HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-03 - Orange Coast PilotYIUR HlllTDll IAllY PAPll \ '\.... -.., . ., S ATURDAY. APRIL :l. 19U/ OR ANGE COUN T V . C ALIFO RNIA 25 CENTS ~rOpped big ~ocaine Char • Ill case By DAVID llUTZMANN or-. Deir,......., Two men whose arrests in Newport Beach last month led to aeizure of $1 million in cocaine have had felony drug charges ·against them dismissed because all of the evidence obtained by ,police was rul~ inadmissible. Tb dismissal resulted from Harbor Municipal Court Judge " Donald Dungan'• ruling Thurs- day that the two defendants were unlawfully detained prior to the discovery of evidence both in the van they were driving and at a house on Spyglau Hill rented by one of them. The Dilt.rtct A~y's 0J&e.. followina Dungan'• ruling, didn't make • motion to bind the two men over for trial ln Superior Court and didn't appeal or chal- lenge the ruling. "l don't fault the judge," P..ro- secutor Wally Wade said. 'He has to follow the law ... He stuck with what the law aays." Evidence that was ruled inad- miuible included 10 pound.a of nearly pure oocaine valued at $1 million, which was found in the Monter ey Circle home, small quantities of heroin and mari- juana, found in the van, and va. rious weapons, including a switchblade knife and a pistol also found in the van. Attempts to reach Newport -Beach police officials late Friday for comment were uneuocemful. The 10 pounds of cocaine con- ficated by authorities wW remain in official cust.odv. The inotion to suppreae the evidence was made by defenae lawyer Paul Meyer, who repre- sented defendant Denni8 Larry Aah, 3~. of Mammoth Lakes. Aah and co-defendant George Richard BW"rgio, 30, were ar- rested by Newport Beach police in mid-March. They were char- ged with possession of cocaine, poeaeeaion of cocaine for aale and poeeesalon of heroin. Burgio also was charged with being an ex-felon in poeaesaion of a firearm, which was found in the Spyglass Hill home that he rented. Both defendants were held on $500,000 bail each. Ash has been released but Burgio remains in (See CHARGES, Page A!) ~~1~ .. ~~~~~Tt~~p .. ~. NB may lose FUN IN THE SUN -Roberta Malcho of Laguna had her pet parrot Turk and dog Sierra keep her company while she sampled the surf Friday. Although the temperatures were a DelJl'lot ...... llfC._._8i.tf bit b,risk, Friday's weather was a clear improvement over Saturday's rain. Variable clouds and oool temperatures are forecast for the weekend. State off hook in crash damages Ruled not liable by court for Laguna Canyon Road accident An Orange County Superior Court jury Friday ruled that the state of California isn't liable for $1.l million in damages resulting from a hP.ad -on traffic collision three years ago~ong the "Big Bend" po.rtion of Laguna Canyon Road. Attorneys for plaintiffs Peter Anthony Moir of Laguna Beach and his fiancee, Diane Gonzales, ·}\ad contended-that the state al- 18Wed the road to deteriorate to such an extent that 24 people were killed over a five-year pe- riod in traffic accidents. $30,000, to be split three ways among Moir, Miss Gonzales and a passenger in Miss Ch.affin's car, Kimberly Cortez. The real target in the Orange County Superior Court trial was Caltrans, which was accused of ignoring the haurds which made the Big Bend area a "killer roadway." More than $1 million in damages was sought from the state. for Caltrans, lauded Friday's decision. "I think we proved that the highway is not dangerous to normal driver,>,'' he satd:----· -·· --· Danielson maintained that "there's nothing wrong with the road that contributed to this accident." The state's attorney said that improvements along the road were indeed necessary because of congestion problems and that transportation plans are being processed to provide for a wide- ning of the Laguna Canyon highway. But Danielson insisted that if drivers heeded the po!ited warn- ings along the road, there ··would be no serious accidents -there.- The city of Laguna Beach was originally named as a co - defendant with the state, but Superior Court Judge James Smith released the city last month from any liability. Judge Smith had ruled that the city was not reeponsible for maintai- ning a state highway and could not be held liable for any acci- dents occurring on it. oil bonanza By STEVE MARBLE Of'theO.-, .......... A 16-well oil operation that is netting the City of Newport Beach more than $1 million a year may be ordered shut by an Orange County Superior Court judge. Judge Harmon J. Scoville in- formed Newport city officials Friday that he intends to issue an order that will prohibit the city from maintaining control of the wells. City of!rcials said the pending decision has taken them by sur- prise and means a potentially large financial setback for the city. Scoville is expected to rule that the city acted improperly last year in taking possession of the wells, which are outside city li- mits. The lengthy battle over the oil rigs, which are rooted in city- controlled tidelands off the coast, pits the city against oilman Ro- bert-Armstrong. Armstrong, who operated the wells for 12 years, filed the suit last year after his lease expired He charged the city had no right to take control of the wells and the surface equipment. Armstrong has agreed from the start that the oU belongs to the city. But without the wells. the city has no way of ~xtracting the oil, and city law prohibits any wells from being drilled inside city limits. The city took over the disputed wells last year after signing a joint powers agreement with the state Land Commission and then condemning the land. Newport City Manager Robert Wynn said it is his understanding that Judge Scoville is prepared to rule that while the Lands Com- mission can condemn the land, the city has no right to condemn land outside its boundary. Wynn said the irony of the si- tuation is that Superior Court Judge Edward Wallin last year gave the city the right to take immediate possession of the wells and subsurface equipment. Acting on Wallin's ruling, the city wasted little time moving in. Wynn said if the judge rules as indicated, the city likely will ap- peal. He also pointed out that the city has spent more than $200,000 building a new tank farm near the wells. He said that expendi- ture indicates the "comfort" it felt in Judge Wallin's ear - lier ruling. "We're surprised and, in fact, a little perplexed," Wynn said. Robert Buchanan, the attorney representing Annstrong, said he expects Judge Scoville to tell Newport to stop operating the wells. <See DISPUTED. Paie A%) Woman held after CM chase What started as a possible case of petty theft in Huntington Beach Friday afternoon turned 'into a wild police chase, mostly in Costa Mesa, that left two cars damaged but no one injured, po- lice said. Patricia Smid, 29, apparently a new resident of Huntington Beach from the state of Washington, was arrested at the end of the chase and charged with evasion of pursuit, two counts of hit and run, and reck- less driving, Costa Mesa Sgt. Carl Jackson said. The chase began after Hunt- ington Beach police received a call of a customer allegedly lea- ving a gasoline station near the Costa Mesa line without paying for fuel. When the suspect's car crossed into Costa Mesa, police from that city began to trail it, but were called off a short time later because the pursuit was . leading through areas of heavy traffic. Jackson, who ~as flying in the Costa Mesa police helicopter at the time, said the helicopter continued to trail the car and that it inexplicably began driving faster even though cruisers were 'no longer on it:! trail. Alth.ough the state was absol- ved of all liability, the jury did award Moir and Miss Gonzales $97, 700 in damages against the . driver of the vehicle they colli- ded with, Lisa Chaffin, 21, of Moir's attorney, Gene Gold- man, said after the verdict was announced that he still believed the Big Bend portion of Laguna Canyon Road was dangerous be- cause the state had not made needed improvements. Moir and Miss Gonzales were injured in March 1979 when Miss Chaffin'• northbound car crOll&E!d into the southbound lane, hitting Moir'a car. It was alleged in the trial that Miss Chaffin, 19' at the time of the accident, was drunk. North state pounded by storm The car ran a red light at Harbor Boulevard and Wilson and struck a small pickup truck, then continued south to Victoria and struck another car, Jackson said. Several minutes later, with the helicopter still hovering above, the car pulled into an unoccupied garage on 16th Street and the driver closed the garage door behind it. Mission Vi!?Jo· . The jury awarded Moir $70,200 and Miss Gonzales $27. 500. That monetary victory was so- mew bat hollow, however, be- cause the two plaintiffs had 4Kreed before the trial two mon- tlia ago not to collect any da- mages other than what Miss Chaffin's insurance would pay. The limit of her coverage was WORLD Big Bend is the name of a tight-35-mile-per-hour curve along heavily-traveled Laguna Canyon Road about two miles northeast of Pacific Coast High- way. Goldman bad argued that the state should have constructed a steel barrier between the two opposing traffic lanes. Larry Danielson, an attorney Falkland withdrawal urged 1 .- ·WASHING TON (AP) -The United State& urged Argentina on Friday to 0 immediately oeue hOltilities" and withdraw ita military forces from the Falkland Islands. NATION Income surtax studied WASHINGroN (AP) -White Houae of flcial.a and a bipartisan group of leglalatora .eking an alter- native to President Reagan'• red-ink bud&et are 1tu-· dying a 4 percent 1ncome surtax CaK'iley baclc in flicks Hll lau.t roleswu a f.ar cry from the toufOl·l'JYI be portrayed in moviel put, but ~tever die pen, the aood newt ii that Jimmy <Agney ia bldt. Pqe BlO .. SAN JOSE (AP) -Surging creeks and shifting hillsides for- ced hundreds of Northern Cal- ifornians from their homes Fri- day, and forecasters said heavy rains would continue all wee- kend. In the mountains, where the stonn was said to be the worst in 45 years, more heavy snow was falling, prompting officials to cloee Y oeemJte National Park to campers throUSlh Easter. STATE Authorities in Santa Clara, Placer and Amador counties have declared states of emergency. Placer County officials urged non-residents to leave. Six feet of water cove.red one trailer park in San Jose, floa~ mobile homes from their foun- dations, before rivers began to recede following a week of rain. As skies cleared briefly,' another storm waa building off the coast. "We have a very unsettled 'T,,bernacle' planned The leader of a tiny, non-denominational church is building a "tabernacle" in the Mojave De9ert he says will enable him to communicate with God. Page B9. . ~ Bradley hard to beat . Mayor. Tom Bradley of Loe Angeles eeems to be' an a1moet invincible force in California politics. Read why on P~e A6-· · COUNTY Assemblywomen make rounds Two ,Republican auemblywomen -Newport Beach'• Marian Berge90n and lieutenant aovernor candidate Carol Hallett -~the poUUc:al rounda in ' 0ranae O>unty tn the pMt two days. Pace A&. \ ' pattern that just doesn't seem to want to go away," said Wade English of the National Weather Service. Coyote Creek broke its dike Thursday night in seven spots, flooding a 900-h ome trailer park in San Jose and forcing 700-800 people to seek shelter elsewhere, said fire Capt. Gerry Hubbard. Firefighters rescued some resi- dents with boats. (See BIG, Page A!) INDEX Police then surrounded the building and arrested Ms. Smid. Jackson said he was "amaz.ed" that no major damage or injuries occurred during the approxima- tely 10-minute chase. At one point, he said, the car entered Harbor Boulevard through a blind int.enection at an estimated 60 miles per hour, but luckily encountered no other vehicles. Church Bl3 National News A3 Classified Cl-6 P.ublic Notices B4-5. C2 Comics B6 Sports Bl-5 Cormnent A6 Television B8 ,Crossword_ B6 Theaters Bl0-12 ·Death Notices C2 Trivia Bll Entertainment Bl0-12 Weather A2 Hol"08COpe Bl2 World News A3 Movies Bl0-12 Youth 87 SPORTS Angels top Dodsers, 2-1 Geoff Zahn burls ax •trona lnninal in Freewty Serlea opener Friday night at Dodaer Stadium. Page Bl. . . I l I . CHARGES HOPPED ... cuatody on a parole violation hoki. Pol.Ice &ook the two men lnto cuatody on March 17. Police taid the van aped away when an officer approached. The two men were then taken lnto cuatody after their vehicle wu atopped ~ front of the Newport police lt.aUon. Judge Dungan ruled that po- lice had sufficient reason to atop a van containing Burgio and Ash. However, he niled that officers did not develop sufficient further information quickly enough to' allow the detention to be reaso- nably prolonged. In effect, the judge said that the period of detention before a search of the van and home took place wa1 too prolonged to be Juatlfied. No time eat!mate for thl.a detention period w• lfven. Prosecutor Wally Wacfe said that when the judge detennlned that the detention period waa unlawful, any evidence 1ubae- quently uncovertd was not ad- missible. The weapons and Prugl found in the van were dilOOvered after this detention period, Wade said. Police eventually went to Burgio's rented home and sear- ched the premises there -ar- resting two Huntington Beach •Women in the procesa -after they overheard him ask a woman friend du.ring a phone call to bring $5,000 out of his drawer at home and bail him out. DISPUTED OIL WELLS .. • He said Newport would have to seek court permission to con- tinue pumping while waiting for an appeal hearing. City officials have maintained all along that the complicated oil well fight was being waged for one reason -money. Newport officials calculate that the city takeover boosted its oil revenues from $65,000 to more than $1 million a year. There is a second looming courtroom fight that also could have an effect on the outcome of the oil battle. City officials contend that their lease with A.nnstrong called for the oil operator to sell his rigs to the city when his contract expi- red. Armstrong denies this. A court case on this argument is scheduled to begin in two weeks. ·BIG SPRING STORMS. • • Hubbard said Alviso -an area on San Jose's north side where about 2,000 people live, m<l8t in mobile homes -was the most heavily damaged part of the city of some 700,000 people. Power in one trailer park was turned off and Hubbard said the rest of Alviso could lose electricity at any time. "We won't hesitate to tum it off if we think it might threaten somebody's life," he said. •·we have cars that are floa- ting. We have mobile homes that are moving off their foundations. We have two and three feet of water in some of the mobile homes.'' Veteran OC newsman dies Veteran Orange Cqunty new- spaper reporter, magazine editor, and book publisher John Lle- wellyn Hardy is dead at the age of 40. Hardy, whose journalism ca- reer in the county spanned two decades, died Friday morning at Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, following what a family member termed a sudden illness. Memorial funeral services for Hardy, who most recently had lived In Newport Beach, are scheduled for 2 p.m. next Satur- day at Waverly Chapel, Fair- haven Memorial Park' Santa Ana. In his long career in the news, magazine and book industries, Hardy served as managjng editor of the Tustin News in Tustin, worked for the Orange County Register as a reporter assigned to -~Beech,~ had publish-ed several pictorial books, inclu- ding the highly popular "Only In Laguna.'' He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy L . Hardy of Tustin, and two brothers, Charles B. of Tustin and David of Santa Barbara. In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting contributions to the Tustin Historical Society or cha- rities of choice. 'Reagan sign_s ,! secrecy order WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- 1ident Reagan a18fted an execu- tive order Friday lOOMn.ina gui- delines for •tamping documenta aecret, reverslng a 30-year trend of giving the public more acceet to government file.. ''lt is emenJ;fal for our dtizena to be informed about thelr gov- ernment's activities, but it i. a1llO e9ential to protect certain eemi- tive information when dWI08UJ"e could harm the 8eCUJ'ity of all our cltiz.ena," Reagan said in a state- ment accompanying the order. The order replaces one signed by President Carter 1n 1978 th.at added newl-eatrlctions on U8e of the government secrecy stamp and insisted that secrecy be specifically balanced against the public's right to know. The Reagaii order, which has . gone through aeveral drafts over the past year, has been criticized by journalists and civil liberta- rians as granting government officials too much power to wjthhold lnformation"from the public. The Reagan order allows clas- sification of documents ~ven if possible damage to national se- curity is not ldentlfl.able, and no longer requires ofCicials to deter- mine whether public interest in · the disclosure outweighs the da- mace to national 1ecurlty that mJaht re.ult, 'l'be Ruaan order a1IO drope Carter'• ~ulrement th.at clalll· fied document& be reviewed AfWt' l1x yean and create. a new u.. of che!fkaUoft tor document& on "the vulnerabllltlee or·capabUl- tle1 of 1y1tem1, ln1tallation1, projecU or plans that relate to the national security." Critic• c1-1rn this provtaion amounta to a "blank check" for the govern- ment to keep documenta lea'et. Rep. Glenn Engllah, D-Okla., chairman of Government ()pen- Uona information and. individual rights 1uboommittee, said a..,,m order's overall meu••• la "cluaify, c.luaify, clasai.fy." He said the order appean to expand greatly the amount of information that is subject to cl•Mification, and to l.ncreue the number of bureaucrats with au- \hority to claaa1fy. But Rep. Robert McClory, R-lll., a member of the Howse Intelligence and Judiciary com- mittees, praised the new guide- lines. "It is clear that the United States cannot conduct effective intelligence activities without a strong mechanism for protecting their secrecy," McClory said. Formula deficient • In vitamin recalled Infant formula produced by the Wyeth Laboratories is the subject of a current voluntary recall, the Food and Drug Ad.mi· nistration says. The recall, according to an FDA spokeswoman, involves soy-baaed formula under the brand names of Nursoy and SMA, generally used for babies allergic to milk. Both products were manufac- tured with insufficient amounts of vitamin B6, the 1pokesw~ said. "By federal law all formulas must supply all the nutrients es- sential for infant growth," ex- plained Dorothy Wenck, county director and home adviser for UC Cooperative Extension in Aru>.- heim. "While the missing vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) would not be fatal, it's essential in stimulating red blood cell proteins, synthesizing amino acids and regenerating nerve tissues." The various formulas and code numbers involved are: -Nursoy, 13-ounce, concen- trate: A26M, 2BM and B9M. -Nursoy. 32-ounce, ready to feed: A28M and BllM. -SMA formula, 13-ounce iron-fortified concentrated liquid: 40CEEI. -SMA, 32-ounce, iron - f orti fied, ready to feed : 40CEF.X::>I. -SMA, 16-ounce, iron - fortified powder: 40CEHOI. -SMA 30-ounce, ready to feed and 4-ounce nursette: .4occrol. Lot numbers on all products involve codes A.25M to A30M and BlM to Bl5M, inclusive. "Symptoms of a vitamin B6 deficiency include poor growth, anemia, convulsions or kidney, liver and skin problems," Mrs. Wenck said. V ariahle clouds Arms ~ontrol Sunday topic WASHING TON (AP) -Here , are the scheduled guests on the major network news interview shows Sunday: Light verlabl• wind• through tonlgnt ucapt IOUtllwMt to -t 10 to 20 knot• In aft.moon. 1 to 3 toot WHlerly 1w•ll1. Varlabl• c:touc:tir-. U.S. s~mma!Y Extended .forecast Mond•y-WednMday· Varlabl• cloudl~ through WednNday. Sca11ar9d ahow•ra north.,n mountalnt TuNday and COHtal Hcllona WednHd•y. Hight: coeatal MC1tom e2 to 72. mour)- 1a1 n r••orlt 3S t o 4S. Lowa: coutal .,.. 45 to 65, mountain --In ,.,. 209. A tornado rtc>Ped through Pam, TaltM, on ,ttdey, kllllng at laut MV911 j)90p4e and lnJur1ng mor• S than 100, H an lnt•n .. atorm m,ou eyltam pelt.cl Illa natk>fw'• mid· 0 Hollon with rain, anow, high Th• South c out Air ouallty wind• and thundarttonns. M•n•g•m•nt Olttrlct pradlcte Snow eprHd across the C41n· good air qualtty through Mood•y tr•I RocklH and north•rn high In alt .,_of th41 Sou1h Coast Air Pl1lna. F1rther •ut. thund9rat·' a.In. Honolulu onna "9\11~ O¥er t,,. .,........ For tod•y th• AOMO for•-Houlton elppl Vllley •nd ... tarn .a.Ina. cull • Ponutant Standard In-lndnllpttt Strong, CllJITYwtnd• ~ du of 75 '°' the Sen Gabr1al and Jacaenvti. the M81am ~ of the Roctl... Pomona van~. and th41 AIY•r· Kans City to the Plalnt, whll• tornado•• ald9 and San s.,nardlno aHas, alto~ ~I--._......... ... 50 tor th• Sin F.,nando and ::=.v: nnn• •• onn --·~'V"' .... Rt Slnta Clarlta .. ---and 42 lor all L_.._. ... 9ff9C1 acrou pert• of Montana, otflW reglonl. _,. .,.,.."" and Not1ti Dakota, wtth tr~· Sunday lofacuu .,. 92 In the ~ advlaorlH for th• Colorado Sin Gabrl.i Pomon• S•n fflf· AocklH through th• north.,n nando and Slllta Clarlt• vall9ya ~=:-;...,, Plalna end o.Kotu. tnd •2 tor all othW region•. Wind gu•I• of more than 100 Monday f~• .,. 92 In th41 Naanvtfl9 mph _.. r.port9d In Colorado, San Gabf191 and Pomona valleya. New °'*"' wt!ll9 wfndl ol 40 to eo mpti _.. 58 In th• San F•rnando and ~ YClorl< common trom nort'-t tuu to Santi Clarlta va11--and 42 In all ""18 IY aout'-t South o.Kota. ..,. Omeb• T.m1>9ratur .. around 1119 na-othw r9Qlont. r PhlladpNa llon at midday Ffld•y rangad • Phoenix trom ~ ltl Minot. N.D':, to · · · Ptnabur~ 98r~d•y'• for~= call•d for Temperatures =: Or9 .,_. end lhundlntormt from MA TIOM Rac>ld City Ohio v~ end <*ltrll G<Mt ,.,,~ se 34 ~--.. Lall• thtougtl the Atlant.lc eo.t. 29 14 ""'"'"""'"' d from the CarollnH to N-Andlortge Salt Lab England. Snow -l)fedlcted In ~ 63 3' 8Mttl9 h• •••t(rn GrHt Lale••· With ~= C"' • 56 St Loul8 ttwoughou1 tM nor1hlm M1t Baltlm«9'' 58 40 1 St P-Tampa f Ill• Pacific c;oHt and mottly 8lrminOt.m n :: St Sta M.O. ... ............ 8lamardc 35 25 Soolc-T.-npenitUf'98 _.. 1or.c:a1t In ...._.._ 45 29 WMNllQ1n 20e and 30I In nortMrn New -Wlctllt• En land, upper Mlc;hlgan 1nd Bolton !41 38 7,. Mont9rll. eoe enct 10. 1n BfCMNYlle • v the 8outtlwwt, 70. end eo. In tt. lultlilo 52 23 , .. .........., ABC "This Week With David • Brinkley" -Se.n. Henry Jac~­ son , D-Wash., Richard Burt, di- rector of the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Af- fairs, and Paul Warnke, former director of the U.S . Arms Control and Disarmament Ager£y. NBC "Meet the Press," -Rep. Richard Bolling, D-Mo. HO•• U) D••' •• (•--"\' 81 70 85 72 11 ~"5 . 85 l!O 77 82 " 3e 87 59 71 4$· 87 e1 71 75 43 36 59 « '8 49 93 88 58 36 84 58 82 42 58 40 70 81 " 28 48 32 43 39 37 29 50 25 75 45 47 45 51 38 74 59 es 58 31 t2 49 27 89 ·45 80 &4 Mt. W119on Neadl9I Ntowpor1 8-:tl Oakland Ontario Palm Spmge Puad9na Paao Ro«ii.e ~ A9d Bluff AedwoOd Chy 941«-to Sellnu San Bernardino San GebMI San [)Iago San FfallCl9co San JOM Sant• Ana Bente Barbera Santi CNi Santa Mlf1a ' Senta Monlce Stodlton Tahoe Vllltay TMrmll . TorTanc. Yuma QloaAL 33 21 ee '3 59 « 52 '3 l!O 38 88 40 63 37 59 33 58 31. 4$ 43 53 44 51 •2 82 38 58 38 I 88 38 82 50 5' " 58 42 ~ 82 '41 ' 80 40• 58 " ' eo S3 eo 53 5e 38 38 23 71 ~ e1 40 72 .. o.lly f'llot It.ft "'*° HAPPY TRIO -Mary Lashinski (standing, left) and Wendy Brown teamed up to do a good deed for Julie Stein ' (seateti). The girla attend Village View School in Hunt- ington Beach, where Mrs. Stein is vice principal. A good deed Pupils h elp vice principal By ROBERT BARKER OfhO..,Notat.ff The Village View Elementary School in Huntington Beach had been broken.into and vandals took a number of items. VICE PRINCIPAL Julie Stein was called in to assess the losses. While she was taking inventory, someone stole her purse containing identification, credit cards and $100 in cash. "I was really upset," she recalls. I went to the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes and made An emotional plea. "I told the students that no questions would be asked, just please return my credit cards and identification." SOMEONE FOUND the P4~ l~ter in itie girLs' re- stroom. All the money had been removed. It was at this point that two eighth grade girls - Wendy Brown and Mary Lashinski -took over . They organized a collection among their clas&nates without Mrs. Stein's knowledge and collected $80 for her. They made their surprise complete by having some boys stage a fight at the flag pole area near the school of- fice. AS MRS. STEIN waded in to break it up, the "fight" dissolved and the girls pr~nted her the $80 in an enve- lope. "It's the nicest thing that ever happened to me," Mrs. Stein said Friday. "They really cared for me. I've been a heavy so many times in dispensing discipline. And they love me enough to do this. 1t is really wonderful." Wendy said the girls collected the money "because Mrs. Stein has been so helpful and has good ideas. We love her very much." Mrs. Stein sees a message in the good deed: "They banded together to try to make something right that was wrong." AND WHAT DID Mrs. Stein do with the money? She used it for groceries. "I thought of a lot of ways to spend it. I was going to buy pizza for the kids. "But I realized I had to take the money. li I didn't, it would have been an insult to their good intentions." OuH Coeat lt•t•: and 40• and CNrtlCn SC 78 51 608 .... ...... .g:::n: ~ !; ee .-a· 116 37 n ea 73 14 12 .. ' " ao 7l .. • LU)Wf1oue Looker FtdltiM fat Men a women ·----------~ 41 33 -~ ~ 74 '2 California = '! r, 'loutMrn c.l!otnle '*' ~ ~win " et vetl•bte cloudlneu tod•y and g:*Molri. : : '='o• County oan upect· o.trolt 41 7 .. !2 .... boitl d4lyt 81 to &4, '°"'9 q El PllO ,.! :: to .... Harttol'd .... - lnt•nd viii.ya wtll Mv. hloll•· ......,. 42 22 llbOut M. Iowa In upper 40a. ~------------------Mount•ln ereH oan ••P•cit • aoutllwHt wind• 20-ao mph, .....,. ... to aa. 1ow1 n '° "· DeNftl wlll hav• aoutll•••t wlndl IO-'° mptl. ~ .... -' ...,. u to n . "°""""' -. -.... 12to12. LOwl '6 '°la ......... .... lllOrnl...,.....,, ltlrn' .... far -a.:-:11:: .... .-v ..,., '"" Of ..... ... """ of NofUMnl ::::.;.::.~~ "°"" .eoo .... "" ...... ....,., ....... In~~ - t lllf ll~IRT ....... -.... A• Mlaa Dllr t I w 1 2 w 1 I ff, 2 I w 76 ao 11 l'1 62 ,. 74 a H 49 56 ... , 54 43 16 ,., :f : .. .. 11 ., 1t ... IO 11 17 ~ IO IO H 49 • l5S .. • a.on., StMm, Jaauzzl • 2 Send VoleyW CWf1e • 118 Mle Jogging Tr'D • lndMdultl Ei8rdle f>J'OG'~rnnnrwinmw11 • G~k.ln (Bell(ebl, Voleybell) • FrM Chltdcare (8 ~ • 1 e Chllmplonehlp Court8 • Nlluttlul Equipment • Speclll Mroblc Quiff • 2& MeW Otymplc Poof & 8undlCk • Pro8hop ......... Bir. 9octll t..ounge • tA1111ur I M•IW TOURS CONDUCTED ·DAILY 752·0585 . . 3801 JAMIORIE RD • NEWPORT BEACH • 911. I Ltn.• 1 P m . eun. I a.m.·15 p.m . tilan.-Pl't. ........ '0 p "'· 0 · "TURN BACK" -A Placer County sheriff's reservist turns back a resident from going to her Squaw Valley house for fear of more av- I# Wlrepho4o alanch es in Alpine Meadows ar ea like the sn owslide that killed six Wednesday attem oon. 'Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 r Snow se~rch ~topped SQUAW VALLEY (4P) -A new anoW110rm and fierce jU&W of wind at a devutat.ed Sierra tk1 re90rt threatened mon allde1 and 1CUtUed the le&rCh Friday for at eaac lWO people believed buried by avalanches. Up to 300 people -voh.anteere atandtna by for rescue work and nearby real- denta -were told to evacuate the Alpine Meadows area where six people died after \win walls of mow roared three--quartera of a mile downhill Wed.ne9day. "It's too danaeroua," said reeort spo- ke-nan ~ Lewis. BecaUle of high winda and critical ava· lanche danger, the search may not resume until Monday. SANTA BARBARA (AP) - Aerial spraying began Friday to control a gypsy moth lnfestabon which threatens a $50 million a year avocado industry and $9 million lemon crop in Santa Barbara County. Swooping At treetop level. two helicopters laid down 600·foot s waths of the p esticide B-T in an east -west path from U.$. 101 northward to the Los Padres National Forest. A third helicopter returned to b ase w ith o ut makina any spraying runs, becau.ee of a bro- ken epraylng hose. The county wu declared infested by gypsy moths In JanOary after a&covery of four' egg masses, one contai- ning 1,000 eggs. RENO (AP) -Hundreds of truck driven remained stnrnded ln the Reno area Friday u yet another in a· relentless 1er1es of Pacific storms closed in on the Sierra. Sid Doan of Sierra Sid's truck atop in Sparks said there were a "couple hupdred" rigs at his place along Interstate 80, while at Boomtown hotel-casino some eight miles up the road, Glenda Bazinet estimated there were 400-450 trucks surrounding the casino. ·"Some of them have been here since Sunday" when the storm began, she said . 'l'he interstate was closed Monday. SAN DIEGO (A P } -A fair-haired San Diego couple say they haye been living a liorror story since tbey were told last August they were the parents of a baby boy, then were shown a dark-haired baby girl who died within two days, ap- parently from a chromosome disease that produces deformities the parents couldn't see. Vaughn and Jeanie Hupper file d a $1 milllon suit this week •s•intt University Hoepltal, the Univer- sity of California Board of Re- gents, 28 physicians and a pa- t hologls t who conducted an autopsy on tt\.e baby tbey say i.an't theirs. TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. (AP) -Al. paratroope recovered from a disastrous alr drop that left five dead, the Army briefly cancelled its war games during a freezing night in the deeert and Marines prepared for a live-fire maneuver today. Ten thousand Leathernecks were assembled near Twentynine Palms Marine base for a noisy four days of ex- plosions and gunnery practice as part of Operation Gallant Eagle, giant maneuvers Involving all branches of the armed forces in a simulated Mideast war. SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) Terming "inconceivable" sugges- tions that t he Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant be scrapped, the bead o f Pacific Gu and Electric Co. said Friday he still hopes the project can begin ope- rating by t h e end of the year . PG&E board chainnan Frederick W. Mielke a.l9o told reporters at the plant he is confident that any problems between the utility and the Nuclear ReeuJ.atory Commis- sion are a thing of the past. Tornadoes kill 22 • 1n South, Mid~est J, • By The Associated P ress Dozens of tornadoes spawned by an enormous low pressure rone made a long, deadly march Friday through the Midwest and South, killing at least 22 people and injuring hundreda. All told, the National Weather Service said three dot.en twisters touched down in states from the Missis- sippi Valley to the Great Plains, with deaths in Texas, Missouri and Arkansas. The wave of twisters -and accompanying thunderstorms which triggered numerous flood warnin gs - were blamed on an inteme low p~easure zone centered over Mmnesota. P ARlS, Texas (AP) -A tor- n a d o cut a 200-yard swath through sections of this northeast Texas city Friday afternoon, kil- ling at least seven people, inju- ring more than 100 others and ripping up at least 100 homes, authorities said. "We have houaes unroofed, houses blown down and cars overturned," said police "WOOQJ.[00. Sgt. Joe Julian. "We are in ter- rible trouble so far." HOUSTON (AP) -After he was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the bitter 1932 election, President Herbert Hoo- ver ordered a White House ste- nographer to eavesdrop on two telephone conversations he had with his SUC(:eSS()r and transcribe them for his files, a historian says. "It was Herbert Hoover , who first clandestinely recorded two telephone conversations with President-elect Franklin Roose- velt, In November 1932 and Ja-· nuary 1933," said Dr. Francis Loewenheim, a Rice University history professor who studies modern American presidents. Loewenheim said there is no evidence that Rooeevelt knew his conversations were recorded. WASHING TON (AP) -Th~ Agriculture Department said Friday that to be on the safe side, consumers should cook all fresh Pork to a uniform internal tem- perature of 170 dew-ees Fahren- heit to destroy any microscopic parasites that might be present. Donald L. Houston, administra- tor of the Food Safety and In- spection Service, said a new res- earch study confirmed that the live parasites -trichinae -can survive "rapid" cooking methods, such as microwave baking, unless all parts of the meat are cooked to 170 degrees. MERCURY, Nev. (AP) -A 98-ton unarmed prototype of the controversial M-X missile waa hurled 300 feet into the sky Fri- day in what Air Force officials te rmed a succeaaful "cold launch." The launch, the second of seven planned this year and next, was designed to test the ability of launching the 71-foot missile with a gas and steam pro pellant. Unlike America's current arsenal of ground-based missiles, the M-X will be cata- pulted out of a silo or movable cannisters by the gas propellant, British .assemble sea force LONDON (AP) -Britain de- nounced Argentina's invasion of the British-ruled F alkla nd I sl ands o n Friday as a n "unprovo ed aggression," broke diplomatic. ti.es with Buenos Aires and prepared a powerful naval force for the South Atlantic. Prime Minister Margaret Tba~ cher•s government met in emer- gency te91ion at her 10 Downing St. office to decide on a respome to the seizure of the disputed archipelago by 4,000-5,000 Ar- gentine troops Friday morning. WASWNGTON (AP) -So- viet Preeident Leonid Brezhnev miaht have suffered a stroke while. airborne between Tash- kent and Moscow, the WashinR- ton Post quotes Soviet sources as saying. In a dispatch from Mo- scow printed Friday, t h e new- spaper said the sources, who w e r e described as "well-informed" but who were not otherwise identified, repor- ted that Brezhnev was taken from bis plane...on a stretcher when he arrived in Moecow on Sunday. Brezhnev, who is 75, al8o suffered a mild heert attack in February, the sources wer e quoted as saying. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvatlor (AP) -Rightist parties on Friday accused the Christian Democrats of trying to unfairly keep a grip on power and ultra- righ tist Roberto d ' Aubu1sson said he's willin~ to be interim ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ClaHtned advertlal"il 7141842-5171 All other departments 642--4321 · Thomas P. Haley ,_ -Cll..t t. .. .,., •• Of•oc•• Robert N Weed ,,_... Thomas A. Murph1ne 6ltclf L Kay Schultz VIOi-• ..O DIM!or ol 0.-- Michael P. Harvey .• ~Owtetor Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. c.-i-D!<.c:IOf Charles H. Loos ........ ldl\Of MAIN OFFICE mWnt 1.,-St., COllU Mffa, CA. Mell .-...: 9ox 1.5'0, C•ta Mesa, CA. .a. Conrllfll "'2 0r-. eo.11 """"''"""' c--v . ... _, llOf1et.. lllvllretlon-. ..ilten.l ~"' .-. .. rtrw-"-"'" ....v lie r~w wfttlwl .-Ciel pennluioflOf <-•IOM-r. president. D'Aubuisson a.l9o said his RepubliclJl\ Nationalist Al- liance, if it controls the govern- ment, wm stick to plans to re- vamp the reform policies started by the military-civilian junta led by President J ose Napol eon l>Uarte and w hich the Un ited Sta tee has said mun. continue. UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States vet oed a Security Council resolution Fri- d a y night calling for non- intervention in Nicaragua, but both aides affirmed that the door to bll.ateral negotiations remains open. U.S. Ambassador Charles M. Lichenstein cut the aole vote against the watered-down reso- lution instructing all states mer- ely to "refrain from the direct, 1 indirect, overt or covert use of force against any country of· Central Ame rica a nd the Caribbean." GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Leftlat guerrillas attacked a vil· . lage in violence·torn El Quiche province, slit the throata of 12 pe .. anta and set their bodies afire, the anny reported Friday. Guerrillu attadted the villap of Xinbaxuc, 46 miles northwest of Guatemala Qty ln El Quiche, on Wectne.day nieht and 'niunday ~. the anny. Pl'f9 office in Guatemala City Mid. • w ith the missile's first s tage igniting after liftoff. NEW YORK (AP) -A basic meaSu.re.of the.money supply fell $3 billion in the last week of March , the Federal R eser ve Board said Friday . The drop was widely anticipated in the credit markets, and bond prices rose slight_!y. F.conomists saic;i the re- po rt removed some upward pressure on interest rates. But chances for substantially lower rate. any time aoon were consi- dered a1im.. The Federal Re.erve has aougbt to limit growth in the money supply to curb inflation. NEW YORK (AP) -Amer- icana who know the Unit ed States supports the government of El Salvador oppose having military advisers there or sen- ding combat troops or nw-e eco- nomic aid to that COlmtz-1', accor- ding to the latest Associated Press-NBC News poll. The poll said 57 percent know the Reagan adrni.ni:ltration suppocts the gov- ernment of El Salvador, but oniy 22 percent know the Reagan ad- ministration is not supporting the government of Nicaragua. Just 14 percent answered be.th ques- tions correctly . .,.......,...0 TO THE RESCUE? -A London newspaper said Friday the British aircraft carrier "Invincible" was expected to head a task force of up to 40 w arships headed for the Falkland Is- lands, a British colony seized by Argentina Friday. 1ve f ou Mote ~l'Ca~.,,... TAMIAMI SAlf U1f l'tlCl 42" Tablt w/4 Chain S779 S46f 48" Tit* w/4 CNlrs -..s Chaise 3 19 "' Sonknctl 229 IJt ~hseAnn CNlr 179 lfS lfotri:I Ocuslonallable 110 .. NOMAD 42" T.1Clte w/4 CNln 80 Mt 48" Table w/4 Chairs 879 ~ Cnalse 299 MAUNAkU .,.. Tlble/4 C~lrs 945 "' C:lll!R W/MmS 38' 255 Mallin TAMPICO LIST 1AU GUARANTEE Laguna Ranan and Patio will match °' better any adver- tised pric~ in Orange County of the same rat tan or patio furniture available for imme- diate delivery. S~I 10 Sroct on Hand Offer End• 4-I 1-82 SEE OUR NEW RATTAN COUECTION ON DISPLAY AT BOTH LOCATIONS. TltOl'l-KAI un SAU ffl!Cf ""' 4z·· TMJllr w/4 ChMrs S702 S4ff 42"' Table w/4 Ch.llrs SSOJ S279 48'" Table w/4 Chain 738 "' Adjus~C~se Hlgh-8Klc Gli«r CNtr YACHT HAll•OR 42" Table w/4 CNiu 48'" Tit* w/4 Chain Hlgh-8«1c GllMr Chair AdJustabte Chaise 24" Occallorial Tabte l'ALM SPRINGS 42" Table w/4 Chairs 48" Tit* w/4 Ch.tits Adjus~CNiu ~rCMlr w•nwooD 42" Tit* w/4 Chllrs 48" ,.._ w/4 Chairs Adj. Chaise GllMf Chair Gllss Top End T.oit! 200 lt9 PoofCNI~ 130 IS SKOltOS 590 J5' 42" T~ w/4 Chain 630 Ja9 48'' Tit* W/4 Chairs 113 IS 54" Tit* w/4 CNlrl 206 129 Chais.el~ 80 .., 786 .. s CANTINA 826 ... 42" Tit* w/4 CNlrs 320 "' 48" TM* w/4 CNln 187 '" SunChalu SldeTM* 850 S2t 8'0 S6t 811ASIUA 255 I .. • 42" Tolblt w/4 CNllfs 202 12' 107 .. ....... w/4CM!rs Sun ~~sew/ Arms ~--- COSTAM•SA 2861 HARIOR llVD. 226 169 9S8 .... 991 729 I 1404 '" 325 22' '142 645 '166 '1~ 340 J~ 158 " 1270 .., 1295 -460 nit ISO • f71 .. Mt-ZUI •OPEN 7 DA~ t -Or~ Cout OAIL-Y PILOT/Saturday, Aprtl 3, 1982 . ' "' ......... FIRST LADY EMOTIONAL -First Lady Nancy Reagan cries as she ctelivers a speech to the PRIDE National Con- ference in Atlanta. PRIDE, a national drug education as- sociation, invited Mrs. Reagan to visit their conference Friday and meet with children involved in the programs. $89 debt to Corona still unpaid For the second time, state Controller Ken Cory a ppa- rently was n't able to find Juan Corona to.pay him $819 the state owes him. A list from Cory's office of owners of unclaimed proper- ty, published in the Yuba City Valley Herald, included The Ohio police w oman who appeared nude in Play- boy magazine's May issue still doesn't know if she'll be fi- red, and says she's been ri- ding a n emo tion al roller- coaster since the issue came out. "One minut.e they're saying it's sickening and terrible, and t he next someone's running up a nd saying, ·can I have the name of Corona, the for- me r farm labor contractor being retried in Hayward in the d~ths of 25 workers. Corona, who was living there wben the bodies were discovered in peach orchards in 1971, was on the list once before for the same claim. your autograph? You're a ~tar,'-"-said Barbara ~n. who called in sick the first two days after the issue was released. In an article accompanying the Playboy spread, M s . Schantz, 25, said Springfield PoJ,ice Chief Winston S-talt1. "read the riot act" when she told him about the photos. The Bolton SymphoD)' Or· ch•tra, cl Una drcu.m1tance1 beyond It.a control, canceled a performance teawrtng BriUah 1.ctra1 V1Dt1n Redsrave. The declalon came aft.er the Boston Globe reported that the orchestra received threat.a and complaint• over Ma . Redirave's support of the Palestine Liberation Oraani· zation. A businessman who says ~lactna former President lllcbard M. NIHD.'1111.:)racy 1n.. Leavenworth, Kana. would boost tourism la offering to donate land for the building. The City Commission Is studying a proposal by Mayor Pro Tem Clyde Graeber to locate the library in the northeast Kansas City. Sllauon Wiley, owner of a local meat packing plant, said he ls wl.lllrlg to donate 10 or more acres of a 100-acre tract of land on a hill called Pilot Knob. Linda Lavin, star of the t.elevision series "Alice," will be married Aug. 22 to actor Kip Niven. It will be the second mar- riagf for both actor:s, who plan to l'(lake their home in Malibu, said Michael Casey, director of publicity for War- ner Bros. Television. \ A striptease dancer who helped save the life of a heart attack victim received a stan- ding ovation from the Mary- land House, but Kathleen St oner says s h e didn 't do anything special. "Anybody who would know how to do something would do it," she said . Resolutions were approved in the House of Delegates and the Senate honoring Ms. Sto- n er f6r the "heroic effort" that saved the life of a patron who collapsed of a heart at- tack in the Bal ti more bar where she works. • J ohless rate soars 1n state ' By Tlat A11ocJ1Jed Pre_11 California'• unemployment rate ahot up to 9 • .f percent of It.I nearly 12-milllon member work- force in March, the hlaheet al.Me nearly 6 ~ yean •10 when the ltate WU aluaiahly beginning to pull out of 10"16 rece911on. In February, the jobleu rate was 8.9 percent. The prevlou1 high was 10.3 percent In No- vember 197~. In populou~ Los Angeles County, job1'tsneaa ro1e by 0.3 percent to 8.6 percen\, meanln1 321,000 people were ou\ of work. Loe Anjelea County hu a la· bor force of slightly more than 3 . .f million ~le. ''The bre wn by Industries LI much the same u it baa been for the put aeveral month.a," l&id Vincent Canalea, an Employment Development Department ana- l y 1 t in L o a Ang e le1. "Const.ruction ta the hardeat hit, followed by manufacturing and government employment." GARFllLD .... IS GOING PLACES IN .. J AND SO CAM YOUI Gatt .. 1o a1Ma9no111 _ ~ Hunt~"0'°" leacf\ bttrit1'1 Larsttt lrlHtal 1111 L5'.W ... rt A, A, & A ORIENTAL RUGS INC. 503!SALE IUTHEITIC HllDllDE ORIEITIL RUIS I CARPETS Kubl1ak Antiques 3305 Laguna Cyn. llld. Laguna leach Sat, April 3rd Sun. April 4th 10 am-5 pm (loth Daya) Various Sizes, Patterns, Colors from Nine Leading Countries Nationwide. the Joblauate for the month wu up 0.2 percent to 9 percent -matching \he na- tion'• poat-world 'far 11 high. Of the 10 major s tates sur- veyed by the Labor Department, only four had higher jobleaa rats than Callfornta. Worst off was auto Industry-reliant Michigan with 16.1 percent, followed by Ohio at 11.8 percent, Pennaylva- nla at 10.1 percent and Illinois at 9.B percent. Prill hllnc: CIR3£ slzn 11 lala• 11 15' 1 12' 1 14', 12' I 9', I' I ~· NWrl. Use Answer /Id servi ce when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number w i ll appear in your classified ad ***SPECIAL*** A cohctlon from a private ~state of 50 · buwe statues: French, Russian, Elrope· an. Austrian C. Western subjects. Al fuly sifned Info: 213 709 -0026 Terms: Cash. Check, VISA, MC . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you ca 11 in at your c onve nie n ce during office hours and get the r esponses to your ad ... this service is onlv $5 .00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad ca 11 642-5678 . Daily Pilat ---,,- . "WE-CARE" FOi ALL OF YOUR HEAL1'H MEEDS onN EVElr BAY EVIHIHG.WliiiEHD 9:00 AM-9:00 ,M RUSOHAIU FIES Watch for our Warehouse Con- sollcatlon and In Store Ware- house Sale ~prll 24th a 25th at our Costa Mesa Store only. 1595 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA ;,,,,~MESI ""'"' f'Ji.~ 1.e. l;t1 SUl~IJS 12130-1 P.I. LIQUIDATING ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS OF SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE IN THE WESTI LIST JIOW Teakwood din~ tabfe with pull-out leaves ............................ $295.00 $159.00 ( 53" x 35 Vz ' extends up to 92") SOiid teakwood high back dining chair with oatmeal fabric ................ $130.00 169.00 Teakwood Continental king size platform bed ........................... $340.00 1159.00 Teakwood sideboard with 3 sliding doors and 3 trays .................... $499.00 1249.00 ( 64" long x 18" deep x 29 1h " high) Sturdy teakwood armoire with small built -in wardrobe & 6 drawers ........ $1099.00 $439.00 ( 48 11." long x 19" deep x 55 112 " high) Top Quallty Teakwood Bedroom Set Queen size bed with attached night stands ............................ $1370.00 $541.00 Arrnolre with 6 deep ~rawers & sliding tambour door ................... $1156.00 1489.00 ( 49 1/z" long x 19" deep x 48" high) Triple dresser with 3 deep center drawers & 2 tambour doors at ends ...... $1176.00 1489.00 ( 72" long x 19" deep x29 Vz" high) Solid teakwood sidechair with rope seat ............................... $110.00 Small mirrors from Finland in many bright colors (any size) ................ $25.00 High tech hanging lamps in many colors and shapes ..................... $42.00 Teakwood triple dresser with cane on center drawers ................... $1299.00 •&5.00 $10.00 &20.00 $499.00 ( 74 112" long x 19" deep x 29 112 " high) Teakwood armotre with 2 hinged doors (inside trays & shelves) .......... $1294.00 &491.00 lar_ie teakwood dining table with 2 drop leaves ......................... $99i.OO 1495.00 ( 7 4 31. " long x 371/2 " extends up to 114" ) Or•• Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprfl 3, 1882 Snow closes Yosemite Assemblywomen greet voterS to campers :Hailett, Bergeson make rounds at county gatherings • YOSl:MlTE NATIONAL PARK (AP) -Th11 week'1 1nowfall wltl force cloaure of Yoeemite National Park to cam- pen throu1h EHter Week, a • . apoUswoman Mid. Normally, Ea1ter Week la a bu1y period for camping In Ya.mite Valley. HQ}\'ever, perk creww are con- centrating on clearif\8 18 Inches of mow from major park roada and packing areu around hotel accommodatlona, Ll.aa Dapprich said. "We won't be able to get the campground• c leaner! up in time,'' ahe said. In addition, forecasts are for anore storm activity into the early pert of Easter Week. The storm forced closure of Badger Pus Ski Area Thunday, but Yosemite officials hope to have it open again by the wee- kend, she said. Ma. Dapprich advised anyone traveling to Yosemite to check road conditions and carry tire chaina. CHA MB E R GUEST - Marian Bergeson says all is not well with state. . · Tax cuts needed BOSTON (AP) -Boston needs to trim $66.1 million from current property tax levies to comply with Propoeition 2 ~, a tax-cutting measure approved by voters in !980, according to state estimates. Let The Good Times Roll ••• Now, •• Two Republican auemblywo- men -one a candidate for lieu- tenant 1ovemor, the other aee-klna re-election to he1' Newport Beach AHembly seat -have been mak1na the poll t.i.ca1 rounda in Ora.nae County the pa.at two days. Aaatmbly Mlnprity Leader Carol Hallett, R-Atucadero, .ee- klng the GOP nomination tor lieutenant governor, attended two eounty functions Thunday nlght. At the first of her Orange County stops, Mrs. Hallett told Newport Harbor Junior Lea- guers that when she fiNt eougbt elective ollloe, she routineJy waa asked three questions by pro- apective voters that were not asked of male count.erparta. But these questions. (Ho w many children do you have? what does your husband think about your running? Are you an attorney?) melted away once she was elected to office, ,she explai- at Nabers Cadillac 12.So/o Financing! Broughams and Clmorrona. Huge Selection That la right. Nabers Codllloc con ftnonqe .,our new Codllloc purchase with GMAC at on onnuol percentage rotie or orly 12.84' on o '8 mo. purcl'lbse controci with on upward balance Of $15,000 !hat tronalotes Into mon1hly IO\llnga of $39.63 -or o total savings. Of $1 ,902. NaturolJY, II your unpaid balance Is hlghe/. your savings wlll be even greater Choose from our huge selec"on ol hundreds ol new Cadillacs ond toke odVonfoge or the most substontlol savings !his year Spring Clearance And whal'a more -all our new Cadillacs ore discounted during our spring clearance. A spectoculor sole on oll Sevtllea, Eldorodoa, DeVllle._ .c:"fr9me(ldous discounts on all diesels. V-6s, MN the new HT4100 power system models. -In on the colors you wont -and with the options .,ou desire. And all reodV for Immediate deltverv. Whether you wish.to buy or lease. now Is the "me. But the supply Is dellnltely limited -so be sure to hurry In early for your best selection. NOW is the time to purchase your new Cadillac. Seville E189ante __ _ .~~--.~ --w= a;.. RCA XL-100 19" ... • .......... Tlllla ned to junior leque memben. "A couple of yean atwr you're elected the questions chantJe," Mrs. HalleU continued. "Al long as you i.ero tn on the lmue9 the other queationl will evaporate." She urged thoee att.endJ.ng the dinner at the Reptry Hotel to get involved in the polit1c.al pro:. ceaby nmntng tor allice. Pointedly, however, lhe 1teer- ed away from any references to her cam=gn for the 1tate's ae-cond bJ eat office becauae she wu in ted to attend before lhe had announced her political in- tenUona, the aaid. .A.ked about the campaign, Mrs. Hallett said the poU. lhow that her being a woman ii hel- ping, not hurting, her chances for lieutenant governor. "I find I'm getting tremendous ~errt from men and women · ,"she commented. Mrs. Hallett'a .A.aembly col- league, Aaemblywoman Marian Berge80n, R-Newport Beaoh, re- ported Friday to members of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce that all la not well with the state. In a low-key appearance be- fore the chamber, Mrl. Berpean compared the 1tate's tiaca1 lltua- Uon to a "howie of cards." "In order to ~_y our bllla,. we have to take from next year's revenue," ahe said. "We're out- spending what we are taking in." A.ueulng Republican proepecta in the coming election year, Mrl. Bergeson said it i1 doubtful whether the GOP could win a majority in the state Aaembly. But ln the state Senate, there is a "very. very good shot," she aaaerted. Although she didn't refer di- rectly to her own re-election bid, Mn. Bergeson said she was ho- ping a Republican would be the next California governor and bring a "whole new philoeophical approach" to state government. ISSUES KEY -Carol Hal- lett told junior leaguers issues are .key in state Legislature. River cop s quit NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The CoastGuardhaadiacontinuedfM lack of money the traffic cop service it operated on the buay M.issiasippi River since 77 people died in a 1976 tanker-ferry colli- sion. •1uP ... a.t1t1T11111 . NABERS CADILLAC WE ARE OPEN! 1740 S. Coast Hwy.', Laguna Beach •M4 ll1•tft 011trll. •IJ ........... u.. ...... ..,,. .. Ttt• IONNAAD • N~310' ZEllTI 21" llMMAL SPICE PHDIE IEIDTES Cl 21" 11111UL llEIDTEI REDUCED FDR lllEDllTE CLURllCE ., ......... ..... ..... ., ........ ...... W.TlnYHrn""' ~ ... MtftHt' ........ .., .,", ..... ., ..... LIWllT ... nn,.mn ... •24r ~CA Colotlfek 25" s575 --laMIY ...... -. 21" 11111UL TllLE llDEL REIDTE camaL ....mn,.r•au1r '"\"Ml.,... m= .,. ........ 8 ,, ·. ·. · .. . , ' . : -AUi • ITMI '"'"· 117, '"· tn 711, 711, Tll 711, Jn, Ill, 1421141. 1 l" 11&11m REMOTE COLORTRll Wt ltHk All IU ,, ...... ftlf Art lt1111Mt, hit Ptr Prtt" OLUUIGE IOIEU -·~ VFT190 VFP170 i l I OPEN it:30 AM-10 PM •CANTJNA OPEN 'TI L 2 AM SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 AM· 3 PM ................. ::::i .:~=:~== VFT650 VFT 450 llU.MWUI,.,_ ... , ..... 11.11 II MU LIT (11) S11.H ................. MODEL CC010 Thie W9ekend we wlll have thl1 cam«I It the lowett price ever. Sorry, no phone price• on thl• camera -HQll\le'ltt wt Wiii guar- antM It'• the loweat anywtlefe . . t . . No other newspaper .bring~ you more .of yoyr city council, planning commission , ·scnoorand college districts and county · government than the llllJ • · .................... ........ lrtllYll ......... ......... rWHY IUY AT AIC? ............. ........... ................ ........ ,..... ........... ............ ~· Why B~adley • • WIDS campaigns 8y TKOMA.8 D. ELIAS Tom Bradley'• critic.;. have been call- 11\g him a "do-nothing" nwyor for nine years. ~ Yet the 64-year'-dfcf former police lieutenant has been re-elected over- whelmingly twice and now he's the clear leader In this year's race for governor. Year after year, political opponents pop up and take shots at Bradley. Then they fook at the polls and the Los An- geles Q'layor's always-impressive cam- paign war chest -and run against 80me0ne else. State Controller Ken Cory is only the latest to knock Bradley and then drop out. Others Bradley has scared off in earlier years include three Los Angeles city councilmen, the city attorney, the police chief and two state legislative leaders. reduction Jn electric power u.ae dut1ng the 1973-74 enersy crunch. And there was no violence during the almost three yeara when Loa Angeles schools con- ducted the nation's largest busing-for- integration program. Bradley critfca like to say he ._voids controversy wherever he can. But this spring, he's not backing off his longtime support for the Peripheral Canal -even when campai~· Northern Califor- n ia hotbeds o op lion to the project. Put all these actors toget~er with Bradley's base and popularity In Cali- fornia's biggest city and his ability to win consistently without much apparent effort becomes more understandable. Thomas Eliu, s free-lance columnist based in Santa Monies, analyzes sisce i.ssues. THE RESULT IS that Bradley hasn't faced a major challenger since 1973, when he won out over a field including incumbent mayor Sam Yorty, current state Treasurer Jeue Unruh, a former police chief and the current city council president. Space Age: 25 years and counting Bradley will finally get a major foe this year -but not in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, where his oppo- Clllf DRiii f OCUS sition comes from two lightly-regarded candidates. state Sen. John Garamendi and Mario Obledo, the state's former health and welfare secretary. How does Bradley manage to intimi- date major poUticians so severely? Campaign finances are one reason. Bradley always raises big money through his close ties to both big business and big labor. And he does it early enough to give potential opponents time to opt for other races. That's what Cory did , after he first called Bradley an "irrelevancy." THE POLLS ARE another factor. Bradley has consistently been rated the state's most respected politician in every major poll. The same surveys show him· beating all potential rivals by wide margins. Television 1s yet another Bradley tool. For nine years, he has been the mayor as much of the gigantic Southern California television market as of his own city. For whenever the area's television newsmen seek a spokesman for local government, they look first to Bradley. rather than to leaders o( smaller cities. And Bradley has always responded wlth calm dignity, almost never becoming nettled. That helps defuse the race issue, which Cory has said could be used-to prevent Bradley from becoming the na- tion's first elected black governor For Bradley is such a familiar. stable figure to millions of voters that it will be hard for his autumn opponent to capitalize on his race by implying that he's soft on crime or somehow dangerous. Then there's his record, which is not so empty as some opponents cilum. He won the 1984 Olympics for his city on more favorable terms than any other city in history has received. His energy con- servation campajgn led to a 17 percent Quotes "These cuts would fall heavily on many of the nation's needy citizens and would shift unacceptable burdens to state and local governments already s truggling with the recession and d~p 1982 federal aid reductions." -Gov. R ichard Snelling, Republican of Vermont and chairman of the National Governors· Association. on the Reagan cuts . By HANS M.MARK Hans M. Mark is deputy adrninistrak>r for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. His remarks are re- printed from the Town Hall Journal. This year rf\arks the 25th anniversary of human beings venturing into space. The first such venture was an artllictal satellite -Sputnik -launched into orbit on Oct. 2, 1957. This move surprised some and shocked many in the United States because, ra- ther than our planned basketball-size satellite, it was a massive Soviet satellite in space. A few Americans expected it. but most did not. Throughout the coun- try there was a strong, confused reac- tion. America should do something! Thus, the space race began. The Soviets took the lead in space exploration with Sputnik, and they maintained that lead for about the first three or four years. The year 1961 saw the first manned orbital flight -also a Soviet accomplishment. The United States didn't start pulling ahead in space exploration until Presi- dent John F. Kennedy's bold action. He challenged NASA to put a man on the moon and bring him back before the end of the 1960s. We achieved exactly that by 1969. THE MOON LANDING is, of coune. an important historical event and gave the United States the edge in the space race . Despite the drama. there were some simultaneous technological deve- lopments that may have been even more far.reaching. One such development was the establishment of Comsat, a private corporation. Its purpose was to develop the communications potential of earth- orbiting satellites. The corporation very quickly became a profitable enterprise, opening the way for a whole new indu- stry. Today, there are multitudes of similar corporations that are making a heaJthy profit in the space business. In other words, deep space 1s being used not only by governments but by profitable private businesses. The emer- gence of private businesses in space de- ve-Jopment received comparatively little fanfare, but 'its impact will be felt for a much longer time. Perhaps more important than either the moon landing or communications satellites is the crucial role of spy satel- lites in maintaining world stability. Earth-orbiting satellites assumed a criti- cal function in the quest for world sta- bility by pennltting l'ellable verification of treaty compliance. In 1972, the world saw the first Stra- tegic Anns Limitations Treaty (SALT). This treaty, and all Later efforts to limit nuclear arms. depend upon the reliabi- lity of verification. A section of the 1972 treaty. entitled National Technical Means of Verification, recognizes the necessity ~f knowing what one's adver- sa1'y is doing. There could be no such treaties without this knowledge; the mutual distrust would be overwhelming. BOTH AMERICAN • and Russian or- bital satellites can observe activity on the planet surface with such precision that it makes a rms limitations agreements practical. These two aspects of space exploration -exploiting space for profitable pur- poses and providing the means for world political stability -are perhaps the most significant yet accomplished. Looking back over the last 25 years, the United States has created a remark- able track record in space -exploration-. The reason for America's success is partly due to a direct and explicit policy statement written into the Space Act of 1958. The Space Act <.'Ontams two major clements that h ave helped lead 'this CQuntry to where we are today. One part reqwrc.>s the government to establish a concrete program and orga- nization designed to preserve th.Ls coun- try's leading position in the business and technology of space exploration. The United States has adhered t.o the man- date. The Apollo program was developed in the 1960s and gave us the lead in that decade. In the 1970s, it was the Space Shuttle program tha t maintained our lead. THE SPACE SHUTTLE flew for the first time last April and returned from· a successful third mission Tuesday. It symboli:zed something that America "dtd right" in the 1970s. The second element of the Space Act -equally as important as the first - was the specification that t he United States shall carry out two separate space programs. One space program is to be under auspices of a civilian agency. That program is to be open to public scrutiny, to remam unclassified. and to operate with a general charter to advance space technology and conduct scientific res - earch. A second program -carried out by the Department of Defense -will uti- lize the same technology but will conduct 1ts affairs 1Ander the necessary security provisi9ns. With proper security precau- tions, certain tasks performed by mili- tary satellites can functio n witho ut breaching the security interests of the nation. This division of effort is an ingenious way to solve an otherwise troublesome problem. An all-civilian space program could betray national security; an all- military program could lose touch with the rest of the nation. The Reagan administration is just beginning to take a s tand on America's space program. Although Reagan has not yet forma- lized a new direction for space explora- tion, NASA's appropriation was the Lar- gest increase m the 1983 fiscal budget of any department or program other than defense-related agencies. IN ORDEJ\ TO PUT a quarter cen- tury in perspective. let's take a look at what people can achieve in 25 years. Twe nty-five years after the Wright Brothers made the first self-powered flJght m 1903. Charles Lindbergh had just completed the first airplane flight across the ocean. Twenty-five -years later. in 1953, thousands of passengers flew the Atlantic and Pacific crossings. Twenty- f1ve years later, in 1978 and since. hun- dr1.-ds of thousands of people fly ac~ the ocean (.'Vl·ry yC'ar m huge jet aircraft, and no ont> thinks tWIC..'C' about it. So, in a relatively short time span, humanity has gone from 1ts first flight to mass com - merc1alizauon of air lraffic Where 1s the >pace program today? With the 1983 budget, a priority system has been cstabltshed. The first prionty m that budget 1s to complete the Space Shuttle program The second priority is to slrengthen the 1nslltut1on of NASA by enlistmg the servll-es or the best profes- sionals and providing optunal facilities. The third priority 1s to contmue opera- ting a v1gorow. program m sc1entif1c ad- vancement and to apply appropriately the fruits of this scientific research The most current program in NASA's space science 1s thl' Space T elescope. We are near launching this telescope which will enable humanity to look mcredibly deep into o ur univC'rse. It may carry human knowledgl' to the threshold of Einstein 's dream, un1 f y1ng our un- ders tanding of the very small and the very largeo scalC' of events. Beyond the sc:·1ent1fic endeavors of the Space Tel<'S<.'Ope rests the likelihood that humanity will bcRm to exploit economi- cally the solar system /n this decade. There is little doubt that we will soon establish a permanent human presence in Earth orbit. The costs of maintaining and building a space lab are now easily within our means with the Space S huttle. And such a permanent pre:;ence can just as easily take the form of some sort of industry in space -dlSCOvering and processing resources and shuttling them back to Earth. IN THE NEXT 50 YEARS, 1t would seem likely that humanity will have extended 1ts permanenf presence in space to the surface o f the moon. At about the same time, we ought to be making manned trips to Mars or Venus or both. Some of these prospects for the future of space exploration may slrike you as far out. But these kinds of expanding honwns are in the nature of the species. • It is important for the human race to have expanding h orizons. H we lose sight of our potential 1f we believe there are finite Limits to our grasp. humanity will be in trouble When we become obsessed with limits, we will aU h ave to worry over how to divide the firute "pie." Those doing the allocating will have to be glven authori- tarian powers. More and more pt!'Ople will be desperately bat()ing over diml- nishing pieces of the pie. for there would be no hope that patience would offer a bigger share next year. Press restrictions tighten around the world BY CHARLES J . HANLEY ._ ............. .-w In capitals as diverse as Ankara, San Salvador and Warsaw, military men acting in the name of order choked off newspapers and other media ouUets over the pas t year, a period of deepening censorship in many parts of the world. ·-.. .-. .......... -... -.... you really want me to bet~, bring down the In· t.rest rates." ~ -.-- An Associated Press global survey found that although press restrictions were eased last year in s uch places as Pakistan, the Philippines and Bolivia, the changes were often cosmetic or minor and were more than offset internationally by crackdowns on the press ln Turkey, El Salvador, Poland, Egypt, Nicaragua, Chile and Iran. Censorship comes not only from above. In many countries journalists exer cise "self.censorship," skirting sensitive areas, often to protect their lives. "THERE ARE A LOT of subject.a in Thailand you just don't write about," a Thal edllor, asktna to remaln anonymous, said lo Bangkok. "There are many skeletons ln the closet.a of tbe wealthy and powerful, and if you expose them you mlaht not be around for Iona." Seven journ•llats were slain In ThaUand In 1981, some after they e x posed oltl cl al corrupUon, the Thailand Journall•U Aaeoctatlon H)'I, At the U.N. Educational, Scl•Unc and Cultural Orfanl11Uoa, &be media" debate shafted la ltl.1 h'Om .-UoM of 1ov~mment ~to>l over new1 to mor. pracUcal illuea lnvolvina ~ to lmprove tecbnoloa •M tralnlq for "nlJrd World joutna!llb. Tbe UNES<X> .,..umeot Md IJ'OWll heat~ ln recent yean, MuJ 1'blrd W or ld cou nt ries co ntend e d governments should control the content and distribution or news, and charged that Western news organizations had grown tdo powerful. But the debate cooled in 1981 after West.em media exec utives is s ued a strong reaffirmation ~ traditional concepts of press freedom and the Reagan administration threatened to withdraw its financial support-of UNESCO. P R OBABLY THE mod dTamatic setbacks for press freedom occurred where military forces seized power in the face or political turmoil. In Turkey, where the military took charge in September 1980 to end bloody s trife between extremiata ol the left and right, tbe ruling 1enerals strictly enforced decrees forbiddin& the news media to comment on the political sltuatlon, price increases and other matters tbal might "create public anxiety aod spe<:ula.Uon." At least a half.dozen Joumall.sta we.-. prosecuted oo a\acb cbarpa. Seorea of aUe1~ lelUat JO\lmallltl we.-. pur1ed from the 11tate-run 'l'Vkilb broadcut 1y1tAlm. , Tbe ~ miltt.al')'-et.IMu Junta ln &l Sa.lvadot' declared a 4'1&.ate ol ale1e" last ~ tllat made It a cri~ punlaha~l• b y up to t wo year1' lmprllonment to publlat. ...,. about left.lat auerrtlla actl.W.., rw cr1ticlam • of the military or the U.S.·backed junta. Journalism has become a dangerous profession in that Central American nation. IN THE PAST.TWO years or struggle between left and right in El Salvador. 11 journalists have been killed, including 7 foreigners. Journalists often receive telephoned death threats and sometimes harsh warnings from military authorities who disapprove of particular stories. The rise of Poland's independent labor movement Solidarity bad led to a new openness in the official media In that Communist-governed nation. But when the military seized power lul Dec. 13, sWiftly suppresslng Solidarity, the generala closed alJ newspapers but two -the Communist Party daily and the Defense Mini5try paper. Gradually other newspapera were allowed to resume publication, but reportedly only after "loyalty" checu, the flrln1 of some staff members with pro -Solldarlly views , and the ' retnatitiuUoo of full prior censorahlp. Wl'l'lllN TWO DAYS of deelarlna mart1al taf, the sne.rall cut off forelan reponen• conMCt.lou with the ou&aide world. TM1 ..,.. later allowed to tend dllpatdMa aaalD ~r clOM cwonblp by authorillea. 011trlsbt eenaonblp event\&ally wu Ufted but alba' eant.roll continued, lnchldinC problbltlons oa reporters' travel outside Warsaw. In t h e United States. media·government skirmishing focused last year on the efforts of the Reagan administration and some members of Congress to make public access to government information more difficult under the Freedom of Information Act.· ·• A Senate s ubcommittee approved FOIA amendments Dec. 14 that would make it ea5ier for the Pentagon and the Central lnte111gence Agency lo claim that certain Information must remain secret for national security reasons. The Reagan administration also baa askeld Congress to expand the FOlA ex.empUon for commercial and financial data. OltANGECOAIT Thr comment paac of the Dally ·Pilot aeeks to Inform and 1tlmulate NII~ by Ptfttnt· Ing • varlot)' of comm ntary on topic:e of lntueal 111d sl1nlflnncc from lnfo,..med oh· Hn1e1'11and1pott men T'*"-P.H.,,~ Satvdaj, April I. 111t l • llllJ Piiat SATURDAY. APRIL 3, 1M2 COMICS TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT 86 88 810 ) Huntington Beach High' s baseball team won again, this time with four sacrifices. See 83. • I Angels throw pitching at Dodgers Zahn celebrates return to Dodger Stadium with a strong six innings in 2-1 v~ctory • By CURT SEEDEN And Zahn, for one, plana on pitching Jerry Reua throutb the early going, asked about h1a often-maliBned pitching Of,..~,......,. plenty o1 gems like he did Friday night. veteran Renko came on to allow a corps. "I like our pitching. I'm not \he gle ln the ninth inning. DeCinces had acored the Angela' flrat run in the aec:ond inning when he dou- bled inside third and then aoored when Fred Lynn followed with a double that a1ao Skij>~ inside third. LOS ANG~ -Rarely will a pit.-"I feel more relaxed thl8 year," the hannlea walk and DO hita over two in-least bit concerned about it. cher'a 10.11 record strike terror in the 35-year-old journeyman admitted after-"I can remember when Jerry Reuss ba1a and hearta of h1a opposition. ward. "Maybe it doesn't matter to. /' / fi. d G d was DO~ and Burt Hooton was a joke. Tbat'a particularly 10 with the World you guys (the media), but I've always Ve Q WQJS igure 0 Now, they re each a helluva pitcher," Champion Los Angeles Dodgers, who figured God gave me the talent to pitch. gave me the talent to Ditch. Mauch added. once laid claim to the man on the molmd And last year, I forgot about that. _ GfoU zu. The Angel manager, beginning hi• for the Angela Friday night at Dodpr "ft really came to me last year when I first full year aa the main man under the The Dodgers had tied the 1COre in the third as Reuss opened with a single but was erased when Steve Sax hit into a force play. Ken Landreaux was then hit by a p itch and the two pulled off a double steal. Dusty Baker's slow roller then brought Sax home. Stadium. was taken out of a game. (Manager) ninga, and AB.Be allowed juat pinch-hitter halo, said Friday night's victory was a But if anyone was going to tame the Gene Mauch pulled me aside and said he Jorge Orta's ninth-inning hue hit which perfect. example of what it's going to Dodgers in the Fr.!eway Serles opener, could see I just wasn't having any fun temporarily kept the Dodgen alive. take to froduce winners in .Anaheim. left-hander Geoff Zahn seemed beat-out there," Zahn added. But Anael catcher Bob Boone lilenced ''Thats the kind of game we have to groomed for the job. Friday night's victory wasn't much of a few of Flis critics by naili.na Orta at-win. Oh, we're going to have our share Zahn scattered five hits and allowed a laughing matter for Zahn and his tempting to steal second to end the game. of 8-6 and 7-5 ball games, but we .. re also the Dodgers just one run in six innings mat.es, but it wu a satisfying victory The success ~e the Angels a 19-going to win aome 4-2 and 2-1 games." Friday night, and Steve Renko and Don considering the performances of all three 17-1 Freeway ·ea advantage. The Angels' 2-1 win wu provided by Aaae did their jobs as the Angels pulled Angel pitchers. "I don't pay any attention to what. a single from third baseman Doug De- out a 2-1 victory before 32,241 fans. After Zahn outdueled Dodger starter 0th.er people think," noted Mauch, when Cinces, a sac:rlfice, and .BOone's"tlBI sin- The two te$lll8 are back at Dodger Stadium tonight (7:05) with Bob Welch getting the call for the Dodgen a.gainat Mike Witt ol the Angels. Fernando Va- lenzuela is also expected to see his second bit of work in relief. ~--------------------------------------~_;;_------------------------------- Suns s~tay in the hunt, 109-99 INGLEWOOD (AP)-Dennis Johnson scored 25 points and Truck Robinson added 19 Friday night, leading Phoenix to a 109-99 victory over the Los A.n- gelee Lakers In a game cruicial to the Suns' National Basketball A.seoclation playoff hopes. By winning, the Suns, 41-32, moved one game ahead of idle Golden State, 40.33, in the battle for the sixth and final Western Conference playoff berth. Loe Angeles, 50-24, led mo6t of the way and held a 91-89 lead with six minutes remaining, but the Suns went ahead to stay by outacoring the Lakers 13-2 over a 3~-minute span to take a 102-93 advantage. Walter Davis scored three consecutive field goals to give the SWlS a four-point lead and Alvan Adams added two more ba.sketa during the spurt. In the final six minutes of action, the Suns out- scored the Lakers 20-8. Davis and Kyle May added 17 points apiece for the Suns, who won only their 13th game of the season on the road against 24 losses. Jamaal Wilkes led the Lakers wth 23 points, bul only two of them came in the fourth quarter. Kareem A.bdul-Jabbar and Norm Nixon added 19 and 18 points, respectively, for Los Attgeles, which had its three-game win- ning streak snapped. The game was won by Phoenix at the foul line. Both clubs made 47 field eoais, but the Suns made ~4 of theU' 20 free throw attempta while the Lakers were just five of nine from the foul line. The Suns outrebounded the Lakers 42-39. Robinson and Rich Kelley pulled down 13 and 12 missed shots, respectively, to lead Phoenix. A.bdul-Jabbar led the Lakers in rebounding with nine. WITHIN GRASP -Rwia Roee (85) of the Costa Mesa-Irvine Police Department foot- ball team pressures a counterpart from the Garden Grove-Buena Park team, Vic Colo- Dllr,... ,.... .,, a.tie~ roso (10), who had fumbled on this play during Friday's Cop Bowl at Orange Coa_,t ~ College. RICHARD CHANG EdJIOD RICK DtBERNARDO £4.llOD JIM USEVITCB Oceaa View JEFF BUG~ Foutala V a.1:1ey MATI' BEEUWSAERT Mater Del Edison's Chang named to,CIF first team Area stars DiBernardo, Usevitch, Hughes and Beeuwsaert are also honored BY kOOBR CARlSON Of .. Dllr,... .... lcl18on Blah'• one-two punch of Richard ~ a Nett DIBemardo, Ol:mn View Htah •Jim U1evltcb, J'ountaln Valley lharp-ebooter Jett Hughes and Mater Del eopbomore Mau Beeuwaaert have been named to the All-CIJ' 4-A bllbtbal1 ·tMm. Chana, a Npellt lllecUon. WM put Oil the fir•t team by acclamation by the l'lrat. Intent.ate Denk AtblMic J'OUDCleUon board, DlBernardo and U..ttch _.. ...-l team cholcM and Huabm and BeeuWIMrt were ~ on the tliird -.n.. Jll.=r of the l:!:' bonon p to Tod oi CD' pan Lalrftood. 1he M ..-wbo S.CS the I..aDCm'I wtth a 16.3 .,.tlitawnet· ~a tbre.YM.t •tarter for J:d1lon 1D4 ........ Counl1'• ~of they_,., II lu 1zt.d tor the Untwntty of California af. ter lMd.lna Ed.l9on to • 24-3 record and the No. 1 rankini in Orange County. ffe aveneed 20.9 pciin1a a pme and W81 the San nun. Tounaament of Champona MVP, amonc other endeewn. DtBemardo, a two-time All·CIF line- backer In football and beaded for Notre Dame on a football tcbolanbip, wu the other half of Bdllon'• bmldab1e fralt line punch, averapcl U .8polntaa1ame and WM a fcnt Oft the boerdl. Di.Bemltdo WM allo a three-yeu" ltlll1el' for Edi.Ion and when the Suneet Leaaue champion• exited the CU" playolfa (courteay of S.rvite). DlBernardo waa the belt ~ CID tbe flocr, ICIOrinl .. and domlmUnC the boarda. aevtceh, the 8·9 ~ lim1or from Ocean View, anw,. a JJnP cm9lt that bllfan on tbie bench ... frwbnwn. Jn the abldow oi U9C fJwbnMn w.,.,. c..tlandll" M a jumor, UMYttcb 1~ to the cha1Jena'e U a RniN by a~ 20.4 polnta a game, and it ..-u bis play which aot the Seahawka into the CIF playoffa a1ter one o1 the atronceat ache- dulel in the CIF rmulted in a 15-10 record. Huch-econd at a 20.6 clip• a wUol' and OWi' a apan of two yean avenced 18.2 pa(n1a a pme fCll' the Barom. Canatan~ double-teamed and/or defen-ted wlth mmlck tacttca, Hu1hea bad Fountain alley in contention tor a CD' playoffs berth until a~ to~ in the playoffa and WM COil the *' pure lhooCm' in Oranae ~ty by ~· Beeuwaaert led Mater Del'• youth movement, aarneriJl& a flnt team All· Anee1'9 t..eue lp>t and IDONd at a 18.2 ~ ICOnd tn tht .,, 18 dam and .. the _,.....,..Md .. ol. two~ ...._ GD the three ...... They didn't 'Cop' out Costa Mesa-Irvine wins, 14-6 • By JOHN SEV ANO the Super Bowl is to the pro6. It's OftM o..,,... • ..,. just that the pros play for money Costa Mesa-Irvine head foot-while we play for the kids and ball coach Mike Milner, who in ourselves." his spare time also coaches the It was the kind of affair where vanity at Fountain Valley High, everybody benefitted. The fans w~s sur:--eying. his sq~ad just were rewarded with a highly pnor to its meetmg aga.mst Car-inten se football game, even den Grove-Buena Park in the though it may not have been fowth annual Cop Bowl. very picturesque. The players got Despite the fact his team was a chance, for at least 48 minutes, winless in three prior attempts, to re-live childhood dreams and Milner was composed. provide a worthwhile service to "Aren't you nervous?" asked the community. The kids from so~e.. , . the surrounding high schools, .Thia l8n t 1~ Fountain Vall~y-meanwhile, were the biggest F.dison game, he answered with winners as all the proceeds went a wide grin. . to various high school athletic Maybe not. But don't try to tell departments. that to the officers who partici-A c tually, there was some led in Friday night's event at pretty good football mixed in at. e Coast ~~~e. . times, too. . o us, this is JUSt hke the Costa Mesa-Irvine JWllped out Super Bowl," said a smiling, but to an 8-0 lead 40 seconds into the serious Costa Mesa officer Gary second quarter as running back Nickens after C.OSta Mesa-Irvine J eff Miller culminated a 14-play, had notched its first win of the 82-yard march with a one-yard series with a 14-6 decision over dJve into the end wne. Keith Bell Garden Grove-Buena Park be-ran around right end after fwn- fore approximately 2,500 at Le-bling the center snap to account Bard Stadium. for the two-point conversion." "Th.is is just as serious to us as Six and a half minutes later it Finn takes Pole at LB LONG BEACH (AP) -Keke Rosberg of Finland, driving a Williams, raced to the provisional pole position Friday for the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. The 33-year-old driver, in his first season with the British- based team of Frank Williams. toured the revised 2.13-mile course through the streets of Long Beach at an average speetl of 86.570 mph on the fastest-time lap of the day. Right behind was two-time world champion Niki Lauda of Austria, whose best lap in a Mcl.Men was 86.360. Defen$f ing world champion Nelnl Piquet of Brazil and the Brabham team was next at 8~.263. .... ,, , .... 1. ~ RocbefV, FINend, Wlllwnt FWOI, 11.610. 2. Nllll Leud•. Auelrlc, McLcren MP43, ..... 3. ~ Plqutlt, Brazil, er.t>ncm BT "'490, 16.293. 4. Al.in Proet. France, Reneult AE·30B, 85.212. 5. Giiie• VIiieneuve, Ccncdc. Ferreri 12'&.C2. 85.248. 8. Nlguttl McnHll. England, lotue 91, 15.0ll. 7. Didier Plronl, Fr•~. F.,rafl 128-42, 85,()12. I . Alcccrdo PctreH, ltcly, Brcbhcm BT ~90; '4.1135. t. Eld' de Angelle, ltllly, l.otuC 91, 114.IM. 10. """° ~. ltely.,,.,,,. Aomeo 112. 114.571. 11. Miehe .. Alboreto, ltcly, Tyrrell 011, 114.tM. 12. Andfft ct. 0-le, lttlly, Alfc ~ 112, M.tM. 13. Aclw Amoull, fl'llnOe, ...,,.,.. RE-308, 114.tU. 14. Mcrto Andrettl. United St--. w..n. fWOI. ... Oii 11. JeM..PlerN J9rter, Fr-. 0cetc 'A· IC. At11. 1 .. ,....,.. ~ "-• Tcltlot-l.lglw JS17 ......... 11. tlltMfnd Wlnlceltlook. Weet Qenn911y, ATtOCM,ll.11 .. 1•. """ llorvuctd. '"""·Tyrrell 011. u ..... 1t. e.tdle ~. UnMd et .... TCll>ot• UllCr .1111, ...... IO. AoMrto Quemro, Colofllbl9. IMltn 1"1t1. IS.a&. 11. JodMn ...... w ... ~. ~ 111 ...... ....................... ,, •. OM. . U . CllloO l«r•, Ctllle, FIU1pe1cll ''°· •.• 01. ... o-911 -· .,.,,_., TiliMidGn TY01, et .... II. Mell HentOf'I, lfttlelld, Amrn A4, ..... ... """' ..... *""91' ........,, ........ W41,a.MQ. • tf . ....,.. ,_.., l\llf1. a.-. ,,._,c, ..... ... _. ..... l.~ATaOCM.11 .... ............. ...,.AmMaM,•1aa. IO, TH '91111, lt•Py, ToleM•n T .. 111, t1.M4. was quarterback Clyde Fore- man's turn to get into the end wne as he faked a toes left, rolled right and scampered 30 yards up the right sideline for the score. The point after was missed (the kick fell short i! you can believe that) and Costa Mesa-Irvine · settled for a 14-0 advantage at the half. The defense took over in the second half, keeping Garden Grove-Buena Park out of the end wne until the last 55 seconds of the game when John Yergler fi- nally scored from four lards out to cut the deficit to 14-. Garden Grove-Buena Park fi- nished with 207 yards (unofficial) in.offense, but had only 62 in the first half. Costa Mesa-Irvine totaled 216. Costa Mesa-Irvine was led of., fensively by Foreman, 7 of 17 passing for 107 yards (plus the 30-yard TD run); Nickens, 91 yards in total offense (60 in rec- eptions, 31 rushing), all in the first half; and Miller, 66 yards rushifl6 . Was the victory sweet? "Oh God, yes," exclaimed Miller. "It all comes from down here," he added, alluding to the inner strength from within. "It's the same type of thing that motivates us out on the street." "Thia is something they want- ed for a long time," said Milner. "Some of us have been wor- king out the entire year for this game," added Nickens. "I'm so glad we won. And the nice thing about it is that there were really no hel'oes, ti waa a total team effort." SADDLEBACK HOSTS MEET Saddleback College ia the 1cene of today'• tranaplanted Ora.nae County track and field championabipc with vanity fi- nala tentatively tchedw.d for 1 p,m., foUowtna rnomlna preUma in froeb-eopb and vanity com- peUtkln. A field of 2,400 competitors, repnle!ltina 37 1eboola, lndu· dlDI Fountain Valley, Oce-.i Vlew, •tancla, Woodbridl@. ..._, D11. l'.l Toro and -M-llllan- V~ amoal adwl. will be CID bud. I I L I ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOTl8•turday, April 3, 1982 .---------------------..,. Steve Scott runs , fastest mile ever From AP cUtpa&claet AUCKLAND, New Zealand -P'ofl'Del' UC Irvine runner Steve Soott. takin& ad-m vantage of a straight, downhill coune, ran the futelt mile in track history today, wtnnLng the inaugural Queen Street MUe in 3 minutes, 31.25 seconds. The Ume was 16.08 eeconda faster than the world record of 3:47.33 held by F;ngland's Se- bastian Cole.. Scott's time will not count. as a world record, however, since the race was straight, not on a cloeed track. 1l'he course, down the main street of New Zealand's largest city, gave runners an advantage becauee it dropped more than 200 feet in altitude in the first 400 yards. Scott's previous best mile ...,. was a 3:49.68 in 1981. In last year's Fifth Avenue Mile, a econ straight race in New York, Scott was timed in 3:53.84, finishing seventh behind winner Sydney Maree's 3:47.52. Quote of the day Lonnie Nlcbolt, basketball coach at Oklahoma City University, on the plight of a coach's wife: "Bless my wife's heart. She grew up as an only child, and she thinks she still is." Denis Watson putts way to lead Denis Watson one-putted 11 !I times on the way to a 7-under-par 65 that staked him to a one-<stroke lead Friday in the second round of the Greater Greensboro Open Golf Touruament. The 26-year-old native of Rhodesia -and no relation to Tom -came from six shots of! the~ with the best round of the tournament and took the top spot at 137, one shot ahead of Danny Edwards ... Holll1 Stacy, deadly accurate with her approach shots and her putter, fired a 7-under-par 65 Friday to claim the second-round lead of the Dinah Shore women's tournament in Rancho Mirajte . • Rangers let one sllp away Mike Ballard scored Pittsburgh's ~ game-winner on a backhander with ' , 7:41 to go Friday night to boost the Penguins to a 7-5 victory over the New York Rangers in National Hockey League play. lt·wM the first time this season the Rangers had lost after carrying a lead into the third pe- riod. They were 20-0-2 before Friday . . . In the only other NHL game Friday, Steve CUi1- toff 1COred two goals and added an uaist to spark Minnesota to a 5-2 victory in Winnipeg. Anden Babn11on added a goal and two assists for the North Stars. U.S. women sweep China The United States wome n 's m national volleyball team defeated the People's Republic of China national .team 3-0 Friday night in an exhibition match at Cal State Fullerton. The U.S. squad won by scores of 15-13, 15-13 and 15-8 before a crowd of about 2,500. The match lasted nearly two hours. Top players for the Americans were Flo Hyman, a 6-5 hitter from Torrance, and Rita Crockett, a setter from San Antonio, Texas. The People's Republic of China won tpe 1981 World Cup while the U.S. finished second ahead of Japan and Russia. I • BraV61 stay hot In spring lreee a .... act drove In four II n.ana FrlCS.y u the Atlanta Brav" woo far the 18th t1me la 24 ahlbtUon PD*' def•Unl the HOUltcD ~ 7-~ ... Bo1ton •lammed 1lx 1tral1bt hlta ..-tNt Meta' burler Pet z.dlrr ln the .txtb ln· n1n1 for five r une and downed the Met1, 7-6 ... Riek Leacla, recently nam4td u De- troit'• first bMeman. drove in hJs fOW1h nan of the pme with hit tounb bit. a two-out lln&le ln the ninth t.nnina, u the Ti&en outlMted Pltt16ur1h, 8-1 . . . Daddy Bell rapped three liQal• and drove In two run1 a1 Texaa defeated Kan1H City, ~ 9-3 . . . Al Rollud, who ii alated to Nft &rt Francilco'1' seaaon opener against the Dodaera. allowed one run and ..,.DtCT two hita in five lnnlno. u the Giants beat aeveland, 7-2 . . . Urry Bt1le hit his fifth home run of th_e spring, sparking a five-run Milwaukee ninth Inning, 8' the Bcewera and Cube played to a 7-7 tie in a game called after 10 l.nninp by mutual qreement . . . Brad Milli' 12th-inning single gave Montreal a 3-2 triumph over Baltimore . . . DHae Walker's ba.sea-loaded single in the 11th inning helped Cin cinnat i claim a 2 -1 win over St. Louis . . . Back Martinez bounced a bues- loaded single over a drawn-in infield in the bottom of the ninth inning as Toronto shaded Minnesota, 2-1 . . . Dave Wlafleld drove in four runs with a homer, single and two-Nn double as the Yankees beat Philadelphia, 7-2. Winters rains baskets on Bulls Bria.a Wlnten pumped in seven m· baskets in the final five minutes Fri-• day night to lead the Milwaukee Bucks to a 114-106 victory over Chi-' cago in the National Basketball Aa9oc:iation. The Bucks, who have already clinched the Central Division, w on th eir f o urth straight ... Elsewhere, Adrlaa Outley not- ched 42 points and Darrell Grlffi~ had 30 aa Utah mapped an 18-game lo- sing streak with a 127-118 vic t ory over Ka.naae City . . . Alex Englltll took a key rebound with 35 se- conds left and unit two free throws to keet> Denver on th heels of San Antonio in the Midwest Division with a 127 -121 victory over Portland ... Larry Bird'• WINTIM two free throws broke a last.- minute tie and helped Boston subdue Atlanta, 110-107 ... Bobby Joaes acored 22 pointa to lead seven Philadelphia players in double figures as the 76ers trounced Cleveland, 135-115 ... A dunk shot by Albert Klag with five seconds to go lifted New Jersey to a 98 -96 win over Washington ... Seattle cut the Laker lead. in the Pacific Division to 2~ games with a 111-86 rout of san Antonio. Alexander steps down at Mater Del Bill Alnaader, head varsity Ill basketball coach at Mater Del High, 1 has been asked to step down from that position. Alexander has been head coach with the Monarchs the previous two aeaaona . . . BJora Bors llW'Vived ru. first quali- fying match in five years Friday, when he dwnped Italian Paolo hrtol8Cd, 7-5, 6--0 in a bid for a berth in the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tennis tournament ... The University of Texas Friday selected Bob Weltllcla, who compiled an 83-88 record at the University of Mississippi, as the new Longhorns' basketball coach. Weltlicb replaces Abe LemoH, who recently was fired after a disappointing aeason ... A West team led by Dwlgbt Andenoa of USC will try to break a three-game losing streak today against the East in the 11th Pizza Hut Basketball Classic in Las Vegas ... The USA-USSR junior dual track and field meet scheduled for this summer has been canceled at the request of the Soviets, The Athletics Congress announced. The meet had been sche-c:i uled for July 10 and July 11 at Washington State University in PuJ.pnan ... Home Ran Gal finished strong Friday to capture the feature race by three-quarters bf a length before a crowd of Jt.563 at Santa Anita. TV sports pickings slim today Following are the top sports events on TV to- day. Ratings are: vv...,..v excellent; vv...,.. worth watching; ...,... v fair; ...,... forget it. S 1:30 p.m., Channel ! V V' BASKETBALL: College All-star game. Annoucen: Frank Glleber and Steve Grote. High-scoring guardB Dan Callandrillo (Seton Hall), Eric Floyd (Georgetown) and Vince Taylor (Duke) pace the East squad in the 11th renewal of the Pizza Hut Classic from Laa Vegas. The West features 7-0 center Wallace Bryant (San Franciac:o) and 6-11 Mark McNamara (California) on the front line. ~ 1:30 p.m., Channel 4 v v v WOMEN'S GOLF: Dinah Shore Invitational. Aluroaacen: Don Criqui, Carol Mann, John Brodie, Bob Goalby and Jay Randolph. Holll.s Stacy holds the lead after two rounds when she fired a 7-under-par 66 Frid~ for a 6-under-par 138 36-hole tot.al. She holds a ktroke edae over Pat Bradley who had a 69 on Friday. Saliy Little and Beth Daniel are at 143 with Patty REDWOOD 2 x e -39' un. tt. 775-1491 18808 S. HARBOR DECKING . ~&. ........... ~. T eh en in•tntOfr of rowr pottlltlal. Wiii( ..._ .. 11t•01-t dD JOit ""' lllllt Ill: How do 11111 111111 lt oci.n? . "Attilind OM ol lollr MSliolia Ill Ap-1• ..,..,..._._1 .._..._._n ..... t.....,._w .... .....,-.,.. ........... ,. ... 1 ... fU; .... ,. ..... ............... (714)M0-1211 . -~--...-.., .. ·-~,. - Sheehan, JoAnne Carner, Donna Caponi and Cindy Hill in at 144. OTHER TELEVISION 12:30 p.m. (4) -h 18Z BASEBALL.PREVIEW -"It's Still Called Baseball" previews the 1982 baseball season. Included: A look at the competitive struggle between American and National League .,,. teams in Chicago and New York. Host Joe Gara- giola diacusses catching with Montreal's Gary Car- ter. 2:30 p.m. (7) -SUGAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Teams from Minneeota and St. Louia battle in a aeries of bQuta taped in Baton Rouge, La. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - AJexiB Arguello (74-4) defenda his WBC light- weight title for the fourth time against Andy Gaingan (34 -3) in a ICheduled 16-round bout, taped at Las Vegas. Also: The 128th edition of the Oxfocd-Cambridge boat race, taped on the Thames River. ~7) -PRO BOWLING -The fin.ab of the King LOuie Open, taped at Overland Park. Kan. 6 p.m. (7) -WlDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Taped covera1e of the Florida Derby for three- )'NJ'.c>lda. Aho: The NCAA lwimming and diving chamP'mahla-, taped at Milwa~ RADIO Baeeball -Angeli at Dodgers, 6:40 p.m.; KABC Ul60l. Photos with East•B11my Iring y04Jt chlkf to Huntington Center for o fr" fun visit with ft. Eoater lunny. Phot0t °"'Y S2.81 on,....... Daly 'tA Ecmw. ~ Use /lnSWef /Id service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you ca II in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this se rvice is only $5.00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad - ca 11 642 -5678'. Daily Pilat Art Show Huntington Center dally thru Sun. THINK ABOUT TH/$ On the first Palm Sun- day there waa a demon- 1trat.lon • a march on Je- rusalem. The Jew1 were fed up with the Roman occupaUon foroee. So thev marched. And the"1~f, Jeeua to e><prem pro-. t e1t. They chanted , "Blessed la the Kini who oomes 111 the name of the Lord." I But Je1u1 wun't anti- Rome. He wu pro-Roman and pro-Jew. Actually, JesUJ la pro-life and pro- peoplel He didn't come to vote or put on a demon- stration; He came to be our Savior. Do you kno w , Jesus Christ ls pro·you. He In- vites you who are 1pirl- tually hungry or thirsty to come to Him. He calla you who are weary to come to Him. Ir you have 1inned and botched up your life He especially wants you to come. How do you come to Christ? Firat, admit your need to Him. Second, trust Him to forgive your sins, and give your total life to Him. Third, tell IOmeone el.ae what you've done. n:xl~fne~ t:m!.lchuRdl J•-"'OOf• Aoed ................... ---..... ,.,_ 60C>4alO .• .,.,.. ..... -9Q .............. Real value is Plummer's value! our warehouse program offers you real value on fine , home-ftatering contemporary furniture at low prices! Famous Design --~~~ atller Chair This contemporary design wtt:tt walnut or oak shell frame & caramel color teamer Is perfect for IMngo. room. den or office _$399 GIVe VOUf hOfne I toucft Offtlme gr'lln Wik wtO'I tt*9 kJYlfVbc> •ca111 c:nft9clofhftr18St...,_Andf0r1 toucn Of i:ncacatttv. tne snetws ... adlUStlDll. lldt '*"' c:omtr\ICtld"""' l'Ntd*10 llllC A. 21Vt''X12Vt"xm4'", $1.'111... .............. ~.89 I. 5s~··x12Y1"~".S~09Yll ................. !l9 C. 5SYt"X1~"X76Vo", $189Yll ................. ~ 1'Wefllr$171 AVllllble In Wllr1Utlt ~ ,._ l)ftQIS, Director's Chair Oirecton chairs are perfect for summer entertatntno. lndoOr5 and out Natural WOOd tram~. wttn a variety of bright canvas colors Cood. value at S39 The one and on1v1 or111na1 st1 essless Leattler Chair frOm Norway Elegant chrome & leather, with ottoman. Avallabfe In varrous colors. $795 value. ,.. . ~ ' ... . tJCI stopped Waves hold on for 10-6 win UC Irvine'• bueball team opened ltl Southern C.ali!omia &aeball A.9odation eeuon on th• wrona loo\ Friday u the Wav• of Pepperdlne pounded ln the Anteaten, 10-6. · The Wavee (S-1 ln SCBA) jumped out to a 9·0 i.llCl betore the Anteatera came back to make the llXW rt11pectable. UCI 1ta.rter Andy BJ.mar couldn't get by the IUth lnnlnl· The ~ht-hander, beeeiged with con-trol problema, walked aeven and gave up 9e'Yen hita .. the Wavee acored nine runs, eight ot which were e.rnea:----- The flf~ inning, in whioh Pepperdine acored five tlmee on just two hits, was a good example of how things went for BUmar and the Anteaters. UCI scored twice in the bottom of the fifth J,nning and three more time& in the sixth to reduce ~e margin to 9-S. but that's as cloee as they would get. Only a pair of Waves had two hita as Martin Montano went 2-for-4 with two RBI and Bob Perez alao accounted for· two hits. Jim Jones was the big . RBI man with three, including an RBI single and a two RBI sacrifice fly. UCI's offensive attack was led by shortstof Mike lnglehart, who was 2-for-4 with three RB , i:nclUdmg a two-run single in the fifth and .an RBI ·aingle in the sixth. Teammate Ralph Ged1es was . 2-for-3 with two RBI. The two sides resume their three-game series with a noon double-neader today in Malibu. ·Pirates nipped . Orange Coast College fell five points short in dropping a South Coast Conference dual meet track and field decision to visiting San Diego Mesa Friday afternoon, 75-71. However, there were some bright spots for the Pirates as Mike Serna captured the 800 in 1:56.7 and placed second in the 1,500 to teanunate Steve ·Uchytil in 4:03.3. WI NNERS -Rudy Dvorak (left) and Leif Hanson were two of the Artists' key players · Friday night. Artists breeze CdM, Marina, FY click Laguna Beach High's unbeaten and defending CIF champion Artists were supposed to be involved in a crucial South Coast League volleyball test Friday night -in the confines of Dana Hills where the Dolphins awaited with a similar 3-0 league re- cord. But it didn't take long for the Artists' super- iority to show through as Coach Bill Ashen's crew romped to a 15-7, 15-6, 15-8 victory. "Neil Riddell, Leif Hanson, Rudy Dvorak," said Dana Hills Coach Steve Ahle, "you get those three cogs going and they're tough to stop." The Artists hurt Dana Hills with their deep serving ~d the Dolphins didn't do much to help themselves, failing to ~ or serve with effective- ness. "They controlled our offense with serves," said Ahle "and we couldn't control theirs." •'•It was really a good team effort. I'm happy with everyone," said Laguna Beach Coach Bill As- hen. . c:".:!:~~ 10ff..:~.1t,:.,11h (SOM). 44_10: 2. Irvine nearly pulled off a shocker, extending 100-1. MIU'* (SOM). 10.1: 2. Salcedo (SOM), 42-11: 3. Garrett Corona del Mar \0 five games before falling. 15-12, Southward (OC). 10.8: 3. WIHtams (OCC), 42-6. in the decider. (SOM), 10.9. PV-1. Lustig (OCC). 14-3: 2. Bryan Corlett and Ernie Lee sparkled for the 200-1. WUllama (SOM), 22.4; 2. Gonutez (SOM). 13·0; 3. Frink Co d I M (6 2) h d Miiiner (SOM), 22.1: 3. Certer (OCCJ. 13-0. Vaqueros (3-5), but rona e ar · a en- (SDM) no time SP-1. Thlll (SOM). 47-8; 2. h to ul} 't t. ~1. Rot>9rtaon (SOM). 49.8; Gllclten (OCC). 4S-10; 3. MO<rlaon oug p I OU 2. Edler(SOMJ, 50.9: 3. Ellil(OCC). (OCC), 42-11. Estancia resumed its role as co-leader in the 515 DT-1. Thl11 (SOM), 149-2; 2. El 800-1. Serna (OCCJ, 1:56.7; 2. Hastie (OCC), 136-8; 3. L1rned Sea View League with a methodical victoryTover . · Uchytll,lOCC). 1:58.7; 3. Ktrtel• (OCC). 131-0. Toro, using its bench liberally to st.op El oro in (OC¢), 2:01.0. JT-1. Odgers (OCC). 179-9; 2. t._~ ts 1,500-1.·Uchytll (OCC). no Ooughef1y (OCC), 166-61 3. Gon-iuc.: se · al time: 2. s.,n• (OCC). 4:03.3: 3. zatet (SOM), 1&0-9. Juniors Gordon Gust <µld Jim Knowlton, opg Brown IOCC), 4:05.e. with sophomore Jon Wallace, sparkled for the Ea-5,000-1. Woodl1nd (SOM), 14:50.8; 2. Harold (OCC). 15:12.7; WonMn gles. 1 f 3. Temquez (OCC), 15:13.3. occ 11, ao lllMe 11 Woodbridge (0-8) got some fine p ay ~om 110HH-1. Southward (OCC). 100-1. G11ton (SOM). 12.5: Anthony Radovcich and S~ve Ault, but the Sailors 15.2; 2. c1ar11 (SOM). 15.9: 3. Lar-200-1. Guton (SOM), 23.5; (2_6) had too much depth and overall ability for the ned (OCC), 18.4. 400-1. Zahr1drllk (OCC), 1:04.8; 400IH-1. Gonzalez !SOM), 800-1. Ringer (OCC), 2:19.5; Warriors, who fell in three sets. 57.5: 2. Tremper (OCC), 58.2; 3. 1.500-1. Riiiera (OCC). 5:27.4; In g ........... t League action li ague-leadina Marina Petarton (OCC), 59.6. 3,000-1. ludovlse (OCC). ~~ ~"<:> 400 re11y-1. San Diego M.a, 11:19.31 100HH-1. King (SOM), (5-0) padded its margin with a three-set victory "429 15.8;4001H -1.Klng (SDM). V' (32)behindth hjttina fAnd Orange Coat DAILY PtLOT/Salurday, Aprn 3, 1982 .. Edison., Oilers neck-and-neck Golden West College rolls to 13th straight with 17-2 win Edl.aon Hlah'• Charaers and the surging Hunt- ington Beach Ollen continue a~ the S-uneet Lea. gue followtna baleball vfciotie. Friday night --..! but Marina took a dive, thanks to an 11-1 thumping at the hand of the Fountain Valley Barons ln prep action. -Golden Weat, meanwhile, rolled to lta l l th atrallht victory on the ccmunUnity college level Here'• a look at Frtday'a action: BASEBALL . ~ scoring hits from Mike Hollis, Rob Boltano, Jim Wllllamson, Je(f Holme&, Tom Marian and Barry Hancock. Pitcher Mike McKeen struck out five and walked only one batter Jn raiaini hia penonal ~eoord to S-1. Huntington 8Mch S, W•tmlnater 4 C.platrano Valley 11, O.na HUI• S The Ollen Wied four uctt.fioe hita to acore runs, Capistrano Valley took advantage of 11 free including the game-winner ln the eeventh lnnlll4J to puaes by Dana Hills pitching and rallied with six up thelr Swuet League record to 6-1 over West-runs in the sixth inning to equal Dana Hilla' South minster (2-S). Coast League record at 3-3. Brian Beard's sacrifice fly to deep righ\-center acored Al Hur, who got it started with a single and Golden ·weat 17, LA 8outhwH t 2 moved to third on another sacrifice (by Greg "" Golden West College exploded for 17 rwia on 22 DeVallc). hits en route to its 13th straight Southern Cal Beard got the Oilers' lint run acroea in a similar Conference victory -a 17-2 rout of visiting LA manner in the first inning and singled DeValk into Southwest. scoring poeition in the aixth Inning. The Rustlers, who scored 30 runs against LA That's when the Oilers scored three times aa Greg Southwest the last time the teams met, got a 5-for-5 Shirley doubled in a run, then Brian Patrick and performance from Roberto Villarreal, good for four Charley Hartwell got into the act with run-scoring r:R::;::B:;;:I.:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;:;;;;::;;:;;;;;:;;;::::;;;::: sacrifices. .. Edlaon 2. Ocean View 1 Joe Kwolek stroked a two-out bases-loaded single in the bottom of the ninth inning to soore Todd Mabe with the winning run, keeping Edison in a tie for first place with Huntington'Beach in the Sunset League. Edison (6-1) retaliated against Kevin Stanley's first-i. nning homer with a run of its own in the bottom of the first when K wolek wallced and stole second then &00red on Steve Overeem's single. After that it was a matter of Edison serving against the slants of Stanley, who whiffed 14 before falling victim to Kwolek's winner in the ninth. The loss drops snake-bitten Ocean View to 1-7. 1.-a.r Tropical Fish • Fresh • M~rine Aqu~rium Supplies Speclel Aprll 3, 1982-Aprll 9, 1982 Genthonemua peteral: 18.99 I am not a mental giant but I am a member of the Af- rican Mormyrlds. whleh have the largest brain of any fish our size. II Is reputed that we have an electric organ In our proboscis that discourages predators. I am peaceful and Ilka a shady spot to rest my eyes. A more exotic creature to add to your aquarium would be dllllcult to find. See me at Aquatic Tropicals, where I am on sate under the name "Elephant Nose" for only 16.99. 1510 W. Baker• Coate Me•• .~, Fountain Valley 11, Marina 1 -549-1391 •Comer Harbor & Baker_iiiiii' The Barons (2-5 in SunsetLeague) put together ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~;. their best offensive perfornl;311ce this sea.son to stun_ the visiting Vikings (4-3). · . . Fountain Valley's attack was led by seruor tint baseman Dean Roberts, who went 3-for-3 with two singles and a two-run homer in the~· He also scored three times and had 3 RBI and his hO(ne run over the left field fence gave him seven for his career, setting a new Baron. record. The old one of six was held by Kevin Ronune. Laguna Hiiia 4, Laguna Beach 2 Damon Berryhill got Laguna Beach off to the right start with his secon.d lead-off home~ .of the year, but Laguna Hills pitcher ~ony Radicia w.as too tough in the long run, allo\fUlg only two hits whle striking out 11 batte{S.:-_ _ . Laguna Hills got the winning runs across in the fourth inning when Todd Williams was safe on an error Radicia walked, Scott Ladde walked to load the bases and then both runs scored on a fielder's choice and an error on Todd Pustay's at-bat. 1982 BMWs ••• OUA&lf'F 011& F A ~·· OA•• f'O •XP••1•11C•t LEASE OR IUt! 1n Newport Beach 1.8oo rel•i · Orange Cout, 1:04.5; 400 ret1y-t. San Diego over Ocean iew -. e ·--e O Y 3:30.7. Mu•. 51.0; 1,eoo relay-1. Klussmann. who put away 31 of 34 kills. M ... lon VIAIA 7, 8an Clemente 3 HJ-1. G t (OCC), 6-4; 2. Orang• Coaal, 4:a3.3; HJ-1. d f f .. ....,... So hr"---Le Roy Carver ·BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RD •• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 92660 714-640-6444 Salcedo (SOM), 8-•: 3. Sama Rooke(OCCJ, 4-10; w -1. Colb«1 Fountain Valley (4-1) rallie or a our-set The Diablos upped their ut VUCUJt ague -1s~~__:t2sm1th !SDMI. 23_3: 2. ·iggg:: ~==~; g;=~: ~~::::::~ victory over La Quinta (3-2) behind the sterling leading record to 6-1 with their sixth straight win, Salcedo (SDMI. 21-9: a. Barnes (OCC). 118-2: JT-1. oe ta T .. n,. play of John Kosty (17 blocks, 13 kills). thanks to an RBI double by Joe Greeley and run-i-------------------.. ~~__:~~~~~~~...:..::...:..:..:.:.._.:.....:..:.._~~~~~-=-.....:..~~~~~..:...._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLY· AND DUY. Introducing P•rll'• European Delivery Progl'llm. Taking a European vacation? Come to Park Porsche/ Al,ldi and check out our unique Euro- pean Delivery Program. The money you save on your car could pay for your vacation! Why huy or lease your new Po rsche or Audi from just any dealership when you can get the special treatment at Park. At Park, we coordinate all the details of your trip with our travel agent. and give you a set of Michelin maps, for exploring fhose quaint village roads. We'll have your car shipped back to the States, and when it arrives. we can pick it up, completely detail and service it. California certify it and deliver it to your door. We'll even handle all the cumbersome paperwork for you. At Park Porsche/Audi, we 're committed to offering the ultimate in customer ser vice. Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes com_plete with a Park Preferred Se r vice Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You ~flalso have a personal Par{<. Consumer Representative, here to answer all yo ur au_tomotive questions. Anet, if you 'd like ~~< y. to pick up your new automobile right from the facto ryJ ask about o ur unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-i»O =l)Cl-e II AU i)i cated to giv~ng you t~e first class treatment you de?erve. II Come m and d iscover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. . -.c 6700 Manchester Blvd., Buena Park, Ca. 90621(71-4)521~8621(213)921 -7744 The Beach Blvd. exit off the Santa Ana Freeway. J What better way to see Europe, and what bet- ter place to break-in your new car! Call today for alt the details. UNLIKEANYOTHER M=t< .... 6700 Manchester Blvd .. Buena ~)Ct-i 4UDi Park, CA 90620 (71 4) 521 -8621 (213) 921·7744 (Alongside the Santa Ana Fwy.) r • ~ange Cout DAILY PILOTISatur"y, Aprll 3, 1982 .. ----------------------------~ ~ • • .· '. bhlllttlon .,...L.,.......l ~omltl 010 OOCf 001 -J 9 I L.oe ~ 001 000 000 -1 9 s Zahn, Renko (7). A•H (9) •nd loone. Reuel, ~ (9). Howe (8) end Veeo-W - ..... o l -Ho.. A -32.2A1 ~ ...... Oelllend (at:: :-O--lio2 -2 I 3 81111 DieOO 000 402 OOk -8 8 'Al McCelty, Mc;l.euell"n (I). and KMrney. !lch .. NtO•t, I OOne C8), Oel eon 9 •nel ~ w -ElciMIOetoet. l -McCetly HJ! -Oai..c!, K..-..cty _..,.a,,.._, C•~Aa.l M~a 000 001 000-1 I I Toronlo 100 000 001-2 1 ,0 Wllllema, Cotbett C7). O'Connor (t i and Wynegar, Butera (1); Todd, 0•1 .. 1 (5), MGleuglllln (7). Gervin (8) a11C1 Marllnez W-Oarvln L-O'Connot HR-Toron10. Ort!Jln. ...... a.~1 (etTM1PA) SI Louie 010 000 000 00-I 4 I CtncinNll 000 000 001 01-2 7 0 Martin, Llllell (I ), Rumua .. n (8) and BJorkmen; Berenyl, Hume (7). Ketn (t ), Shlney ( 11) and T~. O'Beny (7), W- Shlrlty l -Rumunen. HR-Clnclnnall, V.ui. 9'ad k• 7, ...... (elll.~) Boeton 000 006 101-1 12 1 N9w York CNl 010 000 004-5 12 2 Eckettley, Hutti C41. Slanley 111. Aponte I (81 and 0 1Clman. LaFt1ncol1 1&1: Zachry, Scoll CS), LH Cll (I). All•n (t) and s-1. W-Hu11t L-Zechry HR-New YOtll, V• lenllne. Yllllll-7, ....... 2 c•c...,..._,,..,, N9w YOrii (A) 000 201 004-l ,U 0 PNledllPhla O(O 001 000-2 5 1 Motgan. Oavt1 (I ). Mey (7J. o-.g. (II) and ~. Gulden Ce); Cettton, F-(I). 8tuM1M (8) and Ol&z. Virgil (7). W-Moro-L-Cartton HRe-New Yonc, Wln!Mld, c.. rone Oi91'1ta 7, ........ t (et~) ~ 000 101 000-2 7 • Sen Frand9co 013 100 0211-7 11 0 S0tenMn. Blyleven (5). s: (8) ano e.ndo, Hollencl, Martin Cl). (t) anc:t May W-Hollend l -BotenHn HR- Clwelend. a..~ ........... ..., ... . , ......... ....... Klllltaa City 200 100 oOo-3 I 3 T-202 320 OOx-11 12 0 Outa. ~ (8) anc:t Oull1t; Meclk:tl. Cornet (8) and Sulldbetg W-Medlch L- Gwe ~-CIT)', 8rtn. Ti .... Pat· rla. L Jonl\IOtl, ne-e ... ..., .... 1 , ........ Oft, '1e.) Oelrott 003 031 001~ 12 O Ptttabutgfl 300 103 000-7 12 2 M0trlt.. Saucier (7), Soee (8) anc:t Partlell; C.ndel.,la, Guenle (7), Mltldlt (Ill anc:t ~ICC>­ •I• W -Sou . l -Mll Olk H~•­ Pltllburgh, ~. s~ e.-a.on-.2 (atW-"*"IMedll &emmote 000 010 010 000-2 12 O MonttMI 010 001 000 001-3 10 0 ~. StenllOuM (7). T. MertlnG (t). Swe90etty ( 11) and Nolen. Oempeey (I); Eogera, lM (I). Fryman (I ), RMrdon (10). JamH ( 12) end Cart1r W-Jarn•• L-S...aooet'Y HR-Bellln'lo<e. Murrey ._ 1, Ao1r'oe • ( .. C-.RL) Allenla 120 101 200-7 10 I Houalon 300 100 100-5 11 I Walk, McWllllama (7), Hrabotliy (81 encl Benedle1. J Ni.ic.ro. LeCot1• (8) 8 . &nlOI (ti and Aahby w -wetk L-J Ntekro HR-Atlanta. 8eneCllc1 C-l',.,_..7 (et 8-Cltr) CNcego(N) 113 010 100 0-7 11 2 MllweuitM 000 200 005 0-7 12 S Lareon. Tldrow (8), CemptMlt (8). Segelk• (II) 1nC1 Oa•la, Vucko•lch. Auguallna.(4), E•ll•rly (I), Flnge11 (I), 01Pln2. ( 10) ano Yoel HR-MllwMM. HIM Cotleoe .. ,.,.,,,.. __ ......... "Uc .,...... • P9P1*dlne 031 050 010-10 8 t uc io.1ne ooo m 010-e 8 1 '"""'*'· le:ae (7) and .... AZ. Blanw, Au-lhar (5). Winger (8) end BarnatCI. W-Thur m e n (S-2) L-B l1nar (4·2) 28-Long-l!er (P). Montano (P). Cum· mtng9 (UCI). Gedi. (UCt) o.tler ._.. Cel Stele Fullerton 7. Loyola 3 communnv coDege a..... Weat '7, U. lo11lfl•ee4 t LA Sout'-1 002 000 000-2 8 l Oolcletl W-1 014 2 12 701!-11 22 2 • Cook. Gray (II anCI Johnaon; Meyer. Crocun (t) anc:t Schutz. Mor.-O. w-~ (4-1) l -¢001! 28 -John1on (lASW). Pryor (LASW) 2, La r1on (OWC). lr•ln• (OWC) 38 -Laraon (GWC) HR - Orandatatl (OWC). Scllulz (OWC). 8pleget (OWC) High ec:hoot ,.....,. ................... 18.1 • w .. 1m1ne1er 001 003 0-4 5 3 Hunttnglon 8Mcll 100 003 1-s 5 o a.a anc:t H..-rtman, Budl .... &Mrd (8) end Shi rley. W -lhard L-B•lz 28-VanOo< ... er (HBI. Shltley IHBI. Betz (W). HR-BeU (W) ,_....,.,,...,11,...,..,.l M.rtne 010 000 0-1 4 0 Founlllln Ve119)1 403 040 a-11 14 0 Berry, Puctlell (2), McClure (4~ Ganen (5~ Munoz (I) end Florea: Ayet1. Burl (71 end Pratt. Mencnln (81 W-Ayera (2·2~ L-kry (3·1). 28-Mar11no (FV), Hargtc>ve (Ml. Ar- nokl (FV). Lane (M), ~d (FV), HR- Rober11 (FV) ...... 2.0-Vlewl o-t1 View 100 000 000-I 5 4 Edlaon 100 000 001-2 1 0 8tanl9y Ind H<181lln. Tllkk"-1, CloNy (1) and llng1rd. W-Cloney. L-S1entey. 28-Hombl (Edi.on). HR-Stanley (0-. VlllW). ~,...,....,...__a t.aoune leed'I 200 000 0-2 2 3 UQur>t Hiii 001 210 x-• 4 3 Sctofnon. uci-> (5) anc:t 8erryNI, Rlldlde e nd Roman w -Aadlcl• l -Sotornon HR-..,,.,.,. (lBI -......~1.a.a.-....1 Sen Cl9INI* 000 00 I 2-2 t 3 ~Vi.to f,1 200 11-7 10 4 Aotllllo, ht• (4) Md Puterbaugh; M~ l<a.i Ind s.ut.r; W~. l -l'lotllMo 28-~ (SC). Ql-.y (MV). 596 -.Sit ~ Ml 2 '51 11 S38 19 274 231~ IAITPN~I Atlllltlc DtwtalM 57 18 51 22 31 31 37 31 32 41 c:.Mt .. .,..,..... •·MllwaukM 51 23 Attem. 31 37 o.tfOlt 34 40 t~ 33 40 ~ 29 .. CleYel8nd 15 58 x-c:llnclNd dM9lon 11t1e. y-dlnQl>eel playoff eoote. ,,....,.. ...... Ptloen!J< 109, i..ur. " eo.ton 110, AUen1a 107 711 .1911 I .514 18'A .507 20 ."'31 25 .Mt - .4113 141~ ·* 17 .452 171' .387 21 ... .208 36\lt ~ti, Wllll*IQl«I ti ~13&.~115 "he•• l14, Ct;'gftD ~ Ulal1 127, Ketw. City 118 o.nwr 127, Portland 121 s..n1e 111. 81111 Antonio ae T ........ 0-Wael*>gton et Allente lndWWI ., Detroit Golden State .. Della. Ulell Al Sain Diego aun. 1oe. Lekn .. ~OIMtX -ACl.,.,.,1 12, Roblneon 19, K.-y 12, 0 . Jol'itleOn 25. Macy 17. Scott 7. Kt-O. Oellta 17, ...,_ 0, Coote 0. Tottle: 47 14-20 108. LO. AMOB.a• -Reml*I I , wa .. 23, Abduhlal>bw 19, E. Johneotl 10, Nixon 11, McMoo 1, er-o. MoOM •. L.andabergar 2. TOUllll: 47 5-11 911. ..... _,a-.... ~ 33 23 25 8-109 Loe Mge6M 34 25 23 17-!Ill Jbrw1!s>lnt ooela -Macy • .faullld --none. Toter 1ou1e-P1>oeNx 11. Loa ~ 24. A-11.505. T1*dT- CL A• Sr. 18.3 Sr. 24.0 Sr. 22.7 ., .... Sr. 15.3 Sr. 21.I .,_ 23.0 Sr. 2'.0 Sr. 11.t Sr. 11.1 Sf. 13.1 .,, ... Jt. 1'-3 "· .... Sr. 15.7 St 20.1 St. 13.5 &. t .O St. 210 & 24.0 &. 185 H9)1M. ~ &-3 & 11.3 0.W.00, MHlfllen &-3 Sr 12 5 Bt-edlord, Murphy 8-5 St. 17.t ..__.., ..... o. ...... 19.2 Lannln, Simi Vfllley &--4 Sr 11 1 Huff. lnglewoocl 1-5 • 8t 10.' .....,._, ,_.., y..., w If ..... Log1111, Inglewood ""' Sr. 11.0 Denn. Catnenllo 5-10 8t. 11.0 Gwynn, LB POiy l-0 St. 10,6 Player of th• VHr· Tod Murphy, l•k•· 'woOCI, Women'• cnmneeUca ....... u. ~ v..., 111.1 Veuft -1 . ......,.,. (M). U , IJneo,..,, ~ ,._, bert -1. P.,.,a(MI. t.O: 3 . ....,_ bMm -I. MeNlr\a (M), 8,8; Floor Uerdee -1 Pelmlwe (Ml. II.I : o\lkound -1. Pti- ITll«• CM). 35.1. u.o. "Tf: C::-vw o ........ P"1ler (E) Mf. leflor-oe. 6-0; Mf. HgUyen, 1-1: o.f. Pono-. M ; ct.I. Han, e-1; &inon (E) won M , 8-1, 8-1, 6-01. run.II (E) won l-1. 8-1, ""'· 8-0; Whttcher (~l won M . l-0, 8-1, 8-1. o...il.. Mallft..Holm•• (El def. ParlP.t·H•ll. 1-1, 8 · 1; d•f. Yoo -Suh. l ·O , 1 -0; Slmrnon•O'ConMM (E) won 1-2. 1·1, won 1-2, 6-0 ,_...,, v..., a....,_. 8poonet (FV) ~ t-2: def. Wong, .. 1; cMf FllhllNdl, 1-2; #, 8rnllll. W : IAa (FV) won W . 7-5, l-1, M : lllf1&1911n (l'V) won 7-6. e-1: 1ot1 •1: won 7 .. : ,...,.. (l'V) won e-1. 1-2: '°" 8-1; won 7.., 0...... lluohanan·C•puto~::U.::'· CllOW• c...on, t-a. 7-6; Oii. M . W; Wandie! Mund\ (M lotl W. o..a. won 7-6, 6-2. It 14' ......... I I t Gebr191 IH8) ~ t-1, ci.t. Hom, M , def. GON;;'i1 !T.°•· ...... M : er-. (He~ .-i, !Ml, 1-1, M , M: Cwrel (HS)-. M , T.e, W . t-1: .._.. ~ -. M . M , ..oo:;:;._ Anelt-••Eetneel CH•) def. Wolfo•no· ~·~1M.ci.t.~...___, M , .. 1: IJOClde-0-(HI} WOft, .. 2. M , M .M • ..................... ...... ~ (NH) 11111 to Herpar, 0-t: lllll IO "'-..,:;~~· .._, T .. ; I09t lo Kn19hl, ~ (M4) "°" t-1; lotl .... -t-1, 7 .. : .ltlMil ..-~(NH) WOft W. l-4, .. 1, 1 .. ; lOIWI ~(NH) won W: 11111.._ ~.-o.w. ....... ~-l)IH) Mt.,.......,...,_., 14. M: dllll. Y_..'i....._ M. .. ,: ... ...,_.(NH)_,'N. w:-MW. L..-. .... r.-a:---... .,. T'_,,.1\.11) M. ~NI•·._. . .. 1: dllll. \.ar, t-4j Cllf. Ml ...... tLll -..a, t-1, M , t-t: (\.I) ... t-1, -w. .... M: ~(\.I) _1 ... W.T-t.t-1 • ....... !<-.•·--~-~ .. ,. !-.!i dllll ......... M, M: 111•• OU I 1._i.ltllltW, won M ,..O..•t. .. --i-- CHI-= ...... ...................... 400 Medt•J ra t•r -1 lenta Montee. 1:-'4.A. 11000 ..... -I, lwGIWI (0). IOiQt,0, t. Dlll'ollt (IM). 10: 11.t; S. 0.-40). 10: 14,I, 100 fr" -1 I •urollell (Q), 1: .. 1.t : 2. C•l'ftf\H (IMJ, 1·41.1; S Mahaffey (Q), 1:u. ... $0 frw -1, Hunt (tM). 22.t; t. VOUftO CIMl. tu: a ... ro 101. u.r t00 IM -1. Ki.i-(IMI. 2.~.2; 2. Mo- -llMl. 1:06. 1; s. Lund CO>. 2:o1.2. . lOCI fly -1. G~t.A). 2:01.1; 2. Nu- QAl'I (0).1;1),0; t. (0), 1:17.t. 100 frM -1, CardenM~M). 41.8: a. 11utcN11 101. .... a: a. vouno 1. eo.o. t00 l>eoli -1, ICi.IM~ ( M), t :07.1; 2. 81epMn1on (0), 2:08.0; ~· Morano (IM), t'Ot.t . llOO .._ -1 ca.... 101. ua.t: a. DuPom (SM). 4:12.1; 3. llarto (()), liOl.O 200 brHal -I lullon (0 ), 2:21.8; t. Wood (Cl), 2:2U, S. Hol*ln (SM). 2:21.1. 4001r ......... -1. Ooiden weet. s:au . 011-1111 ri, ~ c.... • ~ fMCll9y ra19Y -1. Gloawnonc. 1:17 7 100 "" -1 Bend., (0~'.I.. 10.23.2; 2. ..., (0). 1C>-.2U; a. "*' u). 10-.at.O. 200 ''" -1. Telfotd 1 1. 1:•1.a: 2. Ffoncllllll (0), 1 I0.2; 3. W9ne (0). 1:12.0. 50 ,, .. -1. eoo.ing (0), 22 2: 2. ,oil .. ..,.UOI. 22 J; a. ~ (G), 22.4. 20C) IM -1 Brown (0). 2:04 1: 2. Oatoc (0~ ~7.1; •• De¥te (0), 2: 10.0. 1-mettr dMnQ -t Mall (0). IN; 2. Ptlui (0). 112. 3. Maddoto (0). 158 200 fly -1 Brown (0 ). 2:00.0; 2. T allord (0). 2.-01.t,' 8elaer (0). 2:06.t 100 "" -1 Hanke <GI. 41.2: 2 . .._,, (0). 4U ; :S. Clocf>ello (0). 51.2. 200 becll -1. Bander (0 ). 2·11.6; 2. Undbe<V (0). 2: 14.1; 3. Brownlee (0). 2: 17.3. 600 lfM -1. Wlllmt (0) (0). 5:03. 1; 2. F'roncmill (0 ). 6:03.8, 3 Shoaf (01. ~:08.7. 200 llreHI-1. Davie (0), 2:21.6; 2. Unclbarg (0 ). 2.29.3; s. Serr-(0~ 2:32.t . ~ dMng -1.Maul (Ol: 2. Ptece (0): S. Maddo• (0~ 400 "• teley -1. GtoMmont. n.t. -......c .. ,.., .. -~, . .,, ( ......... C....,.) 400 IM-1. 8-1tl (P), 4:21.tf; 1.. ~ Cler-. 18/· 4:25.115: 3. Sulllven CPI. 4:31.n . 200 rff-1, Netaon !Sed.,, 1;48.oe; 2 Hodele(Sed.), 1:411.0; 3. Hawk SW). 1:.411.34. 100 fly-1 VlllT'4'J (Sad.~ 54.23; 2. Oowtll (SW), 64.t&, S. Kn.apet (R 54 a.. 100 b•ck-1 NHull Sad.). 55.11; 2. Murphy (SW), 57 17; S Cram (P). 17.4'. 100-btHll-1. Newello (Sad.), 51.44 (Qonlerence record}; 2. TlmmerM•n (P), 1.00.llS; S. WOOCle (Sad }. 1:02.81. 800,,.. '*'1-1. ~. 7: 12.t31 2. SoutllwMlern, '7:21 54; 3. Cltrua. 7:36. 18, _ tomatroimv-1. Redmann {R). 453.05 (Confe rence record); 2 . Alv.,ez (8W), Sl4 00: 3 ~ (P). 347.45. TMl!I _.. (ther two deya)c I, Seddke- bacl. 3H; 2. Palomar. 252; 3. SOUl"- lern, 200: • Cltna. 132, 5. ,._.,., 80: e. Qlenty .... 7 84111 Bernardino, 12. WOlllM 4001M-1 Armetrong csacs.1. 2:23.50; 2 ~ (P), 223 2·23.n ; 3 "-Iden (Sad ). 2·2s ee. 200 frff-1. OrH f (Std.), 2:02.18, 2 Mdiele (P). 2:05.81: 3. ~ ($8). 2:08 31. 50 llY.-1· FaHenden (8•d-~_21.l'4; 2. W...,, (P). t .05; 3. ZAPAI (9.i.). illU.40. 50 bedl-1. Sendually (R). 31.23; 2. Mo- rla (Sed.). 31.59; 3. McH• (Pl. 32.80. 50 ~-1. Ann9ltong (4ad.). Sl.37; 2. Wault (P). 36,14; 3 Beren (88). 3U I. 200 frM r ... y-1. Palomar, 1:47 74; 2 Seddteback. 1:49.27; 3 San Betnetdlno. 1:61.72. 3•..iM 4~Vl~-1.·t+v111th~~ 3111.15; 2. Steir (Seel.). 293. fO; 3. Rc>Oblna (8ed.1. 211 0. TMm -.. l•het ,_ deya): 1. Baeldi.-bel:ll 271371; 2. Palomat, 323; 3. ~ 155; 4. San Betnardlno, 113; SI Ch•lt•y. ICM; 8. SouttlwMtern, S 1. ~--11 .............. 200 fMCll9y ra19Y -1. GWC. 2:01.7: 200 tM..-1. Lrnen (0~ 2:40.1; 50 lrM -1. ToelcS (SM). n.1.1 100 becll -1 Aml/l ISM). 1:08.5: 100 tit-' -1. Baller (0). 1:1~.6: lllO flw -1. PwWI (0). 2'08.1: 50 lly -1. 8hlalOa (0). 28.8; 100 lrM -1. Todd (SM). 1:00.2; 100 tty -1. Mct<.me (0). 1;11.3; 50 bed! -1. Atn1!A (SM). 30.1: 100 IM-1. McKenzia (0). 1: 10.1; 500 frM -1. Ktehblel (0), •:0u: 50 -~ -1 SNe101 10~ 31 t: 200.,.. ....... -1. owe. 1:4'.t . o.... c.a.. n. ~-·•a 200 ,......, ....... -1 occ. 2:03. 1; 200 IM-1. ltr-M (01, 2:22.0; 50 frM -1. llamit1 (01. 25.6: 100 bt.-1 -1. w ... (0). 1;11.0; 100 beck -I Foe.y (0). I 12 0; 200 .... -1 68ling (0). 2:08.2: 50 fly -1. Br-(0). 28.7. 100 frM -I ~ (0). .. 11: 100 fly -1. Tl.Utn (GJ, 1.08.5; SO beck -1 !Wrel1 (()). 31 81 100 IM -1 Browne 101. 1-oe a. 500 "" -1. Kloclk (0). 5 •• 0: 50 br_. -1 ~ (0). 3'1.11, 200 ,,... reley -I Gt~t. n t Hlah echoot ~e:(C-deillllarTO 200 mac119y re19Y -1. Col'one d4lf Mer, 1;47.4 200 lrff -1 Soutllren (E). 1:50.11; 2 loo•llurrow (CdM). 1:52.8; 3. 8•to (El. 1:53.2. 200 tM -1. Rtogl (El. 2:13.1: 2. Scon (Cc!Ml. 2:11.1; 3. Jacobi (CdM). 2: 11.1. 50,,.. -1. Beldlng (£). 22.7: 2. ,,.()rf°"" (CdM). 22.7, 3. Or.i.e (E), 23.1. 100 ~ -1. l ooeburr°"" (CdM). IMH: 2. ~ IE). 1:01.2: 3. V-(CdM). 1:<n.7. 100 rH -1. Morrow (COM). 50.1: 2. R'9ge CE>. 51.1; 3. Taylot (CdM). $1.1, 500"'" -1. Wk*• (E). 5: 19.7; 2. Cer'IMy (E). 5:24.3; 3. y.,_ (CdM). 5:26. 100 back -1 S..g (El. 1:01.2: 2. Sell· loeaman (CdM). 1:02 4; 3. ScltUHlt (CdMI. !:OT S. 100 btAMI -1. Sllln (E), 1:07. 1; 2. Soctt (CdM). l'Cll.5; 3 W1cU (E), 1:08.t ~ ,, .. relay -t E.alencle. 3:.2e.3 """ ICMoC ~ ..... ~ Merine dtt. ec-t vi.ow. 17-15, 15-4. 1M Hunttnglon 8Mdl Mf. W.,.,,.,,.ler, 1M , 15-7, 12·15, lM ... vw~ Estencte Mf. El Toro. 16-10, 15-12, 15-10 Newpot1 HetbOt Clef. Woodbridge, 15-3, 154, f&-5 Col'one cMf Mer Mf. !Mne, 1M , 15-13, 1().16, $-15, 115-12. ...... c...c~ l..Ag\#\8 8-oll o.f, Oene Hllta, 16-7, 1M, 115-8 -.- TntOUe.,..... ..... .,,,,......., Tiii IOllOWlng pereon 1a OOlnQ - .._ tovn4 COAIT CAlll'IT OAM, ll!Olt ·1· lualln A.._, Coale ..... Ce t2tt7 _,_Clo ww-. to1t ·e• Tuaun Ave. eo.1a -. ca m21 TIW~la ooncluGtecl 1>y a ttm11.i -1-llNP . AlcrwdG ~-1 Mo alltemenl WH tiled wllh 1111 County ei.ta a1 °""""' C-'Y on Mardi 24, 1112 " ~.,... ... ,,.., .. t Put>ll.....i Ore.nga Cou 1 DaNy Pllol M#Cll 27, ~I. IO. 17, 1M2 137M2 MAllll t'f A TDSWf The lollOwlnO f)ler-All CIOl1'Q - l'ICTmOUe ., ..... ...-..nAnMIMT The lollowlnO pereon la doinl! --.. AIAPOflT 8U81HEM JOURKAL, One Hewpotl Piece, 1301 Dove Sir-,-· l>Ot1 lleech. CA t2eeO Al Mendei, I 11& W 8alt>o1 Bl•d , *-P0<1 ._., CA nee I Thie --la -eel .,., • lim<tecl pen--: s-.......,., r1111 alalemenl ••• 111•0 with tht Counly Claf1I OI 0.ange County on MerCh ••• , .. 2 ,._ Put>llolled Orenge CoH I O.lly Pllo< M81Ch 20, 27, Apfl 3 10 11112 PllUC Mltl[ ACT1'T10Ue .,... .. -ITA~ 1301-t2 .™ ._. __, .. ~ - fMERGO INTERNATIO NAl '49 l• Jolla °'""'· N-1 IMcn, CA t2te3 JOHANNA M GllANOIA l•t le Jolla Ot"'9. ~ Beecl-. CA 92663 Tlltt bullnlM lo eonoucted by en In· aMclwl J.Gt-Thll tlaleMenl .,.., llleO Willl tile Counl)' Clark ot ~ c.o..nty on AIW1t 1. !Mt ,~ Publlohed 01•1>9• Coul Dally Piiot, Apfll 3, 10, 1], 24, l 912 1493-82 flCTmOUI IUUllH lllAmlTA-ru.JfT Thi 1-.g peraon ii doll'll -.. FOl O OWIK, 17 lSS Broolthu<sr SI Fountain v-., CA 92708 Yoon, Solit Koo. 10845 Et CA<!lro A.. Foun1ain v-,, CA t27ot I hll bu.U-. i. CO<>ClucttO l>y M ''" -SoNo i<oo v oon --Slt!l't4t!KS·.ALU.N PA'"~p 2t 12 .......... c...1 .. ~. Svll• 140 "-· Calliotnla '27 IS C K Mtlt\, .M • 114 EM! 20ll> llr_. HO 1,0..-.~'77t6 Ra,_,., P 11..,,_, io1s c.-. lfet1n1• Cao•1'lr1no k tch. C1tucwn1a t2t26 Lelano 81ef)hen1 ltt f in •81'• au... Coll• -. c-n1a m21 TN11_11 __ l>y 109<*al ""'1tW"'11> c I( Alen,.M 11111 t1a11m1n1 ... lll•d wllh 1111 Coun1y C*I< 01 0<"'91 Counly on M-24, lff2 ,...., Publlah.O Onnga CoHI Oally PllOI, M81ell 27 Aptll 3. 10. 17, 11112 tas2-12 f'1Mf77 ,.... Put>ll.,_. Or-COIA Daily Pilol, Put>lllllAO Otano-Coe11 Oally PllOI. 11111.tt<h tJ,J0,77,Al>fill, 1"2 1~ M81cfl 20. 27. Apft I, 10, 11112 ThlJ t1eleMen1 wu llled wllh 111e1------------- Coun1y Cieri. ot 0. onge County on Merell 24, 1U2 ,..,.....,_ ___________ _ ITA~M'AA1~ M' Ull Of' M:~1~17h~r;,"f;, ~~a:~~all7 Pilot. f'IC1mOUI .,... .. llAllalTA,._.,, 14'1M2 TM lollowinO peraona are dol!'Q ....,,1. f'ICTITIOUS •UStNaSS 'ICTITIOUI _,__, NAm NAMI STATIMINT l he tolowlnQ per-.. --Thi tollowlno -!IOftl ... OolftO IM -Ol 1111 !lc:tllloul --tl<nlntnH · OEVCO WEST, SU EmenlO 8 ay IA) THE FINICl(Y F'RAMEll. Cll) LltguM 8-:11, CA t ?661 8 A V S H 0 II E tG A L L E 11 Y I. The FlcWoua ~ N.,,,. relatTtO FRAMEWORICS, * E. Hiii St 11-.i lo ll>OVA •M ,_In Orenga Counly on 100, C~IA -·CA '1621. · Ftc>ruety lt. 11112. Lenee Cllflcro Ounrnlro, 1n2 ~.:!:. ~r:;J118 &Y>eralO IW(. We~lelltl Or • 11. Newoo<I 8tt<h. CA Batli•ll IC &town. 539 An.-T••· '2MO •-. leoune 8-:11, CA 11266 I --1-------------1 Cl) IUNIELT PU8LICATION8; (bl '1CTTT10UI 9U ... M WOllU> Wt.ST PVIUCATIOHS: (c) t+Ou- -ITA~ SEHOU> MAGAZINE. 3001 Aedi.i. A-Jenel L.ynn At~lnson, 1m WHICllll JOIW't E Ri09ln 1713 Sa I Rivet Or • 11• -pot1 lleKll, CA ttM0 R014, "'->lie. CA1m70 n M T•I ~"""'1,.. rt~ Tiii• t>u1tneu wu conC1uc11d by a .. • su-·-·I wH -wllh ""' oenerai l)W1ner8Np The 1-.g peraon ia OOlng -,_, lldQ. t-208, eo.la .._, CA t2IH • O.boreli l . Meena, 1417 Haftdal, KEYSTONE REALTY, 011 12 W111 luanePwk.CAllOl21 mlnater Ave . W-t81, CA ll2el3 a--l..a11omuo, &ct7 HancMI. au. C°"'"ty ci.n. Of Ora"91 County Oft 8artletl K 8'0W1>. Merell 11. ,., P1ttrW Oavl<I M.xwetl lle<man. 1380 Bh"' ,,. Pen.. CA 90621 Hill R4 , Long -.. CA 90816 Thia......,_ la -by I Ql!Mrfj ,._.,,, Thll tlettMtnt •IS llleo wllh Ille Thia butlnff• 11 ~I.a t>y en in 1*1-.NCI -Debar"" L _,. P\lbll'llled Or-COIS1 0111• Piiot, County 0.... OI Orange County on Marcfl ~reh.13, 20, 27. AP<'ll >. "" 1?»47 2• 1982 . .__.-. o.....tO M a.m-. Thie 11a11men1 wu llled wllh the 1111• ualemenl wea 111•0 with Iha CoJMy Cler1r OI ~County on - County Clar1I al Or-County on ... .,.,. 11. tta. 24 t962 , .... ,.ttlf11 PullMt,..., Otenge Coetl Delly PllOI. ~._..., ---~ ....... ACTTT10UI .,..... ~ea.di.CA- Put>lllhed Orange Co .. 1 Ot lly PllOI. IMtCfl 20. 27. Ap'll 3. 10. 1982 M81Ct1 27. Atirl 3 10. 17 t082 1'°3-12 -ITAro.Nf ,._ The~ per-.,.~ -Put>ll theo Orenge Cou1 Delly P1101 1371-t2 ACTTTIOUe.,... .. MA• ITATa..wT The ~ per90<\t ... CIOlnll DutO-• COMMUNITY PUILICATIONS, 21131 8' Gt-~. eo.to ,.._,CA 92elt OAVIO N 8AAlLET1 2Stll Slael>y HolloW, El TO<. CA 112630 RON HORV ... TH. 293 t Gree• Lane. -.cAt211211 TNI -laCO<>Cluc1ed by •-• part~. OelllO N. Berli.tt Thi• lllt•m•nl ... 111•0 Wllll Iha Counry Clerk Of Or-County on ApfM I. 11182 rltl4M PubllahlCI Oron9a Cou1 Delly Piiot, ~M 3, iO, 17 24. ltM12 1607-t2 PllltC llllCl l'ICTmOUe.U...11 MM9 ITATOEllT TN lollowtr>Q penont ara d°'"ll bu14---EMPLOYEE BENEF]T SERVICE CONSULTANTS, •so hll C~epmen A....,,ue, Suite 202. Oranoa. CellloMI• ll2Me °""'* Melloy, 103t1 Hat11rnontr-. Oetclen Gtove. CelMornla 11"'3 An-1tle Lannon, 24072 J aoger s1.-, e r...-o. Ce1Korn1a 12930 S-M Oden, 30t l-' 1-ft A-. Or-..-Callomle 112M5. '--Salnl.(.ot. 1030 w ... --· ..... Senti Ana. Celtotfte t2 704 Thll_ .. _..,.,.,.~ ~-~~ • MarCfl 27 AIW'I 3 10 17 19112 COASTLINE PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES, 33022 l -.. St. Dena Point. --------.----~ICA 112128 en-A G)erl9erl, 33022 T-o SI OW.. "-!, CA 92$29 ACTTT10UI .,... .. ..,,_ITAftmWT The._. ---.. doing --SUNSHINE SPECIAL TY CO...PAHY, t&ee Hamilton A .. nue, Hunllnglon -.,CAll2641 Charle• K1nnath lit•~•'· 2t811 Brookhuret SI No 176, Huntlng1on BMch. CA 112t41 Thll buolneu 11 conOucltO t>y on In· CIMcluel. Cheri. Kenn.Ill Ula. Thi• 1111am1nl waa lll•CI wllh th• County Cler1r ol Or-Counly on Mardi 11, 1H 2 Thll t>ualneu 11 COftducted by en "'--... Br.-A. Gterteer> Thia 1la1aman1 w11 111•0 with lh• County Oer1I al Oranoa County on Feb 23, 11117 ,...,... Put>lllth.O Orange CoH I Dolly Piiot, MerCh 20. 27, A1w!13 10. 11112 1354-82 Nil.JC MOTlCE • ~ FtCllTIOUI IU ... 11 Publl•h•CI Orano• COHI Dally Piiot, ....... ITAnMENT Mardi 20. 27. Apt 8, 10, 1N2 The lollowlng __.ate Oolftll bual· 1350-t2 ._ .. MICRO-FUSION ENGINEERING GROUP. 3867 81rcll SI S..1te eot, -. oor1 8-cl>, CA 112eeo J-p ... ·-d. 135 w a.a ... f'1Cimoua ...... N 104, Colt.a -· CA. t2'H NAm lTAT-.n Apl ~~==·cTe~Beker. Ti....._... ---~ _. This.....-... i. conoucted.,.,. • Ql!Mral _.. pert~ RAINBOW COUPOHS, 3931 MICAr· J-p 8'-0 11tut 8lvCI SI• 211. *-P0<1 8-:h. CA Thlt otal1m1nl "" 11110 wllh th1 t2tlO Count)' 0.k OI Orenga County on Merell ~ Ad "-· • Cellfomla --24 11112 poretton, Sll31Mac:At111ur111.o Ste 211. ' ,.~ ~ 8iMcfl, CA r.zeeo Publlehtd 011ng• Co111 0111y Piiot, Thia -la_....., by a CO<!» M81ell 27 ~ 3, 10, t7 1 .. 2 rallon 1~2 HughmAd- Aoiert.....,... -Thie 11ateme n1 •H filed •llh Ill• Coun'Y a.ti ot Oranoa ~on Mardi ------------11, 1M2. 1421-82 .. ..,_ NO•TM O•ANOIE JUDICIAL DIST•tCT 1Z1S N . ......,A ... ,....._,C..t2Qt PLAINllFF C ~ W ACliOlf llENTALS, INC OIEFENOAN7, JULIE MO~"'LES, TONY MORALES, DOES I lhrOU!lh xx . lnetutlvt. SUMMONS C..He.4,JM17 NOTICE I You l\lve --.S. ""' eoun may decide -Inst '""' •llhoul your btlno llNrd unoeu you ropQnd wtthln JO den. Reect Ille lnlonnetloft t>elow. II you wish lo -~ 1i. ectvlce of •n altOl'Tl9Y In th~ mali.r, ....,.. "'°"Id 00 \O promptly '° 11111 y....,r wrlU.ft re_,..,. .. , 11 erry, m•y bt 111eo on ltrne. AYISOI U$110 ha \Ida dem1""4dO El lrlbunal _,. Ot<ldlr eonlr• Ud. 1tn •uotenele a m1nos oue U4. re'90f'd• dofttro dr JO cries LA• I• lnf0<maclon -Mgue St J1ted deMe lOllcll•r et conte)O de un ·~ ... -1.wniO, dtberla hectrfo lmrnedletemtnl•, de tt1• meMtl. tu ~ HC:rti. • .i ,.., •lovn•, --r"llredo • llWntlo. I TO THE DEFENDANT A CMI eornot11n1 h•• _,, llled by 111e plelftllll .... Ml vou. tt ....,.. wlsll l!O defend lhlt •-n. vou m~t. wtthlll JO dey1 .,,._, tl•h lurnmons II 11"'" °" .,..,, m ...... _,...,_._ rit1-10 Vie C~iftl Uftlets YOll do '°· .,_ Otfeuft wltl bt ..,,,,..., on apptkalloft ot IN Pl•lnltff, -thl1 coun m"Y -· • .,..,,_, e91tns1 you for tho relief .,,,_ If' lit« eomptelnl, whlcll eoulCI •Hull In oer,.h11rne .. 1 01 w•oe•. lektno 01 mOfte t Ot -rty or 01,... rt tlel r9<11111led In tilt Comolllllt Dai.cl ~ S, '"° R-.,R,Rtlt,Cter11 ,....,.. . By C-le ~. 09Putv o.r..e lyQltllf ..................... '*-'Y Mllte, Ca. -11 1n11uwtt1 Publlthed Onnga COH I Dally Pllol. ~~..,..!7.~~ 10, 17, 1M2 131!:'2 Publtshecl Or11199 C...C Delly l'llOI, March U, 20, 27, ""4'11J,1.., 12-. Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Saturday, AprlJ 3. 1982 .. Match race to Cu.roso Santa Anita, Los Alamitos results , OCC nips Santa Ana HW\t.l.np>n BMch'• Mlke Cu-roao outau•l•d Alan Cbrt•- \ian P'rlday nlaht ln th• match race at Oranae County J'alr· arou.ndl tn 1peedway motorcycle radna before a crowd of 6,844. Wfnnln1 the acratch main event wu Mike But of Rlver- alde, while Dan McNelll of Cy- pre11 wH the winner of the handicap main event. Oth•ra the hancUc•f m ain were Shawn McConnel , Gene Woods, Edd.le Jnaela, Jlm !AW.On and But. Softball results _.1,,_...Vtlierl Fountain V"""1 000 000 0-0 3 0 Merine 000 100 x-1 2 0 Vtlenluelt and Arledge; LMten and Ser>· et-. .............. , ........... 0 W•mlnt1er 000 000 0-0 3 3 Huntlnglon e..cti -000 201 x-3 4 1 PhllOpt 1nd Mendez; Zecc• end Reno. 28-MOOfe (WI. Turner (H8) • l9COMD IU.CL Ont .,,..., "eolM ltorm~ UO I.to 4.40 "°Y• ~ ( I t.IO t.to he Wlll (McHarvut) I .to A*> rllOed: P'Tlte Ne Na. Trtl* M9clh. AM MMe. Ont FOi Morning, Buntin "9111, e.Jlldn, Comity. Time; 1.3' 4/1. • QAY ~ l1-1l p.id 1178.00. TMM> RACL 1 1119 ""'9. ~ 1~1 e.oo uo 3.80 Jui! (\oofln (Pedroq) 12.10 7 .00 Dlttant CMmt (~I 8.00 Alto rt c.d: Argyle'• B.rother, Su1tnfte'1 Boy, Jenelle'• eo... Prince Of Danube. For-wtrd Cour1. Fire of Crettlon, Make Sport, Ourlnl\lll, Time: 1.47 316. '°""'" Mee. 8 "' furtonOI. Jo Jo OlrrltQCllo (Bledll 24.20 8.80 4.20 o.ndnQ Oeughler (Ht'Mey) t.20 3.IO Al!llgl<i.(~) UO Alto r9C9d: MIM ~. ~ • ..._ w911an Aoyelty, Tulle't 0erne. 8tteM f -' Time: 1. 17 3/S. '9'TH MCL 1 ~ mile. The A'QYte Kid (Vll9nzuelal 5.oo a.oo 2.40 Ultrectltrge (Bleckl t.80 3.40 Sllnglngly (GuerT•I 2.80 Aleo rec:.d; HMrt BMt, lngr•, Hin Drlw. Hiii Song. Time: 1.61 2/6. • UACTA 11·31 peld 182.00. 11 1t11 not whether you win or lose, H'• how you get to th• game!' eant MCI. • lur10nfL Nl¥9f T....-.t (~ 7.80 t.:10 5.00 ....... ~ 1.00 1.00 loMWI ..... {V~ • 40 ~ GIMt. Lofty bgle. oe.Mlt. ... l/OY. ,_,,,,_,, ,.CIOt, Dvtty Andy. -T-upe~ Re· "'°" Tlmei 1. 10 Ill. MV9N'nt MCL I lutton!Jlt. VetCINdM> t8tloemek•) 1.eo uo a.80 .._..of Honor (Ol1IO*) 1UO t .00 WIOk~ Hltltf (Sibille) UO Aleo reoed: ,....,., Cry, Holl D'Oro. Loft# Uw IN Kina. Aodly ~. Tlmel 1:10' I/&. • IXACTA (M) peld UIUO. • • '1Clt ltX (1-M-1-2-3) Hid l31lM.20 wt"1 lour winning tklllet• (9111 "°'-~ •2 Plcll 8111 ooneoletlon Peid ~.JO wltll 181 wtnnlng tlcll911 (ftw taw.). llQK1ll M CI. 8 'A furtonge. Home Aun Gel (1!118) Uo 4.80 3,80 ,tlede ~em. e~' 3.4() 3.00 My Meroedet Mctitl'gUt) 4.00 Aleo reoed: ht l.tdy, Zlmbebt, M.,,,,._ ton. o.vll Me Not. Time: 1.18 216. 9INTM MCL 1 1/18 mile. Proteetcnw (McHergue) 8.40 4.IO 3.00 Fo~ Qullo (~I 14.90 7.90 Don t Denoer H~) 3.80 Allo rlOed: Ace. My MMt~. e.t. l!leeU. <:Melly Twdor, Jetf1'1 lay INMt. ii~ coon. o.otf°• DenQet. Tlm« t.44. • DACTA (8-n paid 1322.!50 AtWldence -21,563. Loe AJemltoe l"MDA'Y'a Maul.Ta ( ............ .___...., Pl(tT MCI. Orie mile ~- Grit (Todd) 18.00 e.80 s.eo Windy RerlQ9 (01'9QOfY) 4.90 3.IO AuetJc 8oott tONndVI 8.40 - Aleo reoed: l.11Ctly Ct rd, Johnny Tollv.,, H~ .. _,..,, OYPllY lam, a.nlnote CNtit. llue~. nm.: 2:02 1/1. • DACTA ( .. 71 peld t12 00 MCOND MCa. Ont mile peoe M V P (Dleotner) 6.40 S to UO Sporty Old Al (T remtMty) 1 00 4 20 ltldlen Ollllf (Andtf.onl 3.00 A*> rlOed: Huttlln' Dude, Shady Del, ~ .. Argo. Attd'f• 'orgettble Time: 2:02 3/5. tMM> UCL One mite ptiOe. ~Time (Kueblel'I 12.40 t.80 4 40 • Sllmtnlf Frolic (And•tonl uo 3.90 While L.augllttl' (Todd) 11.40 Alto r~: Femlly Tredltlo~ 8pln1ter Anna, Arwrne'• Qin, lwene Sltlp, pr1vellt. 11fM: 1:5t 315. •,PACTA (5-6) p.id 131.20. '°""'" MCL One mile ~· Crow ear (Atldtnonl 25.oo 11.eo 5 40 8"ck Flfty (Of\lfldyl 4.20 3.20 Home ClltnOe (Cempbell) a IO Aleo raced: Phoenl• Jecll, 8rilllent Jackie, Modern Toucti. 0-Robbie. Ideal Clem Time: 2:01 3/S f'-.rH MCL One mile ~. Ktny Korner (Aublnl 21.40 8 80 4 80 Shady Hiii OoMt (Mllc:tltnd) 4 00 2 IO Wlee in-t"*'4 (Crew1ord) 3 00 Alto raced: Nlllw Jc.t, Golda Melt, Wene Be Hllppy. Mi.. Oey Olrl. Pemict Ugh1 Time: 2:0 I 215 11 DACTA f3-41paid$12740 8CXTH MCI. One mite ~ Body Cheeker (CrOQhWI) 16 40 6 20 3 IO ~ (Goudl-.i) 3.40 3 00 Rell • Rhythm (Sleethl e 20 Alto raced: K 8 King, Fl_,.,y Franll, Rey Del Camino, Mr N M. Time: 2:01. Mvumt Mca. One m11e peoe.. c.ie1>1ue {AndenonJ a uo 1 uo t 40 Weto-Ao.. (&hwfen) 4 to I to T_. (Cf<9*1) t 00 Aleo reoecl. loMi. i.-, P091er Girt, Jo. lle't Choloe. Sly UI, O.a.uo.t Timi Ut 2/5 • • UAOTA (WI peld 1108.20 • '1Clt IQ (~Ml peld l 1,2tUO with 24 winning --(lowt llOfMe~ u PIOk 8ht oonto49tloll peld 123.20 wlUI .... wlMlnv llek•I• (lhre• h0t ... ). 12 Pick II• acreteh eonaolt tlon paid 1 13.40 with 11t winning llCll.U (two hoftM. one llCl'tlefll ltOHTM UCL One milt ~· ... "8ndom Wind (Ooudr.-i)18.20 12.80 5.IO •MNl8' bpi' ... (Copelen<l)18.20 12.IO 5.IO .o.c>Per Honey (a.er) 13.IO ·-~. Alto raoed: I.• Rotn, Hedgerow lynx, Brtndlng Iron, On Around, llretkwfnil. Striking. Time: 1:68 11 IXACTA (1·3) paid 1212.20. ....nt UCL One mile l)eee. f'luton (And«WnJ · e.oo . uo 3.20 v ouno to1ev 1an.rr.n1 10.00 1. 80 Sntdl P8dc (Goudr~I 3.40 Alto raotd: Hll Cherie, Dublet, True Tricia, Hllvtoue 8'-, Like I Shol Time: 2:01. II UACTA tW) peld 1124.80 tEnff MC& One mile pece. Revel\OVe (Selvl) 11.20 5.20 S.00 w.n ...,_. (Campt>eHI 8.00 4 40 Summer Shede ($'-'fl) 5 20 Aleo r..::.d· Solid Fuel. Mr DalrM, St&bllller, T llenellel, Doc't HllPPY Time. 1:57 3/S. II DACTA (2-a) peld $78.IO. EL.aVIENTH M CL One mile ~· Walltlll Supreme (Anderton)4.80 4 00 3.00 Cellnul (B«yteN) 8.IO 3 IO Brven (Todd Ill 3 40 II IEXACTA (&-4) paid $40.00. The Orange Coo.st College wo- men '1 baJ)letball team ~lved a scare from hv.t Santa Ana Fri- day rught, but held on to cla1m a 69-66 South Coast Conference victory over the Dons. The tnuroph unproved occ·. record to 16-2 overall and 7-1 In the 1:,"0nference Colleen Be rry led all Pirate scorers with 16 points, while Caryn Mark and Lisa Sandvlken not.ch~>d 12•ap1ece Orange Coast will enter the Pasadena To urna ment next Wednesdav , Orene-Coeet M, .. nta AM • OflAMOI COAIT Ettinger 8, c.troM 2, Mlfk 12 Flddlet 2 Sandvlken 12. Kroyer t . Panrer 8, Joyce 2 Berry 18 Totm. 2t 11-20 89 IANTA ANA Bell 8. JOllnton 20, Oeull 8, Megue 10 Hetdy 18. Wllllam• 4 Toe ... 24 15-25 IWI Ht/ltlme OCC. 34.33 Tott/ foul• OCC :l 1 Sant• An• 17, Fouled OUI Petl<er (OCC1. Beu (S•nl• Ane) Calf 64~-5678-.----- Put a few words to work for ou .. 8th ANNUAL ' I \ ·-- NS-HHS NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARY VERA BLACKS TOCK AND OF PETmON TO ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. A-11%711 . To all heirs. beneficiaries, creditors and contingent creditors of MARY VERA BLACKSTOCK and per~>ns who may be othe rwise interested in the wllJ and/or estate: A petition has been (lled by JAMES A. FRYE in the Superior Court of Orange Count y requesting that JAMES A . FRYE be ap- pointed as personal repre· sentalive to administer the estate of MARY VERA BLACKSTOCK, Newport Beach. CA (under the Inde- pendent Administration of Estates Art). The petition is set for hearing ln Dept. No. 3 al 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana. CA 92701 Ult SHOW .... & MiiM THAM 1YM Fri., Sit., S11., l11ril Z, 3 I 4 BUY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES Featunng Guns -Ant1Que & Modern Ammo -War Relles & Surplus lnchan Art1lacts -Rugs & Jewelry -Coins ....... u.oo ,.,.,._ Wllll ,.,, Aelulll HOUaS: SAT~ SUM.. t .. I OllAMel COUNTY FAii HOUM»S MIW NODUCTS PA ftJOM. &M. 10 Ww .... J.A ........ Dr~ c:.... ..... ,_ llec•4N llllht 17141 tlf.7617 on Aprtl 21. 1982 at 9:30 a.m. I J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU OBJECT to ther: granting of the petition. you should either appear at the-------------------- hearing and state your ob-· STATu.-.ino~AMNDOMMaln 'ICTIT'IOUS•VM••ss jectlqns or tile written ob-o,VMottl"fC'TtTIOUI ....,....,AftMlllfT jecl10ns with .the c9urt be-Tll• 10~~~::'~,., .,..,,. ~~~Mt _ _,, .,.. doln9 fore the hearing. Your ap-•M-..ct .. .,.. o1 .,,. FkUtlovt "Ewf'Ot!T PAC~FIC i.1MOVstNE pearance may be in person ausine.s "-= se11v1cE. CS1'D eempus °''"· s.. •. or by your attorney CHA PH STREET PROPERTIES, N--1a.di,CA 9M60. lF You ARE A ·CREDI 1' T-rlne Wey, trvlne, Colttoml• N_,.,, Peclfk 111-,,_ts, tnc., • • ft114. Cellroml• ~.uon. 4S10 ~ TOR or a contingent credit.or T II• Flctttlo"' a .. s111eu "'•"'~ on.,., su . ......,_,._,,,CA, . of the deceased you must , ... ,,.,. "' -•• ,...,, 1" or.,.. T1111 11W111eu •• condY<ted by • • CO\lnty on J_., IS, 1'111, FIM No. c~otlon. file your c laim with the "'*"· ~PecHk court or present it lo the Tllom• J. Pevt. s.. .. "T .... ,..,. t11;a1to1w;its, 1nc. Woy, lrvlM, Collfomlo '2714. CenfVll ~ personal representative ap-oe111111 o. RU94•, uos. i.a P•I• ,,..,_,. pointed by the court within Strwt. Ml...., VllJO, eo1ttoml• ntt1. Tilll uttmtM w11 flied with tM four months from the date of Tllll .,.,.,._, •• conclllctld by • c°""'' Clfftl of ar..,.. CO\lntv on • ..... ••• pefWfll>lp. -rdl 10.1-. first issuance of letters as ThomMJ. P-. sr. .. ..,... a~ 111e. provided in Section 700 0 Tllll --... lllecl wlttl ... mtc-om. ...... the Probate Code of Califor ~~~12~=-of Orenge County on .._....._CA,... " ... nla. The time for filln ",..,.,... ,.,,.......,°' .... CMtll Deity~"°'· claims will not expire prtor C• ,.,.., 11 uw ...,..,..1,, a , 11, "'-'11J,1• 1ui.a I .. MecA.-.......,.,... four months from the date o .....,. ....._CA,.... the bearing noticed above. ,.,,....,. 0r ... Ceell o.tiv Pltot, YOU MAY EXAMIN ~1·1!!.!'·""113·"'2 1~'---------- lbe file kept by the court. U you are interested ln the e.- tat.e, you" may file • request wllh the court to receive ... -speda1 ~ of t~ Inv tory of estate asteta and of the petitions, .ccounta and reporta de9crlbed ln Sectlon of the Californ ia Probate Code. i CBRISTOPBER T. COP· nN. Au.r.ey at Law, Ui7 ' B. c .. , .... A•eaee, Fel-am.., CA Hiil; teL ('71') 171-71M. 1. HURRY ••• ONL ~ 1 MORE 1WEEK LEFT .TO GET OUR SUPER TRAINLOAD PRICES. SAVI NOW WHILE SUPPLY LASTS. MANUFACTURERS PRICES HAVE GONE UP, BUT WE HAVE MAINTAINED OUR LOW PRICES FOR THE FINAL WEEK OF THE SALE. 11" DlllOllL SL100 FORAWilDWl ... M& FACTORY AUTHOIUDD TY SERVICE CALL 541-3437 MOH. THRU FRI. 9 to 9 SAT. 9 to 6 SUH. 11to4 17.7 CU. FT. 100% Sold State Auto File T lllilt l.Jfhted Dial RCA XL-100 19" ........ ~~~~=~~ REFRIGERATOR ll!!!!!!!SlliSOIY iME • • °"'" "¥: ;2&" ......., .... Trinitron MAYJAG ... , s9991s ., ....... ,_.. T•"-0,--•C ....... AW ... ._ W ... efTrwll llwA...,ef4 • Adjustable T M1)efed Glass ~ves • TeaMed Sleet Doors • Provision for ICEMAGIC~ Automatic 1 Ice Maker $599 95 FACTORY AUTHOlllDD •ITAllT 1 25 REBATE ..... ..., ...... POTSCRUBBER DISHWASHER • Potscrubber oycle removes even baked-on soils • Tub and dOOf llner are protected bl, an e11cluslve 10 year fvll warrenly CaSk tor details) • Energy s.ver wash cycle and dry option • Plu9 tree norrne~ replacement lngtallatlOO Orenge COllt DAILY PILOT ISaturct.y, Aprtt 3, 1082 THE F~MIL" CIRCl'i Bl6G£0R6£ c by Virgil Partch (VtP 1 "I like eating lunch at school better 'cause I can eat my dessert first." . "I never hogged a blanket In my llfe." ; ~ABMADl:KE by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum ~~· ' "Guess what we spring clean next?!" ~I ~'r EAT .ANOTt1ER BITE .. 1 THINK MY STOOACH AAS STOPPE.D. • Jl'DGI:.: PARKER MOON Mll"LLINS ACROSS 56 S.11 1 At>e 58 ExpoM t Prudll 2 words 11 OlfWtnl eo Tide OH 14 Bellt of 63 HorMS burden ee P1t101 Hiid' THE JUOOE NEVER INVrTE& ME TO UJNCH UNLE5& THE.RE'5 A RE~! a.ue ME IN I ~HAT 15 tT THI& "TIME? FM>AY'I PUm.E SOLVED 15 Punlttw 67 Lowest poml 1a"Pttc:Nng 1111. ea Mett ,__ 111111T"trt..,. .-&~lif 11 M1mbr111e1 eome 18 Hermonlum: 99 GA ·a neigh· 2wordl bOI' 20 ""* 70 Seeing lidt • 22 Spotren 71 Oultrll ' I 23 fWtet 25 Sdlool .,. 28 Proceedt 2'V_. • ApplleftOe '32 Afl1cln ..... '4f....,.,..'. 2wordl .... "" .,,_7 ., ....... QOWN ,1 Metric units· Abbr. 2 "Scot1w1' ...... ....,,., ........ -.10hlE -.. 11 Mrtolfl ..... tlc.IOIJI •;"OllP'!' ta .... _.,, ., ... ...... , It ..... •I?' I •W ....... ~ -.,. .... , . -,. .. by Harold Le Doux I THINK HE WANT& YOU TO MEET A LAWYER ~y THE NAMfOfD.~.c.t.AIW AND THAT SHOULD e€ AN INTERE&T· IN<:> E)(PERIENCE FOR YOU, COVN&ELC>ft I ~ by Ferd & Tom Johnson ALL Rt6MT. TEAM. LET'S ~'EM W6 NEVER 61VE VP 1 Tt:MBL£•EED~ SO WE LOST TME Fll~ST 6AME ~ THE SEASON ... THAT DOE5H'T M£AN we HAVE TO L05E Au. T~ RE5T OF ™E 6AMES ! D 0 HERE5 A WAN"fe'7 POST'ER ON SNAKt:-EVE •• PLJ1 rr ON A Pf'.OM INE:N11'fU:e ! 1HANK 60V 'THE:RE Ar{t: SIMPLE JOE'S HE CAN'1 SCREW LJP. If·, SHOE ~NAAi~~~~ ~ ~ rzt'fl~tltITT FUND? WHY DID YOU LEAVE A BLANK PAGE IN THE MIDDLE? THATS TI-IE INTERMISSION by Charles M. Schulz by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly • C>_._, .... ~"" •T~K ,. "l:\KERHEi\:\ WHAl'5 UJti~ 1HE NEW GL.A55Eb I ANN ~ DIDN'T~ LI KE ~UR CONTACT6 ~ DRABBLE OR.SMOCK Gee, -rHe ReFeRRAL- IS RIGH'f', eu-r YOUR "'fl.MING IS WRONG ... j NO .. I DEUDED THAT CDITTACfS JlJSi WE.REN'T ff'E. ... 1) ___ _ ~ov'-JE. fl.U\lL~ &UN fuMPltlb l~E. °'-0 IRoN, "°"? FOR 8~TIER oa FOR WO R8t; ~LOOK N\CE TON\GKft by Gus Arriola AJ.11~/I iMIAIK OUR .5a.:tAL .5ECURll'I ~EF!T5 .HAVE ./3Ee,v A~RED.f by Tom Bat1uk THE THl fW TIME !. DROPPED ONE ()O()J~ iHE SINK ! by Kevin Fagan No, I ~A'JU(f E-JE.fll S1At!.1'E.O '4E.1 11'5 JllSl "°r IN ~ERE~ by George Lemont c::>R .UMGOWA NOW HAS H IS O FFICE: IN CL.eve t...A N c::> .' YOUTH . . ·•" under th.e big top When Uncle Len was a young boy, he got tired of clean mg his room and learning the multaph- cation tables, so he decided to run away and join the ctrews. • He thought it would be gla- morous to be an acrobat' or ttght- rope walker, but then he found he was afraid of heights. Lion taming looked exciting until he discovered hohs and ll· gers are VERY BIG when you're up close. Besides, they never brush their tee(h or use dental floss. so they have bad breath when they roar. The clowns wanted to shoot Uncle Len out of a cannon as part of their ac;t, but he doesn't like loud noises and was afraid he'd miss the net put out to catch him. So there was nothing left to do around the circus but take water to the elephants by the bucket· fut, and they dr.ank so much Uncle Len thought they were made out of sponges. Pretty soon the multiphcat1on tables and cleaning his room looked pretty good agam, so he went home and decided he'd ra- ther buy a ticket to the circus • • FIRST PLACE: Johnny Chiarenza of Huntington Beach This week's winners don"t have to buy tickets, though. be- cause they get free adm1ss1on to Circus Vargas for its opening al 8 p.m . this Thursday at the Orange County Fairgrounds an Costa Mesa. ,----------------- (For others who want to at· te nd, the circus will havl' day and evening performances through April 18). First place and four box seal'> go to Johnny Chiar£'nza, 12. of Huntington Beach for his funny clown drawn whale• ;ugglang Congratulations, Johnny. you didn't drop the ball Second place and thrt•t> box seat tickets will be Sl'nl to Gre· gory Hurst. 12, of Fountmn VaJ- ley for his picture of a p<>rfor· ming elephant. Great work r' Honorable mentions go to Ro- byn Landess, 13, and lle1d1 Lan- dess, 11 , of Fountain Valley: \~ Cynthia Sisley, 13, Ben Robin- son, 8, Danny Robinson. 6, an.q_ aJl the great artists m Room 13 at Wilson School an Costa M esa. Lauren Aquino. 6, and Matthew Aquino, 5, of Huntington Beach. Michael Knecht, 5, of Newport Beach and Mary Waltc.•rs, 15, of BaJboa SECOND PLACE: Gregory Hurst of Fountain Valley Uncle Len was thrilll•d with the entries from a new class - Carol Barbee's third-fourth com bination class.at Tamura School in Fountain Valley. Thanks to Todd, Jason. Carril', Chras1c, Glen, Jason, Ryan, JoS<.'ph, Ray- m1, Andy, Andy, Shayla. lJ<>Jn - ne. Patrick. Hollv. Julie, Paul. M1('hele, Ryan. Angela. CaC'sar. Melani<'. Jill. Trang. Tony. Jes- sica, Aaron, Deanna. Amber ana Erik Most of Unde Lt•n's friends probably know th~t next week 1s Easter That means thC' Easter Bunny is coming to bring lots of . carrots and lettUC'<' and telc•- ry to boys and girls. Nn'.' All right then. hl'll probably break down and parl with soml' marshmaJlow eggs or paslL·I .)l'lly beans or cho· c.:olatc rabb1L'i Draw an Ea.stcr bunny an black ink on wn1tc paper 4 inches square and send It to Uncle Len, Dailv Pilot, P 0 . &x 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92ti2ti so 1t gets here by W t'Ci nc. •s<h.t y Hop to 1t! Parents pick kids' studies CHERRY HILL, NJ (AP) A group of parents who dec1dc.>d they wanted more control over their children's studies have or- ganized Saturday classes where the youngsters learn everythmg from "Dungeons and Dragons" to advanced mathematics. Last year, the parents got to- gether to form the Cherry Hall Association for the Gifted to sl1· mulate youngsters from 5 to 14. They now offer 42 different courses in 10-week semesters, all on Saturday. "It's the only program l've seen where parents help decide what their children will learn," said Aletha Wnght. teachl'r from ncarbv Camden. Association President Kathy Kaplan said the group had se- lected 25 teachers from throug- hout the Delaware Valley. Pa- rents pay $30 per child for each class and the rest of the expenses are paid for by public and private donallons, she said Teachers do not lecture an the classes. which range from the sciences to flower·arranging. a:id no homework 1s assigned. Mrs. Kaplan said. "It's all hands-on learning," she said. ''W!!'re just whetting their appetites. Regular school Dog of tlte W eelc Wr ............... LOVABLE -Thia lbepherd mix puppy is waiting for eo- meone to take him bome eo he can show how lovable he if. He it et the ~=~t Beach Animal Shelte\f, 125 Mesa Driw. c.o.ta PbOne &44-3656. . • days aren't large enough to fit m tht' l'Xlras Our elasses are exc1- t1 ng and open new aoors for chaldrC'n" The most popular courses in- volve ('Omputers, she said. "My sons arc into sports, but they 're also bright and receptive." said Barbara Rosan- na, who enrollPd her two sons in l'Omputer t•lasses "They'll be growing up in the age of com- puters, and this program is a wondt'rful way to introduce them to our computer world." One of the computer instruc- tors, Steve Erlich of Cherry Hill, says many children have a knack for computers that 1s never tap- p«l. "I'm not saying the kids will land jobs at RCA tomorrow." he said. "But at least I can help them explore the basics of how a computer works.'' Carol Young said she did not want to stimulate her two inqui- sitive daughters, fearing they would become bored in i;chool. But she later decided that was unfair to the children. sOJhe enrolled her 8-year-old daughter, Karen, in a cooking class. The young girl now prepares Chinese and Italian dinners for the family. "l realized that you can't deny their curiosity just because something isn 't oflered In achool yet," Mrs. Young said. Contacts fit animals, too TOaONTO (AP) -A cat na- med Spooky and a dog called Georp made vetertnaty medical hiatol')' when they becem• the flrat amall anJn1all lO be fitted with IOft con~ --.. The i,~ whk:h OOll '7~. will prolong the worldaa We of va· luable An.lmU NGb • iioMce doo and IUJde dC)p fOr IM "Wind, ..Td • Yritrinary ophthalmOupt. ... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 . Young <heroes save-tot LOS ANGELES <AP> -Bob- by Yenls i.nd Socrate1 Garby were planning on a game of COJ» and robbers. Iruit.ead they played heroes, but it was no game. Bobby 11, and Socrate1, 12, jumped from their bicycles and ran under a second-story apart- ment window ledge to catch 2-year-old Michael Nicholes as he toppled from the sill. "We caught the baby JUlt lo time," Bobby said later. "If we hadn't, he woµld have be<>n hurt reaJ bad." Little Michael was m the Hol- 1 y wood apartment of his about noon last Saturday. wa1- ung for his mother, Zha Zha Ni- choles, to finish dressing Mi- chael's 1-year -o ld brother downstairs . Police Officer Michael Casados said Mic hael pushed aside a screen on a floor-to-ce1hng win- dow and toddled onto a two-foot ledge. "At the point where Michael came to the very edge the boys saw him teeter a little bit, and they saw h am try to turn around," Casados said. AftN M1- chae l fell, "They just grabbed whatever they L-ouJd of Michael, and they set him down and he JUSt staru.>d walking away.'' Bobby, who 1s Michael's cou- sin, said he and Socrates were plannihg a game whl..'n thl'Y saw the toddler perL'ht'Ci at the open window. "We were just trying to figure out who would be th<' t'Op and who would bt• the robber," he r~ounted . When they !>aw the tfold, "We got frown I wai. get- ting off my bike•, but I got my foot caught in It, so hl• <&x:ral~) yanked ml• ou 1 " -Bobby said he grabbed Mi- c h a e I 's fl' et w h 1 I(' Sol" r a t <· s caught the r~t of the boy's body AP Wlrepltolo RESCUERS -Michael Nicholes. 2, poses with Socrates Gar- by, 12, (left) and Bobby Yenas, 11 . a t the scene w here Garby and Yenis caught the tot as he f<.>11 from the second-floor window ledge (above). Mrs. Nicholes was alerted by Ms. Baretta's screams to dear off the mud. but there• was not onL• scratch on ham It was a m1ra<:ll' " t ho u K h t ht• was dead . God forbid .. Mrs. N1t·holl..'s said she was "v<·ry grat<·ful" and plannl'd to show 11 by providing the young hc•r0<.., with a day <At Dasnc·yland "I looked out and s<1w my baby covered in mud'' in Bobby's anns, she said ''l poured wall'r on him She said 1t appeared he had blal·kcd out during the plunge "'Ile wasn't c:rymg or anything I Irish children to • • VlSll U.S .. l"KESNO (AP) A l''resno-base<.J grass roots group 1s one quartl•r of tht• way toward its goal of giving l ,UOO ch1ldrt•n trom Northern lreland a six· weeks vacation 1t1 the United States. The Children's Committee, founded by Fresno substitute teacher Vincent Lavery, plans to begin bringing 12-year-old boys and girls to the United States July 19 When Lavery n•turnt'CI last May from his 12th trip to lreland m 25 years, the Irish immigrant set a goal of whisking 1.000 children from their strife- torn country His idea drew national pubhcny, and Amencan fanuhl'S volunll'l'rC'd housing for 2,500 children. But contributions and commitments to a fund I REAL BASKET CASE -Betty Bane of Santa Cna ii Ulld to drawlal d041ble and triple tam from J)UllUll motoriltl whenewr w takel a spin on her motor bike. Wverywh~ ahe rtdes, the take1 her pet poodle1, Lamb Pie, Leibchen -- for air fare and cxpc·nses now t•over onJy aboul 260 1 to 280 children. Lavery said. Laverly believes people wt•re attrac:wd to the project because of a strict prov1s1on that polilK'8 and religion be left out The> wide response "1s really~(' of the heart-warming things," he said. , ~ The non-profit commille<' wall accept funds "uotil June 30 to add more children to the travel list The target of the• campaign 1s "young l'h1ldren who havt• known nothing but fc·ar and hatred m their short and battered hves," Lavery said m hi.<, lilting brogue. ' Laverly plans a 10-day trip to Ireland tb>s month to coordinate selecuon of children. He ar· ranged the v1s1t "to make absolutely cert.ain the picking of the childrt>n 1s apohucal " ------- I I I I I r I' 1:00. llOY AGI TO THI ee>TTOM Of~ IEA l:IO. VllWPOINT ON HVTRfTION ())MOVIE * * ""WllO ~ I Can't "Aidt A Rainbow!" (1871) Jack Klugman, Norma FrenUI TM cer•tallw of a 01-ICh VIMage pony latm •-*'llcllon by 1111 untcrupvlout real estata agent who wanta to build a high-rise on ,,,. larm'a IOI 'G' OMOVIE • * * "Which Way 11 Up?" ( 1977) Richard Pryor. Lonelle McKee A MIX· atar"*d lrull picker la caught 1n • comic crosaltre bet..._, hi& union and the Mob, and a h~lllCal prMC!het finds heaven In a ladl*e' chOlr 'R' 5;35 VIDEO JUKE80X 8:00 8 SUNfUSE SEMESTER 0 SERENDIPITY D WOMAN'S DIGEST CiJ TEEN TALK GI BUREAU REPORT Cl) 8,'TUROAY M~NO (J) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (!JJ PERSPECTIVE (%)MOVIE * * •;, Brubaker" (1980) Robert Redford, Yaphet Kollo A reform-minded warden uncovtra wide- •P<•80 corruption when he enter• h•s newty ess1gne<1 p11son posing as an l(llnale R" 8:10(!.i)MOVIE • • • The Competilton ( 1980) Richard Dreyfuss, Amy Irving Two plarnsls al a San Fr anc11100 music compet11ton hod that their love 10< each other con- lllcts with 1h111r proles.slon- al ambitions 'PG' 8;20Q!NEWS 8.~ I) OOSTY'S TREEHOUSE 0 THATSCAT 0 PACESETTERS CiJ AMERICA. THE Secot.10 CENTURY GI SPEAKOUT fl) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (J) VOICEOf AGRICULTURE Q]) IT'S YOUR BUSINESS Qt OR. SNUGGLES CC) MOVIE • * * · Bells Are Ringing·· ( 1960) Judy Holliday. Dean Ma111n A Shy and impres- sionable young ans-.ng service operator becomes tnlatualed W11h a cha•mino scr1plw111er 7:00 6 KIDSWORLD Featured an tnte<"vl-with Donna Dixon, a star of the poj)Ular 1elev1s1on show 'Bosom Buddies". a report on 11 .year-01<1 Gar- ren Walrod trom Prescott, Kensas, who ts the young- est aucuoneer 1n che Unti- ed Stoles 0 Q! TI1E Ft.INTSTOHES 0 BIG BLUE MARSLE fJ @) SUPERfRtENOS 0 DAVEY ANO GOUATI1 GI TURNABOUT fD YOGA FOR HEAL TH Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR CS)WILO BABIES Thi' documentary catehea many wild ar11mets as they grow ·•P end leern to su•• vive 1r1 lheor natural h&b•· tat @MOVIE • * • Ktng 01 K1n9s ( t~2) Jellrey Hunte•, Robert Ryan The commg of Jesus and Ille events ot his hie gave birth to a new 1etig1on 7:30 8 MR .. MOON"S MAGIC CIRCUS O CllSMURFS U OR. SNUGGLES fJ It) RICHIE RICH I scooeyooo IJ OAVEY ANOGOLIATI1 GI NEWS 8) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN eatAVIOR (J) INTERNA TlOHAL HOUR 8;00 8 Cl) POPEYE 9 MOV1E ··Trail To San Anlone" ( 1g47) <>-Autry CiJ REAL EST A TE TOOAY GI MOVIE * * ''°' "Oovtl"s Own" ( 1967) Joan Fontaine. Kay Wallh. 9 UNDERSTANDING SPACE ANO TIME (J)MOVIE • • • "Lo"* Me Or Leeve Me" ( 1g55) DO<is Day, Ja,.,. Caoney A mot>s1 .. marrHI& the Singer "* made famous. but becomM eoraoeo when he can't control her I: 15 CID MOVIE * ~'"' "'The Ce! And The ' Canary" pg78) Honor 6teclcman, MldlMI ~­ Helra bettle for a fortune at t11e al>QOky n tale of a 0-Md mfftlonalre. 'PG' (%)HOW TO RAISE A BA8Y U09 CI) TAAZAH /LONE MNOEA 8 8KJOSUeEA POWERHOUA 8 0 FONZ I HAPPY DAYIOAHO .. HOLIDAY SHOW -Perry Como and guests celebrate Easter in Guadalajara tonight at 10 on KA.BC (7). fD WI! OUGHT TO 8£ IN PICTURES \%)MOVIE • • * "Sllr Crazy" (1980) R~hard Pryor, Gene Wild- " Two mtfl are mistaken ror bonk robber• and sent to lall 'R' 9:00. LEAVE fT T() BEAVER , 0 ®) LAVERNE l SHIRLEY 0 MOVIE • •·~ Moontteer· (1!~55) Stewan Granger, Joan Groenwood. In Ille 1700a a British adventurer becomea a pirate mv<>lved 1namugollng m ERNEST ANGLEY 9NEwV~ '1i) AMERICAN GOVERHMENT (C')MOVIE • • * ··Sunday tn New Yori<" ( 1g64) Cllll Roberl· a0n. ,,_ Fonda Alter ~ng Jilted by he< l>Oy· friend and !raveling 10 N- York to v111t ll8f broti-a young woman cons.ders her Pof>lllon on vkgtnlly 8:30 8 Cl) BUGS BUNNY I ROADRUNNER 0 0) SPIDER-MAN IJ OZZIE ANO HARRIET fJ ®) HEATHCUf'F I MARMADUKE GI THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU ED GUITAR WITH FREOERICI( NOAD CD AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 9 45 'Hl MOVIE • * ' 1 Any Which Way You Can I t9801 Cttnt EHtwOO<l, Sondra Locke Bel<>le settung down wnh htS g11I and ~· orangutan a bore-hsted fighter S<gns up tor one last lucrative match 'PG 10:00 0 3 SPACE STARS 0 SHANANA fJ Q1J THUNOARR I GOU>IE GOt.O GI CAR CARE CENTRAL Q) BOB.JONES ED TI11S OLD HOUSE Bob Vtla give. pc><nters on lay•ng a no-wa.< lloor anCI clleeks the i><ogress ol lhe 14ndscaprng (R) o CD VOTER'S PIF'klN£ Jim Cooper looks at the swiftly growing l)<oblem of c:nlld se•ual abuse and padophoha In Orange County (S)MOVIE * *'' Little MISI Marl<er'" f 1980) Walter Manhau Julie Andrews 8aMd <>ti lhe Demon Runyon story A grufl stonoy t930s boolc· 1e s hie •s turned around W'*1 he accepts.a 6-year. old m<19pe1 as a matltw 10< a racing bel ·PG O EUBIEI A N>trtted tribute to the ~ous of c:ompoM< 6uboe e1a1111. tealurlng 24 or his bell song1 Including ··tn Honeysucide Time" and I m Just Wild Abo<Jt Har ry. t0-.30 0 AMERICA'S TOP TEN CiJ WILD, WILD WORLD Of' ANIMALS Q) WE'RE MOVIN" Q) DORIS DAY , &;) PHOT08HOW Q[!) PORTRArTS IN PASTELS (%)MOVIE • * "Pape< Tiger" ( 1976) David Niven. To1hlro Mllune The 1u10< ot a Jap· a-emba158d0<'• son ilnd• he must lrve up to hie gtHUy e•aggereted talff ot i.o;sm wnen the boy IS ktdnappe<I 11:00 0 CJt DAFFY I SPEEDY 0 WCTTENNIS S300 000 B•tll Bergamo Memort•I Tournament Vilas Ge<ulalllt vs Ivan Lend I fJ(ll) WUKENO SPE~I. "Mayday! May<1ayr· Two children are stranded ,,. the wilderness afler thelt parenta ere tn1urad tn a ptaM crash. (Part 1) IA) Q G ENCORE NEWS 81 SOUL TRAIN II) THE AOOK.IES 8i) CO()t(INQ MEXICAN 8 CAU.IORAPHY (C)MOVIE • *'.\ ··Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1g76) Robby Benion, Glynn11 0'C9nnor. BaMd on chfl eong by Bobble Gentry A tormented tMn- eger ·a put e11perlenottl compHcata hie f!Bt true romance 'PG' 11"30 8 CJ) BLAQCSTAA D 8.UU.WN<LE •@ AMEAICM 8Al«l9T AHO • wa..o. WllJ) WE8T • JULIA et-.o AHO MORE COt/llPAHV G!) CALLIGRAPHY .MOVIE * •• "Ceveman" (11>81) Rmgo SUll'r, Dennis Quaid. The clownish "*'"ber ot a b111ely human 1><1hlst0<k: tribe 1>eg1n1 to <1lsco11e< that brllnt and not br.wft ""'" be the key to his peo- p1o·1 survival 'PG' 11:45 (H) MOVIE * * * ' Boclknobs And B1oomsttck1 ( t97 1) Angeta Lanatxiry Oavtd Tomlinson During W0tld W11 II .• flOVICe sorce<ess an<l hir three young r1tend1 ser oll 10< a magle laland where eh41 Intends to learn enough abo0t w1tc11Crafl to uMI 11 against ,,,. Nazts 'G • -AFTERNOON- 12:00 8 (J) TROUJOHS 0 AORICUL TURE U.S.A. D LOST IN SPACE GI MOVIE * * • The 0 1 (1957) Jack Webb, Don Dubbins Q) A0AM·12 ell SUM CUISINE "'Tho Soup Show·· CD NEEDLECRAFT Of YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL Tile Champlonsnop" Fout htgh school girts Shara the reasons why each musr· ptay •n Ille Championltltp game "SIMOVIE • • • One On One· ( 19771 Robby Benson, Annelle 0 TOOie A boy wr10 goes 10 COiiege on e buketball sch<>larstup 18 abusod by the coach, S<;Or nee:! by htS IUIOr and used by tile school for its own purposes "PG' 12.15 (l) HOW TO RAISE A BABY 12:30 I) TOM ANO JEARY 0 3 rrs STILL CALLEO BASEBAU. Joe GaregtOJa hc>tts a pte- ._ OI the 1982 baseball season fJ MOVIE * • ·~ Speeowav · I 19681 Flv11 Pret.tey Nancy Sina· lt8 0 MOVIE • • * The Outcalt"' t 195ll John Derek, Joan Evans (I) AOAM-12 ell COU.EGE FOR CANINES Btuoe Session• conduces the ltr•c ot two lessons on IHClung your <log Ille coma comlTland (R) '1:) NEEDLECRAFT Cl) BASESAU BUNCH Guftl Gary C1r111< ®l KIOSWORLD ~MOVIE * •' 1 ··s1ardut1 Memo· rtes" ..i.1g80) WOO<ly ,t.llen. Charll'tte RafTlpllng A sue;. ceaslut dttector faces a personal cr1s1s as he tries 10 make some maior dee• SIO<\S on his fife 'PG' 1 00 8 KWICKY KOALA IJ THE MUNSTERS Edd•• b<J1lds e robot as a sc ..,.c;a P< 01ec1 tor adloo4. (I) MOVIE * • * Never Too Lale·· ( 19651 Connie Stav8"l, Mauree11 O"Sulltvan. A m•ddte-aged couple are amaieo to learn that they are tKpectlng a child. ED WOOOWRIOHTS SHOP CD GROWING YEARS "P•eschool ParsonDllty" THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL @) MOV\E • •'• ··Goodnight. My love' ( 1972) Richard Boone. Michael Dunn A Mutt-and.Jell" detective duo •• rured 10 locate a missing men (C)MO\ltE * • • * "The 400 Blows" ( 1959) .IMn·Plerra Leaud, P81r>ek Aulley A young lloY <lf!Prlvld of parental warmth and the aoc:ept· lllCe Of hie peera turns his atlenallon and dftpati toward • tile ot at11an er~ C,,MOV!E "'Countelown To OIM1ter·· 1;.80 8 (J) cou.EOE ALL- 8TAA 8A8KET8AU ClA88IC Top Mniol'• from lht West compete with thoM ol lhe Eut In lht , 1th annual .,,.. 1tar game (lrom LH Vegaa. Nev.). D a OtNAH 8HOflE INVITA~ Tllltd-f'Olltld ..... ot U\la t~t IMl\H'lng lop ""'* goller'I (M from Ute MIMIOfl Hiiie Countty ~"' ~ Mlr-oe.Oellf I CHAtlll LISTINGS • F-T'AOOP "Old lronc>enl•" eNOVA • ICNXT (CIS) e t<N9C CN9CI e ICTLA Clnd.) ."Aee IAtCI e '"'Ml ICIM e IC""°TV CIM.I •IOCIT CAIKI e K11'Y CIM.> W«CDf'.TV Cl•> •KCSTlNll - e lCOCI C~) (II) ()n.TV CJ) Z·TV (II) HIO ~ (ClnemH) (J) IWORl NY ,.N.Y. e 'CWT'l'S> Cl> <U~I (lflowtlmt) ......... • (CMlll,.....,. ffftwtf'k) "AOlnt: TN Mtll'lllM&eh lyndrotne" M e~ tlOn of IM ~ being cond11<1led on ~ and !tit eolt'O OfOOMt .. ~....,..,o • MO•dMYMM ........... ....,,. .... tilt. QI ucwrt ~- • ==-•• ''OIWIOf1'Mll~ ~ ( .. ,, Uut9I IN ~. Olllrle ()Mp. Ill. • MOVll • * • "An Alftlr To ~-.. 11tlf) ~ Ortnl, ~ Kwr. • UNOIMTAHDINO l4UMAN llHAVIOfl ··conotllonlna" Ql)M<>Vtl * * * "Flaah OOICIOn' ( 11101 lam J "°""· Mw Von Sydow A trio 0 Mtthlln09 1rell9I 10 thf platlet Monoo and ,.... ill OPOt...0 l{*'9Dlt.nl.I tn Ille oventvow of ttle ev11 Emperor Ming 'PO' ())MC>Yi. * * * "Tiie Atpl\tlt Jun. g1e·· < 18501 a1tt11no Hey· den,..lamet WhlttnO!e, The pollOe are baln.d by 1 ornn1nat mHttrmtnd'• nelf-mHhon·dOlltr robbery. (I)MOVll * * ,,. "Roek, Rodi, Rock" ( 1858) Alan Freed, Tu.- day Weld A hlg~eGllOOI l)fom fMIUtlng Ille m4llie of IUCI\ ·50a ..... .. Franl\te Lymon and Chuck Berry bringa • boy • girl together • t.:ao. OIWOAN'8 18LAHO D SUQAAAAY LEONAA0'8 GOt.OEH OLOl/£8 fD INSIDE STORY "Inside Story In El Salva- dor·· Hoddlng Carter r990<ta from El Salvador on prMa OO\lllfage of Che war and ,,,. Match 2811! elecUona. and what it ia like ror the repo<tetl wtto 1<e cove<lng l'-atorlft Ci) UHOERSTAHOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Operanl CondttlOnlng" (]}) PROFE88lONAL BOWLERS TOOR S 110,000 King Louie Open flrom the Kong Louie West In Overland Park, Kans.). 9 JOHNNY CASH: A FLOWER OVT OF PLACE Johnny Cuh ts )olnec:I by Linda Ron111d1, Roy Clarlc and come<111n Foster Brooks In a concert per- lormed lor 2,000 inmates ar the Tenneuee State Pr1son and hosted by llflO· or I aongwroter Glen Sll8f· fey • t0<mer 1nma1a 11 Fol- aom Pn.on 3:00 0 SPORTS AFIELD II MOVIE • *'" "The Rid Pony .. ( tg731 Henry Fonda. Mau- reen O'Hara A young boy gnevea alter losing hla belOVOCl pony Q) MOVIE * • * "Bui Not F0< Me" t 1959) Clark Gable, um Palme< A young actress seeks • romance With her middle-~ proclucor &;) NEW88EAT: CALIFONAA CONORESSIOHAL REPORT CD HOME OAROl!NER Q!MOVIE * * * ··The Night 0 1 T lie Iguana ( t9~) Rlchar<l Burton, Oe!lorah Kerr T hrfltl women tourong Mex- ico art! inspired by theor guide a tormer m1n1s111< ¢)MOVIE • * • ·Sunday In New Y0<k I t9641 C~ll Robert- son Jane Fonda Aller be•ng 1•11911 by he< boy- tr1end and tr•velino to N- York 10 VISll her brOlhe<, I young woman oonllktws her paslcton on vtrgtni!y 3:30 6 (J) SPORTS . SATURDAY WBC IS-round llghlwetghl championship bouc betw.en champton Alexia Arguello and WBC No 1- ranke<l conten<let Andy Gantgan ftrom Las Vegas, Ne• I 0 EVERYWl1EAE L.OC8h0t1 Live from [)as.. canso Garctena. La Cana- da fl PROFE8SIONAL BOWLEMTOUR s, 10,000 Kono LOUii Open (from the King Louie West tn Ove<tand P•rll, Kana). fli) LANO OF THE OOOL SUN Stavo Allen narralft a IOdl at the San Luis Velley of soul'-'! Colofado, con· Mlefecl tile M094 90ler •zed community 1 1n the us .. Q[!) HOME OAROEHER @MOVIE * * "'The Etectnc Esko- mo A young Eslumo boy • accioenratty t>ecomes • powortut source ot elec- 111c11y "G' (Z)MOVIE • * ''o 'Birch lntarvat·· I 1978) Eddie Albef't. Rip T0tn A young girl II Mnt lo live with Amlstl relallVM, where she leetr.a about the reahttn or the adult W0<1d. 4:00 CiJ GRIZZLY ADAMS 8) MOVIE * * * 'The Organ1utlon" pg711 SIOney Poitier, Ber· bera McNa., A l\lrnlture company manager turns up deed alter a fortune in heroin i1 1t0fen from him. fli) QUE PASA, U..S.A. 7 "T elenovele" P999 P«la can't figure out wtly Cw· men and Iggy oonatWttly change their minds about· • car-Gtloloe DINT~ BIOLOGY ltl ™E~ f'll..ES (El) 8TAHOINO AOOM ONLY "Simon And Gartunket: The Cono.n 111 The Park .. Pf'JI Simon Md Ar1 Gar· funkel perform Old favor- ites In their rtrat joint con· cert In 11 yeatl, tap9d dur· Ing the sum"* of '81 In N-Yorll City's Centrll Paric MOVIE * • 1i'i "LIUle MIU Mtltctt" ( 1880) Waltlf' Matttwlu, Julie A~ 8...o °" tne o--. Runyon 11or,o. A grult, lllngy 1'30I booll· le'a Ille la lurned 1tound wtlttl lie IOOIPI• a f..Y'tlt • old mol>P91 11 a INl'lter I« a raciflG bet. 'PO' '4:80. IQCCl.A MADE IN oaNMHY EaM Oermeny vt POlltld -~ IQ.OQY .MCWll ••IA "f'ftleo lg(' l ltiM} JetnM ~ • ....._... ~ ,. (1111 .... --.... "!':' a.Mg 111111111¥ ....... .... --... ..... wr•--l ,..4M.A. 8TM~ r 1TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 "Charil• Br.own•• All·Stan." Charlie Brown a.n4 Peanutl Ian& muddle their way through another memorable aeuon. KNBC (4) 8:30 -11Chicaao Story." PeW- grino trle. to free ah lnnocel)t priloner. KNXT (2) 9:00 -''Hou.e Calli." A wi- dowed -doctor halts Casanova tendencies and falls for outspoken divorcee. Walter Matthau, Glenda Jack.Ion 1tar. KABC (7) 10 ;00 -••Easter in Guadalajara." Ann Jillian and Charo joln Perry Como. See photo, left. ... 8 WIDE WORLD Of 8PORT9 c-• or the Florid• Oefby for 3-y--old ttlo- roughbl'9dt (from Gulf- a11eam Parll in Hallandale, Fla ); NCAA Swimming And Diving pnemplonShlpt (from Brown Deer. Wtec;.) G KOJAJ( CD 80UOOOlO Holte; MarUyn McCoo. Lou Rawta ~ta Clill Rich- ard, Siacer Sledge, Le Roux, Bill Champlin, Ed Bn~. Pnat11 fl!) SOCCER MACE IN GEAMANY Eu! G .. m111'1y VII Polan<l Cl) M•A08•H (ft NEWS Q! LAWREHCE WELK "'Tour Of Southe<n Caiilor- ma•• \C)MOVIE • • • "Bells Are Ringing·· I 1960) Judy HolllOay, Deen Marcon A Shy Ind 1mpr-. s.onable young ans-ing IMl<VIC8 Ol)ef ltor becomel tnletuateg with • Charming sc11ptwr1te< (~MOVIE * * • T,,. HIOeawaya •. ( 1973) lngrod Bergman, JOllnny Doran Two chit· dren run away trom hOme 111'id hide in N-Y0tk City"• Metropolitan Muae- vm of Art, Whf!fe 1~ are belr iended by a spl11!ed recluse "G' 5:15 ct) MOVIE * * "The Brave One'· f t956) MIChHI Ray.~ to f\oyoa A young boy tra- vels 10 Meaico to find his pel bull wfllCh was acci- Clentally SOid 5:30 0 NEWS 9 OHCEUPONA CLASSIC "A Tate 01 Two C1t1e&" Darnay •• Mntericed to the gu1Uohne and Madame Del arge attempts 10 destroy Lucia and Mane11e (Pan 61(R) O (J) WELCOME BACK, KOTT£R rne s-111ogs roar that llOmething 11 wrong W1!h Arnold wflln he dlsap. pears (Part 1) ®) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Co"*<age of the Florida Derby lor 3-year-otd tho· roughbreds Clrom Gulf- stream Pano 1n Hallandale. Fla I. NCAA Sw1mm1ng And 0.111ng Championships 11rom Brown Deer. Wltc 1 5:'5 (R) MOVIE * • • ""The Com~t1hon I 1980) Richard Dreytuss. Amy Irving Two piantall 11 • San Franclaco mur.lc compet1t1on lln<I 1ha1 their love for ..ch oche< con- lliets with lhett proteasoon· 111 ambl11ona PG -EVBM- 8:00 9 (J) CBS NEWS D CllNBCNEWS U MOVIE **'It "The Longest Hun- dred Miles' ( 1967) Doug McClure. Katharine Rois • WHtTE~Dow ..-m£WPf'ETS Guest Liberace ., MOV1E • • • · Fou1 F0< TH•• ' ( 18&3) Frank Sinatra. Ursu- la Andr ... fll FAIR PLAY IN SPORTS fD SPORTS AMEJUCA "'College Gymnatlk:tt. Iowa State. Nebraal\a. O..taho- ma" Cl)MOVIE • • * "One On One" (1177) Robby Benson, Annette o~Toole A boy who goes to colleQll on • buketb8" ec;holarshlp 11 abused by Iha coach. acorned by hrs Iulo< and Used by the ICl\OOI IOt Ila own pu<po&M 'PG' . 1:30 911 (J) Cit MEWS D MARY TYLER MOORE • TI41! MUPPET8 Oueat; Dudley M00<e. I :.:a .. THE WOALD A 9Plf1ted trlbvle to the Qttllu9 Of c:ornpoaer Euble ~I. f .. turlng 24 Of hi& beat ~ Including "In ~le Time'' end Hf'm .JuJt Wltd About Her· 7;00 ~·Cl) .. IEAACH ~ .•. ''Tiie Human Aur9'" I FNIM..Y FEUD WHERE MM YOU? IJ THE HAAD'f IOYS I NANCYDAEW MYITVID Heney end the Hatdyt traYet to • rock i.tllvaf In Tranaylll..W. while ~ Ing l()f "'* boy9. mlMlng tether (Part I I • LAWMNCIE MlJ( "Tour Of Soulhem Cellfot. nle" • CHeCICINO IT OVT Ane Coblen tall!• to young people, parent• and ••P«'I• •bout teen-eoe ~~~HCXMe lob \Ille 9'IOWI l'IOw '° """ ~ Ind ooora. end ~ .... Clfl llAIPltlnO ltlld ,,....,.. lftle!W ..... i~ o.-t:o-. ...... ~~ .....,.. (1'11) .....o... .... MllMttlel ....,_ .... ............... ~, ......... ... IOOflltit'e .... efllllt fie , a.itteta lhl IOU of a fiend ·R· CZ)MOVie •••• .. Thi I.Mt Mlftro"' ( 1N0) Catnerlne Daneuve, Gw81d Dlperdteu Olret:I· ed by Fraooof1 Trull81.lt During W0<ld War II, tile prOl)tletor• or • small Perla theatre try to keep their ettabllahment oper> during the 04frnan occupation •PQ" 7:30 8 DANCE FEVER Celebrlly )Udgea. David Copperllefd, Teel lAfl9*, Susan RlChatdton ~II o ... Rowland.._~ D LOOKATU8 II OMNI; THE NEW FAONTIER -~REVIEWS Rogar Eben end Gena Siske! pleic the beal movies or 1ge1, IHlurlng &cerlM lrom ··Ragume," '"Atlantic Clly," "Chariots Of Fite" and "Pr1nce Ol The City " (R) (J) PAOAES 1882 BME8AU PREVIEW (II) TALK Of THE TOWN Jann a.atty r eporu on , ,,. rote ot San Diego's pet· IO<mlng arts CllTHEMUPPETS Guest· Martsa Berenson (t)MOVIE "'Chlldren 0 1 Theatre StrMl"'O' 8:00 8 (J) CHARUE BAOWN'8 ALl..-8TAAS Arnmaled Charlle Brown and the Puou1a gang muddle their way through anolhW mernor11b'4I sea- son (A) 0 at ONE Of' THE BOYS Jonathan· 1 recenlly sepa- rated sister becomes involvld W1lh Adam 0 MOVIE • • Moving Violation" t 1977) Stephen McHallle, Eddte Albert Two young lovers flee from their small town wnen they loam that the pOllce are working on Ille wrong li<le of lhe lew f.I (II T .J. HOOl<ER Hooker encl Romano accf. dentally discover an Illegal WMPO"• opwatlon G MOVIE · Peeping Tom" ( 1963) Mo+tll Shear ... Anna Mas- sey A paycopathlc klllor takos photograplls ol lhe horror on his Ylctlms feces 1u11 beforo killing chem GI SONNY ANO CHER Cl) MOVIE * • * "The McConnell Story· C 1g55) Alan Ladd, Ju,.. Allyson ,t. lamed 1es1 p1to1 11 de1erm1ned lo bteak 1n the S•bt•re• f" ·86 8a LIFE OH EAA'Tli Lile In The Tr-· Oallld Atlenborough IOO!la at a varoaty or pr1m11es and how t~ IOlvad ,,,. dllll- Culltet of Hvlng high up in Ille forest c:;i '1:) MOVIE • • "Bird Ot Paradise" ( 1932) Dolores Del RIO, Joel MoCree A French- man's love lor • nallve glrl must ove<come IOCl8ty's d•npprovll CR)MOVIE * * '; Any Which Way You Can ( 1980) Ctrnt EastwOO<l, Sondre Locl\e Before se1111no down wtth 1111 gort and pet 0tangutan. a b1re-filled flgllter signs up 10< one IUI, fu«alfvtl match 'PG' (l)MOVIE • * ·~ ··The Postman Always Rings Twlc:e"' ( 1981) Jack Nicholson, JelllCI L1nge A yOUng woman and hlf' to... plot to murdef he< husband "R' C,,MOVIE • * * St" Cruy" (1980) Rk:ha1d Pryor. Gene Wild· .. Two men ere miatellen for ban" robbers and sent to1all R 1:30 9 (J) FAT ALBERT EA8TEA SPECIAL Animated. Fat Alben and the o•no pltcn In to help an old friend wno Is down on hts~k D Cit CHICAGO STORY Pelligrino trfea to lrM an 1n,_,1 prteonw, Or. Car-'°" c~...,_ a pr1V8te l)fecttce and Dutton .poo. IOf'I 811 8l'OfY Y'D'rttl In • ~ Bf other progrwn. 9!00. (J) MOVIE • • • "Hou•• Calls" (1878) Walter. Matlhau. Glenda Jacltaon. A. Wl"d· ow.a d~Of h•ltl hi• Cuanova 1llldenc:IM long enough to fart fOf en out· apoken divorcee wllo doean"t bel ..... In phllen-- der~ (R) e a LOW~T A fetMle p1t11ngar 18111 tor • p.io _,, Gocllw .... t ~ IM VIOlll btCOrl* en .., ~ 10 uwect • tn1n. CAI Q • CN8ea ALDn' "The AoonJ Of l!aM Afri.. ctM The~ Of.,.. people "' e.. AAtca and wn.•-~­dolllO to ,_ --.a. ...... 1:=..- "•111 ...... ~· Tlliltl!l"'ll ......... .. ~°'*" ......... .._~ ..... .... ... ........ ... ~--~ ..... ;"..:i::i • .,. 'OljT•9-.... .,.~ ~ ........ --.o-a... ..... on UM IOf'ICI by llobb61 Otlnlty. A lorll'lttlted 189n· Wit'• .,.., tllf*lencM COfl\PllUI• Ille 11,.1 11ue ~UM E 'llO' 11111 WY!& • • • "ldr Cruy•· ( 1180) ~Cl PryOf, 0-Wiid· w, Two men ert mi.1Mttt '°' bani! (obl>tfe Md Mt11 ·~,.. .... e.ao. MATIHU AT™' ~ '••hirec:I "8ubmerlne Aten" ( 19431.11Mrlno Rlc!h- ard Arlen and WWldy Bit· rle, • 1137 lhoft and a car- toon, and Ctlapttt 3 or "Z0<ro's Fighllng Legion .. (R) to.oo o a MOOwwa LAw McOlaln " enr-uecs when two Yldou• roOba<'t. are guaranteed trnmunlty In ucllange fOf their C0099f· Al.Ion In another UM (R) I •• NEWS QI PEJIRY OOMO'S IASTE:AIN GU~AAA Ann J1lllan and Charo Join entar't-Pe<ry Como 10 celebtate Eutet In Mtal- oo 0 G (f()VIE II • • ""The Naked And The Dead"' ( 1958) Aldo Ray, CUii Rober1Jon Sot- dlora tn World War It tea1n the ~•lue or courage an<l qutCkneSI 11 the rtak ot loaing ,,,.., """ (O)MO~ * * Loophc>lo ( 1981) Albert Finney Martin Sh_, A criminal mascer- mind and 1 rMpectable atch11ect ptan to execute an eleborate bank robbety from the sewers below the 11reett of Lon<lon ($)MOVIE • * ··Teua L1ghlntng' ( t98 I) Cnonnlng MUcl'leU, Maureen McCormtek A boy's weeto.end hunting trip with tits latrt&r turns tnto an ttMhahon into "1anh00d "R' @MOVIE • * • Which W•y 15 Up? pg771 Rtellard Pry0<. Lonette McKee A sex. starved tru11 p icker 11 caught in • eomte crossltre between h1a union end tile Mob and • hypoettt~al preacher finds neaven 1n e ladies' che><r 'R' 10: 10 CH I MOVIE * * * * ' Ordinary Peo- ple" (1880) Mary Tyk!r Moora, Donald Suthe<land A gu;ll-ftdelen leen·age< trytng 10 put 111$ "'• back togel'-alte< htS brothl!r s <leath and h•s own sutetde •llompt r~ OUI 10 ll•S comptecent rather an<1 h•s coed. reserved mother R 10;30 GI PORTRAIT Of' A LEG ENO Krt& KrtllOll&rson" (I) NEWS &i) AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE Nortnern L1g111s Tile lorst Scar1<11nav1an 1mmig1ants and tneor tamot-farming 1n a 1915 N0tth Oak<Ma winter are tile aub)8Cta or John Hanson and Rob Nilsson I hlfTI Q 11:00BDll(J)®Jot NEWS U ENTERTAINMENT TI11$WE.EK Oscar h1ghhgh1a, in1er- v1ew1 wolh Ch11stophe1 Reeve Marty Feldman Michael Oougtas and Michelle Lee Q) MOVIE * • • An Alla11 To Remember t 19571 Cary Grant, Deborah Ke<r Two love<a at>oa•d Shop Agf'ee to posrpone the consum- mat.on or the<r IOwi but tragedy intervenes belate the renclWvous Q) PRISOf4EA: CELL 8LOCKH '1!) AUSTIN CITY LIMITS The mu11C of Roy Clark and t,,. punk humor of The Geuinlfawa are feacured ~MOVIE *'• "H 0 TS I" (1979) SuPn Ktge<. Lisa London A S0<0<1ty re1ect decides to lor m hef own ctu b of co- eds wllO concentrate on gratityong M•·Sl&rve<I COi· ~1ana R 11: 15 ( ZJ MOVIE • • • • • Brubaker (19801 Robert Redford Yaphet Kono A ref0<m-m1nd0d warden unco"*'• wide· SPf8&d cor1up11on ~ he ..,,.,. hi• ,_iy •aaigned prison po1lng es an 1nmete 'R" 11:30 8 THE ROCKFOAO FILES Rocl<l0<d and an Oki llame resume thoor retattonshtp, t>ut she still wanta him to hnd '-mlu1ng !lance 0 at SATUAOAY NIGHT UVE Host John Madden Guests Andy Kaufman, Jennifer Holliday (R) 8 ABCNEW8 (I) MOVIE • • "The Men From Utah" ( tll34) John Wayno, Gabby Heyes A tough lawman nabs • gang or outlawa wllO ere uafng a rodeo u ''*' bna ol ope<'lllOna 0 MOVIE * * * "The Thief WhO Came To Olnnet'' (11173) Ryen O"Neel. Jacqueline BlaMt A comput .. 111'1alysl moonllQhll u a aopNatt.. ceted cal burglar and l\H an ellalr with • MllY ION-.. ~ • • • ··Caddy1hec11 •· (IMO) 8111 Murray. Rodney Olng«tleld The o-11· Id grounc:ta-ltMC>W of • •""•nlly country club WJOM ..,,., against tfle ~Inhabiting hla lurf . 'R' 11;11 (I) CAMI ''Tap DlndnO Mugger" f1:41 8 MOYIE **"' ~ W-You ~ T'tle U0Mt Want °"''" (1Mt) ~ o.y, Patti<* O'NMI. A!Mr llNl- log 1wr .--.. 111 lled .................... • .,_...,.~to..., ......, ...... (Q)...0V. • 't "Marllldllno C,.,Y' ( tt71) o .•I• l.MrlatO, J«IM C.M'"' A • Hew YO(k Mtdllm ..... Mr ~""* altfet '"" f""9 .. a high<laM broltlel. t:t"06 (I) MOV!a * * "The Flnll COfllliOI" C IN II 8an1 ~. "°*""° BrlUI In the third petl of 'The Omen" trlloCW. YoUnO Demien lhe embodiment Of Ille Ant~rl1t. le now an IOuf1 and • lrualed acMsor 10 !he prea40ent of the U s A 12~2• (HJ MOv. * * • ··Fort Aptohl, The Brome ( t881) Peul ...,... man, E<l Aaner A tough COP battlea Cflm9 Ind OOf• rupllon in tqw York Cflfa South BrOnM nelghbor- hOO<l R' 12:30 IJ MOVIE * • Showelown ' t t873) Dun Matlin, Rock Huel-'°" A sner 111 s Old lnftld lurna out IO Ile • benk robt>er Cl) MOVIE * * ·r,,. WllCll ( 11165) J\1Ch8rd Johna.on, AounNl Se1111mno A man finds himWll tnvol.eo with a woman who haa t>ecoma lhe mtttres1 of Cltrk IOIC8• 12!.45 ((: MOVIE • + ' • BtHklng Paint" C •976) Bo Svenson. Rob«! Culp A man who Wit,_.. • • g&nQtand murder, ta 1err0<1ie<1 by the Mafia a1te1 ,,. teahhes. and must move with his lamtly to loronlo "R 1:00 Cl AOCK CONCERT 8J MOVIE • • '> Corneted" 11g45l 01c;k Powell, Waller Slezak A venoefut aorman aeeka Iha N1U1 w8t crtmlnal respan11ble IO< lhe dHlhl 01 h1• wole and child <Il MOVIE • ', "N eath A111ona 1 Sl\I., flg34) JOlln Weyna, Shella T .. ry A cowboy Ir,.. to r.acue • young Indian gut ltom kidnappers WllO ere Ille< her inherited wealth '1fJ EVENING AT THE IMPAOV Hoa! PM Foster Guest• Nancy White, Michael Kn· ton. Ann Jillian 1:300MOVIE * • '> "Ametlcan Pop" ( t98 t) Animated The n. .. to•y of AfTler>Can pop rnuSIC lrom v1k>ClevllMI to rock n roll ,. lreced tnrough Ml .... , oener• tlOns ol a lam11y or mus.- C•'1'• R IJ 1MOVIE • • • • Tile Last Melro t 19901 Call'lefone Oeneuve, Gerard Oepard1eu Ouec1- ect by Francot1 Trullaut Dunno World War 11, ,,,. prop11e10ts ot a small Par1s tt1ea1re try 10 keep their eStabhlhment operi during the German occupation PG 1:45 ®) A8C NEWS 1:55 S MOVIE * * * One On OM" I •977J Robby Benson, Annette 0 Toole A boy "'"0 goes 10 COiiege on a oaP.etball acnotarsrup is ,;bused by tile coach, sc0<ne<1 by his tut0< and used by lhe school tor Its own pUrpose<J PO" 2·oo u MOVIE • • •, Thfl Thtrd Secret' t t96'41 Stephefl Boyd, Jack Hawkins A psychoana- lyst s dauglllet conw'CM one ol his p11ten1s to help her hn<I hlf la1her ' mu1- <1era< a NEWS 2-15 re' MOVIE * • * Bt-fls Are R1ng1ng .. ( 19601 Jlltly Hollt<lay Dean Maritn A shy and lml)fet- S<onable young a.ns-lng service oporator bl!<:omea 1nlutuated with a charming SCrl!ltWrttef 2:3080 NEWS Ho MOVIE • • • "Flash Gor<1on" (1980) Sam J Jones. Mu Von SydOW A trio of earillhngs travel to the planet Mongo and helped tts opp.HM<I 1nt1abltants •n the overthrow ol the IVll Emperor Ming PG 3:008 MOVIE * *.. Tne Sky"• T~ Lim· 11 ( t943) Fred Ast.,ra, Joan Leslie While on tea,,. in New York, a war '-O taus 1n love with~ beaulitul yoong gort 4D MOVIE * * * "TM LHI Days Of Pompeii ' 1 IQ35) Praaton Foster Basil Ralht>one A blacllsmrlh gives up l1ltl peecetul ways to become • champlOn glad•etor 3:30 0MOVIE * • 1 ' Hard Counl1y·· (1981) Jan·Ml<llMI Vin- cent. Kll'll Basinger A Te11- 8S tac1ory WOf'ker ts tom bet_,, hl1 desire 10 con- Drug aids pox battle 80STON (AP) -The common childhood dis- e,ae of chicken pox can ht a killer for youngsters ~ho have cancer, but ...-earch shows that the experimental medicine laterferon will reduce the ailment's dlsa11trous effects. Doctors at Stanford , University gave interfe- ron to childhood cancer victims soon after they developed chicken pox. 1;hey found that the youngsters we re not as s\ck as usual, and they ~vered sooner. C hicken pox is com- mon among children with cancer, and doctors eitimate that half 'o'f them may be susceptible to the disease. The latest study'was conducted on 44 children at Stanford University . ... D D Model 8315 AP~ TABERNACLE -Robert St. Pierre, elected bishop of a 12-member, non-denominational church in the San Fernando Valley, stands by a structure. 50 feet long and 16 feet wide, which St. Pierre says will enable him to com- municate directly with God. Moci.142'5 STAR REMOTE MAGNAVOX VCR Model RB4265 Enjoy the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 1 O channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio output jack. Factory programmed to receive 105 channels . with remot~ Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. 1 day /1 event timer. Transition editing. Remote pause. Special $661 25 . s5999s FREE DELIVERY #5230 Star Remote s9999s This 25" star features an all new 19 button Infrared remote control that not only allows random access to 105 channels, but push button controls for alternate channels, HI-Fl sound, and recall functions. Enjoy this lightwelg"ht.' ~ 12" diagqnali Black & White TV. 1 OO%i Solid State chassis. prese~ ~HF fine tuning. I . $ 00 • Orll\9• Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1~82 .. ,,@hurch plans 'tabernacle' Mojave Desert structure is to enable bishop to 'talk with God' ~!.LANO, Calif. (AP) -M~ dJdn't ~be talkmg·10 God through a,..similar de· polnu out that the Old Testament re- have to worry about snow and rain vice by the end of the summer. cordl the deatha or people who handled )Nhen he foUowed Ood's inatruciJons to Snow and rain in the 4,000-foot the a.creel objects incorrectly. ~uild the ark of the covenant and its mountain• of northern Loi Angeles "What was going on is they were tabernacle ~ tt;'e Sinai deeert. County have halted COl'\ltructlon of t~e · being electrocuted," he sajd, "The ark And he d.idn t need a building ~rmit. tabernacle for the winter, St. Pierre wd. was. in fact, a very sophisticated elec- .1\ut Robert St, Pierre, elected biahop The 1tructure ia a long wooden box, 50 troatatically powered communication ot a 12-member non-denominational feet long by 16 feet wide, sitting on the terminal" . church that meets ln members' homes ln desert floor in Llano, fenced in and la-He no'tes that only Moses' brother, the San Fernando Valley. has had all beled, "$~. Pet.er'• Church ." Aaron. and other priests were allowed -ihoee problema ln trying to build dupli-The church was named after St. to enter the tabemade, ~nd they were , cates of the ancient Israelite sacred ob-Pierre. He said it waa begun in 1977 by a prot.ected by chest and head coverings of ~ts in the Antelope Valley. group of people interested in studying gold a.rtd gems. The Old Testament ~k of Exodus th?, Bible 8!'d trying to prove it Is true. St. Pierre said that when the taber - t.ellil how God gave specific lnatructions There 11 such controveray among 1 1 c mplete he will wear prote<:· to Moses on how to conatruct the ark and Christians and evolutloniata debating the ~c e Tth~ut the gems when he tries to H.e t;aber~acle, a tent ~hat th~ Hebrews validity of the .Bible that this is. one in-'0~b~h communicati~n with God. earned with them dunng thetr 40 years stance In which the Bible gives us es of wandering in the desert. solid, hard information to work from "Electrocution is a very real possibi- No Biblical mention is made of the ark that can be corroborated scientifically, to lity, that's why no one will ever be al- after 586 B.~. and t~ere has been spec-prove the Bible is indeed true," he said. lowed near the tabernacle except me.'' Ulation that at was h1ddeJl away or car-St. Pierre is not the first to propose the he said. ried and melted down by the Babylo-on constructing the tabernacle and the Such statements prompted ques tions oians who sacked Jerusalem. gold ark inside were specific because the by county offida.ls, and St. Pierre. who S uch speculations were dramatized in result was to be an electrical e nergy has moved with his wife to a cabin near "Raiders of the Lost Ark,'' a movie no-field, from which the voice of God would the site of the tabernacle, said he has just minat.ed for best picture of the year. emerge. completed discussions with county fire But St . Pierre believes t hat the ark St. Pierre is not the first to propose the department and building and safety was not primarily a sacred object, but a theory that the ark or the tabernacle or officials. St. Pierre said he has agreed to conununication device, and he hopes to both were electrical conductors. He apply for a building penrut. TROPICS Pu~ Philippine buri furniture anywhere- den, bedroom, dining room, breakfast nook, patio. Move it around on a whim. it's so light. Clean it by hosing it off once or twlcf' a year. Leave it out in the weather if you want to, It's so durable. Create a whole new color scheme just by changing cushions. Or transform your burl entirely with a spray can of stain, varnish or paint. Eco- nomical? This week it's not just economical. it's a fantastic buy! 54" tall king chair Reg. 3.9~99 88 Prices good one week onry. Cushion e~tra • ... Round twist table Reg. 24.99 1988 32" tall plant stand Reg. 19.99 )488 MaharHka settee Reg. 79.99 cushion 5988 Hood chair Reg . 59.99 We broucht Phlllppln~ burl to you first. Its style and durability created Immediate Interest amon& interior destcners, and nationwide demand developed qulckly. Oth,er stores followed us, sometimes promotlnc ver- sions of lesser quality. Ours Is unexcelled In style, workman· ship and value. Pier I Is your store for bur'I furniture . colledlons 4988 ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue~ 772-2472 ·COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 . . • ) Orange Cout DAii.. V PIL.OT /Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 Cagney: Film · comeback at 82 • 8)' FRED YAGER <'An tta•1• ""' .,..-NEW YORK -From Pub-/ Uc Enemy No. 1 to New York police commluloner takes eome doing. For Jimmy Cqney, lt wu a half-century and that lncludea 20 yean off for aood behavior. At 82, Caaney, follow ina "doctor'• orders," la back at work making movies. "Mr, doctor said 1 should keep· busy. ' says Cagney,, explaining why he ended 20 years of re\i· nunent to play New York-police commissioner Rheinlander Waldt> In the film ''Ragtime." The role ls a far cry from the gangster he played 50 yea.rs ago In ''The Public Enemy." That classic propelled Cagney into stardom and created a new pro- totype for mQvie tough-guys. ll!COnd came of the World Series. He hosted a apeclal Whlle House screening ol "Ragtime" and attended a premiere benefit jMl!.ty. He recently waa awarded a ao1d press card by the New Yo.rk Pre11 Club and he may make another movie and po11lbly a televialon show. Yet, returning to work alter 20 years would appear to be a dif- ficult transition for anyone. Like most everything elae, Cagney took it in Blride. , _ "Twenty years of laying off and it's no different really," he says with a gleam in his eye. "No st.resa. No strain. It's JUSt another job." In the early days of Holly- wood. Cagney was the epitome of the movie tough-guy as he star- red In such films as "Angela with Dirty Faces," "Jimmy the Gent" and "White Heat." For the past 20 years. Cagney spent most of the time at his 800-acre farm in upsta~e New York, raising horses, painting. writing poetr...Y and socializing with his friends, Pat O'Brien, Spencer Tracy and Ralph Bel- lamy. During those years, he came out of retirement only twice. Once was to n arrate a film , "Arizona Bushwacker," in 1968. and then to receive the American Film [ns titute's Lafe Achieve- ment Award in 1974. TOGETHF;R -James Cagney and his wife Frances will celebrate their 60th an- niversary this year. It was his third 'film, "The Public Enemy," in which he first made screen lustory. In that pie· ture, .the .script called for Cagney to hit Mae Cla rke in the face with an omelet. But Cagney didn't think that would work so helicked up a grapefruit instead an screwed it into her face. Cagney decided lhe best way to keep busy was to return to acting and that led to "Ragtime." "In the old days of contract players," Cagney recalls, "we didn't have anything to say about what we played. They'd hand you a script and you'd have to adapt the thing to your o wn personality." In 1979, Cagney's chronic battle with diabetes began to take a toll on his legs and his doctor encouraged him to become more active in order ·to fight the debilitating disease. "When my doctor said I should put my energy reserve to work, I did," says Cagney, smiling. ''ll seems I've got more energy than anyone expected." Cagney has been dis playing quite a bit of energy since. The image Cagney adapted was that of cocky bantam rooster, He tossed out a ball at the WINNER -~" ACADEMY ~AWARDS BEST PICTURE BEST ORIGINAL SCORE · VANOELIS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY COLIN WELLAND Bf:ST COSTUME MEUNA CANONERO ~ ========~~==~==== CHARIOTS FF RE l • LADO COMPANY [ffi AHJ WARNEil llllOS llRIAM P ._ ..... ,&-..v-'~=-=-~o c------"-·~- ~ --- The Army is doing it to him in the dayfunc. His wife isn't doing it to him al night. And his Jlirlf riend charges film by the hour, II Richard Pryor keeps ~~cbm. PARAMOIJ1'1" PICTURF.S PRESENTS A HOWARD W KOCH PROOUCTIO~ ·A MICHAEL PRESSMAN flLM RICHARD PRYOR· SOME KIND OF HERO· MARGOT KIDOER RAY SHARKEY ·CO.PROOl:CER JA.\IF.S KIRKWOOD BA.5ED lJPOS rnE ln>K BY JAMES KIRKWOOD SCRE.ENIUY BY JAMES KIRKWOOD A.\'D ROBERT BORIS PROOUCEDBY HOWARDW KOCH · DIRECTED BY \llCHAEL PRESSMA.~ R A PARA.\IOL":\"T PICTt."'R£ ,,_. •· • -~-=-:-=-.._... . ...e... ...... .....__..__ ...... ......_ ... .. •• NOW PLAYING ~ '} .. ' IU(U "'"' 01un.111 ClllEOOMl (OWAllOI ""'"°"T Butna Park 821 4070 Oranoe 63• 2553 Newoon Beacn 644 0160 MAH l llU PLAU ITAOIUM O'llVl·lll UA CllffMA 81u 529 5339 OrMIQe 639 8170 wes1mons1e1 893 0546 lOWAllOI H OOLEIACll fl fOlo 511 5880 ~=:~;'.!~ ''An Entertainment Winner From Start To Finish.'' -Arch e r 1t'Jnsten ,. N ew V ork Post TW£NTIE'Tli C-1""'1\Jln' f01' l'llE'Sf:NTS WALTER MATTliAU ANN-MARGRET DINAH MANOFF A HERBERT ROSS Fll.M NEIL SIMON'S I OUGl-ff TO BE IN PICIURES Director of Photography DAVID M. WALSH Music by MARVIN HAMLISCH Produced by HERBERT ROSS and NEil. SIMON Executive Producer ROGER M.RorHSTElN Screenplay by NEIL SIMON Directed by HERBERT ROSS \. _,,.. ·~ -.. ~·: . ~· . ··-••;a."" t::. o • 0 o • I I ,. ~ always ready to flaht, potaed with his arma cto.e to the aide, an occasional tus at the a1acU and a perpetual sneer on hla Upe. When an lmpel'IOftatot lmltatea c.gney, this wu the tmase molt often choten and the Une mo11t often used wu "you dlny rat." Ironically, Cagney aayi he bu no idea where that line came from because .he never ueed lt. Although he has the reputa- tion for being king of the movie tough-guys, Cqney always con-, •idered himself a "aona and dance man." In fact, lt wu the role of hoofer George M. Cohan in the 1942 film "Yankee Doodle Dandy" that won Cagney his only Academy Award. "Dancing was the flrat thing we did as kids," says Cagney, recallln" the days before Holly- wood. 'There were no dance schools then. We learned by standing on the comer and wat- ching the other fellas doing it. ''There were some good street dancers around," he adds. "Hard shoe. soft shoe, every kind of devk>e. Good men to watch. AU of them stylists i'n their own way. I used to imitate them so when the dancing jobs came along, they were no problem." APWlr~t• GALLANT -James Cagney helps Bette Davis across a giant puddle on the Warner Bros. lot in 194 l. She never stopped performing and now he's back after 20 years. Dancing in vaudeville got Cagney into show business. "You learned everything in vaudeville," he says .. "If there was a straight part. you ran and got it. If it was hoofin.g, you got it. Whatever came along, you grabbed it and that made for a well-rounded perfonner." Cagne y was dancing in a Broadway show when he fell m love with a chorus girl named Frances Willard Vernon. They married In 1922 and worked to- gether in New York until Holly- wood beckoned. two ad optt::!d children a nd four grandchildren. "I was very lucky," Cagney says, "to find th e right gal. There's never bee n any strain. We've always had a lot of humor about things because we always laughed and got aJong very well. What more can you ask·>" Fifty-nine yea rs later, the Cagneys are still married, have MCHAllO "'VI>" "SOME KIND OF HERO"" FRI. 1:45, 1:45, 10:35 SAT/IUN. 1:00, 3:00, 4:45 11'5, 1:45, 10:35 (R) FRI. 5:30. 1:00. 10-.30 SAT/SUN. 12:30, 1:00, 5:30 1:00 10-.30 "° SH<DT THE M<DN FRI. 1:15. 10-.50 IATllUN. 1:45, 1:15, 10:50 PERSONAL BEST l!J FRl ... :35 SAT/SUH. 4:00. 1:S5 FRI. 1:00, 1:15, 1~~ I ATllUN. 1:30, ':4S 1:00, 1:15, 10:30 (R) CtlUC•-"SILENT RAGE" FRI. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 4:00, 8:15 1:15, 10:15 (R) CHUCK~ "SILENT RAGE" ,RI. 1:00, 1:00, 10:00 IAT/SUN.2:00,4:00,1:00 1.-00, 10:00 (R) * DEATHTRAP MCMMLc.M9 ~_..,. (R) 0 -~ l!lll "DAS BOOT" FRI. 7:00, 9:45 SAT/SllN 1:15. 4:00, 7:00. 9:45 (R) FRI. 1:30, 1:35, 10:35 SAT/IUN. 1:10, 3:20, 5:30, 7!4S, t-AS (G) c>dw.irds CINE MA H AHOllHtHVO AT AU AMS 546 3105 COSTA -..ESA • CHARIOTS tlRE 07r.,. INCL •HT l'IC T\Mf FRI. 5:30, 1:00, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:15, 5:30 1:00, 10:15 PQ C'dwcird o; l I DO CINE MA "1 #WP<>kl (HVO Al VIA L<Dl• 673-8350 .. fWP<lAT BfA(H ATLANTIC Ct T Y Ffll 8·30 1•30 10·30 FRI. 1:00, 1:11, 10:30 --~-·-T.._/:;.;.·~-N.:..:· l-1~-·30.:.. .. 1.;..;:.W.;..;~.;__-~-SA ... IC""r~oo.,.,/SU,.· .:.,1:,..'..~.,..-':..,i:-45--• ~ ~!1 IJ lz~ RICHARD LM ON THE 9UT ACTOlll-IATllUM. 1:10, 1*1, 10:JCI ~ FRI. 1:45 I ATllUN. 1:15, 5:00, 1:46 PRYOR SUNSET STRIP ~ ()l. _ .... _ II •COl ......... C,VA• ~rim-~ ""· l=JO, 1:00, 10:15 IAT/IUM. 1l:IO, a.-. 5:30 10:15 lllC-"'y°" "SOME KIND OF HERO" CttUCK- "SILENT RAGE"c111 ""· 1:30, 1:30, 1D:20 FRI. 5:JO, J:4S, 1':45 FRI. 1:11, ti1S, 11:00 I AT/IUN. 1:151 4:21 I AT/IUN. 1:10. l:20 SAT/IUN. 1;15. 1:15 _____ .,..,'°_..,., __ r t;30, l :JO, 10'.20 (R) S:JO. 7,es, ~ (Q) !5115, 7:15, 1:11 IAC~AWMDe '!i,A'~iU ~ ~ &IAT.0NLY11:00 --T-CTI>" OF THE "CAT IUUIM9M'ft .J.Osr AU PEOP!'.. "VICTOR/ ~AT~::. JO "'· ~ 1:41, 1t: ""' ... VICTORIA" PN. 1:11.1:11, 10:11 M l.**-1:91 ..-...,._ IATllUH. 2:GO t:ll,4:•,1:41 IAT/~ 10!=;'210 WO ""-1:t0. f' .. ~-Rc!lm 4.-00, 1:15,-.:-11 a-10:40 I AT/IUN.'1• FIU.1:311. 10:40 10:15 (A) -I Ml. 1:1', (R) 4:1~ 1:ea, NI (N) • SAT*'"· 2:ts I" I: 0:40 By JERRY BUCK • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sharon Gless, the .beautiful, blonde, husky-voiced actress, hardly looks like the end of an era, but she Is. Mia.\ Gless is the last contract player still wor-k.Ina it Universal S tudios, which means she's the -t.t contract player In Hollywood. At one time they were all contract 'Players Clark Gable, Bette Davit, Jimmy Stewart, Humphrey Bogart and aU the rest. For years Uni- versal remained the only studio with contract players. Those days are gone, with only Miss Gless left as a reminder of the heyday of the big studios. But, don't worry, she's not kicking. She rec- ently signed for a starring role with Wayne Rogers in the CBS comMy series "House Calls" after Un- iversal and Lynn Redgrave parted company after a disagreement Her role ls essentially that held by Miss Redgrave. "I came to Universal 10 years ago," says Miss Gless. "I was a secretary making $200 a week and I came here as an actr~ making $186. Any week I worked on a show I got $20 l. How am I doing now? I'm very happy," she smiled. "l can Live on it." Curiously enough, her grandfather, Neil Mc- Carthy, drew up the first studio player c.-ontract. He was a powerhOUS(' lawyer for the studios in their glory days. "When he saw my first contract he burst out laughing," she says. "I said, 'Grandpa. you've got to negotiate for me.' He said, 'Do you want to be a n actress? Then sign it. These things are drawn up for the benefit of the studios. not the actors'." Monique James, who formerly headed the contract player department at Universal, 1s now Miss Gless' partner in a pro,iect and is her adviser. "House Calls" 1s m the Top 10 in the ratings, but it has gone through rough times this season First, the dispute between Miss Redgrave and Un- iversal. She contends the studio refused to allow her to nurse her infant daughter on the set. Uni- versal says d'te disagreement was over money. Miss Redgrave filed a $10 million wrongful discharge suit against Universal Then, Rogers quit the show m a salary dispute ·with Universal, and product1on was shut down for six weeks. Rogers, the n making a reported $35,000 an eQ.i.sode, 1s said to have asked for $100,000 a week-:-when he returned to work on Dec. 14 the studio would say only that the matter had been "amicably resolved." The produc.-ers of "Ho~ CalJs" oons1dered 20 actresses before dec1dmg on Miss Gless. "I was working on a deal of my own," says Miss Gless. "When the 'House Calls' offer came I would not have known which way to go without Monique's h elp. It's not easy stepping into Lynn Redgrave's shoes." "No decision was made until Wayne and I met. What if we didn't like ea1.:h other'? So we met and talked for two hours and it turned out he and l wanted the same thing. "Honesty's the m;un thmg we wanted between us. I need to know 1 can go to my co-wor'ker and he can come to me and say, look, I don't Like this. How do you feel about it? I need that openness." .• ._..,,.....,._,~:.~.~.,°':~~.,,=:!_::..TECHNICOLOR" [g}o- ______ NOW SHOWING ------ fOUNVJN VAi.LEY OAANGE OllAHGE Foun1oon vooov Twin Oonge Mo11 UA Ory C1nemo 839 1500 037 0340 034-391, ltMNE OllAHQE WESTMINSTER Woodtllic:JQO Stoo.um 0.-lr1 UA Conemo !>SI~~ ()39 8770 f!QJ 0546 COSTA MESA towoo' <..•nemo Center !>46-J 102 111111 .. 1.1 ""~'' .. ~ • AP Wlrepholo CONTRACTED -Sharon G less of "House Calls" represents the end of an era in Holly- wood -the last s tudio contract player. Oscar caused big LA traffic snarl LOS ANGELES (AP) While "Chariots of fue" was runrung oH wllh the best-picture Oscar. thousands of motonsts were sitting and fuming at clogged i'ntersl'cllons dul' to Academy Award- rclated traffic County Supt.>rvi~or Kenneth Hahn has a sug- gestion: On Wl-<lneM!ay. he asked the Academy of Mouon Pk-ture Arts and Scu:m .. -es to move its future awards ceremomt'S to J Wt't.·kend The Os<.'ars arc• held at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of lhl· Los Angell>s Music Centl·r, in the . heart of downtown Los Angeles. They began at 6 p.m . PST. with celebrnies a nd fans arriving for several hours beforehand. Hahn said traffic was backed u p on nearby freeway exits and downtown s treets in all direc- tions. "Most of the traffic offict'.'rs a nd deputy sheriffs were in front of the Mus il' Center ," Hahn said. ''Very little thought was given to the citizens who were going homt• from work. RTD Rapid Transit District buses were bumper to bumper and not moving." No immediate response was forthc.-oming from ~e Academy. 5 WINNER ACADEMY AWARDS A Pnfw.G.t-11 FOi.ff ,,.,_. V ..-VO• , ' .t If M'\11,1& ~ NOW PLAYING . ..~ -. .. ~ ._ ·. •EDWARDS SOUTH COAST PLAZA • CINEOOME 01anQt • Souin Coast Plata Co'.la MP'.4 (11 4) 63• 2553 /71 415462711 Cl:I---_,.,,._ Cl:I---- EOWUOS EDWARDS FOUNTAIN UlllY WOODBRIDGE ~oun131n Vallev 111J18J9 1'•00 ,,,,,.., 171 4) S'll Oh~~ HO r.UNI •CCl•'IO '<>I''"" lHOAOtlfffll lndudin~ ll~' 1 M rnR -lft·rm' h n1d• Ill'~ I Anllf.\.' -9'.l1h.1rint• I kpt•um RF,T'i< RI ~Nl'U.Y I All.1p1J1ulf1 l -t-mt·,1 l,..m11"'"' Orange Coaat DAILY Pll,.OT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 •11 It's Ed Sclimer1er by a nose The champ rniallt!d th comic atr1p Q.U4 Uo.n. but ·to did the challenger, and Ed Sc~memr collec1a hla n inth trophy today 11 the wtnnor -by ono polnt of TriVJa Bowl XXV. 1t wu a good run by A1nt 81, who ~ pt ptiCe with the veteran Ed thJ'ou&boul the to~nt. Now aome of the triviaddlct.a who've been aitt.lns out tor a while are reportedly get.ting ready to plungo back lnto the weekly compcUtion. Toq,.y'a t.rlviul tidbit: Who says J ohn Wayne, Van Johnson and Errol Flynn weren't oonvlncl.ng actors? They played a lot of war heroes wlthQUt any of them seeing military aervtce. On now to Ttlvia Bawl XX.VI. open io au comers. !lend your ~ntries to 1781 HawaU Circle, C.OSta Mesa, this time only slJ1Ce It's vacation time again. 1. Zerba Denby was a gritty little gal who gained Hollywood's attention under what name? 2. Fred, Daphne and Theh;na are characters !rom what TV cartoon show? 3. One of the bad guys tn "High Noon" had a hit novelty record. Which one? 4. Cartoonist Bill Mauldin had a pet name for his jeep, which hP converted fnto an artist's studio. What was 1t? 5. ln the movie "Criuc's Choice," what was lhe name of the play Lul·1lle Ball wrote? 6. Jimmy Bryant and Marni Nixon paired up vocally as the heard-but-not-seen stars of what TRIVIA BOWL XXV FINAL STANDINGS 1 7. The lint ol many Grambllng College foot- ballers to play professionally waa whom? 8. Sigurd Junqulst, whose creator recently passed away, is a character in what play? 9. In the movie "Caddyahack," name (a) the country club and (b) the yacht club. 10. Jim brought new meaning to the phrue "flying b~d" while Johnny found that two wheels were better than none m what movie? Last Week'• Aa1wer1 1. Virginia Bruce (name change) 2. Funky Winkerbean (Lighthouse) 3. Black (ElvlS' girl's ha1r) 4. George Washington, 135 words (short.est in- augural) 5. "My Guy" (Canadian Sunset) 6. Swoos1e Kuru (name a ft.er bomber) 7 Nolan Ryan (The Expr~) 8 "The Gingerbread Lady" (Toby Landau) 9 (a) Kentucky, (b) Oregon ("Eternity" states) Oscar-wmnin~ mov1C'? -----_ 10 "!?r~hivagg" 1movte nddl~e,_) ____ _ ..... ~ ..... ..._ ..... _..._--..... --"""'!"'~~~~~--, "BY MR lHE MOSJ ENGAGING fHJERTAINMENJ Of 198Z." "JHf HH-6000 HICK Of JHE YEAR!" COSMOPOllTAN MAGAZINE "JUUE ANDREWS IS A OHIGHI!" ·•mt "ffiH OevtO AnMll NEWSWEEK •ttl\• ··~ 11G....-·--· G ----·-·-,. NOW PLAYING IRU •COSTA MESA •ORANGE Ble.i Pl.la EdW<ttOS Cinema Ceflte• C1neoume 529 5339 979 4141 6~ 2553 COITA MlSA I IL TORO ORAlfGE •WHTMINSTUI U'-Twin Cinemas 898 1243 . ......._..,._"" lO-cls 8h\lol EOWlrdS SadclleOIC~ St'°""" Oovt In w-..-1 540 704 581 5880 639 8110 ~-AUD ACC:C~UO •O• lHd lNGAQ£•MLJ HE'S TRYING TO BE FAimFUL, AND FAILING HJLARIOUSLY a little s ... ALOT OFI.AUGHS! •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (Except Sptcl1I Engagements end Holidays) lA MIRADA MAii M 11QQQ QI llo1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "VICTOfl/VICTORIA" (PO) ~.,.. .... , .... ... , .-.c-,.,,,..,-....., ec.1:W\&'f "CHAlllOTS OF FIRE' -) ........... -e:-. .... "RICHARD PRYOR LIVI: OH THE aUNaET STillP" (RI na. .,.. "'" -'"' - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN .................. ~ "ON OOLOEH PONO" '"°' ,..,l'.a ..... , •• .. OUHT FOR f~" (fl) _ _.., ·------ PORKY'S" (R) 1La.>••• ... , .. FQC11lty 01 ConolewooQ 213/531·9580 "aOME IUNO OI HVIO" (fl) , ... JM,ti:lt a:--.,, .. 'PORKY'S'' 1t11 ,, ......... 1 .. , •• DAil Y aAAGAIN .-ca l'CMI ,_, IHOW Cleal , MO aAllQMll .-Cl.._ ... AM> llOUOAY "AEOS" (PO) 12:11, -· HI LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC·IN kx:ulry Al Del Amo 213/63.4·9281 LAGUNA "CAT PEOPl.E" Ill} ,t,, ............. ,... so. COAST WALK·IN Soulll Coaal H1woy Qt arooowoy 494-1514 "CAT PEOPU" (fl) ""-Mt,_ Uf·~--·-- 0£AT'HlllAP" -........... ...... , ....... ,..., .... 'lClflC IHOU£S OlllY( IN SWAP MEOS lt•rtt,. •Ou• HICO \"llD htf OAt If HAlllOll llYO OlllY( IN 6 01\ANG( 011111( IN .... 10) ... u .•u•O.Af . SM•OAt r•u , ••• ,., \UWOHS ., ..... " ... '"°"". IMPORT AN I NOTICI ' CHll ORlN UNOCR 12 FRH! Httt1t1 "".WI'"•' Mo" '"'Ii fo5 30 • ''' hrt Hlf' 6 00 , ... CtNl ~I "°""o. IOU~ o• rN MOC> •S YOUll SflUllER ,, MO AJll CAI' llAOtll Wiiii IC'Mmotl ACCISSOllY l'OSIT10N -lllllHC '"' """1'81.E t'All Clllf-fl OIWMIS l30 OHM IWJIO ANAHl lM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN f-f••*O'f ot at l•mon St 179·9150 "CAT l't!Of'U" (II) PUltl "NIOHTWINO" (PO) "PEHITENTIAllY II" (II) I fl'l.lltl "CLASH OI r:~ m ANS" (PO) .. ESCAPf. FROM A.LCATllAr 1 .. ntE LORD OF THE RINGS" (PO (PO) CINI J1 S0U"0 Cit" Jt WUllU ----- BUENA PAl!K BUENA PARK DRIVE IN unc o4n A.we W••• ot C."o" 121·~070 8UINA PARK LINCOLN ORIVE·IN unc.olf'\ Av• .,, • .., ot 'nolt 121·4070 "IOME 1(1"0 OF HERO" (fl) """' .... o.a.-<R> "llLLNT fl.AOC' (R) """' "THE OCTAQOW" (fl) I IJ,111:11•111 1 Son Ot•oo ,...., ot 11oo•nure1 Oo l "OUHT l'OR FIM" (fl) -"AL•N" (fl) 962•2411 Wt \IMINSll 11 HI-WAY 39 ORIVf.IH C••I " SO\INO 8el)(ll 111•0 so 04 GoltCHn GIO.t k thrOY 891·3693 MIT ---M '"NCMAllO PftYOfl LJW "°" OOl~uel'OHD" (f'O) ON TM I~ alltr' (fl) "ITAJtTINO OVER" (RI •UHD CUI" (II) ___ c_1•_t _"...;.50UOl;...;...;o ___ _._ ____ c1t1t_•• '°""°--- "POM[i!" (PO) "W .. 141111<* r (fl I Clll( ,._ ~A••A .. WA LA HABRA Ol!IVf IH ......... ,.·--·---ITI·1 .. 2 ----- WAN • ~ ''CAT "fu,.0111Lr (fl) "MOHTWINO" (f'O) C"'f h SOUllO •10. K~ HOO" (II) ·t.o.a.· (fl) ORANGE Olil V~ IN SOMO A"O ,,..., ,, ..... c:~ 558·7022 "f'OMY'l''t111 -"TMI NICIHf THI UQlffl wmff OUT ... ~"tit ~ .. ~... . . MISSION 0 111\/l IN . . - -"THfNK DMTY'' 1111 "Cl.AIM cw~ TITMr CM> ..,.. lOM> CW lMI __.. (N) ---...-J.MCUATD•UMI•&A 1 •DCa. T. ll'flRft WILD AND WOOLLY -Two-year-old Todd Gould loses both his hat and his mount in s heep-riding competition at the Invitational AP~o Cup Team C hampionship in Atlanta. Tl..)dd wasn't hu_rt. DOING BUSINESS ONDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? ti you have 1u1t tlltd you• nttw Flc11ttoua 8u1lntt11 N.,.nt and have not yet submitted II tor l>ubjicellon. l)lHH don t lo•get that the tl"111•tlon Is 30 days hom data of fitlng The OAILY PILOT w ill publlsh your statement I•• ••o oo Ou• c11cu1a110" 1nclude1 th• entire 01enge Coeat ar•• end legal ftotlces •PP••• 1n all tdltlona In o•dtt to submit you• statement lo • publ1cat1011 seft d approprlete c09y end • check to THE OAILY PILOT. P 0 Boa tS60 Costa Meu CA 92$26 We II 0o the •••I Fo• 1nlormetion ebOut legel edvert111ng pleue c•ll 642·432t Eal 337 Daily Pilat .. Keep an eye out for the funniMt movie ---------··-. ·-· ------_ ___:"""' .. about growing up · everm•del You'll be glad you camel MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BEUEVUE PATHE INC.~ BOB Cl.ARK'S "PORKY'S" KIM CATIRAU·SCOTI COLOMBY·KAKI HUNTER·ALEX KARRAS6111t~ SUSAN Cl.ARK is °"""'~ i-~HAROLD GREENBERG ,., MELVIN SIMON ~0c. DON CARMODY ...cBOB Cl.ARK~..s0r1Pt10c. BOB CLARK ~------..,..,........ ~'ft:·: ''Rivals '2001'and· 'STAR WARS''~ -STh'PHEN SCHAEFER, US Maga.rinr t~ -........ > • 4 • 0 0 4 • 0 0 0 0 . ~ Reagan doeS it agai~ Statement on comparative buying power a puzzler By JORN CUNNIFF ,., ....... AN!trel NEW YORK -can *8,300 buy more today than a year aao even though Inflation has av t11ed roughly 8 percent? It's unllkefy If not impossible, but the president left that impreasion wltt\ aome people. Your pencil or poc~t calcula- tor t.eU. you Owe when you cut 8 percent rrom $8,~00 you have $7,820 left. But Presil:lent Reagan suggested al Wednesday's newt conference that somehow you can have $375 more. "Take the average family of four that is living on the threah- hold of poverty, which we say now is $8,500 a year income,'' said ll)e president m response to a quection about whether people are better off today. "That family now has $375 more m purchasing power with their $8,500 that they did at the rate or inflation in 1980, and leading up to the Inaugural in '81." More purchasing power? No, they have less purchasing power, things other than inflation re- maining equal. As a butcher might say, any way you cut the baloney you're always left with less than you had. What the president t'Ould have said with almost no misun - derstanding was that anyone with $8,500 today is less badly ort than if inflation had continued at the old rates. But he emphasized "more," not "less." S till, economists were found who defended the president's message albeit with qualifications su~h as ''.perhaps he should have said . . The president used inflation rates m hts calculations The in- flation rate he used for the pe- riod prior to the inaugural appa- rently was 12.4 percent. The rate used for the time since then ap- parently was 8 percent or so. If inflation had continued at 12 .4 percent -for a time during that period it was closer to 16 pe rce nt -that $8,500 would have been reduced in one year's time to $7,446, a buying power loss of $1 .054. Sint-e the inflation rate fell to about 8 percent, the actual loss of buy ing power was $680, which reduced the $8,500 total to $7,820. The difference between IEll llAlYlll the two ... ._ amounta to $374. Does that $374 constitute "more in purchasing power'?" U you wish, you can at this point plunge into a semantics argument that would drown the point entirely. Suffice It to say, there's a problem tn "more." The possessor of that $8,500 would indeed be more equipped to deal with inflation at an 8 percent rate than he would have been al 12.4. He would be able to buy more than he would have been able to buy had inflation continued at the oJd rate. But he wouldn't have more power. He would, of course, be worse off, although he would be less worse off than he would have been al the old rate. He would still be losing, but losing at a slower rate . HDRDICDPI By SYDNEY OMARR Sunday, April 4 A.RIES (March 21-April 19). Focus on family, home, security, people who depend upon you and special attention that may be required by pets. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Satisfaction, pleasure highlighted through s porting event or parti- cipation in games involving chil- dren. Burden is removed. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Study Aries message for valuable hint. It will be necessary to double-check source material. Older family member deserves a hearing. CA NCER (June 21-juJy 22): Communication with relatives IS emphasized. Visits, trips. calls dominate busy scenario. Get ideas on paper. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on resolution of family dispute. If diplomatic, harmony returns to domestic· front. Financial ques- t ion can be amicably settled. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You"IJ be al right place at right time. Heed "inner voice." See places, people as they are, not mert?ly as you wish they might Rcsardless of all thla, mott will concede the president hu a polnt. Things are indeed improving If buying power la Callins at a 110- wer rate. It 1uggea1.a that some- time In the future It might rlae again. ln fact, for many families the return of greater buying power has already begun. Because the Inflation rate has slowed, wages In general are rising fast.er than po.es. Any rates vary with the period considered, but 1( price Inflation is down to around 5 percent, wages are rising at about three points more. Last year, prices rose more swiftly than wages, and buying power fell. But if over the past year your income was st.auc in dollar terms -1f you didn't get any raises to offset mflauon -then any way you cut 1t, you had less money to spend . Whe thc·r you earned $8,500 or $85,000 exist. Trust your own JUdgmen~. LIBRA (Se pt. 2:!-0 c t. 22): Fears, doubL'l, suspicions wilJ be cast aslde. You'll be rid of emo- tional burden. Answer to dilem· ma can be found through medi- tation, spiritual t'Onsultation. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): Ans we rs come from unus ual sources; accent on friends, hopes. desires, aspirations and fulfall- ment of emouonal needs SAGl'tTARIUS (Nov. ·22-Dec. 21 ). Ne w approach proves bene- f 1c1a l Young pc•rson confides problem Don't cast first stone. Prospec·ts for pro m otio n are bright .. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19): Long-distance communica- tion highlights 5''<'nario Focus on f a mil y , trave l pla n s a nd "sp1r1tua l revela ti on ." AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18): Discussion of finam·1al matters ind1C'a1£od with one c lose to you, Including partner or mate. Key is divcrs1fitatton. versatility and ability to perceive potential. PISCES <Feb. 19 -Ma rc h 20): You rcaltzc thl:lt be ing alone is not samc as being lont>ly Private mome nts will pro v e special. Study wrttt.cn material. FREE BIBLE STORY BOOK this lovely, fully illustrated hard back Story Bible retails for $6.95. It's yours free with the purchase of any leather-covered Bible from our stock from $29.95 . The Perfect Easter Gift Come in Today, we carry inspirational cards . ... IPllL M r.ae .... Ct1121iTIA.~ ~ 13()()1\§T()12~ PAUDBIA CMC-1 I T1ckPI lntormalton Call 213 110 01115 '9 1673 IRVINE AVE. COSTA MESA, 631 -1974 The Cop-Outs . If you ore jusr borely : ·:inside · me church ond feel h~e yovr comm1rmem 1s only sXln deep we 1NOUld like ro 11wtre you ro worship wim us. LUTtO~N CIUICH Of Tl( MASTER 1900 Pac1hc View 011¥e Corona del Mai, CA 9262~ Sunday School 9 :15 a.m. Worship Service • 10:30 a.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or mo1i local Rll>lf' 8ooJt•toru - - -• M-SAT. 9:30-6:00 ~ South Coast ·com1J11unity Church Services 8 :30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mar High School, 21.01 Eastblufi Or., Corona del Mar "Celebrate Passover This Easter" 'Tim Timmons Speaking For Info: Call 644·1350 .~:;~--·~~·--•.Cdtlt ~ W~, CA fHa Ir -. ,_,,, fll s.t ,,,,._ l'tltly./ Plfl .,J·HZf fllJJ ,,,~,, f ...... Runner, disab1'ed vet to speak MARILLA SALISBURY , a 73-year·old San DI aan who took up runnins three yeara ago and now runs 40 miles a week, will be the luncheon tpeaker today for the Keen1gen of the Lake Hilla Community Church. The meeUna ls to start at 11 a.m . In the Fellowship Hall, 23SS1 Moulton Park· way, Laguna Hills. 808 WIELAND, who lost both of hls legs in Vietnam and now plans a cr-oss-rountry walk on his hands, is to speak Sunday at the 9:30 a.m. aervicee of the Capistrano Community Church, which meet.s frayer breakfast set at Sheraton An ecumenical representation of Orange Countv clerscv will be featured at ~ Prayer Break- fast at 7:30 a.m. Thursday at the Newport Sheraton. The event, sponsored by Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates, is being held for the firm's employees. their spouses, clients and civic leaders: Principal s peaker will be the Rev. Chuck Smith, pastor of the Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Also participating will be the Rev. Msgr. John Sammon of the Catholic Diocese of Orange; the Rev. George Stephanides, pastor of St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church in Irvine and the Rev. Dr. Frederic H. Young and the Rev. Dr. John Huffman of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. Read all todays news everyday in the Daily Pilai 1:1111:11m1 at the Saddleback College gym.nalllum. ACTOR ROBERT CLARY, a concentraUon cam~_.survlvor, is t-0 dl1eu•1 "Holocautt -The Stsnmcance of Swvtving'' at 7:30 p.m. Swt.day at the Laguna Beach High School auditorium. His lecture Is sponsored by the Jewish Community Center In Laguna Beach. CONCORDIA SINGERS of Seward, Neb .. are to present a musical program at 7:30 p .. m. Tuftday at Faith Lutheran Church, 8200 Elli.a Ave., Hunt- lngtol'\ Beach. PALM SUN DAY choral veepers are to be pre- sented by the Christ College Conununity Chorale and Chamber Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the campus Founders Hall, 1530 Concordia, Irvine. A PASSOVER SEDER service and dinner is fclanned by Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach Conservative) at 6:30 p.m. Wednetday at Oakwood Gardens Clubhouse, 1700 E. 16th St .. Ne wport Beach. "MY FATHER'S CUP," a pQrtrayal of the final hours in the life of Jesus, will be preeented by the ~bor Christian Fellowship drama depertmen\ at 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. Performances will be at 7:30 p.m. Friday and April 10 and 6 p.m. April 11. TEMPLE BETH DAVID of Orange County will have a Passo,ver Dessert Seder at 7 p.m. Thursday in the sod.al hall, 6100 Helley St., West- minster. AN EASTER CONCERT will be presented by the Newport-Mesa Christian C.enter music depart- ment at 5 and 7 p.m. Sunday al the Southe~ Cal- if~ College campus, Costa Mesa. . . ANTIQUE SALVATION -The Bev. Willlam Robey holds a rare 1493 woodblock print by Albrecht Duerer which was found hanging inside the chapel of the Shady Side Epiacopal • •• ,,, ... ¢1111 Church, Maryland. The print has been authenticated and Robey said "its estimated worth now could possibly save the parish," which was falling on hard times. CM Baha 'is support Iran brethren Costa Mesa Baha'is are joining Baha'is throughout the country in wearing white ribbons to show support of their co-religionists in Iran. "We will wear these r ibbons," said Zelma Colflesh, secretary fo the Baha'i Assembly of Costa Mesa, "until all religious minorities have been granted civil rights under the Iranian constitution, for what is happening to Baha'ls can happen to other religious minorities including Christians, Jews and other non-Moslems." Most specifically, local Ba ha'is are worried about "identification cards" which the Iranian.gov- ernment has issued. The purpose of these cards are for rationing food, fuel and heating oil to all "legal residents" o1 Iran. People who are not "legal," said Mrs. Colflesh, will not be able to obtain th~ most basic necessities of life. Baha'ia in Iran are not considered "legal." There are more than 350,000 of them in Iran, she said. Baha'is are considered heretical by funda - mentalist Moslems because Baha'is believe that Mohammed was not the final Messenger of God. Further, the progressive teachings of the Baha'i faith contradict the fundamentalist outlook because Baha'ls believe in such things as the unity of all peoples, the equality of men and women, and the independent investigation of truth, Mrs. Colllesh said. These 'teachings have been anathema in Iran since the Baha'i faith was founded in 1844. In 138 years Baha'i has grown to be the largest religious minority in lran, yet Baha'is have never been given legaJ status as members of an independent world religion. ln times of economic or political stress in Iran, the Moslem clergy often has turned against Baha'is and used them as scapegoats, said Mrs . Colflesh. H9wever, in recent years the persecution of Baha'is has greatly intensified. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY: Freedom of Worship An .. ou've tried the rest, NOW try the BE;ST!" ln.Dr ...... C.J9Cboel .... ..,....~ ...... ttiwl'-tM C:.......Clwcli s-My ~ &--Clwcli I HI & '"'-. .-..,..... IMdl IO:JO .A.k "Overcoming Feor Of Follure" Clwcli~lntT ...... C....._ '46· I OJJ jlW A 6464464 -"No!> Limitation On Creation" l•v. Jwdlth K-hie 10 Ii eo ... .c. ..._.,Me..,.+ hecett c.tt · a..... . . 6ffke Mo. 644° I Yft --·~·- hurcn or St. Matthew by the Sea (T redltionftl Episcopal) HOL y COMMUNION-Each Sundar-9:00 AM. L (Bool< of COnmon Preyer· 1928 MERTZ HALL of Community CongregatJonal Church 611 Heliotrof», Corona d•I Mar .,,. ~·."-' tW.Md-132-2201 ST. JOltfS T .. lf'tSCOf'Al CNllCH .. COST A MISA a.,MrRt•o..pA..-· ·a:oo....,c.. •• ·10:00 Holyhc ...... t ll:OO S-., Sct.ool --'N\lrMr)' ctr• ,\ ..... ..... c...IMw ., • '· Ylc•. 54 .. 2237 . ,_ • 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OF THE MOTHER CHURCH TH£ FIRS f CHURCH OF CHRIST SCtENl1ST IN 808f0N. MAS8ACHUSf:lTS "UNREALITY" · Sunday, April 4th, 1912 Cot .. MeN -Ant C._ di .t Clirftf, ~ HIOMeMY.-.Dt-,.c..teMeM C .... &S...,w..t-ll:OIA.M. ........... 2 ............... . ' A M.-4:.JO P.M. .......... w. WM. 7•1:11 P.M. -f·f-~I P.M. '" ... -Ant a-di .. ciwtit. Sdillllst ..... s..,.,.... ......... SdiMe 4161 •• , ............ Y•I C'-di & S-., Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. CHIU> CME ~-Af S~Y SERVICE lluc ... a .._. -Ant a.ct. .t Clrht, Sc ..... 1tti&oe...1wla:fl•teec• C'-dl & ~ ~ -10:00 A.M. ...... ._ _ u• w.-St. ~.._._Ant C'-'dl .ta.mt, 611 .... ..,... C'-dl & ,_., ScliMI -I 0:00 .A.k .......... -H4 "°"9t A••· Me.,_..._._,.... c.....a., amt, Sc....... -~ JJIJvt.U...._,... ..... ClllPdl a S--, ~ -9:00 & 1 llJO A.M. ....... ~JJllTieL.We M-Wn W . -t A.M. ·I,..,., T--. -7 • t P.M. Qltld Core "'°""'9d T-eys -t »I I JO A M 'OI 9tWy T-Me.,..t .... -s.co-1 Clllrclt .. Clrist, Sc ..... JIHP-*c.._Dt-.. C_ .. ..._ C'-dl & ,_.,Sc-.. -ll:OI .A.k •• I .:;-.. ~HI ..... L c.-...., C4M w•. 11STIMOMY t i21aees - I P.M. AU. CHUICHIS A1.,._--,-IO~.,_c ____ N~ of .......... .,._,,. c .... c-~AT~-YICIS --' WESTMINSTEI WTHEIM atUIOt I Jl41.._A .... IMnt .. S.INl.-'"'-&W1 t. f ltN.I -WOUHIP _.ICIS -•.JO • t .... A.M. P.+.STOI JOIL .... swte•UM '"°"' "MJn C...sT CH IMll900ri Svnodl . , ............. c:-. ...... "-"-Y. T....,, , ..... _ Hl0 16tl . w61SHW SBYICl-1:11a11111 A..M. ,.., s-... .. AAMt .... a--f".Jf ..... . CllrWlml w..t -.... .. S.nftOft Topic Aprll 4th i t:oo 1 wrm· -. -. 'HPAllNO THI WAY- MNrlrt ...... lc..et ctf(li¢H ~' ..... ous Sct~CI i f Memblr of the United Church of Aellalou1 Science ;...a.Mw.t.Alll IUITI 41UD MAIN flMET, HUtfTtMfrfOM HM:H. CA. tM41 .. -.. ...._. .. ,... ~.-~,......... -- A CoaAL WO.COME FIOM THE UflltD C1tUmt Of CHIST. c...mcim1t ClllfCAn.Al 611 Htl•"• An., c_ .. ...,. 644-7400 o ..... w .............. 10.A.M.-~W ..... Cludt~.,... N-C.. llOCllllll• CllllWn.M. a.I J40St ......... . et8l1•1p•,L..-.lffdl 494-1061 JOHN M. HYMOUS MAlCUHT AMM llYMOU>S ......., HARIOI CNtlmAH Ct«MCH IDltc ...... arwl 240! '"'-.. s-lia ....... 64~1711 .! I Attend The Church of . Your Choice . ·p~inrnutli C ,1,~,1n:'ll1f il11h1l C Ju trch JHZ llOAD ST .. MIWPOltT llACH 642·2740 S....d.y s.r.fce -I 0:30 A:M. "THI PURlllOSI OF CHRIST" · PASTOI fl*T CUno A ..-..w freM THI UNITID MITHODIST ·CHUICH Cost•M ... MSTUMTID MIT'MOOtST CtMCH 19th St. & HMbor Blvd • Clwcll Sct:MI t:JO W .... IMI Charfft 0. Clerk. Minister catia M ... N&tfi lleSAYllDI U...,_ MITHOGIST CHUICM W ..... &~w-1 l:JO. , ... .+...M. DP .... LMNI ca:teWA IYTMlllA Newport BMCh 1400 W. 8 .. boe Blvd 973--3805 Huntington Beeetl MST"""9 ~CWM 2721 17th St. 53&-3537 • .....,,.,.,... ,.Ila& .. _.,c... ............... c._..1c11u• t:tt- Rev. Robert.Shec>erd. Jf H,Wlt\ . w_.., a a...tt...... 0t-.~rroll E. WOfd, Mlnl1ter •• ........ ! Jllf..., la.Ill ...... WW., ........... ,..., C... MIA.N. 1 ......... ~ .......... ._ MIWPOIT CIMl'll ..... MlnDeilT ' .... Nap• .... Ciiiiii ..... . ....,. WORSHtP & CHUM:H8CHOOL-~ A.M. Aev.~MaMMn , This Sunday Worship In ST. AtCMUWS NISITIBIAM CHURCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newport Beach• 631-2880 Dt-...... A • ......_, Jr.,,..._. W ...... hrtlcH -7:J0.1:45 ed !_O:IJ.~.M. "Looking leyond The Palm lranche1" Dr. John A. Huttm.n, Jr. Preedlfng 'l<>MAMS 7:H .... _ .......................... _,,......,_,, •. ClilW c.... ....................... a-. , ............................ ,...a. ... Ate II \I '45-2211 . Canuwdty ,.....,. ..... c~... • ,411,..... ..... ....... ..... 4t .. 7111 Rev. Arthur J Tanl<ersley Rev Craig Williams Christian Education Hour 9 00-10.00 AM Worah1p-10·1s AM -'" CARR l'tlOV-.0 AT ALL Kirt PIESIY1BIAH CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2llO,..,._ 14.. Co• MeM -557-JJ40 ..... ....,..,, .. t.r Terry Mc:Canna. Oirec1or of Youth Mm1stnea Howard Killion. Director of Adult Ministries Donald Maddox. Director of Singles Ministries S.., w...--1:30 & I 0:00 A..M. ., a.di SdlMI -a.Mr. tflni A4:ilh I 0:00 A..M. Mir_.-, c-. .......... -t :J O & I 0:00 A..M . .""" -7:00 , ..M. CHURCH OF C .. IST HJW ....... C .... ..._ t6Jttt We're A Going G'low1ng Growmg Church SUHDAY SBYlCH lllLI SlUDY t A..M. WOH ... 10 ~ 6 ,.M. 11 .... -....... "'""' ltltll" ~ 211-11 j 6 ....... '-n. TrWty"" -11 Corhtth: I 3: I 4 ,.., n ......... -.,;,.;. c.. ,_.. MJ.ww ·' s......~ ·~ HAllOlt ~'9ftl .....,....... t :llP.M. t • n a n a a r ...., hrtk• • -.,.,...,.,.., .... __. 7:JtP..M. R•bbl 8erMro P. King Jamboree & Eastblull Dr Music; Arie Shlkler · Newport Belich. C.lif Educ.tor: Nancy.Lev~v11111on~a:Aw ctll 644-7111 1 TEMPLE SHA~N X:X ~School -Hebrew & Sunday ~:.:•hve) Bar/Mltzveh Training - Youth Group -Sllterhood s.rvtcee; Friday, 8:15 p.m. Sat .. 9: 15 a.m. Sun., 9:30 a.m. RABI HERSHEL BROOKS 117 WMt Hamtlton, Coea. M ... 1114212 ' Orange Cout OAIL.Y PlLOTISaturday, Aprll 3, 1982 ([)(JRJNG OUR GRAND OPENING ONLY) • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on most items. t t t , ROBERT'S HOUSE OF MODERN FURNITURE is now in Fountain Valley and we're celebrating with SPEOAL STOREWlDE SAVINGS. ROBERT'S features everything you need in modem furniture, lighting and accessories. There's a certain flair to modem design unmatched by any other furniture. ROBERT'S recognized this and has filled their ample store with a wide selection of today's free-flowing, fun-living furniture. Good quality anct flowing lines are the formula for the modem furniture and accessories that is • ROBERT'S specialty. ROBERT'S staff of talented professionals are available and eager to aid you in selecting furniture to best reflect your personality, your family needs and your personal tastes. SHOP SATURDAY 10 to & SUNDAY 11to6 Look for ROBERT'S in RALPH'S Home Furnishings Mall On Orange County's Furniture Row MIRROR TABLES YOUR OfOICE 168 If for some reason you're not familiar with ROBERT'S, we carry the following famous lines Thayer Coggin · Comfort Designs · Marge Carson · S~Ug · Dillingham · Burris-Domani · Ra)mor· Barcalounger ·Greg Copeland· Howard Miller · Glenn of California · Ello · Elkins · Design Force · Glass Arts · Artisan House · D.l.A. · plus many more ... •PICTURED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE • LIMITED QUANTITIES ON SOME ITEMS FOUNTAIN VAWY FounWn Yllley Houn: 1 fldlertea HMllS! Sunday 11 am to 6 pm • Saturday 10 am to 8 pm Sunday 12 noan to 5 pn1 • lloa. & Frt., 9 am to 9 pm FUll.ERTON 18349 Euctid f&ve., Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708 • N Telephone l714) 751-8822 AM'Y. TALBERT AVE. Mon., Tues., Wed., t!turs., Fri., 10 am to g pm Ties., Wll, nm., Sit., 9 •• to 5:30 "" 225 Not'tl! Hartaor Blvd., Fullerton, Ca. 92632 .. ' ' - Telephone (714) 871-5720 • ~--------'< J • Furmture is bought and aold e11ery day with a -classification '8050 ad. CLASSIFIED INDEX :.!l! ~.~.~ ..... ~~ .............. ' .. , .... !?.·.~ ~!!~ ..... ?!.~~ !~?~; .... ?~!! !~!'.~~ ..... ?~ •• iii U.t Blklwhtcat, J4~MatlCMl9 Caq•oa AkM GEN.OFF4CEP/T Jll Udolale. n \raad•f'· Matur' woman No tl'.I~ tevtlpotltlon. , ... 1.. --d1ya 1 week Arnbtl~~: and huvy ho twork. no Good phQQt ma't'l"· :1; Lost. Ladle's 14 K. aold 69 Goraeoua 1lrl1 to lrlila. IO.ll YHrJ old, to ll Clerical dut1••· "' -diarooad bratelet w/l pamper you. Jacuni, Worit ont or two evtn· -hnl.!1..!71!.t/J!ll:PUL __ h •.Ped di d Salll\&. LocalJ u well as · It ti COOi( pear I 'dlar amon + t 0 u r I s l'. BI n k '"'' a w.. r 1 na h~'J l lliner cook , ••• ~ITllc ~~,rcla~nd:·,Ntt Amerlcard, ll11ter newspaper tu tcr/P· II ' l'tf'• required. -REWARD O ya Owce. Amtrican Ex· ~~~·c:-::r::~r~•Ju01~ App y In puson · t: 644 ·U73. aft 6pm press, Diner• all su~rvltion ~ov1ded. l>e'tween l·S~. J olly : ~~ ___ ~%.~l>0/~1' J•a.oa. ea 13to$:10P:":.1.askfor Roser,asch aat Hwy, = last SlLKY TERRIER Andrea, 6-42-.ail, ext -nrBeachandEIUs3/19 343 COUNTER -COOK . * AllTOS. IMPOITED f!£WARD L.M7-318! ev L.llda 1 y;a1r;'S P/time, Ftllme, call for Lost keys on Oce11n • Ml BABVSmER-for my 6 apetf7A:2193----~':',:!.... = Blvd , CdM. Tues., 3130 PHOTO MOD&S rro old 31'1 wk. at $3.00 O£NTAL ASSISTANT-~:i. ...... , :: f!EWARD 875 1435 HCOITS hr. Pl c 16'1· Ml or part·time. ex-~ in '1" Loet; Gold tbrown med n HACK & BE'TTER BABYSITTER my C.M. eer·~ fot buslJfc nr So >1• c.pn ~\~ ma le dog 3/28 29 1llAN EVER! 24HRS bo~ for ba!f 6 mo. ~.....f!a1a. ~~ -~ ~· ~ ~~~s~~i.:i68c~. 6t3;1~~ff7 Moo~~'::~ -~;:~fi~~~ ::> ~ tbd• tm Found aUectlonate. NeedeG. Co1t1 Mesa M» ;., • ., mi shortha1r i:ray F cal. area. 7:30-5:30 dally lh •Dental Reception1&t. ~= ... '-••• ;: Ba yside Dr. Cd M Atlr youthful blonde yr' 4 mo olds. Refs. part time A"M . Ex· 111111 '-""'.,,... ,.,,. _bi~4280 lady. femm1ne. 1ntell . Call a 966 365 peri~. neat1 mature. 111.od. 111311 canng. set'ks busl. or · · -· -el\iOYS nke patients in a • ~~·-·lie•• ~~ Found Dark ma le rat, prof man. young S0.60's. pleasant busy omce with • J ' 1111:11 •H• Vil' Westchrr Npt Bch. adventurous enough to BANKING great starr Mu ~t be = ~.. ~~ friendly64Sll9?9 answer this ad' StrOnB. T&LEtlP/T . sharp, salary u11~n rn. I'~""' >17• Found · Silver necklal'e, buttender;overthepatn Exeer.1l:30lo~·J0da1 ~ew o. rt Center_ 11• ~ .. ,... mu • & i:nd,' ready to hve & I Ca llM2 8600 •-·11 n~ enl(ra\'ed PNK & SCKS Jove agl.ll\. Sincere only y a . ~ i¥:..,.. · ~ ~~Nz:is;~i!l ~~~ r.f::t;!'· As ~!~~~c!~~stan1. ~~! !~!0~~1 im l •NI• 111~ ~rallon, Jamboree &_ ,... ,....._ etc Per hour. The llayr time, houri.>' wage open :: ~... ;: l Hw > 673·3992 , ·~·w••=.:•••••7••0•7•5• Barn. 809 w. 19th St .. t.oexper. Laguna Niguel -\lol•• 11112 ~·~-___ - -C.M.646-8480. Area 49S.S673 Ask for M)U • ••••• •••••••• •• • • • • • • • • ------G«>r -AUTDS, llEW r~~nd Ba.:1en~1 Club tbkpg in exch. ror rm & Car ~ash person ottded -"""""''----= c .... ,.1 _, wishes to place} g, bark· board, reliable young rcw h~uslne co. Terry FACTO.Y TlAIMU -.i !!;!~g that yodels. French Canad11n . ~len.oc..ll!;ln~ AH -shfffs ava1Ta6fe. = AUTOS,USCD -2?"-----Liberal. Laguna CASHIB& Ideal ror tbe mature -IMot•• ..,, FOUND · lmh Setter, Cbarles.'9$:§296 _ H0US£WAlfES-ALES ''"omanover40. 962 9336 : ~~. ::! rem . Very old Brn ....... W_.._... 7100 Af'::'a in person: crown IVfltPAC COi,. 11111 t:.d111.. w1> lealherCollar.536·0389 ._...,. ~ 1 l6l4 s· 1058SLawson 1r1ver . .m c.muo w ll --------·•••••••••••••••••••••• ar ware. an FV UJ l"'"""" -Lost gold cham brace!et ... CCTG CLHllC M11uel. Newpgrt Buel!,_ · · : ~., ll'RI w1d1amond chips Vic ~ . 'llfi fAST FOOD part 11mr -~..., :;; Comm Presbyterian Exeenenced. wit xlnl CHESS & GAME dunng lunch hour Tht' -°"""• W¥J Church & Park . L.B. typing skills. ~or ~lee 1 UNLTD Rotisserie 260 llmtol. -Cwi•• w;i., REWARD 4~.6848. trical constr.uctton firm I Specialfy· -.,ame store St C •s -~· :: 1 ·,-----Xlnt bendits Irvine has immedfate opening -... ·.i' · ..,.,..i ...a Lo5l 3 26. arrel·llonale ~~o_._ ror entry level. perma-fine art sale:.pl·non ='-= male gr_a~ & whl stnped AMBITIOUS & SUCCESS I nenl full time sales posi· needed Fine art gallery. c ...... 1 ICIMl 11.,.....1 -cal. dis appeared in ORIENTED' I'm look· lion. Game knowledge ~n_!Pl.493-... ~307 t:·:::.. sr.;: =I ::.:.:t... = CdM ~e~t~~4 Lv msg ing for a re..;, assomtes I and nair for selling lm.e FOOD MAMA GER ._ R...i 0.1rl•• -Pit--Lost llUle iray F Poo 8411-8331 Contact J anet Poland SeYil Foocl l'Ounter hl'lp e.ou,.,..w _, .._ •1 qi mas~ --to expand my business merchandise desmible S<•Jsonal. April lhrul ao.i.s.ii ~ =•IMro : die. Mesa del Mar area. -, . ' 714 ~5()',!\ ao.u.Shpo Do<h ~~ !IW!• needs med I<' al 1 on AQUATICS App. hl'ations OULD CARE TWl"' .; ()( ll'e l"ork Huntml(lon :::::~.~Sl· --~~·~ ara '-Ln~ aAce~t~I for •• ' llt'ar h Jrt'a Senior ~ ~ ..... -Re "ard 979 0104 ·'"" ' " 'R OLDS MY H )•1E ~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill 556 7915 hreguat" . poo alien ' I " 1·1t11en:. wckome lo app I dants. swim mstrul·tors l'ALL DONNA. 646 4662 l) Call evt·~. 544 537H & an ass'I director or ~~~1 .... _5 r.. ... Ti-Sto'~ . FOID'ld Male Terrier. "hl '" beige mark 1n i:s behind ears. chain_ LookilKJ for Real Estate Sales and Rentals? ' Btwn Hamilton Thunn 642 1295 Found Blk Lab Ret m<ther & pup, M 1ss1on VieJo 831 8804. ~I 6753 Bob FOUMD: IORIOI 964 6146 aquallcs. Spring and or -~ ...... ~ summer. full & p T ·u tult• a~,rcium Y o ung m 1 n 1 l' d Contact Mr Westhngor Aides net'dt'rl bv llunl ener.:et1r pl•rso11 Ms EkJund 644-5404 m)llon Jlea(•h City Srhool nt't'ded Must ha' l' ~ome Dist 3 hrs per da} $4 98 retail t>xper l'h·a~anl pt>r hr Apply 735 14th i.urroundmgs & bt'nl'f1lt> St., II.Jl..:..536 88SI Please apply m pt•rson COMMUNITY Apropo. 1129 F a'h1un WORKER Island. N B or call Asst court related vie· 644-~ ATUHTAFIRM EXPAMDIMG Neeomanagemenl & Sales. p!l11ne & r lime Must be mature. nut & respon. Call Pal ()'Con· nor (7141~94930, T F. FOL'ND: Ger Shep. blond !!!_m;.1~ " blk nose. erect ea rs • • • Please see today's special ~~1·6860art5 ATTENDENT Assis t 350 disabled pror woman. 2 PerlOllCllh 5 Dys per wk. 645 2357 t1m 1wilness prog ram t:enerat office duhl'lt Er Orange Co BA. Soc. rands. promotional 1ob Su v _ or C rt m 1 n a I Must h;ne depend.ibl( Jusllce prer. Min. l yr car. good dn vmg rt'rord exp. human serv. pro· & knowled11e or LA & Or • I••••' gram. $1000 /mo . Xl nt Cly Exc1l1ng entertain ' beneflt5' Apply \'la N!· ment company t.a1:una ,.-•••••••••••••••••• ..... C-~- Coeds would love IQ part~ It'• SCH>-0 easy to use with you. Leslie or . REAL ESTATE SECTION A new, recJUlat Saturday feat.re of the Daily Pilot ...... /l1t•fft/ Altme• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Swimming pool chemical Loan Ow? senrice business Costa MHd Cash? Mesa. Hunt Searh area. Re~I-Es Tate money No exp. nee Will tram available 2nd or 3rd TD SSO.IXXl run amount re Loans on res1dent1el or qui red W 1 11 n e t income pro~rt1es . We $40 000+ Call co llect handle a rull range or Mo'n· Fri 9A M 6 p M rrortgage C9verage at 0 /1167-0111 \'el')' compet1t1ve rates. -=~-~~~ ---Courtesv to Brokers. •••u 714·760:1551 ask lor Opportwlity 500 Steve or D_!,lane __ •••••••••••••••••··~·· WIDOW HAS$$$ for TD's Mobile power washrng, RE Loans 101\ Up. No ruJly equip'd van + sup-Credit Che0ck, No Penal· pbes. low down + t:ike ly Dennison Assoc over lease. Best deal 67J.7311 _ anywhere. 897'2196 -I-buy discounted TD 's, •EXTRA INCOME* straight notes, etc Ask Proven method NYSE for Keith . broker co. No 1n vestment. 968.98SJor962·4471 846-4676 -WE BUY 2nds Mobile Power Wash FUiiy eqwpl \•an, sup· plies. contracts! Terms avail. l·S33·421L._ _ BEAlITY SALON : your GREAT SOUTHWEST CAPITAL CORP 675-41!0 choice of two. Call now ~ewrth/ Bkr. 848-0709. -rtnOMb/ .......... Lost & ~ Oppart.ity 50 I 5 ................... • •• • ....................... ~--· 5100 LOAN SHARK ';'; .......... ••••••••• .. WANTED Nttd Sl0.000 for 90 days al your terms Miss Pol- ter -2254. t:WJ~~:ss :!&fooo J yr. l!l TD-RE appraised at Sl.S00.000 + 40'; share in invntment CO Bnghtenaomeone's day f:».j~s . Mr . K1~g =~~ft -for only S6.00 S.ftuU~ )our Easter message t'Mll,000 u~s ,000 3 · h -will appear wit yr, lst TD· E appraised the buMY. above at SU00.000 + 40 (: in the Da11Y Pilot share in investment Co on E11ter SWld"1' ~oflta Mr King Call642·567hi'ld _ !~ -----tharet IL Maat1 ercard w..y to Lem SOZS -andiiiiiiiii \iVlliiiaillwllliie•co•me-. _ ······················· ---------llUllMTO ACTING •No exp. nee: All lfpt!I "2$o$85/daY. 3· 10 hrs. •Extra work In movies. •Indus. training C1lm Sy I\' i a . any lime . classified Just give us a 76L~ call. 642·~8 ADVERTISING TERMS C R T G U H 0 C T C E A R A P P E A L S E N U G T R E 0 A E A C N H I R H C A A C 0 U N T E X E C U T I V E A J I 0 A T U Y H E W P 0 W C L T 0 T R 0 0 E 0 E R E A J r U 0 A E A I T I K U R R V P H L 0 L N L H R P A N E R E S V S E E P Z A T A P C R E U M X W T I W H R X l M H E A 0 0 X 0 Y E E Y M P E I T P E E B I P M P C P 0 0 P P H H Y P I E M K G Y 0 E Y N R U I A 0 A Y R E S A I N W T R A C Y 0 T C U C H R P V I C N R I T A R ( C M T £ T G K H T l N U I 0 S U R V E Y 0 L X I 0 E E 0 T G T N K 0 E C L A 8 T R P V W T A I C R M S S E l K I N E E G R T Account Appell lmp11:t llyout Theme R.lenhip Copyw!\1tf Mldil Exptlttl Account Execuriw Promotion Tomorrow: Heckneyld Pllras• r::~::' S©~4\1~-L£c2r~11 -----Ulff4 ~t CU.T I POUoUf O·--....... ol .... to..< 1tro...i.i.d -d\ be- low IO lor'" fC)o;t .. ...,i. -d• .... ... , .........,.N,,_A~I .,....L ...... Y ....,I "'.:.l I' I I' I .. My l>folller·ln-1tw'1 ntw car had tight 111lng1 go wrong wllh ll. lucky lor him. two of lhtm ---------. 1 were co..,eo under lht -. SORRAY . I I I I I I I I SCUM-LITS AMw i.t a..Hkatloll IOIO sume by ~ pm. 4 9 82 . Bta~h !94 9484 YSP, Inc . 2803 Royal WANT ACTION'' Palm_!)_rive~ 9262! <.:JasaJfed Ads 642 5ii711 Daily Pilat · ...... ··-~.-.-· · · ... : I ~ : I , . Part ume person to deliver Daily Pilot •tin ik spen' sivl not high in price; reason· able cost; classified advertising. I j_ auto route in Lag. Bch-7 days per wk- a bou l 2 hrs per day, M-F , 3:30PM I . . Sat-Sun-5AM. MUST LIVE IN LAG BCH AREA No collecung. Earnings $300 per month and up. Call -Oaily Pilot, 642-4321-lve nall1t' & phone for call back & interview. ~···~·.:.··:..!..:..:._i:.:···················· 0 C.1ass1f1ed Ads, }OUr one l Sl£1P shoppmg_ l'enter UllEMPLOYED1 NEED A JOB? Let us help you find an employer. The Daily Pilot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror will print your employment-wanted ad :1FREE There is absolutely no charge to you. We will print your employment-wanted ad on Sunday, April 18 in the Oally Piiot & again on Wednesday, April 21 In the Dally Piiot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror rea- ching over 200,000 adult readers. Use the coupon below to list your job title, your qualifications & telephone number. Mail or bring your ad to the Dally Piiot before Thursday, Aprll 15. This offer applies to any person who Is presently unem- , ployed. Not applicable to those seeking baby-sitting, housecleaning, at-home work or other service type employment. (Please print In 25 words or less) . -. ' -.. ' l,j " --~ -~ -. . ___... .' • ham •idt-bom~ hill tu oe•I pantalOorts Slit 1 • cn11l!lf1 lhl\ adorable old la1n1oned doll •1th a nappy fact "'"bf 1n1 lli11 GI 1 linle &nl) col1Kt•on PJll'1n 143~ pallP<n piael 101 doll aboul I J 1,.1nctm and out hi directions 1nclu~ U.2S lor uch 1111tttn Ade ~ eKh pattttn 10! pcyJ1g1 and ha ndling Stnd lo Aliu lroab NHdlecfllt Dept 105 Delly Piiot Ill 163, <Xd Clltl'IU Sta., lltw Yoit. H 10113. 1'1111 11.-c, Mdrftl. llp, 1'""'11 ...... -1912 -....ain Cablol; J l1et palle1n~ •nside 110 ~I ix~s dolls Quilt\ m(lft1 Mnit Ciochft lmblO!dtt 11 SO AU. CWT IOOlS .. $2.00 txll All Boas llld ~add 50C _. tw .-tJct anj "-'dl•ftl US.Olis l Oltlla 0. I' •Ide 134 I 4 Qllia llldHftt Qlnlts IU·hSlllOll llelllt Qu~bn& m~~ lll·Add ' ... Qiiilts l~ '11' U., TrllSftf'\ llfr....llpe hit~ Qudts •~TMflr Caftr r11wm 121-,...~ 11 a.tioclltt ~ Sq1111es lt7·UIJ Alt ti ~I 11~~"' l1Un11 At~ 111 ·C.., All of Halrplft CIOChtl 110-li Jiffy lip I Of.h1sUllt lllJCtall'f 107-lllNll Sew1111 10.lflSbjll f11l11011 I 0-4-1 nslMI I Monty I U I 5 Quilts lor T Ml! Folkloric Feeling lhts loot>! h~l'f blinn) chlrm· ilft C111ldrrn1 Hts hilOOI ilnd hUUilblt !hi 0t1ftt1 ma\Cot lor a roadie• (IOCMI 10 lllC~ fJCIU\llt 0 t.irs1 bunny ol hUV) 111& 11rn 1r m1 looo 1t11th~ Pillttrn 7777 crochet d11tet1ons U.ZS IOI eJtb O.lltt.10 Aoo SOC uch paltttn !or pos1;i1e and handlin~ s .. d lo: AllCt ·-NUdl•cr•lt 0.pl IOS Delly Pilot Bos 1'3, ~ d Cllehtl Sil.. llfw YOI\. Ill 10113 1'11111 ll1111t, Mdrm. bp, l'Jttn •11111bef. -1912 lletdlecraft ~ J lrtt ~tttrns 1nsidt 110 be\! ~"IS OOll1 Quills 1110ft1 M1t C1ochtt I mbloide< SI ~O AU CIWT IOOlS. .SZ.00 uch All Ws 111d ~144 50C uc.' .., ... 114 .,...., 13~ & OGllle °" ,.. 134-14 Qi11ck llltdli .. Qu~ts 133-f--..... Qltlllll1 l3l .... On118* I JO. Swtllw f ISilltltS Sins JI-56 12UJI..,, r.tcllwor\ Quilts 127-Afcfilns ••• o.1 .. I ZS.l'NI Qllllts 124-bsy Gifts 'K Orulaellts 113-Stilch 'n' 1'1tdl Qllllts 122-StuH 'n' Ml Qlllts l~llc1Yow W•*- I I 9-bsy Alt If flower Croclltt I 16-llitty rrtty Qw1lts II S.bsy Alt ol tHle Croclltt 113-CMpldt Gdt ... 109-Sn + Knrt (laK !milt lllcl) IOS-lnslMtt Clochet I .02·11111M111 Quilts 101-Qaih leat c.a.ci-I Smart Sideline g -.-...u/'_1 -j r lo.It nut on umm" \ b•"flf' 1n 1 01~5 •1th ' rh~•~•·n~ 1ol•l011t lttling W1t1t bAM >Qua•h 11\f ~•hn~ 1nd 111m• tht s~ •I l()f ~..-1,t ".tm ftom \f\Q ,1c:,, '' n1u lhP wu bn• .. r.r l1111n•• ounrln1llnn tn th" 1110~• Io•' IQl•ni loo~ tllOolf ~MS CltO\' P1111lf'd Pttlttn 91U '.11\°"' S11t<. 8 10 I? II 16 18 ~.1, 11 lbv\I HI I••~ 11• 1.t•O• 60 •nch l11>tit s-4 SUS lei utll ,.t1t111.. W.50Ci.t1th ........ ....... ......,s.. llMIMI llMTlll Pttttrn Dept. 442 Dally Hot 2U Wiit IMI Sl, ... Tl!\. •Y lllll. P111I UMl, MIOllSS, lW. WI -STYll Mt(I. Wll1t Wll I wt• 1 I !M 11\f all'9ttS 1n 11111 Nl W SPRINC SUlllMlR PAlllRN CAIAIOG SM w.t \M t•t.t 11S-111t11t el ffft l'MtM Colipoll 0wt 100 st¥1e\ Clt*'C SI ~ ~*1•s .. u.•..o ll~C.. m...,11t.111 re '4 .... " ...... lJttilll '•' "", ..... ...... c,.. ... ~ -"' .. -Nldllllt 1'11nted P11tttn 9111 Ml\st' 511P\ 8 10 I? !4 lb I~ ?11 \11t l l bu\t J4 IA~' I t' ' 1A•O\ bO 1n• ~ 110• • *4 sz.n "' uc-~ AM 5CM let ut-,.c1tfn t. .... ...... 5-4 .. 111u1u uan• Pat111n 0.pl 442 Delly PllOI m Welt 1a. SI.""'""., 10011. Pllllt Ulll, -SS. ZIP. stll • snu 11UM1t1 flh•I 11\"1 I •toll ' lo!lll 1~• Ml\Wtl\ 1n OU• NI fl ~l'MINt. )UMllllA PAlllRll l.41Atlllo SM """ """ ,,~ ,..,,,.,,..... ol ,,. f'.ne<• lAllOll °"" 100 \l,in t.l•IOC it ~ Ml CWJ a&S .. SUI tlltl ll"-'C..... 111.U.Allll ..... ~ .. , ....... 18-'•'IJltl ..... .. .. tlllllt·* ~ .01ei-.•~ .. Orange COMt DAILY PfLOTlleturday, Aoril 3. 1982 POSSIBLE TARGET -Maine is holding its second moose hunt in nearly half a century, and 42,000 applications for the 1,000 pennits to be handed out have already arrived, some from as far away as California and Saudi Arabia. Drunk driving • • c o nv1c t 1o ns u p SACRAMENTO (AP) -More than 231,000 people were convicted of drunken driving in Cali- fornia during 1981, a 7 percent increase over the year before, the state Department of Motor Vehicles reports. The county with the largest increase was San Diego, which had 5,428 more convictions last year than during 1980, according to the report. ,,, ......... The six-day hunt, to start in September, is I opposed by a wildlife organization, which says the hunt would be a slaughter because the cumbersome animals would be easy targets. · '9C1TnOU8 -.... .. MAm8TA'f...-r The 1o11ow1nO __,_ we -. bu• --AlKG INVESTMENT9, 20'9 Sea COiie lM>e. C-. ...._, CA tia7. PAUL E. lOWER. 20'9 SH Cove lM>e. C-. ......_CA 12$27. Tl<ERESA M ANOREW8. 8471 ~ lM>e, Votbe UllCle, CA t28M. MARY AHN K~ 4243 Wll9\t '--· lA ~CA 11214. MARILYN L GROVER, 1122 "0 " l(umul(UMU, .._...., H-811 92892 Thle~lt-edl>)'•~ ~ . ...... E.1.-Thlo ol•l•m•"I w•• lll ed wllll Ille County~ ol Ormnge County on Ao<! I, 1~ ,,... Publloll.O Oren9• eou1 O•llY Pilot, Apttl 3, 10, 17. 2•. IM2 1518-12 ~TmOUe..,..... MAm8'TA~ The loloMl9 ~ .. cl'*lg ...._ .. TREASURE.a IN PORCELAIN, 2921 -Clrd9. C-. ...._, CA ttl:IS. AlMA (AMYi 8MAllCOM8, 2121 -Clra9. C-. ...._,CA 12t2e. Tiiie buel-It condueted by en .,._ dMduel Alme (Am,1 8'Nloomb Tnlo 1111emen1 wu 111•4 with 1ne County Cleli< o1 Orange County on Ap.11 1. 11182 , ... Publlth.O Oran~ COHI Oelly Piiot. Ap<M 3. 10, 17, 2•, tM2 1514-12 Ac:TmCIU9 ....... NAm STATllmNT The 1oi1ow1<19 .,.,_ -Cloin9 ""9-,_. t • • ~I S IOll ·Rich, traditional Aggies want to expand horizons COLLEGE STA'mON, Texu (AP) -Drlvln1 alona Texas term Road eo, which lklnl the northern border of TeXN A&M Unlvenlty, there's plenty t o reu.u.re Auiel that their tchool it tUll the -Place they remember and cherilh. But turn 1outh onto thi1 Te>CAl·sized, 6,200-acre campus. and ever-watchful alumni of thia moat contervattve of at•te uni- ventt.ies can find plenty that has changed aince the day. when it WU an academ1caJ.ly limited, all- male military college. Texu A&M today ia the fas- test growing university in the country. It le~ one of the ri- ch est -rich enough to stir up a coast-to-coatt controversy this winter by paying ita new football coach a aix-fi~ salary. Moet Aggies don't flinch at the idea of paying big bucks t o a winning coach, but some may be w ondering about other plans afoot that aef!m a departure from long-accustomed w ays. There's talk from the univer- sity's new president of ending the school's regional provincia· lism, o f making i t a "world university," of broadening aca- demic horizons, of linking arms with other institutions of lear- ning around the world to help fight hunger and disease. But for a stude nt body and alumni who have, until now, not been no tably international· minded, the verities of "good ole Aggieland," can still be found on Texas Farm Road 60. The hitching post is still there i n front of the Dixie Chicken where Aggies went to party after a foot ball victory. T h ere's Smith's North Gate Barber Shop, where for 50 years scraggly- more for the ca.lf-hlah mJllt.ary jAckboott th.at are a rue of pu-uae to manhood. And at meet loc&J bookttoret, · except for the on e on camput where Aagie·dom apparently lt no lau,hing matter, you can •till buy volumes of Aggie jokes - nine volumet to be exact. Did you hear about the Aggie who took an aptitude teat and found he didn t have any? Or what do you call an intellectual at Texas A&M? Answer: a visitor. Detpite the.e signs of a\abllity, Texas A&M is as drastically changed u any university in the nation -a far cry from the all· male military school that catered mostly to the sons o f poor far- m ers from its founding ln 1871 through the 1960s. 11Some art' concerned that Lhil la a n in1tltutlon devoted to honor," he aay1. "They are a.a. king me for reaauranoe that that 1J not being wattted down." A llvlng example both of change and permanence it Aggie senior Beth Seibert, who woik.t part time at LightlM!y•s Drive-In Grocery S tore a little farther down Tex.as Farm Road 60. Until 15 years ago, to be an Aggie was to be a male in a cadet uniform, most likely studying engineering or agricultural science. Beth dresses in Jeans. She is studying drama. But like most atudents, she came to Texas A&M to flt in, not to stir things up at College Station. The U.S . Justice Department brought suit "There will be world universi- ties. I want this school to be one of • them.,, The school changed its name m 1963 to go along with its broa- dened curriculum offerings - from Agricultural and Mechani- cal College of Texas, to T exas A&M University . Women were admitted unconditionally for the first time in 1969, and now make up a third of the student body. The school's Corps of Cadets. repositor y o f Aggie traditions sin ce the school's founding in 1871 and mandatory for a ll stu- dents, was made voluntary in 1965. against the university two years ago because women a ren't a l- lowed in the Aggie M arch ing Band. Beth doesn't th ink that's sexist at all. "Traditions -that's part of the r eason I c ame here in the first place," s he says. "People are down to earth h ere. It means something to be an Aggie. I like It." 1f sheer size and wealth made a university great , Texas A&M would certainly be m the front tier of the nation's 3,000 institu- tions of higher learning. The campus includes 157 major buildings -699 if you count things like chicken coops. Eight more buildin g s are under con- struction. Department Director Doris V. Alexis said the bulk of the 1981 convictions -more than 70 per- cent -were first offenders. Included in the group of convicted drivers were 22,243· motorists who were referred to a one-year alcoh ol treatment progrim by the courts. 1 haired freshmen have surrende- red their lock s for a military flat-top. OELTON lEASIHO, 3210 S SuMft I With its broade r curr iculum and the arrival of "Waggies," as female Aggies are referred to, enrollment has tripled since 1968 -from 11 ,000 to a c urrent 35.000. The school's president. Frank Vandiver, says that faced with even more dramatic ch ange ahead, worried alumni write him often . Thirt).'.-four ~rcent of Texas A&iM,s $29'5 million oue!ger-· COl'Tle6 from the state, 34 percent from tuition and other fees. and 5 percent from the fede ral gov- ernment. P!Cnnoue.,..... M.u. ITAT'r-.Nl' The IOllowtng l*9on • dQjng -.. Ms. Alexis said the 7 percent rise in 1981 re- presented a s light slowdown in the increase of drunken driving convictions. The 1980 statistics showed a 10 percent increase over 1979. All SOUTHERN PAINTING COM· ~~.Yc1U~o! GREENVILLE. SANTA THOMAS l YOW, 2920 8 GREEN· VILLE. SANTA ANA, CA 927°' Thie buol,,..• le c:onducled by en In· dMCll* A department study shows that about 18 per- cent of first-time drunken driving offenders "will receive a second conviction within one year of their first," Ms. Alexis said. n.om.L Y-Tlllo lletement wu 111•4 with Ill• County an o1 Orenoe County on Ap.11 1. IM2 ,,..." Publlohed 0r•"9' CoHI O•llt Pilot, Of the 231,396 motorists convicted in 1981, 7,408 had their licenses suspended by the courts_ A4>r!1 3, 10, 17, 2•. IM2 5'3.a2 Fixup due SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state says it has accepted a plan to correct deficiencies at the Un- iversity Medical Center. State H ealth Services Director Beverlee Myers. said the plan will cost about $350,000 a year. l'ICT'ITIOUI ~ MAm STAT......-r The lollowlng ...,_ -"'*'II -~11'T10Ua .,.._.. ,_ w~'STERN UNITEO REPAIR SEA· .,.._ ITAftlm:WT VICf.. 1142 E 1111 Snlll, Tuelln, CA 92elO The lollooi4ng ~ It CIOlng ~ GRACE P. YONO. 18 S..-. nine, •: CA 9271'. CREATIVE OCCASIONS, 240 -· EOWARO FOHO, 10 Rootn, 1MM. CA po<I Cent•r Orlv•. Suite 200, NewPOrl '271• 8-:h. CA t2teO Thie ~ It conducted by • oene<el Semen111e Hemmer. 117 Eac>lenede. ~ ""-·CA '2715 0.-p y-Tllla buelnff• le c:onOuc:led by an In· Tiiie olelemenl .,,, 111•0 with Ill• _... ,.,_,.,,. ..__ County Cler1I ol Ormnve County on A4>r!I 1. Tiii• •l•temenl •H flied with Ill• IM2 ,_ CcMlty an ol Ormnve County on~ 1. Pul>ll.,,.., Or•ne• CoHt Oelly Piiot. 1M2 FitM• Apr113. IO, 17, 24, 1111 1517..12 Publltll.O O,.nge Coell Oelly PllOI, """'l. 10. 17. 2•. 1M2 1~ bllTH IDTICIS ACTmOUe ..,...._ • ....... 8'TAftlm:WT The lollowtng l)er'IOtll II'• Ootng buel-,_ .. SOUTH COAST CIRCUITS, 2255 Rll· Chey. S...te Ane. CA 92707 ' C. A. 8[N80N. 1313 G11rllngtord, McGAVRAN l:OOPM al the Harbor Lawn C:0.:t~J~=sON. ,701 con. BRAD LEE McGA VRAN, Memo rt a 1 Ch ape 1 w i l h lend °"""· eo.-.,.. w.. CA 92e25 native 900 of Costa Mesa, Ca. int.enm!nt services immedia· CA ~~ E. &RUOOH. 31 Glenn, erw.. Passed away on April l , t.ely following. Services un-MAHUELw.cu.AK,ao aw.-, 1982. He was a student at der the direction of Harbor ~CAl2'7" Estancia High School-11th Lawn-Mount Olive Mortua-~.:__,,,_.,llJ •v-nt grade. He Is survived by hill ry of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. Tiii• et•temen1 ••• 111•4 w1111 Ill• father F.rank of Murielta, CountyQertiolO.-.Counl-,onAP't 1. Ca,, mother Georgia Young TUCK 1M2 ,,_ of Costa Mesa. Ca., brother ELLA M. TUCK, a resi-Publl•hed O••ne• co .. 1 oau, PUot. Larry, sisters Teri Kelly and dent of Costa Mesa, Ca . Apr11 3. 10. 11, u . 1u2 · 102-12 Kristi Seguin all of Costa Passed away on March 31, -------...,.,=---. Mesa, Ca., maternal grand-1982. She Is survived by her NU MIJICE mothe r Velva Weaver of husband Robert T. Tuck and ----------- Anza, Ca. and paternal IOO J.T. Tuck both of Costa O"ANGE COUNTY 1un .. 10R grandmother Pauline Mc· Mesa, Ca., daughters Doria 700 Clvtc ~ °"" Wwt GaVl'an of Costa Mesa, Ca. W. Driebelbil of Washington ._..AM. CA ll1t1 and 3 nieces and 3 nephews and Ruth Mello of Cos~a PLAINTIFF. OHIO CASUALTY Service• w ill be held on Mesa, Ca .. brother.s Louis INSURANCE COMPANY.• Corpo-Monday, April 5, 1982 al Martin of Missouri and J . ration. ,_CIMOTHHS SMmfS' MOITUAIY 627 Mam St Huntington Beach 536-6539 rAc.tc YllW MIMOltA1 r Altl Cen-etery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive New!XJr1 Beach 644·2700 McCObltal MOlrTUA.ltlS Laguna Beach 4!M·!M15 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAUOD LAWN-MT. OUYI Mortuary • Ceme lefY • Crem11tory 1625 Gisler Ave .. CoalaMesa • S40-5554 ..-Cl•OftBS ta1.•01t.OW1t.Y MCMn'Ud 'I 11 o Broadway Costa Me-. 642-9150 ' ., Marti.n of Nebraska, s~ DEFENDANT SHIRLEY M. OIL-Juanata Bisbee and Mane LOW UDery both of Costa Mesa, 7 IUMMOMI grandchUdren and 9 great-ON ""'T AMENDED COM· 1randchildren. Slumber ~ oom visitation was held c ... ...,..._ AOl70 on Friday, April 2, 1982 from NOTICll You ...... --....... 12:00 noon to 7:00PM. Rec-The-'_,~...,... rou itatlon of the Rosary was wlthowt ,_ .,..._ ...,... ..._ held on Friday, April 2, 1982 r,:' .:=... ""=.: _,.. ..,.._ at 7:30PM in the Harbor Lawn M emorial C hapel. Mam of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday, April 3, 1982 at 10:30AM at St. Joa- him't Catholic Church. Services under the direc:Uon f Harbor Lawn-Mount live Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. RAHM ELAINE M . RAHM. a resident of Newport Beach, Ca. for the past 22 yeert. Pawed away on March 31, 1982. She ii tw'Vived by her husband blph L ., mother Margaret Swan of Mlchlpn. lia1er8 Berbara Old of G«lr-p, Judy Swan of Wiaconsin and Ann Swan of Mk:hlpn, brother Kenneth Swan o( Micblpn and many niece. and nephew . Slumber visitation WM held 00 riday, April 2, 1982 from 12:00 noon to S:OOPM at the arbor Lawn Memq_r lal apel. 8ervices were beJd S.turday, Api1 3, 1982 at lO:OOAM at the Harbor M....W Chapel with . Aaron Buhler offlda- S.. .. ~ unclft the dl- ecllon of Beha Ber•eron mlth. Tuthill w..icuu pel Mm1Lcary. MM371. ' " you wWt to Miik the ed'llce of an ettorney In th ta matter. you thOUld do IO promptly IO IMt 'fOUI wrltt«I NePOnM. If lllf'/. "Wf be 1- led °" time. AYltol Ueted IM t lclo detNa. ctecM. II lrl'"'NI~ deoWlt -*9 Ud. *' JU a -~ ... Ud. '"....-. .. ,,. .. . ............... H l lllR .. ...... 81 Utttd dtHe 1ollcltar el eon-Ml<> de un tboglldo an eat• ...,,o, debefl• '-'lo lml!Mdlattmente, d• Hta mantra, au .r•t~ueata ncrltJ, ti llay tlguna, pU41da Mr reglatrllda • ~ 1. TO THl DEFENDANT: A CIMI compltlnt hH b,.n flied by tilt plallntlff ...,.,_ ~ " rGU WWI to °""9d ttlil laMult. )QI muJI, ~ • d8)'9 .,. -tunWnOfW It ..,_ V9d on you, flle wttlt 11111 coun • Wl'ltt9n retpOnee to the oomplalnt. l)ne.. )QI do IO, 'fOW ~ .. be enttf'ed on appllcttlon of tlle plallntlff. and .. oOurt "Wf .,,... a Jwdlman4 ~ )QI tor Iha relef dlma11ded In the oomplM'tt. wltlofl could rHult In garnltllment of ........... of~Of~ or otller raner requ .. ted In the ~~ow1,1N1. IAI A. lrMCfl, a.. ly&. ......... UI~...,~ . . ... 1'11 ....... .... lh·.::,_. IM CA-., "'bttlltH Ofante Coatt D•lly Piiot, .. I, 10, 11, t4, 1flr .. i si-,:Eft"1 ~~fv~402 Buena Viti&. Seti Cllon>enle. CA 112672. 1108ERT W LEOMG. 2'271 F0tMI .....,_ OrM. El T«o, CA 92930 l(AAEN l LEONG, 21271 Forni -0.tve. El Toro, CA 92930 AANOY W LEONG. 2'222 -Ford "'-. El Toro, CA 92830 Thia ~ le oonCluc:led by e generlll pen,,.,~ J S'--Y Tiii• lletement wu 111•4 with Ill• County Cler\ ol 0. enge County on Ap.11 1, 1M2. , __ Publloll•d Orenge Co .. 1 Oelly PllOI, A4>r!I 3, 10. 17, 2•. IM2 14M-C NO~ Of' PUa.IC MU.MeO 9ffOM TME " AJ••tQ C~SM>N Of' THE CITY Of' '0UNTAIN VALLEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH tMt on W~nesdty. Aprll 14, 11142, at 7:30 p.m. In th• City Council Chamber1, 10200 Slater Av~1nue, Fountain Valley, lht Pl.nnlng Com- mlMlon wlll hold 1 publle '-trig on the follOwlng lltmt: CONDITIONAL Ull! NMlfT MO. -Petl11on IUbmltttd by Ambrott U 10< t ful-lood r•t-trll at l7195 Ntwtiope Street. Un1ta 101 and 102. f'MCllE "-AN NO. •1 P..itlon IUbmltttd by the 'Orange County Weter Dltlrlet for review and approval of • wttthOUN And ofllct bulldlng on • portion of their lite tt the eoutr-t eomtl' of Wttd Street and Ellis A~. CONDITIOtiAL UH H"Mrr MO. 211 Petition 1ubmltted by Bryant Evt n1, Otntrtl Manager of the Foonttln Valley Racquet Club, to modlty the ••l•tlno term• for ap- proval of the Foontt!n Valley Rao- quet Club t1 en1 Garlltld A--In order to ado lighting for the 3 .... -w tlOflg Ille ..... tide of ~-atm.TIM A publlc '-1ng lnlllated by the Fountain Valley Planning Comm!• alon perttlnlno to • proposal for bua lhtlt.,. In the City of Fountain Valley. PMCl• !'LAN NO. -· Petition IUbrnltttd by Ft1t Saint '°' rft\tw •6<L""9f'OVel of plw. for two lfti!UltntfliYlld~• on 1he wo-tnl lot lltutted ti t'f291 Mt. Herr-mann Street. ITH YIA" HOUlllllG A9tl> COM-MUNITY osvno...N1"'kOCK QMNT~ ~of the pr~ 8th Yter HOU91na and Community Develop- ment eb:ll Grtnt PrOQfllfTI. ZONI CHANQI 1110. •1 -...... Cl8E !'LAN NO. NJ• P.Cltlon 1Ubrnltt.d by Doug and JoAM Hugi-to rw.one the tm9I remnant along the San Diego Fni> wr, Nit of 8'ookhuftt Strwt to CP "Commereltl, Admlnlatretlve and Prof9ttlonel Otlloa'' Olttr1c1 tnd '° Improve lhl1 propwty with a two-11ory e.ooo tQu-. foot omce buil-ding. The property In quMllon It further deterlbtd tt AP 1 1-. te2.e and compne. appro. xlmttely 22.HO 1quare feet of lot -. COMM'TIONAL U81 WT NO. .. P9tltlon IUbmltttd by Jd S1eln for the "rental tnd M6t of~ i..,.. Of mo¥lat lndudlno ackAI med ftlmt tnd the equipment '°' It.Ir _. .• , .. ,. Brootctlurte ~. .... cm PUN NO._. P9Utlon tubrnltt.d by Aid! A,,,. gonl for revt.w Md approval ef a llli'Ve ofllot ~ It 9085 WWMI A--. Thia propou1 cont11ta of a tbr9e-ttory offloe bulldlnet MvlnO ., ~ floOf -ol 210,soo tqUllr't '-'· The prooerty It fl#Uw ct.cl1bed • Lot 5, "tract Ho. M81. ttOTICI or , ... ,AllATtO• o• •MTM DICUAAnotl F« the 11-ldtnttfled "'"' .. ....,,. <">. nouaa It .._ ....,.. that beMd on Iha lnltlll 8tudlte. a MeoallW Oto6alatlofl .......... ptWecl. The Enw-.ita! IMpeat Aevie. CommlttN Wiii contlder ec>Pf'OVal of the .... ttwe Oeder• dOn on Fncs.y, Aot'll I, 1112. THOE MAmM In llairle pro- OMMd purau•nt to ttt• Plaan Lawt ~THE 8TATI Of' CA NII\. GO\llAHMIHT c:ooe. .eeo ET UO .. ANO TH9 'OUNTlN YAL· LEY MUNICIPAL COOi. ~ 11. TMOll! DHINHQ TO ~ lft • -Of In oppotltlon to .,_. ptopo-...... .,.~.~-dotolttlle~ ........ twa ,lhar ""°""**' ......... ,_ ,._ ................ ., ........ .. ta-IS21 ................. ~ ....... CUNT0H • 1111 l\00, r =r. OOe••roN 'U9ll8HID OMNM OOAll' Y PILOT, A,,.L a, 1• t ..... t Johnny Holick still runs the boot store his father founded in 1891, where generations of Aggie cadet seniors have spent $400 or l#~o LIKES TRADITION -Senior Beth Seibert relaxes on the campus of Texas A&M University. Enrollment has increased ta 35,000 students, many of them coeds, or "Waggies," as they are called. CI T ADEL OP LEARNING -The lmpo· •Ina Academic: Buildiq at Texaa A&M Un- tVel'81ty reflecta the wealth and atabWty of the inlUtuUon fowided Jn 1871 . In front II a ttaiue t .. The rest is d erived from n on - governmen t sources, including $35.7 million in gifts from alum- ni. corporations and foundations. But something is st.Ill missing. President Vandiver feels. A for· mer presiden t of Rice Uruversity, a scholar on the C1v1l War and World War I, he wants the school to ta~e the next big s tep. and some of his proposals have the more hidebound among the Ag- gies .quaking . "Th ere will be world univer sities." he says. "and I want this schoo l to be o n e of them." The most spectacular step Texas A&M has taken recently. however. was to consolidate and enhance its pos1uon as a football p o wer. In February, it hired Jackie Sherrill as coach at $267,· 000 in pay and perquisites, a sum that caused cons iderable com- m ent in a cademic circles a nd others around the country . Art is often exhibited on cam- pus. but Texas A&M does not grant a fine arts degree. Ca~ a school with no degree-granting a rt department b e a "world university?" "We will have to include fine arts," Vandiver says. "I get the distinct feeling that the faculty is behind m e on that. I would like to be sur e, too, that the core areas, the basic sciences, the li- beral arts, are s h ored up here as· w e move ahead in such areas as engineering.'' I ~.!~ ..... !!~~ ~.!~ ..... !!~. ~!~ ..... !!.~~ ~!~ ..... !!.~~!~!~ ..... !!~! ~!~ ..... !!.~~ ~~.!~ ..... !!.~~ ~!~ ..... !!~~ ~ .......... !~.~ ..... : ............. !~~.~ HAHDYPHSOH Legal Sec 'y, ex-h«>DRSMHDED 1 Restaurant SICRJTAR] WOIDPROCESSQR OGMOTOCROSS **I BUY** Laguna Niguel liome perienced. 1 man office •r~JUONSROWS Officeq crttt/'lrc T~COHLL Sales GICUbi.s 1mme open-Zna sl11rt • Ffex1ble Btke.goodcond.$180 Good used f'umature & owners assoc. needs nr airport. Salary com-$30-155 per day. Property. gmt 0 ce in is look mg rer TUU, part I 110.000 U'lg, ~ 8:30 to 5:30 full hours • Ex peraenced 5411-:W.C _ __ Appliances OR I will PBrt·lnne person for ex-me.n s u r ale w I ex: •SPORTING CATALOG ~ Polllt needs good time help. day or n1cht. lN ao1)A\1S' be~ef1t pkc. requires DictaphonelArtec 2000. MIYATA JO Speed Mans sell or SELL for You lerior ma~ntenance.l =f Mr. Cleary . SJOOperday+clothes p•ptSl. actcurate ktlh Opportuniliesforadvan-RElnvestment -2deals typtng 6S WPM. some fast.accurate Expar:id Tounng Bike Brand MASTBSAUCTIOH Transportation & tools -· •WORKSHOP MODELS igures 0 wofo in cerrl!nl Apply Top sale!personsonly stat and S/H-100 WPM , ing service. The oHtce new SJ.SO 120.0533 required. ~nd details & UFIGUilD S75perday /weekends. sieasant 3 gi~I Os re z, 1119eoa'stHwy, LaLBcb Debkar .. 3 Co~orate bilingual prer but not 549-2L88. - --. . 6464616, lll-!61.5_ wage reqwremenls to: Curre t CPR: First Ad. •ARTIST MODEL bays/ wee · .1 ary Plaza. Suite 200, B. nee. Contact Mr Byrne MkllMJ Mat.riolt 1025 I IUY FUlMrTURE P.O. Box 6175, Laguna adva~ced tlfesav1dg. ~per.day/~~foho (~si~imo~mexl~!~~~~ p l!STAURAM] d ~113/J_ 5:1&3110. WOlD ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-_957 8133 Ni 92677 AWi 10-s in I k d Many more listings .... ~ ""12 antry person "' is-SECllET ART .... OW 36 ~fct · N'~ Y c · w n 5· Noex nee Allty.,e"s ~ · hwasher. English speak· SALISLAOY Nosborthand. 60+ WPM NOClSSIHG " t . NB model home ore ~~HottftMI I a?~1 t~~~tJre8~is THI j01 SOURCE PARKJNG LOT 111gon_IL!4().7092. _ Must ~topgJiart lame . & dictating 'equipment Exp. prer Qyx ll4 Order Red.wood. 2xG ec ~ng, desk. credenu. chr Part t1 e. Apply 3-5 u. · 6S-0777(llam-7pm ) ATTENDANT Retail .exper d. ice a~· experience required processing & phones 4-W long, also red>Aood Ong $1600. sell S800 ~ Mon lhrv Fri. Reuben E.1 LO• ... ~c~ . -Laguna Beach sbopplng pearance. Designer s Dulles mclude maintaio Irvine f'um Mfg Call fencing Lo>A est pnce 67~ Lee Resl. 151 E Coast "'" vm I h r II S.. Penomtef Lady Ap11arel Xlnt pay. . EH $40 8894. g u a r J 1 m or Ken --Hwy. NB. 675-5790 For m>~ge co Int New Christian Pre · center. x nt rs. u · needed tor contem· KORRONE JNT'L 1803 ing maahng l!st. Hf'· anytime, 775-1491. Yellow nowered couch, 2 • ________ 1oppe.ytojoin11lesteam school/daycare needs time or part-time poraryretailstore.Must Westcliff Dr. NB respo_ndence files , de· --...--matching barrel chrs. ror nat10.nall y r e · direct.or.HarborTrinity '7»9566 bedynamk&havegood 646-40'79 alerr1tes.processingor· ~M Bncks1 5000 used & llkenewS200.roundta· HOUSECLEANERSto cognized r1rm . exper Baptist Church. 1230 women's wear back--ders f~r sa~ples & •••oo•••••••••••••••••• cleaneo. & palleted. S330 bie '4 cbrs Woodv.ork JS.SO hr, p/t. car645·Sl23 nee. Please send re-Baker. C.M. For info ground Experience S.A.~SIMGMT erorm~onal literature .......... 1005 ~OOO_J~.4~ 00!12 .11.SO. 542.3073 h· msg Housekeeper. 1tve-1n. sul"ll!sto: UFM , l4~71 96J.Jl66 G-9pm~~~l\~~youth needonlya~ply.Salary HeaTt'Ji&rrutntton_~orp Experience.on Word •••••••••••••••••••••••c-ras& 'Bunk beds w bunk Cat.bobcR~ctoryinH B. ~~:·E~O~.Tustin, Ntnlng counseling firm has +commission .. Pleas~ looking _for amb1t1ous. ~'15°Scr~~~ h~lo~~r. Eqtipmllt 1030 boards. S7 0 Metal area. Cooking ll. bskpg MUISl'S ASST openings for 3.5 sharp call or come tn ~o · sel!-rmUvated people l,o Good English & spel~ng WESTMINSTER ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• storage shelves S25 ror 4 priests. R~f's req. Lose weig~t & make Opening for ex per. outgoing mature people Apropo. •29 Fashion manage & sell nulrt: Fr 0 n t. 0 Cf 1 c e a p ABBEY Niltlcormat w 135mm & Shower dr like new S3S Reply to:, Classf1ed ad# rmney. <:;ahf corp needs Nurse's Ass'l. Day shin to rmlivate ambitious Island. N.B. U4·2652. t~I prodU<'ts 3 J>OSI· Pfarance ANTIQUE MALL llOmm V1v1tar . lenses. Oiest or drwrs 4 drwrs 1013, Daily Pilpt, • P 0. 3 overweipt persons for an sm. C'Ol'lval hospl. Ap-J0-13 yr olds Call 2-Spm E.O.E. l 1 on s av• 11 Fro IJ1 C .. ....,.._ RA 11751 Westminster Ave jl..25 or otrer. 675 9431 $25. 640-0073 &x 1560. Costa Meu. a reduction prof ram. ply at: The Gardens, .SO 6'2-4321. ext. 343. Alk for Sales SllOO/n»-MO.OOO+tn your -9'.v Mrw. GARDEN GROVE --.--------CA. 92626. Fm-mfopleueca1J~ Clenneyre, Laguna Andrea. ~= '1rsl year with the 7601ClayA•t. 554-0103 I DARKROOM Newruilmemattresssel H k S48·227l Brach. Al/tf S 1 rastest growing health u..'1!1. ~oV St.art your <rarkroom to S60, qu~n s11e set SIOO o use e e per . ex · High qua 1ty or de-compan~ in the nation So~~-d r d , w·th B 1 _150-5832 perienced with re -Man.1curist for pre· Nunin.0 sion and architects c II B < · rfie · 0 Hi h k h •uv. aay 1 a ese er ferences ror home in sti&JOUS skin care salon ~~~-Petition circulator, " . . a r . isson ., Beacbl 5 le roe c airs.""""'· ?Jell enlarger. enlarg ORIENTAL CARPET l.agW\aBeach.494-0751. in South Coast Village. ~~ f'"f/P'f. SS-SS br. Work publlcallon needJ M§:l'191. E.O.E. M/F Hooked noral ruR. SIOO. lllg lenses. sarehght & $3500. 10xl3 . very -Comm.orrent.556·7136. Ai.. hn.840-6912 I ~~l~~;!~~~d'~ SAUSPIOrLE _640-~--r.i~. electronic tamer. formal . Aubusson. terra I M M ED I A T E 7-3:JO•j:fi:30.Sm.con· ~•RlflAME• oppof'.{unity . high com-W ,nleal -re r d VANITY DRESSER vanovs easels & e\'er>· cot la, s ky blue & 0 P E N I N G . MAMfCUllST val. hospt. nr. C.M. p'"·~· .. d "' + bo an.e. or 2 '!.,ca 1 S£CR[llDJ Oak . V1etor1an . xlnt type or darkroom ac-earthtones. many CHALLENGING SEC. Oppty for rental or Fairgrounds.549·3061. /lime . ays, man .I missions nuses. verh51og. 5 " com M cond~963-20'73 rt'SSOr)" unagmable All n°"ers. 4 wall sconce~. POSITION ' Hrs &-30 to comm basis in irowing wage. Zl3/&.W-Gl · mwion. Call Newport I Ex p · d W O R D . m excellent cond1tton $400. 2 French chairs. I S:30MontoFri.reqwres H B ·Nail Salon . Nuning 'Ibe~ccessory House !SALES. exper for Bucb Advertisrng. PROCESSING typist Mlllf~I W1llsellaspackageon· museumqual.Jty.SJOOO& statistical typing. Speed 96G.76°i7. Heidi. WllK'rS AIDE lm.ne, 114-966·l622 needlework shop. San ~~~·:i:ie~ resu:r~ prefer Qy x #4: Orde; 4 pc !Y13h +Iii lay bdrm ly,j.'iOO. 151·8406 ~ ssoo or trade ror French 6SWPM . S/H tOOWPM. null~ RE c E PT ION I S T · 1 Clemente 675-4491 . · x · rona e processing & phones set. includes 5 beveled rum 642·0239 N~pt Bch B.ilingual pref .. but not Exper all shifts. Conv. lflephones, lt typi~g for 10AM-5:30PM'f'ue-Sat Mar92625. Irvine Fum. Mfg Call I mirrors . $1295 080 c:.ts 8035 nee. Tull Benefit Pkg.. MATEllAL Hosp. Nwpt. Bch investment advisor~. SALES 5•1&e. Pl.. E.H .. S40-8894. 531-7224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._coffoetabW salary open, OpJ>tY to COMTIOL Cheerful. dedicated to Sl,OOO mo. Call Chris Enjoy reading The Pen· Posi'i'icnis. ahil de-FAWIOOK Persian kitten red 4fl{58 Chrome-liases. grow wlth Ore. Contact gd pvt. care. Xlnt Ins. ~2820 nysaver! The Reader-rmnstrating products m --•""-Show female. reg & shots glass top Was $1400. sell Mr. BxrneSS6-lllO. AM~JJ~~~lling program.Calli42·8044. RECEPTIONIST· Front ad dept. or The Pen· grocery stores in your Ev:st.'ft~.fust be I -~Sole ~ ~996S ----r:~eally gorgeous JEWELR:V SALES. sell Intern at ion a I • a Nursing of.c ap arance. typing. nysaver us accepting ap· area. S4 hr Will train. exper. lPPLY· SHELL ApnT8:-9. 10 1982 DoCJI 1040-· -----ladi~s J~welry . give dynamichigbgrowthoil LVN Call plications for rull -tlme 963-3107 STATION. 17th and HoursllAM -7PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xtra-lg. xtra hrm Certa parties 1n your own field service company -sales positions. Clear Sales lrvlM N t Bch. Prizes KEESHOND Pups. AKC lwn w rrame .. xlnt cond born!. all retaJI profits has an immediate open· Conv. Hosp. Newport RECfl'TIOHIST pnnling good spelling & ---Falibrook High Sc.hool Champ sire M F. Pet & J!OO. Margone64~ go into your pocket. ing for a Material Con· Beach. Pos. altitude & Fa s t . g row ' n g a fnendiy smile are the NOFISSIONAL Sewing, sma Ii craft South Mission show p v l Pt Y Designer rurn.-Sligh Larr/i 968 -9088 , lrOI Supervisor. Ir you smiles needed. Xlnt pharmaceutical com· basic requirements. We TalPH~IS4LfS items. seasonal work (atStageCoachl 213'!B1-134Sart6 m. Lowry desk + chair 6PM·9 M haveaminimum3years benefits.C.11 :642·8044. pany needsood good typist will tram you to assist Proven lg lie elt Costa.Mesa.~·2241. DonaltonSl 50 AJCC Golden Rttriever Hammer 8' sofa. c111t Kron Chocolaller or S.C. experience in material with go phone man-our customers in com· closer~. 1100.000 yr Y SINGLE PAR ENT Sponsored by l>UP.S· JUSl '" lime for queen spread. 4915301 p 1 a za . ex c 1u51 v e control supervision. we •OfflCE HE\.P• ner. Mature person posing their ads. Apply · J>Olential. Up to 20~ w/toddler lookintt ror Fallbrook Music Sor iety Easter. Champ lines. chocolate store has haveachallenglllgposi-Position open m r eal P!euecall556-39tl. 1660 Placentia Ave .. comm. pa_ld, ~kly . nnmte.whoiswilhngto __JJ_SotoHw,Y76 _ ~760-0240 2 nice bwlt-tn desks tn li. llabl• for you estate appraisal firm. CM · ~aUfied wnte lll leads k hou · h ~'----one piece 11" x 2'. 3 Mar ~/time position avail. on ava "' · •u-Ef!,'O'"'IST -· -·-· · · eep se '" exc ange Exn1.11sile American Oak .. ·· """" ...... ~ l,yln ""rson. Applicants must have Good phone & typin&, ~ " Sal p1us N~t B~ location. ror rent or share ex· " Spruiger s.p.n1e.I-' 2-6. rnaU: 1JO ________ . -~ experience in working ~P P_ay S days Pftnne or fll'I. com· 5 MIJ()r _mcenttve plans. pensesifreas.631-4903 din rm tble w Ii week Puppies SIOO I uvnn•cushsora.love LAUNDROMAT ATTEN· with an M RP based u .. r2774. pany. 4/hnU'~ a d~y. Lt. MAKE A IUCI Hawauan vacation. yrly -matdu~g 2chatrs, t2 }n year old ma It SSO seal. Om rm, bd sets. DANT Pltime. Newport computer integrated typing ak "'· $4 / r. Ac-START HBf Dl'Oductioo bonuses. Mr. sq,. an 18·1n ea 5 548-7002 misc. f'ine Peruvian art. Bch. 673-1690 manwacturino system. cepting appllca~ons at. The C..OS Angeles Times Sterling: 673-4302. By Student Jobs (circa l880l. S2.000 OBO af Q · HP 3000 experience de-• The Gius Studio. 2175 Circulation Dept. cur· am only. HEY! Eve$ after 6 PM $52-6491 D~ff• Miil er t.uali.!L._~4·4238 LEGAL SECY Part time, exper'd, Hun- tington Beach, needed Coe overflow in general PQICUce Law Firm. 14 to l6hn per wk. Thurs and Fridays Exper with IBM Displaywriter pre-rd Will train. Ask for Cathi. Mon thru Wed. 847-6041 sirable but not ma 0• • Tum your: Laguna Canyon Rd.. renlly has pasilions open Iron & brass bed. rull me PUP PIES 1 <1 l. have Blad: 8ft naughyde tufted datory. We offer ex-unusabfes LB. in sales. As a field Salesperson for childrens IOY~l·b? W/new box spring_ & shots $2() ea. 963·8082 couch. like nev.. cellentsalary&working • into HCfl'T/SEC'Y representative you'll ~~~~. ~iJ'~. i~~~e =a':°:i~c~~~~~t~ mattress. S42S t0l\O. ~8115 .1165 ___ ~151 conditions 85 well 85 an • usabfe for 111.intlnkton Beech et.rn an hourly ~a~e + Marche Costa Mesa week? Do you like drive-~6. Coder Sa.lei ELEGANT outaklanding_ ben~fit • ca• .. r .... 11 R.E. Developer. F/time, g_en5e~ com9 misSJoFns. 642-471' in movies, picnics. 12.ina WOOD-BURNING 6wfs0ld. raefoij direcl. SOFA & LOVESEAT pac ace. F1d0 r l!Jl · • ~··-' &d skills required. Ute ~,,.: •e0mf.·Jepam5; ca011~. parUes, beach parties, ligaseookstove. green. with mom & pop. Tradttaonal In Polls~ mediate cons eratton • Daily Pilot Ii o o k k e e p i n g ""''" lnfi "' otus many other lhlngs? bl 497 2246 papen, blond & lite red, C'Otton wtlots of p11lows, submit resume with cur-I Ted capabllllies. For sman 957·235!,Ex ·1204· Thenyouwouldprobaby reuona _e_. -·----S200720-042SAM640·S280 x~~3·3770 rent salary history lo: • ( ass• I busy omce. Diversified Make a great discovery. probably enjoy working AtiP'cmcn 10 I 01 _eves, wknds. Walnut din~in~g~t a-b-le-. 6 AMF Scientific Dnlling 642·5678. work load. Jeanne, Shop classlrled for rorus. •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Mal G Id R -chrs tcane bckl. buffet International. 18011 Creative Communities: ~ .. day 's best buys. QUALIFICATIONS: llUT•-•• ... CES e 0 en etnever ~t~lleE.~i:·a:u:r~~~~-714 S42·SS27. ._.S678 l.Overl2yearsofage. Les "'rT .. "'~7_8133 ~fer;d~~-~c re· ~~.Great co nd 2. Neat, honest and de· E.O. . /F pendable. Wubtrs, dryer. refrig, 3 Uaso pups . up to S2SO. Uv nn furnishings & 90 !'l. Work after school and 'IVs. Guar. All!O trade, Variety of colors sq yrds nr new cf! Salurda~. blzy,wor\in.tif82not 646-~ Brwn-gold mix c r CALLTODAY! Pl •Poodles ''R" Pe..,gte• ...!!54S-=.i~:.__---- 537-51311orS31-S.257 Sip"ture triple dr refrig Tc T S20 l KING SZ Waterbed •, 8AMtolOPM w /1cemaker S3SO. · ups. oy, 0 w/frame , headbrdthtr $ ,._5~,.. ~els Boarded & -!!!! ~d~6·M tcond 548·~ •-------•Wuber-dryer1. Sl2S ea. WANTED new home for Solid oak headboard ror refri& 1225, ausbwasher pedigree Beagle. 1.., yr double bed. tn excellent smJSTS 1100. MtM • All sbots, enc yd. Nds ~o. coodition. $75. After 6pm REAL ESTAlE PROFESOALS 1A>o1W1i«ora·Chan1•f VITA-MIX ~l-~10~----~m.:4398 .................... ____ _ Wanl better comm.. Jlli~r • breadmaker. C...... 5Mr' Pel c.omole stereo. xlnt cond spit? Eltab. tMas1 u1oD lib new, $3SO. aso.-09l8 M ,.._ • 1 ~ •• 1......, $17S: comer group. SlSO looUu f« "UY' ~l Fre11t-free refri1. szoo. .,......, .. rm ,,..,.. ~~" Sacrifl~. 148-571'1 eves Die. tip. A MUST. tall Dinette set wfS chrs. A.KC Labrador pups. 9 aft m v tu. f: YOU WANT to work In a plush. well· loated office with • group of htihly motivated profellimals. YOU desire the chance to grow with a rapldly expandinc, progretlive multi· olfioe oompany. YOU delerw to Mm iM hipell P-'· ~ splica and lt11l receiw fant.Mdc CCD- P"'Y tooa. YOU WIJ\l "*'81'-i, penonal tninliC Ind~ lllllcance. 'KeWsfxjper- Carriers tor toutes in Huntm9'on Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Be·ach ~ZEE PLACE $100. &th 2 yrad old, xlnt ::00~· &:re~ ~~~: Wood bunk beds. like new. tn E.17\Ut., CJI. CQPd. f*J.30$ y/ev 646-117U6&-13M with malll'flSes. ~st or. ---•-•·•-•IKauno~ Eltt. waaher & Sdmauur. female, silver ..!f~er"". 63=1-==~-'----­!lrYer. Xlnt rood. S300 & black lOLmQ.. old. 2 Custom made twin -llotb. ~ •rt Si30 lM-1115: 499·1320Don. bfdl:'t100H7bfi':' 4"Drwr _.. dl"euer 641-5398 & night \ ... .... ••• ......... ..... ... f04t .......... ~··•••• -=:-. ~·-.i·:..~ .... ·~·~"1• r liilttwlti •••••••••••••••• .................. ! .. ~ ;.·,;:;;;~:~~j;~~·;ij~· .................. !!!~ ""' .. ,ll"IJ : lt ' ............ , .... ,,,,,, IS HP f!vl d lo ALASKANC4MP£fl ~ Ju' •P Voo~~ ~---~~~ldl.'r;~~~~ ~ tirt:J"1·d1Jj~~ ,,A~fn!l'fond wit« 8eft 'Jft~. Lu1t -WIU. lo1~1._Kl • tnlD.IU59Jll!n _ Matblnt Uapt> 125. 1li"l!llll!.J7U4 -- a. • & ~ l .. ._...._•Lt-'--ti' 8eJnell De4tf. v Camper Shell, for Im rM-•• -_..._ fJ''' Stock land 1Wllt I015 ~nee desk 5 drawer ..._., w /IOOh~err /8 111 nu II<' sm i~;;~~........... wtt.h ""ut!ve <'heir 11d •• ;;t.'i. ............... Ct••n 5411100. · · Royal Type:nler aelt 2 t~tomer <'bllra lop ~ tO I( 631· ---• " P' d-F 3 .. 0 Ith _;;_,.-1.:. .,as· & •k tond. All for $150 I 5· •• •••• 7 • or · ., w \.WT9Qlll •• • na drtwtr nte ub, Ilk et n.w • .......... ...... chauu mowat cam~r • $Wea all xtru. 33JOO milts. NB IJl)del home: DesJc. nnar Fo•r•r( . J..k!xdHHl!f_ Gortl1m aterltn1. 8 aet· ~JfjWtf_,... 1017 ~ DUii R'LUW Mltltia.dllr.tt 9140 ~~f:i .. ,~~~· ~;:~W:• WOUPIOCfSSOR ;;·FRENCH0LOP0b~·b·; 00 Wiiy hrcbase?? Ciiid:."iii:i'8ii~:·s;;;; ~,....._____ 1pocm1 ~10';'; 844:1223 X eroa UO )'PT n g bunnies, 120. Cagea, will ~~Ft 1972 Stn1leC tit. S75v80 Nrurrt Beac~ Tenni" a)'ltem,, manutl1, l•IX'• hold for Ea1ter .,., • II ai,ippuff. Under warr. o LAI PG Tnrw!M M ....... _ d S47S Ou , full fam ly rnern· Mate offer. sas __ 2u2 --.....,n-. IOtO Brlghtena-0meone'1day ~lalliD Pt OCO..-illl!I mo~ 1· ~ berahip Bit otrer. ..._ ..... .,..... WllhaClaullJed rlirlrfO~fo·' or best offer. Uni)' 1170 e!')'lhln£1oea. Cara to s R 10 1 s 1 , l 1 •••••• ................ , ~..,...,....11 ..m!.M • 1 tooti8 . 94 W8aterfronl. Stay Alive, 11 un1q uo I typewriter •du~le Pft<'hc P .. L:fi~t wk/ bRe n <' thl . or only sa.oo / Celt 760.0SJJ MlM 75. l!:...::....ll#.:614.J.. un A r 4_ . . cusette/workbook pro-~xt.r• -~pe' atylea " rib'. .,....,., "unc . e<'en Y )'Our Easter menage _. RefH&. lcemaker St50 ~m>nd Hf[1n~d u fl· Slereo Ht·FI $50· pine 11raro tor vi<'tlmt of .m,.~o Mfi!IG t...un . l!il.:J 2 will appear with ~ dtt/ TV Cir SlOO New ('rib plate aoblets, clothes. ;=· 14 go • Sl 5· poortableS20. . !\fart auaclts, SltOke ' I I Upnaht Plano. Aa ls Has the bunny above 1912. ii fl Sport;ii;er 'Y,,, '' •o 175. New pr lamps sso Iola of other neaUhln&s --. ~h blooDreuure. IBM tyri~nter, New keys Nd.:s flniahinr lnlhe Dal~ Pilot cabin. 140 HP Mer<'. -.t. " ..=:ll!.l.l!.u:.ev!.!a~-II>' to M0.·1501 Anita Ln Moc .. 1ry 1071 Q;..1, video, pinballs, __,llj, llf7·~ xlnl con ~uon ll6S ~!l.642·8764 °'C.Efr:!;:561;~:a tquip'd for f1sh1ne Xlnl 0 ••0 •••uuuuuuu SUPER GARAOl:l SALE ~~:StrUftl NB Sat only 00•••••••h•••••••••••• arcade. 11 totaJ claa•in, Bltxllfl Wood Storage Wurlitzn elec. organ rharie it Masterurd rond. S4.0000BO 1974 MONDA. f)irn, clothes. stamJ)I, ------All COMNISSOI 1111ticrue.1 Sell out! Dy• Bl · 3118 lhmUton St Exec 11' walnut duk. wlbench, 2 keyboards, a.ocJVis1t welrome. --~---Slrfft le IL bcsT orfer covers. misc Sat/Sun Much furn, appl. clothes. ~~JUJ onejhiH-60 eal ~74; evs5;il 3642 8 M S:o~~" 0~· 11~~e~~n~;0 xlnt cond $400 540.~19 loatt. w 9060 ..Xl'"-'11-""==--- g.Ns. l~ .. ~Gttl Dr .,SCdlM' ~:ci~hi!~~:,t12~n ~er=· .. "!'~,~~: Angel Season tickets (IP· f!r'dl ~£ 22-0d ~CM Sot{Sun 9-6 Tadeo Kayak-••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 HONDA, 750-f' h blk. 4 o.,.._ ange ae 112-s:llO prox IOOJ at face value TENNIS CLUB. Sl400 Ol!l'OfllUSINESS SldMcJ 1093 S2SO 151/ 'DINGHY r~K~~er~1fe~ r~t Antiques, furn .• dishes. 0 -l&t!. No limit. 548'31M Please <'All weelt days Desks. <'ha Ira. equip ....................... 7Sl/ l288 F1berg~asstd &; with l''on d f u 50 fl rm glassware, small ap. M VIN G SALE . ROCKWELL 10" l1ble Co b St .. rli· 0 640-• ""'nt mi'•" •• 9•1117, Pr Ro1u1ignal Sl11~. hind oars-n.p4a.._~ pies. blankets. sheets. E\erylh1111l 1oes Living saw t.'/<'atblde Ii d•do r am "' n" --~ ~ '"-~ • lnp, sz 718 boot, S22S In loafs, Mari"' !l!:..:.:.ll!L "X.!2:V• ~71_~,.__ ____ _ light fixtures, Easter rm set. stereos lamps. SISO. 631•3943 _ flall wear service for IO+ Old pocket watch. SlJIS. Gorgeous uer d~sk . foSM·~ L.J-ttt 903( '81 Capn 2S. loaded for 78 YAMAHA IT400 "-'·~ t ti pictures dres•ers beds •l Htttsones, Lenox Dunrae Pbyre dble le" credenu. ronf table. _,..,....._ •-nrew I I baas ""-~ I 1 l t d ...,...ique i ems1 co e<' . ~ i.1' h . MKell• 1w IOIO Cltln•t Dresden Vases1 table SlOO Old vanity" c-..u G--.L. 109• •••••••••••••••• ••• •••· rare "' ' . ., . ~ eea . x n C'on . lions. Steif animals & refr1ig.1 TV 's,_ "tcsen .......... :: •• , ••••••• T 1 11 11 n 0 G at 11 tool .120 Ch d book<'Uei. bar & more ~ vu... Compass E.S. Ritchie. 6' dodger. auto pilot. Wee new. approx. $800 Beyer horses. riding agp p anls. ;:iat"' un PorrelaU\s, + 1>41·1917 s • . . or organ, JS!n_t_condJ&!.97& ••••••••••••••••••••••• sphere, flush mount dll\ifly, VHF & more m:2345_ ---c~ & equip .. name 1 6 7S9 W l9lh B20I wkndlfever 640·9356 .~.( New & unused IBM 7S li~ted w rhrome rove1 Slip & term' avail Honda CBJSO. xlnl <'Ond. children s c othes quet Club membership. ly used Ansafone by Die CollH:ti ~Ito &at trailer. Sl2S. for 14 :Kl' Ccronado w imoorinl(. ~· 631·519S brand me~·s. w1omen·s && qf ~ Carol, Rancho San Joaquin Rae Typewnter. Also slight Or9IC)t Co. G• & t!~67J.1950. _ S86-~ ~/OBO Also helmet shoes. 3J0.22nd St .C M Couple $ISO. Days t.nphooe. & Skutch Unit -Al'RI LCfl4,9.$' boat, med. sizt> wheels 4 ryl gns en~. sao.ooo .74 YAM 750 Xlnl clean. Sat.&iSun 9-8 Leav1111J country. must ,11 • WAMTID 549·9866. Eves 751·2148. But offer Jim BUY•SELL•TRADF: 673-11732 _ ..§!!!14.3 S700 Must ~II GREAT SAT/SUN 9 4 417'2 sell ttus wkend. Marine USIDIOOIS As!forC ril ---m4J63l·2ASS, Fealunng weapoos or ~· Sa1lboa1 Kit. Int 80"i BUY 842·4063 Poinsettia, CdM . 1in al equip hsehold furn.. For our u.sedbOOk sole, lttttcel•eon IBM Correcting Selec all eras, sword.'!. <'Oins. ~Keo 6 I 20 I ed 3011P d I --- leyJ Multiple f o mlly loots. '78 Honda. '74 Brighten someone's day take books to any Nwp_l tric, duul pitch 15 in war souveniu. antiques. F\sh finder Brand new l'Omp et · iese HARLEY· DAVIDSON sale. Plants, dbl bed. Renault. Many more with a Classified lkh Llbrary. FRIENDS W..t.d IOI 1 Carriugc, x!nt cond $7SO gun smith/I on premises ~~7~ Qui r~ sale 526·000 Knu<'kle Basket rue. chest,bakec'srark.elc bargains. Sat t Sun flntee·•r•!! OF THE NEWPORT ....................... 675-7314 01'onge Co "l''oir '81 Hondal7SHP Out 1144•57 . mostly orl1tlnal 9-4pm. 244S Elden Ave -ro I $6.00 BEACH LIBRARY sca•M lfJS grounds. C.M. Enter board, OW hours 13' Sherwood ~ trailer. Sl600 080. Garage Sale-furn . girl's !KlC.M. yourO:t~re~messa11c M "L Gatt13AoffArUngtonSt Perfect cond S496 goodcood.$995 ~·059J clothing. stereo. wu 11 1 'NSWERS MQW IS THE TIME -~-·SO_IO 7~ 0437 hangings. Sal only, w appearwllh Craftsman 10" Rod111I ft for JOb seekers to <'heck 'IWJ Suzuki 7SOE. 8000 rn1. s.Gpm 21932 Vacation CdMGARAGESALE lhebunnr.above Saw,cabinetw/drawers h 0 1 Pil 111 WEATHERBYRIFLES t,;sed crws1ng mainsail 16fts.1De • extras. must sell. best Ln .. H B !nr Brookhurst Applrs. anlq. stove. in lhe Da1Jy Pilot 195 966-1969 Artery -Brawn 1 e ai Y 01 e P 257m, 300m & 378m IOoz. luff 4.2 fl. ISfl 6 in All wOOd: -Sptuce und offer 642 90~ & BaMJn"L 1 lh & 1 •21 on Easter Sunday. Inlay -Rosary Wanted dusifirution. rt XI d 9 6 W'>U\ Mahoaan) All ng"in" "' toys.co es msc" Clll1642-5678and Bavarian Handpa1n1 WARRANTY lheJobyou want 1s not ntron 1151-7 5 ...,,, n1 " ii" All Utlleold lad> must sell Sat.Sun 9 am lo 4pm. P01n,ell11!..Sat;Sun9·2 rhargeit.Mastercard 18"Hi. Vase (1920's) Mybrother·in·law'snew there you might con· Re mington 870 Pump _673·S340 -:;;~~r~0~1~~~~ 5750 '78 Yamaha YZIOOE. Furn. bikes . misc Black & white TV. Day andVisawelcome. $200, Goldnm Cryslal car had eight things go sider offering your Shotgun 12GA . Full, loah.Powtr 9040 QBO Jimf>46.J I04 xlntcond~.979·!_94_1_ household items 25 Bed. Refri,e, Washer. PI ales . CI asses . 14Tong wrth 11. Lurky for service& with an ad 1n ~)"Vent Rib Mint Cond ... •••••••••••••••••••• -·7~ Yam.. ha Dirt Rike BowlmgGreen Or CM_ Dryer, Guitar, many S7.60 ea . Franc1sran him. two of them were l he Job Wan led J;!IO 960 ~ 40· Owens Tahitian. live· 19 0o'Nneaster 38' Cut MX 100 Good cond S22S S l 9 < E 1 40 other Items Sal only Family Membersh ip, Ouna-Mounla111 Laurel. C"Overed under the WAR · _categorv Phone642 54)78 c.a....=...: • t __. aboard slip avail. Call Ler, auto pilot. VHF _Call96S·2@7 Unt\ J~ffre'}~1 R on !.'1§.''lGoldenrod,CdM · Onihrs~ Athletic S17S; Stereo Console RANTY -~ ...,.......,"HCIWum, Judy or Ha ne) radio !'lean $66.000 - Uruv . R on Michel!>On. Assistance League Tb rift Cl11b7sri7s0 7S2·6020, M : Polaroid 450+ At Offkt Fvntffwe & Offkt FvrNtwt & lar 109S 642·4644 blwn 9am·5pm 7 I 4 6 2 8 8 4 3 8 Wl~~~~~~Vi ri~s R on Jordan to I Shop, "'-ste~ S~ecial. tarh. 37~ 1 '--' .... 1015 ""...! -' 8015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7..!4 i!lfi·~.714 499·41S4 ...,. U b I J I ..,..P"'fm s.,..pewm St.ir Popl'orn M arhme , .00 1 ~Ca~h._ _ .§42:!,1120 Hawthorn In Sat _Apnl 3t . l 2PM. sea e u n o r Kenmore dryer $150 2 ............................................. , poj)l'Orn l4arrnE'r deluxe '78 27l'lfl BAYLINER u H 113210, tr r. rll<'t' -GARAGESALE 500~5\.N.B. ~1':!r~hair 125 L:all 714 europeans1ngle beds w I •••••••••••••••l!l•••J Wlurl ... md rollon rand> "Victona" Fly bndge. ~g,_2 sets or s.ill~. xlnt llHlondaTra1190. 702Arat·1a, CdM G 1 ant Yard Sa I e . drawe~ 646 7S97 I I machine. EC'hols $no... \11F radio. bait tank. ~-bll 962·6775 runss~.~ffer __ S_aLonl.l'. 9 4 furniture, kitchen wear. LOVE IAl.LOOMS ~ta Video-tape mo\ 1e~ <J -.IJ I )1 cone ma rhrnf'. :.oml' depth f111der. outn~gers, loats. Slifll/ ANTIQU&5. pme & oai...: ~s. b1kesSt all goes. 724 Henenfy Tor Eas{er paid S60 to 175 pt>r mo\ ----• • ~~~ 11600 for all b.:}~n:~~rli:an Wi sell Doc.b 9070 \~k'!'8n~~ ~~~g~~ ~~5c: ~~s~e~.~e5~'·1:w ~!js:iw111:!~. ·bib tops. ~1~~:r~d ~~rr:r~ ef~; 00oneE01~~11i1~0rA: r~~ 1 DOZEN FREE PENCl~S I TV, Rocio, Call64HM3 OOA~tsl.iP.rA\~~ir ·· ~~:;s14~~r'~1:t~1n~4ts6 9-1. 642~ Jackeu. pants. boots e,·en. Ol:casion 6734419 ---wilh SS purchase & coupon thru 4130 1 HIR, Ster.o 109' ~~~~ 33~r~ .• 2~~:. ~· Qill 646 4629 Su""r Garage Sale l6QI 3134 Kerry Ln. CM For sale membership 1n Saxon bond copier for ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14• Boslon Whaler. RI 67. ,,,., .,,. .. 9 c R';; th La n e N S: ~32U J.ohn Wayne Tennis sale $9SO as is or best of SAVE SAVE SAVE BEAlTIFUL 25" RCA 25hp Ennrude. x Int _ . .-_·-n. .>J>m Motor Ho.ts, Sale/ WestcliH 646 S3S5 9 SSat/Sun 9.4 Rolla way Club. Sl.100. Contact fer Sharp 720 ttond rolor T\' i.ale 2 vr 14 rn s¥.W00~~·7814 For rent. Shore mooring Rtllt/StorO«je 91'0 Sal /Su 1 bed f . SlO p lbl Kathy Wilson at tenms copier $900 C PENS lv Sl4R Fr~ dellve1 \' up 10 18' S40 mo NB ••••••••••••••••••• •••• n -J rame' h' ·d. r c I u b I( sn te rested 6J!.:.!.Q!Q..ask for DaH' Bl . mt'd point, reg $3 411. aaldl 6Qid</uon "IV Jnhn 's 646 17116 <.:entury 21 Resorter §'.IS-747 R e n l 2 2 • I u x GARAGE SALE' lampis, $25. C 11 s sew· 644-8HXI BIC PENS: hilt' po1nt. ~ S4 68. sale S2119tdor.en ., Xlnl t'ond. Lo eng. hrs rho 1 If Furn dining tab 1 e. l ma ch. $4. Eler oven. ---· -----Re!n.J: S200 Twin herb. LF.CAL PADS: reg Sil.SO. aate S9 49Jdou>n M1~ro14 ave TV Antenna ~ 4!14:3414 Side Tie av111I for up 10 'c:.\~ S29rrew: ':-~!> ~~lt utensils. misc. Gar m re· S20 Lockers. s.1S Trash Walnut shutters.? pr. $40. $200. SUzuki street bike. CASCADE Xerographic pa~r. reg $6 50, sale l~t run mo\•1es, Sl59 msl 18' boat SIOO mo ar. Start 9A M 954 2 c·omp. SSO. 4 wr. iron Hohner accord1an SSO ~ .. 644·2?_99 $4.25tream 9ani 9pm . 638·8724 Twin Dlenl 67S·2685 &40-8.'lSS. Ham11ton •19 nC'xl door cl\rs, S3S. 2530 Santa Girls bike SIS ~1·2259 M .. ..,_1 Dolls 33• E~ Cnliser :.r LIDO MOORING RENT 26 ft motor homr to H Ith S AM C M .--19 in portahlc l'nlon·d TV 100 hrs how 2 I" SI™' 8. full' luadt'd ea pa ... · ----Walerbed. king sz w16' 0.,_631 0382 r<'nk\ll' l'ontrol z IT' • er. " With 22· Thunderbird ""' , bookcase headbour<I GRIFFITH STATIONERS old S2St) or orr~r staterooms. radio, ett• thru·hull.673 7444 &IS·8611l "' ,., • ·"11 •i; 642-5678 · ' 11-.11., • • I 1 • • " l• • 1 'r ., l J r1 I• ~ · 1' • Autumnlla1eM1nkSlole. Sun·ev SRll.000, nov. _w.,_S39·Sl38 perfect ~1 080 Whill' 714 Adam• A•~ l utte 101, Huntington IMch ~I 2'l12 SSS.OCXI· Can arrept l·ar Near new Alan i:ame. + Fox Stole SJOO OHO 980-7689 7A.'flllh 19 in Color. poita or lrUl'k in lrude M1i;h1 On shore moorin1c Motor llome oldt-r GMC Balboa Island Su B.i> DlK gd. ntl'l' inside. nd~ 8tapes. $125 l>a~s 833 1153. E1 c~ '-•••••••••••••••••• 1 bll•T\ $1511 .Xlnl ('l)nrl r111an('C hal IWi-6712. 0( -:-:------------------! __ S1!!:.SJ~ 73.u159 760 IJSll I 629-~ .. 14 1lh Boat SI O oou P!llnl. minor repair~ b7S-41~ ~ Un an 646·4S2~ Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • Bring them or mall them with correct cath to DaUy Alot. 330 W. 81y St.. Coat• Me11, CA. t2626 • Eich Item muat be priced with no tttm over S50. 20c pe• Nne -SU><> mlrlmum. • No livestock, produce or pl1nt1 • No commercial ads allowed our famous \ DIMES-A-LINE • DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678 , ext. 319. BIBLEKJV In l6c:as1etleS TWIN bed $30. Swivel SEARS 6 amp bat~ BABY Items Porta mb I ANTIQUE oa.k 4 drawer INDUSTRIAL vacuum ANTIQUE walnu1 dimng rJRES and runs 660-14 CLASSICAL gu11ar by FOUR an11que fireoplarf' $20. or 23 stereo records chain S20 eech Stereo m charger $1 S. Kennedy S25. Play pen Sl5. Chan· file-rabulet w1lh lovely w11h attachments and table ornately turned Mid $10 earh. Adding ma-Benjamin Garcia with fenders or fool resl.B of ,23. Vinyl case S7 All cablllet S40 Bakers rack 1001 chest U5. Four gmg table SI O. Clothing. , brass pulls $-45 Anuque dolly $25 Slim Jun eicer-carved legs $SO. Four chine SS. Two black and Cast> $50. Ladies bowling ropper bras and c;ut iron new . never uud . S2S. SeWUltlmachWS35. 9.50xl6.S 8 lug Dodge birth lo 4 years IOc-SS oak lrlnlil case braa fil-cuer. great for lhe tum-matdung chairs S2S each. whil.t'1'V's$15eal'h. 19in ball with cue StO Music S1 5-S25 Brass petite :>48-9832 Shelves $20 Girls cloth· we S25 each. Craftsman Slrolee walker SIO Two ung1 $8. Wooden handle my SIS. 673-3567 Very good solid oak di· 1 color TV Sl5 Range hood stand $5. Music books round ball and irons S2S 1ng $1·S2S. Wall bangingJ V1b sander $15. Pool vac· Strolee car sealll SS and bottle capper $6. Jenny L w NM O WE R h mng t.able wfth leef S50. I $5 Blue shag rug 6ftx8Cl SI-SS Costumes SS-S20 • Brass cane suand $4.SO SMALL camper shell, and pictures Sl-$25. Ste-uum hose S15. Three U 5 Car bed $5 Back Lind 1~_bed, dokluble t:pe, includes c•l~h!r. Five maMtduhng cha~ S25 SIO Wht'ekhair $20. Long dl'\.'SleS SS·SJ-0 Hu Eleven class1r old solid wood S30. Two long sll· reo $40 Turntable S3!1. drawer roll·a -way $50 pack SS. Three baby site $35. ~llent o tel nice condition SIS l.a<hes each ate Ing <:in.oenz.a Fireplace !ICreen S!I. TV man hair wigs SS·SIO brass fireplace tool sets ding door cabinets S2S Lamp Sl5. Saturday only. Rotary lawnmower $35. buggies $5 each Baby of billiard ba1la $18. Pro-or buffet $SO Old woo· stand S2. Two reillng Costume .iewelry 50c·SS S9·S28 Braas log basket each. Lawn swing 150 8am-6pm. 21932 Vacation Thor skil saw S50 Box bedding !IOc-$5 Johnee femoMnal cue sticks SI ~~?'~':: '::rk;l~~:;7~n5g dSe 2 n 36G lllc 1 h gaielehg table fixtures $2·S5. Two cola Lighted make up mirror with hons paw fttl SIS 556-0998 Lane. Hun1ing10n Beach cemenl finish tools $10. Jumper $5. Two twin each any sites of pie-675-6278 5 ate eg ma ogany 50c: each. Dishes 25c eae_h. S5. Men's saddle leather Unique 22 inch flame RADIOS $2·'4. Boxes TV near Brookhursl and 18in black and white foam mattr-. $5 each lure frames. much oak dining table S45. Neat Yardage 2Sc yard. Cloth· valise Sl5. Picnic beskel shaped brass and irons tubes. new electronic Ba.Ming portable T.V. $20-8YtXIJ Bottle warmer S2 Food 50c:-$5. Large selection of BLACK Weber BBQ S40. 1903 bird feeders $5 Old mg 2Sc-SI. ~t)..0924 $4. 548-5556 $18. Many old iron and s reams paper $3 each. Ar.-warming tray SS. Sofa antique chairs and rock-Chrome. walnut and cane wooden golf clubs S4 brass andiron seis SS-128 components 25l'· 1 SLLDEprojectorfor3Smm IOf1ed nuts and boll.I 25c m. Chair $25 Table $4 en for home and office: ben1wood rocker S50 each Antique English SlNGLE heavy duty 3 SCHWINN Unicycle s45 Solid brass fireplace Ocean {~h1ng reels. poles. 2 ,, . works hne S20. lb. Antique open end .Flanl sWld S2. Saturday Antique oak Capt1in1 Bamboo h1&b back arm made Davis cup tennis s~aker c;ib1net 12 inch Toboggao 6ft $35 Mat-acrttn SS Jttavy steel i.ekle OOJ(, full SIQ.430. 501nx501n movie acuen wrendis $2 each. Anllque only 514 Bolla Ave . chair $50. Ttlt swwel of-t•ha1r $SO Fial top an· racquet $4.50. BeauufuUy wooret. mld range, and tress, single SlS. Man's fire grate S8 Brass En- 548·9832 hke new $18. Rtt1 IO ~I model A mag $25 each. New p o rt Beach flee chair S30 Excellent tique trunk not restored. contoured club lounge tweeter $35. Black 3 way wool .JICket. slz.e IMdlwn Kltsh made Spiloon $4.50 /\NTfQUE (1930) stroller ta~ recorder worb fine Arbor bench grinder with (Bet we-en Wellmlnsler oak hearth rocker SSO. has orig1n•I wood and chair upholstered with I.able lamp $8. Beer rlgn SID. Man's navy suit. sU.e ii inch orMle polished $50Twooaktableleaves SIO WheelsforChevy$5 motor $25.Singletube and Orange. off old Matchedaetof4old leath er trim SSO muchfinesolidwood Sl5.Twocabinetswith12 42 S1D Recordalbums brassva.w$5Selecuonof SID. Antique h1ghcha1r each 894~196 fiuoresoml camp light $5 Newport or 15th, Cocta bentwood chairs $45. 714-551-4751 showing S50 Hundreds mch speaker Mid tweet.er 50t-. 54.5-3839 Costa MfU old brass waffle irons $30. Luge wicker baket KAWASAKI 175cc En-Folding cot $2. Hand sta-Mesa. Wooden baby doorway of~ npstop nyk>n 34.in $-40 f.oc the two. 18 mch KING sbe bed with he;Mf. $4-S12 Vantage working $5. Plans pot S2 Pl.ayben duro ( 1n74) •"". ,.._n J-L pl~. SS2. 979-0229 Coeta gate S4 Uruque old Sabol CERAMIC href~~~ ..... ~o_!s diameter parach111e1 neat Black and white Zeruth board. box ipnnp. frame 1obd oop""r elrctnc he&· SIO. Sliver plate $3 A.ah· 675-3014 ..,., ~ _.. M...,... ORIENTAL rug S25 Bev-cradle ~th anchor l'Ot'ker SIO. Bookcaae rmouuuw"· pl.aythJng for all ~ l l TV S3S. 12 inch Black no mettrem $50 548.3579 ten S9-si2 Beauufl&l JPt tray 50c. "Used once". eled. mirror S5 Old oak ends SSO. Handcrafted pink $lO. Antique trunk e.ch. 5 foot parachuies S2 and white VKF.IJHF TV of old cast bronze ihlp Skill Qw S30. Exercise MAPLE cabinet with BLACK and white TV chair. high back S IS and painted chlld'a chair S50 Padded toy cheat each Old wood stock Red $2S Portable typewriter NAUGAHYDE 8fl sofa bookends S2a. Many old bench SlO. VW radio $10. record player. am/fm $30. Day bed SIS. Wick· Hea•d &laH u r ved M 50 Colleclioo antique f 10. H1de.-a-bed couch Ryder BB gun 18 Flnt SS . as is Short wave S25. Two Wllli chain S15 and anllque oil lam pa Clamps SI . 7 5 each. radio SSO. Blue velour er stand $8. c:ottee table windows $10. Very old cameras and tripods 20. Oreaer and mirror cased Co~ clarinet S50 receiver. am/fmlmb/wbl eech Four drawer dfftl. SS·S3 5 Old nine in<'h Oamp1 $3.509'h Model couch, cirw.lar, in excel· SJ. Refrigerator $35. neet of ~ble. $45. Roe· S7·S3S Charming old $20. Blue 2 piece courh Vanety colors permanent whflpb $25. Working er $10 Kmg sl~ water-solid copper working saw SS Hoist Sl7 19SO lent condition SSO. Wash and dryer 135. klnrchair $20. Ma.hopny handcrafted wood roe-$60. Pair nJihl stands $7 ink markers 5 for SI black and whit• T V 17 1 bed S50. Mattress and slups oil lamp $21 Boxes hair dryer SS Walnut Booksheln S7 Student Guitar $45. Elecuic ro-lamp cable 125. Woocf filT king hol'9e $8. Oul1c oak Metal cabinet base $5 New boxed upped Light-inch $20. Martel tube heater S25. Drapes and f f' Id I I foot stool S 15 1459 desk S7. Varuty sink $10. tiuerie $8. Toaster $5. ecreen $10 Copper fire child's rocker with arms Hobby desk $8. Pair tw1.n era SI each 6 inch mag-type HiFi stereo receiver wood mini blinds U . ~oltd~~p;r~r~s~~:i; Oeauville Place. Costa Hanging baskeu. 4 inch Desk chair 12. 436 'ii ICf'ttll $10 Cobbler bench ft o. Sever a I d ea ks mann., nice $35. Radios mfy mirrors new 3 for with speakers S30. Ma· Washer $5 Dryer I 10. pewter pitchers, trays, Men (College and pots, laallonpots Goldenrod,Coronadel coffeelablt'$35.Wnting IO-S50.Clum>omdesk S2·145.ColleNblebottles SI Newbox'edGillette rlnerad1otelephone Dlshwa.sherSIOTVS20. bowlsandurns Sl·l25 Gialer) 25c-$10. 3729 S. Timer, Mar. 675-9407 dnk S50. Prints en4, $10. Solid oak Mi.,ion S35c-$16 Insulators $1 Atra double blade lhaver traNCl!iver. needs cabinet TV stand S2. Toys Sl-$3. Two 12 inrh heavy cop· Santa Ana, oft Sunflo-frames Sl·UO. Vanity Ubrary desk SSO. Walnut Books 1Sc-S2. TV c:omole, SI Attractlve new Ging· $20. Solid Slate amlfm Oishee $3. Cooklnc pans d 1 AQUARIUM 20 gallon wer, Main. SatUrday 8:30 ~lngl'eS ~bfk~. =r. bench lift top S5·. Fool vanity or piano bench $8. radio and record player ham cloth and eyelet lace Multiplex stereo with S3-S5. Cluset Sl. Book.a c~~.~ore~t ~4~~~e::<'ohn complete with a land. IO J:30pm w ~ stool $8-$20. Wicker chalt Variety of kitchen dining $40. Baby play pen, wood trimmed flower pots ideal record changer and apea· Sl-$3. Magazines Sl·U . pump. heater. gravel, lent look• and rldl~ $20. Morrlaoak chalr$2S. and coffee tablee $6..$50. $1 2 Box paints S2 for gift oookles or planta kers S45. Variable stro-Bean baa chairs 12. Has-Antique and vint.agedoor rock, light $25. Dave CRIB SIS. Wood Pott·a-condition $30. 727 · 36 piece Poppy Trail Two excellent matching 536-6386 evenings or all 35c.eoc each Pairs of bellght $12. 15 inch tire llOdt $2. llec:tronlc pmes seta and plumbing fllure 963-9136 . crib mattreaal bwnper 20th Street, Cosltiif" china $12.50. Kitchen teak cabinet lamp tablet day -rue.lay. hard rock maple •hoe and wheel S20. 2130 SUI. 26ln g!rll bkytle no. of poret!lain. brass and GIRL'S 20in bicycle, like pads $15. Ch ld'a alep (ttAr bowie). 642-54 7 prlnlllve 50c-$4. 1822 $30 and $45. Large telec· COUCH 7ft $50. Atta nip trees. neat for candle., Doctors Clrcle.~pt D. Boys bicycle U . 2x L ~= !~i:!· g~~l~~~t:: new $20. Boy'• Moto '':1 $3. ~lr:~'!:fJ!; TWIN bed, flrm, exlra Monrovia (alley)8• Be-lion of anllque and vln-S3-S5. 19in black and bookend.1 S3. 70,000 un-Coal.a Mesa. 642-7589 Nego 8 tnck tape p!Ayer S50. Antique sink with en-bicycle $15. Ore9-er ' eJCce e larlC SJS. Jewelry 10.:.,Sl. tween 16 and l7th !reel. tagr farm and kitchen white TV needs picture Uled color polU:ards from CHEST of drawers $30. $20. 2949 A.ndrot, Cotta fl 5 M u h er. four drawer UO. ~k~~'b:~ Portable b111lnet wltb CoNMeu. tools and containera tube $5. Hamllton M.lxer .flhy'a beach area, 1he Oropleefta.ble$20.Chest Mesa Sat&Sun 10-2 ~~=::froma:Jeryl~ Black swivel desk chtlr $ S eel allknt1t ~red net top $20. In· TOOLS and left CNer hard 2Sc-SIO. Antique grain $3. Sunbetm hand m1Rt way it w11. aeet for cards 110. Shop vaaium hardly BAR and atools set Ull. for floor, table and cetll.ni $10. Re1ln1 electrl and 5· ~. Cb.ua·, fa nu and ch lldren• wood (llllboony. teak and ecy1he $18. Collection or Sl.50. ~ce crusher SU O. or lnviladons 15 for Sl. Uled $20. Black lekphone Table• $5-$30. Lamp• S3·SSO. Neat wood ina broom $10. Bird caae. ~d·~~flre e!Stne SS~ clothee 10c:-S2.50. Adult otber), afao plywood antique tools 50c;Sl5. tour slice l.Cmlel SOe. Mr. Good selection of boat $5. Sliding glass doors S2-SIO. Bed• ind heed-brass ships wheel wall very~ SIO. ~pie-Electric toddltr Dune clothet l0c·$3. Record plecea fro11> tl to SIO. &.wood handled brace Coffee Maker, pot and oan '2·$9. Ta~red me· with frame. screen, 8ft board1 $3-$20. Three lamp SS. Brass double ture frame $2. l...argoa fan b ' $25 p~yer $35. C.E. record So& bed $50. 948-2377 S7. Boxee of boat aear filters $5. Clock rM11o SS. hogany Sabo\ let board $30. Two ~t ~ $5 high beck ber stoola wt chimney itmdent floor on wheels $30. Efeau, Buuy, lit~~• S 10• wsthi1'81;11o $3S. Two pol'> 111.hta and rope S25c·Sl0. White toiltl eeat SUO. witb all bronze flttlnaa and SlO. Italian porcelain S38. Floor pollaher SS. Lamp $30. Bra. and hob- lantem hanau. new f5. 't'oys galore ... 10' l a bl• TV SU each· SLDPINO bet 4 lb down Old bronse and eather Hamburau cooker $5. Sl8. Good Pachftlko ma-fountain no was S69. Tool• S3·S8 Pictures nail rlata. s llchl hurri· Men's ahlrta like new, ==·Santi Kiidltnwatt ~·$1. Pa-(DXCof BerUleJ brand) marlin flsherman'a bar-3729 So. Timer, Santa chine $5. lh30 Inch 631-00~4. 317 E. Und $2-SlO. ApplllnC.'ft Sl·$8. cane chandelier $18 32 medium and Iara• SOc 8'lntl and ~.boolr.a 10c.. Dus 00, Hlt of .l211\41lnt• MH SIO. UI W. Uth AN.-eouth.t MaeAnhur wood framed tt.eed an Strft'\, ea.ta Mea Zenith Am/Fm contolt' ·ndl sood tali! lam $$ edl. Men'a tilS 2Sc eech ~i ~t Sa ~~cf•J l~ltt'ftarnent Teeehlrta 1helvlna 115. Pullman Street, Coet1 Meaa oU Birch. alaa $" '8lalned · stereo phono as 11 S50 ~ntlgue wi<':er t!unk Atla.nt• and Beach. tnew) $S. Beby w1lker aibiM wtlh marble tlnlt (between Monrovia and P. ~and ::KEVY ~ ton pick-up Bolla. jrwelry, ~ lintN. $40.CollMUOf'I very an. ~ t.30-!;30pm. t4 '1'071 25c·U . Four top $20. Three electric Placentia S treett). FIVE G19•14 "h::i.,"2 windows ·110. Pair Jo. rima 1.nd lirn like new babyclothea, IDYlo m>tda. tlque brandlna lrona BulLDlNO matert1la· TWINbedwtlhframt,no Dlck Ce~kI>nertDot heei«a$$.$15.A).stable 648-0lU Saturday r.M·~Ox~51'1dial Ytly alau cabinet U5each. Ford ~ Ion ddhe,clothll'f.kl&chen· ll2.S18.843W 15thSt.. nd •j0' 911CJr'Nirw f36. off reed dft1t1'8t l,.78-IS alwalown cr11tch., ~i. 1-epn. Sunday 1().5pn. or~· door1 UO . Stle<'don pick-mp rims and tlret ware, mualc boxea. old Co1la Men (between Aluminum wl OWi • cbalt $10. Danilh wood $30 ucb. ldelbrock in· Am) cot ta. KLH rM t.lra on Ford, Plymouth of old oak and ftlcllory SIS tlCb. i.a,... bird~ hats and 1boee, black· Monl'O'lla and. Plecentlt Nth ~ JxB, 2lt4, ch1.lr 2c~ t7 50 l•ke rn,nlfold model receiver $U . C111slc1l ROLLER BKATIS, tennla whee l1 2 for 13 !I . lll'IOW alt.It SI0.$35. Many (or parrot J U . Coate bo&tdl 2k·f1. 1102 Corti S~.) S4S-OJS$ Saiur. ::~ m-,i. r.~~~~ 94&-IHt > . IOOO, fitl aa1l blecb for recordt 60c eec:h. Booka lhoe ~-9 $10. Bike 631-3701 call anytime. inllque 1'0Qde.n \.r1.1nka, Mea 942·1'23 Av.. apt A. c:o.ta ,._, 4 day M . Sun 10.5 b.U 121. 10 Ramona MAPLI or walftu\ omi-bod1e 311 "'Ii•· netJ S5c -*'· AdJt*ablt wall 28bl O lpMd ~· ~ LAROE t0fa in p>d con· chttta and boxw S2·tu. NIAR new 23ln Mot.obt'-blocks WHt of Spires t':"-~~~~--­ • S. ~ 140. Hand bo1.1nd auto ......,.._ 94. ~ ta e eu11ue P Yf!r • dltion $60. 83M701 call Enall•h soldl•tt 1m1ll cane Ml,.. bllte frame. Rat111anl. Harb« Blvd, AR DROCK m1plt di· Ori". Wttt Jrvlne Ter· llorW chlAta $12.,.1 t..I. and ~t manu•lt, aew Cit l r on In I board $ & • 11\ytime tnlftk from 1800., btlU fork. heed tel $35. 24 VI· ec.i.a M•. Saturday and nl.nl chain, paddtd ~ ,.., c.otona dtl Mir. ~ICI tll. a.ct '6·$15. Royal Do1.1llon lCAOO PtwumiUc ap &48-11123 . lodca $20. 843 W. lSth Sl, ntl ~red barbt.U p&a'-1 ~y. •ncf •ta. ttt or 4, nl« $4. Two AJ•c.:.e•~ .. hddJ" m~ f45. Hori.-cun ~iltl l2&. Pro-DELUX.1 qu11'1na frame uuuv. . 24 lb Co1t1 Men (between 2~ to 15 It.. all or part Ciondlt.ion 145. •ntwood EASTER bunnyrabblt fha.ch. wt• pi; ta.Ire "loeay f20 place J*'I t.nk rculatar t27 IO till\ CIOl'6ll drill ...._,... •• ~JO:~ Monrovia and Placentia 3 Oc 1 b ~ Sn,. 8 J b IIK! bo)'l 10.petd 291n rocker, can• back end eaae with feeder $12. Olk ;'f:~l2. Mttlnc. M1'. ~ = t$. ~ U. •io'. .. Ill vari.blt apeed ~~bra. anchor Stneta). Ml-Oll$ S.tur· wtflhtbelt $?.Off-M72 Huffy $3.5 Cadllt.e and •at, new condition •~ ~c!d!1s~1~ :;-<'oC~ tab(~ =~o;.:!1:.!: P£AYrii 'WOOd or fti1i1 ~n·!~·n1l:::t.aro!1~i f!!; 100, .. t0t 1149t1a abntbor day 9-8. ~Ill-$. l'RUCKtolnilerln ... ~.1ffi:,=·a~ ·=~~::a~~t~r~!1~&~ ,.... tdlW ft. ie&M'Mln llOOI Allio Qrcit, B•lurday only t-a. !?r. H.ICh ch1tr, wood drtWft pllNr' fa A1rlim c.-.n " · ft ronu $40. ThNt boat~ rilN '2t 0.. '-bf"" 97&.tm ="•=•'\: t': r,.oun.. 4'Mllt •im ;t: :t, "::... ~ "'"="tis. Soll· :=,·~• ;f.i ;:~,:=~~::.".: =~i :/l;t: i ~"r. t: :~u"""c ... H-. -.,-t-,e-d-,.-a-~-,. aftlt~M ... 90htxUI• OA)t ~. ~ *· Cd .. ~..... .... ....... 06f~t ~ b .. tu. •• ~ ,..... ..... lllOUntll\f lnall. uetloaa ~ SlO. Ai..,.,. cww·. •w u . tiu ..... ydt $SO. eft ....._~ • .....,..,. HI BoychetU.-•Y., M~.-k:.:.,_ ._.ti ....... goiW....,. -... eacll.Twobroaae._. UO. W-orih much PIDWtl ~ Cllli~~ ~~e-•hMle·•·'-4, -.M ......... J:'iril:"' ........... ~ =-·" ....... :~M ...... ·.~·'_!.~C Jl~r:.;-:. =..·~a.;:1::·~ !J ... \methi .. ut. ~-.......... ;:r••....i1w :ti;.=:--...... -. ... ~ II ~'ii =::.·~··-= :;:..._ .lllft -( I m~~~U'.:,:: :='i=~ Twtle!_;::,.I:!; .,....... ~---• 1 .. ,_. • ....... ..,...... I " .... ~_. w•• r.-·1• ...----....... uial.-.-...... MA~"' . r.Mt•• =...~~ •n·~~-IOY'll~.:,-.l: ·11cra.•n m" -..... _.._.,... • .-. ~::;!".-....,mu ,...... .,..__ ... 4hi9 .-nii'r i1iii CZ.I~= r.:~--· . ...'u. ::.':::.con• 11n1. 5i.1-r.1._, 1lf ~.!!.•:--a I-...... -.J:.-..... _....._-... tllidt ft ~.t.ii111 '•rt ................... lt·tl.'1HW.HU1 w ~.';',";~ ... _.-~ ..... ...... _.... ..... ... Oillll.: • ... • • Of'MQt Cout DAILY PILOT /Satulday April 3, 1882 Cl .,.._..._ ... W.J tHO a..arM huW ..._., .. ,,.... ...._-,,rW ~Uu4 ~.,_. -~~ f 160 ................................ '•••••••••t·~ lf!l_••_•••l'··••••••tv.11 ,, .. , ............ ..,.,"" ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• •••••,••••••••••••••" -................... -................. . .. •••• ......... 'Jl~P u. ..... ,,,, --'1H ..... '1U,... t7IO ···~ 9770 C1• tttl a..... •no,. .. . ~~ot • Ch11\oOk wtlM:t a t r mi ultr1 .......... ,,,, .. , •••••• •••• ••• ••• •••• .......... ••••••••••••• ............................. ,, •••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• -••••••• .. •••••••••• , i.I .. 4, PGPl&IH rltu s T30 Ktllh' AJla llOO :"II Al'.cord, 4 dr, S spd, 1-6 -1.,....,. ~-I "11 Sedlft O.Vlltt, xtnt 'II lflnu. 4 dr, a cyl, i"" 'IO Must1n11. lftdl,..., Mii 11'1. ~ ~l45" Y.-ctC .... .,.._7 •liver. air 1terto, tTt' t rv -"9 YA" . PRE rood ,000, By appt =Alt. lb. Pl On.I)' 11_tr,allpwr,IQ,ml, 'T:I T\ol It' · Ill MI -Da All PllU lo *ve-rno1 1 ~ • ·S ?M•A Iii. lttttr 1 hin rullbtr. ~ 080 151511 ~ ~ "' uun Plrkup. rtblt lfOO h> Velore nc ~iAcliMliifrt00d TOTALLY R!CON 'II EIDo d 1 ' rnf!Jto~ : .. l'f:G· ;f.ie:lw Pllnt. 12250 :ist~..O rr•t141 Slt?e~ ~~~Int. f:t\i9i~.lealfo~tn;h,~f1~ DmONEJ> . t.000 mJ~a.r, S::. a1; Cllr• ttzs "r!:"'~1:!:1• pou:::.~:t~: ,.....,... Tmtl ti 10 '72 Ford "'250 Pk up '79 Alfa Sports Stdan ::JFM uuette. air Btiupuo~t UHttte ' i..~\ltl!i: MO-HortM·Y ....................... ll)J 1·uetttt szoou ............ ~.......... Loaded._ xtnt cond 1 auto .. air. aunroof, 'UK --1~.°.r'~ ~ c~r zCxW'~ MA~ ~Of roNr Low ~f~Y.':n1'f.,0 ~ '76 C .. ftUI --~ _ Traller, U ou~all. owner &auo '120·0313, milel. ITOOO GrHt b4.11 . lni~ehey whoieule MANY JO CHOOSE !5ft@i . . dM'" ltl I MUSTANG ltff~. fully tQulp·d A su • 7'9_. __ _ Ka • GWe t7J4 bluebook whlth 11 onl)' • r ROM A wt hf ri&bt 1 c Tl nat"r '· 1 eed doll. C11ll 875 1465 11n ···~' ••••••••••••••••••••••• $12 100 Ca II ( 714) '11 SEVILLE T7K mlltt t!l .. J)aftl. <118PHY I AMf r 1 .. r1dlo &owtr "°"oCtt~nd• -'".._...,_ bl '-. '71DATW1'1112IOI i1 Ghia, Ukt new tn & ' ~. mm Loaded 1~00 otfer. ... stetnnl , '°""~rl>n~•• ' ......._ •~. -COmPfeltry · '"' tJ Allll '707 5 .,,eed. air tondltTon-®t New motor. 13200. ~ lW.l!iL!:iLSlJJ J=Wm,Mon·~I SH:OH3 !\!: ~~! etAN&iell. 11318 ~ ..... , t 110 new f•\nt. Battery, tlQ ........ ••••••••••••••• ,,.. "~te pe-onal Mus• ·•I' 1962 1'1 .... Cl I Co I b 1 a" ....................... "t•r er. 111195/orter '73 Audi lOOCL, lo ml. M~~alel ( "r ··ra9'0> A ~.u.:.: • "" 111 e upe wt MOf~S '7' SHR••• lfllnt •tM. a~ Wll.SONJOID UtJAltu trlr new 4111 _32163_ "ood"""'d,$1000or'"'ast . . " . '81KARMANNGHI/\ ~oor,. eiC'rielMod. 120WWin 'h721'12 Clean, Wt eaul p'd. •• t825liS"&i1-rb"Blvd n t11;&x10,ramp.brk1, ·80 Ch;\' LUV p u Qffer.11'5·n>$ _"""_ ag\yat~ID Gdl,lon~so. l!!!J.§7d7 •mer H ·.., Rllns d.S3,ooo m112200. 141,46! HuntlnatonBeach tfQo.642-89.1§ Mlkirdo 4x4 c·amper ;t!l~~cll lllv<l * 2 '789USCTaraa .. Loaded1 '78VWConvertlble '13 Ne•Port. l owner. Jlil·.6W 19' dual axle trailer. Rood llhell. Xlnt cond. Sfl200. ~n';~~ neath W.. f7ll low cnl. XlnC cond. Cal Whiton White N~ tlrtt. Well main '&8CONVERTIHL£ rond.•. 64(}-112!1 IMW t71 lfJ.6611 ' ....................... s3H!Fl7 720:0300 J.11Md,l800, Ph91l?·0$83 V8. ou1o. air~-~· xlnl ..._ ~·~ '711 Toyota SR5 sbortbt-d ........................ ·78 280Z xlnt ~ond air 1 ·~r~fboc~al:~:~ce '71 Super ~tie, reblt · --Caatbcwhll 9'30 ~.1!19QO. l ~-42AL _ _,,_, ..-... • • '"'" · 110 1...: :..n_::i loo1u & runa are at 1 1 G d' ' d ~ 1 L-Ma;JIY 22 ooo I t d I MCflMrin 9400 xtras, INllll, new pnt -Blaupunkt uerlln llWll M !bltofr.1163ilOZ · or~m · . oo con · """' . · m: " n ron ; &"""-•~•--p~ air. anug top. 15.000 . &· . --AM /FM "ass m'•nr.' ..... t p '· t lthr It en1,ncwp1n•llnt1brk1, '7:1 Seel de Ville 55000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79Must11~Ghl1Turbo. oo•o•uuneueooueu '11T0Yot15 &pd long bed ~res675-WT stereo cass .. telephone B,~, 7$4-0401 I 5 8414 f4800 752 1800k ~kdya --------•I w/ratm shell $3000 "18 2tM>i 2+Z auto am/fm hoolt·up( elec. mirrors L '78 VW Bus, auto, sunrf. '79 Seville, dun, 12 640-41$teve nya A_.._.10.... •·9934 CREVIER BMW air cond Al cond. 40K ~.~10m8m0.aLec.19c1ongnd.: =~pai:a_= $5700. mo /12,000 ml. warr. C..ettt 9'32 ·10 Musi ang convertible . .. ...,, n ml. P1P '1 owner $8000. flJll""" .. ___ or__ IM50.M9=12$6/170·45'7 ....................... ~ restored. 14000 or 0::HS llltbc=l Willtr1de$48·4282 -HE US c~tr•J1j~~·toi~rf~ '10~ ... '11' C-. Hl1 1971Con-n: l2({~7_ TONNEAU-C"OVER ..... W..t.d 95'0 llMW .. _.._ ! '71210'11+1 JOITOUI ~· J.J.4/S§lW 5 spee l air, A IJ FM •••u••H••••••••••••~ ·llUll ada-IWle tt55 .,,. MG' . •8 .......... ••••••••••••• A Tei -"' •81 5 speeif. am/fm , air. ·-casSett. 6.000 ml, Show 19'19 Chevrolet .Camaro. "-"-ttJS ••••••••••••••••••••••• n U I, 71· l WI HHD YOUR ~tod~j$ rzm~~~f are a1h•er lo ml Excellent .. rr MA104 '78 Porache 924 . ver> W~21ean. Forced sale. li\111 power, air cond . ::-:?: •••••••••• •....... 78 1CUTLASS M .Ne63verused,$15 ~~US•fe~' till II bl' w t"Ond.Mustsell llWIY& nitt.fullyloaded.wblse. ...,, -----stereo casst-tte. tilt lt71Dme~ •au1 ana 1'7797 Ive msg 1 . s ava a e · e .7u .a.c.1.0590 $81·0761 dys, 985 4321 vw TIUNG •73 Low mt'. wheel, cruise control1 .... _re 11 oltood SUP"""" t~t'Ol\S er . sper1ahte in · European -.ll:.ft' wm-.. -~-_ ~b lri-.1 T d ' rally wheels & more. ....... g g • 01 , Jt IRC)UGMAM l thru 1980 delivery and nawless l!nS 2llOZ mint l'Ond Ong fACIUrfl '74 T1r11.1. 45000 m1 Xlnt ra a ~u op con New metallic brown lran:fi SSOO AT fop w1tfi v :f: ATPS ~L!~~,!~~~~r~K~ur ~ pre-owned BMW's. owner 21.000 ml silver 1415WDSl.tmuuuoW4 cond. Yellow. S14 .800. finish with saddle in-_.m~.~19165 air condi t ion ing Y .. ~~-t _•""-·-WbereCuslomer w1bl.k ml. S7850 7S21677 eves6'lu""I n•vE terior (833XNR I $S399 ·n Colt Zdr, dlx mdl. tS81UZZ > One of a kmd -·~~~ o>oN Service Comes Jst! ~~JJ!Y.. _ _ ~£.LU. F.arle Ike Toyot.a·Fme AIC. nunt. JOmpg. S2300 al54588 le Sa~:.m~~~i:i~s1~c3 ~nDATSU ... PU 'IG)"AIDJ.626 '64 Porsche Cabriolet 3980 Used Car Sain f]rm.&41-6§06 WIL!tOHFOID ALFA ROMEO PARTS n • • 4 ry11noer. 2 ooor. \.onv.Sll,500 Ul&S-1970 Harbor Blvd .. , Coron 182SS.flJeachlJlvCl All:J"rts to convert JOI l714l 835·3171 Auto. air. stereo. >tint automatic transmission. ___ 673·~ '74 Wettf .. o Costa Mesa 646-9303 67 et, 4 dr. run~ Huntington Beach 16 v I _ .Closed $.!!.ndlll'_ _ cond J?!50. 645-624J · CAM'PtR BUS": Good m.!H67. great reg ga~. I owner lo e ore. exc. '" 1110,_,.c.-, 12 DalJun 2'0Z 4 spd 11r c ond1t1onin~ '67912.AM/fM cass, al cond. Fully equip'd. ----M>firrn~J349 .J'll-661J __ ~~~rf:8 !Lr~~ 6Dp~n~,: 2925 Harbo"r81vd. new tires air ,;ood oCAW1521.S6388 ~r9o~~ .. ~d.o~ts;aodf~ ~<!,l'beslofr55H5:}7 O.•rolet 9'20 £-..I 9940 81 Toronado XSC tgas1 COSTA MESA · . " WILSON FORD ..,.,.,., "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..-v loaded 13 ooo mt xlnt wknds, t_z9•2PQQ ~d.~. ~5-0J.•6 182SS!eearh l llvd for Toyota SR5 pick up 73 Super ~etle amtfm 1 •75 MONZ.A 2 t 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond ~1., 20o ll't? ~ -__ -~-75 ~Z. brown. 4 spd + Hunlmt:ton Beach ~~ owner, like new, good A u t 0 m a T c 1981 Ford Escort. 3 dO(/r -..h ~· -~- WE PAY extras. air tond .. l~l-6.6J I _ '81 911 Targa, 1400 ml. t!rei...:..l2fi5/ofr.559-50IO transmission. stereo. 4 rmdel ~,Ith automatH' '79dieH12-4'r SSA.VISA.YES WITM USID PARTS · lmportidear parts IMPORT AUTO SUPPLY 101 N. Manchester Anaheim 776·9900 Truck rac k. new. solid welded consl. S225 493-§JJS aft 5 or 51\ wro -wrttked VW68-7l Bug _ se. m4 or 546·3642 AMIF"M st reo~5 4ru i8 a•''. ~uto trarl~ air Guards Red, loaded. 1970 VW Bug lo males 4' y I 1 n de r c us tom trans_., air rond., P.wr CUTLASS-SUPREME Top Do -I.A " ~ must sell .-i9 9001080 xlnt<'Ofld BestOHer · wheels (566M CJ I steenng & brakes !>t Just BROUGHAM $4700 LLAR '71 DATSUN rood. AM. PM II tra<'k. · ..,. · · · s'75.'lll2'1 · Prired tosell at11988. over i ,000 mi lc:.' Makeorfn752·6499 200 SX ~3U08.S7·ll>03 aft 6PM ~B46·41M7 ~ - - -=~2 .... ~fi~ OCNY186 l. Yours for --FOR USED CARS 19-82 pd K • • ·ruMf1CEDESllO ·ea VW Bug, needs reblt n only $5499 Earle Ike '67 Cutlass Suprem~ .......... M•l'!.i..10... 5s .stereo.39 m1 . fll,,fazda62ti.Z dr.5spd. eng Bodu in gd rond I . ar v . 'foyota·Fine Used Car Body&e11gmxlntcond -n Awn n MODB.S mintrond (436VNJl amlfm stereo. als . al· S · ust se.e o BP· 631, .. ,, .. ' Huntington Beach Sales 1966.1970 lfarbor e.u~i.firm 496,<Ml""---POMTIAC/SUIAIU $ 99 loys, xtras. 20K mt. prec. IA?<'al 1 dnver rar .......,.. •tz. ,11 ~. -~ 24MRiir~rl3lvd~-HERE 3 5 mlnt.i66Q9.962·0618 $6450 Firm. 760-0875 af '73 Bug-convert., blue, _.. 6 Blvd · Costa Me su '81 Regen·~Y diesel. 3ZK COSTA MESA , · ---~mpQnSonJr wht int. blk top. xlnl SEE US Fll§T! ~..1.40·9467 nu. take over lease, no §49.000 Ut.1457 ._.OWi, ~y~~k&Pt~i~~er~s!0~~ '77MAZDAGLC ...... 9755 rond $4500 P P Wehaveagooaselect1on 'fl FAIRMONT front~ 54!l·l17L -" ml"""' Cln'lECAJfw1tli 5spd.. 548·~ or NEW & USED v .. aulomat1 r '77 rusto m crurser WEIUY e ie s tereo . l -o"ner ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,73Super8eetle.newl83S Chevrolets! transmission . PO"t'r wagon.loaded,immar . CL.e•11.1 C-"RS <AJHMZJ GREAT steerid'g/ AM radio. 4 g_~!'al ro r tovo'ing ~" A C-ck Mr CJOOd ·71 l200 'spd. /\Pt1 1-'M $2995 58.ICTIOH! ~J._ racins suspension. door. A amlly car built ~ OBO 551·1!48 _ AND TRUCKS good trans & rond S89S REHi.ULT Ill'• ~!>st..Qfr 6453869-1 ror comfort CICNF6201 •ct'-of or'642·34M i rtn~ [J;ffi n Rfi) Sedansandwagonswath '70 VW Camper Orig s:ill8. i8Cutlas~.Supr8me. VG. DfMOl ..t ft-I --t72 I I,~~ many options lo t•hoose owner S2SOO. new paint· WILSON FORD auto. ::>. . air. l"lllll••,_ ~ ~ from are a\a1lable now /tl~ 536-3784 182S558'e.achbl\d AM FM casutte. ....................... ~---·' ·······················1 TORS ~t • ~ bst Gfr SiO-~ IMPORTANT "5.oWNED ... EW 1211 w a mer S/\5.~7 :! 1:t2 • i3 bus. perfect paint and Huntington ~ath NOTJCETO " OltAHGECOAST int Cass 59K m1 S297S '79M0Hli _l_U.J..611 PWo 9t57 READERS AND AUTOMOIJLES DELOREAN '79 MAZDA AMC/ JEEP 66l~ OU 1976 F d G d ....................... . COHHRL CHEVROLET x.,. II "'> • I< • ; • t ,.... r ' ,, ~ .... \ ADVERTISERS I es wel • olhtt-<•06057l I SUti4100F lfNAULl Val•o 9772 4 ryhn~er, '1 speed Door 0Eron~':;1ara~ : '77 RUt~.A.IOUT The price of Items --==tt'1=""H""l;;;;.~""y""'~=-==< ..._......... 5spd,a1rSHAltP' 2524 R"arborlJl\d ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM 1FM w1lh burkei cy linder engine . Aul o · ma t i c S4~ 1200 advert!Sed by vehicle ..t~ $24 950 Sll895 obo. t155XllT1 ~ 64S 7770 seats. (93SYDN> Priced aut.omal.lr transm1ss1on. transmisstian. air rondi· dealers in the vehkle Top l1rs or ports • Bob Mrl..aren RM w 11:...;__ ---#I YOL YO DIA~~ low at $3188 air <'Ond • power steer honing. power steering, rlasslfied advertising Cars: Bo~. Campers. Ctl or C:-e. HONDA La Habra 552.5333 -Royce 9756 rN'ORANGE COU ! WILSON FORD ing, radio, heater. has 8 trark s1 ereo. 2 tone columns does not in· 914's,Autb s TODAY! SAM'TAAMA ••••••••••••••••••••••• l825558eachblvd k?Wmlles&is anexcep, paint w11:h sunroor elude any applicable. AskforU /C MGR SAUS•SBVICE JOiWWarner Mm«ati 9739 •tDEALER INU SA SAl.IS,SBYICE HuntingtonBearh ~1onal~ rlean car t760U0l:l A "teal at ~~·r~c:~~=· c\~=~=~~~I y~~=~ LEASING H0-7430 •••••·O~A···f;E•••••• JO'CAR\!ER ... ovM'-kWl~Ji:RY 142•6611 :~fi~9~.s~~~~leu11~ne $27':,,LSO•HFORD feesfor~ir poll1;1t.ion ~on· I 18'7ITHeach-Stvcl SADDLEBACK Fiat 9725 rYV r c_IDICE 1-.:XPERTS '69 WAGON S450 1oyota-Frne Used Car 18255S8t·at·h lllvd. trol device rert1r1callons HUNTINGTON BEACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• COUNTY'S I~ N'eeds worlt. 55~·5223 Sales. 1966 1970 Harbor llunllngton Beach or dealer documentary 1 ... 20•00 IMW EXCLUSIVE r•••rlKE ----Blvd .. Costa Mesa _JJ.2Ja6J.L nreparation rhargesun·•A-· ~~=~ m;AAwi; '71NOYA 646-9n'1540·946l.. • -- I ..... · ·r· d 11412 MAnUllm fANTAS. TIC M•SER •fl VOLVO Aulomalk trans .. power '78, A•C. AM 1fM stereo. ess uuierwase speci ie WE HEID f'IWT. * * ~ "' "' 1 ctono ~VNDAYS 1966 Harbor Blvd ~teering. air rondation· 19]9 FORD LTD snrf. xlnt c ond . gd mpg bylheadvertiser. YOUREXOTIC MISSIOMVllJO D~•LERSHIP! t:OSTAMF.SA inR. radio. heater. V-8. door. aulomatat· ~.968·9107 Ge.nil 9510 &IRITISHCAIS AveryPkwy olfl-5 •FIATS• We11Tell'ver anywhere Soalb 9760 .6U-9l0l540-!4.67 burketseals OANB526l transmission. air rond1 I 831-3WO '95-4949 IWCJf Seledion i~c0~~:P~s~~~ ..... ~·j5~;·;~0·~· ... ·1s L1m1ted Ed111 on. si~OHFOID ~ion!~~·dg'!,~: i~~erF,n~ I~~ Open Sundays Pre-Owt1ed uiiHtarbor BlvO..'C.'M'"' Jt~fl812.LSSHm ~n·.'· P~r,c~1~; ~4~~r t · Beach lllvd. stereo. 1372W1.B1 S3788 . . T~ 631-7170 W.. 9762 wlsunroor. Lirte new ' Hun,1nt:tonBeach WILS~~~D ~~ '-""-------RecoaliHOMd ~Dove Street. N.8. ....................... $S5(XI Call 548·7645 142-6611 =ngt:~ Bea'ili ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSl'SELL Have a sal"sman show you a used repo. WILSON FORD 182555 Beach Blvd Huntmltl on Bearh Brighten someone'sday with a Classified • 31...M. .. Coast •fu )' Fiat 5aortl Co.N .1ll-Al.OO OIANGE COUNTY'S '79 3WGL Volvo loaded. C-'t Pri It! I 142-66 U w"' r " 'ft..... u~& 11!-it'--Many 'fcfCllOOse From .....__~ ·-9740 NEWEST s R. I eat her. n e ~ '62 Bilarr Che\• 2:iJr New NewportBeach , __ .,..c-.., AJIVeh1rl-'"uaranlt>ed ~-n Authon"'•ed radrats. S7800 orrrr brakes. runs gd. Orrfi 76.-..0~r. '11 Runabout .goodcondi· ., • ., 94""' •art Of Your ~., v •••••••• •••••• • • •• • •• • • • . t T k $75 V" ·c.~ PS tlOll A'I F.. •• S800 ~.: !"" r Examples SUBARU DEAi.Eil M L' S T S F: I. I. pain ares o . .... auto trans. . . " "' ca=. W~.._.TEDI. IMWrwc!MtseOr •75 RA.TSit!DER •Ml,prefero 714·9514816f:\'fs OBO NEW.NUMBER PRallinexcellentcond Aft530_9644489 _ il-illl - l..t.r-.Grc.!! r-or 0n11 S6 oo your Easter message wi.U appear with the bunny above " Leose COllld 8-5 spd . arr. stereo. I llM'd Mercedes ~-~ 615-5837 a!ly__l!_me RJ Purrhased ne~ 6 76. Rw-ufh tt60 Late mo el T<>yotas and Mel BMW" owner. Class1r While I to a M W • ~ •• ..__ U•a.,. i & Malibu Cpe AC PS serv reg by lot· dlr. ~er ,., .. _ Vo I v o s Ca I I u s arett • • .........._ J --· -PB. Sl7SO best ofr. Sett,· rtt0rd a,·a1I Ca rerull} •••:•7•9•;•••• •••• •••••• • TODAY "' 1.,or&..eH Beaut) tl22NJN > ~etH? I -r-....................... _1.714183J..S486wkdy~ · dnven. 45.800 m1 b) Sr .-LYMOUTH I O..PhoMft1•1 $4495 I Compare lld\Jse or Im 982 ... 00L'LS ~ 9901 --C1tzen $2,650 675 5252 HORIZON Y • poruD1re11tea~ean<11;0 l~ERENOW "' !••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 MON}E CARLO art rlPM ~ l''hnder. ~~ed. 4 17141 522-Ull '77 l!JI ·T s•1DER I, moo I~ ase,ns12blcl JP~ m,,b r Sall'S·Serv1ce-Lea~mg All Oi>t1ons. Clean • .ioor 2 lone beaut~ "ith in the Daily Pilot on Easter Sunday Call 00·5678 and rharge it. Mastercard and Visa welcome. Earle Ike ""' r ,. '78 MALIBU WGN MUST SELL 311' mnd1t10111n & AM ORAH&ECOUHTY'S Sspd .stereor~ss ,alloA I m ~n:nn:oES" :!13 SADDLEIACk Loaded -Makeofrl'r Have a sall'Sman sho" radio 1~V11FfS3588 TOTOTA-YOlfO .. .. ....__ ... -. c .... 111 ... OU>EST whls . mint rond . or714 637 2333 ~ ••u .Musls~~ 642-8874 ·''°"a used repo. W 2 ... ~~D · M UST S E E C A R ' -I r• $ ( IACP577 I ·711 Men·rdes ZKOSL 28402 arguerrte S6 Chevy 327 4 spd. new WILSON FORD 1 ac \ d I "Cla~i.u•" $18.500 OHO Pkwy. .-pamt. reblt motor. runs l~!Je-arh ~I\ d Hunllnjlton Bearh $4995 972 2376 Mission V1e10 c Dt.~~,__S36·~ Huntington Beat·h l4l·i•6" MUST SELL '78 •·tBZ •sos·1. Avery Pkwy 0 r I 5 '79 M l'b 6 I t 4 .... .1..1.J J . Ha tl1 h '71 RAT "'•ID~~ '' • 831 ~040 41.S '"949 8n ht ·.... ' 8 1 u. ry ·au 0· ~.11.a .........., 9965 ve a sa esman s ow T Dolla Se "' _. I A m1 maag v•hls ()no • -It en someone ,.,..ay I dr p; pb JOK m1 S3700 '76 ... t M h I s1nu1 ' unnac fou a used repo. op r Sales· rvare-Leasang s s pd . ~a w s . o_w-;er ~8,000_ " 645.J986_ -wen Sun ays With a Cla~siried 96i-06i8 . . ... l\ ng 3<' ""' •••••••••••••••••••••••• WILSON FORD ~ ~ stereo. I ·O r · only T" Ea fer-G 11 ----speed. P s. a <' 031 PQJ ~'lrst 5650 ro1 1965 4 dr tt>MS"Be-ach lllvd. Pa1'd NJ I 36K m1. ( Q) '64 230SL Classic. both royoto 9765 -F'~ronly ~r ·77 Nova. 4 dr. to mi. orig. 443 w Bao' \l'r· Costa Mt>Sa good t•ond thruout. reha· Huntington Beach ~· . $5495 lops. new tires. be;iut. •••••••••••••••~••••••• your Easter message owner. auto. ps, pb. im· ~ ble transp. reg gas . • '"~6611 ForYourCar! MIJM«ll&llO~ClfWI car Jll ~.640·4297 1972 Toyota Corol!a willappearw1lh IDB...£:.494.m_I!._ -Lincoln 9945 ~·!!21n -_!!~--_ _ Jouu5oi..1 & SO... ~llACH 11w1~. ' Wa gon Auto ma l 1 r h b bo .78 l"l. nn n n 'l9 RAJ SitlDER 'Ill Men·cdes 2-1110. xlnl trans .. radio. hl•ater. t e unny a .'·e u1ev Van. l'ru1se. air. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ong. o"ner. 78 Sunbard 4".!P!/ UacelitMtf'ClM'Y Late '79 733i low miles. Au oma t ie. stereo. cond. sell.trade equity roo( ruk & an exrep· tnlheDa1tyP1lot stereo. Cpts. SS400 080 '69 LINCOLN CONT V-6. auto 2Smpg. p s. c:tiiuKt 9520 X26ffaroor Blvd'. new rond. thru-0ut. A5-whire whls. A very ror "' _i714J 66l 0827 ,t.ional to yr old car on Easler Sunday ~---Good transportation ear air. AM hi radio. '41K ....................... <:mta Mesa 540~ sume leas~ with low m· sharp rar Will Deal '!! 18 3000. wnroor. power priced to se)I. 1417Gt0 >. Call~2·5678 and '62 NOVA 6 <'YCI. stirk S400 080. m I Sh a r P SJ I 00 MODB. "A"~! Premium prires ~erest ~~esfs'1711 Anthon& <~VSA) strering. brakes & win· Earle Ike Toyota fine rh~ !l. Mastercard shifL good rond. 61.000 --548·~9J 494·32Q2 _ Shay repll"Cas; pickups paid ror any used car ays . . eves $5995 dows. cruise. X tank. Used Ca r Sa I es . a Visa welcome Q!iJLJ!lL.ll~_, ~6·4~-Mercwy 9950 '78 flreb1r_d t.:'i!>ril. bl.k. l & coupes. 4 to choose Uore1cn or domestic! wknds 6.11-6630 "We beh~ve we have the new tirl'S & reg X cond 1900-1970 Harbor Blvd .. ---I '74 Chevy Wagon $1.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• top. lo mr. loaded Cstm from! f006768l rstk. In &.OOd l'Ondition 1981 IMW UOi SHARPEST' LOWEST Jl2.,600.J 14 49-1-5532 ~~Mesa 646 9303 MUST SELL I '70 Ole\' Caprice $350 •• , ZEPHYR GS orde rl'd S5:100 I 21J , ~). Prices starting SttUs First: white, wJbrowo mlerror. pr1,c •. ~~ FIATS in So '78 4SOSL. xlnt rond. ~-. -Have a salesma n show ~rfer. 675·6378 6 cy lnder. automallr ~~~5140 d~i-SSt-2436 ~lll!ll•Wll!!~lll!~ sunroor. rassette. Ca. ~edlo sell : S26.0UOor '76 Cehc~ new pamt. S youausedrepo. 'IOCHEYROLET transm1ss1on. PO"'l'r -l~~••rr••• ~t1:.t\~l~tte~:~dit:~:. ~ r.ml n~ -offer 759'1586 --~~do/co:dM i~e{38· WILSOHFOID I28CAMA.lt0 ~~~~~(t~1~1r~~~1:~~~ • d -9970 Resume payments ~ WJlY.Y5W "13 3000 ho~· Tan int ~-1__ l~ Beach Blvd. V-8. aut,o .. -P.' strg .. P llBHM7941 S6588 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _528-n43or857 6436 -MOTOIS ~1~~0~iroer5'tr~d~kr~r ·~1c1ehS800ra ST Cpek. must Hu~~!:~lllelach ~1.0~. :~do~~~1~~ 1~~~0HarFOR\Dd \'.S.AtPl;'~'~nd1t1on· 1978 B''I"!' .,.,.,,.. auto. new .,;;-.120,;,;w,.WMnilrm•er111S111iA111'"S51117•-•2t1131121 •"""L .,,., ...,.,3 se +ta e o\'er ------dr 1 ks d t 1 t .......... 8e h Bli 10a st er~ po " """' -·· ••• • ~ ~·~ loari96S-6206 c . 1g1 a s ereo. Huntington Beal·h ~ ~v. wer wm· llres.ar~AM FMcass. __ iO~L.bkene".Ztops. AMC 9905 ma1CagsJ.81only 32K m1 l4l.Hl l ~~~~.t1!td"~~~~.\ni~!~' Xlntcon $8500. 64...U687 ·oo 850 Spyder. new Lires. per!. body & running '611 To)'ola Corona needs ....................... MU ------I0\7,. Yl ~ .. 988 '75 BMW 2002 !blutl clean int., am/fm ens.. ~ l!Ll@ ~.:.881l,__ bodywork. S600 or best '71 Gremlin. runs gd. AC. $7995 Mn.._, 9t52 ~ "" 0 -.. lt eng. leather inter sound eo0 • Sl.500 080 o((. Dave897~56 AM/FM /tape Nds some • ...., WILSO~ FORD ·52 CHEV, Power-Glide. --------• ~ sun roor. low mi Jl>bS5HiM5 ·450 SL 1979. Whrteltan ·~ Cehra GT-. sunroor. 1ns1de deta1hn11 $750 U " ~ 1 ••••:,·~··••U•S•T•·,.·.,.••6•••••• 1112555Re':ch1\1\d good condition. To wtlUY new t1·res am rm rass leath 29K mi. extended 7cn..~~2 M Hunt1n"'on °-a~h hi bidder.548-5001 USEDCARS&TRUCK i Mint <'o nd. S599S . ..._. 9727 warr . mmt rond. many air. auto SS959. S40.IG?7 -~ ----4 cylinder. 4 spl'ed , .. ;·6,1.,.,1 ' POR '57 CLASSIC COME INOR 631.fi031aft7pm ....................... extras Car phone or640-S296Ann. llildl ftlO MOTORS stereo. burkel seats ,.. SPEEDSTER. Replica CALL FOR W'E'RE negotiable. $34.500. rail '1'9Celica GT, great cond. ~··•••••••••••••••••••• 1.20w Warner s/\557.2132 <tCHH2731 $65811 l!IW T·B1rd. xlpt l·und 10 M ·nm. auto ate. Black ~£.11~ 1128LeL __ dras. $5800. Steve ~ Skyla:i PS. PB. AC. WILSOH FORD side .met out 4i.tMKI m1. Sb91t90'78o; ~JOOOF m8~·30 Int. FRH APPIA.IS.Al with tan inter. Nice car. '7J 450SE. s1·1ver blue. !775-5560, 646--S904 $400. G transp. car '11 Chevetle good cond 18255S Searh Bl\d "·ell maa~tarned h\' orri: • • M · • . am· -COrmler·D"eLmo .642·3220 . ~ Sl 750 be 't ff 0\\11er \\hrtc." hlk Int S: m Susan: 752·7179. CHEVROLET DEALIN' blue mt. stereo rass . Yaltsw 9 770 --. or s o er. Huntington BetH'h S24.SIJ '68 Mustan~ 18211 BEACli BLVD. 'M 528i. wht, lthr. 20K mi. xlnt rond. $10.000. Mr. •••••••:!!'•••••••••••• 1W981 8 ulLc k dCedn t u,r Y 833'8874 after 6 PM --fl-6611 752· 1677 cla t>411111m ('\ HUNTJNGTONBEACH immac .. loaded. Sl7,900. Duggan 955·6314 1 wagon. oa e . x nt &..1.....~.... 9100 PRIMO COND ION 640-~S eves. IMMEDIATE li7$-3124 1970 VW cond. $12.000 mi. S8950. --·new . A.tot, Htw tlOO A.fol. Ntw flOO Eyes,Scotts52-US2 147·6017 « Late .78 320{ orig. ownrs. MG 9742 Poo top camper with re· m1893 ..................................................................... . 1950 Bentley Mark VJ, 54t.llll 46K mi. s nrf, air. OWVERY ON bul1t engine. AM·FM. 8 '81 Century, 4 dr, estatl' 90'k restored. Slt.500. W a n t e d 4 C y I . AM/FM cass .. alloys, nu ...... -.••••••••••••••• track and C.B radio. sale. V6, air, stereo 2SOO ...:.7.:.;14:.i.;/~=-~1623=-----r Hatchbackhunder 20.000 tires & xtras. Call Tom MOST • .....-..TIO... o~~.S2 850 . ca 11 ml: ... 'J~e new. dooo. 4 wt.el Drh" 9HO miles. Cas ! 540·8299 & 7S2·4000 ext 382 or eves "'1 1"" n ~ ....................... 1"322. S59{1l()O. MG '72 Y!-" c:.•1c t915 Musl SELL '74 BMW 2002. good cond, MODELS OWMllS SUPll lgrLIE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....._,11'1,arted AC, sunrf. 4 sPd. stereo. TONf;EAlfC<JVER Excellent cond. Must C--... ... ,1 .... r-. Have a H esman show ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• $5500 /bst ofr 1714 > Fits MG's, '71·'81 sell. make offer. _..,_,.._ n• youa llled repo. ._.... 9701 SAVE Neverused:S75 7l4-SZf=lO~ ~~r 1~52':crii~. .. ..................... "13 ,BMW Blk on beige. Al· Maria &31-7797 Ive msg 11 Su]!er Beetle, sunroof. ~~ ~ \~:Ines:·:~~ Huntington Beit h • l s. snrf. Blau. lo m1. rtblllt engine, Xlnt de· ec:utive• proleu1ooal. 142-"ll ~ r-..:. ·2521 AT MGI t744 aJ!S170Q.A2=716§. ......W.dioa -------.....,.. , 9715 ••••••••00••••••••••••• West/all a pop.top. lo ml. Of'"Mew 1912 1:.J.~R',:i~':!:t Jc~~~~ . -··:~··~···:·:;·,:s••••tt HONDA ~ndne.w2100mllM .. =·'in""rnns ss1~. C..11cs Ca rol f U ·lOCO d)'I, 00 ""'"" " Red/blacli:top.H~24!M.-MeWe.Stoc•1 M4·'731Zf!es 6 cy i r, auto ma tic ...._.......... 9750 'al Rabbit Dt~ loaded, Lrans., PS, air tondillon-.--xlnt t'Obd, or H · NA~~ ,,_.. tS61 Brtghtentomtone'sday Ing. power windows, SANTA "•"•••••••••••••••••• sume leaae MS-0117 ....................... Wltb 1 Cl1111rltd t us to m w h t e I s . , * t 910 POI SC HI ~· C, AD L . lf71DATSUH .,or ... !-~ytt111.•ll ltBOEll9).... 9MTUllOI lt71 SUPBIHTU ~ - um M.00 SOM FOID With 1\illroorilr tond., l9!t$, x-.-crron.-'C"lun lctOOH.vho.~ llMI 4 C)'~~. air yourEasttrmu11Re I r&·ac.blJlv~. ANA «r.Aaem! <iACM724). M!O/ofr.5fQ~l fo~MM.,, ~QI()() cond .• stereo ta pe . wttlappearwith un n.gton Beach OMLYSll950' 2VW8up'74&t 76.loml, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!l OIAI*> 13788. ~~"B:f;~r~ H~~l~~b,.. ::Os».94.flrm Xlnt '81 ~l& 13.000 ail. all l~ttcii•. "'d.f(rm.r:t:::x· ~ ............ !?!.~ P~tfl!~s::~~~n NEWW>Fr'e EACH itVW B!li Convt. MtU. :&~·D~~or. tluntinictnn Reach c~?v~a~!f=~d ~OID~~u~t!!~om~e:r~ ~~r:~fJ'MAal~) ~;:~, 8~':ftd~l,~~:~f: nt1LAl•HT -l.4~6611 speed trans .• radio ft ·sJEI .. 500. Call Mark at SILICTIOM •• ~· 4 X 4. :mo heater. V-uy dun r 54ll43Q · MEI (211 )847·2687 . M·F. or laltmodil. low orilC ml. lo1dtd. pert MUST $ELL auH1. YQunr for Ju•t mllea1• CadUl1te In ~. f4M IOI Have a 11leiman show Ji:" Earle Ike Toyota· ~tee 1 "?j?f.~•/ ~~DI '7S QUa t0nv. l owner SoulhlinCaUtomla! 'G Chfvy • , ton. ' l')'I. )Oii i UMd repo. ·-1~tdH1r~r SBalvled• .• · top u~.. p . I o .... ~Grove .. New top. palnt.1., ~adlal1. MAl•S u w r unnln-uar. EflOll ._ ••v --j Jl!:flY tltrn. r rired to ~ nllCor. (lutth. brakn . 1 11e\ "BlVi Costa Meu. f.48·9303 '11 A«Ol"d Httbdc auto W...Slrftw..ffl... ltJl.<2ll>41Hl!O b .IUl.9 on Beat AC btl1t. d nt • tond: 1 714 6JWlJJ '7T VW BH. T PJll, A d. N SR.S pkkiap, "JI 01Qm UlO Sedaa, = h•Y ml SHOO. r'TfTtJotaiiipd lool btd ci.1111pe1ne Edition, Mf7 Oft•. lo llOSCAISPICKUPS 1tkk 1lllft, on Urt1. 1 wkdya, _."'1 w/etlm~pdcond. -auto. UHi., 54Q.116Q ... Cl Ht e..tore ,._ • AHlaMe et blllefY. llml f9d. All• ftll m -' -'tt PL l 'I T:W 0 0 D ......,:.uaa .... GO•'t A1tec ........ ...., • ....._,...... ~•Tmo.• '111VW , ..... ,.~~ 11ovo11A•. •••• n Lill...._. 04 rtr l>lr•~tory Cell • 111-4. S.-. 'l'rt 5 1pT,tTf:rnreo .. M llM. lotll li::'C:i·:r,i:; ud. U ,Ut •I • ....,....... ....l xt ... CIU i. -.-. Won atM ~ rt 'lb °"' IN -=am ....,.., dell ...... ~-•DlllMO. I ~ M •' tHAM ~-~ ,... .4 .. U Ol w '40.f4'7 . II! HAAN . • . ' '80 FOllD , .. _ ......... Gorgeous Mint White w I a ir cond .. p wr. steering & only 22. 346 miles! (597ZAV). Financing Available. C-LLNOW LOW PIYMEITS ... - ... # Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprtl 3, 1812 NIW 1980 MUii ANG. "IW 1911 MUITA"G saoo~:~~IY CONVl--TIBLI , under actual dealer cost Ser 129512 INVOICE inct rebate Plus dealer added options ser 120223. stl\ 0677 INTRODUCING THE ·ALL-NEW 1983 RAllGER UIT PRICI '8•46 ROBllll DllCOUllT t 1681 $ 24 MOltTH 24 MO. FREE EXTUIJED fll.l MAINTENANCE S£.RVIC£ SERVICE '.LOOK AT THESE ·U,ED CAR VALUES!! '79 FORD '78F ... '78DOD~ '79 ClllVY '80 ClllVY f.1so•-..• CALL •..c ....... , ·-........... Camaro CheweHe Ready to Go! Air Super clean & loa-Pret ty maroon & FlllAllClllli This Berlinetta is loa-Real sharp 4 dr. with cond .. auto. trans .. ded! Cruise control, wh it e w /bucket ded. only 23.800 all the goodies. auto low miles, ideal for NOW tilt wheel, auto trans .. seats, pwr. steering, AVAILABLE miles. must sacrifice trans .. low down, low construction! Save pwr. steeri ng, air AM-FM stereo, mags for Inventory reduc· pmts , (766YTE) . F1-Now! ( 1 RGl816). Fi-cond. & new paint. & w i de t ires. tion. (577WYD). nancing Available. nancinQ Available. (1M55708l . (1CGV859l . CAii.NOW CAU.MOW 6 , ....... '72 FOllD '74 MDC99Y '76 LmCOUI ' --Musi••• c. .............. ....... Bubble Top & Loa-eo .... , c.. ............ Grande. 2 dr .. Rallye ded! Options Inc. rear Real Clean! 4 cyl. Loaded inc. tilt. crui-Nice family earl 4 dr .• Loaded inc. white w I Orange. 351 . auto .. kitchen. side gaucho. ec onomy. a uto. se. pwr. seat, padded auto. trans .. power red leather int .. am/Im stereo. vinyl air cond .. auto .. AM-trans .. power stee-top. AM-FM cassette steer i ng. rad io . moonroof & all the top, ( 1 CGX761 ) . Fl-FM stereo & much ring. air cond .. su,eer & only 17. 000 miles. (866KBE) . Financing t oys I (8 25 702). nanclng Available. morel Summer 1$ co-Sharpl (712NZ ) . (712ZBX) . Financing Available. Financing Available. ming! 441R Jl Financing Available. Available. CAUMOW CAii.-CAILMOW ' ·DEAOUNES For TL1999ay through Saturday pubHcatlons. 5:30 PM the previous day. For Sunday and Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday. ERRORS Advertisers should check their 8ds dally and report-.JffOR •· Immediately. Th-' DAIL V PltOT 8118Umas liability for the first Incorrect insertion only. ' llilf l'illt " REAL ESTATE ~ 642-5678 • PU8LISHE~'S ~OTICE: All real -.tate ~!Md In this~ Is auti;ect to the Eeder,al EalLHouling Ad of JJll wtllch n_ic. It II~ to ad¥enlM "any preference, llmltation, or dltcrimlnatlon betect on rKie, color, religion, sex, oc n•tlONI origin, or an Intention to nwike fl'Pt tueh p~rence, llmltatlon. or discrimination." • t Thie '*·"f>eper wm not k~w)ngty ecc.pt any llCNertlllng tor-,.., ...... which la In vloletlon of the lew. .USFDISAlf • IMf a.ASSIFIED INDEX lfAl ESTATE ·Adi In this category must be p....-peid ep.n K30, Saturday 8-noon (Cloeed on;SundeY) 33o W. Bay St .. Coate Mffa, C.. 912827-8813 · IOOAlS ,.. ---)CD ----11W ····-----... o» -= -.. .. ---- , 11 I - 2 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising ~upplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 Maureen Reagan (left), candidate for U.S. Senate was a recent speaker at a meeting of Women's Council of Realto~.(WCR), New- port Beach chapter. With her is WCR past national president Evelyn Pappas. Phyllis Salyer, president of the Newport Beach Chapter, said that while her chapter does not endocse Ms. Reagan, she personally supports Ms. Reagan. Ms. Salyer said she thinks Ms. Reagan has "workable ideas and practical programs for reducing the government deficit and making more money available to the private section." 'Best buyer's market in years' Creative financing brings down monthly payments Despite today's tight money market and high interest rates, "It's the best buyer's market in years," according to Will Woods, executive vice president of the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Board of Realtors. The reason? Creative financina. The California Asaociation of Realtors estimates that nearly 70 percent of real estate transactions involved some sort of alternative fi- nancing. Creative financing is any type of financing that deters from the old standard of 20 percent down with an 80 percent first trust deed. There is no one set creative financing plan. The most popular is assuming the first trust deed with the seller pro- vidinR the second at a substantial interest rate reduction from conven- tional mortgages. However, it may involve as many as four trust deeds from as many different parties. Whatever the means, the end is always the same -lower monthly payments for the buyer. A $100,000 loan at 17 percent would require monthly house pay- ments of $1,425.68. However, with the owner carrying a $100,000 loan at 12 percent, the payments are $1,028.63, nearly 33 percent lower. Creative financing provides homebuyers w ith a useful tool whenever conventional mortgage money ia unavailable or too expen- sive. "A shortage of mortgage funds has resulted in higher interest rates," Woodi said. "Most people just can't afford hOUle payments with 17 percent loans.rThe alternative is for the buyer to say, 'Look, I can't af- ford to get a 17 percent loan. You loan me the second trust deed, I'll assume the first, and you've sold your house'." While it may be a buyer·s market, there are also some advantages in creative financing for the seller. For the person who has built up quite a bit of equiCy in their home, carrying the trust deed could mean 12 percent interest on their money. "It is especially advantageous for an elderly couple who own their home to carry (the trust deed)," Woods said. On $100,000 loan at 12 percent to the buyer, the owners would get $1,000 per month. That's pretty good int'Ome," Woods said. However there is some risk invol- ved for the seller in creative finan- cing deals. "There's always a risk for the lender. The buyer may not be able to meet his monthly payments and the lender may have to fore- close. But in that case, the lender gets his money back," Woods said. Therefore, it is important to con- sult a lawyer when devising creative financing plans. A due-on-sale clause is commonly found in non-governll)ent insured deeds of trust or mortgages written since the early 70s. T his clause al- lows a bank or savings and loan as- sociation to demand full payment of a mortgage if a borrower sells his or her interest in the property. In California, this· due-on-sale clause is only reoogniz.ed with fede- rally chartered loans. Those buyers wishing to assume a federally char- tered loan must go to the lender and ask permission to assume the loan. In this case, Woods said it is advisable for t he buyer to consult a lawyer before assuming a federally charte- red loan. Despite the risks, Woods prediC1s more and more sellers will tum to creative financing in an e ffort to .... their homes. "In the long run, you'll probably be seeing more and more sellers in the future doing this (creative fi- nancing) until the money market comes down to a competitive level," he said. , Solar ene rgy age brings ne ighbors' access agreement By SEAN E. McCARTHY Interest in dar energy la growing as more and more homeownen, u well as buslm•!t, are taking long, serious looks at this alternate aource of power. As with any new techno- logy, however, there are potential problems tucked away among all of the economical and ecologjcal bene- fits. For example, the sun's rays must reach the solar collectors in order to produce energy from either active or passive systems. And thai involves access across adjacent prope.rties, which, in tum, involves a neighbor's air space, ac- cording to the California Land Tille Aaeociation. Problems of aolar access will pro- bably always be matters for fle&o- tiated agreement or litigation. Since the amount of unobstructed sunllaht reaching the 90lar collecton ia crlllical to the efficient operation of a IOla\. ayttem, thla flow muat be ~ore the ays1eln la ~ lied. (}thefwiet, the owner may end up with a ~time worker. • In molt syMem9, tt takel,about llx houn o1 direct au nligbt a day for maximum eq,utpme nt efficiency. nu. varlet .ocording to the lleUOI\, geograpb.lcal location and type of l}'ltem~ Pusive ~ are especially de- pendent upon direct sunliaht. For the building owner , access questions involve both the height -· and the setback of adjacent buil- dings. That's where negotiated agreements for solar easements come into sharp focus. If a neighbor's trees grow high enough to cut off the sun early in the morning or late ahemoon, your aolar system may not perform up to design specifications. 1'he same goes for structural heights. Tbat'a why the question.of gua- ranteeing 8CCe9I to' sunlight la beco- ming an important part of property • ownership. In fact, lt has been called the ain- gle most difficult legal issue connec- ted with eolar e= Ule. The molt ~ IOlUUOft W UM problem 11 the n.1otlatlon of ea· MIMDtl between property ownen. Under such an acreement. one pro- perty owner would receive ...ran· CB fr:om the other that the amlight • which travels over the neighbor's property would always be available. The neighbor, and all sublequent ownel'$, would be restricted in buil- ding or planting tnes which could obstruct the sunlight. Aft.er agreement, if such solar ea- sements are not properly recorded, problems could arise lf the property is subsequently sold and the new owners are either unaware of the euemen\ or not in agreement with its conditions. Solar easements may have to be negotiated with several different neighbors to assure adequate access to the sun throughout the day and year. Such easements could negati- vely af{e(t the future property va- lues of thoee neighbors. California wu one of the flrat states to enact legislatibn to guide the establiahrbent of aolar easements. The California Solar Bights Act of 1978 wu puaed to promote and en-~ "the wtdetpreed U9e of IOlar enero i)"Steml and to protect and facilitate adequate acce11 to the aunllaht which It nee 11ry to ope- rate aoJar eDel'IY syR!mL" Thla statute prohJbft. any cow- nent, oondiUon or restriction which prohlbits or l'ftlricta the installation . or U9e of a solar energy system. Under the Solar Rights Act. local governments a re prohibited from pasaing any ordinances which effec- tively prohibit or place unreasonable restrictions on the use of solar en- ergy systems. Future subdivisions wilt be de- signed, as much as practical. to pro- vide for installation of passive or active eolar systems. It is important, of course, th4tt all solar euements be officially recor- ded, just as other limitations on u.es and condjtions are included in public records. Otherwise, such an ease- ment might not be noted during the title search at the time of. a real es- tate sale. Such an omf.Mjon could crease ae- rioua problems at a later date when , the n e w owners decide to make structural or landacape chances that would aUect the path of •unllaht acnm tbef.r' property. (SH.n ._ McC.arthy ii •ucullve \lice ,,..-.nc o1 cite C.U.lomM Land Tit.le ~don.) . . .. ...,,,.. eJ1.:<111;w g room, 2 baths, ishwasher etc. d & decora- offer your finance Orange County Rear Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Aprll 3, 1982 -3 OPEN HOUSE 1-5 PM 222 LUGONIA NEWPORT SHORES SUNDAY 1-4 PM J bs Realty has built i on on friendly, prof essio ·ce. We have a complete p anagement team to assist ental and maintenance of i operty. This service ins care- e ownership and lets y, u like investment property ain. ded e nd unit plush cptg., paneling ch more. JACOBS REALTY \ 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 4 -Orange County Real Estatef.AA Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 3, 1982 HARBOR RIDGE 2 BD DYNASTY w/view. $399,900. Try 10% dn, Lse. opt, or TRADE. Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 ABSOLUTE STEALll I stake my reputation on the FACT that this is the BEST BUY in Newport Beach. If you are a legitimate buyer-C.M!L ME DI- RECTLY and y ou will be impressed . GREAT BUY! OCEAN VU. i.RG 4BDR., PROF. DECORATED, pool, spa & like nu all for only $376,500. A trade will be con- sidered. You won't believe it until you see it. Call PATRICK TENORE Directly 760-8702 or 631-1266 TODAY! OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Like new. Sharp sacritrce. $385,000. PATRICK TENORE 631-1266. 31DIM SRALI 3bd 2 bath on GoU course. $130,000. As- sume lOCJ. int. Try $15,000 dn PATRICK or FRED TENORE 631-1266 31DRM CONDOS . Try $10,000 dn. Very sharp. $115,0,00 Pa- trick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 Newport Beach 15 Corporate Plaza 759-1221 $10,000 DOWN Move to Mesa Verde with Seller providmg balance of financing. Sharp 2br rondo pri- ced low at $94,500 ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 MESA VERDE P erfec t starter or investment property. Assume $62,500 at 10%. Sellers will carry $10,000. 2br condo $95,500. Call ANNE McCASLA.ND 631-1266 $109,900 Large 2br 1 'A ba luxury condo in Costa Mesa has microwave, firep~ double Att. ga rage. Seller will accept $10,000 Down. CaU Anne McCasland 631-1266 POOL & SPA Delightlul 4 bdr. & fam. rm. home in Mesa Verde. Perfect for living & entertaining. Prime loc., asking $285,000. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 -1266 MISA VIRDE IEST IUY Spacious 4 br., single story. SECLUDED SPA in private setting. Excell. new finan- cing available $218,500. JACKIE HAND- LEMAN 631-1266 INDBUDEllT MEMiia llOIEIS __ _. COSTA MESA BARGAIN 3bdr , lg fam rm. w/fireplace, remodeled kitchen, Hurry on best value in town .. $1 15,500. JA C KIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266. CLIFFHAVEN Quality & e legance combined from the formal living and dining room to the pool and sunny den with trench doors. Great jaeuw tub in master suite. $349,000. ASK FOR FINANCING DETAILS. RAE ROD- GERS 631-1266 CLIFF DRIVE Cape Co".i traditional with treme ndous VIEW VIEW VIEW of ocean & Catalina. Expansive 4 br F.R. home with pool. Quality throughout! Great financing. $590,000. RAE RODGERS 631-1266. NEWPORT HEIGHTS I have EXCLUSIVE listings from tear downs to 4 bedroom. Call RAE RODGERS 631-1266 ZIRO TO $1 S,000 DOWN 3 Bd, 2 Ba beauty, great condition, only $975 pr mo. Available immed. Call today. Patrick Tenore, agt 631-1266 Irvine -4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559-9400 234 EAST lmt STREET, COSTA MESA 631-:1261» • .. 111. -y 5 & NEWPORT CRIST CONDO Three bedroom, 3 bath, family room, dining room, huge maste1 suite with sitting room, view. larf{esl model. $210,000. Submit any .offer on terms. IM., llYIE IMP. 759.1221. 759-1221. HARBOR RIDGE 5 Br. 4 Ba. Game Rm. Formal Din. Highly Upgraded, Italian Marble in Liv. Rm. Din. Rm. Kit, Fam. Rm, Study arid Fam. Rm. has beaut. paneling and shutters, Fab. View. Two large Patio Decks. A must to see at $895,000. IH tr llYI( HIP. 759-1221. SEAVIEW LEASE 4 BR 3 BA F.R., D.R. city & ocean view. Grd. gate,_pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. Ill tr llYIE IMP. 759-1221. COSTA MESA R·2 E. SIDE Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den. Huge living room with dining combo. Large corner lot with room to park 6 autos. $130,000. Ill tr HYIE IMP. 759-1221. 760-1580. Costa Mesa 234 E. 17th St., 631-1266 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY ~!LOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 -5 OCEANFRONT-OCEANFRONT Convert this ex. large duplex to your pri- vate residence and live on the finest beach on .the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 10%. Steal at $650,000. Ill tr HYIE IMP. 759-1221. LINDA ISLE TRADE Breathtaking Bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, game room, formal dinil'\i. separate guest wing, pool. Seller carry 1st TD or trade in- dustrial or office building. $2,100,000. IM tr llYIE IMP. 759-1221. HARBOR RIDGE LEASE Four bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining room, family room, study, beautifully de- corated, large decks, fabulous view. Private guarded gate. pool and tennis. $2900 ·a month. Submit all offers. Ill tr llYIE IMP. 759-1221. NEWPORT CREST CONDO TwQ bedrooms, 21h baths, loft, highly up- graded, oak floors, beautiful papers, ocean view. $98,000 1st at 12%. Priced at $170,000. Ill tr HVIE IMP. 759-1221. . • INVEST IN THE SETIING SUN S pectacular sea views & substantial in- vestment returns await you in this superb oceanfront duplex. Spacious units (3 BR up/2 BR down + guest suite). Tax write offs & special terms. Priced to sell n ow. $675,000. UIOY .,._,, 759-1221. 30 UNITS POSITIVI CASH now1 A rare bird in today's market! 30 bread n' butter apartmenu in .n 6cellent location. Income on these have increa.!ed 50% in past 4 'h years! For more INFO CALL Ill UUTl broker-owner, 759-1221. CAMEO SHORES Fabulous ocean and coastline view 3 bed'· room, l bath, formal dining room, family room, study, large pool and courtyard, pri- vate beaches. $895,000. Fee. Ill tr llVIE IMP. 759-1221. 3 ID.-CUSTOM EASTSIDI $30,000 DN, 11 3 INT. 10 YRS. Owner financed • no lender 'lfualifyfng! Three bedrooms. 2 baths. Quiet cul-de-sac. Parquet entry, brick fireplace, homey kit- chen, family room, water softener and fil. ter. Tub spa. RV ead. Huge patio. Extra storage. Reduced to $167,000! Hurry, call Ill UOATA 759-1221. Irvine 4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559-9400 --- 6 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 UNIQUE UNDER $400,000 IN NEWPORT UNIQUE IN BAYCREST -This functional 4 Bdrm. family home lends itaelf to entertaining. The large yard with pool & spa even baa room on the side for R.V. parking. S395,000. 1934 Windward, open Sun. 1-5. W EST NEWPORT CONDO -lo Newport Terrace. End unit, new car- pet & paint. Terrific terms, l story, shows well. I 123,900. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS -Retax with a panoramic view of the ocean. canyon and rolling hills -this h ome is situated in one of the most desirable famil y areas and bas 4 Bdrms & 2 Baths. Seller is motivated. 1325.000. 978 Sandcastle, open Sun. 1-5. FEE I N IBVJNE TERRACE -Char- ming 3 Br. home on corner location with formal dining room, spacious family room anl patio. Worbhop in garage. Call about great financing. 1395,000. UNIQUE IN SEA WIND -Dramatic Portofino model with enclosed entry. See this charmer with Mexican pavers, skylight & french doors -it will knock your aocb off! Well decorated & owner will help finance. 1339,000. 2221 Port Lerwick, open Sun. 1-5. SEABREEZE AND SECLUSION -In Jasmine Creek, guarded gate, 3 Bdrm., spa, beautiful patios, sharp & clean. Au.umable financing. S387 ,500. 6 Jetty, ~pen Sun. 1-5. SETTLE IN SEA VIEW -Hampton model with 3 Br. on quiet cul-de-sac, guarded gate, spa, pool & tennis. S395,000. UN IQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES -Thia 4 Br. Portofino model is one of the lowest priced and you own the land! Frplc, bonu1 ro'om, OWC, 1335,500. 2012 Port Ramagate, open Sun. 1-5 BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY -See this Monaco model in Seawind. Mexican pavera, fruit tree• & low price. Fee land & owner will carry the ht truat · deed. 1259,500. 2307 Port CarU.le, open Sun. 1-5 BAYVIEW FROM BALBOA ISLAND -Qaalnt 4 Bdrm. home on t he peaeefal little laland, neat epot to lWe. f.all for aa •ppt. 1175,000. • u,_.1vur: 11uM~s REALTORS. 675,6000 OUR SALES STAFF IS CA.REFUU.Y SELECTED. PROPERLY TRAINED ANO VERY SUCCESSFUL. ***UNIQUE IN OLD CORONA DEL MAR TASTEFULLY REMODELED -3 Bdrm. plu1 den, with income unit on large lot. Master bdrm. suite, french doors, wood fl oors. $539,000. 304 Goldenrod. open Sun. 1-5 CORONA DEL MAR COTTAGE - On a canyon lot. This quiet , ua- congested part of old CdM incorpo· rates a view of the canyon & mtns. owe terms. $275,000. ATTENTION INVESTORS -Try 15% down, owner asaiated financing. Unique duplex plus cozy in-law unit with good Cd.M location. 1349,500. ***UNIQUE IN COSTA MESA INVESTMENT PACKAGE -Five condos in Costa Mesa, only 3 years old with frplcs and great terms. AJI five for $664,000. This 2 Br., 1 Ba. house bas new carpet, r edwood deck, privacy & owner fi - nancing. All for Sl28,500. ***UNIQUE I~ IRVINE UNIQUE IN TURTLEROCK .-City light• view from the very top. Bright, open 4 Bdrm plus family room, 3 full baths. Fireplace with covered patio. Lease option at ~325,000. NICE IN NORTHWOOD -Spacious 3 Br. family room. fireplace, 1pa & near a 20 acr e park. OWC with a 45K down. 1199,000. ***UN IQUE IN ffiVINE ROMA NTIC & ELEGA T -Io Turtlerock Glen, enter tbru a cour- t yard into this 4 Bdrm. h ome wi th center atrium, spa & fire ring. A real winner a t $310,000. 17 Rippl ing Stream, open Sat.-Sun. 1-5. UN IQ UE I N R ANCHO SAN JO A- QUIN -This 2 Bdrm plus den home is n ear the park, college, and shop- ping. Call right now for an appt. to see at 1185,000. UNIQ UE I N WOODBRIDGE -3 Bdrm, 2+ baths, this condo is easy to maintain. Patio has sprinklers -2 good l oans & Woodbridge a r ea. $157,500. ***UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR & EWPORT NIQ UE IN BIG CANYON -Big, bright, Broadmoor. Cul-de-sac, pool, spa, level with very attractive owner financing. Well priced. Call for d e- tails. 6 Winged Foot, open Sun. 1-5. THIS BUE WATER VIEW -Will inspire you as your remodeling talents go into action. 3 Bdrms. on a large lot and in the cent e r of down coast growth can be had with estate finan- cing. $329,000. 420 Desola Terrace, open Sa&.-S un. 1-5. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS -This home has a dramatic en- trance, center court yard for enter.tai- niog & 4 Bdrms. Owner will help fi - nance. $495,000. 2706 Lighthouse Ln., open Sat. 1-5. CLOSE BY I N CORO NA HI G H- LANDS -3 Br .• 1\-i Ba ., lots of charm. inside and out. Owner will help finance. Access to private beach. $295,000. ***UNIQUE ON THE WATER CO M F ORTABLE & WARM THROUGHOUT -3 Br. & den on Balboa Island. Right on the Grand Canal. Thia home eveo has an income unit. Owner will help with the finan- cing. 1650,000. 123 Grand Canal,. open Sat.-Sun. 1-5. NEVER A DULL MOMENT FROM ANY WINDOW -Ba yfront duplex overlooking the Pavillion. 10 years new. 11.095,000. 510 So. Bayfron'1 open Sat. 1-5. BEAUTIFUL BEACON BAY BAY- FRONT -We have two bomea lined on thie beach. Community tennie, park. boat 1Up1, tr•nquiUty a1td ao traffic llaNle. Beacon Bay it• clnam ctome true. Next to U.da A Harbor I.UHi at ~A II.ISO~. Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 - 7 UYllM •ITIM -IEW Ll11111 Truly the "Creme de la creme" of waterfront living. Over 8500 sq ft of the finest quality construction available. Located on the main channel with its own white sandy beach, amenities include ~ pool, spa. seven bedrooms and a view from all rooms. $5.75 Million. Ulllll ISWI ORTlll-IWI CUllEL The finest waterfront home with the best location in Newport Beach. Over 5 000 square feet and a l>ier for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large ba~t lawn. The price is $5 million and the owner will finance a nqtable amount. LllU lllE lllTl9-Ull CIWllEL Breathtaking views of the main channel from every important room in the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6;5oo square feet of sheer ele- gance. The price is $3.6 million. 1 • IUIN l•E lllTl9--lllOlllPIUIU YIEW This Country French estate offers one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 aqua.re feet of the finest craftsmanship,. The , price is $2.3 million. 3 San Sebastian. Open Sunday 1-5. Ill UIYM llSTlll-tl Tll MU Olllll U Country English and privacy are your. choi~, this 6,200 ~ feet estate with new pool and spa is the answer. Right on the 10th fairway. The price is $2.3 milllon with over $1 million of assumable financing. UM ISLE-WRllFlllT OllTlll Simply the finest waterfront on Lido on the market today. Pier and slip plus oversized lot and $1.4 mllllon in assumable finandng. The price is $2.25 million. 219 ~ia Lido Soud. Open Sunday 1-5. UllA llu.--.111 llAllEL Five bedrooms, all ensuite, and right on the water with your own pier and slip for multiple boats. Owner will finance over $1 miWon. Call for appointment. The price is $1.85 million. 111 OllYM MIT• M 111 llU OllllE Truly the beat family home with 6 large bedrooms including a separate 2 bed.room suite with it.a own living room. On the 9th fairway with private pool. The p~ is $1.8 million. • un•· ..,.._. 111 uu .... This award-winning home, on the 7th fairway Is country club living at its finest. Over 4,000 square feet with dramatic architecture and LARGE rooms. The price ii $1.75 million with owner financing. .... WI lllT• ........ .. Elegant Country French estate with the very fl.neat amenities. Terrific views and over 5,000 square feet. VERY creative financing available. The price Is $1,595 million. • un• •t• 11amw. YllW Adjoining its own private.2.25 acre park, this 6 bedroom manse ta vacant and ready to move in. Over 5,500 squai:-e feet with a VERY • private pool and spa. The price ls $1.595 million. 70 Hillcrest Open · Sunday 1-5. _ · --·~LIT Panoramic view on~ Riiy 8nd Pacitk ocean. i)ime location. Over $800,000 of -..nable fi.nand.n&. BeG available lot on the Rklae. • $1,3&0,000. HVU lllllEI AIU lllTll IYEI 1.1 AUEi Out of the flight path, this custom home offers magnificent op~rl";l­ nities. Separate guest home and private pool and spa. Owner will fi- nance entire loan. The price is $985,000. Ill lllTll Tl .... E-IELllE Piil An "end unit" Deane townhome, this fine opportunity offers an ex- ceptional yard with custom pool, spa and sauna. Three bedrooms and over 3,400 square feet. The price Is $895,000. Ill UIYll Tl-1-UTWllHllW ExqfJilslte in every detail, this 3 bedroom. 3,000 square feet h'ome offers mt.iltiple U8e of skylights and enormous privacy. Highly upgraded. The price is $675,000 • lllY• Tlft-E~I TIE .._, ... ISE This "new to the market" home is vacan t and ready to move in. $430,000 of low interest assumable financing. Three bedrooms, three baths, three car garage. Priced to sell at $629,500. LIM Tl...._W/UAT II.IP • TIE wam "Refined" la the descriptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom pha den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square feet and a BOAT SLIP! The price is $595,000. WDT lllWP•T MPLD-WATllFlllT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent owner fmancing for qualified buyer. The price is $545,000. .. lllfll TIOll• UIYM'l IDT UY Th.is ne.w to the marltet horn& off69 3 bedrooms and 9 ba1hs <JD.its own corner. Excellent &SSUJ'Tl3ble financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty. The price is $500,000. Open Sunday I -5 at 1 Rue Fontainbleau, Big Canyon. llW 111•11 TIWllllE WLY .,.._. This lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offers the ultimate in luxury with huge asswnable financing and owner will carry. The price is $239,000. IEIPllT REIT TIWllllll-llPll TDll Offering 4 bedrooms and 2 ~ baths, this home has it all. Community pool and tennb. Vacant and ready to move in. Large loan available. The price is $225,000. 11Ylm-1W1Ule. " .... Three bedroom home with spacious and sunny living room, dlning room and kitchen. Oversized lot. New cal'JMt._ and lAU'ae .. umable loan. B New on the market. $167,500. WEITll.ln nn•• 111 YM llLIRI nt 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with pool and a huge &11Wnable loan. Seller will lease opti.on with $5,000 down. The price ii $123,900. LUID -Wiii PllllllL&-Wlll ... I ILIP Offering 4 bedrooms and 4 tMl1ha with pool all for $3,000 per month. Adultl only! • • lllfll TllEI• • 111 _, •1111 iu,hly ~th.la s bedroom. 2,350 equate feet home bu it alll - MaYe rl8bt now. $2;800 per month. I I I I I i I I I I I I J I l l 1 j l • 8 -Orange ~nty AMI Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 NEWPORT BEACH Ul1alfF 1112,111 Sparkling city llghta & ocean view from this popular 5 BR or 4 + den home. Nlcely land- scaped w/room for pool. Close" to schools & shops. Owner will Ulltt with flnanclng. UUTl-.WliiEI , 1221,111 Only 10% down can get you Into this lovely fee Monaco. Great locatlonl Great price! Great terms! Don't hesitate! .... YIEW •ID 1241,IOO Immaculate 3 BR Monaco with finished upetalrs atttc. Spanish tile & Iota of brick. Ten1flc loca- tion near park. Manleured yard with decking & fountain. Over .$183,000 In loans. IAYmlf --1241,111 Special. Special. Special. Compare thta 3· BA home with othert In area. Compare term•. location, condition, & we think you'll agree. . . This home Is sorneth~ special. lllllDT .. i -111, i I Begant & grack>ua deecrlbet this spacious 4 BR with Famlty R"l overk>oklng sparkNng pool & spa. Beveled glue entry, remodeled tile kit- chen. ~me 1st & owner wlll carry large 2nd. WATERFRONT 11n11m I 1 , I I I , I 0 I Front raw center for the best water-front show In town! The large courtyard patiO & bar·vlew deck Invite entertaining. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & flnantlng are pluses. l&Yml MYE -llfl;TfO Gorgeousty appointed waterfront condo. Tra- ditional customizing Includes pine beaming, English stone fireplace, hardwood, floors & so much more. Furnishings avallable. 1ll1Ullll . •111,000 4 BR Plan 2 In lovely condition. Ideal locationl Excellent terms! Listed $14,000 befow last sale of ume model. Best buy around. RESIDENTIAL .REAL EST ATE SERVICES CORONA DEL MAR ........ 1741,111 If ydu ate looklng for an Immaculate ocean vtew home, beautlfut pool & spa. 3 BR's (each with own bath) tpaek>us llvlng area, and land Inclu- ded In price, look no further! This Is ltl ........ 1121,111 Wishes wQI begin to come true when you see this lovely 3 BR home set among lush greenery & flowering color. Spacious famlty room, formal dining room, pool. Step• to private beaches . 111••111 1111,111 Lovely street, partial ocean vtew, & desirable location make thl• home a must for the builder or smart lnvwtc>r. Only one ~ock to beaches. Greatly reducedll .... ... 1111,110 If you llke hwd floors, brick fireplaces, "hot-tuba'', French doors & private patios you'll love this sm11rt hideaway Just steps from the beach. Treat yourMtf & aee It today. .......... 11,111,111 View. View. Wood-& glass cu.tom home with flowering gardens. Terraced deck overlooks fi- nest bay, beach, harbor & city light view. Spa, sauna, 3 BR, den & 4 baths. Outstanding. MlllA HL Ill 1211,000 Beautifully refurbished duplex In an excellent location offers-tin owner or lnve·stor pride of ownership. Spacious 2 BR front house plus a separate 1 BR rental unit. ....... 1121 Ill Just what you've been looking for. G~ rental super future remodel or rebuild potential. Great location. Full slr.e lot. Seller will help finance. OTHER AREAS ... illU I 1 l •,I I I OutstendJng buy In University Parkl Just redu· ced to below market price for Immediate aalell Spacious 2 BA detached home with dramatic cathedral cetli1191. Gr•t financing avaUab6e. BEACH COMMUNITIES llftlllD I 7 I I , I 0 I Thia home has a flair for llvlng with 4 BR, large family room overlooking the bay. All the ame- nities of a guard-gated community. Good terms are available. · 111111 1111,000 Why rent when you can buy this summer your best buy on the peninsula within steps of the bay and beach. Remodeled 2 BR & famlly room with skylight. Owner will help finance. 1.91111.1 1•11,111 Newty·llsted street to strada corner location. Beautiful exposure to all Lido amenities. 4 BR home features excellent financing by owner & great potential f~~ addition. PmlllU 1711,101 Count your steps to the bay -It's that ciosel This NEW 4 BR country styted home offers the ultimate In quality of craftsmanship. "Extras" abound make this a very special property. 1.111111111 1111,100 Three BR.& Oen plus pool. Beamed celllnga, brick & parquet•f1oors. Ideal for famlly & entertaining. 52 Foot lot. •un• 1111 ooo A magnificent Town home located on tte 6th Fairway.. -The £ngllah. deco.c wlll soon be fea- tured In Orange County Home and Garden. Good fl.nanclng Is avallable. YDIAlllll 1121,000 Executive llvlng. One BA Penthouse loca~ed In security guarded adult community. Enjoy vtew of fountains & beautiful courtyard. Take over existing financing with 30% down. TlllE U• IAY I 1 , 2 I I , 0 0 0 Exciting older OCEANFRONT In private com- munity. 4 BR, 4 bath, study & elevator. Gor· geous garden & patio overlooks picturesque bay, 8Urf, & euneeta. Fabulous remodel poten- tlat Attracttve terms . t· -------U& Orange County Real Estatef An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 -9 llAUl'tfU&. ON WATIRI , Impeccable quality and pld tMt.e In thla warm and open family home m the wMlir. Olllllik lnlerior wfth 2 bedlOCftll plua den and 1arire landlcaped patio with 1pa, fountain and Ure rlna. Your own boat llip riaht out your door roe 45' boat. Owner will help tilwx:e for qualified buyer '618,000 on fee land. 631-1400 LOCA TION·WATll-VU·PllCll All the componenY for a valuable property and priced fairly~ A Bayt.root home on fee land with 3 bed. large patio & boat dock. The home needl updating, but the price reClecta ill $1,200,000 ftt land and OWNER SAYS: BRING OFFER, "rM FLEXIBLE! You'll need an advance appoinUDent, It's tenant OCC\lpied. ' LIASl/OPTION OPPOITUNtnl New luxury condol, )Ult ft!pl to Newport 8-yftont and walk to beech! GrHt location and unusual quality in thil 2 bed- room townhou.e condo. Ownn otfen flexible t.ftnll of 11s, 000. Cub down. 12000 per roooth 1.eMe and a one 'Jft.r option to purchue for $319,000. Four tol&l condo u.n.itl available with flexible finandnr planl. BrochW'ft and detaill available an lite at 209-215 19th SL off Balboa Blvd. I LUXUIY PINTHOUSI ON WATll Interior t. rl&ht out of Archlt«turat ~ and offers dra- matic quality llvlni lhJoouihout. Speciow 2 ~WI den with leductlve mMU!t' lulte with flreplaoe. Br-. gia. and antique_ aa:enta. ht llip available. ThJs Iii only for ~ cllmim1Mtblg. $725,000 FEE. IMMACULATl/PllSH IALIOA IS. One of the bat priced home. on the Wand, near all ahope. Spotlem 2 bedroom ph• brick patio. $295,000. 673-6ll00. 117 M.rtne Awnue. _ 10~ CASH-VllW PIOPHn Super Newport locaUon on larfe lot with two 2 bedroom unlta. Uve In one and rent the other or build a nrw home plus guest boule. Plam approwd. AJ.-.t lot value at $ol15,. 000. Owner will conllder ie-toptlon aJ.o. Submll. VllW-GOLP COUISI a NtTI LIGHTS Tb.le unique location must be ~ IO be fully appttdated. BeeuUfuJ and pn>ftm6onally deoonted Pinehurst model -2 bed. + den + formal din. area. Private entry. Pool, epa & tennil. Call for fi.nanan« de&aila. $350,000. LIDO HOMI PLUS Adonb» beiich retnet with a 2 bed.room home and l bed- room apanment ln a 1uper locatJon. *365,000. Circular tttt- plaice. ' TWO UNITS + IAL IS. Woods and warmth in a 2 bedroom home plus 2 beckooln apertment wilh deck plua 1ueet unit with beth. Step. to north bayfronl. A valuable rental property. $360,000. 87J..ell00. IALIOA ISLAND WAn•PIONT OPIN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. 100 SO. IA TflONT, IALIOA ISLAND **NIW THIS WEEK WITH WATllFIONT** IA YPRONT HOMl+tNCOMl+VU Ne'Wly remodeled & decorated 3 bed. bmne ON WATER with ~out front & panoramic VU of Beyfront boaling activtty and nltht ll1ha. Allo, 2 btd. apt. for ttnl&l Income Yffr 'round. The location la excellent-the owner wm help fi-nance. $1,178,000. fee land. CAPI COD-COIONA OIL MAR A brand new 2,1tory hoow under ClOIWtNc'tion-< tha-e'• time to choc.e your colon now. Drtw by 314 Mariaold ... ,!ult 1hort blocb to CDM beechee. Quality & man.ma com-bined ln lhla 3 bed. fam. & fromal dln.nn. LARGE VIEW SUNDIJCK. Call for financing detaill, $899,000 fee OIAMATIC & IXdTINO LIDO ISU Sunny, open & frtend1y home on a*-4&Xl8 tt Jot In a 1treet to atreet location. Venatile floor plan one level with 3 bed + den. GIMled lanai with pool ~ & of:tb area. Beautltw &arden and brick petio. Many utra •pedal fea- tura $476,000. CUSTOM NIAi llACH H.lgbly uPID"llded with 2 ~ & *Ylilh ... A~ 2-ctory with 2 bed.+ t.mlly rm. Owner will carry. Seoood 't'.D. Call tor flnaoc'.tnl. t:l&0.000. Open &m. 1-5 P.M. 4710 Neptune • •SPICT ACULAI IA YflONT WITH Piii• A dominating relldenti.al property with a private dock for 2 boeta. Stupendoul VU:W on South Baytront with two lar(le side-by-aide uni... FAch unit .. 1arpr than molt homes and hu 4 bedroomt, 3W -t.tha, ~and family room1, ph.w 2 ~ and 2 belcon.la. Owner wW help an.ix. to quall- Red buyw. *2.200.000 fee. 873-8900. HAllOR llDGl-PHNCH MANOI 180 decr'M vu:w of Bey, Om.n and nlcht lltiita. Mqnllbnt quality and detail throuchout thia 5,700 aq. h. neldence. l'onnal hGme with 4 bedrooma, library, formal ctiNnr room. immerwe family room and ~ ma.ter all• with fire. plaae, ltmdedt •una and 1pe. Impr'elllw and a.-:im f« the parlicuJao taom.ownw, In the 1*' tndltion of this Louie XIV Manor ~. $2,200,000 fee. UNOUflUCTID-PIONf ROW Prwnfwn ...._. wtdl ...... ma,......, 75 tt. ~. 2 le1al lota and panoramic VJT.W of oettn and jetty. 6rly Newpon remdence with t.M cha.rm and quality of byione day.-wood panellna,, mouldlnpand 1arJe rooma. i1.~.ooo. 631-1400. OWn« will help finance. NIWPOltT IAYl'IONT llTATI with fl()' m Newport Bey. Sweep(nc. panoramJc view from the Pavillkln to the mountal.rw. An authentic archltectunl.l statement of bygone daya throuihout th.II 3·1tory reDdence plus 4th floor ot>.ervallon tower. The quality and craft- lll'l81llhl p In lhla dlcn1&d "1'UctUtt off« 1pedol.UI l'OOml & privacy, In addition IO ~ 1ndoor & outdoor balconiel, 1 p11tlm and a>urtyard entry. Thll ~icent villa otten two wlnp for private living. Tht. lncludn 6 bedroorm and e t.lhrooms, a formal dlnlna room. 2 kllcbena, fonnal livlni room, larfe family room & much more. A 1eparate, .elt- c:ootained master tulle. Larp pier and Oaat will ai:tm~ date a 60'. pJ1.11 two other-boata. A detaOed brochure wm be available upon requst. $2,l™>,000 f.ee land. Adjolnlna iueat apartment, plua S car 1arap available for 1395,000 on a aeparate 45x100 ft. loL DOYH SHOHS WATIRPRONT Courtywd entry lnto coonllnated =.i 9nd aood lalrte. HJcbUlbta of dill homt Include a ~ pub-bar with Jaret f.amily room, formal dlninc roam with fireplace, aepe- rate ~ ~ a11te plua J bedrooma. Plttlllip for Jaret yachL Owner w1D carry 1ar..,e now and T .D. Reduoed to $1,500,000. INCHDllL'I LINDA ISLI LINDA ISLE 2-itocy with 4 bedrooro plUI maid'1 room, formal dl.ob:wr room, 1arp f.amily room with *P down bar and country kJtchen. lAndlcaped IO perfec:Uon plua bridgl! over dip-pool and 1pa. $1,395,000. Slip for 3 boata. IAYPIONT-LAIOI & LOVILY Unomtructed wtde .. water'ftoftt" .r.ew from th.II open and 1padou8 t-m with 1ar1'I brick .. tlo and pier !« nvo 55' yach1a. ~t location and etpld.aily 1arp living room, elevated~ room, larp bar, Wnlly room, plUI laland kitchen. Slx bedrooma, hi.Ifie mMto« lulte with marble f.lre. pi-and breathtaklnf view of all A very comfor1abl.e &or plan with a fttlinl of privacy! $1,950,000 lnclude1 land. 631-1400. llllCK, llAMS, CHARM One of the bat PenirwWa Pt. stren -t.y and beech. Aw-ling and adorable 3 bedroom. 2 beth with 2 patloa, 2 car ..,.... plUI dartlToom. Pal»linc and DP'~ ~ ow help f:1nance to ciu-liBed buyw. $385,000. 831-1400. IALIOA ISL. LOT • PLANS Drive by 309 ~ and aaD tor dN1lL Plam !« lincle tamDy borne appr'Oll'ed and ..-iy IO build. Red....t to $329,· 500. aw bulld to IUlt for total petbce. $500.000. DUPUX NIAi llACH Larp unlta with 2 bedroom, J beth muler 1uha. Wood panellnr. c:ommunlty pool and tennla. Owner will carry pa- per. $279,000. 831-1400. COUNTRY ILIGAN~ UTTLI IS. Charm, e)epnce and f1WrY dacontm" amenity In th.II S bed- room borne with brtck petJo and trench doon. Alao one bedroom plu• maid'• unit on comer. Euy 1tepa to bay. $575,000. 873-8900. 1010 Abalone P1tol, Bal. Ia. llV1NI TllUCI Open & airy 3 bed. hon. with .... kitchen, tam. ~with tnplaoe & open be.ma. NIDll .. tlo and t.k yud. $2~000. 831-1400. WATERFRONT . HOMES, INC. -REALTORS · Sales. Rentals. Property Managem47n1 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 631 -1400 - j 1 I I I '-= ~ I I I * $20,000 DN * Spacious family home with aoaring cathedral ceilings and bright and airy country )dtchen. With 4 large brs, Z ba'a and a family room, it's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. ...... - *MASSIVI CUSTOM FIRIPLACI* Spend thoae romantic evenings basking in the glow of this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally located cloee to Westminster Mall and Goldenwest College and priced to seU! $119,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *SIX ON A LOT* Six houses on one lot in prime rental area of Costa Mesa. AU but one have fireplaces and have recently been painted. No deferred mainte- nance. Asking $395,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $3,000 RllATE Superb financing on this bright and cheery 4 br, 1.75 ba home PLUS the seller will give a $3,000 rebate at C.O.E. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *$10,000 IUYS nu Ladies apparel shop with gocxt lease terms. Located in busy shopping center. Inventory negotiable. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *ZIRO DOWN* On the water. Price slashed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Profession.ally dl!COrated w/gourmet kitchen. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *'4 ACRI ISTATI* Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, built-in microwave and~ compactor. Large formal dining room baa built-in oak buffet and cabinets. Huge detached garage has ~ bath and could be easily converted to guesthouse. Sacrifice for $169,- 900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach~ 556-7035. *TAKIOVIR 11.2% LOAN* Only $20,000 down on this spacious four bedroom, 2 bath home with IOaring cathedral a>lling:s. F.arthtone decor throughout with custom wall coverings. Bright and airy country kitchen plus family room and custom patio. Offered at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *llXIY KNOLLS llAUTY* U you enjoy the charm and stately grace of an era gone by. this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home is for you. Large formal dining room with view of beautifully landscaped grounds. Guesthouse at rear of property. Offered at $239,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *LOCATION x 3 + POOLI* --------·---- Sensational PORTOF1NO model on excepuonally large lot on FEE land with 4 bedrooms, spa, fireplace. ONLY $349,pOO with 10.97% as- sumable financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . $30,000* ------- * 11.463 FINANCING Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 br's, fplc, gounnet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * $95,500 * Costa Mesa. Spad~us 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly painted. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * MESA DEL MAR * $21,000 DOWN Sensational 3 br home with $104,000 in low interest financing. Call today. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 75'9-1501 or 752-7373. ' *12.93 INT.RIST* HARBOR VllW HOMI Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, Crplc & spa!! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *TURTLIROCK* $1,279 PIR MONTH is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring frm1 din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WISTCLIFF* 12'.4 FINANCING When you takeover existing loans on this EXECUTIVE HOME fea- tuming 4 br 2 ~ ba's and pool. Reduced to $299,000 fee land. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WATllFIONT HOMI* PRIVA Tl llACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring french doors frplc, professionall~ decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller wall carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 12 ~ 3 FINANCING·* • • BUILDER CLOSEOUT • * . available on brand new town home! Featuring 2 mstr suites, encl'd · garages & private court yrd. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * HERITAGE PARK -SILLER FINANCING * . Absolutely smashing 3 br townhome featuring central air conditioning and security system only $132,500. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373 * * PALERMO HARIOR VIEW HOME * * Equals an ideal home for the pwing family .eeking a prime Newport Beach location wrrH land ownership. Large sunny rooms and family room overlook a large pool eet in a low maintenance yard. Sellers offer their own financing at 12411 anii have reduced the price to under Totally remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring French doors, wocxten shutter, plllnk floon, Wied brick & poo1 & spa. FEE and w/GREAT ~-~TERMS!. 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. $300,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7036. NEWPoiT BEACH OFFICE' 2870 SQn Miguel Drive Newport IMclt, CA t28IO . (714) 791-1101 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adams At/e. Huntlntton leacb, CA '*' (714)151-703I ~ ; a • -------·- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Suppfement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 -11, ~ THE SOLUTION Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson has de- veloped a method of financing a home that we believe will be very attractive to the homebuyer. We call it the 5% Solution. You'll call it sensational. This innovative 5o/o Interest Fina~ing Program is another rea- son why Coldwell Banker has been an in- dustry leader.for over 75 years and is the nation's largest full service real estate company. YOUR DREAM OF HOME OWNERSHIP CAN COME TRUE .•. with Coldwell Banker's 5°/o FINANCING SOLUTION. A H.OW THE SOLUTION ~WORKS • You pay 5% Annual Percentage Rate In- terest • Your down payment can vary (depending on current loan balance) • The Seller is paid off in equal monthly installments over 96 months • There are no balloon payments • There are no hidden costs • There are no loan origination fees . YOU OWN YOUR HOME FREE AND CLEAR IN JUST 8 YEARS! AN ADDED PLUSI The difference between eight years of lntefest payments and 30 years of Interest payments can save you thousands of dollars. - BUYERS SEMINARS ••• t) THESE PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE AT 5% FINANCING: Sensatlonal Showplacelll $217,000 Yours in 8 years ... 4 bedroom, G.5 ~ath, Family Room, Pool, Spa plus much much morel Seller will finance. 5% Annual per- centage rate. $60,000 down, 96 mo. pay- ments of $1988, includes principal and in - terest. (714) 894-7521 & 962-5585 OUTSTANDING VALUE!!! $133,000 Enjoy privacy and seclusion beside the sparkling pond In your own back yard paradise. A lovely 4 Bedroom home, that offers charm and gracious living for only $133,000. Seller will finance. 5% annual percentage rate, $50,000 down, 96 .fTlO payments of $1,050.78 Includes princ. and interest. (714) 645-0303 · For complete details, call your Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson office to- day! ATTENTION SELLERSI are scheduled to be held at all Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson offices. Call the office nearest you for reservatlons and details. ~ FOREST E. OLSON. REALTORS If you ·have been unsuccessful In selltng your home, or If you are thinking about doing so, call the Coldwell Banker-Forest ·E. Olson nearest you to find out how the 5% FINANCING SOLUTION can help you sell your home in t.oday's market. OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK, _8:30 A.M. TO 8 P.M. E; ltiitlilton Beach (714) 962-5585 (213) 592-1525 It Brooklust & Garfllld, H.B . W. lbltmpon Beach (714) 894-7521 (213) 598-3328 at Edwards & Ecln1er, H.B. • I .- - PRESENTS , . WATllFIONT-CUSTOM Luxurious one of a kind cuttom 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom guest quarterl.4>r' rental unit. Located pn waterfront with your own pier and slip. This home has had many extras. $789,000 includes the land. FINISHED TO PU.FICTION This pride of ownership home is for the fussy buyer. 3 bed- rooms, family room, 2 in baths. Professional interior- landscaping. Dramatic pool and spa complex. Asking $229,000. NEWPORT BEACH BLUFFS Thia beautiful 3 bedroom end unit condo bas it all, including a •~view, new appliances, encloeed patio and a Jarae 8118WD8ble first loan. Owner will consider leaae option or trade. $284,· 000. 653 Vi1ta Bonita-Open Sat 1-4 and Sun 2-5. JASMINE CREEK Rare 3 bedroom one-story end unit. Beautifully upgraded. Choice greenbelt location in this most desirable security community. Excellent finan- cing is available. $427 ,500. ARCHITECT'S DREAM er 6000 square feet of elegance and warmth fill th.Ls quality cuatom, liigh on tilI1 In prestigious Spyglua. Features include 5 bed.rooms, library, family room, 5 in baths, magnifiamt pool and spa. and pri,vate elevator. Offered at $2,500,000. IMPICCAILE ted in prestigfous Spyglam. this 3 bedroom, 2 bath with formal din1ng room ahd family room fabulous mountain and dty lights views.Good financing offend by a motivated_•U.~. Prl<ie reduced to $495,000. EASTILUFF-VIEW SANTA ANA This beautiful 4 bedroom 3 bath home has it all -magnificent view, parquet floors, large custom------------------ designed family room, plua exceptional assuma- ble fanandng. All this could be yours for only $299,950. HARBOR RIDGE Dramatic home located in this very private and exclusive community. 4 bf:droom Lautremont CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Is this very affordable tri-level condo. Located near South Coast Plaza. Complete with 3 bed· rooms and owner financing. ONLY $112,900. plan with spectacular view. Private courtyard with fishpond. Professionally decorated and -----V-IL_L_A_P_A_R_K _____ _ landscaped. Only $729,500. EASY TO OWN Lowest priced one bedroom unit in this highly regarded Versailles adult condo community . Guarded gate, pool, spa, and rec room. Large assumable loan and seller will help in financing. Only $106,000. BUILDER'S SPECIAL Villa Parle view lot near $$$million dollar homes. Seller wilJ subordinate. Submit your terms. $39~.ooo. ALSO LEASES available in the Versailles is a two bedroom and 2 ---------------- bath unit. The owner lives out of the aree and la highly motivated to aell. Will consider all offers. $126,000. IALIOA ISLAND ATTENTION BUILDERS -Chd'ice location with tear down. Halfway betw~en ferry and shopping. Owner will subordinate with reasona- ble down payment. Call for details. f325,000. IRVINE . SPYGLASS- Unobstructed ocean view Is yours in this 3 bed- room Portamouth model home. Cheery light de- cor with 2 fireplaces, large wet bar, pool and spa. $2200 per month. SPYGLASS Tradewlnda model 4 ~oom 3..baths. Vacant and ready to move ln -Only $1700 per month. WANT TO TRADI Popular Southport model. com~le wi'th 5 ~-. • ST ART Hiii llVINI 1 rooms. pool, jlcwr:ll. and ~t liglit,,vie\t'. Seller ln ,U:Ua c~ Rancho ~ Joequin Villaa one Beautiful 4 bedroom Pe• toWnbome on quiet hu bought another and muat 1ell. WW~ bedroom Jnd loft. totally upgraded conao. Ter-cul-de-sac. Hu 1ar<te~ tY]>e"'ldt.cben, laundry exchange for large sport ~ t>Qat or aJrJ:Upe. rific 111WDAble filwlc:ing. Price haa been druti· room, fl.replace, ~J.lahta, aiained glass windows Aaking $639,500. 1 • cally reduced to only $149,950. Call today. and ltaliian mabk entry. $1200 month. . . PR(;>FESSIQNAL ·SE.RVICE- . IANCHO· 11•1 W-1-------- 41 412 IOI HOPI DllYI ... 1714JJ40i-467' -.l· Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DMtY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 -13 MACNAB- IRVINE REALTY A 5' 8SDNW ~THE RVM a:JMPAHY .,IAlllPltll" llYFlllT IUTUl-PllllE lilloll llM,000 Thia unique home approx. 8,000 sq. ft la an entertainers paradlee. Lg allp, bayslde lawn, pool, 3 fplca plus h4s and hers bathrooms den office/art room, library, gymnaalum. Unusually deep lot w/ approx. 74 feet on the bay. Only 5 years old. $4,950,000 John Macnab 842-8235 (G 13) ..,111 11111 -qm11111 Located on 2.4 acres, property Includes corrals, riding ring, barn, pool & beautlfulty authentic Georgian Colonial home w/5 BR, din rm. luxurious master suite w/apa & sauna. Full security. $2, 100,000 Lynne Valenttne 6«-8200 (G15) · •llTIY ~ 111111-.. •FDm I • custom home w/vff!Nts from every room. Dramatic circular atalr- cue, high ceilings & French doors, fam rm, atepdown bar & wine rm. Lwcurioua master suite w/spa & sauna. F\.tllSeewity. $2,100,000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (Gl5) m 1 n 1111 lll1J lllllfllE 122' Bayfront w/dock. 3 BR, den, single story. S8'1er wlll finance. $1,500,000 Martha Macnab 842-8235 (G16) • ............ ...u ... Estate home totally customized beyond belief. • • .4 BR. pool - waterfa!l-french doors-onyx bath, etc. $1,450,000. Please join me at this apeclal showing SUNDAY 1-5 ... 11 La Rochell -Harbor Ridge, Newport Beach (G17) IEW llYFlllT Most elegant & exquisite Bayfront home on Fee land on the market. Approx. 53.75' on the water. DOCK with room for three boats. Approx. 3700 sq. ft. Totally customized 4 BR executive home of uncompromising luxury. $1 ,395,000 Suzanne Shuler 842-8235 (G 18) 1111 A' llYFlllT Lll&'MI Outl1andlng financing. Room for large boats. Oversize allp. Lovely bay and night light views .from most rooms. Four bedrooms. A&- sume large tow Interest bank loan-owner will carry extensive MCOndary trust deed for qualtfled buyer. $1,200,000 (fee land) George Grupe 844-e200 (G19) llELDT ... ..., IElll .. Spacious 4 BR, formal Dining_ rm, library, 3 fptcs. Immaculate condition. Pool stz.e yard. Country kitchen. Seller wlll help with financing. $500,000 Eferlt Mitchell 842-8235 (G20) ••••••mu prevail In this '"an Watt's cuatom-tush atrium 4 BR fam rm home. BMutlfuHy decorated -Spectat lighting for fabulous entertaJnlng. Good A11um. loan Fee land $390,000 Jane Paquin 6-42-8235 (G21) IEllllL WUYIMIE lnU" All the potentlal with beams, 4 BR & cfen, lg fam rm, nice yard, 2 patios & room to add over the 2 car garage. Leaaehold. Beverty Morphy 642-8235 $299,000 (G24) . . ............ . Start your new depreclit{on ic1*Jule w/tfilideHghtful duplex. Weft located 2 BR cottage w/open beame & a 2 BR apartment, and please note the attractive price. $248,000 Coby Ward or Barbara Callihan 642-8235 (GS2) •.. .., ... New consfructlonl 2 BR & library In pre1ttglous Turtle Rock. Spacious master suite wlvaulted celling, formal dlnln9, fptc & garden court. $239,500 Barbara Calllhan 842-8235 (633) llWfllT .. Lg bulldable corner lot w/ofder home In dynamic area for upgra- ding 3 BR, 2 BA, Great ftxer. tnspectJon with offer. Call Listing office for details. $215,000 Lynne Valentlne 6«-8200 (G34) ... 111' lmlll ITUTB -Cute 3 BR, 2 BA, partlally remodeled home w/charmlng shingled , exterior In private woods setting. Pool sized yard. Triple garage on alley for TV st6rage. Assume both 1st & 2nd TR's. $199,000 Paula Balley 642-8235 (G35) 9TY 1MR • I llUT UllNI Room for SJMClal projects on a super second floor cleared for action. 3 BR & huge famlly kitchen just made for active people who want to live In The Colony. $169,000 Coby Ward 842-8235 (G36) MEFL••Mlllfnl Anita Plan, end unit w/2 enclosed patios, 3 BR, 1~ BA tavtlhly upgraded. Adjoins lov~y greenbelt. $165,000 LH Setler aaalsted financing. Dick Halderman 842-8235 (G37) ...... ·-.. FllST ml. 1111111111 single story 3 BR, den, 2 BA dining rm & breakfal1 rm home sit- uated In prestigious Cameo Highlands. 3 Private beaches within walking distance. $290,000 Incl. land. Donna Godlhalr 644-6200 (G25) YMI Liii -• Ul1IUn If you need a 4 BR, 2'Ji bath one 11ory home near schoofa, chur- ches, shopping & tennis In one of Newport'• finest rMldentlal areas. Minutes from Fashion bdand and 9Y9f'I •~of CataHna & reduced to $289,500 Leuehold Maxine Propp 6«-8200 (626) .. llYllllT -111210 •t• Custom family home on comer lot -u98d brick•, ffench doors, spa, basement-wine ce41ar, tee. Immediate occupancy -ftnanclngl $269,000 Beverly Morphy 842-8235 (G27) OPEN HOUSE SAT- URDAY 1 .. 4 ... 2050 Shlpfty -Baycreet -N9w'POrt 8Mdl 1111 Ill Ill YI I, .... M l1lm Great corner location Improves paf'.klngl 8 offlcM + reception entry. Could be dtvtded. 1300 eq. ft. '280,000 For appt. call Oona Chlchelter 842-8235 (G28) ,.1anau Beautifully remodeled reekMnce done In a tradltfonal etyte & att- uated In a canyon setting In N9wport Height•. A gtMt buy for • lg 4 BR home. $249,500 Coby Weld. 842-8235 (G29) ....... -.-T Lll1BI Bright 'n sunny home ln greet r*ghbomood. 3 BR + fam rm low malnt~anoe yerd. OoocJ ftnandng. Ck>M to park, lhOppfng, &: · tchoota. OWner/agent $249,000 Fee Jane Paquin 842-8235 (030) ; .. A I -~ ··=,,..,:=:::st=r...:;.o-~~----- 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 ·This Weekend I Keep this h;1ndy directory with you Ulls weekend •s ·you go house-huntlnt. All the loc•tions listed below •re chscribed In gre•ter cMIAll etsewtMtre In tod•y's DAIL y PILOT cl•Hifled acts. P•trons advertJstng open houHS for sate or rent In The D•llY Pilot may list such lnfornYtlon In these cotumM each Satur"Uy •nd Sund•y. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 M ... FAM RM or DEN 10 Navarre, Irvine 640-9900 $149,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 291DROOll 9 Melody Lane, Woodbridge, Irvine 857-0134 $134,000 Sat/Sun 809 VM ..... eo.1a Mesa 67~551 1 $140,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2287 Pactftc, Coeta Mesa 673-8900 $179,900 Sunday 1-5 117 Mer1ne Ave, Balboa llfand, NB 873-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 79 See Island. (vtew) Big C811yon, NB M-C-9090 $315,000 Sunday 2-5 214 Sapphire Balboa Island, NB 873-6900 $450,000 Saturday 1-5 2 9R ... FAM Ml or DIN #3 Rue Fom.lneblMu (Bg Cyn) NB 759-9100 $425,000 Sun 1-5 **10 Balboa Coves, Balboa Covel, NB 642-3235 $595,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1409 Dolphin Terrace, Irvine Terraiee, CdM 644-6200 $950,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 AldergrOYe, lrvtne • 552-0680 $188,000 Sat 1-5 4710 Neptune. Bal Penln, NB 673-6900 $380,000 Sunday 1-5 2034 Vista Cajon, Npt Bch 759-1221 $315,000 Sun 1-5 I KDROOM 418 De Sofa Terrace, CoronaHlndt, CdM 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1824 Port Stlrtlng (Herbor Vu) NB 84-C-4910 $225,000 Fee Sun only 1-6 1814 Santanefla Terr (Irv Terr) C<IM 552-2000 $299,000 Sun 1-5 510 Via Florida (The PtM) $an C6em 759-9100 $3t&,000 Sun 1·5 1524 Sant.,,.._ Tenace. CdM 631-7300 $396,000 Sat 1-5 818 Marigold, C<IM 640-45~1 $385,000 Open Dally 1-6 2881 CfelMew, Baylhor•. NB 84-C-9060 $53-t,220 Fee Sun 1-5 2 Pierre, Heritage-Pwtl, IMne 759-1501 $132.400 Sat 1-5 1 Rue Font•nblHu, 8tg Canyon, NB 640-5777 $500,000 Saturday 1·5 1&43 Serenedt Temioe (Irv Terr) CdM 844-9090 $335,000 r:.. ... 1-5 • 1111 COurt Ave. Nwpl P9nln. Na 87~2211 $399,000 811t18un 11..e 118 VI• Quito, Lido Isle, NB 073-7300 Open Sat/Sun 1-6 3024 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar, NB 831-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1312 Santanella Terr, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $225,000 ~Sat 1""4 559 Vista Flota (Bluffs) NB 873-8550 $242, 700 Sat 1""4 884 Presidio. Mela del Mar, CM 759-1501 $124,900 Sat 1-5 409 Columbus Cr, Corona del Mar 873-8550 $330,000 Sat 1-5 325 Rochester. Coeta Mesa 645-9096 $149,500 1812 Sandlewood, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $127,900 **1418 w. Bay Pennln Pt, NB Sat 1""4 Sat 1""4 875-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 2278 Columbia, College Prk, CM 646-7434 $129,900 Sat/Su 12""4 a -... FAM RM or DEN *314 Ave. Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2050 Shtpway, Baycreet, Newport Beach 642-6235 $289,000 Sat 1""4 211 Opal, Balboa Island, Newport Bch 876-4000 $647,000 Sat/Sun 12""4 542 Herbor Ill Or (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2100 E. ~Blvd, Balboa Penln 844-9080 $759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2827 Bunya, Newport Beach . 1s2-01n $232,500 sattSun 1""4 420 o.hMa, CdM 831-1288 $825,000 Sat 2-5, Sun 1-5 2827 Bunya. Newport Beech 752-0m $232,500 Sat/Sun ,_. 2105 Yacht Wanderer, Npt Bch 831-1298 $399,000 Sun 1-5 • 1472 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sun 1-5 . 884 Presidio, Mesa del Mar, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $124,900 Sat 1-5 2762 Clrcie Or, Bayshores, NB 844-9060 $449,500 Fee a Sun 2-5 *1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000 Fee Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $925,000 Fee Sun 1-5 1393 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $495,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1436 Serenade Terr, Corona del Mar 875!-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2115 Vista Laredo (Bluffs) NB 833-9191 $286,800 Sun 1-5 3 Kensington Ct (Hbr Rdg ) NB 8«-6200 $555,000 2421 Bunya. Eaatbluffa, NB Sat 1-5 675-1771 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-<4 1515 Combet'&and (Weetcllff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 2323 Clltt Drive, Nwpt Heights. NB 831-1400 $895,000 Sunday 1-5 853 Vista Bonita. Npt Bch 640-9900 $284,500 Sat 1""4, Sun 2-5 62 Drakes Bay, Corona del Mar 640-9900 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1 .... 4827 Courtland, Corona def Mar 873-8550 $359,000 Sat 1 .... :30 2149 Miramar (Penlnaula) NB 831-1266 $645,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2331 Cliff Drive, Nwpt Heights, NB 831-1400 $795,000 Sunday 1-5 510 All90 (Nwpt Hgts} NB 631-5861 $365,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 *904 Lombard, Mesa North, Costa Mesa 646-7434 $154,500 Sat 2-4, Sun 11-3 2345 16th St, (Nwpt Hgts) NB 845-0303 $249.000 Sat 1-4 2501 Harbor View, Corona del Mar 552-1714 $635,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 9EDROOll 1412 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 759-9100 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Co--111, Balboa Island 875-8921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 233 PolnMttla. Corona def Mar 873--4271 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 780 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach 873-tOeO $575,000 Sun 1-6 115 Via Wazlera, LldO 1•, NB 873-7300 Sun 1-S 3 San Sebutlao, Harbor Ridge, NB 840-6777 $2.3 MllHon Sunday 1·5 * *2804 W. OcNntront, Bal Pentn, NB 831-1400 $725,000 Sunday 1.:.S • \ I• 1 Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 3, 1982 -15 105 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle, NB 631-1400 $«5,000 Sunday 1-5 424 Belvue Lane, Bal Penln1t.1la, NB 831-1400 $419,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3024 Cleveland, Mesa No .• Costa Mesa 646-7434 $134,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 4 M plue FAM Rll ot DEN 1251 Surfltne Way (Harbor Vu) NB ~910 $229,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Road (Big c.nyon) NB 644-4910 $750,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *1801 Antigua Cir (Baycrest) NB 548-8798 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 *17 Muir Beach, (Spyglaaa), CdM 644-9060 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2805 Drake Ave, Mesa del Mar, CM 979-1138 $142,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 23 Half Moon Bay, Spyglua, CdM 760-0297 Saturday 12-5 3489 Venetian Drive, Costa Mesa 556-9299 $288,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2665 Temple Hiiia Or, Lag Bch 497-5454 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **2319 Bayside Or, Corona del Mar 642-8235 $1,895,000 Fee Sat 1-5 #7 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 873-0410 Sl.395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1844 Port Charles, Harbor View, NB 831-8194 $319,500 Sunday 1-5 *1805 Glenwood Ln (Baycrest) NB ~9060 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2708 CIHf Or, Npt Bch 831-126e $590,000 Set/Sun 1-5 1020 WhtteeeJlt, CdM 831-1298 $378,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1807 Newport Hiiia Dr E (Hrbr Vu) HB ~4910 1345,000 FM Sat only 1-5 1749 Port Hem~ Clrcle. Nwpt Bch ~7020 $397,000 Sun 1-5 1521 Anita, Newport Beac:tt 645-0532 $395,000 Sun-all wk 1-5 *1715 Gutea Terrace (Irv Terr) CdM &«-9060 $498,000 LM Hold Sun 1-5 1098 Tulare (Mesa Woods) CM 979-5749 $185,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 133 Via Undlne (Udo Isle) NB 675-7298 $735,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront. CdM 78()..9333 $589,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1511 Mnmar, Balboa 873-9080 $595, 100 Sun 1-5 3801 TopMde Ln, Hrb« Vu Hilla, CdM 64+9060 $385,000 Saturday 1-5 7 Arbor Glen (Woodbtdg) Irv &42-8235 $189,500 1132 Sea Ln, Corona det Mar Sat 1-4 673-8550 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, NB 831-1-400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2758 Drake (Mee& def Mar) CM 831-7370 $155,000 Sun 1-4 - * 1720 Candlestick Ln (Bycrat) NB 752-1920 $324,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4626 Roxbury Rd, Corona del Mar 675-5930 $529,000 Sunday 1·5 33 Sunlight, (Trtlrl() Irv 551-3005 $365,000 210 Via Sa Remo. lido Ille, NB Sun 1-5 673-2558 or 675-3048 Sat/Sun 1-5 Tustin & 16th St, Newport Beach 831-3374 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 5 RDROOll •70 Hiiicrest, Big Canyon, BC 640-5777 $1.595 mlltlon Sat/Sun 1-5 219 Via Lido Soud, Udo, NB 640-5777 $2.250 mllllon Sunday 1-5 **108 Via Udo Nord, Udo Isle, NB 675-6161 S1,500,000 Sun 1-5 S BR pf ... FAM RM or DEN «2 Begonia, Corona def Mar 644-6200 $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 126 Via Lorca. Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $498,500 Sun 1-4 #5 Point Loma, Spyglaaa Hiii, CdM ~5403 $1,200,000 Sun 1-5 **824 W. Bay, Bal Penlnada, NB 631-1400 $1,495,000 SaVSun 1-5 *41 ~Bay, Corona det Mar M0-9900 $839,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 1422 Keel (HVHla) CdM &42-1623 $400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 IM plale FAM RM or DEN **351 Via Lido Soud, Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $1,750,000 SaVSun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 MplueDD 1030 Bayside Cove Ea.st, NB 642-8235 $325,000 Sat 2-5' 2 BIDROOll *2087 Vltta def Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sun 1-5 *2600 Bloek Santa Ana Ave, Costa M..a 831-8194 $129,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 411~ Oehlta, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 SaVSun 1·5 *25 Clinyon Island, Big Cnyn, NB 673-7300 $266,000 Sun 1-4:30 **1815 W. Bay Ave, Penlnaula, NB 673-3777 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 1704 Weatetlft Cr #18, NB 873-«00 $129,500 2338 Elden, Coeta M"8 Sun 1-5 557-4579 $118,500 Open Sat/Sun 1-4 With •II the interest in real estate as an invesvnent, don't forget that your home is 1lso where you'll be living. Sure, resale valut is lmport81lt, but so are your hf>tJsing ntedsnow. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Eich one i1 required to be a real e1t1te professlonll.._actlvely engaged in realestat.e. and publicly committed to a wrrtten-Codt of Ethic1. REAL TORS® ere experienced tn helptng you find the ri~t home for today lind tomorrow. It could also take• hnp o' lookin'. Before IB you start. call a ACAL TOR® fir1t. 11W1oe• ; ' 2 llR plu9 D!N 1018 Bayalde Cow East, Newport Beach 642-8235 '448,000 Sat 2-5 209 -19th St, Bal Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 12 to 4 45 c.nyon Ille, Big Canyon, ~B 831-1400 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *501 St. Andrews, (Cllffhawn) NB 673-7300 $189,500 Open Sun 1-4 I 9EDROOll 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1816 W. Bay Ave, Peninsula, NB 673-3777 $490,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I MplueD£N 117 Rue Vlllara, (Bg Cyn) NB 759-9100 $850,000 Sat.'Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2MDROOll Fairview Rd/Avocado, Coeta M"8 S..8-2239 $137,950 Sat/Sun 10:30-5 I BEDROOM Fairview Rd/Avocado, Coeta Mesa 548-2239 $149,950 Sat/Sun 10:30-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 .. ptueFAll • 300 E. Coat Hwy 113 Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 BEDROOM 300 E. Cout Hwy No 270 Nwpt 8ch 675-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 700 Udo Park Dr, Udo Penln (#22) 831-1400 $54,500 Saturday 1-5 •700 Udo Park Dr, Udo Penln (#38) 831-1400 $48,000 Saturday 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 .. plul 1 11R 315 lrt., Corona det M# ~9060 $347,750 Sunday 1-5 1 11R plul 1 • 1510 Abalone Plaoe, Bal lsf, ~8 673-8900 $575,000 SaVSun 1-5 , ........ 2 ... 4501 Seuh<>te, Npt 8c:h 759-1221 $650,.000 2 . 1 9DROOM 209 42nd St<(Penln) NB 642-2356 $350,000 2 -... Sun 1-5 Sun 1"5 **200-202 South Bayfront, Bal Ill, NB 873-a900 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOME plua INCOME . FOR 8ALE 2 ........ , .. 2« E. 15th St, Cotta Meea 875-1771 $225.000 Sunday 1-4 COMMERCIJL FOR SALE I M ...... OPPICa ..... MTAL 410 311t St, Newport Beech 11wm *395,ooo Sat/Sun 1-s * Poot ** W1temont *** Wllertront & Pool '• - ; 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 ~.~~ ••••••• ~~~....... ~.~~ ....... ~~~ ........ ~.~.~ ••••••• ~.~.~··,··00··2· ..._.. IMJ...... IMJ........ todJ...... 1002._.. 1002 ...._... ....................... ....................... .................•..... ............•.......... . .............••.•..... c;e: GEORGE ELKINS CO ~· 1 • ~ . • •• • ~" • • ~ • • WITlllT--TI Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach'• Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Will Be Under Construction Soon. One Of The Finest In The Area. The Style Ia EncJish Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To lmpect. $2,200,000. SUll!l Trivi9on'a Lilting. ....... n• ••amt Special 5 BR Home On Approx. 5 Al:ra. Solar Heated Pool, Spa. Room For Tennis Court. Honea, Guest Howe. Mqnificent View Of Surrourul.ln,c Valley & Adjacent To Miles Of .Equestrian Trai.la. $1,975,000. Binnie Dl.xcn'• Lilti."18. ·----Promontory Bay. Formal B.R. Den-Llbrary. Malter BR O'Looka Bay. 3 Other BRs & Maid'a Rm & Ba. Pier, Slip For Lrg Yacht. . Owner Will Assist W/Financing. YOU OWN THE LAND. $1. 850,000. Cathryn Tenllle's Liatinc. ..... Sp«'laCUlar Golf Coone V.ew. Thia Elepnt Liltini Offen Pri- vw:y, 3 Large Bedroonw. 3 Bat.ha, Family Room. 3-Car Garag.? & Lovely Gardens. Enjoy F.ntertalnina In Thia Dramatic Home. Priced At $850.000. Trudy Stubblefield'• Listing. ...... , In Lacuna Beach. High On A Hill Abaft The Ocean. Carved Entry Door -Sunken Bar -Game Room • Stained & Leaded GIMI -2-Story Fireplace & A Pool & Spa c.o.npJete The Picture. Appointment, Pleale. $795,000. Ann Brbolil' Liatinc· _. .. ,_ Ocean View Home. Superb Modem Stylinc. Sharp, Clear, Clean Futures. It Sparkles, It'• So Clean. Excellent Financing. Un- doubtedly One Of The Beat Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. $695,000. Joya! Dabolt'a Listing. ,llPUl----Recenlly Qmpleted CU.tom Unit W/Uaed Brick Fireplllce. Me- xican 'Illes & Vaulted Ceilinp. Malter Suite W /Cathedral Win- dows & Treetop Viewl. Cozy. Secluded 2 BR Beu Unlt Plus Po.. . Guest Quarters! Great Ftnancin&-$356.000. ColliJw.HUl Lilting. . -II llY Dramatic: Home -Approx. M Aaea -4 BR • Pool -Spa -Park 8 Can+ R.V. -Greet Location· ~p 3 Hones, Maybe More, On Your Own Property. $28i.OOO. Dabolt-Shipley Lilting. • J ........ Lovely Courtyard Entry • Tile Galore -Pb Bay View -Hu,e Patio -Potted Planta · FJowtnc Fountaine -Indoor/Outdoor Li-vina -2 BR 2 BA Coodo Showa BetW Than A Model A "Joy Of Newport" l.Jstina. -·•-.a .. ,., I I . 2 BR Duplex HM "Penonality Pl&.9!'' Ownen Will Finance '1~ To Qualiffed Buyen. Surrounded By Luab J.andnplng, 'nM!9e Unita An Just A Short Stroll To a.ch & Shoppine. Attractive Inwnnmt At $272.000. Ann BrtloUa' LAlliac· Ii I s.....a lllWI• 49211 Ill Attr8Ctlve Spanjlh 2 BR P'\uTUlhed 4-Plex. No V.candel. Good · Location. South Of Riverside. Excellent Terms. Reduce4 To $129,500. Sally Shlp)ey'1 Liltinc· Brilhtm aomeooe'a day Witb a Clulifted ~· .. mP -only . )'OW' Mt.er mea111e will appeu with the bUnny above in the Dall Pilot on Easter~nday. Call 642·5'78 and cbarie it Maatercard and Vila welcome. ~w.~~~l11 dwmln1 3 Bdr home ia )'OUl'I. NoquaUfylna! No landlord! Total P•Y· ments or only Sl'17 pr mo. for 30 yra. Call Ron Salter. 11t Re /Max 1'1=1221 WA1'8FIOMT Ab1olute)y eretanl lakeside homt In Irvine. 4 Bdnns. 3 Ba. family room. A bruthlaklng view. Kitchen has Jenn· Alrt' range w /bit· In microwavt'. ct'ramlc lilt' noon and mort'! Ownu will us1st in nnan.clng . Full r ice UU.000. $5'00DOWH IUYS W.OOOlllDGE &ea~fuRt4,,!/ed ser Coodoend urut w/1tr1 l11 patio ... A Doll house Call Pt'I Damuon •IAYNOMT• IOATSLJP 1555,000 WOW!" L0wis1 -prl ced bayfronl home ON BALBOA cov ES. Larae 4 bdrm, 3 bath. double nrep11ce. covered "P•lio ph• mucb n»re! Wiil AITD or trade for Easlbhtr · Ba11horn or ?!?!! ..... ..,,,.,. ... .,. • • SAVIMOHIY Auu~!!..,~terut loans fr lave yourself llOUR money. Low dowa, low lnterut me au lower paymenta f« ~ on ,tbla cu1tom 3 Id famlly home w /totally remodeled c11u.atry tltdL. Bl micro. lrt lot w/tru•. RV accue. SUI~. Don't delay. call"' .. today. Dl.aea ,.._ . vo1,. D .\ 'J ! J S 0 N ~ : .1 i. T .i ALOT FOR 411. Pool & Spa .&.Lmll and that'• not all! Tbl1 3--iJ'd'rin-lamily Beauti!uJly maintained home bu expancfed with with many amenities a 4th Bdrm + family thlt make tbla home a rm. Total llvint apace terrific bl.I)'. f'.llt.tr tbru UllUDd 2,000 IQ fl. Alot the mcloefd courtyard for alittk prlce tl23.000. aod 1ee all tbal this HiO uewuble VA lit bomf bu to olfer. Only S1005 Pil/mo. Don't de-1165,000. Ca I I now 1a.Y. call Diana today. m.ssio Diana Pleml I· Volpe ALLSTATE I HJU\B()R REALTY ................ 1'hrillln8 white wa~ action in a 1pec-- tacular 1etting. Builder'• own custom home built for lndoot-outdool' llvinl w/ ~ u. of gl.-to enj>y the view & luab tropic91 gardens. 4 Bdnm & bathe, formal din room, fam rm., worlubop, ref.ricented wine vault, aoJar hmdnc & much more. A marvelous investment at n,900,000. ................ Xtra size Warmington built dup~x with 3 Bdrma & 2 bath• in EACH unit + !ireplaces, separate garages. built-ins, beamed ceilinp, private padoa. carpets & drpa. Great location cloee to sbopplnc, terrific terma of 12 'h" intere1t, 20" down-Low $319,000. price. . ........... <Nerlooldnc tlie pool with 4 Bdrma. & 3 bathe, all light & cheerful plus a w., livine-dining room which opens onto the attractive patio. Kitchen is overaiied with a 1eparate eating area. The $299, 500 L.H. pcice is ptttty good, but best of all la the 30 ye.er 12 1,i~ financing. with just l~ Down! ... ............. 80 feel on lhe bay with private pier 1' float that can accommodate a large yacht. Spaciou1 2 1tory home haa 4 Bdrm1. & den. plu1 formal din rm, workahop, breakfast rm. & expansive waterfront terrace all in brick. Profes- lionally decorated & Ideal for entertai- ~ What a tenific be.yfront value at ~.OOOL.H.! ................. Typical Corona del Mar Duplex, cute & Ct1IY priced to aell by motivated owner . Nlcely decorated 2 Bdrm home with room to .cldo()l'l plua Bdrm apt (Yllf!t the .... ApwW!nt II rented, but home II avalJa&le now. The new price i1 on1y •• 50Ckall to ... ........... Seelni 11 beUeviq, but you won't be- lieve $129.500 price when you aee this 1harp 2 Bedroom Condo ju1t 1 block from Wmcliff P'Lua. Private petio, up-anided kitchen. Iota of lt.cJnlt, beeutlfUl community pool & laodmcaptn1. Name your tenm and be u creative u you want. ' llnlm-.... Lido Patl< Drive. Spadoua 2 BR 2 be condo with sit down bay view and your own pri- vate atrium. Security, oommw1ity boat llipa . and aide ties. L81 l&I • lll WlJll 40' lot. 5 BR 5 Ba. Wat.ch the It.midi mm your ,ipnuc muter 1uite. 4 car 1ar11e. $1,750,000. "Wf .. Two loll in Cannery Village. Going buai- ne11. Owners retirlJll. Owner will catT)' lit TD. Can be purchMed with or without in- ventory. .. ,,..., Attention~· yacht owners. 4 BR, 3 ba on main Lido Channel. YOU OWN THE LAND! Shown by appointment only. Ow- ner will carey lit TD. $1,200,000. .... McLain Greenbrier apllt level condo with .,U coune view. Pool. ape. tennil. aec:urity. ~ io.n. Aakinc J265,000. • ..... L81 fabulous financing on thil 3 BR cu.atom home which is light, briiht and V«Y airy. Detailed craftamanlhip uaed throughout. To many amenities to mention. .... '!be most beautiful view awaits you tn this 3 BR retreat decorated in the finest taate. Aaaunable loan at low interest. Priced at t270,000. ..,._ 3 BR. 2 ba, single story Bonita on wide greenbelt, overlookina pool. New carpeta, immaculate condKion, 2 private patios. Good income property. Low price at $215,000. •••Ill.I and you get 4 BR plus 3 car garage. Bay. beach. tennis courts, yacht club and a lot of other amenities. Owner in East and will look al any reasonable offer. 11.U --.. -Be the fint to enjoy this 2 BR. 2 ba. with den. family room, dining room, fireplace and large windows to .cld more light. Dra- matic: ocean and bay views. Sea&rity guard, pool and jacuzzi . MTIL8I~ from this 2 BR 2 ba executive condo. highly upgraded original model. Pool, jacuui, gym. 1e<:Urily. Walk io tie.ch. Submit on financing. lllT YIUI • Ml#llT mml Large IUMY condo, 2 BR, 2 ba, c:ommunity pool Clole to everything. $162,500. Pamible lellR option. .....L81 $ BR, cuaiom deccnced. ii an ~ value. J'ormal dlnlnt room and family room. Ught airy and ~ Reduced to $498,500. .... Two 1lory, 6 BR, 3 ba, comer lot. Bank offen new vartable 1oen for 30 JMR. Thia home needl '11..C and •w *· Other tfrml available, call now. Orange_ County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprtl 3, 1982 -17 Ho.Mt For Wt HcMtHI For Wt HcMtHI For Wt Ho.Ifft For Wt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1002 ~ 1002 Gt..ol 1002 Gt.rel 1001 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lAIGI SPACIOUS 4 II 2~ bath condo, large yard, 2 car garage, end unit. 3 years new. Laundry hookup. pool, spa, rec room. $950 mo. MESA Dll MAI Pride of ownership. beautiful hardwood Doors. 3 BR 2 Ba, ~umable financing, ~ interest. IUI or Don 5*-2313 THI llAL ISTATIU Ul'Tl IUllll -mlTEllTI ......... 6 acre Mediterranean ESTATE. Manicured Gardens. Roman stone terraces and stone walls. 8000 sq ft two-story residence, Wine cellar~ separate stone STIJDfO, two GUEST HOUSES, greenhouse. Private well. A FAMILY HOME. Brochure available on request. .. , ...... RESICENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVK:E AffOllOA8lE ANN.clNG NOW! 12WI. 30 Yea TE!lm -No Coll Dotes New Soles. Resoles & Refinance -~ A"VOilable lllTRMl'I -1011 llUll This gorgeous 2 BR 2 BA home ia located on a cul-Oe.sac street just stepe trom a Conununity Park. The comer location lends itself to princy & a spacious· open feeling. New financing available at bargain rates. $149,900 Kathleen Kelley 855-4343 .... -• Yll1U .. Up grades everywhere, beeutlNl,y CU81om brick . jacuzzi overlooking hllls of Turtle' Rock. Carpew & draperiel .,.. ~ rator perfect. J.,oc:ated ac'°" from comm. pool & spa on quiet cul~ ~~ lg 2nd. $354,900. ~Act_: 1111111 ...,..,, w1m1 Ideal mdon 'w/eMY freeway m.. Thia -.y upper uoit overlooks lg park. Great invet=en\,w/rencal of~• project OI' nice starter home witl!_ Jaw down. lmmediat• occupancy only $89,600. Gilda J'llher 855~3 PDllllU•U WON'T LAST~ Remodeled traditional 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced to $385,000. Xlntl Ter!'m. 1411 W. lay INI UT t·I West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, re- modeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront. jetty views. Marine rm, 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. UllllUIMI ,.......... 1111·1 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 bOat slips $1,500.000 . Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings furnished. $420,000. Lllll ISll Umms Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. play- room. dark nn. den. $1,350,000! · UYllll MYE Spectacular baytront view 4 bdnn, 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1.900,000. - TIES YllTll·llll• YIHI New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house. pool. $795,000. •lllll can Coronado Wd: cust. blyfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/ienns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J _. p, , y' . J. [;, , · "4 ~ b l) '>I b 4121UDRYD.M .,.......,1 .. Delightful family home \n choice Cameo Shores. 4 Bdrms, 3 ba. inside jacuzzi. Pool in a l.arge tropical garden * fenced play yard * room for boat storage. $529.000 I.DIRE WllLI Light and airy "Granada" manor. Situ- ated on a comer lot. 2 Bdrms, 2ba. Of- fered at $75,000. For details call Carolyn. 675-5930 • •· t 3637 E. Coast Hwy. \~L· ~ B~ . 675·5930 . 11: : Corona del Mar STEAL IT 2500 sq ft executive home. 4 Bdrms 3 Baths. wet bar. 27K down. Full pci~ $179.500. &31·7370 . SWIREEZE l-arl(e 3 Bdnn 2 Ba condo with 2 car pr-. ~ fireplace. Great terma ... Full price "$129,500. 631-7390 •. I ,__, __ 4 Br. 2 'h Ba. View home overlooking Pavilion, Catalina and nlte lites. Lowest price view home in Harbor View Hills. Vacant, move immediately. Seller will help finance. 1H1 ~WAY UJt • 1·1 ........ ,., .. Magnificent location o'looking 8th ~n of 1olf course. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdnns, lge f onnal din rm. tam rm. billiard rm, refrigera6'd wine rm. & 6 ~ ti.. Marble, finest wood penei.ing. air .cond., + many cuatom features. $2,150,000 ii.eluding land. May eell furnished. .......... 1 ... Beaut. 4 bdrm. Fam rm w/fireplace, fonnal din rm, 2 'h ba. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. New marble entry. Pool & ~-1t _ _. _, UT1•1-1 llUT ........... 3 bdrm, fam nn. Pool. Security syatem. Vu of Ughls by J\igtfl and vu of ocean by day. Lge assum low inl loan. No new loan fees. .... YllW lllD-fllTINI 4 bdrms, ram nn. 3 ~ ba. Teen-ager's pri- vate suite. Comm. spa & pool. $345,000 incl. land. $62,000 dn. Owner-finance. 1Nl iEIPllT au M. I UT •Y 1·1 Mtunl~I" Goll course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like selling. Lovely pool, spa & ga- z.ebO. Gatea courtyardWiffitountain~ , ble foyer w/glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den, formal din nn, 4 'h ba, $950,000 inclu- ding land. Large comer site. I IOI. awD. • TIE lllffl A fantastic 3 Br "Linda" model on widest greenbelt. Lik~ new. Vacant. $270,000. New carpets & drps. ----.-.-Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model Formal din rm. Many ex:traa: Secufity system. Larp assumable loan. Owner,arudou&. Act now! 104 NIT Sta.81 .. • 1-1 UIY WILi Tl .. 11 ... 4 Bdrm family home. Formal din rm. Se- cluded J¥>OI & e-Uo. le -unable lou. Land lod\adtd. Quiel d de ac at. , fl4.m-•.mft.W A\tnctive 2 bdrm condo. A great starter home. Pool & ape. See now. &f.4...4910. •••••••--•um , FamUJ home iD Coll. Park of Irvine. 1h ,-. AJr ~spa. Good .wnable ffnandnc. See. now. &'4""910. -----·· Quiet, Pllk.·like .emna. llm for paddle tennis and poo). Grat fot Ol'dJlid. OA1. aac at. 3 bdrma, fam rm. $370.500 fee. Pete Barrett Real presents . ..... __.._ ' New cuatom Lido lale realderfee on over alzed atreet-to-atreet lot. Soar- Jng celllnga, flr~laces, exquisite flnl- lhlng and detailing. 3 plue bOrms. •· kitchen to pleue the ffneat gourmet. 222 Via KOf'on wtll be open Sunday 1-51 • ' llT -•--UUTllll Bayfront Balboa Island, pier and slip. CQttage with rental over garage. Avai- lable now. w/super financing! ., .... _. .... This Dover Shores home hN It all: Oen with wetbjlr, formal dining room, klt- cf1en wtth eatJng area, qrvlce porch. large enclosed yard with rear entrance tor boat/RV etc. $495,000 Includes land. 1393 Galaxy Is open today 1-5. •a"' ma. ••m11 And prleed rlghJ-$98,50013Bdrm,1'.4 baths on large lot, hge .fenced yard. Refurbished thruout-excellent first °' retJremem home on Investment. ......... Rambling country style home with sep- arate ocean view apartment In Cliff Haven. Pool and spa, huge family room, beautiful big kitchen, 3 nice Bdtms and so much more. Cati for deta~s. •&llT•L UIUll For this' waterfront home with slip fOf' your own boat -nowhere such a bar- gain! Lg living room w/open beams & fireplace & view kitchen $550,000, In- cludes land, owner w/finance. • I llT IE.1.-UWUIUTY Huge family room. formal dining room, and 4 Bdrm in Mesa Verde. Nice family setting, ready-10 move In. $173,000. • l llT IEL-ftll&TU Like golf/tennis, not yard work7 See this well built home-2 units, 1 Bdrm each. Hardwood floors. curved ceilings-lower has formal jjlnlng room. car garage. Peninsula Pt. $339,000. • a • ••--111ra1111 The financing for this near-new 3 Bdrm 3 bath home In beach area. Owner wlll help, plu• great auumable loans. $210,000. Call fOf' details. •&llflml-..... Young aud cl\eerful on Balboa Penln- eula Point. Beautifully decorated 3 Bdrm 3 bath, family room, 2 car garage, tncloaed patio-Near tennis, ocean, t>ty, Good financing. $495,000. ·~-~. ,In QQver Shor .. wJth excellent fin&(!· .clng av•ll•bte. Thia 3 Bdrm home. la •ltuated on an eatafe·slzed lot. Out· It~ .__.. Include terge formal cltnlfto ~I -.~n kitchen, custom la-nai plus all the amenlttet for entertai- ning. Alklng 1399,~ LH. ···~· Vlft Pf'optrt)' In Corona del ~er. Fee-tur• 4' Bdrmt, famtly room and kitchen with eating area. Very private area. Excellent financing bailable. '$429,000 PET BARRETI REALTY . . I ~1 • ~-~---.... -- ... 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 HcMliH For Wt HcMliH For Wt "-"For Wt · .._..For Wt .._..for W. HcM11ft For Wt HcMMt For Wt HcMlws For Sale ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ I OOZ ........ . ·1002 ......... IOOJ. ........ 1002 G.ertl I 002 C.._. del M• I 022 eo.N MtM I 024 MtM I 024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ····••••\••!t•••······· !·······························••!••········· ••..••....•......•.•••.•••••••••••.••••••.......••.•.....•••••••.....•.•••..•..••...••...••. Y(U OWN BOAT Sl.f + 3 Bdrm 2 ~ Ba condo, in private area with bay view, walk to beach. $295,000 714 / 760-9333 FOR SALE LAGUNA LANDMARK Mas.11ve rooms; High-carved wood ceUinp. Beautiful ocean and coastline views from every room. Built in the late 1920's, was considered the "Main House" o( a larger e11tate. Four bedrooms, Five baths, fonnal & informal dmmg & gymnasium. . . For appointment call: Jim Ardery (agent) 714-494-0791. LEASE OPTION--N.B. BeautJful 3 Bdrm view home in private community. Includes tennis court-Cid swimming pool. Owner will carry 2nd TD or lease option. $399,000. BROADMOOR SEAVIW-N.B. Port Royal 2 story. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath plus formal dining and much, mucb more. $398,500. IRVINE TERRACE Fabulous ocean and bay views, spacious 4 Bdnn. goUrmet ki~hen and swimming pool. Just ~uced t.o $8i 5,000 lncludina the land. Owner W!rJ anxioul and wtD linanCe. 30 YEAR-13~% LOAN New Cape Cod 2 Bdrm in private com· munity with pool and jlcuDi. Walklna dlltance to everythlna. $137,950-1~ down. ~Q, ~k~QfMTf &7>2311 548-2239 -------1 DUPLEX-BY OWNER COUNTRY EHG. OHL Y SI 0,000 BEST IN Bllf FS A;rl ... MUST SELL! ~~~°.U:r CUSTOM l.&CI( IA Y HOME OWT.er bldr has spared no expenK in lhu new wuque 4 Bd 3 Ba home :nxlsq n orluxury hv1ng witoo many amenities lo hst Good financ ing. Asking S31S.OOO For pvt showing call Glen H.ellwarth, agt SS!l·IMOO c~VJ.Y~~i!~ 4 Bdrm 2-sty, dbl garage, nu crpt. paint. varant Priced to sell al $110.000 Ownrla . Diana Cap Three beautiful.homes -all profeaionally decorated and expanded. Spectacular views Open 1-5 503 Avenita Campo $375,000 45' COMDO LOT W1Ui 3--Sr 1'4 lli frplc By Owner 646-IS86. ~ 63 . Open 1-5 21'7 Vista P<rltrada By Appl 2617 Vista Omada $475,000 $395,000 OLDCDM Charming pool home \\ l vu Lrg lot. warm feeling , 3 Bdr. 3 Ba S475.<XXI. R.OWEIHOUSE Six ·houses from beach. 2-sty Cape Cod, 3 yrs olcl, 4 Bd 4 Ba. $695,000 Opn Fri·Sun 1·5. 233 Po1nset ua. Georgia Dougl as §'.1!4£11 SOMEISET cmHOMES HELEN B. DOWD or&1 34150cean Bl. CdM 3 Br. 2~2-&. greenhouJ.e kitchen. plantation shut ters, skylights. xlnt financing. $156.000 BrokerBSl-8800. WI.TIU, .. '""8114 Sat1Sun 1·5. ~achfront ~ MHA YHDE .Tr~~~w 4 BR. 311 ba. 2 fpl r, formal dining. 3 ur garage. French drs. Used bnrk pallo. securi 3 Bdr surprise Only (!ID 3 Bdrm oome. 2 oaths, I Sl.250.000 CIR dbl garage. all in A I rondil ion S 129 .500 PANORAMIC 1"1roactw CM s19.500down.Ownerw111 VIEW ~ooay n-Slla%°. clean .. ........ a.'ISist m financing. QPJHHOUSE Pre5tig1ous 4 br n ome w/xlnl fin. $137,000 an as sum loans ~.000 min down 3 blks SC Plaza Sat/Sun 11·5. 3489 Vene llan Dr (Sunflower Smalley bet Fairview & Bear> 556-9299 own aAt tii~yi;c!~dir::~or~~r ~&~ lrg renced lot 1 ri5~~~~~~erms 1oy5-~;~ IJtr. Th is except Ion a 1 MAUIY STAUHEI Pnme location. 3 Bdr, 3 --.i.itii-.ililillll-• Hollyhock I has 3 bdrms. library and lar,ee family SIA UOM IULTY Ba, owner's motivated room with f1repl;lre 1-.-•_6ii-71iiS-ill_S~l~5~4il_-_lll.-l.:.S.11111ilil5006•0•r •L•in•d•a-s3•l•0884-•.I BY OWNER. 4br, 2ba. PLUS room tor a pool 1• ram1I\ rm. rentral patio 1--------Vl EW from almos t &b Sl76M ~CUI"' "LL H h ..........._•-•-~ 10061 - -ar patio "'"' every room tt1g1 as _,_ ~ 336Vasta Baya 548·1392 Cure t e first TD uf sumable loaru. $393.900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IT OWM • S88.000 and the 2nd TD or Duplex. ~K own. as $70.000 on Uus ve7 h\ a D• sume Isl & 2nd OWC R Ba I 'l'radeyourT sorpro-Jrd Onl) $339.soo ble 4B 3 amq perty in any state for 1 ~ llastside 1-2 Lot home Near the orean Balboa Island Property -·----and you ma y ha,·e a Jrd •~_.......:? ~ Athlitlo. ... lct.n TD wtth very attrart1\I' -~ , 11U1"1'". Nt~ly-d~rate(J21ldrm terms Both good as 675-21 6 n?fila·"· MsltMreeGt 01nrL1,. home on 60Xl2S' lot. sumable loans and this oi"iutiTUI I Cifm Room to bwld First TD ~~ert y M t:ST BE Owners unit w tbea m s102.ooo assuma ble at ss2 7 ty system . auto 2 C I ~rinklers. etr. Open 't5 ' AM""J>a: RVM C.to.UtH-Charming 4 bdrm. 31., ba. 2 sly Don Peterson home. breakrast room. fireplace. many xtrs. ~.<XX> 222 Cota I. Open Sat/Sun 1·5. Wkda Appl. OwMt!A ent. 67S.8921 re1hngs and fireplace 14~ Asking $137.500. · Agt. ·I 14 or Lge I Bdrm apt with F'or an appointment to .1.S2.·0•l•47-----• fi.replaee + a bachelor. see, call ~1151 ~n 1-5.151 I IUrama r i-----11111!19--i '7]..9060 Good 1nrome P atio around pool Assumable #~'~HERITAGE DAVIDSON REALTY ~ffs~~yun best East s ide s t featu res 2 Bdrms. carpetinf over !(ood brdwd loors . ap plianteS, • sharp ap. pars.nee. Owner Oexi-llle ca tttml. h U pnce 1 •~I ' c:::::. ' ' ....,..,. ~ • ''• I ' $129.100 Super s.b1rp 3 Bdt m home with wet bar. ma r· ble rarepla.ce and much 1111re. Anxious owner. Call f79.S370 ALLSTATE MAI.TORI &l~'J1!\~ In NewDor11CdM! 4 Br. !f!.._1 level, 2700 sf(. """' SG5K·S yr. Open SM. J.2..S at 23 Half Moon 811, CdM. Bruct • V'lttie B1om.1ren. . GOOD.PROPERTIES OP1t4 SAT /SUM I 2-4 3Z1 Oglt . C?ef.1160.000 SIOAllso. NB. '365.000 All\. 631·5'61 1-~~ Of.=-,.,..; OP9I Sot-Su 12·4 RHlfm. fl1 II 211 Op.l,lol lal.d 17S-55t 1 I Claltk-Go.try Unsurr,a~~ quality. OP9I HOUSES 1·5 superb y designed wtold world charm. Solid oak MoLNMWdWorrfts firs. oak rab1nets . L..ast ltot kH rt-beams. rock frplc. murh mwed .ct ls fl~td ffw rmre 3 Br int'! mslr ste, 25 yrs. Tot•lly ,.. lba. ram rm. formal din eo•eted lniot Ttr· rm & llf roof deck rec. l ... l le ts47.SOO llo• wl111 h•lly --;;;;~'7~M~OOO~;;;;; roo•. SJ4',IOO.; 106 S..111• Ter- loon. s:ns. 000 . • REALTORS ATTN . BUILDERS -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiltiiiili .... illiilil $118 500 New To:.tnhouse Level R2 lot . !lo of hwy for duplex or s1n11le family Call for info. re garding finan. $230.000 644-721 I ~~IL[L ~All.EV & A'iS[)[IATfCj Sat& Sun 1-4 Beaullful park·like set 2]36 S.. An. ting. Loft Condo Low 557•4579 doWn Near SC Plata 1 $75 000 Low interest ---------~~ssumable ~oan , _______ _ Eualffn Dtlalit OUTSTAMDIMG IUY! The superb stateilslnt ot -Sacnf1re ·Sy Ovroer your pcmtron • Easy <'are Guar 80r; 30 yr loan landscape highlights OWi Miist Sett avail at 2 PlS under 4 dramatic mtenor which Ha~ew~1lfs s BR. br. 2 ba. ram rm . spa. allows you to entertatn 3ba. bonus rm. ram rm. imma~ 142K 9'19-I~ an style ' Impressive forma I dantrm $400.000 IAMllU"C\' master suite w latnum SSO.<XXI under lenders ap H.iRli assumable lsl. lo\\ perfect for spa' 2 more pr:aisal. A.gt 642 IS23 int Low dn S C Pin bdrms ror kids or guests Park Bristol condo E,·en has assumable AMHICAM ..,,.. ooo 2 B 1• b loan! HURRY. you can COUMTlY ...,, r ' 1 have it ,all for $199.000' Panora mac ocean view 64&-0686 Call to see. TOD AV atopSpygl1$5 Hill Cape • OMLY Stl DH • 646-7434 Cod styre. 4000 sq rt Assume ll:l• VA ln. 3 Br. c&nUIYA.21 borne has been com frplc , Sl14.000. Pnnc on--cot.l>STI R pletely remodeled to ap ly $4.)·7023 Bkr 1--------BEACH HOUSE ~o the bu~er who ls ~ ....... c_...a....,. Thia is a real C'harmer. COWi~ ~°h.:r:.g~~~('t 2ba~~~~JHpatlo ss..::.~· _.._ -Best bUY on Island. 2Br doors & New England wtBBQ. phuh wall to Bririd niw-eTegan12"BR T.., ..,.. cOIHloa. •+tiidlelor. $295,000, wood frame windows wall carpeting. dbl ear 2"1 bl. (rplC', 2 car gar. S.. ti HWJ la Co,... Celtury 21 L«khart thru-out. Master bdrm +wor kshop. copper Both Bdrms are master .. Mer. Cotltedrel Call 962.a&e7 suite has trplc, sundeck f~uc~bl::r n"t':' 1~0t°J'· suites w/vaulttd C'l1s. Hlll•t• & hte"d & a sjlectarular view or Con s Ider <' as h . better call FAST. Total " --1& ] ........__, ...... I 007 the Pacirl<' Sl,200,000. , _ _.__ TD . t fYmls Sll74(mo. Call ...... .t _.. -9wnfrtA&ent 644·$403. mowmume , · . s. e c. 2·S 831·340S : eves ... ..., Sl21,000. •••••••00 ···;:.······ J~MINECREEK ~ !°~e ~Wf ~a~ T.:0: 1-"'7$ ... l·.;::97="-____ _ IMrmlt 2 .... w Lu Ocfc:.-r auill 4 guarded gate commun1· (71418•2·4422. Prlct · ........ lteclt 1040 -.711,000, 411·'1 P/2 bdrmxury. Gow1r.ers11up.ex8o. b fy, 2/tennls courtt. p6o . S'"'" 000 ..,. -• 400 • lbha Hi h10 ..... • ••••••••••••••••••••••• IWlle 784-0SSl da, 7S2-9442 eve, l pl (' . e. I ~ UP· ~ ....... 7 E L I G H T r u L w!cnds arllekd 2Br. dtn formal ._ MEDITERRANEAN ._'"'"-'""" -dinrm,Urplet:J?.:t!'°OI Then ~ njoy N IH · TOWNHOUSEi I 2 -~ ,_ 411Mer IOU i1P1tiHW1•·~.m_ 1111 on one or tbru oru e. ...... 2 Ir Jl/1 le, •••••u••••••••••••••• 0 UT S T A N D I N G a~cioul patios ln Ulla S big Bdrms, ,!UPtl r cltlnan . .. ..a......I ::.-1 bedroom Z beth home Vttant lJ~-, fln&nc I • c lua C ,.,. Cl.JSTOM HOME So. of I.hit slU On 1 pri me cor· paymuta u low u ell. ......,_,, c• li:tOW~~l\ hwy, call tor Ptict end ner lot. Bu t Eaauldt 11000. CPITll w1tb sma lJ •• cl ••• d~.'~. lennl. AS. SSA-1809 and =rt H'"ISb'· ar•a.• dov. ... heot$56~1S. I .. E .. Cd .. ~ "' .. '5 ~ ~ ~•• 'f • BLT 2300 :..:·Wik lo DD I an ramlly * ~!0 PITI * ti • 0 WI.' bcb -.. _,_ ··•-.. '!'rfcPc!fS roama. plus a craclt Unr Ce e • • -, I"' 1 <rn'C .... r "'-"--' to " (f th _, •10K Ir__._ ....a t --ltail'w .i.-uwa adD Lowel\ p 2bdrm, ... ..,.ace .. eep o e ~vl' wn Of-1 + -"• - -w1n/lwf: Aa'tln1 lba home ln Cdlll . ewNnlchill.OWner wUJ ma .48rlbabome . J11t rttltcttl to amooo nD.000. 10 X 11& lot. help ffnenct. \flSS,000. Dlvorce.U.'9.f,Oot $14'.HO. ttt Ve• 'OP!NDatl,yl-t Ptnanclnt at la~._. Cclrilact :rrt.DIO CallRalll!Ml..US *" . 11u1art~ rtied for lO 1ura. y•elELL -VETQANl.I . M0411 tsT4771 "1nc. Oof1. CID Kn:An E£PINQ BEAUTY .. COU CW lmWPORT MAL~ •a•• ...... ...,. ......... ,, ...... !. f!HJ!!O, MOUSI Wab to the sunU1ht iJI TllM!Sllt C...MIM ltz4 Cfor.Albor!C tllls 5 Bdrm Seacllff. ,._ ___ Jhll llr -"•••• .. ••••••••• Oii l.bt bluffs, ocean a Just SUI.too Bltr 0wier--wll I urry llOlt dwa, ,1,000 mo. J 1tory 1'0111• SIU. Ida. lte1111 wkh a .tft.1 biidl fo bee& t.&Ml/OPTION f:!£ view, 111111 yard. 1~--..-.....=.----- ... u .. ,., . llr. II•:!. lldt, ,rltll potea"1al. DillY Pilot CJualfled ~~~·~~~~~~~!!!~~~.::.::Jai.i£L:.:_.1:J;;;r;.;;Ldiifi1=:~ OwwlA#ITl:llP_ -1_.ftM ...... _ .............. ~ ........ --1 Qllll=M , ..... ¥...._ ____ _ 1 I I I j ! I 'I ' i Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 -19 •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-lrfllt I 044 IMle I 04• IHclt I 041 Hdaw I 042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••· .... i$U:HoH0.:.-E•••• MONEY Delia~f~d unit wlfe.IHtD II TALKS Northwood Townheme. s Bdrms + mard~qrtrs. Hu.El 2bdrm. 2~.,ba . frplc 3300 sq fl, custom built. '"" shutters. brick e ncl rourtnrd. spa. 3 frplrs. 211, 21A patio. gar. pool & ;ae. fUo~~i n1~~ · 84ao~:11J4 cu.~'feVfo!'i'~'!!~ood-~~::'r ~·~i/~~aln9cBn9p'. Bkr bridae. barely lived in, -=832=-.:•3..,_l&8""""'. --- 1"'-t 1044 detached home situated GUATAMAMCIMG •••••••••••••••••••• ••• on valuable corn tr lot IM WOOOlllDGE FOi Fenced yard v. 2 car 14'< (tnancmg for 23 yrs garace. auoc11t1on 'th ... '~d 3 DRE"'....,ERS pool, tenn11 & lake ftir~ :fdel'1ia~~cse ~ ~arby Financing IS re· •HD ally the ke~and you can to lake. highly upgraded "' thruout. Opn hse Sun •S WY ,EO,LE take over l e loans with North Cove $229,000 no qualifying ! Anxious 21R +DA+ DEM owner says submit offer Wayne, agt 646·8816 WIUIYC!OHDO now Just s1•9 .ooo T~llclcN diiim your lreams and Warner a 559· oo -j Irvme ·Parlffr ifitlrhed h i ; T I k home. Atherton Mdl 2 ave t now. urt eroc I Br + den All uporades. Cleo contemporary de d" s1en v.•/rushr v.ood ex· ABANDONED! '1 t:~u~~e~~s sraped. t e r 1 o r , e x p a n s 1 v e LllCE ..,.1'61 dramatic high ce1hng " n-Open Sunday 1 S entrance. assoc1at1on. 4•ESTATE! 32Sunhght pool. tenrus & short dis 120 000 •low Mid! 955-2996 tanre to golf course RAR~~8A1fCAIN in ex· ••$50 000 ··owner wall create elusive "Turtluork"• , financing and easy Priee s lashed, sa\f R£Dllf'JIQN1 terms to help you" The thousands! NEW plush "" • question 1s .. are you re-carpeting and fresh This like new custom ady to start living your paint. 4 BR. 3 Ba . huge view home bas been re dream now? 5224.900. fam rm. Banquet formal duced $SOM for quirk Warner a 559·9400 dining. 3 car garage sale. Owner desperate. 50/ DOWNI Very anxious seners or Super financing avails •• /0 , fer exciting terms AND ble with your resasona For offer before April WILL PAV $3,500 OF ble offer. Call ror details 15th. Luxurious former Y 0 U R CL 0 SIN C &take advantage. irodel 2 Bdrm + den. COS'I'S' Hurry' First to NOWS299.000 family rm. Woodbndge s ee STE A LS' Ca II (gut..-~b.t.I.;. Low interest. low pay-i'i9-l1l1 ~i nvvu 11~ Oixi Ase Sat 1Sun I ·5 114 ) Cfoudrml. 551·3"0 ments. Cully assumable ~ Ruhl • $209,000 ' iJ,Niz/ tmluraau l'llwy,lr\l'"I ~bridge REAL ESTATE SUMy 3Br 2''.'1 88 home. D-h on comer lot m Unavers1 ""i g ty Pk owe with good 551-3000 ---terms. $150,000. HO Golden Properties Ct!tlanHta l'lnr). lf"inf 752-lSll9 CASH? 2 &.~ 21.; Ba Deerfield EUIOPEAH CHARM AT A STEAL! 21R+21A+DEH $191,000 . IUT Condo. 1136.000. Xlnt WANT TO IUY7 finan cing Bro ke r 311. 21/J IA 85=1=.x>==--. -- nns SJlv4•1R.0vOU! i.J~!mWt~~. 4 Br 2 1, Ba . $269,000 ~Te~sE ~~~~c~an view! 2 bdrm, l ba at Main Beach. Walk to village. s hops. etc 494·9378: (702)132-9840 rollert.=------ 2 ~~.-lly la ndsuped r ondo Buut1ful Ocean View! - Pnceless location. Ex· cellent Beach House \702) T32-9840 Colle.se_ Newoceanvu 4 Br. family rm S44S.OOO. IS21 Tahiti .yt 497.5454 W~DEIFUL Views. pnvary Ii quiet can be found in this uni· que 3 bdrm. 2 ba & rami· ly room home. Sellers may help with rinanc· '"~ S44S.OOO THESHOIES_ A lovely 2 bdrm condo in this ••led private community Amenities include private beach. tenrus It pool. Excellent c>pportunaty 1230.000 ... Or~~e~aTk to beach from this 2 bdrm own your apartment. Seller may trade for ~~.l_'!_na pro pert y ~ ... ~\NW~~ ........ 17141494-1177 UH OPPOaTU'41TY Owner offers li1s custom bui lt es t ate wit h Laguna's best C'oastal view. totlll privacy. uni· que architecture. priced below lender· s a(>· prainl. Assumable finall<'ing. must close in eo ctan '950.ooo. Alt· &-S648j 497-4144_,_ - - - Owner sacrd1c- in1 ... Woodbrid1e Cables, Appleton mdl. truly unique, impecca- ble, detached home situated oo impressive kll w/room for carden & spa. Attractively ap pointed with cathedral ceilln&s. A very rare op- port unlty for you to create your own terms It nnancing. Price just re- duced and owner wall ·'talk turkey" Warner. ~~.b1ri!: ~!w ~ ~!~.~~ Bn*er ss1-ll@QL_ room. drama t 1 r tn. LAllJll-•ocla I 1)41 A STIAL ! .trance. hich ceilings, as-••••••••••••••••••••••• OPIN SUMDA Y I ·S •Rl ~·9400 ___ -- Lo!~~~N.rm· lngton townhome in WOodbridce Outstand- inC rondlllon. 2 doors to ~pool and spa. Opo Sun 1·5. 5 Creekwood. off Slonecreek No. Sl 37, 000 • ~ f ·~ ~ •• R&IM~ nMTMHE In -tlils c h"a rm i nc Rancho San Joaquin Villas one bedroom and loft totally upgraded condo. Terrine auuma-ble f1nancln1. Price has beendrutlcally redured t.o oaly Sl•,950. Call Lo-, .. RCTc.~vlor Co · tl 1 & FlbulOus White Water soc1a on/::. tennis FAMTASTIC HOME View. 3 Br + guest beautHul ake. U rou've l80 deg ocean views qrtrs. Pool. lge lot. close ever wanted to ·wnte 3000 + and cus tom your own ticket" here's Gourme t kitchen to downtown. S36S.OOO. your chance' Owner will mass Ive Ii vi n g rm . 175 CoettY'-w listen t o almos t formal dining, cozy 644-7211 anything! Trade your fireplaces. pool. spa Lg ~·. ~ ' home. notes. land. cars. rec area. SS89.000 jewt;lry, what have you' 1-... ym-I.I Let s make a deal ' ...,..... -or Warner, 559-IMOO, act. Wootliridm M. New ocn vu 4 Bdr. pool. OCIAHNOMT 2 bdnn-and-d'in. h5h1y f:r~·Tgi.~541:m<f~~ HTATI ~f~i:;~'st~. ru'r:: ~ Private eommunlty shuttered. frplc, atrium. PRICE SL~HED to home. Just 2S min. to nr pool, tennis Open $210,000 ·anxious owner Newport CenterL with 6 house Sat 1 s t 1 Alder-says "SELL .. Lovel>' un-bedrooms._~.t>atns. 9,000 0 B k it k. sq. f\. 3 KJU and pool. grove wner I r r ·secure par mg near Total privacy plus big 552, Heisler P 1 rk with vlew ol'9land1. bea<'hes. gorgeous white water coastline. $3.6001000. SEX \1ew. Call Dennis Busn at SEX Lel)lllllYllMta I. Armbruster. Clurman. x 4tz.u{l . Jk2!m..1~....:::-159S=:.:..... - Now that ¥ve sot your i..,_... I OH ... I OSO interest.. would you ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• please rail me about this al'fU1111 VIEW VIW VEW ., ........ . . utterly sexy rondo. Townhouse style 2 Bt 2 Ba, fri>lcJ wood deck.~ In .Woodbria1e Olen. Tou set community PGOI. ten-nis lake , beach. clu£Jlouae. "Owur Financing" with "Low Down". Let's make a date to boy ll now I 1 1123,900. Warner. •It I • *=MIO Stratford Ridge, Grand~ MOdtl: 4Br + den + 3~ 3,050 eq ft. qultlt1 custom drps & w.npapera th~t. F• buloua 180 d19rff P•noramlc view overlookln9 ~•Ill• Gell Rench! T1k1 '1'W existing flnencfflg. Prtoe 1317,000. With S60,000 Down onfy $305,000. Fot more Info, catt agt. Ina Barnett, Star Real Estate 957-e507 WIKTUU. I Mus( sell! By owner, 2 Bi ·ft>1; W-ociClbnd1e 1\lrt)erock Glen, lnver· cotta1e. Avalon mdl. Dell 4 &f 2~ Ba. bqe StOK down. Auume a.uumab e li,an. New foaDJ. S13UOO. Open windOw l.D tam rm. C11l· Sat/Su11 at 9 Melody de·,.c. 13$$,000. P-rh~. Lat1•. a11r 1owntr only. Seiter >NUI assist. ~~~~~e~~~~~~!!!!!~~ NEW BA YFRONT CONDOS 3 .. tory building/4 condo.. P'110f&mic beach & main bay vM!ws. Secluded 1tree1. 3 Bdrms .. 31-; beth Ptnthouae models & 2 Bdrm., 2~ beth moclela avail. 2, I 00 to 2,700 IC!· ft. Gunite tpa. Steam shower in mutu bath. lntercom/radiol. Security. custom Oak & tile. .. ,. OPEN SAT. & SUN., 1-5 1815 Weal Bay Ave. (on Peninsula) 1350.000 to 1490,000 NEW CANNERY VILLAGE DUPLEX CANNERY VILLAGE REALW ·----- 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 Ho.Mt Fer Wt : Ho.Ms For Wt Mo.Ni For Wt . Homes For Wt ...... Fer Wt °""" lHl lalett ~ lHl latat. Ollwr ...... .. ....•...............•• . .................................................................... ······••··•····•······· ..................................................................... . L.ef-t.ec• t 041Ml1,,,...t It-' I 06f Mlwpert ._. I 069 ltod I 069 Ml ,..,. ltedt I 069 Mi1111t "-• 0..WXH/ '--Pr°"rly JOOO .•••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••.••••••••••• '-"S. 1100 <wtsS. 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALOW SUNRISE-1 1fr.\n ~LWe1y ~r~rel!.•tJ~es °'sW,lt,~1E ••••••••••••••••••••••• ······c·o;o~······ . DOWN DUL su· NSIT Versalllu Penthouse "Palermo" Very nice l""""A_ .. , t• .. L EXCITING IY oww~ Hieb in \•alue:-fow on G eel ;-r, d do L t 18 lri·level home. 4Br, F/r, ,..,"41J,.. ts ac .. o * * ., down paynwnt. Ocean at pnvacy ea 1 to coo .. arcu r+ wetbar. S339i.000· 1815 Baycrest, NB area (o!f Two2 bdrm 1.1n1 , so. of view included with this-pool, ~a & views thru rumpus rm, 2ba. Nlrely Port Tilfan, ND Bruce & Sanli110. So of Holl-lahlfe s... PC H, corn e r Io t . spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath walls glus ! A real top d e c o r a t e d A I I Vickie Blom~ru day). Luxurious 4 Br 3 With or~ witfio-ui furn. s10&Jetstory, divided by b o me Io ca t e d i n al the hlfl feeUnc! Sincle amerulin. Assum SIOM R ERT ES Ba custom Ivan Wells 3'x&4 Greenbrier Home prages, assumable 10.7 ,Lacuna's prestigious story. 3 Bdr. family rm. It 11~~. Owner 631-6410 GOOD p I borne . PoOI. covered in Lag\llla HtllJ nicest 5 1st TD or Sl00.000, owner 40UMITS 7 years. CoSta Mesa UUMITS Super pnde. 8 years, Orange County. Pnn- ~only pleue Agent Temple Halls area. Split for ma I dinan1 rm " or213J213.f333 740.01!7 pa Ii o. beau tt r u 11 f. star park. YNng adlu will assist finance, fee. lever rloor olan featuns m>re! Kove ia condi· H CA.MYOH lndscped. cathedral eel · lftlcome. 1mmat:. S290,000 521 1-------- beamed ceilin&. random }f"· <?wnr'~f.d'lsted ~)¥d:t'f;~ ~:a, (Fixer>. 'terms a vail. lngs, new luxurious r-.. •of Pan Carnation Ave .. CdM . , _______ _ plank style flooring. anancang. • . like new. $575,000. Secured Equ\ties ca rpeting . Owner Bea=2b60Keywest Call673-0241,675·514? IUIU>llS sparklin&. stepsaver d 7333 financing al 12% with Hm 28 28 Th' Eastii<le""COiita'Mesa kitchenandhugef1mily l'u""SllST Coasi e r .trade 754. 2S~ down. Motivated, t, a. is is --.P,..,ty JOOG 3Unitsoo66X300lot. room wilhsl.lined glass. ~ iiiiH 'tnna liOider· 714tm@ OHTHI WATll leaving area. will sell the best bizy In town ....................... w1plansfor6coodos. All at t~ I~ ukin& Inc wildlife area. Great IMMmlATI ~ltt OO" quickly at $324,500. In CLASSIC 4 pin Costa M eaa Tentat.ivetract' use prict al: 12114.500! 'or seller assisted fioanc· ~ ...... 0 ... ... • " b above mkt home at • MOIU HOME Slll6.<0I Loo& term fin Permit approvals terms CALL ~M " .. a cent patio ome below market pn~ " S20.000 dn mo per mo ll':"..i.:10N ft•ALTY ing! Decorited, 3 Bdr l()<l. w11, "l yments on can11. J\!,lt steps 7ce 920 SA.US p 1 1 SacriflceatS282,000 1» "" 2•.,Ba.aollt level.AJC. •15()0/mo It[; ~slble t.ow•urownundy\ beach terms -·I 270llHarbOr.Ste206 A neJ. rincapa 5 on y. Prinonly. Bkr 640-62S9 985So.Cst Hwy.Laf\lna NANCVIMBERNINO • 1 -.-... h John646-7660Art l71414H.Qll I ~C::, A~8~1YB!ck ~-: or !r,b~~6~ e ocean. ' 9UAIL S4t.Sn7 OWNtRMUSTSELL ana. $2$0.000. 850-1991. YI•• "I UO PLACE ~m~Af~~~Hi!~ ltlDUClD SI0.000 Victoria Buch. Almost Eves rall: 631-7215. -.A IA A ~for S• 1200 QuaUty Tra-Plex nor OWNB ANXIOUS waterfront Beaut. vu. OCEANVUENDUNIT ! r. 2 &I . frplr . ,.~ .. -.. ••••• .. -•••••••••••••• S.C. Plaz.a. For sale by F.ast side; cute 2bdrm :nx> sq ft 4Br 3 bath. Pri toe 8 Tri 1 1 wuher/dryer hook up. _._,.., BY OWNER·IO Acres No OwneT' & priced below house + 2 units Bring Reduced $200.000 to ~SATliUMll-6 ~·2 r. Bkv Leased. Overlooks ---San Diego County. comparablesat S247,$00 offers. Onl)' $139,500 $425.<0I. ~3story'°beitli ftOuse ~ aoJ11235·000 r. greenbelt. 1181 000. As· IDtftl Obvenh ain. Lake view Owner will carry 2nd Bkr: 645-Qi6. S.yfioteanvlewa om · er 646'9200 aume 12•·~ 3o year 1YNULUJ( pond, oaks. septic in. Save your~elf rom · 1--------VICTORIA BCH AR EA ~In si~/Balboa Blvd OP1N SAT 'SUM t .4 loan. '114/Tf9.St46. _ 129S.OOO. (714 I 729 Ot<l4, mission. points & high UYI': Great view. '1evel lllll Court Ave. nr l!lth. -~<D"ally by~ppl.) ai SJW! I 436-0065 interest Open THURS / ~ Reduced $100.000 to 81~2291or149.3133 3'27 8...,ya. $232,500. 3 "'~ ~~~! 3 I stake rn'J repu~n Ofl ~rcW thru SUN. 817 Jennifer i 8 UNITS /NI r.::·000 Owner Bkr will Ampleearkin& j1Hear Charmind SBr,~ruh•u Br. ttnUJ Low down I.ht FACT tballhl5 is lbe Ploperty I HO Lane, C.M. S46-1S7S. Fee Ian~. Oilnrr J whll lftlll«.493-9516 OPINliT/SUM t 4 THube RJtr µ.0777 OWClst.Amt§31 3515 BEST BUY in Newport ...................... , MEWSPAMfSH ~ry rokon~ o n l.elJmetlla 1050 ~IDAtl~Y8'<-AlSPf1 CUSTOMBaycrestHome Beach. OCEAN VU, tOOOS.ft STYLE4PLA a.B er ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• CharmingSBr, great vu for aal• ~owner. 4Br. BY ~Hf~~luded LRG 4 BDR. P~OF Yorba L!ncfi'shopping •32:S.IC 5sK bff.I7'7c P 5o~ufL~Mh NO ~~~&rt'l!!~ ;1~c!~1 n'e~~e'fiaci lovely Street bJehind f~R~J;ft''f:·0~; C~nter. On lmfcm.al •l~~.~~~1?~~\.c 28r patio home 1107.500! 75'-077'1 walnut. "50.000. Owner Back Ba Y Ma est• r 1376..500 A trade t'On Highway. ~ood or f m •3br/2•~ba owner's unit .,......,,., .. r>""'-~ willfinance.$48-87911. home,yetcoz.yandron· s1dered. Call PATRICK vestor. etter or o . d 2b /2b ·~ ~~--~ ~ -v-l•ot u • cotta&e TENORE D ' I owner1user •ncmam er r • Atflil +Mt 4br Jba bth SWK • ., " d · irect Y RIGHT REALTY •NeWDC>rt Beach area ~~a~t~~·wurm~ A DU LT V O BI LE SllK dn.~WC Si loo mo' f°"'J::.1) ci:lo:~~'ei 631 ·1218 or 760-8702 tzt-15ll Call Patrick, agt, 21-aBa. ram rm & den. L~~ ~:~de~n 1 t:: Grad pymnll. 962-1.2!7 & Suite> Lovely II" rm rm 9300/846·S664 8Y2% ANANCING 8'\ Cuh Flow Xlnt commercial building. 11,000 sq ft f\111 price 11195,000 All. 6'4-9513 Spa fl BBQ. Mtn vu. pvt E-. 2 bd 2 b 96:MMm. looking out IA> gorgeous llYELOP£1Sll T~ ~lr.a T'¥.J park·ll t e ullin1. ,.....,, rm. 1 landacaped bad.yard. .. ~ 1247 000 ,..,. T D ,000. 2 bdrm. ru rn Harbor R I d & e . • 7 Waterfall. Gaiebo, brick 41.350 sq rt commercial 18 n1t.t. . . on l. 18 . . 2 100 · ..:..... lit 0o' • ,000; 2 beirm SZS,000. Tnfalpr, 4 Bdr. 4\<a Bl. 1 Dbl r f lot ,,. ~-Fountain acres , J> a r k II ~ e 13~~% _... T.D. lat. · IOO E. Cst Hwy Unit 113. famUy nn, game rm pat o. e rpt. am "' • ._ uounds. R3 z.ooe, can .. •••••••••••••••u•••• ~W. only weekdys. Newport Beach B~r Opn Sat/Sun I ·5 tm. formal dlnins rm fllMTHOUU Valley atlon. City ap· 6uild3'newcondos. ~·North H1mpfon 6?$-33t7 J95100.m-0470 S&.000. Owner will as· 1 er: C"ondc>,-aiJUt\bldg. proved plans for .,.19.200 mil~JP! Road. (CVP & Vl1 sist In fln•n:rl at !S'" rull rec hci litiu. sq ft office bld1. Total 11 U C ... V·"-) ..-... "CHC-00 . "'-OP,..., WEEK SIOll,<N\. (',II 173·2'149 patkage priced a t Gii.i ,,., f .YU.rs 4 r o Ul n1 in ...... ...... -v" .... an .,.,., $750 000 new. separa~ meters " enme corner location on 111EIVA YOUNG Sit DOO AFFOIDAILE 1·5 Wl ANITA LN O Broker. • · garage.. segerstrom1h So. Santa COMPANY Located ~w(tltiri a lux· blk from Highlllnd l. PULUI H.ALTI o. Bourke Realtor Ana. Approx 1.S,300 sq. -~17:.=.l4~)=837~·t08==---• urlous s:arded tom· HEWPORT ~cm2 I 2114 W & SI '5.000 544-0114 S46-~. fl. lilt up construction & · II · WMre can you-nave • • ._.......... d i..,........ I DU ~u:a'ffin Rea~;->':2No Newport address ... in• UDO 50' LOT on l.bis beautiful 4Br RoEwnD~rc. E1D1 ussoo1.1000b.:.a~Y : t ~~e ::Y v.e Slo~~~ ....................... Ask rorLori waterfront community New maids qlr111uesl Portoflno model in "' t .. ~h fi . S&l'BI YALU(! aodaruaoub~price? room1 walk-an Crdar Harbor Vitw. Separate motel In Carla bad anannng. ~"''t~a. 2.:iu bf~ms. pall~ llG CANYON These mobile bomesare ti~:h~~~bJak drl:o~~ ~=··~!w c~~~n'!: :amrm~~·000· A •C714l67M 40D ... Guardeo communlty. fi EW R ES French doorl'. sunny ,.., __ to pool •"19"00o " tZIJI HWUI ;~~tarn cD.blcf~t;·hsRe~ BtN.-SBR 2~ba bomt }!':c~!n~ery vrY1~ce brick-p atio Bo 11 ........, ,.., · DELUXEt -.PLE.X KAft•OR srl van aettlnc. iac. w/mirrored walla. lots lofobile Home Park on storafe· 3 fr.Ir's, tr11di· l~PS.t•1cd":.!t:1. Top Me11 Verde Joca-cA marble. 3 car g1r. •t-a • BR3 _ ba, •M•T lion. sharp & cood S 49,$00. Harcum fl 910000 Call644 0448 UdoPmlnsula Include ""'' .. • terms Ass me loan Home R. E. 494.SSSl ' . • •~Yr leuuvail O~~a" JkSJ:~ f5 So. Calf. 1...._ Btll owner helps u Ask S290K. MM..... IDH Priced to W •18oroveryn0K 6'1S-729I, Ownerfaat,_ ...... , s.~1~1 opportunity PriJlonly.Agt.~-lli6 SJ0,900. Lovely •Scnallpetsallowed · ~·-~5405 Ul0 4lli for lnnator.U ,000....., 1 ADlvisaonof •··•• .. _··.·.··.·.··.·.·.··.·.··.·.••111 Veruillea Penthouse 'Pool It ret. room °'4>1ex, two 3 BR 2 b1 un-ifi] fool office bu.ti· .,.,,uxe Cov ntton •·~ex II arbor Investment Co. condo. Largest 1Br+-· its. owner wrcarry 2nd. s. .-Fully i.-d. <>vtt ;rri~·~: :~a11y" ~ k f; 1--------PAllC PLACE n.impu.s rm. 2ba. Nicely 2 Br Iba for 142.000 or yr ()pm Sun. 1·5. 209 42nd CIP'•-I 071 S ,000 a year depn· 979-4383 HTATIS decor a t ed . A I I lle$700/mo furn Sl. r. 642-lMS u •••••••••••••••••••• daUon. Priced IO •ll 11 · Lah for s.le 4"Wr.2~Ba. amenities. Assum SIOM ~=:: t::=: 4 BDRM 2 ba, rfl>I( RV W0,000, ~c. 2.-br w. !!i4 ~;~&: j INfX ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2200 21'14SQ. Ft. It 11"6~. Owner Al-1410 All only •yrsold l«'fSI rm.ooo. 815-7531 rre l pHk oceao vu. ~ • 't'f"L 12°' INJEIEST BE'M'ERTHAN or213J28M333 or 631 -3374 Open LowdoWa.811-317J'1ct. 1199 500 /0 RM~iR~ING OPENSAT.l,$PM Sat/Sun: Tustin/16th Pl. S...AM IOIO 2oi:;. &OWn, f~~ loan. with "adowo -ownerwtll Cul-de-1acatreet. 1225~~1~lt~!r.ha Br. SetorullHelen AIUaoa Bkn .weleome .. " .............. ~..... no serond. Cri>\I. drps, ~~1!!°~~or1ffs'?o1 SunfiSailllClub wlthllel.fi&roove oora. O'Comw 1t W1terfronti--------blt·ln r /o. patio. bl>q, lhel>esllTHREE ARCH 20 mio. to N~port GNal lblal\cln&. Muat Homu,lnc. ~un + Ni1ht Licht 10-V.DOWN 1•urttrm··C~aAna BAY.Willselllormore Center sell ! Mike offer. Hl·lftt Vlft.3Br.1,Ba.Condo Slw:p3Mrm 11:21ot, 11\LOAN Guardedgate commu.ni 9210,000withl llO,OOO Owp/1\#.&e•. , __ lllllilliliiil--l ln~rt Crest. Ten· $72,000 assumable ht NEW CENTER Excel DUCHOME&lNCOME ty U nchr1round at 12"'1 fixed rate It fullY • • •P•· 12u.ooo TD .... ,_,•too cau "--W .. eo. JAAitlon .,,., 2"2 yr old i.aar. 5-2Br utJbt.ies. Pvt. beach • amortized. 6 !nd. Call Delores ·......., • · "' .. ' .. "" ,.. w/annuai in come or -•''ft-. • f t T S L CAS FLOW Sellers '"""''" """ Nopointl..!f qualifyma. or er ms · • will accept trade• Full $42.700. Seller will carry COAST REALTY ,,.,.0K7 ry:rtiea,6'2.1603. ri S3.300 000 A t I.st at ll~. ~ Elden _...;:4""~~·7""50""1,_,La=--& ....... B~ch._._ Owner/Afent II MACNAB ~~='5~e·~u~·-· __ ·_•_·, Ave .• CM.979·5099Bkr. 2 Lots Lacuna Beach. W Ce•di ... lw/Towa· SUPB 2210 and 2230 Temple Like Form 3B.R, Den, AEAllY -------i ..___..,. ... 1700 TAXstm.Tll Hllls Dr n · wide, " 2BA.Tenna,byowDtt. =~~· ....... _. '"' _. __ 0 1ere1=xea. l2l$,OOO -·-___. Oii ,.. "''' n••••oueeu••••••••• .al'""-' I.II IL ---c.tlv•lu • •'>r'-·-·---laqd. Oic. ConuC'l .................. ,..... Saft -Clemente PiiCfe of WlHacttpt-.0.-ooo clO:.; ... JHflNO INt •--J oi.n Shu , Bro ker * ¥IT'ii.ANS * aanm OWNEI owneublp. lie od t rn ea. • fin1nct b1lance .. _ ••• ,. .... •••••••••• ••-_ , 955-MS4-IKLl1 Spanltb style four unit over 3~, Reply to: fBIBIH ta~Ttr'l~~at .. 1p11trnent bou.Se will\ Walnwri t DIU. An- DOYll ~HO.Ii 1'.. •------• aru. NfJI..( JO BAil! Ot'Uft~lllls fl golf count dechl, . Oamany. or (~ Dfil; 1oniaT1)fa· HIPIHTI IWlll IHI "Muat Seu eaus.1~ Ra~h .,.rr:;• s tow1hou1t1 ft ~~elh~~ ~~:~ 011_ w5 Germ•" Y ~~1.r:;ir:'1r:re;e Now" 80' bay view. Juet profftlion-HOTTUI VEIERANR. · ::! ;ms-~ld~~'c!~! :ner ~o~~~·::c::~sw. ..::r.&1111.:~ld.le=·-,t-e_ms_w_l_tl\-a Hobby GOG\. Pool air.id ally decorated.· .like new. Sophisti-S.d....,.Yle~ Oklffl•.... dnlyfordOwn. tbreebedroom,two b1tl\ Dally Pilot Claaaified lot. beaut. l1ndacaoed, cated 2 BR & den, 2~ Ba, bar, pool. or iit~;, mountain•.:. 1 ....... •••••••••••••••• i-'""Mi::;t=l;.;;le:=Aa:..o:M2==-·.::.:889=:.l _1 dly 6 ocean view ap1rt· ..:Ad.~-------UWner wnt 1nls{ at ape, bellch & IK'W'lty. PRICE Rf!DtJ... nl~ llehtl~ltbluff. " w... Aeiiii mellt1f •PPlkable. and , ___ _. __ _ flnandllf, Onl1 l4201000. CED •H 000 to -f448,000. Only Br deft: 2"' ba, vacant. 1 fw S. 1100 rent tbe other three =t/6'lll ·~ 'l 0 8 Ba Id Co nooo I ~ .. fqir 'fl:' .. · •• •-altor ~000 aown. 1 1 ya e ve · ................ ••••••• To ........ _ will "'·Ip ..... .. ... N 111---1. 0e1.1.1 -.. 1-1771 !Newport Beach De ~nu place1oarme11ace """""" "'" b ... ,., ...... 1 ewport ~·· UUll u a • ., bar fronl Park. Mint befonUI• ~.!~.!.~ V.J dollull'I' ~1'1 &42-82311, f 7S·SH 3 OPEN SATUR· ~.ond. ·71 dbl ..wide. rMdlftapubHc. SCihi'Prte'; of m .ooo DAY 2-S. nre,tac•1. bricll patio, o~tlo4. ii wiy below current 11,900. ""° 2 br., 2 b1.. O...IW,Ma·M'11 n9la~ei,ne qt coal!!! wide. comu lot PIUNCIPAl..5-0NLYlll ~YOll 111t re.uJt,settin1 Dally Piiot Clmlfted Ads to Nlell the Oranse Co11t • narttt.. "'-t tu.1171 -~~~~~~!~~~~~'~-Ll!~~!!!~!!~U 000. Bill Grundy Ci II own er (?It 1 flH)fl, ll1 ..... ·_ ·-·-·-·-·-• .. -~-;...._. -~·-· Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 -21 Oiiier._.... a..r._..... "-etU.fw 't1d .._..u.,_ • .._,. .._...,. .. '*•d "-""'"" •••• .._ ... ,.. • t.d .._..u.rw '•ut ..................................................................... ~······················ .•........•.••.•.•.... , .................................................................... . t' .-:-On«t, J400 't~':';. 2100 ~.~~!'!° ... ??!.~ ~~ ....... ?~.~~ ~~ ....... !?! ....... -.~~~.!~~! ~!."!' ............. !?~~ ~~-~ ... ??!~ ....................... ....................... UICUTIVI Eutakle quiet 2 Br. lo 10 180 DEC VIEW BLUFF' ura.ro $171 MO. WJ ........ Mew Y.AYllW.Llill --------•ITtade: SI0,000 equity in Sbdrm.-30., ram rm. house development. CONDO 2br +lam. rm auptu. 2 BR dift, .c8tner urut miiil"'8~~.R JS kNs Slt tOO 308 Ferr~rl ror equal Yiftbar. pool. Jae .. et<'. yard. 1ara1e. pool. 2Br. 2~Ba. micro, apa. caipet. let rented yd. sin&Je It«)', furty abut· ci1.Y + oceu vu.'ou&rCI Perrefflor t'ountry equity in Irvine-Lake ~-beat'hes. O<'Un adl&lts.nopttl.SS7$/mo. 11Z5.p:H300,875·1181 Nicearea.Nexttoparlt. tered,~r le, a_trlum. cale. Pool+ teanis. retreat home horses Forest area home to ()(· view. 12,500/mo . Ref Manaaer 2'" B Oran gt CH<ICE extt 3br pool Sec. dep. S3'-0794 nta.r , tennis $975 $1100/mo. Bob or Dovie ll>Ole. • .{lear. iieach or: copy. Tom MS-6600 or pJease. 7~1654. Ave. bomeLqu~ kitt'h S6SO 3 Br 1~· Ba condo. 00 mo . o pets . A gt. Koop, •&l 79-1.Z2l cfWdrTax<'rechl l.Only m .mo.eves. Walk to brb. 28R Iba. OC·RP.:NT~ 750-3314 P'(s.MOO/mo. =·~=0880='-:--::--:---:-::--1•-------- l\labnrromL.A 1om1n. RV Park OD river near rrplt'. dshwshr . SPlteJWHIS Sl'OP'purchueoption 213/8111·71115 1\utJerock. 3 br. 3 b• rrom rwy. Pine trees. ()('tan Ore1on S31SK mit'fOWV. patio. very at· .... H~ '"U w 'l hi. 3 b r s 4 9 s be(. 5'S ' br 2\la ba ram. rm. Uv. rm. formal IAYFIONT beautiful v~ws f'llUill eauilY: s.-0321.' tra<'t i ve USO f mo '" ~· "HURRY" ram b 0 nu'1 rm : din .. pror. landsupe, 2 aljley, 4 + bdrau, 2 the lon~1ng ror 4 7m-Ml2 •wtetYOULliSE OC·RENIALS 750-3314 gardener incl. $975. a/c.7$2-llOSl bath, ~lre~_lued ----W,.Sl!~~:1n~~ea'~:0fn ~= ~ ztoO -~~ _._ nts1~1r~e "CUTE"eutside2brw/ l4l}Gl3 Elecant 2bdrm, 2 \laba lii=~VJew m11'~"f1 l~ ctn.,IN int.~ .................... ,.. l~~na$465· ~~!tures : WJW cpl, ~1~·~~~4 3 br. 2 ba .. 2 sty dplll. fttl':~uJi~~nPt:,'ra; "'''"'"""' dn.~•'k lftl. Wanttobll)"'housewilh 2bd ·lb .00 cathederal ceill1111 . -stove,refn1.DW.5mln .. •tmo 6751989. ~ (21Sl99H200 pool. 3~· 2b: tt2S frp le range ·oven. Sh;arp 3bdrm, 2ba gar. bch. l700. 980-6030 ~31g, · · • • (71')320-1812agt. 760-0962 Agl673-Tnl 495-015S dsbwshr. patio, pool. disliwasber. gardener. 3bdnn +den, 2ba, frpk, LA.KIC'<!CONDO _ -.-io mo. 1 yr lse. •14 Now avail. S725. coveredpatio gardener, ....., ________ ...,. 4~r.3Ba. days on se1ce avail in 75&-1914. cloletuchools&beach. &id unit, lar1e I BR, • • ........... ••••••••••• xlntlocation. Waikiki Condo from .... ~~y Much mo re . S7SO. dl'"'1croomandcarden 2.7 A.CIES 67U379 Apr. I, 1983 to Oct. 1983. -9&3-8800 835 3833 ut kitchen. Fireplat'e, open 3br 2ba POOi din rm/rm SH.ti> ...... ~ . Airfare. food "' other 3 Br 3 ownhouae ac2 • • • . ~an, air coad. Avail rm. 1ioo Clay. NB. Build~ 't *'d .... _ ................ ,eo.e.MtM 3224 calla rap or leasee. 3111 bybibbUngbrook. rrpk. . •RL!..'850tRJtmyo. y_rly. llZS/mo. A&t.541-5032 ho v~*wsorJo~e.:um. llllDehlmcl 3106 ••••oo•u•••••••••••••• Hamilton. dtw1_PoOI. many xtras. Dollhouae nr the beach1 !!!!!"n _"25200 --U:: 'tresb alT Survive ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aduu. no peta. ~/~ hardwood noors & fnca 3Br. Z~BI Condo huJe dty ilvin( I~ .bra rrom 3 Br2ba, furnished. Short ~ Seplrate bouff, east.side leue lit. + sec. Avail yard! $3'1S! (1622Pl T~::."l '~m. 2 mstr. vi~. end unit. Nwpt Bc~S,minO. from ~e~m.,:....'?!!,+ per mo. 2~. I Bl.. t'rpls, dr]>S. tZ514Mm,. 2br rbarmer S'50 ba, 2 atory, fireplace modva mo(2.132113l37~~ IDIJOI' inc. wner ,....vi..--stove. washer/dryer bit· <96211P> New cpla. drpa, near 1 • • ~ rom IO'k dn. 2 br rum. home. May & o o up, rnc.'d yard. en<' lad MIW CONDOS pcda ud acbooll. S8tS ews/wbds. l.2'1.int.-20%dn,9tt.-:z. June S&OO/mo. July & gu. No pets . no BetlleftmtOJivelnnew 3bdnn2ba!•tllMIP> eerap.114·5827 BeNifu13br,3babome iDl. (114)320-1'12ut. AL!C.'450/wlt.17}9"7 n.t.erbeds. s:wM>/mo + condominluma . .J •nd 2 Commuaitya.-OTIHee Greentree detached overlookia1 Ice greu- .... ,.._.. 1107 BrightensomeOM'sday Ut'Urity deposit . bedlwm.fireplace.~u-?Bdrm. Huntinllon Bay home 28 r I bel.S1000/mo. n..o .... J .... ~ .. 5" ..... o.N··.:.:.~·PO··lNT......... with I Classified ~~or770-5&29. ~ '8fi·•~· ·Y~"Jl· dis-c.oodo. wuher{dryer in· try kltt'~en ~ ('cov":::d ff'.@ aft. 4:30pm • 1111p ,. ,111 1nr. E•u~! 3 BR twnbmr, 2'2 ba, 2 ~u er. an arge dd.waterpd. ldlUdot. pello,Z<'arprace.<'om-~Crest Condo 4 .... !-;; .............. , 3 BR 3 Ba . i,e r1m1ly P-oroaly Sll.00 rp&c·a. new Formal din. pnv~~totl35 no pets. Fenced patio Ii rnunkY pool & park. nr Br. (am. rm. dininl rm. C..... I~ room , pa rt I a 11 y )'OW' Euler message .U-b9ck vd. 141· 1725 1172 liloorovia l'lfllOC1. ssso. Agent no ldllsfaboollinl & lennls. pool. tea.Dia. $1200/mo ..., ™1pm-ZBr furnlabed. Close to willappearwit.b IBRwithaton.covered Coli.Mesa (ee.~2000. ~mo.~l-zns yrty .MS..olilS 28a w(water view. u ti beat'b/bay. Dbl car. :e~Jia~I': parkinJ. Child Ii small lTI4l631·5809 2 1ty 2Br, encl patio, UMTALS '-YlewPeelMa. filed loan roe 30 yrs By oewly carpeted. Sl200 lJY d pe l 0 K · S 4S 0 I mo · w a b r I d r y r • 1br.I1)1. -*"~ 1 n ! Br 2ba + aen~-Sp1a. __ 1_., mo. mont.h-to-mont.h. on EaaterSun ay. SJS.1971 ...... h I & _... ~~ d ·b .,..._, _,. _, BlrTett Rily 642·5200 Call 642-5678 and -lmn.Nlate 3 bdrm. z ba ltoYe/uanWS r. poo 2br. ii,., ba S6SO Bil encloled yar n1 l ......... ~r~ C..MIM 3124 ~it Mutercard }.~~475 ho-r·ir·~a<'"' d'ia dubbae. SSH mo . 3br.Zba. Sl75 on Bick Bay. Coun~ --~, "'"'· "' "· · 1e2.7727 •bf. f .R.. setUnc. 11050/mo in· • ... "'5"'0 V'11awelcome . im 1-3032 bw-· .. --R parttin• " n ... svy ' • ....................... -.. ,.. DUPLEX . ll9 Hunt·, 2ba. Sl400-Sl500 Fiim eludes &ardening Ii pool .. ••••••••••••0 •••••••Mat. lady l't'nl shr lrg 38dr111..,ZBa. quality S70031*>fl(urray. Near inal.ollAYe.~vlew, Sbr.2ba. St500Furn aerv.75t.2197 COUMTl~SWAM bomr to act ret. rpl. no QC.RENTALS home S7 Brentwood. OCC and SD Frwy . vOlleyball crl, lBr 4br.lba. Ji5350 Bllboa Bly Club 2 Bd, l lil.E TA.iTI smll,rers.541.-l-5br'sl200tol2000 vk Santa Ana' Santa l·N2·93'7Z ---liOO/mo.2.Br tllOOmO: or 4br,2...,ba. l200 bay vu. su 50/mo . • Ymis iCb 1 7SG-3314 open7·dan ~Sta. llOO mo. Va· 2 Br. l Ba. older home rent aitlre dopln ror Lel\!laor Rily Paftlck,a&tUJ.126S Vlneya :.t. rant' H n ........... 3141 11 .......,._0F ~~_!.open. 6'6·8788 or J1S2•n1aAnaAve, rear SHOO /mo. Call Bob 11 _..__.. n 4I . the Puo l\OOlta area... ....................... ~ .....__, ~· "50.1151·11226 _ _ Me)'er 516•3500 ofr or ,...,,.....-~• Ex~onally ni<'e lBr, ~!Call Lag. Brh froftl condo. 3 ,,.WCKYflW So."--1t Pia••. s· 0 •t 7CZ2bome ....................... 11 Uv1111 rm. frplr. d /w, DooSwan br, 3 ba, oool. tennis. Renf1n eoua -Keu's ....,. • n llNTT IUY . · 38r 2ba. ram rm. frpk 2 patios, laund facil. •; orKenlhrka (213)705'2228eves. NE WEST cated 20 2Br lba. lennlt. rull sec. 2 8r townhouse. IW' -·· "Top or the Wor ld" b1k from beach. tennis. A1aits Townhome VILLAGE Si8Slnclwtr/refriit. pc>pular loft model. lllill• JJ42 Re~ w. /d, $915/mo. etr. 9125/yrly. util pd. (105) 231-1710 ~~ ...... ~!.~! COalMUNITY. 2 Ii 3 Br. t Br . lba7ulf'ec. pool, ~l!m. A&et!1»Hll6~ •••-•••ff•oouu••oo• ~. 752.0529 Ave 1Apr4t.h. 645-1771 or 2Vt Bl.1600-1800 sq. n. or ~~. I l Sl!lall l Br. gar. hUl(f lllte trt-levet waterfront • br ~.!. a mall ()(Un ..!-=SIM4=:.------o.tfllf 5Mh ' L8SUll WOl~ JIU~ luxury .. Garages. spa . .-.lO<' '11 w r. yard. $'25/mo. Drive by condow/30' sldeLle. fat· "vtew "'i7ob1mo Temp Blurts 3 Br. 2Vt Ba Pr•rt, 2600 UYoUareoverSI an de· llydro-tu!JI 111 muter . ._._t noree~ ~W. Wilson.fIU.P§. ed. pool, tenni1. Lone mtta"I AM.Mat · Townhouse. 2 ur gar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• nndt.opsecurity,~uiet suite, d1!'infi rooms. E'side. Xlnt area. 4Br Sunn 3 Bdrm 2 ,;b~ lease pouiblt. Phil · w/opener. Avail. 4.1_ d!.r:u._~.;~.reA::" dn =:~v~~r~ou:a~~~: =~~e"':PJ:~e:: ~ ~:1~1t~slJ~: E'1i1e t•t~ i yUd. d~1 :"' 146·llD. 1244 ~~ .... .2~!! ll!Otrm. 61s-1051. pymt to acres, 121 ,900. sunsds. rree bus servi<'e privadte patios & ~~r~. 7S2·50409·$pm. ____ f:6oiwi~:' itard~~er' ....................... HOME FOR RENT =~~ri.g2.~r~c~d ~ acres. $27.900 Int lo sboooing + all the Gar ener prov1 e . 2bd P.l carp•tlng _11,,,.... · .....__..____ • 3 br • ba 3 Bdrm $61S fent'ed onlY pymta for 3 yrs al owner'l'privilegea .. my Elepnt livinc oolr IS rm a : ~ ~· _...,_. "'"-_ --·~· .... n"w ·" • ard Ii ara ~ Kids & eatio. Nr pool. New t'pU. L~. Closin& costs ap-m>t.htr'•2 Br 2ba Medit. minutes rrom Fashion ~avail immed. S47 · Mela ~I M 3 e 2 Ba patir,p'._ Park, /?°I. ~ 1 J.! I ·s.s-2000 dl'JIS, xlnt cond. S1050 ,.... ... Mi-.lil-5218. manor is available. llland,7minulntoS.C. W . ram 2 ,•:p r: ritaa ' !A(. /mo.83S·907 'A.Nft.•04,::· • mo. 494·6306 or rZl3) Completely furnished Plaza or 0.C.Alrport. Lovely house w 1th W/DiRfl BBQ'. patio: 'Jbe Laltn: Lovely 2 Br, · l..!:~~•~67~•~-----l~ r.-. ,.700 down to linens Carport Just eaat or NewPQrt P.a!'oramir: v iew ruce. dbl car. S900. Townbouae. many ex-............ 3252 ~ ' lnt'luded. SllOO /mo Blvd.liso.~SanDleco tln11hed to perfection Avai1 41u.640-4S58 tt1111ncld.pool,spa.tet1 ....................... UIX•YUYIM6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 840-7729 res or orr Frwy. Starting at t800 • ror the fussy housewife -rail. No pell. ta25/mo. Pvt comm Sea Terrace. LUVU.IOU~ MA DOWN OR 142-2171 imntb. 631-5439. 2'73 lbr. 2ba. dbl aar . lg 2BR.lt•.1ar.wshrW/D 714(4'7-40'71. "'"'~·•BR.2Ba.ram ~VEJfOllE • 3 16' OranJe Ave .. Coata patio. blc _yrd Pets on ~ n,0 pets S415. WS£SI rm.. Comm pool. Ju . HUGE 3 BR w/pool & Ml..,.rt IHdl Mesa. approval Ordnrt water Placentla,54S-198i * * , lmnil, walk lo pvt ~h. .._. hse <•ardener & -ftlK ••••••••••••••••••••••• inrl 915 842.1542 F B d .., t I 1 .~ • IJUUJL Eaataide 3 Br. 2 Ba. · · · or lease. ran new Two Woodbridce 3 Br "o pe 1 . Yr • e · pool ltT'V. incl.) Vacant. p 1 <' t u r e i• q u e ...ST... S700/mo .. tsl, last Ii ser. Unique 3 Br. 2 Ba. rrplt', house. ~Br. ram rm. homes. l800/mo on t yr 114-857-1200: 115-'892. 111>vein now! $1S7SJmo. FALi.BROOK RANCH, CAH'(Ot4 V~W deposit. Call: 548·4388 d/w, hooli·upt. enrlad rormal dmlnc. 21'1 ba . nr lease. 12 more to <'hoote SJMlU ~/1-~2818 LS acres. Lovely home Prlva~ Ir aecu ty ~n afU P1t1f.."'cd yartf MOO. ~chit, shops. $95o0/mo. from. We're the onea to 4 br. 2 ba. new rrpt & UDO ISLE wilh 4500 st + ~nnis ~r:11'b:!: E(ef!~t/ Nice dean 2 Br. t Ba. ~-mcl&,rdener. Call lnaa t'aUrorteasn. P81nl. Imme<'. Gardener Immaculate 3 Bdrm. court. DOOi.. riding trailJ. enclsd "t•nce. yard, A.lit •7434 i] ... ,....... ltw!Mrpd, ..S-40llO aen. ramily room. dining fu';e~~~r.~~ PQl/m .§40-4Sll new paint " e!arpet. No .~m~·nm. ... . y~ l2l4 ~I ..... MONARCH SUMMIT· room. fu111lsbtd or UR· S99S,OOO. Weekends Trva.....Wortd pets. SSZJ+securily. a1Jutilpd2335£fctenl6 .• '°.................... kJlll 281'.ia.. ram rm. S750 fumlahed,Sl900mo. 645-50001 ext 110 or Uyo\i are over ~I and de· 2546 Oran&e. house E. •28r. Cart!.tls, drapes. HOMES FOR RENT 551·3008 ftWI. Httb831·1729 LAWSON REALTY 6'4·95h weekdays :r'::sct~e~~ur~!~n~~:~ 548-!7'78, Ml6.S81lJHamltton 3 It ' Bdrma. S725·S750. mnarn •u r1111~).l"I'"' Coutllne vu, Monarch ns.~ 113H400or644·95t3. view r I R h fASTSIDI N).31189 No Do&s. Fen<' e d Y • rd s Ir Qantnil condo. dbl car .. 3 Bdr. 2 Bl. Npt Shores. ....................... .~. ~: ~~ se~~fce 2 er.~ wfih den. •2BR. detl, pp 2 baron· gara1u. Kids It pet• So. Jrvlnenew 2 Br. 2 Ba. 3br, 2 ba. h'plc. No pets. blbtolbeocun. --•tOO io shoppin& + all the garue w/d. hook·uJlf. do, ar wettdUf. an. welcome. S4S -2000. bacl yard. pool. •J>l. m&'-1 •"" 5f:iOe3 Exi••tt ' . ri II 329 uhJverslty Dr. Set Avlnow. Dpv\d6'6·325S A-.t no fee n.~7631.1601916 • ....._ ....................... =:::.! ~r ':l:'r.t-Jll. maoa1er at s. 548 0848 Nr SC Plue. 3 br. ram • •• , INd 3240 nrE WILLOWS =~•••••••!~.·.~ C»I. YA V AH.AILE MK!~o~:tro'o. b.;Jtl manor ls avalleble. Eva rm. din. rm. 2 ba. ff1>l<' ........ -. ............... 4 Bft z a.. Irv rm. dint 5 Br. 3 Ba. Like now. POOL HOME eQ1aty. Trade for O.C. Completely rurniabed BuutHul 3 bdrm 1 bll-illl.2ur1ar. patio. OC.R£NTALS ~~1=· dbl 1ar. ~r dtner . Luu ~ble.pvt • .skurt property. Call Don Ail downlnt'lutodeldln.enas6·0Ca011'POmo~ Halecrelt. Home . Aval utru. Oardener. l.sbr'sSZOOtoS2000 ~/p.114052·5859. 48rlDWttt~llrr. Mirro 51111 .._ __ or 642-2\71 immed.No~.S5e-0347 AS/mo-l*OP W=RH open1-d•x• SUPIR 5 BR wJfrpk •. ..........._vw.. 1267 wavtz dbl door rer11g. _.,,_ ·-~ Blbto f!I I lll 2 IUlldlttl Nr pool, park. ~ •-r P.>Ot • 1111td .ervlrt in· T .... I 0 Acnt ore Br F••.i*im ~ ~eo. ,..,..: m.m _.................... Cl. sieumo. Call lllllt.r. in Blick 1UU1 or So. "" UllWI• ·---~ •»o. ush <'rpll. 2~ ~ Patil. 1 br deA, iillll' •~.~./~¥.~\~:i ••~l•orU1·1* DU&UlorCoutproper· .._.U.fual1•1d NEW EXE"•rnur LMNG a.. c.ed•t • ciau. •WI· din.; 11e kJL Oardntr :':I.a. etc ODfft Sun 2 Br. lie Caft)'Oa llcL1in tJ.f7>.1m ....................... ws"s;. el ect , dbl car prv ~_.lb~ i·JM·Ji IM1l y11 Cor-Tow..,_, Jmmedlate S..OLateTlboe.Nev.s ._.., J202 Pr~MesaVerde c•ra1e. rullr m~lnt. W0009RJDCE-2BrCon· rion . Avall lmmed OCCUPHC)'. SH5/mo . Bdrm. Mar Harraha ft ...... ••••••••••••••••• ,_ ._ 1 t ._....._ 1....,._ ~~~~rut ....... tlntloc.onGrH"nbll, WU/MO '".04 u . fw-.QUMf-OP stlllll:l?t:Mf,000. F•~ st1le 2br houe Oflllll --•..., ~~S.~. ~ mtnts, 1 yr new. ~ Ne.wport ~·Cape Cod ~r:?:r 'T::u:~~[0 wJ11eyard!P5015405P l Ill I..,..., ... wll.W. H<llESFORRENT taunu. 1100 mo. Ma ••rtltedl J26t l-.ty.58ck'al.Mi.pmt1. 1 ........... ,. __ ...., 1.. •I• ....... I I • ... s • 4 Bdrms. WJW725. -.-rm. 300I+ sq ft • .,.. ry II" 1 -·0 • .............. H.B. 4br0Dtioa to b11,1 ! I"• It ••h• ... , tlMr, reac•d 1ard• .. . ·-••• .. ••• .. •••• pain"4. 1rt_11td. RV delelt ...... WIU COO• K*/peut lmf (807P) -I a•r•&•· 1tlch' • pets Randlo San Joaqulft ~-OC-HNTAl...1 actW. ptft8 OK. Wi lk lo ~..!-'~rnch1n1e. -... ,._ ••-welcome . $0-2000. do. 28r 2tu , du. l.sllr'••toateO edlooll.. vacant. Diana . ..il!l!!l:S!!!~----1 F.V. 3br-oaly $515 SI cm "m ;lie & ~ ~-.ifte. E /mo.IQ-1101. IHJ4 mn71'1n utm.ma OCEANFRONT La&Uft• LS25P> • 1M.mlfH 557-Mn. '42-4210 . l Br eoaclo . Patlo, 2 BR tnllM OD 1'"'1· awns a Bl 111 IMI. ··.,.--n ....... UP-1•-...,--k-.. =&v~ =.~t.~.:t~ ...._ ~• to_31n ·~ u ·~~""' -~ :,~,PJ·i*1:'.:: ::WitntYd.~.rr: =::~:C-ri • .-~~t: ~Jd.kl*.Now.m ..,,~tuWi g..ift!!l!Cl!clott~•· ...... ... ,..,1UI I .... .__~· ~ma QC.apTALS ,..,,14 I 1 ' f'. • --, ' " ' .. q~~GE COAST REAL-'EST·ATE MARKET Somewhere In this Dally Piiot clrculatlcn area is the home you want. No matter where you are or where you want to be, use this section and this map to make you at home. " A pUbJlc ~ of the llllJPlll Classlfleda 642-5678 .._...._ -_....._.I ''~· ~ ~ '~ ~-~C"' ~,, r9{t~,r """'1·, r "'"""" ,..., wr 0 SllVUAOO CANYON -~ ' I ' l •\-. .... : ..... _ . ~-- 6f ~~ \ .UCO OAKS • <.P TRA . .) "~ .. ~· ,.,c...o~,. q ... 4.f(, ~,.. ,.. , ...,q_ q.~ #~..., r -cou"1"f ~~· ~u~~-.., ,.. flf§ ~iy; ~· 'e («'~ I N IN I 0 ·~ 2 :I ~ i ~ • ~ > ! i: :I C> g> "O l -0 i ~ ~ -0 r= 0 ~ ... (A .. c a. ~ > 1"0 ~ (,) .- CD OD N t Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Suppl~ment to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 3, 1982 -23 ._..u.,.A•1&1 Ha.Ntu.tw•""4 lif lwllh,.,.~ ftf lwllh ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... .......... .... d .....,.,.leecll l26' Mlwporlleecla 32H Corw .. M• 3722 ....................... C:O.Mete 3124 CottaMeM 3124 &Toro JIU tteapotfleedl 31H ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 3102 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• WON'T LAST! OCEANSIDE OF HWY •••••••••••••••••••• ••• 8uu11ful park-like set· El Toro Condo, 2 Br 2 Ba. N 8 wpt -Crott-wnhse1k. fantastic 3 Bdrm 2 Be Al.tract. Bach. Avail Sii 3 br, 1..., ba1 grg, bit.ms, ting, Pool/Spa. 1 Br. ....a...._any Lr& kitchen. stOYe/ PAii NEWPORT 3 r. 2118a .. wet bar. w single st ory home 137otse.61S·606_1 ___ (J>lc. pl, kas ok ~95 + ~75. 646 0686. So. Coast ~•u !ft refri&e/ dshwsbr, pool, to bcb. tenn1S: pool. s8a. ~esblY painted. Lovely ~· !213159Hl28. Plaiaarea. APilTMINTS $S7S. 714 t 548 62711, APARTMENTS No pets. Children k. view/across rrom park CottaMna 3724 .... ,.,_... 3106 2 Brdm ~ondo, nr So. Beautl(ul fy laridstBJ>ed 213/437·«13. Avail Apn lS S8SO mo. C h 1 l d re n & p e t s •••••••••••• •• • ••• • •• • • -' de ts P St 640-1644 1 ~~~8,'~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coast Phm1. A/C. pools. gar nap ool & pa twilcl• leocll 3140 we come $l600/mo. yrly UtUelalandQuality. r\1, spa, set. gale S47S. Co\•ered parking No ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor View Knoll Jbr lease. Realtor, 631 7300 ID qliet. parkmg tst/la.st BSl·217S pet.s condo Spacious & + dep Lse or monthly Fl REPLACE. Pool P\1 r~;tt ~·40-~~ Un~~trmArnpt All storage + Comm . n......:-·ula Pt.unobstrurt· Compare b~fore you Vacant $600,675-6549.or i •·d h h .,. $4~ I pd I pool tenn15 Under rQUU;> rent. Custom des1&.n 2131923-0549 paJ Os IS was er 28r ll• Ba ~10 ut1 A I a1Mn11tes prired SI lOO mo ed Harbor view Pine features Pool, BBQ. XLG28r.aardenll1>U-at:Vanguard ~0-96,2:6 ...M-.::06~1~9. _____ _ 644·~. trees.48dr.38a.sauna. co,"rd farage. sur· LltUe Island. xtra lge. on Easlside SS60 QUIET OU TS Deluxe poolside xtra iac · 3 car garaee rounde with plush nice I bdrm. $67$ yrly. SS7·2841 A L onr JS, Jasmine Creek condo. w/elec opener. com la.ndsraping. No pets. NoPets673-9473 2 bdrm. 1'' balh,/eallo, unlum 1 & 2 Br upper. ~~/~[.; ~i~· t!~~~· Zbr. 2b1, den, 2 frplrs, merdal kitchen. 2 l8r furn from$490 ood E . 1 From $340. Beaut romm pool /lennis Sec. frplcs , patio. lrg Mstr 2sr.rurn. from~ ..... ,.....,. 3107 ?:'age. 1;50 ·SI e oc landsca~ng. No pets Adult.a. no pets SSOOmo guard $1 100 mo Bdr.bar,slorage, w o. :JMW.Wilson, 642.1971 ....................... pell, .646·2280 LEEWA 0 APTS 2020 -=SJ6..8362=-==~·---- 644·SS12. rerrig, some rurn Nu2&3BR. 28A yearlk Nice 2 Br 2 Ba Condo fUllerton.6310397 THE WHIFFLETREE Sharp 3Br home w/ocean 1800/mo. 780·8650_ NJete lb Br. dplx Qule~ Frplc, bll·ins, gar, par . gym. ~I. Near SC. E.slde tn·plu. lg, qwel 1·2·3 Bdrm. Apt.s. Gym. · G 1 h t P· Y gar 1 emp Y Ing Close to bay & ~wmo. 832·1766. 2br Ind t di•~ Spa, Sauna, pool, tennis, view arage. ouse o llG CANY.ON LSE adult over JS. No pets. oceap. Brkr 67S·4912. . ry. pa 10. a .... 846-0619 bth. ~/mo Yrly lse -2 8R Mc"'Lain COndo. . 5411-1021 S(>lrkltng new crpt. ttlel oo pets. ws. 673·~ etc. · avail No pets Wayne. Sl07Sper mo Call Gerry Yrly, very lge 2 br, 2 ba, drps. lrg I bdrm idea Eastsidel Br. 2 Ba frplc Huntington Creek Apt Ail 646-8816 6'73-mlor~97 ~o.leach 3740 no pel.S. $625/mo. l.544 ror working couplr No PROPERTY HOUSE Defuxe I & 2 Br Frpl~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NiramarDr.67S..llS8 pets $4lStmo Ut1I pd 6'2·l8.50 6421019 enclsd garages. Tv New 2 II 2'h la ILUFFS Orean front 3 Br. 2 Ba ~..___ securit)' 848·1613. llAM 2 rar gar townliome. H.•h\.!OillST Years lease. Sll50/m... ----28r I Ba Mar So Coast S.PMonly. COUNTRY CLUI UVINGIN NEWP<>RT IUCH A luxury community on the Back Bay Spec lacular Spa 7 aw1m· rrung pool•. a lighted teo nis courts, bike trails. putting green Bachelors. I and 2 bedrooms apartment5, ind townhouses from $$40 to SlOOO per month OnJamboreeAt San Joaqwn Hills Road ill 4) 644. l.900 pool,spa.walktobeach Euutintto.. Sparus Late 1v1ng 1 7141337 2414 divs. 8rCH810ICELSIDE W SS25 /mo Broker . J8r 2"'81""-"-r-~--hl-y-paint and Hoag Hospital FUiest front row 11oater Beaulirut park·hlte sur • 1 .1iiil·ruturH. Vi 851-lllOO · •u · Avail immed11tel) $9$0 view The ong1nal de-round in gs. Terrared 67$-8904evts& wknds. l1lt. frplr ranee-oven ed garden apL 2 pnYate Spa mo. Ev 714 ~·785S, da veloper 's ror mer pool Sunlcen as bbq dih°wsbr ' rim a. 1' 01111 Wtko I patios. washerldrrtr free 1or2 br a~ls. I mi 213·961-0288 personal residence Ex ~pa~kllng fo~nt11n 'c.,l.tr..oleecla3111 Sm ftU·c~ fom~x 21i f\"drms ~m hook -up 1 enr s d ~Psrbeach o pets NO FEE! Apt & Condo rentals Villa Rentals 675-4912 Broker. 4 br + ram rm Spyglass tensively customized Sp Hi o us rooms i .. a;·~ .. t" .. c;~i;~;~·n•; ~?Og. Jll H_am1lton. · 5450-~ New c1rpets & garage f6251mo 968 ,,,,,18 · and expanded Messlve Separate dining 11rea p I i · S I r W 'd R drapu Corner or! Dee . ...,. LIDOVJEW hlllhomew10W. m1no. IJvingrmwtbar,formal Walk -in closets a 1sa es. em urn nt.11 e 2 B .•I 8~1 Adams & P1lrvl•w 2Br 2Ba.2patioAdult~ fenced ~d Sl7S01mo dining rm. faQ>ilft rm. homelike kitc hen a; Mature adl~. non D/W. pvt patio. avat Open Mon 95. Sun· WQOOU\EA'1S pref.Sl000&7s.6JS9 ru.Ms. r 0 w • 8 g 1 • ent.ry courtyard w th Koi cabinets. Walk to Hunt i;~e~ti1C~~~:6 prf'r nowE. Wl@!BRmEoE. 64 0-0.0'.197 1!!!.J!!:S_ ~-4785 ' ~~~~a1utifui21af~~'£ 2 Br 2 Ba Partially rurn. pond. 2 spacious sletp lnglon Center. N A PTS SP AC IOU S 3 bdrm streams Pool jat' & Steps from beach 17$0 1ng quarters ensu1te. I Bdrm.rum. S50S eon.a .. M• 3122 1 BR OR BACH from lwnhse apt I •1 ba rec area· No pets " CaO for appt ask for Countless delu.xe 2Bdrm·unrumrrom$56S ••••••••••••••••••••••• S365 Ftplc, rec room, Fplc,duhw~hr ldryrm, 846-6591 1Ute67~124 reatures. Reduced from Small bachelor W/sep pool. JaCUUI Cas & pallo. 2 car gar Nr ::.:.._ ___ _ $1800permotoSl400per NoPets bdrm. walk to bch walerpa1d No pets 393 Harbor Wilson Area 2bdnn.rlun.garage Soecurular 3 Br. 2 Ba 111>.A t.640-556q__ Utillhes~ee' SJ7S /mo Util pd Hanult.oo,<; ~~$4411 ~ Nrbeacb.Nopets.$4$0 Or:ean Front Highly up Watclifr2Br S6SO LA QUINTA HERMOSA ~7 IAHIA Mil A'1S SS2 7601 -S36-S04Sevstwknds 1~PERTY HOUSE F.astbluH3Br. SISOO 16211 p k 'de L 1 blk Co&y 1 Br Duplex , rrplc Lar&e 1 Br . urnnrt. 2 bdrm I ba townhouse 2bdnn. lba. nr Beach & 642-Js.50 642·1010 BayfrtSBrdoc:k S32SO w al S:~c~. 3 bl~~ s or Pool Single emplyd pool a. laundry No pets ajll on East.side Large Slater. $495. No pets Waterfront Homes. In<' Edinger Fem No smoker or pets $450. 931 W 19th St Suodttk & Patio Coi)' 641·9'348or 64G-1076 Dll BOA BAY CLUB -----------""'63""1_.·14'""00"' __ 147.Hfl _,, leau. Isl. lu.l + S411-0t92. l'ireplaCf', ldry rm Real REAIJ.Y NICE 2 Br 2 W-Custom home, 2bdrm. _...._ sec 640-4~~----ni~.152Smo. Ba lots of goodies. no 1 Bdrm, excellent view. 3ba deo w/fol Sll BaAh Apl 1 room walk ....._ .a..tw,a..ctscC11N &46·3420 ....... «<A/mo. + dep SIOOO/mo . Take over lrvifle Ave. 14s0t mo Ca,l1heio 1271 ~IHdl l748 to't>e h.' 11 til · 'd 2 1Ji'. up-Wffol>iilConf: I fsiJ-4it8evn&wknds leue. 64HS13 privue ()pt. ions avai Wkdy .................................. ~........... ac · a u 5 P111 · Br fronl & rear pallo. E/Side 2 BR 1 Ba. att•rh ·. party 833.9173. wknds/eves ~ 2 bdrm, 1 ba 1wnhse Lux~ studio. spa. TV. Rererences. $300/mo. frplc, d/w, pool & spa. gar/ pvt r>alio. adults $40S,2br.1 ba.rrontuni1.1..c='-------~ • Washer. dryer. pool. maid service. phones. 549-9322. ~~70·up~~2447 pre .. nC>,Pfll $490 + gar .. patio, 2 kids ok, no 'ff Haven, 2 br. 1 ba -==-===-·-gar.$47S.m-6009 l.Swk.'99-2221 Super 2Br 2bamoldCdM lBr Condo 1 f 1 1«.646-~ _ _ pets lst. 1., last, $100 new crpl, fresh paint. HARBOR RIDCE --2 1 d f · · m cro. rp c. 1« 1 blk W. oC Beach orr r It, eal-ln·kll. No pets Soec. vu. pvt comm . 3 s..111"-JllM 3216 Mewpott •edl l7H d~~rkears7s'7" Aug ~0,:'l 2 m garige wiopener. Lileil Y AID Slater. Mgr. 1738110) · 642-2134 B'R3BA.lr1Ms•rsulte.•• .. • .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• 644-7211 ~I. jacuzzi 1575 S62Stmo. ! 8r 2 Ba Keelson,847·0422 Avail.2 Bd 2ba. yea rly rrplc. wet bar. 3 vu BEACH CO'ITACE IBr. Want .som~t111ng x tra __l!l~ d14>~, 2 car hgarage. now. S'ISO/mo. Steps to bch decks . s 16001 mo frplc. C'OUrtyard. May I ¥c:er1al 1n a z Br C..Mete 3124 Mesa del Mar aru ~c. ~{r'?~lt in':'k?'hf; ARLINGTON APTS C1ll for 1ppt Kate 549-9099.6?$-40'18 • $."'5.dl-2916 o~ .. eoo'Slletely ........................ LarlJll! 3 Br 2 Ba lower one won't lut Call ror 5oa<'ious & quiet 1 Br 1 ~m.-0~~------ ,..._.A M H ~ .... ..__a. 3211 rum... o. 7 91l7 111. 2 II. 3 II apt enclsd 11ra1te No ~ B'a SrlS. 2 Br I' t Ba Villa Balboa Condo 1 Br ......... esa g\S. Yery _.....__ Newfy--aecor eras' pd. pets. $495 /mo c .. 11 a ~· Twnhs Ad I clean,2.Br, 2Ba detached •u•••••••••••••••••••• encl tir d /washer . 7Sl·MIS leave messaoe. MGMT 642· 1603 ~ · e. u ts on I Ba. view Catalina sun dplx nr nark Bltns cpl p& .. , r 1 B f I =-=-ly . .No pel5. N r I he ..... walk to .. Aa~h ....,.,. . r~ · · • ... , f um. r rp c, pool, bQ Adults. no Family 2 br, no pets, Deluxe pri vate I Br. beach. 960-111156. ~.;..... ...., ~ ·....,., avail now. $62S mo. refr1ge, indds uttls. .6'2,5&73. __ crpts.drpl,lndry.,96 W. fl"p!c. gar fncd yard ....,._ 536-2273 $495/mo.840-8208. e-OCCP:rrC~ Shallm1r $42:5/mo. Isl ~/mo.673·6336. Furn. Bachelors, I Br's. 3Br. 28a. frpk . garage. 4 Br. 2 Ba. Nr bch, pool, r... 3290 /mo. 2 r. I a. +$'SO(). l:f9'l;4577 --EASTSIO& 2Br 111 ba. near .~unt. Cf'nler All ocn Ylew. wlk lo brh. lennl.s mo mo ~5 + .. I kA.. • amrn1t1es. 847 ·ll605. 1825 mo, 548-1907 ' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• beamed celling. Sharp 2 BR. wallpaper, l /c, ,.u ex ~ aarafe"' . -. --sec. Newport hores. 3 br 2 ba lge yd quiel laWidry room No pets cha1r rail. pvt patio. etc. p~t!«:>·. '52S tmo · Aitl Sl~o Condo. sec. gite. •-------• Avail S·l 962 1227. cut'-de-sac. Ste'ps lo Nolutrno.rent. $al5 mo. ~k for Bill,~ patio.pool,sauna.teM. 96U682 park. tennis School 3 TSLMGMT 642·1603 63H3116 3 bdrm, 2ba, $49S. May nr &hoOs &l~ch. No pets ON JH[ BAY blks. Avail. 4/22 S800 d' t l r MSO. IMl.39 "· Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse I BR. lots of wood & llCOOO ren or asat -Luxurlous 2 bedroom. l HCAHYON Call 559-l.954/S47-4444 ~ qiaet adult com· 1nllpaper, real nice. mer du l • e' Ru u Lat-e•edl 1141 betb apartment located Custom liome on golr C: t j I ~ ltUdioe. one 1'<fe11.ly decorJttd. S38S mo AP for Bill. &CUl.$3 --•• .. ••••••••••••••••••• directly across rrom the <l>W'Se.3BR+3Ba+ ~IMd 3425 andtwobedtoomaowt· e&,1.!~lldpatlo& 631-i. New2story,2Br 281 WXURYCondo.2br.2 Reuben E . Lu rim rm, super \•1ew ••••••••••••••••••••••• ments. FU..NllHED prage. o::JQfTY, no pets Lft2 BR*'' ba, enrl gar e~dsd gar1ge Xtras be. ocean view. frplc. Overioaks Ne~rt Bay =o~mo luse SUb· lASTILUfF and UNFURNISHED. $$75 Mo 645·3381 or Only $495 mo. Ask ror K1d,s/peta ok 1645. motnp,497·3$?$ $11100/monlh. For IP !!!'!~1. Ad'!° 760" pelt.a A 3 bdrin. 21), bl. fl"pc. Sm 0111..,..,..., also olteis '7S-51d. Bill. 631·121116 Avail. May I Lorn days Charmine lBr. 3blks rrm=~.,/~.}5:.5 call -u~• •• ~I rno 64()..8SS9 """' I Br. gara1e. yard. No 547-9571, eves & wknds from beach as Forest lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiim• ~ d I d ·AM Ut*'*f'ald ... Klld.8 OK. $425/mo. f:AS1SIOE BACrELO~ Ave. Avail immed 2 U CONPeO SC Pr:i:. 'g~go;a~e~~ •tnw1 dale. $48-430 P~·~v:ci,':3i~~-BEAtrrlFUL 2 Br, 2 Ba . 1169/mo. 752·50<IOHpm. Veraallles. 2 br. 2 ba. Great ocean Yew. top pool s mall friendly Oocup9ncy • • MesaVerde, llOOaq. n. Studio A.pt W al k frplc, pool. clubbae ~lboacorn. ~ umnolt .. 1eVai!~a. tr ... · 1 B d' 1 . •11 Miiion tn ,~tfl._._. Near South Coast ~lau rrpk. lndry. d shwshr. ....ach/town •kyll•hts f!50. SandX 642-6149 .,. _.,., n a ... ,. r. m ng. air, ~ -rww:::.--lli:iiii Dix condo Peotridge t'.flclldgar MOO, ""'t in I n' • " t ' L I Adult community. Agt. patio. Sedudtd end unit Cove 2 bdrin 2 ba Jla7 Mt M0-4~ s tts> . C o . aepara e g c ean 1 Br. step~ 7a>-86J7 ~pets. SSlO + $3$ util And Much More• F~LY APTS. n~re. was11e'r dryer: <'! =· kitchen fl I a ra ,. . bay/bch. yrly. $485 mo --------•IJ .. ~,,2:581J~L--Foiamontll.Otahl• BuuUTuT &&Iden apt.I. teve"lort. mitro-wa.,.e. z 2bdnn,lba,pat.io611r SUS/mo . 4 7-U I. 67}007i,67W706 MOOM~ P.UO./dffis H.eat paid tar aar w/opener. pool. New paint& tarpets."Nr. Westcllff area Condo 3br, 2ba. open beam ceil· Dlpln" u.fww HOO !'.:!io~ to«> ~."' No pets 2 children ,·1c tl50 mo + MOO aec Fedto. s.475/mo. Agl OCEANFRONT Apta. 2 ~ z Br. den. 2 Ba . ing u,,ect brick f111k 50' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..... ~.. welcome 551-tUO Br IWdio I rro'm ~n. W N,,;pl Capo lkb Spat. 2Br 2ba. 2 BR.1'4 BA. ~ ckf 213-431·~ evea.· ~Id ~52S. Ul Is n dttonted. ht>k. $8.SO/mo. Call John trplc.fncdyard.nopeta ~wood aBR.ZBA. s.525 TI ·'7»9141da ~.U1hl &co1y2br -~ 1to. pool. $7SO ~W. l@,416-4167 """ W. Wilton 631·~ Deluxe 2bdrm . Iba. ~· ll>a.11r .. new~ Ml 1rt It-' 316' -==~·'------ Gltden Apertmenls Wtilde, lae 16 2 br, ow. adults preferred. no No ~mme · .... r.................. 11.ASl'ILUH ~· COMDO ..... lwllhAlnlhllH peU, U SO /mo . 28S4 . z 8r1~. Frpk pool ~-all wlthl>ar'\ b ay :f..................... Newpof1 ltech/No. U5' • .;:.r~rt , Hi ckory Pl 1t Pon· LG.~. 2 n;istr br'a. ~I"~ Adulla. Moo. mo. 148 and Cannery view. 2100 • ........__...__.. 1706 880 ltvtnt l"'bl.2bllcon1e1. frplc • ....__ ..... 1_ 1• l'l>1100c. Amltot Wu."4-0JOf. sq ft. 2 Br + den. --(II ""1) ....... ..,... 2 Br A .. u c ti micro. w1ter landatapo. IKUW, ~·· aar. lllOO/rnoon lae.1138·9573 ....... 1·::·.•,••B•R•·.·,··aa··.· ('7M)Mi-1t04 2 ihii llr~ilii•sun· ~· tt'ovfPt.';101~· 2 W ·t•r. w. opener. }'rdltobth.Avell 4/IS. Prtttlfioua Verulll••· -~ r.. • • • • .. · S1Z5/mo NS-4CM$ \27.-h St. 1'7'1$/mo, Yr· IINlC BR, 2 ba ~do. &#'i#f c..de faundry, aar opt, no Newpoft 8eech/lo. •·al&)•t· A ults, no '8533, 2287 Canyon • tx.t4Hl02 all amea ltlu. 1650. 3 &lini, tncToMl ·car. 1!$.l7$0Yib.47S.a18 1100 18th SI oett. _. _•25S0. Dr. IBr triplex nr S.C. Piasa, l 8r .. tu pp 2 bl ... l-'K}DUIL'm::zz::'------w~....-dlyt .. ~.. COovtr .. *'11 2 Br 1..... ... 2 Br i.. -~ t--' gar11e. 1425 mo. ,ye .. ..,, · .. ~ J>ti'~~r,....,,..ups. e..y v\ew 2 br. 1 ba, no (7M)MNN ... -town ""· · "';'' ~ecora fl' JIO.flR,Rl•l from oce\!j. refria • C3 1• llH ••. 751·5444 ~yf-ront, ... ..,.yrlr. m Ger, I aml • ftO = a11ara1e. flmM._tl74 .. " ..... " ........... . -~--., .. -0215 •· · W lU4 i Br l .Bar&r deck 2 Wrm. 11• ba. vww. l "YEARLY" bch unit ' •Jll NearOC<:oDqel Br. 1\.\ ~O 1!!¥. 1 Br -••••• .. ••••••••••• D/W. -' • 'ovT JO: block to beacb. lnS mo . tr/all P ' • J707 S..AM • IU .. • 111,t aru . --•Ill. ...,... • r«. !Cl'-ACULAA d•J • ao-. lie on Apr s. 114·•1121. tv• nd td ... Jl!l!»,$300 _ ................. _ .................. llOL•.btrffS.M .,., 9115/mo . 110 W. al1ht •lew. Dlrettly HPILlll"*"' ,... T1' ... 0C.RINTALS 750-13141 room 6 btll1. no l lR·um.ll.Palrvln at _ 11111.ll. owwlootlu lhriaa oa . ~ OttU •itw llltclten# laundry, ~ f:l}!•trom. Luu. U a..,, i..e "'" ,.,. • 1 Ir. Mlm eelUAp, Ultt Pt. lWrm. frplc. a.rer .... Mlltr·•IOI uUI 9c ~.an•· Iii 'fl.~=-...noauy ".ell rem~ .. ,,, ~·~ •r. ===--..,. 1:9~ -• ..,.nr..,.1 -=~ ~ =.!'Lt°CL'' l '· 1 . I I l -i & 24 Orange County Real E$tate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 3, 1982 S..AM 3110 ..._ 4000 Voc.Hoal..talt 4250 ..... to Sltare 000 ._..to Sltare 000 ~~~! ..... !~~~ ~.~~ ..... !~.~~ ~:.~~ ..... !~.~~ •••••••••••••••••• • ••• • ••••••••••••• • • ••• •• • •• ••••••••••••• ••• ••••• • • •••••••••• • ••••••• ••• •• ••••••••••••••• •••• •••• M di . A C Ex ff lnl N B Pleu LadY so+ to share du lu OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. Elderly lady to share Emplyd lady seek.s same. •Cd x swte,. I • am· ec. o Ice, x eorl°2~rn.T&a full inAunt.Bch. P Avail.now.Weeklythru rmbilehome lnLaguna t~e w/laundry, lit ..wrc>ITCIHTll ~'&h~5~~1.~2855 loc .~;~9~:6215 a.menties64S.zisl · S31Hl921 summer.613·7813. . Beach. Low rent. Call ba. nr ~. C.M. pool. 1t....-..L..-AOf.ac• -==="-""' <..O:..=-""'----_ ll·S,497-2004 $225+"2 ut lls Eves g(-n • MEWPOITIUCH aoc.. 400o Near S.C Pl aza. PalmSpcn'ngsadrea1M8Ron2· Prof.slnglepersonto shr 54().·°'30 S..C. ~·---employedperson tereyC )<'On oJ 500to20CXfsq-ft.Availa-""'• ........... •••••••••••• 545-1117 Ba . furn w/atrium , lg. N.B. home . many Prof. Mi F over 30 to ble for Lease 600 sq , pa r t ia lly OCEAN brttzes. jof or Golf tennis Daily. xtras, no pets. 631-6313 share 2br. 2ba. NewPort Call Wm. F. Cote furnished. S540 per mo . bike to bea<'h. Lile, nte Rm wifull hse priv Sm weekif & monthly rates Shr condo. all amenities. Beach Condo. S29S inrlds for roore information Jllewly redecorated furn. rm for busy work-child -'-. -o mo Util av a i 714 558 ·8001 J & utils.646--7332. Mullan Realty~O·i!960 Ing persoa. Pool. jac. ""_, ·1 P kf M k ·S28S rm. ac sauna. *C t"'R It --Mature. clean, neat, sta-pd. SSOd~. Ava1 511 9-5 M, as or ar . 966-8479, ~7·3984 Ger-.. 0 e ea y --------•I ble. resp. "up" type. 1=6288 Lag. Bch front oondo. 3 MiF for nice house at fori..t 050 & Investment COIOH.A 1Jk Mil Nonsmoke. nondriok Lag. Bch furn. rm. pvt br, 3 ba. pool, ~ennis. beach. Yearly. $300 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 64f>.S177 TV. kit. .Priv. Refs. $300 bath. linens. S225 1mo . \213l7~·Peves. lasttsec.dep. 64S.469S Storage rrage for rent May ~~~e~'Ited in mclds utils.63l·22S8. lsl&last.499·~ Ocean front. Newport Newport Terrace Cando. :xt~~o:ic!:.~~t~~,~·~ LbeNewportBalboaS11v· F.S200+f\irnished 2 rms. S17S ea. Ste BalboaPeninsula.week· poo1,jac.sauna.no last 2Dl'l'.6'73-2!M3. l(OUCEMTB mgsBuilding.Retailuse Near 19th& Placentia. anytime this wknd· 1040 ly rental starting April I rm. dep. req. $275 mo + ~aT OK. Air i:onditioning, No2nd,)ast.S411-2093 ~CaminQ.!Ll ~_t. __ lhru Summer. 2 & 3 Br. l.'i().dep.6t6-92JS S60 single gar. Slife & •"•n•.-v Janitorial & utilities tn· f\irn. room in Costa Hahtt,Mot.ts 4100 544--0614,838-3232. FemtoshrNwpt Beh con· secure. 731 W. 18th St , ~~~~i!.::c,;~tefn::J cluded.$22.50permo Mesa for rent Q\)iet ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._..toSltore 4100 do. fully furn. unfurn C.M.613-TIJL_ secretarial. rerep-17141 t.71-4400 room for working SEAlilKMOTa ••••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm.non·smkr.S240 + Double garage. can be tionist. telephone ans & _t21Jl62 .. 212t person. Not un der 32 Mivrental! I :,1util Don63Hl81S divided.Streetenlrance rmre Ofcs from $436 HARBOR xears.5411-5804 s1ol &e~:.s 8~kirav·tt: ! ROOMMATE M FshrLgC M. home n~ Dana Point. S48-6446, mo. On·call ores St6S Male. furn rm. refr1g, hot Phones in room 2274 Fllll..IDERS S.C Plaza w •pvt ba. 49:1.(813 jmUo A. RTTHEER SH EC 0A MD : plate.1V. Nr bch. Oen. Newport Blvd CM I "" f'""lcC"nS ~Ol80 Dblga.rage,Storage only. ..!!_Vient . 536·8518 646-7445 Oldest& largest ageoey ~· · secure. 2 cars. Nwpt ANIES: A professional MatUl'l' over SO. Colle_ge G.sttto.. 4150 ~et:e~~~~~~~.with Nlat~:ehr~:!~~~~~;~: ff4s.175mo.646-1151,, ~~~~nment. (7 14) ADtvis1onor Park are~. C.M. $300 in· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Credits: Cosrmr,:titan I)' 2 Br. 2 Ba lrg L R. Garage. stora~e . only Newport Beach near II arbor ln\'eslment ~ ~ds all ut1ls. 557-2183 Christian Retirement Good Morning merira, pool 631-54119. __ _ ~~;:.>.~: 14 i1:!~ro~ Hoag Hosp. 1000 sq rt .. ~~~~~~~~~ ~>omlorent,maleor Homeforwomen,alOV· The.tomorrowShow. ""I .. -··-W )'ff t ..,... secoildnoorofflces.am· -female 125() mo plus ing caring atmosphere • 12 ore • to all new ..,,r r nuwie estc 1 pv wr2787 pie parking, well main-Deluxe 2nd Ooor office. utilities. La~una Hills in a home setting. Locat-clients who need a place. ~:!; ~~~·r~~~~k: Oftc. llllhll 4400 lained bldg. Vicky days 800 sq rt. easb access on 833-3030. Ext 233da ed in CM. Beautiful MEWPOIT t.•l·ll9! F. Eves642-.6846 ....................... 7l<l/00·"800. and off S Fwl' & Archllecu. designers. planMrs .. Two spac119 an Newport Center One is 2000 sq fl and one ii 3000 111 lt. Very favorable rates! Wil- Uam c.o~. Broker (7141 640-5777 Newport Beach airport area. Quail St. ground Ooor.6offices.1000sq ft $1.30 gross. Call Lon.nie or Don. 7S2·1920 ' 9UAIL PLACE PIOflflTIIS"' _ ..QrevesS8!_JJ79 rac1l. furn rms Yummy • 1617 Westclifr. N.B. want Warner i\ve Ftn \'ly home l'ooking. Call Exclusive CM New financial inst 7000s r .,SIMISSADDIESS 962·7557_ _ ....,t R..tal 4450 Pvt rm 11'112 bath. must S49-2U~GalS'l3·14 PEACEFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba OrleansCondo.dwnstrs. 1st.floor.Agenl§4_qo32 Answerin g & mall Ai A~ Pl h t like kids. · Fairview & ....,., + '• utils. Fem11le Bdrm & ba for prof re· serviced conferenre rport r a. us exec ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baker e?OO. 641·0710 P\-t. Catholic Residence. ~ ..,. u a .,,.6 ECUTIVE . OC A suit.es. $215 and up TyP. 2 RM OFFICE + gar --•.i:='-Rm board+ person11I prefer~d.631·854taft 6 Urniwoma-11~:.,....· EX room.AJ irport mgand anssen·a\·all. xlntNpt8cbloc.$29S Room with \'ltw & wall assist. for I elderly QI.Gel resp rem to shr 3Br. Shr plush In-level home SUITES ti~~~ 714 ~l.:J342 957·9331_ YID: SECUR_E! 646·764 l .~s!. myashtomtst'ur"r.a lpeo10~ _556_.·6033__ II B apt $200 mo tnl'I 118. '• mi. from beach IN 450 sq (t furn orri1•1· 1--.....r.•-/ •..,al <Amm'I office space on "" E• ... :1 847SZ76 ~1nc•lall •""'-8090 Ha.fT•GE space $300 mo .._ .. -A Bea•·h Bl. LfB ... ex"ell avail $250 mo + $11)() VCICCltiOll R..tals 4250 ..... ·--· -r-·""" ~ A 641 076;1 LHH Ctr ' .~ " ' de_p 760-8242 •••••••••••••••• •••• ••• Need Rmmte age 20 30 to Mature bgl adult wanted 'l.Ali Orange -c0-p\-i me ol. exposure. ~ ery reason a "'·m••h-"' .. " .. k + util Lake Tahoe No Shore .1 shr JBr, 2Ba CdM h5c to shr bear h home New luxury iilllre spal'e Design to suite exccul1\'I.' fit•e storaoe spa<'l' (.' p ble renntal·ll~.sq7 fl to r~rt9lh&'Pia'ciottawshr Br l'Ondo Full y w2 others. Non sm;J,, Catalina \iew. refs 1n Irvine's bus1eH offices with s1>crctarial 12.soo &"2780 sa rt J968l!<U!..841:..,.._ d""r,ikil ua.2093 rem eQUIPl>ed. Lake vu. ski ~ -t ut1J 633-4~ ~~'!10-~75·2351 aft 6 l'enler! Easy Frwy ar service,,. .~s1tble "' ing bldgs Fountain \'alley Pnme Tuslln retail space ·~. ...., run dose Lg frplr Dai· Nw"l Brh. rleao. n Prof M for C.M Bluffs 2 ress Avail now ! Call 11rea "'""'v1 orallonkin Srhool District. p 0 or office 65• onl} Q'.•eanfront house. rom I} or wkly rate 549·0012 M rf. over 3S shr 2 br. 2 Br :rwnhs w spe . \ 11 for details Cannery II age Bro er Box 85!0. F. v 92108. Ms ?» !470, 831 8699 pletely rurn. garage LgeB1gBearcab1n.Pool ba apt. Beautiful loc ~.+d~.~1 208!1 UJ·W I 641l-4l.l.Q lil~-4912 ~elaillLJ714 )842-6G51. ........ _tlial Rttttat 4500 S27Slst last+ SlOOdep table. ~lortv. 2 frpks Pool. ,a~. tenn1·s. v1"•w. 17"""St ~M <>~ f rr· -·1ncldsut1ls 631 ~""7 •v ' "' F"mal• oomnwt• w·•nt •-•nrEOFFICES~ "' • • • ,.. .....,.y runt. ~rime o ire ••••••••••••••••••••••• -· . .,.,., -SI""" 14 .. _~·"8.1_6 lots o ext~s .rue + " "' r ' u llSaMA • I & 2 r''"m of l<'es A '-I !\1 "' •1 t =:.c.v '"-..,.., '0 ...,.,., ed to sh.are bn)lht. new From I room up to 2000 .,., · · spare ava · "> s · N 8 . J!n5 Birch 8800 sq Laguna Beach Rm. bath. SO. LAKE TAHOE t!~~c~S48 3514 Turtle~k 1·ondo.Cnl. .,, ft r'rom Sl.16 us~ plen.tyofprkg lltil int•! slip also a\'all Call 9 S. fl or less MIA.zone. 50< "'' '-..., Avail. now Call 645-6931 · • · ( xtras'Newhseinpretty SKI SPECIAL. stay 3 S250NBCondoFtm wtd. spa.Lennis Own I rm . rt. No lease require . Realonomics 67Hi70CI -----per sq t Agent sating, Person w trad1 nites. P-aY for 2. vac. now , Mike 641·8414 ba. garage $4011 mo Adj A111>0rter Inn 2172 ~-----I MO FttH IEHT 541 5032 tiooal values, employed Apex Prop. Mgmt. Call da~. 642·597hves Share ullls. <.:all Annt• 833D_ u.pon.t Ca 11 A 1\1 MEDICAL SUITE Share new rneenul sml OCEAN \'IEW 1620 sq ft ~-~·1838 ~l_02·S88~568i Nd 2 rmts. 4bd. 2ba. bHul Marie da.r,s 850 18111 3223 m5 sq ft front gro_und oUire <'omplex w exc1l· ideal for <tesigners. •-llh hnrilMd ._._..., hnrithed hse. lrg yd $225 I mi to 11-v~.s.sJ..05 7 BAY FRO Ill.IT floor, garden settmg. ing Australian Importer artist & engmeers. Quiet ..,...or .~L....L-1 .... _...a 1900 ......-• .,....,.. ~~~. • d 1900 bch. 631-4459 M P. 2bdrm :i11t . nr SC "" professional bldg. in lop Super location A\'ail attraet1\'e industria I .......__ l'la•·i 2S+ pool "rnr Pri_n:ie o_ffice_ 673·1003 area of Ne11•port Beach. immed. Approx SOO sq ft park 1001 W. 17th. CM ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• M1F 25 to 40 to share -' ' r --xlnt at.cc:ss to Uoaa: Warehouse space a~·a11. •7• ••~~ 1 w'maleNwptCrest2Br only '200 961).2()71· Costa Mesa, 250 sq rt fb;p $1 25 sq ft Long ~.S4S-0636 i ~ Irr================~ pvt Ba ., pool /jar. ten Female to sh11rc 2 hllrm ~utte Sl7S mo Lltils in term lease a\·all Also • ---4,029 SqFt 'Kenny bunkpo rt?. nis. ga_rage. util In· apl In l'dM. $:!67 mo ('Id 779 w 19th St J8S sq ft. prestigiou~ S~RE ore IO the oc Rr.Sl*lrllda duded. ~6fS-7729 _ W-~1s, 9~·34112 ~1-8928. Westcnrr area Sl.00 sq. Airport areu Sctry & Ol'F'DY Elt RI>~A Isn't that the boat Si~l0 Parent w/toddler •AUTW.ESAMD•.•. 521J &572sq fl $1001ier rt 00-6501 P'10fffrew commercial 716 rt orrices, 3 ba. ' "'" '\J.: · N( r J!nS n· h N R -·---work area Ask for flob shower. wet bar. Z700 sq that won The America'.s Cup In '75? Ing for rmmte who I +It 1. • nme ewport sq l.. 50321rr .. COSTA MESA 714 S4S·1402 n fenced yard. For more is wilhng to k~ep house loc_ '400 Jim fi.45 7!'>57 A&_~t}:!l· -. I & 2 room ofl'iees from -offlu Soace info phone SS7·1300 da ~. f'Y"\~ m exrhanl(e f't>r n•nt or Mature adult 1s1 wanted $185. Ulil. inrluded NF.WP<'> RT 'BEACll 760-03"78ev _ 1 r..J share expensex ir rea~ to shr luxunous orean · I Realono_llJ!cS 675-6700 () C Airport Area de 6,,'.IL-t903 lront duplex Pvt qrtrs. 0X0CUP an Laguna Niguel Beautiful luxe orttee in eustom de ReMds W.ted .4600 If you're not sure who (or what) KennybUnkpOrt was. don't feet bi:td-you· re not alone. KennybunkpOrt is one or 14 Cllsttnctlvely different apartment floorptans at SNwlnd Village 1n Huntington Beach Seawmd Village 1s a result of ~ly personah2ed professional planning. 5'Jacious.¥oom in t·ondo. beaut. Cajallna Vit>w offic.'es-Rtcl'pllonist. signed Lawyers Suite .................... ""•••• HB root. jat· nr Reat•h. SSOll rm or for 2 per~ons "A~ Conc•pt" secy. me s 5 en g e r nil\\ avail SSSO mo in fl50 rro. 962·8271 home. S600 mo . 67S 9166 ur Full servi<'etcusCom service. Law & Tax c I u des f urn 1 s h~ d Employed G radua le WO!tt.~·6423 ~38!0 Kath" ornce & desk spare Libaf}. Xerox. phone secretarial slation. con· SI ude nl seeks guest {,1ean F n6mkr wtd lor friendly roop ('dM hsc nr bch own rm $19~+ 61Q-599'l So Cst Plan, ma le or Nr. O.C Airpo rt answenng From $350 rerence room Library house. studio. or garage r h 2 bd 2 b ''Sttto1Appre8riate'" Call8315333 Share cost or recep apt in C.M ln-ine. em. 5 are rm· a 59~ ------llomsl. pri \' telephone Newport or Cd M Ron The ktnd 'of attentioo yoo deserve. · A perfect blend of nature and livlng- nestled In a forest wrth babbling broolu an<I quiet pood:S. cQOled by natural ocean breezes Add to J('Ol'ldo"ck.;..,,'2,J!l+art16i tlfct. ---••••--1 PCorime 9flf~;e Stp7atl<·e. system. and coffee ex-549-31176. ·--~·...,= _ rona ne mar I l sq penses Xerox avail l•--------rt suite S850 mo CaJIJ14·833 ~() 61S 951Qc Family wis ing to lse that tennis courts. SWtmm1ng ~ a .iacurn and I r<>R A a convement locat!on near shopping an<! You can be a I ~ SEUCT FEW emni..ument and unu've nnt a place an"""" would -E" cl us I \' e New p 0 r l tn'?' i~ :r JV"' WINNER 4t a. Benell ofMe offers ex proudly call home.(Even KlnnybUnkpOrtl) I N eeutlvc spa«'s to <'Om· One and tV«> bedroom. one and two ~th · patible business user apartmen~ from s515 ~ J ust by sendlbg us your name a.11d ' I Y~l~~~~'itr:O~~~':r· owmdf~n Hunti on .. ,,a,,_ address and by watching for your I :r;:!t~~~i1s~vc. •• r name In the classified ads of the I •Elegant eonr Rms Dally Pilot. I <Computer Xerox I ..... _ VIII,.,.. IMlf Hu BeK'h CA I Win tickets to the circus, area amusement •• ': j'1 The interior des1~n of. S555 • ..-•tlngt0n ··~ nt1n91on · attractions or sportinR events. Just fill out this I rers 11 tropkal amblancto • <714> &98-!196• j coupon a.nd mail it tO<fay to lhe: wl1h w11terrall&. pool~ From tht Sill Diego fllfWllY dnve nortll on BNcfl to I I S ; .. a. 1 111th tropical fi~h & lush McF~. ltlfl'I west oo Mcfaeldfn to St.aw!M v111.tgt. I Clasliified Department, Dally Pilot ~ !' ~ I gardens. Limited spa,·es "'..........._ ~ • ()pfll a.a.. 10 4M 'ttl llusk. i zct .. ~ ~~ ~ J\YaiJable.. Bates from "'::s::·v=="'··==""~;::::::=:=:~?= .. =='========~1 330 W. Bay Street, -Costa Mesa, C-A 92626 ''" w r-~·$100 For appt r11ll F 1 '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... -..~~~~-~~~l·IOQ!l Near San Diel(o Fwy & ho Cd 't b ~· n n llarbor 4 offlcns suite & me m " · e in 1 g ' Jul)' 1, mm 3 B . prer front orfl<'l' & r(•cept So. of ~H. C!ill 675 3901 area . 2 baths & k1tChl'nette, air, & furn Unfurn 2-3 Bdrm house J!..V~f!!O. 549·29111 in Costa Mesa, flunt- C.M 2 offices. 345 rt. ~~~ o~C~cr.~;a~eaw~I~ bath. storage avail $250 11 i ,. e refer c n l' (' s 548·33451494·3803 175 ·8327. 540·8364. ~l B llubor Blvd. 1n ~~ ____ _ tfarbor·Baket Ctr. CM. It's Tax Time' Write off Across from FEl>CO )'OUr lBR guest house. 5*l sq.ft . \'at·ant. of· studio! garage apt . as lered at $475 ~e today rcnla to responsibl1• ~·1366 workin1t lady ncl'dlng MEWPOflT HACH sobtudl', sun~hine. trees Share lCE. ortlr~, split 97MM~ •, or e ntire office Prof. ~1 11 small dog Kit«'hrn -tc pa1"ltlnir needs -reniol in CdM S37S n10, Non smnkrrs area. refs $600 r11n11t• prclerrectAi!_. 67S 8110 ~3,_ For additional classified advertising, please see Section C. ··: .:. : ·;.:.·' Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 3, 1982 -25 , Two Incomparable Locations in Laguna Niguel . Imagine 1he fl'l'lmg ,,j ••wnmg an l\l<1nJ. Of f1nJmg .m "il'" Ot J&overm~ Shangn·Lt If ynu c.in. y11u l-el1ing a1 Kill' Hill Hrrt• m .t \t'mni.: 11f mcomp;uahlc hl'au!), with tr ...... h nce.m hrt'l'Zt..,, ~mh n•llmi.: h1lk 'um1unJ~I h\ park) anJ the )h11nrncnn,g l...JL.•una N1L.'l1cl L1~e. here S&S h.i.' .i home fur you AnJ wha1.thoml'11 1s! l:.ach 1~ Je-.1j?l"lcJ w11h 1hl' kmJ ol cxcr..inrJm..il) feanm:s l•thef\ put an extril priet• rag on. Bur nor S&S. We hu1IJ w11h ••nt' h.1tiom line m mmJ· t11 give you the moM homl.' for y<1ur ni.11w\ TI·w 411al1t) yuu see 1s the 4ualit) vou gel at Kite Hill . hl·cau...c :.t•emi.:" hi:l1evmg. AnJ thl' h11me you J1Jn'1 hcl1t:ve cx1s1eJ-cxcer1 m p 1ur Jream'-" reaJ~· fe11 '"" npw. • Lu~ use 11( ceramic tile 1•r 1ravcmne marble •Country k1tchem wuh hu1h·m G.E. Microwave Oven • Cus11 •m crafted sramc. I harJwtiod cabinetry • CU'ltom wooJ•bumtnJ,t ftrqibc~ m Irving mom and family mom • Barhmoms wnh cultureJ on\x m.uhlc or -• • • mt11>a1c ule plus Jccor.ator fuctures ' # • • • AnJ th.tr\ Jll'tl the ~ginning... # .~ctrl • I l!O'~~··' • nMAJIClti• • • #, ........ Laguna Nigu~I Kite Hill North l & 2 story 3 & 4 bedroom luxury homes From $256,800 (714) 831-6911 • N "'ll>noltotclll• Sales office hours 10 am ro 7 pm f . i ... I l Kite Hill South l & 2 story 3 & 4 bedroom homes From $202,900 (714) 831-1835 - . ...,.,. -- 1-· I I ,_ -·----->o:-.;'-:!.~"""~,......,,..... ........... -------------------~--~------- 26 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3. 1982 I3•A % FIXED -RATE INTEREST 30 YEARS CAPE COD ARCHITECTURE THROUGHOUT: • Private Patio Plus Deck • Indoor Wa.>her-Dryer Area • Micro-Wave Ovens • 2 Car Garage. W /Access From Home • Wood Burning Fireplace . . • Heated Pool & Spa • Trash Compactors • fully Assumable Loans • No Prepayment Fees • You Own The Land • No Calls Or Short Due Dates TWO & THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOMES from s137,950· -10% Down GARDEN PAR.K VILLAGE AVOCADO and FAIRVIEW ROAD, COSTA MESA 714-548--2239 Sales And Marketing: Robert B~rber . C=} & ,Associates ~~.~ MODELS OPEN DAILY 11:00 AM -5:00 PM BROKERS WELCOME Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 3, 1982 -27 AHOMEYOUC GET INTO D STILL GO OUT - For As Little As $68,900, you can get into a St. Albans c;ondominiurn. And, with the exce llent financing available, you can sti II go out for the condominiums and all -~~~~ the convenienc of sophis- ticated living. Pools, spas, tennis courts, a security .. system and 5 versatile : -~ floorplans including ft studio, r and 2 bed-11]: room styles. It's a life-)Ji l_ .i) style that's easy to get r !I -into-at a price that's 'c.-:;; so~....._ ........ ____ ~ easy to live with.* :':L ~~1':',~ C..,_J I ~'tt i' t ... > .v ~ .... dining, dancing and shopping that's in the South Coast Plaza area-practically right next door. But seeing is believing: Drive through the cob-q les tone en try to European-de- signed • ~Cadillac Faitview ..r Homes\\tsl From $68,900** 13~si (141~i APR) .. , 28 -·Orange County Real Estate/ An Advert18'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 3, 1982 I • • Wllllfllll 9LD -Balboa 1918nd, East bay front of ltttle Island. Keep as a beautiful duplex or convert to a huge sfngfe famlly home. Both units have 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, large llvlng area, fireplaces. Spacious kitchens. Flt the fi- nancing to your needs. "On the water" -only $995,000. 546-2313 ~ Yllll • ...... + NIL-This excellent floor plan features formal living, stone fireplace. Secluded master suite, country kitchen over- looklng pool and easy care grounds. Asking $1«,500. Call for dztalls, 963-7881 AW Lft MlllUT Liii -Popular 3 bedroom floor plan In one of Costa Mesa's finest areas . Delightful, warm llvlng room Invites family en- joyment. Best buy at $129,000. 6-48-7171 YITRlll -No down payment need4!KI. 4 bed- rooms, family room. Unlimited polentlal. Needs lots of TLC. Excellent area, convenient to ev- erything. Only $124,900. 847-6010 Ill,.. FllD -Needs paint, carpet and TLC. Juet a few minutes to South Coast Plaza. Good assumable first with low payments. 3 bed- rooms. Hurry! Call 673-8550 IMll .1122,111 -.25 acres country style living! Completely remodeled 3 Bdrm. homet Brand new kitchen and bathl Huge encloaed patio! Several fruit trees and built-In barbequel Hurry, call 983-6767 IUITITllm NW -Spacloot 2, level Burlln· game In Harbor Vt.If HHle. Spectec:ular IP'ral atalrcue. Soaring open .,_,,.. celffnal. 4 large bedrooms, plus bonus room. Olfered at '$550,000. Call today, 873-8550 - F1ID N• -Showplace oondltlonl Dramatic 3 bedroom garden home. Impressive staircase to master suite! Crackling fireplace! Sparkling comm. pooll Assume low Interest! Priced below market $115,000. Call 963-6767 YI• MWI -Owner bought another. Large 3 bedroom home, 2 bath, country kitchen, formal living room, on large lot. Only $105,500. Call 963-7881 ltl,HO Fllllllll -Owner will carry for 10 years at 13•;.. "No points No fees". 3 bedroom 2 bath, large living room and family area. Mesa Verde's finest. $127,900. Call for more details. 546-2313 Liii llLI -Lowest priced at only $319,500. This charming home won't laat long. Located near clubhouse & tennis courts In the midst of a galaxy of brilliant homes. Excellent financing avallable. 646-7171 11 .-,s -Only $253,5001 Well maintained and upgraded. Assume $188,000 In loans. Seller will consider trade or exchange. A perfect starter Investment. 847-6010 IT'S A llJ •-No painting -no papering ttiat Isl A sharp 3 bedroom with everything .. .location, price and terma. Be first to see this buyer's dream. Priced at only $130,950. 847-6010 HUI YllW--llllT llU -Just reduced In Co- rona del Marl 2 fireplaces, French doors, hardwood floors. Private beach! Good terms! Only $330,000. Call 673-8550 WITllflm/LUll IPTltl-Dramatic 3 bedroom waterfront! Contemporary Huntington _ Harbour Broadmoor condo! Lots of tile, mirrors and many extras! Comm. pool, spa & tennis!' Try lease option: hold the price for one year! $410,000. 963-6767 · ••H IP fl U""IT -Exclusive residential area of aucceeafut executives & their families. 1hls beautiful & spacious 4 bedroom home of- fers low Interest assumable loans and Is priced PAW'W ftlW -2 story, 4 bedroom. Assume at only $269,900. Call nowl 6-48-7171 $88,600 loan, $753 per mo. Formal entertal- • nlng, crackling fireplace, gourmet kitchen ITllT tallT-llW ... -The ultlmate Costa overlooking patio and breathtaking view. Must M..a garden hornet Soaring celllnga..CrackUng see to ~te. Call now, 963-7881 fireplace.-G spacious bedrooms. 3 car garage! Only $130,000. Call now 873-8550 Iii rlllll LITTLI PllH-Glant 4 bedroom Landmark home; executive neighborhood! Needs love and care: paint and landscaping. Quiet street and large yardl Assume high ba- lance loans, low downl Only $154,900. Save thousands! Cal1963-6767 EllLllM 2 ITllT -(Walnut VIiiage). Large 4 bedroom, tiled entry, formal Uving and dining, family room, stone fireplace, gourmet kitchen. Stairs leading to huge muter IUite. Large co- vered patio overk>okfng park-like grounds. Call now, asking $220,000. 983-7881 'IMD-Eaatalde, C.M. lt'a A bargalnl All two bedrooma, 1'A bath. Excellent pride of owner- ahtp. Great Income and terms. $191,000. 548-2313 ...... Tllml• The beat In Mlssk>n Viejo. Enjoy the comfort and open feeling of thl• large 3 bedroom ~ bath home. Features Include; wetbar, flreplt, French doors & much morel Greet terms avaftabte. Call for detalJs, 648-7171 YllTHI HAii 11111 -Only $118,000. "Tum-of-tfte..century" charm: Immaculate doll houee. Large rooma. Hardwood floors. Iota of extras. Won'tlaal. 847-8010 PlmlTI -11, 111 -A spectacular 4 bed- room 2 bath family home, large family area, fireplace, enclosed patio, pool and SPA. You must see this one. Only $139,000. 548-2313 flUI I 11• ... 1 -Mo.t popular Buccola 5 Bdrm or 4 Bdrms, den, 3000 sq.ft . Formal living & dining room. Country alze kitchen with breakfast nook overtooklng huge family room. Truly a huge family home. Great financing, price only $279,950. Call 54&-2313 ... ~ --Lovely tree-lined street, pride of ownerahlp neighborhood 1nd an aa- sumable $7:4,000 loan at 121A-fe. FuM price on thla 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll houee In only $9',5001 6-48-7171 -