HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-27 - Orange Coast Pilot.. Ylll llllTlll UllJ PIPll ' NASA to press a.he a~ for full shuttle flight • I ' CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The apace ahuule io1t three key "downlink" radio channeb Friday, but communi- cations with Mission Control continued without missing a beat and NASA officials said they would presa ahead for a full seven-day flight. Despite the problem, Columbia wrapped up many m.lsslon objec- tives during ita fourth day in apace. 1 The shuttle's arm got a third 1ood workout, thermal tes ts proved the stamina of Columbia's engine9, and ldenUfic data prac- tically flooded from orbit to Earth -alona the lone healthy S-band downlink.. "All thine• bein1 equal, we inte,ld to fly" throulh Monday, said Eugene Krans, chief of flight operation• at Johnson Space Center In Houston. ,And referrlns to worries about landlns-a1te weather, he aald, "We could come in a day early, .we could ~ in a day late." Astronauts Jack R . Louema and C. Gordon F\tllerton shared his concern. They looked down at DICK DALE AND FRIENDS -Surf rock guitarist Dick Dale takes time to join the "Singing Nuns" in a few hymns in his Balboa P eninsula ho.me. The Washington-baaed siQaing a cloudy America and aaked twice about \he weeiher. Mlulon Control said gusting wlnda at their Northrup Strip l•ndlns alte would abate and conditions would be acceptable by Mmday. KranS called the crippled S- Band Unb "u complex a l}'ltem a1 we have onboard the spaeecraft," and·he aouaht to minimize the problem, saying, "We have full capability." UHi' voice channels worked fine, but flight controllers rely on the S-band to send and receive telemetry data -computer -to-c6mputer information that guides the ahutue in orblt ~ on ita descent. So long as "uplink" was working, the shop could receive information -and all the uplink.a were worklfll fine, NASA spokesmen said. Down- • llrrk -in which t.he crew "dumps'' ship performance data to M1aaion Control, CQf\tinued OQ a fourth, working channel LQuana and Fullerton were in no danger. It was business as usual for them; they worked long and hard 0.., ..... ,._...by ...... I( .... group, represented by one of Dale's friends, is touring Cali- fornia, raising funds to educate children. The group stopped at Dale's house to relax and aee the beach. 'After 5 years, memory still sears Local survivors of Tenerif e air disaster recall a fiery nightmare By JERRY HERTENSTEIN o< tM Deir ..... ltd The emotional scars will al- ways be there, but Orange Coast residents recalling the fifth-year anniversary of surviving the world's worst plane crash say physU:al scars and their fear of flying have been conquered for the most part. They talked this week about the March 27, 1977, disaster that claimed 570 lives when two jumbo jets collided on a Tenerife runway on the Canary Islands. "It was a terrible, traumatic experience," said Bryon Eller- brock, also of Leisure World. He was dragged to safety by his wife, Grace, after he jumped off the plane's wing and broke his pelvis bone. A picture of Grace tugging at her husband while the planes burned in the background was used on the cover of Time Magazine. Richard Simon of Newport Beach lost his father, Meyer, in the crash, but his mother, Ethel, who lives in Westwood, survived. "She doesn 't talk about it much," said Simon, an official of the Coast Community College . District in Costa Mesa. "She goes on with living." Simon said his mother is currently on a world cruise. The crash occurred when the Pan Am jet, diverted to Tenerife because of terrorist threats, ta- xied onto the foggy runway. Phyllis said it took a couple of years to be able to fly again and she does it now onJy after taking "lots of Valium." Mrs. Heck remembers that her husband "was very alert" and helped her from the plane. When she jumped from the wing she was knocked temporarily uncon- scious and sprained an ankle. She tried to walk but fell on h e r face. "That's when m y (See TENERIFE, Page A%) -and chatted often with Mission Control, never mentioning the radio troubles. Mission rules call for a shorte- ned flight unless two complete radio systems are operating. Oe- spl te the failures, Kranz said, "Basically what we want is du- plex communications up -two communications loops going up, two communications loops co- ming d own. We have met the intent." He said, "We would like to recover additional redundancy," but it isn't worth the effort so long as the problem 11 not un- ders100d. Kranz said a dally review of flight 1tatus is routine, and noted that uncertain weather condi- tions might force a shorter or longer flight, irrespective of the radio troubles. White Sands forecaster Davia Novlan noted that an early lan- ding would have to be some- where else -presumably at F.dwards Air Force Base in Cali- fornia or at K e nnedy Space Center in Florida. U.S.-Nicaragua meet reported, State denies UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Mexican Ambassador Porfirio Munoz Ledo told the Security Council on Friday the United States and Nicaragua have agreed to meet In Mexico City next month "at a high political level ... to discuss the m ain questions that separate them ." In Washington, however, the State Department called the an- nouncement premature . "No such meeting has been agreed to " the department said in a brief written statement. It added that the administration has made clear its willingness to addreas issues dividing the Un- ited States and Nicaragua. Munoz Ledo said aereement came "at the proposal of our country." Mexican Foreign Min- ister .forge Castaneda has trave- led in recent weeks to New York, Havana and Managua to promote peace in the Central American and Caribbean region. "There is no doubt that, in or- der for these con versations to produce the results that all of us desire, it wUJ be necessary to set aside the threats and recrimina- tions which, unfo~tely, have i.ncreaaed in recent weeks," Mu- noz Ledo said. The 15-nation council began debate Thursday on a Nicara- guan co mplaint ~hat a U.S .-backed invasion of that Central American country was imminent. U.S. Ambassador Jea- ne J . Kirkpatrick dismissed the charge as "baseless." In his address Friday, the Mexican envoy said his presi- dent, Jose Lopez Portillo, had u~ed Pres ident Reagan not to resort to force against Nicaragua and, "fortunately, the American chief executive has given assu- rances that he does not propose to undertake any military action in Central America." Renewed U.S . intervention ln Central America, Munoz Ledo said, "would represent a gigantic historical error that would send us back to the bitter days of continental relations." Underscoring the need for a "systematic dialogue among the interested parties," the Mexican ambassador said a solution of the regional problem required "a substantial improvement in rela- tions between Cuba and the Un- ited States." Riley's war chest largest Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley, seeking election to his third term in the June pri- mary, has continued to eclipse his three Fifth District opponents in the amount of money raised for campaign purposes. According to documents filed Friday ~th the Orange County Registrar's o ffice, Riley's sup- porters have now amassed $161,- 418 to fuel the Newport Beach lawmaker's drive for relection. "I still dream technicolor dreams," said Larry Walker, 35, of Laguna Beach. "It was a terrible thing, a hor- rible ordeal. I don't feel like talking about it," said his wife, Phyllis, fighting back tears. The Walkers were among the first to escape the fiery Pan Am jet that had taxied onto the run- way awaiting takeoff clearance. That plane carried 637 pas- sengers, ~fost were on their way to a Mediterranean crui!le. A Dutch KLM jumbo jet, car - rying 248, all of whom perished, was speeding down the runway in an unauthorized takeoff and its landing gear ripped into the top of the Pan Am which had swerved onto muddy ground in a vain try to avoid the impending collision. "I have memories of flame and tire . It was just like the world ending," said Walker, manager of a tire store in Orange. Baetz sentenced to 25 years/Hf e By comparison, two of Riley's three o ppon e nts -Dr. Gene Atherton and real estate agent David Hir9chier -did not raise or spend e nough money to be required to file campaign expen- se statements. State law requires the filing of such reports if a candidate raises or spends $500 between Jan. 1 and March 17. OnJy Al Arps, a retired civic leader, filed a campaign state- ment which showed that he raised $5,495 for that two-and-a-half- month period. "rll never forget it," said Ma- rio Tyzbir, one of 37 residents of Laguna Hills' {;eisure World who was aboard the Pan Am plane. Ten Leisure World residents survived. Tyzbir lost his wife, Irene. Floy Heck of Leisure World, who with her husband, Paul, J Urvived, said the experience drew each cloeer to God. "Neither of us ever bad a nin- gf.e nightmare or morbid attitude. We were just thankful to God," Mrs. Heck said. Her husband died in 1980. WORLD .,.., .............. CLOSE CALL -Mario Tyz- bir credited the location of his seat with saving his life. His wife Irene perished in crash, however. Centrists eye power 'lbe newest Social Democrat member of Britain'• Parliament, Roy_ Jenkinl, said Fri:&l. he'• ready to lead the new party to power ln 1 , which would brMk the 60-year domination by Labor and the To- rtes. Haw cites, eveJ116e Secretary of State Alexander 1U1a lild l"rtday the Wat can moderate ScMet bebaviOr -by umna M<*Ow'a de~ence on W•tem technolOIY anc1 c:redita. teveraae. Students-baclc diticipline 1be way to curb vW-tfti ID the natlala'a lcbOoll, accon:Unc to a recent poll qi )inior' and amlal' ..._ ehool madenta. la a ,enero&.W dwe ot old-t.hlonid cllaipltne. hp •. The Walkers were sitting at the rear of the plane, near the tail. "There was an explosion and we were totally alone," he said. All those near the couple burned to death. Walker said he and his wife scrambled out of the plane, ran through a ditch and up a hill screaming, "Help. help." He said some local residents drove up in a Fiat and took him and his wife to the Tenerife hospital. They w~re the first victims to arrive at the hospital Each sustained second-degree burns over 26 to 30 percent of their bodies and 8Ca1'S remain on their hands today as a grim re- minder. STATE Herbert Barclay Baetz, the 57-year-old Newport Beach che- mist convicted of first-degree murder in the poisoning death of his elderly mother, was senten- ced to state prison Friday for a period of 25-years-to-life. Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey gave Baetz the maximum term after turning down requests for a new trial sought by defense lawyer Stuart Grant. Baetz was convicted by a nine-woman, three-man jury last month for the poisoning death of 87-year-old Janette Baetz. The defendant, who lived with his mother in the woman's Bal- boa Peninsula home, was accused of giving his mother orange juice Will insults hurt hopefuls? 'l'he front-runners in California's races for gov- ernor and U .S. senator are keeping quiet under a barrage of insult& from rivals. It remains to be eeen whether such a careful style will pay off in November. Page A6. Writers honor 'Arthur,' 'Reds' 0 Arthur," "Reds" and hit television 1eriea "Hill Street Blu.'' woo top honors Friday in the 34th an- nual Writen Guild of America Awards. Curb, Deulunejian to debate Attorney General Georae Deukme~ and Lt. acw. Mike CUrb ,.. f!llCh other tn Fre1no ~t tn their only face..to-face debate of the mml*P. for. the Republican nomination for aovernor. '- laced with cyanide last Septem- ber. The woman died a s hort time late r at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Baetz testified in his own de- fense that h e only gave h is mother the poisoned orange juice after she pleaded with him to let her die. The prosecution, however, presented witnesses who testified during the trial that Baetz and his mother argued frequently and that on one occasion, the defendant told her that she was a "damned old w oman" who "should be dead." Baetz will become eligible for parole consideration after serving two-thirds of his term. INDEX A3 B6 Cl-6 B8 A6 B8 C2 Callf omia Church Clalllfied Comics Oxnment. Crossword Death Notices Entertainment Bl0-11 SPORTS Riley's campaign treasury easily makes him the most 1uc- cessful fund-raiser so far in any county race. Fe llo w Supervisor Ralph Clark, who is running unoppo9ed in District Four, has collected more than $123,000 in campaign contributions while Second Di- strict Supervisor Harriett Wie- der, also unopposed in June, has received $102,000. The financial statements for Riley, turned in Friday, were four days late. They were sup- posed to be on file last Monday. (See RILEY, Pase A2) Horoecope National News Public Nodces Sports Television Weather ,World News Youth A5 A3 C2. B13 Bl-5 B12. A2 A3 B9 Down to Final Four J i4 •, ' ' t I I ,, r p,r4y,er Ute be1AJ>." Mn. Heck Mid. 111 cried 'Oh Jetua, pleue hel' tl)8 Jesua'." She orawled to eafety, re- membering that ahe looked back three limes befOl'e decidb'I ahe *u f~ enough from the wreck-• w l:M\ out of dan&er. Tyzblr, who remarried in 1978, ea.id he and h1a new bride, Anne, took the same trip again without lnc;ident.. He credited his seat location for saving his life ln 1977. He was in row 26 behind a partition on the 747 and eatd those aittlna throu,n row 32 were untouched by the flamee. He aaid he eecaped through a hole ln the roof over row 28, jumped onto the wins, then to the gou.nd where he cracked his vettebra and today still hu back problems.· But the retired machinist made plans lhia week for a plane trip to the East Coast and ia able to dance again after once thinking, "I would never walk again." RILEY WAR CHEST ... The Lfte filing was attributed to a m\sundertanding ~d no ~ty ~nt is expected. Riley's statement shows that he raised only $535 for the period from Jan. 1 to March 17. The biggest cdntributots were North- rup Industries Vlce President Robert Boostrum and his wife ($100) and the i.. Habra engi- neering film of MOhle, Perry and Asaociates ($250) .. ~'ttark and. Mrs. Wieder. 1\iley raised the li.Qrl's share of his money last summer. . The campaign statements showed that Riley spent $8,101 from January to March, bringing total campaign expenses to $34,- 574. He has a current surplus of $142,904. In other races, the financial records showed that incumbent Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates, bad a campaign war chest of $9S,293 after deducting e:icpenses of $21, 942. This put him far ahead of opponents Marshall Norris and G . Pat Bland, who raised, res- pectively; $1,200 and $2,564. MOil of Bland's funds oonlltituted loans he made to bimeelf. Norris raised his money from the con- tributlP'1' of six attos:_neys. . ~ Co u n t y Ta x C-o 11 e ct or - Treasurer Bob Citron reported the biggest fund-raising succeu for the January-March period, pulling in $12,676 from a fund- raiser he held. Citron is unoppo- secl. • GRIM REMINDER -This was the burned tail section of a KLM jumbo jet after its colli- sion with a Pan Am jetliner carrying pas· u..,.... sengers bound for a Mediterranean cruse in 1977. More than 550 people perished in the fis88ter. EOP reshuffle blasted at U<(l Several leaders of ethnic min- rity groups have joined forces to protest what they believe are UC Irvine's plans to "dismantle" it.a 1Le'-ak cuts power to CM, Newport areas . . special programs for minority and low-mcome students. Calling themselves the Coalition to Save the Educational Oppor- tunity P...rogram, the group has demand~ a meeting ~ith Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs John Whiteley. Members claim Whiteley has refusea to discuss issues. four years. The UCI budget for EOP jumped from $400,000 in 1978 to more than $1 million in 1981, she said. IDP was restructured into two segments: an early outreach program for junior and senior high school students and an im- mediate outreach program for nigh school seniors and commu- nity college students. ~B bridge work scheduled · A pell' of center Ww. on the Upper Newport Bay brldae will be aeaJed off to motorf.1111 for at leall • month while ~ crewa conatruct a aeries of tzafflc l1land1 1croa1 the aeven-labe ·~, ! The work, the fJ.nal lei of tJ:!ie $8.9 miUion bridge project, wJ}l include final painting of trafhc Janell on the new bridge. Tije project ls scheduled to be ft- nlshed by the end of April : To prepare for the traffic ialA- nd work, Caltran.. closed all but one of the eastbound lanes Thursday. The result was a bumper-to-bumper, horn- honkfug traffic snarl. MomJng motorists were back- ed up on Pacific Coast Highway as far as Newport Boulevard while travelers on Dover Drive waiting to turn onto Coast High- way w«e caught in a jam that reached up to 16th Street. Several commuters complained that a normal 10-minute drive ' through Newport Beach became a 45-minute nightmare. "Oh yeah, we had quite a few calls," acknowledged Caltrans official Ron Strungs. "It got to the point where we had to call the police to help direct traffic." He said frustrated motorists, tired.of w~ting in the jam, began takihg shortcuts through the closed-off lanes and -swerving past workmen sandblasting off old traffic lanes. Bonin attofnJey to ~--e_·:k venu~ Ch_~a&_,ge .; ..... -. ::E!~~~aE::~~~;r£~ ~ _ mol"e ttOOt 3,000 Soutl1em CaJi- The coalition also ls concerned about the reassignme nt of Ma- nue l Gomez, who formerly di- rected the Educational Opportu- nities Program (EOP) at UCI. Under what university officials term a re2 rganizatfo" o( EOP, Gomez w6bid be in charge,pJ,;m. early outreach· program for sev- en th through 11th grade stu- dents. G o m e z was on a n e arly three-year leave of absence du- ring the reorganization of IDP. When he returned to UCI, he was assigned to the early ou- trf~~~~nt of IDP. ~ J "~,,P¥, :~~t been,', spl,it UJ?,1', • M S. ESpmqza NlJd. "This prpgr~ will not be negatively affected and will therefore not have a negative impact on the students involved in it." Man jumps to his death A forfll~}: C~liforp~.S\ate '~u,Uer\o.p, n~ent lea~ to his ~ath Friday .afternoon from the 8th floor of the school's HumA- nities Building, according to a spokesman for the coroner's of- fice. William George Bonin, convic- ted by a Los Angeles jury last January for the freeway killings of 10 young men and boys, made a brief appearance in Orange County Superior Court Friday. His trial date was moved back from May 14 to July 5. motion to move Boni.n's trial out fornia Edi.son customers in New- of Orange County. port Beach and Costa Mesa wi- thout electricity Friday night. Bonin, sentenced to die in the California gas chamber, still faces four murder charges in Orange County as well as eight to ten additional mW'der counts in other Southern California counties.· Power was restored by 7:30 p.m. to all but 300 residents li- ving in the Oakwood Garden Apartments near 16th Street and Irvine Boulevard in Newport Beach, wb_ere the faulty cable · Whiteley, who oversees roP, was not available for comment but referred calls about the coa- lition's concerns to Affirmative Action Officer Carla Espinoza. Ms. Espinoza explained that EOP was revamped because of substantial growth in the las t G o m e z has cal led the jo b change unfair and Ms. &pinoza noted that he was to meet with UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich and Whiteley to discuss the mat· ter. Thomas Michael Hinegardner. 26, of Anaheim, was pronounced dead at the scene. Witnesses said the man leaped from the top floor of the building shortly be- fore 1 p.m. Bonin, flown in from San Quentin State Prison, was Dr- dered to return to Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae's courtroom on May 17. He also faces charges of sexual assault, robbery and !YJlnap- ping. '_"Waa.Joaited, .. ..-~------------~~~~~~~--~-.~.~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ At that time, deCense lawyer William Charvet will make a It is expected that Bonin will remain in custody at Orange County Jail until the completion of his proceedings here. FV death irivestigated Police in Fountain Valley are San Diego Freewa.Y Friday nitbt. investigating the death•=· --~uiii...Urtartifil"~aa 81-year-old Huntington -,,roaocmcect~ead ill""lheicene at man whose body was found be-• 5 :30 )>.m . An autopsy will be neath the Ward overpass on the conducted today. Fred Mickelson, a company s.pokesman said, new under- ground cables were expected to be installed by 1 a.m. The area affected by the 6:06 p.m. blackout included Bay to 16th streets and Newport Boule- vard to Orange Avenue. . -Edison officials were able to restore power to most customers by rerouting and switching ca- bles. Partly cloudy •• ~cOOsial ·: day, 1prHdln11 aoutnward lo· Nalll..$110-. !l~eb' .:MJnday Ove< iilf"~t .. Ooote lterra 1now 1M1 ,,5oo rrer rn nc5r1h. 8.500 feel Ir! aouth. WlndnlO'lt and varr1ble mor· nlng becoming -te<,ay lO to 20 ~'::,fy'=0~~oa;ct.:tr~.t r emperatures ling to 2 to 3 lwt Sunday. L.ocel • log. Penty cloudy. . NAT10M Albuque V.S. summary =::-, Atllw\18 A pjclftc atorm ~tld rain ~llMUC Oty Frldey from the ~t COel1 to the e.itl'more Roclci.., whlle tr.......,1' advleo-Birmingham rile for enow -• po.ttllt In ttl8 Bismarck Sierra N•vadH IOWh of L•k• 8olM T~ and parts al COiored<>. Bollon In th• NortheHt. snow wa1 BUftelo IC911«tld from the Great Lak• to g::1.:;• .;~, the Otllo Veilley and New York. A trav•l•rt" advlaory was In •11ect Chltlotte NC for noni-t Ohio and ga:. war-~ne nlng9 -potted lltong the EMt Cfllcago Co111 lrom Rhoda t111nd to Clndnnlltl Maryllind. Clewlend Stclel -• mottly tunny 1rom • Columbus the Mlllouri wlley to lhe oentrll Del-Ft Wonh Gull Coat and ecrou thl aouth O.W. Alllntlc stat-. • 0. Moin. Temperaturee around the n• o.troh tlon 11 midday Friday ranged El Puo from 13 In Marquette. Mich., to 83 Me'tlord In Mllllll and Fon M)'erl, Fla. Helen• 47 40 31 21 48 34 54 35 61 40 411 40 56 33 27 09 60 41 --66 40 • • aa !24 ~ 58 -40 30 C~A 54 43 A~ Valley 67 24 Bak~ 34 21 a.mow 37 28 8-imOnt ... S2 27 BIO 11Mr M 29 ~ =·~ ~ 43 23 eur.. 32 27 ,,,_ 85 45 L.ancMt• .. 81 45 long Beech Toclay'i lorec.ut called tor rt11n. Honolulu over OtllllhOm& and KilMaa. rtlln ~10fl • .:. • , or 1no" tn NebrHkt. t11ow•r1 ~II ~ 51 23 le»~ 711 &O Mf'YSVllle 83 .64 MonroWI 35 '3o4 ~ and 1~-1r1 r-and JICklOOVllle rain In h Pactllc ~t. Klll,lMI City SllOlll lturrlel were •xpecttld In I.al veou mucti ol lhe ~ with tunny Little Rock •191 a.. the r.-t of thl eMtem L~ United Stat• and part111 o1ou<11 Me!TlPf1ll In lhe Wiit. · Mteml Temperatur• were f0f9CUI In MllWllulc .. lhe upper 20I and 30t lrom the Mplt-St. Paul OrHt ~lkH to north•rn N•w NMtwllle England; 809 and 40a 11Cfa. ... ..... 0rtearw, brulca and th• Oalcotu to the Nlw Yortl Ot11o V"""1 and tN ~ Ok._. Cftl' atatHj ~01 and 701 lrom 8ou~ °"'8t1a ttMrn 1,;A11fomta to~ Ind In ~ 1M 50a In moet other .,...., ,..,._,.,. ~Me. Porttend, Ot9 • • .... fllp6d Chy • -Aen9 Rlctll'IOl Id ::J:• St. lollll 8t P-Tampe SC>c*ane ~on WlcMa 13 58 Mont•ey 411 21 Mt. Wiiton 87 51 NeedlM 63 33 l'Mwl>Ott lleedl 99 31 OtikNlnd 50 3e Ontaiio 84 71 PM! Spmgt 31 25 PMO Roblee 32 17 RNllt1lde 47 32 AM 8lufl 86 51 ~'-' 48 se 9c:p;•:oo 5§ -31 ' ~ 4& 23 S. ....... dlp 0 ""';M Sen DllllD et 68 S...Fr~ 38 31 Sen Joee ... S4 Senta Ana ~ 48 ,.,... k'*9 42 18 s.m. Cna $i; 3e Senta ....,,. 65 48 8-IJ• lillnk:a 62 47 St._ 63 42 TlllDIY""1t , • 44 28 Tllermel 111 eo romnoe 52 33 'Y'l#M • 81 • 80 41 GLOML 60 2 Attlene Bangkok 60 44 Berlin 6e 63 B'Alr• 70 53 C.Wo 53 42 c-acu « 31 Genevll 63 38 Hong Kong 78 511 Jo'burg eo se KJev 18 U l.lffla 86 st Uabon 58 45 London 60 51 Madrid 611 60 Manila 511 50 M09COW 80 50 New Deihl 64 411 Paris 58 411 Rio 43 32 Rome 7 4 85 Sifl0.l6)0re 80 60 StoCllholm 81 l50 s~ : : ·~=-•81 4t 67 47 Ill 42 A IO -~ .. 81 47 57 41 82 63 611 ... 3 :: 58 41 82 67 81 .. 80 &o 58 ... m 32 ,. 58 eo 50 7t 511 67 3t Extended · f orec<Jll~ n 15 69 38 a7 11 M 48 82 14 52 28 68 81 76 48 48 38 74 as 83 441 83 39 57 34 111 72 37 32 ao se 83 43 70 81 81 43 I 90 75 50 32 n t4 52 311 54 38 . " ft .... ., ,., !J .,1 ' I Plummer's means . . ·.:.value.I .. -· ~These pieces are just a · sample of our warehouse program values in top quality furniture! ..... ~ Finland 1\.7 -· -3 studentdeSk. 3 drawers ~ •,n.--:;;..,r W/k>ck, & ~--a.II' DlJllt·ln boOkcase. 47Yo'"X 2Wa"X 27W'H ==~· $59 ==-'::, $79 wxo ~ LllftO In vartous colOrs. $39 vai..$19 ....., style Chairs and Barstools from Italy mese Quality chairs are carefUllV handerafted of walnut or natural WOOd flntsh wtttt genuine hnvY·dUtv Cine t>acks and seats on sturdV Chrome ft'ames • .J Director's Chair Director 5 cha:rs are perfect tor summer entertaining :ndoors and out Natural wood frames with a varlerv Of bright canvas cQtOt"S. Good value at S,. . .. ,, , ~ .. .. ·: ;. .. . ~ . . i • • I ' \ OrMQe CoMt DAIL V lttLOT /81turdey, March 27, 1982 I ~filTI~OO~ ff WfflIT1[ I ., . ·-De mos ~ wFi te-rules,-shorten1),rimar ies'Ti ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Democntic Party lnvtted the po. Uticianl bM* Into lta pnllklential nominating proce11 Friday, adoptlna rulea 1hortenln1 di. primary seaon and atvtna elec• ted and party offlclat. a more Influential role at lt1 U84 national convenllon. Tb• over- whelming approval of the changes drafted by a airnmillkln headed by Gov. James B. Hunt of North Carolina wu an acknow- ledgment that eome of the rules · adopted in tbe 19701 with the idea of broadening grass roots influence on presidential politics had gone too far. "I think we've got the pendulum back in the middle now," said Hunt, who added that he hoped this would be the last major rewrite of party rules for some time . .... with ,,owmment troope ln ...wm l'J.tSalvedor on Friday and the a.miy tried to retake a rebel-held town ln northealtem Moman province. But two days before a nationwide e~ &he uiny'a spokesman ukl auem.ua activity nad falltn ahort of an expeded all-out offensive to block the vote. In' the capital., ~ 1ov· ernment prepared for election day by aendlng heavily armed soldiers patrolllnc in trucks, jeepa, CU'I, on motorcycle ~d on foo~throughout San Salvador. Pedestrians were stopped for identWcation, cars were eeatched for weapons or explosives. ... , N T ancy o Burch, a f lrst-gtader in Ga.i- '·nesville, Fla., wipes her face . after leaving juvenile court .this morning. The 6-year-old is going to be tried as an adult for allegedly striking another child in the face with a stick. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Guatemala's new military junta says it will investigate and, if necessary, prosecute offlci.als of the ousted rigbtlat regime. It also .. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) --Leftist guerrillas skir-... ;,~UillU ~ \·Pumping halted after formaldeh y de release ' UKIAH, CaJH. (AP) -Poisonous trying -to make some political capital "formaldehyde that spilled from a out of one major area of disagreement . vandalized railroad tanker flowed . between them. Bradley supports the down a river Friday, forcing a water proposed Peripheral Canal, a $5.5 agency serving a quarter-million peo-billion project which would channel P.le to stop using water from the river. water from the northern part of the 'We're going (pumping) out of sto-state to the southern part through the rage right now," said Bob Cortelyou, Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. ~mgineer for the Sonoma County Garamendi is against it, calling the Water Agency. "We also have some canal a "boondoggle." In an effort to emergency wells." He said the agen-draw attention to the issue, Gara- cy. serving Sonoma and upper Marin mendi claimed Friday that the canal, counties north of San Francisco, has which is on the June 8 ballot as Pro- enough water to last about a week. position 9, said the Metropolitan Officials urged peop~ not to use wells Water District ol Southern California within 100 1eet of the river until they is misusing public funds to support are tested for formaldehyde, which the canal can cause nauaee, dizzine9I and abdo- minal cramps, and is suspected of ,causing cancer. SAN FRANCISCO {4P>-_, State Sen. John Garamendi, far behind in the polls from Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley for the Democratic no- mination for governor of California, is · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Thomas Noguchi, controversial "coroner ti> the st.an," vowed Friday to fi&ht what he termed "false and discriminatory" al- legations that led to a 30-day suspen- sion. "I believe that the suspension is unwarranted," Noguchi said at a news conference a day after the Los An- geles County Board of Supervisors suspended him without pay for failing to satisfactorily answer allegations of mismanagement, absenteeism and that he had made prejudicial remarks about celebrity deaths. ''The ~lled charges against me are false and dis- criminatory. I have instructed my at- torney, Godfrey Isaac, to pursue all available avenues," the 55-year-old Noguchi said. W,.,AJfTY: 1~-1 denied anl U.S. involvement in 'thla week a coup, and aa1d It ho- ped for closer relatlon1 with Wuhlngton. "The:.e government offidala will be investlpted and .iudaed accordina to the degree of sullt found," Gen. Efrain Rios Monu, head of the three-man Junta, told a news conference late 'l'hunday night. Other spokes- men said senior officers and other officials of deposed Gen. Fernando Romeo Lucas Garcia's regime have been barred from leaving the country, and many were placed under house arrest, pending an investigation. WASHINGTON (AP) - Ground was broken Friday for the nation's memorial .to its Vietnam veterans, a monument that once revived the controversy over the war it commemorates. PRICED $J00°0 LESS THAN WE HAVE EVER SOLD THIS MODEL • BRIGHT CLEAR PICTURE . • VIDEO AND AUDIO INPUT JACKS • RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE CONTROL • DIAL LIGHT "Let this memorial begin the healing proon1 and forever stand aa a symbol" of national unity, Hid Jan Scruggs, the founder and president of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Scruggs, cappin,g a ceremony at- tended by about 2,000 people, joined with 125 Vietnam vete- . rans and dignitaries in tumjng shovelfuls of damp earth. The $7 million memorial, being built on two acres In Constitution Gar- dens between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, will be dedicated Nov. 11, Veterans Day. WASHINGTON (AP) -So- cial Security's trust funds coulct build up a $700 billion surplus by the year 2015, then plununet to a $7 trillion deficit 40 years later, an expert told the National Commluion on Social Security Reform Friday. Robert J. Myers, the oompliulon's executive di- rector, alao warned that alight cha"let in the economic, derno- gra phlc and other forecuts can drastically alter the outlook for the retirement, survivors and disability system. JERUSALEM (AP) -Israel's dvllian governor in the occupied West Bank of the Jordan said Friday that three radical Paleali· nian nationalist mayors were (i- red so that moderates can emerge to negotiate with Israel. Most Palestinian towns were calm, but one Arab youth was wounded by gunfire when he threw rocks at an Israeli car near the town of Halhoul, 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem, the military said. • 8 HR R{CORO • 1 DAY Pl!O(i •.13 fUHCTOi RlMO I l COfHROl • fl.Ill SP(CW. mms MAGNAVOX 8 tllS. f'ORT A8(f VHS RECORDER • PROGRAMMABU • SPtCIAl CHCCT • CABLE TV • OPTIONAL WIRELESS REMOTE • 8 HR. RECORD • 14 DAY PROGRA MMABILITY • TRANSITIONAL EDITING IEYER PRICED LOWER AL.II SALE PllCO Tiii SIDAY VFT 190, VFPl 70, VGPI 70, VFl650. CC004, CC006, CCO Uf, CCO 11 .. AC AOAPTERJCHARGER 'l r'YK250. 6 tit. TAPES '12 CM .. All> SEE Ttl: SET THAT 'WOif.' • DELUXE WALNUT CABINET ~~~ • RANDOM REMOTE • CABLE READY • MODULAR CHASSIS IOW OILY $339 • • AUDIO OUTPUT CHECK • DARK LIGHT l 00 TUBE OUR LOWEST PRICE EYER SYlVAllA -f YOU SEI IT, YOU BUY IT. ACCUSED -Royal Kenneth Hayes, a 43-year-old real estate broker from Hawaii, pleaded innocent in Sant.a Cruz Friday to murder charges in connection with slaying and dismemberment oi. Bay Area couple. The bodies were· found buried in shallow graves on UC Santa Cruz campus. EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) -While high winds buffeted the New Mexico lanQing site of the space shuttle Columbia, the weekend weather forecast wasn't much better foe the troubled craft's backup landing site at this desert facility. The National Weather Ser- vice predicted partly cloudy condi- tions at the base today with more extensive high cloudiness moving in Sunday and a possibility of rain Sunday night and Monday. Winds gusting up to 30 mph alto were fore- cast for Sunday. Harold O'Brien, an electronics technician on duty at the Dryden Flight Research Center at F.dwards, said Friday afternoon that no plans had been made yet to use the secondary landing site, despite wor- sening radio problems aboard the Columbia. ._Ill 21" ll&llUL IEllTE 25" ....... ZEllTH REMOTE COITROL ..., ... ......, ,,.._ I ' ORANGE COAST l1llyPlal 1 Thomes P ..... ,., .. _ ... Cllllll I--Olllltf Robert N. WMd ,_ Thomes A. Murphlne ... L Kay Schultz .,.,_.. -o...e10.-- Mlcheet P. Harvey -...~ =~Goddard Jr Charin H. l.OOt -...r-. •.. ,. ...... ,,. ... What do you like about the Daily Pilot! What don't you like? c;:an tbe number below and your ,,_.. wtJl be tticorded, tramcribed and deli'ytJat to the llPlll'Olllial.e editor. -n.e --24-hour ~mrvtce...., be med to record ietw.. to the editor on any 1Dp6c. Mailbox conuibUton mUlt include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calla, pleMe. T'eU ua what'• on your mlnd. llA• OPPICI ........... c.... ...... CA. .... -...: ... , .. ,C.-..... CA.- WHY .IUY • FULL RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE • PROGRAMMABLE ON/OFF • CABLE READY • 100% MODULAR CHASSIS INCLUDES DEL. & SET UP IURYI LllTED UPt. Y .. AP Whphoto CAMPAIGN TRAIL -Anthony Augustitus, 65, finally got enough signatures by stopping cars along Monterey County highways to qualify as write-in candidate for governor of California. The retired carpenter of Carmel Valley campaigns by waving the flag and handing out goodies. Sheik plans Florida mosque . Ballet d&Mer Ml.llaU I•· fJl-llliSH, rtct1V1ftl pol\• operative thti:apy after hl1 kntt 1ur1ery earlltr thla' month. la up and around but 1Ull not dandna, • spokesman for the American Ballet Theater 1ald in New York Ch.Y. .... "He wa.lka around, he has a normal life. It's just tha\ danclng ii tricky," said Robert Pontarelli, director of public relations for the ABT. · Pontarelli said Baryshni- kov, the ABT's principal dancer and artistic director, Is not scheduled to dance In any of the company's New York performances which are scheduled to run for eight weeks starting April 19 at the.. Metropolitan Opera House, A teen-ager who was shot as he tried to save a pollce- woma n struggling with a gunman in Aurora, Colo., has been selected to receive the Boy Scouts of America's top heroism award. Explorer Glenn Spies, 19, is to receive the award in Den- ver on April 27. Only one or two people nationwide are chosen each year to receive the Honor Medal for Lifesaving with crossed palms, described by scout officials as recognizing "extraordinary skill or res- ourcefulness at the extreme risk of one's own life." Movte and TV comedian BUI Murray and his wife of 14 months are the parents of an 8-pound, 1-ounce boy, Murray's brother reported. The baby, as yet unnamed, was born Tuesday morning in a New York City area hospi· tal, sajd F.d Murray, manager of radio station KSMA, Santa Maria, Calif. ~o GOODMAN ACE DEAD -Funeral services will be held in Kansas City for Goodman Ace who died in New York City at age 83. A writer, humorist. and former radio personality who furnished material for dozens of comedians, had a popular network radio program in the 1930s and 1940s called "Easy Aces." He is shown here with his late wife, Jane, who died \n 1974. • • 1nterv1ews W ASHlNGTON (AP) -Here al'(' the echeduled gue1u on the maJC.)t wlevitlon networ~· tlt"ws inc.e~w ahows Sunday: -CBS "F'ace the Nat.ion" Sen. Barry .Go&dw at.cr, R-Arlz.,, from WathingtOn. 1 -ABC "Thls Week With Da· v1d Brinkley," Dean Hinton, l].S. ambassador to El Salvador, and Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, R-Kan., bolll from San Salvador, and Miguel D'Escoto, Nicaraguan foreign minister, from New York. -NBC "Meet The Press,'' 5<.'<:retary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr .. from Washington. Up<.'Oming Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes": Reports on euthanasrn and the army of the People's Republic: of China and a prQfill' oo rt>tarmg Rear Adm. Hyman Rat·kuvcr. Billionaire Saudi Sheik Mo· bamed Al Fassi, fresh from a victory in a Bahamian court, plans to build an opulent and possibly illegal mosque in th~ yard of his mansion on exclusive Star Island, Miamj Beach. "Now there's going to be a mosque?" asked a disbelieving Lucia Allen, acting city attor· ney. * Open Evenings * Lab On Premise~ Ms. Allen said the city will fight the mosque unless the sheik promises it will be used only by his immediate family. Officials aren't wasting any time on plans to induct Col- umbia's latest astronauts into the lntemationaJ Space Hall of Fame. The ceremony will be held right on the runway at Northrop Strip, Santa Fe, N.M .. after they land Mon- day. 1 X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for s 2 5 English actress Diana Rigg and theater producerArcbi· bald Stirling were married by a clE:~k in ~e~ York Caty's Atlanta Stirling, born in· London in 1977. Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA Muntci'pal Building. · They were wed in the building's chapel by City Clerk David Dinkins. The Co)Uple has a daughter, Rachel Miss Rigg, an acclaimed stage actress known in Ame- nta principally for her role m the British TV series ·'The Avengers," had been touring the tJnited States in the mu- sical "Colette." New Mexico Gov. Hruce King wall preside at the In· ducuon for Jack Lousma, flight commander. and C. Gordon Fullerton, pilot. of the shuttle's third mission. 2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 556-8013 / "' .. .. . ..... .. ... ..... --.,.-I ! ;:c' • -tA/._j • "!It"· . . ·-· " •• Paid Advertisement . .. Electronic Exercise Just Lie There af.d A Mach·ine Exercises for You Using the muscle stim1,1tator, combined with Bio-Health Center's favorite · diet. Brad Asp•n went from a size 38 pant to size 30 in just 21h weeks. His mother Norma saw simila r results (size 12 to size 8> in the same 18 day period. These are just two of the many successful & happy Bio·Health Center customers. Tfiat's why people are flocking to Bio-Health Center on 17th St~~et in CoJ-t¢Mesa and becoming rejular participants of electronic exer cise with amazing results. The principle be hind this phenomenon is straight·forwani. In a so·called "volunt~ry " contraction, that is to say during everyday movement, the brain sends a signal along a nefve to th& "motor joint" or a muscle. This signal, similar to a, weak electric current, is a message to the muscles to contraoL In e le ctro-m u so ~lar stimulation at Bio-Health Center, electrodes in the form o( couductive rubber padJ ~re pla:_ced on the surface or the skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current is applied through tfie pads, the sigoal finds its way through the skin to these motor points and causes the muscles to contract, just as if it had received a signal from the brain. • 0¥ring the contraction of these muscles. the muscles are acwally expending ener&.Y an<2 doiPi the work. {'atrQQS of Bio-Health often comment that' the ~xerclse feels thorouih and reflt1 works t.be entire mUKle. Mc:tst say you have to tF)I. it to 'appreciate it. Doo&ors say that 45· •lnutes of stimul•t.•en ls 'equivalent to 880 to t,500 slt-QPS and/.or lea raises. Despite exercising your muscles 800-1,500 times tn 45 minutes, persons feel no pain during treatment and most daa't even feel that familiar 10reneu llke ln normal uerclH. Tbe curr·ent athnulates clrcula; wbkb at &be HllM :~= rtdl muacl• Of'. waate \ICU toxins. Bto·Health Center1 partidpml.I dO feel a ti&...._ •d flrininl"' thelr ...... v • f )' o1Un after the tU ' B'io·Health Center is currently trealihR men and women lt·om the ages of 18 to 87 year.i old. Som e come to 810-HeaJth Center just for the exercise firming up their £1abby muscles and improving their overall body tone. Others, who are over- weight, combine this electronic exercise with Bio· Hea Ith Center's favorite diet program allowing a substantial weight and inch loss. At first people say it feels strange and are amazed at how thoroughly it e xercises the muscles. Then they relax and progressively work tt\rough their 45 minute treatment. Afterwards persons experience a five' minute relaxation cycle that reels like a massage. Doctors are sending their patients to Bio-Health Center for th is outstanding exercise program. In some c\ses, these persons are unable to do normal exercise due to back injury, etc., allowing them lo now exercise muscles for the first time ln years. Bio·Health Center has a nominal charge to try thts wonder machine. On your first visit a trained technician wUJ do a full set or body measurements then &et you lie atop a padded table for treatment th.at will take approximately 45 minutes. Duripg this tlme the technician will educate you further on what is transplring, which gives you further understanding or the senaaUons you are ffflin1. Arter your first treatment, the technician wll& remeasure & calculate the results. First Ume users have experienced inch lou varying from 2" to· 9" overall. This chan&e ls primarily caUHd by the tontn1 or the muacle due to the extenain exercise lt has Just completed. Thia type ot equipment bu been widely uaed iJl both the medical field and in areu of professional 1pot1,1, In medicine, electronic stimulation hH been widely ·used ln bo1pltal1 for the re-educaUoa of paralyaed muaclel. Jn U... ~-• ....,.. voluntar1 eaerol1• h lmDolll• .... Ja ob~ DO au b1Utute fot.:eleetrleal Jtim•'*U•a Ill ••••I of paraplegia or homiplegia following a stroke. electro mu scular sti mulation 1s invaluable ror preventing loss of tone or atrophy in affected muscles. Other areas of medical use include the treatment of bed sores by improving muscle tone and blood circulation. In Sports, hamstring, mUJcle strain and other Injuries have been treated by doctol's wilh®t risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits of muscle stimulat\on in the treatme'nt Clf muscle and ligament injuries. The practical advantages of greatly reducing the time spent by top players inactive due to injury can be imagined.' East Europeans became the foremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power training. Other countries are using muscle stimulation to train every type or athlete - from the eildurance needed by lon g distance runners , lo explosive power required by sprinters and high Jumpers. The fastest 21\-1 In the world, Ang4;lla Tayfor. for example, uses muscle sllmulation lo training. Electronlc exerclse, how~ver, is not for everyone. The stimulation could Interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease, pregnant women and persons who carry met al ln t h eir abdomens because or surger}'. Loni 1one are the days when control or calorie Intake was believed to be the only way to keep la abape. Modem t~ now coocludes that exercise 11 an es..Ual factor In the quest for total body health. Bio-Health Center lri Costa Mesa alto speclaU1es (n .other European concepta wbich incluch Cellulile Control and U.V .A. Tanalnt Bed1 •!d Equipment If YCMl went to be more active, aUvt and have a grMt look.._ body wtlbout &be drudC_, Ol streaaoua exerel1e and uaeolDfwtable diet Pl"Olf'NDI, 1et la on the aeuoa ad try .Svtnl:llO-Healtb Center on 17lb rn Colta ..... can. ' : -•.. ... .. , .. Kelly Young ls in her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine Is keeping her .in shape with its electrical impulses. · The faml liar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street in Costa Mesa convenlenUy located in the Von's Shopping Center. . . . Vete~ans groups lose round in tax aeci$iOn ~ WABHINGroN (AP) -'!be U.8. Court of Appeah ruled· Friday the lnwnal R.Wnue Servtce no loncer ma snnt we exwmpdolw to veteruw llWllS while lt ct.u. llUCh status t.o O&her charitable or educational oraa- nllatkma that CCllMhlct lobbying acti- vttle9. In a M cledi6on, the court uld it ii u.nconatitutional, when O"antlnc tax eumpdom, to c111t1nculah between WIMw poups. which can keep their tax-exempt atatua deaplte lobbyina actMtiel, and Giber non-profit orp- nl....._ which be their exemptiona wbm they lobby eon,re. on legjala- tion. Tbe court ordered the government to correct thla unequal treatment, ...... by n.tricting the tax benefita llOOOl'ded wtenna organbatlonl or by extendin1 thOM beneflta" to other normally exempt oraanlzationa ope-' rated exduaively for J"eligioul, chari- table, aclentif:tc, educational or similar ~equal treatment was chal-lenced by Taxation With Representa- tion of Washington, a non-profit cha- ri~ble and educational organization formed in 1977 t.o represent the public on tax iaaues . · In a majority opinion by U.S. Cir- cuit Judge Abner Mikva, the court aald, "By subsidizing the lobbying activities of veterans organizations while failing to subsidize the lobbying of Taxation and other charitable grours, Congress has violated the equa protection guarantees of the Constitution.•• 'lbe court ruling reveraed a decision by a three-judge panel of the appel- late court aa well • nllQP by th• IRS and a U.S. dilUil:t !ldlit· Shortly after It w• foUnded, Ta- xation With R.p-111n•*1n aDDUed to the IRS fOf' a tax eamptlao-but U. petition WU denied cm tfia lftMllld the tax law doea not allow tax-exempt atatUI for orpnlla'6ana attempUna to influence teplaUon. Exempt 1rou1>9 may receive tax- dec:luctible contributiom from donDn and are exempt from paylns Social Security taxn and U.S. unemploy- ment compeal!IUon tax•. Vete...,. or1anizat1ona. however, are not 8Ub- ject to a lobbytu blnitadon becau. of a provision lit tlil tax code. "Even in the arcane intrlcadel of the tax code, the aov-nment cumot give apedal vo6oe nor lend apedal ear to any pel'IOn or fP"OUp, no matter bow worthy their ldeaa or their credentiAla," Mikva wrote. In a diaaentlng opinion, Judge George E. ~n aald it 1a up to Congress to decide wtiet.ber veterans groups de9erve tax breaks not availa- ble to other organizations. He said hia view is based in part "by a long and sorry history of judicial forays into the legislative province." REDWOOD 2 X 6 -3& lln. tt. 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING • continental orts • period furniture • toys • bronzes • lamps • artgloss • a 0 .. c ;· .§ Dorothy Emerson & Don Nolan present ::i t [ E Cl < .. ~AITIQUES EIPO S SALE ;; ~ • c: ::i 8 , • ~ IN THI! COMMDCE I UILDING .ii: ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS • 8 11 FAIR DllVE•COSTA MESA. CA c a u ·;:: MAR. 25, 26, 27 & 28, 11982 .. E < THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY, 1-11 P.M. •SUNDAY, NOON .. P.M. • . -=. General Admission. $2.50. With this ticket ony number-$2.25 eoch. i" . 5 ,, { Use Arlington Dnve (back) Cate 3A entrance Saturday afternoon and Sun<14y.. !" • dolls • lighting fixtures • jewelry • watches • collectables • paintings . • ... ,..,.,,,,,,, . ,,... ........ ..... STOU HOUllSI • A.M. -z A.M. 11221 A Tr•dltlon forlOY••rs \ 1912 ...,.....""..,.., TH 1 A.M. . LIQUOR· STORE l'rH Delivery Home « Office 646-6878 ReHrvatlona Suggeated 145-7077 SPRll& TUIE-UP SPECIAL '1895 .... 124.N 2906 W. COAST HWY. NBYIPORT BEACH. CA. 92633 "ttlEs Mardt H (March 2l·April 19): Valid Information la obtalned on "money akuatlon." You'll differentiate bet- ween mere talk and viable pros~. ArUcle ~ naa been bf or at.olen can now be recovered. . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Added reoofP\ltlon due, VS.W. are vindicated .nd your PollUon la enhanced. Accent 1 on individuality, penonallty, apecial ap~aranc. and promotion. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Fln1ah 1 r•\her than initiate project. Tempo- rary delay actually works ln your fa- vor. Focua a1IO on hospital visit, com- 1 mun.lcatioo with one who ii tempora- ril~ handicapped. CANCER {June 21-July 22): Focus on romance, fulfillment of desires, sucoeaful busineaa investment, new start which results in greater inde- pendence of thought. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid •fil!N=~ temptation to "follow crowd." Adhere to plans baaed on your own creativity. BAT TOWER -Motel owner Miriam Goodis . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Forces dwarfed by an aging bat tower -one of WQ teqd to be scattered -calls, invlta- in the United States -at Sugarloaf Key in the .UQnS and requests seem to multiply. Florida Keys. The tower wu designed to at-Emphasis on communication, travel tract bats, which local residents hoped would ~and diet. You'll be dealing with ac- th d f "toes · tive, restless, talented people. . en evour·swarms o moeqw common m LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You lo-the area. . l c:ete "mlllina Unb." ~:tt. into place. ~ IMk i. and you can do IOIMthina - tJve about lt. Some l'ftll'k~ are neceuary..arul u.lUm&tel~· •orll-to.. your edvan~. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): RMd between J.inee ln connection with ~ atfaln. O\eck meanln&I· review llDlll print. Be read~ for chaqe, CXJPllDU- nication from relative in tnn11it and a variety of offen .. SAOmARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Important domeatlc adjua'tment la highlJ~. Accent on ape-cial aer· vices, lMue.. attentJoa to depen- denta and•peta. - CAPRICORN M>ec. 22-J an . 19): Accent on speculatiOn, romiantlc in- volvement and short trip. Itelative, recently hoepltalized, will cc1mmuni .. cate needs. AQUAIUOS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You gain needed information concerning <Xl8ta, basic illlues and aecwit31. Check with individual who has prown track record. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 10•): Plans subject to change; relative. make re- ouesta. di8culs travel and ask: you to '1keep watch." Added recogni~ due as you complete important aasign- ment. project. NOW DURING TRl NNUAL EVENT YOU GET 'SUP,l 'R. TRAINLOAD PRICES.ONLY 2 ·WEEKS LEFT TO GET OUR SUP.ER TRAINLOAN PRICES: SAVE ON REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, WASHERS & DRYERS, MICROWAVE OVENS, COLOR TV, PROJECTION TV & VIDEO TAPE RECOR~ERS •••••• SAYE 'II FOR AWAllD Wlte .. , FA.CTOIY AUTHOllDD TV saVICI · CALL s-.J431 MOH. THIU FIL t tot .. , t • 'AT. tto6 SUH. II to4 WHIRLPOOL REFRllEUTOR ""' 191111 --•••am ...... • 22.1 ... ft. lefrfpr ..... ' .... lAI -. ft. frMler ............. ........ . , .... '" ............ •Ttstw.4stMI ...... IPElllL tm•llTllY ... llu) lb» -.tht\111!*»1 A$11l .. _,.... •L•htt ..... •M"\¥9$2$ Sa""'tolM ..... run IOo btta-"411\U ...,.. ..... ""' numbtr mo: In ltl\IM ot hf•. fwnt ,..1'9•ni.. •Ml '°""' Mf"VW (Clll.U. I (:andidate insults • dam~ge parties I By THOlMAS D. ELIAS • "He isl an irrelevancy," a Democratic rival aay1 of Tom Bradley, the current front-runner In the race for aovernor. "He la a 'nice penon. U the peor,le want a caretaker in Sacramento, fine. ' "The 'l982 venlon of Evelle Younger, a1 exc hing as a mas h ed pot a t o aandwl<!h ." That description has been applied to George Deukmejian, now the leading Republican prospect for gover- nor. "A flake. He's responsible for most of the prok>lemspCalifomia has had in the Clllllllll flCUI last ~v en years." So says another De- moerat about Gov. Brown, the favorite in his party's senatorial primary. THE REPUBLICAN leader, U.S. Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr., doesn't look much better to his intra-party r ivals: "Not worthy of the U.S. Senate," says one oppontmt. "He'll have to show a lot more mental agility to beat Brown," said ano- ther. Through this firestorm of insults, the four le aders are carefully keeping their mouths shut, tryihg to avoid name- calling contests. Even if their rivals are not. th.e leaders all are trying to adhere to Roriiald Reagan's 11th Commandment -"Thou shalt not speak ill of another (fill the blank with your party's name).'' But their rivals have thrown Reagan's dictum out the window. Onlf! of the year's big political ques- tions is whether the cautious campaign styles of the four leaders will help them hang ·onto the margins they hold in their own )parties. And even if the careful style they're now using does win party nominations for all four, it may not serve them well in the Nove mber runo ff. when voters often prefer a more dyna- mic, vigorous demeanor than any of the leaders has shown so far. ANOTHER BIG question is this: Whi.ch candidates will be hurt most pemumently by the charges hurled by in tr a-party rivals -whose endorse- ments they'll almost automatically col· lect after the June primary? While intra-party bitterness is usually fata I if or:ily one party stoops to fratri- cide, no aet rule can be used to predict the conaequencea when both parties vktimize them1elvea in the spring. When John Tunney became the target of bitter attacks by Tom Hayden in 19'76, there was no comparable split on the Republican side, 10 S .I. Hayakawa coasted to an easy win. While former Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty blasted ex- Gov. Pat Brown in 1966, Reagan and former San Francisco Mayor George Christopher displayed courtly behavior on the GOP side. Reagan won easily that fall. But in 1974, when there were bitter primary campaigns for governor in both parties, Democrat J erry Brown became the narrow winner in the fall. The Re- publican rivals of Houston Flournoy had . drawn more blood in the primary. At this early stage, signs indicate that Bradley and Goldwater are suffering least from the slings of the likely also-- rans. BRADLEY HAS been aroused for nine years of being a "do-nothing" mayor. "l guess the ultimate test is th.at the people keep returning him to office," says Ray Remy. his chief aide. Bradley's aloof attitude toward his rivals appears to be working, as they ma ke few s pecific charges against him. As for Goldwater, the charge th.at he is slow-witted is one th.at he eventually will have ample opportunity to rebut. Brown, meanwhile, figures to suffer most from the early name-calling. As governor, he's offended virtually ~ the state's interest groups at some ttme. Wounded feelings may not be displayed very openly at most times, but when enough other candidates Issue reminders of controversial Brown moves, those feelings rise to the surface. Yet another key question remains and it may be the most important of the tactical unknowns now d eveloping: Do the intra-party rivals really care if they destroy the chances of their party's No- vember nominees? For if the also-rans do care, they'll pull their punches a little in • the spring and just possibly provide their party with an eventual margin of vic- tory. Thomas Elias, a free-lance columnist based in Santa Monica, analyzes state issues. , I (J l> 0 0 .. Courage springs· f rOm duty By HAROLD JOHNSON Harold Johnson is an editoriJJJ intern at Public Research It was late in the day. A crowd, full of anticipation, had gathered on the street outside of the hotel. They were wahing for one of America'~ most prominent men to emerge from the building. When he came through the door an admiring cry went up. Surrounded by aides, he moved towards his auto, all the while smiling and waving at the onJookers. Suddenly, a stocky man , who had been standing at the edge of the side- walk, pushed h is way forwMd. He pro- duced a pistol and fired point blank at the man whom everyone else was cheer- ing. THE ASSAILANT was quickly ap- prehended. The man who had been shot at got mto his car, thinking himself un- hurt. It was only as he and his party drove away that it became evident there was a bullet wound in htS chest. In most of its details, the foregoing could be an account of the attack made on President Reagan one year ago, March 30, 1981 . ln reality, howev~. 1t 1s a descnpllon of the attempted assassination of Theo- dore Roosevelt in October 1912. when Roosevelt was in Milwaukee campaig- ning for the presidency. The resemblance between the two incidents is indeed striking. And, as Roosevelt's most recent bio- grapher, Edmund Morris, has noted, th.at resemblance extends to the reaction of each man in the face of his adversity. ROOSEVELT, FOR EXAMPLE, walked with little asslstanc.e into the hospital operating room, in much the same manner that Ronald Reagan nego- tiated the corridors of George Washing- ton Hospital. And both Reagan and Roosevelt tra- ded political quips with examining phy- sicians. Considerable courage, then, was exhi- bited by both men. And In both cases courage seems to have sprung from a remarkable sense of duty. Significantly. to say this is to suggest that American society -the molder of both Roosevelt and Reagan -enjoys greater health than many commentators are wont to contend. After all, Reagan, himselC has asserted on several occasions that heroes are not produced by a "sick society." Certainly a hero's sense of duty was ev1dem.'ed by Reagan's composure after his s hooting. His studied calmness showed that he saw a necessity -in- deed, an obligation -to convey to Amer1c.a's people, to her alli~ and to her potential adversaries the message that he would survive and that the government would remain stable. AN EQUALLY intense sense of com· mitment lay at the root of Roosevelt's stoicism at the time of his shooting. That stoicism led him to insist upon delivering his scheduled campaign speech before being driven to the hospital. Roosevelt's inspiring sense of duty is illuminated in a letter he wrote soon after his recovery: "l did not care a rap for being sh?t. It is a trade risk, which every prominent public man ought to accept as a matt.er of course. For eleven years I have been prepared any day to be shot; and if any one of the officers of my regiment had abandoned the battle merely because he received a wound that did nothing worse than break a rib, I should never have trusted that officer again . I would have expet•ted him to keep on in the fight as long as he l'ould stand; and what I expect lieutenants to do I expect, a fortiori, a leader to do." These are bTave words written by a brave man. As long as we are led by ind1v1duals who hold such sentime nts and who, like Roosevelt and Reagan, act on them, our nation will be we,ll served. Students, schools feel pinch of budget cuts By LOUISE COOK A-ldeted "'"8 WrtW F'rom k indergarten through college, students and schools are feeling the pinch of las t year's f ederal budget tiglntening and worrying about the pain of this year's anticipated cuts. :Some school milk programs have been elliminated. Eligibility levels for free and reduced-price meals have been lowered and prices have been raised. Remedial programs have shrunk. Grants and loans for college students are more scarce. ln many areas, actual federal outlays during fiscal 1982 -the year that began tut Oct. 1 -will be higher than they were in fiscal 1981. That is because spending is determined, in part, by au- thorizations from previous years. The budget authority for fiscal 1982, how- ever -the key to Congress' intentions for the future -is lower than it was in 11981. DIRECT FEDERAL outlays for edu- c ation in fiscal 1982 are estimated at :$15.4 billion, up slightly from the $15.l billion in fiscal 1981. But the budget authority for education this year is only $13 billion -down from $14.9 billion a year 'earlier. For fiscal 1982, President Reagan has proposed outlays of $13.1 billion and a budget authority of $10.3 billion. The overall figures, of course, do not r e flect ups and downs of individual programs. Outlays for impact aid - money which goes to communities with large federal installations -will drop this" year to an estimated $580 million, down from $697 million a year earlier. Spending on education for the disad- vantaged also will decline. The figures also do not reflect some indirect atd to education, hke the fund- ing for child nutrition programs. Out· lays for the school lunch, school break- fast, summer food service and child care food programs will drop from $3.4 billion in fiscal 1981 to an estimated $2.7 billion this year. Robert MandeviUe, budget chief for Illinois Gov. James R. Thompson, said the state expects $30.6 million less from the federal government for education this year than it got last year. That in- cludes a l~ of almost. $18 million in the school lunch program. Illinois authorities estimated that be· cause of rules changes which made stu- dents ineligible or higher prices which parents could not aflord, 250,000 fewer lunches were being served each day as of last November, a drop of 25 percent. "THE THING THAT is disastrous," said Robe rt Ohlzen, head of the ch ild nutrition program of the Board of Ed ucation, "is that the school lunch program is not patronized by the well- to-do and the wealthy." He said most participants come from working families with two or three children in school. Agriculture Secretary John Block told a congressional committee recently that participation in the school lunch program dropped 13 percent. Block said, however. that tighter standards weren't the only reason for the decrease. "To tell the truth, I just think there are more children who just want to eat at McDonald's," he said . The changes in the school lunch program took several fonns: Budget Outlay For Education • 12,_ ___ _ • • -Elig1bilit'y for free meals was set at a flat 130 percent of the poverty level instead of the old limit of 125 percent of the poverty level plus a standard de- duction. -Eligibility for reduced-price meals was set at 19~ percent of the poverty level instead of 185 percent. The max- imum alJowable income for a family of four is $15,630 a year, down frorn $17.- 440. . -Subsidies for reduced-price and ·fully-paid "'eals were reduced by up to a quarter. The maximum allowable charge to students for reduced-price meals was doubled from 20 cents to 40 cents. To make up for the reduced subsidies, schools also raised prices for students who pay for their lunches. -Participation in the Special Milk Program is limited to institutions that do not participate in any other federally subsidized food program, including school lunch and breakfast progr~. SOME SCHOOL dlstricta like Norton. Vt., have canceled lunch programs com- pletely, saying that if -f.hey raised pricea enough to cover their costs, participation ~ould drop so much that It would not be Quote8. "Childhood immunization doesn't have many advocate• ln llate legi1lature1." -Dr. Samuel L. Kat•, profeslOr c>f pedlatricl at Duke Unlver- ait y Medical center, ar1ulng that a Reaaan administration proposal to cut money for lmmunlzatlon pro1ram1 threetehl the endtcaUon of me •Jee Ln the Unl~,Stata worth serving meals at all. Other schools have added alternatives to the basic hot lunch requiraj under the federal program. Middlebury (Vt). Un- ion High, School, fQr example, contracted with an outside firm. to provide an a-la- carte menu that includes fre1\ch fries, hamburgers, milk shakes and ice cream cones. Some cuts in the school lunch program are being absorbed through layofCs. In Rhode Island, for exafl'lele, 135 workers were (ired last Octob'fr. An additional 400 emplo~t> Working only two hours a day · ~aejl of ~. Reduction* 'Qther eduea\1'>nal prog- rams have . ~t layoffs. I\ cut of awbot -..~ip . ff(i~r•l aid for edu- ca l · ~lllled forced the Des M ws, district to trim th'e number ol a rs' aides, psychologista...and reading s pe<:ialitta auisting remedial reading and math teachers. Sharon Castelda, supervisor of the remedial programs, anUcipaie. an addi- tional cut of 20 percent fo.r fi8cal 1983. About one--fourth of the nearly 2.~00 youngsters now enrolled ln the remedial clastel will no 1~ get extra help, Ma. Caatelda aald. 0 We ve cut off th~ frmt:i.ng this r,ear d now we're getting to the cake, ' the warned. TED SANDERS, a 1pokesman for the Nevada Department of lducaUon, l&ld remedial reading and math ina&ructlon for 1,500 1tudenta alrMdy has been re- duced or eliminated because of a *1 million cut In funda for the diladvanta- • ~ Utah, 1egialaton are talking about ~ ln mie appropr'lationa to oft.et cuts ln aid to education. Thi 1&ate al· IWJ hM lmt alfnolt P mWlon in aid for school lunches and $2.5 million in impact aid and 1t expects another large drop in impact aid in fiscal 1983. College students also are worrying about c'-'ts. Outlays for Pell Grants - basic grants for needy students -are being reduced, from $2.5 billion in fiscal 1981 to an estimated $2.3 billion this year and a proposed $2.1 billion next y~. Eligibility requirements for student loans h ave bee n tighte ned; stude nts whose family income is about $30,000 now m ust demonstrate financial need in order to qualify for Guaranteed Student Loans. A 5 percent origination fee has been charged on a ll student loans granted since last Aug. 23; Reagan has proposed doubling the fee for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. Reagan also has called for the elimination of Guaranteed Student Loans to graduate students. OFFICIALS AT the Univ~rsity of C.Onneclicut say the number of students getting federal help already has decli- ned. The number of Pell Grants, for example. dropped from 3,063 in 1981 to 2,321 this year, according to university spokesman Walt McGowan. The number of student loans dropped from 2,496 to 1,818, he said. • A cut in the Social Security program also is affecting college students. Con- gress voted to phase out the payment of Social Security benefits to students 18 to 21 in a move that will save an estimated $10 billion over U)e next five years. . Last December, more than 760,000 stu- den ls got monthly checks averaging $259. The elimination of the programs be- gins In May. Students who are not at- tending college full-time by May 1 will not qualify for any benefits. Students who already are in college will not get benefit checks for May, June, ·July or August; their checks will be reduced by 25 percent each September for the next three years. Thousands of seniors have hurried to enter college early to beat the May 1 .. deadline. Rep. J .J . Pickle, D-Texu, notes ' that the elimination of the Social Secu-•. , rlty benefits comes at the same time that . other aid programs are being ~uced . sharply. "Tlie 1tudent1," be says, .. ~ l being given a double whamtny. . .! ORANGE COAST The comment pqeofthe Dally Pllul Set'kt to Inform ud stimulate rtadera by prnent Ina e vorfety of col'l'lmentuy on toplu o( Interest and 11l1nltlcanct' from Informed ob servers and tpC')kttmen J \ SATURDAY. MARCH 27, 1M2~ COMICS 88 ENTERTAINMENT 810 TELEVISION 812 ·Aura of success Broughten harnesses new career By 'CURT SEEDEN °' .. ..., ......... Corona del Mar'• Suzanne Brouahten is fortunate to have a friend like Adrienne Golday. Golda~, you see, la a psychic .. Brouahten ii ln the honie racing buainela. The merging of their talents could pro- d~ endleea poeaibW~ea. But Broughten haa managed to find her way into the winner'• circle through some shrewd bUlinea deala, well-developed finan- cial P1annina and good ol' horse 1ense. Oh, Adrienne Golday did help on one occaaion, but Broughten prefers to paint a more subtle, business-like approach to her rise to the top of the harness-horse racing industry ln California. Up until a few years ago, real estate and investments were Broughten'a fortes. "The.e are not the greatest times for real estate," she points out. "It just happened that when real estate went down, horse racing went up." Broughten's first harnea horse-purchase embarrassed her to the point that she could have gjven up on the idea without thinking twice. The horse -Rum Pirate -didn't do too well the day Broughten rounded up her fa- mily and friends for his first race at the Meadowlands in New York. "Rum Pirate just didn't do a thing," she recalls. "So I gave him to Jerry Silverman to train in California and he won his first race. I had my first experince in the winner's circle and I've been hooked ever since." Broughten purchased several other horses as her hone owning profession b106S0- med, and all performed admirably with Sil- vennan as her trainer. "At that point, I had had nothing but haopy experiences," she says. "I said, 'gee, isn't th.is easy'." · And as Brought.en learned more and more , about the business of owning harness horses, she started to expand her interests. "My goals became more clear to me and I decided to get into breeding. By ~t time, I had about 20 broodmares at various farms in California ... j • Angels clubbed by Tribe From AP dispatches PALM SPRINGS -Catcher Rort Hassey's grand-slam home run in the seventh inning led the Cleveland Indians to an 8-3 ex- hibition baseball victory Friday over the Angels. H/lssey's homer off re liever John D'Acquisto climaxed a six- run tally as the Indians broke a 2-2 tie and went on to their ninth auccessive victory. They top American League teams with a 12-4 spring record. · Cleveland's big rally started with two out when Angel 8eCIOlld-baaeman Joee Moreno lost Miguel Dilone's pop fly in the sun and it fell for a single. · Left-hander Jeff Schneider then walked Von Hayes and ~ Hargrove singled for a run to bring on D' Acquist.o. A single by ~ndre Thornton \Cored Hayes, then Joe Charboneau ..,a1ked before Hassey homered. starting pitchers Len Barker of Cleveland and Ken Fonch of I th~eles dueled through five in.nijlp, with the Indians getting r\1N on Hayes' RBI double and anether run-scoring single by Hargrove. The Angels countered with Fred Patek's run-scoring llngle and Moreno's sacrifice fly. 'filn Foll collected three of the Angels' nine hits, while Rod Carew had two. Dllone, Hayes, Hargrove and J_. Peroonte each had a pair of hita for the Indians. · Two of Broughten'a biggest purchuea occurred ln 1979 when she obtained a couple of expensive colts on sale at the Harr1sbUrg HOl'lle Sale ln Pennsylvania. A trotter named Camp Devid and a pacer named Computer made instant harness head- lines, which, of course, was money in the bank for Brouahten. On Memorial Day in 1981, Computer captured the $54,900 Great West.em Pace at It just happened that when real estate went down, horse racing went up. -8uunne 81o4.tthten Sacramento's Golden Bear Raceway. It was the richest purse ever offered at the Sacra- mento track. Even more impressive was another Broughten purchase -Full Pocket. Brought- en got Full Pocket for $125,000. In 1981, Full Pocket pocketed $231,806 and was the No. 1 money-earning harness horse in California. On that same list, way down at No. 39, is a horse by the name of Majestic Aura. It, too, belongs to Broughten, thanks to psychic- friend Golday. "Last year, Adrienne came down to the track and studied all the horses in the barn. She even charted them out, just like she would do to people. Actually it was not done in any seriousness," Broughten admits. "But Jerry (Silverman) asked us to look at this two-year-old pacer and I already had enough of them," Broughten continues. "I didn't want to do it, but Adrienne said we should because she had a feeling about tbe horse." "I took one look at her and said she's too small, she's just a peanut," Broughten recalls. Countered Golday: "I sense tremendous power." "We ended up buying the filly. It's the (See BROUGHTEN, Page 84) ..,.,...,.....,_..ec....._· THAT'S TWO -Loe Angeles Lakera' Magic Johmon pro- duces an easy two polntl in recent NBA action. Johmon and the Lakera are trying to stay a ltep ahead of eecond· place Seattle in the Pacific Division. • Marina, Estancia prevail in crucial volleyball matches. See story. Page 84. RECIPE FOR SUCCESS -Corona del Mar's Suzanne B,roughten and trainer Gary Baker combined forces to make Camp David one of the most successful and expensive harness-race horses in the state. Broughten's main business is real estate, but harness racing is taking up more and more of her time. • Final Four holds party North Carolina, Georgetown favored to reach title game ~EW ORLEANS (AP) - North Carolina and Georgetown will try to ignore the Free Ride syndrome today as the final round of the NCAA basketball championships begin. The top-ranked Tar Heels and sixth-rated Hoyas were over- whelming picks to advance to On TV today channel 1 at 12:30 Monday night's finale at the Superdome, but both teams acoffed at their favored status. North Carolina, 30-2, was scheduled to meet unranked Houston, 25-7, in the first game today before an NCAA-r ecord crowd of 61,000 and a national television audience on CBS. Georgetown, 29-6, plays No. 20 Louisville, 23-9, In the second semifinal Both underdogs faced physical problems in addition to the psychological pressures that permeate what has become one of sport's premier championships. Houston forward Michael Young skipped practice Friday with a virus, but he was expected to make the curtain call today. Louisville had three players with problems. Freshman guard Milt Wagner wore golf gloves on both hands and special wrap- plno on his feet during practice J.i'riClay to protect a challng pro- blem that aroee from a virus, and reeerve forward Poncho Wright waa stepping gingerly on a stub- bed toe. Starting forward Derek Smith still had aix sUtches in hia upper lip, a aouvenir of the regionala, but he said a sore .jaw ne also auat.alned 1aat week wu'better. "We hav~ to be mentally pared,•• North Carolina IU8.rd lu:uny Black aald after 'the Tar Heels' workout. "No one gave Junm Madl8oo a chance against ua (ln the aub-~) and we won by two. You w aot to~ that any team that. got thla far . has to be good ... Georgetown Coac h John Thompson reminde d all who would listen that Louisville won the national title in 1980 with four of the same starte rs that ' Coach Denny Crum brought to New Orleans. So, he said, the Cardinals may actually have a slight edge in experience over Georgetown, which has not been to the Final Four since 1943. "Th e r e's some m e rit to experience," Thompson said, ad- ding there would be no excuses. "U they beat us, they have the better ball team." North Carolina is a team that relies heavily on the baseline play of forward James Worthy and center Sam Perkins. Much of the pre-game publicity concer· ning the Tar Heels, however, has centered on Coach Dean Smith's famed four-corner, delayed of- fense. North Carolina was criticized for putting fans to sleep with it, particularly in the Atlantic C.OSSt .Conference tournament against Virginia. "I'm aU for it," Black said of the spread. "li we're up four or five points and have a chance to win by having the oth er team chase us -I love it." Houston, a run-and-gun team, also was concerned with tempo. "I believe the team that 9COres the first basket has the better c han ce to set the tempo," Houston point guard Lynden Rose said. "If we score first, they're going to bring the ball to us. If they score first, we'll have to play their game." · In one sense, Houston had the edge of experience over North Carolina, although the Tar Heels are in their second straight Final Four appearance and seventh under Smith. Houston is the only team here with Superdome experience this season, having won the Sugar Bowl tournament last December. Coaches react to Digger NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Coaches here for the NCAA bas- ketball championship playoffs acknowledged Friday that top- line players at some schools may be getting paid, but generally felt that halting s u ch a practice would be difficult because it would be tough tO prove. The issue sprang to the fore- front Thursday night after Notre Dame Coach Digger Phelps said that some universities in the country were giving players as much as $40,000 for four years o( basketball. "I'm sure that something ls going on,'' said Alabama Coach Wimp Sanderson. "To what ex· tent. I don't k:nOw. So much stuff la hearsay. I don't know how much J:>iaet knows -but I do know )'OU can aet younelf into trouble If you don't have your facts right." Giving money to undergra- duate players is illegal under National Collegiate Athletic As- S<>ciates rules. A school at which such payments are made, whe- ther from the institution itself or third parties such as alumni and fans, could face sanctions from the NCAA including suspension from post-season tournament.a and lucrative television appear- ances. Gene Bartow, the Alabama- Birmingham coach, s upported Phelps, but also noted that it WU a tough position to verify. "If I could prove that some- body was cheating," said Bartow, "I'd report them in a second. I have to agree with Digger's ac- tlon. I think he's doing the right thing." SAN ANTONIO (AP) -San Anto-nio'• Geoi"P Qervtn, the National ~ ketball A11odatlon'1 leadtna.eeonr, spent moll of J'rklay ftllht In foul trOu· ble, but It didn't hurt tbie Spun. taken Ice for granted here, but now we're almost atarting to take Mike for granted. In the tint half, nobody could Ito him," Albedt aald. ;itchell hit 16 of 19 ahota from the f ieJd and srabbed a 1ame-hi1h 12 re· bounds u he picked up the alack for Get\ttn, who spent moat of the pine on the bench. • rMneely and they now have great eco- rln& balance ln both m..:1\&Ud• and farw .... md lM ~·· 00.Ch Pat RBey. "I don't think ,._.. re aumc to ... San Antonlo falter In the playoff• as they h9ve ln the pMt." I.:ilUln' ~ Wilkea before two fl'ft throws by Mi~ll with 10 eecorida left pul lhe ...-out of rach. The Spun~ 77-70 in the third quartar, but Mike Brat.a'• two t~ point.en in the i.t minuteof the~ put San Antonio ahad ... 79 Fiac Into Mike Mitchell IQ'll'ed 41 points to le9d San Antonio to a 110-10& victory over the Loi ........ LUen. "Stranp • lt may seem, the tumJ.nc point wu when Ice (Gervin) pt into foul trouble,'' la1d San Antomo ea.ch SW\ Alb9c:k. "Mi1l.Wl ft9 auplirt?. We bave ~VI J "I hid ':!r two wl1t1, but If~ ltaoot well Nbound, DO -w01 at the blld DC*ta." lald llltchilll. "MiM llltct..n !'-bitlP9d IMm p· The Laken crailed 100-88 with 5:50 remainlna, but behind Kareem Abdul· JabbM'"• ..wtl pobl1a, \hey outa.ued the Spun 13·4 to narrow the deficit to 1()4.101 wi~ 2:IO left. ,,. ...... tbiift lndld C\a'nOYen and tlMII• by the S,W.' 0..Jlanb and ·' the final r1°'1· Lot AnaelH n1rrowed the eeore to ~82 bieC&Xe dlDe .cnlab• ,..... "' .... Spun pvt them a SK.ft ... wttb 9:30 to play. ,. I ' I I l l I Uouisville backers g~t message across Prom AP ~\1:' . LOUIS Ky. -The mea-·m IAlff came on clippln11, copln of · 1 cllPDAnaa. on ttationery and cards -uMf'" Oil-a pant. elaborately decanted . . chocolate chip cookie. What more than 10,000 buketball fana were taying wu: Good Luck, Lou.lsvflle, in the NCAA nnAl Four. The outpowina w• ln respome to a clipout COUJ>91l which The LouilviUe Tlmet publiahed tlu-e. days thJa week. 4nvitlna reeden to ''Wiah the Carda Well'' it their NCAA tem1final game ~y apintt Gecqetown. Approximately 8,000 pieces ,of mall were deliven!d to the newspaper office, with many ol the peetinp carrytna more than Ohe liinature. Mra. A.G. Maas, who identlfled heneli u a 1928 graduate of the Untvenlty of Louisville, wrote that she might be the oldett living era· eluate "but I am aa ltamed up• anyone al:>out your trip to New Orleans." There were meeugea that related penonal experiencel, like t.hla one: ''When I wu ln the hospital haviJla my 900, Sean, you won It all - well, my ~ child la due. t.hla weekend, and rm .-ire you'll do it apln." J Cftlca romp to 18th straight win The Boston Celtic. rolled to a m club ,ecord 18th straight victory u Kevtia MeRale'1 21 pointa led a ba- lanced attack that ripped the Detroit Piston.a, 125·104 Frfcfay night in the National Buketball Amociation. The victory mapped the previous Celtic mark of 17 1traiaht set in 1959-60 . . . Du RoH411el• netted 17 of hia game--high 25 pointa in the tint half and grabbed 15 y_bounda, leading Atlanta to a, 100-87 win ~diana ... ~ ..,.,. tied his l~NtQn hilkJVith 27 jifln• •Washington .. o~t,led tfi)l 104-88 triu918'~ over flew "'Tfllfl/IJy . . ... drew .,_.,.,. dalff·point play . ana Jdu Erflq'• two dunk.,.. in the last 57 leCOnda sparked Philadelphia to a 115-111 win over Cleveland . . . Re1&1e neH tallied a pme·high 27 pointa as Chicago downed New York, 131-107 ... Brad Davll tcored 16 of his 19 points in the second haU as Dallas rallied to post a 96-87 victory over Kansas City ... Seattle remained l ~ games behind the Lakera in the Pacific Division after dropping a 99-97 declaion at home to Houston . . . Joe Barry ,~made 15 of 25 field pl attempts and ecoreCI 32 points aa Golden State bounced Port· land, 102-89 . . . Deul1 Jokatoa tc0red 15 points in the fourth quarter 81 Phoenix held off Milwaukee, 113-112. ,l t .. ti I I " . ......... Rcwal9 play to • draW .I••• W•"••'• t~rou1bt 11 · ua. lilnth t U tM uabW'ab I bametbersfGr Qtyin I Plra• Md ba&dld to ....... In iXhlbldon b••ball pa.y Jl'rtday. The ........ C9IW iafW 12 lnnAul by mutual oormnt u tlD la ot available pttenen .•. JloUlton wl ~ ronto eoaablned tor 10 heme nam. with the Alf,.; tro1 1•ttln1 1lx, but It wae the Blue Jaye who posted a 16-10 victory ... Jeu M•leh· lee and rookie ,,.,. Qilfts c:cmblned on a four-bluer to 1-d San DielO to. 2·1 ded· lion over San~ ... 0..rp v-...-need home wlth the wlnnin1 run on J.U. Pl'UC!9'• one-out ~ per in the bottom ol the nlnih inninc to live PhlledelpNa an WATMM 8-7 victory over the White Sox . . . M.inneeo1a improved lt. lprtnc mark to 6· 12 with a 9.4 win over a St. Loul1 1pllt tquad . . . BW Sample's two-nan llncle~ a three-run first inninl u Texu 1 the Yankees, 3-1 ... Dave Ktasmu. J Y ..... blood and B.We Bneb hit 1UCCwlve home rum in the fl(th Inning leadina the Meta to a 8-2 victory over Atlanta . . . Jim Dwyer amuhed a three-run homer in the bottom of the •lchth inning, lifting Baltimore to a 6-3 win over Cincin.-ti ... Reid Nlelaol1' one-out= drove iii the tie-breaking run in the 10th aa Bo1~on outlasted Detroit, U-13 ... RaJn prevented the games between Oakland and the Cubt and Seattle vs. Milwaukee from bein1 played. Blues cllnch NHL playoff spot Bernie Federko'1 third goal of (ii the game late in the final period lilted ~ St. Louis into a 4-4 tie with WJruUpe1 ' 'Friday night 8nd clinched a National · Hockey League playoff spot foe the mu.. St. Louis la a.-ured of fourth place in the ]forrta Division, wblle Winnipes bu insured lt.elf of a teOOnd·place finish ... Doa ...... , and ... D•s••Y scored two goals apiece to power a . Rangers' comeback as New York defeated Buf. falo, 8-5 . . . Way•e Gret1ky tc0red one goal 8nd had two aasiats aa Edmonton skated to a 6-6 tie. with Colorado. · Watson heads Heritage logjam Tom Watson, eagerly seeking a • return to tu. poai"* aa golf's leading perfol'lnef, touch& auatY winds foe a solid 3-under-par 68 that lilted him into a five-way tie for the second-round lead Friday in the Sea Pines-Heritage Cl8llic at Hil- ton Head lsl.and, S.C. At the hallway point of the d\ue for a $54,000 first prue, Wataon shared the lead with Tommy Valentin~, Mike McCallnp, Fred Coaplea and Frank Conaer ... Veteran JoAnn Carner shot a 3-under·par 70 to take a 1-shot lead in the Women's Kemper Open in Hawaii . . . Tony Relvaa, an assistant at Prin· ceton University, was named head ~tbell coach-at Colpte U.U,versity ... lody winner Gonloa Jolmeoek was among four en'trM9 .,__ ved for this year's Indianapolis 500, aooordinc to the president of the Indianapolis Motor Speed- way. . • ' ... .. inal . F o~ haVe stage · NCAA semifinals, plenty of golf on television today -11:11 a.m., 0tam1l l VV OOLP: Hedt-ae a... AM1•a.n: Pat 8ummenlL Vin Scully, Ben WrfCbt, Clive Clark and Ken V•turt. Tom Wac.on mowd into a five-W9y tie tor the tMd after two rounds ol play with a~,... 68 ~· He ...... the halfway i.d with 'l'Ommy VU.Otine, Mike McCullouab. J'red Couplet and .....,., Conner. Conner ii a former -.... pro and with the aid of an e~2 Friday, find the low round ol the day at 66. .,. . <I> 11:11 p.m., C11aae1 I V V.,,.... V' NCAA BASKETBALL SEMIPIN.U.S: North Carolina VI. Houlton. Am.ueen: Gary Bendet' and Billy Packer. North Carolina (30-2) will be a bi& favorite <1V« Houston's Cougars (26-7) in thll om. Howton won the Sugar Bowl tournament and ii the only team to have played ln the Superdame thll year. North c.arollna II the No. 1 team In the country and Coech Deen Smith hat been to the f.tna1 four on ai.x previoul occuiona. ~ 1:11 p.m.,-Quael • V V WOMEN'S GOLP: Wcmen'1 ~Open. AneaHn: Don CrtQui, Bruce DwUli, John Brodie, Ow-lie Jona and Jay Randalph. · JoAnne Carner, winner of the fint Women's Kemper Open at Me.a Verde CC. boldl a 1-etroke leed over eeoond year winner Nancy Lopes.Melton and Jeannette Kerr after two roundl of play in Hawaii. Carner fired a 3-under·par 70 l"rtday while Lopez-Melton aoared to 75. 'nM!lle three are the only = under par on the Royal ~ North S 1:45 p.m., <'kmel I V ~ V. V NCAA BASgETBALL SEMIFINALS: Louis· ville VI. Georgetown. · Auoucen: Gary Bender and Billy Packer. Georgetown bas never been to the final four under c.o.cb John 'nlompeon but WM the first team to arrive in New Orleans. 1be HoyM (29-6) and No. 6 ranked, meet Denny Crum'a LouilvtDe c.ntma1a <•t). ~ ia criDPled with PllDCbo W~t .. bMing a '.eubbed toe. Milt w...-• IUtt.rinc from a Y'lnu and Derek Smith bu lix atltchn ia bit upper Up and a sore jaw. otemt TELEVlllON 11 a.m. (5) -wcr TENNll . 11:30 a.m. (4) -NBC IPOllft &INOllDS - Jeff Chandler (27.0·2) defendl hAI WBA ......,_ wetcht crown apinat Johnny~!) in a acheCtuJed 15-rouftd bout from 2:~0 J>.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY L ONARD'I GOLDEN GLOVES -NebrMka vt. Tdll bl a ... riel of bout. taped at S.ton Rouat. La. 3:30 p.m. ('1) -PRO BOWUNG -Tbe flnall of the Miller Hilh Lite Open. tal.t at MIJwauk,ee. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WOIUJ> OP IPOllft - Wilfredo Gomn (34-1) defendt hJ.a WBC super t.ntamwelaht title apinlt Juan MJad•• .._ (37-5) in a ICheduTed 15-round bout taped at Allandc Qty. Abo: The women's record hiah dive ~ ta.. ped at Orlando, Fla. RADIO BMk.etball -North C.atoUna (30·2) VI. Boust· on (-.7) ln an NCAA aemWnal pme from•New Orleana, 12:20 p.m., KNX (1070); Loullvtlle (23-9) VI: Georgetown (29-6) in an NCAA aemWnal game, 2:50 ~· KNX (1070) . ball -Dodgers va. Philadelphia at Clear- water, 10:10 a.m., KABC (790); Cleveland vs. AJ1Bela at Palm Sprinp, 12:55 p.m., KMPC (710). Hockey -Colorado at Kinp, 6:50 p.m., KPRZ (1150). Rustlers ro:mp; , Pirates nipped Golden West College kept ita record unble· miahed in Southern California Conference p1ay 1 while Orange Coast dropped a narrow decision to South Coast Conference leader Fullerton in wo- men 'a community college basketball play Friday nighL The Golden West Rustlers took command early in posting a 94-57 victocy over visiting Rio Hondo while Fullerton was coming from behind to defeat the Pirates at home, 57-54. Golden West improved its record to 15-1 ove-1 rail and 4·0 in conference action u five players 900red in double figures. Jill Guthrie hit for 26 while Janet Ramaekers BCOred 24 for the Rustlers. Carol Krikorian had 12 while Teresa Rea and Marcia Mathews each con- tributed 10. Guthrie and Rea were the dominant players on the boardl at both ends of the court. Orange Coast and Fullerton engaged in a battle for first place with the Hornets emerging on top to brins their record to 6-0 in conference action. OCC dropped to 5-1 with the two teams scheduled to meet again at Orange Coast in the final regular season game. Orange Coast went in front by 13 points in the first half before the Hornets came back to take a 31 -30 lead to the dressing room. Then in the second half, the Pirates moved in front by 10 with eight minutes remaining but couldn't hold the~ Delores Effinger hit 18 points for the Pirates while Kris Kroyer had 15 in a losing caUle. Fullerton 9COred the last six points of the game and moved in front to stay with a little more than a minute remaining. FLY AllDDUY. .lntradll0"'9 Pmtl:'a Europeen .................... 'llktng a European vacation? Come to Park Porsche/Audi and check out our unique Euro- pean Delivery Program. The money you save on your car could pay for your vacation! . Why buy or lease your new Pqrsche or Audi from just any dealership when you can get the special treatment at Park. At Paft(, we coordinate al/ the details of your trip with our trllvef 9g8nt. and give you a set of Michelin mape, for epk>ring those quaint vmage roads. w.·n have your car snippedback to the States, and when It an1ves, we can pick It up, cqmpfetefy detail and-servfce it, California certify It and detiv8f' It to your door. \Ye'll even handle all the cumbersome paperWOft< for you. At Park Porsche/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service. What bett8f' way to see Europe, and what bet· ter place to brNk·in your new ~! Call today for d the details. I ~ Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You'll also have a persortal Park Consumer.Representative, here to answer all your automotive questions. And, if you'd like :~~,~~~Im.~~ ~1~¥1 to pick up your new auto mobile right from the factory, ask about our unique European'DelJvery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi· ilO=l~Ct-E / &\Ui)i cated to giv~ng you t!1e first class treatment you deserve. UNLIKE ANY OTHER diffe~~:. 1n and discover th~ Park Porsche/Audi I ------ Pint, CA 80620 (714) s21..ae21 ' (21,3) 921.n44 (Alongalde the s.ita AM Fwy.) ~' 'i--~~~~~~~-'-~~~---~~~-J ll -·· ....... ol ckn for. tNck and ,.... --~ bul a.dd· lebllck ~·· Oauchall made =.::~ r4!r=n~ the IDlft'I and •• dtvtilona fl r. tn Mllalon COnf.nnce circlee. • Davld Aahtord trl_pled with r" Yictoriel ln bOch hurdlet and \M. 100-meter daah, apeedlna to clockln1t of 14.l In tbe tti1h hurdle• and 10.e ln the 100 to • pllCe a llJ-32 rout of San Dtelo'• men. Armando Nieto, a freshman by way of the Marine Corp. went 1:57.2 in the 800 meters and MJaaion Viejo Hiah product Chet Vert WU a winner in the 1,500 meters, clocking a 4:00.6. '~ On the women'• side, Kelley ' Cunningham. Row Van Wie and t r Sabrina Pe ndle ton doubled to •· pave the way to an 87-36 rout of the visitors. :!•' . UCI hosts meet •• j , UC Irvine crew will ho&t San Diego State and Loyola Univer· • sity this morning (9 o'clock) in • the Parke r Cup at the North Lido ~el in Newport Beach. • "REALISTICALLY, IT wouldn't be u..y . But it shouldn't be any more difficult now than it wu then. It's just a matter of all the work, luck and other fact ors. meshing at the right Ume. "No, I think it can be done ~ain." Moel basketball buffs would accuae the old coach of being overly modftt. Stnce·hia retirement, no college team has been able to put two champiomhipe together, much less . a cluster. , Wooden's 10th chanu>ion at UCLA was succeeded by Indiana. Then followed GllSGP .. -.ZAM»SOCAM YOUf. u -t ' <>-fietd et Magnolia In Huntingt.on Beach FINI BMW RISALIS 11181211 Graphite/ black. Sunroof, auto. trans .. air cond .. allQ}'s. cassette. (1725). 11711201 Sierra be iqe/ tan. Sunroof, auto .. Irani., air cond., alloy1. (6556). 1111 l!Oi Alpine white/ mocha. Sunroof, auto. trans .• air cond .. alloys. casselte (0796) 111·1 I REDWOOD FEllClll& Very Durtlble 2 I 4.1 8 J Marctu•U•, kentucky, Miehtaan State, LouiMDe arid Indiana~ A n,r , .... will crct'!~•~ in the Superme ... a· . ~t·· Hoo:-.... a1reedy ha ~ ted. Sime the offic 1 NCAA iournament bepn lo 1939, no team ma tncketed more than two d&I.--not the l:Wl-ain1n>l artilta of Hank lb. at Oklahoma State, not San Frand8co with the greet Bill Rulaell. not the le.red Kmtuclty WUdcata of the late Adolph aupp.1 ONLY WOODEN HAS managed to build anytbin9 ~'1lbling a dynuty. Another iln 't >n light. Now removed from the wild hullabaloo of bia-Ume ~ere basketball, a man who get.a hi9 exe~ taking brisk neighborhood stroU.. ln auburban Loe .Anaeles, Wooden can't say he rtUaaea the preaaure and the exdtement. · "I nev e r re'&.lly enjoyed the tournaments," he ,,Ud by telephone from California. "I neve1t cared for the folderol. 1 My p_leaiaure came froln practice, plannini, workiJ\I with the kids and watching them Re·g. 1.69 Reg. 1.29 . SALE · $119 SALE y Qrllde -Smooth 9.9° ~ ~ .. ;t' RCA Color Video ,? Camera with 8 :1 ... S)O'lNerZOOfnlensand electronic view· finder $699.00 MocMI YFP170/TFP1500 RCA SelectaVision 6 -Hour Convertible VCR Syatem w ith High-Speed Picture Search and Special Effect• 21311 REDWOOD . . . Reg. 1.79 . Rough Sawn -, ~,~,t for Feftc~ Rall~ '3°141 I , " REDWOOD Reg. 4.99 Fresh Stock -llallM Exc.lleat Poata 4}1I1 I . LlllDSCIPiE TlllERS Reg; 5.99 Fur.glolde Treetecl, Super Qualltr Reg. 26.80 I iSALE s319 ~ th9 ._...UM)'........ . Tbe .... 1ebQJarly court prof-ln- .. be never eun•adered to~ end did ~ ln hil poww to tnfect hil YOWi& profe&el with the MID9 controlled attitude. "Wbea we "•re approachln& the wlnn1JW.elnlk Naard -San l'randllo'J 60 1tnTpt ,...... .. he said, "the nMldla natu.raUy naade •Jo& of it. My advice to the kida wu: 'Don't look ahead. 1''1 JU. m... ketball. lt'1 not the end of the worfd. Avoid jl.abUation. Don't pt excited when rou win. Jlor\'t get dejected when you lole.' WOODEN HAS an averaioll '° the cur- .rent ital.ling tacUcl in the oolleg!? game. "It's farcical," he aald. "You should al- ways try to win the same rather than keep ~ bing it. Under present rules, I can understand a IU\ll late in the g~ when you're ahead, never when you're behind." He said he w• opposed to ~na the zone defense -"let everybody p)ay ~ they like" -and would have .a rule forbidding an offenaive rebound, "a cheap goal." Who was the best player he ever coa- ched? "Lewis Alcindor.'' Wooden r,plied 40- heshatingly, reffrri.ng to the great st&( who , · took the Muahm n ame Kareem AbduJ- Jabbar. D B Model 83t5 ....... ,. • Dlvlilon WMlllllllll ploftlhip ---today and DUllMll!llJ' ..... of act6an achedWed. The ·~ linMm~ be hlchlJchted ., $~ .. the three profemonal of top fueJ, funn,,tar a 'J~N atock 'llminatora. Other ~tJUon will include ~ ~ In top alcohol ~. top iakOhol funny car, ~mpetlllon. super , atoc;:k, stock. super cqp>p, 1\iper gas and super 1\reet e~IDn. 1 Second-ye..-top fuel ~t Lucille Lee and funlty car ve..- ran J im Dunn, both of Loni Beach, head the pro fieldl. Lee will be pllotln1 the Marc Danekas-owned TR-3 Special wbJch recently hit a '&.66 leeond clotking in winning the fuel and gas champlon shipa in Bakers- field. Others In lhe fun'}.Y car com- petltion include Mike Duhh, Tom McEwen, John Force and Billy Meyer. MAGNAVOX VCR STAR REMOTE wfffl,...... Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. 1 day/1 1 event time r. T r ansitlon • editing. Remote ppuse. \ \ Special . sse12s Model RB42e5 Enjoy the ultimate in stat&-of-th&-411 technoaogy with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution mter and an audio output jack. Factory programmed to receive 105 channels. s5999s • I I _ FREE DELIVERY Model 5054 with Hi-Fi Sound $869.95 W ith Remote Control .............. ,... _. .... ,. .... ..._ I I r ,I • rl (' lj. f •· I STANDOVTI -Bill Sieker (left) of Bltanda · and Fountain V alleoh! Ken Harter played well in J'riday 1).laht'1 v yball action. l'.aglee won, Baroni were beaten. From Page B 1 , BR0UGHTEN. • • only one rve bou1ht on a recommendation," ahe -.ya. Brough1en purchued M.je9tic Aura foe below the 125';000 aaki.nc price and the hone baa rewar- ded her owner with more than $78,000 ln winnings in about one year. • Today,. Broughten is involved heavily in the busine8a of hone syndication. She is al80 involved in the "~lltlcs" of the buainem. She was elected to the oo.nt of the California Harne. Hone Breeders Aaaociation and she is al80 a member of the board of the Western Standardbred Aslociation. She is al80 hoping to begin her own syndication -the fitst llmited ~~rshlp for two-year-olds in training -called ~rnia Standardbred Enter-prises. . . - _ _ Brou~ainer is.-™-Gary Baker who joined her)lear t h• end of 1981 after Silverman returned to the ..i to specialize in the trainlq of Grand CinUt ho~ Whil' lla~er · dOes the training, Broughten is doing more and· mare foc the promotion of harness · in C.Womla. ~~ <1t1 is tp have two major racing com- plexe, 1ri omia," she says. · Sb~'j lioping her syndication idea will bring new owners into the game. too. "Nothing like tb.ia has been tried before," she says. "li a ~~ baa a part of many hones, mste.d of all In one, it is le. pf a risk." ADd Broughten knows .arnething about Nb. She only • to think about Rum Pirate or Majestic Aura • it · U(; hos ts tri-meet f U Irvine's men's track and field team hosts I Pa,c1fi Coast Athletic Association champion San 1 I J~. S te and rival Long Beach State today be- gir\Jlinj at 2 p.m. I' . N le. than allht conference champions will · be on ~ a meet. featuring three of the top four I teams ih ~ PCAA championships last year. 1 Ttle Anteaters, because of finals, have been idW f<>t nearly two weeks. In their laat dual meet I . they pulled a stunning 86-77 win over San Diego State. . ~ the way for UCI will be aenior Eddie f Carey~ qualified for the nation.ala last Sa~ f lnvita onal. ·~r; clock.ins in the 400 mptep ~t. the ~ Be· ch Cities canceled ] .s. 11e elements did it again to what was to be the I ·117th 4fvtua1 Kiwanis Beach Cities track and field · anvi~?nal -today's scheduled meet has been ,, :::i because of wet grounds with no makeup t .f e meet was to have included prep standouta ' : from efending champion Fountain Valley, Marina, Hunt eBeach, Edison, Westminster, Ocean Vu:w~ na del '1ar, &tancia, M.ter Dei, Mission . ·Viejo,' Hilla, El Toro and the host Newport 11H.arbar Sailors. j ~:J· ic ~ ard files malpractice suit l · USTON (AP) -J. R. Richard, the Houston , • " pitcher trytna to make a omnebaclt after • e-tnreatening stmke ln 1980, filed a malpractice ~t f'riday against the team physician and three r • : other ~octon. ' :Jnd .. Wile, Carolyn. -.' ;• The IUit eeks~ dam-aa for Wchard I , . .... . . .. , . . . . . . . ·"· ·. e clutch 'victories JCPenney Fine Jewelry Dept. . Oilers win lone game AYSO finals totJ.ay 40°/o off all 14K • chains All-star battles set for Sunday • charms Gary Buckela fashioned a two-hitter through slx innings and Greg S h irley paced an eight-hit attack with a pall' df dou bles to lead Huntington Beach High to an 8-2 Su~t ~ t 7 811 vict.cql a&.Ooaan View, the Jone game Within the C>ranBe Coast aree to get put the rain lierrier Friday. Buckels allowed only two sin- gles in raising his overall record to 5-0 (3-0 in league _play), stri- king out four and walking none. Shirley had a two-nan double in the sixth inning aft.er picking up one RBI in the fifth Inning with his first two-~. PASADENA -Six Orange County American Youth Soccer Organization teams will wrap up the 1981-82 11eaaon wber• all A YSO teams would like to be - in tbeJ Sou thern Califo~== tiona1 cMmpiOnilllp arid games this weekend. - Fountain Valley-Westmlftltet' Region 5 leads the Orange County charge, with two teama battling for sectional titles and three mor~ going for all-star crowns in action at Brookside Park adjacent to the Roe Bowl Also aluglng doUbles were Greg Dev alk and Brian Patrtdt for the winners, who are JlOW 4-1 in league play, a half game off F.d.iaoo'a leque-leading pace. Lance Hoek.in bad a two-run homer apinst Buckela' relief for Ocean View in the bottom of the seventh to •vea a atuit.mii.. Today's action ia re.erved for sectional chjUDplomhip games, and the R eg ion 5 Strikers, a Divialon m girls ~ will battle La Mlradli at 1 p .ID} Another Region 5 girls teem. a Division V aquad compriaed of 9-10 year-olds, will face Upland for that eectional championship at 1 p.m. On Sunday, all-at.ar clashes incb1de a Bea~on 6 boys team IOYSCLUt Of FOUNTAIN VALLEY Spring Ba8eball for Boys & Girls ~ Mawch-June Age 7-10, '11"'~3 Q>St t2QOO Q>aches Also Needed. Tryouts March 27, 1982 9-11 am -12-1 p.m. , 968-5252 : 9840 +...,.; Fa•taln Valley I THINK A80flT TH/$ ., ,.,,,, 'q Orllll# One 1tudent described hi• dad to ahoiher 1tu- dent: "He '1 made a lot of money, and at the ai'e of 60 be'1 flnally found out that h l1 life la nothing. Beacuae he eeea that ln five or ten yean be'1 PD8 to dJe, and he ... that De'1 got aU bll 'pl.' and he'a still nowhere. Life It.elf WM ju8t a ve- hicle for blm to attain theN extertor pla. So °'"" how eta. be handle life? :e.icauae he bu llO 1oal1 to preoccupy bta mlncL wbat'a preoecu- pylnt bl1 mlnd now la life, and he cannot han-dle that. "'Ibla c.t at eo la where l mn at 20. Wt.n r m eo, I don't want to be wt.er. he'a at. Betq ~rat. at 20, yo11 atlll feel JOU -know )'0Un9lf, but at to -where do yO\l 10 trom thl!nr' At 20 or eo 10" .._. · . pt to Jeaue Chrllt and • .. llltl without Him ~~ 1,~ynowtme..Wllla -~-~.,.. a•1111t••"'ta;• . boUlid for beav~.and • t.aw •. ,,.~1¥111 ul / bun Division m (13-14-year-old) which will meet Hawthorne at 11 a.m. Alao on Sunday, -a Region-~ girls team on the Division V level meets Ventura at 1 p.m. Region 5 ' al.to "nds a Division VI team into the all-star finals against Agoura at 11 a.m. AY80 Sectional• ( ..................... ~~ TOOArt C~ I Dtww.... Qlrte AeQloll 5 (Weatmlntter-Fountaln Valley) va. Lii Mirada. i p.m. DhWonVGtfta Aeglolt 5 (Weatmlnlter-Fountaln Valley) vs. Upland. 1 p.m. ....,..u.....a.-DM.left • ..,.. • earrings 40% off 111 Di1111ond Rine• LAST DAY TODA YI -~~ o( course you can charge it! ~ FASHION ISl.AND ~ NEWPORT CENTER Quantities Limited to Stock ori hand Regioll S (Weltmlntt•-Fountaln Vlllley) vs. Hawthomm, 11 Lm. . ~VQlrte • ',._---------------- Aeglolt 5 (W..tmlnster-Founlaln V.iley) va. Ventura. 1 p.m. • ~VI Qlrte Aeglolt 5 (W•1mlnst.•·Fountein Vdmy) vs.. AQoura. 11 Lm. DfwWM • Qlrta Aeglolt 120 (Ccela Me.a) vs. Gr~a Hiiia, 11 a.m. AID. \ .. .. I ~I • . \ I 1 1 t . ~ . I ' . I 'I I • NU .. .,_COSS W ICI ........... W L N •• •T 21 .111 -•s 2• .112 1~ ,. 31 .117 • 18 11 .M1 N PortlMcl 35 3' .!OT 11 i. Sen Ol9go ,. 64 .221 11 ........ ~ ""' Anlonlo '3 27 .e 1• -°"'"' " 30 .• 314 ~ 38 aa .5't 414 Kaineu Cl1y 25 •11 .347 11 Dellee 2A ... .~ 1t Ulllh 19 51 .271 24 .. .,...... CONPIW:I ....... ~ 55 15 .7 .. - " 21 ....... WM!Nngton 311 3' .807 1t14 NH J9rMY 35 34 .500 20 NH Yott! 30 40 .•2t 211 c.tr.I Dtww... --....... 41 2'3 .871 - Au.nte 3' all .'93 12~ o.trolt 33 37 .411 " lndleM a 1 st . ..s 18 Clllceoo 29 '° .420 m• Clewl"lnd 15 2• .217 8114 ,,..,. . ._... SM Antonio 1101 1.4111-105 Botton 125, Detrol1 11M ~!~. 100, llldi-81 .--phle 115, ~ 111 WMl!lngton 104, New JerMY II Chlc:egO 131, New Yori! 107 0.... ... KaMM Q1y 17 ~113, ........ 112 Htu.ton 9' SMt1't 97 0<*9eft St• 102, PefJlnd " ~ ,............_ o.tron et NH JerMY Allenta et Oe11M San Antonio et U1all Pftoenla el ~ Mlh .. uk" et San Diego IJMlra 110, L.Mere 105 LOS AHGIUS -Ramble 0, WM!c•"27, Abdul.Jabber 28, Nixon 17. E. JotlNon 17 Coopw 12, Landabergat 0, McAdoo 4. b .,.. o. Tota '5 15-25 105. SAM ANTONtO -R8lne 0, Mhc:Mll • 1, 0. Jol'llllOll o. Moote •• GerWI 19, Conine 1•. ~ 2. 8'912 1•. a... 12. ~ 2. lll'l"f 4:1 18-22 110 ........ a--. ~ ~ ,.35 18 29 ~106 Sen Antonio 31 2e 28 25-110 ~t OOell -Bre!i 2. FOUied OUl -None T otel lc>IA9 -la Angelee 25, ~ Al\IOnlo 27 hcllnlcel -Olberdln9. A-1'.650 NCAA tourn.ment ,....,_ (atNewOriil:::L Todef'• hm Nonll Cwo!tna (30-2) w. Houaton (25-TJ. 12:38 p.m. loul•vlll• (23-11) n. Georgetown, D.C. (29-e). 3:08 p.m. ~chulpl • ....., Nortll Cerollne-Houaton winner v•. L.oulevlli.Georgelown ........., • 5 p.m COlUGE WOMEN NCAA ...... <•,~a.) Cheyney State 78, Merytend ee loulelene Tecll •• T-'8 MAW~ (at 1'111•• ti•> llF ..... Texaa 82, Weyland Bllptlst 113 fMgen 113, Villenove 75 COMMUNlTY COL.LEGE WOMEN Golden WMI 14, Rio Hondo ST OOLMN WEIT -Clementa 4, 1<11korlen 12, Outllrie 2e, Hemeon'· RMIMlt«9 24, AM 10, Ma1i-10, Duncan 4. TOUlll: 41 12-25 ~ NO ltOfC)() -8. Mmnlnez 8, V. Manin. 4, Ruoon 4, c-... 10, H<iglwe 12. "°'** 8. SaitadO 11 T'ot ... : 2e 5-17 57. Helfllme GolOen w-. »-22. Total b11e: Oolderl W.. 20, Alo HOnOo 22; Fouled out: Pollack (Rio Hondo), 8 Merl"-(Rio Hondot.. Futterton 57, Orenge Coeet M OMNOa COAST -Elllnger 18, ...... 2, Sendvltten 2. Kr0)'8' 1 s. Pn• t , lefry e, Cetl'oil 0. Tote19' 25.4-10 54. 'ULLlllTON -Powell S, Cener 11, HeyH 11. Hitchen• 4. L•lln• ~. ........ "· Dugan 8, K~ 2. Totlllt: 231M'7 51. Hetttlme Fullerton. 31-30. Total lout.: Orange Coast tt, Fullnon 15: Fouled out Outen (F). CUONCup , ....... ....,, ~~ Jimmy Coonora def. T-81'1114, ~. 11·4, 8·2; Gulll•rmo vu .. det. M•rk Ed· mondaon, 8-2, 8-2; Peter McN-• _.,, Vince Ve" Petten, 8-1. 3-41, 7·1: Send)' Meyer Clef Men TMC:her. 8-2. 4-4. .. 1. WomM'e~ (et .... Yllftl) 0-.... ... ...... W9fW1y T~ Oel. ~ ...._, .. 1. M . •z: Anne Smid! del. ~ Jotden. e-2, M ,8-1. t .... == ~*\u.: .... ..._'\.L' 1 ~~=~··tt.r~~'t~: L ............. CIMllnd,..._., o.e.. ......... ,,,.. -I! .. '111it ~ '• to : ~ ••E=teo .__, ...... ,.,.., ............ =:~A...., (I) w "°""· •-............... , (tie Cba I , .... ) CftiMaO !AU I01 001 liO-T to 1 ~-OOI CMO 001 ...... it 1 l<OOlllWI (~ ... 111 lfld .... ... M. Dewie, MoOrew (II). ,.,_(I), WI-. ). "'°'YJ.,_DI& W-"'°"f. L- lllrojM. H" ~ MettMM. --=~~-(.. ~ Houeton 002 401 · 120-10 11 3 T °'°'*> 700 240 0211-15 17 0 1<11epper, LeCon• (II, o. 81111th (T) .• , e e •• Smltll (I) Md Aobene; ..,.,._, 0ervtn ttk ....._, (ll enct WNtt. w-....._. l~. HAe HOUiton, Gwa., Thon, Kn'9flt, HMp, Roberta, LOllClll•. Toronto. """""'· ........ WNtt. = ......... . , .. ~ ....... , ~QlyOOO 001 021 ~ 11 0 PlltlllWgll 200 200 000 000-4 11 1 Wiii. ~ ~---·)' (T). Hood (t ) llld We1haft; , lcwry (1), ...._ -1•1. 8llrmlaneo~t101. uo-1.121211 Md NloOeia. H"9-Qly, Oii&. ~ lllqh, Pwtler. ............. 1 (etY-) 8"' Frwldeoo 100 cloo 00-1 ' t Sen ~000 OCll oo.-a 7 0 Gale. •> Md Mey "-' (~ Mon1~. (I) Md Owoecb. W-CNftlr. L-..... ......... Y..._1 , .. ,... .......... T-300 000 ~ 10 1 NH Yott! (Al) 000 000 010-1 7 1 Houafl. C-(T). ...._ (I) enct auncs.. wo. II. Jollnaon (7); P-ite. M0t9an (I) ;~4ne, Gulden (I ). W-HOllflt. l - Orw.. I, ... I , ...... , Clnc*wl&ll 000 000 030-4 1 0 8elllmof9 300 000 Ob-I • 1 ..._., t...co.. (5). Edelen (T). ....,.. (I) end T~. Ven ()Orci.t ~~: ~~~~-.W - ~ Murrw)'. O.,W. .,.... .. ~. , .. on.., .... , St. loWe 000 03D 100-4 7 1 ~ 301 401 00.-t 11 3 Rincon. Clterwla t•J. Uttel (ti _, 11for11· men; H-a. Cotllett (7), Ano)'o.(I) and W)'neger, Butera (7). W-Hne11•. L- Rlncon. Hf\9-St. ~ De9&. """'-ta, Hrbell. ....... ._. , ..................... , New Yott! (NL) 000 031 002-1 10 2 Allenla 010 010 000-2 5 2 Felcone. Dixon (8). "-(t). la.lfl (9) end Steerna; ~. Moote (ti. Gerber (II. Camp end Ban.diet. w-Falco"8. L-~. H"9-"-YOftl, ~ YCMIO-blooO. 8roob. ....... 11. ""'" 11 ( .. ~......, 80lltOfl oe 1 003 o:io 2-, s 20 2 Detroit 011 2tt 000 ~,. 11 0 (8)~~,f~ (8). RotNc:Md m. ~ t 16lene1 Jferrwi. Falley (7). W-Sclloppff. -Seucler. High ecttool II ............ 0....¥"91 Hunllnalon e..:ti 102 o:sa o-e • 2 o-i View 000 000 2-2 • 3 luckele, Flynn (7) end Shlrley; Douty, Tunl9 (8). Bid (T) end ~ W -lluf*. .... l -Douty. 28 -~ .c>an2; De-v• (HB). ....,.. (HI); HA -(OV). c • • ,..,, .... t • .._..(led). 1M; I • ........., (91111), IN: I. c..._ .... \N. ~"4;1.1~ ~ •10:,. .. (IO). DT -1 ...... ( .... 1'1 ... I . ...._ (t.d). 12T-4j,_~. Wiii (IO). 114-4. JT -1. vOonoll (~ 171-': 2. CMil9 (8ad). 1-...; 1. w..,. (led). , ....... w ..... C~OGU.911 SP' I at lr ......... CC. 100 -1. ~ '~ 1"l.o: 200 -1. ~(SO). 2U; a -1 '*-(sot. 1:01.11; toO -1. ~~1:30.t: 1, eoo -1. ~ .2: a.Goe Van1~. ; n.t,.:_ ti Villi -.!t (SM). 1:10~400 rel&)' -1. tan Oleao. NHL Ow.LCOM Cl --i-r-r-. .. ,.:, ·~ " 17 11 '°2 -10I ~ t7 32 17 111 -71 'I~ 21 SS 1t 2t1 171 M DWI 23 N 11! ttt Ill 11 c.Dr• 11 •1 12 HO 137 41 ............... ~ " 21 20 322 -.. Wllll*8o II 2t 14 307 311 71 °*48o. 21 ,. 11 314 3'1 .., lt.LOUle 2t3t12N»411 T-'O 20 3t 11 215 164 M OWolt 11 41 12 2117 MO 41 taO 111 2N et 2N 11 ,_,. 17 319 .. • $4.7; 1,IOO ,_y -1. Ian 01efo, •:2.•.i : HJ -1. '-lelon (led). .... , u -....... Qn lledr 1~5; JT -1. ~ (1ad). 11~ OT -1. TrllltOi.t (Seid). 1tG.1; SP -1. "*(to). M-1114. ~ LAW~-=.. mST -100 -1. "'°'" ~ 10.82; 2 • ._ (~). 1U7; 3. CUMe (len9). 1U2. MO -1. Knudeeft IUl*lldt, 1:.M.N : 2. .,.. (Wlhlt). 2:0U>': a.~ (8oull P•Hdene), 2:00.91. l :ot.11: I . 0.)'91 ~laildl).l;OUI. . 12cHf -1 • ...,.,,. (~~.1~ .. ( ..... ~ 2. ~ (loulll P 11.20; I. 9redlord(l....__).1UI . no -I . ...,_ (lenoa). UM~ I, ...,.,._ der (lledl•nde), It. U 1 I . Browll (HeMllome). 2U2. ---100-1. W~ (Hewltlome). 11.12: MO -1. Ourrand (t..eo-llMcfl~~ (,,_ -0); 110U4-1. C.roll( ~.i:t· 1U8: 220 -1. Allan (li..thome). Loe Alelftffoe l'NDAY'aMMA.TI ,J,.':' ............ ...,_ ......,, MCI. One mlle ~· Luc:lly C.d (I<'**") 1UO UO 3.40 Anal 8-.ep (Todd II) 3.80 UO fl~(~ 4.00 co.:~~-~ ~ M)' ow.ct t<nlaht. Jau ,.... 1 , C11i11111e9 C.... .. •'IM ........ W ¥11, Chrcoel H_,.,.,, ~le; Scott. ~ ' • 400 f"*1Wt r*t -\,Ml ..... Mbllo1 ~ t:03 116. 4:01.02. ' • IXACT A (4-5) peid $33.20. 1.000 lrH -1. Wllllenia (MS~ 10: 14.12; 2. Wiima (OCC~ 10-.35. n: 3. MCOllD llACa. One mile ~. ,...,..,.. CtMelo (OCC). 10:41.18. 8ly U ((CM~ 7.40 4.40 3.20 C• ._ NeM ..._., ~~ 200 tr• -1. Shoaf (OCC), 1:5-4.10; 2. Oolde Melt-t l 10.00 UO T~ V...,,.,. -137 BrownlH (OCC). 1:5•.84: 3. SoMnakl W1M lnveetmenl ( d) 3.40 Mike McC11llolrofl 17.70 _ 137 (MSAC). 2:0S.11. Al•o raced: Hll end Run, Native Joy. ~ • • I I " " w ..... •s..-.. ....,. .... W&Mf ..... 1,0..... .... 1 Weber St• 000 100 0-1' 11 0 Golden Weal 000 000 ~ s 0 w--Ind Hickman: Alel'I Md McEJrea. MCOllDGAm ca.... ............... Weber Slate 000 000 0-0 1 4 ~w• 011 ooo •-2 .a 2 w... end Hlc*men; Delp end ......... ~ (5). 2&-Gele (GWC),. lu•u .... w I, I I A ' I I 8llddlebeclt 000 000 0-0 I I Souli-tem 000 002 •-2 4 O Lock• end Rubalcave: 9 relnerd end 0 '8'1en; HR-04mnen (8oulllweeMnl). • • ,,..,,. Conner 11.--taT l!O free -1. Poln'-1 IOCC). 21.117; 2. Perfect Uollt. Miu Ge)' 01<1, Bye Bye Trecl. Tom Weteoll -..e -137 ~ (OCC). 22.50; ~. Pett MSAC), 23. 111. Time: 2:b2. Fred Couplet ..... -137 200IM -1. a.ra. (OCC). 2:10.M; 2. Ruh ~ MCL One mire~. ·~ C.-ait Stadler 5-70 -131 (MSAC). 2:11.81: 3. Coollrlt (OCC). 2:20.... ..0rMm Time (Pner) 7.00 u o 2.40 Doug T.... ..71 _131 200 hy -1. S .. tur (OCC), 2:1 t.30; 2. Summer Froilc (~) 8.00 3.20 Bud A11n ... 711 -13' WHlma tOCCI, 2:25.10; 3. Pett (MSAC). rw-Skip (Vellendlnollam) 2.80 Jottll MeNlle)' ... 71 -139 2:'8.M. Aleo r-O: Sp!Mter Anna. Miile Leugftt· °"" Pofll To-ee -138 100 ..... -1. ~ (OCC). 48.U: 2. ... ~ Gilt, MO<*enl Belle. ~ 7CMI t38 Rluo (OCC), 51.70; 3. Solvlnekl (MASC}, n--.. ,..._ 14-19 = '31 82.0ll. , .. ;-.:=."~-· ~::·· I ~ 7t .. -l40• ' ~~ 1. ·~~= I I "1llnlt: ~ f.W-.. lr•119MtloM -~ 2. ,._.,.. . •• ( ._,. .. -· 18-12 -140 .,..__,. .. • UACTA (1-t) peid 138.40 ••-·LL L.-TY ....,., n.--140 2'.a e. ....._ &.-.- J.C. ar-.. n-1'7 -140 IOO "--1. W.... tM8ACI. 4:5e.40; I. f'OURTM llACL OM mle I*& IALTWOAE ONOl£8 -T!Wlad 0-. Bot>._., •n 140 811oel (OCC), 11:01.to; &. S.liur (<>CC). llerwoddell (0-0.-) 10.AO 8 00 3.20 WW.., outllalder end llrodlla C.W,, Jiii- .Jim Thorpe •11 = "' 5:15.70. ...,,.... Gold (GNndV) .:m uo a-.'° .. Clndnft.M Rede'°' Joe ..... 8obOy Clemo«! 70-71 -t41 200 ~ -1, Ruh (MSAC). 2:27.40; 2 Honie~ {Kuebler) 3.40 cetdw. Olbl ~ 11-74 -141 Devle (OOC). 2:21.40; 3. Wonlcna (OCC). Aleo r808Ct. Be)' I.Ml, Avon 8pet1l, Annbto CLEVEl..ANO INOIANS -Waived 0.,,. .... 71-70 -141 2:'4.1. Bred. Aoeello, lnfteider, tat ... purpoee of gMllf lMWIY Wedlclne n.ee -141 400 "-rtley -no 9lltlW. '""'-: t:OO VS. 111m hie unriond11Jon81,.._. Or.Id EdWerde o I l 'Jt7·~ ..+ \4t11c..r-----------!Ji.1111Wliol""' ........ w.iWi1.i.:.r....t.1---..:.~.:.:..~~--i.;..-.:..-------------J O.A. Welbtlng -.~ -ua Tom '°'8 5-73 -142 a.y Ple)'W n.ee -142 Keftfl Feroue 71 ·71 -142 Qllp ... 7~72 -142 Tom Pur1nr 71-71 -142 Tom.....,. -.n -142 .>.y Cudd 72.70 -142 Nie* FelOo -.n -142 Bob GIOer 71-72 -143 811 Aogerw 72-71 -143 Bred Bryant 7'-70 -143 a.wtt Lye 72-71 -143 GI Mor.-! 71-71 -143 JOM co. 71-72 -143 Fuaw &Iller .. 7, -143 Prep track and field results .... M.._ 1. No¥otny {E). •:•5.t; 2. Wr I• ..... a, ........ ood • Coe (E), •:'8.0; 3. l(elly (E), 4:'8. 1. 100 -1. FlguerOll (W). 10.7; 2. 2-mlle-1. Coe (E). 10:28.8; 2. Doble (W), 10.7; 3. Phlll'9a (W), Oleuon (M). 10:51.0: 3. Gormley 11.0. (E). no tim.. 200 -1. Oobl• (W). 2•.2: 2. 120HH-1. Lui (M), t5.•: 2. 2. Wetklne (V). •2.0: 3. 8actimen (U). 42"8. "° reley -1. UnMrwlt)'. '41.0. Mii• rtlay -1" Unlv•r•lly, 3:3& 1. PV -1. Ulumim (I), 12.f: 2. Gregor (C;). 11-e; 3. He9d (CM). t()..(). SP -1. SzyptnlU(CM). &1-e: 2. Mataon (CM), «·2 ~; 3. We<n« (CM) ...... 2 'i4. i. ._..... 74-41 -143 .........,. ... 75 -143 ' "'111! Cllilliilt1 .. 7 4 -143 ~llWedkn ... 11 -144 MlchMll (W), 25.1; j . Kaiplen (8). Zumw•tl (E). 15-5 15.S; 3. Devi• no time. (M). 17.1. ~ 400 -1. M1c:11M1e (W), 55.f': t. aidlK-1. B'°'*fl (M), •2.0; 2. Ray IW). s~~.3. ~ (W., 58.5.~ .VJ•lr• (M) '4.2.a; ~ Z11111w•t1 (E), PV -1 Betton (NN). 12-0; 2. 8enn"1 (NH). 11-e: $. Sohonl (U). t-6. I LJ ,-1. Sl-~rt (U/, 20·0; 2. Berry (NH/s 20-0; 3. 81~rger OT -1. Matton (CM), 1~2 'At; 2. Szyperekl (CM), 12t·S '.t; 3. Wfiffltf (CM). 123-7. ' -~ 5-75-144 .... ~ 72-72 -144 '--..... 72-73 -144 Or911,,.,.... 70-74 -144 .. ~ Tl-7t -144 Mike a.wwi 1 wa -14' lien er..-71-73 -144 Danny Edwarde 72-72 -144 ..... <>-.tlulll 74-70 -1 ... .,., ..... ..78 -144 Aon ..,.... .. 7. -144 88mlwd L8flOW 14-71 -1411 ....,....,. • 71-7'-t'5 .._ D9wlrl 73-72 -1'5 .... ~ 72·73 -145 ... Ham 70-75 -1'5 i ~ 8$-78 -1•5 Mll•ao-71-74 -1'11 ...... 71-74 -145 ........... 71-74 -145 E 71-75-148 ...,., n-n-'" T'Mtty --71-1441 Leu°"'*" 72-74 -1'8 bum 1•10-1441 12-7'-148 72·14 -148 --A1'1•0t1G 70-71 -,.. rd "'811 -.11 -141 0... Uhler 12-74 -141 ~b.111 , ....... ~75-72 -147 a.. COOdY 72.75 -1'7 ...... ~ 70-77 -147 ~ ...... 72.71 -147 0.-l!ldlelbergllr 70-77 -J'T ........ 'aK...-Ooen JM1w1 oemer '1'4-10-1« .-...Kerr 74-71-1'5 _,., l.OpR ...... 70-711-145 ,.. ~ 13-73--148 Mir MDOt{ 72·74-147 Jo,,,_....... Ta-T•-1'1 9-Klllg 7•7'-147 0..., Mani 13-71-1'8 ~Tllbor 75-73--141 ..... VWI.._ 71-71-141 ~ "8llOldl 1•n-14t D811N Wt111e 71-T1-14t ~ Dalllr .,..._, ... ~ 71-11-14t =" b=d ~;:::~: .... 74-71-141 ..... a. 74-75-14' Clrld)'.. 11-71-141 ~........ , .. 71-150 ......... 71-74-150 y~........... 74-71-190 .Ill!,.,.,. T7·7t-1IO "--y.... ~1-.,......, n.n-1• ..... • lll RIPP 1t-71-1IO .......... 74-19-1IO Qll'tllllfl .. ' 17. 74-111 ... ,..... 14-17-111 .......... n.n-111 =....... 11-74-111 --. n.n-111 ............. n.n-111 &...-........ 71-74-111 ........ 77.,.,_1. ..... Mia , .. ,._1. =-Qip,\g I) ~= =Mil 11-79-114 LartE" :~= ·=--Jt~= ~:-a.,,.,,.,._ (W), ~'f0.2;'1: ·4e.t. • Armt1lrong (W). 2:12.3; 3. ~ 440 relay-1. Mllttn8, '9.4. (W). 2:23. 1. Mlle r...,._1. Edleon, no 11me. M .. -1. Yueler (8 ), •:30.5; 2. LJ-1. Johneoo (E). 20-10: 2. Whon (W), 4:63.8; 3. Wlll1-(B). Frink (E), 20·7: 3. Devi• (M). 4:55. 1. 19-M' .. 2-mlle -1. YUl1er (8). 10:22.8; TJ-1. HelM (M). 41-7; 2. Ocud 2. W9eme (8). 10:'5.2; 3. ~ (M). '1· 1 'At; 3. WHhlngton (E), ton (W), 11:00.0. *'™· 1~H -1. WOiff (8). 17.T; 2. HJ-1. HelM (M). 5-10; 2. Aod-M.rllng (W), 17.7; 3. Ftyon (W), ney (M). 11·8; 3. Wuttlngton (E), 18.5.· w . ~ 3DOLH -1. Schelmerllom (W), PV-1. ,o~y1he (EJ. 13·0: 2 . 41.7; 2. lOuno (W). 43.3; 3. Doble Heutt. (M). 12-t; 3. Lui (M). 12-0 • (W). 4-4.2. SP-1:"Poni* (!}, 4&-3; 2. Rl- 40, Ntey-1. Wood~, dlardeon(E), •S.11~; 3.Bfown(M). 47.7. ~'At. Mlle,.,,,,-1. Woodbridge, OT-1 •• Georaattot (M), 123-6; 3:151.4. 2. e...uc.11E1: 118-0'.t: 3. Rlcflerct-PV -1. s.rter (W), M ; 2. Flynn IOll (6. 11a.:2. (W). ~ a. Hwton (WJ. t-0. , HJ -1. ~ (W). 5-2: 2. Ka-Ha ..... "· Piil V..., • plen (8). 5-2: t. WOiff (8 ). $-4. 100 -1. Soohoo (FV), t0.3: 2. LJ -1. 8eh8'm8'hOro (W). Emery (FV), 10.4; 3. Brim (HB). 11-1: 2. °*" (W). 1M: s. wom 10.• (8)1 17-t. 220 -1. Brim (H8 ), 23.1; 2. tJ-1.a.tg(W).41-2;2.Sym Soohoo (FV). 24.0; 3. Mendou (W). 874. Ytn (W). 37·2. ~ 2.'-t. . SP -'1. JoflNon (W), 38-t; 2. 4'0-1. E"*Y ("'), 51,f: 2. Whlteelde (W). -.; a. Nldldeofl T1lorTIPW (~8), SU; 3. 8lliflop (W), 31-4. ~· 61.t. Gow .. ,.., ............ 11 100 -1. Brown ~a:..3: 2. Wood (W), 10.4; 3, (W). 10.S. 220 -1. Brown (011). 23~: 2 • Oueet (0\1), 23.5; 3. Depelm (W). 25.1. 440 -1. Ou.ti (OV). SU; 2. AufmlM (OV). 63.7; 3. Depelm !Wj.,55.1. -1. Monon (W), 2:01.7; 2. ~ (W). 2:04.0; t. Wllllfl (OV). 2:05.t. ... -1. Monon 00 4:A2..2; 2. Ardllbeild (OV), ut.1; 3. tHic1a (W). 10:31.0. 2·lflll• -1. Are hlbetd (OV), 10:31. 1; a. ~ (OV). 10:36.0: s. Olr'Cll (W). i0:31.0. t.eHti -1. Mlnauin(OVj, '17.4'; 2. Ot••• (W), 17.t ; 3. C•ml:lot ~20.t. -1. OV). «>.~ 2. (W). :.::.-~ (W). 43.t: , ''°rel., -1. oe .. n View, ..... ~lte , ... " -1. WMtmlfleter, l:At.1. HJ -1. evme (OV), .. 0: 2. ......_CM...,no'*4. ~ -f. o.w.. (OV), ICM: 2. ....,_ M 1M \t; I. AuewelM (OY), 1u:· , TJ -t. NIIMI (r~·!i..!_· ...,.. <OVJ. ...,. a. ""'" --1~ "" -1. ic._ll ... . •-•·M'lll ..... ~ .. LMllee -.o , .. ... ~":t Alfl'ed (W). 11~ a; ...... ICM. 114-e: ........ fOY).tlM. .. • . --1. ~ !M 2:04.S; ·I. ....... (FV). t:Ol.i; ..... 9ough IH8>. ~:l)e.e. • ....... J.QuinOnez(Hl).4.:83.3; 2. Moetllf ~ A:36.2; 3 .. ~ -(Htt). 4:S5.7. 2·mll• -1. OulnonH (HI). t :St.4: 2. Moltier (FV). 10:01.4; 3. Mann (FV). 10:11.2. 330LH -1. Andrewe (FV). 39.0; 2. VanOorHl8' (HB). •0 .2; 3. Tllomp9on (H8l.:~. 1~H -1. (FV), 15.2: 2. r ... i.r (FV). 111.1; a. Carel• (HB). 111.t . 440 rtley -1. Founleln v...,, 4U. Mlle ,.,ay -Fount•ln V•ltey, 3:31.t. LJ -1. Brim (H8l, 20-t; 2. Mlttennelr (HB). 20-5 ~: 3. ~ dor.e (Hll). ft-7. . HJ -1. Mlttermw (HB). e-o: no 8llOOl'ld Of third. TJ -1. 8llttertl8ld (HB). '3-1; 2. Hlf19r (FV). 3 ... 10; 3. Mlttermtllf (HI). M'At. PV -1. "--' (FV). 12-4; 2. Delcourt (FV), 12-t; 3. Mc<;enn (H8). 12-4. a.--1. Moen (H8). 50-3'At; 2. l "*11 (HI). 4t-O: 3. Smltll ( 4M'4. -1. ~ (H8~ 14'1-I; 2. H1rrleon (HI), 1H-10'At; I . 9111111 <"-1 ... 11"- (NH), 111-e :.t. • HJ -· 1. Bue~la (U), 8·01 2 . 8ilrry (NH). 8-0; 3. M8t1le {U). f.O" 1 J -1. Blocllburgtr ( .... ). 43--3; 2. Jen (U). 42·8; 3. St-•n (U). 40-&. .! OT -1. H,. (U). 1.._.; 2. Gaal (NH), 142-1: 3. a.um (U). 103-7 . SP -1. GU1i (NH). ""'~ 2 . Hiii (U), 43--11; 3. Mllcflell (U). 41-1. Women HIGH ICHOOt. ...................... 100-1. Phllllp• (W). 12.2; 200-1. Bunon 00 21.4; 4'00-1. Cottle (W), 1:05.4j ioo-1. Kitl--1. 2:38.4; Mlle-1. SebeNer tW). 8:01.3; 2-mlte-1. Verb.,9 (Wt 13;10; 300Ui-1.11ooen (W). ll1j. .400 relay-t. Woodbndge, 115. Mlle ..-.Y-1. Woodbrldoe. 4:'9.t; IJ T-M. ......... G HJ-1. l<lrven (W), '-I: LJ-1. 100-1. lYbliraer ~O.t; 2. Kirven (W), 14-e; 'rJ-1. l<lrv91t SWMZy(ET),-10.d; 3. I (&t). (W). 31..3;$P-1. WlleonlW). 31..f. 10.7. I 220-1, Lybtlrger (ET), 23.2; 2. fb\. V..., NY.1 HtMt, ...... ~ Pol-"1 (Eal.), 23.5; 3. e.ldtlll (ET). 100-1. Henoereon (FV), 11.t : 24.5. 220-1. H•tfleld (FY), 27 .O: 440-1. Betdllll (ET), 53.0; 2. •AO-I. Slorlnl (FY). 1:05-.2; JOhneon (Elt.). 54.1; 3. And4non 880-1. Olrado1 (FV), 2:34.t ; (ET), 55.1. Mlle -1. Crablr" JF'i). 5:41.0; eeo-1. Jim McCerttty 1&1.1. 2-rl"Me-1. ~ P4 tllOM· 2:01.2; 2. Andtrton (m 2:08.1; 3. 110LH-1. H•ttl•l 11 (P'i). 1~.I: CUfri1GNm (ET). 2:1U.. 330L.H-1. Hetlltld (FVI, ..,~ Mlle-I. Logen (ET), •:H.S; 2. rela)'-t. Founlaln V~ 62 ; Jim McCartlly (Eet.> •:'4.0 : 3. Mlle rell)'-1. HunUnoton Wen.n (ET). 4:51.4. • •:34.8; lJ-1. M•o•yan (FVJ. 2·~1. F.,ten (ET). 10:11.0;-1~; TJ-1. 8-(H8). 30-t\t 2. Wwren (ET). 10:fll.3; 3. John HJ-1. M•ndou (H8 ). 4-1ot . ~(E.lt.). 10:41.t. SP-1. Utu (HI ), 36-10: OT-i 120HH-1. 8oMn (Ell.). 1&.4; I. Viv (H8). 1C>e-11. 1 Sonwl (ET). 17.2: 3. 8-1 (En). • 17.8. OoeM V)lw .. W11tr Ir t~ 330lH-1. eo-.{t.t.). 41.4; 2. 100 -1. Burnt (OVl. 12.0; Eldrtdglt (gf). 41.t: 3. 8oeell (&l.). -1. Whitler (W). 2t. f:' "'° - 43.1. PYtct (OV.). 118.4; MO -1.1 440 f'lle.)'-'1. E TOro, 45.1. (W), 2:33.0; Mlle -1. NoeftH Mlle rwtey-1. &tlnda. 3:42.0. (0\1), 5:50.0; l·mltt -1. Meer"' W-1. Hof1llfl (ET). 19-1; 2. Ven ken (W), 11: 14.0; 110LH -1. U.UW (ET}. 11-11 1Mit: a. Nelcal Webb (OV), 11.8; 330LH -1. (Elt.). 1t-o. Webb (011). 51.T; 440 r.-r -1. TJ-1. Ven LJeuw (ET). 41.t; 2. ac-, View, 54.1; Hite r-.y -1, Horgen (ET). 39-0\t; 3. 0.. (ET). Wtetminettr, 4;50.0; HJ -1. Alt- 38-f. .blo (W). 3·10; U -t. SendoWI HJ-1. LMry (ET)( M : 2. 8"'-(OV). 12-t; SP -1. H OermM tank~ M : 3. (tlt1 W.. l&l) (OV). 2S-o 'M OT -1. !<-. (W), Md (let.t.M. ee.2. PV-1. SOiie (ht.). 11-·0; 2. Fl-~.(ET). 1t.o: 3· Molllw1 (la.). 1oo~r~-r~a.~ aoo SP-1. SefgMnt (l!T), •7-1; 2. -1. MOf1on ~), 27.1; 400 -t. =·cm 45-t: 3. COlellwl (bt.). ~L~:.112:~:.~; i,.~~o.: 1~·w~t~ OT-1. Hotll (!T), 1't·3'At; 2. M~, 5:28.t ; 2·mlle -1, Woff• sm1111 (Eet.), ~3•·o: 3. a.reun1 11:~.:.~Uoot.H -1. Monol'I (ET). 1324. U ; '9UULl'I -1. lie (1), .... 4: I 400 reley -1. I~. 111.t; Mll9 If~ c.-............ ,. -1. IMnt. 4:0e.O; H.I -t ~ 100 -TflfttfMtt (I), 11.S: 2. a-t (C" 4-o: u -1 V...,. Hilrtlly(I), 1U;3..Ma~W).1U. (I), 1 .. 4; SP -· 1. ~(CM). 200 -'· H~ (I n .o: I . $3-7 \t: DT -1. OI (I)...... • J Tr"""*I (f}. 11.&a.L tQIJ), ~ 24.0. •T_ .......... '°' -1 ~~•at. 100 -1. Wiii In 1U; llO _. SlllWM (I), lt.4t A. .... .-.., 1, ._,._,.(IT). 20: 44'0 -f. • au. ·~ ~ii.ET>. 1:02.11 ... -" -, .-.. T), 2:M ,i=-1, I . l..oli d t :H.I; -\. O roi o. ~ hell 11:11.1; n0ut-fl'• • I . -t, lla.:t~~ m;.~ .~ ~ 'l;'f::, ( 1.. , ... ~,, •• , t • • -1. •:•. . . ., _ . '· ... I am to ;attend conf e • Newsweek maga- line nport.ed earlier thla month that the Reaaan adminturaUon wu pr..urinc Graham not to make the trip, f..tna the Soviets would use him for propaaanda purpoeea. "fm au.re there baa been d'8cullico with our government, especially in that it refers to the country of Ruaaia," said Donald L. Bailey, a spo- kesman for Graham. Asked if anyone • at the White House GJldAM h a d t r i e d t o d l s - courage Graham from going, Balley said, "I cannot speak to that becauae ~don't have t~at ~tion." Graham lllsUed a statement aaying, "It ia my slrqre prayer that this viait will make at 1eut a spWI oontribution to better understanding between lfle. peoples ol the Soviet Union. the United States ~d other countriee of the world. "We trade with each othe~ we have cultural changes and we have contltlllfed political nego- dons in spite of our differences. I think it is now me that we move into a spiritual dimension as ell "My purpose in going to the Soviet Union is lplrttual, and It la no~ .m~ lJ\~Uon to becalm in· ~ ln political or ideoJoCical llauee, •• he aaid. Accordin1 to the 1tatement released by the BUly Gnbam Evanaellatic Amoclation office here, the ~Uat announced he had been invtted to attend a wonhip llet'Yice May 9 at the cathedral and speak to \he congregation during the morning li- ~t even1na. are.ham' aaid, he will pruch at the Moscow Baptlat Church, which haa 5,500 members. On May 11 , Graham la to addreaa a Soviet· 1pon1ored international conference called "Reli8fiow WOl'ken f« Savlna the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe.'' The National C.OUncil of Churches of Christ in the United States alao has aaid it will be repreeent.ed at the COllferenoe, which opena May 10, acoordlna to the Soviet newt aaency T ... Graham said leaden of many major rellgiona around the world would be at the meetlnl(. "I will be attending the conference aa an obeerver," Graham said. "However, previous commitments will prevent me from stayina for the entire conference." Grahan\ aaid he would be addressing the con- Conce ts, lectures schedule·d . ~ ~~~ .. M1" !!:!t• at die·tffth91Nft•·ol~~rc:::c:e ~. ...... the Jewtlh ~ rarwn. .. to belln at 7: p.m. Sunday at the santa Ana Kiah Scbool auditorium. A CONCERT la to be prwented at 7:80.p.m. Sunday at Chritt C.Oo!!:f:, Irvine Fow\den Ha111 .1 \ 1530 ~. Perl wU1 be the coUeee ana ABOV1' 1,200 Jehovah'• Witneuet frbni tlte handbell cboln. 0ranae C.C-t are expected at • two-day t9 le9liorl in l!'&-ondMlo April 3 and 4. Nichol.al TEMPLE BETH DAVID cholr wU1 pwent a 1ak Jr .. a dlatrict minilter from New York, )ril - benefit concert at 8 p.m. April 3 in the new sane· rect the program. tuary at 8100 Hefley St., W..irnan.ter. I A LECTURE on ''Taking Charae of Y Otb Liit" F AURB~ REQUIEM wW be performed by is to be pmient.ed by author James Meltonj!~ 7* the Geneva Prelbyterian Church chancel choir at p.m. ThW'lday at the Church of Religious 'l°-· · 2223 Main St., Huntington Beach. CHURCH' NOTES DEADLINE FOR HOLY WBE&z..BASTBR SERVICES IS 5 P.M. FRIDAY. 5:30 p.m. Sun~~l. at the church, 24301 El Toro Ro.d,Lacuna . A RUMMAGE SALE la to be conducted until 2 p.m. today at tb9 Child's World Children's Center, 1 University Methodist Church, 18422 Culver Drive, Irvine. VONETTE BRIGHT, author and speaker for Campus Crusade for Christ, ia to speak today before A PREACWNG MISSION will be co~uctecl by the Rev. Dr. Hayden S. Sean of Hawaj at ... First United Methodiat Church of Costa Me.a, 4tO W. 19th St. He will preach at 10:45 a.m. aM 7. p.m. Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Tues$y * Wednetlday. ' GOSPEL SINGER Linda Hopkins is to pel'· fonn at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at the Capistrano <Am- munity Church aervice at the Saddleback Colllfe gymnasium. "IN REMEMBRANCE," a film about men Mid events aurrounding the Last Supper, is to be shown at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Flnt United Method.flt Church, 2721 17th St., Huntington Beach. ference on the Chrl_,ilan's undentanding of peace in ,..----------------------------.----------- a nuclear age. .. Ex-astronaut to talk A former astronaut will be the featured 1pea- ker at the annual mayor's breakfast., a htghllaht of the Newport Harbor Christian Leadership Week, which ends Friday. Brig. Gen. (ret.) Charles Duke Jr., lunar mo- dule pilot of Apollo 16, will speak at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Newport Sheraton. The event is sponsored by the Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club. -~ South Coast --'C2Tc~~~1t¥,E!',.~ch C~rona del Mar High School1 21_01 Eastbluff Dr., C~ona del Mar "C:hare•: A Spreadlnlf Flame" •_:rim Timmons Speakin_g For Info: Call 644-1350 Bring yo.Jr child to Huntinoton Centet fot o free fun visit with t~ Easter Bunny. Photos only $2.88 on request. Daily 'til Easter. ORANGE CO·A5T CHURCH emECTORYi Freedom of Worship An ; WOllSNP-Io A.M. . c..,c.,.. .. - "WHY AM I HERE?'' Lolita ......... Gueet......, " 1 oTi c. ...... SlrM, w...,.. 1Hclll I ~ .. • .. left.I a-~ . ' ,.:1_ --.:. : '.·.·...=~'IC:.&..... . '. -.......... _ ~ ... _ -....... irr. ' ,..... -.!""T"!" ---~·~ ~·~·!..!.. . urcnor St. Matmew b-y the Sea (Tredltionfll ~ . • :,.,OL y COMMUN/Of.I-Each SUndsr -9:00 AMj . . !~oolcol.~~-.1fn8 j I MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church ' 6J 1 H~llp.troge,. Q>rona qel Mar n.a.. .. Jwa~t.W-Hl-2201 I ST. JOllfS -- ' THI 9'1SCOrA.L C...atlM COITA MISA ,,.., strMt ·~ • ._ . :WO fioly C1'" [Iii, 1~~....r.t 11:00-...., kt.Ml·. .. ~.rf.~~:, ~· . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OI' THI! MOTHER CHOllCH THE FIRST CHURCH Cl' CHRIST SCIENTIST IN BOSTON t.IASSACHUSETTS "REALITY" March 21, 1982 Cos .. ..._ -Flrtt C'-dt of Cllrftt, Sc._.... ZIN....._ Y ... Dr .. CMt• M9M Cllllrdi & ~ Sct1oe1 -I NO A.M.. ....... -.21 ............ Dr. 9 AJ4.4:JO ,.M. ............ s.t. WM. 7•7:IO ,.M. -9·f:JO ,.M. '"._-Ant a-ct.. of cllrtit. 5cWht ·~----... , ..... ac..e. 4161 ........ , ...... , C1-dt & ~ Sc'1ool -I 0:00 A.M. Q41LO CNle' l'AOVUO AT SUNDAY H~eCt lk:afls9w ...C.. .::._Ant a.rdl of Cllrfst, Sc ..... .. &oe.-.1 .......,. ...... Cllllrdi & ~ Sctloel -I 0:00 A.M. 1...,.1--u•w•st. ~c. .... -Pint Cllmrdt of Qrfft. 6H Hlpllriff Cllllrdi & ~ Sc._.. -I 0:00 A.M. 1 ..... 1--zu '-"' ... . .,. • .,.. .... -...... c ... of Qrht.- 1 Sc ....... JJOJ Vie U.. ...,.,._. .._.. Cllllrdi a ~ ScilMI -t:oo & 19:10 A.M. I ..... I-. JJ t I Vie LWe M-W..s.t.-9 A.M.·l '.M. T-.-1.9 ,.M. ~CW..~T,_,._-t»11S>A"' FOllMyT- .... .,.. .._. _ S.Co.d a.cit of Clmt, Sc ....... JIM ft-*c View Dr .. c-.. ..._. Cllllrdi & S.-, Sc-.. -I NO A.M. 11 I ~ .. ~IN .... L c..t Hwy .. C4M WID. TISTIMOMY t anues - I P.M. AU CHUICHIS Aft 1tec:orcllllll<_IO_l"9Cllut'Cl>--~the-~ of tl\e Redf>q "- CWW c-,._e.4 AT~ ~YICft ·-- WESTMINSTBt llJTHBtAH OUKJt 1Ja41 ......... IMeJlf te S-INafe. frwy. & w~ tt • toe "'""' -WOltstW smmc:es -t:H It I O:OI A.Mo ,~STOI JO& A. SWte•UM rttOMI "Wiit CMltST C CM (Missouri Synod) 7H~st .. C........._ &AAe>Y. T-. ,..._._611·1611 w61SMr SHYtCl-1:11 & 11:00 A.M. S...., S..... & A ...... a--t-.JO A..M. arwe. Sc-..-141 "" . A mlAI. ID.CM Fiii .Til lllH CllllCll Of ClllST, c~e.. CMYUlmAL '" ............... .. c_ .. ..._ '44-7400 D..WW.lllh.MWthr 10 A.M. -w.., w....., C-ScllOOl _ N.,,_.,,C.. ESlllDlllll ~~~·· , ...... r .. a..,.. .... 4 4-1061 - JOHH M. llTIQ.05 MA•6A.llT ANH llYMOlDS, ........, IO A.M. -S.-, W ..... Ce-di ScMel & ..._.., ·HA1101ammAH CHURCH IDhc ... flla.wt 2401 ....... ",.... ...... '41-1711 .! Attend 'lbe Church of , Your Choice · ... Pi~tnto<ttli C orn1n·9l1tio1lll I Chu rd1 3262 llOAD ST .. ~ llACH 642·2740 5..day Senk• -I O:JO A.M. "PROFIT AILE HEARING" A _.... WelcCMM frOM THE UNlnD MITHODIST ·CHUICH Costa Meta MSTUMTID MITMOOIST CHUICH 19th St. & Harbor 81\ld , °CWcll~t:JO . W ..... 10!41 Charles D. CIJrt(. Minister &>Sta Mesa NOfth MISAYIUI UMl19 MlntOOKT CHUICH Wanlllp & a.di Sc-.. A:JO • I O:tO A.M. Dr.W.-1. ..... Huntington B..m PllSTUMIT9 MITMOOtST CHUICM 2721 17th St 53&-3537 Wanlllp,....r.19:11&& H.n.yC..AI ...... c:i.rc111c ............. This Sunday Worship In ST. AMMtlW'S PllSIYllRIAM CHuaCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newt>Orl Beach • 831-2880 Dr. Jee. A. U11ff -. Jr .. ,..._ w...., S-kff -7~45 _, .LO:t.J.,µie. "UNLESS THE LORD BUILDS THE Housr Dr. John A.. Huffman, Jr. f Preac:hln(I . '•~s . 7!10 ....... .._.. .......................... ljUica: CWld c- 1:41 && .................. e...... 10:11 ...................... & ... a... AIC tM;I I 645-2222 . Cwuuwtty Prflbyterim1 C~.h ' ,4t5,_.... ..... ~.... 494-1111 Rev Arthur J. Tankersley Rev Craig Williams Chnst1an Education Hour 9:CX>-10 00 AM Worship -10: 15 AM -.o!Y CAlll ~llOVIOCD AT PnSIYTERIAH CHUICH OF THE COVEHAMT 2ISO ......_IL C:.• Mne -557-JJ40 lrwceA.r.ril,,_..,. 1"ny Mc:C.nne. Direct0< of Youth Ministries Howard Killion. Director of Adult Ministries Donald Maddox, Direct0< of Singles Ministries S..., w.--l:JO & I 0:00 A..M. ~ Sc:llMl-a.Mr. tin A .... I 0:00 A.M. M1nrf C8"9 ~ -l:JO & I 0:00 A..M. ....... -1:00 , ...... . CHUICH OF CHIJST -r 217 w.--.... c-....... 641-Jltl We're A Going Glowing Growing Church I SUHDA Y SBYICIS 1 lllLI STUDY t A.M. wo.SNf' 11 .uiL.A 6 '.M. I 10 am "God'• Guarantees" I John 3:24 ; 6 p.M. •-n. TrWty'" -II Corinth: 1l:14 , ~ • ; '-~-hwtC.,Y ............ ?i . ·m HADOI·~~ s......s.r-.w .. ~ ........ , , e e 7 , , , ,..., S-lce ·Ant,,..., ........ Rabbi Bernard P. King • Jamboree & Eastblutf Or. MJ,1Sic: Arie Shlkler Newport Beach. C4'1f. 'EdUc:ator: Nancy Lev:i n ,_ lafw •11 c.I ~7.J AIV--· TEMPLE SHARON' I ~ (ConservaUve) ¥ Pr...Schoot -Hebrew & Sunday School -Bar/Mltzvah Training - Youth Group -Slstel'hood ServloM: Friday. 8:15 p.m. Sat .. 9:15 Lm . Sun .• 9:30 a.m. RABI HERSHEL BROOKS 817 •••• Hemlhon, Coat• M•N 1114212 ---S.IUI SHI.HAT SBYIC8 M.a ,.-s.t.·19:)1 .. • ... If Ut . • • ' ANTONELLO RISTORANTE Classic Northern Italian cu isine, a superb wine list w ith a very capable staff to assure your dining a real experience. Reservations and jackets suggested. (714) 751 -7153. HUNGRY TIGER RESTAURANT Famous for live Maine lobster and fresh fish daily. The oyster bar has its own menu of special seafood dishes. Lunch and dinner. Entertainment and dancing. (714) 979-1181 i GOOD EARTH RESTAURANT · "Unequivbcally the finest in natural cuisine:· Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. 8 A.M.~10 P.M. Sunday-Th"rsday; 8 A.M.-11 P.M. Friday and Saturday. 557-8433. RESTAURANT HORIKAWA Operated by Horikawa of Tokyo, offers gourmet Japanese cuisine in a serene set- ting. Try our combination luncheons In the Teppan Room, cooked right before your · eye$ by showmen chefs. All maior credit cards. Open 1 days a week. (714) 557·2531 T " I' ' ' • .I\ PINOCCHIO'S PIZZERIA Authentic Neopolitan P'zza, homemade pasta, and Italian ice cream are among the reasons why Pinocchio's is a unique, fun place for lunch or dinner. We offer a large selection of Italian and French wines for your enjoyment. Food and Wine to go. Come to Pinocchio 's! (714) 556-3757 ... ... BELGIAN WAFFLE A scrumptious selection of waffles. Plain, powdered, fruited, or fudged; all are equally delightful! Hamburgers, homemade muffins, soups, sandwiches, and omelets. Patio dining. Weekdays and Saturdays: 8 A.M.-8 P.M. Sundays: 8 A.M.-5 P.M. (714) 557-5186 VERDUGO'S- RESTAURANTE Y CANTINA Fantastical Tantalizin~ tradltionals · and exquisite especiahdades. Strolling . mariachis and champaane brunch to spice up your Sundaysf Monday-Saturd,ay; Lunch 11 A.M.-3 P.M., Dinner 3 P.M.-11 P.M., Sunday Brunch: 9:30 A.M.-2;30 P.M. (714) 556-7990 ·x "The painter's here and he brought us posses for today at the iool" MARMADl:KE by Brad Anderson "Just when I got rid of that last batch of hats, we have another windy day!" ACROSS 1Cllfl 8-Felbt 10NFLteem 14 Devourer 15 TlleEaet 1t Strllgllt M • "tJ: ,_,., . ,,, "Could you tel me ....,. the patent oftlct It?" DEN~IS THE MEN!\CE Hank Ketchum by Ferd & Tom Johnson so NEXT Pl.OWIN<i S~ASoN, You'RE INVITED To PRACTICE .. . YooR GOLF SUors ,.t. . ~ ONMY-- ~~. \~ ·.· \./Oit:j~,.\ \ -1 SHOE ~ANC'' WHAT'S )IOl.JR GOOFY DOG DOiNG TODAY, HARRY? MP News: ... IN Z WE.fKS '1t>lJ~ Gf'OUP INSURANCE RA-W.SARe 60 I NG-UP. .. ~ HE'S A REAL CHARA CT~ •'l'NK,. "INKERBE!\N by Ernie Bushmiller ---TODAY HE'S TAKING HIM9l!U: FOR A \.VALK by Gus Arriola 1r~ THA.T OLD ,, J:AIVIRCW- MENT" \I~ Ht!R.eOrTY FL.AP/ WOAJO.eR IFHE HA!!> NW SMOl(J!O ~ll_ SIJ.Jtl<e? ~k:~d,.( bv Tom Battuk rt11UJ 00 IJllll 1"1? Oil llPJrt• WW..' I woui.wr f.JIV:JL4 REFER s~w . !11. Sii'i!mfl ~ 1 10 rr A~ 'smTE Of TME. ART '! I I~ 'iOO COMCt.Mffttt Otl ~rut "°"'~"• 'I00°Ll C,Ei (,()09 6RAOES IM (OUE&E ! SAY, <SANcS, e,ecAose -rHe &esi-we couu:> COMI! UP Wt1"H &.ASi 1"1Me WAS A FOUR"rH RUNNt!!~­ fJP, 1"HeRe w• '-'-ee NO NU"9e!S' l?>~'TY PA68N'T" IN ·'rt-ti!! AUP11"0RIOM • THIS Ye.AR! J·l7 by Kevin Fagan I .• Und• Len haa a oonfellion to make: he was always TERRIBLE a~ f1yina kites, Usually aber he h•d worked long and hard at .. tting the kite ready (no ripa or '-ars), the tall attached and all tile knots out of the string, the wind would die down. Uncle Len hopes his friends = better luck with their kit.es. n1 them can be:. fun, but t1mee people get hurt when tbey dcn't pay attention to aome danaen. a~ are some safety tips for Uncle Len's.,friends: -Always use dry string, wood and paper ln your kite. -Never use metal, wire or metallic string or cloth. -Don't fly your kite in the "'fl· Don't cross streets or high- W!!ys when kite flying. -Always fly your kit.es away from television and radio anten- naa.. , ,_ Always fly your ~ away ~power lines. U your ki.te is eaughtin a power line, don't try to get it down. First prize and $5 this week B<_>eS to Scott Borack1 11, of Costa l'.1esa. Congratulations, Scott, for your great drawing of a Japanese fish kite. Second place a nd $2 goes to Gregory Hurst, 12, of Fountain Valley, who drew a fine version of 1t!te oki-fashioned box kite. FIRST PLACE: Scott Borack of Costa Mesa OI•• Oollll DAIL V N.OT/...._, M8rdt 27, tlla WATER-SAVING SLOGANS -Chris Fraser and Amy Crane, both 9, hold posters they made during a water conservation project at Masuda School, Fountain Valley. Third-fourth graders of Mrs. Carrie Slayback have been ~Ne41Wf'91ato studying California's water supply and its scarcity, the canal system and have been spreading the "water-saving word" to home and community. Students support discipline Kids think it would curb violence, survey says ST AM FORD, Conn. (AP) -chers let kids break rules. They Old-fashioned school di.acipline is say 'well, just this once we'll let it the way to curb school violence, a go.' But, every time they led a survey of more than 12,000· ju-kid get away with something, nior and senior high school awd-they make the situation worse ents indicates. for t~lves, for the trouble- In the poll of subscribers tb the maker ... for the kids who want national school publication, !tad to learn 10mething." magazine, 80 percent of the-The discipline survey w as students said violence could be conducted in conjunction with a curbed with discipline. Eighty-Read article that cited several seven percent said they would causes as the root of vandalism appreciate "a lot of" or "some" and the lack of discipline in to- discipline, says editor-in -chief day's schools: Dr. Terry Borton. -Violence in society is on the The magazine, published by increase. Xerox F.ducation Publications for -Large impersonal schools, half a million junior high and which make students feel like Borton said the stud~ts wrote about all problems, but comments on the last -lack of sch.ool dis- cipline -far outnumbered the others. "Kids are disruptive to prove they are someone," wrote a boy from Lowell, Mass. ''They need to show they can survive In the world." ~ A boy from Boontown, N .J .. said: "I think parental negligence -and lack of parental di.edpline -is at the root of it." From Gillet, Wis., a girl wrote: Ho~orable mentions go to Katy Ek'lof'(who forgot to eilclose her age), Cynthia Sisley, 13 and Eyal Goldmann, (who also forgot to enclose an age) of Costa Mesa; Shanowa Scott, 11 , and Eddie Hernandez, 13, of Huntington Beach; Jeff Bulley, 11, and Misty Sulley, 7 ~ of Corona del Mar; Jason Hughe ll, 6, of Fountain Valley, and all of Uncle L en 's faithful friends in Room 13 at Wilson;-,SChool in ~ta~ • A special and lafe thanb"""'m!lti students in Judy Jennings' class in Room 20 at Newport Heights Elementary School for their ter- rific pictures of koalas which arrived too late for the contest last week. t high school students ln i;o~din_g "l')Qbo(ljes." ~ classes. ri ,;,, stt 1deDI---High-divorce rat.es, resulting "I think problems are cauaed by boredom. Kids have nothing to do, but they want ~ ao they vandalize.'' A Grand Blanc, Mich ., boy explained: "The teachers are afrAici of the stude nts, so they don't discipline." Good work frP'fll, Matthe'fi Wilson;'9, James Berksntre, 10, R ona ld Fleisc h e r , 11, Ty Johnston, 8, Aesir Saenz, 10, and Lamont Thomas, 8. Uncle Len has a very special cont.est next week for his friends. The theme Will be circus pictures -anything you want to draw under the big top, Crom elephants to acrobats -in honor of Circus •Vargas, which will be at the ~County Fairgrounds ln 1 esa April 15. ~ough l~ I ' S~c.cr~ PLACE: Grego~unst of f0""1tal~n Valley for nine performances. Best part is that instead of cash prizes, winners for next week only will receive tickets to the circus. First prize will be four tickets for the winner to attend with parents and a brother or sister (come .on , now, broth e rs and sisters aren't all that bad!) Second prize will be three tickets, and all will be for ope-' ning night on the 15th. So get out your black ink and white paper cut 4 inches square and draw a circus picture for next week. Send it (one entry each, plea- se) to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 so they get here by Wed- nesday. R e m'cn ber, <ton' t c l own around. Students giving 'gator aid GAJNFSVILLE. Fla. (AP) - Ramon the alligator, who once terrorized St. Louis in a Holly- wood movie, now is growing giant legs with the help of Un- iversity of F1orida students who want to give him a permanent spot tn homecoming parades. The 25-foot prop soared to fame with the help of special effects experts in the movie "Alligator," portraying a reptlle that grew to monstrous propor- tions ln the sewers. Then he was donated to UF, whe r e he's had a friendlier image as a university macot. For- the past two football seasons, Ramon has attended games on a makeshift wooden wagon pulled by cheerleaders. But now a doze n mechanical and engineering students are creating some special effects of their own. With bits and pieces of springs, tubing, metal and pipe. bicycle, car and truck parts, the ur team built a walki ng machine that moves at about 5 mph, powe.red by an electric motor. "That is one of only two wal- king machines In the country," says engineering profe990r Gary Matthew, who nelped with the construction of the machine. "The othe.r one, at Ohio State, is a lot fandef' • • . Our.a. .wllich ~ ua about $250, pretty much w~ stniaht ahead at the saroe speed and ;..t over smooth surfacel.'' But at least Ramon will be moving, which ii more than he ever did in "Alliptor." "They originally planned for two men to get inside the hollow body and walk hunched over with 200 pounm on each of their shouldere," Matthews .. id. "It just didn't work. No one could carry that much weight hWlChed over like that. "So, they ended up showing the pa ln \he stills and when he had to walk, they took pic- tures of real alllgaton walkinc and superimposed them on the filln." opinion polls on a regular basis. in kids who feel no one cares. "What surprises us about the -Boredom: students, used to discipline survey," says ~rton, the quick stimulation of televi- "is both the large response -sion, become bored with school. twice the n o rmal -and the -Lack of discipline; many overwbelming sup~ {oc.fc;haol -~ IChool control.JJ ~~Jo the di8cipllne." I -ka!Ms of rarents aM imilaents As one student from Beaver, iostead o principals and tea- Pa .. put it: "Pr~pc;ipala and tea-chers. In general, Borton says, the students seem to support old faslioned school -and, home - disOpline. But, onJy 30 percent approve of paddling. THE QUIZ worldseope (~0 ;cMntt tor .. ch queatlon enswe,.d eorrec:Uy) 1 The United Auto Workers and General Motors reached a tentative contract agree- ment which gives UAW members more (CHOOSE ONE: money, job security) in return for certain concessions. 2 President Reagan rejected Soviet President Brezhnev's plan to (CHOOSE ONE: freeze, reduce) the number of medium-range mls- slles In Europe. 3 The U.S. Airborne Division landed on the Si nai Peninsula where they will serve as a peace-keeping force following the (CHOOSE ONE: Egyptian, Israeli) withdrawal from the area In April. 4 Meeting In Vienna, the member nations of OPEC agreed to (CHOOSE ONE: reduce, Increase) their oil production in order to subilize world petroleum prices. S During 1981, the U.S. imported about 35 percent of the oll it used. TRUt OR FALSE: This is a record level for U.S. oil imports. As the monarch of }or· d&n, I re<llntly warned that rifts between Arab ' -nations and continued lu1ell occupation of the West BAnk are brlnsfns tile Mlddae East to the brink of war. Who am 11 Aaswen appear (upside down) below quiz • news picture (10 points If you en,.., thts qutttlon c:orrec:tly) Astronauts Jack Lousma and C. Gordon Fullerton took the Columbia space shuttle on another mission into euth orbit. Despite a short delay because of technical problems, the tak.e-off for the shuttle'1 most complicated mission to date was successful. It was the CQlµQ'lbia'J ((:HOOSE ONE: third, fifth) trip into outer space. ' peoplewatcl1/spor1I~ (2 point. for eech quftlton _ .. red correctly) 1 Mikhail Baryshnikov, th~ Russian (CHOOSE ONE: ~. hockey) star, was hospitalized In Los Angelt;' for surg~ry an bis left knee. 2 Teddy ~rgrass, the award-winning .. l.., was critically injured and leh partially paralyzed in an auto accident in Philadelphia. a-basketball star b-economist c-pop singer 3 A Jury found w~lthy Danish businessman Cliius von Bulow (CHOOSE ONE : guilty, not guilty) on two charpi of attemptlns to murder his wife. 4 Jack 'ate came frqm behrnd to win the Tournament Players .. l.. Champlomhlp aiid a $90,000 purse in Ponte Vedra, Florida. a-CQlf b--T•rn& C-Curllng ... The I c. A~ bbctge" star (CHOO.SE ONE: pltcl'ler, sluatr) ;s,.an40 ~~ej1 asreed to report to pr*ctlce. A sal1ry dlspu~wtth tH"l owners had threat~oed to prevent the Cy You~.watd winnt!f from playing a second .eason with the Dodflen. ~ j I I I ' ii ' l I ~ ..... icts be d for tbe • w1re Stones may crack Japan 'harrier' 'IOKYO (AP) -Bill Wyman. the ball ,Wtariat or the Rolllna 8tone9, say. that the Britlah rock band ii~--to make its fint tour of Japan. 'The S1ane1 have been unwelcome In Japan for yeen beca._ IOIDe members have drua convictkma. Wiman aald lt "look• like there ml1ht be a chance' f91' a tour In the fall, "becau.e we're nice t·-...:;__-------------'---:--boya. really." Wyman ii vacationing here with his wife and 20-year-old IOI\. ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BEU£VUE PATHE INC. ,_.BOB CLARK'S "PORKY'S" KIM CATTRAU:SCOTT COLOMBY·KAKI HUNTER Al.EX KARRA.5 • ..,.. SUSAN CLARKaOlir)i- i.o.tPNias HAROLD GREEN&ERGwMELVIN SIMON ,_....,DON CARMODY w BOB CLARK ._,.. .. .,BOB CLARK 1-R-,~-.. --=-f&..--.1 -~ 1-R~ -~@ .;lltw 11th Ann-..Y ·~Easter Seal J., fUNt ,., lllCIUMINTI ... T1'e ,_,,,To 0... NIW !i!!M2! •tethon ~. Bl SATURDAY-SUNDAY, MARCH 27-28 ltlCMAllD .. ,,°" UV.OlllTHK SUI-I STIHP(R) 1:00 2145 4 1)0 l 11S • 1:00 9 :45 MlcllHI C..lne OllATM T1UU' (~} 12140 2 :15 1:25 7:51 tO:to Shay =eek ~(N) 12:35 21IO 1 :20 7:10 10105 ,..ter Uttlnow In llVIL..,_lt Tlta .... (N) 12:4 5 )100 5 :)0 1:00 10:15 ~ ,._., NonWlwa CMAltfOTS OP .... (~Q)12:41 J tt0 5140 1:10 ,10 1)1 == ,,_. NDfNN9 atWTHK ~ All9' (N) 1 :00 >:ti 11ao 7 141 •••• '" 70mm =.111.:.~'' Wiiiiii1'1; • Oe•••• ......... ,.., lJ1 t .... · TRIVIA BOwt XXV STANDINGS J 1. Id....._ ... (tOI 114 I ...... ~ CJ"t • 1.AeMt11110t 1n t.JaM....rca1 40 a. ·o-.... Clll'8 11~1 , • .,. to ~ w.,_ ca1 t M 4 Tiie Qfaup (tOJ *" tt . ..,._.""°"'"'(II •a I. MM''°"' ...,,....... Cl> ~ t . ~ ""°' (71 7• • no "'llY reo.Md; Mlt Of 1111 1. •Ceo11M Kidd Iii .. .,. IOOl9 ... dN '11 the ftnal 10 for Trtvla Bowl XXV: 1. Helen BrlQI cook her middle name and pined attention on the ICl'MI\ aa whom? 2. An inlUtudon known -the u,ht.hc>ule popl up in what eomk:$J.:f , 3. On J:lvta '• NeOl'd .. Studt Oft You," 3. "Mr. and MJ.illippl" (bom to wander) what color WM hAa 'I balr? 4. lllinoa. C.el\tral (CMey'1 railroad) 4. Name the pnlklent who pve the lhorttwt 5. Debra P-.et in "Love Me Tender" (btlted maU8W'Al ad*em ln hllt;ory. over Elvia) I . The 1tralna of ''Canadian Sunaet" are rec:-6. Mllton Berle (Pauline'• baby) 08lilable In the a.dqp-ound of what popular aona 7. Temple end Bucknell (Old s~ Trophy) .. ol the Slxtlea? 8. ''The Spider's Web" (Sir Rowland DelaliM) 6. An actr'tm on a current TV eerlel wu named 9. (a) "Heart and Soul" (b) second and fifth after a World War D bomber. Name her. ("Competition") 1 7: What baseball player 11 known aa "The 10. ''Born Yesterday" (movie riddle) Expreee?" 8. In what play would you find a character (Send your an.we,.. to TRIVIA, c/o the Dai{y named Toby Landau? Pilot, Box JMJO, CaiJta Meu 92626. All entries m&.lft 9. In the movie "From Here to Eternity," name be received by Wednesday, otherwise half tJte the home •tat.es of (a) Montcomery Clift and (b) player's lase score will be awarded) 1 Donna Reed. _...;.........;........;~~~~~~--.,--~~~~~~~--::- 10. A chilly reunion with an old acquaintance e Daily Pilot proved to be ju.at what the doctor ordereC:t In ~hat e classifieds movie? e work for howcloM can you get? ,~I "Fascinating" "**** 'Mhllllf' ii a tnly ri•e"-1 mone ••• exee•ted with Co1ta·G••ra1' aaaal ltrhk latnally." KatAJee. Carroll, Nliff YOltX D.41· LY NEW'S missing ... miSSirig. -··-- • you. cau 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. *BARGAIN MATINeRS * Monday tllru Saturd•Y All lttrf0tmanc .. bel0t• 5:00 PM (hceflit a.-. EfttlgMttttt 111d Htldayal I, ._.H,,A[J/t t..11', LA MIRADA WALk -tH MllOdO 01 ~~1!51Qll: •••·2400 LAKEWOOD CENTER WAU(·IN --..--"ON QOLDIN PONO" ------ CiOUTH WAllC IN Foc\MV Al Del Nno 211/614·f2tl LA:> 11,A ·---"AfnHUR"-1 , ... ~~--···· ·'f'OMY'•"-------- 'acuiry 01 C:andl•"oao 212/131·9UO ..... NG'._ ___ .......... _°"_'--_..,,..._ Oof•----·"""-""' -°""' ... ._._._ _ _,., I "REOS"-.. •Ht.UI.- ....... _ "ATLANTIC: CITY"~ •a.1c-.1*11 ·---"CHAIUOTS Of' FIR£" -' ,.,.. ___ _ so . COAST WALK·IN "DEA TKTRAI"' --·--.. , ... 1:1 ......... , ..... ... .... ..... o ... e;16 '" 1 .. 6:00 Sllowl Sllrt 11 6· IMl"CUITANT NOT1Clt CftllDIUN UllOUI 12 FRU! "".., ,., w ..... 111 .. '"'" f•l\6:*0 • h i Cvii !Mia •:oo '"' Dllf.A SGUND ·~AM CM II*>• 'l'OUll ~ , 1• NO All! CAii lllOO 1111114 ~ MXUIOIT '6Sn'OI --"" llOllTMl.l 1•-... CllWI ~ .. Oii"" ~ .A~.&Ht M ANAHEIM DIUVE ·IN •-oy fl OI lemon St "A~ IS WATCHING" ... -"DIATH YAlLIY" !IQ __ __;l;,;,,79-,;._,f_l _IO ___ -r----· o~!t~ __ 1. "fOWJWH lHIONS",. "DIATH ~SH II" 111t I. "CAW\11 TIAURS" 1111 ,. ..... ,.. SQUAD" 11111• '· .. ~ MHSATIONS" ,.,._ Clllf JI SOUllO c•·f• - ~ I.,_ A PAI/a BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ~ '""'" ~""' LINCOLN OlllVf·IN l•MO'" A¥e Welrl Of IMH 121...070 "RICHARD '9tYOft LIVE ON T .. SUN.!!' ITI'N'" tJri '"THtNK DltllTY'' "' ··-·---111. .. --·----.., L._._..,..._..., !fllllj!.fl''ll .;';;';.;:;!~ ... Ion 0.090 ,,._., OI .. OOl<t11ml (SO ) M2•2"'1 Cn•f.11 SOUllO I -· ~~f J I ... -...-~ 1."~11W"1111 I 'ON~'°"°' INt l .''CA..uslblat''1111 •'9JAllTINQ ~IR" 1111 '· "'°'"'*OM IEtMTIONI" Ctlll · 11 JOUllO CM ·ll JOllllO __ _ 'A~ IS WATCMMO" ,_ -"a.Ant VAU1r'"" Cllll HIOUMI I •A'l.1,A l A HAB~A r,., VI 1~ 'NalMD ""°'9 Lift 0,. ntm llMIST """'"" ---·--·--'"-~· .. PMl62 -- O RANGE t• .•,. ' Simon's 'Pictures' human coDletiy !f 'ft~ Matthau, once a 1ucoe11ful ··1 OUGHT m BS IN PIC· ............. now~ frcm ...,._. .. ~ ..... -:.t--....-..rt1lon ol the .... Av-a uwt -SM mov. ln&o hl9 IW"'beckl9 -........ :-:J.-dnma. ~-and ...... Soltl'alchten ~ tM ~ ol tM upe laoUM, u well .. their ~ Wrtw. own IMt. z.eept ior &he obUm· Dinah Manoff le the fel1ty tory cracke about CaUfornTa, ~yn 18-year-old who ~ Silllon'• ecrlpt doe• not aim at '° HollYwood b • reunbl With '*'Y laucha. the fathlr lhe ~·t IMft ln US The emphuh le on the ,_... What ehe ftbdl II Wali... fati1•r-dau1hter relatlon1hlp, ' Rated PG, with 1 flaah of _ .emi·nudlt)' and minor IWMl'ins. Country Pirie . Antiques Sale Small Harvest Tables Plate Racks Blanket Chests Kitchen Shelves Dressing Tables Side Draw Bakers Tables ~ Large Hervest Table ·~ __ :~ much, much more . , Kf~ 21 Fashion Island ~ Newport Beach, Calf. (714) 644-6990 cmrm- WNI& ¥OC.otl9ninq In h ~WM. famoua ds1Kk U&IWI& Poirot apotMd 0 bcouttfut womal\ on the bcOGh. AlolllnQ that h W06 dead, h& did not alk h&f ~ dlnncf. mttnOOSTlfS tvJLUnDfR Tttl3Jn ~"° .. ~~Ql'l(I ~ ~'8"""Clti.Wllltlt0i~OIC'4llJU'Wt~C..it•~K. ~ Will sing and dance her testimony as Rev. Robert A. Schullar's special guest. MARCH 28th SUNDAY 9:30 a.m~ ~E8~: ~~Q1CJrwdr Saclclebadl ~ GJlll'ISiln Take tllt Avery bit ea.st off the 5 Freeway ill .m.on V"lf!O. -----·----.. • MGM/Uilld Milla • ~encl Mw1oeano NOW PLAYING ....... Al\lllltll Onve.tn 179·NSO COSTA •U IMDl• UOWE UA Cinetnls Wtslblook 540 0594 530 4401 OMIGl UA City Qriema 634 31111 mA Btea l'llla 529·5339 a TIM OIWl8l Edwards SaddlebKk C)ange Mall 581 ·rt880 637 0340 .... WllTll•Tllt Hi Way 39 Orl'le In 8111 38113 Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise. 1WENTTE1lf C'ENTUllY·f<»I PRESENTS WALTER MAITHAU ANN-MARGRET DINAH MANOFF A HERBERT ROSS FILM NEIL SIMON'S I OUGHT 10 BE IN PICitJRES Director of Photography DAVID M. WALSH Music by MARVIN HAMLISCH Produced~ HERBERT ROSS and NEIL SIMON Executive Producer ROGER M. ROTHSTEIN Screenplay by NEIL SIMON Directed by HERBERT ROSS t • ~-( I ,,A " 1 • ~_. "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OF THE YEAR ... '~ ,J00,11a:n. AK 1'\ N._._UHI fer le Aeatle•Y A111a .... ........., BEST PlcnJRE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR MmRydcU BEST SCREENPLAY Emcst ThomptOn BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda >{A ~ '"THEY ALL LAUGHED .. FRI. 9'05, 10:30 SATt'SUH. 1:45. 1:05. 10:30 IA\ "SWAMP THING" FRI. 7:00, 10:45 SAT/SUN. 3:15. 7:00, 10:45 NISff-<ReSSING~ FRI. 1:45 SAT/'SUH. 1:15, 5:00, 1:45 RMting ... Enthralling ... CHARJOTS OFFIRE 0 ~ ~~. FRI. 6:30. 8:30, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3;00, 5:00 1:00. 9:00 I SAT. ON\.Y 10:50 .. RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" -~--...... 0 -~ 1!11 FRI. 6:00, 1:15, 10:30 SAT/SUH. 1 :30, 3:45 6:00. 8: 15. 10:30 08fitn"=- FAI. 7:ot. t:15 IAT-1t:11.-.u1, "'-.-. "OUTHT'llAI"' l_ .............. jAYPllESSONAllfN ... _ ........... ALIRED~UACIU' IA -o, JOHNNY MANQ(L •--.. .. o, Bufll I HARRIS \ct~41rb, ),a\YPA.E.SSONAlll N th1.~dOt1itt~''•l"'"'1•rt11 IRA L[\llN o. ........ StONf'Y lUMI' (~ ••••• u ~ fN. 7:00, t:OO, 10:55 IAT/IUN. 1~00, 3:00 l:OO, 1:00, l:OO, 10:16 I"> "OASBOQT" FRI. 7;00, 9:45 SAT/SUN 1:15, 4:00. 7:00, t:45 (R) RKHAID LM ON THE Im PRYO« • ~~~ !~~~ .... 7:00, 1:40, 10:15 UT,...._ 2;00, 1;40, 5:20 7:00, 1:4', 10:1 s (IQ ABSENCE OF MALICE ""· t:•, 10:11 40 '° IAT/IUN. 2:GO I• 10 II , · d w 1 rd'> <:., f\ n n l E R A C f< P L A 7 ,\ ' "'"•: ~~' .,,,,.. 581 '.~B 80 ----------•..,•*•1 •'"••• .. "PEASONAL BEST" ,...,,,. -l'IMO--_.,,,.IJ,.. "GREAT WHl'ft" FN. 1:11 SAT/SUN 2:00 1:•. t;15 (f!Gt "SWliMPTMNG" FN. 7'.10, 10:M IAT/IUN. l :M 7:20.10:f0 .. ~---llUTtO-MY--1· "SHOOT ·~"'--TH~ MOON' '/)ERS ~ All.1:30, 11 :00 °' "'~ sar.-.. 2:00 l l)ST Aft ••• 11:00 ""·a:• ''PERSONAL IATllUN 4;1•.1:• BEST" ~ ""' a:llO ur.-.. 2:11 • :10 l:IO "' lcll MT-Ul,1:11 TH~ l!J A STM•Gfll IS WATCHl•G F'ftl. 7:00, t:OO 10:50 SATt'SUN.1:15,3:00 5:00, 7:00, t:OO 10:50 ---~ RICHARD PAYOR ~'99 LIVE ON THE ,,.. I: ... t:4I, 10: SUNSET STRIP" IAT/IUM.1: .. 1:11.4:•.•:41 l.:4', 10:40 '" FN.1:15, l:OO, t:IO IAT/IUN.1:00, 2:41 4:•, 1:11, 1:00, t:IO aMT.OMLY11:00 -~·---"CRATWHl'ft" ~ UWONTHE "'· 1:00 CJ'Clt ptg SUl'Q£T SlW MTllUN.1•. ~a.1:• • uo.---''THI IWNllP THING" .... 1:11.•• MTllUk a:-. t:tl, t:41 . I I I I I I : I. I ~ I· • 4:11 (C) llOVll ·~ "H,O,T.l .11' (11711) *-' Klltr, U.. London. A eorortty ,.._...._IO Jotm lier -_., OI co- -Who oonotnlr• on .~ Mlt-ttlrted eot-~ ·.-· •:OO. fllCWMl • • 14 "The Flendleh Plot Of Qr, Fu ~ .. (1M0) ........... Side-. The Fii end acotl.lnd Verd'• Del. ~ Sn\1111 ~ the , .. )'9#-old 8l'c:h vtllelrl .. ._ NlrdtM tor the lngredlenW, lnclud-lnO the Crown .i.w.lt, UMCI to mike fits lll•pro- klnglng ellxlr. 'PG' •:21 CID INIAK PREVtlW A look II the tneMM. tpe- clelt end lt)Ortl .vent• coming up on Home Bo• omc.. . ..., I WOMAN'S OtOEST VIEWPOINT OH NVTNTIOH • (Z)MOVIE .~ * ·~ "Amerloen P09" (11111) Anlmeted. The hi. tory of Amerlcen pop m1.11ic, from v1udevn1e to rocll 'n' roll. It traced ""~ .._.., oener• tlont of • femlly of rnu.i- clane. 'A' e:OOl IUNNSE 8EMES~ MMHOIPm' ~TAUC IUNAU Ai.PORT aATUN>AY I MOAHIHO !i=:.=.RS ~MOVIE *•'A "The Cat And The Cenery" (11178) Honor Blackm..i, Mk;hMI Gallen. Hein btlttle tor e fortune et the apool(y .. ,... of • ~ mlNlonalre. 'PG' t:20!= •• "Countdown To DI•· ater" Anlmeted. Tl>e Thun- dert>Wdt "' °'4 to uve the Empire Stete Bulldlng from ~lepelng on Men- hett1n lllend. 'G' t:ao. DUSTY'S TMSfOU8E I THATSCAT PACESETTERS AMIEAICA: THE SECOHD CENTURY GJ 8P£At<OUT • CAPTIONED ABC NEWa (J) VOIC£0F AGAICUl.TURE I lrl YOUR IU8IHESS DR. 8NUOGLEB MACHINO OVT 7:00 IODIWORU> F .. tured: Mk:tlelle Brattain lntervt.wa The OAk R~ Boys. the mu.at group with the hit llnglji 1"Elvlr1": e r9P0't on 13-yew-old actor Nate Peterton. Wile> elt9nd1 • 9dlool tor the performing 11111 In Minne- • MlnnMote. QI THE FLINTSTONES IMO BlUE MAA8LE 9 SUPERFAIENDS DAVEY AND GOLIATH TUNWIOVT YOGA FOR HEAL TH tNTtANA TIONAL HOU9' (C)MOVJE • +'h "The Kid From Left Field" (1979) G'lry Cole- men, Robin Guni.ume. A bat boy'• 'atrategy launcna • lollng baseball teem on a winning 1tru11 that tu.. them to the Wand Seriea. .a..DMNOF THIATM 8TM£T PrlnclM Gree. ~ 111 1 look btllllnd the wdt of the Vaganova Choreo- gr8')tlle lnt11Me -also known u Ille Klr~ ballel ec:hool -10 ex~e tile drMma of tW() 'Russ11n d"'4*8 who h9P9 to fot- loW In the foolltept of Ber· yahnlkov. Nureyev and M.iletOYL 7:08 (%)MOVIE ••>A "Wlzerdt" (19n) Anlme1ed. In a world o{ the Mure, aore«y plays • m8IOr role In the bat11M of two greet confllctlng .,.,.._'PO' 1:11. MAILO AND THE MMMC MOVIE MACHINE I QllMUfff ;'-~~/ ICOOllYDOO I = ANOOOl.IATH UNOIM'TANOINO HUMAN KHAYIOR Cl) INT'ENCA TlOHAL. HOtM ®MOYIE *** "Oh GoOt" 1111n1 o.Grge eum.. John Den- ver. God aetect1 1n uneuepectlng young luper· mertiet 1n1111aget to dellver ' • IMINgl of 'hope Ind OOod wlll to tl)I ekat>tlcal people of the modem-d•y ~.'PO' .. ,~ POP£Vl *.. "Melody Ranch" (1t40) ~ AutlY, Jlrntrly H°"":L 18TATI TODAY ... ~ UNC-TMDNi Nl/OlM TON OFI TROUBLE ._ Talia .Balsam gues'8 as troubled youn,, wo~an mvolv~ with dru9 courier on Chicago Story tonis~t at,8:~0 on KNBC (4). (I) IOMMlll.!O l'EET Col\'ledl•111\e Mad~llne Kihn &left In 1 m1.1llcal c~ rewe thet eattrtz. .. lhoW l>Ullneu lnclul!lng puna rQcli, l~l" altl"· Brltlah playa Wld perform-.,.. l:aO 8 (J) TA~ I LONE ~ D QllOOtuPER POWEftHOUA •9 ~/HAPPY DAviCIAHO • MOVlf * * ... '1Llttle MIA Bro.d· way'' (19G8) Shirley Tem- ple, Jimmy Durante. A.n orpt\111 ~· henell lo a warm Ind IOI/Ing foater home. 1~:~ •• • "Alleg.ro Non Trap. po" (1178) Mlmiled. lite In the mechloe 11Df Is Ntlr • I* 'PG' (Z)MOVIE • •'h "BM.< leland" (1980) OoMkl Sutllerlend, yenee- .. Redg.r1ve. An Arctic -•"-·-ell teem'• member• ere forcecl Into • llgllt for their V«Y IUl'Ylval. 'PO' 8:()0 8 LEAVE rT TO BEAVER 8 9 LAV£RNE& StilAl.!Y" D MOYIE •• ·1~· '"°2) Aob· .,, ~ . .Jane Ru.IMll. A toroti ....... end en edventurer ~ torcea In a t.roplcal port City to trap 1 rec«et-. I V1U.A Al.!OAE NEW VOICE (R) Q AMENCAN GOVERNMENT (t)MOVIE • •·~ "Betles Of St Tdnl· an'1" I 1954) Alutalr Sim, Joyce Grenfell. The P'Ol>- lema ol running • girts' achOol ere Iner~ by 1ne er.rwai ol "'9 ~ tre11'1 bookmaker brOtMr •.30 9 (() 8008 BUNNY I AOAD~NNEA IF~ET ~ ·- I OOM&DAY ' GUJTARWTTH FMDERICK MOAD G AMERICAN GOVEANMIENT VIDEO JUl<E80X 10:00 8 SPACE STARS 8 8HANANA 8 0 THUHOAAA I OOU>IEOOlO I CAR CA~ cetT'RAL I08~ n.a OU> HOUM· 8olJ Vila ll'lthdle ttflt tr'1W ' kitchen ~Ila~ and Norm All1""" l.)111JCli • n- rtl( p1UO.~R>O 8i) VOTER'S PIPWNI! Jim Cooc>er Interview• ExP4of'alOty LNrnlnQ Cen- ler Boerd member• Paul Courtlend Ind Morton F'll'lll about Or111ge c-tty net. urel hiatory Md ldenc». ®MOW *•'..\"A. Nig~ Seng In Ber1Ullty $quWe" (l979) Richer• Jorden, Oavld NIV9l11 The"*'' ~chman _. W"J<~ ~ 1' lempt- ad tQ r~14tl}, to ,,a life of et~ ... 1 r Cl> llOV1E ' ' • • *'A "Ally Whlc:h Way You Can" ( 1NO) Cllnt EMIWOOd, SOndra Lbdle. e.1or9 NttMng dO'#n with NI girl and pet oranoutan. • ber•fllted l'lghter lignl uo for one lett, luc:tatlve metch 'PO' •• MC)V1£ ..... -~ "a.dlnot>I And 8room1tlo1tt·• I ~9tt) Angela Lan90\lry, Oevld TomlltlM>n. During World War II,• novice torQlf- 1nd het thrM young I trllftde .. off fOf I rNglc l8land whet• ehe Intend• 10 lewn ~ ebOut wttc:herllfl to UM It egelns1 the Hula. 'G' 10:15 CI> MOVI£ ••~ "American P09" (1910 Anlmei.d. The llla- to,Y of Amerlc:en pop rnutle, troril v.ldevllle to roclt 'n' t!XI, ta treced 111(~ ...,.,., Ill'*'•· tlonl of a leml!v Of l'llUl4· cleM. '!\' - 10-MI AMIAICA'8TOPTIH WILD, -.0 ~ ~~E:' ,~ ... M8TIU (I:) fllCWMl *. * .. JdMtrlf, *'Herdly • ~ '.'f•" (ttfT) ,,..,. Rudd, Wllffam Prince. An llllbllloUI young trlah Boa· tonlan, John F. Kennedy, an-early 11g,... of • gift for grMtMll u lie beglnt hie~ fol,lmey towwd the )oy. 11:00 I at DAl'f1'( I 9"!fDY WC'f~ '1'300;000 Rftitll'llOlld Ten- nie Claaalc" Fred Bublng ve. JoM L.ull Clare 8 9 Wll!K!NO SPECIAL "Arthur Tile Kid'' A 10. Y•-old boy tu .. • !Ob u "bou" tor bungll11g. would-be delpefadoa. (R) I !NCOAf NEWS 80Ul. TMIN .THe~ 11~~~ Third,~~ of 1IMI TPA TOUf _, (live from Hiiton HMd ltlland, ii~NNG81DE Hi-round WBA· Ban· tamwelgllt Chemplonlhlp bout befwMfl Jeff Chlln- dler end Johnny. Cetter lllv• from Phll•delpllla, Pe.) •9 .WMCAN IAH08TAHO 0 WfLD. WILO WJ!.81 • JULIA CHILO AND MOAE OOMPNl'f C0 CAWGMPHY Cl) 8A80ALL 8UHCH -AFTERNOON- 12:00 . LOST IN 8PACE • MOVIE . • * • 'h "Captain• Coura- geou1" (1937) Spencer Tracy, Freddie Bartllolo- ~-•• M>AM-1~ ,,~~··· I~ AAaNO "Duel In The Dirt" CID MOVIE ••~ "The Cat And The ,, • C•f'err·.:,.,'1~iti ~Qllor t 8*11m8(1. MlchMt Gellell. Hetrt battle for • fortune II the apool(y •••• of a ci-Md mlhlonalre. 'PG' MOW • • * "The Big Red One" 11980) L.. Mervin, Merk HamlH A 1ough Army -· geant leada lour young. IMltperlencied rec:Nltl Into tile vlotenc»-lllled frey o4 World W• II combet. 'PG' ctMbVll * * ~ "~lf MIN Mar1tr' plUIQ) Wiltilr .. ,Matthau, Julie Atw!r-8ued on 1 the Ownon Runyon tlory. A grutt, 1tlngy 1930t bc)ol(. 1e·1•111e It turned eround when he acicep11. 6-y .. ,. o4d moc>pet .. • mar1ter tor 1 ~bet. 'PG' (Z)MOYll • *'" '"Mzardt" (1917) Anlmeted. '" • world "' the Mure. toroafY pleyt • mejor role In the battlea ot two great conlllctlng •mlea, 'PO' 12-.30 9 (J) NC~ IASKET8AU. North Caronna vs Ho1mon In semlllnat from New Orleen& Superdome. CHAtlll LISTINGS e KNXT ICBS> • ICNIC 111ec1 e KTt..4 (lf'Ct) e i(Aac (AIC:) e KlllM.8 (CIS) • K...,,·TV (ll)O,) e KCST (AICI e 1<nv uiW.> .. eccw-TV'clfld.> e 1<ceT <ll'M> •IC«• <~•tr - ~-:;.=::: ......................... ... ,..... ......... ................... .... "'~--­...... EJSll 'Kl Clllt i. MOlTMIV.. :i.;MIOplllf Lallfuep 111111·· (8) ...,. OOt .. THI ~MK ~ TIIONI Intl e.M ~...,.,. ... .,.,. loffMllce of Nell Slnion'• OOIMdy lllOUl • pelr of New V0t11 nwlywtc11. T._ M Ille Moot9 Theo eter In ...... Wllfl. OOMOVte * * "The P:lnal C<lnfllot" ( 198 0 Sam Nell4. Aotaano lruzJ. In the lhlfd pert of "The Otylen" 1rllogy, rCM1nO DeM!er!, Ille emt!Odll-11 ot the Antk:Mtt, la now an ldul1 encl a Vu.led edvlaor lo the preelder\I of the U.S. .,.. ~. GIUJa.AN'8 lllNC> I ~ .. THI DtRT + * * "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon" (19411) Jolln w,yne. Joi!!' A.g11. lndltln• 1tteek en under1t1tted cavllry outpoet. • MOVI! • * * "Tile Ptlltedtiphla Story" ( 19401 Kelherlne Hepburn, JlM'llM Siewert. ID uHoEMTANOINO HUMAN KHAVK>R "S.11ual Motivation" CC>M0\111 • • • "81tt11ground" ( 1949) Van JOllnaon, John HOdlek. Amerlcen aotdlerl of the 10t11 Airborne OM- llon engage In the French campaign end the Bettle of Ille Bulge. (l)MOVll **.,. "The GrNt Ola· mond Robber)'" (t95-4) Red Sltelton, Care W~ 111m1. A 1low-wltted jeweler'• epprentie. la conned tiy C6f/tty c:roolt• Into recuttlng • cert.in P'ecloua diet'nofWI. DMOVlli • *'h "Any Wlllc:h Wey You Can" (11180) Clint Eutwood, Sondra l.ock•. Before MttNno down with hie girl end pel orangutan. 1 bar•flated fighter llgrle up tor one l•t. luc:tatlve mateh. 'PO' 2:10. Gll.40AH'! 181.ANO 8 SUGAAAAY 1.EOHARO'S GOLDEN GLOVES Nebrullave Texaa 9 IHSIOE STORY "C.meras In The Couf1. room" With IN Von Bulow tr1al u the oentwplec:e, HOddlng Carter e11ptoraa Ille prot and cona of cam· eras In the eourtroorn. which mre now allowed or be4ng c:ona.dered In 38 •l•t•. G UHOERSTANOIHG HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Str-" 9~ IOWLEM TC>Uft S 135,000 Miiier High Uf9 ()per\ (from the Red Cwpet Celebrlty L.an•• In Mllwauk ... Wlac ). 2M 8 (J) NCAA IA8KET8AU. Loolsvllle "!1.Geotgelown from New um1ana Super- dome. 8:00 D ON CAMPUS Featured Nur1Jng and Aeaplratory Therapy, Mt. St. M11y D MOVIE • • "Aw'on 5llQ( From Punkln Crick" (11152) Olneh Shore, Alan Young • MOVIE • • "lnvaalon From lnnet Eetth" (11174) Nldt Holt, Paul Ben~ .. • THEOUIET CHAM~ A lyrlcally bffullful fllm 1 .. 11 the 11ory of the deal athlete'• perc-ritlon of the OlympQ 1=.:GAROENER •+'A "Oon't M•k• WevH" (11167) Tony Cunlt, Claudia C•dlnale. s:ao 8 EVEAYWHIEAE Local'lon: uw ~om Bur· bani!, Celltornla. Burbenk on Perlde. 8 PAOnSSIONAL BOWLEAS TOOR S 135.000 Millet High Ute Open (l«>m the Red Carpet Celebrlty LanH In Mffwautc .. , Wlec:.). !.=~ *·~"Bear IUnd" (1980) Ooneld SutlleNnd. v- .. ReOgr-. An An:tJc -.ther-r-Oll ·-·· memt>er1 ere loroad Into a fight tor their very IUMve&. 'PO' 4:00 II GRIZZL-V ADAMS I • MOVIE • * • ~ ''The Chimp" (11131)JICllleCooper, w .... 1-e..ry. • sUAME STREET (R) ii IHT"°°"°"° ltOlOOY 9 l!'HTPTAINMINT ""'8WUK lnterAewt with Ml Kn. 1oner-i, Herry '91afonte, Henry Wlnlllef end Prtecllle 81fnM; behind the -- •• "Thi YCJU'lel And The Rell ..... " {C)MOV!f-* •~ "aen.t Of St. frlnl· en'•" ( 1"'4) Alutalr Sim, Joyce Grenfell. The prOO- lema of~ • ..,.. aChool .,. lncJ-.cl ~ "" en1wt of"" ............ tre .. ·1 boolUft•leer bf other. CIDMCWMl •• ~ ~"" teor.. Of a..11 ltland'' ,, .. ,, ~ lr'ltt, Nldfy ... eon. A your,g A"""°*' girt .,.. 10 " ....... ..,.. ...... ~ ..... ...,~. Cl)~flllT comee11enl'I• M•ctetll'le l(efln ..... '" • ""'*°"' OOCNdy~Mlllllrta· -""* bullrleU lncllldrll !MlkfocMI.~ ..... """' .. Ind ,...... ... -~ • • * ,.,,_ 01Nir .... OI The *""'--~ .. (ttJtt...,.. ......... Tillloetlr ...... ,... ............... !Mfll, ........... --- TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 7!30 -··nance Fewr." Connl• Stewna. J1ke Sommer, Sammy Dllvil Jr. Judae finalliu. KNXT (2) 8:00 -11The Wizard of Oi." Judy Garland, Ray Bolger star in Amer- ic.an cluaic about a girl who "aaill over the rainbow'' to the land of Oz. KABC (7) 8:30-''T.J. Hooker." Hooker's. daughter'• life i1 jeopardized when he Investigates murder of 16-year-old girt. KTTV (11) 8:00 -'•National crime, Vio- lence Test.'' Special informs people on what to do to protect themselves. PMt'o by • nglo llOClldlflt., .,...... wMtl Mlf.doub( wfwl•-low ....... ..... 4:10. 100CM MADI IN CllMWfY Czechot1ov1kl• U.S.S.R. • IHTfllOOIJC:tNG IN<X.OOY YI. 5:00 8 BAIUAU. PMVIEW "National LMgul W•t" I FMl4AU ITAATMK 8 W1D1 WORLD~ 8POftTI 1s-tounc1 wee aup., ean- temwe1Qh1 ~ ~~Wlltredo Gomez and Juan "Kid" Mee (from Atlllntk; Clty, N.J.); Women'• World Record High OIW Chai· ienoe (from Orlando. Fie.). I l(OJAI( IOUOGOlD ~MADllN GlMaANY Czeehoa1ou1111 u.s.s.A !l~l·H • LA.WM.fa WILJ( "Mlllkl MUiiet Mutlcl" (IJ)MOW va. ··~ "Dot And The I(.,,. gwoo" ( 111781 Anlmeted. Olrtc1ed by Yorem Gtoee. A young girl bec:omM Iott In the Auttrellen bu.n Ind la befriended by • llan- 0" .)() who O'-her • llft In 1t1 poudl. 'G' 5: 15 (Z) THE "°""TOPI The predee llermonlM ot tne F-TOCl9.,. tee1ured In IUcll _,. dael6ce .. "lemedeitte" Ind "StanO- lng In The Slledows Ot Love .• 5e:SOI N!W9 ONCE UPON A ClA88IC "A Tale 01 Tw;<> Cltlel" In Fr enc:e, armed r.votutlon- .,... tlorm St. Antolnea and Oefarge urgea ~ oornp11rlo11 10 11orm the S..tllle. (Pert 51(RIO (J) WELCOME BACK. KO'TT!1' Weatllngton'1 IUCCoMa 81 I dl1e )Ockey erouHI jealou1y among th• s-thoga. 9 WIDE WOAl.O OF SPOfn'8 t5-round wee Super a- larnweighl Chemc>l<>nahlp bet-defender Wllfr.OO Gomei end Juan "Kid" Mu. (from Atlantic City, N J.1. Women'• World Recofd High Olw Ch8'- lenge (from Orlando, Fla.). (t)MOVIE *••"Johnny, We Herdly Knew Y•" (1977) Peul Audd, Wiiiiam Prince. An embftJout young lriall ao.. lonlan. Jolln F. Kennedy, ahowt -1)' llgna ot • gift tor gr .. tnaae • he begin• hla politlc:ail journey toward tile pr9'idll ioy. ~ -_EVENltG-l:OO. Wllll!M Cflannel 2 IPOft• reponer "°Y Flr'e9tone -. the ltor19a INlt don'I rneke IN '90f1• peget end the uneuno i.oaa wtto -.,... for "" joy of play4ng i!?:N!WS * * + "The Balled 01 Joele" (19&8) Oorl• 01y, Peter Qir1vee. A widow begin• r1111ng 1heep, caut1ng her cente-ranc:her neighbor• to fume. I WH1'T! SHADOW THEMUPP£TS ~t. Roger Moor•- • MOVIE • * "FM" ( 19711) Mic11aa1 Brlndon. E.._, Brennan. • P:Alft PL.A Y IN ~ • "'°""' AMENCA "lnternetlonel Rugby: Eno· lend V1. \Mlted Statea" Cl) COMUACK P9ople Mio h1ve recov- ered from personal trag-. ~'=ured. .... "Oh Godl" (t977) George BUtne. John [)en.. ver. God 1elect1 an uneuepectlng young IUPll'· INll'llet manager to ~ • IMINgl "' hope and OOod wt11 to IN alleptlcal people of the ~y wortct. 'PO' CllMOVlll * .... "Arty WNcll Way You C1n" ( 1MOI Ct!nt Elltwood, Sondra Loctle. ... ON Mltllnf dolMI with 1111 .... Ind p.i OflflOU'in. • ~--flollW ... up for -... MnlMt INIWI. 'fl'G' .fllCWMI • ...... _.Midi" (1t71) TOfl'I UluOfllln, ~ T~.All-~ .... ..,...,..~·­ --of • .,__ldlOGI fof NMweyl Ol't 811 M-aone lndlen 1-..elol1. •11(%)MCMa ··~ "W'latdl" (1977) An~at_,, 0W.01H bY ........ In. WOttd Of "" Mure. aoroary .. . ""'°' ,. In ......... of two ttt•t eol'lfllctlnt .,,.. 'l'Q' UI (a> "°"'9WT' OP MtMDMDOC ...,,,,. ~ ...,. .. ..., Of I,..... OOi(I WMlllllllllllNIPwlllNI ... , ... __ ..................... -.,. .. ,..., ..... ,, ..... o... ~ WIM.A ... II ...... .... ........ Liii --.. ........... .. ... ........... ..... a=~ • • ..,_ ........ C'911t ......., CM.,~ ............ ....,. '"°' ......... Mtllt....,.. ~ ht" I illif In I GS• IOOl'tlle'I .... .,._ fie .,...,. ....... ll8lld. . ... 9:.41 (a>lleG '°"YOU.. Lft Nt•d~IOAT .. , ... '°" Qopfler •• """" ..... ttlteto119tup1 ~ IUthof llOOOITlf*lltd ~ hit tttrecttw "*9. end I• an UftUIUll .... looa for -{.-· .,.....Q , • NOWHtM TO TUM •• Sien Mooneyham Ind Cetol UWr9"0I lloet 11111 dOQ ,,,,..,lltY °" the "'°"' thin ... ""*°" people "' Alrlce wTIO IMlve beerl effected by w1r end drought Ind the ,..,,., "' IUcll IYltlta. .GIUT ~ "lrldetheed AeYltlted: A TWlicn Ut>OO The Thfled" Julie and Cllerlea mMe plant 10 1191 matrltd unttl l#d MclaahNd ,.,... hi• • llater'1 adulterOl.la ana1r. (Pert fO) Q (J) fMTa llAt TILET'HON (OOM'T"Dt ~~ .... '"amt"(1MO)i,_ Cera, lerry Miier. 9-al gifted 1tudente at • New y or11 t11gt1 ecllooj tor the performing WU~ VllfloW Ntbacka end IUCo c-... "' both peraonal end l)foleulonel natUrM. 'PO' CID MOVie **'A "Tiiie!" (19111) Jam•• C••n, Twe1day W.CS. A~ c:roott glllla up Ille llldepei ldei ice tor • ""' ICOre ~ he ll09U ww _... Ille leml- ai} = ·w **'" "IN>gun .......... (11181) Tornluburo WMl/ff· erna. Maallllro Tomlkawe . A IOf!Mf tihogufl ....aln wtio-~out of Ille "°""°" by • ruti.. .... clan ot IPiel VOWI to bloody rewnge. 'R' MCCUIN'8 LAW ,NWchaa tor the "' hie friend and 1 • WddY Sid I.Ml-. millt:~ • MATIH&ATTHE INJOU Featvred: LMKal Ind Har- dy In "Flying Oeu<ln" ( 11139), • vintage 1943 Burnt Ind Allen ahort; and Chepter 2 of "Zorro's (t.:;t. L.eglon." (RI * + "Crulalng" I 1980) Al Ptcino. Paul Sorvlno. A rootile New York City cop Is Mnt on an undercover 1ul9 )11'11111l IO llndittle P~· dlotlo --bellind e-etring of riomo..xuai murdtn_ 'R' ~. l'Ael.O PCAS80: OHCI IH A UP"ETIMI The Mi>NUm of Modern Art'I 1980 9llhlbttlon of Ill of the flmld ertltt Peblo Plculo'1 wort-ft Mei1 In 11111 apeclal. n4rreted by Cherlet Kuralt. I I '9AHT~ 18lAHD A woman arranget to meet a io... lrom tong ago and a ahort aportlWflter tnae out tor 1 P'of9aaional b•et· bell ttwft. (R) 0 D MOVIE ***'h "LIFE Gou To The Mo<Aet" ( 11178) Ooc:u- mentery. Narrated by Shir· 1ey Mac:Ullne. Henry Fon- da. LIU Mlnnelll. .MACHEL /~ ~ .MOVll .. • •~ "Hard Country (1981) J1n-MlchMI Vln- <*11, Kim a.Inger. A T9ll• .. tectory wotller la tom ~ Ille d9111r• to con- tW-In the "good old boy'' llfeMyte Ind Ille flen.. '*'• ltlOW ~ embt-tlone. 'PO' 10:*'. THE JEfRMOH AWA.ADI The Cf"tn!OnV honoring thOee rocal c:ltlz.ens wflo hive worMd for the publlc good without prior recog- nition II hlgllllgMed. 1= • • "T....,. Plue One" 8h1ron Tete.A young women Mtrclle8 three eountrlel tor a dlalr ltlat oontalnt • greet fanune. 'R' 11:001••9 a NIW9 IAIT9'81Al TELETHON Pit Boone end Mervin Harnlllcll hot1 the netlonel MgrMn1• of tfllt annual fund~..._ fl'om New Yortl City. • M•A•t•H The .... Col. f'1egg lflows up It ... 4077111 ateln, convinced thlt ...... la I oommunitt ..,.tlllnr. .. ~ -~'LiMns Don Met.-Ind Tern Ql>Oe -ttie· teetured e!lf<M1u.,.., Cl) 'IAl'TD llAL TILET'HON fOC)NrO) ®lhmOOT•THI ~ NdWd "'°"*Md ... Am""'°'• -111 tflll per· ...,.... "' ... .....,,.., ~ ....... . NeW Yett! MWl'41•1. T ....... -..n.. .. ......... ... (Jl)-wa.GMMe ..... .... lf'I e.r lot> W.W. -....., .. H~' .,.,..., .,_,,-Ind I ........... "" """"*" • "' ......... Mlle----~ ..... -~ 1t•• nt1•MOOON)--m·-, ,_.. ~M~_,, ...-: lty111e .,,..,, 0..-lllalde&M.-. ........ -Ml>NGffT-_....__ 12:oo I:::::-HOW~ • "Ch•ttll'bo•" (197n Clndloe Rl#lon.A young woman'• unique anaiom· k:al deformity bring• her fintnolal ~ but ruin• lier IOCllal Ille. 'R' .MOW! *** "Caveman" 111181) Ringo Sterr, Dennlt Quaid, The downlah """'ber'of a bllrety lluinM pre11611orlc tr1be beglnl to dilccNer ttlal bf8" Ind not bl9wn ,.. be the key to IW peo- j)le'1 fUIV!vel. 'PO' 12:06())1MZAME "The Dirty 01' Lady'' 12:a0 • MOVll • * • "The Pigeon Trlat Toot! Rome" (1M 2) Charl- ton Helton. EIM Mertlnelll. • MOVll! *'A "Nlghtmlfe In °"4811" ( tNel C-on Mltc:hel1. AMeHelm. 12:at (I) MOVIE • • • "The Big Red One" ( 19801 lM Mlln'ln, Mn Hemlll. A tough Army-· o-nt IMdt lour yoe.ng, 1nea9trlenced r~ Into the vlolenoe-fllled lrl)' of World Wer U combat. 'PG' 1:00 I AOCK COHCERT Cl) EASTDI HAL TELET'HON (CONT'D) Qt fV!NM) AT THE IMPROV Hoat: Sally Kelletm1n. fea. tured cornice: Jim Ca1rey. Bruce Smirnoff. Muslcal ti:)~ Felldano. * * * "Battlag1ound" (194111 van Jonnton. John Heidi.-Amertc:an I04dlef 1 of the 10t1t Alftiome OM· 11on engage In the French campaign end the Battle of tile Bulge (%)MOVIE , * * "Converaallon P'-"(19n) Burt i..,_,.. ter. Siivana Magnano. An aging proteaeor beOOlnn Involved In the llvea 9f • woman, '* c:Nldren Jlftd h«lovw .. i 1:30. MOVIE • **'.+ "Franlutn"9\ MUii B• Oetlroyed" ( 1970) Peter Cuthlng, Simon Watd (H)MOVIE • • "The Flnal Conltlct" (198t) Sam Nelll, Roueno Brau.I. In I.he third pett Of ~·The OlrMn" trll09Y. young Demien. Ille emtlodlment of the Antlcllrlll, 11 now an adult and • truated advil« to the pretldent of the U.S. 'R'. OMOvtE * • • "All Nlglll Long" ( t 118 t ) Geri. HllCll man. Bert>r1 StrelNnd Alter being demoted from cor- pe>rN 911ecullve to chaln- ltore night meneoer. a ~aged man'a llle- lt)'le end vllluee ere turned ~'R' :1E;:s * • •.t "Carny" ( 1980) Jodie Fatter, Gary ~­ An adventurou1 young -Joint • eetnlvel troupe ano lewnt eOOUt the lllddei'I emotions and fNatt1t1ona behind the lllrlece h.,.._ of the perforTnen. 'R' S;00 8 MCMI **'h "Too Many Glflt" ( 19401 Lucille Bad, Deel Amaz. A gr0U9 of ~. go to grMt 1eng1111 to ~a football geme. • (J) !AIT8' IEAl T£LETHOH (CONT'D) CC>MOVIE *** "Femt"ltNOl"- C.,1. Barry Miller S-81 lilted ltudenll •• • New y ork hlgtl achool tor !tie parformlng .,,. ~ VWlout ... ~. Ind IUOr -of both ,,.,tonal llild l)foleationll na1u.-• 'PO' .MOVll ' ··~ "8111)' Jack" (1971) Tom Llughlln, Delores Taylor. An a..Q,_ ket llllf~ Cllemplolw Ille ceuee of • freedom lldlool for l'\INW9)'I on 1111 Art- IOnl Indian .-vetlon. Mt(Z)MOVie **'i;"8Mrllllnd"(111to) Donald~.v­ .. Aedgrwe. An Afc:tk; weathtr~MMrdl taem'• mtmbefl .,. fortiad Into • "-'' tor their *Y .....,,,.., 'ftG' ' '*'CID MOVll! * • ~ "The Sec:ret Of s.eeu11 1t1end" c1tt11 Jeremy Brttt. ~ Hen· --A~~ .... tr1ll IO lrM her Mftd • ......... ~.,- ... lll1IOIVll t ••~ ........ TOWll" (tM?) ...... ··=-, ,,_~,A .i ,....."""" ......... . cMf'9' fof ...... ...., .... 1Mlll I 1• • 'In ~---....... 4:" (I) A Oii BMnoN 1 1ome of IN ..... ...,. ot~11111111oflfll:1 ...................... Tiie '-""" In L• ~ fllCMfH 8/t -=:.;:I MDG0¥9r'n ('.,,_ ,.,... •• ,, Kn. ... _ .. Wil ~=·i...":{ -~·~ ........... -~ ... T· y.., nar .. "'"" Qruiwi; I 419 .... -.o; ' ' ' r , I - •• ... ---..... - 'tF-"'hi=-!!.!! .. T .. .=.:=-:. ...... ---. -==· . t• ........ -------· , ........... --... .. ... ..... ,........ .. ..... ~: .l::~C::V~c= -=:!;;=-~t= ~-~ANOO• PtUllCIAL --~'1 =q·g " ...... . ce.~"&-.. ou., •• , , ... ~~ ...... • .-.:. ,:.,·~r,-.c..,.:: .::~...::::.-,:-:.;.: ~....._ .............. ~mue1;o:w:m~ •• , ....... ., •• o.i:.:-.~ A .... _______ _. __ """" IMctl.C............. ---~----CAMNtiil NOllllC ............. ..... O...•flllr.CA •1c1111• &.· tH11cll1M, ..... T•tll!•llltllf•••NM ........... .._ ... ~ tf.~='11!.;:'' ...... IN Nt.-..ll W•._ ..... -...... .... tTATD191n Tiii fellewl119 '""" II 4'al1t1 lllleiftl• • , TIH ··~TV CO , ttttt w.r Clrcll, PIE ltllllft .._.,, Gel~ .... I Ml L Mllll, 191.S LNf Clt(ll, ............... taedl.Cel ......... ... Tllll ...,_, 11 CtMIKI ... PllY '" llldl...,.., HI(. MIClft Thll ~ -lllad wll" 1M C-ty CM'L of 0r.,... C-iy °" Merclll, .... f'KTITIOUS IUMllHJ UMlllTAT9 ... NT TM lall-1119 per-It 4'0Pllt ?lllnlnHlet: STltAPGHT LINIP 'Elt~OltMA"3CI, ttsl Newport ., ... • c..ta-..., CA ft4V. lt•.il? o , "9ttlt Jr .. .-""""'°" St., c .. te ,.,_.,CA irttM. Tiii• but!_. It <Oftduet.cl PllY en llldlv ..... 1. floMl4I 0 Pllttll.Jr. TlllJ ....... ! WM lllad Wtth llle COUflt'f Cterll Of Orange Co•111tr Oii Merch 3, 1'82. • ,.,...,, 1'114Mllllad Ortn91 Coetl Dairy Piiot. March J, 12, It, 24, I'll ....al l"ICTITIOUS IMISIN•SS MAMSSTATa ..... T Tiie tollow?nt (Mnon h ootno lluSIMtles: IYltOfil MUSIC, t411 LJt"'I Clrcla, H"""""'°" llMC:tl, C»llfol'r.i. nM. ltMert o . Hell, t411 u ... 1 Ctrcla, Hllllt lfttlM llHcll, C.?fton•I• nM. Tiiis bldlnHJ 11 cOtlducttd by en lftdlvkNal. ""*"' 0. Helf Tiiis -"*" was lllad wflll Ule c-ty Cler11 ot 0r.,... Counlr °" Mat<ll J, ltl2. - MtcAt-.r .... Mm Ne,"--' c..w.-t1ar-..O...W• ...... -.~-CMIW• .... ..,.... _... ....... ,.,. • ..... ~...... .. ... ......., '·-.Jr.,.:.~ ... . --. , ..... Ill. we'"''"''"· t1tM ...._.-....; .... ~ F'!.._o...,._."'!!I ......... o~ ... ............. CMllMMttfU. ..........0.....0...o.i, ~--. : ...... -~ ..... -Tllll ....,_ I• ,_ ... -. a ...,_ I0.11, .. "l, it,,_ Ttlte ....._ II ~ tir • Tiiie ~··-· WH lllff wl~~ ..... ,. • ..,_....., .....,,.... ... .. l c..o... llONftttl~Oll lllldlMfl:.h•K....,. L.lfl'Yi, ......... ,# ,., ... .W Tiiie ........... -..... _.. --.. ,.,... __. -..... _.... .........dt-..C.-Olllyf'llot. C.-ty CIWll ., Of .... ClllMY ,.... C--. C-. .. °'..._ C... • --.. --.... -.11, ..... IO, tta ' .. ~""·,.., tt*-Y•.-. 111• NM m i»•• ................... • •tCTt'IMUI••••• ,... ........ ~ .... Ulet u.1------------• ........ ,....,ca ... •• ..-n&TWWT ~-..CeMtOalfr ..... llMlrl .............. ,,, ••'• --·-.,..._,.,.....,..,...,,.. Menll .. ,........ ...... .. ..,................. ,.... .. ,l?K ...._.._..,CA,... Tllil -:---•-.,...,.... -..,.,,._.._111111...,..., en t----------- ••WPCMtT NClllllC LIMOUl'fNl 1• ............ IUN ... C*lltTOf'CAUftOlt .. 11 e•v•ca. .,.c:.....-.,..., ... '·. .~ t 0...-1114111111 -•Y of Merell, CllUWT"tOf'O••• .. _________ ..._:;:~· ..... --..._CA..... Ma. .....10...0WCAUH .. __.._...,. A 11,Mlt.,e -~...... ICOlldlal.lnl ~ .. c-Tll• .......... "'-II .. ,.. f7Wl.O .... --........... ........ ~ea.ca.CA.-... ......... : ' •' ....... 4 tlrM IN TH• MATTl!lt OP' THI. lllOnncMM.,._.. Tllll . ......_II c..-.tN n I AU'M"OtlTltllUTl ... C0.,119' f'UDlltfled Or~ CO&lt Dlllfy AllllllLP(ATION OP' J UOllE LU 1fMm tTA,_.,., ........ tlM. ... ........ OrfWI, .._.,.....,,. ..... Noe. Mellll 11, 11, .. a, 111a. JUCIC ... "°" CHAHOE 0, NII.Mil: Tiit IOlowl'9 .,.._,. 1,. doing -*-' ~lfk CMHlrMe..... ~ W H • It ll AS, .I u 0 E E L I! t ._.. w 111-nec-. IM. A.-..e Vel11, ... , .. 111111,. JAIC•IL. "-'ltlMff, 11e1 fl?e41 1 IA81C IUllNtH tAt_~-~t ,,.H CMll\'ltMINlllf Ott..., -II-9Mdl, ~ ..... ,_. .......... c?enlafltll1t-n'9r ......,. A ... , TllM!n.Cell. -· .......... .... -..... ~ ... lllJ_.. -· ..._.elolnllO.lno.,aClllliorlW Tiiie ..._ -f?IM wltll.. Tfl?t ......... It <IMllc•..,.. :1,.111 JUOIEIE LU! .JAECKl!L It ~ 1)422,..,...,. ..... Tllll!n. c-.., ci.n" o..-.. c-t'( °" IMl•l4lllel. llllCttr............ JENNPP'IElt LEE.JAECKEL: CAtatlO, Marchlt,..._ "'*"""'*-....... tTATl•lfT PT II OltOPEO t?i.I •Pl --r..-~II~ l1r aoorpo. & ' -. ••· ,.,. .. _....... -" ... """ .. Tiie ........ ..,_ e,.. ~ .,,..,...., Ill .. ......._.ltleci mettff '9tlcW\..__, 8owd ..... PllO. _.C:-.-........... C-ty Ct.ft .. Or ..... c:-t'f Ill ....... , • ._..., ....... tlle C-1 •I IO;IO Of> Yancey:...,_ .............. CA.... Merell•.,._ THP .. .t.••At WIURlllll OIL "'-'" 14, ltll l1t -.art-No >. ol Pfealdenl • "'*llllM Or ..... C...t ~= ,._,.._.or ..... CM9I Dell~ m'tm:..:.Ml<Artlilw C-1 the Or ..... C-lr S-•lor Covn ~ ~·;~;:~ :!'~ Matcll IS. a.11 ... J, I• IMM2 Mard~6. ''°a, J'7, "'! --. Tiii .__ ....,,_ ~~~ ~~,.:.~~111C:.-.::::,::~: 17, 1112. -· -Oetawer• C1.r • .,at1e11), OU 11 lf!Y, Ml\l h P9ttlloft fof' 0..-flf ,.. -· -,......... ._,_ .utAt111WClw\._MM,N...,.n Ha-~notbe9'.,t.d Pullff•h•d Orano• CoHI Oally Pllol, ,._ ,..,_ teec:ll.~...... IT PS P'UllTHElt ORDERED IMI. ~ t, M .... 2, t, IMt i'2t42t'"'"-='-----------. ., Tlilll MIMU It C41MvclH l!y a UllJ ef Wt 0.--10 Sllow C-• lie NTm0Ue --llllC'fmOUt ---,.,._,......_ .I. • ,._.,.,_. Ill ltll Or-COa1I Oallr -STA,_, llM9eTA1-f T1w0f'Nt~ Pl?ot •• fteWtP•P•• of ••n•••• The loloMrlO .,.,... II ooer,. Tiit 10l!Owlflt ~ -dOlllO -Oii c:......., c?rcultUOft prWad In OfMOe Coul\ty, aa: ~TllUIMS8JOUANAL,0... -T~,, 'AITINIRI COMl'ANY, =-~ Calllo~:'11• OtlU a .... for lour ~A~ Newport ,._., 1$01 Dow ltrell, ....., 11141 8MI• ~ett• Cirole, '-'11111 Tiiie ......._. -fllM w191 1119 wccas .. ve ~ prtw ""Irle oei. .. , Tiie 1....._._ ........, ._._ I*" leadl. CA~ v-,, CA 12101 c_.., C:... ., o..-.. Cewlty 841 tw tlle _.,...., h Pttll ...... --~-... ~et•-... AIM...OW, 1116W.8al-ellfd. JM.."-Wllort&,,_... ..... MotKll1t ,.._ Oawe:Merd\J,tta PHOENIX IMPORTS. 145 IE. ltlh St., ~ ..... CA'*' WlllOft, 11 , •• I an•• Laur•U• Clrcla, • • ... , ..... "· ""-r Coma w.a, CA 12W. Thill~ II CIOrldllCMd l)y • "-lalll Y,,.,, CA "10I ~ ..... orMlit c-1 Delly ....... ,,..... .... 9-ler C-. ,,.... 8. Meltef. 2133 fl\04MI llj)t .... l.ft.. Ptrt!WINP. Tllla.,.,.,,...." COft<kletld by.,, .... Marcll 1J. •• 17, .... '·Ha IMHll COOltHY,~ MOWA•o """°'1 llaad't. CA t2te0 . Al ·-Mlndll dMdloal ----Yvon11t McK11 2133 ln41en 8p<lnge Thi• 111teme111 •H llf•d •1111 Ill T .-. ,_... Wleoft -..... ~~I c:.a.tro Ln ~ .._;,, CA t2MO Courl(y Cid of~ Cour11Y °" w.rdl 1111 llatelftenl •H tlled •1111 Ill• f9I 1911( 11111 •. 11'11111. M-Mor ..... 23112 ~-L.-, .. tM2. c-ey Cllf1I of~ CourllY °" M9rdl -----------....... T .... c:e. Hiiia, CA 92853. ,__ 24• IM2· 1 IJW) 1Do1C14 JlaMlan Mora .... 2Sl12 Peaaro. La· Pu~ 0t.,... C-1 Dally l'll01, PubtltMd Orr?:. Coaat ~'=' ... CTITIOUI IM,ISUl•U PWlllNO Or ..... Coett O•lfv Pho!, --Hiii. CA t2t63 IMrdl 20, 27,"""" a. 10, 1112 ~, • Marc II 6 t• -•1 1-10~ -..-Thi..,...,_ i. c:cwtductad by ....... tlOl-G w.dl 27, """"3. O, 17. 1tl2 ..... STATll ... ltT • •· "'· • • -_...., pet1'*'9/ljp. • % 1370oa Tiit fel-1"1 --· ar• dol ... ------------ y-~, -• --( Wt!-•: _.,. ~E Tnfa 111temant wu lfled with lhe ,._ ,..,..... -..c-. 'a 8 &9UITtas. LTD., I-nniLRo ,..,"' ~Cieri< of Orange County Oft MarCll p--------------:.1 "' ..,...----_...;~~.,.;..:....---: ... ~~Ile lit, H""'llntlOtl ------------ , ... T1 ...... COUWTOP P'ICTTTIOUllUS.••• JOHMW.TATTAM,,,.VlaSaft NOTICE OP DEATH OF Pu11t11hed Orano• CoHI 0111y PllOI. ~~OlllAlfle UMl!ITAT& ... •T Vh•c•ma. Seit JWln C:..lttr-. CA PAUL E. MELANDER AND Me1e11 19. ie. Aprll 2. 9. '"2 1211-12 :~~tANA CMT1NA T ... 1o1:ow1,.. ""o"• ............. u. or PETmoN ro ADMINIST-eoulA ......,.. lllnlllff••: ltOll!ltT M. SMPTH, ._, o-ER ESTATE NO. AllZIH. ftlllJC ·~ M4' l»CWIO llAllOB. GAltY VOCHES -ALTA DENA, ~: .... ~ Baacll, CA '260. To ill heirs, benefmarie1, lllCTmOUt ....... CAMOeO IMleDTI, tm "_., Pl., C.te Mau, CA Tlll1 ~ 16 ....... c--.1 11y MAm STAnmwT ....., 92621. a,.,,,_..._,, crediton end contlngent credi· ""IOlcMll'I .,.,_" Oolr>t ~ P'ICTITIOUI IUIPNESS '9 LMOY .. llOmJl'n... Gery YOdlft, 1m .. _ ... y Pl., ltamn M. Smlll> tors or Paul E. M elander a nd -NII.Ml! STATEMENT NNICY Q, ~...... Coal• Mn-. CA92'11. Tiii• ...._ fllad wlO• IN Couft!J penorll who may be ot.herwaae P. T.L. ENOIMHRINO. 2642 S°"th ~.!,"a~ 1.o~'.o.wln9 perwni ar• Oolno :r= lat...... K. T...,, YCICMI, 1'72 ltOMmary ~"'. of ~ c_, .,. -<II 4, lntereited in the w ill and/or F ........ , 8Mte ,.,._ Celllomla 92704. ~· .. ~ •• f't., Colte#lna, CA'2611. ·-...,.., W9loft l'IMo. 2305 w.-. THE GLASS ACT Ill, .. Navarre, .... A1'2711 Tllh W•IMH Is COMYCI .. .,, ,,_, estat.e: ...... AM. Ca9orllll 12104. l••IM, CA '171S . ONMIJI TO IHOW c"'* llllSNftd.., ..... PWll-Or ..... Coast o.t•r Piiot, A petJtion ~ been Med by Tiiie .,.,.._ 11 --.ctad by •n In-..wrie e . Bl..n•. • Na••rrt, 1rv111e, (Cct' ~ tl77) K. T...,, YOdlal Merell•. IJ, JO, t7, t• 1o:11..a Carol A. Peullon ln the Superioc ~ ................ w . ..._..o CA •?llS. WGH=-~2.;_ ttoo.1a,,~ ~ T?llt ,........,. •• tiled wllll IN 1-------------Cour• of Orano• County r• --,..... Marou••fl• Blvtn•, 16 Navarre, C'/ · ~teari--.... --_,.. C-ty C'"11 of Or-c--, °" • .~ ~-~';~u~ ::·~ •r~1;-;~~. 1, <~'" b., '" S.,S::S.~i:::':5t Marc,.J.lta. ~, .... 1 ____ NU ___ ma ______ ~~t~~a:;~~ Publltllael Or~ Coa11 o.r.~. lndl•ldu~t• E. Bl-..nt ~~~~~~1~ °'ep':~:;::' ~!'m: -~~~ ;_si_DM:r,:;~ '=:.-::=' =~ta~l~e:: :1:1= \~ Mardi tt, 21, AC)fll 2, ti, 1912 1165-12 This tUtement wH Iliad wllll Ille trom LuCNlll• CrleClna z..... eo.tte ~ n......,. ,.,_ere lkllr!O ..._. .... _ .~ .. _!_,._ ~ .. _,_~---------------! County Clerk ot Ofanoe C°"nt' °" ti.rtl lo CrltUna Lwcl.,.• ~· Md -• -,_ • uJ<: .......... .-..~ .. t nuinuuau-dllOn -• March 1. 1m Prom Luciano wano.i C:...O ~to ,._ ••-TORRE ~.Ml w. Sey 8• of FAtatea Act). Tile pelluon i. ,...... mTa P'IMJ76 an.n a.-Aollartll. • s 1 .....,,. No '· C-. .._,CA IM27 tet for hewing In Dept. No. 3 al Pullfl-Or411191 Coe•• Oa?fy Piiot, IT PS ORDERED 11111 .. ~ "'•· ~tCTtnouseu11111•• c-~ ~ w .... It. No. 1. 700 Civic Center Drive, Wt:1t.. in AC1TT10Ut ....... March S, 11, 1', 24, 1"2 ~ ....0 In Iha,.~ Mltllad ....... ~ N._ ITATllMaNT a---.. A. T-111 W. -k .... _ Ci>v of San•-• --Cal1for· U.. tTAftlmff .L-------------' bel0tt tNa .,._, 81 IO'.JO e.m., on ....,~. TM fol:.W .... --· tre dOl11t --_, "1e ., ,. ""-Tiit..,...,.. .,.,_ 11 ~ 1t12."' o.oar-a"' INl C-1-... Ml-•· No.'· C-. .._,CA ner7 nla Oil April 14, 1982 at 9:30 am • PlilC llJU . :..:::>.~..==,w.=-= IA! THEFINICttY ,llAMU; ce1 11.,0:,~~;:-·----~ lF YOU OBJECT to the ~l'OOl.&SPACAM, -------------.• -II.,;., wll'f ........ tordllfl9a • A y s HO" E G ALLE" y & Tlllt~lloondllOMllllV• ....... 1ranllng of the petition. you ADrtde ........ Hllrltlrlglon "-"'· Calllor P'ICTPTIOUS •UIPNHS ol ,..,;_"'°""'not Ill 11'-*d '"AM•Wl>ttKS. -··Intl St. ·-,..11oa•!'t_ .. T-1hould either appear at thl' nlll2Mll. lllAM•STAT•MINT ITISFURTHEJ!OfllDfMl>tWcacq111 .. ,C•llMna,CA f'J627, --·· "oll•rt C. TllomH, 210t "ortd Tiie lollo•lllO penoftt ••• OolftQ ol !1111 or-IO - -111 ~ Lt1tce C?fller41 01t1tllllrt. 1121 T"• at•t•-t wu fll•41 with Ille hearing and et.ate you{ ob,ec-=· HIHlll"llOfl 8Mcll.. CatKor11 -IMUas: lft ~ ~ o.91' P1?ot, a_...., -..C?lft Or. 111,......., 9Mdl, CA '*""Y Cll9'I II Or9flt9 C:OU...,.., Felb Uona Of file wntte'n objl'ctions Tiiie .,,,..,_II~ bl'... SRI. llfVESTf'lll:NT$, 1114 N of geMrel '*-'°" ptlMad"' OreftOa ..... 12, "'82. ~ with the court before the he•· -• -......_ 0 1 .... u.0r-.. CAft"5. c-iy, Cfllllonllll -• -1or tour J-L-A•lll-. rm Watkllft .... ~~~ ..... ..._ ,._~,...... ,.1101. ~ftft YON.r • ...._..,...,...may be ln ~ •1..: AoWf C n-.. Oa~ld L S..lp, UI• Ounnlno Or .• -...... ptlor to IN dMe Ml tor ~. I II,.....,_.~. CA..... '""'-...,._.,,... -_,, •w,.. rr---~ p~ t.o---------.... --...... 1 Tiii• ll•l•t11•11t .... lll•d "'"" Ill• L9911<1• BM<ll. CA mJI ~ °" ... pa4ltlon. ...._ OWllNra ~ 20. r7, .. a. 10• tM2 pel'900 oc by your attorney ~ ...... 0r.._ ~ 0.., flAllC. PICTPTIOUS IMltf• IS County Qec1ll Gf ~ Cour11Y.., MM:f1 Lerry o Rke, l'01 HoHY'--u.... OAnD: IMrdl 2:1. lll2 T"ls .....,_ -llla4I ...... -~ IF YOU A.RE A CREDITOR ¥at.1t,1t,1111..-.r.1.~ u_. UMaSTATaMaltT 11. '*· Pi.c ... 11a.CAm10 ._.":::.'~c..t c ..... ty c..,_ II o.--.. CevMy °"~-----------"" or• contingent Cffditor of 1he Th• lo?fowl1tt tMnOfl h 001n9 ,,..,.,, J•O M.. Kidd, 11201 Leo Collfnt, Et .... IC....._,.... Mar<ll 11, "'2. ..S 1111( d~aaed, you muit file your ~~~A'S. a .._ Ii_,, Cot•• ...::'~.= ~or~ Oal:M.;~ PaL':~~:·A~~t•tlo, m•• Auburn 1171 =•= ._.. Nlltl..., or..., c:o... Dal•~=-claim with the c:ourt or preeeni It '4\ua..U ~... oal• O• .. e: T0to. CA '2U) IM.......,~_, Marcfl IJ, •• !1, Alrtt ,, t• lmG ITA,.._.,.Ot' AUllDOllM•8'T to the pel"IOnal representatJve "°""°"8....... Lew?s E~. 40IA Ford Road, '9JC 1911( T"?' lluslMst h <<MIOU<led by • (%U) -0~119W fttCTlTIOUS appolnled bl' the court w1th1n ..... .,.,_.-C:O.laMHll,CAftU7. rnerafpaf'lner\hlp. Pulltlallad Ora~ C0atl Oaity l'Not, -· --IUSftf.......... four m o nths rrom the date of n.1a1a1w111g~11 ... ~ This"""""' 11 c0tlduc1ad llY e11 'ICTIT10US&UStN•IS l..aN'YA Ptmno Mltd\27,Aprll3.10.10, 11. '~.u..2 ,._ ••-Tiie f•Pl•wl1tt 1ter11ne !Ian first ~of letters 85 provi • .............. tPIC'"-........ P'""'. Pftd?vldual. ltWITATaM•ttT Tiiis >l•t•ment w.u t11ec1 with Iha -~ -. _,.__ _..,..... .. -Gf .. P'k.U-ded ln "-tlo 700 f th Pro .. _.....,. ...... ' .....,... ""' LAwls EmoNf C°"ntr Clerk of Oran .. CounlY °" , __ ..;;;;..;--... ___ ... _.,._....__--._.., ._,,, __ -e..-s ....,.: . ~ n o e · =.H•r.!!!..'>!, AY11111e, H11nUn9ton Tiiis •-••mad w1111 IN Tiie le1towf1t9 ""0 " 1' deln9 Marcll4, 19'2 r.JC llll( ...-nATW CHA~EL IT"EET ~ltOf'EltTIES. bate Code of C.hfornia The CA:~ C-fY c1en ot Or9"99 C-'Y °" ~-;.: N A"" MA I. 0 N E ,.,IMl'I a.-------------• ""........,. S---....,. .,.... " TMllfW Wrt, 1rv111a, c.at?ferNa time for riling c huma will nol •re!::.:~ :.~:~".t~~:'riu~:! ""'~" •. 191. CONT"ACT FU RN ISH' NGS '931 Pulllf'heO Or-Coail Dally PllOI. P'ICTITlOUS IUM•HS -:.Neow COUf'ONS. mt Mecll.r-"~·:. P'lclltl•w• .... lnau ~•I'll• expire prior to four months (rom a.cl\, CA t2t44I ,,...., ..... IK. ClltCLE Hllfttlngtoft 9...:11 March s, 11· "· u . 1917 .,,.., NAM• ITAT•M•NT -lll•ct .... 211. ~ ........ CA .... rNll ......... f?lad"' o...... the det.e of the hearing noticed Tiiie ~ 11 OOfl4'ICtacl lllp., .... Pllblfllftad Or-Coall o.tly Piiot, Ca?lfof'1tlatawl • 'T TM folf-lftt petllOfls are dOl1t9 '2111> ~°"_,_.,IS, 19, ,,.. No. ebovr ........_ Ma•ellS,U,19,~.lta 101U? -'••" A11.n Trtmm•r, Ull r.JC ll1U llusl11e11as: , ,...,_Ad"-•~--Fllllft. YOU MAY EXAMINE the ow.--~ ••rr•n<•, """""tlOll •••ell, ------------OVEST FINANCIAL GltOVl', 7m porellon. 3131 ......,_ ........ 211• ~ J. '-·St.," T .......... ,.._ L.-p• by .... _-·-u you~-Tiii• ll•t•m•nl waa flied wllll 131• MJC 91111 Cellfer'llla.,... NOTICE Of' c ... 1er A-. Suti. too, H""tlll9'0fl ~i.:~oi:..l)ya~ Wey, ,,,,.,.,Cellfllmlett7l4. •-"""' • ...., ... .,..... ~~ ~an Of~ o-11 :=•..-------------..:Ji~':.w.i~• Is 4-.Cted by a11 POIM.IC HEARING a.ace"ci~~·=ie, 11121 l.allQS 1W110t1. ""9hM M -s.=."~ \":: ~= /,;J1~ fil:s:-~~ ~~~~ ~r:w~ ~ 0..,.. C... Oelfr Piiot, "==·=-_,_.,._Trim,_. A permit IC)plleltlon for daYalop-8tr. Colt•~ Cellfomla t»a. AoWI ....,._, ~ Tlli. ......_ -~ tty a ttttive 1pe<Ul notice or the ID· ...,.,_ ». 21 • .._,. S. 10, ,.. t36CM2 _,...._IOIOwlftg __. -...,. -c:!':., ~=-= ~~?lad C.::::~., ': "*'t 1s pending befor• tha Calllor· c.iT;I ~'.;:m, J,~*-1 1 ::-~A1•11•i.... ,.,.':~ ~·;;~~~ ::•~ .-r•P = ~ ...... ~-;he~tope"?:tlo0f n~, '!!!. URuntstsan•ndd r~-' -------------• OOMIHOOI COlll9TAOCTION. Box Mardi'· t• nle Coaa111 Commission " • ~ n.n • co.-~1~ Y • ,...-;~" --...-_, TMS ~ -lllecl wltll -• ~ " ·--~ -· -111293 Im .... Calllornlll H11S; 2701 a. ,., .. , E O P E T ..... r•I pat1ntnlllp. ,_. C-ty C.'"11 of o.-.,... Caolftfy °" pona de9cribed ln Section 1200 ,--.. ,_ ,81,,,._, II'&, 8e1tla An.. Ca?U0tnl PWPl_ Or..., CMM Dally Pl?OC, PROPOSED DEV L M N : !:......, P. Trostle l'u.,.,,.., Ora~ Coeat r>.ity P11M ~di 12 l1llD. of the Cal.ifornia Probate Code. -------------• t2704 Marc" 1>, "· 2'1...,,12,~ ·~ 20-lnc?I dl•mater burlad pl~llM Tiiis ,....,._ •• filed wltll -lilwdl 20. 27. """"a. 10. 1tl2 • •trt a..... Clcc.al 6 Clce9•1, Attorney Ptelil"°" -~-~ 2101 a. ,..,_ (Oto Creek 8yp111 Brine line C°""'ty Clef1I of Ora,... County °" ~ c ... , .. a.-• _ ...-nA,_, fl"l,a-~cr..o.....emM -..C '9TICl Exten9'on). Marc11•.11112. __..._ __________ .. ._llC.,..........,. at ... w, !H Blcbe ll AveHe, TllalOIOwlftg ~--. I(_. 0... Oollllneoa. 27011. LOCATION: EHi Side of Del ,,,_ '9aJc 1911( .............. CA.... Suta Mulca, Calif. IOOi, -• ,..,.. IN a.MAM.c.l?lorftallmM Oblepo Strfft end Future Aflpu Plllltf"*' ~ Caast Dally l'?:.t, ' ~.,...Or-. c...i oa11., "'"°'-(!U) JH-15''1. OM .. _,.•TML&• Tlllla.....-.11Cl9fllll&Wl)y•......, ,.~~re::.:'::' St•M1 -Sen Juan Clc>lltreno. Marc11• •1.10.n , ,., ...... -Matell •a.•.n . .,.J. ,., ~c:., ~2~111 ........ Aw., ~ ~ Tiie fellOW?ftt pertoflt 8,.. Oolftt APPLICANT. San Juan Buln lw-......... ......,....._......_ ___ ..____ , ~::.::::.~· Y .... ~ M. I Tllll atata111111t WH ll?ad wttll Illa ~lllffl n : thorlty PmjC 1111( , Tiie f•Pl-lllt ,.non 11 •• ,... -· _,.,. flla 00fll0t'l110ft, 1027 ._. UMPD94I C4M11¥Cllflr0f0...,...o-IJ011Mardl CAltEl!R VENTURE AGENCY. APPLICATION NO.: 6-S2·131 t--...... 11111".'~ .... ~~--,."'!'!"--· W.IM9ea: 1 ~ ••M A ... ,lirUMe.CAll'°8 11:11t1t. 14"1T"'111ZlJt,..,Huntl"91onHar110r, HEARING INFORMA'fl<»j: PICTITIOUSeull•... l(ALICI SECJIETAlttAL SllltV?CE, ....,~----------i PIH 1111£ ,J:-II_....., l)y •.... ,_.. CAttMt. DATE: April 7, 1982 .. AM91TATa._8'T a.. .._ ~ tML ·-~ ----~~=--=------., .... WA • I tlllV Mc. ~ ~ c-Dely l'ftot, CAREf:ltS UNLIMITED. PNC.. • Time: t:30 p.m. Tll• t•f?owl111 .. ,.011 " Hllll HIPP•, CAtlla. • ....-a.. .0 ~ --· 11. !'-,,,,.. 2. 1, !ta ~;!2 Clllforllla -•tlOll, 165'1 Tr-1 ~: Euraka Inn, 7th and F Streete lllnlMM n : 1tatlllf1M ~ t..a LM All9M NOTICa M IA.I.£ ,......._ u..., H\lllllllg!Ofl Han.or, CA '2Mt. 7t?I and F Slraet• A. It. WPLLIMGelt co .. 2• N--1 •• .,.. .... L....-Hlli. CA MD °'MAL '910t'Utn Thfl etatemenl wu tt3" with Ot Piil.i '9J1C( Tlll1 IMISP,..u 11 c-cltd by e Eul'ella. Cellfornll Center Ori••· Sllfle toO. N•W1M1r1 T"it .....,_ 31 ~ .., '°" AT ....,ATE aau; ~ClllrllGfO..,..C--'rOll <OtPGratton. For fur111., tnrormaUon. pfeaH ~~~wun-•c-·• IMI•~..:-.............._~-No. A10l.lf7 11, tte2. C..n UtollmPtW. IM. ...._ or .-... t.._ omc:. lilted ~ ~ ...... .._ · •----In .......... ~,.._~ of, .... State fllCTfTIOUSeU9UI... E?leftt..aaArclles r--'"" ,,. CoYa ......... 9NcPl.CAt26SI. TllPI .....,_. -lllecl -... " .. ....,........, """'' ,,. l'llMllMll 0.-11\91 eoMi o.ii, llAMe STATaMS8'T l"rftldlnt low betwHn 8 1.m. end 6 p.m.. Tiii• llllalMu 11 ~.,. .., °" c-tr Cllrll of 0r.,... C-..ty Oii of Cellfomla, In and for tha County Mardi 20. 21,"""" a, 10, 1tll Tiie f•llowl119 parMn 11 Cfalnt Tiits "'""*" wes flltd with 111e waalladaya. 1nc1Mdwt. ,..._ 11 .._ of ~.,. In tha M111er of Iha e. I lllftlMU•: . Co•,,.IY Clff1! of Ora11pe C-1y °" A. It, WIHI~ • ~-.. tata of JOYCE BENNETT MAX· ------------1t•NE McCL.ANE AT SHEAR ~ell?, 1'112. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMIS-Tiiis .._,.... -"'" wl"' .... ,.,,....,.. Or .... C-Oltt'f ._, WELL, aka JOYCE 8 . MAXWELL. PmJC.. DESPGN, 17M W"1ter Ann11e, Jac--.io...ras.c111i.., SION Cev1tly C?enl .. Of ..... C-., °" ... f'ClltJ.».!7 "'"1S.t• tnMll OacMlad. ~-'9111 Yalt..,, c:MlfwNe ~ A.__.,. .. ww SOulh Cout Olltrlc1 Offlca Marc" 1 t, tm. . ' Notice la ller•by glvan 11111 the ,,.... "· ~. 16292 8~ s.ltt ,.,..... ...... ........ P.O. Box 1450 .,..,,. undertloned wlll .... II Pr?vat• ..... 1.-. Hllltt""'°" ...... c.!lfontla MIN...-.c.tero.tw Long BMcll. ca. 90801 Pullltllw4'0r11191Clltl0al:Y l"lllC. PlaJC 1111( to tll• ltlgll•ll and bHt bidder, ..,, .._....lildt,CA'2'61 213/580-5071 MardllJ.J0,27,~IJ.t• 11-.a ------------Tiiis ..._. Is ~-.., °" P'1MJ71 Published Or1ng• Co11t Dally ~ P11411P-er..,.. Coast o.t•r Piiot ....... M-...... 2• 27 28 1"•2 -?!WW R. MtO.... -ell J, 12. 29, ta, 1• 1025,:t2 """"'· ., .... , '" ' ' .., . PmjC "9113K Tiiis .............. _fltef wftr. ... '!------------------------14_2_6-8~2 1••---~~~llfl!I!~~~~,...-~ C-ty OWtl ., ar-.. CollMy Oii -• ..._ "CTlti Mlll•na Mafocll It, "'2. ,._ ... llK MlJC •m MMlll STATS ... ll'T P,.._._____________ Tiie fo??aw?nt .. ,..,. II 41elllt .......,.. 0r-.. c.tt Delly Ptt.t. PICTTT10Ue -tiusl,..• ea: MM. 12, "· .. "'-'· 2, 1'12 ' ~ UA~ ICI! STA" FA5"10NS • .., ltuev. Tht !ollootW\t ,,.,_ ti OOWIO _,... 67tt Vie C..-°'1ft, H1t11tl""°" • BM<fl, CA WO. COASTLINE l'HY-OAL THERAPY CH•ltYL YVONMI aEN08'0N, SVIYlCES, 33022 Teeoro 81., Dana Polr!I. 61'2 VII c.-°""'· "_,......, CA llM2I llMcll CA ftM7 er... A.~. 8a022 T~ II. Tllt1' ~~ Pt ~ _,, 111 Dana Pclnt. CA 82129 . Th?e ~ Pe COftduc11d by "' .,._ ffldl•tw.I, dMdUil. Ollrtl Y. IC"'*'"' an-A. ~ Tll?I ltMaf'llll'll -lllad wtttl h Thfl t1atem•11t WH llP•d w??ll Illa C-ty Ci.A of Or .... c-.ty eaj,..._--~--.....,.a;o...;,....,.~ c-cy Cllf1I of ~ Couftty oll ,.... 111\¥(11 s. 1-. 23, 1112. ·-~ "'*lllllM or..°'"' Delly..-....---~~-------..=:~.~"': ~~Oally Pl?ot, Marcll6, , .... ~. ,. .... IM+oa PIUlllll LAST'CBANCEI Due to overwhelminq response, this weekend Newport Datsun will make this offer available for the last time. Don't miss your chance to save! Buy any new car or truck at Newport Datsun this weekend, and we'll give you a 5 Year/50,000 Mile Service Contract FREE! Bring this ad! • • 1982DATSUN 1982 Datsun STANZA 4 Door Sedan, 5 Speed, Front Wheel Drive. Ser#8300 $6514 TIE MOST COMPLETE PARTS & SSMa DEPMTMEITS IN SOUTHERN CAUfOIUIW 1982 Datsun U'L HUSTLER Pickup Rugged Features! Ser#9795 $5589 1982 Datsun MAXIMA DIESEL Automatic Transmission. Loaded with Elegance! Executive Car. Ser #3016 $11,208 AU.CAM,... tA.l lGNK oocru:a ...,..~ •tALUDO--nDNI uo 4'tll..._ct '°....,. U4.L ~ POa~ iu.M»I NAI Q.Ol&OI _,.. ... CDr'fOf ........ , .. "'WUJlfl010 .... AOlfA#tlliOI ~ ............... WHY SEE US? Because ••• We offer what no bank or lease company can: v Expertly •t•ff•d, mo•t modern ••rvlc• A P•rt• d•-P•rtment• for the ever more '::f!~rt~nt .. rvlce •ft•r th• v One of th• Southl•nd'• mo•t ex,,.rlenc•d ••I•• •nd l•••lng •l•ffa. v Ellmln•tlon of th• mldd,... m•n by l•Hlng de•l•r direct •o you c•n NV• •v•n morel · ALL MODELS AND COLORS IN STOCK NOW! DON 'T DELAY -GET YOURS TODA YI We Have YOUR New Car in Stock • • • PRICES START AS LOW AS: LEASE AS $112'4* 15236 0 Ll•t fWk• 1912 mo. ,1u1 tax 7 HatcMt9ck ltandwd LOW •O.A.C. clotod or opon end looto, 41 ~ AS month .. Co • co1t $SU6.70. l otldual S aJICT TO AVAILAllLITY $2611.U. r a1h drlYOa way $425.29. Tot• t1 725.92. , ~,.. it-WHIR DlllYI STANDARD alD TitUCKI ·- 'n TOYOTA COllQt.LA IRS LlnaACK ltftS 4 cyl S tpd AM FM "•'90 1odt0 "-ot .. buc\e• ._,. ltc 171Tl' .. cy• .. tpd AM FM H~eo (OU•"• h.o1w bu<'•''"'' t untoof ltc f0M'6$ '7S FORD MAVHICK 6 cyl outo trnnt ~,.,. 'S '' wh1t..-oltt ltc 3'17NI• '71 FORD FAIRMONT • qi! ---• rodlo ._ I'S " --. woll> ll< •nv11 '11 DATSUN S 11 4 ,,, ovto AM FM Uet'90 todtO ~,., 'S Pl wt.1tewo1lt .,,,.,., , OOOrwul lie ICUJl44 'HVWCONV. A cyl • ,pd AM FM •••r•o rod•o heo'•' .... 11-ollt lie 1 llGA...0 'IO OLDSMOBILE CUTLAS SUPREME HOUGHAM IS" Au•o h1\' "' .,..rt•ei' heo••• t0<toty 01t ,.S. Pl pow•' \•o•\ PO••t """'"do"""' 1.11 whe•I uu1t.• 1o"uol riowt·' doo• IO<k\ tu'lt9d gtou ~ ... nyl,-oot •v•!Po.-.er D·•\•I Lu 1A llS6~ TRIUMPHS ON SALE THIS 1980 · TR7 DEMO $9595 #01570 THIS 1980 TR8 DEMO $1 1 ,700 13 Oth ers Also On· Sale. Now you can enj oy the fun of a high performance convertable --in time for summer --And for less than you might think. 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ~2131581·1532111•1 642·9'405 Aston-Martin • Ferrari •Triumph •Jaguar •Rover LoOll"for Real Estate Sales and Rentals? Please see today•s special REAL ESTATE SECTION A new, regulcr Saturday feature of the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIED INDEX lt Plact Yllll' A•. Call 642-5678 llSINCSS. IMYESJ· MEMT, RNAMCE :::::=.-= =::=.:.) = ~)....... \Git! __,,._ _, 11..,.., ... Tn, )OJ.\ AllOUNC£MEMTS, PUSONALS & LOSJ & FOUMO Wllj loett Stor 111 TIAJISPOITA JION A~rtr•ft t. •-""""' '-k AHi rJtc\ltf ( •n ::: ~:-:c.h s.-.... MOI..-Um• s.i .. Mcru Tn1Wf\ TuHI l::~~~!"i.,h AUTOMOBILE l#f'Wf•I .\Jttt14\fon ....... ". fl•<"9•1i~ \'•k1i ..,, ~h M•r• H1•h l"tfiol UtH" rr.rlU , ... 4•.,Lc····· AVllYl W°•ftlf'd Al/TOS, IMPOITED llC'Ofl'f41 \ff,; Ktim.11 \ .... t. \1101.iAIW••·n ~"' l •pr• r:r.- O•OYJ\ ·~"•t• t'1<1\ -· J ........ , Jtt1...-ft irl..rl!IWn" l.f!I+, IAm•-111.1d• \Ct'Ht'l1 .. Hitr11 lllt lit.• ,.,.. ,...,., . t'"'t;"-'4 .. wr.1.-1..- lf'ftlf\IU ~hH.,)u Jto11rf ,,... -, ... till •Ut tt• tt:lt ••fill >llO ""' - 'Oii '°"' 160/ l»J ~ -'°"' -'l!m ""11 tM •:Vi ,..., tlU t 1U 11" 'lltl '17.., •Tt; •IZI nr. "'"' = •11> tnl na ,,,., 11!.: .... .... t1t; ,:. '1l0 111• '7l• '1>1 .1 ... •'Wnd Golden Labrador Art llucltnt·Part-tlnw ror Retrle\ler. blk collar T lllll'l priater. SUO llr. lta.Yl'll.lVdSclW.·P -~ -- •'ound Female tnlxtd ASSIMIUIS Ba el\.ll brwn l wht VI e w-n l t r a In . Newport Harbor Animal Mac<irtllor Yacht•. ltl!l Hospital, 125 Meo Dr.. PlMentf•.~·-.C . ._M ..... __ _ C. M. 63l-1030 ;;;;~--------Found Hiit, white, tin OM: fem puppy, Ion hair. no ATTINTI • Lail. 84().184 AmbltlOU. tioys 11 nd Fou~: Black dog, lan alrla 1~13 years old. to four paws. choke ~haln work one or two even· F v. area 962.6517 : lngs • weelt 1etl1n1 newspaper aubscrip· ~ --lions. Transportation P.......U 5350 and const ant ad ult ••••••••••••••••••••••• supervision provided. Call 3 lO S JOPM, ask. for Attc.tis Mastacae Andrea. 642·4321. ext. Open 24 h.rs a daf 343 7dayu week 69 Gorgeous Rirls' t.o pamper you J ac.-uu1. Sauna. Locals au_d.I as IOU r1 St S h~ Amen r a rd. Ma sler Charge, Amencan Ex· 'press, Diners all welcome. 7141645-3433 2112_Harbor Bl <;Pi_l _ Coeds would love to party with you Leslie or Syl\'ia. any time . 761 ~ Babysitter, Mon ·f ri 8·6PM 8 mo s . girl NB/Fa.sh. Isl. Natalie 640·8950 ext 114 or 640-6139 e~ IOOllK_.H Exp'cf. -Pt/lime . 16-20 hrs/wk. My home. llunl Beach. Nonsmoker. 962·826J .• J 213 )665·520 I &okkeeping BORED Linda & Vl.Ckl''s Young. aggress1vt·. dynamic growing co m PHOTO MODELS pany, North Orange Co ESCOITS needs agg ressl\e . BACK & BETTER dynamic, full.charge, 11lANEVER! 24 HRS non-smoking book· 669.0..,. 07 keeper to grow with a tl)em. Salary lo SIB.000 1 ___ 10.u.tc•a•ll•1--•I Call 171_!189l-02S3 l()()ll(KHPH BOOKKEEPING EXPERIENCF. ... ""-=" ..... _,. ___________ _,_ .. " 8atutd9y, Mwch 27, 1982 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad. E:lcpt"enc«d Uve-ln Aide lf!lior eltiu·n &e:l+ with 'AITTIMI s... Qilientor. noJ)ru Look111e for P•rt time Wor4S ' HQUHhtper. best fllptritnce ln nwrchan· 6·9'>m EiPu4lAa )'OUth u .... .,IT, .. ~ ••s SECIOAIY bfttn, u4uo1 Ubl Law condition• 6 ulary. dlaln produce . Call counaelln& firm l\u -" '"" Ex~· d , w 0 R 0 F1nn·tu.1n1 wlll11 and mwt have bell of re 541_ • • I ... .. .. t h t I 114'499 1972 :;..:.z.:~--optn111p or ., . ., l nflrp ~mslvc O.C. Com· PRO t;SSING typi.t. lt\19U. ua •Ve' ron11 er«K'S!· ~ ·---=--Maids needed. cxper . OUllUn& matur• Pf9ple pany .seekln& lll'H prefer Qyx u . Ordrr typio1< 11nd f(r1mm11 r Floral Dtsl&ner, a 11 necesury, Apply at : to motivate ambitious motlv•ttd lndiYlduali . processfrit & phon4'll lkilll 0.11 Mrt. Win1lo~· phaaet incl aales exptr. The San Clemente Inn, 1~13yroldl.Call2·5pm. fo'ran~biu or di•· fpr~ll'MOIO ~.:~tl'rtie A~f~w!~, ~31tPrtsldenle, San =~·ext. M:I. Aak for tnbutonhlp barkttround S«reury P(I' Mon-Wed Mw t •••• Miii, 101 26·A Adams ~""'''"'"~ (llliiiiiiiiilii ______ l prefer-red. Must pos1es11 9>41)m, 1 per.on orfit"t-........ •••••••••••••••• A u ast~alea aptitude & Irv. 97S«>S78 • !'! 1• \ IOH -~ •0 • ~ ttafMYBtAN~IMAN .......1-s "ld"mcunor ~ ., ~ A d epe alble ell PIST COMTIO L ''"'"'~ .. v • ~·retaov to M n°r of 1300 •• • ..... , ......... . FOOOMAHAGEl P";.~~etion~able. F/ti~ TICHNICIAN •Co Tra.lninK unit. apt complu • Season1l1 April thru da)la for omce bides. 1..eadii\&local pest con-•AdvetUslng Details. phoMa. typing. WESTMINS'J'f!;R Sellt Fooa rounte~ help. Newport. Beach Phone. trol comp.n)' nted5 •Sales Tools · · a.h. vari~y. ABtsEV Office wrrk. Huntmi!on 644·1526. 9·12. wkd11ya route technician ror •lllghComm1gs1ons PARKNEWP<>RT ANTIQUE MALL Beach area . Senior onl-1.:.._ steady !ob. Entry·levcl •.No lnvutmenl or APTS. n7S1Wa1.mlnllttrAn citluns welcome to app· · --oaillon We train no ex· Ucense Requ1red Mt!lJOO_ GARDEN GR(\VE ly. Call eves, 544 5378_. _ ~ftt per. n« Cllll Charley, Call 833-0159 Mr Keith. SecTet,ary. tsglnf Ii book· ~-6103 f\ill Charge Bookkeeper Corporiifi'-t"iecutave Mooday,9-12. 979-6021 A+ R E C 11 r ee r kt-epmg. b• ad S~I ___ _ for part time position, needs help in whole•ale. Pfl'Secretary. 20/hrs ~r Development. ~'g·~~7950· 888 5 Hitchcock chaira. $500. 4-6 hrs per day. rlcl<ible reuil distribution busi week. S4 ~/hr. Typing. Sales + markeltng ex -Hooked noral ruf. $100. schedule, for a CPA or ne55. Personal interview ~es -~.CM per F lime incl wknd s Senior c1t1uns to dose~ ~ nce.833-81184 ontx 7141964·~ RealE)ilale Salary + c omm ing al home p11rt·time 4 ladder bark chairs. H.AllSTYLIST Experienced culler for (irsl clasi. Newrort me n · s ha tr s a o n ~~-- H.AIR STYL\~T High· energy sty 1sl with a Cu.II clientele needed for Balboa Island Salon 673-4013 __ HOME AIDE, 20 yrs per week in am Lite hskpg and care ror young WOl!!!IO. 645·950'.! Hou.sekeeper needed for organized responsible person. Mon-Fri, 8am-12pm Start ~lhr. Call "-~· llousekeepers. P /T. The Seadiff M olel 494.9717 Cmdy Management TO THE TOP Newpon Hearh Tl•nmi. 548·64§6 $200. Oak dresser. 5 d1.-r. T.ACOIELL Comrruciiil real estate ,Club.833·9561 ro..a.iPPIMGt REC'G $125 Oa k carved ¥'11 h k dresser. $250 Scottish loallH .. oclt fi rm seeks investment SAL~ Up lo 30 urs1 wee · wall clock. SlJ5 Xlnt Managl r lratnee We trainee to fill ex1st1ng Sales RepresentJll\e to hours nex Exper req 760.3667 or rol ler l are look1n11 for 2 aj.! P'r o Pf rt Y s a 1 t> i. &r call on reader ad bust Appl} al· Medu·al Mart !213J27)·3939 NWJ!l Bch gresswe md1v1duals ""ho manugement pos1t 1on ness atTounls ror ad· 729 Far~dJ C M can take charge. ma ke No ex p e r l e n I' e vertismg . Mon fri. 9am &·rolled iron headboard decisions & solve pro necessary Allral'l•H' Spm Ra se + l'O m $1~. Type set tray t65. blems Da y or n1ghl c·ompensat1on benef11 mission . rompun) StudentJobs breaddoughma)lerS95. shifts. You will rere1\'e package Call Mr Bolt'l' benefits. \\Ill lrmn Neal H~Y! broken \ 10110 S60 romplete trammg Com 67~00 appearance & 1tood IOYS--GtlLS SJ6.§6;lll pan y be n e r i t s RECicDTIOHIST spelhng essenltul Apply llow would you like to Deotisl Chair. eirca 1940, Pranchisee Interview f .,.. ' 1 S Penny l> a\ er I fi Ii ll l'am as much a:. $.Sil oo J elec· mil\ ement. $800 mg Mon 10 5 699 Coast or prestigious ~a on ° Plac:entia, C M I k d ""c..Na 3_ 7Y 1030 meooe who l'nJor;s peo -..,.eek, Do )Ou 1 e n\C ~ -r 11 .... )', Lauuna Bl·h bd Q " pie &r ran hand e busy Sales + marketing ex-an movies. p1c·n1cs. pazta Antique rm set. ueen 49'1-67~1-phones Must be fashion per f time 1111'1 wlrnds parties. bearh partaei.. size bed. A rmo ire . Mne HQrdwar• conscious. Op ply ror ad Sa I a r y + c· um m plus man)' other thin)ls'! dresser. full·length mar· Part time help Pc•rf~l'I vanrement for ri ghl Newpan Beat•h Tcnnil> Then you woultl probub~ rors. marble tops, xlnt forlherellred Call Den person R 1t·hard Club 8339561 probabl~ en)O' workml( rood Sl400farm. E\•es ms 673-3533 Ouelette Salon. i.!00 rorlb M2·1868 Ne..,.port Ce nter Or . Sales girl. outgoing and QUALIFICATIONS Bdrm set drop·m1ddle N.JL _ fnendly. 18 yrs or older t O\er 12 )earh of al(e dressing table. s dwr Junior Spartswear, full 2 Neal. honl''' and de dresser. 2 twin hdbrds or part lime 11t•ndable ftbr~ & rails. $225. c111i Mus1dan new in town seeks female compa nlonsbie David. 64§·0729 Witness to car acc1den1 . 3 20, Warner & Nichols. HB. please contact Jim NECESSARY Housekeeper. h ve·in , Good opportuntt) ~1th fast.growing company 1 Mature, resp lo\'lng woman to rare for 6mo infant 9·5 30 T&Thur Mesa Verde area ~7 ~Er'T /TYrlST Definite gfowth po1en llal. non smoker prl' ferred Fountain Valle) locauon Co II John or Car~lyn, 964·~ SKOlltdGlonu 3 Work J(te1 '"huul and af~m, 751 2343. 6JS-JJ6 I SJlu[~f.L TODA\' F'r antiques. dbl bed w 2 Sfills. 964·9615 Sgt shm, allr. W M-m1d 40's desires shm aur sensual fem 10 mid J()'s acrompany on all pd vac IO Puerto Vallarta Mex ___ 645-2444 CASHIER & HOUSEWARE SALES I Apply in person Crown •fardware. 1614 San1 Mi uel Neweort Bearh Apr ts.29 Submit recent CASHIER bathing ~ull photo &r MOUSEWAIE S.ALES brief pers. data incl. lst F\ifl-or p /time. Apply name & tel # to 2006 W Crown Hardware, 1024 Calhohc Rector) in II. B area Cooking. II hskpg for 4 priests Ref's req Reply to Classf1ed ad 1 1013. Daily P1lo1. P.0 Box 1560, Co~ta Mesa. ~A 92626 HOUSEKE EPER Must be rehablit & ha' e own t ransporlat1on. S hrs pr day 5 dys pr wk Refs req 'd 640·6962 <!_ap. Med1ral lad& office .Auiltant F\Jll lime. salar) open Send resume 10 P o Rox 2932. M1ss1on V1eJo. Ca 92&JI Med1ral BACK Of'F'ICE. so me x ra), lab, l emporan from llfay IS for approx 2 l11l ~~-3903 Restaurant .r....a_. "--1·ssi .... •ed ~ 5936or~JI Si.!57 nightstands $1800 Eng -..... -dbl bed w nightstand Full or part time Gro" KAM to IOP~1 Sl.995. Babi• grand piano. tnJ: national reading S Henn· Miller $2000 t'ducataon eo elt.pJndml! Brass anlq diver s ""Ith personal m11·ro· helmet S.100 Trunk. bar· c·ompuler p_rogrJm!> Wit TRAVEL 1\G ~:NT M 111 2 re!Jn!.e...$200 6~:.!!.!7 need outf(omg, persona 'r.. exper. mu~I Ill' rnm ble people to preM•nt our puter tranll'd h 1 101· Pille hutch. oak mantel unique s peed r<'adinl( 552 3052. 552 19~5 art P!~ bed. table & more l'OUr~e"'are 10 rnmputer 5PM. ~u 642·~ • stor11 s. indusln uncl VAN ITY DRES~Rll &lboa Bl Ste 3t8. N B. Irvine \Westcliffl..._N Ii. Ca. 92663 __ Hskpg in exch for rm & lmmed p time open mgs a\a1I. ror rook:. & clelh·ery driver:. Cooks 18 & olde.r pref . Uri vitrs 21 pref "" good dra\ 1n1t record Both mu~t bl' able to ""ork eve~ "" t-epllnl( apphc·at1on~ da1 I)' after Spm. Ask for Jean Me & Ed's Pana. IJth&.Juslan.LC M sehools This b a ·uniqu1• ,Waitress(Woiters Oak. Victortan1: xlnl opporluntty lo make ~OO<l rork Jtl i·ombo t-ond ms 963.2Q73 I -r h h Apply in pehon Rlue " --"'Ir CHILD CAil board. reliable young Jllllll*~• Liaht housekeeping Frene h Canadian .. ,r,..epcr-... ati•ICMlwi.. ~ed in frvine home Libera I La g u n a -. -~0..h >1W fu,Yl• >N Medical Laboratory front olfice Manager 1n N. B Medical expenenre pre ferr ed but no l necessary l':xperient•e tn billing & hl(ht book keeping Xlnl benefits. s11lary commensurate with experie nce ~·~ ttestaurant BRO IL ERMAN . BUSYBOYS &r OYSTER BAR. Apply an per!-On btwn 3.5 The Ru:.t) Pelican. 2735 Panrar Gi.t. H~.Y N B ar~ ... or 1 " ral( t Beal Cafe. 107 2ht Pl .a.-.s_.. IO 10 ""oman or man Call Nwpl Peninsula 110 lhl' .,.,...-H 17141898·2658 for 1n II beh. d h R ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ""~ Wed .. ., 9c .,. Charles 495..:6296 rr.w.mprl ,,.., \l;lft i. ... ~ ... mv tervaew. a er -in 1 t' 1171 HARBOR AR EA 7 07 5 !'F'' ""'-· ...... _ "---t1A1an I M M E D I A T E \°'Hi ;111 • r Waitress t::"penem·itd APPLIANCE SERVICE Salespersons 16·25 per . w II d eamS40 da•&up Sales l?ood v.age-. nu lip~ ese recon .guar ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......,....,. ~ 0 P E N I N G Young married man M.AIWPAITIST CHALLENGING SEC AUTOS, MEW 1.~.1 ' 673 TIJll appliances Also'' all for Zmo·s Pma N H II in-home repair. 54~·3077 \i4'Mf411 AUTOS, USED Alll ll•ot• \._~II•• l-•19..ttv ,,.,. ... Ult>•'" a... t::~· c ..... ... ..... , -.,, ... ""' •II -*D ----- would like odd jobs eves Needed-for full/lime POSITION! Hrs. 8.J() 10 & wk ends Can do a position in top Newport 5:30 Mon to Fri. requires variety of handyman Salon. Call !2131274·857~ stallstlcal typmg ~ed Jobs. 972.9525 eves: ask ~ .-. wpu S H pu f BiJL o=-65 .... / 100 .... or For "''J>Ort Beach ~lto~I prt!f .. but not Dutch Lady would like lO Oarcta. IPM to UPM. nee. tllll 'Benefit Ph . 1 clean yourhome. PUii Uw. Call. Cltuek salary open. Otrflly tJ 770·4648 631·2lllO, Mon-Fra, 8·5_. _ Lrow with Ori( Contuct MODELS HEEDED ~Wild"' iilk'm1 pnntwork. S50 + photos + $200 m clothes •Fashion shows. S25-$6S ada1 •&immer sport:> hne ror nat'I mag, dolhes & Roule Person w l'ar fur wieker basket lunrh sen ire Mon F r i 646-~ mteresled l0all Iii~ 31tll Wanted 101 ~e11 po rt txwn 9 llAM A~k fo1 lleaeh Compan) 01, (2urt bursemenls l'll'rk ~al nun1mum of~ ""pm. II SALSalf!SR 1 ke) tourh & 1tenerd es epresentall1 it oj l'lenc.al ... b1l1t1el>. rel rull on reader ad busi• ., ll('SS al'<'OUnls ror ad habllJty of premium Im ,ertl.sing. Mon ~·r1. 9am portant-e Cilll Bnan a **I BUY * * Good u:.,od F'urnatur(' & ..\pphan<·es OR .J v.111 sell or SELL for \' 61' MASTStS .AUCTION ~6U •. IJ).fU5 ~ l•,...n• 1 ......... lb~ .. "~' -,., ..u -Ttalned nurse. pvt duly CUstoawrServke I -~ITJ1~·3llO pref .. live-in. xlnt loul M.1jor So. C1l!fornla I Ins ageney needs r I. !!>elf refs. 957.3063 X204. D1strlbut1on firm Is starter Min 3 yrs ex pMos •Jau dancers for danng VeRaS ·t y pe s ho ". remales s 5" s·10". SLSOO mo. + expenses Retail ulr1 help. l!l• perieneed. for Freneh Country store In Fashion Island. l'\111 fr part-time ~~. Spm Base + <'O m 752-1400ext2317 _ m1ss1on . rompJO~ ·-.. lllll-111111111 ................ ,. •• benefits. wall ll'Jtn :1kal Companion t Ai'de job seeking a full-tame per in Personal I.mes ==~ ...... ,.... = wanted by mature ~~lomlef Srv5ce1 Assist tn It Cu mm'I -.11c.,. .. t ... , mi .... oman. 00 ll\'e an . '"""resen a 1ve or an Duties 1ni'I ra t1nR E:$i"n. .... , E IT PT 645 mo t:"w~i~1:1~:1?~t~~~: ~ d:i~~ei1~ef~p~~~~~~f::.~ =~~~ :'.! Rel nurse will aecepl commumcates well & I employment 11.-slanl( ________ .. ________ P 1' care of sgl amb has typing & 10 ke) ex· S a I a r y o p e n --------+---------elderl Refs 548·3662 perience Send rewme (7141752 8438. ai.k ma to: P 0 Box S627 Loni! I MISS Green ..._L.._ /I t/ ~et11ents/ Exper'd, mature couple Beach CA ~S. -.s n•es PenoMAs/ now res. mgrs exclus1,·e --"---Installer for alutn1num R.c.C~ Lott&FoUnd P.S. Hotel desires DELIVERY PF.RSON . seamless ratn l(utlers •••••••••••••••••••••• manage exclusive condo deliler & install ap Must be exper Havf Swimmingpool chem1eal ....................... or apl l'Omplex . ehances 494·~ O""'Tllransj) ~21242 service business. Costa ~ttntnh 5100 se .... port ln ·rne area. . Mesa. Hunt Beach area ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plscall (7141325·6902 Drivers, Irvine area .. ear LEG.AL SEC'Y No exp. nee. Will tram. BREAK INTO ---ly .mommg news paeer Experaenred le1tal $50,000 full amount re-Help Wonted 7100 dehvery Mon lhru En secret~ry in expanding. quired W 111 net ACTIMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl.25.00 per week Call prest11t1ous Ne" port $40,000+ Call rollect •No exp nee All type~ AAA·H you would like to ~1953 8l l0 Bearh la"" farm Must be Mon -Fri 9A M 6P M •S2S-S85 day.3 IOhrs get ahead m any wa)' Dental Assistant ""'anted self starter Mait Ca rd l ... Hw,~ -~ ... , ... ~ -,_,..b.,~ul;1lr .... ....... "'61 Po~ -"-·• ~ Uki~Hf'fl '"" \f'•• ,,,, ........... Adi Many rmre hs11ng:. Noexp nee All types The Job Source 6QJ4777 (llam·7pm l MOTH.MAID Mature. experienced pref~rr~. 642 3030 N B Nursing NURSES AIDE Exper all sh1flb Con' llosp Nwpt Bl'h Cheerful. de1ta n 1t1td to 11d P\1 . eare Xlnl '"' program Call f>.12-!J>44 Nursmjl ~OftWftissiotMd appt•arunt•t• & l(ood t\ilfor part lime ti row spt.•llanl( e:ssential Appl~ tnJ! n<1l1onal r1tad1n1t Pe nnvi.a\er lli61 ed1X·a1100 l'O e:1.pand1ng Plac·enl1J, (' M 1 "Ith personal marro romputer proitram~ We SANDWICll SHOP nt'l'd' need wtgomR. per,ona sharp woman. xlnt hri. ble people to present our I XJntjla} 631 112011 unique '>Peed rrad1nR SEAMSTRF.SS MJnnt• t'OUr.;e..,.Jre lo compull'r f tune. "" trJ1n Call stores. 1ndustr~ and S48 1486 Mon lhru Thurs Sen~ibJe and Smart schools This 1, a umq uit ! 8 30 2PM '""' opportun1t' 10 ma kc I larj!(• m for the I IJ?hl . Sttrelar). l\ pml( & book ~oman or man CJll keeptnit Sob,tJd Sail 1714 1898 26511 for in Makers &l5 79511 8811 W terv1e"" 16th. St N B Sales girl outi;tomi.: and Secritlar>' P T ~Ion Wed fnendh 18 ) rs or oldt•1 ~l>m. I person offal'!' Junior Sports" ear rull In 975 057~ «ll/867·01ll •Extra \"O~k m mcmes call Tom : 645-~ part lime. Costa Mesa. II . System 6 exp Real lusiMs •lndus.trammgf1lm 641-32?2 est ate bar kground ~ 500 The Job Source .ACCTSP.AY.AILE DENTAL ASSISTANT· helpful. Salary open 1 orpa1111me 1--------• LYN S.C:Oftd Glance SECRET .ARY Conv llosp Newport 675-3361 I Excefientsecrrtanal op -........ ,...,,, 669 0771 11 7 ) CLHK Send resume to Ad ...................... • 1 am· m -$850 to $900. afleast I yr ch'lirs1de , exper req 11898. Daily Pilot. Box Will sell your consign· Lost & fomd 530 exper. Balance repGrts, N.B.6'4-0032 ~ C.M. 92626. menl items: crafts,••••••••••••••••••••••• batch & code for com· IMCEEMEED~ Le 1-5--N 8 Business, etc. 631·3570 puter. 10 key by touch. EXl>:"ddc lu a I . g· ga ecrelary. . . -1 on.., PP Y· a 1<' Corp. experlenee. fast Be~ch. Pos alhlude & Salespersons 16 25 perr. 1 ~rtun1t1~ Pleas(' l'all smiles n~e~e~ x Int ea rn S40 day & up Sail's I ~1:r~~r1~Tien~genl') 11 be!l'fils_ CUii . 642·8044 for Zino·s Pina. N Ii If 19762}.1acArlhur lll\11 •OFFICE HE'-P * mteresled c·all 675 3101 I Suite 2011 1 MOllt'f to Lo. 502 ~lications now be ng or stand-up eomedy to accurate typist. s.h & •••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND •OS en8-SPM at US Ren car.ry interest at experience on lllt'mor; Can you make the pay. " tals Corp ornce. 17871 serrunar.Jhrs,SlOO. &/or word pro1·essor ments on a home but Mitchell. Irv. 1714 1 TheJobSource preferred. Salary com Position open in reul btwn 9 llAM Ask for I r\lne. ('A 92715 I estate appraisal r1rm Gurt No Fee lo Appheant Good phont.' & t) Pini! Top pa y 5 dap 8u)ermt·cb s1tllt>r 1q\h 675·27'!.'L an effe1•111·e class1llNI don't have a down pay ARE FREE 5.56-4800_,_ ---fa.m7 (llam_:1pm > pelillve. frini:c hcnefits 11Ent? Paul9S3·2872ll!. AJDE COMPANION for 7<'>7072 OFRCE Pri., ......... M-y Call.· elderly s elf-care ~ · Sha~ girl. 11ood "1th ..,.... _... woman, 2 30 -ll~m . E)iaineer LegalSeeretar) M G ,..., N n-h I r· num ers ae regur SI0,000 Clltd Up 642-5678 SIOO/wk. Live out. .V Microwon Filhr 1 ewport v.:ac 3 "" arm Yarhts. 1631 Plarenlta . Tom or Jeanne --lliilliiliiiiilil---t 962-1643 DllECTOR neells civil hi. se1"y C M 642·8852 w1m1n 3 yrs exper -Lost small bnndle Pal APA RT ME NT AS · BS MSE,l~ISyearsex· Musthavexlnt typ1ng & 0 R TH hn1c1an. e"I'. 2 n d T D · s Bull. M. v1r Orange & SISTANT MANAGER pen~ Own up to S', SH Sal & benefits rom perienred. (or busy S20.000·Sl50.000 fully 21st C.M.6466859 Coople for 65 unit Apt of lXM\pany. Top salary mensurate "" exper J!.lastics_urgeon.640·8576 anx>rt. to 201yrs. Other -· J. ---c 0 mp I e x i 0 H B. & benefits. Immediate. Non-smkr. musl have 2nds lo Sl.000.000. Apyts. Sunday Early Bir~ free 213/592-1573 E. Coast Write Ad 11912. front ore appearance. PART /TIME comm'I & non owner roffeedonuls 2fam1lyno - -Daily Pilot. Box 1560. No a oenraes pis No weekends Cashier& programs No bkrs Junk. anlq bar. ela~ Have something to sell • c.M.92626. CK 2044 kit ch en help ror Brent: 963-261 1 f.QOt 134_.f.191.h C M -Cl~ads do II well ""'' -'--sandwi ch shop. Apply Leaal ~cretarv only 8-IOam & 2·4pm Vis"' &/OR Lost. Male Silky Terrier. A black. silver. gray & MASTEICAID tan. East Blurr area Guaranteed~~ regardless Reward. 640.7690. ol pas\ credit problems. ------Call Mike. 494·2819 Found : Sm I do I! -==--=..,.__"'-'-~·-F..1stbluH or Bluffs area. MothJ1!911, Trut Call lo idenlifL 644-541Q Dtidi 5035 Found small v.hlte male ••••••••••••••••••••••• POOdle. v1c Atlanta & Sattltr MhL Co. .M_agnolia.._H B. 962·9568_._ AJJ types or "'"ar estaLe Fi'-.. -" w· h d ·r Investments since 1949 uwiu, ire aire er c-a.....1-1-rier type puppy. blk I ~_.,"' gray Nr Oyer Rd z.dTDs !47·5346 _ 642-2171 545·0...6ll Found rabbit, v1<· Del 1 __ ........._1 Mat & University. C M N:d c:" .. ? Gra & tan. 646-4112 Lagwt'a HlHs Recefll CA Mon .. Fri. at 15215 Spr Pr o b a t e e x p e r ingdale. H B <bet. Bolsa necessary Excellent ~rfadd~I __ typing and SH skills re-Part time auto parts de· quired . Call Mr s livery , S300·S500/wk WI nslow for a PP t Call St.£!.L.646·5781. BJ'M060 P;rt.tune Sales - The ~~oVfu~~ngton Beach has immed. employment opptys for certified lifeguard It water safety instructor$. f or further inro call 960-8884. LOOKJNG FOR People who want to make mone . 894-275$ Need bnghl, amb1t1ous & aggressive people who are Interested in the music industry. Make your own hours. Wall train. Call Kathy Tues. Wed & Thurs. 12·4pm 642-1666. - PART/TIME F.am exce11ent money selling lingerie at home ad &12·5678 H ., ... , Oot11 ......,.1 i;...4. Ji. Y Au•'''•I ._ ""• Stet• lo ~ "'~noge lor Soturdoy, ,_, _.,. torr..-.d"'9 I""''"°""' of )'GI" Zocllot btnt. sign. JtWOf'"t »o.., lJWi~• ,._ Jll-.o-. ... ''"" ,, l .. '"°"'°'-IM"1l •s.o...t~ tloOtt >tWt1 tOClll'llltlf .0• "'"' •10t.tt ... a=..:=~:;:: ~~ ,.,.., ... 1\t.oii.M .,,..., ,.,,....... .... 11~ .,.°"' ,..... .. ....... .. _ .. _ ~=~-~ ,._ ... l1C.--. ~·-n~ u w..,..,. ns--u°""""',.. a.s.• .,,,.,,, ~..... M'f'ow ~llZE'"--4 ~:.:: r.::""" .,.,, ......... ""' ·-... .. ~~ ®"'- Real Esht~ money Found· Young fem available 2nd or 3rd TD Shellie. Npt Shores. J..oens on reaidenllal or _ ~J!.642·316_2 __ • Use """""service when placing your ad ... a Dail y Pilot ad number wilt appear in your classified ad rtles. 675·427 •. ~3 __ _ -O rw,... '°"-" of fllt S~ ldl~ Items wit~ a March to your phone to '°"' ic-.1>1et1 word• 11e- mcome properties We Found· 2Afehan puppies. handlt a rull range of vie. Indianapolis & rrortp1e Coverage at 8rookhunit. 1163-40'1 I Yef'I con"l.Pf'lltl ve ralea. Courtesy to Broken. 714·7IO·JS51 ask for or ne ___ _ Pound: M mix Terrier, whitt: Jo' Dobie, blk • bm; FC'tloc. Labw/pup· pica: F' Shep mix beige puppy, M Lab/Shep inlx, tan RUPP>'· Most animals avail. Sun. Nwpt SMiier. l2S Mesa Dr. C.M 644, . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience ·during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... th•s service is only $5.00 week. For more Informa- tion and to place your ad call 642-$678. D11ly Pilot Classlfled place a rasl·act1ng """'"''-"''°"'._.._. Ad. clasaified ad 642·S678 I 8 u l 0 0 E ........... :.~ .. : ...... ~ ~,l A M~G l (.__.__, ~ Part time pel"IOll to de.liver Dally Pilot ~ ........ ,-......., _,,,,_, ..... , -c : auto route in Lag. Bch·7 daya per wk· · ....-----. . about 2 hrt ptr day, M-F, 3:30PM. """l ~.....-...-........ Sat.SUn-MM. . MUST LIVE IN LAO BCH AREA. No r......,...R'T"A_,11,_D_,,O,....C..--4 collecting. l'MnAnll $300 pr!' month and . I' I I I' I up. Call Daily PUot, 642-4321·lve name • pa,.. far call b.ck • inteJ'Yiew • . . . . . . ..................... , ..................... ,· I ' SAN ANTONIO, =-~~-t!:':i Mexican-Americau are thnl ta.m.more UU1.Y to -.. dlabetim thlD other Americuw, but can't ex- plain wby. "Obtil\y which ii more prtvaient among the poor, ~ be a factor, but the dlfferencea tn dlabetH rate• are not entirely explained br, differences in obettty, • uld Dr. Michael Stem, who pl'ftented the fin· d1nal to the 22nd annual oonlerence on cardiov•- cW.C dlae.ae epldemio· logy. lhU..,-.-"-.-K. ere. uc . ..... 6'9 -ni '"" <lot .....,,. llN• .. ON AO INFWIT11114 ,_ ______ ~ ....... --"I fllalC RE Stern, of the Texas 1--------------------- ----------Health Science Center, U,000-POUND HAT -Claes Oldenburg of New York relaxes under one of three western hats he designed to be placed near the Cali- fornia Rodeo grounds in Salinas, Art critics AP WI; e;sClelo from throughout the U.S. w ere expected to arrive in Salinas this week to view the first Oldenburg Sculpture in California. F e.ar of • crime believed rising Most officials feel courts have 'handcuffed police' NEW YORK (AP) -Leaders in major American cities say the public's. fear of crime has in- creased and ther~ is a growing preference to punish criminals rather than rehabilitate them, according to a study. The Flggie Report, Part III, conducted in cooperation with 17 newspapers and a California magazine, also found that citiz.ens have loet confidence in govern- ment's efforts to fight crime. Many citizens have turned their attention instead to local, grass-roots activities, su ch as block watches, the researchers found. , "Sensitivity to the rights of criminals has been replaced by concern for the rights of victims growth and mobility; drugs and alcohol; loss of traditional values; unemployment and guns. • Citizen involvement topped the list of suggested remedies to crime and ita attendant fear. "Community leaders through- out the nation hall programs featuring individual and group participation in crime prevention," according to the re- port. "Operation ID and police-aided home security evaluations were among the individual efforts of- ten mentioned," the report ad- ded. Under Operation ID prograins, citizens mark their personal pro- perty with oodes which are kept at police headquarten. "Citizens are demanding increased . ,, sanctions ... and society. Retaliation rather than rehabilitation is increasingly perceived as the function of the crimi~ justice system," accor-. dibg' to Research & ForecHts- Inc., the firm that conducted the project. "Most officials surveyed feel that the courts have handcuffed police rather than criminals, and 'that citizens are demanding increased sanctions and fewer rights for criminal offenders," the report said, citing abolish- ment of plea bargaining in Alas- ka as an example. The community leaders identi- fied the major causes of crime as failure of the criminal justice system: media and politicians, both condemned for "fueling the fear of crime" with "fiery cam- paign rhetoric about wars on crime and constant repetition of al~ng new crime statisUca": But the most highly praised program in all the dties was, the n eighborhood block w'atch, where local residenta .,_.vol the.Sr ~al"eflm 'and report suspicious acti- vity. . Jim Myers of the Memphis, Tenn .. police department repor- ted that neighborhoods with block watch programs "develop a reputation of being crime - consciou s and an undesirable place to operate" and experience as large as a 50 percent drop in crime rates. Dr. Edward Peeples, a medical sociologist from Rktunond, Va., told interviewers that block watch programs also help to diminish the fear of crime by fostering closer community ties and particularly by alleviating the feelings of loneliness, fear and alienation often felt by the elderly. Other solutions suggested were increased funds for law enf~­ ment and swift and certain pu- nishment. The report is the third in a series of four studies on the im- pact of crime on U.S . lifestyles financed by Figgie International Inc. In the main, the study is an anthology of work done by the 13 publications using a uniform set of criteria developed by the research firm. The participatini publications were The Arizona Republic in Phoenix, Chicago Sun-Times, The Dallas Morning News, The Denver Poet, The ~troit News, Los .(\ngeles magazine, Memphis Tenn. Press-Scimitar, The Miami News, The Milwaukee Journal, The Minneapolis Star, Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, St. Louis Globe-Democrat and The Seattle Times. Interviews also were conducted in Cleveland. In addition to the work done by the newspaper and magazine teams, Research & Forecasts conduc~Q approximately 100 interviews with influential oom- mur\jty leilders in ma~r cities throughout the country, inclu'.. ding mayors, judges, district at- torneys and chiefs of police. The first Figgie report, relea- sed in September 1980, studied the public's attitudes toward crime concerns while the second, released in February 1981, focu- sed on the views of Fortune 1,000 senior executives. A fourth part is planned on regional solutions to crime problems, with the hope of revealing models for widef use. Figgie International is a diver- sified o perating company. Its divisions include Automatic Sprinkler, American LaFrance. and Rawlings. Officials said the research was being financed as a public service. PIC'TITIOUt8UllNHI Aid he studied diabetes MAMl'. ITATaMllMT Tiie IOllO•lnO PtrMn 11 CIOlnt rates aJnOl'lg 1,332 people 1Mtai-.1u: in three San Antonio Sl(Y HARBOit Ol'l'IC& l'UltNITUllE. t•1 S-y ~ark Clrcle, census tracts. ~l••.;'N1", 1rv1M,ee111orn1am1" Jack W. Lant, 1601 W. MKA"llo.lr 91¥11., 21.J, ~Ana, C.llfoml• •21t4 Tltll ~ IJ ~ b\' all , ............. JeOW.l.oflt Tlllt -.-i •• flied wltll Ille Cw11ty Oen< of ~-C-ty .., Merell 10, 1112-"1.-a Putlillllld 0r8ftlllt CN5t O•llY Pllo4, Mar. tt, It, t6, A/W. 2, 191.1 lCIM-42 ACTTTIOUa ........ U..STATa.NT The IOllowlnG per-.. ... OOln9 Du91--· SEA GATE EHTEAPRISU HO 21, 1301 Dpve, Sulle 400, Newport e .. cll, CA 112eeo. Heritage _,_,t Comj>erly, Olnlrel P-. 130100...$uli.400, ~ e.dl,CAt2MO Tilll .,.,.,_ " ~ by • llml141G Roofs OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) -In a 3-2 vote, the Lo6 Angeles County Board of Supervisors has appro- ved use of untreated wood shake roofs in the flatland areas of the county. The change ap- plies only to new and replacement roofs on single-family homes and duplexes in unincorpora- ted areas. PM1MnHp. ~---~~----- IWl!aOI --Co GeryM.WIM TM• 11111m•nl w11 lll1d with lh• -----------County Cieri< ol Orenge County on March 17, 1982. ,,...,. Publllhed Otan9• Coul D•llY Piiot. M'!C" 18, H . Acwll 2. 8. 1M2 1S 1~ P1tT1nous auSINllH N-"Me STATaM• NT T ... .., ..... ~ fll'f$0r1> •re doing ._.. __ ~ ........ CLEANI t• -..,.,. ~ MHI, .... AIMn ...... ._., 1>00 Adatna A,.,, Colt•*""' CA.,.._ ltey-A...._, 1)1,. Hewi.nd SC .. Gar..., °""'9. CA 9U44. Tiiis bullneu ll conducted by en unln<~•ed 11-letlOfl other than •111rtnertfllp. Altlen R. Alblnes. Thi.I ............ llleCI WIOI tlle Cwnty Cler1! of 0.-County on rch J, 1"2 nc1TT10U9 .., ..... MAm ITA TUllnfT ~~~"Cl -.,. <IOlng bull· Ptcnnous au111tass STEPHENS-AlLEN PARTNERSHIP, MAMa STATaM&MT 2112 Bull.,..• C-19< Orlve, Suite 140, Tl>e followl119 per""'' ere dotn9 IMne,~112715 !Mnlneu•· C K. Alllfl, Jt. I 14 EMI 20lll Sii... 8 & 11 ASSOCIATES, UOU No 4, ~-. ~ 12715 S•yperll Circle, Suite F2, lrvlM, ~ P S1~1. 34S1S C-c.tlfol"flle'2714 Natel\je, C•l>i'treno lleech. Celll0<nle llyron A. 11.idleller, u Hermit ... 92925 ~. ~ l!Md\, C•llteml• nwt 81,_;.•1~~.S=•~C:..: ~,18th Ge90ry L. llrl9hl, t...U Vere Thia• --11 -ed by a genet111 Cnll !AN, MIM .... VleJo, CallfOmla .,.,__,. .,.., C. ~Allen. Jf. This -lnets II COfldllClff i.y a 11111 lllllCI' • .,, ___ .. _· _u __ -_____ I ____ NU ___ lllll _____ l ____ PIU __ • __ £___ Thi• at•l•mtnl ... lll•d wlln .... 19MralparlNnl'llp. •111K Couney a.ii of Ont1ge County°" -II& llAaKMllH, 24. 1tl2 Gnelrt,,.. ~t ..... ACnnOUe .,.... 1'1ClTTIOUt .,..... ,,_ C..ral lie~ ..aTm0Ue MAl9 STAftmJIT MAllm STATDmWT PubOaheCI Or;,• Coul O•lly Piiot. Tiiis .U.,_..W.S llled """"IM HOU.BY The~~ c1o1ng ~ _.TN~~ II-,. --TN 1o1oMno ~ •-,. ~ Mw~~ :s, o, 11., 1912 1~-12 Cowlty Cieri< of ~.,,.. c-.1y Oft ABRAMS Ho~ t EY -_. AUSSIE WfAA/Aln WIAJ\. 210 7111 •: UTILE WINO PAOOUCTIOHS 1M ; March lO, 1'12. • LOUIS ,....... ' &HUR THING ~ING, 291 "B" St HunllngtOll llMdl. CA t2M8 Virginia Piece Coil• M•H CelllMnll I flU ml£ MUPITa°'-l"lf'MILll• •.resident of Santa A.na, Ca. ~L.C::. ~ .. ~ :.2.:7 Ort-.. " su11n LH Tllom..a..t.1.~ 10 7th s1.. 92927 • • CAltL.SOM a BliltOSLaY Pa.ed away on March 25, 1982. Coela ...... CA u.v . Hunt~.._,, CA,,.,,_ Kerl Sleph•n Drew•. 1H Virgin•• PICTITIOUS aUSINHS ... ~ ._ ...... He Is IW'Vived by his wife Ha?.el, ... ewe ..... 291 "II" -om.. ~-.. condvclael by ... In-Piece. eo. ....... cellornlt 12e27. NAMI nATaMaNT ........, a.di, c:..... ,, ... ion A.Ian E. Holley and 3 eo.a-. CA '2t27 ..__ L. n--Thie~ 11 condvcted by.,..,,_ The 1o11owl"9 11ers'"" •r• oot119 Putlll-Or-coe-o.ll Pl~ ntf _,._.. ~ by 8ft ~ -· dMdllll lluSIMU n · -...-" 'I' _.., granddauchten. F'uneral 1er-""""""'-Thi• •111•"'•"' ... 111ff •1111 Ill• Thi• ... :c:::.:r: .. fllad wllll Ill• NEW YORK ENTERPRISES •• Mer. 12. "·"' •• 2. 1'12 11.•7.., vi~ will be held on Sunday, a..ton L.SIM ~Cltr1iofOrenolCountyOfltMn:ft CCIMnlya.1lo10ntlgeCoufllyonaHrdl Pert11enlllp. 41UA Petrlce Road, March 28, 1982 at 3:00PM at the Tiii• •t•I•"'•"' •U lll•d will! lh• 2 · · ,,..,. 11, 18'2 Hewp0r1 BMctl, C.lllornl• n.u Nil.I •TIE Harbor Lawn Chapel. Services ~~a.rtl of Orenol County on Mtrcfl Publlthed Ora"11• C~I Dally PMot, ,.,..,. Ronakl &runllwkll, 411•A Patrica ----------under the dlrecllon o{ Harbor • · ,,_ .,._ 27, Allri •• 3, fO, 17, 1ta2 •u .. ..,. Publlahed Or1n9• Cout D•llY Pllol, ~oed, Newport 8•acll, Cllllornl• u .-.. •• -f C o ""Pll t ,...,....,. Mlrdl 18, 21, Apt t, t, 1Mt 1S1~ ~ Lawn-Mount Olive ...... _,, 0 Publl•hed Ortnfi• out lnr 0 . ..,..----------1-----------t!ClmoftCI M. Perroft, u~ Vlsl• ea.ta M-. ~0-55M. .._di 21• Aprt 3• o, 17· 1182 r.JC •Ta NIUC 1111( ll•Y•. Hewp011 &Hell C•lllornl• ..,.. ~llaOTMaS SMITHS' MOlrTVAllY &rt Main St. ~nt~ach ,ACIPIC YllW ....OllALPAlll ( ~tety ~~~UllY, CblPtrQ --.tQDt1 3500 Pac:iflc View Onve lfewport Beach 644-2700 • NICO.MICK MOlmtA .. S • Uguna Beech *'-9415 UgunaHltlt 789-0933 S#'I Ju.rt C.pitlrano -.1ne Tiii• b<Alneu '' conelu<lecl by • 991>1re1111.-tfllp. -kl8runswkk Heart victims' chances same ClfiCAGO (AP) -Despite medical advarw::m in treating heart attack victims, patients' prospecta for long-term survival were apparently no bet1er in the m.id-1970s than a decade earlier, new re.earch suggests. Heart attack deaths did decline about 25 per- cent between 1968 and 1978, but the ca\.19e of the decline has been hotly debated for years. The new research, reported in the March 19 issue of the Journal of the American Medical ,.._ aociation, suggests that while the spread of cardiac care unilS may have helped keep victims alive du- ring the acute ipbase of thejr illness, there i• no evidence that medical improvements have had any long-tenn effect. The study compared persons who survived heart attacks in two periods -roughly the mid 1960s and mid 1970s -and found no difference in prog- nosis among patients in the two groups. The study involved 1,133 men 35 to 64 years old who survived a heart attack. It compared the risks of death during a 4112-year period after the patient's first medical exam following the heart attack. In Vie first group of 436 patients, 61 died wi- thin 4.i..i years; there we.re ll2 deaths among 697 patients in the 1970s group. Allowing for age, severity of disease and other factors, the difference in death rates W8$ statistically insignificant, the study concluded. The study was conducted by the Health Insu- rance Plan of Greater New York, a prepaid group practice plan, now a health maintenance organiza- tion. The results suggest that if improved medical care contributed' to the decline in heart disease deaths, it probably was in the area of acute care associated with the introduction of corof\8l"Y care units. I • "• N "Such a conclusion is a.bitter pill for thoee of us who ~e ~ anq ~en for ~ted the ef.liclacy of improved medical care' ... ,''said an accompa- nying editorial in the Journal. It said this improved care included new drugs and pacemakers. "The truth of the matter is that we are un- certain as to the precise reason or reasons for the decline." the editorial concluded. Eve Weinblatt, one of the study's authors and HIP's ~istant director for research, said one of the major changes in acute care for heart disease vic- tims is the growth of coronary care units. Although tbere were few of these units in the 1960s. she said, a decade later, many hospitai. had these facilities, where a patient is constantly moni- tored for arrhythmia -abnormalities ln heart beats. Mrs. Weinblatt also said that medical impro- vements that came along after her study may be improving the long-term prognosis for heart attack victims. Old steamboat may be revived YUMA, Artz. (AP) -What was born in Needles, Calif., in 1902, was 91.2 feet long, 18 feet wide, weighed 98 tons and suffered from chronic creaking before dying at the end of Yuma's Main Street in 1916? She was the Searchlight. the last steamboat to travel the once-mighty Colorado River between the Gulf of California, Yuma and upstream points as far as 440 miles north of here. The Searchlillht could live ~ain if the dream of Century House museum Curator Andy M.uich and local architect Frederick Crandall becomes reality. Masich hopes to find the money to corwtruct an exact copy of the historic stern-wheeler at the northern terminus of a local street near the spot where all riverboats once docked. The Searchlight would become an extenaioti exhibit of Century HoUle. On ita eec:ond deck. the public could. tour a re-created captain's cabin, N· teroom and pilot's house. On the main deck villtcn could view exhibits about Colorado River ateam- boating. But first, Masich, Crandall and the othen in-t volved have some convin cing to do.~The 25-by-100-foot plot of land needed for the •teem· boat la city property. And construction of the Searchlight le.elf 19 expected to coat aboUl $60,000. Muich ia ll!ekina a grant from the National Endowment foe t.M llu- manitles, aa well aa hoping for help from otber.~ IOUl'CleS. But lt'• all quite pc9lble, lle ~ •with the· llgnWcance of steamboatiDC 10 the deveJoslment o( Arbon.a and the Southwell, the plan hM a lot tom.. fort~~· •• o River steam~ thrived betwem 1852_. J916, when the tflnall1..-at the fool of Main Street. 'lbe boalm wwn not tar.I luxury 1howboat1 of Milmlippl River fame but can1ec1 food and aubmience "'PP''-to .ulln all Ulna &he river. la times ot bi8h waw lewlli llte9mboe• ~ travel • far 11 RIOville, Nev., aame 440 ~ up-su.m from Yuma. Some ~n,.n rod• the ...._.....,d.na J*ldleboetll, but tM W9lll MN \-9 ~ 1Gi'1 ~~ttonotamq ........ lid-lii, e,~1911•' .r the .-ot diat ~t -'° .htmlP m ~ --U:-~ ---=-~..., .. ....,~ • , 1 &bl s: ttra1't*i ""6 llillliij .... ..., ..... Wll cm..U1fi-.~£dllt..W~ • .,,........,..:..~,.... . -...... ,.. ,.. iu... .... • r~!!!!==!!=.~.~.~. ClllWC.. .... • • ~~·-....._ · 1 .. ,·-• .-.. · ..... /ltp* "' f ,~ ~Jr ~ !!i ......................................................................................................................................... , .................................................................... . I ~ ALL~ ftNI HOllE Y0te1 IDO tlltr/lovlec ~':5'ilr1Uf'L/IND lnmuualtt lhni ecr•r· DUMP JOSS Prot'I eouplt wit• .. PAINTER NEEDS m·s PLASTEIUNG TILE INS1AU.F.D 1 fou'Yf'Aj Y .1.~~1V!~ENdTSl hoall •~tphere, any 20yn. myown work . Uve DISPLAV, wlndowa •Sm11IMuviA1Job1 "*-'!*; Ne•pon .~ •• WORK!3Qyraexp1.in&/ AllTypn lnlorExt. 0~),IKlnd•q~~!~'!}~~IT •1~y ad --"'° lt llnc hra, On tbt beuh. All4C-8l "lorlnt.l)'ratxf.. ___!;!IJ lllKi...!tf:13t1 JulY,!!!_•·~-.t. At'OUltlcceluna• ~Wf2f_frftttt. ~t _,_.,.~._. .. ~ .f!:9Yld6mealtMl·7tl7 .........,,. -_Gl&!6tG-l~ l ·3 "l} HAUUNO-ttudent hu -T• ..P!vlaPalntlU 84Mt J J PWTERING Cue&omCeramkTllf DAILY ""°811 'qualhy cue ....................... H•li;=• '" tn1ek. LowHl rate. ....................... Blshop•Soo P1lnuna 1ritfriorand ~terior =~1c':71r~ ""° A ror ~r chUd. A1•• 2·8. JWmlca <'O\lnltr to&» ' ....................... Prompt.C.11759·11118, F!D&RATID 30 yr• exp In Buch en·7~ --- •• ~. :-~~; ~/1~~~y home, Irv cablMU r,ericed. Free Ca=ip~~fn~ . Ttiulcyou.John._ 1~r~~v1te •'.!a Freus ·1029 , "I ~~l~:rr.::.a~til: IMllCtOIY -~-Dotwall ·Stutro Tilt HAWMe/ClliMUP ----fllTll'SPAIMT... • ....... ••••••••••••••• 8obll714CMI l>OlTNOW[ ._.,~ltlht a..,.ect. ...... Remodel.· J .. 6".9990 eo..t.·Trft·Ya:-Clr11e h •iclf•I ' lOyruxper,inlorext. Drablttlt•~fro'?'llO ratts ... C"atom .. rp•ntrv •00••••n•••••••••••• I ~ -I 83103Z2 •••n•Hu••••••••••••• 552·04~---Phunbln1R'ft2'" u ALLTILEt• ...... ~ .. ' ~ L• Dr v Chi rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gtntr .... ,_ •• --... II """'S n. •• ,. ...... 0 -Yoor Oallf ])ITo{ declu ' palloa. J.S. A ·~ure'fi~' KltOLandtu~Malnt a .. _.tecan.ct VAND£NB£RC Paintlna. walkoverina ... ,~_Ht -·-..-llY~v"' J Y"f" Service Directory Clonlt. Co. Top quality cup no.~i 24 hrt ResidtComm. Clean.up. .~ •rc~~~lf4 ....................... LANDSCAPING Lndscp wood rtrlnl1hin~ by •Plumblnl .... allnl' " r. q__eoraat s.c11 Reprtuntatlve work. Lie. no. 380801. -· U ullft . .2499 . • a '" Wanta REALLVCLEAN m1lnt.comm/rt•ld,tree Gennan·tralned fathfr •Elertrlcal-24 hr rwSenk• '4J.H7 td JU Freets,.SSI-11 Clt .. 1S..lctt Landau ·YdC~ HOME IMPROVEMENT HOOS!? Call Gingham lrim~ln~ean·~·. It aon. tO yrt exp. Reis. eft!t"-¥.J· E4N·1B!._ ..................... .. ADD'NS/REMODEL .... ••••• .. •••••••••••• Treelrt~~ rt maC REPAIR·PLUMBING Girl. htt_ett.645_:!123 _ lnsd 5d1~/hc d. Uc.~l·NTI Pr .... M .... •Expert Tree Prunl"I• I Dai Incl. Wiiiert It MINl-11J•11"S J mas -0129 · Heatlna. carpentry, ROBIN'SCLEANING --lflMJ-••I· C«nmettlall.andsra • aft 4 m ._ -etec. We f'rff est. No ~-.1,... 1 ... ftrou§~ o..ltv ,...._ ............... •••••••• ~Im __ t57· Ace I · · Prof. cleaned, rtald/ Jeule'sGardtnlna Jobtooamall. 641·2811 oa-v '"' -uoy ....................... lrl'lenoii& eiienilra PIOPllTY 1 ......... ~ ............. C.,.llltr romm.Freeut. M5·86l6 Cltan·\.IPI tree trim ---l'leanhouaL_S4 -· -1 BRICKWORK: Small Waynel.tffler <IXOVEI CompleteTree~rvlrt PtR Qtrbes·Fln. Stmts •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Cai•_._ a _ __. It maln strV o 8035 Cllrpenlry, remodel, re· Ex 'd Hou.aecleane ~bl Newport C01t1 151·9103___ MAMA•8•1MT ~·i cln up ltlrrla Compl Set upl!Serv -··----.... •-· · ' pair, patios, painting. xp . r • l ' R r OftaiiCO. •rf"• 15 yrs ~reoov. _J380914 aea.onable . 540.5134 FINEF~NISHWORK ....... •••••••••••••••• J. .,.. windows drs quality Maturtl!Reh1ble tu. Irv ne. t 1 . "NEWLOOK" expmenee.C.llforinfo. , · Rermdehn1/Dootahuna ADD'NStREMOOEL ING ~-IN TC er wortc S4S:29C)l ' S42.W/6e9•0416 §:.15-3175. PAJNTTNOSERVICES and ralft. CUSTOMTREESERV. t ~ Randy720-1260CdM Plans. Llc'd. George -est. en ·503S . {8-7pm> BLOCK WALLS Int/ext. Refs. ins'd ~~HW Allphases·lt.h1ulllng ~ ...................... CUSl'OMCARPENTRY Pilrner&Sons,557·"1.lJ,_ GARDENING JACXOFALLT!\ADES HOUSECLEANING Patiol·DriY•ways ..Q!~io's S4_lli7S p :.Mfi.M _Rpn491-!235 ALLSTAtE PAVl~G BY u JAY .. DRAF'TlNG SE RV ICE Ja' LAN.l~f~P:S~o72 <;.-J~~:~:.~r.h!. Exp'd, refs" reliable. Lac'd. Dennis 6311·0458 LIC'S PAJNTER By I <Oranie Co . TllllorilMJ Snlcoatln& · SlnJl111fc 642·8809 art. Spm 20 Y1'$ exper.comm/ re · · · u--M . t can anyti_me. 955·241L MoftlMJ lnt·Exl. 10 yrs exp. Inv. . Ed 53"·0040 ..................... . ~:r~mm .~S~l~'i R~ID/COM M'L sld. 873-6047 dya/evs -MOWING . CLEAN-UPS """'"' ain enanc~ Housecleaning morning ••••u••••••••••••••••• Refs Free est ~-9898 -MOii Subje<1•. K-12" col All·Around Carpentry REMODEL/ ADD-ONS Hauling . Landscaping Yard wort &tree trim hrs. Mesa Verde area. --UC MOVIHG----------RefW1W.g lege. 2S yrs exp S4 hr Driveways, Parkin' Lot John 115·8082 andCa,....ntrv. Lir'd. Free ~L · · · · · · .642·9907, 20)'.n. Gene 552..:64S! C.M. Have refs. S40·991S QUitlc. Careful Service .............. ~ ....... , Mr. Morgan,_642·903~ Reoalrs, ~alroaung. · ~ .,, JOHN THE HA.N DY MAN --Free estimates. 552·ot10 ,.. IMJ J.I?. Horn ~errn1sh.ing 5'SAs It 631·4199 Lir c..pet S....lu 2:)yrs. Irwin 548·2719 FUii ma int. & clean·ups Piumbing-elec.-Odd ·obs Experienced. Reason a· ------•••••••u••••••••··~··• Ant1Qu!?5, kit. rabrnets. Typiftg Ser1'1ce ....................... wtl Spec. In comm. & shop· Free estimates 638~ ble rates. References * A.-1 MOVIHG * F;irthanJ lntenor Design -=ntua_g. 64S·0664. • .................... .. Dan Ha1lbergGrad1ng WeC.reCl'ptCluners ....................... puicctn.Tony646-75S6_ · 840-3655 Top Qualrty Special HANGINGS101ROLL -Typing . Wntf'ng Edit fr Paving Co Steam clean & upbols. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC GARDENING WANTED LOVE TO W0l9' HOUSEWORK care 1n handling. 2S yrs ~hty .. Lic/ins Stnp· ••••••••••••••••••••••• in« .. MY ofrlce or yours Uc. Res /comm Truck mount un1I 14 yrs exp. Fully lic'd It Mowing, edglng. raking. Carpentry. painting. W .t. ..__E*"' exp. Competitive rates. e•.ng. Disc. on paper Huber Roofing-all types Sml obs Q.k. 642·2142 _ : tJl1!)4. M2-l720 Work guar. 645·3716 Insured. S32·5S49 sweep In g . r r e e trees Ir grdn 11, Ire n "" • II No overtime. 73().)353 __!!!:MC Sco!_t 64S·932S New·recover·decks WMdow Ci..iutg .. ,,........ Shampoo&steam clean. DRYWALLTAPING-~r·· 64S·5737 or ~int. It hauling. ee Higbq_u1btyhousework . STARVING COLLEGE Expert wallcovenng in !)c14118C]t548973!. ...................... ~·· ..... ••••••••••••••••• Color brighteners, whl All textures & aroustir Expenenced, de8ftnda -STUDENTS MOVING sullat1on. Reas pnces. Orange Coast Rooring "Let t.heSuiubrne In Babysrttinc in our C.M. crpts . 10 min. bleach. Free est. Kevan 675·9088 Mowing SI o. $15 . S2 o. Prlf8SSl'Onal ble. honest, lnte I gent. CO. Lie. 1Tl24·436. Consultant Ass1gnrflen1 Re-roofing/Repairs Call Sunshlne Window bomei. 1 Yr & up. Any · Hall, I.iv/din. rms SIS; --Haul/dumping SlS ·S20. The belt. Phone 673-7012 Insured 641·8427 581·a:i00 Reas. ral~ ~·17~ Cleaning. Ltd 548·8853 time . 642·8482/646-5759 avg room $7.SO; couch cal 754·~. 955-0095 Mark T-a.J. Servi.Ce CO. aft.er6:00PM. WATCH U~G ROW 1 -WALLPAPER 20' 1 MOf!_thl Discount Babysitting M·F, approx. $10; chr SS. Guar. elim. ••••••••••••••••••••••• TifEGRASSllOPPER Ulll,11 I' ••GERMAN LADY•• STARVING ACTORS Contractor & Pallllinll ~~~G~k~O{i~~lR •RE.51DENT1AL • 6·6, newborn-up . CM pet odor. Crpt repair ELECTRICIAN -pneed Complete lawn ma inl. (213) 592.3531 or (714 l Housework. Exp. Refs. MOVING CO MPANY 0.C. 23yrs. Lac 328240 Avg l sly s.10. avg 2 !lty 642-299S. S1 pr hr. ls yr11s Rexp. Do work n1·ght. free es11 ~imbate on _Dominic 642.4851 840-8618 960-0719/64S·2043 a[Jl_ Fast & Careful. Lowest _ga~ 49-4-43§6 Lie. #41~. S48·~l3 ~Chris 9:17-8388 G myse . efs. 531·0101 arge or sma Jo s. Hirdwood Roon Ex~'d Houserleaner Rates Law Allows. M c ROOF Le.AK' We spec r1mma will babysit. NoSl•am/NoShampoo Lie. 13964i21 613·0M9 GARDENING MAINT. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WALLPAPER m}ObsunderS200' WlNOOWCLEANrNC my home or yours. M-F. ~ Landscaplnc. Tree trim HARDWOOD FLOORS By day. Own trans V1Sa. Lie/Ins 673~ All kinds. Free eS1. Fr--•·mates """"S292 7 }'1"5 in area Exrellent a•·-East•r va~at1on SUinSpecialist. Fast LIC'D ELECTRICIAN •-J Cl Alsoromeanioo.541 6028_ $11 /roll L'ic !!""""'"" ~'""..., """ "A" u•9 a.-7972 ~'cl c y"" 646-dry. Free est. 839·1582 Qual. work · Reas. rales rr"' remo,va ran-ups Beau11rully cleaned ,.,... · ...,.,,,_. s.c111os.a..... ---~-·'""'-, .....,_ .. . . l'Tee esL 631·5072 Tom eeest mates. 642·4889 and waxeL_ 832-488.! Perfectionist atlarge ! ....................... ·-_l"!.C?!!!J.§45·0880 ........ .'.':'!... ........ Orange Coast Windows Nurses! Babysitting. my .t/COACrete TOP QUALITY TREES ..._._ Very reu Exp'd. refs. l'Ule painting by Rich ard Plmhr/R.,.fr BUDGET RATES 'L•c'd "We leave you~ 1th a h nm e n r H o a g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRICAL WORK •-.., Lisa.L548·6857 Sinor. Llc. ans 13 yrs or ••••••••••••••••••••••• Low min Sml Jobs OK. brighter outlook' .. Gr• ve Yard s hift CONCRETE/ASPHALT Reas. rates. 531-50S5 ~.,t~i;:;:~sf.~~~ .. D;~iiti~~G~~d~~;0• CQL11L1EGEh STUADEkNf T happy local customers Neal patches &textures !:~:,St. Ins. 641 7~1 ~~timates. ~ fl!.1 1 w/brtakCast. some eves. Driveways. patios, block ~ --Transport. Asphalt, ron· wi c ean ouse. s or Th_a~ __ ~1 ·44 19 &nnt. fU·lU! __ ,...,.-,...., Reis. 642-7450evs walls. Dennis 6l6·04S8 RESJD/COM M'L Read the classified ads I crete & tree removal. Bruce. TIS-~ C.to. Pailttiuwa ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHILD CARE New in town ? Classified ~·Clean. dependable. for the best deals an : Soil prep & plantin(l RellJble 27 yr old f will 25 yrs exp l.ir. 4tm41 PLASTER PATCHING Re-stU('l'OS trim painted WRJTING . RESEARCH. CM, w/ ard. Days, evs. can help you meet man Quick & reasonable. apart me nl rent a Is Operated eqwp. Comm I babysit, housesit & pet Bonded. Ins. Refs. Color Restucros. Int iext 30 rree. Sandblast& bnck. EDITING Any subJect. wkxwb. hr.642·0L62 ofYOUrneeds~·~ Lie. J337168 631·2345 6'2·5678 &Resid'l.642·7638 sitwknds.540·7082 ___ ex rt.963·0911 Dil'k 1!!:,~_!!t~IS45.:m.l Licell!~ 957·8218 forma_Lll~__!4~ I ,, I Orange Coat OAllV PILOT/Saturday, Mlteh 21, 1112 Motobttane moped $475 or best orrt'r Onl\ ti70 m1 642 7030 e\ ~ ~s/ Sc 9150 UT£ BODY WORK II P'linl·UP lo 501; off your body icJ'IQI?_ cst._536·9832 ~ '530 ALFA ROMEO PARTS •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• Al l parts to eonvert lOl ·n OMC 111 too truck ai t600 to Veloce exc. Dreamer 81'a' sett con· Dennis. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Mtw 'll Clttvy 4 W1tttt Driv. Load~V ~~~\!~888 J S7298 leu ~rebate Met Pric• $6 7'1 8' all steel truck natbt'tl ror ~. or I ton truc k. W}LQfil> 979-3048 - Ve.a 9570 -no·vel ailS~~ '75 Dodjle Con' ersion. HCIVt/Jti.J.~C.._~ o&.t ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPO TBEACH loaded w e\t!r} xl ru •••••••••••••••••••••••·•wiiiiiilili ... ______ &\ail. cleian . S4170 WANTED! Lal• mo"'de1 ·royotai. and Vol vo•. Call 11 11 T00AYl11 Top Dollar Paid Jo'or Your Cu' JOHMSOH & SOM .. ~rBtt'l («)ta Me$a 540 s.;30 Premium pr1rcs paid for uny U~(.'(f c.ir I foreign or dome~llr 1 m itood cond111on St>c Ui. F1 rst' CIEYIEI BMW nttxc~·n IMW'a AN •NI. A ~Jw rem4 ln 1111 11 M l'll & Ot>mos prt• wt1 avia1l:ibll'' Wt' e~ ah.te In i::uropt'an (felh cry and f111wll'll~ preownt>d BMW's Whfre t'uRlOll\t! r Service Co!lle:s 11111 Sules·Servlc~ Le11s1n11 :ni W lstAfi_anta Ana 1710i.w3171 C.:h>S1.>d S11pdn1 MODELS IH STOCK MOW! llfNW>Z Ill\~( M1 fo'M 111pe. auto.:.. al!1 ma tt~ l=W/$ }Ill l'1•~, li4Z 4 m 73 IJiih Ull 240Z. uuto. rl('Yt Ur II brk11 'lllnt rond ~ 96311,17~ '72 P1rk up Good C(md1tinn 557 6112" 'Ill 28117.X blk w m f int. 21,000 Oil $8.llM) \17$ !t:lll!I. 7M Mill ·n 61 o.~400 493 JUI ---------1 ·7:1 ~111 llirtn Wui: Xlnl t'OOtl I spcl radial n1 7l llMW 20112 ~ 'l"I \I Ot:I' brk!> & 1'111(1 h I t•hll trans &· eni: Xl111 'hJlll (ai.s $1475 548 6511 MUST SELL!!! ·11 £J.itsun 12011 auto tlffi rm t'j)"('tf(' dpt·k i:ucd trrt'\ 'lril ,p.1n· nll't h \In 1( c•ll'.in 111 tt·nor SIJ5(1 Hill fi.31 2.'>2\1 t1r fi:ll 73Sb '78DATSUN1210 > 'l"T lt1\\ m1Tt-,1i:1· flni:hl rc·d l'llh hi.it k 111 1t·no1 1IJli\\J 1 $3995 ,. Ill~ ~9346 1974MOHD.6. _ _ •7~F 1 ~ -- Street le_.Rn! best o7rer $25 l1>mplele inside & oul. AMtos W..ted 9590 ...... c I 'HU 63:1 \\hi tan. :wh 1111 ~ N~ 'llJ[JlLn IC] C8ll4!W·J21}2 Auto detail Gu11ran 4 X360 84 5 S92S or ••••••••••••••••••••••• c-or Ol'IW" l'err l'Ullll Tal.l'tlll l'<l' ~ L1 J :1 .. r'. "72 1m SPortster chop ttt<!Jl§.'1·862&.eyes. bestorreLo. wie YOUR TOOAY! $1~-rz 0111 ~!1-1 !11su J --. k S2t50 o -0?48 SALIS• SHVICE per, \l'ry qwc • r Mag wheels 4 lug Fit GO USED CAI! ,,_ 1981BMW320i . MOTORS , .. , .. , SOU TH COAST Dodge ; $3-l!JS &16 liltMI Cliteli .. r 9•od ttltctlH of DEMO• t11d (i>UAllTT ,.1-0WNIO IMW• • w•ll et othr n .. tr-.. .. 1111111111. bnf!.&orrer .})~0795 most com'paets. s1 0 Chen Trucks! Ni"Yt mgl•onshfere{I. LIA5'H.. Wh11 e , " hrn"" "' 14:'t1W Wiirn1·rSM1.01 1.1~ I londu 3511. $400. Ya ma ha e_at•h. 962·2986. Thes e 'b r 11 n d new 1977 thru 1980 SADDLEBACK tenor,. ~11011101. l'J~'t'llt' llO slb1ke,re~enttune·t1P. Your car & t•ontents are eLcUVonomp1·~~kau1p ·s,1erL1·'ovleor~ ~ _,u .. 511 .11hrn lihd AM fM "tl·r"u t.'•" i l,f;!•.!\1117. ltlat kr1.:'1"1 1100 Suauk14QO, Baker "aluable 1•e h1 c lc < ~ 00 IMW mile:. Xlnl l'Otltllt11111 '" r l'Hllll, \ ,\II d I bk S20(' • bring you a S500 GM re ( ·11~1a \lt•:.,1 ~IO 0:1:10 It~. u~'j' ., 01,.01• 1·11n1I 5;14011 l.7:1 :!:1.:11 rume ir I (' , SE''URITY IS pneeless! h 21~02 LI•1tGu•1JT1 <·' .. ~ a • n I 7·· 11·11·1 751 0383 '" bate to deduct rrom l e ~ ..... "' 528 11 3,·01 1!57 1; 1:11. t•1 t·~. c ttl ~ .. 11 • ~ -• -Ungo Box ieh1cle Set'uri· following prices! Jc f IU rKWY l)' (:oronado w/moormg '78 HONDA. 7SO.F blk. 4 lv system, new in box. No. 88:17 2WD·$S698 , USED ~RS a, ~llUCK S MISSION vilJO Capri 9715 Dtl.ortan 9721 4 cyl !as eng SJ0.000, m I Kerker hdr diromt'. from Chi c k I\ c rson No. 21()5 2WD·SS898 COME IN OH Aveiy Pkwy off l-5 ............................................. • •FAITASTIC * · *RATS• u..-stlidloft ~~W'ffd ,....., lltca.llH011d M~-~Wom All Vehll'I~ Guaranteed t:xaunpleii: '7SFIAT 124 SPIDH 5 i.pd. sft-rt'O. lillO> whls. u1r <"Ond , only tit ,ooo rml\-,c 1122NJN I $3995 76 FtAT 124 SPIDll I OWllt'r. onf)• 54 ,423 rml('b S i.pd • i.ll'rl'U dJSSIC' V. l\Jle With red Ill tenor t818RXZ> $4495 '77 1f.4T :; \PJ24~f~~!~·a~i. rro~. dk .:m ~ 1lh lan tnll'ribr \ rl'a I Jl'" t i' 1 tAt'P5771 $4895 '78FIAT J24 SPIDER 5 \V alloy v. h f:.. ,ll'lt'O. mint c•ontl . I owucr. onl~ 36.883 m1l1•' •tili.~l r~i $5495 ltllfil~ i~r9.,~~l'r 673=47t! &.000 Ort!( miles Mint Porsche. rel{ $344 .SO. No. 2UlHWD·$7298 #I i. ~ C-.ty CALL F'OR 810ipn c;s lo.11h•tl 11nll HEW a..~sai-; cond. $1550 f i r m will accept $250 or bst No.79614WDS7398 831-2040 •95""9'9 6.ouo n11 4 r:1u-i 'l·ll OELOREAN ~ .,.. 541 1845 ofr 646·5605 EZfinanclngava1lable' 292Sllarb0r Blvd ~~~r.~:~~~L Open Sundays $8800 &t2R1!1.. !.,, ... ta Doclls 9070 '78 Y ha 400XS er A-~~ J27-V 8 Chc''Y HO~~~Clie• -•-t COSTA MESA O ~ ""• ···~··············· ••• ama . I } J; • ilsrr-CHfVROLET Oahwt 97 2 .... ~15. I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .a A.ml lo m11nt>w~res.xlnl E}i~1ne.S2.SQ ve ua1 . 9J9-lin0 182118F:AC[llfl:vo '--....-------1,••••••••••••••••••••••• $24950 \\'halJdl'JI' 7Krl'tl SantJ Ana 557-2132 9726 •"rs/ff COM t·o na $811 0 ORO 548~1736 NEWPO TBEACH lfUNTINGTON REi\t'll l!f7lll>ATSl'\lllOllJ<H1t • Ftc\ta Ghia sunroof ::_u~tt. Call ·P~g~y 7ro<Yl39 -'lll:.J2V8C4lrans.com ~t~~~ith~~,m~:bal'l~s WE PAY S4J.'-Ol7or TheMostbcitin9 Sl11·k"1lht1\\1 'll•1•1111 • HONDA H·lourmt l·~pd :\f r('h Pattison 714-955-2473. '78K26SOIJ,l.IOUm1.l500 pl.rebll.SlllO lastda__y 3.31 82 TOP DOLLAR 9 PartOfY0ttr lmnr.it·ul;it•· 111,rclt· <\ SAMJ~AMA l1rt'' rl'Jr "1ndu11 y,isdaS.5 OBOaft ed30 -_S36··HIS S4j-JJll IMWPwchastOr out' IH:!llli'l' s:1•tti.. )11\\ \\Jllll'I l'lpt'r \lnlwnd $29011 891 8494 cu "S 1 1 ·s.s CJ5. weneh. n~w lop, 1 FOR USED C •RS Lt-'"' Could •-J 1 m ~I .r 1 1 1! 11j I' f' IWi 1>4f..S • BONeAT~~11~hA¥o~'Lzs'. 78YAMAJIA IT4oo-~~n1·~~4 5~;dm~ \ery good ,·ond S2800 1 A Alltos.lwlported ...... "' ~21akl'h"·~i;11·:1 1,~·i',1 540-7 430 !Honda 9727 I Sl I I I d I pp ,..., .... 0., 846-S402 I AL.AH MAGHOM ·······················1 McL~n BMW!! "' nl ~ 9723 211· ·, 33'. 34', 40 • SO'. reel ega • ' nt t·oo ~~· _, •·~ 0 l ~12 2\01 rTITWl ••••••••• •••• • ••• •• •• •• 67,• .,.., ~..,~. 9 c.n like new appro'< SBOO d ·73 Landcrws er. V8. ps ., PONTIAC/SUIARU A.Ho ROlllto 9705 ....., r ease ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ~ 1 '""".""""' -=m. -. Truek rack. ne". soil pb. auto. aux gas tank. 2AM llar~r Blvd. .. ................. • • • • ''J Ow Phoftt PIOfl! Hl 1-\·ri J" .1r111 I; I ...,, ~ llondJ •\ ~·o.rc . e1•t N.8 . SLlP up lo 20' , 63 234S l'elded ronsl $225 roU_!'~jeJ..SfiOOO Elhan COSTAMESA Alfal600 ( 14JC22·5JJJ ·-A•tnJ 11.11, >il!'•!K! lt'l J>I\ \~hal~1f~~~~' Ma r e us ch 8 n n e I . i.> Yam:iha 125 Tn Moto. 493-6~ afl Sor sal ~JJ:'i(i an 6 1 5.41_-4.l.0.0__5U<l.J5Z ., l''l"• hnlh nu rnnt rJll . 00/lTll: 3-8145ev!~ l ~~\&od 96351~ ~ •""'---/ 1973 Jee~~Wagoneer. J~s~~:~~1:r-i11 OUHGECOUHTY'S l f;at 9725j 1~11111i91 1 C\ Cl For rent Shore moonng -.!.C':'f""',~:!' • 9520 auto. V8. PS. PB. AC. lo, WE BUY 1600 t o \'elore CXI' OLDEST •••••••••••••••••••••• i b on c 11 1 · •CIV\tOBO. A'tsu helmet: ....................... •""""'. Cll:OcSj_~" """ A .,.,... i 1, ~ 1 J t I ~ 11 68 CXXl m1 ~oo 557 Jll'i4 l to 1'3· $40/mo NB Honda C83SO xlnt cond tu.tics ms. sterro. xlnt rond CLE• .... C •RS ... ct. ons Sl400 979-27411 & , 3 1 • llatchbl. ~uud 1·on1 _7414 _,., MOO~""" i e"""'r-. "" • .,....nUCKS !fier:41!R.Qlorwllncls • lfotlhha1k i!'""I t11111I I , . . . ~·~ AS. A"" nt-\\ lll•'~ .1111 f111 HO,\l'l·ord.5sp.32Km1 New))f>rtBeac hSho.re -u~-s-•-~ Sha.yrep1cas.p1ckups 1980CHEV4X4 ...W '712 lii<,t•t tt• 10 " 111 i1,., 1 ;i11. 1 u 1 m 1 "·"ranl)1.1 t· Maairin11with 9'Skirf. Motor,,_,.., -' coupes 4 to choose vs. autonwhc Alt/FM ... 1oe. ................. , r l nel' f'~ 720-Ui!I 'I· Retat/Stord«Je I 6 from ' 1006768) 1 Slk stereo. llll wheel. Big , 1980 IMW 5211 Sules Sen ll-e Ll'11s111i: S!l!J(I tiiS 'I'll.I ~~~kt~ 1·~r;1 ~ ,~~~i°' "'k ••' Moarl ..... t •••••••••••···~··•••••• A:nlJI Prices starlm.: wheels & tires. LIK E Graphi te b f a c k Of"'VCAR\/ER li "v>ili•i 111 .. 111•1 11nl1 m •St.lm S(j:i.,.~lr1'S"6f~~-~ -R,!lnorht ume2, 2slps 61.u.ex1r: al NEW• 112038861 Sunroor auto trans. u1r l'L/I 1970 240I Joi o1u rn1 lik1• "''" .• 11,1 1~3 018'.i IWO 3225 Larr) -,,.., d ftU•y $9 995' $1995 rond .. a\loys & rnssctlt• D'"'ll 1 c IY"'t.r"I: •0~ .11.u. •'1r·t 1 t"'r l'trffl·1·1111' 'I'"':. SI ~Ill U I 1· 1 .._......... & ront. r>c15 Wk + I'" ml ~ ' • ~ l't.J~~ UIVIYY r ,, u rt "''K" i . <2ag,o ~ ... ~ \T Saitta Ana ( 1725). ~ -· f<l) '4_,,,COO,.. ~al L'iirnpll.'lt•I) l't•hutll 11.~l .!!kltl' \'I';;,,. n.> ~ '77 c ¥IC ~ s.t' 9080 640-S.'& liKolll/M ROY CARVER IMW "™""'"lf>Oi 11141..->-eni:•nl' 7\1·" llr•·' .111rl l!liK Xl'I Fial 1'11 ilJi e1 1;,5 I 1 ti) •••••••••••••••• ••••••• RENT 26 rt motor home I l'l1 N.·'l'usTf~'fif 1540 Iamboree Roud wh1'l'ls. :! 1·\I r;1 -.·h t 111'' :.1 '" E 11 ~TE H ·~1 r 1111 . 34il\ rn 1 , 11'.lll Dingy w/on shore moor· Slps 8. folly loaded NF.WPORT RJ-:ACll 1978 IMW 320i .in<I "hl·1·l' lllh•·• I'·" t' K'•i 1~1~i lllmpf!. SJl!so ing in N~l for sale. 645·8616 -5.47-0511 l.41\6444 S1t·rr,1 ht'll:l' t an 1nl'ludl•1l S55t1t1 1-:1 1·' . !Hi:!!:!9i ale r 78 5 9560 --a "'" Sunroof .iutu ll un~ au anti 11i•t>ki•n1bllSlt 1;;11 i~ I 1,11 >l!~ISp11lt•1 M eor. · 7 Trailen, T .,. 9170 Tndls 1976 8MW 2002 Thri>hll hl <'011d &allo)~ tti5:.ti1 . 1 .. 1 i:md~ll'<; 11111,c•1111I ·7!l \trn1d lll1hhk auto ·79 Seaswirl Comb.. V ••••••••••~••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• blue 2 door ~(.'(fan ha& 11 ROY CARVER IMW Spel'la •·• 1l1nn I ·1:i•1 1:1KI I \t'. ht•ii:i· 1t'l1h1·n1:. xlnt • huUlownder.nearnew, ·~s1lver StreakTrlr 24' .56 Ch w·u sell or "19Ford •atun.superc·<1b. beige interior Thri, l~Of<1mbort't>Ro,ul Tetltt!A.nnivtrsory 1 ~.1 Fi.ii .., 111 ,h·• i., 1111 1ontl llit11111 h"' m1 S750Q,6JJ.2345 FUiiy eqwpped. $4100. partotrty 1 lom1.ps.pb.a /<'.8trk. buutyisJustlhe onefor N~:\\'PORTHEAl'll 280IX ,..,h,omul .•1~~1111111 $.'>~11 _iili lll:.'l 1i~d ~ CA.MPER. G.all early 1m, 536-3206 Dan 968.6543 8' bed. sharp ' $6500 )or_..,iJl!IF.Zj.' 1, Fn9~1 640-6444 :}~.~·f~~.:··•/,1 :~,;·;! :'.,':'. ,~11 :,1J,,, "'' ~~11·1e -~-- IP'd c~ l9792ll.,..f\.,.P.rowlerfully '57 METRO NASH need ~7·;_ -\.'ol ko,v. ugrn 111 711 iii 21-r~ \t!llo\\ '11nro11t orll!l~ab \II """""'I i i ~ 1.11 1 '1 cr. .. 111 'tS Hondo 1¥1~. . Once rn a self conlainea . xlnl some restore Highest 'SS CHEVY PICK U P Bearh BJ\11 II II IU<111puok t am1J m Sl6 ,11110 :!ll 1 ·1~ 11>1 \111 flll !ltl1t·11 ~'-"""j \~F'\l ta,~!>,,),~JJl\IOyHO o ply at $91'/° c0ond ~~ 6. lf>!>QO .._...11!!~orr~r_ ~-6801_ Runs good, SSOO Ph 8-l2 20011 $65i•I bT.l ISti6 41\ ti •I·•>"' 111..., Jr.in 1,H 1, 1 •11;i t~~ • °"' ,,,_ ............ ..:..166-..;.2753.;~~lt-5 ......................................................... __ "" ~~,....----------~~ Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • Bring them or m•ll them wilh correct CHh to Deily PUot, 330 W. B•y St., Cott• MeH, CA. '2621 ~ E~fl Item must be priced with no lt•m over $50. 20c pe• lln• -S1 .00 mlr!nwm. • ... Uveatoc:k, pioduce or plant• ~rclal • .,, allowec;S LNY.lld wood t.'baln STEREO R .. e; to Rtel •od r.Ckera $4 -$$0 tape recordtr $20 4 Mfmm oak rocker $20. Barrt·I carburelor for J'lne old win«Uor chair Chevy 3M! In eXttllent $28. Good vacuum rondllion $15. Electm· <'leantr $12. Set of 4 adding rntK'hint works bent oak and spindle f1nt' Sl2. Gas barb«-ue l'hildren's chairs SIS wo r k5 Ir ne S 15 each. Oki otik ult swlvtl 894~196 office chair $12 Modt--_W:.;.H_l_;.T_E_s_in_g_l_e_o_,-,,-n rn oa k . cane and stove. fa ir rond1tlon chrOlllM! chair Uke new '" 548-:'>945 $30. Ollk h!!arth rodttr $0. Good wooden fol· dlna chain $4. Good upaols1ered barrel (hair ft2. Jtnny LI.net wooden spool doubrt bedsttad $35. Wefnut Hlad bowl $4 Nine desks. school lO offl~ $10·SSO Old oak mis· 41on Library desk $50 T~ dJruna, lo~ and t•mp tables $12·$50 Hard wood, ONple drop ltaf dining table $$0 Child's rocker $7 Many aiuqu. wooden uunks. chesu. and boxu $2435. Square wldu!r llunk from 1800'1 ra¥e qeat table '"· o.lnan trwik br111 locks and N«lnp $28. VerJ old ceder ~heat , carved eJ!dl $30. Antlqu. waJJ q1•clJctrie che1t with ground st. ct.lgN on mirror f l3 Bil eel«ti· OD al .antique Ind Vin· iut IJrvi ind klkhen 10011 and cont1hten 2Sc-$JO. 843 W. 15th St reel, Co1t1 Mtsa, ~ Monrovf• and IPf11ceati1 Stroll. ~-0135.S.turday II-$, ~Sunday 10-4. HENKE ski bootS, wo- mens lliu 7\.tN, (ltvff worn f30 54~·09!11 or 5J6.ll~9 GIRL'S $tlngr1y bike $20 Ctr top. luggage r'ICit $8 Modem Danah chair SIO C.r bike rad& S7 50 Rear wheel for 27111 10 spMS bike SIO 545.3838 SCHWINN bike. green 2.4tn fOf' the youngster who's ou1grown thal 20m. great shape $3S. 962-1408 ANTIQUE china and glassware $80-$~0 Norm•n Rockwell print• $2 each. Old Currier ;ind lves calen· dera $6 och. Charles Eames c:ocktall table $45. 3130 Clay Strttt. Newport h:h Comtt of We1tminl1ter and C1ay G IRl.'1 bicycle $15. Hohner 12-bau M'l'Or- di•n f 50. 831-2259 Newport Beech. CHEVY 4 Yi ton rims and tlm $25 ""h. 4 ~ tan Ford nnw and tbs $20 each 642·1923 OOUBLg bed UO Limps SS·U O End tables 13·$8 .Klichen table $1~ Twin beds $25 eac h. Crib ind m11ttns s 1 s Chancf 111 uble $15. Desks $12-SIS Nine drawer dreaser $25. Dlabu 25c-76c Blllck and white TV f 25. Book case $10 Patio fuml· turf SU -12:1. Patio furnilurei $ U·$U . Qu.en maltreat i•o . Spring• US, Framt1 f 30 ff'9dbNrd n o. Rollewa1 btcl .US, 043.2937. •·11• our famous ·DIMES·A·LI NE ALTERNATORS a ll ~ypes S 10. Gardr n hest'S S3-S5 Mt'l\5 new sh1ru. large $2 Mecha· nics tools SI O·S25 Bes& selling hooks. hardco- 1' t' r and paperback $1 50-Sii Good msed u res, all sizes a nd makes $1 0 and SI~ l33S Baker Slr'l't'I. apt B. Cooa Mem WASHER $$0. Dryer UO. DishwashH f50 Rotory power mower $50. Electric mower $40 ~ edger $20 Electric mower $40 EIHtrir edge r S20 Electric coluvelOr $20 Seed s preader SI 0 Push mower SIO Small compressor $50 Va- cuum cleaner S25 f'ot. ding bike SSO Eoys btkl' $25 221 Flower Street. Cosla Mesa Saturday alter l lam OLD (200) golf rluba $2 each. Gumb11l ma- chines S 10 each. Clo- thes 50l'-S6. sit.e 12·14. Juicer $4. Swords $3-$25. Room dividers $2 earh IBM electric typewriter $25. Lamp $15. Wig $20. Eleclrir pool pump $10. Helrnl whtt'I S20 Sp1ni1h door handles S l 0 pair. Electric dock 1wlLchee S8 Manzanli.a lree $6. Nau tl<'al lamp $25. 169!2 Baruna, Uunl- lr\alon Harbor. Satur- day only. PICTURES $5. l..a.mpa O. Doub~ headboard m. QUttn headboard $25. Four C'h1irs $1 5 each. ProJKlor 35mm $40. Movie C'll!l«a $15. Mapzint ntdl $2 Am nc $25. Duoct is Mft. rot •to. Luaaie »5. Reconll $1. Golf clllti. $1 uch. Stereo $5. Monllor ape1lten $50 NCh. Color TV $60. 2eO Pruut.on Drive, c-.. a..-6~ SIX petr of anuqut> ~ k"ry and Olk ll10W 5kll s10.s:;o Twenty's good work1111 L C. Smith cypttwriter $18 Large Cahf 8l'ar flae S25 Good 5S inc:h tubular weldl'd Sl t'el hand tr uck ball bearing wheels S25 Solid bra. Hadley duel air horn1 with switch $20 Old 11ret't car conductor chance !Niter $15. Old phonograp~ r utune machine, wood ceblnet SIO Boxes of Nautical grar. hghts end rope l<le-SIO l'our Inch 1942 Navy boa t rompas $18 Solid brass 11ngle headboard $18 Good working 1ol1d ropper radwll el«1nc heattts $g·S1 2 Vintage auto lru nkl actts10rtes and lamps Sl -$35 Custom amlO trunk 1h1ped 10 old stdan $30. Model "T" carbide bulb eye lamp Sl8 Oak free s tanding Silverware chs $12. Old cut Iron "Gypsy" boa& galley, wood or coe) •IOl>e $50. Antique 24 mch ahlpa wheel $25. 18 Inch antique 1hlps lantern fresnrl len1 S3:1. Full 1lte Rigid pipt culler $15. Good old hand lied r edwood tub1 and rl1ntera to l8 Inch 1·$3. S abn redwood eh I ngte do1 houaes '8·tl5. Art deco th1r- 1y'I waffle Iron 910. 20 varloua t ire• and wheell. Jl'lat 10 Mert'l!ds $5·$25. 18 Inch Ford wire whttla and tires $20 each. Jaguar wlrt Knock of ft *'"· Set of 4 American 11:111 13 Inch whet.la ~. o.n pine bookcue $12. AntJqut 1teemer trunk war· drobe trunk with dra· wen. prime condition $60. Antique 1olld mehopny ehlpe Qbin door fl5. 843 W. 15lh StrHt, Cotta Mtll. BetWWll MonrvN and P lacentia Str eett. 541·01S5 8111u rday 11 .Spm and Sunday IMpa. J>1Ll1Xll 1how1r cur· Wn"' t l5. rr.m. u earh. Rttl t•P•• $1 . Five klnc while flu 1h.-.w '2 H l'h. 8oy'1 tkhwlnn blkt freme UO 111•1 """' and t.n l lO ~~ ...... $1& JM 1111. Corona dtl lier. m.-. STEROO emp, Hannon Kardon (tube) Sl5. F\s. cher tuner (tuti.) $25t 556-0846 SANSUI IOOOA lunl'r. amp. 50 watts pf'r chann1.'l SJO BSR tumtablc $10. 6«-40L5 ANTIQUE bottles S2 and $5 Wall plaqul''s 50c and SI Good pracUc:e dnlma. 6 p!tnl ~t $50 High back enuqm<' wrought iron vanity chair S20 Two Kraco speakm $50. Oii palnt5. brush<>S, canvas. ea.sel $30 Exe<'UllVI' desk $50 Desk off~ cha11 S25 30 gallon aquanum $20 Gree n s wivel rllt"ker Sl5 Royal 660 l'iec'tnc typewnltt $~. Barbecue SI 0 Two overstul fed chairs. both $25 Formica top kit· chen tablt $10 Thn!t! foot wrought Iron wall candle holder SI5 J.C Penn/ WOK never usl'd 15 ThrH ma- crame' owla S3 e•ch. Pta sit<' gold nugget $10. Two nlre wall d ocks $10 each. 1591~ Standish Lane. Bet- ween Edwards and Springdale, Hunting- ton Be.ch 893-8053 WORKMATE B&D benrh typt S2S. Work- m111e B&D $40. Router ~ H.P. $27.SO. tt drill B&D V.S R. $16. S-K 10(ktt 1et ~in drive Melr. $23 S-K 0 .8 wrenches U.S.A. and Metr $1 0·$28.50 9incarl> blade 40th $23 7 \.I paneling sew bhdtt S3. Roultr bill •trai(!bt ~Ill ~In "4•$S. C1rb bevel trimming ~ 50. Small hand tool& ~-$10. 6 Amp bell«y chargwr $22. ~7361 HEADBOARDS. HI pall« ~. Pair Fmdl twin or dUll king~ All IOUd wala\ll. 8un- day l1m..4pm. 136 !. 19th Street, Co1ta Mm. NINE drawl'r pallltl.'d drt•sM>r $18 Nine dra wc·r ~1mn<'d d..-r $35 ·Small Mgan. nol 11 1oy S~O 552-5534 Irvine. ( Un1Vt'l"5tl)' l'ark I CAMPING rt~·rn..> till' Sl BaJa Yellowlarl pol1• $20 Mosquito ro1 1en1 $6 Air 5urf fhHtt SR Bible st.ereo rrrord al bum. new S22 Chromt' ~tapl<'r S7 61t Bay poli-Sl4 Penn 200 Surf l'ftl or pole S20 H1b:irhl $2. $7 Hilwauan Shirl.I S3 Mr ns 80 auorted shoes. uke rte"lt " s 1 Pans. slulll'I Sl·$ol FWi larkt' IOc-$2 Reels SlO·Sl6 Trolling poh~ SI 0 Spool soldt•r $3 Soldermg iron $:1 Car lop rafk SS Cod pole brac:ket, new $22 AC1 DC radlo $7 'l'ht'rmos S2 B1mboo rod pole SIO. 151n Trailer t1re1 S4 :>48-9832 Costa Mesa. WARDROBE boxes for moving S6 Boxes for book&. l'l'COfdS and gla!I packs Sl ·S4 Olivetti adding mal'htnr $30 New beautiful salad bowl &et $8 Nrw eler· Irle fondue $8. Largr mixer $5 Mug1 50c each. Picture• Sl·SlO Old pewler mugs $r> Pewter bowls. cotft rreamer and 1ug1r $5-S25 S11urd1y hm·lpm Sunday l0•m-3pm Cash only Hun1in1ton Beach Neu Springdale ind F.dill(ff 846-2323 PA TIO uible. glna top, good quellty, nteda p.1int S~O. 1800 Aliso. C-. M-. 646-591M DOLL fu.ml""°' for 20in doll $111 Hl1h chair. bunll: beda, rh1n1lng tablt, bualnet 142.-61111 DIMES-.~-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY J p .m. ON FRIDAY. ... t:x n:IH.'ISE htkt• $.l.1 Sl.1111 bu.ud S~tl Wr••I '" 111 hr d frJ1<1t wrlh h1.,11lb11.1nl $211 T\' st.rntl SI:. Sn1,11l labll' Sl:1 &r •tools S~ S<•I ~:n1 )' l11p1·dt.1 llrllJn 111<.1 S.'Uk of 1h1· \'l•JI"> llJMI 1!17:.! $2i llmnl 1ngwn Bt•a.h 460 11%11 l\tlA I • q111pm• 111 ' I h1J111t•t h!1t111·•l1 .1111I .11 I uhol ,,ti\ t• $.!:1 .~ ,IH r h11r' I )m· '>lu ~ ~~1lh S" $21 Oa" $.i $1 11 J\11~ hut t hdlO ,•httUI 111 ll I I 4 II, • I""' Snal• h 111.,. k' $1) '"" h J\ ...... Prl••J h11H(f'Af1f t 't(lt, S 111 i~H 5~5ti TABL~:S $10 lhk SI$ l'u1·h111k u mal'h1n1· S~ I 9~ Br'"' h<'Jd ho.ml UO lrC>n bml • t11gi• $4!! Ckitht--. bwk..• :,Cit· Sl5 8 Trill..k. taJ>L-s $47 ~(1 :1:i Ht•d ... ood l"'-1114' l.'17-411:!2 EXTHA lnnK ''"n bt-d• S:l~ Qv1·1•n ~111· m.1t I~.,, ({Ill" htd1~il bt-dl nt·VN u.rd $.I!\ l'.ill n •-s "r lr•wt' m1·-..a1w hi;l.~18ti 111'.I:! ll,u, .. J 'I" fl.1\'nr pt>nn~ 2um rn.11 htnl'' $:!:, Nt·" lhghl dtl' p1 h>L\ '"P 1 "n $1!1 I! inch l'lll?rJvt·i.I bra" urwnwl ''a." $1> !I "'' h hral'\ 1·opprr t'OOk pnl with hd llnrwd tnll'rt"r Siii Bra~\ (1rt· strr •·n $5 Bn\I'' uf I IOt nlil •liv1·r pla11· on •nl11t •«oppo·r brAS' Jnd P' \\ at;us , ti.-:;ll.. nigh1 sia ,,.1 $~ $4~ BJr .ind '""'I' wl S111 T dblt>s $~ $30 1-lmV'> S2 SI 0 Apphwnu•, SI Sii D.1~ ~ $10 Tool' S3 SlO 1'1tt1.>n't Sl ·Slll· Z~·n11h mn.'IOI<' AM t'M SINm phono S50 Lot:. of lO>\ dothing. d!ihl'S. bunks and J••W1•lry 25r SS :1102 Coral Av,.. Apt A , (' o ~ l • M t• s a 4 Bit>< k, Wl·~I of Sp1rt•• r1••Uuru nt. HJrbor Blvd Costa Mt'tl<I Sat· urday nnd Sunday P HOTO t'qu1pmen1 H1ghlimd Sol flash f(Un w11h Solono1d S20 GE PR-l hgh1 meter $12 l'olorord 9~A folding camna w11h hght ml'· ter $20 Savagr (sienM ) paptr bcl<-kground hkl• new SIS Movie tnpod ht•ld SS 548·~~ TWO htgh chairs $25 each Dressing 11blr $20 Play pen $7 'l ch1lds bike 1ea 1' S4 e;Jt"h Toys 3c 50l' Bear temp SJ Chlldreru do !Ms 5t--SI ~ SIO Matern1ly rlolhu SOc S4 . Crao strollrr $1~ Ch11da chairs 21». Chllds back peck U Infant ur seat S3 CNldle IWlf\i '5 Baby bouncer $8 Rotiwrle farberware U O. 10 apeed bicycle iis. SIU· l~t b11.r1"r ~ktc ·~ M ecttm~ hin-xet1 ll.50·~ .• Alrpol U.50. Wlclcft' biundry b..tc.( $4. Weitr llfd Jl••ttn • , 0 ll'On plan lit.and S5 Anlmal ~ 14. Lllr..-frll'lltl'd mim>rt '3 tnd ho. B o01c thalr i20 8•tkftfl5c-St. Tro. f>h .. 2tr lt4Q P<'Pllff Tm 1.r1N. COM.a Mea I ll'r Iran. hnwl' :i111I I uro~ s·i.$w ~>ltd mp pt•r llreplau font nul SI~ 111 uv_h br"'' ~P1 11 toor1 S 14 fi "" h 1•m li<•St<'d English hr;•~~ vlanl<-r with him·~ f.-•1 $•1 l'an br.1i.s Ml•nurnh S t.l En,;IL•h :.ohd bra.'\S lm•wood or mal(U71nt· haskt•l S l 2 Ten d~" ~ohd hrJ5, f1r.·pl.11• •eu Sii· $2'l J.argr va r1 l'ty of lq~ht• JHJ lamps lrom rvPr)' l'ra (or floor, tablr & l't'llmg S3 -SSO Cla,s1t· olJ m.vblt• glass and bra.-., wbk> lamp $18 Uniqm• old laboratorv dC'sk lll!ht. some hrlls' l21 Art det·o Jltn \nl1 d brasll tablr lamp $111 Butane gas ou1.1d1• porch llntrm S4 Br~ student double t"111nml'y floor lamp $30 Man' o ld a nd $5-$!\5 Beau11ful nld pair 192J hand paml('(l V81'll)' \able lamps $28 Complttu gas frrt log $18 Brus umbrella 9r ~1\1' $1.And $4.SO 6 way llOOt IAA'lp, i~ I~ °"'31.f' tM.-t10 Mall~ ~Id tllt rron or bran ll"·pl•Cf' and iton l<'i. $$-128 Anllqu~ plum. bing rtx111rf.'a. door knob• and lock i rb. i~!I\$. bm• 11nd porw l•~n Sl·SIO Rolledt'k $7 8.U W 1$th St . Co111 Ml'-• bt>twrl'n Munruv1a trld Pt.,·11 t11 l{WU. ~48-0115 Sil urd•Y 9 ·~ Sund•)' 10·4 FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. 111..\l'i\ I\ "t,111 I\ ~t.1 I( •• 1 ... $.1 111-.1 I HiJl h.tlltt,.••1 $.C ·tut11 • t Tt """"I "' 'J, j • 1' lll\•t"" 1.lrn Fl t11 tl~i l11uu1u r SJ ' H111~· 'J ~ Sh lh,h1, ~-' ('h11,.lm.1' ,fi'n11.1 l1t1Uft .! I '-I f Ull rtl,11 11' "'"' " t ~.CH Loi" ··I 1111.,.1 ' lnlh• ' '"' •·11.-ru·ou ... t lt•tht '.\ ~11t t! 11 II~ S~ framt·• ! " St 1111; ll .. y '"" t. Nr·I' J!'.lfl Bo "h lr1 ~11,' l• t"t'<·n lr11m & St 1\r1dt 1 "• StrM L• ~ .• 1u1tL1\ """ Frnn1 ~,1m I pm ..... , '..X,H HAii ~ •• 1n1111u1 I" rl• • l •""'It 11"" I~ Bil•I I lnhnH \., urthllll "'111. ""' S ~ll Anlt<IUI tnmk. ,, l!'rnfl\ 11111'\t n~ nl h.iri:.•tn $ •O 1.k• 111 I frr1i:h1 tr~tn \\llh 'Ill''~' 1 omplr I• "11 h m••J'Uf' tr.h t1un nutftt No l4ttl S I Kid• tit fll(hl J>I If 1•11 f'lr•l u•m• JI $50 ~~K 7177 11r IH~•·1'7~11 MALIBU 111" vol1.1i:•· l(.1rilN1l1"h1J\\1th 1inw1 $H l'ulman <U hll\t•I "It h '~nlll<'lll 111.11 hh· ''nk $to Un ... '\\111111 •lld1njl rn,r t h1111• $~~1 Hit d11" 11 lrl l1!l '""' $4!> A1r"·l~ 1.1111\ ,,,..uum w11h ill ''" hmt·nl• SW Simi hd l.1r111• ""' h1k1• h1•lmn Siii Nl'w blkt' wh('(•l• r J< tnl( I) pc• With llrl'\ lr11111 .. 111i rt..ir $4:.! •··" h 'I-Ill SS~ -r1vr Jra"I'• tin·• (•r Sl 5 Four itra\\t r tlrr-1 su Sl~ Thrt~· rlr~"l'r dn-r and llllrnrr SlO M1plt' l1v1n1 room ro. krr $!1(1 Four d1 n1na 1 h~lr~ S~ ,.,., h M~h~ hun\b1n1h $13 Wl1k1•t \ht•lf S2S Wk"kt'r 'lfNlll •hclf SIO Two Wtlkt•r b.tr stoola $2~ for b.11h Two 1'00 t.ibl<°' $10 l'tlC'h Mapl<" end 1.1bl1• $1~ Lllmll8 SS Gius lop <vffot• lltblr SI O Clothrs U l·•S2 Papt•rbat lu 2Sr Satur· day 9·~ 20:1~ l'\ilk'rtoo AVt'. In baC'k. CoR ll XM-... MoA ·~7 pana. SS0 lllkl'll .111 bul Part• M11~1 and boom S~O 1.t•t board w11h hu dwan· 93~ S111l S;I~ Rulfdn $~) Rm1t1 bultt p.rb ~ ~ <&;14 IN. 0'"11'11 dtl Mar 1115 6lil)A 110 8! I UUOh ul nrw ~ hoir '•In I~ d""'"" 121 Ml-4111 QUUN""'"""* Qutt11 1111 Ma ••• l'MUl9 M 06-IW • ftll'}{ Jnl11111t• kll<h••n I h.111 $411 I·" h N11-~ do•t1ld1 lwd .1nJ hllX 'p I I n I(' $ ~ u ~ I) u r "" lwr h111 ~10111> SI ~ .. .. h H11u11tt mirror $7 Sh1•1\·1n11 K1n~!f1 Sii) IK l(Jllull d~UUIUm 1 .. mpl1•11 \\ 11h -i .. nd $!0 11 • .nJ puoh l""'n 11••\\n $7 ~H In~. Cu rufl.l dd MJr t;75·h90fi Pll(YrO •uppht.,. l'h~n l(tnR ,Pal( $i SJ It• hRhl $'.> E:a •• I fr11mt t 7 Pl1<ll(• lh«nnol'JWlt'r $1> BJ . ..-k ·""' "'h111 Y.'tmm I Im 11' rnll Tur, .. d•: dup1nl( lrJY> $3 '.!34 lrl\ <:uron" Jel M .. r h7:1 h'"lh 1<1Yr1\H \' \\IX' la,. nmn· \\ 1•r S \.'> Blac.-k aod flt•t k1•1 drill S7 $0 \\,•ofl 1trilhng brat·k .. t hr\ S > IU ~'<~ 'tud.~ llft 11•·" SI i~ r~1·h 1972 r .. vnt.1 \lJlltln 2000 p.rrt• $~ SH 11163 flruJ111 I 11u .. rt1•r Ion 1ru1 k r.1il1Jlnr ~I.int 6 , lll(lllt'. ,1utnmat1c 11,in,1tt1b1!1n. wht l'I~ ·• t I "1 n a tor. 't •• r l •1 r S!l S:t~ l.~rl(1 ph'lUn .ind ltdmt· $~ Alum1 nun1 duultll' \\ 1ndow 11111111"""''" mmplr•(t' s 1:i c.~11 .. ,,,ll'd P'P" f1t1111ic Ilk S~5t :ii!'i w,.,.1 RJ, S1m:t CU!\il M1-.._1 >i's 5908 MAN UAL lypt·wnl<'r S:.!:i ~h·U9411 SUNBEAM iron S.~ Blul' gl:iu ;ilad •1·1 $1 0 Pl'.ltlr't·1mt tasserolr• \\ tlh W<111T11ng tn)' SI~ rloor ,. UH S5 Two plu11 tn s~mlrv lllTM"ts S.1 L:trgt· lllr lm'OI $5 Ct•ramit •t.11. k < 1lll$l•·n. S5 Ttlll)t('( U\'C'n $I 0 B11oks 2h and ~0< Mvdrhns t lav and IOOh SIO 2:14 lns. l'oroN ck>! Mar b7[) tillOb l'ORTABLE l'l'pt'Wl'ltrr SH A\ I• Sllurl wavr 1 <"1·1•lvt>r. aml lmlmb W WtVllFIPB $20 a w11y lamp t8 Worltlfl« Rlll<k find wl\1111 1111l•Vl• ~1(111 11 inr'tl •~o 1'10 r1t1.'f AmlPnl XXJ~$11'• rl'll IUbt• mt1d1•l $:10 wHh •Pl•illlt•r• Marll•I lubt• type• 1l1f'1 Ktl'rt'(l rcwtw r with pc lll'fll $.'Ill M.1r1111• l'lld111 1«1t• ph11n1• t r1n'1 l'IV\·(. nc~""ht111·1 ~1 Solid M•I<' Am 1-'m M11h1· pll '\ .l(l1om1 with ,...U11 .. r ll•ncN and "Pt·•lhtrs SO Vu1ablt• dru~· h1h1 .. 11 I~ tk-h llrt- itlMI Wtittl U O U )0 .,.._. C\rd1, Apt D, ~Erro.u, .... ..... '!flrW .. -..... ........... . .... tll . ....... .............. . WE1E IAUN' mlATE IBJIEIY ON flST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA Parts •Service Open All Day Saturday 301 W. Wa_rner Ave. (1 blk. west or Main> 548-7430 1919 HONDA Accord 4 door with a silver ex· ttrtor and maroon in· terior. This beau\y has all the loy1. (798YBEl. 16495. Jim Marino Volkswagen 187 11 Beach Bl vd .. H.B. SHUS ~ '°I YOUI . ·-· '*XTMA104. S1IP" & ....... --' fMIUflf I 10 IMO SI. t1Sll MW SU WI MEISTER PORSCHE/AUDI 13631 HarbO Blvd. Garden Grove Wtt-SerYlcH.tas'-9 714 636·23ll_ 1981 VW Rabbit Converti-• 1980 RX-7 Mazda .....,. 9755 ble. This one is still un· Black, 5 speed, xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• der factory warranty cood. 15.000 miles. Ex-GREAT and ts JUSl like new tended warranty, ate. ()0GL839) $9895. Jim sundroof.$940().840-8317. SRECTIOH! Marino Volkswat e n. RENAULT lli's 18711 D~ h Bl d e I t7t ~IDA Rl7 Sedans and wagons with Dlt'ac v · · · · Low aule1, all optlons. many options to choose 842-2000. like new. MUST SE E!!! from are available now il Karmann Ghia. new !421UZE > at eng & paint. recond1 · SADDLEIACK OUHGECOAST tiOJ:led_,_9624217_ IMW/SUIARU AMC/JEEP 1963 VO LKSWAGEN ll1·204b 4!$0 4'49 RENAULT Bug A bug that is one of VWIUGS FANTASTIC PRE·OWNED TOTALLY RECONDITION F:D CUTIECARSI E1teellent Erono .. y AndLolsOfn.JN~ MANY TO CHOOSE FROM,J u~ bo Bl d a limd It really runs 77 MAIDA GLC 25:M .,..r r v ' good. UBF2l3l. A steal MOTOIS Hatcbbau, 5 speed. S49·1K123 645·777o at Sl795 Jim M arlno l20W Warner SA557.:.2l~ AM/FM . like new · '76 Gordlni R 17, 5 spd, Volkswagen . 187 1 l ECONOMY PLUS! sunroor. needs some Beach Blvd. H.B. •'67BUGh.Petlrf.body1.in-!5"l092) work. priced Lo sell. 842.~. tr. mec . res, b ue. $2995 175. 646-2724 --·73 VW Bu . rblt eng. ~75 b/0497-1597 111· '77 Rabbit. Xlnt cond, org ~ ritlJI n l(fi) lols loyct 9756 good cond. S2.000. owner. 2dr, auto. 38K ~ ~ ................ ••• ••• • 968-7022. mi. obo 646-7918 -#}DEALER IN U.S.A. 1!719 yw Bug Convertible. 71 M ftUI!. Whit e white. super • MOTORS IY'W CARVER sharp. 20.000 miles. One Xlnt con . rb t eng. 2000 l20WWamerSA557·2132 JUL5N.../I lOt{_t or a kind 1928V0D l. mi673-183S -$8499. Jim Marino Vol t772 Mlr~lta 9740 tl<OJAl«ll811D'°'"°"~ Volkswagen. 18711 •o ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ll.A04 '"''~ Beach Blvd., H . 8 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ml.preMO ClOSEOSUNOAYS .rs·:· Van. immac 1t'oVR%~~~~~~~! med Mtretdes · 74 S i I v e r S h a d o w cond. .,., 000 to• ww f II d atr. stereo . .,, . . '91iM: et 7 w/sunroo . exce con mtles. $7700 548•3368 O>m;:1t~se~r Im · 000· P.P. 760.8702 1980 V W Rab b 1 t. porta Direct lease and 60 Soob 9760 Dynamite custom 4 door mos. sensible pymls. ••••••••••••••••••••••• w 1th a u lo ma t I c D i a I 2 1 3 o r -.._ I 982 transmission and 111r 714/MERCEDES is 213 1 ~ I conditioning 1451RSZ> or114/637·2333 AREHERE! S4995 . Jim Marino '78~L.silver, w/black 900 series 3 ddors. 4 Volkswagen . 18711 uph. Private Party. doors & Turbos availa-Beach Blvd .. H . 8 . 2131-.1573. ble now! Come in & 842·~ -drive Road & Track '79 MBZ 30C1l'D, hard lo Magazine's choice or the '67 VW SQBK pts. Com pl. find, Diesel Sta. wgn. BF.ST sports sedan of car being parted out. Sorf /r ( -~) 631-3399 • cass., am mhnew the '80s! Urea, beige, very s arp. WCHnMPORTS $21.5CJ0.49M460.P.P. ..Do t N 8 ve tee , .. 78 450 SL, xlnt cond. Ma· 7~-0~~ llle_yellow, $27,800 080. 1-Har r Iv CM P /P. 7 J4.'75!H586 ...,,, . ' . . '78 450SEL, slvr/navy , JgJ7 SAAB .. 99 .. Maroon snrf, AM/FM casi .. P. P · mallic over beige In· l14,'100.157·033l1 terior. All the factory '&•SL.Blue/lea.7.000 toys . Low miles . 1976 VOLKSWAGEN Camper. This camper has a Pop-Lop. Do not miss this one! (8969). 1l ls a steal at s.5495. Jim Marino Volkswagen. 187ll Beach Blvd .• H.B. 842-~. 7SIAlllT $1.350. 549-7506 EAlLllKl 1966 t~~Blvd. COSTA MESA '46:f30l 540.H67 '66 YOLVO WAGON S2.0000BO Call 548·4588 6pm to 9pm i4 Volvo Stalionwagon. good cond. $3l95/offer. Bf.1800 '62 Pl*>O Classic. $4250. Uc. C2Pl8. 443 W. Bay. C.M. 145-21163. Dlr. 16 Volvo 261GL. 1 owner. a.Ir, snrf, pwr, tape, 1tlnt cond. rnaint records. 497.1332 mi .•• OOOP/P <423PTH). A steal at on· lSI 845-3101 ly $399$. Jim Marino 12 MBZ 300 CD Turbo. Volkswagen . 18711 Must sell immed. Beach Bl vd., H 6 . 1978 VW Rabbit Diesel . ..._ UM4 nus 4 door has options ...................... . . call W-eo86 '"'&G-=-=-2000="-· ----- ltlOMRCIJIS Low m1~1~lh new. M\JSTSIEI!! (0123) SADOLllACI ua=":t~ttt '70 • SL. like aew, z Lope, perfect rvanln& tGlld. 17. . ll lt114IOS& , Hdll 24 ,000 mt. Qnoratt car. Loeded ..... ,,1euw•1•1 .,, ....... ltd/Wiit 11111.1 ..... 111.-. CaD '762 ~COUNTY'S m.zs SUBARU DEALER :!'!~r ~~~e s0u;:::s: AMC . ttol This one bas low milts. _ ........ ~ ......... .. (369ULZ). $4195. Jim 11 """'8olilaJl Cl111ic. Marino Volkswaaen. SllSO. HkM1't. 443 W. 18711 Beach Blvd .• H.B. 811. C.M,9'}2911 Olr. 1142-~. ... "'' 1980 VW Sclrocco. A •••-• ....... ~ ....... . ~amite black beaut1 wtth 18.000 miles. Be sure to call about this one. UBP$2101 . 14915. J i m Mar i no Volkawaren . 18111 Beach 81vd .• H.B.1--=.z::::.....:c.:=..z---942.m . To P1tn rour ' 1F11t Result" Servtt'f Dlreetory Id . <*INow MZ.1671 ·w.111 COHNELL CHEVROLET ".,,. I • h : 1 t I \ t1 I " \ ~41>·1£00 Cl jj_AJAJ n jj_A"$ J5! HAAN CH1lYSlER-Pl YMOUTH .MIOKU BELOW l1NVOICE SALE!* LEIUHS ........................ SIOO IEllW IELIAITS ................... -.... SIGD llLIW llHIZllS ......................... ssoa IELIW COUIUS ....................... S.aG. llLIW UllW P/I .................... SIOO IEllW SlPPlllS ....................... 1210 ll~IW LAS 1 CHANCll HIATIS llND MAICH 31~t -W T<U DAT£ JO Mau lllOW ~.,. HAAN CHRl'SlER_,l YMOU'fH· 2020 E. 1st St. !II 141·4411 INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW 1983 RANGER ='"'-·:~!~ $& yl_&,.ICl5 24 ~ 24 ~ • ~~A~:z SEIYICE Ill. SPECIW 'HeA~ 111 l•. GO'~ '!>« M• ... "' llllO "•""' 1ni1rlor, Gr11t Gu 8'¥911 (00481•1 F" Pll'''"JI A~1 1I "" ... Fllllllll IVllWLE .,.·z.-w ....... Nlct~~l •Clr • •uto 111"1 . 00•11 1turlng. red10 (MeK8l) ~ A ..... UM- '" ClllYY c-. Thoe Bt<lllNtta .s lol· oe o. only 23 800 lndtt ")Utl HClll'Ct for 1nv111tory rtduc· lion !Sl7WYO) cau- '• .. AND RECEIVE A •500 IFACTORY REBATE1 · lqul,pp~d wltha • Aut1:>mat1c trans. • AM Radio • Tint.ud Glass • Wheel Trim Rings • Heo1 vy Duty Radiator I •4 Cyl. Engine • Eure >peon Bucket Sean AND ONLY IMMEDIATE DELIYERY·I SAU 'RICI $5127.00 '""tax, lie. & Dec. Fee. $995.00 DoWft phu A2 tex, $120.00 DMV Ileen•• charee, $20.00 Documentary Fee, ond $500.00 factory lebet• for a -.•.a •f $19U.a2 DoWft 'oyment, <••h or tra4e, an4 $115.52 per month fw 60 -nth1. ·~·• n...ce char e, A.,.a, 20.)3", Deferred a ment rice of $1917.02 oo oved ..... Down Plus Tax, Li1tet1se & DocamMntary Fee and FJ·~CTORY REBA TE ANl.t ONL 'Y PER MONTH -----·--------------------------------------SAl.l Ntl:E $7117.00 pfvs tax, k & Dec. Fee. $995 Dewn ,.._ $469.02 tu, $147.00 DMV lanM 0-.-, $20.00 Decu-tory Fee, -4 $790.00 Foctery ........ 0 totol of $2312.22 Dewn ~··_....,trade, ..... $115.57 ,.. menth f,.. 41 month1. $2156.56 finonuo chw9e. A,,,I , """· Oofened pcrynMn I price $11,289.51 on approted credit. CHX)SE FROM 2 DOOR COUPES O_R 5 DOOR HATCHBACKS Equl1pped with: • F octory Air Cond. • ,61,utomotic Trans. • f' ower Steering • Power Disc Brakes • V lhite Sidewall Tires FOID f'l«O • Choice of 4 Cyl. or V6 • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Body Side Moldings •AM Radio 6 cyl. engine, automatic trans .. factory air cond., gauges and only 28.783 miles.1529TJA). PONnAC 6UHD ND.Y6 Options Include automatic transmission. 11r conditioning. PoWet stMt'1ng & disc brakes, tilt wneet & motel 11WRG CHEVROLET ~o AW>matlc trans., tilt wheel, power steering, AM-fM stereo with tape ded<. ci.etom wheels. dtl'Y wt pers & only 32, 1?i8 mllesl (507WDI). .. 1982 PONTIAC AND RECEIVE A $750 FACTORY REBATE lqulpped with: • Factory A ir Cond. • Tinted Gloss • 4 Cyl. Engine • Power Steering • 4 Speed Trans. • AM Rodio • Body Side Moldings • Five PassenQer • European 9ucket Sean IMllEDIA TE I DELIVERY I USED A cylinder engine, A speed tronsmi1· lion, AM-FM 1tereo will> lope dec:k & only 52,072 miles. Mu$! lff to opp,.. ciote. ( 18GN722). DATSUN 210 DILUllf Economical 4 cylinder engine. 5 speed transm1ss1on, AM-FM radio and only 32,665 miles! (438XKA) PONTIAC GRAND ,ltll Aulomollc lronsmiulon, lociory olr cond., pwr. sleering & disc brokes, rodio & morel (2AOzon. OLDSMOllLI 91 llGINCY Automatic trons., foctory oir cond , pwr. II.· wlftdowt · dr. lodcs • oplit M(lf & broket, tilt, cnm.. leather & much lllOfel (llWA314). Down Plus Tax, Lie .... & Docmtetttory Fee AND •LY WI NICI $64ts.OO,.. tu, le. & Doc. FH. !9t5.00 Dowt1 pt.1 $l90.f0 ... $121.00 D.M.Y. ~ c.._.,. ..cl $20 D•c-ut.ry '-far a...., of $15%7.90 Do-rciyMe.t. ca1ll or trode, 011d Sl46.U,.._.fiorH....ehl. $329t.60 Fhl~• cllo"J•· A.,,R. 20.33"-. Defwnd ,.,_...price $10,321.50 Oft o"roYed credit. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE BROHM. SEDAN Automatic 1rans .. elr cond . pwr. windows. spilt seat. door locks· steering-brakes. tilt, cruise. AM-FM stereo & wire wheel cove r s 2 1W M . DATSUN rtCIUf' 4 cylinder engine. 5 speed transmission. AM·FM stereo. Tonneau COYer & only 9867 low miles! l1Z793631. TOYOTA CILICA unlACIC A cyl., 5 speed Irons .• foclory olr cond., pwr. sfffring, AM·FM tlereo & tape dec:k, tilt wt.eol & 13,'52 mllesl (529ZSU). SERVICE .DEPARTMENT OPEN 7 A.M.·9 P.M. MONDAY 7 A.M.-6 P.M.· TUES -FRIDAY • I • I .' , . . I ,I ·. i 0 '1 • 0 ~ p 0 n D n n a n n ~ ~n lailyPilld 0.ASSIFIEO INDEX DEADLINES MOUSES FOi SALE •EAL ESTATE IOITALS For Tuesday through Saturday publ1cations, 5:30 PM the t;:.o1,,, ... 1• Mn'I• ,., 5&lt 1• ._~ , ... preYious day. For Sunday and 1• " ... ~.ui.s.i. u. 9;"'"'-.. '*'" ----1111 loedlP~ I f'ltntw Ullf -Mon;day publications, 12·00 ea,ul•-••tll .... ... ._. ~ 1• C w•rn• hr• -c.r .......... IGlll C.mot"'1 Lob c,, pl.I ·-c-... -v.r -noon Saturday. c.taNtta loal <'-mortlol :z;:r."1 --""""~''"" -OMal'<llot 1• ~, ....... s.. 11" ,...._Vftl -,,T .. um °""''" ll•••• Sak 1• ~ .... ,.,. .. -...vo1i.1 1• _, ............ ·-:r.;:.u"' -ERRORS ........... k Mh ... ,_,,_"" -JM ,,. ... .... ·-""-""' '"' ,....",., .... -Advertisers should check .._ .. _ ... i..tlerkk .. """"' .. •"•' -&...,..Kolls ·-_.. Hnw Trlr Prh .. --·their ads dally and report emn 14WoaNIC"'I .... -•.DeHrt..lltaort -·-·~ -....,.vi.;. • IOl1 ~.,.c~'~ .. -=i::.."': ••• Immediately. ThJ DAILY PILOT = .. ~ ·--... ..umes liability tor the ... .. '"' °"' ti .... ~ ... ---== ' -... ca-. .... lfll •-*·""'"'' Orovn .. v--first lncomtet insertion only. PUellSHER'S NOTICE: All rHl 911• llCMlrtlM<I In thll A• 1PIC* is .... AM ·-~el t.at•• Sat"-• -......... :"I: ... ... .. _ ... lleeiDt ... 111"..._. -o .. _,. ... subject to the Feder•I F1lr Housing Ad of 1968 which ,.,.ic. It llleglll .... '--Qrllr9 ...... -:::::.. .... ·--.-a-.i .. to edllertlse "any preference. limftatton. or dilCrimlnatlon ~on .... ... ............ ...... -,.., color, rellglqn, MJC, or netloMI °"ti or tf\ In~ to ,,_ke ~ --Sfl IUCh pMfereace. tllftltatlon, or du •• v -• • .. 2-Orange County AMI Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 HARIOR RIDGE 5 Br, 4 Ba, Game Rm. Formal Din. Highly Upgraded, Italian Marble in Liv. Rm. Din Rm. Kit, Fam. Rm. Study and Fam. Rm. has beaut. paneling and shut ters. Fab. View. Two large Pauo Deeb. A must to see at $895,000. •er llWI U.. 759-1221 SIAVllW LIASI 4 BR 3 M F.ll., D.R. city & ocean vtew. Grd. gat.e, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. - ....... 759-1221. COSTA MtSA R·2 I . SIDI Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den. Huge living room with dining combo. Large comer lot with room to park 6 autos. $130,000 • er ....... 759-1221. 760-1580. OCEANFRONT-OCEANFRONT Convert thia ex. large duplex to your pri- vate residence and live on the fineat beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11'1. 2nd of $250,000 at 10'1. Steal at $6~.ooo. • er ... ••• 7~1221. LINDA ISLE TRADI Breathtakfne bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boeta up to 74 fL S t;>edrooms, 6 batha, game room. formal' dining, eeparate euest ring, pool. Seller carry lat TD or trade lndustrial or office building. $2, 100,000. • .......... 759-1221. . eoita llisl 234 E. 17th St., -· 631~1266 , "2" NEWPORT CRIST CONDOS Largest modelr(' r,· l and ocean views. 4 bedrooms, 3 ba\) . -. Ou~ b uys a t $210,00 . •-0 llYll lllP. 759-1221, HARIOR RIDGE LEAH Four bedrooms, 3 baths, formal d ining room. family room, study, beautifully de- corated, large decks, fabulous view . Private euarded gate, pool and tennia. l2900 a month. Submit all offers. • • llWI a. . 759-1221. CAMEO HIGHLANDS Ocean view, re-decor., and remodel 3 be- d.room, 2 bath, fonnal dining. Very = yard, private beach. $339,000. IM Ir ••• 759-1221. NIWPORT CRIST CONDO Two bedrooms, 2 ~ baths, loft, highly up- graded, oak floors. beautiful papen, ocean view. $98,000 lat at l~. Prk:ed at $170,000 . ,. .......... 759-1221. INVEST IN THI SETIING SUN Spectacular sea views & substantial in- vestment returns await you in this superb oceanfront duplex. Spacious units (3 BR up/2 BR down + guest suite). Tax write offs & special terms. Priced to sell now. $675,000 WT •lllU 759-1221. 30 UNITS POSITIVE CASH FLOWI A rare bird in today's market! 30 bread n' butt.er apartments in an excellent location. Income on the9e have inc:reued 5°" in pM& 4 ~ yean! For more INFO CALL • UllTl · broker-owner, 759-1221. .. CAMEO SHORES Fabulous ocean and coastline view 3 be- droom, 3 bath, formal dining room, family room, study, large pool and courtyard, pri- vate beaches. $895,000. Fee. Ill tr llYIE ..... 759-1221. $10,000 DOWN No qualifying quiet Cul-de-sac Street add 2nd story, have ocean view -OllL .U 759-1221. 3 ID.-CUSTOM IAITSIDI $30,000 DOWN-11 3 INT. 10 . YIS. Owner financed -no lender qualifying! Three bedrooms, 2 baths. Quiet cul-de-sac. Parquet entry, brick fireplaoo, homey kit- chen, family room, water aofte• and fil- ter. Tub spa. RV pad. Hu~ patio. Extra storlli& Reduced to $167,000! Hurry, call -TA 759-1221. · I ' t --·· .. ~ .. . .. ·. ~ .:"· -_.~:---_ .. -,-: ,, .. , ~,;, .. ·; "'•' ,;.,,,.. .. '· '"" , •. I I • Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY Pl'-'OT/Saturd,.y, March 27, 1982 i DOWN PAYMENT $6,000 Qualified buyer can sssume 1st T .D. of $69,800 on this outstanding 2 br 1 'h ba Costa Mesa Con40. Seller will carry balance at 14%. Full pr1~e $109,900. Call ANNE McCASLAND 6~1-1266. SMASftlNGll Lovely 4br ho~~ ~9n perfectly landscaped full acre in Peralta Hills. Enjoy tennis and swimming in your own bacl~ yard. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266. J MESA VERDI llST IUY Spacious 4 br., single story. SECLUDED SPA in private setting. Excel. new finan- cing available $218,500. JACKIE HAND- LEMAN 631 -1266. COSTA MESA BARGAIN 3bdr., lg. fam. rm. w/fireplace, remode~ kitchen . Hurry on beat value In town ...... $115,500. oJACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 -1266. GOLF COURSE One of largest homes on Mesa Verde C.C. aolf courae .•. S'bdt., 4 ~baa., fam. & rec. rooms, pool & s pa ..... Priced to sell quickly $599 ,000. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266. l EXCLUSIVl't-JaWPORT HEIGHT$ 1 Exclusive lisifng form tear downs to 4 bedrooms in Newport Heights. Call RAE fl RODGERS 631-1266. . ~ . "' · ·:> T>-i CLIFF HAVEN This custom horne has all the quality & quiet elegance this area offers. Formal H- ying and dining area. Patio room leads to po01 area. Master auite w/jacuzzi tub. New on market. $349,000. RAE RODGERS 631-1266. VIEW VIEW VIEW of the OCEAN CATALINA & SUNSETS from this superb Cape Cod home high on a hill in Newport Heigbts. Offered at $590, 000 with financing. Open Sun 1-5. Call RAE RODGERS 631-1266. 7 UNITS EASTSIDE Costa Mesa, No negative. Gross annual income over $35,000. Call for details. HARRY FREDERICK 631-1266. *HAWAII FREE* Spend 1 week -find your island paradise - 4 condos in Kai Lua, Hawaii. Front row location with 180 degree view. Completely furnished, move right in. See Tim Rhone about l week free to see them 631 -1266 or 720-1263. CORNER LOT WITH SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Old COM charmer 4bdr +den & sitting room, 3 bath, 3 decks, great school location. Soft quiet area, outstanding custom home and it can be your own. Open Howie Sat 2-5 and Sun 1-5. So don't be shy give Tim Rhone a call 631-1266 or 720-1263. SAND CASTLES IN YOUR FRONT YARD 3 story 5 bed 3 bath, completely customized remodeled, great family home. Don't delay call Tim "Rhone right away. Open House Sun 1-5. 631-1266 or 720-1263. YOUR OWN DOMAIN 4 bed 3 bath -one acre home -you'd never have toleav•-tennis, Pool. spa. Outside bar & firepit, gourmet kitchen. What more could you ask for but the details. Call Tim Rhone 631-1266 or 720-1263. GO FOR ITI 80% financing -a once in a lifetime bargain -not used blit new & vacant. How could you lose -unless you snooze! 3bed 4 bath + den in old COM -Can't be beat. Don't be square, be there . Open House Sat 2-5 & Sun 1-5. Tim Rhone 631-1266 720-1263. EXCITING VIEW . Newport home w/sit down vu of bay and ocean. 3 Be 2 Ba, lrg living rm, F.P., formal D.R. Mint Condition. Security system. As- king $549,000. Call Pete Johnson for de- tails. 631-1266. SERENE CONDO If you enjoy a peaceful open feeling, this 3 Br 2 Ba Bluffs condo is for you. Asking $229,000. Call Pete Johnson for details. 631-1266. ' NIVER llFOlll have there been so many gqod buying op- portunities. Tilke advantage Qf th& ~4yer's market and new deprecla~ ~1a. Call Pete Johnson for specific property infor- mation. 631-1266. -·-.~·-··-=----,----~ ... -l • 4 _Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 Who's MOving? We Are! I ~ ' I j "' · We are pleased to· annoui;ic.~ that . ·~ · ' in the near future Macnab-Irvine vv:ift · relocate its NeV\Tport Beach . offt~es to 'prestigiou)s Civic Plaza in ,. New:port Center. Watch for the opening of our new and expanded facilities. -~ • v • . ' . . . ., Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 -5 ., . ......... llfflllT •1111 Thia unique home apptOX. 8,000 .q. ft. is an entertainen paradile. Large slip, bayaide lawn, pool, 3 fireplaces plus his & hen ba- tbrooma, den office/art room, libnry, gymnMium. UnUIUally deep lot w/approx 74 feet on the bay. Only 5 years old '4,950,000 John Macnab (714) 642-8235 (F13) .... llffMl1 -.... ,.IBID You own the land when you buy this apedow Medltemmeen style home w/dockinc for two or more veaela. 4 BR, 5 BA, & convertible library/den. Uv rm. din rm. kitiehen, and breakfast rm all overloo- king the bay. Good -.unable loan & qwner w/finaDCP balance w/ rea90oable down payment. $1,700,()'8 1-ry Dyer 642-8235 (1'14) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 . . . ~ Harbor Ialand -Promontory Bay -Newport Beach 1.111, I.Ill, Liii Magnl&ent Calif. Spanish home w/lota of BR -7 -Lota of baths -6 -& built on 3 prime lots on Lido Iale. Built around a la courtyud & pool & owners will help finance, too! $1,250,000 Torn AlliNon or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (F15) U1E .. , • .,..,,. -Ill un• llU OlllSI UT Build your dreem home on thia prime golf ooune lot with owr 100 feet of frontage on the 14th. green. Spectacular views of moun~ & night lights. Call for details. $1,050,000 Claudia Ding Muellf:r 644-6200 (F16) nnn•• ........ Beautifully situated on a large comer lot. Thia 4 BR home affords privacy. Excellent family & entertaining areas w/high cei1inga ';n liv rm, fam nn & din rm. Mater aulte w/brick fplc opens to pnvate patio. French doors, akylighta, and custom tiles found throughout. L g pool & beautifully landscaped gardens. $750,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (F17} ,_, ... 1111711 .... 11111 Thia huge prime location offers outstanding bay & ocean views from · 3 rooms & la protected pool. Roos:n to expand. Owner wants to carry lat Trust Deed tor well qualified buyer. $725,000 incl. land. George Grupe 644-6200 (F18) . • .. TDll• -Flll1 .. Sensational view of bay, ocean & pi~}Jeautifully rer,nOOeled and appointed. Three spacious BR, fabulOUf kitchen, la billiard rm, oozy den. $695.000 Leaaehold. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (Fl9) "IAPI 111 1U11111UL" .. U• Ill.I 2 ~ years new. Exquisite detailina! t Joi tO beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR, 2 ~ BA, faro rm, 3 fpb. $685,000 w/$299,000 assurn. B of A 1st. Dona Chichester 642-8235. OPE!i HOUSE SUNDAY 12-4 -102 Via Koron, Lido Isle. (F20) ' 1111111 Wlf Entertain in an atmosphere of elegance in this dramatic residence. Designed around a stained glam atrium ~lband8ome mimnd bar & the perfect floor for dancing. FonDal dln rm views lushly landaca- ped prden w/pool, spa and waterfall. 4 BR & den & full aecurity system. $675,000 including land Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (F21) llYFlll1 .. 21,111 fD You don't have to be a millionaire to have a bayfront home. Thia charming 3 BR borne bouts 3 BR, 2 fplc, la deck, sunning patio, & dock on Newport Wand. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (F22) . .. ...... 11 .. -.111 Be the first to occupy this elegant 5 BR home South of the highway. Wann woods. stained pm. French doors, 4 BA, 3 fplcs, Jg country kitchen, fam rin, includes ln-Law or maid'• qtrs. l'lnancing availa- ble. $595,000 Belle Ch.Me Lee 644-6200 (F23) I 5 t ... •11111111 ... lilll ..... Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA, din1q atea home si- tuated on very Jg lot -room for expemion & pool $65,000 Fee land Donna Godshall 644-6200 (F24) 11•.-... .,, ..... 1111,111 Custom tri-level 3 BR, 3 BA plua fUett. Seller financing. 2211 · Waterfront, Corona del Mar. Martha Macnab, 642-8235. (F25) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5. llllPTil-lliL Ill.II I ... ·J.n this 5 BR home w/ocean & bay view . Customised home in Harbor View Hilla -cbe to IChoole. shopping & beaches. Wood plank noon.. custombed built-in cabinet.I -abutters -hot tub. A.a- aumable loans. f495,QOO Incl. land Roeemary Sietz 644-6200 (F'l6) llYW llft P&llllU -ft ... Desperate Owner says "Must Sell Now" 60' bayview. Just Profes... lionally decorated ... Like new, 90pbistic.ated 2 BR+ den, 2~ BA. bar, pool, gym, beach & aecurity. Price Reduced $96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 (F27) ,,,, ... ,,. ... Tropical feellna in has}) atrium abound w/greenery. Ivan Wells custom 4 BR. ++ Prof. decorated & landacaped. '425,000 Fee land . lane Paquin 642-8235 (1'28) · ; WUTalPf Spacious 4 BR custom fam rm & lg patio w/pool, 3 fplcs. A de- lightful home for family entertaining. Cabana off pool deck. WW lease. or lease option. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS. $395,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (F29) llllTIK•I Yll.ll Beautiful Baycrest "Ivan Wells'' built 4 BR, family home. Oversized rooms -charminc island kitchen • quality built throughout -im- ~te fut eecrow Ytanted -under market. $335,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-82" (F30) Pllllla&...., Abeolutely charming 3 BR beach cottage. Superb comer location - Walle to beaches. harbor, parks -Low Down -Seller truly motivated at only $325,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (F31) llDlllllPLll-Nll. Big comfy home in F.utblutt Oh quiet 'street. Prime family neigh- borhood. Hard to beat from the standpoint of price and terms. $298,000. Coby Ward 642-8235 (F32)_ · A ._.Ult *'m"l.-Jl •1 with floor to ceiling fplc ia one of the many attractions of this charming gray & wbite cottage w/brick & ayc.amore trees on a la fee lot in ~uff. 3 BR -Owner ~-Only $279,500. Barbara AU!lAt 642--8235-{F33) OPEN SmIDAY l-5 ... 2127 Aralia St. - Eastbluff-Newport Beach ....11111.L Beautifully remodeled residence done tn a tradJtional style & si- tuated in a canyon aetUng in Newport Heights. A great buy for a la 4 BR home. $249,500 C.Oby Ward. 642-8235 (F34) -••z•••--• Cul-de--aac location on th1a prime executive 4 BR single family home across from community pool & tennis courta. Central A.Ir, separate fam rm, indoor utility nn. Am.unable loan at low interest, owner will assist w/aecondary financing. $189,500 FEE. Joyce Edlund 642-8235 (F36) . ... lllllTllll PllTllTll ,.111•1 For thia i BR. 2 ~ BA. formal dJ.n1na aree & patio. Only 1 ~ yeara old located near' Harbor High School & within walkinc distance of lhopp&ng. $149,000 F.e land. Donna GodlheD 8'4-8200 (n7) f I - " 6 -Orange County RMI Eatate/An Advertlting Suppierr)ent to the DAILY PlLOT/Saturday, Merch 27, 1942 -.... ---""" 'Ofi ~ ~ -r-~ ....... ---..... -..::. ROOM YO IPARI ,. ~ ( In this Eut Bluff 2 atory family home, 4 be- drooms, 3 batba and large cuatom designed fa- mily room. ~itwnt view. Large Jow interest -rmeble loan available. Alkina only .$299,950 , OLD CORONA DUPLIX Premium quality two 3 bedroom units, beams, fireplaces, shade tree.. Six years new. Pride of ownenhtp. Seller will exchange. Crea\&-yoW' tenns. Offered at $347,500 . NEWPORT •EACH WATIRPIONT.CUSYOM L~ one of a kind custom 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom aueat quarten or rental unit. Located on walerf.root complete with your oWn pier and slip. Highlights of th.ta home include tile spa, sauna. 8eC."W'fty system, 2 fireplacea and pri- vate sundeck. $789,000 lncludes the land. I WANT TO TRADI HARIOI llDGI VILLA PAlK Spectacular view and price on this newly listed 4 bedfoom Lautremoot model home. Profemonal-IUILDIR'S SPICIAL ly decorated and landa:aped. What value at only Villa ParJt view lot near $ m1llton dollar homes. $~72t,500 Seller will subordinate! Submit your terms. CLASSIC liAUTY · $395.000 ' new ~11-home often the ulti-ma w/warm beauUful leecled windows, -~---D-N_A __ O_..;_, ------- a li , family room & elevator. Mstr bedroom A P INT wlbaloony overlooks COMt1ine & cl~ Uta 4 bedrooms. pool/ape, A/C. alarm aystenw & car ....-.. $2,500,000 Mov $25,000 Popular Southport model, complete with 5 be- drooms, pool, j8cuz:zi, and njgbt licht view. Seller _..,_~--------....;;~..-..- has bought another and mutt aell. WW OOlllider' COSTA MISA you into this lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath with ocean view. Reduced for quick sale. extremely motivated. Try lease option, etc. $159,500 exchange for 40' to 50' Sport Fisher boat or air--.-------------- plane. Asking $639,500. PINISHID YO PIRPICTION Thia pride of ownership home is for the fussy LEASES ILUPPS buyer. S bedrooms, family room, 21h baths.--------------- Professional interior -land1C8ping. Dramatic pool 9.75 ~ PINANCING and spa complex. $229,000 HAllOI llDGI Thia beautiful 3 bedroom end unit co1\do has it K.ensington model! 4 bedrOotn.s 3 lh baths. all, including a spectacular view, new appliances, ----__;..--------~-Beautifully decorated. Ha1 added loft and encloeed patio and a large amumable first loan. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR plantation shutters thru-out. Ptjvate gated com-owc a 2nd loan and will consider trade. $284, munity. $2750 per month • 500. LIKI YO INTllT AIN GRACIOUS LMNG la youn in thi• immaculately kept Spy1lua home. 3 bedrooms, 2 bat.ha, fmmal dinina rOom and family room. BreathtaJdnc mountain and city Uchta view. Excellent finuldl\I Ja available. Price ju8t reduced ~ only $496,~ .IAIMINI CRllK Sensational 3 bedroom end unit located on a rugnWcent creenbelt. Prote.mmaUy decorated with many u P«rades. All thia and outstanding flnandng ii available foe $427,000. We have the perfect eetting with 3 comfortable bedrooma. open and flowing fioor plan, 9ecluded pool and •P• and elegant decor. Offered at $389,500 with good financin8 IRVINI TOMORROW'S NISDGG Ia now available in thla charming Ranch San JOMju~ Villu 1 bedroom and loft totally up- graded QOl\do. Terri.fie wumable financtna. Price bu been drutically reduced to $149,950. Call today SPYGLASS Unobstructed ocean view is yours in this 3 droom Portsmouth model home. Cheery Ugh decor with 2 fireplaces, large wet bar, pool and spa. $2200 per month llVINI Beautiful 4 bedroom Peten townhome on quiet cul-de-sac street. Has garden type kitchen, laundry room. fireplace, skylights, ltained glall windows and Italian marble entry. $1200 month PROFESSIONAL SERVIC.E Orange County RMI estate/An Advert191ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Mm-ch 27, 1982 - 7 ........... Perfect location juat ~ feW blocks from the Fun Zone, restaurants and the Balboa Ialand Ferry. Three bedrooms, Z baths and 2 bed- rooms, 2 baths. Buil~lna, 4-car garage. Only 4 ~ years old. $750,000 and the seller will fi- nance the entire balance with a low down pymt. WATERFRONT W/PIER AND DOCK A remarkable 2 story design pro- vides this bldg. to be a single family home (a large one) or a duplex as it is zoned for. A total of 4 bdnns. 4 baths that can be converted into any combination that fits your needs. Bit. in Kit. incl dishwasher, plush cptg., spiral staircase, antique stain- ed glass, used brick patio and walkways, room for a boat up to 36' plus a couple smaller ones. $595,000 & well worth it! CUSTOM . NEWPORT HEIGHTS Over 3000 sq ft on three levels for gracious living and entertaining. This one year old home has 4 Bdrms, family room, formal dining room, 2 uaed brick fire places, 3 decks, and is MOST beautifully de- corated. Offered at $450,000. OPEi HOUSE · SITURDll I ·sulDAY 12-5 1120 W. ICUIFRllT IEWPGRT BUCH WE SHOW WATERFRONT PROPERTIES BY BOAT TOO!! Jacobs Realty has built its reputa- tion on friendly, professional ser- vice. We have a complete property management team to assist in the rental and maintenance of income property. This service insures care- free ownership and lets you like your investment property again. ' ~-riaht on the und. Four large bedrooms, newly remodeled blt-in kitchen, and huae family room, + a formal dining room. Spacious living room with tittplace. Take over ~.ooo loan at 1~. Asking $875,000. Owner will help. BEST OCEANF-RONT ·BUY 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit -2 Bl' 2 Ba lower private sundeck & patio. Less than 2 yrs old arid generates about $3000 a mo. income. The real news is you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without qualif~ incl. 12 ~ % int. fixed for 30 yrs. Only asking $659, 000. Try a low down pymt. NEWPORT DOtLHOUSE 2 & conv. den-dining room, 2 baths, blt-in ki~hen incl. dishwasher etc. Newly painted, papered & decora- . ted. Wide-epen tennS, .so, offer your down payment & aellet will finance balance. $119,900. * f20,000 DN * Spacious family home with IOaring cathedral ceiling:a and bright and airy country Jdtchen. With 4 Jarae bra, 2 ba'1 and a family room, it's a berpin at $154,900. 9032 Adami, Huntington Beech. 556-7035. . ------•MASllVI CUSTOM PlllPLACI* Spend t}qe nimantic evenm,. .buklng in the glow of thJa mallive fireplace. Thia ~ four bedroom home ia ideally located c1oee to Westminster Mall and Goldenwe.t Co1Jeae and priced to llell! $119,900. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beech. 556-7035. *SIX ON A LOT* Sile hou8eS on one lot ln prime rental area of Costa Mesa. All but one have fireplacel uld have recently been painted. No deferred mainte- nance. Asking $395,000. 9032 Adame, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. p,ooo lllATI Superb financing on this bright and cheery 4 br, 1.75 ba home PLUS the aeller will give a $3,000 rebate at C.O.E. 9032 Adami, Huntington . Beach. 556-7035. ·. ,. *f 10,000 IUYS ITII Ladiea apparel shop with ac>Od Jeue terms. Located in busy shopping center. Inventory negotiable. 9032 Adam1, 1JuQtln1ton Beach. 556-7035. . *DIODOWN* On the water. Price llaahed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Profemionally decorated w/gounnet kitchen. 9032 Adami, Hunttnpin Beach. 556-7035. *14 ACU DTATI* Ccmpletely r-e.-u"""'"ode ... led..t home with new kitchen featurtiw' aJltom oak cabinets. bullt--ln microwave and tr8lh comP9C1.0r. Luae formal dininc room hall built-in oak buffet and cabinets. Huae detached praae hu ~ bath and could be easily converted to guesthou8e. Sacrifice for $169,- 900. 9032 Adama, Huntingt.on Beach. 556-7035. *YAKIOYIR 11.2" LOAN* , Only $20,000 down on th.IS a_padoua tour bedroom, 2 bath home with aoaring cathedral ceilinp. Earthtone decor throughout with cuatom wall coverinp. Brtgbt ....a airy country kitchen plua family room and cuatom patio. Offered at $H4,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. ••axay' KNOUS llAUTY* If you enjoy the charm and stately grace of an era gone by, this 4 bedroom, 2 beth home ia fat you. Larae fonnal dining room with view of beautitUlly J.andlcaped pmmda. Guesthou.e at rear of property. Of.ferecl at $238~ 8032 Maim. Hunlio&tGD Beach. 566-7036. *LOCATION x 3 + POOLI* _,__... __ - Sensational PORTOFINO model on exceptionally large lot on FEE land with 4 bedrooms, spa, fireplace. ONLY $349,000 with 10.974' M- swnable flnandng!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . $30;Go0• *11.46~ PINANCING . • Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 br's, fplc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newpon Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . .. $95,500 . . Costa Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard . Freshly painted. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759~1S01 or 752-5353. * MISA DIL MAR * . '· $21,000 DOWN Sensational 3 br home with $104,000 ln low interest financing. Call today. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *12.9~ INTllllT* HAUOI VllW HOMI I Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, frplc & spa!! Low interest fi.n.anclng available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 $an Miguel Dr. Newport Beech. 759-1501ot762-7373. ' *1Ultn110CK* . $1~279 Pll MONTH , is all you pay when you takeover existing lat T.D. Spricioua 4 br ex- ecutive detached h<me. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. WllYCL"f* 121.4 PINANCING When you takeover exilting loans on this EXECUTIVE HOME fea- turning 4 br 2\.i ba'a and pool Reduced to $299,00<ffee land. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WATllllONT HOMI* PllVATI llACH • Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featurlhg trench doors, frplc, profe .. ionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Be.:b. 7$9-1501 or 752-7313. ' * 12 ~ 3 FINANCING * ,. r! * * IUILDIR CLOSIOUT • ~ available on brand new town home! Featuring 2 matr IUitee, encl'd aaragea & private court yrd. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * HllnAGi PAIK -SILL:ll FINANCING.• . Abeolutely mnaahin& 3 br townhome featuring central air oooditionlni and security system only $132,500. 2670 San Miauel 759-1501 or '7~2-73T.J * * PALllMO HAllOI VllW HOMI * * F.quala an klea1 home for the growlnc family aeekinc a prime Newport Beldl location WTnl land ownerlhJp. Large aunny rooml and family room overlook a Jarwe pool eet ln a low maintenance yard. Sellen offer their own finandnt at lft and have reduced the price to under Totally remodeled by craftamen! Fea\\U'lnl French doors, wooden lhutter, plank Doon, u.ed brick & pool & spa. J'D and w/GREAT ~---TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. '3()0,000. 9032 AdMm. Hamdnckm Bellch. 556-7035. ..... -~-----·· .... -. . .. . ; . . I • ~-~we/Alt AMtt-.,~IWftt fotlfit•~tt'f Ptl.otnrit~~.'~W,'ft\z-'...! e ·, a at . * . 3 0 2 -3 .. > a ..... -... . .. . NEWP :J R T BEACH IAl,..LUff . $190,000 · Great potential & priCe In desirat>Je community of F.utbluff. Luak 3 BR, Family Rm w/flrep~ & sunny patio. Convenient to ahopphig & echoola. Owner financing available. ' . ILUPPS .$115,IOQ Bright.en your day. Great opportunity to buy a 4 BR home foe a fabulous price & owner financing. Beau,tifully cared for with sunny patio near poola. echoobs & .... . I I I . WllTCLIPf . $455,000 You can't beat this for a great traditional family home. 5 BR with ~aeoua pool/apa & large deck area, formal dining room, warm living room w/ fireplace, trench door & wood floor, 3 car garaae. Perfect! ILUPFI $115,500 Priced for immediate sale! Ownet" will carry fJ- nandng on this well cared for 4 BR home near poo~ .achoola & shops. l:nj>y cool ocean breer.ee, sunny patio in Bluffs Plaza location. llG CANYON . '995,000 Country french family home beauUfully dft«'a- ted. 4 generous BR'a, den, huge family rm, maid's. Surrounded by lovely gardens, used brick patios, magnificent large pool. & spa. . ' .... WATERFRONT .NIWP09'T OCIAN FIONT $510,000 · An extremely good buy with fantastic financing. Oceanfront duplex wi1h a 3 BR & 2 BR unit. 2 fireplaces: Units in good shape. Fantutk wbitt water & aumet vie,.,a. Thia won't laat!! Ull& asU 1 " . llH,.0. Gorgeous custom home on the baY,. 5 ~family rm,. pier & alip for 3 iarge boat.IS, 3 fireplaces, Priced below mark~t wtth excellent financing available from ~ted eeller. ,, 0 • OU TURTLllOCK ' $175,000 MO\Ultain Views, ~ and eerenity aw.it J'Ol&I in thia light, airy ). ~ COndo. Showa Uke a model with neu~~ and a high .. ~~ loan. · MAI KAI . t '1poo,ooo 3 BR pool. Impeccable taste, exciting blend of used brick, wood deoocatoc pepm. f.i.xtU:ra, ex- panaive patios. Enter this e~hahted. world 1e- cure in the knowledge that nothing oompare1. HAilOlt VllW HILLS $a95,000 • Beautifully upgraded 3 BR with hup tree lli)ed yard. Spa, French doors, hardwood floors, bea- med ceillnp. Many deoorat.«*' touches. You wUl be imprmed by the tenna avtalable: Don't mill th1a one .. . COIONA ~L· MAI . $249,900 Charmine picture perfect 2 BR & Den. New carpet, paint, wallpaper & copper plurnbln1. Owner will help finance with 2°" doWn. Great 10catlon & price too! COIONA DIL MAI · $650,000 Quiet elegance juat a few dOQra from ocean. Beautifully appointed, unique residence on 30 x 118 lot with leasehold rights to the adjoining paroel. 2 BR + den. BEA CH COMM UNITIES . LIGO ISLI . '599,000 4 BR & Den FAMILY HOME with· Formal di- ning room. Perteet for grad~ entertainin& In 2 prde'n patios. Low down payment &.feller-will carry baJan9e for 10 years. ·LIDO ISLI . $150,000 Locatec! on tip of Lido We. '.Thia lovely gradoui home Ml all amenities! 6 BR. 5 bath. maid'• qtn. spacious rooms with high beamed ceillnp, ·gourmet kitchen, private patio & spa! Owner w01 alliSt with finahcina. . COIONA DIL MAI · '595,GOO Duplex -Bay/ocean view. Lar1,e .3 BR owner unit·ptua 2 BR penthouse on Bayside Dr. Sur- rounded by city owned green belt. 2 year oJd large aaaumable loan. A cholee property at an excellent price -$595,000 IALIOA llLI . $1,250,000 3 BR & Bonus Rm on Balboa Island with a panoramic view of the Turning Buin. New car- pets, beamed oeWnga, two patic» to enjoy the ~ting tcene. COIONA Dlt MAI . $425,000 PINl.NSULA ..... 5,000 3 BR home only one block to beaches and shops ~ nestled on a quiet street loaded with charm. . Lovely contemporary 2 BR & a ·Den 'Close to ' Some view of the Pacific. · beaches. Taatef ully decorated & ~ excellent condition. Take over loan. .. DUPLEXES CONDOMINIUMS PIN IN SULA $249,900 Lowest priced duplex in the area. Newly fur- nished. Ideal rental or beach retreat for the family. Great location near beach. Seller finan- cing available. l. MlllllELlll Ull.111 2 BR front house completely d etached from a apadoua 2 BR & den rear unit. An investor or uaer will like this channel'. OTHER AREAS UNIVllSm PAIK $253,000 DJANE HOMl.S -freshly painted & decotl'alect, ready io move in! Beautifully deslped patio brina the luab )andscaptna rtght Into thia au.per • BR family borne. ILUFFS $139,900 Don't mils thia exceptiQnal price! Cm:y 2 BR split level condo. Dl!clt overlooking wide greenbelt. Peacefµl convenient area. Community pool & shoppl.nc nearby. VILLA IALIOA . $291,000 Da.zzUna. extraordinary, Condo with 2 Master Br. Mirrored walla, high ceilln_., pastel tones, cuatom destined furniabinp • art objecta blend to cr.te a nre tnYilGamen1. II;' ( ia e \ •• -10 -'orange County Real Estate/An Advertistng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 198~ NIWPOD PINTMOUSI l:xOOlent location and aood twur ""'-'-t. New cat)fet and paint throqhout this bldiekw unit with ~y to view of ocean and llahts. Owner will 1Cicept 10 pettent cash down and carry the paptt. $87,500. 831-1400. NIWPOD CORNll LOT Drive by this wry buUdable lot at 413 East Bay (comer of Cypress) on Balboe Peninsula. Plana Included. Submit your olfen. $200,000. 673-6900. NIWPORT QUID STRID On cul-de-ue. IUmlUnded by ttteL Comfortable 3 bedroom, 2 bath with fireplace in COWIU'y kitchen and livlni room $175,000. Fee. 673-6900. IRVINI RRRACI Open and airy 3 bedroom home with Jar~ kitchen, f~ roam with ~ and open beuw.. Nice patio and yard. $245,000 631-1400. NIWPORT HllGHTS-POOL AND YARD Super location on p.t IU'eet.. Larae lol with a... f1owa'a and bautil\d pool Perfect famlly home with 3 bedroom and family room. Low Clllltl down and owner will carry. Call few flnanclnc detal.11 $279,000. IMMACULAR/fRISH aALaOA ISLAND One o( the best priced homes on the llland, new al.I atios-. SJ>Ot]ell 2 bedroom pus brick pedo. $295,000. 673-6900. 117 Marine Avenue. LIDO ISLI CLASSIC Totally~ and decon~ 2 t tory In the best Medi· ternnean flavor. Open, bright 4 bedroom, 4 bath with 2 patios for mlef1alnlng In and out. Stained ,i..... and open beams. Owner will finance with low cub down peyment. $445,000. COUNnY IUGANCI. unu ISLAND a-m.......,.. every clecat"•• ....a1ty 1n Iha a bed- room h6me with brick patio and Fttiracb doon. Abo one bedroont plUI m111d'1 unit on corner. Euy 1tepa to bay. *575,ooo. 673-6900. mo Abalone Place, Balboe Itland. suaMIT UASl/OPTION VllW HOMI Panoramic cloee up view of b9y, ocean and nlaht ll1ht1. Sptdoul. open and potentially formal home with tarp living room. fam.llv room. formal dlnln« room plua 3 bedroomt. Martlle beth, mMCer au.lte and 2 larp view decU. $795,000. FEE. 10" CAIH-YllW NOPIUr SuJlft' N.-wpon location onlarp lo& wlili-cwo 2-bedroom unh1. Llw In cine and rent the odM!r or build • new home plu1 •ue•t houH. Pl~roved . Almoat lot value M 15,000. Ow1Wf will lffM/optloft al.lo Submit. VllW-LOCAftON-VllWI Owner Nyt wbmtt $1$0,000 c:uh and he'll help finance. Submit. • SapedaUy .... trt-leYel home wi&h be9utiful decor~ ... ~ Katpitallty and luxury in thll s fonnaJ and m&rrored dinlnc ,_, bup ':::1.imroom pJUI ..,... bWi9rd nlCllD ..... ror .... "t..lth en ... •&ma room pha priv1w ape. UNQUJ:STIONABLE Vl lW OF OC&A.N AlfD BAYFRONT clOM·Up. Owner wlll help 11-nanc:e. $880,000. Ql-1400. HARIOR RIDGl-fHNCH MANOI 180 desree VIEW of Bay, OONn and night Ughll. MaanJClc:ent quality and detail theougbout thi. 5,700 aq. ft. residence. Formal home with 4 bedrooall, library, lonnal dlnlna room, tmmen. family room and &lamorout maaier IUite with fire-- place, IUl'ldrdt uuna and 'PL lmpr'ftlive and Cl.Ill.Om for the pertic:ular horneowntt, In the bst tradlt.lon of thil Louil XIV Manor ~. $2.200.000. Fee. OPIN SAT. 1-S P.M. 1510 Abalone Pl. Bal.& .... -.......................................... $575,000 3024 Oceen Blvd.CDM ................................................. $1,350,000 2331 Cliff Dr.Npt.Hdahts ................. -.. _ ....................... t795,000 117 Marine Ave.,.Bal.il ........ -......................................... $295,000 209-215 19th St..Penin .... -.................................. from $319,000 2137 E. Oceen.Pen.Pt ............................................... _,_ .. $323,000 824 Welt Bay, Barfront ~''""""""""--............ $1.485,000 4 Narbonne, Harbor ftMice .. -..................................... $2,200,000 2001 K.lng:s Rd.Clilfhaven ............. ~ .............................. $415,000 424 Belvue Lane.hn.Pt ........................ , ........................ $419.000 1723 P1au del Sur .Pen.Pt. ........................................... s•.ooo 502 "f ' St. Pen.Pt ............................................................ $438,000 LAGUNA ESTATE The ultimlte ~.t the end°' a private roed. The IWTOUJldinCI are a nature lover'• paradlle. The quality and c:barimna are unparalleled in cletip for funcdonaJ livlnt. lavilh enl«\8lnlftc and t-lthy l'ea'adon. • NIW llTAR-llNNll couan . Colw•nilM ....... lwh ~ away fftll8 the ~ but cbe to•· A naan lowr'1 ......... • l.11 ..._with comrnandlf\I pMtonl VIEW o( oceen. hWI and nllht u,tita. Total let'Wity, privacy and aermhy. Thia quality traditional home an 3 Jewla offe.n the uJ~ U\ l!Ubed de&an.. Four bedrooma lhcluclins 1,000 aq. ft. IN!lter Mahe, tennll toom with f\llJ -bar wt~ --rail, flllnUy reta. ~ rooa, locker and wei,ht exerdlt room, wine cellar and other de- talll for the cblcrtminatinc! Your own ~ lJchted and· fenced SennJa aiurt wtth ample ~"°" .,_., l'or a vie· wing and appointment. 673-6900. ON WARR-fRONT IOW Newly decorated 2 bedroom, 2 beth c:rHp. Gorgeoua Catalina ~ turning basin view. Aaumable l'*l. Seller wUl 8111.at in fu,.andng. Boat 11Jp available. $28~.000. ,. OCIANPIONT-LAGUNA llACH Spectacular VIEW and beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath co-op right on ocean. Greenery, privacy, RCUtity and swimming pool. $315,000. 631-1400. alAUTlfUL ON WARll lmpeo::able· quality and aood tute in thil warm and open . family home on the water. Cl..ic Interior with 2 bedrooms plua den and large landlc:aped patio with· spa. fountain and fire ring. Your own boat llip right out your door for 45' boet. OWnet will ~p finance few qua1Jfied buyer. 1618,000 on fee land. 631-1400. OCIANfRONT HOMI Quiet beachfront with original owner1 who take pride In their home. Superior "•It-down" O«"an view from thl1 3 bedroom plua bonus room home. Superior c:onat.ruc:Uon. Ow- ner will carry lit TD for the riaht buyer. $725,000. 631-1400. HDUCID ON IALIOA ISLANDs Oulltand.in& duplelC with 3 bed. home + 1 bed. apt. Owner. flexible on tenm & flnancin~ details. Jutt reduced from $525,000 to $(95,000. A great rent.al property with aeuoned income record. 67S-6900. IAYfRONT ISTATl-VllW with 60' on Newport Bay. Sweepina. panoramlc: view Lrom the Pavillion to the mou.ntainl. An authentic: ucli.itec:tural statement of bygone days throughout this kl.ory ~ plut 4th floor oblervallon tower. The quality and c:raft- lm8nlhlp rn thil dlanJfled IU"UCtUre offer •pacioul l'OOl1'll & privacy, In addition to p:neroua Indoor & out.door baJc:onlea, pat.IOI and courtyard entry. Th.it macnJllcient villa often two wlnp for private Uvlns. Thi.I lncludea 6 bedroomt and 6 bethrooms, a formal dining room. 2 k:it.c:benl, formal llvtnc room, larp famlly room & much more. A aepuate, aelf- contained mwr IUlte. Larp p6er and Ooet wW accomn~ date a 80', plua two other bl,.ta. A deWJed broc:hurw will be available upon req1Jet1t. S2,650,000 fee land. Adio(nina guest apartment, plua 3 car garage available for $395,000 on a Rparate 45xl00 ft. lot. GltANDIOSI aA YfRONT-DOCK Unobltructed wide "waterfront" view Lrom this~ and lpedoul home with larte bride patio and p6er for two 55' yachll. Conwnient locadon and espedally Jarae llvinl room, elevated dlnlns room, large bar, family room plua laland kitchea. Huie muter 1ulte with marble fireplace and tir..thtakinc vtew of al.I. A wry comfonabae fJoor plan with a feellnc o1. pnvac:y! •u~.ooo lndudel land. a1-1400. INCalDtall LINDA llU LINDA ISLE 2-nory with 4 beclrooftl plua maid'• room, formal dinina roocn, W. f.wni1y room with ~ down bar llftd QIUnlry 1decban. I 17=f .............. bridlt OYW dip-pool and •· •• . 8llP b I bcatll. .. TWO HOMI" IAYPRONT-P911 A dornlnttiftl rwldenuu pnipeny with a private dodt for 2 boat.I. Stupendoua VIEW on South Bllytron& with two 1arp lide-b)'.ide unite. Eecti unit ii..._..~'°°" horn. and hu 4 bedrooms, 3 H bettw, dift.lnC and flimly l'OOlm, plUI 2 flreplflcel and 2 bakonJes.. Owner will help flnancll '° qual.I· tied bu~. s2.200.ooo FD. 673-6900. , UNIQUE UNDER 1400,000 ip NEWPORT CAN YOU BELIEVE -Spaciou1 3 Bdrm 21h Bath, fireplace, wet bar, patios, master 1uite, walk·in clo1et, security gates. comm. pool & teoni1, plus a Big Canyon addrns. 1267.900. UNIQUE IN BA YCREST -This f uncational 4 Bdrm family home lends itself to entertaining. The large yard with pool & spa even has room on the side for R.V. parking 1395.000. Open Sunday 1·5. 1934 Windward UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILL.5 -Relax with a panoramic view of the ocean. canyon nd rolJing hills -This home is situated in one of the most desirable family areas and baa 4 Bdrms & 2 Baths. Seller is motivated. 1325,000. Open Sunday 1·5, 978 Saodcaatle UNIQUE IN SEA WIND -Dramatic Portofino model with enclosed en&ry. See this charmer with Mexican pavers, skylight & French doors ~ It will knock your socb off! Well decorated & owner will help finance. $339.000. Open Sunday l ·5, 2221 Port Lerwick WONDERFUL EIGHBORHOOD - See thia 2 Br, den, fireplace, family area, &Hume finan. In Harbor View Homes. 1215,000 VNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES -This 4 Br Portofino Model is one of the Jowett priqed and yo u own the land! Frplc, bonus room, OWC $335, 500. Open Suocjay l ·5. 2012 Port Ramsgate BRIGHTEN YOOR DAY ~ See this Monaco Model in Seawind. Mexican pavers, fruit trees, & low price, fee land & owner will carry the ht trust deed. $259,500. Open Sunday l ·5, 2307 Port Carlisle ***UNIQUE JN OLD CORONA DEL MAR . TASTEFULLY REMODELED -3 Bdrm . den. with income unit on large lot. Mailer Bdrm suite. French do~n, wood floors. $539 ,000 . Open sun 1. 304 Goldenrod U~IVUI: liCMl:i REALTORS, 675""6000 OUR SAi.ES STAFF IS CAREFUU.Y SELECTED, PROPERLY TRAINED AND VERY SUCCESSFUL. UNIQUE THREE HOUSE -3 Bdrms. 3 Baths. 3 aundecb, and 3 car garage make this 3 year old duplex in old -CdM. a treee mendous value. Sky· lights. beamed ceilings and both units have fireplaces too! Owner will assut on financing. $398,500 ELEGANT HOME PLUS INCOME - South of Hwy .• French doon, vaulted ceilings. courtyard. Excellent finan· .' cing. 1495,000. Open Sunday l -5. 415 Heliotrope tt•UNIQUE IN COST A MESI\ . EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 4 PLEX - Clean & bright. Super rental area. two 2 Bdrm & two 3 Bdrm units -2 sep· arate bldg.. $350,000 You don't have to be rich to enjoy the community tennis or pool nor to enjoy the light and airy decor. but be prac· tical and appreciate thu solar assisted 2 Br + den home with attractive fi· nancing and only $152.000. •••UNIQUE IN EASTBLUFF /THE BLUFFS THIS 4 BDR BLUFFS CONDO HAS IT ALL -Beam ceilings with added skylight•, upgraded kitchen, central air·condhloning with humidifier, great location. good financing and in move-in tondition. 1249,500. Open , Sunday 1·5, 210' Viata Laredo ***UNIQUE IN IRVINE ROMANTIC & ELEGANT -lo Turtlerock Glen. enter thru a cour· tyard into thi• 4 Bdrm home with center atrium. spa & fire ring. A real winner at 1310,000. Open Sunday 1·5. 17 Rippling Stream ***UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR & NEWPORT SPECTACULAR HOME -& prestige community. Thia highly upgraded Harbor Dynasty is perfect in every detail. Open. bright & private. 1450.000 ' UNIQUE ON LIDO -This 3 Br 2 Ba home sits on almoat a double lot. Needs love & care • & the seller will help on financing. $560.000 . HA R.B 0 R R ID G E AN D C ITY LIGHTS -Make this expanded Dy· nasty Model one of the more unusual condos in our city. 2 Br+ den•with an enclosed porch for viewing the reser· voir, city lights & mountains. $425.000 BAYVIEW IN BA YSHORES -Finest details gourmet kitchen, charming floor plan and a bay view. $650.000 UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILL.5 -This home baa a dramatic en - trance, center court yard for enter- taining & -4 Bdrms. Owner will help finance. $495.000. Open Sat. & Sun. 1·5. 2106 Lighthouse Ln. SPECTACULAR SHORECLIFFS - Be the proud owner of this warm and inviting 3 Br, den home with Dutch doors. hdwd. firs, fr doors and only 1 block from pvt. beach. Aaking 1515, 000 FEE. TOTAL PA1"ACHE! -Country kit· chen, oak cabineta, skylights. brick -fireplaces, popl, view, 4 Br. Senaa· ~ tional. 1559,000. ••ttUNIQUE ON THE WATER C OMFORTABLE & WARM THROUGHOUT -3 Br & den on Balboa bland. Right on the Grand Canal. Thu home even bu u iaeome unit. Owner will help with the fioan· cing. 1650.000. Open Sunday l ·5. 123 Grand Canal • NEVER A DULL MOMENT FROM ANY WINDOW -Bayfroot daplex overlookin1 the Pavl .... ,lO yeau new . •t,095,000. Open Sat./Sun. 1. 510 ~.Bay Front • •• l ._,:_,,;_I a 4 ,.._ 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 198~ :..'""... .. •• " • '• rt:;. l.. ' ' r) THE SOLUTION Coldwen Banker-Forest E. Olson has de- veloped a method of financing a home that we believe will be very attractive to the homebuyer. We call It the 5% Solution. You'll call It sensational. This Innovative 5°/o Interest Financing Program Is another rea- son why Coldwell Banker has been an In- dustry leader for over 75 years and Is the nation's largest full service real estate company. ) YOUR DREAM OF. HOME OWNERSHIP CAN COME TRUE ••• with Coldwell Banker'• 5% FINANCING SOLUTION. a HOW THE SOLUTION 1:11 WORKS -· • You pay 5% Annual Percentage Rate In- terest • Your down payment .can vary (depending on current loan balance) • The Seller Is paid off In equal monthly Installments over 96 months • There are no balloon payments • There are no hidden costs / : ' r • There are no loan origination fees . I l YOU OWN YOUR HOME F,REE AND CLEAR IN JUST 8 YEARSI ! • r• "I\ • J AN ADDED PLUSI Ttie C:Hfference between -- / . THESE PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE AT 5% FINANCING: Senutlonjll Showpl.celn $217,000 Yours in 8 years ... 4 bedroom, 3.5 Bath, Famlly Room, Pool, Spa plus much much morel Seller will finance. 5% Annual per- centage rate. $60,000 down, 96 mo. pay- ments of $1988, Includes principal and In- terest. (714) 894-7521 & 962-5585 Unbellev•ble Y•luelll $98,789 This 3 bedroom, 11h Bath Condominium is an absolute SUPER BUY ... great location, close to schools and a variety of recrea- tional facilities. Includes attached double garage and private patio. Can easily be yours. Seller will finance. 5% Annual per- centage rate. $44,400 down, 96 mo. pay- ments of $689, Includes principal and in- terest. (714) 837-9550 & 645-0303 High Socletylll $585,000 • A magnificent property, 1 acre pit.is with every amen tty. This exquisite home fea- tures 4 bedrooms, 31h Baths, indoor sauna, complete security system, Pool 'and spa, electric gates., Seller will finance, 5o/o An- nual percentage rate. $119,000 down, 96 mo. payments of $6026.12, Includes prin- cipal and lnte'r'eSt. (714) )32-0020 eight year• of lnt~r,~t ,.1~•1m•nt,a _-.n~ 30 . ~ for compl~te (f etails, call your year• of lntere1t'pa1~ment can.,_,,. yob ., ( 5I CJ i:Gldwell !Ulr1kBr-Rtlrest E. Olson office to- thouunda of dollars. day! · BUYERS SEMINARS ••• are scheduled to be held at all Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson offices. Call the office nearest you tor reservatlCJJ'• and "etdf 8.) " .................... ~r;;-:;,~~.V.9J it If you have been unsuccessful In selling your home, or If you are thinking about doing so, call the Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson "earest you to find out how the 5% INANCING SOLUTION can help ou sell your home (nt.i\iitay's market. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 1:30 A.M. TO 8 P.M. E: Huntincton Beach W. tu.tiiltorfl'iacli Costa Mesa (714) 962-5585 (213) 592-1525 (714) 894-7521 (213) 598-3328 (714) 645-0303 at Brooldust & Grield, H.B. at Edw•ds & Edill•, H.B. at Hirbor & Wlicifi. Costa Mesa . AMERICA'S LARGEST Fill SERVICE REAL ESTATE GO.MY I '• . . ' .. . . ; : . ~. . ' • Or,:ge Couf!!l._ R_eal Estate/ An Advertleing Supplement to the DAILY PILOJ' /Saturday, March 27, 1982 -13 "You 'II never gel a Leifer lownhome wilh Lefler lerm~ lhan now//" · * 30 year fixed rate loans * No Calls or short due dates * Fully assumable loans * Low, low interest rates * No prepayment fees on loans * You owrt the land TWO & THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOMES BROKERS WELCOME -from ....... MODELS OPEN DAILY 10:30 to 5:30 AVOCADO and FAIRVIEW ROAD, COSTA MES.A 714-548-2239 l I I . , 14 -Orange County Real EstatefAn Advertising SuP'P19ment to the DAILY Ptl.OTISaturday, March 27.~ This Weekend ! / Keep this handy directory with you this wHkend as Y-<OU go house-hunting. All the loca.tlons listed below art described In greater detail elsewhere in today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons advertising open houses for sale or rent In The Dally Piiot may list such Information in these columns NCh Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE , 2NDROOM 1214 RU11and Rd, Westclln. NB 640-5777 $123,900 Sunday 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa Island, NB 673--6900 $450,000 • Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave, e.lboa Island, NB 613--6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2137 E. ~ Bl., Bel Penln, NB 631-1400 $323,ooo Saturday 1·5 4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irv 875-5511 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2512 Santa Ana #E, eo.ta Meaa 759-1501 $137,500 Sat 12:30-<t:30 307 Poppy Ave, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $399,000 Sun 1-5 2308 Cliff Or, Newport Beach .546-2313 $429,000 Sat 1·5 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN *8 Sandbar. CdM 759-1206 Sat/Sun 12-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 8 Whhewater, Jasmine Creek, ~M B-«-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5 1018 Bayside Coves E, Nwpt BeacH 842-8235 $4.48,000 Sun 2-5 **10 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 842-8235 $595,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1409 Dolphin Terrace, Irv Terr, CdM 644-8200 $950,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 S BEDROOM *228 Amherst Rd, Coeta Mesa 979-7295 $14~,ooo Sat/Sun 12-5 616 Marigold, CdM 84M521 $385,000 Open dally 1-6 I #7 Rue Chateeu Royal, Big Cenyon, NB 64C)..5777 $875,000 Sunday 1•5 602 "I" Street, Belboe Penln, NB 831-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1723 Ptaz.a del Sur, Penln Pt, NB 831 ... 1400 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2331 CM Or, Newport Helghta NB 831-1400 $796,000 ~ 1-5 3024 ~ &Mt, Corona del M9r 831-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2185 ~. Cotta Mela M2-e388 Sat 1-4 4832 AIV9f All9, Udo &Mde, NB 175-1777 $112,000 8at/80n 1-4 .· 1812 Dover Or, WestcUff, NB 673-7300 $185,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 715 Patollta, Irvine Terr, CdM 844-90e0 $360,000 Fee Sun 1-5 19<46 Port Loc:k9'elgh, Newport Beech 675-8870 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1311 Ba~ Or, Corona del Mar 644-90e0 $1,000,000 . Sun 1-5 , r -505 Irvine Ave, Newport Beach 842-8235 $190,000 Fee Sat 1-4 116 Via Quito (Udo I•> NB 846-7171 $319,500 Sun 1-5 409 Columbus Cr, Cofone del Mat 673-8550 $330,000 SatfSun 1-5 1911 Court Ave, Newport Penln, NB 675-4746 or 675-2291 $399,000 Sun 11-8 **1418 W. Bay, Penln Pt, NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 3 BR phis FAM RM or DEN 2627 Bunya, Newport Beach 752-0777 $232,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 1900 Commodore Rd, Baycrest, NB 631-1476 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Vienna, (Hrbr RdQ) Npt Bch 844-7020 $475,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 420 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $625,000 Sat 2-5. Sun 1-5 2298,.Redlands Or, (Back Bay) NB 63'1-1851 $255,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 631 Buena Vista, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sat/Sun 1-5 2149 Miramar Np( Bch 631-1266 SM5,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 542 Harbor Isl Or (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 SatlSJln 1·5 1824 Port Stlr11ng, Hrbr Vu, NB 844-4910 $225.000 Fee Sun 1-5 **3415 Ocean Bl, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $1,250,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1393 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $495,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-55 11 $349,500 Sat 1-5 211 Opal, Balboa Island, Newport Bch 645-4000 $647,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 2421 Bunya. Newport Beach 675-1771 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 62 Drakes Bay, Corona del Mar 640-9900 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 118 Via Quito. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-6 1842 Port Westbourne, HVH: NB 759-1501 $241 ,500 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 884 Presidio, Mesa del Mat, CM 759-1501 $124,900 Sat 1-5 1721 Kings Rd, Cllffhaven, NB 759-1501 $650,000 1318 Estelle Lane, Newport Beach Sat 1-5 844-9060 • $163,500 Sat 2-5 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk Vista, Irv 759-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll, Udo Isle, NB 644-9060 2611 Circle Dr, Bayihores, NB Sun 1-5 844-9060 $636,000 Fee Sun 1-5 958 Cheyenne, Cotta Mesa 546-~313 $134,900 Sat 12-4 3 Kensington Court, Hrbr Rdg, NB 84~200 $555,000 Sat 1-5 3600 Blue Key, Harbor View Hiiis, CdM 844-6200 $350,000 LH Sat/Sun 1-5 317 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 844-6200 $495,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * '472 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510. $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 _2113 Miramar, Penln Pt, NB 675-6161 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 233 Poinsettia. CdM 673-4271 $695,000 222 Coral, Balboa l.sland Sun 1-5 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 Robon Court, Newport Crest, NB M0-5777 $225,000 Sat 1-5 424 Belwe Lane, Peninsula Pt, NB 631 -1400 $419,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1412 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 759-9100 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $705,000 Sun 1-5 Orange County Real Eatate/An Adverttslng SUpptement to the DAILY PtCOl/SatOmiy, MarCfl 27, 19~~-: 15 > **322 62nd St. Nwpt Shra, NB 759-1501 $249,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BR pin FAM RM or DEN 1533 Tahiti, Laguna Bch 497-5454 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2665 Temple Hills Dr, Lag Bch 497-5454 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3322 Nevada Ave, Costa Mesa 549-7279 $164,950 Sat/Sun 10AM-5PM 23 Half Moon Bay, CdM 760-0297 $650,000 *2708 Cliff Dr. Npt Bch 631-1266 $590,000 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 3 San Sebastian, Harbor R.fdge. NB 640-57n $2.3 Million Sat/Sun 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Rktge, NB 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ***25 Warmsprtngs, (Wdbrg) Irv 751-3191 $425,000 Sun 1-4 1511 Miramar, Penin Pt, NB 673-9060 $595,000 Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront, CdM 760-9333 $595,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1251 Surfline Way, Hrbr Vu Hiils, CdM 644-4910 $420,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Koron (Udo 191e~ NB 642-5200 Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $750,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1425 Watson, Costa Mesa 751-3191 $128,000 Sat 1-5 1807 Newport HHls Dr E, Hrbr Vu, NB 6«'"'4910 $345,000 Fee Sat 1-5 101 Via Qulto,.Udo Isle, NB 644-9060 $450,000 Sun 1-5 3801 Topside Ln, HVH, CdM 644-9060 $385,000 Sun 1-5 * 1805 Glenwood, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $395,000 Sat 1·5 ** 1617 Bayside Dr, Yachtamans Cove, CdM tJ4.4-9060 $1,795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19122 Biddle, Trtfrk, Irvine 759-1501 $213,500 1007 Tiiier Way, HVH, CdM 64 .... 9060 $369,000 Sat 1-5 Sun 1-5 •3801 Topside Ln, HVH, CdM 6«·9060 $385,000 Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beach Cir, SpyglUI, CdM &4<4-9080 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1600 E. Balboa Bl, Bal Penln, NB tJ4.4-W60 $725,000 Sun 1-5 / 2515 Windover. HVH, Nwpt Sch 644-6200 $498,500 Sat 1-5 1209 Santiago Dr, Dover Shores, NB 642-8235 $319,000 Sat 1-5 20142 Vintage, Huntington Bch · 963-6767 $154,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 **842 Harbor Island, Promontory Bay, NB 642-8235 $1 ,700,000 Sun 1-5 •1707 Bayadere Terrace, Irv Terr, CdM 644-6200 $975.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 17 Crosscreek. Irvine 752-1414 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 20541 Tobermory Cr, Huntington Beach 968-7632 $179,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1749 Prt Henley Cir. NB tJ4.4-7020 $428,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, NB 673-2556 or 675-3048 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM *1700 Highland Dr, Nwpt Sch To be auctloned 3-28 3:00PM **708 Via Udo Nord, Lido Ille, NB ~75-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 5 BR plue F~~. or DEN 3058 Johnson Ave, Costa Mesa 642-0461 . $146,500 Open Sun 1-5 1806 Port Barmouth, HVH, NB 644-1284 $298,750 Sat/Sun 1-5 219 Via Lido Soud, Lido llM, NB 640-5777 $2,250,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **824 w. Bay, Balboa Island, NB 631-1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2752 Bayshore Dr (Byshrs) NB 759-9100 $975,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I *10 Hiiicrest, Big Canyon, NB 64().5777 $1 ,595,000 Sunday 1-5 1448 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 675-2373 $1,400,000 Fee Sun 1-'4 442 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-4200 $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-6 I HDROOM 1707 Eut Bay, Pentneula Point, NB 631-1400 $2,650,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 -With alt the interest In real tstlte n an Investment, don't forget that your home Is also where you'll be living. Sure, retlte v1lue Is Important, but IO .,.. yeur housing needs now. For a good balance, consult 1 member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSf). Eich one is required to be a relf ntlta profeuionll, actively en9191d in rul tstltt, and publldy comqJilfld 10 1 written-~· of Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienced · In hetping you find the ri.-,t home for todlV Md tomorrow. It could allO taM I hell) o' lookln'. Beforw m . ~ mn. •11 REAL TORe flnt. !:M· CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2.BEDROOM 411 'h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *25 Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-4:30 *21 K~a Loa, Nwpt Crst. NU 673-7300%$179,500 Sun 1-4:30 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-4 1202 Ascot. Huntington Beaoh 847-6100 $75,000 Sat/Sin 12-'4 % BR plu DEN 209/211 191h St, Bal Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 I *501 St. Andrews, Nwpt Hts, NB "' 673-7300 $162,500 Sun 10-1 * 240 Nice Ln #310, Villa Balboa, NB 67~7300 Sl.fn 1'"'4 * 300 Cagney Ln #101, Versailles, NB 673-73()9 $127.000 Sun 1'"'4 I 2701 Hlflllde Dr, Newport Beech 644-6200 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 S BEDROOM 411 o.b1ia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Suo 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE •• 1 BR plu9 FAM Ml or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy #113 NWpt Bch 675 5-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 d ~ 300 E. Coast Hwy #270 Nwpt Bch 87S-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 890 w. 15th St, Costa Meea 673-6900 $55,000 Saturday 1-5 ' 3 llEDROOll *157 YOfktown Ln, Costa Mesa 646-8396 $102.500-Set 1-5 .... 2001 Km. Hoed. Newport JW&b~NB . 831-1400 '41~000 ~ 1~5 , ...... , .. 1510 Abmone PlllCe. lelbCMl lilMd, NB 87MeOO '675,CfoO a.vs.-1-5 -* * 123 Gnlnd. c.Mll, a.lbOe .... ~ '850.000 Set/Sun 1-5 r.• f • --t • ' ! • .. •. 18 -Orange County Real Eatate~n Advertlslng SupPlement !o the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 ...... " I This ~ View Home In G•te Guuded Harbor Wdge That Will Be Under ec...n.:tioo Very Soon. Will Be One Of~ Finest In The Area. The Scyle ii F.nc1iah Tudor. All The Blue- prints Are In Our Office. Yoa Ate Welcome To (mpect Them At Any Time. $2,200,000. Suun Tffvilon'• Lilting. ..... Spectacular GoU Coune View. Thia Elegant Liating Offen Pri· VIII:'/. 3 Lqe Btdrooms, 3 Betha, f.mily Room. 3-CM Ganee & Lovely Gardena. Enjoy Entertaining In Thia Dra.rMtic Horne. Priced At $850,000. Trudy StuhbJefield'a Listing. . ... .. , Engll.lb Cutle In Laguna Beach, lligh On A Hill Above The Ocean. ~ Entry Door • Sunken Bar In Game Room • Marble Beth In Master Bedroom • Stained-& Leaded Glall • 2-Story Firepm & A Pool & Spe Complete the Picture. Appointment, Plea9e. $'795,000. Ann Bri7.otil' Ustinc-_. .. , _ Ocean View Home. Superb Modem Styling. Sharp, Clear, Clean Featuns. It Spark.Jes, lt'a So Clean. Excellent Financing. Un- doubtedly One Of The Beat Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. • $695,000. Joyce Dabolt's Listing. •&1•Kn-Promontol)' Bay. Formal D.R. Den/Library. Master BR O'Looks Bay, HM Fireplace. 3 Other BRs & Maid'a Rm & Ba. Piitt, Slip For Lr& Yacht Owner Will Amt W IFinancing. You Own The Land. $1,850,000. Cathryn Tennille's Lilting. -1152111 Dramatic Home -Approx. ~ Aas -4 BR -Pool -Spe • PU'k 8 Cars + R. V. ·Great I.cation -Keep 3 Hones, Maybe More, On YCAJr Own Property. $289,000. Dlbol~ u.tinc· ..... -·~ Owner flnuwi"I nmble ,..._, i.-. ....... ~Spa- cba r.oy Boom w~ rn. r...a ~Ana. 2 l"llc;hcw ~ • a..tul. ?1 ret6e! •-wn • Hlcht 'LiehCIVft.$229,000.WJ•'J' (11 ....... ---·-. Beoenc1J CJ0111141111•ill' MiteadlLI 0....-WIU.l aotm ......_Mex Na•V.ulled~ ...... llilllWOrt8*altflndOwa& Treetop Vim. em,. SedtlMd I• .... UllM Pa Pam. Gwst Qlmtellf arm,,,_,.. ...,. a...ao IAllillc. •••&. ---s,.ml s sa ea-~ Apprm. s Aaa. Sa11r BeMed Pool. s,.. Romn ... ,.... o..t. ....... Oulll lbm. M .. ftaint View Of Siar-•• v.ue, • Ad) To Mo. Of l.qumlriln Tralla. ··~ ..... lban .. u..m,. ----~Jewel . Delllw ....... -v..--..., l'or New Ow- nm -1'111w P8a, 2~ M-~••• 1 &a.a.s-. -...... ~t)wad lamwe -Ind Unit OD 8-diM Oft91belt -Prtaa. ...... A .. W, Of Nwwpwt" LWinc. -----l'w• '* M Owns,..,.... ott..I ~ c.D.M. ~Two ,... I I um. Locatld Oil A ~ s.. &.Tuunded By i..-I a a 5 I I 2-<'-a... Loci Of aw.. Offa9I At ~Am ......... Liltinc. ' ...... UWa&JK! I A&&ra11M a, .++ 2 • ,...,.._. 4-Pln No v .. ..w Good ~Uoa. South Of &lvenide. Zxeellent Tenna. Reduced To $12l.IOO. Wy Shipley'• u.unc. -.....•. ~.--~~e::~ .... , ... .!~~ ._'* 2 ...................... . ...... 1002 ~f 1\ '~{I,() I\ C~C) I ' -~ ·-·· ... Mtgnificent location o'Jookinc 8th 8feel' of golf coune. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrml, lge formal din rm. fam rm, billiard rm, refrigerated wine nn, & 6 ~ ba. Marble, finest wood panelina. air cand.. + IDIDY c:ulCUID r.turei. ft,150,000 includilli 1lnd. May sell fW'lliahed. ................. Beaut 4 bdrma. Fam rm w/fittplace, for- mal din nn, 2 ~ be. Newly dea:nt.ed in IOft plea1in& colors. &:autiful new cptng & dnpa New IDIU'ble entry .. Pool & apa. M-Tm-.. UT/_1_. -"mu •l51111 View of ocean, bey & Pavilion liahta. 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. tam nn. 2 fpb. $420,000 incl land or $330,000 lealehold. $665 per yr ground rent til 1991. Owner help finance. Submit 1H1 _...WAY UTI• \.I a1UL.m•mlllff1 Just list.ed. A fantastic 3 Br "Linda" model on widest greenbelt. Like new . Vacant. $270,000. New carpets & drapes. ........ 1221.111 Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model Formal din rm. Many extras. Security system. Large 8llUD'lable loan. Owner anxious. 11H NIT rram .. -1-:I ---~ Golf courae view! Beaut. landac•ped . Park-like ldtine· Lovely pool. ape & P · llbo. Gned courtyard with fountain. Mar- ble foyer w/glitterint chandelier. 4 bdrml, den, fonmJ din rm. 4~ ba. •• 000 indu· ding land. Laree comer lite. 418 1111 .......... FUlily home in Colleae Puk of Irvine. Nice yard. Air ancl Spa. Good -imarw finuldn&. See now. MMllO " ......... PUii Attndlw 2 bdrm condo. A pat IW1er home. Pool & apa. See now. 644-4910 lmt--·--3 bdrm, fMl nn. Pool. Security system. Vu of licbta by niebt md YU of ~ by ct.y. Lgc mum 1ow Int loen. No new bn feee. .-r1 H•l-- Ne.r WettcUff. Newport Be.ch. Lte 4 bdrm. DecionW'a opportunity. Mmt .ii. V.-it. Sec .nytime. Mf...4910 ---·-·--4 Bdrm family hamf. Formal din nn. S. dudld pool • = i. __.,. an. Lud ....... cul• 11e .. ____ .. Ouiet, park-like 1ettlftl. Rm for pMldle ..,.. -PoGL Greet '°' ardalrd. Cul de uc street. , bdnm, fam rm. fSTl,&00 ln-dudilll the 1lnd. QWct cu) de llC ... i... ................... . Mo~oldWont.1 LMM Ms beH re- .wed .. h ff1ecl for 25 Jn• T otolly r•· ••tihd lnlH T .,.. recell .. lla Ito.. wltll fa•ll' roo•. Sl4t,SOO. 1416 S..-aude y.,.. race COU OF NIWPORT MAL.TOM HHLC--.,. c:-..... t11·H1t ~~l'I ....... 2 lmlier Nlft, 2 Cit pr_. TOO good to miss! muoo '75-1771 1 2"ttr~~~'10 . UU,OH. Auume ~OllOk>an at ~­a.1Pro1..-.1s HJ,IJ77 SAVIMOMIY All.e!!'fure•l .... 6 .... )'CNnetf -!90M1 ......... . a.w l•tereat meua .. ,.,.. ... 'I .. Ill tllll cuatom I Bel fMIQy ...,.. .,~ ,.._•tied cou1tu ldldt., M micN. Ira Ill W/tl'ffl, IV Htell. ~=~ ..... ,. Dl.u ... Votpe -------Av~ .( bdnlll, f.m nn, ,~ ba. Teen ...... i pri-dl1tre11 11tualloa1 v.te ..... Comm. .... pool $345,000 Incl. llHID Ad Pete~ teU!lW presents ·······-·-In Dovw .... 8-difuD.y "*""th d, ,_., to move in, I 8dnlll. -6mlc room bome. Lar•,.,. yard wttla en- trance f« boat, IV « room for pool Reduced to $495,000. ••• , ..... .uw .... Ph.w pool Ind .., in Ciff Hawn. Spacku cuAam built 4 Bdrm home witb ~ IDlintemnce yard-truly one-of+ k!nd family hmne. $425.000. ....... , __ On Lido Ille. Souinc ceilin8I. .... room1 on spec;oa.. meet to street lot. No expeme ... ~ in h-rilctinc this gl.unorotll 4 Bdftl\ 4 fircpLlce home. ••111•• ,., ........ With your own pier Mid alip. The owners are arudoua to moft to Leilu.rc World and will conaider carrying financ:in~ qualified buY'f!I. Move in now to 2 home and rent out upstairs unit. °' remodel and enjoy new hmne. $'750,000 ...... _.._,.. ... On est.ate siJ.ed lot in Dover Shotts. Ideal home for entertaining and family en- joyment with 3 Bdnm, formal dinin& den and larp Jami with ape and firepit $399,000. Call far -wt to 1ee. ...... -. VElUlllll On &Jboa Peninaula Point. See thia unUIUal 2 unit home -can be Uled • income, or euil.mbine<Lto aln11e family dweWn&. ,000. Lind. $12.000 dn. Owmr fimncl. STl.l llNTINAl • .,..,...muaL ••••"' 1.1uma'ii4'1 •• ' ..... ;;:;.._~fl charnWal 3 Bdr llolM II ...... --...... --CO.. ••a•'TOIS yoin.NOquallfylD.tNo • ......, " ,,,.,_ -· l.ndlord! TotaJ _117. ................... ...... "'°*""pr ==....::== lllllllJ~~·11•1..,a1r11•1Jll;~!;~'~·~4-4~'~";,ijtn)i.n'OC'i'° yn . c.n Ron 7"'Blbl .~ Orange County Real Estate/An Advertl8'ng SUPP.lement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, M arch 27, 1982 -17 I .... ..;, --uK: ~ -i . ..:tc ?.I OJ fnsmt1lt:iOUG A:<. Jbt , "'"''. 1.Jr1uoU Truly the "Creme de la creme" of waterfront living. Over 8500 sq ft ol lhe finest quality construction available. Located on lhe main channel with it's own white sandy beach. amenities include a pool, spa, seven bedrooms and a view from all _rooa.. $6. 7S Million. 'I • .... 'II •• ..,... •• •11•11 The finest waterfront home with t.})e belt &ocatian in Newport Beech. Over 5,000 lqU8l'e feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacbl Unuaually W. bayfront lawn. The price is $5 million and the owner will finance a notable amount. " ._.. 111.1111M 1 1• ••ma Breathtaking views of the main channel from every important room ln the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 square feet of sheer ele- gance. The price is $3.6 million. ••••• -.,. ••••llllll ... This Countr)' French estate offers one of the fineat bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 square feet of the finest craftsmanship. The price is $2.3 million. 3 San Sebastian. Open Sat.-Sun. 1-5. • 111111 .... • Til llU 111111 U Country Enalilh and privacy are your choice, this 6,200 square feet estate with new pool and spa is the answer. Right on the 10th fairway. The price la $2.3 million with over $1 mllllon of aaumable financing. 191111.1 WITQfmf lllTIM Simply the (ihest waterfront on Udo 9n the market today. Pier and slip plus OYre.rsized lot and $1.4 mllli()n in assumable financing. The price is S2.2S' .milliop. 219 Via Lido Soud. ~n Sat.-Sun. 1-5. Lm& llLE--Ull ••mt Five bedrooms. all eNIU.ite, and right on the water with your own pier 1n11 111111 AIU 111'1'• nu 1.1 ma Out of the flight path, this cuatmn home offers magnificent opportu- nities. Separate guest home and private pool and spa. Owner will fi- nance entire l~ The price is $985,000. • un• nwm•• lllm ,., An "end unit" Deane townhome, this fine opportunity offers an ex- ceptional yard with custom pool. spa and sauna. Three bedrooms and over 3,400 square feet. The ·price ii $895,000. .. IAIY• n.11• llTIUU WIEW Exquisite in every detail, this 3 bedrocm, 3,000 square feet home offers multiple u.e of skylights and enonnow privacy. Highly upgraded. The price is $675,000 #7 Chat.eau Royal Open Sunday 1-5. I.Ill TIDll•wW/ll&T II.IP • TIE WITD ''Refined" is the de9criptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom plws den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square feet and a BOAT- SLIP! The price is $595,000. WDT ... 111 IWLll-WITllFlllT Specious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms oc 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent owner financing for qualified buyer, The price If $545,000. • UIY• TIWllM lllYll'I IDT Ill This ne'V to the market home offen 3 bedrooms . and 3 baths on lta own corner. Excellent assumable financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty. The price is $500,000. and slip for multiple boats. Owner will finance ov~ $1 million. Call for . YIW Ullll TIWllllE 11111.1 INUID appointmen&. WM price ls $1.85 ml.lfotV _. This lovely 2 bech:Pom, 2 bath home offenr the ultllnate in lllxucy with ; '-.:-.. Jii Ill.I .. IE ~• huge assumable financing ~ o~ Will carry. ~ prk:e is iZl9.000. Trulythebestfamilyho~l'!,~~udingaseJlllnl1el .... , .i.m Tlllil~ a•li'-... , .' 2 bednlclnl•te Mt.b l;~U~the 9Ch fairway with Offerhig 4 ~ J;d 21h baths, this home haa it all. c.ommuntty private ~ Tbe price ii $1.S mil.ion.. • pool and tenhis. Vliicant and ready to move tn. Uarae ~ ftailable. • J 1 ""-.rl ..... lllT•· • w.e l&F MIUE .. 1 .. The price is $225,000. f 3 Robon Court Open S-.•l-i 1 • 11 ~ -:-'' ~--1 1 • J , ~ ~ .,. , \ r. ) r... • • •I fhis awar~-wmmng home, on the '1th-fatrWay la country club living at 11 • • • '"raTDF Tl .. lll ~ 111-.-w. ·, . , i\a urn1~.eJ' f.()00 tq~e fqfl ':"i.dt tb;a~ttc arc~lt~ure and. ~ bedroQm. 2 bath.,...hou.e vritl\'pOOl .n:: h~ ~·'i ioa1t.1~11;.r ,, LAR ~ N>ODlS·,'Ple price is $1.7 ~~~er financing. will lease option with $5,000 down. The pJ: is $123,9oo: ()pen~. '· .: MllU IW -llim'...... .. ,~:,. . '. c.A...$. µ~· fil'Jland ~. t Elegant Country French estate with the finest amenities. Terrific 11110 views and over 5,000 square feet. VERY creative financing available. • Ullll "'-llU _...PB I SUP The price is f 1,595 million. , , ...... • rm ~ , , ~ Of ferlng • bedrooms a,.i 4 balha wilh pool ..U Jor ... ooo ,,... monlh. , -[l·• 1&1111 oaTF •am1111111EW .· ""' 3 .. Aau1ts«i1y4 ~ I f', 11 If 1, • I • I ,,t>.l I • " J .. ") AdJol,)\tn1~j"b o1wn private 2.25 re> parlc1 thl& 6 bedroom. pu~_QM_ is , , • llllf• 111 w • Ilia• . vacant" Ill\(( ntlidy to move in. 0ter ~.soo .q~ feet with a VEIJY , -•• ..., ··-- pnva'!iftfl1te<:f_•pa The price if fl.595 mlllioD. 70 Hillcrest Open Sun. !!ighl>: u~. this ba:lroorni •Z,&ao ~ feet home ~'ft allf 1-~ . Cl • 1 !t?I mqye ,an ~t now. $2, per month. ' r-'1Jl I 1. • " 1 • , r l ~ "- •111 -;: :-·-·~ I I • J .......... ---~ (Ill()• ) ..._ I I '---_i __ I ___ :: c:_!'J.--' Thia 3 bed'roOm nome la a once ln · • FEE SIMPld: ~ ~ ~ 2 bttha right on the water • hood. on Linda and the owner will finance. Excellent opportunity. The price Lea9e only foe $1,100 J>et' month. Or 4 with la $1.4 mlllion. spectacular channel view for $1,800 per month. 1. 18 -Orwige Cou_nty Rief Eatate/An ~ ~t to the DA~LY PllOT/8aturd9Y, a.wen 27, 1982 . .... •-mn1111• • 5 bdrm. 7 beth home with all the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with aUainc ai-roof. Sauna. lteem room. 3 jlcuzzia. Play & ~ room. Screenina room. Gourmet kitchen. 6500 IQ. ft. 8075,000. . --·-Fabuloul financinc on thia 3 bdnn CUl10m home which b lite, bright & very airy. Detailld craf1lmlNhl uled throughout. --roo m111y amenities to mention. ••• n nam Lido Ille beyfront Pitt and alip location. 4 bdrm, 3 beth. Owner will carry with sub- stantial dawn payment $1,500,000. ............ 40 foot lot. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Watch the IWlletl from )'OW' gigantic muter suite. 4 car pnae. $1,7~.ooo. N'MID1111Uf l bdrm totally fumiabed ll!CWity complex. Pool, gym, jacum, walk to beach. Alfor- dable financing. Owner will sacrifice at $116,000. . .... ,..., This beautiful oondO ii decorated in the fi. nest of tate. Fum.ishinp can be purehaled. 3 bdnn + retreat, 3 baths. Great ~ IUYll•&.m apacioualy remodeled 3 an extta wide lot Sunny patio & facuni!.!,Only lK down OWC!!, $50,000 unaer appraiaal. ....... The most beautiful view awaitl you in this 3 bdrm retreat decorated in the finest taste. Amumable loan at low interest. Priced at $270,000. IUITRUY IMllT_. 3 bdrm, 2 bath Westcliff home. Close to echoola, park and tennis. Room fOJ expan· lion. Good financing at $1M,500. ..... Charming 2 story, 5 bdrm apadous home on extra wide lot Large sunny & lush patio' for entertaining. A muat to aee. Call for appotntment WT .. 2 1o11 Jn Cannery vm.,e. Going busi.nea. Ownen retirina. Owner will carry 1st T .D. Can be purcbued with or without inven- tory. --llUll -Adult complex, 2 bdrm, 2~ bath, pool, clubhcue, double prase.. Walk to sbope & market. $149,500. um. Channing amall 3 bdrm family home or -rental investment. Beam ceilings, large UMd brick fireplace, huge yard w/alley acoell, quiet street. Owner VerJ motivated. $147,500. unmr .. we hlw IM!n1 fine beyfront homes with bolt docb. c.au I« information. . -,.wt ......... Wt ......... Wt ---· . -·········-·· .. •• ............ -...... -········ .. -······ ......... Wt ....... .., Wt ....... .., ,. ._.. ·-.. ,. ·-._.. .• . ............. , ............................................ -..... . ....................... ....................... ............. _.....~ .. :~!~.... tto2 .... ,.. ·-••z. S.. DWM IUYS ALOT FOi ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• •••••••• ....... ... .!!~l·~ . .Off~!e Tlala ~.rm amity llEED TO Sill BEST IN BLlfFS bamew/caner lot. Oaly .._._aJaMed wltll Del' b UT.Ht. Call P e1 a 411a MnD + family 1g tful new • Bdrm with We have a beautlfuJ ltlecdon of homes at -... . rm. Tatal livial apece tnditjmel design, library & den this time. All floar plaml. Good viewa, good ' .,... z.• ICl ft. Alot fCJrmal dining, bay view, cornea financing. good buys. Some Jew optionl. far aa:.=~~':i kJcltioa in Old Corona del Mar Some including land. Plew let our experts ftlfmo. Doa'l de· $!115,000. owe. Excellent terms 01 show them to you. eallDiMa ~pe trade. .. ... 121•""' ~.. ...,,. H A H.B<>RRE A LT\ . -· ........ Sharp Corona del Mar duplex conve- niently Joca~ and priced UJtell CUte 2 bdrm. houae plua a separate 1 bdrm apenment. An excellent money mak« --a Jll'Ol)lrt)' with terrific appndadoa potential. Priced now at juat $20,500 and only m down. Don't wait on thia -"" ... Here's your chance to live in The muffl with just $29,950 down to a 12~" 30 year fixed rate loan -no qualifying or long e9Cl'OW required! Almoet like ren- ting while building an equity. Popular "C" Plan witti 4 bd.nna. and 3 baths. Overlooks th.e pool you can enjoy th.ii summer'' Full price is $299,500 L.H. Wll..,..1 Yes, or an A.l.T .D. or any other reaso- nable creative financing pacbge will be OK when you buy this private 2 bdrm. ccndo in the Weltclif( ara only 1 block from Westcliff PW.a. Cleerful upgraded k.itcben overloou private patio. You won't beat the $129,500 price or the tennl, U..191.D Choice Corona del Mar location near shopping. 3 bdrml. and 2 betha in each unit plua fireplacel, beam ceilinp, sepa- rate praaea. all bit. ina, private porch or patio, <=*)>et and drapes. Juat 8 years old and in tip top shape. $319,000 owner will finance with juat 2K down at 12\.i41 m--. LAfl> 111111 E Ill Ocean and bay view lot1 -4 ln all - available starttnc at $595,000. R-1 zo- nina, terrific location, owner finandnC. ............ Owner will exdwlCe 5.5 view acres in an U"M of larse expenlive bomeL Hones ot. '885.000. .. .. , JP •• 7 .3 acrea approved for condot. Prime Hlchland Ave. JocaUon near~ fwy. $2,100,000. 714 / 760 -9333 REsa:NllAL ~E - SERVU NfOIDM.E flW!CING NOW! 12" 30 Yea T91m • No Col Dot9' NIJ# Soles. ReQe5 &. l?eflnaloe ~A'olQb)le (7t'> ....,.,,., LEASE OPTION-N.B. Beeutiful 3 8dnn view home in private community. Includes tennis court uct awimmia:ag pool. Owner will carry 2nd TD or 1eMe option. $399,000. BROADMOOR SEA VIEW-N.B. Port Royal 2 atory, 4 Bcinn, 3 bath plua formal dining and much, much more. $398,500. . IVR: TERRACE New Cape Cod 2 Bdrm In private com- munity with pool and jlNzll. Wdinl dlatance to everythlq. $137,950-lK down. ........ , .... ................ 1171,m 211lW......... .. .. HELEN B. DOWD IULTIU, K 9"-1114 IVN $77,500 Just right for tlW young executive getting •tarted. Moat ioexpenalve condo in Orangetree. Auume 10.641 loan w/low down. 631 -7370 SlllDTK Get ready for lt with thla affordable 4 Bdrm 2 Be .. C.M. borfte w/pool & ape. Also baa lrg add-on lami11 room. Aasume $98,500 Joan. Full price $155,000. 631-7300 .... _,.~~ .. weir iiil 1ntarnw:?i'mily home i n prr{e ___ o'r ownership are_a . .!"1IW!"" 2 Ba ramily room, ~ lot. Owner will be v hflolul with financin . Full price suo.oo . 1·3ltl • ,_,_. ___ Aplace for the executive w/a fAmily. Beauti- ful private pool side home on quiet street Thia 4 BR, 2 ~ BA hqne ahowa better than a model. Walk to your 3 private beaches. All at a price you can afford. Good f.inaDdnC too! '357,000 Pat Aden 855-t343. -... •• Over a year and a half baa paned aince a bome lib thla model Ml been offered °fOI' sale on the Woodbridge lake. Hiahly uptraded Woodlide in ~ pied Arbor Lake. This 3 BR + home eeta on the lake. Mlmnd dinbls • iMnC room walla, wet bar in den & wallpaper thruout Fantastic finandnc $349,900 Gilda Fisher M~-4343. tataa.---.u.w MW . LMVll& Jlll.u Alicia oma. fVk ... ,__, 10B Orange County Ae&\l EaJate/An Advyt181ng SuppleroeqJ ~o ttw. pt,\U,'( PIL.OT/Satur~ay. March 27r-19~2 -,19 _ ~.~~•••ey~ ~~::::=~ ....... ~~~ ........ ~~~.: ....... ~.~~ ........ ~.~!-!! ....... ~.~~ ....... ~.~.~ ...... . ~ ... ~ ...... !~,~.::!~ .... ~ .. !!!! ·!~!~ .......... ! .. -! ~ .......... ~~~~ ~~~~ .. ~!.~~ ~!~ .. ~!.~~ ~.~.~~ ... !!!.~ ..... ~ ....... !!.~~. a•..-m-Wlll Exceptional -l!Nble tinw:ing at 12" ~­ ..... ..., ...... The potential ol this pcoperty mual be .een. See Denru. Scholtz.. .. ___ ....... ........................ --........... 111•1•1uu- 1111 msms ... ,,. 1-1 RemodeJed, 3 bdrm, 3 bath. mltr bdrm. ocwa *-· $425,000. C..+cler trade. ........ .. .... West Bay bayfront. Sii .. for 2 boeta, re- • 1 ( d 3 bdrm. 3 batll 11.JOO.OOO. Oceulrool, = viewa. llariw rm, 4 bdrm. J...... ... fl ., ..... ---··--.... Prillt Udo NaN bajflcd. ..... 5 ... llfL.&.Zlllil& .... ft ..... . hl,stllm~..,.,. J '&~!O~ery IYOW-./AfH B~':j ~o_J5~~ sJian>. 111sooo Patrick UUTlll LNATm Lllltm IYi.•t..._ ble 11~. tst T.D. owe nu 1rm1a1 .s e or Fred Tenore. •ct TWt...., wt .... 11 .... ., a Lee airy 2·l>c1rm-w/2 w AAift&l12S,OOOwllh Costa lleaa 110111~ in-Gl·lB room rental on wide lot. S2S.OOO down. 20th It clllde1 ran1e. in aero, On the "Point": 2 yr old 4Br, 2 't\ba, 3 Asswn. loans + owner u MG-7464 wasbtt, ctrYer. Sellen beautiful frpla. Sunny corner -nnHo Bay finand n 11. 1341,000 . · · will a.eiP w/flo111cin1 w/small vu. $469,000 w/•reat auwnable 1-673-==:..-----wit.ll liUle down. can .,... Diana for details. financing. eo.t.Mtta I 024 Diana~ I-Volpe $115,000 custom homtl. "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• DA V!:SJN P.£ALTi . -,. kf',~,~~ acre, neipborin1 tennis dub. atnl finan. ownr 562-4133 RW ICUIFIMT • 120 L .. ,...,... Cu.tom built by owner. Beautiful Country ·French 3Br 3ba, dining rm, fam rm, dbl paneled windows thru-ool. W/W cpt'g. encl upper patio, 2 !rpb, lg 2 car w/atorage. See to appreciate $750,000. PRIMEl·2 lilTSIDE lkmodelfd borne oa lrg R-2 lot, room to bui Id. Ass\llQt loam. sw.ooo. ..._..1·2Let N~a~rin borne OD 60X125' lot. Room to build. Firsl TD 1102.000 a.ssuma ble at 14%. Askin( 1137 .500. For 111 appomtment to allM0-1151 ~. HERITAGE REALTORS -. - - . ----· ~ --. -- -Orange County &tate/An Adwrt'8ing Supplement to the DAILY PIL.OT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 ~- ·. . . .... ......... Wt j PETE ' BARRtl~ REALTY ' PETE BARRE!; REALTY ~-- ~l:!!.'~tJ. a..t.J•~ .. .... . , ............ .... ti •ltlle., Jeer pr. --call ....... *-1Wazl1•1.. u.ftwM1~ ...... U.fazl1W Uafw 10 • "-"Uefw ,,.,. Ucfa ,.,,. Cr •1•f ' 1 Ap lwchfww:i .. ,,. ................................... HJ ...... ~ _ ..... , ........................................................................ ,........... ..... h 0 14 3425 ...................... ~ C..MIM 3224 c...iMeM JU INdt J240,.., 3244 Me,.,. •• U6t ... .,.,..._. JJ6t ....................... .._.,..,..... 37" - ••••~··••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• ....... ~••••••••••••••• -•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~UFF .. ••••••••••••••!~··~·· F.a1t.slct. 2 Br. private Sbd!~,2ba,f1mllyrooma Br lYI .Ba condo, oo SUPERS BR •/lrplc, Welltclllfattacoodo,llte BeauUfuJJbr.J babome 3bdriii,l-Vaoa~frl>c.St75 yard. praae. commty •IPM tble and frpc SIOO peta. '900/mo. JUDdeclt. Nr pool, park. 2 br, den., Z ba, newlr. overlookln& ~e 1reen-mo . ..- . adults. no pets. mo + a«urity 11s.•1e. 213t•l-'1115 •tmo. 780-9307 eke .. Cn>lc, patio. poo · belt. $1000/mo. -=W:..:..1""~"'""'""rt"-6---S7-9-1t- /J110. Manaaer MSS se.fQ23 3Br Twnhae. 1 YI Ba, 1750.~ 644:Maft.4:30pm -~~I a ~ 8 eAve. 3Br2Blup~runit S.C. stove.~rUpatio.2 3br2ff"TALS '900 38r, 2Y.Ba Condo. huge Balboa Ba y Club 2 Bd, ~~!~ ~utathb rf1l 2 Br. tllclad carace. VilJaa, nr S.C. P)ua, mi to bch HOO mo. 3br.2ba SlSOOFum matr, view, end unit. bay vu. $1650/mo . microwave, F/P, form. private yard, ~wttolt cou· family section, MOO/mo. 873=5* 4br' 2ba S13SO 1750 mo. C213) 829-0446 Patrick, agt 631·12M din rm, fenced yard, 2 pie onlYS l ch Id ! no Jerry Jonea,11U31·1* 4tir:2~ba S12e0 dys , (213) 372·4755 81\.tf 3 8 0 n Patio car gar. Close to pool, f:_fml ZS. 548·1 SI. ... ,_ lJ4Z 4br 2ba S800HuntBch evestwknds. On sG rnblt N~ ·Pool. spa . ten n Is SPee•W•S ....................... Le Ral!or Rily 83.Heoc> 2 bdrm. den condo. Pvt S 1200 /Mo . Ace n t (213)137-8339. 4 =r~:,~~Jcect .. HOtoUU a.,e trt-lev~I waterfront &..gi.IHd 3241 ~at~~·1 g1•ra/;50~v.,:~1. 7~91~ 2 Br. 1 Ba. a/c, pool, rec yard • iarace Kids • •wtet YOU WSI candow/30 side tie, cat· ••••••• .. •••••o••••u• 5.13t Exceptionally nice lBr. full.. sec. aates.-no ptts wefcome. ·545-2000. THISCMAIMI... ed.. pool, te!UJis. Lo'\1 l..a!ltlbdrmdpl.x.ocun · 11 livin& rm, frplc •. d/w, pet.s.QJltP.P.968-3652 A&ent.nolee. ZBr l~Bi-home lease poutble. Pb view. frpc, utals incl. ILUffS 2 pauos, b und fac1I, ,k CosteW.so -------•IF i . W/W c t' le0-1207,...__. l?SO/mo.SS?·H88. 38drm,Z ba,newdecor. ba from beach, lennt$. 3 bcfr-m~ 2 ~ ba , e:tah:d:~il ceilin&a: lZ44 48r, 3Ba, 2 frplcs .• I& ~craded. 1 le~el. ~ ~~au'fS/liJ!Y&.:Vhro';. fireplace, 2 car car. •11t1AIST Crplc raoae-oven. ••••••••••••••••••••••• deck. oco·CYn view . mo k!ue. Avail approx. 911J.'5144P · Patio. pool, close to TOMOYllM! dsbwshr, patio, pool. .oew3br,3ba, $1000 mo . 497 -4288 4/1.544-4482 schools, and shopping. Abs olutely new co n· '60I> a». 1 yr lse. •14 r.:tio gar. Park. pool, evg/wknda. Bluffs new throughout In Yi.Vt Pool H11t. tfO). 1-821"570 or (213) ... miniums . 1 •. 2 ~ oo 111ace avall ln ~c.i75tmo.833-9057 2 BR 2 ba, gar. Walk to 3bdrm. l ~ba con· ~i3Br2ba +<fen.Spa . ..:i•=7233~:__ ____ _ bdrm/w wood burning , Wallti)I Condo from TUlnBOCI bch •town Great View do.Frpk. Incl paUo. elec Big enclosed yard ri&ht fwir/eaputlaoc. e\ drblo!!ur!rs'e. Af/Trf .• 1.:...1913foodto Oc•t.o~~r· ...... U\e.--atrliiiii .• --J -.c mo. ll!0.§4.Mz • ~--°!""rrom' com~m PoOIJhl. oo Back Bay. Cquntry :.a._.. ..... Ftt,.asMct aoo .. ~ "" Alri ,., ..... .._ .. ..,..., Acr._, Hill setting. $1050/.mo in· •• .. •••••••••• .. ••••••• skylights It 11 private COits reip of leaaee. 311 La 'Pt/Rltr731=4«$ &..gi.e...... 3251 School. m5tmo. II aft dudes gardenlna le pool ...... 3707 patiai. Hamilton. ORANGE TREE PATIO _ .. , ............ , .... p : ffYXDS. serv· 752-2197 ~! .............. . AMUSTSll! bome,3bdrm,2ba,A/C. PYt comm. Sea Terrace. ING CANYON Bachelor unit. Avail Im· Sharp l Br I Ba upper, from$56SJ::rmonth lBr.wlthstove,cover~ W/D,~. dr orir, no PlanJ.4BR,ZBa,_fam O.c;.HC..V med. with refrlg. In great locaUon $4506mo iif:~~ r>artlllL CblJd • small peta. with·111;;: 1si~1! :;.c.o:~ ~ \*c~ 3 eanm, 2\fl~a:-Pool. Versailles. Penthouse. yr 1 1y dlnc,1. utbll. Rlatlyl C.O.taMeaa pet OK . $450/mo . lilt., -41'6 ' No p'ets . I.. yr lae. Jacuui&Teonis.Newly p!/mo.Aet.5411·1168 L~ aco I ~~~~~~~~1 ~~===------:i::·s,52 Lo I 2 B 7H·IS7·1200: 675·6892; eke. VacantSUOO/Mo. Bluffs 3 Br. 211 Ba . 1-fi1=='------ ·-.. 28r 2~81 Co do 2 IASTSIDI To~e =.~>' e!: S3Ml42 w.-M. T~Ca. Townhouse, 2 c~r gar. c.eaMHe 3724 Pi..... ' n ' Neat -i -bdrm, redec, tru incld. pOot. spa, ten· 3 Bdrm, 2 ba spacious ReatiOi\ !tt·CflO w/opener. Avail. 4·1. -................... . car ,car, 'sr~51J loc. refria. gar patio. No nil. No pet&. $625/mo. home. SISO/mo. Avail do..-3Br home w/()(ean @IOL!!_IJ. 675·ln51. Cil.A.. D II 010 ~~~i ~:es m 0 · pets or children. $495 in· 714 491-40'12. 411. a3IO'l ~. Garase. l boule to Soac.. paooram1cv1ew 3 All 1JffUtlE5 P AJD F.utside bacb d frplc cl &ardener. Woodbrid1e Lake view. Coulline view Condo. dbl ~ $1000/mo. Yrly lse &r. 2 b•, deo, imrna c .. 2 stove, rt'fri&.paNo ts: &a-M20 3 Bt. 2~ Ba. Cam rm. prqe,3Br.2Ba.frp1c. avli). No pets. Wayne. lrplu '. elec, far. Compare bdore you 12115 $48-MIO pe MESA VERDE 4 Br. frpk wetbar6a/c,cov· No pets. $750 /mo . M .-.asfl. -.nw,21.J.938·1%7 dn rent. Custom detit; mo. ' rd 1ar1t family home. quiet end 'pitio fmich doors •2251. I.AST llUFFS Westdiff 2Br... . ... $650 featurdes : Pool. BB · NO LEASE REQUIRED a.-..11ud101,one and two btdfoom--" 111ents. FURNISHED and UNFURNtl HED. Oakwood llso otftfl I All Utlltllt rlld I'""'''''' Oool Jll ICf I 11 llmlon In ,._.-on o.kwood Glt'dln Ap9rtmenb Newport Beech/No. 880 !Nini {II l&ltl) • (714) M5-t1CM ~BMctf/So. 1700 16th St (Oov9r II 16111) (114) 14Mtt3 E/Side,redec.2b1r.yaN , area, many amenities. tolaraesuodeck.$1060. ,...a....~ •• 55 NOitll8.lills1'wnhse F.utbluff3Br ...... $1SOO cov'r 1 garage, sur-Dlt gar. Good oc. o 61H912 Bkr. No 752-2550 _,__., ~.. Zbr .,_ 2y. b ' a BarlmtSBrdock .$3250 rounded witb plus h pets. fH6.10'78 · ........... •••••••••••• + _....:..... 16 •P · Waterfront Homes lnc. landtcapina. No pets. I!!!===~~~~ . WOW! loot at t.bit 2 P'or lu.ae 4/1, Z.sly 4 $ er 3 Ba Ulle new Newl7 r ..... ooe up· 631 1400 l Br. furn from $490 1--------Jhobdnn._J; ts'· "'ua~ br~aw!..eaatsLS ideSZf03314 Bdrm.campus vu home Ga rdeoe·r . Lease grwded. ,~nv. to e1ver-• 2Br.fum. fromSSIO IA.YY~w me . ...,, re w · ~riENTA 750-w/vu, 2.P,IJ ea. dining rm. l!l50!mo. 714n S2-5159. ~ i..cue OI' ease PIJV~ PAalC l§W. Wilsoo, 642-1971 1111:: llOO. Will sell no money ,,•rdtner newlY paint· oPtiOft. $1500/mo. Apr. 1. 2 st 21, ba Deluxe 1 bdrm apart. clowo trade }or TDs. ,_..,._, JJJ4 :d, nu'r UCI. high ...._Ylefo 3267 833-1812.64f63S& ma " ma. ' Nice I Br. dplx. Quiet. ll'Bnt just a few reel ~me or: ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• school shop center. "••••••••••••••••"•" '675. wtd, ref rig. Sell. by gar. 1 emplyd Croro tha beach. Pool f46=8788 HOMEFOR RENT g.1354 HONE FOR RENT ...._V.Hw1 3 Br 2•.;ba $700. kids o~. aifuJt over 3S. No peta. full le(Urity, enclosed 4 Br 2 ea. 00 bus route. 3 Bdrm, $72$. F~nced L ~ 3 Bdrm. 1675. Fenced 3 bdrm. 2 ba, Avalleble ~J:~':~all; Agt. .541-1021 par~in~ .00 per mo ...;.Irr» yard• garage. KJds • • Br1111Htllh2 Ip rpilc yard' iarage. Kids & Nay 1st. S.0·8755 or Call631-?ZC2 $3SO/mo. 1, br. except. Hartlorllealty. -• peea wercome $4$-2000 ~ i.2Ba.-2-s'l0ry. · ...... Jc 545-2000 644-7220 - -I 4 BR n!::!i~den. No. A.ce!!t.noftt.. . ~ ~1:1~·~.:.p~o r;;w.7:.ocr:.· . LARGE DUPLEX ,2br CO& BAY~ORFfBd i3~~-.q~:fls~ctUi1--.:•*111ZwH ... 4.•.·--· eo.ia.Mesabome,tulde 10wll-•ltecll l24,_ clocs.1!2$/mo.M4·S927 Ml1"90rtltecl 3Ht =·£yri':'*·..:4 lo in ~Jv!te enbe~h to': NewllortBI. 8373 ----=::------- sac street. oo pet.a. SIOO ...... ! ............... So. Irvine new 2 Br. 2 Ba. ....................... ' munity, double garege, 1370. Larp fun. l br up· 'cf*"? mo.5*750l!Buu Cl11'Elbrcottafeon back.yard, pool, spa Y.A.YllWLli§I 't:etluxury2·s~2 8r,2 f1~1111>l'.l'ly. perapt,q~~·•o W:lllml .-MMAllOIHl&H beeda.fncd ,appl.$300 M?S.M0-7131,760-1916 41Jirnn i'!a, f:'lf.':1). . at~ ... +~in+~ aarnttlUtrMa.1300 , fM·4$4.$UM utgers ,._ ................ . -38f: -n~a~ <1arck!ner, OC-REN'l'ALS 750-3314 Walnut Square, 2 br. 2 ba. city +ocean vu. Guard mo.!Mf.T53$ · 4-5 Bedrooall,i Ba*" U · ..... ,..... • 310.f wate.r paid. $71$/mo. 581Utooeean. Ele11ot2 dill. rm, I~ rm . a/c, at.e. Pool + tennis. SPYG' .,..., RIDCE •B furniahecl Home 1Wli1'••• 3740 _ .................. .. 1-•m1,1.m.!!Cl!!A. Br. FemilY Rm l Den. Jar., patio, pool 7<»/rm. Bob or Dovie 1 ~ S 7001 r. S12001Montb. Agent. ....................... IJTrLE ISLAND. Extra ~--IWf COlldo IL'iOMo. Plusb crpts, !"' ~/rm.117$-7171 a 7SIM221 lnc J;~· &J0776mo . 759--9100 H.l,'s FINl§T olcel bdrmS67S yrly. No .,...,.. 1.-ml, Bl. Cedar• glass, sun-The Wiilows-newiy de· OC-RENTALS All ' . S..AM UI span&h EstateUving ! pets . 2~ Ba. m cro, spa. deck, dbl c ar \)rY corated 4 Br 2 Ba . Liv 1·5br's S200toS2000 Coat.a Mesa Helthts 2 br. •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful park·lite sur· 67J.9473 p?.S. ~. 117 H 711 aaraae. fully m~ ant. rm wtfrplc. fully A/C. 759=3314 7-days 2 ba. detached duplex. Beautllul -Im ma cu.late roundings. Terraced ISLAl'ID CHARM ER lAStSIDI-yard.Nopet&.lnqwreat lmmed.oceupancy.$700 very clean, bit-Ins. 3 br 2 ba home w. pool Suriten gas bbq, 51¥1ctBR.fplc,beamed 2 Br~1 crulcCno dots. S271Bth.~9e0-633l. 1144-6534 across from p ark. !irziace & swi mmin1 sparkling fountains. clp, lftdry facil. view new decorator cri>ts. OC·RENTALS DGENEW IAYFIOMT $625/mo. Call eves forleue $695/mo. Spacious rooms . frol'l)SW1deck.1,<,blllfr drpa. laundry hit-up , 1..sbr's$200to$2000 2W:i:~ den hi bl)' 2 story, ' + 6drms. Z Tlf/536-2213 W. CatltOn. f ·Spm, Sfparate dining area. So. Bay. $700 yrly. Avl yard. pr. 966-3989. $515. '150:33l4 7-days upfraded price st::looo baths. I i re p_I H ed Harbor View Home 3 Br 8 46 . S !l'1 21 ; $ . f, W a I II · In c Io se t s . 411/82. E \Is / wknds Wattrpd. 1 ,2 Brcoodol $39$6 l7~dn.Siii&lesty(i.Uy &Of'ttOUSview.Pler an 28a,famrm.newlyde· zu.•3855 homelike kitchen & &W@M;~dx1,832·S.OO lAltSa.nta Isabel S47S + de siL Pool, shuttered, frpJc. atrium. sllet '3000per mo. ~vall ~~· Le~e S.1300. S........ JJH f:~n~e~lk to Hunt· ,....... 3107 Nice z Br. New Cond. dbhle. 788-~ n r . po o I. t e o o ls· F · 1• · .. _................... ~m·fUm ~ .... _ ............. .. tbru-ou t. Lots of Owner/brkr~--0860 RVH Monaco 2 bdrm . 2 Older, br. 1 ba. Ocean 2Bdrm·unfum from 1$6$ u Ur 3BR. 2BA. ye11rlY. amenit~s i privacy. 2 br. l~ ~ condo. pool. *5/mo. Spacious Wood· ba. deni garde~er lo\lely vu. $8$0 / mo. 30131' l'rl>Tc, blt·ins. gar. parlt-•tmo. Days Ii Wllnds. ~ lenn!:: frplc, patio. br1<1Jte Townhouse. 2 Br home n choice area. Maril Dr. M0-1 l . No Pets 111 Close to bay i 631'-<1117, Eves fl Wkads S·638~1. . 1\la Ila. CIOle to pa~k. &15-824 M • 7. Utilities Free! !V¥)!t~rf75--4912 ~9151. ·HOMES FOR RENT pool. Jacl!nl, tenn11. E1e1antleasthomu3'4 s..t•tdt 32.1 Or4iallfront; prilnl! area. El~4Br.customho~. :t•4Bdrms.187S·S750. Lease. Pnva te Party. C 1 Fr t Newport bdr.m . lrviot to ...... ••••••••··~·· .. •• LAQUINTAHERMObSl~ 38r12Ba.trplc.Nopets. 3 rrplc. wet bar. Must re n c e d 'Y a rd. ~ 551·3'11.2. ~ .. ~Q l. Lease or Soyglau. \'Uw='· , .... PartlY rum. 1 Br. (rple . 16211 Parkside Ln, 's. :. L -~-~a rs lea se a t rent-JK)O. (IOS)~-0322. car acts. Kldt Ii pets N olf e It pool , · r , · from s1200-. Af refrl e. 1550 yearly. W. ,cl Beach. 3 blks "' J,lJ:IO/rbo. 675-8904 aft s (714 )'97-1600 asl for welcome . 545·2000. r{Jcho ~rsJoaquln. 2 =tobuyj ''5°T'lnf0 BarbaraRtilY642·••. Edinger 337-3'14d!Ys. -~t. . noree. Br. den, 2. ba condo. ii::h.•A= ~~or *2Br.1.t.ea coodo. In ~he Weit ' ••r UH ~ ~ Pt: quiet, cheerful l ZBr, 18-. cpt. newly de· Uft.POUOOMO. 1175/mo.~7107. 114!?.p. Versailldl eomnn11\KY ....................... ltecll J7• bf'.' •uncteck, lndry, no corneatedoti'aobol .. Pfl. t,•.:.n\e:: tk+t f•,,~· fremndupl!"4', II. reclec.3R8rr.s2 Exec. 4 Br. 3 &a. fpl . pool, ada t11 110 f.wi 3bdrm.2ba,dbleJ(4T,J'I'· ....................... -~··' ~ $4'5 mo & "' "' ..... rpe ... ced, , n. bouse $850 e dsh b d'"cor .M...mo. t 11tr,91 celltnt area $630 m9 LuxurY studio. •pa, TY. ~-!Jl:1911 citliee pr•L 541·s&a7. l'fitt 'ea Next to park -· · · · wa er, It• ... • ' inalcf ., hO 641-3812 fl«.C:..5M-w . ~=.·Br + F•mi· l{.:1ns~mo~~~i~1~~~~ g, IAI Cl! . =-k,m~mz P n .. , ~IAJ4tfr>mMTdpl1 M•~'J' * b~t ~R~s 211r.·1 Ba. Lake fi•rk 11 Rm .'u100111e. •••.. . · ~10001n,:~~:~~:r · J'.4i•-aaut fJl"I. 2 Br 1pt. s . blfsa.MU da. :~.--u Ope~nt'atisu. ~area, ~e1VU "'no ~· Includes Gardener .. -. lbl, DOOt. dflrrtnlfm lease 6*Ml3 pri'vate -.. • .. •••••••••••••• ocean \'.lft, spa, saun1 • wu ICZ-SWO.Hf••vs . va · · · • 7511·1100 r111• uOO Cl•(.· NB. • • Satellite TV . ma l1.1 DtU (I masters) 2 ba · · 11fEWILLOWS •/!J!Q,.Acl.$4_.ma Waleffroot s Br 2~ m serv\ce. s 10001mo . •lffPk '-' blk to bcb Ni~ I /Sidi ~ br. &ar .. J Br c191a.. 2 81 neat 4 8R z e. liv rm dtnc BAqc.},.1!~~2bJtb tle&••t condoml1lum, willers&leclaJ. •JOIS. "ft1Y iiJt, tfum '900l Dv:.tfntdu,r. 11ow Bea~ma. s7oo + '111. ram rm dbl' gar. WISTCI... W/dlk.tt.r -Hunt. Harbour it .... lHt ....-oc6U·91 ~_.'J9:lt1' •·~' · · IMOL OC·{t ___ J.4 ~~J: :J~~0'au t/. •••• ................ fif9w.YflY rental.•t.111 to E. SID& COITA l&JM .... privet. house S500 ELEGANT LAK £9 II&~-· family Exchalvt Mobile~~· Want aometh1n& 1tra btadt.-Best lotaUon. 2 3~12Ba, 2 ear rar. ~011~ kilk/peU. tplc (840:JP> TWMISE 2er HUa tM Mt too larce ror one. N~.~t'uouple °! .. 11n1i... ,.. __ ......... Su :. 0 oeclal In 1 z Br. aw paUo. DO pd.I, .. ... ACH1'1>k. rec ra'cll avail Eltlat detoi euc. • .,VIJ\ll to mon ... only. _..an:n mm .. , otea 1'>nboust tomplettly OK. 7$2-0911, 145-9181 con••t 13001 noW. -mo. 558-aeee Bel. 1&rdeDtt. oool •~r ! Sl!OiP· M:J745 lvn. view. Ll\un:. Niauecli..~ J!nt • Mo _,.,_,uz_1..1..1U2:!~Lx..:.;~~- •torM.J. Nr the beech. lOw ifep. drtrM1=1@4tYH. ild. Avall wuhldrytr/, Newport Crett ~ 4 •.I Ba. ' I rm{ le.,._ Badleiar ....... 1285/mo "'*l,.U.Uy !MW>) Ullv ft IBr aa. COQ. ~ •• Imo. Al\. Br. ram, "'2· dblinl rm, ild9llnf .!'ll· O!cnP'R"'1 Mfl71 frpk itm M ayapplt . ~--pool, f.tUll, tt2Gll/mo July l. $lfa 4. cu&e l 8r tp ~t ____.Jtt;2ll2. I .. bdl t9U.a•e. quiet iT1S/mO. U4·U'7, BLUFP'S S 8R IV. 1!9. nlf.MW dlll cw• ranee~ no peta. eleU. .lo,rt Walttt, qt tw.11 ........ , .... :111 tftlune 2\; ba 2 P't, cleu. Ref It sfove. fpk, QPV•dt4, .,.iao, awm~lr l\\h on =•·· lft • lllt + ~ ',.. • ., ~ roraal dhl fr1 1. uUl pd. suo. THILUIS • •· or lH opl. Gr.. it"." La r .. ctd clNAJaa :f~il Es,._ &M Id f I e; 2 la. ":· ,,.., ---jd.Ma.1Til5 . Diil mk 1..,. over ... me ~· ..... ,,,. ~~-~~ftc: .. ·,~ ¥•IHI to~c:.' •• •• Ut' • M 2 br co111to ar llr, ... frplc, ll'l,.11!..1. ... .,... Qtitt, n · '!."'!!''"·I.."?.?:· :r,;~ .... ~; mJ~ tppt. Avail ll•f tat I ••_St .. ar.• ~Oller'll. "" ..-~. .iitii •· 1"0 ...... · · .,.... mr ..... HlllltWt. Orange County RMI Eatat4!/An Advert~ng Supplement t~ tM DAILY PILOT/Satu!'ctay, ~h 27, 1982 -23 -. 2<4 -Orange County Ref! Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturd•y. March 27, 1982 -~.~~ ..... ~~.~!!~.~~ ..... !~~~ ~~.~~ .. ~~!~ - I Mecktl s.ite N.B .. 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. MEWPOIT CMll fer It. or less. MIA ione. 50' bceletltOfflce I Westcliff hrs-646·8614 per sq. ft. Agent S..C S.4 Mon thru Thurs ~54~1~·5032--=·-------• 500 to 20CXf scfft. Avalla· Mesa Industrial Park. 711 bleforLease Offle_eSaece W. 11th. St./Paciflc Call Wm. F. Cote NEWP0.RT-.-lf£AC H I Bhlrs Industrial Park, formorelnformation 0 .C. Airport Area . 1835 Whittier Ave. 1500, t ~ . Otluxe office 1n custom 1900, 3'700 sq rt units. Of. Cote Realty desicned.Lawyers Su!te fice--wanhouse space & Jnvestr,ent now av111. ~ mo 10-w/carpeta, drapes, wet r eludes furnished bar.&42-14'3/642-7604 640-577 / sec:retarial station, con· , · -· · -ference room Library Fenced Ind us I lot. Sbere COil of recep: 87Xl23, Ideal for COD· IOI.LC-tionist , priv ate tractor or storage, ...,. • -leleohone system and .->Imo. 2057 Placentia ~IT c'Cllfee expenses Xero:i Av. (rear),C.lll.5Sl·ll4t ~ft"f1o::C1!~'ern~ avpil.eaum:W.itt0 .... W..W 46H secre aria!, recep· LIDO~ -•••••••••• ........ . tionist, telephone ans " F.conomf sl.Dllel, tas to mployed Gradu1w Stu· more. Ofu from 1436 mo. 2 rm ate. aoO. Sec'l dent aeeb g\lelt house, mo. On·call ores SI~ serv. avail. W5 Via lbldio, or Jaraae apt. in mo . THE HEAD . Udo.87MISI C.111. lrvlne, Newport QUARTERS COM . area. lloll-3176. PANIE.5· A prolessioaal hoomolfice, maq ft. Nr Retired lady writer · · } Newport/17th St, CM. . environment. (714 All utll l>d. snotmo. wuba to rent amall 151--0&ll 7l4/MMllM bolme or 2 bdrm apt 11 Newport Beacb near mi radius Laauna Hoa& Holp 1000 sq n Slll5 furn., low coal1,bave Beacla. Price ruae second floOt, orraees aai'. odier aizes, will 01vide. .. ... Wrlte ad no. pie parking, well main· C.11. ~2937. ... c/o Daily Pilot P.O. lainedbldL Vicky day1 .cdKdluulte A/C, am-IH UID, Cotta Mua mt~. t~5u~ 2155•-"""'-·'------• IUSIMHS ADDUSS x.11 Mame NSpQll.lible worlt-Ailiwerl n g i ma l l m -B Harbor Blvd. In lnafealidairealbdr. · f u • ......_ n-'-•r Ctr CM aot .• reuonable rent. room. . OC Airport. Acnlll from Feclco. 580 -_....... • serv1c~e con ereoce "'"'""' ..... a.. • · f\oel• bead! area CaU 1100/m>. Html .• µg 1q.ll .. vacant, offered at .. ...._...,--.ween I AM 6 ...a..:::=-=="-'~=.:.:....:c::..::L-1475. See today. Agt. 1--4 P'""M=clallx""""" . .__ __ _ Cwtom necwve otfi~e. S.1J81 NeecUoncwmCamr.r 400 sq. It. Pvt bath with w It D shoftr. Balboa Peoin. Near San Dle10 Frwy " apace. r e . . poo rm. 642·4623. Harbor 4 office suite 6 Cooper. -=.=..==--=-=='-----• front office 6 recepl. 151SS. Coufl>r. C.111 . 450 IQ. ft . furn. office 1rea, 2 bath• 6 lNBIGCANYO?:-NB space. $300/mo. ldlcbmette, air 6 furn. Neeclf~ MH.-,tlt __ _....64 __ 1-477~63---__ , avail. •tmo. 549-2t28 boa far Ja wl .,bi, ~TOH OMCIFUIHITUU ~~w= llACH FOi llNT top I for well located 650, 715 Or 2 .111 s/f suites Janpemiye ~i&a S5·$10. -... C.U Frank .JoUy for lmmed occ. Full 541-lDI KLReelty. W-1910 Service Jross leue from - I&. Main 6 P1orida nr HIWPOIT RACH W~ to leue ln Mil· Pacifica Hosp. Ownr/ Alrmrt~ lioa Vifuo or Laguna Bob.Jarrant 600 la"'lLt-II Hilla: s f1mily tloaie ' sq L .11ar 1 'I b' ma ure cple, "O ,71411a.11u funiillMJd. ~,er mo . -Newly redecotated. c lldre1, DO. pfts, 144 af prof. office + llullanR.eaktH0-2llO 22110-3'11D!!Jft.~ secretary •race. Avail . ..!!!!!!!!!!!..!!!!~_f.i_m:s_!!!!..._1-=:-==~==-='-'---11 ~lS. S3Z5 + 175. Orange Qiiast Flnancial Center H. Cll 11!5'7·1414. ~ to suite executive alficea with sec re ta ri a I service..1.. ~ible li•in& are.a. \JOOCI location in ~ Vllla1e. Broker , . . . If you're in tf'te market"for a home of your own, you're probabl y in th e market for a hom'e loan, too. A conventional mortgage is usuall y ~he first kind that comes to mind, but other alteroatives do exist. , f r. These include • privately insured lwns e GHnsured loans e fHA/HUD*· insured loans • Farmers Home Administration loans •urban 11homestead" loans •"house-to-house" loans • variable interest rate loans • graduated pay ment mortga~cs,and e HUD's subsidi zed homeownership pro~r~m. To learn about lhJse possibilities, talk to a member of the NA Tl9,NAL ASSOCIAT.ION Of REALTORS®before ~ou start looking. RE~~ TORS® are rea l estate profussionals, and forms of financing are part of thetr expertise. They can ~ell you what 's available fn your community, and howiyou can qu~lify. Creative financing could make the difference between a home that 's just right and one that's just affordable. For valuable advice and assistance~ call a REAL TOR® tdday .• •federal Housing Administration/U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Ren4>wal A public servioe of the 11111111 Classifieds 642-5678 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 -25 'Fa1nily-S1yled Condominium• on lhe Bluff INTEREST IS AVAILABLE '(13.50/o A.P.R.) Details at the Sales Center I • A vi11w ••• A practically maint11nance-fre1 lifestyle, •nd Huntington Bsacb, ta-a! Welcome to an uncommon residential opportu- nity, and a lu.xurtoua new, practically m•lntenance- free llfeatyle. It'• all available NOW, and In your choice of 8 architecturally designed 1 It 2 story Ooor plan arrangements ranging In alze from ap- proximately 1524 to 2142 square feet. Ou,.tandlng appolntmen,. /or vaur el~nt, new 11/atyle In- clude: Carpeting • Wood-burning fireplace• • Microwave, plus a contlnuou1-cleanlng oven • Cathedral ceilings • Ceramic tile counter tops • Distinctive hard·aurface entry foyers • Private patio, deck or vleW balcony • Double, attached 2· car garage • Red tile roofs • Pressed 1teel bath tubs • Onyx pullman top. with oval basins. Community amenftle• Include: A completely furnl1hed recreation bulldln~ with lounge auembly room and men's and women• shower, pool, hot water swirl· pool spa. Open Dair 10 to 5 except Friday By Sianal Landmal'tl Propertifl Inc 'j1 One or The S11nal Companies ~ mao not to acale (714) 963-0042 (714) HJ.7012 I l I I I I I I i -' ' • •r """'J', -:-I ' ' -' • ' ~: •. ~e ·,1 ,..,.' l.1\C.., '''"'!..•' ,,.,..,I ~ •~.• 1 ~ -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 For As Little As $68,900, you can get into a St. Albans condominium. And, with the excellent financing available, you can still go out for the -::::-;.~ ~z~ ~.~?, ,~~ ~~ .. ~-"~~,,. ~.'"9-4 Y/ /"//,;:# dining, dan~ing and shopping • that's in the South Coast Plaza area-practically right next door. But seeing is believing: Drive through the cob- blestone entry to European-de- signed --~ -· ... ,From $68,900** l37'si (1~4i APR) Full 30 year Fixed Rate .. Typical financing: Cpsh price Plan r $68,900. ) % down PcJyment of$ Lf oo. 3 60 cq11s~c.11tiue monthly installments of $9 7 8 includes 1 J ~s % ( 14 Y.i % APR) inter- est, pri11cip,d, tc1xes, insurance, land lease pcJyment, ~md H omeou •ners Associatio11 (c•e. H>4 1-l BcJr ~r. .intJ An.1, CJ. IJ l. 704 (1 q ) q9-14.!.1 ·s.11c., uff1'-"t" hours: 1 o:oo 3.m.- 11 :oo p.m. Pru:l''> t•ffc\'.ti\r as uf publu::i- tluh ..,u"IC\.'t tu prior \.lll· on ur Jher deadline of rh1s edition. , MAC ARTHUR BLVD • Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the D.\11-Y PILOT/Saturday, March 27, 1982 -27 Two Incomparable Locations in Laguna Niguel Imagine the feeling of owning an Island. ()( fmdlng an oasis. ()(discovering Shangri-La. If you can, you belong at Kite Hill. Here in a sening of incomparable beauty, with fresh ocean breezes, gently rolling hills, sunounded •by parks and the shimmering Laguna Niguel Lake, here S&S has a home for you. And what a home it ·is! Each is designed with the kind of exnaordfnary features others put an extra price tag on. But no< S&S. We build with one bottom line in mind: to give you the most home for your money. The quality you sec is the quality you get at Kite Hill, because seeing is bel1CV1ng. And the home you didn't believe existed -except in your dreams-is ready for you now. • lueh UR of ceramic tile or travertine marbk •Country kitchens with built-In G. E. Microwave Oven • Custom crafted stained hardwood cablneay • Custom wood-burning flreplaces in living room and family room •Bathrooms with cultured onyx marble or mosaic tile plus dccoracor fixtures • And that's just the beginning ... Laguna Niguel Kite Hill North Kite Hill South 1 & 2 Story =:-= 1 & 2 story 3 & 4 bedroom luxury homes 3 & 4 bedroom homes From $256,800 Froe $202,900 (714) 831-6911 ... .._ (714) 831-1835 Sal~ ~ehours lOatn to 7pm ~llUtdt sc.tks lt!~S(TtlLUltt' fl" m/urmc.otn 1tn {inuni..intc cnl HVl'M~ AsSllCit.&oon As.fwrnmu. • - > I I • I I I I 1 • - Fllll 111111111 -Most popular Buccola 5 Bdrm or 4 Bclrma . den, 3000 aq. ft. Formal living & dining room. Country size kitchen with breaklast nook overlooking huge family room. Truly a huge family home. Great financing, price only $279,950. W 141-1111 1111 m• 4 -.... -Thia excellent floor plan features formal living, stone fireplace. Se- cluded master suite, country kitchen overlooking pool and easy care grounds. Asking $144,500. Call for details, IN-lU1 1111 Tt 11111 -From this highly upgraded custom home. Large living room, country kit-· • chen. located on ovenized grounds . RV access. ' Only $118,000. Call now,IA-ltl1 4 ... . I 11111 . NIU -$93,950. Beautiful garden home, cozy fireplace. Impressive stairway to master suite! Sunsh.ipe pool! Assume low in- terest loan. Call MMlll tWMI W1Ll IHlllll TUii -, ~ewport Beach owners desire a smaller home. wovely 4 Wrm T formal dining in best area of Harbor View Homes. Covered patio. Beautiful yard. Only '259,900. Call now. lll-lllO IH,IOO, OMTI IOI -Fabulous 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo, with a master suite loft. Bright, sunny kitchen, double car garage. Patio. Great finan- cing. Call now for more details. 141-21 la 2 ITtlY llAIT -Assume $80,255 loan. l~.8% payments, $885 per mo. Tiled entry, formal li- ving & dining, crackling fireplace, gounnet kit- chen. Stairs leading to private master suite. Co- vered patio with spa townhome. Only $147,900. Call now for details, Hl-lU1 .. NIT 11111 -Spacious 2 level Burlingame in Harbor View Hills! Breathtaking pastoral view! Spectacular spiral staircase. Soaring open beam ceilings. 4 large B<inn.s plus bonus room. Offered at $550,000. Call today, lll-lllO WllUll Hiii 11111 -Only $118,000. "Turn-of-the-<:entury" charm. Immaculate doll house. Large rooms. Hardwood floors. Lots of extras. Won't last.Ml-H11 lllf..llllll 1122,IH -.25 acres country slyle living! Completely remodeled 3 Bdrm home! Brand new kitchen and bath! Huge enclosed patio! Several fruit trees and built-in barbeque! Hurry, call llMlll ..... Fii I.Ml-$11,000 down or less. $89,000 FHA loan 15~%. $1310 P ITI. Sharp 3 Bdrm, hardwood floors home in a super neighborhood. Price only $99,950. Call to aee, 141-2111 lllTllll lllTI IUI -Personality & beauty are found in this 3 Bdrm 2 bath home. Assume this great 12 ~ % loan & seller will carry a 2nd with a low down. $149,500. Call now. 141-1111 llPll ITllTEI, ·H4,IOI -Outstanding Costa Mesa garden horn.::. Owner must sell now. As- sumable first. Just 1tep1 to sparkling pool Hurry, call llMlll mJW, SIUU -Price reduced AGAIN! Now only $92,000 for sharp Huntington Beach condo ·with e)(cellent financing. Great starter or in- vestment. Quick escrow needed. Ul-1010 a ·-+ 2 ITHY + NIL -Priced like fixer; shows like model! Dramatic garden home ... impressive stairway to master suite ... decorated beautifully! Crack.l.ina fireplace! Assume low in- terest! Priced @ $115,0QO! Call IH-l l ll IPIOIMI TIWll .. -Enjoy the oomfort & open feeling of this large 3 Bdrm 3 bath home. Fea- tures include; wetbar, firepit, French doors & much more! Great tenns available! For complete details call Ml-7111 PIJOI ..-81..,.. 3 Bdrm home, abealutely immaculate. Custom master suite . . . crackling fireplace! Large yard with fruit trees! Q uiet tree-lined street! Thousands below neighborhood pri~! Hurry, call. Hl-llll UlllE YI LUI -What a buy! 3 Bdrm pool home priced at only $139,900. Take over large VA loan at 1979 in~t rate -no qualifying necessary. Owner will carry too! Call now, Ml-lt11 LIH llll -1111,111 -This charming home won't lut long. Located near clubhouse and tennis courta in the midst of a galaxy of brilliant homes. Excellent financing Call Mt-1111 lll,IOlll I IE•Nll -Needs paint, carpet and TLC! Just minutes to South Coast Plaza. Nice assumable first with low payments. A must see bargain! Call now, Ill ..... YIOllT 1·1 LIT -Eastside Costa Mesa. 60xl32, clear and ready to build. $79,950. Call 141-2111 i.... Tl• .... -Lovely tree-lined street, pride of ownership neighborhood and an assu- mable $7(,000 loan at 12 Yi%. Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 beth doll house is only $99,500!141-1111