainstage Curtain Times: Tuesday-Saturday at 8 p. m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m. Limited &tating Still Available 865 Town ,,_.Drive, CQlla M .... CA 82828 Fot tlehll infonnltlon ot ... MfVltionl. mil (714) 167~ N co O> -ID N ~ ~ ~ __________________________________ ,_..,. STARRING CITIZENS FORUM Itr<>gramming That Gets You Right Where You Live! NEWPORT BEACH AND THE IRVINE COMPANY ••• THE DRFAM AND THE REALITY Are you concerned about leasehold? Would you like to hear all sides of the Issue? Peter Kremer and Ray Watson. current and past Presidents of The Irvine Company. address this and other topics as local citizens speak out on the one hour program-hosted by Newport's Mayor. Jackie Heather. Don't miss ft! en IZENS FORUM EPlSODE6 MAY BE VIEWED MONDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY April 5th, Aprll 7th, April 19th. April 21st. 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING .. NEWPORT NOW" ON CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K PROGRAMMING- .. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST" • TELEPROMPlER NEWPORT BEACH Monday (continued) a woman and leevee her blind husband questioning his manhood. • I YOU ASKED FOR rT =TURE Guest: Wiiiiam Proxmire. IN PERFORMANCE AT THE WHrTE HOUSE • Famed aotor, singer and dencef Gene Kelly per- forms at the White H01.19e with &Ix young dancers: 8evtt'IYSll1s ho6ta. (1 hr.) ~MOVIE "It's AllVe" (1974, Horror) John Ryan, Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes Into the world with fangs. claws and a strong desire to kill. (1 ht .. 30 min.}_ 11:00 8 8 8 Cl) O e NEWS S--A 'tVROAV NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON MIXED BAG: VIDEO ART TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "Is Work A Four- Letter Word?" Tony Brown looks at the unemploy- ment rate among today's black teen-agers. cm MOVIE "Dangerous Davies" (1981, Comedy) Bernard Crlbbins. BHI Maynard. A bumbling detec- tive solves a 1S.year-old murder. (1 hr .. 50 min.) 11:309 Cl) QUINCY Quincy tries to prevent an epi- demic of a penlcilll1Heslstant strain of gonorrhea. IB) 11 h< .• 10 min.) 8 • SPECIAL REPORT Roger Mudd and Tom Brokaw report on the outcome of yesterday's elec- tions in El SatvadOr. examine the meaning of the results, and look at the reaction In the lJ.S. and other countries. I 0 ABC NEWS NtGHTUNE ALL IN THE FAMIL V LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE RESURRECTION OF LAOV LESTER A dramatic reverie based on the life of jazz saxaphonist, Lester Young. ( 1 hr .. 30 mln.) I DICK CAVETT, Guest Jonathan Miiier. (Part 1) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "llttle Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNlchol. At summer camp, two teen-age girls compete to see who will be the first to lose her virginity. 'A' (1 ht .. -32 min.) 12:00 8 • THE BES'f OF CARSON Guests: Alan King, George Segal, the Beverly Hiiis Unlisted Jazz Band, Argus Hamilton. Savannah Smlth.-{R) ( 1 h<.) e ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with ChrlstOPher Reeve. Tube Topper Bernstein/ Beethoven Channel 50, 9 p.m. Channel 28 -9:30 p.m. 8 MOVIE "Klute" (1971. Suspense) Jane Fonda. Donald Sutherland. A detective gets Involved with a pathetic call glrl and tries to find the person who attempted to murder her. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) D MOVIE ''Westem Union" (19"1, Western) Rob- ert Young. Dean Ja,gger. The building of the first transcontlnental telegraph wires causes conflicts to develop. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOVll: "Blood And Lace'; (1971, Horror) Glo- ria Grahame. Melody Patterson. A-teen-age girl tries to solve the mystery of her prostitute mother's bru· tal death and a number of disappearances in a state O!J)hanage. (2 hrs.) 9 MOVIE "The Swinger" (1966, Comedy) Ann- Margret, Tony Franciosa. A young glrl trying to get her work published writes a steaming pornographic novel and claims It Is autobiographical. (2 hrs.. 15 , min.) · m MOYIE "Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm" (1938. Drama) Shirley Temple. Gloria Stuart. A pair of rival cereal makers compete for the talents of a small girl. l hr .• 30 min.} LOVE. AM~AN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "The 400 Blows" ( 1959. Drama) Jean-- Pierre Laaud, Patrick Auffey. A young boy deprived of parental warmth and the acceptance or his peers turns his alienation and despair toward a life of small crimes. (1 hr .. "5 min.) (!) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Special 1:1JghliQht Edition" (1 hr., 30 min.) CID MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My LCM" (1981. Romance) Simone Slanoret. Jten Rochefort. A mlddfe..9ged woman who has spent moat of her adult life caring tor her llWalld brother decidel to r write a lett• to a newtpeper lonely hellrtt colomn. 'PG' (2 twa., 2 min.) (JJ MOYIE "The \18mPff LCMrl" (1970. Hotfot) lngr1d Pitt, Pet• Culhing. A bMutffUI ltdy vempn LAUGHS WITH LETTERMAN -Emmy winner David Letterman serves up a variety of comedy features and takes frequent off- beat tours of New York City as part of his expect-the-unexpected capers on "Late Night with David Letterman," which is telecast on NBC (Ch. 4) at 12:30 a.m. Mon- day through Friday following the "Tonight" Show. entices her victims into Intense physJcal relatlon- shlps before t:litlng him. 'A' (1 hr .. 30 mln.) (I) MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1981. Mystery) Sigour- ney Weaver, William Hun. A television reporter becomes Involved with a janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he is ~ng. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Wizards" ( 1977) Animated. In a wor1d of the future. sorcery ptays a major role Jn the bat- tles of two great conflicting armies. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.} 12:06al) MOVIE "The Boy With Green Hair" (1948, Fantasy) Dean Stockwell, Robert Ryan. A young orphan must learn to deal with rejection when h!S hair turns green. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 12:30 e COUPt.ES •NEWS 12:~8 ())COLUMBO A 0'bllsher hires a gunman to murder a mystery writer when he threatens to sign with a new publisher. (A) ( 1 hr .. 40 mln.) 1:008. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Jack Anderson. Michael Keaton. ( 1 hr.) I GENE AUTRY MOVIE "Champagne For Caesar" ( 1950, Com- edy) . Celeste Hofm. Ronald Colman. An unem· ployed genius plans to send a quiz show Into bank- ~tcy. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) QI JACK·A·BOY Jean Marsh and Fred Gwynne star In this film based on a short-story by Wiiia Cather about the relationship between a 10-year-old boy and three adults whose lives he changes. cm MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglat. a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip In a broken-down school bus. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 1:30 G GENE AUTRY 81TURNABOUT (!) FISHING "Walker's Cay Blue Marlln Touma- ment" g ANTHONY NEWLEY AT SEA WORLD (1 HR.) (%)MOVIE "American P~" (1981. Musical) ~ mated. The hist~ of American pop music, from vaudeville to rock n' roll. Is traced through 19Yef81 g&nefalions of a family of muslc1ana. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 'J:1 mm~ . 1:40(C) MOVIE "The Apple" (1980. Musical) Cethe- rlne Mary Stewart, George GilmOUr. In 1994, a ting- ing d'40 falls Into the handS of a dlabollcoal lmpreMf- lo. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 1:46(B) MOVIE "The Longest Vard" (1974, Come- dy) Burt Reynolds, Eddie Albert. A formlf pt0 querttt'beok doing tlmt In 1 Southern prison le glverl the Job COIChlng • group of oonvtct8 tor • ~ bwr9d footbel gM'f llgllnlt the guardl. (2 hrl.) (I) MOVIE '.'Bultln' Lo*"· (1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. ClcetY Tyton. t' ..sfi't \I< >l l :\I :\< ; \I< >\.I L~ 5:00(%) "Conversation Piece" (1977. Drama) Burt Lancaster. Silvana Magnano. 8:06® "Are Over England" (1937, Drama) Lau- rence Olivier. Flora Robson. 6:3000 "Olly, Olly Oxen Free" (1978, Adventure) Katharine Hepburn. Dennis Dimster. 7:00(C) "The Last Snow Of Spring" (1977, Orama) Cl) "King Of Kings" ( 1962, Orama) Jeffrey Hupter. Robert Ryan. • "The Loved One" (1965, Comedy) Robert Morse. Anjanette Comer. 7:06 (%) "Bear Island" ( 1980. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa R~rave. 8:00 00 "The Black Peart ' ( 1978, Adventure) Gii- bert Roland. Cart Anderson. 8:06 al) "Strange Intruder" ( 1956, Drama) Edmund Purdom. Ida Lupino. 8:30(C) "Johnny. We Hardly Knew Ye" (1977. Biog- raph}') Paul Rudd, William Prince. 9:00• "Frisco Kid" ( 1935. Adventure) James Cag- ~· Margaret Lindsay. CZJ "Wlzards" ( 1977) Animated. 9:30 • "Santa Fe Stampede" ( 1938, Western) John Wayne, Ray Corripan. 10:00(1) "Never So Few· ( 1960. Drama) Frank Sina- tra. Gina Lollobrigida. 10:06@ "The Destructors" (1967, Suspense) Rich- ard .§9an. Patricia Owens. 10:30CCJ "North By Northwest" ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant. Eva Marie Saint. (%) "American Pop" ( 1981. Musical) Animated. . \J · .. 1 lJl:\< >< >:\ \I<)\' I LS 12.:00a "The Mighty Jungle" (1964, Adventure) Marshall'Thompson. Dave Oelle. -: • "The Man From The Diners' Club" ( 1963, Com- ec1y) Danny Kaye. Cara Wllllams. • ".J'he One That Got Away" ( 1958, Adventure) Hardy Kruger, Colin Gordon. • "The Loved One" (1965, Comedy) Robert Morse. Anjanette Comer. 12:06 (%) "Bear Island" ( 1980. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. 12:3000 "A Nightingale Sang In Bert(etey Square" !.!979. Comedy) Richard Jordan. David Niven. Cl) "Thief' (1981, Drama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. 1:00(1) "Experiment In Terror" (1962, Suspense) Glenn Ford, Lee Remick. CC) "Two English Girls" ( 1971, Drama) Jean-Pierre Leaud. Kika Markham. 1:'5(%) "The Anal Conflict" (1981. Drama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. 2:00(1:) "The Dogs Of War" (1980, Adventure) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger. • "Billy Jack" ( 1971, Drama) Tom Laughllo, Delores faylor. 2:3000 "Oh Godl" (1977, Comedy) George Burns, John Denver. 3:00• "Summer Stock" (1951, MUSical) Judy Garland, Gene Kelly. a:> "The Last Snow Of Sprt~" (1977, Drama) 3:36(%) "~tion Piece' (1977, Drama) Burt Lancaster. Sifvana Magnano. 4:00(1) "F°'ce Ave: Stervengers" (1981. Science- Action) An~ted. e "Sornewhft In Time" (1980, Fantasy) Ctvlato- ~ Ree¥9, Jane Seymour. 4:30(1:) "Aateup" (1969. Suspense) Raquel Welch. James Stacy. 6:00(1) "They Call It Murdef" (1971, Mystery) Jim Hutton. Lloyd Boehne<. 6:3000 "Olly, Olly Oxen Free" (1978, Adventure) Katharine Hepburn. Dennis Dlmst~r. 5:46(%) "Bear Island" (1980, Suspense) Donald Suthe<land, Vanessa Redgrave. !.U~ELS C88NEWS WHITE SHADOW A8CNEW8 THE JEFFER80N8 HAWAII FIVE.() • 8UBINE88 AEPORT NBC NEWS ~ANaNGHUMANBEHA~OR MOVIE "One On One" (1977. Dreme) Robby Benson, Annette O'Toole. A boy who goes to OOf- lege on a bUketben echollrthlp It at>used by the coach. scorned by hit tu10f and ueed by the school ror It• own purpoeet. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) • MQYE "Fr~ Kld:: t 1936. Adv9ntwe) Jamn --------- DAZZLING DUO -Barbara Mandrell (right) and her guest, Debbie Reynolds. take center stage as they belt out a number in a segment from "Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters" Tuesday at 10 p.m. on NBC (Cb. 4) . Cagney, Margaret Lindsay. A girt savia 8 tough sail- or from being hung by gamblers. ( 1 hr .. 17 min.) 6:30 (I) • NEWS .. -1 BARNEY ..,LLER waCOME BACK. KOTTER CALAMITY JANE'S DIARY Jane Alexander per- forms In this one-woman show. ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEAT WfTH CLETE ROBEA'TS BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "North By Northwest'' ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. An adver- tising man's Hfe is changed drasticahy when he Is mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs., 15 min.) 7:00 9 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Meet Warren Miller who puts together ski films fOf the screen; a man who sniffs seafood for the FDA. I YOU ASKED FOR fT NINE ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT A comprehensive rtlo-Cap of the Academy Awards ceremonies. I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WtLO OVER EASY Guests: Norman and Frances Lear. I)~ MUPPETS . OtCK CAVETT Guest: Jonathan Miiie.·. (Part 1) TIME WAS "The 19<409" Dick Cavett examines the entertainment and IOcial situations during a time period when every come< of the world was Involved In war on a massive scale. ( 1 hr.) CD MOVIE "Modern Romance" (1981, Comedy) Albert Br~ Kathryn Harrold. A film editOI' tries repeatedly to win back the heart of the woman he IOVfl. 'R' (1 hr .. 33 min.) cm THE WAY rr WAS "1936 Worid Se<les" New York Giants vs. New YOf'k Yankees 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured~ a Visit to a "col- lective consciousness raising 886500" sponsored by the Los Angeles Collective. a group of men attempt- ing to rid our sodety of sexllm: a day at the Los Angeles'Trafflc Courts; an Interview With Ron Smith, who finds and trains celebrity 1<>06<-aJlkes . • FAMtl Y FEUD LAVEANE & SHIRLEY & COMPAPN OSCAR RECAP 8t-fOW • TIC TAC DOUGH BULLSEYE NEWARK ANO REALITY YOU ASKED FOR fT M•A•s•H 8IGNA TUAE Guest: Bill Blele. MACNEJL I LEHRER RePOAT NEWS NBA BASKETBALL Loe Angeles lakers vs. San Oleg() Clli>Per1 (2 hrs.) CZ) litOVtE "Am9flcan Pop" ( 1981. Mutlcal) An+- mated. The tllttory of American pop rnuekl. ffom vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, II traced tf'ltough M\'efal generattona of 1 family of mutldans. 'R' ( 1 ht .. 37 ~.... ........ ...... ... . ... r 7:50 NEWS tJ. e:ool (I) a .E.D. Quentin and an auto designer I ~ raoer combine efforts to create a rocket-powered _o car to enter In a 300-mlle race. ( 1 hr.) 8 e BRET MAVERICK A friendly joornallst. the ~ local madam and militant feminists hciond Maverick after he wins a Chinese girt in a card game. (R) ( 1 c8.r hr.) 8 MOVIE "The Grissom Gang" (1971, Orama) 'Tl Kim Darby, Tony Musante. Based on a novel by .., James Hadley Chase. A psychopathic kidnapper i falls In love with his beautiful, wealthy victim. (2 ':< hrs.L ~ 8 9 HAPPY DAYS Lori Beth enlists Fonz.ie as her a> delivery room coach when she gives birth. (R) Q n Cl MOVIE "The Harder Tbey Fall" ( 1956, Drama) ':1' Humphrey Bogart, Rod Steiger. Against his better ~ judgement. an unemployed reporter promotes a fixed s~ndlcate fight. (2 hrs.) '° (I) BENPN Hill CD • P.M. MAGAZINE A pollceman and the teen-ager I\) he saved from suicide who now ltves with him; a man who built a wood-bumlng car. e THE DREAM MERCHANTS Hollywood studio chief Johnny Edge endangers his marriage by romancing an old flame wtiUe a financlal conglom- erate tries to Inherit his power In the motion picture Industry. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) I OUIZKfOS LIFE ON EARTH "Life In The Trees" David Attenborough looks at a variety of primates and how they solved the difficulties of living high up in the forest. 9. ( 1 hr.) • NOVA 'Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome" An examination of the research being conducted on longevity and the aging process Is presented. Q ( 1 hr.) (I) SPORTS CENTER CB) MOVIE "The Black Peart'' ( 1978. Adventure) Gilbert Roland, Carl Anderson. A teel)-age pearl diver must contend with a deadly manta ray In order to retrieve a valuable black pearl. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981. Drama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his Independence lor a big score that he hopes will secure his family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.) Ill MOVIE "Raging Bull" (1980. Biography) Rob- ert De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. Boxifl9 champion Jake La Motta's aptitude for violence brings him success In the ring but disrupts his personal life. 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 mln.J 8:30. 0 JOANIE LOVES CHACHI Joanie Is torn between signing a contract at the home of a hot- shot record producer or attending a huge family bash.Q Cll MAUDE Tube Topper Q.E.D. Channel 2 -8 p, m. I SAii WA,..TON e GRAMPS A man and his granddaught• wrestle with the J>f()blems of their ages. QI DANCE ANO DANCERS: TWYLA THARP Per- formance and corMlefltaty by Twyla Tharp accom-panied by varied music from 8ach to Bruoe Sptlngs- teen. ( 1 hr.) 8:50al MOVIE "The Happy Time" (1952, Comedy) Charle$ Boyer. M&flha Hunt. Puppy love and roma~ highlight Wfe In a Frencn-canadlan family dur'ng the 1920s. (2 hrs..) 9:00. (I) MOVIE "Gideon's TNmpet" (1979. Dra- ma) Henry Fonda. Joee F«rer. An obacufe Florida convict changes the course of American legal Nsto- ~ (ID (2 hrs.) U • FLAMINGO ROAD Sam Curtis and Aelding Cartyte endanger their lives dOrlng thelr Investigation of Tyrone's past and Lane learns that she Is preg- nant. ( 1 hr.) e 0 THE'& COMPANY Jack accepts a dare to attend Janet's dance ctua. (R) Q Cl) AAONG F..aM YONKERS • MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Cheryl Ladd, Chrltto- ~r Reeve. (1 hr.) • AMEAICAN PLAYHOUBE "Northern Lights" The first Scandinavian lmmlgnlnta and thel1 famllles farming In a 1915 North Dakota winter are the sub- jects of John Hanson and Rob NllseOn'a film. Q ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • Lff ON EARTH "Life In The Trees" Oevld Attenborough loo6<s at a variety of primates and how they solved the dlfflcoltlee of IMng high up In the for89t. Q ( 1 hr.) CC> MOVIE "Outrageous!" (1977, Comedy) Craig ~. Hollll Mclaren. A good-natured half- chsser. who moonlights u an lmperlOnatOf' of female celtbfltiea. lhat• an apartment and a pi.- tonic re&atlonlhlp wtth a ec:Nzoptwentc young wom- J-r .. .. -- - 94 . --· ~ Tuesday (contimed) O> an. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) Cl) WOALD CUP StoiNG "Women's Giant Slalom" from Wat«Ville Valley, New Hampshire. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ([)MOVIE "Clair De Femme" (1979. Orama) Yves Montand. Romy Schneider.A }oyless man who feels he has nothing to llve for meets a woman in a similar spiritual limbo. -c 1 hr .. 45 min.) 9:06(%) MOVIE "Wizards" (1977) Animated. In a world of the future, sorcery plays a major role In the battles of two great conflicting armies. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 20mln.} 9:30 8 0 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Sara's true Identity Is questioned When It Is learned that babies were switched at the hospital where she was born. IB> Cf) MOVIE "Rose Of Cimarron" (1952. Western) Mala Powers. Bob Steele. A young white girl tries to avenge the massacre of the friendly Cherokees who had reared her. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) QI CALAMITY JANE'S DIARY Jane Alexander per- forms In this one-woman show. ( 1 hr.) cm EVERYTHING GOES Kip Addotta hosts this one-and-only adult game show with guests Carol WaY!!!J. Pat McCormick and the Unknown Comic. 10:00U. BARBARA MANDRELL AND THE MAN- DRELL SISTERS Guests: Debbie Reynolds, Ala- bama. (R) J1 hr.) 11 ••• NEWS HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer try to clear their mountain cabin caretaker of a murder ~· (A) O (1 hr.) CHJ STEVfE NICKS tN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks performs "After The Glitter Fades." "Leather And Lace." "The Highwayman" and "Bel- la Donna.·· as wen as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire. Taped at the Fox Wllshire Theatre in Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "Pretty Maids All In A Row" (1971, 1'o4ystery) Rock HUdson, Angie Olci<inson. A gui- dance counselor, the Idol of a bevy of high school beauties, works with a teacher and a polloe captain In solving the mystery of several cheerleader kUlings. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Bill Blass. LAND OF THE COOL SUN A look is 1aken at the San Luis Valley, a predominantly rural, Hispanic area known as the "most sotarized community In the U.S." G AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Northern Lights" The first Scandinavian In.migrants and their famllles farming In a 1915 North Dakota winter are the sub- Tube Topper Flamingo Road Channel 4 -9 p. m . jects of John Hanson and Rob Nilsson's film. Q ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) ASHING "Walker's Cay Blue Manin Tourna- ment" Cl) MOVIE "Island Of 1000 Oellghts'"R' (1 hr., 20 min.) • MOVIE "Somewhere In Time" (1980, Fantasy) Chr1s1opher Reeve, Jane Saymour. Obsessed with the portrait of a 19th-century actress, a modem-day New York playwright uses hypnosis to travel bact< In time and meet her. 'PG' ( 1 fir., 45 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Final Conflict" ( 1981, Drama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. In the thltd part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien, the embodiment of the Antichrist. Is now an adult and a trusted advtsor to the president of the U.S. 'A' (1 hf .. 49 min.) 10:60«!) MOVIE "Violent Road" (1958, Orama) Brian Keith, Efrem Zlmballst Jr. Truck drivers enoounter many dangerous situations while transporting highly explosive roci<et fuel. (1 hr., 55 min.) 11:00• 8 e Cl) 0 e NEWS SATUAOAY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFEA80N8 SANFOAO AND 80N OUZKJ08 0C< CAVETT Guest: Jonathan Miller. (Part 2) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (198t, Comedy) Jef· ry Lee Lewtl, &JMn OltYei. After the circus cioeel down, 1 veteran clown tries tlls hand at various jobs, falllna mllerably at then) all. 'PG' ( t hi., 31 min.) '.) 1'418 WEE< IN TIE NBA MOYIE "A Night le Sang In 8eft(aley re'' (1979, Comedyiny-Rtcherd Jor<*l, O.vld NW.O. The night watehnwn et a Brit.Ith Bank It =ed to rttwn to 1 llfe of crime. (1 hf., 40 min.) .. , ••• ?' ........... , '9::0 ""'°"" ..... - WHEN GIDEON BLOWS BIS HORN - Henry Fonda as Clarence F.arl Gideon. an obscure Florida convict whose handwritten appeal to the United States Supreme Court resulted in a dramatic change in American legal history, in "Gideon 's Trumpet" Tuesday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). ville, Mona Kristensen. A young girl's sexual awak- ening occurs during her s1ay with a family friend one summer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) 11:308 Cl) ALICE Met wrenches his back at Atlee's ~rtment and refuses to leave the premises. (A) U m TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Roger Moore, Maureen Stapleton. (1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS MIGHTUNE AU IN THE FAMILY LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE AND DANCERS: TWYLA THARP Per- formance and oommentary by Twyla Tharp accom- panied by varied music from Bach to Bruce Springs-teen. (1 hr.) , ~ NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "More Than Sisters" (1980, Orama) Leslie Murray. A young woman's husband sends her to a psychiatrist when she begins to complain about bizarre dreams. 'A' (1 hr .• 15 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT A comprehen- sive re-cap of the Academy Awards C8femonles. • (fl FANTASY ISLAND A businessman puts his Mure on the tine and a man dreams of being lrre- slstlble to women. (A) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) D MOVIE "Summer Stock" (1951, Musical) Judy Garland, Gene Kelly. A troupe of actors participates In dally farm chores In exchange for the use of a Connecticut barn to act In. (2 hrs.) (!) MOV1E "The Amazing World Of Ghosts" (1980) Documentary. Narrated by Sid Paul. The authenticity of various supernatural apparitions Is Investigated. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Anzlo" (1968, Orama) Robert Mitchum. Peter Falk. An over-cautious and stub- born general nearly turns the Anzlo Invasion Into a disaster. (2 tvs., 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN SlYLE FOCUS ON SOCIETY NHL HOCKEY Minnesota North Stars vs. Wlnnl- Q!O Jets (2 hrs,, 30 min.) CIJ MOVIE "One On One" (19n. Orama) Robby Benson, Annette O'Toole. A boy who goes to coJ- lege on a basketball echolarshlp Is abused by the coach, scorned by hi& tutor Ind used by the schOol for Its own purposee. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 12:06 8 Cl) MCCLOUD A female sergeant la left In command of the precinct when Sgt. &oadhUrst Is kldrJ!Pped. (R) ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 12:20W MOVIE "Lollta" (1962, Comedy) James Mason, Sue Lyon. Baed on the st<>fY by Vladimir Nabokov. A rnkklle-ag9(1 professor k>Ot<s to a strange young girt In an :.tfOtt to find happiness. (2 hrs-.32 min.) 12:30w. LATE NIGHT WITH OAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Swooele Kurtz. Gahan Wilson, Andy l<auf· ma~ I zfTY JANE'S OtAAY Jane Alexender pet· fonnl In thll on.woman ~. ( 1 hr.) -tr:) _,...'"NI& "'-' 8fi,.....'f"9'r.· rRMIM) m -Jeao-Plerre Leaud, Kika Mll'kham. lh ptl-W<'ftd War I Paris, two Welsh girls engage In a romantic trlangle with a young Frenchman: ( 1 hi .. •5 min.) e MOVIE "Apocalypse Now" (1979, Orama) Marlon Brando. Martrn Sheen. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. An lntetligenoe agent embarks on a mlttlon up river Into the Vletnamete )uigle to find and klll a myste<lous. AWOL Army offtter who has lolled all previous a11empts at his capture. 'A' (2 hrs., 19 min.) 12:"6(11) MOVIE "One Minute To Zero" (1952, Adventure) Ann Blyth, Robert Mitchum. A surprise· enemy attack interrupts a COionei's romance with a cMlian di.Jr~ the Korean War. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) (Ji) MOVIE 'Dressed To Kill" (1980, Suspense) Michael Caine, Angle Dickinson. Police search for the psychotic murderer who butchered a suburban housewife. 'R' (1 hr .. 45 min.) 1:008 MOVIE "Brother Of The Wind" (1975, Adventure) Diel< Robinson. A mountain man adopts four orphaned wolf pups and deeply cherishes their companionship. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "My Dear Secretary" (1948, Comedy) Laraine Day, Kirk Douglas. An author's secretary finds that he likes girts and plays the field more often than he wr1tes. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "The Crooked Hearts" (1972, Com- edy) Rosalind RusseH, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Two con artists ma1ched up through a lonely hearts club attempt to work their wiles against each other. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ONEWS 1:308 eNEWS 1:40(1) MOVIE "The Big Red One" (1980. Adven- ture) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. A tough Army ser· gean1 leads four young, Inexperienced recruits into the violence-filled fray of World War II combat. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 53 min.) 1:60~NEWS 2:06 NEWS 2: 16 MOVIE "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye" (19n, Biography) Paul Rudd, William Prince. An ambitious young lrlsh Bostonian. John F. Kennedy, shows early signs of a gift for greatness as he begins his political journey toward the presidency. ( 1 hr .. •O min.) 2:269 MOVIE "The Questor Tapes" (1973, Sol- ence-Actlon) Robert Foxworth, Mike Farrell. An android has the strength of five men bUt is Incapable of emotion. (2 hrs.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH . • MOVIE "Little Minister" (1934, Romance) Katharine Hepburn, John Beal. A Scottish pas1or finds romance for the first time. (2 hrs .• 10 min.) (I) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA CID MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1981. Mystery) Sigour- ney Weaver, Witllam Hurt. A television reporter becomes Involved with a Janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he Is sayln . 'A' (1hr .. 43 min.) 2:401 NEWS 2:60 WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 ISPY ~JOE FRANKLIN {I) m AR SOCCER Brighton vs. Qyatal Palace (_1 hr.) ct MOVIE "Funhouse" (1981. Horror) Elizabeth Berridge, Sytvla Miles. Four teen-agers spend a frightful night In a carnival tunhouse Inhabited by a demented bafker and his monstrous son. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Bear ISiand'' (1980, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave. An Arctic weather- research team's members are for~ Into a fight for thelf very survival. 'PG' (1 hr., -43 ~.) 3:35(1) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Debbie Reynolds. 4:00 e VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (!)JIMMY SWAGGART CC) MOVIE "Outrageous!" (1977, Comedy) Craig Russell, Hollis Mclaren. A good-natured hair· dresser, who moonlights as an Impersonator of female celebfltles, shares an apartment and a pla· tonic relationship with a schlzOphrenic young wom- en. 'R' (1 hr .. 40 min.) Cl) SPORTS CENTER 4:06 (11) FVNTIME Cl) MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962, Orama) Jeffrey HOnter. Robert Ryan. The coml!"Q of Jesus and the event.s of his llfe gave birth to a new religlon. (3 hrs .. 20mln,) 4:16® MOVIE "Oh Godl" (1977, Comedy) George Burns, John Denver. God selects an unsuspecting young supermarket manager to deliver a message of hope and good ~11~ the sl(eptlcal people of the modern-day wortd. PG (1hr.,38 min.) 4:301 JIM BAKKER 4':40 MAYBERRY A.F.D. 4:'6 MOYIE "Swept Away" ( 1975. COmedv) Marlangeta Melato, Gla(IClrto Glaonlnl. Directed by Lina Wertmuller. 11'1 order to survtve on a deserted Mediterranean Island, a Slcltlln MNor 1nd an na11an ... -.~, ;;1.a~ """•as ffl'lc!I • • \I< >IC\ I '\< ; \it >\ · 1 i.~ 5:ooe "The Afth Floor" ( 1980, Orama) Bo Hop- kins Dianne Hull. S:OO{t) "Wings In The Wilderness' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 00 "Smuggler's Cove" ( 1979, Adventure) Greg Rowe. 8:06® "The Petrified Forest" ( 1936, Drama) Hum· • phr~ Bogart, Bette Davis. 8:~(Z) "fhe F'tnal Cooftict" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. 7:00(1) "The World's Greatest Athlete" (1973. Comedy) John Amos, Jan.Michael Vincent. e "Bflly Jack" (1971. Orama) Tom Laughlin. Delores Taylor. 7:30(C) ''Ode To Bllly Joe" (1976. Orama) Robby Benson, Glynnis O'Connor. CID "The ~onicking Adventures Of Ell~ Fraser'' (1976. Adventure) Susannah YOO<, John Waters. 8:05@ "Cry Danger'' (1951. Myst8f'Y) Dick Powell, Rhonda Fie~. . 8:35(%) "Lqllta' (1962. Comedy) James Mason. Sue Lyon. "9:30. "West Of The Divide" (1933, Western) John Wayne, Gabby Hayes. CC) "Belles Of St. Trinlan's" ( 1954, Comedy) Ala· . stair Sim, Joyce Grenfell. 10:00® "Dirty Tricks" (1981. Comedy) 811011 Gould. Kate Jackson. (I) "The Asphalt Jungle" ( 1950, Suspense) Ster· ling Hayden. James Whitmore. 10:06® "The Day The Hot Line Got Hot" (1969. Orama) Charles Boyer, Robert Taylor. 10:30. "Picnic At tianglng Rock" (1975, Mystery) Rachel Roberts, Domlnlc Guard. 11:00(C) "Sunday In New York" (1964, Comedy) Cliff Robertson. Jane Fonda. . \I I I J Z '\< H f \ .\ I< >\ 11 . ~ 12:00. "The Racket" (1951, Mystery) Robert Mitchum. Lizabeth Scott. e "Once More. With Feeing!" (1960, Comedy) y\j Brynner, Kay Kendllh. e ''Onw Khayyam" (1957. Adventure) Comet Wilde Oeb<a Paget 12:15{i) "Swept Away'' (1975, Comedy) Marlangela Melato, Giancarto Giannini. Directed by Una Wert· muller. • . 12:30® "The Secret Of SeeQUll Island" (1981, ~) Jeremy 8'1tt. N6cky Hnon. e "Any Which Way You Can'' (1980, Comedy) Clint Eettwood, Sondra Locke. : 1:00(1) "Jade Of Diemonds" (1967, Adventure) Georae Hamilton, Joeeph Cotten. CC> ,,.l.ovtng Couples" (1980, ComedY> Shlrtey Maclalne, James Coburn. 2:00CI) "The Stranger" (1987. Orama) Marcello Mastroianni, Anna t<arina. 2:15(%) "American Pop" (1981, Muslcal) Animated. 2:30(8) "Wholly Mpsesl" (1980, Comedy) Dudley Moore, Laraine Newman. SHAPE Sall In •nd S"-pe Try on our 1 9\d J.cketa. Look trln Skort. All tM looks for thlp l upwlthPeneche Sailor Pwtts, Tope In a Mini, Zoueve Of' you need Of' shore.t ... -----. - ANNIVERSARY -Mike's (Ron ,Silver) parents meet Terry for the firsi time at their anniversary celebration on "Baker's Dozen" on CBS (Ch. 2) Wednesday at 9:30 p.rn. e "The Shogun Warriors: Grandlzer" (1981. Fan- tasyJ_ Animated. 3:00• "Billy The Kid" (1941. Western) Robert Tav!Qr, tan Hunter. · 3:30 ()) "The World's Greatest Ath6ete" ( 1973, ~) John Amos, Jan-Michael Vinc9nt. •:OO(C}"Wlngt In The Wlldeme88" (1 hr •• 30 min.) (%)"The Anal Conflict" (1981. Orama) Sam Neill. Ro96ano Brazzi. •:30• "Boys' Night Out" (1962. Comedy) Kim Novak. James Gamer. 5:30(C) "BeMes Of St. Trinian's" (195', Comedy) Alastair Sim, Joyce Grent• l \ l '\ I '\( ; e:oo•••NEWS CHAFLE'8 ANGELS C88Ntwa LYNN 8HACKELFORO A8CNEW8 THE JEFFER80NS ~WAIRVE-0 BU8INEB8 REPORT NBC NEWS NEEDLECRAFT MOVIE "Smuggler's Cove" (1979, Adventure) The E. S. Cat penler Co. Certified Pli>lio Accountant : Call or write today for a . ,11111 "'f AX Ol~AiaQll• to help minimize your 1881 Taxes Full ..vice ICCOUnting, tu plennlng Md return~ parllion for lndMduMI Md~ '))ff W. c:..ntww .. W.nl, ._.,.,. ...... CA ·M.c. tNAU9 ... ....,, •• 712·1611 m... a ...... .., • .,u --. - • Greg Rowe. Four teeo-aget'$ find adv$lture wt)ilt:I ti surfing off an A~tralan beach. ( 1 hr .. 14 min.) ,, ()) BARRY MANK.OW: IN THI: ROUND Manllow S: performs a selection of his hits. Including "Mandy," - "I Wrtte The Songs," "Can't Smile Without You" ~ and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsborgh's CMc ,- Arena. (2 hrs.) o (%) THE F0UA TOPS The precise hatmonies ol the 1$> Four Tops are featured In such soul classics as -n "Bernadette" and "Standing In The Shadows Of 1 Love." a. 8:20 . NHL HOCKEY Edmonton Oilers vs. Los ~ A~ Kings (3 hrs .. 10 min.) ~ 8:30 (I) • NEWS CD I BAANEY MUER 6 WEl.COME BACK. KOTTER -:r THE NEW STORYTELLERS: MARSHALL ~ DOOGE Featuring tall tales from coastal Maloe. ( 1 ... hr.) co NEWSSEA T WfTH CLETE ROBERTS · m BUStNESS REPORT · N MOVIE "Cardiac Arrest" ( 1978. Mystery) Garry row, Mike Chan. A black market operation that sells disembodied hearts for transplants IS dis- covered by an offbeat homicide cop. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 33 mini 6~35 LAST ~J.HE WILD 7:00 C8S Ncwl:) l ~~YSAGAIH ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZJNE A look at TOU'ette'a syndrome, a disease whole 8Uff8'ers shout ob9cenitles uncon- troAably: a celeb<ity shoe sale to ralao money for a library. . Ill ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT An lnt8f\'lew with l=·~~'!Hn. JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY Guest: Jessica Mltiord. (R) Q THE MUPPETS ' DICK CAVETT Griest: Jonathan MMler. (Part 2) MOVIE "SUnday In New York" ( 1964. Comedy) Cliff Robertson, Jane Fonda. After being jHted by her boyfriend and traveling to New York to visit her brother. a young woman considers her position on ~lty. l1_ hr .. 45 min.) C1J POWER BOAT RACtNG From Miami. Florida. (eart 10) (1 hr.) CI) MOVIE "Phobia'.' ( 1980, SU8p9nse) Paul Mlchael Glasef, Susan Hogan. A g<oup of mental patients are murdered aCCOf'dlng to their lndJvldual fears. 'R' (1 hr .• 3" min.) (D) MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My (ove" (1981, ROmance) Simone Slonoret, Jean Rochefort. A middle-aged woman Who hes spent mo6t of her adult life caring for her Invalid brother decides to Wf1te a letter to a newspaper lonely hearts column. 'PG' (2 hrs., 2 min.) • (%) MOVIE "Lolita" (1962. Comedy) Jmnes Mason, Sue Lyon. Ba.led on the story by Vladimir 3 ov. A mlddle-eged professor looka to a a ~ glr1 In an effort to find happiness. (2 1:to:·1· = . 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: the downfal of some of Hollywood' a child stars; monitor the fantas- tic popularity of tha tetevllk>n eerlel "Ddu" In llra-, et: profile Jack BanY. once the klnQpln of the ,...,._ ~ - .... - • N Wxlnesday (cootinued) I -fti "' I 2 >; at 'tJ ;:: u.. ~ ~ ~ -.2 a: , lion~ 8how <*cutt. -I FAMILY FBJ0 VERNE• 8HREY & ~ANY EYE ON LA. Feetuted: a look at how women are 11~ ~t·:'~~or~b: ~:. i:i:,o. • TIC TAC DOUGH OU ASKED FOR rT w•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest Oriana Fallacl MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT MaOOY Of A CITY: NEW ORLEAN8 Five types of jazz ate UMd to vilMJallD both historic. and contemporary New Orleans. (1 hr.) . CH) MONEY MA TTER8 Speclal advice on personal money management on topics ranging from Income tax saVings to lnvMtment Ideas In the stock matket and ~ matket funds Is offered. e:ooe (I) HERBtE. THE LOVE BUG One of Jim's former glrtfrlends shows up at his bechelof party. ( 1 hr.) . 8 • REAL PEOPLE Featured: a lhoft Bott~ who Is fighting to becOme a polceman, \ ~~ contest, a gay rodeo and a 103-year-old g.mbler. U hr.) • MOVIE ''Texas Acroea The River" (196G. West- ern) Dean Martin, Alain Oeton. A Spenilh nobleman with hie glrtfrtend after being aeo..d of her flanee. (2 hrs.) • di OAEATEST AM9ICAN HERO R8Jptl's Qt*t· to -.-his auper suit for good deeds Jnvotves t*'1 with an eldetfY man, a io.t UttJe boy Wld a loo~twdu i P.M. MAGAZINE A look at Tourette'a syndrome, a dlleeM whQee IUfferers shout obeoenltles unoon- trollebty; a celebrity shoe sale to raile money for a library. • THE DREAM MERCHAH'T8 Hollywood studio chief Johnny Edge endangefs his metrlage by romancing an old flame wtlliit a flnancial conglom- erate tries to Inherit hie power In the motion picture ~. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) 8 COUlLlECTl«l F•tured: ultimate collector. lv8n Karp: rug collectJng; a gather of Role-Allyce colectotS. . • MELODY Of A CITY: NEW OAlEAHS Aw types of Jazz are UMd to visualze both historic and con~ry New one.na. ( 1 hr,) ~ MOYE ~inal Conflict" (1981. DretM) Sem NeMI. Roeaano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young o.mlen. the embc>dlment of the AnJtchrilt. Is now an adlJtt Ind a tnmed ac:Mlor to~oftheU.8. 'Ff (1hr .• 49mln.t Cl) ''The Dirty or Lady'' • MOVIE '1Any WhJch Way You Cell" =· Comedy) Clnt EMtwood. Sondra Locke. e eettllng down with hie glr1 '8nd pet orangutl(I, a bere-ffsted Jt1• sigf'IS up for one last. \Jcretlve match. 'PG' 1 hr .. 45 min.) • 8:06 all ALL THE FA.Mil Y 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE • ,ALLINTHEFAMtlY PIANO PLAYEAS RAAEL Y EVER PLAY OOETHEA Three generations of New Or1eans Jazz pianists get together to show how creatlYe ~-made. (1 hr.) • MIJOl..ETOWN .. The Big Game" The ba8'<etbell teams of Muncie Central and Anderson High meet In c ~~ rtvalry. Q (1 hr.) Cl) FEET Comedienne Madeflne Kahn atara In a rruical comedy revue that satlfUel show business including~ rock, theatre critics, British J>la~ and Plfformn. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) U6 ill) ~ "The Harder They Fd" ( 1956, Ora-- ma) Humphrey Bogert, Rod Steiger. Against his better judgement, an unemployed reporter pro- moMI a fixed sYndlcate fight. '(2 fn., 10 min.) 8:00. (I) WKAP IN atelNHATI A lllp of the Hp larlds A.My and Venue In big trouble with Mame ftnte FACT& OF UF£ Jo anenges a dete tor et.Ii with a ~ .. delnquent. ADOPTION BA'M'LE -Laurie (SwOOeie Kurtz) la oppoeed to Sidney (Tony Randall) adopting Patti (Kaleena Kiff) in 14Love Sidney" Wednesday at-9:30 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). • 9 THE FAll GUY COit and Howle _Q9 under- COYer In a prison to help clear one of Blg Jad('s trtendl. (A~ I =.aOWN :=oe~'?~1~bal1 teems of Muncie Central and Anderton High meet In Cm~~~~.~~ 71~78, Orame) Bo Sveneon. Robert Cufp. A man, who wit,,.._ a gangland n"Uder, Is terrorized by the Mafia after he featfflee, and must move with his tamlly to Toronto. 'Ff (1 hr .• 31 min.) (I) NHL HOa<EY' Plttabuf~ Penguq vs. Washing- ton Cepltola (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CD MOYIE "Urben Cowt>ov" ( 1980, ,Dwna) John f'"""moeta. Oebta Winger. A bll ..-collr' WOfker who fMclea hlmNlf • modern-dly cowboy .... In -with a glf1 he mMts In a popuAer country-end-wea· em bar. 'PG' (2 hrs., 12 mtn.) (II) MOVIE "0r.-d To Kil" ( 1980, Suapenee) MlchMI Clllne, Angle Dlcklnaon. Polee aeerch for the peychottc murderer who butctwed a eubl.lrben hollHwlfe. 'Ff (2 hrs.) 8:30• (I) BAKER'S DOZEN Mlke'a parents meet Terry for the first time at their annMnaly celebr• -tlon. 8 • LOVE. SIDNEY Lautle oppoeee Sidney's plan to~ I MOVIE "Yellow Baloon" (1953. Adventure) Andrew Ray, Kenneth MOf9. Atter being trauma- tized by a p&eymete'• death, a amen boy Is vtctlm- lzed by a petty crook. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) tll 'THE' NlW 8TOAYTELLERS: MARSHALL OOOGE Featurlng tall tales from coastal Maine. ( 1 hr.) • U0HT IN THE WE8T The story ~ the coootry's wwtwatd expeoelon la retold thr~ographs and the words of thole who wit It fllsthand. (1 t!J 8:a&CZ> MOYIE "Swept Away" (1975, Comedy) Marlangela Melato, Giancarlo Giannini. Directed by Una W-ertrrdlr. In order to tuNhe on • delerted Mediterranean 1119nd, a 8iclllerl l8Mor ar0 an ltellen IOciellt• must lettle their sexual and polltlcal differ· ..... u hr •• 58 min.) 10:00• Cl) 8HANNOH Shennon's lrwwtlgatlon of a allck tMank robbery twn )a hampered by NI part- ner' a_petlOfWI probeeml. (1 hr.) • • QUINCY Qulnoy'a credibility Is ql*tloned when It eppeetS thllt he ha made a honendous error In his~ of a murder cue. (1 tv.) • ltgM LADO •.• 8CENE8 FROM A 8P& !'AL Carol Burnett and Rid< Springfle«id join CherYI Ladd for an hour of muak: and comedy. Q ( 1 hr.) • LIGHT IN THE WEST The story oi the Couofry's westward expansion ta retold through photographs and the words of those who ~neaied It ftrsthand. t! hr.) (II)~ "Dirty TrlcQ" (1981, Comedy) Blott Gould. Kate Jackson. A Harvard profesaor becomes the quatry of persons arodoUI to get their handl on a reoent!y djeooyered letter writt9" by Geo<ge Wahington. 'PG' (1hr.,30 min.) • MO'IE "Picnic At Hanging Rock" (1975. Mys- tery) Rachel Roberts. Doinric Guard. In tum-of- the-century Australia, three young echoolglrts wand- er awey from a school picnic and become los1 In the bUah. 'PG' (1 hf., 60 min.) 10:30. NEWS .. I SIGNATURE Guest: Oriana Fallaol. JAZZ AT THE MAINTENANCE 8HOft "Phil Woods Quartet (No. 1)" Phil Woods. alto sax; Stew Gilmore, bass; Mike Mellllo, piano; Bill Goodwin, drums. (A) (1 hr.) ~ MOVE "Loving Couples" ( 1980, Comedy) Shlrtey MacLalne, James Coburn. A manied couple and a pair of young alnglea switch partners In ·a ~ of llfeetyle sampling and romantic revenge. PG' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Purple Taxi" (1979, Comedy) Fred Astaire, Charlotte Rampllng. A simple lrlSh country doctor unw111ngty tak• on a new and r1ch clentele which ~ hla old whiskey remedies ~ ceptable. 'A' ( 1 hr., <43 min.) 10:45G!) CANC9t nE HUMAN SIDE The second annual cancef awarene11 program looks at the dl&-eeae through people~ with It and shows how ~~~It In their dally llvea. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11:JlftilrA'f J&r NEM IKOJAJ< ' JOE FAAN<LJN :i THE JEFfERBONS . 8ANFOAO AHO SON COLllUECTlNQ Feetured: ultlmat• collector. Ivan Karp; rug col1ecilng; a gather of Rollsr-Royce collectors. • Ota< .CAVETT Guest: Jonathan Miller. (Part 3) (II) MOVIE "The Jazz Singer'' ( 1980. Mulbtl) Neil °'8mond, Laurence OIMer. A New YOfk cantor br..M with r.m»y tradition and MIS out to find ~ oeea ea !J>OJ> ""'* ater. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 11:80• Cl) MOVIE "Dee~" (1978, Sclence- Flctlon) David C.rradlne, Clel4I Jennlnga. A neu- tron Wat deltroys cMllatlon and llotllt• nomadic tribes of mu<ants who carry rare, poaltN9 attrtbUtes. {!') __{ 1 hr., 56 min.) 8 • TONIGHT Host: Johnny caraon. Guest: Joan I, ~Jews NIGHTUNE ALL IN THE FA.MIL Y LOVE. AMBICAN 8TYlE PIANO PLAYERS AAREL Y EVER PLAY OOETHER Three generation. of New Of1eans Jazz pianla19 get together to show how c::reetllle exchange Is _made. ( 1 hr.) I NEW88EAT WITH a.ETE AOBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS POAT8 CENTER BOXING'S BEST: JACK JACKSON A rare look 18 taken et the extraordinary life of the "Galveston Giant," the first black to become world heavyweight champion. (1 hr.) (J:) '9tOVlE "H.O.T.S.I" (1979, Comedy) Susan Kiger, Llaa Londoo. A sorority reJect decides to form her own club of co-eds who concentrate on gratify- ing sex·st&Mfd colleglw. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 11:36(%) MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Musical) Animated. The hlltcwy of American pop mualc, from v8IJdevlfle to rock 'n' roll. la tr9Ced through ~·' ~atlonl of a hlmly of mullcfanl. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 37 ml\.) • ' - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·., dancer for someone ..... •lady --hm en lfM-~ooday (cootimrrl) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Marty Feldman. • (II LOVE BOAl' Gopher receives a dream job offer, a wealth)' widow falls In love with a steward and a maglclan falls In love with his new assistant. IB> ( 1 hr .. 10 mio.) a MOVIE "Biiiy The Kid" ( 194 1, Western) Robert Taylor, Ian Hunter. A runaway grows up to be the fastest and most vlcioul killer In the West. (2 hrs.) (!)MOYE "I Walk The Une" (1970, Orama) Gre- OOf'Y Peck, Tuesday Weld. A Southern sheriff becomes the vlct~ of an alluring young woman who Tube Topper . The Fall Guy Channel 7 -9 p,m." Is the daughter of a loc81 moonshiner. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Lady Luck" ( 19-46, Comedy) Robert Yoong, Barbara Hale. A young lady feels that mar· rlage ls the answer to reforming her gambler boy- friend. (2 hrs.) I LC1t'E. MAERICAN 8TY\.E AMERICA: THE 8ECONO CENTURY MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystery) Slgour· ney Weaver, Wiiiiam Hurt. A televlslon reporter beoonlM Involved with a janltOf who may know more aboUt a murder.that he wltneeeed than he Is saying. 'R' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) • 12: 10 CC) MOVIE "Best Friends" ( 1975, Suspense) • Richard Hatch. Doug Chapin. During a trip to Call-. , . fomla, an emotionally distressed young man tries to destroy his best friend's relationship with his girl- friend. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 12:15@ MOVIE "'< The Unknown" (1957, Sclence- Flctlon)' Dean Jagger, Edward Chapman. A scientist fights an awesome but ne~ radioactive crea- ture on the Scottish moors. (1hr .. 45 min.) (I) MOVIE "Cerny" (1980, Orama) JOdle Foster, Gaty Busey. An adventurous young woman joins a canWal troope and 1eami about the hidden emo- tions and frustrations behind the surface happiness TENSION A PROILEM? FOR A TOTAL RELAXtNG BODY MASSAGE CALLOU,R PROFESSIONAL STAFF. . . MEWPOllT n BAPBITIC 404 'M:STMINSTER #2. NPT. BEACH (behind Le Bierritz) R. DEllS RUSSELL, D.P.M. l'ODIA TllST I FOOT Sl'ECIAUST of the~ 'R' (1 hr .. ..e min.) 12:30e • LATE NtGHT WITH DAVI> lETTEAMAN Guests: tom Brokaw, Ruth Gordon, Denni. H• kins~ NEWS THE NEW 8TORVTEU.EA8: MARSHALL E FeatUflng tau tales from coastal Maine. ( 1 hr.) (I) WORLD CUP SKIING "Women's Giant Slalom" from WalefVllle Valley, New Hampshire. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (8) MOVIE "The Rollictdng Adventures Of Eliza Fraser" ( 1976, Adventure) Soeamah York, John .wat8f1. In 19th-century Australia. a 998 caJ>t•ln'• wife tall for a lecherous rogue aboetd ship. (2 tn.. 10 min.) 1:00. MoV9E "Deadly Fathoms" (1972, Adven- tin) Documentary. A group of deep sea diYers encounter treeoheroos coral reefs and deedty lhat'ks when they set out on a photographic e.xpedJ- tlan. (2 hrs.) •MOVIE 'Body And Souf" (19-47. OratnJ) John ~. Liiii Palmef. A bc*er follows a crooked nne from the 8loms to the top ot the flohtlng racket only tor~ his~ ways. ( 1 hr., 30 mh) 1:10. MOY1E "They Ran For Their Lives" (1965, Adventure) John Payne, Luana Patten. When a young womaA Is victimized by a trio ot ruthJess crooks after IOm8 papers belonging to her dead father, a stranget Intercedes In her-behalf. (1 hr., 30 n*\.) (llNEWS 1:15(%) MOVIE "The Anal Confllct" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill, Roeeano Brazzi. In the third part of ''The Omen" trilogy, young Demien, the embodiment of the AnticMst. Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) 1:26•NEW8 1:308. NEW& CC) MOVE "Sunday In New York" (196-4, Comedy) Cliff Robertson, Jane Fonda. 'After being ~lted by her boyfriend and traveling to New York to visit her brother, a young woman considers her poaitlon on wglntty. (1hr.,45mln.) 2:008 MOVIE "The Rangers" (1974. A~ture) James G. Achardson, Colby Chester. The U.S. For- est Service works dally to pres«Ve and protect the environment and human and animal life. (1 hr., 30 lf~E ''The Gay Divorcee" (1934, Mullcal) Fred Astaire, Ginger R . Mlsta · a lovealck HEARING AID l~nERIES $1 OFFI Wlltl Ml AD Canpbell Hearin1 Aids in Montgomery Ward Bldg. HwtilpC..._ ............ 898-4833 tatlon. (2 hrs., 15 min.) ,, ~M~~~ F (I) COUEOE tWIMMING ''Otvillon H Men's~ ~ ~"tromClarlon.~. (2tn.) ~ Cl) BARRY MANLOW: IN T'H£ AOlJNO Mlriow rwtomw a selection of hie tilta. lnclUdlna "~.'' r r.rw. The Songa." "Can't. Smit Wfihout Yoo" $ and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civic ,, Arena. (2 hra.) ~ e MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich-w. ard PryOf, Cicely Tyson. A bumb44og blKg6er, a con-~. cemed schoolteacher and eight children meke a ~ frightening cross--country trip In a broken-down 1» echool bus. 'R' (1 hr., 34 min .. ) g T'ube Topper ~ co CD . ..., Quincy Channel 4 -I 0 p. m. 2:30 MORNING STRETCH 2:40 NEWS 2:05iNEW8 ®MOVIE "Wholly Moses!'' (1980, Comedy) Dud- ley Moore. Laraine Newman. In bibilcal Egypt, a false prophet named Hef9Chel eavesdrope on a dMne conversation with Moses and decides he must be the one to lead his people out of stavery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 3:00.ISPY W JOE FAANKllN s:'tirMOVIE "Dog 0ay Afternoon" < ,976, Dr• ma) Al Pacll'lO, John Cazale. A New York City benk robbery escalates Into a near-circus when commu- nity activists join In to stage an ant~lce protest dutl~ the caper. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 3:16CCJ MOVIE "Breaking Point" (1976, Orama) Bo- Svenson. Robef1 Culp. A man, who wftnesses a g4hgland murder, ls terrorized by the Mafia after he festlflet, and must move with his family to Toronto. 3:46 BIZAARE "The or Lady" 'A' i hr., 31 min.) 4:00 VOYAGE TO TH~c,,.OM Of THE SEA (!) Jt MY SWAGGART .. - HAVE YOU BEEM INJURED? .•AUTO ACCIDENTS • CONSTRUCTION Aa::iOENTS • PERSONAL AOCtDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven • Peters Emphasizes in the Handlipg· of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure -That you Obtain all That you are Legally . Entitled .. Call for a FREE Consultation and Determine What Rights you Have, against all Partles, Including. tnsurJnce Companl~. Housecalls or hOlpital visits can be stanged. • t • & - .\ I< >l \ '\ I '\ ( I \ I< )\ 11 "' 8:30(C) "The Leaming Tree" (1968, Oram,a) °Kyle Johnaon, Alex CMlt<e. Cl) "Countdown To Disaster" Animated. e "Brother Sun. Siller Moon" (1973, Bk>graphy) Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker. 7:06(%) "The Moon's Ow Home" (1936, Comedy) Maljlll_et Sullavln, Henry Fonda. 1:soc11r .. ·A NightlnQale Sang In Berkeley Squard'' (1979, Comedy) Fichatd Jofdan, Oevld Niven. 1:00(1) "Betftegloond" (1949, Adventure) Van Johnlon, John Hodlak. 1:06(1l) "Banning" (1967, Drama) Robert Wagner, .MSt. John. 8:30(C) "St, Ives" (1976, Adventure) Charles Bron-eon, Jacqueline Bisset. (%) "Seven Beauties'~ (1976, Orama) Giancarlo O.nnlnl, Shirley Stoler. 9:30• "Winds Of The Wasteland" (1936, West- ern) John Wayne, Phytlls Fraser. 10:0000 "The Ordeal Of Patty Hearst" (1979, Ora- ma) Dennis Weaver, Lisa Blbacher. Cl) "Love Me Or Leave Me" (1955, Musical) Dons Day, James Cagney. 10:06 (ll) ''The Blazing Forest" ( 1952, Adventure) John PaynerSusan Morrow. 10:30(C) "Shame, Shame On The Bixby Boys" (1979, Adventure) Monte Markham. • "Green Horizon" (Orama) Jimmy Stewart. (%)"The Anal Conflict" (1981. Orama) Sam Neill. Rossano Brazzi. • "' \I 1'1.1{\< >< >'\ \I< >\.J LS 12:00• ''Broehfire" (1962, Adventure) John lre- lanc["Everett Sloane. e "The Pumpkin Eater" ( 1964, Orama) Anne Bancroft. Peter Finch. • "Wiid Prairie" Larry Jones. CC> "The Attic" (1979, Horror) Carrie S~ress, Ray Milland. ' ()) "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystery) Sigourney Weaver, William Hurt. • "Cardiac Arrest" (1978, Mystery) Garry Goo- drow Mike Chan. 12:3000 "Flash Gor-don" (1980, Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. (%)"Wizards" (19n) Animated. 1:00(!) "Stone Cold Deed'' (1979, Mystery) Paul \Wlems, Richard Crenna. 1:30(C) "It's Alive" (1976, Hooor) John Ryan, Sharon Farr ... 2:00(1:) "The Cat And The Ca!Wy'' (1978, Mystery) -Honor Blackman, Mlchael Gallen. ()) "Alrplanel" (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays. Julle' ~· (%) "Amef"ican Pop" (1981, Musical) Animated. 2:3000 "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" {1979, Come<fy) Ffic:hard Jcirden, Oavt<fNlven. • "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (1971, Atntasy) A Lans • David Tomllneocl. / SSSSSSS$S$$S$S$SSS$ .._... ~ FAST CASH ~ .._... .._... .._... ~ 1st ~ HANKY PANKY -Judy (leh, Valerie Curtin) is lured in~ the boss's hotel room after she is transformed into a ravishing beauty. Coming to h er aid ar e Doralee (Rachel Dennison, center) .. and .. Violet ,£Rita Moreno) Thursday at 9 p.m. on ABC's (Ch. 7) "9 to 5" comedy series. 3:ooe "Fury On Wheets" (1971, Orama) Torn l.lgon, Logan Ramsey. CC> "The Learning Tree'' (1969, Drama) Kyle John-son, Alex ctarke. • 3:36(%) "The Moon's Our Home" (1936, Comedy) Ma~ret Sullavan, Henry Fonda · 4:30CJS) "Oly, OUy Oxen Free" (1978, AdVenture) Katharine Hepburn, Dennis Olmster. [ 'Countdown To Disaster" Animated. "The Cat And The Canary" (1939, Comedy) t4coe, Pu.tte Goddard. 5:00(Z) WWfzardl" (19n) Animated. 5:308 "'font~" Michele Pteddo, Antonella ~Attic" (1979, Horror) Carrie Snodgress, Ray Milland. l . \ l '\ I '\( ; l• • RIAL.ISTATI LOAMI ht • 2nd•3rd T.D •. LO~~S INCOME PROPERTY COMMERCIAL ••• INDUSTRIAL ••• AP.ARTMENT ILDGS • .._... ............ ., .... ,...~ ==1~ ~ AllalCAN ~ ....... ukfw · •t•ve er-.,.. .._... .._... .._... ~ ~ ~ ..-. . .._... ._. ~ ~ ~ • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office ..,.. MOllTGAGI COllfOaATION ~~~~===========-====m:a=:::::tJ ~ ~ I THE JU f EH90N1 • HAWAII AVE-<> 8U8INE88 REPORT NBCNEW8 UNOEASTANOeNG HUMAN BEHAVIOR LEFTY, THE DfNGAUHG LYNX Mayf N\Jtter nar- rates the story of a lynx cub Who tries to nnd his way In the wilderness. (F'art 1) Cl) MOVIE "Battlegr~d" (1949. Adventure) Van Johnson, John Hodlak. American soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division ~In the French cam- lgn and the Battle of the . (2 hts.) D MOVIE "Brother Sun, S te< Mc)Qn" ( 1973, Biography) Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker. Francis of Assisi rejects wealth and honor In order to live and work among the gentle In nature and the l)Oor" In eplrit.~s., 1 min.) 8:30 Cl) NEWS I ~ MILLER WELCOME BACK. KOTTER NEWSSEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" ( 1975, Drama) Al Paclno, Jotin Cazale. A New York City bank robbery escalates Into a near-circus when community activ- ists join In to stage an anti..po11ce protest during the caper. (2 hrs.) 7:00 8 C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A man who can multiply slx- djgit figures and calculate square roots rn his head: a Took at the Sara Lee baked goods oompany suc-cess story. ' e LYNN SHACKELFORD ' aJ ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview ;Ith Michael Douglas. • I M"A*S*A JQKEA'S WILD OVER EASY Guests: Stephane GrappeHI, Yousuf Karsh. (R) c;;J I THE MUPPETS Ok::K CAVETT Guest Jonathan Miller. (Part 3) MOVIE '!St. Ives" (1976, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Jacqueline Bisset. A former crime report- er-turned-detective Is hired by a wealthy film fancier to recover a set of lncrlmlnatlng ledgers. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34mln.) Cli) TIME WAS "T~ 19608" Dick Cavett recalls America's formal entry Into the space race, the birth of rock 'n' roll and the very earty days of television. 1! hr.) (IJ MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1 S>SS, Musical) Maurice Cheval- ier, Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by her aunt and grandmother sets out on her own to catch a man. (1 hr .. 56 min.) (D) MOVE "Eyewitnese" ( 1981, Mystery) Sigour-ney Weaver, William Hurt. A televlslon reporter becomes lnvofved with a Janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he Is say~. 'R' (1 hr., 43 min.) 7:20 a NBA BASKETBALL Los Angeles Lakers vs. San Diego Clippers (2 hrs .. .0 min.) 7:30 8 t ON THE TOWN Featu~: meet "Aku," a highly-paid disc jockey In Hawaii; a .rare profile of photographer Otto Rothschild, best known for his shots of the rich and famous around ttie world; a look at lunch-time deal makl . Lo~ Back Pain? There Really Is lv1 Answer .. . . CALL64MJIO WISTCUfP CtllOPIAC11C Ol'flCI ................ ' JMJW .......... 111 ------~-=--------:-=-=========---=-~--------------::::-=---:::=------~.-------::-::-------19 ~ursday lrAnin'nued) el review "I Ought To Be·ln Pictures'' and three lnstitutlons,prisonsC>fondrugs. (1hr.) ~ _ ~II \\.AA11 other new movies. . e MASTERPIECE THEATRE "love In A Cold Cli-~ (!)SPORTS CENTER mate: Child Hunt" Based on books by Nancy t,ft-~ • FAMILY FEUD ® MOVIE "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard ford. Lord A~h Indulges In a favorite family -t LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank sport -hunting Ne own chlldren with bloodhounds. < •EYETONIC T';-CA.OOUGH robbers and sent to fall. 'R' (1 hr., 51 min.) {Part 1) Q ( 1 hr.) 1 " Cl) MOVIE "Airplane!" (1980, Comedy) Robert CC) MOVIE "Carnal Knowledge'' (1971, Orama) c8 MEET THE MAYORS Hays, Julie Hagerty. After an alrllner'a crew falls to Jack Nlcholeon. Ann-Margret. Two college friends YOU ASKED FOA IT food poisoning, a nervous former war pilot is spend sev8f'al years before and aft8f' graduation dis-~ M•A•s•H pressed Into service and must contend with on-covering life by sharing and switching each other's 0: SIGNATURE Guest: Blzabeth Ashley. (Part 1) board hysteria, a secretive control tower and cllche-Q![lfrlends. 'R' (1 .hr., 37 min.) ~ MACNElL I LEHRER REPORT Med memories. 'PG' (1hr.,30 min.) W POCKET BILUARD6 "Legeodary Stars Sef'les" 7 .. 501 NEWSNEWS e MOVIE "Texas lightning" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Joe Balsis vs. Luther Lasslt8f' (1 hr., 30 min.) ~ 8:30• tll BOSOM llUDDIES Kip and Henry find CO MOVIE ''Bustin' loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich-~ 8:00 Cl) MAGNUM, P.I. A fashion designer whose themselVes behind bars with two odd-ball tough ard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bumbling t>urgiar, a coo-g. Tube Topper Magnum, P.I. Channel 2 -8 p.m. partner has been murdered hires Magnum to pro-tect her. ( 1 hr.) 8 a FAME Mrs. Sherwood discovers that Leroy is on his own and decides to go easy on him. ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "The Spiral Road" ( 1962, Adventure) Rock Hudson, Burl Ives. A doctor discovers both medical progress and faith while working In tha Jun- gles of Batavia. (2 hrs.) 8 tll POLICE SOUADI Detective Orebln poses as a shopkeeper to bust a protection racket. (!) BENNY Hill • P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with a top male stripper; a look at the Sara Lee baked goods com-pany success story. e MOVIE "Malaga" ( 1960, Adventure) Trevor Howard, Dorothy Dandridge. A jewel thief journeys to Spain with his girlfriend in O<der to trap an old cohort who dou~rossed him. (2 hrs.) ID BOTANIC MAN: LANO OF OPPOAtUNITY Bot-anist. Or. David Bellamy, goes to New Zealand to ~lain the phenomenon of continental drift. • THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila gives pointers on laying a no-wax floor and checks the progress of the landscaping. Q ID) SNEAK PAEVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- lys. (R) Q RAC.NG FROM YONKERS All IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Fontamara" Michele Placido. Antonetta Murgia. A smaH town In Italy resists facism, while one man strives to leave polltlcs behind and find a new life In Rome. (2 hra.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Eber1 and Gene Sisk- e! review "I Ought To Be In Pictures" and three other new movies. e PORTRAITS IN PASTELS (%) MOVIE "The Moon's Our Home" ( 1936, Come- dy) Margaret Sullavan. Henry Fonda. Based on Faith Baldwin's st<>')'. An aspiring actress falls in love with a novelist. { 1 hr .. 20 min.) 8:50@ MOVIE "Blindfold" (1966, Suspense) Rock Hudson, Guy Stockwell. A psychiatrist becomes Involved wnh international conflict when he treats a scientist sough1 by two opposing governments. (2 hra.. 10 min.) 9:00 8 (I) CAGNEY & LACEY Cagney and Lacey Investigate an assault on a tough young street gang member by an elderly Caucasian. (1 hr.) D a DIFF'AENT STROKES Kimberly's hair turns Q!._een after she washes It In polluted rainwater. Q U 0 9 TO 5 Mr. Hart lures Judy Bernley Into a hotel room after she Is transformed into a ravishlr:>g beauty. Q (!) MOVfE "The Ballad Of Josie" ( 1968, Comedy) Doris Day, Peter Graves. A widow begins raising sheep. causing-her cattle-rancher neighbors to fume. (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFAN "Salute To TV's '9 To 5' " Guests: Jane Fonda. Rita Moreno. Jean Marsh. ( 1 hr.) • JOE ALBANY: A JAZZ. LIFE Jazz pianist Joe Albany talks about his last 27 years spent either in Tube Topper Fam e Channel 4 -8 p.m. LH CUMIQI C8f'ned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross--country trip In a broken~own school bus. 'R' (1 hr., 34 min.) CID MOVIE "Payday" ( 1973, Orama) Alp Torn. Anna Capri. A country and western singer ruthlessly makes his way to stardom by manipulating and dis- carding those around him. (2 hrs.) 9:30 'GIMME A BREAK D TAXI Zena's rejected girlfriend uses Louie's shoulder to cry on. (R) Q a LOOKAUVE (I) LAFF-A-THON A comedian hos1 and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 9 MOVIE "The Hand" (1981, HOO'or) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcovlccl. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happenlng In a cartoonis1's lite after he suffers the loss of a hand. 'A' (1 hr., 44 mlnl_ 10:008 Cl) KNOTS LANDING Karen struggles with a decision Involving her relatlonshlp with a man and Abby tries to sway a politician who could be of help to her bUslness. ( 1 hr.) D • HILL STREET BLUES Captain Furillo deals wf1h a recently released gang leader who Is deter- D The European Way to ULTRASLI M owners & founders JILL & ALLEN NI- CHOLSON, spent yean resear- ching and perfecting their unique techniques for body contouring. Cellulite iB a malady that baa plagued fem ales for ages, and has been sometimea miscon- strued as something the indi- vidual ia unable to get rid of. Larry Stewart-"I lost 31/t inches off my waist in only 8 treatment.." Heather McN air-"Thl1 ia the only all-over effective cel- lulite & inch lou program that worked for me." Classic Beauty There is a world here in Co- rona del Mar where your fon- dest dreams can come true, a place where you can become the person you have always wanted to be. No need for far away spas or health resort.a. Because there is ULTRA· SLIM, a place totally different from any other slimming studio anywhere, with its spaciousness & serenity, sophisticated equipment & skilled profes- sional staff. ULTRASLIM iB dedicated to the well-being of its clients, providing the latest & most miraculous treatment for cellulite control and slim- ming under the superviaion of experts. "~ut, more than that," they say, "we have looked for natural ways to bring out the innate beauty in every woman. In our atudios we have installed equipment unavailable any- where else in the United State& so that we can offer the best of rejuvenation & beautifying' treatment for thoee men & wo- men who really care about themselves.,. "To do that we include cel- lutronica & nutritional 1uide- lines to break down cellulite - that annoying mixture of fat, toxins, fluids and waatea that accumulate in the layers of connective tiaaue between the musdee and akin." "At ULTRASLJM it can be controlled & eliminated," Jill continued. "Our total concept program combining nutrition, lifestyle guidanc:e & ULTRA- SLIM electronic machines pro- duces aatoniahing result.." Allen Nicholson states that he has been pleased with the wide a cceptance of t h e UL TRASLIM program by men. "While not bothered u much by cellulite -men seem to ap- pnciat.e the muscle tone & inch loea that our program provides -quickly & effortlessly." Gary Ru11ell, Manager of ULTRASLIM of Corona del Mar, invites you to visit our studio for a free nutritional consultation. (714) 876-2711 8810 E. Coaat l.{11hway, Corona del Mar Located Acrot1 From A.T. Leo'• and Five Crowna on Eut Coat Highway ~ <O CD N .. ) . -.> • . ::=·· IO Thursday (continued) N CD m .... u:i N .&:. (J ._ as ~ ~ as "O 1: u.. ~ ~ > ~ -.2 a: ON THE GO WITH SONY s BETAPAK$PORfABLEBETAMAXS VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER Announcing the second generation in home videocassette recorders: Sony's incredible BetaPakl It's smaller. lighter. more compact ,lhan any lh" re<X>rder in histOtY ..• it brings you an astounding-range of new video features and cai>abililies ... and best of all. it's fully PQftable -so YoU can use it with ease. Indoors or outdoOrs. to record off the air or to create your own home video programs! YOUR CHOICE! R l·750 SCOTCH VIDEO; CASSETTES T·l30 SIJ.45.._ s2.so ... • s I 0.95 LIMIT: 6 PER CUSTOMER VIDEO FllOM RECORDERS 5569 WE HAVE A COMPLETE CHOOSE FROM THESE SELECTION OF: FAMOUS BRANDS: • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV• • Ad\lent •Akal• TOK MOVIES• VIDEO CAMER-Maanavox •RCA• Hltaehl AS• WIDE SCREEN TV'S• • Pinuonic • JVC •Sony ACCESSORIES• RENTALS • MGA • G.E. •Quasar a>EN MON. ~U TlURS. 10-6 •FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 ·~ 12.5 YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRICES AT ••• IDE mined to re-establish his power and a sneaky • mtn=•an. <R> (1hr.> 120 THE MANOR BORN SNEAK PREVIEW A look at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. Cl) BIZARRE "Super Dave' (Zl MOVIE "Cruising" (1980. Mystery) Al Pacino, Paul Sorvlno. A rookie New York City cop Is sent on an undercover assignment to find the psychotic klllef' behind a string of homosexual murders. 'R' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 10:30. NEWS l ~uest: 8izabeth Ashley. (Part 1) THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokle Roberts )oln Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congr88Slonal activities. CE THIS WEEK IN THE NHL , CH) MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Sclenoe-Action) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and helped Its oppressed Inhabitants lo the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) Cl) MOVIE "9 To 5" (1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel against their subjugation by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50gln. · 11:00 8 8 (()(11 e NEWS ISA AYNIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN THE JEfFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON MOVIE "That Tennessee Beat" (1966, Musical) Sharon OeBord. Ear1 Richards. A guitar player makes It big after being guided by a lady preacher and confesses past Indiscretions publicly. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) 19 $0TANIC MAN: LAND OF OPPORTUNITY Bot- anist, Or. David Bellamy, goes to New Zealand to explain the phenomenon of continental drift. I DICK CAVETT Guest: Jonathan Miiier. (Part 4) INSIOE WASHINGTON MOVIE "It's Alive" (1975, Horror) John Ryan, Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes into the world with fangs, claws and a strong homlcldal Instinct 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CE SPORTS FORUM (I) WOMEN'S MUD WRESTLING "World Light· ~ht Anallsts" ( 1 hr., 35 min.) CD) MOVIE "The Shining" (1980, Horror) Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall. Olrected by Stanley Kubrick. A former schoolteacher hired as a winter caretaker for a remote. and apparently haunted, Colorado hotel, Is snowbound there with his wife and clalrv~ant young son. 'R' (2 hrs., 26 mlo.) 11:30 8 (I.) QUINCY Qolncy tries to expose the Incompetence of a plastic surgeon. (R) (1 hr .. 10 min.) Tube Topper "Child Hunt" Channel 50 -9 p.m. LADIES ON THE HILL -The women (from left) Barbara Bossom as Fay Furillo. Betty Thomas as officer Lucille Bates and Veronica Hamel as public defender Joyce Davenport carry heavy loads'Thursday at 10 p.m. in the new episode of "Hill Street Blues" on NBC (Ch. 4). becomes precariously Involved with outlaws and a woman. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE FOCUS ON SOCIETY MOVIE "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Orama) Woody Allen. Charlotte Rampllng. A soocesstul director faces a personal crisis as he tries to make some major decisions In his life. 'PG' (1 hr., 29 minl_ lo. 12:20(1) MOVIE "Twelve Plus One" (Comedy) Sharon Tate.A young woman searches three coun- tries for a chair that contains a great fortune. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 12;25(8} MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" (1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan. David Niven. The night watchman at a British Bank Is tem~ed to return to a life of crime. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:30U e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: authof Stephen King. comedian Carol Leifer. Slim Whitman. (1 hr.) I COUPLES NEW8 . MOVIE "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boys" ( 1979. Adventure) Monte Markham. A four-brother family of cattle rustlers and their father challenge the local deputy to a genuine shootout at the old corral. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 27 min.) CE TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jersey. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) II MOVIE "Nightwlng" (1979, Suspense) Nick Mancuso. David Warner. The population of a Southwestern desert region Is terrorized by hun- dreds of vampire bats wtllch Invade the area In mass 8 • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Pia-numbers when night falls. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) cldo Domingo. (1 hr.) 12:..08 Cl) MCMILLAN & WIFE The Commissioner I (JJ ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE and Sally try to learn who is out to get her uncle. ALLIN THE FAMILY (R)_ (1 hr .. 40 {Tlin.) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 12:50Ql) MOVIE "Sherlock Holmes Faces Death" MOVtE "Fontamara" Michele Placido, Antonella ( 1943. Mystery) Basll Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. Murgia. A small town In Italy resists faclsm, while Holmes solves a dual murder after discovering an one man strives to leave polftlcs behind and find a underground crypt. (1 hr., 30 min.) new llfe In Rome. (2 hrs.) 1:00 e MOVIE "Palmy Days" ( 1931, Musical) I NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS Eddie Cantor, George Ratr: Fortunetelling con art- CAPTIONED ABC NEWS lsts invade a lashlonable health spa. ( 1 hr.. 30 SPORTS CENTER min.) INTERNAltONALCHAMPIONSHIPOFMAGIC • MOVIE "War Hunt" (1962. Orama) John Sax- 11:50(ZlWHYOAOOY? on. Robert Redford. A soldier In the l<orean War 12:ooe ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An lnteMew becomes schizophrenic and reacts oddly after a with Michael OouQlas. "cease-fire" order. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 0 VEGAS Oan's llfe Is endangered when he 1:108 MOVIE "Journey Into Midnight'' (1968, Hor- Investigates the murder of a well-known call girl. ror) Chad EVMett, Julie Hams. Two stories with ffi) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) supernatural overtones: a commercial artist ts taken a MOYIE "Fury On Wheell" (1971, Orama) Torn back Into the tragic ruins of his past: a ruthless con 1421 WEIT M8CARTHUR BL VD. Ligon, Logan Ramsey. A sheltered mountain lad Is artllt preys upon a wealthy widow. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (JUST WEST OF BRISTOi.) lntr~ to the exc:ltlng world of stock car der-a NEWS blel. (2 hrs.) 1:308. NEWS SllTI Ill• .. Ill Ml-1122 (!)MOVIE ''B Puo" (1949. West•n) John Payne, 1:56(1) MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981. Mystery) GaM Rusaell. In the daya folowlng the CIVIi War, • Sigourney Weaver. Wiiiiam Hurt. A television report- .. OVIE Texas lawyer discovers that a lhow of force. rather er becomes Involved with a janitor who may know than peaceful bargaining. Is the answer to cleaning more about a murder that he wltneued than he Is RINT ALI coouptlon In the tenttory. (2 hra.) aa~. 'R' (1 hr .. •3 min.) ~~~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;~;==•!l-.....!~M0\11E-"Jottnnv O'Clock" ( 19•7. Ora~). Olck , .. e:oo• ~IE '1"Fem1 Didt.4adoHIN!Y'~·{tMJ, ~ ,ij J.a.:J...,f'4V> ........ tic•• 'QllmbW, ____ , !tAgew ""'"'""· elliOlf """"'· , • • .Cop shows From Page 3 -respect. So what wealthy establishment do they ctioaee for a btg 900te? A fast-food joint where there mu.t have been a whole 50 bucks in the register, But two of the copa' wives are in1Jcle, too, creating oonveruent host.aces. To no one'• surprile, justice -and Hooker's revolver -ptt'VaiJa. The 8eCOnd epUode found Hooker on the 1rall of a Bible-tottnc, knife-wieldin« robber. (Religjow fanatics come in right behind \Y"ietnam vets among favorite TV vWaini.) Hooker 11 fOl'Ced to hook up with a pushy TV newswoman, who 11 decidedly antl-<X>p. But ~ you can say haven't·l-1een-thia before, the news- woman ia taken hostage and waits to be re.cued by you know who. . . U there's anything worth watching about this show, it's Shatner. He •till baa a magnetic ecreen preeence and can put the funniest spins on even the lamest wi9ecracb in the acrlpt. Hooker' a Saturday night oompetition on NBC ia "Chicago Story." Thia program waa apparently dreamed up as 80lDe eort of innovation, interwea- ving the lives of oops, lawyers and doctors in the Windy Oty. Unfortunately, the IC:riptwrttera thus far have succeeded only ln weaving together a batch of well-worn oop show, doctor show and lawyer show clichea. The premiere epi.ooe was that old ba.tage- drama-in-the-bospltal chestnut. The eecond featu- red a murder witness in diatrea. And lut Satur- day's episode involved a cop's runaway niece ab- ducted by a ruthle11 plmp. Part of the problem is that "Chicago Story" strains credibility· when it forces doctors, lawyers and oops into the siu:ne storyline. On the plua aide, however, ia aome fine acting by the aeries atan. Aleo, the Chicago locations lend a gritty realiam to the outdoor eames. When was the last time you saw snow in a network aeries? On the basis of the premie~_ ~ieode, "Baker's Daum," airing Wedneedaya on CBS, loob none too promising either. The aeries features Ron Silver and Cindy Weintraub as romantically involved of- ficers in an underoover unit. The fint abow tried to be both drama and ~ medy aa it introduced the regular characters and placed Miu Weintraub in jeopardy u bait for a rapist in a singles bar. (Yea, another bostaae crisis . . . ). - Unfortunately, the wbecracu weren't very funny, and the drama wam't very effective. · "C.agney and Lacey," the new Thunday aeries about two women officers, couldn't be viewed be- fore press time. But the promotional ads for the aeries show the pair dJsgu.iJled •prostitutes, aerving aa bait., no doubt., for -.1ed rapista and muggers. 'The only breath of freah air among the cops and robbers shows this •pci.ng ii "Police $quad," the Cooking School MARCH & APRIL Schedule 11111:. Coat 111aw., eon.a del llar. CA..._ ,,,.... (~ ... -.,,~ ... ) ST ALE STORYLINE -New c:t>p shows, but old storylines are flourishing on network television. Here a crazed Vietnam veteran (David Ackroyd) holds another wounded veteran (Gregory Sierra) hostage. in a hos- pital on "McClain's Law." Hostage story- lines are popular this season. ABC aeries that mocks the recycled gimmicks that run rampant through the "•t.rai&ht" cop shows. If the networb really want to offer aometh.ing fresh, how about a 11eries in which a crued Vietnam veteran teams up with a religiotaa fanatic to hunt down cliche-happy TV ICl'iptwriten in the name of truth, justice and the American Way? QUESTION OF TASTE: ABC baa confirmed that John Beluahi did indeed tape a cameo murder victim ecene for the earlier mentioned "Police Squad" c:.unedy aeries . 'The brief tegment waa filmed before Belushi's death from a heroin and cocaine overdoee March 5. That death scene bas been removed from the program. ABC laid, in the interest of~ taste. Few would argue against removif Of ~Be­ lushi death soene, I 1uppoee. But one can't help remembering that Belushi'• forte on "Saturday Night Live" and in the film "Animal Hou9e" was stralrl1ng the limits of good taste. The networu seem to be operating with a double standard. While wl the humorous death acene from "Police Squad,'' have telecast endless replays of the real 1cene ln w Beluahi's ma.ive sneet..covered body ia carri away from the Hollywood bungalow where he died. You wonder if John might not have preferred the "Police Squad" 1eene . -. . RECORD HIGH: KOCE Channel 50 recently concluded its Sprind'est mel'(lbenhip drive, raising $172,518 -the highest total in the history of the Huntington Beach station. During the 14-day celebration, the station 1ianed up 3,356 new members with an everage pledge of $48.81. Total' pledges exiceeded the orici· nal goal of $150,000 by 15 percent. MONDAY ·ruESDAV WEDNESOA49' • • • Oscar Jn.nPlll/f!l ~ 0 -Saturday at a p..m. on cm cai. 2). The 1938 modoG )lkture mn Judy G.rland 81 r the 1ovable Dorothy with Ray Bol&er. Jadt 11.aJey' ~ Bert Lahr and Frank Morpn • her compat:rio«a in .,, the Land ol O&. 5: * * * • In the 11J1ina and aamrner of 1980, the MUlleWn '.!< of Art in N'ew ~ ork Qty dilplayed the works of i: Pablo ~ -nearly 1,000 wodai in all. Captu-~ rina that exhibition ia a film to be praented on g. Sa~t 10 p.ra on CBS (Cb. 2). N "P ~: Once in a Lifetime" feature. !" narrator Charlal Kuralt in a brolldcMt that jncea ...,. Picauo'• early worlu, revolutionary cubism and ~ experimen .. in ICulpture and OO.lla&e. 'nle show Uo N Joc*:a at the artist's recurring thema death. pathoa, the duality of wocnen. * * * "The National Crime and Violence Test," a one-hour IDedal that f0Cl.&le9 on the 9kyrocketi.ng rate of robbery, theft and burclary, and test viewers on their awarene. and ~ will air Saturday at 8 p.m. Oil KTTV Ctwu>eJ 11. Hc.ted by Art LinkJetter and Jayne Kennedy, the show focuees on where robberies take place, how we tnvi~ crime in puWic by unneceaarily expcmng our money and jewelry and bow we fail to tnake our homes safe. Moet important, the lhow detaila how to protect ounelves when cm.fruited with a thief. * * * Sped.al Acedemy Award-1rinning mov1es will be preeented this weekend on K1TV Channel 11. '-C..ptaim ~" ltarring Spencer Tracy and Lionel Barrymore, will air at noon Saturday. "The Philadelphia Story,'' with Cary Grant, James Stewart and Katharine Hepburn, will be lhown at 2 p.m. Saturday. "The Champ," •tarring Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper, is 11et for Saturday at 4 p.m. "Midnight Cowboy," with Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight, will air at 11:30 p.m. Satu:rdaY. "A Funny Th.Ina Happened on the Way to the Forum," launches S-unday's movie highlight at 2 p .m . "Boye Town," starring Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney, ain at 4 p.m. "Love is a Many Splendored Thing/' with William Holden and Jennifer Jones, will be shown at 8 p.rn. "Lillies of the Field," starring Sidney Poitier, will air at 11:30 p.m. * * * Oscar winner Gregory Peck stare in "MacArthur,'' one of America'• greatest war he-roes. at 9 p.m. Sunday on NBC (CL 4). Peck's 09car was for ''To Kill a Mockingblrd." Peck portrays Gen. DOuglas MacArthur, the outspoken military commander who first oomea to widelprMd public reoosrlition when be ia onlered by President RooeeveJt to lean hia beleaguered foroee in the Philippines. He later returns aa victor and 1Mde the Allied forcee in 1ignina the treaty with the Japanese aboard the u.s.s. MWouri. Later, when South Korea ia invaded, Mac.Ar- thur plunge. into a new war and a climactic con- frontation with President Truman that brings about the ~ cr1m in his career. * * * Linda Blair of 'llJ'he Exon:iat" fame •tars in the title role of "WUd Hone Hank,'' an adventure druna about a etrona-willed college s~t who llnaJe..handedly lwla a herd of wild hones aero. 150 mn. of lloJated terrain to prot.ect them from elauchter. The moYie a1n at 8 p.m. Monday on NBC (Ch. 4). .FRIDAY ·$A 'f.URDl\Y. %7 - I "A.Ill. '9AJl. l ~ -·c:ooicr OllMR" 1(#1j911191n llAY NIPOlllCI 1 ~--·------- 31 ~ InsideTv · .,... t 'General Hospital' ~ ~ new board game 'O ;f By JEFF PARK.Ell -°' ... ..,,... ... 8' Fans of "General Hoepital" will get the chance ...J to enjoy their show even when it's not on, when a ~ new board game, "General Hospital" comes out la- -ter ttu. month. .2 , The game, to be made and marketed by Car-a: dinal Industries using the show's trademarked name, .W "incorporate free-fonn role playing in which participants assume the penonalities of the program's characters, combined with the structure and movement of a regular board game." In addi- tion to the boara game, Cardinal will market "twist-and-pull-apart puzzles," and "doctors' and nW'9el' kits with the 'General Hospital' name" ... Howard E. Rol.lina, the Best Supporting Actor nominee for bis role as Coalhouse Walker in "Ragtime," recently completed a short engagement on the NBC aoep ''Another World.'' "Movie stars do daytime now because it's a kick," he said, "and it is a kick. It's fun to get on the"' air and do that kind of stuff and reach that many people." Rollins went on to say that hia new-found fame and fortune as a result of "Ragtime" is a little "astonishing," and he's determined to "catch on and run with it'' . . . After 13 tiring wee~ on the set of the minise- ries ''Marco Polo," Ken Marsh.all. the 28-year old star might be expected to take a rest. No dice. The young stud instead flew off to London to begin filming on the feature film "Krull" "Krull" will be directed by Peter Yates, who did "Breaking Away," and Xat.es said that Marshall is perfect for the part of the hero. "Once I saw the ac:reen test on Ken, there was no point in seeing anyone else," Yates stated. "He unquestionably looks like a hero, a ro- man tic hero who is able to lead armies, rescue & HONORED -Anthony D. Thomopoupos, president of ABC Entertainment, was na- med honorary fire chief of Los Angeles for the Sunday evening series, "Co<fe Red," which tells the firefighter's story. kingdoms and win women's hearts with very little effort. He has that athletic, graceful quality that commands at1ention . . . " Tom Brokaw, who will become ohe of the new anchors of "NBC Nightly News" April 5, recently received an award from the Greater Los Angeles Press Club for his "outstanding contributions to journalism." Past honorees have been Jim Murray and Walter Cronkite. Congratulations, Tom-Tom, we're all proud of you ... "Falcon Crest'' will have its last original broadcast April 16, returning May 28 with a fresh batch of stories ... ( ·--··-----~ The great exhibit of Pablo Picasso's works mounted by the Museum of Modern Art in New York , in the summer of 1986 will be the topic of CBS' "Pablo PicaSIO: Once in a Lifetime," aet for broadcast March 27. CBS recoreded the exhibition on fiJm and Correspondent Charles Kuralt will narrate the broadcast ... Fay Wray broke a self-imposed retirement of many years when she returned to acting two years ago to star with Henry Fonda and J.me Ferrer in the television movie "Gideon's Trumpet." 'The mo- vie will be re-broadcast March 30 on CBS. Miss Wray had a few cogent remarks to make about her career recently . "When I was working 'King Kong' no one thought it would become a cl~ic," she said. "Much tender loving care went into every facet of the production, and it truly was a labor of love. The beast's arm was mechanical, and beneath the fur was a crane that ~uld lift me ~and down. I would stand on the set, the huge paw would be wrapped around my waist, and I would be rai.9ed so that I was in line with an elevated camera ls I kicked and screamed and wriggled, his fingers would gradually loosen and begin to open. My fear of falling was real!" ... Katherine Cannon, who grew up in Laguna Beach and now plays Mae Woodward on "Father Murphy," says she's looking forward to a little free time now that this season's shooting ls completed. She plans to spend a little time skiing, take a trip to Hawaii with her son, Colin, and rest up for next season's rigorous schedule. "Of course, rm always keeping my eyes out ior good parts too," she said Anthony D. Thomopoulos, ABC Entertainment president, has been named honorary Fire Chief of Lo& Angeles. He i$ only the third person ever to enjoy the honor. He was cited for "demonstrating exceptional foresight and concern for the public welfare for recogn.l2ing the importance of the role of firefighters play in protecting the lives and property of the citir.enry of this nation. His great vigor and enthusiasm for 'Code Red' series and the show's message of public safety through fire pre- vention demonstrate a high level of community responsibility ... " ' FOR YOUR FAMILY Plew "'8ke your 1'911Mlllona now 900 Newport Center Drtve (71•) &4CMOOO, Ext. 8101 • Letters Carrying on tradition FATHER AND SON - Thett is a young actor by the name of Han Bochner whom l have 1een in "Rich and Fa- mous" at the movies and "Haywire .. on TV. My ques- uon: ls he relat.ed to the actor Lloyd Bochner. who 11 now aHWnni in "Dynasty"? They are rather and son. ELEPHANT MAN -l was overcome by the powerful drama ''The Elephant Man .. and was wondering if you might tell me when John Memdt acwally lived. John Merrick was born in 1863 a.nd 'Clied ln 1890, having sufrered his entire life from neuroribromatosis, a genetic condi t.lon. SAWYER NEWS -l am t.enibly impn!Aed with Diane Sawyer, the CBS reporter on the morning news. Pleue tell me aomethina aboul her. IO recall him being marned to Robin St.rimer', who playi Do- rian on "One Ure to Uve." Mill St.rasseJ" and Luck.lnbUl were married and have two aons, who continue to live in New Yoc-k with their mother. She's a New Yoc-ker born and bred, who start.ed actln& u a duld, atwided the High School of Perfonnlng AIU (of "Fame" rame) and has alternated bet· ween soa1>9 and the 1tage for some time now. In fact. she and Luckinbill did two Broadway play• together. "The Shadow Box" and "Chapter Two." Send yow lell~IS to hppeJ" O'Brien, United FeatUJ"e Syn- d>caie, 200 Park A~ue. Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10168. Mils Sawyer ls a 36-year-old native or Kentucky whose beckground Includes a stint u America'• Junlor Miu (11163) and an eight-year aUUlation with Rkhard Nixon, u a White House preu aide both before and durlne the Water1ate ICandal and then u chaer res- earcher on the Nixon memoirs. She baa been at CBS 1iqce 11178, covering the State De- partment before her current anchor amipunent. ~ ~€AR£NJG£ IHE. C.ETT@ZS You F1£.c.€D '"' l"O SPELl "fHE ~€~At-! 6Nffll\A\Wf~: 1 1 I !TI] BE LOV ES L UCI E - Pleue tell me who acior Lau- rence Luckinbill was married to berore Lucie Ariiu. I 11eer11 TV Puzzle 1.8 Shown, plays Laurie on Love. Sidney 13 Role for John Saxon 14 Relative 15 One Day -a Time 16 Col Hoopla's word 11 -. re. m1 18 Clock symbol 19 Kercheval or Berry 21 Puts out to sea 23 Winter mo 24 Historic period 25 $1()() bill 26 Joan Van - 27 A -Is Born 30 Plays the Rabb• on Arcn1e Bunker 32 Fa· follower 33 Commerclal 1 Rote tor Leland Smith ACROSS 34 Tne Jersey - 36 Role on Bonanza 39 Sanford and - 40 -Amin 43 Liable 45 Diving bird 46 Miss Lisi 48 'lute -of Flamingo Road 49 Neighbor of Mliss. 50 Ex(st 51 Otherwise 53 Miss Raes 1nltlats 5'4 Plays Lou Grant 56 Robert Pine rote 58 Hopper of Hollywood fame 59 Hutch's partner DOWN 3 Double -Nothing 21 5 Droops 6 LovebOat bartender 7 M1ssQorme 8 Brady- 9 Numero- 10 Mr. Lansing's lnsigne 11 Ernie's -on Paper Chase 12 Rote for Doug Cox 20 -K1ngCote 22 Mr Elgart's sign-off 23 Rote for Roben Uricn 28 -1n the Family 29 Role for Steve Kanaly 30 -jongg 31 Much -About Notnlng 34 Role for Isabel Sanford 35 Printer's - 37 Rote for RObert Ito 38 Sissy- 39 Purcell on Real People 40 Clock numerals 41 Worthless pan 42 Cove 44 Memorable actress Ellen- 46 Beth Howland role 47 Thin Man's pooch 50 Four-poster 52 "To -is human .. 55 Mr. Diamond's slgn-oll 57 -You Like It 2 SPtM!Millllillllll!!!llll!!l~!!'!l!!!il~~~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!.~.~-~~-l!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I A KllCHE• SO BEAUTIFUL our ·friends will hate i ·OPEN THUR. TILL 9·p1 · 53 "'O g -i < r $ '"Tl ., 0: ~ ~ Cl> ., n ;,' I\) !I' _. co Q) I\) • • < • ) -> ., I 3' 0 i .... ~ Daytime l 2 • By LYNDA BIRSCB $ ALL MY CHILDREN: Paul Martin considers u.-c WaahJ.niton pomtioo. After Oonha tella Myra she may be prepnt, Myra, who knows Palmer can't ~ be the father, aua-ta Donna wait awhile before .::S annom>dng the news. Unable to patch up maniage > troublet with Tom, Brooke takes Atlanta newspa- .,_ per position in hopes that the separation wiU ~ atrengthen the marriage. Palmer refulee Tom's re-a: quest for job recommendation for Sean after his priloa releue. Estelle plana to leeve Benny after she dilcoven be spent $1,000 on lottery tlcketa. Aware Rick ia sleeping around, Benny confronts him and Rick has a change of mind about his upcoming marriage to Betsy. With Rick. late for the wedding, Betsy starts pacing and Benny tries un- aucceeaf ully to find him. Erica breaks off her en- Nement to Brandon and flirts with Kent, while Pammy arranges for Brandon and Sara to be alone ln her dorm room. ANOTHER WORLD: Using his helicopter, . Steve manaaes to aave Raebel and Matthew u their car teeten aver cliff's edge. After MJtch apologires, Rachel ~he may see Matthew whenever be wishes. uneasy becauae Steve and Rachel's experience in San Franciaco bu brought theni cloeer together. Steve and Alice's elopement la once again postponed, this 11me due to the art gallery operuna. Although an angry Bob want.a R.J . pu- nished to the fullest for torching the gym, Larry gets Bob to be more lenient. Willie U1eS gun to hold up liquor store. Unable to make love to Cecille, Sandy aaya the marria&! is over. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Barbara learns the man of her dreams who showed up at the funeral of James'• brother is Gunnar St. Clair, an adventurer who c:la1ml to be a cousin of J~ causing James to fear he'll try to grab the Stenbeck estate. SL. Clair inlista he survived a fire which killed the n!St of the family. John thinks Lisa is go.ip columnist Dolly Valentine, who is "slanderin&tt his reputation. While several men a.re eyeing Ellen. abe only baa eyes for David. Annie redeems henelf in Jeffa eyes when ahe saves a patient'• life in surgery. In Paris. a poi.loned Mir$nda calls for Bob, who arrives and saves her life. Mr. Big, who did not die in the ex- plosion after all, is the polloner. Marco, bavina to- ugh ti.me in lice training prosnun, won't aClmit her love for /:m as she fears hurting Maggie. Tom walks in aa Maggie and Steve are in middle of ro- mantic .cene. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Robert continues to think of his days as a money go-between for De- meara. Aware that Stephano ls meeting with po- werful underworld figures, Don and Neil try to get Liz to move out of the mansion. >.. Alex attempts to stttl Mary's will from the lake houae, Phyllis ar- rives. Invited to lunch by Renee, Jake aean:hes the Demeara house and discovers a secret passage. Woody finds Meliasa at Shenani.pnl and reunites her with her family. Jake continues to plague Marlena with phone calls. Phyllis and Melilsa na~ med co-heads of Anderson Corp. in Mary's will. DOCTORS: Matt unhappy when he spots Murray and M@e at reopeninc of Medicine Man. After startlng fight with Greta, BU1y thrown out of restaurant by Luke and Theo. When Luke reali.ze9 his bank account la short $1,500, he confronts Na- CONCERNED BROTHER -Academy Award nominee Howard E. Rollins Jr. (Ragtime) plays F.d Harding, who tries to convince his sister, Quinn (Petronia Paley), to re-establish her family ties, in episodes to be telecast the week of March 29 on NBC's (Cb. 4) continuing daytime drama "Another World" weekdays at 1 p.m. talle, who insists it's a bank error. Desolate over Luke's change of attitude toward him and no longer being an integral part of the Medicine Man. Barriey moves out of the apartment and cannot be found. Luke·ub Natalie to marry him. EDGE OF NIGHT: The acene is aet: Raven is confronted by Jinx, poaing as jealous lover of Johnny. Jinx provokes Raven into "shooting'' her. Calvin arrests Raven, who ls horrified at her deed but llC!'Mlm her lnnocence. Jinx's illness worwena. Jody Wlable to eee her mother before she dies, but learn.a her mother went with many undesirable men and was trying to bum a itack of papers and diaries prior to her death. & Jody is outside her mother's room, a mysterious man exits. Libby and Spencer aearch for Sky as Sky plans to see Val once more7 GENERAL HOSPITAL: Following a slew of clues planted by David, Luke boards a charter plane beading for Nepal which he believes Laura is on. Suddenly realizing he's being kidnapped, Luke parachutes out safely to Beecher's Corners. Aware Luke's in trouble, Laura T runs awa~ from David and Mel and leaves a note for Jackie. She then gets in touch with Luke. David and Mel realize Luke and Laura T are together and decide they must be gotten rid of. Noah angry at Anne's insinuations that Frances, a known bleeder, was given anti- coagulant by Bradshaw, thus causing her death. Unhappy that he's under suspicion for stealing sports center money, Scotty joins forces with Blackie and wonders where Spike is getting his abundant spending money. When Monica pretends she has a laver, Alan is pushed over the edge and decides to go ahead with divorce even though it means moving away from Susan for awhile. RANCic?J - -GUIDING LIGHT: Morgan lands $25,000 modeling uaignment and must fly to New York to do four coven for Nu-View magazine. Carrie dres- leS aeductively and oomea on to Ron. Nola relieved when Henrietta turns out to be dowaget, but later discovers the glamorous Helene is Quint's ex- fiancee. An eaveedropping Nola tees an unfriendly diecussion between Quint and Helene and m.istak.ea it for a reconciliation. Quint departing London for business reuons; Nola stays behi.ncf to work on project. At the stockholders' meeting, Quint is introduced aa one of the company's newest and largest stockholden. When Alan must be moved from priaon, he stays at warden's houae while Mike poees as Alan during car ride. The.re is no accident on the road, much to Mike's surpriae, but later he learm that Alan is missing from the warden's house. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Despite Georgina's fear that lack of secrecy will jeopardize the project, Beau and Mimi fly to Washington to meet with Karl Eberhard, who claims to have a vacuum extractor. Karl's aides break into Tony's workshop and take Georgina'• preliminary plans. In D.C., Beau tests to see if 1<.arl has a viable product by offering to buy out Jupiter Enterprises. Meanwhile, Karl decides he will stop at nothing, including murder, to get his way. Asa and Dorian head out to D.C. to defeat Beau, and Dorian comes on to Karl in attempt to find out what he knows. Fearful that Pam knows too much, Ivan lures her to his hideaway, where be turns her into a robot. Later, Pam tells Pat she must drop Wilde story due to family emergency in De- troit. Larry disappears, causing much worry for Karen and Ivan. Marcello takes job with AA. RYAN'S HOPE: Joe meets with a dying Var- toba, who offers Joe his legitimate businestes, but Joe declines, thinking that any connection with Vartoba's businesses, legal or illegal, will make him look bad. Joe warns Maeve that rumors are going to fly about him, and ,&he offers her support. Widl a promise by Alexi of a big$tory, Jack agrees to bring Joe for another meeting. Ox goes to another fence to sell Jane's pearls. but is almost killed. He then decides that the only way to get rid of the jewelry is by selling it legitimately, and tries his luck on Fifth Ave. with little succea. Kim tells Jill the onlv wav Seneca can get a divorce ls to give her and Arley $1 million. Jane and Roger walk into Ryan's bar ~t as Ox passes out. Thankful for his saving Arley s life, Rae offers Pat the chance to run a free clinic ln New York. Siobhan as.rees to stay ln New York and learn her true feel.inp for Joe. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: In St. Kitts, McClure disappears and Dane, still suffering from broken ribs, decides he must head there to protect Travis and Liza. Travis and Liza have a free day and decide to use Peter Stoneman's boat, which he has sent down to St. Kitts for their use. AB they are enjoying a picnic lunch on the sumptuous yacht, there is a sudden explosion and two bodies go flying into the air. Although more money is involved than he thought, Stu decides to go ahead with riverboat project. Lee tells Cissy he will marry her as 900n as Travis-and Liza return. Although he doesn't expect their approval, he feels to marry with them out of town would be sneaking around. Martin tells Lee he will never accept his marriage to Cissy. Have a question about your favorite soap or soap star? Write t.o Lynda Hirsch, clo Field New- spaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714. She will answer as many questions as she can in her column, but the volume of mail makes personal replies impossible. fine staticrery 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 caaia del mar . . Daytinie Springfield Pocks on Gen. ,Hospital By UNDA HIRSCH Hold on to your hearts, IOllp and rOck I.am; it ~ool:s like Rick Springfield has ap-eed to re-sign with "General Hospital" and continue playing Noeh Drake. While Springfield hasn't signed oo the dot- ted line yet, Gil waiita him to stay .and ii willinl to give him what he's really after -not money, l>ut fonger periods off and a chance to do what bia re- cord company wants, and that is a tour. Springfield, who admittedly went thro~ a very lean time after his tenure u a teen idol in the early 70s. purposely honed his acting skiJh in order to have something to fall back on, but baa always been interested in being a rock star. Well, he is lha1, as indicated by his back-to-back hit albums and a Grammy award as rock-'n-roll performer of the year. However, Springfield does not want to give up- on the acting aide of his career, so it looks like he'll spend at least another year on GH and hopefttlly this will mean a stronger, more in~ storyline for the Noah Drake character. IN THE "IT'S A small world" category, Mark Lambert, Springfield's PR rep, is married to Vic- toria Mallory, who plays Leslie on .. Young and the Restless." Mallory and Lambea met on Broadway while ltan'ingin "A Little Night Music." one of the best musicals ever. JULIA BARR, last seen as Brooke on "All My Children." has just been cast in the Kate Hepburn play, "West Side WalU." AS WE'VE TOLD you before, the stars keep oomin' on the IDBps. Recently Rita Jenrette, that tell-all. do-anything ex-wife of an ex~ wu just leeli' on ''kdse of Nlaht." Not to be out- done, ''Guidinc Light" ia hiring a number of stars to . appear at the dilco, includini 'ldaurice Gibb of the BeeGees. Gibb will sing a ao~ on the Iha#. Al:- cording to Doug Marland, GL •head writer, he plans to make certain that all the stars that show up at the di8co -and many.Jre planned-will be an int.egral part of the storyline and be Wied to move the plot along. . Cbita Rivera and Gene Rayburn have ~ Joe lwelt'a uropeen apenenc. ................. , . .,...,,,, .. , ....... , ....... "' ...... / ..... 18"lli'I'•• a.trlll .......... 1•111•/-/Pr ... Two Tours FfOm Loe Angalel June 10, ·SOLD OUT to August 19 Each Only $2375.00 -To Find Out How It 19 Dltterent From Other European Tours C811 or Write For A ffM Brochure THE EUROPEAN IXPERmNCE 29851 Running Deer Lane Laguna Niguel, Ca. 92677 714 495-2905 J5 outlines). The Elliaea were responsible for such characters as Sam Reynolds, Andrea and Len ,, )Vhiti.ng, and Grace Bolton. By the way, Bolton was ~ played by superstar Jill Clayburgh. Joanne Copland ~ played Andrea, and Bob Mandan, later of "Soap" < fame, was the original Sam Reynolds. S .... Q: Oby. Now "Tiie Docs.on" w beeD pullted ~ back lo DOOD. My local 1tatJOD RDI DeWI at &Mt a: time, aad from wut I cu &ell la tH .,comlag ~ sclledale, U1ey doa't appear t• be 4roppla1 it. Wllat11 tile cltaace1 "Tile Doeten" wlll ran at ~ uotller time? -S.T., St. IAels, Mo. a -A : We c:kia't know what plans yoilr station has. =r We •I.Cliett that "Doctors" fans who have local N newacasta nannma at the noon period check with !" their atadon to see if ''The Doctors" is iOina to be ~ aired In that time slot when it moves over on March ~ 29, or in another area. A.a we suageated before, tnoae, of you who have cable TV should check around to tee if 6'lfhe Docton" or any other BOap that isn't running on your local channel is being carried over the cable. Alao check UHF stations. (You mtsht even aak general managers of your local UHF stations if they're interested in carrying such· ahowa as ''The Docton," "Edie of Night,"-"Texas.'.' etc.) SOAP ROCKER -Rick Springfield h as agreed to return to "General Hosl>ital" for at least one more season. ' on for "One Lile to Live" stinta. Rivera will pfay a W~n mistress. and Rayburn, known best as the emcee for "The Match Game,1Jlays "a sleazy senator;." KRJSTEN MEADOWS (Mimi King, "One Life to Live") is another "exercise nu\" who has decided to take her bobby to the atudioe. Kristen of the ~ beautiful figure (just look at the Feburary Playboy) is teaching an exerdae cJaa Almolt all the coast members have joined in (Rlchard Simmons t...wed to lead the gang over at "General Hospital." Since his appearances on GH are now very 1poradic, Sim- mons no longer leads the exerciaes, but we un- derstand fronl time to time the cast jou. totethes' t.o try and keep Utm.) "SEARCH FOR TOMORROW," which la about to make ita move fronl CBS to NBC come March 29, is pulling out all the 91ope With PR reJeMee and tendin2 all the major ltara. lncludlnc Rod Arrantl, Mary Stuart, Sherry Mathia, John Miiton (TraVis, Joanne, Liza, Martin), etc., on pramo toura acrom the country. The 1bow ls currently working wi- thout a head writer but bu eeveral cliaquen, and the Elli.es, wbo we think wrote "Search" during ita . beat period, are doing the a:..lalowna (overall plot 1 l lla[tL'l ~ '.D'U!p.nus _£. C!~npdlny CC-TU UIQlUM W0WN 'WOOOS W~IPN'Ull IHJTl1N W000 F\OOAt MINI BLINDS 50% OFF 100% PLUSH NYLON CARPET & PAD INSTAI I fl>''°"' 18.9$PwV~ WE Dl800UNl" PRICE -NOT QUAUTV (714)1G ... Q: Tlaose "•tan" tlaat ·~eat-appear oa t•e ...,. -are tlleJ setdac pa141? Do daeJ set paW more tbaa tile teplar performers? Bow do tile rep1ar ...,en. feel abcHlt it? -S.M., SavUIDU, Ga. A:. Yes, they're getting paid. No one works for free. & to whether they're getting more, we as- sume apedal comiderationa are being paid, but we abo 8llW"De that producen do oot wish to alienate their regular cast memben by giving megabucks to a star that drops in for a day or two. Cast feelings vary. Denise Alexander of "Geoenl Hospital" was v.:rY open in saying that while she didn't mind Liz Ta):lor appearing on GH. she didn't feel it was nece-ary; since the ahow as No. 1 and Was sure to be No. 1 for the wedding, the Taylor touch wasn't needed in Dent.e's opinion. Other performers think having stars on the show is wonderful, that it adds to the quality of the ahow and, of ~. gives them the chance to work with performen that they may not otherwise get a chance to deal with. It abo depends on the actions of the star on the set. MOit of the performers -Taylor, Pearl Bailey, Edie Adami, Betu Palmer, Milton Berle -have been deliahta to cle.l with. However, we hear an occaalonaf guest star can be a big pain, taking the word "star'' Vtty aerioualy. ' Have • quettion •bout your favorite soap or !K»p .W-1 Write to Lynda HJ.ncb. clo Fiekl New- spaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 196ZO, Irvine, c..J.il. 92714. She will answer • many queaionl aa me can In her column, but the volume of IDllll makes penona1 replies Jmpo.tble. In the D•lly Piiot'• Gre•t Gae Glve•w•y Contelt. - '> • N I .... '° N ~ :i li ~ "C I.I.. ~ ..J ~ r -Sl c: .. -.. - " • IAborallorsee b' epeq-eervtoe at. -.oh b~ • Same dq .. l'Y1ooe tn m&n.y ouee • B1tooala on1.)' f l& addit.tonal • BaU9Ch II Lomb 80ft oontact leneaa onJ.y •ee pr. • lODI-cAL aoolPt.ed .. ~leach , 707Q Edinger Ave. (at Golden Welt) 842-3133 .....,.. leoclt PlarO ~ Shp. Ctr. 762-5636 tanloAna &J6W.17~~71 Fullerton 500 N. Harbor BIVd. (at Chapmon) 87'}7441 MaMkn 1206 N. Euctld Ave. 744.3300 , eek ender Dog Cont.t'St popular during Knott's Country Fair. Knott's offers country. fun Knott's Berry Fann will offet' a heapin' helpin' of good old country fun and entertainment as it preeents the sixth annual country fair April 3-11. Cowpokes and urban cowboys alike will get a chance to milk a cow, learn the Texas two-step, munch on barbecued turkey drumsticks, give an ear to banjo players and fiddlen and see mainline perfonners such as Jim NabMs and the Righteous Brothers. 'For nine days and nights, the Buena Park at- traction will be turned into arl old-fashioned, banner-bedecked fairground highlighted by a WlY collection of t.hing, to do and see. Craftsmen will display their talents in wool spinning and candle making and a sculptor will take a chain .aw to hunks of redwood to create statues more than 6 feet in height. Activities include ple- eating contests and egg "n' spoon ~. There will be 4-ll aub demonstrations and exhibita of opera- ting antique farm machinery and old-time dulci- mers. Jim Nabors will pe r form tn the park's 2,100-eeat Good Time Theater April 3 and 4 at 5, 7 and 9 p.m. A live venion of the famed Ralph Ed- INSIDE Dance Fonner UCI ~1tudent getting experience wards TV ahow "Truth or Coneequences" bOsted by Bob Hilton is let for Monday through Friday, April 5-9, at 4, 6 and 8 p.m. And the Righteous Brot,hen will be celetirating their 20th annivenary in show businelS on April 10 and 11, at 5, 7 and 9 p.!Jl. Specialty entertainment will appear through- out the park, with such eyepoppers as Hal New- IOID's "Snakes Alive" show with boe oonstrictora, rattlesnakes and deadly cobras. You also won't want to miss the magical medicine ahow of Dr. H.P. Lovecraft, world cham- pion log rollers and appeara.OOes by Hula-Hoop and skateboard experts. A country fair wouldn't have enough hee-baw without some rousing music. Aa'you walk into the park, you'll be wowed by the Tynera & Train 45, the Rounden and Smokewood. Knott'• Calleo Barn will reeound all nine daya to the lilus of Hey! Fever, Johnny Blanken.ahlp & Beach Creek, Delta, The Buater Wilson Show, Suzy Ogden & The Boone County Boya, Peooe, Duke Davia & Bucbhot and Stagecoach. See Knoti'a, Page 10 A little talkin,' a little singin' By JEFF P ARltER 0( ... ....,,... .... Jim Nabors -90l'Detimes a slow-talking Marine, sometimes a rich-voiced baritone -will bring all his talents to Knott'a Berry Farm's Goodtime Theater th.is weekend for six showa. "rm just going to do a little aingin' and a little talkin'," he said with cuat~mary modesty. "Of course it takea me 30 minutes to say hello, so I better concentrate on the lincfng." Nabors' repertoire of aonga gives him plenty to chooee from. He haa 8Cl'De 30 albums to his name five of which have gone gold and one platinum. Nabora baa been one of the busiest men in show business over the lut two decadea, and he'll be picking h la beat numbers over the years for the Knott'• shows, he said. "I don't really change ml show for different audiences in different perts o the country," he said. · "I always try to keep the tunes that folk.a like. My Knott'a ahowa won't be too l0fl8, ao rm going to have to hit the highlights." The Alabama-born performer comes to Orange County after completing fllmlna wtth Burt Rey- nolds and Dolly Parton on "The Beat Little Who- rehOUle in Texas.., which will premiere in Austin, Texas on July 11. "All the studio people are aaying it's going to be a real smash. I think it will be too, but even if it's not, it wu still real fun to work on. You pt more time to do your characte~ .and see what you can come up with tJ\an in television shooting. On 'Gomer' we'd do one take. I'll tell ya, workins wlth Burt and Dolly and all thoee whores waa a lot more festive than any other work I've done. It wu a ball." Nabora is a eelf-.achnitted "w..arkaholic" who fi- nally broke his numerous Lu Veg91 'enpcements, 0011(1»rta and studio lellior.-three years qo to move to Hawaii and nsi. "That IMted about two weeks," he aaid. "I put topther a ltlOW fo.-the Hilton Hawaii and did it two tillM9 a nlaht, six "'8bta a week for two yeen. I w• on ai.,e alone fo.-atmo.t an hour and a halt each ahow. "I think I w• IO bweaant jbqu\ mv career for ID &. Jlln NalJOii. •hae Id . ,...-;·,. . ' , ,. i2% ·' d I ~Dance O> --- ?"" ----------------------- VCI dancer has 'long way to go.' By JOEL C. DON Of the Delly Not ..... While a freshman engineering student ,at UC Irvine, Dan :Boggess started taking 6allet to improve his poor posture. He failed Newton's laws of physics but conti- nued at UCI to complete a bachelor's degree in dance. And what must read like a story repeated ad infinitum, Bogg~ left for the performing arts mecca of New York to carve a professional career in dance. With little performing experience, he managed to land a spot with New York's American Dance Having fu~ with Tut, Alexander East Coast artist Sam Wiener has some fun with the Kina Tut and Alexander the Great-style museum civilizatlon shows in an exhibit opening Thursday, April 1 4t UC Irvine. Titled "Metropolitan Container of Art," Wie- ner spoofs the big archaeolop:ally-oriented shows by di.splayina a jp'affiti-sprayee Pl'baae dumpater "diloovery" which reportedly holda vaIU.ble artistic remnants from late 20th Century SoHo Village in New York Oty. Viewers can enter the dwnpater to examine the ~which lampoon not only current culture but the publicity l{>lalh such exhibits have created. The art1ltic satire even includes a "container shop," where viewers can purchase baubles of memorabilia. Wiener, who has diaplayed man_y other one· man abOws, will visit UCI on April Fool's Day w open the exhibition with a lecture, '1b ~ Years of Humor in Art: From l...Mmux to Tot.m>." Hia speech Will be at 3 p.m. ln the Fine Arta vm.ae. A reception will follow at the Fine Arta G.uery at 8p.m. Admiuion to the 1allery ln the J'lne Arta Vlllqe, ii free. It i9 open Tue.day throu•h Sat-urday fJ'on1 nbCllr '°' p.ltt \ ~:~ . ... ""'""'' ~ ... _____ _._ ---------,,.--· Machine, a theatrical group which seeks to ream- stroct, prererve and perform choreography of 20th century American musicals. Last summer, Boggess tour'ed Japan for 10 weeks with the oompany and has taped a special titled "Broadway," to be aired on Showtime cable TV in May. The dancer returned to Irvine recently to visit his family and teach a class offered at the Irvine Cultural Center. "I don't consider myself a dancer," Boggess said in an interview. "rm still very ignorant: I've got IO much to learn, the only thing is I'm learning to perform well. That's where my natural ability comes in handy." The 24-year-old ~eaa still has to make ends meet with odd jobs such as in sales, construction and as a waiter in restaurants. He even had a brief job teaching the latest steps at a Fred Astaire dance studio. He was taking 10 clallea a week at the Amer- F ormer UCI dance student, Da n Fletche r (below), instructs a class in dancing at the Irvine Cultural Center. · ' lean Dance Machine when the company's founder and director, Lee Becker Theodore, spotted him as a potential perfonner. "l was scared to death of my first audition," he recalled. "I had to sing and dance and I remember how sore my throat was af~r a day of rehearsal." His break came when he was selected to go on the Japan tour. Boggess rushed to get his F.quity union card and changed his name to Dan Fletcher because another performer in Ohio had already claimed his own name. . In addition to his work with the American Dance Machine, Boggess has auditioned for a few Broadway shows. But directors have been a little hesitant about selecting a dancer with a sparse re- sume. "lt's funny," he said, "I'm almost 25 and the only thing I've done is a Japan tour and the cable show. I'm a little short on experience and I've got a long way to go." He's a ·one-man Shakespeare show William Shakespeare will be brought to life Thursday, April 1 at UC Irvine by British dramatist Phillip Ryder. . In "An Evening with William Shakespeare/' Ryder will sing, dance, recite and generally chal- lenge anyone to believe hf! isn't the original Bard of Avon during his three-hour perfonnance beginning at 7 p.m. Sponsored by the UCI Extension. the pretent- atlon will be ln Room F-110 at the university's Medical Science I building. Admission is $7.50. Ryder also wfll conduct a worbho~ "Ullng c~ative Dramatics to Brina the EUl.abethan Wcrld to Life in the a..room." lt will nm from 1 to 10 p.m. Friday, Aprtl 2 and 6'om 9 a.m. to~ p.m., with a lunch break, on Saturday, April 3. The fee fo .. &he worbhop la "8, wh~b-in- cludes parkln1111W1 Mm1•ion to tM Tbunday evenlna eerfonmnq1. Partidpantl ehouW ....... lunch on Saturday. 2 E 22 .Movies -- ----------- --- Oscars off er big evening of fun By JEFF PARKER of tlM Oattr Piiot ltaff As with horse races, it's the difference of opi- nion that makes Academy Awards night 5o much fun. Nerve-wracked stars, the elegant crowd and tht often amusing miscues on the part of pr~senten always make the annual ceremony into a wonder- ful. high-fashion slapstick comedy of aorts, but the real excitement is in seeing if we agree with the choices ol people who walk away with the Oscars in their hands. Awards are voted by the members of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Stjences, which does not include you or me. But a closed election doesn't really aeem like an election at all; democratic conditioning la a hard thing to erase and I think that deep down inside, most of us believe that eomehow, our vote should be counted too. One man, one vote. After all, we elect the president of the country, why shouldn't we be able to ~ect best movie! U the Academy doesn't vote for the people and movies we think it ahould. only one explanation is pcmlble: it is wrong. With that inspired spirit of democracy in mind, here's a look at what this re- viewer thinks about -who the winners should be. . BEST MOVIE: The diversity of this r ear's nom· inees for best picture -"Atlantic City,' "Chariots of Fire," "On Golden Pond.:.: "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Reds" -says something about the magic of movies and bow they can bring a little 90me~ to everyone. But 80me bring very little indeed. 'Chariots of Fire," a long-winded, short- plotted and regally pretentioua film. i8 one of thoee. It's one long advertisement for itself. Better, but still not a winner, is "Reds,'' Warren Beatty's be- loved brain child. Sincere and well-acted, but it doesn't leave you with much. ''On Golden Pond" is the type of nominee that every category must have: bright, cheery, optimiltic, warm, wholet0me and containing one or more venerable stars. It'• the perfect middle-of-the-road movie, a vlaual Won- derbtt6d. Not bad, but not a winner. Two of this year's Best Picture nominations were the type of movies that grab you with the first frame and won't let you go until the final credlta roll. Moreover, one of thele has the highest quality that films can have: they move you while you're in your seat and long after you've left It. They fill your mind and your heart, not just your eyes. "Raiders of the Lart Ark" was great fun for the kids, and for the kid in ua, but there wasn't a whole lot of subetance there. "Atlantic City" is my pick for Beat Picture: it's funny, thoughtful. insightful and expertly acted and directed. BEST DIRECTOR: It's too bad there has to be a loser here, because three of the directors nomi- nated, Warren Beatty for "Reds,'' Louis Maile for "Atlantic City" and Steven Spielberg for "Raiden of the Lost Ark" imbued their films wi1h excellence and maparaUon. l''or ~ sheer exhilaration and ln- ventioo ln using film as a medium, I think Spiel~rg should get the nod. It's bard to ignore a film packed with 90 much atyllz.ed wit and humor and "Raiders" la 1teeped in it. Bfftty was thorough. Malle wu sensitive, but Spielberg brought out the mqic of Henry Fonda Dudley Moore Paul Newman &u1 Lancaster Wanen Beatty movies. Let's face it: "Raiders of the Lart Ark" ia an unforgettable romp. BEST ACTOR: Certainly one of this year's hardest categories to pick. A good performance is always tied into a welf-written character, 90 I think Dudley Moore in "Arthur" and Henry Fonda in ''On Golden Pond" suffer a bit in terms of material Paul Newman gave a subtle performance in "Abaenoe of Malice," but it'• not the kind of role that lends itaelf to awardt. For my money, it's a tea-up between Warren Beatty in "Reda" and Burt Lancaster in "•Atlantic City,'' and I think Lancaster has the edge. There's a winning charm in Lan- caster's performance -it'• a surprising, modulated, ahining humanity that Lancaster brinp to his role as the small-time bad guy with only slightly larger than small-time ambitions. BEST ACTRESS: It's not even close. Faye Dunaway was the best actre9s of the year and she wasn't nominated. But my P.ick for leOODd best ac~ tress of the year (and it lan t cloee either) is Meryl Streep for her haunting portrayal in "The French Lieutenant's Woman." Shfa got mystery, depth, power and control in a part ~t ia all shadows and innuendo. It's hard to overlook Diane Keaton'a.ex- oellence in "Reda," but even her energetic readinp don't match up to Streep'a. Keaton's part was poorly written too: I don't think she really knew who she was suppoeed to be. BE.fT SUPPORTING AC'l'Ol\: Another tough one to pick. Howard E. Rollina, Jr. played Coal- house Walker in "Ragtime," and John Geilgud. the aide-kick in "Arthur," were more than just sup- porting act.on: they brought their films to life. But Best Supporting Actor honors should go to Jack Nicholson for hls J>'.C)rtrayal of Eugene O'Neill in "Reda." He's not on8creen very long -not nearly as long as Rollins OI' GieJcud but presence ls 90 la- cerating, his lines 90 bitterly angry and his manner 90 substantial that you know you're in the presence of a jtr'eat actor. BEST SUPPORTING ACTRES& l think it'• a runaway, Melinda Dillon's ~ u the sui- cide in "Abeence of Mallce'"b~y~, spooky and touching. She's got a Wispy, almost appari- UOnaJ attltuae m um t1.IJl\, and when she vaDiahes into her own depn!llion. you can feel the de9pa1r right along with her. Maureen Stapleton in "Redil" and Jane· Fonda ln ''On Golden Pond" allo pw stunning performances, but neither stack.a up to Dillon 's . • BEST ART DIRECTION: Four period pieces dominate this category, "Reds," "Ragtime,'' "The French Lieutenant's Woman" and "Heaven's Gate." "Raiders of the Lost Ark" ii a period piece in a tel8e, but 1 don't think it will bold up with the others. There was something unalterably right about Aaaheton Gorton's art direction in "The French Lieutenant'• Woinan" that even "Ragtime" didn't have, and that's my pick for winner. In this category, it will be a real toes-up. BEST ORIGINAL SCORE:-No contest. V~e­ lis' score for ''Chariots of Fire" wu a tntly rousmg and original work. the kind of music that stays with you long after this movie ia mercifully over. Randy Newman's acore for "Ragtime" subtle and convin- Cing; J ohn Williams' "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was bright and foreeful, but Vangelia will blow them all away with his synthesiz.er wizardry. BF.sf ORIGINAL SONG: A 90ng is a 90ng, 90 your guess is as good as mine. For my tastes, ''Art.bur's Theme'' from ''Arthur,'' written by Burt Bacharacb, Carole Bayer Sager-, Christopher en.a and Peter A1len wu the best. How can you mill with so many heavyweights all working on one little tune! AlJo nominated are "Endless Love,'' "The First Time it Happen•" (from "The Great Muppet Caper"), "For Your Eyes Only" and "One More Hour'' from "Ragtime." BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY:A tough catej&Ory again, but I think John Guare'a "Atlantic City'' abould win. It's a brilliant piece of writing. C1oee behind lt ia Ku.rt Luedtke'• sharp "At.ence of Malice" and Warren Beatty an.c d Tevor Griffith's lmpreaive "Reda." Steve Gordon's "Arthur" and Colin Welland's "Chariots of Fire" are alllO nomi- Mted. BaT SCBEENPLA Y BASED ON ANOTHER MEDIUM: Amon( the nominees -"The French Lieutenant's Woman," "On Golden Pond," "Pennlel from Heaven,'' "Prince of the City" and "a..gtime,'' "Ragtime" strikes me u an outstanding play. Ernest 1bomp1<>n'1 ''On Golden Pond,"which he adapted from his own play, la certainly in the running too. There are dght other cat.eaoriee aside from the ones mentioned above, but we'll leave thoee to the Acaden\)' to decide. Since who you want to win and who you think will win are two different things. here'• a quick run-down of who I think the winners will be: BEST PICl'URB: "Raiden of the L0.t Ark" BEST ACl'OB: Henry Fooda B1!'81' AC'l'RB88: Mnl Stnep BEST SUPPORftNG croR: Jld< Nichobon BEST SUPPORTlN ACTRESS:Maureen Sta~. BEST DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg BEST ART DIRECTION: A.aheton Gorton, "The French Lieutenant'• Woman" BEST ORIGINAL SCORB: John WUllatM, "Raiden ol the Loi& Ark" IDT OIUGINAL IONOa "Arthun Theme'' . B~O=~'i.E_~Y: Warren ~SST ICBBBNPLAY ADAPTBD PROM ANCllW llBDIVM; "Ola Qaldln ._.. .. ~ J:r.. wt,,........ " ~.-:-.. :!! 0 - ..... co co !'I) • -------~ _..._ -. ' ~M~ie.s~!ll!!!ll!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!~ <D i Revenge is sweet ~ ~in 'The Aniateur' ..:: IL. ..: By PATRICK KENNEDY G) °'" .. Dllr ........ -g "The Amateur" is rated "R" becauae of nudity. ~ It's current.ly showing at the Costa Mesa Cinema I Cent.er, the Huntington Beach Cinema, the El Toro ~ Saddleback ~ma. and the Orange UA Cinema. _2 .lf you like the type of pel'90D who not only gets o: mad but gets even, this film involving terrorism and international espionage is tailor made for you. Direct.or Charles Jarrott is talkin' revenge in this story of murder and intrigue and he repeatedly gets his point across that getting even can indeed be sweet. The movie also reaffirms what has almost be- come an axiom in recent years -that even with a ecorecard it's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys in the spy business, which can be imper- sonal and cruel no matter if it's the KGB or the CIA. The film features several interesting and well-acted character sketches and plot twists, as it skillfully weaves its web of intrigue. It stars John Savage, Christopher Plummer and Arthur Hill, but other performances are memorable as well. However, a couple of scenes do not work and almost aeem to parody a film on espionage, remi. niaoent of Mad Magazine's long-standing cartoon feature "Spy va. SP.Y·" , The film is·about a young American (Savage) who sets out to kill three communist terrorists after they take over an American embassy in Munich and publicly execute his girlfriend in front of live tel- evision cameras. The terrorists are provided safe air passage to C1.echoelovakia in return for sparing the lives of the remaining hostages. The grief-stricken American, who's a computer and deciphering genius employed by the CIA, tra- vels to Europe for his girlfriend's funeral and be meets her father there. Her father is Jewish and says he lost his first family in Nazi gas chambers. He tells the young man that he kept his sanity through a "ritual of revenge" which ended after the war when he killed the man responsible for the death of his family. "It d idn't brinR them back," the American says . "It brought me back from the dead!" the father states. Savage returns stateside and goes to the di- rector of the CIA, portrayed by Hill, and asks if the CIA is going after the terrorists. He's told no. However, he manages to get access to secret computer files and uncovers scandalous CIA ope- rationa. With this information he blackmails the CIA brass. He demands to be trained as an agent to be gjven information on the three terrorists and to be taken to Czechoslovakia where he can track them down. Once he's behind the iron curtain, however, the CIA agents discover the photographs he took of the top secret mes. The CIA puts out an order that he be killed. The film continues to work and is enhanced with the entran ce of Plummer, who portrays a Cz.echoslovaklan professor of Elizabethan literature who is al9o the head of the state police. However, in the last third of the film a few glitches surface. In one instance, there's an agent watching an agent watching an agent, which may be unavoidable but seems 80mewhat like the Mad Magazine cartoon or a scene from television's "Get Smart" comedy wries of the 1960s. Another questionable acene involves the mur- der of a Czechoslovakian man who befriended Sa- vage. When Savage finds his body he discovers that with his last dying breath the Czech managed to write the first three letters of his killer's name on the wall -in his own blood. He apparently died ·before he could finish the name, but Savage gets the message that it was the same terrorist who killed his girl.friend. This fur- ther inflames his lust for revenge, which is largely what the film is all about. Generra jeans ... at tne Goroge. The original s1one wash denim Jeans. Mode of 100'1. cotton indigo <t,<ed denim Soft and oombfoble. no need to bfeok-'em In Just put ·em on. Also feotuled from Geneno en 10C>'I cotton ~knit shifts. a gieat comblnollonl ------- ---- ~~[; 56 FASHION !St.ANO · NEVw'POW_.IEACH.· 1714) ~-7030 CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER ... heads st.ate po- lice. Noted Indian violinist to give Laguna concert An unusual evening of music will come to Laguna Beach on May 1 when L . Subrama- niam, a violin master from South India, is · joined in a program by John Bilezikjian, who plays the oud. The program will include music from the Middle East, America and EUrope. Subramaniam plays seated in the tradi- tional South Indian style -<:nm-legged with the violin held close to the floor -and has received wide acclaim for his performances of the complex native music. Bilezikjian's oud is a Near F.astern stringed instrument dating back several thousand years. The exotic instrument has 11 strings, no frets and is played with an eagle's feather. The May Day concert will be at 8 p.m. at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, Reserved seating is $12.50, and tickets are available at all Mutual ticket agencies and the Laguna Music Co. Call 759-1869 after 3 p.m . for concert in- formation. Soprano will present concert for diocese Soprano Claudia Noggle will present a concert on Friday, April 30, to benefit the de- tention ministry program of the Roman Ca- tholic Diocese of Orange led by the Rev. John C. Marquis, S.T. The concert wUl begin at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the Orange campus of Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Noale, a member of St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, has appeared in theater, televlaion and D)OVies. She studies voice under Dr. Maurice Allard of Allard Academy. Dr. Allard ia a founder of the Orange Coun.ly Music Center and director- conductor of the Oranae County Master Cho- rale. Further lafmnadon 19 av•ll•ble by caW.na the Mi•lion <:enacle Apoatolate at (714) 833-180$ between 9;30 a.m. and a p.m. i • Intermission 5 ----------------------~ 'Division Street' still wild, wacky By TOM TITUS 0( tM Deltr ,.... l taft • Our second glimpse of Steve Tesich's "Division Street," this time at the Laguna Moulton Play- house, is just as wild and wacky as the first with the added dimension of the Moulton's panoramic stage, on which reposes the most imagjnative use of creative clutter since Laguna's 1979 production of "Scapino." Director Craig Fleming has infused his pro- d uction of Tesich 's nostalgic look at the 1960s from the safe perspective of the '80s with an abundance of energy. To his credit, he also apparently hasn't compromised on the play's sometimes-pungent dia- logue in deference to Laguna's more conservative audiences. The premise is intriguing -a Sixties radical leader in the Chicago Seven mold returns to the Windy City, his vehemence long since spent, see- king the security of a job and a paycheck. His past soon catches up to him in the form of an ex-wife, a onetime protest march comrade and sundry other denizens of Tesicb's fringe world, and his apart- ment becomes a vertiable melting pot. Reg Rook handles this central role with admi- rable -gusto, while Jim Boress revels in the showy part of the still-radical buddy. Jerry Littleton handles the Yugoslavian restaurateur with ethnic authority' while Karen Jackman sparkles as the feisty Polish landlady. Completing the Laguna cast are Regina Katy Regan, Barbara F.divan, Andy Hedden and Carol Mack. Performances are given Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 o'clock until April 10 at the Moulton. 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. * THE 1 tH FRANKFURT war crimes trials come to life at UC Irvine next week when the UCI Drama Workshop presents Peter Weiss' "The In- vestigation" In the Fine Arts Studio Theater. Graduate student Steve Schwartz directs the drama, based on actual testimony of witnesses and those accused of atrocities at Auschwitz during World War 11. Performances will be given at 8 p.m. Wednes· day through Saturday by a cast of 25, Reservations are being taken at the box office, 833-6617. * CALLBOARD Auditions for Follies a la Carte II, an old,-time vaudeville show, will be held Sunday and Monday cit 7:30 p.m. at the San Cle- mente Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente ... director Charles Ashbau~h is looking Guest conductor headlines Irvine Symphony S unday Guest conductor H. Colin Slim will be featured Sunday when the Irvine Symphony Orchestra presents a free concerto-at the Turtle Rock Com- munity Center. The 2 p.m. concert will include Bach's well- known Brandenburg Concerto No 5 in D Major for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord. Featured soloists will be Marianne Whitmyer on flute, Andrea Byers on violin and Arnold Juda, harpsichord. Also performing will be Handel's Concerto for Harpsichord and Orchestra, Kent Kennan's Night Sollloquy for Flute and Orchestra, and a new work commissioned for the orchestra by Jon O'Bergh. Children are invited to a symphony rehearsal at 10:15 a.m .. which precedes the perfonnance. The free ~ncert ls one of a series made po.ible through gran·ts from the city, UC Irvine, t.Jpnex International, The Irvine Company and other cor- poration. foundation and individual donations. for people who can play an insti:ument, dance or put on a comedy skit ... call 492-0465 for further details ... * BACKSTAGE Patti-Gene SamJll!IOl1 has been honored with a community service award by the city of Newport Beach for her leadership in for- mation of the Newport Theater Arts Center and the Orange County Theater Association, which is headquartered at the arts center. . . .the presenta- tion was made at a recent city council meeting. . . .Mrs. Sampson wa.s the Daily Pilot's woman of the year in theater for 1981. ... Irvine's Art Goldman plays the title role in "Scapino," opening tonight for a four-week run at the Gem Theater in Garden Grove. . . .also in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! "OfVlltON •TRHT" ~ A c:omedy by St-Teelcn. directed by Cr81g Fleming, NI dellgll by :> Mark Smith, llohllng design by ROl'I Coffmwl. eostumet by Robin .,.._ g. ming, teehnic.I" Olfector Jim Ry•n. •ttge manager Jeck f'eln. pr._..ted ."" TuHd•y• through S1turday1 11 a p.m. until Aprll 10 11 the Llgun1 MooltOtl Pt1)'houM, 606 Legun1 CenyOl'I Rold, l.8gun1 Belch. ~ ~ e<vellOnl 494-07 43 Ci THI CAST D> ~~.:.~f::~;"=;;~:;:";;~"~":~1 i ::·iY::-.-.·.·.-.:·.·::::.·.·::::::::.·.:·-.·.·.·.·.·:.·.:·:::.:-.·.·.·.·:.·.·:.·::.·::::::::.·:::.·::::.:::·.:·.:::·.·.:·.:.~'<f!~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ cast are Robert Volk and Lauren Bosch of Irvine ~ and Alyce Gadiot of Huntington Beach .... calJ I\> 636-7213 for ticket information .... A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment C£nter Albertson's • Bank of America • Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mione's • Music Market • Plecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa lady • Swensen's 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (H•rbor & Adema) Costa Meu, CA '~ ------ ----------- ~ ii 'It's a Fact' one ~ . tof Lorber's best 1: "-~ By JOHN NEEDHAM G O(t!M~NeC·-'g ''lt'11 A Fact'' Arista (AL9583SB) G ~ With each successive LP, Jeff Lorber baa ta.ken ! his musical talents into new directions and found > audiences receptive to his excursions. 0 With "It's A Fact ," the confirmed &: keyboardisklompoeer-producer has fused his jazz, funk, rock and rhythm and blues influences into his most distinctive LP yet. It's the clearest statement of Lorber's music. of his ability to go outward from his jazz beginnings and incorporate new elements and styliz.ations. Quoted in a recent interview. Lorber said, "One thing I try to avoid in my career is stagnation. I have tried over the years to progress and get into different approaches to composing and recorctlng." "It's A Fact" features aome of Lorber's most eloquent soloing and en.semble playing. Notable sidemen are fusion stalwarts Kenny Gorelick on reedS and Marlon McClain on guitar. . The album also ahowcases top studio players and guest performances by trumpeter-funkster Tom Browne and former Santana lead vocalist Greg Walker. The solid suctess of Lorber's "Galaxian" LP confirmed his position al the pi.nn.acl~ of progressive contemporary music. In addition to hitting the top of the jazz ch.arts, it captured the ears of the R&B world, paving the way for more creative expansion with "It's A Fact." · Lorber grew up in Philadelphia and began e •• ·c when we feature , a delt&htfuUy. dtff ere11t 7 brunch menu. freshly squeezed juices, freshly baked muffins, specialty cocktails and champafne. Jeff Lorber with classical piano al age 4. When he graduated from high school, he moved to Boston and attended the Berklee School of Music. There, his musical direction veered from the classical path towards the school's jazz orientation. Lorber spent 18 months at the achool, then took up private studies with such pianists and composers as Ray Santisi, Madam Chaloff and Ron Blake. • AU doB AHO IPI'llMll lllCllVI TME.1£'1L OI THt MOTIOfl N:TuM t. CCOl OI te1..r llEOllµTIOH saturdays 11 ·8 : Sunday 10:30.8 • ; Use the Dally Pilot "Fast Result" 1ervlce directory. Your NrVke la our apedalty. Call 642·5e'78 e.t. 322 11 forty carrots · lt:STAIUIT, UI & UIOY ..... ~~ COA8T PLAZA --\ ...... •••Ill• a... 518-1700 Other Lorber LPs recorded for Arista include "Wat.er Sign" with guesta Freddie Hubbard and Joe Farrell, "Wiz:urd Ialand," a number one LP on the jazz charts. and of course "Galaxian, which has the breakthrough vocal sinltle "Monster Man." Notable cuts on "It's A Fact" are "Full Moon" and "Tierra Verde." Both are prime examples of Lorber's stylistic crossbreeding, joining jazz and funk in a hybrid street beat with aoarin810l08. The album is replete with varying keyboard textures and aongs that go from the haunting and evocative, to hot R&B on the title track. This is exciting new ground for J eff Lorber. INDUSTRY STANDARD -The Dregs are back with an LP predominantly made up of the driving instrumentals the group is known for, but also features the first vocal perfonnances ever heard on a Dregs release. Alex Ligertwood of Santana sings ''Crank It Up'' and Patrick Simmons. known for his work with the Doobie Brothers, is lead singer on "Ridin' High." This is a high energy group recording-on the Arista label with hard r ocl< power and volume. Notable is guest guitarist Steve Howe, Connerly of Yes and currently a member of Asia. ROGER DALTREY'S "BEST HITS" -Sound track recordings "Free Me" and "Without Your Love" are from the short-lived movie "McVicar," in which The Who's lead singer had the starring role. Painfully missing on the album. recorded for MCA. are The Who. Diehard Daltrey fans probably won't be put off. But others shouldn't expect to hear hints of f.reat works past in this apparent "non-title-fight' LP. Make your weekends "special" with a magnificent champ~gne brunch overlooking Newport Bay. Smorgasbord buffet, only ti.II ($4.95 under 12) Saturday 11:00 a.m. • 3:00 p.m. SulMlcry 10:00 a .m. • 3100 p.m. Y .. 1 2 5 Z&J SS hi Records \ . -----------------------~ --- Patricia Butler sings Edith Piaf 'The Trio' HJakes appealing sounds By GLENN SCOTI' OfltleDelJ ......... The Trio, Discovery . Mixing an accordion with reed instruments hardly seems like the stuff for a jazz album, but Frank Marocco and Ray Pizzi offer a surprisingly appealing sound in this new album. The album geta its name thanks to the mostly background percussion work of drummer Joey Ba- ron. The credit, however, belongs to accordioniat Marocco and reed.man Pizzi, who plays tenor and alto saxes, flute and even the bu8oon in this mix of musical textures. The m~ apeciall7.e in a comfortable fonn of jazz. Nothins too Viocking. Scme cuq are original compositiClna, such as Pizzi'• "Reverie." which is one of the more appealing compositions. In other in- stances, they add a light, jaµy sheen to such esta- blished melodies as Jerome Kern's "All the Things You Are." Pizzi turn! to the bassoon in the Kem tune offering what must be one of the most unusuai renditions that popular work has received. It's dif. ficult not tO forget the music for a moment when STARRING JEANE BYRON Music By JULE STYNE Book By STEPHEN SONDHEIM Directed and Choreographed by JOHN SPINDLER SUNDAY tHINPAGNE BRUNCH the bassoon appears and to wonder if the instru- ment isn't mimicking a human voice. It's not a coincidence, after all, that Prokofiev chose the bassoon to describe the grandfather in "Peter in the Wolf." While startling as a bassoonist, Pizzi is most appealing applying a jazz pattern on the sax or flute over Marocco's mellower accordion. This is \he second album by \he collaborating two musicians, wh<talso have cut solo albums on the same Discovery label. With producer Albert Marx in charge, this label clearly allows, if not nurtures, more than \he usual mainstream of musical inter- pretation. The album.is fun, just the sort of quiet musical adventure to accompany a wine and cheese party or some o\her sensory stepping out. ROBERT CONTI -Guitarist and composer Conti teams with pianist Mike Wofford and three others in "Jazz Quintet'' to showcase his skills. Conti reveals more inventiveness and dexterity than a feel for strong melodies, but the slower tunes, such as "The World Today," are appetizing. "La Mome Piaf," an evening of music, narra- tive and slides chroni- cling \he life and works of :french singer Edith Piaf is set for 8 p.m. to- night in the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. Piaf, an artist revered for her heart-breaking ''slum romances" Jlnd "street songs of Paris," is played by singer Patricia Butler . .,who wrote the inte rpretation. Butler's startling make-up, cos- ~ume changes and vocal dexterity combine to give a thorough portrait of the late French singer. Also featured are Cody Gillette on piano, with Woo Sun Ling on violin and Peter Land on dou- ble bass. The occasional narration will be provi- ded by Bert Brauer. BILL HENDERSON - A reoord.ina artist since 1958, the Chicago-born Henderson volunteers bis lean, easy sin8fng style to "A Tribute to Johnny Mercer." He gives a mild but jazzy touch to such Mercer memorials as "I Remember You," "Something's Gotta Give" and the rhythmic "On the Atchison. Topeka and \he Santa Fe." Also on the Diacovery label, the album features Joyce Collina on piano, Dave Mackay on electric piano fnd Baron again on drums. "La Mome P iaf," which originated in San Fra.nciaco, is produced by P~trlda Butler as EdiclJ Lucien Fiiyer Smith. Piaf. Cost is S6 in advance or information call $7 at the door. For more 494-6531. 'Save up to $1.00 OD OUJ;' neW dinners! Try something new and delicious on our newly expanded dinner menu. And with this coupon, save up to $4..00 on dinner for two (or $2.00 on a aingle new dinner). Alasku King Crab Legs Tuiyaki Chicken and Prime Rib Rib Eye Steak Shellfish Sampler Filet Mignon Stuffed ShrinJp New York Strip Steak \ All dinners served complete with soup o~ unlimited salad bar. rice or potato plus a basket of fre9h bread. But hurry-theae scrumptious introductory savings only last through April 8. Vtetoria Station ' n e bat Prime Rib. And •ow a whole lot .. ore. N~rt Beacb, MacArthur and Jamboree. 75Z·'250 Lagma llllls, 24231 Avenida de la Carlota, 7U-ltM near Laiune lftlll llall JS - • N CIO Q) -Resa'e Bo utique' ~ not thrift shop ~ ~ By MARY JANE SCARCELLO « .. o.r ....... ~ For the woman with nothln& to wear, Nancy -o Dunn baa a few auggestions. ;f · How about f al.inky silk drea in black and gold with maribou trim once possibly owned by Mae ~ West? i Or tome custom-made hats straight from the 19509 complete witli veila and fake roees? 1 Minlaldrta and mink stoles share rack apace ~ with al.molt-new claaic clothing at her Newport -Beach at.ore, Dre. Up, which a sign discreetly de- .2 8Cl'ibea as a "resale boutique." 0: "We're not a typical second-hand store," she says of her new shop on Weatcllff Drive. "We have a few new things for sale, but most of the mer- chandiae is either almost-new or a classic." With an art-deco interior and silvery wallpa- per, the store bean no re.emblance to a thrift ahop. A black feather fan once owned by Greta Garbo decorates one wall, and a few antiques are on dis- play. "We've hid puns Mae West uaed in films and costume jewelry worn by Angela Lanabury in 'Hello Dolly,' but I think a fampus name adds intel'est, not value, to a piece of clothing," Ma. Dunn says. But 10metimes drelleS with a show business bacq:round bring their own gJ,amnur. Latest addi- tion to the ahop ii a collection of elaborate. band- Ttie Grinder ts proud to announce the serving of Fresh Fish on Friday and Saturday evenings only. Lightly breaded and grilled to a golden brown Onty S4.45 Calltom1a Styte topped with a mild Spanish Sauce and shced tomato and avocado OnlyS4.9S made gown1 worn on1ia,..ltiy • Ac.lltr 16-· who will play oppolite Richard ~lain in the television miniaeriea baaed on the novel "The Thombirck, •• aaiordina to Ma. Dunn. The owner of two local antique stores, she opened the new boutique when ahe noticed the interest old clothing drew in her other shops. "People really want to wear these beautiful old pieces," she says of several claaaic evening dremes for sale. "Not only do they have nostalgia. but older clothing has a quality, style and class from another era." Clothing from the 1920s and even into the '60s is ~pular with younger buyers, she says, noting, "It s all new to someone 20 years old." Old and antique jewelry, both real 1Utd cos- tume, is for sale with 1930s perfume bottles and figurines, and Ms. Dunn says finding fresh stock for her store isn't difficult because people are mobile now and don't want to carry extra clothing with them. To be accepted for sale in her boutique, how- ever, clothing must be top quality and either an old claaaic or the modem equivalent. No polyester .knits need apply. Prices of the new and nearly new clothes are about 25 pen:ent of the original cost, she estimates, and a customer can pick up a silk blowle for about $8. Designer outfits by auch names as~ and Nipon have 80ld in the $35-to-$45 range. "We really stock juat about everything from tennis dre9lel to wedding gowns,'' she aaya. Shoes are popular with cuatomers, and she plans to add sections in the store for maternity clothes and medical uniforms, since both are re- quested often by customers. Clothin ia aeuonal and offered in sizes ran- Distinctive W.c:rfront Dining • Oyster S. • C'.octtlils 3333 W. Pdic eo.t Highwly, Newport Beach Racrv•ions Aalqx.ed • 642-2295 Th_is Weekend's Special s39s s900 a Bunch Reg. 10126-A Aclama HuUn1ton Beach Nancy Dunn shows off~ West dress. g.ing from 1 to 16 or 18, and Ma. Dunn says she's chooey about what she accepts for sale. · "Everything has to be in mint condition," she aaya. "I limit merchandise to two months on the rack, but I aelect carefully, so that's really not a problem." In fact, the opposite may be true. "Some people come in al.mart daily," she says, "became the good things go fast." Ballet troupe to per{ orm The famed Ballet Folklorico Mexicapan per- fonna April 24 at 8 p.m. in LQuna Beach's Irvine Bowl under the a~nhip of Saddleback Co~. Tickets range in price from $3 to $8. Children under 12 get half price. For information or res- ervations, call 831-4656 weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon, and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. ------------- ----- -- - Young conservatory stars offer fascinating facts·· lpecWlo,D911JNot Old you know that ants have five noees? Or that fleas can jump 30 times their own height? Or that there are 535,000 Coca-Colas sold daily? These and many other fascinating facts, world records and amazing od- dities are the inspiration for the Young Conservatory Playe.rs' musical production of "I Didn't Know That!" on the &;cond Stage at South C.oast Repertory, April 3 and 4. "I Didn't Know That!" is a musical explosion of information gleaned from the vital statistics in The Guinness Book of World Records. "The kids bring the facts to life by acting them out," said Young Con- servatory Director Diane dePriest. · "The results are outrageoua! The cast plays the part of the world's largest plua, a scene about the Earl of · Sandwich inve.nting the first snack, and the Teddy Roosevelt handaba- king record."· - The Young Conaervatory Players is the performing group of children who graduated from the YoWlg Coneerva- tory at South Coast Repertory. It of- fen a two-year program of clasaes in acting, voice, movement and musical theater for children aaes 8 to 17. "I Didn't Know That!" is a faat- paced, fact-filled revue featuring three categories of news: first facts, world 'records, and selected odditiea. "In the 23 sketches the 18 actors play characters, objects, musical instru- ments and sing about the most incre- dible thingJS you ever beard," dePriest said. First facts include the first eye- glaaaet, soap, bicycles and policewo- man. The fil'st bicycle WM not a big hit -it bad iron wheels. The first po- licewoman's first duty was to patrol dance balls. World record-breaking accomplish- ments include leapfrouing, hambur- gers and banana splits.-fu March. 1981 14 memben of a fraternity went 602 miles in 126 hours by leapfrogging. The hamburger was 27 feet around, and the banana split waa over a mile long and used more than 11 ,000 ba- nanas. The scenes on eelecied odd.itiea in- clude portrayals of the human light- ning rod, the world's tallest man, and nwneroua supenrtitiona. The children re-enact all aeven of Roy Sullivan's encounters of the worst klnd with lightning. The 9-foot tallltobert Wadlow inspires tall tales for the young act.on and they reveal the .e- creta on stage about the superstition behind gesundheit. The cast of the show includes Lisa Hill, Jeni Greely, Debra Shapiro, Karen Wheaton, Kellle Trimmer, Ju- lie River, Deena Driskoll, Dennis Paimieri, Jason Constantine, Phil Dunn, Kim Kercher, Tammy Thur- low, Mathew Barrett, Karen Smith, Tabriz Habib, Cheryl Ward, and Angel Blinder. Eva Burgess, a six- year participant w;i.th the YCP, la u~ sistant director. Diane King la musical director. "l Didn't Know That!" originally debuted on an Eaat Coast tour of schools and was a mnash hit. The SCR production updates the script with topical facts for West Cout audiences ana is appropriate for adults and children. Aocording to dePrieet the project is ideal for her YCP ~onners. "The play calla for tremendous pantOmimic and 90Und effects. It's allo an invigo- rating challenae for the imaainatiorw of the audience and actors allke," de- Priest explained. Tlcketa are $1 each and are availa- ble a\ the SCR Box Office, (714) 957-4033. Performances are at 1 and 3 p.m. In addition, performances of va- • rioua sketches from .. I Didn't Know That!" will be acted by the YCP at the 1982 Youth Art Day fe8tival to- PERSONAL BEST ------------- morrow at the Atta and Crafts Center in Heritage Park, Irvine. For infor- mation call 552-1078. According to SCR Producing Ar- tistic Director David Emmes, the Young Comervatory and the YCP ia part of SCR'a overall educational component and commitment to lef'Ve the community with profemonal ar- t.iatic reeouroes at SCR. MEL~~ PROOUCTlONS/A.WW.~PATHE te .... BOB ~ "PORKYS" KIM CATTRAU.·SCOlT COlOMBY·IWQ HllfTER·N..EX KARRAS. 111tM SUSM Cl.ARt<a~r... ..... -...HAROLD GREENBERG•~ SNQN ,......, DON CARfQ>Y .. aoeCtMK ......... .,eoaCtARK & -·~ •--- '> 10 N co O> -~ N s:; ~ ::E >; CD "O 't: u.. ..: G> . "O c G> ~ I ~ -52 ct I IL • • , I • • .Knott's Berry Far1n celebrates country f~ir From Pagel Mill Marty jean w1ll be on hand each evening at the C.allco &m dance floor to teach the Texas two-step. If you'd like to sit back and lend an ear to some fine picking, don't miss the fifth annual Banjo Pick.in' & Fiddle Contest which will be held April 3, followed by Knott's fifth annual Bluegrass Bano and aecond annual Miscellaneous Musical Novelty Contest on April 4 . Don't forget to catch a little muacle action with the Senior Olympics Body and Physique Contest on April 3 and thf 12th annual International Senior Olympics Powerlifting Con test on April 10. &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS AFWWOMTIUlll --~.....-lll lJU duu I ··-...... NOW PLAY1f4G • • . Ji1n Nabors From Page I long that I never realized It was successful and I kept working harder. I was afraid it would stop. "It didn't make much sel'\9e now that I can look back on it. I got burned out. I just couldn't do it anymore. When Burt asked me to do 'Little Who- rehouse' I couldn't pau it up. I've got three other films two for Burt and one with Universal coming up soon. I wanted to do movies for so long I don't know why I put if off," he said. Nabors' show biz career had a long, slow fuse before he exploded into'a household word as Gomer Pyle on a guest appearance with the "Andy Griffith Show." So popular was the bumpkin gas station atien- dant that Nabors was immediatelr, offered a slar- rtng role in "Gomer Pyle. USMC. ' With h.ia repu- "NUMBER ONE PIC11JRE OF TIIE YEAR .. :~)11&-.-.n N•.,••tM fer 1e Ae .. e•y A,..aris BEST PICTIJRE -DRAMA BES1' DIRECTOR Mark Rydell .BEST SCREENPLAY EmCISt Tilompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda BEST A~SS Katharine tlepbum BEST SUPPORTING A~ Jane Fonda It's country fair time at Knort's Berry Farm again and one of the high/lghts of the w~k-Jong event will be the liddlin' contest. Lots of fun ... ya'll oome . tation established, Nabors went on to-singing. He was born in Sylacauga, Alabama, son of a police officer, and first began singing ln the high ~hool glee club. He later entered the University of Alabama to major in business and after graduation worked his way ac.roa the states in a aeries of odd jobs. At one point he was answering tetephones at the UfJited Nations, but foreign dignitaries had trouble with the Alabama drawl that eventually' made him famous. After moving west to Los Angeles, Nabors was discovered working The Horn Cabare t in Santa Monica by Andy Griffith. A short time later he auditioned for a guest part on Griffith's show. He-will appear on stage at Knott's Berry Fann next. w~kend, April 3 and 4. * AHCA[H OF GAMES Ch•Pm•11 Av~ 6 S.int.a An .. F"reew•v Ofl£NS WITH eo>c~1a; 11°1 FUNI It's EXCITING! Ifs HAllENGI NG1 RICllAllD PRYOR UVE•TIIE sumEl S'IMt(R) 1:002:45 4:38 8:16 l :DO 9:45 Stay Sp1e9k .kc•l•mmon -•(PG)At U :35 2:50 5:20 7:5010:05 Michael Caine DEATHTRAP (PG) 12 :40 2:55 5:25 7:55 10:10 Aelte. Chfistie's EVIL -ER THE .. (PG )At • 12:45 3:00 5:30 1:0010:15 .Currently screening. ABSENCE OF MALICE: Rated PG, Paul Newman and Sally Field. A careful lt\ldy of the power of the SS-and ltl ~ neetly exea.ated by Sidney PoU.ck. The PG rattnc ia for ..:lull lanculle· TSE AMATEUR: Rated R. 1t8r1 John Sa~ and Marthe Keller In a tale of CIA lntrlaue and betrayal. The R rattnc ia for violence. ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R. lt8rl Bun Lancuttt u an acini. bottom·runc ex-~ who geia one IMt chance IO make a big buck when be bappem upon a 1arp amount ot oocaine, and one last chance at romance when he meets Suan Sarandon. a card dealer, Loula Malle direc:'led thll bit of wb.lmsy, written by John Guare. It'• fresh, funny, and alive. The R rat.Ing Is for violence and ..:lul t Ii tuations. THE BEAST WITHIN: Rated R. stars Ronny Cox, Bibi Be.ch and Paul Clemenu In a tale of horror. The R rat.Ing Is for violence. BODY HEAT: Rated R. IWTlng William Hurt aa a bungling, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner u the femme fatal This le'X)', devlout myacery lakes~ In a flct.lllous Florida town eo hot that people In cafes order ice<i teas two at a time. Directed by Lawrence iu.tan as an homaee IO film noir. the R rating c:omea from brief nudity, salty language and a ieneraI air of ~ THE BORDER: Rated R. 1tar1 Jack Nichobon as a dJsillu· lioned bordel" guard and Valerie Pttrine ¥ hla ~mad wife. Nlchobon 11 brilliant u the d!Jiusted Charlie Snulh; Harvey Keitel ia taut u hla oorn1pl friend and pe.rtner. The R rat.Ing is for violence, .&ne nudity and language. Bl11'TERFL Y: Rated 8, 1tar1 Stacy Ke9Ch and Pia Zadora In the film version of James M. Caln'• novel of lnceat. Directed by Matt Clmber from a acrtpt by John GoU and Clmber. The R rating Is for adult material. CANNERY ROW: Rated PG, stan Nick Nolte and Debra Winpt" In a ~ film adaptation of John Steinbeck'• stories "Cannery Row" and "Sweet Thunday." Shot on MGM eound 1tage1. thla movie has a sweet. enchanted look and fine perfonnancs by Nolte, Winier and Audra ~Y aa the madame. NtJTated by John Huston. The PG rating Is for aexual adult altuatlons. CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and ll1an'lni Ben Crosa and Ian Charle90ll u rwmen In the 1924 Olympiad. wbo iun nios for diffemit rea90l'll but manace to win juat the same. The PG mini· muat be for ltl lofty tMrrM9: there II no nudity, no violence and very little oUenllve ~- PEATBTllAP: Rated PG, 1«an Chrtl10pher Reeve, M.lcbael Caine and Dyan Cannon In a clewr murder myitery about a wuhed up writer and a promlainc youna author who perw a p-eet m)'lttt)'. The PG radnl la for violence. DEATH WISH: Rated R, atart Cbaries Brorwcn and Jill lttland. Tbla at.ory continua the aap of a man who ae1I out to avente the death of tu. wile at the handl of mugen. The R ratlnl la for violence. EVIL UNDER TB.E SUN: Rated PG, aws Pel« Uatlnov, Jane 81.rtdn. Sylvia Mn.. James Maaon and Diana Ria In Aptba CbrlaUe'a tale of murder and tnin,ue. The PG raq II for adult lituatlom. THE nENCB UEUTENANT'S WOMAN: Rated R, atara Meryl Streep In the role of the hart.broken and heartbneldna French Lleu\e'nant'a woman ar\d Jen:my lroua • the Vldorian gentleman who pmblet hll low and reputation on her. The Vldorian low story fable la lnten:Ul with anoOr.er plot: the modem day film crew maklftl a movie of ''The l'rencb Lieu- tenant's Woman" hM Ila own romantk dramas and downtalla which are meant to c:ompare and c:ootralt with the Vic:torian teqUenee. The R ratlnc Iii for adult eexua1 lituationa. GALLIPOU: Raled R, •tart 1'e1 Git.on and Mark Lee .. two YOUl\I AUIU'al.WI aoldlen who fight In the tragic battle of Gallipoli In World War I. The R rating la for l80fuace and violence. GREAT WBJTE: Rated PO, start Vk: Morrow, James Frandlcua and a vat white shark. The PO rattni II for vlolenoe. ~G LOVE: Rated R. 1WS MicMel Ontit.n, Kale Jackaon and Harry Haml,ln In a at.ory about a woman, a man and ' hia hommexUal lover. The R rattni la for adult altuatklna and hcmaex\la.llty. llllllON: Rated PG, aw. Jadl Lemmon and Slaly Si-eek aa a man and hll dauchter In Jaw who ..,-ch for tu. millbll 1on. The evmta 81"1 a-cl on a true at.ory In which a 10U"J Amerbn -appuently allowed to be killed ln a Latin American country by fc:."Cll frimdly with the U.S. Qovenwilftt. The PO ratlnl la fol adult 1Uuat1om. ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PO. Nrl Henry Fonda and Katb8rlnl llepbum • an .pie couple munamc to llw on Goldin Pond. JUI• tilled wtda amdedel about deeth: .... ln18'1Dlnably me.ful. They bldrer politely untO the an1Yal ol thar ciaulhW (Jw Fonda), her iat9t 00,fdend, 11111 ~ brilllMtly b7 IWiMy ~)end hll lJ..~ boy.,,,. PG ra~lil WllllltllP ONS ,._.TBS &Ma~ Retied R. tM8a p&.:e In a 80lmd See ~!'ll.~-~2 ........ -·· .. Libby Tucker hitchhiked· from · Brooklyn to take Hollywcxxl by storm. And her father by surprise. TWENTIETH CENTI.JRY·FOX PRESENTS WALTER MATTHAU ANN-MARGRET DINAH MANOFF A HERBERT ROSS FILM NEIL SIMON'S I OUGHf TO BE IN PICIURES Director of Photography DAVID M. WALSH Music by MARVIN HAMLISCH Produced by HERBERT ROSS and NEIL SIMON Executive Producer ROGER M. RarHSTEIN Screenplay by NEIL SIMON Directed by HERBERT ROSS i ~ I -• u I ~ I 0 I -~ I ~ ~ Q. CD ;"' .,, ~ a: ID '.:< ~ ID ~ (') ::r N !" .... co (I) N : ... \. • '. It ~Currently screenirul co N s:. From Page 11 ~ ~..:~~~~~-:!.~~~b:;::. ~ writien by Annyan Bernstein and Coppola. and sta.rw Frederic ~ Forrest, Teri Garr, Raul Julia and Nutusia Klnsld. The R rating CD ii tor adult llituatiom. 'O ;f PENNIES FROM BEA VEN: Rated R. sW"S St.eve Martin _ and eem.dette Peters in a throwback to 1930s mUllcals. Set ~ aplmt the deprSon. the story ii IJl!rioua, even a little black. The 'O R rann, la for adult situations and .ex. c _: PERSONAL But: Rated R. stars Mariel Hemi.npay and i Patrice Donnelly in the story of two athlet.ee vyinc for a bid In the 3: 1980 Olympic Pentathaloo. lt'1 a c:elebrati.oo of competition. friendahlp, good health and IOOd bodiel, written, direc:ted and ~ produced by Robert Towne. 't'be R ratlnc la foe nudity, homo-ii: texuallty and adult lituationl. PORgY'& Rated Jl. atars Kim Cattrall. Scot Colomby and A.lex Kana in a tale of boya growing up. The R rating ii for nudity. QUEST FOR FIBE: Rated R. ia a look at prehistoric man and woman, complete with primitive~ and a tel of "body lanauace" developed by anlhropolopt Demond Morris. The film stars Evere<t McGill and Rae O.wii Chong. The R rating ii foe violence arid ... RAGTIME: Rated PG. ill an int.elliRent acreen vHllion of E. missing ... "**** 'MiMing' u a tn&ly riveting mo•ie ... eaeeoted wilh Costa-Gavras' usual brisk iateaaity."-K•tJllluo Carrol, NE'ff YORK DAI- LY NEWS missing... ..ELECTRIFYING ... "MiMiDg' u a mapilieeot achie•emeot &.hat towers o•u moat films one sea ia the eouue of a year, and I recommend ii ltl'Oog.ly."-Re.w Reed, GQ MACA.Zl/VE missing_ u 'MiMiog' u a fascinating and powerful drama .. . the climax of the mm is suttering, and Spacek and Lemmon are hearbreak.iq .•. Riveting from llart to fi nis h I recomm end it without reaenation."-Srewarf Kleia, 'ffNE'ff-Tl' missing... . " 'MiMing' ii one of the fiaett film.a I ha•e ever teen ... one of the ...-t 1hlltniq, mo11 important . fiJm1 of recent yean."-Jeffrey Lyon•, Yf!PIX- Tl' l'ffCBS R•dio L. Doctorow's 197~ novel, wblch weavee hislOrical characten - Harry Thaw. Stanford White. Evelyn Nesbit, J.P. Morgan-Into the lives of what Uiea very hard to be a typical American family. Elizabeth McGovern gives a winning per(onn&nee as the dreamy e~ Nesbit and Howard E. Rolllns Is commanding as Coelboo.ate Walker, a black piano player who Is abused by bliota and bureaucnits alike. 'The cUrector, Mllm FOt"eman, had a dJ(ficult I.Uk In cuttina the sprawlina book into film shape, and he's done the job ~Y.· The PG rating Is (or nudity and .xne viol.eoce. REDS: Rated PG, 1tan Warren Beattt:!hn !Wed, the American joumalllt and Diane KealOn u Bryant. who becomes his wife. 1'hll film runa well over th.-houn on • budget of over $30 million. and the ~careof Beatty, who alao produced and direc:ted, shows. The PG rating la for ~and adult sltuatklna. SBA.RKY'S MACHINE: Rated R. ltarl Burt Reynalds .. I tough cop caught between a cort"Upt department and ever-pre9tnt bad guya. The R rating Is for violence and langulee. seoor THE MOON: Rated R. atan Albert Finney• George Dunla~ marriaae to Faith (Diane Keaion} Is on the rocb. They lnvolved with different ~. and fOf' the first time in yeen. aee1n to involvw lhelmelwl ap1.n. Il'1 an 11CCU1at.e, mcM.oa ICUJWl1 of a break-up, more intuitive and precbe than moat movies on divorce. >.. the(r daughter, Sherry, Dlana HW Is brilllanL Keaton lives the performance of a lifetime. The R rating ii for adult situations. BAD NEWS -In "AbsEince of Malice," Paul Newman stars as a man who picks up his morning newspaper to discover he is the subject of a damaging headline story. Sally Field co-stars as a zealous reporter. DEATHTRAP MICHAEL CAINE CHRISTOPHER REEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set ... For a wickedly funny who'll-do-it. in 1U UV1N'S "DEATHTRAP0 Exewt1ve Producer JAY PRESSON ALLEN Associate Producer ALFRED de LIAGRE. JR . . Music by JOHNNY MANDEL Produced by BURTT HARRIS Screenplay by JAY PRESSON ALLEN Based on the stage play by IRA LEVIN Directed by SIDNEY LUMET , ... I • Diversions 13 ::2 0 ------------------------------- -PLAYS------ "THE DEADLY GAME," a auspeNe drama by lhe Mis1on Viejo Playhouse, opens t.onlghl al the Forum '!'heat.er' on the Festival of Ar'la grounds oo Laguna C.anyon ROIMi in Laguna Beach. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays al 8:30 throu.gh April 17, wllh l't!9ervalions lAken at 830-9U2. "FORTY CARATS," a romantic comedy spanning the sen· eratlon pp. opens Tuesday at the Har~uin Dinner Playhoua, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. ~ lhow wW be oo stage nightly ~pt Monday at varying ew1a1.n limes throuih May 9. Call 979-5511 for ticket informabon. · "THE CEREMONY OF INNOCENCE," a historical c1rama oomplelell lta nm at Otanse Cout ~ tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Call 556-5527 for reaeJVations. "DIVISION STREET," a comedy populated with wacky charactera, opens tonight at tbe Laguna Moulton Playhoule, 606 Laguna Canyon Roed, Laguna ~h. Perfon:nancr:a an! Tues- days throug>! Satudays at 8 p.m. (with Sunday matinees at 2 thla Sunday and April 4) through April 10. Rmervatlom 494-0743. "LADIES IN RETIREMENT," a drama aboul murder, la the CUl1'eflt productloo at the San Clemen1e c.ommunJty'llleater. 202 Aw. Cabrlllo, San Clemenle. nie play runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Sundays at 2:30, through April 3 with res- ervations being taken at 492-04~. "THE BLOOD ltNOT," • drama about aparthed in South Africa. clc.s lhill weekend on the Second Staie of South Cout Repenory, 655 Town C-enter Driw, c.o.ta Mesa. Cunain is 8:30 tonight and Saturday, 8 p.m. Sunday with weekend mad.Dees at 3 p.m. Call 957-4033 for ticketa. "THE PAJAMA GAME," a musical comedy, gives its final performances at the Weatmlnater Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster tonight and Saturday at 8:30. Call 995-4113 for reervatlonl. "RING ROUND TllE MOON, .. a French oomedy, ii ca 11ate at the H~ 8-:tl PlayhouR, Main Street at York1own Ave\ue In the &.cliff VW.. aboppnt ctn\er. Pwformancea are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through April 3 with ticket infonnatlon available at 847-4465. "HENTllY IV, PART 1," a S~ tnpdy, ii being pre9e11ted en the mainsta&e of South C.O..t Repenory, 555 Town C-enier Driw, c.o.ta Mesa, throuah April 4. Perfonnancea will be given Tue.days ~gh Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 and reeervadonl lAken at 957-4033. • ~~-' N EWEST RELEASES· N OSTALGIA· CONCERTS RELIGIOUS • SPORTS· CHILORENS ·ADULT INCLUDING THESE EXCITING TITLES ALTERED STATES BODY HEAT EXCALIBUR PRINCE OF THE CI TY SUPERMAN II WOLF EN THOUSANDS OF TA PES a. DISCS TO CHOOSE FROM • !OPEN: M·f . 10·9-SAT,10-8-SUN, 12·5J ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS VCA"l•81G SCft fENS•COLOA CAMU•AS COLOR TV'S•VIDEO QAMES•ACCHIOftlEI JU fNf ~ StrHI CHI• MMe. CMlfemHI 12U1 (114/ IJI .ST'OI' M 111 ·1•1 AClfOSS RfOM ~·$ curtaln times. Call 979--5511 for tick.et inlonnat.aon. "OLIVER" will be prelt'nted by the Performing Ar'la C.enter at the Crystal Catt\edral, Chapman Ave. and Lewla Street, Garden Grove, on March 27, 30 and 31 and April l, 2 and S. Adult tlckeia are~. Call 971-4145 for reeervallona. -ART--------- "METROPOLITAN CONTAINER OF ART,"~ exhibition fNtunQg a wry look at cans. bolt.la. ~ and other houle- hold objtcta. ~ on display at UC Irvine'• Fine A.rte Gallery oo April l . Mmmion ii f.-. GRADUATE STUDENT EXBJBmONS wilh worb by UC Irvine mast.et' of fine arta candid.ala In ltudio art aoes Ol'I display April l ln the UCI Fine Ar'la Gallery. Adml8ion la tree. "TllE AFRICAN TllA vELER," an ex:bll»tb:I of authentic * •ARGAIN MATIN•••• ...... ., tllnl ..... ,..., All PetfonNneff befC>Je 5:00 PM (fllllll.,..... hllll I IJ ... ......,., 'A STMHOIR II WAT041MO" (ft ------ ~~LM ON THI I&*-' STW"" -.-----'=--"OtlCW ...... _ ------ ·~~-• ''GN GOU-. fiOM)" , ............ _ ... l Al< l WOO[J CE NH~ '>OUTH ... ,. '" ......... --''"""'"""" .. , ............. _ ... ~·· .. ~----- .. THE f'IWMCH LlEUTDMNT'S WDllAN'' ... .... NJ "ATl.ANTIC Cfn"' ... , ..... "' .. ~ African tribal maaka. gos on display March 27 ln the United 3 Natlona C.enter, Grovemont SqU&n!, 2428 N. Gf'8lld Aw., Santa ~ Ana. Gallery houri are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Sat· ~ urday, with the exhibit to remain In place lh.rou&h April 9. At a. 2:30 p.m., March 27, a preientation will be made. Information. c» call 5-42-9743. ~ ,, ~ "CARNAL IMAGES.'' an Invitational group ahow Sy 40 0: Southern Californla artists, goes on dUp!Jiy March 31 at the ~ Orange C:OUnty Center for Contemporary Art, 321 W. MacAr· thur Blvd., Space 111, Santa Ana. The show conUnues through ~ April 23 lnlonnation. call 5-49-4989. Ill WATERCOLORS AND MONOPRINTS by Margaret Bedell of Corona del Mar are on dlaplay through April 23 at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery, 3300 Newpon Blvd., Newport Beach. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. • See Diversions, Page 14 ,AClflC THEATllES OlllVf·lll SWU MEETS llV1Cll '°"" tuell-"'-• , ..... " HAlllOll I LVD DlllVE-1116 Oll6ttU DlllVE·lll • .. 11J .. S.luMAf&-f __ ,_fl&f-11- -,.., ,.,., -8:16 '" ""6:00 ,._, Stalt II US IM,HTANT NOTICE! CMILDftl• UNDlll IZ fRH! MMHI 111f WM"" MM T~•• r1t.6:30 • $14 . I•• • Mtll •:OD 1'111 ClllMl SCIUNO • 1'llllll AM CM MIJlll IS 1'111111 UfMlR !If NO All CNI Miii>, 'Mlll IGMTOI ll£CD$CIRY 'llSITIDll --• llDllVllU.l•M.l ~_...a 1111 •MID ....... , .... ANAHEIM DQIV( IN "A mwtCllJt:. WATCHINO" 1111 ,_fl .. i-1t. "OIATH YALL•Y" 1111 ~~~.,.~ ... -~''°~~~~~---Cl!!.~~~ .... -·-.. 1 I. ''CMIPUI TUIDS" ,. •• "80PMOMOM llNIATIONI"' C*I ·A IOI*) • "mAntwt8ttr" -'°YU IGUAD" " Ctllt " Mll,ollO ~ ''·. ' • "t BUENA PARK DlllVI IN "A ITMNCIP :!_ WATCHIMQ"" "mATH YAU.r'f'' .. CM•n IOUllO J. •·A 1'11t A LA HABRA DIN! IN ___ .......... _ ... 17Mt62 -~--- ... A•. ""°"9CY'S" 1111 -"Ult IN IMOICE" Ill CIM ·rt 10U110 --- ''WATM:! .. ""1111 ''ne IMIT wmtlN" .. -''THIM( Dlft'n''" ORANGE O~IVf I N ...... , ..... -"THI ..., ,. _....,,. -.r OUT ........ H .. . '• MISSION 0'11Vf IN lo . . ._.,, _ _,,... .. .. ~ .... ''MYAftllNIA...,'" • • • ____ ,,._ ALIA IN LA lllLAIA ~ c; ::r I\) !" I • I I \ • ' I ... i .· Diversions ?"" ui "' From~ 13 fi WORD BY MASTERS llUCh u Norman Rockwell. Salvwior i Dall and LeRoy Neiman are to be feetured March 26 In a benefit ~ art exhibition and auction at Founden Hall, Christ Collep, 1 ~ ' CAncardia. Irvine. A preview tt-rt and coffee la to be81n at 7 p.m. A.dmimlm la $3. ~ :g A MOVIE MEMOl\ABIUA AucnoN ii ltl for 2 to 4 p.m. u. April 11 at Movieland Wu M~ 77ll Belch Blvd, Buena ~ Park.. Adml-'an to the auction le free. 'O EDWARD IUENBOLZ will be the eubject of a i lecture by Robert Plnc1.11 at 4 p.m. April 18 at the Newport ;: Harbor Art MUltWn. Fee ill '2.50 far memben and $3 for non-! memberl. C.all 759-1122. -YOUTH ART DAY will be sx-nted by the Arte and Crafta .2 Center In Heritlce Park.. Irvine, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. 0: Mimes, performlnc Lr0Upe1 and ac:robate will perform. Adm1a. lion ii 11. C.all 552-1078. OIL PAINTING a.ASSES will be8in March 29 at the Arte and Crafta C.enter ln HerflAl&e Park, Irvine. c.au 552-1078. DESIGNS RECYCLED GALLERY In Fullerton will SpoNOr a walermlor demonltration at 7 p.m. April Ill. It will be flft. and the public .. Invited. The ollerY wtD dllplay wortra of lix artleta April 3 10 May 28. C.all 879-1391. _ ---- -DANCE------ c1-and a repertory dam are Included In the pc'Olnlft. ln- fonnatlon. call 1197~757. "SNOW WRITE," a belle\ for children. will be praented by the South CoMt Cultural Servx-1-1\.!e and lta ?ounc Ptr· fonntn' Worbhop March 26 throuab 21 and April 2 tbrouch 4 at the Irvine CUitural Center, t7302A Daimler, Irvine. Adult t.lcketa ..,. $3. Adm1llklrl for chlldttn la •• and n. Information. call 979-3178. ATESH DANCERS will pnllel'lt "A Nlaht In the Cubah" at 8 p.m. April 8 at the Santa Ana YMCA. 'ttie bellydancen will pretient various folk dancs. Tlcketa are t6 advance ule or t 7 at the Cioor. c.au M2-3577 for Information. ~MUSIC------------ TWO ONE-ACT OPERAS, "BaatJen and BaaU~nna" by Mozart and "Sliter Ancelica" by Pucdnl, wUl be preeented at 6 p.m. March 27 and 4 p.m. March 28 In Waltmar Theater, Oiapnan eon.. Pab:n and Grand In Qnnae. Adml-'on la $3. 8-vadana and lntonnation. call 997-A7t. CHAPMAN OOLLEGB'I PERCUSSION AND WIND EN- SElllU:S wtD perfwm at 8 p..m. Mardi 30 In a.n. Hall. S33 N. Ola.aaell, Oranae. Admlaion i. free. Information, call 997~1. ------------ worlca will be held. al 8:30 p.m. ln the hall'• OlORl Room. Ad- mialon ill free. lnfonnatloo, call 1197~871. LUEDER OBLWEIN JAZZ BENEPn' wW be Mk! March 27 from 2 p.m. to mldni&ht at the Ilk'• J..odaie ln Garden Grove. Tlckete are tlO per pen1<>n, and Information la available at 631-7740. MUSIC OP THE ANDES will be preeented at 3 p.m. March 28 at UCL The four-member Ku Suby p-oup will play m\Wc from F.cuedor. Peru and Bolivia on more than 25 bvtrwnente. Tld&ete are $5 ~ adtnimlon, $3 for UCI 1tudent1 and t4 for other ltudente. C.all 833-6379. Dl11'CB SOPRANO ELLY AMELING will appeu wtth the Loe Angeles Chamber Orchestra at 7 p.m. March 28 at UCI. The ,PrOIJ'arD will Include piecee by Stravinlky. Bach, Gild, Vivaldl. Kandel and Pabiello. Tickets are $10.50 aenera1 admllSiorl. $4 UCI studente and t 7.50 other 1tudenta. C.all 833-6379. LOUIE BEU.SON will top off the Orange eo.t ColJeie Ja.a Festival at 8 p.m. Saturday with his Sig Bend Expbion. Presale tlckete are available for '8. or t9 at th~ door. Call 5511-5527 f~ Information. MUSICAL ARTS CLUB OP OR.ANOE COUNTY will oeJe.. brate lte 50th annlveraary tonllht at Bullock's In Santa Ana. John Ralu will be auest artill1. Call 640-1130. ouar COMPOIEll/ AATDT ELIJOT SCHWARTZ wW be the cen:• Oil acdvidel M.arcb 30 at Oial)mAD Collep. At noon, Schwaru will pw a pnaentation on lllUlbl deYm Oil tbe 2Chh cen:turJ to be held 1a Ber1a HaD. m "· 01-11. er.,.. Tben. DANCE DAY '11 iapl8nned for9-.JO a.m. to 2:30 p.m. March at 2 p.m., Schwana It to conduct a mMter dM9 In Room 124 of _28_a_t _0'8__..pman __ Conece. ____ w __ N_. 0_1-1.1 __ ._e>ranae_.-...•_Two __ m.Mtec ___ Be_nea __ H_all.;.;__,,;,. An open ~tal and performance of Scbwaru• BIG BLUEGllASS JAM at Orange eo.t Co1Jese will fee- ture the Oabome Brothen. The RttJ World SVina 8&Dd and Tramatlant.lc Bluetr-at 8 p.m. March 28. 'nckeU are t&.50, t7.50 and t&.!M>. C.all 5511-5527. See Diversions, Page 15 Whk~ lnths <;.fMlc ...... bnow~ ~Pollot apattcd Q bcauttful woman on th& bcoch. Alohtnq that th& ... dsod. h& did not Olk...., to dlnMt. ~ 11th AnnMlury ~Easter· Seal 'lelethon HOSIEDIY AMERICA'S ~YORITE PAT BOONE 20 HOURS OF GREAT ENTERTAINMENT LIVE/ FROM HOUYWOODI . with MARVIN HAMUSCH In New~ .. SATURDAY-SUNDAY, MARCH 27-28 KTLA ~ -:TV, Channel 5 chm•lll# LOOI< tor money saving Easter Seal c~ in Sunday's Comics section on these fine products: ~cky <:A London J.Jquld Soap .. Cort*>rt Stride" Panty Hose Sock Sense Socks Morten~ Morten Honey Bl.n Chd 8oyardee• ZoOronl Chd~•ABC's& 123's Swift BroWn 'N SeM Sausage SWlt Slzzlqn . ·. Dlwerslons ---------- From Page 14 A OONCERT COMMEMORATING ISllAEL'S INDEPEN- DENCE wW be held at 8 p.m. April 29 at Garden Grove Righ School. Jewiah Studiel lmtJtute Day School wW fpon.IOC. and genttal admlson Is $15. Call 636-Mel. ORGANIST·PIANIST GENE ROBERSON will appev 1n concert 2 pm March 28 at the Clemmie C.omrnwlity Clubhouse IO benefit the~ County Music Center. Tickets are $7. Call 496-71138. ORANGE COUNTY SlEIUlA SINGLES wW beid a potluck · dinher at 7 p.m. April 5 at the Garden Grove Community Center. Non-memben are wet.come. . ORANGE oour SINGLF.S wlU have a Spcinc Flinl JmtY at 8 r.m. April 8 In 'btln. Call 838.1437 fOf' raervatlonl. On Aprl 24, the aroup wlU hawe a bubecue and pool party in Newport Beech.for 11ift 40 and up. Coat la $4 for~ event. Call 960-2500. \ SEXUALITY AN ISSUE POR SINGLES will be a wQr~ linale aduti. preeenwct at 7 tonilht at e>ra.,.. Coast . BecilU'atlon fee la $5. Call 558-~27. . . GROWING BETl'Bll, STRONGER, HAPPIER la ~topc for~ at the Center Club 81.naJes ~at 5 p..m. ~pril 3 at the Advanced Health Center In Newport Beach. Admillion .. $3. Call 975-0700. Oil.ANGE COUNTY llURA SINGLES wW have a 1ki trip IO M.ammolb for downhill and Cl'09-Cl0Wltry *:iet'I on April 2.4. Cost ii .. membtta, $90 non..memben.. Call 545-3793. GE'M'ING BAa IN TBB llAINSTllEAM will be a dis· alllion IOpiC of the Centtt Club Sin&Jft for a meetiJla at '5 p.m. Saturday at the Advanced HNllh Club Center In Newpo~ Bach. Admimlon ii $3. Call 975-0700. -ETC.---------=-- A SYMPOSIUM ON ENVJBONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY is planoed April 1 and 2 In the Camp.m Vlllap Conference Room at UC Irvine. Aclmlll6oft II~. Information, call 833-5911. "ANIMAL CHAMPIONS," a st.udent worklhop la planned April 17 at the Los Anaelel Zoo. Subjecta wW lndude the bi&- lftl, notlieat, ll'll&lleat, futett. etc. animals. Information, ~1 (213) 661-2184, Ext. 273. LAGUNA CR.AFI' GUILD wW preaent a craftlhow from 10 Lm. to di.Ilk on April 4 on Forest Avenue In Lecuna 8ellch. Mmilllon ii Cree. IRYINE SYMPBONY OICllE8TllA will offer a free open rehMral for Irvine )'OUth at 12:15 p.m. before tbe 2 p.m. concert OU March 28 at the Turtle Rodt Qwmnunl'>° Center in Irvine. The l'IOnOttt ii aim free to the public. YOUNG CONSERVATORY at South~ Repenory wW becin 8Prin1 -.iorl April 3. Students learn to reed, teJecl, re- ._,. and perform ahort J*ya. Call 957-2602 for inlonnafion. 0-are held an S.turdeya. -''CmATWll'm" ......... MTllUN. 1:11, ... 1:11 'Ttm IWMMJTHING" ... 1:1S.1:41 MTllUN. t:-, 1:11, 1:41 mtAID &mON THl Pia Sln-.sET STW • •-oocn. "''· 7:11, 1:00, 10:• IATllUN 2:00, 1:41. l :JO, 7:11, .... 10:• ''THEY ALL LAUGHED'' ..... t:•, 10:10 IAT.,...1:41.1:05.10:JOIM ''DASBOO'r' "''· 1:00, 1:45 IATJIUN 1:11, 4:00, 7:00, 1:45 (R) RIOWID &MON THE PR'fOR SUNSET STltJP II • c°'~ ...c,.,. ,., ,.. Ml. 11:1' IATllUN.2:11, Ml. e:at NI, .... tl:11 Cllt ... -.-.--~, ..... _ SH<DTTHE~ • M.-MTlll&.._,l<M 15 ~ 0 -~ I 4 '1C' CD ~ Q, CD :" ~ QI "' C> :r N !1> _. co O> N 4 • ... ... I 1 , I l . I I I 1 l I i . I 1 I I . l , I ' I - - N ao 0) .... j g ii i ~ .; .2 0: ii 0 .i 0 --~ .!? Q. Q. :;, <fl OI c: ~ i > "O < :i I 0 z ~ ~ z Q :r <fl < u.. I N .. ---- •. I rMn °'1111 • f.omplete aquarium infonnalion • 36 PIOeS all a>lof wilh 62 illuslrltms of lhe most PCJc>Ulat ~isll reg. 1.79 91c lta1tlt FIM .11 ..... 1a 1.U IL •• • I.II l.14 ti. ...... .,. .. 2.11-. •••. UI PUPPY GATES & PENS HABITRAILS • FLEX-RAKES COMPLETE AQU~RIUM SET-UPS •PET DISHES BIRD CAGES FANCY BEDS AND P-ILLOWS FOR YOUR PETS 10GAL. GIFT SET a ........ lids ..... ,,,,.,. , ... 1.11 Sale $2.99 11 ... 8.39 Sale $4.99 Selected Styles for Men & Women Famous Make Women's Shoes ~ $15.00 Values to $45.00 wethefby kayser 4 Fashion fsland ' Newport Beach E~perlence . . •. ·,.. .. The Sweet Lite Fresh baked Cookies Croissants Brownies Croissant Sand Cheesecakes Muffins Carrot Cake Quiches Free samples available from our exhibition style bakery Open 8:30 a.m. Monday-Saturday 10:30 a.m. Sundays .. = fA&Ia Iau\ND 61 NEWIXlJT CENTER 00. NEWIXXIT BFJCH. CA. 92660 Located across from Neiman-Marcus i 0 z lii ~ 0 I > ::;, I i: ~ en c -0 I --0 • '° N 15 i 2 ~ ~ ~ ii 0 ! -0 --I Q. Q. :a UJ I . OI I. c :! i ,, < c < I 0 z s ~ z 0 x UJ < &£.. I • . . Our 5th SideWalk Sale ... Fantastic Savings on Merchandise from our Regular Stock, including jeans and active sportswear all items 50% to 75% off Saturday, March 27th 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ---- ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEVJPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 A Sniash of a . .,. Sidewalk Sale~. Selected Items Saturday - March 27th Only! - ·SHOE SALE! Buy One Pair~ Get Second Pair FREE! of lame or lesser value. Sidewalk Sale Saturday, March 27th cathyjean 6 Fashion Island New~ Beach SiClewalk Sale . ,,,oo/o ~o-~ of~ Baume.Mercier Watches · Sieko Watches 1 ·01t & 14K Jewelry · & Colored Stone Rings 32 Fuhion lllMd Newport a.ct\ 844-2040 . \ ··----------~-===---------' CALENDAR OF EVENTS Friday, April 2 International Travel Fair -11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Center Stage Court. Plan your vacation over lunch. Enter our vacation giveaway drawing. . Saturday, April 24 Sunday, April 25 18th Annual City Of Nei_vport Beach Arts Festival 1 2 noon to' 5 p.m. Join the festivitiesl See perforf!ling artists throughout the Center. Watch artisans at work. Buy the next art object for your home. 1 Saturday, May 1 Sunday, May 2 8th Annual Mercedes-Benz Exhibition -all day throughout the Center. See over 120 of the finest Mercedes automobiles in the Country I Wed~sday, Ju~ 16 Chamber Of Commerce Busl~ss Blender - S to 7 p.m. Buy a drink and get to know who's in business in Ne~port Beachl Music and dancing at Center Stage Court . Thursday, July 8 Summer 82 Music Festival-9 p.m. at Center Stage Court. Join us under the stars at the Premier Gala of our 1 3th annual outdoor concert series . Call 644-2020 for additional information on upcoming events. Some of the best bargatris in town pn fresh ! new Spring fashions by Paul·Stanley, Anne Klein, Silk Farm, Hanae Mori, Blassport, Albett Nipon, Barry Bricken, Casi, Kappi, Stanley Sherrnbn and a host of others. savings on designer dresses, coordinates, pants, blouses, suits, evening gowns and accessories. > i i --0 -i 0 !!. -< :2 0 ~ ~ ) I» ... 1 (') ::r N !'> 1 ~ <O 4 ()I) N i I U'I - 1· I i. ' ' I I I I I .. I . t· , N .; c) N iS ~ :2 -~ ii: ii 0 Q) s::. -0 --c: Q) E Q) Ci. 0. ~ U) OI c: 'ii t: G> > 'O < c: < I 0 z :5 ~ z 0 J: U1 < LL. <O * CUSTOM TENNIS RACK BT STRINGING SPECIAL V'clor o.r.ta, Crtpllite -.i Potyalcr StriQg .... Reg. •ts.oo '59.88 . -. Reg. •ss.oo PLUS 300 Pain of Aleorted TBNNIS ud RUNNING SHOBS .. ZO-. to 6ft OFF tft s c;; our5~~-> z 50% OFF 0 I ..sidewaJkpaJe > :J Selected > Q. < /hfJt:a,JJtic ~~ on Cl :l ~ Spring :J . merchand:~ Ira» our C> <n c tegu1ar __stock -0 -0 -Merchandise ~ i1lcJudtnS CD :J --0 galS aiJd, ~\War - SATURDAY ONLY • MARCH 27 • 10:00 -6:00 i -~ allifxinJS '< :l! ~to75%o/'f . ~· ~ .sstu~mtJn:b27 IVY'S LEAGlJE . ~ g. . 1oam. to 5pzn. I\) !'> ... fO @)~@@)~@ CD I\) . 123 Fashion Island, Newport Beach I In the Bullocks Wilshitt Wift& ..., 640-~721 ,. 44 Fa.hion !eland •Newport &och • 714/ 644-5010 Regular Store Hours: Mon .• Thurs. c!c Fri~ 10.9 Tues., Wed. & Sat. 10~:00; Sun. 12·) 'I - / ... ·t Gentlemen'• Clothins Inspired by Tradition ~6 Faahion lalan • N I -t i ~ .: .2 a: >. i c .! -0 --I i j 0. 0. ::J en Q c 15 i ,, < c < I c z -~ ~ I z I Q :c I ~ I. &L I CD · d~ney Slclewalk · Sale Saturday March 27th Quanlltln llmlted to 1tock on hand Men'• Dept. Meri'• Dept. Men'• Shon Men'• Shoe• Summer Athletic Style Vlnyl Sport Shirts Swimwear Sllp-ons Selected Men'• POIJ•terlcotton Weatern Boots Blend1 Choice of 2 1tyle1 orig. $30 orig. $11 orig. $11-$13 Now $7.99 Now $7.99 Now $10.99 . 40°/o off Glrle' Dept. Junior High Girts' Knickers Pl .. ted .. aa..4-14 l'rouHr ~811-tU ortg. '17.11-$11.11 Now $7.9' Auto Center Mio Center Fa.hlng Dept • . All/Fii MllFlllftdMh • Stereo with . Stereo ca ... tte Fl81•G CONSULTANT . c .... u. ............... Vlelt with llr. Tom Belch dash -orig. tMI• ell daJI WMt COMt NP-. reeentettve for Zebco. Speclal $49.99 Now $74.99 flloor M• For Prent-Cai"peted Weed.. 100% Cotton Corduroy lhorta SHCl•I $4.99 pair Special $9.99 Plaln Pocket JMna Cla11DUI ..... '11.00 ·Polv•terCotton Brief ......... Oltg. MM.... NOW $3.33 .... IDUkera ..._ dlOk ntoUnt a • ., Speclal $29.99 pair FISHING DEPT. Now $55.99-$118~99 . COFFEE SHOP Cherry ch .. secake Hot fudge aundae .83 .99 Burger, frl•, a cher~ pie A ,.._ of Iced tH or • iiOft drink only .. (when purolulMd with the Moft burler .,.. .. ,. 2.N· Junior We•r Jordache Jeans ... orig ... ,.. Now $19.99 onlJ IOI Slilewalk. Siiia Saturday March 2lth Junior WMr · Bobble Brookes Knit Tops orig. sze. Now $9.99 Dr ... , C8a&Nll S.nitala Ml ... We•r .. Sweat Shorts Pink only orig. $7 .Now 99• -~~~----...... =-=-=~~~~~~~~~to:=~~--~~~~~~~~---:=-=~~! ar. N•utlcal Tops PolJMW/NJlon ortg. '18.00 Vlnyl Tote B8ga Multi compertment orig. ttut Women's ACCMaorlea Vlayl Oxford• orig .... rMn Printed Welleta a Clut-Eleatlc Lea Dla~ble Dle~ra ch• 11'• mect-12-"b ~12'• lerg• over Mk NOW $7.99 . :::row $5.99-$7.99 q.ta.21 NOW $2.89 Glrl1 Swimwear Tenk 8wlmaulta A891. ........ w.. Special $4.99 Tenk 8wlmeulta Alel.Ollorl ..... 7-14 Speclal SS.98 I co I '\ Quantltle1 llmlted to 1tock on hand ~ 1.-____ __. ___________ ~-------------------------------------t ~ -0 - .... I 0 - -~ ~ p.------=-~ --. • -• Houseplants 4" assortment potted reg. 1.99 ·Sale 1.22 10" assortment potted reg. 19.99-24.99 Sale 16.8~ Fer:n -.. New Zealand or mother ferns 2 gallon . Sale 5.99 reg. 7.49 18.99 22.99 .. . > ::I 1---------~~~~~---------------------------------------------i> ~ Sale 66t ~ ::I IQ (/) c 'O l --0 i i -< 3! 0 :+ 4" outdoor bedClmg reg. 99• color & vegetables ~ Pelargoniu.ms choose from: marigold, dahlia or begonia• ~ tomatoea, parsley 1 gallon size reg. 2.99 N 1------------~--~------~--,,_...--------~----~------------1 ? Sale 1.9.9 reg. 2.99 Marguerite Daisies 1 gallon size - ·sa1e 1.99 ~ reg. 2. 99 1 gqllon = Azaleas * Sun tolerant varieties ·· 5 gallon-reg. 9~99 . ~Sale 7.49 . -. Sale 3.99 Sale 1.99. · · reg. 2. 99 1 gallon reg. 5.99 2 gallon Star Jasmine Roses I ~~ Sun or part shade Bonanza Peach Trees 10 galloR" Special . ' ~-23.99. Sale 1.39 i I 2 i er b ! .! -0 -I Q. ;:, "' -I !· < c < I 0 z I ~ f ~ ' z I Q x "' I -< u. -1 N .... , "After a season of cumbersome layers and smothering shawls, those no-nonsense dr••••• •••n In 1982 1prln9 collectlo• look re- _ freshingly sensible," reports Wo- men's Weiar Daily. Consider~d "the bible" of the fashion industry, WWD is correct in its appraisals. Its recent conclusion about today's dresses hits the mark. As we head from the current "resort" season into spring, fashion is becoming simpler, more pared d~n. P.r .... -•bout as iN'red dowo H fltlhlon can 9" -are tiecomlng •ore popular th•n they"ve tieen for over a decade, since the .concept of sportswear separates took off. Newest in lengths that graze or eJ(pose the knee, dresses are . -interpreted in styles ranging from sllm button-front shlrtdresses to supple chemises to snappy blousons to saucy schoolglrl dresses to long, casual T's. J•ck Mulqueen turns nautical stripes into a three-piece silk dress with matching skirt, shirt. and cami- sole. Z•nclr• lllMHles treats prfnted silk jacquard to kimono steeves and a wide V belt. Joe G•rglulo does delicate navy and white floral crepe in an upbeat French schoolgirl dress. John Anthony wraps sheer peach wool gauze with a jade green suede belt in an off-the-shoulder treatment. This year dresses go farther than just to lunch or meetings. They can be casual as long sweat- shirts; glamorous as short, sexy cocktail dresses; elegant as long, flo- wing gowns. Belts lend d•sh and defini- tion. They may be wide strips of supple suede or pearlized leather, or bowed cotton sashes, or patent lea- ther corselets or ornamented leather ropes of wood and beads. And the legs -a new focal ~Int -t•ke sheer tinted hose with high-heeled sand•ls or pumps. The short~r t~ hemline, the higher t~ heel. At this t~ of year dresses often exptrlence a comeback. The ~xtend . to which American and European ·------------ designers are showing them this spring, and the degree to which they represent the controlled, uncluttered direction of current fashion indicates their importance . Fashion lsl•nd believes In the return to dresses, and is fea- turing a wide range of the latest looks now and in the mooths ahead. - FASHION ISLAND MERCHANTS .. DEPARTMENT STORES RESTAURANTS •0rooctwoy 6U1212 Dogies Place 640-6.)90 •Duffum's 644-2200 •BobDurns 644-20JO • Dullocks Wilshire 759-1211 •coco's 644-1571 Neiman-Mateus 759-1900 El l\~o 644-20JO •J.C.P~ 644-2J1J Frandscon l\oom 644-"2200 •P.oblnson's 6U2800 The Islander 644-2414 Udoo..A'fe< 6U2800 Newpon Stuff' d l\oll 640-5752 GIFTS 6 F\Jl\NISHINGS Pemey's Coffee Shop 644-2J1J 0. DOiton DOOkWller 644-0041 TheNgge< 644-2414 Doubleday Oook Shop 640.5312 Truly Naturally Heolth £1 Poca Candles 759-~41 Food 759-1541 •Kolf's Toys. S<otlonefs, •V@fve<T~ 6"-5313 Hobbtes 6"-0981 •vomoco·s 6"-4811 Volley Holfmo~ 644-2014 Zodk>c l\oom 759-1900 JFWELEl\S 5£1\VICE SHOPS Oren Walker Newpon 644-2494 Anthort{s~Service 644-2551 Donovan 6 5eomons 644-5764 Clown Cleoners 644-251 2 Golden Diode Dort>ers 640-0855 Going Pk>ces Travel 640-0821 l\off Jewelty 644-2040 The Hair Hunters 644-2151 Slavlck's Jewelers 644-1380 Penney's Auto Center 644-2313 Wyndham Leigh Dlomonds 644-0501 SHOE STORES Poul Allen 752-6468 MEN'S APPAREL Fiesta Foocweor 644-0424 ArsGOroge 644-70JO Hemphllf's~ 644-4223 At Ease 644-5070 Huggln's Shoes 159-9551 Brooks Brothers 640-8880 Leeds · 759-9889 Gofy's 6 Company 759-1622 Mandel's Shoes 6 The Look· Guys Geor 644-6500 Something Else 640-5128 Phelps Meager 644-0264 Newpon Children's P.O.S.H. 640-8310 Doo<ery 644-2464 SllvetWoods 644-2424 ·w~-Koyser 759-9746 . SPECIALTY SHOPS OothShop 644-2J5J Denchley Luggage 759-91O1 FonyLove 640-442J H~Farms 640-60JO M. Jocques. Fu<l'lef 644-4661 KOCM · FM 10J.1 644·2727 Nettle CrMk Shop 644-&660 ·The Red Dolloon 644-8808 • R&Mo's "ondefful World dP«s 644-0980 •Sft's~ 64o&-061• •SkJ6Spott 6"·2121 The Time Place 760-1225 WOMEN'S APPAREL Apropos 644-2652 ~ SWet feminine An!,. 644-1303 •Cathy JeorVCoultSide 759-9700 Ivy's League 640-5721 John Hogon 644-7100 •Lanz d Collfomla 644-4411 The Look 644-2400 Mottt.ws 759-1201 Motherhood Maternity Shop 759-9951 ThePtoce 644-8982 Jeon Ryon Fashions 759-0506 ·The Show·Off 644-1722; Solgnee Women's ~ 640-9483 FGINon lllond Office 6"-3020 ' . I ..... ~ "" r i 4 . I I . = ca - ' ~ ' i ~ ~ SATURDAY, MARCH ~ a: 9:00-5:00 ! .! -0 --I MG. T0'30 AEG. TO 'tOO ~ _ s2911 ~ :::J --"' Ct c ~ i > "O < c < I 0 z :5 EYELET NETTLE !a CREEK z CUSTOM Q TWlNANOFUU DECORATING ::c wtffTt ANO COlOM ORDERS -en REG. TO '125 < -s59ta MUCT OOIONS ~ 40% OFF .. "°A('""°' OA U~ANGH n€ttle cReek SHOP -II.LL SALES FIHAL Z · . I • 23 Fieshlon laland ••• Newport Be.Ch 844 8880 . . ONE DAY ONLY • ·SATURDAY, MARCH 27th · llST OFfB IYH ·aEEF . Slllli - &ril6REns s110Es sai~ ~ • UPW75$~ -·-our~ but sdfas 6ctjs and <jrls .,,~31.- oubtandtng == 1f."" to 2l _, ~· adidas ·sand~ . 'BustN-~ • Copz.io.• 'fuss• cuu£ otftu-.s -·-~ fi:J 38. 00 "~ tc 12."" -OUll 1aR6e5'CS2tLE. ~ saturcfay 1narch 27~ at '}!JO Preview of things to come in Spring & Summer hair styles! r Enhonce four individuality/ • BRAIDS, CUTS, BLO SETS. WET SETS • COLOR FROM SUBTLE TO BOLD and BETWEEN • PERMS EROM BODY TO RINGlETS and COMBOS • MANICUR£S·PEOICURES • JULIETIES NON-LIFTING ACRYLICS • MAKE-UP, SKft CARE, 1 ACCESSORIZING • RAG SETS NOW AVAILABLE #70 FASHION ISLAND• NEWPORT BEACH (·714) 84+2151 HI TOWN I OOUNTin'. OflANGe lrl•l Ml .... I • ~ ... . . ·Men's Suits s1&e-s249 Reg. to 335.00. Se6ect from our finest quality and most famous brand name suits. Good selection of patterns and styles. Minimum charge for alterations . MEN'S FURNISHINGS Reg. to 25.00. lndudes famous brands. !Siii<~ ............................ 9.99 Reg. 22.50. Our finest brands now reduced. Robes .................................... 49.99 Reg. to 110.00. lndudes designer names and pure silk. Pajamas .......................... 16.99-49.99 Reg. -25.00-110.00. Includes pure silk. WOMEN'S DEPT. SAVINGS ~., 5Q0/07 700/o off -. .. WOOi Blend Coats ..................... 29.99 Reg.150.00 • ~ .. Separates ........ 9.99-14.99' Reg. to 40.00. W6ol Chall8 Skirts ..................... 36.91 -... . Sport coats · Reg. to 185.00. Solids and patterns. s79. s119 lndudes our most famous brands .. MEN'S SPORTSWEAP Famous Maker Jog S~its ... 39.99 Reg. 80.00. Save V2 ! ------------------'· Cashmere Sweaters .................. 69.99 Reg. 135.00.,V ·neck styles. Catual Slacks ................. 19.99-29.99 Reg. 27.50-36.00. Many stytes and fabrics . Famous Label Shirts ................... 9.99 Reg. to 45.00. Short sleeve knit shirts in many colors, styles. I . . Men's Swimwear ........................ 7.99 Reg. to 16.00. Large selection of styles. MEN'S SHOES Famous Maker Dress Shoes ................... 21.99-99.99 Reg. to 145.00. Baly, Florsheim, Johnston & Murphy, Barrister Dress Shoes. ... (JI ' I I I ~ ' I -~ I 2 l ! i 0 - -I ~ :I i ,, < c < I 0 z ~ ~ z 0 :c "' < &L. co - • ~nSons YOU'LL SAVE 25%·50%. OUR MEN~S CLOTHING CLEAUNCE. STARTS SATURDAY. .. Come in now and surprise yourself with our extraordinary selection of famous European and American designer suits and sportcoats. These are names you never expect to see at these prices. All, wool or wool/polyester. Suits. Orig. $225·$275. Sale $109-1191. Sportcoats Orig. $150·$195. Sale ...... Robinson's Men's Clothing and Sportswear Clothing, 35/95. .. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia'• crew waa trouble-ahoottnc a radio problem .today aa the ahuttle paaaed a major teet of enalne endurance in the bitter cold of apace. A wea- ther forecaat for New Mexico . called fQr adequate landing con- dltiom Monday, deapi~ gusting wtnct.. Thtre wu a chance the radio problem could cut the flight abort, or that New Mexico aandalOnna could keep the ahip aloft an extra day. But Flight DiNctor Neil H1•1_.. llld ... ~ oeiU. to MPPl!D. tMl Co1u.'nbia would eom• hohl.e Monday aa acheduled. While utronauta Jaek a. Lou- ama and pilot C. ~ ruJJer- ton Slept. they aailed thl'OUlh the midpomt of their planned eeven- day voyage. A !orecaat from White Sanda MfmiJe Rance p_re.. dieted Monday'• Jandlng condl- tiona would be acceptable despite winds gustin& to 20 miles an hour. Mission Control aald lclentiata TEN-FOOT TREADS -U you usually kick the tires of a y~hicle ~ou b~y. you don't buy construction equipment. Valley's Citizen of Year 'surprised' • Frank Navarro said he hadn't expected any recognition for his extensive involvement in Foun- tain Valley's service clubs and youth programs. He said he was caught by sur- prise this week when the Foun- tain Valley Chamber of Com- merce named him "Citi7.en of the year." He received . plaques from the chamber, Orange County Super- vtaor Roger Stanton and A&9em- blyman Nolan Frizzelle and a key to the city by Mayor Ben Nielsen. "You think it's reward enough just being involved in these things," Navarro told an audien- ce at the chamber luncheon. "But thia is very special." Navarro has been in the travel buaineaa for 13 years and now has his own agency, Forums West, in Newport Beach. Most recently, he al80 has taken CNer operation of the restaurant at NATION Sutlers Mill in Huntington Beach. But Navarro admita that his business endeavors sometimes. suffer because of his buay ache- dule of community involvement. He is a 00-founder of the Omni Business Club, organiJed after' he and some friends were unable to gain equal acceptance of women in a well-establlahed national service club. Under his leadership, Omni contributed to the Fountain Val- ley High School camp program, Cystic Fibrosis. the Albert Sitton Home, Interval Houae, the Spe- cial Olympics, Teen Help a nd Parkhurst Retirement Home. Navarro is first vice president of the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce, has served on the city's Restitution Board for youthful offenders and is a board member of the Boys Club of Fountain Valley, the American Bechets Foundation, Toast- Publisher retires at 16 Todd Engels at 16 hM given up publlahlna the Turkey Foot News. He wanta more time for himMlf. P~e A5. There's good news and. • • 'nle news ~ llCtUally found a fellow In South Succotash, but he wasn't intereeted in ,an interview. P.,eA8. weN mrdted about the lnforma· Uon they'd received from Col- umbia'• e:menta, and Lou· sma ~ .. We're plewd to hem' 1t, that'• what we came here to do. .. And we were juat remarklna between ow.Ives how well the orbiter bu performed . , . it'• rNChed quite a remarkable level of maturity for juat the third fllaht. We've been basically troUble free with the aystema and able to do all tbeee other th1naa while the orbiter klnd of toolc care ol tteelf." When the utronauta awoke, they received "top of the mor· nlng" f reelin1a from Mlulon Contro atone with &eleprinted lnatructlon on how to tackle a failure ln the ahip-'°1hore l'8dio ayatem. Like ln any oUlce system, they encountered a llltch here -the print.er WM feeding wildly tot a abort tlme. Thunday, the low-power aec- tion of one of two S-band com- munications transponders failed and officlala laid that if it cannot .._ ......... _Ye,_ Wheels of caterpillar acrapera dwarf two apectaton at an auction Thursday in C.O.ta Mesa~Story on P.,e Bl. .,.., .... ...., ....... HONORED -Frank Navar- ro is this year's recipient of Fountain Valley's "Citizen of the Year" award. masters and Teen Help-Youth Service Bureau of Orange County. He also is a member of the Greater Irvine Induatrial- League, the Newport Harbor. Chamber of Commerce and La. Casa, an affiliate of the Albert. Sitton Home for abuaed children. STATE Rain to move on, but more due Sunday By JERRY BERTENhEJN or .. ...,,.. ... A light but steady rain that fell throughout moat of the night moved eastward today but Orange Coast residents can ex- pect more showers before the weekend is over. The rain Thursday and this morning left .30 of an inch on most par1B of the county and was blamed for a aeven-car accident that hurt four people on the San Diego Freeway in Irvine near Lake Forest Drive. ,! Chance of rain from the itonn that moved In off the central California coast waa reduced to 10 percent tonight., aocord1ng to -Ole National Weather Service in Loe Angeles. · Saturday'• forecast calla for partly cloudy akiea with coastal highs in the mid-60a after over- night lows ln the hiah 409. But a (See RAIN, Pa1e A%) LOS ANGELES (AP) -The atate Air Re1ouroee Board ia conlidertna emi8ion limit. for dieeel can and truclca after heartna expert tstlmony that lnc:nlMina Ule of the eoot-produdnl wbiclee could cut vtabWt)' up to ~ percent in major California dtie1. Taxpayers get IJit again the lala thrown for the refurb6lbed atale ~tol won't 1uppoeed to C09t the ta~~n a cUme, but they've already been hit up for SDl,000 -With llAlll ltill" unpaid. Piie A4. COUNTY be fixed, Mi.ton Ccntrol would conalder terminating the flight early. 1be high-power aide of the f.u.d unit waa operating when chedca were made today. Even with both transponders out, Columbia could land safely, the flight director aaid. He re- poried several ground atatlons can communicate with the spa- cecraft through UHF channels and that much of the re-entr1 and landing is conducted through UHF. On the other hand, Hutchinson raised the poulblJlty of an ex- tended mJaalon, should blah wlnda _p_redlcted at &he Whfte Sanda Mialile Ranp thia week· end penist into Monday, blowtq up the fine gypsum aand aoa reducing viaibWty draaUcally. ly. He said that by oonaervin8 fuel and power the next few daya, NASA expected to aave enouCh of both to operate Columbea an extra day ln Orbit. "It doesn't mean we're aotnc to (See SHUTTLE, Page A%) Hopefuls ·t~lk of achievement • JD Valley meet · By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or ... .,.., "-t 8j8ft Lacking divisive issues to comment upon, Fountain Val- ley's 10 City Council contenders uaed a recent candidates night to trumpet thelr professional ~k­ grounds and civic achievements. The forum, sponsored by the Greenbrook Homeowners' Asao- cia tion, drew an audie nce of about 70. A tape of the event will be telecast over Dickinson-Pacific C.blesystems five tiJn~s before the April 13 election. Three council seats must be filled. Mayor Ben Nielsen, the only incwDbtftt on the ballot, asked to be Jud&ed on hia record of the put four years on the council. Similarly, former Fountain Val- le, dty man.ager James Neal and former police chief Charles "¥Ike" Michae lis pointed to their records of municipal ser- vice. Citing their service on the l'owttain Valley School District board of t.n.IStee9 were candidates Betty Mlananelli and Fred Vea. Mn. Mignanelli also said she hM been active in numerous lo- cal, county and state organization during the pa.st 20 years. Voss mentioned his current 1ervice as a Fountain Valley plann.ing commiaaioner and ha backgrou- nd ln public administration. F.ciucato111 Linda Moulton and Ken Holland both emphasized their experience in classroom in- struction and school administra- tion duties. Dan Morton, James Creighton and Roy Rodgers all emphasized their skills in managing area bu- alnesles. Morton mentioned his past work in detecting fraud and abuae in government. Rodgers cited his chairmanship last year of an advisory committee stu- dying the city's budget problems. Creighton described himself as "indepe nden t, tenacious a nd educated." HB gas station robbed of $150 Pollce are continuing their 9e8l'Ch for a gunman who robbed a Huntington Beach service sta- tion of $1M. The man pointed a black steel revolver at an attendant at the Union 76 Station at 8971 Warner Ave. early Wednesday and fled on foot with the station 's rec- eipts, police said. INDEX Q\.lestioned about the single mos t important laaue facing Fountain Valley, all candidatet pointed to the increasing dlffi· culty ln balancing the city bud-' I get. . Mrs. Mignanelli suggested cooperative arrangements with the school district in areas such u maintenance and purchasing, aa a means of saving city funds. Holland said "untangling red tape" in government might pro- mote additional local business development. Voa said non-Fountain Valley residents .who uae the city'• Mile Square Park recreation f.acillties must be made to pay their -.re. Mrs. Moulton suaested addi- tional "volunteerllm" aa one means of relieving city expenaea. The candidates were aaked whether the City Council should use its power to impose special assessments to ofbet rising street lighting and median maintenance costs. Vea de9cribed the asse•ment power as a "loophole" in Propo- sition 13, and said no such UleS-- sments should be enacted wi- thout approval of two-thirds of the local voters. & a last J"e90rt to generate additional revenue, he said he would prefer asking people to find a public protection d istrict to subsidize police and fire services. Neal and Creighton were the only candidates who said they might favor council enactment of assessments without voter ap- proval, if financial ci.rcumstances warranted it. (Neal limited his (See FORUM, Page A%) Crash kills cyclist in Westminster A 23-year-old WestminJter man was killed Thursday eve- ning when his motorcycle veered out of control and struck a curb, Westminster police said. Officer Earle Graham said J ohn Theodore Featherstone received head and internal inju- ries in the mishap, which occur- red at 6:28 p.m. on Melanie Lane near Dorothy Drive. Featherstone was taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where he died at 7:12 p.m. Graham said the motorcyclist was not wearing a helmet when the accident occurred. At Your Service Knna Bombed< L.M. Boyd a.-.- Callfomia Cavabde a..i6ed Ccmb Caomwocd Dealh Noticea lldltarial ~t ~ ~ A4 B2 A8 C6-7 AS B2 01J)3-10 B3 B3 D2 A8 Intermiaaion Ann Landers Movlee Mutual Funds National News Public Not.tees Restauranta Sports Weekender B2 Weekender C6 A3 a..e,1>2 Weekender Cl~ C7 TVLqi Weekender A2 A3 Weekender SPORTS A7 B2 Stock Marketa Televlaion Thea'8'1 W~ther World Newa do thil." M ltl a 1 d. "We'nt loGk· Inc at the weather. It'• .-. to be the middle or tnd-of lhe w..m.d befCft ... dedd9 wbat we're Fini to do." :· ror -two day1, •he ahuttl•'• noee hu faced the''"'· leavtna the tail eectlon and itl enatnee ~ and fuel tanka 1n freedna ihecl· ow, exl)Olled to temperatune u low .. 2~~ dean-below 9el'O. NASA enatneen don't believe the ooJd wUf affect the ability of ·• the fuels or enctnea to funatioft, j Louama and Fullerton wen to find out today by firing two of t• the powerplantl ln one of the • major thermal teeta of Columbia'• thfrd shakedown cruile. • The tint test went perfectly; if .tMre ,re~ a problem with the t eetoml. early thia evenina. the \ ·~lwould tum the.tail to the -... heat \Ip the unltll -1 i'* the~ did Wedneeday ,.hen ~ expow.re to the cold froze l8liing ~ material and prevented a tlaht t cl~ of ~e ~ bay doan. ~ AJttO toc19, tM lllrOMUta ex-ecuijl~ ..... ---with dw ... ri)bot ll'lft -a 363-pouad JllllNIWftt Prl'•· • 'l'h~..7~• arm pedor~n"9 .... ,......,~, ' Fwlerwa,.operauna from a remoce mtlln ID the i.r of the cockpit, ptded the Canad••n- built dntce IDll&erfully throwih eeveral Mu. ot testa With die P~ Paefw@o ol p ftnnly in ltl wtre- mare .1/. w. the ftnt test of 'a capacity for the job it wu dellped for: depo1i· Una and .retrieving aateWtee ln apace, Fullerton and Loumna aQpa-rently had overcome the moUon atcknea and fat!aue that bodle- red them dUf'lnl ihe early oart of the fl1•ht1 lBut in rnidaftemoon 'nlund.c•• l'u1lll1.on _ __._.a .I • ·"'t--medk::al oonfwence on a pri\tate radio channel. Milalon Control said he ~ of ... pains and a fllaht IW'aeon ~n­ ded he t.ike an antacid pill. A Senta Ana man ii expec1ed w ,....,"a c:omm~ty lft'Vtce award for comlnc to the a1u of a Oallf.,.-nla Jti1hway Patrol offl· cer whp waa atru111in1 with anot,ber IMO a1ona the San l)M!go n..w~r divider ln Hunt- ~ spokesman Jim Larkin . uid Willlam Helnlch, •1. w.-s eouthbound on the !reew,.y at 7;30 p.m. Wednesday when he ...,,, Utie 8CUffle. Helnkh broadcast a call for help over his clthena band radio, turned around at the Magnolia Street exit and returned to the icene of the ecuffie, Larkin said. Heinich approached the two mep fightJ.ni on the ground and put a fiashllght around the neck of Craig Yea tea, 27; of Dana Point, pulling him away,from CHP officer Skip Conway, Larkinatd. HeUdch then Ulilted the offi • oer in handcuffing Yeates. Larkin lllid the eculfie began alter c.onway pulled over a car driven by Scott Beetler, 29, of San Clemente, on suspicion of drµnken driving. I FOllUM ·1N VALLEY • • • • Alter Beetler had been hand- cuffed and placed in the b9ck of the CHP car, Conway no~ an open beer container in Beetler's car and Ol'dered puleftge1' Yeates ., l&ep outalde, Larkin said. l auppori 1« llahtlna ·ua e11mata, • aaytna Ughtina la cnacial to local health and safety.) The candjdatee .n favore41ti-l mulatlon of local ahoppinc u a IJl!&N of generattna more ales tq revenue for the city. Morton said a one-week J "Merchants Day" in F-0uatain Valley might increaae local shopping. Voa said the city should d.il- courage eatabllahment of addi· Uonal small ret~il ahope in Fountain Valley and should strive instead to lure large retail stores. The candidates were asked if ' Fountain Valley should cut costs · by abolishing its own police de- Y eate9 struck the officer in the None of the candidates atron· t..... and wu continuing to 8CUf. gly favored auch a move. Mn. fie -1th him by the freeway di- Moulton, however, aaid sµcb a vlder until Heinich arrived to Ian mlaht be "IOlnething to look help, Larkin said. futo." Mn. MtpaneW aai<i ahe Larkin a1ao credited Cbriato· miaht CODllider it aa a "draatlc'' pher and Tammy Callon of 1aat step. HunUngton Beech and David Mid fund.a could be Cometa of Co.ta Mesa fof atop-tai phw to Mll8t when they saw die aaved y ~ eome admini· CHP officer in diatress strative, dilp9tching and mainte-. He said Yeatee w~ already nance chorea with neighboring eubdued when the others arri- departmenta. ved, however. Niel8en said lhe oouncil alrea-Yea.tea was placed. in Orange dy baa enacted eome cooperative County Jail on 1u1J>1Cion of ~­ pro gr am•, euch as a police sault on a police officer. motorcycle maintenance agree- ment with Huntinpm Beach. partment and enterln1 into an agreement with neighborinC ci- ties for law enforcement. nAIN ro RETURN . . . 2 arrested in robbery low pressure syatem off the Gulf of Alaska is expected to brlng more showers to the Orange Coaat Sunday. Saturday's 24th awallowa pa- rade in San Juan Capistrano wt1l step off at noon unless the wee- ther 111 "abllolutely horrible," ac:- cord.ing to a spokesman. Rain gauge& for a 24-hour pe-. ·coastal Occulonal rain through the morning becoming penty ctoucty this •fternoon. Felr tonight end Setllfdey ..... "'8118 Selurdlly 86, to 70. °'*1'11thl tow. 41 to H . Hunllnglon ""°port -aemp.. rlt\nl r**1D from e 10W of 5S toe l'llgll oft4. BMwMI'•. from Point eonc.p. tlon to the Meatcen border end out eo n11ea: Uaht ~ wtrldl l•I• night end'" mornl119 llour1 becomlnO ..... 911V 10 10 20 knote Setutdey llftemoon. 8outllwat 1-..'ll 2 lo 3 fMI. Pllftly oioudy througl\ satutdl)I. riod from 8 a.m. Tbunday to 8 a.m. today ihowed .37 of an inCb in Costa Meaa, making the yearly total 10.89. Costa Mesa had 7.72 inches of raln on thia date in 1981. 1Juntin1ton Beach had .36 tnc~ at tau. for 10.17 fm the year, Santa Ima .28 tor an 11.18 total and Santiago Peak .60 for .a total 28.2, 6.6 more than 1Mt year on thUi date. NEW YORK (AP) -Officers raided two Manhattan apart· ments before dawn today and arrested two men in connection with a bloody $1.~ m illion Brink's armored ttuck robbery 1Mi year, th4l FBI &nno\lnCed: FBI_aDOk~man J0seph Vali- quette identified the men only as F.dward Lawrence Joseph, 29, of the Bronx, and Cecil Ferguson, 3~. no address given. R8in to diminish 58 ... 58 50 .29 ee "5 . t3 eo ~ .23 83 52 . 58 ._ n -82 151 -55 .... 11 58 42 &4 50 .30 151 .... 17 e1 47 .oe .. 153 .31 58 .. 57 49'.16 5t ee 7t - &4 -• 54 51 ~· .. 12- M 52 M 51 •1 47 ,01 71 20 ..24 52 72 73 n es 72 ... ee 69 .04 12 .25 69 r.t> 71 I 23 S1 19 ... 3t 48 32, 30 10 41 28 69 45 23 a ... .. -~------.~~ : : Ex~nded . 19 .. i ! .oa forecast 19 .. ID IOVTHIAN CAJ..,ORNIA ... COA8TAL ANO ~OUN~AtN II aa AREAi .._ lnc,..ulnt ~ • • ==-~~"11!! ' ..... ltr,,..•IJOPI• $TRA WBERR SWEEPIJ -U.S. Border Patrol agenta conti- nued tbelt weeldong lel'iel ol ilJepl alien sweep1 Thunday at strawberry ~ in Fountain Valley (p1ctured above), Irvine, Loe Alamit.oe and Ora111e. Officiala said 981 undocumented workers )lave been taken into custody on e>r,nge C.ounty ~ since Monday. I • Acne disrmsion ai-GWC A panel ot doct.<iN; unes from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1n Fo- and psychologists will m..cu. ~ L "~:~Treatable o.;..eae" 'the panel will dlacum acne ln w frtj JS'Oll"8.1'D adiea~ PlYCba, dJalfl~· treatment Saturday at Golden West and psychoJosieal -..e.. Par- College in Huntington Beach tidpantl can register at the dOOC" begtnn.lna at 7:45 a.m. • CPR workshop in Huntin~ton A free all-day workshop on teach how to maintafn life cardiopulmonary reauacita· until medical help arrives for tion (CPR) will be held Stt· victims of heart atiack, u rday at the Communit'y Bi-· droYininJ; pboldng and .other ble Churc h , 40 1 6th St., instances iD which the heart Huntington Beach. 'J'be aes-atops funatloning. sion will last from 8 a.m. to 5 The. cbune la aponeored by p.m. Coastline College. For more Respirat ory therapis t information, call the college Jeanne Symoaowlc1 will at 963-0811, ext. 235. • Valley baseball tryouts sl~ued The Boys Club of Fountair. are from 1 to 3 p.m. Valley will conduct·l>48eball Games will be conducted ttyouts {oT,boys and girls. agE weekdays after school from 7 to 13, on Saturday at thE April io June. 'cost for the club grounds, 9840 Talbert season is $20 per player, . Ave. covering uniform, trophy and For ages 7 to 10, the tryouts awards dinner. More infor· are slated for 9 a.m. tQ noon. mation can be obtained by For ages 11 to 13 the tryouts calling the club at 968-5252. • Performance set for kids Children's entertainer Dan Crow will give a free perfor- mance at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Oasis Center in C.Orona d el Mar at 5.th Street and M.a.rgµeri t.e Avenue.' • American Express, ~ar West Se rvices and the Wai· ter's Race benefit are sporwo- ring the program, which is geared for elementary school yoUllgsters. For more infor- mation call 640-2271. • A~eu-old fUJI~" a• _, ID filcllral dlltltll..., ln Loi Ana•._ TbundaJ.'&fter eludlni aYthoriU. for ......, a yeer before his capture 1n a.ta Mea eerlier OU. week. Judae A. Wallace Talbiata ,.. dend "lMOn Arthur Qolcktoae to underso 90 daya of obeerYa&AOn before beginning a three-year eenwnce. Goldstone was arre1ted In Coeta Mae Thunday niaht at 8 rnotel at 2026 Harbor Blvd .• where he had been atayin& about lbt weeks, according to a ledeml r:-1 ~ who aaked not to Goldetone waa convicted laat June in fedenl district oourt on char1ee of mail and wire fraud and conJplrac1 in connection with a phony phone aoUcit.tioo and mall order Operation he ran in Van-Nuya, accordin, to offi· ciaJa. • ' Authorities estimate that he eemed ,200,000 durlnl the four ' IDOlltha he WM in butineM .uing what they cal.led fal8e oartWcates for v~tiona to Las Vegas, Reno and Lake Tahoe. FoTiowtng the conviction last June, Goldstone left the area with his wife and two children ages, 13 and 11. They were wat· cli1ng television with him in the motel room when he was ar· rested. Federal postal inapecton be- lieva Goldtltone hid out in various cities in Orange County, inclu- ding Irvine and Cyp~. He told autnorltiea that he worked va-nou. jobs; including awae ~ts: ludge weishs bare facts GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -A federal judge said he would decide today whether to grant an injunction preventing arrests hett of nude performen in the · musical "Oh! Cakutta!" Thomas McNamara, attorney i for touring company owner Dyke Spear, argued Thuraday that the play should be protected under the free speech provisions of the First Amendment. ''Thia play has stood the test of time, both in artistic standards and in the courta," McNamara told U.S. District Judge Benja--- min Gibson. Brown urges education change SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. said the education system must be re- vamped to meet foreign com· petition in technology to halt the United States' "economic, unila- teral disarmament." Brown said Thursday an in- creasing number of foreign stu- dents attend American graduate schools in propo rtion to the number of Americans, especially . those from minority groups. L TI). ALL REMAINING 1981-82 SKI MERCHANDISE \ SKIS BY ROSSIGNOL, K-2, LA CROIX BOOTS BY LANG a NORDICA CLOTHING BY BOGNER, ROFFE, HEAD,S!AAC,OBERMYER WE'RE QUITTING THE TENNIS BUSINESS so'NOTHINQ IS HELD BACK! :: : 1S1t0e&.Lowt4ttoa • ...-.a 11 2 . ~:ireeor1•3•'°'~. RACKETS BY HEAD, YAMAHA, WILSON 8H018 BY ADDIDA8, BROOKS CLOTHING llY IZOD, ADDIDAS, ' COURT CASUALS a MOM. ... ' "'' M Locking device may return to gas pump nozzles Italian President Sandro Pertini (right) greets entertainers ·Fran~ Sinatra (left) and Perry Como following a White House state dinner ' Vandalized railroad tank car spills formaldehyde in river UKIAH (AP) -Thousands of gallons of a poisonous chemical that spilled from a vandalized railroad car flowed down a river today toward the water-supply intakes for a quarter-million people in northern California, Pieter Kark under a $362,000 grant after one of Kark's papers was retracted in a medical jour- nal, the Los Angeles Tl.mes aaid. Sen . Robert Presley, D - Riverside, to the Aaeemblv. The bill would channel the extra $5 into a fund to support local do- mestic violence centers. The centers currently get $8 per li- cense. WASHINGTON (AP ) -The · Reacan adrnlniltratlon wanta to remove what lt ca1ll a "nuilahce to mllllon1 of American moto- rtata·~~dlni I aafety ~ that them keep a hand on the nou1e when they pump their own fuollne. Thua the Oc:;cupa- tiona Safety and Hellth Admi- nilt.ratlon announced a propoeal today to eliminate a 10-year-old · ban on devices that lock gaaollne , pump nozzles ln the open position on aelf-service pumpe. , BUCHANAN. N.Y. (AP) - The amount of radioactivity re- IMPATIENT -~nate Ma - jority Leader Howard Baker has notified President Rea- gan that Republican leaders are ready to rewrite his red- i n k budg et -'with or without him. ... • leued lntO the atmQephere by a leak at the Indian Point nuclear power plant waa dekrlbed aa lnaJgni!lcant by the Weatchester <;ounty health commiufoner. ·formally adopt a aertea of changes, worked out in advance, that will untie the handa of con· vent.ion delqatea, lure Democra- tic officeholders back to the con- vention floor and 1horten lon1 presidential campaigna. WASHINGTON ~AP) -Some fir~ •ir tralflc cootroller1 fte beirig rehired, but ~ation sources say the number probably will come to only "a couple of hundred'' who can prove they were harassed or intimidated into striking. Transportation Depart- ment and White House spoke- smen inaiated Thuraday that the administration's policy against rehiring the fired controllers has not changed. But the adrnini4tra- tion officials acknowledged that three fired controllers recently returned to controller joba after convincing the Federal Aviation Administration that their dismis- sal was unjustified. VANCOUVER, Wasb. (AP) - The lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens is swelling, scientist£ said Thursday, but they • don't know whether that means more eruptions are likely. Since the southwestern Washington volcano blasted miles-high plumes of steam and ash last Friday and Saturday, geologists have been taking advantage of clear weather to study it. WASHINGTON {AP) -The Democratic National Committee Is voting on a nf'w set of rules that would retain most of the refonns of the last two decades but bring some old-fashioned politics back to the party and its presidential conventions. The committee was meeting today to , r CHICAGO (AP) -Rank-and- file United Auto Worken mem- bets who work for General Motors Corp. are expected to start voting ne>et week on a con- tract concessions agreement that was overwhelmingly approved by the union's GM council, offi- cials say. • CRACKDOWN--Bangla- desh's new leader, Lt. Gen. H~ Muhammed Ershad, says violators of some rnart1.a.l law regulations may be put to ,death. Water companies planned to close intake valves on the Russian River today and rely instead on wells and reservoirs until there was no more danger of contami- nation from the 21,000 gallons of spilled formaldehyde. The che- mical is a disinfectant and pre- servative that is poisonoua to fish in small quantities and is suapec- ted of causing cancer. SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -A bid for a court order barril2' the anti-nuclear Abalone Alliance from demonstrating at the Dlablo Canyon nuclear power plant was rejected by a judfe who eald there was no p('OO any protest was in the works. However, Superior Court Judge William Fredman said Thuraday that such an injunction could be sought agaln should there be another demonstration similar to the alliance-organized protest that lea to more than 1,900 ar- rests last September. The 10-day protest took place at the nearby Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Election headquarters att,acked LOS ANGEJ,.ES (AP) -Los Angeles County Coroner Thomas Noguchi, s~ped with the max- imum penalty short of firing by county supervisors because of alleged mismanagement, will ap- peal his 30-day suapension to the Civil Service Commission, his at- torney says. Noguchi "has reite- rated his determination to ex- plore every legal avenue," attor- ney Godfrey Isaac said Thurs- day, shortly afte r the county Board of Supervisors announced its action. "He's not going to walk away from the job." The board said it suspended the so-called "coroner to the stars" without pay effective Monday because Noguchi did nQt respond satis- factorily to charges of poor ma- nagement, excessive absenteeism and prejudicial remarks about Leftist guerrillas attempting to disrupt Sunday balloting in El Salvador 1 celebrity deaths. i § LOS ANGELES (AP) -A . i federal probe has begun into al- t legations that a UCLA School of SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador' (AP) -Leftist guerrillas twice -attacked El Salvador's election headquarters, and U.S. Ambas- sador Deane R. Hinton predicted the rebels would try "aomethins spectacular" to disrupt Sunday's balloting. Guerrilla raiders fired on the Central Electi9ns Council building here for about 20 mi- nutes Thunday afternoon until troops drove them off. A six-hour battle earlier in the day hed brought the guerrUJaa to within a few nundred yards of the elec- tion headquartera. GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) - Roy Jenkins, co-leader of the fledgling Social Democratic Pat- ty, won a special parliamentary election and gained a sho~ at becoming Britain's next pr1me minister. Jenkins, a former La- bor Party chancellor of the ex- chequer, polled 10,106 vo\eS, 2,- 038 more than his Cor\9e1Vative opponent, in Thursday's ballo- ting. The vote ended a 63-year Conservative hammerlock on Glasgow's Hillhead district. TOKYO (AP) -Defense Se- cretary Caspar Weinberger called JERUSALEM (AP) -Palestin· today for substantially greater ian demonstrawra blocked the military spending by Japan to Tel Aviv-Jerusalem train with a share in defending vital air space barricade of rocks today and and sea lanes but he assured the anti-government Incidents spread Japaneee that "the United States to two towns In llrael proper. will rfrnain a Pacific Power." At The train was forced to atop be-the same time, Weinberger said cause rocks were plied on the differences between the United should not be allcwed to hinder U.S.-Japanese cooperation in de- fense. : UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Nicaraguan ~ftist junta leader Daniel Ortega says his govern- ment will immediately seek rec- onc i Jia t ion w i th the United States if the Reagan administra-OAKVILLE, Ontario (AP) -tion will "voice its commitment A 35-year-old. Canad.ian school-not to attack Nicaragua." Ortega teach~r has given birth to the made the offer Thursday at a w~rld s second set of test-tube special session of the 15-nation twms, delivered t~o weeks earl.Y U.N. Security Council. The mee- but r.eported. doing well. Kit . tihg was convened at his gov- Rankin conceived after making ernment's request to hear char- th ree trips last ~e~r. to the ges that U.S .-backed forces are Steptoe-F.dwards Clinic m Cam-ilanning an imminent attack on brld$e• England, where .doctorl' ~icaragua. Ortega said Cuba and ferttliz~d two e ggs with ~er the leftist guerrillas fighting to husbands ape~ and then reun-topple the U.S .-backed junta in planted them m her uterus. The El Salvador also are willing to tw~ ~ys -Colin Patrick Hugh, join in reco nciliation talks we1ghmg 6 pounds, 15 ounces, "without preconditions." and Gregory R obert Ian. 6 pounds, 4 ounces -were born 11 minutea apart here Thursday. Doctors induced their births after tests revealed placenta calcifica- tion, or aging, had begun in the Call 642-5678. Put • few words to work for ou. ... ., Medicine professor manipulated ; resear c h res ults. in a : govemment-fUnded study of pa- • dents with a rare nerve disorder, HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Ne il Simon's "Only When I Laugh" won t.op awards Thursday night on the nationally syndicated ''Your Choice for the Oscars" television program. The film about a Broadway star's battle with depression won in three categories, including Beat Ac- tress, Marsha Maao1t Best Sup- porting Actress, Joan Hackett; and Best SupPorting Actor, JNDe1 Coco. Steven •Spielber(s Ca.mpy adventure film, "Raiders of ihe Lost Ark," won as .Best .Plccure, and Henry Fonda. the agina pa- triarch of "On Golden l>ond," won for Best Actor. "Arthur's Theme" fr om the movie "Arthur'' was named Best Song on the telecast, which was pre- sented from tlie f8.med Cocoanu.t Grove of the Ambewedcir' Hotel. womb. tracks near the Arab village of Statea and Japan on trade issues Batir,justouu~eJuun~m.·li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The line runs th.rough a narrow corridor of Israeli territory adja:.. • a newspaper repo.rted today. : Federal officials have decided to ! take a "cloeer look" at published ~ work p e rforr:ned by UCLA ; neurologist-researcher Dr. R.A. SACRAMENTO AP) -A $5 increa11e ln marriage llceme fees -from $13 to $18 -h¥ won state .Senate approval. The 24-2 vote 'rhursday s~nt SB1330 by cent to the Weat Bank. Arab- schoola in the mixed Jewish-Arab town of Nazareth in Galilee went on strike in sympathy with Pa- lestinian demonstrators who have held the West Bank of the Jordan and Gaza Strip in tunnoU for a week. Five Arabs and one Iaraeli 90ldter have been killed in the unre.t 90 far. . ~ ORANGE COOT ~ Daily Pilat £ Thomas P. Haley t ,..-.., """C"'-1 fuc.iil ... Olllcft i;: Robert N. Weed f ~s A. Murphlne • c.. i L. Kay Schultz • I \llC9,.,...,. -I I~. -oi..ctor "' ~ Michael P. Harvey ....,_,,. 0tr«1or Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~Otteclor Charles H. Loos .......,...1_ . .., .... ....,., .......... MAIN OfftCI 2JO West ..., St.. c ... 1ii1na. CA. Mall eddrtM: ... '*• C•ta #NM, CA.,... ~ltlll NI Or-. C... ~ C...-,. ,._ ll"'t~ lltwlrMlonl, .-ori.1 ~-­-•""'911• ..,..'" may tit r~ _...... 9"clet,..11ll..,..tfc°"r19M_,., GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - The head of Guatemala'• new military junta Uyt there WM no .. forefan influence'' ln thla week's coup by junior anny of. flcers who claimed the ousted pernment riaed presidential elecdona Mrlier ttu. month. In • news conference Thunday, Gen. Efrain R1oa Montt, 57, delcribed ' the uprialna al "nationalllt." and he re)ected efforta to label the new miliwv•rnment u a rightist or repne. " We're Listening ••• What do you ·uke about the DaUy Pllol? Wtlat don't you Uke? Call the number below and your meaaa1• wUJ ~ recorded, transcribed .nd delivered to the 1pproprtate .Utor. • The aame at-hour 1n1werin1 Mnice m•Y be UHdl&o l"ffOrd let· le.-. &o the editor.-anr c.,6c. Mailbox eontributOn.' must lndude their •me and 1•1~phone number for veriftceUoft. No drC111adoft calll~)Mue. . T.al us whilt'• OQ YOJlf mind. •• LAii WE.Ill 2 TIMS POa s99_ will start , rohOt company. •1 n. An• 'lezt PnM General 1161U;; C.,., bM announeed it 11 for-· · mlfta • "*' """""'1 a.imd ln .outbwt t.Ucblpn, a tepm ..__any bM been ra~ by a slump ln the auto bactullry. ~ ·-nm -• • ct.' and ltl'Ol\8 indication that Mkhl-pn meerw .,.._ ln robotks,'' MJchipn Go¥. Wil- liam 0 . Mlllllr•, wbo hM pUlhed (or expenllon of n>botb ln the state. Mid Thunday. Home reMles sain W ASHlMOTON (AP) -Reule• of exlating ~ ~ 2.2 '*'*'' ln J'ebruary, making up about half the aa1ee around loet In January, the National A..odaUon ot l\eeltion eaid. Exldnc ---were aold at a lleUOnally adjusted annual rate ot 1.1 million unita durtnc the month, up from the JanU8f'Y rate of 1.86 ml1lion, the report aaid Thunday. . Bank chanset hands SAN l'RANaS<X> (AP) -The Hibernia· Bank, one of Callfomla'a oldeet financial inatltuUona, will 9000 be owned by a Hong Koog-bued group control- led by two bMlonnfem, The board o1 directors of Hibernia Bancaharet, holdinc COIDJ8DY for the Hibernia Bank, hu agreed to aeJ1 80 percent it• outstandinat ahares to the First Pa- dfic Group, it -... announced Thunday. China pact told J..()8 ANGELES (AP) -Occidental Petroleum eorp. hal Uned. Jona-term ~t with China to c!evelop ua operate a major open-pit coal mine in Shanxi province, the COlDJ>MY announced. Armand Hammer, chairman of the board, said Thunday the deve~tal agreement with China N~tlonal Coal Development Corp. requires a $230 million investment by Occidental for the first four years of the 2~yeer contnct. S&L takeover OK'd LOS ANGiLES (A.P) -The state banking auperln~t bM approved the takeover of a profi- table San Die10 aavtnp and loan aNOCiation by a . bank, a derision that ~ 1et a precedent. . Thundas• approvll by Richard M. Dominguez will allo'W' uallty Savings & Loan A.soclation which hu on y one office, to ceue to operate as ~ aavtnca and Joan and become part of Hawthorne-~ Commonweelth Benlc. The two institutions have the wne chair'IMft, Ben1en E. Moon!. Utility Wider lire .wu ~AP) -Bwt"'ienta angry about rising Uu,.t}*MlalbM MnDM PacWc GM & Electric Co. and ~ Jt.lle Pullll UUlfU. Commlmon together for crl- tkillP •ttft!y committee hearing. . Beft who dacribed himlelf as an outraged du.a. _ .. eaemlttee Th~frf that the utility ~ -.i ..-the state of omia for every CllOt they ca .mdl 101ueooe puta a stop to it." -f AMIJllll> NII# VOi'« IAPI NW. 2S ........., DI 210 212 m ' ' METALS..,..,.., PNv • 1 "' J 16 c.,._ 78-78 cent• 1 pound, U.S. ~ LAM 21-U Clfl1a • pound • .. 37....0 --• pound, dl!Mred. ,,. M .'272 llMtall WMll coml)09lte lb. ata• -1 .. 11 o."9 a pound, N,Y . ...., sne.oo '* llMk. ,...._ S31t.00 troy oz., N.Y. SllYEI-..... HMd)I & Herman. 17.085 per trot ...... CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. · (AP) _.Columbia'• crew, already lookina ahead to landing, waa trouble-9hoo\ina a radio problem today•• the abuttle passed a · major Celt of engine endurance in the bitter cold of tpk"e. A hundred fifty miles below, winda whipped the ahutUe run- ways at White Sands Missile Ra.nae. but Miaaion Control told the astronauts: "We believe it's golng to be good for Monday." There was a chance the radio problem could cut the flight ahort, or that the New Mexico aandatonna could keep the lhip aloft an extra day. But J'l~ht Director Neil Hutchinlon aa1d he expeci.d neither to happen. that Cf!}umbia would come home Monday u IChedJJ]ed. Commander Jack R. Louama looked down at a cloudy America and aaked Milalon C-ontrol about the weather outlook at White Sands. Capsule communicator Terry Hart delivered the "aood for Monday" forecast and f.ou- sma said, "Good." TEN-FOOT TREADS -U you usually kick the tires of a '!~hlcle ¥OU buy, you don't buy construction equipment. ·Laguna to require video game permits Merchants in Laguna Beach who want to put coin-operated game machines in their busines- ses will now have to seek city approval first. Laguna Beach planning com- missioners voted unanimously this week to require businesgnen Stars to j~in anti-nuke fest Pop singers Graham Nash and Nicholette Larson, along with "Baretta" star Robert BlalCe, will appear at an anti-nuclear rally Sunday at Doheny State Beach Park. The event, called the TMI "Three Mile Island" Day Rally, will be held at the Dana Point beach park from noon to 4 p.m. Anna Gyorgy, director of the Critical Mass Energy Program, will join officials of the Alliance for Survival during the free ral- ly. NATION to obtain a permit before instal- ling the popular electronic games. The move was seen as a means of giving Lhe city some control over location of the games. A conditional use permit, which would be sought by the mer- chants through the commission, gives that Qanel the authority to ilnpo&e special conditions. And while city officials say they have experienced no pro- blems with the games in the past, the permit ~ allows the use to be tailored to the location of the business .. "It's a tool whereby the city can apply conditions such as re- quiring adult supervision w~ there is a need for such conditions," said June Catalano, the city's director of community development. For instance, game machines located in an area that has no room for bicycles might prompt the commiaslon to require bike racks to be installed. Publisher retires at 16 Todd ~ls at 16 bas given up publishing the Turkey Foot News. He wants more time, for him8elf. Page A5. There's good news and. ·. . The newa media actually found a fellow in South Succotash, but he wasn't interested in an interview. Page AB. Will the upturn last? Juat after midnight, w.hile Louama and pilot C. Gordon Fullerton alept, they tailed throu1h the midpoint of their plannecr aeven-day voyaae. ,.\t White Sanda winds were rualinl to 30 miles an hour today as a atorm front approached, but weather forecutera predicted Monday'• landing condition• would be acceptable despite winda up to 20 miles an hour. Mt.ion C.OOtrol said adentilta were excited abollt the informa- tion they'd received from Col- umb~lmenta, and Lou· mna , "We're phued to hear it, that'• what we came here to do. • }'And we were just remarking between o\&nelve1 how well the orbiter hu performed . . . it'• reached quite a remukable level of maturity for just the third fli&ht. We've been basically trouble free with the systems and able to do all theae other thing,· while the orbiter kind of took care of itaelf." Whe!l the utronauts awoke, ..................... Wheels of caterpillar .rapen dwarf two ~--at an auction Thunday in c.o.ta Meu. Story on Page Bl. • TENDER TENDED -Popular Laguna Beach bartender J. "Popo" Galsini celebrated his 82nd birthday in his usual fa- shion -he went to work. But the award-winning barkeep STATE ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state Air Reeources Board is conaiderina emi8llon limits for clle.el can and trucks after beedna expert teedmony that increlllUll uae of the eoot-produdne vebicw could cut vllibility up t.o 50 percent in major C..Ufomia dtla Taxpayers set bit again they received "top of the mor- nina" freetinga from Miasion Contro along 'Mith teleprlnted irutruction on how to tackle a failure ln the ahlp-to-thore radio system. Like in any office system. they encountered a glitch here -the printer waa feeding wildly for a short time. Thursday, the low-power sec- tion of one of two S -band com- munications transponders failed and officials said that if it cannot be fixed, Mission Control would consider terminating the flight early. The hlp·power e&de of the failed unit wu operatlna when check.a were m9de today. Even wlth both transponders out, Columbia could land eafely, the flight director said. He re- ported several around atatlona can communicate with the apa- 'tecraft throuah UllF channeb and that much of the re-entry and landina ii conducted t.hrou&h UHF. Ontheotherhand.Hutchlnlon raised the oouibllitv of an e"- (See SHU1TLE, Page A%) Curb lashes Bird, Gianturco in 'Irvine Lt. Gov. Mike Curb arrived in Irvine Thursday to open the Orange County headquarters for his gubernatorial campaign. He was an hour and a half late for th'e ceremonies. i\nd when CUrb stepped up to a microphone to speak before the patient group of about 125 supporters, Mother Nature decided to take the op- wrtunJty to sprinkle the crowd with• little moisture. Undaun~. Curb used his tat- dinell to lash out at state mana- pment of the freeway system. •'The first thina I'm going to do as aowrnor lt fire (Caltrans Di- rector) Adriana Gianturco," he mapped, to hearty applause. In a brief spe«h, Curb went Services due for janitor A iDanGria1 Rrvice for former Tta..el the World 9Cbool janitor l'iineia "BUlhy" Buabman will be held at 19:30 a.m,. Monday in the quad at the Laauna Beach Sehool Te.chen, administrators and students will reminisce about the ~ar custodian, who died •Y i n-Borrego Spring... Mr. Bullhman retired Crom the ac!boal diltrict a year ago, moving to his ranch in that desert d ty. on to call for welfare reform, denounce what he perceives are attacks leveled at Proposition 13 benefits, expre11 hit support for victim-witnell legialation and re- peated his at&pport of a recall movement against Rose Bird, chief justice ot the state Supreme Court. "There are thoee who tell us that we have to live with this Supreme Court," he said. "But w e must change the Supreme Court.'' In an interview between handshaking With political sup- porters, Curb •id he was not ooncemed by Atty. Gen. George Deukmeiian'a recent trip to Washington, D~C. Deukmejian is Curb's chief opponent for the GOP nomination in the June 8 primary. Curb aaid he doetn't feel the Reagan administration has thrown auppon behind the at-, tomey ~ Ralber, he called the vt.ait a atanderd candidate's brieflJl8 on 1he Mministration's new economic~ East Bay shaken SAN FRANCJBO:) (AP) -An earthquake shuddered through the F.ast Bay area today, rattling windows and joltJng residents froro their aleep. The temblor, which hit at 5:24' a.m., had a preliminary measurement of 2.7 on the Richter 8Cale. Dellr,... ....... ".., ...... found t~t balloons, buttons wishing him happy birthday and a special appearance by the ~ High School band made the night special after all. INDEX A4 B2 A8 Ctl-7 AS B2 Dl.03-10 BS B3 D2 A8 Weekender A7 B2 lntennmion Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds NaUona.l News Public Not.ices &etauranta Sporta Stock Marketa Televilion The.ten Weather World Newt Weekender • B2 Weekender C6 A3 CM.1>2 ~w..-.... Cl.,, C1 TVLoa w~ A3 • I r tended ml11lon, 1hould hilh the powerplanta In one of the ;;::A:.1L~~=~ ;.m=.:-~c:'_... .. ehd ~Into Monuy, bJowin.I The "1'st ..._went per&dly; tf l UJ> tlle fh~e__op1um und an<I there were a probl•m with the • ftid.a:inl YlllblU'Y ctn.tblly. acond, early thb evenJn1, the . • .Jie Aki ~t by~ fuel Utrol\&Utl wOuJd tum the tail to · and power the next few .days, the 1un and ~t up the unftl - NASA expected to aave enough just aa they did Wednaday when ~ of bbtb to operate Columbia an e)(pmure to the cold froze aeaUna extra day In Orblt. material and prevented a tight "It doan't mean we're going to cloalng. • of -~ carao. bay doon. do t.hia," he au t•ed. "We're look-lnl at the weather. It'• gdng to Aile> today, the utronauta ex-·'~ the middle or end of the ecuted ano ... &rab-.and-Uft teat I weekend before we decide what with the 50-foot robot arm and a we're IOin8 to do." 353-pound 1.nstrument package. <• For two days, the shuttle's Thu~,!if,'• arm perfor~ance nose bu faced the sun, leaving went eq y well. • ; the tail section and itS engines 1 and fu~l tanks in freezing shad-Fullerton, operating from a • ow, expoeed to temperatures as remote station In the rear of the . low u 2~=6 dd· below rero, cockpit, guided the Canadian-NASA · don't believe built device niaaterlully throwzh. the cold · affect the abWty of aeverai hours ot testa with die tht fueJa or engines to funt.'Clon. Plasma Diagnostic. Package of 1 Louama and Fullertt>n were to PDP grasped firmly in ita wire-~ find out today by firina two of snare fingers. '----------------------------------------~----~--~ I .,,. ...... _, ......... ,...,~ STRAWBERRY SWEEPS -U.S. Border Patrol agents conti- nued their weeklong series of illegal alien IW'eepe Thursday at strawberry fields in Fountain Valley (pictured above), Irvine, Los ~amitos and Orange. Officials said 967 undocumented workers have bee.n taken into custody on Orange County fanns since Monday. Countian aids CHP ollicer A Santa ADa man la expe-~ to receive a community aervlce award for com1nl to the alJ of a California Highway Patrol oftl· cer who waa struggling with another man along the San Dlego Freewaie:"ter divider in Hunt- lrtgton h. CHP spokesman Jim Larkin aaid William Heinlen, 41, was aouthbound on the freeway at 7:30 p.m . Wednesday when he laW the .::uffie. Heinich broadcast a call for help over hil dtiz.ena band radio, turned around at the Magnolia Street exit and returned to the acene of the ecuffle, Larkin said. Heinich approached the two men fighting on the ~und and put a flashlight aroun<i the neck of Crail Y ea tea, 2 7, of Dana Point, pulling him away from CHP officer Skip Conway~ Larkin aaid. Heinich then U1listed the offi- cer in handcuffing Yeates. Larkin aaid the ICUtfle began after Conway pulled over a car driven by Scott Beetler, 2Q. of San Clemente, on suspicion of, · drunken driving. : After Beetler had been hand- cuffed and placed in the back of the CHP car, Conway noticed an open beer container in Beetler's car and ordered paaeenger Yeates to atep outaide, Larkin aaid. Y eetea atruck the officer in the face and w-as continuing to ICUf. Oe with him by the freeway di- vider until Helnich arrived to help, Larkin said. Larkin also credited Christo- pher and Tammy Callon of Huntington Beach and David Cometa of C:O.ta Mesa for stop- ping to ..a.rt when they saw the CHP officer in distrest. Slide area drains due Additional terrace drains and down drains will be installed at the north edJe of the Del Mar Avenue land.slide area in Laguna ~ at a cost of $9,000. Hillslde Repair, Inc., of Ana- heim, was the low bidder for the projects, which are expected to be completed in April. Hillside Repair W¥. the lowest of five bidders for the project, whiah will improve drainage to ' the scarred hillside below Arch 'Beach Heights. The low bid was $6,996.80, and the city included $2,000 for inspections and a con- tingency fund. TOP BATS -San Juan Capatrano Y<>uncnen Topy Ferrick, 12, and Tunisia Lugo, 9, won fµ-&t p~ {&Wards in the western hat contest, held Wednesday in the n:ilssion city. Nearly o.lr ............... two dozen youngsters competed in the contest at the mini-park near the mission. The event was part of week-long celebration of the re- turn of the swallows to the mission. Rain leaves, but it'll be back Weekend forecast: cloudy with showers for Sunday By JERRY HERTENSTEIN _, or .. DlillJ "°' • ..,. · · A Ught but steady rain that fell throuLhout most of the nllrht moveCi &astward 'today but · Orange Coast residents can ex- pect more showers before the weekend is Qver. • The rain Thursday and this morning left .30 of an inch on most parts of the county and was blamed for a seven-car accident that hurt four people on the San Diego Freeway in Irvine near Lake Forest Drive. Chance of rain from the storm that moved in off the central California coaat was reduced to 10 percent tonight, according to the National Weather Service in Los Angeles. Saturday's forecast calls for partly cloudy skies with coasl.$1 highs in the mld-60a after over- night Iowa In the high 40a. But a low preasure system off the Gulf of Alaska ls expected to bring more showers to the Orange Coast Sunday. Saturday's 24th swallows pa- rade in San Juan Capistrano will Divorcees sedUced 1 by smooth talker SAN JOSE (AP) -San J0&e divorcees are falljng for a smooth-talkina Don Juan who convinces them that having sex with a stranger will lead to a reconciliatjon with their es- tranged husbands, police say. "This sounds ridiculous, I know," San Jose Police Sgt. Bob of the women into having sex with a at.ranger1-whom he re- f erred to as a close friend - promising that the liaison would reunite the women with their husbands. Police believe the caller and the "cl06e friend" who meets the women are the satne man. step off at noon unless the yea- ther is "abllOlutely horrible,' ac- cord.ins to a spokesman. Rain .gauges for a 24..hour pe- riod .from 8 a.m. Thursday to 8 a.m. today showed .37 of an inch in Costa Mesa, making the yearly total 10.89. Coat.a Mesa had 7.72 inches of rain on this date in 1981. Huntington Beach had .36 inches of rain for 10.17 for the year, Santa Ana .28 foe an 1Ll8 total and Santiago Peak .60 for a total 28.2, 6.6 more than last year on this date. Bandit sought in El Toro S&L holdup Orange County Sheriff's de- puties are looking for a man in his early 20s who robbed the El Toro branch of California Fed- eral Savings and Loan Wednes- day. ~--------------------------....1• Burroughs said Thursday. "But Sgt. Peter Graves of the vice squad said that the caller exploits the fact that the women "will do anything to getback with theu former spbuaes. If the husband wants a little fantasy played out, they' re willing." Sgt. Jerry Kreitz said the man entered the savings and loan of- fice, at 24361 Muirlands Blvd., at 11:40 a.m. and indicated to a tel- ler that he had a handgun in his Rain to dilliinish 12 S4 .ot • 35 .11 ... 41 eo 40 .15 75 S5 .03 33 10 ao 41 45 40 .10 . .. '8 n :I II II n aa .57 41 24 45 21 54 21 .29 48 27 .41 58 29 .a 82 39 52 29 42 23 40 27 .1. 21 a 70 45 82 45 .01 43 23 ao 10 n se 47 30 .31 75 58 .15 48 29 73 52 .0, &4 33 55 31 .21 e6 M 85 71 .1-1 40 21 .Ct1 ·31 ~.-,7 11 ;u 82 52 59 40 83 48 58 31 : :: .68' 85 4~ .05 7t 87 159 28 .11 48 37 .11. ... .ol 40 1• 17 ,. •• 51 ... 41 29 11 eo 31 9 eo s1 IO i1 51 32 87 41 .17 ... 21 ~ ~~~..,.="'.,,,..._: 5t 48 • 58 50 .29 • 45 .13 eo so .23 83 52 158 -n -12.. 41 • 56 49 .11 58 42 ... 50 .30 81 .... 17 81 47 .oe ea 53 .aa 58 41 57 49 .15 58 ee 79 ... et 54 51 H 81 32 es 52 .. 51 17 47 .01 .. 40 .. 53 . ... 7t • ..... 02 .... • 44 10 l50 ..... IO 33 16 77 se 20 .24 18 52 ee 12 88 73 ee n 75 113 102 72 7t 48 91 ee 18 59 -~ 14 .72 .&:I 01 69 •n 14 '78 CANADA 38 23 31 19 48 30 48 32, 30 10 41 28 59 45 23 I Ex1'ended foreca&t IOU'THERH CALIFOAN COA8fAL-AND MOUN!AJ!f AAEAI -lnctW1"8 _,.._. ==~'-== of "'°'"'9. ..... ln~­M toe&. Lowe 49 to M. MOUnWn reeon1 st to ~ 24 to S2. it's serious." Eleven San Joee women have filed complaints about the man, who contacted them by tele- . phone, but only three' actulllly met with him, authorities said . Police saJd ·the man call~ ear- ly in the morning, usually bet- .· ween 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m., and identified himself as the woman's fonner husbahd. He talked tqree Burrouahs said San JO&e police were wary of the bizarre story when they received their first complaint ~ July. coat pocket. . Kreitz said the teller handed over $3,349 in cash from her drawer and the robber, who was wearing steel-rimmed s un glas- ses, fled on foot. Witnesses described the man as being about 5-foot-6 and weig- hing 135 pounds. L Tl). ALL REMAINING 1981-82 SKI MERCHANDISE S9'1S BY ROSSIGNOL, K-2, LA CROIX BOOTS BY LANG a NORDICA CLOTHING BY BOGNER, ROFFE, HEAD,SERAC,OBERMYER WE'RE QUIPrlNG THE TENNIS BUSINESS · SO NOTHING ·1s HELD BACK! · RACKETS BY HEAD, YAMAHA, WILSON 8HOIS BY ADDIDA8, BROOKS ctOTHINQ BY IZOD, ADDIDAS, COURT CASUALS a MORE. NO .~IKI Dl,Altl OVll '"' PllCI ~ON"= • •·' -· ·---- • lJHAN(.ll•>UNlv C AllfOHNIA /',(.f Nf<.j . l i CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. • (AP)-Colwnbla'1 <nw • ..ir.dy : looklna ahead to landlna, wu ; trouble-1hoot1n1 a per.latent ; radio problem today aa the '. 1huttle paased a major test of ·engine endurance in the bitter : cola of •price. i A hundred fifty miles below, winds whipped the shuttle run- . waya at White Sanda Missile Ranae. but Mt.Ion Control told ) the aatronauta: "We believe it's · aotng to be good for Monday." • 'Ibere wu a chance the radio problem ~uld c'-ll the Olaht ahort, or that the Nnt Me~tco tandstonm could lceep the ahlp aloft an extra day; But l'Uaht Director Neil Hutchlnlon aaicfhe expected neither to happen, that Columbia would come home Monday u echeduled. An lnltial effort to correct the communicationa syatem waa not sl.IC.'CBlful, NASA reported. "We will continue to test and trouble-shoot the aystem throug. hout the day,'' a spokesman wa. Commander Jack R. Louama TEN-FOOT TREADS -If you usually kick the tift8 of a '(~hicle :rou b~y, you don't buy construction equipment. looked down at a cloudy America and aked MJlllon Control about the weather outlook at Whlte Sanda. Cap1ule communicator Teny Hart delivered the "aood for Monday" forecast and tou- ama said, "Good." The weather was 10 bad at White Sanda that chief forecuter David Novlan taid, "If there were an emercency . . . and they were to have to land here today or tomorrow, the winda would-be ~bitive." ' Ju1t after mldni1M, whll• Louama and pllot C. Gordon Fulletton alept, they aalled throuah the midpoint of their planned seven-day voyaae. At White Sanda winda were guaUng to 30 mllea an hour ~ay aa a storm front approachtd. but weather forecaatera {>redicted Monday•s landing conditions would be acceptable deapite winds up to 20 miles an hour. Million Control said ICientlsts were excited about the lnfonna- tlon they'd received from Col- .............. -. ......... Wheels of caterpillar ICl'apen dwarf two ..,ectaton at an auction Thunday in Costa Me.ea. Story on Pap Bl. Gate 'snobbishness' claimed Critics say portals not worth loss of community spirit. By GLENN SCOTI' or .. ....,,.. • ..,. ~ Critics of the first gated com- munity proposed for afflue nt Turtle Rock Village in Irvine· claim snob appeal isn't worth the kl8S of access or community spirit. "The snobbishness of a gate is really appalling to me," says Ir- vine City Councilwoman Mary Ann Gaido, a Turtle Rock resi- Stars to join anti-nuke I est Pop singers Graham Nash and Nicholette Larson, along with "Baretta" star Robert Blake, will appear at an anti-nuclear rally Sunday at Doheny State Beach Park'. The event1 called the TMI "Three Mile laland" Day Rally, will be held at the Dana Point beach park from noon to 4 p.m. Anna Gyorgy, director of the Critical Maas Energy Program, will joln offlci.ala of the Alliance for Survival during the free ral- ly. NATION dent herself. She adds that the need for gates in a new subdivision. plan- ned by Irvine Pacific "seems to suggest the people living there need to be protected from us." The gates were not initially planned for the 262-unit deve- lopment near the village summit betWeen Starcrest and Ridgiellne. But company spokesman Bill Fischel explained this week to council members that the "hillside nature" of the subdivi- sion makes it costly, and gated communities will incre~ value and "marketability" of'the area. Joked Mrs. Gaido: "Snob does pay." Larry Agran, Mrs. Gaido's partner-in-arms in many envi- ronmental issues, said he disa- grees with the gates becau.e they prevent the city's more sedentary residents from enjoying the open vistas that he claims open streets would provide. Under Irvine Pacific's plan, pedestrians still would have ac- cess to the neighborhood, and entrancea to two hlking trails on the hillside would remain acces- sible. Publisher retires at 16 Todd Engels at 16 .bu given up puhliablna the Turkey Foot News. He wants more time for hirmelf. Page AfJ. There's sood news and. • • 'nte news media actually fotmd a fellow lb South Succot.uh. but he wam't 1nten!8ted in an interview. Pap AS. Will the upturn lat? But Agran said the ability to appreciate the acenery should not be reduced by the gates to only the hearty "and those who can hike in the wildernesa and phy- sically enjoy it." The citY Planning Commiasion approved Irvine Pacific'• requeat for the gates, but Agran appealed that action, aendlng the decision to the coundl Members decided this week not to vote on the gates unUl a traffic and parking study on the implications of the gate is prepared for their April 13 mee- ting. Councilman Bill v ardoulla .. ,. he'll vote in f.aVOl" of the gatet. "People want to pay for the status, that's their individual decision, their free right," be said. "I don't want to take that away from them." By establishing two gates, with a guard at one entrance, the ow- ners of the new homes also would be required to maintain their own private streets. No other subdivisions or neighborboodt in Turtle Rock have gates or private streets -a point made clear b~ Mn. Galdo STATE ..., ............. 'APPALLED' -Irvine Qty Councilwoman Mary Ann Galdo says she opposes "snobbishneu" of • aated community. who said: "The.re's really nothing to be afraid of." But two mobile home parks in Irvine, The Groves and The Meadows, do have gates, aa do several communities in nearby Newport Beach. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The .tate Air~ BoaM ~ mmlderina emilllon llml'8 for dimel can and trucks after beartnl expert taUmony that increlllina U8e of the IOOt-procluctnc vehicJes coukl.aat vWbWty up to 50 pen.-ent In major C.alifornia dtlea. Taxpayers set hit again The .... thrown for the returb6lhed sta'8 <ApUol wasn't 1Uppo9ed to COit the ~~yen a dime. but Uwy'w .an.dy been hit up for '230,000 -With bWa IU11' mpald. p._. A4. COUNTY umb1a'1 experimentl, and Lou- ana responded, ''We're pleued to hear it, that'• what we came here to do. • ''And we were just remarking between oW"Belves how well the orbiter baa performed ... it's reached quite a remarkable level of maturity for just the third flight. We've been basically trouble free with the 1ystema and able to do all these other things while the orbiter kind of took care of itael!." When the astronauts awoke, they received "top of the mor- ning" 1reet1n11 from Mlulon Contror aJona with teleprinted in1truction on how to tackle a failure in the ship-to-shore rad.lo aystem. Like ln any office system, they encountered a llitch here -the printer waa feedinl wildly for a short time. Thunday, the low-power tee- tlon of one of two S -band com- municationa transponders failed and offlci.ala said that if it cannot be fixed, Mlaaion Control would (See SHU'M'LE, Pa1e AZ) Curb lashes Bird, Gianturco in Irvine Lt. Gov. Mike Curb arrived ln Irvine Thursday to o pen the Oranae County headquarters for hla gubernatorial campaign. He was an hour and a half late for the ceremonies. And when Curb stepped up to a microphone to 1peak before the patient group of about 12~ supporters, Mother Nature decided to take the op- portunity to sprinkle the crowd with a little moisture. Undaunted, Curb used his tar- dinefle to lash out at state mana- gement of the freeway system. ""The first thing rm going to do as governor ls fire (Caltrans Di- rector) Adriana Gianturco," he snapped, to hearty applause. In a brief spet:eh, Curb went on to call for w elfare reform, denounce what he perceives are attacks leveled at Proposition 13 benefits, express his support for victim-witnt!tls legislation and re- peated his support of a recall movement afainst Rose Bird, chief justice o the state Supreme Court. "There are those who tell us that we have to live with this Supreme Court," he said. "But we must change the Supreme Court." In an interview between handshaking with political sup-1 porters, Curb said he was not concerned by Atty. Gen. George Deukmeilan's recent trip to Washington, D.C. Deukmejian is Curb's chief opponent for the GOP nomination in the June 8 primary. Curb said he doesn't feel the Reagan administration has I thrown support behind the at- torney general. Rather, he called the visit a standard candidate'• briefing on the administration's new economic proerams. Eeisure Worlders reliuf f Irvine bid Resident leaders of Leisure WorJd in the Laguna Hilla sent word 'lllunday to Irvine Mayor David sm. they aren't interested in annexing their retirement vil- laae lnto the city. ln fact, a spokesman for the 21,000 residents in the senior ci- URD development said they are more likely to try to form their .pwn city, if threatened, than to join one. But Sills said today officials are not con1idering annexing Lelaure World. He said residents' concerns are baaed on a misun- derstanding. The fears apparently spring from recent proposals from the Roumoor Corp .. developer of Leisure World, and The Koll Co. to annex about 650 acres of land in unincorporated Laguna Hills into Irvine. The firms not long ago spon- sored a reception that included Leisure World leaders to explain their proposal. Sills was there. The finns are seeking to annex land still owned by Rossmoor which is next doo r to the realdent-owned clusters of hou- ai ng that comprise Leisure World. There are no homes on the land the firms want to annex. 'lbat land is on the east side of Irvine and e~tends south from Lake Forest Drive to about two- thlrds of a mile south of El Toro Road. It borders the Laguna Hills Golf course on the north, west and aouth sides. The 1e>uthem part of the ter- ritory proposed for annexation hangs onto the northern region by a narrow strip of land west of INDEX the golf course. It resembles a flat-aided tear drop . The land currently i1 under the jurisdiction or Orange County government. Rossmoor and Koll tried about two ye'n ago for approv-1 to build an of- fice park at a 168-acre site at El Toro Road and Moulton Park- way . The county Board of Supervi- sors rejected the plan, claiming the development would cause traffic congestion beyond capa- city on Moulton Parkway. Rossmoor and Koll officials began talks about two montha ago about possible annexation of the acreage, said Paul Ireland, manager of planning services for the cit)'. The firms have agreed to fi- nance preliminary investigation by city planners into the fiscal and service implications of such an annexation, and Ireland said a report is scheduled for the city council by early summer. However, he said planners are (See LEISURE, Pase A%) ' Girl Scouts mark birthday in Irvine About 200 Girl Scouts from Costa Mesa and Newport Beach will celebrate the organization'• 70th birthda_y Saturdaf at Wil- liam Mason Park in Irvine. The fifth annual Girl Scoutt Together Day from 10 a.m.. to 1 p .m. will include crafts, games, outdoor cooking and a cake de- corating contest. At Your Service Brma Dombeck L .M. Boyd Buslnell Callfomia Cavalcade a-ttied Comics Crcmword O.th Notices llclltarial Dl'*1ainmeot. ~ Ball ... A4 B2 A8 C6-7 A& . B2 DlJ>.1-10 B3 B3 D2 A8 lntennilsioo Ann Landen Movies Mutual~ National Newa Public Noticel Restaurants Sportt Stock Marketa Televiaion 'nlMter'I Weethet Workl Newe weekendei B2 Weebndel' C6 A3 ~.m Weekender Cl-~ C1 TV lA>I Weebmder A2 Weekender A7 82 SPORTS A3 c:onMcler termlnallftl thi fU1ht Mrly. The hilb-poww .. ol the failed wUI WM openUna when checka were m8de todlay. Even wlth both tranaponden out. Columb6a ce>UJd land tafely, the fllctl~ director uid. Re re- pora.d aeveral a~und 1tadont ~ can communicate with the 1pa-~rafl throuah UHF channell and lbat much of the re.entry and landing ii conducted through UHF. Lou.ma and l'ull•rton were to find out '°4aY by tidilc two of the powerplaDta ln one Of the major thermal tatl of c.olumbh•'11 thbd ahabdown cnme. The fim ..-went perfeotly; lf there were a problem wtt.h the second, early thi1 eventnc. the astronauts wOuld tum the tail to the IWl and heat up the units - juat aa they did Wednelday when e.xpoaure to tbe cold fl'Om eeallng material and prevented a tl1ht : closing of~~ bay doon. APO today, tne utronauta ex- ecuted another IJ'ab-and·llft test witll the 50-foqt robot arm and a 353-pound ~t package. Op the Qther hand. Hutchlnaon raiNd the pouibillty of an ex- tended ml11ion, should hiah wil\dl ~r,dlcted at the Whlte SaJldl 6-ile Ranae this week- ei.d ~Into Monday, blowing Thurad~y's arm performance ll'P tne fJne gypsum sand ana went equally well. reddcing vtlibility drutically. · · FuUerton, operating from a • d.:_ ..... _ n!l"DOte station in the rear of tt-r ~--t by~ f&lel '-OCkpit, guided the Canad1' ~n~P!!!~t)le next few days,-"built device niasterlUll throuilh ot '"U~= ~~ several floun ot teatay with die extra day ID Orbii. Plasma Dtacnostics Package of PDP grasped firmly in lta wtre- "It dpesn't mean we're goiDC to do'thla." he stre1Becl. "We're look- ing al 1he Weta~. lt'I 80inl to be the ~ladle or end of the weekend' before we decide what we're ...... to do.'' For -two days, the ahutile's nose baa faced the aun, leaving the tail section and ita enginer and fuel tmb in freezing shad-ow, e>epOled to' temperature. aa low a1 tl~ desrees l:>eJow zero. NASA engineers doo't believe the cold will affect the ability of ~ fuels or engines to ftmetion. anare fingers. lt WU the first test of Canadarm'a capacity for the ~b it waa designed for: deposi- ting and retrievmg satellites ln space. Fullerton and LQuama &P.1>8-nmtly had overcome the motion aiclmeee and fatigue that bothe- red them durinc the early pert of the fiyiht. fBut in rnidaftemoon ThW'9day, Fullerton requested a med1cal conference on a private radio channel. Miulon Control !Mild he complained of gas pains and a OJght surgeon recommen- ded he take an antacid pill. LEISURE WORLD. • • suggesting a more logical ap- proach would be to include more territory ln the proposal 90 city ser\flces could be spread over more than one relatively narrow strip and not othert. Under such a suggestion, he said, Lelaure World might be propoeed to fall within the city's sphere of influence -the area not within city lhnits but within its planning picture and often tabbed for future annexation. The county's Local Agency Fonnation Commillion baa final authority over anne>Qltions, and Ireland explained the group gener8lly opposes proposals irt- volving irregular extemions of city boundaries, such as offered by &esmoor and Koll. 'The agency allo places weight on the concerras of residents who would be annexed into a city when deciding whether to ap- prove an annexation. Sills said today ttat while city officiall have a ootMdatent policy on considering annexations that might provide the city with more tax revenue, nobody has ever considered Leisure World. ''We're not interested in a.nne- xifli Leilure World into the city, not even lnto OUir sphere of influence," aakl sms. "'lbe only way we would consider annexa- tion is if we received an over- whelming request from them." . ' A H -year-oid fuattlve wae aentenced ln f eder'al dlltrict court ln Lm Anaeles Thul'lday after .Wdlna a&&u.orit.l• for neatly a yeAr before h1I capture ln ec,.ta M .. euUer this week. Judo A. Wallace Tubima or- dered :lum Arthur GoJdltone to C:itation expected for hero ~ 90 di(! of o._,,,.dori betar. ~119\1 a tb1"·year -~ OolCll••' wa1 arr•ed tn Oolta Mesa in,'8hday ~ at a motel at 2026 Harbor Blvd., where he had been ata~ ebout a1x weeks, accordina tO a 1-dent C"41 ~r who uked Id to Goldstone wu convicted laat June In federal district coun on charges of mall and wire fraud and conspiracy in connection with a ,phony phone aolicitatioo and mall order operation he ran in VanNuys, according to offi- clala. Authorities estimate that he eamed $200,000 dwinl the four ' montbl he was in buaine-aeWng what they called false certifteatet for vacations 11o Las V epa. Reno and LUe Tahoe. A Santa Ana mania expected \0 receive a community service award for coming to the aiu of a California Highway Patrol offi- cer who was struggling with another man along the San Diego FreewCter divider tn Hunt- l'ollowln, the convict.ion lut June, Oold1tone left the area ~ ~ _.. • cs s'' wUh ~wife and two children STRAWBE RRY SWEEPS -U.S. Border Patn>l .,entm conti- . ap. 13 llDd n. They were wat-nued their weeklong aertel of illegal alien awee .. 'ThW'lday at chirll teJeWikm with blm tn UM! strawberry fields in Fountain Valley (pictured above), Irvtne, motel roolQ wben he wa1 ar-Lo. Alamia and Orance· Officials said 967 undocumented ~ 1pobaman Jim Larkin uld William. Heinich, 41, was aoutbbound on the freeway at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday when he aaw the acufOe. , reatecl worken have been taken lnto custody on Orange County farms · F~e.-al J>(>ltal joapectora b&-Ii.nee Monday. lleve Goldatone hid out in variolm ----_..;;------------------- Heinich broadcast a call for help owr h1I citizens band 1'9dio, turned around at the Mapolla Street exit and returned to the acene of the 1CUffle, Larkin said. 1 cities in Orange County, inclu- ding Irvine and ~· He told authorities that he worked va. rious jobs, Including swap ~ta: Heinicb approached the two men filh~ 00 the ground and Passen uers put a flMhlicht around the nec1t e of Crala Yeates, 27, of Dana Point, p ullina him away frpm 8 f airport CHP officer Skip Conway J Larkin aaid. Heinich. then asaisted the offi-Up -,an 'il do cer in handcuffing Yeates. I Larkin said the acuffle began The number o1 paasengeQ fl. after Conway pulled over a car ling uar~b ..JQhn Waype •Jr. driven by SCott Beetler, 29, of port in Fer.TIJar; decllnti sfgni- San Clemente, on suspicion of ficantly from January but waa drunken driving. con siderably higher .than Fe- Atter Beetler had been hand-bruary 1981. cuffed and placed ln the back of According tAt statistkw-releaeed the CHP car, Conway noticed an by airport officials, 186,533 peo- open beer container in Beetler's pie passed through the airport Wet weekend due? Rain blamed for 7 -car accident By JERRY HERTENSTEIN !" .. IWr ........ A liaht but steady rain that fell throu1hout oiost of the night , moved eastward today but Qranie eo.t residents can ex- Of""t more ahowera before the • w~kend .'-over. -, 11'he'l'atn 'rhuraday and thta morning left .30 of an inch on most parts of the county and was blamed for a eeven-car aoctdent that hurt four people on the San Diego Freeway in Irvine near Lake FOl"t!9t Drive. Saturday'• 24th swallows pa- rade ln San Juan Capistrano wW atep off at noon unless the wea- ther is "abeolutely horrible," ac- cordln1 to a !J>Okesrnan. Jtaln ga~ for a 24-hour pe- riod from 8 a.m. Thursday to 8 a.m. today showed .37 of an inch In c.o.ta Mesa. making the Ye"1'1Y total 10.89. Cd.ta Mesa bad 'Z.72 inches of rain on this date In 1981. car and ordered~ y tes tennlllal in February, compared nger ea to 19g,74.8.in Januar~tid 171.1 ·· to step oubide, said. 9 , Yeates struck the officer in the 4 5 in February 1981. Chance of rain from the 1tonn that moved In off the central California ooUt was reduced to 10 pen.'ent tonight, according to tt\e Nat,ional Weather Service ln Los Angel-. Huntington Beach had .36 inches of rairl for 10.17 for the year, Santa Ana .28 for an 11.18 total and Santiago Peak .60 for a total 28.2, 6.6 more than last year on this ~te. ·Bandit sought in El Toro S&L holdup face and was continuing to scuf-fle with him by the freeway di· Throi! Feb. 28, 380,281 ~ vlder until Heinich arrived t6 pie fi r ~\f'ed at or-tie~ help, Larkin said. ' froqi e ~lrport, comparM' to Larkin also credited Christo-3~5.544 during the same period pher and Tammy Callon of in 1981. That's a 6.5 percent in· Huntin~ton Beach and David creue. Cometa of Costa Mesa for stop-1 Tota'! operations involving the J>ina tq assist when they saw the landing or takeoff of all aircraft CHP officer ln distl'efll. including private planet, wa~ He aaid Yeates ...,aa alread~ 18.5 percent lower in February subdued when th~ others arrl-than February 1981. ved, however. Saturday's forecast calla for partly cloucb' skies with coutal highs in the mid-60s after over- night lows in the high 40s. But a low pre.ure a~ off the Gulf of Alaska is ellpected to bring . more showers to the Orange Coast Sunday. • Yeates was placed In Orange County Jail on suspicion of as- sault on a police officer. Cand idates fa ce editors Orange County Sheriff's de-- puties are looking for a man in his early 20s who robbed the El Toro branch of California Fed· eral Savings and Loan Wednes- day. Rain to diminish Three of the seven leading candidates for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination will ap- pear on the 'same bill Saturday before a Unitea Press Internatio- nal editors' convention in tfew- port Beach . Menlo Park, Maureen Reagan and San Diego Mayor Pete Wil- son. Although invited, U.S . Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr., R - Woodland Hilla, has announced he will not attend. Goldwater has said he wm appear at forums featuring joint candidate appea- rances only "when it fits" his schedule and strategy. Sgt. Jerry Kreitz said the man entered the savings and loan of- Hce, at 24361 Muirlands Blvd., at 11:40 a.m. and indicated to a tel- ler that he had a handgun in his coat pocket. Kreitz said the teller handed over $3,349 in cash from her drawer and the"i-obber, who was wearing steel-rimmed sun glas- ses, fled on foot. 34 .09 35 .15 47 40 .15 .03 ~ .... ~ 54 It 32 ... ~ · Ca,ndidates who have agreed to attend the aftemoon debate.a.re ' U.S . Rep. Pete McCloskey, R- Witnesses described the man as being about 5-foot-6 and weig- hing 135 pounds. eur-ee n .2t ~ ea 20 .24 . 01 ~·)If• 88 52 GI lecMlol ipe ee 72 H8Y1N 88 73 Klnglton ee n Maatlen 75 113 ~ 102 12 Muloo Chy 79 48 Mont""Y 91 ea ......, ea se .04 Sen Juen 14 12 .as T9g1~ 11 69 T~ 11 71 Ver.,-UZ 84 11 CANAN ~ " 23 IMloi*>n 31 1t =:.-48 31 48 •, =~ 30 1t 41 I VllnCOUY9t 59 . Winnipeg 23 • SOUTHERN CA&..,OIUUA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AAIM -Iner ........... , ._,., beG1mlo9 mo.tr= ......, w Tu.cllr .. ofltlOwerl.HltN11t11!19111!1 .... lltotl.l.ow.41 ......... ~ rMOttl .. to 41. LO'IM 241••· OBI E SPO·RTS ALL REMAINING 1981-82 SKI MERCHANDISE LTI). WE 'RE QUITTING THE TENNIS BUSINESS SO NOTHING IS HELD BACK! AACKIT8 BY HEAD, YAMAHA, WILSON 8HOm8 BY ADDIDAS, BROOKS CLOTHING BY IZOD, ADDIDAS, COURT CA8UALI a MORE: • I lf1ANf,[ COl1J.4 ' C AL IFOHNIA 25 CFN TC) CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia'• crew, alieady looklna ahead to landing, waa trouble-ahoottna a peraiatent radio problem today aa the 1huttle paued a major teat of engine ttndurance in the bitter cold of apace. A hundred fifty miles below, winds whipped the shuttle run- 1 ways at White Sanda MissUe Ranae. but Mi.loo Control told the utronauts: "We believe it's going to be good for Monday." • There was a chance the radio problem could C\.tt the fliCht short, or that the New MeXico aandatonna could keep the lhlp aloft an extra day. But rli1ht Director Neil Hutchlnlon Mid he e~ neither to happen, that Columbia would come home Monday as .::heduled. An initial effort to correct the communications system wu not SUCCeelful, NASA reported. "We will continue to teat and trouble-shoot the ayatem throug- hout the day," a spokesman saia. Commander Jack R. Lou1111a TEN-FOOT TREADS -If you usually kiclc the tireB of a ~t:hicle ¥OU b~y, you don't buy construction equipment. looked down at a cloudy Americ8 and uked Mt.ion Control about the weather outlook at White Sanda. Capsule comlnunlcator Terry Hart delivered the 0 aood for Monday" forecaat and Lou- mna llAid, "Good." The weather WH ao bad at White Sanda that chief forecaster David Novlan 1ald, "lf there were an emergency . . . and they were to have to land here today or tomol'l'ow, the winds would be prohibitive." Juat after mldniabt, while Louama and pilot C. Gordon Fullerton slept, they •ailed throu1b the midpoint of their planned seven-day voyaae. At White Sanda winds were auatin& to 30 miles an hour today •• a storm front approached, but weather forecaster• predicted Monday'• landing condltlon• would be acceptable despite winds up to 20 mile9 an hour. Milalon Control aaid ecientista were excited about the informa- tion they'd received from Col- ...., .......... ..,Lee,.,. Wheels of caterpillar scrapers dwarf two spectators at an auction Thursday in Costa Mesa. Story on Page Bl. Man guilty in kickback scheme A former restaurant operator, who alle~y tried to force a Newport h ~tion firm into giving him and a 'partner a series of $50,000 kickbacks, has pleaded guilty to wire fraud and conspiracy charges. Jerry L. Petersen, a Phoenix resident, faces a maximum of 15 years in prison and a $12,000 fine, according to the U.S. At- torney's office in Los Angeles. Petersen made the guilty plea Tue.sday in the federal court- house in Los Angeles. He is scheduled to be sentenced April 29. Authorities maintain Petersen and his partner, Harold J. Rus- sell, set up a kickbeck .::heme for awarding construction contracts. The plan, authorities said, was designed to net the pair more than $1 million. Ruaaell, also a Phoenix resi- dent, was sentenced last Decem- ber to one year in prison and ordered to pay an $11,000 fine. AuthoriUea said Ruaaell, a for- mer president and part owner of a General Fooda Corp. subsidia- ry, faces a five year probation term when he ia released. Henry Rossbacher, assistant U.S. attorney, said the kickback scheme came to light when Jack Torre, owner of Newport Beach- baaed Torre Construction Com- pany, reported the money plan to General Foods. General Fooda, Roaabacher said, then notified FBI agents and arranged to videotape one of the alleged kickback demand sessiop.s. Art gift ends Newport dispute The two men assertedly told Torre that they would arrange up to 50 construction contracts for him in exchange for a ~.ooo kickback on each construction A sometimes-bitter spat bet- ween the Newport Beach Arts Commission and its own fund· raising group over $1,500 has come to an end. The fund-raising arm -the Friends of the Arts Commission -has decided it will spend the money buying a painting for the city. The painting, which city offi- . cia1s have yet to view, appeared to be accepted somewhat less than gracioualy by the Newport ci tr., council th.ls week. •rm aure it won't be any worse NATION than some of the stuff we have hanging around city hall now," noted Councilman Paul Hwnmel. "l just hope we're not getting into another John Wayne ICUlp- ture issue where we end up ha- ving to pay for it," added Coun- cilman John Cox. The reference was to a city commissioned sculpture of the late Wayne. The memorial is $13,000 shy of being paid for and remains in a comer of the.artist's garage. The $1,500, which represents money donated to the Friends, Publisher retires at 16 Todd Enae1s at 16 has given up publishing the Turkey Foot News. He wants more time for hllmelf. PageM. There's good news and. . • The news media. actually found a fellow in South Succotaab, but he wun't interested in an interview. Page AB. Nation's money supply up NEW YORK (AP) -The Federal Relerve re- ported thil aftemoon that the nadOn'• ~ ~pply (M-l):wm up t&OO miWon for the ~·anc1·~ Jouii ba1a1ed $887 rntWon. has been a sore spot between the feudin& groups. Arts commissioners, who tried several times to put the Friends out of bualness becauae of disa- greements, wanted the $1,500. Commiasioners said the money had been railed in their name and should be speot by the com- mission for a city project. Members ol the Friends, though, saw things dllferently and decided to spend the money themeelve. on the painting. The paintina ia expected to be unveiled next week. STATE job. Authorities said Russell and Petersen had owned a chain of four Mexican restaurants. ln 1979, authorities explained, the men sold their chain to General Foom with the understanding that up to 50 of the restaurants -known as "Gu.adala Harry's" -would be built acroas the country. Roasbacher said Ruaaell and Petenen were to retain part ow- nership of the restaurant chain and be paid to oversee the chain. (See GUILTY, Pace A!) LOS ANG~ (AP) -The state Air Reeources Board is conatdertna emillion UmUa for dieeel can and · truckl after heertnc expert teltimony that increMina uae of the 100t-produdng vebiclea could cut visibility · up to 60 percent in major c.automia dtiee. Taxpayers get hit again The pla thrown for the refurbiabed state Capitol wun't 1uppoeed to coet the ta~~yen a dime, but they've alreldy been hit up for '230,000 -with bWa 1tflf unpaid. Pace A4. COUNTY umbia'a experiments, and Lou- ama responded, 11We're pleued to hear lt, thJt'a what we came here to do. • "And we were just remarking between ounelves how well the orbiter haa performed ... it's reached quite a remarkable level of maturity for ju1t the third flight. We've been basically trouble free with the systems and able to do all these other things while the orbiter kind of took care of itself." When the astronauts awoke, they received .. top of the mor- ning" f reetlnga from Ml11ion Contro alona with teleprlnted Instruction on how t~ tackle a failure ln the ablp-to-ahore ndio system. Like ln any office system, they encountered a glitch here -the printer wu feedinc wildly for a short time. ThUraday, the low-power tee- tlon of one of two $-band com- munications tranaponden failed and off1ciala said that if It cannot be fixed. Miaaion Control would (See SHUTTLE, Pa1e il) USC may push J I bid to open I I CdM campus By STEVE MARBLE or111e 1>e11r "°' ,..,. The 'Qniversit¥ of. Southern Califorrua is cons1dermg appeal of a State Coastal Commission decision that stands in the un- iversity's way of opening a sat- ellite campus in Corona del Mar. USC has three weeks to appeal the commission's denial of a per- mit to convert the vacant Corona del Mar Elementary School into a college campus for graduate students. The university has leased the campus from the Newport-Mesa Unified School District for five years but has yet to hold a single clus there. There is evidence that the school district now may be un- wllling to let USC break the te9,000-a-year leaae. "l really can't comment on that," responded Dr. John Strauss, vice president of USC, "but God knows we'd very much like to .re90lve this affair soon." Strausa said if USC opts not to appeal the oommiasion ruling, it will step up its search for an al· t.emate Orange County site. He noted that the Newport- Meaa school district wlll have two vacant Costa Mesa schools by June and that surrounding school districts also have empty schools. "We had considered moving into a commercial area ln Irvine but the cost is just too high," he said. The graduate school plan tou- ched off furor ln Corona del Mar early this year when residents learned classes would be conduc- ted during evening hours and on weekends. Homeowners. who find a suit to block USC from moving in, complained the college campus would bring noise and traffic with it. Residents have held out hopes USC will sublease the Corona del Mar campus to a private ele- mentary school and replace playground equipment removed in anticipation of college students arriving. The school district's board of trustees would have to okay such a sublease arrangement. Trustees, who met behind closed-doors this week to review the situation, are staying tight- lipped, comparing the USC lease to a complicated lawsuit. Rain to move on, but more due Sunday By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the o.11 ,.,.... ..., A light but steady rain that fell throughout most of the night moved eastward today but Orange Coast residents can ex- pect more showers before the • weekend is over. i·'he ram ;fhursday ~nd this morning left .30 of an inch on most parts of the county and was blamed for a seven-car accident that hurt four people on the San Diego Freeway in Irvine near Lake Forest Drive. Chance of rain from the storm that moved in off the central (See RAIN, Page A%) Curb lashes Bird, Gianturco in Irvine Lt. Gov. Mike Curb arrived ln Irvine Thursday to open the Orange County headquarters for hls gubernatorial campaign. He was an hour and a half late for the ceremonies. And when Curb stepped up to a microphone to speak befOre the patient group of about 125 supporters, Mother Nature decided to take the op- portunity to sprinkle the crowd with a little moisture. Undaunted, Curb used his tar- diness to lash out at state mana- gement of the freeway system. "The first thing I'm going to do as governor is fire-(Caltrans Di- INDEX rector) Adriana Gianturco,'1 he snapped, to hearty applause. In a brief speech, Curb went on to call for welfare reform, denounce what he perceives are attacks leveled at Proposition 13 benefits, express his support for victim-witness legislation and re- pea ted his support of a recall movement against Rose Bird, chief justice of the state Supreme Court. "There are those who tell us that we have to live with this Suprerue Court," b e said. "But we must change the Supreme Court." ' At Your Service Erma Dombeck L.M. Boyd Buainell California Cavalc9de aa.lfied Corniel Crollword Death Notioel Bdltmial :Entenalnment ffome/Quden HolOlllDpe A4 82 AS C6-7 A6 B2 Dl.1>3-10 B3 B3 D2 A8 Intemiiaaion Ann Landen Movie1 Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Restaurants Sports Stock Marketa Television Thea ten Weather World Newt Weekender B2 Weekender C6 A3 CM,D2 Weekender Cl-~ C7 TVLoc Weekender A2 A3 Weekender A7 B2 SPORTS conaider terminatlnc the fiilht early. The hiah-power lllde ot the failed unit wu operatiftl wtMgn checb were made t.odly. Even with both tranaponden out. Columbia could land aafely, the Qr~t ~{rector aaid. He re- po~ .•'{•rel 1roW\d 1tatlona can C91Ml~te with the apa- cecr.it. through UHF channels aid that much of the re-entry and landing ii conducted through UHF. On the other band. HutchJ.naon raiaed the possibility of an ex· tended miHion, should hlJ.h wtnda .9-_red_icted at the White ~ 1\IJilaUe Range this week-~ ~l!Jto Mo~. blowina 'JP.. tne fioe IYPSUm nnd ana ~.viaibWty drastically. · \le said th.at by conaerving fuel and power the next•few days, ~wave~ o to iaerate Columbia an e ~ \, 'l>rbit. ~"It l mean we're ~ing ID d4 ~he •ew:d. "We're look-"* at the weather. It's going to b• the middle or end of the weekend. before we decide what we're gom, to do." . 1or two days, thf shuttle's 4IM ~ the 1un, leaving WI section and lts enfinH "fe1 taJllis in &e rng shad~ ow, eXpoeed\o temperatures al low u 2.15 depees below zero .. ~lJILTY .. ·. · · .ln ~980, authorities said, the l'Eita~t.eura assertedly approa- ched iTorre -.Ml said they Could srit him the construotion con~ ~eta on each of the planned restaurants in return for the al- leged kickbacks. The men were arrested, au- thorities said, when they accep- ted a ,10,000 cash payment from Tod e's a down payment on a kickback. Authorities said the FBI vi- NASA eftlineen doll"t believe the cold wilf affect &be MiOhy of lb, fuell at ...... to f-Mdan. Lousma and tullerton were to find out today by flrtna two of the powerplanta in one of the major thea'qW teeta of Cclwnbta'• third ~Wft CNile. 11\e tint te9t went perfectly; if there were a problem with the second, early this evening, the astronauts would tum the tail to the IUD and hut Up the unita - juat aa they dtd Wedneedayiwhen exposure to the cold froze aeel1q material ,nd prevented a tl1ht cl~_ng of .the ~ bay doon. AJao today,~ astronauts ex- ecuted another pb-and-llft test with the 50-foot robot ann IU)d a 3~3-pound Instrument package. Thursday's arm performaqce went equally well. Fullerton, operating from a remote station in the rear of the cockpit, guided the Ca51ldian-bullt device niaaterMJY. .. several nours ot tests wtUl t e Plasma Diagnostics Package of PDP gra!Jped firmly in its wire· snare fingers. It was the first test of Canadarm'a capeclty for the job it was designed tor: deposi- ting and retrieving satellite& in space. deotaped this money exchange with ihe cooperation of Torre. General Foods, authorities re- ported, said it likely would not have been suspicious had Torre not brought the matter to its at- tention. Ironically, authorities pointed out, the two men stood to become "very wealthy" through the le- gitimate op::ration of the restau- rant chain. .... . ..., ...... DOUBLE REWARD -Detective Phil McC.om*k, recipient of c.o.ta Meu's annual "Policeman of the Year" award, rec- eives congratulations from his wife, Pegy, at a ceremonial luncheon Thursday. McC.ormick, a 12-yearveteran, was dted by Mesa Police Chief Roger Neth. . ·McCormick named 'Officer. of Year' Coale Mesa police detective Philip McConnick. 34, a 12-year veteran of the force, has been named ''Officer of 1981" by ChJef Boser Neth. The announcement came at a Costa Mesa Tomorrow luncheon Thursday ln whlch McCormick was delcrlbed by Neth as being an "all-around excellent of,ficer who ia involved ln the community.'' a year during which time he solved a murder case in which the victim was beaten and shot near th, ih~tsection of Hatbor Boulevard-and Adams A venue. The third time proved to be' a charm for MCQ>1!9ick. '4ho WM nominated fQr ''Officer of ihe Year" in 1975 and 1976. RAIN TO RETURN . • • McCormick, who makes his home in Costa Mesa with his wife, Peggy, and two children," was also congratulated for his work with the Explorer Scouts program. In Thu,rsday'1 luncheon at the HoUdar Inn iJ) Cos~ M., ~­Connie>t was gtv@, an Officer Of the Year tropl')y from tpe de- partment, a plaque from Costa Mesa Tomorrow (a busjneu group) and commendation re,s- olutions from the Costa 1.1eaa City Council and the state Se-California coast was reduced to 10 percent tonight, according to the National Weather Service in Los Angeles. Saturday's forecast calls for partly cloudy skies with coastal highs in the rnid-60a after over- night lows in the high 40s. But a low pressure system off the Gulf of Alaska is expected to bring . more showers to the Orange Coast Sunday. Saturday's 24th swallows pa- rade in San Juan Capistrano will step off at J\OOn unless the wea-. '• .... ·coastal Occaalonal rain through th• momlnO bacon*ig pertly doudy ttii. aftelnoon. Fair tonlgflt and Satwd9y with hlOlia Saturday 95, to 70. Ov•tnltJll[ Iowa 48 to 55. Hunltngton-Newpcw1 ... i.np..' ,.... ~ '"'"' • '°" of 56 to • high ~:1=om t~Mexlcan~~ °"' eo m11aa: UQht variable wlndl lat• nlOht ancf morning hour• ~ ~ 10 to 20 llnota Saturdtll)', aft4!m00n. SouWlwelt swell 2 to 3 IMt. Partly cloudy tlwougn Sat~ v .s. summary· ther is ··atieo1utely horrible," ac- cording to .rtpokesman. .Rain gaug.S for a 24-hour pe- riod from 8 a.m. Thunday to 8 a.m. today showed .37 of an inch in Costa Mesa, making the yearly total 10.89. Costa Mesa had 7.72 inches of rain on this date in 1981. Huntlngton1Beacm had .36 inches of rain for 10.17 for the year, Santa Ana .28 for an 11.18 total and Santiago Peak .60 for a total 28.2, 6.6 more than last year on this date. ' Lt. Jack Calnon, who heads the detective bureau in which McCormick has served since. 1975, said that McCormick has a ''hlgher-than-norma.l rate of sol- ving and clearing cues." "His dedi c ation i s unbelievable," Lieutenant Caln- on 91lid. "He aome~ works 10 or 12 houra a day six da'yi a week without a complaint." Lt. Calnon noted that-McCor- m lc k has been the bureau's homicide detective for more than Rain to diminish pat.e. I \ •• -I Thts was the 9th tfine the annual award was handed out. OCC slates Writer's D ~y Aspirin& autho~ are invited to attend the fifth ·annual Writer's Day sem inar at Orange Coast College Saturday. Four best-selling authors, edi- tors and a publisher will partici- pate in the conference from 8:30 . a.m. to 4 p.m. in room 119 in the · Fine Arts Hall. 72 34 .09 ee 35 .. 15 84 47 eo 40 .1s 75 35 .03 33 10 ~ ••• i..w4ey Novelists Barbara Conklin, 'Leland Cooley, Bernice McGee- -----..... han and Maxine O'Callaghan eo 41 45 40 .10 ae ae 98 n :ts ea sa 72 32 .17 41 24 45 28 54 28 .28 48 27 .41 se 29 .25 82 3$ 52 29 42 23 40 27 .18 21 8 70 45 82 45 .01 Eureka 58 48 43 23 Fr.no 58 50 .29 90 70 L.ancaaW • 45 . 13 n se ~~ Anga1aa !e. 5052 .23 47 30 .31 ... ar)'9¥11e """ 75 51 .15 Mont . 58 4829 ~ n n 52 .01 Dellland 12_ 51 -t4 33 ,..., .__ 56 4t .11 56 31 ..21 Rad...,,. SI 42 • 3' AecMood City ... 50 .30 II 71 .11 Sernmento 111 48 .17 40 2t .01 8elrlM 11 47 .oe _ .. ~~ : ==-: ~ .38 a et sna.._. 57 49 .15 111 «> Santa Marte se es ... Stodlton ae .. 31 n.m.t 7t ::.:. ::54 e& 42 .oa 11o ea. s1 25 7t 17 =· !! 3522 .. 2t .11 -.. 37 .11. Long ..., t4 51 Curacao 86 n FrMC>Ort ea 20 .24 GuadalajWa 88 52 Guadeloupe ee 72 Havana 88 73 Klngeton 88 77 Mazatlan 75 13 Merida 102 72 MeJdoo Ctty 79 48 Monterrey 91 86 Nueau 88 59 .04 San Juan 84 72 .25 Taguctgalpa 91 SO ~:i : ~~ CANADA : ~ .02 ::=. ~ ~ .01 .., " ....,.....,. • 63 -E-x-.1>.-_-..i-_J--~~• • 41 °'*"° • • ac~ .... .oe ............... ,. 16 47 2t .11F P•1ll119 14 58 .02 ~ 81 eo .qr s.n ... ,..., • 4t J orecast 32 • Sen Joel • .... to 37 8anla Ana 70 et to 11 8anla en. . .. ... !It 3a Tlfloe v..., IO SI 17 41 .17 41 21 twl..-CM ~ ... will join editor Evelyn Grippo I and publisher Bill Darnall. Regi- stration is $25 at the door. ... .._._..•tMI' ID N .OCI ........ t4 at ........ • 71 "° ~ to -Bogota " •• -.. -·. - A fl·1Hr·old .fu1lt1ve wa1 aentenot . ..-..cl In,....... district court Goldstone was arrested In ln Loe~ Tburtday after Cotta Meea Thunday ni&ht e& • el---~d• for nearly a motel at 2026 Harbor Blvd., )'9lt bifal9 1111 capture ln Colt.a where he had been naytns about ,. Mm _... thla week. l1x weeks, accord1nc tO a 1ederat Judllt A. Wallace Tuhlma or· pOlltal Inspect.or. who asked not to deNd l'lllCID Arthur Goldatone tn be named. ' uriderl<! 90 days of oblervation ' Goldstone wu convicted lut before be11o.nln1 a three-year June ln federal dlstrict court on Three of the seven leading candidate• for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination will ap- pear on i~e same bill Saturday before a 1.Jnited Press Intemati.o- nal edlton' convention In New- port Beech. Candidates who have agreed to attend· the afternoon debate are U.S . Rep. Pete McCloskey, R· Menlo Park, Maureen Reagan and San Diego Mayor Pete WU- '°"• Although invited, U.S . Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr ., R - Woodland Hilla, has announced he will not attend. Goldwater has said he will appear at forums featuring joint candidate appea- rances only "when it fits" his schedule and strategy. charaes of mall ...nd..wjre fraud and conspiracy 1 n connection with a phony phone 90Ucitation and mall 'order operation he ran In Van Nuys, accordlnl to offi- cials. Authorities eatlinate that he earned $200,000 during the four ' months he was in business eelli.ng what they called false certificates for vacations to Laa Vegas, Reno and Lake Tahoe. Girl Scouts mark birthday in Irvine About 200 Girl Scouts from C-Osta Mesa and Newport Beach will celebrate the organization's 70th birthdl!)' Satur_day at Wil- liam Ma.9Qfl.J"..Btlt.itl Irvine. The fifth annual Girl Scouts Together Day from 10 a.m. to l p.m. will include crafts, games, outdoor cooking and a cake de- corating contest. D.., PW ltlllt ""°'° WYNN WINS TOP HONOR -Newport Beach City Manager Robert Wynn (right) accepts citi7.en of the year award from Bill Thompson, exalted ruler of the Newport Harbor Elks l..odge, Wynn has been city manager for 10 years and_ w~ cited for his service to the city, civic organizations and youth. o ·Bf E SPORTS ALL REMAINING 1981-82 Ski MERCHANDISE LTIJ. SKIS BY ROSSIGNOL, K-2, LA CROIX BOOTS BY LANG & NORDICA CLOTHING BY BOGNER, ROFFE, HEAD,SERAC,OBEAMYEA WE'RE QUITTING :'f'HE TENNIS BUSINESS SO NOTt:llNO IS HELD BACK! RACKETS BY HEAD, YAMAHA, WILSON SHOES BY ADDIDAS, BROOKS CLOTHING BY IZOD, ADDIDAS, COURT CASUALS a ·MORL l . ,.. • FAIDA Y MARCH ,11, 1 ·1~1.' (JHA N<.t \ l)lJN' 1 CAI U ORNIA ~'>CF NJ ', Radio. troubles coula cut shuttle flight shor t CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -ColumbJa'1 crew, already lookina ahead to landing, waa trouble-ahootlng a peral1tent radio problem today aa the shuttle pasaed a major teat of engine endurance in the bitter cold of apace. · A hundred fifty miles below, winda whipped the shuttle run- ways at White Sanda Missile Ranae. but Mimion Control told the astronauts: "We believe it's aoinl to be good for Monday." There was a chance the radio problem could cut the 'fll1ht 1hort1 or that the New Mexico aandatorma could keep the ahlp aloft an extra day. But !}1M Director Neil Hutchlmon he expected neither to happen, that Columbia would come home MondaY. u scheduled. An Wtial effort to correct the communlcatlona 1ystem waa not suooessful, NASA reported. "We wW continue to test and trouble-shoot the ayatem throua- . bout the day," a spokesman eala. Commander Jack R. Lousma TEN-FOOT TREADS -If you usually kiclc the tires of a '!~hicle ¥OU b~y, you don't buy construction equipmen t .. • looked down at a doudy America and uked MillkJn Control about the weather outlook at White Sandl. Capsule communicator Terry Hart delivered Ule 0 aood for Monday" forecaat and !.ou- ama lllld, "Good." The weather waa 10 bad at White Sanda that chief forecaster David Novlan said, "If there were an emergency . . . and they were to have to land here today or tomorrow, the winds would be prohiMUve.'' Juet after midnlabt. while Louama and pllot C. Gordon Fullerton slept, they aailed throuah the mldpolnt of their planned seven-day voyaae. At White Sanda wtnda were IUltina to 30 miles a n hour today ., a atorin front approached, but weather forecasters predicted Monday's landlna condltlona wottld be acceptable despite winds up to 20 miles an hour. Milmk>n Control aa.ld ICientiata were excited about the infonna- tlon they'd received from Col- .., .......... _,Lae...,.. Wheels of caterpillar 1erapers dwarf two spectators at an auction Thursday in Costa Mesa. Story on Page Bl. Man guilty iii kickback schem·e A former restaurant operator, who allegedly tried to force a Newport Beach construct.ion firm into giving him and a partner a series of $50,000 kickbacks, has pleaded guilty to wire fraud and conspiracy charges. Jerry L . Petersen, a Phoenix resident, faces a maximum of 15 years in prison and a $12,000 fine. according t-0 the U.S . At- tomey's office in Los AnaeJes. Petersen made the guilty plea Tu~day in the federal court- house in Los Angeles. He is acheduled to be sentenced April 29. Authorities maintain Petersen and his partner, Harold J. Rus- sell. aet up a kickback acheme for awarding construction contracts. The plan, authorities said, waa designed to net the pair more than $1 million. Russell, also a Phoenix resi- dent. was sentenced last Decem- ber to one year in prison and ordered to pay an $11,000 fine. Authorities eaid Ruaell, a for- mer president and part owner of a General Foods COrp. sut.idia- ry, faces a five year probation term when he ii releaaed. . Henry Rossbacher, assistant U.S. attorney, said the kickback scheme came to light when Jack Torre. owner of Newport Beach- baaed Torre Construction Com- pany, reported the money plan to General Foods. General Foods, Ro11bacher said, then notifted FBI aaen ta and arranged to videotape one of the alleged kickback demand sessions. Art gift ends Newport dispute The two men assertedly told Torre that they would arranie up to 50 construction contracts for him ln exchange for a $50,000 kickback on each construction A sometimes-bitter spat bet- ween the Newport Beach Arts Commission and its own fut!d- raising group over $1,500 ITas come to an end. The fund-raising arm -the Friends of the Arts Commission -has decided it will spend the money buying a painting for the city. The painting, which city offi- cials have yet to view, appeared to be accepted somewhat less than graciously by the Newport city council this week. "I'm au.re it won't be any worse NATION than some of the stuff we have hanging around city hall now," noted Councilman Paul Hummel "I just hope we're not getting into another John Wayne sculp- ture issue where we end up ha- ving to pay for it," added Coun~ cilman John Cox. The reference was to a city• commissioned sculpture of the late Wayne. The memorial is $13,000 shy of being paid for and remains in a corner of the artist's garage. The $1,500, which represents money donated to the Friends. Publisher retires at 16 Todd Engels at 16 baa given up publlahing the Turkey Foot Newa. He wants more time for himlelf. Page A5. There's good news and. . • The news media actually found a fellow in South Suoootaah, but he wasn't interested in an interview. Page AS. has been a sore spot between the feuding groups. Art.a oommissiOQen, who tried several times to put the Friends out of business becauae of disa- greements, wanted the $1,500. C«nmiaaioners said the money had been raised in their name and ahould be spent by the com- mission for a citl project. Members o the Friends, though, saw things differently and decided .to spend the money thenwelves on the painting. The painting is expect.ea to be unveiled next week. STATE job. Authorities said Russell and Petersen had owned a chain of four Mexican restaurants. ln 1979, authorities explained, the men sold their chain to General Foods with the understan ding that up to 50 of the restaurants -known as "Guadala Harry's" -would be built acro11 the country. Rosabacber said Rusaell and Petenen were to retain pert ow- nership of the restaurant chain and be paid to Overlee the chain. (See GUU.TY,.Pa1e A2) LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -The state Air Reeowces Board la oonliderini emiaa1on lln:llta for die-1 can and trucks after hearinl e>q>ert testimony that lncreMln& uee of the eoot-produclng vehiclea could C\.\t viability up to 50 percent in major California cities. Taxpayers get hit •sain The pla thrown for the refurbUhed atate Captol wun•t auppoted to cost the ta~yera a dime, but they've alrNdy been bit up fot '230,000 -wtth b6l1I .wf un~. Pace A4. COUNTY umbla'e. expe~enta, and Lou- arna reeponded, "We're pleued to *1 it, that'• what we came here to do. • ••And we were jult remarkina between ou.nelva how well the orbiter has performed ... 1t'1 reecbed quite a remarkable level of maturity for just the third flt1ht. We've been basically troUble free with the systems and able to do all these other thino while the orbiter kind of toolt care of i taelf." When the astronauts awoke, I they received "top of the mor· ning" f reetln11 from Mission Contro alona wlth teleprlnted instruction on how to tackle• failure in the ablp-io-.hore radiO system. Like in any 'office system, they enoountered a glitch here -the prjnter wa1 feedina wildly for a abort time. Thu.nday, the low-power eec- tion of one of two $-band com- munications tranaponden failed and officials aald that ii it cannot be fixed. Miaaion Control would (See SHUTl'LE, Pa1e A%) USC may· push bid to open CdM campus By STEVE MARBLE Of'"'9 Delr .... ...., The University of Southern California is conatdering appeal of a State Coastal Commission decision that stands in the un- iversity's way of opening a sat- ellite campus in Corona del Mar. USc has three weeks to appeal the commission's denial of a per· mit to convert the vacant Corona del Mar Elementary School into a college campus for graduate students. The university has leased the campus from the Newport-Mesa Unified School District for five years but has yet to hold a .t.ngle dall there. There is evidence that the school district now may be un- w illing to let USC break the '69,000-a-year lease. "I really can't comment on that," responded Dr. John Strauss, vice praident pf USC, "but God knows we'd very much like to .e.olve this affair soon." Strauss said if USC opts not to appeal the commission ruling, it will step up ita search for an aJ- temate Orange County site. He noted that the Newport· Mesa school district will have two vacant Costa Mesa schools by June and that surrounding school districts also have empty schools. "We had considered moving into a commercial area in Irvine but the cost is just too high," he said. The graduate school plan tou- ched off furor in Corona del Mar early this year when residents learned classes would be conduc- ted during evening hours and on weekends. Homeowners, who find a suit to block USC froro moving in, complained the college campua would bring noise and traffic with iL Residents have held out hopes USC will sublease the Corona del Mar campus to a private ele - mentary school and replace playground equipment removed in anticipation of college students arriving. The school district's board of trustees would have to okay such a sublease arrangement. Trustees, who met behind closed-doors this week to review the situation, are staying tight- lipped. comparing the USC lease to a complieated lawsuit. Rain to move on, but more due Sunday By JE RRY HERTENSTEIN Of'tMDelr ........ A light but steady rain that fell throughout most of the night moved eaatward·today but Orange Coast residents can ex- oeet more showers bef9re the • weekend is over. 1·'he ram 'fhursday and this morning left .30 of an inch on most par1ll of the county and was blamed for a seven-car accident that hurt four people on the San Diego Freeway in Irvine near Lake Forest Drive. Chance of rain from the stonn that moved in off the central (See RAIN, Page A2) Curb lashes , Bird, Gianturco in Irvine Lt. Gov. Mike Curb arrived in Irvine Thursday to open the Oranae County headquarters for his gubernatorial campaign. He was an hour and a half late for the ceremonies. And when Curb stepped up to a microphone to speak before the patient group of about 125 supporters, Mother Nature decided to take the op- portunity to sprinkle the crowd wiQl a little moisture. Undaunted. Curb used his tar- dine91 to lash out at state mana- gement of the freeway system. "The first thina rm going to do aa governor is fl.re (Caltrans Di- INDEX rector) Adriana Gianturco,•1 he snapped, to hearty applause. In a brief speech, Curb went on to call for welfare reform, denounce what he perceives are attacks leveled at Proposition lS benefits, exprea his sup~ for victim-witness legislation and re- peated his support of a recall movement against Rose Bird, chief justice of the state Supreme Court. "There are those who tell us that we have to live with thl.a Supreme Court," he said. "But we must change the S upreme Court." A-4 82 AS . C6-7 A5 .92 Dl,00..10 B3 B3 02 AB Intenn.llaion Ann Landen Movtea Mutual Funds National Newa Public Notices Restaurants Sporu Stock Markets Televtslon Th8ten Weather World N9Wa Weekendel' B2 Weekender a A3 C5-6.D2 Weekender . Cl-5 Weekender A7 82 SPORTS C7 w:V~ A2 A3 .. s. ... ....... c .... -~-,_ ~:!~~! l.,1,-=,1·~ , N-~ .: ii;! ,~ n-"' t:I .. I .. ~ . . , -~ 4! ti ... .. ~~ !Aa.· :: .. _.,. ... .. ~ ..... =,· :: "' .. • 4'11 . ' s ·J! Ji ... " ~·4 ~ £:: .. .. 12 ~-us .. • ... l.'f t ~ =; :; i :!i , •• ·=I;~ • 11 ... 6 IS 1"'-... .. -~ ... ,., rs: jj .;.1 ::::.: -,,,,,,,,, 1• .• Jf ~ .. v; 5!-u11r11~ f:--llf 1.a' • ; ,.: I + ~ ,, 1 .• 1 ~ •.•.• 1 •• SISM •...• ... .. ,, ir=: l"n;o;~~~ uo • \4 -.--.. Jus .. 1 .......... U1 .• 1. _ .. , .... 42. _.., 1 7 .. 21M. •..• .... ll _.,. MO! I.• 1 -"• ..... E .au 'i;l4t us•m ..,.. Ul1045 l4t ~~ '.m~·-~ ... 71JI n..--\.41 UD 7 * CM--:i. 125 •• 2 ....... 111 UCllt •• IO 1S. ••••• 1.e •• IS tnlt+ .. .n ' 1 1711o-"' Ntallil I. t2 4 • I~ Ioli AftwM I II W9I ~" ... , .. 14 .. 41 ...... , NII s .» 11 7af 11._ • /ln#t!I. ..... ~ ... ..,_,_ 11 S S 112 SI.._ li ~ .,DSt\, ..•. ;i..· r-1 t,:: ~· .. ....... • 10 ,...,___" ...... ' 1 • IAt-141 .:a " ~ '#117~ = = i+fii« •.. ,.,..._ ..... ATT ;;ti U4 .. It 2' -16 ATT " 114 • • 11 aM>-°" --:i• : : =::::: I 71; ...._ ... ' JM>-... IM' !M. .... = 11~ R=: ..,,..";t J It: r.-..r.:: ·; .: ~ ~ ·~I G ·~141' fttdilr ,.. s "' 15' .. .. §\.II s • ~ ... . II .. 1 1 ~ ... AO 11 • 1J7 21Vt+ 14 I.. ' m t5\lo-Yi --• ·" 12 .. W\4o-... ..... II .D S 6 m.-11o ,,,..,, .... ' s ~ ... ~ ... " .. 1M-'Ao ,.,,.,. "",. .. .. ... +2Yt ,.,,,., "1A .. ID Q -1\'i ,.... ... '"' 17 --M:la .... ..._v.. ArQll,,, 2 ........... . ., ...... t ............ a.n..t Moton Corp., hu announced it iJ for. mini a robot CJamP9ftY bwd in 80Uthealt Michigan, a real•,,,_ wny bas been ravaged by a slump in the~~ and ~ indication that t.\ichi-· pn IMUll _..,_.in robotQ.," Michigan Gov. WU· liam 0. Millkeft. wt. hal puahed for expansion of robotics~ -.... aaid Thunday . Home resales gain W A.aHlNGTON (AP) -Resales of existing hOUleS roee 2.2 percent in February, making up about half the Mlee .,-ound lost in January, the Na tionaJ Amodation of 11.itorrald. --Existinc h°'*I were aold at a seuonally adjusted annual rate of l.t million unita dwing the month, up from the J...-y rate of 1.86 million, the report said Thunday ... Bank changes hands SAN Jl'RANCISCO (AP) -The Hibernia Bank. one of California's oldest financial institutions, will 900I\ be owned by a Hong Kong·bued group control- led by two Indonesians. The board of dtreciora of Hibernia Bancshares, holding company fOf' the Hibemia·Ban.k. has agreed to eell 80 percent ita outstanding shares to t.Ke ~t Pa- cific Group. it wu announced Thursday. China pact told LOS ANGELES (AP) -Occidental Petroleum Corp bas~ a long.term agreement with China to develop and operate a major open.pit coal mine in Sharud province, the company announced. Arm.and Hal1lmer, chairman.of the board, said ' Tbunday the developmental agreement with China National Coal Development Corp. requires a $230 million investment by Occidental for the first four years of the ~year contract. S&L takeover OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) -.The s tate banking aaperinlmdlftt bM ~ th«. takeover of a profi~ table San Dteco •virip and 14an a.uociation by a bank, a deciliorl that could eet a precedent. Thunda:3'• approval by Richard M. Dominguez will allow uallty Savings & Loan Association, which hu y one office, to ceue to operate as a aavt.n,s and lmn and become part of Hawthorne-based Commonwalth Bank. The two Institutions have the same cba1nnan. Berrien E. Moore. Utility under lire P'llmNO (AP) -Residents angry about rising uWity bills h9ve kamped Pacific Gu & Electric Co. and the state Public Utilities CommUlsioo together for cri- tidsm at an Amembly committee hearing. Ron Bo8:8. who deBcribed himself as an outraged dtUen, toldtne committee Tburaday that the utility company will '-.uck the state of California for every cent they can until 101DeOne puts a stop to it." mas Ill TH£ SNTUCHT AMEllCAN LEADERS --'IOM~---.---­........ --AINticeft -... -....,.._,...,. .. __ 127,JDO :llVO -11' II 116,,.., 2" + V. , n. tao 10111 + " Y n,• '"'····· s ,.,. ""' + 1~ ,,.. 11~ -\4t _....,. "·-1Mli .. "' -Qr,, ,.,., 7'A + \4t 1*1Mt• 1 sum 1 -\4t c.r. -Sl,IDO "' + ~ METALS C~ 78-78 cenll e pound. U.S. llnetlons. a...i 28-32 oents • pound. llM 37...0 °""'-. pound, ~. T1tl 18.8272 Mallllt WMll comc>ollle ·aa I • 1rr.n ~. pour,cj. N.Y . ....., $195.00 per n... ~ 13t&.OO 110)' oz... N.Y. SILYEI HI~ & H1rm1n. 17.085 per troy Cl.I IUOTATIONS ~: momlnt lh11nf 1322.75, oll 16.00 • ....... lftemoon mooo 1322.25. oft .... .... 1312.f7, oll IU& Pc ,,& ' IUU4, oll M.20 • ...... Lm lblne 1321.00, off 15.00 ~.=---· a ...,,._1 only delly quote 1111.11.olflUO. 1J • * """' d.ily ~ 1322.25, ..... .::rt· • ~ ..,, quot. llibf1clll9cl ..... ,.. 4