HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-·~ IUllSI CUil Ylll llllTlll DAILY PIPER WEDNESDA Y. APRIL l . 1~82 OHANCECOUNI Y CALIFOR N IA :15 CEN TS Gas tanker hit hy bus • Ie Computer codings 'tricked' By JEFF PARKER 01 lh• Dettr Piiot &t•H Orange police have credited "alert" TRW telephone operators with helping to disclose a com· puter theft operation now belie· ved to date back t.o 1972. Detectives Jim Carson and Roger Braham are "sllll couR· ting" thousands of supposedly corffidential credit records seized Monday following raids of H.E.L .P. Locksmiths of Van Nuys and Searchers Security of Los Angeles. • ID 3 escape Oakland I OAKLAND (AP) -Seven people burned to death inside ~ highway tunnel today after ~ gasoline tanker was hit by a bU4 and exploded in flames that turned the tunnel into a roarini furnace and melted vehicles in· side, officials said. Fare Capt. John Speakman confirmed that seven bodies were pulled from the wreckage after the crash and fire in the Calde- cott tunnel on Highway 24 bet· ween Orinda and Oakland. Officials said there were thr~ survivors. including the driver of the gasoline truck. "It looks like something out of World War U in there," said Jim Mattos, a California Highway Patrol public affairs officer. The credit information was al· legedly obtained by the two companies by posing as legitimate subscribers and using the suppo- sedly secret subscribers' codes t.o activate the TRW computer. "Il looks like things went smoothly until H.E.L.P . Lock· -smiths began calling into the operators for information instead of the computer," said Carson. EARLY MORNING CRASH DEADLY -Mangled bus sits just outside tunnel where it hit a gasoline tanker truck causing it to explode. Seven people died in the crash this morning on Route Al" Wlfepholo 24. Photo was taken by Bob Stinnett, photographer for the Oakland Tribune. He referred t.o the interior of the three-tube, ¥.-mile-tong tunnel, a major commuter route burrowing through a hill bet- ween Alameda and Contra Costa counties. "At that time. the TRW ope- rators began t.o get suspicious of the varying voices and finally asked one caller what company she was representing. When the caller said H.E.L.P. Locksmiths. there we were," he said. Carson said that the subscri· bers' codes were likely "tricked" out of unsuspecting TRW sub- scribers. then used by the two Los Angeles companies to aug- ment their own records. H.E.L.P . Locksmiths specialized in the re· possession of cars, and Searchers Security is a private investigative agency. TRW spokesman Gil Hamblet said that s ubscribers sometimes don't take the secrecy of the codes "seriously." "I think carelessness was to blame," he said. Although charges are yet t.o be filed, computer information theft is a felony, Calling under a rec- ently enacted section of the Penal Code prohibiting unauthorized access to computer data banks. And in this case, said Carson~ the theft was "relatively easy" to bring off. "I'm sure the codes were tricked out of TRW subscribers unknowingly," he said. "After that, it's just a matter of using them correctly to get the infor- mation. I think this is the first case of its kind in California." Once the subscribers' codes were obtained, access t.o the TRW Orange computer was direct, ac· cording to TRW spokesperson Delia Fernandez. "I t's 'not an interactive (See COMPUTER, Page A%) False claims SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A 35-year-old woman was arrested on charges of tiling false claims for more than $340.000 in indivi- dual federal income tax refunds, according to federa l officials. Christiana Alexandrina Quinn of• San Rafael was accused of filing at least 15 fraudulent claims for 1981. WORLD Murderer denied new trial An Orange County Superior Court judge has ruled that a new trial for a convicted murderer was not justilied because a juror from Fountain Valley heard a radio newscast pertairung t.o the case Attorneys for murder defen- dant Dwayne McKinney, 21, had sought a new trial Tuesday be· cause juror Eleanor Blurton ad- mitted she heard a newscast that said McKinney had confessed t.o killing a Burger King night ma- nager in Orange. McKinney was convicted of fi rst-degree murder in the shoo- ting death of Walter Bell II in December 1980. A second trial on whether McKinney should die in the California gas chamber or go to prison for life is still pending. The first penalty trial ended with a deadlocked jury. On Tuesday, Judge Francisco Briseno said he could find no misconduct because Mrs. Blurton heard the news broadcast while at home. Briseno said he was more con- cerned to learn that the juror had talked to her husband about aspects of the case dealing with how tall the defendant was. A key part of the case dealt with eyewitness accounts of how tall the killer of Bell stood. Jurors are routinely cautioned by judges from either listening t.o or reading news accounts of their particular case or of disc~ing it with anyone. Briseno said he did not believe that McKinney was denied a fair trial because of Mrs . Blurton's actions. Solons off for El Salvador WASHING TON (AP) -A congreuional delega- tion headed by House Majority Leader Jim Wright, D-Texas, left today on a 10-day trip to El Salvador and four other countries in Central America and the Ca- ribbean. NATION Central America books hit Commonly u.ed social studie1 textbooks and chlldren•s bookl do not prepare students to understand Central America. Page M . Academy A wards No. 1 UJlallu'' WU bumped from the top lpot ln the televilaon ratino, but lt took the Academy Awards broedcmt to do It. Pate A6. 33 killed Record cold stuns eastern states By Tbe Associated Press Record April cold stunned much of the east.em half of the nation today in .the path of an unprecedented spring blizzard that killed at least 33 people, left eight missing, and buried the major cities of the Northeast in up t.o 2 feet of snow. The big blow that crippled ci· ties such as New York and Bost- on with snows driven by winds gusting to 80 mph had moved into the northeast tip of New England, but the National Wea- ther Service warned that another snowst.onn was bearing down on the snowbound Midwest. Temperatures this morning dropped below zero in northern Minnesota and upper Michigan and were below freezing as far south as the Tennessee Valley and the southern Appalachians. With another storm developing over the central Rockies, a winter storm watch was posted in northeast Iowa, southern Minne- sota, southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Snow already was falling over the northern half of the Great Plains. The storm that roared through the Midwest earlier in the week was blamed for at least 21 deaths, Balloons used SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Hot air balloons with false bot- toms were used to smuggle op ium worth $1 million int.o the U.S. from Switzerland and Ja- pan, according to a federal In· dictrnent. Three men have been charged with smuggling and other narcotics violations. STATE including e ight in Ohio, five in Iowa, four in Michigan, three in Pennsylvania, two in Indiana and one In Connecticut. The Coast Guard searched to- day for a fishing boat with eight people on board that radioed late Tuesday it was taking on water in rough seas and high winds 11 miles east of Seaside Heights, N.J . Elections were canceled, Con- necticut Gov. William O'Neill called out the National Guard to help clear the streets of abando· ned cars and the airports serving New York, Boston and New Jer- sey were shut. Bitter cold threatened the peach crop in Dixie and thou· sands of people l06t electricity in Virginia as winds gusted up t.o 72 mph. The snow and the cold shatte- red weather records as two storm systems collided, and out in the white-capped ocean off Massa· chusetts, Nllntucket Island was hit with gwts up t.o 83 mph. "This has to be, if not the greatest, one of theJreatest spring st.onns to ever feet this area," said National Weather Service forecaster J ohn Pollock In New Hampshire. Balmy weather had melted the snow in New Hampshire and Vermont before Tuesday's storm dumped up to 2 feet of snow and brought gusts up to 35 mph, causing scores of accidents on highways. Many New Yorkers went home f r om work early in a snowstorm that was accompanied by lightning. It was the city's (See COLD, P1ge At) Brown's choices scrutinized The California Senate -tor a change -is paying attention to appointees by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Page A8. . COUNTY Holy Week Services listed Ho~eek oblervances are acheduled along the Orange . For a listing, 1ee Pap A 7. Trial set in traffic deatb An Oranae County JUdae hu naled that • Buena Park man muat stand trial for murder in 'the t.raf:&' death of a Hunttnctoa Beech mother of nine. P-ce Bl. TUNNEL MISHAP -Tun- nel where deadly accident took place is located on Route 24 between Oakland and Orinda. Changes due for DC-lOs systems WASHINGTON (AP) -Ope- rators of DC-10 aircraft are being urged t.o make protective changes in wing and hydraulic systems after the breakup of an Air Flo· rida engine during a takeoff from Miami Sept. 22. The National Transportation Safety Board concluded Tuesday that "foreign material" left inside the engine -possibly a mecha- nic's tool or extra. loose bearings -caused the Air Florida engine to rip apart. The crew of the airliner, car- rying 71 persons on a fllgh t to Newark, N.J., via Fort Lauder- dale, Fla., aborted the takeoff at Miami International Airport af- ter reaching a runway speed of 135 mph. The plane hafted sa- fely. and no one was injured. INDEX Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus searched for victims inside the tunnel after the fire was brought under control, some 2 Vi hours after the 12:20 a .m. accident, Speakman said. The crash occurred in the tunnel~, westbound tube. By early mor• rung, the other tubes were ope4 t.o traffic. · • Speakman said the Alamed;l County Transit bus -whicli apparently carried no passengerl -struck a stalled car, the• c rashed into the rear of th. double-tanker gasoline true~ The bus driver fell out of hit vehicle. which then conunued od its own some 380 feet beforf smashing int.o a pillar, Speakrnrui said. At least tave other vehicles, includmg two trucks, were tra~ ped m the tunnel behind the bus, the Highway Patrol spokesman said. Searing heat from the b laze- flattened the tanker truck, Mat- tos said, adding, "It's about six inch es high -completely melted." Speakman said the tanker ('arried 8,800 gallons of gasoline. A Carson City, Nev., man who refused t.o give his name said he stopped his car in the tunne l after witnessing the accident and left his mother at an emergency telephone while he went for help. "When I was about 50 yards from the end of the tunnel, the smoke hit me," said the man, whose face was covered with soot. "It was real hot. I am con- vinced my mother·was trapped by the smoke and flames." Mattos confirmed that the man's mother was among the dead. The identities of the victims, who Mattos said were burned beyond recognition, were not made public immediately. The bus driver was believed to be among the dead. Mervyn Lee Metzker, 44, of Sacramento, driver of the Anno- (See TANKER, Page At) At Your Service Erma Bombeck BUSiness A4 B2 Horoecope 82 Herb Caen California Cavalcade Classified Comics Death Notices Editorial Entertairunent Food 84-5 B2 A5 82 06-10 B8 B8 A8 86-'7 Cl-10 SPORTS Ann Landers 82 Movies B6-7 Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public NoticesB9,C4,D5-6 Sports Dl·4 Stock Markets B5 Television B9 Theaters 86· 7 Weather A2 World News A3 Lopes, A's def eat Angels • Ex-Dodger 0.vey L6ps ~ • bla part ln the O.kland A'a. 3-2, 11-fnnlna victory over tM Ancela in the ~ for both temna. l'Me bl. I I I I o I COLD TUN woral of the winter and the firtl April blluard since weatMr re , irda have been ke pt. By late ·.. temoon, few people walked in ' e foot-deep snow ln the city. 1, , f.our Connecticut cit1e1 were ,, ~er a at.ate of cmorgency and l 1 tford Hos Ital asked owners four-wheef-drlve vehicles to mg hospital employees to work :~ the at.ate lay under 14 inches of w . '.,,.i.'J'?e emergency declarations in · ~ford, New Haven, Danbury ~ )7\d Meriden allowed the c1ues to • 't+Pve abandoned cars tha t matle :.,~~me streeta impassable . But EAT. • • while LaGuard1a and Kennedy airports in New York City and Newark airport in Ne w Jersey ~hut but reopened. The 22-degree reading in New York City broke the 23-degr ee low set for the date in 1881, and J oe DiMaggio's plans to throw the first ball Tuesday at Yankee Stadium were snowc>d out. The storm met the definition of a bliz.z.ard -sustam ed winds of 35 mph ulong with 6 inches of snow or more, said James Allen. deputy meteorolog1sl in charge of the weather service in New York C1ty. .. caper closes "They JUBt didn't know what tht•y had." It was wath lhut tvmment by nn investigator that the Orange ('ounty Sheriff's Department to- duy began closing the books on tht• great Orange dynamite dis- t·overy. It all began Sunday when 200 pounds of dynamite, booster pri- llll'nt and detonators, were found 1.1longs1dt• Newport Avenue in Orang£· there were no fatal accidents. ·-.\IC.~oston virtually shut down J~t'esday afternoon under 10-tnch ' show that broke a 65-year-old . ~jjcord for an April storm. The ·,weather service reported accu- The storm dumped up to a foot of snow in Pennsylvania. and record low temper atures of 24 degrees in Philadelphia and 20 degrees m Pittsburgh were rec- orded Tuesday night BATTLE READY -Cheered by spectators from rooftops. Brrnsh Royal Marine comman- dos bne ship rad beneath their ensign as they AP Wlrephoto left P ortsm outh H arbor Tuesday aboard as- sault ship HMS Fearl~. bound for Falkland lslands. Tlw Cahfom1a Highway Patrol bl1H·kt.·d o ff traffie bet ween Chapman Avc.>nue and Rocking Hors<.· Drive, while s he riff's de- pa rtm<:n t explosives experts g1111.wrly hauled the material JW~IY Nt•W!> r<'ports prompted an un1dent1f1c d individual to ll'h·phone th<.' sheriff's depart- nwn t with some informat ion about tht.· explosives -and wht•rc they came from. • ;· .. JQ,ulations of 2 feet in western "'"MllSSaehusetta and lnterstate 495 • ir Ma rlboro was shut down ~ 'p '.)-e_r 50 vehicles were involved in ' ·~ ·n -reacUon collisions. Temperatures in the teen s broke records for the date Tues- day in Springfield. Ill .. St. Louis, Detroit and Milwaukee. Muske- gon, Mich .. had a 9-degree rea- d ing that set a r ecord for the month of April. Britain 'beefing up' Late Monday night, investiga- tors mwrv1ewed two youths, one 17 tht· otht•r 18. w ho said they pkkC'd up the dynamite over the wt-ckend at a Victorville drilling tompany. Names Qf the two yo- uths and the drilling company Wt•ren'l made available. ·J 1Logan International Airport in :uf/pston w as closed a ll day long, R eji1se.\· Iv appease Argentine dictato rs over Falklands ~.~f ANKER EXPLODES ... •,• Ur Oil Co. tanker. escaped injury, reportedly was emp.ty of pas- officials said. sengers and returning to the Two other sUfVlvors were list- < Gd in good condition at an Oak - l Jend h osp ital. They were not identified. .' 1 A seven-person team from the i(National Transportation Safety :.."&ard in Washington. D.C .. was •, s'ent to the scene. spokesman Brad Dunbar said. 111 Alameda County Transit spo- 1 k'..sman Mike Curry said the bus ,,;r- Oakland yard after completing its route. It had been scheduled lo arrive in the yard by 12:30 a.m Speakman said drainage seal:; had failed, sending gasoline mto a nearby creek and lake that both run off into San Francl.S('() Bay "It 's an environmental tr,ilgedy," he said, adding that Coast Guard and state Fish a nd Game Department officials were invPStigating. COMPUTER THEFT. • • I system," she said. "It's a dumb teleprinte r. You punch in 'I am this valid subscriber, give me the d.it profile on Smith, John, dr~ and so and so, then Social urity number, year of birth."' According to Carson the infor- ;. •mation obtained by the two ::~mpanies -addresses. initials :;toe spouse, past addresses. pay- ment habits. bankruptcy and tax dc·alrngs -was probably being US(.'d m skip traeing. colll'l"ltons and to help with car reposses- s1ons. ··we have no evidence to show that the information or codes were beirg sold," Carson said. "As far as we l'an tell. they were using it t o better serve their clients." ··1 ~f assove r. begins ton~g ht •. • Passover the eight-day hoh- only the first two nights, during • • y comme~orating the exodus which ume no _ leavened bread is the Jewish people from F.gypt eaten .. The eaung of unleavened 000 years ago, begins tonight. bread IS a rerrunder of the haste -m which the Jews had to leave ~~,"·.J ew ish lam1l 1es along the Egypt, unable lo wait for the i: range Coast will observe the loaves of bread to nse. ~ ~ estival w ith a seder. a ritual During the seder the story of feast, that includes cer tain sym -the Jews flight Crom slavery to ~ ·l>olic foods. the promLsed land LS read from a ~ • In most homes the seder is said book called the Haggadah LONOON (AP) -Britain de- clared today it would not appease Argentine "dictators" and was reported beef mg up its armada of warships steaming to the Falk- land Islands. Meanwhile. Se<:retarv of Statt> Alexander M. Haig Jr." prcpan'CI to fl y to London and BuE'nos Am~s m an attempt to defust-the ('rlSIS, .and Argentine fort-es were rt-ported digging an to hold the islands th<.'v seized from Brit.am on Fr1dav • "Britain <lols not appl'ase dictators," Foreign SC'C-retary Francis P-.. m told J Housl· of Commons dd.>alt: Pym, SUll'L·s~or to Lord C;.sr- rington who rt•s1gned Mond<1y ovt·r his failurC' to avl'rt Argt•n- ttna's st:1zun• 1Jf th(· rt·molt' South Atlantic t'olony, s;.ud Brttcun "will sport' no <•ffort" to find a peal·eful 'illiUltOn. "But if our e fforts fail the Ar· g(•nlmC' regime' will know what LO t'Xpt'(.·t," h1· s;.i1d Pym labl'll•d thC' Argc·nt1ne military JUnta a "morally bank· rupl reg1mr.'" and said. "We in- l.t'nd to shnw Argentina and the wholt-world, Brit.am 1s rt'solvc·d to SUC('eed In this lTLSls." 1 n a v 1 g o r o u s s pt• et h t o a packed Commons. Pym said 1• was obvious the Arg('nt1ne "occupauon (of'C('" or more· than 3.000 troops would treat the UIOU pro-British islanders as "a lOn- qut•rcd populataon." Pym. a formL·r defensl' St>crc·- wry m Prime Minister Margar!.'l Th<.tl('hf'r's Cabml·t. asked· "Why Cooling trend Coastal Light and variable wmds beco- ming west to 11<>Uthwes1 10 10 18 knots afternoon Westelly swells .J to 3 tee! Panly clOU<ly lhrough 1 , tonlghl .. I I .. -~ ;U.S. summary A bliztaro l\lt much ol Ille Northeast on Tuesday wolh atrong winos and blOwmg snow on New England New York and New My Sunny skin ano cool wea11ie1 conhn"80 m lhe Plains. while hght r•ln was scallared through the P•clloc Northwest Skies 1110 were sunny over Florido. where the nation's htgnest 1emperstures were recorded 101 lhe day Sunshine waa lorecut tor to- day for mott of the n111on. w1lh acauered snow from the Great Buln through tile northern Rockies. 1u1nlng to rain 1n lhe nor1hem Plalns. TemperaturH around the na- tion at midday Tuesday ranged 11om 14 In SeUll Ste Malle, Mich • to 90 In Miami California Panly cloudy through '2:e' In Southam Celifornla. beCOm moally cloudy Thursday Cont - nued coot Orange County c1n e11peet highs 58 to 84 tioll'I dayl. lows 42 to 50 lnlend vlllleyt wlll have hlghll around 65 toct1y. 60 Thur1d1y Lows nMr 50 Mountain• C60 e11~1 lligh8 42 to 52. 38 to 49 Thursday Lows 24 to 34 o.-1 lof9CUl8 caff IOI W911 to aoutmw.at wind• 20-30 mph. Norttlem ~ 5e to 61. 52 to 62 Thurad.Y. (owa 31 10 411. Southern da .. fl high• 76 to 13 lod1y. 72 to 11 Tlluradey l6wl 52 to 58 SCallered ~· fingering In the Slefra 8llCI northern moun- lllna 1od1y. ~trtty cloudy et11- where In NOtlllern 1nd Cantrel Celllo<nla. Snow leYll 11 600 !Ml tn northfn! mGUllWlna, 4,000 feet In oentrll Sierra. Temperature1 "' Lo ee 411 42 21 41 33 50 3" 47 30' .... '8. 41 22 51 31 32 11 u n Boston 10 Bu!falo ?O (iju1l;1191on n Charl~tn WV 10 Charlue NC. ~9 ClleyPnnP 54 Chicago 32 C•nc1nnat• 35 Cleveland ?'· Clmboa SC bO Columbu5 28 Dal.Ft Wiil 59 Oenver 9 Des MomP• 1 1 Oelrott ... .. El Pa50 BS Flags la II 46 Hartloro n Honolulu &l Houston 69 lndnaphs J I Jacllsn 57 JaCkSnYllP ;:, Kans Coty 40 Les Vegas 69 Lt!lle Roe~ 49 lOUISVlllf' )) Memp1>1s 45 M1am1 92 Miiwaukee 29 Mpls·SI P 33 NasnV111e 43 New Orleana 66 New York 33 Okla C11y 53 Omaha 36 Ph1ladph1a 35 Ph<>enlll 80 P11tsbu•gh 27 Piiand, Me 27 Pttano. Oie 59 Providence 32 Reno 42 A1c1imonu 52 Sall La"e 46 San Antonio 71 Sea111e 53 $IOU.< Falls 31 St Louc 39 SI P-Tlmpa 80 Spo111ne 47 Tucaon 82 NNhlngtn 45 Nichole 4"3 25 lb 20 l 4 d4 2 I 1i1 ?3 21 4'1 21 ~B .!6 10 20 ~4 3. 1'1 7 r SJ 22 36 61 ~· 53 30 n 33 76 16 IS 29 53 31 3• 16 27 61 20 21 38 28 23 ~o 17 47 40 05 23 75 27 47 34 n 60 ....... - Santa Maria 60 Stockton ';9 Tlwrmal 79 Ukiah 51 Bars to\\ 67 B•q BPar 46 81stiop 57 C.ua1ona 67 Lonq 8Path 64 Monrovia 68 Mt W;lson 42 Newport Beach 60 Onlarto 60 Palm Sp11ng5 78 Pasao<>11a 63 San BetnArd;no 61 San JoSf' 56 San1a Ana 65 Sanla C1u1 60 Tahoe Valley 31 PAN AMERICAN CAllf'Of'NIA Acapulco Barbados 8efmud11 Bogota Curacao Ouadala1ero OuadetOuPf! Kingston Monlt'9Q Bay Mn. Min. 88 72 86 75 73 63 82 51 88 77 93 45 86 70 86 75 86 75 84 63 100 73 HI Baltersflelo 63 81y1he 80 Eurelt1 49 FrMt>O 51 Lenc;uter 52 ~~ 62 57 Needlet 76 OPlencl 55 PuoRobles 55 ~Bluff 54 Aed'#Ood Chy 56 8eclefT*llO S6 Sellnaa 56 San Diego 84 Sen Frenclaco f>3 SaMe Bef~ll 64 Lo 37 34 34 40 33 3<4 42 37 53 47 45 Pep Mazatlan Meooa 0 I MeAICO City Monte11ey Sen Juan PR T eguc1g11tpa l11nidad Ver11crui .02 GLOBAL .02 Amsterd8m Bangkok Berlin Brussels B'Alres 88 55 110 66 94 73 90 81 88 75 91 78 HI Lo 63 45 90 79 69 39 61 39 &O 60 SURF RIPIRT 16111 •wt '"" .... 8wetl .... , .... A•t .... Prd A•t M•• Olf Zume I 3 11 s.nc. Mol1IGe t 2 I 2 N9wport 2 3 12 SW\ OltOO Counly 3 4 12 Ovtlooll fOr W40n11Ny. Uttle dletlQe I 2 $W 1 2 w 1 2 w 1 3 w } p -• ------------ c;., ro ~;> Cd• l«JS 81 rJ1ol)lon 57 C1t'nt•'yJ ';,f H11n'1 t<on11 n JA1usrtlPm 57 Ju h11rg 10 K!fl'\I ';4 Lima 73 t 1~bCJn 63 Lonoon 68 M11dr1CI 61 M ,,r\11.1 QO Mn~c t1W 41 P,1nr-, 6A Ron e:J Aomr 10 <;,10 P.1v10 l:) 5111gaporp 88 '>yl.ln!'y 72 V•flnna 1)6 CANAOA HI caioary 21 Edmonton 25 Mont reel 22 011.iwa 19 Regina 24 Toron10 :>1 vancoovN 51 W1nn•pe() 27 Extended forecast '>7 61 43 41 61 46 48 28 65 S2 52 50 73 , 28 52 63 <16 60 75 !'>9 64 lo 16 03 11 11 05 14 34 07 frodoy·Sunaay Windy ft Um" on lh' mounlalna and t>reeiy along co111 Conalderebte CIOudl- ness and c~ Chance of 111</W«I Saturday or Sunday. Coa111t end valley are11 h~h• 56 to 115 and tows 42 to 52 In mountain• tiloh• 45 to 56 1nd lo-25 to 35 Tides TODAY Secono low 2 39 p m Secono Nell a,sa pm. THURSDAY First low 3 05 am First high 9 09 Im S.Cono low 3 o• p m Second hlOfl 9 111 pm 5 3 Sun .... IOdl y II • 18 p I'll., •-fhur9day II 5 31 I I'll Moon rt ... IOCllY 11 5 60 p If\., Mt• Thur~ It 5 21 I did Argentina's rulers suddenly decide in the last days of March to resort lo arbitrary and brutal aggression'? "l suggest that part of the answer ht.>S in tht' very brutality and unpopularity of lhl• Argen- tine reg1mt> itself. lnflallun 1s ra- gmg in Arg<.•ntma, at thl• raw of 140 pt-rc:ent a yl'ar "The regaml' 1s notorious for its s vslkmat1c contempt of all human rights Sam·e 197b. the-re have been thousands of arrests and kLllings. often dt-scribed m a tra- gic: and d1sg1ac.-eful euphemism as 'disappearances· Only a fl'W days bt•fort• the 1nvas11m of the· Falk land islands therl' had b<>tm riot:. in Buenos Aires and many peopll• had bt-cn arre'>Led "lfarassl·d by p.1hltcal unrest al homl'. <and bes<.•t by mounting l'(:onom1e d1ffJl.'ultll'S, th<' regime turn<'d dcspcratl'ly to a cynical attempt to arnust' Jingoism among I (.<, JX'(>P I(' "Tht· Falkland 1~land1'rs haVl' thus becoml' th<.· v1l·t1ms of tht• unpnnl.'aplt•d opportunism of a murallv b<1nkrupl n•gaml• Our purpoW IS to rl'SlOll• thcir righL'>" Final rite he ld for actor Oate LOS ANGELES (AP) Dt- rt'<'tor Sam PeC"kmpah and actor Robert Culp 101nt'd in a final standing <)Vallon for bad-guy ae- t01 Warren Oatt'S during S<'rv;, cs Cit Forest Lawn M1•mor1<1l Park m the Hollywood l11lb • Oates, the seruffy villain 1n dozc.>nS Of mOVll' and teleVISIOn roles, died of a heart a ttack al his Hollywood home. ~was 53 _ In Wash1ngt()n. the' Wh1ti:' Howw announced that PrPs1denl Reagan "d1rt'cttd Secretary of Stal<' H;,11g to l'Ontinut' nmsulw Lions with the gov1c•rnnwnls of the United Kingdom ,111d Arg1·n l1na an thl• anlt·n •:;t of a\Slstang both p<1rt1e. m th1• -.t•an:h for a peaceful resolut1011 of the d1spuw m the South Atlantt1 "The prestcknl dm'<·ll'd S<'<:n·- tary Haig lo proc•eed to London and Buenos Aires al lhl· anvala- uon of both go\'ernm<'nts .. Haig was expel.'ted lo fly lo London later todav Meanwhtll'. Bni.ain wee. n·prir- ted 'lending as many ;.is eight more warships. mdudmg nuckar submarine::.. tu jc)tn the· 40 ~hip armada s l1«1m1ng tnw:.ird tht· Argc•nt1ne-un·uµ1(·d F.ilkl;ind Islands Argenlanl.' reanfor1.:t'ml'nl!> un the British l'olony w<'t I' n•portt'tl digging trt-m·hes and foxholt>s Britii-:h troops on th1· convoy were orden•d to shave: off h(.'ards b<·fore rl:.'achmg the· f ;.1lkland-. so that gas maslc, could Ix· worn 1f net'dcd ··we are coordinating a prog- ram to mel·l th<' thn·at." said Cmdr Ken McKenZll th1• upt rations off1eer on th1 ci1ra.ift earner Herml'S Tht· Tames ol London -.aid thrt'{' frigates and om• dl'stroyl'r wC're expected lo pm thl' armada that :.ailed Monday. and that up 111 four nuclc·ar-powen .. J subma 1 tnt•s l'Ould alrt>ddv ht-' on thl' W(I\ tu the islands, :.!SO m1lt>s t•ast rif southern Argenuna 'the navv d<.'clined eommt•nl fur "S(:eur1.ty n ·asons."' but lht• Times 1denllf1ed lhP subs as Su pt•rb. St'('pter. Spart.in and Spll'ndtd. the frigates as Dido. Eurvalus and Battleaxe. and tht· dl'stroyer as the Fife Sht•raff's Lt Wyatt Hart said anothn l.'asc of dynamite sticks pat·kmg four tames the power of that found earlier was recovered aflc.·r m vestagators talked with tht· two youths Hart said the two young men app<ircntly "got nervous and said, ·Hc·y. what are we going to dn v.llh th1i. 'ltuff'," and dumped ll Why dad they keep the o n e tdM' of high-power explosives? "Probahly figuring on one hel- luv;.s Fourth of July," Hart quip- pt.-d lit• s~ud lht• sheriff's de part- ffil'nl will turn over evidence in tht· <'as<' to the district attorney's of f1c.-c• for further action. l..J awyer s ues groundhog MADISON. Wis. (AP) -Ji- mmv the• G1 oundhog has been slap1J<'d Wtth a CIVIi SUit by a la- v. vt·r who contends the Sun Prairi<.' prognosucat.or "told us it \\OUld be an early spring and he didn't come through .. Jimmy dad not see his shadow FPh 2. Groundhog Day, and that 1-; -.up~ to indicate the arrival of an early spnng. But two snow storm.!. havl' hll WLSCOnsin since till' at·tual arrival of spnng on the talendar ··1 m -.u1ng him for spec1f1c pt•rformam·t'." said Madison at- lurn<.'V Thomas Rostad, who filed thl' sull m Dane County Circuit Cuurt "Hl• has to eomply with his promises and immediately ti>rmmate winter." \\;JY' to'-'"'" lhl' hii.;ht'<ot 1nlere\t on )'our IRA nr "r OCll, anJ bnth proRr.111" .1rt• 111.,ured . . guJrdnll'<'J ... 1fr liv the leJt'ral go' •·rnnwnt 0 l'l1J<' Ill h11.I. Ill JI toJJ\ ·, hcJ.:h 1Jh'' lur to111orrtn\0 ' h1i.;h n•turn' l hm"'' th1' rnJturitv JJtt• th.it VUtr \\,1111 .inv1'h••ri• from Ill month' to 10 yc.ir ... ~H'll'• I the t.1' dl'lcrreJ pl.111 th.11 mt'•'" vour lll't'd,. ( ,111 or 'top hy 10J.1y, .1nJ J \k our C,J,dnf.:" ( 11u11,dor' In h1'lp vou Opt'n the \ll'\\ port H.i lht1.1 C,Jving' lnJI\ 1JuJI l{l't1"''"l'nl A•uiunt 11r Kr<>C.11 pl.in th.it 1.,,111 '"l'l'I Vt•UI li11Jn11dl ).;llJI' fur till' lutUfl'. STOP LOSING MONEY TO THE IRS O PEN A NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS IRA OIL FACILITY TOUR -Former President Gerald Ford, left, Louisiana Gov. Dave Treen, center, and Energy Secretary James F.dwards tour the pumping station of the Strategic Pe- AP '#lrepholo troleum Reserve at St. James, La. The visit marked the announcement that 250 million barrels of crude oil are now in storage. Falkland Islands rich wi th oil Seizing control 'long-term objective' of A rgentin a LONDON (AP) -The lonely, windswept Falkland Islands, their 1,800 people and 300 times as many sheep, don't look like a strategic prize worth war. But control of the islands could mean control of offshore oil riches. Since the early 1970s, oil com- panies, universities and govern- ments have been prospecting the South Atlantic around the islands that Britam ruled and Argentina claimed for 149 years and that Argentina seized last Friday. "There as more oil under the sea around the islands than un- der the North Sea." says Brian Frow , director-gen eral o f the Falkland Islands Office, which r e pr esents the l'taunchly pro- Bri tish islanders' interest s 1n London. "Seizing th~ o il u n- doubtedly was the long-term ob- jective of the Argentines." Frow says surveys by the Bn- llsh government, Argentma, thC' U.S. Geolocial Survey, two Bri- tish universities and several ma- JOr oil companies back up has as- sertions of rich petroleum and gas deposits. But most of the r e ports a re closely guarded. The Argentine state petroleum company, Yaciementos Petrola- Old slogans fade from Iran's walls TEHRAN, lran (AP) -At the for mer U .S . Embassy . where Iran's revolutionaries say they brought a superpowe r to its knees, the anti-American slogans are fading from the walls. In their place hang banners trum- peting a new victory -over the Iraqi army. The 27-acre compound, prison for 52 American hostages for much of their 15-month captivity in 1979-81 , remains locked, un- u s ed , watc hed over by the militia -like Revolutionary Guards, assault rifles slung over their shoulders. On the sidewalks outside, whe r e c hants of "Death to Ame rica!" and "Down with Carter!" once reverberated, lra- n ians now remind visitors of their country's battlefield suc- cesses. "And we did it without the Americans," one m an told a Western reporter. "It was an Iranian victory," said another. "There were no Russians and no Americans." The Iranians, who launched a major offensive against the lraq1 invasion force in weste rn Iran two weeks ago. claim to hav(' pushed the Iraqi army 25 miles back from the deepest penetra- tion it had made into I ranian territory since the war began in September 1980. Over the wee- kend Tehran newspapers headli- ned the reported capture of 300 "high-level"' Iraqi officers and the downing of 25 e nemy war- planes. Much of Iran's military equip- ment is American-made, but the U.S. advisers who once trained Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's armed forces left three years ago, when the monarch was toppled in the Islamic revoJution. The wooded embassy com - pound that was the nerve cent.er of the American presence in Iran, and which later became tbe focus of the revolution's anti-American fury, now is largely ignored by the shoppers and other passersby on the avenue outside, an area of smart boutiques, jewelry stores and other shops still patronized by better-off Iranians. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl•Htned edvertlslng 7141642·5178 All other depertments 642 ... 321 Thoma• P. Halev ~ -°"91 ta-A ... ~ Robert N. Weed p,_, Kay SctwlU Vice- -Olrector Ol ""-1*"0 Tom Murphlne Edlior Mike Harvey Onelor ol Metice11ng 1c;,c..1111or11 Ken Goddard Dorector OI ()p9ret....,. Rey Mec:Leen C-Olllf Charles LOOI .. .,,.....r- MAIN OFFICE DI WHl a.-, SI • Cc&t. ~. C4 ~II~ 8ox1MO.Coot.~.C4 '2626 C...,rl9M ""2 Or-Cout PUllll Sl>IP>Q '-" Ho-.~. illwratlon~. e<iltorlat m-"' ..,_ Wf'tlM"-fS ... rrin ~y i.. rR!WodUC.., ...._ SP«lal ...-mlJSlon of CQpyr19M -ner VOL 75• NO. rT Ccros Fascales, <.:la ams a field bet- ween Argentina's Pa tagonian C'Oast a nd the Falklands. 250 males to the east, could be nine tames as big as that under the North Sea, which already has made B r 1ta1 n t h e world's seventh-largest oil producer. The m ost recent known pri- vate study, from Western G eo- physical. an Ame rican s urvey farm, is much more cauuous but says the area as "very Pnrouragang ·· "Then• as promising seismic ev1denre," says a spokesman fo r British Pe troleum , "but until we have done a lot of dralh ng, we can't be sure what oil is actually there" The Bnush government's Eco- nomat· Intelligence Unit made an exh austive survey of the area around the Falklands in 1976 and reported it bore striking geologi- cal s1m1lar1t1es to the North Sea. It said four areas were parti- cularly promising: the Malvinas Basin, be tween Arge ntina and the Falklands; the Falkland Pla- teau. east southeast of the archi- pelago; the Burdwood Bank, south of the islands, and the San J orge Basin, off the Arge ntine coast b e tween the p o rts o f Comodoro Ravadavia and Des- seado. "Geological and preliminary se1sm1c evide n ce as s u c h that there as certain to be interest in exploration by oil companies,'' jt said. B u t beca u se o f the lo ng- sa mme rang dispute over own- ership o f the islands. the only actual drilling in the area has been done by Arge ntma in its own territorial wa ters. YPF last February announced a strike off the Patagonian C<>a!it and said it produced 2,000 barre ls a day until it was capped. About 50 applications to drill in the Falklands area have been pending with the British gov- ernment None was granted be- cause of t he dispute with Ar- gentina. The area would be orie of the hardest in the world to drill in, with haJf-mile deep waters and sto rms st erne r than those en- countered off the coast of La- brador an he North Atlantic and in the North Sea, where hun- dreds have died in the search for oil. The Argentines reportedly have been discussing joint ven- tures with major international oil firms. Laat May, the British government put an ad In the International Herald Tribune warning the comp.$11les any such venture would be risky until the territorial dispute was solved. ..,,... ... ~..., ........ Ml We're Listening •••. What do you like 11bout the Daily Pilot., What don •t you like'! Call th~ number ~low and your message wall be recorded. lranscnbed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic:. Mailbox c:ontrlbuton must Include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ....., ...... _,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-_J Orange Coast OAIL Y PILOT /Wednetdey, Aprll 7, 1982 s Al . Public polls 'pressing'> Should president pursue policies despite pressure? WASHINGTON (AP) Whethe r the subject ls baseball or politics, Americans want to know the score and public opi- nion polls have become the poli- tical scorecards of thlS age. ls Ronald Reagan winrung or losing? How are the Republicans doing? Are the Democrats boun- cing back? Check the la tes t polls. T here are new ones just a bout every week. And, like baseball box scores, they contain invaluable st.austacal delights for the fan who (:an read them with an awareness of their limitauons. Just as today's early season boxscores can't be read for re ha ble s1gns of which teams w1U be in the World Series next October, the polls of s pring do not nec<.'S- saril y forecast the votes of No- vember. Preside nt Reagan reads the polls carefully and, publicly a t least , he brushes off the down- ward trend. He told reporters Monday the polls are following "a pa ttern that's been historically true of every president" a nd addl.'d that they reflect "quite a d rumbea t of criticism tha t has gone largely unanswered by us " But those polls can m a ke at very difficult to govern m uneasy tim es. H o w does a preside n t exercise leadership m an era of mtens1ve polling with its mev1- table pressures on politicians to conform rather tha n lead., For example, suppose Reagan is right abou t the econom y de- spite polls showang a ma10r1ty of Americans don't thank has poli- cies w1U work? How lo n g ca n a p resident =--'" ~ •b NIWS ANAlYSIS pursue an unpopular or queau o- nable C.'OUrse against the kmd of pressure ge nerated by w eekly polls that say the public thinks he ought to change d 1recuon'1 It's an elecuon year and mem- bers of Congress are reading the latest polls as surely as they wen• reading those of a year ago that showed strong public support for the budget and tax cuts advoca- ted by the president. It wasn't JUSt opinion polls that contributed to the pressure on Congress to support the Reagan program in 1981 More influen- llal were the 1980 election re- turns and the telephone ca lls and letters to congressional offices as well as the signals lawmakers got on their trips home. And it won't be jus t opanaon polls that de te rmine the success or faiJure of the Reagan program on Capitol Hill this year P e te r Hart, a pollster wi t h strong ties to the Democrats, says he doesn't thank polls are takang control of the pohtacal process "1 thank people make indlvu\val judgmcn ts," he said in an inler- vaew. But Hart also acknow~ed ed the last f ive years have a ~n what he called "a certain t of poll prohferataon ... "When Ha rris and GaU(lp were tht-two organizations and they were giving it to you every three months that wu help1ul. Now, when you multiply Mattia a nd Gallup tames the six oth er organizations tha t are arount;f, it seems lake you're getting Ui~m every hour on the hour." One of the boxscore-type ala· llstac:s now being given the public as the performance rating. "Yes," sa1d Hart "it is helptul to have performance ratings;but not as often and as regularly as we've tx>en gelling them." ' A potenual irony in an age of polls IS that the politicians W}\O might prove the ultimate survi- vors wall be those who are able, to manipula t(' opinion rather tYlan n-spond to it. P oli tics might become ~en more dependent on markeling te<.·hnaques and on the ability to pcickage candidates and ideas. Bank r eop en s with n ew name DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) T h e First Nationa l Ba nk o f Hum boldt, closed following all<' gallons that it was short m1lhons of dollars in assets. reopened to- day und er a new name afte r fedC'ral authoritic-s agreed to M•ll ll Irvine Sprague. a Fl'Cieral De- posit rnsurance Corp. spokesman an Wash ington , D.C . said t he FDIC board" unanimously al-cep- ll'd an pra nc:1pll' an off~rby-- H<twk<.•ye Bancorporation of Des Moml'S to purchase the farming community bank and open it under a nl'W name FDIC and Hawkeye Bancor- porauon officials worked out fi- nal detaab of the purchase Mon- ddy nig ht The bank, reopen~ as Hawkeye Ba nk and Trust, was doing a brisk business, officiala said VICTIMS SEEK HELP -Two unidentified residents of the area near the erupting Chi- chonal, Mexico, volcano dlSplay a blanket with a sign advising helicopters that there are in- jured people needing help. The sign in Spanish AP Wl11pl11t1 reads: ··s.o.s. Urgent, Carry Wounded." Re~ef helicopte rs have landed in some villages to evacuate injured, but have been busy dwnptng food and medicines to stranded villagers: in isolated areas near the volcano. : r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Gem Talk 8)'.) C H UM PHHIJ.:S Crrt1(1rd ( irmnlri111.,t . .-1 r.s THE DARK CONTINENT in.I 11-~hi •ton.• Africa, long known as the "dark continent," is helpiJ1s t.o make the world a bit briehter with the growing popularity of Its colored gemstones. Tanzanite and Tsavroate. two of the brightest, are much 1n demand now Tanzanlle resembles sapphire and tsovroile looks like emerald And there have been re- cent discoveries of Important de- posit.. of garnets, tourmaline, emer- ald and sapphltt. Zambia and Cen- tral Africa are producing emeralds that rival the finell specimens found In South America. Sapphires are coming from Angola, Zaire. Tanzania, Malawi and the Malqa- say Republic. Rubles are being found In the area from Tanzania north to Kenya. Tanunlte geta Its name from Tanzania, where It was first d iscovered. And now, the Umba Valley of Tanzania haa be- come a major IOUrce ot aapphffel. Tanzanlte baa a clear blue color. Taavorite 11 a brU!tant green. It Is actually rarer than the emerald, which eome experta ~ make It an excellent lnveument. Africa ii 1parkltng with exclUnR gem1tone dlecoveriea. TheM ttooM will help J.l&ht \he way to a brillJ.a.nt ~ future . i I t I I I I I . I I t I • • ' J • J. C..J/ump~ried r}ew11 f-r6 I MEMB[RAMEAICAN (.l:MSOCIETV w~ 1 , 1823 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA • "\,...., 35 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION BankAme11card -Muter Ch1rge PHONE 54~1 -----·---'--------------------------------..------------------------------..-----..c-=---..---.. $'&""'"11'~----------......,,,...__ .... _. Orange Coat OAllY PILOTIWedn.day, April 7. 1882 ,~~\ ~'\''" Survivor signs form on taxes . . ' DEAR PAT DUNN: My lla1bud dJed before we filed .. su sleturo dab year. How do I file ou ret•ra wlthat Ml llDahlnT • A.I., C.fa 111 ... 1 lf there is no executor or administrator appolnt.t aftd a jo&nt ~turn is filed, the Internal Revenue Service M)'I that the IW• Vtvi~ spouse ahould sign the return and write in the "8na1lll't-~a Filing as surviving spouse." Attach a copJ of thi death dertificate to the return. If you expect a refund, allO attach Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceued 'taxpayer, to insure the refund check will be issued in your name dhly. Expanded' CBS news shelved NEW YORK (AP) -CBS hu lhtlwd p1a.na ~ ln No- wmber to elq)Ud the network'• "Evet\l.ni Newt" from tta current half-hoW' format, cittna the re- cent ex...Won of the "Morning Newt" and the proposed lntro- ducllon of an overnight news show. GE line has th e answers 1' DEAR READERS: What would you do if you wanted to find 04t what size central air conditioning unit would be needed to cool a 2,500 square-foot, five-room house? Or, if you should put teflon-coated pots in your potscrubber dishwasher? How about f!)Iuring out if long-life light bulbs are as energy efficient as re- gplar ones? T he announcement Tuuday, from Tony Malara, vice president and seneral manapr of the CBS televlalon netwodi, follows con- alderable news expansion activity by all three networks into pre- viously unexplored airtime. ABC N~s dJaclosed plans Monday for a 6-7 a.m. news program. C BS uid i n November it would .expand its "Eve ning News" by 15 minutes or a half- hour, by March 1983. SCOJ>US AW ARD -Dolores Hope, wife of cOmedian Bob Hope, received the Scopus Award, the h.ltheet honor from the American Friends of Hebrew Univenity of Jerusalem, at a Palm Springs ceremony. Helping her celebrate are Steve Lawrence, former First Lady Betty Ford and Eydie Gorme. · The General Electric Company has announced a new toll- free information service that can answer the above questions and ~. vide information about GE consumer products and aervicea 24 urs a day, seven days a week, including holidays, by d1aling ( 00) 626-2000. • The GE Answer Center is available now to consumers west of the Mississippi; by mid-year, it will operate nationwide. The center houses an advanced computer, a sophisticated telephone system and full reference libraries for instant answers to most consumer questions. Complex questions will be transferred by a GE consumer representative to on-staff technical speclalists. The answer is called back to the consumer, usually within 24 or 48 hours. When fully operational, GE expects the Answer Center will handle as many as 6,000 calls per day. .Many complain ts a bout firm DEAR PAT DUNN: I ordered two pairs of tbenne socks from SMM Mail Order Marketing last October. Wt.en tlle pac- kage arrived, the order was incorrect. I sent it baek '1 ....... mail and have been trying ever sincetben to get a ntfq& cata you help? P .M., Costa Mesa Your refund and a refund requested by M.S., HuntingtoR Beach, for undelivered merchandise, will be sent "when it's possible," according to Mail Order Marketing's spokeswoman, who told A YS that the company ~ neither making refW1tls nor shipping merchandise due to "reorganization." Repotiedly, the fi rm is changing hands and p lans to become a .. publi' corpora ti on." This type of ownership change does not require a bwliness to stop doing business, as appears to be the case with Mail Order Marketing. The Better Business Bureau reports that moce com- plaints are being received about this firm than any other company in Los Angeles and Orange counties. In fact, BBBs throughout the country report many unsolved complaints involving MOM. The BBB is advising consumers to complain directly to the company and to the Federal Trade Commission. • "''Got a problem? Then write to Pat Dunn. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you • 1 need to solve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, • ' Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Coat41 Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as pcmible '1V1.l1 be answered, but phoned inquiries or letters not indadkV the l'ea· der's full name, address and business hours' phone number am- not be considered. " NBC previously unveiled a pro~ to lengthen its "Nightly News," an d ABC discussed a limilar idea with affiliates early in December. NBC withdrew its proposal after objections from affiliates, a nd the ABC approach appa- rently never was fonna.lized. There has been conaiderable diacussion within the industry on expansion of the networks' eve- ning newscasts, the affiliates are known to have generally oppo6ed the idea. However, Fred W. Friendly, a former president of CBS News and a long-time advocate of the expanded ne ws format, spoke forcefully in favor of the hour- lAg news program in a recent ~h. CBS said {n a statement the decision to "defer COMideration of plans to expand the 'CBS Evening News' " was reached in agreement with the network's affiliates advisory board. P rin cess p rays (or Salvad~r p eaei! AMSTERDAM. Netherlands (AP) -Pr i n cess Iren e, 42-year-ol d sister of Dutch Queen Beatrix, has joined a week-long prayer fast to press for an end to the civil war in El Salvador, its organirers said. The observance organized by int&!'den<>minational church grouJ>8 ends Saturday. Partici- pentil are pledged ~ abstain from all nourishment except bread and water and alt.em.ate in 12-hour .-.yer vigila. REDWOOD s10,000 PAID l 0 YOU 2 X 6 -36' lin It 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING ~· . THI -~~~n:.! '-W•tff-.... SI Uc. 217657 S<ww:e nme Starts at "'°"' Ooor (CaM SIOfe Neern1 V04J' Aoee) COIYA MISA 641-1289 15» ... ....,. ... '"'" lllllllOtl Vll.IO 495-04() 1 2"12 c:--. ~"'-. ,._ oi.e-~-.. •••"Y ~kwy,) ELECT For introd11<in9,,,. too good .me. Yov ~know MWf'Ol n- ceptionol women 11\ot would get you M '9onut I( you ltlWi about It for o minute. If you ore !hot •JlCeptionol -. lo«* fonword to It os Q .... dding gift. White mole, Conodion bom consulting ~. 41 ~. 6', 180 lbs., easy going merry ~raonolity, recently divoCH<I ond wittlout custody of children, receives ._ry geMrov• inco,,,. from hi\ own bu•ineu, new hovM1 at Newport, vocation ltovw in moui!IGIM ski -· member Men&o, fini.hifi9 o low ~. priYwlie jllilM, ftu.N il't ~. ploys .. verol mu.icol instrvmentl, enftluskntk l9ftnlt ~·· llUer, >ailor. enioys tr!J"el in Europe and long wolb on the t.och al -.et, d111ir111 toll, trim, and exc~ ottroctive -· OIMetk and non·•n>e>hr, with o brigt>t ond happy ,__iity, 25 to 35, tucc.Mlfvl in o prof.won Of businets, ond wOllll to C....W-her c-, good fomily bocltground and o happy ...i.tionttllfl with all orovnd her. Musi want to .llor• Im and morri099 wilt\ thil man, be ob&e to mo- noge o house, coo~ well, look forward to childten. ond .find joy and solisfoction '" "'°"" things. P.O. Box 16686, lr..w., CA 92713 His Hemingway imitation b est A retired tax lawyer from Florida who described the art of bartending in classic He- mingwayese beat 1,300 other 11 e ntrants to· win the Fifth International Imitation He- mingway Contest. Walter Trenerry of North Fort Myers bagged the first -and only -prire trip for two to Harry 's Bar a nd American Grill in Florence, Italy, with a three-q uarter page, single-spaced effort en- titled "Arriba Y Abajo." The 65-year-old Trenerry, a self.describe d oldster, • fonner Minnesota resident and "life-long sufferer from acute bookishness, wanderlust and scribbler 's itch," earned the judges' accolades for his Spanish-spattered description of bartender Juan Dinero at a bar in lrun Producers of the movie · "Supennan,'' which grossed a rich $200 million at world box o ffices, settled 3-year-old lawsuits with writer Mario Puzo and actor Marlon Brando, the L os Angeles Times said. Alexander and Ilya Sal- kind a father-son producer team from Swi tzerlan d, granted Puzo and Brando a combined slice worth some $10 million , the newspaper said, quoting an unidentified source. • l=l3@i(·~ H.B. City Council DUI 10 llASONS HONOR ED :-Lennie Skutnik, brother of New- port Beach resident Nadine Skutnik, has been honored by Carnegie H ero Fund Commission for rescuing a passenger of Air Florida jet th.at crashed into icy Poto- mac River in J anuary. Skutnik dove into river to save a 22-year-old woman. The Salkinds still face a swt by Rtcllard Doaoer, who directed the first movie and part of the second before Rickard Lester was brought in. OND OUI CON1IOl WE All FOICll) TO CLOSE OUI DOORS FOllYll. WE HAVE ENTIIE MAGNIFICDIT INYDITOIY QUALIFIED I] IUD IELSITO is a p roven leader experienced In city planning, budgeting and administration, as well as· having earned adv«nced de- grees in Public Management and Law. CRIME f IGHTER 0 181 IEUITI Is endorsed by the Huntington Beach Pollce Offic~r·s A¥oclation ... f 1U1](,.I01M Ii IUI IELllTI · Is a ongtlme resident dedicated to a bright future for Huntington Beach. .. FOR ALL HE WILL!: •. THIS BUD'S FOR YOU! SPENT 3 DAYS MADlllG DOWN PllCIS Oii IYEIY • TlllNG IN THE noa1. WI PIOMISE THAT YOUWIUll THiii.LiD WITH OUI INCllDllU PllCES AND SILEatONll 2 PllCIS 50 %~!~ n"S AU ~IS 80% OVllU ITI Off Sln&er M•rt• Otmoad wu releated from Utah Valley Hoaphal after tpendlna the weekend there tor • "routine phytkal examination ," family 1pokesman Ron Clark Mid. Clark aald doctou found nothing wroni with MiH 01mond and that 1h e wu completing scheduled lnter - view1. • He said Mill Osmond waa "very tired" when she enter- ed tM hoepttal Friday. Clark nid she olten suffers a low potaaalum level that makes her tire easily, but doctors found no problem with the level. Flamboyant lawyer Ji'. Lee BaJJey'1 drunk driving trial could last two weeks, the proeecution said, a timetable Bailey's lawyers angrily de- nounced as "another attempt to harass Mr. Bailey." Asaiatant District Attorney Larry Murray told presiding Municipal Court Judge J . Dominique Olcomendy that his two-week estima te ws was based on the possibility of calling 20 to 30 witnesses against the 4 8 -year -old Boston lawyer. Forme r Florida G ov. Reubin Askew, like countless White Ho~ aspirants before him, is testing his support in New Hampshire, site of the nation's ffrst presidential pri- ~· me t with a bout 430 people at the Concord home of Mark Stokes, city council- man, at the start of a three- day swing through the state. A skew , governor from 1971 -1979, said he wants to gauge support to help him decide whether to seek the Democra tic presidential no- mination. Alf M. Landon, the former Kansas governor and presi- dential candidate, was repor- ted in satisfactory condition a fter being hospitalized in Topeka, Kans., for "routine" medical tests. "It's nothing serious," the 94-year-old L andon told a visitor shortly after he was taken by ambulan ce to Stormont-Vail Regional Me- dical Cent.er. Landon was visited by his daughter, Sen. ·Nancy Ku- sebaum, R-Kan., who was in her home state for a series of appearances during t he Easter congressional recess. \ t .~\ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wec:Jneedey. April 7, 1982 Al-~. ' l Textbook bias claimed . Study claims descriptions of Central America distorted I NEW YORK (AP) -The motl apeclaltiet on Latin America. The ponant, excepiu directly related commonly u1ed social studies panel reviewed 30 of the most to U.S . economic or 1tratealc textbook• and children'• books wldely available 1oclal atudlea lnteresla. "perpetuate Ignorance and dis· text.a and public library booka for -Teach children that Central torti<*la about Central America," children on Central America. America 11 hopeleuly underde· ICCOtd1na to a atu~. The report noted that one re-veloped . "Studenta a.re y prepared viewer "lamented that the booka' Almost three-fourth• of the to underatand even ln Central absence of analysea would not booka never mention Un ited America, confuted about the h elp students today, or adulu States economic lnteresu In oountrtes and governments there tomorrow, evaluate world events Central America and many neveJ' and alienated from Central without knee·.ierk reactions ba-explain the role of the wealthy American people and their aed on fear rather than facta." elites there, accordJ.na to the re- cultures," the report aaid. The study'a major assertions port. The atudy~ released b y t.h.e included that the book.a: Further. the boob fail to dla- Council on Interracial Books For -Through their many omis-cuas U.S .. military and political Children, was based on the work sions communicate to children interventions and mlalead b)" ot 14 scholars and educators with that Central America is not im-teaching children that the United States la always a "helper" ln OCC students honored Several Orange Coast students have been selected to the dean's honoMI list at UC Santa Barbara for the winter quarter there. They are Nancy Isaacs and J e({rey Tracy of Costa Mesa, Stephanie Bolin an'd Kendra Tod Berlinger and David Jensen of Huntington Beach . Patricia Turner of Laguna Beach, Dar Roberts of Dana Point, Shawn Conroy of Laguna Hills, Roberta Martin of Newport Beach, Nina Clark of Laguna Niguel and Nancy Warren of Mission Viejo. Central America, the researchers found. "It's no wonder the majority of the American public doesn't know how to judge U.S. foreign policy m El Salvador, Nicaragua or Guatemala, given the misin- formation and stereotypes they read in their school books," said American University poli tical science professor William Leo Grande, one of the reviewers. AP Wlf99f\olo FIRST TO RIDE -Actor Jimmy Stewart and wife Gloria were the first customers of a new attraction at the Los Angeles Zoo -elephant rides. They ·are ricling in a howdah on back of Tai, a 14-year-old Asian elephant. Coca-~0_la still costs a nickel l!~ WESTMINSTER, Md. (AP) - A nickel doesn't b~ much thete days. but does pay for a gia. "Ji Coca-Cola at Irv Goodman 1 drug 1tore on Main Street. Goodman figures the good wl~ of school children makee up ~­ the money he loses by aelli . glasses ol Coke for onl)' a nlc at Schml!!'•~Rexall Drug Store8 "If yC>ln"'e ever here aft~,­ sc hool you'll see them pour tn here,·' 1a1d Goodman, who bought the store In 1958. "The kids who were in here 24 yead ago are bringing their kids in for nickel Cokes." •J The druggist is determined t.q keep thl• price at a nickel . I • . ' i "ThLS store has been here s1nse ; 1918. It has never been razed.~ ' long as I'm the owner . it will' I never be rared " , :• ) The old-fashioned soda fount; > ain m th~ drugstore is a hangou~. ~ for s tude nts, businessme n anq ~ shoppers i Campbell of Fountain Valley, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;==========:::;:::;::=::=:::;:::;::=:::;:;:::;:;;;;;;;:::;i------------------------------------------------------------~---~----~~-i HOUSE OF TAILORING ALTERATIONS FOR MEN & WOMEN CHRIST U#/Tr OF #EWIOllT IEACN Yrx.w D•lly Word Ctwucn Good Friday Servlce .......... ~ ............... 12-1 p.m. Sped al Easter Flower. Service ................ 3 p.m. J'J ~UA.)I PL ALA )-\U ol:J I Rev. Lucille Parrill • Loit1 Ryan LJc. Teacher l o '"'("f' Lt"•el by Corou\rl 148 E. 22nd St .. Costa Mesa Dial A Prayer 960-0745 JCPenney Easter Garden Shop Sale 3 Days Only April 8, 9, 10 ------~FASHION ISlANO ___ __ ~ NEWPORT Gem:R ~·~ . , . .,~ -r''h l't'~"' M J)"J.~~ .~~>~..,.., urns tfiPi/ -~~· Reg. $1.99 ~-··: · '~· -~ W/foil CB Now .:~~.,~ ~>-:::' Reg. $4.99 I · ·· ''''\..,,.if·· African Violets *1.39 ·~rr s~~;9 \ ' fy;~~ _.R 1 eg. $5.99 ' J. Now s4.69 6" Easter Lllles \ 6" Potted Foll age Assortment Choose from Crotens. Fluffy Ruffle. Diffen- bochia, Phllos, FICUS varieties Reg. $5.99 Now s3_99 ,Special Buy s4_99 '""i=' 10" Ficus Benjamlna 3' to 4' tall Special $14.88 'I'~ ' 6" Tulips Re_g_. $5.99 NOW s4.A9 Easter Baskets Suitable for candy or flowers ,, .. ,. -~~,.,. ~.,, ~" Hanging Gardenia Shade or partial sun Speclal s8.99 4" Tullps & Daff odlls Reg. $2.99 Now 12.29 8" Prayer Plant Red or Green Varieties Reg. Now $6.99 •4.69 ~~ ·~ Reg. $4.59 9 :~~ Sale 13.99 16oa. • • I ·-- #I .... .., • 1. H •11 ' .... "'' 1 "-'? ... • . I •• "" \ '-··· 11: ... i.. t . J f!. r: n.,. . .. ......._. HURRY. I I I I I FINAL 4 DAYS!! MOH. THRU FRJ. 9 to 9 SAT. 9 to 6 SUM. 11to4 ~ ,. ' n I• t' I v l ,: . ' . • .. ' ' '. I' I· -~. I• (• tfi . .. . I l ' • I f -~ I •ll100 C.l•r n •EIHtrHlc , ..... • 100'-S.114 St1t1 •lite Oeler 0.lfrtl SAYE •so SONY TRINITRON 19'' Diagonal Color TV • 14 Pu1hbutton lapr•11 Tuning • Trlnltron Otte Gun Picture ~:!· ., '49911 ·; .• ;;· ~~!!~ MM , .. teZ.iJ ...... ._.. • S.T_. c:..... MOWSAVl'W -.-.---------- . ,.... ' ............... :c-.. ,. .......... ----,.-.---~------~ m••• TOP OF THI UMI WHIRP'OOI. TRASH MASHER COMPACTOR ••••••• HARDWICK GAS RANGE 17.7 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR • Adjustable Tempered Glm Shelves • Te1tured Steel Doors • Provision for IC£MAGIC1 Automatic Ice Maker MA YT AG .FACTORY AUTHORIDD llllTAllT 1 25 REBAT_E S.Wfllaaey'ho~ I • ' • I 11,i, ,. .... '·.111 "·' '·'" • '"I ' \~ .. , ,j \ S: .... ,)U , "I .. ti r ' • • I ! _. \~ .t I .Alt ~ ..6• ••• t I" , ti 1.. .,, ~ W""'" .r I'· r, ., .. , ,, t"' • .-•f"'I-~ """• · ... t., SaYe on Nayta1 811 lUf '" Dryon :~~=~'t• J ~ POTSCR UBBER DISHWASHER • Potscrubber cycle removes even baked·On <;0115 • Tub and door liner are pro1ec1ed by an e~c1us1ve 10 year full werrenly (asll for del11ls) • Energy saver wash cycle and dry option Plu• fr•• n.,,,. .. repl•cement lnstellotlon DISHWAS._ ·J~W- • .... S...-Cpc .. •Maw•,._ , I t-. ,, . ~v_, ' ~ " ~ , ·: -! , ,. • l , ~ -·· "' t·· , .. , .. ' ,._. ·-. \ . I . • J Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, Aprll 7, 1982 LL THE P RESIDENTS -The Balboa Bay Club was ~all-to-waU with former presidents of the Newport Harbor wvea Chamber of Commerce when th,e organization celebra-led its 75th birthday recently. Seated are Georgia Spooner (left), widow of former president Richard Spooner ( 1980), and ~urrent president Carol South. Standing from left a re Jack . Dellr Piiot Steff Photo Vibert (1964), Edgar Hirth (1965), William Lusk (1974-5), Michael Gering (1981). John Macl')ab (1967), Edgar ''Ned" Hill (1959). Rudy Baron (1978). Gordon West (1979). William Ring (1971), James Parker (1976) and Richard Stevens (1969 and 1973). Institute to recover what may be Pinta MIAMI (AP) -A Texas m st.1tute has been hired to recover and preserve the remains of a ship believed to be the Pinta, one of the vessels Christopher Columbus used on his first voyage to the New World, officials say. The wreck in an atoll of the British Turks and Grand Caicos Islands was damaged by unauthorized salvage attempts w1thm the last month, The Miami Herald reported ! The British government learned of dynamiting at the site two weeks ago, said Norman Saunders, chief minister of the colony, and asked the Institute of Nautical Archeology to recover and preserve everything of historic value at the site. Robinson's Oscar telecast tops TV ratings NEW YORK (AP) -ABC's broadcast of t h e Academr, Awards show bumped "DaJl.u' from the top of the ratings, and helped the ne twork win the three-way competition for the second time in a row, figures from the A.C . Nielsen Co. show- ed. "I>.illas," the CBS hit and No. l show this season, had been first three weeks running, and five times m lhe pJ"evtoua six wee4 The ratings for the Oscars program was 33.6 the highest mark for a non-sports program this season . Nielsen says that means m an average minute du- ring the broudcast, just over a third of the t'Ountry's homes with TV were watching the Oscar ce- remonies. CBS' broadcast of the NCAA championship basketball game between North Carolina and Georgetown universities, oppo- s1w the Academy Awards s how, had a rating of 21.5 -good for 12th place in the competitJon for the week ending April 4 ABC had five of the Top 10 programs. including the newly introduced •"Happy Days" spi- noff. "Joame Loves Chachi," in sixth place. The only other new s how among the Top 10 was CBS' "Fakon Crest," No 8. ABC's rating for the week was 18.4 to 17 for CBS and 14.6 for NBC. The network• say that means In an average prime-time minute during the week, 18.4 percent of the TV -equipped homes In America were watehing the winning network. CBS leach for the season by a fuU point over ABC. and has won the weekly competition 17 time's to eight for ABC. The two net- works tied !or first one week. NBC's top-rated show, "Facts of Life," finished in a tie for 17th place with ABC's "Love Boat," but the struggling network had two movies in the week's Top 20 -''Meatballs': 18th and "Wild Horse Hank" 19th. Programs introduced by the net works this. spring. other than "Joanie and Chachi," did not fare particularly well. "T.J . Hooker" on ABC tied for 32nd, CBS' ''Cagney and La(..-ey" finished in a tle for 45th, J\BC's ''Phoenix" tied for 47th, and "Baker's Do- zen" on CBS was No. 58 NBC had three of the week's hve lowest-rated programs, star- ting with No. 65 "One of the Boys" and followed by "Chicago Story" and a movie, "Let's Do It Again." A CBS News special was No. 68, and "Love at First Sight," also from CBS, finished 69th. ONE DAY ONLY SALE TODAY ONLY 51699 LEvrs•aooT·CUT JEANS Reg $23 Super fitting cords at 26% savings. from that classic name 1n 1eans Navy brown, hght blue or camel machine washable cotton/polyester corduroy Hurry. selection limited to stock on hand Size 28 to 36 Robinson's New Directions. 145. ROBINSO~'S N~POAT FASHION ISLAND ~ (114} f44 2800 51999 FAMOUS MAKER BELTED SLACKS Reg $28 Our trim polyester slacks The perfect add1t1on lor spring Tan. brown or. navy 30 to 38. S·M·L Robinson's Sportswear Casuals. 123 Due to the time hm1tat1on of this sale. please no mail or phone orders - Ornngtt Cottst DAil Y Ptl o r /Wednosdoy, April 7, 1982 Holy Week observances set Servicet commemoratlng the lnatitution of the Eucharlat and the cruclflx.lon of Jesua will be held thia week ln churches along the Oranae Coast. At St. Mark Pre1byte r 1an Chureh, the last days of Jesus' life u aeen thrQugh the eyes of Youna people of that t.une waU be dran)atlzed in an original play. entitled "The Unleavened.•· The performance, by young member• of the congregation , will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the church, 2100 Mar V asta Drive, Newport Beach, and end with the audience pa.cticipaung ln a communion service. ''The Seven Las t Wo rds of Jesus" will be the them~ of two ecu menical services plan m•d Good Friday. Ministers from seven different churches will par ticipate in the services beginning at 11 a .m . at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church , 4400 Barranca Parkway. lrvinc. U-udlng segmt'n ts w all be the Rev. Lorne Weaver of S t. A n dl't'w's; tht! Rev. Ben Patterson, lrv1m.• Prt-sbytenan Church. lhl• Rev George• Stt'ph anades, S t Paul's Greek Orthodox Church; the Rev Ron Allison. University United Met hodist Church, tht.' Rev Kt.>n Klievt•r. Un1ver:>1 ty Community C h ur<'h , the Rev Ted Lt•pper, Evungcltcal F ret• Church. and the R<'vs. June Ann and Bill Moore. Unllt'd Church of Christ. T he 3 pm servt<.'l>S al the Lu- theran Churd1 of lht• Resurrec- tion. 9812 Hamilton Avu., Hunl- 1 n gt o n Beach , w il l be C'O - sp onsorcd by Sts. Simon and J ude Cutholic Church, Christ Presbytc•rian Chur ch and St Wilfrt'<i's Episcopal Church Othn services mdudc. St. James Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach; Eastl"r baptisms n11tl u puppE't play for ehildren, 4 µ.m. Satur day, Easter vigil, 7:30 p.m., Sat- urday. Luthe ran C hurc h of the Mu ter, 2900 Pat·1flt V1l"w Dnvc, Corona \Jel Mar: Communwn, 7:30 p.m Thu1·sday; T1·nc•brae servit'e. 7:30 p.m Friday Community Church, Congre- gational, 611 Heliotrope• Avt•, Corona del Mar. Communaon, 7 :lo p.m. Thursday; pmt S(.>rv1t-e with Newport Center Methodist Church, 1601 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, 12:30 p.m Fri- day. Mariners Church, 1000 Bisson Ave., New port Beach. arl pru~ S<•ntat1on of "The Face of Chr1St" a n d Com m u niqn, 7::rn pm . Thursday Church of Religious Science, 2223 Marn St. H untington Beach; mt.'d1tat1<>n, 2 30 pm Friday, ~µ1r1tual mind lwalrng :.cmmar, 9 a.m .. SaturCiay Community United Methodist Church, 6662 Heil Avt!. Hunt Robber thanks judge FRESNO (AP) -A Fresno man thanked a judge for sentencing him to 17 years in prison Charles E. T u rne r , 28. was sen ten<L'U by Superior Court Judge Stephen Henry on <.·1ght counts of armed robbery. Turner told the judge that he was glad he was captured "or I'd probably be m my grave by now. I havl' never been inw physical violence and I don't want to be" Turner all~gc'<ily flrt'<i two shots l<t..'l H·ar ,11 w mt-onc• who C'hasc•d ham from um· holdup I It· hdd borrowed the car .rnd C'alled µ11ht'l' aflt•r lh(· ear's owner was arrested. Turner told officers ht· rPallv was the bandit and intended to surrender - lnaton Beat:h Communion and medllat1011. 7 pm. Friday, dra matlt µrc11enwtaon ti n th<.• last Wttt•k or Jt·~u ... · hfo. 7 JO pm Su1u1tlav Faith' Lutheran Church, 8200 Ellis Ave . lluntl11~ton Beach. Cornmu111011 .11 7 :H> pm Thurs dav, nwd1wt11111 11oon and Tent• bra~ i.crv1t:L' i m pm . f'ndJV Churc h of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I 7302 Dalmlt•r St., Irvine. cveruri~ prayer and Mass, 7 µ.m Thursd.1y, d<.>votions. noon Friday; bless111..: of th<.• nev. fut• and rcadm~ of prophecies. 8 p m Saturt.ltty In South Ur.mt{t' County, sn Vll"VS indudt• Commu n i ty Presb yt e ria n Church, F111 •• .,, Ave . Laguna Becic h Con1111t1111t1n. 7 30 p 111 Thur.,dav G11od I'm.Jay ~·1-v1u·., at ni.1m1 Mh'>ion L uthnao Chu rch . 21:.iliU Yo.,t•m1\t· Ho<1u. La$Cllll.i N1 ~u1•I Com11n11w111 7 :rn fl n1 Thu1s<fav. T1·11t hr;11• "'rv1n·. 1 :io pm Jo nda\ St. "t1argarl'l 0 'i Epi.,(·opul Chun ·h, :lltill L.1Nu-.1.1 1\v1 Sw1 Ju;111 l'.1p1.-u :u111 Euch.111•l 7 .W pm Th111 sd.1v. liturgy •ol Good Friu<1y 1101111 l>aptrsrn "i .. 11 pm runtc·ssrun I I 1 µ 111 Satu dav St. Paul's Luthe· ran l burc·h I Hill Mornmgsrdt· IJ11v1 . L..i~u11 .• Bt •al·h Com11n11111°n 7 :HJ p 111 Thur~l.1;. and 1''1111.1\ Dally Piiot Pt\olo by Petrk:tl O'o-n.11 '- HO L \ \\C:EK PLAY Youths al St. Mark P r esbyte ria n C'hu1d1· ... dl1 lll'<tll thc lastdCjyc;ofJesus'hfeina p laytobe 1wrl1111111•tl I hursduv ·rt 7.:m pm at the church Ron Kravett.e . p<11ll'o1 \ · a b.1k1 1 ., son making unleavened bread for the Last : SupL•' 1 w hilt> Sh1·l l<·y Hurnbut'kle pl a vs part of friend :\l;ilil.t 1 - Robin sons ONE DAY ON LY SALE GREAT IDEAS FOR KIDS. TODAY ONLY. 51499 GIRLS 4 TO 6X EASTER DRESSES Orig $2:3 Here is the l)flly one fr om ou collection of beaut1lul drf"SSP Ir Pd w tt1 1'1CP ruffles and ribbons and on s;:i1e in t1ml4 for Easter ShP ti look torw;ird to dressing up Ouant1l1E'S <-HE' l1m1ted however. and -;Plr>r11on varres trom storf> to s1nrt> Fo• tondlPr girls 2 to 4 APg $21 $39 S,lle s. . J .99·S25.99 For infant 12 to 24 rnoc, Rea $15 i.14 Sale $9.99·$28.99 Ar.b.n on s K•d' a~1' ~111 ~ 5699-511 99 OUR ENTIRE GROUP OF SHORTS FOR GIRLS 7 TO 14 0110 °!11$'4 At'IP<;l'(lrf<.. ! • on <;rill' •oda 1 ll"'»v ,,. ni1dP • •• .... 1n f'•'' ft!I<; an<1 b11ql1t (.(lflJIS, •\ 'I ,•1 •''' t11111or1Pd' ooc 1-tet to kP•'P t1f•r c' tr1U• · ',, ' PV• 1.11 rn ht'r favo• '" .... t·ade~ Roh•n•.on s K1f1-; .F -1 SHOP ROBINSON'S MONOAY·FRIDAY 10.A NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND • (714) 144-2800 ROBINSON'S WESTMINSTER MALL • (71') 89M331 5999-51199 0 .P. CORD SHORTS A ND SWIMTRUNKS FOR BOYS 8 TO 20 • ' • d ti o Jr ti :.i JO'ltP.5 10• pr c , 1 • 1 11uct1 <• , 311 ot tti•· CiiS11n1 '• 1, 1 1<, lw; ,irtri0;irrj 2 tom~ d'ld • ri , on S•!r" :;;.i : r " 1 • 1' ,· 1 I 111 •,tit> OIP;i c;P ' • • nr 1•" ' •• ~ I 1l I r. -. ' .. .. . .. .. . ~· Orangt Coast DAILY PILOT /Wedn1adav, Aprll 7, 1982 , Argentine maneuver tests United Nations The Falkland lsland!i crisis poses whpt could be an ulumate test of the efficacy of both the United Naitons and the Orgnniza· iion of Amer1c«m States With a direct confrontatum between the Argentine invaders and the British navy fon.-e now l'll route to the islands still many days away, these arbiters of internation- al peace have a block of time in which to come up with some ra- tional solution lo the affair. Argentina's foreign man1stt>r has declared his countr y will "respect" a Security Counctl demand to negotiate with Brit•un to seek "a diplomatic solution'' but rejected any suggestion thal the invading forces be withdrawn. The hapless victims, of t•oursc. are the l ,800 islanders. mostly shepherds of British descent. \\ho were taken by surprise by tht• seizure of their remote island home. In a performance uncomfor- tably rem1msc:ent of Nazi oct·upa- u on taclit~. the Argentinian Inva- ders patrolled streets with tanks and armored personnel carriers. o rde red all residents confined to their homes, threatened Jail terms tor "irreverent condut·t toward patr1otk symbols," closed bars, rt-staurants, schools and public meeting places and announced that Spanish, henceforth, would be tht> off1c1al language o f the Falklands The pattern so dosely resem- bles that of the German occupa- tions in Europe one is impelled to wonder 1 f there may not have bC'en some guidan ce from the many Nazis so kindly given post- war .shc..•lter by Argentina President Reagan 1s correct m rc•lraining from taking sides at this time It 1s de::irly a matter that ... huuld be in the hands of the U.N. and the 0 A .S. And if it cannot be solved peacc•ably public confident'<'! in those organizations will sink to an all-unw low >Recycling dividends . An advcrt1s1ng journal says many firms offering producu. made with or packaged in recycled materials may be missing a bet by not pointing o ut this ent-rgy· saving procedure to consumers A survey conducted by a San Francisco-based researeh and marketing firm for the state Solid Waste Manager'f'.H:'nt Board reports that 81 percent <>f those questaom:d said that "all things being c-qual. including price" they would choose to buy products packaged in recycled containers. Most said they would look for a label indicating the packing l'OUld be recycled. or was made from recycled matenals. af the mctnU · f acturers would include such a statement. This could apply, for example, to aluminum cans, or paper or car dboard made from recycled materials. At present, that in eludes some 5'00 products. ranging from beverage cans and bottlt's and break fast cereal boxes tll spark plugs and phonograph re: cords. A .few firms already are mar· king their recycled packaging. and report favorable response. but the s hoppers interviewed in the sur- vey said they would like to see lt1beb un mon• recycled produtts. An l'Xample of the surge of mterest in retyling comes from Aluminum Company of America, which reports collec·ting a record l~ 6 b1ll1on used aluminum beve- rJge cans in 1981. That's a 60 pt•rt·ent increase over the 1980 collection and represents, accord- ing to Alcoa. recycling at:tiv1ty equal to the annual production of two average-sized aluminum smelling plants. Recycling the cans, which weigh(•d 5:>.8 million pound~. saved energy t'quavalent to more than five mallaon barrels of 011. or en- ough energy for the annual C'lec- trll·al need~ of about 444.000 house- holds. Alcoa calculates. And the co nsumer s who turned an the cans to recycling cc-nters nx:e1vc-d nearly $123 mil- lion for thl'.'1r efforts. while some 22.000 new Jobs were created at the recyhng centers and aluminum reclamation plants. So. in addition to saving en· ergy, recycling redu<.·es the need for foreign imports. makes jobs and puts money in the pockets of the collectors. It sE!ems to be a no-lose propos1t1on. Asking for trouble As Easter approaches. many pet stores have displays that in- clude baby bunnies. chicks and ducklings. And many parents find it hard to resist buying one of the cute f luffy cr eatures for thPir youngsters. Unfortunately, few of these little pets s urvive Cor long The average household is not equipped to care for farm animals of anv size. If the babies manage to sur- vive the affectiotiate handlan~ of • small chllcJn•n. they soon will grow into something that 1s more of a household pest than a pet And parents will have the unpleasant task of explaining to tht> youngsters that the treasured £aster girt has died o r must be disposed of. It happens year after year. A few hours. or perhaps days. of Easter fun hardly seems worth the potential t rouble a nd heart· ache. 9Pinions expressed in the space above are those ol the Dally ·Pilot. Other 111ews ex pressed on tn1s page are those ot their duthor~ arid ar11s1s Redder comment 1s in111t ed Address The Daily P1101. P 0 Box 1~60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone 17141 642 4321 L.M. B9yd I Thumbnails . . . · Look al the base or each of your thumbnails. The ruul base that's wider and squarer tends to be on the nghl thumb of right-handers. on the lt•ft of • left-handers. Q . "Give me liberty or give me death," said Patrick Henry How many slaves did he have? ~ A. 65. Even as 20 percent o( the fishC'rmen catch 80 percent of the fish. and 20 • , percent of the salesmen make 80 ~. percent of the sales. so do 20 percent of the car drivers wind up in 80 per- cent of the accidents. This is not an exact statistic, but the educated gu~ ' of traffic analysts who blame repea-r lers for most smashups ' A big pharmaceutical house made quite a success in this country out of 8 '-· green throat loienge flavored with . ..; mml. But 11 wouldn't go over in South America unul its L'Olor was changed to rC'd and its flavor to cinnamon Q Only one state 1s not rt'presented by the name of an avenue in the Na- tion's capital. Which one? A Washington. "How 1s a bagel cooked. boiled or baked?" 1nqu1rcs a client. Both . B01led. then baked. If asked what nationals seem most devoted to pets. say the AustraHans. Leastways. they own fat more pets per household than any homeowners elsewhere insofar as the records show. No doubt you've read that hump· back whales sing in the seas, but were you aware that Pacific humpbacks smg a different song than the Atlantic humpbacks sing? ~~--~~~~~------------~~~--------------------------------... t!; ·-:-·=· t!! • I • I ORANGE COAST DaHy Pilot l'ubl1'"'" •""''" N'f t)t '"" fN' 4t ue W•\l ll•'f' Sl (.O.I• Mt .. ACIOt ... \ r Mt••,,,,_,. .. 10 llo• I Moel C:lKI• -·· (.A .,,It Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Editor Barbara Kreibich Ed1tor1a1 Page Editor L'---.. -----------------------------~ .. . ... EVEN ~E MSJRILITY or lDSINJ VaJR LIFE . DIDN'T 5ToP \00 FROM CA$TI~ 'rWR eALl.DT! VSl®f£, \b11N6 IS lME 5N:nED IN>llWMENT Cf FREE-tn4-~ WMAl W[SAV IN ~THEUNITEPSTAJf.5! (~ 'W ~ I 'I t • NOBODY. l(TUALL Y. I 60T ~E FROM W~, ~AD A COUPLE Of BEERS AND T~fN ME. AND ™E WIFE W£NT BOWLING. , j ~', • Brown app.ointments hit Senate Republicans have ganged up to block confirmation of a mullitudc of lame duck appointments being made by Gov J<'.'rry Brown. Their opposition for the most part 1s directed at appointees who wo uld serve terms extending beyond next January when Brown lea- ves office. For the ones requiring a two-third~ vote of the Senate 1 t is proving to be no c6ntest But even on those which reqwre only a simple maprity of 21 votes, the 16 Republicans have made conf1 rmat1ons difficult by finding sympathetic Demo- crats to join with them. IN FACT Senate President Pro T<>m David Roberti has <.'Orne to the t'Ondusiun other lcg1slat1ve business is too impor· tam to aUow the Senate to bt.>come em- broiled m battles to approve appoint<.>eS with so few months left m Brown's term He has advised the gov('rnor that he will no longer carry the ball in seeking ap- proval of Brown's sek'Ct1ons. Republican Ken Maddy pul the a~ue bluntly stating, "We JUSt want w bt> sure tht> nexl gov- ernor lSn't saddl(-'(l with h.iv1ng aJl these flakes around." Roberu's dec1s1on to disengage from the confirmation ('()ntcsts came after the Senate had soundly rejected appointees to several term appointments. This left dozens of pbs 1.o bt• filled. som<' alrc·ady named. and many mort-yet to be: narncod by the governor For those that W<•re re)E.'(.!tt><l 11 ml«JnS they must vac:aw th<'lr posts w1lh111 tht• '· r-,-: EARL WATERS ~t nexl 60 days. The others upon wh1L·h no action was taken can remain unul thC' year's end. ThlS points up thL· peculiar d1ff£'rC"nt't' bC"tween tht• <.·onf1rmauon pron•s:. in Cahforn1a and that followed by th(' (ederal government Here appo1ntl'l'S may be sworn m and take off1c£-1mmc·- d1a tc·ly upon being nominated by lht• governor. In the froeral governmt•nt the· Pn-s1dent1al appointe<.>S musl await nm· firmallon by thl' Senate befort' taking Off ll'C:. The federal svslc•m would st•t•m far mort· preferable· sinct-ll prN·ludt•s pt•r· son~ tot.ally unaC<.'Cptable to thC' &·natt• from ser ving In California thl'Y may occupy an o ff1t:1.· for as long as a yt'ar without confirmation. There 1s another d1st1nct diffen·ncC' l>t.·tWL .. ·n till' two methods In Cahforma dll nom1ne't.·' arl' refl•rn't..1 lO the Senate Huil·s Commettt•t• fur rt«·ommcndallon. ln lhP U S St•!lJU.' lhl' nominations are ass1gnc'<.I w thl· appropriatl' standing po· lit·y t·omnullN'S for rev1t•w It would set•m lhat l'Ommittt·es regularly hand· hng the.> 1ud1L·1al would be morl' l·apable of passing Judgment on JUdl('1al appoint· l't'S than the• rules l'Omm1ttt.'<· Likewise thl' standing l'omm1ttt•t.· on Vt'lt-ran.s or the· standing rnmmittt't' u11 puhlt(• works would havt• bt•ll£•r knowkodgc· ru. to the type• of µt·r-.trn' who -.hould head up th1J~l' agt•Ol'IL'S. IN ANY EVENT thl· St..nate conflr- mauon prcx."t-ss has proved 1~ value both here and in Wa~hingt.on by providing a pubis{ forum for rl'Vll'W of thos<· who are Lo b<· <it lhl• head of govl•rnment opera- tion~ ll also prov1dl'S lh<' govc·rnor with a cunVl'Oll•nt t'Xl"UM not lo appoint some ardL·nt supporh•r to ..c1mc· post w which hl· moy nut h1• suited lll· l'an simply say thJt ht• ha-. b1•1•n JdVl'>C·d the Sl'nate would not l·onfu n1 that fX•r.on Unlortunatl'I\ lhe California SC'nate has 11ot wkc•n t·onfirmatlon a.'> seriously J!> 1t should Jt Jll t1mt-!. But its aL·tions now to prc·vc·nt the next gt>Vl•rnor from tx•ing hand1t·appl.'d by Brown appointees IS t'Ommt'ndablt· Central American geography lesson The uthl'r day l realized that 1f [ h:.id to takt' a s1xlh grade g<.'<>graphy test on Central Amt.·m·a and South America. 1'<1 fail The United Statc>s 1::. s lowly beco- ming more mfluC'nccd by 1mm1grants from South America and Central Ame- rica than It has been for y<.•ars by immi - grants from Europe. In my heart my interest in Soulh Am('r1ca 1s lukewarm. but in my head 1 know this 1s a stupid attitude toward o largC' and important part of the world Little• by little I'm trying lo inform my- s<>lf This as what I know so far: -CENTRAL AME RICA 1s not South Aml'rn:a. Central America is six small COU nl:'IC'S 1n that thin neck of land bctwl'<'n Mexico and thl' big countries of South America. The six countries wh<'r<' many or our l·urrenl problems seem to be arc Nicaragua, Guatemala. Honduras. El Salvador. Costa Rica and Panama. -El Salvad or is the name of the country, Snn Salvador 1s the name of its capital city. There are 5 million people in El Salvador, which doesn't seem hkl' many for all the trouble they're giving thc•mselves and everyone else. N acaragua has the most land and only 2 1 2 million people, but for a long while 1l was the strongest country. When its tuugh dictator, Gen Somoia. was thrown out three years ago. it led to re- volutions in the neighboring countries . Christopher Columbus discovered Honduras in 1502 Thal should make us cousins f'1v(' of lhl· six Central Anwrwan l'ounlnl'S have• coasthnc'S on two eX.'l•ans Tht•v'rt.• on tht' Pal·1f1l· to tht' Wl~t .ind tht Ctnbbcan Sl·a to lht· East. It must lit.· ltkt• having Nt:v. Ynrk on om sit.It• uf -AND-Y-RDD-Nl-Y -~ your 1.·ountry and California on lht• otht•r and only an hour·s dnve b1•twi•t•n lht• two El Salvador 1s only on the • P:w1f1<: Mos l of tht' pl'ople 1n tht• sax l'uuntries arc· Catholit· Othl·r Eurupt·ans haVl' mixed in with tht• ur1g1nal Spanish st•ltll'rS so there's an cthnw mix of p<>o pit•, but m l'ach o f thf' six counlnes thc·r<''s a nat1vt• Indian populatatm The Indian.~ art' bas1rnllv tht> same in all th<' L·ountril's Somet1mc•s lhe Indians an' halC of the populau1m and they cum plain that tht.•y're trt•atl-<l like' second-class t i· t1wns Whal <'ISt• 1s n<.>w" l don't hl•ar mud' about tht• P<i nama Canal sin£•t• J1mnw Carter laid his pol1t1cal rcputauon on the hne by 1ns1s- ting that everyon<:' for turning ll ovrr to tht.> Panamanians was for him and l'Vl'.'- ryom.• opposed to g1vang 1t 10 tht·m WJS against him. For all l'vt' hC'ard about tt tht• last few years thc•y may have· filk·d It an with dirt. The best mahogany com<'!> from Honduras. I'd hkc to go there.> for thut n·~1sor1 It .., lw.iut1ful. dark. (knst• wood. •111d 'UJJt 11111 111 Jn~ olht•r kind of mah11ga11:--I lll'<lr thl'\•vt· dont· cc lL·rrible thing hJl king dn\\ n lhl·1r m,1hogany ro- rt•">L". thnugh If I l Vl I go to I londura., I want to gu l•' Tt·glu·1g..ilp<.1 Th;11 mU!.l Ix· one uf lhl· lw~t 11.lnll'' ever g1Vl'n a t:lty Al· though, M.111agua. NtniraguJ. isn't bad, t•1thvr M11vlw· I'll slop ov1 •r tht•n• 1f I go t11 Ct'ntr.d 1\11w11ta, allhou~h l don·t th111k I Pv1·r "ill l"\'t' ht'l'n to France ,1bout Ill ltrfll'" <.1nd I tlnnk I'd r~thl•r go lht•r" for lh• 11th ttnll' thJn tu El Sal- vador th1• t 1r!>t Sunwt1m1·., I'm such a typ1t'al Amt•nl-.m I l·an't ... t..incl myself. -I GOT INTO d big argument o.1bout whl•tlw1 M1·x1l'" 1s 1n CC'ntral Amt•ru:a or North Anwrita I losl Mt•x11·0 1s t·ons1 · tlt•n•d I•> lw part of North Amt•rica lf J*Upk· l'at IJl'~ Jnd l'm·hiladds, I don't think of th<'m a. ... Norlh Am<'nt.·ans North J\mcnwns Pal hamburgt•rs Jnd fn•nch frit·d p<1l<.ltll('' It "':.trangl' that two y<•ar.; ;:igo we w<'re 111tt•rt•stL·d in .mv information we muld gc•t from Iran. Now th<· n·porters ctnd the l":llnl'f<IS have lt•ft Iran a nd they're· all <111wn then· m Ct·ntral Ame- rica. looking for stOrll'S fo1 us We aren't getting goud mformauon l:x><:ausc repor· ting 1s d1ffil·ult .ind dangl'rous For the most part. nonl· uf thl' lt-udc~ on C'1ther s1dt• wants us to s<'t.' what they're' doing. Wf' know so l1ttlt• <ibo ut Cl'ntral America. 1t makt•s it VL'ry tough for any of us to hJVP an intdligl•nt opinion That pmbably mdudes our own government Technology requires social inµovations We are living in a "revolutionary" age as never before. Not m the old-fashioned polil1cal sense, but in an entirely new way. For the fir.It time in human history, we have the knowledge and the power lo decide how we shall live, or die. In the past, man was mostly at the mercy of events. the victim of natural IYlllY 111111 circumstances. This is no longer true. Modem ttthnology now permits us to !let the rulH of Lhe game, to dl'Cide what our future will be like. Thia 11 the moat profound and deftnltive revolution of all Yet, 1t thf: tame Umo, we ( 1 the most powerle11 of all, the mol\ trap~ by our tech niques and p roceues. t h o moat helpless ln the fa.co of overwbehnlne chanse at a apeed we c•n hard ly com· preh nd, must lt'll c:ontrol or direct. What ls moat deaper•wly needed i.o--' day is scxial mvent1vPness. The great inventions of the past were ml•\:hamcal -new devices and instruments for nhcimg (and sometimes bettering) our material way of ltfe. But. as Thomas Huxley began to ask as long as a c't'ntury ago. "Whal are we going to do with all these things?'' more to the point today - what are all these things going lo do to us? An automated , compute ri zed. transistorized , cybernated society - which ours will largely be before the 20th century Is over -1s a different universe from any we have known be- fore. Space end tllne are different, social relations are different, work and lear- ning are different, marriage and leisure are different, standards are different. Such vast differences call for soclttl lnv~tion of lhe most dratt.k: and unagi· native order. Try to Imagine flytns a new supersonic jct plane with the fuse· Inge and lnstNrtll'ntation of a 1920 bi- plane; tt would oo sheer disaster, for the ngine would be flying the pilot, and not the other way around Our technology l1 now "flying" I r our social order and we lack adequate t'Ontrols and nav1gat1onal systt'ms to tell 1t where Wl' want 1l to go. or not to go. We nC't..'<i lht• sort of social mvenllon that can t'Ope with the new technical fonns, in human tl'rrl}S. for lhe processes of the past ht1w become hopelessl.)' outmoded. War as we have known it, for instance, Is a fatal anal·hronbm in the l ate 20th-C'C'nturv world lilDDIY Cll I heard Lhe President's shot on the radio Saturday morning. r find beloney unpa- latable for break.last. R.B.C. ACTION CALL - Former Interior Se- cretary Cecil Andrus called for environ- mental action in a speech before Nation- al Audubon Society members this week. He said all citizens must become involved in efforts to limit off- shore dri I ling and prevent oil and natu- ral gas exploration in wilderness areas. Elephant • trainer guilty JACKSON TOWN - ,, SHIP. N.J . (AP) - An elephant traine r has been fined $500 for animal cruelly in the death of a 7 ,000-pound pachyderm that froze in a cold bar in January. William Bouthillier of Old Bridge Township was found guilty of both criminal and civil animaJ cruelty for not providing enough heat for the ani- mal and for failing to properly house the ele- phant. The criminal charge was brought by the Ocean County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the civil charge by the state SPCA. Ned , an Asian ele - phant, died Jan. 15, ap- parently of hypothermia, veterinarian Bert J . Pa- luch testified during the trial. Bouthillier said he tried to save the huge beast. "I loved that elephant more than I do most people," he said. ''The trainer said he planned to breed the elephant and use him in animal shows. He bought the elephant from Rin- gling Brothers and Bar- num & Bailey circus in Florida, which didn't want Ned any more." Raul Gomez, an ele- phan t trainer who worked with Bouthillier when they were both trainers for Ringling Brothers, testified that no one would go near the animal. "Ned was mean. He was a rogue elephant," Gomez said. Business • seminar sch edule d A business seminar in Newport Beach on April 17 is designed to assist small business entrepre- neurs, owners, and ma- nagers. The program will be held at the Western Sa- vings & Loan, 4 Corpo- rate Way, from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Co-sponsors are the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), and the U .S . Small Business Administration. A reg)stration fee is $5; advance registration may be made by calling (714) 836 -2709. Photos with Easler l1111y Bring your child to Huntington Center fot o frH fun visit with the Easter Bunny. Photoa only $2.88 on requeJt. I ' Dally .,ii Eotftf. ~ 11 MESSENGER' I BOXED ASSORTED 2'' CHOCOLATES REG . 3.95 lrco• yourself loo del1coous as\0<1men1 at nou ga•s coromcls creams• A greo191f1t 14 or SftllHG EUEWHEIE FOi S25 Features IC)n9 lasting poly vinyl f1n1sh on a durable frame For poolside or polio Whole stocks lost• • • , ~ ••• II ,, • ........... .,,....._ ........... •tl1JI IMdl .. A"-'k• WITH GRADIENT UNSES REG. 12.00 YOUR 6'' CHOICE Your cho•ce of plaU•c or rimless frames 1n the lotfl• spnng fosh1ons llG. S.00 fOSTll GIANT Cll,·ONS .....•..••• 3. ff GIGllFIC SflKJION OF . 'EASTER BASKETS AND SIUCTID Gin NOVEL TIESI YOUR CHOICE 79 99 TO A delightful potpourri ot choc:olatfl, i•lly l>eont. bunniM ond toy• flll• •och bo,k•t ! Toke your p1cli. from on e.ccltlng o.nortmenl, eoch guoronteed to plea•• the kids Oil yout 11!11 HINGED CHAISE PADS Of 3-IN. SOUD FOAM REG. 17 .99 SAYE 10.00 Polaroid 660 SONAR CAMERA AUTO FOCUS & FLASH REG . 79 .99 12'' 69'' SOLID FOAM·flllfD VINYL ff CHAIR "D/IEG. 11.99 .... 8 Focv\o\ ovtornot•colly use> new bOO hogh spood lond film for shorpf'r de1a1h & v•v•d colors• Mm!Alll YAU.ft .,., .................... . •17'M ........ , ... _ V-."-· 12-INCH ''TUBBY'' RABBIT 8''· E •••y kid' who\ kered trl•nd• Get on~ tor falter• LPS~ CASSEnE OR 8-TRAO< TAPES 819 narne stars l1l<e lorella 2'' ly"n ~ay P"ce Tommy Wy nt"llo Jim R•·C•e' more• :,.o:. STEVIE WONDH'S 299 "ANTHOLOGY " 40 OF HIS MOTOWN GREAT£SJ HITS! •Ecotos t 1ocaoec.anm1 299 I~ .. OOl'Ullltl , ... ,.., COUPON Tme-Zero ~ -'•• . . . . . ' . ' ~ . • ~ ~ , J • • Orang• Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, Aprll 7, 1982 , FORD ANNOUNCES makes a Ford easier to~ If you' re in the m~rket for a new car, Ford has a program desjgned to make it easier to buy and easier to oWri a new Ford. A program that will stack up against any other offer in the business. For starters, you get a • makes a Ford easier to own. Ford is going to stay with you down the· road, too, with Ford Care Coverage. It's the closest thing to cost-free driving because Ford pays for all scheduled maintenance. And , cash bonus worth hundreds of dollars on any new 1982 or unlike other offers, Ford Care includes a workmanship warranty that also pays for repairs. That's a big difference . .. 198 l Granada, GraAada wagon, Fairmont Futura, Mustang, Escort or EXP. And it's one hundred percent direct from Ford. You can take your bonus in a check from Ford or apply it against your down payment It's your choice. See your Ford Dealer for details. But, hundreds of dollars in savings on a new Ford car is only the beginning. *Cash oonus equal to 8% of ~ base vehicle sticker price to Calif. residents only FORD EXP Ford Care is good for two years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first Virtually all you pay for: is gas. Ford Care is a limited warranty that excludes tires, fluids, accidents or abuse. And, it's available on any new 1981 or 1982 Granada, Granada wagon, Mustang, Fairmor.it Futura, Escort or EXP. 11 'SALL FOR YOU AND ONLY FROM Lots of car companies are trying to get you into their cars. But Ford is doing it right with cash bonuses and Ford Care Coverage. What's more, you can get them from afly Ford Dealer anywhere in the count!}'-. So, see your Ford Dealer and take delivery by June 6, 1982. Limit one per customer. Nobody makes your new car easier to buy and easier to own than Ford. , . I. .. - _..,,,_ . ~ ~ . --. .. ..... -~ ~ • . TIE CDIBT IND THl·CDUm Wednesday. Aprll 7. 1982 • CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 88 89 Golden Gate Bridge predictions dead wrong. See Herb Caen ... 82. D ~ 0 . - Man convicted in 'worst' abuse Laguna Hills man found guilty of 18 counts in family revise case • NATTERED NOSTRILS DEPT. -Perhaps fueled by the success of neighbors in nearby Costa Mesa, certain Huntington Beach citizens have now launched a petition drive against noxious fumes. This has lo be a popular campaign at the very least .. Listen, you can search this coastline from Seal Beach to San Clemente and hardly find a soul who is in favor of foul odors. • In Huntington Beach , ~ the latest target in the pure 4 ~ air drive is the Orange r.\ c 0 u n t y s a n i ta ti 0 n TOM MURPH IN' ~I: District's Treatment Plant l ,~ / Number 2, located off Pa-- cific Coast Highway at Brookhurst Street. SEWAGE FROM 23 of Orange County's 26 cities flows through this plant. Translated, that's 160 million gallons of the stuff every day. No matter how can?fully the sanitary people try to scrub the air, you can bet a whiff or two gets loose every now and then. A Laguna Hills aerospace en- gineer has been ct>nvicted by a superior court judge of 18 felony -charges in a child sex abuse case that the prosecutor described as one of the worst he had ever seen. Orange ·County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey, deciding the case on the basis of prelimi- nary hearing transcripts alone, fo'und Tuesday that defendant Ronald Rongstad, 60, was guilty of charges that included rape, incest, child molestation, lewd conduct, wife beating, child bea- ting and burglary. All of the counts, with the ex- ception of the burglary charge, related to conduct involving five of Rongstad's 15 children and his wife. Barbara. throughout 1981. Fourteen charges were dismissed Tuesday. Prosecutor Carl Armbrust, who said he would recommend imposition of a maximum 39-yepr state prison term, described the case "as one of the worst I've ever seen.'' Before Rongstad can be sent- enced, however, he first must be examined by two court- appointed psychiatrists to deter - mine it he ls eligible for mentally disordered sex offender (MDSO) status. A hearing is scheduled for May 24. If Judge Dickey concurs that Rongstad is mentally ill. the convicted rapist can be sent to a state hospital for treatment. If doctors there pronounced him cured, Rongstad would return to Orange County for another oourt hearing to decide if he would fi- nish out his prison term or be allowed to go free. These alternatives are all pos- sible under an old MDSO law abolished by the state Legisla-· tu re effective last January . Rongstad comes under the for- mer law's provisions because his offenses occurred Ylhen the old rules were still in effect. Armbrust, a de puty district attorney, said he would oppose ,/' MDSO statua for Rongstad. The/rosecutor also said he wante to see the gray-haired defendant eerve at least 20 years in it.ate prison so that Rougstad's youngest child. now 18 months old, would be 21 years old when Rongstad was released. Judge Dickey convicted the Laguna Hills defendant after defense lawyer Thomas Wolfsen said his client was waiving his right to a jury trial and submit- ting the case on the basis of the preliminary hearing testimony alone. That proceeding took place last December in South Orange Cou- nty Municipal Court. when Rongstad was ordered to stand trial in Superior Court. Four of thP. his daughters and two of his sons, as well as his wife, testified for the prosecution at the pre- liminary hearing. No defense Ca!le was offered. Rongstad's children testi'fied that he used a small black hose to punlsh them, aometimff when they disrupted him while he was h aving sex with o n e o f his daughters. The children. aged 10 to 17, are now in foster homes. Rongstad was convicted of three rape counts altogether. A fourth rape charge dealing with his 17-year-old daughter was re- duced to an unlawful sexual intercourse charge. also a felony. In addition to a maximum 39-year prison sentence .. the de- fendant also cold be fined up to $50,000 by the court. Because forcible sex crimes are involved, Rongstad is not eligible for pro- bation. Rongstad is currently being held m Orange County J ail on $200,000 bail. Thus it is that a petition drive has been launched in Huntington, alleging that the sanitation district better clean up its act. There may have been some enthusiasm generated for this movement by the fact that most recently, a chemical firm named Narmco in Costa Mesa abandoned its plant on Victoria Street. Drive_r -faCes _....... murder charge You may think it's ugly but the guy who bu«r it loved it For numerous years, Narmco's residential neighbors had been heaping abuse on the plant as the source of no- xious fumes, bad odors and for allegedly tossing other in- gredients in the air that caused headaches, dizziness and worse. JUST TIDS LAST week, Narmco gave up the ghost in Costa Mesa and fled for elsewhere. Huntington Beach residents may have figured if Costa Mesa can dump a chemical plant, maybe they at least can get a sanitary unit to purifying its airborne fumes. At least the movement ought to take some of the pe- riodic heat off Edison's steam generating plant on Coast Highway, which has been blamed for everything from turning laundry yellow, to peeling fence paint, to being just plain uglification of the seaside. Despite all this, the Edison people are like all fathers looking upon their daughters. They think the plant is pretty. This could, however. be held as a minority view in Huntington Beach. AIR POLLUTION in general seems to be a problem that covers vast expanses of our region, particularly vehi- cular exhaust gases. News reports recently indicate d there is this fellow down in Waco, Texas, who may have solved the filthy exhaust fumes problem for his airplane engine. Dr. Max Shauck, a Baylor University professor of mathematics and stunt flier, claims he powers his machine on fuel derived z .. .,m chocolate factory wastes. "THE EXHAUST Fk\1 ... •.;., olane smells just like a Snickers bar," Dr. Max declared. ~Well snicker, snicker. You believe that quote and it proves you just love in- ventive reporters. Maybe if we can just get everybody '\n 23 Orange County cities to flush rose petals, Huntington Beach's ex- haust problems will be solved at the sanitation plant. After all, a rose ~s a rose, is a rose to your nose. Somebody made that up once, too. Or almost like that. ln the first Orange County test of a new court ruling, a Buena Park man will face a murder charge in connection with the Dec. 23 traffic death of Marga- Cops find illegal guns • 1n county Federal agents have confisca- ted more than 20 illegal fireanns from a self-storage unit in West- minster but have made no arrests in connection with the seizure, a federal official said today. Richard Bauer, special agent with the Federal Bureau of Al- cohol, Tobacco and Firearms, said most of the illegal weapons were machine guns and short-barrel shotgun pistols. The· weapons were found in a mini-warehouse unit at Space Saver, Inc., 6491 Maple Ave., on Friday. He said agents received infor- mation about the weapons cache during an investigation that is continuing. LAFC public rep needed Interested in an exciting career in city and special district boun- daries, spheres of influences, and annexations? · lf so, the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission is looking for you. The LAFC. a fi ve-member commission that regulates boun- dary matterS, has an opening for a representative of the public. The term runs four years. Persons interested in applying for the position must submit a resume to the commission's ex- ecutive officer. Richard Turner. by Friday. The address is 10 Civic Center Plaza, Room 458, Santa Ana 92701. For more information call 834-2239. Cotinty, state to swap funds in UCIMC dispute resolution By PREDERICI. SCB6EMEHL or ... .,..,,......,. Orange County government and the state Department of Health Services are preparing to awap millioru of dollars to lm- pJement a •ttlement in a dilpu~ bYet p.rovillon of health care for the county'• tndlgenta. 'lbe money swap -·~ ~~ the county SOard of Su -ta amona 8e'Yel'al initial 1teps be~n take to re~ IOlw the Iona feud be-- tweeb tbe county an the Unt- wnlty of c..llfomla over the t.--. • Under a 1976 contractual •eement, O,e unlwnSty pro-, vides care for indigent.I for which the county ia financially respon- sible at the UC Irvine Medical C.enter in Orange. The university then bills the county for those services on a patient-by-patient hues. The cou nty, however, haa "diaal.lowed" certain charges on ter'8 of ~ of bllla. It has been estimated the county haa withheld about $8 million billed by the univenlty. Under the timetable ~t.eci\ to the board, tM·•tate, by May 1, will releMe to the COWlty abou\ t7.6 mllllan in health care funds ordered withheld by the Le1i- alatw'4! pendfna NtOlution o.f die I dispute. Once the funda are received by the county, It, in tum, will aend a $5 million check to the Univer- sity of California aa a "good faith" payment again1t the $8 millton In bills the county pre- \Qou.aly has refUled to pay. Final ret0lutlon of the dispu- ted bLU. will be baled on an at· bltrat.or's examlnatlon of a 112-bill sample. The deal still i1 contingent upon \he state not trying to re- coup any i-t health care fUndt paid to the COWlly durtna fllcal yeara 1979 and 1980. Offklala eay that condition wW be met. retta Jean McFall, a 50-year-old mother of nine from Huntington Beach. Traffic death defendants are usually prosecuted on a man- slaughter charge. rather than murder. But No rth Orange County Municipal Court Judge Phi~WA! M~raw has ruled that w· R. Eden, 27, must stand trial for murder in eonnection with Mrs. McFall's death . Eden, who is free on bail, faces arraignment in Orange County Superior Court on April 13, when a trial date will be set. Orange County Deputy District Attorney Doug Woodsmall said the maximum sentence in a manslaughter conviction is three years. In a murder conviction, the defendant faces 15 years to life in prison, he said. Woodsmall said the decision to press for the more serious charge stems from a recent California Sup reme Court ruling that murder may be charged in a traffic death under certain cir- cumstances. The prosecutor said he will have t o prove "malice aforethought," that the defen- dant was aware of life- endangering circumstanc~ and ignored them. According to the California Highway Patrol, Mrs. McFall had pulled her compact car onto the right shoulder of the Orange Freeway near Fullerton because of mechanical problems. Dlllly Pftot Pfloto by '-" hyne IT'S A DOG'S LIFE -Matilda the pygmy goat was bleating at the Irvine Animal Care Center petting zoo, possibly because she felt out of sorts standing on a dog house. The CHP said Eden tried to circumvent heavy traffic by dri- ving his van along the right shoulder at speeds up to 75 mph. Officers said his van struck the parked McFall car. UCI ophthalmology chairman honored Prosecu tor Woodsmall said Eden is charged with murder, vehicular manslaughter and felony drunken driving. He de- scribed murder and manslaught- er as "alternate chargings" to assure jurors a choice. Anaheim-based attorney Alex Forgette, who is representing Eden, argued successfully for closure of the recent preliminary hearing in the case. He said he is concerned that additional publi- city in the case could make it difficult to find unbiased jurors. "It may be shown that my client was negligent," Forgette said. "But I don't believe he's a murderer, and I hope to prove that in Superior Court." UC Irvine ophthalmologist Ir- ving H. Leopold has been awar- ded the 1982 Medal of Achieve- ment of the International Glau- coma Congress. He also received the Sir Steward Duke-Elde r Deadline set in NB art f ete An April 18 deadline has been set for artists wishing to enter the juried art competition in the an- nual Newport Beach City Arts Festival at Fashion Island. Entry forms are available at city and county libraries. mu- seum• and at the city's Parks, Beaches and Recreation Depart- ment, 3300 Newport Blvd. Tax deadline near Property tax payment due Orange County Tax Collector-Treasurer Robert Citron is reminding property owners that second installment pro- perty tax payments are due by next Monday. Second installment tax payments normally are due on April 10. Since that date falls on Saturda~. the payment deadline ii belni extended lot' two ~. Citron said. _ Citron said taxpayen should not contu.e the MOnday dead.line for payment of eeoond inatallment property taxee with the April 15 deedline for payment of federal and atate income ta>cet. . Property owners vino have not receJ,ved a ~y tax ' btll or 6ave mtaplace~ it should call Citron's office at 834-341 1. I Glaucoma Award. The a wards ar e given each year to honor outstanding con- tributions in research and treat- ment of glaucoma. an eye disease which is one of the world's lea-: ding causes of blindness. Dr. Leopold, professor and chainnan of UCl's Department of OphthaJmology, was honored at the sixth annual glaucoma con- gress held last month in Orlando. Fla. Considered an international authority on the treatment of the disease. Leopold has focused on the management of glaucoma with drug therapy. He also has conducted research into the role the immune system plays in eye disorders. Leopold is a graduate of the· University of Pennsylvania and was appointed the first ophthalmolQ&!st -in-chief and medical dlreCtor of the Willa Eye Institute in Philadelphia. A resi~ent of Newport Beach. the physician has served on .ev- eral committees of the National Institutes of Health since 1960. He has been chairman of UCl's ophthalmology department sioce 1975-, and previously held. poab. lions at the University of Penn- sylvania, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and City Univeraity of New Yark. Tbe lntematlional G14acoma ~ta~-bythe American Society of Cont.empo. ~ Opb\ha.lmoloc and Leder-le 1.AJtotat.orle1, a dfvlalon of th~ Amerlc.n Cyanamid Co. The awardl lndude a medal, dtadon and $1,000 bonorwfum. I i i i • I I ~ J ' I i ~ : i ' I i ' ' I i . ' I ' I • \ \ t Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, April 7, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HERB CAEN Worried children beg, mom to snuff the habit DEAR ANN LANDERS: Mom reads your column every day. Will you please print this letter so she can see it? It is very important to all the members of our family. God bless you, Ann. -WITH FINGERS CROSSED DEAR FINGERS CROSSED: I am not printing the name of your clty because your letter could have been written by thousands of kids who share your concern. I bope your heart-tugging plea does some good. DEAR MOM: Please stop smoking. We love you so much and want you to live to see your grandchildren. The way you cough and light on e cigarette off the other makes us worry that you might be taken from us at any time. We read so much about lung cancer being'the fastest-growing kind, and the chances for getting well aren't all that good. People who smoke say it gives them plea- sure and relaxes them, but is it worth 25 or 30 years of your life? Mom, we are begging you, PLEASE BLIND WALKER -Bill Morgan, who is le- gally blind. and his guide dog Hart are ac- companied by family and friends in Astoria, Ore .. as they start on a two-yeai;. 4,400-mile cross-country hike. Morgan, of Bend, Ore., is STOP SMOKING before the doctor tells you he has found something that doesn't look good on a n X-ray. It will be· too late then, and you will never be able to forgivl! yourself. -YOUR WORRIED CHILDREN DEAR ANN LANDERS: My boyfriend and I disagree about whether he should open the car door for me. He always opens it when we are getting IN, but he expects me to open it to ~et out. I told him, "Ann Landers says, 'Class knows that good manners is nothlllg more than a ser ies of petty sacrifices.' " He says, "That's just HER opinion" and hastens to add that he has taken out many classy women and none of them expected car doors to be opened for them . i never have had this problem with any other man. Am I wrong to consider 1t a basic courtesy? Your opinion -WANTED IN A GULF STATE DEAR WANTED: Your boyfriend may not wish to bear this again since be insists it AP Wlrephoto making the trek to share his Christian beliefs and to educate people about blindness. If he reaches Washington, D.C., he says he will be the first blind person to walk across the country. is just my opinion -but cla11 knows tbat good manners It nothing more than a series of petty aacrlflcet . Not only should a man walk around and open tbe car door for a woman, be should also assist ber In getting out. Many women need help In extricating themselves from the smaller cars (often low-slung jobs). Without that help they just might fall on their faces. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 agree with the person who bought the rafrte ticket and complained because her number was drawn first and she received the THIRD prize. The person whose number was drawn next, and was given second prize, a1sp has a legitimate complaint. Those two winners were denied a chance at the grand prize. the one everyone 1s after when their stubs were removed from the drum. The first drawing should be for the first prize, the second drawing for the second prize and so on. -FAIR IS FAIR IN GRAND ISLAND, NEB. a ANN LANDERS iX DEAR GRAND ISLAND: Lo,lc is un- questionably on your side, but i you can think of a way to reverse the long-standing tradition of selecting tbe third-prize winner, then tbe second, and the biggie las t, let me know and I'll back you up. Traditions di e bard -and this one seems to be set in concre te. l t 's not always easy to recogniZl' love, t.•specially the first time around. Acquaint yourself with the g wdelines. R ead Ann Landers' booklet, "Love or Sex and How to Tdl the Difference." For a copy, maJ/ 50 cents and a long, self-addressed enviY/ope with your request to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995. Chicago. 111 60611. Color carpet stained After 12 years I've finally done it. My living r oom carpet is one large continuous wall-to-wall stain. I have only experienced this euphoria on one or two occasions. Once when I suc- ceeded in picking nail polish off the last nail minutes before I got married. Another time was in 197 4, when I called everyone to come to dinner and they did -at the same time. They tell me the odds of having a room of this size go tota l stain is about on·e in every 15 billion homes. · I KNEW IT WOULD happen. To begin with, the carpet is white. There are things that go with a white carpet that the sales- man never tells you about. l. With a white carpet, you must remain childless for the rest of your life. This in- cludes children who visit or peek in the windows. 2. You must never use the room . If you go beyond the ropes. you must be prepared to take the risk and pay the price. 3. P utting furniture in it is just asking for 1t. White carpet cannot be expected to remain white in a room full of furniture legs. 4. If a dog comes within 500 feet of the white carpet, urine stains will materialize • ERMA BOMBfCI AT WITS END out of thin air and stay forever. THERE ARE OTHER characteristics of a white carpet. It has a pebble-an -the-water characteristic. A smalJ piece of cheese from a canape will hit the carpet and within min- utes spread to a diameter of three feet. A che wing-gum wrapper thrown carelessly on · 1t will produce a brown spot that no amount of scrubbing can remove. ln retrospect, getting stains in the traf- fic areas of the room was a piece of cake. (Excuse the expression.) All someone had to do was walk through and the rug would part to receive a tomato caught in the sole, a newspaper with ink that rubbed off, chunks of mud that fell from the cuff of a jean and dirt from fingernails. It's getting them.der furniture with- out moving it that re'll!ly takes skill. But then I once Had a footprint on the ceiling of the shower. Sometimes. I don't know how I do it~ Capricorn: Emphasis on promotion POT SHOTS Thursday, April 8 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Key now is negotiation ; be diplomatic, but stand tall for your rights. Emphasis on legalities. public relations. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go slow. defer direct actions, let others state their views while you play your own cards close to chest. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Excitement replaces doldrums; lunar and numerical cy- cles highlight change, speculation, adven- ture and romance. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Transac- tion is finished, although you may not im- mediately realize it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Submit ideas, concepts, formats, proposals. Emphasis on originality, valuable contacts. special mee- tings and decisions related to relatives, trips and written material. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You'll col - lect necessary data. puzzle pieces will fall into place, you'll locate lost article and you can now transform ideas into profit. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Circumstan- ces tum in your favor -social invitations are received, popularity increases and your timing is on target. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Plans are subject to revision. Clandestine conference results in change of basic policy Cycle is favorable. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ac- cent on tJOpularity, social acitivity and ability to transform wishes into reality. Money comes from surprise source. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Em- phasis on prestige, promotion , domestic ad- justment and surprise gift. You win through diplomacy. Crystal hall cracked Historian Raymond Clary, browsing through the S.F. Call-Bulletin of May 7, 1936, found Joseph B. Strauss, Chief Engi- neer of the GoJden Gate Bridge, saying for publication that his bridge "is practically .Weide-proof. The guard rails are five feet aix inches high and are so constructed that any persons on the pedestrian walk could not get a handhold to climb over them. "The intricate telephone and patrol systems will operate so e fficiently that ~e acting-suspiciously would be inune- dJately surrounded. Suicide from the bridge la neither poaible nor probable" . . . The intricate telephone system must have broken down almost immediately. CAENFETTI: John McEnroe isn't the only one. Tennis fans h ave bad manners, too. Look, you don't applaud double faults and errors, only aces, winners and miracu- lous gets (not to be confused with st.an getz) . . . The taxman cometh: For our Shortest Poem conte.t, John Henrikae n submits "lnoome: Moel of the chunk'll go to Uncle," whl~b ia superb but still n ot as short as ":ne.: Adam had •em." GERARD BORN'S discovery· that Adam Baum worb for the Nuclear .Regu- latory Conµntalon may keep Nameph.rea·, ~ HERB CAEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO king alive for a nother week -but you douot ft? I believe it was Honore de Balzac who said, "The trouble with social climbers is that the higher they climb the more they e xpose their most contemptible parts." It sounds better in French and anyway, why a re people so mean about social climbers? We are born into low stations, such as Sac- ramento, and attempt to improve our lot. It's The American Way. Besides, w ithout the climbers, how would our self-styled social leaden know they had risen to the top of nothing whataoever? OUR NATIVE WITZ: Morris Erickson wondera lf you'v4' heerd about the new Enalilh diet that takee off 28 pounds ai.mply by e9tina a pheasant? lt'a called 11K.W.lna two stonet with one bird" (okay, you know a .tone is 14 pounds but I dOl'l't) .• •. BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Spiritual revelation dominates scenario. You perceive when something of importance is to occur. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): lndividuaJ in position of authority trusts you and proves it. You'll have more responsibiHty. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. Nor th deals. NORTH •AK 106 ';1 KQ3 0 52 • J 852 WEST EAST •Q82 •J3 Q J I085 Q 9764 0 AQ94 0 J 1063 +104 •K96 SOUTH • 9754 Q A2 o K 87 +AQ73 The bidding: North Eut South Weit I• P ... 1 + P ... 2 • Pua 3 + Pua 4 + Pau Pu• Paa1 Opening lead: Jack or <::i. For some things. your reward might be in heaven. For good dummy technique. your rewud lt much more immediate. South'• one epade re· sponse w~a In keepltlg wlih lh• modern llylt for responder to show a four· card major reprdleu of It. qoalit7. Slnce a •p4ade fit, had been located. South·:. bid of three clubs was a one round force -three no trump, describing a ru11 opening hid with only four spades. might havP been a better choice. North's decision lo jump to four spades was a little ag- gressive, despite hi s strong . spade holding. West led a heart. and when dummy came down de clarer realized that. with normal breaks. he would prob ably have to lose at least one trick in each suit except hearts. His problem was to avotd lc>strrg • two dtamond tricks, and to lead a diamond to the king offered only a 50 percent chance of success. An end play. if one coyld be worked out. could improve the odds.\ Declarer won the ace of hearts. crossed to tho king of trumps and led a club to the queen. When that woo. another chance had opened up -If West held a doublei.on kins or clubs. declarer would not Ion a club t.ricJt and could afford two diamond loser1. A trump to th• ace reve&Jed tb• ract that • thtr• wu onl7 one U'ump loMl'. Nut. ~r trtecl ' thl' ace of clubs to ~ee if the king would drop to no av111I To complete tht· gTound work for the e nd play. derlarer cashed the king and 4ueen of hearts. sluffing a diamond from his hand. Then he exiled with a tr ump. West had a Hobson's choice. He was down to only red cards. To lead a heart would allow declarer to d1sr11rd another diamond from his hand while ruffing in dummy. so West cashed the ace of diamonds in the hope lhat his partner would have the king. But that was not to be, and good dummy play earned the contract. and a substantial reward, then and there. Have 7" .,.._ rualaa l•t. d .. ble tr .. ai.a.? Let Cbarl .. o_... W. yee W 1"' wa1 tlln.P LIM ... of DOUBLES lor ,_.... ...t ,_ teU.t. Fw a lllf1 ti W.DOUI L£8._..., .... H .81 i. "Gen.,.OHlll11, .. c&H el -..i. aew.,.,..., P.O. Bea 15t, N.-w .... N.J. 01"8.M.ab-.b.-,.W. • Nww '!' 1t 11u . t t .... --- I • • l ' ~ ·1 : .. ~! • • NEW JOB -Former U .N . Secrctary- General Kurt Wald- heim has accepted a potltlon teaching di- plomacy at George- town Unlveralty. He wlll take the post May 1 and will con- duct informal semi- nars nd help guide the university pro- grams in djplomacy. Orange CODll DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. Aprll 7. 1982 B3 Do footprints disprove evelution theory? ST. LOUIS (AP) -A Baptlat week of Nooh's flood. mlnlator aaid he has found human and "The lmphcuuons ur1• 11tupl'ndou111, dlnouur fqotprlnts In Tt>xit11 dl11pro-becauae t>volutlunary 11c.•1tmce hold11 vlng the theor y o f evolution, but that thl' dlnm1uur and man un· 11u p- 1kepUcal 1eientista dtsput.ed hia claim. po1wd to bt• separated by ubout 70 The Rev Carl E. &ugh, who hold:s million yean1," he said a doctorate from the camornla Gra-Similar prints also huvt• been HlU- duate School of Theology in Glendale, died by Dr. J u .. m Langston, a prnfes- Calif .. Announced the (ind at his one-sor of geolog1t•ul stud1t-11 at thl· Un- story brick c hurch in lhC' suburbs lverslly of Tcxus at Austin west of St Louis "They (Baugh a nd his associate&) duding 1hr po 1lbllity they wer made by an unknown animal • Baugh hta~ a 12 m •mbcr team. lifC>l'UIOi-tod by t~ lnl(•rrutliQNJ BAptilt. C ollegt-fn S t J,ou1s, in a c.ltg last month on pr1v1tk· property .. tong the Paluxy River :ibout a quarll'r tulle Crom the Dmosour Valley St.alt.• Park at Glt'n Rose. T exas. 'I'lw Cootprint.t conv raed, ul'ldl the d01ouur 11\epped on the prfVlout foolj)l'in&. &ugh aald. ' He dltf>luyed a pluter of the print. showing a dlatlnc outttne of what •pf>t'1trf'd to ~a big t~. and si:.ud 1t had been verified aa human by a Washington Univer1ity an•tomy professor Th e Washington Uruvent1ty anato- mun said, however, he had not veri- fied the pnnt as human. ''I c an 't co m e t o any r e al <.-ondusion," Dr. David Minton said.• He said the footprints h e found are 1ust plam wrong," said Langston, were made within days of each other adding that there are other explana· 4,800 years 81(0, late in the fourth tions for the oblong impressions, ln-~~~~-~~ ..... ~..--~------mij-Tr .,.... . .. c. ..... ' ....... ~---e-.... h~t 1n inventory ol your potentr•I T h<.• four prints, t.•ach lti 1m·hei. long and J 1 i feet apart, Wl'rt' rnadt.• by a 7-foot t.all man, he said Beside them, on lhl· samt• strata, were the tracks of n Tyrannosaurus Ht•x Political Advertisement Art Show Hunt1n9ton Center daily thru Sa t. Whit l.in4 ol envuoruntnt do you wotk btsl 1n How do you 1Pt.1tt to otn~r~ 1 Attend ont ot tour \eUIOns 1n Apnt Stt.-I 1114 .. 1 ,,.._ l llot iflt II St..-1 .... .. It s..-t "" .. ,. Ntwpo1t Buch . 7 .OOI' .M · l O:OOI' M rcr: m.oo '" s.tllrifl -dn11ce •ttbttttilll hommeillled 714 640-1268 This Sunday Worship In ST. ANOHWS f'ttlESIYTHIAH CHURCH 600 SI AndrPw~ Road • Newoor1 Beach • 631 :?8RO Dr. JoM A. H......_, Jr., , .. ._ Maundy Thursday Aprll 8 - 8 p.m. "Remember ... " Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr. Preaching Child Care Available ILASER LIFT ~"' 1 METHOD ~ ~: 1FOR WRINKLES..: Convenient ( AS SEEN IN MARCH \-Locations HARPER'S BAZAAR AND OMNI I ~ /\ BSOLUTEL Y SAFE! IT DOESN'T HURT~ DOESN'T BURN NoMtiennai. "cold la#f is ab5olul-'Y pe1""'5S and C41US85 ~ assue damltge or sudden. eJttrtHne changes m tile ftJCe, yet wnes and depreSSIC>flS t8fld to diminish T1mtl 1rrvo;,,ed lot each rreat· ment IS less lhlln half-an-hour and tile OOSI ""' tNlCh trNtmenl IS less tllen htfy dollars FIJfftwlr 1nlormation or 1111 appoontment tor a tree tnal mey oe had ti)' cal/trtg FllOll T OflflfS ~"' ~ ~ Face Toners Ltd .. Inc. LAGUNA HILLS ---· ORANGE 25a:/CAIKJT RD. "07 -777 SO. MAIN ST SUfTE 15 (ltl La Paz II/Id S D Fwy } -~· IT own & Country Cir J FOR FRfE TRIAL AT EITHER LOCATION CALL 834"°'80 EN R IOSE WHILE SUPPLY LASTS · . RJLL Y COOICEO ZES11LINK SMOKED SAUSAGE Zest11tr'lk Summer Sausage is a tradtt1ona1 Easter favorite -1ust heat and serve. FOOD GIFT PMS FOi' EASTER- T AKE WITH YOU OR WE WIU. MAIL! fHck~r7 fClf.!$ FASHION ISLAND ... .,,.,.. a.9dl 640·6030 WESTCLIFF PLAZA 171tt ... ,.. ... H•wport a.9dl 642.0'72 The University Diet is a clinically proven, medically supervised, supple- mented fast, prescribed by an authorized physician for those who need to lose twenty pounds or more, quickly and safely. Clinically Proven. The University Diet isn't a fad diet. I l"s a medical protocol prescribed for rapid weight loss. Over the last eight years. it's proven itself with literally thousands of test sub- jects at teaching hospitals such as Harvard Medical School, UCLA and UCL The Journal of the American Medical A ssociaticn has twice reported favorably on the results and recommended the procedure. Medically Supervised. The Univers ity Diet is a safe. effective fasting program, personally supervised by an authorized physician. No shots. pills or surgery are involved. Initially, you are given thorough labora- tory workups. As soon as the physician is po.sitive there are no contraindications. you are taken off traditional foods and you begin the University Diet. You Can Do It. Thousands have. One thing that helps is that you're only required to make one decision: The decision to try the program. After that, there's no calorie counting. You don't have to choose amo~ ''right'' and "wrong" foods oc portion~-You 're fu:{letely free of the need to deal with The University Diet is for yoo if you're ready to lose a lot of weight. With the help, ,, of a dedicated physician and an understand- ing oounselor. we know you can achieve .. Fast. Safe. A calorie controlled powder. mixed with water. t:ea. coffee or a diet soft drink, provides your body with 45 grams of prcr tein and 30 grams of carbohydrate daily. In addition. you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Some people say it's delicious. The point is. your nutritional needs are fully s at- isfied without eating. Meanwhile. your body does the natural thing. It bums up pound after pound of unwanted fat. Quickly and s afely. Reach Your Ideal Weight. You can stay on the University Diet as long as you need to, burning off fat as quickly ac; medical safety pennits. Lab work is done regularly to ensure your safety. and normalTy there's an ECG test after every loss of 50 pounds. Once you reach your ideal weight. the University Weight Maintenance program helps you stay there. We Cost Less. The University Diet costs less than similar programs. It's every bit as effective. And your insurance probably covers a major portion of the cost. Ask for our .fee schedule. You 're invited to meet with any of our patients. And of course we ·u gladly send complete details to your personal or family physician. If you need to lose more than 20 ~unds, ~us f~r an appointment or information. · In Southern California ... 1-800432-8876 your goal. Offices conveniently located 'llIE t..hro~ghout Southern 'California UNlvERSITY DIEr WHEN ~ READY TO LOSE WEIOHT.r"' . ~ "Second on your ballot ... FIRST In choice/I-' 2 l Bob_ Mandie I"" .. 11 ....... , ..... 11 ••• ~ t£RE ARE TEN GOOD REASONS YOU SHOll.D GIVE MANDl~ur MANDA TE • Successful busilessman/manacer • Htver missed Cotld meetinc In 4 yrs. • B.A. decree in Business Administr atlon • Cuts 1ovemment costs & spendin1 • Born & raised in H.B. Knows city • Conducts himself with dlcnity Re Elect • Married 17 years/16 year old dauchter • ~ts stronc crime control • Always accessible to listen to you • Wants seniors & mobk home owners ufe and secwe. · MAND IC H.B. CITY COUNCIL Committee to Elect Bob Mandie, 1112 Main St .. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5840 HOLIDAY PHOTO SRECIALSFAOM 12 EXPOSURE DEVELOP & PRINT PROCESSING ,~ s ~ " ~ Q 00 ~7.4.:,1 ~ Limit one roll per coupon /one coupon per roll This coupon must accompany ordtr. GOOD UNTIL APRIL 14. 1982 CODE 16 SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEKI AT All 20/24 EXPOSURE DEVELOP & PRINT PROCESSING ~CiJS ~ 00 " ~ ¥;) 36 EXPOSURE DEVELOP & PRINT PROCESSING 00 Limit one roll per coupon/one coupon per rall Th ts coupon must accompany «dtr. GOOD UNTIL APRIL 14. 1982 CODE 2t ' 1:00 AM TO 1:30 PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 1:00 AM TO 7:00 PM SUNDAY ... -~b~~ HUMf ~-M ... a .. ,....,.._..., 1•111 6 .....,_.._. ........ =aWfOln-t•.,_., W ..... n n,., _ MIJ't ... •• •W..... 11111 fMll ¥11.»-11171 ........ ....,. flOUNTMI YAU.ft-r 0 Ill • -r~-C...Dr.6..... u..fAUIA-19'11._..._..,_. l---=-----· - ~-~-.:;;;..~~.....:;;..~.:..... ....... .....-;.-----~;.-=~;-=-. ........... ~---~-----....;.__~----;;...;;...;==~----.;...o.:;:;..;...;;.~~--~~ -------~ I Or•nr Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednnday, Aprll 7, 1982 . Plan for the future A tax-de f erred I RA can ensure worry-free retireme nt By MARY F ARRELLY EfffCUve Jan. 1, 1982, any In· dlvidu.al who i,-ecelvcs compeniw- Uon for employment can set up an l ndlvidua l Retireme nt Ac cou nt. You can co rnribute as much as 100 percen t o f you r ear ned income or as muc h as $2,000 annua ll y, which ever 1s less. You may be able t.o provide a retirement plan for your spouse, too. if he or she does not work This would e nable. you to in- crease your total contribution from $2.000 Lo $2,250 per year. Separate accounts will be esta- bl.isht!d for ou and your spouse, and no more than $2,000 can be contribu ted to any one account each year. This $2.000 con t ribution to your IRA account as deducted fr om yo ur c urre n t i n - come whe n you file your t ax r e t urn . For example, if your gross earned in - come is $35.- 000 and y ou pu t $2 ,5 0 0 into an IRA . FARREL.LY your taxable earned income ts automatically dropped to $33.000 before any deductions are taken T he inte rest a nd dividends ea r ned on t h ese funds are n ot su bject to tax un tll they a re withdrawn. Under an IRA plan, your tax deducllon may sull be obtain~d even 1( you establis h your plan and make your contri- bution as late as your federal tax filing date. You can begin making with- INVIBTMINTS drawals with ou t pena lty from your IRA when you reach age ~9 ~. lf you Withdraw money before that. you will be charged a penal t y tax of 10 p erce nt in addition to regular income taxes on the amount. You can continue making tax-deductible payments mto your account untJJ you reach 70 ~. At that time, you must start withdrawing and no fur ther con tributions can be made to your account The only way the IRA fund can be used before that tlme wi- thout paying apenalty charge is if you die before reaching 59 1h . Your ben eficiary w ill n ot be subject to this penalty tax. Suppose you take early retire- ment or leave a job and receive a lump sum distribution from your Banker sues LOS ANGELES (AP) -The former chief economist of First Interstate Bancorp. has sued the bank for $5 million, alleging he was f ired because t he bank wanted to cu t its ties w ith a troubled firm for which he serv- ed as a board member. The lawsuit filed by Raymond Jallow. wh o was a senior vice- presidenl at Fir.it Interstate until he was dismissed more tha n a year ago. also accuses bank offi- cials of threatening to undermine his reputation unless he resigned volun tarily. participation in ita qualified reti- rem.ent plan . Thia distribution would normally be taxed, which L'Ould take away qulte a aubetan-. tial amount. However, lf wi\hin 60 day• of r~elvtni the dlatri- b\.lUon you roll ovet th.e entire sum, less any voluntary contri- butions you have made, then you a void pay ing any tax and the money r emain• tax sheltered until you at.art making withdra- wals. Once the IRA rollover ia com- pleted, no additional contribution can be made t.o that account. T h e r e are varloua op tions available to you when establiah- ing your IRA plan. You should research the different plans to select the one best for you . (Farrelly 18 an acoount execu- tive with the Santa Ana oftice of Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, Inc.) in firing J a llow alleges that he was ousted as part of a bank effort to disassociate itself from problems at Carpinteria-baaed Sam bo's Restaurants Inc. Jallow is one of 25 former Sambo's directors being sued by the new manage- m ent of the restaurant chain, which is belng reorganized under Chapter 11 o1 the federal bank- ruptcy laws. First Interstate, a major lender to lhe chain and to investors in individual restaurants, was na- med in a class-action suit filed by investors. FREE RENT! New Garden Offices Near South Coast Plaza I herc•se oouon to P1Jr c~se wutien Ille t~st year dno ~oply 6 monms rent 1owaros llown payment Fee land 8etow market pfle~s [ •celtent hnanc;ino From 950 tu 20 000 soua1e teet m lush gar. den senrno wtth ptne 11ees runnmo s11cams CREEKSIDE GARDEN OFFIClS ~ Bn~tol Costa Mesa ~.Your Professional Florist A..OAIST 2915 Red Hill Avenue --~~ ~--··~-·-· -~~~~~~~~~~~~ (714) 979-7133 Stone Mill Business Park A-108 Costa ~ J. Alexander Securities, Inc. INVESTMENT BANKERS Bank of Yorba Linda P&llPllT PllTI whlle u wall , DIVES ClllElll 474 E. 17th St. COMMON STOCK CoateMnaM&-2131 Bought, Sold, Quoted FREE TO THE PUBLIC FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH Sponso red By PACIFICA • COMMUNITY HOSPITAL "HOW TO DEAL WITH STRESS" LECTURE -DISCUSSION Thursday, April 15, 1982 7.00-9:00 p.m. MODERA TOR Pau l E. Wood, M.O. CARMEN YUPPA CONFERENCE CENTER 18819 Delaware Street (Y.. Block South of Main) Huntington Beach. California For Information Phone 842·0611, Ext. 226 Co-Sponsored By PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AND THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOCIETY TO PREVENT BLINDNESS GLAUCOMA TESTING VISION TESTING Thuradlv. Aprll 16, 1982 10:00 1.m. · 12:00 Noon 1:00 p,m. • 3:00 p.m. Citing Oitca«led Ev.-••tet to Help Othen) WYCLIFFE GARDEN APARTMENTS 18786 FIOfldl Strfft Huntington BMch. Cllifon,11 Few lnfOfmsUon Phone 1424811, bt. 2.28 Coll Mr. Pocltord or Mr Alexender 71;1-754-7506, 7 o.m to ':00 p.m. Construction money available at Heritage Bank . . laldentlal · COmmerclal Bulklln• Takeout COmmitment required alontt wUh leases. CoNact: ·Jeff Johnson SOuth Om~ COunayt lrvlne 714/851-4-050 BEEPIB BEEP! BEEP! Slvttlmt, 1111MI mGlllJ I All Anlwtt' Pill beeper 1t1rta yoa to tmportlntphont e1t111nywttere, ~ny ttme··ltll you ktep In toucb wtlh home , office, 1nsw1rtng semca, school, kids, etc. Only Answer Page otllrl: • California's largest PIQlng agent. • Inexpensive-less than 75C a day. • Wide·area coverage-15.000 square mlles . • A location near you. plus field ~.._reftOtatlves at yoor beck and call. • 24-hOur service. We never sleep. • Free unlimited beeping, dellvery and run maintenance. • Quantity discou,,,. Call today for Mllnltl" _. 1 frtt •••an I , .. , <® fl~S~ER MBE . 731-7777 Call toMrll 1.m2&.2-9181. Of Clll lnbmllion tor tl\I ~ Paoeofftce ~~ ..... """"-°"'°'*" • M. Jou Llppmu, of Newport Beach hall ~n named executive vtce president and chief financial offieoer, of Ban.ken Peniton Service.. Most recently he wu Vlce President of ADP Pension services, Inc .. and Vice President and AB- al.atant Secretary of I.ntematlonal Central Bank and Truat Cor poration tor the put lS yea.rt. - Gaycoa ~· Grover has been elected/resident and chief executive officer of Hou.aehol Federal Savings & Loan Association by the Board of Di- rectors. The Westminster-baaed savings and loan has 15 branches ln Orange, San Diego, Los Angeles and Riveralde counties. Grover lives ln Mission Viejo. Artllar C. DanJellan, president of Danielian Asaociatea, t h e Newport Beac h -baaed ar- chitectural and planning firm. has been advanced to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects, the architectura l profession's h ighest honor. Jill Stone has been named art director for The Cox & ~h Advertising C.O. of Newport Beach, accordmg to John C. Cox, Jr., president of the agency. Jim Gormu, former executive vice president of the Motor Car Dealers Association of Southern California, has been named apecial aaaiatant to lhe president of Lloyd Andenien & A..>ciates. Gary Brew1ter has joined Great American &nk, lhe operating subsidiary of Great American Bancorp, as vice president, business development at the new Newport Beach regional headquarters, Jack A. Sweeney, ch airman and chief exe<:u tive officer , has announced. Linda L. Pltkuen has been promoted to out- side sales repretentative at Bergen N~ries, Brea. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS * e • = • + +=• *5 • .,, '*ft •w •t'bd>a l•I CllllTY •111111 Pttakanen hu terYed u lnaide 1&1-ttpnMntattve atnce she joined Bergen Nurterl" ln September · 1978. Alwnin~ ~tenanat Systems. Inc., ~ H.l.li., hu annOunced the I PPolntment of StejMa G. 8ampMa a1 Ml.el manapr. Prior to h1I appoh\tment. SamPIOO 8l!IVed a1 regional aalea ~r for AMS ln the San Dieao and Orange counties. ftom.at I:. ScMrmerllona. manager of Cotta Mesa Moving Center, 2680 Newpor t Boulevard, Costa Meta, hu received a merit award from U- Haul International. Robert F. Greendale has been named manager of the new Ergo -Tech Syatema Dlviaion of Panel C.Oncepta, Inc., a aubeidiary company of Standard- PaClfic Corp. The divlaion'a headqu~rters are i.n Suta Ana. GTE granted • rate increase SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -General Telephone has been granted a $10.4 million increase in tele- phone rates by the Californ ia P ublic Utilities C.Ommi.aaion, which also ordered that the utility improve service. General Telephone's service area is mainly in Southern CalJfomia. including Laguna Beach , but it serves Los Gatos, Los Altos a nd Nova to in t he north . T he PUC imposed a service improvement in- centive penalty on the utility, requiring it to credit customers in poor service areas by $1.40 a month per telephone line. The increase was granted on an interim basil ' ~ until further hearings are held. It will amount to about 20 centa a month for residential cu.stomers • who rent one telephone and have single party ser- vice. In March 1981, General Telephone applied for a $296 million increase for 1982. Since then it has been granted $127 million in increases, most of it coming from an increase for Pacific Telephone last August. When Pacific's toll rat.es within the state go up, General's increase likewise. DOW'8 Pct. Up 41.7 Up ll.t Up 21.1 Up JO.O Up 20.0 UP 16.7 Up 1'-1 Up 1S.t Up 1'.J Up 14.3 Up 1•.l Up U.J Up l._3 UP IU Up 13.l Up 12.5 Up 12 S Up 12 2 Up llA Up II S Up 10.l Up 100 Up 100 Up '·' Up • S UP •.S t ~ ~,,. -°1. oo Pc\u ,,""'"' , ... -.. Oft 10 l UlnWI 111 • -'-Off 13.S • SlonnK ,~ -~ Off 12.0 S Clrnlt 2"" -.. Off 11.S • NntEn n. -~ Ott 11.1 7 A(rofll 2 -V. Off It. I I Mvl'uel 1 -14 Of! II.I • ~9 • -Vt ()If 11,1 10 "9tlfn 111 l -_, Off II.I " ~ 214 v. ()If 10,0 12 AlpG .... ,... -v. Off IU IJ ~ JV. -V. Off 10.0 1.4 ""'11(11 ,... -"· Off 10.0 IS = '#I 2'-' -V. Off t .S ,. t ~ -,,.. Off '· s 1•7 &llna 2\lt -Y. Off • 1 HlmOlt 2~ -14 Off 1.1 1' ,,.._, ICM -I Off 1.7 II ....... E Slit -\It Off U 71 ~ 14 -v.Otf I.> Z2 Hiiian .., '"' -Vt Off 1.• Z3 .....,,,. 314 -'"' Off 7. t ~ lll'8Dl(o l \<i -"' ()If 7. I u ~-]I.lo -.... Off 71 • ll'«NIDllll l\4 -'"' Off 7.t 27 I(~ )Iii -Iii Off 7 I ----- . ~ , . • I I • ,, .. . - .. Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/Wedneeday, Aprll 7, 1982 s •s NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOtAf'IOlil••NCLUOI , ......... , •• NIWYOllll,MIOWUT, ••<"'" •••. IOt'fO!I, OlflOlf AllO CtliCllOIAl'I noc• t•CNNOH ..... lllflOllUIJliY tMI 11100 41i0 llfJYll'll1 I a.1.. lt•t S.19' N•I "'*' "'" '-'" .... S<I••• '"'' p ( Nh cio .. Cllt p ... 1111• c;to .. C"9 P·l "4• CloM ("@ p I! no• (lo .. c~ ,. ( "°' °'" Cl>Q llf).llO 'i ~...... ·i ' ~·.,.. ,r, 'I,: It::~ ~1ut.~ . ~ !:~1"" ''·! + ~ ,....._: ,."'"."' ·" : 1·s ,'ll tJil·:·"" "'tB .-'rJ !f.!:~ ,.. =:rn ::Zw it: •11:; :j !:~ 111:Jf .. ._ iO • 1 ~..... 1 1un ~.... ~' =•·n 1100 '° • • tsv. firm ... 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II tS 2•\t Tmt(lh 11 d 4"-'"' /lon$.r I 1 44 lt> •Vt Olyll\v 1.10 6 ¥19 ZlV.+ ~ ~~-, 12 'i 25 1~·~ MC pl t• 1100 S5 +I = t fl 116' ~:; >t Rltwro I lll 11 + ''• TAAlly 11 SI I"•• •r, ~ pl ~:~ 4 1~ :-: t:Z w, '-: .:HO 12' :M~; (,; ~!" :~ ! ~ 2'~: ~ ~ = t:~ : . r.: !~II) .. : : ::r~ ::: .: ~ !~+ ~ =. 1·: l 116~ ~!~ •, ~~= ; ~ ! 10: ~!'; ~: ATT 01 • 11 58 • II. Olt1<E 2.20 10 124 %11/J RtcN> 2 !I tQS -MC pl 2 11 9 1~ °" Nlt1511 2 4 74 "-"• \'o RtlO>td 1.0I 1 IS ""' '• TrtQJn J.t7• JSJ 18'r• '" .. TT pl 3.6' s 19 • \\ OvOI ,,., 6 JOrl z:r,., + ... Rll\Fd 10 3 1311 1~ ~ JNltlC .:. . ,j u. ~ " ltltOm ' «I 4 m 18'1 •• v. Rrfnln l,IO 7 -41''> '• TrtCI\ "'l lO I 19~ "TT 01 11• 1 ~ + 'lo 0.VEI 7 It 1 ASS 17'4 • . . Ae«En S2 23 9'2 lPll-~ ..... C pl , l I U \l'I,. . • Nltm p1 1 21 ~ V. Rlyln pt2 ll . I I I~ • l fnSoln 4 JO 3"' 1/t .t.•t:r qo 4 S 14 + \\ OvEI pl 140 . t60 ~'t> • I/, FletMa t.24 1 7 2S > y. ~r M ,: .,! ....... .. ....,... 2.64 6 421 22 ... RlyM(I l.C> S !SS 20'"' ''• Ttlllnd «) 11 11 13' • •19 ~= ~ rn : : ri,: m.: :: = '~ ~ S~ I~ tit "'°-'V . ., · · l4 ~ 'h ~s tl JO ~ ~ '9¥9 pt UO ' ml g +' •r~ =~c:t: 7 1J ~''>: 1• > ~~ 41: 1~ I~ 1!t r; Anson 1.60 A l1 25 • .. ClvlllP .76 1 43:2 16 -V. "'°'° pA UI .. IO '°"+ ~ #'IOI t.40 1 ll ~+ l't ... vP pf 1.14 ~ JV) AltQt4T l,9J S 20 18\4+ ll'J T'rl(o 16 I JI IO' .. Vt AtrilsD s .40 t .. 24Vo 14 &:.: 1 . . 62 llV. • ... F1ltt5f I 1' fl n ~• """""' AO '3 I,_+ V. ~.:.r US ' 1~ V. AIDCr_, 1.20 ~ 1111 JlV• • '.4 Trttty SO 4 16 11"• '"' Anwt11 1• 11 t3 ~ V. 16 1'9 t . · · RolllP " ZJ .. !!.._ • ~ .-t ... ·; 112 11 ... · HEnl6 n2., 67 !? -~ . R1oCit pl ., '9 II • 'I< T\o£P I 91 • 2'2 n"-''> -« l.A4 1 '' 2211o-v. ea.rM .40 .. .., ~ + "" = '11: 1~ 2~ ;;;~."."'. Joflllf 11.40., s.,JSS 1714+1 ~ "'1·76 • 1 w;;_:·°" AlteA , ·m ti n 31~ v. T•nt>l 110 ) 21 1s•1, NllPI" I.AO IS 10$ --1 r=' l.D .. S -.. ... ~ 1,IO 4 • M .... • .,.,. ----, :;; NV$EG l 6 22t 16V> ~ 1 40 I lO 11!/•• "' T)o(OL t 70 S 114 11''>• l't ~ .to 4 S 1~+ _.. 2.4' I llll ~ .... • ,,,_ t .10 1 41. l;JO.')+ I'll ~ n 1:,: 4\1.+ I'll HV$ fi1 US .. '310 1''h•l Rotltvo 11,llO S 19 ~ fylet 110 S YI 16 • lft AtrreO ' 22 lO ,_.,.. l .1+ 9 S 224'+ V.-......... • 1a 17\lo '.1-_,, .., ~ ..... HY'S ... LIO 11) S1V.+IV• ~.~ l.l1! S7 !! 1 1 13'·' l'1"'61>o _,.1& .. 1•_ 71'>•1>\ Am5ltl nl 60 !I 62 1'\4+ ..... O:lllc.e 14 ,.. 14 + ~ .._, " + K1NI ~ S1 42-"' .... • I 14 •• ,., ._,.., . ... .., , ..-.. _, UO 37 mt.I !?,..._-\Ii m 1._! 17 -"1 30Vtt9 ... ;; = ~ 'l"= ~-:-.14 IC,_, ·"IQ ~d!~ ~ :m =am :· ~ ?Pt<... Aocllll 2.00 8 l1 26'e -'r. U"L 1162 I"• 'lo Alnlled 2.• ......... · ·. 1 • .., -• -952 nv. V;; ic.itrN 140 s .... ·~,.-.. _, , s J u•.t. Aoc""" 1.S6 1 .,,, 11\\ '• UGI 1.111 s 1• l1''> '" MllOt u S4 u + .... .n 1 211 IN ..... IWMK UA ·; ...... : v. 1<411.ot 1:..0 ' 11 1~ .... IWIM . .n 10 14 nv.::·~ fWwnH l.IO 1 IS Sl\1> ~ UGI pl ns all) 19 ., Ancl'lar I.» s SJ 1~. "· CallnF s ,24 7 121 14\'t+ .,, RO-1.32 11 ""' icaiiiSI J 11• ll;M..... -UO• ., 1n ~ .,., ~In s 20 110,. ''• UfK. 60 s <II ..... "" ~ n ';~ ~ 1~ ~·:«;.. f;:~, ::: ·• ~ ~'4_:.•°" "'*'-' 1.aa i; 221 3' ::::: =-·~ I~ ,: l~ ... ~ ~ .1' 7 ICM ;~:.:·~ =~· St 1: ~ ~,,., • ;., ~es 11'P fo ~ :~. ,,. Anaitllc ,60 • 291 ll'l'J • I COIGti 2 '6 6 2" l2 -V. AlllWI M 1 191 ll'rlt+ \<Ii KOYPL Hi 5 1IM 2"1'<• "'° NlaMP t,6' S ~ ts + 1 ,._ 9 S 21'> • \\ UNA 1 I 4 '"' ,,,.,._ 1 28 t &31 44 ,,.. COluPcl .to 14 m 67 . =:, ... ': 1 : =::::: tf.O'l. .l!#i20. .1. J =·~ ~ = ~ : : aoo 30Vt-14 "-" 90 4 1 10'1> '"' lJSFG uo a 191 .,,,. '"' ~~'n' ~~ '? 1~ :;~::; ~"',.",1s.90u s·· 199d0 ?!... • ~ FOier, t4 1" J:M-.-"" Kao~· . 1 11:: 1 "" :=1 6.10 .. l:IOO .,..... lb"e< .99 10 o te~"" UnlNV v~ s 1At sev. 11,. _..., ·" , ~ ....,,.,In · _..-~ = ~ e IMlt 1n.-\4 l(Qo • · -1QAO 110 14\l't ~ OI S SS6 11~ • "• ~~ J l • 111 4S'1o 1•11o Anthny 44b s 22 6... . Cnf>En uo ' 65ol 11\'J• v. -2 lt ' "' , ...... v. ....... . .. ,~·,.. ~ pl2.44 100 JA"-... ~.,..rt> -s 111>4 41 '' "'*'-l4 1J 7"3 15'1.+ '7o Corrdl i ,16 • u 21'A• ..... .40 IQ ,,. 1~· ~ IQrM 1'41 • s.t 24'.lo+ WI Nlc:t>lt 1 ZJ11 .. JI) .. .,., llCCos 104 ' 4':1 ·~ ... UnCotTY 20 to n , •• ,. .,. ~hP unle . 42 !O'-'1 t Ol15lw n 20 I 141 6'h+ V. FtVIH UO 10 '6 lllJ...... IClnPLt fAO 1 200 ll" NI J ~ ~ I~ o,i, "1Y!D U111 4 11• :M • ~ ~ 1'11 I JI 4'JO+ ''* 1'0f>w OIS.12 . d30 SI t '> Comlrl IS 8'1 4S + '111 ~ ~M ~ i......+ '"' K.tP\. Jlfitl " • ~:.:·~ ~· i~ S 195 471JO+ Yt ~ 1.24 1l 116 J'I • '" "'Elf< I 52 6 410 11'/lo • AcJPMg 9JI s 4S 18'1'1. . em.we 2.IO 1 Ull 21V.. "· .IO • IOI '~ IA. IC.liyt11 • 10 10 -~ Ni:lrlln 2 12 IV.-,,. Ru&T09 • s It 13" .. "'EJ pl • . tSOO ?7'n-~ Ne.at. V1 )6a\ + .,., Cw£ pl 1.Cl -. 12 1-.. . ~ "' , XI ~ ,,_ '.4 ICNl!lr .2'4 IO m IV.-~ NDnlr n 1.20 6 41 uv.-.. RyroH I .J'J 18 •42 .,,,. .. ~El pfM 4 61 ~. .. Arca! pl 2 I S2 •I CWE pl 190 14 12""+ I'll _.Tl( i40 "s al Vin+ 14 ~t ,30 1 1 M ..... _.. .OI • lt• ,,..,__ •r, ~ !(Jib 1 11!1 28 • ._ UEJ plL t . dO Slit. 1.V. Nt.i pl l.16 5 »•;. "' CWE of l 4 13"'+ ..... GCA ' 211 • 22A 1~ ~ 1.llO • n• tliltt+ .. NAColl n , .. 211 IS"' -~ -"'EJ pf 213 . . ' ....... '"' AnhOn . 1411 6 t1>4 I• -V. CWE pl II 70 .. t320 14~ 'II GEICO St 114'24 27 '"° ~1.0 ,40 1 17 ~ NDllPN 1.10 4 1S5 MV..:. •1> ~ 2CJt I 111 9V. -.... UOllOtl 1 I S626 lflll.• l'lo Construction hos s1arted on the Clrst b~Udinp 1n a half-billion-doUar, 443-acre development ln Utlleton, Colo., n suburb of Denver, according to Edward J . Ruwaldt, president of Newport Beach-headquartered Emkay Development Company, loc, Within the SouthPark buslnt.'U cen~r are three separate development areas -The Urban Plaza, The Campus and Corporate Pomt. The proit.-ct i11 a joint venture of Emkay Deve- lopment Company, Inc .. a 1ubsidiary of Morr1son- Knudsen ComJ>{lfly (NYSE). and A1ooa Denver, lnC:, a s ubs idiary of Aluminum Company of America (NYSE). Grace declares dividend The board of directors of W. R. Grace & Co. has declared a quarterly cash dividend of 65 cents per share on L'Ommon stock payablP June 10 to sharehol- ders of re<:ord May 6. This is the l 78th consecutive dividend paid by I.he iQtemational corporation with intert;ats in chemicals. natural reflOurces and consumer services . It operates its New American Restaurant Corp. headquarters in Costa Mesa and headquarters for E l Torito·La Fiesta Restaurants, Inc. and Far West Services in lrvine. Grace also operates several res- taurants in lhe Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area such as El Torito, Houlibao's, Coco's and Reuben's. Avco Finan~ial n et up First quarter net earnings for Avco Financial Services, lnc., Newport Beach, were $17 million. up from $16.6 million in the 1981 first quarter. This increase was due to favorable effects o~ a d1.'Cline in interest rates. as well as reduet.~ operating t•x penses and credit losses in its financial services group Newport firms may m e rge Two Newport Beach firms. Nuclear Medical Systems, Inc. and lmmutron, Inc. announced th~t their boards of directors approved an agreement in principle to pursue a merger. Under a proposal, one share of NMS common stock would be issued for each l. 75 outstanding shares of lmmutron. NMS warrants would be issued at the same ratio an exchange for outstanding lmmutron warrants. The proposed merger is subject _ to th<1 ex- ecution of a definitive agreement. a review of the terms by an independe nt investment banker and ra- tification by both boards of directors, approvaJ oC the merger by shareholders of N MS and Immutron. and to certain other conditions. Local settlem ent set IBIS Inc. of Irvine an.nounced that an Ollt-of · court agr~ment had been signed with Point 4 Data Corporation in connection with the latter's January lawsuit. Under the provisions of the agreement, neither party admits any wrongdoing in either Point 4's initial claim or IBIS's $6 million counterclaim. All matena~ seized at IBIS were ordered returned and IBIS 1s permitted to continue to. deliver its 10'.' ll ope~ating system in limited quantities for a limited period of time. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES • Ar11PS 2.a 6 ns 20l4-v. ewe p1 1.J1 . 11so w 1. 1 GtK 111 ,. s 5'4'1>-I ~ .10 ' 204 '<>'"' • ._ N&iro """* , 13 " • ,,. SCM >-s •» ll -UI~ l.97 n1n ll'K. ·w Arll'l>I 10 10 ll, &5 t 1 ComES l.11 6 IJ IA\'o_. • • GEO •24 34ll II-.. 1Ctrm ... ll 2 ~ . , -Ut l,28 I '10 IO'IP-'le SFN I 01 I I 11~ .. U'lltOW! s 101 714 Ai\r.8st .60 ~ 7 1 t.-Vt QJnvt 2 JO 12 Jl7 6014 ..... GF Eq> IS 9 4\1>. N;yVtll l.20 I llO 11'1t-,r. NlndPS I.SO I m 11~. • ~!!< ~ 18 4 ,!? ~!~. ~ ~ltD pl" k , 111.~ ll 11 •1 .. _ ;,: Anll• 1 10 9 313 1""" ''1 C:O~ , l2 19 U2 224-'It GllHDu S2 9 473 ~+'l'4 Ket~ 44 s 19 11-.. ,. N051Pw 2.!16 1 212 ~ 'h _,,.,. -,. --~ ~· .,., , MnRt l m 1\oo • ·• Corrc>l7 . "" 12 · · Ge5i< r:1 1·60 .. td211M-V> ICM'rM ·s1.10 ISSI JI._• !ft NSP# pQ.to .. 1100 25 . 5IQd8l, JZ 1J 111 "''•• .. "'and .o s. 61 nv ... 1 Jl Ind lO Tin IS VII 6!I 911 ,,_ °""' Ml"' i..w a-Oto 83S 81 llol1 IS 821 91 13'1 ll + 4 oil NTru> I.ID 4 1740 1~ 1111 °'""6< 10 In 13 ..... Glmll' 1·n II 212 U'h+ 'l'I w;tJFdl .20b 12 • 21.... · NSP pf "" t100 19 -1 t.T!>· 19 9061 rl>-''• ~Jt'O O-nl.2 1 0, 11 • 1~ 22t~ + :1 ""'1Ru 1.40 4 91 ~"' ~ i » 9Sl 2"'4+ Ill ,.,_.-... jo S "" l1"4+ 14 K«olll I .60 IJ 104 23 .. NSP rlf tO.» 'lllllOO ..,.,,+4'JO -~TV ., ...-., /Vrr#tln 1.10 e • 1~ .. '"' CoMor "10 •U2V1to+" ~ 136 • 60 lO'h+"' IOddt 1 1.10 4 131 21"'• .. NSPw,,,..., "r100 •• l.60 1 m 29¥. ''• "'er.o 2l2 4 203 l:Jl<l+ v. /4lot:p lb J 1 IS'.4. · .. · ~ l.lD S 9 30'4. ·• ·. GtsfC ~ 10 41'9 19¥.-\'\ 10c1 cirll 4 . IS 41..,._ \\ ~ Q 1 4j 11S 44 -11; rP St I 13 U Ulllurn l 92 S Ill 22 .•.. ~,.e .2016 S215 !! !~+ ~ ~ l.211 s 11 11'1'<+ v. .,._,ft 1.12 9 " '''.'\, •. . • ltJ"'*'CJ 4 1 41 63 + v. NI'-0 ) n-.-.... l.lf s 10 ""-.. Ulllu pl l t7 I 14V •• '.'\ -• · " ,.,.. ~ O>nr..: IO 11 36 Z2Y.-Vt 'o;;;c,. 68 6 lf'llo • 'ill KnQr!IR t2 9 211 l9 .,. -rrp 110 u 237 4S'h + .. S UO 24 B•tt · UtllV pf 4 6 U .. .A/Vin 112 9 27 14V.+ V. CalEd J.3' '1ns ~ "'" o.mln 2 .,. 1S 1~ ~ 1 ,. 198 It-v, IM!Alr ·80 ., 1-:i JO • .., StRt!QP 11~ s 316 ~v. • ~. ...,.I Ind lb 11 21 40•1 .. l't -co IO 14 a 11'111+ v. ~E ~ .:~ . 11002 1)151 -,_ GAl!'lll .:.. ' 110 .. v.:-.... ~ ,~ "10 il n,s··-·· :'.:. """411cp 1:... • •26 m..... Silltnl s 1S "" i. """"" 22 1 JI 11•1:1-"' .-.sNOil 2,40 1 201 21h+ ,.., ,_, ,.. • ....., . .. GAITOI AC> 14 SOI ~ 'h ._. _, -•• ·• '-!En 1.20 S 16 , .. .'\... SChG5 1.6' • 521 IJ''J • UJotr&i< I 11 4 JO 11'1... . .....a pll." • 12 2'Vt • I'll OJnE pr s . 1 lf\\ Gn&Qfl • • 7 1~ .. teqipr of 10 • ' 1s • 1 Nwe. Dt2 13 ,1 , __ .,. s.iu.ne .es. m 10111o • •1. UtdNM so s •1, Aac!OG I,., • , .. ~ "' CalFdl 2 ll , ... ~ . • GOrwn .. 10 160 4'21!. + '"' IC/v9hlt • . 14 1V. Hwlll'CI 2 61 s 1005 .. .,.,.,,,. SJl»nR 14 .-: • 8'1•. .. u~ u 22 l''• .... "900 of •• n ' J2 !16 -Vt CllnF "'4.50 . 11 9111. .... GnOM• 14 8'11 "'-1.n 7 l94 ,.. ..... -p of l l6 I 1....,_ ... ~ 64 14 1'1 4) .... USFoS SOie 1ll II'• .,. NNtJ n n l 12'h.. . cml=i'1 1.51 4 '51 ~ l't 0n~ 11 1; llSJ u...·. ;,; ~ SI• J) ' ,,..... .. "-ILJ 1:20 • S3 ""' .. ~IAI , .. • 11 1S~ .... IJSAjr 12 s JAl6 IS'I• .. 41C'fEJ 2.lt • l14 17\'t ·· · to.Pw 2.44 • 2f1 1n4+ 14 c;o;:;· .. 4 25 10 611'11+ I'll iw.tm ... S A -\4 Nw5tW 10 1 J5 IP.,+ °" SFelnd ~ 1 6 MS lS'I> US(Mo\ 2 tO I 40 31'•n ... AllMlr'o ,OM 4 1n 1\4 ..... OIPw pl"16 .• 140 ,.V.+ v. ~,.. 120 't 1319 '"'"'• V. ICYIO" • I 7 ft'• "" l'b'ICl'I 1 • J12 JI~. . ~I 120 7 60 11"' -'"• VSHom 16 24 "8 11..,, •to "aRldl 2..«) •ttOI> «llh ..... OIPw CIN.lO .• ..so ...... II) GnFdl 2.20 I 7SI lfl/t• '.'\ -~ -~m 'QI 8 421 11~. \'t Se.ll~E 'lOt SI ,,,, USlnd , •. so ·''"' .. AllRc pl S,IJ · IAO JO -Vo OIPw f1(1.n .. L«l • -I'> ()GI\ to 40 40 10't+ I'll LFE . , 14 1 ~ n c 411 .,...+ ... SriEIP 1 29 1 31 1~ • ''• USL.e.tt 60 11 18 2• AllRc pl 2.ID • • 6 ..-+ ... Otflw pf/,,. .. ti.SO 41 · • GHDll I S J9 13 -... I.FE pl SO .• 8 S\I. • '4 9'\Jc(lr .S2 9 411 44'!>-'1< S...ri • IAI )\<. US lily MR ., 9 IJ'111 "a.nQ> , 2S 17'.lo ••• '. OIPw p17.ll • 11!0 47V.. "' Gl"'1 ' _q 13 m ....... ,VJ UTCX> ' ,. J9 33'111 • ... -0-0 -S...n pl I lO . . I 11•1 •• \, USSho ' 1 36 ~ ., 'SI!>. '' ::Z ' .l2 1 9 20 tSY. t "' OIPw of 4 .. J1 2S .... • QIMlls 1.60 • 143 ~+ "' u.o::p ' 2•1>-''t O.lnd 24 11 1209 241-''• Salon .~ ' 1m 4 ~ = l 2 861 nv..-.., ·~ ...... s 1'.20 .. '!,~ v,.!!-., .... OIPw "'3.• .. 14 2S + '7 GMlt 2.AOt 404191 «Nlo• '4 ~pl ... 1·~.? 1~·1• 0.ldl•P 1.!12 • 16u'2•.\lo•I ~IPltto '~ 9 ~70 l'l'" ~ l.IO 10 .~ ~, :"' ':..'::-"o .. ·-•. ~ ..::::.. " OIPw pr)llS 16 2A .... GMlt pl J,1!1 ' I 2'V•+-v. L.. N ~, .; Otc!Ptl 2 so ) 9JA 20'l9-.,. ~-• v.ao·· 10' la-4~+ ~ ~!..-.. 12~ ~. -2 ::.''"•. ~~ ._.. ... ..... ~ ..,.. OIPw prt.SO 6 15"+ ..... GMIC pl 5 1 J9 "'• LTV pl !I .. • OtclP pfl.50 l 16"tot ........... _ , ..., v•v• ... •• ~ -~ .90 8 1 1 2 4 -"+ llJ OIPw prt.23 3 WV.+ ''• GHC s 04 iS 40 9 LTV of I .. 11 14 I'll OtclP p11,12 • 1414,.. 5cl"ll .12 201119 ?1111• ''"' l./Tdl p1 2..S!I 20 20v, ''• """" lb II 2• .,,..+ l1o QlflW ptl.43 .. 5 I~• II• GPU ' t• G6 S\\ l.Oil1I s 20 IQ 4 17 + 'I• OtclP p12.JO , 1 IS\<i .. . Scooo ~ ... 9 76 11-ft UnlTet t.61 250 11'9-'"' .11111111 l 7 IJ41 14 t \<Ii Qlnt,..... .. 116 4.,., • ''°' GenRe 2.lt 10 m ti'h. , l&Gil• 2.AO 6 IJ 1914 .. · · Otc~IP 14.62 .. 2 94 t Vt 5col~ S 4 4l't • " LWT lpll.SO I '22"-V. "'fdin 1l 19 23 ..... O:lntCop ..... 21 .,...._ '"° On..... .. JV.+ .... lAn'$tt .. 3 41't..... 1 t 1 871 l~tM Sal!Ftll 1111 7 170 ~t 14 U.Ctni s 2S 14 JO 26\1o• l\o -&-4 -OllC pl 1.2S .• 1100 l !Ji •••.• Gri519'tl t 60 t Sol J1 -.. IAwllv 1.10 • J09U201.1.+1"' Oadllft' 1.1:1 s 113 ~· I'll kdtP 1 S 114 I,..._ '"' Univ• 11 s 119 10v. • "' BT MIG . JS 1'111+ V. OMC» l 60 11241 2t + 14 GTE z'.11 1 1fto1 ~ \Ct .......... • 3f 10 J1 IYto+ ''• Of\lo6d 1.7' 4 ,_. 12?'o... ~~I 1 ~ ' 2 t 1 • 1 18~ ... 1.Wvl'd " 7 19 II • ... llalmc n .«> 6 11 t•v.-~ O'lllOrp uo 4 145 :Z.V.+I GTE ... 2.JO 7 25 _ ~ i.-1n1 .n 12 60 ~" a.eo Of4,«I •• t10 2' +1 ,....,..11 ,,. 11v. '" ~ 1.6' , 6' ?5'111• ,.. Bkrlnll .60 • see ~ .... ()It~ pl l . • 15"' .... GTE p; 2.41 ' 11V.-.... '-"' 12 " 9t ISV.+ '"' CJl£d plU• .1100 .,,.,., Selct of IA 6 ,...... ..... 2-11 9 240 ~ v. llllODt l1 II • 191/ot v, Qlntlll 2 S .. 30 + V• GTFI p1 I U z:J00 ~ + \IJ LMrSa 1 40 6 91 »'111+ 'I'> Ol'o£d pl 1.3' • . i30 ~1 • I'll SiNO pl 2. IQ 16 12V.. E M 6 ST 220,. I'll AMERICAN LEADERS NEW VOAK l"Pl -Sales, TUM ptlOll -nM cMnclt OI ttw '"" most •cllve Mwl<A11 Stock E~<f>MIOe luutt, tr9dlnQ n10oneilY •1 ""~ 111.tn JI Hca.OITr 1ss.100 12•,, 1'4 OorntPltl ' •J0,200 , •• .,. ~II 110,617 ~ .1 ()utl(MI Q 119,61)1) 10 .. Orcl•I< 66.SOO 10 • '" Ol•rtt Air Sl,«I> 111/V t 1't ,..,,._ S?,400 IS Rl&t111'11 • Sl.400 20 • ,_, ~I 49,000 SI'> lllldWU 1,60 t lJ1 6S'h + llh O:lntTet I.St 7 :ISi 1~ • , GTFl p1 1';ao t200 911>-~ LMYfr 1.10 • JI 2A -111 a.et pl 8.20 •• 1100 ttl't• 1"" s..cO'll A m 22~ •I U5LF OIUS 10 ,,_ l\o 8ldU pf l,06 · ' f1 • 2Vt ODllt s .!IS 1 "2 JI""-o,. GTI~ I Do A 74 1~. . . , lMEnt 1.0I • 4 ~ • •,<. Ql&I pl 1.IO , • 10 1.3 SHls1 IM 17 ~ + 'I'< Ullfttl I 1 , 3'I T~.. V. 11911(» 1 IO 6 ' :nv. .. lft Cill'ftlod s 1.30 • S4 ~.. . ~ • 9 51 4'te .. . L.eQPllll .. s 12 161ft-'"' OhE pl 10.1• •. uoo 7'6 """'" UD s 464 SJ •• ,., WPI. 1.20 191 1~. PS AND DOWNS a.llyMI 10 101211 1"h · .. O.Un c:nr J3 17~ 314, 'I'< OnA.ld DI . 116 1&1A.-'"° Ul\Vat 1 t 11't ..... 01P p1117.60 160 .. •• s..cait 10 102 9"1 UtPI. pl 190 • ~..... u lllltGe l.61 1 • U'I>-V. a-1.si , :II' OJ>-._ Genst ~ ,,., . 124 d i,_ •.i. lAIWm 2.... .. 81 12'4 • '"' OttP lllGU1 • 1 14a.. v. s..r..ur eo 12 419 lll'h "• UtPI. "' 104 , 10 14v, ,.., 8111 plB HO · iJ00 >I + 'h (lDOpl pl l.tO . . 12 41 -IV> Giii .. " I et . . 2 13 _ t;y ._....., J 20 1 SJ llV•-V. OhP pf" 14 .. tJO '9 _ v, SM!Pw 1 .. 1 11 2914 • '"' _ Y-V -HEW YORK !API The IOll011V1119 l•s' a..c.i 1.20 11 JS 1S.. Yt ~ IO 10 tp 211 -v. o.r.7PI 1 ;ao 1l ISll JS-", \At i-x 1 • ., I 8 m-.-'h Oll.OE l.1' t "'8 1'1'11 •. , . $Mr-!«; S2 19 711 331~ + \\ VF(» t..O s 4S 3'\lt-~ -tht Ntw Yori< SloO E.Jl<henQI' CM Corp ... soo 4>w ~ .«> ' 21 l4-'" Q)apT , .Sol 4 JO 1~.. . . ,......_ 1:20 11 iou ,.,, "' LaFay .60 s 21 IS'li .. a1" 1.20 s t0 1"'• 1.1. ~ 1.36 • 32M " -,,.. Valero J2 5 m 11v. , ltOl:ks ...i _,,.,,., 1"*1 "*""' vorw "" :.f" I) s 40 11'4 • ,,. , 14 • .. 2S'A -~ ,.. '--A ... UIS 1 10.. ....._.. 11 1·~-" SK~ 2.20 s 12• ~· \t v:n .40 s tJ •""-,,.. tl'e ttmt -oown tilt mos1 bHtd o~ ' ~ , • "' ..... O.Plt pl2.24 • 36 i.., .. , ..._..,... .. -'"14" ...,.,_. 1 6 ·-• •• ...._.. ,•• 6 -31-I'll "-I 12 1 3 IS"-. ' ro";c.rll OI <h!tnal reQl!nlles. ol volume Bin Pf 1 · !I JS'"' "° QarU 60 7 234 7,...._ l't GePw "'17• 6 l..,, • ,,. IAlllSC U5 • :121 .u\4 • O'mct " .a Wal 26\.lt+ "' _.... --•-· •• TU< llklff :uo s • 4t"' • ~ eor.111 ... ' ,. 11v.-"' ~ pn,. 15 11 •• ,.. i..e.iuF 1 IQ 9S 11.,.._ \At ~ n s ~ u .. . s.ivu .eo s IJ '""-14 vrco " 1l s 87 9'9-"" o:_ ~J~Y1:.. ,, __ ~-u .,. 1110 • lllldV• 1.1• • 61 16V .... GonG 1,32 e w .o •t\4 ,,....., on:u ·: 2 16...,_ v.. I.OF ~JO • 1 ~ ..... ONEOI< 2:20 s n ,..,.._ v. ~Cos .., 1 66 1 •~+ .. v. v.n., s1 1'l .. Jt+.-~ ---~-• .,. -"'*""" u2 6 mo 11'1> • .,.. Olrtllk 1 7t 'l 29 311',4. • a;.._ l'f2.1S • ,~. •11 ~ ,1$ • • 1 •~ l4 ~lka Z2 1"'..... Stllk'-1 ! 119 ~ v.,... «> 6 2.4 ,,..,_ '" IJdld Mr! n _Qtl\f., choln~ "'" ,,.,. l!MRfy 220 ' ,. 24 -"' c-ts 1 2 274 l)ih-.... ~ •. ; '°' lf'IH "' Ullt .n IJ 14 131/H v. Ormt1Rk ,_.. . ; 14 16'Jlo..... ~11 .. • 21 • " ' \llMco .10 13 m 1314. Vo ::: ru:-,.... .,..v;ous ( IOllllO m.n JA3 41 ns 90 341 11. , •l 110.00 It 1 ~ tO'I SS 110 l• • O.OI 1219' 131.JJ ll!l 28 m sa. 1 so Tr., lAil• Id 5ll< WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y(lql( (API Ao< • METALS Tues .,, 003 4S3 186.1 19 11 Tues 288 ?30 212 1JO Tu.day • II 3.IS7.IOO 1,4S8,IOO 1,070,900 •,JJ7 500 P .. v ~J. ,,, 421 1111 11 13 Pnrv clay U9 JOI' 22! 793 ' Copp•r 74~.77 cents • pound. US clesllnallons. LNd 28-32 c.nta. pound Zinc 37-'IO <*Ila• pound. Cleilvarecl. Tiii H .5•45 JMlllt Waek compoetle It> A""""-78-n c.rlll I pound, N Y Mowcury 1395.00 per ftaall. &9n11Tr 2.QS S 2A8 lf"' • 0,., C.0.811 s .2' lJ 26 JIV.--1 ~ 1:. 6 ISi :av.+ 14 U In 1.40 1 141 25111•1'1f 0r9'9 20t • • 21 ~ 14 ~IOn ,:!!? 6 6 t~! ~ ~ ~ I.Ill • ?,! ,:rt>: ~ pt :'... UffdaU~'~l<;e.~ .._ llkTr p1 2.llO .. 10 ,..,.,. ~ O'.iQ " J $¥.--v. Ciillttll5c 17 ,, 34 , ..... •,i, u.ia • ,a u "' 2''11• "' Ol'lof'iC; .60 3 s. 11~..... ..... .---~ ~ ...._ •• , ..... ·-·~ ~p ,.., lllnnw " 10 29 1011.-0--uoa !I JO, ~ .. v. GICtY i«> s "°" .... ,.,.,_ .... UllyEll uoa 11 .,, 57\1.-"' QAbM .IO 6 101 ~ "" NIT I -.. • lll 2' \\ \II.cm •• n ,. " u . .. .. I ~ ~ w... • Up 11 • e.rdCR .• 14 219 l2V. '4 CT~ 22 S'2I 2"~-,,., oi..lP .. 2 4!'1.. • UncNI J f )'2 3'V.t 'It CMi.t .60 • ti ~"' NGlo ,to S JIS l?\4-+ \>Ii 'lll<m pf 210 6 l2 ... .. ·-·-IP llllrnGp ' 21 " 1+'11. .•.. ~ s 17 ,,... . '. OllrRI . • l ... UncPI t oe. .. • 16V..... Ovl1IOr , ll u. 11 ... ~ sr.tG pll.lS • 4 19 I v. V.EPw t lD 7]3 17~+ "' 2 GoeStJQ> "' 24 I )''• Up . SILVER a.met S ... • 458 It'll+ 'I• ~ 2.40 1 14 17~..... GICILw 1 ,IO 6 140 19 + Vt U,_, 1.GI • U0 <17vt.. · ~ , JO c 43 MVJ-\'o ~ 1 1 140 ~ ._ V•EP Pf S 110 32V.-'h J ~rla<Co ~ 4""' .. ii\ UP l4 , a.mt pl 2.31 .. * 2'14 • ~ O'ckH pl2.,tl . I 20'.lt .. .. Cilf!HHI .t? I IS ISV>-llo IJllClft pl 2 .. I 1~ '><t DwenC Ul ll 61' ltlh ~ 9'tw pl 4'0 ' l20 W\'t-l'h VtEP pf'l.«I • t6 lll'>'o+ \11 hK~'r' 2~ : l~ ~~ :u ....,._ .40 ll II ..... OM( I I.CM 6 lO IA~~ Glll«lt t.IQ t Ill ~+ .. l.otldld .. tt•t ........ Ill OMnfll , ... S 110 ~'I'< SierPllc IA 112 l1'111+ \<Ii \la£ plJ 1.71 · d10 )0'4-~ • Unit 8'-11'1< , 1 Up t8 BasAat .241 ' t •V.-'ill OW1Q 6 I U'-\<Ii 0.SW ., • SJ t~. . . LocM pll1.2S .. • 145 ·" • Clll1nlln I 6 I a + V. $l9MI ..... 1 "1 ~ liJ vaEP pl7 20 . 000 • 41""+ IV. 1 Hl519et ,._ • 'lo up 91 ........... '301.00 lroy Oil .• N.Y 8'uKll l.!16 S4 Sit -· '" OWlal U O IO ¥1 ~ V. G1GiiM 1 .20 S IClll 1~ 14 Lodlt. .S6 14 290 1~ "'° -•""'4 -$l9'lldt t 11 ,.. .. + ~ VaEP pf1.0 . tlOO ......... i. I ,,. .. , 1 -. ~ • \l'J UP t .l a..trr s .... 1' 1JSt :M'I+ • "'• ()2.i pl UJ . 31 3fll'I. , . . ONNiG 1 Jt2 ~, '-.._ t 20 f 2' "l\4o + ~ ...... s ,t.4 10 liO l~• ~ SlmPl'tl .3' 1 J1' ,,_. + '" 'l/IQlb 20t e ll4 IPll-"" """' .._ 9 o 89yAn 41' ,.. 9\4 + 14 ~ 1.M !I 111 :J21M-I'> ~ 04 1)1 ~ .. 1.omA1 '·°" • ti 2211)+ -PNllMI 1 :129 1 2' ""'--"'° SIMI"' .S. 14 II 1'9.. . 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D .. = , .... .u ~t: ~ t:1) m 1:::~ .. n • ..... :11, ... l!!~~Li·.J~~~-~ .... il!~L:··a.J·t~!! ,.:~~····.!·-·:.i:=:....:'I:;..,:..::' :..:~: ..... ::.:·i .. :~.&..: ..... ::;c.:.1..;~:..-~:.:""'~.;..,__.;..·'_.J.;;;.:.:f;."-.;.,.;,;: :;.;.;;..;;L;;.;.;;.;~;;.;: :~· ,_ __ ,_,,_, _ij:_•_~_._~·.~ .... r.""'°-.. .. " ......... ~ .. --" .... r .... ~ .. _. "-· ~ .: ,. ~·: : ~ E .t: ! · ,1 J '" . J') :; I •ii-.:::: * " • --0tange Coatt DAILY PllOT /W~y. AptU 7, 1882 in 'Forty .. Carats' 8y TOM!!.!~ for Jocal theatea:aoera, who Kanouae at t.he boomln1 Texaa "forty !arua" conUnuea member1,-Joe Rltkea. Kltty lobby of the playhouM, 60ti on.t •.....,...... remember him when, it'J an ad-,Ullonalre1 both h1ttin1 hl1h thrc>uah May 9 at the Harlequin, Karp. Cathy BreeM and Steven guna Canyon Road, Laau For the number of Umea ded tna\ to view the excellent mark.a on tne comic 1eale. $9th 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., jult north LindenbAum. Beach. "Forty car.ta" hM been up and perfo~ce delivered by WU-Foat.er it breezy and believable u of Costa Meta. It'• a happy an-"Who'• On First?" opena Frid· The Youth Workahop, now dowo t.M Orante Cout over the Uam Kirby Cullen, a home· the ex-huaband, Deborah Da.lton niverury for the theeter and ita •1 at TurtJe Rock Community ita 18th year under the dll"ll!dM!• i-:t decade, it Could be toratven 1rown actor up tbrou1h tthhe it delightful H the dauahter, pat.ront. . Park, on Sunnyhlll Road off of Lia• Surette, offera you for Hemina a bit lon1 tn the. mmmwu\y theater ran.kl, ~ e while Dorothy McDonald excela * Turtle Rock Drive ln Irvine, and people from 5 to 14 an int.rod tooth, oomedy betna the peri.th.a-rich yOWll man who'• ruihl~ ln double duty. ORANGE COUNTY'S prolific wW play for four weekend.a with Uon to the theater, with Ill 1 ble commod1ty it la. yet likable. Chrlatine Tuaoi: in •playwriaht, Jack Sharkey, will Friday and Saturday performan-denta participatlna in a prod St$Jl, Jay Allen'• adaptea trea-' the ie.dina role pa•e1111 alflne Dltector Allan Hunt keepe the have a new one on the boards "Hat 8 p.m. and ma\lneea on tfon at the end ot the clua. I Ule Qn December-May romante, ataae 1~ile and aeema to olQI'· action (13 tcenet over three acts) thil weekend u the Irvine Com-April 18 and 25 at 2 p.m. Ticketa eluded are counet ln mime, c Where the 22-year..old man pur-tom wlt~ ~ach acen~ .. qd a}Je moving briakly, thou1h h1a "TV munity Theater launches the are avallable at the door and racteruatlon, lmproviJlaUon, IUet the 40-year~old woman, re-handlet her situation with credi· blockirig" la 10mewhat contrived. county premiere of Sharkey'• more information is available at to take direction and how "'1na much of ill verve and vita· bWty. The abeence of a carpet on the nightmare comedy "Who'a On 557-7297. handle a script. thy at the Harlequin Dlnner dingy-looking floor la another First?" * C1assea will begin the week o) Playhouse where it's beln1.re-Standouts ln aupp()rt are Mar-Irritant, easily remedied by Thia madcap farce, which THE LAGUNA MOU~TON April 14 and tuition for th.a priled as that theater's fifth an-go Lynn-Smith u NU.a Stanley'• playing the .first tcene (in Gree· centers on a magic lamp and a Playhouae 'iouth Worklhop will eight-week ooune la $25. ~r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~,o~r~m~id~a~b!~~m~o~t~h~er~an~d~L~y~le~=~~)~oo~thje~~~~li~iieriai~~~~~rub~~~.~~~pla~ ~d~~tr~oo~~~c~ ~~~~~~~~ r: strictly for laugha by lta four ca.at aea Saturday at 1 p.m. in the calling 497-5233. . "WE.CARE" ---=---...:.;.._-=-------~---:.---------- ' .. " SOUTH COAST PLAZA An Extraordinary Exhibit of "Bricks" From CAROUSEL/COURT to JEWEL COURT Lego Toy Display Thru Easter S unday Photo with Easter Bus;tny /Jewel Court I POI AU Otl TOUJ HULTHHllOS m EVElr ur IYIMl~IHO f:OO 4M-fl00 ,.,.__ 114SOM41UNIS .... For 0..-ned Ad ACTION Call A DA .. Y MOT AD-VtsOI MJ-5'71 f :.o •II o· · ~ " Put the r aeo-rr • ' of the Daily Pil~t 3-D .Ads to work '.for you by taki~g advantace of this speical 9ffer • • • - -r --.1.· ~~ J l'I:" ,. It fjll • 1 l(Aj. ,,,, .. .I .. .• rt:' i' , ,. ' .. •• 6 • {!_ - ... AL.OT OFLAUCHS! c; 1912 U6 KE'S 11MNC TO 8£ PAITIU'UL. AND PARJNC HILAIUOUSLY. [RI'® .. -'-'£~ ,,J ----Cost• Mm ~ 7444 IUW P&IUI DIUWl·IN CNIUIOME UWAUS .. POllT Buena Palk 821 4010 OrlllQe 634 25~3 Hewpan kxtl 644-07110 ... lllU PLAZA ITAIHUll Dlllft.fN UA et•HU Bru 529 5J39 Oranoe 639 ano wes-• H 3 054' EDWAW &AOOLEIACI [I Toro !t81 SllO :::=~ Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special $2.99 It's a treat that s worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes. slaw (, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! 3095 Harbor Blvd .. 111 '""''" M .. ,... I'"' "'•11th "' ~,. U1f'~u ~'"""'•' ·<'\1 r·~· hurn .,.J, ,, '"'"• 11 .... , , • , ~•·''"' Daily Pilai ] 3 lines, 3 days I $3~00 READER APPRECIATION NIGHT , Here's how it works for you. Run a 3 line ad for 3 days for $3.00 - if you don't sell your Item on the first 3 days just call 642-5678 and ask for your • I • ·~o AP •11 r-'4 i ~ I • __ ..... -.. - and we'll run your ad an additional 3 days absolutely FREEi If you find you tlave your Item priced too high on the first 3 day run we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run (no other copy changes allowed). Each additional line you wish to run will only cost you $1.00 such as: .4 llnes, 3 tlmH = $4.:00 5 llnes, S tlmn = $5.00 8 llnes, 3 ttm .. = se.oo No matter how }'Tlany fines you run, we'll still give you 3 days FREE if you don't sen your Item on the first try. Rules are simple -one Item per ad ...._ Item must be priced -sorry, no com- mercial ads allowed. SUN. MAY 2 -6:00 PM ! . LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA CHA RUE TICKNER Californla'sOwn . CHARUI! TICKNER • World Champion USA MARii ALUN • U.S. Nat'I Silver Medalist BARBll SMITH • U.S. Nat'I Silver Medalist and Canadian Dance Chdmplons LORNA WIQHTON and JOHN DOWDING a: SPECIAL GUEST STAR JANET LYNN OL VMPIC & WORLD BRONZE MEDALIST vou "" ()M\1 s1.oo $5.00 ... 00 " tacle, athletic ze,•I, ent. It'• ICE CA~ wash1no100 POet SpeC tarnllY ente.U ""' of pure ICE CAPADES •t the LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA APRIL 20 -MAV 2 ************************************ LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA 3939 S. FIGUEROA STREET MAIL OR BRING THIS COUPON TO: SAVE$2.00 ..., .... MADIA APPRECIATION NIGHT SUN~V, MAY 2-1 PM -----«» LOS ANGELES, CA 90037 MAKE.CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLETOICECAPADES -NO LIMIT ON TICKETS- ____ .$ ____ Tocel Enclond ,,.. I 3 1 ,., ......... 0rang9 Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednaday, Aprll 7. 1982 87 Reeve sees Superman as gentl • NEW YORK (AP) -It '1 crazy," he 1ald. "But there'• a aate territory." touch betna a man of ateel ln a IChool jult down the atreet and lt Reeve mlaht not have time to world of allly putty. Juat aak happena all the ti.me." 10 out and play with hit tiny Christopher Reeve -th• movie The 29-year-old Reeve, tall fanaJ.. but he'a lnten\ on ch.anclna SuJ*1NU1. and cle•"'..&lly h,and.,me, 1a more the ttuperman t.m.ge. He uya he It Hema the actor'• doorbell like a mild-mannered reporter Uie9 to play up Supennan u a ·never 1top1 rln1ln1. "Can than Supennan, •pedallywben wentleman . rather than Superman come out and play?" a he UMI hit Supennan penona to meclWmo bullet ~ wall." 4 teady atream of thlrd-1radera talk to children. "I ahow them that Supennan Hk throuch the Intercom of "Friend• of mine who have la model\ and not full of Reeve'• upper Weet Side apart-trouble with their k:ida and can't hlrntelf," he said. "I try to em-rnent. talk to them will uae me u an phulze hla Sir Walter Raleigh "Not ~r,." bellowe the man lntermedlary," Reeve uid. aide. lt'a all part of teachtng them of ateeJ. • He'a aot to aave "A lot of kida who're having what makea a good peraon . .:>rnebody." trouble talking to parenta wlll Su~rman la good because he per~on Superman haa been a major booet to Reeve'• career, ~ uya. The role helped h im avofd 10 yean of artistic et.ru.qle, .. I would not be doing a 'Deathtrap' or a 'Monm1nore' without the crediblllty that Superman aave me," he adml~ ted. POPULAR WITH IUDS -Christopher Reeve says bis doorbell Reeve laugha a\ the constant talk to me," he said. "I have a reachea out for people rather lnterruptiona. certa1n t:rUlt, through Superman, than hang1na back. He'a not cool ln i.ct. Superman tam are ln for a big aurpriae wh~n they eee ~vein the thriller ''De•thtfap" -hi• newest tUm. He plays a young writer who becomes en- t.an&1"1 ln a fieodlah plot with a burned-out playwright, who'd do anything for a .hit -even kill. never stops ringing. · "I know 1t 1ound1 a little and I can opm things up. It's a either. He cares about peop~." Live Chicks See thtm hatch foe'· Easter from our farm incubator at the untington Center Mall daily tlvu Apr. 10. °CAT PEOPLE" tllll, a.. l<U. .,... - .AAC« LllllllOlt "MISSING" tt:a,-. -. 7::11, - "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" ttM, .. ,., ... NI, - e Daily'Pilot e classifieds • workfor • you. call 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. Keep an eye oat for the fano1eet movie about growing up ever made! ·--·-----·rm NOW PLAYING !MA •coau... ..... •wtSTM ... TUt 8'N Plua Edw11ds Cinema Cecit., Ctnedolllt UA Twin ~ 529 5339 11711 4141 634-2553 198 1243 C:OSTAMlU ldwatds 9'•s1ol 540 74U El TOM .._ •-· ... Eawwos ~k S1*1m l)r.1In 00--r m suo 539 ano I :::::.-..=.1 ''RitJ11ls '2001' •tUI 'STAR WARS''' -$1-l('HAOU, us-.-. Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise. WAUUI MATTliAU ANN·MARCRET OlNAH MANOFF A HERBERT ROSS FTLM NEil. SIMON'S I OUGHT TO 8£ IN PIC'l\JRES o.r.ca '" l'hologr•p/'lv ™VIO M WALSH Mu•>Cby MARVIN HAMUSCH l"rodunod by HERBERT AO!>!> •lld NEIL SIMON Eltl'C\lllWl'nduu., ROCER M RClTW• Tl'IN s......-..p1.ov bv NEILSIMON o.r.n.J by HERBERT ROS!> I (~· ,',;'~-~~ ~ ----·-- . 4 mr.~1. Mf.1 I I ~ ~ .._ ... --- WALT DI SN rt .... OOUCTIOMI. R9BlNHroD TECHNICOLOR• ..__., ..,. .. ""• .,..,....,,_ 00 ""' ~ «» c~---· ·• ~ ........ ...,.. l!:!J *BARGAIN MATIN•es • Mond1y thru Saturday All Ptrform1ncH before 5:00 PM (b-lpeclet bpte11ents Incl Holklaya) ...,~ ...... -.... "~IOTS 0, FlftlE" - ) ·---.-. ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN .. __ _ "ON oou.H l"OHO'' -.... _ .... __ ''flOMYI""" . ___ ,....._ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl • IH LAGUNA "90MI KIND W HPO" ("l ·----- ··ouu,u.~ 1111 ------ ".oMY'S" ,,.. ~ .... ---- Joc:111ry 01 Conolewooo 213/111·9110 "CAT f'IOfl\.a" l .. l ., ____ ..... SO. COAST WALK·IN Soutl'I Cooll Hlway or lkooowoy 494-1514 "CAT NOf'l.r l"l ,...,.,..._ M f·T>a __ .,._ "OU.~::.r .. "_ ... ,_.....,_ ... ""' -· -0:16 '" ,,. 6:00 Sllows Stllf1 II 64S IMPOflTANT NOTICE! CHILDflEll UllOEfl 12 F"H! Htf!MI tM W11-• .., I-•• f11 5:30 • hi Swl lltl1 6.tO rti ~ SOUltO • 'l'MI -Ill CNI MDCI IS TU SlfMO tf HO AM CAA MOO WITH OIT10ll ACaSSOllY POSmQll -llllC Ml IGllTMll i •AU Cllf-ll IJIWt.llS d Gii Ml llolllAi ANAHI•~ ANAHEIM DlllVE·IN ,.._•rot lemon St 119·tHO "CAT~" (ft) ...aKTWINO" (flQ) CltlfflSOUllO ~ r I") •CUSH CW THS TTTMS" (flQ) "'DCU. 1"'°911 Al.CATMZ" ..,... LON> CW~ NNOS" (N (flQ) Clfll ASOllllO CINt ,.._ ~VtNA YA.~11! BUENA PARK DRIVE IN Ul\COl4\ A•• We•I Of CIW)tt 121-.-070 9Ul •O ~&~• LINCOLN DlllVE·IN \.ncotn ....... ol 11\0" 121·4070 ''' 11'iRnnr So" 0..00 ,,.., ol _,...nt (S.O) "M>lm IC~ .. .,,.(") "•.o.a." ,,., "K.Pff ~Gr CR) ..,... OCTAOON" (") "OUS8T '::! ,_.. (II) "Al.8" (IQ f62•24'1 Clfll·fl ~ -·~-~-;-_-;_1':_;_,;_;_!._, _} I '1tlCHAM ""°" "" ON THS ~,.,...(It) "WR CAM" (It) ~~__;ClM;_.;.,_A~ICM~Jl/l/t)~'---~-+--~~~allt~"IOUllO~~~ A '"' il•Ur A LA HAB~A l>Jlt•t IN 171-1162 i.ll'• I ORANGE 0111Vf IN ·~w·,. -"ntl .._, TW.L.MHT'I W9lf OUT 1M ._. •• ,. .. MISSION ti111v1 •N . . WAQNE " .•. I .... ·---............. ... "CAT~(") ..... TWIN.IN) Clllf ·'4 IOUllO edwards cinemas WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY , . ' . . ----------~------~ - .. Oran;e Cout DAILY PILOT/Wtdnlldiy. Aprll 7, 1982 THE t'AMltl' ClllCl'8 BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) PEANl'TS EVEN TH006H YOlJ WT ALL nlE ANSWERS ~6 wAEN YOU llJEltE VP AT iME BLACKBOARD, SIR, l WAS PROUD Of YOO ! Tl' M BLE" Et:DS l1U.. SL.AV A IJEAR FeR vew! St..A't' A LION FER VIW! s&.A'( -A eJUFF'J..O FE!R '(EW!-'t'E:R WIL.L 1% M'I VeMA~V, SM~ t HOW swi::e:r, J,..IMPW l.IZARV'1 eJLJ1 A f'OLJQU~I OF FL.OWf'RS "If we didn't hove rain there wouldn't be any gross or flowers or mud." "You don't see many cowboys wearing glasses." i i'. . f 1 by Brad Anderson DE,,IS THt.: ~t.:~ACE Hank Ketchum "I did not get a bigger piece of pie than you!" ~THIS 1SN1T JUST ANY ex: JAR' JOEY THIS lS A JAR THAT ONC~ u~ A TIME AAO PEANUT BUTTER 1N 11 ~ ~ by Harold Le Doux ,.,..._..._ ____ JY YEf) ... DE~RA &LANGI-IE THE FAMOUS THAT'5 Rl6HT ... ANO D. 6 CERTAINL..Y NOT. JUDGE' AFTER Al.I., 50MEOF MY t)f5T FRIENDS ARE WOMEN .•. CLAR~' 5HE WA5 AN ONLY CHll.0' HER FATHEft WA5 DANIEL.. OOYCE Cl.ARK' TRIAL. 1...AWYER HA5 EVERYTHIN(J IT WHO DIED TAKEt> TO OCCOME THE l.A&T YEAR'? FIRST WOMAN AlfOP:NEY 6ENEAAL~ YOU'RE NOT m · JUDICED A6AIN5T WOMEN IN THE PROFE5510N.ARE YOU.SAM? -, I r ART MU5EUM GORDO 11 THERE Ar<:E Nv OROl>-JA~V cArs. ·1 ..... LL."ILETTE 11 SPECKS ~GOLD LIKE FINE SAND, A.oo VA0UE .:31ARS TO !HEIR 1HY5TIL(A.L EVE:>:' •••.• l!-AiJOEi-A.IRE:- w11 .. L.ro. 11 WHEAi I PL.AV Wlrlf \IV CAI, WJ.10 KNOWS /!JUT THAT SHI: ~ARDS #E AS .\-i(.Vi:E A PJ..A'ITJ-WJG , ,+::, :r. ro HE:R.r" .•••• ~10AJTA IG!VE by Tom K. Ryan ( , .... t.M.,.. ..... """". tta by JeJf MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller THAT WAS ONE OF MY BEST DREAMS by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk M~B£ I SHOULD CHA~ ONE OR Tu.lO OF -rnESE AN5WE..RS lHAI l CDPIW FRON\ 8ARR4>'5 ~T PAPER. ON "'THE OTHER HAND ... WH~ RUIN A PERFEC.Tk.4 GOOD GRAD£? 6 .\R•'lt.:LD II CROSS 48 Yapping TUESDAY'S 1 Jazz 52 Bargain PUm.£ SOLVED ~ even I: 5 Snatch 3 words 9 Custody 56 Negative 1'1 Hair-do type 57 Italian poet 15 Irritate 58 Eleva hon 16 Hindu title 59 Herb 17 Bound genus 18 House part 60 Asian ruler 19 Displeased 61 Additional 20 Before 62 Bower 21 Balmy areas: 83 CrOWds 2 words · 64 T ret1ch 23 Cavity 85 Writes filler 25 Vetlicle DOWN 26 Strong beer 1 ASMSMd 27 Go und41f 2 Blazing by Jrm Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson 10 11 12 13 5Q IT~f t.OOK IDO , SU.$Pll.IOUS ! r ....._ J -r/ ·) BRABBLE I ME.Al'l,'f~ERE'~ A 11M£-AMO A VL._lE. fOfl E.'lE.~~1'"1Nb .. '1·7 by Kevin Fagan • • "29 'ttM 3 Untrained Lake." e.g. 32 0YefWelght 4 Turf 27 Paatool 47 Ful'!Cti<>Md 35 Grtt 51.ubrlcant 28 Termlt•' ~In 48 Light wood H Mutlc group 6 Heppy !)() Fruit 49 Htrdtn S1 ""'9 pwlodl r~ -3 t DitWfa61t 50 Abtenl: l8......,.. EdltOn 32 frig;'• mete • 2 worclt , 39 81ood: Pr«. 8 Ealt*I 33 Scourge 51 OrCMld 40·Am• poleol\ t OI Clint 3.4 Surprile cc.r 41 An MderMn 10 beer 35 Encompaee 52 ...,...., • 42 w.t Pointer 11 Hot eftanOld 38 " -you" room I 4S Alolnt! Pref. 12 PIWlng ... ae ~ 63 Olllgllett '4 ...., tS Goff gldgeCI 42 Solldtudt 54 Pronoun • 46 PtaHlllMt 2 t .. ,... '4 Scoftl N fOddlr Iii .-.,._ nlour..,.. 45 ".._ •r• •:&..;;'--..:..------------~~~-------:---~~---'!""'""!'---~--------~-"!""-=---:-~~~~--~----..... ----~·--------------~~--....;mllllllll...;-.. ... .. ... -MNNG- •:00 8 D. N£W8 • CHA"lt!'S AHGll.S G LYNN SHACl<ELFORO Q) THE JEFFEl\SOHS II) HAWAII Fl\IE-0 &l) BUSINESS REPORT m HEEDUCRAFT I)) CBS NEWS rfQl ABC HEWS <aHBC NEWS H)MOVIE • • Mr Sycamore' ( 197SI Ja5on Robard1, Jean S1mrnons A moddle- &ged mat1m11n lantaslLet •bout becoming a lree to esc..ipe ine orudgery of hrs hie $MOVIE • • • On(! On One c 1'1771 Rooby Benson Ann&lle 0 Toole A ooy who goes to coHege on a baskf'lball scnotarslup is abused by the coach. S<.e>r ned by hrs 1u1or ~d u~ed by the school lor 11~ uwn µurposes PG t'}MOVIE • * · ~tuckteberry f1nn"B11seo oo tr>e story by Mark Twaon A young boy and .i runaw1y slave bec.ome 1nvolve<1 tn a --ol a<lYenhH'ff wn.le fle<>ong Clown the MIUIMIP· 11• Rrver on a rail Z MOVIE • • Thi! Brave One' 119561 Motnaet Ray, Aodol· to Royo\ A young boy tra- vels to Me••CO to fond hos pet bull whoch was aw,. dentally sold 11:20 0 HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 6:30 CD All IN THE FAMILY EID NE°tVSBEAT WITM CLETE ROBERTS a!) BUSINESS REPORT ltJ~NEWS II~ PARNEY MILLER 7:00 f) CBS HEWS 0 NBCHEWS 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 0 A8CNEWS CD M"A'S'H Rada• helps out a lamb meant feir " Greek res11va1 an<l Frank os cneated out ot an opportunity to per· ~ecul e a young sotd•e• II) JOKER'S WILD ED OVER EASY Guest Carmen McRae (A) ~ DICK CAVETT 161 P M MAGAZINE A man "'ho er~ pro l>IX>• tong events dlS(llll9ed ~ • part1c1pant. dragnos- my health problems by f-"1.amm1ng the eyes 110) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An 1nwrv111w wi1h Marilyn McCoo ~THE MUPPETS Guesl Alan Arion (<;,MOVIE • • Jesu' ( 1979) Brian Deacon Rovka Nooman 1 M 1ile 01 tne "Kono 01 Konqs lrom his early Y"ars as the son of a poor tarpen1er to n1s 1ns1igalion ol tne rehgrous and soc.II revoluhon tnal led to Ills deatn by cruc1hx1on. •• detaollld G 1 0 THE BOYS OF SUMMER 7:30 f) 2 ON THE TOWN Fealured a v1s1t to 0'8 ' Autonomy Center on Tujyn,. ga which otters an all1<- na10 metnod 10 menial 111. ness 1reatmen1s. a look at PREACHER -Kenny Rogers stars as self-styled preacher in small Southern town in "Coward of the Count y," at 9 tonight on KNXT (2). reactoon& to tne for st 1nstal- ldt1on OI parking meters 1n l OS Angeles COVI'< age OI Iha Ms T.ill USA Pageant 0 FAMILY FEUD 0 PRE,.SEASON BASEBALL CJ Ill or no., Angel$ vs Oak land As 0 EYEON LA.. f t'dlurf'd d report on mar hOll "'a' 8 IOOk di bOn z•• cors, a report on test polo ts CD M"A'S"H Khnger lulls v1c11m to the 1J6Cuhur behavoor of the 4077th s personnel II) (f l TIC TAC DOUGH fD MACNEIL/ LEHRER REPORT a!) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL 1"41 Themes A trop taken &long ttw Thames Rover documen1~ tno: masswe c.ttn.111-up that r1a' res1ored ots waters to D new votahty iji\ YOU ASKED FOR IT Fi;aturoo Engl.:ind s Fur 011ure Mu~•c.1an ano Austr•a ~ S"'eet Tooth Kong H WHAT ON EARTH Ors()(I Bean hosts thos last-paced ract-1111eo sc•- ence series 0 BASEBALL San Fr anc.osco G1an1s at los Angel1<s Ooo9e1s 0 IOA MAKES A MOVIE 8:00 f) (f) HERBIE, THE LOVE BUG Rondy Bigelow k 1dnaps Her boe dll<l subslolutes a bOOby•trappod IOOk·al•ke "' Jn allempt to break up Jom and Susan s weddong 0 °'REAL PEOPLE ~•lured a cooventt0n ol tallooed people, a wom• an ' basketball team that ooly plays men a fasnoon shaw for 009s • bord psy- cno1091s1 !Al 0 @) THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO ~ -an., a trl>Clloacl OI "°""•l>WIO CD P.M. MAGAZINE A man who crashes pro sporhng events <losguosed as a partocopant d1agnos- 1ng heonn problems by eum1n1nq the eyes Cl} MOVIE • • The Human Factor f 1975) Ql!()(ge Kennedy John Molls A compole• ,..c;ef't vse!lo h15 technical •nowledge to track down hos family s lollers f1i) NATIONAL OEOOAAPHIC SPECIAL l he T h&mes A trop l<lken oiono the Thames River documents the mass.ve clean up that has restored 115 .. 01ers ton nrw v•lallly 0 !ft MOVIE • * • Tne Sn1nlng" ( 1980) Jeci.. NiChOISOO, Snelley Ouvdll 0.recled by Stanley Kubfocl< A l0tmer \<;hootteocher nored as • wor111" care1a1ter f0< a t 1Jrno1e •nd eppateotly 11aun1ed Colorado ho1el. Is '"uwDOUnd there wotn his wote and clauvoyant young ~on R IS BIZARRE Super Dave · t'}MOVIE • • * • Tess' ( 1979) Nd9li1SS10 K1nsk1, Peter forth lht1 dau9n1er ot a poor l'ngtosh Urmer be<.omes 1ne voc11m of her t.im1ly & espirauons and ner own oe•u1y A' 2 MOVIE • • • • Tne Last Metro·· t 19801 Catherrr>e Oeneuve. Gerard Oepard1eu DirllC1· <>d by F ranco11 T ruttaut 0"""0 World War II, the i;roproetors ol o smell Pans 1to .. Jtr!' try 10 keep their 1•>1.llih~hm!'rot open during lit>' German occupallon PG 8·30 CD All IN THE FAMILY ru1th I~ COnlronted With 3 r.ipost and a tofe-tnreaten- •ng tr.iuma on lhe eve of ne1 surprtse birthday par· ly 1Par1 It '1') FROM THE ASHES .•. NICARAGUA TODAY Th" rebv1ld1ng ol Nocara- gua Jlle< the bloody over- 1hrow ol Somoza 1n 1979 and tne role ol the U.S loreogn pohcy on the coun- try .ire rev1ew8<l 1S UIF'F-A·THON A comedian hos1 and lour comic coo1es1ants wno c.ompete e911n11 one another are leatured on tnos uncensored comedy game snow 9:00 f) MOVIE ·cowaro ot Iha County ·· Kenny Aogera atara In true mao.tor ·--mcMa (Ri O ~THEFACTSOF LIFE Natalie r.tudoes self- delense atter 5he is occostOO neor the campus and the heldmastar's MC· retary IS raped 0 )~ THE FALL GUY Al " stunl man ' conven- uon Cott is put on 1118 posi-''°" of n 1vrng 10 rescue h/$ ma10• c.001ender 101 the qroup ~ a11nua1 award CD MERV ORIFAH ED MIOOLETOWH ·community 01 Praise" A larnoty ol fund1mentahs11 • pers1s1en11y can upon 1helr faith to surmount lhe prob- lem5 or d;i11y Ille c;i C MOVIE CHANNEL LISTINGS • • , Tne Pttvate Eyes .. c 1980) Ooo 1Cno111, Tim Conway Two bumbl"'O Amerocan detec:lr.... are <:lilied 1n to onvntioele 1 Mmes or mUfdltrl on an Enghsh caslle PG' 8 KNXT ICBS) ID KNBC CNBCl 0 ICTLA (Ind.I 8 KABC (ABCI Q KFMB ICBSI Ci) KHJ-TV Clnd.I CD KCST IABCI '9 KTTV (Ind I 'II) KCOP TV (I n<I I • l<CET CPBSI G KOCE (PBSI '1CTITIOUI llUU9M .. ,,._ ITAT'DmJIT <Di On· T>l C%J Z·TV ®HBO (CJ (fl (1) (!, (Clnemax> (WORI NY., NY (WTBS) <ESPNl 1 (Showfltne) D Spo11o9ht m ICab1• Nt~ Nelworl!) 'lCflTIOUI I UllNUS NAMll I TATIMlllfT Tt>e fotlowlng perton .. dOlng ~ 1StWACKYWOALOOf JONATHAN WINTEM Guest lestie Uggams 9:30 0 (8 LOVE, SIDNEY 0 BULLSEYE '1') NICARAGUA UPDATE Santord Ungar anchors th•s tootc al recent ~­ opmen1s rn N1car119Ue ln<I discusses Amertean l)Ollcy and tneor government's a111tude toward the U S - (J)MOVll * * 1l 'Nlgl\lll•wlll .. (1tf I) Sytvetter Stallone, 9tlly 0.. Wllllame. A tough Maw va.11 cnv coi> " .. his WOlll cul out IOt lllm ~ Oft9 of tht w0<1d'1 mOlt d1no•rou• 1error1111 .,rt* In l'llt City '"' 10-00 8 IHAHNOH e aouwcv A 1>tY9"0Uc fOflMI medl· ell dOC:tOf II IU'4Mett<I Ot eau.ing Ille 0..111 QI Mt lluelMnd I ••• HIWI Q) OVNAl'TY ICrytlle •w1111 the outcome of Ofeudl1'1 tNJrgery, Blella reluMt AhlMWOOd'1 butl· "'" offer 1nd Al•~•• dOdOff Cofby'I Mlrllegl Olfet • FROM THE AIHO .•• HICAMOUA TOOAY fhe rab\Jlkllng of Niear•· OU• lfllf lhe bloody OV«· llw-01 Somoz1 tn 1979 end the rote of tne u S f0teign l)OllCy tn the ooun· '.2' .,. rev-8<l ~ MlOOl.ETOWN "CommunHy Of Pf11se" A temfly ot fund1menlahst1 per 11111nlly call upon the« ta1m 10 111rmoun1 the prob· lems of dally Ille Q 10.15 (t l MOVIE ••• "A Cay In The Death Ot Joe Egg· ( 1872) Alan Biies, Janet Suzman A COi.i~ whOM Chtld .... lflfS lrom convu1111ons contem- plate a mercy k1llrng R 10-.30 Cl) NEWS C1MOVIE * * * Bells Are Arngong· ( 1960) Judy ltolhday. Dean M11rt1n A t11y and 1mpres- s1on11bl!I young answering service opt>1ator beeomes 1nlotu11od woth a charming SCrtplwfllM HJ REAL OETECTIV£S: THE SPECK CASE l hlS <Joc:umeniaty fotlows 1ne CntQQo PoltCe Oepar1- me<11 s 81ep·by-step 1nves- 1iga11on ol tr•• murdef or e.gnt student nurses •n 1hetr dormitory on Juty 14 1966 O'MOVIE • • , Happy Bir1hday To Me ( 1980) Mahssa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford As murder t>egtna cnopping away at her c11cle of elitist froends a prep school sen- ior womes 1ha1 sne may be lhe ne•I viChm • or poss.- bly me kHler A 11:00f) 0 0 (1)93 HEWS 0 SATURDAY HIGKT Holl Norman l1<1r Guest 8oz Scagos 0 KOJAK CD M 'A"S"H Hawkeye ond Trapper euempt 10 refrreve e sup- ply or hydrocortisone stolan by btack-marl!- et-• G) SANFORD A.NO SON wnen Fred returns early from • tong trip. he fPOOIS • homecoming party Lamont and G,.d., nad ptanned. fD NICARAGUA UPOA TE '1') TO BE AHHOUNCED 0MOVIE ~ ••• , The Cet Anet The Canary ( 1978) Hono• Blockman. M1cn11e1 Gillen Hells b&llla tor a fottune al •he se>oo•v es111e ot a dee~ m1lllona"e ·po· 11 :30 f) (() MOVIE • • , • A Man A Woman Ano A Bank 11079) Oon- jld Sutnertand Broo~e Adams l wo cleviw coo ar11sts usc a sopn1s1oea1f'd compu1rr to mastlfmind a bank robbery Q (HTONtOHT Host Johnny C"son GUfft Robert Kletn D Q]) ABC Nt:WS HIGHTLIHE '8 THE JEF'FERSONS Cl} LOVE. AMERICAN STVLE &;l DICK CAVETT a!) CAPTIONED ABC HEWS H MOVIE • • * Sttt Crazy" I 1980) Roenard Pryor Gene Wild- er l wo m11n are mil taken for bank robbers and sent 101111 R' lSJ TWO TOP BAH~AS Don Adams end Con Ric- kles 1e11m up for a show- case ol burlesque and uncenaored comedy -Ml>NIGHT- 12:00 D ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT u Tn. lottow1n9 --tS OM>g IXISl .... I .. 'fES. VIAOINIA. 108 \At Qollo, ENTRY lEllEl SYSTEMS J6tJ Wl!St ~ .. _k ~~·~-......... MacAtthur 8IYCf. Suit• llOt, s.n .. ""-· .,._.., ---~·-•• -.. CA 92704 Ol<til A p.,_ lot VIII <Mkl, EDWIN OGDEN CHllOE. 11680 Co· ~ llMcll. C*orltla ~ '11'1111. Foui>t-V•ttay CA 9?70ll ~-i. ~ !Ir M Tt>tt Ou"""' 11 conouc1&0 oy an tn 111rglnlel'--T1'lll 11-l - -..,. ... f.-0 c-County Clerlt OI ~ c-..., on....,. ·ri.1•••-• "'" ·-...ih the County Ill 1912 Cte•k ot Orenoa County on Marc~ ti . .,.. ,.., ""'*'*' Oren;e C-~ Plol, P1'UT7 Merdl 17 24 3l, N>r11 7 tt12 ,_. Publolhed Orange Coatt Oatly P~ot • • • • • • • A.pnt 1 14 " 21 •tel 1590-12 Man1off's RanchoLM Raol1 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, Aprll 7, 1982 89 TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (~0) '1 :301 KCET (28) B:OO - "National Geographic Special." A trip down the Thames capt urea the 11 f e and history of the river and lt.s people. KA.BC (7) 9:00 -"The Fall Guy " Colt rescue• major contender at stunt men's convention. KNXT (2) 9:00 "Coward of the County." Kenny Rogers stars as self. styled preacher in motion picture-for- telev181on. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Quincy." A psychotic. former medical doctor 1s suspected oC causing the death of her husband. .... An 1n1erv1aw w11n M•rolyn McCoo D @J LOVE BOAT Juloe l1W1 In love w1lh 11n otdar min, two yO<Jng tov- 111 ore ceuglll between their l&ljdlltg perents and 111 inept ctuo try to mako a delivery (R) 0 MOVll; • • ' S111eno 11969) Ate• Coro Brll1 Ektand CD MOVIE • • La<lv F "' A Night \ 19421 Joero Blei11dell Jonn Wayne Cl} LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE EJ:) AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY (Z IMOVIE • • • Strr Cral)t" ( 1980) A1c.h.ird Pryor Gent! Wild- er Two men ar11 moatak.en tor bank robbf!rs ~a sent to1ort R 12:30 0 ~I.ATE NIGHT WITH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guests comeooan lenny Schultz, fll)O(IS e<111or John Wat1>n. call members lrom the mov•e Ouest For fore 0 COUPt.ES Q) HEWS ED PEOP!.E ANO OROANIZA TIONS 0 1MOVIE * • Tne Hand (19811 M•thltll Cdorl~ Andrea Mercovocc:o Bizarre •<lCI· <lents eno nrgntmares be'tl1n happening tn a car- toonrst \ hto af1e1 ne sulfa« in.-tos~ ot 1 nano R S, MOVIE *', T ntr t\ollong Kind ( 1973) John Suvage, Cindy Woll•oms Allor servmg two year' on,, trumoed·uP sex charqo. a young woman 1s reteaseo lr()m prosoo and beyons S"l'kong her revenge R 0 8AARY MANILOW: IH THE ROUND ManolOw pe<lorm~ a selec loon or hos riots oncludong Mandy t Wute The Songs Con t Smile W11nou1 You and Copa· cabo1na T a~d at P1111- burgh ' CMG Areno 12:40 C MOVIE • • Outrageous' ( 19n1 C..r ••O Russell. Hollis Mclaren A good-natured haordres-. who moon- hghls a. an ompersonalor ol remele celebr11111s share' an aper1men1 and a platonic •el•tronshrP w•lh a sct>11opnreniC young wom- an R 1.000 MOVIE • • 1 he Annopohs Sto- ry {195SI John Derek Duane Lynn. Two brolhe.s at 1118 Naval Ac:idemy tall on love wotn the same girl (I) MOVIE • • "• r The Bells 0 1 St Mary 1 f 1945) Bing Crot- IJy. tngrld Bergman 1-108 MOVIE * * Sarn Caao Glenn ford Bucnonan ®J NEWS l:251M MOVIE (1972) Edgar • • • · l 11dv Songs fh11 &lu111 f 1972) Oouno Ross Billy Otm Wllh.im5 The t1llemJl10ty lltll8r nn<J trag. •c ""''"r or btuea aongl!< Bothe HoltoO.iy whose edO•tt10" to drugs tocred~d o!, hfl1 popul1A11tv dod ts traced 1:30 0 3 NEWS 1:50 f) NEWS 2:00 CD MOVIE * • * 11>e t ntor ,er 119!>0) Humpnrey Bogert Zero Mo~tel A aenseloonatt newi.popHr •tory e•poses Mur<ler Inc. .i racket whoch sprea05 terror whet l•ver 11 h•ll Z MOVIE • • , Boren Interval t 10781 Edc1oe Afberl Rop Torn A young gorl 1s i.ent 10 live "'''n Am•"Sh retatrvea where• ~(IP IPll!na 8b0Ut 1fW- ICdlt(1l!S OI th!' adult W()rlO 2: 10 ·$,MOVIE • •' Nrghth!lwk~ (19811 Sytvestm Stallone Solly Dee Wllhoms A tough New Yori\ Coty cop has hrs work cut out lor hom wllen ""Ii ot '"" wo•IO s most danperou"J 1err or1~ts au•vf'., m tu\ city R 2:20 C MOVIE • • • Fame I 1~801 Irene Cara Berry Miller Several golted studenll al " New York 1'11g1> '-Chool for tne vet101m1n9 ._ut~ e.cpe11ence v.mous sewock ~ and SOC· o::esses of botn ~rGOnal .ind prol8flS1011.it nntures PG 2:25 tJ MOVIE • • •, '1'1onor Tt1y F atilt!< .. I t9721 flat V.;ttnne Rtch· .JHJ Ca51P11ano A mob ieaOI!< 1. son toolo.s at 1118 '•'• ot h•S ,.,no,cat"-'"" l.in11ly 2:300 MOVIE • • , Bir/lono Tna News I 19401 l1010 Notan Qorig uaven11u11 A crusading newspaperman e~poses corruptoon m n1s town s ~vernmcnt UMOVIE * • • Slor t:ra:y" I 1980) R1cnard Pryor. Gene Wrld· er Two men ere mrstal!en tor benk robbers and Mf1t 101a1I R 2:400 NEWS 8:30G) MOVIE • • • Yallowneck f 19~!>1 Lin McC&<lhy Ste· p!W>n Cour!leogh A group of C1v1I War O&S4'.rtPrs head fe>r lre~dom tnrough the fto11da Ev8<9l.lldes 3:45 ( 1' MOVIE • • .. • The Last Ml"lrO f 19801 Cotnor1ne Oeneuve Ge;ard DllPO•d•ev Oirec1 ed by Franc~' Trullau1 Ourn>Q Wr>rld w,., II the JOHN DARLING l>•OC><1411o<• QI I small 1'•111 th"''• lly In kffP their fft•blllll1'™Htt Oll'HI during the Oarm<111 oc:c.upa11011 i PO' a:eo 'H. MOVIE • • "Kill A.no IClll Alj811l ( 1981) Ja~• Ay•11 Arw .. IHl9 ....... A "''"'"'' "'s ""'*' b•"'" th• m1oion. OI f f,IOW ....... d Kierlllll 11111r11 on 111Jl•v1ng 1n111 ~111d won 1 new "lilld.()()11· tr ol drug PO •:00 D MOVlf • * Coty OI ht<IOWI' • 19&$1 Vie1or Met ao1er1. Kelh'-> Crow .. y News IX>Y• moonlight H o•no •ll!rA' llldH (f l BIZARRE Super Oavf' 4:30 C MOVIE • • • St IVtll (1'1 Tlll \.hu11u1 l:lroot<>n Jutquco '"'.,&•net A tormflr cr1me '"t'Q'htt h.ultC"O OOtt-<.ttv•~ I~ hirt°'O IJy d weJl,ny l1hn r.,11C11'• ICI '"'"over a ,..,, ol 111u1mma11no ledgers PG $ TWO TOP BANANAS Dun Adami .mo Ooo Aor kl11s team up tcir J st>o"" c.aw ot builtosquco aud un~eru~oroo .omedy t'}MOVIE • • , Amtuic.an Pop ( Hl811 Arnm&led l hP 11•5· tory ot Amm1can pop mutt•t. hom vaud"¥1Ue to Uk.. tt t(IU '" tlaGt."\S through \,Cvt-' ,JI Qt•f1\•t .i t•OllS o• .. IJM•ly OI mu1'• c.•·tt n Thur11da.,·11 Doythn ... tlot'i.-11 -MORNING- 8:000••• lom t1981J P1t,>ti1 l._lunP MPt G1tt~n A young '''""<le<l rnen an<l " ~ns•ll•~. m1<ldle .iqoo 'lfOttldn Ot:,.,tttop il t.IC>Se 'ttlJ\1on\h1p ol rnutual oeell .in<l un<ler~landrng thu1 le.:id• 10 an unortno 00• mJrnBglO 11:30 C • • • Kong 01 Kings I 1Qf>l) J111f1ev Hu111ar Robert Rynn Tl>{' com1no or Je~us llnd th~ """"'~ of 11•~ hie gave b" 111 10 a 111>W ,~1+91on 9. 15 2 • • ' ElrrC11 lntt>r wJI I 19i t (dO•t' A1t>;,rt Rop I 0" A ~a.mg gort •• '°""' to h\.e with Amish tPtdtivfl:S wnt.-rO Sh..-~ ... ,n. JOoul th~ reahtte~ ol ,,,~ .uJuU whrlc.1 9:30 (I) • • A<-c1 H••"' A.rngo· ( 19 '81 Jonn W.ivne Flay Corrigan lhP I tu('(-Ml!l>QU•1Pcrs wr uut 10 nolJ d g.inq Of C&llle 1n1l!vt-t. Ot.H"'r dt1nq a1ong me Rt11l flovo:r 10-00 H * * fiu<.llU$ 119601 011k Bf'ne<l1ct Londa Blair A ,nen ~llco<.k••<l V• .. 1nam v,.t <l•slu<b> lr•t pi>oce 01 .:i small AldlJam.i town PG S • • • Thf' flrotn.>rs Karam .. 1ov I 19581 Ma"a Schlllt Yul Brvnnet A man •• un1uslly convocted ot 1nurd~rm9 h•S father 11.00 l 1 • * fill' Brave 011ff ( 19S6) Mic.nae• Ray ROdOI· to Royo~ A yO<Jng l>Oy tra- ve11 to Me.,co to fond h1s pet bull wl11<:h was ecc•- dent<1lly 'old 11:30 C, • • Second Wmd 11980) Lindsay W aoner J11mes N1uqhlOn A man continues to uJ1enate his wolM and son by 1ogg1ng alOt>U 10 thmk abou1 1ne probtems 1hat are destroy- mg h•S marriage PG 12:00 f) • • lhe Fmeratd 01 Artatama f 19671 Rory Calf•Ciun James Phrlbrook An American becomes involved 1n .l lhrt'e-w&y racp omonq lorlune hurot ers ~earr.h1ng ror J rore f'gypt1an 1ew1•I Q) * * Tt>P lllll Btollkrtf'Q ( 1ri5q, Vnn Jottn•un ()4{k Vur" Our Ing WOll<l War II • OalllO of 11MI Uutuu u W'"O llu Niu• llttd fol» IJ•lll<I Of Mtll>OhtiUI holtllruho Allmtl lrl></111 G) • • • I"• Oel11<.lor I 111~111 MD11tgomo:1ry 1,1111 11,ro, Krv~ The CIA •"h111 1n11 •lid or 1111 Arm"' tun phyu~t•I tu •I.Cit U1IU1 M•llt1•1 truro •• c.Jet ... hrtQ ~'""Y 11'30 r I ' 111 • '> Iha 1>11rple ft•t ( 1\11111 f rw Atl••le Otl1r10t1• ~mpflOQ A atm pie 11111\ <:OUllll)' <luctur UOl't>tllongly 1•k• 00 A tl<lw and rl<.h Cl,.ntale wt11th lo11dj1 "" old wh1sk11y '*"'"tJ1•r:• "''~C\.ns1tvbt~ A" 0 • • • • fat\ '19791 N11st~·~".. tiUn1~· P•t•t r"'" 1h .. n.1uohl .. "' • j)OOr ( uulr.11 f11rtt1•1 h«t)lf•t·~ "" v!(t•m or h .. r ,.,,,,,,., • e.t11c.1u•lluua •net ti!' •WI ht+11Ut f n 12 46 l • • l'.op' ''II"' P11e J Unvu1 N1~_.n f11-.111r11 M1t11r • .-. 1f\•• lutOf nt ,1 j.~1;1U•t .,. ornt>4)t~u ur11 -. ·••fl t1t1tl' he mu~t l1vr• u~1 tu tu .. U' .. utly fOl•UJ U•'t .&\H\J t.tlt'41 Uf htHUlhlfl whun U1• f\(')'( •>. k1c1 r1uppr•d t:OO C • • • •,,,ruJ,1v h1 Nt•w "f'urh I t1•h4'I (.,lift rh.it~•·r1 ~· J.a11t Fune.Ju Attto h•••••u 11lh tJ 11, ,,.,., ho)' h•HJ0 1'11J tr,11• 111\1 h.1 Nf'"'!N YoH tf.) '111\11 hf t l11(')ftwt ,. 'fU ,r ~ W("'T•otH Cflh ll1N$ t r•1 r: 1-.1fi(Jlll nr1 .,.1g1n11, H • • • ffu1F.uthf.r1q I t '•8<J' V/ltl• .tn"t Ht1ltlt•tt hit.a. 1 ~< htOth•r A 4NOfld 1r .• v..i~r h•.•t tit ti> J )UiJr1q oq)h ,)H ttu~ WdY' ol SlH Vl'.;'oll Ill lh11 A11,f1JhtJf\ W•lth-•f· ri(jW, f.J(. 2:30 2 • • Uu1 '' 1n1l•rv..t1" t 1' .. 7hl ( 1hht1 Alht"rt Rio Tor11 A / Jun'J yul 1:. .. ant to h"t ""''h Anu!.n re1at1Y-e Wlilher• .tw lf•;rtn ,lt.Jn ;t thr 1e.;h1 ... ., , I tht .ui•Jll .,.,, .• rto 3.:00 O • • r1o1111J~ .• t •"• c;r ,,.,, .. 1 a .... .,, uh•·I S r vw,.• 111 C,outh Ah1r.1 _., 11tcnueyOfth 1'(1!. d ••• ;11 ~· H U~t-><I OI 'vm "'•t•1t1c~ 1 ,,"''"•'' '" ,,_.Yt:!'1\W fCJr fin. J.1u'(J"1t~1 \ d•· 1th H • • t<1·ua 01 ftut M1 uHt t 111 t l'-H~ 1) HJ"Y t•,,,,,1111 J1 •·f r1 BorttJm· rt,,.., 1(••f'''t l A t'"ltJC.he I~ Jt wf t1 Hitt, t•f!f"'r(~~~ It. ., , s 1 t ul h teJ ' jt 1nq Pl, 3:30 t') • • • h V!> N \lnt )ul ' ''. "'''" "-Ovtll> Jam ... .!t r, ,,,,,., Wt1Pn -;-, 5o,tla~·~ \ •C.HJUfl co ed untJl"fl JI> t• •J u • ,._ of-'1trc t1 &.JH11• f I hf l1r1Cl~ ft)\,H t,11'>1'1•'"> ,nu-•n '"'''' 1t1e1n v.i1H111q Ir h·.1 ,. •f• tf1,u1 n1A1H 10 mJ ti ... , m ht"t \ludy 4:00 c (,t111d1t ,, ,,, ,." d'" Sttt••lf 4:15 z • • • • fht l ··~· M1 o r t••li<Jt r ·11n1·r~11·--o .. r t!'U\IP f )4 ., cttcl (.>Pp U O•~ Ou .. (.'t.->•J ny Fn1nco15 lrulfd ,, (h.H•''Q Worto N ,, n n' ~rtuH+ tnt~ c1 a ~.tll P,iflS ltH'ri1'f• tr( 10 lo.£6ot-"t tt""' ·~t.tt1t1s.t1mf"rtt r...C*r tJu• 11q 1n1 C1ettr;dn U"t..t.1lJt.1111.r1 ('(1 4:30 s • .. f 1tt I • 1\rt~ ~t:Jr Yt'"'l"''' 1'1~ 11 An•rn.tt~d Au '""') ut hllle IUbOl'o bd'".J h .. 'QttUH·r 10 Ot.:ten<f £,,. 111 j9°''' 1 .; ton... ,, altett HIVddfJf~ (1 5·30 C • • ~ ... < "" Won<l ! 198 lt I • .t.,.h Wagn1•r JJn•'" t'J.NQhlt.>n A m.-J, tor lmue~ 10 .. 1"1<\'111 '"' y.i1fP •"'tJ ~ .;n t1~ 1oggmq .• iuoe h.. th11'"th at>C.KJI tt-.e l••OOl .. m~ th.JI .Jrl' deS1rCJ> '"'f '''!t mdrt 1 ;9f PG H • • • M11'191Jn1nrtt~ 119601 Mllwur ii ... 1tti.:tltlYwu; Ann.t Halph 10 HnCto.. Ai,· tr 111:1 J \l\Ph11t1 '\PIH1•f , t111t1 tUIC1 Rf\ Aho '''1't\ .. """"M" •utvPt uc rnss Ult. nu\t1 •fl '·•' l' l h l)t 1ne wun1 "' ,1n~t ft·~· by Armstrong & Batiuk AND NOW LET'S GO 10 WA.N ~ 1'HE WfAnifRWOMAN FOR HE~ WONDERFUL WEAiHER WORD! CHARLIE, IT L-OOKS L-IKE IHE RAIN WE'VE BEEN HAVINU 15 OOIN(:r iO 6E IERRIF'IC. Ml&...D~ .JUST HAPPENS 10 f!>E ONE OF' MV F'A\ORl'TE PLANi5 / WllH US F'OR rr4E: REST OF THE WEf?:~! FIND YOUR NAME Q) 2 TICKETS WORTH S 19 .... , IHITY FAllUH•S N~I & Fairview -Cosio Mesa Thl(rS Sunday. April 1.S 18 TICJ<E'TS evetlable et Circus Vergu locations end al 111 Tlckelron outlatt For more c11ous tnformelion. cell (714) 957· t 1?0 "• ••• Orange Coat DAILY PILOTIW-9""'7: Apr!l 7, 1882 ; R igor011s smoker tests confirm MERITas P-roven -taste alternative to higher tar smoking. Just released....;;.. the results of extensive new research con.- ducted by MERIT. Taste Turning Smokers To MERIT. In a separate .part of this study, smokers report that MERIT taste is a major factor The conclusion: In tests comparing taste and tar combined , MERIT is the clear choice over leading higher tar brands. · in completing their successful switch from higher tar brands. MERIT Remains Unbeaten. In impartial new tests where brand identity was concealed, the overwhelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than -leading higher tar brands. Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and gcxxl taste. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined . -That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your HeaJth. . -. Confirmed:9 out of 10 farmer higher tar smokers say MERIT is an easy switch, that they didn't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best--tasting low tar they've ever tried. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste ·alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. 0 PhUlp Manti 1.-c:. 1911 Kings: 7·mg "tar:· 0.6 mg nicotine-100's Rag: 10 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotine-100's Men: 9 mg ''tar:· 0.7 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Aapon Oec:81 1 M E RIT Filter i _J D1ily Pilat WedMlday, APrll 7, 1982 OUT OF THE KITCHEN SUPERMARKET SHOPPeR MICROWAVE RECIPE SLIM GOURMET Young chefs Cook up party Having children at home during spring vacation can be the perfect time to Introduce them to the mysteries of the kitchen. Teaching kids to cook not only provides the fun and satisfaction of putting things together, but also answers a very real need for working moms who need help in the kitchen. Children ranging from 8 or 9 (if already kitchen-handy) to 14 are the ideal age to share some responsibility for dinner. The key to raising your own chef de cuisine is to involve the younger set early, at 3 or 4 years of age, in simple tasks which meld with their relatively short attention spans. To keep up the enthusiasm, try a variety of dishes that can be associated with familiar and favorite stories like the fanciful Alice in Wonderland tea party. The presentation of these treats is delightfully childlike. And the story can be woven into the cooking lesson and used as a diversion if you sense the young chef if becoming frustrated with a certain project. The moral of the story for success with your growing chefs is: maintain flexibility. Specifically, -Don't overwhelm them with long lists of rules. -Know in advance that when youngsters help cook, tot.al cleanliness is next to impossible and that the final clean-up chores may well be yours alone. -Avoid the temptation to take over and do everything yourself. -And, above all: Always entbusiastically eat what your young chefs help cook. HERITAGE SHORTCAKE 2'1.1 cups all purpose biscuit mix· 1 cup whipping cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup marshmallow creme l 1h cups peach slices 1 'h cups strawberry slices 1 cup miniature marshmallows 1/2 cup blueberries Prepare biscuit rrux according to package for 8-inch short.cake. Whip cream and vanilla until slightly thickened. Add marshmallow cre me; continue beating until sti~f. Split shortcake; fill with half of fruit and marshmallow creme mixture. Top with remaining fruit and marshmallow creme mixture. Garnish with mint, if desired. CUPCAKES WITH PETITE DAISIES Angel Mallow Frosting 1/2 cup sugar 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons water 1 (7 ounce) jar marshmallow creme 'h teaspoon vanilla 24 cupcakes Combine sugar, egg whites and water in double boiler; beat with electric or rotary beater over boiling water until soft peaks form. Add marshmallow creme; continue beating until stiff peaks form. Remove from heat; beat in vanilla. Frost cupcakes. Decorate with: Petite Daisies For each fl ower, dip scissors in water. Cut across the flat side of miniature marshmallows to form petals. Arrange five petals on wax paper in a daisy, slightly overlapping tips. Dip inside of flower into colored sugar to coat cut sides-of petals. C3 C6 C7 ca •ESEm • ~ r• ., Ea$ter eggs roll down through history ... C3. FINALE FRUIT TARTS l 8-ounce package cream cheese 1 cup flour 1A teaspoon salt VJ cup margarine V:z cup sugar TEA PARTY IN WONDERLAND -The Mad Hatter and March Hare might drop by for such treats as (from top) Heritage Shortcake, Cupcakes with Petite Daisies, Finale Fruit Tarts and Sesame Cookies. 2 tablespoons cornstarch Dash of salt I cup milk •12 teaspoon vanilla Strawberry halves Banana slices Divide cream cheese in half; reserve 4-ounces for filling. Combine flour and salt; cut in 4 ounces cream cheese and margarine until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Divide dough into 12 balls; chill. On lightly floured surface, roll out each ball to 4 V:z -inch circle; place in 3-inch tart pan. Prick bottom and sides with fork. Bake at 375 degrees, 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely. In saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch and salt. Gradually add milk: cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture becomes clear and thickened . .(\dd vanilla and remaining 4-ounces cream cheese, cubed; stir until smooth. Fill tarta. Chill. Before serving, garnish with strawberries and bananas. 12 tarts. SESAME COOKIES I cup margarine 1A cup sugar I teaspoon almond extract d 2 cups flour 1h teaspoon salt Sesame seeds Strawberry preserves Cream margarine and sugar until 1ght and fluffy. Blend extract. Add flour and salt; mix well. Shape rounded tablespoonsful of dough into balls; roll in sesame seeds. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Indent centers; fiU with preserves. Bake al 400 degrees, 10 to 12 minutes. Approximately 3 dozen. ' Passover recipes trace a long Jewish history ................. -e oLIDA Y COOK -Joan Genon Nathan 1erVea a matzah. 1plmch and meat pie from a recipe in her la~ book. By MARY JANE SCARCELLO DellJ !"Mot 'ood ldlhw For J e ws a ll over the worldl t o night marks the start o Passover, an ancient celebration beginning as a festival celebrat.eC by desert nomads and later mar- king their freedom as they esca- ped from slavery in Egypt. Foods eaten during the eight days echo the history of the ho- liday: nothing made with flour or leavening is eaten because the Jews fleeing Egypt had no time for bread to rise; haroset, a sweet blend of fruits and nuts, repre- sents the mortar used by Jewish slaves in building the pyramids; bitter herbs are served aa a re- minder of the enslavement. Although Passove r foods are available in most supermarkets, many cooks prefer to make their own. "Passover is a good time to go back to old family recipes, rather than buying prepared foods in the market, according to Joan Nathan Gerson, author of "J ewish Holiday Kitchen." She was at the Williams-Sonoma store in South Coast Plaza rec- ently to demonstrate three of her recipes and talk about her ree- earch lnto Jewish custonu and holidays. · "You can even go to the store and buy k01Jber breakfast cereal for Pa.over, but why do it?" ahe asked her audience while she rnlxed e.,. for a torte. '"lbere'• no compuiaion between the tute of commercial ge!Ute flah and my mother-in-law'• recipe." A Maryland resident, Mrs. Gerson ii married to a 1peclal .. lltant to Amertca'a ambaaa- dor to the United Natlont. She .. le ft a 4-year-old daughter at home for the wee k -long trip through Williams-Sonoma stores in several states but brought along her 6-week-old daughter who slept happily In a cousin's arms while Mrs. Gerson cooked and talked. Her first cookbook, "The Fla- vor of Jerusalem," was written while living in Israel, where Mrs. Gerson served as foreign press attache for Mayor Teddy Kolleck of Jerusalem. "I wanted to do someth ing about my own roots," she said of her book. She describes her background aa Reform Jewlah, noting that her father came from Germany and her moth er's fa- mily from Poland. "I want to capture the customs for our children," lhe aakl of her literary and culinary effo«1a. "Some of the holiday recipea traveled with Jew. from country to country," alie said. "Baile recipes chanaed. dependl.nc upon whit WM available In that. pm-t of the world." By tradition, h<>UM9 are tho- roughly cleaned before Passover to remove any trace of leavening. Conservative and Orthodox fa- milies keep separate sets of dis- hes, cutlery and utensils just for Passove r which are carefully packed away for the rest of the year. In her book. Mrs. Gerson notes that dishes can be converted for Passover use by scalding in boi- ling water. ''For people in other countries who had difficulty in getting kosher dairy products, sometimes a kosher container was taken to a 'Passover is a good time to go back to old family re- cipes rather than buying prepared foods in the market.' cow so milk could go d.irectly into lt," she said in her demonstra- tion. None of her rec~pes contain enatz ingredients made to taste like eomething el8e ~ to keep the d1ah kOlher, she added. She plans another book of ethnic reclpea 11<lth a broader bue and Ms been lnterviewln& Americana with cooktna tradi- tions [rom a variety of countries 1ucb u Vietnam, Mexico and Scandinavia. "I like writing about old people and everyday people. because it's pa rt o f an oral history lost to other generations," she said. More immediate plans call for a quick trtp to New York for an interview with the ABC televi- sion network right before fee- ding 'about a dozen" relatives for Passover. "Actually. I've already fixed and frozen'lhe torte I demon- strated today for dessert," she said, "and the h a roset can be d on e two or three days in ad- vance. My mother will help, and some of the guests wiU probably bring something for the m eal from the recipes in my book." She looked over at h er younge r daughter a nd adde<l. "But I'll probably have the Pas-- sover table set before I go to Ne+ York. Somehow there's always • las t -minute emergency witb small children." , Here are the recipes she off~ red. Abbreviations at the end ~ recipes are: P for Pa.reve, ~ without milk or meat; M for ~ and F Cor meat. ~ MINA DES ESPINACA 1 CON CARNE ? (Matu'-Splaacla ud Meat '\ Pie from Spala) 4 matmt ' 1 pound fresh spinach 1 medium onion, chopped • 6 tables~ns vepta&ie oil'' 1 pound chopped beef 2 tablespoons plne nuta (or other null) l~~tut.e .. ~ W.poon l cup muhed JJO'atoel s!~e unbroken matzot ln cold water until eoft (about 2 (See 'PAllOVD.' Pap a) Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. Aprll 7, 1982 Serve up a p e ach y brunch P.-ac h l:ottl-f' t:ake 11 pn~ bll boautl(ul bread \hat'• especially restive for F.astcr brunch 1.1nd t-asy enough tq do thut Womina ln the midst ol 'the moet l'laborate menu preparatlon.11 lf Eauer brunch le a JarnJly tradition, Peach i(Affee Cake w111 add a •~al toUch f EACH COFFEE , CAKE ,, 2 l ·pound loaves frozen white b r elld dough # -Filling: l can (29-ounl'es) cling peach shl't.'S .. Passover From Covf'r t ) rmnu t>s Drain very well on a cloth or paper towel Squ eeze out water 1r necessary. Wash spinach, drain thoroughly and dry. Chop lightly. Saute onion o rt 2 tab- lespoons oil. Add the meat and cook until brown. Add pine nuts and season with salt and allspice. Remove grease. Cook spinach brie fly, until it wilts. Drain and mix with meal and po- itoes. Beat 2 eggs well. our over spinach -meat ixture a nd mix well. reheat oven to 400 de- jrees. Grease a pie plate tr square baki ng pan ~1th 2 ta bles poons 011. over the pan bottom 1th 2 whole matzot. H hey brea k , you can tch them. S pread the ml'al - ~pinach mixture on lop 4nd cover with rema1- 4mg 2 matzot. Brush top 't-'ith remaining 2 table- ~poons 011. Beat tht' re- ipaining egg and spread qver all. Bake al 50 m1 - !?utes, or unttl t op 1s lightly browned. : Serves 4 to 6. (F) tGYr!lAN HAROSET 1 l pound dried ra1 !Ans l 8 ounces pitted dates 2 cups water l IA cup sugar • IA c up c h opped 'talnuts or pecans ; Place raisins a nd dates in a bowl with en- ough water to <.'Over Let s tand for a n hour. Add the sugar and whirl in a blender. a few spoonsful a t a time . (Or divide mixture in thirds and put in food processor). Transfe r c hopped fruits to a heavy sauce· pan and let simmer over low heat unlll fruits arc cooked and hqu1d 1s ab- sorb£-d, about 20 mmutl's. Remove from the heal a nd .put m a jar When chol. s prinkle with t•hop- ped nuts. ' Makes 4 l'U~. (P) ftlATZAH ALMOND ' TORTE (Germany) 8 eggs separat<.'<J l cup sugar •;. cup s1ftc.-d matz.ah meal Juict' of •., lemon Grated rind of 1 ~ lemon 1.4 teaspoon S<.tll 1.2 c up p e cans , ground •;. c up almonds . ground Glaze (s<.'e below) Beal the egg yolks until light. Gradually add the sugar and conti- nue bea'ting until eggs are lemon-colored. Pre - heat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour with matzah flour a 9 -inch spring-form pan. Sirt the matzah meal and add to the yolks. Add the lemon juke. rind and salt. Fold in the nuts. Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold into the mix- ture. Transfe r to the spring-form pan and bake 45 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. &>rve as lS or with glaze. · GLAZE 1 egg yolk ·~ cup lemon juice 1h cup sugar Grated rind o f 1h lemon 1 teaspoon butter or pareve margarine While torte is still In ·the oven, beat together the egg yolk, lemon jui- ce. suaar and lemon rind. Place ihe mixture In a saucepan and oil, stirring constantly until it thick- ens. SLir ln the butt.er or marcarme. ~·a toothpic k, poke bole. ln the baked cake al l·inch lntervala. When the cake has Coo· led alJghtly, still in the pan, pour glue over 1 t. Let stand a f~ minutes IO the elaae link.a ll\, and then remove from pen. • , ~8.(Por M) . ~. l'UP sugur •, tenspoon l'ltlll:t· mon 1 'I l' u p c h 0 p p l' d walnuv. or J.lmonilil Mt' 1 t e d bu l t l' r 11 r powdered sugar icing (oµuonid) nally, until hqu1d 1a t!vu poratt•d und m1xtun• I!; (u1rly th1t•k Ll•t wol tu rooin tt'lllf.>t'I atur t• -Kneud lwvei; tog<.•tht>1 .md roll lntu rec t:rnglc.• about JOxl:l inlht.-s . Spread peach filling to within one i~h of edgt-t: sprinkle with nuts. Star- ting at wide end ge ntly roll dough lnlO 9ylinder. Pinch seam t1fhtly to seal. Stretch rol slightly until eve n. Plact-sealed· edge d own on lightl y g~asl'd large baking sheet and form into cir- Thaw doush just until pliable. Meanwhile, pre- pare filling. Thoroughly drain peaches; chop coarsely and drain again. Combine in 2-qu..rt sau- cepan w ith suga r and cinnamon a nd bring to boil. Rt"dut·e heat and simmer, sllrrtng occasio----:;.......~~~~~~~~~~~~ dt' Pm<.·h t'rtd~ tt1gNhvr t o 11uul U&1ng s~·1:.M11 :., mukt! l'U~ I,\ of lhl· W J.Y through rang al I 1m h 1111t.•rvuls Turn t'Hl'h S('(.' turn o n Its s1dl' Cover wllh r.las u c wrap, tlwn towe • and l~t r11'~ 1n warm area until dQuble. about 45 minutes. Bako at 375 degrees until top is dC'ep-golde n brow n , about :l5 minutci;. Brush with rlll'lled butter or dr12zlc with powdered s ugar ll'lng, 1f dl's1rcd, wh1ll' sllll warm. Makes about 12 servings. GOOD MORNING - P eaches flavor an easy coffee cake for Easter brunching wi· thout bother. Ralphs Easler Parade · of Values! USDA Cl\Olce lorgo M .. IJ End Rib Roast Afmour Stat Butter 81stt d F1e1h Boneless Turkeys rro1•n New Zeal1f'td leg O lamb Ba• S Wtle< Addod•8ontten Half Hams Shank Portion Hoffyor Farmer John Smoked Limit 2 Ham Per Customer While Supplies Last per lb. Fresh . Straw- berries 12 oz. basket Assorted Ralphs Brown N·Serve Rolls pkg.ofl2 ~· 2.19 p~r 3e59 ~· 2e59 Allpha F101en Hen O• Tom Butter-Basted Turkeys ~~· .69 ••••••••••-Special Deli Values••••••••••• gg t Slick Mt•gtrlne R1lpllt Aerosol C1n Whipped Cream Ce•lllled Wiison Ham C•Hme')'F .. sll Ralphs Sour Cream Pow-Of lhown Ralphs Sugar C 110 Fiim Kodacolor II Auorted Fla•or• Hawaiian Punch • a·'\~~ • Blue Bonnet I lb pkg ~ .. Double Coupon Presen t tl'l1 •, <.uupon dlong w11t1 d"1 o m · M<1111it.H "''"' . <:1''11"> 11fl '1,1ir1r,n and gel double 111 .. <;.rJv1ng•, Ntl"11 f Jlr 11111• 11.,·,1· ltH• '1•'•'' t~rrf tr1 "" t111Je . retailel .. 'l1t:P0 (JI CJfll(..Pry Jiii/i 11.t ,,, •1lllHlll 1 Irr •'' r·••rJ 1111• /,11•1" rrf 111'~ item Exclude., liquor l<JbJ< l ,1111! 1J.11r , l•'•;tf11 '" limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective April 8 thru April 14, 1982 «Mn Double Coupon PrPSCl'll 1n1s c ou' un J l1JnQ >N•lf' .Jr1 , o• • M 11 11' 1Clu11>1 s 1 •<>I'> <1!1 <..,rJupon .tnd get doutil1• lht: .. av1ng• 11t·e11 1 ( , 1 J•( 11 J<;r· ir r 11t111 tir 1 •r, •fl lud e re tailer lre1 1r '110•""'\r pu•r t1,,•,• 1,urrnn<, r "'('" •l tr• ,.1lu« r,! II'•: ti Pm E;.<:.luUf" to 1uc1r lu bJrr0 .<11<1r1«ir 1 crJrJur 1• Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective April 8 thru April 14, 1982 · Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and limit 3 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective April 8 thru April 14. 1982 •••••••••••··~nn~~3 • it's • Save .54 with Coupon • I Large AA 54 I like • Ralphs • • getting = Eggs Wll~c~~on = 6 eggs • Limit One Item and One Coupon per Customer I f REE • Coupon effective Apri: 8 lhru April 14. 1982 • ····················---------' ~···········~Bn··· • • 11452 • : Anys •.•. soo1us .03T5axw1thcooupon : ! Roasting. Off i ' • pan With coupon and pure hue • • of any ham. turkey or roasl 3 lbs or large• I Limit One Item and One Coupon per Cuslomer • Coupon effective April 8 lhru Apri81 14, 1982 • ••••••••••••••••••••• Switch 8r Save v Hey Kids! Enter Ralphs Easter Coloring Contest Del alls crt All Ralphs Sto res• on Easter ~owers Cit Ralphs bunch 2.99 Fresh Cul Holland Tullps 6" Size Easter Li lies bunch .99 each Cymb1dlum 1 99 Orchid Corsages Heh • Fresh Cut Mixed Bouquets bunch 2.99 6"Sla Springtime Tullps .. ch 4.99 • ~---------------..........-~----------~---- • Orange Coeat OAIL Y PILOT /Wednesday, Apr II 7, 1982 - Fine art of food preparation hits low By MARY JANE SCARCELLO .,.,., .... , .... ..., ll'• tinw 80fl'\e0ne pul topther a new orgo- nlutlon -the SPCF (Society for the l'f't"Vl'nLlon ot Cruelty to Food) CoodrWli.'1 know11, ll W6&J bl.Id '-'nouaih when lunt.'heon hostt'sses fell they'd ra1lc'C.I If tht'y didn't makt-l"OleS out of radishes and :.lup paf)(>r panties on the lamb chop1. But lately cooks are going too far A re<.-enl mugazinc article showed an entire centc rpi('C(' c:rt'aled from vegetables carved up to rcsembh: a bouquet of flowers. S prinkled in with the tortured radis hes were such lreals as beet roses, green onion dah- lias and the ever-popular turnip da1s1es. OUT Df THI KITCHIN Ttw 11tury urgl'd t•ooks lo UM' pll'<.'t"i of ohv~. radish or currol as Clowl•r l't.'nt •n;, and for sonw rea..'iOn thl' w1 ltt•r wa:. l't>nVinl•t.'Ci that small \.'ar- rot." 1md Jlcamu !.IU..'t"s look stunning as l'alla lilies Plci1Sl' don't l'Ul the da1S1ci., folks, un less they're on the 11w11u as the f1rsl <.'Ourst' Whul's wrong with rood that looks like food? But thl• first annual Wea k Stosnach Award should go to tht· creative types at Louisiana State U111vers1ty who put togethl'r "Eat Your Art Out," an Pxh1b1 t of edible sc:ulplures In u rt•lt•ntll'SS effort to st.amµ out attractive food, tht•y prutlU\.'t'<i NUch t-ntrll'tl as "vt•g jcw,•Lc," u nt>eklace of radlsht'fl, a!paragus, baby currot.'I, black ohves and green peas s trung LOgctht•r with what else dt>ntal fl<Jt>S and tooth p1l·ks Only your dcnt111t k1111wi; for 11url' A Kub1k'11 C:ubt• m:.d'• o f mttnhmallowg wa:m't rwurly JS bad a~ lht> 1.·r,•1u11 dwt·:w c·om mode• w tlw hanana ~pill with wh1pµt'd c·11•am a ml !ta r<l 111 l'~ 0 1w !!<:ulplU1t' wus j rt.'<'hmng nudt• t'l'uftt'<I from C'hocolat~ chap t•ookit• dough, Whl(•h uny kid will tell you as a wasw of pi•rfr<.·tly good p11u·nt1&l l'ookll'li, although his Cal her rnay d1su~n'<' First. pr1z1• 1n the collt!g1all' 1..·orHt•st w.111 dtnrwr fo r tWtJ 1:1t thl' stud<'nl union cmd & jar of pickled pig hps Probably i.e<.'Ond priu> wru. din 1w1 lor four und two JUl'!i Wol'st ot all, lht> idea muy ht• np1·t-adtna Ilk~ p1•unulburlt•r on whoh• wht>1:1t. One yahoo r~· t•ntly 1·11wrt(•·d on tl'11•vis1on nl'Wll wllh a scul11· lUl I' 11u1dt• 111 dill'kt•n 11Vl'r5 Wh.n ull tht'!lt' ~ c•tllt'd art1!>1b art.' Corgetuna 1' a h.'l>Mln 11•1.11 nt'<.1 t'111 ly In life'. Lht' perfect me- dium fm M.·lf-l'xpn.'S..,11J11 1:-1 m;i~hl'<i potatol'S 'J'lwrl"I> no th1111( llkt-> a large glob of tht fluffy wh1lt• i.tufl for making lakE>S 11nd rivers with tlw K' avy m• damminj( up pools of n~t:llt'd butlt•r A11olht•1 use for 111~1sht•d pol.Ulot.'l>, of cou"*, lb ru1 lmlmi.: Lht• gl'l't•u veMeUlblt'l> parC'nt.s fon-e onW poo1, uni.U!>fX'<.'ttng young eh1ldrt'n on tt)e !See KITCHEN. Page CSl Dyeing for eggs MEMPHIS . T e nn . (AP) Although the trad1 uon of coloring eggs at springtime can be tra- ced as far back as 5.000 years to the ancient Per- sians. it 1s the Pennsyl- van 1a Dutc h who are ge nerally cr edited with r eviving the tradition a nd developing it to a fine art. HAPPY EASTER PLUS DOUBLE COUPOltS AT VO ltS But they had som e help an preserving the popularity of the pas- time I ro m a Ne wark, N .J ., druggist n a me d William M. Townley, re- p o rl researchers for a m ajor produ cer of F.ast.er egg co~g kits. The Persiarl, and lat.er the ancient Egyptians, exchanged colored eggs LO celebrate the return of spring and as tokens of goodwill. The eggs were ofte n colored a bright red to signify blood and the lire force. L ate r. the Greeks ad- o pted the c us tom and used l'Olored eggs during their spring festivals as a sign of fertility and the regenerative power of n ature . During Cleopa- tra's reign , around 50 B.C .. Egyptians and Ro- mans colored eggs as part of their spring festivals. The custom was dying out in Europe when the Pennsylvania Dutch bro ught 1t to the new World in the 1700s. But by 1880 they a nd the Ukrainians were just about the only e thnic g ro ups in this country who still observed the quaint festivity in any number. A hundred years ago, an:o rding to the histo- rians. most Easter eggs were colored by boiling thE.'m with onion s kins for yellow, alder catkins and hickory bark fo r shades of brown, madder root for red , and othe r materials such as coffee. walnut hulls. gren wheat a nd bee ts for varying colors. Each year some wo- men w o uld com e lo Townley's drugstore and buy a few cents' worth of dyes. s uc h as indigo. logwood a nd gamboge. But coloring Easter eggs was a t1me - consuming, messy nui- sance, some people even turned over the chore LO others In April 1881 the L e banon , Pa ., Daily Times carried this notice: "Mr C. R. Fisher , the North Ninth street d yer, 1s JUSt no w ke pt busy coloring Eas ler e ggs. whic h h e does in a scientific manner. F o r f ive cents a dozen he changes the natural color into purple, yellow and red . Judging from sam- ples shown us, it is cer- tainly the better part of wis dom lo take your hard-boiled eggs to his dyeing establishment for coloring. The s um c har- ged 1s a trifling compa- red t o th e troubl e saved." Townley thought of packaging his dyes after spilling some powdered indigo on a suit, ruining the suit and staining the white marble counter. After that, he had his shop boy take the dyes to the back yard of the shop and measure and -pre- pack.age the various dyes used for Easter eggs. A number of innova- tions have been added since Townley firs t pac kage d hla colors. Short ly after the first packages were lntrudu - ced. the colors wer e compreaaed into lit.tie tablets that would dis- solve In water and vine- gar, further almplifying egg ~lorlng. Later cm- belJiahmen ts included addln& transfer papers with designs, wire dJp- ~ and WU crayons fOf writing names or maldng deslgnl on esP· ING'LENO..Q~ CHABLISe=- -.. -. , . , . . ~8~~iss 59 ~~ER JOHN 1•"•11<>/l-.l:- 1 I Jll'H•ll\I t ~ lllfll 1'()111~• ...... '"'°"'" COKE, T' AND SPRITE ti WE'LL DOUBLE THE DIFFERENCE OUR GUARANTEE OF VONS LOW PRICES I » H/llt • y •U ,, \Inn, , tJttur11tnwnl f1) rt'Yw f'U<t"'\ "" '" 111<1k1n.1 '"" 0111'1 11 \!JU r "' 1111() 10 ..... 1 p11c t-s ""' 111 111" ..,,.,.k 11 111y 1>111"1 "'I" llHJll\l'f VcHt\ woll I II-\'''' l••ultl" tlu Soll••lf•n< t-JlJ,I ''"'I',,, \1011~ Uuy ''' cl11f,.11•rlf 111•111\ wr,nh '>10 nr ""''' ( 111111 .. 111· Jiiii I'~ "" llw )dine• rt•·"" .11 •lllY otht·I \lllH'llll•lll<1·I 'It lhl'll l'lt.11" lowt•r l•rmq yuur 11emw•d Vu11' ft" t'lfll 11nll th!' 11llu•1 111<.1rkt'I '11111 ,., to Von\ <1nd w1· II 1..,v y<iu doublf' lh• 1l11fNf'r)C .. Ill c ol\h Vons low Piii t'~ Y' /(I I <Ill ht' "''Vt II) BLOOMING MADONNA EASTER LILIES 5 BLOOMS OR MORE 6·1NCH POl 398 .45 'm ~ ''11'1111 \ .,. l'-I lwllo• I '~l ~ ~ ~ '' I , .. ,. I\• 1 , rf j I t't I \t po; I I" f .... I fl fl(1\ rnv.c.t HI h '"' ....... '-\ff 4 l('Ut1 fM\I "''' fll •t lr•t p111 '"\f '· :;;AIQ;t•l•!![!f;W'I ~ Salad Size Tomatoes • 4 9 Crisp 'carrots • 19 Fr~sh Spinach .29 H~wailan Pineapple • 2 9 5;..~i H~~eyd~w Melon • 4 9 'I"' 49 D Anjou Pears • 'lfll\A \A4.H""'i ll .... • 98 Red Dellclous Apples .,,, • FLOWERS C~l~~I T~lip~ I. 3 95 Orchid Cor~ge 1 8 9 , ' ,, i• .. ~ ... " Blooming Mums "'"' I '\", ... I ' lofi(t f .WI Fresh Cut Flowers C Arrangements VONS BAKERY .,,,-. Hot Cross Buns l\f,..J"• f Holiday ked Angel food 1ri-.rc• Holiday Family Cake it""'" "'~10 •'" ,. ' schat's Dinner Rolls } 25 2 69 345 .99 DAIRY PRODUCTS .98 1M.,il!'tl,t.f"'M~lllf Knudsen Sour Cream MEATS ' .... •t. ,,, Top Sirloin Steaks Chuck Steaki. Fresh Bttr Brisket Wilson Boneless Ham . -Fresh Hen Turkey . Fresh Roasting Ctlkken Butterball "Turkeys B;r·M Slked Bac~n Pork Sausage Links I ,, n-- · .J 2 58 l 69 } 79 219 .79 .79 .79 l 39 } 99 SERVICE SEAFOOD • 't •. I.I• ... Ocean Perch Flllet1 i .. .Li ' Cooked Bay Shrimp Whole Cooked Lobster . }89 3 99 II 5 89 FROZEN FOODS Bird~ Eye Cool Whip Van De Ka0mp i.t: r,' Crispy Von~ O~nge Juice .79 289 }29 DELICATESSEN l! tt • , ......... ""l.. '"'' Dubuque tsoneless Ham 9 59 I ..... , .. -. Vons Cut Yams Senec; Grape Juice Von;Ma;hm~llows ~ ..... .. ..... 'W'-t'"' Jellied Cranberry Mold ••• ~ 1" .... Heinz Sweet Pickles -I II,,, f\.,I Durkee Flaked Coconut ,,, .. "" ... , , ........ ,"' ' Green Giant Green Beans •• "'' ly ' A I "I i.~H Green Giant Com Gree~ c'iant Sweel Peas -. . ... Green Giant Mushrooms ' ..... , "" Vons Distilled Vlnegar "' 1/ 1\,1\ l"'"' flt Betty Cro<:ker Cake Ml.xc.s .69 J 49 .65 }19 l 29 l 59 .43 .45 .43 .63 .53 .89 WINES f, SPIRITS ~ ,,, '"' ( f1t ,.. .... ,, ..,,, Gallo French Colombard ..,.,~ ~\.,, .. ~' '"' Chandon Champagne I <Ii • ./ .... • t ' Coors ~er S~gram's 7 Crown ·,1 ,., Slim Price t '>\Vodka 2 89 7 99 3 99 5 29 6 99 HEAL TH & BEAUTY "C>/c1~1•• 85 79 •*'llllOTU'1l.V.-llMlf'l-f jerserm~1d'c~~~~~"' Cheese. tii'n~'bory"'c:~;~~~~ R~u~ • H~& •5t,0~'kJ;;. 2 59 Ml.IUl ... f t~IC,.. } 69 '' .. I " I'"' '"' J 99 '.t,' J "' •n " I' 2 47 Minute Maid Orange Juice Vons Miid Cheddar Cheese ~onergy Sttus 8 vtt. ~~netMargarfne • 79 ~no~m0ch~e ... • .85 s;,t's~e·s~'l.otion l 48 ri------------------~----------~-----1 VONS VONS VONS VONS VONS VONS VONS VONS V~NS VOHS VONS VONS VO HS VONS VONS VONS VONS vo• .~ •333 c l 1E SLIM PRICE TM 5 9 ~: :,: ~~.qE Eq9.~, e ~: ~ ~· • ..... 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Nol to include retai~r. lrtt coupon5, ~I I~ coupons greater than one ~r or exceed lhe ~•luc or 1he Item. i ' I .. Umll amaoupon I*~-.·--""" J .,.,._,~ -~ .., I • ~ "'-· toM«o -•• dM'\' procll.<t• c I 13': ~ toOd N-tlll lo Al><' "· 19412 Jh ~~ .!~ .!i!!S.!O!'.!'!!S.!~S.!l!!S _!O!'.. ~S-~S_!l?!S.,!O!S_!O!S.!O!S.!O!S_!O,!S~io!I .m'f»llr~1~'t~.~wrn.TH s'APlllr II.. I tHl«IAPtcll.14. tt82.CALl.Ut )) 579 l•.oo FOR LOCAT101' OF ST~[ NCAA Sl YOO NOT AU ITV\SMD PttlCES"" IHI\ ()111,Y l!IOST S.T()Rf;S • ...... • 1500 w P9('0 lllllD •• 6571 w OOTll ~T l05 Af'tO(Lrs. SAN OlfOO Flttsl'IO ANO I.AS \lt.QA5 SAUB 11'1 RETAIL OCJAl'fTlTil.S • · ~ 6 AA TO iovommn 1 °"VI A wtl'JI. ' Hu"'9ngton Beech "untlntton aHch Huntington Beech 'Im lcllnter A lprlngdele 21012 IHCfl lhrd. Mt1 A"entl CosteMe11 I an Juen C1pf•tr1no J.• I . 11th ltreet end Orena• Awe. , 32051 Cemlno Ceplttreno a DelObl•po '1mn• 4130 lerrence llld. trvtne 4eOO lrwtne 1!9IYd •• ,ounteln Velie~ 11201 Herbof A 1""9er Capl•tr•n• aeecfl 34081 Doheny Peril Dr. A Ylc10ffe ,ounteln v1-., 17tSO Matnotte l T~ Legun• rfllt9 24141 AKol• PetlnHy a H4M?, ~--=-------- " • C4 .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wec:tneeday, APrll 7, 1882 I alian Easter tre8ts F add n atural sweeiness to bread he Iullan people ceFrate tho conclusJon ot nt and th arrlvaJ ot he Easter holiday w l h tradltlonul 5wuet deUc..clea. One auch d elicacy Is marltonl t1uaresemala , liiht buna or {lour, pine n'4,ts, candled orange l, and dried fruits. i th the eve r - e anding concern for per nutrition, many CC?lf•Umers are h esitant aDput indulging in ~~· except on special ION. owever, sweet foods can provide more than empty calories with the addition of dried figs, as in Italian Fig Buns. Unlike o ther fruits picked when still green or not ripe, dried figs are allQwed to fully ripen and semi-dry on the tree. As a result, the fully- ~1pened fi' .offers max-imum nutnt1on. Dried figs are high in natural fruit sugar, pro- tein, potassium, iron, and thiamine. Italian Fig Buns make an ideal dessert for F.aster brunch or dinner. These delicious, flaky buns are enhanced by a fig filling that combines figs. wate r, almond li- queur and nuts. ,..fler t he buns have ~ baked and allowed tof I, they are topped wi h a delicate icing, th sprinkled with col- or sprinkles to give thdn a fesuve look. t o use dried figs in bak i n g, c ut stems off wifh kitchen scissors. If chopping in food proces- sor, use part of the sugar or other dry ingredients in the processor bowl with figs lo keep chop- ped figs from becoming a stidcy mass. IT A LIAN FIG BUNS : l ~ c ups f in ely chqpped dried figs (in grinder or food proces- sor) ¥.cup water l/i cup Amaretto li- queur ¥.cup co arsely chopped walnutS 4 cups biscuit mix , 2 eggs ~cup sugar ~cup milk Grated rind o f l lemon l ~ cups confectio- ners sugar Milk Colored sprinkles MJC NOTICE FICTITI04.IS IUl lNESS NAME STATEMENT The lollow1119 "'"'°" •• oom9 b<JSlMU •• fHE SAL VAG{ WARf'10USE 105!>6 8ec:Nef R·~ A.~ F'c.,,nta..n V•~ev Ce111omi1 !12708 M6t1' ~· 10111 l\OOOOll<le C•· r:te Hunlongloo.S..Cn C1hlorn11 92M 6 ~~-"""-' ts conducted byi an Marl< RoclQe<t Th11 1tattwNn1 w11 h•eo w.lh o-.e Coun1y C'-' o0 0.111'9" County on Mwcn 15 1912 F1'521M Pul>l!tned Otl"9'1 COH I Daily PllOI Mar 17, 24, 31, All' 7. 19412 1237·81 PUil.iC NOTICE FICnTtOUS IUllN«SS NAME ITAnMENT 1~ IOllOwfflQ pe<ton It OOHlg b<Jl•""u .. . Bill S AUIOMOllVE n12 Sa1urn 0fl"" No W. Hunl•nq!Ofl B<!Kh Cal<IO< n .. 91847 WHt!am Antt!Ony AMrf'JOll•, 6 17 1 Slh Strefll Huntinoton Bttaeh Calltornu1i 92948 l '111 busln1u 15 conouct•d by an 1n OtVIOWI rt•s st•l-• wH lllecl wt1n lhe Counly Clet-01 0.•"9" Counly on Apr~ 5 1982 W-A AnO<eou• ,,_, Publ,.neo O.ano• Co111 0•••1 P1101 Apr 7 14 21. 28 fq57 1561-112 FICnTIOUS IUIMH NAMl. ITATUll.NT Tr>e •-119 oenon •• OOong 1>..-•• TRADE CO IN !ERNA TIONAl 1010 8•y-C0\19 En• N-pOtl Beacn. Cel•· IOfnlO 92662 Oo<otny Jean S•mcaon •O •O Bayso<lf Cove E11L N@wport Seacn C1l1forn111 t?M2 Thia bu11ne1a 11 conducted b~ an '" ~ l>Ofothy J 5-son Thi• 1111-1 ..... ..., With lhe Counly Cieri< 01 Or-Counly on Apr•I 5. 1932 ,,_ Publl1neo Orengo c.out 01'1y Pt101 Ap<U 7 14. 21 U 198' 158&·82 In a 11ucepan, combine fl11, w•ter, Amaretto and nuta. Cook, 1tJrrtna occaslon•lly, until mix- ture ls thick •nd jam- llke. ln a bowl, ~ biscuit mix egp, 1upr, milk and iemon rlnd. Tur n douah o ut on a h eavily floured )>oard and knead a few timea Into a smooth ball. Di· vlde dough Into 12 pie- ces. Flatten each piece Into a 3-inch round on a greased cookie sheet, 2 Inches apart, and press. with floured fln1eri firmly ln the center to make • deep depremlon. Fill center with a 1en- erou1 a.mounl of tt1 flt. Una. s.ke tn • pnhMted mc>aerate oven (376 d~­ areea) for 10 to 20 ml- nutea or until folden brown. Cool. M x con-· fec tionera 1u1ar with enough milk to make a mixture the conaia\ency o f thick aour cream. Spoon over dou1h part o f buns and aprinkle with colored 1prlnkle1. ''"'' tlGt<tS tfSIMO NO \Alf 10 C°'"""l!CIAI Of <UIH Ot "'"°'H•llH SOM( SOii ~ .. "' HC)I •YAl(Atl( ... "'""' .. COUHtf Thot od only effec:llY• ot H119h•t 'I lton<ho ond Hu9h•1 Lodo WI WILC•• •OOD nu• .... ,,_ SMOKED HAM Hormel Bonelen Whole or Holf CURE 81 HAM .LB. 3 .29 E.R. Gr A W/Rib1 & Gibleh TURKEY BREAST ILRAllCHO FULLY COOKED WATER ADDEO LIMITOMI IUIT l'()a!ION HAM 1 I .ff t-•w•-4 - flUNOiO HAM t I ••• 09 El Roncho ts 2 . I 9 RANCH STYLE BACON LB. l8 1.39 .. FESTIVE FLAVOR -Dried figs combine with nuta and liqueur for a variation o n F.aster breads. U S 0 .A. Cho.c~ ~1 eo .... 1 .. " lo•" Cu• NEW YORK STEAKS 18 4.99 Hickory Creek El Ron<ho Gr A Frozen Armour Freth Armour l/e,.but BAR-M HAMS ... .' .................. LB. 2.89 TURKEY HIND QUARTER. ts .59 BONELESS ROLLED TURKE Y L8 I . 79 BUTT PORTION PORK LEGS LB I .49 8or·M, Whol• .... Le.3..29 8uflt °' Pottiet, ~ Not ExcMd 22% Fot LEAN GROUND BEEF . ta 2 . 19 E R Sweet & Mad, Porl. 01 Seoton1ng, Soui.oge Wilton Cer11t.ed Holl ITALIAN OR BRATWURST ta 1.69 BONELESS HAMS LB 2 .99 TA VERN HAMS . Bor·M. Holf !Aoftett Ground Beef, ~ Not E1tce«I 15% Fol LAMESA HAMS ..................... LB. ~.29 CHOPPED STEAKS ... . LB 2.•9 Freth Armour Verobut. for RooU1ng L8 1.29 FOln•fA FRISHDUCU ~·109 '"' ll5. &a. • iL ... -... n. .... -· -•u• ... _ ••• 7-o· "-o ..... Gel ~ I', COLGA Tl ....... LJfj ..... 8to"t• .~-or RIGHT GUARD ............................. I . 7 I 15,.01 •ev or ll 5••-"' JERGENS LOTION ................ J .18 16·01 JiMu ttdd1f\O Sl\OM6)00 ~ Coftcf••tOM• MILK 'N HONEE ........................... 1.7• SOLID GREEN CABBAGl ............................... la .• II WHOLE PORK LEGS FlllSH WllTERN OYSTERS EA I .·29 Fre\h Fillet lllGUSH SOLi Fr .. ,h F.11 .. 1 L8 3 .89 IRUI COD 18 2 .89 Fro1.n/Defro1i.d, Cod1to1I Sit• 3 Imp From Fronce, NI Wt 6 Per Pt.9., 2-oz " .. • 'f ''"»ili. c ..... IH ... • ........... LB. .99 H1A1ttu111CA11GOT .eA .,9 HUGHES LARGE EGGS ~ GR:::A'A -6 9 2-CTNS. W' Oc.an Sproy, Whole & Jelli•d 16-oz Kroft M1n1oture .. 10 5·01 .59 CRANBERRY SAUCE .59 MARSHMALLOWS 12·1'11. Hughfl 16·01 Witt.bone 1.28 BROWN & SERVE ROLLS .69 IT AUAN DRESSING Smoll Illig .. Aul. Vori•tiei 7-10-oz. All Noturol 6 ·01 NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS 1.09 BELL BRAND CHIPS .89 12-01 12·01 CoM Rei;i O•et, Lt , Mtn Dew 1.99 VLASIC SWEET PICKLES 1.29 SIX PACK PEPSI 6·01. Con Son Fernondo falro Lori;ie With P~onul\ 12·01 PITTED RIPE OL(VES .99 BELL BRAND MIXED NUTS 2.49 l·lb Stick NUCOA MARGARINE .59 I lb Stock SPRINGFIELD BUTTER 1.79 Hui;ihu 16·01 16 oz Sp,.ni;iloeld SOUR CREAM ..... .85 FRUIT COCKTAIL ••• COACHELLA GRAPEFRIUI _, __ o 17..,, lo• BATIER MIX 0,."0t!y c;...., OolonQ 16 Cl loo TE~ BAGS ............ . -s.,.i.;...,., o n-01 ""v DRIED SEAWEED ... .• 95 • 59 .2.IS RUBY RED 12.oz WOllTOll ..... .ssPICG. 9!A. O,.•o•ty 9-cu lottlo OYSTER SAUCE Oyol"ltty Cr1\0 6 01 lo• CHOWMEIN W•l·Poc 3 66·0• Co• SMOKED OYSTERS . ................. as .............. ....... . 1.01 ~!IU!\il~ -~llASl.09 12-01. -llAll0111Ltl99 IALAMI CH• ..... · I -· • h .D-ILkt.~,'-an · SARA LEI COflfEE "CAKES .. .... .. . I. 99 8-01. • PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE ....... 1 k1. "99 R00101lond DARK SWEET CHERRIES . .. ....... I .39 12-01. Armour POUSH OR KULBASSY SAUSAGE . . 1.19 12-01. Deep Dish PET RITZ PIE SHELLS .................... ff 8-o1. Anoned, 4 Vorletiet PENN & QUILL DIPS ......................... . SHANK HALF PORK LEGS LB I .29 BONELESS PORK LEGS Al!MOUll VE RtBfSI 2 , 9 FRESH WHOLE OR HALF La. • ) ~ ~ .. ( .......... ,_ --GAU.O 2.69 VA•WtAU l .. Oomo1"f0 ltvt JI O,, 7~ ... 1 2.98 CHAMPAGNE to'-"' Wtot.t .. 7'0 ~· 2.89 MATEUS 1-LB. CA•ltOTS . .................... PKG .• 21 6-1'11. Saro lM CROISSANT ROLLS . . ........... .... 1.45 8-01. P•11n & Qulll Anorted, 3 Vor,_.. • • AVOCADO DIPS ........... :............... • I •mat lfRCllYI 7 DAYI 8 •·•·, ....S.,A••· 8 thn1 WID., AN. IC, 1911 I We •ccept ALL coupeM froM other lupermarketS 1 I,...,,.......,.,.......,.... l.~,,_a ,,01z:.:::....-... ; 11~....i.. _._.,.,_ .. ,,oo .. 1oot-11ew.. .. ......... ••• 1,_ ,........, ....... ~ .................................. _..,,.... ........... .. -~ ......... ~ ............................................ ,.u.-..... . ~ .............................................. ~ .. ~ ............ ..... ._ "' ~ "--& 0..,.. (.-.. 10 OHow .... ~ ............ , .. ,.., f .. • . . . Kitchen From P .. e CS prelexl \hat '1ll'a good for you." · Fortunately, mashed poi.to 1eulpture Is a l01t art -aen rally loet at about the age when klda a t out of Little League and lnto Impressing a date at a pre-prom dinner. But the ~·st thlng about mashed potato art la I.hat it ends up In the stomach, whert\ all good food be1oJli8. What food artists today need Is a Sunday dinner at mother's house. where no nonsense ls tolerated. She'd crack the offender across the knuckles with a wooden spoon and say. "DON'T PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!" And that would be that. Here's a green vegetable recipe the kids a.re aure to hide in the mashed potatoes. but adults enjoy it. Add cooked chicken or ham to make a main course which can be served in crepes or patty shells.1 ARTICHOKES AU GRATIN 1 9-ounce package frozen artichoke hearts '!. cup butter or margarine ~cup flour I 'h cups rrulk 6 ounces Swiss cheese, shredded 'h teaspoon salt 'h teaspoon white pepper '!. teaspoon dry mustard '!. cup toasted slivered almonds Cook artichokes according to package direc- tions, drain, reserving 'h cup cooking liquid. Melt butter in saucepan, then stir in flour. Add milk and reserved artichoke liquid 11nd cook. stirring, until thickened. Add cheese, salt, pepper and mustard and cook until cheese me lts and sauce is smooth. Arrange the artichokes in bot- tom of l 'h-quart casserole . Pour on sauce. Sprinkle with almonds and bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. Makes 4 servings. A HONEY BAKED Ell STER HllM You on oencl • l"'-V a.lf'(! H.M nr-t dOOf or •ny'N~ff" •n 1h~ con-- 1tMnt1I Unt1..J ~<•t~ Wh<>W CM h.llf h•m"' c•n bf-Ofdt!tt'd gill wr•ppcod •ncf txueid • ~mot.t~ ••y to etun~ ~ ~i.M Of,,.~.,,~• ~..tocc..-Ot yuu un wnd " g,h t("fttf11C•le- Ow1 <•n be-U\ed •nyttnw HonPy 8~krd UJim\ ,.,,. • mo\t :~~~·P;-::;,;/:~!0~n'd0":1'::~:~"'1~~ GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME Al AN\' ti!mfV BAt<[O HllM :,IOfl[ IN US A • • . ~-=·-· Boneless Ham I Hiii) SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAi Fillet Mignon Steak s.'l:!Yr=t..11ttt • •411 Cure 81 Ham "°'-~ IO 12" fl/lyc.td Small End Rib Roast ~~.., lb •20 S k d H f•-.JoM W11a11 od>11111k ~" mo e am -. 1n i11111Ka11111 •1 n1 lb s12• Fresh Ground Chuck Dots Not laCMO •1st Manor House Hen Turkeys t:!::~ I~ 69' 261H•I 10 SaltW.Jy ~~ Bffl Whole BeefTri-Tips ~r11t~.:C. tb '1" Fresh Roasting Chickens Fo11 .. fl•rns IO 79c Fresh Perch Fillets 51.•"<SS b 1189 Cooked Shrimp Meat IO s4 98 Fresh Leg of Lamb ID '219 Sweet Corn 5 .~~1 U.S. Ne. I ....... --. i~· ii~ Tomatoes Lilies ~.::::.! 69c 7:-, .. ~ 53~ ::-. Up ·~-:.h ': Juicy Valencia Oranges ~~~ ID 25' Delicious Celery Hearts ~~' ,,..o 69' Fresh Sweet Carrots 8unch 45c Red Delicious Apples w~ I~ 45' Fresh Green Spinach,~::,:, 2 aunc"" 49' Italian Squash °"tQ"F'"'°' lb 59' Fresh Eggplant ~.~~· lb 49' • 1000 Bayside Or., Newport Beech Fresh True Cod Fillets I~ s219 lvocados Solod Fovorite • --· 3 ~~1 Fresh Green Peas cnso·s-1 Delicious Kiwi Fruit 'i>t'f.:,' Hot House Cucumbers ~S:Qo Fresh Bell Peppers v•so-Gt- Bulk Salted Peanuts OI Ao.u•ta Sun Chokes t..~;~ Fresh Cilantro ~= Blooming Mums lb 49' Uct 49' $"439 ID I ID 79• lb 89' I ID 89' P•Q lb 10' • 838 No. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach ::S--! Oh Boy Pizzas •1oron IJ OI 99c l'>g -.... Ch d Ch S.>I Bu) Li•~"'" s199 ...., ed ar eese s1r1• ll.il'd6"' •·o••• ,,, -.. Pitt d ff 01' 10w"lto<M -= e 1pe 1ves l••o• 801 99' Cm. :B ! Shasta Beverages ll~ff 88' =: 30 Slice Bread 14 01 59< llO< W<'9f>I~ I~· ~ Raisin Bread ""' 10 I 99' W1 Qfl1 ~ IOJI "'-£,Kraft Marshmallow ,:~,\~ 1~~ 79' LIQUOR AND WINI DAIRY ~ Lucerne Cottage Cheese IWI $11 C..IOrl ~ Lucerne Orange Juice Gillon s32 :!::t Lucerne Half & Half Pont 55 t.inoo =: Whipping Cream l..~8N ... 11 65 PHll ~ Lucerne Natural Ice Cream r:! '2711 ' =: Bel-air Vegetables •P·,~~· • .<:'" 2 8~ '1411 Z:Z Gold Medal Flour 5 ~99~ HEALTH 6. BIAUTY P1tctt (ff«:t<¥f lnllC~Slort<,•E•co .. '41~ ~Lancer's Rose •IMlt-·2~s7oo ~Listerine Mouthwash J~ s2e9 Br>". .. :;::: Old Smuggler Scotch p:,, ~,I! 11099 ~Aim Toothpa ste k:"M ~; 1, ,: s1o9 ~Kamchatka Vodka r.8!1 u; s749 (-£"Head & Shoulders r..~:;,:. ~,~.~ s299 ~Champagne =' ~ Ten High Bourbon 3~ s500 17~ ll'49 l•llfl . ;;] Twin Blade Cartridge s,,.,..., p,":, '1 19 Safeway Conon Swabs ::i 89' '. Taylor Wines Coliforni~ $ 8 8 r • • • •SAHWAI .COUPOI• • •., ..... r' fJ.~ FREE Fll~.9!~!!' .. (\): · •l hin• ...a.. .. •Chobht _...., •Burgundy 3 h cepl •v;. •••• w .. 4 <•••"•• llSTAIT ~ OHJ CtlAn MAICll 27, ttU NUMIH ooos ooos ooos CA~ Of I IJ ,. Nim l'lllllS llCJCll llCkltS llGltflS ._w ~ M•···· ••o ,, .... ~1 '-'' •H c ....... ~. ···~ B I -_.. \ •• ..,.. •·-.... ~." ,."' ho•• .-.......:::::. ...... hi,,., d ...... fN'd Df I IL~ ~olowoy • ' I 9' i • -·-'•· • ...... ·-· ' .......... -• r&..J'..·:: ~:· ·::::::~;: ~·:.,-~·:. ;2:::;: :;~re' • I l, -. ···r··· .~ · .......... ""··•······\.,)I ~--~~~~--------~ r •••SAFEWAY COUPOI• • • .. i (\) large .:~~' Eggs (\) ; •• :>:!:,<::::-~ 59 I . -I ~ ...... 1-0..... t -.0.un ( I ...:......~ ~~ Co1t•n IHJl Jl,000 .. , -.ni 16.01• I.Oil 100 713 41 OtO J 160 I 5IO )0 517 "•25 I JM 651 ,, .. 1 6 15 JOI M••••••••••••••~ Ne.. fff ...... ,,,.J •·•• 1•n 1 .. s...-~1•-s..o..pa 1...,....,c-.. ~1 w..1. •••-"O..-ht4 .. °"'' u '·""' SAFEWAY • 24 Monarch B•y Plaza. South Lavuna •Sent• An• freewey at La Paz. Mission Viejo ,• • 3861 So. Bristol, Santa Ana • 14417 Culver Dr .. •I Walnut. Irvine r================================-====::::::::-~==---======----=======,..,.==,,.....,========.,...,,--====::;-, ----------------- Good meals. - G ~ ddeals. ---~~ -----I I UOUT ~ UOUT I HOUT I ----- : $Jttft~-:~·i ~~.~ l~l~~!r.! ·--------.,P,.ii!liiflliiHlt\iHi~p:,,jjCi;f,. 8 :;:) brown l(entuCky Fr1eo c ICken plus I l>rown l(enlucky Fr.eo Chicken Wllh I ~oeo w11'1 hl1een 01eces QI 11.11cy o,,z stngte servings ot cote slaw masheo tour rolls a large cote staw ii 1arge gotoen brown Kentucky Frieo Chicken Pota1oes ano gravy and ii rotl mashed potatoes ano a me<11um ora11V I "~· I I l•m•t two Oller\ oer ou1Cll•St Couoon 0000 ltmol IWO OflttS pet purCllHt vvvOOn QOOO ltm•t two Oiiers Oii OurCl\.UI (ouoon QOOO onty IO< CO!Tlbtn~t•On while '0•'" O<O.,\ on1y lot tomt><~toon wMtldark o•dl•s only IOI comt11n•t1on whlt1101r~ o•d11\ Customt• OIV\ •'' •DO'•t•blt \•I«\ .,, C111tomtt OIY' •II aPOtic;•Dlt ~•IU w 1 CustO<lltr oiys •" •DOlrUOlt ~~1e~ I•• 1 Offer expires April 18. 1982 Offer expires APJil IS, 1982 Oller exp11u Ap11I 18, 1982 IN't ~My •t Pilt1Cll)at1no tout-Pt!Cts !Illy •••y •• l).lrl•t•Dl""O 1ou1o0ni I _ _...._ COllpon 9000 Oftly •n Sovtntrn I PY<U ""' •i'Y al .,.rtte•Pih~O IOC.)llOft) I cwoon qooc1 on~'" !.olitt1c1n C•'•'OI"•• .,,,.,, l1I01ft•J wntrt J011 *Int"""" COllPOll gooo only 1n ~111ttn C•1tf01,_. wftert fOlt we tllt l!lfm0t''"'P \UI m 1nt l(tnlll(~y Delil\tl) t..i Ot lht 11.tlllutllf JGUJM lllt mtmO.t\lllO ~ ol lhe l(ant«l.f HltO Cflte•efl ASttNllOft frrtd Cl!Klltn Auociahon e f rttO Chteken Assbc~llon e ---• --COUPON--·------- I I I l(@ntucky Fried Chic~ I on 13 oz. tlu MJI Premium Fl•k• Q~CoflH 40SOO 103235 OFFEA UMlfED TO Of ONE COUPON I I on 31 Ol. l lJ:e MJI Premium ~l•k• Ground CoffM 40500 103~~3 . ·------·-----------------------;;r--------------- • • Orange Coa1l DAILY PILOT/Wednetday. Aprll 7, 1882 Refunders sa:ve money in conventional ways By MARTIN SLOANE What hH 1,200 tea• and aaved more than $300,000 a t the auper· market last year? Th 600 refunder. who r\.-ccntly attended the F lr 1t NaaUonal Rv- fundera' ~nventlon ln Houtton. C.Onvenuoncers came from as far away as Iowa and Pennsylvanlfl to trade refund form11, cents-off coupon11 and tales of super savings. Eyen coupon stories are bigger in Texas. Re funders found re - freshments and a trading session a waiting in the hospitality suite as they arrived. Doris Lewis flt-w 1n from Duncan, Okla. "I have been refunding a year, an when I he.ard about your convention I just had lo come." she told convention organizer Sherry Sims. Laura Matherne, a New Orleans woman who saves $50 to $70 a month with coupons and refunds, always wanted Lo attend a convention whe r e lhe coupone r s outnumbered the coupon critics When she heard about the Houston conventJOn, s he told her sister-in· law, Flo Matherne, "We're going!" They drove 10 hours to get there. 1pffk•rt who ti.d 1<>me of pW'Chue while look-I~)' Kanch Salad Dre•· Tnco Scalionlnl Mix Dl'<' 31. 1Y82. ~ cou~~~h~':: ::r~l. :::d't~~ ~~!~;;: llP.llllllEJ IHIPPER ~1a'ifct ~~jy ~~~·r:~J!c~~ ~:nndd f~~~ ~~du~~=~:~: SoRu~~ ~u~•:;oH~~~~~~ den. markot, in now1papers tl•ed or displayed. £x-plcw front panel from an Free Jar OffC'r. R«eive a CLIP 'N ' PILE RE-and maguln e1, and. a $1 rl'fund Send thf' wlch Spread Send the plres June 30, 1980!. cconomy-am:c package of J&r of any Rugu Pina · FUNDS wh t n tr&d ina with requir_,d refund Corm required refund form KRAFT Toppin& Of-Ml-Cormk k Taco Seaso· Quick Sauce. Send the Seaso11an11, Sauces, Su· friend . Offers may not and the regtater tapes and two laoell fro m fer. Receive a jar of nlng Mix. Expires Dec. required re-fund Corm far. be available In ...U areas with the prices of two 16-oum't' Best Foods R._ •. Kraft topping. Send the 31. 1982. and ri vl' labels from uny Synp, Sa ad DreuiDI of the country. Allow 10 4-ounce French's Black lish Sandwi,i:h Spread. required re fund form ORTEGA Free Seaso-Ragu Pizza Qulek Saul-e. (Fiie S) weeks to r eceive each .Pepper purchases cir -Expire& J une 30, 1982. and three front labels mng Muc Offer. Receive Expires Dec-. 31, 1982. Clip out thls file and refund. cled. Expires June 30, HIDDEN VALLEY showing the frne Jar of-a package of Ortega Taro Here!• a rduod form k eep it w ith similar The following refund 1982. RANCH $1 Refund. fer trom any Kraft top· Seasoning Max Send the to write for: Ortega Taco cash-off coupo ns -offers are worth $6.76. HELLMANN'S-BEST Send the required re-ping. Expires Sept 30. required refund Corm Refund Offor, P .O. Box beverage refund offers This w~k's offers have a., Foods Sandwich fund form and the Uni-1982. and the net-weight sta· 4498. Maple Plain, Mmn. with beverage coupons. total value of $25.50. Spread Refund. Receive versa I Product Code McCORMICK and CO. tements from two pac-55348. This offer o f a for example . S tar t col-R.T. FRENCH Pick a two 75-cent coupona for symbols from anv three Receive an e<.'Onomy-~iw kages of Ortega Taco 75-cent refund on soda lecting the needed proofs Pair of Peppers. Reaiive Beet Foods Relish Sand-packages of Hidden Val-package of McCormick Seasoning Mi?<. Expires expires July 31, 1982. __ ___;:,_ ____________________ ...:..:... ____________________________ _:.. __ _.::: ____________ __;;._ __ .;;_ ________________ ~--~~..;__-----=------=----'----~ ow er e rices overa SHANK PORTION 77 OF HAM Bo~ 1n fuMv COOl<eo l b • Farll'\f< JOnn kru~ or HOiiy BONELESS WHOLE HAM water Aooeo Fullv Cool!eo Ptbs Eight members of the S hopper's Circle coupon club of Waller. Texas. came as a group headed by club leader Margaret M ayer. They arrived with s uit.cases full of forms, proofs of purchase and coupons. One of them was Bea- trice Baker. w~o told me that she saved $889 with coupons and refunds last year and was still wai- ting for almost 50 slow refunds to arrive. CURE 81 HALF HAM HO<rne4 ~s FuQy COOl<eo •Curemaster LI> l 881 lb 298 I The convention was the scene of an emotional reunion for Mary Poole of Houston and Marie Rhodes of Boling, Texas. Twenty years ago they became pen pals, and Ms. Rhodes taught Ms. Poole the secrets of refunding. For several years lhey t raded refund forms by mail and then they lost contact. They had never met until that Friday evening when they arri· ved at the hotel. By 1 a .m .. the trading had slowed and Rebecca Jenkins of San Augus- tine , Texas, told me of her vivid childhood me· mones of her mother's refunding more than 30 years ago. She distinctly remembers whe n h e r mother was disappointed after failing to receive a pre mium from Camp· bell's. So, when Ms. Jenkins started refunding. she wrote to Campbell's about this Jong overdue premium. The cus t omer- r e la tions people a t Campbell's responded promptly They pointed out that the offer had expired. But not wanting lo disappoint such loyal sustomers. they sent mother and daughter a variety of coupons for Campbell products. Stories ltke these keep conventioneers sociali- zing until the wee hours. But we all had to be up bright and early Saturday morni n g to listen lo several guest Nutrition worksh o p Coastline Community College will o ff e r a workshop titled "Your Blue print for a Winning Lifestyle: A Living Ap- proach to Fitness and Nutrition" from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 24 at the Ro binwood L earning Center in Huntington Beach. Terry Monroe. a Har- vard health educator, and Lee Solow, a psy- chologist, will lead the work.shop. They are co- d I r ectors of Wellness Reeources, a heal th pro- motion conaulting firm in Newport Beach, A multl·learnlng ap· proach of teac hing is planned for the day, in- cluding uae of media •. rnuaic, movement and •udit!ld _,udpation. The $10 fee lncludetJ a he al&b lul lunch and workboA. Call the col- lege'• Community Ser- vices al 983-0811, ext.. 256 for intonna\ion. t I • f"LADY LEE 65 'YAMS 2901 can• f"WESSON AOIL ....... 21s r~:~EUR,,., on.49 f"DREAM WHIP 119 A TOPPING M!~ eo• . peoowNYR.AKE 99 A ~~FR.E~9 Ol ~g . f"LADY LEE 18 c\ ~£~ITS ,.,, 01 c111 • IUtttrmllll r~!~~ .... 2s9 °'*'1 °' aurgunov Easter -. Plant ,.~Values! sav "Happy Easter" with a t>eauttful p11nt fromtM marvttous • HttCtlOn at your ~ rNIBLETS CORN WtlOlf ktrne1 rBISOUICK MIX AllPurl)OW uo.cd39 ... ,'°.185 LENTEN ITEMS FRESH FILLET .. 268 DOVER SOLE WESTERN •OO>W 178 OYSTERS fr~ SNOW CRAB .. 398 CLUSTERS Frozen FROZEN ,,., ... 498 SCALLOPS FILLET OF .. 119 POI.LOCK ~Oltn HALIBUT .. 368 STEAK Ctnttf Cut Frozen Key Buys mean utra saoln§'- Kc> Bu)' art ucm' 1met<S btlo111 their C\Cr)day di,covnt pm·('~•~ ll rc~ult of manvracture"' 1tn1por•r) promotion•l -1iov.ance' oruttpt1on1I purcha,<'1 You11 rind hundtf<h of kc) Buy ittms c\Cr) 11me )OV shop Fiim oeveloplng Otvetoc>eO ' Print.a s1.oo OFF C41 Process only REG. NOW 1UXP 299 1.M 2• EXP 5 29 4. 2t 36 EXP. 7.59 8.59 llncfl 1pply to stal'IOM'O fllm Ot!IY C••1 procni wcfl ~ KOCUICOIM r'uf• GA' ~no Fotomat BONELESS TURKEYS AtmoUf eutrer easteo Frozen LADY LEE TURKEYS 8a1~ Fn>rrn 18 lOLm Crac)f A .. 147 lb .59 FRESH ZACKY ~.~.~ TURKEY~• 77 T·BONE STEAK eonCleo eeel loin .. 248 f"LADY LEE 138 ' ~~~ ~~~°'~~~ C.ll Ctn f"CUDAHY 879 i ~n~R-S HAM 5 ~~ BROWN ONIONS l¥~ US NO 1 lb .19 HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE A Tr~at Trot .... 89 FRESH CABBAGE lb .14 GOLDEN BANANAS Econom1u1 Ravorful ... 29 ~""<"'IOI lll .. fWI tn $OllltttrOl'I lft0\111\"'1-(0U<ll'f'I \ -<. ....... "--,r •I :!J US '«> 1 811rtng S•Zt ... 25 HASS AVOCADOS eu t terv Delle ious .... 39 $Happy Passover! \ . ' ' Good eggs go to brunch Eaawr la \he season of instant milk C:uok ovl'r colored eaas. lilies. bon-rrtt'dlum hl·.at. s trrrang n et a a n d f a mi I y e gg l'C.m.oetunlly, until rnaxturc hunta. It la also the rune JU.<U 1:om<>t1 tu u boal and when many tamllles ga-th1ckt•1h R1•muvt• Crom the r to share a s pecial ht•at J\dd dwt•M• ,1nd .. ur day with relatives and until mc•lll'd Cuv N ,.111d friends. st'l ui.1d 1· Mc· It 2 mo rt• However, out-of-town tabll'spo ons butlc·r an guests and l'hildre n l argt• Cr y p.i n Sautt- home from school can mush1·uo111s and onions turn a relaxing holiday until ll•11Jt•r and l1qu1d into ho urs spent in the has l'vupor.ilt•d J\dd kitchen preparing meals. eggs u1hJ tonttriu<.• coo- MIClllAVI CllllNG %cipe PAPRIKA LAM 8 i puund11 INm lamb, cut tn I 11wh plt'\'1•11 1 1li oun<.'C' l'On lomut0t·&. l'Ut up 1 l'Up t·hoppt'<i oruon I d ove garlk , rrunn'<i 2 tcw.puons &11l I to :l tcuspooru. µ..ipr 1ka J wbll-spooru. flour 1·1 cup sour cream Hut <.'OOk<.-d nO<Xlll':I Snippt.'<I purslt-y .. ln u 3 -quart casserole, combanl' lamb pic<.·ci;, tomattx-s, union, garlic, sail and papnka Cook, l'UVl'rt-d, ut Mcod1urn for -to mmutt$ or untal lamb 1s le'nder, stirring tw1l·e. Skim off CX('l~ fat from jUll'('S, If nt'<.'t'SSary . In a small bowl. mmlmw flour and l'old wal(•1, th1·11 add to st<.•w Cc.11>k at High for 2 lu :i minut<.·!-. ur till th1<.·kl•nt-d and bubbly. starring Olll't' Sur 'i l"UP hot mai.tufl' 111Lo sour c:ream und n•turn to hot nuxtun• Cook al High for I to 11 minutt':> or until ht!ated through. Do no t boil St·rvl' ov(•r hot nuodlt·s and sprinkle with par.;lt•y St·r vc..-s 6 Careful pre -planning kang and :.tirnng until will take the r ush out of m1xtur<' 1s JU"t M't Fold your Easter entertammg. eggs 111111 dwt·,,t· sauc<.· Yo u canmake d ii.hes Pour all 111t u a that require lattle pre -l 2x7 •., x2 rnt h hak1ng paralion or ones that can dish Mt'lt 1 t•rna1n1ng 2 be made ahead or lime. tahl<.'s poons liutll'I Toss----~-------- An example of s u ch w ath br1:&J t·rumbs. pre -planning is D on e-Sprinkll• ovl'r t•gg .ind ahead Brunc h Eggs . sauce m1xturl· Cowr ,ind Nothing is more appro-r efragcrau• ovl'1 n1ght priate f or an t aster Bake, unt·ovt•rt·d . tn brunc h tha n e ggs, the modc•rale nvt•n (:i:iO dt•- trad.itional symbol of the g r e e s F' ) :.! O t 11 :.! !:> season. In add1t1on, eggs minutes or until heated 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in th• Daily Pilat are highly nutritious. through Do -Ahead Brunch ~~=~~~~~iji~~ljlij~iiiiiiii~riiiiii Eggs provide the protein r. .iiijilllliiJil•• found in e ggs and cheese. and the vitamins and minerals found in instant nonfat dry milk. This m ean s you'll be serving a meal that's as good for your guests as it is for your busy sche- dule. Because all pre para- tions are done the night before. you n eed only remove the bakmg dash from the refrigerator, t a ke off its cover , a nd pop the eggs in the oven. In less than 30 minutes you are ready to serve a d elicious and nutritious brunch for your guests. Do -Ahead Brunc h Eggs a llow you to relax and e n joy the h oh day. After all, why s pe nd h ours an the k1 tc hen when you can be outside rtnjoying the Easter egg hunt and the c.'Oming of spring? DO-AHEAD BRUNCH EGGS (Makes 6 to 8 servings) 6 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour ~ teaspoon salt 2 cups liquid instant nonfat milk Ph c ups (6 ounces) shredded sh arp Cheddar cheese 1 cup s liced fresh mushrooms 1.4 cup finely chop- ped onion 12 beaten eggs 1h cup bread crumbs Me lt 2 tablespoons butte r an sauce pan. Blend in flour a nd salt. Gradually stir an liquid Cooking with c lass KITCHEN THINGS in Corona del Mar will of· fer classes in Italian din· ners featuring the food processor on April 13 and 27. Di{(erent menus will be instructed by Betsy Moulton at the two clas- ses, and fee is $20 for eac h . Call the store at 673-3444 for information DIOSA'S BOOKS AND COOKWARE in Irvine will present a c lass 1n "berry" good ideas with strawberries at 6:30 p.m . on April 7. taught b y Tarla Fallgatter. Fee 1s $20. She will return at 6:30 p.m. on April 13 with a c l ass in using ph yllo d o ugh for appe tizers , main dishes and desserts. Fee is $20. Dolores Hoffman will show preparation of a festive Mexican dinner a t 6:30 p.m . on April 14 with courses ranging from ceviche to banuelos for d~rt. Fee is $20. Corliss Rose will teach a class in c reole classic dishes at 6:30 p .m. on April 16. Fee is $20. Barbara Foster and Suellen Heard wi11 offer a party planning seminar t o teach e ntertaining with style and ease. Class is at l p.m . April 17, and the. $10 fee includes their new boo k , "Th e 1982 Orange County Caterers Directory." . - 25th year Anniversary _ In tM Harbor Area - aorielQ/SS -$f99 STEW BEEF.... --l-{;. ~tew .. GROUND $fW ROUND ...... l-&. OV~·fe.(1.0~ ~·~9 MEAl LOAF... -1.&. CO~w\tt~S~\e• PO~fC. -$f49 SPARERIBS... -~. Fre-Skl I -S\iCQ,Q, ,,,,~ C~bf L\VE~ .•. '77~. ~~!!'°"ted,ot f~ ,,,t:NJ DtZf "l<·B08S~'.$AI ~- ---=-- Save ~ato· mat67 c N§_!. 7 c ,.---__ ~-......... , .. , .,,.,.._ ... .,...__,oii.._ 8 ~~!!- z wh•n you buy ~ .. ----· •.. any flavor of T1to·Mate• STORECOUPON --~~...-..-.--. CHEDDAR AND CH IVES SMOKEY BAR BECUE ~ lt ...... , ...................................... "..... .-.... ,.,_ .............. .,......_ .... _._,.._ II) _,, ___ ·,--.... ··---8 "i::::--.., .. -....... -~ .. , ............ =-.:.:.HA....:'".::;.::.:: ... -: ... :::" .. r: .:::. 0 .... _ .. .,......_,, ... _=_,_oz _,, _____ .,..,,.., ne-• ,... ...... -.c.,.1•""-"'""""'-111 _.., ----......... 11. llll. Lmf-• cewtl,. ...... AVAILABLE IN PRODUCE. DAIRY OR 7c ORV SALAD MIXES AVAILABLE AT: • ALBERTSON'S • GELSON MARKET • HUGHES EL RANCHO • MAYFAIR • PANTRY • WALKERS • WELLS MARKET • BELL'S RANCH MARKET • JURGENSEN'$ • FEOCO Orengo Co st DAILY PILOT IWodn&aday, Aptll 7. 1982 ('7 '5ave when you ~uy Wondr;a one any size IU l•H f, 1, '• t ,,, i•ir•uw HA'tl f'1 1 t •i ~ .Ar.18 f ., I •HI 1.CJUf>(JN I 054980 -------------------------------JI ... I when you ~uy -?~v one any size ll'f. 054980 •••• .. tC .. Q()I' •t• • ..t.Wf\I t .. ~ -------------------------------1:,_e ,. llMI r UHl C.-OVPUN .... A PV"CHASr ----- PRU< TF n" C.AMOLf <; roAE couPON I 054980 I ::: .-:T.. -------------------------------• O~OOH I I ~ I 1 ~ I when you buy one any flavor 1)UA\.C£Ln. ff tnes Muffin Ml x I I I ......................... : I .,, 1 1 .. I ~· ca Orang• Coast OAILV PILOT/Wednelday, April 7, 1982 • Go bananas with bananas, oranges, • ra1s1ns -, By BARBARA. G IB· 80NS Bananas, oraniet and ralslns AN t~ natural a wect a available any ume of yt>ar, t'Vt•n durtni< t he 1 a l c w I n lt· r fr u 1 t drou.iht, The combination hos s picy uppcal for fruit · 11tarved dal'ters. Togt· thcr, they're rich wath nutrition as well as fla vor. Bananas are high in potasa1um , so arc oranges. Oranges art• r ll'h with v1taman C. Raisins are one of tht• few fruits that suµply iron. Here are somto shm ways to combanl' this seasonal harvest. BANANA-ORANGE RAISIN CUPCAKES 1 6 -o un ce c an orange juice conccntrute, thawed 2 large very r qw bananas 2 large eggs 2 cups self r1~1ng fl our l teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon l teaspoon ground mixed pumpkin pie spice (or quarter -teas poo n each: ground nutmeg, ganger. clove, allspice) 4 tablespoons ra1s1ns Don't d ilute th e orange juice. Combine juice concentrate with peeled bananas a nd eggs an an e lec tric m1x1ng bowl acat until light and rtuHy. Star flour. baking soda and spice together; add to banana-orange mix - ture. Beat until blended Stir in raisins. Spoon into 18 nonslll'k muffin cups (sprayed with cooking spray). Ba ke an a prehl'ated 350-degrec oven until a knife ins erted an tht• center l'omes out clC'an Cool in tht• trays bl'fore removing Eaghtet:>n cup- cakes, approximatl•ly 75 calories eat·h. CURRIED FRUITED CHICKEN BREAST 2 (ry ang ctil(.:kt.>n breasts, halved halved • I 112 cups orange-. jua- cc 2 tables poons soy sauce 2 tabl(>Spoons raasans 1 teaspoon curry powder pinch each. g round cin· namon and allspice l large (or 2 small) farm-ripe banana. sliced 2 eati ng oranges, pee led, set>ded, cu bC'd Trim fringe fat from chicken . Arra nge breast halves s kin-side up an a shallow nonstick baking pan. Bake uncovt•red, and unseasoned, 1 n a preh eated 350-de grce oven 25 to 30 minutes. Drain melted fat from pan and discard Com- bine o r ange juac<.•, soy saoce. raisins. curr y powder, cinnamon a nd alls pice . Pour o ver c hicke n . Continue to bake. basting often, until chicken lS done. 25 or 30 m inutes. Spoon banana slices and orange cubes anto the sauc-e durmg the last re ... · minutes. until heated through. Makes four servings. 275 cal- ories each DIETER'S BANANA, BREAKFAST SAND· WICH 2 slices ra1san bread. toasted ~ small. very rape banana, mashed l s mall eating or ange. peeled. thinly sliced Spread the raasan toast with mashed banana and sprinkle ltghtly with c inna m o n . Add than orange s lices. St•rve open-face, or dosed as a sandwich. One breakfast serving. 235 calories. FOR PROTEIN - Substitute l ounGe fresh farmer cheese, Neufcha- tel cheese or low-calorie cream cheese for the ba- nana; 230 calories with farmer cheese; 265 cal- ories with Neufchatel: 245 calories with low- Quick tips For a quick and easy brunch entree for one, combine ~ cup each di· c.'ed ham, Swia or Ched· dar cheese and celery. F1avor to taste with pre· pared honeradlsh. Core 1 apple_:_pare il desired. Spoon filling in center of apple and around edges. C.over and mJcrowave on HIGH 2 mlnutetl or until lft\der. Let stand 2 mi· nut8. Makes t eervtns. calorl c~om c.:h~ WINTER AMBROSlA ~ eatlni o ranges. peoeled, ieeded. cubed ·i U.bl~poons r11L~1nii l rapt• banuna. thmly 'lllt'(<d 4 l\:u1>poun11 shred· tJl-d t"()(.'OllUl C 0 m b I II I' l' U b (.' d urungC'S with raisins If 1t11s1ns art• hurd arad dry. d o this s1:v t.•111l hours oh(l>ad of umc and re frl. geratc. R41SJn11 will aoh · eo in the julCC' Crom tht- o rangc cubes Juin lx•forto M•rl ng. t'<lmblne with bu· nam1 !lh <.'l'lj und top wath t"t)('Onut. M11kcs four M'r vlJ)gs, 80 c;alories ea h. WINTER AMBROSIA SALAD -Add" i ribs <.·hopped celt'r y. 1 wble- SJ><X>n plain low-fat yo- uurt und I tables poo n fow la L may o nnal !H~ llil SIDRMET Sc rv<.' on lt>th.l<.'<.'. Makes :cl>< ict•trvings, H~ c•lorll's t'OCh RAISIN JEL-LOW tu Un I t.•nvc lope plain gt-· 1 • cup l'Old water 1 cup boahng wutcr I 6-ounce can par- taa 11 y t hawc;d orange VISIT OUR FULL SERVICE MEAT DEPARTMENT SMOKED SHANK PORTION Kruse Hams WHILE SUPPLIES l.ASl SIAlfA 6AO!t IOl JUWt' c.-onct•ntratt'' :l rlpt' bunonas Optional Sp1ct•d Yogurt T o p.1J1ng (n•c.•1pe folluwii) S prinkle gelatin over cold water, waat I ml· nutc until gelatin sof- t e ns Stir in bolling wutt·r until l(elotan dl:c i1olvt-s Stl1 In orangt• Julcl' l'Oncl'IHl'lllc until cornplete ly mt.•ltt·d and blended Stir In raisins R€:'Crageratc. af ncn·i. sary, unlit mixturt-1,. partaully s..t ;md syrupy thk k Layt•r with 11hnod bananas an u mold 0 1 bowl or andlvadual dt•1> Sert dll~ht;i. (Top With Spk<.•d Yo'gurt Topping. if desire d > Makes s ax --- .... ·. 10· 14 LB AVERAGE :wrv1nu~ jt'l-Jow, 105 ~·;a). unt.'tl t ·uc h SPICED VOGlJJtT •, ~ t u p .. I I g h t •• pn·ssuriwd wh1p~od t·11·um 1 , t•up plain 1>r vnnalla low (:it yo~urt Ground nnnumu11 or all~pl<'t' lCJ IW;I(· S p1oi y light \.\h1p1wd l'lt'lllll 111\U <I h.,df C'llf' tn(•J:jUI ,. ( '0111banr w 11 h t•qual Jll111un1 111 yo.:1111 t.~s ~ v<.•ntly furk-bJ(tnti Loge· lhn Spoon onto dt""IS<•rt .incl top wath a 11hukc> of 1>J>1~T Mdkt·11 o ne cup l<>pping, JO eulorws ptr t.ublci.pooru. r'ot more sugur . .;uving uh·.1.;, .'>t•nd i1 .'ftumpC'd :.l'lf·ilddn•ssed t>rivt'lopt" Jnu 50 c·c.•1lls t o SLIM GOUHMET nANANA SWEETS, P O. Box 6l4, Sparta. NJ 07871 BEEF Ul.:HIUTS LARGE ENO .Q(!klllrP -OrQ1 Cjll4l<'l<1C':l {_jr(llflod ri p< r·1nrt: 8£(• ll Alllt,,UI lllJOY r .. llMS I 1 Ol CMUCl STWS l• 11.21 cHticraoAn SAU~E PATTIES Rib Roast -·---...... Alt~ C41Rt .ti IUWOISAWI IOlllESSHAM FRl5" CUT "Allff-lCE" SJ.8! l .... CllISE .USS HAM SUCfOfO~'I 8-'RM BU&..• TUmYUUST SLICED BACON Tang ~~!. ! s237 Die.to ····-·-· · ! ... at :*'7'-•' Olives ·"!..·~ ! 97' Fra1eisco ~-! .. Sl,Q4 Pickles :-.:;: ! • J •us Roma Mal ~····· ! . }1.17 Old Soutll :.::·--~J&9' Mothers Cooties . ·-• ! '1.75 Yi11egar ::.-:; · • .,59' Gram Crxars ~ . .::. · ! .... • .. sug Post Toasties .•. -...,,99' Maisco ~~::'..... t ! Log Cabin . ··~= • • w '1.58 ..isco ::;:: Syrvp :::. -. , s119 • lallisco ~:~ Royal Gelatin ..... ... . ,53' • Natllsco ,,._, -, •• "•"'0--... Sa1egaant ~~ • .. 50' ............ Cmt -45t Blue Biiiet ;:;·-· ·-! FleischlUMS ...:. Jobson Pledge ... • '2.Ji Scllimier • ·· " ' Reyftolds Foil -.. '3.68 ..,.,•;,·....,,.· ! Hostess ·:· • 35' Schirmer . :. Dolettes -. '1.05 ••4 ! Kllft -:.:.. -· ..... Donuts.· . '1.69 Knudsn ·-~-• - .J"\pr' 'I j ·r·nr n ..._(). ..-..... -•. _, •• ..,,,~OC9'&.-l.H>A •tS • t,,V . b ::i..1quo, "'° .. _..,it.Uia, .. "'tiRl_:'i>Nf'"v.:v•...a..~v ft Cm Beer • "'10IC••I s3J9 , ~ _.;;.• Olympia Beer ! "" ·~"°''"'"' '3.19 \ _ ~ E & J Brandy 1 ,,,. s11.89 Brandy =SI... ! . "' s12.19 Smirnoff Vodka .•• SS.99 Amaretto Di Saronno ''°"' s12.69 11-• hew'tz '"""°"" o""" 11M1tlSC I ::!".~"""" .... ITATlA IROS BROD& ~ SEIYE IOU~ ~.~49 · ! ,,...., $2.19 ! ""'" s199 t "°'" ll.69 •. ,, sl.39 • •• su1 ! .. , '1.19 ! ','1.41 t -.79' •·~ Sl.69 ! .• ,"85c I ! u su9 .J9' • -! • .,99' (JJJ) __ ... n._.ATA&l ~- 49c ,R(SH PACJFI(.. M • 1Easum1 l.11.89 .. u 11.19 C:OOt<EO,PUUO •AOlf" SlaP 11 12.99 .. l .11.59 1•0UBAG170l lA 14.99 SCAUOPS DOZEN .... lrlT DEW.ASPEN.REGULAR. DIET OR LIGHT PIZZA G~l( .. CELESTE PIZZA ......... t CELESTE . YU II UMPS , FISH & CHIPS _ YU II UMPS . ~ FISH STICKS ~.(. ~\ AllT JEMIMA '~~·.~ ... ~~WAFFLES ..•• , .. . // ! ~ es·-........ ~ 'P"" ~ _.,,,. ... ........ F,· .... i~·· DUU\R ~ J/I'..,..,_ • AU ... ,_ar-.M•1rha. ...................... ........... 7 ..... ~ •t Ql $2.49 ""' $3.19 '""' $3.49 •flU s1.54 ••N $1.39 ., 75c ,., 79' '1.79 • s2.19 su9 '1..99 . 84' W~T-r ........ C...,..,_ You Always Save At Stater Bros. BEE• t "UCK 80NHlS~ FAMILY STW l• 12.09 a\lep'iOAsT 8EH Clll SlW •2 59 8lH HU(.-. bO,.,h.f~ l l • SHOllDER ROAST 8EEF Alti IOflflt:ss SPEKH STUl e1.,110E cu• Burr POil STWS 1• 13.59 iHHnw •1 89 8UNHf'>~&Y'f u • POU ROAST FANCY WASHINGTON RED DELICIOUS APPLES WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 'cELElii" .1 ec riiiREAPPff" .. 2ec CUCUM.BERS E.23c PE,IRS "35c ~25C ii'oiiEYDEWS ll39c ~ ~ •)'NU~ IP<1.,,.._ 011011 SENECA STEMS & PIECES !Mushrooms s!>oz *I.49 !Frenchs Mustard 2 .. oz 69c GAINES OOG FOOD '!Gravy Train 10LB•4.84 CHEF BOY AR OEE CHEESE !Pizza Sauce 10!>0Zs9c GENERA\. MILLS CEREAL !Wheaties INSTANT COFFEE !Folgers Ivory Liquid FOR OISHES t ·Ivory Liquid KINGSFORD !Charcoal STATER BROS MINI OR PUFF !Marshmallows MARGARINE QUARTERS.CORN OIL !Fleischmanns PILLSBURY BUTTERFU.KE OR CRESCEN f ! Dinner Rolls 11 VAlllrnR CAii( MIXES PILLSBURY Pl.US 1soz *%.S8 1ooz *4.29 noz •I.32 •&oz*2.79 10LB •2.7s 1s.oz 6Se 1s.oz 89° soz 89C ~G .. 51.09 WESSOll Ol 79!~ ~09 You Always Save At Stater Bros. ----~-i-....----,~.,._.......,,,.....,.... _____ ~-. ~SAVE~ .S A' cut above burger for taste ... A cut above beef for nutrition! LAY'S and RUFFLES ~ br8nd potato chips AWINNING COMBINATION Now they're an even better deal for you. LA v·s~and RUFFLES® brand potatochipsaremadeofthefinest ingredients, in plantsclosetoyour ome and aredeh vered fresh to your store . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Aljrll 7. 1982 Save 15¢ on anl.slze Ken-L H@tion special cuts . ~ DOG FOOD ON YOUR NEXT PURCHA81': OF' ANY FLAVOR H OZ OH LAHGEH LAY'S OR RUFFLES' Brand Pot;tto Chip..., ('8 .. _______________________ --------------- Save 1sc On Any Size of Seneca Applesauce. ************** * * * I I I I I I •I -~m~s FA~olt&J :: ~ 'Compld/4.. ~ *I : CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP : I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .1 Save ~ ·15c I/I ... a. ~ ::> 0 "" u n l.IJ g & '1l ... ~ Ill On Any Size of Seneca Applesauce. ..,_, ... .,. --------------- ~ 0 JD ... 0 0 c ... 0 z TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER SAVE120 SOUP IS GOOD f'OOD .. ______________________ .. ·--------------- 5WAD5DD-THE FULL FlAUDR BROTH 11 PERFECT FOR • MAIN DISHES I •SAUCES • GRAVIES I SWANSON Broths give you a strength of flavor you can taste 1n I ~ 1ff ~ your cooking or in a hot cup of broth 11111 iiiilt-' TASTE THE I _, SWANSON DIFFERENCE (/) -4 0 :D ,... 0 0 c "O 0 z _______________________ .. --------------- Now12~off. .SAflS•ACUO~ CUA~AIHllO -.-..~Ne\ .. _.., .. , PHILADELPHIA -----e, ... ,..o----- CREAM CHEESE r aJllV•llCO 1 • I I I I I I .... .., .. fitr t #I• J• f1f9 I.. I" ORDER FOllJ'I ... ..,_ ..... ... ~." ......... ·~ ..... ;~ ""' -~··•'"""·• ...... , t ••'-iJ ..... ,. , __ ..... MAIL-IN CERTIFICATlt We II ~eno you S 1 lor eriy tou• Colltorn1a Chng Peact• 129 "' stZe1 1aoe1~ To ootaon your re tuno 5""'1 your label~ and ll'l•s lonn 10 Clln9 Pe•ch "'>fund l'O So • NB• 14 [! l'~a.. ~'I( l'99"7 ---.............. ! ,,, ---- • It .. • • I: l; I • 0 4 .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Aprll 7, 1982 IRVI~E RANCH FARMERS MARKETS .. BONELESS PORK ROAST R .. S 3.49lb $2.98 lb STUFFED PORK CHOPS· Reg $2.49 lb $ l.98 lb . . STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST Reg $2.29 lb $1.98 lb Lean GROUND BEEF Res $1.79 lb $ l. 49 lb Now Available: Fnsh U.S.D.A. Choice LEG OF LAMB, SMOKED HAMS, AND PRIME RIB ROAST! Perfect for Easter Dinne r! Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! .JUMBO COOKED SHRIMP Cooked Here Fresh! Reg $13.98 lb $9.98 lb Fresh CANADIAN COD Reg$3.491b $2•49 lb Fresh SEAFOOD K~BOBS Ret$S.9Slb . $3.98 lb SNOW CRAB MEAT hi 89 .98 lb $ 7 .98 lb LOBSTER TAIL Reg $13.981b $9 .98 lb Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! W>GUAT AND JUICE BAA YOGURT· CONES Reg75e 59 ~ PinaColada SMOOTHIES Reg $1.55 98~. OF VALUES Sunworld Bulb.type GHENONIONS theeetaeen onlom are disdnctlft lo both ......... and tute. The bulb la much aweetel- tbali the conventional 11een onion, and la delidoue aerved In~' ealad, appetizen. or~· BuQ>type.peen onions are •valJa.. bleat ... time of the year only, 90 don•t mlsa 'emf -3 bunches for ·49~ • I First of Season ltvtne Ranch Grown .JICAMA LARGE VALENCIA OJlANGES 29 it ~ , . 'r -lb 1111e cr11p, w1a11ie waetaMe, ~ wttb dlllDtro•.,..-.ley, bu DOW bet"Jome ... American--* aad ealadfavortte. It CM al80he ueedu a waterehe9tnm .... tltutle. . 29~ lb A Jumbo UcallyGrown White-a-Snow CA1JUFLOWER · BRUSSEL SPROUTS Pure and Sbnple SALSA Ho4orMlld 12 oa.. aec n" Mother Earth CHIPS ........ NoSelt, ..... B8Q .. oa.. aec it( Hal.tbee.t LECITHIN GRANtJLES 1• 59~ lb 49~. Fl'etlb ,, SWEETCORN 29~-:m 99 ¢ 49¢ $4.39 "" YOGURT COATED ALMONDS Bulk Oftly. It~ U .40 11 $2 • 49 lb CAROB COATED ALMONDS 0..Jll only. R~c.JZ.39 lb $ l.S9 lb VITA MI N .. S lnine Ranch Farmen Markee. ONE PLUS · MULTI VITAMIN AND MINERAL JO-... eo -... IOllloti. $4.45 $&18 t lLH $3.78 $6.96 $10.13 FREEWAY SNACK MIX 12 OI. It~ fl.65 $1.25 WAFER CANDY MINTS 1•oa.. R~U.SS $2.19 trvtne Ranch Farmers Marlu\tl SUPER C COMPLEX 250-..,. 1tec tii.TO $ ll.43 DEL I Roasted and Browned TURKEY BREAST Sliced to Order! Reg 84.79 lb $3.95 lb FRENCH RIPE 60% BRIE CHEESE Reg 85.~9 lb $4 • 49 lb CREMEAUX CHEESE A Creamy Herb and Spice Oellcacy. free samples Friday and Saturday. Reg 85-95 lb $4 •98 lb Mild and Marvelous "NEW" FROPAIN DES MAGES CREESE Reg $5.95 lb $4 .98 lb "Doux de Mountagne" SWEET OF THE MOUNTAIN CHEESE From the Pyrenees. Reg $5.95 lb $4.98 lb French Imported FRENCH GRAND CAMEMBERT Reg $5.95 lb $4 • 49 lb Available at the Tustin and Ne wport stores only I PROVIS I ONS A Sante' MINERAL WATER WltbUme. 28 oz. Reg $1.16 69~ Knudsen VERY VEGGIE 32 oz. Reg $2.18 $ l. 29 GOODSTUFF ROLLS White-Onion, Squaw, Whole Wheat, Egg, Sesame, Sourdough, and Pumperuickel. 12 07.. Reg $1.39 $ l. 09 KNUDSEN EAS1ER SPECIALS SOUR CREAM 16 oz. Rec 81.09 95~ CREAM CREESE 8 oz_ Ret 81.09 89 ~ REAL WHIPPED CREAM 61 /1 OL ltq $l29 $ l.09 BAKERY Homemade Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets · SMALL FRENCH ROLLS Packa8e of 12 $1.13 Homemade Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets BOT CROSS BUNS Packa8e ol 6 $1. 79 Limit~ Reserved Nl Dealer Sales. ' Stc>rt Hours: 10 am 10 6 pm. ~ven Days Where Tradition u Country f'rahnea. IRVINE STORE 14002 Myford Road At Santa An a Freeway 838-2851 TUSTIN STORE 13152 Newport Avenue At Irvine Boulevard 838-9570 Sto~ Hours: 9 om to 8 pnr. Sl~n Days St~ Hours: 9 om to 9 pm. Strwn O.p COSTA MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 Irvine Avenue South of Mesa Drive 631-4404 • Lakers :defuse Rockets HOUSTON (AP ) -T h e Houston Rocke ts' longest win- ning streak of the season was snapped at seven, and the Rock- ets had to accept much of the blame for the loss. •. Houston actually was ahead briefly in the fourth period of Tuesday's 108-97 fall to Los An- geles, but suddenly fell victim to that dreaded National Basketball Association ailment -inability to put the ball in the basket. "HOUSTON TOOK the lead early in the final quart.er," said Earvin "Magic" Johnson, "but it seemed like everyone was mis- sing s hots for them down the stretch." The s tatis tics bore out John- son's observation. Rocket center Moses Malone hit ohly nine o( his 21 field goal tries, forward EJvin Hayes was 3·for-17 and rock· steady Rober t R eid was only 4-ot-12. As a team the Rockets hit 29 percent of their second-half f ield goal tries and s h ot a freezer-cold 19 percent in the fourth quarter. "Even though we weren 't hitting," said Rockets coach Del Harris, "we tried to do the same things we always do . . . get the ball to Moses." Malone led all scorers with 37 points but Lakers center Kareem . Abdul Jabbar sajd that does not . tell the whole story. "TONIGHT'S GAME was a good indication of the kind of defen se we can play," Jabbar said. "We kept Moses away from the basket and we kept him out of the game." Diminutive Ho uston guard caJvin Murphy thought the ex· citement of the winning streak roight have taken its toll. "Lots ol times you make mis- takes when you try too hard," he said. "We built up our seven - gaa'!le win streak by playing nice and easy, but tonight it seemed like we were trying hard not to l06e, rather than playing to win." The Lakers took command of the ~ame with nine minutes left. outscoring the Rockets 21 -7 the rest of the way, and the quick, fast Johnson had his own expla- nation. "We got our running game going ... and we just kept running," he said. J ohnson's 23 points led the • Lakers, while J abbar scored 20 points and Jamaal Wilkes chip- ped in 19. Hayes a nd Bill Willoughby each h ad 14 for the Rockets, 43-33. Los Angeles, 53-23 and already guaranteed a division cham· pionship, beat the Rockets for the .fourth time in fi ve games this :season. ·SAMPSON EARNS . ~WOODEN HONOR · SALISBURY. N.C . (AP) - : Ralph Sampson, the University :of Virginia's All-American cen ter, ; Tuesday received the John Woo- : den Award as the best college : basketball player of the year. ; Wooden, the former UCLA • coach who normally makes the •presentation at annual awards , affair of the National Sport- : ~ters and Sportswriters Asso- : ciatlon, was unable to attend be- • cause of illness in his family. The : presentation was made by C. : Thomas H ebert, of t h e Los : Angeles AthJetic Club. .. Diiiy Piiat WEONESOAY, APRIL 7. 1982 ClASSIFllD 06 Al'Wlr91>Mto A's walk away with a victory . Angels lose opener in I I th inning OAKLAND (AP) -Reggie Jackson, who became known as Mr. October with the New York Yankees. got off to a good start with the Angels. But the Oakland A's, who made baseball history last April. stopped Jackson in two clutch situations late in Tuesday night's American League opener and pulled out a 3·2 victory when newcomer Davey Lopes drew a two-out, bases-loaded walk from Angels reliever Don Aase an the 11th inning. "I LIKED THE the way we played and I loved the crowd. It was great," said Manager Billy Martin , whose defending AL West c hampions won before more than 50,000 Cans. The paid attendance of 48,348 was the largest ever for an Oakland sea- son opener. "I think we're ready to roll again," said third baseman Wayne Gross, whose .ihird single of the game helped produce the winning run. Last April, the A's established a major league record by winning their first L I games. They were 17-1 before losing two straight games to the Angels in late April eighth, when the Angels le ft a runner on third base. and w in· mng pitcher J eff Jones fanned Jackson for the third out in the 10th with a runner at seqond. "It's good to get off on the· right foot, especially since we On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 didn 't have a good 1}>rfo g training," said Jones. The A's had an 8-15 exhibiUon record and lost eight of their last nine games in .-'\Tirona, but Mar· tm said Tuesday night, "Spring rec:ords don't mean a thing. "IN SPRING trautlng. I don't take starting pitchers out when they get shelled, I don't ute re· llevers like l do in the regular season , don't bunt like we do up here." Angels starter Ken Forsch al- lowed only six tuts in 811.J innings, but one of them was Dwayne Murphy's two-run home run that tted the score m the sixth. Brian Downing homered off Langford m the fifth, and Doug DeCinces, another new Angel, made 1t 2-0 with a sacnftce Cly in the sixth. FL YING HIGH -Dodger second baseman Steve Sax eludes the Giants' John LeMaster Tuesday to complete a double play. The Dodgers nipped San Francisco, 4-3 on the National League opener for both teams . JACKSON SINGLED off A's starter Rick Langford his first three times at bat in an Angels uniform. But reliever Tom Un- derwood struck him out m the "I'm encouraged, even though we lost, because there's a lot of emotion in this clubhouse," said Manager Gene Mauch . ''Last year, I thmk th.ts team accepted things Like this rather eesily. I'm glad to see them hating to Jose." Baker makes -most of situation AASE HATE D IT most, be- cause of a 2-2 pitch in the I Ith to Lopes he couldn't believe was called a ball. He thr ew two strikes to the former Los Angeles Dodgers' star, then walked him on four straight pitches. His ninth-inning heroics and Forster's relief work spark Dodger win LOS ANGELES (AP) -Dusty Baker has a Gold Glove trophy on his locker shelf and a world championship ring awaiting him, but it was his single in the ninth in- ning that brought the Los Angeles Dodgers their 4-3 victory Tuesday over the San Francisco Giants in the opening game for both teams. ween Baker and Greg Minton, who came in with the bases full and one out. "He th'tew a high sinker and I hit 1t," Baker said. "l kind of thrive in being m such a situauon. As a youngster, I dreamed about Hank Aaron and Willie Mays, and now l hope some people are thinking about me." Inning but said the first time he made the trip he was testing Dodger Manager Tom Lasorda's strategy. Robin.son left Gary La- velle, htS third pitcher, m the game to give an intentional walk to pinch hitter Ron Roenicke. "I told him he'd better throw tht.> next pitch right down the middle. after he Jumped on the umpire for that 2-2 pitch, but the last one def1n1tely was a ball." said Mauch. T he single was Baker's only hit of the afternoon and he shared plaudits with ve· teran relief pitcher Terry Forster, who cut off a possible run with a heads-up fielding play. Manager Frank Robinson of the Giants said the double steal requtres two fast men and two fakes. "ln order to cut it off. you have to have perfect execution by the defense," he said. That filled the bases and Robinson then brought in Minton, whose first pitch ended the game before a partisan Dodger Stadium crowd of 49.662. The Angels will try to get in the win column tonight w hen they send lefl·hander Geoff Zahn to the mound to oppose the A·.,· Mike Norns. In the top of the eighth with the score tied 3-3 and runners at first and third, the Giants tried a double steal. Forster delayed a split second and then threw to catcher Steve Yeager to nail Jeff Leonard at the plate. He then retired the next two batters, ending the threat. Yeager, who shared the Outstanding Player Award in last fall's World Series, said the Dodgers had that perfect execution. Bill Russell led o(f the Dodgers' ninth with a double off Lavelle. One out later. Steve Sax singled and the intentional waJk to Roe nicke loaded the bases. setting up Baker's winning hit Starting second baseman Bob· by Grich, who missed Tuesday's opener with back problems, was examined by Dr. Robert Kerlan who c:onfirmed that the pain and stiffness was caused by muscle spasms. "Ron Cey hollered from third and Forster delayed just enough to size up the play. I had moved out from h ome plate when ~y hollered," Yeager explained. The victory was the first for Forster since 1979. The confrontation in the ninth was bet-Robinson went to the mound in the ninth After Jack Clark homered for the Giants in the first inning, the Dodgers went on top with two runs in the third. Grich. who was replaced by Tim Foti. is hopeful of returntnll to the lineup tonight. Jones ready to switch froni Baltiniore to Anaheini Nobody came in on the noon baUoon from Saskatoon and asked me, but ... • Quarterback Bert Jones r as agreed to the basics with the Rams and will move here from Baltimore if the National Foot· ball League fonnalitit.'S car be worked out and there is no reason why they can't. • When the Angels drew 61,000 at Anaheim Stadium for the third game of the Freeway Series with the Dodgers, Reggie J ackson took credit for the sellout but not everyone agreed Reggie was alone respon- sible. • I. for one. don't think Bill Russell is the worst thing CBS has on the air . . Try the tTio that works on the NFL Today show with Brent Musberger during football sea- son. • If the Angels don't make it this year, where in the world do Gene Autry and Buzzie Bavasi go from here? • If the Oakland Raiders don't get to m"ve to the LA Coliseum, they are talking about a move to New York whe re they SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER would join the Jets and Mets and Nets . . . A new name would be required and there is one which would be in keeping with Rai- ders· owner AJ Davis ... The New York Frets. • When the Los Angeles Kings are eli- minated from the NHL playoffs by the Edmonton Oilers, they will be convinced of many things ... Not t h e least of them being that Wayne Gretzky does not pull his hockey pants on one leg at a time. • In all the negotiations between the umpires and the two major leagues, no one mentioned the ancient byword of the arbi- ters ... "You can't beat the hours." • They were to announce the female spor tscaster and sportswriter of the year this week but when they opened the envelopes, they were empty. • T he guy in the Rams organization. who had to 'make the announcement that Geor· g 1a Frontiere, Madame Ram , was "personalJy handling" the Bert Jones ne- gotiations, had to feel a trifle foolish. • If you don't want to buy the Colorado Rockies, Jerry Buss will sell you the Los Angeles Kings. • First prize in the raffle is a professional soccer franch ise ... Second prize is two professional soccer franchises. • Cal State Fullerton's girls gymnastic team was tom apart by dissension and dis- agreemen ts between team members and the coach , Lynn Rogers ... It could hardly be the fault of the girls.who constantly bent over backwards . . . • Those baseball scientists who pick Oakland in the American League West make a great deal -of the Athletics' acquisi· lion of Joe Rudi but Joe Rudi wilJ get hurt which is as sure as the ball IS round. • The lady pro golfers have managed to get some great picture coverage in nationa1 gir lie magazines but their game still doet not draw. • A sports expert is a guy who can name all the d1v1s1ons in boxing and al l the sanctioning bodies. • There really is a midget wrestJer with a large mop of hair and his name is Fuuf Bavasi. • National Basketball Association com· missioner Larry O'Brien went on record as saying that in the next negotiations for a basic agreement, the players will be asked to give something back . . . I, for one. am dying to hear an answer from the players. • Howard Cosell once went to a carnival and spent all ni~ht in the house of mi.rroni. • Trivia . . . What major league pla~r·s sist~r has ~n ~lympi~ e':"ent named af~er her .... Dickie Thon s sister, Mary. There's no substitute for a full-time coaching job Like other walk-ons, Newport Harbor's Eric Tweit lives the life of a nomad ty ROGER CARLSON and I'm not married, so I'm able to skimp good chance to make connections and 0t tM Delly l"llot ttatt by. Obviously, most walk-ons don't last find !IOmething positive." F.lic Tweit is a walk-on coach and at as long." So, Twelt baa spent the lMt two years age 34 his mother Is still worrying about Tweit began his roaching "career" by as a substitute teacher without many of him. Eric Tweit worries about himaelt. assisting Gordon Fitz.el at Whittler Col-the t0.I1-time benefiti (or pay), partJally too, but a compulsion to do what he loves lege while a aenior, then took o\rer the offlet by coaching stipends. overshadows the realities of buildlng a head coaching job at Excelsior High, his "There'• not.hing else I'd rather do," future under nonnal ci.n:wmtances. alma mater . says Tweit. "I guess I haven't really -i:weit took over the track and field "I was living with my parents and the beaten the woodwork. I kind of decided coaching job at Newport Harbor High Idea of coaching at ExceWor wu all I had I'd do It on my own tenna. I'm not about after Bob Hailey resigned over three ever thought of doing. I stuck it out for to go to Barstow to beClOme established." years ago. Tweit la starting hla third three years, but the writing was on the Tweit admlta the ego factor Is a big campaign. wall (no teaching vacancies) and I left. ~for him (and other roaches). "Su.re A aublUtute teacher In the Newport-"The follo~r I got on at St. It is,' he aaya. "1 think all coaches have Meu Dlltrict. Twelt has an edge because Paul. teaching and coaching .o-an ego about It to one eX1.ent or another. most o! bia subltltuting ia done on the phomore buket and track." "As an athlete you can't keep coming Newport Harbor High campus, but there Tweit was at St. Paul for 4 ~ yun, back forever, but you can s till get out are still ~ drawbacka, penional and the last. three as the head track and croa there (as a coach). It'• a great way to from the coeehing standpoint. country coach, but again there was a w ork wtth kida and the beat way ln the "My clrcu.mltancet are a little dlffe-dead end facing him and he atarted world to stay young. rent from most walk-ona becauae I eee lookini. "I've worked w ith recreation and my kkSa nearly every day and rm able to "I figured rd take a chance at New-coachi.na alJ'k'e I wu 18 and W1 all I've talk wtth nat of th.em," aaya Tweit. port Harbor, but l didn't really realiJe ever done." "I've lived kind of a nomad Uf8tyle what a dvtnl{ dlatrict th1I la. But lt waa a Tweit u:re. with the no1'on a walk- t ' ' I on has two strikes agat.nSt him. "Half of the job as a coach is being with the kid away from the sport." says . Tweit. "There's no stability when >'®'O\ unable to talk and see them during t))Ei school day and there Is the come-arid-go' factor. "There's nothing lo keep you at a school if you're a walk-<>n and you loee your motivation. I'm trying to do what I en.joy doing. but you have to earn a liv- ing, too. As time goes by. you worry more and more about money. My mom 1.1 worried about what rm doing." As for a walk-on'• basic abilhieJ, Twelt says he believe• an inferiorit y theory doec\'t stand up, usually. "With tome, there's nothing further from the truth," h e aaya. "With moat, they make up any deficiency wtlh inte- rest and motivatloft, they care ao mud\. ••tt balaneet the ICalel a UW.e bat, 1:Jil.rt when ~ flnt ~ here, I Md the (ttilnl (Ste TWEJT, Pase DI) I .... . . I , , I , , I . f ) f l i I • l ; I i • ' , t I I t • r ! J -, I ' . . ' ' __; ---------- DZ Orange Coa1t DAILY PtLOT/Wedneld1y, Aprtl 7, 1982 Daily Pilot's 1982 b aseball choices Kings slump ' CRAIG ROGER HOWARDL. JOHN CURT DENNIS .·~· SHEFF CARLSON HANDY SEVANO SEED EN BROSTERHOUS CONSENSUS . • at worst time -, , -Amerlcaa Lea1ue American Leacue American League Americ1n League American League American League American Leape West WeJt West West West West West They f ace Oiler 1n NHL p/ayoffr :~ Kansas City Oakland Oakland Kansas City Oakland American Lea1ue Amerlcan League American League American League American League East East East East Ea1t Milwaukee New York New York Detroit Milwaukee . American League American League champion American League American League American League champion champion champion champion Kansas City New York Oakland Kansas City Oakland National League National League National League National League National League West West West West W.est Dodgers Dodgers Houston Dodgers Dodgers National League East National League National League National League National League East East East East Philadelplua Montreal Montreal Montreal Mont.real National League N4t1onal League National League ~ champion National League National League cham pion champion cbampioo champion Dodgers Dodgers ,, Houston Dodgers Dodgers World World World World World Series Series Series Series Sert es cbampioa champion champion champion champion Kansas City New York Go to Minnesot a a nd escap e s n ow Houston From AP dispatches MINNEAPOLIS -Minnesota ts la an unlikely haven for baseball teams . trying to escape the snow. But that is what the new Hubert Dodgers Dodgers Baseball today On thts date m baseball in 1979· Houston's Ken Forsch hurled the earliest no-hitter in major league history. blanking Atlanta, 6-0 in the Astrodome. A year be- fore, Forsch's brother Bob had no-hit Phi- ladelphia for St Louis 5-0. Ken's no-hitter made the Forschs the first brother tandem lo throw ma.JOr league no-hitters. On this date in 1977: In the first American League game played outside lhe United St.ates, Doug Ault bcited two homt-runs as the brand-new Toronto Blue Jays defeated the Chicago Whitt• Sox 9-5 at Exhibition Stadium. On thts date in 1970: Just t hree weeks after moving from Seattle. Milwaukee debuted at County Stadium with a 12-0 loss to Andy Mt·ssN smith and the Angels · H. Humphrey Metrodome 1n downtown Min- neapolis will be today and Thursday. Cardinals gang up on Ryan I Oak.land Oakland American League East American League East Milwaukee Milwaukee American League champion American League champion Oakland Oakland National League West National League West Dodgers Dodgers NatlonaJ League East National League East Montreal Montreal National League champion National League champion Montreal Dodgers World World Series Series champion champion Montreal Dodgers Delays anger LaRussa CHICAGO <AP) The late- breaking winter storm that for- ced postponement of six baseball c1peners Tuesday rekindled the argume nt over whether it wouldn 't be wiser to ope-n--the major league season in domed ballparks or warm w<:'ather cities. ''That raises a sore spot and upsets me," said Chicago White Sox Manager Ton y LaRussa whost' team has been snowed out of both games of Its scheduled season-opening senes against the Boston Red Sox. EDMONTON, Alberta (AP) - The Los Angeles Kings are m a slump at the worst possible ttme. The Kings r11.Je 11 five-game losmg streak Into tonifht's first game of the Na tiona Hockey League playoffs against the red- hot Edmonton Oilers The Kings Cinished fourth m the Smythe Div1s1on, 48 points On TV tonight channel 9 at 6:30 behind Edmonton They have given up 33 goals, sc.'Ored only 14 and been shut o ut on<:e during their skid. "We've lost our 111tt'1)s1ty," said right wing Dave Taylor "Once we found we were going to be fourth, we let n go- vern our play We started run- ning around and getting beat one-o n -one in battles for the puck." Two of those losses wert-to the Oilers, 6-2 and 7-3. Edmonton hopes to continue its sutx:C'SS against the Kings in the firs t two games of the best-of- five Smythe D1v1s1on semifinal Wednesday and Thursday The series shifts to Inglewood for games Saturday and Sunday. Los Angeles Coa,·h Don Perry 1s concerned about the ability of the Kings to snap out of their losing ways a fter playing poorly for the last two weeks. "l wouldn't rate our dumces against the Oilers as very good," said Perry ··1 would have felt more cont ldent 1f WC' had fi - nished strong, but we didn't. If w e don't pull out CJf It, our chances are zero " Wh1l1: the Oill'rs c:ontiriued their fun-filled. run-and-gun style of play through t ht-end of the regular schedule. the Kings mostly went through tht· mouons 1n their final games "In the last week wp've plaved From Page 01 WORRIED -Kings Coach Don Perry sends his slumping team mto the NHL playof against Edmonton. without emotion and dnve.'' said captain Dave Lewts ''Whether it W<1..-. b<'CaUS<' th~ guys did n't want to gt'l hurt or they were tired or whal<'Vl•r. we lacked emouon and l'Onl'<:ntrallon. The mental aspect of thC' game wasn't there·· The Kings generally are heal- thy although Lewis 1s nursing ~pra1nl·d knee ligaments a nd another defenseman, Jerry Ko- rab, wall wear a cast to protect damagc'CI ligaments in his thumb. Th<: Oilers are about the same with three forwards no t 100 pN<:t:nt Dave Semenko's jam- mt-'d toe conunues to bother him, wurl(' Boschanm has been htt by " flu bug a nd 50-goal scorer Mark Messier missed five days of sk.iting becau se of a sprained ankll· The Chicago White Sox. snowed out of their two-game season-opening series wtth Boston at Comiskey Park, and the Toronto Blue Jays. their series with Detroit postponed, will work out and play two exhib1t1on games in the Metrodome. Darrell Porter 's three-run ho· la mer in a five-run first mrung opened the floodgates against Houston's No- lan Ryan for an 18-h1t attack Tuesday night as the St. Louis Cardinals rollt-'d to a 14-3 season-opening victory over the Astros . Rick Mahler fired a two-hitter, rellnng 17 batters in a row after the second inning, and Glenn Hubbard doubled in the lone run as the Atlanta Braves defealRd the San Diego Padres 1-0 In tht• American League, rookie Jim Maler drove 1n five runs with three hits, including his first ma.JOr league homer, to key Seattle to an 11 7 v1<.·tory over the Minnesota Twins BOTH TUESDAY'S games. re- s<: h ed u 1 ed once today, and Thursday's game will be made up, a c lub spokesman said. al- though n o dates had yet been dl•termined TWEIT' P LIGHT . • The hm exhibition game between the two teams was set for this afternoon . The Twms play the Mariners in a regular-season game at 7:35 p.m. Quote of the day Sam Rubio, owne r of John Henry, the thoroughbred that has won more money than any horse in history, more than $3 million: "One of these days, John Henry's going to ask me what I've done with all his money" Natt, Portland topple Nuggets Calvin Natt led four Portland m players w ho scored more than 20 points Tuesday night as the Trail Blazers beat the Denver Nuggets ' 136-122 in a high-scoring National Basketball Asssoc1ation contest Elsewhere. Joe Barry Carroll scored 28 points and Bernard King ad- ded 27 to lead Golden State to a 110-96 verdict over San Diego. The loss was the 14th in a row ~• ·-.., • for the Clippers who haven·l won since March 9 . Eddie Johnson hit two free throws with four seconds left to give.Atlanta a 106-104 decision over the New York Kmcks. extending the Kmcks' J tring of r o ad losses to a reco r d-tying 11 games . . . . J e ff Ruland and Spencer Haywood combined NAn fo r 3 9 p o 1 n t s l o I ea d Washington to a 94-85 victory over Cleveland. The victory broke a three-game Washington lo- sing streak Milwaukee continued to breeze through the season with a 122-116 triumph over Boston. . . . Philadelphia remained five games behind the Celtics in the Atlantic Division with a 117-104 triumph over Chicago . Utah whipped Dallas 136-122 . Seattle kept pace with the Lakers by turning back Phoerux, 102-91. The Sonics remain 2 'h games behind division leading Los Angeles. "ON TllE rtRSr DA 'r' Or TllF WEEK rhc-1 wenr ro rhe rnmh hut rhe1 J1d nc'>r finJ the he1J1 of the I.or<./ Jew~ · HE IS RISEN: HE IS RISEN INDEED You're invited to Newport Harbor Lutheran Church this Holy Week. The Holy Week services are. MAUNOY THURSDAY. "Meal in lhe Upper Room" Services al 6·00 P M end 7:30 P M , April 8 GOOD FRIDAY, Tenebrae Service et 7:30 P.M., April 9, lea· 1ur1ng·spec1e1 mU$IC eno lhe extinguishing ot the candles alter each of lhe seven lest words. EASTrn SUNDAY, APfll 11 HlstlVal Setvlces 81 6 00 A ~ and 10 30 A.M, Pa~ke bfeakfas1 betoie both seNICes -bl'lng the whole lemllyl neighbomooct NvrMry cent 1t¥eilable bo1h seMcee. Pastor Roger Berg Will Pfeech on. "One Dot Nol ThfM . " ...,_, HM80I LUTIBM autett .,. Dover Dm9. Ncw,.rt ...._. CA tM3 (114) ... 1 · Unser undecided about Indy 500 Bobby Unser. who went from • w1nnl·r to runnl•r up before' bP1ng restored as thl.' winnPr of thl· l'Ontro vc·r~1al 1981 Ind1,rnapol1s 500, says . he·s still not sur1: ht.<'11 race at Indy this y<'ar If he does. and wins, Unser wuuld JOln A.J . Foyt as tht• only four-time winnl'r of the event Television, radio Following ar<' the top sports events on TV trm1ght Ratings are· v v v v exl'l'llent, v v v worth Wal.Ching. v v fair. v forget 1t Cf) 6:20 p.m .• Channel 9 v v v NHL PLAYOFFS: Announcers: Bob Miller and Nick Nickson. The K ings j u st barely made the NHL playoffs a nd they have a tall order to fill in containing the explosive Edmonton Oilers and their superstar Wayne Gretzky Mar((') Dionne It'd the Kings 1n sc.·onng this season ~ 7:30 p.m., Channel 5 V V V V ANGELS BASEBALL: Ange ls at Oakla nd. Announcers: Bob Starr. Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly After losing theLr extra-mmng opener. 3-2. Tuesday night, the Angels will try to bounce back with Geoff Zahn due to go against the A's Mike Norris. RADIO Baseball -San Francisco at Dodgers, 7· 15 p.m .. KABC (790); Angels at Oakland, 7·30 p.m .. KMPC (710) join us fo r EASTER BRUNCH AND DINNER Sunday, April 11th. Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644·2030 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 -------- --------------'------------ "Can you 1mag1n(• California playing at Oakland?" added La- Hussa "Two warm weather c1- t1t's And what abou t Seattle opl'n1ng at Minnesota? Tw1) teams with domes. It JUSt doesn't make an y sense.'' And that fact was not lost on LaRussa's boss, W h 1tl· Sox c1>· owner Jerrv Rt>insdorf. another opponen t of opening thl• season m cold-weather c1t1cs "I think n's outragco~s that Minnesota and Seattle both can open in domes. but arl' playi ng each other.'' said Reinsdorf, "and that OakJand and California play each other in warm weather. "But California doesn't want to scheduJe a lot of games at home while the kids are m school and they don't want to be playing at home when t he Los Angeles Do dge r s are ho m e," added Reinsdorf. "That's ridiculous." AN OLD a r gument of fans wanting an early opening day at home no longer holds since most important games are televlsed and fans would just as soon sit homt' and watch their favorites on television rather than brave snow, rain, wind and cold at some ball parks. . Probably the most important factor of blowing a home opener to the weather lS the loss of fans and revenue. "There are group arrngements and plans by ind1v1duals to take the day off a nd go to the ball park.'' said Reinsdorf. The White Sox last season had a record openma-dav crowd of 51,560. I • you really needed he lp from other coaches. "With walk-ons. every coach starts looking out for himself he's not conl-erned about sending another coach playe~ "When Bob Halley was here there were g reat ties between him and the ·football t'Oach, and llo usto n h ost s '86 All-st ar HOUSTON (AP) The 1986 Major League All-star game will be played 1n th(• As t rodomt> Houston Astros Board Chairman John J MeMullen announced Tuesday It will mark the second time that the Astros have hosted the mid-season classic, also played in the Astrodome in 1968. This season 's game will be played in Montreal with sit.es for the 1984 and 1985 games s till undecided • McMullen noted that the 1986 game would coincide w1 th the 150th anniversary of the Repu- blic of Texas a nd also would come at the end of proposed re- novation of. the Astrodome "This w1U give all Houstonians the opportunity to show off the magnificent Astrodome complex to not only all of baseball but lD all visitors during the year ot 191'6," McMullen said. The All-star game is traditio- na I ly played in July but the exact date will no t be knoW'l'l$ until American a"ti Nati ona~ League dates ar~~mRleted foe' that season. ' SAINT JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3209 VI• Udo, Newport Beach Invites you to observe the dramatic and Joyous events of Holy Week and Easter with us ... 0000 FfUDAY -12 noon -3:00 pm Meditations on the Seven Leal Words; devotions; hymn• of tile P ... lon 7 ·30 PM Tenrbrae -an 1n- e1en dramatic end moving choral Mr-vle e with Senior Choir end Orel'I••· t a • HOLY SAT\IRDAY 4:00 PM CHILDREN't EAS- TER S~\llCE; Eu- ter 8eptlamf~ Pup-'* Play: an<! c••w " plant fOf' Mctl c:tlltCI , 7:30 pm E.ufer VIQll, s.tYtce Of "New .,,,.. •• Flrtt J ~E~. ~·rl lUTIR IUNDA'f 7:00 AM nw..~.~. t :OO AM.·"'~~~ l'l ·~· 11:00 ~M: of 1t1~ H~r~ Oom· . . . . "'"!\'°"'"'IU~"1r> · rnon,--. i · ,~ & • 8•nlof (fl'lolt •IJ Otohllllra. • Child C.te et all ..,... .• ther(' wpre so many kids in both -;ports ''But every time there's a new coach, things change. Look at our baseball program. Kids can't in- dl'nufv with anvbodv And when you have to hire a hPad coach as a walk-on, what are you going to do about finding assistants more walk-ons "I think a lot of programs are going to fall. sooner or later "On the s urface. no. I don't think a c:oach 1sn•t bt!tter than another on thl' s 1mplt' fact a < oach 1s an on-'<.·ampus rather •han a walk-on. But 1t"s the con- 1 n u 1 t y H e ( t h <· u n -ca m p u s ·nach) 1s there. "[l 's better to have an on· campus ('Oach v.:ho lacks ability than an off-(ClJTlpus (.'()ach becau· se of availab1htv ·· While Twen~s s1tuat1on 1s ob- v1nu!>1V better than most walk- ons because of his s ubstitution teaching a t Newport Harbor it l'OUld be better "I don't know from day-to-day whether I'm going to have a sixth period class (to bC' w1 th t he athletes) "'Chis year we've t'Ombint'd the boys and girls programs, but we'r<' still in a situation where f1vC' of the six coaches arc walk- ons Our only full-time coach (assist.ant) is Hank Cochrane." W1th dwindhng enrollme nt and all of the other problems fa- cing Newport Harbor. chances of a teaching o pening for Tweit r a nge from n o thing to worse. And like his peers. Tweit will be there only until something better l'Omes along. (This is the second of four ar- ucles on walk -on coac hes ro appear m t.he Daily Pilot.) _____ ... .;i.__ ...... .. ~ .. I' ! • I ' I ' .. b I I 4 • t t ' -------......---~--~~--~--~----~~~------~---------------........ --_....._._. ...... _...._._.. .... .._. ______ ....... __ ... __ .... _.. __ Orang• Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Wednetday, April 7, 1982 UCI wins second straight; OCC breezes UC lrvlne 11napped UC Sanl.a Barbiva's four- aame conference w innlna atr<.'ok, Orange Coast ~Rd to a noo-<.'Onference victory, and bolh Co8ta Me.a and FAtancla uamed tournament v1~·r.om-s ln bueball action Tuetday. Hett'• what happened: UC lrvlne 9, UC Santa Barbara 5 Tbe Anteaters' Ralph Gedies and Mike Rupp c ch deUvl'red bast>s-loaded base hits to help UCI win Its 81'<.'0nd al.raight Sou them CaH!omu1 Baseball ~laUon victory in Goleu.. Rupp's slngle sruipped a 4-4 tie in the fourth inning and llCOred two runs, while Ged1es rapped a three-run double in the eighth to put thl• game out of reach. Andy Bisna r started on the mound for UCI and Caulkins seeks record GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -J o hnny Weis- smuller's sta tus as the all-time champion of American swimming may be on the Line at the 1982 U n ited Sta t es Swimming Short Course Champ1onsh1ps that be- gin here today. Tracy C aulki n s, a 19-year-old freshman at th~ Universiiy of Florida. 1s expected to eclipse Weissmuller's record of 36 national utles. Caulkins, s wimming for h er home to wn's Nashville Aquatic Club, has 35 long-and short- course titles to her credit. and IS competing m her current home pool. at the Un1ver s1ty o f Florida O'Connell Center. l<morl' went thf" dlat:ln<'<' io earn his fifth v1c:tory ugainst two defeats Cotta M•H 8, Rancho Atamlto• e The Mustangs (9-~-l) withstood u Curious & quNo r411J y in the seventh Inning to capture tht- consolation championship of the Bolsa Grandt• tournament. F our Mustangs had two hats as designat~d hatter Matt Juhn.son went 2-for-4, shortstop SteVt.' Anderson went 2-Cor-2 with two runs scored, cat- c:her Jeff Fteld went 2-for-3 with three runs scort'<.i and third baseman St.an Kumt•tt went 2-for-3 with three RBI. Eetancla &, Tuetln 5 The Eagll'S scored three tames an th~ bottom of _the seventh inning to tie the score and pushed ac.·r·~ one mort• an the 11 th tu c.·opture fifth µl;ic•t • an tht• .Bol&i Grande tournamefH Senior J.-rr Curdner .• who l'turtt'd the gnnw ;,t 'hurt.,top, Wl'nt ~ for-5 an~ canw an to rcbcvt-an tlW 10th to p1t•k up hlli farat Vl<'tory of thl' yc•ar Oran9• CoHt 8, CuHta 1 F r~hmatl third baseman Toan Duggan bt!lwd a double and u 1 wo-run homer to pac:e thl' Pirates to thl'lr lthh w10 tn 20 outings Uuggan. J prod4ct of Edison High. hll h1 · two-run blclSt an the ~venth annmg. long uftt>r tht· 11o n -<:onfe renc:e outcom ... had been dN·1ded. T lw homer, his sixth of the s.:oason, 1s JUi>t two l'lhy of OCC's season rc.'<:ord. Ron Rooker, a 6-6 frc-shman left-hundt·r who packed up for ~tarlt•r Rach Kellogg 1n 1h1.• fourth inning. got tht.' victor y to run has rN:ord to :i 0 fur I ht• season. She has set American records m the freestyle. back.stroke, breaststroke, butterfly a nd medley and went to the brink of WeissmuHer's m ark 1n five years of competition. We1ssmullcr. later one of th e m ost popular ''Tarzan" movie actors, reached the plateau in eight Y,ears. 1921-1928. Sole Price leu Foctorv lleoote 29.97 -3.00 Cost Alter 'four Net 26 97 Foctorv 11eoote • Eo 17.97 19.97 Regor• Sliver Serl•• Pl1fllng Roda On Sole 3.97 More than 800 swim- m e r s from about 100 clubs across the country are here for the 34 events in th e four-day · short-course meet, says Randy Hart, spokesman for United St.ates Swim- mmg. · Your Choice Of Quollty Fenwlctc· Graphite Roda Btockhowlt' seroes sprnnmg o• rost•ng rOds leoture o urn1num 0111oe guides 01slo grip or loom h0no1e 101 t sn1ng comtort Avo•t oble in ossor ted iengrns oct•ons Ac tton pocked rods tor spinning. sp.n cashno or 0011 costrng Ovnoltoww Garcia· Spinning Reel z.bco• 202·· USS also holds the I o n g -c o u r s e c h a n1 - p1onships this August an Indianapoli s . Those events will take place in a 50-meter pool. m con- trast to the 25-meter course an Gainesville. Rowdy Gaines. Craig Beardsley, Mission Vie.JO Nadadores' Jesse Vassal- lo and Bill Barrett are among the swimmers expected to take aim a t men's s h o rt-course re- cords this week. Pirate to play in Arizona Coac h Mike Ma yne and his Orange Coast College baseball team will take a break from the rigors of the South Coast Conference race by heading for Ariwna this week. The Pirates will com- pete in the third annual Kiwanis Roadrunner Tourname n t in M esa Thursday-Saturday. "This tournament is a break from the pressures of conferenCf' play. so I'm going to let the kids en- joy themselves," Mayne a dmits. "I'm going to play a lot of people and we're going to throw som e pitche rs who h a- ven· t had the opportu- nity to throw much this year." Ma y n e adds , "M y con cern as to h ave us loose and ready for con- ference play when we return from Ariw na." The Pirates won the Kiwanis tournament 1n 1980 .'Alouettes up for sale MONTREAL (AP) - Nelson Skalhania, m a- jo rity ow n e r of the Montreal Alouettes, is- sued a atAtement Tuesd- ay auggesUng that sale of the Canadian Football League club may be 1mminent. Skalbania waa cloeeted 1n an undi8cloaed location wHh HaN"y Ornoat., whom Skalbania hu ap- POlnted to repreeeni hia inte.resu ~ere, ~~ :ind CushtCl'leO Q11P ~~ .............. Your Choice . £ I J*1f iiiiiim9 ..... -.~ ' '( 7111 ~~ •Jll 14.97 Splncostlng Rod And Reel Combination .t;o-(KOS'' 1 " \t.1•ncosr1ng ree ~0<no1erP , .. 11-•" m 1 L r -, J 1 ' [IQ ""o' _ 13 SQ•()('\ r.g •et--Jr J r>•i:>Ce rM • ~· tJ" •.c>0wed ".ln tne SO\ ngs PS 10 6.97 • 39.97r Feature-packed Reela ~t,:~ For lalt•co1t Fishing .: ,.,,;< · Lo1r·cusr1ng reeis ""'"" """-J 7 1 geor 10110 riv~ 6" Stalnle11 St•el llad• .. U.S.C.G. Approv•d 5 13 3.97-5.97 5.27 a Splnca1tlng Combo Sportfrst'ler • 200 ree1 w ith 2-pc l1berg1oss rod fish Cleanlng Set Frllet knife ona 6x24 woooen boora Trllene • Fiiier line Mono11ne tn o wide range ol lrne weights lellable Life Veit FOOi"!" '•llP<1 ....,eo bell w1tn O•JC~ e 1as1ene1 .. Jelly Worm· lalt 'llolurol te~lured rrutt-llovoieo oor1 0 Inch 1.17 F()( coshng. 110U1ng Sues 1/24 '710 1/8 Ol 1.17•1.47Ea. lplnner Vartety Plain or SQUlrrel toll Many sties Koetmoeter•• Lure For COStinQ tlOlffnO Treble hoolc 1/ 12, 1/8 Ille$ Alpha'• 1310 SerlH Rodi For Fishing hcttement C.rooose o sp1nn1ng roo with foam grrr nr , ver SO Ii le so1nc OSI or 0011 ·COSI re·~ teoiurPs p1s101 ivoe i'l"t.J Bolh w 1lh c.erom•c ::iu 1es 1noss.:>llt<O pnqt s JN JC 1.ons Trout laH ' >ol111Q lrOuf O•Jli I 1 Jn pir,, t"\f'>' wPlit.)..._t I REBEL I 11.97 >·troy Tackle lo>! Vovable d 1111ders IQlm uo 10 32 compor1men1s L ell '.)r rigr I l'tOr>d re111eve ~arclo ' 752 Qeel. 24.97 ~1uSf '.lt>IP fl'\u'TI0-opell"lre<J ,. JJ 19.97 12.97 Regal Sliver Serles • Reel Ryobl"' SX2N Spin Reel n•erno1 <.Jul •monuor L ,, SXIN Spinning he! . 11.e1 B )In .,. •r ti Jll 00 rnnq l' . f' Serlea 1600 Spinning Reel. 25.07 l(mort· Sot,. Pf!C:f' 16.97 2.5:1 Oear Qotlo Len rocto"V QebOte -3.00 Your Nt>t Cosr Alft>• 13 l'tf't roc:•o•v Ret>oie • 'YI 9.97 Alpha'" 035 Spinning Reel Sk.rted ree h.1s •n•Prno inn Pit or "Q" 1 ... .,,"J •ell evl? Apollocoat'" Splnca1t Rffl Mulltd·SC drag with push b1Jt1on re1eose Anti-reverse J',G.4 ...... - Sole Pnce . Each 32.97 U9ly Stitt' 1100 S•rle1 Tubular fishing Roda A strong sens1ve tub· ulor rod 101 spin t1sh1ng bait costing With the e•clus111e Clear Tip~ Avorloble 1n mony sizes W37.97 ~ 01IEf. Nome lleceltc ~ ~ ........ ~ M•• Become a champron Smoker Cooker in Just minutes lncl\Jdes in- struction Book Recipes Hlckay Wood Aoll'Ot kiel Just plvg It lnl ~~ ........ 1.97 03 D4 Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wednaday, AprU 7, 1982 ,_-.. .... --------~----~----------... ~------------.... ----------..... - ~ • • . ' "' " M41lot LMOU. 1t1ndlng1 A•llllC"AN LIAOUI w .. t.,ft OM•lon W L .-Cl. 01 Oeklend Seattle CNeago Tun ..,... l<MNS Clty MlllnetOll 8-IHmOle eo.100 CleYelal\d OetrOll ~­New YO<k TO<"onto t 0 t 000 I 0 t 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 I 000 0 I 000 0 t 000 IE•el.,ft Otv .. lon I 0 I 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 TIMedar'e k-OeklanO 3, AngM 2 ( t 1 lnnlnQtl TOfonlo 11 0.HOll (PC>d . ooldl r .... •New Y0tll tWd enowl Boalon at Ch~ fWd • cOldl ci...land 11 MtlwaukM IPCXI COldl S.nle 11, Mlr>nMOla 7 Only g-echedUleO 1 I I .... ., •• ' ., . .. Toder'• Game• Aft9•la CZahn 10· 11) al Oa"1110 (Nome 12·9). n Boelon al ChlellQO (ppd , •now1 Toronto at 0.1ro4l (ppd , tnowl Ken1H Clly (Gura t l·B) al Bslllmore (MeGreg0< 13·51. n Seallte (8ee111e J 11 11 M lnr101ota (Erlekaon, 3-8), n Only Q.,1191 9ChedUle<l NATIONAL LIAOUI! WHlwn Olvt11on OoOgen t 0 t 000 Allanll I 0 1 000 Clnc1nna11 0 1 000 HCNtton 0 0 1000 San OteQo 0 0 000 San Fra~o 0 0 000 Cnoeago Mon1re.•I New York P"'4aoetpll1a P1tts1>Urgh St Lou" IHl.,n Olvlolon I 0 11)()() 0 0 000 0 0 uoo 0 0 000 0 l) 000 0 0 000 T~y·oac- Oodget'9 4 Sal\ Frane•KO 3 Moolreel at PlttJbUrgn CPP<I anow) New Yon •t PhltacJelPll1a tPP<I snowt St lCNll .. Houstoo 3 Atlatlla t. San Diego O Only gemes llCtiedl.IMld .... '"t t I I '• Todar'• o-san Fr&l\Cl8CO fFowtllet 0·01 at ~ fHooton, t t·6). n MontrHI (Rogtra t 2 8) a1 P1llsburgh, (RhO<Hn 9-•). n Altenta (W alk 1-•1 ti San Diego (Montervsoo. 2·31. n New YOfk fZachry 7-1'1 at Pniladetpnll (Carlton 13-41, n ClltcaoO (NOIM 2·21 at C1nc1nnall (6erenyi 9-6), n SI LOUIS (Al\dular 8·41 al Houston ISutton 11.9~ n AMERICAN LEAGUE A'1 3, A~I 2 CALIFOflNIA OAKLAND .Orllbl ebrhbl Burleen SS 5 0 1 0 R Hndsn If 4 I I 0 Lynr>.cl 5 0 1 0 Murphy .cl • 2 t 2 Carew I b 3 I 2 0 Meyer dh 5 0 0 0 Re Jeksn.rl 5 O 3 0 Armes rt 6 o 1 O Bayl()f,dh 5 0 0 0 Clrou 31> 5 O 3 O OeCnca,30 4 0 0 I $_, lb• 0 0 0 Oow""'ll tt 4 I 2 I lOPf!S 21> 4 0 1 I ~.H 0 0 0 0 KNlney.c ' 0 0 0 Fol•.2b 5 O O O F Stanly •• • o o o Boone.c • 0 2 0 Total• ~ 2 11 2 T01a11 39 3 7 3 Score bf 1nn1nge Caltl0<nla 000 011 000 00-2 Oe~lar>O 000 00'.' 000 01-3 Two ouis -wtnning run 9COf90 E -1(-ney OP OaklllnCI t LOB - Cal1fo<"'9 9. Oekllr><I e 28 Lynn HR Downing Ill M urphy (11 SB Carew 8eniq\Ml S C..ew SF O.C1ncee Calftomle IP H A fll 18 ao F0<eeh a .. 6 2 2 1 • """' IL 0-11 2'> l 1 1 3 2 Oui-cl l8119l0td 9 2 2 0 3 T lin<l-000 ..., 0 0 0 t J Jones (W 1-0) J'~ 1 O o 2 2 T 3 3 t A 48 '348 M.,ln.,t 11, Twin• 7 St'&llle 00'.l 111 A01 11 1A 0 M•nntiSC.la 100 100 1?0 1 11 2 B.lrin1s1or s1an1on 181 ano Es•1an Rea """ E'I C~51111u 161 A1111yo 18) onn Wynl!\)Ar w Oann1SIC• 11 0) l Rl't!IArn 10 Ii HRs 5e~Ulti Maier 111 Cowen\ 111 M1nne..01a E"'Jll'' 11 C,11•11!? 171 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodger• 4, Olanta 3 LOS AHOELES UN f'l•ANCllCO eb • h bl ob r h bl <;~x 1t I 1 , 0 l [>,,_., II ~ (\ 0 r l 1nd ,,.. 14 n t 1 M MO·•" 1b '' O 1 G Ru<'ll<' l•h 0 0 0 II C la• ' 1 t l I I I Ba>.~r II I Q I I ~ '1m th It ' I : 0 Ga,.~~ Ill ) 0 0 I lMl'lh 11 11 0 0 0 Gey lt> 4 0 2 ll M r11<•" 0 0 0 II Cuett(!l rl l CJ 1 0 1 "'"' 111 1 1 o O V ilMQ'tt \. • t ~ 1 l •"fJf1.tflJ c f • 0 ./ I RuS$t'll 55 ) I 7 0 M•• C I 0 1 I Reuss l I 0 0 I "MW \S ~ 0 I 0 Slrwa" I> 0 n 0 0 Holl.inti JI • 0 0 0 Mandy ph O 0 o O W"'''" ~·" 1 o O 0 FOfSlet O 0 0 0 0 ~•" t 0 0 0 0 Betnqf pll I 0 0 0 Pt Hl"'" Ill 0 0 0 0 •1.1q11 r I 0 0 0 1 .,.... Jl • " • 1 ldl• ,.., , q , ScOfe t>y lnnlnq1 51n Frenc.sco •00 002 000 J lOS ""9"~ 001 100 001-4 One out when w1nn1n9 rnn \Cored E: l eMMlet Ruuoll OP S•n Fr an~'"° 1 toe Angtllos t lOB San franc1sco 8 Las AngefM 10 20 Cey Pu,!1(111 HP Ciao (I). Yeaoer jl 1 58 l P\lnKl'1 <; RuS~<'ll SF Ga Ney S•" Fr1ncl1co Holland Barr lA~Plle (l 0 I 1 Minton Loe A"D•••• IP H Rf:R 1111 SO \~1'2l I • I 0 0 I 0 11• 3 1 ' 2 2 t 0 0 0 0 0 AelJU ~' I 8 ) 3 2 2 Slewarl ;r O O O I O Forst•• (W I Ill .,, I 0 0 0 I M1n1011 p•llMO 10 I t>nller 1n the 9th WP -Rl'U" I 2 SJ A 49 ~2 C.,dln1le IA, AtlrM 3 SI LOUii ~ 10 •22 000 II 18 0 Houaton 010 00 I 100 3 8 2 ~orKn Kaai f\11 ano Por1et Bru"1Mlf 181 Ryan Piadaon 1•1. L.Cou 1•1. O Sm11n (81 Sambllo f8) and Aahby 1<n1ce1y (7) w - ror1cn I •·Ol l Ryan 10· II HR• -SI Lou~. Porter 111 >lou11on ~b~ \II. Howe Ill lf1•tt I. "'11drtt 0 Atlenta 000 010 000-1 • 0 Sen O>ego 000 000 000-0 2 I MAiiiet Ind eene<l•CI. E 1chelbe•9pr De· Leon 171 Show 191 and Kannady w Mt,._, (I ·01 l EIClltibefget (0· 11 Coli.g. UC tnrlne I , UC Se,,11 llerbere 5 UC 1"'1119 130 100 030 II 'I 0 UC San.la. Barbara<MO ()!'() 100 ~ II I 9<-1n<1 81rn1ro OeCordoYa S1ncne1 121 S1111n<1ort (I) a.no Kmel< w B•tn•• f~·21 L-8-hei CJ· 1) 2S -C..Oiet fUCll H1A (UCS8) HR -Cl111. IUCSS) College ICOf•I Loyola M1rymo11nf 8 Cel Slat~ lot An ~1 Ptpplldlne •. C1I Slale Fullet'1on 3 C1l Stet• NO<thrldoe e Cal Stale Domin· gWt kill• 2 Cl-• Mudd 25. Caltech I Cal l"°'Y Pomone 7, Sen Diego State 7t10 1""1 ...... fftk-) 90noma 81111 1. Pomc>ne Pllltlt 2 OGGfffnlal 0. Ctl 8AOllll 4 I tO in""'OI ) Aealelldl4,l"oH'ltLom12 llolnt LOll'la 8, Ctl L""'*llft S Communttr cotleae cw-.. C-' It, C-fe I C""1a 000 000 010-1 I 1 • Or.,,... Coul f40 000 2b-I 9 I ~. Menlft In Boyd (7) and 8elli.al; "OOlltr 14), Sor-(l l. S.lltoro l"Ulkatlell w-"ooll., 1a·OI L-........_~_-Ou!llWI !OCCJ. Jtf'NIOll (Cl ,......,.. 1000! ""-Tinoco cocc~ °"WM fOOCl NBA WHTPNCONnMNC« f'eclflc Dl'IWon W L l"ct. Qa $2 24 184 y-Ull- Y·S..ttle Golden $\alt Phoenix Por11and 49 26 653 2'.lt •2 33 560 8'h 42 33 580 9'.t 38 37 507 13'AI Son Oteq0 16 60 211 38 MlftrMt OMeloft . San Antonio 4• 31 517 Oen.., ~ 32 573 t Houston •3 33 .see l'AI Kansai City 215 49 347 18 Dall.. 25 51 329 lllV. Jl•h 22 63 293 22 l!.AlnllN CONFIEMHCI Atlefttlc DMelon 51 17 773 y-Bolton y·Phlladelp/11a New Jen~ wun1ng1on Naw York 53 22 707 5 311 38 .520 19 38 37 507 20 '32 43 .427 28 Central Olvlelon •·MllWaukee S3 23 8117 Alll"le 38 37 S07 14'AI O,lroll 35 40 .487 17'h lndtllfle 33 42 440 19'A Chicago 29 48 .387 23'.lt Cleveten<t t 5 60 200 37 '4 x-eknehed di'A.iort tnle y-cl1nehed playott se><>ts TllMd9f'• lcot.e Laken 108 Hooslon 97 Atlanta 106. New YOtt< 1°'4 Waaning100 11-4. Clewland 85 MllWlukM 122. Boston 118 Phlladelphla 117, ChiclQO 104 Utah 129 Oellu 1 1• POt11end t36 Oen-122 S-nle 102 Phoenix 91 Gotdet't Stele 110. Sen Oieoc> 96 TllMQhl'a OemM WIS/'ltnglon at lndllne PnltaOelphla II New Jersey Cnle890 11 c.....,.ano Altanle 11 Oetrot1 Kansu City at San Anloolo Utah 11 Dalles Oen-11 Golden S11te ukere 108, Rocket• 97 LOS ANGELES -RamD<s • Wtlkes 111 /lbOul·Ja1>1>ar 20 Jo~nson 23 Nt>on 16 Looper !I McAdoo 11. Sr-2 MGOee 0 Lanosoetgt-r • Totals •S 18·2• 108 HOUSTON -Hayes 14 Willoughby 14 Malone 3 7 Leavell 6 Reid II 0~1e1vy 3. Hende<•on 8. Murpny 4. Jones 2 l otal' 30 37.43 97 Sc~• or 0111r1er1 Los 11nge1es J 1 26 28 23-108 Hous1on 2S 27 30 t5-97 Fouled oul -None Total foul• -lo• l\ngeles 33 Houston 25 Tec!rn1ca1 Houston 11109a1 derense A 1s 676 NBA le.ctere (Tll==-3) 0 FO FT Pt1 AVQ.. Gervin. s Antoruo 12 919 515 23e1 32 e MalOne Houston 74 878 567 2323 31 4 Oamley Ut.n 7...S17 812 22U 30 4 ~.Oen-7• 77• 333 t881 25 • EMOQ Philly 74 7Q.4 373 1783 2• 1 Abdl-Jbbr, Ure • m 2IO ,.. 211 WlllllmS Seattle 72 705 282 1700 23 ti 811d So.too 69 MB 293 1819 23 5 King Gol<len State 11 sea 319 1859 23 3 Free G01<1en State 70 SBA •311 te ta 23 1 11190UNOINO 0 Off Def Toi A ... Malone. Houstoo 7• •96 5711 107• 1• 5 Siluna SMltle 74 203 7 17 920 12 • B Wllms. N Jrry 75 3111 589 905 12 1 Thomptn. P11nc:I 72 2•2 599 8A I I I 7 Lucas New YOtk 72 235 ~58 793 11 0 ASSISTS 0 No. Avv. Moore, San Antonio John-.. Lalten Cheetis. Philly Nl1on, L,M.,-e Arcn1bald. Boston n 103 9 e 71 II& LA 71 &01 85 75 -1.0 60 474 79 Monte Culo Grand Prix Flt1I Round Slnglff Peler Eller ""' Peter McNamert 6-3 6-2 """ lPndl der Peoro Rebolledo 7 6 6·2 (.1 • .ufltHm(.;I \t1r;,s o.-t CtH1s lewis 6~ 1 6-l Jose LU>S·Lle•c del G1ann• Ocleppo 6·2 • ' 0dl1' T aroc:ry Ile! llie Nasasle t-6 &·• fj.4 Yann•c~ Noan Oel AoO Frawley 6 I 6 , Thomas Smid oe1 Mario Ma111net 6· I 6 Ju•P H1gueras del Roll Gehring 6·3 6 J Clavd><i Panana del Jose lu1s Oam•IO• 1 6 6. Women'• lourn•menl (el Hiiton Heed lolend. S.C.) Second Rovnd Slnglff Pam 1.awi1e oe! B·ll·e Jean King 6· 7 6·• b • 10Anne Russel det Evonne GOOlegong 4 6 6·2 I 0 Marttnlt t1a~ra1tlova oet Vyr,11nP vermaa~ 7-5 6-0 M1m1 Jeusovec; Jtl P!'ll a 0<'1h""" 6·4 6· 7 1 !. KAll\V R1 "''"' 1"1 Sein NO<ton. 6·3 6 0 Women COLLE Of UC lrvln• t . Waalll"IJlon 1111• 0 Slngte1 Ma Myt!l• !UCI) def Lellto 6-1. &-1, l<f'<'ling 1uc11 <1el Ta1e 6·3 6·3, N1aon 1uc11 Oel S•mpk1ns. 6·0. 6· I. Me Mye<• tUClt det I uaum. 6·2 6·3. Elledge (UCI) del Jacob· son &·2 6-3. Mallory (UCll del Kelso. 6-0, 6·0 Ooublff Mve•s·Mvers 1uc11 del lehlo· Tate. 6·2 6 I Mallory Keeling (UCI) de! Simp~lnt· Tuaum. 6-2. 6-0, Nixon-Elledge (UCll del lacot>~n·Hayes, 6-0. &·• NHL pi.yotts OIVISIONAL HMlf'lftALS , ... ,.,.,, .. , Tonltlht'•O.-Klnga 11 l!dmol'llOft Suttalo at Benton P1t1sl>Ur11" et NY ISlll><llfl OufJt>eC: al Mont•N I Ph1l&Clelph!• 11 NY Ranc)9fs Chrcago a1 M1nneso11 SI lOVtS 11 W1nl\tl)9Q Cslgary al Vanco<M!f Thund1y'10.,.... King• el ldmonlOft BvllelO Ill SO.Ion Pll1sbu1gll II NY l1t1ll0f!O au.tt>ec: al Montreal "'11ledelpllle al Ny Rangerl ChleagO al M1nnetota SI lOU19 .. Winnipeg c11g1ry at v~ .. tv«Ur'• O•- ld<nOMOft et Klftat NY Re~I at Ptiillldelpllla Montreal el Quebec: NY ltlan<lerl al Plttll>urgh Bollton et 8ullalo vancovvar el CalOMY MlnllffOI• at ClllCIOP W1Mlpeg at SI. LOIM-• NHt. lffcNir• , ..... G••ll"Y. Eomottlon Boely, NV ltllnd«I P s1111ny. OuetMlo Merlo* Watn T f 0111«, ~ lllll\ClllA &evens. CltlctlOO oe..-.K ..... ll!lrtll, Mlm Olcoenlll, Mthn ,.,..., ...... ' 0 02 64 48 00 $0 32 .. ~ 66 • A 120 13 93 78 71 117 ., 11 52 41 .... 212 10 lat 1)8 121 119 HT 114 107 .. Loe Alemhoe TUllOAY'I MIUUI ,.,. .. .......,.,._ __ ... , PUT AACI. On. m11e p110t A111n111 (l(ueOlefl e .o s oo 3 oo Jonalti.n J.111 ITrtinllltY) 4 oo 3 eo POJ)I., 0t MM H (AatclllOtO) 10 t0 AK<> rt4*1 Hano11., St.,, a-at .,...,.,, Mr 01allem Bell flaming A, Julle Harpe<, Ot ySllMM f lf'M 2.02 h lllACTA 14·61 091<1 $.28 40 llCONO llACI. One •!Ille trot DlaWI Engine (lghtNI) 18 20 I 40 &.40 L•n•d• tAcktrmW\I 3.IO a.oo SkhOOI CM•rc"-11(11 4.00 Alao 1109d Sieg 8ow4, ICP, F ... te o.r-, Count M11ken)1y, O•lole Sovp Time 2 05 215 THfflO M CI. One mlle pee. M1n111., (Sleellll e eo i.eo 2 eo Henry'• DrMm H (l<uel>let) :) 00 2 IO f1n1 1<n19hl CCtogllenl 2.80 Aleo raced Stable Hand, Able Bowe•, Penewa Say Rignl on ~. Senga o.ano. °'•"Ill Jul« TirM 202 315 $2 IXACTA 11·11 Pl'd $29 •O 'OURTH MCL One mite PIC• GotchleOvweo ll>Momar) 5 20 3 00 2 &O Biby J-I Wey (loghlhlll) 3.80 3 20 Hot~ Ventur• 1say1estl 4 oo Alto 11ced Good Reven. G1g1 Froat. Va Ben<I Buttered Popco<n. MlllM Winier 11me 2 oe """ lllACI. One mlNI pace Ten P8'eet1l11t 1S1emrmn1l3 80 1• 00 ti 20 1<eno111a 8oy IShltren) 4.00 2.eo Top line A (Aut>ln) 3 . .0 Alto 11ce<1 Ouole Hiii. Sent• 1 Twinkle, FroatWOfO, £ny 0 V, Couller'a Im-. Royal Eowerd N Tim• 2 01 31~ 12 UACTA (5· I) paid l 199.00 llXTH "ACI. One mile pace Monterey JU<lge (Lghlntl) 16.•0 8 60 6.00 Chip 011 (Ackarmanl 21 .00 7 60 Easel 1Grundy) 2.110 Alto r1eed Captain Sll,,.,a, Star Empetor. Doctor lony. MaJ0< M1rken)ay flme 2 02-315 llVINTlt lllACI. On• mile HOI Happy V1111t (Aubin) 4.110 3 •O 3.20 Tenan<1ah8ll (Eayleul 6 00 • 00 An<1y'1 Abe (Olsen) •.80 Alto race<! Lady llzell•. l aputen, Sear Rug, Ouelane Time, Bye Bye Scotty, H11111- er s Sha<loW lime 2 03 415 S2UACTA 14·9) e>ald S28 80 Sl l"ICK llX C9·1·t·5·5-4) palO SB,453 80 ,.,th lhrH w111111ng t1Cke1t (live llon .. I S2 Pick S•• conaolatlon p11d $97 00 wllll 87 W1nn1n9 ttCl<ell (lour horMtl !IOHTH lllACI! One mtle pace ldra CLIQhlhtM) 12 40 3 60 3 00 GOiden Grezlette C~t8'1) 3 00 2 ~ rime 10< Tteet (HOlll • 00 Aleo r.C.O An<ly"I Lily, Hotty'a Awey. S.. quo1a M1glc Flying l0<1ye Deel<.,, Squire Less,. Time 2 03 315 S2 t:XACTA CB-4) e>elCl '34 00 NINTH llACI. One m11tt pllU Pnaro 1ea1111rgeon1 17 40 9 40 • 80 Golde ChlM (Sleelhl ' 10 60 6.80 N.Otne l el<ler IH•ve•I 5 00 Also raced B C Lionel Not>le C1det, Ta· wllll• lad. Flying 8oac1r Stanley Thor Time 2 02 12 IEXACTA (l·B) patd S283 00 TfHTH llACt:. One mile p1oe NorcJel Tryn 1va11d1ngrim1 4 80 3 00 2 80 Pinell Hit (Sloelhl 4 60 4 00 Bryen N IB•V'"•I 3.00 Alto raced Time Trec•r. Stalker, Calm YourtMlll. MIU Gay Girl, 8ef1um C>team T1mt1 2 00 315 12 UACTA (1·8) peld $22 00, Attend.,_ -•.55• NASCAR et.ndtng1 P04NT LEAOEAa 1 Terry LeOOflte 2 Bobby Allton 3 a.My Pareona • M0<gen ShePl*O 5 Darreft Wal11lp 6 Herry Gen1 1 Rtchtrd Petty II Dive Marc;1s 9 BudOy Arrington t O Ron 8out:flard MOtfEY LIAOIEllla ; r.~i:J. ~l=p 3 Cele Y eroorougn • T trry Labonte 5 Benny Pereona 6 R1en11d Peny 7 Delo Eernllardt 8 Ron Souctlard II Joe Runman I 0 JOdy Ridley ~ t I "' ., 902 7411 728 720 711 881 ee1 &42 816 600 $153,(1.4() $125.115 s 1°'4,335 $88,990 182,450 SBl,440 S7•, 175 169.950 $69, 15!i Mll.9~ High Khoo! aofl.,_,I DOH LUOO TOURNAMENT Walnut J. Woodt>flOee O Walnul 003 000 0-3 • 3 WOOClbrtdge 000 000 0-0 3 2 Halm eno MOflflde Hernen<lez. SchOO· OOVl'I 17) 1n<1 lrrppl W-H•lm l- Hl'fnendez J8-Netsor1 IW) Sufgat (W} ·-brldfe .. Mofllelelr 1 WOOOl>rt<lge 100 000 5-8 II 0 Mont<~ll~ tOO 000 0-I 8 2 /lnde1Son and Mltellell He<n1ndet end lri1>1>1 Deep ... tithing NIWf'OlllT (Art'• Landlft9) -211 anglere. 11 bna. 24 meekerai, t Nng ooo. 30 rock fish (O•••r'• Loclter) -71 anglera-53 rocit cod, ~ mackerel, • cow co<I LONO MACH (..,mont f'tet) -25 llll- glers 280 rock cOd DANA WHAlllf' -65 engleft 78 baal, e 1 macketel. 5 cow cOd. ICM rock CO<I 11011110 IAY (Vlf9'1 L.eftdlftt) -28 an-glerl 60 roclt CO<I. 10 red anepper, 185 red rock coo 190 bUa, 8 u1mon t•rell•• Lendlftg) -• 1ngltif1 • klnij MlmOO AVILA IAY (f'llfl le" Lula) -18 an· glef• 129 •ad roeti cod, 38 yelloW baal. ea roc:t. CO<I MALaU -83 tngle<I I hlHt>ut, 3 Hng cOd. 80 roeti fttl1 Tllffdl~J~~tona A--t....-NEW YORK YANKEES -Sent Bobby Brown. Ollllleldet, to Ille S..ttle Marln«I' Sill La~a Cll)' l11m CIUb In Ille PllOlflo OoNt LMQIHI 11 tllt player to oe nllMd lllltr In Ille Shant A•wl•y dHI. Traded lrld Gulden. catcher. 10 Wlchll• of the Amerlo1n AtlO- ct•tlOll IOf Bobby Ramol. ctlelttr. OpllOMCI Andre Aobertaon. lnlltlC*. to COlumbllt of tht lnttrnauonal LHOUI. Pltc"' lut~h • HOIMIOn. lllltO baaemM. on lht 11HWf,dleal>, led H11. retrotie:IM to Apt" I . M()HT~L-== ~ ........ s ...... f'o. o«•. plleher. thr'OllOh .;; ;'if~. ..... TaALL .................. f'llldl•tA S(ATTLE llUPl,.80NtC8 -~Mn RaOtoro . .,..,o. on lht lnjureci llet ActlWtect Phlt Smltn, ouatd. cou.a• . PAN AM[ftlCAN -Na/Md t.on K.rll98f llMd llultetbM -"· WHH~INO COLl.f:O& -Named ~Im 0 '811e!\ llNd llell!e!Oell OOMft. , ~--~~~~~~~~--~ ..I GOTCHA -Los Angeles Dodgers second baseman Steve Sax tries to slide safely into first base. but Giants first baseman (and .. ., . .. . .,..__., _,,..,_ ............... ,., ......... former Dodger) Reggie Smith gets to him. first. The Dodgers slid by the Giants, 4-3 in their 1982 opener. Race is yachters cup of tea Four area clubs vie for Lipton Challenge Trophy By ALMON LOCK.ABEY !@ Oelly Pltol Boellng Writ" Four area yacht clubs are Qi • the 18 chal· lengers seeking to wrest the 79·ye -old San Diego Lipton Challenge Trophy from Long Beach Yacht Club starting Thursday. Defending the coveted prize for LBYC is Bar- ney Flam in his Pete-rson-40, F.lambuoyant, who won the cup at Newport Beach last year. Local challengers are Newport Harbor Yacht Club with Dennis Durgan at the helm of Bill Pal· mer's 40-foot sloop Shenandoah; Balboa Yacht Club with Dave Ullman skippering J ohn Arens' Holland-40, Tomahawk; Voyagers Yacht Club with Allen Brown's Choate-40, Spirit, and Dana Point Yacht Club with Michael Kennedy's Choate-46, Audacious. Scratch boats in the three-race regatta are Flam's Flambuoyant and Brooke Ann, a Nelson- Marek sloop skippered by Bruce Nelson. San Diego Yacht Club. Flambuoyant and Brooke Ann both carry an International OHshore Rule rating of 32.3, There is a 20 percent rating spread between the scratch boats and the lowest rated boat, Tonka, 26.5, from Anacapa Yacht Club. Other challengers are: Antagonist, (Choate-40) Don Hill California Yacht Club. BOATING ·~. Trix (Choate-40) Paul Desatoff, Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club. Decision (CSA-35) Paul Berger, Del Rey Yacht Club. Couer de Lion (New York-36) Ed. Hart, King Harbor Yacht Club. Mz Whiz (C&C-40) Keith Morgan, Navy Yacht Club, Long Beach. Macedonia (New York-36) Keith Winters, Oceanside Yacht Club. YA Turko (40·ft. custom sloop) Norman Da- vant, Pacific Mariners Yacht Club. Wampum (CF-37) Richard Compton, Santa Barbara Yacht Club. Auspicious (CF-40) Bob Batcher, Southwestern Yacht Club. English Lady (New York·36) Jack Wilder, Windjammers Yacht Club. Red Shift (Choate·40) Anne Kahle. Los An- geles Yacht Club. Chloe (J-36) John Dunn. Navy Yacht Club San Diego LBYC's FlaHJ to def end title Lipton Cup race boasts a colorful history Yachting interest will be focused at Long Beach Yacht Club Thursday, Friday and Saturday where Barney Flam a nd his Peterson-40 Flam- buoyant will attempt to defend their title to the San Diego Lipton Challenge Cup, one of the oldest yachting kudos in Southern California. Flam will defend against 18 challengers from yacht clubs throughout Southern California in a three-race handicap series sailed in the ocean off the Long Beach breakwater. The Lipton Cup dates back to 1906 when a ,., group of San Diego yachtsmen prevailed on the Scottish tea merchant Sir Thomas Lipton to put up a trophy in his name for Southern California yachtsman. Lipton was on a visit to San Diego after one of his famous losses in the America's Cup series. Lipton has trophies in his name spread throughout the yachting world, but none has been so arduously sought after as the San Diego cup. For many years the trophy was raced for each year in a sudden-death, boat· for-boat race by yachts in a close rating range. Driver to protest disqualification TORONTO (AP) -Canadian Gilles Villeneuve says he will appeal his diaqualiflcation Sunday by race stew arm at the U.S. Grand Prix West Formula One race in Long Beach ln which his turbocharged Ferrari car placed third. Race stewards said the Ferrari had an illegal wing design on the back of the car. It was the best placing this year for the new car. Austrian veteran Niki I,.auda, a ~time world driving champion malUng a comebedc this year af- ter two years ln retirement. drove a McLaren to victo.ry ahead o! Finnish star K•k• Roeber1 in a Williama. Villeneuve, 30, ea.id Tuetlday he would go to the aporta' higheet authority to have the dedaion over- ruled. "We will appeal It to the international court of FISA and I think we ahould win our cue," ea.id Villeneuve, here to promote the Canadian Grand Prix in MOQ.treal, June lS. Villeneuve waa confident of support from FISA. "Saturday we preten~ t.be wine to the race offidala and they uJd it WM 0~ no Jln>b)em. But after the race, we aot a protat from Ken Tyrell and after five hoW"I of a.rsument they ~ 1.a1." The protett tnvolvet a pa1r of wtnp Ferrart Uled tor alt res1atance to hold the car to the 8fOUAd to help corMrinl· ''TM way tt II written tn the ..W. it ta ltol." Mid Uw veteran driver. "But what th49Y MY la, 1lt la not lep1 with the .nl.rft of the rule.' .. ;r-; . Interest in the race began to wane a few years ago when it was dominated by San Dieg!o Yacht Club. The change to a handicap series came two years ago. The change sparked enthusiasm by yachtsmen but left a lot to be desired by yachting spectators. Yachting competition on the local front is light this weekend with Voyagers Yacht Club staging the third race of its Humphrey Bogart Series for Per- formance Handicap Racing Fleet and Southern Ocean Racing Division ratings on Saturday. Capi· strano Bay Yacht Club has scheduled its annual Easte.r Regatta for PHRF yachts on Saturday. Southern California Yachting Association cal- endar: Los An1eles·Lon1 Beach Long Beach Yacht Club -Lipton Cup Chal· lenge, Thursday, Friday. Saturday. Seal Beach Yacht Club -Saturday Series No. 3. Santa Mollica Bay Pacific Mariners Yacht Club -Marine del Rev Championships (Steln Series), Saturday, Sunday. San Dle10 Southwestern Yacht Club -Albat.ros,, Series (Catalina-27) Saturday, Sunday. North ud Inland Santa Barbara Yacht Club -Spring Series (IOR, PHRF) Saturday. Cat's Pajamas wins Cat's Pajaroaa. Mippered by Carl Lut, Voya~ gers Yacht Club was the Class A winner in the first race of South Shore Yacht Club's Hi-Point Seriee. Class B winner was Aloha II. Glenn Reed, SSYC. Trophy winners ln all c.laaes: PH.RF-A -1. Cat's Pajamu; 2. Tigreu, GU Knudson. SSYC; 3. Sidewinder, Richard Bluel, BCYC. PHRF-B -1. Aloha Il· 2. Symphony, Tom Moore, SSYC; 3. Falcon, Jlm•Ure, SSYC. SORD-A -1. E Ticket. Gary Chandler, S8Y<.:; 2. Defiance, RJck Nowling, SSYC: 3. Shana)Wer, Leslie Hixlon, VYC . SORD-B -1. Nlnole, Hank Humann, BYC~ 2. Yankee Ru.ha, Keith DiNrnoor, BYC; 3. Paper 11- ger, Richard Hat.ch, SSYC. . ;' . I I •• I . ' \. • ' • ' ~ \ • ' t I ' 1 i ORCA (catamaran•) -1. lnvlctu1, Mike Crulicklh.ank, BYC; 2. Defiance, Huah Towle, VYC; 3. Ty,er-Typr. Lyle WIWta, SSYC: Ho~ barred in probe I BALTIMORE (AP) -A $12,&00 hone that 1U189dl1 bail rtlDld b\ U,. n1m1 oi a tt,000 NnW' ln Jilar)tland bu been baned from =thion ~ a atewardl' bet.rtJ\I Frida'/ at • Race I • .. '1CTITIOUt 91.1 .... 11 Ii,._ ITAT'lfilll.lfT fN --peraon II -IO°"-ta M,..I I ENfEAPAlll. 188 Jamo Q11~,CA8~7 MfGhUI Joel Brown. IH Jemo Olwioa. CA tH11 1111• INtlft .. t le conoucllO Oy an in OMCMI M-Joel8rown 1"" 0111-1 -tiled with '"" Countr . ----------- Clefk o1 Or•"OI County on Apr~ ~I~ ------------ rlCTmOUI aua-11 A:u~.M~=·:,~~:."f:.foltl 011:t:o'.1:; NAllle ITATIMIN'T •• F1Cmt00a t\ISMll NAlllll ITATURNT r.,. !Ofle>wWIO PlflOll • 0°'"9 _,_ THE Pl ATE RAIL, 1240 Soulh 8MCh The loll owing p•nona •1• doing bu"· ....... MAR A THON LEASING OROUP, 16S80 Allon su .. 1 l••lna Co111orn11 92114 L-Syalemt l<>C • Cal!IO<,... cor. llOl•I-16580 Allon S11 .. t fl-. Cef. lk>llMA 927 I. fhtt """'""'" •• conouc:l.O by • eo<Po-rauon LUN SYlllllYll, Inc T•mo••v S S.mo•ono. P•lll· PICTITIOUI IUll!d!H NIIMI STAT'IMtNT ""' IOllowino _..,... '' 004110 busmen .. fECHNICAl INllESTMEN1S LIMITEO-GENERAl RE PAE SENT 11 llON 100 S/loll PINAi NO 2" Newpoot lleKh C11<t0<n•1 92663 v ... a..... 100 SCl>oll P!tu NOW POii e..cn CaUIO<NI 92M3 Thi& bua1~eH II COf\OUCttd IJy ell In• 0"'10utl Vfll Bame Orange OoM1 DAILY PILOT/Wednaday, Apr0J7, 1982 PHUC NOTICE Nil.IC tl~l flCTITIOUI f\tt-11 NAMI llAtlM«lfT th• 1~1owlfl0 ~non1 at• C10<nc ov.i -Et:UCATIONAl SYSTEMS 80F1 YvARl. 237?0 f l T0<0 Ao..i SUIW 2 It fl Toro Cll 91830 TH~ WA8A8H APPlE INC • Calt lomll eorp0r1110n 1'120 Et loro lloAd, Sutt .. C & o. fl roro, CA 9,830 Th .. DUii,_. 19 oonOveled bY f CoO<Po- -------------•ellon NOTICE Of' TIWlnl!'I IALI! DI N011Ca Of' AYAILAM.ITY Of' ANNUM. MJICMT Purtuanl lo Seetlon 61~dl of tht 1n1ef111t A...,111111 Code, 11ollc• le heteOy 9111111'1 lflll 11\e WVlutl ,..., tor trll c1le 11d1r t••1 ltl 1 o OlOfllQ( T ''LI OU\ ,OUNOA TION. a pi1vlll touncMUon, .. rfll llble 11 the toundallon"a prlnolpat omc:e fOt lnfc>«ltlon duflnO r9(1U1ar butln•• ~"from t a.m to 5 pm 1>y any cltlten Who ~ II within 1&0 QAyt tltlf \IWI dltl Of tlllt W ~uon Tiie foundellOtl'I OfllCe It IOClt.a 11 1$01 W"tellti Ottve. ~te 217 Newpolt IMCh. C.UIOtnle The prlnclpal menager ot 1he foundetlon 11 QtO,.OE 1 PFLE GER Geotge T ftfl4iget Pvbll'"9d Orl(IQe Cout Otlty Pl lot AptM 7 1912 1~91 82 ...... ,, mrmoua w-u _.,,.TUlaWY fM~--11~0- U MESA AICOllOI. 361 011noo1. lM>I CG111 -. Clil4ornw. HU1 f11J>ll " oaru-."'. 357 o.-L-. CO.ti Melt.. Ctltlor-928'1 11111 ouatneH I• OOndu<>lecl by an In _ .. Frell• Gon•- T"•• •••t•m•n• ••• f1teo •Un tn• CC>t;<1tv Clerto nl 0<•-eo...>tl O'I MlfUI n 11112 No. PIC .. 192 904-:n14 Tr.. WI~ Al>M "" 1..11\R Autl~. P1.ei0elll 11111 •l•t•m•nl wu 111•0 wit~ In• ,.._ coumv c...~ a1 Or.,,ge Count~ on M.,u, .. ~".!",•1'1 •!.J.:""7• O!.c2ot''t!..0.•111!!11~! On April 29 1982. al 10 30 A M , 26 19'2 ---· ...... -1. ..,. --...x ~ Peclflc Sentinel CorporetlOn , • Cal-~ W. - -----.,..,--------. llornla corpora11on. 11 duly •P-.-, ~ 'c'"'.!!'.... • poln11<1 Trullee undor and purauant ~1'"· "' • ._.. u ......... flCTITIOUI llUl .. H ~ITATl.._..T 11'11 IOllCN>4nQ1*'°'1 If dOttlQ - to Deed ot Trufl record.O S.ptem· ~1ll) .,~ '1•tn bef 30, 1980, u Instr No 43591. Publloneo 011nge CoHt 0111r Ptto1 NOTICI Of' TitU•lWl'I I.All! l>OOk 13787, page 985. of Ofllcl•I ... .,..,,. 3t. All<• 7. t•. 21 1812 41>1 .. 2 T.t. No. atlllZ Record• HICuled l>y Merk MO· NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 1n11 PAO HAIR COMPANY, 85't w.,_ we<y II llngle man, U 1Nl10f'(ll. In rwlUC -~( on Wtdneaday, April 28. 1982, It ... ..,,... Fount..., v....,. c.toonw. t 21oe the ollk:e ol the Counly Recofder ol 9 00 o'OIOCll. • m of l&ld dey In 1111 ~ c Cu llo. 27&42 HlglM<• MINIOn Orange County. State or Ctlllomia, room tel 111de to r conducting Vie~, Calttouu 02811 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE IP~YITING 8108 TruttM'I Salee, wOllln Ille olllc .. of ~bu•IMu 11 condueteo Oy en •n-TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASl'i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N 1hl l REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SER JIHC Caairo (payible II time or u1e In lawlul soalud proposal• ror turn11n1ng all VICE. loc ated 11 2020 Norin BGUMMtrd, Anlhetm Cal1forn1t 928~ Janet Nadine Oullow, 2878 Anu l•ne, Colla Mesa. C1lllO<n1t 92928 Thi• -n• .. 11 tonouetto Oy •~ In· Ol'1t c>oV'Cllilf In.. 1111-1 WM rlll>CI "'tin Ille Counly Tltlt tllllf"tfll wu !lied with Iha Coun1y Clef• 01 OrartQe Counly on l\fJ<ll ~ 1982 Fl .. 10 Thlo otaitment ,.0 11110 wlln tn• money ol th• United States! 11 In· l11bor ma1e11als 8Qu1pmen1 trans-Bro8dwey. Suite 206. In Ille City ol County c..,.. ot Ofange Couuly on M.,Ch 'side '"-mt1n lobby 01 Llwye.5 Tiiie µor1111on and sue.II other t1c11111es as Santa Ana. County ol OrlflOI, State 22. tN 2 lnsurtoee CorpotaUon. 1900 NOfth may l>I! reQuired for 198 I 82 of Call10fn41. RE.Al ESTATE SECU _, N Outlaw C_..,. or Or.,. County on Apr~ S t!Nl2 fflol tlll-1 -·-... 1h 11'11County ,._ ...;u~h~:·:1 o;;"f:Sfo••• 011:~:,·•:; ,,_ Broeoway. Slnta Ana. CallfOfnll all STREE T MAINTENANCE PHASE JI RITIES SERVICE, a Calllornl1 COf c111~ ot 0 11no• Counly on Merch 111. Pubhtned 011n99 Co111 Ollly P1101 l'lCTITIOUI .,.._,. 1982 Ap11 7, 14, 21, ff. 1982 IMS-82 NAm ITATIWNT ... :~'~'t""l'~r;nf:. ~~·~~e~"'T~~~ rio11t. 1111e and lnt•ett conveyed 10 w111 bf' •ec.,.ved by '"° C11y or Costa por11lon, as duly appocnted Truttte and now lleld by n under llld Deed Me!MI a1 Ille OlllCe ot tne Cny Cletl• undet and pursuan1 to tlle ~ or or Tfust 111 lhe proper'1y situlle<I in 77 l'au D11ve. Costa Meu Cahlor. sale conl•~ed 1n that 08'11ln Deed said c oomy and l>tate deacrioea as· n1a un111 1110 nour of 11 00 a m , ol Trual executed by JAMES RUS ~ ,,.. ~ pera<>n• .,. ~ bull· Publllhed Orange COUI Dotty Pilot. • ,_. .. AprU 1 14J 2t. 21 1982 tS78-82 OP-t<O COMPANY, 1221 W Cou l Parctt 1 Loi 4 ot Traci No l02l l Apfll 20 1982 al which llm11 ll'ley SELL KEARL. and BARBARA GAY In Iha County ot Or1nge. State of will be opened publicly and reed KEAR L. hu•btnd anl4 wile. fllCOf' California ... fl\own on a map rec-aloud in 111e Counc11 c111mbe1s ded January 30, 1981, 1n Book orded in Book 443, Page 20 ot Sealeel p1o00sa1s shall t>ear lh Olle 1393 1 of Otflclal Record• ol Uld Miscallaneoua Maps record• 01 ot the work and tlle name Of 11\e County 11 p1ge 975. Recorder 1 Hwy , ~ 8MCll, CaHl0<nle 12813 -u-1-:1 ... 1-H--N--u-,-,-c-1_s_.. _____________ , Mar11'11 June "'ICIGe"· 122, w Coul ltwy +.:=" .. a:::::~~::;: :~n• Ayt . S.... Y~. ~ .... 913$2 "CTITIOUI llUllHHI HllMI! 8TA T'tMl!N'T T"" IOflOw•"V Pllton • 00019 l>U..,,.u .. !HC COO PER COllECTION 11 t 30th SllH t Hewoo11 81acn CalilOrfl1• 112e63 AC11T10U9 ...,..... .. .,._,nn•NT TN lottowlnQ penon It dOil'og _,... .. OISGOYERV IY 2111&1 lo<t• C..cte. Orange County b•dder l>ut f'O otller dS11ngu1shing Instrument No 34512. by realO<l of Oot\alC ~Ith. 300 E £¥1111. o.n-. COl«eoo ROBERTS Churc h , 1441 West Balboa MASON ROBERTS , resi-Blvd ., Newport Be ac h . Ca. d e nt o f C osta M esa , Ca. P r iv ate Interment service s P a sse d away o n April I . were held at H o ly C ross 1982. He is survived by his Cemetery, Los Ange les, Ca. w 1(e Peggy. sons Paul M i-Serv1ces under the direction c hael, Phillip Arthur. John of Baltz Bergeron-S mith & WUUam and David Redman Tuthill Wes tc hff C hape l a ll of C osca M esa, C a ., 1 Mortuary o f Cost a M esa . bro ther and 5 sis ters. Ser· 646-9371. o..n E Metc:etl, 8381 Am-wooa 0. • AJll l.Oml. C""'°'nia Darla C Huvr-t, .,.. 0..1 C- t I t 30tn Siree1 ,._pert BetlCll C11110< n1a 9~Ml3 "'"Su~i.~c=:.:.,":.est Son• Parcel 2 An undivided 11 12 inte· m11ri.s Any u1d 1ece1ved alter tlle a breacll or default In payment Of Clfc:ll. M!Mlon v1eio. ca111.,..n1e 9?Glll rest 1n Loll 13, 15. 16 & 17 ot Tr11GI SCheduklO clo1111•9 lime IOf the rec· pertormanc;e ot Ille obllgallons M 11111 bulll'tH 11 eonouetecl br en 10. No. 102 11.1n 1'11 county ot Orange. e1pt 01 1>1ds snail t1111eturned to tlle cured t he reby, including that vices will be held o n Wed- nesday . April 7, 1982 at the Harbor L a w n M e m o r ial C hapel with Pasto r C huc k S m i th Cro m the C alvary Chapel officiating. Services u nder the direction of Har- b o r Lawn-M o unt O li ve M o r tuary of Costa M esa . 540-5554. CALHOUN VADA MAE CALHO UN, a reside nt of Costa Mesa, Ca. P assed away on April 6. 1982. She is survived by her hus band Cliff, daughter S haron F ox . son Michael of Hunti ngto n Be a c h , C a ., m o the r Marie Highley of Boise, Idaho, f•the r Frank Thia -,. cono..c:t.a Dy . vene<al Pitt'*""!> Marth• JuM Pt>00en Thia 11tt1ment wn r11e<1 "'"" Iha County Clet1' ~ Of ""bl C-ty on Merel> 26 11182 ,_no ... :i::13"t~1n:. ~~-~~~·"r~~ MIO-WESTERN CRAF'TSMEN 190 8 11eroor 8IYO , Unit o . San11 11111. CetilOf nia 927~ 0•1• John 801en11n. ae 1 841y vi.w T11r-. CoaJI Mls8. Cllllornil Tnlt bullneu II coneluctllcl by an In· dMOwl 0... Jolv1 Sot- T f'lll al atement ••• tlleo •• ,,. '"• Counl)I Cierll Of 0r"'Q9 County OU Miid! 22, tN 2 Tn15 ov•1oeu 111 oonoucterl hy an ,,,. Ot•odu•t Oo1i. C HUO"ll T"'• •llleme<u "''' hteo won the Coun1r Cw' ~ O.anqe Gounry on A(JI~ S t982 ,_ Puoh1neo Oren111 Coul Daily P1101 "'""" 1 t• 21 28 1982 1~76·82 "'lllC -~( aMov•• Slate ot Calllorn•a. aa anown on 8 bidder unol)tln.,o 11 snail l>(l ll'le sole 1>re1Gh Of default Nouca of wll lch s.nen °""" T!Um9-M8'> recorded In Book 443, P119t1 20 1esp0f'a1t>1111y 01 the b1aaer 10 see was rtcofded Oecembet 29, 1981 Tn11 •llf1men1 w11 11110 w1111 tn• 01 MllGellaneout Mac>t. records 01 1'131 1111 b•d 11 rece1veo 10 4)roper 1n Book 14339 of Olllclel Record• ol ~~ Cletl< OI OnonQe County on M11c:1> Orange County 11me said County It page 912 R.cor ftMnt Tiie Street addresa and other A ~t Of plans Spec:1a1 Provisions de< s lnttrummerit No ~760 WILL o c o 11 p 1 1 common detlgnall0<1. II any of the .tno 8dd1hOn• lo General Provisions SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE M:.~·~•r•~rr~:. 2f'~~a21 r~~~2 reel property described lbove is 10 the S1an<111ra Spec1tice11on1 may HIGHES T BIDDER FOR CASH -------------' purpor1ed 10 be 392 Seawlnd Dnve, l>e obla1ned at lhe Olllce ot Ille City lawful money of tlle Unlled StatM rwlUC MOTICE N_po,, BelCh, CA 92660 Eng1noo1 77 Fair Drive. Costa Meas or • Cllhllf'S check drlwn on a • Tiie undersigned Trualee dll· Cahlornlo upon nonrefundable pay. state or n1Uon11 bank. • 1t1te o FIC'TITIOUS 1u&1Nl!ll ------------ctalma any llabllfty IOf any Incorrect· men1 ot S8 00 An ado111ona1 c11ar91 federal credit union. or a 1111e or NAM£ ITAT'l.llllNT FICTTTIOUS ltnlNlll ness of 1,..11,111 adar.ss and other ot S2 00 w~I be maae 11 1111ndled by lederlll saving• and loan asaoc11Uon T,,. ro11owu19 CM<IOfll 11~ ooono """ NA• tTATUllVIT common 0Mig1>&1lon. 11 any, snown mad Plans $PIC•hcations end olhe• dom1clled 1n 11111Slate.1111 payable et ~uh ,,.. '""°""'"II perwon "OOft>O ov-hereon contract documents may 1110 be tile time o/ Nie, alt rlgllt, \Ille Ind ~~s~~8~~or~~2~'"' W•• ... CUSTOM &Al.LOON CREATIONS. Said .... wlll be made bul Wl· e•am1nea at Ille Ollice OI the City 1nteru1 hlld by lt, .. TrustH . In John LO\ltl cum 2010 Mo111n war 2 t621 Al>edul MiUlon vi.io C•Nlo<nll thOUt covenant 0< warranty, e11press Clerk OI the Cily ot Costa Mesa I hat re1I property altuete In said N-t B..ch ea~1ou1t• 92060 91691 or implied, regarding 1111e poises-Each bla s nail be medtt on 111e County a nd State . deacribed as R..,llard 88<1 .. llJ s11orect111 Ao•d llVft F Fr...,_, 2t621 .. -..1. slon. or encumnr11nces, to PllV the Proposal lorm. sheets p.1 through IOflow1· C0<on• o., Mar Ca1tt0<ni• 9267S M11.-lllelO. CalllorNt 92Gtlt rlmllning prtnclpe l sum of tl\e P-8 provided in lhe contr11c1 dOCU· PARCEL 1 Lot 18 ol Newport ioe.,'~~ ~;·~:; ~.:.,,o,:p;;~7~11• 0~bv•.,,. .. 11 eonoucteo by en •n· nole(•I secured by slid Dead 01 menls dOd s11a11 be accomp:n1ed H-4Qlll• Tfac1, u anown on 1 Map W•N•tm s s.own 1709 ,,..,"" wor. ~· F Fi-1-M Trust. wllll Interest ih,.reon, as l>Y a cert•f•e<I or cashiers cllee 0< • re corded in Book 4, page 83 ol Newport e.oen Cal~ornie 92680 Tnla a11temen1 w11 Iliad w11h •h• pro\llded in said notl(I), adv1'1C41S. ll•O l>O<ld tor not leSs than 10% Of M1sccell1neou1 Maps records ol J1<.~ Givnortol•• 2on Mlfl•ll way Counl't Cieri! a1 Oranqe Counry on .,..,ch 11 any under the le<ms ot said Oeeo Ille amount ot tlle 1>10 made P•Yll· 0.1"911 County. Clll•f0tn11 .._, 8eec;h C•"'"'"'" 9M60 1 11192 ot Trust tees charges end e~pen-ble to the City ol Costa Mose No EXCEPTING 111erelrom the Sou HALLAM Rasmussen of Vista. Ca. and CLYDE CLIFTON HAL-brother Gene Rasmumen of ,_ PuOllt/114 Oranoe Coell Otlly Pltol, ..._ 3t. Aprtl 1, 14, 21, 11112 1~7-82 T"'•-•" condueteo l>Y • _,., f\tt>01 MIS of 1119 Truttee and or the trusia P<OPosal shall be considered unless tlleasteny reclengulat 567 feet oan~INO Publl1n10 O••nee C.1t1 011tr Piiot. created by said Deed ot Trull for accompanhld by aucll cashier's ALSO EXCEPllNG t herefrom Jolln L Curt1 ,,..,eh 31 Apnt 1 14 21. tN2 14'9-32 1 .. _ amounl re••onably -ilma•..:.. 10 check. cosh, or bldder'a bond Beginning at tlle moll NOrlhlrl~ lr.t• 11at.,,..,.n1 """ 11tea wnh tne Coun1v ,.., -.,... ,vw lA h ti hA ....... I Cle<~ 0 1 Or~ eoun1y on AtifW s. 1982 be. I 161. 7 n 82 \ No ll-v s a "" conaiuv-""' un ess com., of l8ld Lot 18, tttence SOut ,,_, NllJC '911l Tiii beneflClary nder MIO Deed 11 •s made on a blank form lurn1slled 50• 00' 00' EHi l lO<lQ tlle Nor'1h LAM. a resident or Costa Abilene. Texas, 4 pndchil------------ Mesa. C a . Passed away on dren ; Wendy, Cass , -.JCl9TIC( Aprll 4, 1982. P rivate grave-Chriltopher. and Michael. ----------- s ide services were held o n Service s wtll be held on ~.:r .. Wednesday. April 7. 1982 at Thursday. April 8 , 1982 at TM~.,.,_, 11 ~ __ , PuOh1neo 01r1n .. eo.11 Dolly Pt104 ,..,.. ____________ ol TfUSI heretolO<e 8AICUled and by the C•t)' of Coslt Men ana IS easterly line ol Hid LOI 18, • di• """~ 1 " 11 24 11111 tSSl-82 f1CTIT10UI .,_,. delivered 10 Ille undera1gne d a made 1n acc0tdance w1111 Ille µ10Vt· tence ot 63 39 fee t 10 Ille mo1 NAMl ITATW...wf wr11ten OeclartllO<> of 0.l•ull and !.Ions of Ille Propasal re<iuirwnents No rtherly corne r ot the S o u "8lJC ~ TN~ --• ~ -Dem1nd lor Sele. a nd • wq 11en facn bt<l<Jer mus1 1>e l>Cef'lsed as lflelsterl)' rec;1angular 567 00 feel ol Harbo r t.awn M e mori al l :OOPM at the Harbor Lawn .. Park. Services under the di-M emorial Chapel with Rev. r ection of Harbor Lawn -Joe Buona88issi, pulot of the Mo unt Olive Mortuary o { First Baptist Olu.rch of Costa Costa Mesa. 540-5554. Meu oUJciating. Interment services immediately folio· wing. Services under the di- rec tion of Harbo r Lawn- Mount Oliv e Mo rtuary o f Costa M e sa offic iating. (a) Sl'ECIAUSl LEA.SINO lbl SPEC-IAL TY LEASIHO. 263 PromontO<Y 0<1•• Welt. Ntwport 8-11!. CllilornMI 112880 Ktren .-.JMC)lr. 253 Promonta<y O<lyt WMI, Newport 8411Ch. Cllllornll 82t4IO Thll bullness 11 conOuclecl by"" 1n- dMOVll ___________ ___. • No11c1 of Oetaull &r\d Elecllon 10 leQuirea by law Uld Lot 18, Uld comer atso 1>e1no rierm ~~~. ~~~~~:1 CoronAdo Sall The unde<algned ceu..a tald TnP C11y Council 01 the City o r the moll N0<1111fly corn« of Tract NA!d~: ... ~":~1 ANTHONY c llN. 937 Coioneoo Nollce ot Deleull and Election to ~o1~~ a~ye~~ ~~s:.~~es the 1tQhf 10 N\)· 1583. "11\own on a Map rec rn. 10How1n11 CM<•on• ••• OO<"iJ Du"· Ortw, Colta -·CA 92828 Sell to be recorded In Ille counly orded In book 46. page 48 or M11 ,_,.. Tl>le bull,,. .. "conouc111<1 Dy en in. where the real p<operw Ill located The Contractor Sllall comply w11h cellaneout Maps. recol'ds of Orange CROWN llAllE.'1' ANIMllL CENTER -DATE llAltCh 23, 1982 tne prov1S1ons ol Sec11on 1770 10 County. Calllornla, thenc• Soulll !.'!11:~~~~1!:~=:-ee:~ T•1t .~=;t ~.hied w11h 1hel ~~~~'::Corp ~~?0d~~~~~ ~:~1~,~~'~;~a ,L,,3d !~:,::~ ~.,:; :;~1~~';:.=~y SULLIVAN MARGARET SULLI- VAN, a resident of Newport Beach , Ca . Passed away o n Apr il 4, 1982 . She was a mem b er o f O ur Lady o f M o unt C arme l Cath-olic Church Sh e as survived by h e r c hildren John F S ulli- van o f Santa S,rba ra, Ca ., Patricia K eane of Newport Beach, Ca .. Neill J . S ullivan of ·N e w port Beac h , Ca. and Peggy Gow an lock o r B ur- bank. Ca .. brothers Euge ne S ullivan o f G ranada H ills. Ca. and Jack Sullivan o f San Frlµlcisco, Ca .. 17 grandchil- dren and I great -grandchild Mass o f the R~surrection win be held on Wednesday. April 7, 1982 at our Lady of M ount C arme l C a t h o lic 540 -5554. EDELMAN J E F F REY BRY AN T EDELMAN, paS3ed aw ay on April 4, 1982. He Is survived b y his parents Noreen and St.eve of Ontario. Ca .. sister Michelle, brother Jason, pa- ternal grandparents Mr and M rs . L o uis E delman a nd mate rnal grandparen ts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kofman. Gra ves ide ser vices will be heJd on Wednesday, April 7, l982 at l:OOPM at the Har- bor Lawn Memorial Park. In lie u o f flowers donations may be .made to the Albert Sitton Home. City of Orange IC.,enJ J- '"1• atatement ••• rneo •ltn the Count) Cllltl al Otlf'QI Cou<lty on M.,Cll cro•n v1110, p11-way l o9'1"• N•Quel ~~?--al Or1lft09 County ~1:;':, 9y s ue Kelly sc111e ot wages establ1Shea oy me rectangular 567.00 IHI a nd the C•l·10tn•o 92611 Publltneo Or•nv• Ca.al 0 011, Piiot, AutllO<lzed Signature Clly ot Cosia Mesa wtucri are hle<J NOflh-terly Hne ot lllld Treci No 30. tN2 fllwa•d A Cola. 0 \/ M 2 W1llOW• MetCh31, 1\j)f11 7 14, 21, tN2 1427-82 8929 So, ~ . ...oa Blvd w1lh lhe C•IY Cle1k o: said C•ty, and 1583 .• dlllln<;4 ol 150.22 ,_ 10 ,1_, blOO~ livtne Cal1l0<n11 92714 -c """" Shtlll IOrle1t penalties p1esc11bed tl1e most Nor111eny CO<nlf 01 Lot 7 Publlth•O Orange cou 1 Dolly P1101, Jam .. E Roe• O 11 M ll~l Pot1 Los A~eles, A """45 therein 101 nuncomp11a nce ol Ille o l l !lld Tflct No 15 83. thence Mat 31 AfJ< 1 1•. 21, 19'2 t•8M2 ::4~~:1~~C'<' N-Po<I 9-:h C•• C.81· l'lllJC .Tl( PubllS(~~~l 6r!"n~2~~08SI Oelly said Coa:tLEEN p PHINNEY North 50• 00' 00" Wetl parallel T••• ~',. t..-.C•ed D, 1 ........,11 Pilol, Apul 7. 14, 21 1982 1503-82 with said N0<111eesterly line ol Lot .,.,1 .. .,t/l>O ,....-· FICTlnOUI ..., .... , C•t) Cleo. 01 me 18. a distance ot •8 39 feet 10 a Jemes E AC>, 0 \/"' ..,,,.. ITA~ City OI Cosla MeSI Polnl on • Hne 111•1 IS parllle4 'Miii '"'' tt•l......,t •o• ""° ... 1h 1ne County n11 r-1119 IM"Otl• .,. oo-no "",.._ PUil.JC MOTICE Publ1111ed Orange Coast Oa~y P1-end 15 oo feet Soutllellterty, mee NOTLCE OF DEATH OF Clerk 04 Or•"OI County on Ill><•') 1982 ,_.. lot. April 7 14 1982 1593·82 sured 11 flg hl 1nglH lrom 1111 MARJO RIE W. DIETLER P~ 011/ERSIFlfOILYON ASSOCIATES. ().1MIO Nortllwettarly line of H id Loi t8 • 2.70 S Brill~ StrMt, Sull• 201 Colle NOTICE TO CONTIIACTOftS ... llJC MA""( I hence North <10• 00' 00" WHI aka MARJ~ DIETLER Puouined O••n;e Cooll D1ilv Pllol Meta. Ctl<r°'"" VlfiM ........__,No. 11 M/C ,.. ""''"' 150 00 feel 10 tne Soutllw11terl AND 0 F ( T (AN TO April 1 " 2 t 29 1\Ml2 1se&.e2 Ol•e,.th•d Pr-fllel Company, • , ,.,... ~ v ca111orn1t genM•I p1r1n1rahlP. 270 S I llne OI Mid Lot 18. tllenOI NOflll 60 ADMINISTER F.sTATE NO. -..IUC .1V'r &111101 SlrH I Sufi• 201. Co.ii t..111• Sealed propoNls wtH be r-ved G-1..., 00' 00" Wiii along H id Sou1n1 A-11z•13. .... llK CallfOfNe 112628 11 lhe ollloe of P1anl Ope<af~S NOTICE TO COHTIIACTO"• westerly line of Mid Lot 18 •• dlt- 0 L'' No s • c.t1110<nll 11m11eo Pllll Clllel of Plant Operations 111. Fair-Project No. 11 MIC •1 1ance of 15 00 feet to the most To , all hetrS, benef1C1anes, NOTICE OFDEATH OF ~=1.Pc::.,..C,:".°'~ Plat1 N•-'9°11 view State Hospltal, 2501 Harbor Westerly corner ot said lot 18 cr editors a n d con tinge nt BETTYE ... G RAFT AND 1,,._bu-iscondUCllCID'f•oene<• Bl'ld , Costa Mese. CA 92826 unlll Seeledpr090sala w1nwreceived 111ence Nortll 40• oo· oo·· East d t [ M I W "' -1 INO 2·00 P M on 4-2t·82, It whlell Mme at the o lltce of Plent Operations. along the Nortl!Westlfly line ol Mid cr e ' o rs O a rJo r e · OF PETJ'I tON TO ADMI-ner LIF No 5.1 111ey will be publicly opene d and Chief or Plant Operat1on1 Ill. Fair· Lot 18, 1 dl11anc. ol 300.22 feet to D1e tle r and pera.on s who NJS TE R EST A TE N 0 . ea1110<n11 ,,,,,...., reed for performing wOl'k u Furnish view Slate Hoap1111, 2501 Herbor 111e point of ~Inning ma 1 tyh be oillthe rwd 1 1se tnta~· ted Alli&tt. &.,,Y ~"':'-.Lyon Co 1eqllullapbmoe'n·lmn!!•,s"s'alrty. 110o~!i'n,•1n1?1 Blvd . Costa Mesa, CA 92626 unlll PARCEL 2 T et portion 01 Lot 18 n e w an or es ""· T all h . be (I . 0-tl P..-u~ .. 3 00 P M on 4-21-82. al wlltc;fl time or NewpOtt ~llts. u "'°""" Ol1 1 A t' t h ~ f"led o etrS, ne oanes, Thi• 11111ment ••• 11110 ,.,th ,,.. Steck Ges Economlzera Install • tlley wlll be publicly o pened and map •ecol'ded 1n Book 4. page 83 ol J peh 1 'son R as ~ 1 cr e d l t o rs and con t i ngen t COUl'l't c-a1 onw-oe CounfY O'I ,,..,Cit 111ck gas waste heat recovery read lor per1orm1ng work as Furn!stl Mlteellaneou• Meps, reco1ds of by o n . ail to n tn the cred tors of Bettye A Graft 29 11182 • sy11am on •~Isling 25.000 lb 11\our a ll la bo1 mate rials. 100111 1nd Orange County, Cantornta dt ac:rl Supe rior Court o f Orange 1 · ..u. t MANILLA 110 psi boiler• et Fairview Stale equ1pmi111• necessary 10 "ConSlruct bed as lollowt. County requesting that John and pe r s o.n s who may be 1t ~--Hospllal Central Power Plant. The Parking -S Building" -Con· 8*Q1nntng 11 111e motf Northerly "'iii!;e;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;--:i o r the Anti-D e famation ~ e nfune Societ v -' League . Services under the c11EiA~ 8URIALAT~ d irection of Harbor L awn- • oth erwise interested m the a..... 2IO heel\. CA"""' system •hall be lns11Ued ae a com-s11uci e new 28 stell parking 101, cor.-01 Mid Lot 18. lhf.l<lQe Soutll S . Rall ton be appoin ~ed as w ill and/or est.ate: ~r;;._.11121,, m.1010 p1e11 unit ready 10 operate on eac11 So,;111 ot · s · Building, complete 50• oo· 00" East along the N0<1h person a l representauve to . ft111t1 tndlvldual 1>oller. Up to 3 1ystem1 wHh curbs, t'r•ins. ca1c11 btsln• and easterly line of said Lot 18 a di• administe r the estat e o f A ~ution has been ftJed Publloh•d orane• co111 01117 Piiot Wiii be tntlllltd (Ol'le P1f bolllfl at hgfll s tendtrd et Fairview Stal• ta nce ol 83 39 1111 10 1111 mos M , . W Di ti ( d by W illiam W . Graft Lil the ,,.., 31 A.Pf 1 u 21 1H2 t4118-t2 Fatrvie. State Hospital. In accor-.. oso1111. in llGCOrdenGe wtth plant No rthe rly c:orne r ol 1111 Sou 646-7431 1 Mo unt O live M o r tua r y of Our ltte ralure lells the · Costa 54-0-S5:>4. a rJOne . e e r un e_r Supe r ior Court o f Orange dln<;4 wtlh plans and $Pecillcatlona end specifications 111eretor t'-lt9rly rectanguler 567 00 teat of the Inde p e nde n t A d mint Coun . th W il ptU ti~( therelOf Preleftnce will be granted 10 said Loi 111. tald corn« eeso '*no stratio n of Estates Act). The ly reqG u esting at . • · Prefeflnce will t>e gr1n1ed lo bidders proper111pproved u Ille moat Nor1'-'Y COl'n« ol Traci co~plele story o f our: society. C41 ... _,.._ lllto. II .... c:-.ftl/lrr •I I r ,ACIAC YtlW MIMOllAL,All ~tery Mortuary Chapel-Cte matory 3500 Pacific View Drive NewPon Beach 644·2700 l«CoaMK:X MOITUAlllS LaQuna Beac h 494-9415 Leauna Hilts 768-0933 \ San J uan Capistran<}~ 495-1776 HAl90ll L4W..,_M'f, O&.IVI Mortuarv • Cemetery Cremmto ry 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Men S40-SS54 ,_Cl.OTI81 I&&. •OAllWAY wotrnldT 110 Btoactw•y C:O.t•M ... &C~9150 IALTZ-~ SMl'TM&MMU. WBTC&MIJ CHAP& A77 E. 17th St Cc»taMeta 8'&-8371 . • f h . liam W, raft be appointed bidder a prope fly approved aa "Small Bualnus· In accordance No 1S83, u allown on a map rec LE BOUTON petition ts set or earing in as personal repre9elltative w flCTTTIOUI M.1 ... 11 "Small Bualness" in 1ccord1nc11 w11h Section 1896. et seq .. Tiiie 2. orded In l>OOll 48, page 48 of Ml1 WILLARD PAUL LE D e p t . N o .. 3 at 7 00 C ivic administer the est ate o f TN l~*i!~~--w1111·Sec:11on 1896.et.seq ,Tllle 2. CelllornlllAdmlnlstrauve Codo AP-oenaneou1M11>1.rec0<dsot0rwlge BOUTON Id t f Cen ter Drive, W est . In the .. Clllll0<nta Administrative Code "P· pllcahona tor pralllfence mu11 be Counly. Cellfornle; thence Soutll • a r e s e n o City o f Santa Ana Call for Bettye A G ra ft (ui:de r ~he 808.8 HOME ~AlflS, 510 Tr....,· pllcallon1 for preferanc. mul1 be 1ubmlt1ed 10 the Small BuSlneu 40' oo· 00" Wl91 aJong tlle North-Coeta Mesa, Ca. for the past . A .1 21 1992 9.30 lndependenl Adminis tration .. ~. Co111 MIM, Qilltorlllt mH submlt1ed 10 111e Sm111 Butln•at Olllce, 1823 -14th Street, Sect•· wutllfly one of H id Sout'-lterty 6 years. Passed a way on nta on pn • a t · of f.Btat.es Act). The pelitio'l ~ w s-i..-... &10 ,,_ Oltt0t. 1123 -14111 StfMl, Sa« .. mento CA 95814, not lea 1111n five rectangular 68 7.00 1 .. l and the A ril s 1932 H is · ed a .m. . . . Drlw.. eo.ta -. Ca11ort11a •262t mtnto. CA 9M 14, not ,... tllan ~ (5) calend1r days ro advane>e of bid NorthW9111f1y 11ne of Mid Trect No p ' . e SurvlV IF YO U OBJEC T t o the IS set for hear1~~ in D e pt. dt~bu•lnn• ta cMOuc:tecl by •n In· (51 celender dlys In advence of bid opening dafe T1111 preflfence •P· 1543, I distance ol 150.22 ._to by his father Lawrence of ti of the tlUon N o . 3 at 700 C1v1c Center Rober! w swa11c~• opening d111. Thi• preferlfl(;e •P· plies 10 proJec;ts where the 1111m1-the moet No'111etly corner of Lot 7 Wll()()nsin, brother V e rnon grha nldng 'th pe • ythou Drive, West, In the City o ( r1111 111t1m1n1 ..... 111ao w11f\ 1111 plies 10 pr0Jec;t1 wn-the estlma-ted proJIC1 cost exceede 1 15,000 o l 11ld Tfact No. 1683: tllenca Motowski of Wbconsln, Ro-s ou . e1 er a p pear at e S a n ta Ana. Cati fornia on County Clert< Of Orange Coun1y on Marett led project co11exoeedt 1 16,000 Bid propoHlt mvst be aobmltt.a North 50• oo· 00" Weal parallel nald and Kenneth Motowskl ~earmg and :tate your 0~-April 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . 22· 11112 '1*11 t0t~.:'.~!0~~s~e':r~~1~: :~:~'1>:~:~1~0~~r~r~~sc~:= :."neci ~."a~~,~~~~·~8:~~1';:1f1~0~ both of Arizona. sister J oyce ~c~ ons ~r t e wn tle n ° · IF YOU OBJECT to the Publlat1e<1 Or1nee Coalf 0•1~ Piiot, rein. Oe vlellons trom p11n1 ind spec;111ca11on1 wttl not beconaldered point on 1 llne 1h11 Is 1*'11111 wltll M o t o waki o f W ltconain. ,e<:lions~th the court before granting of the petition, you .,.., 24 31'Apt 1• 14' 11182 316-82 soedfk•llons wlllno1 beooneldered and wMI be ceuae for relectloM of tnd 1500 i... Sou!Nellerty. ,,_. Recitation of the Rosary will the h earing. Y o u r appe a -should either ap,....ar at the _.,. _,,,.r and wfll be ceuM 10< rejee110n1 or bide Tiii 0ec>1t1men1 hat Ille rlgllt e11red et right a ngle• lfo m Ill• be h Id W_. __ _._ A ril ranee may be in pcl'90n or by ..-......,. ... ,111o1. l>kl• Tiii 0ec>1t1ment 1111 the rtgllt to wl/lte eny 1<rego11r11y in 1 bid or North-t11ly llM ot Mid lot 18 e on ~y. P hearing and state yo ur ob · to waive any lrr90ullrlty In 1 bid 0t to r•Jecl any or all bids. 1111nc;e South •o• oo· 00" Weat 7, 1982 at 7 :90PM at the yolurF ayttoOmU eAyR. E A C REDI jectlon s or file w r itte n ob-ACTmOUt IU94Nlaa to rejecl any or alt bt41. No btdw111 be coneldlft<I unleult 150.00 !Ht to th• Southweatertv Harbo r Lawn Memorial . • "'-'tlons with the court be-NAm ITATPlllNT No bid w111 be con~ unlell It 11 made on • ttendard torm tu,. tine of aald lot 18; lhef!Ce North 50\ Ch 1 M f Ch • ti TOR or a continge nt creditor ~~ n.e 1-.0 '*'°"' 111 Oo111G DoJelo. ts mede on • atandard fo rm fur• nlshld by the Department end 11 oo· OO" w111 11onl Hid South ape · ass o r111 an f h d d fore the hearing. Yo ur ap-,_.. nlshed by tile Department and I• mad e In accordanc e with the -'«IV ttne of lot t a cllt.-of Burial will be held on Mon-0 t e ecease • you must pearance may be In person (l)CIRC\Jl'f MANAGEMENT 121co..o ad• In ac cordance •1111 111• "lnstnJCllone to Bldder'I " 15.00 , .. , to the moat W11terl day April 12, 1982 at St. file you r c laim with the orb at10r'ne ~,.::.=-e ... ..,.... "-1•-. ~tnstr\IC1~ '° ~" Proapectl-.. bldo.r.meyuamlne oomer ot Mid Lot 18: ttlerQ = ~..R.W'I ~lie Church Oah-court or prese nt tt to the rl rot; ARE ,tc REDI ..,..,_,, II -·· 1915 Ayon Ordl, PToep«1IY'I blda.t• mey lllamiM ll1d qbtaln plens. ~Ilona and 40• 00' 00" Eli8t 8lollg tht Nonll- k h w•--nsln ,,,,_.,.... M·-penonaLrepresent.aUve.. al>' '""""' -Cotr• M .... Clllfo<nil 9262' and obtain plans. IPICJlllcatlOnl and bid bml by celllng •I ()t mllllnQ • _,.,.1 11ne ol ~lo\ 11 ... dlo(t- OI • -v • " U1IU ... .-• led b th · hi • vn ln' 8 ~gent credhor ~ "' ~ 187ta $111,__ bid forml by oelllng • or l'llldllno .-~ to the OttlCe Of tile Ctltef OI llllOI Of 300.~2 1991 to th9 pOlnt ment will be held at St. poin Y e court wit n o f the deceased, you mus t s1~.=~.~~:.!:°'n1: 9270811 r9Q'*110 the 0111oa 01111e Clllef of Pl•nt Oper111on1 at the above ad-beginning. TM ttr .. 1 1ddre11 or Margaret Cemetery. Neenah. four months from the date of file y o u r c laim wllh the .,.,,...,WI> Dy ~ P\Wlt 09«11~111111111>cwe ad· d••"· tallphone numb•r (714) other oommon deelgnatlOn of the Wleeonaln Services under first Issuance o f le tters as rt or r e l ll t th F1-. J 11..no-n CltH•. telepho n• 1t11mb., 1714) 0~7-6212 real s><openy 11 11ere1n11>0v• dt-. ld ed · S • 700 f cou P es n o e ™' ,,,,_, -MtG Willi ""' 917.5212 A peyment bond. Stand•d Form eortHd te pufported 10 ~: tU2 the d lrectlon of Harbor ~o'i>rot. '",..~liOfn,.._111 ° penonal representative ap-C-•Y Cieri!~°"""" Oollrtty on ,,._,. A peyment bond. Stan<t«d FON11 907 In the amount Of llty P.,cent of 15111 Slfet', ~ IMctl. Ct,._ t..wn-Mount Olive Monu.-e t.e .......,e o '\AUUOr-pointed by the c:ourt wl\hln 1&. tM2 807 1n Ille emount of fifty P«C«tt ot tlll contr1et prloe must accompany fotnlt ry of Cos1a Mesa. 540-~554. n la . The l im e fo r fllin1 -four mon~from t.hedawot ~::=.:.. tilt witcct llflOe ~ ~ ._., COftllact 1Avoh1!fl9. en .. ,,.,,_. Tit. 111tderwtvn..t "-reby ore clalml-will not explr'e prfor f 1 ""..,..,... ..,_ 9V9t'f ~'ltftiet lnvotvtnt 111 expen-dltu•t In •xc111ol11&.000 Qalma ell lllblllty tor .ny ~ NOR ... •No•·~ to four monlha fr<> th date lint l11uance o etters as r-. c....,..... dlMt tn •~c11• ot 11&.000. ™~bid<* w111 o.,... -In Mid l1rWt llCldrw9 °'°""" ~ uu, ... m e provided In Section 700 of ,, • .,., • The IUC09lllul bklW wlM bl r• Quired 10 •••cute• contraoturat oommon dellgMtlOn.. ALFRED NORM AN . ot toe hearlna notked above. the Probate Code of Callfor· ~ Oreno-CoH1 oai Not. q uited lo eaac;ute • oontr1cM1I aQrHmenl In th• lorm of • 811d 1111 win.,. tMde wltllOUI DIAN, reeldent o( Coat• YOU MA\' EXAMINE nla. The t i me for flllno ..., 11•14-11·•· 7· 1"' ,-.. 13re•m•nt In 1he form o l ~ "8t1ndard Agr .. ment, Form 2" wtft1nty, expr ... cw lfllt>ltff, , .. M..... Ca. p-~-... •w•y on the file ke pt by the court. I( _,_,~ will not e·-...i-....i..! " t111d1fd Ag,Mment, Form 2 • which •h•ll be binding upon the gard lng 111 .. 1 poa....ion, Of ..i ~--a.-u ......,,., ,.,..., ... .,..... Nale 1111( wtllch ehllt h blndlno upon th• S111e of Calllcwnla onry upon •P· cumbt•.-, IO Mtllf)t the pnncijpel Aptil 5, 1m. Ke It IW'Vi'Ved you a.re ln~ted ln the es-to tour monthl from the date -s1ete ol Catttornta only 11pon •11• prOYll Dy 1"' StN. o ata nc• o l th• Note or other by bit chUdnn Aleta Allen ~lei )'OU mty file a requect of ...... -~no·•_... a..__ ~ provll by lM 8tate. tn tcOOfClanoe wft'1 tt1e pro¥lllOnl Ol>llOetton MOlnd by MIO O.CS of f ~·-•·•-Vall r. Al wlth the c u t l Iv ~,.... ..,._, INV'C', MAllll IT•..,..... In IOCOl'dancewlttl tlle pnMllOnl of Sectlofl 1m d the L.abof Cod9, TMlt, with 1111.-end CltW _,.,. o .. "'",...,' ey, -.. • 0 r 0 rece e YOU MA !XAMJNJI: '?-'°'°"""' ,!:,.~ IM4-of he:tton 1770 of tht ubor Oode1 lh• Oepartment hH aacert1ln4td • ptOYldecl ....,i ~ ~ fred N. of Cotta Me.a, Ca. •ped•l notice of the lnven • the file kept by the Q>Url. U .., th• O.p111ment hH a1a.rtatneG 11111 the genet'., Pf9Yllllng "'" ol "'"-"• llftCler tM..,.... ~end and Duell N. of Ben eel a, tory o f estate uaeta •nd of lnterest.ed ln the ccu.:rteM 1tM'!M'M ~ 430, ...._ INrl 1ttt Q9Ml'1ll pr...,1111."0 '"" of w.a .. tt>Plleebte 111 tM oovnty In .,_..on tllOtl ~ tnd pg Ca. allo tUrvlved by 8 the peUtlon•. •ccountt an4 r~ are ...... tile .~ ~ ~.......,, 9-1\, Call-W90M applleable In 1111 covnty In whre h IM WOfll 11 to be clone II• , .... GhllgH and Hl)eftHI ol ..'...a.hild ~--f ..... tt ........ delC!libed ln s.cuon --· )IOU ••-.J a teet-• ~ t2MO Wlllefl tile worlt ''lo be d~are thoae rat•• 11tabt1111.ct 1nd pu. TNlte9.,.. of 111t.,,... cnlllied b)' 1ranv.; 1ren. -h o1dww 1200 ;, th Call( l p with the court to receive ldt ~ M~ .!:;::' "C tlloM ,., .... 11b 1111ed an pu. blWted t1y Ille Dnc1or of lnduatttal H id 0Hf ot 'l'ruat. Tfl• 10111 R eaurrttt on wu e on ,.._..._ • om • to· •pedal nolitt of the lnven· ~ ;,_ · bllf.cs gy u. one. 01 r1a1 Ae611tion .. COPlel «Ille weoe,..... ""°""' olf Mid ......-.1. ~ W~y. A~ 1, 1882 at i.te '--• to.., o f f'l1&te ...u and of ,. ......._ "ooMl.aed &t • lllMttc1 ~ C°'*1I ot tht _,. ,.._. -on Ille at \M omc. Of tn. Ct# fWOf._ ...,,1u11 ...., 10 ·00 .. .,. J b th ·, ~ _ .,. on th et 111e Ofllolt ot 1M ~ orf'IM1 Op9f•ttelftl, ,~Ho. .,.. ._.....°'IN,,,,....,• 111e B · .~~th 1'1· Cohn ... e KING CASE •GIFFORD the petlUont, ~nta and w-..i M, Cwtltl ot Plant Opefatl~~L~ Ho.-pltat end It Ille Dtoar1ment ol 0.. ttm• of lnttlal publlcetlon ol till• apt al -l o c ur..u. ... • :Ta reporu ~bed In 8'ctlon ... ~ 11--. llled With 1111 p11.i 111c1 11 Ille ~f'19lt ol 0.-~ ~ llMdqUarnn NotD II f1SS. ... 11. prtnte lnterment -~ "......,..at 1..1' 1200 • f h C llf I -~c...OfO..,.Co11n4yG11M.-1111 ~111 klrlOM ~-office. oetld· ....... '' -. held the Holy er.. , .. a. r..w.r Sh'Mt . . " 0 t • • orn a ttl. 1 t omo.. 811• •n•P•ctlOll Wiii b• llelcl ........... 111 . -....... ..,. ... nae• Selle 11 lt ' Probew Code ::1:!.~. VACCMO '1119 .,...,ton .. be held W.O-ITllUACS-v. AJHll 15, ttta It tO·OO A c• ,. ... . 7 • ~~~~ i...~a-C.IU.nJa Lath•• WatlllH, At· "'T 1 ,.::-:;-r.a.y,Aflflt4,1M111ttO;OOAM.1A.M .,,._. .. gs.,,. __ -VJSUU-.--......,.t ................ u •• , ..... u... cc:-·--~· ,.................. ..,. __ ..... ·~ of a.Jts'ller ... w-Smllh & (lU) I Ul ICrttt LH AatelH CA ... --..,._....., ~ ~...... -allctA 4>-..- 1'u,blll We1u1llff C ha..-1 Publlahed O ran1 Coait "'7l; t.J. (Ill) "~lU•. ==:::.i.e..-g::;'to!r.~ =.:.:-= --:r:.::..--=~~:t?' fo Ca.-. M"f' ~~rot. Mar. 3l. ~rs:.s~ -~7~..c:-~: ...,"':';';:'1..~f't,.~~ ~b::::. ~~'f~ <:••~:.; Pl(~D~:..•:. ~~ eoo,w:•la ,,~i:,.~·:r~..t,_n I pauj f M1111_.,, Thlo .... _, ... lllod ... .,. tho County Cko<l< ol Oraner County on Martf> 19, 19'2 ,,_ Pu1>ll1~84I Orang• coa11 D•llr Pllo1, March 24, 31. AP<H 1, 14, 11182 S61-42 ··---... ...,. ..cnnoue ....... l«AmSTAT...wT ...!. ... .!-. -... Oolno --l'IC1mOUt .u-. •• DEE JON ORIOINALS. 354 Flo••r MAMI STATl!mWT Str•I. eo.ta M9M. CA 92927. Tiie ~ .,.,_. are delnQ butl- JOHN PAUl HOfl'MAN, 354 ,,_ -M! SlfMI, C..ia ....... CA 92927 OENE'S MARl<ET. 1080 S CoHI DEANNE BROWN, 364 ,,_So.I, HlclllwlY. i._.. llMcll, c.itlomle 92651 Coeta-. CA 92127 l:OwitrO w .. 11. 135 Mcl(nlgnt Drlv•, CARI LYNN BROWN, 326 W, Cllll-LaguM llMch. Celltornlll 92$51 wood A_.... #C, ANflelm. CA 82802. Pet~ R. Wtille, 130 r.lcl(~t Drl\4, TNI butlMM 11 conduc1eO by a gener.i i..auna 8-:11, CellfOrnla 92651 pan-.114p. f1111 bu1lnff1 11 conOllct~ by 1n In· Cell Lynn Bro-1 OMclual. Thll llalalftenl wu llleO with lh• &JwerO w• County C._. of o._,. County on Mate/I Palr1Cle R w .. a COlnptroller of ltle CWNnq Twy o.,_._,t oC tile UftlMd ...... W-"lrleton. D.C. WHEREAS Mll•lactory evidence hH bH n Pr9ffnled 10 the Comp- troller of Ille Currency lhal PACI· FIC NATIONAL BANK loceted In N-port Be ach, Sl•te or Celllor- nl•. Ilea compiled wllh ell provl- lloN ol lhe 1t1tut" ol the UnUed Stetee required to be complied wun belore ~g euthOflzed to commence Ille bu1lneu ol b.n· king 11 • NeUonal Benklng AS90cietlon. l"OW. THEREFOR(, I he re by 0«1lfy 1ha1 •he ab<IY9-nemed uso- Cj•tlon Is eulh<><lzed to commence 1ne bu11nea1 ol benklng •• • Ha11one1 Banking Auocla1lon. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. wit· nee. my llaneture and Mel ol ol-nc. tl'll• nth d•y ot .i.ot.lery, 1982. Comptroller ol the Currency Cnvter Number t7 t&e Publlaned Orange Coeal Delly Piiot, Mercn 24, 31. April 7, 14, 21 • 2B, M•y 5, 12, 19, 1982 132•·82 NIUC ~£ ......,. atJIODtOfl COUltT Of' C~OMIA COUNTY Of' OMNQI: 190C.....C.....Dr ..... .... &Mia AM, CA 1117W MARRIAGE Of PETITIONER· Tl£N MANH llHONG: 2t. 11182 T)W •t.t--t11ec1 wttn 1ne eou. '1C1TnOUe .,_.. '*'M nly Cler1I of o.anve County on Merell 29. ....._ SfATl-.rT PubOaMO Oranoe Coaat Oally Pilot, lMa. RESPONDENT OUOM THI BUI. llW (PAl&V LAW) CA•MO.~ The followlng pe<-.a we OOlng --MWCll 31, Ap'I 7, f4, 21. 1M2 1414-&2 WWITINI lllUTVAl llOIOW c~. ,_ u. . M741 ..... ~ ... PAClflC RAILROAD SALVA.en.. I0441 • ...X 911( .... '· HOTIC£1 Yow --aueO. Tht ooun,,..,, _....,..you""""°"'.,_ T~A-.SUlteM.T ...... tatl7 •-tm(~-MARTIN 0 ECl<MAHN. 220I ScNlh . --L .. _.;-... -( ,_,..,. bllnO -..,... you ~WI!'*' ac "9¥11 ,,._ .... ~ Mlow. lyon Sen!•-.~""' 92705 r..~ -P11bllahM o .. ,. Cou l Daly PllOI. ANDY Ill RDTHENAY, 1046 Tualln° MAm SfAlWmWT Met 31, HI<. 1, 14, 21, 1912 14417 ... 2 II you ....., to ... Illa eOlllce OI an .nome,. In 11111 -·, you ........., clO ac P1°"""'1 IO -yo.# """'* ,.....,,_ I ,,,,.,.,,..,,ba .... Ofl ..... A-. Mte M Tua1W..~8*T llle .......... ..,__°'*IO ~ ------------- TNil --II concll.ctecl by a gener9 -II< • ow••llllp. TM~ S.W0... TNI a.a.. Menlll 0 ~ ::' ~ *2 lnM a...c, s.ica ------------ AVISOI U9lld,.. tldo 4111•• d1d'o e ~ puede dal:dr can1ra UcL *' ~ • ,,,._ -Ud. r-cicinoa ~.,. ao -LAa 1e ••··-·-.,.. Thia at•l•,.,•nl •H llled with lh• !.OWAIU) DOHALO 80SLEY. 1132 ~~~ Courtly C1erti o1 0..,. Courtly on -....._..,_,._"'-..CA '2707. -.,.,, _.., 19• l"2.. l'-.e l'UTA MAl'lll! 908Ll!Y, 1132 Ind.,. : • .-.tng pw-.. ere Oolng _. P .. 111w..e1 Or91>9• Cou t D••i Piiot. Str .... Sent• Ara. CA H?07 BAOWN. BEIAIR AHO ASeOCIAT£8> 81 U9lecl .,_ ..,..... .. _....., .,. Mardi 24, 31, Ap'I 1, 14, 11112 3$3-12 oo!;:~--=:.::: ~ ;,~~fTY, 77 Topetia, ,,.,.ne, -!Hp. c-o D.-. fljcfletO A Yonll, n l~ "-· "" ..ooveoo .. --.mo. _,. _ ..... ,,...._...,.,. __ "',__. eacrtla. II "9y ...,_, ~ -~adempo. '1C'TIT10Ue ....... MAm aTATDmNT The 1~ I*_,. .,. dOlnQ buol- -u: ..._.. _,. C4lllorftla 927 14 Thia a1a1aman1 wH lll•d •Ith lh• Hwdcl Brown OI ta.own. hlall ano County Clat1C ol Orenoe Courtly on Mwdl --~ 911 North w ... wn A....,.. 21, 1182 203. Sen PeO<o, Calllomle I0732 ,.,,. Thia -.. --.0 11'1'. 119'*ai .!~11:!'9" .• 20:. ~--r~-'·r.= ~. 1 TO THE ~ The petlltonW ,_ ftleO a pellllop ~ 'f04JI mwf1aOa. II you 1811 to .. e ,_ wttNn 30 cleY9 "' ....... ---II --on you, 'YO'll Oeleull ,,..,, be en1..o ano.,,. ooun may -a ...., " RlellarO A YC'lla THf. Wf.L8V WAY CO , llOU Col·1•------------Thll alatamaftl wu llled •1111 Iha County Clark OI 0..,.. Counly °" Mat'Cll IS, 19'2. ,,_,... "'°""*" cont.,.,,. ~ or -orclarl conoat'*'O dMllorl OI pr°':l; _.... auppM. Clllld cua10Cly. br9119M °'"'-· Hu<111n91on llHdl, Cell-lomta 976'e Battler• A khmalt. 904!2 Co4br~ r~'"• HullllnQlon llMc:tl. Callfor 8emlca War-. 23914 Wiiby w..,,, c.._. Part&, Cellfornla ti 1307 Thll -Is c:onduclecl by. 119'*ai pellnwahiP. 8wbat1 A 8dvNlt Thia ll•t•"'•nt ••• fllad "''" Iha Cown1y Clltl! of o.anve County on Mardi 22, 1M2 ,,..,. Put>Uafte<I O.ange Cou l Dally Piiot, Ma<Cll 24, 31, April 7, u , 11182 1353-tl STAft..wTOf'~ Of'U9e °' ,IC'Tl'nOU9 _..Mm ™~~-­.... U .. of Iha flctltlOUI bual-n- ReliOenllal -menll "2 et 4750 Von !( ........... SUit• 500. ~ 8-:11, c.ii.. _ t2t80_ The llclllloua --,..,,._,to allo•• •u llled In Counly on April 29. IMO (Flla No. f 137027), ROBERT A. SlRATHEARN, 11705 P-~. """'8, CA 92116 FRED PAUL A~NDER A JUDY LVNHE Al.EXANDIR u Co-Trust-of ,,,. ft.O Paul Aleaan6er & J~ Lynne iuuanOer Tr11et dated S eptember 20. Publl1h.O D•ange CoHI Dally PUot. Mwch 31, Aptll 7, 14, 21, 19112 14l13-12 IUPl)On, llltomey .... coM-. and """' -relel .. ,,..,, ba QAfllecl by .... court. The ~I of "'908A, lalllng of money or~· or -ooun aulllOtlleO pooc..olnga ,,..., _, .-. PllJC ~( I t.le1eCI: J_., 21. 1912 --------..-------1 Lee A. ........ a.ti l'lCTITlOUI auatMll llr. C. IC ..... ,~ NAM ITArn..n VAMDAO a LIT'mlt. INC. The -. '*"°" la dolnQ -11et W. f1111 k. .... m u .__ AM, CA tr1'9 SOUTHERN CAl.IFORNIA MANAGE (114) 1141 ..... MENT COMSUl TAN TS. 22&22 Aullu•n Pvbllehecl O.anve .eo.t Delly Pllol, Dela OrM. El T0to. Caltornle 92830 Mardi. 17, 24, 31, Aprtl 7, 1M2 12&4-82, Jerrolcl J Pelllnon. 22U2 AUOU•n Dale Or...,., El Toro. Calllornle t2t30 Thia t1u11neaa 11 conouct.O by an 1n _ .... ..,,_ J Peltlaon ncnnoua .,..... tt11. 4300 c.mp.., Sul!• 100. ~ NAm aTATDmJIT 8-:11. CA t2t90. This et•l-' •H liled .... h .... COU<ll't Cleo. OI Or"'9I C-ty on AOIN $. 1912 ,,.... ......... NOTICf Of' TRUITH'I IALE T.I . NO. 1111 The fOlowln9 .,.._, 11 cloiftQ -TIMI ~ WU cono..eteO by -Publl•-Otano• CoH t Oelly Piiot. ... .....,._.2 On Aorll 14, 1982, 81 10:00 a.m •• Relleble Reconvey•~ Corpor• lion H duly •ppolnted Tru•tH under end purau•nt lo O..d o f Trust deted Match 27, 1981 rec:- PRDff.SSIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Aoller1 A. su-n Ac>< 1 14. 21 21. 11117 1659-12 GUIDANCE. 1125 Cwrle A-. Sen1e Tiiie ata1a1111n1 •H lllaO with 1111 Ana, CA 112707 County Clark of Orenge County on MWCll J'EF"l'IEY LORR. 1125 CUri. A-. 2S. 1982 Senta Ana, CA 112707 TJMe bulll ... aa la conOUCleCI lly 1111 If>· OMOuel .-...,1. °'' Thia alalemenl •H 111•0 •Ith 1111 County Clertt OI o..,. Counly on Mwcn "· tNa. ,,..., ...._..._..,, A...._ "'CTMOUS-11 Ofdad March31, 1981 ... INt.Ho. aw v-·-.... -NAiii ITATl•NT 42712, In book 14003, pege 789, :::= ....... CA -TM ldlDwtnQ _....,. are OOinQ bull· of Offlclel Rec«CS. In tfle office ol --Ille County Recorders ol Oran~ PullH•heO O<*no• Coaot Dally Piiot. !Al HEWPoR'T HOME L()Nj NO .; 279; County. Stat• of Callfentle execo- Mwel\ 3I, """""· '4• 21• IN:! 1~ (8) NEWPORT HOME LOAN NO 280. (Cl led by Lola M. Ch1ntar. en un- MEWPORT HOME l.OAN No 28! (0) merrl•d wome n. Will SELL AT NEWPORT HOME lDAN NO 212 (El PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST MEWPOllT HOME lOAN No 283, (FJ NEWPORT H()t.jf LOAN NO 2'4. 1a1 BIOO~ FOA CASH (payebl• al ACTmOUe .,_... NE~ HOME lOAN No zes. IHI llme ol Nie In t.wful money ol ll'le ...... SfAT'lmln' NEWPORT HOME lOAN NO 2M. 11 United Sl•t••> at Ille North lront The tOllOWlno ~ .,. ao1ng but!-Corporale Plaa, ~ BMcll, entrance to the Counly CoorthOu· ,_ • Ctillonlta ttMO M, 700 Civic c.n1er Offle. Weet, UNIQUE EATERY II, 1«0 I . Stele .-part -LOen, tno .. a Celllo<-Santa Ana, CA ell ..._ .. t. title end o..itaoe. ,.,..._, CellorNe t2IOI nla corpOflllOn..1..17 Cotporale PIHa, lnlerMl ~ ............... 10•y_:,. ~ ..._.,. J. ey Scotl a-nan. 272 &<entwOOO, ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ,_ .. "' ·~-'""" Coe!• Maea. Cellfornla e:zez7 ""'""' I.OWi. lnC. by 11 under Niki Dead of Trvtt In ~ Oor°"'Y EIMlnan, 212 Bren1-c°" l<IOll' p,....,_,, lhl property 11tuated In H id woad. Coe!• Meaa. Cellfornla 92927. 1<11-. HMP. County end Sta te dHcrlbed H : Th .. t>vllnea1 le conctuoteO by en In-AM't. Viee ''" Loi 20 ol Trect N\lmber 7187, u dMOual Thll Ma\lrftll\I waa lllacl Wilh Ille J..,, s-t ElMrnan County Clenl OI Oranoe eoun1y on M.,Ch lt10WTI on • Map recorded In Book Thia •lat•menl wu Ille<! with Ill• 16. 1912 305, pegee 45, 4&, 417, 48, 49 end Counly a.I< OI Orange County on MWCI\ ,... 50 of Mfeceltaneoue Mepe, recorde n. 1~ Pu~ °'.,_ eo.1 Dail¥ Piiot. of Orange County, Callfornla. ,_,.. 1~ 17. N . 31. AP<ll 7. tM2 l2'0-f2 Tne 11reet addre11 a nd othe r '"""•MO Orange Coe.1 O.llY Piiot, common deelgnatlofl, II eny, of the ..., 31, Ac><. T, 14, 21. 1"2 i-.Z real property deecrlbed abovw I• P9C llTI( purported 10 be: 2915 Oued•da, ~ 8-ct!, CA 92teo. ftCTITIOU9 ..._.. Thi underelgned Tru1IM dl1-N:'Tm0Ue...... ,,.,... ITA,......,,. ctalm1 eny lleblllty fOt eny Ince><· !Um SfA1-T The "*'""19 ...,_ -cl'*'9 bull-rectneee of the atreel ~end l'IC11nOU9 _.. The ~ partOnl -Oolno -. -~ COHTMCT Ul'IVICU, *1 oltw oommon deelgnation, ff wry, lr'fle -SfATlmWJ . ,_.:..U.rt IOI Cfll!Mf, ,.._.1 ~ ~ ...... ,-8"11e ~ ~ ltlowll herein. _...__ ~ ---.,..--111aro. Uni! J, Hu11t1no1.on 8eacll, CA lleedl, Celtlot1lll t2tlO Said aa6e wlft be made, bUt wt--"' c t2U1' • ...,, .. ,.. a..-.. Coneullanta, tl!Out covenant or warra11ty, e•· llAINaOW .. DOL ..t:l'IVI l . nu lllOM:l'IT L JONl8. ....... 6092 W190ft ....... Olllomla .._ ...... .., Pfffl Ot lmplled, ,..,_ding tltle. ~~~·Loa "'-ltoa. Cellfotfl4e -. Y-unoe. CA taM. ~ llod... .,... ~ ........, pa•n1lon, Of encumbrainc:iee, ln-.,"c11-Munl, No. a7 Hiii Piece. MIKf D l'Hli>Pt, 2111 w. Ro .... leech. Cllb!'lll 9'el0 cludlng ..... ctMtvee Ind •JIPlll-~ ...... c.llor* IOIO:I A-~. CA t2*M. TNa ~la~ by• c;orpo. -of lne TNIM ~ QlJM t(""9 . j 1>1111 -~ 61 Hth "'-• Lelftl ,_'::.~It~ llya..,_al ,....... _ __,SI~ ctMfil! by Mict o..d Of'Tl'Ullt, to ~;:;-..: ,..,, L .ior-.It e-...m.."" pay the ~ pMGlpal IUml e 11 ~"Ya..,.... Tiiie a1a1ement wu fllecl with tll• Jqlln • Alconl. of the note(1) H Oured by H id 14w11 ..a """"""' eo-y a.ti:"" 0-...,. '*'"'Y °" Matdl YIM~ DMd of Truet to wit; Ma.000.00 II • •l•l•"'•"t wit Iliad 'w1111 tlla 2' t192. ._ ~ ~= ~ ::..,'!: with lnt•-1 _.,.....,, ~ Mty ti, ~Oiet1t ti OrllflOICeooftly;M.,111! 'UlllllMO Or.llft99 Ooall OellY .. llOI. 1&. IM2. IN l It le% per~.~· ~W'I 11°1111,-. Mltcl\11,APfl !:._14-41_!,,llq f_q.a..a ~ 0.-.,.. 0-0-:"I.:. ::::.=..no:~c:.:. .....,.C.:...."='.':.: -· -Met. 1T, l4, 11,,.,. 7, 1_, ,..... The Ml~ I.Wider Mid Deed ......... ,_ ""'IK of Trwt '*"°'°"'~end .,..,_... 0renoe a-. Delly '"01, .... • _.... deUv•r•d to lh• und'!'llOn•ct • ,.L.....,;., ""' ,_ 14. 11 Ith 1......., "°""°"9 --.......... lllllllK wrltl«I DeolWetl0!1 Of cletMt Ind ,.....~ ' 0 • ' ' Mm RAW Dem•nd for IM, 1111. a ~ltten I j ' _., 1111( The ....,,,.. _.,_II ~ ~ PliCTl110UI -NQlloe of DltfNl Ind lMGtlion to ,,._.. 8'i , u.· rfAT..-T W . The "'r=t*' ....... ......=.: °lHI A.-10"1 AHOC1,.TU , It flla ~ ,.,_ .,. c10111t ...... Notloe ~ -.i -.-IO ~,...., ......... ea.all. Ollfot· ... • - _ '1M11nA1 ,.~ .... •eei._,.._,.,.... •oie o~~t~8t ::,:.:~t-t:l • Tiie ...... ...,_ -~ ==-~ ... Hot1'I =.: . llM '°" 0.. MlrCfi 11, 1182. •~TUM. 1111 ._ CMl9-~-. .. ...._....,a...,.. ~ u , ueo1 ..,._ ~ Aaoou..,.ioa Corp ·~"'.-:--,._.Oft,Clii.-• W!~·... = ~ ~ ~Moaa. ...,,, ,...,!. 111e111111111. ~ v9111wa =-~ 0:;1':?''' .....,. "-~~ A-Hl6 CemlnO dll No loulfl. ~.,., l4llte 411, IMr'INll Oeltt,. ~ .t,!llefHft\ Jrll flled wllll tlla -~ 'OlllotN'"" .,... 202 _:::. .. ....._.~ ...... -~-~CeiMIY ....... =~~-~-:.= r..:::.:r~ .. ~10t ..... ....-._..... ..... .,......~ ....... R11 = I ~g~··~·""'"' j -·~ n.~-lilll'!l .. ,...1191 C-. ........... ~-Ota..-"'..._ -"=-~ .. °"""~"' .... = ....... oA .. ,.. (l"'ilt ........ .. ' ,... ~ Ofmnga c...~ ....... ~~-Del\.~ .:::.W-a. 1 ~-°"'1.!l'f.i __..... °'911191 c.-Dmlfr NII, ,llet. MJt•h 1.-•• 1. ~Jrll , .... IC, It. --r· ~ ,.. .. . .... • ---r. •-:-;t;.M, tt. ,.,, '· ,.. ,__ 11a u . ' 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D • 5 6 7 8 _J CLASSIFIED INDEX ··•···••······ · ········ c;;;;;.;··········;ooi ::.::::::··········iiii .... ........ ct: -Aif2rtal estate ad· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• vutlud In thrs riewspaper Is subjec.'l to the Federal Fair Hous ing Act of 1968 wh lrh mtkes it illegal to ad vertisf "any preference. WTACULAR Bay & Ocean Tt Pbce Y11t M, Cal I HAAIOI llDGI Dramatk llOme louted m this very priv•le and exclusive community. 4 bedroom Lautremont pl an with spertaculat view Pnvate courtyard with fish pond Proless1onally decorat ed and landscaped. Only '729.SOO 642-5678 llOUUS FOi SAH 1.-11 .. -···~ .. -,·-·· ('_,_ .... . ('•_ ..... ., , ......... .. 0...l'MI El,.,. , __ ,.u,, __ ..... ...... .............. Uc-Ho.No ...,.._,,, .... ........ '"" =f':'...':::" w,_. .. , • .....,, ..... -·-.. ,., ..... -.i...-....... .c., .............. ~ .... tUL mm A(, .. .,,., ~k 4..,,..,.._IWtlOf \•k' t.":!!'~.;ln, ff"Mfin> .._, t n .... ~=,.;~::~rtl ~\f'l\M•~•lf' KcM.ft II ta. MO,ef IN"ti9N Pr°"'" :::;i;"V.:••h MUO.W Hm.-Tilt_.,._ Mw•• ()r-wn •·~· • o,.,., l'@ ,,,,, t"-" 9' ~ Wiiii\ f'rop ............. , "'°' M•N""'• Y.tM• t~hrH, Mr.A t ... 1.0 • .,,. .... ,, ··~ ............ ... IUITALS ·-~,._, ....... ~,,.,.,,,..~ •tw.n ... /9 "" t "' ,.,..~.,,,_,ft '~'"''*'''°'"' Tora......,.. twr" t ... .....,,,,., t lllf "-"'""hr• ····"-'"' \fll, •'\fut ,..,_,,_,W" '"' •'9t•ut I ~I "-· ................. ••rt, "fllrh 1,w-.af ....... , '""'Ml'' Wrtlllith ,., ............ ,, Mm.; .. tu"'4.-r• .... ~~, .. " ... •"'"' ....... , "'-"·~'" .... ·' 1--.1wn.1111...-"'.1 ....... .,, lh-.... 1 ..... "",.. ... , ...... ,.., IUSINESS, INVlSI MENT, nn•C( .._.. ... ,.,.uiw.wt• ... """'""•~illld ln1~IMr~l....,.t1t \ ,,_, .... l'ilrllll "•"""t "''""'\ "''""'"' '4,.,., •• ,..rd. M1-1a.•cn TU' AMIOUllCEMENTS. rllSDHIS & lOST & FOUND "" ... ..,,.""'"'"""' ••tf'td l1ul~1lfM'­IMl•-...cs l1f'f'..-..l,• ............. ._. Tr.,r1• SEIYICES £MP\IYMENT & rllPAHTIOI ""'"-~' l""°UWttr• , .... 4 .. ,..,. ll<ltot. ... .., II•~ lllHCllAllllSE 4-wt.-::i;:; .... ~,., .. l ..,,.,u,.41.,..~• ..... .... .... _ ... ,_ •WM1110 ... ,.,~ "-"' ,......, ·~··"'"'' H·•f'tn t..1•nlC-\ ............... , •1\lll"f'H.-.uw .. llll1w-t11~ ... '"'"' "•W.tl'""'"""~' 11uw. • wr•' • ~"'~ ..... ~.,.. ..... fl'l'lll••· 'w·• Hiii; M ..-lu"-""tt1 t11iA I • .-.tt1 .. "lot• MN_..,.~ tt..r ~·r.d110U1•1~ .. ,.. BOATS & ~AllNE £QUl,.£NT , . ...,.,., fioitt" M11Jlll '-'Hlff' "°'91, "•"'"' ·""'~ ......_ ........ ., ANh JllHll 1"9\•rht ...... ~., ..... ," .... ""'"' fllMt,..,.. ..... , Ao.lb ........ .. TIAllSPOITA TION "-'""•" ,.M.,.,"'°* MrM •""'"""t-.n .... ._. -l)<W ,._,.,. ·-11 ....... ~ .. ''"""' rru,. !:.::.~~~:"•-h lllTOMHlll &."'Pt•I ~lJ .. ••" Rffr•.._.~ ...... Wt ..... h .... f' 111 ... .. ··~·Lk"•' r.-. ..... , .... A¥4~l#'-'1•( .\ .......... , .... AllTIS, llllPHTEI """"•' "'"tt'""'" ~ ... \1iDOA Uuw, KlllW l'4M'f• ~ Loll Li ... .. .~ ... ,,,. ..... ....... ,.,,,,., '"").f"ft KMm.•" t,frU• .._....... lllNdo • .,,, ...... , tt.~1 )llJ MCI ""' , ... t. ....... ........ -........ , .. ..... ~ ~:=.. v .. ..-..... ~ .... :: llmitat1on. or dis ,.. cnm1nalion based on l: rare. color. religion. ... sex. or national ong1J1 . :: or an intention to make :: any such preference. ,.,. llm1tat1on. or du- :: mmrnat1on " llU VIEWS See 1t all from th as lovely !I Bedroom. fa mily room home in beautiful SPYGLASS Catahna. Palol Verdes. Newport Bay, city lights and daultng sunsets' Owner will assist with :i Iii or ~TD C....Wf"tbalty ~1111 RCT<tylorCo •• ; ' l fll ::: This newspaper will nut ,,. knowingly accept an) !"' advert1s1ng for real '* est.ate which ts in viola-:: ~the law. _ Want Ad Results 6-42 567M WANT ACTION? .<Jasaded Ads 642·5678 IUIO 1----------1 :: EllORS: Adverff1er1 :: *-'d dwck tltelr odt :: dllty Giid report .,.. '"" ron 5-clatety. The l: DAILY PILOT 01MMe1 ;: IGbllty for the flnt ~ hteorr•ct hutrtlon gi: o#y. ---Mt ..... for s• . ........................ . -----= --,,.. -... " -.... u.-1 ""' ""' ... IJ)>l .... .... .. .~ ... -..... ... ., ...... 'lilt) .. , .. ...,. .. ... ""' ..... -.... ~­--.. 111 -- 1002 ........•............•. BnJ(hlen someont»s day with a Class1r1ed Ea1ter-GrCN11!! for only S6 OU ~our Easter messal!e "'"appear" 'lh lhe bunn\ abm c• m the Dail~ Pilot on Easter Sunda~ Call 642-S6711 and rharge 11. Mastereard and Visa "ekom ... ~'nd out about tht' h11(h eaminl! real estate salt·~ l'areer opp~rtun!1 1e~ w Ith T II f. H ~. /\ l. FSfATERS L1n•ns1ni.: sd1ool re<'s rom plell'I) rerundablt• tu srhool cor your r holt't' Ext en~'' t sales tra1nmj! For 1n rOl'INltion. c·all 7!'>1·6191 Super sh<t rp ;J 1111 rm horn> °"1th wel bdr. mar ble fireplac•e anct muc·h rn:>re Anx1C1us o"'nl•r DH 979 ~ti ALLSTATE REALTORS 4BR. Pool & Spa from aHordablt . Newpo<'I P•nthww l,..IM Tfffttt. 38r Ouplu by ~"'" &yfroal Coaclo. 28r Linda hie. <& Br. bai fro•t Bayfroet, 6 Br ,./dwlt <AM Coeicloo. 3 Ill' "(ew Newpon (:0.,cloa to afft#nt 187,000 IUS.000. 1279.000. 1725.000. 11,395.000 12,650,000· from 1325,000 ,......, l307.S001 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL. ESTATE S.. ~.i. p,.,.,.,.,~ ~nl 2431> W Cow~ JI~ M.tv. Aw Ntwpu.1 8HC h &lie» Island Ul-1400 '7Mtll RES10£Nr1Al REAL ESTATE SERVICES 111111 YIEW llllU 1225,llt Fee Monaco in great private location. Assume the 1st T.O. and owner will carry the balance with 10% down. You can't beat the price and terms! IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 SIPUI LICITill On Quiet Cul-de-Sac in Old Corona del Mar . Just Two Short Blocks From Beach. Comfortable Home On An R-2 Lot Offers Relaxed Atmosphere, Typj- cal 01 This Desirable Community. Rea-• listically Priced At $290.000. Binnie Di· xon's Listing. ·--•··•····· . 759-9100 uc ... ,.. ........ M"'POrlC..ter ,,. 11> .. , and thal·s not all ' Beaut1rull\ ma int a med Wllh lllarl)' amen1lil'S that make this home a I terrific bu) Enter lhru the enclosed l'OUrt} a rd and see all l hal lh1s home has to offer Onl~ S1 6!1.000 Cu I I now 979-S370 t ~' ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ ... ,.. . .. •» ,,. ALLSTATE SlllC & RNll LINGUISTIC TERMS REAL TORS C S A P 0 H A A J T Y M l I E K H T M - •k E u~!~~~-~l 2 . Ololo Brdm 2 Ba earh unit-on • ~ the sand. wrll lake sml -down or trade and r arry ""' the entire balance S750,000.besl deal on the ;:= water. ;:: JACOIS RUL TY ~:: ·--~•~7H61.0_ "" tlil .,.. 'IT~ Wlll t1n .,, ... Ylk flll ,,.,, .,. 'tf4' tal ., .. fl• "" '1• mo ~ YI» mi .... --"" - Garden Grove. Puller around this 3 Bdrm beauty with its own woritshop. Huge lot. J ust lZI 000 •HOMES• *-..ntaAMS• .. erana new liOris. 2. a. • : bdrms from W ,000 to .,, e .ooo. = l>dowl\, Oescrow feea. = ~~g2f!JJ ii , __ v .... et=-=•:11&..,en""it"', 24"'-'-'h""r'-=s.._. _ S Lr,,~m~c1o =: wllh 2 ur 1•r•&e fl : J\reolace. Gr"t lttm1. ., run price $\29,500. = GJ.7170 -... I lnl'l I 1( :'.\I :: I '.; I \ S I J C C l R G H E S G 0 P G R R E C E H A U Y M E V E M H l C A A A 0 P P l E H G 0 C 0 M S 0 A S C H M l Y C A I Y U A C I A I G Y l C R I L U Y 0 L H N M A D H G R G E S U 0 0 A C L 0 T G R I 0 T 0 A 0 E A H I Q C C A M Y A U S l I l J l Y C l'-' U E I I N U R 8 I R C 0 R 0 S 0 E M I l 8 T T R 0 I H S S E A L R G T W A H l I C I E J G 0 T N N T T N E Y l 0 E R l K R V l H T 1 0 H T A N B I T N C 0 T I C E Y 0 W C S T S I S 6 D A S H A T A S 0 C , __ ~...,.E._..O M N 0 I V 0 E T 0 1 M G A 0 N N E 0 S E T A M H 0 E 6 E ----- Orlngl COllt DAILY PILOT/Wldneeday, Aprll 7, 1882 . ., • ...~~..... MwetfletWt ..._..,_,. ..._._Wt HwttfletWt .,...,..... Olllr...,..... ..._..,.,........ "-"U.fw 'tr• . M.iwU..flawilllN 1~i ~·····:;··············· ................................................ ,.J .......................................................................... , •••• :::; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,;;:;;;; ............... . ,..,.................... ••• 1001 C:..MitM 1014 IHdi 1041 MlsSMJt•• 106f Cllir'C.ltt ,._, ~...._.-~z•• lk:Jlad'e9 Ml ,.,..... U6' ·~'" ....................... ....................... ....................... ...................... "~ 1600 ....... 1700 ~';=:: ....... !.:. 'Hliiiiw JJ4.Z ..................... .. ~pm!••••• .. •••••••• Sl,toOTehllhn AL.I llACANYON ..... ••••••••u••••••• ...................... Lovely bouu wltb •• , ................. , •• 41>r+r1m rmSpy~lflH N laA .._. ....,Ca.....o.t ,_.A.L.1111. MCCl'iln1Wiib0me 2 br IVELOP£1Sll fl DOWM 01 ~ooraml c view ll11ttrMevtl waterfront hUfbome w/UWJ m cto. _,. Brinilne·w-efenfann1l 2 BR l acrt + bldfi[{e, 1ent· 2bl, beaut. rMfed. ' •• n itbed to rfection oondow(JO' tide lie l•l· ft'nred yd 117$0 /mo TERMS! Remodeled ttadlUonal 3 2~ bl, frplc, Ur gar. ly alopln& Plrt'tl short ~ti• aq ft tommerdal . tbc f\Wy l:uaewife. ed. poo ' tennis. LOn~ MI k I! c r 0 w • a at . den, 3 bath, reduced to $39~000 Both Bdrll'\I art muter dlatanc. from tenni. 4 '°' In 9rlme Fountain TIADE 3br 2ba. dbl 1•r. 11 leue ponlble. Pb ~3176. -- • · aultn w/vau.lted cl11 beach. Ownr hu In· Valley locatioo. City •P· p 1 c: Ut r • ·;• q u e paUo. bis_yrd. Pets oo W-Zl.0'1.8f!·3336· Custom homr. 2bdrm. -better rall F~T. 1'olai cwrec1 rl~na ~ Cuttom HllWY .. w ... __ 1 ~edpla.rw for 19,100 FAU..BROOK RANCH, val. Ordnr& water Im. 324 3b¥. den, w/1)001. 511 fymta Sll74/mo . Call ~cJ· \ 5, , Spec· Bott oncecf&O ~ eq ft offlre blda. Total 15 acree. Lovely home .. •••••••••••• .. ••••••• lrvlnt Ave. $U50tn10 . Prt. Wett Bey bey.front Sllpt tor 2 boltt. 2·5 831 ·3405 ; eves Ml~t~3~!ALTY lanl owe. "b'o~~!~ packaae priced at with ~ 1t + lennl1 lJ.iUque s er. 2 Ba. frplt ~.new 3br. 3 ba, ~tioo1 11v111l. Wkdy r~led 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. 751·329! , · '94-0'731 John Shea, Broker '750,000. court, POOi. ridln1 tralla. d/w. hook-ups, enrlsi{ patlo, 1ar. Parle. pool. ·9713; wknd11111vu: , • •CLOS!! TO BEACH --~ MUI llALTT Trade lor amaUer home ara e, fncd yard. $600. J!.c. W1_1rpo. 833-9057 ~=-· ---~ .. &fatty views. Marine room, .. bdrm, Aasumo $70K VA In 11 FANTASTIC HOME HMll4 . ~~63.Cow~~:~3: Ranchcl San Joaquin con· HARBOR RIDGE ~ , 811'.%. 3Br. flPi 11141000, 180-deg otean vlewa ~ CHOICE exec 3br pool do, 28 G! b a . den . Si>tt. vu . pvt cumm .. 3 -. u.th, 3 00 aq.ft $1,385,000. Princonlx SC3·10~ Bu. 3000+ and custom ... C.-d1Mlw/Tow•· ·ext 206, 83l·l400 home ueena kltcll. '650 18'75/mo. ~·7107. BR 3 BA. lrg Mstr ~uitc, " L.91111.1 ... Prlme Lido Nord bayfront. ~ bdrm. 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R .. aundeck, 2 boat allJ>t $1, soo.ooo. ________ ,Gourmet kitchen • ...... ........ 1700 orMf.9513. .ft LS 750.3314 Crplc, wt11 bar, ll vu massive living rm, llG.IO ................................. lW.-.nlhrar4& decks , s1~00 1 mo JOYl· ll'l•'Y•LN formal dining, cozy 1 ,~ROD~ llaC:-0. bclt•9f 2100 Sl'OP! r.rchueoption ToWriliome-. ' boFm, 2 9099 675-Clfill_ ...._ rar4& fireplacea, pool, apa. L& !~\u~perb vfe!~ a;_.J1~~ 6 bcfrd'i ~fi~-la l t le• ....................... w / l h .. nu' R3RbYr" S 4 9 s ba, 2 atory, fireplace w cUffZBr l6SO New-~a-p·e -Cod 2 rec:area.$589,000. model. Price $650,000. RV Patk on river near •New cph, drps. near F.attblulf38 · SlSOO bedroom in private com· U.,.. Vlllep I.I trade for anyth~ ! 125C>,000do. OWC bal for ocean, ~on, '3751< QC-RENTALS 750·3314 pools and achool8· S895 BayfrtSBrd~k S32SO munit)'. with P,OOI a!'d 4tz. I 7' l Prindp:l: onty. 91!6· 7 Syrs. CalUlr. Fuentes egtib. ~1. "CUTE" eutside 2br w I per mo. 964·5927 Waterlroot lfome6. Inc jacum. Wallonf dis· CUSTOM 3000 SQ FT Evet714..w7·32.86 OCEANFRONT La una -.wlcs_ sboI>gar, pels $425 Greentree deta ched 631·1400 __ _ lance to every bing. + aa OC RENTALS 750.3314 ho 28 r t co $137.950-10%dn.Models k!>me with white water ABSOLUTE Dllllnet/ j Brb, 4 units, f.400.000 ~ •. r, rpc, un-Sharp 3BR & Oen, yard. ~~ ~~~~J:2~00o~· =~ dally 11 am till 5 C::1~~:~f:isci · .. ~.~ ...... !~.~~ "~at tax write· s er.1t~ ~!nhouse ~~:fc~.h~fa~a::~i~~~ V/s~ ~ei.n N~5r0 At~~ ~EISHALTY B.Pll.-3BR 3b11 ._formal STEAL!! NEWPORTBCH CdM bybabblingbrook,trplc, ~l)ls/sbooo. ing&tennis. 642-7745 675-2111 ~.1g r_m. family rm. latakernyreput1tionon TOUCHOOSR Spectacular view of d/w, pool, many xtras. @$nm ~l 2776 4 bdrm, 3 ba, Canal LmAllUUIFlllT -------.....,ooo theFACTtb1tthleisthe s Balboa Island & Nopets.$850/mo.lease front . deck . Npt wgoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. play-FOt,~t3~rY•E LGIJINVW.R.E ~~h~~c1~fJwe<'u~ nMl'.4M.'i0~1ts in ~~u~.~lthr'~~'.!'!~ ~ m Avail ··~ lbr. l~~·LS $650 ~io5m1~1~t~knn~~~~ 3BR 2ba. Lender will LRG 4 BDR, PROF. btart of the Point. F1exi· remdl, lge home. '(rade 2br. 1,.., b;i S6SO 237 Canal 675 7450 room. dark nn, den, Boat slip. $1,350,000! ~Rir! B E I,. 0 W 2 ~~.Lt=~lly f~~J~fi· ~l.C:n'i; $1111.=. a.s 2 or single. r:::~:Jg~·P:i":t~ NEW CONDQS ~~~: i·~t $875 Nlewport Hgtds 2 Br + den. ~ Pf-1-.1ir...t..&-landscaped condo. $376.500. A trade con· 640-4947 Betliilirsttolivemnew 2ba. $1400-SlSOOFurn r.g yar . garage 1 UY* llYI -,-,...9 ""' Breautifu!OceanVlew!-sidered. Call PATRICK NEWER,3Bdrm2baths condominiums. land 2 3br.2ba. SlSOOFum 75/JD0.640-7814 { 673.1900 Priceless location. Ex· TENORE Directly each. Ctose lo beaches. -...&hlh bedroom.fireplace,dou-4br.2ba. SlJSO ILUFFS ?~ ~~~;e;r,~~~.ba up; 2 ~Si}~C~l1g~c (~~U~~~H~~~:ct! 01.1266 or 160-8102 :;;~·=~ 1 th .. :'!~.~ ........ ~!~.~ ~~=:t~'r~.s~~~g~~~~~ 4~-ti~~·Rlty~~ ~ci~fi:~r1M~n+y f~~ ; -isl. 13'k · 10 yrs. 3 Br, $1 area tor 2 cute' 2 Bdr~ Want to buy house with prlv~~:~ to $6~ 2 BR twnhse on green grades. Sl27S Mo. I yr I. 1111 ...... " ..... VII!.. 2ba, dbl gar, frplc, new * * 600 OWN units. Country kitchen, pool. 1872 Monrovia bell, Univ. Park, ea rage lease , .. ,_ lllWW cpts/~nt. Ron Say, dining room. double 760·0962 CO$taMesa opener. fpk, $800 mo Agt,SJl;.~7.847 60!.Q_ New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, :g~1 5370. eves call $800 fl)NJH! garage. 1289.SOO. ....... (714) 631·5909 Agt. 752-5668 S. .- 11,uest houae, pool. Near lake. $795,000. ________ 1 Lovely 2 Br 2 Ba mobile ~Ci.:::~~E BAY FRONT, pier and ••"••••••••••••••••••• So Irvine new 2 Br 2 ba. Copiitrao 3271 l l)OJ\ ANAMCIMG home in. adult onl(i Fee C3nallron1 ~ BR. slip on Balboa Island. 2 Homei"9nN.a..d lmmaculate3bdrm.2 ba ~~ki1r~tJ.r'~spa $850 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... llYI This b~& 2 story home 1rlguna Hills park. Fu 1 lO 'H down. Terms . Bdrm each. Excellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• borne., fireplace. dis ·---..= 2 bdrm. I ba twnhse 1CoronadolalandCW1t.bayfrontlot.85'boat justmadetortheactive ~ce $38.000. Ask for $299 ,000. Mr. Clark. financlng.$'750,000. lllaocllllcmd Jl06 hwuher, RV parking. Lag.11.odt 3241 ~asher. dryer. pool. "mk Plans ail $425 000 loo family who needs lots of ... 00-3370att s 642-5200 ....................... $700 3090 Murray. Near ....................... gar. $475. 497·6009 I · av · ' w ""'· :::OJ:; .~. ~:.,':!:::!';"' (~i}lll>o<lbrliit. -ltlloa! •,:;:-·&'J':•::, s~: ~~'!Il~' 5 0 ''"' '!!\-.':'or'~\:', "J);,'1'J"'.' ~.~ ..... ~~~~ ing room with massive Reall1 ( BY OWNER: S'ecluded A&t.fn5.COOO Small 1 Br. gar. huge Refng. w/d, $975 imo , BEA.CH COTTAGE. !Br. used brick firepla ce. 551 3000 ·' lovely Street. Back Bay yard. 1425/mo. Drive by 494-5688, 7~ frplc. courtyard. May 1 Walk to schools. shop· · I Area. Majestic home . ~ •oclt 3169 m w w·is 673 ""~" """ d · ttnoc •99 2986 ping, city park ~ten .ttttBarrnu Pkwy.lrvl'"} ~ yet cozy and convenient :;.;::-.:.............. · 1 on. ..,.,..,.,. """ eg. panoramic view. ......., ... · BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ' '. '· y' I• [Jr " ".. f•. t, 1 ) tJ \ 61 ";. •·k· gs1•8 C II asacot•·-Com1pletel v ·11 Ba H *""" Sunny 3 Bdrm. 21,,ba 2.BR, exclusive nbrhd, ~...a•---L 3288 ' ~·1"°151m "' . a XW~m·. c~tomi7ed~· 4 Bdrm.~ ertal es c .... ""&..} E'side with yard. dbl btgyd$7S0.497·S96S ___....••••••·-··=•••••••••• ~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~ ~ S 1. LidoPrkmoblle .... $700 •-Htlls 3250 c; :i~ctac r .a maJ Baincl'g<MuterSuite) --.Pr m 200 View2Br condo ... $1200 far. ~vail May l --,--Parttr rum. I Br frplc. ~========~~~~~~~ White wa r view. 10'~· ·Sep. Maid's Quarters.opery ViUaBalboa2Br .. $1200 800/with gardener ........................ refr1ge inclds ul1I~ -~_, ,,. HERITAGE . dn. Easy monthly pay· Lovely liv room looking ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• N'llt Crest 3Br •t•"" 63H004 HOME FOR RENT ~=;mo' 840 8""" ~nts on lst and 2nd. out to gorgeous 4 pl ex Cos l 11 Mes a Waterfront Ho·nie·s~J~ E/Slde Ii b & 3 Bdrm. S675 Fenced ~ · · """' . • REALTORS \\ i :-.I. I Y \ rrAYLOR CO. 1\1-\I TOI~:--. "' :.1, I !Hf> ...... ~ olf course vlewl Beaut. landscaped. Park-llke setting. Lovely pool, spa & ga-~ebo. Gated courtyard with fountain. !Marble foyer w/glltterlng chandelier. 4 'bdrms, den, formal din rm. 41h ~~50,000 Including land. Large corner L.. t111S. ......... c:-BID. u. "4-4111 , I Wes: Owtt loat SHD ~!~ ..... !~.~~ =t Bdrm 2~ Ba conllo, yate jlrea with bay , walk to beach. 1285.000 BEACH HOUSE This is a real charmer. Best buy on Island. 2Br +bachelor. $295,000. Century 21 Lockhart Call 962-8847 owe 3rd. No pay 2 I landscaped backyard. $l88,000. Long term fin. 631-1400 . ~ l cozy 2 br yard & 1arage Kids & CCllld11ai11iins Years. 4 bdrm. l + "• + Waterfall., G11xebo. brick S20.000 dn. S2SO per mo duplex. l a. gar .. newly pets 11o•elcome . 545·2000 • •LL-•-L-d 3425 ir:-..11o.c t Clo neg. Principals only. redec. No pets. $550. A f · --_,. OG1 H "'~ ba . $499 .900 . patio. Obie frpc, film Jolin646-7660A U--•L..L-i.L-d 642-6260;63l-3678 gent.no ee. ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Conveniently located OwnerlAgt. 544·2170 or rm. formal dining rm .--~-1 __ .n.-....1 3252 Near new adult condo nr across from South Coast 855--0517 $395.000. Xlnl finane1ng REDUCED SS0.000, by ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. l ba, gar, wshr W ID --r--<-r-SC Plaza Se~ gates. ViJlage, this 3 bedroom av a i I. Op EN ALL owner. 11 unit beach "----' 3202 ~ no pets $485 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ol 11 ( · di condo . d I r h ·--UHL.. I 050 -.Placentia ••.s-7983° Coastlin. e vu. Monareh poact' 15mBra dtnl.rni~en ··1r> .15 1 ea or le ~nnn WEEK 1·5 i521 ANITA motel in Carlsbad.••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.. Summit condo. dbl gar .. tr . Se 1.d d . • .. busy Ufes~le Popular ....................... L N ( l b I k fr 0 m S68.000 gross. $295.000. A 3Br hu. tip-t.op shape. nr 3 b d r m . 2 b a . 3 br. 2 be, frpk. No pets. pauo cu e en un!l. plan incl es a ramily S7 5 o O 0 0 W N ! N 0 Highland>. 645·0532 _fileal (714) 729-0104 sch ls & park. Agt. water/gardener incl {150/rro. 493.2256 77~ pe 2580 ts. S510 ~ S35 ut1I room and master QUALIFYING -'-7=S2'-'-87""3'""1 ______ 1795 Nooets 644 2778 ,, bedroom: fireplace . 2Brpatiohome $107.500~ FORECLOSURE Tll-PLEX ,._..._,Mw 3222 1'::r'B ·lb f ·11 · ·• · 1 Ntwpofil.oclt 3269 2br 2sty pool-;c-ar;; Patio and community Teny \Bkrl '9'7·3034 S 149 OOO _._...., r · a. u sec. poo . ••••-••••••••••••••••• N · 14· E 1 T · pool fof relaxing and Oceanfront duplex. 20': do l2 ;r, ••••••••••••••••••••••• spra . $465 includes QC-RENTALS $~~~/~co Ra~dov refreshing ! Assumable ....,......,_. 1052 S450 .000 with good ~ wn. :v, loan. Nice 2Br 2ba. spa. so of ga7 .. -0Z22/wtr. Agent. no ree 1.5br's$200toS2000 Starma n , 170.52 4·, loan with 9.2S'k-interest. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ter~. 00 .second. Crps. drps. PCH S750. 323 Larkspur. 95' • $139.~. Phone979·2390 Ne or low di h111't ~lodal·m rlo. patio. bbq. See CdM .. 536·1453 -------75()..3314 open 7-days Pacesetter Rltv or col TARBELL ~~llpelusnt bonlerufris.spo. 0 41 ~a I.E. 1Y ~4 ~::ri:: ~i.~:~~ lect \213lZ15·7sj-? _____ ""'""' 6.Thl900 8lOS.Lyon,SantaAna ColtaMHo 3224 641-7160. evs/wkndsl IAYFRONT ..,..._llhhntidled ......... •• ocll 1040 and jac. By owner this i--------llDUCID SI0,000 ........... ••••••[••••• 963-06?9 -2 story, 4 + tidrms, 2 ..................... .. ....................... week.onJy .495-0718 OWt&.ANllOUS 2 br. enrl. gar . crpt~ b•ths. ~ir.ep.lat·e , S.O.llland l7«)6 "'* Fontt I 055 VEISAIUES East aide, cute 2bdrm ~ drps. stove. No pets. gorl{,e<>us Ylf"' . .Pier a!!d ••••••••••••••••••••••• WALITO SUIF ••••••••••••••••••••••• lmUT holR + 2 uni1.&. Bring S52S 773 w Wilson. 1Up.~~~ mo. Avail. Bay view 2 br. 1 ba. no 4 Bdrm Deane home 1 BR t.otally-(urnished offera. Only $139.500. 6Jl-4889 Feb: 1. pets, $6001mo. yrly. 223 with spa and gazebo. ,security complex . Pool Bltr:645-6266. .= c ~yfront. 67~·4326 __ Cul-de-sac l.ocation PAIK PLACE guy . iacuuii walk to ~R nr S.C Plxa Adult 1 Br. F'ranklin frplc. util. $160000 ESTA.TIS beach. Af orda ble condos. Quiet. $S6S/mo. · 1 1 d 1 · · B Iii fl financing. Owner will Gas incl 556-1626 inc · m me a \ a 1 · 675-177 I 42 7r; ~Fa . sacrifice atS116.000. 8 u11o.11ys~ ,...... Brighten someone's day ~I Im. 675.4525 1 •ra· t. " \Ir" with a Classified New 2 br. 2 bl condo. BETl'MODETLHAN Fee land. 0 ner will I E~,..!! micro. pool, jat•. $800 lolboo Ptninwlo 3707 carry. Contact John 1 ...., rro No pels Nonsmkrs 3br 2b l d f ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~EVERYTHING Shea. Broker95S·34~ or on Y --00 · 3371 · · · a. poo · '"rm m 3bdrm. steps to sand. Oul.d4·sacstr•et. yourEastermessage l)y979-6/ev751·8184 rm 1100 Clay. NB. 1 "' " ·11 · h ID>c A 5032 SIK)() ·mo · yearly Ca I Sun&SaillIClub WI appearwit fflSTSIDE -.../rm. gt.5'1l· -0 r 20 · t N t the bunnr. above B . ah h BLUFFS BR 2 b J!U]La_l.!f..!PJ!J mm . o ewpor intheOai~Pilot I n.... rseparate se. 3 1t a. Center s••y Ea d refr:ig. lndry hook ups. rplc. upgraded. nat10. CodoMHo 3724 S2lo.ooo WI.th $160.000 _.. on st er n ay · " lk t $89• I • t TAXSHB.TEI Call642·56'78and pa.,o. garage. w o ., mo or se op ••••••••••••••••••••••• OOOVAl2%Ln atl2''2fixedrate&f,ully ~l""""ESTO~I·'· ch~re it.Maslercard shopping. newly de-760-8384675·5930 CASADEORO 2400 sq n 4 b<lrm amortized. 1 ............. 1 _ _. LA....A-"" corated. S495 mo . incl --------ALL ES D CHAIMIN'9~PLX d Nopointsorqualifying. "'_.. .. 5annT San emente pri e of Visawelcome. I gr~r.642.9620 &>autiful3br.3ba home UTILITI PAI -------•( Bre-aufiluJ streel 1n CifM. RE epsa~. · aJ 771}.0347 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ownership. Modern overloo~ln8 lge green· Own • ·1 /b · · ro ession s 0 MoMltHo.i Spanish style rour unit , Outside tr art home belt.SIOOO/mo. Compare before you ceiU:~ss aun':ii fi~epl~~~ 96l-ll77 wner/Agent ForS. 1 IOO apartment house with QC-RENTALS insideapalace.Cstmde-644-6848afl.4:30p.!!!._ r~nt. Custom desig_n 1a 1 Bdr t "th M.tW """'nft·hills•·gotf ~ourse l·5br'sS200toS2000 corated 3 Bdr. hu~e features Pool. BBQ . .... e m ap w1 °" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... , "' • 7cn3314 7 d In VL...... Pool H fll'epla~ +a bachel~r. Hsbow 1042 Lake Forest 3BR. Den. Newport Beach De Anza view. dose lo ever-...,. open . ays bonus rm w/stone frp c. r ie3Blb d ,. cov'rd /arage. sur- Good Inco me Patio 2BA Terms by owner bayfronl Park. Mi'nt "'h1"~onlri three years IEA.o..oEOF ~ar.dener ind. See to ~ r a+ en pa. rounde 11o 11h plush • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • TWWJ "" Ii Big enclosed yard noht I .•• " •---ooo .a.An 0 Id • "'i on Back Bay Country 1 Br furn from S490 around pool. Assumable i.r••"""DHOME 770·9549 cond. '78 dbl wide. old.s ws Ike new.new ft.&LUCKYflW eve.556·0347 _ " anw.caping ·•O(>('tS. ..,..,.$315~ wltltloCltP.~ll MluiollVlefo 1067 tire~ce, brick i>alio. O::bJ~m t~cocb'ft~ Rent tn Costa esa's F...t•Valt.y 1214 selting. 11050/mo in· 28r.fum from~ -··CIOUSDUrLit" ATTN ·. BUILLERS 5Bdrms+ma1dsqrtrs. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 161 .. Also2br .. 2ba .. ·it&,..,.. .. t i NEWEST gated 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rludesgardenlng&pool _36S __ W_'_Wllson. 642_·197_1 _,.. SA tt bull double wide. comer lot t Y ."'ean yiew apar · Townhome VILLAC E HOME.S FOR RENT serv 752-2197 • Tab onr ulatl•g ::;e~~pl!~· :~ ~~nhgj~ ~far4. ~~!t_ofrrp1c!: Dklnl1 S-'· ~~;,010601. Bill Grundy !:1:n~t ~~=P~~1~:~1~.h~~~ SOMMUNIT_ Y. 2 & 3 Br 3 & 4 Bdrms. $725-$750. Bal~a Bay Club 2 Bd, NSeice lb Br dpllx Quiletd . ... lom.Owmerwll family.Call for info re· great flnan . avail. l.Hlllc0r -u .. ,..., . apartments for inrome . 2,,Ba.l600l800sq.ft.or Fen red yards & bay vu , $1650 mo . ad~t Y i?ak Nempi c.,., bola•ct wltlt &arding fman . S230,000 $600.000. 714 /840 -8754 ter5u~in ,J\d:J· ~~ L#~~ 5e.ller will help finance ~ure luxury·. Garages, garages. Kids & pets Patrtck agt 631·1266 ~ ~·!~21 ° pe 5 ..S.IOOdwa.l... Birr and save buyer y~ro-tu~_1n master welcome . 545 ·2000. .' ~----=--· __ . -• 6•4-7211 · 1044 Beach. Must sell by •EXCITING• thousands of dollars!!! suite. d1!'1n~ rooms. Agent,nofee. Exc~ionally nice lBr. S350 rro Dix mobile hm ,..., ,.. Helt mNt. ,.._4-.10.•82•.•Tl•(}..•97•90---• Selling price of S32S 000 wood burning fireplaces. tW~ •-h 3240 lg llvtf\g rm. frplc .. d'w. Mature adults. no pets OfftrtdCltSJtl 500 •••••••••••••••••••••••'• &tat,SCllM i bet · t micro.wave ovens. -,.•-ac 2 pat.ios. laund Cacti. 12 Quiet secure 1991 ' A SMART With or without furn. 5 jay ow curr~~ 1 private patios & yarclJ. ••••• .. •• .. •••••••••••• blk (rom. beat•h, tennis, Newport 81\'d 64S·8373 il--...._ ' ttawport•och 106' 24x64 Greenbrier Home repiacement tost.,;; Gardener provided. QC-RENTALS etc. $625/vrly. util pd.I · ~! ...O:L':;""' START ••••••••••••••••••••••• in Laguna Hills nicest 5 ~~C~P:~ rO~\ 14· i El.egant living only _ 15 1-Sbr's S200to S2000 Avail Apr 4th. 645·1771 or LaglllO S.och 3741 ~SAT{!UH 11·6 star park. Young adlts 642-0l38 e minutes rr:om Faah1on 750-3314 oeen7·days 960-5844__ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '~ "~c:'..':''· ' Low~ri,~c'mUrm. 2 ~n!l:Sur i:,~~ ~~~ S:;1:Zea:~~eti;:se welcome . ~~· ~rm~~~i%~-r~: 5:.~F~:i~a~~tlg~tn~ Bj~~~r2 ~~; :aar. ~~2, s~t~,~i'~e.s~~o~: f75·5511 !>:~ ~~1~~ C1:!·u!·; ~i~e~~~ia~~~~~ Oceanside/Balboa Blvd Bea=t'xi~west $20,000 DN Just east of New{>ort Sll50Mo. Plush crpts. 2'1 w/opener Avail 4·1 llhk.499-2227 • t.e. sas.ooo. Up-top 121>;3 loan. $192.000. 1 ba. Piao 3 in Orange 19~~~:rvi4&~~~~· ~~~~~ ~toJ:.is is ~oceanfront duplex =."S:rt?~:~~ ~~g: tc~adb' g~!5:· ~~n,;ll mo.67S-10Sl. Ntowporf S.ocla 37'9 nr schls & park . ...::Cal=l..:=Keo=.:..fn:..::5-=-6'1.:..:00:.=-. ---i Tr-ee Condos. Outstand· Ample parking In rear Cl •.rir:•c ewport. Break even month. 631 ·5439, 2473 garage. fully ma int. Newport Hgts Cape Cod ••••••••••••••••••••••• .....,.-...:;'152=..o:·873=1 ____ 1 DUPLEX-BYOWNER i ng recreational -;Jilt potential. Will trade for Orange Ave .. Costa yard.Nopels.lnquireat 2-sty.5Bdrm.den.game Best cash down taku! facilities. Adult only Hl'TllACH CONDO MOllLIHOME 31\Ything! 966-9087 Mesa. 527 lBth. St. 960-6331. ~· 3000+ sq ft. newl~ t OWC Reduced to S275K. community. $86,SOO. llf 000 SALIS --------Eastside 3 Br 2 Ba HOMES FOR RENT painted. lrg iard. R , ~000 ON 6'19-9667or675·3063 Located -w(tbin 8 lux-Z7~Harb0r:-Ste206-A $700/mo .. lst last&sec: . aecess.petsO" W~lkto ~~ _.._._ u ous guar e com·---------! ov on ... pTex near aftS · · ence yar s & agt631·1266 • -....~ bath, anuma-,........_ ......__ I 024 ri d d 540..5fJ7 C lnl.IV~ ~GE deposit Cail. 548-4388 3F& 4 Bddrms. S67d5·S725. schools. Vacant. Diana. blUoana al 11.93. OWC. •n•••••••••••••••••••• munily. Call anytime. So . o as l PI a z a . · garages. Kuts & pets .:.oa:.=~=-----1 MullanRealtyS40-2960 Dble wide 2 br, H<a ba. 10%downorless. Notes Nice clean 2 Br. t Ba. welcome . 545 -2000. PeninsulaPt.unobsuuct· lliiiiiill••••• --..:..:As:::.:k~r""or::...;Lo=n"-· --1 $172 space rent. Adull$, and trades OK. Asking enclsd garage. yard. A.Kent, no fee. ed Harbor view Pine I OPfN HOUSE REALTY / l ........ IDl'"n small -t.s. 'tulet H.B. 1295,000. oew paint & carpet. No .,._ __ .,._,, 4 br 2' b trtts. 4 Bdr. 3 Ba. sauna. ,...... A ,... DennisRicketts& ~s. SS25+securllt. """""ram·~. bonu's ,rma .. Jae .. 3 car garage PQ5c•ss10""" corner lot. 7,500 or A wtelec. opener. rom· 103 cfow~ pay~ents besl.Owner,847·29~. saoc. 541.~ange, house · ~er incl. S975 . mercial kitchen . 2 SlSOOJmo. 1l ls possible AcrMftfor S. 1200 (rplcs. patio. lrJ' Mstr lo own lovely 5bdrm, 2 ....................... H.I. na.rLD EASTSIDI 2 Bdrm. Huntington Bay Bdr. bar. storage. w ID. story, N.B. Back Bay RYOWNER-lOAcresNo. Hi1hli.upgraaed tri· 2Br.nousewtlh den, Condo,wuher/dryerin-refrlg. some furn ~ studios one al"d two bedroom apart· ments. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. TURTLEROCIC area. S2SO,OOO. 850·1991. San Diego County, plell near Beach and garaJel w/d hoolc-upa. cld. water pd. 1 child ok . Slim/mo. 760-8650 t B.IGAMT --lliliiiliililiiill--1 4 Bdrm, 2 ba on cuf.de· Eves call: 631-7216. Olive:nbain. Lake view Adamt. 3 Br owner's un· :'19 Un verslty Dr. See no pets. Fenced patio & 3br. 2ba. open beam ('eil· meJ1uuia income . sac. Popular Plan 2. . · pond, oaks, septic In. it + two 2 bdrms . manager at S. 548...., cafl>Ort. ~-Agent no ing. used bri ck frplr. so· OakwOOd also oft&rs • All Utilillel Ptld Hwy. French OUTSTAMDIMGIUY! owe at 12%. Try ' 1295,000. (114 ) 729-0104. sm.looo. Evea. fee.5'5-~. from ocri . w. N11o·pt • vaulted ceiting:t; -SaCrilice -By0Wt'ler graduated payments. ForCla11lfied Ad 43§-026$ .. · : K,EJ?rorMSlooals 2 BR 1 Ba duplex. new l lk condo. patio. 1850/q)(). Ca 11 John : • 1""'*9111• ~ ' S 1 Miiiion In ttyard. Excellent Guar. 80% 30 yr loan S20lt:> ACTION Ca rcW paint " cpta, gar. ftO CartJOrt. Frig .. pool. ten· ~·m. :In& 1495.000. ~~J· b!t ~a~ ~~e:P· a~ ~!~~etu & J Dail~lot rr.,.rty 1600 kJ:.;-',I, ~-~ + dep. 1948 nil. clubhouse. no Ptb. UDO 621 CONDO 'Reeteet~ lJ OJf 11Cl1'tfl AD-VISOR ....................... 2100 eyer.S0-341-4 Je±dep.768-7633 OliccOodowithl>acl!bay immac. 142K. 979-1138 111..0424 de M ci-... L-·· d DUPLE and Realtors ~ SC-5'78 Corona I ar 2 story .......... ••••••••••••• _.ate """"e, eastsi e X · 119 Hunt-Canner)" view. 2100 And Much More• ' Otf.Y SI0,000 Mrwortlteclt 106' commercial. Priced 2 Br. 1 Ba. crpta, drps. l.naton Ave. ocean vlt'w, 1q_ f t. 2 Bt + den MOWYOUI~ .... ,................. beklwmktforquicksale llUU. stove1 wuhertdryerhk-vojleybJll crt. tBr ll@!Ll!!>onlse638-9573 c:...rv,..._ al uso,ooo . Owner 4 Yr-or[LIASll> 1 19>. rncd yard, encl1d S$1JO/mo._2Br S600mo: or "YEARLY" be~ unit For 1 month 01 1 hit· ~me Models ooen 1;1.tv 9wnto~ No_pe If Ycii-jelm -rorltone C.O.ta esa tptcla . 4 ftnanci~at iow~ 3 yrs r o l>wldfna n gar. No pet a. no rent entire duplex for wt all 11..!J....a. ood 1 mrm z.stY. dbl Jlr'age, w/$130 dn. No neg_ =•rerloratlonon wate_rbedl. 15?0/mo + SHOO/mo .. Call Bob utihd .. patio 1300 •u_..,.._,, 'ff t•ne · ou crpl. paint, vacant. cub low. Own/Agl . rom ln-SO. Santa secur ity hposlt. lh)'er 586·3500 ofc or OC-RENTALS ·7so.3314 Oekwood ft'=1;!rit~1~~ PricedtosellatlllQ,000. g MACNAB Gl-1<14 ~tiltApprox lS,300 '\ 54W442or"'70-5629. •t.7'2ahome. Glfden~mentl '--!Ulla home. a Bdrm 2 Ownr/alt, Diana CIP· .-.. ~ 1n" _._,11P~tr'Cl.li30k>n,OOO 3 BR, twhme~ 2~ ba1 2 late/opt 4 Br 3ba pool SURFS UP! 2br ""' brh 811111"1"1' I ii I.Ill n••~ JUIA \."UllU.. ...i.., bew Id h 11200 r~iod,.kida.NOWS62S N ... BaodtlNo. 'l a + am y room. w /c reative owner '""' · · orma ln, o me . I mo . OC·llr;NT•LS ___ 1.so .. 3l_H 880 ltv•rtt Owner wut be helpful AEAlJY flriancins. b\!MbaCkYd. 841-1725 144-'70Z0Lin&o R.E. -~ - -111161111 R&IMt\X wtdl ftnandac. Offered ·-· ... --,71 .-167 ... .,._ · 38drm, 28a, quality Beaut. 4 Br Landmark. WOWTUST I {1M)M&-1tcM . ' ~·. .l':J.'4~~ Br ._on lar .. kit. !lay lftlllt, Prtntt fOnttr tofttioa wll• ftUure (!lml9rtlaf DOUIUal. owur •II n1ht flO !NtN •MBA D& MAI* llllOODOWM Sea11Ilo1.-11 -J6r home wftb sio..ooo in low In· w.t ftnandn1. Call to-day. 2r70 San Ml1uel Or.t~ewport Buch. a.~•m.ma. ,.111nm •••• • • .,., .. Hert II an ucetlent opportu- nity for the first tJrne t>uytr, lnveetor, or worttlng couple. Thi• 1 BR, con- dOmlntum home offers MCUl'lty, reo- reatlonal amenltlll & excelllnt loca· tlon. Offered 1t 189,500 with low , dOWn a GOOC1 financing. BiN Wtdfnc>I 551-8700 (G48) • " ....._ hom1 28'1 Brent ood. F/Or r 3 ~wpl 1:re.1lf"111nhse . CJllf ,..... vie sinta Ana " San~ uts', '8'{:1ri a ~a~ \at aer. 2\.ala, wet b11r, wlk Newport &MotVfO. MARaOR ltabel Sta. llOO mo. Va-M=L171,84M027evpJ, tobdl. t4ftnis. pool. apa. 1&,~.'!'tl~S\ Clnt. opa ..... ..,.. qr NEWC'""""' .. 3 bd 2 No'*'· Cl'lild~n Ok. ,...... ....... s; _..... v~~v"' rm. Avail APf\ 16. SISO mo. ""'-~ ba. 2 aty aun·dll, cle, '41).JIM A DMaklfto( Harltorl~q,. 1l1n~r drpa. •II --To Plact you; amellltlet • nr Lak~ Pk. 9*11 tBI hOmt w /orean • ·.. • -• "Piil lles\llt" * to bnrh. 1875 mo. View. 'Garqt.1 ~tt to 1 blk to ~an. nr !llpt Ga.rclen.u +SU uUI bcoh. "501.nb. 'Vl'b lat Pier. f.400 /mo, Aprl· Service Dtl'fftory credll leel'd. AvaU oow. ..111. No pets, Vfiyne. July 1. Sips ~. ~e 6 Id .... Call Now 11nAl1bl1111. -.W Al ... lf deaa. J:1r~ W•ltrt, 'OllflOITIMTY 64J.1611 ~-MlwJM~~i.. ••:CIMJll .. • .. -1moc111· ~-wliiea· JOU Miii 1111nn1-., a..•aqft *car 11r\ niome. S..AM -J1tl --~• DillJ It••••· •••II. 10• 111911.All.••I tollt1rll ... ,, .... _, ..... , .... ... Cllllllfted Adi to'-• • . ----...... , Ho1ptnl. "" ....... I ... =..~~a.at~ '1ft:'AJ ... ~~ ~.'YI?;:~ ..... __ . ---~l Orange Coeat OAILV PILOl lW9dnllday, Apttl 7, 1982 " .. .. -- • 4 . -.. -. -----· -. ~ ,1 ~ D ~ ............... ~.~!.~~~~ Dedtlllt 0.••1 Hlrdlm•cU•eon th11""""'9 ,..... ,.,-•-•ti .... ~ ............ u,• l 'I MtWICI I SOM . . ·.·••• •••••!••••·•~•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••.•••••••• Re atut<'Olltrim P•htled • 1, llW'\cteriSl t lMf THOMPSON S RlYf.R ROCK perftct T•EES llAROWOODFLOORS rrofl l'Oupl" wlAhea to f'lntp11nttn11byR1chard .. BRYANTS.. fmSandblaaUibnck II '1 you P Y Ad<t UonJ R "rriod bnl CONCRF.TF. CONSTR 11vtr pool dttks. pat1011, T. .. ,,-...1 d tie Buutltully cluncd houtelfll Newl)Ort aru. Sinor Lie. ins l3 Yl'I of W11l4'0vt'rin11 HM"1val .1J.ttn ~ 957 8 14)3:y·ad ~.wmd~w.,p~tto I.Ar •393383 ~~z ~~·~·ei·, dr1vtouy1, ~J.;.~~:;\e m 34~~ andwoed 11324AAI Ju.Jl'..rl'fa &«Wteva =~~lcuatomr.... All!Yl!H 6421143 In th <'O\'tn the ut Reu . l'emPnt MllSOnry 810<'k ......_ .__ T-\.t! · 63 flO ......,./1-...lr Tie e l "3 -·2 "''9" 711 W•11• C k l · h... al THI GRUN SCKMI •-... ---r-· •••••••••••••••••••••• • • t DAILY .At' ~ lW" ,,, .1 v ~-11.:11 wor .1r .. ,w laWi 11 ~5li '"'"" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.te.r-...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• TJLE INSTALLED rtLOT FINEllOME ttes ie<>mm ••••••••••••••••••••••• n r~s rubin•tull OUMPJOBS n .:ot.-:ttATEO ~yrs exp. ac·.--4-<1J94l Nutpllt<'het&luturn AllKindJGuaranttrd ' S."ICI lMPROVF.M ENTS ~ 547 2643 lHtYWALLIAt'OUSTI(' ~"!.~l~~~ri~l!:f1r1T~.: &Small Movlnjt Jobs ln rome ·ru Serv1re &>nd~. J~. Rell Color FrtuaL.. If J.tf Jt Refs John 11409Zl7 'f Additions & Rcmodehn11 Cllld CoN 14 yrs exµ l'\Jlly he'd & 6'6 1~711 Call M IKf.: 646 1391 631 4871 t•x.1>1·rt ~ 0911 Dirk P~TER PA TC' 111 NG c~tom Cer11m1r Tile 'MW~R!Y M• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll\SDURredYW • 132 ~~!I or <'ull An~wcrAd 11~7. HAULING ttudtint hai1 P11ul'wTn Scrv1cr P0AIN'fF;R Nto:t::os Rt'1tuccos Int l'xt 30 Prompt Ken' t'rt'I' ht Youn& mother llov1n~ ALL .IAl'ING 64243002Ahrs lgt• truek l,owi·~t rult' Prof re~ulltl11tr1tllt.Ona W HK'30yr~l'Xl),lnt1 ync jllPat PaulS4S2977 642~Chuck67Sl408 ~~~Mf ~ home atmospherl!. 11ny Alltextures &ut·oustw '"'-rd• . Prompt.C11117S9 197fl. t)lepmes.645-11936 tixt A<'oullticr1111inri11 tm'SPLASTJ-:ttlNli CEHAMlt: LINOLEUM "-~vlrA .. 1101,ryt'('(l(l(lrv -..-.~~ hrs .Onthebe11rh f'r~_~t Kl:Vll\6759088 Senlct• Thunkyou .. Jnhn. D11vl~P11tnllf!ll..ll47586 ·1~~ lntor•'.xt r II .xi-'"' • , Provide meals 646 7617 ••••••••••••••••••••• •• L..ct.c-a... 0 .... " .. .. Tile pro Inst a Rtprt!1u~nt11llv1· vc· •~!1892 7 70·~'\ ---· Btdrlcal WllO wcrl! vou r tc;N l'rofl'S!lio1111I ServH·e ..,....., olihop & .Wn l'lllntiltl( LJor t'rcHst tte le i. Bob 675 5651 64Ji.S671 321 Chil<l rare in you1 home, ••••••••••••••••••••••• CFSfORS? F' d t' II 11 IC rd de n P ••••v••;t••Nk~:Rc"·" JO yrs exp in »each w. r1.1 I!. ---1"! ADO.NS•llF.MOOF.L ll yr woman. exp. ref 1'1.t-:C'TRICIAN priced Gt~nr11lo"1t•al1Rn n_?"~'r"h '~'~l~k~c~~11. ~·r1!11e 1'~t. 1.AANDDSF.CAP,IN'' an;a. f'r~est 548 I029 I PLA.STf;R INC: ••Al.L'l'IU;• • ~llll?n lnl'I WHfcrt & S4t) 1943 •keen trv1n11) ht r ,, '-O<U ' ""' " nt & l'Xl. lll.'i<l UI' rn, Ql.111hty work JO )'IS l'X .._...._. son 548 !83'1 uft 4pn1 -\-""' "'-,_._,_.... ~~1te'o/sl~~r~~'b:11· on t714J !163·73:10 I 673 OMii •rM umt, ~omm'111rc••d OMaltv Polfttil\q block~alls ~i 4119l per Crorgl'll31·~7!1 ~· "'-.--' .. -. rw--aor Li" •"""""! 11~3 O'"" ~ROHl ... G lltrnllnR Kradtng dl' rel' lr1rn, l' l'un up lil'tenoii &exter11!ri. f'. .. ST"'.R sr•'.('IAL ....................... """"Fm . --..... -· ' """"' I ...,., " I . c ; •-linck&tlle 1n~.bo11d11d. W11yneLerrlt'r llXOYF1 -·~ r. r r,...s.nlct AU.SrATF' PAVING •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LIC'D •'L•'c""RICI "' My l' M hon~ g:uaht)" mo ition onrr~te °' I .d ..... • Int .. :xt. l'la~tl'tlll~ "-. RESID C'OM M'I ()r Yoo Ch1roprutor r. "'.' A1• t & 6u 3 •• lrt!I! r~moval Du mp 1~· ri~ 11111 9711 5146 751·9103 Call Jo"·1 ..... ~ •• .., ••••••••••••••••••••••• K.xa\ro11~tn1: St1f.'"~1 AllAroundC'aq1t'n'try Al'upressuref.IToro (,Jualwork Heasrate~lrae5 )t't\ _,., ,., trut·k Quirk ~er\ Men. 'NF.W l,OOK' m u'"'""" •f:~pt·rtTnt•Prunmi;• ~~:m:iJmm 64~ .. ~~~I John 775 8082 179.:~1_24 hr~ l'TtteM 6315072Tom ~" 6427638 ::::::!............... PAINTING SERVH.'F:S ~ £:~':'.~;ml Lun~N~s Cabinets Remocl Contractors, GttMrol TOP QUA LIT\ •••:••••••••••••••••••• Hc.ecte.iftc) BRI CKWORK Sma 11 Int ext Refs, 1ns'<I •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Dnveways, Parking Lot Sit) bles ltoom Add n) ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ELt:t"TRIC AL WOHK Ca1trpe,!111) f'~ll asonry ••••••••••••••••••• •••• Jobs. Nt•\\ port. l'nl'lt ,1 ('laudlo's 545 1175 Dra1~ cle11rrd from $10 Complete Tree Serv1ct' Repairs,St'akoating lirnhsewnd"i1 7~4 1201\DD'NSREMODl':LIN(; Ht't1~ratl'~ 531WS5 ooimJ: umbUJll WunlaRf'AILVCIFAN Mesa lr\lnl· Ref, LIC'SPAINTEll Plumllln!lltt!p:ur~ Gen'ldnup&Jrng ~Asphlt631419'.lLll' Plans. L1•"d George ll""'IDC0 ... 1. Dryw11ll StUCl'O Tik 1 10us~·~·c'11c .h ti7S3m> I E 0 •'!t.'(>e~t M&i\1 6,1291133 LawnrenO\ S360'.!14 DanllallbtrgGradmi: llOMt.:IMPRO\'EMl::NT ' 32 .,...., ""' L. IND Rem>del JR 6469990 • • a •IOI( am nt xt I )rs3~ •Plumbing •lll•Jtlfll! & JJ>.YETRUC.ARf &P C U~F:SML INT EXT Pllmer&Son!>,~769. 20yrs Oornyo"n""ork t:eneralMaintcnancP Girl t'reel!st 6455123 llLOCl<WALLS Refs f!ee~LS: 8 •1'.:IHlrH;il 24 hr C-Ompl !>Cn1ce 6409308 nC:'1!~~mo 25) ri. Char G4S 374!1 DRAFTING SERVICE Lit· 2'18041 A 16~6 8l26 Repairs & Decorating ROHIN"S CL F.ANI NG Putitr.t Um C" U)~ •STEVENS PAI N'rlNG emergi-nc) i!:d 11411 71125 Ll •397llO-I 842 l72\ <t--I 20 )rs exper tomm n· 11 KESID COM ~1 I. •'\.·abtv• R_n) 640 ~144 1 Sen ire J lhoroughl) IJc·d l>l>nn1l> 6:Ml 04~ Ji, bark' Now spec: in futoriAn c l Corpet ;ny-¥ Ct SI<!. 673 6047 d,ts I!\ s I Exp C'le11n, tlcJ)t'nduhlc ""u :J---1 lcan h11W.l' $40 l.11157 Bryant'i. Land~capmg ext Fl e1! e~l Charle:.. ,.,..,+y MOftwfMftt ..... ;;-: .............. . LoA...a&M&... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ,~•c·k&r"Jona'·I HOMElMPROVJ-:~n:NT ,,,...., • ., •• .,4561 -7 -u Sob •· 2& I _, .... _, We Care C11>l Cleaner~ REMODEL ADD O~S ~ i3371'c .. ~ ':,31'1 2345 It EPAIR PLl'M HING t:xp'd lloui.eclcancr Hnl'k, stont. block. con ...., ......., .....,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... 11St. Jl'l1' n I to ••••••••••••••••••••••• '-'• I & h 1 and Ca""'ntr;, L1r d ut "" " \fature & Reliable 1·rl'tl' Frpln. BBCJ r.. ~RJ I "TES PlOPHTY h•1u• 2S > rli c~p ~ hr Bab""•tllll\.lnour ''\l .,.eamrean upo~ 25 ·r llealinJ(.rarpe11t1\. pti &dr e\I"" .-Mr~foroanMSSl7b ,. .... Trm·k mount unit yrs Irwin 548 271!1 Fon.ilea/Tit. cl~:. Ille Yn.•c t'\I l\u 542 GOR5 669 04 lh \I o~ • \ .. J~ PAJN _ N _ ll645-93113 MAHJ>.GEMEHT . . "" • ~r;:s &k~t ~6 S~~§ Work &oar 645 37161 COMM 'L ltESllJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• JObtoo~mull IH5 21111 (6 7pm I Guar Lil' & ms 536 0914 1NT1EXT PAINTING Clrange Co an•a IS "' T~ Servlct Shamrv10 & steam i'll'lln Rermd Add'ns Repairs l-'orm1ra 1•ou11tt'I to!>'-& llOVSJ-:t'LEAN ING Mov&.... l'l<penent·e t'all ror rnfn ••••••••••••••••••••••• Carerul & lo' mg ma mu ol r \'l'I") re as. L11· 390250 i·abmt•ts refric•ed f'n•e JAl"K OF ALL THAU~.~ faft'd. 'trb & i rhublt> .. .., Lu'd Refs 1-'ree t'~I and rat~ T\ prnl( Wnltnl! 1-;d11 21 nils lo care for \our• Color llni:hh'ner) ""hi k, 64 .. Call day or ni.i:hl , ••••••••••••• •••• • ••• • • 646 1\)67 ,63 a I SZ 1111: !.I' office or ~ ou" . l'rpts \0 min blc<H'h Jae rl.Bennett.Jr l'Sl. 2~..,7 •Jal·ktl753014 • l'<1 l111!.)'t1nw,9SS24111 -..llCMOVING-, ' JID'.ho_me F' T 631 3787 Hall. hv dm rms $15, Gen Conlr 552 9142 Gcrdtniftcj Wii-l<. Cardul Servll'l' EXTERIOR $275 labor Sml JO~ ok 642 2142 NEWBORN baby l'&re b' a\'lt room $7 50, l'OUl'h Bonded & lnsurl'd ••••••••••• .. ••h•••••• LOVE TO WQRI( HOUSEWORK F'ree('Stimates 5S2 0410 ~~.~Oa~1Ji~01~f1lrng ~••••••••••••••• Wlndo•••••••~•~!!!'!'!~? •••••• re1J; nurse. my home. SIO, t•hr SS Guar elim. Addllioru. & remo. dehn". "'·D'and.·~a"" •taint Carv,•ntn , \1a1nt1ng WAMTEO .. "·I ~Vl~G• • 11 ..... H f 11 '' • d / t 673 6887 I (' t "' ""' " "' ... ~ " 1 • ",_ u....,r 00 1111: a lYlll') "' "l the Sunshine In · ~ ·!J .ll' "'e l~toc:or 11> r0epair k bondedStatel.1l'112U27~2 Hes1d Comm l'IPan up rer~ "'1 hi:re1'" L~i·n Top Qua 1~ Pl'l'tal "aperillCJ Ne" re<:O\t'rtlt.'t'k' (~allSon•hine "'indO" BARYS,1'TING f,, \'r\ l'XI:, o wnr J G,_Allen 4!J.l· 11110 't llt1ulino u w ·••11!J ma int. I au 1111: ,-ri•t• 11.J"h 11u,.l1ty hou•"w11rk h 2 L • " " vi. If II 531 'il''I ., ., .,..., "' • .. ' u ,,. e·arc• '" an mg . 5 yr) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll' "111802 ~II !1734 C'lnanm", Lid 548·8853 ANVTIM E m,~c l' s • " l'I'>, I ~:xpen~n<·ed . tlepcnda l'XI). l'ompet1tiH rak!> Fartbm11 Interior Design ' .. ~l!Ne1a 111!11;M1i No Steam No Shampoo Cusiom WoodworltW.9 l.1.andsl"a1n~.i: Yd tltiuv:. Professi'onal .hie. hones11 mtl•fhl(cnt Non\l•rt11Tl.('. no 1353 HANG IN<: siu ROLL "HI-:N HY HOOFING. 20'' Monthly Qibtriunt Stam Spel·1ahsl Fa~t 1 ••,•:l:ST••0•·.~·c·A·~:1•N·~:T·s~ • • n:~· 11J1 m 11r·!1fl<:0'1r2 1 m,t rnl I l'ht' llest Pnonl' 673 101 ~ ~·r·Al'VIN'' t•(ll 1 L'G •• <J.ualily t.11· ms Stn p SIU NG LES & It EI' A 1H • RF$1DE:'llTl,\I. • ._. .. _tcy ti , L ... ,., ••t 83" 1c~2 ~ ' "' " '' • 1111 " !! T aft .. r6 oor•1 '' ' 1 u • "· ,-, p1na U1•e· on pap•,•r l..1t· 11415232 ~8 n:m A\'" Isl." SJO. a'" 2 ·t} :;::";.':'; ............... 11 rid(., "''° lntt-nors.bars.muntll'i.. hS . C ' " STl 'DF.NTSMOVtNt: Vis~MCSl•utt&l59325 " ' " "· For all )Ounecdtokno" l'arpets 1n~lalll'd ri· llhranes, rabllll'1'. JGDGMs.Gordentr ouc erv1ce 0. ('Ol'SIN l'U :ANINC ('()Lu· WTl24136 HOOfLEAK"Wt!~Pl!l' $45Chm9578381! about bankrujltl'}, l':Jll i>atrt.•tl, flood damu1:1·. skyhtes. l'ust mold ml( I ftel!t•'t l<l•n ll39 503:-i t:!l3I S92 3537 or til 11 & h.~hld task' ~:,1wr 'ii 1n~url'd 64111427 F.xpert \l alko\Pnn~ in iniob' undl'r S2tM)' <.1.EA:'li WINOOW!, \714Ui359162 ,1eam rlean1n)! Rers646·0092,S3023ti6 Mc.111oin.1: $10 $1~ S2ll 84086!8 I rcas,n·t~ 8'1113655 W/\TC'lfl'S GROW' .'!tallat1on Reas pnre' ~h'et!!>l.lmale!> 58G 5:!!!:! fOHTHEHOLIUAYS S54 &510,973·115ti6 Crown mnuldlll~ rt>dJr 1 llaul dumpini: $15 $20 t:x1i.•rt hnrtK' and 11p1 r1· SCHl II i\ l>l"ll Sli\lt\'ING ACTOHS l'unsullJnl A~!>IJ;:nml!nl SartdblcastifHJ 642 5449. 6451972 S~M1,c~teftOllct/ XLl'AHPE'T'C\H~: hneddosels bookl'n~e~ 7$-l~H.!.1550095~\.irk pan l'a111t•111r~. mu( Prof r ... " r1·lt.1hl1· 1\10\'l-.:<;roMl'A:'i:Y 51118500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01an~e('oa~1Wmdo\I~ ~ "' l'pt uphol. Jrl'.i ruj! mantels. cn1ert.11nmcnl plumb, Ell' 1>42 f.Ol3 ltefa .11 .. 1n1i:11 5tllfi FJ.~t & r.m·ful l,cJ\\l'i>l WALLPAPER Hl'DG~:T RA'I t:~ Lil' 11 I Wele111e \OU with a ··~;A•iti•N•:,,•5•E••R•\.•1c··::.s••' de a nm.: t•abrnel!> \\ 0t1d M1lut1011' TI Ii:; U 111\SSllOI' I'~: It We bid all iobs l.1:1• sml rte·Jn1ti)! huu""' 11, J, Hall"!. l..1\1 \ lln\I 11 M r l'ontrac1or & l'a111t111~ Lo" mm Sml Jllb> 01\ hn~hter uu1look' c. -•· 1-'rt'e t'Sl &IS 1771 to "'ood µ rn h 1,. m, • 1 Complete l.1" n ma int Qua ht~. t''l(prr. 111 ti pm l"i ,101 ri•li·ri·m l'' \'1,a Lil 1 n' fi7:1 01153 O l' 23 H' Lil: 3282~11 Ftl1? ~t In~ IHI 75111 tree ei.ltma lt!:> 8JO.fil I Mechamr. pa1n1 63l·IS28 l>om1nt1 6-12 411!11 11111 & Da' (' 644 •1325 Call Surnr r o :.~H 5075 Hatl(Jtn 'hovvt'r\ 1 l'Jd j C:JI) Com pf 494 4366 ,ca..,c...., Wr161.a.. ''armsh CAmtnt/Concrtte c;, RDE'll,S<~ ,1 \l,:'liT 1,,1 1 ,1 -r•yn• .... .., Teak.rub&"J" •••••••••••••••••••"• R I . h ,.. 110~11·:1Ml'RO\t.Ml-.:'i:T Ii !J',, .thl• l11tll' Jd ~ rn YtALLPAPEll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6459766 1'(>.~cnc-r. E "SPHA'T esutsthats" at \llU l..illlbl'<IPllll? Trl'ctnm Tilr00t1r, r~nnnf l.'la"1ftl'tl rl'"UIJrl) ,\lll."'d) F'rl'ec:.t WRJTl~G RF..SEARCll ' r. i "" .., get 'Ith I I I & I 1·1 •llOl.'S1':C'U.i\ 'lll:'\l: • " $ _.II I * ~-'-'s * EOITI"'(. ~ On\e11oa\~ pJt1os. blo1·k "" l' u:.:.i ll!l n•mo\J '-rJn up:. Plumhtnl! All~m" I l'Jrt'lul lfom•'l \IJlurt' \nd lhl•\ lin•J "hJI II ro .11· =3JO!ll!f• fTt"t?est 1"'J"'' r,31 '1255 • ·'' Any su ert. Cl_ass1f1edAd~ 64256711 "alb Denni:.6360458 &t:!S618 l''rtt1•,t1malt'' li42.u!H~ JOl:k. 28yr't''V ~:!!1!1:! l>W-!">l?2t'drl.) \\I l'\l' the) rrlookrn&f'?r Norm645U880 format.~tyle 6464 ~ DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash . If it doesn't sell. we'll run it another 3 LINES days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-retund•ble. E1tr1 u,,., 11.00) 3 . 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS 642 •5678 Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place Af~"!hed ~.~·~.~ ... ~~!'!':."!~.~ .... ! ~'!':."!~.~ .... ' ~".~.~ .... ~~~~~.~~!! .. ~!.s.~ ~~~!!:.~~:1:~ .. !!.~~ ?!.~~:.~~·!'! ..... !~.~~! ?!.~~:.~~·~! ..... !~.~~1~~:.~~~ ..... !~.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• CostoMtso 3824 Costa Mesa 3824 1 ~onleoch 3840 l'Wwportleach 3869 ll('t .. \,FHO'l 1 f. I llr "e•n ,mkr Jhr e·ondu lolboolsland 3806 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••·1•••••••••••••••••••••••'••••••••••••••••••••••' \\J1l """-~t·~·lo.I\ thr u S!m 0·111 • ulll $1511 •DELUXE OFFIC ES• MEDIC.AL SUITE wn1n•·r 1i13 11!1 1 rlc·v !~i..I ;11~1 ll n !-'tum I room up ~o 20c111 a~ ~q fi · front l(round ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· ~ 1-d•co~ 3 hdrm :? ha no P•.t'. r\....i. •• • 1bdrm. 2ba t1.I L'L' II\\ •. , ·.• 1,1 1 , I Ml ft ~'rum SI Iii a "'I flli.1r "arilen st•lltn" Studio. uttls pd ) rh 1 r ront '· ·:;:ar·p~ 10 n··,·ir •. ·1 hoof.;. ,nd (I( t 1 , ~mi "'·h rple· i•na·I .. •r 1 '' ' 1 1 I Jim ~~nnl!' .1r1 .1 .\\1111 't \\ l'llH1 IH \rtl ' ·f • • ,. " II k I h . t °' '' u • • ·' ~ "' ,.u IJ Ill'" l'fl•l 1 ,., 1 ,. 1 ., 11 u ., . ~, I :'iln h•a:.e requ1rt'1 pru(ess111nal bid,: in t1111 sma Ir en prl\a (' rrplc d" pout & ~pa GC1oc1 frl't'\\a\ .ltTl'~., et .... h11oa,h.-1 hll In' r I lo. h'rl'I 'I n1ntt1 .1 n -~mm11•,IO\~l l1t•jCJI .lhr AdJ A1rportt'r Inn :?17::! .irva of :'\('\\port lll'dlh ~,.675·1018 '\o~t'S4~11!>192H~ St95•rlev 5W2215 ~rrok1•Jlarm.:!11Jt111' ~~:"1~._i~~5 ,~'.e,1 ::11 1 11 l!o1 1,1urn ""i .il1nu1m -"·'I' ll llll 1 Dupont Call \\I >.Int dt•rl!" to tl oJI? L lll I I d 1 Id \\ateqxi $SIMI 1!'13 111r.;, ' · !111 tt•nn ' >.11 ' 1 n"' n h nu\" \ II 833 3223 llosp $1 2S "I fl J.nn1: 1 e s an · 1 1111 \ll',:t dcl \Lir a red ~l·h rnUJ)!t• 'rnl "' . · l...1n:e:? htlrrn 1 i..1 1210 "l'•.'kh & monthh 1.111'' .1m•mt11•' mil pool Ii. ll'rm ll!ai.r J\ Jll \bn stove. refnl! OW'" f.ar,:l•3Ur :!Rd lo"er l-..ists1c.lt' SJ2S rnt~.1ti131lrr"111\.'" I' BJ 11.1rk ~·a,hort ~;.'llim., \if\ ,•\J1l ill ::,:,11 >111111 utrlvo1nlfor llt1r1•11"'' BAYfRQlo..JT 3115 ,q rt vrc.,11111111._ 1 l!ClS !6!">0mo fi7J9-li:I Jill 1•m·l~cl i:o1r;1Rl' :"\o pc.I ~940395.fiJI ~11ti 1n!( pool $1t11e1 mu IW#i 1-ll'l '•51'\I .1,f..lor~1.1rl. P •11u11 .. 1 1.111~1517 r"11 We-<lrltff o1rt',i SI IMI ~q pc·l~ $1!15 mu Call tii3~oll.'l Pnm .. <1ff1n: bi:J ICHIJ lolboo Ptt1i11sulo 3807 i5l lW_S ll'U\l' mt·~sa•'l.' L.l:l.' 2 hr. :? hJ I\< nh"· I l.~t' H1.i.: llt•ar rJIHn l'ool ('hn,11.1n \I t 111 ,h,111• 1. , fl &15 6.'\01 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 VJllO 'mJll E·""':11 2 hr In pit·~ 11.11111 II' SClllC!e-ment~ 38761 lahl1· t11lor I\ ~ lrttlc ' 1 ·•Pl" Chn,11.111 ramil\ losta .• t~~J ~Cl ·'q ft Nu 2&3BR ZU·\ ~t·arl) :!hdrm Jpl l-.1rvl•t1n)! .nail \pr 11 51~:, forhi'hl'll 1.!hk,tuh•h !••••• .. •••• .. •••••• .... ;;;i1"11 ·~1!ih'•.11. I'm 1°1111.uwt 110111 nr 'Ulte Sl1:1r:nc1 \t1l~1.n COSTAMESA Frplr. bit m~ l(ar pl.Irk Mar. d•J1l 1mml•tl S.1i5 ho:l5il!l ~1 mo 531, l>-1!111 "'ullm Jl•I oc·i·Jrt , 11.1, . . on· S2i5 ;115 Jll31 l'ld 77'• V. lllth ~t l & 2 room off1l·1·~ lrum · ('I t h & !>Ci 135 I 1 1 1 ~.,.,, ·r12 so 1.\1\~. I \11111 llSI 89211 Sll!.5 L 111 mdud('d tng ose () a\ . I. <!Hr I'. Ila l OUdu I-.2 fir I ha. S375 l s:1;.. U!I Ill\' I ."'''". 11111 .. SKI Sl'~Tl\I. '"" t \I F hl\hl .1111 :!ll.1 h't' Rt:alonomll'~ fi75 1;100 ocean Brkrfi75491 2 s-n·:io::"t:"l:G IJrl!l.' I Hr Salt· Xlra'. -.;11 11,.1, rlcp (;J, pd "\r tlt'.uh ~Jl\·1nt1l11S.1nlle:ml·n11• nll"' II·"'"'~ 1 111 orr h: "I S<!~ll 1 15211&57lsq ft Sll"IJll'r Ckean front 3 Br 2 Ba iiarde11 JPI pool & rr1• S62S 6i51!121l.548 !13114 1 l~hd & .\1,.H'F;111d1·n \1 l~l·1:thl·~li,:r \pll I ·'lw·x t•lop \l1:m1 C".dl 1 111111.:111>5:!:! sq ft . 3975 B1rd1 :'\ H Laguna ;<;1.:m•I kt•:tultful Years lease. Sl3511mo .crea Sl25mo ilCI \\ , ...... ('\p •· ('()I)., Nopct~l.i'J3>&K~I lolt•11711"'~~"'o •• k ., Ajlcnt$-llS032 orfll·r~Ht'n·11t1on1~1. 714 337 2111 d 8tbS ,,r.n , •~ ~ ... .._..__~ r.. .• h d •. . rrm q1111·1 nonsm r -1---------•I ~e<'' m1·,i.1•ngl'r ArC'hllttt.s. dt'S1gnt!rs planners Two Space5 1n N1•wpor1 Cenler Ont> u 2000 ~q fl and ont' IS :lOOO sq (T Vt!ry l~vorable rate~ I Wil lwn Cole, Brokl'r 17 14t ~S777 615.89 __ )4e\'es&wknd~' 1 t STORY 2Ba. garu~e 1 Lge2hr.~·~11a :!trplc'' .....-"'"".msn11m1S t ~~1,lt•1.Sumnw1 "'"''"' hr.~h.1.1v1 110111. ('!\! i.en ·ic·r. I.a" & To1s • 2 ljr, ht'um l'l'ilt111!~ fnrdvd,l(ardener,bltni.. famrm 1;1.11t11r ... 1 Sm.'> Olt'Unfurnished 3900 no"' Wt'l'~l,1 rt·nt,11, I S.."'75 ~ul tl~ 557~521! execuplan L1bar) Xt•ro~ phonl' Pf:.~INSULA POINT $4W mo :"\n 1wts ~26fl t'lt' k1cls pel~ OK Sl.15 m i • 'l'I' & e 1111: \u 1' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br \pt Sle•t'I" 1111 111 I I r F k JllS"t:nn~ From 5:1:.11 Ii 1 m nf!-!ti2 ~ f. nr Yrl) Ii: 21lr. 2Ra. re• ~1aplt• 1;.15 !!4!11 rm Lorn <ly~ 5-li !!5il .1 .! l' a \ I 3h e• 1 I •1 SEAWI lo..J 0 I ll.1 I h11 ;1 I',. n 111'11l 11 ~ 1~. 1 1 1 ;1,h11;•;11 ,1,11 ('1'1'~11' t'all 831 533;1 I :'ilc""'lr1 lilh SI. rostJ d"""ra1--1 no pets 'l"ll!i C\es \\knds~"" 0223 11 I I I 111 1 t. 1. 'I II I ...... , •• "1~·1 fl,., .. , • t ' . ".AH c ... r "w ""· ,.,,. 2 llr p, ba to"nhuuSl' ·""'' 1·>1313(1019-i """'··' '" 2 hr 1 ha apl rn l 'M ul tW onctp Prime• OH111• Spai·t· :'lh•,a ·~I.I 111 11 pd ~o5~h ti 1 ~';; m ~~) {;1~ (;ar. pdt10 srnl ) 111. no Condo nr S C Pla/J l hd • ~ · I VILLAGE IRmtois to Shor• 4300 ~u~t lw m•al & n·~p f\l I sen ll'l' l'u~fom rorona del )tar 10;0 ,q I $75'1 mo 6-lfi 4111\.1 6?5-lJS8 peL,$.S31l,6".t5 11137 2ba.pool novl't~ SS25 LOIJll'Oleoch 3848 ~rw 1&2 Wrm luxun ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• s:rno mo ~ 11111~ or~~\t~et,~r~t· 1 ft suite S!l5u m11 T\lo rhtl' la" offires \'Al't\:-OT ' r; 'ldt• lrl rm Agt63114i6 t••••••"u"••••• .. •• .. I dflLS 111 14 plam, I Hclrm 1;.u;zr,57 ··SeetoAppretiatP" 67511510 \l/\li & 12>.15 S.'li5 pr Cosio Mua 3124 µIi•>. 11: qwi•l 2br. lndr:-2 Br 5il W Joann Isl rlr ICX'E,\:"\FRO~T \pl~. ~ from S.'>t5. ~ bdrm from I : $/llll mo Ind 11111 :'ol1l'C 759·8978 1 •Cd~l ell" s111lt• \ r am m 1 in hill Sl!I'\ 11·1• su1\l• •••••••••••••••••••••• p.itio :idlt' 01, prh no pets $430 ·s;l', ru l~r. Studio s45o $R:!5 S:>7o. To"nhou,t• from I ROOM MA TE Jn•;1 2 bdrm\ J\.i1i 1m 1 pie pkg $.Ti5ultI1>tl :.!1155 On•an 'u secreta~1al I IR.21R. llR. $525 359 \\'oodland )lgmt &111324 ll1l~inrld SJOIJ321 St.let + pools. l~nn.1s rn.•11 ll~lll El (°JmlOO I I E r~l ll\\\ 6i5691Jll 'ltlllllflS ~pr mo Call Ne"IY deror Ga\ 11!1 673YJ . 1~ ..... h 3169 \\all'rfdlls vnnel~ (,a, FINDERS ,tptt' r~t St't'1amtn KOLLCEHTER • <1rr1n manJ)!t'f I a t h 2 Br 198I Mapll' '" e. 1~1 ·--,.... oc for t·nokml( & he;iltnl( Oldt1\I & large~! Jl!t'nn 2 m rll mt It m HEWPORT IEJ>.CH ·1.i 64-1'7600 ~I. tb~ \d~.~~. l~11 z bdrm t ba to\I nhouse nr. no pet:. 2 pcr~on~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• paid t'rom San l>1t•J(o .\II chenL' srrec•nc•el "ith .P 0 p 0 p NEWPORT I . I ' ""lS_G4~_.5073 apt on Jo:asts1cie Larl(t' S450 Sierra \11:m1 panK NEWPORT f'r") tlri'l' l\1~rth 1111 pbnto.-;&rcft'renn'' Re"µ adult rnommJle Elegant Exel' )U1lc~ in Ai~rtA,..o 2 om~e-. rete.e11on rm -==--Sundcck & Palm Cot~ &1113~ M llr::ir~ 111 Ml·f ~Hl llt'll Crrdit~ CosmeJjllihtJn n1-«lt>1lto\hrrm condo. prest11(rous lol' Ind 600 sq fl varliall~ 1 <,\Of.II!!' rm. ·25 sq fl IMMEO OCC,MC Y! (ireplare. ldr~ rm Heal :! br 11oith gara)!e. unfurn COUMTRY CLUI t'1en Wt>,I on \tc:~ a~cl0rn Goc>d ~lornmit \mt'tll'J :-.; B $450 mo 615 9391 !.en et an a I re n• 11 furnished SMO per mo Fon-ed dlr heat S2i5 s;&.m>mo 2Br !Liu rureS52S"?O . upsta1r.; S385mo fief~ l .IVIHG I l!.' ~ea ... 1nd \ill,l ~l' TheTomorro\\Shn" Shr40r hM' E Blur" llOOISl.teleplront'an~&I ="lt'\\I) rl'dt'l'OrJlt'c1 333 E 17\h St c~ Pool. beamed t·c1hni: l:Hl:i 34211 rl'Qw red 352 \" trt11r1a Rarhelol".. 1&.2 hpclroom 11141893 5198 • . off• t11 ,1 II flt'"" JJOOI II? k1tth1•n . 5250 m11 more Orts from S436 I )1ullan ReJlt~ 540 29611 IH.) 2.150, 675 070i laundJ) room :'\o pch E .ide 2 RR 1 B.i . .illaih ~8161 ~&lo"nhou,t•s Room$ 40001 cbenl.H•honerda111.ll'C • , u11I ;211 1321\ mo O~~aiJ 01!rE~ Sl0 65 Delu\l' 2nd floor offln 1 \111x>rt area. plush exer Nolastmo rent d I ... •l)( EWPOR ~191<9 m~ • .'. \ tl(Xlsqfl 1'J" .lllt'~'cin swl(') S2i5+ T,vp1nu C.•? I"<'.' 1(3r P\l pdllO a u ls I Br .. s1do. ·m but e·11t\ om"""o ,,.1 IO 614 HlllO ••••••••••••••••••••••• H T 641-1 899 ... ~LA RTE: Rs l () \1 d rr s l) F • ,.. TSLMGMT .,.._ u•·• f c. < ~ • •• • '.in o · \I\ ~ dns sen a\a1l 9579331 -pre . no ?~b S4!l0 + w lots o( natural wood NO !-'EE' i\pt & l'onclu Roomlnrl'nl maleur Nc"port Crt'~t ~I F pr11I i\J'lo;lf.S A pro(essrnnal Warner ,\H• fin\ I\ Room)38r To"nhou~~ t;Ct&l62'123 S360.851-95223·530 renlals\'illalh'otJI' frmaleS2.')nmu\1l11~ Pr.\CFFL'L 2 B .,B 2S IOnon~mkr.shrton Pn\lronment c 71~•j 9627S5i ~in guiet adult com , £& y RD , --._.__ j 675 l!J\'l UrOkl'r ut1ht1e,,LJguna hlb • ·, 1 r ." J rlo i ,t~ 21\r 2•,11., 851-0081 el. Newly decoratl!d. UU\GE 'A New 2Br, 2.Ba . no µels. -~. , R33 JCl30. !':"It 233 c1a ~ + , ull ~ ~ 1:mJ It' ttaraj?l', \lshr clryr. pool. I 4450 ...................••.. treplace.enrlsdpatio& S62S mo 3 Br 2 Ra $485 rm Nr West 19th LIDO\IF.Yt I nrl'H'S58l·llifl preferred 6318.543.irtli , JiH'Ulll h•nni~ "2S utll Newpor1 Buc•h neu So t duplex 2 car ~arai:e. St. Diel garage 646 4644 1 2 Br 2 Ra 2 palm 1\ciult~ Sh . d 11 . . , 1 ~ 1 • .,.. lloa~ llosp \000 sq fl garage · rJ). nopes washer dr}C'r hook up. orS48.ffitG .Pref j\OOOG756359 111oum with \1ew & ~:ill rrnn °· a. amt~rtic~ mr ti4 .. '"" serondnooroH1tes.am $575 Mo 645·3381 or frplr, all built ms This .~, -1 , uml m) homl'. M ~ In S28.S mo Jat & ~aun.i 1Shr31lr. 21la hme, I or 2 pie parkmi:. w1•ll main 67}5949 one won·l la~t CJJI for F. srde2Br I ~ba. a l'. ha~ Spl't'tac·ular J Rr 2 Ha Jtr~. F:a st Ulurr. pool 966·8479,SS7 39114 )Ounit ladtc~ Sl60 & •, tame<! bldg \'irk) da~s 1 Br. garage. yard No appt lockecl gar & patio. Ckean l''tonl ll1ghl\ up a\a1I $250 mo + $1110 Shr plush tn leq•l hom1• uul C M.tl428.158 714 64~4800 pets. Kids OK S42S 1mo TSL MGMT 1742 1603 $.'>2S_roo Agt 64S,851J graded , dep 760 8242 118, 1 ~ mi from heaC'h ~ S48-430l Dea Poiftt 3826 PROPERTY ti<>; SE Ck·ranfront house. rom S250mrl all 536 Ko!lo for ltt..t 4lSO IUSIMESS ADDRESS Deluxe pri\'ale I Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642l!SO 64,\0!0 ~"tel." rurn "ar""c M Answerin~ & mail r d d b h < • .. u,., ature sgl adull \\ ;intl•c1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sen l<'e. ronferenl·c frpk. l(ar nc yar 3 r. 212 ba apt lwn se. \'11rsa1lles. 2 hr. 2 ha. 75 lst last+ SIOO dep. tu shr be a th home . S60 single l(ar, ~are & room. i\dj Ot AirP-Orl W19tfield $450 rm 673 6336 frplc. ocean vu.~at10. frplc. pool. dubhse mcl~ utils._631·3087 Catalina \IC'\\ refs secure 731 w 18th St , _SIOO_mo 714 115! 1~42 3 lx1rm. 2 ba. S49S May No_Qels [!SO 637 06 ~50 Sandy f'42 s i49 L.idv 50 + lo sh art' duplex ~ rm. 675 235 I aft Ii C M 673 7787 FAMILY J>.f'T'S. Beauti(ul garden apt~ Patios 'decks Heat paid No pets 2 rh1ldren welrome. 2BR. I'• BA 2BR 2 BA aw.~~ $.';15 $.';35 631 558.3 c11scoun1 n•nt for :i~11l ~on Stach 3140 Prest1g1011s \'er~allle~ m 11unt Reh Quiet n.>sp fem toshr 3Rr. Office Rttttol m R r du l 1 es Hu 11 & ••••••••••••••••••••••• spar 2 BR 2 ha rnndu 536 0921 II B apt $200 mo inti 450 sq fl furn offirc 4400 space S300 mo 642615.1 WiffletrHAph all amen1t1es $1150 lll 847·5276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• B.,., ,.,.lFUL 2 Br 2 Ba Unrum. I Wrm 1'11111 .. All 645-2659 Rm wifull hse pm Sm u -: 1617 WestchH. N B, Want c.t\V. util pd I child ok. S2SO mo nil }o'emale to share 2 bdrm rmanc1al inst 7000s r Mesa Ver~. llOO ~q fl :.001~ Al amenities Bachelor unit. 11 blk pd S.'iOdep Avail now apt 111 Cd M. $267 mo lst noor AE_entS41·5032. r11>k. lndr) d~hwt1hr. 19 --from ocean. yrly 8\all 646·3872 'Tro.0515,9~3402 __ 641-07s.;J. ~lsdgac. SCIO\). DeJux.e p.ooJsuie xlra 00\1, rre~~Jy p_a1ntcd, Room With ki~rhen pm -EXECUTIVE W/side. Jge I & 2 br ow 3107 Mace 5-40-4400 large 2br. 2 ba. hltns. ~c~t.JJ25 675 9229 Nr shopping tenll!r & Wanted F rmmte Sht 3t5r SUITES Des1Rn to swle ext•eulr\'l' offires with secretarial St!f\'ICe. poosible It\ tnl( area Good locahon in Carmen V1llaj!e Broker ~~12 ~_IJ>_S. In dry. <'a rport 2bdrm, Iba . patio & gar dswhr. I' i miles bearh 2 Br condo. up ptr. bwlhne II R 962 i520 3 b a r 0 n d 0 N R fN ~Ji'485 6451i62S Ne\\pamt&carpets Nr ~ul~no pets SSOOmo Westchff DoHr area. Roo 1 1 -h--E2.~ utll Rand~ HERITJ>.1!.f 17tt1St,C.M. F'edco $475 mo 1\~t ~-club pool. laund!'). walk m '" ami Y ome. ~ .., I & 2 room ofriees ,\ C EmtM•1-P1t1 SS16l30 THE WHrf'FLETRF.F. tosho..es$625 6464844 C'M $200/mo utrlsmrl R~mte needed MP shr P'Uli pltntyorprleg.Vlil 1nrl 2 Br. 1 Ba arge sun 2 Bd G 6~·~ ___ I 2b 2b r Ne~ luxury Ofrlre spare A\'ail now Call dedt .. &~!"lll?e Acfults. nn I· ·3 rm Apts ym. I BR. gar parking. 111eps 11? r a urn apt in In lrv1ne·s busiest ~~ 7522550 Lux condo. 2 mstr br·s. Spa.Sauna.pool.tennis. tobearh. ~rly $47S mo 2rooms.fullpm $1fi750 SA Hts $19Smo Murk renter' Easy f'rwy ac· Rulonomics 675·6700 112ba 2bakonies.frplr. elt846-0619 T70.2CS4or 731 ~46 Avail 1mmed Ste 546-3288_or9195168 ctss Avail now' rail SELL rdle ,·tams wi'th a FIREPLACE. Pool pvt trul'ro. 11o•ater landscape. H an)11me except 6·\lpm. U -h II' f det n ~ .~!lo& dishwasher 2 car gar w opener untington Creek Apl seis 2bdrm. 2ba. lux 1040 El Cammo_•t, ~ M.:. nave somet mg to se or 8 S, I Daily Pilot Classified XW2 Br garden a"ls ~ mo. 545.4045 Deluxe I & 2 Br Frple,1 rondo w all amenllles Class1f1ed ads do it well 1.551·1.13 I U0-4210 Ad. -d " .,..... enclsd garages. Tv Xlnt romplex Glenn Bright, sunny room. - o_n _E_• __ ~\~iMt' 1560 W lET ADULTS over 35. secunty 848·1613. 8/\M Ememan l7l4!&40 9900 Chmlrlln rem .• 211 40 unlum I & 2 Br upper SPMon!Y • -· . · I 673·84SI $250+ utll srnrkl~' g new rrpt, till'. Prom $34 0. Be au t lb--Be-h 7. 3 Br 2ba. rll>k. gar. pnt10, CdM tbd d I I d g N p t · a. nr ac "' oc vu. walk lo beech. I rps. ra rm, 1 ea an scapm 0 e 5· Slater. $495. No pets -.1mo .. •••.7907 · L&.J..J.., M.....&..1• 4100 for working <'OUple No LEEWARD APTS 2020 64 9348 64 07 ~ -""" jnunn vm. pets. $415/mo. lllll pd F\JllertQn.:.631 ·0397 _!.:__o_!_Q1_6--Nr H~g Hospital,2sty.2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'!·7689. 2bdrm 2b11 townhouse, • 2 br. Iba, ~ront unit. br. 111, l>a. dm. rtn lndry SIALillC MOTa Wtslside 2 BR, I Ba . w/f~c. Westside. $495, gar· patio. 2 kids ok. no hook up 15-00 642·6629 Wi!Y rentals now avail. D/w. . .. patio, avail Cal_I bbl• .. S.0·_0702__ pets. 1st. 11 last. SlOO aft. S. $105 l up. Color TV. •• " Se<" I blk W of Beach off ---Phones In room 2274 .=c,:..s.:=-:m:::.o=·-=-64=0_...·0997 1 BR IR. patio. upstairs. Slater Ml(r. 1738HO> WHTCLlff l Newport Blvd . CM. NEW BREED APTS carport. S375 mo. l..ndry Keelson. 847·0422. Avail Buut I &r le den. (fl)k . 1 646-7445 t Blt OR BACH rrom nn, now pool.fW.640·7814 le.nttto. 4150 131!. P'rplt. rt( room . ___ 640-===----ARLINGTON APTS. .-wPOITHGTS '•••••u•u••••••••••• .. pool. Juunl Ou ' SPAC. 2 BR OPEN Soadoua' q__uiet I Br. I 1 br, new crpt, drps. jChrl•llon Retirement .... paid. No u. 3113 BEAM clp bar. Iota ol Sa. Pl5. 2 Br. l~ Ba. Qar l@.l40=!!l4 Hon for women, a lov-CJC -44l1 wood, tm. No pell Z2Sf sm. 'l'Wnhae. Adulu on· • Ing cartng atmoaJ>here ........ IMIAPTS •St. S4·TUC or ly. No eta. Nr the l aR ~.Y•nlllesl 1nahocntsttUn1. Locel· __.._Ii':-: rt ~ llU °"· ~ mo. C•I. ed In C.M. Beautiful L.::. ~~; i-.:Br=l~~..:s:Bea.;z:tonct:A..do-.-.m-•' Richa~21J.130·21U. fadl, '""' rm. Yumm1 •..-..1 ·1~ .... it: 2~~ .. -r~~ar, dla· aartmom. SWO lit 6 me-!!!! homt roolrln1. Call N=ama-1111 a..an.s AdatU-sm .-iwoats:ll·H. You can be a Just by sending 08 your name and address and by watching for your name In the clatsHied act, of the Dally Piiot. Wtitn =' to the circus, •~• amuaemtol a ra or •POrtJn.1 ev"'"'· J111t flll ovt this coupon Ind mall it today to Ult: a...uw DepartlDtll&, Dalb PlW mW. S.1 Street, C-. ..u. CA- ......, _________ -------------- I I ~ I ~ I I Rnewoble/ Annual Comm·1 office spart on ltqH C /, Rl'al'h Bl. H B " c.>i1rell Or.inge Co ph me of exposure \"el) reasnna hrc storaiic· !'flat~ r I' I.Ill' rental 1168 sq ft to 12.500 & 2;110 "I rt 3968i.qrt 841-2.'147 bldl?S rounlatn \ allr~ Pnme Tustin retail space Srhool D1strit't. PO or oHrc·e 65• on lv Box 85!0. f \' 9270ll M~ I n>-1470 831-8699 . Wieland · !7141842 6651 --• 1..._trlol Rttttol 4500 Shi MO. FREE REHT •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• are ne" clil'rrful ~ml N B. 3975 Birch 8860 sq omre complex " rl<r11 I ft or less MI A zone 51> 1ngAu~trnlian1mporter per sq rt i\j!~Ol Super locallon A\ all !1415032 1mmed Approx 500 ~q rt Warehous~ spare a' ail ~-rm 545 0636 SHARE ofr in the 0 C Alfl)Ort area Set rv & pvt omce"" C'Ommerr1al work area Ask for Rob 714 ~1402 4,029 Sqft o~rD"1f ft\nA 716 ft orftres 3 ba shower. "·etbar 2700 sq n rented \'l td F'or more mfo phone ~1 LJOO da 7ffe-03'78 I'\ • 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L"nfum 2 3 Bdrm. house m Costa Mesa. Hunt rnglon Beach. !'i"'port Buch or CdM aru. Will 111' e re re re n c •t. 775 8327. 5411·8364. ~-tB911 Prof M w sma II do& netds rtnlal in CdM area. refs S6(1C.l r1n1te 648..:82!.3 .. --- U\'e·ln. Gourmet Cook Olildcart. Colltltt Grad (or summ~r _lm-~\:.l_j Debra,,.. L. ~/ ·. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Wldntldty, AS>fll 7, 1982 Dt a..-..1~ IJO ...... ---.1 710 w~ 7 ff ....,.w IO ~w-....... 7IOO ~W.W 710 MllllWIMM 1t00 Wlllh4 1100 _.m'•1H H IO -........,. .....,.. ..,_ --I .....,.. .... ~ 1 ,.._ •• ~;-.1 .............. ••••• ••• •••••u•• • ... •••••• .:.\~••••••••• •••••••• • IHI .... _ ............... Mt•H•H•••·········· .•. ................... ...................... •••................ ................ w h I 115 ................. ""-1: Ilk Pft1l1n, sold "'-.JJ.....p/lec... Houulittpu u MAra.lftl RECEPTIONIST/ liUSWY SAL~ Sen Std4• be ~tr"i.: ~:.:n rr.s MobOt PfttrWuh .,, •• irn l' 0 II ar ' Pt~l poitllon , Plfltnctd wlt\i rt• LVN Mf'.8Sl:NG tR M11tfbttOPt.J!art tlmt, s.:r R.pr~rnt•ft,• l,O Ewn&nt~~y ~~r~LL $t0\-t 0full ;ltt 1100 All ~Uy tqlipt v1nt 111p· dlklaftd, Ii& Can""n Minimum ltpln& 50 rerenct1 for home In Part/lime, Mon.·Frl uper'J Nll't ap c• on rea er• u11 n~r h d worka·ood S4844A.S '*" """"'tra .. • 'v .... 1 .... , .. b , .... 111,.1 u noon·Spm . 1~/hr .... pe~rlnl't Dealantr'a nm account• for 1d-STATION . 17t an . ilvlll. """' ~ .. 1 trm1 ---WPM. Ttltp ooe and .... -"-...:.....rU~v -Coo•. notp Newport %$•/ml. Will t~aln on i..d)'_Aj)~trtl. Xlnt p1y vtrt1Jln1. Mon.t)-1 , lam-r~ ~l@th Hdrlat . S111n11tureo F'r0$1 v I l·W a UIO c:.rsonal contact with JEWELRY SALES. atll Bt1cb. Poe. altitude It 1wltcbbo1rd Car KORRONE INT'L 1803 $pm. But + com· Stwln&. una II craft '"*' IS. lib nrw Wu 9-e1' It -.................. t pu~Boolikttpln1 ladl•1• Je1welry. &Ive 11111'1 neltlded._~lnt needed for errand• Wul rllff Dr . NB mluion. <'o mpan y lttms H•ton•l work M2CX»U 0,11111111ltw 1111 OledltrOllkl lovt to party a plua. """'• Ptr mo to p1rt1 H n your own . ....,.... anna SU ~ benefit-. will train Neat ~· \.f._. >40 2241 Rrf r111c r" tor SI 7 ~ ....................... wltll 1011 Luthi or •tart Cood Btoeflti; home, all retail profit• Offlce/P.ttt.. ippearanre ' aood Wuht-,. ,j~ 11~ Mlll·atoraae. NorUitre hit. 111 yllrne , For IPJ>l c1ll : Mr . 10 Into your pocket . ~ M'I olfk I l!C!PTJONIST for Salel •J>elllll&flft'tlliALAll.Pl>' Di~h:,;-i::~ Sll~l~ c.ur Ttua la an •lllt Joyce, L•t:• .Burh Larr IU -9011, DaU1'.,1'~ ~~ eo.t .. Mtsa mortuary, ~IAIUCI Pcnoyuver. 100 SludtontJobt 64&~ 1.11per cluo proJt<'t = Wa Dlltrict. • M typl1t, 1cc11r1te with ::~~rn~t1ti::!uta;~· STAITHHf Pl•~•.C.M HIY! 11,y,.. old &i has 1IW!tt ·\ Kron Chocolatler of S.C. fl1ure1 to work tn sldered Call 848 9371 The CM:\"ri1el•1 Times SCTIY/OfcMgr Dlt IOYS-4llLS Refri11erawr. frost frer. NI In the 9$ +P ~· u .. .a..&Yick1''s CASHlll& Plua . exrlualvt Plt1sa.nt 3 alrl otnce 2 Mr.Eitzen Circul1tion Depl rur-NBGr1~b1cDeararin~m How would you Ilie to hke new. dun SlSS l:UPANCY Gf\OSSEO Lim ll<XJS~.4R"ESALES chocol1te atore hu a1y1 1 week. Salary reallyh11poaillon10Pfn requires person wllh eam~uchuSSO OOa !>J.~ !U ... ! ! ' IN '•• '~ PHOTO MODl1.S Appl¥. in person· Crown /time position 1vall. baaed on experience. Rataur1nt in ulea. A•, a flt.Id &ood typlnN/ofc akllls w you like drive· SIS refng. Philco t'ord .. •'ull 18r apl on premlaea UCOITS Jflrdware. 1814 San Oillnlmum 3 year1). TACO llU repreaenlatlu you 11 Minimum 3 "\:lay wk In it'I. pic'nlr». plzu avocado im. xl.nl rond ror mar Rm to add 8ACR I Dlo:TTER M!Jutl, Newport Be1ch. 8'3-02ij. 11 look.IDf ror TUIT, part earn an hourly wa~e + RellpomlblUUe11 lnc:lude Pl ~. ~arh fartlea, p.w. S46·0269 urt llPM ~~.~'~'wn~'.:!·~~I~ THAN EVER! ~HRS c-LISS GAL SECY GGllERALOFFICE help u,,. help. 4a)' 01 nlaht. ~~~p~orp~ .. in:r iltt! bkkpg, ht!avy typ· plus many othtr hlnga~ c ~: hvy dt)' wa,hrr 't.t. 0207 _..,_ Putt me. txper'd, Hun-netded Variety or ll&ht {)ppoJtunltlH for advan· r · · lnll working with ven· ~ y11u wnultl prub11by w/muuliallktot Sl50 ~'!bf.ar.1~1 °~r1~c ~~: Outl'ilfl GllMDll Un-'on Stach, needed dullo•.' Must be Jood ~nnt. APJ>IY :.:~~nl~ f'f/tl call. dora. Must h11vr front probubly c:nJtl) worklllll _642 4127 Kr~e,;;f <'h, a/5~8e,~. w' EF~}!.erltnce Inc Th,r11 practice Law Firm. l4lo time. Call ror •pp't: Restiusant SAUSMAM phone ~a on.er. non <JUALa !CATIONS , 1~1R~n~r!"..J'~shti~~1t G I p "t G OPHATOI ror overflow In aeneral Wllh nul'nbera. ~•rt-, !ltCoa•t~Y...1llJlch • x ---ok .appearanct, good foru,. • • . Ocean fro n l QI v d.. . ~-End Fffd. all o~ 16 Im per wk. Thuraand 9'l'IH!m afttr 10 AM. ASSISTANT Foochtrvfce eicpr, Cum am>ker Call Greta Wed 1. Over 12 ytiurs of a5i:. II» dryer 1295. llolpo1n1 Newport Buch. Ca . LOenlletrvl.ewC. 8·llcamM. Fl'idays. Exper wHh Part-time auto maint.. MGR/COOK rnlsslon. O.C territory ~J~Jrs ror appt ~·~~a~(ehone~t an tle Washer & !';let drYN 92683 ron ic orp, · · IBM Dlspl1ywriter prt• delivery. S.'IOO·SSOOtwk Sm restaurant, P,vt ROlt French t~urm.it rood --3. Work a(lcr ~<'h<K>I untl $195.~6 8672 -LOAN SHARK 54.S-0413. f'd. Will lriAin Aste for 7.a : 5781. dub. So. Orange County 2131427·~ _ <,.JRY 1$ 1200 Saturdays WANTED 7 o7S C .. SS & GAME CllthJ. Mon lhru Wed. Salary To 45 hrs wkly Tt~IC company seek11 CALL TOl>AV ' AMcffCM IO 15 Need SI0.000 for 90 daya PC lo exch for rm & UMLTD M'7-604l PUT TIMI WOii Malure. ~·5767 for in Sales your aood skills 11nd 53'7·5936orS31 5257 ••••••••••••••••••••••• at yourterm.s Miss Pot· bond. rellablt young Specialty ttame store UVE·lN rompamon for Rl.1. TIMIPAY terview. -OUTSTANDING prof attitude for u SAM to tol'M ~UCTIOM ter,892·™ __ Frtnl'lt Can 1 d1 an has immediate opening elde r~ woman rm . $4.00pr br+ loslart. Sales OPPOITUNITY et>Uli\lt pos11ton Denlle)' S Ind 1 an A rt d a c t ~ U--fo&.o. SOU Liberal. La guna for entry level. perma board $200mo D~ve ~·!~al leade.r Ad¥erfft.l.aSolea for llayea & As:ioc 1570 Western AmencanJ :::::! ................. Qyrtp, 41t829& nenl Cull time sales pos1 rar. prepare eventn& l ehn.1 : ma't}ited1n1 . IS Hi&h qlialty.[lfteru>r de Broolthullow Dr. 1114 • J ... IL~lt ACuotlhl!nctt1~ ~nl ~s1an "~,;ro uon. Game knowledge'! meal Call afl 6PM ~di ....... 1,_2, quda. 1 .1.~n.; sian and archilert& OUTSTANDING SA 92707 S49 2625 A ~ • "'•.t.M...y Po1ltlon wanted by and 011r for selbog fine 847·1~7 ~"'"'~ 1,ivrrs11."" publication needs SA.LISMAMAGU Personnelsenrtres 100'. F.xper" tn 1 Juods or \OOik&S1hcrJe"'eh·\ $10,000alKIOp C:':r.".~:On ~~~rr':~ merchandise desirable MAllmMG corpo~UonsaE;ce'ft8fo~ mergttlr salesprople To supervise lnsiae· & r~. __ ~:i~~hoosGdM'!:~gsrsa~ 211lrn'P~~1f.1cr:,~~~11;~1, fomorJeanne tbltav 544.90& ~!!~sJ1•net Poland I p .U.SOCIATI housewives & sup-Yoong C?mpany Good field ~ales for 10 yr old Sttretary Part lime . bcne_ f!!s 540-8491 llun1miiton ~3rh ---=s.2-=.:.~2 V'lo1' artttmt w/OC ex-plementalincomeforre-opportunity high rom multi m1llton dollar management ronsultmg Wedne&da\ E\to Apnl i 2 n d T D . s Dental Rerept ion ist . CHILD CARE TWIN 21 ttuuve fo'or appt rail al estate people After· m1ss1ons + bonu~es company Musi have offlre, xlnt typing skills TEACHU'S ASST 7 :.>PM Prf'\ >c11 fiP\1 $20,000·Sl50.000 fully fllll.ldure. k2Sno~rns~~fre~ YR OLDS. MY HOME ,848-00!IS noon/evening hrs 213/~~L -i.uccessful,51les m~mt preferred,knowledgeof f>\Tulll1me 1-:xp pre! DonMrU>odAut•tioni·i·r a!Tl>rt. to 20/yrs Other riel CALL DONNA 646·4662. I -available For personal SAL ES ex per r or exper selling c·onsume r property & casually ms JJ:Y 552·7494_.. 552 1888 213 447 9520 2nds S 000000 A celleoce In prodU<'tion. interview l'"all Mr needlework shop, San prodU('la to drug & dtb helpful Send work ex com~·11 .& non -o!~~r rollecllooa, recalls. pa-CUIUCAL M ... T,_t.._L McKinneyat 545-5i78 Clemente, 675-44!11. rount stores . Mail penence & employment TelerhoneSohc1tor &rograms No bk rs tlent ~la4'ons seeks a 4 ASSISTANT A SR OAL 10AM·5.30PM Tue Sat Rdume 10 General history lo Armtech. 1300 ·Be~ Workini: <.:ond day week w/an estab For bo01' & suppily-room. m ----Manager, DIT 2652 Dow. Dove St Su >le 200 •Absolutely no selhn~ rent:963·2611 --dfl'rllstinaolopractire l"""5SWPM,mathabih· v1so~. PARTTIME/SALES SAL.ES . 1\Lo!tin.Ca.92680 Newport.Bea<'h , C;a' ·<.:umnussion+bonust'\ licyc~s 8020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Moli--a, Trust CIOle to Irvine area. Ex ty'.'fillng, liftino & move· AMF ien rr c b olling •GUYS & GALS• DlJOY reading The Pen 92li60. <an easily earn you OJdr 5035 <'fl. reta. Call . Answer ment of audfotvisual l nter,na.llonal, ~ Neediome 100d extra nysaver? The Header ---SIOOperday <ircen Cubr~ 3 ~µet•rl fol<b m hulr ~ Lad1<·~ I\~ f' ~>mble, 3 ~peed maroon. year uld $115 Call ~Jnrlra art ~ 54ll !\(n:I ....................... @dH51. 6'2·"300, 24 hrs equip. Perm •part-time.-dynamic h1ih growth 011 lnrome ??? Looking for ad dept: or Th~ Pen· S~US • P 1Hfl.'I u *'* ** * • * • * * * • * * •Top phoner 2 weeks u.a..w..e.d 7100 8AM-12noon Mon·Fr1. field s~rvice company afewdependablepeople nysaver1sacceptmg11p· Positions a(.all. de SECRETARY pdvacat1onor Lo. Dttt? • ...,. Call Fashion lnsitute So. has an 1mmed1ale open· ror pit eve phone sales. plicallons for full·tlme rronstr11llt1g produl'ls in Slat typist. C1nanl.'1al •Sl .IXXI bonu' 1Ja1<l ~Co.a.7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cst Plaza Village mg for a Material Con· Cal!Jeffal497-4188. sales positions. Clear grocery stores In your statements, tax return~ quartC'rly Rea r Estate money AMw.rl.aSen S46-0030E.O.E. trot Sul>C!rvisor. H you --------prinling,goodspelling& area S4 hr. Will tru111 Type 70 wpm, 10 key •24hr11cek available 2nd or 3rd TD OPEllA'fOlt" lo work --------have a auntmum J years a friendly smile are the 96.1-3107 Experience re9ul red •New Produ1·t RMX ll1ke . ancdi1eJ r1 ms. I\ llS fra mr $11.S best ofr 64S 2464 Loans on residential or partli~J)ermanent COOK"SHelper. f'ri. Lhru experlen('e in material PilTTifiiiCE ~k re;ciui~ments. We Nonsmoku Salary •Manal(elll('nt& Income properties. We • 382ThirdSt. l!C Sun. 4000 Hilaria Way, control supervision. we S.9pm. Expanding youth will tram you to assist STOP!! SllOO/mo CPA firm supv oppt~ handle a full range of La un Beach__ N.B.642·5861. have a rhallenicing posi· counseling firm has our cll!ltomers in t•om Take lime 10 relax nnd Cot;ta Me~a Call Carole ·~:~per only need apply imrtgage Coverage at AQUATICS Applications co u NT ER _ c () o K . uon available for you openings for 3.5 sharp posing lheir ads Apply shop at home It's s>m 754 10.W .Call Dene, S48 4014. Mt'n ' 10 ~peed b1kr TounnK handlt'bar~ $30 ~502(1 very competil1ve rates. are btln& accepted for P1t1me. Ftttme, call for Applicants must have outgoing nuture people 1660 Placentia Ave · pie with Oa>ly Ptlut Sening person Im 1z 4PM Courtesy lo Brokers. lifquarl&, pool alien ~ 67~21~--expentnre in working to rmtlvate ambitious _C.M _ C.1assif1ed Ads And 1f mediate openinl(, ex Tennis c:ourt :.ittendanl 714· 760-1551 ask for dants, swim tnstructors with an M RP bastd 10.13 yr olds Call 2·5pm. you have somelhmg to c e 11en 1 c 0 mp an, apphcations are being l~lciftq Moteriols 8025 Steve or Duane & an ass"l director or COlalhr Clffll romputtr integrated 642-4321. ext 343 Ask for To buy, ~ell or rent u~e a sell, call a fr1endl ) benefits Apph· m person accepted for PT spnng WJOOW HAS su fo r TD's aq11atks Soring and or Pee Wee .. s ltotdogs Da1 manufacturing system. Andrea. low t'08l l'larnf1ed ad ClasS1f1ed Ad Visor at only Jolly Roger. c M help & full t1mt• summer ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOW 3&</FT Red11ood 2~6 (J~ck1n1.:. 4 21f long also rtd" •>Od rencmi: Lo.,. e~t µnre 11uar Jim or Kt·n _!fil't11ne 77S 14 !I I RE Loans IOK u'/. No summer. Full & P T ly Mon lhru Sat 10·5 1866 HP 3000 expenenct de· 642 5678 642·5678 ZWX>Harbor Bl help Contact Tennis Hut Cr ..... : Ch • .. N 1 ,._.act Mr Westling or Nv. l BL 645-4007_ _ s1rable but not man I . ---:~---B c o (" C .,..,1 ec ... o ena . ......... dator{ We offar ex • Pellllon c1rculatur. at ig any n ty. Dennison Assoc Ms lulld644·S404 DATA PROCESSING. " PT k 644·5404 67J.7311 P'T, strong ltcctng bk l~llen salary & working Pr/ . SS·S8 hr Wor - A1\.AMT A FtltM g r n d . M 0 n . F' r 1 . rondihons as well H an own hrs. 840-6812___ TIAIMEES WE Buy 2nds llPAHOIMG 8 l>-2PM 10 key touch . outstanding benefit ,. lfoarCIDM Learn a slulf get l'X I Ntecf management & salary commensurate package For Im wa~edttiqiart~me ~ penenrc In the Army C:.C...ros & Ecpipnnt 8030 GREATSOUTHWEST 1 Sala. p/time & r ltrne wiabilily Grand Dyer mediate consideration . . ( l ~ ) ) Reser,e. After tr:unmii CAPITAL CORP Must be mature. neat & 957-mo1 submit resume with cur·, PoSlUons. . _ serve t 11eekend earh 6ZS-4190 repon. Call Pat O"Con· rent salary history to Newport ... och rmnlh µlus 1110 "'eeks •...•...............•.. DARKROOM .t.~---_..._/ 91fn.µ. __ Partl1me. Costa Mesa Jnternat1onal. 18011 --~;H ... ~exfi'T>_ _ rroney. PX. retirement -.... om i•-------~ ___ _,64~1·32'1_2_ Mitchell So . lr\line CA Re a 1 Es la le pr 0 . benefits. Call today for nor: (714)559·4930. T F. DENTALASSISTANT AMF Sctenl>f1c Dnlhnl? Ad¥trtkllta llNTID each year Earn extra Pen.di/ I DENTAL ASST/ltDA 9'Z'714. Alln· 8111 Wr ight fessionals wanted. Good rmremformat1on Stan your darkroom 10 day ' Wtth a Re seh•r Z3Cll enlariter. enlar~ mg lenses . ~arehi:ht &. f>lter.. elect ronit· t 1me r vanous easel~ & c1 er.' type or darkroom J(' ce~sory 1ma i:1nable 1\ll ln excellent cond1111m Will sell as packajle on Ii~ m 8-100~~ l.ost&FoUnd 1 ATTINTIOH: H b EO.E. Mt F spbtbased onexper. Hunl>ngtonB~h9621!821 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Amtiilloils ·boys and a v e Y 0 u c e n Sanla Ana 552 3173 ~Ilk 5100 girls 10.13 years old. to searching for a reward PACIFIC COAST TRAVELAG~:NT·f'Ul.L· ••••••••••••••••••••••• work one or two even· mg career opportumty Mgmt trainee. rtt. p/I, HWYFIONTAGIE { ) TIME. Salir<' trained. lngs a Week telling where your cha1rside ex · sales. Fabnc or retail ~IT llE ... CH ( ,....... ) rt. ·11 '--ed •· r 772 47 .-nn"' A ~ must have 2 vrs expcr newspaper su scrip· pe 1~e wi .,.,us 0<ap· ~.!P· P_re . __ ·4 1· Call4~·9741 .wcekdy). Bnghten someon.e"s day with a Classified 1m,.,..cw,._,, r'~r only S6 oci" your Easter message will appear with the bunny above lions. Transportation preciated" 11 so. we in ~-4040 IRdilcH 49&-S882 eves 11 knds and constant adult vile you .to join us & . w•• ~·" I I 'd d share in the growth of MODB.SMEEDED 71..1 .1.42." 50 TRAVEL AGENT Min 2 superv s on provi e · this raring dental office. .character types. 18·80 .-v ~ ' 3'I duding medical In work _CON_FIQENTIAL_ 552 3052, 552 1995 art ZOOM LENS 35 70mm r 2 8 with ma c-ro ror !'tlinolta comeG!J125 6:W·4673 Call3to5:30PM,askfor CAtiiforT I N yrsexper.mustbe com· Andrei, 642.4321, ext . Excellent benefits in· yrs. for ralalog & film AllINQUlms ewspaper puter trained In Int ________ 1 surance p!us a percen-•Male/female. 18·22 yrs. -sr~I --------1 tage or prod uct1on must look 14-UI yrs for Real Eslale/Lk req"d. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIJOO/mo if quahf1ed. film. no expt!r ience MAlllmMG & c • TYPIST Bur~)e k1tlt•ns. ,a!Jh· ATl'N. HOMEMAKERS Do YOU have 10 lo IS flex brs' You can earn S7S to $100 wit d. epend on time Sandra R.ich Cats 8035 Newport Be a ch necessary. S35-S8S per ~1~ DIR~TOlt a rr1ers f I T)PUli? to }OUr home :it (." f A ~ 11eeJ;s $175 644·0022 day ~ ~ or -'out es \OUr hours ('uronJ del Slud .I\ Jll 11.19·0972 --..:.... ··81k1n1 pr1ntwork . progressive 11 ~1arres1dentfreferred Docp • Dental Rece~llOOISl . s;·· s·9··. s1•n ~ .... ~rn Califomia pro 1040 549-7942 in the Daily Pilot on Easter Sunday. O C Call 642-5678 and ~~~~~~~L v pa rt 1me •'' X •Experienced ramp perty management cor· In unt1n on Q( 1 615~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l. A • E JV """"''"' • H • gt Be h Call aner 5 P:- perienced. neat. mature. nl>dels. $45 a show porallon has an ava1la· ' Kf:F.Sll0:0-0 Pus•~ AKC enjoys nice patients ma •Wild clothes catalog, ble pos1lion for in · f f . \I II & N rf 8 h WAITR F.SS WA I T l-. R Ch.imp ~1rt> M F l't.'l ~ plea.santbusy0Hicew1th some t opless. S250 dlvidualexpenencedtn OUn Qin yQ ey ewpo eat .,.carror.,.1rkt>rbaskrt ,hu " l'\t µt\ charge 11. Mastercard N E w p o R T T 1 R E -•and-•\VIS-a•w•el•co•me--"' CENTER 3000 Easl great staff Musl be +rlolhes shopping center leasing lunch sen 9 JU I JOpm 213 '6i 13~5 Jll 6 pm sharp. salary open SOURCE &prormttons.Publicre· Mon FT1 fo:dro SlSOSl7~, ___ O>asl Hwy Corona Del Mar Newport Ce.nter 1l4EJOI lalions skills a must. wkh Must be neat. ~!olle Golden R~·1r1e\1•r 640-0300. _fim-0777 lP~m_7_pm 1 j Some acrount1ng back· personable & enl'rl!ehc Pu PP 1 t• ~ } K l 1 '' CASTING MOW! •RO exp. nee All types ·~S851day, 3-lOhrs •Extra work in movies. •Indus lrammg r1lm THEJOISOURCE liSJ.0777 mam·7j>fill._ •SPIRITUAL READIN(f• 1815 So. Ercamino Real. San Clemente 492· 7296 F\ill lir. Lost&Fomd 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5671 l.<Jst: gold rha1n bracelel w'dtarmnd chips \lit Comm Presby ten an Church & Park. L 8. REWARD 495-6848 Re ward. Alaska n Malamute. 111' & whl, vie. Adams 1Brookhursl. ~~ Lost: Lrg M. tan German Shepherd, vie San Clemente 492-6771, REWARP. Lost: Cat, drk grar. W/Wht raws. Male. co. lar w/ .D ··Smokey". (714 }552·6717 Lost: Passport 599064. re· ward for rel um. no ques· lions. 642·6463 Ahmed Mohammed Suwaileh Lost: 5 mo F kitty.· bile, t.an & wbt lortolse shell, reward. S48·1204 Lost;..fft.ol keys, Harbor ·Shop ing Center. C M • on4 .546-~ Found, ~m blk ftma le dog, wtnea collar. call to identify 979-1911. 751-5324 Auto Parts co unter ~. Freeway Auto. ~!!'\ Vitj_QJ9S-OIOO BANK ING TB.L&c PIT Exper II 30 to~ 30 da1 ly Call 842-8600 IEAUTICIAH As 6arber"s ass1st3nl. etc. Per hour. The Hayr Bern. 609 W 19th St . C.M. 646~0_. _ Boat cleaning Part Time 673·9321 N Ch t P round M r 3 t ""9 ,,..,-, aft 1t1·•m !or gtJ>ti•rt'<.l 1~ il!8.l All shifts available school1daycare needs 5 years reqwred m pro-a_p_pt 3 Ua:.o puJX up to 52511 FACTORY TIAINH , ew ris 1 an re I« m1mum o o "' v•~ " Ideal for the ma tu re director Harbor Tnn1ty perty management ac· WO RU I' IW CESSO R \"anet\ uf 1·ulor,. womanover 4o 962.9336 Baptist Churrh. 1230 1>v1ty. preferably with ne <·ded 1 m ml• ll . 646.56115 IYEIPAC CORP. Baker. c M For '"'°I specialty or mixed u~e • Good EamillCJS CALL "o \\ P :-.1 h l' J ' ' •Poodle' fl l'ru!Jlt .. t058S Lawson l\h•er, 9§3·:tl66 shopptnl(renters malls CIRCULATION transrnp1111n r1•q roni T l'uµ~ To\ S2tHI lo ___ F_,y___ NursmR To be considered. you • Super Tn·ps ruler opt•r n plu' s.'il~' Pt·I~ lloarrtrd t.. QEPART~~NT .oratert Lai:1rn.i llr h Gmumed 54ti 28411 FAST FOOD part-lime NURSES AIDE musl meet these xlnt salan ('all lkhr;1 during lunch hour The minimum requi rr • Great Pn·zes I a1·1y P1·1a1~ 494·!1484 . Rotisserie 260 Bristol. Exper all shifts. Con\'. ~nts. Send resume. in · SL c M ll osp Nwpt Brh eluding salary history WRITERS ' . . Cheerful. dedicated to to . Ad 1111105. Datly Pilot, F R E E L \ ~ (" r HANDY PERSOM gd p\1 rart! Xlnt Ins P.O. Box 1560. Co11ta 642-4321 Speciah~l' Mt'dt•tl 111 Laguna Niguel home J!l'OJ.raf!l. Call 642·8044 Mesa. Ca . 92626·0560. day' owners assoc needs EOE part·lime person for ex MOW IS THE TIME -. -._-' -Htwport leoch terior maintenanre (or )Ob seekers tu rheck RICEPTIOMIST Ad¥ertisiftQ Transportation & tools the Dally Pilot Help for Sit/Sun & Hofidays, 631 6300 e"<l ro WA.-..--n:ll nr.,. home fo1 jll.>dlj!rt'l' ll•.'alllt'. 111 \'I ,\II shol., t•nr \ii :-;d~ 1•11 646 llllU , Chinese Shor Pei M vu~, t mos S4ti 13!l:i fltodUl full cuatt•ll Coekl't Ruff Al\C c·ham1• rathl'r 5 \ r~ $1~11 required. Send details & Wanted class1riratlon rr Mesa Verde Con val u NE Mp L 1 YE 1 1 u.........L.-..1:se wage requirements to the .)Ob you want is nol Hospt .. 661 Center St . ~--BUYER P.O. Box 6175. Laguna there you m1ghl con <;¥ S48·558S_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Re •po n sible r or ~N;;igue:;;:;;l9267;:;;;;7;;,;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ sider offtr1ng your Alltiques 8005 l!T7 JS.l3 • York5h1re T!'mer IJUPI" male i\1\C l'h:imp hn1·' Shill5. $400 54b !1621 " ser A-with an ad 1n New m town• Class1f1ed • •• p u r c h a s i n g r a ~ "~~.. •••••••••••. •• •••. • • material, mamlain1ng USE THE I' he Job Wan led can help you meet many FAUIROOK rep1ir items & office DAILY PILOT category Phone642-5678 ol ourneeds~2-5678 NEED A JOB? AntiqwShow ~~4:'s ~us~~:;~ e,x~ "FAST .Da1·1y P1•1at · · .. · ...... · · · · · · · ·· .. :: Let us help you find an employer. ~ Dally Pilot. Irvine Mirror ApnTr9~roe 1982 Yorloe pup d h\ m~ 111!1 I of In' e for r.a~ter' S1~11 ~27'13 - manufactunng & skills RESULT" & Mission Viejo Mirror will print your employment-wanted ad Hourll 11 Ml 7 P~1 In cosling. material Pme~ analysb. neeotiation & SERVICE Fallbrook H11?hSchool M1m Srhnau1er Fema h· Al<C 6 mo hJ, ~hQ(' Adorablc SIOO SSi-451\1 rommun1cat1on Ca pa· DISTRICT MANAGER South ~llS)ton Cocker Spo11iel levels ol management For Result This highly successful local newspaper Donallon SJ so '<11th mom & pop paper' ble ol working wtth all DIRECTORY FREE 1a1 Stage<.:oaeh l b.,.hnld rarron d1re1·1 Send resume & salary Serv1·ce Call h Sponsored b.Y blonde & hte red. S21M1 ""1, Daily Pilot, P.O. 642·56 71 partment for a District Manager. Basic I _1·~.§c!. tn H'k..r, 76 eHs .,.knd~ biltory to. Class1f1ed Ad as an opening in the circulation de-:-'( fallbrook Mustl" Society 720 0425 A~! fi4!1 521111 &x iseo. Costa Mesa. kills will tail · · f JO ht. J22 s en IUpeTVWon 0 to 14 WOOD·BURNING Uobw PUPPll"'-rl'll. .\Kt SECRETARY • Commercial loan documentation. Ave years min exper. • Loin Administrations or mtew exper helpful • .Report.to ~· Sr, VP • Resume required • Newport Center Location TELLER year old boy and girl home delivery & gas rook slo\'e. 1i:reen r h J mp 1 on 1 1 n t' s carriers. Areas of supervision wUI be re~able 497-2246 l"rofllX'd, shot~ 968 3753 delivery, collections and sales. Selected Jewelry D1splll)' ra~e. 6" tTftto You 1045 applicants will receive ~ly echedu-There Is absolutely no cha~e to you. We wlll ftrlnt si7s. carved dresser. ·················•••••• led raisell, bonus onnnrturutiesandmanv bevld mirror S375• FT~ dol? to ~1111'\ homt' rr-, your employment-wanted a on Sunday, April 8 In 498-62!H ... •-98·Z326 sma11rrma1em1x fringe benefiia such as company paid the Dally Pilot & again on Wednesday, Aprll 21 In the DES.GNElt HOME 615·l!.300 dental and health p!An, group life insu. O p Ml & Ml I V J Ml Queen Anne Oropftal Fl'\'f 6 "ks old adorahlr ranee, vacation and sick leave. Company ally llot, Irvine rror SS On le 0 rror rea-tbl. ssoo Rure piano let? kittens. gra~ or orani.:t· vehicle is furnished during w orking Ching over 200,000 adult readers. desk 5896. Eng Anl11ur 6.11 1379 art Jpm houn. Applicanta must be over 18, have Use the coupon below to llst your job title, your ~e~~-A~~~uesuarn Malt Bas~ett !found 11 a good driviug record and be neat ap-q allflcatlons & telephone n mber Mall or bring your round & many more \·rs old. good heattrr pearing. Houn are generally Monday U u · items 675·S3.8.9 or Lo,·es rh1ldcet1. &608189 thru Friday. Some overtirot avNiable...If ~. ad to the OaJJy Piiot before Thursday, April 16. Thfs 67~3738 Ask for..:l.•M• m you llre quifilfed and Interested in leM-offer applies to any person who Is presently unem-..,...c" 1010 Frtt F.ai~~r.~1unnit~ ning the circulation buaineu, contact ployed. Not applicable to those seeking baby-sitting, ••••;iAR.BOR.ARE~··.. 968 17ih Don Wi.l.liams. Apply in pmon, 8:30 to housecleaning, at-home work or other service type APPLIANCESERv1cE ,...... tb5o 10:30AM or 2:00 to 5PM. employment. We sell rtrond . guar ••••••••••••••••••••••• ";:r :;:' (Please print In 25 words or less) ..!.P.2!!!.n!~ 549·3077 * * I RUY * * 330 W. Ba" s•-t I IUY APPUANCES Good uSt:d' ~'urnuure & ~ """" Les 957 8133 Aplllt.ancu OR I 11111 Costa Mett. CA. • ,_ uhers. <fryer. refnR. ~UorSELLfor You Found: champagne l'OI· ored Cairne Terrier. Brulol/Redhlll, CM. Blue eJr,.3 lbt, &tf.2171 i.a'f.e5l;;.~M~ttor • Min 1'hyrs exper. -~-• Orange Branch Location Equal Opportunity P.mployer ! 'IVs Guar. Also trade. MASTMS AUCTION ~-wor\1n1t or not """'"· Ul-Hll -;;mlij· Pif:::::::: :: ::: :: :::: .. ~ mix puppy, While w/blarll rare. 3 black 1111rb on back. Answers to Chtyenne. Lost Vic. l9lh 6 Monrov ia. C.M. Ca~ve. 845·5lJl tot ~.C.M. fculd: Collie. SE Hunt • lnllon Beach art1. IR·?llS Challenging and re- warding opportunl· ties, Excellent salary, outltandina benefits. For Interview phone 640-5100 Jtckie I Part time penon to deliver oAuy Pilot auto route tn Laa. Bch· 7 ~ya J)fr _wk· about 2 bra per day, M·F, 3:30PM. S.t-Stm-&AM. . MUST LIVI JN LAG BCB MIA. No mlllcUftc. lln*wa .. ~ IDabtb and : up. Call~ POoc. _..,_ -: • plaJI _,... eaii ... • ....... . ~ • • . Mynwne •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- lilOl fOr Pl~ • --~IS9·0882 __ VITA.MIX Juicer & brudmaker. Ulte Mw. ~-~·0918 Fl'O!lt·frer refrl 11 . S200 Dinette set w/6 ('hrs . 1100. Both 2 yrs old. ldnt "91!11 ISt130$ <!Y /t!\' - K«\lll)re Eire. wuhtr & M1ho=~T /o~~e bed with mattrt:1ll :\tuon shaped mirror on ht'ud board. m>OBO 631•779hft 6 dryer. Xlnt cond. l.100 I IUY MMITUl.1133 bcO. 6'5·5424 aft 5·30 ·· ·flr· d 21) Sofu MW, M fl. 10 loveMau. • ta. Mat NI model i.olM ofr ••• -...... . .. -..... ....................... KIHO St 'JhUOtd l2 P,I Mlkua t hlna fi,\50. •Iran, hhdbrdlhlr 10 ' tlr Port TV tzso. Xllt (Ol_lC! ~J41·~ M4'*5Jt.iJ1>90Sl fV~ d GM hffdlloud for Ultra Sonlr rluner. doubi. becl. In excellent 1.r ~ Curio ub net <'Oftditlon fl~ After lpm CICl:-X:t!..:i' EU.11:-__ _ '1J. Dllttt•'S HOWi 2 C1ntom -made twin Pr\i;,J.&,cr ffialf1, ~.ttOOtaloh' 4 Drwr $300. Dropltar table. ~Mt ..... ' night *250 Mattrents ' bo• tand12$ ~~n8i1:. ltl:•:!tad~; 1• AntQ wht wrouaht Iron Frenrh al111ware, red' ~ tnallln& malnaall. dlnlna rm nt w t3d · clear. m ea. Sec'y desk, lOoa, llit '2 n. foot 15 tt 8 glass top, 8 chair., & tin. 4 gold chrome in.mo. mal~hlna ildt table. ama ll tablta, "lU . Anti 11• ll'f~ .(j 4 • ---=-="':..=;.:..__ __ F'loaouon Walerbed, ~n~~~t. ~~:e~~.~: ZODIAC CADET. 10'. &d KlnJ 1lu. ucellenl love.eat, ~ Antl~ue oond.$'100,call ~ ~·914 dtak, SlOO. End lalile, 87$-9911 Karau din rm &el " S30. 675 5389. 675 :ma EVINRUDE 9.9 H/Pl breakfront , Gorhnm lJaneu_ ---Ion& ahan, lo hrs. &a llltrlma natware, serv ATARJ Video game New <'Ond.JSOO. 815·9?!!1 ATT9m0M ... TONitMJMvER Fits MO' a, '11 '81 Never UHd. '1S MarlaaMm Ive m11 UTE BODY WORK' P&lnt·"P to 50~ o~ur body •Ml! nt 638· ror 10 ~ &JI acceu : In oria carton w /l wo Evtnrude Outboard. 6H P. Lrnox t hin»: Dresden r1rtnd1es !Combat & Ion ahatt. xl nt cond. ALFA ROMEO PARTS Vases; C1111i Porcelains Bowlingl. Sl30 cash. SS2·11656 All parts to convert 101 ~~rol0·~5S aft 6p m , ~ve~~71~~ __ ....c::~·-="-=<=------1 1600 lO Ve loce, exc. ...., n , Power 9040 piatont. S1400. Dennis. • ACRYLIC NAILS $30, •••h•••••••••••••••••• 979-%148 arter 6pm or ~ sz bdrm 11et King Ko1I New York S11lon on lhe 40, Owen1 Tahitian live· _wknds-"==---extna firm. twy dul) fr water at Peter'a Land· aboard slip avail' Call ~bstofr SS2-7~ 111g Judy o r H 8 rve y Must sell Harvest Gold 213·m -!oot_.846·0036 642-4844 btwn 9am-5pm. Recliner. xlnl rond Joiwl Wayne Tennis Club •--------i••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ... ~L92.89e,· membership, 11100 or,.. IMPORTANT t>es oH 136 '78 27'-\ft BAYLINER NOTJCETO f:STATE SALE Beaut L..!!" ~ "Vlctona". Fiy bndge, READERSAND Pecan w smoke gla~s Angels Season Tickets VHF radio. bait tank, ADVERTISERS c:offee & end lbl set. for sale. club level. depth finder. outnggers, The price of items match1nie wall unit ~face value 546-3154 with trailer Will sell advertised by vehicle Sohd Stnte 2S" t'Olor con Fox Jackel·-~orae~~s wht balance of lolln. dealel'1 in the vehicle sole T\' SU:l5 Oak bdrm d " C.11646 28(3 classified advertising set 16 pc 1 Cuslom llppe La rndor fox . columns does not In· sofa lo\escat orig $1600 ''er)' classJ'.. ve ry elude any applicable sac. S650 Elegant un· beautiful. si ed si 5oo Tn D'"-1 taxes. license. transf&I' used sofo be<I. No Junk 1~newl 494 3989 ll'&aCnilttf ftta. finance charges. _ran ~'il!.11'¥l.~e. ~-1860 sen au LETS 100 hrs~ lhower. 2 1, fees ror air pollution ron· Must ~ell Kmti size mal IUUft• staterooms. radio.-elc. troldevlce certifications or dealer documentary trl.'Si sci $1 0 673·16S6 ANSWERS Survey $80.000, now preparation charges un eves. SSS,000. Can accept car less otherwise specified Onental teak bar 5'1 rt Pundit Chair or truck in trade. Might !t!h_e advertiser $500. OBO 67S 7168 11!1 Brood Pi~sty f111ance bal. 646·6712, Of: Vi!.Qt\'ICto, N B I had "a16maTOthyleacher 629-5*>0 GeMr'Cll 1972 18 ft S~ortsll·ner ••••••••••••••••••••••• D-x-' IR Suit\ wro was reall" old. He '"' "' d ' cabin, 140 P Mere:, Queen n rnopy ed. wasso ol . when he went eqw9'd for fishing. Xlnt armo1r<'. dresser to school they didn't cood.$4.0000BO ~ w ~helve:.. desk chair have Hl~"TORY 832.0359 SllSO. l5!1·0096 after 6 31' Unifiite Sprt Fisher White "lt'ker king si 1011 Reblt 310 engines Fully _o o -headboard. xlnl cond. uipped Xlnt cond I t.JS 963 960<! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • K 644 · 5983 ew Martin gwtar. Shure Bnghten someone's da} Honts 8060 mic w stand & Fender 16 · Runabout w / 3 S with a Classified ••••••••••••••••••••••• a!J!l!..ll250 851 9765 Evinrude. runs good. ~r-!! Slake5 produrmg mare. ------, $400, + Nwpt Bch doek t'oronly s6.00 black·tr pe. in foal to Ac arehouse Sale Bach, space, $50/mo, 675·7474 ""'"'£aster messaae qu1tariat Delaware Conn. Fender Gibson. . . . ,v-• .. Chuifm.ireinfoalto Ac JBL. Pel\·ey, MXR. 34 Fairhner cabin w1llappearw1th qui tan at 2 ) r old Shure, Yamaha. etc cn.uer sedan, FB. twin ~t!>eu0n~;;~r:1 Delaware Chier h lh LS40-~ eng.. ~F. bait t11nk. ' Su 9510 mare m trammK Yrl •rw~ Nwpt rmonng. no mon· .. COHMH L CHfVROLt I ·'II • • r VI • '>41> I 200 HIGHIUYH • Top · cJollars l or-·sporta Cars, Bup, Ca mper&, 910,Audf's Alkt~U/C MGR JIMMA.RIMO r~~~~~ HUNTINGTON BEACH WIMHD YOURUOTIC &IRmSHCAIS -• 31o0W Coust Hwy. Newport Beach 642·9405 WANTED! Lale 19 733i low miles, Late model Toyotas and new cond. thru-0ut Aa- V o I v o s . Ca I I u a sume lease with low in· TODAY!!! terest rate. Call Anthony liarlelke TOYOJA.YOLYO days 642·5757, eves & wknd.s 63l-!i6;L - - ·~ 633 Wht /tan, 20K ~1. Perl rond Take ov r lse I............... P...L~..:.. 494·9456 c.......... ' 1911 IMW UOi "'-'4t-tlOl • uo.to7 white. w/browo interior. Top Dollar Paid For Your Car• JOHHSOH & SOM U.Cola-Mtreury 2626 ffarbor Bl~d' <Alst~ M~sa ,?iO·S630 sunroof, casstlle, AM /FM stereo lSK miles, dnt condition Resume payments _528-114}or85~36 ·74 BMW 2002. good rond. AC. sunrl. 4 spd. ~tereo. sssoo bst orr 17 t4 1 ~~-* 77 m . air rond stereo smoo --M().11989 '73 Sed de Ville. SS.000 ong m1 Good ronrl '<U<l SI. 1979 White t.rn T,....... 9767 ~~ 754 0401 leath 29K m1. exh•nded ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1981 Cad Se' ille mint warr . mml cond man) 1979 TRIUMPH Spitfire t'Orld Leather intr Lite extras Ca r phone Real clean with only yellow.ll.OOOm1 01g1tal ntRot1able $34.500. l'all 25.000 mile) Lo14 down. 11\Slrumenls. rru1se l'On ok ... 975 1128 Le) Io w pa ~ me n Is trl 5 yr factol') warr WANTED TO BUY LATE MODEL USED CARS ILSON FORD 1825S Buch Blvd Hunttngton ~ach from 1>h1kes produc1n~ ~1 ie...-:.a.......... & depth finder, sips 6 'CaEfr-:!;.~8~~a ing Arquit:mal foal &fiP""..t IOl5 thly fee. Xlnt cond charge1t Maslercard from stakes producing •••••••••••••••••••••• $37,500 213·343 9478 : l•-and-V•ls•a•w•c•l•co•me--•l m:ire Can be seen at 8 rmdel ho~ Desk. ~19 _ Me d SI <953XWAI Callnowand $11 .500 P\l part) ' ~ce es a e ~;e ~~b~n/}~~~ 6]3·7_334 For Jo.uropean deliver.)' &12·0010 2;1 S.Ylle MOCMtroof al fact Of) Apn I JVlh or d h 1 th Bfk.661 Hanson's StO<'k Farms .. credenza. chair. orig 14' Boston Whaler, '81 W"·TED 37613 Esplanade A\ .1l!.~el~675·0092-25h p Evinrude, xlnt M •11..mel <W!~97 7013 Gorgeous exec desk. shape$(200.640·7814__ TO BUY Stuben S1eii:friecl Extra credenu. conf. table. loah, Rttlt/ ~acldlt'. xlnl i·ond. boolcc11scs. bar & more ~---9050 S:ll'lifit"e, S.150 best or JS:lnt cond. 851-9765 ---.-LATE MODEL fer Ki rn 831 2165 IBM Correctln~ Selec-••• .. •••••••••••••••••• USEDC"'8 5 Shore mooring & boat. AA 'novn 8pm ) tric. dual ~itc ' 15 in prime Lido Isle location WILSON FORD Jew~ry 8070 ~5~~fe, x nt cond S7SO. ~2027 af\ 7·30PM. ........ ••••••••••• •••• --~....111 9060 18255 Beach Blvd Drnrrond eurnngs 24 pl. Desk, Executive. 72" x loah. ~ Huntington Beach pierced. 14K gold. SI 75 3 2 · · S 12 5 Add 1 n g •••••5•1•1•:•0•• 1 ••6•••H• .,.... 842-66 ll. 00:63(16 Machine <tape ) S2S 11 2 M EMER.\LDS-81rthstonc 64H2'!1 Fiberglassed & with ••• u/ for \fa ~• Your rho1re <Yf1t'e desk, 5 drawer, oars ... call.s4·3202. Clilllka 9520 on~ ~o·ea 640-8688 '4ilh exec:ut1ve chatr and 38' Sailboat Kil. int 80"_., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 customer chairs top completed. JOHP diesel MODB. .. A"s! MiscelaMous IOIO cond All for SISO 2 S· Quick sale S26.000. Sba.y ref>ffcas. pickups ••••••••••• •••••• ••• ••• drawer me cab, hke new 1144-5769 or call Ans Ad ' coupes. 4 lo rhoose S50ea ll&ll,642·0>0,24brs. from! <0061181 lStk ___ 631·7640 SABOT, equipped for ADl31 Pnces startinit Pets 1017 sailing. w/oars. Good •l ....................... condil.ioo$375. 759-167L OMLY S9,9t5! 32 FRENCH LOP baby bwuues. 120 Cages, will P>-L~/ hold for Easter ~ 962·3940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bn!Ultensomcone's da) -- --BOAT SUPS AVAIL ... w11h d Class1f1ed 3 > r o Id b I k L a b Newport Bch 20·. 2S ·. Eastff'-Gro11t!! Retnever. AKC. family ~r. ~r. 33'. 34'. 40'. 50'. -f'oronly $1i 00 dog. kept outs ide fil' 642-4644 9·5pm. ,070 THEODORE ROBINS FORD lOC.C .-AR80Q 8lVD (QSTA Ml SA Ml oc•c )Our f.a ster mesbal(e 95Hl580 ' "ill appear with EASTER BCNNI ES F~or rt.oentl.8~o$4r~, =~N'~ 1~ ~~\~fed M ;~~ .~~· lhe bunny above N h I d o f in the Dai~· Pilot et er an war s , S.7474 714/~·1623 3\ ail. now $20 494 7357 on f:aster nda~· eve Sll11t AYoll 1949 Ford P 1 ck up Call 642 5678 and Up to !H n. COM area. F1athead .6. runs good. chari:e1t Mas<ercard Plmios&Or90111 1090 Sll.OO per fl. Call Peggy SlkXl Orm 49ER 7516016 andVlsawelcome ....................... or Carrie. 714.955.2473 artS,613·~- --------•12 Year old Cumer P1ano1 wk-da 8-5 ·29 Ford Sport Coupe l's i• a b I e J u n I o r must sell SIOOO Ca I . . . $2700 Wheekh111r 525 Call 714 ~2'788afB!Spm U~e~~ e::~l~~~a~hp. __ G!ill[IS.3175 951 167fi Thomu organ w rhythm 673-4750 4 Wlwel Ori 9550 section. excell cond. ••••••••••••~~~•••••••• Stert'o Ill ~·1 $50 ping S~. 962 S388 .Wi119011 HariMMw 1 9 7 8 D O D G E :!888 11 111 lxir llh d I 11~1.1 \h·~;t !>tO llJ~I 9715 early Mii" One JOO D v..a.·w-9770 mputer as . ea er. bo ed , d .,._ ~·· tape J,ow Miles JOO tur i; un an ont' 300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• South Main Santa Ana D Wal(on Save dollar) 1970 VW IP!> 254!i or home 673.8203 For rrore 1nformot1nn. - '74LTD 4-dr Regurar gas. runs good. spaciou s family car Make off t'r 640·5228 an.er 6_Pm & Wknds __ CA LL Virgina 714 Po.etopcamper withre ·~cpedeV1lle.assumc 00·48000(645 1122 bwlt enl(me. AM FM 8 existing fmanl·1nR Call LIKoln 9945 lrack and C B radio Lon . 833·2009 or eves •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19802400 Only S2850 ra il 720-1~ '69 LINCO LN CONT 1!176 Oats n B210 2 door Air. auw, A1o1 Jo'M . new o$i 3202 ,.,_,tr rt l 9720 u '77 Seville i7K mile~. uuuu anspo a ion car. with an economfral 4 tlrt>s 1 434 4106 days. S400 080 speed trans .. radio & ~ 9t00 wknds '72 VW loaded S6500 ll 5pm s4s 0593 WEIUY heater. Very l'le;in ' SUPHllEETlE ~!lfl~PriS560353 . USEDCARS&TR UCKS {S56RJH I Yours forJust MG 9742 Exreflenl rond Mu~t .79 FLEET WOO D .66 4dr. 48.000 m1 Exe CALL FOR Fine Used Car Salts 7J4 528-1024 31.000 mi. blue ,i:re) 644·~dx.,_673·911Sl ev. COMEINOR ~Earle Ike Toyota ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell,mak!'orrer I BROUGHAM.xlnt ('ond cond S3 000 firm FIHAPPRAJSAL ~1970 Harbor Blvd . ATTIHTIOH ·77 vw nus . 7 pass. rloth....J9,UOQ 720 0425 Mercwy 9950 Conmer·DeL1llo Costa Men. 646 9303 MG ChampaRne Ed1t1on, ·79 Norfolk Gra~ Se,ille ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHIYIOlfT 540-946'1..,.____ OWHIERS s unrf · aut o S4800 loaded . •74 Mere HT. AT. AC. 182111\EACJiliLVO ~/ TONNEALI CO\'ER 963-4Q4 752·8731 or 7~1 1242 PS B. ne14 tires $1600 ~nJNTINGTON BEACH Jo'1tsMG's '71 '81 ·10 VW F tbk e it has aft664S-092S 147-6017 °" Nrver used. m 28.<XX> m1~~C. 'xl~t cond C-ro 9917 -- l Mana 631 7797 hr ms it thruout Call aft 6 PM ••••••••••••••••.••••••• ~ 9952 __ .5..4'· ll 1 966 1zy5 1979 CheHolet (.a ma ro ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ....... amd F\111 po14tr. illr ('Ond '68 CON\'ERTIBLE ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~'-'!ll'!'P. ... l"r'!ll!Wlitm M;.I 9744 '71 Super Beetle. reblt stereo r asselle till \'8. auto. air. ps xlnt "-rd 970 I l••••• .. •nu••••••••••• eng, nev. paint ml brks. wheel. t·ru1st• t·onlrol. l~ t ~4242 I ~~~11i11-...i111..-.,.. . looks & runs ·~re.ii rall) -.heelb & more' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...._c,~ntorot10t1 ~b!.tofr !1630102 Ne" metallH' brov.n "79 Mustang Ghia Turbo. t;,,.----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOI 63 Mt., Red n l'". finish v.ith saddle m 22.000 m1 . xlnl cond. I ~ ----rhmme paml tonnt•au. '80RabbitCOft't tenor l8J3XNltl $5:199 $4800 752 1800 '4kdys' T.l 610 Wagon. rebll t>n~. bra, uph-01 & rl•bll cn1:. 1 S speed. air. AM, FM F.arlr Ike To\ota Fine ~ ..a!Seves ""knds __ newpaint.Sl400 muc h mul'h morc rassett 16.000m1 Sh0'4 Used Ca r Sales OldiMO~ 9955 ,, _o 0 _. ___ &_g_:;r705 ~~In) 646 7211 room clean Forced sale 1966.1970 Harbor Blvd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._ i i 240Z Green Top ·77 MGB Lo m1 mint 6J~2 -Costa Mesa 64fi 9303 1980 OLDS CutlaH cond. Rbll eng. mags. <'Ond AM F'M radio J 13Super Beetle. new 1835 540-9467 Supreme Brougham Brighten someone·s day with a Classified Ea1hr-GnM1! ! r'or only $6.00 your Easter message will appear with the bunny above In the Daily P1lc1l on Easter Sund a). Call 642·5678 and charge 1l. Mastercard and Visa welrome am1fm . a1c. SHOO Red S3900 1 o'4ot'f Jeni:. raring suspension. 1979 -CFIEVY Camaro Loaded .-. tilt. rru1se. 720-0012___ 6311687 . ~ibstofr 64S·~ Rerhni•tta Midnij?hl P"r seats. AM FM Mone. 9721 'Of"SCM 9750 ·70 Bug. xlnt thruoul. new blue metalll1' " 23.813 cassette. padded top ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rustom ml , 2nd owner low miles Aulomatl!'. 17.()(k) low miles A real HEW DELOREAN <•~7 1 $24,950 HOH DA • 1910 PORSCHE 924TURIO! With sunroof, air rond , l'lt' A 11em' llAC:M 724 l OMLYSll,950! HOW AR~ ChHrolet -Oove uoilSts Nf:WPO T BEAC'll '2400F1rm.~·4280 pwr. st . u1r rond ~harp car t7 12ZBX > I • 1 It h I Call now and Save. Ask .65 VW Fastba i·k . sereo cass.w 1 wee G for Dave Jones SI00010BO Nu rlutch, e 0 r g e 0 u 5 <' 3 r 'llleodore Robins Ford tires Straight bod)' (577WYD >. Call no" and ll4l IZ76 ask for Oa'e Jones 642~JO_. _ 1lleodort Robins F'ord. 1966 IUG ~-0010. WANTED cond 33 mpg Sl65<1 pooR table $20 CM'-1093 loot Ramcharger 4x4. Pretty 968_1924 :::::?••••••••••••••••• slips avail 714 /846-TI66 maroon & 'A'hllt w1lh - Craftsman 10" Radial Pr Ross1gnal Skis, hind· or2l3/S92-l.359 bucket seal.I. pwr st.. Ne14 painl. \Ires. xlnt O.YroM+ 9920 TO BUY __ 840· 1383 , • •••••••••••••••••••••• 78 VW Westralia Cmpr. WANTED LATE MODEL JEEPS-.-CA-RS. -S~NJ. ~~~rA W -0555 Saw cabmel w drawers Ill~. si 718 boot, S22S In· BOAT SUPS AVAIL.. AM/FM stereo. mo gs & ~95. 966_:)969 fo85S-2289 Newport Bch 25', 4S', 20· wide tires llCG V~ I e _ ., • ., •""-"Som Call now and ask for Bavnrian Handpa1nl SporliltgGoods 1094 ._._..._. Dave Jones Theodore 18"H1 Vase < 192-0'~ I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Robins Ford. 642·0010 $200. Gol drim Cryslal WEATitERBY RIFLES T..-,ortoffo. 1979 FORD 4x4 short bed Pl at es. Gla sses 257m,JOOm&378m ••••••••••••••••••••••• st•pslde Automatic. S7 Sf) ea . Franciscan Xlnt cond 851 9765 t....L../ "' China·Mounta1n Laurel. ' · -pwr. st & brakes. Sl75 . Stereo Console 6' SURFBOARD W 9120 Tacoma ma ~s. over- $125. Polaroid 450+ Al Doyle, minl cond. used ~··•••••••••••••••••.••• sized tires, sliding rear tac.h u .. 545.3722 tv.ice . ~-1012 __ 72 F~rd F ·350 with wind, removable top. -~ chasstS mount camper & D o u b I e s h a r p Kenmore dr}er $150 2 TV.Rocio, all xtras. 33,SOO miles OU81041). Call now, ask european single beds 14 .vf, Shno 8091 @ . Uoyd ~199. r or D a v e J o n es dra~S2.5-0. 646·7597 •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• '76 FORD RANGER with Theodore Roblns Ford Refng $200. Twin bods. Microwave TV Ante~na . 1981 Camper fully ..:842-=..:00=10"'-. ----- $200. Sutukl street bike. lstrun movies, SlS9 inst. eql.ipped MUST SELL. Tndla 9560 -~~~--9am·9pm . 638·8724. In excellent condition ...................... .. Autumn Hoze Mink Slole. 1.9 In portable colored TV • 540-4473 "19 Toyota SRs short bed, perfect S50010RO. White remote control. 2 yrs llfl/ air. snug top, U .000. l"ox Stole S300 /0 BO old. S250 or offer ~ycM 91501-'8S::c7'-'·l339=----- PICKUPS 540.7430 1976 PORSCHE from S35 Available al local Gov't Auctions Fiest. 9726 911-S TilGA For Directory r ail ••••••Y••••••••••••••• ()puonsinrlildii11r t•ond 805·687·6000 Ext 1590 L979 FORD Fiesta Real metallic paint. tan Callrefundable eronomy for S259S leather. alloy wheels, -=:.:.:..:.====:.----I (R3t32A) Test dnve and Blaupunkt rasselle & JEEPS CARS PICKUPS buy today. f"inancing this car has onl> 56.SOO from S35 Available at available. Call now. ask nules' 1222KRIJ ) Ask local Gov't Auctions. f 0 r o ave J 0 n e s mg Kelley wholesale For Directory Ca 11 Theodore Robtns Ford bluebook which 1s onl) !m-68Hi000Ext8430Call 642-0010. $1 2.800 Call 17 14 1 refundable ~2196 AlfoRomto 9705 ~ •••••••••••• !?!.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Alfa 1600 y eloc• CottYtnfott 1 All parts to convert io; 1600 to Veloce, exc. J>1.JtOOS. $1400. 979·2748 atter6pm or wknds. 1MW 9712 WE'RE OEALIN' IMMmlATE MEISTER PO~~fam/ ~~DI Garden Gro\'e S...Senlcl'-lta1iftg 714 636-llll 0a}'S 833 1153 Eves 661-2212 Scoohn 731-3759 ---· vi.. R~r ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 1~~d~Nw~~~r,~ ~o~ & 2 Color 1V's $95 & Sl2S. JVC 6700, mint cond. 1974 MONDA trol, automatic. pwr. st .. U~. ah\ Vacuum S25 All . 644-6620 Street legal...besT Olfer. air cond .. oew paint .. C'AIU94-3202. "·· I I x t.1146-l!i2S Maranti stereo recewer. RARLEY!'-AVIDSON ~per c ean, ow P•Y· ••••••••••••••••••••••• • I DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS ·~ Porsche 924 Turbo. & ·~ Porsche 924 . Roth loaded. Take over lse payments 714/825 1808 '78 Porsche 924. very nice. fully loaded. whlse Vatamaster Treadmill. walnut cabinet, Sony :u =taa.nd<ta~~k 1r0/ 0~~~ CREVIER BM_ W S1S. ~mdow iosuhl\JOn tuml!ble. S300. W·W.. Knuckle Basket case, ,·~. ~ore Rof>lns .fil!!l 596-7~ - -1 QSC 4.2 Pwr Amplifier. ~~Mao. 0 r i g i 0 • 11 · ~ 842..0010. ·"'-be= Orig Sotchmo Leroy l Shure PE56D mic. 548-0593 llfl7 Chev heavy duty A ~~~nrng !'81 981-0761 d)'S. 985·4321 i 4 Targa, 45000 mi Xlnt cond. Yellow. $14.800. eves675-4SSI DAVE ~l~-=~~~~14 v~~ TO BUY USED CAR s '76 VW Rabbit , AC LATE MODEL WILSON FORD AM FM tape derk nice USED C "'RS 18255 Beach Blvd cond. pp $280()/~esl orr I "" Hunlsngtoo Beach .:I·~ Dasher Wagon . '1 WILSON fQRO __ 8!2-6611 auto. factory air. Jensen 1825S. Beach Bh d 197 7 0 LOS Cu t I a$ s Cassette stereo. super, Huntington Buch Supreme Dark peri1im· p ' mo n w a 11 extras clean, S4.000 lo mi P j 41·6-'J I Padded while top. till. 76CH88 l a rt 6P M MUST SELL. '76 Bug. SEE US FIRST! ~~~s!ln~~ %!r 1~~~ amtfm stereo. new II res. We have a good seiect1on A pretty, prell )' car .m2!U_OBO 768·48~.L _ of NEW & USED ll51SP1'l Ca ll now , ask . , .. (or Oa\e Jones VclYo 9172 Thtodore Robins ford COHHRL CHEVROLET, ••••••••••••••••••••••• SALES, SEIVICf ovMP~Wlttr\n y EXPERTS EA.RLEIKE 1966 i~~Blvd COSTA MESA 646-UOl 540.UU 'l\.')o ll.11 I• •r H • I 1(,l\\I~ ... , S46-I 200 '18CaiiriceClass1r 4 dr. loaded. full pwr. I owner. am rm tape. a c. cruise cont S3900 142::.0042 a rt 3 I> m ~ Citation Cpe. 4 spd. 13.000 m1 $5400 OP llS• sume lse 955 0031 wkd 'S SSI 1673 e\ e$ ~·0010..:. 81 Toronado XSC <gas 1 loaded 13.000 mi. xlnt l'_Ood. 12 200. 837 ·3082 cu~l~Tv2?ft: Mr. BROUG HAM $4700 ~bk~ off er 752 6499 '77 custom cruiser wagon . loaded 1mm11.c grtlH for l O'A'tnM S2800 080. ~I I t4 N el man Se r1 graph 645·7236 Anthony afl Ue old lady must sell utility, 6 cyl, 1ood tires, Modela & Demos are 181 /300 Value IS.000 5PM . y h YZ OOE _. Pri Pt 11600 still available! We Will !1"11 for s.t.000 Call & u.......1-.. 78 ama a 1 , ...,..en&. v ~y.' E 1 ..... ~~i.752.9036 _._ llnlcond .9'79·1942 orbestOffer.631-7"8 specializeln: uropean _.,..•"'""' a....& .t delivery and flawless SAVE AT .. T · ·m Volvo 164. runs good. 111 911 arga. l400 mi. best otrer over $750 Guard! Red. loaded, 536-SOOObeforeSPM ml.ml sell S29.900/0BO 0'4ntr '711 Cutlass Supreme tfi auto. PS PR. a r AM FM rai.:cel t r . ~ bst ofr M0.3946 '73 Omega Old.~ f 6 C) I Cortlam &lerllng g Ml· ...,..,_ '74 Yamaha Dirt Bike. ll1I DODGE~ Too Short pre-owned BMW's • Sil •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• MX too. Good rond. 1225. Bed Pickup. 38,000 lo Where cus~mer Mn~r!25 ~1• ~~erl~~~ ~ tO I 0 001988-2007 miles w/I cyl. econ . Service Comes lat! cro . toea .&f&.8223 ................. o••••• '80 HeNDAATC·70 R'fiT· a.L .. automatic, SaJel..Ser:vlce.·Leuln.a AM/FM tape, dual IH -w t .. S t • -~ Wini EXTRA Tl RES. •-·"·.Real sharp lrucll -..o • .,., an Inna F-'lw ~ l«X>Cash 642 ouo --tm> 835-3171 ror-li1' J • · U'JWW). Call now. aak C!oHdSuodar TENNIS CLUB $1400 1miha Virag\' '81, 1~c Co r D ave Jon ea Please call week d1&)'S llke new only 4600 mlles. Theodore Robins Ford. TI. Mott bcffflMJ 64Q. U~'---o o Ex tr as in cl ud In.a H ._,642-00=...:~0,__ __ ~-P.t Of y ... Old Potket watch. Sl3S rmnth wananty, sz49s. '73 Chev Suburban. IMWPlrcMHOr HONDA SANTA ANA Duncan Phyfe dble leg ll64M629 powtr It air, 99K, ex· L ... Colldlt tible. $l00. Old vanity Briahtentomeone'aday Homs.~/ celltnt.123.'!0. 980-2514, Mc•~ IMW!I PattalrSe"lce()pen atool. $20. ctiord organ. with• Cllltlfled W /Slwegt f 160 AINI W-'" HtO ..wi A.II oi S.turclay ~ ,4727, -., .. .,...._J I I ..... ••••••••••••••••• ." ... ""••••••••••••• •1~~-• (~::.· .:i"'J~Ale.l Ra~SanJoaquin Rae oronfyM:OO mras ft motor home . wa-you• -~..--• In qutt Club mtmberahip. your Eatur rntHllt SJlll.fulb' loaded ,_ ( 141 l.ZJ.5]]] m7m couplt 1uo. Day.• willappHrwlth 84}8818 tOODU,!!ll~All.. ---------~ HI --· evr, 151·2148. !t~iS~. ~~~i£nd OIAMllCOUMTY'S s ~~r~eo E:ltllllJ\·t 11111c Island Callta-5171 and ~ Ol.llST$ · caette~.!!* old cUrltr mem• cfw'atl.M•tercard ~:!!!! .rvi.. welcomt. l :ui· D;l!IDjll.--i-------t! 1Z 1b1cta Clviti 4 Dr. ....... 4 panel tacit, M . , , e.i-e-..1,,.e, -·am· I Sllf.41 .!~t.u perltmo. et=, rou~walau• -~ ..... ._. a09ld-mo ..... ~M6..o47 "79 Volvo 264 GL. londed. -=-'=-=c= 1114. Compl rttond. many lo mileage. mint rond. IQmiltr 9925 hatc hb ack 2 dr ~~ makeofr 900 GO:f> e1tr1s. see to ap-.646-E905 ••••••••••••••••••••••• reclate. S42SO/obo. 75 Cor•Y• PWo ttS7 Wei, Ultd •K mf gOOd eond 12200 ......................... .. ':;& CluarC Coupe w 1 sun roof. f*ngine. S..000. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• OB0.631·71ll '71.A C.A!'tt fM slereo. ._,... HO 1 ............. -ttlO W'f. llnl cond .. ad mp1t .... ~·~·9107 l-"'873-0.:.:::.:..=:...• -----••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ------- 1111111 CONTINENTAL 4 '71 Poncht 924 red rapid runner $7$00. Bob Jacobs §40::4827. 170·9842 '755 •llAT S&ICTIOMI ~ULT Ill'• I SldUii aftlw11on• with nn.y option• Co choose from ·~ available now al: ~COAST ~(!" mrtr:,t,,.WJivd Door. Mint white with red luther Interior. moon roof a, all the tO)'t . Financll\ll available A super car. <tmi021 Call now and ask for Dnf Jonn. Theodo~ Rob1n11 _f)rd. flil2·0010 To Pla~e yo.ar "Fast Rttull" Stntct Directory ad ..•. Call Now 641-1671 MIU i l Runabout. aood eondl Uon. AM nc cu~. 111011 Al\ 5.30964 44119 ,...... "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED TOIUY LATIMOOIL. US.CMS llSll FUii urm lfl<'tt Bh·d ltuatlD#Oll ••tti IGMll m;; • !!!:flR #li#1., c..., .f(J(CA~ A1111mmnw1•. t~~ ~1:",..!; m ll•d. IOlSiJiE:(t."M -:C~:~=· :C:::µnc:11•i:;:ii11 111 ia.111..tM&_'_•_•...Jbai:Jltu.:..JOUu. . ~-~= ... =-:;:=IJ~lfl.ml==l:b=d!!!::==ll!b~!=~d~:::!~'A~llA!!:=:~=··=-=s==e~~===r.=. :JI ~-!l!~-!!!alll. nMml i:..;c~ elaulf!td· i---------i .... . .,..~ .. _, WQ•M a ......._, l1111n .. udtr . lllTl•l llKl/flllllll llllll WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1982 OH ANGE (.OUN 1 y C ALIFOR NIA 25 CEN rs City attorney rivals in-word battle Rivals Qon Bonfa and Gall Hutton are unleashing verbal broadsides at each other from afar as their campaign fot the Huntington Beach city attorney's seat enters it.a f~ days. Bonfa, the city attorney for 10 years before being defeated by Mrs. Hutton in 1978, laaued a challenge to Mrs. Hutton to de- bate before the April 13 election. Mrs. Hutton depicts Bonfa's challenge aa the work of "a de- sperate man." She said she wW not participate in a debate. Bonfa, insisting that he wants to debate to air luues and not for pre-election publicity, alleges that Mn. Hutton it falaely clai- ming credit for winning a $12 million lawauit concerning downtown development. Bonfa clalma he prepared the caae before he left office and that it then was handled by \tie city's inaurance company attorneys. "She goes around ~ credit and it'• aort of ridiculous,' Bonfa· said. Mrs. Hutton offers a different version. She said the matter came to' trial during her tenure and that she prepared and superviaed the city's poeition and It was handled by her top assia\ant. ''It is my understanding that Bonfa caused the suit in the flrst place," she said. Bonfa, who 'has had a private law practice In the city since his election defeat, also attacked Mrs. Hutton on the hiring and firing of former deputy city at .. tomey John O'Connor. "You have yet to explain why you hired O'Connor after I had (See DEBATE, Page A2) Ir : Bail sought i 1. MacD.onald jail legality probed By ROBERT BARKER 01 tti. Dally Piiot StaH Huntington Harbour physician Jeffrey MacDonald is being held at the Terminal Island Federal , Bus hits tanke r Prison without proper authority, a legal counsel asserted today. And attorney Ralph Spritzer says he doesn't believe that the release of MacDonald is immi- nent. 7 die in flaming tunnel in Oakland MacDonald was re-arrested last Wednesday at his home when the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated his 1979 conviction of the murder of his wife and three daughters in Raleigh, N.C .. in 1970. Spritzer, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said that a reason for the expected delay is that the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va .. has given the government until April 20 to respond to Sprit.zer's motions. Spritzer is seeking MacDo- nald's release and has filed other motions challenging MacDonald's conviction. DaHy Piiot Photo OAKLAND (AP) -Seven people burned to death inside a highway tunnel today after a gasoline tanker was hit by a bus and exploded in flames that turned the tunnel into a roaring furnace and melted vehicles in- side, officials said. He referred to the interior of the three-tube, ~-mi le-long tunnel, a major commuter route burrowing through a hill bet- ween Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus searched for victims inside the tunnel after the fire was brought under control, aome 2 ~ hours after the 12:20 a.m. accident, Speakman said. The crash occurred in the tunnel's westbound tube. By early mor- ning. the other tubes were open Spritzer is claiming that be- cause the court of appeals grant- ed bail 10 MacDonald in August of 1980, a U.S . district judge ac- ted beyond his authority in dis- continuing that bail. FOUNTAIN VALLEY F IND -Charlie Eck- hart, 9, of Aptos, came to Fountain Valley hunting and what he got for his trouble was this crawfish at Mile Square Park Lake. Charlie seems to be viewing his find with mixed emotion. He came from his northern California home to the Orange Coast for spring vacation. Fire Capt. John Speakman confirmed that seven bodies were pulled from the wreckage after the crash and fire in the Calde- cott tunnel on Highway 24 bet- ween Orinda and Oakland. Officials said there were three survivors, including the driver of the gasoline truck. "It looks like something out of World War II in there," said Jim Mattos, a California Highway Patrol public affairs officer. to traf fie. ~ Speakman said the Alameda County Transit bus -which apparently carried no paseengers -struck a stalled car, then (See TANKER, Page A!) Spritzer said today that Mac- Donald "has proved himself to be a respectable, uaeful member of the community. "He has deep roots in the community and it is absurd to believe he is about to flee." MacDonald was an emergency room physician at St. Mary Me- dical Center in Long Beach after his releaae from priaon in 1980. Before his conviction, he was director of em~ncy medical aeryices at the f ty. County gives $100,000 for bluff park Orange County government Is t~g ll00,000 to Huntington toward the cost of develo- ping a blulftop park between 9th Street and Golden West Street. The park will cosi. about $250,- 000 to develop. Landscaping, benches. beach access stairs and ramps and safety railings will be installed after e>tisting oil pro- duction equipment is removed. The $100,000 will come from the cou.nty's Harbors, Beaches and Parks District funds. The park, 10 be constructed by the city, will be operated by the state as part of Bol.sa Chica State Park. Changes due for DC-IO systems WASHINGTON (AP) -Ope- rators of DC-10 aircraft are being urged to make protective changes in wing and hydraulic systems after the breakup of an Air F1o- rida engine during a takeoff from Miami Sept. 22. TANKE R TR UCK BLAST DEADLY -Bus that struck gasoline truck is shown ~t outside tunnel in this oopyri~ht photo by Bob Stinnett AP W1reDttoeo of the Oakland 1'I'rfbune. Firemen walk to tunnel where tanker truck was still on fire at time picture was taken. The National Transportation Safetl Board concluded Tuesday that • fo~ign material" left inside the engine -poalbly a mecha- nic's tool or extra, loose bearings -cauaed the Air F1orida engine to rip apart. WORLD Solons ()ff for El Salvador W ASlilNGTON (AP) -A congressional deleJa- tion headed by House Majority Leader Jim Wright, D-Texas left today on a 10-day trip to El Salvador and four oth~r countries rn Central America and the Ca- ribbean. NATION l;entral America books hit I Common ly u1ed social studlea tel<tbook1 and children's bookl do not prepare studenta to understand Central America. Page A~. Academy A wards No. 1 "DallM'' WU bumped from the top spot in the televlaton rattnaa, but lt took the Academy Awarda ~ to do Tt. P.ge A6. . -. STATE Brown's choices scrutinized The California Senate -for a change -is paying attention to appointees by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. P., M . . COUNTY Holy Week Services ~isted. Hol~k ot.rvances are ICheduled along the 0nmae FOi' a UIUDI, 1ee Pace A 7. Trial set in traffic death An Oranae County Judae ha rUled that • Buena Park man ml.Wt stand Clial lot' murder in"the traffic death of a f{untm,tm Be.ch mother of nine. P-ae Bl. . ' Newscast cited ~ ~ New trial denied l i ! f in ·county slaying An Orange County Superior Court judge has ruled that a new trial for a convicted murderer was not justified because a juror from Fountain Valley heard a radio newscast pertaining to the case. Attorneys for murder defen- dant Dwayne McKinney, 21, had sought a new trial Tuesday be- cause juror Eleanor Blurton ad- nUtted she heard a newscast that said McKinney had confessed 10 killing a Burger King night ma- nager in Orange. McKinney was convicted of first-degree murder in the shoo- ting death of Walter Bell II in December 1980. A second trial on whether McKinney should die in. the California gas chamber ..or go to prison for life is still pending. The first penalty trial ended witb a deac!locked jury. On Tuesday, Judge Franciscd Briseno said he could find nd misconduct because Mrs. Blurton heard the news broadcast while at home. Briseno said he was more con- cerned to learn that the juror had talked to her husband about aspects of the case dealing with how tall the defendant was. A key part of the case dealt with eyewitness accounts of how tall the killer of Bell stood. Jurors are routinely cautioned by judges from either listening to or reading news accounts of their particular case or of discussing it with anyone. Briseno SaJd he did not believe that McKinney was denied a fair trial because of Mrs. Blurton's actions. P assover b egins tonigh t Passover. the eight-day holi· day commemorating the· exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt 3,000 ye8:f'S ago, t:>egins .tonight. only the first two rughts, during which time no leavened bread is eaten. The eating of unleavened bread is a reminder of the haste in which the Jews had to leave Egypt, unable to wait for the loaves of bread to rise. Jewish families along the Orange Coast will observe the festival with a seder, a ritual feast, that includes certain sym- bolic foods. During the seder the story of the Jews flight from slavery to the promised land is read from a book caUed the Haggadah. In most homes the seder is said INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Businea Herb Caen CaJlfomja Cavalcade Clasaified Comics Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Food A4 B2 84-5 B2 A5 B2 06-10 B8 B8 A8 B6-7 Cl-10 SPORTS Horoscope B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies B6-7 Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public NoticesB9,C4,D5-6 Sports 01-4 Stock Markets B5 Televi.s.lon B9 • Theaters B6-7 Weather A2 World News A3 Lopes, A 's def eat AIJsels · Ex-Dodger Davey Lopes played a. bla part in the ()a)cland A'a. 3-2, 11-lnninl yictory over \be An8e1t in the opener foe both teams. P.,e l>l. DEBJtTE REFUSED e • e . . dlacharged hlm, only to fin him again yourself just nine months later, and how much lour folly has coet the taxpay~rs. ' Bonfa claimed the rehiring IUld '' Ii retiring of O'Connor cost the city 11$27,000 in back pay. · Bonfa alao a lle ged that ' ' O'Connor was rehired after he ·.' worked for Mrs. Hutton In the ·' 1978 city attorney campaign. 1 Mrs. Hutton said that was un· · t,rue and O'Connor was rehired · 'because his firing by Bonfa was not legally supportable. · She said the firing wouldn't •' stick because there were no wtt- 1 · ·nesses to an alleged physical al- •tercation between Bonfa and l ''·O'Connor and polygraph tests •' . taken by the two men wert> m- concluslve. Bonla also accused Mrs. Hut- ton of alleged selective legal en- forcement and attacked eo-called budget increases. Mrs. Hutton denied the accu- sation and said that Bonfa should be more specific. Bonfa says ho want.a the debate to air the issues. "I'm not doing this to get a name identification because I already have that," he said. Mrs. Hutton says it is late in the game to debate and that she probably wouldn't do 1t anyway. "If he wants to communicate, let him communicate with the public."• , I ····TANKER EXPLODES. • • ..,. Nielsen donatiolls top list Recent contributlona from de- velopers and other businea inte- reata have helped swell the cam- paign coffers of several Fountain Valley City Council candidates. Next Tueaday, voters will chooee from among 10 candidates for three council &eats. The most recent contributions were reported in campaign fl· nance statements filed for the • period of Feb. 28 through March 26, 1982. ln monetary contributions, Mayor Ben Nielsen was the lea- der, reporting $5, 172 received thus far. "'Crashed into the rear of the 1 double-tanker gasoline truck. The bus driver fell out of his vehicle, which then contmued on : I· its own some 380 feet before '•' smashing into a pillar, Speakman '•said. flattened the tanker truck, Mat- tos said, adding, "It's about six inches high -cqmpletely melted." When non-monetary contribu- tions and loans are added, ho- wever~ planning commissioner Fred voss is the l.eader with $6.- 991.66. (Voss's monetary dona- tion total was $4,749.25.) Contributors to Nielsen's cam- paign during the filing period included the local boards of realtors -$150; Ro- bert's House of Modern Furni- ture -$100; former Fountain Valley Mayor Bernie Svalstad - $200; Pacific Constructors, Fountain Valley -$100; Fount- ain Valley Community Hospital -$2~0; a nd QB Properties, Newport Beach -$125. Speakman said the tanker carried 8,800 gallons of gasoline. , · At least tive othe r vehicles, , Including two trucks, were trap- , ped in the tunnel behind the bus, ..... the Highway Patrol spokesman said. _ Seari'?g. heat from the blaze. A Carson City, Nev., man who refused to give his name said he stopped his car in the tunnel after witnessing the accident and left his mother at an emergency telephone while he went for help. Major donors to Voss's cam - paign included: Janet Gaski, Fountain Valley -$100; Spiers Enterprises, an Irvine-based de- veloper -$250; Pacesetter Homes, Newport Beach -2"$250; civil engineer William Church, Newport Beach -$250; Irvine developer Bruce E. Nott -$250; Newport Beach developer Mi- c h ael M . Watkins -$250: '. Jlaeks 3 candidates Huntington Club's cash aids hope[ uls The Huntingu;m Club, a polltl· cal organization fonned in 1980, has emerged as a major spender in the April 13 city election 1n Huntington Beach. The club has made donations 'of $1,000 to City Council candi- .' dates Jay Stout, Bud Belsito and Don MacAllister and to incum- bent City Attorney Gail Hutton. Chuck Bennett, a director of the Huntington Club, said the organization is made up pf almost flil the same people who comprise the Clean Water and Ocean Ac- ' '-'eSS Committee. ~ That group works for clean ~ water at Huntington Harbour ~ and development of a marina f;. and a t>oaung access to U'le coean ii..'~ from the Bolsa Chica. f Bennett said the ocean access committee is prohibited from ·• engaging in political activities ~ because it is a non-profit corpo- i; ration and that the Huntington !-- Club was formed for that pur- pose. "We are basically the same group. We worked very hard to unseat Mangers (former Assem· blyman DelUUs Mangers) in 1980 Frizzelle (present Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle) has been very effective in inCluencing helpful legislation. "We're a non-partisan group that wants to help th e community." Meanwhile, Mrs. Hutton and MacAllister reported they are the top money-gatherers in the city races in papers filed for the pe- riod ending March 27. Mrs. Hutton reported she h.i.s rollected $19,516 and spent $14, 210. Her opponent, Don Bonfa, said he collected $1.177 and spent S826. Fountain Valley attorney Jac- qui Sacchetti -$171; and K wik Kopy Printing, Fountain Valley -$230. A city ordinance stipulates that individual oonations cannot ex;- ceed $250. Candidate Betty Mignanelli reported monetary donations totaling $2,347, plus $98.41 in non-monetary gifts. Only $260 of the monetary donations came in during the most recent period. Mrs. Mignane lli 's largest donation during this period was $50 from Lora Anderson o f Fountain Valley. She also repor- ted raising $223 from a garage sale. Jewelry Stor e owner Dan Morton said his monetary dona- tions have totaled $1.740. Loans to his campaign total another $1,- 485. Large donors to Morton's campaign included two computer firms: Modern Systems Corp .. Santa Ana -$150; and Pacific Computer Products, Fountain Valley -$100. Cooling trend Moltry sunny 1ooay and Thurt- day but w11h varlable h•gn clovdl· ness Not as windy near the coast In the allernoons Continued coo4 Highs bolh days 1n low t o mld-601 LO•s tonight 37 to 4S Hvnllngton-Newpart area tempe- ratures range from a IOIOI of SO to 1 high of 62 Elsewt>e<e. from POlnl Concep· lion to the Me•tean border and out 60 muea A small crall advl· sory 11 in effect from Point Con- ceptlOtl 10 Pomt Fermtn and S.n Clemente Island •Ith •e" to northwest Winds of IS 10 2S knots and 4 10 6 1001 saas over outer waters wh1cn w111 spread 10 the coast by tNs elllfnoon and con. tlnue throvoh the evefllng Other· wlae hght variable winds drop· olng to 10 lo 18 knots TIM.lrlday afternoon Wetterly awetls of I to 3 feet V .S. summary · High w1nd1 and heavy 1now brought blizzard warning• to New England today whlla 11nolher 11orm wea brewing over the Great Pia Ina Snow 1howa11 ware .cattera<l from the northern RocklN to Ari· zone and New Me~loo Rain 1howera covered the northarn1 Pacific Cout and Notlhern Call· ~omia . Thefe _. lalf lki.. end tight Wind• f(om the Great Lall• 9'ld the upper ~lppl Valley to Iha central Gulf COHI end ·~ IOU• thern All1ntl0 Co111 Tem~a­ tvres -·below ffMZlng It Ill eouth a1 Tenne11ee end North Cetollna The IOf-.t called for mostly eunny lklea t1V9l the e.11 Coelt and the Soutl-' ~a. T&mPlf•llKW WW. expectad to raecn the so. In eov1hwMI Texu and Iha tip Of "°'1tla Witt\ 20ll ln<I 301 from tha northarn Plelna through the upper Ml11l11lppl Valley, the OrHI Lalla• and the north«n Otllo Vt//Wf to the norlh Atl1t1tle 1tei.e. TampereturM around the n1• uon early lodey r1ngad lfom 2 dagreea In tnt•rnallonal Fall•. Minn •• 10 71 In K-v WHI. Fla. California Bun1hlnt wu axpaettd to wetm rnott of 9oultlern Cllllfomla through Thur1<11y wlth only an ~high Cloud. The Netlonal Weath.r hfvl¢f tlmf"aturM Ill LOI Anoetee and elOlll .,. ooell lllOUld rlllCfl the mid '°' Tilurldey. Hight In the moutllalna INIUlcl rang• from 42 to 52 wllh 1ow1 IONght ffom ti to 21. · Quaty o-t Wlndl are •P«> i.ci to o.crMM by tonlotrt With .._,. down to f 5 1o 25 ,..., tcMy. ~ ·~·- ( turea wm ran9l1 from tne high SOs to low 60s 1n high oeseru end belween 72 &nO 79 1n lower Oe· St!rl$ A amall-crafl adv1aory 1n enect tonllJhl 1or boaters t>O miles out from Point Conception south to San Clemente Island Tne wea1nermen predl<:I north- we91 winds between 15 ano 2S knoll With •-to 6·1oot .... aves CIOser to shore, wegterty winds should blow from 12 to 22 knots •nn1nht and decrease Thursday. genereung 1-to 3-toot Wind waves ~{IS' a westerly swell and same stze same size Temperatures NATION HI Lo Pre. Albany 28 13 82 Albuque 66 47 Ama,,rlO S8 33 As,,evllle 41 25 Atlante 52 29 Allantc Cly H 22 33 Aull in 87 51 Baltlmore 4.4 22 B1N1ngs 41 28 09 Blrmingl\m S1 33 Bismarck 32 25 01 Bolsa 45 27 Boston 34 111 1.23 Brownsvlle 82 72 Bult1lo 20 12 32 Burlln111on 23 13 01 Casper <10 30 .23 Charlatn SC 64 36 Chartatn WV 62 19 .03 Charlotte NC 61 29 Cheyenne 5' 26 Ch1ctg0 32 7 Clnclnnell <10 22 Ciev.iend 31 2t .13 Clmble SC 60 30 Columbut 39 14 Oii-Ft Wth S9 45 Oeyloo 32 17 Oenv. 59 31 Dee Molnee 31 24 Detroit 27 10 07 Duluth 27 3 EIPuo 85 62 Ferge> 30 6 Fleg91aft 48 32 GrMl 1'8118 30 t4 .32 Harttonl 22 16 t 17 ~ •1 11 Honolulu 81 74 07 Houltc*t 69 51 lndnaplis 31 " ...... ~ c ••• ~ .. s ....... ,-=:,, a=. 70 ilIRIIJ ---=== Jacksn MS S7 Jack.anvlle 76 Karn City <10 69 Tulsa We9h1ngtn Wichita Las Vegas L1llle Rock 411 32 41 31 47 32 22 42 34 69 12 21 23 52 21 28 CALlf'OflNtA HI Lo Pep LOUISVIiie 33 lubbOCk 48 Memphis 4S Miami 91 Miiwaukee 29 Mpls-St.P 33 Nashville 43 New Orlean1 74 New York .. , Norfolk. 35 No. Platte 43 Okie City 53 Omaha 36 Orlando 88 Phlladphla 37 Phoen111 80 Pittsburgh <12 Piiand, Me 27 Ptlend,Ofe 68 ProVlderlee 32 Rallt'Oll 52 Rapid City .. , Reno <12 RlchmOnd 52 S.lt Lake •6 Sen Antonio 71 SNttle 53 Shreveport 61 Sioux Fana 31 SI LOUii 39 St P-Tampa so St Ste Mllf\e 17 Spokane 47 SyracvN 25 Topeltl "° Tucson 92 25 01 <10 27 49 19 39 6S t6 .04 17 2 Ill 42 Be~e<lhelO Blythe Eurette Freeno Lancaster Los AnlJeleS Marysville Needles Oakland Peso RObtel Red Bluff Roawood City Sacram&f'ltO Sallnaa San Diego Sen Franciaco Santa Barbara Sent• Mttl• Stockton 27 Thefmel 26 17 Ukl1h 22 Barstow 29 Btg Beer 29 03 81shOP 52 C11allna 39 lono BMCll olO MonrOYla 26 Mt WlltOn 27 Newport 8eKh ... Ontario 2 Palm Spflngt 32 111 'l>Ulldena t2 12 San Bemardlno 31 San JoM 57 02 Sallie Ana S.nta Crui T llloe Vllley 63 80 49 37 .01 51 34 52 34 62 57 <10 76 SS 55 33 .02 .,. 34 S6 42 .02 S6 37 S6 53 64 S3 47 &4 4S to 59 79 51 67 46 57 67 6oC 68 42 60 80 79 53 61 5& 65 80 31 SIRf RIP.ORT C1lgary Edmonton Montreal Otta WI Regine CANADA 21 I 25 ' 23 10 ............ Huntl"9toll ltufft Huntlnoton ~-S.Ot• Ana Atwr Jalll' <10th SI Newpor1 22nd St. Newpor1 Belboe W.00-~. l.IOIM'• ~~ TOMOAAOW'S TUS. High 1.09 a.m w..i. TraftlcMr CT·!"trwt) 1111 CiatNn .. Pier ' 1-2 I Tides TODAY 5 2• 22 s.oond IOw 2:U p.in. 0. 1 Second~:"'· u Flfet low S:ot Lm. 0.0 Flrat high .. ot a.m. •·• 8eooncf low 9:04 p.m. o.a 8eQofld .. .. t• p.m. u e...n H t.a tOd•Y ., I:,. ''"'" ffMt ~ tl l:S1 &.II\. MOon ,.._ IOdlY at l:IO ~m .. ... Tillndlr ti 1:21 &II\. ArgenllN ... == • • 115,500-=-343.MI 1•,000-,,,_,_ Ht.2• 11,500-Atr Fofoe-12, 701 31,00G ....,, --.! 74,t97 1* 1 • • ·~ '·''' ........... ......... •12 NuclMr •10 PtenM.1• ttetlcoptera * 20 "9nn,4 ttellcoptera AP Britain 'resolved' • • • ID crISIS LONDON (AP) -Britain de- clared today it would not appease Argentine "dictators" and was reported beefing up its armada of warships steaming to the Falk- land Islands. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. prepared to fly to London and Buenos A.U-es in an attempt to defuse the crisis, .and Argentine forces were reported digging in to hold the islands they seized from Britain on Friday. "Britain does not appease dictators," Foreign Secretary Francis Pym told a House of Commons debate. Pym. successor to Lord Car- rington who r esigned Monday over his failure to avert Argen- tina's seizure of the remote South Atlantic colony, said Britain "will spare no effort" to fmd a peaceful solution. "But if our efforts fail the Ar· gentine regime will know w hat to expect," he said. Pym labeled the Argentine military junta a "morall~ bank- rup t regime" and said: ' We in· tend to show Argentina and the whole world, Britain is resolved to succeed in this crisis." In a vigorous s peech to a packed Commons, Pym said it was obvious the Argentine "occupation force" of more than 3,000 troops would treat the 1,800 pro-British islanders as "a con- quered population." Pym, a former defense secre- tary in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet, asked.: "Why did Argenfma's rulers suddenly decide in the last days of March to resort to arbitrary and brutal aggression? "l suggest that part of the answer lies in the very brutality and unpopularity of the Argen- tine regime it.self. Inflation is ra- ging in Argentina, at the rate of 140 percent a year. , .. No endorsement Backing nixed by councilman A Fountain V.Uey City Coun- cilman hu charged that his name wu improperly publlahed as an endorsement for a council candi- date he is not supporting. Councilman Eugene Van Dask said Tuesday that an ad in thUi week'a Pennysaver, delivered to about 18,000 Fountain Valley homes, Indicates he has endorsed Betty MigrianeW for one of three council seata lhat must be filled in the April 13 election. "I do not endorse her," Van Dask said. "I wrote her a letter two weeks ago specifically re- questing that she not use my name. Notwithstanding that, she used it." The councilman, who has con- cluded a 14-month appointed term and is not seekmg election next week, said he had had early discussions with Mrs. Mignanelli regarding her campaign but said he had issued no written endor- sement. He said the two disa- greed about a local issue. "She knew six weeks ago I was not .going to endorse her," Van Uask stated. But Mrs. Mlgnanelh said the ad was placed In the Pennysaver before she received Van Dask's letter She said the councilman's letter was dated Match 30, and she plat.'ed the ad April 2 before jt arrived. Mra. Mig:naneW said Van Dask earlier had indicated verbally that he would l!!ndorse her. "Whlle l usually requtre those in wr1t1ng, I thought he was a person of hJgh integrity and took him at his word," she said. Mrs. M1gnanelh added, "I have to believe my assumption lhat he had given me his endorsement was correct because he did send a letter withdrawing it." She said Van Dask had asked her to decline an endorsement Crom a clly employees group. When she refused to declme that e ndorsement, Van Dask with drew his support. she said. Mrs M1gnanel11 said future advertising would not list Van Dask among her endorsements. -a\'' Cable television directors to meet Directors of the Public Ca- ble Television Authority will meet at 7:30 a.m. Thursday at Manny's Restaurant. 7402 Edinger Ave., for a regular business meeting. The PCT A has commissio- ned the Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems Co. to install •Registration 1s under way for country and western dan· cing and nightclub dancing classes offered by the Hunt- ington Eeach Recreauon De- partment. Classes wiU begin the week of April 12. The country and western course will be offered from 8 to 9 p.m. Mondays at Edison Center and from 7:30 to 8:30 • Linda Stevens of Hunt- irlgton Beach has been hono- red by the American Water- color Society. Her work has rece1 ved a cable in the c1t1es ot Hunt- ington Beach, Fountain Val- ley. Westminster and Stant- on The company reports ha- ving 20, 787 subscribers in the fou r cities, or nearly 38 per cent o f homes whe re cable service is available pm. Thursdays at Murdy Park. Nightclub dancmg will be taught from 7 to 8 pm. Mondays at Edison Center and from 8 :30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursdays at Murdy Park Charge for an eight-week course IS $19 per person. More mformauon can be obtained by calling Ediso n Center, 960-8870. or Murdv Park, 960-8895 • gold medal of honor rrom the society. It also 1s on display at the annual exhibition -of the Watercolor Society m New-- York. ilboa S;i~ing•. tht're •re two to eun the highest lntere~t on yuur IRA or KEOGH • .ind both progr•m., ue in,ureJ ... guanntel'd ~Jfe by the feder•I government Deride tu locl 1n .it todJv'., hiRh r.ates for 1omorrow\ high ret urns. ( hoo'e •he maturity date th.1t you ~.111f • anywhNe from 114 month' to lO years. <;elect the la'\ deferred plan thJt meet' your need\. C.111 or \tOp by today, .u1d J'k our SavinJ(s C.oumelor., to hl'lp you open the Nt'wport Balboa C..J\ in~' lndividu.11 Rt'tirement Arcounl or Kf()(,lf plan th.it \\ill STOP LOSING MONEY TO THE IRS OPEN A NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS IRA -----------·------·-.. • '"' ....... ACl'IVITY AT SEA -A Sea Kin_g helicopter hovers above deck of carrier HMS Hermes as ship heads for Falkland Islands as part of BntlSh Naval Task Force. A Sea Harrier jump jet is on deck at right. American copters to try to reach volcano victiins Easter seasons have seen a lull in the viole nce that broke out 29 months ago, and the rebels' Radio Venceremos (We Shall Over- come) has been warning the pu- blic to prepare for intensified fighting beginning May 1. But as the holiday began. government troops repelled a guerrilla attack Tuesday on San Vicente, a local military commander said. PARIS (AP) ~ France impo- sed an embargo on arms ship- ments and spare parts to Argen- tina to protest the government's occupation of the Falkland Islands, presidential chief of staff Pierre Beregovoy said today. Be- regovoy said after the weekly Cabinet meeting that the embar- go applied specifically to aircraft and anll-a1rcraft missiles. -·-----......... --___....-,-.,.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, Aprll 7, 1982 H/F 1\3 ~Tiffilill Shield law held valid But judge rules reporter could be ordered to testify SAN JOSE (AP) -A Supe- rior Court judge has upheld the validity ot the atate reporters' ahield Jaw but haa ruled that a San Jose newsman could be or- dered to anawer certain questions about unpublished notes in the rape-murder trial of a teen-age 'defendant. Superior Judge Bruce F. Allen said Tueaday 'that San Jose Mer cury News reporter Glenn Bunting waived his pro- tection when he testified without objection about an interview he conducted with Ron Matz, an acquaintance of 17-year-old de- fendant Anthony Broussard. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The nation 's biggest bank and two other industry giants are forming a 26-bank network that will al- low customers with e lectronic banking cards nationwide access to basic services, today's Los An- geles Times said. Bank of Ame- rica, Chase Manhattan Bank and Colorado National Bank planned to detail the service at a n ews conference in New York today. San Francisco-based Bank of America is the nation's largest; Chase Manhattan ranks third. TWENTYNINE PALMS (AP) -Convoys of tanks, truck- pulllng artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers. and jeeps churned up the Mojave Desert again Tuesday -but this time they were headed home. Thou- sands of grimy paratroopers, Marines and National Guard- amen who have lived in the de- sert slnce March 30 wrapped up the most active pha.le of Callant Eagle 82. By April l~. when the exercise ends, they will be back on their home bases. FRESNO (AP) -Raisin in- dustry officials fear a h eavy hailstorm In southern Fresno County may have ruined 15 to 30 percent of the nation's domestic raisin grape crop for 1982. Clyde Nef of the federal Raisin Admi- nistrative Committee estimated the damage Monday at $65 mil- lion. Other ind ustry sources thought the figure could go hig- her. Committee board members were to meet today to decide w hether to revive an export in- centive plan involving reduced prices for exported raisins. The incentive program was suspen- ded the day after the March 28 storm. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Actor Lou Gossett Jr., who won an Emmy for his role in the popular television mini -series "Roots," was charged Tuesday with one felony count of possessing cocaJ - ne, the district attorney's office said. Gos.:;eit's female companion, Honey Rufner, also was charged with one count of possessing co- caine, said Pam Whlte. a spokes- woman for the district attorney's office. Gossett, 44, and Rufner, 34, are free after each posted $2.500 bail pending arraigrunent on April 20 in Malibu Murucipal Court. she said. TRUCKEE (AP) -The ex- hilaration of Anna Conrad's "Herculean," five-day survival in.., a cramped tomb of snow under a killer avalance began to fade as she recuperated after surge?' on her frostbitten feet. "Sh es in reasonably good spints," srud Ur. Roger Mason . who o perated Monday night to remove blOO(i clots in the 22-year-old woman's feel "l think the impact of eve- rything she went through is get- ting to her a bit more. "The ini- tial ebullience of having survived 1s beginning to pass and she's beginning to confront the reality of where she as and the friends she has lost" when seven people. mdudmg her boyfriend, were killed by twin avalanches l~t Wednesday at Alpine Meadows ski resort in the Sierra Nevada. YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK (AP) Eight motels and a camping trailer park in nearby El Port.al were closed because of the continued Clow of raw se- wage into the Merced River . However, temporary plastic pipe could be installed today to re- place the park's sole sewer line, which was smashed when a rock slldc tumbled across Highway 140 Saturday The accommoda- tions were closed because they draw their water from the river downstream from the sewer line break SAN DIEGO CAP) -The San Diego Symphony. an estimated $1.2 m1ll1on m debt. has decided to save money by doing without a general manager "I am astoun- ded at the idea," said _William Denton, the Symphony's 13th general manager in 14 years whose forced resignation takes effect on Thursday. VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico (AP) -A group of American helicopter pilots planned another attempt today to reach isclated villages on the slopes of the erupting El Chinchonal volcano where more than 5,000 peuanta may have perish~d. The chief pilot said he doubted they would be successful. The 10 pilots flying for Pemex, the Mexican govern- ment's oil monopoly, made some trial flights Tuesday, but they could not get near the 4,340-foot volcano becauae of the clouds of ash belching up from the crater. Chief pilot James Ballard said the copters would try again to fly over the five villages on the slopes of the mountain from which nothing has been heard since the eruptions began March 29. Mondale 'power center' told Ex'attorney general writes of Carter's 'crucial error' BUENOS AIRES, AraHtlH (AP) -The Soviet Union agreed to supply Argentina with about 220 pounds of enriched uranium to be used in Latin America's most advanced nuclear program. Contracts signed Tues- day by Vice Adm. Carlo. Castro Madero, head of Argentina's National Atomic Energy Com- mission, and Victor Ivanovich Shariko, vice president of the Soviet foreign trade firm Techs- nabexport, also call for the Soviet Union to supply one ton of heavy water and radioisotopes. The United StAtes formerly supplied Argentina with enriched ura- nium for use In experimental reactors. KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) Painters and gardeners touched up official Kingston for President Reagan's arrival for an _overnight visit seen as a symbohc vote of con fidence in Prime Minister NEW YORK (AP) -Fonner Attorney ~neral Griffin B. Bell says in his forthcoming memoirs that ex-President Jimmy Carter made a "crucial error" by giving his vice president, Walter Mon- d a le, an office in t h e White House, The New York Times re- ported today. In the uncorrected galley proofs of "Taking Care of the Law," due to be published in July by William Morrow and Co., Bell sa ys Mondale was able lo establish his own "power center" in the White House a nd o n a number of occasions tried to use it to interfere in politically sensi- tive issues before the Justice Department, according to the Times. overnight to battle dozens of woodla nd blazes that burned thousands more acres after being whipped back to life by 50 mph gusts. High w inds and low humidity contributed to hun- dreds of fires that destroyed more than 35,000 acres during the weekend. BOSTON (AP ) -The eva- cuation of 69 people from a floa- ting oil rig was called off today after conditions improved in the high seas some 100 miles o ff Nant ucket i sland , the Coast Guard said. The Shell rig Zapata Saratoga, which had been explo- ring for oil, sought help from the Coast Guard at about 3 a.m., but decided a few hours later that an evacuation wasn't necessary, said Petty Officer 3rd Class Arlee Nodden. ~mocrat told reporters Tuesday he ia unwilling to di3cuss Social Security spending cuts as long as Reagan insists the tax cut he re- quested from Congress last year remain intact. HARRINGTON PARK, N.J. (AP) -A bus driver who got stuck on a railroad crossing du- ring a blizzard heard a whistle blow and hustled 16 commuters off the bus moments before a freight train smashed it clean in two. "I knew trains sometimes pass at that hol:'r and .~ h~ard a whistle in the dlStance, said bus driver Pet er Woelfel , 55, o f Saddle Brook. "The only thing I thought of was get the people off the bus." Woelfel said the New York-bound bus approached the track at around 6 p.m. Tuesday and he stopped at the Lafayette Road crossing to check for ap- '"F.dward Seaga. Reagan was arri- ving this afternoon to meet with Seaga, the first foreign leader he welcomed at the White House and a strong supporter of private enterpriae. lt is the first trip by an incumbent American presi- dent to Jamaica or Barbados. the second stop on Reagan 's "working vacation." CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The space shuttle Col- umbia today was lifted from the back of the jumbo jetliner that carried it horn~ piggyback-style from the New Me xico d esert, officials said. Kennedy Space Center spokesman Mark Hess said technicians completed work to separate the shuttle and the Boeing 747 at about 2 a.m. At 7:30 a.m .• the orbiter was poised in a sling about 2 feet off the ground, its landing gear down, Hess said. A crowd of several thousand people cheered Tuesd!Ay as the jetliner carrying the Columbis arrived at Kennedy Space Center after the orbiter 's third mssion into space. proaching trains. There were no HAPPY GO LUCKY -Wayne Fukuhara, a des1gnum~ gates at 'the croeaing. As the bus WASHINGTON {AP) -The moved acrcm the Conrail tracks, Cal State Long Beach, has proven he has a design on the slot crime rate in the United States its wheels skidded and slid into a machine. He and a friend drove to Las Vegas to spend the day has leveled off after several years culvert that runs along the rail-gambling Monday and bing, barn -Fukuhara won $385,000 of growth, according to prelirni-road, he said. from this slot at the Flamingo Hilton nary FBI statistics for 1981. The .------------------ figures, re leased Tuesday. show fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii that the number of serious crimes SAN SALVADOR, El s.tvador (AP) -Fighting Intensified around a provincial capital 37 miles east of San Salvador, but the beaches were crowded with people celebrating Holy Week despite the civil war. Previous RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -Fi- refighters stayed on t})e job reported to the nation's police in 1981 was about the same as in 1980. The crime rate had grown by 9 percent ln both 1980 and 1979. The lut year it did not grow was 1977. WASHINGTON (AP) -Pri- vate negotiations on a possible bud~et compromise between the While House and members of Congress are temporarily on hold while President Reagan and H o u se S p eak e'r Th~mas P . O'Neill Jr. study the results so far. Trying to play down his earlier optimistic statements, O'Neill is now saying the presi- dent must agree to a change in last year 's three-year personal income tax rate cut u part of a compromise. The Massachusetts ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Het.v ~ .... ~~ ... Ol"- Robert N. Weed ,..... l<ay 8chuttz VIOe,,...,. .... ~ ... _,.,,. Tom~ !dllOf =:.,H.r.=...... fClrOl.llaftl • Ken Oodd.,d Dlr.wcrf<>IW- Ray MllCL..,, CoftMllr CMrlee Looe ............. .., ........ ., .......... =..l:E..'£L· u::J~ == :a. - CIHalfled advertlalng 7141142-5'71 All otbef -.riment.a M2-4321 MAIN OFFICE • WHI tt.y St. C·•'-#HW, CA. Mell .-onu: 9u '*·Cot"'-· CA. tM.» C._.,rloM IS ~-Coest PIAllisl>l"t ~. ,.. ,._--.,, 111.,;,.etlon•. "'" ............... wer11M......U IWr•ifl ,...., be r~ecl ....._ _ .................. ,..,r ..... ~. VOL 11. NO. 17 We'Te Listening ••• Use the Dally Pilot "Fast Result" service directory. Your service is our'" specialty. can M2·5e78 ext. m Whal do you like 1bout lM Daily Pilot? What don't you Ilk~? Call the number below •nd your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topk. Mailbox contrtbutora must Include the!r name and telephone number (or vtrtflcallon. No etrculatJon nils. please. Tell us whal's on your mJnd Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cutified Gtmolos111. AGS -THE DARK CONTINENT aftdo.11t britht M- Afrlca, long known aa the "dark continent," la helptnc to make the world a bit brighter with the growing popularity of Its colored gema1ones. Tamanlte and Taavrolte, two of the brtahteat, are much In demand now. Tan.unite resembles Uj)J>hlre •nd tsavro.ite looks like emerald. And there have been re- cent dlacoverle1 of lmportant de- polits of prnieW, tourmaline, emei - ald and upphtn. ?.ambia and Cen- tral Africa are producing emerald.a th•t rival the flnHt apeclmens found ln South America. S.pph,lrea .re comlna from Anaola, !alre, Tumn.la, M.alawt and the Malap. say Republic. Rublt• are beln1 found In the area from Tanuni• north to Kenya. Tamanlte pia Its name from Tamanla, where It waa flrat dl1covered. And now, the Umba Valley of Tama.nla hu be- come • ~ M>W'Ce of upphlret. Tensanlte nae a clear blue color. Tuvor1te la a brilliant IJ'"ft. lt 11 actually ru·•r than the emerald, whkti some uperts my make lt an excellent lnvHtment. Africa 11 1p.rklt.na wlt.b exdUna aemttone ~ Th.tee "°'* will help u,ht the way lo I brilllant African fU1Un. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 1823 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA 35 YEARS IN THE 9AME LOCATION eankAmericard-Muter Cttarge PHONE ~W•01 • - llllJPllll H/F. Wed~. Aprll 7, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 88 89 .. Golden Gate Bridge predictions dead wrong. See Herb Caen ... B2. Man convicted in 'worst' abuse I NATl'ERED NOSTRILS DEPT. -Perhaps fueled by •the success of neighbors in nearby Cost.a Mesa, certain Huntington Beac;h citizens have now launched a petition drive against noxious fumes. This has to be a popular campaign at the very least. Listen, you can search this coastline from Seal Beach to San Clemente and hardly find a soul who is in favor of foul odo~. ~ In Huntington Beach, the latest target ln the pure • • r air drive is the Orange --------~/.'-\ Co u n t y S a n i t a t i o n TOM MORPHINE '~ I( District's Treatment Plant 1 ,, Number 2, located off Pa-_______ ....,....._ __ cific Coast Highway at Brookhurst Street. SEWAGE FROM 23 of Orange County's 26 cities flows through this plant. Translated, that's 160 million gallons of the stuff ewry day. No matter how carefully the sanitary people try to acrub the air, you can bet a whiff or two gets loose every now and then. Laguna Hills man found guilty of 18 counts inf amily molest pt ion case A Laauna Hill.I aerOlpace en- gineer fiaa been convicted by a superior court judge of 18 felony charges in a child .ex abule cue that the proeecutor dem'ibed .. ' one ot the worst he had ever seen. Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey, deciding the cue on the basis of prelimi- nar y hearing trarucripts alone, found Tuesday that defendant Ronald Rongstad, 60, was guilty of charges that included rape, incest, child moleatatlon. lewd conduct, wife beating, child bea- ting and burglary. All of the counta, with the ex- ception of the burglary char4'e, related to conduct involving five of Rongstad's 15 children and his wife, Barbara, throughout 1981. Fourteen charges were dismissed Tuesday. Prosecutor Carl Armbrust, who said he would recommend imposition of a maximum 39-year state prlson term, described the case "as one of the worst I've ever seen." Beforo Rongstad can be .. nt- enced, however, he first mu.t be examined by two court- appointed psychlat:riata to deter- mine Ube 1a eligible for mentally diaordered 1ex offender (MD80) status. A hNrtng is 8Cheduled for May 24. U Judge Dickey concurs that Rongstad ls mentally 111, the convicted rapat can be aent to a state hoapital for treatment. If doctors there pronounced him cured. Rongstad would return to Orange County for another court hearing to decide if he would fi- nuh out his prison term or be allowed to go free. Theee alternatives are all pos- sible under an old MDSO law abolished by the state Legisla-· ture effective last January. Rongstad comes under the for- mer law's provisions becauae his offenses occurred when the old rules were still in effect. Armbrust, a de puty distric( attorney. said he would oppose MDSO status for Rongstad. The!rosecutor also said he wante to see the gray-haired defendant aerve at letilt 20 years In It.ate pclaon IO that Rouptad's youngest child, now 18 months old, would be 21 yea.rs old when J\onglltad WM released. Judae Dickey convicted the Laeuna Hllls defendant after defeme lawyer Thomas Wolfaen said his client was waiving his right to a jury trial and submit- ting the case on the basis of the preliminary hearing testimony alone. That proceeding took place last December in South Orange Cou- nty Municipal Court, when Rongstad was ordered to stand trial in Superior Court. Four of the his daughters and two of his sons, as well as his wife, testified for the prosecution at the pre- liminary hearing. No de fense caee was offered. Rongstad's chi1dren testified that he uaed a small black hoee to punlah them, M>metlm;. when they dJarupteq hUn Wb.ile he WU having sex with one of his daughters. The children. ~ 10 to 17, are now in foster homes. Rongstad waa convicted of three rape counts al~~her. A founh rape charge d · g with hiB 17-year-old daughter was re- duced to an unlawful sexual intercourse charge, also a felony. ln addition to a maximum 39-year prison sentence, the de- fendant a.l5o cold be fined up to $50,000 by the court. Because forcible sex crimes are involved, Rongstad ls not eligible for pro- bation. Rongstad is currently being held in Orange County Jan on $200.000 bail. Thus it is that a petition drive has been launched in Huntington, alleging that the sanitation district better clean up its act. . There may have bee.n some enthusiasm generated for pus movement by the fact that most recently, a chemical firm named NamlCO in Costa Mesa abandoned its plant on Victoria Street. Driver faces murder charge You lJ1'.Y WnJc /f's~ but the lfllY wbo bullt Jt loved it For numerous years, Narmco's residential neighbors .had been heaping abuse on the plant as the source of no- xious fumes, bad odors and for allegedly tos,gng other in- gredients in the air that caused headaches, dizziness and worse. JUST THIS LAST week, Narmco gave up the ghost in Costa Mesa and fled for elsewhere. Huntington Beach residents may have figured if Costa Mesa-can dump a chemical plant, maybe they at least can get a sanitary unit to purifying its airborne fumes. At least ·the movement ought to take some of the pe- riodic heat off F.ciison's steam generating plant on Coast lfighway, which has been blamed for everything from turning laundry yellow, to peeling fence paint, to being just plain uglification of the seaside. Despite all this, the Edison people are like all fathers looking upon their daughters. They think the plant is pretty. This could, however, be held as a minority view in Huntington Beach. AIR POLLUTION in general seems to be a problem that covers vast expanses of our region, particularly vrhi- cular exhaust gases. - News reports recently indicated there is this fellow down in W~o. Texas, who may have solved the filthy exhaust fumes problem for his airplane engine. Dr. Max Shauck, a Baylor University professor of matheniatics and stunt flier, claims he powers his machine on fuel derived from chocolate factory wastes. "THE EXHAUST FROM this plane smells just like a Snickers bar," Dr. Max declared. Well snicker, snicker. You believe that quote and it proves you just love in- ventive reporters. • Maybe if we can just get everybody in 23 Orange U>unty cities to flush roee petals, Huntll)gton Beach's ex- haust problems will be solved at the sanitation plant'. - ...... Afwr all, a roee is a rose, is a rose to your nose. --Somebody made that up once. too. Or almost like that. In the first Orange County test of a new court ruling, a Buena Park man will face a murder charge in connection with the Dec. 23 traffic death of Marga- Cops find illegal guns • 1n county Federal agents have confisca . ted more than 20 illegal fire.arms from a aelf-storage wlit in West- minster but have made no arrests in connection with the aei.zure. a federal official said today. Richard Bauer, special agent with the Federal Bureau of Al- cohol, Tobatto and Fireanns, said most of the illegal weapons were machine guns and short-barrel shol8UJl pistols. The weapons were found in a mini-warehouse unit at Space Saver. Inc., 6491 Maple Ave., on Friday. . He said agents received infor- mation about the weaPons cache during an investigation that is continuing. LAF C public r e p n eeded Interested ln an exciting career in city and special district boun- daries, spheres of influences, and annexations? If so, the Orange County Loca1 Agency Fonnation Commission is looking for you. The LAFC, a five-member commission that regulates boun- dary matters, has an openina for a representative of the puolic. The term runs four years. Persons interested in applying for the position must 1ubmlt a resume to the commiasion's ex- ecutive officer, Richard Turner, by Friday. The address is 10 Civic Center Plaz.a, Room 458, Santa Ana 92701 . For more information calJ 834-2239. County, state to swap fllnds in UCIMC dispute resolution 'S'~ FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL ., .. ..., ........ Oran1e County aovemment .allld the atate Department of 8-Jth SeMcet are p:ePAl'ln8 to _...p million.a of dollar. to lm-. ,,...,, • eettJ.ment ln • dt.pu.te Ol'lll' prvvWon of health care for .. cOwity'• indlaenta. :_ 'Jbe money IWap -aPIX'OY9d by the county Bcierd ot -.. amoni MYeral Pl ~k• to re. ... the Joac feud be- tween the county the UnJ-=-t)' ol Cal1fomla OWi' the .... Under a 1878 contractual LMr.tnent, tlMt unlYendty pro- videa care for lnd.lgents for whkh the county ii f1nand.ally respon- sible at the UC Irvine Medical Center in ~· The university then bills the county for those aervtces on a patient-by-patient buea. The county, however, ha1 0 dlaallowed" certain charaee on tem ot thftlwnda of bU1a. It bu been ntlma~ the countt.:i: withheld about $8 mlllJon by the untwnlty • Under the Umetable ~ted to the board. the atnt, by May 1, wtll ,..... to the ODWlty about 17 .G mlJlian In bet.Ith care Nnda ordered wtthheld by the Leat- alature pendlna i.olution of ti» diepute. Once the funda are received by the county, lt. in turn, wW tend a $~ mlllion check to the Univer- 11 ty of California H a .. good faltb" payment aaatnat the $8 mWJon ln blllt the county~­ ~oully hll Ntu.ed to pay . Il'lnal reeoluUon uf the dlapu· t.t bWa will be bued oc an ar- bl tra tor'1 examination of a 112.:bil.l tunple. The deal 1ttll ll contlnaent upon the ttabt not trytna tor.-;tl any pMt hMJth Clln funds to the-county du.rtna a.:.! yean 1070and1980. OffkiU•y that cond.lcao.i wm be met. retta Jean McFall, a 50-year-old mother of nine from Huntington Beach. Traffic death defendants are usually prosecuted on a man- slaughter charge, rather than murder. But North"'Orange County Municipal Court JudRe P~tf.! .. ML-Graw has ruled that W' R. F.den, 27, must atand trial for murder in connection with Mrs. McFall's death . F.den. who a free on ball, faces arraignment in Orange County Superior Court on 4'pril 13, when a trial date will be eel. Orange County Deputy District ~ttorney Doug Woodsmall said the maximum sentence in a mans,laughte.r conviction is three years. In a murder conviction, the defendant faces 15 years to life in pmoo. he laid. Woodsmall said the decision to pre. for the more aertous charge stems from a recent California Supreme Court ruling that murder may be charged in a traffic ~eath under certain cir - cumstances. o.a, ..... ,.... .., Lee ,.,,.. The prosecutor said he will have to prove "malice aforethought," that the defen- dant was aware of llfe -endan~ering circumstances and ignored them. According to the California Highway Patrol, Mra. McFall had pulled her compact car onto the right ahoulder ol the Orange Freeway· near Fullerton becaUle of mecb.anical problems. IT'S A DOG'S LIFE -Matilda the pygmy goat was bleating at the Irvine Animal Care Center petting zoo, possibly because she felt out of sorts standing on a dog house. The CHP said Eden tried to circumvent heavy traffic by dri- ving his van along the right shoulder at speeds up to 75 mph. Oftkera said h.la van struck the parked McFall car. UCI ophthalmology chairman honored Prosecutor Woodsmall said Eden ia charged with murder, vehicular manslaughter and felony drunken driving. He de- scribed murder and rnanala~t· er as "alternate charglngs' to assure jurors a choice. Anaheim-hued attorney Alex Forgette, who is repre1entll\I Eden, argued auccealfully for clOIUJ'e of the recent preliminary heariJl8 in the c.ue. He laid be ii concerned that additional publi- city In the ca1e could make lt dlf&ulf'to flM unbtllled::jann. "It may be shown that my client wu negll.rent.'' J'oraette M1d. "But I don't believe he'1 a murderer, and I hope to prove that in Superior Court." UC Irvine ophthalmologist Ir- ving H. Leopold has been awar- ded the 1982 Medal of Achieve- ment of the International Glau- coma Congress. He also received the Sir Steward Duke-Elder Dead line set in NB art f ete An April 18 deadline baa been set for arti.sta wishing to enter the juried art competition in the an- nual Newport Beach City Arts Festival ·arFubion-bland. · Entry forms are available at city and CO\lnty libraries, mu- aeumt an~ at the dlY'• Parka. Beaches and RecreatiGll Depart- ment, 3300 Newport Blvd. Tax deadline near Property tax pay ment due Oranae County Tax Coll~-Treaurer Robert atron ia re.nindina property ownen that eecond lnstallment pro- perty tax payment8 are due by next Mood&y. ---'SeciOnd lnltallment tax paymente normally are due on April 10. Since that date falll on Satu.rdaY, the payment deedl1ne ia betna extended for two daya, citron said. Otron Mid taxpe,.r'l lhauld • ~ the M~ deedUne ~ f.9ymeDt of wand tnllal""-t properiJ tdlli with the Apil 15 cte.dllne for p&ymmt of fMeral ~It.ate tnoome taal. PtOJ* ty ownen who have not Nal!IYed a pl"opaty iu bill or h ave mlaplaced tt 1bould call Citron'• office at 834-3411. -- Glauooma Award. The awards are given each year to honor outstanding con- tributions in research and treat- ment nf glaucoma, an eye diseaae which is one of the world's lea- ding cauaes of blindness. Dr. Leofold, profesfor and c~ o UCl's Department of Ophthalmology, was hoDOrefl at the sixth annual glaucoma con- ~ held last month ln Orlando, Considered an international authority on the treatment of the liiseae, Leopold hM focuaed on the management of glaucoma with drug therapy. He al.lo has conducied reeearch lnto the role the immune system plays in eye di.9orden. , Leopold 1• a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and was appointed the first oph thalmologiat-in-chlef and med1cal d.1rector of the Willa Eye Inatitute in Philadelphia. A r9ident of Newpcrt Beach, the physician baa aerved on eev- eral committeet of the National Inatitut.el of Health aince 1960. He hM been chaJ.nnan of Ucr1 ophthalmoloey department atnce 1976 and prev'lo\Wy held J>Oll- tioni at the Un.twnitY. ot 1'1nn· aylvanla, Mt. Stn'1!_~hool of Medidne and Ci~ 'f1'venity of New York. 1-lrlte~ucot'u ~-.. .. by the Amirbn of ('!anM!Qpo-~ qphtbalmolom' and L.ederle Let>oeaCOrlea, a df vlalon of the Aa..rlc::i~•namid Co. Tbe awardl • medal, d'8b .nd tl,000~ ..... -... ~·· --j. i' ----------------- Orang• Coa11 D~ILY PILOT/Wednnday, Aptll 7, 1882 H/F 115 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOt AtlOlf\llilCUllMI U ADUON tMI NIW YOl lC.,MIOWUT, ,~("I(,, ••• I OUON,DIUOlt ANO CIN(llilNATI O OCW •a<NANOUa•O llflOU I O I T TMl IH $0 ANO lliittTtN,T. ' ~... Nol 'Ml•> N•I ~a i.f "~'I::: ii·~· f''"~:~~ MI .. ' 1• I:. " 'hi(~ ·~ ~ • 1111.-'4 ... ""' :; l ~ .it~ ~ .Yiiii;' OJ ~ ~"'~: 8lr'NI' R\ • '4 l.A)t • 1"41+ "' =::: ·-: a · ~ ~ ·li it ~ ~~ .. "' i :~ 'l ·" II..== I 1! :l:l ~ ... I ti t IQIS IJYo+ VI ·:. I> -'"' I $ 1~ 1/1'-t• 1(1 II ' J I) • W. 1112. 4 ,,_.. 16 1,IO IO • 11\4+ v. 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SNET•I '·" • J " 14 ~ 1,24 1 1020 nt'o ... . Sauf'lllc: 2.10 I 112 JS + \(o 'ltlldl pl 2.20 . I 6J 5auAy .. ,,. 1 115 .,,,... 11. -..Clltll .., ' Z2 l:W.-"' SoRy pf 2.-i • l '21~ + Vt ~ 14 .. 59 I~ 111 SGl"1CD I .S. .1 lS 11 d17V.-llo Wl/Mr1 » II 130 ~ + 'to SlaAtnd 1.16 I 12 JIM• v. WI~ IJf . 40 :II • V't So,_,., .GI 27 215 11-11. Wl<HRs Ol.J2 . . IS 12V. .... SolaTrll .Cl!it • ltl ....... . WtlCSY ,66 111 16 ,._ 'lo 5otTll pf I . . J1o ~· Vt -.Um I 79 1n.-•4 5IJoAlr t .11 11 123 ~ ,.., -u OI 1 . l3IO I .•. 5"19111 t UD 6 11 ~ .... i,tlWU !lfUO • 1 1~ ..... SWAllk AO I '7 IJllo.-•t. W.....C 1.10 6 ll 19 • ~ s..tfbrw AO 11 28 121/,,_ , ... 'Wtnc pf 1.50 .. I •11t+ 'h s.Get I. 16 10 77 P4-"° IM'TICm 1 IS 1001 54-~ SwEtir n .Sl 10 1l 1l •• 1• wamrL 1,40 1 .. 612 7:1\lo, ••.• WPS I.JD t n 1~ • . • ~ 2.76 9 1'I ~+ II) _,,, .to 5 tJ ll'to+ Vt ~ 1.0I 6 ., 17111• •1. $111c!P .. 21 1~ 14 MsN "'2.'° .. I 31 -1 ~y 1.92 • ," 28 -..... Wrl!f#. 2.40 ' SJ 17'14+ "' 5'rlnos ,_. • 6 2.1 . . """"*' • «J •• JM 31-" s.iwo 1.14 ? 11 u _ •t. .....,llun .• 13 37 ~ 'II SoAtm 1.:11 15 1.1,51 ~. "• ...... y(;O\ .lilt • 7 ·~ ""' ShRI.. Cit 6 I 1011, + V. -..u .05' 6 I ·-Vt Sl.lltv .II .I 212 '"-11, 'MltltlO IS 90 9\'o • 11\ Sllll'nl ~ 9 • 2''14 • .,, "-flMll 1 14 9 fl J9 • • .... !lMll • .56 1 11 ,,.,..._ 'A _.,,, 1 t2 • 71 22\1'>-" SIOllO 2.C S S'8:S ~ 'I• -FM 2.11 10 11 1214-'11 SIOlnd i.11 • mo " • ~ 'Mnltt n .a 10 "" 1.1¥1. . fldOOll 2.40 s "' ~ v. WllltO> n 10 21 ~. ,,.. 51,._Cp 70 9 2 8 WPtnP pl4.SO t60 JIV, SiUllMli 7• 1 a IS -'II WIPIP I 1.90 6 21 Z2lll • 141 5IMll5t 1.209 .. lJ I~. . 'MIC1T Ol.CW .I Jl','I , , 91M101 l ,J1 6 • ~ •11 l'lt\NrL 215 ~ "° $111>!111 1211 7 S JV•, 'A WNr DI 2 • 4 1~ .. ~ lilWIDI I.Ill 12 l0'9 25'4 + •i. VIOIA I 24 6 "'1 12,.._ 'I• ,...,.., 1 IO • . .. ,.,,.,. Vt """9cl , 12 9"+ l•.C. ~ ..... 10 16 22~· " ~'°" 1.40 10 1S1 31'-t~ ·~ MllC IA t t ~ o,.. Wl'll.tl pl• . .a .. 2 67 +4 ~ 1.~ r ~ ~~ ~ ~~t~ .: ,: 7~~,,,.. I.SI 4 1' mt.. . Mm pf U 6 .. 4 ~ o,.. 91ofrec 10 2lOO 27'4. ~ WHIVE I.ID , 1:u 2S • "' 5llNf .71 14 168 2Po-•i. WltO pf l.11 •• 1100 JT\l'i ••••. Sttc11t11 1,# a ., ~ -. l"*t\IC • 1.20 • u n 11 .. '" $&.9VSll ,JO S 27 ~ v. "-'l'l'flt 1.30 16 621 Hlh-'A Si.CIA'G 1.60b S '11 11 + 1"t WtY' OI 2.11 • ~ ..... $111 .. r s .JZ 91 .11 10'/o . "*YI' r 4.10 • I .. ,.._. \'II s...'8lt n I 1 22 11 .. . . ~ J.90 1 • :W•At-\'I $ll'OI A 6 4 21 . .. .. WllttF pl4, 11 21 fl -I b EI ,72 . a ~· ,,., ~Pit 2 24 17111+ '41 5'rGo U O 4 n l ~.1~ l'lflPlt pf S . UlO 30 + 'I> 51rdltr 1.IO a a 1'14+ "" ~ 1.to I "1 27~+ .,, = ii 240 ~ ~ Wl'llt\ell 11:: ; .. f H::: ~ s..r"'1 t A tO ~ 11 .... . Wdllil .S2t 4 7.47 <1 4\.\o-~ $l4lrO I .lO 11 161' lllA. . = .. I SI\ .. \5lellr*G .to 6 100 21" • . lllem UO 6 G ~ ..... = 1 J WllmE n 1 O'J 16\'t + 'A I t 7 13~·~ WllllWO .Ul 12 '1 1\40+ 'A t.111 1 t6t ~ ... \'I ~llO!r 2.lt t fl MV.+ -$ilClr'll f/12.AO ?.> JO , ..,= • 121 S\l't-'<\ ~ • ii m• ~"' :r ·'a .• , "" ..... ~ s .41 IJ $1 Wi't+ ~ ..._EP .. l.1to ~ ~\lo •-T-T -..,. "' .. ~ "' + 'I> Tia>. 1.72 7 '4 1._ .... · 1 rl MS . • 110 S6 -1 ~ !I! 711\.'>-\'I i rl UJ .. 220 ..... TRW t.411 I 110 ~ + '-1tl'l 2. 16 7 22 211'11+ !,\ ~ rr uo .. , ., .. 1"" "' 11 , a. 1w.--= ·" :1:'~~.\.~11 .• t ~-r.~: T•lly .. J Sl'I..... _,_ ,SJ 14 179 M!li ..... .,...., lllf ' 1 7~ • .... w..PI .• 12 " Z2 ~ \ i; 1'7> JZ'.lo+ \Ii .... l.IO 1 110 17'4• 'A = 12 to ,,,._ .... ~ • • 2 ,.,.__ "' lib • 1 1\At-14 ~· ,.... I •7 ~ 14 ~ '.n • n 11 .. • .. • IOI . 1 " ~ ... .. .,,.._ I 11 110 ,_ + \'I I , I ... .. = .. 2S 1"'." " .:!!c..J,~ I~+ \'II -· .id: 1~: ~I . , SI. 11 ...... 1'tMCo UO S '12 21\11, .. ,. AA ,.,. 1' 3 I~ Iii T-11f 11 .. IJO m1t-_, I,» J 101 22 ..... .,.~ • IOl w· 14 .n s ass 1~+ !4 T~ ,Cl s ., • 141 .40 I 61 I*+ 14 1""" ph.,. . . • .. .. . ." :: =,,; ~: .~ TtlliCO l J 2011 mo.-14 n 1,l!O • 122' Ifft + h Planting delayed W ASHt NGTON (AP) -Stormy weather which b.rou.ght rain, anow and cold to vut areu tn rtee!nt days baa atalled •Prina planUng and other field work ln much of the nation. the aovernment eald. The J otn& Agricul- tural WeatheT F.cllJty aaJd Tueeday the "lntente atorm" systems during the week of March 29 thrw&)'\ April 4 caught farmen in the mldlt ol pJan,. ting com, IOtlhum. cotton and other crope. Generally, howewr, the winter wb•t crop wu "in mostly sood con· diUOn" u the April 1tonna developed, tN ,..,..i lald. ~­..... \u jTarhell ~cquires realty firm Tarbell, Rea.Jtort has purclwed TAC Really of Riverside. marklnl the second Riverside realty com- pany Tarbell has purchased since 1981. • Cliff Mulvihill. owner of TAC Realty, will oonU- n ue as manager of the office and join Tarbell'• edu- cation stalf. Tarbell, which says it is America's largest priva- tely owned realty com pany, has corporate head· quarters in Tustin. Plo tter capability added Point 4 Data Corporation of Irvine has added an X-Y pen plotter capability to 4SITE, its real-time turnkey computer system. 4SITE ia designed for ma- nagers of complex projects. The system is being used by a vanety ot l<'ortune 500 companies as well as by contractors and shipbuil- ders. NB executive honored H. David Bright, of C.Orona del Mar, president and chief executive officer of National Education Corpo- r a lion, Newport Beach , received an award from Flnanclal World magazine for being the outstanding chief executive officer among all U.S. companies in the services industry. Stock off er extended Executive lnduscrles, announced it was exten - ding its offer to purchase its publicly held shares of common stock at a price of $4.40 per share. The offer will terminate April 16 at 5 p.m. Executive also announced that approximately 83 percent of the 554,808 publicly held shares had been tendered by April l. Bank m erger completed Eldorado Bancorp, Tustin, announced the com- petion of the merger of Bank of Indio with E ldorado Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Eldorado Ban- corp. Energy problem s feared TULSA, Oka. (AP) -The current oversupply of oil in the world will not last long and higher prices will return, the president of Phillips Petroleum C.O. says. "We're in for some sort of cold shock of higher prices and decreased supply once again," C.J. Silas told engineers at the Annual Joint Enhanced Oil Reoovery Symposium . Salmon season studied SACRAMENTO (AP) -California officials have reported that a revised recommendation from the Pa· cific Fishery Management Council would split the 1982 ocean salmon season north and south of Point Arena, and impose a limit. VCB name change topic Why a major corporation such as Unned Califor- nia Bank chose to become First Interstate Bancorp. will be discu~ at a meeting of the Orange County Adver tising Federation • The meeting will be held April 15 at 1 p.m. at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. Guest speakers will be Stephen J. Tabussi, assis- tant vice president and advertising manager for First 1nterstate. and Nancy Budd, vice president, manage· ment director for Foote, Cone & Belding/Honig. For reservations, ca1J 680~3601. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VORK (AP)• Sain, T ..... price n ""' c....., of ,.,. tin_, inosl actlw NM Vcr1! Stoc\ EK~ Ii~. ::,,,;rion.11v 81 ";;1.xli..n ,!1 • 11/f ElOOI s 681,600 ?A t fv., T....,_ •11,'IOO 121 l.tlOllOlf i62,600 :14""' • 1\l'i l'll!llOt"-1 SJ0,300 3111. '" IBM 499,300 611' .. ,.. Girl~ ::,:;:: •not ..... OU"5vce ,,"' ,111) o.n;e_ «12,'lOO ... ,., ""' A9yt t J'IS,300 n" -.... ~ ]11,300 n •It,\ )ft,100 i. . " US Air :MS.600 .,.,, -¥o Sdlllll 8rw m,ooo IJ 14 Mc.lnAI"" 121,300 llV. -v. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) • S-. TUM P<lce rd n8I t~ cf 1i. te<1 most •ell .. ..,,_le.an OU E11cN119t I MUH, ~,..,lonellV .i .....,,.. O .. n l' HauOI r lUJOI) 1 ,.., -l't. C1Dm91'1:r1 s 130,100 I ! .... = 110,612 JO"-+I 0 119,600 10'11 ; ,, .. &::I( ... soo 10 Air .13,«JO 11•1> ..... ~ S2,«JO I.I ""'11nt • Sl,AOO :10 • VJ ~I ff,000 .Ill) ~ \\ ON C«i> 46,SOO '""' GOLD COINS Nl!W VOAK (Afl) -lllftCel lete Mondey of 0010 001111, oom.-red with ''ld•f • LP'IA 9'NPfffM, 1 troy or.. 8"1.18. I.IP t 1Uf; ...... i.et, 1 troy 01 .. I Hl.H , up 11u.a. ...... 80 jle90. 1.1 tror ... t&M.oo. up t1UO. . , A...,... too or~ .. M02 1ro1 .... t. SMt.a. Ml! l tlA • ---o.i·Ntlrl NEW YOfU((API Fl,..1 °""""-'•..-OS· ~-'·Apr •. ~ Ind 31 Tm 't;.., :fas ~ ~ • ~ 1.1 Ull Zll.73 Ml,41 DS.90 141.77 + 2.13 ., ~ 110,00 111.05 109.SS 110 24 + O.OI 111." 331.33 325.21 m. se. 1 so ....... 3,tS7,IOO TrWl 1,458,IOO 1.Alh 1,020,IOO loS 511< 6.317,500 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VO'IK (API AfW, 6 r ..... "'•• fth "1!9 Mvftlld OltllneCJ 603 71' ~ 453 423 ,..., 1891 ,.,.,,,.~ 19 11 -~ ,, 13 l!VM•r .u;u 0t0 Pr.v. r-. dlJ. AdllatlCecl 211 OICllned 210 309 ~:!. 212 2l! 110 m ...,..~ • 9 Ntw -11 • METALS Copper 74\\-77 oen!s a poul\<I. lJ.S d9$11n&Uon•. Leed 26-29 c.nl• • pound. Zinc 3!>-40 e.nt1 a pound, detlverect Tift 16.566 t Me1e11 Week composl!e lb. Aluml11um 76-77 cents a pound, N 'Y Mercury S395.00 per llUk. Platlnllfn $307.00 troy oz .. N Y SILVER 111ndy & Human, $7 '80 per troy OVl)Ce GOLD QUOTATIONS Londo111 morning fixing 1368.75, up $11.25. Londoll: ellernoon fll(lnQ $354.00, up $1.50, Perle; $362.37. up $6.61. 'r•11litwti '358.01 . up $10.00. Zurloll! L'te lhtlng 9958.00 btd, up $8.00, $3&6.00 Ullld. Hudf a H1t1n111: only dally quoit 13&4.00. up M .50. l "f91'18"1! onty dally quote 1354.00, ·UP-lf·.50 . ........,« only dally Quot• tat>noated 1371.lO, up $8.92. SYMBOLS Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Wedneed1y, April 7, 1882 HIF 07 '-Wt .._...,Wt .._..,_.w. o..RH111.. oe111ratt1111.. ..._. ... ,........ .......u ...... d · ~u.JwW*4 ........................ .....•................. ••••••.•............... .••....••..........••.• . ,. ..••••...•.......•••.. ... _. tMZ l••r.. 1-• ,..........._ u......-I OJ4 •-1t-" Io .. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... • ----....,..... -" -Ml-.ortleec• 106'~r-.:I.. ,.,_, .,.........._...._ 3224 lllattoo. ... .,.,. .. tld l2't "•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'•••••··•••••••••• ........ 1600 ...... 2700 =·•••••••••••••••41 ~... JJ4Z ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• . PNe West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, cwnodeled 3 txinn, 3 bath $1,200,000. 'OoHn & j&tty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, a bath, s100 1q.tt. tt,385,ooo. ' L9111U ... Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 1/i bath. Lge L.R., aundeck, 2 boat slips $1.500,000. ~led 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec rm. \Nm ceilings, furnished. patios. $420,000. LmA Ill.I UYFUIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room, dark rm, den, Boat slip. $1,350,000! UYllll OIYE , Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 • br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat lllipfl $1,900,000. .. TIU YllTA1-111111111 VIE.II , New F rench Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, , guest hou.ae, pool. Near lake. $795,000. ' •IUllUYS c.oronado Island cust. bayfronl lot 85' boat dock .. Plans avail. $425,000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR • : • • I : ' • '• • ti '~ t. l 0 I SS.toOT .... Do.. ALot llGCANYON ••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••Lovely house wit h •••••••••••••••••••••••4 br+fam.rm Spy1l•u ...a CloM.0111 For A. UtH. MCCiain twnnome 2 br IYELOPERSll un DOWN OR p~a n 0 r a m i r v 1 e w Huce lr\.level waterlront hill honw w tDW. micro. Btari.cloew-J ellnt 2 BR l acre + blclf ift~. t1tnl 2 be, beaut upairaded · •• nu Hnlshed to per(ertlon t'Ondo w/30' tide tl\&at rcnced td smo mo 2~ ba, frpk, 2 car aar. lY alopln1 parcel abort 7~·~/96H@_ 41.350 sq n commrrd•I TRADE for the fuasy hou.sewl/e r:ia':°p10::~;1~ p0~~ ~:t;6 r 0 w · 11 ~1 · Doth Bdrrns are muter dlstanee lrom tennis & lot In prime Fountain ... 3br, 2ba, dbl gar, 111 840-220'7 8'6-3.336 • - auittt w/vaulted rl&ai beach. Ownr hu ID· VAiiey rocatlon. City ap· I>. i r t u r 0 • q u e polio, bt&y rd. Pel.J on --_..., -· CW!tom home 2bd rm, better call FAST. Tota eluded plan1 for custom provrd ~lans ror 19,200 FALLBROOK RANCll. ~pproval. Grdnr :\ w11ler 1"'9t 3244 :Iba, den. ~ pool. 511 fymts Sll74/mo. Call villa. $1 25,000 Spee B~p~~'t~:C:-r:c !IQ ft omi.'t! bldg. Total 14 acres Lovely home WLJf!!.if2·9S42.._ -••••••••••••••••••••••• Irvine A\l' Sl45010l0 2·5 U t 3405 ; eves l.Acularvlewa! 1 d 0 packaae pr l cell » t with 4$00 st + tennla Unique 3 Br. 2 Ba. frpk Twnhome, new 3 br. 3 bll. Oot1on1 avail Wkdy 7~~SETO BF.ACll M IS.51~~~Al.TY ~~s~~. ~ol~t::~ S7:. REALTY WJ@ ~1-~lrfr t~~~~ ~~&,:.%k~d~llird~n~~ ..r:,~.l)ntj~ ·~~oor,ot. ~~~ .. wknd5/f'\IU Assume $70K VA., In at FANTASTIC HOME I 546:0114 _ ~~a8~g CoWFu~ pndc 540-4fJ4. RunchoSan Joaqwn ron llARBOH fHDGE ai1'.L 38r. f/p. $114.000. 180 de& OCt'11n views !•--------..,:,.,. ee83 e n 00 CHO!CE exe.c 3br pool do. 2 Br 2 b o. den Sl>l'e. \'U, pvt romm:. 3 Prlnronl~ 543-7023 Bkr 3000+ und custom Coedo.lal11•1/Towft• ~""""•ext 206· 1·14 homeLqueens kitch. S650 5 mo 645-7107 ffR 3 BA, Ira Mstr sw te. Gour met kitc h e n · ""-"for"" 1700 otti!:._9$13 OC-RENTALS_ 750·3314 · frplc. "tl bar 3 ''U masuve living r m. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... lltate UNY9f'lltvParti derk1. $1600 mo JOYl· l)l/40/0 LM formal dining . coiy ~I i·o~o ON llaC..V1 b 2100 SfOP! r urrhuseoption Townhome-:' bd rm. 2 M99099,_G1S 4078 ~ Parti fireplaces, pool. spa l.g 3 br, ,., ab xtra-lgWll~~ 5 bar .ti •v·e"r~a 111 e5 •••••~•••••••••••• w / t b .. Ju~~Y" S 4 11 5 bll . 2 •tory. hreplact' Westrliff 2Br S650 Ne w Ca p e Co d 2 ret· ueu S.SSS.000 w super view· rr.odel. Price 1650.000 RV Park on river near New r pts, drps, near F..astbluH 38r SlSOO bedf9omin privaterom LOIJllNIVl~R.E ~de ro r anyt hlna' SZ'50.000dn OWCbalfor oeun, Oregon, $37SK OC·RENTALS 75033~ pools and schools $89S Bayfrt 58rdoc:k s.3250 mumly with ~I and 07·1161 ncipals only 966 9087 Syrs. Call Mr Jo'uentes ~~I "CUTE" easts1de 2br w ~r rro 964·S!!21 Waterfroot llomu. Inc Jaruzu Walk ing dis Eves7149973286 OC-"'AN"'RONT Launa worksbop gar:.!>'ts S42S Greentree detached 6311400 _ lance to everyt hing CUSTOM 3000+ SQ ~-r ic.. r ig OC RENTALS 150 3314 home 2B r Ir o Sl37.950 · 10r• dn Models kome "Ith wlute water 1Dl'QLUT£ ~"S'. Brh. 4 units. $400.000 · : ' . r, rp · r un Sharp JBR & Oen. )'ard. """"daily 11 am til l< v1ews rrommostrooms ~ 1100 ~~·,&e1at tax wnte IAi!'~y trytl kitchen. rovered &arage. S7SO 416 .,...... ,, Co I h 3 B 3 h pe o,2riar g:irage,com West minster A'e pm mp ete wit pool and STEALll ••••••••••••••••••••••• r own ouse mwuty pool & park nr ROGERS REALTY ~ 3BR Jbu formal .. NEWPORT BCH. CdM by babbling brook. rrplr, M"hJs/ahopping & ten'nis 642 7745 67S.2311 .. ""'n.ooog rm. fomlly rm l st.Uemyrepu1at1on on YOUCHOOSE Spectacular view or d/w, pool, many xtras 5mo 551·2776 4 bdrm. J ba, Canal -------~ """" U\t'f'ACTthatth1~1i.the Balboa I s land & Nopets.S8.50 mo lease -f ront deck :\pl FORE.CLOSURE LGCJ11M Vllloge R.E BESJ' BUY in NewP<J1t IN IALIOA Peninsula s bath. Urplr 1&t + sec A\•a1l 4 25 UNTALS Shr) 1 •2 blk Ot·can , ·college P ark ... , •].c.i Hearh OCEAN \'l . 11 M£L~. 2 unit~ in + cift1 + pool rm , ext 646-6423 __ __ l br 1 Ila · S6SO Commpool lennis$1200 3BR 2ba Lender \\Ill U .J"..J 11.1. LRG 4 BD R. PROf heart orthePoint F1exi rtmdl. lge home Trade 2br 1•2ba S6SO 237Canal 67S7450 SELL BELO W DowfttoWRLCIQIMa OECORATF.O. pool.spa ble iu as 2 or single r II 3br 2ba S87S MARKET! 2 Mrm. I bu. trapll'ally & like nu all for on!} $3.19,000 .:-,:cgr":,~J~P p~m:ty MfW COMDQS 3br l" R . Newport Hgts 2 Br t den. landsra pt'd cundo SJ'l6.SOO A trade con 6404947 Belhefirsttolivein new 2ba Sl400StSOO Furn Ir& yud. &.irage Playo IHI Es tote Beautiful Ocean View , stdered Ca II PATRICK NEWER. 3 Bdrm 2 baths -ror\(lomuuurns. 1 and 2 3 br 2 ba SISOO Furn ~7S/rm 640 71!14 673-1900 Pnc·eles~ lo~tion. F.x TENO R E Directl y each. Close to beachl's, RHIEstah bedroom.rireplare.dou-4br.2lla $1350 ILUFFS TERMS/ l'l!llentBeachlfouse 63 1 1266 or 760 ·1!702 shops S3M.OOO WClllMd 2900 blegarage.skylight,di s· 4br 211bu. $1200 bdi Ul.000 ~~Ca~l·~~C {702>732·9840Collect ' BEST PIHCF., in the •w•••••••••••••••••••••• hwasher, and large LeR<!_1sor.JUt)8338600 ~r'~f..:~· 'M:in~ r~~ tst. 13r'r · 10 yrs. 3 Or. area ror 2 cute 2 Bdrm anl to buy hou~e with pn\'~~.':ia~ to S635 2 BR twnhse on l(reen grad~ $1275 Mu I > r 2ba. dbl gar. frplc. new * * $7600 OWN units. Country k1khen. poo 760·0002 IB72 Monrovia bell, Uni\' Park . garal((' re~ r pts/paint Ron Say. dining room. double Costa Mesa o~ner, fpll', S800 mu A!\~·6867,1!47 601Q Agt. 979-5370. eves rail $800 MONTH! garage. $289,SOO. (714)631-5909 .. ~.&tJ~;,.5668 S.Juan J:.18:1801 Lovely 2 Rr 2 Ba mobtlr W~B>GEPRICE BAY FRONT. pier and ~!•••••••••••••••• ---So lk'ine new 2 Rr 2 ba. Capistrano 3271 3 Fl home in acl ull only UCTIOM sB!J:· on Balboa Island 2 u--~~·-•-L-~ lmmarulate3bdrm 2 ba ~,.c.yard.pool.~paS850 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l °lo MAMCIMG • ·i~un· Hills' 11ark F'ull Fee anal -front 4 BR , ~ "'""Htnl · .,...,.7631160-1996 2 bd 1 •· l hs~ Th b. h ........ u ,.. d rm each. Exrellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• home , fire~a re. dts ----._ W rhm .• u:s ~n ~1 IS 1g 2 story ome. pnl'e $38,000 A~ ror 10', own T erms R 1__ h 32 8 as rr ur"er poo Justmadefor theac11ve Ed $299 ,000 Mr Cl ark. financing $750,000 lalboalllmld 3106 hwasher . parking --r-leoc 4 ~ · · family who needs lots of G4S-3370art 6 642·5200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S700 3090 Murra> Near ••••••••••••••••••••••• .£.ar J47S 497 6009 - room 5 big bd<m• 3 [~ir-·b Id•. .. 3Br2ba.rurn••hed. Short occ and SD Fr"\' 3.Br. 2ba. ram rm . '11,c .,_ ..... L_ 3286 ba ...... and enormous 1°1\• "'""' r ge ~w li1t~. "" t 942 9372 T r th W I ~ ~-u.. term $900+ per mo · · op 0 e or ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing room with ma sm·e · Really , nv NER duded i\.&t 675-4000 Small t Br l(ar huge Rerng, w d, S97S mo BJ-:At.:11 CO'ITAGE IBr. used brick fireplar,• SSI 3000 ' loH•I> Street Bar k Ra> yard $42S imo Dme b) 494 ~ .. 7~.:.0529 frpk, t'OUn)Jrd. )!a> I Walk to schools. shop I · I Area ~1 aJl'St1r home. Hnfport leocll l 169 -~ W Wilson. 673-6336 __ oo deg panoram1r vie" ~ 499 2986 I ping. cit> park and ten .1mBuranu PIL•t,lr~ln41 \'l't cozy and ron\enicnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sunnd• 3 Bdrm 212 ba 2 BR, exrlus1H nllrh d . .,_ _ __..._ h rus Asking SlS8.000. Call ,,Lj .,._~._1 I ~ d (•ottage Cumpletel> Versailles &rh . S625 . · blj_ld. S750 •!17 ~ _,_.., -ac 3288 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~1151 · Alm nn "' 1'16lom1zed 4 Bdrm. 3 -----Lido Prk mobile S700 E s1 e \\1th . yard. dbl -••••••••••••••••••••••• i:.. Spectacu lar at hnJ 1 Baincl'g1MasterSu1te1 laeOllltP..-rty 200 V1ew2Brcondo Sl200 far. A\all M ay I LalJmaHils l 250 Partl)·fum I Br frpk . Wlute "aler \II~" lO', I Sep Ma1d "s Quarters ••••••••;.:i;;......... Ville Balboa26r $1200 800 with gardt'ner •••;t0••••FORR.EN•.;••• refnge 1ndds ut1ls ;~·HERITAGE dn f'.as) month() 11a) Lo\'el) II\ room looking .• plex Co•la •10 sa N~ Crest 3Br $1500 631·1004 ME " $495 mo 0 840·8208 " l l d ·• 11 t t " ~ " • rf 11 I ----3 Bdrm 167S f'enred men.., oo ~ an ,n o u o go rite o u ~ $186 ooo Lo g t r n ate root omes. nr E Side. boht & co1•· 2 br yard •· rcaraoo Kids & ,.-A....J..,,_. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9i owe 3rd No pa} J. landsraried bal'k)ard . n erm I 631 1400 .,, , .. ... ~-.. bd , ... rl $20.000 dn. sz.so per mo duplex, l ba, gar . ne~I> n<>lt "e come S4S 2000 , ........ _,_L-d 3425 yea~ 4 rm I + • + n ate a I G:arebo. bn<'k neg Pnni·ip1tls only reder No pets SSSO '.;;,';-' ( ""11W"IW-Sc.llt Coast Close '• b a S 4 9 9 9 o o patio Obie rr1.1r . ram ohn 642·6260 631 -3678 ·-ent,_no ee ••••••••••••••••••••••• Conveniently lo rated Owner Agt SH 21711 or rm, formal dinini: rm J 646-7660 Agt HciuMt Utminiithed ----' --1--J 32 Near new adull l'Ondo nr \\ I ~I I 'i \ TAYLOR CO. ' • REALTORS arross rrom South Coast ~ 0517 $395 000 Xlnt financing REDUCED S50 ooo. b\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2BR. 1 ba. gar. wshr W D LGIJlllMI M..,...... 52 S(.' Plaza Ste ~ates . V1llage. lh1s 3 bedroom . a\'ail OPEN ALL owner. II unit beach G.Mrai 3202 Hk up. no pets $48S ••••··~····:•••••·~··•• ol s mall friend!' .. aaw ....... llllrl" condo is ideal for the l.olJlinoHills 1050 WEEK l·S IS2l ANITA motel 1n Carhharl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~C_P_l_acent1aS4S7983 C~~l~~leco~d·o ~grga~~h ~C1 1 Br d1ninfi?. air. -·-· • ...., ___ -busy lifestyle Popular ••••••••••••••••••••••• L N 1 I b I k r r om ~.000 fi?rOlls S295 IMIO A 3Br hse. lip top shape. nr 3 b d r m . 2 b 3 • 3 br. 2 ba, rrplc. No pets' patio Secluded end unit I H }·. ·\ I. T () H ~ 'd I. I '. l ~Hf) ~Park-like setting. Lovely pool, sp a & ga-room and m a s ter QUALIFYING "' N~ts. 644-2778. ---· 77s.~ -G o lf course view I Beaut. la ndscaped. plan mrludes a family S 1S o o D 0 W N • NO llJFOg!llRanEdCJ L640S·OS~U32RE 1 S!eal Tl7R141-1l.P22.L·OE~1X0-1 s1[~hll71s3t & !)ark A gt aterlgardener ind $750/mo. 493 2256 No pets $510 + S35 util -,iebo. Gated courtyard with fountain. bed.room, firepla ce 2Brpat1ohomes101,soo• t B lb ,--II -1 Me-wportleocll 3269 2br 2 sty pool rec: area Patio ano community Terry tBkrl497 3034 '149 000 CoroMdetMor 5a.5<u sec1• podo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nice lot· El Toro Marble foyer w/glltterlng chandelier. 4 pool for relaxing and -01'eanfron1 duplt'x dii f ••••••••••••••••••••••• spa. 4 ., 1n r u e s QC-RENTALS 565 0 m o Rand y ,bdrms, d e n , fo rm a l d i n rm , 4 'h refreshing' Assumable l..arJullaMICJMI 1052 $450.0UO wit h )!011d ar, own. ~l,•, loa n. Nice 2Ur 2ba. spa. so of g;i7s-0222<A1.r Agent. no fee l·Sbr's $200 to$2000 Starman. ii0-5244 b $950 loan with 9 25'"· inleresl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ter!TI!> • no _St'l'Ond Crps , drp~. PCH $7~. 323 Larkspur 95' d • a ,000 Inc luding land . Large corner Sl3!1.900. Phone 979.2390 ,...0 or low ....._ Pvim't blt·m r o. pa110. bbq St'e c.:dM ~ 14S3 ---- -~3314_ _ O.Qen 7 · a_ys Pacesetter Rily. or col ·site . Ex cellent t erms 4 PlayaR.E. Today' -Sharp 48drm.2ba.Mesa ll'<'tJtl312757S37 __ 2111 S. ......... IN4 __ T.:...A.:_: RBELL bdrms plus bonus. pool 6Jl·lt00 tl~S_L~11.Sanl_a Ana CostoMHo 3224 ~~1"~1~0~~,~kd~ai IAYFIONT A,......nh fountished alPlll lll1D, U. 144-4111 t ..... Oll leacll I 040 and jar By owner th1:. RB>UCED SI 0,000 ....................... 963-0629 2 slory. 4 + bdrms. 2 ..................... .. ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• week only 49S0718 OWMERAHXIOUS 2-br-;nrl gar rrpts-baths. firepla ce lcil»oolsland 3706 .--------1 . .,.."'"'T house+ 2 units Bnno rps. sto\C · 0 r,ets slit S3000 permo An11l Bay vie" 2 br. Iba. no ~ 1--------• Lalie Forest I 055 VEISAIUES F.ast side. r ule 2bdrm ~ d · . N. 'I gorgeous vie" Pier and ••••••••••••••••••••••• ............. _,_,_~ 1006 W"''.,TOSUIF t••••••••••••••••••••••• ou;t"s;A .. SS"< 773 W Wi •on r . ---I BR 1.0tally furnished offers. Only Sl39.SOO 63t:4ss9 ~ e . l · pet.s. $600 mo 'riv 223 J~ Owa ~ Siii ••••••••••••••••••••. •• 4 Bdrm Deane home !>e<'Unty romplell Pool Bkr 645 6266 ~ B11front 673'43i6 _ +3 rm 2.,., con o. C'u~ d5/:a~n~o!!:~~ PAIK PUCE ~uy . Jarurn. walk to ---- 1 _ 28R nr SC Pl1a Adull 1 Br. f'l'ankhn frplr uul iqprivatearea w1th bay Kll'ff HOUSE ESTATES hearh Afford:1bl1• condos Qwet SS65 mo incl lm med ;natl Y1ew. walk to beach DUMI Sl60.000. 4 Br 2•, Ba financing O" ner will Bnghltn someone's da y Gas 111rl. ~ 1626 $42S mo 67S 4525 SZ95.000 This Is 1 real charmer 67>1771 2174 Sq ft sarnf1ce at Sll6.000 I 8 UNITS /MB I \\Ith a Classified New 2 br. 2 ba 1·ond o. SPACIOUS DUPLEX Tlllle oor ul1tl11J .... lom.OWMrwl c.-ry bttlHce w ltlt 161.000 dwa. ] ..... ~ ra NC. -'t. Offwed .t SJH,500 COL.a"" ...wfl'ORT MAL TORS etULC....Mwr. I C.-... .., I f75·5511 Best~ on Island 2Br BETTER TllAN Fee land Oilner "1lf rrucro. pool. jac. $800 _ Wboa Petlinwla 3707 +ba...__ -.. 000 MODEL rarr)' Contact John I fG11hf-.GnM1!! ~ No ""lS ~io smk s -••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ..... or......... . I r oronl) Mi oo ...... • .... .. n ... 3br 2ba. pool. din rm rm Century 21 Lockhart HAS EVERYTlll NG Shea. Broker 9S5 34S4 1 rour Easter messaji?e Qy979-33?_6 ... ~y 751-8184 rm llOO ("'la). NB 3bdrm. steps to ~and. Call S62-S847 ~~ il.'s5a~f m.~~~ I tli'~\;·~;~~!~ EAST SIDE ~_rm Agt S4 I 5032 :Os1fo1 arte~ ~~,!; Ca II I 022 Center SUPER rt'rng. lndry hook u1.1~. fplr. upji?raded pat111 -u .. 211 min to Nev.port mtheOa1~P1lot I Bnght iBrseparate hse. BLt:FFS 3 BR 2'• ba c-toM-o 372 .. S2 lll.OOOw1lh Sl60.000 ,--------• 00 Easter nday patio. garage. lo\ lk to S89S mo or l~t· 0 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TAX SHELTER Call642·S678and .. .it 121, fixed rate & fully charge it Mastercard s hopping. newly de 7~615·S930 CASA DE ORO "'o po1natrms 11rrtqlu7tadl1f\ In" o~ bal &tote San~,e~~~Tp?i~l! or and Visa welcome I rorated 5495 mo mrl Beautiful 3 br. 3 ha home AU.. L'TILITI ES PAIO 125,000VAl2% Ln CtWtMIMG DPLX. ~~~.J!~a~q fl 4 bnrm Beautiflll street Tn Cd M R E p r I Owner's unit w 1beam · ro essiona s " 7700347 · " ••••••••••••••••••••••• ov.nersh1p Modern 1---------1 gr~r.G42·9G~_ O\'erlookinfi? lite )!ret'n Owner A••enl MobileHomes Spamsh style four unit .Outside tr act home -belt,$10001mo Com pa re before you renl cu~tom dt's1gn rl'atures Pool BBQ ('0\' rd gn rage. s ur- rounded lo\ 1th plush land.~rapm~ :"\o pel s ceilings and fireplace. --tiH.lll " ForS. 1100 apartment housl' with ex.· RENTALS 11\Stdeapalace Cslmde 644~art 4 JOpm ~an-h'll• & uolf rour~." 1 Sbr's S200 to S2000 roraled 3 Bdr, huf.e Lge 1 Bdrm apt with ......... on fireplace + a barhelo_r HartMlw I 042 Ul.ke Forest JBR. Den. Good income Pal 10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2BA Ter'!ls. b) 1111nrr around pool Assumable ISL.A.HD HOME I 110 9S49 loan. S3l5.ooo , with loot D9ck Mksloft Viejo I 06 7 ATTN BU ILDERS SBdrms+ma1d sqrlrs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Level R2 lot. so or hwy :OX> sq fl, rustom built. ror duplex or single courtyard. spa. 3 frp lcs . r ·C ir ·r greatflnan a'atl arruly a 1 or in °· re-S600,000. 714 840·8754 garding nnan. $230.000 J!ltr 644.7211 1044 Di1.,..1 Sofe Beauurul rondo on Lake M1ss1on V1e10 P\l Beach Must srll by 4 10·82. 770 9790 tJn ';IG[l uAIL[Y & ASSOCIATES ......................... , ________ _ A SMART START DfYS1~1 CNTling your own home ' -··-t p~n~ 2 b rm. 2 still k ....,....., , ma es more sense Hfowpori leoch 1069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""'"~ 1 '"' ~ ~ 7UIJ31·' O""n7da1vs bon lavV'-PIH \"lew. <'lost' to ever ~ ~ a:.-· ._,,_ us rm w•stone frp 1·, iii~ .. w oo ~· N~:rr'r~n~~,c~rre ~~~~ )'lhing. onl> thrN· yl'm IE OME OF ~rdener incl See to ~fg enBcl~:d +Y~~d n~~t rond '78 dbl wide. olrl,showshkenew,new THELUCKYHW lieve.SSS-0347 on Bark 8a)' Countr)· fireplace hm·k pauo. owner could OCl'UP) Rent in -COsla "Mesa's ~Valley 3234 setting SI OSO mu 1n $61,000 Abu 2 br . Z ba . three bedrQOm, two bath NEW EST gal e d 2 O ••••••••••••••••••••••• eludes gardening & pool double ~1de. cornt'r lot l'll}&orean viewapart I Townhome VILLAGE HOMF..SFORRENT serv 7~2197 $39,000 8111 Grundy rrenl if applirable, and COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br 3 & 4 Bdrms $725-S750. Balboa Ba" C-lub 2 Rd 67s_.Sl~I. rent lhe other t hrel' ,, Ba 1600 1800 rt r f' d d & J -apartments forinl'Omc ~' · sq 0 en ce y;ir s bey vu SISSO mo ' Seller "'II help ftnant·c pure luxury Garages.· garages Kids & pets Palnrk ~"' 631 1266 1 Br Cum from $490 2 Br rum from $580 E5 W Wilson. 642-1171 N1re 1 Br dplx 4uiet Sep by gar I t>mply d adult O\'er JS !"o pets $350 548· 1021 hydro tubs 1n master welco me S4S 2000 I -"'..I)· •EXCITING• ~ 5cb''f dbllu y er 11u11e, dining rooms. ~oree I Exrept1onall) nice ll:lr. S350mo Dlxmobile hm Sel'· an ° ,0 ars'' ' wond burning fireplaces. ~-•-L 32.,.0 lg h\ ini: rm. frplr. d \\. Mature adults. no pels htah Sale ung pnce 0 $32S.OOO m1 r ro·" ave ovens. ·-...,.•-actt -.1 2 pauos. laund fa rtl. •, llu1et sec ore 1991 With or ~1lhout rurn is way below current pn\ate pauos & yards ....................... blk from beach. tt'nnis. NeWJ)Qlt Bh d 646-8373 24x64 Greenbner Home replacement rosU' 1 Gardener provided. OC-RENTALS etc S625 1yrl\'. ut1l pd I --- tn Laguna HJllS nicest s PRINCIPALS ONLY''' Elegant hving only IS l-5br's 1200 to S2000 Avail !\pr 4th' &<IS 1771 or LGIJlllMI leoch 37 41 star park Young ad Its Ca 11 0 w n er 1 7 1 4 1 m1nutts rrom Fashion 7S0.3314 __ 9~n 1·~.a . .rs 960-5844 ••••••••••••••••••••••• welcome 642-0138_ lsland.1 mmutes toS C SBUtstoocean Elefi?ant 2 Blurrs 3 Br 2' Ba Luxu11 studio. spa. TV Gt Ill af Pari& Plaza or 0 C Airport Br f'amily Rm & Oen Townhoust 2 ra; gar maid sen·1re. phones bath home in CdM R-2 than renllng. Start with lot 30xll8 As sume lhls1mmaculate l bdrm. 3Br hse, ~.000. tip-top 12i,o,<k loan. Sl92,000. t ba. Plan 3 in Orange ... n1 schls & park. _,Ca=ll:.:.K::..:e::.:.n1..:61:..:..=..5-67.;o.;.;00c,;.__-1 Tree Condos. OulSland OPfH SATl SUH 11·6 New 3 story beach house Ba> & ocean views Ot'ean side B3 lboa 81\d 1911 Cou rt A\'e nr 19th 61S.2291or848 3133 Beauilfu,2'.:xoo Keywest $20,000 0ru Just east of Newport £i() Mo. Plush rrpts. 2'2 w opener i\ \·ail ~ I $11~ "k 49!1 22Zi Hm 2Br. 2Ba This 1s ~ oceanfront upl'" Bhd. & so of San Diego Ba Cedar & glass. sun ; mvi mo 67S·t051 Ma ~le e. 3769 ... _ .. _ b ~ft f'l'wy StartmgatS900 a deck dbl ~a r prv l ~---""wpcw. ac m•"""'1 uy in town Ill ewport Break t\en month 631 5439 2473 ' r 11' N.wnnrt Hats Ca"" Cod ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cl"''"'SIC 1· I W'll d r · garage. u } ma1nt ,-,..... ... r llY poten1a . 1 lra E' or Orange Ave . Costa yard.No pets.lnqwreat 2-sty,5 8drm.den .i:ame tf'T IEACH CONDO MOllLE HOME anything' 966-9087 Mesa 527 lath. St. 960-6l3t. ~· 3000+ sq ft . newly SALES E d 3 B B painted. lrg ya rd. RV Sl9,0QO 2700 H bo SI 206 A astsi e r. 2 8 • HOMES FOR RENT access pets OK Walk to l..orated w1th1n a luit ar r. te -LEYRAGE noo, mo ·Isl, last & sec 3 & 4 Bdrms S675·S72S srbootS Vacant Diana urious guarded com --•Sirl4ii0-iililstillil7illlll--I Covington 4-plex near deposit Call S48-4388 F e n red 'I a rd s & ~-'i266 · '1S2-9731 DUPLEX BYOWNER 1ng rec reational --------•I Bestcash down takes' fa c1li11es Adult only (jft 000 ON owe. Redured lo $27SK community. $86,SOO ·""' 1119-9667 or 67S-3063 _A!n_l!!e _I!arking_ in rear munity. Call any lime . So Coast P 1 al a ~-5-garages. Kids & pets . - Mullan Really 540 2960 Obie wide 2 br. p 2 ba. lO'l down or less Notes Ni~ clean 2 Br. l Ba welcome . S4S 2000 Peninsula Pt. U!lObtllrl!rl· ......... . _ Ask ror Lori sn2 spare rent. Adults. and trades OK. Asking enrlsd garage. yard, ent no fee. ed Harbor view Pine ) . '. 0PEN HOUSE REALTY / MISA VERDE 11 Qu H B S296 ooo new pamt & ca rpel. No trees.4 Bdr. 3 Ba. sauna. 3Bcfrmliome .2 6aths, IMMB>IATE ~~nerP4/:;'t. ~~~~00 ·0;. Den~1s Ricketts & pets S52Hserurity Ef:Cm ~~nb~.t~~a: Jar .. 3 car ga rage dbl garage, all in A·l POSSESSIO.... bes 0 Assoc 2546 Orange. house E. wleler opener . com· condition. $129,500. d< " t. wner 847-29S4 gardener inc l $97S merclal kilr he n . 2 $l9,500down. Owner will ~~/~wnlt Jsa~~:ii~! ~~1200 151·04H ~8· 840-Q03 frplcs. patio, Ir~ Mslr assist in financing. 't523 CAMMDl~IRV1"£ to own lovelr 5bd rm. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· TRM'~E~ ~TSIDft 2 Bdrm. Huntington Bay Bdr, bar, stor•fi?e, W ID. Specious studios one 1nd two bedroom apart· ments FURNISHED 91'«1 UNFURNISHED . •-McCa"*• Rftr. story. N.B. Back Bay BY OWNER-10 Acres No H1g y upgra e tri 2 Br. oused wh thk den, Condo. washer/dryer In· r~.!.,!;i1mofi? · 5760° ";!!<,. r ur n _, 41 7 t TURnEROCI< area $250,000. SS0-1991 San Diego County, plex near Beach and garage! w/, oo -ups. cld water pd. lrhild ok. """' . .,.,,,., ... MT --•5iiiiiiil·li71iiiZ.__~ 4 Bdrm. 2 ba on cul·de Eves call · 631-7215 Olivenhain Lake view Adams. 3 Br owner's un 329 Un vennty Dr. See no pets. Fenced patio & 3br. 2ba. open beam rtil· HomeJluuif i n«tme. sac. Popular. Plan 2. pond. oaks. sepUc in. il t two 2 bd nns. ~ger ·~ s. 548-0&48 r11.rpgrt._ $$SO. i\Jent no in&. use<U>nrltln>lc. S(l' OakwOOd also otters ..... ~Plllcf 'lrnmediM Occupency s..lh Hwy. French OUTSTAMOtHGIUY! owe at 12 'l. T ry 1295.000. (714! 729-0104, S279j l00. fee.~5-2000. from ocn. w Nwpt d6on. vaulted ceilings. -sacrUice -ByOwner ~duated payments For ClassifiedAd 436-026S n.EProfesslonals 2 BR t Ba duplex, ne 1 Br r ondo . Patio , S850/mo Call John courtyard. Excellent Guar. 80<;l, 30 yr loan ,000 Af.1\~N C:O...rcl.. paint & rpll. gar. no carport. Frig .. pool. ten-~SQSZ. riunclng. $495.000. avail. al 2 pt.s under 4 Oenn~~kett6 & ~ Daily Pilot Properly 1600 ~ pets. WS + dep. 19411 Ills, clubhouse. no pets UDO '2 I CONDO . '1 Mllllon In A«nMlon U,..IOOI ti()Mll br. 2 ba, Cam. rm. apa. AD-VISOR ........................ 2100 Meyer. s.9-3484 l«!St dep. 768·7633 Dix rondo with bark bay Realtora. S75-6000 lrnmar. l42K. 979·1138 642·5678 Corona del Ma r 2 story ••••••••••••••••••••••• Separate house. easl.side DUPLEX -119 Hynt· and Cannery vltw 2100 Ca~ tr-}uu ., n -ror l'tone ftrfplaces. wood panel· ti.t. knotty pine cabinets •a1119doul yard. you'll lo¥tthia home. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + ra mlly room. Owlwr will be help(ul wttJI ftnandn&. Otrered ·~.ooo. 151.sui c:::. ' ' ~ I' ~ -·· ... ,. OHLY $10 000 Me ..,. .. od 106' comme rcial Priced 2 Br. 1 Bl. crpt.a. drpa. maton Ave, ocean view, sq ft 2 Br + den • :tt:'ittu••••••••••••• "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~1 below mkt for qwrk sale •:u• •y sn stove; washer/dryer bk· volleyba ll r rt. l Br ..l~Ot)_lse~·9S73 MOYIS YOU IM at S350. ooo. 0 w n e r ..._. LliSi-up. 1ncd yard. enrlad S500/rm. 2Br S600mo. or Cotta M""eaa epeclal; 4 fUlancing auo•,'k3 yrs 4 Yr old bl.llldil)g In gar. No pua, no renl entire duple• ror "YEARLY" bch unit Bdrm i.sty, dbl garage, w/1130.000 dn. No neg l!111'i'ie romeflorat1on on waterbeds. SSOO/mo + $1100 I mo . Ca 11 Bo b uUI pd~:::~o. S300 nu apt, paint. varant. cash flow Own 'Agt Segmttom ln So.Santa u c ur lly dep osi t. Meyer 586-3SOO ore or OC·RENTALS 750-3314 Prired to aeJI at suocaooo. II a• Ar&.I A !:I 8.1J.l004 Ana. Approx U,300 sq. S4W442or 170..5629. esMm home. Olkwood Gerden Apert,.,.,. Own I It.DI p ~~ rt .. Ult'"' eon.slruclion l SURFS UP' 2br naar b h r auie ana -m:lllla.iC in xlnt~cond St.130.000 3 8~ twnhme 2~ ba 2 l.e11e/opt 4 Br 3ba pool rnedyd,kids.NOW~ ~Gl· nw•wii;; w/r reat lve owner rp1c 1,new.Formal d\n, h ome . s 12001mo . OC·RENTALS 750.3314 Newport Beech/No. 880 Irvine •MISAD&MAI* Sii OOODOWM Se~11ilonal a6r home witl'I SUM,000 In tow ID· lfrrlt Rnaneln1. Ca II to day. 2'70 San Mlauel Dr .. Newport Beach. 7'-l!Ol or7S2·73'13. REAlJY finanrlna. h!IM!back yd.64H72$ 64+7020Ungo._.R""'.E'"".-- ·-· .. --1714t 67M400 3Bdrm. 28a, quality Beaut 4 Br Landma rk. Nw:r~~J~hse, (II 1flll) (114) IM&-11CM •mn.•111.w•P,., llAll Here Is an excellent opportu.: nlty fOf' the first time buyer, Investor, or working couple. Thia 1 BA, oon· domlnlum home otfert eecurlty, rec· reatlonal amenltlet & excellent loca- tion. Offered at $89,500 with low dOWT1 & good flnanctng. 8111 Wedmot 551-8700 (G49) f ) .. ,., I B1'll lllcetllt nt opportunity ror 1nvt1tor. 12.000 ... uare root of(b bull· 1dlna. J\illy "'-d. °"' Sl&0,000 a yw ~ dltion Pricid to ..U at U.4 mllllon.~la ;;'J;., Call WWllm °*· 1 (TIC) .. 5777 tJIJJ ,, __ 1 bomt. 287 Brentwood. F/Dr. fam rm. 3car1ar. _,.. .. 1 vie Santa Ana & Santa Sits, DI an a . A gt . 3Br. 2t,.;8a, wet bar. wlk to bcll, tennis. pool. apa. No lifts. Children Ok. Avafl Apri 15. 18$0 mo. NeW1*t lwtt/So. 1700 18th St lOINtr ti ltth) (?14) 142-5113 HARIOR laabel StJ. tlOO mo. Va· IMS-l371.&49:4021 eves, cant " open. '46·ST88 °' NEW CUSTOM 3 bdrm, 2 A Division of Harbor lnvn tmem ~. *4 lot be, 2 Ill)' IUn·dk, de· •Isner d r p s , a 11 To Place your ameniUes • nr Lake Pk. Sh;a'll 3Br home w /ocean • ----· · "f ast Result" wt\ to l>eaeh. S!'T& mo. """'· C1r1ge. t bouae to l blk. to 0<-on. nr Npl Gardener +-125 uli 1 bet\. 18SO/mo, Yrly lat Pier. 1400/mn Apr&· Service Directory credlt lncl'd. Avail now avail. No pets. Wa)'ne. 1a.,1. Sip, 4, cutt • ad .... Call Now ll>l Alabama. 960·2'81 • ..!§ _ <'ir'J l~J..ce Walue. OPPOITUMfTY 64J,.16 71 or J6. ...._ J 11 I VI l:Jllli -lmocQ o1lto -wht n you .. )11 Bdrm a~ ... 2000 IQ n I c.ar ,., lown OIM. s.li... UH a-. ,..11J\.1etUn1 Dally • llo u t , n a l I. n ow pool, ua. w1lk to Mad• •"-... •••••• .. ••••• PUG& Qm ln.t Ada to ·-. Ut... ... A •u-. T»G5Z7 Hd Hoa a Ho1plla l. Praf dMotatC'dl l w"". iwdl lhl Oraa1e Coast --•wlDI •IUt • A'llll lmaiit4Jate11 llOO ar IO Cst P aaa. All rra"LMNl1t Dlltr Pilot Claultlt4 "f1'.~AJ.~Dll~ ;:.r.;..s1a1. da 9=.,t1e1...J,;i1lM. l ••• OrlftQll Cout DAILY PtLOl/Wednelday, APft 7, 1912 I J I ,, ~ COHHH.L CHEVROLET, .,,. 11 t~ f,.. ' )' • ! ' • ,.._I \ ,, L ' \ S46-I 200 ttH u.- WANTED TO BUY LATE MODEL USED CARS ILSON FORD 182S.S Beach Blvd • Huntington Beach -842-6611 '74LT04-dr Regufar gas. runs good. sp. acaous family car. Make offer. 640-S228 alter6Pm & Wknds L9c.oll "4 s ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 LI NCOLN CONT Good lransportation car S40010BO S48·0S93 '66. 4dr. 48.000 mi. Exe cond '3000 firm ~·!lfn) dy, 673-!IOS I ev MIRrt 9'50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Mere HT. A1T. A1C. P1S B. oew tires $1600. an&6'&S-~ __ ~ 9'52 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '68CONVE RTIBLE VB. auto. air. ps, xlnt c:ond . 1 ·S3J.424 2 'i9 Mustang Ghia Turbo. 22.000 ma. xlnt cond. S4800 7S2·1800 wkdys ' ~e\'e51WkllJ!§ __ 9'55 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1980 OLDS Cutlass Supreme Brougham. Loaded wltalt. cru1s~; pwr suts. AM FM rasselle, padded top. 17.000 low miles. A real sharp rar t712ZBX I Call now and Save Ask for Dave Jones Theodore Robins ford 642 0010. WANTED TO BUY LATE MODEL USED CARS WILSON FORD l825S Beath Blvd Hu.nllngton Beach 842.6611 1977 OLDS Cutlass Supremr Dark pers11n mo n v. I a II ex l r as . Padded wlute top. lilt cruise. AM FM tape. pwr wmd & door locks A pretty. prett~ car llSISPTI Call now. ask for Da,·e Jones Theodore Robin~ Ford 642..00.!!l 81 Toronado XSC I gas I loadl'd 13.000 ma. xlnt ~.Jl2,200 837·3082_ cu;l~TrJPfEM E BROUG HAM. S4700 M!kl orrer 7S2 64.99 ·17 rustom rruiser v.•agon. loaded. immac . 1teat for lov.· ,,... _Dl0 __ .9BQ.:..SS1 1 1~ '78 Cutll.53 Supreme. t6 auto. PS. PR. 11 r AM fM ra~11elte ~ ~t9fr 840·3'46 '73 <>mrsa Olm 6 r~ I halrhba rk . 2 dr 5tma.ke orr 96().6035 "" •1 t 1 IUlllCUD -WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7, 1982 Meet your Laguna council hope! uls Laguna Beach voters go to the polls n ext Tuesday to choose from amon.g riine candidates for three seats on the five-member City Council. Following, in capsule form, are Cut density, says Minkin Name: Bobbie Minkin. Age: 46. Occupation: Community ser· vice. Education: High school, at- tended University of North Da- , kota. Years in Lagana: 11. Laguna organizations: Vice president, North Laguna Com- munity Assn.; vice president, Orange County Music Center, Laguna chapter; past president, Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society; officer, Laguna Beach Summer Music Festival; League of Women Voters, Laguna chap- ter; Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. Wbat Is your po1Ulon on blll- descriptions of the candidates and where they stand on key isaues. Similar descriptions of the six other candidates will appear· Thursday and Friday. (See MINKIN, Page A2) BOBBIE MINKIN Gentry mulls free parking Name: Bob Gentry. Age: 43. Occupation: Associate dean of students, UC Irvine. Education: MA, Indiana Un- iversity, higher education admi- nistration; BA Hanover College, psychology and sociology. Years in Laguna: 12. Laguna organizations: Presi- dent, Mystic Park Neighborhood Assn ., Village Laguna (co-chairman of the LegaJ De- fense Fund); Pageant of the Masters volunteer cast member. Wbat is your position on bill- side development? Figures in the current Local (See GENTRY, Page A%) BOB GENTRY Kenney backs local rights Name: Dan Kenney. Age: 40. Occupation: Pharmacist. Education: Doctorate in phar- macy. USC; AA degree, Glendale College. Years lo Laguna: 4. Lagana organbatlons: Design Review Boa.rd and Boa.rd of Ad- justment; Circulation and Scenic Highways Committee of t he Lo- cal Coastal Plan; Municipal Ser- vices Committee. Wllat la ynar position on bJll- 1lde development? There are individual property owners who have paid their dues and have the right to build units (See KENNEY, Page A%) DAN KENNEY Lawyer sues groundhog MADISON. Wis. (AP) -Ji- mmy the Groundhog bas been slapped with a civil suit by a la- wyer who contends the Sun Prairie prognosticator "told us it would be an early spring and he WORLD didn't come through." Jimmy did not see his shadow Feb. 2, Groundhog Day, and that is supposed to indicate the arrival of an early spring. Solons off for El Salvador WASHINGTON (AP) -A congressional delesa- Uon headed by Hou.ae Majority Leader Jim Wright, D-Texaa, left today on a 10-day trip to~ Salvador and four other countries in Central Amer1ca and the Ca- ribbean. NATION Central America boob hit Commonly uaed social .tudie1 textbook• and children'• books do not prepare 1tudenta to undenrtand Central America. P.,e M . Academy A wards No. 1 "DitJla'' WU bumped from the top lpOt in the televialon raUno, but 1t took the Academy Awarda broedcul to do It. Page A6. . . . llllll IUCI / ... ClllT ORANGE COUN I V . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Holocaust kills 7 • ID ta.nker-bus blast Crash 01elts vehicles OAKLAND (AP) -At 'least seven people died ln flames in- side a highway tunnel today aft- er a bus struck a gasoline tanker truck which exploded into an infe rno that melted vehicles, officials said. Oakland Fire Cap t . J ohn Speakman said seven bodies were found after the intense fire in Caldecon tunnel on Highway '24 between Orinda and Oa1tland. Officials said there were three survivors of the firestorm, so fierce it melted water valves de- sign ed to withstand 1,000 de- grees. The mother of one su rvivor apparently died in flames when she tried to use an emergency telephone in the tunnel to call for help, authorities said. "It looks like something out of World War II," California High- way Patrol officer Jj m Mattos said of the j.nterior of one of the three tubes of the 3,357-!oot tunnel, a major commute route burrowing through a hill bet- ween Alameda and Contra Costa counties. AP Wlf90hoto TANKER TRUCK BLAST DEADLY -Bus of the Oakland Tribune . Firemen walk to that struck gasoline truck is shown just outside tunnel where tanker truck was still on fire at tunnel in this copyriRht photo hy Bob Stinnett time picture was taken. A westerly breeze in the tun- nel acted like a chimney, shoo- ting flames through at 100 mph and causing the firestorm, Speakman said. Heat was so in- tense that it melted the double tanker truck to six inche9 high. leaving only ita radiator. Westbound morning traffic was snarled for 10 miles behind the tunnel, and one San Fra.nci.9co-bound motorist said it took 30 minutes to go one exit. Firefighters with breathing apparatus searched for victims after they controlled the f ire, about 2 YI hours after the 12:20 a.m. PST accident, Speakman said. Officials said the tanker driver, Me r vyn L~ M etzker, 44, of Sacramen.10, e.scaped the holo- caust without injury. The other s urvivors, Steve Rut ledge, 3 1, of Carson City, Nev., and Paul Petroelle, 31, of Alameda, were ta.ken to Merritt Hospital. officials said. Rutledge was treated for carbon monoxiae poisoning and shock after his mother died as she tried to use the telephone. "My mother and I were right behind the AC Transit_bua." said .Rutledge, with singed hair and a sooty face. "After it hit the stal- led car, we watched it swerve from right lane to left lane. It hit (See TANKER, Page A%) El Toro's jets to he noisier Aircraft noise from El Toro Air Bas~ will be louder than usual thro\lgh Stmday because of rapid d eployment exercises, a U .S . Marine spokesman said. The noise, which increased Monday, is beginning at 5 a .m. and may last as late as 1 a.m., the spokesman said. STATE TUNNEL MISHAP -Tun- nel where deadly accident took place is located on Route 24 between Oakland and Orinda. Schmitz eyes Mideast plan By JEFF ADLER Of IM Delfr Not lleft State Sen. John Schmitz said today his announced intention to unveil a "major" Middle East peace plan during a Los Angeles news confere n ce Thursday amounts to a ''new combination of old ingredients." The Newport Beach Republi- can , whom polls sh ow to be trailing in his bid for the U.S. Senate nomination. said he spent close to an hour with Palestine Liberation Organization leader Y aaair Arafat last week in Beirut, Lebanon. Arafat, according to Schmitz aide Brad Evans, asked Schmitz to convey the peace plan to the White House. Both Evans and Schmitz declined to discuss de- tails of the plar\. Brown's choices scrutinized 'I'he California Senate -for a change -is paying attention to ap~ointees by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Page A8. COUNTY Holy Week Services liste_d. Holy Week ot.ervanoes are 1eheduled along the ' Orange eo.t. For a l.f.ltlna, .. p_,. A 7. Trial set in traffic death An Oranae OM.anty ~ hail nlled that • Buena Park m.n mUlt stand u1al for murder ilk the traffic. deeih of a HundnltOn BMch motJtier of nine. Pap Bl. GOP candidate Lagunan loses bid for free air tinie . • :- By STEVE MITCHELL Of tfle Delly "°' l teff Dr. Thomas Ma uro, Republi- can candidate for the 43rd U.S. Congressional District, has lu:;t his bid to receive free air time on a Los Ange les television net- work. In a complaint filed last month with the Federal Communica- tions Commission, Mauro, a South Laguna physician, said his challenger, Mary Schmitz, en- joyed television exposure on the weekly program "Free 4 All." in which the wife of state Sen. John Schmitz was a panelist. He said the senator's wife ap- peared on the program twice af- ter nominations were filed for the congressional seat both a re seeking. Mrs. Schmitz contended s he was not an official candidate un- til March 22 when she haned in a $606 fee declaring her candidacy. And, she said, before handing in that fee s h e resignt>d as a panelist on the KNBC program. Mauro said he received word from Richard Kalb of the FCC this week that rejects the physi- cian's contention. His request for equal air time was also turned down by Tom Straszewaki, vice- president and general manager of KNBC. Mauro said in a press release "It seems like everyone in the world but the FCC knew that she was a declared candidate for the 43rd District seat." "She even appeared on the show after the March 12 filing deadline." he said. INDEX "I just can't believe this was . the intent of the EquaJ Opportu• nity provision of the law," Mauro said, "and if this lS an example of how the FCC interprets words like 'qua]j(ied' candidates, then maybe I had better get myself another dictionary. or at least a copy of theirs (FCC.)" Hut Mrs . Schmitz says her handling of the campaign si tua- tion was above dispute. "I asked the Registrar of Vo- ters when the last day would be that I would be considered a canc;iidate. I did that on purpose, and I told KNBC what I w as doing. "The last show I did was prior to March 22 when I handed in my fee," she said. Regardi n g Mauro's accusa- tions, Mrs. Schmitz satd, "I think he's just looking for publicity." Final rites held for actor Oates LOS ANGELES (AP) -Di- rector Sam Peckinpah and actor • Robert Culp joined in a final standing ovation for bad-guy ac- tor W.-rren Oates during services at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills. Oates, the scruffy villain in dozens of movie and television roles, died of a heart attack at his Hollywood homt. He was 53. At Your Service Enna Bambeck Business A4 B2 Horoscope B2 Herb Caen Ca1if ornia Cavalcade Opaified Comics ~th Notices F.dltorial Entertainment Food B4-5 B2 A5 B2 D6·10 B8 B8 A8 B6-7 Cl-10 SPORTS Ann Landers B2 Movies B6-7 Mutual Funds B4 National~ AB Public NoticesB9,C4,D5-6 Sports Dl-4 Stock Markets B5 'I'elevisiclll l!9 Theaters B6-7 Weather A2 World News A3 Lopes, A's def eat Ansels . Ex-Dodger Davey Lopet played a big part in the Oakland A'a. 3-2. l l·lnninl vSdary over the Angela in the opener for. both teum. P.,e Dl. • • ··--------------,:.------------ .. . ' . . ... -·..:.-. ~ 3 L Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/WednMday, Aprll 7, 1882 Continued stories MINKIN · EYES DENSITY. • • aide development? I think hlllaide density la too great u It currently appeara on the L ocal Coastaf Plan. That could be reduced when It comes lpack from the state Coastal ·~mmlsslon. mUla. Wbat cu t,e done about La· guoa'a lack of parkta1? That's a two-part queatlon. What we could do for our own residents is cerllllnly build a be provided with adequate tram 1ervice. Wlaat can be doae &o pay the debt 01 Sycamore Hilla? "' We could reduce that density ln an equitable and even-handed parking structure on any of the city-owned property. We have $1 million to begin that project. Re- gardl ng the influx of summer tourist traffic and day beach traffic, peripheral parking should The debt can be paid for by the already ln-proceaa (Baywood) development plan, but If Bay- wood doe• not work out, I am convin~ there l.s another deve· loper who would be more than happy to carry on with a similar projeet. • manner and we could do that by ·\.ISl~g a leaser slope density for- GENTRY MULLS PARKING. Coastal Plan of 600 units is too . p.igh, given that we have 420,000 • people moving Into south Orange , •. County within the next 15 years. , , We have to be very concerned about growth In Laguna Beach. ·Individual property owners .ought to be able to developdro-perty if the land is locate on improved streets with utilities. Each development must be eva- hydrology and cumulative im- pacts. Wbat can be done about La- guna's lack of parting? • • have $1 million with which to work on the problem. Wbat caa be done to pay the debt on Sycamore Hilla? • • luated in terms of seismic safety. Three solutions: Build a par- king structure or structures on city owned land; peripheral par- king in the canyon with tram service into town; possible free resident parking in summer to help residents' morale during the difficult summer periods. We We must complete the Bay- wood agreement or find another developer to complete the pro- ject. We should not sell any ad- ditional acreage for commercial use, i.e. the Festival of Arts, but preserve Sycamore Hills as open recreational space . •. NEY ON LOCAL RIGHTS. • • r e road access and utilities . have been provided. We need to ' ~ook closely at out-of-town spec- ulators who require road exten- sions. They have a right to build, rights of a kind, but the rights of residents already in town must be taken into consideration. We need to balance out the positive and negative aspects of hillside development. Wbat can be done a bout La- guna 's lack of parking? There is approximately $1 million in the parking authority fund. We need to get going and develop a plan that calls for ac- tion rather than just thinking about it. There are several alter- natives. A second level on the Glenneyre lot, possible multiple use of the sewer treatment plant for parking and a community center. We have not utilized the money we have and consequently we have had congestion. Wbat can be done to pay tbe debt oo Sycamore Hills? TANKER EXPLODES . • • the wall and kept on going." Rutledge and his mother jum- ped out of the car to divert traf- (.>c. · "She was standing at the call box and just got caught up in a big ball of s moke and fire. I watched my mother die." A Pontiac turned sideways was later found in the tunnel. A ske- leton was m the driver's seat. Speakman said the bus struck a stalled car. then crashed into the double-tanker truck carrying 8,800 gallons of gasoline, which jackknifed and burst into flames. The bus driver fell out of the bus, which then smashed into an overpass abutment, he said. At least two pickup trucks, a Passove r begins tonight I'd like to see us retain the principles of developing a very small percentage like the Bay- wood project, higher density near Leisure World and leave the rest of the area In its natural setting for passive recreation. I oppose the Festival of Arts moving out there because it would disrupt the natural setting. would hurt our merchants and besides, the Festival is an integral part of the town. beer lruck and three cars, inclu- ding the stalled car. were found in the tunnel. All were incinera- ted. The identities of the victims, who Mattos said were burned beyond recognition, were not available. Passover, the eight-day holi - • -6ay commemorating the exodus " of the Jewish people from Egypt i. S,000 years ago. begins torugh t. f", ~ew1sh fam1l1 es along the {;~ Orange Coast will observe the ~ festival with a sede r. a ritual '!-feast, that mcludes certain sym- ti: bolic foods. only the first two nights, during which time no leavened bread is eaten. The eating of unleavened bread is a reminder of the haste in which the Jews had to leave Egypt. unable to wait for the loaves of bread to rise. The fate of the bus driver, identified by Mattos as John Dykes. 54, was unknown eight hours after the accident. AC Transit spokesman Mike Curry said the bus was empty except for the driver and on its way to Oakland after completing its route. Seven investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board in Washington were called to the scene. f In most homes the seder is said ~ During the seder the story of the Jews flight from slavery to the promised land is read from a book called the Hagga~. The highway, closed in both directions near the tunnel imme- dia tel y after the accident. was reopened along with two of the three bores shortly after 5 a.m. ~ ..... f.,[;.i\(t. ~ .~}.' t· ,.,. Cooling trend t:· ~ Coastal ~;, • Mos tty sunny 1ooay and Thura-i:~ day but wHh v•rlable high cloudl· ~. ness Not u windy near the coast 1' • In th• afternoons Continued cool S.:• Hight b oth days In low t o mld·60a Lows tonight 37 to 45 Hunllngton·N-part area tempe- ratures range from a low 01 50 to 1 hlOh ot e2 ' I t Elsewhere. from POfnt Conc.p- llon to the Mexican border and out 60 mlles A small crall adv1- 1ory la In ellttc:I trom POfnl Con· ceptlon to Pooni Fe<m1n and San Clemente Island wllh weal lo norlh-1 wind• or 15 10 25 knots and 4 to e loot sea1 over outer waters 1111hlch wlll apread to th• eoHt by thoa altemoon and eon· llnue thrOUQh lhe evening Otha,. wise fight verleble w1nd1 drop· p[n9 to 10 10 111 kno11 Thur1<11y alternoon WM11fly swells ol I 10 3 feel V .S. summary High wlnda •nd heavy snow brought btluard warnings 10 New England tooay whlle ano lher atorm was brewing OVftf the GrNI Pia Int . Snow ahowere were acattered from the northern Rocllle• to Ari· zone and New Me1tleo Rtln thowera covered the northern1 Pacific Coaat and Northern Calf. fornla. Thera -e 111r akla end tight wlt'°8 trom Iha OrMt l.Mea and ttre upper Mlsalsalppl Valley lo Iha central Gulf CoHt and Iha IOU· thern AU•nllc Coal! Tem~r•­ turl8 -a below 1r.-1no aa far aouth •• TannHH• and North Carotlna The torllC&lt called tor mottly 11.1nny lkl11 Oll9f the E11t Cout and Iha SOu1hWll1 dea«ll tures wOI range from tne high 60s to low 60s on high deserts and between 72 end 79 1n lower de- Hrts A small-cr111t adv11ory on enact tonight lor boaters 60 moles out from Point Conception south to San Clemente Island. Tile weatherman Pfll<llet north- west winds between 15 and 25 kno11 wllh 4 . to 6·1001 waves Closer to 1hore, westerly winds ahouk! blow from 12 to 22 knots •nnlnllt and decreue Thursd•Y. ganlfallng I· to 3-loot wtnd waves l\{1!1 a westerly swell end same so~e. same size T empe ratures NATION Albany AlbUQUI Am1r1llo AaheVllle At11nt1 Atlante Cty Au Min Baltimore Bllllngs B1rm1nohm Blamarck BOIN Boston BrownlV11e Buffalo Bur1lng1on Casper Char!Stn SC Charlatn WV Cllarlotte NC Cheyenne Chlc•oo Clnclnn•ll Cleveland Clmbla SC Columbul Otl-FI Wlh O•yton Oenvar Dea Moin.t O.trOfl OUlulh EIPuo Fargo Fl•taft Greet Fall• Hartford Hatene HonolulU Houeton lndnapllt HI lo Pre. 28 13 82 66 47 58 33 41 25 52 29 47 22 .33 87 51 44 22 41 28 09 51 33 32 25 01 45 27 34 19 1 23 82 72 20 12 32 23 13 .01 40 30 .23 64 3e 52 19 03 51 29 54 28 32 1 40 22 31 21 13 60 3-0 39 14 59 45 32 17 59 31 31 24 27 10 07 27 3 65 82 30 6 46 32 30 14 .32 22 16 117 41 19 11 7• .47 89 51 31 1t ···--~ ~ ..:::.:.. .. ~ i ••••• ,,..-.. Oul.4e4 N lUllll1I ---=== JKkln MS Jac«snvlle Kans City LU V8QAI Liiiie Rock Loursvttle Lubbock Memphis Ml81T11 Mltwaukee Mpla-St.P Nashvllle New Orleans New York Norfolk No Platte Okie City Omaha Orlando Phlladptrla PllOenlX Pittsburgh Piiand, Ma Piiand. Ore ProVKlenc. Rw'QPI RApld City Reno Richmond Sall Lake San Antoni<> $Miiie Shf 9Y9P0'1 S~1t ~alls St Louis St P-Tampa St Sta Marla Se><*ane syTKUM Topal<a T~ 57 32 1e 41 40 31 69 47 49 32 33 22 48 42 45 34 91 69 29 12 33 21 43 23 74 S2 41 21 35 28 43 25 01 S3 co 3e 21 88 49 37 HI 39 80 es 42 1e .04 27 17 2 19 511 42 32 52 27 41 26 .17 42 22 52 2e 46 29 03 71 52 !>3 311 511 40 31 28 311 27 80 41 17 2 47 32 16 25 12 12 40 31 82 57 02 -1 Tampera1uree -• 1Xp1Glld to raech the SO.'" aouthw98t Texa• and Iha tip of FlonOa with 208 and 30• from th• northern Plelnt through 1h• upp•r MIHIUlppl Valley, the Qreal Laktl and the northern Ohio v~ 10 the nor1h .... ~-----+------------­Atlantle 1tat11. Tem~raturH around the n•· lion aarly today ranged lrom 2 d1gr111 In lnternallonal Falle, Minn .. to 70 In Key w .. 1. Fla. California SURf RIPOil Tod9y'a We" Sun1h1n1 wu upeeted to ~tten A"91111• '='9 warm moat of Southam Calllorllle Huntington 81\ltta 2-3 • ,..,.-~~~ Thurtd•Y with only an Huntington Pi.t 1·2 -.-....... al high cloud. • Santa A~Jttty 3--4 OOod Thi NlllOllll Waa1hlt s.tVICI 40tft St. 3.5 ~ lttnpetalur .. 111 1.oa A~ and 22nd St. Newport 3.5 = lllOnO the ooui thould reed\ 1111 B.it>oe Wedge 1~2 t.;' ll'lld 80I Thutllday Roellplle, LAguna 1 ·2 flllf HIQllt In me mountain• ltlollld :a,~ 1 2 1a1r Tulsa WUhlngtn Wichita 50 41 45 24 04 43 35 CALIFOflNlA HI Lo Pep BaklfS1•ekl 63 Blythe 80 E.urelll 411 37 0 I Fresno 51 34 Lancastlf 52 34 Los Angelel 62 Maryavllle 5 7 40 Needles 76 Oakland 55 P110 Robles 55 Red Bluff 54 Redwood City 56 Sacrtmenlo 56 Sall nae se 33 .02 34 42 .02 37 63 S•n Diego IM San Francll1eo 53 47 San" B..-bara IM 45 Santa Marla eo Stockton 59 Thefmel 79 Ukiah 51 Baratow 67 SIO Baer 4e Blthol> S7 Catalina e7 Long S.Ch 64 f.Monrovla 66 Ml Wlllon 42 Newport S.Ch 80 Ontario 80 Palm sonnvs 16 l>uaden• 63 San Be«lardlno 81 San Joae 56 Santa An• 65 Santa Cruz 60 Tahoe Valley 31 CANADA c.lgary Edmonton Mon If ... OU•w• Fl9glna TUhs TODAY 21 26 23 1 1 10 5 24 22 Second IOw 2:311 p.m. Seoond high 1:53 p.m. 'ntUMDAY Flrtt IOW 3:05 a.m. Flftl hlotl O:OI a.m. e.oond'• 1:04 p.rn. 0.3 a.cond tl\gtl I! II P·"'• I~ range lrOM 42 to H wllll •owe ~r•f=oo«t • tonlgllt from ti to 21. · CT Ir•> 1•2 ~....,.. M 1J'::~wl~:~:i= 1ar1 ti Pi.t ColOMd due to ~ epM) WMl*1y ~ dOWn to f5 1o 25 TOMOAROW'S TtOU: Hlgfl t:OO • m. Low 1:04 p.m ......... Dlreu1lor1 t.ln .. ,. today at ee11 p.m .. ,.. TilllrlMy .. 1:31 t.11\. • Moofl ,,_. todey M 1:80 p.m.,. --~•Ula.in. mpfl Tlft¥'1day. OeM!1 tllnPlf•· Weal • ....... ' • ...,., 51Nn1th• ArgilfttlM n . llrttllln = -... . 1• IOO-Antted-Ja . .-, ~ 118... AtMY-111.2 .. 1e,100-Mr Force-t2. 101 ··-...., ...!1.t.•1 ·~1 .• .,...,_... 1* c... 2• 1 ~ 0 • .,...,.,... 14 I Frtg9... • ..... oe..e •12 Nuc ... , 1110 Plenee, 11 Uellcoplen • 20 Plenes ,4 Hel6c0pten AP Britain 'resolved' • • • ID cr1s1s LONDON (AP) -Britain de- clared today it would not appease Argentine "dictators" and was reported beefing up its armada of warships steaming to the Falk· land Islands. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. prepared to fly to London and Buenos Ail-es in an attempt to defuse the crisis, .and Argentine forces were reported digging in to hold th.e islands they seized from Britain on Friday. "Britain does not appease dictators," Foreign Secretary Francis Pym told a House of Commons debate. Pym, successor to Lord Car- rington who resigned Monday over his failure to avert Argen- tina's seizure of the remote South Atlantic colony, said Britain "will spare no effort" to find a peaceful solution. "But If our efforts fail the Ar- gentine regime will know what to expect," he said. Pym labeled the Argentine military junta a "morally bank- rupt regime" and said: "We in- tend to show Argentina and the whole world, Britain is resolved to succeed in this crisis." In a vigoro us speech to a packesi Commons, Pym said it was obvious the Argentine "occupation force" of more than 3,000 troops would treat the 1,800 pro-British islanders as "a con- quered population." Pym, a former defense secre- tary in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet. asked: "Why did Argentma's rulers suddenly decide In the la.!t days of March to resort to arbitrary and brutal aggression? "I suggest that part of the answer lies in the very brutality and unpopularity of the Argen- tine regime itself. lrl.flation is ra- ging in Argentina, at the rate of 140 percent a year. ~ ~~~ Politicians bloom surely as daffodils By STEVE MITCHE LL 01 "'-0.itr Hot ..... Ah, springtime in Laguna. And this being an election year, the political new- aletten ~d partisan organizations are popping up faster than the datf odllB. NINE ORGANIZATIONS, mostly new, mostly politi- cal, have made themselves and their newsletters available to Laguna Beach voters the past few weeks. It all revolv~s around next Tuesda 's City Council election, in which nine candidates are see three seats, The nine organizations ar~ pret~y • much divided on support fon::and1dates m two slates. On one side are candidates Ron Williams, Kelly Boyd and Pat Barry. ANOTHER SLATE includes candi- dates Robert Gentry, Bobbie Minkin and Dan Kenney. Organizations supporting one or the other slate include: Laguna Today and Laguna Tomor-MrtCHtLL row and the Committee for Laguna (which is really Laguna Tomorrow). T he latter supports Laguna First, a two-year old organization that sounds more like a bank. Then there's Bohemian Laguna, which supports gay righ ts candidates a nd slow growth. and Laguna Facts and Village Laguna. THERE'S THE Gentry. Minkin a nd K enney for La- guna group. No doubt about which candidates that orga- nization supports. And, finally, Citizens for Honest Government, which has taken out newspaper ads describing the "Black Hats" and the "White Hats." Brochures, newsletters, fund -raising invitations and endorsements have filled Laguna Beach mailboxes to the point of bursting. Laguna Tomorrow says it isn't a "fly-by-night orga- nization hurriedly formed to promote an emotional cause. "INSTE AD," ITS fU"St newsletter reads, "our orga ni- zation was carefully formulated several months ago." Fly-by-night, indeed. Laguna Today, headed by ACLU activist Jay Murley, lampoons Laguna Tomorrow in a newsletter distributed this week. "We aren't a fly-by-night organization hurriedly for- med to promote an emotional cause," Murley says. "Mostly b ecau se the FAA won't c ertify us." "However," h e continues. "w e do tend t o be rat.her nocturnal." LAGUNA TODAY, which supports the ''homeowner slate" as opposed to the "business slate" also takes on a recent man-on-the-street interview published by a local weekly in whic~ residents were askerl if they could support a gay candidate. The question posed by Laguna Today? "Would you support a left-handed candidate for elec- tion to the City Council? Local restaurateur Harry Moon emphatically says he would do so, terming southpaws as conside rate human beings who sit at the end of the dinner table so they don't bump elbows. HE SAID HE would support such a candidate "as long as he sits on the left hand side of the council dais.·• T he influx of literature should terminate following election day. But the d affodils will still be around. t>t'OSr.ems ue in!lured ... gu.eranteed ufe by the feder;il governml'nt. C>Kide to lock in .ti tocby'\ high r.iles for tomorrow'., high return~. Choose the m.tturily d.ate th.at you \ .. .int .. ;inywhere from 18 month~ to 10 years. Select the tu deferred pl•n th.JI meeh your needs. C.111 or ~lop by tod.iy, and ask our SavlnRS Coun~elor• to ht'lp you open the Newport Ba lboa SavinR~ Individual Retirement Account or KrOGH plan th.Jt wlll STOP LOS ING M ONEY TO THE IRS OPEN A NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS IRA ··•-' ACl'IVITY AT SEA -A Sea ~ helicopter hovers above deck of carrier HMS" Hennes as ship heads for Falkland Islands as part of British Naval Task Force. A Sea Harrier jump jet is on deck at right. American copters to try to reach volcano victiins Easter seasons have seen a lull in the violence that broke out 29 months ago, and the rebels' Radio Vencere mos (We Shall Ove r - come) has been warning the pu- blic to prep_are for intensified fighting beginning May l. But as the.holiday began, government troops repelled a guerrilla attack Tuesday on San Vicente. a local military commander said. PARIS (AP) -France impo- sed an embargo on arms ship- ments and spare parta to Argen- tina to protest the government's !>~cupation of the Falkland Islands, presidential chief of staff Pierre Beregovoy said today. Be- regovoy said after the weekly Cabinet meeting that the embar- go applied specifically to aircraft and anti-aircraft missiles. Orang• Cout OAIL.Y PIL.OT/Wednetdey, Aprll 7, 1982 l ~Uffilffi Shield law held valid But judge rules reporter could be ordered to testify SAN JOSE (AP) -A Supe- rior Court Judae hu upheld the validity of the atate reporters' thleld law but hu ruled that a San Jose newsman could be or- dered to answer certain queaUona about unpubllahed notes In the rape-murder trial of a teen-age defendant. Superior Judge Bruce 1'. Allen said Tueeday that San Jose Mercury News reporter Glenn Bunting waived his pro- tectlon when he testified without objection about an interview he conducted w ith Ron Matz, an acquaintance of 17-year-old de- fendant Anthony Broussard. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Justice Mathew Tobrine r , 78. who retired in January after serving 19 ~ years on the Cali- fornia Supreme Court, died to- day. Tobriner died at Mount Zion Hospital, said Eva Duarte of the admitting office. He was·aclmit- ted March 15. Tobriner was na- med to the court July 10, 1962, by former Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Sr. He had a long career as a li- beral jurist. TWENTYNINE PALMS (AP) -Convoys of tanks, truck- pulling artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers, and jeeps churned up the Mojave Desert again Tuesday -but this time they were headed home. Thou- sands of grimy paratroopers, Marines and National Guard- amen who have lived In the de- sert alnce March 30 wrapped up the most active phue of Gallant Eagle 82. By April l~, when the exercise endJ, they will be back on their home hues. Fl\,ISNO (AP) -Raisin ln- dustf'S' officials fear a heavy hailstorm in southe rn Fresno County may have ruined 15 to 30 percent of the nation's domestic raisin grape crop for 1982. Clyde Nef of the federal Ralsln Admj. nistrative Committee estimated the damage Monday at $65 mH- l ion. Other industry sources thought the ~igure could go hig- her. Committee board members were to meet today to dedde whether to revive an export in- centive plan involving reduced prices for exported raisins. The incentive program was suspen- ded the day after the March 28 stonn. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actor Lou Gossett Jr., who won an Emmy for his role In the popular television mini-series "Roots," was charged Tuesday with one felony count of possessing cocai- ne, the district attorney's office said. Gos.sett's female companion, Honey Rutner, also was charged with one count of possessing co- caine, said Pam White, a spokes- woman for the district attorney's office. Gossett, 44, and Ruiner, 34, are free after each posted $2,500 bail pending arraignment on April 20 in Malibu Municipal Court, she said. TRUCKEE (~P) -The ex- h ilaration of Anna Conrad's "Herculean," fi ve-day survival In a cramped tomb of snow under a killer avalance began to facje u she recuperated alter surgery on her frostbitten feet. "She'a In reasonably good apints," &ald Ur. Roger Mason . who operated Monday night to remove blonci clots in the •22-year-old woman's feet. "I think the Impact of ~we. rything she went throu'-h Is get· Ung to her a bit more. 'The lni· tiaJ ebullience of having survived is beginning to pass and she's beginning to confront the r~lity of where she lS and the friends she has lost" when seven people, including her boyfriend, we re killed by twm avalanches last Wednesday at Alpine Meadows slu resort m the Sierra Nevada YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK (AP) -Eight motels and a camping trailer park in netrbY El Portal wer~ cJO&ed becaute of the continued flow of raw se- wage into the Merced River . However, temporary plastic pipe could be installed today to re- place the park's sole sewer line, which was smashed when a rock slide tumbled across Highway 140 Saturday. The accommoda- tions were closed because they draw their water from. the river downstream from the sewer line break. SAN DIEGO (AP) -The San Diego Symphon y, an estimated $1.2 million in debt, has deCided to save money by doing without a general manager. "I am astoun· ded at the idea," said William Dentof\, the Symphony's 13th general manager in 14 year s whose forced resignation tak es effect on Thursday. VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico (AP) -A aroup of American helicopter pilots planned another attempt today to reach fK'lated villages on the slopea of the erupting El Chinchonal volcano where more than -~.000 pellll8llts may have perished: The ch ief pilot said he doubted they would be successful. The 10 pilots flying for Pemex. the Mexican govern- ment's oil monopoly, made some trial flights Tuesday, but they could not get nu.r the 4,340-foot volcano becau.e of the clouds of ash belching up from the crater. Chief pilot James Ballard said the copters would try again Jo fly over the five villages on the slopes of the mountain from which nothing has been heard since the eruptions began M~h 29. Mondale 'power center' told Ex-attorney general writes of Carter's ~crucial error' BUENOS AIRES, Ar1eatlaa (AP) -The Soviet 11nion agreed to supply Argentina with about 220 pounds of enriched uranium to be used in Latin America's moat advanced nuclear program. Contracts signed Tues- day by Vice Adm. Carloe Cutro Madero, head of Argentina's National Atomic Energy Com- mi11ion. and Victor Ivanovich Shariko. vice president of the Soviet foreign trade firm ~hs­ nabexport, alto call for the Soviet Union to supply one ton of heavy water and radioisotopes. The United States formerly 1t.1pplied Argentina with enriched ura- nium for use in experimental reactora. KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) Painters and prdenera touched up official Kingston for President Reagan's arrival foT an OYemight visit seen aa a symbolic vote of confidence in Prime Mlnlater ' Edward Seaga. Reapn wu lfti. ving this afternoon to meet with Seaga, the first foreign leader he welcomed at the White House and a strong supporter of private ent.rpriae. lt ii the tint trip by an incumbent American presi- dent to Jamaica or Barbadol, the se cond atop on Reagan's "working vacation." SAN SALVADOR, El 8.i\'Mor (AP) -l'llhting intensified around a provincial capital 87 milea eut of San Salvidor, but the beeches were crowded with people celebrating Holy Week despite the civil war. Previous NEW YORI. (AP) -Former Attorney General Griffin B. Bell says in his forthcoming memoin that ex-President Jimmy Carter made a "crucial error" by giving his vice president, Walter Mon- da le, an office In the White House, The New York Times re- ported today. In the WlCOrrected galley proofs of "Taking Care of the Law," due to be published in July by William Morrow and Co., Bell says Mondale was able to establish his own "power center" in the White House and on a number of occasions tried to use it to interfere in politically teml- tive issues before the Justice Department, according to the Times. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The space shuttle Col- umbia toda~ was lifted from the back of the jumbo jetliner that carried it home piggyback-style from the New Mexico desert, officials said. Kennedy Space Center spokeam•n Mark Heaa aakl technicians completed work to separate the shuttle and the Boeing 747 at about 2 a.m. At 7:30 a.m ., the orbiter was Poiled in a sling about 2 feet off the ground, its landing gear down, Hess said. A crowd of several thousand people cheered Tuesday as the jetliner carrying the Columbis arrived at Kennedy Spece Center alter the orbiter'• third msalon lnto apace. NEW YORK (AP) -Three of the country's largest bank.a today CteHin.d edwertiatng 714JM2·5111 Alt otMf deper1ments M2~32"'1 MAIN <>WICE •W... ...,M., c-..Mew. CA. M911ed11Nte: a.1i.,coataM<Ka.CA. ~ c_,._ ""0r.,.. coe11 P.,...l,,..,,. '-· --.-...lllVtlrell9't,e<l_l,,....,er .. -11-'s~.....,·~-- .-<le4 .-1111-lllen of'""'"""-· VOL 71, NO. VI announced f ormation of a 26-b&nk network to allow custo- mers with electronic banking cards access to basic services nationwide. Bank of America, Chase Manhattan Bank and Contine ntal Illinois National Bank and Trust Co. and the 23 other banks have formed Plus System Inc. It will offer the ser- vice through a Denver-baaed computer operation, Plus System ~dent D. Dale Browning told a news conference. The ayatem ia one of about a dozen in the planning stages aa bankers look for w•ys around federal regula- tions against interstate banking and out-of-st.ate acquisitions by bank holding compantea. WASHINGTON (AP) -The crime rate in the United States has leveled off after eeveral years of growth, according to prelimi- nary FBI atatiatic:a for 1981. The ftcures. releued Tunday, show that the number of serious crimes reported to the nation's police in 1981 was about the aame as in 1980. The crime rate had grown by 9 percent in both 1980 and 1979. The last year it did not grow was 1977. WASHINGTON (AP) -Pri- vate ne1otlatlons on a possible b~t compromile between the White House and members of Conareae are temporarily on hold while President Rugan and House Speaker T~omas P . O'Neill Jr. study the results so far. Trying to play down hia earlier optimiatic atatementa, O'Neill is now saying the presi- dent muat agree to a "'Change ln last year's three-year personal income tax rate cut u part of a compromiae. The MuaachU1etta Democrat told reporten Tue9day he ia unwmtna to dis:uaa Social Security apendinf cuta u long u RMpn lnlista the tax cut he re- quelted tram Conpeel lMt year remalJ\ lntaC't. R.ALEIOB, N.C. (AP) -Two woodland tirel broke away trorn flrefighi.n today &her at leut ~ people worked overnlaht to contain more than 50 blasea What do you like about the Dally Pilot? Whit don't you like? Cell the number IMlow and your mnsa1e will be recorded, tra.nacribed and delivered Jo the appropriate editor. The same-14·hour eftswtrinJ service may M uaed to record let· ten to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contribu\on must tftclude thelr name and telephoM number ror verUlutlon. No clrcul1UOn calla, please. . Tell ua what'• on your mind whipped to life by 50 mph gusts and low humidity, forestry offi- cials said. About 410 fires have claimed more than 46,000 acres of timberland since Saturday, Dane Roten, a spokesman for the state Forestry Service, said today. High wind.a Sunday spread fires that destroyed 35,000 acres and more wind Tuesday fanned at least 53 more fires. Officials were confident the fires could be con- trolled today as winds dropped to 15 mph and humidity increased from the teens to 30 percent. YALE, Mlcb. (A P ) -A WO· man and four children were slain today at a home in rural St. Clair County, officials said, the third mus killing in Michigan in seven weeks. A neighbor found the bodies inside the woman's brick, ranch-style home on a gravel road and notified authorities, -St. Clair County Undersheriff Lt. Ed Sulkowski said. An unidentified neighbor told reporters the dead woman was the children·s mo- ther, and that the children were aged 10 to 19. APWli Pt• HAPPY GO LUCKY -Wayne Fukuhara, a design maJOr at Cal St.ate Long Beach, has proven he has a design on the slot machine. He and a friend drove to Las Vegas to spend the day gambling Monday and bing, barn -Fukuhara won $385,000 from this slot at the Flamingo Hilton. .~---------------------------------- Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified Gemologi1t, AGS THE DARK CONTINENT and itl hr¥it *"""' Africa, long known as the "dark continent," la helptnc to make the world • bit brighter with the 1rowlng popularity of lta colored eermtonel-Tanzanlte and Tuvroite, two of the brllhteat, are much In d~mand now. Tanu.nita resemble. sapphire and taavrojte loo" like emerald. And there have been re- cent dl9e0verlea of Important de- poli18 of pmeta, tourmaline, etne1. eld and .. pphlre. Zmnbta and c.en. tr&l Africa .,. producing emeralds that rival the finest apeclmena found 1n South America. Sapphires are comtna from An1ola, ·z.tre, Tanaaaia, Malawi and the Malap· NY Republic. Rublea are beln& found ln the area ftom Tanaan.la DOf'lh '° K.enya. ~ ..... lta MIDI fro.ft ,.__., WMN et waa flnt discovered. And now, the Umba Yaney of TanunJa bu be· come a ~ aource of aapphina. Tanunite bu a clear blue color. Tllvwn. II a brtllJant I"""-It la actually rarer than the emerald, which ane txper11 ay mab It an excellent Investment. Afrlc• la SJU'kllnc wrth exctuna aematone dllcoverle9. n.. ltionel w\11 help Ulht the way to a brilliant African f\&cure. r . J. C.JJwnpluw, ~-/.,., MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY ® 1823 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA ~ 35 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION B•nMmtrlcard-Maaler Chtrge Pl-iONE $4&-3401 I t t I ···-" 1n11111m11 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7. 1982 OH AN GE COUNl V. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Irvine planner seeks towers guarantee Two new office towen as high a.s 13 stories each loom ln Irvine's future, and Planning Commiulo- ner Ray Catalano cfoean't want the city to riak financial loeaes by approving them. So Catalano said he will be talking with members of the Ir- vine City Council about his pro- posal to require a development agreement w ith the owners of Douglas Plaza. He wants the owners to awee U11iwniry of C11/ifo,,.;,. /rliM to subeidize any annual deficit if the towers require more city services than they pay for through taJ<es. Catalano said it would be aim- llar to the agreement already forged with the Irvine Company for its int.ended development of the Irvine Center. Douglas plaza across MacAr- thur Boulevard from John Wayne Airport includea a rec- ently completed nine-story office " .Q AFFLUENT ATHLETICS -Exclusive new "fitn~ resort" in Irvine is targeted for Town Center blufftop next to William Mason Regional Park. Site is along new extension of Harvard Avenue. 'Fitness resort' slated for Irvine Developers hoping to build a new "fitness resort" in Irvine say they could open the estimated $15-million facility by late next year. They said their Californian Club and Fitness Resort would be developed on 10 acres of land leased from the Irvine Company at Harvard and Berkeley adja- cent to the William Mason Re- gional Park. The club, according to spoke- sman Robert Payton. will be a "country club without a golf course." He said it will be a step up from most other plush health .centers but beneath clubs such as : Big Canyon Country Club. tial 4!~0 founding membera. Others will need spomonhi1J9. Pac 5 Development ii planning the facility. Larry and Sharon Malcomson of Newport Beach are president and vice president, respectively. Other partnen in- clude architect Stewart Woodard of Newport Beach, Loe Angeles Dodgers Manager Tommy La- sorda and Dr. Harold Kennedy and Larry Hoffman, each of Ir- vine. The club will offer athletic, medical, social and busine&s fad. lities, Payton said. About 4,000 membershiP6 will 1, be accepted, he said. with a board So far, a long-term lease with the Irvine Company has not been signed, but a company spoke- sman confirmed today that ne- gotiations are in final stages. De- velopers still must seek land uae approvals from the city. ,· . . of "vemors nominating an ini-·. Irvine teachers ask higher salaries When the Irvine Teachers As- sociation (ITA) opens contract negotiations April 15, ITA chief negotiator Larry Chrystal will try to convince the school board to give the teachers $1.9 million more next year than the district wants to pay. The 5 10-member teach er s union is asking for an $18.5 mil· lion pay and benefits package while the district is proposing a $16.6 million package. The current contract, negotia- ted last year, costs the district $16.3 million. Both sides said it's too early to WORLD tell how negotiations will go but ITA President Dan Graham said today, "We're pretty far apart." Delaine Richards, assistant di- strict superintendent, predicted talks about instructional daya and wages will be "the most difficult." The district, which has 672 teachers and expecta to have 700 next year, wants to increaae the teachers' working daya from 180 to 182 while the teachera want to cut back by one day. The teachers want to cut clasa siz.e to an averaee of 28 pupils. Solons off for El Salvador w ASHINGTON (AP) -A congreasional delesa- tion headed by Howie MaPrfty Leader Jim Wright, D-Texas, left today on a 10-day trip to El Salvador and four other countries in Central America and the Ca- ribbean. NATION Central America books liit Commonly uaed social 1tudte1 textbook• and children'• booka do not prepare atudenta t.o und.entand C.entral America. Pace A6. Academy Awards No. 1 "Dallu'' WU bumped from the top apot in the televiaion ratino, but lt took the Academy Awarda broadcali to do It. Pqe A6. t tower. Ownen have applied. to build the two new multl-atory buUd!np nearby at Martin and Von Kuman. Catalano u.ld he wu prompted to suggest the aafeguards for the city after reviewing a flacal re- port which he said deemed be- n e f It a of the towers to be "marginal" for the city. An agreement would guarantee the city against loeaet1. he said. However, the planning com- ml.Ilion voted 3-1 lut week, with Catalano abaent, to reject hi1 proposal for a development agreement. Chairman John Car- lyle explained he would prefer a blanket no-1011 stipulation for new buildinaa to be included in modified zoning ordinances un- der review for the Irvine Indu- strial Complex West, which in- cludes the plaza. An ~ment for every major development, he said, would be Tanker-bus crash • too cumbersome to administer. "There's a potential for a pre· cedent that bothers me," he said. "Development agreements take a long time to work out." Catalano said he won't appeal the decision, but will talk indivi- dually to city council members about his concerns. He said put· ting off the agreement until the larger rezoning is accomplished may allow the towers to be a p- proved with no safeguards. And he said what's good for the Irvine Company should be good for Douglas Plaza. Not only are "obvious'' <.i ty aervices such as police protection and public works projects requi· red for a masswe office complex, he noted. but the less tangible staff time of municipal workers ia needed to process documents, re- quests and routtne procedures for the offices. 7 killed Ill inferno OAKLAND (AP) -At least seven people died in flames in- side a highway tunnel today aft- er a bus struck a gasoline tanker truck which exploded into an inferno that melted vehicles, officials said. Oakland Fire Capt. John Speakman said seven bodies were found a.fter the intense fire in Caldecott tunnel on HiJthway 24 between Orinda and Oakland. Officials said there were three survivors of the firestorm, so fierce it melted water valves de- signed to withstand 1 ,000 de- grees. The mother of one survivor apparently died in flames when Ahe trled to use an emergency telephone in the tunnel to call for help, authorities said. "It looks like something out of World War II,'' California High- way Patrol officer Jim Mattos said of the interior of one of the three tubes of the 3,357-foot tunnel, a major commute route burrowing through a hill bet- ween Alameda and Contra C.OSta counties. A westerly breeze in the tun- nel acted like a chimney, shoo- ting flames through at 100 mph and causing the firestorm Speakman said. Heat was ao in- t.enae that it melted the double tanker truck to six inches high, leevtng only its radiator. AP Wlreohoto TANKER TRUCK BLAST DEADLY -Bus of the Oakland Tr1bune . Fire men walk to • that struck gasoline truck is shown just outside tunnel where tanker truck was still on fire at tunnel in this cop~t photo hy Bob Stinnett time picture was taken. Westbound morning traffic was snarled for 10 miles behind the tunnel , and on~-San Franctaco-bound motorist said it took 30 minutes to go one exit. Firefighters with breathing apparatus searched for victims after they controlled the fire, about 21h hours after the 12:20 a .m . PST accident, Speakman said. Leasehold rally slated Officials said the tanker driver. Mervyn Lee Metzker, 44, of Sacramento, escaped the holo- caust without injury. By STEVE MARBLE 01 tM Delly Hot IUlfl The c.ommittee of 4000, in an effort to put some punch back in its fight with the Irvine Com· pany over leasehold land in Newport Beach and Irvine, will s tage a rally April 14 at th e Marriott Hotel. The rally. to be the commit· tee's third, is being held partially to dispel rumors that the com· mittee is being disbanded or running out of gas. The committee, led by escrow firm owner Barbara Young, clajms to represent hundreds of homeowners, in the two citiea, unhappy with soaring land lease fees they must annually pay the Irvine Company. The other survivors, Steve Rutledge, 31, of Carson City, Nev., and Paul Petroelie, 31, of Alameda, were taken to Merritt Hospital, officials said. Rutledge was treated for carbon monoxide poisoning and shock after his mother died as she tried to use the telephone. Schmitz to announce Mideast peace plan Affected residents pay 6 per- cent of the appraised value of the ir leased land. The leases come up for periodic adjustment, meaning affected residents are asked to pay 6 percent of the current value of the land. Readjustme nts, to some per- sons, have meant large increases in yearly lease fees. In some cases, the fees have soared from several thousand dollars to $30,000 and $40,000-a -year. "My mother and I were right behind the AC Transit bus," said (See TANKER, Page A%) El Toro's jets to be noisier Aircraft noise from El Toro Air Base will be louder than usual through Sunday because of rapid deployment exercises, a U .S . Marine spokesman said. The noise, which increased Monday, is beginning at 5 a.m. and may last as late as 1 a.m., the spokesman said. STATE By JEFF ADLER Of the 0.., "°' ..... State Sen. John Schmitz said today his announced intention to unveil a "major" Middle East peace plan during a Loe Angeles news conference Thursda y amounts to a "new combination of old ingredients." The Newport Beach Republi- can, whom ~oils show to be trailing in his bid for the U.S. Senate nomination, said he spent close to an hour with Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat last week in Beirut, Lebanon. Arafat, according to Schmitz aide Brad Evans, asked Schmitz • Brown's choices scrutinized The California Senate -for a change -is paying attention to appointees by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Page AS- COUNTY ---=~ =--- Holy Week Services listed Hol~eek ob9ervancel are .::heduled along the 0ranp . For a u.ttng, aee Page A 7. Passover recipes oflered Pa.over II a FOCI Ume to go bllCk to old family reclpn, which are offered by Joan Nathen Oenon, autbqr of 0 Jewilb Holiday Kitchen." See Pace Cl. • r to convey the peace plan to the White House. Both Evans and Schmitz declined to discuss de- tails of the plai). In an interview this morning, Schmitz said the plan "is a new combination o( old ingredients - the combination is new.'' " Asked about prospects for peace because of the so-called new initiative, Schmitz replied, "I'm not saying I can do what• others have failed over the years.'' He added that the real solu- tion to the problems of the Mid- d I e East lie in American, not middle eastern, politics. INDEX In Newport Beach, 62 leases come up for readjustment this year. Two leases were readjusted last year. None in Irvine are af- fected in 1982. Ms. Young says the committee and t11e Irvine Company have made some progress in settling the dispute, but that the main point o f diffe rence -the fair market value of land -is wire. solved. "The lrvine Company has ad· (See LEASEHOLD, Page A%) At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business A4 82 Horoscope 82 :!::~n Cavalcade Classified Comics Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Food B4-5 B2 A5 82 06-10 B8 88 AB B6-7 Cl-10 SPORTS Ann Landers 82 Movies B6-7 Mutual funds B4 National News A3 Public NoticesB9,C4,D5-6 Sports Dl-4 Stock Markets 85 Television 89 Thea'4!n B6-7 Weather A2 World News A3 Lopes, A's def eat Angels . Ex-Dodger Davey Lopee played • bla part ln the Oakland A'a., 3-2, 11-lnnina victory over the AnaeJa In the opener for, both teama. Pap Dl. • I ' l Orange Coat OAILV PILOT/Wedneeday, April 7, 19~ ---------------------------------------------- .u . --~, \'\' Continued stoTies TANKER EXPLODES. • • Rutledge. wlth singed hair and a iOOty face. "After it hit the st.al· led car, we watched it 1werve from right lane to left lane. It hit the wall and kept on aol.rul." Rutledge and his mother Jum· a ·lped out of the car to divert traf- ilc. n • • "She was standing at the call , ' box and just got caught up ln a •' 1big ball of smoke and fire . I waoched my mother die." • • A Pontiac tumed sideways was • •later found In the tunnel. A ske- leton was in the driver's seat. Speakman said the bus struck " a stalled car, then crashed into the double-tanker truck carrying ... 8.800 gallons of gasoline, which j9ckknlfed and bunt Into flames. The bus driver fell out of the bul. which then smashed into an overpa511 abutment, he said. At least two pickup trucks. a beer truck and three can, inclu- ding the stalled car. were found in tne tunnel. All wer~ incinera- ted. The identities of the victims, who Mattos said were burned beyond recognition. were not available. The fate of the bus driver, Identified by Mattos as John Dykes. 54. was unknown eight hours after the accident. ~···LEASEHOLD RALLY SET. .. !•, e . mitted that it does not do indivi- •, , dual o!lrsite appraisals," charges ~ . committee member Lou Scott, · "so it's no wonder it has overva- • lued the land." The Irvine Company. which ... ,.has offered several alternatives for letting persons purchase their " .leased land or continue renting it •, at a reduced rate, says it has al- ways had a policy of letting af- fected homeowners obtain their , . own appraisal on the Land. "The Irvine Company," re- sponds Ms. Yo.ung, ''has been .. ... 33:killed coming up with a deal-a-day but the proposaJS nave turned out to be _pretty weak on inspection." 'fhe Irvine Company aiso nas been staging a series of neigh- borhood meetings to go over lea- ses and concerns with residents. There have been 15 meeting, to date with 13 more scheduled. Richard Sim, an Irvine Com- pany vice president, says the mee tings have been a difficult chore because there are roughly 50 different types of leases in Newport and Irvine. ne·cord cold stuns eastern states By The Aasoclated Preas Record April cold stunned much of the eastem half of the ·· nation today in the path of an unprecedented spring blizzard • that killed at least 33 people, left ' eight missing, and buried the major cities of the Northeast in up to 2 feet of snow. , The big blow that crippled ci- ties such as New York. and Bost- on with snows driven by winds gusting to 80 mph had moved into the northeast tip of New England, but the National Wea- ther Service warned that another snowstorm was bearing down on the snowbound Midwest. •••• Temperatures this morning dropped below z.ero in northem Minnesota and upper Michigan and were below freezing as far south as the Tenneasee Valley t;: · and the southern Appalachians. ;•: With another storm developing ~ over the central Rockies, a winter ~ storm watc h was posted in f northeast Iowa, southern Minne- ._ sota, southern Wisconsin and ~ . northern Illinois. Snow already was falling over the northern half of the Great Plains. The storm that roared through the Midwest earlier in the week was blamed for at least 33 deaths, including eight in Ohio, five in Iowa, four in Michigan, four in New York, three in Pennsylva- nia, three in Wisconsin, two in Indiana, two in Massachusetts and one each in Connecticut and Delaware. The €oast Guard aearched to- day for a fishing boat with eight people on board that radioed late Tuesday it was ~on water in rough seas and · winda 11 miles east of Seasi e Heights, N.J . Elections were canceled, C.On- necticut Gov. William O'Neill called out the National Guard to help clear the streets of abando- ned cars and the airports serving New York. Boston and New Jer- sey were shut . •• .,.,, SINftOthS ArgentlM n . .,...n = -. ... 1•• ---Ar'Med -343 141 ..,,_ F__. ' 130,000 AIYftJ -17',241 11,IOl>-Air Force-t2.101 ··-Newy _!74 ... 7 ·~7.IH ...,._s 1• 1 • • 2• 0 t4 • S~· ......... •12Nuc ... , M10 PleftM,18 ttellcopten * 20 "8nes.4 .... ~ A> Britain 'resolved' • • • Ill cr1s1s LONOON (AP) -Britain de- clared today it would not appease Argentine "dictators" and was reported beefing up its armada of warships steaming to the Falk- land Islands. Meanwhile, Secretary of St.ate Alexander M. Haig Jr. prepared to fly to London and Buenos A.it-es in an attempt to defuse the crisis, .and Argentine forces were reported digging in to hold the islands they seized from Britain on Friday. "Brita in does not appease dictators," Foreign Secretary Francis Pym told a House of Commons debate. Pym, successor to Lord Car- rington who resigned Monday over his failure to avert Argen- tina's seizure of the remote South Atlantic colony, said Britain "will spare no effort" to find a peareful solution. "But if our efforts fail the Ar- gentine regime will know what to expect," he said. Pym labeled the Argentine military junta a "morally bank- rupt regime" and said: "We in- tend to show Argentina and the whole world, Britain is resolved to succeed in th.is crisis." In a vigorous speech to a packed Commons, Pym said it was obvious the Argentine "occupation force" of more than 3,000 troops would treat the 1,800 pro-British islanders as "a con- quered population." Pym, a former defense secre- tary in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet, asked: ''Why did Argentma's rulers suddenly decide in the last days of March t.o resort to arbitrary and brutal aggression? ~~1:ki\\" ~~~""" .\1t.' Mostly sunny days :{I: .. ' !· t::= t;~· :i. ~:· .. Mostly sunny 1001y and Thurs- dey but wllh v1r1able high clovdl· neas Nol es windy near the coul In the a"ernoon• Continued co<>! Highs both d ays In low to mld-60s Lows tQfllghl 37 to 45 Hunttngton·Newpotl area tempe. rllurn range trom a low ol 50 to • high ol 62 El8ewflefe. lrom Pooni ~ llon to the Mexican border and out 60 miles A smell craft 1dvl- 1ory 11 In errec1 from Point Con- cepllon to Point Fermin and San Clemenle 1111nd with weat to northwftt wtnda of 15 to 25 knots end • to 6 toot SHI over outer wa11rs which will spreed to the coast by thl1 a"«n<>on end con. tlnue throuoh t1141 evening Other- wlH light verlable winds drop· olng to 10 to 18 knots Thurldey •"emoon W•terty swells ol t to 3 leet. U.S. summary · High wind• and nuvy anow brought bllzzerd warnings to New England tod1y wlllle another 1torm was brewlng over the Grtat Pia Ins. Snow showere were ICatlWad from tl'HI norti.n Rocitlea to Ari· tone end New Mexico. Rein 1hower1 covered Iha northern\ Peclflc Coe1t and Northern Call· forn11. TheN -• lelf Ilk ... end 119hl wind• from ll'HI GrMI Lale• and the uppar MIAlaalppl Vait.y to Iha c.n1r11 Gull Co11t end IM SOU· ttlarn Atlanllc Co111. T•m1H1r•· tur• -• ti.low IT.zing u lllr south H T•nnaasae end North Cerollna The for-I Ull.cl '°' moetly eunny aid• -IM EHi COUt 81\d ,,.,. SOul'-1 daeer1•. T«nptratur•-. DPK!«l lo reecll IM IOI In toUl'-t r- and lht tip of~ wllll 20l Ind 30• from the nortlluo Plains through th• upper MIHIUlppl Vellay. IM OrHI Lakll end 11141 nortMrn Ohio Vdfty lo the north Allanlle staa TemperaturM around IM n•· Uon Hrly today ringed irom 2· d'°rae1 1n.1ntern1tlon1I Fella, Minn .. to n In K9Y W•t. fie. California tures wlft range from the high 50s 10 low 601 In high deserts and · --------------------"' t>etween 72 and 79 In lower de- Mll'l4 A small·crelt eov11ory 1n effect 1onlght for t>oeters 60 miles out from Point Concepoon south lo San Clemente Island The weathe<men ptl!dlet nOfth- weat winds t>etween t5 and 25 knoll with 4 . to 6·foot wavH . CloH r to shore, westerly winds shOuld t>low lrom t2 to 22 knots •nnlnht. and decrease Thursday, generating 1. to 3-loot Wind waves ~('ii a weste<ty swell and same size same 112e Temperatures "ATlON Albany Albuque Amerlllo Asheville Atlanta Atlante Cty Au1lln Baltimore Billings Blrmlnghm Blsmerck Bo!M 809t0t1 Brownsvtle Butta lo Burlington Ca91>9r Charlatn SC Charlatn WV Cherl<>tte NC Cl,.yenne "hlcago ..;lnclnn•ll Ci.valand Clmbla SC COlumbu• OW-fl Wlh Dayton o.n-0.Mo!Ms o.trolt Oululll El Puo F11go Flegtlall GrMI Falt Hert!Wd ~a Horil*Jll Koueton I~ HI Lo Pre.. 28 13 .82 66 47 58 33 •1 25 52 29 47 22 33 67 51 44 22 •1 28 09 51 33 32 25 01 45 27 :µ 19 1.23 82 72 20 12 .32 23 13 .01 40 30 .23 64 38 52 19 .03 51 29 S4 28 32 7 •O 22 31 21 13 60 30 39 14 59 45 32 17 59 31 31 24 27 10 01 27 3 85 62 JO 6 46 32 30 14 .32 22 16 1.17 41 19 81 14 .01 69 51 31 19 Jecksn MS Jacksnvtle Kans City L11s V~u Lillie Flock Loul1Vllle Lut>bock Memphis Miami MllwaukM Mpls-St.ll NUIWllle N-Or!eane N-YOfk Norfolk NO Piette Okla City Omaha O<lando Phlladpl1111 Pha.nlx Plt11t>urgh Piiand ..... Piiand. Ofe Pr~ Flale'Qh F11pld City Fteno Fllchmond Sett Lake San Ant0t1lo 5"11 .. Stir~ Slou• Falll St LOula St P-Tempa St St• Meri. Spokane SyrtCUM TOl*tl Tucaon 57 78 40 69 49 33 48 45 91 29 33 43 74 " 35 43 53 38 68 37 110 42 27 59 32 32 " 31 47 32 22 42 34 69 12 21 23 52 21 28 25 .01 40 27 49 t9 .39 65 18 .04 17 2.19 42 52 27 " 26 17 42 22 52 26 46 29 03 71 52 53 39 59 40 31 26 39 27 80 48 17 2 47 32 16 28 12 .12 40 31 82 57 02 SURf RIPIRT ' 1 ,,, ..... T_, &O !It 58.6 58.6 H .6 !It.I 57 17 87 Tulsa Wuhlngtn Wlehlte 50 41 45 24 04 43 35 CALIFORNIA HI Lo Pep B11ker111 .. o 81y1l'HI Eurek• Freeno Lancattllf Los Angelet Meryavllle Need let Oakland P 1190 Robles Rad Bluff Redwood City Sacramento S1t1n11 Sen Diego San FrenclKO Santa Barbera Santa Merl• Stock\00 Th«mal Ukleh 8aret- 81g 8Mt Bl•h09 Celalln• Long 8Nch M0t1rOY\I Mt Wllt0t1 IW#por1 8Mctt OntarlO Pelm Sprlnol 'Pueo.na San eemardlnO Sen JoN Santa Ana S.nt1 Cruz Te!IM Valt.y 63 80 49 37 0 1 51 34 52 3• 62 57 40 76 55 55 ')4 56 56 56 64 33 02 34 42 .02 37 53 53 47 64 45 80 59 79 51 67 "' 67 67 64 68 42 60 60 78 83 81 se 65 80 31 CMADA C.IOVf Edmonton Montreal Ol18WI Regina 21 1 2& t 2' 10 5 24 22 TODAY s-id IOw 2:39 p.m. a.conci ~~51.f·m· flt9' IOw l:OI a.in. F~ lllatl t:ot a.m. 4.1 8-ld" iow a:04 p.m. o.t l«lolld Ngt\ t : ti p.m. u lun "'' loclay at 1!11 p.111 •• ,.... ~ .. tc~1 I.II\. Moon ,.... tOdltY .. e:tO p.m,, .... Thwldlly .. 5:21 a.m. By JEFF PARKER oftM~ ..... ·-Oranae police have credited "alert" TRW telephone operaton with helptn1 to dllcloae a com- puter theft operation now belie- ved to date back to 1972. Detectives Jlm Canon and Roger Braham are "atlll coun· Ung" thouaands of •uppo1edly confidential credit recordl eel.red Monday followin g raldt of H .E.L .P . Lockamltha of Van Nuya and Searchers Security of Los Angelea. The credit infonnation wu al- legedly obtained by the two companies by poaing as legitimate subecribers and using the suppo- sedly eecret aubecriben' codes to , activate the TRW computer . "It looks like thing• went smoothly until H .E.L .P . Lock· smiths began callin' lnto the operatoQJ for infonnauon instead of the computer," said Carson. "At that time, the TRW ope- rators began to get suspicious of the varying voices and finally asked one caller what company she was representing. When the caller said H.E.L .P. Locksmiths, there we were," he said. Carson said that the subscri- bers' codes were likely "tricked" out of t1nsuspecting TRW sub- scribers, then used by the two Los Angeles companies to aug- ment their own records. H.E.L.P. Locksmiths specialized in the re- Cion of cars, and Searchers Ulity is a private investig,tive agency. TRW spokesman Gil Hamblet said that subscribers sometimes don't take the secrecy of the codes "seriously." "I think carelessness was to blame," he said. Although charges are yet to be tiled, computer information theft is a felony, falling under a rec- ently enacted section of the Penal Code prohibiting unauthorized ~to computer data banks. And in this case, said Carson, the theft was "relatively easy" to bring off. "I'm sur e the codes were tricked out of TRW subscribers u_nknowingly," he said. John MacBeth funeral set Funeral services for long-time C.Orona del Mar resident John Garrison MacBeth, who died Tuesday at the age of 59, will be held Friday noon at Rose Hills in Whittier. Mr. MacBeth was a general contractor in the Harbor Area and a 20-year resident of New- port Be,ch. He is survived by his wife, Gloria, and sons Daniel and J ohn, both c>f Irvine. He also leaves a daughter, Carolyn, of Corona del Mar. • - Fund sought to aid teen-age mothers A countywlde group trying to reduce teen-age pregnan- cies will hold a s~lal one- day "swlm-a-lap' Saturday, April 17 in lrvine to raise money· for ill programs. The swimming event will be ataged. at the Herl tage Park A.q_uaUc C.Omplex from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Olympic gold medal swimmer Shirley Babashoff will attend to pre- sent prizes to age -group swimmers who have the most sponsors or complete the most laps. Prires include trips t.o Dis- neyland, Knoll's Berry Farm • A spring arts show pre- sented by members of the Creative Arts Guild of Irvine will run from Monday, April 19 to Friday, May 14 at the Heritage Park Arts ," Crafts Center. The show, featuring oils, water colors, drawings, calli- graphy. sculpture, collages and crafts, will be inaugura- ted at a 7 p .m . wine and cheese reception Friday, Apnl 16 at the.center. • A free workshop offering Irvine's youth tips on how to land a summer jo b w ill be offered April 17 at the Heri- tage Park Youth Se rvices Center. Participants will receive istruc tion on filling out applications. intervtewing and • Hussian scholar Guy de- Mallac is to speak at 9:30 a.m. April 12 at the Irvine Senior Center, 3 Sandburg Way. DeMallac, chairman of UC Irvine's Slavic L~.ngua~es •Jamee L. Wblttenberger, former chairman of the De · partment of Physiology al the Harvard School of Public Health, has been named di- rector of the UC Southern Occupational Health Center. The center is located at UC Irvine. The UC Soul.hem Occupa- tional Health Center trains • Tax strategies will be the topic when the Irvine Busi- ness and Professional Wo- men's Club meets for lunch April 20 at the Hungry Tiger, 2101 E. Edinger Ave .. Santa Ana. - Tina C. Ben.son, a certified and a Lot Angeles Lakera basketball game. The proceed• from the event will benefit the Coali- tion Concerned with Adole- acen\ Pregnancy, a non-profit group that promotes commu- nication among families about pregnancy and responsible parenthood. An estimated 3,600 teen - aged girls in Orange County become pregnant each year, accordmg to the group. Entry blanks for the swim - a-lap or more information about the coalition can be obt.amed by calling 972-4859. Both the reception and the arts show are free and open t.o the public. In addition , vie- we rs will be asked at the reception to vote for the1 r favorite artwork, and ribbons will be awarded to winning artists. The center 1s open from 9 a .m . tJ 9 p .m . Mondays through Thursdays and 9 a.m . to 6 p.m. Fridays. It is at Yale and Walnut in Irvine. ways of finding Jobs . Also, skill and interest survPys will be provided dunng the 1 t.o 3 p m session . Interested persons should r ese r ve a s pot a t the workshop by calling the city's Family Servtces Program by April 12 al 754-3814 • Department, ts to aiscuss nis book, "Boris Pasternak. His Life and Art " For Information, call Kath- leen Lem at 754-3889. uccupational health professio- na ls. conducts occupational health research, provides pa- tient services and acts as a li nk in the hazardous chemi- cals alert system. Faculty are dra wn from the UC I and UCLA campuses. A sister facility IS located at UC Berkeley public account.ant and invest- ment specialist. is to be the speaker Reservation s, whic h a re required, can be made by c alling Linda Doy le at 833-5461. 'DOLLARS! 51!\/ing•, thrre are two tlM highest Interest on f4. or KEOGH, •nd both progro1ms are in5Ured .•. guaHnteed safe by the fedenl government. Decide to lock in •t tod.iy·~ high rates for tomorro\\'s hl&h ~turn~. Choose the maturity d.ate thal you w;inl ... anywhere from 18 month.; to 10 ye.ars. Select tl.e t.ix deferred plan that meeto; your need~. Call or •to p by tod.iy, and ask our SavinKs Coumdors to help you open the Newport Balbo.i 5 Jving• Individual Retirement Account or K(OCH plJn that \\ill meet your financial goal• for the future. STOP LOSING MONEY TO THE IRS OPEN A NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS IRA l • . .. L. (o • CllTI 1111 llmll WEONESOA Y. APRIL l. 1lJ82 OH AN GE COUNl Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS .. 4,000 seek to rekindle leasehold fight • 'By STEVE MARBLE • ortti. DaMr Not ,..., stage a rally April 14 ltt the Marriott Hotel . The committee, Jed. by eecrow firm owner Barbara Young, claima to repn!9ellt hundred.a of homeowner•, ln the two cltlea, unhappy with IOI.ring land 1eue feee they muat annually pay the Irvtne c.otnpany. cent of the appraiaed value of their leased land. The leases come up for pertodJc adjustment, ~eaning affected resident.a are asked to pay 6 percent of the rurrent value of the land. in yearly lease fees. In some cues, the fees have aoared from several thousand dollars to $30,000 and $40,000-a-year. last year. None in lrvlne are af. feet.eel ln 1982. L The Committee of 4000, in an effort to put 10rne punch back ln lta fight with the Irvine Com· pany over leasehold land In Newport Beach and Irvine, will The rally, to be the commit· tee'• third, la belnc held parUally to dlapel rumors that the com- mittee is belna disbanded or running out of gu. Affected resident.a pay 6 per· Readjustment.a, to 1ome per- sona, have meant large increases In Newport Beach, 62 leases come up for readjustment this vear. Two leases were readiUsted Ms. Young says the committee and the Irvine Company have made some progress in settling the dispute, but that the main Point of difference -the fair (See LEASEHOLD, Page AZ) Tanker-bus crash Tunnel holocaust . kills 7 • ID Oakland OAKLAND (AP) -At least seven people died in flames in- side a highway tunnel today aft- er a bus struck a gasoline tanker truck which exploded into an inferno that melted vehicles, officials said. Oakland Fire Capt. John Speakman said seven bodies were found after the intense fire in Caldeoott tunnel on Highway 24 between Orinda and Oakland. Officials said there were three survivors of the firestorm, so fierce it melted water valves de- signed to withstand 1.000 de- grees. The mother of one survivor apparently died in flames when s he tried to use an emergency telephone in the tunnel to call for help, authorities said. "It looks like something out of World War II," California High- way Patrol officer Jim Mattos said of the interior of one of the three tubes of the 3,357-foot tunnel, a major commute route burrowing through a hill bet- ween Alameda and Contra Costa counties. A westerly breeze in the tun- nel acted like a chimney, shoo- ting flames through at 100 mph and causing the firestorm, Speakman said. Heat was so in- tense that it melted the double tanker truck to six inches high, leaving only its radiator. IN THE SWIM -It's nearly time for t)'le fa. med Costa Mesa Fish Fry sponsored by the Harbor area Lions Club and candidates for Miss Costa Mesa are being accepted at the Chamber of Commerce. Three already in Delly Noe lteft Photo competition are (fr6m left), Tracy Grams, ·Na- ncy Russell and Michelle Wilson. Competition will be during Fish Fry June 5 through 7. Candidates must be 17 to 22 years of age. Westbound morning traffic was snarled for 10 miles behind the tunnel , and one San Francisco-bound motorist said it took 30 minutes to go one exit. Firefighters with breathing apparatus searched for victims after they controlled the fire, about 2 ~ hours after the 12:20 a.m . PST accident, Speakman said. 2 d eaf-mutes get aid after home burns Schlllitz to announce Mideast peace plan Passover begins tonight American Red Cross officials are providing temporary shelter today for two deaf-mute Costa Mesa women and five children whose home was destroyed in a fire Tuesday night. Administrative battalion chief Jim Rich ey said damage to the house at 2116 Sterling Ave .. in- cluding contents, was estimated at $65,000. Fire officials believe that the blaze started in the kitchen about 6:57 p.m. and then rared through the halls and living room. The cause of the fire is unknown. No one was home when the fire broke out, said Richey. The · (See DEAF-MUTE, Page A!) WORLD By JEFF ADLER Of the Delly Not ..... State Sen. John Schmitz said today his announced intention to unveil a "major" Middle East peace plan during a Los Angeles news conference Thursday amounta to a "new combination of old ingredients." The Newport Beach Republi· can, whom polls show to be trailing in his bid for the U.S. Senate nomination, said he spent close to an hour with Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasa:ir Arafat last week in Bel.rut, Lebanon. Arafat, according to Schmitz aide Brad Evans, asked Schmitz to convey the peace plan to the White House. Both Evans and Solons off for El Salvador WASHINGTON (AP) -A congremkmal ~esa· lion headed by Hou.e Majority Leader Jim Wri&ht, D-Texu, lefn .od.ay on a 10-day trip to El Salvador 8nd four ot her countries in Central America and the Ca- ribbean. NATION Central America boob liil . . Commonly uaed IOCial 1tudtn textboob and children'• boob do not prepare studentl to understand Central America. Pace A5. Academy Awards No. l ''DallM'' w• bumped from the top spot ln the televt.lon ratino, but lt took the A.c.cfemy Awarda brOlldcast t.o do Tt. P119 A8. t • Schmitz declined to discuss de- tails of the pl.al). . ln an interview this morning, Schmitz said the plan "is a new combination of old ingredients - the combination is new." • Asked about frospects for peace because o the so-called new initiative, Schmitt replied, "I'm not saying I C;an do what others have failed over the years." He added that the real solu- tion to the problems of the Mid- dle East lie in American, not middle east.em, politics. "We won't solve it as long as you have American politicians kowtowing to Jewish bloc votes in this country," Schmitz laid. STATE Passover, the eight-day holi- day commemorating the·exodus of the Jewish people from F.gypt 3,000 years ago, begins tonight. Jewish families along the Orange Coast will observe the festival with a seder, a rltual feast, that includes certain sym- bolic foods. In most homes the seder is said only the first two night.a, during which time no leavened bread is eaten. The eating of unleavened bread i.s a reminder of the haste in which the Jews had to leave Egypt, unable to wait for the loaves of bread to rile. During the seder the story of the Jews flight from slavery to the promi.aed land is read from a book called the Haggadah. ... Brown's choices scrutinized T h e California S enate -for a chan ge -is paying a ttenUon to appoin tees by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Page A8. COUNTY Holy Week Ser!ices ~iste_d Hol~ otmrvancee are ICheduled along the Oranae For a u.ttna. see Page A 7. Passover recipes offered Pa.over la a ~ time to 10 hick to old f.amily recipee, which are offered by Jou Nathan Gerton ,. author ot 0 Jewilh Hollda,y KUichen:• Ptae C l. ' , Officials said the tanker driver, Mervyn Lee Metzker, 44, of Sacramento, escaped the holo- caust without injury. The other survivors, Steve Rutledge, 31, of Carson City, TRW seam Nev., and Paul Petroelie, 31. of Alameda, were taken to Merritt Hospital, officials said. Rutledge was treated for carbon monoxide poisoning and shock after his (See TANKER, Page A2) Operators credited • with aiding probe By JEFF PARKER Of the Olllly fltlot Staff Orange police have credited ''alert" TRW telephone operators with helping to disclose a com- puter theft operation now belie- ved to date back to 1972. Detectives Jim Carson and Roger Braham are "still coun- ting" thousands of supposedly Heather • to miss • meeting Reports that Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather plans to attend next Monday's city council meeting only a month after suf- ferig a stroke, were dispelled by the rMyor herself today. "I'd like to, I really would," said the 52-year-old mayor, "but I think it's out of the question.'' Mrs. Heather, hospitalized since March 7. is undergoing re- ha bili ta tion treatment at St. Jude's Hospital in Fullerton. Several council members said they'd heard Mrs. Heather might be planning a surprise showing at the council meeting. The mayor said she believes the rumor started because she asked a council colleague to bring her a copy of Monday's city council agenda. "I want to see it. I need to get back up to speed, but I doubt I'll be at the meeting." said Mrs. Heather. She said if tests this week are encouraging, she likely will be permitted to return home for the weekend and then re-enter the hospital next week for further rehabilitation. Mrs. Heather reported she feels well but has a lingering weakness in her left side. "I need to keep working," she said. "I want to be able to walk (See HEATHER, Page AZ) INDEX confidential credit records seized Monday fo llowing raids of H .E.L .P . Locksmiths of Van Nuys and Searchers Security of Los Angeles. , The credit information was al- legedly obtained by the two companies by posing as legitimate subscribers and using the suppo- sedly secret subscribers' codes to activate the TRW computer. "It looks like things went smoothly until H.E.L.P . Lock- smiths began calling into the operators for infomuklon instead of the computer," said Carson. "At that time, the TRW ope- rators began to get suspicious of. the varying voices and finally asked one caller what company she was representing. When the caller said H.E.L.P. Lock.sm.iths, there we were," he said. Carson said that the subscri· bers' codes were likely "tricked" out of unsuspecting TRW sub- scribers, then used by the two Los Angeles companies to aug- ment their own records. H.E.L.P . Locksmiths specialized in the re- possession of cars, and Searchers Security is a private investigative agency. TRW spokesman Gil Hamblet said that subscribers sometimes don't take the secrecy o f the' codes "seriously." "I think carelessness was to (See COMPUTER, Page AZ) John MacBe th fune ral set . Fun~ral services for long-time Corona de! Mar resident John Garrison MacBeth, who died Tuesday at the age of 59, will be held Friday noon at Rose Hills in Whittier. Mr. MacBeth was a general contractor in the Harbor Area and a 20-year resident of New- port Beach. He is survived by his wife, Gloria, and sons Daniel and John, both of Irvine. He also leaves a daughter, Carolyn, of Corona del Mar. At Your Service A4 Horoecope B2 Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landen B2 Bum.n.. B4-5 Movies B6-7 Herb C.aen B2 Mutual Funds 84 c.allf omia A!J National News A3 Cavalcade B2 Public NoticesB9,C4,D5~ Cleni(ied D6-10 Sports Dl-4 Comias B8 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices B8 Televllion B9 F.clitorial A8 Th.eaten B6-7 F.ntertainment B6-7 Weather A2 Food Cl-10 World Newa A3 SPORTS Lopes, A 's def eat Ansels . Ex-I>odler Davey Lopea played a bUr part ln the Oakland A'a, 3-2, 11-inninl victory c>Wr tM AnaeJa ln the opener for_ both t.eeml. Paa-01. • • ' 1 I .· ---~ -----~----t-'--~--,,..----------- COMPUTER THEFT. • • blamct," he said. Allhouah charges are yet tb be filed, computer lnformaUon theft la a felony, falling under a rec- ently enacted section of the Penal ' Code prohibiting unauthorized •• accet1S to computer data banks. And In this case, said Car.Ion, the theft was "relatively easy" to bring off. · "I'm sure the codes were tricked out of TRW subscribers unknowingly," he said. "After that, it's just a matter of using them correctly to get the infor- mation. I think this is the first • case of Its kind in California." Once the subscribers' codes were obtained. access to the TRW mother died as she tried to use the telephone. Orange computer was direct, ac- cording to TRW 1pokeaperson Delia Femandei. "It's not an interactive system," she aaid. "It's a dumb teleprinter. You punch In 'I am this valid subscriber, give me the• credit profile on Smith, John, address and so and so. then Social Security number, year of birth."' According to Carson the infor· matlon obtained by the two companies -addresses. initials of spouse, past addresses, pay- ment habits, bankruptcy and tax dealings -was probably being used in skip tracing, collections and to help with car reposses- sions. • • "She was standing at the call box and JUSt got caught up in a big ball of smoke and fire. I watched my mother die." BATTLE-READY -Cheered by spectators from. rooftc?ps. ~ritish Royal Marine conunan- dos line ship rail beneath their ensign as they A~ Wltephoto left Portsmouth Harbor Tuesday aboard as- sault ship HMS Fearless, bound for Falkland Islands. (Related Photo A3) Britain 'beefing up' freeze record By Tbe A11ocl1ted Pre11 Record April cold stunned much of the ttutem haJf of lhe nation today ln the path of an unprecedented spring blizzard that killed at least 37 people, left etg~t ml11ing, and burled the maJOr cities of the Northeast in up to 2 feet of snow. • The big blow that crippled ci· ties such as New York and Bost- on wlth snows drlven by winds gusting to 80 mph had moved into the northeast tip of New England, but the National Wea- ther Servace warned that another snowstorm was bearing down on the snowbourid Midwest. Temperatures this morning dropped below zero in northern Minnesota and upper Michigan and were below freezing as far south as the Tennessee Valley and the southern Appalachians. "~y mother and I were right behind the AC Transit bus," said Rutledge, with singed hair and a sooty face. "After it hit the stal- ·'' led car, we watched it swerve • ' •from right Jane to left lane. It hit ' the wall and kept on going." A Pontiac turned sideways was later found in the tunnel. A ske- leton was in the driver's seat. Speakman said the bus struck a stalled car, then crashed into the double-tanker truck carrying 8,800 gallons of gasoline, which jackknifed and burst into flames. R efuses to appease Argentine dictators over Falklands LONDON (AP) -Britain de- clared today it would not appease Argentine "dictators" and was reported beefing up its armada of warships steaming to the Falk- land lslands. decide in the last days of March to resort to arbitrary and brutal asr.;ession? tine regime itself. lnflation IS ra- ging in Argentina, at the rate of 140 percent a year. With another stonn developing over the centraJ Rockies, a winter s torm watch was posted in northeast Iowa, southern Minne- sota, southern Wisconsin and northern lllinois. Snow aJready was falling over the northern half of the Great Plains. •' '· ,, ,. • ~ Rutledge and his mother jum- ped out of the car to divert traf-· ·•fie. LEASEHOLD RALLY SET. • market vaJue of land -is unre- solved. "The Irvine Company has ad· mitted that it does not do ind1vi- duaJ on-site appraisals," charges committee member Lou Scott, "so it's no wonder it has overva- lued the land." The Irvine Company, which has offered several alternatives for letting persons purchase their leased land or continue renting it at a reduced rate, says it has al- ways had a policy of letting af- fected homeowners obtain their own arpraisal on the land. "The Irvine Company," re- s ponds Ms. Young. "has been coming up with a deaJ-a-day but the proposa!S nave turned out to be _pretty weak on inspection.:· The lrvine Company also nas been staging a series of neigh- borhood meetings to go over lea- ses and concerns with residents. • There have been 15 meetings to date with 13 more scheduled. DEAF-MUTES HOMELESS • • Meanwhile, Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. prepared to fly to London and Buenos All es m an attempt to defuse the crisis, .and Argentine forces were reported digging in to hold the islands they seized from Britain on Friday. "Britain does not appease dictators," Foreign Secretary Francis Pym told a House of Commons debate. Pym, successor to Lord Car- rington who resigned Monday over his failure to avert Argen- tina's seizure of tht! rerrl'OteSOulh- Atlantic colony, said Britain "will spa.re no effort" to find a peaceful solution . two oldest children, returning from a trip to Disneyland, arrived home in time to see fire fighters pouring water on the charred remains of the house. agency has moved the family to a motel in Costa Mesa until more permanent shelter can be found. "But if our efforts fail the Ar- gentine regime will know what to expect," he said. Pym labeled the Argentine military junta a "morally bank- rupt regime" and said: "We in- tend to show Argentina and the whole world, Britain is resolved to succeed in this crisis." The owner of the home, Viola Hildreth, lived there with Zaha- roula Rima and her five children, ages unknown. Ms. MoraJes said that the two women had been redecorating th~ house and took the news of the fire "very hard." A dog, four kittens and four birds died in the blaze. But fire fighters were able to resuscitate a siamese cat at the scene. In a vigorous speec·h to a packed Commons, Pym said it was obvious the ArgentinP. "oocupation force" of more than 3,000 troops would treat the 1,800 pro-British islanders as "a con- quered population." Toni MoraJes, a spokeswoman , for the Red Cross said the relief HEA TUER TO MISS MEET . • perfectly when I come bac k to the council." Her husband, a cardiologist, has projected that it may take his wife up to tour months to regam full strength on her left side. He speculated that she should be able to return to her council du- ties within a month. Pym, a former defense secre- tary in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet, asked: "Why did Argentina's rulers suddenly Mosuy sunny 1ooay and Thurs- day but with variable high ctoudl· neaa. Not 111 windy near the coHt In the allernoon1 Continued cool Hi ghs both days In low to mld-80a Low• tonight 37 to 45 _ Hunllflilton·Newport atN tempe- return range lrom a IOW or 50 to II high ol 112 EJMWtlef•. lrom Point Con<:ep· lion to the Mexican border and out 60 miles A small craft advi- sory la In ettect lrom Point Con· Clptlon to Point Fermin end San Clemente laland with weal to north-I winds Of 15 to 25 knoll and 4 to 8 root HH over outer watera which will spread to the coest by thla 11Uernoon and con- tinue through the evenlflil Other- WIH light variable wlnda drop- 0(119 to 10 to tll knoll Thursday attarnoon W•terly 1well1 of 1 to 3feet V.S. summary High wind• end heevy anow brought bllzzerd wernlno-to New England today white enother storm was brew1ng over the Great Pie Int. Snow ahowera were Ka11Med from the northern Rockl•• to Arl-z on• and New Mexico. Rain ahowera covered the norlh•rn1 Peclllc Coa1t and No11hern Call· fornla. There -e fair aklet and light wind• from the Greet Lall• and the Up()er Mlalaat~ Valley lo ltle central Gull CoHt and the IOU· thern Atlantlc Co11t. Tempe1a- tur• -e belOw ,,_,"ii H fer IOUth •• TennHH• and Norlh Cetollna. The forecut called for moelly aunny .itlel ~ the EHi Cout and the Sout'-1 deeen• TemperatuNe -e 91(J1Kled to reecti the 80t In eout'-1 Teue and the tip of Flo!1da with 20t and 301 from the northern Ptalna through the upper Mlututppt Valley. the GrHt Lek" and the northern Ohio Valley to the north Atlal\tle atat• Tem09ratur" around Ille na· lion Hrly today ranged from 2 degrff• In International P'all1. Minn .. to 711 In Kay WMI, Fla California sunahln• wu ••peeled to wann moet Of Southtl'n Callfomta through Thuraday with only an• occMIOnal lllgll cloud. Tiit Nettonat wnt"9r ~ 1emperatur .. In l.ot A~ ind eklflCI the coaat lhOllld raecll llle mid to. Thurlday. ' HIQrle Ill IN mountlllna lhcMd range from 42 10 H with Iowa tonight hnl 11 to H . Ouaty ~ wlnde .,. ~ ted to -.-by tonight with .._ .,_ to fa to n ..... • DeMt1 lef!IC*•· Mostly sunny days turet wtll ••'199 trom the h•gh 50. to tow 60s ,,., high deserts end between 72 and 79 tn tower de- 50rts A small-crelt aoviCory 1n etrect tonight ror boaters 60 m11ea out lrom Point Conception south to San Clemente Island Thtl weathermen predict north- w111t wind• between 15 and 25 knots with 4-to 6 -foot waves Cloaer to shore. westerly winds should blow from 12 to 22 knots •nntnhl end decrease Thursday. liJ9'19f•tlng t • to 3-loot wind waves ~\19 1 westerly swell and same atz11. ume 11111 Temperatures NATION Albany AlbuQue Amarollo l\8Nlv111e Atlanta At11ntc Cty A Ult In Baltlnl0<11 Bllllnga Blrmlnghm Bismarck BOIN Boston Brownsvlle Butlalo Burlington C111per Charlstn SC Charlatn WV Charlotte NC Cheyenne Chlcego c1ne1noau Cleveland Ctmbla SC Columbus Dalo-Ft Wth Oeyton' OWi,,. 0.. Molnft Detroit Oul\rth EIPuo Fat go Aaoat•tl GtMt Falla Htrt10fd Helene Honolulu Houston lndnaplla HI l.o Pre. 28 13 82 66 '47 58 33 41 25 52 29 47 22 33 67 51 44 22 41 211 09 51 33 32 25 01 45 27 34 19 , 23 82 72 20 12 32 23 13 .01 40 30 23 e. 38 52 19 03 51 29 54 28 32 7 40 22 3t ·21 13 60 30 39 1'4 59 45 32 17 59 31 31 2'4 27 10 .07 27 3 115 62 30 6 411 32 30 14 .32 22 16 1.17 41 111 61 74 .07 89 51 31 19 Jackso MS Jackanvue Kant City Les Veges Lillie Rock lOUltVllle Lubbock Memp/111 Miami Miiwaukee Mpla-St P Neshvtlle N-Orleana N-York Norfolk No. Piette Okla City Oma he Orlando Phlladphll Phoenh1 Pittsburgh Piland. Me Piiand. Ora Providence Rai.tgh Rapid City Reno ·Richmond Salt uke Sen Antonio Seattle ~~ St Loula St P-Twnpe St Ste Marie Spokane Syracuae T(lpel(a TUC80fl 57 32 78 41 40 31 69 47 49 32 33 22 48 42 45 34 91 69 211 12 33 21 '43 23 74 52 41 21 35 28 43 · 25 01 53 40 38 27 811 49 37 19 39 80 65 42 111 o• 27 17 2. t9 59 42 32 52 27 '41 26 17 42 22 52 28 "" 29 03 71 52 53 39 59 '40 31 26 311 27 llO "8 17 2 47 32 111 25 12 12 40 31 112 57 02 IURf RIPDRT T"'1'a "1'.:-· 1-2 3-4 M 3-5 3 1·2 1-2 1-2 ,., p ' -· ·-·· T_.p 56 at &U H.a at.& au 57 a7 17 TulN Wasl\lflilln Wichita 50 41 45 24 ~ 43 35 CALIFORNIA BakerallelO Blythe Eureka Fresno Lanca11ar LOI Af1991ea Marysville Needlel Ookland Puo Roblet Red Bluff Redwood City Secrem.nto Sallnaa San Olego Sen Franclaco Santa Barbar• Sant• Marla Stoel\ ton Thermal Ukiah Bera tow Big Beer BllN>p Catalina Long Beech MonrOVI• Mt Wllaon Newpor1 8eec:h Ontario Palm Sc>ri"lll ~•M<Sen• San Bernardino San Joee Santa Ana Santa Cruz T ahOe Valley Ht Lo Pep 83 80 49 37 01 51 34 52 34 62 57 40 76 55 55 33 .02 54 34 56 42 02 56 37 56 53 64 53 41 54 45 60 59 79 5t 87 46 57 117 54 58 42 60 60 1a 83 111 5e 65 80 31 CMADA Caig.ry Edmonton MontM Ottawa Regina Tides TOOAY 21 1 25 t 23 10 5 24 22 Second ~ !:!! ~""· 0., Second·~·"'· u F1nt tow S:OS a.rn. o.o Finl lllllfl t .Oll a.rn. 4.1 9-ld' loW S:04 p.m. O.J 9eootld lllOfl t:11 p.m. U lun "'' tOd•Y el t :tl p.m .. ne. Ttllndly " a:i, un. Moon ""' toe111y a.t a:ao p.m., --~·~LM. - 'I suggest that part of the answer lies in the very brutality and unpopularity of the Argen- High school sailors seek donations Newport Harbor High School's Sailing Team Boosters are see- king donations to aid the sailing team in regattas and national championships. The Bill Wakeman-coached Harbor-High sailors traveled to Annapolis, Md., in 1981 and won the prestigious Mallory Trophy for the school placing highest in the interscholAstic Yacht Racing Association. They aJso took third overall in the U.S. NavaJ Academy's Cressy Trophy competition. In Decem- ber of last year the team was fifth in the nation at the national interscholastic championship, Cotton Bowl Regatta held at Fort Worth, Tex. "Since school district funds are not available for this sport, the existence of the team depends on generous contributions from the public," said Catherine Nash, chairman of the sailing team boosters. Donations to the team are tax deductible. Supporting mem· berships are Admiral, $200 or more; Commodore, $100; Captain, $50; Commander, $25; and crew $10. Checks should be made payable to Newport Harbor Tar Boosters and mailed to Mr~. Ca- therine Nash, '1508 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach. "The regime is notorious for its systematic contempt of aU human rights. The storm that roared through the Midwest earlier in the week was blamed for the deaths. Newport officials seek applicants Newport .t:Seach city council members are seeking appli- cants for posts on five city boards and commissions that will become vacant June 30. Applications must i.>e filed by 5 p.m . May 10 with the city clerk. The posts include a seat on the city's planning commis- sion now held by Allan Beek. The seven-member planning unit meets Thursday everungs • Children under 11 are invited to a free Easter cele- bration April 10 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Estancia Adobe Park. The annual Easter Egg-A - Thon, sponsored by the Costa Mesa Leisure Services, in- cludes free candy, an egg twice monthly. Also, vacant will be a post o n the Board of Library Trustees, the City Arts Com- mission , the Civil Service Board and two seats on the city Parks, Beaches and Rec- reation Commission. All appointments are for a four-year term. The city clerk's office is located in city hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. hunt. a mime show, games, a jelly bean guessing contest and an Easter bonnet contest. A speciaJ visit by the Easter bunny is scheduled, too. Re- gistration for the Easter bon- net contest begins at 9:30. For more information call 754-5300. DOLLARS! 01 Savl1'gfi. there are two am tht highest interest on r lRA or KEOCH. ind both programs ue Insur~ •.. gu1r.1nteed <,a(e by thl' (edt>ral govunmenl. Decide to lock In al today's high rates for tomorrow·~ high return\. Choo~l' the maturity date that you w.int ... :inywht>rt' from Ill month\ 10 10 ye.ir\. Select the tax deferred plan th.11 met·t~ your nl'ech. C.111 or ~top by tod.1y, .ind "'k our Saving~ Coun~l'IO" to help you opl'n tht.> Newport B;alboa S.ivlng\ lndividuJI Retirement Account or KLOGH pl.1n th.ti will STOP LOSING MONtY TO T HE IRS OPEN A NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS IRA 111111 l:UIT lllPllT BUCH I fllll ITICU WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 4,000 seek to rekindle leasehold fight By STEVE MARBLE Of ttle D•llJ illlot llaff The Committee of 4000, ln an effort to put 10me punch back in Its fight with the Irvine Com· pany over leasehold land in Newport Beach and Irvine, wW stage a rally April 14 at the Marriott Hotel. The rally, to be the commit· tee's third, Is being held partially to dispel rumors that the com- ml ttee is being disbanded or (WUUng out of gas. The committee, led by escrow flrm owner Barbara Young. cl.aims to repreeent hundteds of homeowners, In the two cities, unhappy with aoarlng land lease fees they must annually pay the Irvine Company. Affected residents pay 6 per- cent of the appraised value of their leased land. The leases come up for periodic adjustment, meaning affected residents are asked to pay 6 percent of the i:urrent value of the land. Readjustments, to some per· sons, have meant large increases an yearly lease fees. ln some cases. the fees have soared from several thousand dollars to $30,000 and $40,000-a-year. In Nt>wport Beach, 62 leases t'ome up for readjustment this vt>ar Two leases wert> read 1usted last year. None in Irvine are af. fe<.·t.ed In 1982 Ms. Young says the committee and the Irvine Compall.y have made some progress 1n settling Lht-dispute, but that the main point of difference the fair (See LEASEHOLD, Page A%) Tanker-bus crash Tunnel holocaust kills 7 • Ill Oakland OAKLAND (AP) -At least seven people died in flames in- side a highway tunnel today aft- er a bus struck a gasoline tanker truck which exploded into an inferno that melted vehicles, officials said. Oakland Fi re Capt. John Speakman said seven bodies were found after the intense fire in Caldecott tunnel on Highway 24 between Orinda and Oak.land Officials said there were three survivors of the firestorm, so fierce it melted water valves de- s igned to withstand 1,000 de- grees. The mother of one survivor apparently died in flames when s he tried to use an emergency telephone m the tunnel to call for help, authorities said. "It looks bke something out of World War II," California High- way Patrol officer Jim Mattos said of the interior of one of the three tubes of the 3,357-foot tunnel, a major commute route burrowing through a hill bet- ween Alameda and Contra Costa counties. A westerly breeze in the tun- nel acted like a chimney, shoo- ting names through at 100 mph and causing the firestorm. Speakman said. Heat was so in- tense that it melted the double tanker truck to six inches high, leaving only its radiator. IN THE SWIM -It's nearly time for the fa- med Costa Mesa Fish Fry sponsored by the Harbor area Lions Club and candidates for Miss Costa' Mesa are being accepted at the Chamber of Commerce. Three already in D•ltJ l"Mot St.ft P'1oto competition are (from left), Tracy Grams, Na- ncy Russell and Michelle Wilson. Competition will be during Fish Fry June 5 through 7. Candidates must be 17 to 22 years of age. Westbound morning traffic was snarled for 10 miles behind the tunnel , and one San Francisco-bound motorist said it took 30 minutes to go one ex.it. Firefighters with breathing apparatus searched for victims after they controlled the fire, about 2 \ll hours after the 12:20 a .m . PST accident, Speakman said. 2 deaf-mutes get aid after home burns Schmitz to announce Mideast peace plan Passover begins tonight American Red Cross officials are providing temporary shelter today for two deaf-mute Costa Mesa women and five children whose home was destroyed in a fire Tuesday night. Administrative battalion chief Jim Richey said damage to the house at 2116 Sterling Ave., in- cluding contents, was estimated at $65,000. Fire officials believe that the blaze started in the kitchen about 6:57 p.m. and then raced through the halls and living room. The cause of the fire is unknown. No one was home when the fire broke out, said Richey. The (See DEAF-MUTE, Page A%) WORLD By JEFF ADLER Of !tie D.ily Piiot Staff State Sen. John Schmitz said today his announced intention to unveil a "major" Middle East peace plan during a Loe Angeles news conferen ce Thursday amounts to a "new combination of old ingredients." The Newport Beach Republi- can, whom polls show to be trailing in his bid for the U.S. Senate nomination. said he spent close to an hour with Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat last week in Beirut, Lebanon. Arafat, according to Schmitz aide Brad Evans, asked Schmitz to convey the peace plan to the ,,.White House. Both Evans and So Ions off for El Salvador WASHINGTON (AP) -A congresaion&l delega- tion headed by House Majority Leader Jim Wright, D-Texas, left today on a 10-day trip to El Salvador and four other countries in Central Americrand the Ca- ribbean. NATION Central America books bit Commonly uaed social studies textbooks and children'• books do not prepare students to understand Central America. Page A6. Academy A wards No. 1 "DallM" WM bumped from the top spot 1n the televialon rattno. but It took the Academy Awa.rda brolidcMt to do Tt. Pap A8. #I Schmitz declined to discuss de- tails of the pl8.I). In an interview this morning, Schmitz said the plan "is a new combination of old ingredients - the combination is new." ' Asked about pros pects for peace because of the so-called new initiative, Schmitz replied, "I'm not sa.ying I can do what others have failed over the years." He added that the real solu- tion to the problems of the Mid- dle East lie in American, not middle eastern, politics. "We won't solve it as long as you have American politicians kowtowing to Jewish bloc votes in this country," Schmitz said. STATE Passover. the eight-day holi- day commemorating the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt 3,000 years ago, begins tonight. Jewish families along the Orange Coast will observe the festival with a seder, a ritual feast, that includes certain sym- bolic foods. In most homes the seder is said only the first two nights, during which time no leavened bread is eat.en. The eaung of unleavened bread is a reminder of the haste in which the Jews had to leave Egypt, unable to wait for the loaves of bread to rise. During the seder the story of the Jews flight from slavery to the promised land is read from a book called the Haggada.!1. Brown's choices scrutinized The California Senate -for a change -is paying attention to appointees by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Page AB . COUNTY Holy Week Services listed Holy Week obeervancee are 1eht¥luled along the Orange Coast. For a lilting, tee Page A 7. Passover recipes offered PUIOVer la a aood time to go beck to old family recipM, which are offered by Joan Nath.an Gerson,. author of "Jewtah Holiday Kitchen!' Pace Cl. ) Officials said the tanker driver, Mervyn Lee Metzker, 44, of Sacramento, escaped the holo- caust without injury. The other survivors, Steve Rutledge, 31, of Carson City, TRW seam Nev., and Paul Petroellc, 31. of Alameda, were taken to Merritt Hosp1taJ, offit'tals said Rutledge was treated for carbon monoxtde poisoning and shock after his (St>e TANKER, Page A2) Operators credited with aiding probe By JEFF PARKER Of IM OallJ Pllol Staff Urange police have credited "alert" TRW telephone operators with helping to disclose a com- puter theft operation now belie- ved to date back to 1972 . Detectives Jim Carson and Roger Braham are "still coun- ting" thousands of suppasedly Heather • to miss • meeting Reparts that Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather plans to attend next Monday's city council meeting only a month after suf- ferig a stroke, were dispelled by the rruyor herself today. "I'd like to, I really would," said the -52-year-old mayor, "but I think it's out of the question." Mrs. Heather, hospitalized since March 7. is undergoing re- ha bili ta tion treatment at St. Jude's HospitaJ in Fullerton Several council members said they'd heard Mrs. Heather might be planning a surprise showing at the council meeting. The mayor said she believes the rumor started because she asked a council colleague to bnng her a copy of Monday's city council agenda. "I want to see it. I need to get back up to speed, but I doubt I'll be at the meeting," said Mrs. Heather She said if tests this week are encouraging, she likely will be permitted to return home for the weekend and then re-enter the hospital next week for further rehabilitation. Mrs . Heather reported she feels well but has a lingering weakness in her left side. "I need to keep working," she said. "I want to be able to walk (See HEATHER, Page A!) INDEX ronfidential credit records seized M onday foll owing raids of H E.L .P Locksmiths o f Van Nuys and Searchers Security of Los Angeles. The credit mfonnauon was al- 1 e ged ly obtained by the two <.'Ompanies by posing as legitimate subscribers and usmg the suppo- sedly secret subscribers' codes to activate the TRW computer "It looks lake things went smoothly unul H E.L P Lock· smiths began calling into the operators for tnfonnauon instead of the computer." said Carson . "At that time, the TRW ope- rators began to get suspicious of the varying voices and finally asked one caller what company she was representing. When the caller said H.E L.P Lock.smiths, there we were." he said Carson said that the subscri- bers' codes were likely "tncked" out of unsuspecting TRW sub- scribers, then used by the two Los Angeles companies to aug- ment their own records. H.E.L.P. Lock.smiths specialized m the re- possession of cars, and Searchers Security is a private investigative agency. TRW spokesman Gil Hamblet said that subS('ribers sometimes don't take the secrecy of the codes "seriously " "I think carelessness was to (See COMPUTER, Page At) John MacBeth funeral set . Funeral services for long· time Corona del Mar resident John Garrison MacBeth, who died Tuesday at the age of 59, wW be .held Friday noon at Rose Hills in Whittier. · Mr. MacBeth was a general contractor in the Harbor Area and a 20-year reside~t of New- port Beach. He is survived by his wife, Gloria, and sons Daniel and John, both of Irvine. He also leaves a daughter, Carolyn, of Corona del Mar. At Your Service Enna Bombeck Business A4 B2 Horoscope B2 Herb Caen California Cavalcade Clusif ied Comics Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Food B4-5 B2 A5 B2 06-10 B8 B8 AS B6-7 Cl-10 SPORTS Ann Landers B2 Movies B6-7 Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public NoticesB9,C4,D5-6 Sports Dl-4 Stock Markets B5 Television B9 Theaters B6-7 Weather A2 World News A3 Lopes, A's def eat Angels . Ex-Dodger Davey Lopes played a bta part 1n the Oakland A's. 3-2, 11-lnninl victory over tne ~ lit the opener for both teiaim. Pace Dl. .. , L • • 0rtnge Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedn.day, Apf1t 1, 1882 N ' ... ·. Dow Jones Final DOWN 2.46 aoaNG .. m Tarbell, Realtors hu purchued TAC Really of Riverside, markin, the second Riverside realty com- pany Tarbell has purchued since 1981. Cliff Mulvihill. owner of TAC Realty, will ronti- nue as manager of the office and join Tarbell's edu- cation staff. Tarbell, which says it is America's largest priva- tely owned realty company, has corporate head- quarters in Tustin. Plotter capability added Point 4 Data Corporation of Irvine has added an X-Y pen plotter apabllity to 4SITE, Its real-time turnkey computer system. 4SITE Is designed for ma- nagers of oomplex projects. The system la being Wied by a variety of 1''ortune 500 companies as well as by contractors and shipbuil- ders. NB executive honored H. David Bright, of C.Orona del Mar. president and chief executive officer of National Edacallou Corpo- ra tlon, Newport Beach, received an award from Financial World magazine for being the outstanding chief executive officer among all U.S. companies in the services industry Stock off er extended Executive lada1trle1, announced 1t was exten- ding its offer to purchase its publicly held shares of common stock at a price of $4.40 per share. The offer will terminate April 16 at 5 p.m. Executive a.lao announced that approximately 83 percent of the 554,808 publicly held shares had been tendered by April 1. Bank merger complet~d Eldoracfo Bancorp, Tustin, announced the com- i>etion of the merger of Bank of Indio with Eldorado Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Eldorado Ban- corp. Energy problem s feared TULSA. Oka. (AP) -The current oversupply of oil in the world will not last long and higher prices will return, the president of Phillips Petroleum Co. says. "We're in for some sort of cold shock of higher prices and decreased supply once again,'' C.J . Silas told engineers at the Annual Joint Enhanced Oil Recovery Symposium. UCB name change topic Why a major corporation such as Uruted CalHor- nia Bank chose to become First Interstate Bancorp. will be discussed at a meeting of the Orange County Advertising Federation. The meeting will be held April 15 at 1 p.m. at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. Guest speakers will be Stephen J, Tabussi, assis- tant vice president and advertising manager for First Interstate, and Nancy Budd, vice president, manage- ment director for Foote, Cone & Belding/Honig. For reservations, c.all 680-3601. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT "1.Jl)O 5'1,600 560,l!XI SoM.«JO 5i)e, 100 jOl,ICIO 471,000 .. s.;: «15, uuoo JM,IDO J2A,OOO 116.21111 JIS,AllO JOl,«111 JJPS ARD DOWNS )4 .. ''I 11~ . ... n•" ·~ ~ s~ _ ,, ~ ..... •t'°\ . ·~ 110., .. ,, ,, .. -'• 11 .... ~ . '• lt " ~ . ·~ t~ -.. '114 ... ~ Up JI t ~ !H Up r. Up 7., uo 7 VII 7.1 U11 7 I UP 7 t 8: u :: tt t:: tt uo j,t UO H Up u uo J' ~. °" " u IJ u 71 •• •• 1 .. u u ~ ::J n AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spo t nonferrout meial ptlcea IOClly Cop,., 74~-77 cen11 1 POund. U S detlkllllOnl Leed 26-28 c.1'111. pound %Ille 35-40 cent• a pound, delivered Tift $8.5881 Metal• Week comc>O-'le lb AJvmlnvt11 76·77 oen111 pound, NY Mwcurr S395 oo '"" 111.i. l'tlltlftvm $307.00 troy oz •. NY SILVER Handy 4 Human, ST 480 per tro~ 0\1'1Qt, GOLD QUOTATIONS L•nd••" morning llxlng $358. 7S. up St I 25 L.nden: •ttemoon ftlllng &3M.OO, up '850 ...,.1362.37, up $S.S1 Pnfllrtlft ssse.01. ~ 110 oo Zurlcll: LAlt fixing .$353 00 bid, up• MOO.~.OOMll~ He11dr a HarM••1 only d•lly quot• S354r.50. I Ot1ly dall)' quote 13M.OO, up 00. .........,. Otttr Clelly quote ftbtic.t~ 1371 "l'O, up SI.I~ . l