HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-13 - Orange Coast PilotOranae Co\lnty pro1ecutor1 have filed a new death penalty alleption apimt Robert Jecbon T hompeon, the man accu.ed of1 alaylng l~year-old Benjamin Lee Brenneman. At the aame time Monday, Thompeon'a court-appointed la- ' 1 lJf: SOA V. APRii I l 1 ·1t• • wyer Indicated he would uk Orange County SuperiOf' Court Judae James K . Turner to ex- clude the public and pnm from hie client'• prellminary bearing beginning next week. - 'l'he Daily Pilot, and aeveral other news orRanizationa. filed De1tr Not "'*-bf C'-'-,._., ESCAPISM? -There are all kinds of ways of getting away from it all, as demonstrated by this obviously unidentified student who found repose Monday on second floor of ad- ministration building at UC Irvine. Grades came out this week. Maybe that explains it. Viejo man awaits felony arraigning By DAVID KUT'ZMANN or ... De1tr ,... ...., A Mission Viejo man charged with vehicular manslaughter and felony drunken driving in the death of a 4-year-old Santa Ana boy remained free on $:),000 bail today after a prosecutor failed Monday to have the bail raised to $50,000. Deputy District Attorney Chuck Middleton said he would probably not renew hia bail motion when defendant William Rowan retuma to Cent.ral Orange County Municipal Court next week for arraignment procee- ~. Rowan, who proeecutora say hat numerous drunken driving convictions on hia record, was to be arraigned Monday. Judge Gary Ryan granted a one-week delay ., "the Mialion Viejo man could retain a lawyer. WORLD Prosecutor Middleton asked for the i.ncreaaed bail aa a means of keeping Rowan from driving a car . But Judge Ryan turned down the bail request because there was no evidence to show the defendant would fail to make future court appearances. The purpoee of ball ia to ensure that a defendant 1how1 up in court for 1eheduled proceedings. Rowan ia accuaed of being the driver of a car which killed young David Gunderman last March 20 while the youngster WM atandlng on_ a_ str'eet corner wai1ing for anloe c:reun truck to come by. Middleton said he did not preaa second-degree murder charges against Rowan becaUle he could not prove there wu a deliberate, corucioua disregard for human life needed to sustain the allega- tion. C-130 crash lcills 2 7 C-130 trampol't plane exploded the air, bunt into ANKARA, Turkey (AP~ U.S. Air Force flamee and CrMhed in eMtem today, • Turkish military 1pokeaman l&id. H laid all 27 Americans aboard were killed NATION \ -Columnt.t Jn AndellDft •YI Pabllkleot Reepn •upporta lelialatlon that would make It euler to mrl•t. blm apln. hie A8. . . Vi,..U.ia widJdraw. 90D6 The .... al ybjinla ti. D'AWIW the ~ •-c..ny lie -.Ck to Old Virpaja" !J'OID travel brocbllnl ..... °' oampWntl ...... ndlL ~Al, I wrfttan objectlont opJ>09ln1 a cbed hearing. .. 'nonpeon, ~. WM to .tart Na prelimlriary hearinc Monday ln Turner'• Santa Ana courtroom after being indicted by the 0ranae County Grand Jury l8lt January. However, the judge 1ranted defen•e requeata ior a w~k'• de1-y when Deputy Di.ltrlct At- torney WWJam Bedsworth filed an amended complaint alleging that Thompson kllled young Brenneman to prevent him from teetifylng ~ him. Ylll lllETlll llllY PIPEI 12 The 1J)ecial circwnatance count during the comrniaalon of varioua la one of four againat the pre-aex acta. vloualy convicted ~x offender _ Thompson i1 charged with which could lead to unpoaition of murder, kidnapping, aodomy and the death penalty. The three lewd activity in connect.ion with othent allege that the newspaper Brenneman'• death wt IUIJllner. deltvery boy was ktlled during The youngster's body was the cot,U"Se of a kidnapping and (See CAPITAL, Page A%) Judge gr()unds PSA flight expansion 1 Falkland talks~off for now LONDON (AP) -Difficulties were reported today in talks to end the Falkland Island.a crisis, and the U.S . Embuay said Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. was planning to leave London within hours. It did not give his destination,. but the evening newspaper, The Standard, said the pilot of Haig's Air Force jet filed a flight plan for Washington. A British government spoke- sman 18ld the ditticulties aroee in telephone converaation1 Haig ~'h At"Wlll&M F~ r Nicanor-coita en after Haig's talk.a with Prime Miniater Margaret tlµltcher on Monday. Britiah Foreign Secretary Francia Pym said Haig "i.a now considering how beat to handle these difficulties." Haig ia in London attempting to avert a war between Britain and Argen- tina over the Falkland lalands. The BriUah Broadcasting Corp. quoted British government aour- ces as saying "the Argentine government has rene.1.ed on u- surances it gave Mr. HAig when he was in Buenos Aires." It didn't elaborate. Haig, emerging from Mrs. o.itr ,... Phote bf Gery ~ SHORT TRIP -F.cilth's Trip, a 30-foot sailboat out of Venice, ran aground at Capistrano Beach Monday and remained there tQday as owner Steve Moore tried to salvage it. Moore plan- rl'ed to patch tom hull today and again try to refloat the vessel. Thatcher's official residence, re- fused to say what had gone wrong. He returned to his hotel and, British press reports said, was in phone contact with Bue- noa A.ires and Washington. · Teamsters' strike ' The Argentine newa a~ency DYN said Costa Mendez 'flatly and energetically rejected" a proposal by Haig for tripartite administration of the Falklands by Britain, Argentina and the United States becauae it did not include British recognition o~ Argentine sovereignty over the British colony in the South At- lantic. in second week (See F ALltLAND, Page A%) Acid removed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Claaaes resumed at Everett Ju- nior High School Monday follo- wtna a morning drama in which some 775 atudenta and 50 staff memberl were eYllCUated when.A deadly, explosive add was~· vettd in a 8cience laboratory. STATE Negotiations atilt have not been scheduled as a strike by more than'-2,000 Teamaten who haul rock. sand and concrete in Orange ahd Los Angeles counties stretched into its second week. · A rej\~~mtative of the Cali-fornia Prcxlucta and Ready Mix Concrete A.saociation.s said that, while letten between the aeven striking unions and the aHoclationa have been ex- changed, a negotiating ae11ion has yet tQ be acheduled. Teamsters walked off their jobs April 5 after narrowly re-Jec:t11\i a propc:wed contract. Meanwhjle, while industry analyata predicted the strike would brinl( Southern Califor- Dous!as eyes new j et 11 -bwdne11 plika 111>1 -.t1oanen l>o).l&1a might build=-!&pa Q1PC }ifl1Cxt·~ wiOC a group of · Jape.ne1e oompaniea. Paae B4. Parle closed third day BJ fte AaedaW Preti Ymmmte NaUonal Park nma1ned clmed a third day in a row today • a maltarian tmted water in a ~ line repladna one dalmaed by weekend COUNTY nia's depreaed construction in- dustry to a halt, building goes on, at least at .everal Orange County construction sites. Spokesmen for two of Orange County's larger construction projects reported the strike has yet to have any impact at their work sites. Charles Sandberg, chief of Orange County General Services Agency'• Architectural and En- gtneertng Division, said that none of the county's 70 construction projects have been advenely af- fected by the strike. The division ovenee1 county building con- tracts. 'Even work on the county's (See STRIXE, Page AZ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bambeck B2 L.M. Boyd A6 Bullne9I 84-5 CaUfomia At> Cavabde B2 ClMllfied ~ Omks m Cro.word m Death No~ C4 Bdltiorlal M •ter1alnn>ent B8 SPORTS Airline to press c ounty ? By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL 0(1Ml)elyNotltllff A Pacific Southwest Airlines plan to double its flights from John Wayne Airport isn't getting off the JU(>Wld. Late Monday afternoon, a U.S. District Court judge turned aside the airline's request to incre~ its flight allocation from two to four. Judge Terry Hatter said PSA should make the request to county airport officials. Whether PSA will press the request remained unknown to- day. But if the airline decides to broach the issue with the county, the reception isn't likely to be accommodating. Murry Cable, airport manager, said PSA could gain flights one of two ways -via an increaae in the county's 41-flight per day li- mit on jet departures or re - allocation of flights among the five commercial airlines serving the airport. Cable said there is no support among county supervisors for ei- ther move. "The board is committed to the 41 -flight cap. It's an absolute," Cable said. -' And, he said, there will be no new allocation of flights other than that outlined in a recently adopted county plan to regulate commercial air carriers' access to the airport. Under that plan, scheduled to go into effect June l, PSA would be among car.riers that could qualify for additional fll.ghta. That plan will be the subject of a May 10 hearing before Judge Hatter. He has retained juriadic- tion over the access issue since last year when PSA initiated le- gal action against the county ~ its bid to expand its Orange County service. "We've got an aocess plan, and that's what we're going with," Cable said. County Supervisor Thomas Riley, whoee district includes the airport, has said he would resi.at any attempt by PSA to increae its existing level of service by an y means other than the me- thod proposed in the aooe9S P¥a PSA's desire to increase it.a Orange County service became known when the Official Airline Guide containing upcoming in- (See PS.A, Page A%) Hciroecope B2 lntermi.llion B6 Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National News A3 Public Notk:es B4,C3-4 Sporta Cl-3 Stock Marketa B5 Television A7 Thee ten B8 ~ Weather A2 World Newa A3 ' FALKLAND ISLANDS. • • Th~ London Tlmea reported: ''The Brltl1h sovernment has etated It Is eventually willing to ~· neSoUate sovereignty, Ktven total withdrawal of Argentine forces and authorities. But the crucial catch, which emerged last night, la tbat no change in the status of the !&lands would be contempla- ted by ministers before the end of the year. "Cleal'ly, the Argentines •It would be unwilling to give up poaesslon of the Islands without tighter commitments from the British on the timing of a long-" hopeful it will be clarified to- morrow (1\J.aday)." Ha.lg had planned to return to the Aratel')ttne caoilal Monday evening, but the Buenos Aires newspaper La Nacion said he told Costa Mendez: "I am sus- pending the trip because the two aides present no possibility of acrord. But I will continue wor- king, trying to brln~ the two countries cloeer together." i trial delayed South Ora.nae County M unici- J)al Court Ju3ge David Carter Monday QOnUnued until May 12 a preUminary bearing tor Ralph W. McDonald. who la 8CCUled by authorltles of allegedly operating a multi-million dollar securities tcheme. The one-mohth del•y was aai-eed to by attomeya tor both aidea in the Golden Eagle Jn- veetment ComJUlnv case invol-vtna McDonald and co-defendant David Belfrey Biggins, of San Cle~nw. ~·· offkea In &1 Toro where Sherlft'a deputln .U.1e \bey found $8~0.000 In c11b, along with aeveral weapom. Sherltf'a lnvesUpton p&lnt a picture of high-ttaket financial deallnga that appuentJy allowed Golden Eagle to build a multi- m lll ion dollar empire from ecratch. term settlement." Haig returned to London from Buenoe Aires on Monday, met for 1111' hour$ with Mrs. Thatcher and other Britlsli leaders, and then "had a number of telephone conversations" with Costa Men- de:z. during the evening, State Department spokesman Dean Fischer reported. The Argentine navy said in a communique that its 31 ships were "ready to sail" to challenge the naval blockade Britain pro- claimed for 200 miles around the Falklands beginning Monday. Apparently at Haig's urging, the Argentine government before the blockade took effect brought home the ships that Landed the occupation force in the Falklands on April 2. APWlr~ LONG DISTANCE -ln 1980, Timothy Pico penned a note, stuck it in a bottle and launched it into the Pacific Ocean from Catalina Island. He got it back from a young woman in the Philippines. See story, Page A4. McDonald, of San Juan Capi- strano, and Biggins, face 35 counts each ranging from grand theft to selling securities wfthout a licenae. Both men a.re free on bail. Tht> pair were arrested in early February in a r aid on Golde~ Inveatlgatora claim Golden Eagle, under McDonald'• sole proprletorehip, obtained more than $11 lllilUon from Inv.ton. In return for their money, the investora -believed to be about 11000 in number -were promi- aed monthly internt rate1 of between 10 and 30 percent. The money, they were told, was to be uaed to provide short- term, high-interest loans to com- mercial real estate borrowers. ''A complication has arisen at that end," said Fisc~r. "We are The British Defense Ministry said Argentine vessels have ke pt out of the zone around the Falk- lands. Mesa to bolt ·scAG planners? But deputies allef[e McDonald wa11 paying off early Investors ¥'ith money oominl In from later mvestors. ~ CAPITAL CHARGE. Council debates membership in regional panel •I • • By JODI CADENHEAD Of' tlMI o.lly Plot Staff found in the Rancho Palos Ver- des area a da'y after he disap- peared from an Anaheim apart- • ment complex on Aug. 25, 1981. 1· Brenneman, a delivery boy for Though the judge allowed the new charge to be filed, he gave Brower a week to present writ- ten opposition. Costa Mesa might join the growing list of Orange County cities that have decided to drop out of the Southern California Association of Governments. the Orange County Register newspaper, died of strangulation. Bedsworth said the District ,., Attorney's Office was pressing the new death penalty count as a means of prosecuting the case "to The judge will decide next Monday if the hearing is to be open or closed. The council will decide Mon- day whether or not to continue participation in the regional planning agency that serves 128 cities in Orange, L os Angeles, \'e.,tura, San Bernardino, River- side and Imperial <.'Ounties. 1 , the fullest extent." He said the "count was f iled a fter a re- ' evaluation of the evidence. Under a newly adopted state ~, Turner can decide if the phlimnary hearing s hould re- main open or be closed. Previou- sly, any request for a closed hearing by the defense had to be granted automa~ically. Dunng a study session Monday afternoon, council members de- bated the pros and cons of conti- nuing membership in SCAG. ·. Defense attorney Ron Brower told Turner that it was inappro- 1. priate for the prosecution to add , . yet another special circumstance allegation on the same day that the ~~ heanng was du~ to begin. Bedsworth said Brenneman's family wants the hearing to be open. Kay Brenneman, Benja- fttic'..;-;..;:;ther, attended Monday's proceedings. Councilman Donn Hall, who proposed withdrawi ng from SCAG. said the organization is "anothe r layer of unnttessary government." Councilman Ed Mc Farland, who served on SCAG's executive committee for two years, spoke in favor of continuing membership. PSA FLIGHTS. • • dustry schedule c hanges was published. The carrier hasn't been taking reservations on the proposed ad- ditional flights, a spokeswoman said. "l would prefer to support an organization with people who have expertise." said McFarland. "I don't think we have staff as capable as they are to monitor bills (legislation)." PSA listed three round-trip flights from Orange County to San Francisco and one round-trip flight from San Jose to Orange County. The carrier now operates two round-trip flights to San Francisco. She said the airline was me- rely "keeping options open," ex- plaining it wanted to have its schedule in place should it be authorir.ed for additional .ervice. The City of Costa Mesa joined SCAG in 1976 and now pays $1,000 in annual dues. . STRIKE CONTINUES. • • Bart Meays, deputy executive director for SCAG, said only 15 of the original 22 cities i.n Orange County that joined the group still Fair through Wednetdey with varle~ high cloudt ena '°""' l4Jt• night and early morning tow ctoua1. Highs today In mld..$)9 at 111 the beachea to low 701 Inland. Huntlngton·Newport arn tllm!M'-1. raturet ran~ from a high of 115 to rl • low or 50. EIM'fWMre. from POlnt eono.ptJ. on to tti. Mexican bof<Mf ana out 80 mllat. Wetl•ly wtndt 10 to 1t knoll with 2· to 3-loot wind wav" thl1 ellernoon OtherwlH, hght variable winds through tonight. Soma low cloud• end loca1 too. othaMlll fair through WOOnaaday. California Ste><e -ay thoN rain toaktld Eutet basket•. and thoM over- coeta In regular uM elnca Octo-w . Soutlllrn Callfomle -!Mr It ltat11ng to do What It ao.t bat -• etNdy, eunny warmth. TM llhort range and lono-rang. for~Htl through Saturday ere Joyoully ~ltlve -lklel wlM ~ hllf and t~ -"* There are the u9Ulll •xoaptlons. Coutal MC1lon1 "'411 11a .... aoma night and morning low ctoude, and aom• guaty -at to n0r1h--terty wind• up to 30 mllee I* hour.,. •~eel In tl"ll moun- teln1 and d__,1 through Wed- n.day. High tamparaturu wlll b• moetly )n tM low 70. IOlifl Wtd- netday In Lot Anoelee and eur- roundlng arH, fncludlng Illa OOMt. Mountain hlgM wlll be In !ti. eo. with '°'" In the 30e. The 0. --wll hew hlgfle moelly '" tti. 70. and low eo.. Extended forecatJt SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AMAS -fair 811d WMlll~ t~tsto 70ln and ~.,.. and lowl 44 to 14. H10M tn lftCIUlltalne 02 to u anc1 1owt 30 to 40. The strike is against aome 30 rock, sand and concrete compa- nies which accoun t for the 90 percent of such production in the two-oounty area. ·remain. Irvine. Tustin, Orange and Westminster are among thoee that have withdrawn. Meays said he is concerned that some cities who are con- sid e ring returning to SCAG could be influenced by Costa Mesa's decision. The largest of the striking unions is Teamsters Local 420. headquartered in Los An,Jleles. • Clouds to re Ina In Coast h•d ctoudy akles C1e11 aktes prevalltld over Flonda. ~ England, Iha central ROOl<IM enc: -..them Plata.J. The lof.ce91 cellt lot rain ~ 11141 Paclfle Northwut and In tht • Norti-t. with -tttlf'ed .,._. over the UPP« Ohio and T ennet -vallllyt end the aovthlrn and mid-Atlantic CONt atatet. T.-npw91uree around the natlor early today ranged from 19 Ir Houlton. Maine. to 78 In Key WNt FIL Temperatures Hartford Helena Honol\JIU Houston 1nanapoa JllC:tlan MS J IJCksrwlle Jul'Hlau Kent City Lat Vegas Utile Rocio. Loulsvllle Lubbock Mempht. Miami Miiwaukee Mpll St.P Nasnvt._ NewOr~• N9w Yorlt Norfolk No. Platte o.ci. City Omalla Ol1ando ::::=- ~ ~.ON PrO'Meltoe Ral9IQtl Reno NATION HI Lo Pre. 52 30 59 35 80 71 79 65 71 57 78 59 75 52 47 30 81 51 n 54 78 60 74 84 90 57 75 63 75 74 47 42 55 38 .02 78 62 78 62 04 46 59 50 78 33 93 54 78 43 n 5e 56 42 12 95 07 60 11 Z7 56 46 .21 53 31 ll I: ~ so Senta Barbera 83 46 Santa Marla 84 Stoct.ton 65 50 Thtlf'mal 89 Ukiah 56 S...110-77 56 Bio e..r 54 33 32 Bllhop 69 41 L•h Anowt-a 50 34 01 Long 8aoch 70 55 Monrovia 75 48 Mt. Wllaon I 52 35 O!l N9Wl)Ort BMch 84 46 Ontario 87 51 Palm Spr1ng1 88 56 San S...nardlno 87 48 Saon Joll 83 51 08 Senta AN 70 57 Santa CfW. 64 63 Tahoe Valtfiy ~ 35 ,AN.-...CAH Trinidad Veracruz Calgary Edmonton Montreal Ot1awa Regina Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg 90 73 .02 82 73 CAN.ADA 55 37 37 32 47 30 46 34 43 33 47 37 51 43 54 28 Smog The Atr 6uallty Management DI· strict pre<llCll goad alf quality to- day throughout tl"ll South Cout Air Buln with • pollullon standard Inda. ratono ot 42 In all ereat. Acapulco 90 75 .08 -------------Bmrbtdo$ ee 15 T. J _ TOOAY Second low 4!ot l>.11\. u Second lllQll 11:41 p m. 6,3 ff!DNRIOAY Rm low 7:48 .. ,,,. 0.7 Flrat hlgtl t2·37 p.m. 4.0 Bennuda 88 68 .O• f.~8 eooota 68 50 Curacao 88 77 o~ 112 59 °'~" 68 75 Hanna 75 Klngllon 88 73 Montego Bay 72 Slltt lMc• San Antonio s..ttM Sh~ Sioux ..... St Loull Mantt.n 83 88 80 ... .2• Mertda 87 88 87 ~ Me1dc:o City 82 50 8-ld low 8:t7 p.m. 0.7 8-ld high 8:0e a.m. 3.2 Sun aat• today a1 6:23 e.m ., I rl-Wadna.day at 0:24 a.IT\. St P Tarnp41 St 819 Mwtt E= T"UCIOn TulM Wllfllngtrl Wldllta 6261 ..... •30 Monterrey 87 55 "" San .11*1 88 78 Moon "-tOday at 11:27 p.m., 11811 Wadnaeaay at 6:04 a.m. ~ ~ T~~ 88 88 n St 3t 33 .79 54 41 .02 47 3e .o3 13 48 .. 51 13 N 61 47 It 03 llospital costs soar SACRAMENTO (AP) -The coet of hospital care roeo 17.3 ~roent to $12.2 blllion Lut year, says the Califotnla Health Facllitfes Commillfon. ''This could set that back," he said. Hall told his colleagues that he would rather see Orange County establish a regional group to ser- ve its own interests. City manager Fred Sorsabal said that efforts to establish such an organization have failed no- ting that a group of elected offi- c1als who have tried to form a county group have n't met since 'January. "It's been totally ineffective," said Sorsabal. SCAG Wat formed m 1965 to assist its member cities in areas of transportation, housing. environ- mental issues and other regional problems. The District Attorney'• office will attempt to prove the funds were never really being invested in short term real estate loam as promised. According to court documents, investors said they received monthly interest payments made in cash at the investor's home or plac..'e of employment. Repaving of MacArthur stalled Sand and gravel haulers' walkout stymies project Resurfacing of MacArthur Boulevard from Jamboree Road to the San Diego Freeway in Ir- vine won't begin this week, as planned. unless the strike by Teamsters sand and gravel hau- , lers ends. Stan Dick. reside nt engineer for Caltrans, said the strike has halted the $240,000 repaving project, which was scheduled to be completed at nights this week. "As Long as the s trike lasts. we won't be doing the resurfacing," he SaJd today. Dick said Caltrans won't get involved in the labor dispute with primary contractor Elec- trend of Fullerton and paving subcontractor SuUy-MiUer of Ir- vine. Historically, Caltrans has maintained the stre tch of road. The repaving is to be done prior to transferring responsibilities to the city. Dick said engineers can't say whether the project will be completed ~tely after the strike ends. The project was to begin Monday night and be completed by early Friday mor- ning . Workers are resurfacing me- dian 1Slands along the road this week, but Dick said that work is not part of the resurfacing con-tract 100 mph cycle crash ends .. Whittier man held after puFSuit through Mesa A high-speed chase up to 100 mph through the city of Costa Mesa Monday night ended when the 22-year-old motorcyclist crashed, police said. Steven John Esquive l of Whittier was arrested on suspi- cion of driving unde r the in- fluence and evading an officer. He remains in police custody. Esquivel and a passenger, Clifford .Kellens, 23, of El Monte, were treated and released from Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. The high-speed pursuit began al 7:30 p.m. when police oCficer Robert Crogan spotted the pair trave ling 65 mph on Placentia Avenue near 20th Street, accor- ding to police reports. Police said Esquivel then ran a red light at Victoria Street and Placentia Avenue and used a center turn Lane to travel 90 mph. The police helicopter hovering overhead spotted the two men westbound on 19th Street, where their speed was estimated at 100 mph. ,,_ Esquivel lost control of his motorcycle while attempting to make a turn al Java Road and Tahiti Drive in the Mesa Verde nei~borhood, police l&id. Murdoch offers to buy NY News NEW YORK (AP) -New York Post publish e r Rupert Murdoch, saying the fierce com· petition between his newspaper and the New York Daily News has become "a dance of death," told the city's newspaper unions he would willingly take over the News. budget • Figures on deficit at variance But the owner·of the News denounced the P,roposal, calling it "a transparent attempt to destroy and shut down" the financially troubled newspaper. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan administration is using two sets of figures to estimate the 1983 budget deficit, depending on whether officials are talking privately to a roomful of power- ful congressmen or to the general public. Republican and Democratic congressional sources reconfir- med Monday that in private ta.I.ks on a budget <eompromlse, adtni- nistration officials estimate the deficit next year will be about $180 billion without any spen-din& cu ts or tax i.ncrealeS. Assuming Reagan wins all of the r o ughly $56 billion in deficit-reduction measures he as- ked for, that would leave a defi- cit of about $124 billion. Concord Mariner SG. Desioned t.o accommodate the most active lifestyle. Thrnness made possible by Concord's nine/quartz• movement A sculptural blend1ng of stainless st8el and warm. r1ch 14 karat gold. Water-resistant to 99 feet Aa:urate to wtthln 60 seconds a year. Never needs Windl~. Completely hand·crafted In swttzenand. His, $890. Hers. $840. Also available In all steel. His. $690. Hers. $650. SLA.VICKP§ nr. .--s SlnClt 1917 Where rht be.Jc .surpri.se.s btgin. FlllNlr'l llllnd (71•1 .... tJIO• Newport 8Mctl A110 ~ LM ~•Sir\ Ol9go • lM "'VII ,, Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Tueeday, Aprll 13, 1982 s Al Cop corruption aired Trial of· I 0 unveils Chicago's illicit drug operation CHICAGO (AP) -The trlal of 10 police offlcen hQll given jurors a rare view into the machinery of Ch.tcago'e illicit drug trade, which proeecutora charge was oiled by corruption ao pervasive that of- ficera helped one drug d ealer eliminate a competitor. All of the officers have plea- ded innocent to a 67-count fed - eral indictment, returned in No- vember, that charges them with accepting $250,000 in cash, guns and other property from 1976 to 1980 to protect a multimilhon- dollar drug ring. The officers still are on duty but have been demoted to "less visible," routme positions, such as traffic officers, polic.oe departme nt officials say. The officers have not yet detailed their d efense against the charges. MAROONED IN FLORIDA -H.M. Merchant sits on his front porch in the Heritage Hills subdivision of Ocala, waiting for flood waters to recede. H e i s joine d by friends and ,., W1Aphoto neighbors from some of the two dozen homes that were left in window-high water. A three-day deluge dumped 17 inches of rain in this central Florida community. During two days of testimony that e nde d Friday, C harles "C .W." Walson . described as a forme r chieftain of the drug rmg, said the po lice pro tected him from other officers as well as a competitor, and helped him rec- o v e r $2,000 s windled b y a neighbor. Argentina's nuke plans eyed Walson . serving a 33-year sentence for a fede ral drug con- v iction, test1f1e d tha t h e com- plained to officers Joe Pena and Dennis Smen tek that "business hasn 't been too good" because customers w ere buying from a com petitor named Arkansas Questions arise on atomic weapons' timetable WASHINCTOfi (AP) -The confrontation between Argentina and Great Britain over the Falk- land Islands has focused new at- tention on the South American nation's ambitious nuclear prog- ram, particularly the question of how soon Argentma may be able to p,roduce atomic weapons. •They haven't got the bomb yet, but the y 're not that far away. They have, or are putting into place, most of the elements needed to make the we apons," said one U.S. nuclear expert, who declined to have hts name used. His judgme nt was shared by several other people who follow nuclear proliferation. Although B1 itain has long had nuclear weapons,-they are ex- pecte d to play no role in the looming confrontation. The Bri- ~ish ha ve four Polaris missile submarines. part of NATO's nu- clear de terrent force. Argentina has Latin America's most advanced nucJear program, which is aimed at producing 20 percent of the country's electri- city needs by 1997. While Argentine leaders have said repeatedly that their prog- ram 1s aimed at generating po- Canada to receive • • ne-w const1tut1on TORONTO (AP) -Cana da wins formal independence from Britain this week, gaining control of its constitution a fter an mter- nal struggle that threatened to splinter the nation rather than bind it toge ther. Queen Elizabeth Il, who ar - rives in Ottawa on Wednesday, will make a royal proclamation of Canada's new constitution Sat- urday before a throng on Parlia- ment Hill'. And French-speaking opponen ts ot the move say they will stage p rotests in Quebec across the river from the capital. Trudeau. 62,..in office 13 of the past 14 years, often has ex- pressed hope that the document would revita lize the Canadian confederation and k.rut the coun- try together. But many Canadians do not share Trudeau's vision of a mor<' urufted nation, fearing it would mean tighte r control by what they consider a distant, arrogant and uncaring governme nt in Ot- tawa . Oppositio n to the new constitution h ru! been slrongest in Trude au's native, Frenc h - spe aking province of Que bec, long a separatist hotbed. Wilson said he told them, wer , it also will gave them the ···A rkansas must have some fire' p ot ential to de velop nuclear (good narcotics) down there, bc- weapons. cause a ll tht• junkies be going Last week, Argentina and the down there." Soviet Union signe d an agree-"Joe sajd, •We'U see what we ment in which the Sovie ts will can do about that.' " Wilson said. supply enriched uranium to aug-, Pena, 37. and S me ntek, 34, ment the uranium mined by Ar-. who we re uniformed 0 [{1cers, gentina in the Andean foothills. drove their police van into Ark- " The y' re probably a year ansas' territory and parked it m a way. at the e arlies t , fro m the open "for a Jong time," Wil- weapons," said Len We iss, a n son sairl aide to Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio. ''More Likely, it could be several years." "It's very worrisom e," said a former Carter administration non -prolife ration e xper t "They've go t, or are getting, in place most of the elements nee- ded for a weapons program. l f they really pushed , they cou ld probably put some type of crude weapo n t o g eth e r in a f e w months." The Carter administra - tion of!1cial, like most of the others willing to discuss the topic. asked tha t his name not be used In Decembe r , th e Sri ti s h magazine "Ne w Scientis t" said Argentina could build an atomic weapon by the end of 1982. The magazine, c iting unnamed U.S . intelligence sources, also said the nation was believed to be prepa- ring a rocket that ('()u]d deliver the weapon. S ix n a t ion s h ave ex ploded atomic d evices. incl uding the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union , France. China. and India. A seventh, Isr ael, is wide ly be- lieved to have the weapon al- though it has never publicly ad- mitted it. He lesttf1ed bt>fort' US. 01· strict Judge John I". Crnrty that the officers then i.plll up. wal- king into a poolroom und a ta vern used by Wilson':. t•ompel1· tion. Soon Wilson'~ <"U."lomer.:. "<.'ill1U!. d own by mt"' and ri<.•sunwd buymg from him, Wilson told the• jury. He said he gav1• Smentek and Pe na $1.575 for allowing him unobstru1 u•d d1 ug o!J(•ratu.ms us we ll as warnings of upcoming police raids and support against competitors. Under questiorung by govern- ment prosecutor James G. Sch- weitzer, Wilson pointed out offi- cers Frank Derango and Thomas Ambrose as partners he referred to as "Shake and Bake.'' He said he gave the two $1 ,200 m cash and testified he aold De- rango $1.700 worth or stolen auto parts fur $750. Town hopes funds will end problems MOUND BA YOU. Miss. (AP) The band playt'CI. a t·hmr sang and Mound Bavou t•>Wn offic1ab smiled with relil'f at tht· prospt•<:t of e nding the smal l all -blaC"k t'Ornmun1ty's fma11c1al wo<'S. The H1ghwJy P..&trol l~l11Th.ttt-d at least 12,000 pt•oplt• < rowdt·d into town Sunday lo w1lnl.:'SS a symbollt• cha:k pn.'!.Cntat1on, tht· rt-suit of i.l fund raising drive by a Memphis. Tt·nn , radw station to savt: tht• Lown frorn puss1bl<' bankruptly 'Th<· IOUOd v. J), (Jll( ~r tugt· thl•rnt'SS ond high :-.pmls and ca- ring and concf'rn · · said Charlt·s St·ruggs. !>lclttUn managc.·r ot WDLA, which h,1s a largely blal·k a u d 1 en t· 1• • • l t' s Ju s l be 1· n fantaslH " Scruggs said lht• station had $120,000 111 h.,.nd f1llln 1b Wl'•'k long lx·m·f1t and hop<·J lo ralSt' as muct a:. $WO,ll00 ThC' drive WcJS i.pcHked by nt'ws that tht• Hol1var Cuun ty town nl :~ 000, which w.i:. foun dcd bv fornwr i.lavt::-. 111 1881:1. t'Ouldn°'t afford t.o pa) .i 1x·rsonal lawsuit judgment. Town officials had found Mound Bayou's bank al"t'ounts frozen and the 19 acres of l'llY property attached by a court orde r to be sold at auction lo sa t isf y the d e bt, whic h amounted to $76,000 with inte- rest Unable to write checks on city accounts, the telephones were shut off, and MisslSSippi Power & Light Company was threate- n ing to cut off electricity. City work~rs s tayed on the job wi- thout pay, though the force was reducc.'<i from 40 to 10. Earl L ucas. mayor of the all- blat·k community, said "once we dear th e dec·ks we can at least m nl·cntrat.e on some kind of eco- nomic development. I'm sure we will g<'nerate something." T hl• Highway Patrol counted more than 800 cars and buses in a bu mper-to-bumpe[..J1l0torcade from Memphis south on U.S. 61 to Mound Bayou. Scruggs said the money would- be turnec1 over to th e town's creditors. For 11 5 years, Canada's con- stitution has ~n embodied in an act of the British Parliament, the No rth Ame r.lea Act of 1867, which established the Canadian confed e ration. Canadians only recently agreed on a document to replace it. The pomp and ceremony come at a time when Canada could use dive rsion from mo nths o f bad economic news -the Canadian dollar dipped to 81 cents in U.S . dollar value, unemployment rea- ched 9 percent, the worst in 36 years, inflatjon hat 11.6 percent and forecasters predict a deepe- ning recession this year. Canada is a socially and eco- nom ically diverse nation of 24 million -wheat farmers in the central plains, autoworkers in the industrial heartland of Ontario, ne wly ric h oilmen in Albe rta, fis h ermen in the poor eastern provinces, Es kimos in Arctic settlements and French speakers who jealously guard their cultu- ral tradition in Quebec. Last month, Adm . Carlos Cas- tro Madero. chief of Argentina's Atomic Energy Commission . said his natio n would not rule out making a nuclear e xplosive for "peaceful reasons," such as buil- ding a waterway or land tunnel In 1974, when India exploded its atomic device, a similar reason was given. But the United States insists that there's no diHerenC(> SHORT WEDDING EMBRACE -As shc·riff's deputies Jerry Jaworsky, left, and Hardidc Willis stand guard, Ronald Daniel Kelly and his new bride, Julia, embrace following their marriage in a judge's office in the Oklahoma ,.,~ County Courthouse. The two were wed just two days after a jury recommended the death penalty for Kelly an connection with the 1981 stabbing death of an Oklahoma City man. ---------- between peaceful and military nuclear explosions. The s u ccessful drive for "repatriation," Canada's tenn for bringing constitutional responsi- bilities home, was chiefly the work of Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau -some believe at w1U be remembered as his most siRJlificant achievement. Que bec's disconte nt spurred the latest round of constitution- writing, begun in 1980. Later, Trudeau and leaders of the nine English -speaking provinces rea- ched an uncomfortable compro- mise, leaving Quebec's separatist government le d b y Premier. Rene Levesque the onJy holdout. Levesque's Parti Quebecois government contends the new constitution couJd hamstring its language laws and hinder de- fense of the French culture. Argentina has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Prolife ra tion Treaty, which 115 nations have approved, nor have the Argen - tines joined the Treaty of Tlate- lolco, the 196~ pact banning atomic weapons in Lalin Ame- rica. Susan Pittman, a spokeswom- an for the State Department, said last week that "the United S tates suppor1s the development of nu- clear power for peaceful pur- poses, subject to adequate con- trols and safeguards. In that re- gard, we continue to urge? the government of Argentina to ra- tify the Treaty of Tlatelolco and to conclude a full-scope safe- guards agreement." ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai Thomas P Haley PUbt1...,.. al"ICI Cruet E•fll< ytwe Otru '' Robert N Weed ,._.,. Thomas A Murph1ne (OolCI' L Kay Schultz v....-... ..S~Ot ol ()pelattont. Michael P Harvey Kenneth N Goddard Jr Charles H Loos hi, ...... Del•-, t ........ e4 ~~'&~~~II-=.;~ p "' -Y<>oH COO'I' ..,11 M ff~-ed .......,.., "'° s.,...,., II ....... dO "'OI ,_ .. -COPy by 1 ""' gill ::or~ • "' 11"4 'IOv• COllY "'" M Cla11Nled advertl1lng 7141642-5671 All other ct.partments 642-4321 MAIN OfflC£ JJO West ..... SI • Cool• ~. CA. Mall ---ao. 1560, Co&t• -· CA • ..,. C09yr19M "'' Qrenoe C•tl Publltlllno C.-.-y. No newt ttorlff. llhmrellont, ..tltorl•I meller or a.> Y&rllMmaftb llef'eh\ mey be reP<ocN<M wlllloul -lel """"ticwl of CC19yr'911I OWMr Th& Ora1191 C09_. o.tly Piiot, wltll wt.lcfl ll com- blnM t9le -...Prwu. It 1>111111-by IM 0r.,.. Coett PUllll~no Comoany 5">aret• i<lltloM era ~II-Monday lhrovofl l'rlelay for C09ta -ta. Newl)Of1 llN<!I, Hllflll119'on 8eacll. Fountalft Val .. y, lrvlna, ~ e-1._ Soulll C•fl. A t l"91& ,..,.._ MlllOOI l'I -1-Sal"''""' -~ Tllo P<IMlf>al """'l•fllnt P4&<11 I• et JJ0 WeA ..... Slrwt. P 0 lo• IMO, CO!ll& Mew, CellfOf'llle ti.it. VOL. 75, NO. 103 Brazil, Argentina's chief rival In South America, also has an ambitious nuclear program and observers here say the competi- tion between the two nations will be a key factor in any Argentine decision about whether to build nuclear weapons. Currently, Argentina has one power reactor. A tucha 1, with two others under construction. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like'' Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered lo the appropljate editor The same 24-hour answerin1 servicf may be used to record let lers lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include1 their name and telephone number for ver1flc1tlon. No clrcul1llon calls. please. Te ll us what's on your mind ------ Diamonds are not a renewable source When your diamond was mined, 11 left a gap In the earth's makeup that will nw er be lllled. Yours ls a truly unique stone It IS a miracle of nature In the mllhons ol years between Its birth and Its discovery, your dia- mond saw the evolution of dif- ferent plant and animal forms, different weather cycles. the dawn ol man and thousand• of years ol human development. Through all that. It has endured The diamond you own Is also a masterpiece ot man. First, tons of rocfl must be blested and put through a lengthy proceH to aeparata lhe diamond meterlal from lt1 hot rock. About 3500 tons of rock must be proceued to recover just one l>unce ( 142 carats) of dlemond1. Of cour1e, out ol that ovnce the smaller portion of the c:ry11a11 wlll be gem qu111ty; the rest wlll b• In· dustrlal gOOds. At thll point. the diamond• mu~ be sorted and graded for color ind clarlty b9- fora 1hey are pieced on 1he mar-• ket A diamond In the rough Is not• very attractive lt'1 no wonder ~ ( A';.'S ) ~/ EiEM WISE M ary Barr Cer11lied Gemotog15t the slone was over1ookeo In the many centuries before cutting and polishing were fully under- stood The rough diamond has a dull waxy look an'd comea In strange shapes. usually octahe- dral. It takes skilled cutting and poilshlng to l>rlng out the dia- mond's true beauty. First the diamond Is cleaved or sawed 10 take best adVantage ot the rough crystal. Then It Is rounded. faceted and pollahed. The cul and polished sttne mu1t be graded again to establish 111 per carat selling Pflce. The worl< performed from the mine to you Is tlme-conaumlng and expensive . . but well worth It. Through his adVanced knowl- edge, man hH taken nature's raw material and maximized It• "-Uty. You'll have to 8GfM that lh«e IS a great deal of work ln- votV*I In 1he recovery •nd pro- ce11l og of th•H well-loved 11onea. Come by the st~~ ... our sample of a rotJgtl diamond . . . and many eic1mple1 of the beauty thet hH bffn created through cultlng and t>OfftNng ••• 1nd the anlatry of the ,......... Of9nge Oout DAILY PILOTITUMday, ~ 13, 1882 I DEAR READERS: ~ April 15 Woma elmer, many iup.yen ! will be relieved to know that Jhey can request an e:xt.enlicn ot time until June 15 to file their federal income tax retuma. Taxpeyen who need extra time may requeet an automatic two-naonth extenlion by fillnC Form 4888 with the Internal Re- venue Serva. nw extenalon. h9wever, appliet only to the time for fillnl the return, and not to the payment of tax. Form 4868, "Application For Automatic Exienaion to File U.S. Individual lnoome Tax Return," should be filled out and aent Ito the IRS on or before April 15 for calendar-year filers. U you 1u.e thil two-month extension. you alto must uae Form 1040 when 'you do file your return, and you will have to compute your own tax. Form 4868 must be accompanied by payment of any tax expected to be owed for 1981. Your payment must be aent with the fonn to avoid interest and late payment penalties. U.S . citir.enl who are outside the United States or Puerto Rico on the April 15 tax deadline can qualify for thia extension until June 15 without filing Form 4868. These taxpayers must attach a statement to their return when they file, explalning that they were outside the U.S. or Puerto Rico on the filing deadline. Interest will be charged on any unpaid tax, from the cfue date of the return to the date the tax is paid. DEAR PAT DUNN: I pat do,.D a boldlng deposit on an apartment I woald like to rent. Wbat woaJd bappeD to tbat money lf eltber tbe laadlord or I change my mind? -S.T., Costa Mesa Depending on the facts involved, you may or may not be able to get your money back. For example, if you give a landlord a depcmt to hold an apartment for 30 days and you change your mind after five days, a Small Claims Court judge may say that you should 'get part of the deposit back if the landlord immedia- tely rents the apartment to someone else. But if the landlord doesn't get another tenant, you may have to give up your deposit. In any event, If you feel it's unfair for the landlord to keep your deposit, you might consider either talking to a lawyer or going to Small Claims Court. It's always better to be sure you actually want an apartment or house before making any deposit. A1.ao make sure you know what the money will be applied tow- ard when you take the place. If you give a deposit to the landlord to hold an apartment and the landlord changes his mind and rents it to someone else, the landlord should return your deposit. Depending on your parti- cular case, you also may be entitled to additional money for ~-· penses you incurred because of his action. Again, talk to a lawyer or~e a S-mall Claim§ U>Uh-s\iinl you feel you 1\ave suffered damages because of the landlord's change of mind. • "Got• problem? Then Write to Pat Dunn. P•t will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you I • 1 need to llOlve inequJt:ietJ Jn ~t and business. I Mail your questiona to Pat Dunn, At Your Setvioe, • Orange Cout.Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Aa many letters • posi~ will be ~but phoned inquirim"' letters not including the rea· der'• full name, addrf!llll and businem boun' phone number can- not Pe considered." \ • Bottle crosses ·ocean TARZANA (AP) -A note that t.eel\~ Timothy Pico put into. bottle two yeara aao hu waahed aahore 1" the Phlllp-pm., triaerinl • rel~ from a hJah ecnool Coed there and a ~ pen-.,_i relatiorwhlp ... Pk:o ..ta Mmday he'd almOlt toraotten the note he put into a club toeSa bottle and to.ed lnto the ocean on a trip to Catalina laland in 1980 when he waa just 13. Two weeks ago came a res- ponse from 19-year-old Aden Deeoloc from tbe laland of Samar ln the Philippines. "I aot a letter and she te.nt a picture of herself," said Pico, now 15. "At first I t.bouaht it WU a pen-pal IOrt of thing, like from the Pe.ce Corps, Then I looked at the note and remembered the bottle." Pico said he plans to send her a photograph of bimaelf and a re- ply to her letter, which was written ln English. "She said that she WU 19 and in the third year of high school, and where she lived and that she found my bottle. She just aa.ld, 'I wrote back to you,' " he aaJd. Hia note, he said, simply stated "that my name is Tim Pico and if you saw this note, please write and tell me where you found it. ''I thought it would either land in California or Catalina or a longer shot I thought would be Hawaii,'~ he said. At Crespi High School in En- cino, freshman Pico said "a lot of guys didn't believ~ me, and, when they did, they were pretty ama- zed too. They all wanted me to send it in to the TV show 'That's Incredible' and the newspapers." Pico said he plans to send more bottled messages to sea aoon from the same locatiol) in the Catalina Channel between the island and the mainland. ,_ ~. - Nuclear initiative far surpasses goal OAKLAND (AP) -More than 658,000 Californians have joined a petition drive to place a nuclear weapons free7A? initiative on the November state ballot, a fact that has stunned even the campaign's mo~t enthusiastic supporters. \ AP Wtr-.moto 'NOT NOW' -Actor Daniel Travant1 of NBC's "Hill Street Blues" answers the phone during a skit in rehearsal for "Saturday Night Live." In the skit, the phone calls continually ihterrupt Travanti's romantic attentions to Mary Gross. . AP Wlr99hoto "THAT'S MY BOY" -Patrick Cassidy, star of the Broad- way show ''The Pirates of Penzance," greets his mother. actress Shirley Jones (left) and model Brooke Shields fol- lowing a performance. f. ---- ingt?r' mate eeks support 'the hutband of c hat\• topping Brltlah pop singer S.beeu Eucoa aa~ ]\e's pen- nileea and will aue hil wife for maintenance. Sandi Eaatoa, who live• with hi• parents In th~lr rented, municipal home near Glasgow, ls ''broke, at roc:k- bottom and very low," he told a Daily Stat reporter. A part-time singer hlm8elt, Sandi said he does not know where h11 wife la at the mo- ment. They apllt a few mon- ths after their marriage in 1978, long 'before hla 22-year-old wife became a world a tar. With money ra1aed by bake sales and airline tickets dona· ted by a bank, a 20-year-old man tenninally ill with leu- kemja was off from Paris, Tenn. on a dream of a lifetime -to see Las Vef{as. "We have rooms at the MGM Grand Hotel, front row tickets for a number of shows and spending money ," Richard Ellis said . ''Man. I know nobody has ever had a more super gift." The money for a week· long vacation for Ellis a nd qis fiance, Lisa Beale of Hunt- lllgdon, Tenn., was raised by townspeople and c~workcrs al Tecumseh Products. Col- leagues donated $2, 100 for the trip and held bake sales to raise extra spending money. A bank picked up the tab for two round-trip, first-class airline tickets. ' Terre Haute, Ind. may be a Democratic stronghold, but a moving company agent thinks il would stiU be a good place for Richard M. Nixon's pre· sidential library. -""'fhe revenue impact o n the rommunJty of Terre llauu is wtun caught my tnterest, .. said Richard Eldred, who said a museum would create jobs and bring in up to $1 5 million annually from tou- rists. Eldred. a Democrat, admits he expects negative reaction from local party members. Robinsons OUR EXCLUSNE WATERFORD KNIFE. AS BEAUTIFUL AS HER WEDDING DAY. Crafted in Ireland in the finest Waterford trad1t1on . with a hand-<:ut full-lead crystal handle and a stain- less steel serrated blade. From our exceptional collection which includes decanters, bowls. vases. lamps, chandeliers and stemware-all gifts beyond compare, to be treasured for a lifetime. $85 Robinson's Waterford Crystal. 142. To order. call toll-free 1-800-3-45-8501. ASK ABOUT OUR CRYSTAL CLUB PLAN. ROllNION1 COMPUJIRIZID.WIPDIN9 GIFT Rl9111RY . MAKI AN Al"OINTMINT WITH OUR CO•ULTANT M YOUR NUlllT IOllNSON'S. WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PllPlllNCll IN MIY STOii VIAlHI ONLY COMPUTlllDD lllVICI IN IOUTHIRN CAL1F011N1A. ( ' I I • ,· Orange Co .. t DAIL V PlLOT /Tuesday, Apitf'13, 1Ma 'Testing the waters' Crans ton, Askew taking advantage of FEC rule WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Alan Cruwton 1pent part ot the ~on.al !Cuter receet on a · 1peak1na tow-of Iowa and New Hampa)\l.re. the fint stats in the nation to start plcklng prealden- Ual raninating del~atee. While the California sena- tof wu ln New Hams-hire, for- mer Florida Gov. Reubtn Aakew waa vlsltlng Maine, where De- mocrats also will give an early expression of their preference for a party standard-bearer in 1984. You migl\t conclude that Cranston and Askew are running for president. But you would be wrong, according to the rulee of the Federal Election C.OrnmiMion. They are "testing the waters." Both are taking advantage of an FEC rule that allows po~ntial candidates to raise money to pay for such things as travel. rublic opinion polls and politica con- sultants without coming under the com.mission's regulation. Exploratory committees au- thorized by Cranston and Askew are, for example, exempt from a federal law that limits individual contributions to a candidate to $1,000. ed by Middlebrooks, the com- mlt1ion aald two of the things Askew proP09e(I doing, hiring RUbUc ...,1atlons consultant. and havtng bioaraphical brochures prtl\ted, "appeer to project Gov. A.Mew to the public u a per90n • qualifled to be ta.km aerioully .. a presidential contender." lJevertheleu, the commlulon aaic:f all the actlvltiea were per- m l Hibl e so long as Aakew "continues to deliberate his decision had been made about dedalon." entering the race. Commiutoner Thomas Harris "In fact, the teatina proceaa thlnka the cornmialon la going really constricta the thinga you too far. In a diateot from the can do," said Donald Middle-Man:h opinion, Han1a aaid the brooka, a Miami lawyer for As-"~ the waters" rule was kew. "You can't do 80l'De thingJ d · only to allow a potential you could do if you Just went can idate to take a poll, make ahead and announced you had ~ne calla or travel while ma- decided to be a candidate." up his mind. Allyn Kfeps, a Los An,elea he commission was cogni- la wyer and chairman' o the :cant t·hat the line between Cranston committee, said it waa 'test.Ing the waters' and campaign organized because it was "the ectivity was a thin one, but now most honest and open way" to go i\ is non-existent," Harris wrote. about the exploratory process. He particularly objected to . The commission has warned letting the Cranston committee both Cranston and Askew that com§p· nd maintain informa- the "testing the waters" exemp-tion ut pie who expressed tion applies only so long as they an interest · the senator's po6Si- are really undecided. ble candidacy In an advisory opinion re-"This is simply allowing the quested by Kreps, the commis-Cranston committee a head start sion said March 15 that Cranston on its campaign organization " In addition, the committees are not required to report contribu- tions and expenditures to the commission, although the Askew committee is doing so and the Cranston committee plans to. Associates of both Askew and Cranston say the committees were not forced to give them any advantage, but to make it clear to otential contributors that no would be treated as a candidate if ~ Harris said. ' he "mov~ ... into the process The majority, however, said of planning and scheduling pu-the rule is not limited to polls blic ~ti vi ti~. designed to height-phone calls and travel but per~ en ha s poltt1cal appeal to the mits "a variety of activities to electorate." determine whether a candidacy In an October opinion request-for federal office is feasible." DOWNTOWN PRISON -Towers, stone and mortar make up the aged part of the Maryland Penitentiary, one of the nation's oldest major prisons which ble nds the past with the pro.ble,ms o{ the present in d o wntown Baltimore. The center city prison, the s tate's Via Daily Fhghts From John Wayne Airport (Oreng• County) • $35.00 (714) 540-6911 19531 Aiport Way ·South Genefal Ariation Teminal YOUR ClOSf-IY ISLAND \aily Cruises from San Pedro and Long Beach spacious 700-panenger. triple-decked vHHls GO NOW! CATA• *A CIUllCS AeMrvetlona. inform•tlon: 213-775-6111 ,213-832-4521 714-527-7111 @TI~fT'RDN Theres only one five Crowns~ ~t~ l":.I~~ ~Q~ r I J '1;;\t;;; tJ;; I ~w lFME ~. mr. *" lNl.l.'lf~ 3801 EAST ll)\~I lllCHl..VA' ~ CORONA DEi \IAR CA !714) 7o0-0"1 r--------------------~ 1 LODI Fii TIE Ill YEU.IW $111 1 I LOW COST ~.. I I CAT & DOG I I VACCINATION CLINIC : I by Pet Prevent-A-Car~ I I R•bles •.•...........•.•••...•.•.. $3.95 each I 1 Distemper (D.H.L.) .•... $4.25 each 1 I P•rvo •...••.••.•.•..•.....•...•••. $4.25 each 1 I Dog "5-ln-1" .•....•.••......• $7 .00 each I 1 C•t "3-ln-1" •••••..••.•••..•. $5.00 each I I " DOGS MUST BE ON LEASHES, I I / CATS IN 80XES, Pf.EASE. I I :..':.•:':. ~,111e ...... ,.., ":':.~ I I ....... , • ........,,....,--.c....,....._• I I ,.,....,..... I I 11.SIELI .... _ I I Costa Mesa Lacma Beach I I Tlus., Aorl 15, 1982 f!LL Apri 16, 1912 I 1 2*>-Mo p.m. 1cr. a.m.·12:00 "°°" 1 I ..... Verde Center .... c.,... lllW I I m1 tW1tOt Blvd. ~Lot I I (et MMM) ....... canron Dr. I I a,.... pel .. lion Viejo I 11 Fri .. Ami 16, 1912 s.tay. Ami 11, 1912 : 2:16.Mi p.tft. ~ p.m. I MDWdl~ MIMloftY .... Melt I I °"(~=> mo c.... ¥~ ,.._.., ,I L......... ••••••••••~ ' . First .we e it safe. In 1972, when we started Capital Pres- ervation Fund, we asked ourselves one question. "What is the safest invest- ment a money market '.\t'--t~S TREl\slt.9r fund can make?'' <;>' We knew of f:i one resource ~ :;, people could 0 counton,no ~~~~ matter what. ~ The United ~-" ~ ~' States Treasury. < /.'. ~~ °"111'H ANO c So we decided to invest our fund exclusively in U.S. Treasury securities. Because they're backed by the direct full faith and credit pledge of the U.S. Treasury. If the worst happens, the Treasury will, by law, honor its obliga- tions to the fund . Without question. Not all money market funds can say that. Not even most govemment- only funds. Now what does that mean to you? You get the safety a.nd security you need to sleep nights. Which is why every one of our accounts is what we call a Safety Ac- count. Here's what happens when you open a Safety Account. You put in a minimum of Sl,000. That makes you an investor in the fund. The fund , in turn, invests in U.S. Treasury securi- ties . You don't have to leave your money in for a set period of time. If you need it or want to move it around, you simply write a check. And you don't get penalized either. Capital Preservation is not in- sured, as a bank is, by the F.D.l.C. But the F.D.I.C. holds its own emergency reserves in the same kind of Treasury securities. Interesting. .. ; .I i • t 1 I 11P .·•I 1wuu.~ 72 71 i i i'i i" ii ";'I ";'Q ,_, l<I SI II) f $100 Sill) $80 .S7.0 Whilt the past d(ltsn't prtJict the future, /oak fJJhat SSOOO would hm1r madt ,,, the last tr11 years. If you had invested SS,000 in our fund when it opened, and left your money in, you'd have over SI0,000 md~. Still earning high interest. And still protec- ted by the U.S. Treasury's direct full faith and credit pledge. Thar>s the kind of income that would have helped protect your capital against inflation. What's coming next? We don't know. These days, nobody does. We still say that it's safe, and sound, to earn good money on your money. And so do the 180,000 inves- tors who have us managing $2.7 billion in assets. ·u·~o lone maximum security holding instltutitm, is losing space within its walls becau.ae of overcrowding and jerry-rigged, court-ordered facilities and additions. Three inmates escaped from the prison Sunday. Looks li ke we as ked the right question. If you think a Safety Account might he the answer for you, give us a call. Or send in the coupon below. We'll he glad to end you a free prospectus which will tell you all about our fund. Including charges and expe nses. Be sure to read it thoroughly hcfore you invest. Or drop by and see us. The Safety Account. fl] CAPITAL PRESERVATION FUND i. IQOO Avenue of tht' S1ars Suitt' 7)'; -LJ.,., Anj?el~. CA 90Cl67 I ,, ....... Orange Cout OAILY PILOT/Tuetday, Aprll 13, 1882 One bright spot on • the economic scene The nat.ion has been hearing little but bad economic news lately, what with 9 percent unemployment, interest rates that refuse t o go down and a $100 billion federal buqget deficit forecast. There is one bright trend that hasn't been getting the attention it deserves, and which may ensure a long-lasting recovery, whenever it comes. Inflation, the economic bugaboo that p erpl exe d economists and politicians throughout the 1970s, has been quieted -a t least for the time being. Tor the 12 months that 1 1 ended in February. the Consumer Price Index was· measured at 7.7 I percent, a major drop from the 8.9 percent recorde d for 1981. Only two years ago, the index was al the frig h tening level of 12.4 perce nt, while in 1979, prices roared upward at a 13.3 percent annual clip. And Americans are starting to hear what to many must be an !unfamiliar term -deflation. In March, wholesale prices dropped 1to an annuaJ rate of l.7 percent. This is good news at a time !when the nation needs it most. .Inflation presents many dangers to !an economy, disrupting the plans I of f amllies , businesses and governments; cruelly taxing thoee who can least afford higher prices for necessities; weakening the dollar, and most importantly, threatening social stability by destroying people's efforts to build better lives. The apparent victory has not com e witho ut a heavy price. Almost 10 million Americans are unable to find work, and the recession that has beaten inflation has also hurt families, closed many businesses and damaged vital industries. But those falling prices may be a key ingredient in leading the nation out o{ the severe slump. Americans are getting a boost in purchasing power economists hope will induce a s p e nding surge. More cons umer spending means more production and more jobs. The key question mark is interest rates. If they finally drop s ubstantially, there is a good chance the recovery will be both robust and sustained. If they stay high, any business pickup could be delayed or expire quickly. But that is speculation for the months ahead. The reality today is that inllation is being licked and we a ll have one Jess economi<' headache to confront lA dubious precedent j ln an unusual r uli ng last :week, the state Supreme Court 1may have set a rather unfortunate ~precedent. , The court, in a 5-1 decision. .concluded that a ruling it had hande d down in August 1979 allowing punitive as well as actual 1damages against drunken drivers, could be applied retroactively to accidents that occurred before that date. The current case involved an accident that had occurred in April 1979. Victims of the accident, who ~uffered injuries. filed suit in .April 1980, after the Supreme Court ruling in anothe r accident case, seeking punitive damages against the intoxicated driver. A triaJ court decided that the ruling could not be applied re- troactively. But the case was ap- pealed to the high court which, last week, overturned the lower <.'Ourt's decision. Retroactivity said the majo- rity opmion, would "reaffirm the court's recognition of the severe tfi'feat to public saf Pty which is posed by the intoxicated ".!r iver." The California TriaJ Lawyers As- sociation al.so filed a brief conten - ding that failure to make the ru- ling retroactive would weaken the court's st ro n~ s t a nd against drunken driving. We find both statements unsupportable as sta- t.ements bf la'*. fun:i we susj>ect if the Legislature had attempted to put retroactivity into the law, both the Supreme Court and the Trial Lawyers would have opposed it. Somewhat surprisingly, the only dissenter in the recent ruling was Justice Frank K. Richardson who w as the author of the 1979 opinion that upheld punitive da- mages in drunken driving cases. Richa rdson said it would be unfair to punish people who could n ot have anticipated the subsequent ruling and pointed out the court could hardly deter con- duct that a lready bad occurred when the ruling was made. While the re is no denying the cour ts should do everything pos- sible to stiffen the potential pen- alties for drunken driving, the new ruling of retroactivity opens some very sticky questions of ex post facto law. Given the way the courts work, one is impelled to believe it will become a precedent in other legal disputes, to penalize citizens fot· acts that occurred before a law was passed or a court o pinion handed down. This is the way of authoritarian societies, but it bodes ill in our system. Study delays the obvious What Orange County doesn't need is another three mo nths of study on finding a sit e f~>r a general aviation airport for use of private aircraft pilots. But that's what was served up last week by the county Board of Supervisors in a narrow, 3 to 2 vote. 1 The board h as directed its airport staffer s t o continue analysis of four sites. They are the Armed F orces R eserve Center military airfield in Los Alamitos; Santiago Canyon east of Orange, and Bell Canyon and San Juan Creek, both east of San Juan Capistrano. What th e board was unwilling to accept is the fact -as airport manager Murry Cable had concluded -that no site exists where the critical ele ments of techn ical feasibility and public support mold together. Eac h o f the fou r sit es is d oo med fro m the s tart. The military isn't going to give up its base in Los Alamitos, and owners of the other three sites are equally unwiJling to let their properties go. Beyond that, each site has e n counte r e d stiff, organized opposition. The message to the board should have been clear. At this time, there's just no sense in moving ahead with spending millions to serve the needs of only a few hundred owners of private aircraft. All the board has done in its most recent action is put off for three months coming to grips with that reality. L.M. Boyd/Figures don't satisfy Young lady, would you like to loee .even pounds'? That's how much the average woman in her 20s tells pollsters she wants to ahed. She alao says she'd like a bigger bustline and aUmmel' hips, waist, arms and lega. Researchers say this d iuatls(action amona young women with their fi- gures ill alJnost aa prevalent as their dlma~n with their natural ha.tr. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat l"Wll--.... , .. ""' ....... ,. 'NH! .. . " c.u. .... """"'" , .. ··-· .... . , ... ,.,...._. CA'1Ut Q. Don't all sharks circle their prey before they strike'? A. All except the Great White. It goes straight in. The African eg1·eatin11nake somehow can figure out with its tongue when an egg in the 1hell is tresh and raw. It won't even try to awa.Uow a hard-boiled eM· Thomis P. Haley Publisher · Thomas A. Mu,,..ln• Editor lartNra Krelbldt Edllorl•I Pao• Editor ' -- ' t Law weakens gun control WASHINGTON -incredibly, Pres1 dent Reagan is supporting legislation that will make it easier for another as- sassin to gun him down. The danger lS described in a confidential report that was written the day after he took a 22 s lug in the chest a year ago. The pistol used sn the assassinatson attempt was one of two "Saturday night specials" that were purchased -w ith frightening ease -by John Hinckley Jr at a Dallas pawns~op. YET SENATORS have reacted by pushing leg1slat1on that will make 1t even simple r to buy cheap handguns. Th1S proposed weakening of the federal Gun Control Act has the tacit approval of the man m the White House, who was nearly kiUed by one of those pieces of lethal junk Under the Gun Control Act, records had to be kept that matte it possible for federal agents to trace the gun used in the Reagan shooting 1n 16 minutes The next d ay, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan had a confidential report on hlS desk d etailing the s hocking history o{ Rocky's Pawn Shop, where the gun was purchased on Oct. 13, 1980 According to the report. ''d JOlnl Cri- minal Enforcement-Regulatory Enforce- ment review of the firearms records of Rocky's Pawn Shop 1nd1cat ed that nearly one-thir d of the customers pur chasing firearms had prior criminal re- cords, many with felony t'Onvtcllons." The report by the Bureau of Akohol, Tobat.'CO and Firearms noted that in 1978. New York City police alone recovered six handguns bought at Rocky's; thcSt' had been used m crimes committed by vanous Chinese youth gangs. . The BATF investigators reported that Mike Yc-t•, a gang leader, had bought i:i (.) -JA-Cl-AN_D_IR-SO-N -~ total of J2 handguns from Rocky's J6,d another Dallas gun dealer, for delsqery to Chinese gangs on the F.ast Coast The mvesug.,,uon al.so indicated that Yee was operating an extortion ring in the Dallas area. Regan was informed. On May 23, 1979, two BATF under- cover agents accompanied Yee and an associate to Rocky's Manager David GoldstC'in sold 12 handguns to Yee's as- sociate, who immed1atelv resold JO of them to tht· federal ag1mis. Yee and his associate were a rrest1;•d the next day. they have since 00en trit.'<i and convicted for extortion and gun law violations. After cataloging the gun flow from Rocky's to the underworld. the BATF report added: "Howe ver, the review failed to prove crimina l intent by the firearms dealer and criminal prosecution w~ not recommended " My reporters Tony Capaccio and Da- vid Field read the L'Onfidential report to the owner of Rocky's, Isaac Goldstein Regarding the charge that felo ns had bought guns in his store. Goldstein said. "I never heard of that If that had hap- pened. they would have canceled my IJc.-ensc." As for Mike Yet', Goldstein said the federnl agents werC' "slow on the draw" in that case. He said he had called the agenc·y several times to team whether it was all right to !>ell Yee quanllllE'S of handguns "THEY TOLD ME 1t was all nght to set! to Yee because 'we got nothmg on him'," Goldstein said. "I didn't know what he was going to do wuh the guns, and I called ATF. What else could I do?" That, of course, is precisely the pomt. Goldstein was selling guns completely wllhm the law Thl' federal agents were powerless to stop the· traffic in deadly weapons. a nd when John Hinckley Jr. came along. he had no trouble buying the gun that nearly killed a president. Footnote One of the most controver- sial provisions of the proposed legislation would curtail s urprise inspections by federal agents of gun dealers. Says Mi- chael Beard, president o( the Na.c..onal Coalition to Ban Handguns: "It would make it almost impossible for the federal government to detect violations of the 1980 gun a c t by licensed firearm dealers " Technology changes news traditions There is no business so !><.-cure that tht.· people who work sn it don't someumes worry. Usually ther e 1s some technolo- gical improvement lurking in a labora- tory or on a drawing board nearby that threat.ens the routine operation of almost any commercial ent.erpnsc.> I suppose the manufacturers of lead pencils thought 1t was the end of their world when foun- tain pens were invented. The owners of radio stations panicked when television started moving in, but I notice they're still making lead pencils and radio seems to be su rviving. More often that not, the thrt'at 1s worse than anything that actually comes of it. In other cases, change comes so slowly that everyone adapts to ii and gets in on 1t. THERE ARE TrMES, though, when an invention hits a business with such impact and suddenness that it threaten.<; to destroy that business. It happens that way just often enough to keep us all worried about our own business. The busmess I worry about is news. I know some of you don't really like or trust those of us in the news business but I like the people in news above all others. They are my friends. When I am in a strange city and go to the newsroom of a ne wspaper or a television station, I am instantly on familiar ground even though I hav<> nevc>r lx't'n in that Spl'(.'tfu.: room bcfort.•. and I dm among friend~ even though I havt.• never met any of them Tile men and women tn ni>wsrooms across the-country all know tht.• same things l know We share common pro· bit-ms and we have t.'Ommon ,goals WC' '~~\ -AND-Y -RDD-Nl-Y -q can start our conversatwns further along than you (·an normally start a conversa- tion with someone you've never met b ecausl' o f this feeling of common knowmgness. I was m UPnver a few weeks ago and was taken to the press dub. Once inside I could have been in any one of 100 pre~ clubs around the world. The look of th<' place, the look of the people. and the sounds and the atmosphere were as fa. miliar to me as home. The ne wspaper men and w omen o f Denver were in distinguishable from those standmg at a bar or eating their lunch . in v1olt.•rll conversation with friends. in Hong Kong, New York or San F'ranci.Sl.'O. Most newspaper people are as worried From far left to far right Thoughts at Large; -lf you are on the far left and against all government, you are an ''anarchist"; but If you are on the far right and against all government, that makes you a ''libertarian." -What 1ts p rac tition ers cal l "practical" politics ls usually the least practical of all, for it ignores the proba· JYlllY 01111 4 ~ ~ 'biUty of large cat.utrophee ln the full.art' for the aake of anall pins ll\ the praimt, (No IN!Nible business wouJd conduct ll· tell on the ume ahort«ale buia.) -Most people, both male and f~. who fall In love relallonahlJ» do to ~­ C!aUR they desire oppolfte thtnp at lM ..... time, without reallJi"' h . -Oebawa are aeneratry futile. for they t"Onaitt In an eUon co C!hance eo-mec:me .._., mWI wtlhout at \hi eame UtN perml&Ul'-t blm to ch1n1• nura; "dl•'OI" dUfen from debeie In that listening becomes more important than converting. -The first Commandme nt prohibits idolatry, and not murder or some other gross crime. because all other olfenses spring frorn worshiping a false god. whether 1l be money or sensuality or power or fame. rather than our common par<"nlhood. -Speaking of idolatry, when rela- tives "thank God" sparing a loved one in a mass fatality, do they real.17..e what they are saying about His concern for the v1cUms who were not 1pa.red'? -A presumably sophisticated todety that can think of nothing helter to do with ii. offcnd~rs than put them into praon condftnN itttlf to nothl.na more than the bulldint of more ancf more pri8onl -Put -am Wied to uy that "Ute sood die youn1f': but mod~ IOd,!a makes It hard for tM youna to ell . -An lntetnatJonaJ police fotee '° nt-~n dLtpuUna nal.ianl II uhlrnat.ely \be Only ..,....,. '° Cntwnational ~ •• Whll.eheld pU\ ~ '"nle only jUid&aUon In the ua• of force 11 to redvce Ch• .mt of tarot w "J to bl i.md." now oUout the various forms of techno- logy <'rel•psng 1n on their business as 1 urbon pap<•r manufa('turers must have l:w1·n wht•n offices started installing co- pv1n< mJl'htnt·s. l'm worried about 11 • mysl·I l' 1·11 though I do not dept•nd soll·ly 1 1 m~ w-.papt'r work for my laving Too mar n• o.irx:rs are m fmanc1al trouble tocfa, too many c1lles that have• had h• rnmpetition between twn or m<1n fighting newspapers are m dang• losing one of them It IS not clear t• A1hy this 1s. nor do l think all the nt.•1 ..-JJX.'r experts know for sure. ln mo<;t 1 .• t~.rn<•'S 1l 1s the afternoon pa- per that 1s in me<.t tmublc. It se<'m::. that people who US<'d to ~c·ttle down wnh the afternoon paper ,1 ft1·r 5 m the c•v<'ning. are now setthn~ cl11\.\ n to wat<'h their news on t.elev151on YOU WON'T FIJ'\O ml' kno<'kmg tel- evision news. nor rnuld anything I say cont.-eivably have any t'fft'Ct on a trend, but tclev1s1on news never has been and never will be a substitute for a newspa- per Even a bad newspaper docs some thmgs better than a good television nt'ws program. . Newspapers haven't been left behind whl'n 1t t.'Ornes to 1.echnology. Th~ whole process of producing a newspaper has changed more m 10 years than has the prcx:ess o( producing a television news broadcast. Newspaper reporters have adapted to writing on a display terminal instead of on a sheet of yellow copy pa- per. but there a re other inn ovation s lurkmg m the shadows that worry them. If the time comes when the newspaper itself is not a paper at a ll but an Image that can be called up on the screen of a computer in a person's home, a lot of what they love about the business will be gone There won't be much reason to hold out against switching over to tel- evision, where the journalism may be worse but the pay better. Newspaper- men wo uldn't sit around the Denvt'!r Press Club eating, drinking and argulng about a product that doesn't really ~xi.st anywh ere but in thf" brain cells of a computer. I dan't care that Sclunita wwnl '° Will the PLO. I do mind lhat he mane t.dli A!J.M. ••-•u .. _,. ..... C»WIUn ANGIL.a WHn-. IMADOW HAWAI "'4-0 ....... ~ UN'JfMTNQNQ HUMAN184A~ I .. == HICNEWS MOVIE • • • "Menganlnn1a·· ( 1980) Mawuyul Yal'*-iy. Anna Ralph. In 1830a Aust1llle. • whit• -tlat'• c:Nld Ind an Abo-rlglt~ woman trh91 ecroaa the bulh (l)MOVIE ••• "The Big Rad One" (19'0) Lee MaNln, """' Hlllllill. A tough Army -· geanl leed• tour young. ~ rac:tUlll lntO the wlolanca-llllad tray of World WIT II eotnbal. •PG' 8:30. NEWeeEAT M™ cLETt A08ERT8 • lllll!IH!• AEJl'OAT (l)CllNEWS . (f) NHL HOCKEY l<lnga at Edmonton Ill aAAHEY Miu.ER .MOVIE **'Ai '"The Cat And The Canary" (1978) Honor Bladlman. Mlc:hael Gatlan. Hairs battle '°' • for1una at Iha 9')00ky Mtata 01 a ci-1 mllllonelta 'PG· 1;00 I C88 NEWS HBC HEWS • HAPPY DAYS AGMH • A8CNEW8 • JC>KEWS WILD • OYEAEASY GUM1. George Sheanng (R)O CD OtcK CAVETT "Cocaine Panel" Gueatf· Dt. Pa1e< Boume, Dr Le-. ler Grlnepoon, ecr_,..ter Lllllle Fuller (Part 1)(R) Cl) P.M. MAGAZIHE A 12-yHr-old college rrllhman; a ~11 wllO treall ~ as wall as people. 9 EHTeRT AJNMENT TONOHT An lnl...... with HUOh Hetnw. a THI! MUPPET'S G..-1· J-Coburn. cm wow ***"The H~·· ( t913) lngtld BerQITWI, .Johnny Ootan Two c:ttH- dren run -.ey from home and hide In' New Y1lti< Cb(• Mlltlopollafl a.u.. um Of Att. .._. ft"¥ -beftfillilded by • epirltad r~.·a· 7:15CDCll~ 1:30 8 2 OH Tl4E TOWN FeatuNd; looll " the ,_. .. t gift !dee -adult lhama cakM; an Interview with "EMra." Channel O's hOr-'°' ftlmt host.a; ~age of 1 Cornady Stora _,. ding. 8 AACCOON8 ON ICE Animated. Rich Utile. Rita Coolidge aod ·l.eo Sayer PfOvide the volc:ee for Ihle muelcal lpecial • LAVERNE & SHIAL.EY &<X:Mf>AHY La-·-lo le1 Shif-ley'• c:oualn. whO la about 10 take hie final exam at dental achool. flK Ile< brO- kan front tooth. • THl HEAALDED AHQIU T\(S Daweon looks 11 CHANNEL LIS.TINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI OJ D KNBC IN BCI IZ. e KTLA (Ind.) II e KA8C \ABC> c e KFMB ICBSJ If ) I) KHJ-TV (Ind.) OlJ e t<CST \ABCJ rr e 1<TTV (Ind.I f 'e KCOP-TV \Ind.I • .• KCET (PBSI • e ICOCE I PBSI SEEK MOTIVE -The Harts (Roger Wagner, Stephanie Powers) pose as ser- vants to uncover motive behind a political assassination on "Hart to Hart" at 10 to- night on KABC (7). whet'• ln store '°' the Call· lornla Angalt lhll ... llOl'I • ()) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL I LEHRER AEPORT 8D NEWS (]]) YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured: "World's Faat•I Bike Ride" and ''Talking Seal . QtFAMILYFtUO (C)MOVIE • 8 11\ "The Prlvata Eyes" ( 19801 Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bumbling American da1ec11vea are Called in 10 tnveatlgata a _.., of murders In an Engltsn castle 'PG CID F\.ASHBACK "Flre Al Cocoanut Grove" Etlc Sevareld hoala 11\is unique documentary wtltch lllust11tes the tragic; events ol Saturday night. N~­ ~ 28, 19•2 Wilen the tamous Boston nlghtciub exploded Into • bluing inferno • (%)MOVIE * • * • "The Fire Within" ( 1963) Mau11ce Ronet. Lana Skerl• The last 2• hOurt ol a man 11 the er\d ol ht& 1ope are reviewed 8:00 B ()) Q.E.O. A man ts shot ou111de the Deve<IN home m England )ult as he 11 aboul to reveal some ...,,_. tnlorm .. liOn II QI BAET MAVERICK Meverlck Ines lo catch the leader ol a u1op1an g<oup that l\U fleeced SweelWa- fer rarman out or their land (Part 11 IJ MOVIE • * "Jory" 11973) Robby BenllOl'I. John Matley A youlll mal/J<as dunng • long. hud cattle drive 0 OJ HAPPY OAYS Fonzie steals a k1aa lrorn an attracthoe ,_ teecher (RI O • MoVIE • • 'lost Clly 01 Atlantls" ( 1977) Documentary Excmng deepW•I« digs otter ,_ ptool that the tabled e1ty ol Atlantis truly lie• beneath the blue water of the Aegean Sea • THE COUSTEAU ODYSSEY · The Niie" Jacques and Philippe Cousteau elll)lore Iha natural beaut... and llMI cultwes along the banks ol the Nile as they 11 avet lrom the mountain l'leldwaters to Khartoum IParl ll(R) 6:) HOVA Notes 01 A Biology Wllc:het A Fiim With l -· is Thomas" Biologist and aw8fd·wlnnlng author Or Lewis Thomae reveal• tome ol the myslarloua _wonders of 11te (R) o On-TV Z-TV HBO (uMell\dX J IWORJ NY ,N Y CWTBSI CESPNI ( Showt I mt') $potl1Qht I Cable Nf'ws Network I (J)MOVIE • * "X&nlldu" ( 1980) 00. via Newton-JOlln. 0- Kally. A young artist, a hMYW\Cy mu• ancl 1 MntJ.. mantel mllllonalra join fOfcea lo 01*1 11p a huge roller-dllGO palace. 'PG' @MOVIE "Nlghtangale Sang In Barkley Square· 8:30 a a JOANIE LOVES CHA CHI Chachl encourage• a homak:k Joanie to hang out with her college room- mate, then regrets II when ~ l>acomes the sweet· he.ln ol frata<nlly row o ID M·A·S;H F1ank COMl)la1ns to Gener- al Bari.er ~n HIWlteya la llPPolnled Chief Surgeon .. lhe 40771h. Oi>MOVlE • * * "C1dd11hack" (1980) Biii Murray. ROdl,.~ Oangerl1eld The dement· ed grounds-keeper ol a swanky country club weoes war against the gophe<s Inhabiting his tur1 'R' 9:00 II ()) MOVIE * '> "The last Song·· (19811 Lynda Cane< Ron- ny Cox II Q! FLAMINGO ROAD S1n<k! 11 Involved In a S8rlOUS accidenl and Luta- MM dl9COVerS that Tyrone it h•W\Q an aff1J1 with her d~ter. a u ™REE·s COMPANY Larry finally geta a date Wtlh Ills latest lnlatuatiOn - Terri (R)O m MERV GRIFAN fl)AMEAICAH PLAYHOUSE ··w orking" People of var- ied occupellons dlecuu their w~lng llvee In an adaptation ol lhe 11177 araga m.'9lcal baMd on Stoo. Tertrers tia.t-Mltlng ~™Cf~u ODYSSEY "The Nile" Jacques and Philippe Cousteau eitplore the natural beautlat end the cu1ture11 along the banks ot the Niie as trtey travel from the mountain t....owllars to Kh&r1oum (Par1 t)(RJ (CJ MOVlE • * '~ "A Thunder Or Orum•.. ( 1961) Richard Boone George Hamltton. A -toned captain of the U S Cavalry 11det hard on o green. young lieutenant )ust out of Wes• Point (O)MOVIE ** * "A F-In The Crowd" I 1957) Andy Gnl· flth. Patr1C1a Neal A darel- k:1 goes lrom a jall Cell lo natiOnal recognition on the 11teng1h ol his humor end musical talent t:30 0 tm) TOO ClOSE FOR COMFORT Henry llnalty m•kas out a will and ends up watching in eXISP8<8llon U I blcit· erlng Jllci<le and Sare l>egl" apendlno their lnh«· 1tance (RI <%>MOVIE * * * "An Thi! Jan" (1979) Roy Selleldat. Jea... sk:a Lanoe. The tumultu- ous Hie of a ptOIMtional cnoreographer i. IOllowad trom aucoate on the siege lo partonll crl-. 'R' 10:00 0 8 SHAPE~ TlilNGS Su11n Anion. Jullat . Pr-, Dlcli V1111 Pat._,, MIMll hnlOfd encl "-"" 8u&1l .. tlrln aOOlel --anclf-* r•1~ I ••• Hlwt HAllT TO HAA'r ftw Hana poee aa .-wn11 lo u~ Ille mot"'9 llelllnd • poltt!MI --. n111o<1, tllll O (l)...OVW • • * "ltlf Ct~" ( INCi) ~d fll'yOr, Gene Wiid• • Two IMI\.,. mlttllken for bwlk robbtt• ancl Mnt tojllll.'R' • MOYll ** •• "T ..... (1879) Na11...ie KlnUll, P91w Anh. The daughlW of I poor !ngllah farmer --the Ylc:llm of '* 11m11y·a aeciitatlone and hef own beauty 'R' 10; 11 (8) OH LOCA TlON "Don Rleltlea And Hla WIN Guya" T~ before• live IUdlence •I Iha Satiate Hotel. Iha cai.atlc: king 04 ··put-down•." Don RlcitlM, hOlll a hllatlout cut of varNllle comedian• 10-.30 • NEWS • JUNlWAYNE-THE DOAOTMY 8EAIE8 Loi Angelea anlet June W•y"41 di-the 20 llthog1~1 now on di9play al UCLA which potttay hw mothw'•lita. ID AMEAICAH Pt..AYHOUSE "Wor-1ng·· ~ of vat- led occupati0n9 dlacu• lnalt working Hvee In an lldapt1tlon of the 1917 1t1ge mulk:al based on Stu<la Tnal'a tia.t-Mlllng 11;00 iioCj. ())®I a HEWS 8 SATURDAY NIGHT Ho.I Bob Newnan 8 KOJAI< ID ALL INTHE FAMILv' Ed•lll ,, llUnlled Whan llhe dlscoven the rNJ teuon behind the bargain• llhe's been getting at the buteher lhoo at THE JEff'£RSOH8 fl) BENNY HILL e.nnv la a henpacilad hu .. band with an eye tor a pretty Otll fD DICK CAVETT "Cocaine Panel" Guests Or PellH Bou1ne, Or Les- te1 • Grlnapoon. screenwr1te.r Leshe F ulle< (Par1 21(RI (C)MOVIE • •·~ ··0 0e To Biiiy Joe" (1976) Robby Banaon, Glynn.a 0 Connor BUiid · on the song by Bobble Gentry A tor,,,_,led t-.- ager't PHI ex1>9'ianeel compllc:ale his r1ra1 true romance 'PG' (O)MOVIE * * "NObod} S fe<!elll" ( 19811 Gabe Kaplan. i'le• Karru Three u"llkely 1>e<0et 1411 out to battle the red tape and bur-.iGr.cy olcllyhall ·PG' 11 :30 B ()) AUC1: Florence recelYea a m1t· naQe ptopoul from I Mid· die Eastern oil ahaik (Al D QlniEBEST~ CARSOH Gue.la Dean M1t1ln, Flor· anca Handerson Kurt Tl>Omal (R) a a ABCNEWS NIGHTl.INE Q) SANFORD AHO SON Ela NEWS8EAT W1TH Cl.ETE A08ERTS 11.40 MOVIE * * * "The Big Red One" ( 1980) Lea Marvin. Mark Hamill A tough Army Mf· gaatll laads IOUt young, 1neaparienced ractUllS into Iha vioienc.-fllled tray ol World War II combel 'PG' t 1 :46 (ll CINEMASCORE -Ml>NIGKT- 12:00 IJ ENTERTAINMENT TOHIOKT An lnt""'9W >Mlh Hugh Heiner 8 @ FAHTA.SY l8LANO Four Oapreaslon-era lhlevea want to 1ob one last banlt and a pretty gl<f dreamt of becoming a movie Siar (R) 8 MOVIE * • • "Hercules Unchained" ( 1960) Stew Reavea. Sytva KosclnL • M0\11£ *** "Anelorny Of A Murder" ( 1959) J- St-ar1, Sen Gaaara. • lO~ AM!f!ICAN STYL! • FOCUS ON 90CETY Cll TWO TOP BANANA& Don AdM\s and Oon RlG- k ... taM'I up for a sno- c:ue of burleequa and uncan90rad c:omady (I)MOVE • • ·~ "Cloud Dat'\C41r" ( 1980) Dallld Cerradlna, 'Working' not job well done PBS• musical adaptation a poorly paced production Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, Aprtl 13, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 7:30 -"R.IMxoons on lee." RJch Little, Rita Coolldge and Leo Sayer pro- vide voices for animated musical. KCET (28) 8:00, KOCE (50) 9:00 -'4The Cousteau Ody19ey," Jacques and Philippe Cousteau explore natural beauties and culture along the Nile. KCET (28~ 9:00 -"Working." People of various oocupations dlscuss their working lives. See story, below. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Shape of Things." Social issues and personal relations are sa tiriz.ed. Jannllar O'Nelff A top 11unt n1et neglect• Iha people who cata et>out him In Iha Nffish pu<ault Of hll d~OUllC>Of'1 'PG' 12:06 8 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNATI Andy errengee • dltl for hit vltlllng Slater, but "'9 dec:ld4l8 to oo out with Vanut 1n11Md 12:i0 8 8 LATE NIOKT WITH OAVIO L..ETTEAMAN Guattl Tne Gratalul Oaad, Wry Kor.lnskl ·~ • ~OAING LANGUAGE 12:.0 II()) MCCl..OUO MCCioud dales a model to ltnd out If lhe and her col· league• ate smuggling nar· collcs 12:46 ct:) MOVIE * * * ''\ "Carnal Knowl- edge" I 1971) J1cl1 NICllOl- son. Ann-Merg111 Two COilege friend• spend ....,_ eral year• t>elora and alter graduation dlacoverlng Ille by thatlng and swltchlng each oll'IW'• g1rHrlenda R' a1>MOV1E ** S-' And LOW Maryanne Flowers. Patrice Charon A devoted young wlle'a 1rollc lan1111es begin to lake contrOI OW!f' her behavior 1;00 IJ MOVIE * • "Ouartlrtll'a Ral<Je<a" (1958) Steve Cochran. Leo Gordon A Confederate ottloar 1nflllrates union lines In O«ler to 1ald a Kanaaaarsenal Im MOVIE * • ·~ "The Visit" (1964) lng<id Bergman. Anthony Quinn A -llhy '#Of'l'lan offer• • gene.ous endow- ment to lier home town 11 lhe residents egrM 10 murder Ile< IOfmet 10Yer (!)MOVIE *a "Squ"za Play"A 1eam of bell-ptaytng beau· tlet challenge Iha QU)'l IO a Wild aoflbalt game 'R' D MOVIE •tt''\ "Vied Cars" (1980) Kun Ru...it, Jack Watden. Attar the owner or a ban· krupl cat thop dlM. hie employeM try lo -up IMS demi• to pr....,,t hit -llhy car dealer bfolher lrom Inheriting the bull· ,,... •R' 1:108 MOVIE * * "M1ryjana" ( 1968) Fal>lan, Patty McCorm11ek High IChool 11udenl1 OllllO up on a 1eac:ner they dis- like and plant nwri1Y11t1• on him QI NEWS 1:30 8 8 NEW'8 1:35 (8) MOVIE • •!oil "Despalf'' ( 1979) Olr1t Bogarde. Andrea fer. reot A Rusatan c:ontecllon- ., t1111no 1n Germany Is I~ wtlh total ruin du<lng lhe rlM of Nazl1Jm 1:60 CD MOVIE * • ·~ "Ntghlhawka" (t081) Sytveatw Stlllone, Billy Dee Wllllam1. A tough New YOO! C11y cop has his WOf1c CU1 OU1 tor him wl\erl one ol the world'• moet dangerous lt11ror1111 .,,,_in his city 'R' 2:20 8 NEWS 2:308 MOVIE • • ··out11w 0 1 Red Riv· er" t 1988) George Mont· QOl'lllf)I A ratormad OUI· taw encounters biller "°"' IMlly lrorn an unecrupuloua Mei.lean nobleman (C)MOVIE • * "Outrageouel' ( t977) Craig Russell. Holll• Mc:L1ren A OOoO·n•tured hllrdreuer, WhO moon- llghla u on 1mperaona1or ol l1ma1a celebrities. shores en ap111men1 ano a ptllonl(. re1111onsn1p With a schizopnrantc youno wom· en 'R' (SJ MOVIE * * 'Texts Ltghtnlng (198 I) Cnann1ng Mllchetl, Maureen McCormick A bOy's weekend hunting lrlp wit/I h1s !other turns '"to an tmlUllion into manhood R 2-40 0 NEWS 2:65 fJ MOVIE • * Bullwhlp" ( 11158) Guy Mad111on. Rhonda Flamino A man lakes plf1 •n a forced mar11age In oroer 10 1111Cape axacutton 3.00@MOVIE *** "Together" (1956) Oocumenlary MIChael Andrews Eduardo Pa()joz- 11 The inside world ot two deal-mule tr1end1 1s e•plored 3:30 CD MOVIE • • * ·Tne Cou11 Ma111a1 0t Billy Mitchell (1955j Gary Cooper. Cha1lu B!Cklord A man 11 put on trtal when he defies mlll· tary brass 1n orci.r to lhoflen WOl1d Wat II 1..t.'MOVIE a * * All That Jazz" t 1979) Roy Sch .. de<, J .... sl(';a Lange Tile tumullu· ous hie 01 a p<ofeulonal Choreographer 11 f()jtowed from success on the alage 10 peraonof crises 'R' 3 .01 .. I MOVIE * * 1 The Shining · ( 1980) Jack Nicholson. SNlley Duvall Directed by Stat'lla)I .Kubrick. A to,..,,., tchOoltaacher h1ted H a w111ar ~..,.,..., r" a remote, and apparently lleunted. Colorado hotel. Is anowbound there With hi• wife lllld clairvoyant young son 'R' 4:00 IJ MOVIE • • ., · Oaught« Of The Jungle • (19481 l olt Hall, James Caldwell. An Am«I· can ne1ra1a and her wQllhy lathe< are raecuad from the W11ds by a pllOI •:OS '~TWO T'OP BANANAS Don Adams and Oon RIC· kleS 1eam 11p '°' • !Jhow· case or burleeque alld unoanSOtad comedy •·10 ~1 MOVIE • • • Ode To Biiiy Joe" (19761 Robby Benton. Glynnis 0 Connor Based on the 5ong by Bobb1e Gentry A tormented lean· ager s pas• expetlences com1>1ice1e n1s hrst lrue romance PG' 4:30 0 CHANNEL ZERO JOHN DARLING Cu.tom elof..s ~£e_~H!~ Wrdft~ada1'• Da11tht1f Mo.,IP•' -MORt•tO- l:aO Cl) • * ... , .. Git "-d OM" ( lff()j ~ Mll'WI, Matk Hemill A tough Almy "'1Nll! 1Mda tot. YGUnO. .._,...i.-ci recn.t11 Into the .,..,_.Med ,,.., of World WIT It oombtl 'PO' • * • • "Which Wey Is Upt" t 19771 Richwd "ryot • Lonen. Md<ea A N1'• 11.,.,.a fruit pklker II c:auglll In t eomlC ctOMlita ~....,_ hit union llld II~ Mob, and a hypocthle* prMCNw llnOt ,__ In 1 llldlal' cMlf R' t:00 CC) "Chlldran Ol"ThHllO Streat" CD••. TOQ91hw"(1970) Jtcquallna Bllaet, Mullnl- 1;.,. Schall 7:*> (CJ • • "Srt1me. Sherne On The Bixby 8oy1" (19791 Monll Marknam A lour· t>tOlhef l1Mlly 04 cattle rutlleft and lha<t lathef c;rtellenge Ille local dapu!y to • genuine 1hoo1ou1 •• the ()jd c:orral PG' $) * * "Force Five Star wngeis' (1981) Ammatad An army ot hllle robot• band together to dotand Eanh tQainst • lorce of lll«t lnvlldetl 'G tZ) * *'It Nighthawk• ( 19811 Sylvester Stallorie. B411y Dea Wllhnms A 10091> NB'* York City cop has hll work cut out tor him wnen one of Iha w0tld s most dangerOu\ te,,0111111 arrives 111 h•s c11y A' 8-00 0 * • ·~ The Nude Bomb 119801 Don Aoams SylY>a Kr1tlel Secret o111on1 Maxwell Smert leoos his most danoetous adveraary In an 111cnv1tlalfl who plans 10 launch missiles tnat will d•StObe I~ onttre human populatton PG 8:30 CID * * "King 0 1 The Mounta;n t 198 I) Harry Hatnhn. Joseph Bottoms Three young l A bacht1 lor& devote theif enarglfts lo the 6')0n of drag 1a,1ng PG 0 00 ~) *It II a Alive ( 197!>) JOhn Ryan. Shat on F Orrell A bOunctng baby comes Into llMI world with t&1111s CIAWS l/ld • Sllong homl cldal 1n111nc1 'PG 9: 15 ClJ • a '• "Shon Ey4MI ( 1978) Bruce Davison. Jose Parez Convicts et1emp1 10 my lllve •n the brutal atmospheta of " puson where certain !allow lnmat" break almost eve- ry k"own rule of decency 'R' 9-.30 ., • * Blue Sleet (193•1 John Wayne. Elea- nor Hunt A disguised U S maranal convince$ e town not to yield their g()jd rtc:n land lo a p<anunng bllllO 0 .. ,..tghtangala Sang In 8arlday Square" 10:00 CS) • • • "love Me Or i...r... ..,e· ( 19W./ Ooftl Day. .Jatnea C-oney A mobstet m1trles the singer he made lamous bu1 becomes enraged when Ile can't contrOI he<. 10:30 ct) * * • King 01 King~ ( 1962) Jaffrey Hunier. Robert Ryan The conii"g of Jesue 811d llMI events ot his Ille gave blr111 10 a new rallglor'I 11;00 • * * Flasn Gordon ( 1980) Sam J JOOM. Ma~ Von S)'l1ow A 1110 ot aanhhno• travel 10 the pl-I Moog<> and hell*! 111 oppr"Nd inhabitants In the over1hrow ol Iha ev11 Emper0< Ming 'PG' CZ) * * ,.., ' Baby OOll' ( t957) CarrOl1 Bal<IH Karl Malden A voluptuous young woman whose allnlC1iOn 10 venous men Is quite mutual leads 11\em 10 the deatructlOn ot their ~ev!O':'slY happy ltves R AT 12-'00 • • ~ ""-t OI Cllnat-,.,. .. ( 1162> .... ,._,, lob 11 .... A rour10 wMe gjrl ll'IM to 111111npe IN "'-" of "" ~ en.roll-wflO h.ICI r...i 1111 • * * "Thi Qi.lldl Oun" (1"4) AUOle Mllfl)tly, Met- ry Anders A ~ le !Of11tven by Ille town 1C7.c pie tor hill pMI ~ wherl ha balllM • OMQ °' notOflou• outlaws wtio have bNtl tOtl'l*'tlno ttte to'IWI. e • •'A "You're A Ilg 8oy Now" ( tNT) EllUtlath Hattmat\, 0.lldlne PAQe Ahl' o.inO kklkad out Of hie lather'• '-· • llbrlt- lan IMtns &Pout lift from two dllfWWll -***'-'"TNOdd Couple" (1~) Jecll Lem- mon. Waltar Maltheu. Two dlVO<c.d mat! with c:on~­ ing ~aMt ... decide tO 11t111a an apartment In New York City 1:uo II • • • "Who'" s1op The Rain?" ( f978) N6c:tl Nolte, TuelOey Wald A Vietnam vel wan lnVOlvea a Irland lrom Iha -and hla girlfriend In lhe hlgh-prlcold llOd dangarous world of drug smuggllno 'R' 1.00 (Z, • • a 'Tim· ( 1981) Pipe< L&urta, Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a sen111tva. mlddla-llQ«S woman devalOj) • clOM ralallonetup ol mutual nO&d and underalatldlno 1h111 leads 10 an unor1hO- dOA morr111Q41 1:30 Cl •* S"8me, Shame On The B•aby Boys" ( 1979) Monte M111khatn. A lour- brotner lamuy ot cattle 1uslle1s and their 111"41< challenge the IOcal deputy 10 a Qt!<\Utne lhOolOUI II tha ()jd corral ·po· 2:00 l tfJ * * * "The EanhM"g' c 1980) w 1111am Holden, RIC:ky Schtoder A WO<ld traveler teaches a young orphan Ille waya ol SUl'VIVal in tne Au1tr811an Wllder- neas PG' 2:30($1 * * • OhGodl" ( 19771 Geo<ge Burns Jonn Denver God Mleelt an unsuspec11ng young 141P9'- market mBn&gef to deltver a messaoe of hope and OOo<I wllt 10 Ille sl<eptiCal peoe>le ol the modarn-oay world PG 2"'6 Z * * '• "Nlghlhawks·· 11118 tJ Sy1ves1er Stallone, Billy Dee w1111ams A tough New Vort< City cop hu hlS WOik CUI OUI for him ......, O™I ot Ille W0<1d s moat dangerous terrorlltl arnves "' n1s city R' 3;00 8 * SquMZB A Flow«' 11970J Jack Albertson. Walte1 Ch1ar1 In orde< lo protect the secrets of hi• svccese trorn a Mlllllh bus.ness cohort an Italian monk leaves the country clutu11ng his secret formu- la tor a very line home brew 4:00 C., Children 01 Theatre Street 0 * • • '" Bedknobl And Br00tnat!Cl<s" ( 1971) Arioela Lanstxuy. D•vld r omlmson Duflng WOfld Wai II a nov1ee so<c:et ... and he1 tnree young lru.nds set oll for a magic island wllera sne intends to leatn er>ough about w11chc:tatt lo use 11 against 1neNaz1s G 4:30 :S1 * * Force Five Star- vengers" ( 198 IJ Animated An army OI httle IOboll bilnd toge11>e< to defeno Earth aga1n11 a lorce of &hen '"vaders o· 4:45 (ZJ • • '• Cloud Dancer" ( 1980) OaVIO Carradine Jennrfer 0 Neill. A 109 stun1 ni., neglect• the people wno care about him in the setllsll pursuit of hit danoarous spor1 PG 6:30 'C * * Cotton Candy" ( 1978) Chnl How1rd. Charles Maftln Smith A group or high school mis- fits form a rock banll to compete w•lh the sch&l·e eslabOShed band By FRED ROTRENBURG A#T......._.,.., NEW YORK -PBS' muaica.l adaption of "Working," Studs T e rkel'• glorlUcation of the American labor force, is a lot like wo~k. There are exhilirating hiih•, tedious lows and times when you'll wakh the clock. uneven television. lt has enough insights to be interesting. The words, most of them coming di- rectly from the workers Terkel interViewed, often do capture the strivings and longings o f the American laborer and manager. sionate aong, "Ju.st a Houaewife," is not a throwaway. "la lt dumb that they need me, that I care?" col .. r 'n cuff .~~Dr-....._ .... SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUrr,ERS Thia edition of PBS' weekly "AmeJicen Playhouee" C4l1li&ht at 9 on Channel 28 works hard at capturlnl the elleOOe of Terkel's grand study of the wbeela that mow a nation. But lt never quite IUCClMda. It'a certainly not a lemon, but "Worldnc'' 11 a cue of one me- dium not tramladng that well to another. While the book could thoroulhlY ex.amine blue collars, whtte collan and frilly collanf tiontlht'• to-mlnua adap\aioo o Ute 1hon-run Bro11dway at,ow mo~ otter llkni-. Glwn lta man llmlt.cl ICIOJ>e, PBS' "Worldnt" e.hould have t...t on .-verel OCC\.lpedom, ....... of ...... O¥W 20 dill• •IWl\ )Dbl. 'n.. niult II I poorly paced production that baa a ,.stwk qudcy. wbm wbat'a ..... -II I_. D-khed fa,. Wto. 1¥•• ~aJs 1'Worldn1" t1 Even some of the aongs, which are generally uninspiring, allow the worker's ~ for meaning and dignity to come ringing throuah. Do we live to WOl'k or work to live? ln the words of author Terkel, th e ·h o a t o f t h e p r o g r a rri : " 'Working' is about a .ean:h for dally meaning as welJ u daily bftad, for recognition aa well as cash, for aatonllbment rather than torpor; in abort. for a eort of life rather than a Monday· through-Friday aort of dytn1f' The almple uutha of the labor forct are captured in the waitreea (a&ca Moreno) who linp the joys of her job. "l have to be a waltre.e," ah• aaya. "How el.le would the world come &o me?" But •h• ,..butfa any 1~Uon that her ))b la~· '1 llw ~. rm Dal mvilt.' 'lbml .......... .,. in dw ~fe who btlilwl ...,. weft .. UnlilOf"\Ml. coo. Her .,... CoetaMHaea That desire to be ~ is, poaib.ly, the most moving force of the work eth ic Terkel explo-1,_~.~11i:;' ~ =•L red. Aa the steelworker (Barry ~t •fnd ot t11Yif0fl!lllftt do~ WO!\ Bostwick) says: 'It'• non -besthl:How6oJ041rtlat1toot11t111 recocnttion that gets to you . . . Mt.Id -o4 tour SISSIOris Ill Aptl To be conaidered 'jult a laborer' ....., ,...._..,.' .._....._..,.ii ia degr8d.ing." ..... , . ...._..,. •• ....... ..._..,. n But before we're allowed to .............. >:WJL.le.Jl understand. and know the steel· PU: ... "' S... .............. f' worker, he's gone. In hJI plaoe ii Scatman Crothers, the parkln, '1!1!!!!!!!!!!11!49!!6•••11126iilil~-!!ll lot attendant who linp a neat· endleM 10Dg about hia lob. Thoee characten who expw universal feelings are the pro· ductton'a strength. Thetre "8· menu create a mood and tone that emphutie that machines may move the world, but it'• people who puah the m11Chine9. The mtarant worker, who la ukin1 1hoppera to boycott let· tuce, oflerw • melancholy aona about bllna lponld. He IUMntl Lbet on cabl.i arrom Amlrim fa· m.Wel .... eau~rut .. and ~­.... bill and fOf' .-.ect l.h• hand• that p oked· •h•m . "They don't •ven know how tt .,.. tblre," .. •11 Don't lie a Yioti11 Find out hO'# to f)'ote<t ~tcr-.. .. .,..,,~ c.ftt• ~ Sot.llun. 12 to 5 . • Designed, Finished l~llqd ..- 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST OUAL:rrY S .. UTI"EAS AVAIL=:ABLE ON THE MAAKEt :tGDAY ..• ATi l'AC'n>R¥ Dlll•CT PRICUI C1111(714)541 1141 or ..-.1111 11an•111 .... 11111Y .. l ,., ............ MOVIE RETURNS -Actor Jonathon Frid is shown with Alexandra Iales in a 1Cene from "Dark Shadows" which was aired on Channel 4 Monday evening for the first time since 1971. Mias lales recently made headlines when she was romantically linked to Claus Von Bulow during his trial for attempting to murder his wife. Swimmers to vie [Qr ~big prizes Trips to Canada, Flo- ' rida, Monterey and the East Coast are among , prizes being offered to l swimmers who partici- r pate in the Super Swim _ Classic on May 1 and 8 locally. The event is sponsored c by the Leukemia Society 1 of America's Tri-County 1 chapter. Swimmers are asked to pre-register. ' SWimmers do not win prizes for swimming, but · for how much money ~ they raise for the LSA by obtaining pledges for 1 laps swum. · Participating pools lo- t cally are at The New- t porter Inn, Disneyland Hotel, South Coast Plaza Hotel, Golden West Col- 1 lege, Crown Valley Re- l gional Park and the Los 1 Caballeros Sports Oub. i Fpr in.focmation, call . 539-9511. Free tests offered at health fair T h e fifth annual Health Fair Expo will be held at 13 locations in the I county April 23-May 1. The purpose of the fair is to promote the concept •. of health awareness and regular medical check- ups. Free health tests ·· and literature will be of- r fered. ~tes for th~event in- clu e the Martin Luther H pita.l Medical Center April 23 and 24 ; ., South Coast Medical Center April 25; Hoag Hospital April 25; the Laguna Hills Mall April 26 and 27 and the Mis- ' ·, sion Viejo Mall on May 1. Some sites also will ,, offer immunization for ' children. . I• For information, call 835-5381, extension 221. ., Population unwanted OZARK, Mo. (AP) - Thia aouthwest Missouri town is experiencing an unwanted population boom -not of people, but of pena. The mayor and Ozark City Council members ••Y they unknowingly ordered about 12,000 ballpoint pens at a cost of neerly $6,300 to the tax- payera in this town of 2,3H people, all in the put year. The dty la atuck with 9,000 pem, but plane to retum 2,&00 otbera. The ballpolnb were found hidden in clo1et1 and under deMa at Oty Hall. IUFFELL1S UPMOLSTBY .,,,, ..... .u1:1 ::r-:..~i·w. .,.. .. .. ~· ......... Lo-_ ........... ,., .. _ ....... _....., ... 1-# .. ·-~--. -·.,,, .. ,_ .... . , ---·------------ Virginia song 'racist' State travel service told tQ destroy brochures RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -The plctl the st.ate btrd, the ~ Virlin1a State Travel Service haa the 1tate tree and 1tate flower, been ordered to dettroy travel the dofwood; the st.ate flM: the brocbww con~ the offldal 1tate aeal; and the 1tate cJoc, a state ~·'Carey Me Back to foxhound. Old V . a,'1 beCau.. of com-'!be t.c:k o4 the Meet contatna plalnta at the 1an1 la racially the words to ''Carry Me Blick to offenlive. Old Vlrsinia," written in the The brochure, which la diatrl-19th century by a black man, buted to ICboolchlldren, la be1nJ James Bland, who never lived in reprinted without the so'£but Vlndnla. with a brief hlatory of V · . o 11\e lyrica. written 1n dlalect, l'redertdt W. Walker, uy in part: ol the Department of C-or\llerva- tion and Economic Development, 'There~ where the old d.trby'a ordered the destruction and or-hNrt M> long'd'to IJO· dered that dlatrlbutlon of the "There'• wbett I labor'd ao h&rd brochur.. be halted. I !OT old MA.a." He aatd he received several complalnll about the aon1 over the yeara and, with a reprint acheduled aoon, decided to elimi- nate it from the brochure. Althou1h Walker said he didn't find the eons offensive - "l mu.st have sung it hundreda of time•" -he said he could 1ee that eome people would. "We're trying to encourage people to come to Virginia and not stay away,'' he saicf. The front of the brochure de- George Stoddart, Gov. Charles S . Robb'• preu aecretary, said Robb knew nothing about the directive to remove the sheet. Marshall E. Murdaugh, direct- or of the travel lel'Vice, Mid the aheeta have been printed for at leut 10 yean and probably much longer than that. The sheet• are malled to children who write the st.ate for information about Virsinla, he aald. About 5,000 to 6,000 are \ ; ; ' \ \ i \ i ; i ' \ l , maOed MCb year. In addition, Murdauah aaid, the lheeta .,.. mailed 1n bulk to IChooJa that Nqu.t the informa- tion and are d.lltributed at travel lnfonnataan oenten the Depart .. ment of ComervatJon and Eco- nomic Development maintain• throuabout Virplla. He uJd the cmt of reprinting the aheet would be minlmal. An order of &0,000 lheeta cost .2,MO to print in 1980, be Mid. An unldent1.6ed 80W'Ce = by The Richmond New. r eatimated that the coat to t.be taxpayers of the reprinta, plua the brochurn that wlll be de- atroyed, will be about $6,000. The Virginia General Aaem- bly made "Carry Me Beck to Old Virginia" the 1tate 100i in JJMO. The only diapute wu over whe- ther to change "Vlr~y" in the title to "Virsinia, ' which the Aaeembly did. Bland, the eon of a South Carolina alave, wrote the song while living in F.n&J.and in 1875. He wu bom 1n Fluab.ina, N.Y., ln 1854 and Wat• one of the first graduates of Howard University. • -· --~ ............ PUlfllf fllTI whlleuwelt • j 11¥11 .... •14 I. 11th at. ,Co1t~ ......... 211f ·------------· I -I I I ~ ' I I~~~~ I i ~~. ·i I ~ · -~ I : il-£-fr~· : I ~ I I 1:11:\C.~IAlCRiDIT ~TION I I \:Io .e.oni.a °""' ~ I LA•nt•lt S.CJCll#\J,""'' .,., W<wt..d ~ ,,.J ,.,,,., .. ,. I I I COSTA MESA : I 370 E. 17th Street • 645-8700 I HUNTINGTON BEACH: I 16075 Colden W~t SL • 847·7771 I MISSION VIEJO: I Alici1 Town Pliua • n0.26SJ I SANTA ANA : I I 1%24 Eut 17th St. • 547-5871 I 1.-------~----· ..•. "I!". JOOs t.lhO u:JW.,, 5 mo 5mg . • #{ . 1 ....... VANTAGE 100s low'b9"'° 9mg " • I I ~ I -' I I \ .. ... 82 83 85 J ~ .u :" I • · .... ~._~ Con:tl•.Yts . 'election seaS9il' operi.S tod~y lb PREDER1crecao~HL iecting new cit:t council membel9 '. ~· UNi legallZAitlon of marljua-,.._. Dllr,......,. • · } , . ' In La Habra, 1'a P•ll'Dai West-ah~ proetitutlon. The fint at three, potent~ minster, Tustin, Y<Jrba ~da,1 • ~o cities _ Villa Park and t.ur elections ~hedu1ed d= ~ Alamitos, Stanton, -OraJ\ce, 14tp'-1ma _ propositions that ~ang, County i. ~82 ~ltica V,ijla Park. Buena Park, ·Pullen-~YP drawn more than routine ..-on are ~ place (Oday in .and Placentia. " ' '· • t.,._t wW be decided ~eral citi~ J ttata Sena'9 ~n the non-coaetal cities, 9G n ·-· ~. 1 • candidates are vying for 2'7 \rW. Park voters are deciding A In addition to mw\ictpal efet-council eeats. · · " • ' orl a measure that would give one in five cities along ttle ' And ln Orange, where b\Cum~ Utem control over high-density r-_~ge Co•st -Huql\ngtol).' beru Jim Beam is seeking an.o-zonlnJ d ecisions. Control now Beecll, Fountain Valley, Laguna \her lwo-year term all ma1.or, a rests with the city council. The leach, San Juan Capistrano and challenger has emerged. He ia propoeed measure Is viewed as a Ian Clemente -voters are se-Juan Pablo Serrano and he's ad-~ y t malntatning the city's low-density, residential charac- ter. La Palma voten are decldlng whether to promote new political blood in ctty government by limiting council members to two terms. Beyond the municipal elec- tions. voters in the 35th state Senate district as it existed prior to reapportionment are choosing a successor to former Sen. John Briggs, R-Fullerton , who res- igned. Re~~bllcan candldatee in the race include John Seymour, Anaheim mayor-. Wllllam Dou8- herty, attorney, and John Keller, businessman 1¥\d mini.It.er. Othe'r' candid•te• In the hea- vily RepW>lican cllatrict include Libertarian Lesa Antmann, I.Q-depen~ent Mark Foucher, and Democrat.le write-in challenger Beatrice Foster. The district includes the ciUel of Buena Park, Fullerton, La ENTERTAINING THE TROOPS? Uniforms were authentic but battles were fake when 50 members of the National Association of Stunt Actors ~ated World War Il scenes o.-"9t ~bf ......... K...._ at Santa Ana Bowl. As if stuntmen jumping from towers dismantled by smoking tanks weren't exciting , Atesh dancers from Corona del Mar performed between scenes Saturday. I ~ • * ' ON THE BEACBr One of our loyal s '1CrilSeat1j ... t called in on the We1re Listening line to ~plain: .dlat ,f<J' ~wo days in a row we'd· rup p)lotographs of ~pple in bathing suits. She Wondered lf·we were becoi'ning ' ~ther Habra, Oranie. Placentia, Villa Park, Y art. Linda, and a portion ot Tustin. If no c1ridldate reeelfea a majority of the votal .... l epe- cial run-off election Will l»e held May 11. The ballot wdUld bear the namet of each poll"-1 par- ty's top voie-jetter. ' Two other electloftl are .-c:he- duled this y.,--the June pri- mary and the Novemblf .tmeral election. Gu8rd jailed on gun rap The bodyguard of a Conner UC lrvine student expelled for ~hea­ ting has been sentenced to two months in jail on charges of car- rying a concealed weapon on campus Jan. 13. Douglas Ernest Smith, 29, a1ao was sentenced to two years of probation by Judge Calvin Schmidt of Orange COunty Har- bor Municipal Court. The defendant reportedly was acting as a bodyguard for Majid Foroozandeh. 19, an Iranian stu- dent who had returned to school ~ rai~with ()ult:nnbamm-Ro'll . Wilson. According to ca.mpus police, the former student pi.illed a potJ metal replica of a submachine gun from a canvas bag and fl.ashed a clip of live ammunition. Police said they found a loaded' pistol in Smith's briefcase and arrested him on suspicion of car- rying a concealed weapon. Foroozandeh. who has been sentenced to two months in jail for threatening Wilson, claimed he carried ·t-he guft' .and hired Smith as a bodyguard becawie he had received threats. Vaccination clinics set for dogs, cats Vaccination clinics for dogs and cats will be held at four Orange County locations starting Thurs- day by Pet Prevent-A-Care, a private group. All major vaccinations will be offered at prices ranging from $3.95 to $7 each. A licensed ve- 1 ~rinarian will supervise all cli- rucs. The clinics will take place at: • -Mesa Verde Center in C.O.tf Mesa, 2701 Harbor Blvd., Thun- day from 2:30 to 5 p.m. -The Boat Canyon Mall par- king lot off Pacific Coast Hig~­ wa y in Laguna Beach, Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. -Monarch Bay Plaza, Crown Valley Parkway at Pacific c.out Highway in Laguna Niguel, also Friday, but from 2:30 to ~ p .m.. -Mission Viejo Mall, 2700 Crown Valley Parkway, Sunday from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. 1 Plarboy Magazine.'~ • • ., For the unihfonned, the magazine in ~lion tures ,. .... ..,.. ....... • ...... :. -· There was a woman who lived in Laguna &ach who ~~fvn•.i:<J< bad the figure for one of these rubber suits and alto wu a pictures of lovely yQWtC women weariJ'l& Ii~ •miles. And it's pttirig like ~hat theSf da~o our ~shoreline. curre ~ • ~ ·tashions · the · • · -eurrent tren 'maga- ' ... ~~ will go out of busl- Jll 111 Shice our beach INIOn ' is upon us here along this belt of all po18ible coasts, there . will be aome beach ICelle plcturet. Somelimee they do show what people are wea- ring. Sometlrnee it's more like what they're not weatJN. " \ '~,.,.-APP AJlENTL Y TBE LOY AL aubecrt~ ho com· plained about peopJia in baJhlng Alita aimpl~ _hMn't been DMr the beach ln ~ ..._ It would probably do well to cWaibe the current beeCh fMhicn l()llle briefly. That'• it. Briefly. Nothlnc could dacrtbe it better. You could augeat that it the deaiRnen of current beach and sun wear were .tuna"il!Md by ihe ya.rd of cloth, they'd all be in the poorhmMii bltcn July. Regardle11, you have to admli a.wn through the years, whatever deslgnl they came ...... fOI.' young women on the beach, it was considered too -.nty and ecand.aloua. Back in the 1920., the locals ttf\llild to don the skimpy aldrta and bathing COltWB9 In ·~..,ual Balboa Bethina ·Beauty Coni.t. THEN IN THE LATE 19SO.. 10me deslrn•r pnh.t• ~swimmer. She bought one and took to the wa.ter 's Main Beach. ptly, she caught a snag while churning thi'oUgh a kelp bed. The rubber suit went "ZJp!" and vanished. 'She ataned yelling for help from the lifeguards ashore. They all knew the young woman and her excellent awirnming skills. They thought her ytt)ling w• Gn.i tiig joke. THUS SHE WHOOPED and hollered.for a~t half an hour before one guard ftaured maybe aome\hloa wu wrong and ventured out into the wa1iel'.to IDqulre. Thei.dy in distre9I announced, "U it'wouldn't be too much trouble, would you brine me a VflrJ $~•#tonl?'' The former rubbemld ba IUii WM recoveredJa· t.er •it fbted near \be a.lp . W... lt 8p1itt t p red~ to ;.-a Un)'. ~ ltdnl of material. 4- It w• about the lilt Of what the ah'll wear on the bwtm today. - f • • I ' ) Orang• Coat OAU.V PILOTtruelday, Aprll 13, 1082 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE bescription,.of symptoms helps hoy's diagnosis DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just read our reply to the woman who thanked you r diagnosing her problem as narcolepsy. he sald you r descr iption of the illness atched h er symptoms, so she took your lumn to her doctor, "who up until then as telling her to take vi tam ins." Lo. and hold, he discovered she had exactly what OU said it !K>Unded like. I want you to know a similar thing appened in our family. and I never ked you for your help. When you wrote bou t Tourette's syndrome and described e twtiching and jerking and involuntary arking sounds, I !.mew immediately that ur nephew had that illness. I called the boy's mother in Wisconsin. he immediately brought the boy to Boston, here his problem was diagnosed as ourette's. The boy is now taking edication and getting along beautifully. So hank you from the bottom of our hearts. - SSACHUSETTS ANN FANS DEAR F ANS: From time to Sime I've • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA ew start . Scorpio Wednesday, April 14 1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Good news ~ featured concerning career, standing in tmmunity, unique honor. You'll be givt.'h rger quarters. more freedom and travel pportunity. Popularity increases. _ I TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasis an distance, journey, special communication, abstract principles of law. Some plans will qe revised, you'll be asked to rebuild on a rtlore suitable structure. , GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be ready for change, travel, variety and a unique re- lationship. Virgo, Sagittarius and a nother Gemini figure prominently. Emphasis also on financial status of one close to you. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Important domestic adjustment is on agenda. Maintain low profile. Give others opportunity to ex- press views, even if conflicting with your own. Be discreet. patient and observant. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on em- ployment, basic values. ability to separate fact from fantasy. Pisces individual is sin- cere, but could be misinformed. Know it, proceed accordin~ly. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Imprint style, stress creativity, accept added respon- sibility. Relationship intensified, you learn where you stand with special member of opposite sex. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Negotiations are completed. Property value is assessed. Perceive potential. Refuse to be influenced by one who lacks faith. Individual you re- spect will seek your opinion. Aries, and an- other Libra figure in scenario. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): New start in new direction is featured,_Short trip may be necessary. You make vaTuable contacts. ideas are evaluated and you could receive commendation for efforts. You get to heart of matters, especially where romance is concerned. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Pay- ments, taxes, collections are highligh ted. Emph asis on income and the obtaining of needed material. Intuition hits mark -you gain enlightenment through unusual source. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 29): Lunar cycle high, judgment, intuition are on target. Circumstances favor your efforts. Popularity inceases, you make valuable contacts an d you'll be relieved of burden. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): What ~peared to be a lost cause is due to boo- merang in your favor. Know it and proceed with confidence. Another Aquarian offers .sou nd counsel. You'll learn story beh in d S(lor y . I PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Accent on iends, hopes, wish es and possible profit om business venture. Ut ilize pow e rs of nua&ion. Gain indicated through written ord. Analyze motives, reject superficial planations. · T SHOTS Y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT • OON'T TAKE IT PER.90NALLY IF I NEGLECT YOU - L tF £ COt'o'ST ANTLY F"OACE:S M E TO N£G4..£'C.T GOO~~NGS. = t::rl':.: ::=.i:::-- .. been balf·Jollla1ly acc:U1ed of practlclag medlclae wl&bout a UceaH. I try to 1tay away from 1peclflc1 bat wbea I recogn(ie the 1ymptom1 of a Jlttle-lmown lllae11, and the wrtter uy11 "My doctor 1ay1 I'm OK" or, 11He says It'• all ln m y bead," I feel compelled to suggest (NOT diagnose) a po11iblllty. "Mrs. Z" ii really a good soul and has kept my children overnight a few times when I wanted to go with my hUJband on short business trips, but how can I unwind withou t h urting her feelings? - KITCHENER HEADACHE Tbuk you for letting me know I helped. DEAR KITCH: Stop asking her to keep your children overalgbt. Wbea yoa ao longer feel obligated, yoa11 be able to tell ber you bave plans tbat don't I.Delude ber without feeling guilty. Letters like yours make all tbe bard work wortlawblle. DE A R ANN L A N DE R S : A new neighbor has attached herself to me as if she were a Siamese twin. I tried to be helpful to Mr s. Z w llen she asked where I did my marketing, did I know of a good seams~. a reliable dry cleaner, and so on, but now I can't make a move without including her. DEAR ANN: I am in love with a man whose wife died four years ago. He wants to marry me, but the problem is his 15-year-old daughter. She is a snotty kid•who resents me because she wants her dad all to herself. "M rs. Z" phones every morning to inquire about my plans for the day. She has a clever way of inviting herself along. After I am trapped into saying "OK." I ge t mad at myself. I can't have a bridge game without her because she can see everything that goes on over here. I am 26, divorced, and have a 3-y~ar-old son. I have tried to be nice to this little t w e rp, but nothing wor ks. Her father is putting off our marriage plans because we don't get along. Please tell me how to win her over . -DETE R MINED IN MARYLAND STRETCHING HIS LIMITS -Catching a wily razor clam takes abarp observation to ._- telltale signs in t he wet sand. Bu t Wfb Overholser of Sari8'jf0tnt, Idaho, really extelill Al' Wlrephoto himself while pushing his clam gun into hard, -after his prey~d ~ to keep hill fttl...dt:t liter the ti<t_e starte~ ~k on the 6iiiB\ it seas1de, Ore. - .--~------------------------------------------------~ ---~ ' ..... .._ \ ~~ GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF East-West vulnerable. East deals. NORTH +9782 <:?AJ1063 0 8 + K 76 WEST EAST +4 +AK <::7 Q 7 <:?985 o Q 9642 o K 107S +10 98'3 +AQJ 2 SOUTH • QJ 10853 <:?K42 0 AJ3 +5 The bidding: Eaat Soatlt Weat North 1 NT 2 + Pa11 4 + Pa111 Pa11 Pa11 Opening lead: Ten or +. Our good friend Pierre Schemeil, captain of the French world champion team, has come up with some interesting hands. If you want to test your declarer skill, cover up the East and West hands with your thumbs and decide how you would play four spades after a club lead. East's opening no trump bid ahowed 1~17 points. North's raise to game is a tri· fle aggresajve. but it does give you the opportunity to 1how your ability. Obviously. the cootract hinges oo not 101ing a heart trick. Sioce East is the no trump bidder, it looka aa if we ahould play him for the queeo of hearts. But before committing ouraelvea, let'1 1ee what we can find out about the holdlnp . Flrat, play the king of club1 from dummy at trick one. Eu t wlna the ace and contlnuea with the queen or clubs. You ruff and lead lhe queen of spades. East wins the king and you can now vir· tually claim the contract. Whom do you int.end playing for the queen of hearts. und why? Since Easl cannot have a singleton spade. he must have started with the ace· king, so that's seven points. From the opening lead and play to the first two tricks, East has teven points in clubs, bringing his total to 14. And he mu1t have a high dia· mond becau1e West would surely have led the king of diamonds if he held the king queen. Thus. East is marked with 16 or 17 points in spades. diamonds and clubs. Therefore. he cannot hold the queen or hearts as well. re you are a "hot-dogger," you can now announce that you are playing West for the queen of hearts and table your cards. Your audience will be suitably impressed. Or, if you enjoy rubbing it. in to the opposition, you can play the hand very slowly. displaying great signs or mental anguish with each card you play. Either way, your contract is a l<>t:k, simp· ly because you have the abili· ty to add to 17. Have 1oa been ruabaa la· to double trouble? Let Charlaa Goren help 7ou fDd JOV W&J tlaroqla &J.e mue of DOUBLES for peaalU.1 a.ad for takeout. For a COPJ of Ida DOUBLES booklet, HDd 11.85 to "Gota·O..W.1," CIU'O of tMa aowe.-r.r, P.O. Boa 169, Nonroe., N.J. OTIMS. Mako eltock• pa1abi. to N ow1paporbookl. ~ Allll WIDllS DEAR DE: Sorry, ao advice from tbi1 corner. I'd feel gllJlty lf I helped you l'ffl tbe mu in. Your age and the girl'• are too close for comfort. Moreove r, tbe "taotty kid" and "twe rp" appellalloas tell me bow you really feel. She knows It, aad 10 does he r father. Do everybody a favor and bang it up. Do you feel awkward, self-conscious - lonely? Welcome to the club. There's help for you in Ann Landers' booklet "The Key to Popularity." Send 50 cents with your request and a Jpng, st.amped, self-addressed en velope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611 . flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END Best awards sho-w is ... I've been feeling strange this week and fi nally figured it out. It's been eight full days since I've seen the e nte rtainment industry award itself. There's no business like show bl8mess for handing out trophies to themselves. I've seen maybe 35 or 40 s hows this year featuring tear-stained faces giving humble speeches that make monks look like braggarts. There's the Golden Globes, People's Choice, Critic's Choice, Cannes Film Festival, American Movie Awards, the Oscar s. Emmys. Tonys, Grammys. and enough coutnry-Western awards to have Barbara Mandrell changing her dress every 15 minutes and giving an acceptance speech. AT FIRST, I Prft!h -"°nl~ 1 en~ the gttuer of th e event a1'8 razzle-d~1 all those stars in one room. Alter awhile, it was like watching "The Wizard of Oz" for t he 18th time. You start rooting for the tornado. I r ealize I no lon ger love a win ner unless they show up for the award. I used to anticipate someone falling out of her dress like the 11pec.._tors of tlle Indy 500 waiting for ~oneon • it .. e nor:t~ wall..1(.iao longer <::8fa • . . .. 't" And l can no longer s u stain my enthusiasm at 1 a.m. anymore for the man who won an award for laying the sound track o n the b lack -and-w h ite foreign documentary, "Midn ight Escargot," and accepts the award in French. I have begu n to analyze why this industr y has a cur b on achievemen t an d struggle. My plumber never got a "plunger" award for excellence in retrieving an iced tea spoon out of the disposal on Christmas Eve. MY DR UG GIST WAS NEVER rewarded with a s~tuette for interpreting illegible handwriting for 30 year s. T h e school bus driver on our route has never been sin g led out for orchestrating 60 5-year-olds for 36 weeks. . .a nd allowing them to live. What about the customs officer who is never thanked for shuffling through dirty underwear, and hairdressers who keep the suicide rate down in this country? The entertainment industry has only one way to go: the ultimate awards show in which statues are given to the best award show. Who wrote it? Who produced it? Who hosted it? Who c:ame out on time? Who had the highest rate of winners in attendance? Wh o w as bleeped? Who took t he longes t time .to get to the podium? Who got booed for promoting a cause? 1 think I know the win ner alread y . Barbara Mandrell! Does full moon affect emotions? DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Is tbere any"lq to all tbl1 llo1waab &bat tbe 11111 moon b• an effect OD oar emotions? For example, "ere'• a rad.lo talk·1bow boat In oar &own wbo11 sure to uy, "Coatlderlng all these cra1y qaestloa1 and answers, tliere mast be a fall moon oat toDlgbt." For yean I've been bearl.Dg tbat &Ile moon really af- fects ••· -MRS. M. DEAR MRS. M .: I believe th at tn e moon's "magnetl1m 1urely must have some effect on bow we behave when it's full. In addition. you'll be aurprlled to learn that the full moon ai.o acu on our physical state, too. For example, Dr. RaJph W. Mor ri1 of the University of lllino&I Medical Center in Cbicqo hu mad e an intereattna report ln tbe Journal of the Amerlc1n Medical Amodatlon Medical Newa. ~ data from 18 patlenta tndt· cate that uloln ... mon Wcely to bleed -be- • fore the full moon. He allo reported t.hat 64 percent of angina pectoril attacks e.xperien- ced by 88 patients occurred between the full and last quarter moon. Why does this happen? OQe theory is that the maanetic interaction between earth and moon may involve human phy*>logical and peycbological changes. Some ot us, more than ot.hen. should beware the full moon, Mrs.M. DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: My .,.._ taJW I lleeid a ll11tenet1my. B•t hlltlU .t wuUa1 to perferm tile .. ,.1 abdoml••I lay1tereet .. ,. ¥ advlan tllat 1 ••• "' .. ~. la'I W1 a rMW melllod of •teruT -Miii.; U. DEAR S. U .: Not rare. ~ abdo· m1naJ route ll \.WUally cbcmn tf a larp ute- rine tumor la Jftlll"t or when ovu1el an to be rtmoYed. One r...1 for dalftl • ~ T JOUI HIA11H DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN "wt., cbft 1°" iust reod the direction5?" ' .. ' '9AR•.,81:KE IT'S TJ41STIME OF 114e YIAR, Fot¥s ! by Brad Anderson 21 ...... 21 Mlll6cll ll'lltn.mlfttl 11 "9ck 14~ • • Foo4bell .,....,.. •Tn, 41 Arcelc MMllt 44C...-..ld- lrlfloal• 41 Wllfl torce .. ,. ... ,_ ... port ·~ ....,OM ., ..... 12~ ·--. ... • ,....flt'f ........... ........ .... • by Virgil Partch (VIP) I(.,, "It happens to be my recipe for caramel popcorn balla." Hank Ketchum ' ~//lllllW!lw . • --~ ; ~ I "(..o_~·-~ --3 ! ..... AAn~K MRs.W1l.SlW f"OQ.ENJOY1~~ r~y ,, NO' THAT'& f'fl.OM~Y THE ONLY DIFFERENCE OF OPINION THAT OAO AND l EVER HAO ' ";/ ~ Ofenge Coaat DAILY PILOT /TUlld1y, Aprll 13. 1982 I I PUNl'T8 LOOK AT HER .. l'LL BET SUE'S 6AINEO THIRTY POVN06 ... Tl: M 8LE1' EEDM SHOIE GORDO ,......"°"'<-----...... -t.U ll .. ....,...,.,.,.....,..l ............ .. •• 70 a=LE.BRATE .sot..mJDE, VA.I A SILKY KNOLL 'NEATH COTTOJ CJ .Q ID:!:>f AN AM&JL.ANCE 5iANOING PR~ ves, A GRAY Mf:RCePes wrrH A 1..1'1,.. H I F'POCRA~es POt...i... w.-.ose HESAP eoes ON rrs PASH80ARc:> ... COU&...P Yb() ee MDRe SPeCtFIC, POC'iOR ~ by Tom K. Ryan ''( LOOKING-AROUNP 1'HE COOR"TRDOM. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller THIS IS THE BEST BACK SCRATCHER IN TOW'N -tN 5 tLVER Cl.J.'.AUWS HASAN 1!:!3CW'/ LINIM;::f by Gus Arriola by Tom Battuk Ii'b A PRECAonON I AlWAl.lb OB~V£ ON iHE. M..l5 ~E.cJ SERVE PILJ<LED i=ISHSfllJ<S I~ rn£ CAFE-rt.RIA ! by Kevin Fagan I ~~~ttl '{()\} NO"f 10 1.E. f CJA.O fl.A~ 1.i>rf" '«>OR ~us1~·1,u&£ ! ) " .. Orange Oout OAIL.Y PILOT/Tueeday, Aprtt 13, 1982 ConstructlOn avmat I leritage Bank. New jet eyed Jjy Douglas LONG BEACH (AP) -McDonnell Douglu C-orp. may lau.nch a new l~pMMna r Jet next yeer IC alrlln traffic picka up this 1ununer, a top offJdal or the company'• Douglas Alrcraft Co. divitlon Mys. • Rr.sldt.tlf lal ,. Ray Bata, vice president for new oommerdal progrftms at Douelas, said the company 11 conside· ring a joint venture with a group of Japanese companiea but "would llke to have two or three good carrlera and 1lgnlficant firm orders or 10lid potc!ntlal for ordera" before launc.hlng the program. • COmmerclal Bulkll~ • TaMn.d c.ommltmenC required aloJlg wMh k•8S("S. The plane, which would requlre new fuel- eWcient engine5. would be almed at replaclng \he aging 140-seat Boeing 7271 and 135-aeat OC-~s. Ba I.et! saJd. Conloct: ·Jdf Johnson iie did not indicate how much of an uptum in trafflc the company would li~e to see before going' ahead with the program, and noted that the plane c.'Ould not be ready before 1987. SOUth Ofange County/lrvlnr 7M/8.'Y~l SAT .. APllL 17t~ 10-4 CAL'I CAmRAl INC. ,...,,.,.. Fl&ltt FIE£ttl FIHltl llKOI REPAIR CLlllC WW Wlnnlblrg. Clwfl9f ol AulflOt· lad C..-• ~ (Aulhonzed ,...on s.n.o.1 ., Los MQllel, Wll Cl'l9dt OU1 ya.If P*on CM'Nll IOr IOc:ulinO. dlutt9f. •ync. Qle.lnlng. and~ ~II in jUll n*>· ut• right l»fo<e yOUI t'fW CAL'S CAMERAS INC. 1710 •EWPOllT ILVO. COSTA •W 1714) &411-9313 PVIUC NOTICE ACTIT10U9 .,.._,, ~ ITATOSlfT The I011owtn9 .,.,_, II CIOlllQ -... • EHERCALC, 112& H Broo~llurol lltr .. t, Sult• 300, Anaheim. C•lilotnla ~1 Mlcllaal Oyer Broou 8700\0 W bcMn1ron1. Newport BMCll. Calllornla '2'83 Tt\11 bull,.... I• con<luci.O by an ln- fM""*' Mlchaej D. Bt00k1 ' Thll 1111am1n1 ., .. 11110 '""h lhl County Cl9rlt ol Or.nga Counl'( on Aprtl 2. ~M2 ,....., ~~:~1~~~~;;1:e~o11t Oat:I~ ' I l'ta.IC NOTICE NS-t%~33 :NOTICE OF DEATH OF fJSADORE SCHNEIDER, aka I. J. SCHNEIDER, aka ISADORE J . SCHNEIDER AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-11%141. To all heirs, benefi ciaries, creditors and contingent credito rs of I SA DORE SCHNEIDER, aka I. J . SCHNEIDER. aka ISA- DORE J . SCHNEIDER and persons who may be other- wise interested in the will and/or estate: A peutlon has been med by ROBERT L. SCHNEIDER m the Superio r Court of ORANGE County requesting that ROBERT L. SCHNEI- DER be appointed as perso· nal representative to admi- nister the estate o f ISA- DORE SCHNEIDER, Irvme. Ca. (under the Independent Administration of Estates Act). The petition is set for hearing m Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 on May 5, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the peutlon, you should either appe;lr at the hearing and stale your ob- jections or file written ob- jections with the court be- fore the hearing. Your ap- pearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceued, you must file your claim with the court or present it to the personal reprMenLativf appointed by the court within four months from the date of flral la· suance of letters as provided , in Section 700 of the Probe C.ode of Callfarnla. The time lfor fillni clahm will not ex- pire prior to four months lrcm the date of the hearing noticed abpve. YOU MAY EXAMINE th file kept by the court. If you are intler9ted in the estate, )'OU IDIY file a request with the court to receive apecial notlce of tbe Inventory o 9'ate _.. and of the peti- Uonia, Mll*lllU and repor ~ tn 8ection 1200.6 of lb• C.llfornla Probat Olde. ......... a..e. ... , .__.,Lew ::.~ C.ter Drive. N••t•rt l eaetl, CA ........ Ct!%,.,q ...... a.a;, .t:.r•" Bates said McDonnell diacussed the new plane with Eastern. Pan Americ&J), Trana World, Amer- ican, Air Canada and several other carrien. Piiot Logbook -I ·1 p·1 A Candu:t commentariea exclusively in the II Y I II WE'RE A LOI MORE THAii A BELL Oii Y•R WALL Behind the bell. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind all the state-of-the art protection devices we make and install, is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property, we get the signal in a nearby, 24-hour-a-day cen- tral stl'l:1~n. If the signal indicates fire. burglary or holdup, we call the police or fire department. Since our central station is U L. rated. our central station customers can qualify for a size~ble discount on their insurance. And to increase our ,each, make response time even faster, and improve efficiency. we're computerizing our station. But Improvements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting better for 21 years. And today we're the leaders in the security.business in the Harbor area with over 10.000 customers Including a wide range of big and small retail, industrial and commercral establishments. ~ ... • !.o find out more~~ ooF-Seaeea9'~1't;sJ ~tstiOf't'Wflte or-come- by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Iii\ SEACOAST \J ~CURITT SYSTEMS 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA • 92627 • (7 14) 642-3490 - •n11u HU an Dl!IMM :O B IDQDQUDl!llamm• !!9 gaa GID CICll DDDM = !:!!DDmDClll:IClllillilU!E!! -- • Keep Track of Your Budget The TRS-80 Color Computer starts where video games atop! Just add our lnatant-k>edlng Pro- gram Paka to manege your money, keep a hou•hold Inven- tory-even tutor your kids In math. Ju•t for fun, you can elao play exchlng computer gameal • Learn How to Program • Attaches Easily to Your Color TV SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER A DIVISION OF TA.NOY C~PORAT!ON OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MAY VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS II M akini a start l is probably the m()st important tep toward saving. There is a way to take the initial tep and know you're on the right track toward a · regular, scheduled savings. Just join the Payroll Savings Plan at work. A littJe i taken out of each paycheck toward the pure hue of U.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to worry about making a s~al effort to put IOOlething aside each ~·day. I t'a all done for you. Automaticall)•. The bucks start pili~ up, the in&erat &rowti and )''OU rea.litt )'Ouve AO ~ found one turef itt I~~ way to •\'C. • :.7 • ... Oii YOUNG Executive proniotions made ' . Dlrk DeY01111g haa rejoined the lrvine d ivision of PonderOla Homes as director of operations, ac- cording to Frank Fullerton, vice president and general manager of th~ lrvine-based homebuilding flrm. Robert K. BrldUI has been selected vice pre- aident of finance for West.ab Associates, a Newport Beach corporation specializing in the development of neighborhood shopping centers throughout the Western United States. Tim Peralta has been named president and chief executive officer of the new Orange County- based Enterprise National Bank, which is in orga- nization. Justin Drelllcb has been named president of Alltime Wat.ch Speciality Stores lnc , a 43-umt retail chain based in Orange County Walter Goeggel Jr., has been appointed em- ployee benefits department manager of the Cost.a Mesa office of Johnson & Hlggms of California, the international insurance brokerage and employf'e benefit consulting and actuarial firm. Jim Davis, prf4'i11dent of Huntington National Bank has announced the addition of Dale Dunn as a vice president Dunn's maJOr responsi- bility will be in heading the bank's busmes.s deve- lopment effort. Darlene L. Sebwab has been named catering sales manager for The Newporter resort hotel in Newport Beach, rec.·ently acquired by Ne wport Beach-based Ridgway Ltd .. a<:cordmg to Joseph Woodard, hotel president DRllll coum IUlllEll Edgar M. Tboma1 has been appol..nted to the newly created position of director o( sales -w~ tern region and ~atlonal advertising manager for the Busines,, Accessories Division of Georgia-Pacific Corp. Barbara Stewart, president of B.J . Stewart Advertising and Public Relations, Inc., has named Geoffr ey Graves as director of public relations. Graves was previously a public relationa account executive with the firm. King Advertising & PabUc Relation•. Inc., has been selected to inillate a new, corporate identity program for The Bryman Schoola, announced San- dra K ing Brayton , president of the Newport Beach-based agency Nancy DeAlnza has been named manager of the Fountain Valley branch of Home Savings of America, 18798 Brookhurst S treet. Barbara A. BeJcber has been appointed public relauons representative of Coors Distributing Com- pany of Orange County. Joan Gladstone has been appointed manager, public relations for ITI Cannon, according to Mark Jorgensen, director, public relatfons and adverti- smg. Allen 0. Cannon of the Newport Beach Agency of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company has been named a member of the company's 1981 Freshman Five. n; l"I ~rt'! UPS AND DOWNS 10 n s~. .... --11v. 11''1 HEW YOAK IAPJ -The loUOwt<IQ llst 11'!1> 11\lo ._ IN °"" . tho • (.oiatter ~r J~ -..., ......... .... ...,,,. -"" I " IJ'li,o h motl ancl -1ht moS1 ... Md .. ~ *'-~ofc,..,. ~al"°'""" ~ 1~ ~ trlldiflQ ta-$1 lf'e lnd-10\'t 11 W ':;,';d -~C"*'eHlf'•ttll 14 14~. .,. pr t kK1"9 IO'IJ 1~ -=='l'l last ~~ct 1~11~ 1~1 1 , n~. 1 3\lo 4 ~n·• :M :M'"' 11'1> 11-l. t7'A. 11''1 s~ ••· ICM<. 1111, lOat. 31"> 11\0 12-. 14 14'" ...-1c. ... &:.SI ll:l1 OuoVlt II IO t::i~ l~ ll NI ~f ii.A ltf !11 1f1 lr'i 11 ' 11.4 II I :u ii J '·' ::l it'i ~ • :t t,. ·~r ·:0:1 NL ~t f,\ m OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION 0110f 6tlOld INCl.UD• T••OIJ o .. Htl .... •o•-. Mt OW HT, l'A(lflC ........ IOtTON, OIUOIT ••o (IN(llOtAft noe• t •CMANOU U.0ll"O•llO1¥ 'fMI "AH 1111~01111,Tlllllf Firm buys, sells S AN FRAN CISC O (~ - FotemOlt-McK.ellon tatd lt t a Texu water company a nd .old it• Milkman dry mUk operatlot\. Foremost-Mc.Ke.On ~t llor· ben W. M.a.rkUI Jr. aid the caneanY wan11 &o concenvate !ta rood proclucta In put.a and bouled water. Spoke. tman Bna Lewla eald boWtd water Ml baclaoe one ol the ooms-n'I'• malt DtOlnWN In~ IJ"OWtb8 by aboU\ 20 '*"*" • y-.r. • r 8 ... Ground 'NH broken in the lrvlnt l ndu1trial Complex-East by 8rolher lnternatlonal Corpvrauon ror it.a $5 million 80,000-aquare-foot dlatributfon, uJet and administrative f&c:1llty Compl~tion is expeeted by Oct. l, according to Robert lt. Reigrod, general manager. A 1ubeidiary of Japan-based Brp&h~r Industries, Brother International markets consumer products such as typewriters and sewmg machines, and electronic typewriters for office use. The company w1U lllitially employ about ~O. Wi11d home tour s et A t.our of a wind generator-powered home will be one of the exhibits at the sa'Ond annual Energy Fair, sponsored by the Orange County chapter, American Lnslitute of Architects. The fair, scheduled May 8 at Rancho Carrillo, located off Ortega Highway eight miles east of San Juan Capistrano, will kkk off celebration of the 125th anmversary of the national professional organization For informat1on, call 557-7786. Software pact OK'd Holland Automation lntemational of Costa Mesa has signed an agreement for distribution of lta CP/ M-compalible applications 30ftware to users and dea- lers of Sharp microcomputers. Cal.Jforrtla-based Cimarron Business Sys~ has been granted rights to offer HAi's applicatlons pac· kages and BASIC lnt.erpreter in the United States and Mexico, according to Alan Routledge, president of HAl's American division. S hangri-la e t in Mesa Wilsonart's traveling exhibit, Shangri-La, vlSits South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa on April 19 from 4 to 8 p.m. and April 20 from noon to 8 p.m. Shangri-La will visit 28 dties in the United States and Canada in 1982. Wilsonart pre5ents design-aware interior surfa· cing materials and possibilities for applications. For information, c.all 523-1200. Fluor gets North Sea work Fluor Corporation subsidiary has been named pro.)E!Ct-services contractor by the Norwegian State OU Company (Statoil) for a gas-treatment plant and ter· mmal to be built at Karsto, Norway. St.atoil is acting as operator for the Statpipe group of oil companies. The onshore projects are part of the gas-gathenng system t.o be tnstalled in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Fluor Ocean Services Ltd., London. will perform the work as an extension of its re<.-ently an- nounced project-services contract for the ofCshore fa. cilities. Ne w computer due IBIS of lrVine announced a June release date !or an operating system for Data General NOV A or com- patible c.'Omputers. Called Advanced Interactive Operations System (ADIOS), the system claims 100 percent compatibility with Point 4 Data Corporation's IRIS BA SIC, allowing users of that system an upgrade migration. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK tAPI -Sales Mondly PflOe Ind ne1 C:lll~ ot Ille ,.., moll IC· llvt Ameroc1n Stoch E•cll1nge ••tV.t. l allonllly 11 more lhan SI .l m:I ~:z . r.: 9 114, 11\<t • ~ 101. 11'" -"" " ' . '" ' It ~· t , •• A 9 W. l lt~ : • '.: Y ell 76, n1, I GOLD COINS N1W YON< (AP) -PrloM .... W.CS· M1M11 of ..... col111, OOfl\'*M "'1" ~---. .,...,,...., 1 tr01 oa_ U.7,00, 9" ••• ..... .._, 1 troy o.a., IHl',00, en ..... .......... ,.. .. ., ....... ?I. ... , .. n. ...... ='•'""'"" ,NOJ ~ .... ...... 11..-. '. I .... 0 ,.. •• METALS Copp« 74~-77 cent• • oovnd. U.S detlln1tloM. LMd 28·32 oentt • pound. Z1M 35-40 oent1 • pcMnt, ~. Tin Stl.55et Metata Waett compoette lb. ,......._ 1346.00 troy~, N.Y. SILVER.._.., Hendy & Hum•n. 17 .620 per troy ~. GOLD QUOTATIONS ....., L9"dotl: mornlflCI ft1lno SU2.60. oft suo. L...i-: aMtftOOfl ftJtlng '351.110, off auo. ,..,.. muo. up I0.23. • '~ US..03, ofl 13.ilt· Zwrk•u Late 1111no IH v 00 bid, off '3.00: ~00 .....,. HHllJ a KM•eai onty dill~ quot• 1351,50111 of! auo . ..... ~ only dilly quo-. 135 uo. off 12.&0. SYMBOLS _...., .... -_.. ...... -----·---.. --.. .. __ ._ .... .....,, .. _ ......... _ ............. Mli .. -...... ·=-:::-:':%.:' ...... --.:::. .. ..:::.._ :.1.:: -,_. -· ....,..,,,I ,......._ ~ ......... ,._.lflf •• -•• ~ ...... -............ .. ...,..._,__,.....,. .............. ,. ---11111-..-...0... ..... -.......... ---· ...... _......,_...._.. .. .... .._..,,....-.......... ....... _.,......,,_.,_ . ..._.,...,..._ .... ...._._, ............ ,... ...... -___ .._. ...... ,__ ... a...._.... .............. ~----_....,...,.... .. 1!f:tJ ~...!!.!.-.:C.: I': ..,.._,_ _____ 9J'IP Coll DAILY PILOT tTu.csay. Aprtt 13, 1882 I Orange Coast theaters offer bountiful, varied supply of plays lt'1 ''overklll WMk" In Uvlna theaw alofta ttit . eo.t, with no fewer than ax oroducllanl , .... _. on the ane•1 varloua 1tapt. We'll c:ovw • t I• thrw them In today'• ex>tumn and look at tbl , othen. alona with the continWnc lhowa, J'ridq. Headlnl the •Mk'• crop of newcomen, bo-11Where'1 Charley?'' ta the mualcal version of wtna.Jn '°!'ilht.. la the Ton)' Awatd·winnlna "De" ''Charley~ Aunt" and wW feature Stan Wluick ln at SOuth Coilt R5etory. Tho mutical 0Where11 the title role at the Cotta Meu Civic Pl~yhouae '' arrlvee at the Colta M .. CMc undv the direction of PaU Tambelllni. Gllmore 5 \ while t farcJcal ~y "See How Riao playe hia co11ett buddy and Pam Oltl1na fl ~ day a\ tM 1'""*1 ThN• the Amy of the tamcM Ray 'Bolpr movie llOl\I· . r. · ' Others ln the cut are Vldde GroM.reuta. Merle David &nm.. founder. and art.lltic director of Calhoun, Robert SIX, D.D. Calhoun and a 1bc- SCR, fl •t.alin8 the Huah Leonard play about the character enleO)ble. Dave KofJ fl mUlical d1rector 1holt ofM.__lrfe~ble Iriahnwn who~ h1I and Kay Ren tzel l1 choreolf~btna the 1how, eon'• lift.' 'fbomlJ Toner takee the title· role, with which wt1l i'un four weekend:I, Thundaye throuah DMn Santoro playing the eon. Katherine MacGre-Saturdayt at 8:3~ at the Ovk Playhoule on t.M aor, Mar1aret Muse, P1tti John., Ron BoUSIOm, Or1nge .County Falr1:round1. Call 754-IH59 for W~· 9iover and John Greenleaf complete the tickets. cut. ' The British farce "See How They Run" mowe "Da" will play through May 16 with curtain at lnto'th4t Newport Theeter Artt Center Friday under 8 p.m .. Tue9day1 through SatU.rdaya, 7:30 on Sun-Kent Johnson's direction. Tom Regan and Beth dayW ahcf 2!30 for weekend matinees at the Fourth Titus head the cast which includes Valerie Mcllro Step Theater, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Richard Allen, S~ey Tudor, Neal Kopit, Co~ Reeervaijons 957-4033. Quiver and Alan Schneider. ''Rit1111& '2001' "'"' 'STAR· WARS''' NOW PLAYING IUlU rAllll DIUYE·lll ClllUICMH lDWMlll lllWPCMlT Buena Pali< 821 4070 ()anoe 634 2SS3 Hewpo11 Beilcll 644 0760 MAIMI UU 'LAZA STADIUM DlllfE-tll UA ClltllU BrN S29 ~339 ()anoe 639 8770 Wtslm•nste< 893 OS46 lDWUDI SAOOlWCll EDWAJIDS IUlllT'Dl llCl•MNSACX:UUO £1 lllD 681 SUO Co$1i Mesa 540·74U •Oii THIU-Nl Keep an eye out for the funniest movie about growing up ever madel You '11 be glad you ca.met '!:' •. ' . .' ' ~ Dine at our Captains Tqble l:elelnte your birthday or anniversary w th us. Call for reservations and we will profide the C4Jke! C'.elebration hours are fro m 5:30 p.m. until 9 p.m . Airporter Inn Hotel 18700 MacAn)u Boulevard. IMne. Callb At Orange County's Jam WIJ¥'l'l Afpcrt oHera ~no In caual ~ c:iUb -.nee • 27 hotel 0( «$mpionahlp goll • 25 tennll court• (8 lighted) • 2 IW!mmllig Ind~ PQC>te • 348 deluxe .tMplng room• • ,_led In bMutlful RanCho Mll'9Qe. catlf. (In the Plllrn ~ •l'M) at .. of the megnlfloent Santi ROM MOwntllltw COMe ... ,or~ why '¥9beCOfM • OM of the o..f1"' Reservat ions: 833"!'2770 -l?'lllfllllf at:-. us"-- -.... __ vtCTOft VICJCllllA (f'OI Alt0 r1ayln, ........... , Perfonnanc:ee wW be atven Fridayt and Sat· urday1 1t 8 p.m. throufb May 15, with Sunday mat.lneel at 4 p.m. ~~and 9, at the cent.er, 2601 Cliff Drive, Newport Beech. Re.ervat.fona 67&-3143 or 643-8119. * CALLBOARD -The Hu nUn1ton Beach Playhouse wm hold 1udltlon1 for Robert Bolt'1 h1'tlOrical draml "A Man for All Seums'' ~Y tt 1 p.m. and Monday at '1 p.m, In the tbleter, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntlnpm Belch, In the Seecllff Vlllqe center . . . dlntctor Phil de Barree will be CMdna 10 men and three women In the 20I to SOI ... nn&e· IMA Br• PtazJ 529.5331 COITAMl.IA Edwllds 8r"10I 6'°'7444 *BARGAIN MATINl!l!S • Monday tflru Saturday All Parlormencn before 5:00 PM {Except Spedll ffttlll•l .. I IM HolNya) "VICTOR VICTOfltA" ll'OI q,a,-.......... _ LAKEWOOD CENTER W ALi< It-I ... ~°" .... &CTll&U "Ole GOLa.N ~· ll'O> ···---- "aOMI! KIHO OF HER0" 1•> .. -. ............. LAKEWOOD CENTHl SOUTH WAl l< IN IA\,UNA "MllllNG" fl'OJ _.,,.. "T .. l'MNCH LSUTUtANrl WOlllAN" 1•> _.a. .... "OUl:IT l'OR l'IRE" 1•1 ---· ,.,.., .... ,. .. ,, .. foe11lly al Condl•wooo i21t/N1·9110 Ol&Y "ReOa" 1l'O> I"° ---·· ""° MOUOAY ~--- "CAT NOP\.E" 1•1 ~-.----'if"' 1 1 tr I •• , f'!Cy,_ .... __,., •CHARtOTa OF ,_ .. '"°' ____ _ so . COAST WALK·IN So111,, Coo11 Hlwoy ot troodwoy 494-1514 "CATN~"c•1 -TIA 1.11, t;41 ..... UT. -l:tl, ..... MS, ... •a.ATHTRAP" '"°_ ..... ,.._ ...... ,. ___ ,.._ --.... ~·' .,_.1·JO \ .. ~ 7.15 ~,,,....,, .. ,. IMPOl'1AN1 NOTICE' CMILD .. (11UNO("12 F"U! HllMI ,_, Wll"" ... llW• '" 6:JD • Stl S.• Ktli 6:00 rM Clllt.JI SOU110 • YOUtl AM CAii AAOIO 1$ YOIJll 5"MEJ' llf 110 llll CAii ~ WITH OfTOI ~ IOSnllllt -WIG 111 ""1MU !•AU ~ Oll'IMllS Ill Oii .. - ANAHl1M ANAHEIM ORIVE ·IN ,, .. ....., •I OI 1.9"'°" SI 179·9150 -Of'~-ACA&ISll'f AWAM>I "M!Oeltl OF THl LOIT AltK" l'Ull tl'OI ''THe l' ... AI. COUtfTOOWN" INI Cltll II SOUllO 9Jl"'A PAPJ BUENA PARK DRIVE IN Un<Oln ""' W•fl Of anon 121-«>70 R.Jt ..... P.,H LINCOLN ORIVE ·IN l•~oln A•• W•tl Of l noH I 1n •o10 ''' 11'f llr'J' S011 ~1...., ol -CSO) 962·2411 "CLAIH Ot' THll TTT AN a" CN l Pl.Ill "THI LORO Of' THl l'UNCH" tN l •IT ACTCMI ,_ ACTlll .. "ON GOU>DC l'ONO" tN~ •OfU>tNAfllY N~" 1•1 Cl"tll~ "OUllT ,CHI ,_ .. 1•1 "-119 "C4ftMAH" INI -· a lT ACTllll -acmm11 "ON llO&.DSM POND" l,.l'Ull "l f""'1MO OVUI"' Ill• Cllll · H toUllO •'fllCHARD "'"°" UVI ON TM9 IUMelT ITW" "" -"velD CM9".., Cllll • " IOUlll A '~ ., A LA HABR A · • ·' ., __ ,, __ , __ .,.. .... --- . ' 0 '1 A N G F l 'QI·. I IN MISSION l·~· -·IN _,,,,..,...., ..... c.-.. .... 7022 Tryout.I for "The a.d Seed." a drama about a homk:i<W Utt.le at.rt. \ot'tlJ be held Monday at 7:30 at the Newport ~at.er Ana Cent.er, 2&01 Cllff Drtve, Newport Beach . . . a cut of five men. five womm and one girl (who thould 1ppear about 8 y..,.. old) will be cboeen for Maxwell Andel'IOl\'1 chlller, to open June 4. The Newport Harbor Acton Theater will bold audltiona Monday and 1\aelday for "Cloae Tia," a new play currently runn1n1 ln Lot Angele. ..• teyout.t ant 7 p.m. at the theater, 390 Monte VJata St.. C.O.ta Meu, for a CMt of three men and five women in all age ranges ... call 631-5110 for further detalla. ... I .. ------l-------~--~~~--~--+-----__;,..----.:..------------------~~----------:-----~ , llllJPllt TUESbAY, APRIL 13, 1882 " lASSlfllD C4 Oilers bite back • to even series· Kings at Edmonton tonight in decider AP Wlrepttoto ALL IN VAIN -When the Kings scored this goal by Marcel soared. But the Edmonton Oilers prevailed, 3-2, and the two . Dionn~ i;!l the first period Monday night, thoughts of a victory. teams will play the rubber game tonight in F.d.monton. INGLEWOOD (AP) -Ed- monton Oilers c.oach Glen Sather la unhappy with what he consi- ders rough play by the Los An- geles Kings, but he's not fighting mad. "Our style of game is not to get involved in fights," Sather said Monday night after the Oilers beat the Kings 3-2 to send their best-of-five National Hockey League playoff series back to Edmonton for a deciding fifth game tonight. "One of our guys has bite marks on his back," Sather said. "I called the NHL earlier Mon- day and said, 'What are you going to do about this kind of stuff?' I was told the referee didn't see it so nothing could be done. This is not ice hockey. "If we can win a game without retaliating, that's that we want to do." Sather said the Oilers played their style of hockey -staying out of trouble and out of the penalty box -in the victory that evened the Smythe Division semifinals at 2-2. "We have to play the game in Edmonton just like we did this one,'' he said. ''The Kings tried to get us into penalties, but we ha- ven't been that type of team all year." Pat Hughd and Glenn An- derson scored second-period goals to pull the Oilers away from a 1-1 tie, and Grant Fuhr turned in a fine performance in goal to key the victory. "It waa a good game and Fuhr was the difference," aaid Kings' Coach Don Perry. "The tempers were high, but it wasn't a dirty game.'' Fuhr said he expects the final One of our guys has bite marks on his back. Edmonton Coech Olen htlMt game to be a replay of the other four. which have been exciting and extremely competitive. "It will probably be another close game with a lot of tight che<:king," he said. "The Kings play well at Edmonton." Fuhr, who had allowed a goal by Marcel Dionne in the first period, gave up another to Los Angeles' Mike Murphy with 8:44 rernaining_in the contest. But he held the Kings at bay the rest of the way to preserve the victoQ'. Jari Kurri scored the other F.drnonton goal, tying the contest at 1-1 in the opening period. The Kings limited the Oilers' Wayne Gretzky, who had 92 goals and 212 points in the regu- lar season, to a lone assist in (See KINGS, Page C3) 4ngel hitters seek identity in hOme ope~er with Seattle Zahn to face Mariners before 38,000 at Anaheim Stadium tonight By CURT SEEDEN OfhDelJNot .... Angels off on the right foot when they open the home campaign against the Seattle Mariners tonight (7:30). Who would have thought the Angels would return froim the first road trip of the year with a need to take the day off be- cauae the hitters -perhape pre9ling just a bit -1truggled through the first six games? -- Geoff Zahn, who shut out the A's in his first start, will be on the mound for the Angela. He'll be oppoeed by the Mariners' Jim Beattie (0-1). Who would have thought the Angel pit- ching staff would complete the first week of the 1982 season with a 2.08 earned run average? Well, Manager Gene Mauch, despite all the criticism that has been thrown at his throwers, has always sat at their defense table. A "crowd of 38,000 ls expected for to- night's opener. It's not quite the 61,000 that poured into Anaheim Stadium for the third and final game of the Freeway Series with the Dodgers, though. And as far as the Angel hitters' early struggle at the plate is concerned, mark it down to a bit of fatigue compounded by their 16-inning marathon on getaway night from Oakland. That day happened to mark the debut of Reggie Jackson in the Angel lineup. But the former Yankee slugger pulled up lame before the game and made a quick exit af- ter his first at bat. And while Jackson's strained calf muscle is sound once again. his hitting -like that of several of the Angel starters -hasn't been much of a hit. READY -Tim Foll can play any infield position for the Angels. The Angels finished the road trip at 3-3, which included a 2-of-3 performance in hostile Oakland but a 1-of-3 effort in the Metrodome against the Twins. "I'd like to do better but it's part of the game," he says o f the slow start. "I'm trying. I'm giving it all that I've got. I can't get mad even though rm one of the guys everyone is looking at to produce and rm not producing." Monday was an off day, and Mauch is hoping a day of rest in friendly Anaheim may be the necessary tonic to get the Mauch says his team is at home and that Foli's folly bagful of gloves Angel utility infielder has a different glove for each position 1By JORN SEV ANO Of .... 0.lly Pltot ..... l With a bagful of gloves draped over his .shoulder, Tim Foli emerges from the Angels' 'dugout ready for another extensive pre-game wor- kout. He does a few exercises, looeens up his arm and then ~bs a glove and heads toward shortsop. Foll doesn t spend a lot of time at the position he's most familiar with, but he fields a few ground balls anyway just to insure he hasn't lost his touch. Next, FoU reaches into his bag, grabs a diffe- rent glove, and trots to third. It is here, at this position, where the Angela originally figured Foll would end up. That waa, of coune, before the club acquired Doug DeCinces early in the spring from Baltimore. Foll's movements around the hot comer are flawless. He aeem.9 almost as comfortable at third as he does at shortstop. "Nobody in the game has better instincts or anticipation than Tim Foli," praises NBC announcer and former New York Yankee ahortstop Tony Kubek. H.ia workday half completed, Foll reaches for yet another glove and starts takina ground bal1a at 9ecoll<l bue. Not since hil daya at Monttul, where Gene Mauch waa the manaser, had Foll been at thia apot. And, the 11-year veteran wu not so much ooncemed with fielding ground baJla u he was with hil pivot on a double play. Dempsey imp~oved • NEW YORK (AP) -Jack DempRy, one of /boxtna'• all-Ume ,reat heavywelpt champlona, WM ln ltab1e oondldon ear!)' today at New York ' HoepitS!..COnMU Medical Center, according to a ~~· I DemJJ19y, ee, who WU h01PltaliJ.td Sunday, had been lilted .. critical Monday nllbt. Jbpttal IDOkesnen. apparently at the requelt ol ~· family, were reluct.mt Monday nicht to elaborate on the former chamlMon'• tnn.a. Foll takes an endless amount of throws at the bag before he's satisfied. Finally, with time running short, he searches in .the sack for his fourth diffe- rent mitt and begins fielding throws and snatching grounders at first base, a position totally foreign to Foll until this season. His task completed, Foll still finds time for a few swiugs in the batting cage before he hoists his bag back over his right shoulder, steps into the dugout and slumps his 6-0, 175-pound frame onto the bench. "The thing is that I don't know what my job is going to be. Nobody knows,'' explains the versatile infielder with a .251 lifetime batting average. "The ideal situation for the ball club is that everyone stays healthy and I just give the starters a rest every now and then." Foll expected to start the season on the bench. But with :Aobby Grich suffering from muscle spasms in his back, Foll found himself starting the fint six games of the '82 campaign at second base. Grich fi~ to be in the star~ lineup to-fu1'~~;~:ne ~~~~~~l !'~T~:e =~~ Foll on the bench ready to play. "It's going to be real tough beau.we I'm Wied to playing every day," admtta Yoll, who haa averaged 125 games a year during hi.a 11 ee.uona. "I don't know what's going to hllppen, but I have to be reedy to play every day. That's the only way I can approech lt. Somebody could "t hurt today and rd have to be in there tomot row. ' Foll concedes he wu au~~~ by the trade which 1ent him we11t and the hilhlY·touted catcher Brian Harper to the Plratel. Foll, who was acquired by the Buca from the New York Meta in 1979,_ '!V• tjw defemive .UblliJer In the Pitfabur8h infield. In t.ct, he led Nati~ Leque ahortato .. wiib • .981 fieldina percentap in ldo and owns a .972 lifetime muiL "Sure I wu IW'pl'iled," •YI roli. "I ~t I had. pretty aood thine in PlttlbufP. But bMeba1J 11 a tq bullnem cd marbe they felt they were a betW -.n without me.' means there will be plenty of time for extra batting practice. But he also suggests a couple of the hitters stop swinging for the fences. "If they got in a position to hit singles, they CQU.ld hit anY'th.iu." Mauch says of his high-prl~ lineup. •11Jut they're jerking their head and moving to pull the ball ra- ther than going straight at it." In contrast, the Angel pitchers have gone straight at the opposing hitters with great success. Even Ken Forsch's three-hitter in a losing effort Sunday in Minnesota streng- thens Mauch's position that he has a qtpa- ble pitching staff. The Angels wound up allowing just six runs to the Twins over three games, yet they dropped two of the three. Tonight's starter -Zahn -owns the only Angel shutout, a nifty four-hitter that silenced Oakland in the second game of the season. There are other bright spots to be found going into the home opener. For instance, second baseman Bobby Grich is expected to be back in the lineup, his back adequately (See ANGELS, Page C2) I Dlmpeey known u the 0 1fanu1a Mauler," 1 foupt ~memorable a.ti• IU won the Ml· \~t Ude July 4, 1918 wnen M knocMd ctowft e.;foa&.e '4 Jtli"Wlflant MYWl dam In the ftm round Md -teopped him after itv. roundl. ' Tbe ANl.e~obvioully, dol)'t w tht .... In. fact tht clu6 · f • a play.-Of l'GU'1 call._ jt.wt mfaht provtde bmc1i *'-8'h It nea durtfta the doi-,. of July and AUC\lllt when ~ ....... 8108 FL YD -Cal'.mY Lalilfanl 11 out • Olbao'1 all Almon ~ a doutile pa.y In l'mway Park lrlonday. 1be White llox won the ..-, W ( ... WOLfll l'OLLY, Pall <.'I) STARTS -Geoff Zahn will start against Seattle in Angel home opener. Houston I garners unlikely • Will HOUSTON (AP) -It was an unlikely victory by an unlikely team produced by unlikely he- roes. But after a three-game wee- kend debacle in Atlanta, the Houston Astros will take it. Houston halted a three-game losing streak in the Astrodome Monday night with a 2 -1 , 11-inning victory over the de- fending world champion Dod- gers. As bad as things were in At- lanta, tt aeemed iinprobable that Houston could stay on the fied with their nemesis for 11 inninp .• Figure in that Phil Gamer, with one hit In 21 at bats before Monday, was elevated to the leadoff position and it'• almost fiction. It was Gamer, however, who rapped out three hits, including the eleventh inning single that brought in Joee Cruz wltb the p.me winner. Garner a1lo IODl'ed the other Astro run in the eighth inning on 9eOOlld bueman Steve Sax's throwing error. "I've been struggling, but when you get in that situation .when the pitchers have done their Job, we have to do oun and win the 1ame," Garner aald. "Aft« what happened owr the weekend it would have been ~ to '"•• our bads down but we hav· taw•..,._ ttaff, we 1ot the umely hit• and made IGlne f0"'1 playa, that'1 what It .... · Houlton manacer Bill V'lnlon I Mdn't ~ U:h ~ dfyt_.. dendl from Oamer • hta lied· oa bin.. .. I WU jult tryl"I W lhuf fle around and 1•t 1ometbl• ' IOlftl," Vlldoft tald. . I ca Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /TUeedlly, Aprtl 13, 1112 Sampson a Laker? Clippers say no From AP dJ.,.tde1 .SAN DtECO -An offer by the m Loa Angeles Lakera to tf'Jlde future draft choices for San Dieao's first-, round pick ln the college basketball draft is unacceptable, aaya Clippers General Manager Ted Podleski. U the deal were accepted, It would uaure the Lakers of the No. 1 choice among National Basketball Association teams, ana the beat chance of getting All· American Ralph Sampson, the University of Virginia's 7-4 center. Donald Sterling, the Clippers' owner, confirmed that he was contacted by La- kers' owner J erry Buss and said "we have discussed a deal." But Sterling declined further conunent. SAMPSON "They made us an offer a few days ago, but it was unacceptable," Podleski said. "We've been talking to a lot of clubs and, as I've said all along, the way we would consider trading our pick would be if we could substant- ially -and I mean substantially -improve our club." As a result of a choice obtained from Cle- veland. the team with the worst record in the F.astern Conference, such a deal with San Diego, the team with the worst record in the West.em Conference, would assure the Lakers the first two picks in the draft. A toss of the coin between the teams with the worst conference records is scheduled May 20 to determine which club selects first in the draft. Quote of the day "I don't like wholesale changes, particu- larly when they come as late as most of these did," -Texas Rangers official Eddie Robinson. Randolph, Winfield homers aid Yanks Willie Randolph and Dave Win-ii field hit home runs as the New York Yankees spoiled Texas' home opener by downing the Rangers, 10-7, Monday night in American League baseball ac- tion . . . In other games, Damaao Garcia drove in three runs and Lilia Leal scattered seven hits while Toronto thumped Detroit, 9-5 . . . Steve Kemp, Tom Paclore~ and Carlton Ft•· had two hits apiece and combined for a pair of runs in the sixth inning as the Chicago White Sox beat Boston in Fenway Park, 3-2 ... Georae Hea- drick hit two solo home runs and ltelt• Ber- oaadez rapped run-scoring singles u St: Louis beat Pittsburgh in National League action, 5...(' . . . Keith Moreland drove in two runs with a homer and single as the ChicaRO Cubs beat the New York Mets, 5-4 . . . Bob Romer and Ckrt1 Chambliss clouted solo homers and Bob Walk and Rick Camp combined on a four -hitter as Atlanta won its sixth straight with a 6-1 win over Cincinnati . . . Gene Tenace has been reactiva- ted by the St. Louis Cardinals ... Rick Mabler of Atlanta who pitched consecutive shutouts. was named National League player of the week . . . Baltimore belted five homers to defeat the University of Maryland, 12-6, in an exhibition game. Baseball today On th.ii date ln buebell ln 1072: The tint ~ playws •trike ln modem ,_. .._... btttOrY. e1m1 to an end. 'n\e reaular IMIOft, ~uled to •tart on April is, didn't bel1n undl Apc1115. Griff Ith leads Jazz over San Diego SALT LAKE CITY -Darrell m Griffith 8COred 28 pointa to pece the Utah Jan to a 112-107 victory over , the San Otego Cllppen ln Monday night'• only National Buketball A.Hoclatlon pine -one played withoot the reauW' clock and lnterTUpted by a ftaht. The la.a Wal San Dleao't 18th l~ht, t)'ina the Clippers with Utah for the 1eque 1 ionatwt kl81.na streak of the IHIOI\. 'n\e CUppen aliCl to 16-64, while the win pve the Jaa a 24-55 record in the Midwest Dlvialon. San Diego rookie Tom Chambera, playing before a hometown crowd , acore~ 38 points. Chambers played for the Univel"llty of Utah. Utah's Adrian Dantley and San Dleao'• John Douglas were ejected for fighting with 6:22 left in the third quarter. The IC\.lffle erupted under the Clippers' basket, juat after Chambera ram- med In a dunk to tie the contest at 66-all. Dantley, the NBA's No. 3 ecorer with a 30.6 average, finished the night with just 17 points. An electrical malfunction forced offldala to use a hand clock to time the game. Jones loses suit to Baltimore owner An arbitrator rejected two grie-••· vances filed against Baltimore Colts \ owner Robert lnay by veteran quar-· terback Bert Jones, team officials say. Jones, who played out the option year of hla contract last season, had accused lrsay of rene- ging on a verbal agreement to pay him $750,000 . . . Fonner pro football player Jesse P~lllps, Jr., remained hospitalized under police guard {allowing an alleged armed robbery attempt in which he was shot and wounded by police ... Olympic gold medalist Erle HeldeD was slightly injured and the daughter of singer-actor Kris Kristoffenon was listed in serious but im- proving condition after a motorcycle accident Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. n 5:30 p.m., Ch~el 11 v v v DODGERS BASEBALL: .Dodgers at. Houston. Anncum~~ Vjn Scully Amd Ross Porter . ... Burt Hooton will be seeking his first victory of the season against the Ast.ros tonight. He will face Houston southpaw Bob Knepper who won his first start of the season. The Dodgers lost the series opener Monday night. (j) 6:30 p.m., Channel 9 v v v v NOL PLAYOFFS; Kings !ll Edmonton Aa.Doucen: Bob Miller and Nick Nichson. The Kinp and Oilers are tied at 2 games apiece aa they lwing into the decider. Los An· eelea shocked the Oilers twice with stirring oomebacka against the youthful Oilers. who are led by Wayne Gretzky, the phenomenal scoring wizard. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Houston, 5:15 p.m., KABC (790); Seattle at Angels, 7:25 p.m., KMPC (710). Basketball -Lakers at Golden State, 7:20 p.m .. KLAC (570). Hockey -Kings at Edmonton, 6:35 p.m., KPRZ (1150). NCAA adds new weapon Private detectives check on recruiting MISSION, Kan. (AP) -The NCAA has added a new weapon in its war against recruiting abuses -private detectives. • Sixteen retired FBI agents throughout the country are working part-time for the NCAA du- ring the final days of this basketball recruiting season. The fonner FBI men will not process cases for the NCAA Enforcement Department, but will follow up complaints or leads. "We feel they're going to be a big help to us in many ways," said Hale McMenarnin, an assistant director of enforcement who is coordinating the project. ''They're going to help us spot situations that can be processed." The 16 all work with National Fire Associates, a Kansas City-based organization that deals prima- rily in anon investigations. "Essentially, they're private detectives who handle a variety of investigations," said McMena- From Page C1 'FOLl'S FOLLY • • • most pennants are decided. "I don't do anything special,'' Foll contend.a. "I just fit in with good baU clube.'• Foll is going to be aaked to fit in at four diffe- rent positions this year. It's not the kind of role cheNhed by most players. It'• tough enotigh in th.La age of apedalization to master one spot.. neverthe1- four. "I don't know if I c.an dolt." says Foll honeltly, "and I really won't have any Idea lf I can or not until I do it. "A lot of what I did at abort wu done on ln- stlnct. You can't have that nme feeling when you're playing different poatlolli anCf rm IUl"e I'm going to find m)"l91.f at times thlnkina M a ahortstop when rm at another pomtion. "All it meem ill that I have to work a little harder at the other poeltions to pin tome ~xpe­ rlence. It'• • matter Of aettlnl out dMr9 and belnl oomfonable. rd iove to "be able to play UMm a1L "It~! a ~pie matter of maJdDf tOme ad;.t- menll. HopefW.ly I can do that." Of count, OM of f'oli•1 fOUCheit lldjunnlnta wW come t.on.tcht. whm he'll ~ be a 1p9e- t.ator ratbw thin I ~t. "It wm an wcri OU\"' 1a71 rou P*~· "rm nol dM type of penan who bopll IOP~Y ... bUrtlOt .. ~ "Coma • ..., .. win lt an. tt .tl1 all ba wartb lt... . ' • min, who joined the NCAA after a 26-year FBI career. "They live and work out of different urban areas," said McMenamin. "Let's say we get a com- plaint, or have reaaon to believe an infraction oc- curred in one of their cities. We'll ask one of them to look into it for us. U he uncovers evidence of a rules violation, then we'll probably assign a staff in- vestigator to begin an investigation." McMenamin said the private investigators were given concentrated training COUl"leS on NCAA rules and procedures. "For one thing, they're going to save us a lot of time," McMenamin added. "So many times, we'll hear about some.thing, or get a complaint about 90mebody turns out to be faI.e." An example, he said, was the Dapper Dan High School all-~ game recently in Pittsburgh, where four prep sf.an were quoted publicly as saying they had been offered illegal inducements. "We hapr:ned to have two staff investigaton at the game,' said McMenamin. "So they imme- diately talked t.o thoee kida. But all of a sudden, they couldn't remember who offered them what, or what they were offered exactly. One even said he has been miaquoted. "Untortuna~ that aort of thing happen• frequently," be . "It becanee a ltatul thin8 among high tcbool ttan. Sotne kids wUl •Y they've been offered extravapnt inducements becau.e they tli1hk everybody e.i.e haa." Woodbridge wins on gem Arlene Hernandes pitched her third be>-hitter of the eeMOI'\ and Woodbridp High ·~ s.dd- leback a 3-0 defeat ln women'• softball action Monday afternoon on the winner'• field. ln oth er aamea, Wendy Martin 1ave up a two-out hue hit in the ~venth inniJll u trvine def•Wd Newpart Harbor, 'l--01 and Sen Clemen~ took OWi' the :a.cl tn the South c.o.t LlllUe with a ~S dectiMn OYW Dana Hilla. Martin bed 14 llCl't.aouta ln a .... that MW IMne ICON thl wtnNni ND In tbe ~tb OD a .mp by MarUD and • triple "' c:atcbs Krtl Ko-Wlftch, 1be only two ... ol the ..... fs lrvtnl. w~ bed ttne btta. an CCJ11 'stl 1n I.be D\b Jimlft&_wbm two NDI .....S. Jt.se ~ nowr, Ula~ Md a.ii~ hid II:. bltl for Woodbrklll· In 11••' the ~ • ..,........ li:ai;;iiOwd tw Nllild to N wtth -..w dllll-. Wood-~ ........ ,., ,.. • CD' ,..,.,. bertla, .. 11-4 owrill. COMING HOME -The Dodgers' Bill Rus- sell slides home safely ahead of a throw to catcher Luis Pujols of Houston. The run was AP Wh9Pf\olo thl· onlv one th< DocJgc·r; c-oula sc'Ore as~h<;>y l•Jst m 11 inning'>. 2-l ~tl'VC· Sax singled to g<:t Russc•ll home T of C at La Costa Trevino pron:ises to jun1p in lake 1f he w111.\ The PGA tour will focus on L<i Costa Country Club in Carlsbad thls week w1lh the MONY Tour nament of Champions taking place Thursday through Sunday Lee Trevino. the defending champwn. ha-; promised to jump in a Lake 1f he 1s sut't't'S..'>ful 1n defending his crown. But the odds are a~amst sUl'h a repeat performance as Trevino ts suffering from back problems. ''Tell Allard Roen (general chairman) to build,, s>:tower l'lf,at t,be 18tli arecn and I'll go 111 U:,,~ vmo saia. He didn't mention the lake near the seventh hole and not too distant from the 18th gl'e<'n . Trevino accomplished his vtctory last year aftC'r nine years of frustration which mcluded fivl' second place finishes "La Costa IS a great course w ith a lot of rough to make it a great test of golf." said Trevino. He then compared 1t to the Masters m Augus1.<1 this past weekend and prefers the La Costa layoul "If you hit a bad shot here. you're penalized which is as it should~ The Augusta course doesn't have a bit of rough, so you just swing from th<• heels. There is no finessing, no placement is requi- red. To me that's not championship golf " Tom Watson is the tournament favonte and has been installed as a 6-1 choice followed by Jerry Pate, Craig Stadler and Tom Klte at 8-1. Trevino is at 10-1 along with Bill Rogers, Larry Nelson. Johnny Miller. Hale lrwm and Tom Weiskopf. Wednesday, for the first time in lhe history of the event that has been played at the Desert Inn tn Las Vegas and at La Costa CC, a pro-am w1U b<• staged. • • • DON JANUARY HAS carved quite a niche for himself on the Seniors tour so far with five v1clo· ries, one second. two thirds. one fourth and an eighth m 10 starts. He also plays the regular tour and finished 19th in the recent Tournament Player.., championship. • • • THE GOLDEN STATE Golf Tour has found 17 players winning over $1.000 In the first e1gh 1 events with Scott Bentley of La Mesa the top money winner at $3,160. Ray Carrasco of Irvine has picked up $2,428 so far while former tour pro Curtis Sifford 1s at $1,005 in 17th place. Gary McCord says he is leaving the PGA tour and could be joining the Golden State group on a full-time basis. The gro_up usu~lly plays two two-day tour Cheating common? GOLF HOWARD L. HANDY ndnH 111' 1 ,11 I 1n11n t h With tht.' nt'xt outing at '.'a- lenn,1 t\ pr d I~· .!O • • • THE SA:\T A ANA Countrv Club will ~ the I seen£' 1Jf tht ,111nual SaU:hl'I Club golf tournament on l\lond.1y, J\pnl 2fi y, 1th Don KJosterman as guest speakt·r ..tl th• dinner following tht· day of golf. Th( d1n111 1 ,ind goll <fff' opt·n to thl' public with tht· c·ntn fl~ •ti $1511 1,.·rwfnting the Wesll>m Me- ditJI l°l'nl< r 111 Tustin Wt·:.tnwd i-. an c1cu1'tl1ted tt·at·hmg hospital af- f1hatf·d w 11h the Cm"•'"''''" ,,f Southern Cahforrua school of m< d1c1n£' For 111f1,1 tn..tllo11 o1h<>ut playing golf or for JOI- rung tht• gr<>up for dmrwr call 95:3-3450. • • • CHIP SHOTS -Tht· ln:1m• Sports Boosters annual golf tuurnunwnt v.rll bC' held on Oct 13 al Rancho San Joa4um (;1111 Cours1• More details on this evrnt at :a J;itrr datt• :lC'l:ord111g to Prestdenl Ron Grossman Thl· Southern California PGA playc-ro,; div1!>111n cho..un p1<111~h1p and national PGA dub professional eh<.1mµ111nsh1p qua'l1 fymg at Oak- mont CC has lwc n nunTd up a week to Aug. 23 I he WestPrn ~1.1t<'' apprt·nt1ce assistants thamp1onsh1p will b<· hdd at M1!>S1on V1cJ0 CC on May 10 and 11 while Huntington Seacliff Country Club uf Huntington &·at h will be lht' seem• of the SoCal PGA pl.1\-ing ab1lttv lc~t un Monday, June 7 undn thr dm>t 11011 of lwad pro Doug Booth From Page C1 ANGEi -'~ 1 lf()ME .. • heak-d after mu!>!:lt' sp.1..,ms s1clelml'd him. And thl•n thC're·~ tht• Angt•l fielding which has producx'li f1Vl' l'ITOrll•::..'> gamt's and JUSt two errors in th•' fir~t six outings Thrn, of t·ourst'. th<·n•'s tonight's opponents. the Manners, whu Jn• turrently 2-4 on the young season and c-onstdl•rc.-<l htvontes once again lO wind up last in the Aml'm:an Lcagu1.• West. Among St'attle"s ars<'nal 1s one area product - cale·ht>r Terry (Bud) Bulling who has served mainly as a backup to Jim E..'51an this year. Bulling b..mcd .247, appeanng in 62 games for the Manners in 1981 lie hit two home runs and ALBUQUERQUE. N.M. (AP) -New Mex.iro had 21 RBI last year Coach Gary Colson says cheating in major college ~-­ basketball ls mind-boggling. illustrat!ng his charge with the story of one player he contends was offe- red $200,000. "One coach, a friend, told me a kid visied his campus and told him, 'Look, I want to come to school here. But you've got to match another school's offer.' "Later, the coach called me to say the kid told him he wun't coming, th.at the kid had $200,000 in eecrow from another school. Two-hundred thou- sand dollars, ;.a..t. think," said c.oJaon. who, himself. was hired by New Mexico in the wake a recrult!ng tcanda1. that Jed to the firing of fonner Coach Norm Ellenberger and the IChool being placed on proba- tion bY._the NCAA "Whal went on here under Norm ii chicken feed, I mean chicken feed, compared to whal'• ,Oint on around the country," Colson Mid ln an Interview latt week with the AJbuquerque Tribune. High marks (or NCAA game NEW YORK (AP) -Nonh Carolina's Yid«y over <Hotptown Monday nl1l\t tot th• MC!Ond ~ iele\.'Won raUftl ln the liiltoiy ol the NCAA bMUtball clwnp6onahlps, CBI lpGtta •d Wed· nmay --=-==~~· ........ otwWMI • l ..... I 0 tat • I ,_, 3 ' 500 3 3 500 2 2 soo I 2 333 7 • 333 "' ,.,. , .... '" 2 2"l ... *" OftWoft 2 1 !Ml7 (I()() 500 2 2 2 2 1 I 2 2 1 2 I 3 ....., .• ec- l()(onto t , Oelrott 5 Chte41QO 3. Botton 2 New Yort. 10, Tex.at T Only g-ICh4ldul9d T..,...a.- .500 '" .500 .,.. .333 1 250 1V. s.111e (8Mllle 0-t) et MeeM (Uhn 1..()). n Miiwaukee (Lerch 0-01 •t Clevelend !Solenaen 0..0) O.ttolt (.,.oma 0-1) •• TOfonto (Bomb.ell 0-1~ n New Yorlt (Morgen 0-0) at Teau (~ttO-Oln B•llimore (Po1me1 0·0) at KlnH• City tOura 1·0), n Oakllnd (Keough 0 -0) 11 Mlnnt1ota (Er~.on 1-0). n Only~ IQhadultd NATIONAL LEAGUE Waaw11.,..,....., Allalltl ~ Houa100 Sen Franc1ec;o Clnctnn111 5#1 OleQo W L Pct. Ga 601000 3 2 600 2V. 3 • 429 3V. 2 3 <100 31; 2 4 333 4 I 3 250 4 l H tatn OM•loft Montreal 2 1 667 New YO<'k 3 2 600 Chic.go 3 3 500 .,.. St louts 3 3 SOO ·~ Pflttl)u(Qh I 2 333 I'' Pl\lllldelpl\la t 3 250 , ... MondolJ .. lcof'tt Housion 2. Dodotr• 1 (It IMlfl'OI•) St Louts 5. PltttburQh 4 cnic.oo 5, New y Ofk • 1'1lallll 6, Cindnnell I Only games~ TocleJ'• 08mM Dodgen (Hooton 0-0) 11 Houe1011 (Kntl>I* t-01. n Pittsburgh (Solomon 0-0) 11 Mon1ra11 (Aoger5 I 01 Phll1oetpn1a \Cerllo~ 0-1) al New York (Jonet 1-0) SI LOUii 1Andujer 0-1) el Chicago l.Hlnl<tns 1-0) San Ol~o (Loner 0·0) at Sen Fra11clsco (FowtkH 0-0) 1'tlenla (Cowtey 0-0) 11 ClnolnnaU (Shirley 0-01. n NATIONAL LEAGUE Altl'OI 2,,0odgerl 1 LOI AHCM!LH ltOUITC* ab rllbl .Otllbl Sax 2b 8 o 2 I Gamer 2b 15 t 3 1 lM\drex ct ' O 2 O PuN rl 5'0 2 o Bail .. 11 <I 0 I 0 Sciolt C1 5 0 I 0 0111'19y lb 5 0 0 0 l(nlghl 3b 3 0 0 0 ~ 3b 5 0 0 0 Sembtto p 0 O O 0 Ouerrer rf 5 O 2 O Knlcely p11 I O o O Sdo9Qac:<IOt0 LllCosap 0000 BelangtuO OOO Cnal! 5120 A.....it !la I I 0 0 1'Howw lb 3 0 t 0 Mondy ph I 0 0 0 Walllng lb I 0 0 0 YNQe< c: 0 0 0 0 Thoft u • 0 2 0 Reuss p 1 O 0 0 PujOla ~ 3 o o O Jonnstn p11 o o o O AW.by c 1 o o o Aoencli pn t O O O JNtet.ro p 2 O O O S~ P 0 0 0 0 Me pn I 0 0 0 Orie ph 0 0 0 0 LaC"'1• p 0 0 0 0 Siewert p 0 0 0 O Oatcia u 2 o O O Tolala 37 I 8 ' Totals •2 2 11 I Scorei.,-. Lot 1'ngelea 000 010 000 00-I Houst()(I 000 000 010 01-2 Two ou11 when wtnnl"ll run tclOled E-Su LOB-Lot AngelOS 12. Houston :~2B-Cruz S Rauu 2 lendreeu• Loe Anvele• l'IN'' SHOWl! Sl~arl IL 0 II ttou.ton IP 8 H R ER ee so 1 I 0 I 3 } 0 0 0 2 l I '2 I JN>ekro 8 ~ l I '2 Z laCone '• I O 0 1 o Sambllo I • o ~ I C LaCoss (W 1-01 I I 0 0 0 1 -HBP By N1e~ro 1Russelll By LllCo:u (0r1a) T -309 A -2t 226 PUBLIC NOTICE Coll•e• ICOfM VCLA 10. Cllll Stele Nof1tvldge a Sen Otego SI l<I, UC Sall Otego I Community cota.a. ecor'M •OVTH coA•l' COtinM.NCE Senta Ana 20. 5#1 Otego MeM 3 Hla" echool El Toro 11. Coeta ..... I Coe11 Mew 030 002 0 5 6 3 El TOfO 00 050 1-11 10 0 W-lomell. l Smllh, HA -LC>fMll (ET) HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS SunMt Le-eue w L oa ... ...... 5 0 Foun11tn Valley 4 I 1 Oooan Vw 3 2 2 LAI Outnta 3 2 2 Huntington BMc/\ 2 3 3 Edlt0n 1 • • W•tmtntle< 0 6 5 T::1cht'• 0-.. (7) La Quinta e1 OU<\llllln Valley Marina at Ooeen View ......... ,..~(7) HuntlOQ~~al Merine la Ou1111a a H.:,,,11ng1on Beech OcMn View ,, Fountain VI.Mey Edlaon at le Oulntl So41th Cout LMOU. w L oe ~Beoctt 4 0 Dane Hlllt 3 ' 1 San~•· 3 1 t C~tranoV~ ' 3 3 Mlliilon Viejo ' 3 3 ~Hlttt 0 4 • Tllftlghl's ca.-(7) LAgune BMcll at Mi.Ion Viejo Cec*trano V1119y 11 ~ H111t San~alO..... 11111 Community coffege SOUTH COAST COHf"DU!NCC TOURNEY tat c..i.-.c-,c1ut1> Team llCOf9S I ~on. 382. 2. O.WIQ8 Co.st, 317. 3 s.n11 Ana, 398. • Sen Otego M ... , 404; S. Ml. s .... Antonio, 401; I. Cer· rttoa '31. Orenge Coatt lndlvloual ecoraa Mar~ Moore. 78, Ctvla MGl<M. 81 Tom Bell. 83. Ron WaataJ, 79, Martin Fvr ... I. 80; Wiiii. AnmlrOl. 79 T_S........,.e CS w.M1I 1. Or•nae C~el, 40. 2. "'· S.n Antonio, 38, 3 Fuitenon 35. <I Santa .an., 22, 5 San Diego Maae 14 6 Cerr11oa. 6 PUIUC MOTl:E LoeMemnoe llOHDA.,.. M•Ul T'I (._ ................ __...) ,._tT MCa, OM milt pact FO• Hwnd (l<ueole<) '7 40 9,40 .. eo Andy'• l•anna (Oki..,..> I 20 • IO 1•18Y• CACl•m•l I I •o MO•CIY Ohl Wlnternewto 0•1•. DenCly Arl(ly t ICIMI, HOWdy !k•m11 Tithe 2 OS 116 a IJIACTA (3 7) IHOIO Sf7 :>o llCONO llACI on. mile hCJI M•r('a Win Song IPltcOI 8 40 4 IO 7 IO ~ Aul•,.,_, 4 40 7 00 ,.11Man CP .. kln1) 3 00 Aleo r1Clecl Sa11111 • A1>91en11c• O.nt()(I. EU.la COltlne. S~y RMI, Snoopy Aodnay Time 2 ~ 316 TH!flD flACI OM milt 1JK41 R tttlen (8118'14'1\) 11.80 2.90 2.6() zan•Clu tOrana) 3 00 2 00 AdlllO)I Jet (P .. tyl 0 00 AlllO r~ AMY"• Angel. Pr_,. Chol-c:e CIOudbU'1tr l(a111uc1ly KIHH, Ltdy SI-. 8eh • Prlm<OM Tln1a ~ O& 216. et IX.ACTA C2 'I !Hiid S t3 00 'C>UftTl4 AACI. Ona mlla pace ti•l>P)' Viner (1'UOlll) 3 20 2 40 2 20 Spanl.n Byrd (Cre ... oro) 5 90 2 80 Soi. E~padlllon 101un<1y) 2 20 Aleo rac4KI Wllo C1rd, Andy'• Pepper Doctor Rosa loch Nos Mon11ar. Stffl-worke llr'tl41 2 03 31!> 'Wl'H flAC&. Ona milt paca Ant11lat (Kutblet') 3 00 3 20 2 10 Hanover Stir fl ooa) 7 60 4 00 Jemea G11na11 CAnde<'°"1 J •o Al•O reced Keya lone Frott Henry·• Dtaarn, Fleming r1oatword, Pine Hill SI lvrn. Kissi~ T1rna 2·03 315 U CltACTA 11 21 palO S20 20 SIJCT'H RACl. On. mile ~ Se1 Rover cTooCll, 4 40 300 260 • 00 2.60 3 60 Soutnern Rh)'lllm Mee Mtot 0<"'1blet) Cap111n Knl\jlll CLOl)OOI Also rec.a Recounl COOi Oey limo t 59 II~ ll!V1!NTH RACE. Ofla lf111a pece Pectcllob•O<'d (COPlll•nd) 4 00 3.80 3 00 Hot N Botner.a IToodl 10 00 4 80 Fl11e Gun (Bey\eatl 10 00 1'llO IKOCI Roecue Lady Sliver's Slipper =l~~•e. Papa Joya. Mlltenck Mon1e1ty ,.,,._ 2 04 llS S2UACTA 11-81 pa1a S64 40 H PICK SIX 12 2 2· 1-6 I f pa10 $142 40 w.th 140 winning 11ti.e1s (fl• tlOtset) S2 Piek S11 conso1auon patd '5 60 w11n 1,480 win· 111ng ric~eta (five horMtS) EIGHTH RACI!. Ofle mile p.1ro Fo• Valley Eegle tOenn<t) 6 80 4 •O 3 60 l••~ W11e (Ovnn199n) 16 40 13 60 Phantom Don (Crewtordl S 00 Also raced Rose11no Br,;I, rnomuk ;•y.r . ..i Bo>.cer Scotch end Kbhlua BrtH1•r11 o·snoa Monet l"lme 201 315 S2 UACTA (1 71 paiCI SI 99 60 NINTit RACl. Ono mile pa<.,; Commod11y 1wneeier1 14 20 5 00 2 40 Andy' Me<1no (An~rS()(I) • 80 2 40 Lumba< Char1TI41t 1wm.ems1 2 tO ~Ito !Aced 'llTlll Prele<red San AnllfOH Et tou'"to. lrea1111e Hunler Andy's U16ulu !Ima 2 03 o $2 EXACTA (.l II paid SS~ 40 TENTH RACE. One rn•le pec:e KatStna (VaHand1ngham) • 20 2 80 2 40 Rega.I Gaietle (Sleelhl J 20 2 80 Peilttct L10111 (l~s1et) 3 oo Also raced 00 Baroness Chr.t Wanolo 00 OtSQuahlted 1rom lhlrd 10 fOUt111 lime 2 02 11!> $2 lltACTA (6·2) paid S 12 20 ELEVENTH RACE. One milt> pace Monui,ey Breeze 1Baker) ~ 20 3 60 3 20 MICll&el s 1109< 1S1emerm1n1 S 60 6 60 Star Appeal (ACke<man1 6 40 1'1so r..ceo Halcyon H11<0 Bullv for vou Shallttt Pa1n1e; Loyal Hunle< Andy's Yanl\ Sparkle Argo rime 2 02 31s 12 EllACTA 15 I) paid $7<4 40 1'11e<1<1ance • 7&6 ~ . . • • Softbef1 HIOH SCltOOl S-CtefMftte S, 0-HMt 3 Sen Clemenle 001 030 1-5 3 4 0.na Hlh 020 010 0-3 fi 0 Bucclnl and Lockhart, Tnom11 and Lather. Chrhltle (8) 28-Shulda COHI Woodbr!Oga o. CkH n Vie• 0 (Woodbflga wtn• on total .,._) Ocean View 000 000 000 00-0 I 0 Woodb<IOQ4! 000 000 000 0•-0 I 1 Whlle lll1d Salazar. Hernande% end Trippi Woodbrtdfe J, ......... _. 0 Saddlebade 000 000 0-0 O 2 Woodbtldge 001 002 l<-3 3 I LQ9C lll1d P•ez. Hernander, Schoono- (6) lll1d Trippi W-Herf\M\doL L-L~ lrYtne 1, Newpor1 HMt»or 0 INtne 000 000 1-I 2 I Newl)Of1 HatbOf 000 000 0-0 I 0 M1rlln ano Kowaracll, MacKolva, Mnd Roi. 3B-Kowlf9Ch PUil iC MOTl:E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATl'MENT ncmtOU• IMISINIH MAMe ITAftMENT '1CTmOUS Ml ..... NAMI' I TA TIMOIT Tho IOllowtng --.. OOlng --.. PV8llC NOTICI! f "9 f Ollowfng _..,,, It 60lnQ bw1n-.1 The tollowlng person is doing business as WALKER SASH ANO DOOR 1835 Whlltter E6 Costa Mose CA 92627 .. AUTO-INTERIORS Of ENGLAND. 3021 s Otanot ... _..... Santa Ana CA 92707 P&K ELECTRIC 16141 Br .. m ln Hunllng1on Beectt. Ca 9?649 Peier ~ Kropm, 18841 BrHm ln , Hunlillgton Beocri. C• 92649 NOTICE OF P9'EPARATION Negative 0.Cl8fat1-12· 1 NOTICE IS HEREB¥ GIVEN that Negetlve Dec:taratlon 82-1 111 cur· renlly under preparation tor the lollow1ng; Stanley G. Walker 4211 w 151 St • Sp 95 Santa Ana. C1' 92703 David S Walker 52S 13th SI Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Mary Lou Walker This statement was filed wllh Che Counry Clerk ol Orange County on Aprll 9 1982 F187064 Pubhaned Oranoe CoaSI Dally P1- 101. Apr1I 13, 20 2? May 4 1982 1622-82 LYNN PLAYER hlllES, Ap1 31( Tht ""'9M. lllO I W MllCAllhur S..-ta """ C4' 9710;1 T "'' bulU'ftU It c;onOuc\N t>y an tn• oMOuel Lynn Pt4l~M-TM1 tt•ttmen' w•• tiled wHh tht ~ty Cieri> OI Otonge County on Merell 2t 1982 ,1.,.,. l'ublllMIHI Oreno• CoHI Dally Piiot. Maren 30 April G, 13 20 1982 14SH2 NIUC MOTICE NOTICE OF '1CTTT10UI .uU..1 NOM-REM'ON8191UTY NAiii ITA~ Notice I• hereby given that the t lie lollowt"ll '*"°"' ... clotng buV-undersigned will not be rMPONlble -M or eny debit or llat>llltlee contrac:-A J PIPELINE ENGINEERING. " fld by llf1y<>nl other than mytelf, on .....OOylant, """'* Call!otnla 927" or alter this date _:,o~~"t,~~"· IA Melodylane, Dated WI 111 dey ol April. 1982 Ronald John Kloe>t ... 17770 Apple· DI-I Frter-1181e Road. ~It, C•1om1e t5103 2019 Federal AV'IOUI TNt DU_ It conouct.O ll'f • ciene<ll C081e ""-· CA 92827 ~. Gt Pul>llsned Orange CoHt Delly rn1a a=~ni :::c:-11.d •Ill\ ine Pilot. Aprll 6, 7. 13, 1982 1580-82 TM• bu.in .. • It conducree1 l>r an 1n-0Mouet ~-II KrO()lll This ttetament .... filed with lh• County Cltl1I O' O.angt County on Mereh 29. 19112 Protect Oper111no Fac11111es lor Olllrlet Woll No 5 Location 3596 Cadillac Ave- nue, Costa Mesa. Callfornla Proponent M &H Consolld•· led Wale< OIStrlel, 1965 Placent111 Avenue Costa Mon. C•llfornle 92627. Telephone (71•) 631·1200 Coples ot the lnlllal Study are on Ille •nd avellable lor lnape<;tlon at the oHICe of the proponent Questions 1nd/or comments should be directed to the propo- neot on or balore April 28. 1982 Contact Jeff Renna. District Engl· (Al KINGS ASSOCIATES 181 Mc ,_, a111t41631 1:100 MUll(N ADVERTISING, 22 Fwcie-Ir· Dated M81Ch 29. 1982 "'""· Ca t271A Karl Kemp 11271~ta -· 22 F-"dawn, ll"ftnt. Ce Gerioral Menag• Tnia ou•lneu 11 ~onoucllHI by an in-MESA CONSOLI DA TEO dfvtdual WATER DISTRICT Odle JonM Published Orang• Co11t O•llY lhl• 1111ement ""' lll•d wlln th• Piiot. Mer 30. Apr 6, 13, 1982 ~~ Cltt1I o1 O.anoe County on Mwcn i----------1_4_1_t_.e_2 ,,_ . Publlaheo Orange CoHI D•llJ Pllol Orange Co11t DAIL V .. ILOT /Tueaday, Aprll 13. 1982 ca Ole.re 3, King• 2 IOOl'eby ........ E-1on t lo :1 lot~ I 0 1--2 ,,,., P.nod 1 Loa l\•lffl". Dwnll4t 3 (Evins). 6 27 2 Edmonton, l<uorl 2 (Greu~y Fuhr), 10 16 p.,, .. ,._ Greoo Edm, 4 15. Hc>pi\1n1 LA 4 16, ~ Edm 4 42 H.,dy LA 16 35 lecond Period ~ Edmonton, Hughu 2 (BoeGhn1111 Lowe), t l 40 • Edrno111on A11dareon 2 (Kurrl, Gregg), 14 •• l'.,,.111841 ~eon. Ell"'· 6.32 Stmmat. LA 6 46 Hllnlet Edm I I 22. Simmer LA 1 t ?2 Hunter Ed"I. 17 Ot. Tlllrd Period 5 lo• AnQtlH M Murphy 1 tEv111a l Murphy). 8 4<1 Pen1tllH -Slrnrne1 LA I .... Boacnnuu1 E<lm. !> n . Lum*>. Edm m1j()(. s·22. KeOy, LA. 5 22 Heidy LA, ma IOI, 6 22, Hu11ter. Eom. I 168. L Murphy, LA, II 56 Shots on goel -Eomon1on 7 7 1 21 Lcr.i ~9-9·7·25 Oollllaa -Edmor11on Fulu LUI Ango!M L .... td. A -16.005 Tonlfllt't a..m .. Klfte• 11 Edmonton ~91MontrNI P11tabu<gh al NY lsl&nde< • NBA _, •• Seo<. Utan t 12 San Otego 107 T on19111· t a..... Lell.,. 11 GOiden St11e Pnlleo.lpllll 11 1nc11ane At111nta at Cleveland W&8111nglon at Mllwauk• o.n-al San Alllon!O New ,,..,,,, et N9w Yonr - Bo81on '' ChlcagO Kan ... City at HOUtl()(I Portl1111d 11 Seattle Plloenla et Sef\ Oie9o Mol'lday'a lran111C:tlon1 llAIHAU MaUon.i '--elM . PHll . .AOEl.PHIA PHILLIES -81Qrwcl P"to Role, fl<at b._.,,.,, to • contracl 11.&t.naiot1 ltvough Ille 1988 MUO<I ST LOUIS CARDINALS Act1veled Gene lenac~ caicn~· Up1to11110 <.;ene Root outflelder to lou19vttle ol the Ame<· lean 1'SSOCiallO<I l'OOTWAU Mallone! FootMll l e.g ... NEW YORK GIANTS Signed Crwck Correet. center. Bob N1tl04&1. tight eno. end Doug Meckte teckte HOCKEY Mallonel Heck•J l ...... BUFFALO SABRES Announced lnet Scolty Bowman woolo no1 co&el'I tht' lellm rMi.I MallO<I so he can cooeen1ra1e ()(I nis Outlaa u oenet•I manege. COLLEGE CCNY Named Hector Munll 1acr0Jso cooch EASI TENNESSEF ST ATE -Named B11rv Dowd, heed bMketWll coach MISSISSIPPI Nemeo Lee Hullt neao ouken>all ro.iu• itno n•• .. sian1 a1n1e1"' oo. r94';10t Ml.IC NOTICE NS·927D<I Run-and-gun attack makes Lakers tough Tean1 has ju/I head of· st eam INGLEWOOD (A P ) The Los Angeh'~ L.i1kcrs, revt-rtlng this season t.o u run-and suri ol- uack, appear w have 11 CuU •w0&d ol lJtemn a.a the Natu.mru Brulket- ba 11 Anoclat1on 1>luyoffi ap proach The Lukc·rs, 1979-RO NBA chnmp1on11 but a first -round ph1yoff loewr lruJL yl'ar. cll11chc.•d th • Pacific D1vll!100 Ulll' wuh n 54-24 record with four gamf'll remrurunR The drive Lu thl' d1vl.!lton lllle by Karee m Abdul-Jobbar, Ear- vin "Magic" Johnson and Co. this season was accomplished dcsp1w an abrupt and less-than-tidy coaching c hange, a dramatic switch m pluying style, a dose of tenm dissension , and some tnJU ries. ''It's b een a long, hard road," Coach Pat Riley lSald after the Lakers had wrapµed up the d1VLS1on crown with 107 104 vie tory over Sc>utlJe The coaching t'ha nge was madC' last Nov. 19, a day after Johnson a~kL•d Lo be traded. saying he could not play in Coach ' Paul Westhl'ad's sluw and delt berate offens ive schf'me Laker owm·r Jerry BL1s11, etl a hastily called prC'ss conference. an nouncf'd that Westhc·ad was out and asinstant Rtlcy and team special c:on~ultanl J erry Wt's t WC'rl' replacing him as co-coac·hes At the prt>ss l'C.lnfort.>nct', both West and Riley st'i.•nwd cunfuS(.'Ci . West said afterward that he m tt>ndt'<.I to share tht' <:oachmg du ties only so long as he felt 1t was net.1l.'&.:1:iry for lhl' IX'n t·f It of the team Wtthm a few gam<.~. West fadt-d tnlo lht.> baL"kground and ·'1t1l1:y l'lcJrly bt•camt: th(' head l'OCICh U.S. t o picli_ _ b aseb a ll team OMAHA (AP) The baseball team that offic-1als hope will re- pr~nl thf' Unitl'd Stat<.'S tn the 1984 Olympu:s is schedul<.•d to play Japan this summer as pan of the 11th annual U.S -J apan sent.-s Selet·t1ons to the U.S. team should be l'Omplctc·d by 1>arly May. sa1t.l Wanda Rutk•dge, ad ministrativc dire<>lOr nf tlit• Un- llt'd States Baseball f'ederauon. "Nationally, we're looking at fr~hmen and sophomore players who will <;till be amateurs in 1984. Many of tht• Juniors and seniors alrt•ady have said they'll sign pr<iCPss1onally." she 5atd from her Hamilton Square. N.J off1<·e "But we"ll start niakang somC' telephone calls tu Lop players by the m1Jdle of this month." The team w11¥ begin che seven-game Japan S4.•nes June 27 in Anaheim. stop in OmahCI July 2-4. and condude 1n Los Angeles July 7 PUBllC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE When Wcathead was fired. the Lukcrt1 had won five 00119l'CUtlve ~umA..'ll BUA explaint'd, however, that the coachlng changr had been In the works tor IOl'nt' tJmc since the players and manage ment were unhappy with Wes- thead's hand.ling of the team of· fonse Under Riley, Los Angelea'a offense Wl'"nt back to a fastbrea king, free-wheeling •tYk that Loker Cans dubbed "Showtime " The team dissension had grown out of the contraC't Buss gave Jo hnson last surnmer Un- der tht.> agreement, Johnson was lO re\.'E'IVe $1 million & year for the next 25 years and go into u front-office role with tht-club :Jfler hlB playing days. AbduJ-Jabbar, and apparently some other Laker players, wer"· c'Oncemed that the contract madt• the 22-y.-ar-old Johnson ~ssent­ ially on-the-court management But the problem was worked out in a mee ting between AbduJ-Jabba1· and Buss From Page C1 KI NGS • • • Gurne 4 He has four goals and ~ven assists for thP sei;1es. Gretzky. for one, um't shoC'ked that the senes IS going down w the wire. "I'm not surprised it's going to five games," he said "Perry has the Kings worktng hard. He's a d1sc1plinarian and has done a good )Ob" The Oilers played a solid de- fens1Vl' game against the Kmgs,· and Edmonton goalie Grant Fuhr turned 10 a fine performance m the net Hughes snapped a 1-1 deadlOL"k at 11 :40 of the second period when he fired a 20-fo~et t,hat sk1Cld~"ti oefween-tfle pads or- Kings' goaJse Mario Lessard Anderson beat Lessard in close three minutes later tu run the Oilers' advantage to 3-1 with Jan Kurri and Randy Gregg getung the assists Marc<>! Dionne pul the Kings on Lop 1n the o~rung period with his third goal of the series, on a power play at 5.27 The Kings. who had pulled within a goal on Mike Murphy's tally at 8:44 of the final period but could not score at the end, managed to keep Gretzky 1n chet·k, holding him to a lone as- sist. Kurn ued the game 1-1 on a breakaway at I 0· 18 of the first period, faktng a i.hot to Lessard's lc·ft side, then ch1ppt.ng 1t m on his right. Gretzky and Fuhr, who provided a good outlet pass, got the assists. ·:It was a good game and Fuhr was thl· difference," said Kings' Coach Don Pt-rry "We lacked a little mlenslly. but the Oilers µlayed weU "It's going to be tough to beat them m their building " MllC NOTICE NOTICE OF 018SOLUTION DI' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 8·"81 NOTICE OF BULK TRANSFER t5eca. tt01·8107 U.C.C.) TO W~OM IT MAY CONCERN Notice 1s nereby 91ven ICJ Ille Cred11orfo ot DEREK G BIRO and JEANNETTE M BIRO T1anSlerufS, whose bus1nl'SS address is 1939 Port Carney Newport Beach ~ounty ot Orange Staie ot Cahtor n1a 92660 that e bulk 1ra1151er 1s RbOUI to be made lo MALK.I ADDI Transtereo whose bu•11•ess aa dress is 13334 An119ue Way New- port Boach. Counly 01 Orange. FIRE ANO CASUALTY SnlPOSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT PARTNERSHIP ANO CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS No11t." 1~ q1vrn pursuant 10 Sec t111n 1!>03!>.,, ot lht> Corpo1at1ons Code ltlat lhr p111tners,11p known as Dann Po1n1 Kt>t11~ky F11ed (.111c~en. C0"11lOSed 01 J•>hn Sembuco and Rost SamDU<.O and Josepn Sp•1110 a1111 Mary Sp11110 here1otore do.no bui.111t1ss unde1 lhe l1tm nome al Oa110 Pou11 Keolu;.ky Frioo Cllicken. locolud al 3 1422 Coast Bovlevard OanA Pnin1 01ange County Call- ro1n1a •S d1Uolved as ol April 23 H111 1ollow1ng per1011 1s do1nQ 1 us1nt?sS tlS HO LISTIC & NUIRITIONAL ( OUNSELORS. 404 Wes1m1nster ~u11e t NewPorl Beach CA 92663 ROXL HAMtllON DOWNING t56J Coriander Costa Mesa CA 42626 Stale ot C111t1orn1a 92660 lhe propeny 10 oe 1rens1ened IS localed at 1525 Mesa Ve•de Drive E1161 Sulle 11• Co~la M"Sll, County o4 Or11npe State ol Cahlor n1a 92626 Said propeny 1~ 11es1.ribed 1n general os All hAtU•es 11Qulpm"nt eoven1nt and Q00<1w111 011na11ra11e4 business llnown as SUNFLOWER TRAVEL and located ol 1525 Mesa Va1de Drive East. Suite 114 Co5l11 Mesa County of Or.inoe State 01 c a111orn1a 92626 The bUlll transler will t>e consvm mated on Of alter the 30th day 01 Aptll, 1982, and cla1"1s may be moo 11 WELLS FARGO BANK. NA. Fs· crow Oeper1men1. Re Escrow No 6<13-3775. Suite 1230 660 Newpc>rt OF CENTENNIAL INSURANCE COMPANY All;inlor Bu1ta1n11 45 Wall Slr<'el rnew Yori. New York 10005 Year End~ December 31, 1911 Total oom111ec assols s 14J, "1 65 7 Total l1aD1h11es 106 163 654 Spec1a1 surplus funds so Ct1p•tal P8•d-up1Guardnty Cap11a11 Sti11utory Oops11 3 000 000 Orou pa10 in And conlrlbUled surplus 8526 874 unassigned 1uno.s (Surplus) 25.7~ l.J29 Surplus 11.s reqards pollcyhOldors 36.778 203 Income for tile yeur 1 1 1\9:1 858 0 !bursemonts la< •toe year 60 lS7,548 We 11ereby cer111y 11181 the above Homs ar" 111 11ccordance wllll the Annu~I Sl8temon1 for t~ ye111 eooea Oecemoor 31 1981 mao,. 10 t~ lnsura11Ce Comm1ss1oner nl the Stete OI C•lrlornrll pUrsu""' lo l•w Johll J Mackowski Presldenl 108? by mutval cunsenl Joseph Sp111to and Mory Sp11110 res1d1no al 9 Wh••ll1ng Gmen Irvine ( aMornia 'l27 14 nave w111ldrawn trom encl ha•e ceased to bf' asso· c11.1led 1n 1ne cerry1ng on ol the !his nus•ness 1s conduc1ed Dy a1 1flC11Y1<Juat Roxi Ham111on Downing 00 Th1& s1111em~n1 was ltlt>O w11n the Counly Cieri. 01 Orang<! County on Ap11I 9 t982 F117~ Published O•anoe Coast Oa11y p, IOI At1'11 I j 20 27 May 4, 1982 1621-8:? business Jo11r1 Sambuco ond Rose,_ ____ ..._ ____ -"-'-=--- Samouco res1<11n9 .11 1100 Poll Ab· bey Place Newport Beach Coltlor n1a 92660 w1ll lht'reat1er cerrv ()(11------------- 1111• business. D<> <'nmleo 10 allot 1ne ~~A~=· AISUtS Of the llullno!SS, hevn HSU· THE ~OllOWING PERS0'-8 •RE med and Wiii P<IV all OUISlltndlng DOING BUSIN£SS AS lleb•llhe' OI lllll bUSlllt>SS llOfetoiore GOLFlAPS. 182$ w .. tcllll Dtl•• and herealler 1ncurreo ~ 8Mcll Celrtomia t:reeo 0&11!<1 April 5. 1982 Nell s Fine •• , llllda l•I• Drl•t Johll Sambuco "-!>O<l llaacfl. Ct11toon1a 92900 Rose Sambuco ~~w=:"C.::o!!.c:;;•I Joseph Sp.,110 Thlt --to c:onduel.O b'f a gar.II Mary Sp.,110 _,_tNp County ci.11 ot OrWIOI County on -""'• 2 tllU ,, ... Publl•h•d 0 11ng• Cou t Dall~ PHot. "Pt" e. 1a. 20. 21. 111a2 1&23-aa NIUC MOtw;E •oni e. tl, '° n . 1ee2 15*-e~ '1CTTTIOUI IMlllNI .. MM9 I TATDllJfT flCTTTIOUB 8 U81NH8 NAllll 8 TAn MI NT -Center Drive Newport Beech County of Orange Stale of C~lllor· nla 92680 01 by msll to P 0 Box 7280, N-porl Beach. CA 926&3 The lollow1no person ta doing l)UtlMSS at Joleph P Oec11m1nada Name of Secretary Publlthed Orange Coeat D•lly Pllol. Ap1 13 14 15 16. 17 1ge2 1663-82 DAVID M. ZlM8lROFF. INC. Nell S F'"- A PROFESSIONAL L•w Corpore Thia ttatemeni wu Iliad with <ht llon County Oet-of Or9nQIO County on Al1"I t. 1151 Dove StrMt, Sulle 170 •tu ,,._.. _____________ 1Newpcttl Beech. C1llloutle t2t10 Publltl>eCI O.-ano• Coatt Olllp Piiot ____ NR __ IC_HO_TI_C_E ____ 1 .. T:u~ ::a:::= ,,CTITIOV8 BU81Hl88 TEii ASSOCIATES. tOOO Quell 8ulle NAMll 8TAnM«NT .. 290. "-18-:f\, Ca 92MO The followlno person 11 dolnp _1_B_!~Spaea.lc~!" s Bay Front. 1>u81,_ 81: ----·~ TRANSPORT1'Tl0N SYSTEMS ' Thie-• lo conducteci bV.., in. COMPANY. 5 Merlpoaa. lrvtne. Cal-OMOwj. a.. S Soeldl llomle 92714 TM• at•t•,.,•nt ,,11 tiled ,.,11~ th• Murr 1 y L ar oy L• Hua 5 M mrl • County 1112 Cieri! ot Or9nQ10 eouncy on "IWtl 1 poea1 IMne, Callfo<nla 9271' fn+t bullM8t ta condUC1ecl by an ,.,... lndlVl<IUal .!..\'bllelled Otl flO• COH I Dally Piiot Mvrr•y L.Moy LaHua ......... 1S, 20, u , iM2 tU.-.2 Thlt lltt-t WU filed with lhe County C1«11 Of OtlllQ't COUllty on AprM t. 11182. ""'°" P:tCTfTIOUI aua .. aa Publllh«I Ot•noe Coul Dally Pt-.... I TAn•NT lot April 13. 20. 27. Mey '· 1882 The tollowlno paraon 11 dol11g t633-82 ~­----,.--IC-NO--TIC(-----KMK DESIONS, 1303 Avocado ___ ;.___. -------.ve., •220, Ntwport Beach. CA ACTITIOUI IUIM.ll 112960. NAM9 ITAT'lmlf\' M1ty t<ty Shaw Crool\111. • 19 Ttat tollowlng par ion 11 dot no J>1nor1in1 Or , Laguna 8"cll. CA CMINll • t2t51 l'AT9 HAUMAN< 8HOfl', 11114 fhle ~la OOl>duc1ad by 1n Adami Aw., Hun!lngton Btacn, 0.. lndMdlUll. t264e MtfY Kay 81\aw CrOOkllC Jullll ltwn lcMofnone. 11U1 Tilll It.....,.,. -111.o WIUI tllt FOltlr "6 . lo9 Alemltoa. Ca. 90720 Covt\ty C*tt Of Oflll'gt County °" T1'11t '"*'-11 ~ by 11'1 Aprtl 9. 1111. lfldMdutll ,.,.., J s. loloftlOM ~ Or-.nve COtMI Olly ~ tltle ltl1el'Mnl Will fllld wtt11 IN lot. Aj)f1I 1J, 20, ff, Ml.)' 4, 11412. Couflty CWk OI Of111g1 County on 1'20-tl Apfll •• !Ml. [ ~ Ofanot COllt ~ C•ll::.•; r!:~ord1 J tot .. 1i.10. 11, ,.., .. tlU •• wotll .. , -· llzs.G f'ICTTTIOUI ~ NAM& STATW..wr APPLIED RESOURCE MANAGE- MENT. 11533 Slater Ave . SYlle A, P.0 Box 925•, Fountain Veney. CA 92708 All C1alms mvst t>e tac.11 .. aa 111 "''' •ddreu by lhe ?9111 dlY ol Apr II. 1982. unleH the bulk transfer also includes the 11ans1e1 ot liquor Ileen· n1m.1 1C NOTICE Pubhshed Orange Cont Dally Pt· AP' e. 13, 20, n , 1982 1~2 ----'"-UUL--------ll01. April 13,1982 TM fOllowt"ll Pe<eont Ire OOlng bull _ .. CADE.AU. 2300 HlrbOt 81Yd • Coale -· Callfomle t?S28 JltllQe Ann YoeNClm, 1'51 .,_.,... A-. Tlltlln. Celfomia HlllO Adel 8eml MHrl. 1At22 Del Amo. T111t111, c.tlfo<nla HMO Tntt -la oondue:1acl by• -al part---Jenleie YoeHG• John Richard Sancher. 2077 Cherie •30, Coate MeN. CA 92627 Thle 1>11slne11 ta conducted by a11 lndlvldulll Jonn R. Sanchez ThlJ 1telamonl WH ftle<J With lhe County Cklfk o1 Or1nge County on Aprll 8, 1982 Thlt ett1amen1 waa llled •Ith lh• ,1_, =IJ Clatk ot Orenga Qout\I)> on A41t• 1' Publl""9d Orange Coaat OaJfy Pl- •~ lot. Ap<ll 13. 20. 27. May 4, 1982. Pu1111-.i <><ano• Coatt Dalli.:'.';;· t&35-82 ll'1f I, IJ, 20, 27, 1"2 I P....------------ 1671·8' se, If\ whlGh case. 1111 claims mu11 be B·ltlO recelYad prlOr to Ille dole on WfliCh Flft« AND CA8UAl TY Pl&IC NOTICE ,,,. llCluor !teen"' I• lr•naterreo by ·~·18 OF THE ANNUAL FICTITIOU• BU11Nel8 1111 Department OI Alconollc Bave· 8TATIMI NT NAMt! STATEMINT rage Control 01' MUIR MODELS 2020 E So So lull kll o w n to the ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSU· SYun,SantaAn1 C.A92704 trenatoreelt) •II lluslnfls .. namu RANCE COMPANY Atlanuc Bull· JAX HOBBIES INC. a ClltlOfnll • n a • d d ' • • s e • u •ea b / di 46 w I( St eet N Y k N Tr•natll!""•) ror tl'le lhreo .... 11 1811 ng. • r fYW Or ew corpor•tton 2020 E So Sunn. ~, ,. Yorll IOOOS Snnta Ana, CA 9270• pu1. 11 dllterent lrom the •bove. Y-l11ded O.ClfnOer 31, 1111 TlllS tiutlnest 11 conducted by a .,. Same DATED Apfll 6. 1982 TOtal .amllltd ...... *'31.358.4117 corporetton leer-::::::,,",.."!,, Tota( lltbllltl• 318.906 099 JAX H09BIES INC .... ,.,to Bani!, N A. Special wrplus lun<ls S10? <152 398 Pretldent lo• 7280 Capital P•ld·up/Qu1renty C•pi'tel/ This 11a1ame111 we1 fll9d with 1111 MUC NOTICE Newpof1 9"cf\, CA e2M:S S 3.000 000 Covnty Clerk ot Orange Count)' on 'tCTITIOUI llU ..... 8 Pl.I Of p tatutory Otc>otit • AprN t . 19112 l'lCfTIOUS llU ... U NA• aTATIMINT lot A~ 1: COMt ~ f. Grou pa.Id-Ill end CO!llrttxlttO ' ,_,.., NAMI 8TATt•-. ,... ' aurpl\.it 0 f>IJbfl•.._. Or r-u1 o....i~ Pl .. , Tile lollowlno per•on 11 doing 1660.e2 UnHa'9ned IUnd• l•UfPIUt) ...... ange ..,_,, ., • The lollowlng peraon1 -oolng butlineae u : 1 tot, Aprn 13. 20. 2.,. May 4, 19 2. bu~ .. •1N•:A tNvcsT"•..,T CO., NAV·COM OF DANA POINT. l'tB.IC NOTICE Suri>klt 1.1 raottd• pot~"!'°° t"-U..112 '1C"TmOU9 ~ .. ---ITAT'l-.rT The ~ ci..on II CIOW1Q ......_ .. '"'"" ... M.... 3•320 Sult• ·e· Coeat Hlohway. -•·-_..,. ·-OEM TRANSPORT. 1ff91 Botero Oe/\8 Polnl, Cellf 92eit ~ aua.... 11t.•&a.398 ~ ""' LarM, Huntlng1on e.ctl, CA 929-411. Dewy Merine EltclrOnlcs. Inc.. *-aTAn.NT Income fOf "'-Y'M'" 214.044,040 RCTmOu8 -SOUTHERN OOUNTIH TER· 1051 Clleyenn• St .. Coite Mui, ... ~_!>18110.wlng person II doing °'•OV!Mmenlt tor the yur JIClnlPut IUIWll ..,._ n a,_r MlNAl8, 10722 LI Cleneg8 lll1d., Calif. 9282$. .._._ 180. I 12,520 ..... ITATI*'" Tlle ~ ,.._ .. tl9inl .,.,.._ lngj9wood, CA 90304 TN• ~ II conduc1td by • Pt.AIM VANILLA. 202• Calvw1, W• nere•y Hrllty that ,,,, fflt fe>llowlf\g penon I• dOtng -:: •• "°"" ~~ ... -lttle ~ la ~ by • -tlofl Cott• MIN. Ce t282t llboYe !\ems.,. It\ aoooldllOOI With lbuai-... .... ,......, Y~. I cotporatlon c--· lllebeCOI M Ko11u1h. 202• ttlt Mnvel 8t.t'""'1t tor the )1.-r llABOA KOSMITIK DEPOT. .... -, °"'""'toll o... Soufhtfn eounu. Ttn'lllnlll Dewy MlnM e.Mn, Coll.a MIU, Ce t2t2t tf\ded ~ 11, 1181, m.tOeto ,.., ... A ..... BelbO• ltl•no. CAttt42. ~ e..11.c.llol!tll .... Otenn Onoey. Cl.c:tronlc:. lno Thia tlUll-11 conouttlel by 111 me lntW'lllOt CornmlaalOMr °' 1flt Aetpll Oltnn l1tdw1n. •H ~ ~ t a1t.1.ei-.1 ,.....__ .....,_. ~ Pfaelclenl =~i o.wy lndlVldUt4 State Of Celitonall. Pll'WI 10,.. Aw • ..,._....,..., CA~ -~=--..=.- Tiiie .. .._.t WU llled wlttl Ille Tiile tat fllcl W(fl IN ~ M. K~ Jofll'I J M.O.owt6tl RelC>h laldwln • '"'8 ...... County Cltftc °'°'*"'County on County ·~'::O. Couftty on ""' ..... .,,.., ... fllld Wltll IM Ptllicle'll Thia Ill!_. -.... With 1111 ,,_..~'•a= Merati It, IN2 Apfll t. tN2. CcM#lty Olet\ of Or-.not County on JOMpi P. o.c.mtnada Covt\ty Cl«1I Of Oranoe County on fltll _ ...._ .. ~ ,,... • ,.,. Aswll a. '"' a.or.tit)' ~ t. 1t12 CeuMr a..•°""" 111....,.. ........., °""""' c.... o.lly "'" Pub4CaMd °'.,,.. ~ OlllV "'" ·-1 PuDIClftld Otlnoe Collt a.My ,,,,.. .. - IOt, AIWt Ii, JG, tl ..... C, t'::.z .lot .. •11. IO, n .. tMY 4.1~ tot~ :-;r :.::-:. =: Hoc.-... ll, 14 ''· It, 1!~~ tot~ ~T. =r. ifi.: .._,"fn.°'tt~ ~ --- ·····~ Or~ Ooelt OAILV PILOTl]uelday, Aprll 13, 1982 Bose a Phillie ' Col:ib .record pursuit assu red for PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Pete Role, who la . t9~ t\ict at)y ol Ty Cobb'• ..U-time major league hit l'Ml'k.~ a new contrtct Monday Wt wUl k p h!tn ln a Philadelphia Phllllca uniform while he J)W"llUe. the record, the teMl mnoW\Ced. 1'h4t ~U"act1 etUmated at more than $1 million per y..,, DOOPeG the remalnina two yean on the flflJ .. bliw!man'• current paict and carries a year-by-le•'t' a(~•~ment through t,he 1986 season, when Rafe ....w be 45. Roee, the all-\lme National Leaaue hit leader now haa 3,700 hit.a; Cobb's record l8 4,191. ROSE SIGNED A flve-year co~tract at a re-OOtted $800 000 per 'tear in December 1978 when he left the Cincinnati Reda and joined the Phillies as a free agent. "Each year ia a guaranteed f~," 18ld Phil· lies President BW Giles, accompanied b~ Rose a.ndl R*'s long-time adviser, Reuven Katz. ''At the end of each year, the Phillies have the option 10 review Pete's performance and status for tbe following season." Giles said Rose would be released 1( the Phil- lies decided not to re-new their option, but he em- phasiz.ed \he team had no intent.ion of doing that. "He'll be playing for us when he breaks Ty Cobb's recqrd. whether it's in 1984 and however long it takes." Rose, who will be 41 Wednesday. has Jokingly predicted that he'll pass Cobb's mark on May. 15, 1984. He's only 3-for-16 after four games this sea- son, but with a career average of .310 and a NL second-best of .325 last season. he said he's uncon· cemed. "I take each game as it comes. I'm more wor- ried about tomorrow's game than I am about the record." he ~d. "I don't worry about tt\ings I can't do in the next game. "I'M MORE INTERESTED m getung back to the World Series," he added. "Pursuing the record will help me do that." The 15-time All-Star. now in his 20th.season, helped lead the Phillies to their onlv World Senes Anaheim hosts big boat show A full spectrum of boats, accessories and other water s1>9rts_equ1p_r:nent wiU ~ ~ displa;L at the 14th Aiiihe\rn .BOaTSnow wfocn opens Saturday at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Kate lla Ave. The show will run through April 25. Show hours a~e Monday through Thursday, 3 to 10:30 p.m.; Friday 3 10 11 p.m.: Saturday, noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday, noon to 7 p.m. through 1986 record-setting millionaire victory a YNr after joining the club. Hct needa 72 hits to pua Hank Auron ana move lnto eecond place on the aU·Ume hit U.i. "I'd have to 11111y l have a better chance of breaking Cobb'a record than no t," Role said. "That's as long as the piwhera ke@p "''OOperatlng the way they've been during the la.st 19 ~earl." He aald his refiexes were still ·~· adding, "aJowina up ls the least of my worries' and tlult "I'm at the top or my Sa.mt! now." He dl1counted notions that a nagailng off· season injury to his side was the result of aai,na. "I can't change when I was born, but 1. don't wiah l was 25 years old or 30 or 35," he aald. "I don't worry about age, becauae of my dedication to keeping in shape in the off-season. "My birthday only reminds me of two things -that's the day the Titanic sunk and Abe Lincoln was s ho t." PUBLIC NOTICE flt&JC f«>TICE 'ICTmou• IU&INHI NS-t2Ht The ,~~!.~n:T:.i;::~~. doing NOTICE OF DE ATH OF t>uslness a.. CECIL BUEL CR UZON r1 Assoc1a1ee. 1 120 Mock1no-AND OF PETITION TO bird Way, Anaheim HIHs. CA 92807 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Jack R Henoy Jr. 2827-D S A tlZ"S? Fa1rv-Senta An1. CA 92704 • • · JAX J CARROLL. 7120 Mock-To all heirs, beneficiaries, 1n~b1ro Way Anane1m Hiiia. CA c reditor s a nd contingent 92r~~ ousm ... 1& conouctea t>y 1 c reditors o r CECIL BUEL 9enei11 partr>0rsn1p C RUWN and persons who Jack R Handy J1 may be otherwise Interested This s111em11nt was filed With the rn the will and/or estate. County Clerk ot Oran~ County on A petition has been tiled Aptll 9 1987 '111* by JEFF E . CRUZON in the Published Orange Coast Dally Pl-Supenor Court of ORANGE 101. April 13 20 2'1. May 4, 1982. Count y r e questing that 1618-82 ----------tJEFF E . C R UZON be ap-___ Ml __ IC_NO_TI_C_E __ -tpointed as personal repre- NOTICE TO CREOITOA8 sentative to administer the OFBUlK TRAN IFl!R estat e of CECIL BUEL cs.ca. 6101 -1101 u.c C.) C RUZON C M C NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN 10 ,,,. • osta esa, a . Crcdllors Of DANA POINT KENT-(under th(' Independent Ad- UCKV FRIED CHICKEN. Transferor. mmistralJon of F.states Act). whoso business address is 31422 The petition is set for hea-Coast Boulevard Dane Po1n1 · D 00 County ol Orar>ge Stale 01 Calif()(. ring Jn e pt. No 3 at 7 n1a 1h111 a bulk transfer 11about10 C1v1c Center Drive West. t>e ml\oe to JOHN SAMBUCC'I and San ta Ana CA 92701 o n ROSE SAMBu.;o . T1enall11cea. M 5 1982. t 9·30 wnose t>us1ne"s edd1ess is 3142'2 ay • a · a .m . Coast Boulevard Dana Potnl IF YOU OBJECT to the CO\JntY ot OrallQI!. Slate ot C1M0<-granting Of the petition, you ma hould either appear at the Saia property 1s oeacribed 1n h · . 9enera1 u All s1oc1t •n trade 1,,. earing and.state your o b- 1ures equipment and good w'111 or Jectioru or file written ob· that res1auran1 busineu known as Je<:tions with the court be- Dan1 P01n1 Kentucky Fried CnlCken fore the hearing Your ap-and located at 31422 Coast B01Jle-I · vard, Oana POlnt County 01 Orange pcarance may be In person State ot c11111orn111 lor by your attorney. Ttte bulk 1ransttw W111 t>o consum. IF YOU ARE A C REDl- m111ea on or alter the 23rd Oay of r,R · ___. l\pnl. 1982. al 9 oo AM at David M or a cont.mgent <en:u itor z1m1>ero11 Inc 620 Newport c'"'t· f the deceased, you muse l{; On~~ "'1..,Hewpoll ~~-your c~un 't'h 0un1y..S1 Oranoe Slate of Cah1or-~ourt or prele nt it to the n111 So tar a• known to 11111 Trsnste-personal re presentative ap· •HI all bus1n11sa l).l'lmea and ad-pointed by the court within oresses ull(ld by Trl ns1er0< ta< the four months (rom the date of three years last past, are Same first issuance o { letters as Daleo April S 1987 John Samt>uc;o pro~.lided in Section 700 o f Rose Sambuco the Probate COOe of Ca.lifor- Trenste<ees Th f f I DAVIOM.ZIMIHROFF.INC. n1a . e t ime o r i 1ng A Profe .. 1ona1 Law COfp. d aims w1U not expu-e pnor Sull• 211 tu four months Crom the dat.e 820 ,....t>Of1 Center Drive of the hearing noticed above. NeWJ)Ofl 8eec:t\, CA t2MO Pub11ahl!O orange Coest Daily p,. Y 0 U MAY EXAM IN E lot Apr11 13. 1982 the file kept by the court. If New exhibits this year will include Italy's Eu- rovinil inflatable boats, made with an electronic welding process: Japan's Mini-Cruiser, a new water sport being shown for the first lime in the U.S .• the new Hobie-33, a high-performance racing yacht by H9.~je Alter of San Juan Capistrano, and the 390X Sliti~r, a 39-foot sports boat by Chris Craft. 1672-82 you are mt.erested in the es-______ __..._ ____ t.ate, you may file a request NklC i.T1C( with the court to receive lb addition to the exhlbi~ there will be special entertainment, includinR Twi~. the water ~ing squirrel who will be displaying her ~ater-s.kung skill daily in a 20-foot pool. She skis behtnd a miniature remote controlled ski boat. __ lt<>_TIC_l_M_TllUSTU ___ .,-,-AU---spec1aJ notice of the inven· L-. "°' 11U11 tory of estate 83S('ts and o f T.1..::J~ the petitions. accounts and l 0 SER\l>CE COMPANY .. dUly -reports described m Secoon :;:'= ;.::•:;i1~"'w:CT ~~~.:¥ru: 1200.5 of the Calif ornia BllC AUCTIO N TO THE HIGHEST 810-Probate COOe. Other features will include water s kiing semi- nars conducted daily by experts; fishing clinics, and a film festival providing entertamment and educa- tion. DEF• FOA CASH (paya1>1e •• """' ot aa1e 1n Harold E Heinly l•.wful money ol lhe Unll •d Stal .. t all · • ''V"' ''''-eno ... 1 .... t con..,.eci 10 .,,., Attorney at Law -nelO by tt under...., Deed o• Trus1 '" 1 ZOO North Malo Street, ''1~°tro'~ ':~1~~ ~mN 111 . .,. suue 104 DEATH NOTICES BASSETI' PHILLIP H. BASSE'M', J MD .. resident of L eisur e W orld, Laguna Hills, Ca Passed away o n April 9, 1982. Be lov ed husband of Edy th, fat h e r of Bonnie Lake of Kauai, Hawaii and Caroline Kirsch o r Corona del ftiar, Ca., Martha Dew of Vancouve r. Canada, Schuy- ler Bassett o f Los Angeleli and 7 grandchildren PHUC MO~E unmt11rl9d 11\&n Sao t.a An.a, CA 917 0 1 BEMEF>CIAAY A STllfZ ano E (71 4) g3•.1•3• sTmz nuoC>enO anc1 ....... jotn11enan10 .. .. .. Aeco<O«I o.c-noer •. •980 at 1na11 Pubu.hed ~ Cou1 Dally Pl COAST COMMUNfTY ~nci.?~~::~ ,:;a:.c:!?~..!·~~ lot, April 12, 1a. t9. 1982 COU.EOE DISTRICT otder ot O••nQ• County. 111d OHO ot ttl4jj-82 NOTICE 0, SALE ''"•' Oto1CnbM ,,._ 1~ 11<ooeny NIUC ~£ OF P£RIOMA1. "'OPERTY 0..1-,_,.., to in """ G.,.,ant• to TO HtOHEIT INDO£R a.1..a1eo "' t"9 S1a1e ot Calllo<n<a Coun1y ------------ Notice Is hereby given U.111 b101 or ~~l ";'°J~.~W~~ .. :_~°'~h•• NOTICE OF DEATH OF wOI be recetved for aale lo the hlQ-ur1a1n Conoom1n1urn Pl•n r.,;o•d.cl In BETTYE A. GRAFT AND hest bidder ol the lollowtng UH d boOll 11219 P9Q9 111~ olflclel •..:otos o1 ~:::;'~ ~=.~~.i:: °'~c~~A~nd•v•oeci 11141., 111 .. OF PETITION TO ADMI· Community ColleBe Dlatrfct BID '"' •n .,,n 10 IOI 1 01 t•KI 90t3 u "'°""' NI ST ER EST ATE N 0 . :A;~ILS~'g'o"!~T ~i~~·J.4:i~~ F,-o~~~=~=~ Al~!S~. heirs. beneficianes, COLLEGE DISTRICT Q••"•' w11n a111mpro•em1n10 •"•reon. c reditors and contingent Sale bide wilt be oper1ed and pu-"''"'llnQ 11*'.trom CondomlnMn Unit• ed' ~f Be A G f bllcly reed elouo for 111grega1ed t WOUQn 64, 1nciue1 ... 1oca1.., 1neteon er tlors o ttyc · ra t Item• u 111ted on the proposed !ocee>!IRQ l•om • P0t1ton ot Mid 1o1.,. and persons who may be form et 10·00 a m . Weoneadey ~~'::'9 ... ~'k::.-.;:=::::~!!:' =:::;:;; u therwise interested in the Ap<il 21, 1982 in the Olatrtc1 Adm!-_.,,,,...,...,,.,tn_iano .. ceo11,.. will and/or estate: ------------.inlatratlon Bulldlng. 1370 Adami "Ii"' 10.,...,.., -110n ot 1"9 --ot ... __ ed ··------------.-Aven~. Colt• Mesa. Callfornl1 All 1111110,,d for drllllRQ ooera•ion.. mlnlnQ o< A petition has ~n !ii Mc:COttMtC:. MORTUARIES bids muat be delivered to the office QuerrylnQ o1 111 kfndt. lncludlnQ bu• no• by W illiam W. Graft in the Laguna Beacn of lhe Purchasing Ag11n1 at the excJu.,.,. 0' Oii _.., d<WllnQ. Oii .,.,..op-Superior Court of Orange 494.94 t 5 above add<'" prior to the lime Ml ::::"~ .. m~~ :;r.:,~.,:·..:.O::~S:~ County requesting that Wtl-Laguna Hiiis tor the opening to be 111tglbl11 for tunn•I• .,.1ninQ HU•lllon• of th•ll• Boating courses . The U.S. Cout Guard Awdllary Dlvialon ll &nd Division XV wW hold a joint ba1lc boa llng and rwamanahip COW"IC, folio.- wed by advanced navi- gation. at the Sea Scout Base, 1931 W . Coast fi:igh way a tarting tO · rugbt at 7:30 p.m . Due 10 the btg respon· .e from the Newport ln· The -Water Boat Show, they will ai.o conduct an immediate class in tea· china Rules of the Road. marine engines, ma.rUn- spil<e aeamanahip (knota, etc.), weather, radio telephone, alds to navi- gation, boat handling and legal requirements. Nil.JC NOTICE CITY 0, ,OUMTAIM VALL•V, c~ NO~ •YmNO M>S CONSTitUCTIOM CW CUR•, QUT- ftR AND M>CWAUt '9tO•CT410I NOTICE IS HERES'!' GIVEN 1"-1 the Clly Ci.tk of the City of F01Jntaln Vall9)t. C&lttomla. wlH rec.IY9 .-.d Pf~ untM tM hour of 10 Lm. on Friday, April 23. 1982. '°' ce>n· 1tru011on ot .c:urb, gutter and •Ide-walk In varloua loc:at1on1 thrOUQflOut the City In ac:cordance wltn lltten1 end~llON PropoMhl tN11 be pr-led un- der 1eeled cover and ellell be ec- comc>•nled by OM ot the fOl'ma of bidder•' 1ecurlty raqulred by the apedflaltlone. A• 1><0l)OUI• 11\ail be rnar1Ced PROPOSAL ON PROJECT NUMBER 4109 end malled 01 deli- vered so 11 to be In the hand• of Iha City Clerk et ner olflce In the City Hall, 10200 Stater Avenue, on or before the hour 1111ed Al the dealgneted time all bide received wlll be publlcly opened. examined and declared by the City Clerk Blddefl end the public ere Invited to be 1><eaenl at Ille decl8f8tlon of Mid Pfopoeal• All bloa 10 received, eomlned and declared wtll be refetred by the lty C*11 to the City EnglOeer end hit Clty Attorney tor Cheeking ana eport 40 the City Council at lta re- lar meeting on May 4, 1982. Ptlor 10 commencing •Ork, the ntrector and all 1u1>eon1ractor1 en obtlln a bull,_ lloenM from ne city of Fountain Valley In ac- ordance with the City Municipal ode, Volume t. Tiiie 5, Chapteu ().4 and 5.08. In accoroance '#Ith the 1><0Vlalone Section• 1770 to 1777. lnciualw, I the Labor Code of the State of alllorn11, the City Councll of the tty of Foun~t\. Vau.y1\al b¥Ja. ton ldopteo '"' prevailing hov-rate of W1lg8e for eedl craft or of '#Or11man °' mecnenlc ,_. to execvte the contract wtlk:h II be awarded to Ille auc:c.aaful , 88 determined by the State ec:1or of lncluttnal Relatlona. The cont1"11Clor 111811 P<ovlde IUCh ompenHtlon ln1Yrance ea requi- red by the l.abot Code of the State of Celllornte, a.no lhall ellecute e con11ac1or'• c.rtlllc;ate regarding aald coupenHtlon requirements. The contractor 111811 further require all 1Ybcontractora to llmllatty pro- vide IUCll compensation lnaur9n08 for all of lhe eul>contractOfa' em- ployeM The con tr actor a and IYb- contractora IMll fumiah lhe City a oerttllcate of ,,,...._ ol aut>rogatlon unde1 Ille teNl't of the worker'• compen88llon tneuranoe. No bid wlll be eot llidel ed unleea It i. made on the oftldal blank form lumllhecl by Ille City and la made In 8GCOfdance wttn the provlalona of thll Notloe and the P<090UI requt. rementl end condition• HI fonh under Section 2 of the Speclflc:.-tlon1 Each t*Sdet mua1 be lloenMd In accordance wttn 8l)9llcable 1tate lawt Pu11uant to California Govern- ment coae Section 4590, the con- tractor wlll be entitled to poet ap- ~ -'\lei with the City or"" flPl)(OYed financ:iel lnltltutlon In or- dtf 10 nave lhll City relellae funds 1111a1ned by the City to Insure per- formance of tne contract Plant, apec1nc.11ona and otttclal P<OC>ONI lonna to be uaed for llld-dln9 can be obtained only at the office of the City Engl-. City Hall Coat of Mid Plana and Spec:tllQ- tlON It $5.00, iocludlng tax II the bidder report• that the Plana and Spectflca11ona be aent by mall, the malllr>g and handling charge 1hell be 111 additional $2.00. Neither the coat ot the Pl-end Specifications nor the c:os1 of mlltlng and handling will be refunded. The City r_.... Ille righl to rejet My or 8" bida. Evelyn Mc Clendon City Clerk of the city of Fount.in VIiie)', CA Publl1h11d Orange Coul Dally PllOI Ap(H 13, 1982 1864-a2 Ml.IC NOTICE 768 09 3 consideration. 1><ollld«! now.-. 1,.. _ .,,.,. no1 .,. Uam W. Graft be appointed · J Proposal forms 1nd complete In-con111...a 101><ohl1>1111et1c1 drt111nQ o< llUCfl as personal representative to NOTICE TO CfU!DfTORS San Juan Cap1s11ano 11ruct1on1 m1y be obtained at the °'""'-·'""'"""'ten .. no-y...., or., administer the es ta le of 0, BUU( TIIANIFER 495 1776 Purch111lng Department of the DI-.,.., •rr 1"9c1 t,,. -1-llQ"ll ot ...., (Seca. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) 1trtct at the above 1dOr1111 For = ~ ";;::' ~ ';:!;';'~~~:.~'.:· Bettye A . Graft (under the Notice 11 neret>y given tocrea1t0<s HAalOtt LAWM-MT OLIVE Mortuary• Cemet~ry Crematory 1625 Gisler Avt> Costa Mesd 540-5554 l'tlRCl llOTHHS IB.l llOAOWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway C()sta Mes a 642-9150 ' --- IALntHGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUH' CHA,ll 4'27 E 17th S t Costa M1>sa 646-9371 P'lllCI UOTHlH ~S' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Hunttngton Beach 535-6539 • addltk>neA lnlorm•tlon or lnspec11on •••.,.v•O 01 Ad• M ,.. .. In deed r..,.,,. Independen t Administration of thll within named transferor that a IPPOlntment, call Glenn A. Former dad 1n Book •1195 o•Q• 94 Olllcl•I A•· of F.stat.es Act). The petition bul~ trensler 11 •bout to be made on (714) !>56-57~ cord• • h D per1onal property herelnaller Oe-BIOe mu.I be eccompanled by 8 1oe~ w .. iwa•d L-eo..e ..._ CA is set for earing in epl. acrlbed CERTIFlEO. CASHIER'S CHECK OR '2826 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Tha namll(sl ano t>valneu ao- PERSONAL CHECK made P•t•ble 111 • '""1 •ddreu "'common d•· Drive, West, in the City of Oreaa ol 11111 Intended transferor(•) to the CoHt Community College ;'f~:~!·,~ ~~:0:':1:~~':':Vo~ Santa A na, California on are· Obi~°' CMh, In an amoont no correc:•,_t EVLYN !EHLE doing bualneu less Ulan 1()% of the totll bid Per-n e 1>enet1e1.,y und•• Hid Deed ot April 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. H LA GALLERIA, 1044 lrvlrnt Ave- aonal chedl• are 8Cel8Pleble up 10 r,,,., ~ ,_ o1 • btMCh o< o.11N11 1n IF YOU OBJECT to t he nue. Newport Beech, Calltomla the amount ot $25,00 Dllpoelta of '"" obl•Q•llon• HCUred 1wetty. llerMo-ti f h titi The n11m1 and bu1lneu addro111 --1UI bldde<i•) •Ill be appllfla lore ••ecu1eo •nd d•ll•er•d lo th• un· gran ng o t e pe on, you of the Intended tran1teree are 10 the pvt~ P<loe 01her oeoo.ft ::,~ w;;::~_::i,::,:. ':.": should either appear at the LA CHANTEE BOUTIQUE, INC . check.a/or c:Mh wilt be returned el-01 breech .... o 01 -llon 10 c•uM 11111 hearing and state your ob-10« lrvlne Avenue. Newport Beacn. te< the Board ot Trustee'• eccep-u~ 10 Mii Mid llt-1Y 10 Ml· ~ections o r file written ob-California lanai of high bid(•) wt.~ """' be on 11ty Mid Dl>4'9•1to111. and "*"""' 111e .iections with the court be· That the property wttnent hereto Apnt 28 1082 ulldertlgn9d cauNCI 18td notloe o1 _,, 11 dHcrlbed In general 81 trade All ex°penNa of ~rt•g• ana re-~:1~1=:0~=~~ fore the hearing. Your ap· lixtur• and inventory. end 11 loce- moval are the reaponalblllt y of ~ 1820. DI Mid Oftlctet Aecoroe pearance may be In person tea at 1044 lrvtne Aven~. Nftport Pureh&Mr(I). 60/e 1818t 1811 •Ill be h id Hie wllt b• mode, but wlll!oul or by your a ttorney. e.ec11. CallfOmll added to all amountt unleu nlld c.,.,....,,1 o< ...,..,,1y. -o< lml>lled. IF YOU ARE A CREDI The bu1lnea1 name uaed by the '91111 ..,.. tall perl'nlt card .ceom-••oarolng 1111•, poeaeulon, or encum-• Hid tran1l8for 11 aeld locallon 11· petllel bid. b•llrtClel. 10 P•Y Ille rM\alnlnQ pflnelpet TOR or a contingent cn!dltor LA GALL~IA All propeny tleted herein 11 offe-!';'";,~.:~.;:~1."!::! \'X:::,:;: of the deceased, you mult That Mid bulk tranater la Intended red for aale "u lS,where la",and orovld•d,ad••n-.ll •ny,underti.e file your claim with the tobeoonaummated at theoffloeol· wllhout recourae agalnat the DI-'"""' o1 Mid o..o Of Truet, ,..., """'O-h t().44 Irvine Aven~. Newi:i<><t Beecf\. 1trlct. The 0111rlct makea no gua-.na ·-o1 tlle T•uet• ...a 01 ,,... co u rt or present lt to t e Cllllornle. on or alt• April 30, 1982. rantee, w•ranty, or r~tallon trueu crMltd 11y...., Oetd OI Ttllft personal rep resentative •P· Thi• bulk tranaler la aubJect to e.c1><81Md or '"'911ed. with '9gMd to Seid..,. '"'11 be l1eld on w.ci-y pomted by the court within Calflornla Unllorm Commercial :=~C:'~c:'! ~=· ,:~ !:' 1!.:!,,~:~0:.~::,. ~cf;,':; four months from the date of ~11~~ !~':: eddreu of the clatm will be conaldereo tor alto· ~lldln.Qc1°0 011 c~epman A••n~•. first Issuance of lettf'rs a1 peraon •Ith •llom claim• may be wanoe °' lldJuatment or readMlon ~ ,_ ot ""' tnttw pVOllollllon ot provided In Section 700 of flied 11 Audrew P. ClpH, Eaq., ol the .. b...o on fallure of lhe ~-ioe.t••Olel-ollftt~ the Probate Code of Callfor· BOOTH, MITCHEL STRANGE & pr<>C*ty to comple1ety u tltly the :::='o!!c:-':.o~-_,"' .. ~ 1 Th 1 f fill SMITH, 3436 Wlltlllre Boulevard, ~ 1n a11 rMpecta. No 1'911.1ma Miiled -.. ·--"°"-.. n a . e t me o r ng '°'h f'loof. Loe Angelea. Celllomle allowed. The Ol1trlot thall not be a 15, 111 es To d•t.,mt 098flltl0 claims will no t expire prior 90010, and the IHI day for filing reeponetblt IOr any accklent °' In-bid. you,.,., QI! (l'14J to four months trom the date claim• by any creditor thlll be A.prit tury rHultlno lrorn purc:llaae or Oe•• ~.,."" u . 1112 of the~ noticed above 29. 1982, wNch 18 IM~ day PfOC*1Y °" ..... ..0_::~c_owAHY YOU MA y EXAMINE befo~1h.~~1ummet1on date Payment In lull muet be made .., Qlrldy ac.r--. ...., ..., .. within ten Clllllend8I deyt afMr not1oe M1411lllt a-e1ary lhf' file kept by the court. t1 So far .. 11 known to •kl 1nt9!\• ol ~: and the "tm(•J mi.wt be One Clly IMI .• W•t you are In~ ill the 8-de<l Traneferee Hid lntt11ded r~ fl'Otll tN Dlltr1Ct fllCllty at Or-flfl08. CA l'1'lf raMflaror UMd IN lolOwlng .oot-tlme ol Ml p•yment. Oef>otll of t7141 ~ tale, you may file a requel\ ~ nem.a and ~ tvco.tafvl hlth bidder(•) wlll be PuDtitllecl o .. ,,.. cou1Delly1'1101. with tht court to receive WltNn the t!Vee yeel'l 1881 pe11: oonaldwed t~ed K.mtt•llllC•> Mardi ao. Aclrll '· •a. 1912 .~ .. 1 ootb of the ln"'1" awwdeCI n no4 ~ ffom ~ 144M2 .,_.. "IC' Pf"',... within ume 11111118 cory of ettate Nle&I and of ........ Olllrid r..we ttie right the petltlona, acco'1.ntl .ct '° ,.._,_.... ~ '°'.... To Piece your reporta ct.:ribld Jn Section r-::=::::===;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;=;-"f«~ :.::' ,!'f ....,.O.:~ Wlll't .. Fast Rn ult.. l 2 00 .3 o f the C'e 11 f orn le 11....0, I W41, lftd I t4t0 of Proliete Coodt. i.T!a.&1111i111 ~ 1ctuoa'll1n CocM. Service Directory Lath• • W1t.i ... Al· ,., NONiWf I. WATaON 1d , Call No• ......, ••Law, NI I.,,..., =~"~J::'m. 642•1671 llrHt, LH Aa~t~CA ... 111 -•7w:et (111) a • ...... ~.:-~ - - 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L ·Y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 .a· GlllllFIED CLASSIFIED INDEX T1PtactY•M,Cll ~J,'=~!1 PdJtm z a. famlly room home With nke floor plan Cor larae family . UiCh balaoce IOI,,"', auuma· ble loan owe 2nd T o. Pull prier SI0.000. m~l9J 642·5678 llMUrMUU 5 , ...... -..... .,_ .. ,,_ C•:i.'°' iht i=:r.:: or .. ,_ ... 1 ..... """"-"'"~ !'.:. ... .... .,.. .. lAf-IMt u_......,>ui--' ·~"-""';. ;:~:.::· ~Jw.uC•liH'"•*• ~f AM ~ .... .," ~•l.,¥1\t v."'"'•Mln ... I+ •kMnr' MW tmmm """·•·kw ~i.,. ,.,..,,,..,,_., ft1t '•It ~!°;~"' t #tnfllf) lAh t ..... l"MMfrf .JPh'M''h ( Of'W1uM1flliWM,_ \•It llrl.t'4••h I M•"'-,.t" """""'"'•"-'\to••• ,,....,.....,..,~, .. , ..... n.trJ ... ,,~,., lAO,.,\•\. W·'*'-' IOnr t t If fol' l • "~"'f.,_...,,IMf'to0t• , ... ,«f'o J·t~ ~-~~: . .'~· "•"'*"'"' > .,..,_. ,,, ... ,. ............ ""•"•" Kol t.l•(f • •M .. aonm • .._._.", .... II.rd ..... ,..._,.r_,.,.,o~ • ..,_h'"""'"f ·~·~-""'."''" t~lllltYM•lM! '(."'9~ ...... ,,_ tO-ftMN'4'• I"' ~·~·•i• ·~·"'•' ... , ."'" ..... , "'•" .,.,. .. n.,"'"' i "' M-" -~~Mo..1tt ................ ~ ......... ......,. ~.-.... 1. \«.,.11t1eM••hl' tilnilf_.• lv ~.,.. 1 •••• ,,. ,, .... ,._, llffH• k•~•I ""'~···~·' ........ " ............. ""-., .. ....... """ ........ lllt\.f )(,,.. .. ~ 811S111£SS. INVlS I lllMT, flllllltf .__..._ ............. ................... 1"14 '"'' ..... ""'"''"'°'"' hur\lftW'°" "•~•11 .. (#\of,"'''' .. " ~-.11111"4• "°'11•ilf"I 1"' -.iJIKil[Nlf." 'f.ISOllALS ' LOST & FOUND ,_.....,...,.....M. .. ,.~ ,,,.,,.,,.,.. . ..... ...,.... flH•ll\•I•' ...... 1t ly'--• ,, .~f"I· SllVICfS """"'",. , .. ,.,,,_., lllrtOYMCllT ' rtE'AIATION ... ,, ..... l•·lr••·· , .. -.. ,... 1• •l.r4i·•·•"' "'4 . M(ICKAllDISl , .. .._.. ,...,.,.,... • ... 4..,. .. ,,~ .... ~M-tmiti• , •• ,. ... ••'"l""W'~ .... """' n .... ,..., •w•w" t...r~~ ·-·-·: .... .i.-tn i,.....,.., .. ....._, .. ...,..."~· NitW-f'flMWO!i-• •M,.. MtitW•l l....a..--.wwM., llffW twrA &. to4t411p ..... c:-.:. ~~ra: ~:PHC.::::M Met ;:r ..... ...,,,,"V,rv BOATS & lllUINE EO'NM(NT ........... ~'"'•""""'''•'­Rn•.-... tlM t 14u.p ..... ,,..,, ..... ,..., .. ,,,,,., -.,..., ..... "Ii .. O.-• ··h~ ..... . ..... s.. .. .. TUNSrGUATION 4n-«tft t~.wt.r .,. l'"°'fVC•" ..... Ho.rt -C')orie s-...... ~~..::~:r. M."4 =~~t~.rn c,,..,.1 A~TOlllOllL£ 4MM111H• l'laut4 • RttrU\~ \ r••4 lifo• ~.~:,~,.,~ ftilf(\> ·-Aua.. .... , AiAMYl•IHf'.tt mos. 1111romo :: "'' lfll ,., ... •• . .. ''* .... . ... ... lfl!O 111.t HAI .... ,.,,. ,.,, ..... :'.2 ,,.. U(• I.Oii llt• •>·,; l tl,,tJ . ...... '"" llW .... I .... ' :.w "" ,.,., ,.,,., ()•1 ._~t) "' ,.,,, II~ .... ·~· ... .., EQUAL HOUSING oePORTUNITY ~lllw'tMotlct: A real utate ad vert1sed in this nrwapaper is subjrrl to the f ederal f'111r Hous II\& Act of 1968 which makes 11 tllegal 10 ad vertbe "any prererence. ltm1tal1on or d1~ cnm1na1ton b.i~~d on race. color . rell11,1on , sex. or nuhoniil on1un, OI' an 1nlent1on tu ma kl' any such prefer~nrl', h!J'lllat1on.1 or !116 t'nmmahon , Ttw; newi.papl'I ,. ,11 ni>t knowtng1'y ar1·c.>11l 1111~ adH'rt1sing ror ''"-'' estate whkh 1~ 1n 'rnlJ uonofthe law r C:'•''''' -t"'1•1~t1l•1 Hl11 ', UNCH HOUSE +POOL! A opechii-ufa r. ruatie 3 Bdrm Z b11th horor wood rab~t ktlchrn, f 11m1ly room \\Ith brll·k hrer.larr 18~36 family poo . bw It in r.:a~ h;i rb(• que. bt'au11ful p:tt10 On ly $128.SOO Ci. II no~ .Lill OCEAN l ILOCJC ! ~:,1r11 l:irr.:c R 2 1·ornt>r lot ~lier "''II hnJntr' r!IS,IU I' lat.oo lay Prop. Rffffon •67§,7060• I" ,.,. '" EllOlS: Ad•triiHn ~ch.ck thtlr ads cWy .ct NpOrl tr• rort -..diattty. TH DAIL y '9LOT OH4Hllt. I w.ty for th• fint OCEAN VIEW ... 1:" ~· h1cornd iutrtio11 JElOW MARKET °"'f. I t 11rona del ~fa·r o" nl'r .... 41u 1 ,,., eH• ---------·1 ITllL'I ~toll l)H\\' Ju~1 rt' iJ U I I' ti $ 5 0 II ti ti 1• .. norJm1r IH rdll .rnl1 Hoets few Salt night ltj!hts 'It'" ~ ... Mo I • t h ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• hdrm + fJnlll) room U 11 .... I GeMral I 002 1~km1? S350.000 t'dll lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• da\'. bi3 ~ '" . .. '. .... .. Assl~~l~~~J1 t',,, ti!il@R,t loan or S71.51lll o1n1I wllt'f . ... .. , .... ... 13% "" ... ... will help tailor to ml't't buyers nl't'd~ I.a ri:e :l I Bcfrm noor plan with tie I hghtrul warm II• in.: arrllUIDI£ roo~ "b~A. ~n' ll.I:.> 1 .>. ..Jlil~ 1arriil )~· ~nJOY me nt ·owner "ill rarn 2ff . l.owt!!>l pn1·ed 1n area .it I tJn F'1Kl·tl rail' ro1 W Sl29.000 Ca ll646 7171 )ear~. lml'I) :1 lltlrm plu:. Jt'n Ea~~ldl' t".111 64S 9161 .. '" THE REAL ESTAT&:RS SI 0,000 DOWN OPEN HOUSE /-REALTY 4 ~~J)~ J~~a~Mt· 1-------M~a . nu paint 1·rpt I In ~ s11 ooou ''""'"'. l.EASEOPTIOM ~ I ianJ (.'appl.'I Jl!I THEILUFFS . ..,. .... SPACIOUS TOWHHOME! Tiit> bt>~t IO M l~!>IClll \ 11• JO ~:n1oy tht' 1 omfor1 ==~ and Ol)t'n reehnt: fl( lh1S '""" lar!(e 3 Bdrm :S tia lh :; : hol'l1l' Fealort'' 1111 lul11• ... ..., ~l'lbar r1rep1t. Frt'nrh ..,., doon. and much more :"' t'i rc.>lll terms a\'111lahle I .::., 1-'or 1·omplele deta1b -caUfi46 71i1 ~ tllii,!1 ; •IAYROHT• ':::i IOATSLIP ,:: s~ss.ooo -wow• L owest pnred :: bayfront home ON BALBOA COVES Lar~1· ..,, 4 bdrm, 3 bath. doubll' .,,, ftreplare. ro\ert-d patio ;~ plus much mort' Will 1111 A IT D or l r ad e Io r ::~ Ellstbluff Bayshore~ or ::;: , ,,, t' ' lolboo loy Prop. lllh I Rtoltors g __ *675-7060. ~' l =-I .~ ,. ·~.c • II •llAI 171, •11.i '"' r1; .... or.» na .,r. t!Jli '111. """ m •1• .1 .. .,., f16' ti• . ... '"" "11u fllol f!M ITJl ,,. ,,. .. '* -mt mi -""' .. •1<1 "41 ... = --------••Ill = -., ---- Whai it means far your ad ffJ be "clnssif wd n repeat appearances The market fOI' what.tvtr yw advert!• chanp continu1lly. When you Nplll your Id. you ~ ,... aboppen, OCCI• aioftll...,, .... ~.ho lhci,ewryde7. lllJllll funlJ~t11· tt>rm ' h\ mo 11 \ J l t'll :'\ l" " '"tr t lieJl'h o,.n,.r' l h111r ... rod 0011 i.,. a !Ion, II 1 itt11' lJPllr•1ll'd 1 l;ik 11 .. nt;linl! .rnd "110tl -.hulll·r~ 3 lari:e hdrm~ 1\\lo.1n i: $2.Q 700 \.:.Jll 6i3 ll~1 li!i!§!R1 OCUHVIEW The mo~t bt>auurul '•t>" .iv. .uts "'li 1n 1h111 ~ II K rl'tn•at d ... ·nraled in 1 h1· ru11-sl IJ,lt' A~sum;1 hi.- loan at lo" 111tt 1e,1 l'm·t.'11 at S.260.000 llUFFS $114.500 Nt•" 1t~1ing l'Rlrt:ll f 0 R I\ N II W I N l; tll 'YER~ Laq:t> :1 RR one leHI beaut) Lo•l' I~. warm dernr In vestors st>e this one OWNER ANXIOL1S fan La.sill" end unit 4 Bdr 11 > Ba. gar. patio. >3rd pool, park 189.900 As· bUme SS9.000 Isl a t 11' ,.-, Pnn only Agt 8S7 204() SUPHSHAIP 3 Bclrm liOme with wet bar. fireplace and more Anxious ov.·ner S12Cl.SOO Call nov. 979.5370 EHGUSH TUDOR ASSUME! ~perSharp 1 ye•r new rondo. Hi&h astumable loan. 2 huge bdrms. fl(h with Its own muter bath. Laree family aru. brick fireplai:e. 2 car at· ta(htd aeraae. Only l "'"''"..,_"u MtJ:t \ !.. I 0 -0 0 a•~ Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, Aprll 13, 1982 • t4o.tttt For Sale Ho.net For Sdt ..._..,_Wt HMtt for W. I Ho.Mt P.., Wt ' .._.. u.fwwi.a..d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ....................... • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~...... l224 t1M:4 IOH ._,.. lOOJ o,.,.. 1002 ~ ... ,.., 1002 ~ol • 1002 c..t.MeN 1024 ltecfl 1041 S.at...t. 1076 Gew-11 l102 ...................... . ·····•••·········••·•·· .........••............ ·•·•·•············•·•·· ....••..•.....••...•... ·····••···•···•····•••· .................... .,. ...... , .•............•...•...•...••....•••••.••.•..................... MMltont SNO,~COMDO BY 1) • lUICUry 3 bdrm. 2 a Two Slhl'fPlacta Ntxt lo Sk~ °"" mo.ooo xlnl Iii\. n~a 43S3 °'~ ..... /)) ........ tfl•Slt1 MIWPC>n'ti•TS HfWPOITCHST n.tA..cill S50001ROWA'PI lfNTAL~ 2 BJ< t Ba duplex, etw llrlaht' :ind' rh('try 2 ftn0~H~l!l~St~L Spertl-rufoTCat1 11n14/ l.~a ury JBr. 2C..An·. Yfer_bo~uUy Wltller. ltp1lnt !f ... crt1.d1ar.1~ ... l.u ... n B d r n1 l u w n ho m (' .... _ c br 1 ba ·tarn White water view 10'\. IO••'lt finonr1ns oc•n 2,3,4 Hclrms · -.. + ep. --w m1111y ulr111J 1nclud ..... ., • • dn •· thl 1 Vlt!W $12A 900 u JC11t,;ll:Jlt1----XLNT TERMS! R•nlodet~·• tr "d'tir,nil ., lnll bt\I h.iuua Clo~t lo rm\,fl>• home CAN Bio; ... y r:-'n ~ ~ ~ T1~HREl1 RI TY JACOIS IEALTY ~· "~DI .. n.i .. ' " hurh, \Ommunlty YOuRS! Come take• menta Oil ti Mn n •• • 11 RT Y AY f'i bdnn, den, 3 beth, redut'<'d i.o $3!15,000 rimlilll* IMlude •wlm· look " we'll t11ure out owr 3rd. No P•r 2 498 16" fl R 0 r ., c rm. -2 a, amil{i ming' lenitia. Amama how. 1142,QOO C1 II yon 4 bdrm. l • • + MGRS home. CMtt A,... A•a I -------Lo•tfr Mpt Htlt l ... ...... FrttMy MUSTY, DUSTY &VACANT •tOt.ooo. rtdtcor•ttd, tttw ,.,. .. lttw ,. .... Prue West Bay bayfronl SlJpt for 2 boaL~ • ~modeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200.00-0. bit• Joan " nwnt1r wul OOJJll._ "'4 b 1 S 4 9 9 • 9 O 0 Other' Reel &tott •3 I rnmecfl1te_J1_. Many r11u&11t'l' 2nd Offered iu OwnertAat 544'2170 or ....................... -6.7..5-.6 17 @menlles.61H!tBKR llti7.fi00 7$13191 ,_,.... 1026 ~~lL MoaMleHo.s Cor.adef Mor 3222 3 br, f1m rm, dJa. rm, 2 9.K 111u1nii ol e flnanc in( available on thla tastefully decorated 3 Br townhome. V•unt & qui ck JIOtseaslon. 2670 San Ml1uel Newport Beach. 759 !SOI or 752>1373. WalkfilB lee ; WA.TRNOMT CUSTOM Lu.xunous one of a kind custom 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom euest quarters or rental unit Located on waterfront complete with your own pier" slip. Highli&.hts of this home mclude tale spa, sauno. securtly system, 2 fireplaces and private sun derk $789.000 includes lht! land. RCTaylorCo 040 C)()OQ Of""4 .. s 17 2,000. COLI 0. NIWflORT AbLTOQ UU LC..1Mwr. c c;., ...... , .... 671·Hf 1 Em .... Coff0..- 2 Bdim 2 Ba, nu crpt. ,l)aUo cover & &arage ~umr existing financ mg and OWC with sma II down Full price $119.500. 631-7370 TRADITIO\,\L REALT' PALM Sl'RIMGS GIVEAWAY Gorgeous furn ished custom house 1n ex clUSl\le area of P aim Springs Try S30,0CIO dwn f\ill pncc $475,000. Joyce Waltze. agt M Vow Do.I, Am.•r W.. M Y £uottl1•1 '• .... ,,.,. Y lo dtwt..'C> """"'9P Iv W ........ reod"'°'d'<°'1t"'of..,,;ind·ng rn~ ,, )'Gui Zodo: '"'th •9' llh O .... '" .... ~·-...... , ., .... ...... , ... ~ .. . ..-. . ._. .. r. .... ,,,."" ,., .. .. .. . f.• U•,,,.. . '• ..... ... ... .,, .... .... JI\•., ... "'' .. .. .... ....... ,,._I ....... . ''""•:<.· .. ,, .. -..... ,,,,.h"""' ,, .,,.,. .. l .•\ ,.(,...-in ,., .. w ··-. ... "0- ''" t .. ... ... , ,., ! • '°'~·· .... llllD•l'lft "'rl£ .• , ,,, ...... ·-"I> "''• ... l)J. ~"' ... ~· ~ ... 1'0.. 1'0 U N , .. .,.. .,..._,, 'W ... \ ... .. _ "'' .... ~""""' ..... h JI Ag·••.,..,... 19¥.-f\ ·-lf'm ,., ... ~ .. ,_.. ..... "'" 11c...-•Y.-v .... eo ..... .cl&.fltt" Jiffy-Wrap! Wrlp up summtf !or a hl11e llfl 111th thll JtrfY Sltft style' It s or1e-step drnsin1 and Olll qud feUIOll 11rth pour sew1nc 1111Ch- "" un do rt from stMt to hntsll Cboose n1ftl. t1111fly coaons Prrnted Pllteln 9042 Qi~ dte11's Sl1'IS 2. 4 6. a. Silt 6 !Jiies I Ii Jlfds 4!>-tlldl latlrtt. S.$U511f ........ ............ =-=-=--· ''*'"' o.,c. 442 DelJNot m ... ••=llil ••" t•U.Pile .-SS. .... -..... I _,7 fllld IN ...s • °" N(W SNING· ·SU•MC• rAnm CATM.OG. s,., ..... --tllie .... If f,. '*" Coupon 0.. llO-. ~ Sl.50. 1Lle9J..,. .. u• ............. •........ , ........ . ..,,. .... ........... ..... c 'c ~ 50• .............. '"' ( INtvu.t loss on lh1s COi! 'OPD•"i IOI a touch ol warmlh ano cola<' Slla•&hl somple sm,,11 Cro- chet fash1onabl, co•t• up of 1 ply acrylic sporl '''" on one cOIOI w•lh con1ras1 111m Useful an1 season ol the ytar Pattern 7 41 l S11es I 0· 12 J4 16 incl SZ.ZS IOI uch pattern Add SOC each pattein IOI postal! and hndltna Stnd te: Nice ltlab Nttdlecrall Dept. 105 Dally Piiot ... 163, OH CIMIMe S.., ... '"" "' 10113. Pri11t ...... ...... n,. '"""' 11 ..... -lttt 11""'1111 c,. 3 tree patterns 1nsidt 170 bt1l jl(~. dolls Qurltl 1111lfe1 KM. CtocMI. Cmbtvidtl $I SO Mi CUil IOOIS. .suo .. ..... ~~­.... ,... ..... !Ju. I Cl:6ll Oii hlNe IM-14Qllld ...... Qlllb uu..-*-' .... l~t:.°t:.si.Jl.5' IZMaJ191r...._~ '='" .... lz .. a.. ;!r ar....n 12a.* r '*":[ lU .... 'tPttf llf.CMllll ,. llNllr .. " ..... c.tlet ll~"'-tt. 11MllrA1tlf c..... 11~· ................ ladl 1 ...... -.. ::r;r....-.... Ocean & jetty views Marine roo1n, 4 hdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.fl. $1.385,000, Liii iSLE HID Prime Lido Nord b11yfrout 5 bdrm, 51, bath Lge L.R.. 2 boat :.hps $1,500,000 rtemodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath l.ir~t· m rm beam ceilings. furnished. patio~ $4:!0,000 LIDA ISlE IAYFftOMT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ForSale 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• b•. new p1int /drp1, F1bulowocean,harbor IMl!llALDIAY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt 2br.2ba.l850 frplc , 2 ca(' car. view go bluff. 2 Br 1 Ba. AWARlfWlN"Nf.R Nc•wport JJeuch Dt• Anu (213)450-1960 wkdys Gardener. Av ail. 1785. security, Great terms Ocun vtew~ 3 bdrm. 4 llayfronf Park .Mint c714J640 OM.'l evs/wknd ~0605 _____ _ Musl,1.tt.fi3·31$1 cQ!L bi, kit. wMmvcmtnt·t'H, l·on1J. '78 dbl w 1dt'. 2 llr l)o SC' 1 ba patio 3 Br 2~ Bl ('()fldo pool fr I Toro 1 OJ2 tam. rm, lilt g111dc11. firn~<'rl hm-k patio. llv 1di::i ~ombo, S6$0: Jae. w/ocean vu 1 mi I buy dlsl'ountt•tl TD 'K, ••••••••••••••••••••••• patio. formal din. rm. S61. A dbu 2 br 2 b111 • 700m 9bcl· l2 5 trom b(b. Le11e. Plero. 11tra1&hl nolc!'i, elr. Ask lge Uv rm Qwet cul·dt ctooblt \\ 1 t.>. <'Orner ot 7S2,.()llO() 6'6-0U9 fnr l\cllh . broker, tMAawW.l.w! sac ttll2~000 Ownt'r $39,000 rl 11l <:rvnd)' I! br, (rpk, din rm. lge• 968 ~ or!J62 4471 ·a-rf6ntli.•new·lbC2"Ti11. 1173 441 1 ll7Hlfll k11 z blk' 10 £1t11 Corona o.a fl.W l226 1._ _______ ~ eon do. MI r r ore d 1 1 b lkh f700 645 Sll46 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1• wardrobes. upgraded Obit.' wide 2 ''· I i :i UMIOUE In ll:irhor '11rw Hills rh1 ~ humc has a clr.imatlc l.'11l r11nl'l' 11>11~1 H11Jrty.1r<.I lot en tl'n•nmni; & ~ Rdrm' f)\\ncr will hdp C1nJ11t I' 54'.IS c~•l carpet111g and ceramic •~Hilt 1050 sm• filJ:He 1t111 1\dults, Walk to brh 3Br 2ba, tiled kltch II make """"J"9"' small JW•h (JUJel H 8 f~c. 1t11r. 11\IJll now tn a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,~,rn1•r 101 $27 .500 or . Ll.l last &12 52fl0 Uus a beautiful starter s 7 soo now N • No • -home Comm~lty pool. QUAl.IFYING l~t Own\·r 1147 29~ Cotto Mesa 3224 s~a and tenru1 courts 2.Br patw ho~ $I07,500' IJ>\d) dlol .. 1dc. l(u11rde<I ••••••••••••··~··•••••• 'l'n·I~~ ~~ Arta. 4 5 bdrms. 2 bl, 2 COV· ered pauo. 2 car gar •'enced yard. $950 rno. Divorce fo rces salt Tqry tRkri497 JOJ4 i:att'<. l'\<I llrl'a 111:1 Cutt' 4rml'a\t•idt $98 ,SOO by owner -Rl'nl $176 Uwnl·r mllllll.t.pet~ ooh '395 DUPLEX Eatra large 3 ~1T10 7 -4589, Lab Forest I 055 114Ulf.O ()('RENTALS 750 3314 Brrms. 28xl8 llv rm. 2 77$0Z39 ~ le II I 040 ••••••••••••• • •• •• •• • • • full ba. bllln It itch. plutb l'n1r\11dlu1nh bll( • --,Oii CIC Lake Forest 3HH Dt•n ~ fOf' S• 1200 l'hi)lte3 br( 2 ba exer cpe/~~· SOflle ocean Lagoon view from ti hd1m 5 b;1lh. 11loy 1 R1·11 tors G75 tlOIJO ....................... 2BA Terms b> t>\\111•1 ....................... ~howhm rpl< i:arS600 Yll!_W~,495-1490 "' j US,000 V A.12% LR 110 ~!I 121h Acr.s IX' nFNrALS 7~ 3314 room, dark nn, den. Bwl <ilcp $ l .l ,l) 000' -Sharp 2408 sq ff• bifrm HJJ'lt'ho (' Jlifomia Area ,._.. V~ 3234 llJSIDE COYE Spectacular bayfront view :! br. :! b.1 up. 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat s!Jpi. $UIOO.OOU TllES YISTIS-lliSIOI VIEJO •lolboohle111d 1006 oncul·desac. 01,i., l rtl'\ <1lrt'am' IEOHE OF ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• R~ Proress1onab PARK PLACE i1<•v. :-.oil report ror THELUCKYffW HOMESFORRENT + Units -2 Lott c Jfl' orr11·t·. :ipb 01\0l'f r1nanl'l' 961-137 2 i·ilne< Loi\ ctn Low int Rent in Costa r>l es~ 's 3 & 4 Bdrms. 1725·$750. ---ESTATES ,\j,'1 1011:5717 dft 51''1 N~:WEST gatt-d 20 Fenced ya rds & Dellgblful 2bdrm 48R 'Jl/ Pi.a lh/21775 To\\nhome \'II.I.AGE garages Kids & pets townhouse w gar • t: .l A . C:OMM lJNITY 2 & 3 Br welcome 545-2000. Bright, beautiful end un llE'fTER Tl AN .Afiarimtnts 2•, Ba lfiOO lllOO s11 ft o( At.ent, nof~. b~eefe~o ll~J.'i ~i1sii~: llA'i E~~R~¥111NG I for s• 13001 pure luxur) (iaragtb. Mo.~ .. .. U40 I Cul de Sa(•str••el ••••••••••••••••••••••• h)dro tubs 111 mablcr • ._......,°" OC 811% VA u I pr1re ~ su1 tl• dtn111~ rooms ••••••••••••••••••••••• New F rench NornrnruJ y I lid 1 rn. I h;i I It. t_IOO~. A_&L ~_:6$16 Son & Satl 11 Club . 4-rltx H~ lch I \\OIJd intrnio~ firepla<'t'b: Exee 4br, 3 ba w /3.car guest house. pool. Near l..ik1 $7!1,i.(IUO ,. ___ .. _I Mor 1022 MANAGER'SCllOICt' 2llmin l-0 S2SO.OIH1 ~"'~t'r. t\l(t m1nu \\ll'•' 11vens . gar,pat10.puropt$67$ .....,vnu QC ' Ncv.1>0rt Center Jl'\\~ll 714 ll!.1112636 I ~nvatr patio~ & yards OC_ 'Rf;.NTALS 750·3314 lilt Harduty, RJtr 675-2U6 COROllDO CHS Coronado lsland cust li;.1vfrnnt lt•l H·, hoat dock. Plans avail. $42:>.00IJ v. tu:nn~ BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR . J4 I Boy\•dP Dr•vl.' N 8 67S • 6161 ---'-'AUil VUW 1181£S iHi,800 ,.,.. a w .... l11ac1 •••• ,, ,., •• 1 di• ra. laly 11tr11. Security syst•. L•rc• 1SS1•nlt ..... h11r 111l1H. lcl 11al ••••••••••••••••••••••• Best buy in H.B Super $210.000 \\ ith SlliU,ll(JCI • d d d $119,900. Low down . no fully amort11.tld Properly 1600 ~.ll'l(ant "' tnit ~nl~ 15 f 'Dr. ram rm. 3 car gar. sharp 3 Bdrm Jusl 3112,·; rixl'drak& ComrntrciGI l !ar enl'r rHu1·1 t' Beaut. 4 Br Landmark. CHARMING DPLX. I~ 1•1t1ful \lrefC 111 C'dM ~ llr 01\ner ·~ unit I\ hl'tllll re11tni:~ .ind l1r1·1Jlj«c \bo L~c I lldrm 1pl ~1th ftrcplarl' • .I l\;iC'ht'llJr \.tJO<J 10 • 0111 I' .itw aroun1t pool \ ' 11 m ,, h I f' I 11 a n S:t1:.M1 qua.llfymgandtakeover l\;opomlbor ,qualrfvini: 1 ....................... m1nutc~ from fa; ."'!1 S895. Diana. Agt. ~yments. Won 'l last 770 0347 O£Y[LQPERSll I ~~:~~~ ,\rm:~~·~1%~r\ 846-ll!l. 840-40?7 eves. rM§_!'I09 Owner Agent · •• Just ea~t or Newport 3 Bdrm 2~ Bl. 2000 aq fl 41.35(1 '<I fl romml'lc'tJI Uhd & '° ol Sdo oiel(o house. avail now SPLISll' SPLASll' I lt•t 111 pnntt• Pount.110 , r'r1<) 'ilJrtt1111 .it $000 a pm rm 720-0521=~--Srnllle story ranch S() le Htwport leach I 069 1 \'alln Im Jll•HI l'1t~ JJJ rm nth tiJI 543!! 2413 OC RENTALS Willi speC'tacular pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jlnl\1·11 t>IJO\ ror l'.l .• 'IHI OrOHl)(t' "' l' co ... la l·Sbr'sSi200toS2000 and spa Jusl SIJ.S.900 WGE PRICE 'otl r1 ufC1tt' hlrlR I cttal \ll"" 7!'i0 3314 Open 7 days ~downand noquah REDUCTION lJ.itkJJ:l rr1 11·1! Jl , f)111g. Won't last Ftt CanJl -front t fiH S7itl.IOJ !Undid 21.r 0111 \\ orld . 2 Bdrm Hu.nhngtoo Bay \ll"\ IH'll DERS 10', do"rr Tl•rms FUllERRULTY \\.~arr,'¥·d ~ti.ok$42S C.Ondo.wasber/dryer111· l;1•\t'I H~ lot.'" or hi\~ OWNER DESPERATE $299 ooo \I r Cl.irk s...i. "•t4 CX REN '-l-7SOJJl4 cld. wtr pd. no pets . fur 1l11()lt'X , r ''°gle 5 Bdrm beach GlANT 1nl s.s 337Ua(l & 1~ -.;1l·e dean :? llr I B.i Fncd patio Ai carport . l:in.11\ C'.ill lc r info re exttUO\'e nei~hborhood t'otclftJ del Mar ~ )tor~ t'nr1'fl gar;iiie > ard. S52S. agent. no fee l!Jt<hni:t1n.1n S!J0.000 Priced S60.000 belo\\ Mewlistlnq! rommerllal Pri('l'd JM.'\\ p:unt & •·.irpel No ~""'21XX>="-------64..._721 I mkt Owner must ~ell BY OWNER S"er:ucll'd bt.•luv. mkt for qu1e~ '.ilt· pell> S55o + secu rt l v HOME FOR RENT 1mmed1ately Submit on lo,el> Street B:if k 11.i' JI S35CI 11110 ~\\ ncrl 2.Wi Or:in)lt' hou~e b 4 Bdrm S725. Fenctd pnceandterms Area \1 ajel>llf home I rman<'lnl( ill IU'•, (vr.3 ~2778 yard & garage Kids & ~ yet l'Ol) and tUn\eOtt.'Ol ~n. \\ S13oooo do\\n :-lo pets welcome 545·2000 ~ MANAGER 'S CHOICE a.i,at•ot111:e Com plelrl~ I nl'!I td~hflo\\ o,.n Alf! EASTSIDE Agenl,Jlolee._ _ .~ -Best buy...in..H.ll....Suptr~t.oa:l.lud ·• Kdrm-. ::t.f 6J1.101H -2 Br.:hOIL~ '-'tlh den. ---· - -sharp 3 Bdrm Just lia ind'g 1 Mu~ter Suiter • . 1 gar a gt, v. fl hook ups 3 BR. 2 Ba. fplc, kids OK. Ill PU:)\. BY OWNER $119.900. Low down no Sep Maid·~ \)ua.rter' ICondom1n1ums/Town-329 Universll\' Dr See S625 rm Ask for Keith . lit>8l r;csh clown takes• qualifying and take O\'t•r [,O\ely h\ room lookrnj! I houws for sore 1700 n,ian&j!!'r at ~ $48·0648 962 4471 '''"' He<111<'1.•1I tn st'15K payments Won't last nut 1 o f '' r r. l' 11 us 1 ·•••••••••••••••• •••••• f.\'t'!> • h7!t !lliiii nrlii~·3063 I d d b k 0 ,,. C l"N 3244 1 A.htat. an srnpr :t« 'ar IQ ~nyon Separ:il11 houi.e. ca:.ls1<le ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll11uH u11 Be i:o111a becutinHoMu Waterlall r.a1ebo hnd, s h rrTI \'"n~1ll e>~ 2 Hr I Ba i·rµls, <lrp~. Twnhome new3br 3ba s:?:i~u110 lr•I IJlue. prrn .... "70e palw Dhll• frpr. (nm j rmd1•l .,n1•e $650.1100 SVJ\e, washer.dryer hk pauo gar Park . pool' 2111 Sae J11~ui1 Hills llod 11nl) Bkr 121Jl13H58:!3 -"'V ., rm. Corm<il thnmi: rm s:?.5CJ.lYJ0dn OW(' hal for ! up (n('d yard ent:bd m5 8330057 . IEWPlll ClmR, I .I . M4·4t10 U!S,()10 Xlnt ftnanl'lnr. 5 yr.. l'all :i1r Fuente~ l i: a r ~ 0• p 1.'t l> ~ 0 lac.J"' imo. · CostoMe.sa 1024 1 : 1044 a,·a.i! Ol'~N \l.l.1 f.\l'~714997328C 1<atertx~i. ssoo nio t Greentree detached ••••••••••••••••••••••• "• WF.F.K 15 15.1 1\:\!T1\ Inc p rty 2000 !lt'C Ur1tf depoSl l home. 28r. frplr. COUO· I ••••••••••••••••••••••• LN t i hlk fr o m j ome rope $<18544Zor770562'J try kitchen. rovered 4 ... IJOQL,SPA FORECLOSURE MES .. VERDE I TURTLEROC~ ltig.hlan<11 6450S32 •••••••••••••••••••••••j -pauo.2cargarage,rom-we11 mainta1ne<f. pncl1·1 '"' 4 8d 2 b d 14 pie~ Costa Mesa 3Bdrm. 2Ba . qual11v mumty PC>O•I & park. nr ()(ownership home "1th BARG AIM! :l Bdrm hornt> 2 IJdlhs. rm. a 00 cu e FORECLOSURE $186.IUI Lonr. term f111 I home 287 Rrentwood. srhlsishopping & tennis. 11\iloy other amenllie~ D•·'11•·rJll11n ,,, Ir 1lt1I ~JrJi;t• all in A-I 1 sar Popular ,..Plan 2 $2().1111() do $2.'>0 µer mo \lr San.ta Ana & Sa~la $WSrm SSl-Z77& Qnly $165 000 Call OU\\, C>1<1wr mu,t ,,.IJ llnn.: t1•nd1t1t111 $1 2!!.$110 OWC a l 12 ' Tq Oreanlrorrt duplt·~ ne,g .Pr~nr1p11ls uni\ Isabel SL~ $900 me \a ·· ·.:...::"-'-"'---- 979-SJ70 • I ;ill 1.'l1•"' \11· .1 \ lrd~ J ~1·i lCJC1d1.,.n Own1'r will ~duated payment!> s4~o .ooo \\ 11 b ~uu tJ.j Johnt>t1>-1660Agt , C3!1l & opni 646-87118 or 3 bdrm. 2 ba U>wnbouse. • _ -,. llt!rru • 1 11n '"'"''h "1~1~ l'l<t.1,.1 rm• ,000 terim 1 Mi.aaJ Pools. tennis courts. ,,_., ,,..,,.,.h rn•tn 2 h111"' fm·pl.11 c' Rov M,Cordlt Rlho OttrtrhAs R1t'ke11i. & $1 99 ,5 0 0 , .:, BR den. •'p 2 b·· ron l·ru\trs1ty Park. lrvlne '-".LJvr-n Onl• s12i•150 You m11~1 , 5~ 7729• · SSOt Pl~aR.E. 4 PLEX do-. or We~tt·hH u 1675 Call714 ~-4189aft 6 ~-. n t -lfW•H ">t't'lN~OOI' ('all ~>-!h:?JJl 48. •ti:•.oru 67 1900 ~:..::.. ______ • ..ILl...l.!' • • .\\I no\\ Da' 1dG46 325$ Tt!rral.'eTwnhome. 3 br. 2 ii'.il21 -l'.2!·!'.!I S.10.UOO du\\n $15!1 CHI() ba.enduruUormal din . ll ; 30-0·0 eas~ t•i u"' (#i£~iJli ~ 1~GtL~!nrr Woocl»rida.luutv I t1'1o~~I~~~~. f.~~~ ~~. nhll·~~c-~n~.1 JBr 1fg' ~~!nhousf ~~!c ~b~r ::fs". ~~t class1f1ed Ju~t ltl' 1• u' J ., 1 1,., ·•' or• SI~""'' ti \\ n 3 Br-+oeri bel ufi(ul rdn pra1sal 15· llodl '"P bhq palt0. pool. taundr) b) babbhn1t hrook frplc 962 6772, 759-61S8 all 6425678 1..i ~ '< d s ( lak Like nev. S!>25.Uott rm ~·today ' d \\ poo>I man~ xlra5 c . ~ • I $111 •, I.I .J'' d 11 ~ o I ,o arro s rom e 675 6tl-W llll S L'un Santa Ana 'l;o peL~ ~I mo lea~e Turtlerork 3Br 3ba. (am I l>11ll1~1n' Ouh S!t7 000 I Completely loaded • ' bl t ~er dhl iiar.il(e rm. Ii\• rm. frml din . Utflllf Jtwtl -htotH lt4tl • hoHt • Rta4y Ftr hw inen -Tllrtt Us, 2~ la -l1ilt-i1 a.ehasas I 011111 Ster•&• • lar&t hutyar4 fltrHot · (a' h it 01 la11tlf1I lrt11lltlt • llt• S1H,OOO. l ".Mr If ...,en" Listi•&· from afford1bl1. . •..,.n c..u Ctstahsaa1 ... u• bit '"" ,... lal CeYtt Wattrfrut, 'ook layfrttt c.Ht w/4tc• 1.,.W. Ctft c..41 LM&• y, a , .. ~"'" 759·9100 . to affluent sn.ooo $114,000 $H&,8H H11,IOO $725,IH $775,000 SIH,lot WATERFRONT HOMr S, INC" R•At I )1 '\I I 24l6 W Cn."1 H" l"fwi•>1I s,_..1 Ul-1400 ll'> "111•"1' A" R. ••• lsi..•ld 67UtOO J ,., , ,. \\ .i I l lf' "ltt w extras Owner v. 111 Exerutl\e «ondu 01•t•Jn & UVERAGE A\inl 4 2SIHO 6423 pro( tandsrape. A c Lsr 1 •.JI 1;,,i; tarry paper Assume ex b a\ 1 1 t' \\ F v I 1 . Co\lngton 1 pTex near , opt 752·906!. I L~t11111loan Dnve b\ 31 ralh1'tlr,1I C'l1t~ r11 I• S n Cuaht P lat.I 1 281<,llla l(iH ~'hr \\ D Lakeside thtn e all dt>n. $10.000 u11t1011 Ill'. do\\norl!'3~ :\'oles llkug no l•l'f~ $485 Woodbndgr Condo· 38r biJ-IS170wn Bkr moot'y U)i. S51l!I0:1s 1 .i.nd lrJdt'~ OK ,hk1na1 22Q!CPl:irt•nu~~57983 2'-'lba . 2 r ar c a r . e's673-1899 .. J apanese l1ndsrape I 1---------~ 1 Sl!l5.IXXl 3 b d r m . 2 b a . gardener provided I Dt·nn1s H1 rkells & water i:ardcnrr inrl Pool. lake. tennis ctts. I SS,900Total0own IRVIME DOVER SHORES ,\,~or $:195 No_pets 644 2i711 SIOOO rm 55l-9155oragt Moc»I Clos~Out 13 Hdrm hnnlt' on !JOc of 851-0424 2HR nr SC Plza Adult 67~160 llr.11i1ll1; \\ 1'111-ant 2 BH J GROVES Uw lari:cst lots in lht• rondos Quiet SS65 mo h.1 frflk • l·:u 1,ar 3 bdrm. 3 ba Rosewood area Pl'rle1•l for t-ntt'r HiKf;1-)1. f:J·!a~~~ tn 1 1 Gnsmrl 556·1626 *•LEASES! l~ith llih m• .111· ma ''er Model Former model lami~-.ind f Jmil~ hi pll'x near Reath and • WT SIDE Two Woodbridge 3 Br ,1111 ... 11 •,1111t .. c1 d~s. home. Prof deroraled tog. ~IX'«lal ft:aturci.'" ~ms JBro\\ner'sun·1 Unl'hl IBrseparalehse, homes S900/mo on 1 yr '""'''' c-:111 r \ST Total upnrades thru-0ul Fa m l'ludt> larJll' forma 1 rim 1 + t , b t " lease 12 more to choose ' I''· nit M 17 1 11111 ('a II rm" and (orma I din rm tn~ room. dl'n, brP11kfast 1 11 0 • c rm~ rt'[ng, lodry hook ups, , . k h fl sn9.()()(l patio. garage. wlk lo from \\ere the ones to '!:; n:l l Jto:;, t•\eS Balcony oH MBR Just1 area in llr rn an R EPrnress1onal~ c.hopprnn. nell!I de callforleases. 7·,1 1.!!r, to menlion a few or thl' ru~tom des11rned pallo 1 ... features PREMIVM and spa L.ir1te l<tkt! 9634317 I c·orated S-195 mo incl rgUL.-..1b FORECLOSURE location $1811 000 O\er rinannnii II\ :Illa lfll"ITINGTO!'\ RCH grdnr -642 9620 ~i YY\J\JU r1dtt <'.illei.:e P.irK · ble s.199.500 ,\JI 2 Br 111 ) r-; nld 1 10uts1dt trarl home Re.lilt Jiii< .!l.1 l.end1·1 "'II 642-5200 S458.00ll As~umahle rns1deapalare Cstmde SSI""""" SF I. I. BF I OW I loan Bkr 5360123 roraled 3 lldr. huge . ...,,,., \I \Hl\H I -I bonw. rm \\ stone frpk. 192'Barranu Pln•>·l"'l"f ~County gardener tnd See to I PloyoReol btott P'l-operfy 25001 be!Je,e5560347 RENTALS 673·1900 i••••••••••••••••••••••• OCRE:--JTALlS lbr.lba S650 . ~· 2br. 2ba $675 $8000 DOWM * * * , IS br s $200 lo $2000 2br 2•~ba S8SO &ws &Htsidt Condo _ l?ouis Modica • i5Q.J314 Open i da)s Jbr: 2ba S87S :! -lttlrrr· :!ba i1u1t•l "5Z3C .. wftt151\..le.'l"'E 1-------• :-IOCedarSt INe-. 2 br. 2 ba rondo, 3br.2ba $1400 ~lrrt t fop l'11nd1tron "" ""l'V "" ",," 'lit•wport Bearh mirro pool )SC' S800 Jbr 2ba SlSOO fum \;j .int 01\nl'r fk\1l>I~ IROADMOOR I Yoo are the \\Inner 0' rm 1'o peLS ·~ons'mkrs 4br:2ba SllSO SI 19.!llO Log.a S.ocll I 041 SU VIEW I four frtt tickt'l~ ISIS llOi 12>:_979-3376 ('\ 751 8184 4br. 2112ba $1100 675-1771 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Port Koyal 2 story, 4 'aluetothe H h -OK 28 LeRauorRlly83J.8600 A. L t bdrm. 3 bath plus forma I Anaheim lor;t Show oll.'le. orse . r 0 duung and much murh ANAJfEIM S600 im 20202 Birch St LAICJlllll leodi l141 For AL~ rmre $398.500 l'ON\'ENTION Santa_Ana llgts 551 6931 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I acre t bldg sate, gent ROGllS REALTY CENTER Apnl li-25 F. Sade 38r 28a ram rm tmdeg. panoramic view. I): sloping parcel s.hort& 67r ~311 To c•la1m llckels. call W'(rplc · rn 'c d yd 2 BR1 exrlijSlve nbrhd. distance from tennis. ~.. 642 56i 8 ex l. 27 2 =rdener · ~pis drps' tnua. 1750. 4'7·$965 beach. Ownr has in· Tickets must be l'la1med mo 'tst & ·lasl +· 1 __ a..aa... ) 250 eluded plans for custom b} April 23 1982 m· R b. hood L .....,.... ,_ villa. $125,000. Spec A If.AL IUY . s.56-17:17 n 3r'~ n ••••••••••••••••••••••• OMEIMA IOO la(.'\J)aryiews! BeautHUTly aerorated -***----~ -Nice3Br2blhomew1th :mr. 2Ba . A 1 concl on MISSION REALTY ocean. bay & hte!I vu, nu Real &tote 3 Bd. pool S775 pr mo fireplace. dbl gar, air. la• l!l' n 2 101 rark like r---..::494::..:....:·m,_,_,31 pool. spa + much more &ca..c,. 2800 $1000 moves you in Lin· pal10, newly p1inted v11td t:asts1dc By FANTASTIC HOME Assume low iotertsl ••••••••••••••••••••••• da Hart631J2§t..a_gt_. _ S6SO/mo. no dogs ;iv.oner Sl:l!l.000 642·9125 ISo-deg ocean views rate. Great terms Only Pnvate Party w1i.hes lo Sunny 3 Bdr m. 2'~ba Wa1!!e.AJ!l§46.a816 orfi.122711uft5.30l'M. 3000+ and custom S360,SOO Best area exchange luxur~ San E's1de with yard. dbl •--...... 3252 Gourmet kit chen value Cllll Patrick or D1eg0Condo&cash for gar Avail t.!~)_I $'795 ::?:':oo•••••••••••••• 12.1% Rote+ POOL! massive llvin a rm. Fred Tenore, 631 1266 or sunilar homt or condo in w jardener. ~094 Oean. quiet 2 BR 2 Ba ThfS4be<lroom.2•t6ath f 1 di . " 700-8702 Ne....v.rl Beach area -f dbl 11 \lesa Wood" home has a or ma n1ng. cozy JJ14ms·~62r 642-3944_ llDStnTS Ok am rm. garitsma 2 stor. noor plan with fireplacesJpool, spa. Lg 2bdrm lowrillouse nr yard . S7SO. e rb. formal dining , a family rec arta. SSll!l,OOO ...... Civic Center Lr.i mslr . .!3~1·.:.:1729=------- room and a fireplace ~ V..., R.E •••••••••••••••••••••• allchd dbl gar SS7S 157S ... 2 BR. exec. bch rtt TMTNaf $©R4\1-J\-/J,t~S' wm ·\1t>XJcan lilt• ai·ctnls the 417-1761 ------......,,_~ Agt ~16'-fac. led, var. 49J.lll2. e n I r y b r 1 c k v. o r k , 1 1 661 "um 1&111 t'nrlol!es lbe pool area. Sell ~II. Stll. And le Make a great d1srovery •••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa de! Mar. 2 br. 2 bl. -="-"·~,,__ ____ _ ,..... .,,, ru, •POU.... With tht' rif~t down. clwifiedbelp.642·5§78 Shop rlau1Ctcd for t.6oalllecf 310 tam rm. 2 frplc. dble Mla,.,.IMdi l26' 0 '--1o_, o1"'" ) ~rll('r wil 11 ss1sl. u. rt•~--a.. 10"\' tod_ay 's best bU)' •••••••••••••••••••••• (ar, fen ced yd ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1""' "'°~ -a.. ( S199rol Phont9792390 """'~_._ • ..&.~8 3Br2ba,furnished Short Gardener tnrl S900 Hllbldebuuty3+br low "''""" r-• .,.. -a. 1 ' •::•••••••••••••••••••• --term S900 + per mo 01173 __ _ ~k~~JIOOI $82$ I T 0 EAR T I J __ TARB_ELL~ .M_.875-4000 ___ DUPLEX 2Br 11,.,ba. ~R~~l»33l4 111 I I 1 Coda MeM l 124 patio. sgl car gar $450, S 8d CoulllrY charmer, I " I " " ~,J I g ··~IAl!!ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~el ts Dave agl NRpt Hat•. 31)00 -¥ SQ, n. ' 1 ~'V'\1:1 Nrw 3 Br 3 Ba. Condo. ~_I __ V access. Newly p1111t· I F R A G T I ' 7 1 15% DOWH Elllale SISOO/mo furnished. ed tam rm, den. v1unt. If / 1 OWHY. CAlllES 1r.1 ••~ llOOO unfum. Mo. to Mo Walk to Nllooll. 11450. ' I ,~ I I J J ) 1 lmma clilutc Nor th ~A••ry ren111 lst & lut NIWCOMDOS J)fg,uU3HW _ ..... • I ~ta Mesa 3 Bdrm 2 ~ &ptrb.lo('ltlon, nut to APRILlf£N'tl'ltEE BIJboeLa 2+broebth I '-Cull baths. $127.000 with ·-.. ·--sh_Op.J>.~ng & theatus ~h .l •nd 2 bdrm con· w_.,.u.• I KR E P Y I! Ftm11y r111nJon• ,,. wn•rt j ~~t0n::'~1ngn:J:t1a~i 1 .MS~-·-. ~i~t~l~~;.~~:yl~~~.~ ~~•auc -I I I r . ~. 1•u ,,..., chou11nd• ()f mllo row. I 540. .... -••• + un Beautifully ....... .... l I" p 1ll0. and 2 c I r 10 vl&ll ptopftyou ltll llOm• 10 decorettd "Kenalngton" w/vlew of ....................... ••naa. MYfllOMT 1 --s -E _W _R_£_v-,--lrom city Ntea. Loft Ideal for atudy or den. V~trali~ Bach ... J! UH• HH J •tQrf. 4 + w;., 2 · Love4w apa In entry. 3 car ger1ge, rnnnobile .... 00 ll1'llf0nrovl1 bathl, ll r•1Ju~1 II I' I I I e c.,.....• ... "" .~,11. 4...,..; , ew2Brcoodo .... I Coll1Me11 •n ""'" • • • • • • "" 1•11"'t I<\•· '"'""1 ... d' formal dining & morel 1849,000 Villa Balboa 2Br 1200 · A ,.. .. ..._ ...," 1111 '"' "*""" DlrlentHtrm11'17&2-1414(H49) Nf.CrestJBr ... 15001~~~~~~~ ,., •• •ell. Cl111trlt<1 adven1stn1 II attrfront Homt1. lne 1: )'OU h1v1 to olltr Alli .....,. No Pftl, AYall. lllll\)' I MYi 11.wtt.tr •ay to tt ll mo re UM 1.ookln& I ~~ pooplt about lht HrYJce Ol'tlllront 2 ltt, 1 ba, 1fN1 F ~ou IM about out low rat.t .. .., to .ll!!M -. ... for 11 • la Cla11 :;;;:;::im::;;...;:::z::1m,.;;..;;_;,,~--~~.;..;;....;.;......;;;...~~~--i·--~517t---~--:'\u..::::::::!~~::::::::~~~========::.!.1·~1'tl.i ... !tUut,.....;:~!!:!!!:::======:l::;;::::::1 • ~ . • .. Cl !~ ...................... !.~~ ............................ !!~~~~~ ...... I!!:::~~~! .............................. ~ .... ~ .... ~~~ ......... !!'! .................. . GEIWICI a SOM l'ONCRETl';IASl'JIALT ORYWALL/~COUSTll' U>lleg1• Studt'ot11· wndw HOUSEWORK VANOF.N Bf.RC o..tvP •!D'S PLASTERING Cuatom Ceremt<•'flle lluildcri'S'lnre 111'1 Orlvew11•. P•llo.. blork 14 yruxp Fully lk'd" clna. r11r wuingA~ odd 1.ANDSCAPING llfWnort & u " r11 AJITyJ>H Int orf;xt Prornpt aerv Freeeat. Addllmns R~modelln1¢ w111lli Pt>nnla 6)6 04$11 IMUrtd. 53US411 Jobs 842 544111845·71112 WANTED Malnt, C'Omm'l)rt'llld. Waynt Lerner (IX OY E) ~jor l"r~ o l. 042 ~ Chll<'il 11n 14()(1 Ooofl, wn\llow5.Rallo THOMPSON'S ORYWAl.L'fAPINCl .......,....,. 'l'rtt' lrl{"· l'll'un·u1.1 m 11103 PLASTERING CERAMIC LINOl.t;UM c'O\ er~ to'rt't r•l Hs l'ON<'R•:n : CONS1'R l\ll textun11 & 11rous11r ............... •••• ••• • t~11h 11.1111lltyd hoduAt'wodk 1~!!dck ~~ ~·a'1ni1~0;11~6d. "NJo:w WOK" Int " ut. R eatucro. Tilt prof in1t1ll I J(' •31oi.M2 ,l4Q 21711 Ut: 1393.ll!l IM~ !Wjjl t'l l't' rst K~·vlu 07B0611 Gentral M alnll'Oln('I' bl~~~~rh '1n1:R:~~n~ ' '" l'AINTING Sim VICJo:S blocle walls 586·4892 ~.11$ r11tM Bob '75 *I l"INt-: HOM~: Ct>ment Maaonty Rlut•k c.. !Wpalr1 & U~<·cmalin11 Thr ~ P onr O'l3 TUI~ Int/ext Kef11, 11111'd -. 11f11L U ALL TILE .. IMPROVF.~fENTS Walls Cw.t work Lil' ....................... •Ql1alll)'• Ital: 840 5144 11nl'rli oo rM ...................... Clnudio'• 545 117~ nwa I Quality work 10 yra ex .\cld1ttt111.b&llrmodl'hn1 RH romm U.fo:M'Rlrtl\N "rt~td ll<>M"'.IMP o"'VL' ... "'NT HHI C:K WOl<K Smull UC'SP INT•'I( ••••••••••••••••••••••• G ""1 ••19 • .. r. ""' "'"' r.. L•~w: .. ••M Jlou•Mkt'rp1n11 b N t I . t A c, Ura•·· rla1r-" from 110 jlrr t'()rR ..... .,.. M Rob~7 2&ll n~l. frtt etllm.ile on REPAIR Pl.UMUING LA ..... ~ n ., JU •• t'Wpor 'Cl~ a I ..... • ....... larf(fO=ft II Job~ llMatl C <' rp t tfumuh VIH'uum & Mt'u, In'"" R1·r, nt Ext IOyrs up Plumbin Rt'~a1n TrwS..-.lc• CO l"t..l-"'or I . • n . • 'n r~y. uin•lo "Ill" fJ.4\ 4970 67• 317• iu·r· Free e~l ~ 911911 L ... _ ..... M M 2 an3• --.---·...,..-· uc f l 117;103~!1 dee Ille fir~· e:it No ,,..y_ " " " " rr,, '"'' I"¥ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ,,.."AL CCJNTiilA~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.IC'lH:L~l"l'RICIAN JObtooSINi\1.6452811 SCRUB A OUB Rl,O(l(WAl,l.S •!)"U;V(':NSPAINTING •Plumb11111 •lleat1n11 & •E•pertTreePr11111nR • I 1 , •Or YooCh1roP.ractor (Juall k ,, • • Prof,rt'as,rehablt PailiO!I Orivt'Wll\i) b li11t'l11 No~ ~~r in •ElrC'trl l'al 24 hr Commt'malLand,rape Jt' •34 ~I? 710 II~~~. Acu~~surt' F,I Toro fo'rtt "'or neas rat•~ JACK Ofo ALL fRAOF.S Refs Jean 631 ~Iii Llr'd O.:nt11~ llil6 U4~ ext Free est. Charlt~. rrn-r.1t~n.U. 1o:d 11411 711~ Srrv1rn 9~7 11311K <\llD'NSiR•:Mo Ot:t. 770 ~l 24hrM fo ~t 631 S072Tom c.:•JI ~k~7{.~f4ht Quality llousecleanint Bryant's Landsrupm11 64.5·}3411/~ 4561 " rtl M llf C.:Ompll'te Tree Servire l.Jl ... 1~ ln~·I W1lfrrt & Contracton GeMral 1'011 ~UAUTY llC • I w/a Pfl'SOnal touch CM, Bnrk. ston~. lilol·k,. ron LillY IATfS .. ~ .. ~~.... C:t'n'I cln up & lrng ~ S1•11 11137 11ft 411111 i••••••••••••~•••••••••• ll.EC1~ ICAL WOHK ~:xper1 ~ome and apt re Ir'!, UB Beth 850 0933 rrete Jo'rplrti. IJ nf.l''· PAl'N"f.fN'C 11«"45 93113 ~rll!.BTY l..11WJ1 rl'nov 53il 091·1 ············:···~···~·· Corpent.r AJ>D'NS nt:MC>Ot:l.ING l'U~ rll .'ll 531 5055 IJUlf ( '!"¥tntry . roor. Houses rleaned·Pal•1ee11 ~at101> & II ri Vt'W IC)'b IN'l't ""T PAIN'rlN'' f""V ~ JAYE TIH c &H Al.J.<;TATf.1'~ \ INl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• t>lans l.1l''d Gl'or~·· Formica/TIS. t•luruli, l'.tt 642 60l3 P.Jllshed. Sul St>rv $35 Guar Lll.' & lnb S3tl 0914 l.ir'dRefs ti'i:l' l'lll ~GEMEMI Ccimj>I. sen ice fU0·930ll RStult·oal~"lt Str1f"'J: llf>:Sll> l'OMM 1. I )'lmer&Son,,ss7 6932 •••••••••••••••••••••••'WI' bid all Jobs lgt•1i1ml ~rs Cheryl9fl8 9463 Mo¥WJ 6461067 Orw g · areii I '''~ l 'f<'P~l39'1rb 362nrnrn ,,,.1:11"1'~1 \II \round (',1 q>t'lllf\ KE~O OF:L AIW ONS ~'nnnicu counlt'r lop~ &. Q\I 1allty ewt•r, lir'd l'A·"••"l"an1n11 I '°"Ill do •••••••••••••••• • •• • • •• •'''TL'HIOI' $275 l"bor l'Kndl>fnel~ce Call for 1nlo TtlforWJ " " '"" " John 11:1 KOii" ,utc.l CJl)ll'lltC) Lu·'d t•alitnl'l~ refoc·l.'d 1' rl'(' lid & DJ\/~ i44·9~25 lUW>n ~" Ii • .,. c. ' .. a rn ~" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Onvtway~.f'.u"ui1 1 .111 I ... 1 •·•"'"'I" t'llt 642S357 JC)'llNTllEHANDYMAN itrorynu ~ui,t• -AICMOVIMG-ANYROOMS29 Cl'tllnl( Ul..ill ~llitSlibJect~.K 12&rol " lJn1wh lll'ntull -1>1"1 r"''"·"'"~' "I · r IW291lll1 Ol.iirT..Careluf!Wt\ll'l' 10 rt Gary~Ol27 leJ(t 25 )ri. exp S4 hr Rep11r~. Se.ilro.ii Iii! ~) hh•' Hnom \1111 ·11, t'0\1 M l 1n ;s11> GcrdtniftcJ rlumhmi: "ler ~d 1o1>.s tr t t ss2 0410 llooft.cJ Mr Morgon, 64.5 SI 76 S&S Mphll 1131 I 19'J l.11 t.rnl\w 14 ml"'~ 7!i I 11~0 ll,•mod \def "' ft4•p,11r' ,................ •• • ••• • Jo) t't' l"'lltm..1h·' ti38 40hll ( ,ro~s~c·ll'~ln~rk f o~k II~~ l'e l" Im.I ('\ PapenftCJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• WiMfD ci..i.... l>anllallbt•ricC:r,11h111' lfl)\U:l\tl'llO\"·""··"I \ef'11l'J,L.11·J~2~0 l.11nclM.1111nJ(\'d('111uv' 1~ ror 5 !1uvi. !>amehou~t· i •A·IMOVIM~• ·~.··••••••••••••••••••• lluberRoof1ng·alltype!> w '"'f & Pa\lnl: l'o I la ''" 1"'1 1-:x·1 . JJc~ II H.·nn1·tt .J1 . 1 ln-t•tnm F.x11(•rt m.11nt ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' afnuent for.oily Co1d fop Qualrt) . Spl'1·111I f,1rthm}t lnt~·nur Ul'~lllll New reco\•er derks •••1u•h•~i:••h•••j·.~·· I • f<es 1·0111111 ., , ~)" l'hui M~ ;ni!I (,1'11 lont1 552 914.! Jun851 Ul:!\I Ill MP JOHS An.,"',. r Ad 11 !ill o rare 1n handling 2~ "' IL\NGIN(, $10 11<~1.r. Ul'l411802 ~·9734 ·~11~~~ht~~~l~d~"' J( 1397804 KL 1,.11 Co tS I Uondl'd& lnwfl•ll &Sn1.1llM0\1111(Juli' ti<t.! 1:k1tJ 2-thr~ ' I exp t'ompt'l1t1ve r;1lt·' Quality l.1r '"~ Stnµ ;fl ENRY ROOflNG• l'l .. aruna,Ltd ~·"·81153 ....._~ r-,. erv ce JGDG1He Garct."er • 11 •11 •. F r. • Noo,ert11TW 730 1353 11101: IJtM' un riupl'r c ES " " ,...., :,~•b••••••••••••••••~··i \h( ,11c•t 'rµl l'!r,111\'1' homlt'<IStc1h• l.1r "2!1:!75:! 11fL't,'l!ASSll!ll'l'"·'ll HAI I.INC 'tudrnl ha' lltJlJSt:C1.E1\NIN<; S'£All\'l~O.~Ol,L~:1:~: . a ·. Lie #415232 }•lllJi213 •RF.o;IDENTIAL • ...,, ..... ""f J • .. ••••••••• ........... I \ch1tt1on.' & 11•11101klt11i.:. frt'l<e~I 1<<'11~9 !lu:i:, (.1 •• ,.; .1'41 13111 Vis· MC:SrnttG45 9325 SIU N L & REPAIR :g: Monthly D1Ncount ·~YMlllfl\111 llUI (\I S1t•<11111'lt•a11&11pn111~ Jc Allc>nl!M IHltl LJ •. li:l· t11wk 1.0 .... t·~l rull.' IS1ll'HOllSINESS' Sry.JlJEN1~.~0\:!NI. r.XJ.ll'rt .... allt•OHnni: '" rnts I r & .u/' An\ ' Truc·k n101mt 11111t l\.1lllflldl' la"'" Illa 1111 l\ro111pl t'all 75!1 1!171i E't 111 'I~ J a111n•. ~ I ( 0 L11· •I I 21 •1,31, ' ~tullallon Rl•as 1.1r11·1.·~ SandWasthtcJ I\\ It 1 sty S30 : av I{ 2 st~ Ume 1'42 !M82 r~ 6 575~• \\"rl. i:u"r ti•l!I 311" ICustorn Wood worldn9 Dommu· 1;.12 ·Um 1 hJnk }OU, Johu ltJ"i:.•'<I) Anu 117~ 2514 ln~ur~d 1y1 I tM~7 Consultant A~:.ll(llmt'nl ••••••••••••••••••••••• $45 Chn~ 951 83811 Cllrl.'fol & 11111111: 111am.1 111 ••·:~··:••·~··•·~·.·~~·· 1:1\IW~:~ING ~1 AIN 'I ..., ' ' WA1't'll I SC: HOW ' 5RI 85!10 llUOGE'T RATESILir'd Orangl.'l'oa~t Window~ 21,rostoiardvrH 1 ._.!·•1111~K1&.,h•.1m tlc•.111 llS"lllMl\lllNt.J'\ L.intl,t·.iµ1ni1 lrt•l•tt1m l'roft>,~1011alSl·n1t·1• HousesittflMJ WAL.l.l'APEK 1.owmm SmliobsOK "Well'dHyou"'llha my home 1, T li:tl :r.'~7 ' < ulur hni;hh·nt•r' 14 ht lntcnor' bur ... rna ntll', & 1 t'O¥J\ al t'li·.in 1111, lh111hnl( > ut d 1·11.'an up •••••••••••••••• ••. •• •. P~ \II kind~ Frl'l' t'\l t'ree esl lni. 641 7581 bnghttr outlook•· ,.,,t, Ill 111111 hh·,tl'h l1hrar1n 1 .11J111t't~ t'ri't'"'t'llThlll'' 1,1:! lllK!I l/llJdd!. dt•Jn F11•t ht l'ron rnuplt> -....i~ht·' tu 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• Sii 11 1 Cl.ull....._ 1-'rttl'!lltm:lte~ 11306111 BAllYSl I fl \I, ll.111 II' 1h11 1111' Slf> >k' hle' 1·u,t multlllll! ti7J t~ ... 111 hoo.\~ll. Nl'"'f?Orl J~l'a F~nl' p.1111t1ni: h\ lt11 h.1r1I ~~:rm f~5 ~:~Kn _, . .,. .. llt'r~ l'o>t.1 \11•,.1 I''\~' r ••• m Si '•ti 1ou1 h ltd~ ti4fi tJll!I:! ):Iii :!:tbli I TREES ll.t1 n•· l!IJtllll" th Jul} ref, ii-\4 ~"'' Smor L1r "" I.I '" or ••••••••••••••••••••••• WritWttj 97't fob-Iii $111 1 h1 $5 Goar 1•hn· . .. "' ' happ\ 101:.111 "''"".w" -Retnoval * Sk...G....._ * ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1t--1. \~todurl'l'Jilrc•Jt.il1 lrn-....nrTYluldmi: 1c;1l,1t l 11pfl\~ln·mo1ed (~1·J1! 111uht111n t'o111·rl'l1 6 ._ T l'h k •. 111•111 ~· Ftt't'""t J"'r''.63IO'J« mRITJ.~·· tt•'•SE\RCH. -nmtcy • r• '''f-!Iii .. ·irk luwd do,t•h hoo~ra"'' UJ.,,, IJ11n reno\ 7~1 .J.17ti twt• 11•11•11 1lum~i tr111 ~ ""'°'"' OJI an }OU '" • ••••••••••••••••••••••• "0 .,,.,,., " " c-: ·-r J ,,, "' • ... , BH'r\STS EDITl!\GAn}!iUbJl'rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111\Wlf R1·' f>JI 111111 montrl' t•lltl'rt,unnll'nt lue GRE~ SCE ... E lltU1kw!\ 1>-I:! 7NI! ·····;:~:i1~:1i~·.r;:i;· . CustomPalntinQ ~·. r. L.. Sfucco rormat,~t}le 646 4965 For all )Oll lll'td tu~""" -1 ;il11n1·h \\ood ,c.1u111111, "" ... 25 YI'\ l'\P l.11· llr.1!111 ~Jlh~1q•nn1: Rt'.r~O\ .JI ••••••••••••••••••••••• aboul bank rupt1 1 r.ill '" St1';1111 :-.n Sh111111k10 to 141ol 11111hl1·rn' • 1 "'" n ln'<' s ruh '"'t.111 HouMc:le-anln9 lnrnrne 1';ix Si·i' 11'" Hoiidl'll ht\ Iii·(, t 'nlur All l) pei. M2 1343 Ht• ~luCl'OS ln m painted c71~1835!llli2 ..... 1111'-l"'ll:Jll\I Fit~I ti3115:!H I Trl't'tnmrt'lllUl'JI '·······················1 t.314871 I k r s dll &I k ill') ~'r .. 1·1•,t KJH 15H2 ....... _L• 1.a"'nl·are Hotot1lhn.: 1W..i111 J JU.Al.LY l'LF \i'\ t'XJ>t'rt ~1 cmi 111<' ter/Rtpalr /.~. !!! 1 ast 9'r7•c82 loah, Mointenanc@/ ..n;•tnq 1;.&ti 1571J or, all 1 llOl'SE? Cull C:1nghi1m I f.rH Tax ••••••••••••••••••••••• uuns..... 5 · 18 Set-fict ~\(~.I l'\Hl'ETl'\11~ "••••••••••••••••••••• \n,l41•r·\d•S~7 1'4" l'llHJ c,·1rl ~ ........... ! t1•IS.'il.'J D....J..--"'lldllt l'AI:';n'EHNl·'.Em\ Ncatpatl'hl':.&lexturl·:. TI'-1 t'pt 11phul .. m .. 1111i.: 1(1\' EH HOC'I\ 111·il1·1·t l . . ' ' ' -' ''" ·' 4 l\lo~t~"~ ~1),;n,11,.1. WOHK"IO "'"''P 1111 fr w ··~;~RiNV~;:H\it·~~~·· d1•u11111i.: Wurk ,,:11.11 ow1 1xM1I 1lt·1•h p.1tiu' c;,\ICIH:!\1:-.t: ~Ef(\'11'~ HOl\IVSl'l.~.l\NINC 1~12 1101 .. c't \n111-,111· n·1l111).!' ff Hi. 893·143' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Met•hann· 1,..1111 l 'r~1·1•,lti~:. lill 11.1lkl4,1" !11111·111111' <!\l)l't'\J't!I l.11cb1·111n.: '1·11wt• :ilhornui.:hh ll:i\l,l'.11nt1nl) Kli:1lllfi l'l.J~'iTt-:RPAT<.'lllN<i TIL EJNSTALl.ED iam1,h l q1t,111,tJll re ~1.11rc·1I l'lt tilil ·t111 ,,,.,., lrtmnw1I ' t'Jll i·1 ... 111h11u'l' 'illl 1111'17 l"1t'OM~;·1 \X 1:11\huµI!. Son l'J111t111~ 1 Ht',luno~ Int c·~t :io K~J! Kmd~~~~~':i'.:~e~tl7 OflPORTUMITY knoc1(~ -cttll'n 14 l'Wn you UM: rebull ~c111ng 1Ja11y Pilot C'lass1ried Ads to rl'i.11·h Int' Orange Coast n\Jrkl•t l'lio1w 642 5671! h'.tk rnh&. "'·" ~11M•d 1l.11n.i 1w. ,11•um II.I\~ \IHTll'lht111<! lo 'l'il'' u~ ~l$3.'>!IK l l,1"1111·11 \11' \UUI 11111 ~·h,1hlJ ~:,p,111111 10 ~" t•\p 111 llt ,11 h )r<. NcoAt Paul545 2977 f..15 47116 d 11i; ~~I IS:llll 117:t 11:.1o1i l'1J,,llh·1! ,ul, tlo 1t "'I'll \\,111! \1!-l'.11l ti I:! ;-,1.~lt t11p 'hll!'Jllnl: l~'lllH $111 & UJl 5\11 HIU7 Jre;i ~ fl'l' l'\l !>Ill IO:!'I rla,.,1f1rtl A<h ti I:! !'lli711 Want A<b Ca 11642 5678 --------- ReatEstote -=-f he DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash If it doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-relunct.ble. Eitr• llnfl SUIO) 3 3DAYS LINES I CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 orftp1ete Orange--Coasl -tvtorket Place .... -- ~~~=.~~!~~····j~!.~~~~~~~~~····I~·~!.~~~~~~~ .. , ~~~'!':.~'.'.~ .... ~'!!':.~.~•:.~ .... ~:.~':.~ .... ~~~:.~':.~ .... ,~!1!~!~.~~:.~ ... !!.~~ ~~~.~~:! ..... !~.~~ ~~:.~~~ ..... ~~.o.~ HewportBeoch 3269 ~aAl'a 3280 SanClemrnte 3776 CostaMtso 38 24 CostoMesa l8 241~0ft8eoch 3840 Hewportleoch 3869! Costa Mesa. 250 sq fl .. ot;t.l'XE** •••••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••'•••••••••••••••••••••••1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROOMMATE swle Sl7~ mo L'ttb in Offil'E' !.pare avail im 3hr,2ha.ixiol itirirni 1•1, l'•.111t1(1Jlh m.im 0 t.iint·d :! bdrm. \'2 ha lilk tu 1 " 1-:.."t'1th• ~ l\H ,nt ,.,rd :l hd 2h.i 11.1 bhm' i·nc· STEl'STOHl-.\1'11 1 rid 179 W 19th S1 ired 750sqrt lnmeloc rm 11 011 l I.I\ 'II .. 1.1, r h•>Oll.' On.: ~oo<l ho:,wh s.t;s ~ .. , .... ,.,l~Hlt· . llH I ll.1 11pt111rtJI ~Jr $-l!IS mo i.:ar lnc1r\ fJrtl $I.IHI 2 l!r 2 hou'"' rroim I Fl ...... DERS ~18928 $1 IO sqJt 85i 1204 $925 n-.i \!J'l :,11 ,,11 i: I 111< lllli; .1 lulrrn· ~ 1 :'r 'lo I •'l~\ II \\ IJ\I µ.it111 .1 ~ Jtl ... ,, 11 ~ 41115 9blS llY.!I 1M·1.,111 ~,25 Yrh """' l"'I I COST"' MES"' • . , ••I ii:• l..1rl!1 \Jr<I $6511 c:-.1c_ "-no" s.1i:.11n10 1.1111r<l'io q Oldei.l& IJrgest aRt-nn KOLL CENTER " " BLUf FS .I BK _ 1 , 111, 1,r; ~!llll ~u ""o 37 8 0 :!Hr ... l:Jr $1:!11 c 'pt' Wooclake ADts All clienL~ H'ret'ne<I 141th I Mo. free Rettf lplc up.1tr ddl'cl 1•.1t 11o •••••••• •••••• • • • •• •• • • ~ dtodv laridscope 1111·!1 111t "t1 1111 :!'.!:!ll SpJ110~ I Jn1l ·~ t.drm ~°" & rl'lerem·ei. MEW,OlT itt Solllt Units $875 mo or,.,,."" Wtttminster 3298 Prordl'rnrJtl'•I I hd1n1 I H1'frtlrit'! n·Jr11.1h11 \ l•l.u1·n11.1 t.:u; tl'.!U dm11n11 h1•;111 1,1k1· l'redits CO!imopoln:in I f:lel(anl Exec suite"'" Rt'fll\(fom$200ow I 2 70083846~!>5!1:10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.r So 1 't PIJ11 \II ffllk cl 14 IJl•nl !. 'l'·I 1.,11111 ~tri·.im' l'ucil J·I• anil li\..od ~lun1111g \mt•ri1a 11re~t1111ous lot" Intl &Jroomofrlres Beautirullbr :ilJah<•nH llU\HHlllH~::\T JITif'ntlll'' \i:a rl,~ I" :\o,1)11,~Hn~·•~l l • ~ .11 .,. t 1 h r._.1 Att·.i '" IH'h l'heTomnrro-....Sho14 s1 erret~ar11ahl . re cep._ Rejllonomirs 675 6700 O\'erlooktnR ll(r I!"'''" .tlldrm Sl>i\ F1•nl'l·d S550Mo l53 1202.1 ts Sil. ":-;"r. larl(I' 1 111 -~11.11 • 1r ·' >J "n ,,. IJ.\61>.,',!ll •• , oll• to all Ill'"' 1orust. "'ep one ans"' brlt SIOOO mo i mt tc.i .;.ir.ii:l ~1l1~1 a A. l!ardt-n aot p1111I & r1·1 tf.'.,t,:111Mt'~r;:' !6:~o OI~ ~ Hr 2ba. up~tuir' apt clients who need d µlal'e mm• Of rs from $436 "t'~ro$i11:~~\3~ {om~ &H6&18a(t I 3Upm po.•l\ "'f'lrnnw . .t~.l~MI "-'-irts .irco $4:!5 mo illl w d r Wtr 1111 no r•t'l' MEWPORT 641 ·189' 100mo OTn HraEll ~lrc~ASlo65 • \gi·nt nvr<'t' ~..._l'.::_, L.-d I llllh !'It Wk Y' at :!, 54fi 7214 ~L RTE Rs' ·~ O •t St. Stl1tt• O. C M Key al BaJ Yitw Pool Hm ,..............._. umwnolfft' . ~ -.1111· li:r 1 hr 111 1 pie' l>dh'on\ ~i:I .:ur $525· A l " Smte E 642 3055 L I' 21 d s· ......-nonlllfftS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Hr 1•1 ha 111 .... nh1111,r 1 '" 1 1 ,, 1 agt,nofl•t•5-15 :!OcMI 'Non smkr. 3br <·undo. ANl~:S A professional Ill' ,r >a+ en • P·• •LL-' L d 3 .. 25 lolbo p .... 1 3807 • }n < r.tJll'' nu1' 714 I MO FREE 111~ enl'lcl\rd n1rd ni.:hl . """'"'. isne .. a tftlft-o I (oar patio. sml )Id nn i.irµurt S3'•5 •·15 66:!5 2 hr l h.1 nr l\i·.11 h ~ $200 mo t '• ut1I Sl50 t•nvironmenl I I • on ll;l~k Bel\. l'ountl\ ,······················· ••••••••••••••••••••••• !)t'b $5J0,645 ua;r. I Slalt'r 1•nrl .:.tr '" 2 lld :! h:i dupll'\ 111 ... c•r I d~.·p 964.3654 II H 1\51 ~I HeWDOrt ce .. ter \l'tllll~ s I ti~n mu Ill ':_1·.11 '!C'14 .ulu!t n1ncl11 nr ~u l & 3811 211 \ I <'arl) \ \l' \ \ T. F '1111 t 11 t lld I ... n. 1lhl gJr' \ •• Pt'b $.t'I~ •·II '13111 "" unit lh.h14 hr re pk i:a r w ed F h 31 N ' p t R . h 1-il"ll cl:lss ru11 ser\'lct dudt>' 1t.1rdt•11111,; & pout .~c I IM.t "l" i;.1~1'' t'tpk ~It ini. i:o1r p.crk 1>lc•x l.i: nuu•t 2tir ln1ln i ''"' '" p.11111 .I. l'rlJI" frlll Hl'i6t•\\ "kn1b $60lm.1 fi75 Jf,12 \t:I I 3abn~ l o~d~le \/ Jr '1io~~ oltosp 1'1'0fio ,~e,~r EXEC ofrtres. inl'lude~ ~l'n "<"?t•n lM•ol lr11t ,, \mall 1111: llcn1l' tu hJ\ d. . ·111 IH•IJl·h$75CIC'.oll lll.i na I Bd 11 t H It 2 I R ti dn rr all amen1t1es From · '"' ~ '• rr11'111lh r1 "ir t Ilk•• ui t·an Brkrbi5 I'll:' P·•.~w d_', 1 t • no 111'1' .1i:t fi31 l:!titi \t .>\ i:o ~II~ ~ br I h.1 lrunl unit Jd ap d ioJ $3 5+ut1 an ' ~'On oor o 1re5 am $225 rro 644 7!89 Wt"ltdifUllr Sn~••• lllH ,11111,1" .111 l'Jtin S~.5 b '-' 1111111.11111 tl'J"K oplion t:J• pJtiu 2 kid' nk 110 Penm I hlk In lil h \o M5 4228 · pie parkm~ well main· 1::3,1hluH 3Hr $1~·~· .... ·du1k1t 1·111t ,Jllll ,,, ''·"'an lront 3 Br. l H.1 ht:l •oi '. ' I I' t Pt'h hi . l.N Slt~l ~~~~ $43.'J mu 61~ 11.~2 shr 4Rr -hse E HIUH\ w~~ ~ \'1ck~ da)'\ COSTA MESA &mblufl3Dr J1Sc10 ~I'. $-1'~5 • s "• 11111 ~l'dl"\ I~·",'' $1.1'>11 ~111 •:' llr I ha \11·,,1 \ .. rcl1· 1\~c>rhlt ,1~, ~1;;"11~J~\' ;,(,'\ I hlk"' uf S.· .. 1h uH ·~ pool I~ k1tehen. $250 mo -Superb 171h SI lorallon B,J\rrullrdUl ~ ~;1~·.;0 w..:...>111 '...]SI 33, -t~ I kcl~ UJl}K'r :-..1·"' tl1•cw ..... ~~h >Ill 14llC'I Sl.itt•r ~ll(r 173111 IOI SanClemtntt 38 76 t '• Ulll. 720 1328 IUSIMESSADDRESS I room 400 sq n SJ6() \\atrrl'rontlh1m" Inc • fell 1 11,. lnuii• r 1 ~. 119141''1'' 14 "'' I '11.'1' c;,11 s51111 111.,. • Kl.'t'l?>CJO K-lit42~ \\ail ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4111!115!1 Ans-....ering & mall mo 968-9477 t.311~1K1 ,. •on iol1r kid' t. P~t~ Coronadf.!Mar 3822 ll13~1il ~,~,d ~t.l(~~,J~r.~.i~;; no"' Sl.ud10 a~t. ore.in i1t:"'. iShart' Ne111pe>rt lll'Jt'h \rrv1ct. <'Of!leren re triatRetttal 4500 l\lp11p .. r1lll:h ~llr • ol1·11 "'·'II" ,,:•1~m, •••••••••••••••••••••••1Lu1< !'nntlo ~ m'1r h1' T'Klll DELUXE21R/llA ulll mdd .$.'li5,m11 33~, apt M f 2h<lrm 2 lta room AdJ 0( Airport ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.1( \Jrd . i:.11.1 0.:• I woutiii ,,1111111 IHt'<rn& Walktotwa1·h.:!hr lrpk. 1•1 1Ja .Z bJll'llnll'' frpk 1'' I mlb~.'al~ Fr~l1 t•nrl f}mno lnS.in ( lc.:1twn1e lnl'I parkm.: and utll $100 mo 714 851~1342 N B.3975 BtrC'h 8860sq $.'\75 m11 MO 781~ 1, ·' , 1 , ,. " f P 1 r . Ii.:~ llerk end r1rl. I!. 1 m1..r11 ".111·r l.1n<l"·a111• 2 bdrm. t bo, potio and i:ar . DW hit '"'" ~muko' (St'(' Inc ~lgr i\pt l ' M F $..'iU dcp S2511 r1•n .i •. 50 ~q fl I urn off1re 1 fl or les~ ~I IA 1one. 50' BLUFFS .oitu~lrJI iii:' 1,11 1 ~ Inell') fa1 '6.\CI 11111 \1 a' J l'ar i:11r "' upl'f,.., ~.1r:.11!1'. Ol'l4 p.Hnt and al,1rm bah "Jll.'r pit , "-irk Funtlthtd 1.uL Pref d.I( 35 10 55 ,pac·e $400 mo µer sq ft Agent Spal'IOU' 3 hilrm • I ..in 1lo•11 ~CUI )JC'I 11111 lh' Isl 6i5 !1589 $72.'i llWI 645 IM~ I .1rpd i'>l·Jr F t•<lt" S.J75 $-175 1193 ·~165 '"';' U~ished 390 0 631 2010 I 6-11 IY763 541 5032 rm \'IEW' M.in\ u1• . .:.~!«t'.~ 1·\ l•7l ljl~JH {ll'lr-1 \l>l 'l.TSoH•r I~ IM'l ITll 5.SI 61311 21\r 11 • lurt • I ll,1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roommale"'anted ('11 ~1 Des1gntoswteexecutwe 4,029SqFt ~r:1tlrc; Sl:.>75 :\lo 1 1 ~irh F\in1ishtd COROMA DEL MAR 'l!'rum I & ~ llr uppu 1.1: !Hr Iha rpt 1trpi.. 1 r1111< cbh .... ~hr l!Jral.!l' SEAWI ai.JO Isl and la'l S275 mo offices .... uh secrt'tanal R,-. s..Jr Ilda lea.~e ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cfean2bdrm I hath f romSJ l11 H1•.cut rdn1t laun<ln 'tuH J,AIOIS4!15 114i i699 ~ i20H~7Rl'nt>t' 1 $en1re.poos1blell\10I? OfFOYERROSA i\gl S..11i r.iu;i 1147 hlljtr Balboo Island 3706 Jpartrnent "'1lh t·Jq•t•h. lane~''. "l''"lt ~11• P.~·h cl 14 J ' 11 1'~ t J ir' 2 Hr 2 HJ laundn h1w1k VILLAGE Shr rondo"' prol pl'r~on ·I a_rea G~ 1ocauon m 716 rt ofrlres 3 ba l'·r'-r \'iAu H,11111,, 3 nr •••••••••••••••••••••••! dra11e, & t•n ..tu,l'd l L~.f \\ \RD \I TS -0211 "'hdlt gar. no peli. up j?araon \Iii t .. 1. ...,.,. l.•t la't d"" \II laMel) \1lla.l(e Broker •hcJ"l'r uatbar 2700 sq 2t,~"tam <r~ n• "'" 111'.; ll\\ \I~ Ye rurn"hed 21 i.:ar~e $6(10per mo Full1•rt1•n i.11113'17 ~fl II am6459884 540-11811 ,.., ' '• ~~ .~~~ P~~~ 11~\~I~~ ;;'en1l1es, g311's11111 6754912 fl re~red );rd For modre ue $1250, 6.l4 m;; 1111 I H.1 "' 'ho"' £•r no 171 41 673·4400 :?bdrm !hJ In" nhouM· Sh.1rp :!llr lot of "'ood & Imm S5l5, :! hdrm from !161i ~7!.i 1 l..ai:una ;-.;1guel &>aut1rul rnfo phone 557 1300 a ()(' tti::;-.;1 \LS II•''' Sidi mo \fh :!23 12 IJI 621-2121 "' lrpk "(''"""' $4!15 "'dllp.IJM•r 01'14 !'pt p, l . M~/HERS ~ALIC ' $5iU. fo14 nhou,(• (rum M r for :'\ H h~e I hlk I ~rr1ce~ Rerept 10011;! i60 0378l'\ r ll.id1.11nl l.11tlt' l'allDl't1hll'5.IUll702 r1at111 Sl!1.•n111 R111 1r·rl:h• Or .. , Ra "' "''"') mes•an~"r1""'1sqrl"orr&o h I 5br'sS21K1111~l~M1 RBOR ·• \ t 1 S64ll ... pooh t1•11n1' I beaC'h. Hh pr~)( $2511 '''' · • '" ' ""' " 7!i03.114 llJll'n icl.i\\ 11.Jll•lJl~ldnd li73 132ti HA Sl',\t' 2 Hit ll l'r;' li.111266 r~~lr°u~~·n ;.f ... acr r~t~nr ..... aterl'Jlb. IJOOd!o ' l:Js l ~ l~l la-st .1>45 ~695 I ~,('hn1re.XLaw & h 3\ doo~.to1let&bas1n .rwy Balboa Peninsulo 3707 nt:A~1 t·li:, h.ir l1m. of' !-.llMhn ll<nN' p\l ~;ml & pJtlO ~ Jrct t·.ir Hunt for tmkm.: & hc·.itmi: ., I ·1 ary · ' er~>X . P one rlOM', C M 675 6251 Nwpt Rluff, 3 ht 1'"""11 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• "''Mwl $112."i Jliu pri-~256 1"11111 °""'Pl 11.:1' Jrra I llarhour Ch1ldr1•n OK 1 paid From San l>tl'.£11 3 !k-Ru NO apt. 10,'hr. J.nswc>nng From 5350 on C'hoit·r i:ri·t·nlll'll It t d Maµlr SI 5~11 i351i nrl t:a, rni $:150 m11 '5iS mu 840fi80i Fr"'' drnt• :-forth on 1 fl'm . preferred 11 ''01 lall8315333 4550 Flnght & .. harp l'iu Jh't' ·'s;;.~.mlTlll\ll'~~·a.CI\ sat~li 673~13 1>12 1:!!12 I • 38 .... Beai·h In Mr Fadclc•n I tennis 5285 mo 539 20!l7 ; Prime o rr1re Spal'E', ·········~····,·····~··· 1...ease$117S64t·5Jl4 l;j5~171ti.Jhl•rl;uni \ll11 i-1111111I n'lfte .... lhen Wrstur1 \l1·Fadcll'n Hmmle ... ankd 1;\I 1''111 •1roronadel ~1ar 1010,q STORAGE SPACE . NewportCre~t1H1 ~·.h.1 "' 1t.irh111lr111•,rnw111111 .lbrlrm.2 hii.OO(lt'h 21icl ~hac·omloiu "{'1••••••••••••••••••••• .. l0Sc•u1<11111t \1lla1:r 2Us ~hr 2br 2ba rt !ou1te $850 mo toi.ta Me~a 24 X 13 qU1et rnurtpr<I 110,1 t .. Corona de-I Mor 372i! 1 nl·ar \thool~ and O\'l l'latJ l'iwil '11' ~Jlt' Oran11etret• lbdrm + loft. 171411193 51!114 to"''l\house nr brh S275 , 67S 9510 enclosed Elec. hook up. pool an<I l~n111' s111;.o ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ~l~+ ~~l:'p"~J'2~~t·e~' .~;'i,f;~·i-SS25 mo tennis. pooh. SS Ill .. ooo l rm 6.'11·5500 •l'dM dlx•w'te. Al'. am &16 7660 * rm (;ull6i5 57811 I hlk' tu 111'1'.tn 281 : , blks to lH.'l'JO .!Br ~ "' " 730 12~0 5 42 71\0'l ltOOft'll "" ~ W 0 "' 1:.1r ch·• I. P3t10 rurn See dd under :n221 2 Br Sil W Joann Isl llr 586-J:lXl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~r 0111 fem look mi: for pie !>kg. $.175 ulll pd 28~ .+.ct 46 0 3 br. 211 ba adult 1·11nct1 ot unfurn \\ Jtl 1 It. 10 ;u 883 2i2J 7 q pm 011 pets $430 Si err .i Room '" ramih ho ml· ~ame lo share 2 bdrm rn E <."st H"' v 675·6900 ••••••••••••••••• •••••• f79S ..... pool.111· 1111,1~ ~;.,("1t111nfurSl'pt8:! l.u\l'I ' .' • 1 h .. rnl \1gmlfi.llt:li4 _ lfe81:iBJIU ~rtluch 3169 !'MS200mouiil,1n1I l'nsla~lt>Sa $250m11. NtarSan-D•;"of-...., & DESPERATE lf06p1tal fi.126311 ·1 -"' " -.. , TME TS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631835.1 1 ut1I &15-4369 'itarbor•ofr1.'!essuil.A & Rent or Tea~• ~ear ~Ill! K.t ll1·n: nt·~ot1~hlt• duple~\''> ,, Jll \1,1~ 2 l\r 1!1111 \l,1pl(' -\\I.' l~l " ~ ~ • ' ,~ d 2 hd r Panoram1r '"'14 ur _;-.;u 111·h il l llM3.!723 1,1 ""'.· iill't'll •·r110·1 n l'""'tlttl\ Ian~ a1,,, .. p1n11NEWPQRT Bri ght. ,unn\ room femtoshr2samt• Reh front offlre & rerepl roun rm unorn ocean pur~ Jl1r """ ' 'lpm I s61 i~' l' a 11 \1 a~ t 'J S~r>~o s;;~r; ~r~~~ i;~;il;,.n a pis Pool~ Sp;• I Ml\ Chnstian rl'm :!II 111 dplx 5285 mo ~ ' uttl art' a 2 bat h s & apt hou.~e lk>a~h Ar.ea den 1mmar 2 frph' Red ,,. 24 rmrrt•d 1,.;rkmg ~u COUMTRY CLUI 673 MSI S2~t1-+ 11111 ht last, sec 642 BGO:l kitchenette. air. & furn Mother and Son Ex e I er I! ar A' k 'n i: wport leach 37 6' irk Agt ' 644 906(1 ,..,1 13 peL~ LIVl ... G c.dM avail $850 mo ~9·2928 rellent 18) r rer To $450 Sl7SO mo cw1ll negot 1 1•••••••••••••••••·.·~:·• ta Mno 3824 2 br with .1:aral-(c. unrurn Ba h 1 s 9 " GCIF'OC)ltS mo Ms Woods Anxiou~ l2l31 938 72'il , upstairs S.'l!lS mo lld~ r l.'nr 3.5 Bachelors 1&2 bC'droom CdM rm toprof mature. for'Rlflf 435 C M 2 ollrces. 345 rt . 2136526711. or fl.'iH1707 d (2IJ) f>62 4956 rcqwrl.'<I :i~i \ 11 toiri.i 1 llr. s.150 $455 apts & townhouses qwet M f . n•r-. non ••••••••••••••••••••••• bath. stor;fe avail S250 art 5 PM ys, · e\ e~ 1 I IR. 2 BR. 3 IR. fl45 8161 2Br t 1 Ila d SS2 106 f'rom $540·$1000 644 1000 srajtr 640 7845. 1 S60 single gar. sale &-548·334Sti. ·~3-• '~~~ 3R~~~g~that ~ll(i•I Ntwry decor <:as pd I Rr F. side. ~m l>ul roH 22:5<1 angu:ir 540 96 NO F'EF.1 Apt & Condo Sm rum rm"' t.1athroom Sl'(Ure. 731 W 18th St . Exec ofrtre, xlnt N B ~~ft•est/ ~) nll Av Palmn ~11. tt,~ ~d~h~~e~1; w lot.~ or natur111 won<! rentals Villa Rentals pnv. nr So C't Plaza. C M_673 nir loc . rapier. S225 ~•••••••••••••••••••••• 213-426 7301 llfls 642.5073 PAI 851!1522,3.5 30 \\'e!ilF~. 675 4912 Broker fem prer 556 1737 nfl ~. s.1(1 l(arage, sare & 966-1719 649.:§21~ Swimming pool chemical LIOO\'IEW 3PM serure. nr Estancia sen1re business Costa ~,L,~e~~3~ra:"dJt~~t~~ ~~~,rr~YJJ N~/! ~~·1 "~'~tlllt~h r1ea~~LJa~':riSapls 2 Br 2Ba 2pat10Ad11lt-. Hotth.Moffls 4100 ~1~Co'lt a Mesa Mesa.Hunt Beach area 1100 mo 76().0451 p I St Uirl garal!e 646 4644 f'allos clerk' Heatda1d _pref $1000 675·6359 ••••••••••• ••• ••••••••• --No exp ner Will tram ool. beamed re1 •nl! or!>48·1nl6 ... Ch 1 ~.000 rull amo unt re Just off Rayt2 bdrm :\Int laundr. mom No pet<; •• 11 pr t' ' re n I BR. gar parkmR. sleps SEA.Lill( MOTB. Offic• llfltaf 4400 ~u ir t d W' 11 net d Ra s1on mo Nolastmo rent 28RJl2 Ba paliti,n•ul." welrome tobearh.yrly $475mo W\lv.renta alsno11o J\atl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0000 C I I ron or '"' 2Br I . R11 ••15 no"'94or7Jl CHG • + al rol ert 6315233 SPIC!OU• .,1uoios one TSL MGMT 642 1603 ctcrorated. no pets s.tRO ., fir 2 na :-:.35 "" ""~ PSlhOS & up Color TV 1617 Westchff. N B Want Mon fr 1 SA M 6 p M rnurrs \ )('\\ nr Nc11o 1.1ort afll.l tw•J OOOroom aoert· Roomy 3 Br Townhouse 548 -&500 ~ Rr 2 Ra W>O 3 Rr 2bn. frplc. gar. patio. ones IO room 2214 financial inst 7000s f a /867·011 1 Lg2br.h ba S975mo mPnt~ FURNISHED aptrnqwel adult rom· SoCst l'laza t0r1ba.lull · 398 W Wilson c11· vu, walk lo bearh ~.~~rt Blvd CM lst,noot_A ent~J·5032 llWPllT _yrly. ~ 1014 and UNFURNISHED plex Newly dcrorated. st•r. pool. spa $465 1nrls 6J1·5583or642 3708 $825tmo, 548 7907 --•DB.UXE OFFICES• OOTD 5005 Luxury pool homt> ().tkwoocl dlso offers fcreplaceSo. enl'lsd 11at101& gas ~r Aj!enl. no fee le. h ll 0.1 HR condo, Vl'rsailles1 ~t~~~:c~at~~~r~~· From I room up to 2000 Architect•. d~signers. m11rv('IOllS Westrldf garage rry. 110 f<' ~ 9.571Yl22 Oft ac 4 like new S5SO mo Cal sq. ft From $1.16 a sq. planners .Two IJ*" location 4 Rdr mirro ·All Ulllttles P11d $575 Mo 645 338 or l4'<' 3 hr. 2 ba. crpts. drpg, R1rhard, 213·830 2323 . (k.~,~~~ilN~!'po~t Ct No lease required. In Newport Center many e~trus har °' · 1mm.i1111 675 5949 rarport Nr OCC No 213-823 7854 Adj A111JOrter Inn 2172 On' •• 2000 aq It i nd ~IJUNIJY rrore l~e $14!15 Ca 11 Occupenc:y flltf.PLACE. Pool pvt _pets $5.50 751 3696 rge 2 bdrm. I ba. 4210 Beach 673 41~ ~~-n t. C 3 I I AM <>nP 11 3000 IQ ft Very urru l.oli11agt631 J2tili 'St Mlll100ln ~o&rd1shwa~her Seashore S750mo Ytly ~EB>tc"~iE? lavor1blt r•tHI W1I· ofeLH.th.! RecteltlOn X 2 Br 0arden apt~ •3br. nr SC Plaza. SA ,,_..,, .u19 k t 'I.lam"'-·-. 0 ........_-., __ d 10 more ••pr'd cr.-ca-...a.... 327 6 " Carport pool. spa S67S ....,,. eas ee Y a es BAYFRO.._.T """"'.._"'" ·~ .. ft ,_. ..,...l'l'lll' AnoMuc11More on Easts1de $560 Pet ok 752 5822 or eloxe poolside xtra "'•"TBLUf'"' townhousA ~t~~enetles Phones . " salespeople . ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS7·2841 641 1 • .,,. lar~2br 2 ba bltn• ~apt J bdrm•2, ba 2 ca'r Z channel Mo\ ies ~'!!' offt~t. 61H003. W F'. ·o f f' E R f t f .J monm or a tile· """' I ds , • I • b h"• . ' . ~j>l!>fr 1967 Newport OQERSHI P • • • llflll Moottsoo--n 7·~v •2br. 2ba nr S.C Plaza. 1 Adw • 1 ., mt es~c gar, adults, no pets S650 .J!!sQ«ta Mesa 64.5 9137 sa> &ft 572 ·~· n $1.00 per PARTICIPATION S.~Leelt 9,tmto~No.e9 5 SA Pool.spa~ No ' ts,nopets mo perm> --sq ... 397 Btrch .. N'B Mi nimum Investment ff01J0x 11076 • pets7szsil22or64Ji460~~8382 -........ -M4·1910 __ v...-a ...... uso s..~. . Sl2$00Wf tso~ Costa Mesa For Ad Action . . HE WH I Ff'L ETR EE BEACH 38/St'uhort ••••••••••••••••••••••• Two elite law ofrlru. ~. e orec•~r You are 1ht winner of Oakwood •3br. nr S.< .. Plaza, S.A 1·2-3 Bdrm Apts Gym. Reder 3brl lba. ar OCEANf'RONT 2' 4 Br. I . IOxl? • 12:lclS. $$75 pr ta~ ':~r:~Y to~: fll\ir f'l'tt llrket~ (Sl6.00l ca11 I Gar, P<>OI. 11pa . $750 Soa, Sauna. pool. tennis. IS 9. 8 5 f Avail. now. Weekly thru ·execuplan rm. tn full service sulfe. tilth t I I v1luetnlh~ Garden Apartments Child ok 752 5822 or ~k 19. 1675-3' 0 13-692-~ · sum~r.f73 71113. 1 ,,.. Oce~n vu, aerrttarlal Call ea comm u on. •••t. loet Sllow Newl>Oft a..dl/No Dai~ Pilat 641·1460 ------ltaliON llO pr mo. Call Ila 11 (111. AN'AllElM 880lrvillt 0.EAN&SHARP ; .ARLINGTONAPTS. Br yrly, 1arage, S700 f.a&ter.Summcr.rcserve "AMRrC..C ... " o fr lre m a naaer , 4 Jm t'ONVENTION ,., 181111 an ISOR I br ltOYf" "'"" S33S I ~•clout II. quJet 2 Ht rm. mo mo C•ll for now• Wttkly r~l•I. I f'-lhi rvtctlci.liro·m Tl~M4·7800 CF.NTER Apnl 17 2S "U" S48 i.an ' 1 I Ba '485 Twnhse. Burr While Rllra Br Nit Sleeps up to 4 offlce•delhpace 2 offlca tt«lltloft To cli im tickets. <'•II 17~)"5-t104 ~ ults°'1!1 No ts.Nr Balboa Peninsula Nr O,C All;ort atonae'rm. ,ZS r'I:, 142 Hn. fll 272 NNpott8Nch/So. 642·5&78 Mesa Vtrdt 2 br. 2 bi. lhc:lltac_b lbe.eatlnkitcb. Encl '7 a t M ''See~~JIP"fflatt!" f1lmiil air ·i. .. t. 1i:k 1\<*.N mwt bl daltnied 1100 1e111 s1 r Ir. &ar · lndry rm dlAte MIW• paUo A: 1r. as.is. no Ocean rronl Ntwporl 7INrll W E. 17lll St. CM bJ Allltl 21.1111 !DIM• 11 161111 314' J bdim~ JWt>atJi; \ltlu. Balbol Pnin wkly rte· fttMi l1Hllfl (7 '41142.anJ F1tlt apartmut• Find J br, oewl1 ftdt( duplu car praae, .,.._,, YI ltar\iac Afr.. l U1ni r.._....._,, ,,1111t ;Gu =-- cm Uial'1 Juat rtabt Ln w 1110!1• aar ~I art • -.. ... • ••· n••er · a • n' · 1 .t wttll '"""''•· ii !!~~~~~~~=~~~~~::i_d_aat_·n..s. . 1ri ~lmo1 ~·IOO_ ' Orang Cout OAIL y PILOT /Tuosday. April 13. 1982 7 !~.~~ ..... ?!!~ ~~~~ ..... !!.~~ ..... !!~ ..... ?!.~~ .. ~~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~·~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~! ~~~.~ ..... !!!~ ATTIMD•NT BUSBOYS ~ut 1TU1iu:r l'KIK'r MOOS.SMHDID Pmonablt, t•ner11~ttr SICHT.AIY Slroft&person tor man In T l\t Good t: art h ular, n C1Po ~acti IC_. Athttdttllt -<.'tlir11c-tt·1 I) iit·~ uuo JWnnn 1ou11ht 111 11f'll Tov r11tN 111ort 6 lon1t cth« tftCl li'O Ptr for z lull Umt' p.i.ll~in. m11rn1n•• So "'ttk '»witan 01la tn Orana4\ rtt• t outel 1tt111 w)lt•1 chair . Every ~W'l.nt " Btktl')' It .. ~u Lii or OHC l't>rlll p 1 yu. for l'otl.alo11 & r11m n.itur11I buutr 11rodu~t' ltrm .u111nmrnta No 1..11:mm~ll!IJl'!i. bar work.In a ~n Dr)' Clun1n,1 Countrr Ul(Wl.l \·111111((' A1111n11I •M .1lto h•nwlt• 18 22 )Ii Coc111ty Must hu vt· uwn Purtell Temporaries, ~TD'• .... wo.• 11111---------dlvl1 u1la who en oy f~ Ap~t In e·rNo:;· lf<l!lj)ltul, ~'J'J 5!1711 OIU»I l"ok 11 IG > r~ for trun1111 Cull 411) 272A ~· ~ ~=".ofll61a: ~1wlthth111111blc IW4 fn llU(', Krull'hv1:uh1llt'I ursc· (11111, lltl l'AIH'rll'lll't' Prt1t1on llrl'Ulator. s.c-... _ ,11. • A.TT91'110H• ..-p-.y, company In p I o11 1 I!, 1 1 u, 1 \ c 111•11 ·'" S:t5 S8S 111•1 .,,. Jl'T s.s S8 hr Work ...,.,.., comm /. 909 7 0 Amblllou1·0011· 1od 1ur111u t vacation Jo'OOD S Jo: R V 1 l' Jo: rhorolah· •torr h.i· d.i~ uv.nh,.,. 114tlft912 ~ at iy_. • f o r a ft · ,,_, .ortnalr 1c ••••-----Work one or two even· penou The GOOd Eutb ldeil ror Student 3 l'M Awl.> 111111.r~ou ~ 7 ''l s1~11 II r J I Jo:ll t 1111• I' 1 o 'lt't'k11111 ix:rsonable In °""1 ~"· rla•· ·-· ,.. I. bl " j 0 strtt 10-1.3 yurt Old, to 1v1ll1blt. ApPlf 10 WORKEH , Purl t1m1• p llDll' 111mltu11 .l\Olll •U1k1u1 1ir1nt II 01 k. llulr m ml t V (.'o DOW t:Y SAVINOS. tlllM U l. w/flJ:ll wlll... ln&a a week ietting Reet1urant" Bakery . to 6 l'M Mun t hru .~,111•111·nr1·1I r.1011• leNlocu1IJ1wu11t1-d GooJ dJv1du11I with Cood typ ..... _t.as;a=u.i.----1 martin& OCI abOomen ACCOUNTING ntwap~tr au bac rl p 210 Ntwp0rt Cl'nter Dr. Thurs 9711 <r74Hor J!ll>'I LEG II SECY nlld1•1' $4.~ ~,ho"" splJt bued on uper 11111 •lr1ll1 for Oran(le Co ~lit•. W. Onan tloqa Tra111port1Uon betWttO_Hl'M "-.. IU. •W11fl c lolhc-• 1 .11111011 'AClftC COAST Auport Aru orflre Ea hUll, Nal. Pl• relw n to SWBVtSOl and conalant adult ~_.EIAL OFFICE l'iut tintt 1.x1,.., 11 llun ,111111• 1cq.11.,, s~~o LA6IW r.o T G rt-llmt 1u1rtin1 ulary IOll ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 O r ol d owner WM! Wtlhr Dttt. supervii lon provided. CA.SHIH ft .. lmrr.-ooi)fn1n11~ Short tuuctun lkoarh, 111•1•1h·tl I 1 , htthr' ""'"' H A I full b1•neflt proaram Tedirikal1c<'OunUng lt CIJISl4$:30PM aakfor HOUSl:WAR'ESALfo.S & lon11 ltorm t1)~11111 fo<<Mrflu" 111 i:i•m•rJI THEJOISOURCE MIWPOITIEACH Appl)ln l>@rson MonFr1 Le.he? Rtal"r.f~·~Ont1 available 2ad or ltd TD Loant on rnldentlal or income propertlea. We hlDdle • full ran1e of imrtcaa• Coveraae at VttY ~rnpctitlve rates. Courtesy to Brokus 714·760·1S$1 ask ror SUvt Of l>ufne hund: 5 0101 old fem lllllfrvlilor)' work ln pre Andru, "'2.4d 1, ul. Apply In person C~uwn rra1nll Top pay No fr1• pt ,11tu·i· l.ov. ftr ni 14 111 lilll lYi17 , 11J111 •Vilt 1 l~ts twt,,..~n I 4 PM to Mr Doberraan. &lit/brown pan n1 ' malntalnln1 343 Kard-WA/r 31<n E Coul Puret>ll T1•mpor1trtl'~ Ul hr• ll('r ..,.., r hu1, Jllll Wolk-ift luytrt John Sunders 18013 Sk) Nr lli&S.lon Crttk, San flatal recordl and rt· Hw~ ~I !OM rridJ\' F.~pi·r ..,. itlo l"'11rw11 ll l'Jr~ Cirdt. Suite Ii JIMUl cap. 1141'3182 at\ ~tl~t'tr.~ir:~~uf"d Atn'OMOTlVE CnAe~~~·~l~U1e ~~·;~ Gmeral ~~M~~lip~:~~l~n~~·!k"r.:·. NURSES AIDE ~A;j&_·r~~r .'~:~':'~~ ......... . i!:i -8-1-1n-t_B·t_r_n_a-rd !'t'/ c~~P•:r:~vl!~~ •IOOl(ICH,1151 workers S4 hr Full• lalbo la Cklb <'11tt11 l\1on thru W1·1l ~.,1 .. 1 111 ,111rt C'1111\ ""\i:'\Flllt:.Nn,\t SECRETARY (~It. Vic. SE. Hunt perience S1l•ry Very pleasant wor~ng llrnt, SAM l 30 PM I • f 8471il.~H t 1111•11 \11.pt II h Sto1l t)P''' f1nanr1al l!th-!M $l 600·S1.9.46 with r 0 condlUona In Airport Lori s Kitchen 3017 • c h1·1 iful 1h-1l11 .1t1·cl lu RECEf'T.ITYPIST ,to1trrrlt'nts lax returns cehent btnerits Please l"Ompluforexperlenced Harbor Bl vd . SA ~~<>oerroor LOAM AUDITOR/ 1<11 p11 '•"' \1111 111' :'\i·"'vort \li·,ii•h ,,11 r.~I>" 70 wvm. 10 key Found: F\lll 1ruwn Great su"-:l resume lo: Jo"n bookkeepers for ma nu al 979.()747 ror_afill.'l _ IWUr ~ 1ft ... 41> our~ prr OUAUTY COMTRO L prnKr.111 1 \'.ill 1. P >111H "'' tiMni: ai:l'ltl'} no·i·d~ t: \lll'I lt'lll't' re~ ut red Dane, fawn color. spiked w,.•u • entry accounts ~ayable Cl 1 week D11fis ond l'' 1•n j 'rfn111111 .11' fit II l 11111· 1 1 k I I .-1 ~~an, (1141631-1200 •. re"elvable. ..rma enca Gen Ofc. mu~l 1 k .. Offica Http 'IJll• 1·nt·ri:t' it p1·nun 'l;on' mu 1· r 1 11 ry WIDOW HA.5 Al for TD's RE Loans, lOK U_p No Credit Check, No Penal ty. Dennison' A asoc. 67J.7311 -.. ' ... 1og~. 1111' U( llljt "1·1· IJIW.1111111 r.\,ll'llt'llll ,,. .. ' I k 'l "PA r C/O esa Consolidated nenl Opp for idvance-bt good w numben l'f\lb qum·tl c.i 1 J• 111111,.1 IJlt 11111111 111111~ mtlil 1111 runt t t'' • t'tl111r1·' SI too rTl(1 ' 1rm Water District . l96S ment to learn CM ac· pleasant ofr en\ iron Jl tlllll r 7 ~" 1 ~111 '""'kl •«'IJlll~ 1 .. tll for , .. ,rcll1•ntt~ 111ni.: & 1>hnni· C~l;s Mt''" C11ll C'uolr ~lacenCtA1a..!~·· Coslti countloa. See OHlce eaift77'1~p50lng opllonul HQst/Hct1teu t:ot. .1ppt \1\111\ ,11111i' iif.rrL11·'1 7S4HHIJ esa. """"' · Mgr. Mon., Weds or Fri !! 2 pul'1 turil' ·,n1rti. ,1, ,11 1,1 01 Jl1•~1· CoJ't Sa' 1111-:~ ·•~ti '1.\1111 I 1~·111'1 l'<' l' II u · u 1111 S1·1·r1·t ,1rv HOWA.Jl~ClileYrolff Counter t'lerk . tin lilr F.xp.·r1n1"' rn1tl\1l.1i11' Cl\I ::~1~.4'~ilin ... SJuhuin Sc*•AH'tl~tc'y ACCOUMTIMG f>ove/ ail Sts. rle11ners. 3 d> pr 11 k nrt·l'S.~ar) LO" ... • "C., "r...rR/ c Ir•~·· 1• , , • ,1111 ()penmi: J\ a1Yalite lft a} SCIAM-lETS J?!!~ , - Perilr.__ Swerve - GETAWAY Family reunions are whe r e you t r avel lhousanda or miles to visit ~ople you left home to GET AWAY rmm. CLEIKll N~~ TBEA<;H Mature lad~ prer \\Ill ,_",..,,. ""'"".:; M" ... "GrR Recent/Tyfi't 1st lnr o1 Salei. As DutiesUiClooeprimanly -tram.!14;_6-7621 I ""--"-II Cos"+•. PROCESSOR """,_ .:; l11rln1mr1(,.;~1 <'11 l'.tll ~•~Lant S1•t··, 1n isn Ac"ount• Pay"ble on ~OM~H"~~~ ...,...._ "..,r F1•ll 11r111• ""' """" nt I ORD"'R I'-nn 1·1 ft 1 1 t d ompan}' ' ~ "' A Counter person ~;xl)1•r I >r11· shirt IK'r w1·1•k • " .:; 1 ,..,, " <1 n ult' >u~l' 1· Digital Computer Allio and ools. A Y f'\Jll lime St in S3 llS 111 ·~•ll'Mll" , ... , ... 111111, 1•1-i111111 t:''"''" 11• • •II P~OCESSJHG I n 11 7 t511 t· 11111t• 1J1"1tton C:ontart ass•cts 1n payroll pra NEWPORT TIRE I • .. '""' 1-t" 'r11I I'll h 11 I k "'7'11" par;llon. mo nthly rma~ CENTER 3000 F.a st.f 496-97 ll 1~ 111 "' "'' uuh c:11 t1 .. ~11:10 11' ,,;·'·:~.~·:~. ,:,'.''.: REC Ef"TIOMIST ~·i· ~ .,,, ' " Found : blk F Creal Dane, Rancho Palos ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vl'fdes tag, Hunt Bch • I I• Ctwllh 5 I 00 754-4126 c1al rep(lrtS and other Coast ll\o\>'> Corona Del CREDIT 11 )uu all· qu.tllfll·tl ,.,, \\••rlo.111.: ••11111•1 1 1111111°" 11• 11 .., k1111 111111 n·11 i'"1t1 1 111 I o111. •1 111 1•' I SEC'Y IUEC.I c I er 1 r a 1 5 k 1 1 I, Mar ~0.QRD/ ~O 1 •he J 111" 1, 1111~ 111110, 1 111 11·11 111u 1° 1111•1 .. 1111 , ,1,..111.11,. 111 hai.:hl ~·i:.1 1''P pr1·t •111 11111 IJl(ht huokket'ptnl( Im Knowledge of busmess Atn'O~t()TIV&:.' Pu h .tfA R I I II I ... 1111u1 ~.(I ~ \1111111 II ,111 ... 1 '·''''I'"'' <:1·11 orr11 .. cl1111 .. , 111t•dtJlt• Cljll'lllOR for ma ch ines . typinR " r, IS mg, arm Ol'llh'! PN~•· 1•1 '" Jl'l'11111t 1>1.111>11·.,,,,1-. .• ,1111 l\11·1111.1 H;.I ~1711 l'hn,l1Jn on!Jn1Lat1on m1n1mum 45WPM •MECHANICS/ ne:rJ W :1r~>0r1 \l't'k' ~}~!\ti ~,1;J,~~·~·:1 ''~1': l~to•\1IJ111•' \I ::L',',~11:11'. ";1,111111'..:1: .. ". lkh.11i!.·m"111r1 l.1111 '"' lloul"orlc•\thle Sll hrs Salary Sl2S2 Sl523v.1th ~ ...... ICl" ... SGM' a nl(hlin ivi UJltvJ' I i!J\• 1·hr1st1an bark . . '~"" .. " . s1sl in uur ('rcd1l lkpt t;..t55(X)l),1·x\ S2J "''~' 1'1tJ11' 1111 'q11 h'•hl riu1,11w ilul11 nr I ~~1un1l rir1•ferr"d excellent bener11~ Thi· , ndi t 1 , II MACHINIST 1 ,,,111·1.1 11111111• '~'II' 11o11111,1111nt1 J11fr t 1o • ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• CASTING MOW! •ROeap. nee. An \yp(J e1mtday, 3·10hrs •Extra won in movies. •tnd111. training film. •SPttUTUAL lliDIM4• 1815 Si>-:t:ICamano Real, San Clemente. 492· 7296 ~u lie. Found: Basen11l. older red & wht neut m, N 8. Al rt area 898-3826 Pl b t "-"-t th ~ ~ d I a {' ~·•OU I IJI) ···~·11 al'l'Urdln~ lo ease su m1 rt'~urne '-"W•~Y grow require~ h .11ul<l11C'~.11111, t11il1111 , 1111111, \'1·1 11.1•1k "" "' to· Joan Finne,a11. (' O HOWARD Chevrole\e>. j •lve ex11crieni·1c 111 l.J'" 111,.1111f.etlu111 .,,~1110,1 ll hr' 1.1m 1·\~1t'r1tn•t· l"Jll •~ Mesa Co S Id' l ed '"""•100 ' r-tne l'Ommunll'u "'"' G~ERAL OFFICE k I I rt ii 11 I'"'' II ' c ,,, ,., ln1 "'I 70111 n o a ..-.~ 11\.\lde credit & rnlli·i· I o•rnporar. h1·lr no 1·1!1·11 " · ·' • 1 ,. · ' \1111 ''' ,., 11 ~ 1 1111-:lo 1.,,, ,. llJ' '"le Ur J, ,.,. "" Waler 01strirt 1965 1 l1 • "'Ju 1111'rn"'"'1111 • , "'''' 1•• 1• un • 1111t 1• 1 :-, , -•o 1 • :i Found : Sat evt> in Big Placentia AH . Co~la Sper1ahsts 10 tune up 1&1on.'h good11 1} Pini: 'ktlh tm"ii·rui·ufi'1'1'11r P,11,11'11~ .• ~,1 ,:: 1111 \ 1,.1111 • ,,., 111·111 • \1,,. \11 I ,1•ltl•·r I t1•· 1'"l•" '" -•· ',t1·r.1'11111·t• ~1\~~·whnu ;1'~~~0 •. C1nyoo grey Lhasa Mesa.CA 92627 elet1nral, and air rond 1 1 l' &" 1 •n l(ntt•!o\ tll r~·,111 •nl I"' 111 11 1 ,11 I \1111,111 I'·'' 1., to1 lol· \l.o"h.dl ,.,..,11, l'i·r,011 lh ... 1.iur.1111 ,·I &0 ·' ~W2&?Wellgroomed 714·6311200 net'ded! t'Jrn ni•r·i•p 01'" l'I' .. ~ l ~·~ 11 • 111cl11d111 h1.ll1h 11 """'"'" 1111 11o 1.,111 T C~8~Ll 1 lli•lpl'r hil flllml' l'hall enge~ ( ont ;11 t Jw1e 54!1 ll!lll!J •111.111, 1 , , ,,1,. •1,,.1 1 1 , A 11 t 'it't' \11 Holl' 24!Jll M F 54911131 , ' ,.; IJlll•• II I'" 111,, \ 1 I~ i••r.10~ "' u 11.1r ~·.111'"'" at Fair {' M Slso Llnl' me chan11•s 1echn1 · r~ .ves, · HARDWARE SALES ol 11 I'"• •11 11 1, r \ 1 •1 1 llm · h1·l1 1t.1' ur 111cht rcounung c1aru.needed' Dell,er) Per~o11 . full ruff timi· t 1""" l .. 11.11111111 I• 111 t .. ,. 1~11•1nu111t1 .. ,tur,11h1n '11r11n~ pl.'r,on Im •Mt•••••••••••··~··••• fttTt~TfY £~~· t • • .,. h '1 1 • t I I' ' 1 I 1 \ I -·" t p n1n" ,., _ 1me •~ ,.. r " '"' llard"an· JIO'i ~. !'11.1 .1 ",, 11 •"" ·• .1 11·111<'111 I'll 1 .. ..-111J l o I:' ... , ~ ****' T • AL >NI S1255 hrGM exp pre l ha11·~wld111111i:rt ""'>.CdM ,,, .. 1,1 :-.111 111.111 "k-tttoApelicanh" 1l~ll'11,"1 H"'""glkh 1t•l l1·11t 1·umv an ) -"~sMas~age LTD in ll unt1ni:tun ferred Pleasant work 1·or rl . rl'llubl1• .I. l.•p1•10.111•• "·'' l.•1••," • llt'11t°f1b \pkl~1np<'r~"" A ll bou k d I 111 ... 11•" r ."l111·r ~ I I l(1 ... ta111.1111 \1, ... 1 !\111 c I ~ ti J II (' ~t ..,.h ar r L~ see inK '" 111g l'Oll 1l1uns in Airport energelll i\i>Jl > 111 I 111 ""' ""' '" ~ PAC"' •GERS -1,111111111 l lllltrnl l'i·r"in "c 1 11 1 Ol(l'r ' .,. rs a ay meone expr'd m dat:i en Complex No trans person at ~t'" 11•1rt 11~1 I h 1· c: 110 11 ~ ·' 1 1 I H "' "" r .orq I 111 ",_ ID• I IJrlKir Bl 7daysa weell 1 ry c 0 m P I et~ \\Ork requirt.>d See Jolon~t 2&i2SJn '1ii: lt~lJur,1nt t.. 1!.11.1•\' \I~ II ' ' \11111 1111>1>1't,1t1•1luhJ1t..,l11 t1 5100 69 Gorgeous 51r1s to b I f .,_ •1 N u. h ~drnt" 101 .! full Ii Ill• I.. \I ,,. ''" ,, I ~.\(!<•n1'lll'l'lt I•' 1·ft•r r ... 1 ..... " I II I! M d I' h I n t' respons1 1 ti)' or rnput .,.,rv1ee " gr · ewport <><'J1' .. \ , \ 1• 1,111 \\ill I• a111 !I :111 ,\ \1 w ( "••ratur~ Ex~ ti 11uah pamper you acun1. ormerchand1semform:.i I HO~" .. ~C~ It .ord ""' k111~ Ill ,.,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sal.l\8. Locals as well as tion and preparation of .~-~e uai '-•i~.ro t Delivery pen,un~ Q\l'r IK 111111111,11 .. "h•i , llJ"' MACHl~ISTS 1. PM '.\Ion I h11r li.\.\1111 r, 11111Hl<·cl H'nl'f1h t 0 u r .1 st s Bank I reports Will train Full N~ PO T B~/\Cll ror LA Tt!Tl('lo to hOITll'\ ~~ml! 111lh th• 1u1lth1 \ ',, ... '"' I I. I" PACkAGl~G l'\t "°llllJ\ '''\'" tit 11 f( l'HOll Jllll.I & Q r FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: Ameri <.'a rd. Master benefits exrel "ork•n '1 · in C M :Jam 6Jm r. •• ..u PJ' 111111pJ111 111 \..•I 1, 111 , ~ '• I 1 111 1·1~t· \\I 11 I..'"., I'\ to I J'~''t t>-l:!'lb.'i2 Olarte. American Ex rond!Uoos t'ontart Ann 1 BAB\S11:fER m) home F..ronomv 1·Jr rt'quir1·!1 , .. r ann & \J c .1111111 '.\I irl. (ii« •" 11• I• 1 11111• 1, Ip'" l'\1 I.on ' t-.111 h1·11 .1117: SKILLS press, Diners all 81714L846•0011 1-1 B full ttml', 2 No colll•1•t 1ni: ,1\i1il.1hl1• 'l'j'" 111 ""' 11,\,, ,1, ti 1• 111·' "ll;11horllhll d l.11h111 welcome. 7141645-3433 r ----duldren 96:).7809 $400-$-150 mo I l)UOU\ Pl'i"'On Thi• liutK I' .11th Moint,nonce Mon ' 1111; "' ' '""' 1·h••I •' .ol I JfnJ);•' Ill 's \ TRAIMIMG I 2112 Harbor Bl CM '4.ssktClftt to Be-·1 --646 0037 R1"l <1UrJnl /\, !IJ "" \ (,, II"' ' " I• I I ,1J• .. I .. \1 II".,, \II I I I I( L Ill"' ~nc 111ur 1 ountn ont• au } ' 1 I> k , r " \\l't·~1·n•I «J< h month ' ~o· d "'.-· a1·~ept1n" appl1~a Dt-ntalru.~"t.int \rt'\1t11 ~111 1'"1111rt o•111 ••1 ' ''"' ! • . '/ ., '' "'"''' 111 ·'' h Cooedswouldlovetoparty Noexpeii't'rfre 1~c 0!111 ~~fo;hair~)lhsts'at looluni:forJ r1·11.mf1111 lit.'t~i't'n'.I Sl'\l t 1 J' ' I' 11111 11 ' PA~A~~RS \.1no•l\ ~t1111 11111 ..'1111! ~l~'.:r'~;; 7t;~k\~::h.' with you Les lie or lrain Newport Be.ich I Forrester Ltd Ap~) 10 I '•Hl'l' r ''II po rl u n 1 t' HOTB. 1" ll'lul '11' 1 ' ' 1 111 ~.i'.: 1 1 1 1, \I ,,11 ;~,\ 1i';'. ~I :\ h tiXi ~11:1 u l" .•. r, .. L .. a r n a 642-5'71 SY Iv 1 a , a nytime area. Call 7:52 06'1 u~k T s l 3 f-w exrellt'nt IJUlenhal fur -..irf f. "·11111 llnt••I 1 .. ,... " " • • ----·----·1 1·""""' ' .. person ue· a . h Sv.1t1·hbo11rd O(ll r ,1t111 HI h 1•1, 11 '~ 11 I \ I ' II R~~. Percon ,kill •M. '<llt'nl'Ol't' Ex ......, fOl'Mr Roseriber_& 17th St ,_C M__..§4S S370 per;onal Rr<>14 t & rt' R·-.~ r\,1t111n"t &. ~·•·1111 """ • tr.·1 ~101•\ PX dnd r" --~Uon'Wf,l•ek~uur ~"' p "'''h 1dr 1111 "'""·r "' • * • • ATLA.MT A fllM l~UTICP·MS c.inng. rho1ir.:.tdt' 1., !)(fire l l1•rk 11e1.,h-11 .ti MARKETING ART /TIME i.,1 l.o·t 11111, h "fl 11 , llfl'ITll'Ot llt'nd1h Call ~~ I u .. "h 1 hl\ur. L11:una II•··· I •ssoct•TE S4f.HR + 80MUS \lun ~,, 1.111 .Jft.-r :! fuda' lillla & Vl.Ckl''S 1 EIP.AMDJMG n.wr ~sers "'11 .:.ome perti~e lo i·omp imt•nl llotrl· Contart ~IJri:11· i· •• rr~111 ,,. """'111 , , ,,111 •ra..I 1" .,,,.11111 1 I l'\I 1,11, litm lluntm\o'lrm lkh!l62 8821 20652 ·;erview n. Neeomanagement & following needed ror I oor tui;:hb :.ktlllod team I MJrrmhJu 197 Hi'i 1 1 .~··ntJ ,\n·· u 2 3173 Huntington Beach Sales. p time & r lime pleasant. busy f u 11 Modern. pleasant o•n o•l'Utll o I"' II 111 I d rh .... ""1'' .•• ". ''" ;'lu u..., You arethewinneror "40TOMODELS Mustbematurenrat&l sen1cesalo n 1n v1ronmenl 1•\r1•ll .. 11t HOUSEKEEPER ~1:1••\ l101'1 •'~·''''''~1f•.-•I SAIL CU17ER SPECIALPERSOH four frtt tickets ($16 00) IESCOITS respon Call Plll 0 Con Nev.port lnsuran1·e benefit parl.al!e ~t~~o •t hpd & mJIOH I 1• """ "111"'11·11 ul 1111'111 1""111"1 ''1".'' .wr '1' l'Jrt 111111 mulh e r s value 14the BACK & BETTER nor l714 ISS94 930 T F bend• ls. lop pa I QUd It f 1l'd :'\ t' ... po r I 1n ttef, ·s1 4'>551 I"' uqi 11 1' f 111 t .. r ·1 I 11 •111" lout 11"1 0'. ,,k hl'l111•r O•'l'lkd for ram•I.\ ntANEVER' 24HRS 9am·12 Se~eral rsilion~a\atfa Beach(~-407!122 MATEJUAL '""''~'''''"I.ti• lol ,,, /.trlilooll'lll +n .. tl•loatShow bin t'a "tarl· for 10 ll<>L'"'K•-LJ>Fll 11\ I· -h111rl11 i., 11'""'""1lo· .• 111 :wo1 uf ~(lt't1JI <•h1ld Exper CONVENTION • w~ ... , ''\d Hein' '"2 "'78 tervaev.,642·61&1 1 •Dental Rt.>l'l'IJllOlll'l I'\ fo1 fa1111h "'"I""' l,t\I i •11•1 'I" Jlo.11.~ ANAHEIM 'tct0~07 I ' 1• .,r. c.r. -COMTROL I ht'l~fulhu1.,.,1lltra1n lhe tea I) ~ '"'" "" ...., -part ltmt' \\I ~., Hih :.it<'J \l.,•lt p.orrl SUPERVISOR .,1 ,.,\ ,.d 1 ,.,, )'~ SALES nt? l IJt'Nln Chtld care CENTER Apnl 17·25 •1 ,.1 .t penenc·ed. m•al m.ituro ,.v; ttl't:I \\H "' "111 I• fl 111 • 111 , ,, "~•id 111, .11.ul r , I" r11111111 I'« r'"" &. 'Jrt1·1I hnu-.ehold To claim tiekets. call•--------I II y I M .................... eruoys ntl'<' p.itwnh 10 .1 I 111. • • 11 • 1 .1 1. r , .. 1111111 111 .d 111 n•'l~h~I I' I .. r I-1 lur rlu•1t·' ~t..nd' & 2 3 642·S678, ext. 272. velcompan1on~S9-69, UI .. 1 plea.~anl hu~'<1rl1n•"1th lnll'rnatu•nJI 1°111 \'·'"' •1'11.111w 111~1 1r""11i11.I 11·1i•11\ 1 \11 '1'""'i 'l"'tl.ill\ ,,.,111 11 1·o11 ll\t•rn1~ht,pt•rv.k l,ook· Ticket.s must bt clauned wanted by retire<i lady : Rreat st a f( \I"'' 111• <tpcnin)! I "> "' ""' 1 "' I 11 ltl ,1 1'1• • 011111.ir;' ol .1, , , ~ I , hu I' 111 '\" 1t1 111 h in~ lor •1ll I\ e r1utdoor by April 23, 1982. lo sbr adventures & ex· : . ~harp. ~a I a r \ II pi· 11 in llrani;t· l '111101' "'''~ "·" "' 11111111 d1.it' "I'' ' I 11. Ill o " 1~:11>1'•• ~lt'r.,.111"' •1 i:ood po~1tl\ e * ~;I~. o~'h!gc~ror '?.' . DISTRICT MANAGER . ~~or t ",. n ti· r :~~tJ;t/,n~:~··~:r'.' 11fi~1. ;~'~ t~111~ .~';~~;,' 'i'1 c ~;'.,, ',1 r ~ ... ~ .' ' ' 'o1" !'>.1h·"' JI 't 1u1 r .. 11 fur f'~t.:~"',' • .~·:,1,: ~.;s :~~ Pb (213)~2680 :\In I ' • 1 1 .1 A. h ,1 ,, 111·1111111:t1 ,,, I 1 "·'1 '.1• I< '' ·'" ilr.1111·r\ ~ • .o•J•t•I 111 111 -..ii.tr' 111mml'n~u rate · -ThtS highly successful local newspaper Make a gn·a1 1lt\1·11\•0n "''Hl'lan.il ,i.111 ••.• ,..,1 ,.~1 •. ,;'1.,,.,.' 1 , 111, 1,';,,,. }I h• 1 1'. i1111~1' 1111 f11111 1•.111l 11.11n1111! ..,. •'\II•'' llW ilD Telephone Fa.otasy has an opening In the-ciTclllatton de-: Shop r la,,~ 1I11••1 f ri r , ,,~, nn11t1,. " 1'•H"1 ritr ,1 u;or•n , 11,1 11 ,. n111 ht•11d11 pr··~ r:i m ForW-ormaUOOTeadlna Converi.ut ion w ith : I toda} , 11c,t '"''' ,.,1c.t' vi h11rnor !'.,11.01 11 PART TIME .... 1:11,, "11•h1·r\ l1t\l'r' lt'drh & lo the recover)' or GT Michelle. Mc Vi s a partment for a District Manager. Basic : 642 5678 nq;clliJl>li• 1 all HI ., ~· l:;1;,• ·,' :,•t,1;,:~1.;l:::· :~" .. : t • 1 f1 1 " "' I• • ,,.11 111•1·1llt 1 r dft £am ~~:m: arcri 1 nJe .b ~k0~~ s:JM370 skills wtll en tall supervision of 10 to 14 • ,111 111 .1• ,1 ,, 1 '" "r. • •: 1 •r "·111' Slit SL'I hr ·~!! fi:i!l1I crank set, yellow wfieeb .... _ ... Ser-Yk~s 5160 year old boy and girl home delive r y :.~ 1,· I a1·1y P1·1a1' ................... "··: '\~~II• 11• I II '"''"'" ;,,."11:1 • •• ";.r::: I MAKE A BUCK & tires. Taken rrom •••••••••••••••••••••• carriers. Areas of supervision will be "11 h ·"' \l ll I "·1 "'"l ST ART HERE "il111h•111 ,J111l~ I ancer for Ba chelor •""'I' •11 '"' 1.011 •I llw i .. , \lll!i•h·~ l 11111·' Beach & lndlanapo is, delivery,rollect1ons and sales.Selectecl r"''''1.,,1,111r, '"lt·n I •.•t•tt;1111111l.1t11111 ll1·••t 111• HEY ! H 8 approx 2 weeks Parties Attractive I · · • " ' "--IR~~ ·-.. · 1...n 1 app 1cants will receive re~larly schedu-· Ill' .... '''I" r' '", 11· 11·11tl-. h.a-l""1t1ur•• "I"'" BOYS---... ago r leue rail ~-9832. ... .. ttmate, must ca I 10 led bo rt lJ and Part tlmf' rx·rsnn lll de h\'l'f l>al h 1'11111 ", ,1 1. I nut 111.11 Ill ' ii, ' \' ,, I 1 l'!il "''"' v.1111lrl I OU I e tu reservation 5 days mad raises, nus oppo uru es many : I : ""'"', \\, ,.1111 , , PART TIME r1·p11·"·111,11 1" "111 II •'Jtn ." mw Ii J~ $.SO 00 a van c e . l't1 on fr 1 fringe benefits such as company paid auto route m Lag B<·h· i d<Jvi. pt·r "'k , ,.11,.111 ~.11,11 , ~ "1,1 klll.. '' l 'I '''""'I '"11th 10,1111 .on h1•11rl' "Ji.:• • v. .. ·~ fl•• ,uu hke rlrh e ~~~,.,.....__642~ 7»5518,askforLmdm dentalandhealthplan.grouplifemsu-.. MF' {',IOP ~l ... m111 111Cl•1 .... i:, .. ,,, '1"""11 1 '11' 11 ·"1 1·•11•••111'111mm1''""'' inm•111 'l'"'"'"'P•zza .._ ~ -" . I about i hrs pt·r d.1~ 1• 1 1 f •1• r 11.:-1.1r 1 1 •h.11p Ir 1 ., •· 1 ni 1 h rti .,.,,__ ranee. vacatJon and sick leave-Company . : ",, 1 ''" ir i: • 111 11 ' ~·111 1•m r 11r 1.1 • ic J\' pll es SO 15 "--~ SO I 5 · Sa S )AM i I 1 '"1 i.• 11 n • .il '" l''"'I'"" 1111111 111111 ""·''I' 1.itl plu' m.1m "lhl•r 1h1ngs~ -nDl2&Clf vehicle IS furnished during working ; I ; ' l· un-. ~'111 ,.;1,~ ~"' ,111,r1 ,,1 ~,n '" rt • 111 '" J1111 1111 .. 11 .,,, ~" L\I l,'l•I 11111111111.,.,ould probab~ 'tllllllllllliliiiiiliiiiiiiii•'ii1ii•li••ii•ii•ii••ii•ii01i•ii11ii'ii.ii1iia'ii"1ii1~·· hours. Applicants must'--over 18, have ·· 1 ·· MUST LIVE IN LA'· B<.'JI REA 1' • '1 ""1 1 •II 11'111 t 11 k 1 "'-' "' A Nu ~11l11111lr1·,11m .. 111!h1111 ,.1 11 ·~I It.I ,,1,.1111 1 ...._1,,,1 ~11'1 ' (Hn1,111 •'llJO' "or tnl! a good driviug record and be neat ap-: : 1°•111 ,,.J.11' hr '"" '" '"''' , fui 11• WE'RE LOOKING µearing Hours are generally Monday . • l'Ollecong Earnings $.IOU P''r monlh Jrnl 1'n':.',~ i1;;':~·: '"•!Ii'; I ' '" ~Hf1f~\rR(it,ll\I, ~llo~~:~ llH\~/,':,i~t:e , .. lllm ""''• AllMllWIMI ...... thru Fnday. Some overtime available If up CalJ -Daily Prim. n-12-1:$:.? I IH 11;11111 • '1attl,• II :-,.. 11 ""' 1 \ m Ylll Tll ''"" ·" 111 ~ '\1,1t h11n .. st Jnd de you a:-e quahf1cd and interested in !ear·. •r.-:t 1 \t111 11111Wr1rh1 Pl 111 l S \ F'l 1 <· S"rn1n.ir p1•nd.1l1l1 & phone for call h<tl'k & llllNVJl'"" ~ 11 ~ \I r ano ' II t c; II I ' r 11 \I ~ ' 3 \\111 k .. rt .. r ,rhool and ning the circulation business. contact . OUI of h'"~? l'llT E' 1 I \I. 111, S.Hurda" Don Williams. Apply in person, 8:30 to tr1bu1111,h1p· ·''·"' 1 \I.I TUI>" •, ~I "I Stll' \11111•1 ~•I\ ( .... ,.,,.,'I' We need $250,000 to\al. Minimum $25,000 per Investor to finance g rowth In wholesale lighting company. lo.·30AM or 2.·00 to 5PM ._, / . ..n, ~ :~,." '\."'; :.!•Jti nr SJ! o-u7 °':::: :;:." ............... ' ' . ' .... ' ... ' ' .. L ..... 0 .... ·, lEIJ' ''o" d ··~" ... " f. ~-) ; • -! ~::t~::·.,·~·'.,',;~:;"' ::n:;,::· ... ""• '""' 3~~:~~~~~ UNEMP -,. . 6.-:ii&.~~ .::.,,1. ~::~-1·1~:t~1:::.\~"r11.;~ mm.n.-... Tuu F.qual O · Em I .,.... ll'rl ~I'm n."' · om TYPESITTER pporturuty poyer ~ 1111,,1111 1omp.1rh '\1•t•1lt•rl n111ht~ and WUY 114/111-UU .. ........................................ · April 18 -24 Honor your Secretary in a special way this year. On Sunday, "Pfil 18. the Daily Pilot will publlsh a special pagt honoring area Secrttar~s. For only S20 you can havr your srcrttary "framtd" rn a 2-~•· x 3" box on our speclal pagt. Stnd htr or his p1cturt and a few lines of copy to us ttlllng tht wOfld why your srcrttary 1s tht greattst, and ~·n do tht rtSt. With your order your secretary w ill bt entered in our "Secretary of tht Year" conttst, and If sht "' ht wins, thty w1• bt hono<ed In an extra ~clal wiy by tht Daily Pilot Dt-adflnt Is Wedntsday. ,.\prll 14 ~- so don't Mia)' .. reurvt your space today , • w ith your Omltled Ad-Visor at 642-5678 '\ · <7 .., .... NEED A JOB? Let us help you find an employer The Daily Pilot Irvine M11ror & Mission Viejo Mirror will print your employment·wanterl ad There Is absolutely no charge to you. We will print your employment-wanted ad on Sunday, April 18 in the Dally Pilot & again on Wednesday. April 21 in the Daily Pilot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror rea - ching over 200,000 adult readers. Use the coupon below to list your job title, your qualifications & telephone number. Mail or bring your ad to the Daily Pilot before Thursday, April 15. This offer applies to any person who Is presently unem- ployed. Not applicable to those seeking baby-sitting, housecleaning, at-home work or other service type employment. {Please print in 25 words or less) My n.1M l1 (l'IOt lor pUbfbllonl ~Pillt m~r ilirrnrs _.__.___.~ lll'1wf1t., 11111 tr.1111 ,1.,11 I llt'(•k1•mh Rt>plat•cnwnt ~-,qop,..irJll• 1 A. i:11111I l•"t11nn for 3 months iO ·1•·11111~ '''"'1111,tl \pJlh "'"rii-!)t'r minute SI\ r · 1 • "" I -\J l en n , , .1 11· 1 I 1o1.11 mo n t h' e' p e ri en r e \I lllJ'< l'loin nttJ ( ~I m1111mum rcquJred Ap I ,11 Sl'H ~.~., FH Wanrlu" t.. ph tu l\'r,on11el "' ~~'~is:,'!0' hcomo.• 1m1h "111 t1.11n Or~ Coast 641 SUI 11 llft'(I Cll-\ ll11111111i,:ton D.~IY.Pilot Hr h ;)JI, li.."ilo 1 3'.lrl, Ba) St l o~t.i ~1e!>a \\\'\I \t 1111\ S.·11' :-.oil' ~1 II' \111! 11·11 An Equal Opp\) Emplr ( l.1 "''" \ t hi:.!~·"·" 'l.1--1i11•ct hl'lp h-1~ '1loil< -- - ( l.._ __ <t __ (:: __ -::, __ } ) iWANTED ( ( <O ) ) I I wspaper , Carriers for routes I in Huntington Beach, ' Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Earnings CALL Super lrips CIRCULATION • DEPARTMENT Great Pri2s Dlilyl'llt • 842-4321 i ca , Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tund1y, Aprll 13, 1982 ...... -...... .IMlll&. ... 1 w ·-..... ~ ..... -;;( ...................................... , .................. . WllUY '111 .._ t74t ,..,. '171..., fffl ca.IAM cA11 c;;;·a;·;::;•i -:;;:;;:;;·;····· 71·YCi¥aiUiA •• GT;·;:;; .. a;i::.~-: •T• AMDTIUCll . ' alr stet _.,~, O<OlUo~&AJM i Ooo~. coH•lu l • ~ ...................... .. --ol • ., ••••••, ------• ownet low m\'"'' u•td ·n c.u rl VI, • 1pd, _..:.::.,.1 MUI. taYICI .._, . '!::'!'*,,!!-!: ,...... Ul Blick ona halrl. ....................... AM/,..NOCJll,111, ~·lW'IM Of Im· ~ I ,....IM";.-, r;. Wef PMa = :ld•'>.'f.'::.· ~: PAC MAM 9060 l~~~AfJ al ~ar ___ ,, __ ma • t•mae. llMIDlttdltutaodlO RY ii ~II 1ne'1Hp T~llh TablUla or cll<'trir can Coln OP.eraied by ....................... READ!kSAND , mn. te1J1iblt f1mt1. I RTf tl~u. iri''o car' Vt i'rt 0 i11la 1 oprntr N.~ loll of 11 midway. Sil down m>e "' lnterest In Columbia ADVERTlstRS .... f7JO D I J J 2 J o r --(Zltlll ). ~l~l al oo· ~1pool quallfltd t.tnllon6111vt SlrdfittR!OO.fii·~ 4$' Motor uller, xlnl Tbt price of ltema tMMltlYll. ••••••••••u•o•••• .. •• 714/llEBCE.Dt:S lt 2lJ IAlll•I ly Sltff. arl• Ille sr•-e #'ti ~r•onnel v • Wome11'1 bei1e coat w. ~o :blt•:~g:r' tJ~~t advtrtlaed by veblclt ToP-clollinl or--Sporu 1 lt72D3TIUN «7Hl~G1·ZDI 1•YOlf0 111d I:·~~~·1f.,\:~ ror • call worll. In the =!:J"'L\mt fur colltr, never worn, dellera In tlie vehicle ea.. 8 c UIOO. ·Hit IC/nl In t IO~M. ffirt.r --S •t M< ........ ..., cla11lfled d ti I ••• ISUIJ, ampera ood. I ' .... 1 ~A 111••,. Blv..L_ Co1t1 M•11 pre..,,.. •rt• Al least Mix I Ur ·rer·.,...·<lW! I 1 d• ver • 1na 914'1,Audfa ' I l'Ond on 6 lilt ,_, , . . new "'"""' s.o .....,JAO.Hf7 ~ .. , Yt•r experience'" . Air Dome pool eocl . ,ccoluudm111A Yo .. "11ot bnl· AlkforU/CMOR '1rut,..~1f' mtluJt! '*'JHHH4'1 -,O-RD_r ,1 ypnetu111 . p111e up, 10•0 swtm all ~r. Savt on cy-oo.11 t• t n •PP ca e 1111» "'9 Nl·40ft cf1y1 lMO I rmonl umera OP• ti 1111 ... b -" • Wet. Ctnk, tuntftr JIMMAllMO I 7 ' rt .m, mo., $EL,. BuutlM '1tloValyo»t OL. loade4, SQlircW11on.Oor1t"''• p 111 t ma ~1 on, rr ....................... =~~ II · Xlnl cond. s-1. fm. U.1 rectr feet, flnanc• char&H. YOLllW£a.. ~wlUl bl1cli lu ther mill t mini tond. mlnt whllt w/alr ccmd , nece1ury You1 ~~stb! **I RUY** ...,,.,J!!IT,Hi·M . ..._..wltlaltrtt. f•fOl'~lrpolluOoncon· 1fftr&achlJIYa: 1!7c!J't~:il~~X.,1~ '. Al~~t000extcraa11. pwr. "·:..~automatic available to worll. on 1 Good use'a'T'\irnilurt!" M~ketlttr aolf cart IMO u.H'7 ...... 11.000 lroldevlcecertlflcatlona HUNT1NGTON8EACH cOndltlonlnJ, and 'AM· • .~-'· · • ............ ._...... Ollly 22.-mllu .. ve aubellt11te or call in Appliances OR I wlll wilhchar ero 61J·OH J I na or or dealer documentary 1----!IM:.&.11~~-~ P'M~.Ntwmtlalllc ---now Ottr11d1torv1c•· bub. Salary de~nd~ on atllorSELL ror You PftPll'•Uon chat1u un :.\...._ 1ilver fl.n.llh with deluxe 'Sil Mrrcedel Benz 220S ....... •••••••••••••••• lion. 1$4'ZAV). Call ~1.pert&nu Contact MASTaS AUCTION '.wt ~·t! l:'tbe~~g~,~~t'lfltd .--ln ttrlo r st Ila b V«Y.des>end1blt AMC HOI nqw, ukforDavtJonta. Ptreonntl. , .. L AL•L •ll:JUS. Contracfor s surplus --------Y UOTIC economy. (ZU~CP l. 11@!. W ·9510 ....................... 'lblodore Robina Ford. CHat -_....._. ~ • paint H~ghest quality IMh.SNpl/ ._... "" HtO lalT1SHCAIS 142111. Earle Ike Toyota· W. '74Z '74 GrtmUn AMC. Air. 142-1»10. Piiot 111101 . Sinclair. Dunn Dodll 9070 ....................... ~.2o•edH•rcboarr sB.lv''d'·. ....................... llra100dl?J;!7 .'no. f'pml ''.. • .. "ED BafSl .. MUST SILL Edwards. Pitt1bur1h •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• WUIJ(D _..,, --~~ --· L_. Ml eo.ta Mtaa m aho111ny cfoubTt btd and others In 111 colors M eo.~~111. t4t·H OI ATTIMTIOM Mm H t o JI IUJ ~:r·•?pptyEmplyr :h!~m!~~~:~'on ~e0,0d~ r~,~~ !~r!\sSe~J Up IOS!ft~c8' area M BUY ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---bolrd specialty paints S3 to fl 1800 ifr j\ Call Pe11Y IU ~~MG ~ Ctaulr Car! ·as Skylark LATIMODIL WAJTRESSESIWAITER ~080 6317797aft6 pergal.OnsaleApnl17 or C.rne, 71'1$H4'3 L.ATIMODEL redt0nvtrt mtcb 'ti· w/car for wicker basket & 18 from 9 AM to 4Pm wk-dtf.$ USED C ••s flUI w~·a •• 71_.fiR ~.~IAe rt11ored. USID CAIS lunch ser~ 9 30 I 30 at our warehouse at 1261 Shore moorin1 & bo11, AA Ntvtr UHCI, fl$ - ---WILSOM fOID Monf'r1 EarnSISOSl7S llUYFURMITURE So Simpson Cir 1n ~meUdolllelocallon WILSONfOIO Mari &31 97 I c.a.c ttl5 " willy Must be nul Les 9S7 lh33 Anaheim 57 Fwri to Ball ........, at\ 7 30PM lll'Tl"l~miilnm"~~~·~~·T~7~~v~t~m~l~ll •-c n-a,.h Blvd !!!!!.! -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~us ' ~l'10tlable & tml'rgl'llr ~ So<as new. ~ u 10 Rd West on Ba I, South 1825$ Be1cb Blvd. Hunlinllon Buch 0747 alt 10 AM for lo\tselL,, S88 ea Mat on Sunk1st. Wesl on ~-H......., HunungtonBeac:h l~~~MllU~~~MM 9744 COMTIMfUTIMCi 14z_6611 ~ tresses $39 957 5708 =onFboRskrr~0; ~~r ·-142-661 I ~~~~~~~~~······················· Wt .£~f Tta~ -------WANTED QuJl1f1tJ Floatauon Wa1erbed. t.nfo645-057• sllri avaU-7!4/846·776'! .: '-cl tor.ti ror lr:''b0u':1~eu ea l'OWlltr person fur lion K1njt site, excellent! ------or IJ•w.?·13$9 -~/ 19711 D1tsun B2l0 2 door llf~"lrrrB-'fid:'::w . ecullve&proltuion1I 'Ill FORD Gain~ 500 2 door JIO V-8. automatic-. 11r cond • 11wr at It da M1C dealer C•rnto1t l"OOd psi) 963 91411 Windsurfer <~a Male t Up 10 44' 111lbo1l shp.' Cliukt 9520 w1lh an economical 4 chrome paint. lonneau, Joe~78399 Qut!t' bed ·Standard site, good Newport Beach area ••••••••••••••••••••••• speed lrans . radio & bra. upbol' rtblt eng, &.....,,Seledloll WOOD S~OP box ns~~~gs h:' "d~\~ ~Ot~~s~7~~!l. S500 or _ 673·4150 l MODB. "14."\! lfU ~ll·& healer. Very clean' much much more OfMtw tft2 lnter""I ,, ' .. ( frame Kini¢ KoJ extra ----~ BOAT SLJPS AVAIL 1 Sht)' replffu. pickups c.......... ' (~JHl Yours for just $3.ll00.6411-7211 C.••c.a pe~ ':afhr5h0J0t/k~':{ firm S250 bbl o rr ·29 MBZ S~ns Rephca NewportBch25".4S'.io' & roupes. j lo choose ,._,o.u0>wuo.•or ~Earle Ike Toyota· "17 MGB Lo mi. mint Mewl.Stock! ldealror rollegeslutletll ~7~ k1t r11ron 70VWframe 642·46449·5,l!m from! t0011768l (Stk Used Ca r S1lea rond. AM i FM radio over 21 Boys Club of the Must sell llanest (jold &reblteng 'Homplete ----A:IBJ). Pnces starting T• n..llar ~~~~sa:boa4:~v3ij Red. $3900 1 owner. NAJtf(R~ HarborArea,C M For Recliner. ~Int <'<Ind S349SOys 557·l900.eves loah.SpHdl at .,..,. 63H687 ~·8372 $145, 9st 9289 e1 557·9Q9 •• ~ ••••••••••••• 9.0 •• 1.0. ONLY S9.H51 p.ad 54().~ -CAD LI .. r\ .. D,.Sl'-MfRS HOME • '78 :!Im. Mmt l'ond Ong '"9"f '748 WORDPROCESSOH Twm bed set mattress. l{~sefulfoT '-~autllul l~"SKI BOAT ForYourCar' owner 21.000 mi ••••••••••••••••••••••• holXl H ... 1,.., .• ,..,, Dictaphone Anet•2000& box sprin1t. frame . "" NEWTRAILER At AM FM 1982 ''"'·'\\''' O,J\I 111\l Dual Display flex I bit' hdbrd, xlnt rond. St25 antiques & rare pie<·es W 548·9691 JOHNSON & SOM st~r~m. :if 1~~,: v. blk mt S hours. 3 da~ Wl'l'k ' ~0466 Priredtosell' Must see l..IK•M• M·W' Thurs Sat' F.x to apprectate Call for Wltfa'tbii~rvl S7900 152 16 77 da ARE HERE! per· d Ex 1,.1110 1 n ll Kmg s1zt• mattress sl't a p pt , 61$ 3 7 3 8 or TrwtlflOrlaHow Costa Mes_L_~·S630 64().0871 ev Co~ in and dm·e the servire Nonbmoker hkenev. $200 I ~~askforJani:t •••••••••••••••••••••••! ·11 1200. auto. am rm leading diesel! Anlla· ~~J1te, 549 ~188 644 2564 ; SI00.1976 Montreal Olym c-.1"• Sdt/ pa~~~1~::'y~~;3srar cassette $1300 OBO bit for 1mmed1ale de· WORD PROCt:SSO R Sola ~tlt'tk-an bagrha1r. p1csGoldCotn ror S200 a.... 91 201 '29FordSportCoupe (foreignordomestic) 63l~or631tJS6 livery ' See v.·bl· peoplt need l' d 1 m rn l' d 'Int rood S50 552-6236 499-@i() •••••••••••••••••••••• $2700 111 (oOd cond1l1on ·77 280Zi 40K m1. I ov. ner. are 5 w 1"' h 1 n g 1 0 8 o WPM h I' .i \ \ theme~l>age) Ping Pon~ Tbl xlnt rond CA MPER S HELL Call675 3175 ' Set Us First' met b ue . a c. am rm . Peugeot' transrnpllon req l'oni 2 rt'fng P.t ea hdrk ma $6.5 best orr l~\lne area Stockland Fits 68 12 El •29 Pord Sedan de It very-CB. more Xlnt rond BUCH IMPORTS puter exper., plu\ 1M t·he'>l $60 •torai:e 5.5272l!O r .. muno I Y• old Xlnt 'unrestored Have llltt' 63156211 MlbOve S'treel Located Lagu11.i lh h i·ab$40 !">46 07611 . I Mickey Mouse Phone £ro4J32~ .. 541 llM!> ~-675-317~--_ _:_ ·72 Datsun 240Z Xlnt NEWPORT BEACH xlnl salal) fall Uebr.i BAMBOO TABLr "ith Purcliased f'rom P;mru MotoriwcUll&es 91401 '29 MBZ S~rts Rephca cood New tire), air. 4 -7_5.2dlCJJHl 494-!N84 l(lri-..<.top S50 Tel~e'8C>,64S 0284 ••••••••••••••••••••••• kit rar on 70 VW rrame ~ '3500 !175 0746 Mtrc.t..ciH •976329 ..... BATAVUSMO PED &reblteng •-,complete 'T1 :!Im Mell blue Xln t oncM 9750 •••••••••••••••••••••••'KING ISNF:RSPRlSG Instr-Rb IOl 3 ~cellentCond SOOm1 13495. Dys557·1900, eves tn out AM FM sound ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1005• EXTRA FIRM mattress ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!""' 752 1499 551·~ s~tem_j5195.Jl57·676_1 _ MEJSTER ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~~~ek~s~d~I N~~~~ Warehouse Sale Bach l~Ue~ 0G8t,a nL~:a _11H8 11.111•11 llhtl Delore. 9721 DESIGHEIS HOME U'>ed queen •Z. worth Conn. fend~r. Gibson. 75&-~ · '§4 IUJCI \'ECIA.L t '"'·' '"''·' ).lll OH• ••••••••••••••••••••••• POR~CME/AUDI ·ai Cpe de VIiie, assume eiustuig financing CMI Lori. 833 2009 or tvt•s ~l229 THILAICiHT SIUCTION of l1le modtl, low miluse Cad1lh1cs 111 Southern California' MAIERS w~~ti~d COSTA MESA _540-18.60 ·77 Sevtlll' 77K miles loaded S6500 ti 5pm Moo_ Fn ~ 0353 brU Mutt lee la ap prec1ate. Make offer. hn1ndng au1lable 1ZVS50l I Call now. ask for Davr J o ne a ~Robins f ord 642·0010. '74LTO 4-dt Reauiar &at. runs aood . spaclou1 family car Make offer 640·5228 after6 m & W nda '76 Granada. 2 dr. 6 C)'I. cherry' A r. radio JP)IJ ~.,,527=-z.l __ 1913 Pord Dix. Gran Tonno. Kint cond Pv. r, huter .. AC' Sl l9~ S4t> ZZ2S 9'45 ·········•·•···•······• 69 LINCOLN CONT Good transportation filr ~080 _548~ 73 Mark I\' Lmroln. nt'w radial llm. nev. paint ll'I) dean Must see Wt'f'kdljS art 5, 751 5U6_ ~ 9952 ..•.................... Rare piano 11'1( cl<•,k 1399 l·ash onl) $218 del J BL. Pea HY · ~IX R · RTVt_J:RA with 65 ,514 MEW t363TJfarliO ~Tvd E)igl 0H1t·t' dt'~k ~:n~I . li~uall,> home, 754 7350 ~~ Ya ma ha etr MotwcoJ!,l:•/ nules Garaged. Never WI IUY Garden Groi•t surround. & mJn\lr-; .. ..., full'lte mattress -~ Sc 9150 hit Very hne S4 .000 USEDCARS&'rRUCKS I OELOIEAN Wn-SenicH.ea1"'4) ~~°t!:'dl'~t~r~ 72 MUSTANGGrande 2 others M,u'~ 'l'l'. to .ip 't'l. oox '>pnnf,1 & mat Offiu FotinWtwe & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 080 673·CMSI Eves or COME IN OR 7 JUl6.-illl fullJ..l'9wPped. 891 ~361 Door Rea,l~~e ~er1ate 675 ~:Jll!I ur I trr~~. $f;O :'olev. qut•en Eqii,_.wt IOl5 HARLEY DM'M>SON early AM CALL FOR t•OS0:\71 oran1te w 3S \ 8. S.3738forap1>t . .i~kfor 1 M't,$I00 7505832 •••••••••••••••••••••••Knuckle Basket rase. FIH~PPllAISAL I $24,950 'll1Porsrhe924Turbo & '72~d.runsxlnt,murh automattt•, AM FM J_anet . , Exttutlve desk & rhr 6 mos l ly or 1 I( 1 n a I 4 \AA......J ft...1 · COrm1er-D-eLnlo H-...D '80 Porsrhe 924 Both r('(·ent work SWO firm stereo· v in> I 'u P &.-II 80 I 0 ~.slate Salt' bt>aut pecan drwr tnrl f1hn1e dr~r Sl600 OBO .... _.... ........ 9550 c~~~~~~ "" A loaded Take over lse S36·9'Y.>7 t'1r.ant'1nj! a\ atlabll' ..,.,.....ctt "~rroked 1·urrel' & end w d 36 60 S200 548·1Y.>93 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I s~rv.• ........ 2!1.Ymt'flls 714 825_1808 '"" Sdn dn VIie. ltJ·· nu 11lli2761l Ca llnow.Jsk ••••••••••••••••••••••• tahle set matt·hinR wall 00 · x 1979 FORD 4x4 short bed 18211 A I VO "'""' "" ~ ~, r or 0 a\ e Jo 11" s HARBOR ARfA · 1' d 2 · I 642-4IZ'I Yam11ha CSI , looks new d HUNTlNGTON BEACll · arner '78 924. exrell cond. 31K body, motor xlnt lo mt Theodore Robins f'urd APPL( 'N(.'L' SL'l;\'l('L" units. ~o 1 state s ro d steps1 e Automatic. 1 1t4"7""'0 ma mags a S8•oo CO'ltWI ~,. 41311 '' '" r. \ '' ur \'On.sole t1 $225 odk IBM .. Exerut1ve .. elel· ':JJ nee s work · pw r st & brak es . 147-4017 or ..,....... "' V' -· • • tr "' r>""" .....,. &\2·0010 Weselln:l'On1I l(uar hdrmM!I <Spri r ustom typewriter. recently l /080 499-1260 Tacoma mags. over i4.t·lllJ ..,.. 9725 49'Z·ss.;!6_ ro 9917 "68CON\"ERTIBLE aj)plianre~ ~·1!1 31177 sufo & love >t'JI. or111. scrvtted~J125 551_5642 l91t SUZUKI sized tires. sliding rear i ·•••••••••••••••••••••• ·75 911S Elec sunroof. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \'II. auto. air. ps. i.lnt 1IUY14.f'PLl • ... ~r.s Sl~I sarr SS~ elegant Oesks. Executive. J61t72 #!..~I ~OEX wind, rem•vable lop .... -. ...__..._.... ··,~ fiat S~yder luw new tires. like new , 1979 Chevrolt'l Caman1 c'OOd $4900 t m 4242 Les "'" '" unusrd ~orati ed No .. Doub I e shar p --....,........... · h d 33,000 original miles !JS 11133 JWlk Can help mo\'e Sl25 30x60 Sl 25 sohd Vance Ines pipe \IU81041t Call now. ask ••••••••••••••••••••••• muca&t ec buun 1.~~ !!42·~e,es fUll pov.er. ;11r tond OW.llDbile 9955 Rerr1gt>rat or $1 75 &51Jtl!611 w~L~J1!!.~!!. __ Suiuk1 ra1ring1 6.000 ror Dave Jones ~ t701 l22S(l B06315426 stereo rasst•tte ttlt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Washer & dr} er it25 ~.i -,... 1017 nulel Mint Cona $2995 'Theodore Robins Fo d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anh 9726 Royct 9756 v.hel'I. rruiH «ontrol. 1980 O LOS l' u t I a~, D 1 s h v. .i , ht' r S 11111 fr Pro\ !'offer table. Call_J1m 951 8399 ~,., 0010 r . ..., Sapporo loaded air ••• •••••••••• • ••••• •• • •• •• rail) v.·twels & more' S 0 h Cheri) m Twn bed . ••••••••••••••••••••••• """"--""' . • . •••••••••••••••••••• I NP t II b . uprt'ml' orouR am 646-~ (tr., Jg frame nev. S75 Well mannered 51yr old '82 SUZUKI GS 4SO EX frwcb 9560 s~reo, S si>d, 15900 ~st 1.979 FORQ fiesta Real "l DEALER IN U.S.A. hni~h "!,~1~ ~~ddl~o7;1 Loaded v. till autse. Refnderalur rrobt liec 'l;;it hnAn •tuifAd "hair Yellow Na~Amaion, ~ m1 $1300 Call Jerr olr 834-l~ays. 552 8275 economy for S2595 t t8J3XNR •• .,.,.. pv. r st' at~ AM ~-M hke nev. dt'.tn s1:15 Ju"TI lUSh111n hack S7S _,, 1900. ask .,, ,pm !!'!!'!"it= ·73 Chev Suburban --buy lodav Finaor1n11 Earle Ike To)Ota 1"1nt• ~t~ ~ :;:.It's" A troe~I .. ~ ~ ~ ' _,... 080 -" • rn 1w1!1 ....................... eves t!U4334} Tesl dn1e and Ifi&CAR\/ER enor 1 ..,.,"" t dd J te}!llSO li754174 ror Cindy McNulty 1.978 Honda 7SOF Super power & air. 99K , ex: AHaa-o 9705 av11lable'Callnow ask nrt..r"'C Used Car Sain sharp car 1it2Z BXi SS refng Ph1lro ford Courh Chair & I.amp. between8-4pm SJ>Orl Blk w chrome .:-ellenl. S2JSO 960-2514. • ...................... r or Dave Jon· rs l'Lll '-L l!l66 l9'10 Harbor Blvd C.ill nov. and S.1\ r A>k al'ocad<i gm, xlnt 1011d Ci<>Od Cond S75 Ea s Le r B r a ls 2 Kerker hdr 8500 mt 11978 DODGE 12 Ton Short Alla 1600 Theodore Robins Ford ~~~ ~:':~· Costa Mesa 646 9303 ( 0 r D 3 1 I' J 0 n t>) ~ 54(; 0261! art lif'\I 963 ~i peathrace lovebirds Mini cond Musi stt Bed Pickup 38 000 lo Vtloce Coe•enloll7 642 0010 ClOSIO SUNOAYS • • ~9467 Throdort> Rnh1ns Ford GE hi) di~ v.,"ht•I 8 1 n1..~h dr brov.n sofa ~~41_n_c~~ded s_so IS50 OBO 547 184~ miles w 6 cyl "econ . All parts lo conven 101 i........._.,_ i8 Camaro clean lov. &&20010 w muubaskelSl50 1'°'11h ·ond sss ~ --Ha.DA.TRAIL90 I pwr st automatic 1600 lo Veloce. exc ~ 9727 oyota 9765 nu.$4850.assum p)rnh 642 4127 840 3869 Lovebirds. Peach Face 125() 548 9691 , AM FM tape. dual gas PISlons S1400 919 2748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1bJe 7S4 0460 WANTED TO BUY ..... h h 11 . smgles Pairs Rrt>edinl! I tanks Real sharp truck after~or~knds WE'RE 1972 Toyota Cor olla -... _._.. 9920 'd:r~h~rt!'~ni:;·,;i:"si':~ {~ '2 Seah Ht di•d lied Pairs $20.:175 5481419 MotorHo.1 Sole/ 111'894531 Call now ask ·73 All s d rf 1 Wagon Automattl' .__."""" 642 1W 14 s..C.:/7m~laid ~ISll . --a...t/Storocj. 9160 for Dave Jone s rOf'su~nfi'r.e~~n~x.I~~ l trans , radio. heater.••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ & Ol"CJlll'I 1090 •••••••••••••••••••• ···1 Theodor~ Robins Ford Body ~~p int i:ood DEALI N' roof rack & an ex rep • wu•TED Kenmore portJblt· cit> Waterbed Solid oak Ttm ••••••••··~··•••••••••• Converted bread van 642-~IO _ l"OOd.~ 494 6815 uonal 10 yr old car M hwasher v.1th rh11p111ni.: 1 berline Mdl 1\ei er used Kimball t;pnght piano E)ig gd nice inside nds ~--pnced to sell (417GIOI TO BUY board top S50 l S.185 romslt'IP or t?85 ssoo bt:st orrer lvnne e.a_~n_I . 'minor repa1ri. . Uffltv Tr11dt IMW 9712 1uuEDIATE I Earle Ike Toyota f tne 49'7·6329LagunJ lllh frame&h brdonl\ <.:all ar:t~~7260 ~ Bnan646·4524 67 Chevf, nice bodyl ••••••••••••••••••••••• IWlll I Us ed Car Sa leb I •TE MODEL G-E DRYER. hkt• nt:'"I Rob li4SW2 TV.Rocio. ,,..,..., Tn n.t 9170 ~~1~1/VW~~l~,o~~ &' . ' DELIVERY ON t:t~97~~::bo~4f~v3~,j USED CARS j~eto~1 ~~'n~t•r r.11 GarorJt S. 8055 HIR, Steno 1091 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~1958 ~~ _ WILSON FORD -· -· ........ ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••··~··•••••••Trailer, is· 01·erall. 1977 DATSUN King Cah MOST licyc'" 8020 ~l1crowa\t' T\ Antenna. Beeline. fully equ1p'd A Pickup Double sharp ·76 ~lie~ new paint, 5 •••••••••••••• .. ••• ••• • MOVl"'G S •LE l~t run movies. $159 inst doll' Call 675 8465 aft with air cond . AM 'FM CREVIER BMW sp . A 'FM Sll'reo. tll'lSS Beach Blvd Schwinn r rw,er, 1 dn~l' M•lPlt> ~1ri.eo. "'marble 9_am·l!J>m 6311-8724 6.2.mJ>rwknds rass . custom wheels. lo MODELS 1-zood rond S3200 Huntinl(ton Beat'h rorks. xlnt rnnd . S1~11 !'Offt'\' tahle. ~ood rnrree Marantz stereo receiver. down & pymts F1nanc 1\e h~'U -~llSI_ IU4.6 I I Qf!O. Gal) 7521\.113 tahlf'. maple bed ,\ntq walnut cabinet, Sony rng available. 11F86576) '77 Toyota Corona like l . ..:a..c...M...r.... • I 8025 Siniier s1•v.1ng mHh tWTI!able~PJO 615 ~044 TINT TlAILY Call now. ask for Dave IMW-1 Art tn! SAVE new Air. r1wind defog, SEE US FIRST! •--J UT,.na 1 lo\·e seat. oil painltng. Hardfof>-,sleepsupto8 Jones Theodore Robins A Tew remaining '81 4 door,~!w brakes &I Wehaveagooasele<'t•on ••••••••••••••••••••••• di.shes. rlothes ;s9 v; I~ 4 2 Pwr Amplifier. Very clean with a like Ford 642 oo_to. _ Models & Demos are 1 t.ires ~-Call Doug or NEW & US f. o .... OW 3t ,FI 9 h R w 11 I Shure PE56D m1<' newtentLotsorseatind sllll available' Wt Tonn(workJ673 1434 Che 1.e~• " ' 1 t 201 1 a aee 645-7236 Anthony art 1ns1de and storag; 19761'150 speciahie in· EuroJ>t'an AT -· . vrol".., Redwood 2x er in..:. Woodsr 631 8141 ~PM__ room. also lots or room delivery and flawless 1S>Cress1da Wagon. fully C~MElL CHEVROLET LATE MODEL USED CARS WILSON FORD 111255 Bnrh Blvd Hun11n1iton Be a t•h 842-66 IJ 1971 OLDS Cutia )' Supreme Dark per~1m mo n v. a 11 t' x l r a ~ Padded v.h1te top. 1111 cruise AM fM tapP pv.r '4tnd & dtKlr locks A pretty. pretl\ <'ar l ISISP'I' 1 Ca II no.o ask fo r Da\t' J one~ Tht'odore Rubtn' Ford 642 OOtO 4,.2()'long .L1.115or,c>'1,.r>od 19·· Son£· Tnn1tron SJ7•j to carry our while s2•0Fer-do 'lck.tmda•·s pre-0wned8MW's ~. 61cyl. audio. 2126 enc1ng ov.•·' prt• t• Horws 8060 ., '· s1"sso 99 ..., 9 ., fo-0 ~ U-.1: , Where Customer HONDA mpg. x nl con $7650 guar Jim nr Ke n f'irm \·es I traveung 7 . ....,7 152-~_.e"._esSS!l.:0319 "·-·iceCome slst' 549-0066 ___ .. 5.Sl-821S '79 cMMl2·dr 7 9 •• •••• ••••• ••.......... _64&Sl39 t3<'J y - 4 CUTLA.CiS Sl rF R D1 E ~11me ... 75 14 1 Stak~ produr111g mare ·m Chevy ~.T pickup. 6 Sales·~rv1ce Leasing '76 <:erolla. • dr. 4 spd, BROUG HAM $471111 ~HJT!••• Iii' I ""l\\1t .... \ S46-l 200 C-rcn& blatk l>VC in fval lo loClh & Mcrhtt fr91en, Ufflty 9110 tylperlmtc cond. Sl200 ~W lsl.SantaAna ong owner. S2900 or·or Makeotrer7526499 Eqilfl""M 8030 -~1·ratJrt.ll Uelav.are IEilPP"".t ··~··•••••••••••••••••• 67!~--1714 1835·3111 SANTA fer.Pvt a11L7608618 ··.=1...···· ·-·--·o ••••••••••••••••••••••• (h1er ma1e In rual to ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 dualaxletra1ler,good .,_ 9570 CJcMdSund.!l' r..i.-a. 97L'9 i3ChevyNova.350 auto. "'73 Omega ()Jib 6 ryl A 1 r .it J ri a t 2 ~ r GeMf'llll 90 1 O rond $650 ' • .._,,.... .,-, PS. PB. nev. paint nev. hat r h b .i r k l d r D.AlKROOM Uel..iv.are ('h1er fill\ · 957-8606 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1't Moat bcitfltcJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ores. good merhan1ral ~7S make ofr 960 603!1 Start your darkroom tu rmm ~t.ike' produrmr· ······~················ -is Ford l ton Econohne , .. Of Yow ANA 119'19 TRIU MPH Sptlhre rond Call 8SO 1710 artt'r day' With a lle'l'lt·r mare. in traininf.1 Yr 17 NonaCanoe New all steel 5xl0 ut1I 250,3Sleng,auto,ps.pb. IMWPwdteMOr Real clean with only 1 3.lim_ ......, 9957 23Cll enlarger( (•nl.HI( in~ i\Crntanal ro31 rrom Asking S3SO trlr. ramp. brakrs & 1mlfm stereo cassette. LteM ,.~ •-2S,OOO miles Low down. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mg lenses sa elo ght & t:ikes produrmf mare Craig 675·1372 S.J1!!~ 642 89l5 oew trans. many other --Io w pa y_ me n ts • COIYETTE "Ml PINTO RBT Sport) r1llers,electron1l l1m1·1 ranbt'sttn at lan~on s IOFTPORTABOAT Almost new utility new parts, runs well. Mcl.sttllMW!! Parts&Serv1ceOJ>t'n l~XWA).Call nowand HlWIHl red 2 door Runabout vanous eai;els & eq·n !'>tork f'.arm~. 3i6t3 Folds to 4· nat Ideal service body with loc.k perfect for fixing up for AllOa*S1turday ask for Dave Jones Loaded. glass top<; ett with automat1r & lo ~r 1~~~~~1~i~ ",\1 ~:.,pl<made ,\\ llemel dinghyorrishmi.: Value '"II compartments ror ll~~~O~ work , Jl.~=~! ~~1~·we~~~~M~~~I ~e Robins Ford Serm0,'1217 ~;'~i510 i~~~n"'ri'~': in excellent rnnd1tuin <2l3 iS97 7013 Sll45Sell 1495 num lrurk. S800 Firm l!M · -'514 OMLY $11,491! a\ a1l1ble 1807YT A," W1llsellaspat·kagt•on ~Goods 8065 7}17300 646-'2.Staftersem ·12 Dodge 300 . rbll 141522.5333 540-7430 cAsWOIJN 9770 HOWAl~Clltt•roltt Call nov. ask for Da1e I}' J500 751 IWU6 eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14' Inflatable Runabout 4u1o Senkt, 'orb ~~~ns ~~3~~-Dy OIAMCiE COUNTY'S ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Oo\re! ail Sts Jones Theodore Robins Cota IOlS ROX Spnng 1double 1 ,ind with trailer & 25 HP & 14.cctaaories 9400 • ev · I '82 Honda Civics. 4 Dr. ·73 VW Westra ha Cm pr. NEWPO T BEACH f'ord 642 0010 MATIRESSS2.s Evinrude motor S800 ....................... W..t.cl 9590 $137.47 + lax Pt'r mo. P·27, hard lo find. very ll].0555 pt, B ••u•r•me•••5•e••k• 1 • 1 •l=n•s•.•.•,.•3•b•• 1 : _ 4ll7·6329 Lag lich ~2028. aft7PM ...................... Cl<lled end 48 mo. lease. clean [7950. 496·0314 Ph,_.,._........ H60 ~ ' r AJ1<>~vers (714)6~' 0119 1973 Mall bu Laguna ••••••••••••••••••••••• C f' A 9 weeks $11S Misc~J IOIO loah. MsiM ATTINTION WEHHD YOUI ~ '"' ' '76 VW BUG Very dean body & 1n '71 CUDA 383, 4 spd, PS. Studav11il 839 0972 ....................... IEilpi,_..t 9030 GOOD USED CAI! W.. t7l8 Xlnt cond. lo mi. silver. l.fnor. Ent?t nol run· PB. high performanre M C -f'.shrer ~1gned rare •••••••••••••••••••• •• • MG. All)ltlling consicfered. ~~as in ....................... $3000 firm. 559-0466 !!In~· .4553 ~/bst orr 642·4627 DoCJI 8040 e&161100 Schola5ttCa "\' WDIAC CADET JO'. gel ~~~ 19'1'1tbru1980 N...ll '74 VW BUG •K•E·~.·1·o•N•D•••P•u·~;·A··K·c~· 1'a('es and Rod1es·· rond.S700,call T2_•·MGA's.·11v_.8EIR ~ IY"C1 c:~. Xlnlcond,yellow. Cadl1ufll HlO ,....._ HH ~ .-:..., woodcut pnnt E"<c~llfnt 675 9981 .-'"° N,.A...L.7~f\-I;. fi ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chimp mt M t' Pet & condillon' Phone Jim at ---· --Never used, fl5 ~w..IJlllflDPf'lltl()lll mn 559-0466 1976 CONTINENTAL 4 WHIJ£D s h ow P 1· t pt y 556 2620 d a s 0 r EVIN RU DE 9 9 H' P 1 Maria631·7'797 Ive msg L · tfW!'Ol!-..OO 11 611> '66SQUAREBACK Door. Mint while w1lh M 213/897·1.3451ft 6j>m "9'16.133 Y · long shaft. lo hrs. go • .~ Late 19 --;L low miles, D50orwillp1rt out red luther interior. e1enmgs cond 675-9961 --------new cont"rnru-out. As· 645·9947 ll'DOll roof & all tht IOY5 TO BUY Qi1Mw StlClf Pel Shut~ers. 4 panel each, 24 90 .. 0 UTE BODYWORK & •Ii. Or-ttC.-Y swnt 1 ....... wi~h low i'n· •711 R bb"t Fln111cmg 1va1lable A M pup1,4 mos_~6 1395 x94 . rough lt'a I nut ~ painl·up lo~ orr your -a 1 i... runs grut s·-car (12$702> Call 1 •JI ~01t.• ruushL~ 963410!!. -•••••••••••••••••••••• bod s est.536·9832 292SHarborBlvd terestnilt.Cll Anll\ony A/C, AM/r M CISS., re· ~· -"""" .... •Poodles "R .. People• 'Owens Tahitian. ltve-COSTAMESA days M2-57$T, evtt & sb uJ ~~nice. 131·7958. now and ask for One USIDCAIS T·CU~. Toy. '200 lo 12)5' lo1·eseats S300ra aboard slip avail Call wtndsUt ~OITOUI ~!OBQ. Jones Thtodore Robins ~ Pets Boarded & 4·x3· ornate w mirror J d H ALFA ROMEO PARTS Ford. M2·1»10. -~ m11 uroomed s.6-2848_ Sl!IS &'4·9805 dy 673-90SI u a Y 0 r 1 r v f Y All parts lo ronvert 101 "16 m . lint cond, looks PlllT 14.&IDA • '.16 bua, beautiful clean ......,. rv ev 642-46f4btwn9am-5pm l600 to Veloce, exc WE PAY arut, am/fm attreo, PIPIT & red boify. Exctllent 1n-~ 1125.SBuch Blvd y~1l~.'~&~fn~~ 12 n1 Mk ~ S5SO pistons 11400 Dennis, TOP DOLL -"R mewUres . Ml•.. ... Wlior and mech1111cal Corv r pow Nffds Hwlllllaton Staci\ 5bot1.I@! 5468624 1l : rt~ ·~:rte .f'v3 5250 '78 27~ft BAYLINER 979-2748 after 6pm or A '72 Grttn 2002. Mtch. •AGUnl 1 •497·1'11 m~i= 142-6611 OobitP\lprwes.red.AKC. 644·~di..6!3·90$1tv Jl~~~·o,r:,~itb~::;: ~· FOIUSIDCAAS new. AM /FM sttreo ms •n catall\&'6-mt IMe--~tce.•'·1n-Mp ttJ• '73 Grand Prt1. on~ b tt· I 450 SL Cloth to&. new .............. MA... a>oater. Clean Bel Ofr \«ior~ .... Loww-~lllel red• 950 • -" -Xlnt .. _ t 1mp1on 1nts . ACRYLIC NAILS S30, deoth€inder,outriigers ....,. ...... _SL u"" ---" 18 .,.....,,..,..,._ , . ..,, ~rst 1p1rtmenl' find water at Peter's Land· balance of loan. PP~ · ~HirloflJTvcr Got m~ to uy but J'~ •S TH-4S3·ZZ'71 74~· 8 tYI. Pwr. 1tr. ' · -- sh '68-37~ New York Salon on lhe wilh lr1Uer. win stll _,.,, I ..-v sea -POMTIAC/IUlilU ..... =..:=-----~ . m . . . ....................... IZ!A p p no-a one lhlt'• Ju1t n1bt ID ltll Clll64a-2M3 1~·,~srn~ J:.~yl!I~~ ~:: COSTA MESA ea""11'uur: boro"'r 'rorlsaydllt ? ~-• t I ,•,un~f. ~· 4~t 'ot~flnt _1. __ moo_...!:lll.~U...---I ei.ailltd.MHl78 21.H82·1004.84§·0036 enll}', ~,m111 H ,meat == or.._ tr. call. M2=M78 hclp(W ad vies. Hl·MI!. 9'f!r, 1f7-m1 llH!!!!! aft. I., YO!J "AUTO" Drive Into Spring Orange County International , Aute~::~! Sh . l l Ylll 11111111 llllY PIPll TUESDAY. APRIL l:J. l~Hl:! ORANGE COUNTY CA LIFORNIA 25 CEN TS Coast voter tll~hout 'light to steady' Voter turnout ln La1una Beach wu ateady by mid-. mornin1 today, wlth the City Clerk predicUna a 46 to 60 per- cent tumout by the 8 p.m . closinC of the polla. The same could not be utd for Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, where poll l.napectora re- ported a llaht turnout 'by 10 a.m. La1una Beach reailtnu are electln1 three City Council members from a fle1d of nine contestanta. In Huntington Beach, where dty offtclalt expect o'nly 16 per- cent of the voten to tum out, 16 candidates are .eeJdni four 1eats on the Cty Council. And ln Fountain Valley, 10 Dely .......... ., CMrtle S'9IT ESCAPISM? -There all kinds of ways of getting away from it all, as demon.Su ted by this obviously unidentified student who found repose Monday on second floor of ad- ministration building at UC Irvine. Grades came out this week. Maybe that explains it. Motorist gets 240 days in auto deilth A 21-year-old reaident of Orange has been.eentenced to 240 days in jail and three years pro- bation in the hit-and-run death of Newport Beach 26-year-old Donald Barry Warner. Warner. was killed last Sep- tember while crossing Balboa Boulevard at 31st Street. Samuel Gibbs, the driver of the hit-and-run vehicle who waited nearly a month to sur- render himlelf to police, pleaded guilty last week to felony hlt- and-run and felony manslaught· er charges during a pretrial con- ference at ~ County Su~ rior Court, court oftidlla said. Assistant District Attorney Michael Dow said Gibbs must begin his jail term by May 14 and will have hia driver's license suspended for an as-yet - undetermined period. The maximum penalty for the charges, Dow pointed out, would WORLD have been nearly four years in state prison. The hit-and-run death of Warner created conaiderable at- tention in Newport when officers found the death car le91 than 48 boon after the incident but were unable to arrest Gibbs, the re- gistered owner of the car. Police arres1ed Gibbs, who re- partedly abandoned the car in a Whittier shopping center, .after a witness identified him as the driver. A passenger in Gibbs' car tes- tified during a preliminary hea- ring lut year that they pulled over to the curb after hitting Warner, saw his body in the middle of the street and sped off. The pauenger testified that he and Gibbs panicked. Police alleged but were unable to fJl'OVt! in court that Gibbs WM driving with h1a car lilbta out. C-130 crasb lcills 27 ANKARA. Turkey (AP) - A U.S. Air Force C-130 trampart plane expJoded in the alr. bunt Into flames and crubed in wt.em 'turkey today. a Turkish military 1pokemnan uid . He Mid all 27 Americana abou'd were kllled. NATION R eagan baclc.s gun bill ' Columnllt Ja AndellOO aya Pr 18c\ent BMp'l . auppona le11a. laUon that would mak~ lt euler to 2 zs WMt.e bim apin. Pliie ~· . - ViJwinia wiibdnw• N D6 • ~ atat.e of Virllnla II. DUntn. tbl ~ -c..rry Me Beck co Old Vlrlinia" lrom lravel brOcbW'M ..._ ol a9'ofc'e .... II nail&.,.~· I . ' hopefula are vyiq for three eeats on the Cty'lf Council. Voting inapec:ton ln all areu of Luuna uld a lteedy ltream of vofera wu 1howlng up at the polla, with Betty Barrus at Top of the World Elementary School reporting 120 of the 823 registe- red votera c:utina their votes by lOa.m. "There'• never a Ume when aomeone im't ln here voq," she aald. But the turnout in Huntinaton Beach waa called "terrible," "apathetic" and "very poor" by election ottid.ai.. At the Warner Fire Station in the Huntington Harbour area, seven of the 1,200 reptered vo- ten had cast ballots by 8:45 a .m. At a residence in the northeast part of the city, 17 of 1,650 re- ptered voters had ahowed up at the polls at 8:45 a.m. An hour later the total "swelled" to 24. "Apathy is the word," said Rosemary Newell, a voting in- spector, who has worked elec- tioos for 21 years. Doubling of county flights I ''The turnout la very poor.''1 echoed another inspector, Virgi- nia Owens. ' In Fountain Valley, where 28,200 people are registered to vote, city officials were hoping for a turnout of more than 20 percent. In the 1980 council elec- tion, only 14 perttnt visited the polls. J .udge nixes PSA hid By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL o<111eo.-, ......... A Pacific Southwest Airlines plan to double its flights from John Wayne Airport isn't getting off \he ground. Late Monday a.ftemoon, a U.S. District C.ourt judge turned aside· the airline's request to increase its flight allocation from two to four. Judge Terry Hatter said PSA should make the request to county airport officials. Haig ·e nds talks on Falklands Whether PSA will press the request remained unknown to- day. But if the airline decides to broach the issue with the county, the reception isn't likely to be aocommodating. Murry Cable, airpart manager, said PSA could gam flights one of two ways -via an increase in the county's 41-flight per day li- mit on jet departures or re- allocation of flights among the LO NOON (AP) -U.S. Secre- tary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. ended two days oft.alb with Britiab leaden today oo the dis- --Falkbad 'ltn M~ ct.-_..,,..,~,.,, parted for Wuhington to brief J>resldent Reagan on "some new ldea1" to avert "'(ar between Britain and Argentina. He aaid he would return to Buenol Aires 800l'l. Talk:i.ng brieO. to reporters at London's Heathrow Airport, Haig did not specify the ideas, and stresaed "the whole situation in the region is dangerous and increasingly so, and therefore there's a great urgency in finding a political solution." Haig was expected to arrive in Washington at 4:30 p.m. PST and it was considered unlikely be (See FALJU..AND. Pase A%) five commercial airlines serving the airport. Cable said there is no support among county supervieors for ei- ther move. ''The board is committed to the 41-fllght cap. It's an a,bsolute," Cable said. And, he said, there will be no new allocation of flights other than that outlined in a recently adopted county plan to rej{U}ate Mesa woman due sentence on se x charge ' Sentencing has been scheduled for May 21 for a 23-year-old Costa Mesa woman who pleaded no contest Monday to charges that she participated in sexual activities with a 13-year-old girl in Huntington Harbour. o.ly "°' ....... by Gery....__ SHORT TRIP -F.clith's Trip, a 30-foot sailboat out of Venice, ran aground at Capistrano Beach Monday and remained there today as owner Steve Moore tried to salvage it. Moore plan- ned to patch torn hull today and again try to refloat the vesael. Defenaant Teena Shoobs entered her plea before Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron S. Brown. Teamsters' ·strike in second week Last Friday, three other de- fendants ln the case pleaded no contest to aex perversion charges involving activities with girls aged 9 and 13. Two of them, John Steen, 56, and his wife Christi, 30, were alleged to have videotaped the events in their Huntington Harbour home. They were arrested last May. STATE Negotiations still ha"e not been scheduled as a strike by more than 2,000 Teamsters who haul rock. sand and' concrete in Orange and Los Angeles counties stretched into its aecond week. A representative of the Cali- fmnla Rode Products and Ready Mix C.oncrete Aaociationa said Douglas eyes n ew j e t U bualne. piCka up. McDonnell Doualu miCht bWld a 160-pemmger jet next year with a group of · Japeneee oompaniee. Page B4. Park closed tbird day BJ TM AIMClate41 Preu Y ~te National Park nma.lned clmed a third day ln a row today• a laDltartan telted water in a ~~ line repladna one damapd by weekend COUNTY that, while letters between the seven striking unions and the associations have been ex- changed, a negotiating session has yet to be acheduled. Teamsters walked off their jobs April 5 after narrowly re- jecting a propoeed contract. INDEX At Your Service A4 F.rma Bambeck B2 L.M. Boyd A6 Buainels B4s6 California A6 Cavalcade · B2 Clallified CA..S Qmial .. B3 en.word B3 Death Notices CA Editorial A6 Entel'tainment B6 SPORTS commercial air carriers' access to the airport. Under that plan, scheduled to go into efCect June 1, PSA would be among carriers that could qualify for additional flights. That plan will be the subject of a May 10 hearing before Judge Hatter. He has retained jurisdic- tion over the access issue since last year when PSA initiated le- (See PSA, Page A!) Ravaged N B hotel examine d By ST-EVE MARBLE Of the Deity Piiot Sl8ft ' Newport Beach fire investiga- tors continued to sift through the rubble of the Balboa Bay View H otel today, examining the charred remains of a small che- mical lab reportedly set up in one , room of the now-gutted struc- ture. Firemen said large quantities of DSMO, a cleaning solution popular as an externally admi- nistered medicine, were disco- vered in one room of the Palm Avenue establishment, a seoond- story hotel overlooking the Bal- boa Island ferry landing on the Peninswla. Authorities cautio•ned that they're still unsure what trigge- red the pre-dawn blaze Mol'\day that caused $400,000 damage, I took 35 firefighters more than three hours to extinguish and left 19 hot.el tenants homel~. I Investigators also said it has not been determined whether or not DSMO is flammable. Hotel guests, none of whom were injured, have been provi- ded temporary lodging at a nearby Balboa hotel by the Orange County chapter of the Red Cross. The tenants were all full-time residents of the aging hotel. Several said that they lost all their personal belonginga in the blaze. Hotel guests interviewed late Monday declined to talk about the fire or what might have tou- ched it off. Three commercial outlets -« bar, an ice cream stand and a gift shop -on the first floor were damaged by water used to d~ the fire. Firemen said the i" cream stock in Kati's lee Cre.m Bars was turned into a sticky mess by the heat from the flamel. Hona'Ope 82 Intermiasion B6 Ann Landers 82 Movies B6 National News A3 Public Notices B4,C3-4 Sports Cl-3 Stock Markets ,85 Televtaion A7 'n\Nters B6 Weether A2 World News A3 Ea1e"rlaimns the lrooptJ An1eJ. open home "'aaon lt W11 Warld Wer D .U ovw tpln M the NatklDal Amodatkln °' .. t Adan ... OYW' thl .... Am Bowl.PhomlJ .... Bl . .. ·' The ~II open thMr home MMan tOn&l)it at MeMm ....,.,. ...... the .. tdit ........ ind *-to 40.000.,. ~ ..... Cl. PSA FLIGHTS •.. gal action aga.lnat the county ln fta bid to expand lll Orange County aervtce. "We've sot an aoceea plan, and ' •that '• what we're going with," C4ble uJd. County Supervisor Th omas 'Riley, wboee district lncludes the .&lrport, haa said he would resilt 'hny attempt by PSA to increue lta exiatlng level of service by 1any means other than the me- thod propoeed ln the klCela plan. PSA '• desire to inoreaae lta Oranae County eervlce became known when the Officlal Airline Guide containing upcomina ln- duatry ached ule chanaea was publlahed. PSA llated three round-trip flight.a from Orange Cou nty to San Francboo and one round-trip fU,h t from San Jose to Orange CoUnty. FALKLAND ISLANDS .. • Tr•tlle 'murder' Coulltian gives innocent plea A 2'7·year-old Buena Park man p1ellded Innocent today ln Orange County Superior Court to murder char1•• involving the Dec. 23 traffic' death of a 60-year-old Hunttnaton Beach mother of nine. Judae LW. Cardenas achedu-' led delendant William R. Eden tor a jury trial June 7. 1areua J .. n McFall, w ho had pulled her car off the roadway· when mechanical trouble deve- loped. With her In t he vehicle waa her 14-year-old dauahter Therea, who auffe.red minor ln· jurte9 ln the acdd.tnt. would meet with the president tonight. • Haig left on a U.S. Air Foree jet after six days of shuttling between London and Buenos Aires in his bid to settle peace- fully the dispute over Argen- tina's seizure of the British co- lony -which Argentina~ the Malvtnas. "We have now received IOrDe new ideaa.," he said. "While the parties are considering t heae ideas, it'll provide an opportunity for me to return to Washington to report to President Reagan prior to proceeding to Buenos ~shortly." AI W~ LONG DISTANCE -In 1980, Timothy Pico penned a note, stuck it in a bottle and launched it into the Pl!Cific Ocean from Catalina Island. He got ft back from a young woman in the · Philippines. See story, Page A4, Deputy l>iltrict Attorney Doug Woodtmall did that Eden's case ii the fint in Oranae County in which a driver baa been charged whb second-degree murder ttemmina from a traffic death. Accident defendants nonnally are c~aed with man.slaughter, he said. Police nab cyclist after crash A high-speed cN.e up to 100 mph through the city of Costa Mesa Monday night ended when the 22-year-old motorcycliat crashed, police aaid. Securltles seheme Too many cooks Eden, w h o is free on $~.000 bail, a1ao la charged with vehicu- lar manslaughter and felony drunk.en driYin8. The prosecutor said the mur- der and manslaughter charges are being ottered simultaoeously to give jurors a choice. Steven John Esqu ivel of Whittier was arrested on suspi- cion of driving under the in- fluence and evading an officer. He remains in police custody. Hearing delayed in El Toro case in big chili cook off Killed in the pre-Christmas accident along the shoulder of the Orange Freeway was Mar- Esquivel and a passeng er, Clifford -K.ellena, 23, of El Monte, were treated and releued from Costa Mesa Memorial Hoepital. South Orange County Munici- pal Court Judge David Carter Monday continued until May 12 a preliminary hearing for Ralph W. McDonald, who is accused by authorities of allegedly operating a multi-million dollar securities scheme. The on e-month delay was agreed to by attorneys for both sides in the Golden Eagle In- vestment Company case invol- ving McDonald and co-defendant David Belfrey Biggins, of San Clemente. USC lease eyed tonight Newport-Mesa Unified School District trustees meet tonight to teview the contested University of Southern California lease of Corona del Mar Elementary School. Last month the state coastal comm.iasion turned down a re- quest by the college to convert the elementary school to a col- lege. use officials have asked di- strict officials to let them out of the lease contract. Trustees will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Harper Community Cent- er, 425 E. 18th Street, Costa Mesa. McDonald, of San Juan Capi- strano, and Biggins, face 35 counts each ranging from grand theft to'selling securities without a license. Both men are free on bail. The pair were arrested in early February in a raid on Golden F.agle's offices in El Toro where Sheriff's depu:ies allege they found $850,000 in cash, along with several weaPOns. Sheriff's investigators paint a picture of high-stakes financial dealings that apparently allowed Golden Eagle to build a multi- million dollar empire from scratch. Investigators claim Golden Eagle, u nder McDonald's sole proprietorship, obtained mor e than $1 1 million from investon1. In retu rn for their money, the investors -believed to be about 1,000 in number -were promi- sed monthly in terest rates of between 10 and 30 percent. T he money, they were told, waa to be used to provide short- term. ~-interest loans to com- merdal real art.ate bcx rowen. But deputiee allege McDonald was paying off early inveatora with money coming in from later investors. The Di.strict Attorney's office will attempt to prove the funda· were never really being invested in short term real estate loans as promised. By GLENN SCOTT ot'the Delly Not IUft A sudden stir of interest in a highly publicized chili cookoff in Irvine's Bommer Canyon Satur- day has organizers in a fix. Almost all of the 3,000 entry badges sold at $5 a head are gone and officials have the unwelcome task of politely asking others not to show up at the one-time cattle camp without badges. "It kind of snowballed," ex- plained Carol Schroeder, execu- tive director of sponsoring Irvine Chamber of Commerce . "The more people heard about it, the mor e they wanted to participate." Thus, orga.nll.ers met last week and decided to initiate a cam- paign this week -complete with paid advertisements -thanking Bandit robs HB savings Police are ~king a man who indicated he had a gun under his coat and robbed a Huntington Beach savings and Joan office of about $1 ,500 Monday. The holdup occurred at 1:30 p.m. at Gibraltar Savings, 7777 ~er Ave., police said. No-injuries were reported in the incident. The robber was de- acribed as 20 to 25 years old, with an olive complexion, acne on his cheeks and chin, about 5-feet-6 inches tall, 150 pounds, wearing sung'la5'e9 and tennis shoes. Clouds to • reina1n Cout had cloudy """· Ch••• .... ptewKed ~ Flortd&, Nft Englend. the oentral Rodllel llnCI llOUlhem Plat-. Coastal Fair through Wednetday with variable high clooda end eome late night and early morning low clouds Highs tod•Y In mid~ at the beeches to low 701 Inland. Hunllngton-N-port area tern~ returea range from a lllgh of 65 to a low of~- The fot-t ellll for l'lln -Ille Peclllc NortTlwMI and In Ille N«ttlea1, with~.,_.. over the upper Olllo and T~ -vllleya and tM touthem llnCI ml0-Atlen1le Coat ll9tee. Temperaturee •ound the nstlor early tod•y ranged from 1t tr Houlton, Maine, to 76 In Key Wes1 FIL EIMWl'Mlfe. from Point Concepll- on to the Melllcan bofdet and out 60 miles. w .. tefly Winds 10 to 1f. knots with 2-to 3-loot wind wavn thl• ellernoon Otherwlae. loght variable wind• through tonight Some low cloud• and 1oca1 log. Olher'WIM llllr through Wodne«lay T empe ratures Californi a Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplla Jadlan MS Store away th<>M rain aoaked Jtdlan'll!le Ea1ter ba1ket1, and thoee over-Juneau coat• In regular uM alnce OC1o-K-City be<. Southern Calllomla -th« Lu Vegu ii •tarting to do wtlat II do8I beet l~~~~ -a 1tMdy. eunny wwmth. .,.,. •• "' The lhor1 range and tono-range Lubbock forecaata through Saturday are MemM~ loyOUlly repetitive -alclet Wiii be fw and tll'l'l11«atur91 -rmer. Mttwaukee There •e the ueulll eicoept1on1. Mplt St.P Coutal MCtlona Will haYe aome ~~ night end morning low clouda. ..._ York •nd •ome gu•ty -at to north· ~ ..... -1erty wind• up to 30 m!IM per ""''""' hour are expected In the moun-No. Piette taint and ci.Mrt a through Wed-~City "89day. 0'1ando High temperaturea will be moetty In the low 70. 1ge1r1 Wed-==-netday In Loe Angeiee end IUf· rounding area, lncludlng Ille ~ • OOMt Ptlend, ,.. l Mountain 1119h• wlll M In Ille Pr~..:..?:! ? 50a wttll lowe In the 30t. Thi .. ,w;;;;-• aeru .. tw¥I 111gtie ~ 1n die l'Wlo { 70. and low eo.. .... L9ke J e. Antcno ; 8-tle 1 Extended :== J St L°'* I ~orecast et , Temi» MATlOM .. Lo Pre. 52 30 59 35 80 71 79 65 71 57 76 159 715 52 47 30 81 51 n 54 78 60 74 84 90 57 75 S3 75 74 47 42 55 38 .02 76 82 76 62 64 45 58 so 78 33 93 54 18 43 nM 66 42 • t5 57 IO 51 f7 55 45 .26 53 31 11 r IO ~ .24 17 5S 52 41 ,3() •1 se 87 32 71 53 n at • 13 .71 • ~ Santa Barbel• e.3 46 Santa Marte 84 Stodrton 65 50 Trlnkled Verecruz 90 73 .02 62 73 CANADA 55 37 Thermel " Celgary Ulll8h se Edmonton 37 32 e.r.t-77 !le Montreal 47 30 Big Bear 54 33 .32 Ott-• 46 3-4 43 33 Blthop 69 4 1 Regine L.-lle Anowhead 50 34 .Ot Toronto 47 37 Long 8-:t'I 70 55 Vancouver 51 43 54 26 MOMM8 75 4a Winnipeg Mt. Wiiton 62 35 .015 ----------Newpot1 a..cti 84 46 0n1..io 67 51 Plllm 8prtnga M M San Bernardino 87 48 San Joee e.3 5, .06 Santa Artli 70 57 Santa Cn4 84 53 T llloe Vflfwy 43 35 PAN~M Smog The Air Ouallly Manaoement Ol- •lrlct . predlcll gOOd air quality to- day throughout the South CoHt Air Ba.in With a pollution atand•rd lnde .. rating OI 42 In 1111 areas. Acep11co to 75 .oe ---------------------Berbedoe • 76 T ;des ...,.... ea ee .04 ., &ogoc. ee ao ew-ea 11 Guectd'llr• 92 59 Oe•d'daupe ee 75 Hevwte 75 KingltOn .. 73 MonYgo Bay 12 ....... 1368 Meftde t7 .. Meiwtoo Oty 12 50 Mor-•9Y t7 66 Sen~ .. .,. T9011dgafpe 86 88 TODAY Second low 4:59 p.in. 2..5 Sec:ond lllatt 11:41 p.m. 4,3 ftDNuDA't Fnt low 7:49 a.m. 0.7 Fnt hlQtl 12:37 p.rn. 4.0 Seconc!low t :17 p.m. 0.7 ~ 111g11 e:oe a.m. 3.2 Sun 11t1 today at e:2a 1.m .• na. Wedne9day 91 5:24 a.m. MOon "'89 today at 11:27 p.m., Mtli Wedneedey et t:S4 a.m. I P 11 119 Mar1e f SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~ l COASTAL AND MOUNT AIN S~ AREAi -Fair and warm. High • TGS*ta lemperat\.tr91 es to rs 1n coeata1 Tuoeon and vtiay .,_ and Iowa ~ to 114. Tutea H1g1W In ~ 62 10 82 end Wllfllngtn IW 41 .oa ,~~---~-----:-----­'47 • .GI 'Iii 1owe 30 to 40. Wkllllll . .. .. 57 • Ill 91 .7 . ., c~ ........ 71 .. llyh • -.... 87 ....... ,.... ., .. &.-..... ~~ r7 ., ... ,.... • 11 ......,. . ...... . OIMllld .... ,..._.... .. 41 """..... • .. .ot ~-== ==-· 5 i ;lllf llPIRT ,.. ,.. . ..... T~ .. .. II.I ..... Ill.I .... .., 11 11 17.0 17 TOMOMOW'I TIJU, L.• fM '"' .... ~ Wiii. I . baseball hat and a red blazer. everyone for the support but explaining no more room is available. Cookoff Chairman Ralph Rod- heim said today a few badges are still left at various Del Taco res- taurants, but none wiJJ be sold at the gate Saturday. He said use of Bommer Canyon, whtch was recently sold to the city by the Irvine Company, apparently has helped spark interest in the coo- koff. Ile said more badges could have been sold, but organizers wanted to retain a small enough crowd to ensure that the many aci.lvities were not ov~rowded. "This is our first year there, and since we've never done it before, we didn't want to over- stress the area," he said. So far, 46 teams have entered the South Coast Chili Cham- pionship, as it is called. Eac h group is allowed four cooks and up to 20 persons on a support team. Last year's inaugural event was held at Irvine Regional Park. Twenty teams participated, or less than hal! of this vear's total. Rodheim said the eookoff will be "incredible," and claimed the canyon is a fitting showcase for the region's western heritage and ties to chili. Orange County, he said, grows more chilies than any other area in the world. Said Rodheim: "It shouldn't be Orange Orange County. It should be Chili County." Saddleback's speech team tops in U.S. Saddleback Community Col- lege has ta.ken first place honors an. the NatioDal Communit)' ~l­lege--S~i Toutnament oon,. ducted last week in Minneapolis. Saddleback was among 75 col- leges that competed for the national speech title, said William Schreiber, pu"6llcfuformation (li. rector for the Saddleback College District Fourth place honors went to Orange Coast College. individual first-pl.ace winners in the forensics competition were: Poli Riz.co of Laguna Hills, Jami Emley of San Clemente and Gwen Fornataro of Santa Ana in the reader's theater category; Patti Snyder of Mis&on Viejo in both informative speaking and persuasive speaking; John Hos- sack of El Toro, in both extem-pora~o,u• apfaJting an d Jm- promptu ~ Beck Stevens of San Juan Capistrano in Duet Acting, prose and oral interpre- tation; Doug Harcourt in spea- king to entertain; and Belma Johnaon of Dana Point in infor- mative speaking. Besides thoae first-place fi - nishers, Saddleback's forensics team won four second place me- dals and 10 third place awards. The high-speed pursuit bep.n at 7:30 p.m. when police officer Robert Crogan spotted the pair fraveling 65 mph on Placentia Avenue near 20th Street, accor- ding to police reJ)Ort4. Police said F.squivel then ran a red light at Victoria Street and Placentia Avenue. and used a center tum lane to travel 90 mph. The police helicopter hovering. overhe,ad spotted the two men 'k.estboynd OC\ 19th Street, w here • t.beir speed ,., as ,.umated at l 00 Rlph. Esquivel loat control of his motorcycle while attempting to ma.ke_.Lturn at J,Aya {toad and Ta1i.iif Drive in the Mesa Verde neii11borhood, police Mid. De ath tunnel ope n again OAKLAND (AP) -Commu- ter& are again ddving t~UJh th'~ third tube ol th e Caldecott Tunnel, where a fiery expJOlion of .a gasoline ~ killed ~ J)eople last wttk. The tube waa reopened to traffic Monday but the speed li- nut was reduced from 50 mph to 35 mph to prevent accidents from motorists sJowing to gawk at the accident site. The tube , which connects Orinda and Oakland, is "ugly but 11"8ble." said tunnel auperint.en- dent E.R. Mayo. Laguna 'Tinsel town?' Film · crews generate revenue for city's coffers Laguna Beach is gaining the reputation as a sort of Tinseltown South, with film crews roaming the green hil.laides and the sandy beache9 for upcoming television pilots, commercials, and even foreign fi.lJN. And while the filming causes some traffic congestion, and draws hundreds of curious spec- tators, it a.lao generates revenue for the city's kitty. Warner Bros. television crews were to be in the Art Colony all day today, using Laguna's va- rioua poins of interest for the opening title shot of an upcoming pilot c8lled the James Brothers. The film, based on the movie Kramer vs. Kramer. will include shots taken from the Top of the World Elementary School, shops on Forest Avenue, Main Beach Park, Heisler Park, the Cottage ~taurant. a car dealership, the Muaeum of Art and the Pottery Shack. A foreign fihn company is due in Laguna on Wednesday to film a Korean film on the beach at Heisler Park. And last mon th, the Sea and Ski sunscreen foUu were down for two days filing a commercial at Main Beach Park. Laguna Beach pts a $100 ap- plication fee from fllm compa- nies, as well as a $200 per day shooting fee. In addition, the movie companies must pay for city personnel cosu, for instance, hi.rirul a oolice officer or cadet to control crowds. Concord Mariner SO. DesJoned to accommooare the most active lrr.tyle; Thfone made PoSSible by Concord's nlnelquartze movement A SClllptural blending of stalnlm Sleel and warm. Odl 14 karat gold. water-resistant fO 99 flel Accurate to wtthln 60 seconds a_ yw. NMr' needS winding. Completely hand-craftedln SWttzertand. His, $890. Hers. $840. Ako f4Ulble In alj •· Hls. $690. Hers. $650. SLAVICK·s· ,.. ....... Slrat917 \l'hm tllC bat sanpristJ ~ ,... ...... (1W) .... , •• ~llld\ -~ .......... Dlllt .... ~ TO ARMS! -Flanking a portrait of Britain's Prince Charles, "Lord" Robert Ellsworth (left) and "Lord" Robert Dem~ter hold enlistment petition they're circulating in Pasadena for AJI Wlreptlolo volunteers for the "Royal Expeditionary Dra- goons of Pasadena" to join British forces see- king to regain the Fal.kland Islands from Ar- gentina. wrnrnrrrn Boy, 8, killed, 27 wounded anti-Israeli • Ill • • rioting JERUSALEM (AP) -An . .,. 8-year-old boy was killed and 27 · -~ other PaieStinians were wounded in anti-Israeli rioting today, and a Jewish immigrant from the Un· ited States shouted slogans and flashed the V-for-victory sign as he was arraigned for the bloody attack on one of Islam's holiest shrines. The boy, hit by a bullet. bled to death whe n a mob blocked the ambulance trying to ·get him to a hospital, the military The defectors said security was lax and they predicted m ore members would leave the troupe, which left Hamilton on Saturday for Washington. D.C., and per- formances this wee k . WASHlN<'TON (AP) -The Reagan administration is con- sidering selling Jordan more ad- vanced fighter planes than th06e ' now in the moderate Arab na- tion's air force, according to Reagan administration sources. The aircraft being discussed is the F -5G, which U .S. officials rate as substantially more effec- tive than the F -5E jet fighters Jordan now has. The possible arms sale offer is being conside- red as one way to satisfy Jordan's requirements for improved air defense. the sources said Mon- day. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, April 13, 1Q82 H/F AS·\ 'It was a massacre' Man chases 3 witnesses to assault. shoots them dead NEW, YORK (AP) -A man trying to force • woman Into a van shouted "What did you see?" at three men picking up their cars ln a parking lot, then chased them down one by one and shot them ln the head at cloee range, killing them, police said. With the woman slumped inside, the gunman drove the van down a winding ramp and left the lot, police said, quoting a witness who hid under a car. "It was a massacre," said Deputy Police Commissioner Alice McGllllon , adding that the victims had come upon a n "abduction o r altercation." WASHINGTON (AP ) - Starting today, banks and sa- vings and loan associations may pay up to 13.154 percent interest on six-month money market cer- tificates. The interest rate on the certificates, with minimum de- posits of $10,000, are based on Monday's auctions of short-term Treasury securities, in whic h about $4.7 billion in six-month T-bills were sold at an average discount rate of 12.899 percent. That was up just slightly from last w eek's 12.893, government officials said. NEW YORK (AP) -The Associated Press and The New York Times each have won two Pulitzer Prizes, and the Kansas City S tar and the Kansas City Times h ave been cited for sho- wing how and why two sky- walk.s collapsed at the Hyatt Re- gency Hotel, ttG;U,rtt4 people. "Fantastic! ... It came as an absolute surprise," Detroit News Editor William Giles exclaimed ·Monday after learrung his paper had been awarded the Pulitzer gold medal for public service. DETROIT (AP) -American Motors Corp . says it hopes to GOOD EGG -Preside nt Reagan greets cartoon char- acter Quick Dra w McGraw during a party for children Monday on the S outh Lawn of the White House. The F.as- t e r Egg RoJl 1s an annual event hosted by the president and first lady. eliminate some of lht-guc•ssang over !'\ow mueh a car should cost and how Jong 1t s hould last by offering a five vt•ar warranty program and cutting prices up to $1 ,000. The program, which be- gan Monday and covers vehJck-s delivered by June 12, reduces prices of 1981 and 1982 Concord, Spirit and Eagle models by $500 and offers buyera a five-year. 50,000-male warranty on "all maJor car components," AMC spokesman Steve Harris said. WASHINGTpN (AP) Pre- sadent Reagan has decided to ask Congress to approve a package oc tuition tax credits that could provide up to $500 to parenl!. of children in private and parochial e le mentary and secondar y schools. sources say The program would bl' phased in over three years, probably beginning in 1983, administration sources sald Monday It was not 1mmed111tely dear how large thC' initial credit w o uld be, but sou rces said 1t would cltmb to a maximum of $500 when the pro~ram IS tn £ull fon.-e. WASHINGTON <AP) -U.S retail sales declined 0.5 percent in March , c utting s h o r t a sales r eeovery that now appears t o have last.<.>d only one month, Che Commerce Department reported Monday. Rebounding from a Ja- nuary plagued by bad weather. rNaalers had roUed up a 2.6 per- l't-n t gain in sales during Fe - bruary after sufferan~ substantial d~clines in the two pre viou s months The new March dcdm(· ~a pped a three -month qua rter that Commerce Secretary Mal- colm Baldnge was quick to label disappointing. "Retail trade IS 11- keJy to remam somewhat slug- gish dunng the second quarter," Baldngt> said command said. It said 21 Palesti- .~~OA were, 'f.~\.l~ded tr,Ying, to a(taci<. a smiill army encampment near Jabaliya refugee camp in the occupied Gaia Strip. lt said 11 of the Palestiniam were hit by bullets and 10 by rocks thrown by fellow rioters, and that four soldiers were wounded by stones. one seriously. Troops shot six other Arabs, aged 12 to 13, du- ring a riot at the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. the military said. Search continues for sailboats Fragments from one spotted on two beaches PICHUCALCO, Mexico (AP) -Two Indian guides led a nny patrols on a 14-hour trek up ash-mired donkey trails tnday in an ~fort to rescue 600 villhgers reported trapped on the smoking slopes of El Chinchonal volcano, an army s pokesman said. The spokesman, who requested ano- nymity, said the patrols left at 2 a.m. PST carrying food and me- dical supplies up the crater to an Indian cooperative farm a few miles from the town of Francisco Leon where 200 people were found alive last week. .....-, HAMIL TON~ Ontario (AP) - Eleven members o f a Pohsh dance troupe have defected to Canada, federal officials have announced. The defections, an- nounced Monday by officials of the federal Immigratio n Department, occurred Friday fol- lowing the last of four Hamilton performances. It was the only Canadian stop on a worldwide tour by Maz.oW!l7.e, a group of 115 dancers, singers and musicians. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Fragments of a green hull belie- ved to be one of the two sailboats missing with four people from a wind-whipped yacht race were spotted Monday on two beaches, the Coast Guard said. Aircraft had been searching tPle choppy waters since fierce winds dis- rupted a race to the Farallon Is lands on Saturday . Spotter planes reported no sign of the four people aboard the Sweet Omega and the Bad Sneakers. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A psychology professor who was "a sort of guru" to some of his stu- dents and often spoke of threats on his life to explain fear during class lectures was shot to death in his office as several stunned stu- d ents looked on. The gunman, believe~ by police to be an ex- student, opened the door to the office, fired four or five shots, glanced at the students and fled. Dudley Yasuda, 43, was hit in the chest and abdomen by gun- fire about 11:30 a.m . Monday d~ a mee~ with etaht stu- dents a.n his office at San 7ranci- sco City College, said 1iorni.Cide ORANGE COAST Clenlfted ectvetttstng T14M2-M71 .. Daily Pilat Thorres P Haley ""'°""*.no Ch4t E. .. .cutrv• Ofhc•' Robert N Weed -... Thomas A Murph1ne ~ L. Kay Schultz V~PrtwOlnt -°""""' ol ep..euo"• Michael P Harvey ......... "V °"«10< Kenneth N Goddard Jr Cote"'""°" Ot•IC!Ot Charles H Loos ~'"""' Alt OU. department• M2._"4321 MAIN OEFlCE DOW.~ e.y St., Cotta-· CA. Mall ......... lkl1l liell.C..C.Meu,CA. .... Copyr'9fll "'1 Or ... COH1 Pllblltfll"' G.,..,....y. NO n-l tlOrlff. lt1US1r911 ... a, ""'«lat~ or .. verltM..-b llereln mov w reprodueed ""'*" -lol permission of <00¥•19M-Mr. VOL 75, NO. 103 inspector Marvin Dean. He died at San Francisco General Hospi- tal '!bout an hour later. SAN F~CISCO (AP) -A police officer who processed the arrest of attorney F. Lee Bailey on a drunken driving charge has testified that the fa.med Boston lawyer was intoxicated and acted "very arrogant and pompous" during the incident. "He was extremely obnoxious lo every- body in the i.mmed.iate vicinity," Sgt. Lawrence McKenzie told a M'"•micipal Court jury on Mcm- LOS ANGELES (AP ) -A group of film industry repre- sen t a tl ves, including a ctor- producer Clint Eas twood, pre- dicted Monday that the U.S. film indus try faces destruction if Congress does not act to com- pensate producers for home vi- deotaping o f films . "IC this (taping) continues at this rate and lnvestors are turned off by the movie thin~. there will bf> fewer films produced, fewer films to be shown and fewer filrna to be taped," Eastwood told a house judlctary subcommittee bearing at UCLA Law School. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Assembly passed a bill Monday that would allow tracks to take beta on big out-of-state horse races llke the Kentucky Derby. The vote was 59-4 for AB2663 by Allemblyman Frank V'icencia, 0-Bellflower. It goes to the state Senate. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Cal- ling nuclear war "the iasue of the 20th century," Loa Angeles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn called for a review Monday by OOWlty department heads of a 0.-., .......... wy .. ._ ...... We're Listening ••• ~·f nll~ If "°" 00 llOI -IQ" -Dy & 30 p m U lt Otlore T pm-'IOll'<OOy wotl M_., llMtey -..,~, tt '°" Clo "°' ,_.. '°"' _, "" 1 • "' c..i M1Drt 10 I "' -'"'" COO'I ,.._ 1M ..._.., What do you like about the Dally Pilot" What don't you' like" Call the numbtr below and your rnnaa1e will ht> recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may ht> used to ~cord Jet· tfrs to the tdltor on any topic. Mailbox contributors mu.t Include their name and telephone number for verification No c:lrcuJallon calla, please. Tell ut what ·1 on your mind. Department of Defense evacua- tion plan for Los Angeles. Hahn, who has called proposals for evacuation of the Los Angeles a rea "completely hopeless." questioned w hether the nation will have a week's notice of an impending nuclear attack, and if so, whether people would act in a nice, orderly Cashion like they're supposed to in the report. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE (AP) -A popular Lake Tahoe tour boat was found capsized Monday. sitting in about seven feet o f water off the Timber Cove Ma- rina Pier. where it had been docked. ,. .. Olamoncte are not 1 renewable source. When your dlemond was mined, It left 1 gap In the earth's makeup thet wlll never be tllled. Youra la 1 truly unique 1tOfW!I. It la 1 mlrecle of nature. In the mllllon1 of years between Its birth end It• dleoovetY. your di•· mond saw the evolutlon of dif- ferent plant end enlmel forms. different weather cycles. the d1wn of men and thouund• of yeere of hum1n development. Through all that, It hu endured. The dlemond you own Is elto 1 m11terplece of man. Flrll, tons of r<>cil must bl bleated end put through • lengthy proce11 to ••p•r•t• the diamond m1terl1I from lte hot rock. About 3500 tone of r<>cil mu11 bl proceeeed to recover Juet one ounce (142 cerate) of cflemonda. Of courM, out of thet ounce t~e ameller portion of the cry1t1l1 wlfl be · gem quality; the rett wlll be 1n- duetr1al goodt. At thlt point. the dl1mond1 mutt be eorted end graded for color and cl1rlty be- fa<e they ire pieced on the mar-• ket. A dlemond In the rough 19 not 1 very attractive. 11·1 no wonder AP Wlrepholo MASTER'S VOICE Guitarist Andres S egovia. 88 (le ft), gestures as he conducts a master class for 10 classical guitarists' in New York's Metropolttan Museum of Art. It was Segovia's first master class in the eastern United States . _ Mary Barr Cert11ted Gemolo01s1 CHA RLES H. BARR the stone was overlooked In the many centuries before cutting and polishing were fuljy under· stood The rough diamond has a dull waxy 100 11 and comes In strange shapes. usually octahe- dral It takes skllled cutting and polishing to bring out the dia- mond's true beauty First the diamond Is cleaved or sawed to lake best advantage of the rough crystal Then It Is • rounded. faceted And polished. The cut and polished stone must be graded again to eetabllah Its per ceret selling prlee The work performed from the mine to you 11 time.consuming and expensive ... but well worth It. Through his 1dv1nced knowl- edge, man hH taken neture' • l1lw matenal end maximized It• beauty. You'll have to agree thet there 11 1 greet d"t of wortt In· vo!Vtd In the recovlf'Y end pro· caulng of the .. wall-loved •tone.. ~ by the t tOf'a end eee our 11mp141 of 1 rough diamond . and many examplh of the beauty that hH bHn creeled througtl cutt109 end pollthlng . Ind the attlllry of the ,_......, HF Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueedly, April 13, 1882 . Virginia song· 'racist' HllFllT fll11 ...... u .... . 11ns1111w 4 7 4 I. 17th 8t1 ,Coeta ......... 21. State travel service told to destroy brochures -·· 111'1 u .... • ... p MOVIE RETURNS -Actor Jonathon Frid is shown with Alexandra Isles in a scene fro1'l "Dark S hadows'' which was aired on a New York channel Monday for the first time sinre 1971. Mw Isles recently made headlines when she was romantically linked to Claus Von Bu- low during his trial for attempting to murder his wile. Swimmer s to vie for ')big prizes ·S' ov Trips to Canada, Flo- _1.rida, Mon terey and the nc"East Coast a re among prizes being offered to swimmers who partici- e>al>ate in the Super Swim l 'JClassic on May 1 and 8 n 'locally. -11 The event is sponsored bl the Leukemia Society u o America's Tri-County b1t=hapler. Swimmers are -uju.ked to pre-register. fo. Swimmers do not win mi>rizes 'for _s~g. but for h ow much m oney ~.they raise for the LSA -Jc.by obtaining pledges for •Jrlaps swum. b, Participating pools lo- n.cally are at The New- b-i&>orter Inn, Disneyland bJiotel, South Coast Plaza .1,Hotel.~Golden West Col- lege, Crown Valley Re- gional Park and the Los '!'~balleros Sports Club. ~ For information . call bq~39-!>511. 9 'Free t ests offe r e d a t health fair The fifth annual Health Fair Expo will be t">eld at 13 locations in the county April 23-May l. The purpose of the fair u°i.s to promote the concept 98of health awareness and ·l'lregular medical check- 6 ups. Free health tests and literature will be of- 'ldfered. m Sites for the event in- -:Jclude the Martin Luther .rJ Hospital Medical Center April 23 a nd 24 ; . S outh Coast Medical sJ.Center April 25; Hoag ,..'.Hos pital April 25; the ·c.·1..aguna Hills Mall April _1126 and 27 and the Mis- _0 sion Viejo Mall on May 1. t Some sites also will X offer immunization for .,.children. f~ For information, call oat°35-5381, extension 221. ~f opulation unwante d OZARK. Mo. (AP) - This southwest MUJsowi town is experiellcir1g an u nwanted pofulation boom -not o people, but of pens. 'The mayor and Ozark City Council members aay they unknowingly ordered about 12,000 bellpoint pens at a coet of nearly $6,300 to the tax- payers ln·this town of 2,384 people, all in the put year. The dty ii stuck with 9,000 pens, but plana to return 2,~ othen. 'The ballpoin ts w ere fou nd b idden in cloaeta and under delka at Oty Hall . · RUFFELL 'S UPHOLSTHY . l14t If eills..t IHJWec>aaVD. COWA.....,. _ , .... , IU. < •• ., •••• ··-..... . ..... -.. ··· RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -The \1irllnia State Travel Service )\as been ordeNd to dNtroy travel brochu.re1 contalnlna the offk:1al 1tate aon1, "Carry ~e Back to Old Vlralnia." becauae of com- plaints that the aong ii racially offenlive. The brochure, which la distri- buted to IChoolcblld.ren, ii be'DB reprinted without the ions but with a brief history of Virginia. ~ W. Walker, director of the Department of Comerva- tlon and EconomJc Development, ordered the destruction and or- dered th at distribution of the brochW'el be )Wted. He said he received several complaints about the song over the years and, with a reprint scheduled aoon, decided to elimi- nate it {rorn the brochure. Although Walker said h e didn't find the aong offensive - "I must have sung it hundreds of times" -he said he could aee that some people would. "We're trying to e ncourage people to come to Virginia and not atay away," be said. , The front of the brochure de- Werning, The Surgeon Ginerel HH Oettr•inM TMt C'lllflllt Smomt II DIRelrM to Yow Hllllh. pk:ta the 11.ate blrd, the cardinal; the atate tree and 1tate flower, the doiwood; the 1tate flaa; the 1tate aeal; and the 1tate 001, a foxhOund. The back of the aheet contalnl the worda to ''Carey Me Bliek to Old Vir1lnia," written in the 19th century by a black man, Jamea Bland, who never lived 1n Vlrgl.nla. The lyrics, written in dialect, say in part: "There'• where Che old dukey's heart am long'd to go. ''There's where I labor'd ao hard for old Massa." George Stoddart, Gov. Charles S. Robb's preu secretary, said Robb knew nothing about the directive to remove the aheet. Manhall E. Murdaugh, direct- or of the travel service, said the sheets have been printed for at least 10 years and probably much longer than that. The sheets are mailed to children who write the state for information about Virginia, he said. About 5,000 to 6,000 are ·~ ' . ··-: . .-. --··· ........ .; . . ·r-\ l i~ . I \ malled eech year'. In addiUon, Murdauah aaid, the lheec. .... mailed 1n bulk to IChoolt that reque1t the lnfonna· tion and are diltributed at travel lnfonnation cent.en the Depart- ment of Conaervatlon and Eco- nomic Development maintain• throughout Vlrg1nla. He aaid the cost of reprinting the lheet wOuld be m1n1maL An order of 50,000 aheeta cost $2,MO to print 1n 1980, he said. An Wlidentified IOW'Ce quoted by The Richmond Newa Lader estimated that the coat to the taxpayers of the reprints, plus the brochures that wlll be de- stroyed, will be about $6,000. The Vlr§lnia General Aaem- bly made • Carry Me Back to Old Virginia" the state aong in 1940. The only dispute was over whe- ther to change "Virginny" in the title to "Virginia.'' which the Aaaembly did. Bland, the son of a South Carolin.a slave, wrote the song while living in England in 1875. He was born in Flushing, N.Y., in 1854 and waa one of the first graduates of Howard University. r.11:\C~IALCRWIT ~TION \:a 0 . ConnCJI °""'~ l~•N 1tf '\ CWJO M\\l"u' .,.. w-.wuJ h. tt..l ,....'f'f"• COSTA MESA . 370 E. 17th S1rtet • 645-8700 HUNTINGTON BEACH: 16075 Coldrn Wett St.• 947.7771 MISSION VJEJO: Ali«'i• Town Plue • 77().2651 SANTA ANA: 1224 £a&1 17th • t .• 547·5871 .. _______ .., ____ .. IOOs Smg VANTAGE 100s 9mg 0 ' UlTM U&HTS llO'• 6 mt-"W". 0.6 ........ llO'• I• ·.r. u ... Ncainit •· per ... bf FTC .-et . \ • , I ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tunday, Aprll 13, 1982 HF Bl N SE COMPOSITE ,.l'RAN CTfONS OUOTl\ft().l(ilN(lUD• t •AOt• ON fMI llllW'tO••. llUD•Uf l'A(ll'IC ,..,., 10\fOlll, OtUOlf AlllO Cl14CO•NAll atO<• lll(MANOHAMD •ll'OIUD IV tMll NAlO AlllO IN"llllf Kaiser cit loss OAKLAND (AP) -,Kai.er Alumi- num & Chemical ~· !lAI reported a UU mUUoo km for UMi fint _qtartar, compared wtth amlnp of "8·1 mil· Uon fr. lh4t flnlt monlhl ol latl • nixes Tahoe flights Ncwpor t &:uch based Colden Wetit Airlines an noun1.-ed ttwt the carrat'r wall di_scontinue service from Soul.hem Callfomaa a1rport.'5 t.o Lake Tahoe on A pril :l5 Coldt.'n W1.:~t will t-onunuc, how~v\'r, t.o operate two daily non stop round traps from San Francl.9co to Lakt' Tah0t• wnh direct and t'Onnecung fughts from IJoth Mumt<rey and Fresno GuldL·11 Wes t said 11 1s i;uspendang Southern (.',11lforn1.1 Lakt• Tuhnt' routes due to unprofitable npt'nitlon.., If thL l'<.'onoiny should t.ake an upswing, th1· carrwr would rL"l'Ort:.1der its action. Safari n·v~ntu~s up Lum Country S~fun. lnl.. reports. 1981 revenues of $2.04:$.~90 mmpared to $1 ,795,563 for the previous Vt'l&I, a11 111trvd.'>t' or 15 J)('rcent · Tht• comp.my. howl.'vc-r. experienced a loss of $4b6,7 J l or 25 cents per share. compared to a l06S of $746.:.WO or 3~ cents per ~har<' tn 1980 Tht• t1>mpany said at f•xp<><:ts improved result8 this year "v v11 tue of rental an('ome accruing for a full '>eason of Am,:>httht'atcr op1:rat1on. together with sev- t-rill nl'~ programs A irCal offer~ fr("e car. A1rC.1l Jn11ounct'J today 1t wilJ offer Burbank t:ustom<'rs f re•· r cnt.aJ c:ars as an mtroductory travel mcenuve v. 1th the pun:hase of roundtrip standard fare ucke~ bctwt•en Burbank and Oakland, San Jose or Sacramento Aarlinl' uffu.:1al.s also announced that AirCal will add S<·atll1• to tts list of c1t1PS served from Burbank- Gll·ndalc· Pasadena Airport where the air)jn e will begin operuuon.'> Apr il 25 AU"{;al \ Burbank far<.'<; will be the same as fares uffort.'d frutn A1rCal's other Southern California air- JJQrts. induding Los Angt-les International. Ontario h1t1•m<1 t1C>n<>I and John Wayne Airport. ( )i I bu~~ !'-u~1u~ndcd '! SAN f'HANCISCO (Al·» San Diego Gas and Elec·tnt Co hJs b.·1·n cmfor<.'d to show cause why it should not suspend purchast>S ot l 5 m1lhon barrels of unm•f'dl.<.f fut•I oal. a movt• that could save the utJhly and its l'UStomers $:!5.5 m11l1un Tht· Cahforma Public: Utilities Commission said Monday thP use of lower cost natural gas instead of h1ghN pm·ed oil w ould mean a monthly savings of $I Y:! for tin: av£>ragf' res1df·nt1al householder usmg 500 k1\1JWJlt huurs Thl PUC la<;t \\'Ct•k urdered Pacific Gas and Elt.•<:trit Cu tv ~u~µt·nd punhast:' uf favC' m1U1on barrels of ull from Cr1cvron U S A at a savings of $95 m11J1on. Fluor cxpaIJds board Thr Flunt Corp. of Irvme announced its board of dtrt'(;tors hn"> bt-en 1ncn.•d.S(."'<i from 18 to 20 members EIN'l<'d to pos1t1on"> were W1l11am R. Grant, ~·h,urman and president. McKay-Shields Financial l'orp., and Joseph V McKee Jr .. executive chairman, National Union Electric Corp. Grant ,md McKet-are serving as outside directors on the boar J of St J Ot.' Minerals Corp., a F1uor subs1- d1ary STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK '""'' AMERICAN LEADERS NEW V~ll. '""'' ""'1r 17 Toor/, m 11 • UPS AND DOWNS METALS .. NEW YORK IAPI -Sc>ol nonferrous me1el pnces today COfl99' 111-78 O~ll a pound U S 0.11· nation• t."4 28-32 oenll 1 poond Zinc 35-39 ~II a pound, dellwu1d Tin Mi 5321) Mellfl W-composjlA II> Aklmlnum 18°17 llel'lll a l)OIH'd, N Y --..curr '395 oo per """ l'lal"-" ~S 00 lloy 01 N V Hanoy & H11rmen. 17 S60 per troy ounoe • -.. ,. • j • ••••••••••••••••••••• MUSTY, DUSTY AVACAMT t lM,OOO• COLI OP Nl:WPORT NW.'°"9 Uu L c-1 Nw,, I C._ .. ..., ·~5·5911 9 n wumi'ble fl,nanc· ln1 available on lbls tuttflllly deconled 3 Br townhome. Vaunt & quick _possession. 2670 San Mlauel, Newport Beach. 751·l50l o r 'f52.7373. WalkTr& Lee : 2~£~~rpt, ._paUo cover & garage. rMaumt ex!slins financ· ing and owe with small down, Fu ll price Slli.SOO.. UMSlO WATBFIONT CUSTOW Luxurious one o( a kind custom 3 bedroom home wiloh 2 bedroom guest guarters or rental unit. ' Located on wtterfront TRADI T 10~\l. RLlLTY complete with your own pier & slip. Highlights of PALM SPllMGS th.is home include ~ile GtVUWAY spa, sauna. security Gorgeou,S turouhed system. 2 fireplaces and custom house io ex private. su nde ck . elusive area or Palm $789,000 includes the l Springs. Try $30,000 land. dwn. Full price SC7Ul00. Joyu Wa l~u 1 agt RCTaylorCo 1140 •)()00 ll ..... 11 'I ... II »"•·• }t p "Y\I ... >~· .... l. ,., ... JIS •-.· • .:Jf\NI ' .... U"-""""• '"" u u,..,., ... ·~"' !th~ il6C..+t ''~••7fo ::;~ ~:.. ,.,..,., ~o. ,,. \·f-nc;...... . \IO.. ,,....... ~Ith """ UU.q> ~,.,. .... "°"""' ~·· ,.°" ....... ,,...,~. ~7.t,ll(t .M11111.ot" stf~r JllM SiC.,,MO )0-.. 60 ...... ®Good @t.J ..... Jiffy-Wrap! ... , m>.. .,, ... .. ..._. ... _ ...... " .. .. ... ... ·-.... . , ...... ". ''°""'..,... '•'"""°~ ,,,i.fll> .. c.._.. "°' ltA I .. ..... ...... ....... 11•• .... .,~­............. ....., .. !Jrrl .... .,_ .-.... •CM•ti• .. __ . \ ., .. .,;Hnual Ocean & ~tty views. Marine room, 4 bdnn • 3 bath, 8700 11q.ft. $1.385.000 Prime Lido Nord bayfronl 5 bdrm, 5 'fz bath. Lge L.R .. 2 boat shpi $1.500,000 RemodeleQ 3 bdqn, 2 balh t large rE'<.'. un. beam ceilinp. futnished1J>all05. $420,000 LIDA ISLE UYFllHT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, play- room. dark nn, den, Boat slap. $1 ,350.000! IAYSllE oen Spectacular bayfront Vtew 2 br, 2 ba lip, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat shps $1,900,000. DH YIST&S-mml VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, it bath. guest house, pool. Near lakt· $795,000. lllllUH CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. B5' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w lterm.s BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR H I Boy\.J1·0r1v.-N 8 675 blbl WE ~_LEY N TAYLO}{ CO . REALTORS s ince W46 Wiii YllW HIES $225,Ht Ifs 50-0-0 ea!.} lo u'e cla.ss1fted Just gave us a THE REAL ESTATE RS ~all. 642 5678 _ _ _ I (1:i.ss1hed Ads Aleftlef Mel -hltrn IMtl • Yaoali • .. .., ,., ... hnn . "'" .. ., 2~ .. • llllt·I• ltthHts a Clll11 Stera1• • Urlt lterfJar• EltrHot • E.. lilt fl lt11tlf1I lrtt1lltlt • It• SlH,000. A . ".My tf llnfttt" Utt11,. ® ·--.... !\••·•·· 759-9100 frltft afforcllMt. ...,.,, Ctl4t . .to affluent Cesta ... a .... U4tlt1t•,..i Ill Cmt Waterlrtlt, 4ook layfNlt ...._ w/'-ok ..,.. C...Ote4t Lari• .. J ... """ Sll,tOt $114,tff HllttM $111,111 $121,DH Slll.111 $115,Mt WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAl [STATE s.1,. "'°"'""· p,q,,.,,, M,o,.._.,, 2436 W Co.u1 H...,, ll) M..11~ A.,,, Nfwpor1 ~-~ &Ibo. "'8od '11·1400 '7Ut00 ':~~~, ~\\~~-"t-trs· Wi1M ~ QAY I POUAIO ··-"""' el .... ._ ...-bled -d• bo ..... lo '°'"' '-.""' .. _.., T 0 E A ~ T I I' I' I I .... •••• C::.'1! tr I ...,.-P~H ,c '• II I •l •, I buy dlstounted TD's, stralaht flOles, etc Ask ror l<t'llh, broker. ~or ~·4_ill_ _ SS1 900 T ofol Dow ft Mod91Clos..o.t Brand new ele,1Canl 2 BR 2', ba. frplc. 2 rar gar lloth Bdrm~ are master swtl!S " \ aulled rigs. better t'all FAST. Total pymts $1174, mo Call 12 5 631 ·3405 . eves 751;3'.!97 IS'f'oDOWM i OW*i CA1111S , lma\iculatt N-ortb Colt.a M a 3 Bdrm 2 rull bathe. 1121.000 w\th u~ r1n1nt1na on tst yo. J"'t U.ttd\ nttdl 1Ht l lRVIHE GROVES 3 bdrm. 3 ba Rosewood Model Former model home Prof del'oraled upgrades thru-oul fam. rm and formal din rm. Balrony off MBR Just to rrent1on a few of lhe features. PREMIUM location $169.000 lfach 1041 Orange CoU1 DAILY PILOT/Tutlday, Aprll 13, 1982 j PETE ' BARRETI ... REALTY ... -••• +Lin Beautlfufty decorated "Klnllnaton" w/vlew of city lltll. Loft Idell for study or den, lovely 1pa In entry. 3 W garege. format dining & morel H4tlOOO Der•• Hlnnln 752· M 14 (H491 . . , . . . H/F (;I **LEASES! Two Woodbndge J Br homes S900/mo on 1 yr lease 12 more to choose from. we·re the ones to call for leases ~brldft Rt•ll• 551.3000 4t!t8arnnu l'tl•y.ltviff RENTALS lbr. lba $650 2br. 2ba S67S 2br. 21-,ba saso 3br. 2ba S87S lbr. 2ba $1400 3br. 2ba SlSOO rum. 4br. 2ba 11350 4br. 2''lba 1100 Le Raisor RJty 833-8600 • TUESDAY . /\PHIL 13 . 19B2 UHANl1l COUN I Y C ALIF-O HNIA 2~1 C ENT S ,. Coast voter tnrnout 'light to steady' Voter turnout in La1una Beach waa ateady by mid- mornin1 today, with the City Clerk predlctJ.na a 415 to &O per· cent tumoUt by the 8 p.m. cJad.nc of the polla. The same could not be aa.ld for H~tlngt.on Beach and Fountain Valley, where poll lnapect.orl re- ported a light turnout by 10 a.m. Laguna Beach re1ldenta are electing three City Council membere from a field of nine conteetanta. In Huntington Beach, where city officiale.exPflC't dnly 15 per- omt of the voten to tum out, 16 candidates are 1eekina four eeatl on the Cty Council. And in Fountain Valley, 10 o.lr .......... " ClwM • ..., ESCAPISM? -There are all kinda of ways of getting away from it all, as demonstrated by this obviously unidentified student who found repose Monday on second floor of ad· ministration building at UC Irvine. Grades came out this week. Maybe that explains it. Motorist gets 240 days in auto death A 21-year-old resident of Orange has been 9e1ltenced to 240 days in jail and three years pro- bation in the hit-and-run death of Newport Beach 26-year-old Donald Barry Warner. Warner was killed last Sep- tember while crossing Balboa Boulevard at 31st Street. Samuel Gibbs, the driver of the hit-and-run vehicle who waited nearly a month to sur- render himself to police, pleaded guilty last week to felony hit- and-run and felony manslaught- er charges during a pretrial con- ference at Orange County Supe- rior Court, court officiala said. Assistant District Attorney Michael Dow said Gibbs must begin his jail term by May 14 and will have his driver's Hcense suspended for an aa-yet- undetennined period. The maximum penalty for the charges, Dow pointed out, would WORLD have been nearly four years in state prison. The hit-and-run death of Warner created considerable at- tention in Newport when officers found the death car lea than 48 hours after the incident but were unable to arrest Gibbs, the re- gistered owner of the car. Police arrested Gibba, who re- portedly abandoned the car in a Whittier shopping center, after a witness identified him as the driver. A passenger in Gibbs' car tes- tified during a preliminary hea- ring last year that they pulled over to the curb after hitting Warner, saw his body in the middle of the atreet and aped off. The passenger testified that he and Gibbs panicked. Police alleged but were unable to prove in court that Gibbs waa driving with his car Ughtl out. C-130 crash kills 27 ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -A U .S. Air Force C-130 transport plane exploded in the air, burst into flames and crMhed in eutem Turkey today, • Turkish military 1poieaman aaid. He said all 27 Americana aboard were killed. NATION Reagan bacb gUn blll . . c.otumnlst Jack Andenon •YI Prmldent Reepn 1upporta le1i11atlon that would make it euler to ar""nate h1m apin. hie Al. Virginia withdraws sons -The ttate al Vqinia II. pullq the IOU& ~ Me Back to Old Vlrstnla" lrom travel brochuree a.. ... of ocmplatntt 110111 II rM9t. ~ M . hopefull are vytna for three teatl on the City'• Councu. Vot.in8 lnapectore in all areas of Luuna aaicf a steady atrsm of vofen wa1 1howln1 up at the polla, with Betty Barrus at Top of the World Elementary School reportiha 120 of the 823 registe-rea voters ca.sting their votes by 10 a.m. "There's never a time when someone lm't in here votln8," ahe aid. But the turnout ln Huntington Beach was called "terrible," "apathetic" and "very poor" by election offidala. At the W~r Fire Station in the Huntington Harbour area, seven of ·the 1,200 reglstered vo- tera had cast ballotl by 8:46 a.m. At a residence In the northeast part of the city, 17 of 1,650 re- efstered voters had ahowed up at the polls at 8:45 a .m. An hour later the total "swelled" to 24. "Apathy is the w ord," said Rosemary Newell, a voting in- spector , who has worked elec- t1ons for 21 years. "The turnout is very poor," echoed another inspector. Vlrgi· nia Owens. In Fountain Valley, where 28,200 people are registered to vote, city officials were hoping for a turnout of more than 20 percent. ln the 1980 council elec- t.ion, only 14 percent visited the pol.ls. Doubling of county flights Judge nixes·PSA hid By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL Of tM .,.., Plot '""' A Pacific Southwest Airlines plan to double its flights from John Wayne Airport isn't getting off the ground. Late Monday afternoon, a U.S. District Court judge turned aside· the airline's request to increase its flight allocation from two to four. Judge T erry Hatter said PSA should make the request to county airport officials. Haig ·ends talks on Falklands LONDON (AP) -U.S. Secre- tary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. ended two days of talks with British leaders today on the dis- puted Falkland Islands and de- parted for Washington to brief President Reagan on "some new ideas" to avert war between Britain and AIJentina. He 1aid he would return to Buenos A.ires aoon. Talking briefly to reporters at London's Heathrow Airport, Haig did not specify the ideas, and stressed "the whole situation in the region is dangerous and increasingly so. and therefore there's a great urgency in finding a political solution." Haig was expected to arrive in Washington at 4:30 p.m. PST and it was considered unlikely he (See FALKLAND, Page AZ) Whe ther PSA will press the request remained unknown to- day. But if the airline decides to broach the issue with the county, the reception ~n't likely to be accommodating. Murry Cable, airPort manager, said PSA could gain flights one of two ways -via an increase in the county's 41-flight per day li- mit on jet departul'es or r e- allocation of flights among the five commerciaJ airlines serving t'Ommerc1al air carriers' access to the airport. 1 the airport. Cable said there is no support Under that plan, scheduled to among county supervisors for ei-go ihto effect June l , PSA would ther move. be am ong carrie r s that could "The board is committed to the qualify for additional flights. 41 -flight cap. It's an absolute," Cable said. And, he said, there will be no new allocation of flights oth er than that outlined in a recently adopted county plan to regulate That plan wiJJ be the subject of a May 10 hearing before Judge Hatter. He has retained jurisdic- tion over the access issue since last vear when PSA initiated le- (See PSA, Page A!) Ra vaged NB hotel examined By STEVE MARBLE Of the DIMiy Piiot Stefl Newport Beach fire investiga- tors continued to sift through the rubble of the Balboa Bay View Hotel today , examining the charred remams of a small che- mical lab reportedly set up in one r oom of the now-gutted struc- ture. Firemen said large quantities of DSMO, a cleaning solution popular as an externally admi- nistered medicine. were disco- vered in one room of the Palm Avenu~ establishment, a serond- story hotel overlooking the Bal- boa Island ferry landing on the Peninsula. Authorities cau t ioned that they're stiU unsure li:V,hat trigge- red the pre-dawn blaze Monday that caused $400,000 d amage, took 35 firef ighters more than three hours to extinguish and left 19 hotel tenants homeless. Investigators a lso said 1t has not been determined whether or Deity Piiot Photo by o.y A"'*-not DSMO is flammable. Mesa woman due sentence on sex charge SHORT TRIP -F.d.ith's Trip, a 30-foot sailboat out of Venice, Hotel guests, none of whom ran aground at Capistrano Beach Monday and remained there were injured. have been provi- today as owner Steve Moore tried to salvage it. Moore plan-ded temporary lodging at a ned to patch torn hull today and again .. try to refloat the nearby Balboa hotel by the Sentencing has been scheduled for May 21 for a 23-year-old Costa Mesa woman who pleaded no c~ntest Monday to char-ges that she participated in sexual activities with a 13-year-old girl in Huntington Harbour. 1 .: Orange County C'hapter of the vesse · Red Cross. Defendant Teena Shoobs entered her plea before Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron S. Brown. Teamsters' .strike in secolld week The tenants were all full-lime r esidents of the aging hotel. Several said that t hey lost aH their personal belongings in the blaze. Hotel guests mterviewed late Monday declined to talk about the fire or what might have tou- ched it off. Last Friday, three other de- fendants in the case pleaded no contest to sex perversion charges involving activities with girls aged 9 and 13. Two of them, John Steen, 56, and his wife Christi, 30, were alleged to have videotaped the events in their Huntington Harbour home. They were arrested last May. STATE Negotiations still ha\·e not been scheduled as a strike by more than 2,000 Teamsters who haul rock, sand and concrete in Orange and Loe Angeles counties stretched into Its aecond week. A representative of the Cali- fornia Rock Products and Ready Mix Concrete Aasociation.s said Douglas eyes new jet U buai.nel8 piCka up, McDonnell Douglas might build a 160-pasaenger jet next year with a group of · Japaneee companies. Page Bf. Park closed third day By fte Aasoctated Preti Yoeemite National Park remained clmed a third day In a row today • a unitarian tested water in a temporary line replacing one damaged by weekend flooding. COUNTY Entertaining the troops r It w.. WorJd War ll all ovw apln a1 the NaUonal Amodadon of Stunt Adan took OYW the Santa Ana Bowl Pboto1. P• Bl. that, while letters between the seven striking unions and the associations h ave been ex- changed, a negotiating session has yet to be scheduled. Teamsters walked off their jobs April 5 after narrowly re- jecting a propo&ed contract. INDEX At Your Setvice A4 Erma Bombeck B2 L .M . Boyd A6 Business B4-5 Calif omia A5 Cavalcade B2 CJaaified C4-8 Comics B3 Cromword B3 Death NoUces C4 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment B6 SPORTS Three commercial outlets -a bar, an ice cream stand and a gift shop -on the first floor were damaged by water used to douse the fire. Firemen said the ice cream stock in Kati's Ice Cream Bars was turned into a sticky mess by the heat from the flames. Horoecope B2 Intermission B6 Ann Landers B2 Movies . B6 National News A3 Public Notices B4,C3-4 Sports Cl-3 Stock Markets B5 Television A7 Theaters B6 Weather A2 World News A3 Angels .OPf?n home season • The ~11 opm U..lr home eeuon tOn.l&ht at AnaMim Btldium aplnit the Beattle Marinen and cD1to40.000 are ftpectlMI. Pap Cl. 1 ' TO ARMS! -Flanking a portrait of Britain's Prince Charles, "Lord" Robert Ellsworth (left) and "Lord" Robert Dempster hold enlistment petition they're circulating in Pasadena for AP Wlr911Mto volunteers for the "Royal Expeditionary ,Dra- goons of Pasadena" to join Brltish forces see- king to regain the Falkland Islands from Ar- gentina. Boy, 8, killed, 17 wounded anti-Israeli • Ill • • r1ot1ng JERUSALEM (AP) -Israeli troops shot and kille,d an 8-year-old boy today and woun- ded 17 other Palestinians rioting over the bloody attack on Islam's sacred Dome of t~ Rock. Ten other Arabs and four soldiers were hit by stones. In the Jeru· salem magistrate's court, Judge Haman Shelah ordered Alan Harry Goodman, a bearded, be- spectacled American Jewish immigrant, held for 15 days to allow police to investigate his at- tack at the Dome of the Rock. The defectors said security was lax and they predicted mo re members would leave the troupe. which left Hamilton on Saturday for Washington. D.C., and per- formances this week . WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan administration is con - sidering selling Jordan more ad- vanced fighter planes than t.hose now in the moderate Arab na- tion's air fore~. according to Reagan administration sources. The aircraft being discussed is the F-5G,•which U.S . officials rate as substantially more effec- tive than the F-5E jet fighters "Jordan now has. '(he possible arms sale offer is being conside- red as one way to satisfy Jordan's requirements for improved air defense, the sources said Mon- day. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, Aprll 13, 1882 N 'It was a massacre' Man chases 3 witnesses to assault, shoots them dead NEW YORK (AP) -A man U')'lnl to force a woman into a van ehouted "What did you 1ee?" at three men plckJns up their can ln a parkJna lot, then chued them down one by one and ahot them in the head at cloee range, killln1 them, police said. With the woman slumped inside, the gunman drove the van down a winding ramp and left the lot, poUce said, quoting a w itness who hJd under a car. "It was a mauacre," said Deputy Police Commissioner Allee McGillion, adding that the victima had come upon an "abduction or altercation ... WASH INGTON (AP) - Starting today, banks and aa- vinp and loan associations may pay up to 13.154 percent interest on six-month money market cer- tificates. The interest rate on the certificates, with minimum de- posits of $10,000, are based on Monday's auctions of s.hort-term Treasury securities, in which about $4.7 billion in six-month T-bilh were sold at an average diacount rate of 12.899 percent. That was up just slightly from last week's 12.893. government officials said. NEW YORK (AP ) -The Associated Press and The New York Times each have won two Pulitzer Prizes. and the Kansas City Star and the Kansas City Times have been cited for sho- wing how and why two sky- walks collapsed at the Hyatt Re- gency Hotel, killing 114 people. "Fantastic! ... It came as an absolute surprise," Detroit News F.ditor William Giles exclaimed Monday after learning his paper had been awarded the Pulitzer gold medal for public service. DETROIT (AP) -American Motors Corp. says it hopes to ' GOOD EGG -President Reagan greets cartoon char- acter Quick Draw Mc Graw during a party for children M onday on the South Lawn of the White House. The F.as- ter Egg R o i I is an ·annual event hosted by the president and first lady. eliminate some of the guessing over how much a car should rost and how long 1t should last by offering a five.year warranty ,program and cutting pnces up to $1 ,000. The program. which be- gan Monday and coven vehicles delivered by June 12, reduces prices of 1981 and 1982 Concord, Spirit and F.agle modela by $~ and offers buyera a five-yeJr. 50,000-mile warranty on "all major car compone nts," AMC spokesman Steve Harria said. WAllllNGTON (AP> -Pre- sidentleagan has decided to ask Congress to approve a pack.age or tuition tax cred its that could provide up to $500 to parents of children in private and parochial elementary and secondary schools, sources say. The program would be phased in over three years. probably beginning in 1983, administration sources said Monday. It was not immediately clear how large the initial credit would be, but sources said it would climb to a maximum of $500 when the program is an full force WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. retatl sales declined 0.5 percent in Marc h , cutting sh ort a sales recovery that now appears to have lasted only one month, the Commerce Department reported Monday. Rebounding from a Ja- nuary plagued by bad weather, retailers had rolled up a 2.6 per- cent gain in sales during Fe- bruary after suffenng substantial declines in the two previou s months. The new March decline capped a three-month quarter that Commerce Secretary Mal- colm Baldrige was quick to label disappointing. "Retail trade is li- kely to remain somewhat slug- gish during the second quarter," Baldrige said. MANAMA, Babrai.D (AP> - An OPEC committee reportedly reversed a decision, for the seco- nd time in as many days. and agreed today to hold a meeting over alleged oil company pres- sures on Nigeria to cut the price of its oi,l . Search continues for sailboats Fragments f rom one spotted on two beaches PICHUCALCO, Mexico (AP) -Two Indian gwdes led army patrols on a 14 -hour trek up ash-mired donkey trails tnday in an effort to rescue 600 villcsgers reported trapped on the smoking slopes of El ChinchonaJ volcano, an army spokesman said. The spokesman, who requested ano- nymity, said the patrols left at 2 a.m. PST carrying food and me- dical supplies up the crater to an Indian cooperative farm a few miles from the town of Francisco Leon where 200 people were found alive last week. HAMILTON, Ontario (AP) - Eleven members of a Polish dance troupe have defected to Canada, federal officials have announced. The defections, an- noum:ed Monday by officials of the federal Immigration Department, occurred Friday fol - lowing the last of four Hamilton performances. It was the only Canadian stop on a worldwide tour by Mawwsze, a group of 115 dancers, singers and musicians. SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) - Fragments of a green hull belie- ved to be one of the two sailboats missing with four people from a wind-whipped yacht race were spow.ed Monday on two beaches, the Coast Gu~rd said. Aircraft had been searchmg the choppy waters since fierce winds dis- rupted a race to the Farallon Islands on Saturday. Spotter planes repo rted no sign of the four people aboard the Sweet Omega and the Bad Sneakers. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A psychology professor who was "a sort of guru" to some of his stu- dents and often spoke of threats on his life to explain fear during class lectures was shot to death in his office as several stunned stu- dents looked on. The gunman , believed by police to be an ex- student, opened the door to the office. fired four or five shots, glanced at the students and fled. Dudley Yasuda, 43, was hit in the chest and abdomen by gun- fire about 11 :30 a.m. Monday durin~ a meeting with eight stu-dents rn his office at San -Franci- sco City College, said homicide ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Cla111fted adYeftlslnil 7141142·54J71 All other depemnenta 142-4321 Thomas P. Hatev Pu-end CIWI 6ecu1M1 ~ Robert N. Weed ......... Kay Schultz Vice ,.,..,..,, end °"*'10t ol Aci-111inO Tom Murphlne fdJtOt Mike Harvey Dlrct0t ol M.,lieono (Clrculetlonl Ken Goddard Olr9C10t ol Oper- ~acleen Qlartel L009 ~~ MAIN OfflCE JJO w .. ..., St., c-. #MM, CA. Mell..,_: ao. U..i. C•IA Mew, tA., ...a c...,,,._ 1"2 0.-Mllt Coesl Publl1111"9 ~. No 11.-ltllrln, lllvt'retlons. ""•le•-•• .,.ruw-u...,...,......, lier~.,....... -lel~ofc;~rtwM-r. VOL 75, NO. 103 inspect.or Marvm Dean. He died at San Francisco General Hospi- tal about an hour later. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Assembly passed a bill Monday that would allow tracks to take bets on big out-of-state horse races like the Kentucky Derby. The vote was 59-4 for AB2663 by Assemblyman Frank Vicencia, l),Bellflower. It goes to the state Senate. POMONA (AP) -Todd Winterburn, a 12-year-old Arca- dia boy visiting relatives in Po- mona, died when rocks in a hill- side cave where he was playing collapsed on him, police said to· day . Wlnterburn a nd h is 15-year-old cousin, Brian Hale of Pomona, were hiking in Po- mona's Westmount Hills when they entered a natural indenta- tion in the hillside near Blue Grass Street called "the Cave," said Themla Dwyer, a public service technician for the police department. "One of the boys - we don't know whkh one -wu pulling rocks on the roof, when the roof collapeed.'' she said. MALIBU (AP) -An earth- quake rumbled off the California coast today, waking up beach.side residenta, autbor1ties aairt. No damage was reported. The epi- center of the 3:02 a.m . quake, which waa measured at 4.0 on the Richter cale of ground motion, waa 15 miles west of Malibu in the Pacific Ocean near Point Dume. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Two major rivers -swollen by a fierce storm which recently laahed Northern California - neared flood level.a today. and . officials fear that snow runoff ....,,... .... ..., t ........ ~ We 1Te Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot"' What don't you Ukt" Call the number below and your meua1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to tbe appropriate edJtor. The same :W·hour answer1n1 service may be used to ~cord let· ten to lht' edJtor on any topic Mailbox contributors mutt Include their name and telephone number for ver1rlcatlon. No clreul1Uon callll. pltut Tell us what's on your mind will soon exceed the storage capacity of major reservoirs. The Sacramento River rose to flood stages today, and 15 floodgates on the Sacramento Weir -which diverts water into a flood plain - were opened to relieve pressure at a downtown bridge. ''This is the first time in 42 years we have opened those gates in April," said Bill Helms of the state Flood Control Center. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE (AP) -A popular Lake Tahoe tour 00.t was found capsized Monday, sitting in about seven feet of water off the Timber Cove Ma· rina Pie r , where it had been docked. Diamond• are not a renewable aourcie. When your diamond WU mined. It left 1 gap In the eerth'a ITlUeup thet Wilt neY9I' be fltled. Youn 19 a truly unique atone. It It a mlrade of nature. In the mllllona of yeara betwHn tta birth and lta dllcowry, your die· mond aaw the evolution of dlf· f«ent plant and enlmal f0<m1, different WHther cyclee, the dawn of men and thousand• of yeare of human development. Through all that. It hu endured. The dlemond you own It alao a muterP'ece of man. Flrat, tona of rode muet be bfuted and put through • l•l)gthy proceaa to Ml*'•te the diamond materiel from lta hot rock. About 8500 tOM of rock muat be proc.Md to r904.,., J,:t one ounce (142 ceretal of Nilda. °' oourw. out of that ounce the ameller portion of th• cryatala wlll b• · g«n quellty; the r•t Wiii be 4n-dUWW gooda. At Ihle point, the dl•monda muat be eorted end graded tor oofor and oWtty ~ fore they are ~ on the l'Nt· ket. A dlemond In the rough la not very ettrMitlve. It'• no wonder AP W'"Pftoto MASTER'S VOICE -Guitarist Andres Segovia, 88 (left). gestures as he conducts a master class for 10 classical guitarists' in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was Segovia's first master class in the eastern United States. M•ry Barr. Oert1f1e0 GemolOQ1s1 CHAR LES H. BARR lhe slone was overlool<ed In the many cenlurles before cutting and pollshlng were fully under- stood. The rough diamond has a dull waxy look and comes In strange ahapes, uaually octahe- dral. It lakes skllled cutting and pollshlng to bring out the di•· mond's true beauty. First the diamond Is cleaved or eawed lo talle best advantage of the rough cryatal. Then It Is rounded, faceled and polished. The cut and pollahed stone muat be graded again to establllh It• per carat aetllng price. The work performed from the min• to you 11 tlme-conaumlng and eiq>enetve ... but well worth It. Through his advanced know!· edge, man haa taken nature'• raw rMterlal and maxJmtzed lta t>eeuty. You'll hlW to ...-that there 1a • great dMI of wort< In· votwd In the recovery and pro- CH a Ing of thlH well-l~v•d 11onea. Come by IN ttore Ind ... OUf eemplt Of a tough dlemond . . . and many eumplea of th• b~au that haa bffn crHted t out11ng and potllhlng ... and t artlttry Of the,.....,. ......,... ..~ ... ~ ........ ......,, '* .... , \ 17•&.,.._,Wt .. dH ..... . . ... ......... ·. ~------~-( ., .. ··-· 11 1...,H \\ .-EV99t0-9 1:ao•u1UAU malMUUI t:OO • NIWI ~•ANOa.t .,.~ I HAWAII flW.O llJSlt•awr ~MTAHOINO HUMAN MHAVIOA "M9f'llC)t)'" Cl) OUNEWI 1~= * *' "Manoonlnnl•" ( 18801 M•wuyul Yllhalawvy, Anne Ralph In 1830• Auetrlllle, • wnll1 .. 111«'1 ctllld and an Abo- r1g1rw1 womwo trevel la'Ou the bush (i)MOVIE * * * "The Big Rad One" ( 1980) IAe Marvin, Metil Hemlll A tough Almy -· QNlll lead• lour young, lnexperoeno.d racrultt Into Iha 11~lllled rray or World War II comb•t 'PG' 9:30fa MEW88EATWITH Cl.ETE A08EAT8 ~ 8USIHES$ REPORT Cl)QIMEWS ; (9) NHL HOCl(!Y K1ng1 al Eomon10<1 II§) BARNEY MILL.ER @MOVIE * * •-. "The Cal And The Canary" ( 1978) Honor Blackman. Michael Gell9n. Heirs ballle ro( a fortune al the spc><Hty ...... of • deceaMd million.ire. 'PG' 7:00 B C88 MEWS D MBCNEWS D HAPPY DAYS AGAIN D ABCNEWS «I) JOt<ER'S WILD fli) OVER EASY Guest George Shearing (A)O m 04Ct< CAVETT "Cocaine Panel" Gueslt Of Peoer Bourne, 0. L.- 1 er Grlnspoon, sc;roenwroler Leslie Fulle< (Pan ll(AI 00 P.M. MAGAZINE A 12-year-old college freshman, a osych<>lo0f11 whO 1rea1s pets as -H as people ®J EHTEAT AIMMEKT TONIGHT An 1nter11lew with Hugh Heine< QJ TliE MUPPET'S Guest James Coburn (Q)MOVIE * • * "The Hideaways" ( 1973) Ingrid Bergman, JOl1nny Doran Two chil- dren run awey from nome and hide In New York City's Metropolitan ,,._ um of Ar1. whfrll lt>ey, .,. t>Grnended t1Y d ~lf'IRl<I recluse 'G' 7: 15 (%) CIMMASCOAli 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN Fealured· look al the new- Ml gltt IOea -adult ll\6me cakes; an Int-wrth "Elwa." Channel 9'a hOf· ror IHms hOsless. COll9<age ol a ComNy Store wed· d1no 0 RACCOONS OH ICE Anomal8d Aicil Liiiie, Rita Coolidge and Leo Saver prolllde the vOICes l0t this mu9'cal special 8 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Laverne ao•-10 let Shir· ley's coosln, who is about to lake his final ID<llm It dental school. n~ h« bro- ken front 100111 D THE HERAl..0£0 ANGELS Ted Dawson 1001<.1 a1 CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 KNXT IC.BS) 0 C!) KNBC. lNBCI 2 0 KTLA find.I H e KABC IABCI e D KFM B ICBSJ T 0 KHJ-TV (Ind I @ Im KC.ST CABCI l CD l(TlV (Ind ) S" 'CD KC.OP TV (Ind I 0 SI KCET IPBSI (9 8i> KOCE <PBSI SEEK MOTIVE -The H•rts (Robert Wagner, Stephanie Powera) pose as ser- vants to uncover motive behind a political assassination on "Hart to Hart" at 10 to- night on KABC (7). what's In atore ror the call· lornla Angela lhts season m (f) TICTACOOUGH 9 MACHEL/ l.£HRER f\EPORT ID HEWS «I YOU ASKED FOA IT Featured "World'• FastNI Bll1e Ride' and "Ta11<1ng S..l .. all FAMILY F£UD (C)MOVIE * It 1~ "The Provale Eyes" ( 19801 Ooo Knolls. Tim Conway Two t>umbllng American detectives are called in 10 investigate • -• ol murd«a In an Enohsn castle. 'PG ffi) FLASHBACK "Fire At Coc:oenu1 GrOYe' Erle Sevareld tioala lhla unique documentary whlctt illustrates lhe traglC .....,.,,. ol Sa1urd1y noghl, Novem- ber 28, 1942 Wilen the lamous Boslon nightclub e"'plOded 1n10 a blazing inferno (%)MOVIE * * * * "The F1te Within' ( 1963) M aurlGit Ronet. Lena Skerla The las1 24 noors ot a man al the end of hos rope are reviewed 8:00 IJ Cl) O.E..D. A man 11 111\0t outside the Oevertll home in England jUSI 8$ he IS aboul lo reveal some v1111 onlorma- hon 0 OJ BRET MAVERICK Maverick 11'1eS to cateh lhe leader ol a utopian groop lhat has lte«;ed s-•wa- ler f11~1 001 ol lhelf land (Pan 11 8 MOVIE • • Jory" ( 1973) Robby Beneon, JOl1n Maney. A yoolh matures during a long, hard ca11M1 drive D 111 HAPPY DAYS Fonzie atealt a klaa from an atttacA,.,. ,_ teecher. Jl'trov.e * • "Lost City Of Allanda" ( 19771 Documentary E•c•tlng deepwaler dlQa oller new prool that the tabled c11y of Atlanti9 truly llM beneath the blue water or lhe Aegean Sea SI lliE COUSTEAU OOYSSEY "The Nole" Jacques and Phil<ppe Cousteau explOte the natural beaul19S and lhO cullures along the banks ot the Nile as they trivet lrom the mountain headwaters to l(hartoum (Pall l)(RI m MOVA 'Notes 01 A Biology Waleher A Film With Lew IS T~mas" B1<>1ogtal and award-winning aulhor Dr Lewis Thomas reveell some ot lhe mys1er10U1 'wonders or Ille. fR) o OnTV l TV HBO <Cinema•) IWORI NV , N Y IWTBSI IESPN) IShowt1mP) SPOlllc;ihl ((abte N~ Network) (S)MOVIE • * "Xanaou" ( 1990) Oli· vie New1on-Jotin, Gene 1<4141\1 A young at1181, a hM_,iy muM lilMl I Mntl· mentel mllllonllr• join totCM to open up a huge roli.r-dllCO pal-'PG' O MOVle "Nlghlengale Sano In Barkley SQuate 8.30 D ®l JOANIE LOVES CHACHI Chechl enc:outt1ge1 a ~ICk Joanie 10 hang out with her college room- mate, then regre11 It wtle<I She becomes lhe -I· heor1 ol fraternity row O • M•A•S•H Frank COf"lplalns to Genef- al Batt. et when Hawkeye le appointed Chief Surgeoo al Ille 40771h (filMOVI£ * • • "Caddyah•·~k" ( 1990) Biii Murray, RO<!net Dangerlleld The dernenl· ect groundt-keepet ol a swanky c:ountrv club wages war againll lhe gophe<s lnhablllng n11 lurt 'R' 9:00 IJ Cl) MOVIE It'> 'The Lest Song ( 198 I) Lynda Ca1111 Ron- ny Cox 0 QJ F\.AMINGO ROAD Slll'lde Is 1nvot11ed In a aerlooa 11Cdden1 and Lute- Mae dt1COV9'1 that Tyrone 11 hav;ng an ott&lr wllh het da~ter D (!1} THREE'S COMPANY Larry finally gels e dale with his lalMI lnlatuallon - Tetrt (RIO CD MERVORlffiH • AMEAICAA PLAYltCXJ8E "WOt'klng" PeopMI ol var- ied occ:upellona dltcuaa their wortllng 1'-1n an adai>tatlon of the 1977 ttage muelcal baed on 6ca;da TerWe belt·Mlling boM.C] 8) THE COUSTEAU OOYSSEY "The Niie'' Jacques and P11A~ Cou11eeu aaplore tne natur.i beautlM and lhe eulturH along lhe banll.1 or the Niie as 1ney travel from the mountain headwaters 10 t<narloum (Part IJ(A) (C)MOVIE • * '> 'A Tnundet Ot Or ums" (196 1 I Richard Boone, George Harnlllon A seasoned c:apl81n ot the U.S Cavalry rodes hard on a gr_._, yoong lieutenant 1usi out of West Point ~MOVIE .... "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957) Anoy Grif- fith, Patrtcla Neal A derel- tct goe11 lrom a jall call to fl~llOl\6l recognition on the s11ength of h11 humor and m..tical talent 9:30 Q 9 TOO CLOSE~ COMFORT Henry finally mal(H out a wtM and ends up walehlng 1'1' exasperation as a btek· erlng Jackie and Sara begin spending lheir lnhet· 11anc:e (RI (Z)MOV1E • * • "All Thal Jazz" (1979) Roy Scheider. Ja- sica Lange The tumultu- ous "te ol a profenlonal c:hotaogr111>het IS followed from succeu on the atage IO l)«aonal crl-'R' 10:00 o a 8HAP£ °" ™IHGS Suun Anton. Jullat ,,OWM, Olea VM ,lllWI, ...... a.ntofd Md ""''" 9imi ... .,. IOOlel ._,.. • _,~r:=-· al;:,. TO HAM The Hatti PON u .......,,,.,, to uncowor the motlw t>elllnll • polllloal ........ netlOtl, (I\) Q MOYie • • • "8tlr Cru:y" ( 1NO) lllloherd PfyOI. 0-Wiid· ... """° men .,. m111a11.,, IOt bank IObbera 111\d -.nl ir..C:. • • • • ··r .. 1" 1111111 Na111881a t<lntlkl, Pet ... Finn Tiie dauOhl• of a poor !ngt11h farmer ~ tltt llletlm of her lllnlly • NOlt•lloM and '* own bMuty 'R' t0:16 (H) OH LOCATION "Ooo A~kiM And Hll WlM Guya" Taped ~°'• • live auOltnc;e al Ille Sahara Hoitt, the C8411tlC king of "l)Ut-clOwna, .. Don Aldtlea, hoela a hllartoua catl of 116f11tlle Cornedlana 10>.ao e MEWS • JUNE WAYNE -THE OOAOTHY Sl!flUU Lot Afl08IM artlal June Wayne di-the 20 ll1nograph1 now on dleplay II UCLA wlllch por1rey her mother's Ille Gj) AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Working" Peopi. of v.,. led occupation• dlacu• their worlllng tivea lrl an adap1auon 01 the 1977 II~ musical baaed on Siuda Tertier1 t>eat-aelllng 11:00 e o'i. CJ) 9 QJJ HEWS 8 8A TUROA Y HIGHT Hoel Bob Newt'lan. B KOJAK ID All IN n.E FAMIL 'f Edith 18 stunned wll90 lhe discovers lht real ree80'1 behind the b81gain1 ane·s bee'1 gemng 111 the butc:ner Shop. m TliE JEFFER80H8 • 8£HNYHIU Be<iny ta a henpeck8d hul· band With an eye •or a pretty gorl SI DICK CAVETT "Coc8'ne P11194" GU41Sll: Of Petet Bourne, Of Lea- l er Gt1napoqt1. t1ereet1wrl1er Leslie Fulfer (Pilfl 2)(A)· (C)MOVIE * *'> "Ode lo Billy Jo." ( 19761 Robby Benion, Glynn,. O'Connor Based on me song by Bobble Gentry A tormented teet\- ager• pasl ••~ complicate his llral true romance 'PG' (())MOVIE • • "Nobody's ferlekr" (1981) Gabe Kaplan, All• Karral Three unlikely hero«t se1 out 10 ballle the red tape and bur~ecy of city hall 'PG' 11:30 IJ CJ) ALICE Florence recelv• a mlt· r1age propoaal lrom a Mid· die Eallern 0tl aheik (A) 0 QJJ THE BEST OF CA~ Guest• Dean Martin, Flo<- ence H1ndar1on, t<urt fhOmaS (A) •«1 A8CMEW8 NIGHTuNE ., SAHFORO AHO SON SI NEW88EA T WITl4 CLETE 1'0MRT8 11:40 MOVIE * • * "The Big Red One" ( 1980) Lee MatVln. Mark Hamill A tough Army-· geant lead• lour young, 1ne>tpeoenced recrulll lnlo the 11oo1en<»-nlled fray or W0tl<I W., II combat 'PG' 11:45 (Z) CIHEMASCORE -Ml>NIGH'T- 12:00 D EHTERTA"~MEHT TONIGHT An 1nter'itew wfth Hugh Heiner • 0 FAHTASY l8lAHO Four Depression-era thieves want to rOC> one 1u1 benk and a prelty girl dreama of beCOmlng a movie llat. (RI G MOV1E • • • "Harcut11 Uncf'o8'ned" ( 1HOI Steve Reeves. SytY1 koeclna ., MOVIE •••• • "Anatomy Of A Murder" ( 1950) Jemn Stewart, Ben Gazzata. «I) LOVE. AMENCAH STYLE • FOCUS OH SOOETY CS) TWO TOP BAHANA8 • Don Adams and Don Alc- lcleS team up for a show- case of t>urleaque etld uncen~ed comedy (Z}MOVIE • • ·~ "CIOud Danoer" (1980) David C.-redlne, 'Working' not job well done PBS' musical adaptation a poorly paced production By FRED ROTHENBURG ~ Tele¥Won Wrtt. NEW YORK -PBS' musical adaption of "Working," Studs Terke l's glorification of the American labor force, is a lot like work. There are 'exhilirating highs, tedious lows and times when you'll watch the clock. uneven television. it has enough insights to be interesting. The words. most of them coming di- rectly Crom the workers Terkel interviewed. often do capture the strivings and longings of the American laborer and manager. Even some of the .onga, which are generally wUn.spiring, allow the worker's search for meaning and dignity to come ringing through. Do we live to work or work to live? sionate song, .. Just a Housewife," is not a throwaway. "Is it dumb that they need me, that I care?" That desire to be reco~.ed ia. possibly, the mott moving force of the work ethic Terkel ~xplo­ red. As the steelworker (Barry Bos twick) s ays: 'h 'a n on - recognition that gets to you . . . To be oonaidered 'just a laborer' is degrading." Ot'ange Cout DAILY PILOT/T~, April 13, 1882 N A1 TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 7:30 -uRacooona on ~." Rich LitUe, Rita Coolidge and Leo Sayer pro- vtde voices for a.nimated muaicul. ~ KCET (28) 8:00, KOCE (~0) 9:00 -"The Cousteau Oct~." Jacques and Ph111ppe Cous teau explore natural beautiea and culture along the Nile. KCET (28), 9:00 -"Working." People of various occupatlooa diacuss tJlelr working lives. See atory, below. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Shape of Things." Social issues and peraonal ri?lations are satirized. Jennlf• O'He611. A toe> 1tun1 ftlet ~11 Int people WllO cate about him In the Mltlltl l>U'IUlt of hit ~oua IC)0(1. 'PO' t2.-ot 8 Cl) WkAP IH ~Tl Atldy arrangea a dlle lor hit vialtlng litter. but She decldM lo go out with llenu• ln•tead t2:aG 8 QI LATE MtOHT WITH DAVID lETTEAMAH Ount1. The Gralalul Dead, ~ 1<0~1n.ic1 I OOUPlO ~ORIHO LAHOUAOE 12:40 8 Cl) MCCLOUO McCIOUd dalM 8 model to find OUI II She wMl hat ool- leagU.S are amuggtlng nar- cotlcl 12:48 (Cl MOVIE *•*'Ai "Catnel Knowl- edge" ( 1971) J8Clk NIChOI· eon. Ann-Margre1 Two COiiege lrlend• spend MY· eraJ .,._,, before 1111<1 elter orMluatlon diacoYerlng Mle by Sharing and ewttQllng Heh Oth«'I glr11r~ 'R' Ql)MOVIE ,, • ·-s-1 And low" Maryarlne ~ •. Patrloe Cheron A dellolad YoUno wife's erollc lanl••I•• begin to Ilk• contrOI over her t>enalllot. 1:00e MOVIE * * "Ouantrlll'a Raiden" ( 1958) Steve Cochran, Leo Gordon A Contederaie ottlcar lnl111rales Union ffnea lrl order to raid a kanauat~ .., MOYIE * * '~ "The VIII!" ( 19641 Ingrid Bergman, Antnony Quinn. A -lttry woman ottera a generout endow: menl lo her ~ town if the realdenll agree l o murder her former lover (S)MOVIE * * "Squeeze Ptay"A team of ball-9laylng oe.u- lln chaHenQe lite guy. 10 a wltd eonball oam&· 'A' 0MOV1E * •'h "Uled Cer•" (1980) Kur1 Au9Mll, Jaclc w.,ci.n, Aher the owrt« of a ban· kru6t cat ltlOP dlea, hla emp1o,_ try 10 -up h,. oerni.e 10 ~· his weaktry cat ~ b<olher I hom inn.ttlng Ille buli- ,_ 'R' t!to e MOVIE * * "MaryjeN" (t9881 Fabian, Patty McCormac:lc. High school 11udenu gang UP on a !Neher they dl$- Nke and planl marlju<lne on him. QI NEWS 1:30 8 QJ) NEWS 1:35 CID MOV1E * •~ "Oespalf" (1979) Ol<ll Bogarde, Andree Fer- reol. A Ruaalan confection· er living In a.rm.n., 11 I~ with IOI.al ruin during lhe riae of NUlam. 1:50 CD MOVIE * • 'h · Nlghlhawka" (19811 Sytveeter StaMone, ' Billy Dee WIHtama. A tough New y <Wt. C<ty cop has Ilia wOt'k cut out ror him wt.I one or the WOfld'• most d1ng•rou1 1error1111 errl-In Illa city 'R' 2:20 9 NEWI no9 MOVIE * • "Ou«ew or Red Rl11- .,.. ( 19ee) George Mont· gomery A retOtmed oul· law encounters biller ho•· tlhly lrom an on~ Me1llcan nobleman (~MOVIE • * "Outrageou1r· ( 19771 Craig Runell, Holllt McLaren. A good-natured halrdr-, wtlO moon- llQhll u an lmper10nllor of lemale celebrltlee, Iha/et an apanment and 1 pl•tonte relalionlNp with a schllophr8'11C ~oono wom- an 'R' tlJMoVIE • * TeAU Lightning" (198 I) Channing Mitchen, Ma11r--. Mccormic. A boy's weekend hunllng trip with his lat'-turn• Into an 1n111a11on 1n10 manhood 'A 2:40 8 HEWS 2:558 MOVIE • * ' Bul1Wh1p" ( 19581 Guy Madison, Rhonda Fleming A man lakes part In a torcec1 marnaoe In order to ncape eKecullon 3:00@MOVIE * * * Together" ( 1956) Documenlary M1cn1el Andrews, Eduardo Paoloz- 11 The 1ns1de world ol 1wo daaf-mute lnends Is explored 3:30 ID MOVIE * * * Tne Coon Mtlr11BI Ot Billy Mllchell" ( 1955) Gary Cooper Cnarlea Bocalord A man is put on lrtal wnen he defies m1N- 11ry brns In order to ahOnen WO<ld Wat II. (Z)MOVIE 8 8 • "All Thal Ja.u" ( 1979) Roy Scheide< • .i.- lllea Lanoe Tne tumullu· oua Ille ol a prolesslontll Ch0teogr1Ph9r 11 lollowed trom ~on the a1age to persono1 er,_ ·A' 3:40 OU MOVIE * • • .., I he Shining" ( 1980) Jack Nlcholeon. Shelley Duvall Olrecled by Stanley Kubt'ICI< A '°"'* llQl\oolte9Cher hired .. 1 winter caretalt.. lor a remote, and apc>arently h..,nted. Cotot-~o h0tei1 " ""~ ,,.. wttt\ his wtte and clairvoyant YoUng son. 'R' 4:00 8 MOVI& • ·~ "0.UOfll« Of fhe Jungle" ( 1948) Lois Hiit, Jemes Caldwell. An Amert· cen heiress end her -a11ny lllh« are resc:uec:I lrom the wilds by a pllOI 4:06 (~TWO TOP BANANAS Ooo Adams and Don Ale· klV 1aem up lor a show- case or burlesque and uncensored comedy 4: 10 ('1 MOVIE * *'> "Ode To BIHy Jo." ( 19761 Robby Benson, GlynnlS O'Connor Baaed on 1ne song by Bobble Gentry A l0tmented leen- ager. s p8$1 •llPl'lenoe. compltcate hll 11r111 true romanc;e PG 4:30 0 CHAHNE\. ZERO JOHN· DARLING tt'fld•••d••'• ....... .. .,., . -MORt•tG-• uo (I) • *. "Tiie alg A.a One" (1ff0) tM MIWWI. Manl Hamill A lougfl Almy wgeant IMdt lour ~. lnel!PetlenOed '~ukt Into !flt Ykllanae--.ct lf9Y of Wotld WW II QOmbtt •pa• • • * * "Which Way It LJ9?" ( 1977) Aiehafd Pryor, Lonette McK .. A .... atar\19d ff'Ull picker It caught In a c:omkl CIONI"• bet"'"" NI unlOn and Ille MoO, and a h'ts>Oerlllc.I CHMiehet llnd1.,_.,,..,1r1 a lfodlel' c:tlolr 'R' e:OO Ct.> "Chlldran Of Tflealre Street" (%) •• "l c>gellW" ( 19791 JllOQUll4h\e 81.-t, Ma•1m1- Man 8ctlell 1:ao CC.I * • ''Shame, Shame On The Bixby Boye" ( 1979) Monte Mlfkham A IOUf· brother larn•ly ot c;atlle ruttier. and their father chellenge 1ne IOcal dePYty 10 a oenu1ne IN>OIOUI ., Lha Old oorral 'PO' C1J '1 • "F0toe Five Siar· venger1· ( 19811 Anomatad An 11tmy ol 11111• roboll band logtlher IO defend Eanh aga1n11 1 t0toe ol allen invaders 'G' Cl) • • '" 'Noghthawka ( 1981) Sylvester Stanone Billy Dee w1111arn1 A lough New York City cap naa n11 work cut out tor n1m when one or the world's moll dangerous terrorltlt 11rovM 1n n11 city A 1:00 0 •*·~"The Nude Bomb" ( 1990) Don Adams Syt111a Krislet Secret agent Maxwell Smart laces nos mo.I dangerous advera.ry 1n Ill arChvlllaln wtlO plans 10 11unch m1as11es 1na1 will dlVObe lhe entire htiman populallon PG 8:30 CID • • "K1no 01 The Mounlain ( 198 I) t-1a1ry Hamhn, Joaeph Bot1om1 Three young L A bache IOf• devoie lhelr ene<gtM 10 the sport ol drag racing 'PG 9:00 Ci • * II s Ahve 119751 John Ryen, Sharon Fa11etl A bouncing baby cornea Into the world with tangs c;laws and t strong nom1 cldlll lnlllncl ·PG' 9:15 (2) • • 'h "Sh0r1 Eyes ( 1978) Bruce OevlSOn, JOS4l ~w. Con111cu onempt 10 stey llllY9 in the brutal atmoepnere ot e prlSon wllere cer1aln fellow lnmatN break almo$1 eve- ry known rule ol decency 'R' t:30 ti) • • "Btue Steel ( 1934) Johri Weyne, Elea· nor Hunt A dosgyltled U S matahal convtnoes a 1own not to ylekl their gotd-t1Ch land 10 a pressuring band 0 "Nighlengale Sang In Barkley Square 10:00 (S) • * • "Love Me Or Leave Me" ( 19551 Oot•• Day, James Cegney A mobsllv marrlea t~ ainger he made lamoua. but becomM enraged when he can'I oontrOI her 10::30 ~ * • * "King Of 1C.ngs" C 1962) Jelfrey Hun1er Roben Ryan Tne coming ol "-'• and tne 8'1enls or h<• lrfe gave btrlh to 11 ,,_ rellglon 11:00 CID • * • "Flath Gordon· I 1990) &am J Jones. Mu Von Sydow A 1no or ear1hllng1 travel 10 the ~I Mono<> llnd netpec:t Its oppressed lnhabolants in Iha Ollerthrow or the e11ll Emperor Ming PG' CZ)**'"' 'Baby Dolf' ( 1957) CarrOll Baker, Kerl Miiden A votup1uou1 young woman who1e allracllon 10 vat1ous men le qoile mulual lleds them 10 the dealrucuon ol their ~8111ou9'y happy llves 'R' tl'.00 ..... ""-Of C!Mlt· ron" ( 1tt2) ....._ Powe, eoo ,, .. ,,. VMll .... OW' 1n.e to 1119r1ge IN _, ol lllt fri9ndly CherOlc-~ "8d f&lf9d lw • • • "Tne Ollldl Otin" ( IH4) Aud4ol Murprly, ~ ty Anderl A oowpoke 11 tQlglven by the townapeo-ote lor Illa put ~ '°"*' he bait ... I oeng Of notorlout outtewe WbO h•~• beet\ tormenting 11te town • • • o,. "You're A BIO Boy Now" (1N7) Ellllbeth Ht1t1men, G«aldlnt Paoe A1111 being tdct.ao out of Ill• '''""'' ho\M, • llbrat-i.n leafna I.bout Mte trom IWO dltt«enl women (t) e ..... ''Tiie Odd Couple" (IHI) Jadt ~ mon, weii.r Matthau T- cllllOr* men wttlt COlllllClt· log oeraona1111u oeclde 10 .,..,. an apat1men1 In.._ YOt~ City. 12"~ 9 It a * "WhO'Q Stop Th4I Ralrl ?" t 10 7 8) Hldl Holte, Tueaoay Weld A Vle1nam 1111.,an lnvOI.,.. • Ir Mind Ir om '"' Wlf Ind hta glrllrtend In Ille hlgh·pncad and dangerous w0<ld or drug 1muggt1ng 'R' 1:00(%1••• 'Tom· Cl981t Piper Laur11, Mel GlblOrt A young relarded man and I Mnllllve mlddi.-19.0 women dllllelop a clOM rela11on1111p ol mu1u11 need and underatlll'ldlng tnal laad• to an unorthO- dox marm1oe 1:30 fCI • * Shame. Sname On The B••bY Bay• ( 19791 Morote Markham A tour• b<OI'-lamily ol cattle rulllefs end 1heir ralher cnonenge the 1oca1 dep.ily to e genutne shoolOUI II tt>e Oid corr 11 PG· 2:00 (H • 8 • "The E4tthhng" ( 11180) w1111am Hold•n. Aooky Schroder A world 1raveh1r t&aehes a yoong °' phan lhe wl~ of 10r111val on the Auttralten wtkle< nou PG' 2:30 ($) a a * "Oh God!' 11977) George Burnt, Jonn Denver God selecl• en unsuspectong young auper- merket manlgt>r to dehver a messaoe ol nope and gooo will 10 the skeptlcal people of lhe modern-<lay w0tlO PG 2:46 lZI * * '7 · N1ghlhawks" ( 19811 SylvHler Slallone, Billy Oee W1111am1 A tough New York Cuy cop has hit work CUI OUI f()( him when one of lhe world • moet dangerous letror1a11 art1ves 1nnlsc11y 'R 3:00 G • Squeeze A Flowef I 1970) Jack Albertson, Waller Cn1at1 In iYder 10 protect 1ne MCr•t• or "'' SUGC8SS lrom • ~"'" t>usoness cohorl an llellan monk leaves the coun1ry Clutching his secre1 lormu- la lor a very line home brew 4:00 (C, · Ch•ldr&n Ot lt•ealre SI reel 0 • • *'> Bedknobs And Broomsllcl\s 1197 11 Angltlo Lansbury David T ornl1nson During World We• 11 a novtce torceret1s and her lhree young lloends &el olf IOI 1 magic: island -e She intends 10 •earn enough about witcncralt 10 "" 11 1911n1t tne Nazis G 4:30 ($l * • ·Force Fov., Star. •enoers ( 19811 An1ma1ed An army of 111111 1obol1 band togelher 10 defend Earth against a l0<ce ot Illian invader• ·G 4:45 fl • * ·~ "Cloud Dance< ' ( 1980) Oalfld Carradine Jenn1ler 0 NetN A IOP stunt fher neglecls the people wno core about h•m 1n lhe sell1Sh pursuit of hot dangerous sport 'PG' 5:30 (Cl a • "Cotton Candy ( 19781 Cllnl Howard . Charles Manin Sm11n A groop of high schOOI mis- lots l0tm a roctc band to compete wtth 1ne schOOI s es1obhshed band by Armstrong & Batiuk ~---------------------.:... Cu.tom lllcwed ~Q~H!!!_. coll•r 'n cutf .: ~ 0.-. ..... '"" Coet•Mne~·...,,.. ~ ............ r....... Tab 1n 1n•1nto1, ol yo•r potential. What ~ O( lft¥lfonment do l'04I WOil b1s1 111· How do JOU relfte ID °'*1 f Attend one of four smioM 141 Ajlrj: ............. , .... ,. ....... " .....,,,.....,. ...... ......_._.n ....... •edt · 7:W.M.-lHCIP.ll IU:mMl'w ...... .,............ 0' WE'RE AW-RETIRED CAR DE'ALE~5! 'r.\,.nfk...~~rt...'iJI~' ~~ ~ ·oo~ SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTTERS Designed, Finished Installed ,._ This edition of PBS' weekly "American Playhouse" tonight at 9 on Channel 28 works ha.rd at capturing the essence of Terkel's grand study of the wheels that move a nation. But it never quite succeeds. lt'a certainly not a lemon, but "Working" is a case of one me- dium not translating that-well to another. While the book could thoroughly ex.amine blue coUan, white collars and frilly collani, tonigl,lt'a 90-minute adaptaion of the ahort-run Broadway ahow can only offer illmJ*!S· In the words of author Terkel, t he 'host of "the program: " 'Working' ia about a aearch for daily meaning aa well as daily bread, for recognition as well as c&1h. for astoniahment rather than torpor; in short, foe a eort of life r a ther thanfa Mo nday - through-Friday eort of dyina." But before we're allowed to understapd and know the steel- worker, he'• gone. In hia place ta Scatman Croth ers. the parking 1 lot attendant who sings a near-"91!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!t 14 M0-1261 Given its more limited aciope, PBS' "Work.lni•• abould hav focu.ed on .evei-al occ:upallons, lnrNed of aJoMlnl over ~ dilf .. rent jobs. The reiul& la a poorly paced production that hH a ,.tchwotk quality, when what'• ~ for ii a men flnlahed «Al· brtc. Even thou1h "Wo kin .. ' la The aimple trutha of \he 1-bor f<>tte are captured ln the waiu.& ·(rut.a Moreno) who alnga the Jo>'3 ot her job. "I have to be a waltreN,'' ahe .. ya, "How else would th~ world come to me?" But ahe ~bufta any •UUfJ!tion \bat her job la~ ''I etve Rrvice. rm DOl leM.\e .• ~ ame bMc Meda are ln the ~ife •ho bel.lewt her work 11 lmpona.rn, tao. Her pu- endless eong about his job. Thoee characters who expn!m universal feelings are the pro· duction's strength. Theae aeg- men\.I create a mood and tone that emphasize that machinea may move the world, but it's people who push the machines. The mlsrant worker, who la aaklnt ahoppera to boycott let- tuce, offera a melancholy aona about beina ~He lamenta that on t.ablea liCro. America fa· mlUn are uU~fru.it.a and ve- ptablel and fM .IJ'IU)ted the hand• th,l p eked t hem. ''Th•y don't even know how h IQltMn,"he~ Don't be a Victim f ind °"' how to prof.ct ogoimt crime. Huntington c.ntw ~ Sot./5'.1. 12 to'· 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters . "FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS ~VAILAB~E ON 'lHE MAAl<a ~ODAY •.. AT PACTORY DIRmcTi PRlcmSI c.. (714) Ml U41 or ~ttn Waa&1 .... ICTllY 1'77Plaolntl1 Avenue • Cotia Mela. CA '2ISl1 ' NYSE COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION •llOtAflC*S lltCt."" H••••o• , ............... 1ow1n, '"('"'· ..... MUl)lt, DIUOIT AltO C••c••••TI nou latf!AlfOH•1t0•1f'Olln• .,. , ............... .,, .. ,, -4 • N .. Dow Jones Final OFF .28 QOSING M1.CM • nixes Tahoe flights Newport Beach-based GoJden West Airlines an- nounced that the carrier will discontinue service from iouthem California airports to Lake Tahoe on April 25 Golden West will continue, however. to operate two daily non-stop round trips from San Francl.SCO to Lake Tahoe with direct and connecting flights from both Monterey and Fresno Golden West said 11 is suspending Southern California-Lake Tahoe routes due to unprofitable operations. If the economy should take an upswing, the carrier would reconsider its action. Safari reve nue up Lion Country Safari, Inc, reports 1981 revenues of $2,043,290 compared to $1 ,795,563 for the previous year, an increase of 15 percent The company, however, experienced a loss of $466,711 or 25 cents per share, compared to a los.s of $746.290 or 39 cents per share in 1980. The company srud at expects UTlproved results this year by virtue of rental income accruing for a full season of Amphitheater operation, together w1th sev- eral new programs. AirCal oilers I ree car s AfrCal announced today 1 t will· offer Burbank customers free rental cars as an introductory travel incenuve with the purchase of roundtrip standard fare tickets between Burbank and Oakland, San Jose or Sacramento. Airlrne officials al.so announced that A1rCal will add Seattle to its l!.St of cities served from Burbenk- Glendale-Pasadena Airport where the airline will begin operations April 25. AirCal's Burbank fares will be the same as fares offered from AirCal's other Southern California air- ports, including Los Angeles lnternationaJ, Ontario lnternatienaJ and John Wa:yne Airport. Fluor expands board The Fluor Corp. of Irvine announced its board of directors has been increased from 18 to 20 members. Elected to positions were William R. Grant, chairman and piesidcnt. McKay-Shields Financial Corp., anci Jc:iiep\L V. McKee Jr , executive chauman, National \Jnlon ~ectric Corp. Grant and McKee are serving as outside directors on the board of St. Joe Minerals Corp .. a Fluor subsi- diary. Oil buys suspe nded? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -San Diego Gas and Electric Co. has been ordered to show cause why it should not suspend purchases of 1.5 million barrels of unneeded fuel oil. a move that could save the utility and its customers $25.5 million. STOCKS IH THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS .... JOO •u.soo .0..600 m~ !811,'IOO ... 300 423,SOO 01,SOO Jll,jOO JIJ,500 l71,'IOO :in. IOI) :MO,'IOO JOt,IOO JOI, 100 JJPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS ·~ ... '~ ..... 41 .... 191o\ .... 111./· • l.M )'19 v, 1µ. ·~ sµ,, • " 22'9 • ~ 1S'""-• 14 »'"' ~ 62''-..... 2' ..... 1 .... It,, JO .. ~ .. ~· Vp 160 Up 11 I Up t.I Up •I IJp " VP I.I Vo U Up ~,O ~ .:i Up t' Uo .> VP I U'll ., Up 6.1 UP '-0 VP tO Up S' Uo U lllr;I. Oii 1U g; IO., ~ t; ~ t, g;; H 8:1 ,, Of! u Of! SQ, Off u Off .. Ott '1 Oii u Oii •• , °" q NEW VOA!( IAf'I-~let. m gold oolnl. ~ed with ThUrtdar'• .. ,,.....,...., f "~ 01.., •~eua. o11 n . ....... ...... , troy oz.. l*.2tll ~ .. .H . ........ ao "'*'· , t trqy ca.. -H, °" .. It. A1 .. ule11 100 Grown. 1102 1ror 01 • A-411 ... o11 •00 awr.OeM ......... METALS NEW YORK \AP) -Spot nonle«014 melal p<:ces loday eopper 1&-1 a '*"'' • "°"""· u s o.u-ne1iona l Md 28-32 cents • PQIJNl Zinc 3$-39 oenit • ll(>UnO, e1e11 ... ec1 Tift $6 :'>320 M9tels WMIC compotlle lb Aklmlftum 76-77 cenlt 1 pound. N V. M«cury $395,00 per 11 .... "9Unum $345 00 lrO'/ OL. N Y SILVER Hendy A Harmen, $7 ~50 per troy ounoe GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie ··~ ...._ s.IKled wOl1CI QOl<I p<lcee roo.y loftcl!oft: morning llltlft9 $352.SO. up S 1 00. Londo11: ell••noon ll•ln9 $3~ 50. up '200 ~ S3M )(), lJC) $0 70 ,. .... lllrt 13!14.00, off to 03 Zutlc:tt: Let• fl)lno 1352 oo bid. up u .oo $365.00a.tUd M111dr a Hanu11: tonly oelly quote) '3M.SO, Ul1Cl\anOICI ,.......,.. \only dely _.,, $353.50. oft SOIO. ......... (only deify qllOte) la~r.o 1371, 11. oll I0.84. SYMBOLS ... ,..,.._. _ _.,....,. .._ ___ ._., __ -.......... -°" .. -~ :.::""-_..,.,t:=' .. --.....:. ~""'::..: . --..--.. -· .i.= .... .. -M,r:::a. ......... ~ .. .. i\~1l -.... ..... ...... ............... ~"" ...... ,_, ....... -. •"---· ...... _. .. _,.._ ... ~----... "'.,_,.. ..... -~ ...... ,,._........,, _,... ..... .._,. ..,.... ......... ==::t..'!=....-==: - -"" ~ ... ~.,.----. t...c.ilM ............. ..._ ··-=i-1,-;:.:---= ;....-.~...,=~-----==...... .. ..... ~ ..-.---