HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-16 - Orange Coast PilotI ,, MARRIAGE PROPOSAL -Some men will go to-the ends of , the earth for the woman they love. For Steven RaUICh, the lky waa the limit Thuraday when he asked Corrie Morales of &lboa lalaiid to marry him. But the young Newport Beach w~ wun't the only one to look up in the lky over the Newport Bay at 5:30 p.m. and eee "Marry Me C«rie, I Love I You, Steve:" She hasn't adverti8ed yet but her answer wu "yes." -. j ·New MacDonald evidence I Ur er pro. U.S. bid heard on • Falklands , BUENOS AIRES, Araentlna (AP) -Secretary of State Ale- xander M . Ha.la lr. delivered a m p from President Reaaan to Arpnttne ~ Leololdo Galtlerl today In a bid to avert wu over the Falkland Ialandl. An Argentrne diplomat ex-. = optimism over tl1' latest . Watlve. . Haig, aocompuied by special envoy Veman Wal-. met with Galtlerl and Foreign Minister Manor c.o.ta Mendez. then dro- ve to the Foreign Ministry for. more ta.lb with c.o.ta Mendez. Hall made no comment to re- _porten wal~t Government ~ and the Ministry, but an AraentJne d plomat re- marked to a local radio station that "~y I WM pemlmistic, but today I'm optlmbUc" about the outcome of the talks. Presidential preu secretary Rodolfo s.ltierrez told reporters that the talk• at Government House had been "frank and weful." He laid Hall delivered a m ce fnm RMpn to Galtierl Tbe meimage, contentl of which ..... not revmled, WM drawn up foUowtng a Thunday telephone conversation ~tween the two pn!lklenta. . In the ~ converation, Galtleri "reaffirmed . . . bia personal desire for a peaceful ret10lutlon to the diapute," the Wh11e HOUie aald. Galtteii also uked Re!an to keep in mind that.the ited States fouaht aaatnat oniallam in 1776 to (lee PALU.AND, Pqe A!) WORLD NATION RETIRING -Randall Mc- cardle, owner of the Real Eetatera, is seIUn& h1a seven- offlce operation on the Orange P>ut- Millionaire realtor sells Mesa business By STEVE MARBLE OflwDelJ ........ Randall Mccardle, a ninth grade dropout who thumbed a ride into c.o.ta Meu 30 years ago, founded the Real &taters and became a mulU-mllJionaire, baa eold b18 real eatate empire. McCard.fe, who would not re- VMI the price for the llWft«fice operation, sold the bu•lnea1 Thunday to ht. brother Terry and a longtime employee, Mike Ferry. (See. REALTOR, Pqe A!) • He'llwalk country 10D haiids By STEVE TRIPOLI °' ... ..., fiilll iili -- In recent years Americana have teated their akllla ~ durance by cromlng the on foot, by bicycle, In helium balloon• and even on roller skates. But It'• doubtful that anyone haa even considered -much i.e. attempted -the croulnt that· Bob Wieland ~ to emb8l'lt on later thia month. Wieland plana to walk from·· Loa Angele• to Jackaonvllle, Florida in 14 months on his hands. ,. l -·-•• He appears supremely con.u- dent that be can do It. ...... _ Wieland, 36, baa let u"We Rand in h1I way in life, ewpedaUy lince both of hia Ieo were blown ot1 lb Vietnam ln 1"069. Th1I cha1lenae baa apec:ial lig- nlficanoes foc Wlelanct. He .hopes the "walk" will raite money·to heli> abu8ed and dl8abled youth; he views it u a personal and athletic accompllahment, and be says it will be testimony to bJa Chrilt1an faith. . Thouch people may be moved to. plty by Wiefand'1 condition. he re{uaes to refer to It u a diabl-lltt and says he baa been luakY· I appndate the blmdnp that have been bestowed on me, and I juat want to ahare them," be 18\Vteland nya be la ready. to atart the trip anytime, but that the problem• of aettina up a aupport team and the publlctty ~~ plana have aenerated have COUNTY e reope.ns I. _.,,, -~ Harbour~ doctor jailed .. FAYETTEVILLE. N.C. (AP) -No-eWlenoe in ·the murder · ·c.. ..... former Green Bent Dr. Jefl.n1 MKDm..Jd of B~ lnston Harbour bu prompted the FBI to restart a "1horouati' .. invwtlptian., a U.S. Jwtice De- partment official confirmed Tbunday. The Fayetteville 'nmel repot- ted 1n a copyright ·~~-1: that the ev$dence Wiii by M.:Donald'• private lnvestiptar, former FBI ap:nt Teel L. G\19-. ~ denon, who wu b1red by M..- Donald'1 friend.a in January of UMM>. ..., .......... "'.., ..... BAND TRD -Bob Weiland, wtw. lep were blown of1 ln Vietnam, plant to walk on hla hands ti'Clln Loe Angeles to JadmonvtJle, Fla. • . led to five postponements since Febrtaary. Tralnlna foc the challenp baa taken two fontw. Since hla lnJury Wieland bu built up hb body throu1h wet1ht training. He'• al8o been wallclnC between one and 10 mllee a day on h1I hands fat the put year. He'1 not jaat another weipt lifter. Hew• a national cbani- pion power llfw and world re- cord holder ln hla clMI ln 1977, before athletic of~ decided be abould.n't be allowed to com-pete for phyai981 and technical reucrna. . Bei.na banned from =.d- tlon. plw 8eYe!'81 o~ ta that occurred soon after, put Wlelan~ on the road to hi• (See WALK, P81e 4J) INDEX I A4 . M (».? AO B2 Dl-1 .. 88 88 Jrl M - . Gundenon said the evidence 11 contained in an 1,100-paae ~ vn&ipUve report· submitted le Jwtice Department oftldall lall yeer and ap1n to the 1"BI March 19. Brian Mu.rtach, the aupervt-line Jwtice Department attcl net Jn the. cue, confirmed that UM FBI baa been lnveltiotmc Gun· denon'• report since 'lime, 1981. MacDonald wu convicted iA um 1n RaWlb ot murdertnc tu. wlfe1 Colette, .24, and twe tlau1ntera, Kimberly, e, an4 Krllt.m. 3, at 1'cirt "--In 1970 • The convldionl were OYerturned tn December of 1980 by the Fourth Crcult Court of ~~· which ruled that bJa rt.buo. speedy trial bad been vi01a'8d. But that ded8'on .... owrtur- ned last manth by the U.S. Su-e Court. whicb ~ tbM Donald'• IDMCly trial riahW bad not.been vlolat.ed. Med>onald la now 1n federal (See DOCl'OR, :Pap A!) f DOCTOR ·INVES~IGATED cuaiody until hu.:.Mxt appeal II ........ Mun.p Mid b• oJden_d tM 1'111 to~· the CMe On ihe. •1 baal1 of tte.ro1 meaUon•d In • '"--...t • 11 vu.JNOCtl ~ llilt Jtane. al· ,,,lboucb he penonally fffll th• Ji re~J1 11 not pr®f of MaoDo-,,,,.,,,.., tnnoo.a. I "I .. nothlnl In the report to ~chance my m1Jid about tfW cor- NC:tllW of the 1079 Ju.ry verdict," . V ta. aid. "Mr. Gunder8on wanta ~the towmment to throw In the . 'towel beca'--of a four volume S •report. But lt'• not 1otn1 to happen." ~. Muna1h utd the report wu ,..flnt 1tven to the U.S. aolloltor • 1eneral ln February 1981 and ... . .. . M9ltber :riounder1on .. who would t only briefly CIC the report, idm.\tlfted the MW evidence 'ln th• report which ~pted .the ln~Uoll. Murtaab Mkl he w• not awa· re ot what the March 19 l'llpQrt to the l'BI contained. but baliiwd It waa the aame r•port that waa liven to the Jwtice o.s.rtment Iut ymr. G\mdenon did not •Y Why he Md IUbmitted the aeooncl report. ~ ~ . ~1REALTOR RETIRES . . . . . .,.., ............ ., u.,.,... eJ v 'I told it becatae in today'• market you need 90mebody wtl-llna to work hil bottom off," laid Md:Ardle, edd.lna. ··and rm not. •• The 50-year-Old broker, who went bllCk to .:hool and ended up earni!)l a PhD, uld he baa en- joyed· 1uccna in the real eetatel bUllnell and limply ilft't willlni to work that barcl anymore. He Mid hJa br.other, who hu ' been wlth the firm lince 196~. and Ferry are. . McC.ardle, a Mesa Verde rest-'~ent, bu had a rag1-to-rlche1 •'life. . 1 .. A high 1cbool dropout who operated a hamburger 1tand at ·nwe l>rofit In Pennsylvania, he ihter JOlned the Navy, took up mountain climblJ\8 and ended up ln c.o.ta Meu taking psycho1oc · tUane. at Or.nae C<*t "Colleae~ · Al the ttory ao-, he bouabt an · 1pld car for ·~· rented a ~ car prace • llvinC quarters for even 1-and atarted a i.I ..iate OVERTURNED TRUClt -A loaded concrete truck driven by Duane H. Kendall, '36, El Toro, overturned 'lbuaday at Adami and PlacenUa avenues in Calta Meu when the truck's front wheel 1prtng broke, police said. No one wu injured and very Utt.le cargo wu loet. ;:ri:':=.= Flood · control .hacked c.out Collep. Mc:Ca(dle Nid it'• the money . -the amount he'• made, that" Grand Jury sup1nnrts ·Santa Ana Ri11er plan -that hu taken the edp off hie . r" drlve in ..i. emte. He l&ld he'• · Jooldna to hll brother to keep up By PREDERIClt SCBOEMEHL tha. t the potential of flooding of lower Santa Ana River Flood th tatl f h firm or .. DellJ,... .._ the Santa Ana River Flood Plain Plain " h · ·d .. e repu on ° t ~ u • The Orange County Grand · •L.-Oood L.-----' • t e JUTY saJ · hard-woridna outfit. J In rel-~ t.oda i. UIC greatest IUIUUU west He l&ld he fa beli In ury, a report ~ y, of the Mlsliasipp1 -:-''The large area of Orange ., · not a ever gave strong endoraeme11t to a · County whJch would be affected, all the cl?,udy, gloomy and ne-rnaealve plan to improve flood "There la no way to predict and in whi~h approximately one ~ ialk about the reel estate proleetion along the ooune of the when Orange County could ex· million people re11de, includes .. ~In trou~~· Santa Ana River. perience one of the most de-the enure river area below Prado I don t believe it, he nid. -A t b th U s Army vaatatlna flooda in United St.ates _, __ _., h · '"nlere won't be a quick., drama· repor Y e · · L.•-t,,.;::,,-:'f Dam, pi ii ..... uy all of f.,na etm, tk: tumarou.nd but there will be a C.Orps of F.nglneen, dted by the •UD-·., Stanton, Garden Grove, Weat- tumaround." .' _ Gr~pd Jury, noted that dan~er The corps has been backing 8 minster, Fountain Valley, Hunt- And then -aa if to prove areas Include Huntington Bftch, plan for major improvements lngton Beach, west Santa Ana. "once a reeltor always a realtor" Fountain Vaijey and wmt c.o.ta along the river, lncJudlng recon-weal Coeta Mesa, west Oran~e. -he added, "rd buy now. Right Mesa. atruction of the existing 11rver' and portions of Seal Beach and uow. In fact, if I were you . . . RefenJni to a report prepared channel and raiaing the height of Cypress. · by the Cor~f Engineen, the the Prado Dam in Santa Ana !WALK ON HANDS... ;uid.; . ._~ .... ~ :J['=~~~= ~~';$i!~~ 1~-<:0untry Spirit of America enough to force him to abandon ea Ing ee: dam ln the Mentone area of San Santa Ana. . .Walk. hia work at Cal State last year. J 0 Bernardino C.Ounty. n "I Md to figure out what to do some corporate aupport for the Whose f 8 U f f However . boards of supervl· '"Should lhe river revert to na Ith myaelf, finit of all. About walk already hu been 11.ned up, son in Orange, Riverside and historical boundaries during a ·l time 1 saw a televilion ape-but Wieland and hi.a bllCken are MIA.Ml (AP)_ Neither pol.Ice San Bttnardlno counties are now flood . it would spre ad over a 1 on Te~ Fox (the Canadian Jook1na foe more and for 9'.apport nor a property owner wantl to backing a 9Caled down $654 mil-wfde area, partic ularly at its 'r vict1ril with a wooden leg from J.ndlvtduall.. too. take reaponitblllty fQr a bare lion plan to make downriver im-mouth." The river empties into )Vho ran acnm Canada). "It'• aolna to be the ultimate little tree that'• become a lhrlne provemepta while studies cooti· the Pacific Ocean on the Hunt- "Then one day I •• tral.n1ng phylical and mental ie.t," aa.ld for hundreda of~. nue on the controversial pr'opos-ington Beach-Newport Beach in Puadena and 1 got the Wieland, 'Who plan• to cover Crowda haw been flocldnc to ed dam at Mentone. boundary. ~t to do a lap on the tnclt between five and 10 mi.lea a day the tree, c:ollecUni •.P and ti&rk ln addltlon to e ndorsing tbe my hands. In a apecVlly dealcned llU.lL and adomin1 it with rell1loua flood plan, the jury recommen-Thi jury said county offlctala "Of COW'le, the Lord lmpr ed Wlela.Dd hall appeared on the medals and flowers lince an el-ded that county officiala develop ahouJd undertake a public infor· t on my heart, too," Wieland Orance Cout leVeral Umee rec-derly man claimed that ap from a "flood wam.lna olan." 1"9atlon campaign to alert reai· Meanwhile, he abo 1pent 1ix t~ .. • ltreni\h and flexibWty b at C.al State University in 01 Anaelea. In 1977 he al10. 1tarted Strive for Succe11, a t undral1in1, motivational and ltneu firm that became large ently t.o calk about the tljp. mmt _the tree cu.red hla bU"""'ll "Despite the potential property dent.I ln potential Oood areas "of recently at C..platrano Commu-"We will do whatever tbe po-damaee and bl of llle, there ia the necemity for the completion nlty Church ln San Jran Capt-lice 1ay," Mld Yolanda a.Ho. no flood w~ aystem in the of a flood protertion project." ltlanO. wnoee lamily owm the tree, lo-01 want people to real11.e that cat.eel In tlv.yard of an apartment Bob Wieland ii ~t 1pecta_cular, buildt n,. "Thia 11 a police but that Jesua Chriat hatl shown problem.' hil strength, .. he uld. The police dluiree· Warm d-ays u ..... .......,, -- u ·ear-ings in public studied By DA V1D &VTZM.ANN or .. .,..,,......., Oranae County'• flrl• test of a new state law which allowa pr"e- llminary hearln&• in crlmlnal cum to be opened to the public wu in tti. hancla of a 1uper1br court£a">Clay. J Phlllp Schwab took the open g matter under aub- mi.ion Thunday afwr a lawyer for murder defendant Thomu Thompaon claimed that public aca. to the proceedlnp would darnqe hil client'• rieht to. fair trial. However, a ttorney1 for a Saddleback Valley new1pa~r 'which aouaht an open h~ ln Thompsol\'• caae told Schwab·· that no proof had been offe1'ed to •how that Qpe~ aocem would im- pair Thom~·· ability to get a fair trial in Orange County. Thompeon. 26, of Orange, and. __ co-defendant David Willlam Leitch, 22, Of Laguna Beach. are charged with first.degree murder in the IW>b1na death of Ginger. · FleiachlJ, 20. Her body WU found ln a 1hallow grave ln eut Irvt.ne last Sept.ember. A prelimlnary hearing for the two defendants began lut month ln Central Orange County Muni- cipal Court. The Ptll'J>C* of the 'hearing WU to determine if there WU auffJcient evidence to order the two men to. st.and trial in au. perior court. Judge Samuel Taylor closed the hearing to the public at the request of "Thom peon'• attorney, Ronald Brower. Leitch'• attor- ney, Ronald Kreber, favored an open hearing. From Page A1 FALKLAND .. achieve Independence, and tha1" Argentina did the same ln the next century "and completed the process ln 1982" by retaking the Falkland lllandJ that Britain had held 149 years. Reagan telephoned the Ar- gentine president .Kpril 2 to try to get him to call oft the eeizure of the Brit1Jh colony, but the inva- alon force wu already en route, and Galtieri would not order it back. Britain 1ubsequently di- 1petched a 40·1hip armada and declared a 200-mlle war zon~ around the t.land1. The flotilla was e>fPected around the ls1anda In .everal da . ' "FA"OUS NAMES AT FABULOUS PRICES' • • j . , . .... .. 53 71 ... .. .... 13 53 6' 3t '1 ., 11 eo .. 44 .. 54 17 47 16 80 t3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MANAGER~S SPECIAL . GIVI YOU• OLD PATIO FURNITU•I· THAT NIW LOOK. We Re1tor• And Repair All lrandJ, · (Aluminum' And Wrought Iron) To A "Llk• New" Condition For A Fraction Of Original Coit • LUMONT 100 • 42" Table • 4 Chairs NOW •All Weather · Aluminum 5269 Retail $428 MATCHING CHAISE Retail ·$188 129 TllPITllE lllTill • 42" sq. round reg. $1042 Sale ~_,..~~'.""""Chalte reg. $378 Sale ~249°0 MARCADA IWlllGI • .. . ) BEAD El;> FOR FALKLANDS -A pilot checks h.ia land-baaed Harrier jet plane at its base in Yeovilton, En8land, as the British government ordered Royal Air Foree planes to un.,... .. jbin the buildup of the task force sailing to- ward the Falkland Islands. The government has now ordered a eecond wave of navy ships and the Harriers to the islands. Reagan's 'shuttle diplomacy' :risks great hut so are • • gains WASHINGTON (AP) -An- xious about Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai and eager to stave off a war over the Falkland IEWI llAlYlll lalanda, President Re agan has Haig's mission to avert war turned to "ahuttle diplomacy," a between Britain and Argentina familiar l\merican response to over the FaJklands is complicated international crises in recent by reported Soviet involvemen~ years. in the South Atlantic. Already 'nle risks are great. But IO are buying about two-thlr<ls of Ar- the potential dividends for the gentina's grain harvest, and ea- shuttllng broker who succeeda In ger to take up the slack left by keeping the peace. . Common Market sanctlom, the Once upon a time, secretaries Soviets are said to be snooping on of state were reluctant to leave the-British armada headed for their deeb and the cable traffic the Falklands and paulng the In Washinfton that kept them information on to Buenot A.J.n.. abreast of world problem1. But "I'd like to eee them butt out," that was before the era of iDJI-Reagan said of the Soviets before t.a.nt, ln-fii&ht oommun.lcationa. It be sent Haig back to h is A ir a1ao was before Henry Kiasinger Force jet. Sidesteppln1 reports started shuttling. the United States I.a providing Airborne now, and with no ti-w eather and commun icatlona xed return dates, the two top data to the .Britiah, the preaident men in the State Department are said he wants to remain a "fair feverishly seeking aolutiona to broker>' to both sides. the Middle East and Falkland.a Haig runs a riak that the Un- problerna through dir~t inter -ited States might be blamed by oemion with oppoetng parties. one side or the other if his me- li Secretary of State. Alexan-, diation effort fails. U Ar~tl.na der M. Haig Jr. falla -~ aofar aeerna to be squeezed.unfairly, the historic d istrust of Yankee motivee might resurface among Latin-American nations. Even auccesa involves a gam- ble. The immediate gratitude for helping to avert a conflict coWd gtve away eventually to l'eSent- ment with whatever solution Haig might help Britain and Ar- gentina find. If the seulement unravels, Washington could be- come the acapegoat. In the restive Middle East, where suspicions of the United States already are high, Sloel8el la trying to h old together the c.a.mp David agreements between Egypt and Israel. Much of the Arab w o rld percei vea the U.S.-aponaored peace plan as a pro-hrael plot. That" is why Reaaan has asked Stoessel to help overcome ot.tacles threate- ning to delay the Sinai withdra- wal. Here again. the United States would be tainted with failure if the braeli pullout does not take place on achedule. his prospects for 8UOOe9I are not very bright -two U.S. friend&. .8ri taln and Argen ti.na, could be at each other's throats. U his deputy, Walt.er J. Stoes- ael Jr. aturnbles, Mideast tensions could boll over into renewed oonflict. Stoemel'a task is to hold larael to its proml.ae to withdraw from the Sinai on April 25, to prevent a breakdown of the Le- banon cease-fire and urge a more benign hraell rule over lta tur- bulent occupied territories In the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Former Marine wins battle with robber In llOme waEthe shuttle dip-lomacy that er populari- zed nearly a deca e ago looks easy compared to the Haig and Stoe111elassigrunenta. Stoessel ia working in the re1ion whe re Kiaainger once shuttled, but It aeema that ensu- ring compliance with exiating accords might prove more diffi- cult than engineer ing agree- ments about the future. D ET R 0 IT ( AP ) -A' 78-year-old World War II vete- ran who wounded an intruder in his crime-placued Detroit neigh- borhood saya he's p&rtially blind but can "eee ~ to shoot." ''We've had a lot of the.e punu picking on older people around here," said Detroit Police Inspector William Brandimore. ''This time a punk me9aed around with the~ penon." said. "I figured that I had to do IOl'nething or he probably would kill U8 both ... Irutead of taking care of the dog while he was upatalra, Gu- thrie grabbed a 16-gauge. double-barreled shotgun. "I went to the top of the stain and yelled, 'Here I come!'," Gu- thrie aaid. "When the guy came to the bottom of the stairs, I let him have it." Orenoe OOMt DAILY PILOT/F~tdtty, Aprtl 18, 1ff2 8 Al .. J--\ -~ .Ja ••.e•e IJ 'lit nukes Moral · erusa.de. begins Japan's anti-nuclear activists escalate protests TOKYO (AP) -Japan'• anti- nuclear actlvl1t1, fervent and dedicated but often 1pllt by ldeo~ and· political differen- ces, .,. ma1dna a new effort to oraanbe a naUooal moral c:n.aMde apJNt nuclear war. Encouraaed by the recently eecalated debate oV.r nuclear weapons In Western Europe, a vJrlety of citlzem' groupa and pacifist oraanlz.atlon. in .Tapan have gone on record with new protesta of their own. At the eame time, many pro- minent writen, lawyen; mua.1- ciana, act.on and other prof emlo- nal.a have aeparately condemned the concept of "theater" uae of tactical nuclear wupon.a u ope. nirig the way to a potentlal ho- locaust. • In January, a national peUUon drive demanding an end to nu- clear armament was launc:hJld. with a goal of obtaining the Ii.- natures of 30 million o1 Japan 1 117 million people. ' aly feel we cannot leave IUCh a fife-or-death iaaue u peace in men'• hande." In one orpnlzed mua demon· ltratJon .,aiAI\ nuclear weepone, an ee\imated 190,000 peQple aa- thered on March 21 ln Hlro- 1hlma, -the world'• flnt city to euffer an atomic: 1tt.ack. In the International Peace Park. whJch was the lite of the U.S. attack In Au1u1t 1945, they ata1ed a "die-in" -pro.tratf.na thermel- vea In a call for total abolition of nuclear arms. Anti-nuclear tentimenta have a1ao 'shown up in local 1ovem- men t1. Thia year about one quart.er of Japan'• 3,325 munid- palltie9 have l.seued appeale for a ban on nucfear war. c.a.mpa.1gn organizers aay that la a good sign, but "we muat re- member that words, beautiful aa they may 1ound, c han1e no world, and that we lltUl have a Iona way to WJ,'' Mid Y Olhildyo y c.luda, de,,Uty d1rector aeneral of the Cou!'cll Against A-and H-Bomm (OttntuUtyo), which la t.cked by the C.orninunist Party. •Japan'• diaannament and pee- ce movement bu been lar1ely parflyied f~ 14 yeen by facUo- nal dlfterienoea that cauwt a._ vere er09lon of public: aupport amonc the Japane1e. The princip&l dispute develo- ped after the Soviet Union con- ducted atomic a.ta in 1963. n,e Socialist-backed Genauikin de- manded a total nuclear ban, ln-cludlna power plania, while the Communlat-au_pported GenauJ. kyo approved Soviet atomic test. u having a "peeceful"·purpo.e • o ppoeed t o thoae by non- oommuniet nationa. New drug effective C.oncedina that factional rival- ries have been an obstacle to broadly bued anU-nuclear cam- paiSJlS ln the put, the organizers • say they hope the drive will atir a 1n unstahle angina spontaneoue naUonal reeponse. "Thia time around, we'll sUck · to playing a behlnd-the-acenea BOSTON (AP) -A newly 138 people, waa directed by Dr. role In order not to quell the approved kind of drug·called a Gary Gerstenbllth and pubfiahed growing enthuslaam," said Ka-calcium blocker Improves the In today'• New England Journal n obu S e kiguchi, secretary -outlook of people who have an of Medicine. general of the Japan Congress often-fatal form of cheat pain Half of the patients took nite- Aga inat A -and H -Bomba known as unstable angina, doc:-dJpi.ne for four montha, and the (Gensulkln), an organization ton say. rest got inactive aubstitutes ca.l1ed backed by the Japan Socialist Researchers at the Johna placebos. In addition, all the pa- Party, the nation'• top oppoeition Hopkins Hospital In Baltimore Uents took nitratea and propra- party. tested one o f the new drugs, nolol, another new heart medi- . Women are prominent in the called nifediplne, and found that dne that slows the heart rate. drive. Yofu Ohtomo, who..heada£ .il.l~~VIJl\iaU.X,..i.ropmv~d . .lli~ _ .... ~~~that medical the 6.5 million-member National cfuiriCe of treatiJli theee patients treatment failed in 44 percent of Federation of Regional Women's with medicine alone. t~ who took nifed.ipine and tn Oraganizationa, saya her group la Unstable angina occura when 61 percent of thoee wbo got pla~ trying to get 10 million women to people are not exerting them.el-ceboa. The reMOrW for treatment sign the petition. ves, and the long-t.enn outlook of failure included heart attack, '"11\at goal I.a very reall.atic as it.a victims i.s poor. Studies ahow coronary bypa11 surgery and Japanetie women have arrived at that 30 percent of them die or sudden death. a stage In which they feel much have heart attacks within two or "We conclude that the addition more comfortable UBertlng their three years, and 30 to 40 percent of nlfedipine to conventional opinlona in public," Ma. Ohtomo suffer persistent chest pain. therapy la aafe and effective In Mid in an interview. "We am>n-The latest study, oonducted on unstable lll\ifna." they wrote. SEIZED BY REGULATORS -Two years of high interest rates and "an extraordinary out- flow" of $70 million has forced regulaton to take control of the Fidelity Financial C.Orp., a I# ... ,, °I state official says. The Oakland-based thrift hutitution lost $56.1 million last year. This office~ in downtown San hanciaco. Ki.mlnger could hop back and forth between Cairo and Jeruaa- lem in leaa than two hou.ra. It was even easier ahuttllng between Syria and brae!. Poor Haig. H.la ehuttle between London and Buen os Alrea la a 6,962-mile trek. And diatanoe ta the leaet of his problema. Paul G.i.ihrie, a tanner Marine coloneiwho lost his left-eye du- ring the struU)e for Iwo Jima in World War 0~ told police a rob- ber followed his wile, Alice, 74, from a bank Tuesday and a c- costed her as ahe entered their h ome, puahed h er d own the 'balement stain and tied her up. The man grabbed Guthrie, sho- ved him into a baaement comer and when the family dog began barking, told Guthrie to put the animal outside in the yard. He \hen went for help. Police who rushed to the acene found a man Identified as Melvin Walker, 23, of Detroit, trying to climb throu1h a small basement win- dow. Walker, who was shot In the left hip, was In serious con- dition at Detroit Receiving H pltal, a epokeswoman said .~~· charges have been filed agalnat him, but he was being held in the 00.pltal'i prl8on unit. SPRING CARPET SALE Just in time for spring redecorating, a storefull of savings on luxurious Evans-Black Carpe t by Armstrong. Exciting multi ·colors , styli sh solids, heavy saxonies and beautiful scul ptures -all from ~ ... ~ ltku&qltu• "He tOld me If I tried anything funny, he'd kill Alice," Guthrie Mn. Guthrie was treated for c:uta and brulle8 at a loc81 h08pi- ta.l and releaed. "I iue11 I was pretty cool," Guthrie aaid. "It wasn't the first time I had faced death or ahot a 1\111 at aomeone. I know I wasn't mad becauM If I WU, It would have aotten in the way of what I knew I bad to do." Guthrie, a veterap of Marine c:am_palgne on Guadalcanal, Guam and lwo Jima, aald he lo.t hJa left eye and .hfa hearina WM lmpalred when a ahell landed near him durtn1 the two Jim& battle. He laid Wl6on ln bis rtcht eye wu reduced after catanct IUrpry a few yean •· There have been 15 uaaulta and robberlH of the elderly ln the northean Detroit netghbor- bood In recent montha, Brandl- ~ laid. We'r., ~Listening:.'. Whit do Y.OU like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your mn111e wlU be recorded tranacrtbed and dellvered to the appropriate editor. ' The aarne 2'·hour anawer1ft1 M"lee may .a.. uted to rtcord Jet· tere to the editor on any loplc llallbox cootrtbuton must Include their name and telephone numl$er tor nrttlcaUon. No,clrculaUon calla, pleue. T~ll ua wh1t'1 on your mind. Evans-Black -and all are on sale! · Candora .•. Save on Rich Anso• IV Nylons &autify your home wi1h an Evans·Black caq>et of aoll 1.nd stain resistant Anso• JV nylon. Anso fibers actually rejtct dirt, resist spills and pmvide comforting static control. •1sso NOW ONLY lmt. Cosant ... Save on Rich Antron• Plus Nylons Shop now tnd saw on luxurious Evan.s·Black carpet• constructed of DuPont Anuon9 Plus nylon, the Ng&ed ntw fiber that resisu sot.I, stains, and helps conuol sutk shock. NOW ONL y • 1 9 50 lmt. By PAT DUNN °' .................. DBAft PAT DU~r My ll11bH• sot me a levtlJ •:~ leetMr jacket fo~ artitaw. It 101 wet dut111 *' nceat aM aow 1Mk1 IUit lt'I at•lea1t OM UH 1malltr. Dee. IMdter 1llrtak. or la tM jacket •efecttve1 S.R.,lnme Le.then and •uedel do ahrink, accord1na to the ~Uonal • hbric:are lnlUtute, a trade .-odation of prof~ cleanera. Thia lhrlnkqe ll a naturil relaxation of IU'e1Ched hid• Uled in "the 1annent. Any leather 1annent ahould be bouaht ''bta" \d allow foe UU. normal ahrl.nkaae· A dry cleaner who apectau,,,.. ln leether cleening may be able iolitretcb the jlcket, but D'I wama you not to depend on the lea~• abWty to ~ the 1tretched· out me. Next ti.me your jlcket aeaa wet, air G1f it away from moni heat to m1n1m1ze dirinking. .. Sugar-~~-~-, , boost l ·1s '· ~N (AP) -Somo ma· rathon runnere believe they will run harder and 1onJ•r' lt they bicl up on ...,., whllit they race, but a 1tudl concludet'c.thla •tr•· ~ cto.r\ t work. "l'hel-8 la no~ about .what we have found that would •"'C- 8"\ that It la harmtul." laid Dr. Phlllp Fells, who directed the study. "But on the other hand, we dldn't 1ee any benefit." ~ I -The dau1Mer of actor- aln'-er &rl1 &rllttff •r••• I• ' dotns well" •• the ·rec· ovtn from internal and heed lnjurl• sulfered ln a motor- cyci. ICCldent with Olym. pie lkater Ertc 8..._, a IDC>b9- woman for Antelope 'Valley Medical Cent.er ..sd. Fraakle Rlcllar•• aald 29-year-old Traey Krl1tef • ferao• "la lmprovtn1. The p~ la sood. and ahe hM been up1raded to fair cond1Uon.'' Former federal budget di· rector Bert Laace 1ay1 h e'1 decided aa.inat runnln1 for governor of Georlia- Lanoe, an UN~ful IU· bematoNl candidate in 1974, told the Rome Newa-Tribune, "I think I could make a dl.f- ference in the race. I think I could win." r · Tips I or car bayers· DEAR PAT DUNN: I read l'eefttlJ daat lt't •ot aoommpa for a 1tolet1 ear body to be pet oe a eUltlt fer 'wlliell ~la a lqlti1Jl8te title. nt1 matH me woHer llow tile averqe ued car IHly~ cu be Hre lie or •lie l1D't 1ettlll1 a "llot" ear. l>o YH llave any advice on tlll1? Many runners 1lp aweetened drlnlu du.ring a race. fhelr bo- dlee UM up their re9el'Vel ot •Y- pr while they run, and they u - eert a 1Weet drink will offlet th.ls 1011 a nd prevent them from ''hlt1ina the wall'' -the lnteme faUgue and pain that often eeta ln after20~. "The idea really haa been around a lor\I time that ~ar la the guollne for the body,' laid Dr. Johanna Dwyer, directoc of the nutrltlon center at Tufts- New England Medical C.enter in Bo1ton. "Sonie athletes think they can take a sugary drink. and lmmedlately the fires burn brighter.'' l#Wllq1,... BLOCUN9 CANCER -RJchard B1ocb, co-founder of the H & R BlOck tax preparation eervice, plana to open the non-profit R.A. Bloch c.anoer Management Cent.er to give patients quick aooe11 to the most up-to-date cancer fighting Te90W"Cel. Four years ago, Bloch waa .told be had inoperable lung cancer, but after en of surgery, drugs and Pr'9ce11 Aue reportedly hates Jiving autographa, but it wa1 front-page news in Great Brl.taln when her hlih.nea made an exception ana ~ a set-well card - for a hone. Newspapers printed pic- tures of yie prlncem, the card. cloae-upi of Anne's signature and of Sae BeDloa and h~r horae. R.E., Batlnato• Bead • lf you're in the market for a good Wied car or expect to be in radiation, the dt.eue la. f.n remilsion. the·future, the following tips from Aetna Life & Caaualty'a anon/fraud unit should help to prevent the accidental purchue ot a stolen vehlcle: A report on the latest work, conducted at Yale Medical School, was published in-Thurs- day's New England Jour'81 of Medicine. Aide misses Reagan chopper Like Anne, Mita Ben.on is competing in the Badminton Horse Trials thia week and heard that one of the favorite mounts, Peter the Great, wu injured in a road accident. The horse ia convalescing at h is owner's stables at Hun,erford. -Go to a reliable, establiahed dealer when buying a Wied car. Be especially careful when buying a car from an l.ndivtdual without a specific address. Check to .ee whether the aeller ~ be located should you need to reach him or her after the sale. -Check the Vehicle Identification Number, which la usually emboaed on a metal plate over the driver's dash aection and visible from the outaide of the bottom of the windahield, for signs of alteration or replacement. The VIN must match the :vIN shown on the seller's cert:if:icate of title. -Inquire about put insurance and financing on the car. and then verify this infonnation with the l.nsurance agent, bank or ~company. -Look at the body paint on a new model A fresh paint job may indicate cover-up work by thieves. . -Check the license tag and inspection sticker to be certain that they are current and ilsued by the aame s~~· -Ask for at least one aet of the original manufacturer's keys rather than a replacement .et. Be suspicious if the eeller provides you With re-made keys for a late model car. -Review and complete all paperwork at the time of sale. Don't forget that a certiflca.te of title can be counterfeited. Check documents carefully for aignl:of possible al~ation.. ' -- • . "Got'• problemr Thea Write to 1'.-f..bunn. Pat wf11 cut red ta~, getUnll the mswers and llCtlon you )t 'l need to.Uve lnequitla ln ~t and~ , • MaU your quertioM to Pat Dunn. At Your &rvfce, ,, Oran1e Co.ut Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mt!M. CA 92628. A.a many lett«s • pcmtb.le wlJl be &MWB«i, but phOll#!d UiqulrieII or letters not Including the ,... der'• full name, add.nm and bu.i.ne9 hours' phone number can- not pe con.sider«l. " The researchers found -as runnen 1U1pect -lht.tJugar le- vels In blood fall duririg a stre· nuou1 workout. However, this does not alow the athletes down. •·one of the 1trikl.ng findings was the fact that not only waa low blood sugar fairly common . but that in the preeence of low blood 1u9ar, the subject• were able to continue exercising for perlod1 .ranslng from 15 to 70 minutes," Fellg a.aid. The research was performed -- on 1,9 men who worked out on stationary bicycles until they were exhauated. While they pe- daled, they drank water 1Weete- ned either with sugar or saccha- rin. . In one-third of the men who got aaccharln, blood concentra- tions of sugar fell below nonnal levels after between one and 2 ~ hours of exercise. lfhis condUion la called hypo1lycemia. Detplte it, however, they were able tO keep pedaling for as long u men who had nomw blood sugar le- vela. PretWeat Reapa walt1 for no man, at le11t not White Houle commun.lcatioN direc- tor David R. Geraea. Gergen, who had gained a reputation for being chroni- cally late, wu supposed to aooompany Reqan on a five. hour trip to Chicago o n . Thursday for a presidential A $1 55 million suit haa been filed again1t Warner Bros. Inc. and others by Robert Towae, the 1ereen- writer and initial producer of the movie "Penonal Bert." The suit acc\.(ses Warner, David GeffH, Geffen Films and 30 unnap>ed defendantl with coercion, traud and de-~ A miniature Mlchlgan state flag that circled the £arth 129 times last month la back on home turf, the gift of apace shuttle pilot Jack Lo•1ma to Gov. Wflllam MUUkea. Lou1ma returned to his home &late and Milliken de- Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi from just any dealership when you can get the pedal treatment atfark. At Park Porsche/Auli,.we're committed to o ffering the ultimate in customer service. Yp ur new Park Por~e or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club card, entitling y9u to a mulcitude of complimentary services. You '11 also have a personal Park • Consumer'Representative , he re to answer all your automotive questidns. And, if you'd like ~~( Y. to pick up your new automobile right. from the factory, ask about our unique Euro pean Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi ~re dedi- ~Q!l'-(L: // _.U D•I cated to giving you t~e first class treatment you de~erve. r ,_. r-II &a Come in and discover the Park Porsche/Audi ' UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. ' . . 6700 Maflcbetter Blvd., Buena Patk, Ca. 90621(7U)521·8621(213)921·77-4• The Beach Blvd. eaJt 'off the Santa Ana Preeway apeech on college aid. But when Gergen dashed onto the White House South Lawn, Reagan and the rest of h is entourage already had boarded his helicopter, the door was shut and the rotor blades were whirling for lif- toff. Gergen turned and walked back to hia office . famation of character. Towne claims in the suit that he entered an agreement with Wunerln.June 1979 for his independent San Pedro Producdona Inc. to produce "Personal Best" but that strikes in 1980 halted"work on the film and Warner was un· able to continue financing. t:Jared it "Col. Jack Lousma Day" in fU.s honor. Lousma, who was born in Gra11d Rapids and raised in Ann Arbor, was in the state to visit relatives. He and Milli- ken exchanged gifta at a news conference at the state Capitol in Lansing. FLY · The Toyota auto manufac- turing company agreed to pay e ntertainer Falilaa Forte $32,000 In an out-of-court settlement following a ruling that Toyota was liable for in- juries he suffered in a car accident. Attorneys reached a~t.le­ ment a few hours before a Loa Angeles County Superior Court jury in Torrance was to begin deUbera~ how much the 39-year-old 11nger should receive. Fabian, whose popularity peaked in the late 1950s and 1960s and who used only his first na me for professional purposes, was injured Sept. 13. 1978 during a prac tice session Cor Toyota's Pro- Celebrity Race for Charity, which was later held in Wat- kins Glen, N.Y. AND DUY. hftl Porsche/Audi Invitee you to• apec1al evening. Taking a EutQPean vacation? Join as for complimentary wine, cheese and travel films, on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will Introduce Its all new, unfque 800 unlike afTI/ other European Deffvery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picking up your new car in Europe. For more Information call 714/521-8621 or 213/921 -n44. UNLIKEANYOTHER ~=-( .... 6700 Manchester Blvd. ~... £Ui>i Buena Park. Ca 90621 • . • 811JART, na .• (AP) -Ufe ln thl1 Atlantic Coaat olty l1 un- comp&a.ted and ...... -until one •ncountera every drlver'• ollbtmu-.. 1lt'1 '6C.onfulion Corner.'' when ll'WI\ ltrMtl and a rallrold come toelther' to form one of the dty'1 hUl& . It rlvalt Bolton'• every-man- for-h1mlelf rotary lntel'lllctlona. · Mexfco Clty'1 "1lorietu," th• dancer't ot n1bbtnil bumpers with New York.eab dilven and com-Pltinc with ttw.e daredeyU.ptlota who Mm11Uide automobllea on the narrow streetl of St. 1bomu . ln the Vlrlin ll1andt. Confu1lon be1in1 with the pbYlical makeui> of the comer. 1'he P'1orida !'.alt c.c.t Railw- ay trackl are aligbtly elevated, meanlnl driven mUlt IO over a hump when ere.Ina the inter-\ 1ecdon. In the middle of the corner -but not at lt1 true center -ii a triangular obstacle . with arTOWI and Iliana mandattna l · -driven to stay to the right.· Four of the atreeta are two- laned, one baa three lanes, another bu four and the aeventh bu five. The poated 1igm are madde- ning: •top aigna, .railroad algn.a, No U-turn 1igna and signa that aay "Do Not Enter." Some aay "No Parking" while othera ad- viae !hat there's a holpital ln the vicinity. A few HY 11Keep Rl1ht,'' . othen warn of a pedHtrian ~and then are lpeed limit q.. lven they aren't \&nlform. Oft IOme IU..tl the mulmwn 1peecl 11 26 mph, on otbera 30 mph-lf you dare. Slfnl adviM that the Florida Tumpa u. eamewhen to the west and.that~ tor the nearby fire t. One lian points to a non-exlltent Martin C'ounty Veblcl• Impec- \ton 1tatlon and there are a number of slender uprtcht polta with 1t.reet natnea. "I think they 1hould tear it down and start all aver .,a!n," says Terea Holmea. ..i. mana- ger of a nearby ahoe store. But moet cily realdentl dlaa- gree and want C.onfu8ion Comer to remain .. it it. "It works very well," Mayor Joen Jeffenon~proudly. "It'• a little earth-, but th6t'1. .rood for you." S e calla It "Courtesy Comer.'' Obeervera find drivers do d.il- play courtesy moat of the time - but not always. At times, the ca.cophony of honu and screaming motori1ta shatters the serenity -particu- larly after .a train blocking Co11- f u1ion Corner for a tlme haa passed and traffic begins to move again. No pol.ice of fJcer Ir 888igned to guide traffic. nor la there a traffic u,ht at any kind. Only ..,_ -•ouch of them to perplex the oonfuMd, confound ~·n•ed and muddl9 the ,....._ . "Whenever we have to ma-auaDJ ..u OanlrOl oe CcinlUllan o.w. lt .... ftw otaa.w '°do lt " .. ,. Police Chief Cbarl" • White. t•We can't wait to 1et them out of there and let the ...,. handle the tn.ffic.'' . Still, it reft9lnl one of the •~ fest intenecticrw in the dty. Of 79 vehicular .addents in the en- tire City durlDI Fe~. only three of ttw.e w-. at Coftfullion C-ornet'. "'Ibey were fender-benden," White Mys. An explanation la 'lhat driven encounterlnl the maze for the flnt time automadcally aJow to a crawl tt they try to ooUect their bearinjl, while veterana do the aame out.of reapect 1atned throuahe~. Onfy one merchant hM dared to pas\ a atsn am1dat Uws array of road advt.oriea. It'• duat-covered and advertlae1 "Sleeper and Love Seat $7~." }>riven droppt.na their eyes. to the roadway-in front of their vehicles ttnd more confusion. Direcdboal arrows are pablted ln moe6oof the lanea, plua railroad ~and atop algna. There are yellow lines ln the streets u well u white lines. On the aides are parking lines. Ho- Robinsons FOR JWR JR'S ON SPRING BREAK: ; SWIMWEAR SIRIPINGS! · {I You have two weeks to get a fan. but the trick is to look terrific the first day out Here's how A Our belted multi-stripe swimsuit by Sassafras 1n fuchsia/multi or blue/multi gradations. cotton/spandex, 5 to 13. Sl-4. B Our lilac wrap suit by Daffy, cotton/ spandex. 5 to 13. S37. C Our suspender-back. pencil striped suit by Cole Jrs 1n lilac. rose or turquoise nyl~n/ spande". 5 to 13. S32. JWR JR 'S. 37 To order. call to.1-frPe 1-800-34!»8501. } . Orenge CoMt DAILY PILOT/Friday, April 18, 198Z tests the best of dr i ver s . CONFUSION CORNER -Seven atreeta and a railroad croaaing all come together in one interaection in Stuart, Fla. Despite the A#Wll ........ oomplexity of the hub it is one of the safest tntenections in the dty. · wever, while moll streets leadi.na into Confusion Corner permit onl)'. parallel parking, diagonal ~king la allowed on oqe. And. for some unknown reaaon, one two-lane street has an i&land ln the rnlddle.,< . Over the years, there have been nwneroua efforts to devile a mechanlied system of traffic llghta to control traffic at the corner -but none has materia- llz.ed. Zack ·M osley, the retired .. writer-artist of the comic strip "Smillq' Jac k" has lived in Stuart ai.nce the early 1940s. He giggles when Confusion Comer l* mentioned. "I call it 'Malfunction ' Junction,"' he laughs. _,.. -~-L •9•.,._ • .. . f~· , Otenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprlt 1e; 1982 Tra_ffic pursuit risk :topic .of Cll'P survey .. One of the riskiest upecta of law enforcement 11 the traffic 1punuil , Too of ten, 1u1pected law- •breakera refuae a police officer'• order to halt and begin a ''Dukes of Hazzard" type car c hase through local streeta. But unlike television, such "hot punults!' frequently end in tragedy: The fleeing su.pect or the police car crashes, or an innocent motorist or pedestrian is injured or killed. Still, dealing with purauita is a delicate matter. Certainly, the I police cannot be instructed to al- low every speeding lawbreaker to escape. But is there a point when the danger to innocent citizens must be a higher priority than the arrest? To help answer this question, the California Highway Patrol has 1 begun a six-month study of pur- suits. Each time a CHP o fficer is involved in a chase, he must fill out a questionnaire regarding the circumstances and the outcome of the pursui l . When the study period ends, CHP officials ~ope to learn more about why ~ts begin, who 1- moet likely to flee frcm an offlcer and what~ meet often,._bri.ng a chue to a aafe conclU81on. To broaden ita bue of study, the CHP ia a1ao collecting punuJt questionnaires from IOftle munici· pal department.a acroea the state. In Orange County, police in Huntington Beach, Fountain Val- ley and Westminster are partici- pating. (Astonishingly, the CHP says there baa never been a compre· hen.sive study of pu.rauits, despite the growing public ou~. Some city police departments do have policies limiting pursuits. The CHP evaluation then i' lorlg overdue. Its results should be studied by every law enlo~ment agency in California, with a goal toward deveJopin~ more \,Ulif onn pursuit policies with the safety of innocent motorists and pedestrians a top· priority. _ Locally, the three participa- ting Orange County police de- partments sh ould be commended for aiding in this needed project. Social Security . woes Repeated warnings that So- cial Security funds are going to run out by this, that or the other date do little for the mental health of Americans approaching retire- me nt. Or, for that matter, for younger workers who see the So- daJ Security tax bite out of their pay checks getting bigger, while their hope of ever collecting ben- efits seems to diminish. Under the Carter administra- tion, we were assured that a aeries of increases in the payro ll tax w ould k eep the fund solvent at least until .the year 2000. For some reason, that didn't seem to work and by 1981 the re- tirement and disability funds had only enough rrioney to pay bene- fits for two months. M eanwhile the M edicar e fund w as growing, so Congress broke c usto~ by authorizing inter-fund borrowing through December 1982. The latest report from the Social Security trustees warns that unless Congress ta}(es further action, the retirement fund will be broke by July of next year and the funds for disability and Medicare probably will follow suit by the end of 1984. The causes of all this financial woe are fairly obvious. The solu- tfons are less so. First step down the road to trouble was taking what originally was intended as a simple basic retirement supplement for work- ers who had. paid into the fund and expanding it to include bene- fits for dependents, students, the disabled and the ill. Then, of course, came the unforeseen demographic change that now finds fewer young workers paying into the fund while more older retirees.a.re en- titled to draw benefits. And this ratio will become more extreme as the years go by, the birth rate falla and life expectancy is lncreased. The two ttnpalatable options appear to be a reduction of bene- fits or a further increase in Social Security payroll taxes. The bipartisan commission appointed last year by President Reagan to come up with r ecom- mendations for getting Social Se- curity on a sound financial footing is expected to present its proposals by the e nd of this year. Mean- while the commission says the la- test warning of fund trouble is no cause for alarm, and that no one now on the program w ill lose benefits. That is encouragiiig, but we'll all feel a lot better if the com.mis- sion can come up with something rnor.e than ceauuring words by the time lts task ls completed. Une1nploy1nen~t side elf ect • An unanticipated, and un- welcome, side~ffect of the rise in unemployment is the fact that thousands of jobless workers and their families now have no medi- cal insurance. \ Surveys in the Detroit area have revealed that, ai.nce· 1979, at least 355,000 w o rkers lost company-paid health insurance after being laid off. Almost all company policies expire after a short period unleaas renewed by the individual But the surveys also indicate that many of the jobless cannot afford to pay high individual health insurance premiums and are simply going without cove- rage. Only a few qualify for Me- c:Hcaid. which is limited to peraona v,ith less than $2,250 In total aa- atts. The United Auto Workers \8\ion estimates that about 270,000 ·former auto workers and their families now have no health in- s\arance at all. Docton in the De- troit ~ea .J&Y pf flee vislu have ~ by some 30 percent slnce t.t)e laioffa ~· Health o_ala are oonoemed that too many of the jobleu are resorting to h ome remed let or stmply .pa.tponi(lg taking care of health problems. This, in tum. can result in failure to detect incipient medical problems that might be turned up in the course of a visit to the doctor's office. As an added complication, medical authorities note that job- lessness can create stresa that results in an increase in infections, gastrointestinal problems and high blood pressure, aggravating exis- ting health conditions or even creating new one9. While it i1 laudable to note that so maey business firms take good care of their employees' health -more than 90 percent of employed Americans rely on company-paid policies for the en- tire inedJca1 ooverage for themtel- ves and their families -the PP in protection brought about by layoffs 1s disturbing. It la clearly unfair for a worker who hu lost h1a job , but ia not yet on poverty row, to have to postpone or do without health care. Thl1'"l1 a situation that ii likely to give me to IOIDe le(X)nd thouahta about a national health care proaram -even amona memben of the medical profetllon who have alwaya oppmed 1UCh an idee. • • O,lntqos ••~esledJn the~ Dove.,. thol6 of the 0.1ty•tt9'.~0tMr·y_tewt •~·. °PfHMd on lhls page arelft0se 'of tfielr author& tnd ertrits: Riider ~ommenlla lnvlt ' act. Address The Otlly Piiot , P.O. Box 1S60, Costa MeM, CA 92626. PheM. (714) M2·•321. ORANGE COAST llllJPilll Thema'1 P. Hale y PubUSher T...m. A.,..,,....,.. Editor ••rlNw• Krelltklt Edltorlel P-.e Edltor .. D.C. empire-building trick WASHINGTON -The pubJk printer has discovered an interesting way to feather his bureaucratic nest without breaking the budget. He would like to reduce public aervicn and remodel hia lair at the same time. Danford L. Sawyer Jr., the man in charge of the Govenunent Printing Of- fice, wanta to cla.e 23 of the 27 regional boobtoree around the country. Thia not only would deprive the people in theee areas of government publlcationa, but would throw donna of federal e m- ployees out of work. SA WYER WOULD thus be able to build an empire and a palaCe fit for the king and hia men while keeping his boob relatively balanced. · Here are the details: ~wyer hu been ~ room at the public trough fOt' a pimel of hiah·paJd Ulistanta to help him run hia realm from the newly refurbished top floor of the GPO headqua11ers. In other words, he la hiring chiefs and firing Indiana. Sawyer has been blatantly political ln the executive. he has put on the payroll despte a auppoeed hiring free7.e. More than half of the 10 "Schedule C" ap- pointees aha.ring the eighth Ooor with Sawyer ace from hia home state of Flo- r ida. They include Renee Bafalla, dauS)lter of Rep. Louia Batalla, R-Fla., and Mark Cramer, t10n of ex-Rep. Wil- liam c. Cramer, R-Fla. The aalarie. alone of Sawyer's at.raps will cost the taxpeyers $300,000 a year. What makes bis hi.ring spree particularly reprehensible ls that there were no Schedule C (noo-dvil 8el'Vioe) positions at the GPO before Sawyer took over. Hit explanation for putting politk:al pa.ls on ' the payroll wu, "It'• ludicroua to exp«i me or anyone to come in from outaide and take contro l all by my little lonet10tne.'' While firing the peasanta and hiring his cronies, Sawyer hu alao increased the number or his highest-paid bureau- crats. He doubled the number of GS-1& -the top professional rank with salaries G. -J.-1:.-•• -.-1.-•• -. -~ and duplicate purchaaea had to be made. The total cost of the carpeting was cla1e to $10,000. Walnut paneling, trlmwo rk and handcrafted molding was ordered and paid for even before it was determined how much would actually be needed. POSSIBLY DISCOVER ING that we were looking Into his executive-suite renovation, Sawyer issued a pious press release on Jan. 29, stating that while he had been home in Florida over the Chrlatmas holiday, "certain rem<)deling and refurbishing had taken place in these offices, wtuch may not be justified by need, and need alone." He ordered hia over $~.000 -added a fourth aai.stant inspector general to look lnto the matter. public printer, and created three depu\y The unplication that Sawyer's office public printers where one had been be-had been m•-•ed up without his know-fore. . 0 -ledge is laugh.able, of course, but the IG. Obvioualy, this top.heavy b\.treaucracy Investigation gave Sawyer an excuse for needed 90meplaoe au.it.able to swivel ita not answering queries from the press. executive cha.In. So the eighth floor was given a $234,339.66 refurbiahing. More Sawyt!f' has refused to make the IG than $76,000 was spent to spruce up the rep o rt p u b I i c. Bu t he w r o te a Office of Legislation: another $48,000 "summary" of It himself and sent it over was lavished on the office of the Deputy to the Joint Committ~ on Printing, Public Printer. which has been mvestJgating the matter. My reporter Debra Becker dug up Sawyer eVldently feels th.at GPO 1s his t10me enmpJea of the profligacy with private affair . During a hearing he which Sawyer's deroratora threw public complained to Rep. Vic Fazio, D-Calif., money around. Ceiling tiles, for example. that pres3 inquiries have been "like the needed replacing, but not just any tiles sword of Damocles" hanging over hit would do. Sawyer's tiles were shipped head. Fazio replied: "Well. Mr. Sawyer. I from Florida at an expense or $800. would say that the system has risen up Then there was the carpeting. Gov· and srrutten you." emment trucks were dispatched to pick Footnote: A major reason (or wanting up carpet in Lancaater, Pa., not once, but to clqse the govenunent boo~tores, Saw- four 1eparate timea between Oct. 29 and yer has said, Is that they showed an Jan. 6. In 90me offices, the carpeting was overall loss of $111 .000 in fiscal 1981 - replaced, even though the old floor about half of what his renevauons cost. covering wu still usable. Carpeting was In fiscal 1980, the book.stores showed a aometimes installed in the wrong off~flt. . _ _::..--- Tent housing for prisoners proposed Just a• "neceulty is the mother of invention," shortage of funds often compcla ~ucrata to find better and lea coetl_y ways to carry out their ope- ratlona. So it is not IW"pria:lng that the Department of Correctioria haa reached the wisdom that not all of lta inmate. need be locked behind steel bars and has propoeed housing up to 1,000 ln tenta. FACED WITH a faat-g10wing popu- lation cawied by touaher pruon 1enten- ces for crtm1nala, the department antici- pates the prlaon populatfon re8ching 30,- 000 by the end of next year. Claiml.n8 exlating facilities are designed for no more than 24,500, the department haa plans for new pri8ona but ta without the money for their oomtruction. Ita appeah to the Legislature have resulted ln a June ballot propoeal which would authorize $495 million in bonc:t. for ptl9ona. But even if that measure is approved by the voters it would be aev- era1 yeara before any new priaon could be completed and placed in operation . Furthermore, u lruaiders know, the $495 mlllion wOUld be ba:rdly more'"than '"aeed" money, given today's conatruction coats of more than $25,000 per prison llll WATlll cell. At those prlcea the bond money would provide facllitles for not more than 2,000. But prison official Gary Macomber haa stated that the prison population la projected to reach 45,000 by 1986. Speaking in support of the t.enl plan Ftnanoe Director Mary Ann Graves said the legialatora failed to heed pleas for new pNoll fad.Udes in put years ad~, "The voters may not be listening now. Heroes above natiof\alism My reference a few weeq aao to the Korchnol-Karpov world championship clM!ll match reminded me of the atrikin8 limllarlty A1DQni na~ leadera every- where, no matter bow much they may differ politically. • After Karpov dectatvely won the match, he received a telearam from Leonid I. Brezhnev, the R...san leader, tent to applaud the younc man'• courage and character. No, he felt compelled to cite ht. action u cbaract.erlatlc ~f "the spirit of America," and In some way exemplary of our way of life. >.. lf to My a R-..n might not do the same, or a Swede or Swahili. >.. lf to aay that penonal vtrtues are the product of a pa.rtlculu nation or a political and -eoo- nomlc lysWm. The brave thing that Lenny Shutnik dld had no more to do with "American.llm" than Karpov'1 victorr, hid to do wtth the •• Soviet chanct.et •• ~ did not acquire hia bralnt, nor Skutnik hll monl and ph,.al CCJW'ale1 from m. culturea they aune from, much 1-flun the form o( ~D they Uw under. Bal'll U.ODDI ~ be proud they contain alCh dtbmi. bUt lt ii cheep and ....... for ....... '° ..... cndit for such ta)nU and U... Cheep becaUM it la fra\ldYlent. and debaaln1 because It aubclrdhla"9 lndMdual achievement to the~ of the .iate. All ~tkal leeden, no matter what Dbl1ol0thl they ~ exploit the ebf-llU.. Of thelr mOlt atfte<f citlHnl by lllllB~ daimD wttrs natklnal W1uilei wbilin' {ft tn.lh adl ~ pet'· --..W bt M11w6jlry no mauer wMle UM)' 1NW up. .. Gra~es may be more prophetic than she knows. The voters have been rejec- ting bond i.ssu«> with regulaiity. Many feel the state at. ·ld have u9ed aurplwaes to meet its need for parks. priaons and other projects i• . w .eeks to fund with bond issues. In the cas£ tbe u pcoming prison bonds there ' 1 be resistance by many who feel tt-e are already e no ugh maxilnwn r .uon facilities to ,pand..le the hard cases. · Cr'iitics of the current prison system contend th.at slrlee about one-third of the inmates are released each year. those withln a year or so of release can be housed in less secure facilities. They have suc~d the use of abandoned military utilUing the barracks". In fact this is now being dOoe in a couple of other at.ates. Many would al.lo like to .ee the prison conservation ~p program, started l?Y tanner Gov. Pat Brown, expanded. Here lntnates can not only be bou9ed in lem costly facilities but gain the advantage of doing cqutructive outdoor work instead of sltt~g In idlenesa behind concrete walls. THEN THERE are thoee who believe there are potential.a in uUlµ:ing abando- \ ned tnduatrlal planta as prlaon baaea where barrack.a or tenta could provide houlln& and productive work programs coukl be developed. Now that the awte offld.ala have em· bno!d the tent concept, perhape the idee of umna abandoned military and indus- trial altet and expansion of the camp program ii not too dJatant. · Yor thc.e who think lees 9eCW'e fad- lldes would be too rtaky, con.alder the altematSve pro()C*d by Macomber. ''If," he II.Id, "the 1..eplature doem't approve of the ten\I we may have to 1eek au- thority for Mrlier me-of the tnmai. ln order to awMI overcrowdlna." " I 'ereativi•y' series . . L J . exam1nes ear lb FRED llOTldNBEllQ t#T......._..._ NEW YORK -On any ,Sven day. a]Jnoet at any hour, t •ta· ment to Norman LMr'1 creativity la plaYtna acro11 America. In flf'll.run and ln ~tion. Lear'1 leac'V lncludel "All ln the Family:'' ~,..,The Jeffonona," "Maude" and "One Day at a Time." &ten Leer came alona, American televlalon had rarefy dealt honeally with black fam!- lle1, Independent women, and· our prejudicet. Now, on hble, independent 1taUons and the netwOl'lu, thete pioneering •hows are constantly avallable, making ua laugh, cry and think -both at ouraelvea and the imagea on the .creen. Tonight's edition of "Creativity with Bill Moyen" on .PBS examlnel Lear's genlu.a. It'• the eecond haU ot-a two-parter, and it fita Moyers' approach to capturing creativity, which he doesn't define but uncoven, through example, by the people he chronicles. (Channel 50 at 6 p.m. and Channel 28, 9 p.m.) A. effective oommunicaton of Ideas and issues. both Lear and Moyers are models of creativity. Lear's breakthrough was "All in the Family," a prime example .of the risk and lmaginalion inte- gral to maQY creative efforts. The stand-pat networks balked, say{ng the public didn't want to be confronted with its problems. Part of Lear's creativity was in not underestimatin g the Amer-ic.8.n audience. . . . ]V l£VIEW t! I i SC ' Another J)art waa in hl1 ca•· • una. Carroll O'Connor wM not a bll 1tar In 1971, but coutd you imallne anybody else playln1 Archi6e Bunker? Lear .a1lo .now-. the erMtlve proceaa to work-lta OOW'M by 1tl- mula ting, cajolin1 and mlxlna the talent. "He ma.kea people think and araue and doubt and e~re~1 themBlv~." uJd Bol)nle !)'pk- lln, who ~ Ann Romano on "One Day at a Time." throu1h all the lntertctlon, the creative~ wu refined and elevated. , On one ep,Llode of "All in the Family," OConnor didn't think he could cob- v l n et n 1 l y react to a Puerto Rican giving birth in an elev a tor. After much give and take, O'Conbor found the ap- propriate res- MOYDtl ponses that allowed him to slip comfortably Into Archie Bunker.'The scene WU brilliant. ,,.. "Our creative disagreements were real and honest," saic;I I,.ear. ''They alwa~ resulted in aome- thing better ... " ·Lear said the creative flow came from his experiences. Gro- FOi fULl DETAILS COllTAO LIONAID UNDllWOOD 604 OAI PAii DllYI llO-OOD, nus 76101 (tl S) 646-7950 er 646·6111 (IUS.) Come in and see our large selection· of Swim wear CREATIVE -Nonnan Lear and h it stable of televlaion progrum wUl be the 1ubject of Bill Mo~~n· 16Creatlvity" aeries on PBS. wtna UR during the Depnmlon. he knett flnt-hand about fl&h- ting to •urvive, a tunning theme i.n "All in the Family." Much of the inspli:atlon for Arehie came from Lear's father, who originated "lti.fle y~lf" for his wife. "I grew up In an active, pas- alon.1te family," Lear aald. "I listened and obeerved." Television lB so much the bet- ter for It. With a twink.ie in his eye, Lear said he gets the moat ple-.ure from scanning America by p'lane and thinking the light below mighl mean someone is watching a Lear show ... and la"'8hlng. "I love that thought." Orange eo\et DAILY PILOT/Frld1Y. Aprll 18, 1982 NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)- Bs rNU heroel, move over rorM ..,. -ftretlahters are jotnJna football playere and Star Wan cb:anden on bubbleswn carda . 1 Bu' New Haven kida won't ,.t I !llD1 IWM1a, Jult af'ety dpe. ~ Fir. Lt. Donald Wilton 11ld the card.I, whlch •how flreflaht.- ert at work on the front and have Ute-uvtna Information on ~ort·Aalk Qton.111111tPrg ·~in Mi.ic &i.coiion' ~ ,,tano , .... ..... ~ ... rn~tar ...., ......... ..... c.,. for 8t'OChtn 251.h year AMlverury ~ • In the Harbor Area ~ ;,,.. • f MES IMSltU*E caw . 441 OW Hew~ IPli ............... c. · U1·7l 0 Call 142-5871. Pul a few word• to work lor ou. on trading cards . the back wUl be 1tven out at tchool flre ~Uon J>C'Olfeml. The fire d' partm_,.t bou1hC' PM 7;000 cardl fOI' '67 from a wholeaale dealer, but la 1 .. vtn1 out the sum. "For one, we don't have the retOUrce.t, and MCOndJ.y, lt'a not healthy," la.ld ~t. ltdward liiynn. He la.ld t hat becauae they don't have enouah ca.rda for all ~ chlldren, th y wJll award them to,youn11tera who can anawer C(Ueltlonl correctly at fire aaf ty progrll'OI. In Hamden, where 1lml~r cardl have been liven out, Ft.re Departmen\ Depu\y Chief John Traman~d aald t~ card.a were most popular with second· and th rd·lf1dert. ) . ~ ... .. ' . I • " • .. 5 speed, air cond, am/fm stereo Power steering. (Ser. #09023) $1 · 6 ·6 94 LEASE mo. + tax, cap cost S7995, resld. $4107.SO Tot of perlc. pymts. $8013.20. $333.96 down 4 mos. on approved er.edit. . ,. . ~82 RX~7 GS Ser. #63280.4 '\EASE $1 .. 99~ . . + tax. Cap cost Sll,495, resld. $5572.50$1500 c1p reduct. Tot. perlc. pymts Sll ,080.32 S2019.S6 down. 4 mos on approved credit. , ,, . > • :!~ G~C -·wa~On tinted glass, (Ser. 605018) ·$ 5 speed, steel belted radials, (Ser.554014) (St k. 23047)$ • • • . - . . . \ FRIDAY. APRIL 18, 1982 • CAVALCADE GARDEN COMICS 82 B4 ee An ensineer thinks Tl- tan ic treaaure hunter are ;. looking in the wrong place .. for the liner that aunlC 70 years ago. Pase B3. I • D 0 • .Teen mother.s· get helping _hand OONPORMITY CITY: IAcuna Beach.. the ~Colony of this beat of all poulble couta, aurely ahowa atana of becoinlna even-keeled theM days. Just look at the record: Three new Qty Council people got elected in Lqun.a this past Tueeday. They are all three nice people. from their campaigns, it aounda • aa if they think jult about like the' two holdover La- ~ guna council members. . ------~--r. That should meal1' that Tll lllPl1ll ~ I' all five think pretty much . alike. Time waa ln Lqun.a when you couldn't find any two Laguna cound.1 people who •w thln&a the aame way. Gone are people like former Councilman Harold El- lerby who, when he wanted to demonstrate dlldain for the oratory of his colleagues, would read newspapers d.urtng their speeches. ANOTHER FORMER councilman, Richard Seara, got elected on what could be called the Skateboard 'ncket. He got a tic~et for wild skateboard riding on a Laguna street and thus got interested in the Art Colony political aoene .. And what about aome of the zany characters wbo used to inhabit Lacuna'• downtown eect.or? You wonder lt the . ~ late Eiler Lanen. Laguna's famed Greeter, were alive to- day, if he wouldn't get' dted for creating a disturbance on a public sidewalk. · · Years ago, when the late Sherm Paddock founded the old Laguna Post newspaper, he uaed to deliver copiea himself, sticking papers in ~ple's mailboxes. Nobody minded much then. L • Today, he'd probal>Iy get turned in to the Federala tot: felon_y mailbox stuffing. Zoning and other buiJd.lna con troll have beoome 1VWJ large Jn ~ ~ ~t architectural craze of yesteryear, inown aa Tacky, Js no ~ in vocue. ONE SBOPUEPER, Dn.mcilla Ty.en. la clolina ap her Strawberry Shortcake boutique becaU8e the city po- wen didn't like the way ahe painted the front lavender. A furniture st.ore known as On Comlgnmmt baa been orde- red to haul ita goods indoors. A Forst Avenue pet abop hid to rip out a non-<:onforming fJower box out in front of the place. Beyond this, there waa the burning question in Laguna of whether or not McCormick's Mortuary out in the canyon should be allowed to cremate any non-Lagunans on ita pretniaes. . I me.n, after all, what right does a non-Lagunan have to come into town jult to. get cremated? MEANWHILE, ON NORTH Coat Highway, an en- trepreneur named Don Rackemann, who operates Laguna . C1.u&lc Moton, bu been ordered to eet under a root. It'• okay for him to. aell used can tncloon but hil exterior parking of vehidee for aale now faces a public beuinc • a wn.ing no-no. . The Featlval of Arta is upset with the artista and vice-versa. The festival management wants artilta to stick around their bootha during the summer show. But these days, the artists are expected to behave. . . No taking of an electric saw to your painting and sli- cing it up to aell by the piece. Artistll get pretty bored when they have to behave all the time. LAGUNA Ml~'nr1 THE late Charlie Peddf.,ro, the famoua junk ~~ uaed to roar h1i aged truck throuah to'WT\ with signs on the side giving the dty council hell for something or other. ' Charlie would be a non-conforming use fn Laguna Beach today. He would probably be in violation of some sanitation Code.* Maybe the powera-that--be will move 800n to change the name 0 the town. They could call lt South Tuatin. ~ . B98td r.e~rites bid for01at for: tower-· a 10-y.r period. Storer Cable Telev1aloo Inc., IAluna Nlauel, bu expraeed stronc lnteteet ln comtructJn1 the towel', which woukl be loca- ted Jult .. of the tennla courta on the Milsion V'* camp& Teen fashion show planaed in Irnne .. Suaar and Spice and Every· thml ..... " ..... of a fMhion shoW to be atven by Irvine Y • Timi A.a 9 at Vtnlldo MJddJe 8chaGI. fl'Ylne. • .. District offers classes for 'accidentally pr_egnant girls' • 81-llODI CADENBE~ " girls like MIH Merc).\ant have ortM Dllf,... .... · found a place wher6 they can Sherri Merchant wu a trah· continue their education and man at Estanc:ia High School learn about presnancy, chlldbtrth nine years aao wbef:a ahe found and child care. 1 out that lhe wu pregnant. Slmlla.r pl'OIJ'ams are offered She thoulht her life wu over. in tcbool d1ltricta ln HunUJurton Too afraid to tell her parenta, she Beach, Anaheim, San Juan confided ln a cloee elrlfrlend and Capistrano, Gard~n Orove, t the first tew weeka agoni-Oranae, Placentia and Santa t111er her uncertain future. Ana. er chief ooncem wu how she Ten yeara aco Nancy Wah- wu going to continue her edu-worth, a teacher and counselor cation. It waa 1973 and girls tor SAM, figured that the prosl"ll\ didn't walk around on hl1h would die a nalUJ'al death wtth · school campt41e1 wearing mater-the ad~ent of BeX education and nJty clothes. abortion. Mils Merchant wu one of the But the problem of teen-age flrat io enroll in the Newport-pregnaney didn't go away. lt Mesa Unlfled School District's grew. School Age Mothen pf'081'8Dl in In Oranae County 3,600 t.een- CQsta Mesa. agen pve btrlh lut year. h II "It wu a lifesa~er," recalled estimated that one rnUlloo teen- the Coeta Mesa mother. '1 didn't en become pregnant each year know anything about my body, It, ionally and that more than helped me to ¥.°w up and realli:e deliver babies. responalbWty.' Despite the avallablltty of She stayed at SAM Wltil her contraception and abartions more 90n Jamie was 9 months old and teen~agen than ever are bowing then she enrolled in McNally to media and peer preuure to Schbol and went on to graduate become sexually act.Ive, said Mn. from Orange Coast College. Wai.worth. Today the 24-year-old mother "Y°""!f people are caught ur, works aa a aecret.ary. in a media campaign about leX, • "I gl.lem I've been very fortu-said Mn. Walawordi. "They're na~ becau. thino have fallen not mature. They think sex into place," said Mias Merchant. doesn't make babies. That hap. "I have a beautiful mother and pens to ~ne ebe." father who stuck by me through While enrollment ln all other the whole thlng." district school.a hu been decll- S~ SAM opened its doors on ning, SAM'1 la lncreM:tni. from 5 April {5. 1972 more th•n 22:> the flnt year to 27 ~year. .. ................... .., ..... FIRST BABY SHE HELD -Hekti •ya ahe feela )mt when 3~-month old Dherick is not around and trying to talk. ·While the teen-agen enrolling ln the class today are mo~ aware and outapoken than thelr prede-ce90n, 10me thlnp sadly have not changed, aald Mra. Wals- worth. Young girl.a still tell the un- derstanding teacher that they didn't bother to take precautlona becauee they didn't think they would get pregnant. Hardly more than chlldr~n thenwelves, mo1t don't know <the first thing about pregnancy, birth or child care. For many, the fint baby they ever hold is their o\vn. Rare ia the boyfriend who ataya with the girl after the baby II born, said Mrs. Walsworth. "They have this fantasy about a white p icket fence and a cottage," explained Mra. Wab- ~•orth. "But that's quickly dashed by the reality of paren- thood and money.'' . Th~ young mothei:•. a.t SAM are allowed to bring their chil- dren to the school until the baby II eight months old. . "We don't have any, plastic doll babies h ere," said Mrs. Wals- worth .. ''The students learn by doing." She ii proud of the µct that 73 percent of ~ stddents who en- roll in SAM graduate Crom high achool. compared to the national average of 50 percent for preg- nant teen-agers. "It isn't the end of the world that it used to be," explained Mn. Walsworth. "The program has given them hope and opdom:1'-· Lu.Ila.Bernal. 16. C.O.ta Mesa, holds her 5-month old eon, Israel,. on her lap. It's easy to tee how much she loves him. But life hasn't always been kind to the dark-haired teen-ager. She was living in Chicago with her father when she found out she was pregnant. Having just recently arrived in the Windy City, abe hardly knew a llOul and spent weeks too depre11ed to even think about what ahe would do next. She figures she got pregnant du.ring her last night in Denver, she •ya with a wry laugh. Her boyfriend came to visit bet' only once, but she wouldn't let him lee the ba~. She said she thought about the pe>albility of getting pregnant. but since it hadn't happened be- fore, ahe didn 't bother to take anr. precautions. 'The hardest thing ls being alone," said the teen-ager as she watched her baby crawl toward • anothei-young mother. She was already six months pregnant when she moved to eosta Mesa to live with her mo- ther. She learned at;lout SAM at FAJtanda Hi!MSchool. Her eyes t up for a minute when she ta about the prog- ram. "I learned to ~along with people bette r . r have more .elf-confidence.•• Heidi, an outgoing and eA y talking teen-ager, who asked that her last name not be Uled. had never· he14 a baby until she bad one of her own. In the begtnnilll her family wu dead aet against her boy- friend because he'• black, she laid. SAME INNOCENCE - Counselor Nancy Walsworth says School Age Mother pro- gram is expanding. But after Dhei.rick was born the couple Uved with her mother and only recently moved into their own apartment in C:O.ta Mesa. She was attending Back Bay High School when she got preg- nant. Heidi said she knew about SAM two years ago and planned on attending even then. "I don't want to be raising kids when I'm 60 ," 1ald the 18-year-old There's a1 trace of bittemeas in her voice though when she talk.a about some of the tilings she's missiDg. "Frlt!nds quit calling," she said. "When you're pregnant you can't do things. But I didn't care." Her attention returns to her gurgling three-month-old son. "He's trying to talk to you," she says with a smile. "I feel lost when he's not around." Eight yean later Debbie Caa- aidy ia convinced that she would have dropped out of high .cbool if she hadn't enrolled In SAM. The 24-year old Htmt1nf ton Betlch book.keeper la proud o the fact that ahe re turned to Los Amigos High School and gra- duated with he r claasmates. "I couldn't have done it without the program." ahe said. But despite her success, times we re tough for the single mo- ther. Her boyfriend left when Kristin, now 7, was 4 months old. Her parents supported her pnd the baby until she was able to get a job at 17 as a hotel clerk. She still Uves with them. ''It's not just having a baby and good times," aa1d Ms. Cassidy. "It's really hard work, es~y wben you have t.o go to school and work." She •YI the ii thankful for the emotional and flnandal support her parents t)ave given her. Wi- thout that, everything would have been impossible, said Ms. Cassidy. "It should be exptaihed more to yowig girls what happens and what you go through." ~laid. .. I don't think they really un- d era tan d what's going to happen." -OrMge COMt DAtLY PILOTIF~. April 18, .1112 -. . . •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE •HUGH MULLIGAN -· Burden of mother's Care should be share.d · DEAR ANN LANDERS: nm. I want to apolOliJe for lauchJ.nl at tl)e people who , write to you. I thought they muat all be morona. Now I am 1n line With the reet of them. Recently you recommended a book by Joel Well•, 11How to Survive With Your Teen-apr." When I read the pulagell from that boOk. I knew lt would be a great help to mllliona of fnaltrated parenta. My ~on, dear Ann, ii can you recommend a k on "How to Survive With Your Elderly Pa- rent"? My mother, 85 and blind, makes her home w ith me. She la becoming very de- pre.ed, doesn't want to leave her room and resists bathing. No O'latter how hard I try to please her, she says my meals are terrible and ram not a good daughter. I have a young woman who comes in three times a week to help. My brother and sister drop in a couple of tilnel a week for brief visita. A neighbor or friend vi.lits oc- casionally, but we are moetly alone together. THE ORIGINAL -People come from miles around to soak in the baths at the Original Mineral Springa Hotel in Okawville, m. The It lt pitiful to .. tuch a drutlc ctwwe ln her penonallty. Phyllcally the ii beco- mtna weaker and weaker. PleUt tell me what M> do. I am deaperate. -PUJ:RTO RICO · I DEAR-PUERTO RICO: Yomr cler1y· mu cu llelp by talklia1 wllfa you titter ud bro~er -pelllt1a1 o•I ~elr rupoul· blllllet. Yn poOI aol be carrytq Wt load by yoartelf. De 11 tllelr mo~er, foo. PlaD a pro1ram Illa• 1e11 yoa 011 of lllal boate more freqaeally. EDJ•I• a lll1ll·tcllool 1lrl lo come after 1cllool and weekead1. Contact or1ululloa1 tul ••.P- C:r.J"ple wllao wU1 come ud read to Sile Hat yoar mo*er beu lffD by a doctor lately? 'nere are H1' d.np lllal cu belp depre11ed people. Ru lie ••anted uy? If =fl maybe 11le aeed1 uotier doctor. Ac- y, I am more ce9ffnff abHI yoa tw lier. I Hpe I uve llelped. Baeu 1aerte. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Several mon- " ,, ........ . manager says that busine9I is u good today as· when the spring w8' discovered in 1867. Spring camp 'write on' NEW YORK (AP) -The boYs in the pinstriped rompers are back from the sunny South, tanned and trim, eager to puraue the national pastime if the weather ever cooperates. Spring training. An imtitution now. Overgrown boys working the kinks out of aging muscles under a warm Florida sun. jogging along bikini-strewn beaches, . luxuriating in a whirlpool bath, all in the cal.lie of profemionalilm. And on the payroll too. What a splendid ecam. It's a wonder we columnlatt, profeesionala in the thinking man'• national pastime, never hit on the idea. .. IMAGINE GOING off to Florida· or Arizona every February. to work the knots out of our uptight proae and whittle down our unbecoming prolixity under a benign tropical lky. I'm sure the publishers will go for it once they Bee for themselves bow much ie. ink and new1 pulp the leaner, trimmer paragraphs produced by a truly fit columnist utilize. Savinp In the backahop alone would finance a regime of lpring training for the designated hit men they .-,n to columnar posts. Like battlni and pitch!na apecialiau, writing .coacha would have to De emeloy~ to IUperWe the tra1ninC procram. althoulb among the dedicate4 proff!llionala taking part I 1ee no need for a spedaUwd diet or a nightly curfew In camp. The tint week. a IOrt of a breakina-in period for winter-weary lntellectw, could be devoted to ~i~ ~ UIWUNlned metaphors:8pdt nflnltlvet and timUa"'· technlctlltiea that Jend tbemle1vea to chalk talka. THEN THE PACE would have to p6ck up a bit. Wide mandnp would be lp8Dt runnin1 down run-on 1entence1 and rtaoroua exerm. in tkl~ clkhe9, POT SilolS . BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT · HUGH MUlllGAll MULLIGAN STEW jumping to CQnclusi.ons, juggling 1tatiatica and nimbly reversing upside-down subordination. Wallowina ln a Jacuzzi, the writer in training would" IOOI\ -feel hia whole .yst.em being drained of loo1e construction1, half-b,aked ideas, mixed metaphou,' milmatched modifiers and half-lo1t antecedents. Su~ Jaraon would melt aw~y with tired and w0m-out phrMee .. Evenings around a driftwood campfire on the beach could be pleuantly paaed oont.empladng the eternal veritlel, which all columnl1u fall back oo when they can't think of anything elle, along wtth IOme lhop talk about oxymoron. alliteration, anthem. hyperbole, metatheala, onomatopoeia and the other little trlck8 of trade knoWn to true · profelllonala who can hit to all fields. . When the aolnl aeta tough •• trainer will have to be on hand in the clubbou.e to work on any caaet of writer'• cramp or strained com~ns. Regular .eatona of jogging the memdry 1bould take care of OCC8lional outbrmka of writer'• block. tha -co a man who ii employ~ by the same firm a my huaband moved to this neigh- borhood. He driv. to work and hu offered to p6ck up Clyde llnoe it'• on the way. Cl_yde ii auppolld to be outmde at 7:40 a.m. The office ii only a mile from. our home. Clyde uled to take the bus 1n b9d weather. On nice days he walked. Sounds nice? Ll1ten, there'• more. Nearly every morning for the laat three months the "friend" hu arrived 20 minutes "early. Of course, we are at the breakfast table, ao 1 muat be COW'teo\JI and ask him if he'd like a cup of coffee. He always aaya, "Don't mind if I do." 'nlen he proceeds to help himself to cereal, tout, mufflna, pan- ca.ke,, whatever he can reach. I am sick of his freeloading. Also breakfaa:t uaed to be a time when Clyde and the kida and I enjoyed a Uttle family con- versation. No more. Please tell me how to put a stop to th.ii. Clyde la easy-going .and ~·t want to ''make waves at work." - SCRANTON WIFE A-BOU.ING 'Allll UatS DEAR SCRANTON: 'I'll.al mile walk to lbe office eoald add yean to Clyde'• Ille. ED1111 Ille llelp of 1111 doctor to eneoara1e It. Voar 9ltcll 1lloald be potlllve. Emplla· 1l1e Ille valae of family time at ~ br~ fail table. U yM cu gel tile kid• to pa1fa fer II, yoa've 1ot lt ma~e. . There i8 • bJg d.JtJerence between cold and cool: Ann Landen allow• you how to play it cool without heezJiJg people out In her booJclet. "Teen-age Sex -Ten Ways to Cool It." Send $0 cents and a long, aelf- addressed, stamped envelope to Ann La.o- ders, P.O. Box 1199$, OUcago, ID. 60611. Geniini: Look ahead · s.tvdaI A.pm 11 . . llOIOSCON BY SIDNEY OMARA AR ES (March 21-April 19): You get what you want in form of gift, surprise package or promlae made by family member. Focua on persuasiveness, friendships and sales ability. Home improvement la high- lighted and furniture' could be rearranged. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Orders from superiors are subject to change. Dig beneath 1urtace indications -prepare by reviewing IOW'Ce material. Accent on pro- duction, promotion and special uaJgrunent which elevalel standing in community. Be ready for creative opportunities and poesible change of acenery. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Travel plans can be solidified. Look beyond the immediate, perceive potential. Accent on communication, publication and a unique spiritual experience. Older individual be- comes ally, will lend benefit of experience. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Change of domestic atmoaphere ia hiahllahted. You gain important point:and could profit as re- sult. You'll locate article that had been lost, missing or stolen. Focua also on paymenta. coll~ns and income potential. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Finish what you start, realize you are on brink of atrlk:ing pay dirt. Yo\l have allies who a.re diacreet, who support your efforts without always mald.ng thermelves known. Popula- rity lncreues, member of opposite &ex con- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cycle remains high and you can successfully de- fine tenna. Judgment. intuition prove accu- . rate. Timing is on target and you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces persons figure prominently. fldea feelinga. · LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Break trOm past · Indicated; agreementa can be renegotiated, yod'U pin greate,r independence. Highlight initiative, originality and inventiveness. You'll succeed in getting to heart of matt.era. Another Leo figures prominently. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Excellent for making special appeals. application for grants. What had been nebulous will become more solid. You gain access to confidential material which aids in erasing fears, doubts. Recent loss ls reovered; you'll be more con- fident as result. _,, By PHIL INTERLANDI of Lagu~each 'I VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Follow through on first impression.a. Services will be streamlined.Jou get green light on crea- tive project an senae of direction will be restored. You'll be on more aolid financial and emotional ground. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): ·You peroeive picture in Ua entirety. Member of oppolite eex compllmenta you, profeuional imociates concede that you are on right track. Peraonal magnetism la hlghliahted, sales ability la heightened. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be willing to revile, review and accept constructive criticilm. There ii need to fortify founda- tions, to improve fecurity measures. Be aware of legal righta, Jtenniaaions. ·Check ,,, leuea, clauses and small print. . ~ Q\ } (~ SAGl'M'ARWS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): DQn'.t be atiafi«i that .ameth.tng merely happened -cli.9Cover motives. Focua on vllita, calla, mev•gee and request by-relative in transit. "I'm a desk·poundef. I~ ~is wouldn't work." GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deala. NO&TH •&JU o au 0 KQIOI I •It WEST EAST •V... +Q'll OQIH41 0 17 OU ~A.lt7 •QUtUI • Ktfl IOVTB •AltUU O A'll OIQ •A The bidd.lnrt .... W..t Nwdl Eut 1• ..... , ... ..... , ... ... ~ .. Mid: Qute• of •· South can vituallze pls7 for game oppoait.e even a minimum raise, hia jump to four ia fully juaUfied. Obviou1ly, the hand is proof agsf ut cle(eat. if the 1padea are 2·1: declarer wm not be able to ION mor,e than two diamond trick.I and a heart. But what If t.rwnpe are 8-01 If declarer mlapeaan, It mlrht. ... m that he would tbea have to rel1 on one of three nn ... 1, but that ia not the cue. Otdarer haa a •ur• ·· · tridt llH reprdi.. of tbe Ue of tbe card9. • Ded&1'er wtn1 the ~ of dub9 and la71 down the ace or aptdee. II Eut 1howe oot, tMre .. DO problem. Dedater llmpl~ tak.. tM marted 1pac1e n ..... aDd he 11 , .. ,. '"' for owrvtcb. n. ..,,, flcult7 ....... II W..t t119we out, for DOW dtd&rer ... • t.r'\lmp lOHt, But. t.be eoatnct la AIU ut.. Dedartr ~ to tM k.lq of 1pacln ud nan. • dub. Tbe11 Ille a..cla ta.. aee, k.lq .... JMk of ~. u ea. 1'fM the &rick ...... tlid ,..,.._Ht cu._., ... ...... .. ...... bu& thee .. • muat either lead a diamond up to dummy's K..Q·lO or lead a elub or a heart, giving declarer a diamond 11\iff whUe he ruff• in duiumy. Either wa7, declarer loee1 only one diamond trldt. On the. actual l17out, however. Weat wlH the qu"n of heart.I and 1&feb' 1bllU to a dlacnond. Ded&rer pla71 a bltb honor from dum· 11\1· U Eut. wla. tb. aee, he i.I apin end p&.,ed u aboYe • .o he aut. allow dumm7 to win ' tbe dlamood trick. Dtd&rer hsa ID elep.at. ripottt: he throw• Eut ln with a t.r'u•P· aod the ead pllJ •nte• one. more. I .. Orange C0Mt OAJLY PILOT /Prlday, Aptll 11, 1t82 .,. I . I Engineer .says Titaqic wreckage not where search.ers· thirik it lies ' LA JOLLA (AP) -A mecha· rUca1 enctneer whq hu 1pent alx yHra calculatln'I where the oc.n liner 'ntarUe u.nk 70 years a10 beU.vH lhe wrteka1• lan't wn..r. IMl'Chen \hlnk lt la. the eou\h, and left her uprtaht.. A tot1l of l ,522 people died when lt hit an iceber1 ahortly before mJdniaht April 14, UH2, and unk a few houn-later •re· ported 96 mtlea ,eHt of New- foundland. The tl'Mlwe hu.nt.en f.rYtna to ...iv..-$300 mUJJon 1n dJamCJMa are far off, Leo Cohen uld ln an lnt.ervtew. He bellevee a power- ful current rnow;ct the ty lhlp to Cohen Mid ttw .. umed poet. tlon ww baled on.dla..,.._ calll with record• in wireleu tele- ra b me11a e1 ahowln the VE'S CLOCK SHOPPE l1t•tl•llaln9 lft the · r•1t•lr of anth1u• and new clocka. Hou•• colll on 1rllftdfother clockt. Certified Clockmo· kor laloa & Sor· vko. ('714) 495-3233 28762 Matguorito Pkwy .. M1Sfion Viejo Off at Avery A TRADfT10ll . FOR 60 YEARS smw , Tl l All the e:J 11me-Place.~- Fine Ciock.8, Watches and other Timepieces LIQUIDATION I SALE everything must go up to 60 0/o OFF! 12 FASHION ISLAND Scent of eucalyptus Tired of can ned scents? Refresh your rooms with the totally narul'al fragrance of -eucalyptus. Dried and coated with glycerine. the leaves' retain their look and cool. fresh scent for years. When the aroma wanes. give your eucalyptus a steam bath In the shower or over a teakettle to awaken and release good smells once more. Buy all you want without fear of starving the koalas -6ur eucalyptus comes from California. Eucalyptus • • • • f If t t f • • • • • • ••• • f • • • t I•• 699 Uornia and the Cunard liner ....-ch &Mt IUlnmef but Qrinvn ..oU the Jcebeq, tnvelechbout llx Carpathla, which picked up tur· retUMd to buy, Co~n Mld. rnllel north and stopped aplrwt vlvinl 'J'IW\Ac p1111tn1et1. • ' Th e • b t p J u • t d l d n ' t the IOUthedy a.q:J"ent. Ma tftu.lt, he \h1hlu the ac-dlaapJMlr," COhen .. 1d. "The The current later moved the tual wreck polltJon w11 cloMr to coordlnatet apparently were IS· 48,000-ton ahlp t>Kk 10uthward 41 de1ree1, 48 mlnutea north \'fl\ out wrong, for whatever the ~bQut tour mllet and Jt hit the laUtude and 30 delf"I, one ml·• reMOI\. ocean floor tn a verUcal poliUon, nut.e west lonlit.ude. Althouah the sea~ to be Cohen believes, addln1 that The raeercn and theory were-calm at the time, Cohen Hid searchers have been wron1 to offered at a price to Tex.aa oilman there were turbulent waters be-look tor the lhape of a lhlp 800 Jack: Grimm who tl~n:;.:an:.:.;:c:.::e.=:.d...;;;•--....-low_. H_e_Mi_d_the_· _Tl_tan.lc __ caree:ned__._ __ ..;;..fee;..._t ~~is;_.. ______ _ $50 $50 Sl" IO' l&ien'UC MNOa .... ,. __ _ ·-r--r.....,. c:----· ·------- $50 -Less ltllate $51 T.tal Saftlcl Slot 1····1;c;•ii..Yi-Yi88,-iia.:ti·-----------------, I Monday Aprll 19th .. -1 L'loWer lhop open• et 1 a.m. for thl• bftl · 1 9"ftt. Thi• le four chenoe to do eome-1 thing nice for four ••cr•t•rf (Lord I knowa eM'I done enough for JOU). lo 1 ehow rour eppreoletlon on "Her D•J" with a bNutffUI boquet of ,,..h flowen. 1 •• eleo hen the "All New" notewOrthJ OPfNDAILY'TILt T•l•flor• lpeolel for Her Deek •I Flo-w.-••r• BJ Debra rou get the fln••tl I Cf .:=. truob for prompt delivery a 7 dfflgnere =."" for all rour flower needa. CALL NOW~ "'=-;.. ,-----R1llJ:l•ftl-----,r-----((tllJ:ztm----,r----i<•l!I;l1Itl----, I Wt*•llZI llWlaTAJffei"daUMtGlll THR .. llZI I L.MQI llZI I I tCUUQ 'I ~ llZI I l AVOCADOS II LEnUCE II CELERY I I 3,°'100 I: 25'~ :, 3,.11·00 I I II HEAD• 'I I I · LIMie I II Umtt 4 .._. I L.1m1t I I L ____ !!.~ ___ _l !_ ___ ~!..~ ____ :JL _____ ~~----J ,--~:l•T11-----,r--~--fliTir:IiTil----,r----i<•l!I;1•Itl----, I NE1 ;R0oucE 11 ,.air OUiOTY QWfT llZI HEAD8 I I QUALITY THm , .. .,. I I CAUFORNIA '"OUR OWN" I l ~UIHROOMS l l "louz:&c;" CAULIFLOWER I I 89• ~ ll 4 100 69• ~0:0. I I rvvow1 11 Pounde · I I UrMt I Lbe. 11 Umff I Lbe. 8A VE Umtt I I L---~!.c_O!P_!!! _____ J ! _____ W/Coupon _____ u._~--~~----J 1601 Newport B Iv . (-..... .._..,, 645-0032 (ou~r '' IQ~ SI ---·--------------------------------------- I I • I (.""• I • Grow d 'ried arra·ngements lnatead of buytn1 baby'• breath or 1trawflo- wen next fall, conaider powtna yow-own. They'll . look beautiful ln your 1arden auttnc the eummet, and you can cut the flowen to \.lie ln ain.naemen\I and dry them fM winter bouquttl. Orow baby'• breath (Gypeophlla ~niculata) from at.em cutUnp, •YI Raymond F. Halek. en'!f- ronmental horticulturist, 11C CqoperatJve Exum- lion, Davf,I. '1b1a perennial (the ume family u the carnation) 8J'OWI to 3 feet or more. It hu alender 1harp-polnted leave1 on Ill many branches and hundredt of tiny, eln8le. starllke white f1owen ln apnya that bloom from July to October. Space plantl two to three feet apart and plant ln the aun. The plants are lime lovers -GYJ*>phlla comes from the Greek gypsos, or gy~um. and philoe, or friendah.ip -IO lime should be added to add IOU. The lacy, dainty foliage adds a finishing touch to fresh or dried bouqueta. To dry, cut apn)"B, strip off foliage and hang in '9 dry shady place. The strawflower (Hel.lch.ryaum bracteatwn) is the most colorful of all dried flowers. It oomes in red, orange, purple, yellow, rose or white. S~ seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeka before the last a~ frost, or sow directly in sunny gardens after frost LS over. Space plants about 12 inches apart. Once planta are well started, keep them on the dry side, · Huell advllles. Planta will fflOW 2 to 3 feet high with many flower heada. The 2 ~-inch, pompon-Uke, papery flowers la.st indefinitely w hen dried. The parts of the flower that look like petals are actually colorful leaves called. bracta. The true flowers are in the center of each ~lOISOIJl. To dry, cut the flo~ers just before the cenutr petals open. Strip'off foliage and hang upside down In a dry shady place. Marigolds add color to garden One of the most popular summer garden plants is the marigold. It has the ability to adapt to most garden aoi.ls and withstands the heat of aummer. Originally, the marigold came in only yellow and orange. Today, you'll find them in near white, gold, striking red, bronze or even ln a mixture of colors. They also come In sing}~ or double flow er fonns. Since marigolds thrive in the warm summer conditions, they shouldn't be planted in shady areas. Any sunny spot where color is desired is ideal for marigolds. You can even use them in the vege- table garden. Some say they ward off pests that don't like their earthy odor. Few pests attack this fast growing plant and a minimum amount of care is required. To keep them blooming over a longer period of time, it's best to cut off each bloom prior to its going to seed. UllDlllRI CHICllllT •It'._,tlme to put aome ooloc in the garden and petunias will do·17 job. •KeeJ> an ere out f~r aphids. and give this problem iWlmediate attenuon by usmg the correct spray. •~uce the chance of lawn mower injury to tree trunks by removing the turf from around the trunk. •For sunny "hot" spots, plant pink, white, roee or scarlet geraniums. Shaded areas can be fllled with impatiens, fibrous begonias or lobelia. •Good IOi.l la vital to good plant growth. Pre- pare your flower bedt well before planting summer mmuals, wgetable9, ahrubl or tr'eel by digging deep and adding organic materials to enrich it. Wiii FREE TICKETS Just Look for Yow Name/ Sltlppf:r Alon Hat. ~~~'TSnQJ IN BOATS. EQUIPMENT ~ ANO W'TER \'Yi SPORTS I · BRIGHT BLOSSOMS -Petunlu come. ln a variety of colora that brighten the garden wherever they are. 'nley'll bloom all summer, so plant them in hanging baaketa or in beds for !J:M!cial effects. RUFFELL'S urHOLSTUY l1;'1'tec•...,. ltU~Ol ... YD. COSTA MHA-141-1116- s-.- 111 dis wartc-1luilg f..am.llal. " n.s.-~---.. --~ io•q...,_ ___ _ •Wll't~IClf\90 ~ .. rt~­•-.. ·---·----_,,, ____ ,,, _ _ ...... _eo... __ _ ... _ .. __ ·-------I .~ ........................ ....-.. • ai.. wrdlt .. mo .......,. •.., .. ,......,_.. .,. ___ _ ____ ._..,. lpedlltwu~ UO 00 M ""'O CCllllp., .. 1uoo .. 1ee1 11•omot1onel price 10 meft\lfacturer 1 au99e1l•d Ult CH•C• '°' model A 72 .. ~--------- •• 1'1 U..LL1•• I ..... 11011 , ....... It. , lltltl•lfff hHft Ul-1111 Piiot Logbook -lllJ , .... Canmd commen&aric• INI • •zdUlfodal in tlw ' • War · on gypsy moth inounting , IY &AIU. ARONSON ,, ............ The war aaalnat the apr.adlnf •IYPY moth, whk:.b 1liM y...-attlldced more than ~ mW.Ion 90"eS of valuable tree1, and other del1rucdve INecta will mount ~ UU. 1pr:lns. Natural predaton wm feed on moths, their .aa and emeridn8 caterpU)an that devour follqe. Alla •nllt~ wilfbe blolop:al and chemical eon- troll, lncludJ.nc artWaial 1ex lures \hat lead male motha to dMt.6 trap1. SdenU.ta are worklna on e<lOlojlcally 10und, practlcal, ·~~•1rated peat manaaement (lPM) · lystimw CClmblnlnl mNIUMI ln • •i.cted lrea to control a variety of tr98 and crop lnfeed.na lnlectl. '1'h1I l)"ltem emphulzee Interruption of repro- Clubs schedule I flower exhibits A PLOWER SHOW will be pret!ented by the San Clemente Garden Club at the San Clemente Community Center from 2 to 5 p./n. Saturday and. noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Cale(Ories lnc.lude horticulture, artlatic design. junior and intermediate, and educational. Exhibltlng in the educatlonirl division will be the Oranae C.Ounty Marine Institute, San Clemente Senior Citizens Day Care Center, and the Richard ~enry Dana Special Needs Facility. JIM McNULTY, an award winner in floral desiana. will be the speaker at the Spyglass Hill Garden Club meeting Wed.ne8day at the home of Mn. Roger Hughes. 111111 "SUPER BllDE'~ 20 lb ...... $7 .50 IOW $5 98 . 40 lb ...... $13.95 IOW $1098 Ideal for full tun lud & lloom f Gal. Size • .... 2.91 IOW s191 t·. ductive cyclm, •preedJ..nc dleenrw fatal to specific lnaec:ta, explolttn1 parult" and predator•, and uaina eater, eelec:Uve pstlddel. A properly execut.ecl.lntelf•ted control, ree- earchert tay, should malnfaln peet populadona be- low 1eve1t of economic injury. Entomoloptl believe the IYP'Y moth int.ta~ Uon will be u b9d u or wane thJa year than ln 1981, with damaao to shade Lttell wone. The DfllY moth feeds on leaves of forest, shade, ornamental and fruit~ and 1hrubl. A aln&l• detoU.Uon can kill eome everp-eem; two or more defoliations may lcill h.ardwoodl, 'The r esult ll Jou of beauty, recreation, ttmbtr and watenhed value., al)d pubUc nulla.nce. The \lme for first control.I it ln early 1prtn1 when egg maaet1 -each female laya 100 to 600 eggs .--may be 1eraPed from tree trunkl,_ rockt1 fencet and aides of build.Inga into ke~ne. cnarcoaJ lighter or rubbinl alcohol. Young caterpU.lan emerging from larva ~ ln late April and May may 6e controlled by spraying with organJc (Bacillus thuringiensia) Imi- da n-(Pho1met), Carbaryl (Sevin), Acphate (Orthene). Older caterplllan can be checked .ame- what by banding treea with a lticky aubstarice or wide burlap atri1>9 where they may be trapped. Herbert M. Day of Stauffer Chemic&f, West- port, Conn., says ill Imidan fl'f Into integrated biol~ and chemical pest control nicely. Imldan t. bl~le, he aaJcJ. "Imidan killl l.naecu by direct contact and by acting as a 1tomach poiJon," Day explained. "It has minimal undesirable alde effects on the environ- ment ·and spares natural predators of gypsy moth, elm spanwonn, birch leaf miners and spring "Can·, kerworm. It ll one of the leaat toxic of the com- mon! Uled lNecticldes." th; chem1cal ia not recommended currenUy for vegetable gardens. · Asked whether it would harm bees, Day aald almost every imect.£dde was toxic to &ome degree to these valuable pollnatort and should not be ap- plied when ornamentals were in blossom -and bees most active. ALL ITtMS tue.J£CT TO ST()()( OH HAHO OIW OooCI Tiwu 41221t2. • OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 1-a-=-suN. 9-5 ~· L~OVD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO .• INC. 4AAINTeWa 2028 N~ 8tvd. (If a.y·St.) Co.-Meta. CA 92827 / (114) M6:7441 ~ COHTI'IOL • Now You May Ren~ A ~U.XU')' Apartment on N~rt Bay~ • • ~;JI] iii ;J ~ .. }!1 ! ji Plant a whole orcharfl •t these BIG ••~Inga. APPLE•APAICOT•NECTAAINE FIO•PEACH•PLUM•PEASIMMON . 1.·).,. •I I ' f'fii I .''' 0 • 11..:6_"' .... • t #~ :,,. • • "'J: '. ... \ ', '" ,1,"!\ //fl·. f-'/'I ·~ ''1.f; 1{~ 1 /.,:.;If' Gracious living in a country club setting that overlooks the bay. 'That's Park Newport. Th§ finest ,apartment cpmmunity In fash~ble Newport Beach. Hare. for your pleasure. a SH~·million Social and Health club. a lighted tennis courts, racQuetball Courts. 7 swimming pools. and acres of gardens. Leases are available for 1. 2 and 3 bedroom units. Some are ejeganlly furnished. Example: VENTURA PEACH .. :o~:ilO NOW .8. 7 5 11 '·•'' . ,, I•" AbCPI• Hated Fruit TrH8 et comperebl• 30 ~ Nwlnga, . • ORIHO WEED·B·GON Now'• th• time to control ••. Dandellona, oxalla, clawer and many other broadlMf 1 "'MO. •M WMdl. ~ For 9r11aa lawn1 only. lliA:MI --w~ m llpril 1B-M. FTD ha• the perfeot gift for' JOUr aecretary • freeh aprtng flow.,. In the FTD Desk C!dtiy Ve"!ll c.... ...... --.n, • ,.._ -- • Orane OOMt DAILY PILOT/Frtd.y~ April 18, 1N2 .. r • .. ..... New Merit Research · Released: I. .. helming majority of MERITsmokers · report taste bollu~ at loW tar. . . · The most rigorous MERIT MERIT Beats research to date has just been Tuughest Competitors.. completed. In addition, extensive un- Result: MERIT smokers confirm marked pack tests confirm that taste a major factor in completing MERIT delivers a wfnning com- d)eir successful switch from bination of taste and low tar when higher tar cigarettes. compared with higher tar leaders. MERIT .Tukes 1aste Honors. Confirmed: The overwhelming Nationwide survey reveals over majority reported MERIT taste 90% of MERIT smokers are glad equal to-or better than-leading they switched from higher tat' higher tar brands. cigarettes. In fact, 94% don't even Confirmed: When tar levels miss their farmer brands. were revealed, 2 out ·of 3 chose Further Evidence: 9 out of UO the MERIT combination of low former higher tar smokers report .tar and good.taste. . · . MERIT an easy switch, that they Year after year, in study after didn't give up taste in switching, stµdy, MERIT remains unbeaten. and that MERIT is the best-tasting The proven taste alternative to low tar they '~e ever tried . . higher tar smo~ing-is MERIT~ I 0 ............... 1 .... kings: 7 mg "w:· 0.6 me nic0cine-100·1Reg:10 mg "t•'.' 0.7 mt nicolinl-100'1 M•: 9"' "11r;• 0. 7 mg •ine •· per ciglrlgl, FTC ~ DK'.11 f • • I I . .. Of1n91 COltt DAILY PIL.Ol/Frtday, Apt1' 18, 1H2 THE FAMltt' . -c1act1 by Bit Keene "Drow me a bunny rabbit, Daddy." 81GGEOaGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) PMNIJTI ~ SHOE "SM lov11 th• cr11tur1 comfort1." SHOON AND MOO..V VOi.LEV AAE PlAVIN6 "Ct(tAIJ(" 8008E AW 11 BAD CAu." SENNV ! rf'S NOf eASV1D 51.fEW WrTH~ Cl.01l4ES ON? I MARMADl'IU~~ by Brad Anderson • DEN.NIH T"E MENACE Hank Ketchum I I II "He's ASKING us to put him In there ... I smell a mass escape ptanl" -~dllld -401M AUOll of ucwt 4f MuolHlled ... 4'8Nlrug IO.......,•ICll ~ 'MR .WltSCW ~IS A SWELL GUY! THE NEXT TIME HE GORDO WANTS flt TO C()\E OVER ,HE~ GONNA SENOMf A WRf!'{fi,N ... ---- !NVITAT!CW,I' t'L'~k l' "1~8't:llBt:"~ WHAT HAVE <X)(J 60f fH~t I (.OA(.H ~ 11'6 A CCR<) OF ~ ~ MEAL.IH IN5URANC.E: PL.AN r ' . by Charles M. Schulz by Tom K. Ryan rrs HARU"I> ~f"f M¥ iJAMMll:S OOOVE~'l™. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller HOW OO'YOU GU>yS LIKE IT? CA'TNIPf WHAT .!3HE NEED¢1~A VALIUM MOlJSEf .j ' I I I l ~ I ~ ; e>ranoe COiit DAILY PILOT/Frldey, Aprtl 11. 1eea T•lk •ow et llU mil ,_,., MmCI Ml.IC llmCl MUC JIOTIC( • ... TO NmlOWI...... 11\111119~._ .... _, .. ......,.._ "' I........ · .... tfAW 0........ 0..1111 ... 011 .... -~ "' ..... AUOftOM Tiie ....... ,.,.....,. .......... =ff Clftlle. Cole• ' ~ .::-........... -... _.. o.:.f!o": la 11.,••Y.tlven 10 Ille ......,. nOftTI HO I ..... • ... t.M. Ot .. ~ "'"'UMH Oii "b~ei=:::: Of IAM.HUITWIOk.-nct ... ~:o HOMll; co ~T,:Ll'l "0" ·~ r::'H~1'=""0' Oii l.. ~ ---~~'~· a -· CA 1.01 ltLAOIDO , puln•r•. HOMll: (0) TIAL HbMH· "~ ~ ~·•u•o ..: ,...,dint Donahue to join ABC CHICAGO (AP) -Tallt-*how halt Phil Don•hue, a four-time Emmy winner, wlll Join ABC for a ne~. laW--nlcht nitW..a.nd·talk J)ft)lfam ln Oc:1.ober, acco.rdlna to network offi- clall. WhUe he wUl remain u hoet of ''Donahue,•• the one-hour IYOd.lcal*I · tatk•,how televlaed on 2111tallon.a nation~ he la end1n8 h.bt It.int on NBC't "Today" abow, offidalt -.kl. Donahue'• lut appearance on the momlnl pl'OIJ'P\ will be ln May. The new lhow la 1eheduled to be Lelevbled trom mklniaht to 1 a.m. fol- lowtnc "A8C Newt ~t,htllne." Do-nahue wm present tntervtew1 with aueeu and. studio aud.14mee. "Phll DonahueJ\H eetabll1hed hlmlelf 11 one ot 1Fle best and mo1t 1nterelling 1ntervlewer1 on television," f:'i~ Roone Arledge, pre- II.dent ol ABC N.wt. ~-... ,;..i!UO; l".'' 11 ~tr'9 lttwl. ~.,~~ buatntN::":ed· TO"UI HOM .. i~(lll) w100•0 L Zone hoe,tlon 'o'"'", -100. ,_, ""°' -ii-• _.,.venue, HOMO· (0) WllT ~ l'K>MU• (tf ~ end peroa11 ,,_ a.a.t1• ... Mulum.dla, Inc., which producet a:.:....,.... ,,....._ • ........, •• ..,.. ~eoumy of a..,.. t of U,Hv'-H'OMll, 111t 11 ije1,. ..,....,..,_.,....,._.....,....... and tyndkaa. the '''Donahue'' 8bow. RE ..,_,_ 11r11111, lni4M. CellOtflle m1•. ~· '°' TOlllllo N.-emw• M'° ala:> wW do the "l"Wf'll foe ABC'I mi' ._.........,IN. lold pro~ lo Cloocrlbod 111 ,._ H. .,....,,*' ,.1 .. Mo-~.__Court ..... "•" •·•-.. t•"t ---.-... a.,....11! ::.:::..d:w~' :r:: ~°::!,:=! ~;;:on, II. lrvlne, Collfor11lo for o ooncNUoftojl 1 ff.....,.. ,.,Wiit fOt a .. _. . .._... ......... --• _ _.., • ........ -.. .......,_ "'°" ..,..,_ .,_. M.,. Gour •• · GOfftlftefG I • 0 ,_ ~lftlUM KxclWllv• network new. rtahta to ......... _..,... . .,. '"'•=e:-ar!.;.i:,::::~": =~•ryMC1Co11eethop11nci rwr:'~0C,.:':,~ ::'~,':'O::U~ Donahue'• 1er91c:e1 wm belonc to L09"° •u•" te "•"1. 1 •• 0 • n1 C>ooe11 ~~. Le-eaua. pa;;·~ .c .. , ..., • .-ABC. Ar ... .ad. and final edit.cirial IO: w-..,.,.. ... •.....,. OfMee o-t oJ, =: 1u111 10 .. 11. Cou111~ ot Orenoo. Thlil ~ 11 ~ ~ 0 In 0 ci IOM. """'~" 69W: ·-' .... _ ... -·"' ...... 1n ~ill .. ..,......... .. ,.. ...... ... of~ ~ .,.,..,...... . "*'-"",..... .., .. COft'"1& OYW v. llllmlftw ww uis rM"C wt 1111 "' • 1 1 • • • '°' • • ,_..,.. '9 oondUcted ~ PNI o.. lln*o '°' lunl* 1r1f0tmottor1 on 111e the handl of A1JC News. 19ut Donahue ~.:.'T.~''• 1= ,. ~ ~~ ~·:,.:: ~ TNI t'tll ,_. -fled""".. aboM .,,11oot10111, ,.,epllone Will be able to contribute to other e· .... a.111., • ._ ...... -. ~ ~ ll)l1C( Q7-~ A--. W, i::'1. Qwll Of OrWlft County on 7.....a241 or Oii .. IN~ of IM Mtwcrb foe entertalnmenf pr'OIJ"un-1 :it9J;..~=u;:: ~ Miii 't\I , er.rt C«lntJ ~ 0r.,,.., •= CelMor· ~ 4 ' 1 -. f'1m11 ~";~°C!::~Cllllf~: mtna. ( ................... 0.-11• ....,.~~.. ~lleTemwll41Me.itwlllMfor ~~~.::r="°'· ~"'-"-........ Piiat. DOnahue hll wwk.d ... ~ .,.., I• ...... a-IM.........,... ...... .... CA... GMll 17n.t2 Apft ,. 1Mi'..,..-:-_, contributor on •'Today" for tnrff DA•1.v lltl.O~f:O.:l:a: f'LJUNTIPP: ~ ~-fo tar ., known 10 111e Aucllo· • 11ao.12 yean. ==·· ... .., .._ Oll'INDANT: Wl.NOll.L. A.W· ""'·ell ~"-end ed· Hebe1anhlltalk·ahowcareerln -::-....:,';,'=.-::=.~.:..~==--=-.~~~ NUmll W911l 1967 wtth '"l'h9 Phil Donahue Shoy.'," ....... .._ "'-and .. ll.ACI< COMiJ.ANY • oo-tr01t1 e110W.. °"* · a local mornlnc aaJk lhow 1n Dayton ::i"C::: ' l>Wtn«thlf! WHtTI COMPANY.• ne~• and:,:•~:-"'~~~ ; ~ ~ NI .OARD °" ~. OP Ob Th dl ~·1 i!=ia OOfPOl'llllon. ... _:= , .. GRAW COUNTY, C • 10, e procr.m wu 1yn caie<s ..,............ •••I.WI .-ow tm•it Of Hanton a.nt Anl ca1ttom1a nationally two J.ear1 later and __ __. .-...... c......... Auotloneer, Oft or Mf0t• tlle trd A_..___...... of the....__ ........ ~, ... •Or_;_ ,.~·-1y """-... ~ ~ c-t ~ ""°'· MOTICll y .. ....,. ..._ ...... ,..,.,., 1Ma • 11 o'dodt a.m., ~·~":.the ~'*1o"'.;;d'Ji;;; ~--';'.,.; to ~ in 1 74. . ,.,. 1, •• 1a. ... "" -ttaMI fto _. 9lif ,,_, .. 1 ....... Jl'll 1201' hit 11tll llrott, t.lllo I , In the lwd Of ~· WM lleld Ac>r1I I , IM2. el 0 30 A ~ lolo- ........ ,._ .... ~ ...... lho CUy of IMIO Anl, COvnly of ..tl'O IWftliCI memo.II being pr...i ltuoe ....... OlolrlNlrt Aooar --------=---------------, ,.. ma w ma r::.:=-:~ ...... ...-°'=·'= c;-.~ ~'°"'°"· ..., ....... ~. ~ •. ewti. r~, ~ ltld u.. 'DEATHS If fOll wllfl 10 ... IN odWle M ""......_, AMo••-Contract lot llGMOOUJ.meterlel tr.inlng With Ille CeltfOtnle ~y Nnnoul 8lfll•M NO'Ta °' ~ eA&.I on euorney In Ihle mall or. you Publlatt.d Orono• Co Ht Delly Patrol II IPC>fcwed. ~tn*11t .,. mede fo ow AlcOhOI MlvllOty &o.rd ELSEWHERE Ulll ITA~ T.e. .... 1-4 ~ dO IO &WGlftOtly IO ltl4" your Piiot, Aortl 11• lN1. 11\0 the Humon AIMtlon9 ComrnlMlon. Commendatlone and prooi- Tho tollowlftg per.oft It dolno al!NlllllCIAI. MANAGIMINT Mttten reapoNe. ti Wf1, '"-bO II. tJn.82 llOtla.,. epptcwed. c.n-. aonetrUOUOn COf>\NQ11 11e Mt IOt bid, I«· bu11r1oe9..:. COAll'OMTION Of' AMIRICA u led ~ .. ~ ................. a aNe ~ rtaJC M)llCt ~I.cl MCI aompleted, H9'tlor Cour1 Celt'I ~-'"'°"' la , ....... CORONADO(AP)- Rellced Capt. Norval R . Rlclfardaoa, 76, a nuclear elrcrafi research plonttr who heeded the 'Navy's aircraft nuclear propulsion protram in the 19SOs, dJed Saturday. HONG KONG (AP) - C. Y. THI, 71. a shipper whaae 140 w.ell CONtitu- DEATH 1mc1s ted what was considered o ne of t}H! world'• hargeat private lleet.t, died Thun. day SAN DIEGO (AP) - Longtime Southern C.11- f or n i a new1man G11 Vlgaolle, 69, founder of the McttoRaclng and F.conomy Car Newa of Lo. Ancelet, died Friday. AMMANN during W orld Wor II. MICHA.EL E. AMMANN, Memorial services wlll be pHaed awey o n -April 14, held on Sunday, April 18, 1982 at hi• residence. A 1982 at 2:30PM at the J>r.. retident or Laguna Beach, byterian C hurc h of the c.a. for 15 yea.ra. Survived by Covenant, 2850 Fairview h Is J acque 11 n e a n d 3 Rd., Coata Meea. In lit!U l>f daughters, Michelle, Valene flowers the family request.I and Laura, l sl8ter Pamela donations be made to a Ammann of Loa Angeles, Ca Memorial Fund at Presb~ Private cremation. Ray Fo-nan Churc h of the Cove- mlly Laguna Beach Mortua-n.a.nt. ry directors. VOL.ANDA llWING H"VICI. ~ ~ TNMM un4or tM Av._.., ~,J-,.._, ....,. ore ... tor Anneutlon No 82-l. UnOtrground Ulllty 1801 W 1--•~· ... ~ ,... tollowlno....,..... d9ed o4 ttuel 4Me. w---i,..... ~t•11• DilCtlct No. 22, end OtOOC*CI ~ ol Pf°'*1Y County IC)OnlC)reCI .,. • .... .... --... _..... WILL llLL AT ttueuc AUCTIOH ...... Uil. ... Srrts. -"'"" • • .... Ion la 11P9'0Y9CI ~melt-.,. ~cwed Otent Deed fOt VOlonelo ht-. ~Jnof)ee 1t01 JO TH=IGH •• T llOOIA FO" "" U4. , ........ ~.,...... NOTICE OP. DEATH OF """*~~No.? le epptO\lleCI. Flnel Alp«t IOt 0t-a1io-ooct W.1W18t.,lemaAno.CAtiiit: CAIH( .. lllMOINl•ln .... u. ................... REX a . CANTERBVRY A~ll...,r0¥edwtlddlloNl~lf•eiloeat.cl.~blltylor Thie t1ue1w 11 ~ed by i.M of h Unl*loc:= 8 .... ,, ...... a. _, AND OP PETITION TO enf0t-.n1114 1twt Co11torn1o Mobilehomo ·Petkt Ac111 ~led. R4J: on lndlYldUol o1 ,..,... t11e w "*'-' 1 ua1 .... u.._ ...,....t., .. oon-AD .. ·~-·a ........... TE NO ~• Contr<>I 8dledull tot u. Sher1ll 1e t!PP'oved Pvrot.-114 ~ v..en. ~ to MCI -..... by " under .. Id Mjo ,. un ll>OOlldO.,, ... eauMQ, """'1'u"' r.o I A • by HCA la OUOIOftaed. HMftfl a.Wle ... lor the lntect'°"9 ...... progrem Thia .,., '"'".,....., .,.... ._ Ooocl Of Truee 1n "'° propeny ,,._ ~ haoeffO lmmedlolamonlo, A· 11 Hll. •• 9dapWd. Otdlnence No. aa 11 11 edopted AS e o..enninellofl 1ot °" County a.ti of Orwloa cOullty °" ,......., ~Ill 1bed: de Hta manere, au rH.,uoalt To an heln. ~fidariel c.y of Oyprw II ~owd. Propoeocl or~ ,.._.tno to regu19t1on 114 M#dl a1 ltt2. ~Oft K.L OLIHN 90MAN ..orna. al lloy elflln•, puode.., di d t ' ll'OOlll lood pr._,..uon wtlkMI II oonUnuod Ind llMfth ..W. ,_ .,, • ' and OIBAA YAlO"ll! BOMAN, ~•'*"PO· ere tore an cont ncent ~, ..... llton reoenttno ttie Oronoe County Munldoel eoun Study p btllNd Or eo..i-:: ~Md..._• m wnonta.. l. TO THE DUINDANT: A.olYll credlton of Rex R. Canter· II edoptold co..wity ~System~ ProOftrn 'undinO P1en II ,...;_ ~ 2 .•. 7.n. 1112. BENE.FICIAAV: c AIT HOME ~ptlff'·:::::•nt hH .... ",,"'"by thto• bury and penons who may 1C19<owd. ~datlofta for Of~atlon of,,,. Orange County 148CM2 LOANe INC, ,._.. you. rou llfllill be otberwlte lnterelted In Houallle ~ -~owed. A8 • Coutl(Y HMhh s.mc-funding 11 Alaordod Julle U, 1NO M INtr. doMfld .......,.., you muel. w4CNn th will __ ,,_, . opptowed. The CionorOI Reliot M"""91 la tevlM<I. AHFP Aof~t fOf No. 26171111 bOOll , .... peiga Iii • doya""' Ihle ---"-· e AllUIOC" eltate. ~ "-.. ~0¥9CI. Cert.Oln HICO ConlrllCtl llfe ~end of a-. Aeocwda Ill ltle o11c19 of ftd on YoU. fllo wttll thla court • A petition hu been Ciled IC!Pf0¥9CI. ~I for C..-llg/Cerbon Cercyon Aeg!or\111 Pllflla with me Ille "-cOfder of Or•neo ~nt)': Mttten ~ to IN COfllCl6elnt. by Leona Can~ In the City °' ..... ~-~ '°' CMI OefenM/Etneroency Pt• Mid Cloed Of ln'lt dMCfiMe Ille u..... you 00 '°· 'fOAll deleult .. s I Co t f 0 ~ a.Moe .. ~· A llner to the AaMtent Seetwtwy ol the ~ -~ ~ bo ontefod on epplloallon of tll• uper or ur 0 ranee Alff'llf reo-rdincl the Sonte AN ,__ AooCI Control Protect 11 authOt'lnd n. ~ ITA"':9"' . Tiie .... *"*to In t1111 ... pjolnCllt, end I.Ha ocut mey 9'IW a Coounty requesting that Leo-P•mlt wtl~tlef AlrllnM. '"'· ii N>Orov.c3 Ooeolele dog 18Qll llfe --• ,.,_ ... ...._ rentee II lltualed In tllo 81•1• 01 judgnw;t eoelnet you '°' the relat na Canterbury be appointed oonttecl to ., 8eou1 Po.t ~ P~ AlttiM LleenM With P~ ~ 0"1CI AUTOMA-Co11k1m1o, c-.ty of Otonge ond 11 don•ndod ii UIO oomplell;t, Milc:fl -·1 tat.I to 8ouUwt AlfllnOI II emended. Delllgll of tile 8.me Me ,_..., c;nenn.i TION, lfMI Ml141Mlf No., !Mne, CA dJoortbed .. fG1ow9i OOlllCI r11ull In Qlrnlallf!Wlnl Of ~~:"'-.~~ f~-"'-' I~ le eutflo(lzild. AoolptMCe ol IA Palme A-'Ue u a mw. . Loe 6 Of Trtd No. 10613, In tN ..,...._ telllnG °' moM1 or ptOpetTy -....w ... ter ... ..,. estate 0 ~ ... County roed .n. oonetNCtlofl le Milllottl.i. PwchMlng matt•• ere GAllY LAUlllNCI o DONNlt.L, City 01 Cotto M•••· 01»unty of or 0111., rollel requnted In Ill• R. Cantebury, Cotta Meaa, ~. ~ ~ w1tr1 ~.....,., Lid 11 approwd Neoo-= a-wo.ci. ~...._CA °""00. a ... ot ~ • ,., ~ CA (under the J.nde~t tlallon of •" eoreoment end Mtecllon of • CC>f\1ut11n1 lor •h• tel•· tlllll --II_...._. llr •ii.. '"Ill> NOOrded In bod! 441, Peoaa · TE0-~2t. ltel. Admlrilttratlon o f Estate• ~ ~ .. 8l.lthortmd. Fl.Wldl.,. tr-*etreo f0t ...._.,. ..... •I to 41 •~. Mtooellanoouo J • ..---·· ol •OQllllWed ~In~ 8eedl on...,. 114 ... and.-of 11r--. o.., 1.. O'ODMlll Mope, In tlM otnoe of tn. County Cler1' Ad). 'nle petJUon ii aet for Budget traneNrt •• apprOY'ecl. 8udOel lot tM WlC 8pedOI ~t91 Tt111 •t•t•"'•"' ... flied wt111 111e Aaoof01r of Mid Courlty. 8)' R. Blott, tw.rlng in bept. No. 3 ot 700 Food Program fl~-NegotJellon 114 1111 .-it ror Bliltttop P"11 ="a.tlotOr .... ~0ttAlf97, EXCEPTING frOf'll Mid lend. on Publehecl~ CoMt Piiot. Civic Center Drive West le eiuUloriz>ld. Partial Mlllernenl of the mortgage d«1611t of Wiiiiam L. Pu·0,1.....,o.11199 eo .. io.i= ~~t'::.~,'!:. ~ t1.23.~M9y1.1':'l Santo Ana. CA 92701 o~ =-.:::::=~~;:,:~:~-Aj!~'Z ~ t. it.,n. JG, 1"2 111M2 brM. eep1ta1tu1t1 end oil atndrod / 1126-82 May 12, 1982 ot 9:30 a.m. • lno II rwMlected 10 perloml 1M rat• Wld lee~;;• WeyM ••1t '°°' end ._ ....... ~ "8JC M)TIC( IF YOU OBJECT to the Alrpof1. ~ '°' Lomber1 Roed 11 ac>PrO'led Tu melt--~ ----------= =r.= ~n~u'tru~ MOTICe TO CMDtTOM IJ'WIUna of the peelUon, you ~= T= =-.::~= Tt>e-8oerd edj()uf"necl lrl memory Of PmlJC M>nct anTothwa recorded Janutry t , cw .,._. TIULlllt'IP 1hould either appear at the tstA1.l JUNE ALEXANDER ACTmOUe aue••M 1H7, In booll 1114' P•O• HI. ,..._ ,.,..., u..c.c.> hearing ond 1t.ote your ob-Cter1' oft,,. Nam STATDmff OMallf Aeoorda. ao Nolloe i. lloreby oiwn 10 O'ed!· jectlora or file written ob-Boeirc:t of Suc>eNllOt"I BA~ Th• lotlowlng peraon la dol"O toe7 YukOn Orelle. Coate..._., tonotu....-nomec1er.-..ora '-Uon. with"the court be-MACtAL ~DDINOS M THC °"-ANOI COUNTY HOUStMO G VE'M' RI CH ARD C L ay ~-CA ttMt a lllAU.-.ll~tobe ~ ~ A A .,. AOBEAT 8 OALTEA , ......... .,OGf'IWMft t'lledeOflpenonolpropenyller ... foretbt!hearlne Yourap-SenteAne.Celfomle GLENN L GAVETT, a BATES. infant son of W. SOFTWARE ENOINUAINO JEA· Clnlonatlon ta lflown ebovo. 110 nefter dl0or1bed. pearance may be in person A of !he OrenQI CointV ~ AilthMtY ... ,_, -'D<• 8 resident of Cotta Mesa, Ca. Richard Bates, Sr. and W. VICES, 2327 Allloert. COIU ...... _.,.,,ty II tt-•to"'~ The""'* Mel~..._. or by your ottornt!y .lM2, 11 t :30 AM The toltowlng nemod Cotnmia.-a being iw-t amce 1961. PUied awoy on Jane Caley Ba lea, pused ~ ._or~)." The~ ol Ill• lntef'dod lranelerora are: IF 'JOU ... oE A .C R"'"l TilomM '·Mey, Chelrmen. Roger R 81.en1on. Hem.n M Wieder. eruc. Robert S. Getler, 232'7 Autgen. flciwy under M6cl Deed of T,,., by A09EAT AHDIJ'80H ond GRACE nn ~ • Mmt#lde, AelC>ll 8 Clark, Wld IM CWtt April 13, 1982. He wu a away on TuetldA&y, April 13, Cotta......._ Cllllfomle tffH. reoeon of a br90dl or dllfaufl 1n the ANDEA80fl, 21322 eroton Lane. TOR or~ oonlinlent cndlt« IMuenoe of OOtl8tr\lc:1IOt not• l0t perlTIW*ll flnanono ot the City of member of the Meat Cutter's 1982 at Kaiser PentMll\ente Thia buekMIM le corlduclecl by an e>Ofloetlone ~ ttioroby, llet• Hunt1n9ton BMl:tl. Celfomleta46. ot the deceoaed, you muat Irvine Perll.lan4e Prolect ta auth0f'12ecl. The Chettmen announced 11111 Union. He was a membt!r of Hospital. Fontana, Ca., beb-lndMduel. tofore executed and deliver~ to The,,.,,,,._,..._ llddrwae file yoUl" c laim with the -0-. ..,_and condition• of emc>foymen1 '°'~County Houaltlo '--Fi Ch h _... f D-. W Ric .. __ _. Robett 8 ~ !fie undelllDnecl a wrtlt8n ~ ot lhe lnte11d•d lranllleree ta· Au1hotMy ~ wtll be CONldtred by the CommlMIOneta on AptW f. tr..,. "rst urc of Chnat, v""" son o AC"v • r1An1 ~ *'-' -111ec1"""' !fie lion of Default and Demand for JAMfS 1'. Ktt08~:"1900-8•lbo• court or present lt t o the 1"2. The Auttlcwtt; edtourneo Scientist C:O.t.a Mesa and of and Junl' Caley Bates of ec..my a.tt 114 Oranoe Co1.w1ty on ..... and..-,... o1 ~ "-· a.tt>oe tellll\d, Calffomt• penona1 re~taUve ap-ISEALI JUNE A.LEXAHOER the Mother Church, Boston, Claremont, Ca . grandlton of Ac>r1I 1•. lN2. wt of~ to_,.. tM under· '2tt2.. potnted by the mun within C*11 ol the Mauachusett.t. ~ ii aurvi-the Rev. Dr Jame. and Cla· ,.,.. '9lld to ... ..W llf°"'1Y tO ...._ Tilet the prC)9erty pert!Mint ,,._ f tha from th da f Boerc:t of SuoeMaora Publlehed ~ange COHI Dolly lafy M6d .._.,..., end .,....,.. reto I• deteflbed In generet u : our mon e te 0 OfflC1AL ~ Of' ,,. 90AllO °" ~ Of' ved by his wife of 49 ye.an, rice Caley of Huntington Piiot. Aortl 1e. 23, 30. May 1. 1M2 .,.. ~-_..., lllld f\CIUoe DONUT~ ANO BAKER and It (int lauance of letters ,. as OAAW COUNTY, C~Of'NIA Frances T , chjJdren Shirley Beach. Ca. and Rev. Dr. RI-1m-12 of broecll a11d of eteatton lo M loCJeled et,,. Mettne A-.uo • ..._ provided In Section 700 o f Santa Anl, Calllomll Hotch kiu o f Mammoth c hard and Miriam Bates of -----------=~~=::;.~~1,:. boel'lle~ uwl by tM the Probate Code of Califor-~=the "Gc!:',!ci°'~O:tZ~Z Lakes. Ca . PhyUls Manesa Lo M I rado. C a .• great-Pl8JC ll01lC[ corda. .., 11 ....... et Mid liOc!dofl 11: nla. The time for fllinJ Ole eo.rd 114 -lleld A4>ttl 7, lN2. at 1130 A t.t The 1o1o- of 1\astln, c. .. Peggy Mahon grands 0 n 0 f M r•. Ray ACfl'TIOUI.. ..... leld .. wtn be made, ~·.... ..DAD'S DONUT 8HOP ANO BA clal.ma will not expire prior wVIO Wied member9 beitlO pr_. &Noe Neetande. Chlllrmen. Aogiar of lrvlne, Ca., Nancy Smal· Walker of Stra.ford, Onla.rlo, Nam ITA~ "'°"'-" °' wwrenty, ..,,_ KEAY... 10 four months from the date " S1ent0n, Hemett M Wieder. AelC>ll 8 CW!t, TilornM F Ril9y Wld the • f Anah Im '"'-..,,__ "d Ca d d ... _ ES Pi °' lmc*ad. t-oerdlnt I.Ne,~ Thot Mid~ ,,_,.,la In f , ... _ ~ ,,_... _..._, c.11 • 1ey o e ......... LAIVl na a an ......-. · · er· T"• lollowlno pereon I• doing "°"· or ~ to ~ !fie decl '° be~ et IM of. o ... .., no~"" 11UVVe. The County Fire Warden 11 directed 10 remove pubtlc nuts-nee. Gavett o f Modesto, Ca., aall of Louisville. Kentucky. ~ea: remalnl"t prlnalpal euM of the floe of STEWART~ UCAOW. YOO MA EXAMINE ...ti. M/CD Urt>en CcMlnty 8lc>C* Grant Applicellon 11 tipptov.d. fW. Linda Sturdivant of Yorba Memorial services w-111 be lanloA~~A~:~=~f!,.~·c~a~: note<•> '""'ed lly Mid DM4 01 to0 NOl111 Btoedw•Y· &ante An•. the file kept by the court. u Glutton regarding tlle Orange dounty o.n-111 AIMtlOtl Alrpor1 Stto s.- Lmda. Ca and Jamie Gavett co n~ucled on Saturday, ....., CA t2'27. ~ .::,:.~""'.:,c'u::: ~ t2101 on or l1fler M9y J, you are ln~ted In the 8 • ::::::.!~s!.:'~ ~"=-dad to T•· of Cotta Mesa. Ca., brother ApnJ 17, 1982 al 2:00PM at -'-~ '37 W. CenW 11M torma of Mid Deed of Truat. Th• name and addr•H ot lhe tate. you may file • request C8£AU J\JfllE ALEXAmOER Stewart Gavett o f Costa Pierce Brothen Smiths' A'1w,.118• Plecentll, CA t870. tw. c:.twvea ~....,... 114 tlW per.-111.P:e'". ci.ime. ruy be with the court to receive . ca.ti ol atie Mesa. Ca .• 11 grandchaJdren Mo rtuary. with Rev. Dr'• ~~ .. ~~on :C,~--:.O::.~:::::! =:::!~;;i;,~~=: 1peda) nouce of the inven-Of'AClAL. "'oc~ M THa ~g'~HOUWO .and 2 great·grandchildren. W.R. Ba tea and Jamea C. Jamee Ouwaml field Of\ MC>f\day, May 3, 1tH •I CelNornlo '2701, &crow No. 12211 tory of eatale aaet.I a.nd of AU'TMOflllTY Services were held Friday, Caley offaclatlng. In lieu of Thie mt-t •• ftled""" IM t:OO p.m ... IN CNp'IWI A-_,the tell det lot~ GWrne.:J the petition., acrount.I and A~ mMt~ 114 the Orange County HOUllng Auttoorlty-lwld 10:30AM u the Harbor flowers the family request.I =z.c;:;. at OrMQeCountyon ~~~r~1er au1..,1-f/lff'/cndltoret1o111eAPtao. 1 reporta ~ 1n Section ... 1t:~-"!,9=~·~;,.!~!~ nernec1 • .,. ~--~ Lawn Memorial CbapeJ Wlth contribullona be mad4! to the ,_ -.... _.. ,._.. --· "5:00 p.111.. ""*"II IM~ 1200 5 of th• Collfor la ~ · .. .....,._ · ..,....,., .... -....n: Htlfriiet · .. _, ........ Neatthde. Mr. Alflo Carne--•a11·, R•a-Marc h o f D1me1. Pierce Publah6d OrlnQI CotM "-' l'tot. h c.y of Or ·CA. der bab'9 !he~ Mle =· ,,... ..... _ n ,..._ 8· aorti Ind,,,. Ctettl. At>eatt-~Roger R. Stanton __, ~ Aort 6 23 30 .,_, Al tN Urne IN lnltlel ~ apecMad ..,_ ~ ~. The Memorandum of Ufldentondtng wttll the Orange County Em· der The First Church of Brothen Smiths' Mortuary 1 · · ·May 7· lte2. !ton of lflll ,.,.._,IN totm .-ic So,.,• 11llllOWnto1111c1 G. 11,,aac. Jr. ~ Aaeooletlon le ldoe>led me Alllhortty adjOurnecl Mt. Sdenlat C.ta Mesa directors. 536-6539 1124-a of the unpaid"""°° of llle o1111-d•d Tranater .. u ld Intended A~at Law (SEAL) JUN£ ALEXANDER getlon aecured by IM eboYe d• Tr_..,on uMd lhe lollowlflo 96-,_a.ti ol lhe officiating. Services under _,,. -£ "--... -aar1tled deed 114 "'*and~ dltlonel bulln ... namea 9'14 od· llt. N. wer Soard o1 ~ the d irection of Harbor ~ ,..,"' naRt ,.,_ coeta, OJq)eMM, end odvanc:ee I• dfW.a wtthln ttie ttwee ~ IMt P.O. Box Sffi Publiehecl Orange County °""Y Pttol. Aortl 16. 1te2 Lawn-Mount Olive Mortua· "9CTmOUO"'-140.t4?.50. To ..,IN!,. IN op.. pue: NONE. Suta Au. CA H'18J 188U2 ry of Cos1a Mesa. 54-0.5554 '.c::t111oue .,_.. -naw ntng bid. you may ca ll (714) o.n.d, ~ 1. tN2. ('7l4) t'J•· .. HI MAim STAT.....-r TM ..... ..,_•_,.,,,.._ 1137~. .._ "-...... ~ -TIM foflowlng peraon la dolno -Date: Aort 1, 1"2. ......,. Tr• ra .. Published Orange Coau MANn.E VERNE M . MANTLE, MD, resident of Irvine. Ca. Pa11ed away on April 13, 1982. Born Moy 18, 1903. Beloved husband of Emelyn ~tle, cherished fatht!r of Joho Mantle, Joy Hyatt, Joan Heafllger and Jackie Thomas. He al10 leaves 9 grandch ildre n , 2 great- 1randchildren and alao h la brother Robert Mantle. Dr. Mantle pf"llC'liced .. a family doctor in Lot Angeles, Ca. for 49 yean, he served u a Medical Corp Commander McC:~CK MOITUAlllS Lagvno Beach 4~·~15 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San J uan C.p1strano 495·1776 HAUOI L.AW~MT. OUYI Mortvary • Cemetery Ctema1ory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa ~SSS. ,...Cl NOTHllS l&L•OADW4Y MOtlTUAltY t 10 Broodway Cotta Mesa 642·9150 IN.Tl-WON IMfT"H' TVTHaL MITC&MJCHANl 427 E 17th SI Colt1MeA -9~371 'I NaellaOnmlJ Mntl' MOtl'TUMY 821Me1n St Hunt~acl'I ~~NAIL.8, MIJ ~ v.!V:~:1W,-~'::!..'i: =:o,.~ ,,.:;,b~Mff •• o::;r Coeet Dolly ~l Pilot, April 16, 17, 23, Bl\ld., ~ Beedl. CA t2t«'t. ...,Al..IU ADOI, IH4 AntlfuAI Wwt. • M6d ,,_.. 17$2-12 . t. Nouon Huu Nguy•n. 1427 .....,.._.CA....,. T.O.e.MolCofnpeny Weatwood Blvd., W••t Loe A~ ~..,..._"_.....,en.,._ =::..A.'"~-• gelel. CA t0024. -,__ Thll bullMll la condue1ed by _.AMA AoalllaM ~ '"lndMdull. Tlole etete"'enl •H tlted wllll Ille Ona Ct1y 8fwd. Weat Hguofl Nguyen ~a.-o10-.-~°" .-1. Or--. CA neet Thia atlllMWrt -ftlacl w11n IN lMa. ,._ Publlm.ct l>ronee Cou1 Delly County ewti 114 Or1111g1 County on ~tllllflod 0rlll9'> CoMl o.11y ..._. Plot, Apft t , 16, 2.S, 1N2 111~ Metcfl 26. tte2. • .-... ,,.,, n , IO, ,.., tea~ ,_ Publllhed Or.nge Cout Dotty Piiot, A4>ttl 2 .•. 16. 23. 11112. 152M2 flCmtoUa..,.... MAmSTAT.....-r TM lollowlng perton 11 doing ~-ALL COH8TAUCTION IE"· VICES. 2233 I . Allclloy. Sant• AN. CA t2706. Jo1e911 o. Prtchard, 40. 40111 St.,~ 8eeoft. CA. Thia bulinoee t• conducted by on lndMdulll. JoMpfl 0 . Pridwd Thia .... _, -lllad ........ Col.wlty a.ti of Ot-enga ~ on ~ i.1"2. , __ Put>eltfled 0ranoe Coal o.ny PllCM April 2, •• 11, 23. 1182. 1124-la 1727-82 ---"°--~---1 -. __ PIU __ •_ta __ _ .... , IYNOHla OP THE ANNUAL IT AlWlllNT Of Centennleil lneurenoe Compenr. Allentlc ...... 41 Wall ltr .. t, New York, N.Y. 10005 y.., Ended DecembW 31, 1111 Total admitted aueta $143, 141.857 Total llabllltles 106,363.654 Special surplus funds -0- Capital paid-up/Guaranty Capltal/Stlltutory Deposit 3.000.000 Grost pelO•ln ana contributed turplua Unassigned tunde 8,526,874 (turplus) 25,251.329 Surplus u regard• pollcyholdera 36. 778,203 Income f<>< the year 71 ,692.858 Olaburaementa f<>< the yeer 60,357,548 We hereby certify that the above Items are In accordance with IM Annual Statement for th• year ended December 31, 1981, made to the Insurance CommllSl<>nef of the State of California, poreuant to taw. 111 John J. Mackwoskl, Pr-'dent /a/Jotepl'I P. Decamlnada, Secretary PUbllltfed Orange Cout Dally Piiot, April 13, 14, 15, 18, 11. 1882 3,000.000 .0- 1663-82 · Yoova heard~all e from 1he · competition. deals. Better deals. And ·more deals. NOVJ Llncoln-MelCUry offers you something more. A stralgHtf,orward, uncomplicated offer. Of lasting alue. NOVI Lincoln-Mercury offers you the closest thing to cost-free drMng for 2 years or 24,000 miles, whichever oomes first. How? By making your scheduled maintenance • absolut~ free. All parts. All labor. AH free. On Lynx, LN7, Capri, Zephyr, and Coogar sedan and wagon. Virtuqly all yoo pay for Is gas. And, as you'd expect, even greater ~age on our luxucy cars. Free schBduled maintenance for 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first, on Ur)COln, Mark VI, and Con1tnentaf. We're so confident In our quality that we're willing to. bock every lynx, LN7, Capr1, Zephyr, and Cougar sedan and wagon for 2-years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first. ' And on Lincoln, Mark VI, and ConttnentaL our 'Narran1y is good for 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first. . No hedges. No strings. No deduct1bles: NOVJ, 1o make our offer even more Inviting, we'll tjve you 8°k off the base vehicle sticker price on any one of the 27 Mercury ~covered by our free 2-y~r/ 24,000-mlle maintenance/warranty Progran. 8o/o off. Whether you finqnce or pay cash. And on Lfncoln, Mork VI, and Continental we'll gl\le you a 5% cash bonus. That could mean ~to $1,240 In savings on a Glvenchy edition Continental. Each of theser cash bonuses Is 100% UncolntAercury money, so.you can apply tt fo your do\vn_ payment or get a check . direct. El1her way, you get your money up "-front, not~ the road. You save now, not CNer the lfe c>f a finance plan. Should you decide to lease a new Lincoln, Mark VI, or Continental you may select either the 5% cash bonus or our exclusive . Factory-to-Dealer 9.9°/o Interest plan. See your DeaiM' for details. Free ~led maintenance. Free \tJOrranty. '9lus an 8% cash bonus. On any nfNI '82 L')(l>C, LN7, Caprt, Zephyr, Cougar sedan anct wagon. Or 5% cash bonus on Lincoln, Mqr1< VI, and Conttnentar. If we dldn'tbuild them 50 welL we couldn't bock 1hemfhls \Wtl. . LINCOLN·MERCURY OIV1SKlN ~ ' . . On~ lH7, Copr1. ~. C.Q~ ledcJt"I and wagaf\ ~ nutcdr~~. ottc*9 dlt:.y bl .u. (>. Onlmoen. Maft<VI. ond COi••*' ~nut order bv Mav • «talle deMrv bf Mr>/ 17. Lmitone ~ CUllonWf fbTl V0'6 ~ Oealiir. · K ~ boru llml9dto ,...,....dcabr;a. ... - \ - r .• EVASIVE ACTION -Bobby Grich slides around former Golden West star Bud 'Bul- ling to score run during fourth inning of Thursday nigh~!• game at Anaheim Sta-. i' .,.., ,... ....... "CMrtll..., dium. Grich came h<lme aft.er doubling on a single by Don Baylor. Angell completed sweep of Mariners with 3--2 dedaion. ·LA hi ters silenced ·Lucas giv_es adres needed.relief Wadkins. putts • way to lead RANCHO LA OOsTA <AJ» - Lanny Wadkina beat gusty winds wtth a 5-W)der-paf 67 and ope-. ned up a 2...iroke lead over .the wlnnen-only field arrayed for the Toumament of ChamPiom. "I putted extremely well, for me," said Wadldna. who qualified for the elite field -wlnnerlr of PGA -Tour titles from the last 12· strike-shortened eeaaoo to have a hand ln 20 of the 41 Padres' vic- tories. "I believe I have ~ to prove in a full year,., said the 28-year-old lefi..hander. ··u I can show 101De comildency for three or four aeuona then I can be compared to' pitchers like Sutief', Fingen and Tom Hume.•• Valenzuela retu.ed to appear at a acheduled po9t-game pr~ conference after the loa ''He talked to me and said be just wanted to go," said Lcll An· 1gelea Manage r Tom Laaorda. "He's pitched two outatanding ball games and r,ou can't ask any more than that. • Valenzuela, 1-1, making his second ata.rt, waa touched for a run ln the first tnnmc on llnglea by Gene Rlcharda. Juan Bonilla and Garry Templeton. It w• the first -.med run that ValenzueW had allowed the Padres in 25 career lnnlnp. EJchel~. 1-2, who 1olt to Valenzuela 1-t Sa~L1:! the last outtna for both pi , al- lowed the Dodgers just one hit - Stew Sax's double to lead oH the game -througti the flrat 6 ~· lnnlngit. The Padres ma.eel lut year's Cy Youna Award winner ln the seventh when Sixt.o 1..,.,.00 hit a one-out double, Lula Salazar wilked and Kurt Bevacqua W• .. l Huntington Beach track te(lm remains unbeaten in Sunset. C2. . Not on .. this night as Angel gJoyes save game \,. CVBT SDDBN wmtied wani.d to catch the ball ., bMly-tFm not .. {11! :::-~~"CUdn't btte the .:-11 tr)1nl to lllUe ~for a tNa1 ball player but I • ._...... think he ovw-dow the ball." Th~-~t. u tht two preYtoua nJabta. in Mauch leld the~~ ... combination w~6' allowed the S..ttle Martnen to eend of 11'9 kind of P'~ 6'a Will Ml offered .S tbt !:.:W iwt tc;:!i=. ~ ~ ~~ ~ defeme, wbkh came In to the pme with a You mil thank '1'IDJ Ni for the ~ lllxth · fieJdJq percentaae. · win of Che year. Rick Burlmon. too. Bobby Grich Foll. fTmn1 in for~~· DeClnces at third, ·bad a •Y ln the outcome. So did Brian Downing. 'lbet \.-cl their aw1Fe5. When you play hard like our guy s d<J , you're always susceptible Their ~ef eme hel rookie Angel Moreno even b1a recOrd at 1-1. e coulcfhave bad a shutout, but Reaate Jacluon'a divine attempt to catch a hard-hft-ball by Seattle'• Jim Maler in the fifth ~ failed, provldina the Mariners with their to injury. only two ~ of 1be n!cht. -contributed an · •l • , TYPICAL OP THE way the Anaell have been p1ay1aa-~1ecfl••dly 1o cotch the-ball ma effort will no doubt find lta way into an Anael t film. Al80 typkal of this year wu yet turned ln two ~def«wlve plays and evep He 10mebow aot 8)ove cin a hard-hit ball to hla left by Lenny Randle ln the eeventh. wblrlea q fired ~ first f« tbe out. He al8o kept Moreno out of trouble in the ninth wttb a dMnc stop of a Todd Cruz liner. another un1naplr1na offemive ahowtni. But then, with tboee toutecl P'tcben. who needs 10-run ball . "l'M A PREnY aareatve player. I don't have a lo\ of fine81e," aamttted Foll afterward. "I Just try to make adjwtmenta, .. Foll explained of hla experti8e at what.ever polltion be'a aaked to play. Pmd1 "He'• a ~ young man," Angel Mana-aer Gene Mauch uld Of Moreno, who DOW OWD1 a .1.20 earned nm. averqe. "He waa out there with a blood blister which w• about to pop. When I said 'Como e.tar he aaid, 'bten' ••• Mauch added. Foll adf\a.ated to third bue euily Thuraday evening after leeinf acUoo at .and bMe Wednes- day. Funny, tboee worda were olten spoken lut ~ by a rookie from Mexico about 35 mlJel up the frMway. "I juat try to show not only (owner) Gene (.Autry) but al8o my teernmatel that they can haw confidence ln me IO they dcn't have to IO out there and flay 11 they're not 100 percent," Foll added. "When you play bard like oU't 'l\JY9 do, you•re al- ways IUICepfible to an Injury. Ma~ in the s-t. they weren't confident anybody could fill in for Thia rookie had to outduel a pitcher with 19 years of mtjor Ieacue experience. Gaylord Perry WM the hard luck bef'. But then, any pitcher la aolna to 'haw b1a problem when matched apinat the Angel hurlen. The Anpl staff bu now _aone 30 tnnlno -.idthout allowtna-an earned run (both of S-ttle'1 were uneuned "'l'hunday night), and the tam ERA la now at 1.44. · them when they were hurt." Foll said of hla team- mates. The : didn't euctly pound the bMet.11 into sum.~ to aet their first nm ln the -.xmd 1nn1na. Grieb wu hit by' a pit.ch and moved to .e- oond when Doll Baylor drilled a llnale. "RE (MORENO) TBUW_probe&ly 145-150 pltehea tonl1ht," fftlmated ·Mauch. "(Coach) Prest.en Gunn told me when be first aaw MOftDO the thiD8 that tmpremed bhn ,,.. be would bring the same ltUtf up In the ninth tnnlng that you aaw in the f1nt three hmi.,,... "He would haw bad a ahutout but Reale just They then tried a double 1t.eaJ, and Mariner catcher B6d Ba•lllnc, the former Golden West c.ol· 1ege standout, threw the t.11 lnto left field. allowlna Grieb to ecamper home. The An4lel fourth lhowed more of an hooelt (JM-ANGELS, Pqe a> . Battle of the boards Canuck8 win round one, 3-~ V MfCX>UVJ!R, Brtdlh Colum· bia (AP) -The battle of the boards, won by the Vancouver Canuck.a, · haa only juat begun ap1nat the Lcll Angeles Ki.np. The well-rested Canudm got ln the one extra check ..-long the boards Thunday nlaht and de- feated the Weer)' ~2 in the openlq game of the Dt- Wdoo lhiala ln the S CUp playoffs .. "-nos GAME should ahow our SUYI how touch the 1erie. will On TV tonight, channel 9 at 7:30 p.m: be:' Mid a.odate COKh &,er · Nellaon of the Canucb. Ri8ht ~ Ron Delorme~ • vldecI the keY check of the t ·for the Canuckt, knocking J NOT ENOUGH -Ktnga' AnaeJm def~ LarTy Mur-goelt.ender Mario Lemard fa. PhY of1 the puck alaQa the aAde ced 39 ahota Thunday niaht. boards. Delorme fed h1a center, atopping all but three, l>ut Gary ~l, with a pan and Kinp ltfil lmt, 3--2. Lu~ a 2-2 tie five mlnu- tel ln&o the third pertod. Lupul'• &Oil ..... hll .ecmd of the playolfa and came when ~ancouver~heckin1 line -Dave wuua who acored two pme-winnen tin the wmiffnala, .. the other wtna -... wt eo contain ht1h-acorln1 wln1era Daves and Ow-Ue Simmer of the .• '4Thla tie ' ~ touch ... "The quickest way we mil atop their plnchiftl defenae la to pt IOrDe two-Glo<Jne breeb and .. aot five tcoJcht. 0 -wtth a victory in the Open earlier thia tealOl'l. M a aolld enough round for a 69. '!be difference waa the two 1a11i put11." Wadldm said. -..fe on a fielder'• choice. After Bevacqua stole second rookie catc her Doug Dwoad% waa walked intentionally, bringlng up U..C.. The pitcher walked on a 3·2 pitch to force ln a run. gi- vtnc the Padra a 2-0 ~· OLD MASTER -Gaylord Perry, the Marinera' .43-year-old hurler, auffered the lo. Thunday deepite -ttettnc apt hltl and worldnc the dlltance f« Seattle. rlet alona the board• for our wma-s beca'--L.A. -a tq, touch defente," Mid a.pended Vancouver Co.ch Harry Neale. . . . Has Rad.l's r~turii c8Used C8rroll tO stir· in grave.? When John Hadl wu a yo~3!1 ~ wtth the Ba.ml. we ban ld1J one day what be wani.d to be when bl .,.,, up. "I would'lib to be. omch,'' John re- plied, "and make a lot of money. Al- thouab, I reaUH ~he two are not rela..S." ll ... -.Uy .-...iter that Bad,1 ~ m ~ flnanclel IC\IOl'e. ,,.. a..c.nu ~ tnded H8dl to~-· ......... b8lid IDto die ---of .. Pldw1 In. nte1111•..,.,., cWfleNlt ... pqle to believe, &Ddudb'I IWl. . a.-Bay .. ,,. the Rum two ftm,.. ...... ~..,.,two• ...... Cini ..... . ~ -.... dial ...... " lllld1 laid .................. c•· .... to .............. tD ~ =='-c;lf. .. ~.-............... ONllia.., _ • ........ , .......... _ ..... .. • ....... , ..... la lllillllllldUf I nDD' ...... . it that the Rmm are aolDI to aet Bert JonH from the Baltimore Colta and I J .... . • Borg says he w~n~t 'play at Wimbledon hom AP clllpateiii .. TOKYO_.: Flve-Ume Wimbledon ChampM>n Bjorn Bora uJd today he will not play a lri the preirt1aioua Britlah tennll tour-i nament tb1I year becau.e he muat l.O th.rouah the qual.ltyina proce11. • "l will not play in the Wint>ledon th.&I year bkauae I have to 10 throu1h the qualifying tournament," the Swedish atar aaid at•newa conference in Tokyo. Srttlah tennis officiala aald Thund.ay they were willing to bend the rulee ln an effort to woo Borg. But Borg refUled to accept a p~ which would have clrcum-· vented the Pro Terum Coun-d.lrtion requirinlz him to th.&I year for \Vim- bl The ~!!~lem centers on Borg's re to play in ~e · 90M stipulated minimum of 10 Grand ·Pri.x tournament& in 1982. He was told he could spread t.hme t.ouma- menta over 12 months between April l, 1982, and March 31, 1983. Borg has entered seven Grand Prix eveots thia year and the oompromble would enable him to get ln the res\ early next year. A statement from the club, signed by the chairman Sir Brian Burnett, aid: "Despite much penuuion on the part of Sir Brian that it would be ln the best interest.a of the game u well as Sorg himself, Borg felt unable to fCCept in ' principle even this reuonable cornproau.e. "Wimbledon still hopes that Bjorn Borg will accept the system.•• . Borg'• alternative, if he ia to play at Wim- bledon, would be to quallfy at a tournament in a small club at Roebampton the previous week. Borg recently returned from a five-month break from tournament play, during which his other recreations included hockey. . Bocg f.aoes the same qualifying requirement for the seven tournaments he hu entered, and alao would have to qualify to defend his title in the French Open and to enter the U.S. Open Quo~e of the day "I can remember a few l.natances {n the ~:: that we~~etty ~h'" aaya Long h State tball Tex Wiater. He is al8o the president of the bu.ketball coaches ueociation and adds: "The NCAA ia beins policed a lot more t.heee days. We now • have undercover agents and I think that's good. I al9o think there will be a lot more clo.ed practices becau.e of th1a." ~.--~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~--.,...I From Pa e C1 ~ lhilrp In hie debUt • lert a111n-. who w._ troub&ild -wl&b \endlnltl1 In bl• rl•bt elbO.w throuahout •&:>rin1. threw eeven ln-n!nCS of two-nit ball ln h1I N_Plar-, MMOI\ debut ThW'lday ... the o,ryeluid Indiana defffled MUwaukM, l-t. Blyleven reUted the unt 11 batten he faced . . . J:llewhere In--the Anwtcan fAlaue, sse" 1;.., ayed, 1&-hlt attack with a two-run homer u the Chlca10 White Sox rolled to thetr fifth 1tral•ht victory without a lou . •·•over Botton ....... , ,., .... aluaed a cm.e-nm hormr in a .ri-run el1hth to cap Min- neaota'a four-home run at- taclc, and the Twlnl clobbered Oekland, 11-D . . • l!!MI Ca· • 1 bell drove ln a palr of runa · . and three Detroit pitchers ._ILYUV9M • ~bined on an ei,rht-bitter u the n,en dwnped Toronto in Deir<>lt'• home opener, 4-2 •.. In ~ National i...,ue, l.AMlr Sm.I* and Georae HeiMhidl hlt aolo bcmen to beck the four-hit P'tclltna ol SMYt Mara,• St. Loul• ~on ita fifth 1tral1bt, 8-1 over Chlca10 ..... Omar More•• 1ln1led home Joll••J Ka)' from third wtt.h two outa ln the nirlth lnnina. giytna Pittabu.rah a 4-3 victory over Mont.real ... LaJa~yo ripped a three-run homer in the 13th to cap a four-nan Phi- ladelphia rally u the hlUlet beat the Meta, :~ heeded for SoClll ColJ:' Southern California Co1le8e ataned .. pair of basketball playen to national letten of intent Thune.lay -= ~p ~-CIJ' fotWa.rd Steve g,.u .. from H1&h and Fullerton Colle-•. p,'a Alldre Smt~. <?ymnasta compete tonight I· • The second annual Athletes ln Action aymnaatic ~ will be ~ staged Friday night at Chapman C.01-liiill ~~~.•porta center beginning at 8 . Gene Bailey and Rhonda Schwandt, both of Orange County, wtlJ be amons the 30 competi- ~Q!'I. • • • I I ln addition to the Olympic events, the •how will also include rhythmic gymnastb. • Rangers take round one In New Yo~k Rookie defenaeman RelJo RHt-·~ ulaiaea'a alapshot with 1:5ft remai-, ning boosted the Rangers to a 5-4 victory over the .blanden Thunday - night in Game 1 of the "Battle of New York." The Ialandera had tied the score 2: 18 earlier when JobD ToDelll scored ... In another quarterfinal Opeller, Ray 8M"111e pounced on a loose puck in front of the•net and blasted a 20-footer put Quebec ~ Dan Botlcb.rd with 55 seconds left. giVins Boston a 4-3 victory over the Nordiques . . . At St. Lou.la, Chicqo'a Do.1 Wilaoa ripped a 25-(oot ala_psbot tbroueh the pada of Blues' goalie*e IJat with 6:16 left, guiding the BlaCk Ha t.o a M triumph.. Wll- IOD'a goal Wllocked a a-eated ie. than two minutes earlier by J Malla of SL t...ow.. Cllpper1 1nap 1~arM lo1lng etrea~ Roolde forward T•• QamMn acored a carHr·hllh 39 points and for ward Mlell1tl reok1 added 37 Thunctay nl1ht, Ufttna ~ DletQ to. 129·128 viotory over Portland, which anapptd tho CU~' lV•pmt 1oilq 1treQ. The vldory enlbl~ San Dte10 to avoRJ tyln1 the lonpst · alnale....-on lOlinc ~•k in the Nat.lon.al Bu-ketl.11 A.-daUon . . • EIMwhere, Baldi Ca.r-. ter soored 14 of hJa career-hiah 20 polnta In the HCOnd quarter to apark lncrtana to a 108-102. vi~er Atlanta .• ·1 KelJy Trtp1c~ and J.a. I ..ch ICONd 22 po(nta u Detroet swept put • 120-110. • Baseball today . On th.I.a date in buebell ln 1978: • Bob Forteh of the St. Louia Cardinali 1Uenced the defending National Leaeue r.ut champion Pb.lladelpbJa PhlllJ• with a 1 M, no-hit viC1ory at Bulch Memortal Sta-\ d1um. On thJI date ln 1972: Burt Hooton of the Chicago Cut. hurled' a no-hit, 4-0 muterpiece against the Phi- ladelphia PhWiee at Wrigley Field. · On thla date In 1940: Cleveland tlreballer Bob Feller opened the •uon ln dramatic ltYle . . . becoming· the fl.rat man in major league history to hurl a no-hit eame Ort Opening Day U h.e beet the Chicajo White Sox. 1-0 at c.om.lakey Park. OeBenon elgnl' with Stanford Edlaon High baseball star Mike • DeBeaoa has aigned a letter of intent to attend Stanford Univ~nlty ... Ray Adklnao1, a former ~orld clau 440, 880 and mile runner, died Wed.naday. The former Pomona College standout waa · 87 ... NBC'te coverage of laat Saturday'• Dodger-San Di~ bueba.ll game wu the filth hl&hest rated ahow In the history of the Saturday Game of the Week, the network aaid Tbunt!ay. The t.elec:ut., delayed by rain, drew a rating of 10 .7 and 23 ahare of the vJew fn g audience . • Television, radio Following are the top aporta evedta on TV tonight. Ra~ are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v. v fair; v forget it. (j)· '1:%0 p.m., Cban.ael 9. V" V" V" NHL Playoffa: Kinas at Vancouver. Auoucen: J3bb Mlller and Nick Nlck:aon. The Klnp find theinaelves needing a win tonight to Ue the seri9' at a game apiece after losing the series opener Thursday nlght, 3-2. OTHER TELEVISION Basketball -Golden State at Lakers, 11:30 p.m., Channel 2, ta~. \ RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at San Diego, 7 p.m., KABC (790); Minnesota at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPCeu\?~0). tball -Golden State at Lakera, 7:30 p.m., KLAC (570). Hockey -K1np at Vancouver, 7:30 p.m ., KPRZ (1150). NGELS .. WIN • • • att8ck. Grich-whacked a double, Baylor aingled him home and moved to second when center fielder Dave ffendenon'a th.row to the plate WM J of1 line. Burami'1 bunt moved Baylor to third Foll then dunked a lfn&Je into left for the Angels' third IF winning nm. M81\ENO, MEANWBILE did bia best to stay ut of trouble. He manaeed to retire the aide . y in the elahth inninC· Be had most of the Ma- pul.Ung the ball to the left aide of the infield here rou and Durie.on llCted .. human vacuum Join The Pros . ,.,. Use T oP Quaity Fitness Equipment "For prdfeaalonat reaulta, tt makes aense to go to aomeone who knows what he la talking about." We are the profnafonal1 In the • exerclae equipment fleld. We ar• apecleHlta who ''Know what we are talking about." We can flll your flt-neu equipment needa. Vl9't our ahOwroom today -eee the reautta of profeaalonallam to- morrow .. In ttiW eaaemess to be pwc:eNed as viable subet!Mls for BMW. an ncrea~ber of IUto manufectlnrS appear to be fw thew ~tlOl'lS set the better of \ These Yett»tm QU0'9S from of thew ads lttelt to that fact: "It mttctw PMW 320! on t~track • "It comers better than a BM . ~ .. .Just one look rd ~·1 see 1 ~ional Oiler runners 'still ·unbeaten Barons shade Ocean View HWlt.lnaton Beech Hiah'• men'1 track and field tat.m remal.Ded undefeated In Swwet 1M1ue dua1' meet compeddon with an euy 8t-f7 ~ over· Marlu TU.day. . • .. In other prep track actJoo, Fountain Valley evet')ed ita record to 1-1 with a '7•.e1 verdict over Ocean View; Corona de1 Mar h!4. an euy t1me o( l =the See 191'11 blMted Irvtne, 112·33 to . t Sea View ~ ICUvtty: Univenlty had u troubt. In disposing of &ddllbeck.. 81 ~-ta~; El Tqro raced put C:O.ta Meu, ee-~O; Newport. Harbor akunlced Eatanda, ff-87; and Capistrano. Valley subdLled Laauna Betch. &Ml. The Oltera got double ~rformance1 from Man.in V~oraelaer, Gua 'Qutnonei and Richard Brim. .Brim captured the 100 (10.1) and 220 (23.1), while Qulnoriez took the mile (4:42.0) and two-mile (10:0.2.2), and Vandoraelaer the 330 low hurdles (40.6) and the 120 highs (15.2). · The Serons received a double from Bob i'.ricbon in the 1,600 (4:22.6) and 800 (2:01.8) met.en, and Sot another one from Todd Andl'ew. ln the burdlea (36.8.ln the Iowa, 14.9 in the biaha) to otf:let Rex Brown's victories In the 100 (10.6) and 200 (21.8) met.en for Ocean View. David Anderson posted an excellent time of 1:57.3 ln the half-mile to pace the Sea Klngs. Glenn Rogers alao doubled with a win in the ahot put (54-1 ~)and dl.8cua (134-8). Ride Hill a.i.o doubled in the ahot (46-8 ~) and diacua (146-11 ~) to lead the Trojans of Unlvenlty to their Sea View League win over Saddleback. Brian Heir a1ao contributed with a 10.4 clocking ln the 100 and a 23.3 mark in the 220, both times good enough for first place. El Toro improved ita Sea View record to 5-0 u tenior Aaron Lybarger won the 100 and 220 at 10.1 and 22.5, respectively. Scott Hoth al9o heaved the discus 155-8 to lead hia teammate• In the field eventa. The lone bright •Pot for Costa Me1a was turned ln by Mark Howard, who won lhe half-mile (2:03.5) and two-mile (9:58.4). · Mike G87.1l, Rob Berry and Steve Brazas all E:09ted two victories to pace the Sailors over the F.agles. Funny cars -set A virtual who's who of funny car competition will be on hand Saturday for the C.OOrs 64 Funny Can races at Orange C.ounty lnt.ema.tional Raceway wl1h quahfying runs in the afternoon and the first ellrnination race at 7. Among the drivers expected to compete are Tom McEwen of Fountain Valley, Don Prudhom· me, Kenny Bernstein, John Force, Roland Leong, Billy Meyer, Jlm Dunn, Cliff S humake and Craig Epperly. McEwen will have two new cars available for the OCIR program. tie ia in his 26th season of drag racing and is optimistic as ever. McEwen has a long reoord of acluevements m drag ra0ns. He is best remembered as the one who won the biggest event ourse in drag racing history ($38,000). ~..I( ---IOMOh tor-• Boult'll!d (213)868 233 (71 .. ) 6J6 617!1 • ~ • • t' . " MA.IOll LUGUI ITANDINCl8 ~~ .............. • l """ -• 0 1,000 • 3 ... 7 4 2 ... 7 '4 .... 5 4 .661 ·2 a AOO 2 7 .22'2 ......,_.,..,..._ e1ew1ene1 a a ............ 3 3 OW011 a • Tcwoalc> 3 4 .... Votti 2 3 .....,_. 2 4 eo.con 2 4 ' ,,....,.. ...... ........ 3,a.tle 2 ~ 11,0lklWICI$ OMroll 4, ToroMO 2 ~ ....... 4 ~ .......... I ~OM*T=":- I 1141 2 2 I 6 141 I I 1 1141 1141 MlnnHOI• IJ•oklon 0-1) •I A•tele {IOloft 0.0). n T«onto (Gott 0-01 a1 8oeton (Ectlletaley 1~ • ~ Cl1Y (llNe 0-1) ., ~(Waite 0-1) lexu (Medich 0-1) •I MllwM.111 .. (H ... 0-0). n .._ Vcwll (Guidry 0-0) Ill Dlttolt (Wilooa 0-11. n aeUlmore (0. Matllnez 1·01 at Chtcego (11.nW 1.0). n Oakland (Kao1111h 1·01 al Seatlla 1a-.w 1.0).n ~~ w L Pa oe A_,.. I 0 1,000 ~ 44 .600 ,_, 4 ' .444 .... Olaoo 3 4 421 San Fnnc:llc:o 3 4 .429 Clrlc:lnnMJ 2 I .260 .....,,.~ SI. Loulll I 3 N9wVorti 5 3 ~ 32 Plli.tM.rgll 2 3 °*""'° 3 • ,.,.....,.... 2 5 .MT .126 .eoo .400 _333 .n, 4 4141 4141 4141 I " 1 2 3 3 San Olaoo ~--:- Pttloidlllphlil ...... y °"' 4, 13 lnnlngt Plntllurgfl 4 • ....,,... 3 Sl.l.OUlll.~ ~o--r...-.o-.. .,....... , ...... 0-0) at San OlegO (C<#tla, 0-0). n Chic.go (l.,aon 0-1) at Pltta1>11rgh (~()..()) MonlrMI (011lllctl1MH1 1..0) al H9w YO<tt l'alcOne 1.0). n A1l1111t1 (Melllet 2·0) al Houeton (Ayan 0-21. n Plllla"-'pl\la (Kt11llow 1..0) •t 81 Lollie IFondl ~" Clndnn•tl (Solo 0-1) et Sen Franclaco (OaM CMll. n ..-.CAN LaAGUE Matell l, ........ I ... ~ ~ .. ,.... .., .... JCNl.2\) 4 100 ~4000 "9ndl9,ab5000 0..,11 0000 9ocMaJf 4 0 2 0 Lynn.cl 4 0 2 0 Zllll.dll a 1 1 o c.-. lb a o o o ..... lb 4'012 A9.Jcbn.rf4 000 c-..11 4 0 1 0 99nlqul.rt 0 0 0 0 ~aooo Ottd\.21) 3220 BIA'IO.c 3 0 1 0 8liytor ,dll 3 I 2 1 TCNl.a 4000 ""'-'.•3000 Fol.a 1011 8oolle.c a o 1 o TOUlla ,. 2 • 2 TcMa ao a • 2 ............. a-. 000 020 000-2 ~ 010 200 OOa-3 E -..... _,..,..,.. aun.Gft. OP - a.1111 2. ~ 1. L08 -s-ttta 10, C4111tOrNe 6. 28 -C-. Orleh. H -...... 88 -Gndl. ._,_, ...... • lt ita•eo ~,\I...~ • • 3 5 A.Mlnno(W' 1-1) • • 2 0 4 2 H8P -8J' W0t-('°4;11te), 8r Patry (Gndl). T -2:22. A -22,410. Anget....-1111 MTneea .. "" ........ Aod Gncfl 12 2 • 0 1 .A17 a.ti I 1 a 0 I ..176 31 1 " o a .ae1 ._._.. ao110oa.= Doug o.ar-30 • • 2 I .aoe ',.OLynn 31 I 12 0 I .Ml Don.._ 40 5 II 0 3 .210 -~ I 0 I 2 0 .200 "'*' ~ 11 a • 2 4 112 Tim Fol 3.2 2 5 0 2 . Ille ,.._...._SI 0 5 O 1 ,143 ""11i· 11ur1eeon aa a 5 o 2 . 132 ""*' hnlql.-II 0 1 0 2 ,090 "-~ 0 0 0 0 0 .000 ~ .,_..,. 1 0 0 0 0 .ooo TQl9 354 M N 4 31 .24e ~ • H • 80W~IRA a aaoo-oo.oo 2 1210.00.00 17 ' 3 5 1..0 0.63 1~ 7 I 4 2..0 O.M N !I 1 4 2.0 I. 17 15 14 • 5 1-1 1.210 13 1 10 t 0-1 ue 4 1020-02.25 II t J 4 0.0 2.4' 1~ t I 6. 0-1 2.71 102 n u 11 w u4 I 1"""'11,A ... ~ ooo ooa 002-5 1 2 ....,,_.,.. o.::J..:" Ollt-11 15 0 LlrlglDrd, (t). "· •.:-c:J.. _,(1) ~ . .._...en.....,., ... and W')'ll .. .,. W...;.,Wllll•ma, 2·0. L- ~ M.l-OaMl(I).~. Hellder-(I). M~ Eleenteloll (1), WJMoM ( 1). Hrl>ell <•I. R. JOllneon (I) 1;;._is:; .. -Tipre 4 -...;. I T °'°"'*' 001 100 000-2 I 0 Ollrdl tOO 011 IOll-4 • 0 lttff. Oarvtn (7} all~ Wllltt; Ito•-•. ..... 14). ... Cit_,_......_ w- ...... 1-1. L-au.. 0-1, 1-8-(1). ,.__., .... NATIOIUI. a.AOW ....... a.D1!111rst La. .-U IM OIMO .. , .... .. ' .... lulb 1010 Rlcfwdall 4 110 ....,._otaooo fdtRnll1toooo APelwl 0000..,...-1010 ..... 4000 Tmcllln •·4021 ~ 111 4 0 0 0 iuon. d I O O O ~rt41001100 ~tt 4 120 _,.,., a.iuwlb 3 0 0 0 toloadeo 1000 ~lblOOO Y .... pfl 1 0 I 0 QwoeG o t 0 0 0 ....... 2000 fdllbrgrp 2000 Jollnlllrl pf! 0 0 0 0 L-p O O O I Ao9nck pfl 1 0 0 0 .....,. • 0 0 0 0 Mondey pfl I 0 0 0 VlllNla p 2 0 0 0 ..._p 0000 TllofnM cf 1 0 0 0 TOlala 32 0 II 0 T04• 21 2 I 2 Loa Moeiea ._.. .., -:r 000 OQ0..-.4 SM Dlligo 100 000 10x-2 -Al'wM. Df'-U. AnDaMa 2. L08-U. Moeiea I , SM OllfO 1. 2e-e., ~. 88-8evacq11a. LM~ • H 1t ••80 V1N1a (l. f.1f ~ 5 2 2 I e S.ttoowa ·~ 0 0 0 0 I *~1-2) ~ ~ : : ; : L tl.',j•' 2'4 2 0 0 I 2 HBP -8y Val.itZll-'• (Bonlll•I-WP - Elctlelb«gs, T -2:40. A -12 ... 1. ................ Pfftabur1lh 000 010 021-4 • ' ~ 100 101 G00-3 1 1 AhoOan, TlllllM (7). lloony (ti and~ Rogan, FfY"*' (II) and Carler. W-T•llM. 14 L-Rogete, 1-1. 8-Scurry (1). H,.._ Pllllt111rgh, P.,k., ( 1), Thompaon (I) All,tee. ~l,C-.1 81 Louil 100 211 010~ 7 0 CNceoo 000 000 001-1 4 1 Mura end Poner; Bird. Lee Smith (1). Al- ptey (t) Wld Mortland. W-Mur .. 1.0. L- Blrd, 1,2. H,._lt. lOo.111, lOntW"""" (2), Hendrie-(3). Chicago, Moreta11d (4) A-1:un. .............. 4 ~ 000 100 200 001 4-1 13 I Hew Yew1l 010 001 010 001 0-4 11 4 CIW!tei-1. l'9ad (1). L,ta (I). ,_(I), Mor'OI (t2), an.tM (12) Mel Ola; bc:ilwy, Oroeoo m. Nllltti Ill. Puleo \10! Md a ..... W-SruMtar, l·C.. L-Pu M , 0-1. HAte-~ ~ (1). New Yen, Wlaon (2) A-14,834 <:°"9ge900f'M W ....... on I, Ponllil'ld 54 Cel 81. Loa Anae1e1 I. Cel Pory "-3 USIU 4. Polr>t (oma 1 ~C.-1.M II Gt_. 000 001 001-2 I I OrlnQ9 Co.I 000 200 \Ox-3 I I Kiernan end SoMlepp: Aooller, W- (t) end P11ahrlch; W-Aoollat (4-1). L- ki.nan. ~-Puel!W'ICll 101. Ouooa.n (0), se-e>uggw. 101. 0..... .... .,1,C,.,..I Ooldafl W• 001 011 . IJc».-It 13 2 Cypr.-IOI DOi 000-I 11 3 Manti, Clarti (II and 8dllG; Maduene, Tldwel (I). ""'°" 11> and H1C11ra. w__,,..,., ~.?,!.L.;M•d11ena. 28-0 arVllla (0). (0). 8dUt& fQ). 2. ~ (C). H~ (0)..,.... (0). ....... (0). .... (C). ft ,'p 2 tr " .. ----1 8en .._dlloo 000 001 000-1 .. 3 ~ 203 030 tox-14 15 0 Aodr~. WMlt"'-(4) and ...,.ton; &119)' Md lnl!n; W~. L-Aoclrlgum.. 28 -Flaher (S8). Cumml1111 (Salf). H -8wlll'IC091 (Seel), Henli .. ((Sad). HR-°'9Y (Sad). 1.-, lled). STANDIMU ...... Cwt co. ... Mee • l -c.l'1loa 1 2 o...,.c-7 3 ... a.nc. Arw 7 4 .1 Sen Olaoo .... 3 4 3 FIAl9rton 3 5 3.,. Mt Sen Amonlo 2 I 4141 Orc9mont 1 I 5 .,.._..,... ...... Or-. Co.I 3, Ot-i 2 Ml. San Am°'*> 10, 8en Olaoo .... I S-.ANA11,~I ....,. . ...,.. Mt. San Jealnto •• Orange Coaet. '~:'..t. ... "'*"*' -Sen Olaoo .... at AA9non Cer"'°9 .. a,_. " -3 6 1i. • 4 ~ . 4 I I I • 10 I ... rt • ..!.'C.~ .... ., t00 -I. lltM (H9I. tO. I : I ftrlfldMll (M). 10.l:l.l<anNrt~~~· , 110 -1. 1""' 1 .. 11. n .1, t 1t1• IM>. la~..*·'"··~'· --1. IU:t.~ (HI). IU: 1, ilMoMlcir 11 -u.a. M0-1 ....... ;., 1;oYfjt~ Ml (Htll. Ulll,;."i_ll~ _.....,\Ml. 111111.¥ • n:t"M\ ~ .=.!;~ ~:.: l •l'l\I .. ~· 1. 0111~ (HI), 10:02.2; 2 • 011ev• (HI), 10tH .t : a. HOllClay (H8). 10:IO.O . llOUi -1 Y..000111 I ;;HV 40.t; 2. ·-(fol). 40 ...... !'llol!lolon l 43.0 I~ -I, YllldofMiw , ~.t, 2 Liii Ootf). 1U: a. o.da (HI). 11.1. 440.....,. -1. MetlM, 4$,0. Mlle.....,. -1. Huntlnalon 9-11, UU. 8P -1. W-. (HI), f0.10; 2. P9QMNll (HI)...._.; a . ...__.., (H8), *-2fll . P'V -I. Liii (M). 1s.e:· 2 H.,.., (Ml. IM, 3. MoCan (Ea). 1 ,.. ' OT -I. LAnClr1C* (H8). 143-1, 2. llmllll (HI). 140-714; 3. HW1'llOn (He), 132·2. HJ -1. He! .. (Ml, 6-10; I . O•Yl• (M), .. 10; a. ~(M). 6-10 . w -1. Mltter'IN!r~I). 21-10, 2. 8'im (Hll.21-6 ... :1 .... ~ ~11141 TJ -1.~ ).44-11.2 Hela(M), 410 14; a. ()9vl9 (M 41-10 'Y. ........ ..., 14, 0-View 11 100-I. er-~111. 10.e; 2 tlnlry l~YI. 11 a: a. 8oofloo < i u . lOO -1 • .,_ t 21.I, 2 ou.t (OV). 22.1: a. ~l'V). z:u . 400 -1. .. (OV). 41.2: 2. &Nty (FV), 41.a;a . ..,... m1u. IOO -1. ~ (FV). 2;11 U . 2 ""4*· w (FV). 2!04~ (OV). 2:0U. UOO -I. (FVI._ 4'22 I 2. Endc2 -Cf'V). •:M.~ a. "' (l'V), 4.41.o. 3 200 -1. Ertolleon (FY), 1.61.1, 2. Ar· cilllbalel (OV). 10:04.0; 3. Moeher (FY). 10:17.1. 330LH -1. Andrews (f'VL 311; 2. Mii· c:N11 (OV). 37.29; 3 T....., CM 311 t 120H_J4_ -1., Andrews IFYl. 14 t; '2 Nl-c:hola (l'V). 1s,,; 3. l....., (FV). t6 I. 440 f~-I OoNtrl V.., '3 2. • 1,100 -1 Fountain Valley. S27.3. SP -1. •mba (OV). 43-1141, 2 Taylor (FV). 42· 10: 3 .....,_ (FV). :le-I PY -1. Pi.<aon (FY), 12·1. 2 Merion, (FV), 11 .. ; :s. o.ioora (FV). 11'3 LJ -1. Oerm•n (0V), 21-1141: 2. Oec~ (FV), 20-I; 3. 8Nw (l'V). 1W fJ -I. lkHne (0V). 40..5'A, 2 Mltchell (OY), -.a .... ; 3 Sfl9w (FV). M-2 OT -1 Savage (OV). 113·0, 2 Tayt0< (FV). 122.0, 3 MWI-(~V~ I llMI HJ -1. 8wna (OV), 11-2; 2 MllOl'l4tll (01), 1-2: Ho third. C..111, ......... 100 -1. A9mer (C). 10.3; 2. T""""*' (I). 10 4, 3 11W11n (C). 10.$. 220 -1. Trwmlal (I), U .7, 2 M*11n CCI. 23.1: 3. Hlev .. (I). 24.2. 440 -1. MoOtnnea (Cl. 52 4, 2. HAl't IC), 66.3; 3. McOrlilll (CJ, 61.7 llO -I. Andereon )c). 1:57 3, 2 Slm9 (I), 2-0 I 4, I. WOll9r (I), 2-01.3 • Mlle -1. Hollerld (Cl. 4.37 0, 2 Crewford (Cl. 4.40.1, 3 H~tClftl (C). 4.60 0 2-mlla -1 . .....,.,.. (1). 10 13 '· 2 .Yelle (C). 10'~4.A; 3. Ughlbum (Cl, 10.21.1. 120HH -1 Colter (Cl. 16 7, 2 8e1M1 (C), 11.1; 3. Smflll (C). l'i'.5, ~ -1F-(C).43 0. 2. ~ (C). 44 a: a. L....cllll'lo {I). 44.1 440 raley -I CdM. 44 I Mle r9ie:Y -1 CdM, 3:34.8 HJ -1. F-(C). t..o: 2 lfellCld (Cl. 6-10, 3. l!ll9a IC). 6-10 W -1 • .....,_ (C). 1M, 2 Lucteno (I). IM:l ......... (1).11-11 TJ -1. ~ (C). 42-1141 2 -Intl (I). 41-1: 3. Buelow (C), 40-7. PV -I. Sc:nnug g). 12..0: 2 Utnim111m (I). 12.0: 3. LM*ey I), 12.0 8P -1. Rogers I ), 114-l'>i, 2 C1rt1o (C). 46-114'. a Brown CCI. 44-10 OT -1 Rogers (C). 1~; 2 Pwtcer (C). 1~5, :S. C1rt1o (C), 121-6, ~ 11'ilt, •'111'lllF•t .. I.ti .... 100 -1. Hier (U). 10.4; 2. McAll9ter (S). 10..!I; 3 ~ (U). 10 •. 220 -I .... (U). 23.3, 2 Andereon (U). ' . 23 4 ; 3 WcAlllW (S). 23.7 440 -1. ~ (U), 5U; 2. ~ (S). la. t; 3. =··~ 52.3. llO -1. (U). 2:03.0: 2 Varde (I\. 2.:04.0: 3. Cdqultt (V). 2:07 5 .... -1. oe.a (V). 4:40.Z, 2. Moor.a (U), 4:44.t: 3. ~ (IJ). 4;41 0 2-nil9 -1. ~ (U). 10'15 2, 2 Gr-.. 11erger CU). 10: 15.2; S. """'* (U). 10. 15.2 110HH -I 8lmmone (S). 1~ I ; 2 Ileen-"*' CUI. 16.8; a. no "*Cl. 310LH -I. 8e11nywonh (8). H -11. 2 a.--(8). 40 e, a.~ (Ul. 41 S • 440 ·--1 Cl.ad ,__ 44 • .... ,.._, -1. not COlll-.d HJ -I. 8uoaola (U). 6-10: 2 M.,.._ (U), M : 1. PltMn (81. ... W -I. ~ (8). 1t-4'A, 2 Sl-1 WI. IW:3.~(8), 11-1 . t J -I. Ml M. 41·5. 2. .lor-. ISi. 40-4 ..... 3 ·~(U),40-1141. . PV -1, H.,,_. (8), 11-1, 2. 9uC11c (U~ , , .. : a 8ollonl IU). M SP -1. IW (U), 46-8~ 2 MoncrW 18). 42-7:3. Lee (SI. 414 OT -1 ... (V). 1411~ 2. AmwlrOflO (8). 123-1; 3. Lee (S). 12 u llT--.c.... ..... • 100 -1 lytierp (ET). 10 1, 2. 11-v (En 10.1; •. Mw (CM}. 10..2. no -1. Lyl)WOlr 1m 22 5. 2 s-., cm 22.2: a. ~ 10M1. 23 4 440 -I. BalcMlll (f-t), 52.2. 2. C11l11at (CM). 62.3; 3. Mc99er1 (CM). 54.5 · 8*1 -1. Howwd (OM), 2~.11; 2. Nt69'· ton l£Tl. 2:0l.O, 3 Mca-. ICM). ~. MHe -I. Fa41ch (El). 4.40 5; 2. C..n-'*'llf*n 1m 4:43.1: a. ~ICM), 4:43.5 2._.. -I . .._d (CM), .. ~1.4; 2. W9m (ET), ICkOl.I; 3. "'*""'9 ICMI. 1~10.7. llOU4 -1, °"900 (CM). 40.1; 2. Bdftdge (fl). • 1.1: a. 9oW (CM). 43.0. I~ -1. Bdttdgt ~ 11.1: 2 Gfaeo ICM). 11.1; I. aun-. (ET\ 19 1 440 r9'9)t -t. E Toro, 4$,1. M .. raley -I. C:0.. M9a. 3:31.1. PV -1. °"900 (CM). 11-4; 2. 0..-(ET). 1CM; 3. ~~), 10-0, HJ -1. i.-y ._2; 2. 8vltenllo (£Tl. l-0: a, Hixon (QM ..... 8P -1£ ~I (CM). 61-11\4; 2. Ser· ..... (~1*-t , Holll (ET}, 46-11~ OT -I. Hoth (ET). 166-1; 2. Satoaant (Ell. 1'1·1; a. 8Y1Den*1 (CM). lae.6. l'J -1. VM UM (aET4CM141. 2. Horgen (!l}, 4CM; a. 0...... (I at-1. W -f. VM Ullw { 1M .... 2 8CMll (CM). 1M\4; I. Co19rnen (CM), 1M. ......,....._ .. ..._.wr 100 -t f'llllli(I (E). t0.51 2 OCll (NH). tO.I; a. ~(NH), to.I. HO -1. Polu•ll (El, 214; 2 Golding ,,...,. 24.Jl a. ~ (NH), 24.4. 440 -I. Oufeu (NH), la.I i l . L.uCU (NH}, M . 1; J. Jolll90ll (I). 14.4. ltO -I. Jim MGC8tlhy (ll 1:02.5: a c ...... , (NHf:-1'·01.I; a. Wiiden (NH)" 1:11.4. . ~.,. Coat DAILY PflOT/Frtdey, Apftt 1e. 1812 Cl Mlle -1, Jim MOOe#llty (I}, 4111.1• J . GON (NH). 1:01.1: I . JoM INCarttty /I), 1:•0•. t •Mlt -1 "::J::H). 10:40 a; t l«t ()fHI. 1Ct4f, I. a, ~'°'4j t. . ~ -l. .,_ 41.-; ....... (HM , 4t I: I. '1lllw (I). 1~H -1 . .,_ ( 11.0: I. Moo!! (I). tll;L ~NH 1 , ~-.-1. ~ .... ~-1. a· HJ -1, ..,.,,,,.."" .. ,.,. ll. ~ .. ,o •. llilfll (NH). .... PY -1, ..,""W"I· 1w: 1. lellnan (NH). It-+. a . ._ . 1w. U -1. ), Wo; t.. W•• (NH). 1 .. 10;. .... (HHI. 1 .. 1. TJ -I, Wn 41·'°*> J, .... ._. ~(NH), 41 .. lt; , (I). ... lt. 9' -1 0.... (NH).~ I. Ir-IHHI. 4' ..... """" (II. ...a; ' 01' -1. Gm (HHI. 141·!1 I. lfllllfl (t). '°"'· .. ...,. ,NH). *""' c.,. y..., .. ~ ...... ., ~-1.~ 1u:a ...... I 10.t: a. LMlllll'll . 0.1. -I. 0..... ( .Z: I. .._...,,. c n..J: a. WI"'-u.o. ~-1.0-Ll ,H.1;2.M•~d (CV). lot.II a. wt. •u HO -1. Neokefm•n (CVj, 1·11.•: 11. Atlldl (CV). 2:12j_~· ..._.,(CV). 1:12.1. Mlle -I, 8trlll!' (CV). 4: ... 1; t. Out...,_ (CV). 1112. 3. Lor-(I.I). l:Ot. 2.,,.. -1. ~ (CV). 10'.a3; 2 l.0- renH (Li i. IO:H a. a. Cocllra11a (L8). 10-40.t. 440 ra1ey -1. CC10 v-.,, ..-.1 Mia .....,. -I. Capo v-.,, 4;41. t20hh -1. 9haplro (CVI, 11.1; 2. Ko-__.,(CV). 11 t: no lt*d. ~ -I. ~(1.8). 41.t; 2. LMW1m iCV). 42.ll, a. Oltel1llld (CV). 41 :s HJ -1 ea-i!Wf (LI). 11-2, 2 ....,., (CV). M , a. 8pif'« (CV). &-.t. U -I. Arrabtt (l8~ 1MW. 2. IM~; 2. aa-..._r (I.II. 1a.1; I . WM!tlM-eer (C)V). 11-1 TJ -1 "**° (CV). 4i-G; 2. ...._.. (LI), ,._t: no lf*d riV" -1. ~ (L8). 12-1; 2. l»llr't (CV). 11-0: no tnlrd . SP -I. 91U1erllll (CV), ... 11; 2. W9(d <CV!. 44-l'>i; no third. OT -I. O'Hettb•<'I' fCV), 117·1 ... ; 2 llllttlr9lry (C)V). 1U.1141: a. Webel (Lii). n.m, ..,._ 1'I, Wa I P4tlr f7 100 -I. OtlflllM (I!). 10.1; 2. Wood (W), 10.4; S. T,.,,, (W). 10.7. 220 -I. ,,.,._ (E). 2U; 2. Gflllltha (E). 23 52, a. Wood (W). 14A.. 440 -I. T..in (W). 53.t; 2. ....,_, (E), su: a. Cllolfl (E). su. llO -f, Morion IW). 2:02.~ 2. AarnMr (W). 2;04.0; 3, a.ructwl (£). 2:07 .o. Mlle -I. Monon (WI. 4:40.0, 2 HowoOI)' 1n 4 43 0: 3 eo. 1n ,: ... o . 2-ftllle -1. Coe (t!), 10:31.0; 2 Oom*y ca. 10'51.0; a. o.,u. oo 10:11 o. 330LH -1. zum-11 (E') .. 41.2; z. Ogow• (W), 42.1; 3 Haut4r1 (E). 41.2. 120HH -I. Zumw.11 (El. 111.0; 2 0gowe (W). 11.11. a nwia. cn iu. 440 ,...., -1 E*ln. 44.6. Mlle raley -1. w...,,..., a 32 o HJ -I. WHhln91011 (E). l ·O, 2. (llel a.,..,..,,, (W). OolcMllln ct\. 1-10. LJ -I. N11naa (WI. ·ao-5; 2 "'Ink IE). 20-5. 3. ~IE). tt-10. TJ -1 Hi.--(H). 42-10: 2. Wltlf*loton (E). 41s3'A, a. Frtnll (E}. »-3. PY -1 Forey1h (t!). 14..o. 2. Ouf\H IE). 12..0. 3. Cont-(W). 11.0.. SP -1. Pondef (~; 2. Alfred (W). ....~. 3 AldwOeon ~. O'f -1 Allr9d (W). I 1; }. ~ (£~ 126-7 3 Ponds (!}. 12:1)-3. 4(_ > . Cenucu l. Klinae 2 ............... Lo9 Angta6ae I 1 0-2 y_,_ 0 2 1-3 ,.,..,... 1. u. .,_., 80lllll a. 11:&1. Pww!1* -L...-. LA :41; ... VM. 12:19: Koteb, LA. 19 16 ......~ 2. v_., HtllnU 1 (am,t. AcM). 12.'05. a. Loe~ L Mur1ll!Y 1 ~. e-1. · 12:30. 4. Vencovvet; Hllnk• 2 (Halward, Moln). 15.31. Pwllftl9a -lMMa. LA. 5:29; "'-· Y9n. 5::29; Wala. LA. 10:17, W .... LA. 14:45 TNIN ,_... 5. Vlil'ICOUYtlf, L11p111 2 (0elorm•). 5:00. ,,_...,. -w•. LA, 7:&4; w.nct; van. •..!IO. 8ho9 on OOel -Loa~ 12-to-7-29. v--f~l&-10... Goellea -Lo. Al\OelM, L-d Ven-_,_, lltoclew. A -14,111. ~ 0 I ,,. . .............. ~..ncouw CMtl.e ... 0....,. c..a • ()rMe9 Coatie 000 000 ~ • 0 C«r1'oe 211 000 a-4 I O °'* llld CNI; Cool!, DIM:l&flltd (1) Md 8rlakn•r. W-Cook. l-C11lp. 8 - o.a1111 ~(OOC).~~ (OOC). .... _._._ (C). ....~ ........ I on •uhl .... ••llAI 000 lOO 0-1 0 • IMfte Oto l01 11-4 I t ~Md ZAiier; ~ _, ~. --.a.n (I)... Kc ..... fl). ....... ,..,.,.,. ... .,. 101 • o·~T ...... 1--4. t-2; ~ .. ...,. (0) clef. 1(01..i.1 ... l'r91111M, 7-1, 7 .. ; ~-(0) def. ~ ........ ,. .......... ......., .... 122'*' Olly (U) ., Tl,,,,...,, TrMo::.,"" Pr.clo 7·1 kMI 10 Ptterll. M • lul won, 6-2. M. 1-2. '"1. 2 .. ; ..nZMYI u won. 1-2. W , 1-2, '°"'· M : Ql""PiO (U) won, e.2,M ,w .i..w. · ....... 0.-.. _ M -"· Ouono-U. M , M , ~II with Aolllrre-Zu, 1-2, f .. ; MW11nea· ~ M ..,.it. e.2. 4-6, won. a.o. e.2 . ....... .,,,. c~..n couw ~c....1 ............. . RHd' (OCC) de~mo-on ..... t..O; Oo9ltaclle (OCCI CllC. <>-I, 6-2. •2: Kllot· er (OCCI def. McOoMld, e.1. e.2: .. ,.,. (OCC) Clef. w...,111no. 2-1, ._I, 1-a: !Mn (OCC) dlf. o.tc.1tn. W , e..4. ~ (M) CllC. Oolnli4n. 4-1, M , .. 1. 0....... Reed 8-11 (OCC) o.I. ~. l·O, 1-1; Oo•lltche-Khorey (OCC) d•f. ~·l.M:~ Zr-.g (W) oef ~; 1-1. e-4, '"3 c ...... ..., ....... ~CAL cw...a11••e .............. , ll90 ,,_ -I. 8urd..-(.WC). 4:40. 1; 2. 0'8r1M (C). 4·44.A; 3. 0.... (OWC). 4;41.1. 2001M -1 LAMld (OWC). 1:61..2.; 2. ti. pflel\aOn (OWC). 2:01 O; a K,.._ (SM), 2-01.1. 50 lrM -I. Cte.11ven11er (Y), 21 7; 2. CerC1eNt1 ISM). 22.1: 3 Hurl! (8'1). 22.3. ,_ dMng -1. ~ (V). 182.4 ~ 2. Nlndd (V). 231.76; 3. ~ (V). lf7.4 .. 400 medlay reiar -1 .. 0olden WH I. 3:31.t: 2, S-. Monica.~ t: I.~ a:44.2. Teem -I. Oc*lell W-. 163 PGlnla; 2 a.r"9 Monica. 17; 3. ~ N : 4, V-ue, n; 5. r. LA. 28; t. No Hondo. za. --IOO he -I. PW!1lfl (.9WC). ~.l; l. ~ (OWC). 5:11.1; $. c;...,... COWC). •:&2.5 . 1001M -I. 9hlelde (GWC), 1:0..4; 2. Cle.ugtt (V). l:Ol.1; :S. O..n11aclllne (C). 1 t:Ot.4. 60 he -I. Todd ISM), 2$.7: 2. P.,w. (OWCl 2t.2, a. a.no... (OWC). 2U. 1-fMltar ~ -I. ~(tM). 271.0 polnta: 2. Shlroll CV). 2H.46; a. Pa1tltt (OWC). 212.7 400,.......,,... -1 v....... 4:13.t; 2. SeMa ...... 4'*5 1; J ~ 4:311 Teem --I, Oald9ll W., Ill pcllnt9; 2 Santa Molllica, 111; a. Verttw .. 101, 4 ~ 51; I. E.i LA. 21; t .. Alo ttondo. 90UTM COM'T CIC I Cll <• ..... ,,,,. Cliltlee) 500 ,,_ -1 W..... (ML I.rt Anb1io). 4.41.4.I: 2. Wllmt (OOC). 4:61.24; 3 . ..,.., (0). 4:53.llO. 200 N -I. Pllfoe (0), 2:02. 7 I; 2. Mcie (O).~:a •-10).~.11. 5o trM -1 Cooling (OCfrc . 21.11. 2. Gt-.ld (f). 22-21; a. ~ ). u.n. 400 m•dl•y rel•y -1 rou mo11t, 3:43.11; 2. f'11llwton, 3:44.20; 3. Oflill09 Coalt. 3:52 11. Taam -"· Or-t 140, Orwioe Co.I 107, F'*'1Gn 93. ·-IOO ,,_ -1. o.Adlon (SOM). 5t It 11; 2. Browne (OOC), 5:24.ff; I. Miiier (Mt. SM Anlon6o). 5:33.33 100 IM -1. htfett (OCC). 1:'03.t4; 2. ,__ (c.mtoa). l:OU; a Updudl (SOM). 1'04.a4 . 80 ,,_ -I . ...,.., ~NM; 2. oi. mone1 (SOM). n .n ; a. (OOC), 21..23. • 400 ~-1. l*8o ..... 4:11.11: 2. eo.. 4:to.7l: a,..,, San M1onlo, 4• r..,.. .cor• 1. 8111 oi.oo .._. 1n, Or-. Co.I 115. BALBOA MARINE HARDWARE &ri• Y• 19 A~ 0... fl'lnl ~£.c--le7 : W.dliJ, Apll 1711 I i.a ti 5 p.a t t Gauchos' unbeaten tennis tea~ ridilig , high For the J)elt two Dr. Jerry au.. the man LA Pi4tr'cl wen a.lie> there, but they both dropJ*I • • ... •. ~ doublea team and Scribner and 8tl'Obl wlll play who OWN the'·LOI ~Kh\11 and the Foru.m 6-4 dec:Wona. ... -• . lina*· lt'• a preetfclOWI tounwntmt and I'm IW'e (and the Lak.n) hu a little lncentlw ln '"'-Gauchoe wen echeduled to wrap ~l> con· . COMMUNITY pg.LlOE8 the IU)'I wW like to play in lt." .. tron\ of \M no119 of hit atlonal Hockey LM,ue ference play th1a w.-aplnlt Rlwnkle CC and ill • • • ntrant in the form of a tree \rip to Hawall. San·Dteao CC. The Mluion Conference cham· EN UC IRVINE BASKETBALL OOACH 801 Mui· &.' only prerequllite fOf' recetvlnc c.he tree plonahip·could then be conaldered official. And i uaan, moet people know:E, 1 nt many yean coa- pa11 to the Sa1andl ll that hll teMl .urvtve the tint championlhJPll have come pretty euily at Saddle-I china in tho community oo e r.anb, f1rlt at R1- tound of the Stanley Cup Playofb, eorneth1ni the back UUI year. , venMie CC and later at ' He hM never Klna1 did tor the flr1t tlme thll 1ea10n In many Coach Ken Bwearinaen 1 football team took f told lhort the talent that It produced at that level. yean. care of the MqDon c.on.ference title (and Pony ~l And to ltrenl\hen that polid.on. Otta hM done And that'• why the 1982·83 UCl teuo Includes a Whether it w• Lncentlve or not, s.ddlebeck champlonahJp) to aet \h1na '°"'8· BW Brummel 1 tome ~uffllna wl\h hll doublea tanderm for the new batch of highly touted ex-community collep Collece tenni• Coach am Otta took bll team to buketball team 1ettled lor co-champion of the final week of pay. itandouta. Hawall 1Ut week. Conltderlna the Gauchoe were conference wlth Riverside OC. 'lbe Gaucho buet.11 . He'1 teemed Mark Scribner wl\h Terry Stroble For lna1ance, MuJJ.Utan wW have former Cy- 17·0 when they le.ft for the J.11.andJ. lt ll doubtful team ha• a good ihot of repeattna thi1 year u and Tom Olnwtftd wltb Crall Mlller. Olmstead and preea C.Ollege tw1ngman Jud Beardaly on hand. 'The Otta needed to charp up hll team • the 1eUOn conference champe, too: · · Mlller wUI have to 1et acquainted ln a hurry. 6-6 1tandout wu the Southern Cal Conference most wlnda down. WHILE ALL OF THIS hal been ec:>'lll on, Otta They're reprwnt.tnc the Gauchol thla week at the valuable player thll year. THE GAUCHOS ARE IN NO DANGER of lo-hu quietly been molding a 10lld. entrant in the Ojai Tournament. And then there'• MJchael Beans, an All-Metro ....... t.M Mbli Cont tennia chaml>M>nahip conference tennh race. U there were auch a ran-0 M01t COllChea take~ two playen and have Conference eel.ect1on from Long Beach CC. Another ...... · on erence Rawa · kins. Saddleback would no doubt be considered the them play .t.npil and doubles," Otta aays, referring All-Metro 1elec\lon, Mlke Lopez of LA Valley, la ' ~d~· ~~~wt!:~~-!~~ No. l community college tennla team ln Southern to the Ojai competition. "l WAAS more of our players alto UCl-bound. He averaged 22 poinll per game try to wra;'up an undefeated campa.lgn. • California, lf not the 1tate. to get to play IO I'm takfng Miller and Olmatftd u 1.ut aeuon. While in Hawaii, the Ganchoe beat the Un- iversity of HawaU (not the JV team) and Hilo C.01- lep. RaiN forced cancellation of a leCOnd match apinst the University of Hawaii, but Saddleback wu leading that one, too, 4-1. · "l was concerned that we'd be a Utt.le tired the 1eeond time we played them from all the um, .. admitted Otta. "But I think we played better the second time· even though we beat them 8-1 in the first match. Their team was a little bit stronger this time." The Gauchos weren't the only team on the Islands trying to top the Hawaiians. Gromnont and Weekend menu ~ ..... Auto Su~pply ·TV schedule well rounded Wl'B ......a YOU DO n •IGllT NICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY A'RIL 20, 1912 Saturday's TV, radio TELEVISION 10:45 a.m. (4). -BASEBALL -New York Yankees at Deµ-oit. . 11 a.m. (11) -WCI' TENNIS. 1:30 p.m. (2) -TENNIS -The semifinals of the Pacific Southwest ()pen. (4) -GOLF -Third round play in the MO~Y Tournament of Cham· p1ons. 2:30 p.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Teams representing K.anaas City, Mo. and the Rocky Mountain states compete in a series of bouts. (28) -TENNIS -Boys and girls. ages 14-18, compete for top honors in the F.aster Bowl junior tournament at Delray, F1a. 3 p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Fifty-four sleds and driven pulled by teams of specially bred dop travel a 1,100-mile ooune from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska in the 1982 Iditarod Trail International dog sled race. Also: Willie Mo- BCOni, Alan Hopkins;-Steve Miz.erak and Rudolph "Minnesota Fata" Wanderone compete in an eight ball tournament, taped in Las Vegas. (7) -PRO BOWLING -The tina1s of the Greater Hartford Open, taped at Windsor Lock.a, C.Onn. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Matthew Saad Muhammad (31-4-2) va. Pete Mcintyre (16-10-1) in a scheduled 10-round bout, taped at Atlantic City. Also: the 58th running of the Wood Memorial 'taped in New York . . 7 p.m. (11) -DODGERS BASEBALL - Dodgers at San Diego. RADIO Baseball -:-Dodgers at San Diego, 7 p.m ., KA.BC (790); MUUlesota at Angels, 7 p.m .. KM.PC (710). Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 10 a.m. (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -M il- waukee at Philadelphia. 11:30 a.m. (4) -GOLF -Final round play ln the MONY Tournament of Champion1 from La c.osta. 12:30 p .. m. (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -La- kers at Phoenix. (9) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Final round play in the CPC Women '• International: ta- ped-.at the Moes Creek Plantation coune at Hilton llead Wand, s.c. l p.m . (11) -DODGERS BASEBALL - Dodger1 at San Diego. 1:30 p.m. ('4) -SPORTSWORLD -~ of the Bruce Jenner track and field meet. taped at San Jose. Also: Part Two of the Golden Glove1 Aalociation of America tournament at Kansas Ci~ and the truck pull and the uphill race at the WC?J:ld 1 strongest man competition. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN -Lauren Hutton examlnea the Bushmen, a nearly extinct tribe in Botawana, Africa. Also: a chronicle of the journey of the Double Eagle Vin an attempt to crom the Paciflc in a balloon. · . 2:30 p.m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD -A men's and women'• team takes on a West German 9C1uad ln a meet taped at Galnesvtlle. Fla. 3 p.m. (2) -TENNIS -The final• of the Pacific Southwest ()pen, telecast from the Los An· geles Tenn.ii Club. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE. 3:30 p.m. (7) -MOE WORLD OF SPORTS - The U.S. Amateur Boxing championahlps, taped at Charlotte, N.C. RADIO Baseball -Dodgen at San Diego, 1 p .m., KABC (790); Minnetlota at Angela, 1 p.m ., KMPC, (710). Basketball -Lakera at Phoenix, 12:30 p.m., K.LAC (570). . Hockey -Vancouver at King1, ':30 p.m . KPRZ (1150). . Desert Regatta begins • The thhe-day l.na~ Lake Hav.u Delert Reaaua at Lake Havuu City belim today fea- wrina at leMt 12 dallet of catamarani. The bigat contlnpnt will be the P-CATS wlth more ~ 26 bolts exJ>eCt111 1o make the lol>c trek w the-Colorado-&ivu reao.rt. accordll\I ~ ()wen Minney head of W.iponPldtic.Jbla, ~--_.._ &be Newpod. Beach 11.DP whkh manufactww the 1peedy catl. • 'The only catamaran eta. that wtll be mltlmnl from thlt 1•r'1 recaua wnt be Uw Hobie catl, which wW be boldina their own ,...U. en Lake HaVlllU May l end 2. Motorcycle raeiq tonight 303 OEE BURGLAR ALARM I ANIS. 11wM -~:::'*" MOtioft •t.ctor, cut-off, automatic ,.... tifftff, .......... (my to ........ dD5000 39!! ANTl·FREEzE COOLANT $100 ......_ olhr from PIUTONI. 1AfSS2 OUI SALi flllCI 3!9 NIOIASI 2 OAL re. .,.. aetMUOO =ONI •2" TOU S" ,,,., NfTflllCEPU GAUONAml llfUND ·299 GAL PllSTONI LIMITS OHi CASH llNNO NI PAMIL't ... ADD mi NAM. • ITOll POI DITAILI. ' UFT LOUY.1111 SATIN llOI -J·MrMt monufactured :.~.,. 1 3/16" bore ed. 8 TRACK or CASSITTE CAR.STEREO •• •• ...... TONE & IALAHC1 CONTIOLS AM/FM SLIDE SIUCTOI 1Slt200/#SR300 vou•5995 CHOtCE lACH • LISS WUKUS 5" • r Air tutpension woofer, with·lO ot. mognef1. 2" twMter, hancll.t up to 50 watt po.-peoka. •SKJlOC 2798 f!All GENUINE LAMBSKIN SIATCOYER NEW ZEAL4ND • ,ure lambskin, cool in the """"'9r & w6rm in tt.. winter. Mo<:Nne wo-"oble. Cc,lon: 3998 fown. honey & groy. •1044 ·low-bode bvcket Mot. EACH •1049. hl·bodi budtet MQt, . GTC lfST -MMtt DOT 3 .,,.aficotions, IMovy duty, 12 OL II-I • 98 £11.CH tNTllDYNAMICS - lechcqe& ... •Merion kit. •.,.toe. = 77 ondeow. 5 IAC0·5 KIT -tlMl·AUTOMA TIC Alllll9IA HARADA· ~or _,_-..._..,. r99. mount h.ad to fit most cart. #IX·lO \ • W:ID Dugan powers Pirates past GroBBmont; Rustlers outslus Cypress I • It w• a tq day for community coIJ.te bMebaU alon!T,e Oranc• Cout area Thunday -COlit Oolderl W.c and ~k twept to~ vidoriea. Here'• how ti wenc • c~·=--~ I ~ c.uc a. a .......... i I 'l1W Plratm puUed to wtUlf.n Ofte pm9 of South Cout Conference leader Cer- rltoa behJnd the extra-bate hltttna of I Tom Duaan and a ninth-lnninl relief Job by R06b M~-- !>\Gan led off the fOW1h lnnJ.na wtth BIG STICK -Tom Duaan had a pair of extra-bue hita to pace Orange Coast. • triple to left-center' and-ICOl"ed Oil Jett Brown'• sinCJe. ~ later ecored on a pound out to live the &al a 2-0 ect,e. The Pt.rates got the wi.nn1ng qe in the bottom of the seventh frame when Darren Puskarich reached base on an IPAB PLUG ... 1111 .4 Cyl. 6 Cyl. ICyl. 5~ ANEW SIT Of CHAMPION nuGs HELPS SAVE GASI Limtt 16 ""9&- STANDAOD I USISTOI • 89.99 EA EA -/JlllC/1181 w.I WHllL COVllll 13" Whfft-#5300 1 s•• 14" Whffl-#S301 .. ._CH 15" Whfff-#5307 CA 0 c-,_ ...... _ ..... lOC1DNO ~ A.OAl'TOll Uf. Set el 4. ..._IT, 14" 1 ~ , ,,..,_,..,.._..._...._._.... • .uu KrT ~u"I• w••~ MlllunWAX ,.. .. C11A81 Knl ICASCO • Timlnt ,...., ~ ..-. .,-.ck ............ ...... FOM>, FA.LCON, COMIT, MUSTANG 24• 'c~ 1H0-76 ,.., 110, ioo '"' , COMIT, MUSTANG, FMllANI IC,.., 1M1·'77 n1, ~ _,, I02, U1W ._,. 219 ...... I error and aiond on a doubt. by Dugan. It w• Duaan'• 18th extra bue bit th.II~ arid n11ec1 hil ·~to .aie (hil llualnl percentaip ... ef3). MuN10n 'ntered In the ninth lnnlna wtth one out and the tytnc run on hue mtd proc-'8d to etrike out the I.Mt two batten to l'ft b»efchth Mve o1 \he yNr, lb< abort ot the tchool nicont. ' Kevin Sllwln1kl, a tophomore left fielder, had thrw lllnele. to up hia bat. line ·~ to .879. Ooldea West 1 l, Cypre.1 I · The "RU1tlera, who went 14-0 In the flnt round of the Southern California Conference race, opened the aecond round wtth a bane, cuh1ni in 'tor nine runt ln the lixth inning to pull out the \fic!.ory. Chuck SpMpl htt h1I etMhth horM nan In conferenc. play and fh!J one came With the bun full and extended the Ruatlen' liMd to u-e tn tbe llx\b tnme. Dan Larlon, who la bltUnl .402, ex- tended hll hltttn1 1treak &o 16 with 1 2-for-4 perfonnanoe; Chril Schultz, with two doubles, ii now on a 14-pme htttJna ttreak; Bob Grandlt.a.ff lluged a fifth- ~ IOlo homer, and ~ Irvine did llkewm, ptUJ\a hil four-biller tn the aixth wtth nobody on. Saddlebact 1', Saa Berurdlllo 1 The Oauehas ripped San Bemardino pitchin, tor 1~ hitl, Includlnc Bob Gray's three-run .homer in the fihh ~ and a two-run homer by winning pitcher Gary Euley. Ruas wu 3-for-~. Tom Link wu 2-for-4, k Swancoat was 2-for-4 · CLYMH -VOUCSWAGIN • a..tt.1 Ghia. Trcw •orter, RabWt, Sdrroco; DATSUN· ,idcup, 510, 610. 710, 1200, 1210 TOYOTA· Corona, Celica, l'idlup, Corolla; HONOA ·CMc. 5~ HEAVY DUTY 30W MOTOR OIL llATllRY CllARGI R e83 or. .......__ 10NI# 11111_,,,,~ 6od2Voft 37!~ -~-Vlnyf and leather Vinyl and '"'9hor a••-P•oncTAlll' 16oL 8 OL 130160 #11080 1 C!!' 1 ~' ·1s•• .EACH w.,..,..,. ..... ~--....... ~., ...... ""4 :=·3 .... •• IACH .,..,rton 2978 YOfba Uftda • ~ •La Mirada 15081 Imperial • (21 J) M7-564' •AtnlDR Yielo 2..s10 Alida f!llWY. ··•s1~111 1100M. t:.'1~714000 ....... UM03M11n111·Ate.•• .. , , I tl•Alm . ............ ,... .• ... 1218~ 1 ... ,,. ......... .. THI CUSTOM-CRAFTED royal purple Scoundrel Llmlted EdltJon LN-7 from Lincoln-Mercury will be awat&ld to a local winner of ''The Scoundrel LN-7 500 Sweepstak•." 'n\eJNld to ~Dect the lt)'Je and 1ptrlt of the Scoundrel perfume and colocne collection by Revlon, the car featuree a fra.irance bar betw~n driver and pallenlel'. . LOS ANGELES ... The May Company, Revlon and participatlni local Lincoln-Mercury deal.en are looking fOI: women who are "Scoundrel.a!" One of them will wln a cu1tom-crafted Lincoln-Men:ury "Scoundrel LNT' two-pa11enger car: another will receive a $1.000 1lft certificate for a "Sooundrel'1 Shopping Spree" at The May Company The Idea for thl1 unique "Scoundrel LN7 500 Sweepetaka'' comes from Revlon. But, Revlon frankly admita, thla Sweepeta.ka ii not for everyone It ii NCYr for the woman who ls •cool •.l&ld-back •non~nal •only a spectator •a procrutlnator •a middle-of· the-roader •a play-lt-ufer The prtz.e car -a aleek, sporty l.imjted-edition LN7 -like the !'Scoundrel" woman, is poi.led for action and ~·by style, wit and vuve. Taking Its detail.I from ~lon'1 "Scoundrel" loaa. and Insignias, a,nd It Includes a tray filed with producu from the "Scoundrel" fregrance line, fitted ~tween the pale-leather twin bucbweata. The Sweepetak-. which bepn on April 12, ls ~n to anyone aver the aae of 18, butboJda 1pedalappe.al for the woman after whom "Scoundrel" waa named. Revlon'a IOPbiatlcated .cent, combining the~ of florala with hl1hU1hu of woodnotet and aplces, wu blended for the "magnetic, 1uooeuful" woman who unMhamedly admita to beins a "Scoundrel;" • There are men Ill her life, but no man can own her. • She ii urban. even If she Uva in the country. • Her sixth lftl8e la "style": in the way &he Uves, loob, dre9es, eata, drinks, talb -and llstenl. • She may be married or not, a mothtt or not, a career woman or not, but a.he daz:zlel and faainatea everyone who9e life w touchel. • Fresh ldeaa, sparkling convenation, a sudden dt.covery, a new interst -she findl the9e more heady then champagJV. • She't cut to win -and aurvlval ii her fon.e. U you're willln8 to admit that you're a "Scoundrel" woman, you'll figure out a way to win the car Rush to the Revm counter at May C.ccnpany. Take your fanuly. your (tn.IS1ed) friends. Then hurry to any partldpatlni Uncoln·Mercury dealer to tert~ve an LN7 for a Wte of what'• in store, plu1 a chance to win the May Company'• gift certWcate worth $1000 . A "Scoundrel" woman: now you'll admit to being one. Contest ends April 24th. No purchMe nece.ury . ••• ANA HEIM ... "Thia year'• auto ahow will be high.lighted by aevera1 unique and inceresti.ng specialty can," aays Ted Welner, ~er of the 1982 Orange County Internatfo~l Auto Show to be held at the Anaheim c.onvention Center, April 21-~. "A. show vtslton enter the new eest lobby." Weiner aay1, "they will be Introduced to the "Koroghhan Royale," from Claaic Coachworks, a chauffer-driven limousine depicting the late 1920's style." One of 1everal aped.ally cars lO be featured al the show, the "Koroghllan Royale" was designed and built by preient owner, Ted Koroghllan. Although It was built In the cla11ic style, this particular vehicle 1s air condJdoned and Its Lincoln engine can be serviced by any Ford or Uncoln dealer. • . Maloney Coach Bullden and Execuuve Coach Builden will al90 be at the show dlaplaymg their latest model limoulinea. In addition, Motor Car Classics of Hollywood will be exhibltina the "Piper~." an all white oopy of a 1928 Mercedes Benz. Thia particu1a.r ~ Ill powered by a Mutt.enc V-8, 302 engine. RepreEntatives of Motor Car ClMlica are ftXlCJUnClna &bow vi.siton to stop by their ohiblt and le&m more about thil vehicle and their entire llM'of apeclalty can. Another car to be featured la the "Concordia II" an experimental-project car deslined by automotive stylist Bernard Beaujardln and the mechanical engineering ltUdenta at Concordia Univenity in Montteal. under 'the guidance of their profe90r, Dr. Clyde Kwok. J!esklee spedalty can. major manufacturers will be exhibiting the latest 1982-~ makes and models of both domeltic and Import vehicles. The tbow apomon. Motor Car Daalera Amodation of Orange County and Cahnera Exposition Group, have tcheduled apedal eventa for all five days of the show, lncludlna Oranae County Sporia Hall of Jl'line nignt on Friday, April 2!. Spana fiCurea who wtll be at the show Friday evening lnclude Dan Gurney, Jim Fregoe! and , Sbirie1 BabMboff. Vlliton an al8o enoourapd to ~ at the ahow too the Grand Prbe: a trip foe two en A.lrCal. DIK'Ount Ucketa to the ahow are available from All>ha Beta St.or9. ShakeY• Pizza, H. Salt F:lah & Chlpa. W°endy'a and parbbpatma new car dealerships. *** PALM SPRINGS ••. National leaders of the aut.omobOe ind~ and In pel"80Mle1 manaaemmt will chart the coune of economic recovery for new car~ at the Motor Car Dealers Anoclatlon of Southern Callfomla't Sfrinl &el...-Ccnference to be held April 19-24 at the Indian Welll Country Cub ln Indian Wells. . ... The confenncie comrnenc. on M~ afternoon. » April 18, with a aerlet of workabopt which will effectlvety help dealer• cau1ht In th• current .ainom1c1.-cnmich. I. 1'hlll Jll'Oll'9ftl ot ax worbbopa continues th.roueh Tuetday, April 20, and precedes the Pr•1ldent'1 Reception on Tu.day ewntq. ar.t1nc ibe arrlvtna Soutlwn Ce11tomia ...... will be ~&ion lftllldent llm WUJtnttwn 0( Boul9Ywd 8Wdc!Biidllb c.n ln Lone 8-:h. The mornlna bualnH• 1Helon1,•=:,ntn1 Wednlld•Y1 wtll wb ... ,W'e • DOMd • on Wit 1t11,lfol D.i..a, ....... vt.ft t' •md OIW ~ Of8Ds of TV1C* lloear ...... U.S.A. wlJ1 ~ tbe ...... poup. Dr. Tom a..,aa, ,.reonnel man11ement and amclvadoft IS«f·,.,.. tnd a rmowwl antor, will .,.- at dw Thundiay, AprO Dbl*-9llllon. On "'*'· Aprtl II, '* .. ,....._ ~Uw Vice Preeldent·l•l" and MarkeUna of Chr"y1ler O.poradan wUl ~ tlMlt auto .,.._., currmt and • future ......... audook. .. Newa of dUa ~ alat. of iPiUifi bM alned'/ ....................... ln..,.i fa advanced ...... don. Mow Oar DMlera ~tkle EucuUw Wit "'11U111, JeJ 0...., , ... ..,,. a MW..,.,._ • •• t .......... - 8EI WHAT-YOO. LOCAL · AUTO DE BA VE· w;orr! YOV · . 1 ' / 0Nnge CoMt DAILY PtlOT/F~. Aprtt 18, 1881 Bankttl Pemion Services of Newport Beach ;has named Kay Selbert u IRA consultant. , Joe Marolda hu been promoted to vice presi- dent .of customer Rrvice by Printronix, Inc., Irvine, announced Mel Posln, aei.lor vice pre.tdent of vice ~t and manager of the Downey branch of Mechanb National Bank. I ~ ' Spring's luster gone Capitalistic i/npulses in . deep coma thi~ season ~ 'OBN CUNNU'I' :;w-~K -You don't have to be old and bond to •Y that IPrin8 lln't what lt \.Wed to befin i.be 6ulinem world. It \.-d to be a time of renewal. of bia plaN, of oPOC)r'lUnlUee to be Wied. A t1me "(or tellinl the bcl9 you. wanted • ruy rme, and lf you were 1ucc .. ul, a ti.me tor k:icldna tlnll and buytnc a new car. It wu a time al.lo tor i.k.ina the family for a ride ihrou;h the new houlina development and a time for UIWi.Da the real estate aaent that, "Yfe certainly are interested, and we'll rt-b9ck to you for IW"e." r.f .,..... I ! •• , ... ,· II • Ci SS & A tour of ahowroom11n many areas la likely to reveal a few place1 wlth nothlna in the sho-wroom but an old oU ltaf.n or an empty delk. reveeUna to the few who atop by that the bu1lneu went under. . ·Many h~ of car deelen have met that I.ate over the pMt couple of , • YMra, and the 1tory ta re- peeted amona real .iate ... lea people. The National A.Octatton of Realtors h11 And 1n view at aucomoblle tn- , duatry problenw, It la ~~ that BoJler Smith. General Moton C.Orp. chairman, 1hould be on guard for critical commenta at the annual roeet1n8 ICMduled May 21 in Petrott. But 1eorea of other corpora- tiona are preper{ns for oon!ront- ationa of one IOrt or another at their l'nf!etlnp. "AA many u a qua11er of all shareholder raolution1 are con- cerned with llOclal t.ue1 today, up from a handful a decade qo~" says the Council on Economic Priori ties. ~ marketing. Sh.Imel waa pnMoualy vice prelident and ma- nage!' of Bank of l>owney, now Southern Callfotnia Bank, elJht years. He had abo been mana1er of South COut Bank in Fountain Valley. It wa1 all pai t of the 1prlng ritual, the reawakenina of thole old capltaliltic lml)U).8el that now tend to be called greed, a time when you Mid, '"Thil la lt, thia la the year when It wlll all come lo~t tens of tbouiand1 of members . •cu_ .... ,,, A decade ago, you might recall, social ~tiviata were only begin- ning to understand the proct!99 of putting issues before such mee- tings. Now any man•gement must be ready to defend not jolt proftta but bow they were earned. ' J u eu Maxwell of Newport Beach has been named director of market~ for Fint Amer- ican 'ntle~ Company, hued in Santa Ana. The new vice prelident/oorporate controller for Carl Karcher Enterpriaea la GeOrae Cloward of La Mirada. Bar ry 0 . Brymer of Miuion Viejo has been named vice president of real estate loans at the Newport Beach regional headquarten of Great American Bank. Jolla D. Slalmel of Cerrito. bu been named ·~OUR 1982 CIMARRON Do11 Rodl baa been appointed premdent of SU Drilco. HoustoJi, said Smith -lntematlonal Inc. . Rock joined Smith International in JWle 1974 as manager of information systems and bu held variqus operating and mana1ement po1ltlon1 at Smith International and at the Smith Tool divt.lon. tocether· ti • Not many people entertain such hopes thia year. It isn't the best time to aak for a raiae, not Syd.Hy B. Morsu of Lacuna NigUel hu' been with 9.9 m1111on unemployed and named 11enior vice prSder\. t and chief finandal of-with your neighbora 1tgnlng ficer .and David I. Mcl>o9.P11 bu been named ae-away the benefitl ~ had won Dior vice pr'ellident and ...Iltant to the premdent of when tiJDel were . Beverly Rllls Savtnp and Loan. '' Tire-kicking la out tht. year. B. Fred Goeller, Coata Mesa. has been named general rn.AMger at Oinutec, which develoJ» and marketa bJgh quality instrumentation recording heads for dialtal magnetic tape recorden aa well aa a 1pecialty fine of linear· cran.ducers. The firm ia located in Pomona. Jeffrey Brewer baa joined the audit staff of the Newport Beach office of Ernst & Whlnney, pne of the largest of the Big 8 public accounting tinna, according to Tom Testman, ~ partner. A graduate of the Cal State Nortluidge, Bre- wer was born in Orange County and la currently a Fullerton resident. Dorodly R. Keen, Irvine, ha.I.been named a vice . ~~Jtmt.;;.~~~ ~..,. WJW.amE. &nows. vice prSdent and manager of the Credit Review department. Keen, 59, a principal loan examintt, conducts field examination.a of the bank's commercial, con- sumer and real estate credita.to provide lnfonnation on loan portfolio quality and the performance of lending personnel. She joined the Credlt Review department in 1979. 'All-Savers' rate up WASHINGTON (AP) -'The interest rate on tax-exempt "all-aavera" cert.iflcatea will rise to 10.37 percent for depoeitl made beginning next week. up from the current 10.16 percent. Treasury ~t offidala said. The new rate, effective Sunday. will cover one-year oertlficates laaued through May 15. "}.11-aaven" interest paid by flnandal lmtitu- tiona ia limited to 70 percent of the average annual investment yield on one-year Treuury bills, which are auctioned about every four weeks. • Congratulations to Barbara Duarte 30314 Benecla Laguna Niguel Grand Prize Winner of 100 Gallons of Gas In the Dally Piiot's Great .Gas Giveaway The dealen and manufacturers have all but OOnoeded lt, and IO have the cuatomen. The latter uy they can't afford the pricea. The fonner say they'll go broke if they cut more. Few carmen have Lee Iacoc- ca's zeal from Chryaler. Some are 10 depressed they aren't even fluttering their colored banners over showrooms or running their fantastic, stupendous, lowest- price-anywhere promotions and ads. OVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND "MY QOSH, I've never won anything!'' were the ftm worc11 or a.rt.re ou.rte, Laauna Nlgull, upon a.m1ng lhe hM been •ll•oted • grand prtn wtriiW. . And IOme who rernain an! very cfianaed people. • How, for example, can a aale- a pe non remain enthusiastic when nobody showa up to buy? Or when a customer wanden in with futUity on his face and a hard-to-hide conviction that he can't handle the financing? All the bll buatneu get-· togethera aeem to have a somber quality about them. Even the upbeat , "Let's Rebui ld , America." theme of the U .S Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, to be held April 25-27 ln Washington. carries the reminder that eomething went wrong. You can understand that a pall would hang over the 62nd an- nual conference of the National Auociation of Mutual Savings Banks, which meets May 16-19 in Atlanta, because savings banks are in deep trouble. NASO LISTINGS ,......, ................ . OldlNlt .................. .. =i::'.. . :. :·::::. '.'.: ·::: .. . =i::::-.. ::: .. ::::::·:·: .. . TllUI ...................... .. It w asn't a t all like 'hat 20 years ago. Thoee were the days when American Telephone & Telegraph ran blg parties with box lunche• for thousands of shareholders. And owners of U.S . Steel shares might gather under a striped tent on the great lawn of a 1e.rene college campus. That was the way it u.ed to be, but yo~ still won't find ma ny people who would want to tum back the clock. Never, they say, becau.e .that would put all t.hoee problems ahead instead of behind us. Which , vou mlg~t ref~ect, is more upbeat than di.streming. These are days of realism ra- the r than procrastination. So many big problems have already been dealt with -resolved or about to be -that you might even convince younell th.at the good old days are ahead. PS AND DOWNS -I .... , 2 IWCrp • >= ~ ~e: • lloMI 7 ~ • 1.-cMK Ul"I lMI .°'\. Pt1 "" Up 49 tV. ~ .. Up a s ,.,.. • " Up 17.J 414 + .. Up tS' M + I .... Up tSO 1"' • 7·1• Up 24.1 ' • l\lo Vo t~ I "" • I'll. ~ D.J N . , .... 201 J . "' Up 11 • Jiii • 111 ~ ... 7 1N • 1'-IU ~ • IV. Up IU I • \Ct Up 14.J '"' + I Vo 1U ,... + -Up 1J-• 414 • .... Up IU No . : Up 11.1 ,.,,. . Up n.s 714 • "' ~ 12,S ~ • ... 12 1 ..... + I Up 12.1 "" • 1\lo Up "·' ,.., . -Up 11 s "' . " Up II.A DOWMS lMt Oii! Ptt. t -ljl,4 OH •-• 1~ -'-Oii IU 1Vt -'-OH 14.J > -.... OH 14.J 1f't -'-OH 11.J 1 -V. OH II.I ) -" Off II.I 1 -"" Off 11.1 M -_. Oii lo.t :M -"' OH 16.S 114 -\lo Oii lOO 16 -1-. OH t.t 1' -t OH t.S ,_ -1 OH t.J IS -1 .... Off t.I s -.... Off •• I 2111 -... Off ,,I N -V.Qff U 1-'1t -" OH 7.t IM -1\lo OH 7,t J -14 OH 7.1 > -"' OH 7.1 J -\lo OH 11 .-., -'-OH 1.S 12111 -I OH 7.4 ( Orange Coelt DAIL V Pll..OT /Friday, April 18, 1982 8 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 4WOTATIOMt1W'<L.UDI •••ouo• , .... 111wvo••.M1owan, PACllll(, ............... HOIT ••o CllK••••Tt n«• l llCMA ... U ANO 81N•Hl>•Y t•I !IA-OA•01•Ut•1t. Multi-level market planned; A 40,000-tquare-foot 1upermuket with 2 built-in elevator• transporting cu1tomer1 to and from an overhead parking lot, ii being conatructed for Irvine Ranch Farmert Market on the first floor or the Be- verly Center, Loe Angeles. Owned by Jon Rubbard, tho Or~nit' County-• based produce and grocery c~ has thret: 1pecialty market locations tn Irvine. Tu.tin and Newport Beach. Architect i1 Louis K . Glasbrenner of San Cle- ~nte. Conrac pick s Bolden Bolden Machinery.CO. has been selected Lo re- present Conrac Machine Tool Division's tube bending and tube end-!ormJng equipment in Southern Cali- fol')'lia. . Owner/Pr.e1ident Al Bolden has operated his Santa Ana-bued company since 1978 Conrac ia located in Westminster. Ultrasystems exp and board , Dr. Robert J. Hermann has been elected to the board of directors of Ultraayswms, Inc., Irvine, m- ---.. --asing the board membership to 7. Dr. Henna.nn iJ a former aaistant secretary of the Air Force for research and development and logistics as weU as the specW assistant tor intelligence to the undersecretary·of ~fense for research and engin~­ nng. He is a vice president for Systems Technology, Electronics Sector, United Technology Corporation Business bank VP nam ed Jlobeh N. Manley of Yorba Linda has been named executive vice preaident of a business bank being fonned ln ~e County. Enterpriae National Bank (m organi7.atJon) plruls to open near the Irvine industrial and business com- plex In early fall after a capitaliz.atlon drive of $5 million. Manley previously served as vice preside nt of Manufactu.ren Bank. Newpon Beach. and for 10 years with California First Bank. 'Challenge' Santa Ana topic "Hlgh Technology or High Unemployment. The Challenge for the '80's'' is the theme of a three day symposium beginning Monday al Sant.a Ana CoUege. f\epresentatives or Orange County companies. educa- tion groups and government agencies will participate in work.shops and group sessions addressing productJ- vity, upgrading and retrauung needs of industry and the need for 'COOperative arrangements between the private aector and educational 11\Stitubons. Dt. Wilson Riles, state superintendent of public instru<.'tion. and Brig. Gen. Joseph Connolly, U S.A.F .. will k.Jck off the symposium Monday at a breakfast meeting for the chief executive officers or 170 county organizations. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS . '"" JD Tm er:.,~~~.~ I ~Q WI.Ill lO 11 >"., I 0 1'UIS 111J:7 111 JD IU U • 0 01 D1 J1 m .11 ,.., Il1 lll o °' IS VU 16 ti ,,.. Tr., Wll 16 \!• WHAT STOCKS DID HEW VOltlC tAl>l ""' 1S r...,., --= Oocll""" ~ H~ ,.,. ..... ~ 21 -towt 15 Wt-4 ~ ' ..,, ( .. [)() . METALS T.....-y • 031 .00 tll) jOO I ON tOI) • Cit] jOO p,..., cs:r) , .. ,., 1"11 JO •• Copper 711-78 centa • pouno. US cleatltlallona Zinc 35.39 c:enll a po\md. dell- ...,90 Tin S6 7343 Metals Week com- po9ite lb ;.1 ,.,.......,_ 76-77 oentt • POU"<! .. ~SSUSOOl*'naP f 1 ......,_ $3eO 00 ttoy OL • .K. 't SILVER ~ . . ' ________ ~, GOLD QUOTATIONS """" LOIHlon; morning li•lng S382 50, ott "25 ~: atternoon n111ng $363 25, on 1350. ,..,. $362 70, off 1 1.24 ~ SH3.0 I, Off 13.97 i z .. rtell1 Late tl11lng _,$2 00 blO, oft ' U .00; 131$.00 Mked I H..., I ... ,...an: only deity quote 13e3.ll. oft " eo. ... ....,. °"'Y d.it, quote '343.25, Off s:uo . .. ...... only daily ~ fabrlc:8ted 13111.~ 1, off 13 66 SYMBOLS =:=. ='=':" _.. -............. ._all .............. .. _._.... _..,_._ ltMW .. -.._.,,..__.....,.._ ...... .............. .,.. ............. _ * .. ::-.. ..,_ ~ ·------.... ,., .. ....._ E ., ... ·~ .. ""'"' "-"' ..... -...... -...... .. ........... _,,_... .. ... ---·----~ W .... ""· ~-~-I --........... _ ~- jlllt .......... 1 ................... ............... ~·-­......... ....._ .. ~....._~ ........... ~--:.-=. ........ .. _ .......... ,_ ...... =Ft: ..... -··------r =wt;...\I , _ ......... .. f!MM"t -........ ., ......... --~ ............ ---.... I , .. Or.noe CoMt DAILY ptLOT/Ft1day, APtt118, 1982 ... ' • VOLUME . SALES AND GREAT DEALS ON NEW · TOYOTAS KEEP US OVERSTtCKED WITH EXCEPTIONAL, lOW MILEAGE RADE-INS. WE Ha,E OVER .100 FULLY · RECONDITIONED USED . CARS READY TO GO -DR·IVE ONE HOME AND SAVE ••• , 1111 PE.at W---·-llL" Automatic trana., power atffrlng. power btak.., atereo c;uaette with booet.,, dual tank• & • new metallic btu. flnlah. (29STZV). A gt'Mt faml!y car for Juat ry aJr radio 1 .. 111.DW ... .•.... ... " 5 •PMd tr•na •• factory air cond., power dlac brak-. at.-.o CMNtte, aunroof, alloy whffll & glHmlng blade pec:Uge. (1AOK87e). ~7999 111111 WTllll Automatic: trana •• air conditioning, power ateerlng, power btak•. de- luxe tr1m, apot .... metallic coppw flnlah with beige Interior & low mllMI (1BWA778). 53499 1111 "'"' 01111111 ..... e cyl., auto trana., factory ajr con· dl1Jonlng, full power Inc. ~ dlK brakH & power door locka, 1111, CruiM & atereo CUMtte. (1CHY180). 59999 · .lllt TlftlA OlllW 4 •· IEUI Auto. trana., factory air condltlo· nlng, power 1tffr1ng, power dlac btapa, AM·FM rlldlo and low ml._ (100£044). 56499 1111 TIYOTI SIPU Full power Including power door locka, air conditioning, tJlt whMI, CNIM control, atereo CUMtte, alloy wheela, leather 1eat1 & morel (1AHM247). 58599 1111mna mmUFUMI 5 •Pffd trana., ~~ ~r\dlUonlng, lt..O, power~. r.., wtndow lhade & cuatoril two tone red ~ talUc: flnllh. (842XS0). What I car for onty - 5 5999 SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BU YS These late model, low mlleage cars all carry Earle Ike's excJuslve 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't loser • 4 cyi., 4 apeed, power ~ power dllc • 1171 ... .at• •mu. $3 .999 brake9. lterec> CMMttl, .. wtlMI dlecl. (853VAE). • J~!~e~~~ afr~t pwr. brake•. s·4 4 9 9 1tereo. tinted glaaa & morel-Gleaming metalllc allver with cuatom Interior. (2&3VCP). Stytllh economy tor onty • e l1U.1111AP11L• 5 6899 Equipment lnclu<Me auto. trena., power dtac bfak•. heater, atereo CMMtte, moon roof. (129ZOK). • 1• mna llPU s799 . e cyi .• 1UtO. trMe., tactory a1r ~. 9 power~ power dllc brak-. AM-FM at•eo radio, Utt wheel and 8lloy wtwele. (933VW). ' • e1111 T1YITllEUCA·LW1UCI $8~99 alloy WhMll and a aunroof. (1AQX975). A Automatic trana .. aJr cond .. stweo radio.. ~ real lharp car and prtced to Ml at onty 1111 TIYITA OEUU UfJIAll 5 apeed, factory air conditioning, pow.r dlac brakee, AM·FM 11.-.c> radio and morel (928PPF). A rare find for onty S3699 1111·TIYITA 1111] 11 .....,. UfTUll 5 ~ •. f9C1ory air conditioning, pot#911'ateer1ng, PoWer dlK brakee. •t.,eo c .... tte, aunroof & under 11,000 mile. (188Y724). . 57499 1111 TOYOTA COllKU "El" OllPE 5 speed tranamlMlon, atereo caa- Htlf, power brakef and morel (877RLF). An exceptlonally clean rare model for Juat 53399 · 1llO llTlll 1211 UFTllll SL package, 5 •Pffd, factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, tinted • glue, custom Int.nor & exterior & under 8000 mllea. (1APEM-47). . 55299 111.1 ... EllllT-1 .. Automatic traN., air eond .. power ateenng, pow.w btalcee and Juat ewer 1,000 mile.I (1CNY188). ·55499 1111 TIYITA IEUU UfTUll Automatic tranamlHlon, power ateering, power dtac btakee, A~M atereo, rear window ahade kit & cuatom two tone plllnt. (813UXT). .. 1n2 TIYITA •ewsnu Automatic trana., radio, heater, vtnyt Interior and mot1-GrNt traNPOr- tat.IOn cart (146FVZ). · 5 1999 1111 TIYITI OEUO& UFTIUI ' Auto. tr1n1 .. factory air conditio- ning, power dlac brakea, AM·FM radio, aunroof and all~ wh .. ta. (1AQX975). , ~7999' 1• TIYIYI ........... Automatic tr--., t.ctory * cond .. atereo ca1Mtte, pwr. 11 .. rlng & bartt ... Utt wheel, cfVIM control, roof ra & )l»t OtM1 11,000 mle9l (011100). 58799 1111 TIYITI STiii.ET IOU Optlona Include 5 IPMd tranamts- alon ind power dlac brak ... Thia one II fully factory equipped .,. gets great gu m!IMge. (18JD2&3) 54999 1111 ----114-..... " Automatk: trana .. air condltion.ng. pwr ateerlng-brekea-doOI locka, atereo cuaette & a sparkling bkle flnlah with matching~ Interior. (098475). A very rere car for onty 59999 1111 , •• f.:1N NI IP 8 cyt., "llUtO. Irena., power lteer1ng, power btalcee, AM-FM redlo, tinted gl•M. cuatom wh"'' & low mllM. (1Y41087). ... OR, DRIVE AWAY A GREAT DEAL ON A 1982 TOYOTA CAR OR TRUCK! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA Fully factory equipped 2 Door Sedan. EQUloment includes 4 speed transmission and bucket seats. (239327) . -BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP Fully fectory equipped Shortbed model. Equipment includes 2.4 liter engine and a 4 speed transmission. (040432). ·$ All units told plua tax. licenae, $20-doe._ feea, plus dealer added accessories. All care subject tp prior aale. Sale end• Sunday, 4-1~ at cloM of bualneaa. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Or. Uftback. Fully factory equipped plus.5 speed trans .. multiplex stereo, pin stripes and wheel well mouldings. (591773).s I I .. --= -1• .-· = ... --.., .. -:: -= ... EOUM. HOUllfo ~l».!tQRTUN_t.TY. Nil•1 r-1 twlct: All real elbfe ad· vert11ed 111 tb la newspaper la aubjed to the Federal Palr Hous· in&-Acl ol lMI whicb maka It. illetat lo ad· vertlle "a.ny preferenf•· limitation, or d •· cri mlnat.icm ba Hcl 'OD race, color, rellclon . sex. or n1Uoaal ori&ln. i. er ~ intentloo to m.1ke .. any aucb preference, l: limitatlon1 o r d i•· = criminlt.ion .• .... ---... ---- This newspaper will not knowinf I~ accept any advert 11ng for rea I· estate whlcb ia in viol•· tian ol the law. = .............. . .... --_,.,__ , .. -u.t---"'"'• Uo/ -'==+= ....... ,... ~ Ctnta Uaf ,.. -"'"' -T-llo/ -~ .. "". -°"96ft .. Vol - """ Pion ----llfb ,_,.. lol --- IBOU: Act¥trl1Mn ..... dlecl .... .., .... ,,.,.... .... ,... .... .....,.,... DAILY PILOT•-• ......, for ... flnt lecenect IHtrtloa ..,. =~=4 :: , _____________ , co.--... --·--v---LL--L....tr....t... ............ QI .._..._._ &t.~·-........................ . _._.. = .._.... 1002 ---.. ::.-:..... : ....................... . .... isiut ..uT· -1 ~:..~ MOO, AIAllCE I Lowest priced at only =:=:; : 1319~. Thia ch1rmin1 -~·, .u bome II an eitCeJ!l.iOnll Prize West Bay bayfronL Slip1 f« 2 boata, ~ s bdrm, a bath •uoo.ooo. Qce.n & jetty views. Marine ioom. 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 1q.tt. $1,385,000. . , __ I.Miii.i ... Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath, lee L.R., 2 boat alip1 $1,500,000. . Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + laJp rec. rm. beam oel.llnp, furniabed, patios. $420,000 .. U.. Ill.I UYRlll Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath , play- room. dark rm, den. Boat alfp. $1,3~.000! Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 I br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat alfpl $1.900,000. 1ID YllTll ....... New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest hou8e, pool. Near lake. $795,000. I BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR • , • •• • • • ... f_ ~CHST B c l and cheery 2 =-:t...-: value and won l Int =:..--Iona. Locat ed near · * * * •11·'1n1•1icc111oos -clubbou1e a nd tennl1 ... .,._ ••••••u. . coorta, In a cl1u 1y ll'fV'U"llnla Pl. P£ISIUl.S & neicbborbd od. Good Costa Mesa Bdrm l o w n h o m e w/many extru lnclud· in& 1p .. , 11una. Close to b'u ch, comm unity fadlltiel include awlm· -. • t.mnb. Auoma· ble lou.JL..ownu will lllllnee ZDd.. Offered at --.~~.&FIM , .. Fnn av•il•ble ! Call =f=~.:~i~:.C:~ ~. § flliljll ~-- smicu ClNfE8ADrill1·25 -~ -SI 0.000 DOWN To claim Uc"keta, caU ,, 1t EMf\IYmt & MoYES YOU IN u 2.5n1. n t. :12 . NENIATill 4MZ..lty, dbT 1ar. C. ncutam•ibedaJmecl ~."I ----...._ -Mesa, DU p&lnt, Crpl. On· bJ April2J.111Z. ~=-•., :! ly $110,000. Vacant. * * * When you need expert OUllllU Dtanii Cappel. act Keepaneyeonprices tbt aeni~ or repairs, tum """""'" -Gl·UllS · qsy w11·be a re&ular to the Service Dlrectory Affll--clauln ed reader. In Claulfied Lo solve .u WR JN' problem. --------.... -----------. ------- IAMCHHOUSE +POOL! A spedaCufar. rust.le I Bdrm 2 batb borne wood cabin« kitchen. iamUy r oom w i t h brick fireplace. 11131 ram Uy pool, buill-UI cu .,_rbe· que, buutl.ful patio. On· ~l:m·soo. Call now, THE REA!.. £:STATER~: ----~- S j~~W-2 car -1ara1e·2 Bclr 1 car -p r 11e· + bach. unit . tlK can Tim Rhone, •at tlll NI tic "* .. till ... ... ... -.. -·--llll -- ., . RVMt\X GIAMT $117,500 Hu&e 4 ~rm 2 batb home 111 beautiful Maa Verdi, at 1 low price. Luae lifiq room. bqe famlly room, COUDtry ldtct. onrloob rear yard. You muat aee thil one! Call 54'-DU THE REAL ESTATE RS ----- MOYITO JBdr~=~blf •-'IN 10. .. wUI llllilt-.. .. at modHt rate ad priced et Sdl.JOO. eau HaTJ,m ... .... ..-, Wll/IPNI • UU Only $15,000 Down. Large Asa\.lmable Loan With 30 Year Fixed Rate. OWner Wiii Carry Large 2nd T.O. At Low'ln- terett. Lovely 3 Br End Unit W /Wrap Around Patio On Lulh Greenbelt. I~ l'Mdtate Poaellfon. ONLY $210,000. Sally Shlptey'a Lilting. ® --........... , 759-111 u c..,. ........ ..... ,..c.... '=' $1.C\Qi~-4i!is· ::-. ..._.,GAIL..... . •::::.• ::---11 .................. 1r i·R11 is, I Fnct.y, AprU 181 1982 • UIYll lh&iif ... Magnificent looetlon O'loOklng 8th green of OOff courae. MajestJc COlonlal custom by ~ner/bullder. 5 bd~a, lge fonnal din rm, tam rm, billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm , & 8'11 ba. Marble, floeat wood panellng, air cond., + many cuatom tea- tur•. $2, 150,000 Including land. May sell fumlahed. 1111 .. ~ ...... RNIT ...... U. . ~11 . Looking for a .. career in sales? See today's· Help Wanted ads, claBBification 7100 . Mallivt roorm; High-a.rved wood cei.llnes· Beautiful ocean and coutllne view1 frpm every room. Bullt in tbe late 1920'1, wu conaide~e "Main Howie" of a larser estate. Four bedrooma, Five bat.hi, formal · .& lnfonnal dinJ.n& & gymnasium. For appointmmt call: Jim Ardery (agent) 714-494-0791. . House on Be1on11 1235,000. lot value, prio. only. Bkr. (213)438-5823. \ f . I I I t i /' t f • •••••••••••••••••••••• I n Har~~" Hiila. ... ..,,, ,..F..,._.I NO DOWN! ,._yr -Low clown' l~ rinanc· v ~~'ft~! Relax with a panoramic view ol the ocean1 Cl · oyon and rollln& ollls 'Ibis home ta 1ituated 10 oneollhe moat desirable ramlly attu and has 4 Bdrm~ 2 baths Seller is m>Uvated. 4 Bdrmtt~t.ny re· ln 1? Trad es! We di A represent BUYERS Hart.er Y• Hiit Attilafve 3 Bdrm + ramUy room. many 1pecl1I decorating reatura, inter·com. ceo· tral vacuum. huge tree covered lot 1351.SOCI •CHIMACOYI• 3 ~. 2 ba. ocean & bay view. Buy before lilted with R.E com· pany-11rice t.o incriase when hated w I brk r Pr10. only S389K 6G«ll8 con do Mirro red wardrobe•. upgraded carpet.Ing and ceramic Wed kitchen all make Uus a beautiruJ starter tiocm. Community pool, spa and tennis courts. Divorce rorces aale 118.500 by owner &-mo. 761-4589. cent UPCrl n1s •· a nywber• In Calif. SUQble loan and seller ... wllr"'a1Sllt wltb add•· Speciali1t In dlatreu UoDaJ ruwicins, SH.S,000 u lea. Murphy ·Loeb Call now '11-UJO _.Bkr~-...·"""67""'$-"""97t'l~---- U,_.IOOf t1(),..fl • Realtors. m.eooO \ f . ·/ / I fl l' tf .,.. .................... .. ........... .., .. .............. 111 .. 2 ......... ,...... 112t,m ....,....,... 11,.,.. I.NI......... .... 111 ..... Wlttltrtll, W 111.,.. ...., ..... ,.... rra.-..,............ ..,.,.,.. Larat '' a ........ ~-.. ...-TTrtflet ++ 11 ....... LWa w. """' 11r, w n,,..,_ .. ,..,,....... a.-.-................ a.-.- wATERFRONT HOMES, l'K:. Jt(Al EST A Tl: s.., ~. P,_.iy ~ ....... tGWC-H...,. ............ 6Jl-14M RfSIOEHTIAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES . ....,. Overlooking Big Canyon golf course, one of McLain'• beat located cond09 with lta own double garage, 2 bed· rooml, format dtnlng room l parquet kitchen floor. Superb financing on one of Newport's belt buys! More thari juat a ptace to Uw, an lnves1mentl IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 * 1Mi~ ....... * when you..t8kecMlr uJlting 11t T.D. Popular Birch Model with frpl, cen- t ral air & the l1rg11t backyard In WOODBRIDGE GlEN. Only 4,900. 2870 San Mlguet, Nftport Beach. 769-1501 or 752-7373. •WlmtlllT-* ...... s..dorMll 4 br home"'** on the Wlt«tl Featuring frenc:h doori. frpjc, proftltlonelty decorattd a ptlv•t• SANDY BEACH. Onti '249,000 a .... .. carry AfTDt 2810 San .,._ GUii Or., Newport a.ct\ 78'-1501 or 752-7373. ....... 11,111 ..... 11 an you pay when ,OU tlktovw tlJltlnQ 11t T.D .. =-4 br •· IGUttw detaoMd • ~ frml din. '"''~ a ''~Jnly 8213MO Fii. Sift Dr., Newport leach. 711· 1 01 or 712-7873. . MIWPORT SHOllS WALi.TO llACH! PllCIHDUCll>! DWLD W /THMS ..... ._.•Id I040 IJelutHUlbomt. -3-br, 1-,, •••••••••••,..••••••••• •• ba + 3 br. 2 ba unit & .. _ _. _ _._._. 2 atory. 3 bifrm, fl>ath home · ROOF PATIO WI T H V I E W ! INCL UDES LAND ! Seller will help with rlDlncio1-f.235.0001 Sub· mit Ill otrers' ' ' ......., .... op. ......... •'75-1060• STAITHEll In th1a chinning Rancho San Joaquin Villas one bedroom and loll totally up1r1ded condo. Ter· rfftc MIUmable finlDC· ln1. Price hH. been clruUcally reduced to anly ll•.950. Call today. I kicker. $300,000 assuma· ble at 13'7r Asl11n1 $319,000. Owner 1 act, M0-9219 evs/540_.988 dys IYOWMEI _ 702 Acaoa. CdM. S235K C · r C¥n dally l ·5. 113-204 !._ On~OOO~ttiis ~Mne 1024 ctas&lc hocne Lr1 I Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• W/loads or mahogany( __ _._._. .. _._, molding Features in· elude wine cellar It rrp lc. Owner w ill ftnaDCe. 631·1370 TR.\DI TIU\, \L ~L\l I\ ..SAYEIH 3 BdriziliOme. 2 l>albs. dbl garage, all in A·l condit ion . $129.500. 119.500 ~[,Owner will 11111110 CJ.D,. ~Mee.nit, lltr. 541.7729 SPUSH1 SPLAS H! Sindc story ra.nch style witli S1)ect acular pool and IJ>I. Just 1135,900 Low down and no quali· rYll\I. Won't lut OWNER DF..5PE"RATE 5 Bdrm beach GIANT 1n executive ne1&hborhood Pnced 160.000 below mkt. Owner mwit sell iinmedJauly Submit on pnce and terms MANAGER'S CHOICE Belt buy in H.B Super sharp 3 Bdrm. Jost Sll!l.900. Low down, no quahlyin1 and take over payments Woo't last ....... SS,tOOTotalDowa Eualtl••"-• OWNER ANXJOUS r111. Br~c~BR 141.07ff RCTctylorCo talUc end urut 4 Bdr 1"'1 2V. ba, r11>k . 2 car 1ar ........ _._ .. _. • Ba . car. patio, yard. &th Bdrm& are master ; . pool, park IBUOO. As · ult I It d I•• aume 559,000 lat at 1 ea w vau e c -· U""~· Pno ooly. Al\. beUer call FAST Total 151-2040 pymla 11174/mo Call -=---=-----------• 12·5 631 ·3405 . eves SI 25.000 YA 120/o la. SharP MOO aq rt ' 1>crrm home oa cul.<fe,11c. RE Proress1onall ~li~~OM1 751-3297 • Brdm ":"'ea ~:c~·~~1t-0: FOl~13?r~H ~ ............ !~.~~ the sand, will take aml dawn er trade and carry 3BR 2b1. Lender will LUXUl'f DUPLD the enti re balance. SELL, B E L 0 W SO. OF HWY mo.ooo.beat deal on the ~ET •. Two •• • ~-l Ir 2 waur. · • -1• tal &teft 11 + .. ....._ UPPff JACOIS HAL TY e. ..W .. of OCML '7M'70 t..try.,. ...... ,.......... 1006 N it. A41•c••t to ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnl•• ferract . OWNH AMXIOUSt!I $10K. lielow mr\t, ln\$ lharp 4 bT. 2 ba. ram nn, spa home CAN BE YOURS! Come take a 3 t~~t,,uf'!rn. do acrou rrom lake Completely loaded w extras Owner will carry paper. Assume ex· tSllng Joan Onve by 31 Lakeside then c all 673-15170wn Bkr $449,500 ' ....... 2 Loh Cafe;Otnce. apts lcdt ai we'll figure out __ _. _ _._._. bow. 42 000 979·lllt_ cou °' ..w'°"1' MALTORI HUl.C....Mwf. c.r-... _ t11-~lt1 Owner r1n1nce .... .., ...... '75-21,, 'SELL idle Items with a Dally Pilot ClusUied ..... .. _ ... ~, .,. n, 1ta... ...... 1-t Oellghtful 3 bedroom family home located on quiet street In molt pr• stlgloua Newport location. Fantastic , pool & patio area superb for entet· talnlng. The=on thla home re- flects t r • er motivation. $249,000. OPEN TUROAY 1-4 ..• 1614 Ruth Lane, W11tcflff, Newport Beach. ·=-=-• --•t•M ...... ·-' GoiOlcM ~ rawn:w :owr1oo- 1c1ng , ... ...,._ ............ . to ....... 0. ..... ft.a.. Wy deoorlltd Md ouatomlled. ,. wurfty ... Md llr OCM ......... Good o""" financing nallible. 1711.QOO. -- OMllMA 100 3Br, 2Ba, A·l cond on lar19 R-2 lot Park Ukt yard. Eu tside · By qwner' 11311.000. 842·11125 crl42-27411ft5:30PM. 15%DOWM OWi~ CAllllS lm macu a l e North a.ta MeSI 3 Bdrm, 2 fulJ bat.ha. $121 ,000 with l 13~ f1111Dcln1 on lat TD. Jult liltedl needs raat 11CrOW. C.I 540-1151 ~. HERITAGE REALTORS ---- IJ.Jt% You~'~'e to Newport Beadl ln tblS 3 bedt'OOm condo! Well· klca&.ed with great area ldloob. 2"" balba, Uvin1 room fireplace ancl • muter bedroom. 2 ~! Auumt the hi&b ~ loan at u 31~ interest. S14t .ooo. f1t.2llO T OWMll MllD S CASH 2 Ir. 1 Ba. + 1 Br. l Ba . 72 ... JU lot. Do not dltt•l'b tenanll. 1521 Oranf•· 1121,000. ...-... • wbclt, ....... a Ir. 111 . ._..on terse. IS a 111' J llllit lot. QI RnCn . Do lot dlltarb tta1at1. t l2t,tOO. ............ . .... QUIET ELEGANCE Gree.ts you the moment you enter th11 Im · nwculate 3 bdrm1 ,2 ba. Turtle Rock Hiaruanch Garden Hoene. Formal ll Ying and dlnlnc room. Exceptional p1stori1l VI EW. Out s t1 ndin 1 l1ndscapin1 and patio ~. One or the best locations . .-te .. to pool and spa 1310,000. Wulllrt;:.Mew 2 bdrm and . n, bidlly up1r1ded . p rice Slll.OOll 17~ dn. Single aty, fully shuttered, rJl)k\ llrium. nr pool. '8mil. Open boUH Sat 11111 Sun 1·5. 11 Alder· ~ Owner /Brk r 2 81-~'nia& rm. rrp1c, 1a kitchu. encl uak..Bri~ petio. Great loe. ICl'Clll from park. Sl4D,000 bf0Wtl/lat. Call N111c1 at 4M·5171 or m.IJJM •• <>r.,.. COMt DAtLV PILOT/,rtdtly, April 18, 19821 . .. ........ w. ........... w. ·-·........ . ··= .... · ......... ~ .......................... _. .................... __ ... ~ 14M -"•••••••••••••••• a.......&...... 11..14...... ,...... • ... -................. ,."""""'-•2•.o1 ..._ "' ... ,. ............_...__ -·················· _...... . ... -··················· .... w··;;;·~;· ... ;;-.. .--. . 11" ....'tM ~ actm ... itO.U;iO·;i:·an:·· Lt .iw: lie il ....................... ::l 1,. I br J ba I ldr I • louted Ill 11111111£ cJ !c..e. b:1 •" u~ = .. ~~c:,r-· A~ ..... liv.fdla. mi .,,.: I.A. HJl•. 'lMO ·~ It 1111rr11111l vv.'Nu;t1p16m1ieh cond ·11 ot'wtde ~w/..U.1are1,l.Ddry r-;1•r11mo. •11 u.u• more. AalUme tow Int. ftrtPlaee1 brick peuo: ~,::~:'vi~· .U.o.' 0 ~!1 1!/ 11 *AKll UOllS£• Wl\tnnl, Only NTUOO. '81.000. Allo 2 br., I be. §§,,-;;;;~. teMI rt' Ul"UI 11 A trade will be con. double wtde, comer fcit ~ 114 6 ~1f0~,: 28rl~Be ........ $$2b EITIAYAUNZA tldeud. But arta Pt.000 Bill Grundy • 11 111 28rl Be · · .. · S.SOO SUNDAY APRIL 11 NOONto5P.M. Al lbeM Loe1Uon1 • lt Brid&ewood •111.aMtbofc • 111..aUY!fw • 2'7 Sortqwood •tLalt.vlew SOLO •MLaknhore SOLO BEPRESHM ENTS AT ALL LOCATlONS Rt&il_ler lo WIN SlOODOOR PRIZE For mfotmai lion •nd dir«tion• Call LYMHMOAH· OHb HZ.. I IOO ..... 67).5551 ll/tlt't/f JN R ()rqn v1f'WI 3 bdrm. 4 ba, kit. W ('Ofl\IC'nltnl'l'I. fam rm. Ille l(urdf'n. patio. formal din rm. llt' bv rm Quiet rul de sa<' a 12.ooo Owner 673·4411 Yt l\le. Call Pelrirk or MDI " er w Bolb wtJtt part of a rud Tenore , 11t nrr 2nd. SIU.too ~J.l.!.s· Have p111ca' Gl·18or7IO.f102 ;::m Traditional RJly •EJCITHIC• P~ .. ~Ylo~~,a~~; .mo.AtlrtorJlm ........ Tl POSSISSIOM lO'h• cJown, p1yment1 SOOO/mo It la po11lble lo own lovely Sbdrm. 2 slory, N 8. Back 81y art~. mo.ooo. 8$0-199t. ~<',11~5_. -- Harbor View HODWI by Owner 3BR 2BA ram. rm. Ira lot. pool. air cond . auum 10•.i;; loan 1259.000 144.2573 .. -#.. ·'*'°' ., ..... Stile Pll1Dft'. _..... up 1ronl. ~~··'!: ~t or·wftfioul furn, \tctN .f42.0f71 t 0 bri H Rent 1t1 eu '• rttn er ome ........ ~........ NEWEST l•Ud 20 In Lqwia Hiib nlceel 5 O•-1"'10 Townhomc VILLAGE lllr parll. Vouna 1dlt1 .. welcomt. ••••••• .. ••••••••••• .. • COMMUNITY. 2' a Br ~"~ •.. ~ n-a.r..c:r.c: z~a..1eoo.1100.q.tt.of -... plfilil 2 pure luxury Oara1es. Bu u 2'110 eywest 81 wee 1 •ny hydro.tuba ID muter Hm · 2Br. 281 Th11 Is -. World urban1t swteL dl~IDI room•. lbe betl bu,y In town ca•· Sleeps 4· 9~ wood ounun1 llreplacea, ASSIC Jn~l·Z340 mitro-wavc ovena. HOMI sstvatc p•liol ' yardl O e...ty Gardener provided 21i. Ha'~~lte 206 A ':"'.,.rt., J500 EleJant hv1111 only 15 minuttt from F111llon 140. tl7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Island. 1 mtnultt lo S.C for 1ppt. Open Sat/Sun ~ wide 2 br. 111 ba. 1-4 Sl72 spare rent Adult&. 'Plaza or 0 C Airport Just e11t of New~rt Blvd. ai ao. of San D1e10 fo)-wy Slartinl at S9ClO a month 631 5439. ZA73 Onn1e Ave , Costa Mela amaU pets Qwel II B comer lot $27 .SOO or FOIECLOSURE best. Owner. w m4 Anxious to sell 55-400. ~. 'd ()('unfront duplu rozy trailer. spare 1125_ ~aw 119utt. e11Ls1 e 100.000 with good gas ai water Store•. 2 2 Br I Ba <''lits. drps. lrrms bulbllft, ocean breeus stove. wuMr/dryer hk Play 61 1a 19 a 0 .E 0 • Adu!!-s~ 642-8388 ~i, en~ /a;~·t ,e~c~~ 613. 3 Vran Old Quiet. rltan wattrbeda. ~/mo + park Rl'asonable security dl'posll Exttut1ve rondo. ocean" bay v 1rw f"pl r. cat.ht>dral rle,s . tlr I + den. 110 .000 option mone) Oya 5S8 9035 , evs 673 4899 6C2-l500 541 ~or 770 S629 !. ,. • H IOBILE HOM ES 2 BR. Iba. gar, wshrW tl> 116.000 142.SOO Low Olltofs..t. Hltup no pets l41S ~.ll!re rffll C M 646 8612 ,. .,....., 2600 ~ Pla<'enha S4~7~ Bnght & sunny 3 Br 2 811 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 b d r m 2 b a --------•I wldJn rm & den. renlral BLACK SANDS LOT watertgard'ener 1nc1 ' -" .. MOOI I 'I I o r a t e d • n Island ol Haw111. must fl9.S No~ts &« 2778 -v-Westminster Shown b) Sf'll J60!.JO 631 !1647 · · SIA VIEW llppt by 0,. nt'r only •~LL.a.... ZBR nr SC Pin Adu II Port Royal 2 story. 4 ~I ~I -b~-ccndCll Quiet ~1 mo bdrm.3balh plusformal i,_for<r...a-..-•11 2100 Gas1nd ~-1626 dininK 11nd mut'h mul·h -,._,,. -1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New 2 b 2 b d rrore S398.~ ••••••••••••••••••• •••• Pn-;c;11Le Part) ,. is,hes lo nucro ~I J~/0Sa&. · IOGBSllALTY •IOAcret• ~;~u~u::,hsto~ rro . NOpeU ·Noni mkrs '7S.2l I 1 RunninJt streamb, oak ••milar hollll' or l'Ondo tn Qr_9?9 3376i e_v 751-8184 --------•I treei>. Ul·ellent \ •r14 Newport lka1·h 11ro House. horse OK , ZBr 014lll'f will l"atry full 1714127S '446or642 3')44 lllXl mo 2020'2 Birch St pnre S4S.OOO Al(ent ~ ..... Ana Hat s ~111131 676 5717 ,_... •• YIUAIALIOA aftS,676 2139 ...... E Suk38r. 2.Ba. r11m rm YllWCOMOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• w frplc. fot'd yd . Br lhf first to enJOy thtt ~Loh/ ...._.. .......... d gardt'nl'r. rpb drps 2 BR. 2 ba wllh lit'n. Clypti · I 500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllO ITC> Isl It last + family rooro. d1n1n11 ••u••••••••••••••••••• ...._1.a-d 1106 $400 rn Rob1nhood Ln room r1rl'pl111·r 11nd 2 PloU. Mrmon11I 11rt>11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1737 aft JPM la""' window~ lo 111ttl rwar Chaptl No"' )t'll mort hitht Drum11l11· tnR ror ~ t"at'l1 Will <><'tan and bay vll'W' sell SOO t'111·h ~:vt'b Se>cunty ituiird. poul and 642 e2 3 br. 2 ba. w l(;ir Mo tn Sunny J Bdr m. 2~ba mo SIOOO + ~.-1· l\\;111 E"s1~ with yard dbl May I 64t 9t!IM itar Avail Ma) I S79S C.... Mete 1124 '!lgardrner 631 11194 " __...W OO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa ~I Mar. 2 br 2 b11 "°""' 16 tWw 3 Br J Ka Condo ram rm. 2 r'l'h. dblr ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11500/mo rurn1~hl'll "a r . re n ,. l' d y d SIOOO unfurn Mo to Mo Gardener 1n<'I S900 E11t·\'lh'nl oppurlun11y for 1nv1•1tor 12.000 .qu.trc> fool off••· bul I d•nc flllly a.·-'CI OY\'f 1160,000 a yc .. r dt'Pf"" c:11tliun Prnd lo 11..JI ii U 4 m1lllun p,.,_.,.,.i. only Call Wdllanl ~. ~ rt'nlal tst & Ja,l 6731173 I Supert> loc-allon. n\•a.t lo 2 BR I Ba duplt~ nl'"' " ~beaten paint & rpts. 11ar no llN ~ -+ dep 1948 ) 141 Meyer $49-3484 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.al( lkh frunl 1•onit11. 3 br. 3 ba. pool. trnni~ 12131716-2228 l'\'{.,; .... ,.,. ...... l 16' ••••••••••••••••••••••• FMSTllG CAMYOMYflW Pnv1ry & ~r1·unl) on 2nd fairway ~:l1•i:antl~ (urn lshed l.l'JH' $3IDI mo 64cJ ~ 111 A~f&"r'"~l E Pt.sh I .ind 2 bdrm ron dom1n1ums v.11 h fireplarH. i;lt yl11?hts patios .and 2 1·ar 1t11raiees SSlSto SS'5 1872 M<inrO\ 1a Costa Mesa Ul-stot • ~ I • I l .. or-. Cout OAILV PILOTIFrlcSty, Apt1t 18, 1912 •• ....... ~ !•••4 ..._.U.h:all~ ....-...u.r.11t11it4 Afalat11t1""'"' .__, .... .,.,... Az•l••h • ......._ 11---~ 4210 .. -....._•....A.II 00 -.. ro· --s••Aooo -• •••\!'••• .................................................................... ......-,.. -·-.... ---. 44 .... • -·-.,,.,, -'* 1116 """'9..... Jiii W.at1 I 1tlf Jltt C.W .. Mtr Hll (...................... ....................... ............. ......... ..,.._. 4JIO ....................... fully amon. to %0/yra • .. DU ... PL ........................................ , ....................... ....MeM JIJ4 Ml:.911ff ltedl J16t .... , ... If I Palm Oeae t ••••••••••••••••••••••• I •JFRO .... T! OOWr WI to Sl .000.000. U . linra tar1• a ,.._._ La d HOM~ ""'R R•NT ••••••n••••• .. •••••••• ..... •••••••••••••••••• .... , .... •••••••••••1t•• -... u r ., •I 11 111 re ' " " Apyta, comm'I ' non &:ma llall Uv rm I '---, .. Con o lBr. ~ rv .., 2 Br LJDOVIEW condo, t l1r. 2 ba, comt n t ·:f' u 0 O'Wnel'J>f'OITlm Prln on ~11i; "'"':!:!•·t::: :: ~rt.':· ~ mo ~:·":Ori~~~ ~~ t:;,d\o.f :: v:J. ~.~it.~~: 111'.;!t''i;.l.r~.;'1" ~&I ";!n ·~·w.,; c:::"'~~ . !Ith St.. ~ ~ :::E1 l/o.~w i~ ~,m x'" . ·1480 _ ...._n.t-.__ l2'7 ~·:rf~/ :~5~acf:~' --..!!! mme . «~, :-"'° Aall for . - . i·2647mornln • eo. •aJ 11r11e uf• " Mo/Mo OK. Xero1. er.:••u IT ....................... ~ "°'" . Newly ~modeled, very .JI I ·I bdr,tb!i.t)t1.11.1ttpt to Newport O.arh ocean 1tcure •• nr F.1t1ncl1 en ...__._,,,_ . ..._,,. __ ""T .. lJJJ HOME FOR RENT C • ~ 1-, ---tm but cln It roiy Bach 1 Br + !.tide lltt lut beach, wov/mo yt1rly fnint w.Ul~ent•I• z R S . Coat a Me11 -,--..._.., --IOJO ....................... 3 Bdrm. 16'15 fenced ' 21 ·-type IUllt rm w/batb 6 + lecunty. $5oo. C•ll bult. (US) '111·1301, '3 8dtm 11 houie, _ 1~ . __ Prtmaotn~11.11le, aero .. , ............ •••••••••• 28R, IBA almoat new yard ' ia.r~t•. Kldt Ii UllMll•lll 1411 wvdrobt aulted t~ YDI ~ {Tl4)1T&-'1111t Sal/Sun. 1 4. 4401 St.oraaeaaraae. N t Bch. from O.C All'l'Ort. Avail Builder nHdl 112.SOO to condo in El Toro canyon. peta wekome $4~ 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mill or 1tudent. Take !. Side 1 BR condo Versalllet Suabore ' 29l4 Ocean· aecure pvt ir1 ve Juoe 15, M aq ft at re· complete ti unit• in O>mm1111lty pool , •P• ' Ml note • · Near new tdult condo nr runior lllllurn but no kit. l.BA adult Uvln1. 2BR like new. p mo Ca ll troot Wkdya $44·06!4, FJ~ITI> Mi.u5I · u rates. ln.cfudea ulll, Rlvfhlde. W /aecurt leMlteowb ~mo . SC PllJI Set 11tu. Sm refr1& .. hot·_plate • RI b d 213 ISO 2323 Evet . ~ . --AIC . cltalWll aervlce with SUI0,000 lll TD due · 213..-1~11!.•·159-11 1tec• UH pool Tract 11 1mall, OK. S Min wit t.o Cblna ~ 2ii.G.1iM · · · · ~ f,.a1y 1rcea1, ldear Call "4l or ~~ In I yc.ar Call rollect 1ft ..__.._._v.._ l•J ••••h••••••••••••••••• frlendly1. reaorl like. Covelkh. Nlt'cnel&hbrd »OO dlx Eutaldt 2 ---.... to sat.. 4100 1tora1e, ure 30 C1 1rdlt 6,«·Mn .._ "-r a 5 Bd Country ch1rmer l8R. dlntn1. air, r•tlO w/Xlnl Me. Avail Im· bdnii 114 bi aeitled Ill 1 WO 2 bdrm, l ba, Ult .... •••••u•••••••••••• Cal!Iil~ M. $419518 ...... 4475 ...,0,000 to JlO.OOO,,.,... ror HOMES FOR RENT •·•· """"+ 1q · """'-" " .,...., •;ree 10rut W-1184, •• 30' '°!14. drywall flnlah, ....................... &Old plated TO.'.a Mu •••••u•••••••••••••••• N~ JI"' """" rt' "·-1·..1-.. and unJ No nd -. mo lit .1. laat ~ ' • SeU.bore "50 mo Yrly ---•• """ a 6•8dt rr2u 750 R acmi.Newlyp1lnt peu. S495 + $35 ulll &refu .l?a·?fl92 _J1i! MM4li ROOMM•TE dbldriveacreu Hunt OMCIOISHOP ~loant.ovtlueRetum Fen c 1 d""·1 rd 9 & lid faro rm. drn, vaunt !!~2580 -C01fe MtM 3124 ' ON BEACH. 3l/Se11thore A 8di ~9501..:... _ In newer bldj on Cout 3-4 above pnmt Ci'fl aaraies. KFda & pell ~alk to ·~~':S. $1450. ~J.:ASE/OPTION uer •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ~~ 2pe~ Redec. 3br/lba, 11ar FINDERS Hwy, South L111una Ap· Oennuon ' Anoe welcome . 545·2000 ua • · - -l'oodo.NB.Orean,bay 111.211.llL M7·JU464e~92C8 . S 9 1 6 Y r · Oldt1t.,.ar1eat11enc)'. Offlc.t._... 4400 prox ~.aq fl Ex· mmi __ -tu . view I BR+ den, ror Newfy--cferor Cu pd ' 8'1~3'?0/2l3-8n,26Q4 -All client.a acreened with ..................... ,, ctilent private parkio1 H a v e I 3 0 O . 0 o o .......... --... 1240 IAYFIOMT lll)re info call 613489!1 tncl ear. dlwuher: ~r 3br, 1 ba, utUa pd. ZBrlbe,eatlllkltch. Enrl ohotoa&rererencea W?Weatt'Uff, N.B Want behind bide ~25 mo equltlu/rollateral ·--..... -2 •'""" 4 + bdrma 2 ~ - --pool, bbq Adults no ids ok, mdry rm, new paUo ' car $535. no Credits: Cotmopollttn rlnanclal lnat. 10005.f Turner Asloe. 4!M·ll77 Want. Sl0,000, l yr or less .. ••••••••••••••••••••• bath"'. fl I • ~ 642.$&73 • paint, $450/ino 2554 .642·21.U Good Momln1Amedca. llt.tloor.A ent 1·~32. •""' u...tR.--.L..I •soo •tra.i~t note RepJli to 5 81u to 0tt1.n. Ele&1nt 2 • · re P oc e . ... .__._ &... 1_ ... _... ~ - -Oran e.Wft.1658 111 T • 11U1'"9' ..,.. " Br Family Rm & Den. (Orfll!OUS view Pier aad xf ~_. "'"" --•3br. nr S.C. Plau, S.A -STEPS TO BEACH e omorrow Show •DIL.UXI OfftCES• ...................... , Box 0 *· Daily llot. ec> Mo. Plush crpt.s, 21-\ slip. S3000 per mo Avail. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Carport, pool, spa S6'7S 2 br, l'-'t ba, crptl, drpa, 2 Br. 2 bouae1 from *...., otr • lo all new From J room up to 2000 N.8 . 3'75 Birch 5600 sq PO Box 1580, Co1t1 Ba. Cedar & 1l11s. au n· Feb. I ...._l"-d 1706 Pet ok . 152·5122 or pool, Jar $550/mo . yrly ottan,1$25. Yrly leaae cllmta whoneeda plare 1q ft. From 11 IS• sq ll or Im MIA zone Mesa, CA 92826_ derk, dbl car ~rv ....................... 841·14§0-'--~·9341,646-2841 • IT 641·11ff ft. No lute required ent~5032 Mwtu Jll. Trwt ~!:J~o~~l~nq~ren!i 8:~. i~~~~~::~:.dn~ AflACIOUS ---~p~nrirt~r1 \j'\2~2 4.02'~Ft Deidli 5035 S2'1 lath. St. 960-Wl peu. f1600 mo yrly. 223 aw..~ TOWMHOUSI Noo-1mk r. 3br condo, 833-3223 Art s.ldr' Ilda •••••••••••••••••••••• • . ...-E. Bayrront. L1ttlt ~ If 3 Br. 2~ 8a -a&i rm. SZOOkno. + ""utll. Sl.50 . -OFFDVER ROSA L091Dw7 ~&e 4 Bdr 3 Ba, 11150 Ball~a l~and:..§73-4326 APilTM TS tlo. N Costa Meu -984-3654. H.8 _ BAY FRO HT 718 ft ortic:es. 3 ba. MMct C.llt1 Near bearh Malloy WANTE B Beautifully Ian ac~d .$46.-7214. Share Newport Beach Pri of I shower. wet.bar 2700 aq Rut £state money Rltrs 960-4342 BWFFS 3 BR 2a.>i ba D· al boa Island ~rden a""• Pool' ~· Dix aew lBr. aara~e. apt. Mlf. 2 bdrm 2 ba -~re. 673·1003. ft renred yard for more available 2nd or 3rd TD (pk, uperaded, patio: 2or 3Br. July lthru Stpl ..... 'j Colla .. . _,. r ,_, ~ .... 1 300 d I----3 BR. 2 Ba, rplrl kuiJ OK . ...,5 mo or lse opt 1B 675-667_9eves ver~d park In& o dabwahr, 3E8 Avoce o. 7 • Incl parking ano ut1I e11, ...,., sq l uuo r-ue .,.., 1 a LAMl13 on ret1deat1al or 1626 roo. Ask ror Keith, ~6?S·S8JO -PttS ~mo.573·9341 1.. M/F ~ dep. S250 ren· state Sl7S/mo. Utils 1n 18G-03'7hv_ Ulcome pr~rtJes We 962-4'11 Cotta Mela 37 24 Barhelor $395 NEW BREED APTS 2br lba lower on bearh I.al Prtr ae _JS to 55 rid 779 w 19th St. um sq ft w /oft' & o1h hand.Ir a ru11 ranae or Near SI •t er It SP r . BPautilul 3 br, 3 ba home ••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• ~ t. I'• Bl $450-$45.$ 1 BR + LOFT & BACH. 1710 yrly, over 30, ~o pet 631·2010__ 851.a92.B. doors. toilet" buin. fwy roort1a1e Co\leraee at ingdale, ~story, 4 br. ~ri~·=~ge green CASA DE ORO 2250V d $40 =~ from SJ6S l"rpk rec SOOl"'Seuhore. ch1ldok Prof. M/F to mr 2 br 011 520sq. ft. SI 00per1>q . rt . _tlole_,_C.M ~5 575-'251 ~rt~"T~lts~o'":ei:: rlean. ~au $900 mo 64'.QMtl fl ALLUTILITIESPAID __ an uar_..:... -room,pool:Jacuui'.Gas aeeSal4/179tollAM _ N.8.Pen$300/mo,lst& 3117SBirc:h ,NB Aeent lndustnal Bld1. 1ublet, 71 4·160·1SS1 uk for 840-1188 __ __ --...!. 4 JC1pm •21>r. 2ba, nr S.C Plan. & water paid. No pets. 2 Br l "'b a pat I 0 last req'd. Kris 675-1211 541.~. eood 11/e area. H 8 . 3450 SUveor Duane oc:.RENTALS 3br,2Va baadult roodo, Compare before you S.A Pool.spa~ No 393 Hamilton, C M. 141Slm> v4 nu to bc:h orS467377 sq fl. 2 furn offices wioowu·"'-•forTD"s 1.•"r"s*"""toS2000 S79S, W/"""I, \•Ir Hoag rent Custom desig.n ,...~ 152-S822or841146-0 ~11 "•"II•,......... Shrcondo~/ptof~raon, o ...... I........, ~-..., *"" lbpital'642·631_! features Pool . BBQ. ~ ---· --. -~----'----• nc-.... ...,_ RE Loans, IOK Up No 75'>-3314 open7·da1s rov 'rd garage. sur IMMIDOCCPHCY! UOOBAYFRONT 128S. lst. lut. ep All execuplal') OCA.llPOltT Crec11tChttlt,NoPenal VACANT.CLEAN3BR Panoram1r \ltew ol rounded with plush W.i390/mo.2Br !Ba. lifelttiBllll Elegant2Br,2ba.frpk amenities 831Sl80, -~-"1qft,Sl,484pe_rmo_ ty Denn11on Auor 1110325-2624 Thu-Sat :fean park 3br. 2ba, l&n<brapmg No pets Pool, beamed ceiling, patio. Sl.200/mo. 494 002! 966-8479 ·~ C~:rc!· .. _.vl.22 673-7311 ___ _ (213)447-7680Sun-Wed ~n. immac ~ rr;r.lcs, I Br.rum fromS490 laundry room . No pets TOWMH~ES orl·Jpm.6'73-07!9 MF for NB hsr. l'J blll ..._ n b.s Bra.ndnew3br,3ba.dble ;11~1nJa1~1ll nsea;,t>' 28r rum from$$80 Nolastmo renl New Condo for rent. 2 beach, yrly , pr~g. S2SO • servlce/rua om 3,lm ':.1 ware t for WE BUY 2ndS ' car gar • 3 frplr s Aruuous. (213) 9387271 36SW ~·~n ... 642~1 TSL MGMT _1W2·1603 ~~~~:..~~~s~abl eeaunl~iLJ!;f. frplc + lllt/lut 64SJ.69S °'~~~~~e~~::,a~e renk~1~f'rt JOt per GREATSOUTHWES'r Gardener in r I ~13)662·49S6eves. Nu.-e I Br dplx Qwet G~~.n~f ~~~u.1~5~ 665 W. l8t.h. 645-2139 PIJOl. ~.640·1114 Rmmte wanted lM F 1n "See to Appreciate'" NJME OFFICE CAPlTALCORP ~mo 891 8997 or Beaut. 3 BR ho~~lla2A Sep by gar I emplyd Child ok 752 5822 or I ---Vil.la Bil boa Condo 1 Br 2 o. s 'h r 2 b r 2 b a 75&·8978 WarelioUie spare w Ith -675-41!0 -====-----Port Barmouth, NB. adult O\ler 35 No pets ""I 1•"'· I Ba "-t •·-townboose nr bch S215 rarptes, drpa. " wet· 4 br, 2 ba, fam rm, ll5CI mo AV Palmer. ml ~-!_02l '"· --~ :0..,... 312' set.t::!ik~be1a~h1~ ~63~ _ _ __ __ bars 700 to 3200 aq ft sparlous ktchn, custom 213..US.7301 L&e rum barh apt. ror l Roomy 3 Br Townhouse •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~yr old fem loolung for Meu lndustnal 'parl, drapu /rpt, rrp l <'. HatborVulbr,;;;;yup person, pvt. on qwet aemqwetadultrom 2Br. 2"28a. frptll . enrl sa~toshare 2bdrm ,1n ICOUC&ITEI mw 11th St . Parlflr dwst)r,2rargr.w1dout-I frades. oardener. strm Nr17th&lrvine pex Newty derorrtted.,g.aragt, ocn vi~. $650 S.a.-• 317l ColtaMesa.S2SQmo t ..wPC>tT Bluff lndustnal Park. let. mowed lawn. n B lllX)lmo 76o 0451 after $3!.0 mo. 645·~ rireptare. enclsd pauo' mo A Vil ii -'M • y 1 ....... ••••••••••••••••· ,., util 84.5-(389 _ Elegant Exec su1tes in 1835 Wh ittler Ave WTD'1 W AKTED Ell.ch for wured a rrt Low effert d1srount Homu. uruu. rondos to Sl ,D00 ,00 0 All l~l--0893 rentra I lor S7 s o 5PM ~ It ... 3740 garagt Sorry, no pets no.5t09atl3PM Studio apt, ocean view prestigious lor lnrl 642-4'63'642·76CM S31·919ll84S-0338. _______ .__,Oii CIC• ~75 Mo 64S·3381 or ·-BR-d ---uUI incPd. 1375 mo 331 Fem to sllr 2 urne Bch urret•t-,:-:. -f'~~ -~~~ -•• ~ ---J~tofr Bay. 2 bdrm Xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67S-~ _ _ __ 1pool r~~c~iz~ps!~'~'e Encino 111 San Cl~me'ntt ~~Imo 642+~ uttl tiooist. telephone an.s & · CR:n~m ...... ·liumf~wn) ···---· " -uat!: cond Ref S700 mo H.l.'s RMEST F1REPLACE. Pool pvt Vlew i $.50() Mo/Mo OK .. lsee t.ht~A_pl C l --~ --::reo~~~I (~~~ :1~ ~n~ra . ·~~~.!~rs d~ Penaufs/ 3242. 63J.S233__ Spanish F..tatt L1\.1ng • patio & dtshwuber 631.fi666 U~ue 2Br. ll'J Ba Dpbl Prof Slnglt person to shr enoi" .... TS Qwet altraA. Lott & FMd •••••••••••••••••••••••1 n .. fl klk XLG2B d t -r 1° NB home many mo THE HE AD .......... ' Lwt Nr Water Condo 2 Walk to brh Clean 3Br ao::aut.1 u par ' l'. sur r gar en •P s 2 Br 2ba. oreaa view. dis· rp . om view ~7S mo •· . QUARTERS C 0 M ti vt industrial park 1001 •••••••••••••••••••••• • Br 2b 2 r 2ba,2rargar,f P patio rounding:. Terrar ed on Easts1dt> SS60 hwaaher. stove S52S. D>-7145 830-615.$ xt.ras.~ts 631·~ PAN1ES.Aprofess1onat West17lhSl,Co1ta Mesa • c..c ... tfh 5100 .a. car,ga[' p, Sim/mo 9601235 Comm pool Sunken g11 bbq. ~7 2841 Call66ll~ ..._-~-CM, lge. neat 2 BR apt environment (714 1 979-8533 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 sec 1 unty. rer. ar1 $800, ~t.ennls aparltlinl! fountains Wtstside 2 BR. 1 Ba, ---400C w)pool W Bl> St Shr S5l-06ll --.11r .. •wu•L _ 4 673-4854_ _ _ Sp a r 1 o us r o o ms Ba rhelor apt rlose to •••••••••••••••••••• •• Will"'' 26. '"""'" + $100 - --c.--.. 550 ..,...,"'' "' Luxury pool ho e ..,_ DIW, pvt patio. avail Sm f /b th ...., ....,.., --r .. •&•ft1•·U ... """-3244 m. · .,.,parate d1ntng area now_ u.:t1m_o._~•"<1991 bearb Utlla 1nrld urn rm w a room sec. Gary. J0-2 or aft Newport Beach near ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..-... ,,... •• marvelou) Weslcltlf Walk 10 <'l vs ets . ~ _....,. HWl/rm 661-6142 pnv, nr So Cst Plaza 9PM ., ... ..,,,,8 Hoaa Hosp 1000"" It STORAGE SPACE 181SSo ElCaminoReal . ....... •••••••••••••••• locauon 4 Bdr. m1rro. homelike kitchen & STUNNlNC larite 1 Br !!!""': · -·-fem pref. 5561737 afl -;".,_ . ..,, --seronctnooromc~~am' Costa Meu 24 x d San Clemente 4927296 Twn.home, new 3 br. 3 ba , many extras Year or cabinets Walk to Hunt-prden apt. RQOI & rer • t.eclt 3140 3PM __ _ RoOmmate lo shr 3Br· pie parking, well main enrlosed Elet• hook up fUU br ~uo. gar Park. pool, more lse. $1495. Call lngtooCenter • area. SUSlmo 710 W ............. ••••••••••• szz •wn. l2$0 masll 28a brh hse. $275 mo tamed bldg V1rky daya 646-7660 · • ' --Ll!filLmo. 833-9057 ~ ~a~ 631 ·1266_ 1 Bdrm furn . S.SOS tab.¥ ____ --Wlfflet~ ~ bdrm, prvl bath. SJ()( -all 714/~4800 ....., ... 5120 Rancho San J · 2 Bdrm I f $S65 Uni I Storage Bldg. 20 x -40. ••••••••••••••• • •• ••• •• oaqwn con· 4br 2ba Nr bcb, pool. ·un um rom •2 8r 1 ba Mesa Verde W1I l .rm pt A I a« or Burh & Adams Wanted f /rmmte shr 3br MISIHESS ADflESS easy stl'fft arress Ed· do 2Br 2ba. den trus. S995+ser Nwprt upPfl" New deror No ulll pd All amen1tie1 .[udy~. 3ba rondo . N 8 s s ~Simo. 845-7107_ Shrs Avail S·I 962 1227, No Pets G S o IM6-0i19 $295 + u t' I Rand Y Ans ~ert n i ma ti inger t ant a Ana Ut•hlles F'ret ' pets •r S O mo -------t\tm. room in CM Qwe1 ~ urv1re, ronrerenre _1170.9'73-1939. Woodbridae Condo 3Br 963-82___ _ mt9'74 Deluxe poolside xtra room for worll1n( ---room Adj OC Airport 2i,.,ba , 2 rar gar. SPYGLASS executive LAQUINTAHERMOSA Lux rondo, 2 milt br"a, large 2br. 2 ba. bltns. person Not under 3; Lwt ·rondo S28S. nr S C !JOO/mo 7l4f8Sl·l342 I W.-hd 4600 Japanese landscape home . 4 Bdr, 2"2 Ba, 3 Ui2ll Parkside Lo. 1 blk 1._,ba,2balcomea.frplr, dswbr, l'-' mUH beach _yu.ra.~ Plu or find place -, -••••••••••••••••••••••• ~dener provided. rar garagt, 2 frplcs. W o( Beach. 3 blks S or micro, waler landscape, Adults. no pets SSOOmo Female has room wlpVI n>iet-h-er She 11 e y 450 sq t furn ofhre DISPBATI • )jke, lenDIS rru. popuJar Tradewlnds Edinger 2 car car w oeeaer ~--bathtorfftftononsmok SS7·31184 spare.$400/mo Rent cfr Tille yur Slim/mo ~191S5or agt mdl Sl1S01mo Mike UJ.s: .... 1 -n"X/rm.645-_404_5 --THE WHIFFLETREE ( " F~-I _641 OJ63 round 2 bdrm unfurn _!?~lfiO ----~'a 645·3lli_ _ ~~ T..'-12 3 Bdr A ts G mg tm Lge a.,1. nt e. r ean resp non Dea1cn tp swte exerut1ve apt/houH Bearh Arn M• -rt 1t~"' 3769 QUIET ADULTS O\er 3S . • m. p . ym. ~Armruties. 546 1307 s r 2 br, l ba. I blk o(fices with serretanal by Mother and Son. Ex- * *Lrll'£SI Balboals 2bry•ar "°r---unf 2 B ' Spa,Sauna.pool.tmn1s --bur h prko avatl tAl • round~ar. ltids Ok $600 ....................... ..,.,..urr:,_ t I upper I etc 846--0619 . ,Hohta,........ 4100 S27S mo s ioo de p service. poosible livlng cellent 18 yr ref To $450 "'·-Woodb ·d B OCR · • _,, ocau 1ndsrap. · -••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.,.,7,.,,.. area Good location in mo M s Woods t.;°~s. sooo!'mog~/1 y~ . Al...S ...n9 3314 Ul~OptU LEEWARD 2 Br 2ba, 1.1P5t11rs •Pl JIEALAI" MO Ta I .,, ... -""" ~nnery Village Broker 213-6.2-6711. or ss.4-0707 lease. l2moretorhoose OC-RENTALS A · 2020 Fullerton I Wtr pd . n o p e t s . F rmmte wanted ASAP 6'1S--4912 attSPM I •'-r's~l S2000 631-0097_ balrony/s•I 0 1r u25, Y rentals now avail 3br 2ba hse NB . 1a~ - - - . - ---- caU ror leases 75'>-3314 ~n 7 da)'s SPAC 2 BR . 0 p EN -~ff!S.S.2090 -up. o or derx la patio BBQ $425 ~una ague . iuu ul • sm ac or C'Ol BEAM rlK!. bar. lots of 2 br, 1 ba. nr Bearh ., Phones 10 room 2214 ~ 646-siuPM o lres·Rerept1on1sl. La~e w/b!'th. S200/mo from. We're the one.s lo . ..., ....., 0 I .. .. .,, SlOS .. c I TV I • La N I Be r l room b h UI...-,,abr1d1.11> M•wport H•lglah ............. ..->< N Newport Blvd CM -'-"-' - -, Sery . messenger Calftand.18926016 """"' ..,-wuuu,,,......., o pets, 2256 Slater. encl. car No 6*-7~ F non.smk.r 2S·3S to shr 2 serv1re. Law & Tax Want to -nt 2 or-3 Br ap-: ~· M~ple St S48 73S6 orl pell M9S &U·9341 dys , hr 2 ba CdM a fit L1bary Xerox h '"' MA1Ct.IOfltllO•u~-Reall1 2 Br I Ba New p11nt. 67J..88IXI ~1076evs/wknds On I.he burh-Hotel rms. · · · P one t /house w 'gar Rup tiWcr IOfllfOflC SltlU s tove at pa d --------· lalchen & bath, S300 mo. w same. S3IO + utl 5 answenng F'rom S350 pro{, de111 Bal Penm 551·3000 Garde·n:;. Nro pe'ts· 3 bdrm. 2 ba, no pell, 2Br 2 8a.laundry hook +S300deposit 2306 W 644·9'Z7S -I Cilll3l.:_S333 __ -Dys 2131793 0353. ~mBarr~•>.lrviA~ ~lrm lst last& SlSO near 11chools and OCC, up, garaee Must see!. Oreanfront, Newport Btllut1ful Newportl.CCSMd.bcswte.AIC.am· J_..-.J.&SO~-_ 5171) Bois a 5~8 S04 l ,.__.__ srudt0' one Good freeway arress 540-8811 Beach. 87:Hl54 Bearh, want emrloyed · pie pkg.137S ulll pd 2855 -i.......· 'l t/ tbr,l~ALS S6SO eves & wknds. 6313SN ;;;;;-bedroomawt-~+~_s40~2245_ -STUDIOAPT -~APL.ACE?-~..!_~ pnv Rt l3SO E.~1tHw 615-6900_ ~••H 2br, 2ba • ..,15 wltclys m"n1s FURNISHED 2 Br, S7l W Joann. Isl nr. U111.S FURN. S32S W-kly Rates -~-- -Near San Diego Fwy 6 *" no pets ••30 S1 .. rra a.11. t~ "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br, 2"'ba uu. Oean 2 BR. den. patio and UNFURNISHED. .., "' ___ ....... _ ....... ___ _ ., ... _ ... -.... ~ P'"on-Fem n smk.r shr lux exer Harbor 4 offices sail" & _,., M mt 641 1324 .....u....-~ " u ' Swlromlnl pool chem1 ul Placea HAPPY AD 1n thl!I column roronly S3 2S Call 642 S678 :l>r, 2ba S87S home. 2 blork.s to bch Oakwood also off ell . _. - ---MAllMBS W ALI "Z" ~hannel Movies I r \ I n e h m A I I front ofC1re & rtrept Sf1'\'lce business. Cos\a 3br, 2t>a Sl400 Yrly SISO. 230 Prospect •Alt Utlll1lel Plld 2 Br. J.981 Maple Ave, lit Lra 2 th 2 "' ki =r 1967 Newport amerut1es. ~ shr ullls. a.re•, 2 baths & Mesa, Hunt Beach arn-TifE RIGHT STUFF !b"br· ~! s~1ru!~,; 2~ !" 11 '!e,turb ~nants. •111 ... ...._ nr. 0no pets 2 persons, Townhoule ·Apartment' 81, 1Mesa84S 9.m.._, 752.2838 ltit~le, 11~ •• ~ ~"· No exp. nee. Will train. 4-15-82 " ...... ''""" _._ • ,.,., ()cQjpency S4S · Sierra M gmt~ Frplr. enchd gar,.,,..,._._.... 4250 Newport Brh 2Br, 281 ava.i · mo . ...-.... -l'i0.000 full amount re· Con&rat.atoD1nP1ulson 4br, 2\.'aba SllOO Big Canyon rondo 3 Bd • • 1 MHlion In 6tl·W4 _ p1Uo/y-.rd. Near Hunt ••••••••••••••••••••••• apt for ruce, r lean, fun !nZl 8 Harbor Blvd. in quired . W 11 1 net ~rpc.~n!or,~lotinhe' ifnlraant _Lt Raisor Rily 833-8600 full aolf course · view. ~Ion 2 br with aarage. unrurn, Harbour. Children OK. OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br person M/F over 35 to Harbor·Baker Ctr. CM. M0.000+ Call collert. EXECUTIVE LIVING ~lse 644·7424 Bkr _ And Mvcll More• 1418lairs. S38S mo Refs $S75/mo. IM0-680'7. Avail now. Weekly thru ~· Pool, Jacuu1, ten· At'roaa from FEDCO. Mon-Fri 9A M ·6 PM ..::ti:.o:me=-! ---- Sparlous 2 story. 4 Br 3 Clean & charming I br on req\lred 352 V1ctona 2 luds ok. 1415. 2 br. new iwn.mer. 673-7173 nis, view, lot.s of xtras S80 sq ft .. varant. of· Q /867-0111 Lolt & f'..-4 SlOO Ba pool. r ntry It it . ~ St nr bearh S!\?5 ~•.,::::~·or a •:~ ~81!h _ __ crpt front unit avail· -1 SJ50 + SUX> ~c: SU-0108. fered at S47S See locily ........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• rorrnal dm. ram rm 3 &466ev/wknd 9ilmto6om No 1 1 2br, newly reder duplex aow 'l31·9303 ' . Lag. lkb front rondo. 3 o...nz.._ ----·549·1.366 ____ -OppariwitiJ . soosl•-------• cargar.SllOOlncldspool ----°"' w/slnale gar . laree . -br. 3 ba, pool, tenms, NEWPORT BEACH aerv.s:i&-4654. LUXUIY yard S.5001mo.SS9~ · ~...-...A9h. 213 ~Z228eves . Shr beaut 3 br, 2i... b1 * * * ...................... . Beautlrul new 3 Br. 3 Ba 3 bdrm, 3 b1 . extra Sp1c1oua l ,-T-bdrm F.uter. Summer, reserve ' Eutblufrtwnb.se. Pool & ~~=i Townhouse by UC. larte. view. $1,000 per Ol~wood . F.a5t.J1cle2 BR.sm yard amon1 beaut lake now! Weekly rental, l all ut1l1 incl. except 3166 tee r lrv.1ne, pool, jacuu1, rro.644 9329 728·9098 Garden Apirtl1*rtt =·~I aar. $495/mo s~ams Pool, j1r and Br. Apt. Slttps up to 4. phone $300/mo Refs You .;:s~eM:1~ner of pat10, uegraded crpts & -=.a..:.----Newpof1Beech/No. . .548-4845 rec area. No pet1. 'Balboa Peninsu la '!!l:._&40-9547 fourfreetk ketJ ($1600) ofel.ffttt..! OPPOITUNITY FOUND ADS AIE FIEE ca1~ dt1ll. No peU. 1915/mo Harbor View Home 3 Br 880lrvine 2Br w/gar. $420 Cpts, IM&Gl. 6'7S-OC'73alUPM Shr view home. Laguna valuetothe Need 10 more upr'd 85!1433.____ 2 Ba for lease. rrplr, 2 111 ie1n1 fnrd yrd, wtr pd 2228 New. Mi to brh. lbr Nwpt lkb rum 2bdrm. Brh. w1mother & son. ... •m~ uJespeoiXe car garage Avail. S 1 (714J M~U04 "A" PlarentJa 636-4120 2~. 3 levell. 2 mrbl l~ebahouae. "'bl" from Wallt to be1Ah & town • ~ w W E 0 F F E R 642·5'71 Woo6ri~ f7f5 ~""uor•~•.1220.. . . 1'-~ r I t • ' OWNERSHIP •--iliiilililililll-• br ... .,....,,., ..... ~....__ .. /So. ~m__ rp cs. wet bar, n· bt'b. Ample parkinf Olild 6 pet ok $400 mo CONVENTION 2 + ...,.n, a. air. ._....._ • ..._., •--m •xt ro-·n tub A .... -.. .....,., PARTICIPATION micro. (rplc, fenced yd, 1700 16111 SI 4 Bd Twn. dbl gar. VI ""'w :.:.l k.. ma • v~ S/l-tlt.5 or by w . ._.._, CENTER April 17.25 Minimum investment 2rargar Nrpool,spa, (Oove1a1161nJ eant.Nupaint .. crpt.s , al9o2-ior:loa.SOS2 Dun· Alaowk of 914·9lll BPaULfurn 2Br 2ba Tocl1lm tkkell, rtll Sl2.500 Weforeraat50i:\ *** ~.(213)837·1339 (7\4JM2-5113 nope\& $750.CallDlana, bar,846-tSOl Pamlllu only Ca ll e:nrloled p .. uo. walk to 642·$671, ext 272. mum per year befort MrLCenoa.Jr. PWSH 2 Br 2 Ba. pool, agt S31·12M. May go Laflleltecti 3141 l·m.«a. -beach alluUlaincld lat TicketJmuatbecl1.imed taxes and pay the 176'1 •ecllSt. 1 k SllSO leaae~on. .. ..................... Orean rront Newport 6 tui. no depoait, non by April23, 111112 hi1beat commission . ft• t• .,,...,, ~~m:~.5981 · Newer2br l~ba car OCEANVIEWl Br coa· BalboePeninwkly~n-1 amoker. Days 10·5 *** Call • YouattlhewUiolroC I BR, Vt bl~lt to beach. f1'1. blt·lru.1415. 711 w: do. Avail immtd. Walk tal starling Apr l lhru 631·5259 u k for tony, Exec office xlnt N 8 Ray1141768·333S rourrreetJckels (118.001 3ll.h. 546.4900 to 1 ho pp I 11 g t' n tr. aumme r . 2 ' 3 Br . Eva al\9M2.·SOOO loc '(()l>ier rz.25 • ; value to the J ....... I Ille,~ -4 •1460 544-0l14 Want Ad Relulll 842-5678 ··-.1m1MO.C21s E x c e j) t I 0 n • I • *.tr~· i--------ptlge, new 1 nt In" Ml ,.rt IHdi JHt ~ 4f lw• ,.,..a..ct 2 offices. rtteptlon rm COSMETOLOGY busi· CONVENTION UY VllW rarpet Near edco. $475 ....................... erU.rwllJMd ltOO •Ullflll•1lltlll ltOO 1tor1ge rm, '25 sq.rt: neu. Great location in CENTER April 17 zs Nlooy-fumi1hed deluxe rim. S61-4130 PMl llWPOIJ ......... •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Forced air beat. a1s. The Girl'• Gym 111 To claim Uclteta. call ~~mentl~nf tayfr<>'!t LC 2Br Iba, cpl/drp1. 333 E . 11th St. CM . =:t!~tillp~~li!~ 142·Sl71. ext 272. ty, ,:r: t~ rte~ef~ mrig, laundry. 1love. ANITMDITS Kennebunkport? fG..J&SOj '15410'1 tele tsl1bl1Jbecl. Only nmeu mlllt be cl1lmed the beach. l bdrm . 2 d/w, •t c. upalalra I Me.llrwl... SIOOO. Jan 07·40U , byA.prilZ:Ul82. batlla • .-iopcr mo . w/balc. 11r. no J:.ta. CAA .... Y CLUI -Dlari1 hi WW\ the II S-U.. , * * * '..If' C714J67M400 aftl1 arn845-""'"'" MancJO)Gr,and Prix in 73? C~~SA l.clt: lpblkfa wht F cat. 9wt> %Br lot ot wood 6 • nnu.a.1.,. n-a.a -1 2 C_.,,, Ste..., Turtle Rode area . in llUI Ul·n~ wal.J.,_pcj 1 new cpt. Pvt ., • ....., " ~fD~ 6j",...,.;.";nm mo. ' Gl1lali· ~atTcili'u ! lrviae. Call U1·04tJ HARaOR pat!!. .. n t mo . Bill ..wPOIT Reek!eoatln · 11H700 Profltablt Fountain ua.un < ulc ro r as_,_ llACH If~-,.. not SUrt wtlO (« what) l<ln~nkpOrt v loutlon. Broker ..... } . act. 2be COCldo nr. S. c. ;....ts.~~~ Did-you· re not llont. ...1 MO.... l.411l-"'""""". 81=.-.lltt_._Hou_od_. ,-em-. Plua. Pool. aec:. a1te. A lmury coauawtty °" nytJA."'f'Yl •IS one of 14 Mnctivtly ,.....,. c..lw M 111 • WM~. Arc" Bch NoJ.eh. UU QlO . lM ln.t Bar. Spec· ~ ..,.rtmlflt ftoorpilnsllt s-Md Vlllgt flnt c:Uat • fUJI Mivlce Q rt I IOll Htl La1 Reward 1111 .. t·-•ar -.. T aw·t•· ... u.....-..... ,....... e.._.......... 1.ta-Is --..-.._ •-.. 1~ SS•-• _ ;_.._ :.-.-· = • "' -~~ , IU ,,..,..., ....... , _,,,_...IU ,,_,,.. • f'IMlt .--,. __ , ..... -H•Hlllltlee••••eeeeee -!,l1_.....,tY, ~:·lili·tr!:: oftotJly~~plennlng. iYat:.ia~iii. rrom L9ANSllAIUt ,... ,_ •• ~ t " tt l n 1 Ir tea , The kind of nndon )IOU~· COSTA.._. , IW .:=:>. ._,.. t.::~~ 1'0&!!16,n'i =="a~r1::u~ A !*fin l>ilnO-of Mtu11 Ilia IMng-~ I7'h-St:*iUoe. It 1""' tanm. Mlaa Pet· H.B. Mf.tlll tll... Md 1.ow.-tl from ndilO In I forlst wiU\ ~ brookUnd q1Mt 1 room ... 141 ft. t:M0 tllf. .... cir! •&SJ:~~ pond5.cooltdbyllltU'1iO(llfl~Addto •· •·H71 Da, n • .,1 ;:~~ •-., .......... -,-.. ----..,~-11'ol=..c:.."':':r*~"'" ----M:e:k'!t .... ~.~ .. ~f:::.!t~!!.~ .,,.,_It and )IOU • .,. got a p&a qione would ffrl>~. Airport li Oii of ?«> RI! .wt. l COIClo proudly call hOmt.(Ewn ~) Ml'1 _,._til._ ,...., Viti leMall. One"'° two bldroOm. one Ind two'*"' •· ~· '· ~from 161600 C.11.1~\,\Ml"'iiG' ba~. -------::a..---'·· .._&&! -· Ill ·-- ,.~~ .... ~.« ~-.. ~¥~~~~,!!~~~~~;:====::2;=4Jl=::;:~!!:=::::.~~~!!!!!~~~~~;!;;:.;~~=~.I Dtalk• • 11'911h. ~~iiiiliiri~~ .. ..._~-•lll•l • ...... ..../C111r• ..,_.. / ..... ..... H1 ........ ,.... ~IJ ~ I .............................. l!~!••••········ ;.:.~;; ••••• ~ .................. ,............. ....................... ................. •••••• ................ ..••••• .. .................... . ~ IJ 911W1CJr & SOM THOllPSON'S OftYWALL/ACOUSTJC a.N UPSfl'REETRIM HuUna, 1r1dln1 dt• Prol'I couple w1tbtt to c.t.P..... Ntalp1tcfl114itntum C.'uMomCuamtcTile t •A Lyou p y lJilldarillricitM1 ~NCRETECONSTR. l4ynexp. l'\flly llc'd' MAINTENANCE"' molltlon. Concrete ' Mwtll~ NfW\IOrt area, a Ytt exp. De. •emu Ira.t._ IJ<lJll Prom serv. rreent tor a AddlUoaa . Rtinodt llna 3 · ~ • !!9,fMS.::!l22 ttmov·dum truck. I.II 1r1."4·eutev 8:>ndecl. Ina. Ref1. Color PWTER PAT(fflNG (:hu~lt f75 1408 IOd•t ad Ooort, wlndowa. ,allo 6 nwnl·Muonry·81oclt DRYWALL TA.PINO ' WN C RE. • ckaerv "2·7 R.etpoNlble retl~d cou· u rt. ts.1>1>911 pick_ Rtttuctot Jnl/ext 30 CERAMIC·LJNOLEUM • D~~ llLtY &J'°v:~.l FrHtat. ,•::w, Wa!ll•CUlt. ~orlt. Lie. AIHutum • 1cou1tlc ~m'l/~lcL 1 All around ba11.UnJ, fret pit avail. J une·Stpt. PAINTER NEEDS 1!1:,..Ne1t. PaulM5·297T Tiie prof._ln.tt.!_I~ ••.. • 1£,,. --• lt&/wnun. .lt.!!Jlt. Kffl!rlTS; · NiDl/Cll ... Nthnat.., Call J6m, IWl.-.Call.Palm,Jlenrt WORK! 30yru•p lnt/ -F.JYSP~TiJNG ~~ OT t'INE HOME --~1• --IMMcel -XJnt • .2ablework. JIM ~118 ext. Arouatlccelhn&•f AJITyvet' Jn~orExt .-AU.TILE** smVICI A~JROl~M~T~ STAMPED CONCRtTE ....................... Ownrqer Barr:y tu•Hl2 th •••llll 1-Ta DavlsPalntln M7·518e MU251for Free Ht. ' Qu.aUty work. 10 yn ex DlllC!OIYI ooa . erno .• na M~y co~• P:,t~:n. ' ELflCTRICIAN -pdctd Oardenl.D& Wanted ••• .. ••••••••• .. ••••••• ........... •••••••••••• "NEW LOOK" PLASTERING ~r. Oeor.ae 131 547i l>Olf .,OW Fr v•r-1 Lot° a 1 JiOlt. rrte .. t1mat1 on Mowtni, fdliDI. rakln&. Wuta REALLY CLEAN FEDERATED PAJNTtNC SERVICES Int ' ut Reaturc~ Trte S..lu ._,_ s... ff• Mi.675\' '3'176$1 lar .. or111111ljoba. 1 we e pl n 1 . r r e e HOOSE? Call Olnaham Income Tax Service Cl '::M~t. Refa, lna;d 75 blockwallaSM 4892 ' ..................... .. )Tc)U; l>ailf llITo\ A · Uc. t»lll21 873-03511 •Umat•. C.'5·.4172 or Girl."'" n t.145-5123 63l..S71 a o • M · 11_ --· 1:-h • Eltpert Tret:.Prunln& • StrvJceDlreC'\ory •--..--..~~~ CWr.,,ectw UC'DELECTRJCIAN 865737. ROBIN'SCLE~NING a...c .. lllg LJC'S PAINTER ,._.119 ComtrM!rc1aJL11ndtc~pe. ~ntatlve ye. •Sdl9.2 1l0·85$i ••••n•~............ ... Qua.I. work:. Re.aa rates ---...... a-•-~ =:;;• tbor.ouiblY ....... ! .. !........... lnt·E•t. 10 yrs exp 0··~·0•u•0•••u .. • Servicet 9!7 ~ 642-1611 ext JZI -Dr. Yoo Chiropractor rrteest a1 50i2 Tom -...,.. .. ._. c house MO.M57 v ANDENBt RO Reta. Free est. 536 9898 Drams rleared from $10 ----.. --· -ililiiillilililill1iliiillililiii-I ._ .. S..cloltt Acupreuure El Toro · · ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• · --y·· Plumbing Repair• Complete Tree Service HCUltom Cl ipentry 770.52Si 240,, TOP QUALITY Qi&Jece Stlldentt: wodw HOUSllMIORK M 1.ANDSCAr11NGid •STEVENS PAINTING Free .. l. MHf 642-9033 Gen'I cln·up' lrrlg. ........... Decke " potioa J s ELECTRlCALWORK c~, car wulo' odd '"" alnt,comm Ire• · II baclc l Now 1pec In --Lawnrenov 536 0914 := ................ Const. eo. Top quality eo.heden, G....,.el ~ . rat . AJ.:m Jobi.MZ-5'd/"5-tr2 WAMTID Trte trim. cltln·up . txl. Freuat. ChulH. •!1umbln& ~Heating ' DrivelHYJ,Parkio,Lot work Lie no 380801 n••••••••u••••••••••• C Brick lttlle.101,bonded, 64.S-3348 /S46·4S61 g1enrl4 al 24 hr J4YITlllCAltl ~l-.Se•l"O•l "6 Freees1.M9.55i1 . ADO'NS/Rl!:MOOELING ELECTRI IA~: Lie. H•IJ•111 . Hl..,quallty houaeworlt. llc'd.ll're~e.t.9711-5148 ~!l~.:..~848·7ru C.OCQPJ.service.640·9308 •• .. Pl . m1oa.c.10. smau Joba .... ••••••t".•••••••••••• ... r1 A.. d d UllY IATIS Aaphlt 63H199 c C.,.••• ana. Lie d. George MalnU1 repaln. Ml·S203 Oeoerallll.alntenaoc• -pe enc.,.., eM.n •· Mm.-, PAIN1'JNC #645-9383 ~.,ty M••g••ltf T~ DanHallbereGrading ....................... Pilmtr&Sons,557·6lll2. RESJt>/COMM'L/IND ~·Detor•Unl !1te=-J~t~/.:C1ti ....................... -INT EXTPAJNTING ............................................ . t:PavlnaCo. CablneU ·Remod REMODEL/ADD·ONS 20yn Do m It •QualilY•RayM0-'5144 aftBa·oOPM e BRICKWORK: Small U (d a I Fr t ,llOPHTY MOlitsubjecu .K-t2&col Res/romm. SkyUtff ·RoomAdd'n1 andCarpentl')'.Llc'd. Uc.ziiMM1 Y~j::.~~28 HOM!lMPROVEMENT . , Joba. Newport. Costa c ~-•l067eee5 MANAGEMENT lege 25yrsexp.'51hr Uc. !3'780!. 842·1720 Cmbae wndws. 754-4420 25 yrs. Irwin 548-27lt REPAIR· PLUMBING ~lie Housekeeplna ~~~5 Irv In e Ref a -Oranci CO. area I~ yrs Mr M_org11n, 645 ~ll6 _ ..SPA DECKS OOMM"l;fREStD.-Forllke/Qt lfertlna. -carp1rntTy. ~umlah nCJtum' . PIOF~PAIMJING ei~e.n.ct. CaU /Dr 1nt11 ..-Pa .... ti~--Rermd·Add'ns·R~airs •••.-••••••o••••••••••• elec, we. Free ett. No ' Kilty 84.H970 BLOCK WALLS Real a11ndua1Comm'I and rates. r~Stnlc• ......... •••••••••••••• Ol, eaiebos. Lic'd. Fotmlca counter to~ .ti SCRUB·A·DUB P ti Ori Low rates. Free esl. ,,....., Blbv.:lltin& in our C.M. J or Rick 979·3218 Very reu. Lie. 2SO ......... A, ed. iobtooamall. M}2111 'a OI • • veways -9jJ-1I8.2 ..................... .. ~ y " Jack H. Be Mell, J r. cauu~ r .... ac ee JACK OF ALL TRAOES Prol, reu, reliable. Uc d. Dennts 636·0458 675-7169 -· Typing, Wntina. Editing s. 1 r up. Any· c..,.. Senlct Gen. Cootr.. 552·91~2 est. 642-5M7 Reta. Jean 631·5016 8ryanl1s Landscapina P--'-RooflMJ My orhct or yours Ume. 642:848a.'646·5759 ............ ........... Bonded & huured C:J1a1 ~:Y11°! ~f~!· Quality Houaecleanina Brictt. stone. block. con· .:r.:::~ ... , ••• ••• •••• ·~~:···~~·, ·•••••••••• S~ ok 642-!li? Careful & loving mama or We Care Crpt Cleaners .. .,.._ w/a~al touch. CM. crete. Frpks, BBQ's, Fartbln~ lntenor De111fn rwber nuu ina·alJ types 21 mos to care for yours, Steam clean& uphola. Additions It remodeling, G."••9 Ex-,. home and apt re-I B Beth ~los •-dr1· veways. New·recover·declla Wlfldow ca..-i... bonded State Uc #202752 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..... I rv 850-0933 • HAN ING 110/ROL U 1•1•""" ••• ""~• __., IJ\YhomtFrr.631-3787 Truck mount unit pair. Carpentry, roo, ' · u & 09 _£_• ~"·~'"'" ..................... .. BABYSITTING WorltgUJr 645·3716 ~:loodwen494~1~~ ~?h'~~.~l~a~l~tp. plwnb, Etc.'42·8013 c1:~e~r~k~~~of~~· 5 ~ c. w . 536. li ~~~~~~~~as:;:.p /HENRY ROOFING< ·~~~5::~~h~1~~~~ Refs. Costa Mesa Shampoo & steam clean. ••••••••••••••••--.•••....,•••• Lt Haulln&. S48·2489 We bid all jobt · lae/aml da"'" h / t .._. • ...., Visa· MC Scott &45·9325' S~ONGLES & RE PA IR Cleaning, Ltd ........ 3 ,.._. -l\o, .. 11 u 'd T•• ••me ou.se, VII a . ................ ••• ••• • LH' u 1.5232 S48 6213 ...... _.., 979-6646 ""'or brighteners, wht , __ .._,.apln~·Yd Clnurni ~ty,exper, c fl uent family. Call ~-MOYl ... G-......_rt allco erin" in ·l', · 'llJ'_~_MonlhlvD1seount crpta · 10 min. bleach. CUSTOM CABINETS ..-oua.. Bill I: Dave 644·9325 A Ad 5 o o " ..-.,.. w v ~ .r-..a.a_...._ "' BABYSITT ING my Hall, llvtdin. rms ILS : Interiors, bars, mantles, Trttlrim· xpertma nt. nswer 11 • Qlic ,Care!ulServke st.allalion Rea11 pnces Wi""i •RF.SIOt:NTIAJ.• home, Me$a Verde area, avg room 17.so; couch Ii braries. ra bin els. Jim 851-0129 642-4300124 hrs. FreeeslimateL,_~2·~ Consultant Assignment ...................... Avg 1 sly $30. avlil 2 11ty CM. Refs. Shari, S5H614 SlO: chr $.5. Guar. eUm. ak.ylites, cust. molding, FLAT RAT£..DAY or t,1a S!ll-8500 BUOOET RATES1L1r'd ~ Chris 957-8388 o..1s ,,.,,....,..., c..., .,.,.,., ':c••Mt••Mr ALLMJSC JOBS HOUS"""'IANING •A.I ~Yl~G• WALLPAPER Lowmrn SmlJobsOK •s•a .. c.. pet odor. Crpl repair fl.CJ • ..........,..,, .....,."""". -1. -0 -.""u . CA... T Q I Orang~ CoHt Wa.ndows ~· r ..... .. .. .._...,..., INT./EXT.·PROM PT ISOURBU !NESS! op u11 ty. pec1a All ... '-ds ...._ freeesl Ins 641·7581 " .., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 yrs exp. Do work Crown moulding, cedar mEGRASSHOPPER INSTALLATIONS Eat. lOyn. J anice's care in handling 25 yrs 111/~ Li;r~e::iMk "Welea\'e you with a For all you need to know reysell. Rers. 531-0101 lined closets, bookcases, Co 1 1 1 t rupp64s.47•7 Ra eel exp. Competitive rates. 5a'ttftl brighter outlook··· about bankruptcy, call No Steam/No Shampoo mantels. entertainment mp ete awn ma n · "n.""'6' " U Y Ann, 675·251..L Noovertime. 730.1353 __ Norm 645·0880 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pree estimates 830 8111 (714)835-9162 Stain Specialist, Fast cabinets. Wood solution~ Domlnlc 64.2-4SSl UCHILOllS.. Wallpapering. Paintang The Mobile Screen Dot \M..~ -- dry. Freeest . S39·l.582 towoodproblems! GARDENJNG MAINT . ......_ CLEANING SERVICE . STARVINGCOLLEGE res/oom'l.Scandinavaan tor Repair. repliu·c. ,.,."',_, to-. M•te .. u / 631-1528 Landscaping. Tree trim •--, nu·-able rat••, free sn.JDENTS MOVING nuaJ, Hllmar MS 7~75 _ (·uslom made Reas. ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.r.ke EXCELCARPETCARE &reimval.Clean-ups. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~les.72'):0742. C0Uc.IT124·436. ~ -631-6:KX>lvems1_ WRITING. RESEARCH. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cpt, uphol, area rug Dedd.) free estimates. 642·4889 DUMP JOBS Insured. 641·8427 P.-1....,.,at --EDITING Any subject. MARINESERVICES cleaning. Workguar ••••••••••••••••••••••• &SmallMovlng Jobs 1-bM«leanlng, honest &r WATCHUSGROW! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ca....a....._ format,a.!)'J~·i965 __ Mechanic.paint, Freeesl6'5--1771 RJVER ROCK perfect TREES CaU MIKE 646-l39t deptadable. f'~ **BRYANT'S.. _, • .,. •• vami!h. CJ'l)ls install/repaired over pool decks. patios. TQpped/re.moved Clean HAUUNG-ttudent hu 96i-2690 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Waltcovenng Removal ••••••••••••••••••••••• Teak, rub & wax . F1ood damage steam walkways, driveways, ip, lawn renov. 751-34'76 \ge' truck. Lowe.at rate Housecleaning : exp'd re. flne painlin6 by R1rhard Allt~ 64t_1343 • SliyllCJlth '* 645·9766 · cln . 554-8510j 973-8566 etc. 66l·Zl71 l!!GI~ SC-..I I, Prompt. Call 759·1976. Uable, refs. No Job l'oo Sinor. Llc, ins. t3 yrs of & Ereeest 63t·9255 M k d t · I m Thank xou, John. small. /hr. 957.3341 llal>PY loral customers "-" ret Care tr.a.-"l:r yo~rf:rJ::! 11'I~fs~ c.-.t/COftereh Draflfag Stnket wn·lree-1 rub Inst.all · niw you. 631 .... 410 ....................... -co onur b~iness every day ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Trtetrim·rtmovaJ Protesalonal Servlce Dcxl't lri that phone JUSI . . .--PET LOVERS Care ••••••••••••••••••••••• ili'lhe Classified sect ion CONCRETE I ASP HALT MAPS & G RA pH S -Lawn care-Rototilllng Hauling.yard rlean up sit there! Put ll to work Bishop & Son Painting ror pets ··in your home.. Re·sturcos 'tnm painted of this newspaper Drivewa_}'S.patios,blork Freelanre. Quality 646-l578or call ~clc&cleao.FreeEat. advertise in classified 30 yrs exp. in Beach whlleowners vacation free.Sandblast&bm·k &t£S§78. · l walls. ~Mis 636·°'58 •'Ol'k. 960-0274 aft 5pm. Answer Ad IM7, 642·'300 673--0548 IH2·56'78 area. f'rtt eat. S48· 1029 964-9226_ Llmised _ !57 ·8_?18 Por Clas.s1f1ed Ad ACTI01'i Call a Dairy Pilot AD-VIS<» M2·!i678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 OLLARS LINES . · days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real esta1e or commercial ads. Call today for full details. t (Moft ,...,.,. btn ... t1At) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 . . f--~ •• 1111.1t .. ~.~ ......... ~:.~~~ ......... !?.~~ ~.!':'~ ..... !!~! ~!':'~~!! ..... !!.~! ~~~ ..... ?!~! ..... ~~.~.,.~~! ~~~~~ .... !!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!~! ~~~ ..... ~!~!~~-~~ ..... ~!.~~ n... ... i-ut It HOUSEKEE PER·LIV £. · -· · Found set of 'keys at 91!•UTY COU NTE R SA L ES .._. .. ma er, exper , lN·fa-famil Newnnrt LOAMAUDITOR/ ~AL ASSIST. PACKAGERS Wedge 10 Balboa. name Accomh Pcty.... IOA Dynamic.company seek· ulary zgi;· Capo Beach Bcb area {yell p';ld QUALITY COHTIOL t or'l'ir'e""'nurs t needed S3 40 hr to start Ment "Kim"onlt.675~ I .... ' vial.i's Clett • PIESTialOUS in& enthaustlc hard Area. 9711 646-0193 1"einporary full lame I startJng approx May I raises 1537 Monrovia Found: puppies, vie. 22nd Lmm "'IU The Jolly Roger Inr hu • SALON "'Woritin& indlv to handle DltlY&S lUMO t position Experience re· Qill 646-8836 A~ N B &r Irvine. blk M Lab & f'HOTO MODlt.S an A/P rlerical position Lookin& to add to our counter aales at a busy F/r & f>tt. bllV-prinl· quired Call Jennifer ·· ------PART -Tl M £ Han G<>ldRet F.642-0121 HCOITS for an Industrious lo· atalf I shampoo person instant prinlln& ahop. out .CaJl675-421J. ~OIY ASST Hebner · 754·180 1 2MDMATE dacapped elderly lady Found Dobe. i BACK le ll~ER dividual. Ex per on 10 & z a,11,lataols Xlnt Retail exper prer. Call Ory Clbning. Counter Ada.slllhng fo OJ>t;rlalionks E~~;,. Coast Saving• OfiaswneherrboofatneNw841w' aspontsrtas needs help w1.th persona. I : rnian,mss· ..... ,...,.,VER'. "•HRS key.GeneralOfcandor lraln1n<Jui prog r am orcomeinto PIP298E. te I t """""'" ~ ---'·•· k LI mo 2 le~ "Mary Jo·· '""' .. c. "'" • f'd n• .... --d lett"' Salon 7lhSt. CM ...... ...... Penton. Apply in person corpora ma1 soc 700 d CM . . k p T ·~"' roo ing vein Vl-:o.c."'--'ulf.'""0577 . 669-0207 accountingexper pre . Nrn&J e .. . 1 : . -~·-l 1650 San M[1 I. Ne' rooms Deliveries 1 A ams, . pers<?n t? wor 2dayseveryot.herwknd ...,.. ...,.,.. Xlnt benefits and work-2SlO Newport Center Dr .. C t 1 It d gue · ,._ f h' · 1 cleantn~ bOat help cook •--lllil!l----.,1--•~0u:i:t~l~ll~--. _ .. ,., A I . NB oun er c er ry 6444113 op:ra ...... o mac 1.nes. "l:OJOlllrldlGH/ on fish•no tn'ps fish r. Refs req Call 760-1073 ca mg ""iwuons. 'J'E Y in · · cleaners. 3 dya pr wk. I shipping. receiving. ,.. . ., 0 ,: .. 5.7 m. LOSTIUCXLAI rot°~it Tl~Ec .• ;;4~ laaldlttper I MatUtt lady pref. Will FloralD~r Heavy lilting involved Full"'°CESSOR l ~~~e I~~ 7 6\H ~· --------&WYrPET-MIX Telephone fantasy Giiiette Ave . Irvine. ~jiff m . to perform. train.646-71121 Expnec coocfp~.F/t Exper. pref. Fashion . ;limeE permanent I . 4 v Mafe.'brte out of l ear. Convers at ion with bl.lllDg and payroll and' WorUl B.shoP.fliis-0781 Island investment firm poailion. xpenence in me~~ PAIT TIME Dana Pt .. Del Obl;po & ~....!~e011e MC Visa 7l4-S46-033l other olfice duties for Counter person. Exper .. Apply 14 972Tu-rh, Call640-0123,9:30.2J>m. cony. lst&2ndT.D Ex· Nursing 6-9pm Expanding youth Stondlill be ..._...,, ADMJN ASSISTANT, l"OnSuJtinafirm. f\ill time.Start$.1.6Silr. Wst.mr -I penenced only . Great Need RN or LVN, part rounsehng firm has 'may mak· ------ruJl -time poSttlOn , $49-1083 a m t ----working environment. lJme for night shirt IO operungs for 3·5 sharp iog his way <o C M I buy 'discounted TD's, clerical & bookkeeping C rT CHt•AL OfftCE l(wl AthttdMt Call Jenmrer Hebner Conv Hosp Xlnt salary out.gom~ mature people 661~ straight notes. etr. Ask dtties ror Victona Sta· · D.aalrlrllMf · C~H,..'TOl lmmec[ ()peoings Short 18 or over. -Perm. PIT 754-IBOt. E.O.E. · &r bent f1l s offered. ID motnate ambitious --------i for Keith. broker . tion Rest Nwpt Bch & ..... rv ~ & lon& term aulan· posilioo, mornings .. So.• OranaeCoastSa~mg~ Please apply Ue~erly 10.lJyrolds Call2·5pm r -t· Altered M. Seal· 968-9853or962·4471 Westminster loc Call Clerk Publishing trm local~ n nts. T~ pay. No ree Laauna Villaae '1\nimal I 1700 Adams, C.M. Manor, 340 Virtoria., 642-4321. ext. 343 Ask ror .._ Nu near J.W. Airport seeb Pu II Hoa -.. 1 ...... .,..8 c M point Siamtse, v1 c. AGORAPHOBIC 752-uuoO abri&htlndlvidual toll· rce emporanu. _!!,P!llt.1,-.r .... • ·· _ =·----Andre.a. La una Bch. 494-1283 ........ HELP LJNE Responsible for caahi re· sist in our Credit Dept. &'51~. Kron Chocolatler of S C MACHINIST Nursmg -------• Lost · Blk puppy, M .• ·J~ SJ&.7734 ALARM ' conciliation of prev ou~ Th.II candidate should CHtBAL. OfftCI PI a za , e xc I u s i u Laser ma nufaN urer mos .. vie. Hamilton, Earn Mooefi. Give a hm INSTALLERS days sa l es , phone have experience in Mull l now Post-rite chocolate s tore has seeks t.a~ented appren· llJISES AIDE · "ft'·-.-..: bl M '· snawertng, some ad· /ll •t· ·1 · P\acentia.548·6944 party, si It argmnts ......... ,negvua e. an, mini.strat ive and ~ c:ommunJcation1, mtem &type.895·~ P me pos1100 au1 uceorJe eymanw1th Exper all shifts. Conv Found / fr et. Fem . gifts, Judy. 962-9604. a d v i n c e m e n l Sec retarial duties.. lilstde credit It collec· "' Aes?b in person. nuU & lathe expenence Ho sp Nw pt B ch. American Eskimo , RONYOCKIOUICK ! possibilities. Exrr. Res t au r a n t . tions \&ood l.Ypinc skills ~AlcStiLES • LEGALSECRETARY Excellent pay /benefits Cheerful, dedicated to D'Ued. white. Fem Ge PleaseCallDean techn icians on y . booklteepln& u per .ti the wllhncneu lo F me . r own W/lraln, must type & Including heallh in· gd pvt. care. Xlnt ins. Shep/Collie, blk/wbt, (ln?)2'75-631SC9llect. fl33..938laslc:for Kent. he lpf ul . b ul no t lebarlnl & acceJ>l lnewt :::t"&s~314n E.Coast take shorthand fast &· sdurance.vacAalion,&hotli· ram.Call642·~ h d bllt ..... a..a......&to ntteU"""'· Call M9·1322 c a enaes. Con ac. · accurate. Salery com· ay pay. PP Y a : fem s epher /tan. ATI'Y Sierra Foothills _..,_.. -T Mrs Eves 549-4834 t It Laakmann Elect ro· •OfftCEHB.r• fem shep wh;+-blk/tan. seen.female ,28-40 to .......... DirKtor for appt. · ' · * * * mensura e w exper. Opticsl Inc .. 33052 Calle Pqsition open in Real ma I e W h 1 PP e t • share country life. No No eipinid'ce nee .• will ~le i.11 CUSTODIAN· Im me d H Contact Mr: Edward H. Aviaaor. San Ju an Flit.ate Appraisal firm in ~/~~~wh~a~!le At~ta freaks. Send photolllr to train. Newport Beach throu8\&enJ'afredcer. ~'· Nwpt . Bch re· Ji~b:ro~.~:,~12 Slone or Dee, 640·8900 Capistrano <San Diego CdM. good phone & typ. blk/brn. male rieut. AT~Y P.O Box 867 area Call 752-0651 ask payroll, will train 00 tall store le offices, ex-Coeta Meaa LIGALSEC'Y Fwy. San Juan Creek ing. Good pay 5 dys. Basenr;{'· 644 .3656, Manposa,CA.95338 for Mr.Rosenberg. computer. Good Com· per. reliablt, penon You are the winner o NewportBeachfawfirm Road d r rampl. EOE 67S.2'n4 pany benefits. Call w/eyt for det a il. four free tickets ($16.00) spttialldng in tu , en· M/F/H. PA.~A.Gl .... G N Sheller. CM. ,., n•• Senlcn 5160 Unda PennlfulJ·tltne position value to the tertai.oment. corporate · ~ ia1 "' 15 Found: Dwarf bunny. ••••••••••••••••••b••1°• ATTIMTIOM: 549.9242 w/xlnt bentflU: Call Anlh'eloatSS.Ow & est ate planning.---.----'nwCo ungina .Red 1tate vie. Dana P\, Alcazar, Danc~r for Bae ~ or Am bilious boys and Rar&orJlm6'4·5070 ANAHEIM · Minimum 2 yurs ex· · Mell,._ce M• oteds P,/tlme lie P to 4 49&-QIOaf\5 . Parties. Atlract1ve. girls 1~13 years old, to lllSPllSOM DANCE M/Fau iatin soc CONVENTION perlence. 70 wpm typ. Genera mechanical box ind11odual plates · · legitimate, must call 'in wort one or two even· Neta· responilble, ex· 1 b b 11 cl CENTER April lHS 111g. Word processing ex· knowledge Exp. in ele.c· Congenial atmosphere Founct M blonde Poodle. reservation S days in ad· ings a wee It setting perienced lead bus c u • a rm auea. To claim tickets. cal perience pref erred. \ri r a I & p I um b 1 n i 1 CallSll·S139CM · _ OanaPoinl,will glveto vance. Mon -Fri . newspaper subscrip· person.Good paylt nlce F.am u W learn to 642.5678, ext . 272. Ben(fils . Salary belefuJ.ApplytoLarry,Toblzy.sell orrent·usea good home. 586-4515 700-5518, asldor Lindsay tlon1. Transportation environment. 494·9650, $1000 mo. eves. Mr. nckeu muat be clalme negotl able. 833 · 1066 SUrf & Sand Hotel, Lag low c06t classified ad. Lost:exoticparrot,Tre11 T _ _. 5450 and -constant adult Laa.Bcb Ellis54M508 by April 23,l982. (Melinda/. ~'97-4477E.OE. ~ Mari ea of Balboa .... "" supervision provided. Delivery persons over 18 ---- e, ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call31D5:30PM.askfor ~WASHPH~H for L.A.Times lo bomea l.WLSECY Island, says '"hello". '6#--t.T G~... N -~·1 e · very tamt. Call Dave "-o '""'woy Andrea, 84.2·4321, ert. ewpo .. ,,. moua n · In C. M .. 3a m ·&a m. HOTIL Jablonsky. 675-71124 aft. '"9 ff Al1 34.'J 50 bra per week. Contact Economy car required. Swltcbboircr orrator, Part time. exper"d, Hun· 5. Here's your dianre ! Terry Henry. 751·0742 No co 11 e c t 1 n g . Re9ervatlonist Fron Ungtoo Beach, oeeded Pan Am 2 for 1 ticket. Moot.hruSat. $400-MSO/mo. + booua. Office Clerk needed at for overflow in &eneral ~ ) ==~~:ii!! =~~i!~~~ ·~r: .. ::-. ~t~\'.~.=.:.....t ... ,.. E~~..:_i::.::i ~~~r.:.rfil'n:.:i I< (IN~Tlj > 1 with blackeyes. 2.nd ticket free. Best of· .AllTOMICHANIC JWdw ~10'1 E C t loc*tnc for a rewardln& IBM Dilplaywriter pre· __ _...646-86.;.;;c_.;=1=0 ___ , fer over S7S. Ad Sitter (MftbiftdtooCa . .4'PPLY Hw ~ · 011 career opportunit y F\nt apartment! Find fd. Will train. Ask for LOlt 8lk male toy Poodle, No. 514. Call 642-4300 24 NE w po RT T I R E Y. w/•cellent poteoUal for CDt lhlt'a :U-t n1ht in Cathi, Mon thru Wed. ~~Jackie. Reward . ...::bra=-=-·------CENTER. 3000 East COOtC penonal ':::! ' re· clw!W~W -=M'1=--«lil=1-----~~~:--:-----::---·•-•9"' & eo.stM... Hwy Corona Del ~=~~~et~o~~·:~: ~~ba~:.-r.d/:~~ ·~ Plat .................. "· Found Striped male cat, --1.. II vie Wes(cliff/Dover ....... •••••••••••••••• E ec.t.aMesa.5e·S515 ...,,......, to ce>mp mnt '. _ NB .eu"""""" Babyaitter : nergetlc our bl&blY alllllei! team. • : ~-. ·...........,., ... W...tM, 7 071 woman to care for IT c..11.De Modem, pltaHnt en· ;. : Found : Bit Lab mix. ....................... n». blby In my Newport Numero~ U-no Plauria. ~lronmeat, exnltent ~ DISTRICT UHlll'n Shakes banda. Male. Hslq>a lo exch. for rm Ir Beacll home , flexible ·Needs a day cook, API>lY bmd .-dap. Sl250 if ·i ~Q(,ft c {---c----, > RECEPT.ITYPIST Newpor t ~ea c h ad · 11ert1stng agency needs sha1J>, energetic person for fT'OOl desk . Requires excellent typing & phone skills: AJency ex pene~ helpful. but not reqt.ired. The Sanborn Co. 851~.~"-· -- Rttepjion,ist need_ed, 2 yeazflyplllg expenence, xlnl PR on telephone Submit resume to Marlo's Construction Inc , 27665 Forbes Rd. Laguna Nl&uel. 92677 Please oo caJls __ It yoo're not readmJ. the little ads an Classified yoo're m1s111ng a lot ol newsy lnforma lion as ~.wnt..iJ'.f.J.t trnxL. 14th/Oranie, HB. board. reUable young hours. transportation between 2 and $ P11. qualltled. Newport ; Thia highly IUCCellful local newtpaper Sltl!45 Frenc h Cana dian . neceam.f7HC>a. 18120 Broothurat St. Bucb.MO-Tm : bu an opentn.1 in the clrculation de~ Alpire-Yeam -Li be.r a I. L a & u n 1 • Bea"Y rountaiD Valle · •Dental Receptionl1\, : · p&nment for a Diat.rtct Muuiaer. Buie Snadl-Cbolen -Owiel,486-6296 Now acceptin& applica• Cotmetician, Uceued for part time All. Ex· akilJa will entail 1Upervtmon of 10 to 14 KNEECAPS Youn& lady looklna ror 1 tlonl for bait ayllllta al FIT In t.op Newport penea.eed, otat matv~ Jd bo nd I ~ h i lr 1-itew up l.n a tou&h llve-mhoulekeeper posl· rom.terUd. APPlt ln aalon. Call Oenh tnJoJanicepalleatalna yearo Y'• 1r ome ue very nel&bborhood. Kid~ tbl. Exp. -Pleue leave pett011 Tue.Sat 3'0 E. ZIJ.ZT4-1575 ,...._1"11JoftletwW. cartitn. Anaa of aupervllion will ~ didn't •1teal hubcaps, xouroum~ ... .-1 • 1'1Ul8t,,C.M.Mla?O U~'rwloollin•fofabe\· artat 1t1fr. MHt be ~!..~~and .... y~. : thexacoleKJ?ECAPS. W..W 7100 • ~14M.S .i.r job, JOU w~'t want 11Larp, 11Jary .open. • W111.-YW ..-:i-.u 'NeWsggP'r .~ .... Carrier.s tor ·i'outes in Huntlnsjton Beach, rouad : Rbodea ian ....................... H.i with ao~ tomiNUMemp!meat~ort Center. .-..,tiom.. --~many : ~ .. r.1~wpt4 Bchi-------follow of needed fr colwn•IDC!ay~. ,~. . .,,, frtnp beneflte auch aa company paid': Oof'Coulk """°' pleaun, buay rut ·~ denial and 1-tth plan, -m life lnlu-: ll':CMR•MT ••r.,lce ••Joa ' ..................... donand*k~:.r"'-· HSO ,.,__ NU Newport. lnturMct • nnct, YllCI .-...-.. ~pay : -................... l.........,&e ~baa tor bueflta, top pay. • vthlclt 1t fuml1hed durtn1 working :· • ..-.....i to ftaanclal se..al~ aulll· • • • boln. Applbna mUlt be over 18, have =• °'"::C':"u•:~ Ille. Marc for '8· : Part dine perlDD lo de1iwt Dally PUol : a pod drivtu, record lnd be ntat ap- compH1 locatt d In ......... fGtltt. · auto route In W,, Jcb-7 dayt p1r_wk·,; ptlrina. Houn an pnerally Monday Newport Beach. E•· -tbna J'ildly . .._.. cMtrtlmt availablt. U per1tHe la payroll, • about 2 hrt .,.r day, M·J , S:SOPM . ' JO" .. 9lldld IDd ln..-...d ln JMr. '** r«0eclllaUoa • f llil a~ · .... _ -'-·'· ICCOUll p11abl• re· •,. _.... : S.t..fiUn .. ~AM. IWll .,.. ~u. bultnem, con\act _,. Idell iudidllte Clll I : . MUST Lift Df LAO El ADA. No ~ Dan WIWlml. Apply In ,.._. 8:30 10 trlll bl YI I Ht ra I ~ 10-JOAll or 2:00 ID &PM. ~~ :-~ ................... :: ! ~~ ~~~ -·· : •C.0<&>101Pllol.ta-4l21.aw ... ,: ·~ . =-~~#r.; W ............... -·--· il· · L-.~ : =tt: .. , ,.~O:. MHIJI 1 ltjllllQ;z e ltJ~ : ~ t .......................................... Fountain· Valfey & Nt\4V1>ort Beach .. • ., CALL CIRCULATION ..Q.Ef ARTMENT . ._. ...... ( . . , Orenge C011t OAtlY PILOT/Fr1dey. April '9, 1912 ••• 71cmmmc .. s4999 $-1699 ~· ..... """-· ........... ........... 1111.nlH.llly ......... Lk. -an.ti • 77PllTO..uM s4999 Allt ...... '1ff•l:r J."' ....... Ul/f1I s2499 11•1M A kHlll H• llfll1t ... tM c.i:.·'''"' ... ·-• .. i.ttflef ....... ....... 1 .. lie •mTOr 71EalYC.,. • 111111 Ya r• ma • ry1 , • .,..., Allml .............. s2999 •• .. •=-AMW••-* s4999 ..... TI111...,h.., ............. ,... ........ ... ..... ,ilte ................................. ........ ................ ~lee Uc. 111WZlllZ c •011100 W••IMT4• s4999 s2999 "'· AMlf'• -'"'"' ..., n.m .... Uc . ..u712 71 TGmA ClllCI •TlmAal.ICA s5999 s2999 ···=C....• ... "1tt ... ~. :t. ... · tlf. Alllf• -· = -. ,..,_ ................... Uc. c.t lie. •tt4MYf 7111Tma•a WFmF•· ..... ltfff41,tlf,Mblt-.AM• s4299 YtT•mCI -at-...... lltllt~Clf ......... ~ ~.&111f11 ......................... ""' ... ----· ,.., ....... • ~#10Hl7 Uc.~ • . . . " ............ rW .............. • •••• .w .• ., • ..w ~ W..e.4 9 I -· _,, , •••••••••••n•••u• •••••••••••••••••u•u• ................................................................. 7112'.J .. • 97 0 ,,,. c-t 9711.... t I ...... • 4 ..... ..,,. ~~ ........................................ ••••••0 -:·z·i········· ..................... . Top-ilollan lor-ltlort• 1tClpri Ob!• new radial "71 SoYder, red w/1old{ PO R • 61 CI•• 1 I"· Cara, lup, C1111pera, Urt1 4 'l;;d llr xlnt tao 1nt. 21K ml, aln 1tw.0,..,... !H•51 ~Pffdlter. Repllu bit '14'1 Audl11 --i'"4.ifi' ' Iha .94!_ l .,_,a .. eu '11: JO 000 ml Mint Aaatf.o;U/C MOa ..,n!-"'l!.U CottaM~ao fttoOiO BO M F . JIMM.AllMO '77 c_-prl Vt, 4 1pd, .... 972' You ire the winner or I IOam·5·30pm suun MWAAIN AM/P'M 1ltl'90 CJIJ, air ........... ••••••••••••• four frff ticket• (110 001 ~ 1111 • h-llVCI: alarm, ma11. immac 1i'l'I FORD Pinta. Rul valueto lhe HUNI'lNG~~NJtACH .J11!1.m.ZM2_m1 __ economy tor 125U. ~-...s..w '703'. exttll font:: '11 Cl-' os ooly tK ml (ftam4). T"l drive and ---AN'M0.1V --mt mu•. • r f._-~tellltlL __ io.cs.d''tiiOO or belt 0( buy today. Ylnanclnf CONVENTION 49'l~ Cer.J[i·Plll 1v1ll1ble. Call now,•• CENTER April IH5 '7~ 9115· F.lec. 1unroor. WA.,..TEDI -· -for D1 v1 J one1 . To claim Ucketa. call nrw caret. like new . ~" • D1f9 '720 Theodore Robina Ford 642 5878, uJ 272 33 ooo ori1in1I mllu ~ model Tt/~a~ and ...... ••••••••••••••••• . o Tickeu mU1t bt clalmt'd ti.i 5CJO IW2 9132 rvt• ~O;Yol~I· 1 • u 1 1'7lDATSUH H.dl '727 byAprilZ3, ltll2 U*\12. new en11lne. al 1200. Jri1 All/FM, In ... •••••••••••••••••••• • • • loy1 , cover bra xlnt 1ood condition ai aet~ '8lllmL, 7,000 m1, alloya. cond Divorce ule mah ' real au mlle~e WE'RE blue/blue lthr, $38,llOO o(fer9601115 uoo. cau &3H099 aye 1145 me MH101 '" roasc11 .. """A or7eo. arter6p.m. . l -......... ·-DATSUN 2008X 5 DEALIN' '73 OOSE Anlhr11r1te w en&ll\e. nQrUJl. ready '!:.:... ,_ · · 1 vey Xlnt cond SI0.000 to restore $3000 080 ~ lran.am .. 1100, a r ~ 734 JJXYI art &pm wkdy1 ~======= ~~:,~Ae:~1:1~c IMMEDIATE '72MBZ250 lmmac intr 'Qi!Ua Targa 2nd owner · T• Lllar 1llver Cinleh with deluxe DWVEIY ON S6500 fl rm 645 7 t 94 . r11r Com pl restort1d No .,. UI i nterior . Styli ah *11M4 rw.t. all rblr Hard win ,.LI economy, (263VCP ). '752.IKlMBZ Yet tanantr tlow. air. alloys. stereo. • 14211. Earle Ike Toyota MOST pp Im mac luaded '11_.(XX> bltofr 642 6971 ForYourCar! 1'1ne Used Car SalH New tirea s10 soo 1llPcnche911SCTarga. ~SOM a SOM 1981-IJ'IO Harbor Blvd . ll456625 air. P\lo', 7S 8S, full lthr l.lliaaliMtrc'JWY -f!t~ Mesa_ -6.!6-9303 unoELS AMtF'M 6ltlrto w USS. Ji~.nfal&>relvd'. ....,.....,, nlU '72 ~L pampered ong alarm. lo m1 Showrm ownr, beau dark rtd 97 25 Colla Met 5'0-5630 lt12 DATSUN S'AVE ,16,500857·2838 rood $24,995 .. s 7 Premlumprtcea 21020001 '7S~E.J7Kmi,exrell . R...t 9fs5 paid for any UJed car Sedan 4 1peed trans llke nu. on g ownr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uorelsnordomeallcl <*4> , .... ..._ .. ST lnsoodconclltlon OMLY 14744 AT m .200 1224 11~ • .._ ... See Us Finl! <Xfer Cood tliru 4.19.92 '82 Bl SEC Purchastd 2 lEHAULT HONDA w'fflc.I aao Dnven San SB.ECTIOH MEWPOlTDATSUM Francisco to Idaho. !"Calfforwlo -888 Dove Street rret11lbr blut with blut lnr udm& the all new NEWPORT BEACH leather $53,300 Pt rm REHAULT FOEGO UJ.1100 SANTA P P Telephone befort' and ll176 Oauw; 82il>. 2 door 9PM 208 ~-3103 RIEGO TUllO with an economical 4 4.50 SL 1979 White tJn Also A grut uleet100 speed trans .. radio & ANA leath 29K m1. extended o( Renault 18i sedans heater Very clean• warr . mint cond Many and wagons plus a good (S6fRJtl) Yours for Just x tr as <.'a r p hon c i.ele<t1on of Rena11lt Lt' $2819. F.arle Ike Toyota negouable S33.~ aa ears• WEIUY Fine Used Car Sales Parts.,ServireOpen sumable9": lse Call of\ WE'Rf.DEALING USED CARS" TRUCKS J.966..1970'Harbor Blvd All Day Saturday 97S 1128 Les Stt L'11 Toda)' ' <=gM1~0RR Costa Meaa 646·93o3 ~lW Warner Ave ·10 MHctde~ 280SL OIA.HGECOAST PPlilSAL ~9467. Cibik westoCMam l rlau1c looh & run' AMC /JEEP ~~er-tnLmo 1'12DATSUN 540-743n great$11.~ 9722376 I REHAULT fi~~~~w ,1wco~PE -iv MG 9742 2524HaroorBhll . Inc •s pac. a 0 e. S HONDA C I "VCC' 023 64" 7770 1821 A VD e 1976 1vr.. •••••••••••••••••••••••154981 ,, HUNTINGTON BEACH speed trans air cond., A fully equipped great •...a.. t 9756 AM/FM cauetle, economy r1r' 1048~01 -oyce 147-6017 or metallic paint " rpore' J>ncc_d right at only I ATTBfTIOH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ut-lll t --<56.W> t.!9118 F.arle Ike Toyota· MG DEALER IN US A A1t01., t.,arffd ONLY $12,tH f'lne Used C1r Sales OWHHS .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• <Xfer1ood lhru 4-19·82 1966-1.970 Harbor Blvd · TONNEAli COVER I ~ (Al{\/ffi Aha..o '705 MIWPOITDATSUM Costa Mesa 646 9303 Flu MG'.&. ·11 ·s1 l~l ~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• · -8llli8 DOve Street ~9467 Ne..,t'r used. f7S l0.1.5-l'L./ J\...L MEW & USED NEWPORT BEACH ·112 Honda C1v1cs 4 Dr Mana 631 7797 l\f msR ,. --.:Al"' "'"11' , .... •~"~1300 Sl37 47 + tax per mo •NI' •• "')ia..~ WA lOM~~! -.c OOled end 48 mo lease Cl~D SUNDAYS Oran&e . County s o dest •• 79 D ... TSU th All Sa 7141634 OtS9 ·111 M1d11et Com"t'rt1blt " leading dealership A ~i wtutew black tnm. am Suban 9762 Be f ore you buy 2101. '78 Honda C1v1r. m1.nt fmrad10.27,000m1.uk !·•••••••••••••••••••••• anywhere, come In & see 6 cyl . AMJF'M , S spd · cond S3800 Extra s mg PW 644 0548 e\li & Sales Servic:e Lta"nR ~r~~~6 and the aircond (SLRl.39801 ~or67S 7416.P.P wknd, 7S9SSll8wkdy~ SADDLEIACK RTS Utll lD ~blda Accord ·so. xlnt MGI 9744 SUIARU IEACH IMr<) .?J~ac~lvd cond. 4dr, auto wm rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• UJ ""4·0 475 47 .. • M6 Dove Str,et.N 8 .-...... """ ca s s . a 1 r S 6. 2 So If )OU are lookanl( for a ~ • 'U 752-0tOO Hunungton Beach t714)M2·2092tves qualll) used MGB rail I Toyota 9765 191111HarborBlvd .C M 142-6411 '80Accord LX.spertalex ire.CbveSk1lton or one ..................... .. 6Jl~ZIZ0 ~,... tru, must see. $8000 of m)' enthu b1ast1l' 1 197i 'rOYOT1\ Corona _ .. .,a 1600 firm_ 673 7807 salesmen here at Bauer WaRon s ,peed tran~ _ "" ---Motors W'-' are Qranl(e w.r rood qt'reo 1ape Yatoc. Co.tenJ .. 7 "--GMo 9734 Count) s numb'-'r ont P""'l'f steennR and \fl) All perts to convert 101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .MG dtaltr Right no11. tow mtlei. • ~!usl ''-'e 10 1600 lo Veloce. uc '68Cooveruble new top & 1o1t ha\f nearl) a dozrn .ipprectatt-' 1Si9TCO 1 pistons. Sl400 9'79 2748 mlenor Good runntn~ MG& of \31) tnl( pntt\ Pnced to srll' Earl'-' lkt' after6 m or wknds cond. 548 9139, 7S2 2377 including a rare Ltd To)ota f'1nt' L'~t'd Car •73 Alfa Spyder. perfel1 u_..1-9 7311 ed1t1on model All ha' t' I Sales 1966 19711 II arbor I l -been full) prepped Bhd . Coua Moa for iummer. run1 x n ••••••••••••••••••••••• smogged & ne"" llrt') ~!0!3540 9467 ~· top. ant aood added w·here necess•n ~~ 6875 '72 Dallun 24DZ Xlnt We are read\ to de.ii 76 Corolla 4 dr ~ sptl IMW 9712 cond New ures. air. 4 nght now ~fore thl' .,un ong owner SZ!MKI or of ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ $35CXI 9'7~·0746 real'l' start5 to shine' S<J I fer P\1 part) 76118018 i7 2llO'l Mell blue Xlnt the lune ts right to hu~ i6 Corolla ~ dr. ~ spd &. • m1out AM FM sound your <·onHrllble now onl( owner. S2900 or of I sntem ~195_.. SS]. 6761 befort sea~onal pn, e' fer P\1 part~ 760 8618 111Crra.M" Bauer Motor' • '74 260Z . clean Call 29Z>llarbor81\d co~ta 1970Mark 11 l!IOO~edan Launt. ISi SOOO or , Mesa 9792500 Open i auto .• .ir rand ht'attr Nr'Vl(I BMW tZlll_913-0Ul6 art.;_5 ..n MAID• days a w•ttk radio. hke ntw lll Side' ""111 I and wt Sl500 64S 8001, n.&~'12 '78 2SYL, xlnt rond. air. ntPIY' mc•1tor.-.t..10A I after6 orwknd11 AM 'FM cass, maits "" ,. IMW'1A~ en!, ~obo 6758857 Y111f• .. --63 B td , ne~ '76 l'orolla Dix H<>d) <\. A ftw rema tn ng 81 . . fAGUnl chrome pa1ot. tonnrau eng good Int nt-t'd~ Models &i Demos are 'llO 310Cl(, xlnt rond. 1 C1UllOS1 tlSll IW ~smt bra. upbol & rtblt en11 I 141>11< S2lXAJ obo 631 J7IS still av11lablt'1 We 12.000 ml. S spd. lape l 1 murh mul h murt-- spec1aliuin European deck. air . SS700 --S3,llX>6467Zll 1 r..-..., 9767 delmry and flawless 494"734_. 213 .!32 5997 1980 MAZDA ~ 9 7461 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pre-owned BMW 's iS210. One Owner p -r' If )OU are looklftll for a Wbere Customer S2050 RX7 COU E ••••••••••••••••••••• • • uabt) used TR'6 or Sp11 Sen1ce~meslst !· $411.3016 Tlmisaloaded,hardt~ '710PE1.GT ~tre. call me Clt'e Sale1·Serv1ce·Ltas1ng -find "Eastern Zone Sl300 963·1461 Slulton. or one of my en 208 W lsl. Santa Ana ·70 DATSUN 510 4 dr. gold exterior with brown thusiasuc salts men he rt (714) m .3171 Arr Very nice machine velour interior. s speed flonct. 97~0 at Bauer Motors We art CloaedSundax taX>EJRMMS-7~ trans . sunroo(/ ...... lJ ............... Or anite Count)~ 0 moonroof, Blaupunkt 11EJSTEI number ont Triumph '74121 ; AM /FM c.asselle & dealer. Right now, we 400 847·-0212 equaUter. air condition-PORSCHE/AUDI have two of tht most ......... 9721 1 Ing, rear window l.3631Harbo Bfvd 1<or~TR6syoucould _....... defrost er. leather GardenGrovt ovw.•ibly own the) are ••••••••••••••••••••••• anru'est. fog hghta. bra. S....~lce-leosift9 ~lector rar11 Also t HEW rarrover&ONLY 20.000 ... 6.,.&. .,..,..,) ha\t ft\l' Spitfires 'I 111.olflM low miles ' Must ..ci._ ~~ ,arymg pnces Bauer t.An sell ONLY S9.999' Call '80 Porsche 924 Turbo & Motors. 292S Harbor (IOll057l 974-461ldayaor499·~, '80 Porsche 924 Both Bhd . Costa Mesa SALIS-SBYICE LIASIM6 8:Jl.3MC) 495-4949 UDDLllACIC IMW 21irlXir~nte l>kwy $24 950 alter 1·00 wttkdays loaded Take over lse 979 2SOO Oprn 7 days a 1 weekends. __ Jl'.tments 7t!/825 1808 w~~ Mlulon Viejo t Affl'Y E1il oftl-S I HONDA ii Mau GLC am1fm. --------------. SANTA AHA 11c. good tires. good Sund• • :ii VI Werner cond. Must sell' S2790 I ...~14 n.Moetbcltl.t P .. OfYow tMWrwci....Or a....c..wa. Mlrcedtt I HI ., Alt 9725 ..................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mei... IMWI! •FANTASTIC* a.,0rLHM •FIATS• lrOw,._.,._, HIW&USID 11141522e533l_ ~~~!1 OU.....,,"S Eumplet: OUMelC "'I 7UIATSPID1k OLDIST Cluelc wbfie-beauty · $ · · with 5 apcl, air cond .. " maas. Low mlluse. ClZZNJN) ~~.Servc•Leasln $4295 1'./l 17"4TWIDB' ICl.15i(]tCE Radq 1reen. 5 11>d ' 1tereo. m111. NONE -=-~=°"~ NICER! (1ACP577) uu_....;;_"1t---,7D__;...lo_w_m_ll_tt_.1 ' $4995 new •· lbru-out. A•· 1W111 leate wltb low ln• 7' ... TSPIO• ..... ra&e.CalJAnt.booy Automatlt, 1teru, dl)'I NZ·S757, eves 6 •a.~ We aold H•! ... (4'1\'Si\) SIJtl • ~ =.-Uluuful tttreo , brown ! C-R> S42tl ~~;~t:,~· -•• lltl••• "' ff••• TIM L••Hl Prlt .. ftA'l'lm ... Clltfonll! •Ml.prefer• medM«udet ...... eomiJ!'ltJ.:~l 1m- 1lON Direct lute and 60 moa. sensible pymts. D ia l 213 or 7l4/MERCEDES Is 213 Ol 1Ul631 .2333 ___ , __ fJIVEAWAY WINIER '" IOdoy'1 Paper lectlH I It COUid Se YOUI . CAii~. CtEARANCE SALE! 1'76. CADILLAC ILDOIADO COU,. (185ROO) $4995 1977 CADILLAC SIVILU (091TBL) s7995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI DIHIL (522XWO) s3995 1971 CADIUAC SIVtLU (tCMPeee) s9395 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (399WQV) sio ,595 19IO CADILLAC fUITWOOD HOUGHAM (555ZE0) s11,~95 19IO CAOIUAC SIVJW '"Tw ... TOM" (908~ S}J,995 1911 CADILLAC 11.DOaADO COUPI (18Geoe8) $}5,995 •PIEPAIEFOI• •SPRING• PllSTIMl 1u-.s 1980'1 thru 1970's 11roo H.111A• flll,,1 All reconditioned & CU">C.,~ ..... ')4()•lt00 guaranlefld. WUI trade I I ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finance WE BU 'l'l.J BU@ '80~Vlllt, HIUmt Examples: financing. Call Ii& VW BUG 1.-0ri, 2009 or eves 4Spd.. mint <083GKZ I 120-1221. s 1995 I .,,.-W.tST lfUYWIU_. or ta~!l~ tow 41pd.J.lke oew <SKP417) mlleaae Cadillacs in S2 29 S ScMhei'u ca urornla ! MAIRS 1'67YWIU_. Opel SHARl> <UQV412) S2495 ~'2~~~tl COSTA MESA .. .. . I ( NIW 19821HO•T '5499 lndudtng rebate -ptua deelet' added optlona. Ser. 114450. Stk. 1314. • . RD CIRE COYERl&E 24 mo./24,000 frH full "'~ntenanc.,_and ~ten_.d Warranty "l}l llewt Dill to OMt Fl'H· "'9111'' REBAIES REBA1'E5 NIW 1983 · RANGER 11'1 ... llW SID, . liP lilNSI Piok111 . Fro•. Forti F11t1rl11 • Hleh l'tlyload Capacity • Twln-1-aeam lu1penalen • Aerodynamic Shape • Du .. Mirrors • Doultle Wall Con1tructlon And the lbt 1ffl on and on to keep you In Style. nFI. Rebate -plu1 dealer added optlon1. . A09212. Stk. 11301. • THI FIRIT 1983 OF THI YIARll 24 mo./24,000 Fr•• Full Maintenance and .lxt•nded Warrantyl NIW 1982 F-100 '66J5 Incl. Rebate -olu1 dealer added optlon1. Ser. A115n, Stk. T1243,. NIW 1982COUma . '6194 -. NIW 1981 GRANADA ' '5668 lnct. Rebate -plu1 dealer added opt1ona: Ser. 114394, Stk. 0118 . ..._._ NIW 1981 MUST ANG '6599 Incl. R'bate -plus dealer added optlolts. Ser. 120223,.Stk. oan. Incl. Rebate -plu1 deaf« added option•. I!:::= Ser. 8054ee, Stk. T1282. .VII CllYE NIW 1981 FAIRMONT '6710 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 107859, Stk. 0020. '"' ""' .... I 1171 llTSll 211 1172 .. ..,... I '"'--' ZEPllYI Economlcal 4 cyl., 4 apd • .arana .• radio. V~harpl Auto. trana., am/fm radio. ~( 2~11111to. trana., pwr. ateertng and 1111"mw ... ca... tnNportatlonf Auto., elr, ~ rldt. (7l4UMX). 'II ... '99 .•• a. ter M -. on .SWCMd cnillt. Celtl swtoe •"179'. °"· pmt. '2471 Ind .... Ila. & ..,,..,_ -Nftlfl ,_•Uge ,._ 2U7, (171813). (1 11). . ,,.., lf1 """ . ~PJ ~ll..!•m ~9.1~~~ .. ~c!·~ ~9! !':~~ ~;. '2tl1,., Def. pmt. Ind. tax, llo. & tn-•1171"'. Def. pmt. 71Ind.•11o. & ine.r-93212.17. Def. pmt. *4151,00 lnel. tu, ., & ....... AIWMll Pei•lllOa ..... 11.20. .... AIWMll ,._ ......... 21.17. Inter*. MtMI Pel'cent• ..... 20.15. RMI Cleenl Auto., air, roof tae*. (556PRF). '99 ... ·$99 ••• · .• for M moe. on llPPtOY9d cndtt. c..... prtce '2911". o.f. pmt. ~ Incl. tax, lie. & In-.._Annual Peroentage Rat• 21.20 . .. • > ~====-___; ---============---- ,, Special Japanese actress in 'Chicago Story' Yoko Shimada, in her first American teltMaion role since her Golden G~winning performance in "ShOIUJl,'' guest stars in "Not Quite Paradise,'' a special three-hour episode of NBC'a "Chicago ' Story" tonight at 8 on Channel 4. .. Shhnaaa plays an illegal alien forced by cir- cumstances to slay her cousin in order to save the· life of her infant child. Actr.el8 Nancy Kwan abo makes a guest appearance in the ahow. · , *** The giant insurance industry la examined in the NBC Reports program "Protection for Sale: 'The Insur~ Industry" Saturday at 10 p.m. on Chan- nel 4. The documentary looka at what happens when the American public, aeekln8 IOrlle IOrl of leCW'ity, does business with the merchanta of protection. Appearing in the program are hiah·ranking insu- rance offidala and experta who are widely regarded In the field, memben of Congre. and conaunen • who have had problems dealJnl-wtth1tds-mammoth industry. *** F.,.er Olym,&e lkler Say CUlfee ... NPL "aJa•later" Dtck lJ•tkH will team •P te llHt a Olle Mu Qledal, "Womea la Sports," te air at 11 p.m. Satarhy • KTl'V Qiaawl 11. *** The problems young Americana have caused • themaelves by their uae of narcotics and alcohol are exam ined in the NBC religiout rrogram "Kids, Drup and Alcohol,'' to.be aired at p.m. Sunday on NBC (ChaDnel 4). -...,..._.....,.._.._.~ The program ptt9ents a group ~~on in which biah IChoo1 students speak with NBC News corre- pondent Edwin Newman about their addiction to drucs and alcohol. FoUowtnc la a dilculllon with a nwnbet of cmnmunity .leaden about what' la being done to prevent and treat chemJql dependency in young people. *** Richard Gere atara aa a young aoldler who finds a Jove he cannot keep and a memory he can- not 1oee in "Yank.a," to be bro9dcut Sunday at 8 · p.m. on ABC (Channel 7). v.,... RedcJ'ave, William Devane and U.. Eichhorn ai.o .w in thla network premiere of a modon ~ about a bittersweet romance 9et in a world at war. *** "lm_pot.ence -How to Avoid and Overcome It," ii a bold. explantkln al a ~ that plq\8 more than 10 mDlian men In the United Stat.. "TJ'be ,..~,,...,, . -Preventing crime I See Inside TV on Page 31 •April.J6 .-April 22• The Pe·acock shuf fie See Daytime Drama on ~age 35 ' ; I I I. *· RECORD TV/FM SIMULCA~TS IN STEREO . . .• PIWIO&RAM 6 EVBCTS ova 1 DAYS . * PORTAILE oPERAnOM WITH on1o~AL llCHAl&AILE NI-CAD IA TI'lllY PACI * VARIABLE SPEED-.STILL FRAME * DOUILE OR TRIPLE SPEED VIEWING * onlONAL REMOTE .CONTROL * EXCLUSIVE LOCI SYSTEM H>R SECURITY COME· IN A~D TRY If. YOURSELF T,QDA Y OR TONIGHT -LIMITED STOCK! And its near-prof esslonal 270 lines of resolution assure sharp, clean video images every time. · Including a unique Positive/negative Image reversal system that allows. among other things. the conversion of your entire library of film negatives to a library of .videotaped pasltives. Altt>undingl Now add the optical interface 'Clbte compatible with vittually any VCR on the market. and )'OU11 get aome Idea of why the VC-X1 lookt .. ----------------------------------------------~--------------------------------,. c. Ala Stone (<Mt 11$) on ""The Danna Jlt*I .,,. MAIN OFFICE 3IO west S.y St., Cost. MeM, C.. M4tfl Mdless: Box 1560, eost. Mesa, c.., 92626 Telephone: ~2-4321 Index Orange Coo.st TV Antenna .............. Page 3 Sporta Highlights ........................ Page S Daytime Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Evening Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 utters ................................................ Page 33 Wor<I GaIDe ....................................... Page 33 Inside TV ........................................... Page 31 TV Puzzle .............................. Page :l3 Daytime Drama ........................ Page 34 Channels e KNXT (CBS) 1121 W. Sunlet Blvd .. Loe An&eles, Ca. e KNBC (NBC> 3008 W. AlarMda A•e .• Burbank, Ca! • KTLA <lod.> 5800 W. Sunset Blvd .• Loe An1eles, Ca. e KABC (ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave., Los An1eles, Ca. (8) K'FllB <CBS> 7877 E.n&tneer Rd .. San Diego. Ca. e KH.l·TV <lnd.) 551$ Melroee Ave., Los An1eles, Ca <10) KCST (ABC> 8330 Eniineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KTTV (Ind.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Loe An1eles, Ca. e KCOP·TV (Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Loe Aq1eles, Ca. <24> CBS Cable Qt KCET (PBS) 4401 81.U!Mt Blvd., Loe An1eles. Ca. 8KOCE<PBS> 15744 Golden West St., HunUnft,on Beach CO) On·TV 1139 Grand CetltraJ Ave .• Glt;ndale. Ca. <Z> Z.TV 2939 NellrMka Ave., Santa Monica .. Ca . CH> HBO • • Time·We Bklc .• Rockefeller Center. N.Y .• N.Y. (C) Cinemu Time.Life Bide .• Rockefeller Center. N.Y .• N.Y. ., roJlT _ N.Y .• N.Y1 _ <17> <WfBS> AOanta,Ga. • <E> ESPN <L> Select CS> Showt.lme· < S) Spotliiht <C> (Cable News Networ~) Coast TV Antenna Passing this quiz Show." d. ~Doop• (Frid M.:Murny) an .. My .,, ThreeSom." f e. Oaie Nellon on '"nw Adwntww of Cale - and Harriet." 7.llame four Rrim ln which BOlBl.xby IWred.. 8. Name leWrl lel'iea In which Boben c...md starred. 9. BefOft she became one of Charlie'• AnceJa, Farrah Fawcett pqrtrayed a bftl:h"'ie nelehbor ti> ,, th.ii TV detecttvi. What WM the 8el'iea and who w• :i the Ital'? . i' 10. What waa the name of the boat that~ M • • J • LJ wrecked in a storm and ~ the C81laways on > iss1on :rnposs1v e ''GT~~;o.a1tua~comedyeamedgood 1 nrtinp but w• canceled ln part because of vtewen~ a; By PHIL SNEIDERMAN complaints about a reUcM>ua as~ of the storyline.:_. Of'11te a...""'.... · Name the -1ea. i There are plenty of th.l.np t.o worry about In · thJ.a world: mWtary·akirmlthes, riaJ.na unemploy- ment, crime In the atreeta, nuclear .a.identa down the block and cancer-aullng apnta ln your food and water .... You. can read plenty about ~ w.ue. ei.e- where ln thJa ~· But if you feel like iak.lng a break from about imminent P>bal dia- aster, if you feel like verttna your atiention from the profound to the down.rljlit trivial. then siep right up and try your hand at my Ont TV trivia test. U you do well on the followina test. Lt probably means you've been 1pendtnc entt.ttly too much'lime in front of the tube. Take a break and pondet-the atom for a while. QUESTIONS 1. In 1"3, Bbl Dima debuted In a aeries about an elevator operator named Jme Jimenf!z.. a. Name the two earlier p~ on which Dana perfected hla "J01e Ji.mend routine. b. Dana's aeries.featured a hotel detective na- med 'Byron Glick, who was tranafonned lnt.o a~ cret agent and launched ln hla own aeries. Who was he and What WM hJa aeriee? 2. Who invented the rerun? 3. Two foe "O.U." lam: a • ...Belcn...bl..wM a Ewina. Pacrk:k Duffy starred ln his own NBC . What W.. It? b. Everyone knows Larry ''J.R." Hapnan starred ln the popular ''I Dream of Jeannie" aeries. But you're a triae "TV addict U you can name the two ahcn-llved litcorm Hacman starred In ~ and pre-nan.. 4. Speald.na of "I Dreem of Jeannie," what s-rt of Barbara Eden'• anatomy did NBC cemol' each week? 5. What WU the name of the town located Dear' "Petticoat Junction?"' 6. Name the occupetionl of these fan>OIJll TV fathers: a. .Jim Andenon (Robert Young) on 'Tathel' Knows 8-t.'' b. Ward C.ver <H"'Ch Beawnont) on "Leave It t.o Beaver.'' 12. Name the firat .ertea to star a black woman N in a role that wa1 not a hoUMhold dome1tic or lideldck. 13 . .FUm stan Warren Beetty and Tue9day Weld were reculu' CMt memben durtna the first leUOl'l of t.hil litua~comedy. Name it. • 14. Unda a BOlie Newman character did not ap~ In the few epi8odea of the .. Lou Grant' aede1. Who wu the lbow'a first woman reporter and what lel'iea did abe move on to? 15 ... Mlalicn Impcwible" went throqh nume- rous CMt chanaa during it." 1-. 73 run. Which two adora stuck with the er1ea throucb ita entire nan? AN8WEU 1. L Dana tint pre.91!1\ted Jc. Jilnenft on "The Steve Allen Show" and "The Danny Thomas Show." b. Don Adarm portrayed GUck.. He took some of hla funniett routines with him to "Get Smart." 2. Deal Arnu. ln putting together "I Love Lucy" in 1951, Lucy and Deli wanted t.o stay in Loe Ancelea, rather than move t.o New York, where abowa were generally telecast live. Putting the epUodee on film ln Hollywood allowed the couple t.o stay In California and put the epilodea lnt.o enc:Dem syndication. 3. a. Duffy atarred In "Man from Atlantia" durin1 the H77·78 aeuon. b. In 1972, Ha1man *1red In '4The Good Ufe" with Danna Milli now of "Knoca I..anidbw." In 1973, be starred in "Here We Go Aoln" on ABC. U you blinked, you might have mmea both of theee .n.. 4. Acconlina t.o "The Book of TV Lista," NBC thoucbt Butwa lldm'a belly button w• a bit too riaque to be dia~ed to younger vtewen. ~ a relUlt, a fieth~ dJvot WM inlened t.o camou- flaae her navel 5. Hooterville. 6. a. An lnlurance company manqer. b. An accountant. c. A pbyatclan. d . An aeronautical encl1'-r· e. NodU.nc· Ollie Nelson WM never WO at won. N.a.an ~believed he'd have wkkf' appeal lf not pinmcl down t.o a perticular profe.ion. 'I. lldl ~ in 11.Mv Favorite Martian" &e TV arlN,:pjji 32 VIDEO -MOVIES SPOKEN HERE ~ PRINCH LllUDNANT'I WOMAN . • ILUI COLLAR • HALLOWllN II • THI MlllOI CUCK'D •GALLIPOLI • IDIL . ....... ~.L .. ff • nMI IANDITI . • LOVING cowgs • -- -. I .! . i ..... AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST' AMC-JEEP-ltlMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -:--549-1023 SADDLEIACK IMW /SUIARU • - 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ,. ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamqoree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 IOI l*LARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La H~bra .:.... 522·5333 CUVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -IJS.3171 NAIBS£ADU.AC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Cpsta Mesa -148!9 I oo . ' CHRYSLER-Pl YMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN .. 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833· I 300 . FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. .. Costa Mesa · 642-00 I 0 -540..21 I LINCOLN -MERCURY JOHNSON A SOM . UMCOLM-MEICUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. COsta Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UMCOLM-MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MADA 1425 Baker Street C-osta Mesa -545-3334 · ANAHEIM MAZl>A 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956· 1120 PEU GEOT llACH IMPORTS 848 DOve Street , Newport Beach -712-09~0 PONTI AC 108 LONGPRE1'0NTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-250_0 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOH. IMC • 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-673-0900 ' MBSTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636 .. 2333 SAAB IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYO'(A 1966 Harbor Blvd. . Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. -Huntington Beach 147-155E VOLK SW A GEN J.. 1:ao• ..... "U Clllorftll ~ ... ....,.. neeocar-. U:IO. (I) NM ~ Ooldiln 8 .... Wwrlorl It Loe Moelee La-. Satunlay Al'M..17, 1112 MOMlilQ 1o:ao •a IAIDAU. New Yor11 Yenk-II O.WottT .... t t:OO. WCT TDNI Al'TIMOON , •• T8NI "Pec:Mc ~ 0pen·· • 8TOUMllM8ff Ol1 ~ Third-round CO¥WllQll of tlllt tournam.nt ._.Ul'lno IOtTie of IN top golf«• on tlle pro tour (he from Ille La eo.ta Countty Club In Certlb9d, Calf.~ 22» (I) M....-.U. MINCH 2:10. ~AAY L..IONAMYI GOlD8f Gl.OWe . ,.... ,,...._ 1ow1 .An« Tour· nM*lf" TICle-aoe of IN MIC ~ from o.I ~. Floftd9; Vic ·~ oflllrstlle pllly~. Ill ,..,. •• 10.W. IOWUMTOUft 1100,000 o,-. ~d Op.\ (from ~ low! Ill WltldaOr L.oc*a Conn. l:OO I lflOMa ANL.D a:ao (I) lflOMa MTUROAY ... .,Od '200-mllt dot ...., ''°" from Andlot191 to Nome, AlelU: Gr ... POOi lhool..out, ,.,, 2 ~Oft! ..... v .......... ). • ,...,. • •1oew.. IOWUM 1°"" • t00.000 Gt .... Hertfotd °'*' ''""" w..., low! In Wlr*« lAdla. C-.). 4:IO. IOCC8 MADI .. O/lllMN#'( AUeWtew.8"'" f:OO. WIOI WOM.D Ol1 WORTa 1().tound llgtll ..... )-.ioht bout betwae" former ~ MattNw Sud Muhammad a"d Pete Mdntyre (from AttMtlc City, N J.); The Wood ..._.., for ~tud\Y Oerbr hopelut. (from A~ AK4trecll In ~ Yonc City). eeocc:aMAm .. GINWft' . ~¥98-1 UO (fl WIOI WON.a Ol1 1'°"11 1Ck~ llgtll ..... ,,,_igtlt bout betwH" former ~ Mett.Nw Sud Muhammad a"d Pete Mctl\trre (frCMI AllMtlc City, H.J.); The Wood ~ tor ~•YC:ar o.tby hopetuta (from Aqueduct "-"-* .,, ..._Yor'llO!y) 1¥...a e:oo•IPORT8~ "Colloe w,....,.: !Ml· w ... M-ewMMf' .. I DOD8M DU80UT ... DOOQM,,. QAMI IHOW 1 .... -~ .. HOME STRETCH - With Che N ation al Ba1k e tball A sao- cJ a tJ on s easo n int o the final countdown, Kareem Abd ul-Jsbbar wJl l lead the Lqg AngeletJ Lakers into a game at Phoenix with the Suns Sunday. The Laker• have already captured the Paci/Jc Dlv16Jon title. • l.oe MoMea Dodflr'9 ... 8en"'9goP.._ 10lOO. WOWN .. 9'0RT'I ti• WOfMfl wflo have adllewd f.,,. '" ... chwilifted ..... of .,.,. • • IMty Cool!, .""'1f Weo- ,_, Jen Todd, Janet CMMI, NllflCY ,..._ Md Tll ...,._ -we proflled. Haveaballl Umlted memberships ovollobfe • Corporate Membership •FomUy~ -, • Single Membenhlp • Associate Memberlhlp . • Junior Executive { 18 to 29 yecn of age) . • Juntor ~1emberlhlp ( 12 to 18 v-ars of age) • Swim Membenhlp • Aerobic MMberlhjp • And our new Ant..at ~Ip ~-­MON•• tOlOO. (I) NM MIUT'MU. "-tlonal oovereo• ot MlllL•llk•ludlallPtllle- ~.. 7..,a: AtlMlt ..-..w........, .. .... I M-AU.Mal:H 11• OUnllOOll &.ft 1t• a~rr0/1 OHMlfltONI AJW.r~ ._..,. of --~~ tOfne of IN top _.,.on the ptO '°"' (llwe from Ille LA Colle Country Club 1t1 ~.c.1.1. N'lmUO<* 122». n-. wm< IN IA~ 1l:IO. (I) NM IAIQTMU Loe ~ l..aNrt .. l'tloerllll ._ • cacu HCl'C w-·· lntema-llofwl r~· ""*- round l*IY 1r1 t11e _... LPGA fOlf l~t ttM,,~-==- 1!00 (fl WORTlllAT .. llMU. Loe MoMea OOdOlf't •t ·-~,--, ... ~ Pan 2 of Ooldtrt Olo¥es AMOCleUoll of Amar1ca ,_'*"*"of~ .. (trOfl'I KMMa City. Mo ); ~ ,,.,,,_ Tra and ,. ...... "'°"'Sen.-.. Cell.~ Wortd't k ono-t .... COii ...... part 2 ~-McMee. N.J.1. ...... CM ~ Le11ren Hutto", Louie Knollle and ii. l«Nrd lacale ... lulflMetl tribe "' ...... ~.., MINDo, LMY ....._,, Monday ~1'.1112 w... 7l00 <Bl ICOCING'I ~ "Otudge Flohta" ..,,, T~ Muh9Nnad Al 81\d Joe ,r..,, ... • looll II-* .. • llelf-centl#Y of Iha moat llletoric Md pul>- lcllM ~"' .. hle-fclrY of boldno· 7:IO. Mla"U c..for'lllll Angitll .. a.-........ 11i00e NUMMOUNO (Pt..,.,_..,....,, .• TllhO, 7lCIO (II) THI 10TH 'LAYlft 7:IO. IAllaAl.L O•ornl8 Anoe1t at 8-t· U.M.nn.. CD>MMMU. tiOu9IOfl Mtros at Los MoMea Oodglrt N'M.t1.,.. , '*'<Bl ~·..,. "Otudte "llM•" Betry T Of'lll*llW. MutlarTllNd All and Joe ,r.., talle ~ bad! at a hell-oeritury of IN moat *or1c and pub- lcll>ed ~'" tN,.. toryofboa*le. Thursday ~a.,.. ~ HIOe....OUNO Alaerllle't Murr.,, "-· ... ~ ,,_,.. to'd ,,...... In "' ~ of IN~ e--. le ptO-.... ·What has been a better investment than BUILDING? .. ~ '. 6 • ~_Daytime a> ~ \I< >I{'\ I '\( I i · ::ggi~ ~ IMOYIE!JJHR~lw.fl ~ON) :g MOVIE 1 HR, 4'.MIN. U) ~ MOVIE 1HR,31 MIN. E} • MOVIE 1HR.,36 MIN.) U) .3 6:06al) I M Of JEANNlE ())~ (2 HRS.) (FRI) ~ 6:30 8 JUN1'08 (~.WED. ml) YOU AHO THE LAW {TUE. THU) .MIMY SWAOONff -.2 ii: ~~~~.TUE) lV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PU8l.IC AfFAN (THU) NEWARK ANO REAUT'( (FRI) - MEET THE MAY()AB (MOH. WED) NEW YOfl< REPORT {TUE} NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) UNMR8CN Of ~IA (TUE-FRI} F1LM FEATURE 3kutN) = ~~ :::46=~ ~~) . BAARY MA.Nl.OW IN CONC~ ( 1 HR., 26 6:36 ""nffE 80N8 MINI (TI.IE) 6:46 HtSTORY Of MEXICO (MON. WED, FRI) IEA.N.OOVEANMENT' (TUE. THU) WEATHER ME ( 1 HR., 33 MIN.) (TUE) 6!601NEW8 6:56 REAL EST ATE PRINCIPLES (MON. WED, ;~~(TUE. THU) 8:00• LA. MOANNG HOTF\X>GE PEOPLE 7 (FRO FOCU6 ON SOCIETY (MON, WED) ==~THU) CCWJNfTY F&DBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE 18SUEB (MON) MEETTHEMAYOA~ 1' ;,. FAANCL Y FEMALE ) rT CAN 8E DONE U) 8TIWGHT TAU< .1MMY SWAOOAAT NEWS UNDER8TANOINQ HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) rrs EVERY800Y'& 8U8INE88 <MON. WED) HUMANfT1E8 THROUGH TWI: ARTS {TOE. TH' PAOJECT UNMA8E (MOH, WED, FRI) EMATIC8 FOR MODERN LMNO {TOE. FOR A REASON (TUE. THU) MOVIE~ ==~(Ffat IPOA18W()MAN <MON. WEO) . Al.L-8TAA 80CCSt (TUE) G()l I fQF IN8TAlJC'l10NAL 8ERIE8 frHU) =~r~, ANDREW'S · WED) W~ WORLD 0# JOHATHAN WINTEA8 -~Fk FLM --e:~ HR.. 31Mlt) ~). 8: 161 HEAL TH FIB..O . I Fl.Ml THAT TEACH WHAT8 UP AMBICAI (= (WB>) ., tlDl'IE. J~ ~·· g .... , :;aorAIN KANGAAOO cw ,vgt~J.u> DA ... EAi< LA. rT CAN IE DOt£ (ffl) • CCWJNfTY FEE)e'-Ck (MON) YOUTH NID THE l88UEI (TUE) OR MANO (MD) AWICL Y FEMALl (THU) GMATIPACE~ NUXTHECAT ~ABC NEWS (TUE-M) ECfll..OflNQ LANOUAGE (MON) .wr 8WNJ4Nff FU SON:AL fllWieC£ ANO MONEY MANAGE· ,, I MOVIE (MON, THU) · lOA MAKES A MOVIE (WED) SPORflt FOAUM (THO. Ffl) AU-STAR SPORTS CHAUEHGE (MON} THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., ao MIN.) (MON) MIXED NUTS (TUE) ANOAEW'S RAtoeAS (THU) ~1HR.,26-MIN.~ ~) MOVIE 1 HR. lt7 MIN. 8:361 E (1HR.32 IN.) HU) 8:46 NEWS 7:00 MORNING NEWS TOOAY 700CLUB 0 GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPEAAOOM BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIEH06 FRED FllNTSTONE ANO FRIEN08 8U8INE88 REPORT . . .. PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT (Ffl) AMERtCAN GOVERNMENT (MOH, WED) Of EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. THU) MOVIE (TlJE. WED) SPORTS CEHTER STANDING ROOM OHL Y (1 HR) (WED) HAMMER HOUSE Of HOAAOA (~) MOVIE ( 1 HR., ltO MIN.) (THU) 7:30e THEAEIS A WAY ' THE R.NT8TONES KARTOON KAANIVAL YOGA FOA HEAL TH MAGIC Of Oil PAINTING =~~(FRI) ~HR.. 37 MIN.LI~ MOYIE 1 HR.. 30 MIN. U) AMONG FRI ( 1 HR .. '6 MIN.) = MN<E8 A MOVIE (TUE) I~~.~~.) (MON.TUE) 7:36~ MOVtE (2 ttAB.. 6 MIN.) (iA) 7:46 TOTALOON'TAOL (WED) 8:00 SUNUP 8AH DIEGO ... BAtO<ER JOHN DAVID80N TOM AND .EPlf( (FRI) FLIPPER (MON-THU~ BIB 8UJE.MAABLE FRI MISTER AOGER8 (R (~THU) BODY 8lJOOIE8 MOVIE~ MOVIE 1 , ltO MIN. (FRI VANT (1HR..30~N. b) ~iliHA.. 30 MIN.~ ) MOVIE 1 HR., '1 MIN. FRI MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. CZ> 1 HR. 36 . ) MOVIE 1 HR., 68 MtN. FRI •06EMOVIE 1 HR.,'° MIN. . ) 8:15 MOVIE (1 HR..~ MIN.) (THU) 8:30 LEAVE It TO.BEAVER BEN (MON-THU) W4IT Tl. YOUR FATHER OET8 HOME VUA ~~(TUE-RI) VI.LA AlEQAE Q (MON) =~HR.. 36 :i..} (~ MOVIE 2 HAS., 2e MIN.) . •(I) DAY AT A TIM (R) ~AENTsmot<ES OZZIE NID HNAET A.M.' L08 ANGEi E8 JACK LALANNE NEW8 " THE ROOICRR> Fil.EB ILOYELUCV AOMPER "°°" 8BIAME lhllE t Q DONAHUE VUAAI d 11\EM) VIU.A AL.BR Q (MON} ~..J: (FRI) TINNB(MO~ WCTTSN8 , THU) ~ 1Hf\) Im) El8EI 1HR.,80.... ) MOVIE 1 HR., IO .... MCMEjk, II w.f. Ii I~ THE NFl.EMAH .., MOfltltQ LA. eewt'TCHl!D MOVIE aECTllC COMPANY (R) :=.rr'..O:S> ' Ct IOA MAKES A MOVIE (FUR 9:36i MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN. (WED) 9:'6 M0VtE ( 1 HR.. 32 MIN. (FRI) 10:00 Cl) THE PA1CE IS RIG WHEEL Of FORTUNE BIGVAUEY 0 LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC DOUGH I CREAM Of JEANNIE (TUE-FRI) HEAL THBEA T (MON) EDUCATIONAL PAOaRAMMING RtCHARO SIMMONS GETTIN' TO KNOW ME (R) (FRI) =~AT,~! ~~':'°(MON-THU) MOVIE 1 HR.. 63 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 60 MIN. E) 26 Of JERRY E -A CELEBRATION 1 HR) (WED) • TA8USETI'ING8 (1 HA .• 30 MIN.) {THU) MOVIE~HR., ltO MINJ (WED. ~) MOVIE 1 HR., 55 MIN. (MON, THU) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 60 Ml .) (TUE) . MOVIE FRI JOEL INCONCERT (1HR.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. lt7 MIN.) (THU) 10:06 al) MOVtE CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 35 MIN.) (MON) 10:308. BATTL.EaTARS PfTFAU. GH08T ANO MRS. MUfR (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (MON) INDEPENDENT NEl'WORt< NEWS EDUCATIONAL PAOGRAMMING (FRI) IOA .,AKES A MOVIE (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR;33 MIN.) (TUE) 1 t:OOITAmeTALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA 0 FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG A.NO THE RESTLESS BEST Of GAOUCHO (ml) BULLSEYE (MON-THU) BULL8EYE SUPER PAV-CARDS LOVE. AMEAICAN STYLE WHY IN THE WORLD (THU. FRI) B.£CTAICOOMPANY (R) (MON-WED) MOVIE (MON, WED, ~U) BOXING'S 8E8T (1 HR) (WED) MOVIE ~ HR, 36 MINU (MON) M0VtE 2 HRB., 2 MIN. (WED) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 60 M .Ri)U) MOVIE 1 HR., 26 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN. 11:30 I THE OUNG ANO~ REShESS SEARCH FOR TOMORROW rtt ANS HOPE i:4GAME LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT aaG BLUE MAABl.E (WED) MOVIE (FRI) -" PROFE88IONAl AOOEO (FRI) WHAT ON EARTH {THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 95 MIN.) (FRI) 11:46CZ)MOVtE (1 HR..33MIN.) (MON) \1 111\'\( )( )'\ 12:00~'1c:e OOA LIVES 0 AU. MY CHILDREN NEWS ~ DICKCAVElT EDUCATIONAL PAOGRAMMINQ (FRI) flEJNO A& (MON) ftX>iliEPi (T\JE) C11TT1N' TO tcM0W ME (R) Q (WED) F• FORWAAD (THU) ~TIAMAOOEO (MON} AUTO MCINQ mJE> OOUICll~ (WED) QOLF (THU) • STNCltNG 9'00M OHL Y~HR.) (FRI) R.All~ (1 Hf\) (1 MOYll 2 ..... ) (WID) MOVll 1 HR., ... !J.l {THU) I ~ ..... , MOYIE 1 HR., 11.... (FN) MOVE HAI.) (ID) MCWIE 1 HR., I 1l11• ) • . AMONG ~1 HR., 46 YIN.) - .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 OVEA EASY I EMERG£HCY FROM JUM-PS-m-REE,..ET-(R) O (FRI) MOVIE (FRO UP AND COMING (R) Q (MON) TiiE ~ 9PEOAL JACK GILFORD 8PEQAL WHY tN THE WORLD (TUE. THU) MON) AMERtCAN ENTERPRtSE (WED) CHAALEY'S AUNT (TUE) MCME (~) DANCE: LA Fl.LE t.tAL GAA0EE (WED) INEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTTER YOU ASKED FOA IT THE BRADY BUNCH WOOOY WOODPECKER SONG AND DANCE: YOUTHFUl -0 ~ BALLET ~ MCME l? HR, 60 MIN.) (MON) NAPOLEON CONOUER8 AMERICA (THU) -~-.. ,.._...~~(1~~~~.) (WEO) :W~reJ~ , 12:46 i MOVIE ~HA .• 32 MIN.) (TUE) PKA FULL CONT ACTi<'AAA TE (WED) ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) UTTl.E HOUSE Off THE PRAIRIE VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) CALUGAAPHY (MON. WED) HOME GARDEN£R (TUE, THU) ALAOOIN (FRI) $ ' 1~100~=:MLD ,~;;,~HR.<SM~I EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING HAMM~ HOUSE Of~ (MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON. TUE. MCME (1HR,38 MIN.) (TUE) THU, FRI) 2:36 a> 8EV£.Rl Y HILLBILLIES I ONC~ UPON A CLASSIC (WED) 3:00. BARNEY MILLER - MOVIE rrnD-FRI) DONAHUE MOVIE 1 HR .• 45 MIN.)~FRI) RICHARD SIMMONS MOVIE 1 HR .• 69 MIN.) MON) EDGE Of NIGHT LITTLE JOHNNY JON (1 HR., 30 MIN.) MERV GRIFFIN • (TUE) MOVIE • GHANNEL ZERO ( 1 HR.) (WED) HAWAII FIVE--0 1:06 ITHE MUNSTERS PEOPLE'S COURT 1: 15 MOVIE (2 HRS .. 5 MIN.) (FRI) THE WAL TONS 1:30 Cl) CAPITOL MIGHTY MOU8E NEWS YOU AND TiiE LAW (FRI) SIGNATURE (TUE..fRI) HOMEGAADENER (MON, WED) NAPOLEON & LOVE (MON) AMERtCAN GOVERNMENT (TUE, THU) 8'Cl BLUE MARBLE (MON) HOUR MAGAZINE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (WED) SESAME Sn.£~ MOVIE (TUE) CHILOAeN Of MOUNTAIN (MON. WED. AUTO RACING (FRI) FRI) TOP RANK BOXING (MON) CHILDAEN Of THEATRE STREET (TUE) MCME ( 1 HR., 35 MINl(TUE) MOVIE (THU) • MCME ( 1 HR. 40 MIN. (FRI) F.A. SOCCES (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR.~30 MIN. (TU£) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (THU) MOVIE { 1 HR., 26 MIN. (MON) WHAT ON EARTH (FRI~ 1:35all LEAVE tT TO BEAV MOVIE (1 HR, 46 MIN. (MON) (%)MOVIE (1HR..35 MIN.) (THU) VIDEO JlJKEBOX (TU 2:00 I ~ ... ~DING LIGHT W1LO BABIES (TUE) 1 CAl"\O THE MINE ANO THE' MINOTAUR (TUE) JOHN DAVIDSON MOVIE (1HR .. 36 MIN.) (MON) QI GENERAL HOS PIT AL 3:06 ~ANDY GRIFFITH IRONSIDE · 3:15 MOVIE (1HR .. 32 MIN.) (THU) OPEN LINE 3:30 BARNABY JONES (MON. WEO-FRI) SUPERMAN I CBS LIBRARVJTUE) BOTANIC MAN: LIVING WATER (FRI) RICHARD SIM ONS MIXED BAG: ANIMATION (TUE) PEOPLE'S COURT QUIZ KID6 (WED) CHARLIE'S ANGELS STYLE (THU) ELIZABETH SWAOOS (MON) GUTEN TAG, WIE GEHrS7 (FRI) · THE SONG WRfTERS: CHARLES STROUSE GUT~ TAG IN OEUTSCHLAND (MON) TiiU) LES GAMMAS (TUE) YOU ANO THE LAW (FRI) TOMORROW'S FAMILIES. TOMOR~OW'S INSIDE JAP~N MON. W~O) FRIENDS (WED) OCEANUS THU) HABLAMOS ESPANOL (THU) CHIL.OAEN FIRE MOUNTAIN (FRI) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (WED) ALAOOIN=MON AU...STAR SOCCER (THU) NEW MAIO . ) VANtTIES (1 HR. 30 MIN.) (WED) SPORTS (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 63 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE i 1 HR, 63 MIN~~ MOVIE MOVIE fAA, 40 MtN. AEAOBICISE (MON, WED. FRI) MOVIE 1HR.,38 MIN. ) MOVIE r2 HRS .. 4 MIN.) (THU) HAMMER HOUSE OF (FRI) MOVIE 3 HRS .. 16 MIN.) (~) MCME 11 HR. 30 MIN.I ~) MOVIE 1 HR., 40 Ml~. (THU) MOVIE 1 HR. 44 MIH. FRI MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. (WEO) MOVIE 1 HR •• 47 MIN. 0) 2:06 llZJ BAA Y BUNCH ( ) 3:36 Gl) GOMER PYLE ' al) THE BAAOY BUNCH (MON-THU) 4:00 8 MARY TYLER MOORE 2:30. BEWITCHED • COUPLES Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" . . IOA MAKES A MOVIE (WED) COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (FRI) ALL·ST AR SPORTS CHAUENGE (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (WED) GOLF (THU) FLASHBACf< (1 HR.) (THU) IOA MAKES A MOVI£ (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (WED) BARRY MANILOW IN CONCERT ( 1 HR., 26 MIN.) (TUE) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (THU) 4:06 alJ WINNERS (FRI) all CAROL BURNffi ANO FRIENDS (MON-THU) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 33 MIN.) (TUE) 4:308 NEWS M•A•s•H . I 808 NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) BASEBALL (WEO) 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPAN.Y THE BRADY BUNCH BUGS BUNNY (FRI) BUGS BUNNY ANO FR1ENOS (MON-THU) SIGNATURE MISTER ROGERS (R) MACNEIL I LEHRet REPORT NEW MAIO (MON) MOVIE (TUE) SUNSHI~ PORCUPINE (WED) ALAOOIN (THU) • SPORTS C~NTl:R (MON-WED. FRI) MOVIE (1HR .. 41 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE i 1 HR., 30 MIN.! ~MON) MOVIE 1 HR .• 67 MIN. TUE MOVIE 1 H& 25 MIN. Tt-1~ MOVIE (2 H~.) (FRI) 4:35 all GOO 8LE88 AMEAICA (FRI) all SANFORD AND.ac>N (MON. THU) a!) BASEBAU. (TUE. WED) 4:46(%) MOVIE (2 HRS .• 6 MIN.) (MON) (%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON 'rHE ~ILM SCENE 5:&,~ D 8 Cl) llJ NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE KOJAK (FRI) THE 8AI~ (MON-THU) THE PERSUADERS (FRI) HOLL YWOOO (MON) MOVIE (TUE) TEXAS ~ND .TENNESSEE: A MUSICAL AFFAIR FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS [:~COME BACK. KOTTER MIXED BAG: CHRISTO'& VALLEY CURTAIN (FRI) ·, flarbo r Lawn · Moun t Olive Men1orial P.J r·k· Mo1·tuary· ~au oleums ' . . Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipment -Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Glaler ~ve. · Co1ta Mesa l I I I I I ' I ~--- ' \ l< >I {:\I :\( ; \I< )\ · 1 rs ·-6:05 "Thief" ( 1981. Drama) James Caan. Tues- day Wefd 6:30U "TeKas Lightning" (1981. Ofama) Channing Mitchell. Maureen McCofmtek. 6:00(C) "The Private Eyes" ( 1980. Comedy) Don .... Knolls, Tim Conway !" • CID "Mr Sycamore" ( 1975, Comedy) Jason Robards. Jean Simmons (%) "The Harrad Experiment" ( 1973, Orama) James Whitmore, Tippi Hadren 6:06@ "Wake Of The Red Witch" (1948, Adven- ture1 John Wayne, Gig Young. 7:30(C) "The Learning Tree" ( 1969. Drama) Kyle Johnson. Alex Clarke. 7:36(%) "A Face In The Crowd" (1957, Orama) An~ Gntl1lh, Palrteia Neat. 8:00Ui) "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981. Adventure) James Ryan. Annehne Krlel. "Hugo The Hippo" ( 1976, AdventureJ Animat- ed VOiCeS ol Burt Ives. Paul Lynde 0 "Huckleberry Finn" ( 1974, Adventure) Jett East. Paul Winfield 8:06@ "The Devil And MISS Jones" (1941, Come- dy) Jean Ar1hur, Charles Coburn 9:30 Q) "Paradise Canyon" ( 1935, Western) John Wayne. Marion Burne; (C) "St Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bronson Jac~ehne B.sset 9:45(.Z) "Blood And Guts" ( 1978 Ofama) Wilham Smth. Mtehehne Lanctol 10:00 "Despair" ( 1979 Ofama) Otrk Bogarde. Andrea FerreOI ~ •'The Gazebo" ( 1960. Comedy) Glenn Ford. Debbie Reynolds U "OoctOf Zhivago" ( 1965, Drama) Omat Shani, Getald1ne Chaplin 10:05@ "The Busy Body" ( 196?. Comedy) Sid Cae· sar. Robert Ryan. 11:30CC) "The Private Eyes" (1980, Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. (%) "Oh God! Book II" ( 1980. Comedy) George Burns, Suzanne P~tte. .\l·"l LI{\<><>\ \I< >\.ILS 12:0011 "The Romantic Age" (1950, Orama) Hugh Williams. Mal Zetterhng. • "Savage Pampas" ( 1967, Adventu,e) Robert Taylor, Ron Randell • "The Cool Ones" (t967. Comedy) Roddy McOowalt. Debbie Watson. Cl) "Xanadu" ( 1980, Musical) Olivia Newton-John. , Gene Kelly 1:00(.f) "The Haunting" ( 1963. Horror) Julie Hams, Clture Bloom - CC) "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, Western) Rich- ard Boone, G&Ofge Hamuton. CID "Hard Country" ( 1981. Drama) Jan-M1ehael Vincent, Kim Basinger 1: 16(%) "A Face In The Ctowd" ( 1957, Orama) Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal. 1:30U "Fotce Five. Starvengers" (1981. Scienoe- Fiction) Animated 2:00CI) "Shoot The Sun Down" (1980. Western) Christopher Walken. Margot Kidder. 2:309 "Aguirre. The Wrath Of God" 3:008 "The Ravine" ( 1970, Ofama) David McCat- lum, Johnny Crawford • 3:30® "The Big Red One" ( 1980. Adventure) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill CZ) "Small Change" ( 197~. Ofema) Gtofy Demouceaux. Philippe Goldman. Directed by Fran- cois T ruffaut. • 4:30(.1) "Hugo The Hippo" ( 1976, A~ture) Ani- mated Voices of Burt Ives, Paul Lynde. e "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" ( 1973, Biography) Graham Faulkner. Judi Bowl<er 5:00CC) "The learning Tree" ( 1969, Orama) Kyle Johnson, Alex Clarke. 6 : 15 (%) ''Home Movies'' ( 1980, Comedy) Keith GOf. don~ln! Douala• &:3000 "Mr Sycamore" J 1975, Comedy) JalOO Aobetds. Jean Simmons I \ I ,, I "' ( I HOT UNDER THE COLLAR -Uncle· Jesse (Denver Pyle) takes mauers in hands on 'The Dukes of Hazzard" FridJJy at 8 p .m . on CB~ (Ch . 2). He's a fireman who is h ot under the collar. 9 BUSINESS REPORT CID NBC NEWS 6!) CREATMTV WITH BILL MOYERS "Norman Lear ·• The Creative Prooe&6" 8111 Moyers looks Into the creative process by which Lear and his associ· ates translate an idea Into an enter1alning show tf'.>art 1) O CJ) MOVIE "Xanadu'' ( 1980. Musical) Olivia New- ton-John, Gene Kelly. A young artisl. a heavenly muse and a sentimental rn1lllonalre Join forces to open up a huge roller-disco p~lace. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 mln.J · 6:30 (I) a NEWS I BARNEY MILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY NAPOLEON & LOVE "Josephine" While In command of the French forces In Italy. Napotean tongs 10 be with his wife In Paris. ( 1 hr.) I. "NEW88EA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW BUSfNESS REPORT MOVIE "Caveman" (1981. Comedy) R1~ Starr. Dennis Quaid. The clownlSh membef o) a barely hUman prehistoric tribe begins to discover lhat brains and not brawn will be the key to h111 ~·ssurvlval 'PG' (lhf .. 31 min.) 6:00 • ,CHARLES CKAPltN PRESENTS ... 7:1~~A~AIN • ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A memorizing technique being taugh1 to Tennessee schoolchndren: people who found success with homeQrown businesses. II LYNN SHACKLEFORD SHOW (IJ ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with IM~S~~J1meau. JOKER'S Wlt.O OVER ENrf Guesl: Pete Seeger (R) O THE MUPP£T8 . POR11WT8 IN PA8TB..8 MOVIE "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, Western) Alcherd Boone~ George Hemllton. A &easoned cap- tain or Iha U S. Cavalry rides> hard on • Of""' youl'lg lieut~t out or Wnt Point ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (I) M LIMO& "Legendary Start s.riel'' Lvth« LMllt« vs U J. Puckett ( 1 hr ) CH> FlA8H8ACI< "Rte At Tht Cocoenut Grewe•· Eric Sevarelcl host• Ihle unique documentary which lllultr•t• t9'e trlQic events ot Saturday night. Noftmber 28, 19"42 when the f&mOOI Boston 'tclub exploded Into• blazlllg lnle<no ( 1 hr.) CHAN.a NIO LUCIE • MOW! "Nighthawk•" (1981, Orama) SyfvMt« St.ieone, Billy 0.. Wtlliema. A lough New Yort< City cop tw• Ne work out out '°' Nm ~ one of the world'• mott dengetout t«rOflttt arrtvee In hfa city. 'R' ( 1 tw . 39 min.) (Z) MOYIE "A Fece In The Crowd" (1957, Orama) Ana, Gtlfftth. Pelrlcle Neill A denltlct goes from a Jell cell to nettonal recognition on the 1treng1h or hit humOf •nd mulloal t•lenl. (2 hft • 6 mll'I ) 7:20 •-"fOCKEY PLAYOFFS LOI Angelel Kings 11 V1ncower. .• 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured discover the hid· ~n meanings behind doodle art; visit a.n Otange County tac1hty where performing befOfe crowds is used as therapy: useful hints on how to buy steteo i u!Q.ment ti) FAMILY FEUD ' BASEBALL Calllorn1a Angels vs. Minnesota Twins (2 hrs. 30min) D PEOPLE'S COURT Cl). TIC TAC DOUGH I YOU ASKED FOA fT M*A•S•H SIGNATURE Guest Pat Weaver - MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WALL STREET WEEK "A Bushel And OPEC" Guest Willlam L RandQI. vice presldent of the First Boston Corpclfahon, 8:00 9 (I) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Bo and Luke Lry 10 return a sum ot money to Boss Hogg's vault befOfe It Is missed (R) ( 1 hr.) 11 1JD CHICAGO STORY Lou Pelllgrloo defends a woman who killed her late husband's cousin when the woman tried to sell her newborn baby. (3 hrs ) D aJ) BENSON Benson 1s recruited by the FBI for a seheme to tra~ a lobbyist suspected of bribing fed- eral officials (R) O m P.M. MAGAZINE A man whose boss offered him S50.000 lo lose weight and run a marathon. Holly woad super-agent Mar1y Klein ti) MOVIE "Search FC>f The Gods" ( 1975, Mys- tery) Kurl Russell. Stephen McHatlle Three young archaeologlsts discover a 50,000-year-old Pueblo medanK>n conta1n1ng hints that Earth was visited by anc1enr astronauts (2 hrs ) @MIXED BAG: CHRISTO'S VALLEY CURTAIN A film of the reactions of residents and construction workers 10 Bulgarian born artist Chrtsto's orange nylon cunaln whteh he hUng between two Colorado mountatns 1n 1971 6i) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Hard Country" ( 1981. Drama) Jan- Mtehael Vincent. Kim BaS1nger. A TeKas factory worker is torn between his desire to continue in lhe "good old boy" lifestyle and his flancee's sh<>w business ambitions 'PO' ( 1 hr . 45 min.) MOVIE ;'Cheech And Chong"s Next Movie" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard "Cheech" Marin, Thomas Chong. Two potheads have numerous small adven- tures while roaming the streets of Los Angeles In search ol lhe "perfect high " 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 mtn.) Cl MOVIE "Used Cars" ( 1980, Comedy) Kurt Rus- sell. Jack Warden. Alter the ownet of a bankrupt car shop dteS. his emp19yees lry to cover up his demise to prewnt his wealthy car dealer brother from lnher-- lung I.he busmess 'R t 1 hr . 53 min.) 8:30 D «I BARNEY MILLER Barney and hlS men become embroiled with the KGB. and Wojo arrests a would-be prostitute who Is trying lo supplement her U S Army pay (R) O i lRONSIOE HEALTHBEAT - RICHARD STRAUSS "Burteske For Piano And Orchestra In 0 Minor" and "Don Juan, Opus 20" Is performed ~he Vieona Philharmonic. ( 1 hr.) • WALLHEEf WEEK "A Bulhel And. OPEC" Guest William l Randol, vic:e president of the Rrst Boston Corpof'ation G) CREA TMTY WfTH 81U MOYERS "Norman Lear •• The Cu~atlve Process" Biii Moyers profiles the man behind the leleYlslOn comedles. (Part 2) &:~«}')NEWS 9:00 8 Cl) DALLAS J R Is e prime suspect In the SouthfOf'k swimming POOi murder. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 9 THE PHO£NI)( Bennu ptJlls a woman from a raging flre al' federal agent Kremlnger moves In to capture him. ( 1 hr ) • MERV OfWftN OUMtt: The 'Bellamy Brolhf!'S. Jerry Ven Dyke, Brodlt Greer.· Aober1 Ludlum. ( 1 tw.i ' • CAEATMTY WfTH BIU MOYEM "Norman Leer -The Ctwettve Process" 9111 Moyers profllts the man behind the televltlon comedletl. (Part 2) Q • VOTER'S PIPB.INE Jim Coopet moderet• 1 c:Mbate on the pros end cons of the PerlphefeJ Cena! ~tion on the upcoming e1te1roo ballot. {CJ MOYE "St Ives" ( 1Q?6, Adwntute) Cherlee 8rontoo. Jacquellne BIMet. A former etlme rlPOl'f· er-tlJfned-detectlve.11 hhd bye wealthy fllm lancief 10 1ecowr a let of lnctlmlnttlng ledgers. ·PO' ( 1 hf .. 34 min.) (I) TOP AAMC 80lCaHO f-"rom Atllntlc City, ,....,, J.ra.y. (2 hr•. 30 min.) CD llfCWIE "A Chl"QI Of &Meon." '1NO, cam. dy) 8hlf1tv Mac:Lalne, Anthony twklnt. A mkkh- aged couiple try out rounet' Plf1'*9 dUf'lng • moun111n veotllOn 'R' 1 hf., 42 min,). CD) MOYE "Happy aitthday To Ma ' ( t9801 Hof· rOfl MellaU Sue Andtrlon, Glenn FOfd. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Friday (oontimed) begins chopping away at her circle of ehttSt fr iends. a prep school senior worri~ that she may be the next v1etim --or possibly lhe killer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 48 min.}_ 9~15 CZ) MOVIE "Oh God! Book II" ( t980. Comedy) George Burns. Suzanne Pleshette. God returns to ... Earth and chooses the young daughter of an adver- tising executive to spread his message to the world. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 9:30 (!) MOVIE "Race Street" ( 1948, Mystery) George Raft. William Bendix. A San Francisco bookie ftnds himself matching wits with a black- mailer. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Josephine" While In command of the French forces 1n Italy. Napolean longs to be with his wlfe 1n Pans. ( 1 hr.1 fD 6!) INSIDE STORY "The President, The Econo- my And The Pres1'' Hodd•ng Carter examines charges that the press has been unfair m its reports on President Reagan's economic programs. 9:35@ MOVIE "Flower Drum Song'' (1961, Musi- cal) Nancy Kwan, James Shigeta. Based on the stage play by Rodgers and Hammerstein A Chinese -girl travels to San Francisco to marry a man whose fam~ picked her for his bride (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 10:009 Cl) FALCON CREST Angela uses her late husband's newspaper to defame t.Jer nephew and protect her empire. (Part 2) ( 1 hr) •••• NEWS D 9 STRIKE FORCE Murphy investigates a series of f(iltings with cab drivers as the victims. ( 1 hr.) 9 TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "God's Prodigy'' Tony Brown profiles a 7-year-old organist tn an examination of the new religious revival among young blacks. 6!) ARSNG LINE "The Libertarian Credo" Guesr Tibor Machan, senior fellow of the Reason 'Founda· tlon in Santa Barbara. ( 1 hr.) CH) MOVIE "Used Cars" ( 1980, Comedy) Kurt Rus- sell. Jack""arden. After the owner of a bankrwpt car shop dies. his employees try to cover up his demise to prevent his wealthy car dealer brother from inher- 1tlrig the business. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Up In Smoke" ( 1978, Comedy) Cheech and Chong. Edle Adams. Two drifters embark on a cross..country trip, frustrating the law and meeting an odd assortment of characters along the way. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) ·g MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980. Orama) Dirk Benedict, Linda Blair. A shell-shocked Vietnam vet disturbs the peace of a small Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 hr.~ 35 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Pat Weaver. • CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW 11:00 •• D Cl) om NEWS 1-~~::~HT . M0A•s •H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG: CHRISTO'S VALLEY CURTAIN A film of the reactions of residents and construction workers 10 Bulgarian ~rn. artist Christo's orange nylon curtain which he hung between two Colorado mountains in 1971. 8D DICK CAVETT "Drugs: Addiction And Recov- ery" Guests: Or. Mark S. Gold, John Phillips. Mack- enzie Philhps. (Part 3) (R) G) WHO WILL PROTECT THE FA~JL Y? An ln- deplh look Is tak"en at the people who have fought for and agalnsl the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. ( 1 hr.) CJ:) MOVIE "ABBA: The Movie" ( 1978. Mualcal) ABBA. A hapless disc jockey tenaciouSly pursues the renowned Swedish super group as they sing 18 of their hits. lnctU'dlrlg: "Dancing Queen,' "Water- loo," "S.0 .S." and "Fernando." ·a· ( 1 hr.. 37 min.) . (I) MOVIE "Love At The Top" 0974, Comedy) Jean-Louis TrlntJOncint, Romy Schnelder. The rela- tionship between a suoeessfUI businessman and a ~ostltute Is e)(plolled by a cynleal novtllst. (2 hrs.) CaJ MOVIE "Deadly Games" (1981, Mystery) Joann Herrls, Sam Groom. When a woman returns home for her sisters furneral she falls In Jove with the detective who Is Investigating the murder ot her sl,. ter. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) , (%) MOW: "The Hatred S,xperiment" { 197-3, &a· ma) James Whllm<>Je, Tlp~l He<tren. A college decides to lncorporafe e courso on 8e)tual retatlone and Intimacy In retalionft'tlpe Into' the curricutum, 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 mln.) • 11:30 8 <I> NBA BA8m8ALL GOldtn State Warrl- or1 at Los Anatles Laker• (2 hrs ) e e THE 8E8T OF CAASON Guests: Tim eon.. wef' ~i1Y 08vit J(.. Peto Fountain. Julia Child. NEWS NIGHTLINE MCME "Oeedly <WW' ( J~7e. Orame) David , Alen Garfield. A New V°"' City undefcover ottie.r ettigntd to the narcottct eq"9d led a toen ehark 10 • drug-tMUggling opetatlM. '2 tva__) TROUBLE AHEAD -Yoko Shimada (leh), in her first American role since "Shogun," is escorted from Cook County Hospit.al by her cousin (Nancy Kwan) -w1l9m she will be forced to kill in order to save the life of her infant child -in "Not Quite Paradjse," a three-hour spedal "Chicago Story" Friday st 8 p.m. on NBC (Cb. 4). m SANFORD ANO SON @ RtCHARO STRAUSS "Burle8Ke For Piano And Orchestra In D Minor" and "Don Juan, Opus 20" Is performed by the Vienna Phllharmonlc. ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW SPORTS CENTER BIZARRE "Super Dave" 11:65(B) MOVIE "KlH And Kill Again" (1981, Adven· ture) James Ryan, Annellne Krlel. A martial arts expel1 battles the minions of a power-mad scientist lnlent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-con- trol drug. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min,) 12:009 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with jazz singer Al Jarreau. D 0 FRIDAYS Host: Valerie Harper. Gu~ts: The Cars. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 0 MOVIE "The Ravine" ( l970. Drama) David McCallum. Johnny Crawford. During World War II, a German soldier Is assigned 10 locate a Balkan sniper who turns out to be more beaullful than he expect- ed. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "Born To Kiii" ( 1947, Mystery) Law· rence Tierney. Claire Trevor. A fugitive killer marries a wealthy woman and seduces her not-so-affluent sister. (2 hrs.) • LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE (I) MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981, Drema) Sylvester Stallone. Biiiy Dee Williams. A lough New York City cop has his work cut oot tor him when one of the wor)d's most dangerOl.ls terrorists arrives In his city 'R' ( 1 hr. 39 min.) g MOVIE "T exes Lightning" ( 198 1. Orama) Ctlannlng Mitchell. Maureen McCormick. A boy's weekend hunting trip with his father turns Into an lnillatlon into manhood. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 12:15(1!) MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Man" ( t957, Science-Fiction) Grant Williams, Randy Stu· art. A man discovers he Is shrinking after being enveloped In e &1range t~ (1hr .. 4'5 min.) 12:30D e 9CTV NETWORK Guest: Tony Bennett. • hr •• 30 mlo.) COUPLES ~EON & LOVE "Josephine'' Wl\lle in command ot lhO Fr~h foroet In ltely. Napolean Ion~ to bt With hit Wffe ln Paris. ( 1 tlr.) (I) PROfE88tONAL ROOEO From Meequlte. Te•- at.,l'lrt.) 12:38 MOVIE "The Sin" (1 l'lr .. 26 min.) 1 :00 MUStC MAKERS IN CONCE:RT Sammy Davis Jr. Sings "Cendy Men .• " "Ain't Mltbehallln.'' and "Stop The World." (1 hr.) · e MOVIE "The HottaQe" ( 1967. Orama) Denny Martins. Oon O'Kelly. A 6-yeer~Old bOy hldn out In a moving van unawere that the drl~r It e klllef on hi• way lo p1ek up the corpae of his late1t mur<* victim (1 hr •• 30.-mln.} ~ MOYIE ·•catnal Knowledge" ( 1971. Orama) Jack NlchollOl'I, AM•M«gtet. Two college trlendt •spend ~•I )'98ra befOfe ef\O aft., gntdultlon csi. cOYering llfe l)y l!Wlng •nd NJtching Heh ott'ltt't Qltifr'9ndl 'A' ( t hr., 37 min.) El:) MOVIE "Gimme Shelter" ( 1970, Musical) Roll-~ ing Stones, Jefferson Airplane This documentary of - the Rolling Stones' 1969 Amef'iean tour Include$ !a scenes of the rioting and murder at an Altamont ~ Speedw~ee concert. (1hr .31 min.) r- t :130=ING AT THE IMPROV 8 MOVIE "Ship Of Fools" ( 1965, Orama) Vivien :,, Leigh. Simone Signore!. A motley assortment of ~ passengers 1s lorced to share close quarters white · Al t..tlveling to Bremerhaven. (3 hrs.) ~ g MOVIE "Stir" ( 1980. Orama) Bryan Brown, > Max Phipps. Tensions between guards and inmates 'O at a New South Wales prison reaches a boiling ~ point, culminating in bloody rioting. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 _. min.l · !" 1:40(8) MOVIE "The Shining" ( 1980. Horror) Jack _. Nicholson, Shelley Duvall. Directed by Stanley g: Kubrick A former schoolteacher hired as a winter N caretaker tor a remote. and apparently haunted. Colorado hotel. is snowbound there with his wife and clairvoyant young son. 'R' (2 hrs .. 26 min.) U5(J) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to 1ail. 'A' ( 1 hr., 51 min.) 2:00 D CID NEWS ' 8 MOVIE "Kid Millions" ( 1935, Comedy) Eddie Cantor, Ethel Merman: A Brooklyn tomboy Inherits a fortune. { 1 hr., 30 min.) @ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (%)CHARLES CHAPLIN PRESENTS ... 2:05 fJ MOVIE "Advise And Consent" (1962. Dra- ma) Henry Fonda. Charles Laughton. The presi- dent's appointment of a controversial secretary of state begins a dramatic account of Washington poll- ttcs. (2 hrs .. 50 min.) (!)NEWS 2:15(%) MOVIE "Home Movies" (1980, Comedy) Keith Gordon, Kirk• Douglas. A young lllm student suffers from a badgering teacher and an attraction to his brother's fiancee. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) # 2:308NEWS m MOVIE "Dracula's Castle" ( 1969, Horru) John Carradine, Otto Kruger. A vampire and his wife kid· nap young girls In order to drink their blood. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ([) POCKET BILLIAROS "Legendary Stars Serles" Babe Cranfield vs. U.J. Puckett ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:35 (!) MOVIE "The Great Man Votes" ( 1939, Ora- ma) John Barrymore, Virginia Weidler. A brilliant protessor. who has fallen to the 8\lllS of drink, wages a custody battle with a Children's Society which seeks to prove him an unfltfarent. ( 1 hr., 26 min.) 2:"401 MbVIE "Fillmore" ( hr .. 45 min.) 3:00 NEWS 3:30 MOVIE "Holiday Rhythm" ( 1950. Musical} Mary Beth Hughes. David Street. Ttie dream of a man Includes entertainment in a trip around the world. ( 1 hr .. 5 min.) 0 MOVIE "Used Cars" ( 1980, Comedy) Kurt Rus-sell. Jack Warden. After the owner of a bankrupt car shop dies, his employees try to oover up his demise to prevent his wealthy car dealer brothel' from lnher· it1nQ..!_he busJness:-'R' ( 1' hr .• 53 min.) 3:46(.SJ MOVIE "Cheech And Chon~·s Next Movie" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard "Cheech' Marin, Thomas Chong. Two potheads have numerous small adven- tures while roaming the streets of Los Angeles In • search of the "perfect high." 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) (%)MOVIE "Blood And Guts" ( 1978, Orama) Wii- iiam Smith, Micheline L:anctot. An aging wrestler seeks his one-in-a-million shot tor success In Ille, work and love. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 32 min.) •:OO (f) NEWS (()SPORTS CENTER 4:05 al VEGETABLE SOUP CID MOVIE "Mountain Men" ( t980, Adventure) Charlton Heston, Brian Keith. Two fur trappers enjoy the freedom of the wilderness in the last few years before the encroachment of civlllietion. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 4:26 CJ:) MOVIE "A Thunder Of Drums" ( 1961, West· ern) Riehard Boone, George Hamilton. A eeaaoned captain of the U.S. Cavalry rides hard on e green. young lieutenant just 04.lt of West Point (1 hr.. 40 min~ ~~ MAKE PEACE WrTH NATURE e . tMP06SIBLE 4':3Se MOW: "Gay't>og" (1955, Comedy) Wiifred Plekles, Petula Clark. A man chenget hit wager on e racing canine and anger• hit relatives when the a;~;::~> -- \I< >I{'\ I '\C ; 6:00 (I) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (I) ~Al RODEO From Mesquite. Tex· 6:~~ rJeBAU BUNCH 6! 16 ~ MOVIE "Small Change" ( 1976, Drlp8) Geory Demouoeaux. Phlllppe Goldman Olrectdd by FrancojS Trulfa.uul. ( 1 hr . 44 min ) 5:20(1) tM2ARAE "Supef Dave" 5:30(!) NEWARK ANO REALITY I VIEWPOtNT ON NUTRITION MOVtE "Together" (1956) Documentary Michael Andrews. Eduardo PaoloUI ( I hf . 30 6:~n~ THE PARTRIOOE FAMIL V 6:46 at) WHAT ON EARTH O<son Bean hosts this fastj?eced. fact-filled science se<les 8:00 B SUNRISE SEMESTER SERENotPfTY PUBLIC AFfAIRS TEEN TAU< APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAKERS BUREAU REPORT 8ATUROAV MOANING MOVIE "Children Of Theatre Street" ( 1 hr., 30 min) MURDER AMONG FRIENDS Sally Kellerman and LMlie Nettsen star in this comedy whodunit. set In a New Vork apar1ment on New Year's Eve. 1nvolv· 1ng an actor. his wealthy wife and ~ ambitious agent ( 1 hr . 46 min ) 8:061 I WAR AND PEACE 6:20 NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREE.HOUSE THArSCAT PACESETTERS VOtCE OF AGRICULTURE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MUSIC WOAL.D rrs YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Mf1U1ice Cheval- ier, Leslle Caron (2 hrs.) 7:00 8 KIOSWOALO Featured' an lnt9fVlew with Robert Guilleume. who plays "Benson" on the telo- vislon ee<ies of the same name, a report on 14-year· old mOdel builder Shawn Bentz, from Green Hills. Ohio e THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MAA8LE 0 8UPERFRtEN06 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DA.VEY A.NO OOLIA.TH DOCTOR WHO T\R4A80UT YOGA FOffHEALTH SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" ( 1973. ~~rephy) Graham Faulkner. Judi Bowker (2 (%)Movie "Zazle Dans Le Metro" (1hr .. 30 min) 7:061'1?1 MOVIE "The Awful Truth" (1937. Comedy) C8i ran1, Irene Dunne. 7:30 MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS DA. SNUOGLES 9 RICHIE RICH I scooev 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVFf AND GOLIATH DOCTOAWHO NEWS UNOER8T ANOeNO HUMA.N BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Second Wind" ( 1980, Orama) llndMy w~,.,..James Naughton. 8:00• w POPEYE e MOVIE ''Ride. Rangef, Ride" ( 193e. w .. 1ern) a.ne Autry. ~mlley Burnette. e.41. E8TAT£TOOAV · MOVIE ''T,,. Big Carnival" (195°1. Orama) Kirk a. Jen Stefling • MOVIE "Konga" ( t9ef. Sdence-FlctlOn) MlchMI Gouah. Margo JohnL • UNDENTAIONG &PACE ANO TIME '(() AU.-.eTAA 8POAT8 CHAU.ENGE BrOOktyn Dodg«I Of The 195Ch VI. New York Football Gi.nta Of The 1960'1 Cl) MOVIE "Bettayt<I" ( 19S.., Ofema) Cl rk Oiblt. Lane Turrw ( 1 hr • 50 !"~n) t:•11TMZAH I LONE AAHGEA I MIDaJPER ~HOUR FONZ I~ OAVSONG ANO OlllQ.ANIZA TION8 00 1 R'Mi INl1"MICTIONAL IEAIQ "B ... blll 1ntt1h1 Ple,1 Md auv"'f>'ne" · ·" SPACE CRIME FIGHTERS -LJUJe Aatromltet, Glax (right) and Plurem. help protact Che unJvene against tyranny every Saturday morning In the NBC (Ch. 4) animated 11eries "Spat.:e Stan" at 10 o'clot'k. CID STEVtE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac membef NlcilS performs "Aftef The Glltte< Fades:· "Leather And Lace." "The Highwayman" and "Bel· la Donna," as well as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire Taped al the Fox Wilshire Theatre 1n Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) (%) MOVIE "The Game F°' Vultures" ( 1978. Adventure) Richard Hems, Richard Roondtree ( 1 hr . 47 rrlln ) ~001LEA.VE IT TO BEAVER · I LAVERNE & SHIRlEY MOVIE "The Glory Bngade" ( 1953. Otama) Vlctor Mature. Lee MaN1n I ERNEST ANGLEY NEWVOfCE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Jesua" ( 1979. Orama) Brian Deacon. Rivka Nolman (!) COLLEGE WRESTLING "Otvislon II Oh mplOn· sh ps" from University of WltCOr\Sln at Perkllde (2 tn.) . g MOVIE "CavemM" ( 1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Ouaid ( 1 br , 31 min.) 9:06a7) MOVIE ''Good Sam" ( 1948, Comedy) Gary C~r, Ann Sheridan. • 9:,. Cl) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNEA l oJ~~~~ET 9 HEA THCUff I MARMADUKE MONEYMAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Ear1hllng" (1980. Adventure) Wtl· liam Holden, Riek)' Schroder. ( 1 hr., 37 min ) 10:00 I DAFFY I SPE£0V I 0 w~~AAR I GOLOtE GOLD GAEATEST SPORTS LEGEN08 CAR Cltl'E. CENTRAL BOBJONl:S LAST CHANCE GARAGE Hott Br1d See,. dleg· noses an ailing balt9fY and inves1iga1es a brako avs· tem complaint. (R) I SPA.CE STAAS VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper moderates a debate on the pros end con• of the Perlphefal Canal l>f~lon on the upcoming electlon ballot Cl) MOVIE "One On One" (1977, Orama) Robby Semon. Annette O'TOOlt (1 hr., 38 min) 10:20 CZ) TOTAL CONTROL 10:308. BASEBALL New Vork Venkees at Ot1r()t A~~l8 TOP TEN WK..o WILD WOALO OF ANIMALS BA'iEBALL Montreal Expoll at New Vork Mots lhrl., 'Omln.) WE'RE MOVIN' ~DAY . PHOTO SHOW POATRAfTB IN PASTELS MOVIE ''T ..... ( 1979. Orama) Na1taula Klnakl, tier Firth. (~ l'lrt., 50 min.) ~ (%) MOYie ''Slood And Gutt" (1978, Of1m1) Wll· ilam Smltb. Mlohellot Lanctot ( 1 hr , 32 Mll'I ) 1 tcOO'WCT TEHN8 • WEEKEND SPEC&Al "BunnlciM, The Vam- pire Rabbft'' A.n lf"Mg•Ntlllt alt Ind dog ~t thet tht6t fatNfy'• MW pet tiunnY II• vemplre. (A) i. wa.o: Wll.O WOALO OF ANIMALS •'O'• n•w --· I THE ROOKIES COOKING MEXICAN CALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "The Solt Skin" ( 1964. Drama) Fran colse Dorleac, Jean Oesa1lly (!) WCT TENNIS "River Oaks lnternatlonel" from Houston. Tex.a'> (Sem1Unals) (3 hrs) 11:30 8 Cl) BLACKSTAR I AMERICAN BANOST ANO WllD, WILD WEST • MAGIC OF OtL PAINTING CALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "King Ot The Mountain" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Harry Hamlin. Joseph Bottoms ( 1 hr . 30 m1nl 11:35 (IZ) MOVIE "In Like Flint" (1967, Adventure) James Coburn, Lee J Cobb .\I 11.l{~< >< >:\ 12:009 Cl) TROLLKINS I LOOT IN SPACE MOVIE "Allegheny Uprls1~ ( 1939, Drama) John Wayr.e. Claire Trevor I AOAM-12 SLIM CUISINE NEEDLECRAFT MOVIE "Oh God!" ( t977. Comedy) George Burns, John Denver ( 1 hr , 36 mln ) (%) MOVIE "Modern Romance" ( 198 t, Comedy) Albert Brooks, Kathryn Harrold ( 1 hr . 33 min ) 12:30 8 (() TOM AND JERRY G MOVIE "Flreball 600" ( t966. Orama) Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello G MOVIE "F0<ty Guns" ( 1957, Wes1em) Barbara Stanwyck. ~Sullivan 1 ~~12 COLLEGE FOR CANINES (R) NEEDLECRAFT 1:008 (I) KWICKY KOALA I THE MUNSTERS H~SLUCV MOVIE "Panic In The Wilderness" ( 1975. Adventure) • WOOOWR1GHT'S SHOP ' OumbheadS In Action" Roy Underhdl completes lhe upper pan ol the shaving horse. (R) ID GROWING YEARS CC) MOVIE ''Children Ot Theatre Street" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (H) HEROES "Patton •• The Man Behind The Myth" Fiim footage and rare 111111 provide new Insight lnlo the man beh nd the mllftary mask 1: 10~KtNER'S WORLD 1:30 TENNIS "Pacific Southwest Open" (2 hrt) D TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS Third· round coverage QI this tournament fea1urlng some of the top golfers on the pro tour (live from the Le Costa Country Club in Carlsbad. Calif ) . ( t hr . 30 -~TROOP ~ Cl) 30 MINUTES Christopher Glenn looks et the video gamn mania and the problems ii ls creating. Betty Ann Bowser reports on why ooe polenllal ath· letlc aoperstar Q&Ve up he< sport (!) MUSIC WORLD 9 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with Hugh Hefner, Al Jarreau. Chubby Checker. Ed McMahon end Tanya Tucker ( 1 hr) • MOVIE "Deadly Game" ( 1976. Drama) David Birney, Allen Garfield • NOVA "Notes Of A Biology Watcher A Fiim With Lewl.s Thomas" Blok>gt11 and award-winning authof Dr Lewis Thomas reveals some of the mys· t8fl009 wonders of hfe. (R) Q ( 1 hr ) e GROWING YEARS · (]J) VANmES Annette O'Toole, Meredllh Baxter Bir· ney and Sl'.elley Heck tier as three Te11es cheerleaden; whOSe relationship Is traced from high achool to thelr pollt-greduate reunion ( t hr • ~ mJn) a CttANNB. ZERO 1:46(%) MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957. Ort· ma). Andy Griffith. Patricia Neal. (2 hra .. 5 min ) 2:00~819LAND I 8A8EBALL. BUNCH . MOVIE ''Run. Angel, Run" ( 1969, Orama) Wll· llem Smith, Valefie Starrett i THE HA.ADY 80Y8 I NANCY DAEW MY8TER- 181QNA.TURE Guest· Pat WMvef. UNDEAITANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR ~ "Netlonal Sho<1 CourM Champion· ~" (2hft.) CO MOVE ""the North Awnue lrregulllra" ( 1979, Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Barb41ra H11r)I Cl) MOYIE "The Btothef• t<ar1mazov" ( 1958, Or•· me} Maria Schei. Yul Bfynner (2 h,.., 28 min ) 2'..olc OF THE WILD 2:130 QI~• OAf~s OOt.DEN QLOVD UM • -·•tt'' I .. IOWL. ffM!:t10liOOC) ~ f ____ ..:_ __________________________________________________ -....------------:::-:-~-:-~11 Roger Moore. Sylvia Syms. The Saint IS hired by 8 myste<y writer who tS being lhrellened by the char-~ acters 1n her own novels. (~hrs.) a> e UP .ANO COMING (Season Premiere) "Bad .- Business'' Joyce proposes a bold and risky solution q;j when Frank's constructtOn c,ompany seems close lo ~ Sctturday (continued) Greater Hartford Open (from Bradley Bowl 1n Wind- sor Locks. Conn) ( 1 hr., 30 min) @ MIXED BAG: CHRISTO'$ VALLEY CURTAIN e TENNIS "Easter Bowl Junior TournameJll" T~pe coverage of the best matches from Del Rey. Flonda; Vic Braden offers the play-by·play. (2 hrs.) CD UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR . CC) MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962, Drama) Jeffrey Hunter. Robert Ryan O MOVIE "ffolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason. ( 1 hr . 39 min ) 2:35 (ll) MOTORWEEK ILLUSTAA TEO 3:00 8 SPORTS AAELD 8 MOVIE "Storm Boy" ( 1976, Adventure) David Gulpllil. Greg Rowe (!)WILD KINGDOM e MOVIE "Parrish" ( 1961, Orama) Troy • Donahue. Claudette Colbert @ RICHARD STRAUSS "Burteske For Plano And Orchestra In D Minor" and "Don Juan. Opus 20" is performed by the Vienna Philharmonic ( 1 hr ) I TEXAS ANO TENNESSEE: A MUSICAL AFFAIR HOME GARDENER MOVIE "The Earthhng" ( 1980, Adventure) W1I· ham Holden. Ricky Schroder ( 1 hr . 37 mm ) 3:05 al) WRESTLING 3:30 8 ())SPORTS SATURDAY ld1tar0d 1200-mile dog sled race. ltom Anchorage 10 Nome, AlaSka Great Pool Shoot-Out. Part 2 (from Las Vegas Nev ) ( I hr . 30 mrn ) D EVERYWHERE Location hve from Library Park. Monrovia for "Pnvaie Property Week " ( 1 hr . 30 min) D PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $100.000 Greater Hartford Open (from Bradley Bowl 1n Wind· sor Locks, Conn ) ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) (!) RACING FROM AQUEDUCT m MOVIE "Cinderella l iberty" ( 1973, Comedy) James C8an. Marsha Mason f1!) HOME GARDENER •:OO D GRtZZL Y ADAMS i ERIC SEVAREJD'S CHRONICLE THE ROCKFORD ALES NAPOLEON & LOVE "Josephine" While 1n command of the French forces 1n Italy. Napofean IQngs to be with his wife In Paris. ( 1 hr.) ~ llNTROOUCING BIOLOGY SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Small Change" ( 1976, Drama) Geary Oemouceaux, Philippe Goldman. Directed by Fran- cois Trullaut ( 1 hr .. 0 min.) •:30(!)AGAONSKY ANO COMPANY •. SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Austria vs. Spain ~~BIOLOGY (I) ~VIE "One On One" ( 1977. Drama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Toole ( 1 hr . 38 min) · D MOVIE "Doctor Zhivago" ( 1965. Orama) Omar Sharif, Geraldine Chaplln (3 hrs., 30 min.) 6:00 9 INTE'RFACE I FREE .. ALL STAR TREK WIDE WOALO OF SPORTS 10-round tight heavyweight bout between former champion Matthew Saad Muhammad and Pete Mcintyre (from Atlantic City. N.J.); The Wood Memorial fot Kentucky Derby hopefuls (from Aqueduct Race- track in New York City). ( 1 hr., 30 min.) IM•A•S•H KOJAK MAUOE NEWS SOUOGOLD ANTON CHEKOV'S "THE THREE SISTERS" The Royal Shakespeare Company performs Che- k<W's classlc starring Roger Rees. Emily,...Alchard, Janet Dale. and Suzanne Sertlsh. (3 hrs .. :119 mln.) I LAWRENCE WELK SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Austria vs. Spain (1 hr.) . (I) POCKET Btl.LIAAD6 "Legendary Stars Serles" Cowboy Jimmy Moore vs. Wiiiie M'oeconl ( 1 hr.) (8) srtv1e HICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac membef Nicks performs "After Tl'MI Glitter Fades." "Leather And Lace," "The Highwayman" and "Bel- TRIO OF TROUBLE -Jack Blessing (from left), Debbie Zipp and Darren Mc;Gavin are involved with an unusual detect.Ne agency on "Walt Disney" Saturday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). la Donna " as well as favorites frQm the Fleetwood Mac rep6r10tre Taped at the Fox Wilshire Theatre in Los Angeles ( t hr.) MOVIE "Touched By Love" ( 1980. Orama) Deborah Rafhn. Diane Lane. CO) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza M1nnelh. Johnny Mathis, Gladys Kntght and Carly Simon smg some of tOday's greatest hits Including. "The Way We Were,'' "What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does II Better." 6:06 Ol) THIS WEEK fN BASEBALL 6:30• NEWSMAKERS I ~coME BACK. Kon~ THE NEW JERSEY NETS: A NEW ERA WIDE WORLD Of SParrS 10-round light heavyweight bout between former champion Matthew Saad Muhammad and Pete Mcintyre (from Atlantlc City, N.J.): The Wood Memorial for Kentucky Derby hopefuls (from Aqueduct Race- track In New York City) , ( 1 hr .. 30 mm ) I LAWRENCE WB..K . ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Talisman" The European rulers who are plotting against the deathly 111 King Richard send Kenneth to offer peace to the Moslem rule< SaC.din. (Part 2) (R) Q - CC) MOVIE "The Sof1 Skin" ( 196•. Ocama) Fren- oolse Oorleac. Jean Oesailty. 6:35 Ol) BASEBAU. Atlanta Braves al Houston Asiros (3 hrs . 15 min.) 5:'5 (%) MOVIE "Oh God! Book II" ( 1980, Comedy) George Borns. Suzanne Pleshette ( 1 hr . 35 min.) I \ I '\ I '\( . e:oolic~ I MOVIE "The l...lvtl)' Set" ( 196'. Romance) James Darren. Pamela Tiffin. A conceited young man gets Into trouble With his employet before he decides to settle d<>wn to his studies and hit wife. (2 hra.) e WHfTE SHADOW • (!) N8A BA8KET8Al1. Detroit Pistons vs New Jef· sey Nets (2 hfa.. 30 min,) • MOVIE "The Action Makers" ( UM37. Mvstcwv) falhng c:;i ~ I,!) SPORTS AMERICA "College Wres ling: East-< West All-Star Meet" ( 1 hr) (£) TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas. Nevada ~ (g hrs . 30 min ) ~ (8) MOVIE "G1gr· ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Cheval-u.. ier. Leshe Caron A tomboy being groomed by her • aunt and grandmother sets out on hef own to catch &- a man (2 hrs) • ...J (JI) MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962. Orama) Jeffrey > Hunter Robert Ryan ·The coming of Jesus and the ..,... events· of his ltfe gave birth to a new rellglon. (3 ]? ~L . ~ 6: 16 Cl) MOVIE "Oh God!" ( 1977. Comedy) George Burns, John Denver God selects an unsuspecting young supermarket manaS1er to deliver a message of Mpe and good will to the skeptical people of the modern-da.t_wodd "PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min) 6:30 8 G CJJ ID NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE OOOOER DUGOUT WHY IN THE WORLD 6:•51 DOOOER PRE-GAME SHOW 7:00 ()) IN SEARCH OF ... Cl FAMILY FEUD D WHERE WERE YOU? 0 THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES Im PEOPLE'S COURT (D BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers vs San Diego Padres (3 hrs ) Ell) CHECKING IT OUT Featured· Reggie Jackson and Earl weaver at spring training camp . fashion destgner Bet~y Gonzales. singer Juho lgtesias at Miami's CalteOc.ho Festrval c:;J fZ THE MUPPETS Si) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila gives pomters on raying a no-wax floor and checks the progress of the landscaping Q CD MOVIE "Breaking Glass" (1980. Orama) Haz~I O'Conno<. Phil Danlefs. A Bnllsh punk pop star s lifestyle ultimately leads to tragedy. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 34 min~ 7:20. TOTAL CONTROl 7;130~S:=- ~roeeoo THEMUPPETS e SNEAK PAEV1EWS RC>Jr'f: Ebert and Gene Sisk· el revlew "A little Sex,' "Penitentiary 2" and "Some Kind Of Hero." ~MOVIE "Second Wind" ( 1980, Orama) Lindsay Wagner, James Naughton. A man continues to alienate his wife and son by Jogging alone to think about the problems that are destroying his mar- riage. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) C%J MOVIE "Home Movies" ( 1980, Comedy) Keith Gordon, Ktrk Douglas. A young film student suffers from a badgering teachel and an ellractlon to his btothef''a flanoee. ·~ .. 30 min.) 8:009 (I) WALT "Treasure Island" A young boy and a charming mutineer become invofved In a sea1ch lot buried trea~e. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) a e HARPE'R VALLEY Stella agrees to cha- ~one Dee and her friends on a camping trip. • ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK lnteNiewa with Hugh Heiner. Al Jarreau, Chubby Checker. Ed McMahon and Tanya Tucker. (1 hr.) • l11 LOVE BOAT The Paolflc Princess travels lo Acapulco fot a glamofous festival hlghllahted by a fatNon show featuring tour of America' a fop design-ers. (A) O (2 hfs.) • L£t 'n.E CHtlDAEN LIVE Mlct\MI Ulndon and Diana Canova holt a at.,•ttudded tribute to the chlldfen of St. Jude Children's Aeleefch Hoepltal and their struggle agalnat ~notr end other dll-- ea1tt; guests Include Denny 1'horna. Ski Ceeur • y~~~y · NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNIN G JEWELRY DESIGNER Crcati\'e J~wclcr .. , Inc. -i ·te, .... ~>"'"' & IZ-~/- !L. A (714) 76&6766 2810 E. PACIAC COAST HWY. • CORONA DEL MAR ... I I ·I I 12 31 Saturday (continued) 0 Los Angeles.schools and !he eltecl an students who (H MOVIE The HollywOOd Kmghts" ( 1980, Come- allend ( 1 hr ) dy) RobPrt Wuhl. Tony Danza On Halloween eve 1n U BOGART This tribute to Humphrey Bogart 196b a rowdy high school gang wreaks havoc 1n - ~ <O CD I\) Ella Fuzgerald, Tony Orlando aod~l!).eo Reddy ml MOVIE "Reflections In A Golden Eye" ( 1967. Drama) Ehzabelh Taylor. Marlon Brando While his wife romances a fellow oftteer. an Army ofttcer becomes atiracted to one of the men 1n his com· mand (2 hrs) fJi) SWlNGIN' THE BLUES "Gotn' To Kansas City" Count Basie. Mary Lou W1lhams and others perform and share their rem1n1scences of Kan'>Cls [:;11y w11h 1azz p1an1&1 Billy Taylor ( 1 h~ 01) MOVIE "Judge Pries1" { 1934. Comedy) W111 Rogers. Anita Lou~ A small lown judge with a common sense approach 10 the law faces tough pohtteal opposll1on ( 1 hr , 30 min) (ff) MOVIE "Up The Academy" ( 1980. Comedy) Ron Leibman Barbara Bach The war,obsessed commandant of Weinberg M1htary Academy is no match for lhe troublesome brats enrOlled there 'A' U hr . 29 mtn) (S) MOVIE "TN! Last Married Couple In Amenca" ( 1980. Comedy) George Segal. Natahe Wood A happily married couple begin 10 wonder how happily mamed they really are alter seeing all of lheir lnends' mamages end up tn the divorce court 'R' (1hr .43 min) 0 MOVIE ''Earthquake" ( 1974. Otama) Charlton Heston Ava Gardner Two massive tremors shake Cahlornia, destroying multitudes of structures as well as the hves of various residents of Los Angeles 'PG' (2 hrs. 2 min.) 8:30 D ti) ONE OF THE BOYS Gramps and his sing· 1ng partner Bernard are followed by a pair of thieves to the senior c11tzens· home where they plan to per· form {Part 2) Cf) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT @ ANTE>N CHEKOV'S "THE THREE SISTERS" The Royal Shakespeare Company performs Che- kov's claSSIC starring Roger Rees. Emily Rtehard. Janet Oa~ and Suzanne Berttsh. (3 hrs .. 30 min ) (I) SPORTS CENTER 8:50@NEWS • 9:009 (I) MOVIE "Same Time. Next Year" ( 1978, Comedy) Alan Alda. Ellen But$tyn. A chance encounter between two mamed people tums mto a once-a-year relahonsh1p that spans three decades (R) (Parental discretion Is advised ) (2 hrs , 30 min.) D WHATEVER Will HAPPEN TO THE CLASS OF 198? John Schubeck reports on lhe my1h regarding focuses on lhe career and personal side of ftlm-Beverly Hills to avenge the closing ol their hangout dom's outstanding "tough guy" with d1gn1ly, realism by the local home owner!> association 'A' ( 1 hr , 39 ,and s1arll1ng lruths, wilh scenes from some of his m1n_l 'most lamous movies and comments lrom his peers 9:50t!Z) MOVIE ·The Joker IE. Wild" ( 1957. 81ogra- i hr) phy) Frank Sinatra Jeanne Cram Beloved comed1-1 WRESTLING an Joe E Lelo\l•S struggles to overcome mob 1nterter AMERIC~ PLAYHOUSE "Working" People of ence 1n his career (2 hrs 30 mm) • varied occupatlOtlS discuss thetr working Irv~ 1n an . .NL. &00.D ~:r~~ ~~~~~-TtJi_JbtSl.Jfj:_ -~~ adaptation of the 1977 stage muS1cal bciSe(f(i;l , • ANCE INDUSTRY Chris Wallace reports on the mul· Studs Terkel's besl-selhng book Q ( 1 hr. 30 min) 11 billion dollar-a-year insurance industry and mvesh- CI) BARBARA MANDRELL ANO THE MANDRELL gate1. the enormoub arnounl of economic and leg1s · SISTERS Gu~ts Roy Rogers. Dale Evans. the Sons lallve clout 11 currently has ( 1 hr ) of the Pioneers. Steve Wanner (R) ( 1 hr ) U Q) NEWS Tube Topper "Same Time, Next Year" Channel 2 -9 p.m. ~ MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" ( 1980, , Suspense) Don Scardino, Cailltn O'Heaney A psy· chotte murderer stalks attractive young brides-to· be. sllently and lelhally slashing their dreams of wedded bliss. 'R' ( 1 hr. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "The Jau Singer" ( 1980, Musical) Neil Diamond. Laurence Olivier A New York cantor breaks w11h family trad11ton and sets out to find suc- cess as a pop music star 'PG' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) cm MOVIE "La Cage Aux Foiles II" ( 1980. Come- dy) Ugo Tognaw. Michel Sefrault. A middle-aged gay couple are lhe quarry of a secret organizattcn 1ry1ng to get the microl1lm that one of them swal· lowed. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) (%)MOVIE "Modern Romance" ( 1981, Comedy) Albe<t Brooks. Kathryn Harrold A film editor ,tnes repeatedly to wrn back the hean of the wom11n he loves. 'A' ( 1 hr , 33 min ) 9:90. MA T1NEE AT TH£ BIJOU Featured Leo Gor- cey and Huntz Hau tn "Miiiion Dollar Kid" ( 1943) . a 1944 shorl starring Edgar Kennedy; and Chapter 4 of "Zorro's Flghttng Leglon" (A) ( 1 hr., 30 min ) ([) WCT TENNIS "River Oaks International" from Hous1on. Texas. (Best Semlflnal Match) (2 hrs.) 0 @.) FANTASY ISLAND A salesman becomes a wreslftng contender and a woman tracing her family history uies to lino out 11 a legendary figure was an ances1or (A) O ( t hr ) MOVIE 'House QI Seven Corpses" ( 1972. Hor- ror ) Faith Domergue Jottn l1eland When filmmak- ers arrive al a deser1ed mansion to shoot a movie, the dwelling's s1nis1er pasl 1s replayed. (2 hrs ) CD WOMEN IN SPORTS Six women who have achieved fame 1n their d1vers1fied fields of sports • Belly Cook. Judy Wagner Jan Todd. Janet Guthrie, Nancy Reader and Tai Babilonia •• are proliled ( 1 hr) CS) MOVIE ''Wild And Beau11ful On Ibiza" ( 1981. Comedy) Regis Porte. Tania Spiess Rteh and poor young travellers converge • 1he island resort for a holiday ot partying. 'R' ( 1 hr , 25 min.) 0 MOVIE "All That Jazz" ( 1979. Musical) Roy Scheider. Jessica Lange The tumultuous ltfe of a ptolessional choreographer 1s followed from sue· cess on the stage to personal cnses. 'R' (J hrs . 3 m1n1 10:30 g) NEWS fl) MOVIE "Pa11erns" ( 1956. Drama) Van Hefhn. Ed Begley Based on a drama by Rod Serhng A business tycoon gels caught up in a high-echelon power struggle. ( 1 hr ) (C) MOVIE "La Cage Aux Fotfes" ( 1979, Comedy) Ugo Tognaui. Michel Serrault A ntghtclub owner tries 10 prepare his transvesttte lover for a vtStt by his son's hancee·s father, the morals commissioner of France 'A' (1hr ,31 mtn) 10:35 MOVIE "The Sin" ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 11:00 a o m m News 8 VARIETY CLUB TELETHON Monte Hall hosts this annual lund·ralsmg event. (2 hrs.) 2 DINNERS ~rc~i:,~ 1 , I I I I I I I BUY 1 DINNER FOR $7.50 AND GET THE 2ND DINNER FREE MONDAY•TUESDAY•WEDNESDAY WD'B THIS AD ONLY OUu Es,1ra ~ H. IHt 5 PM S. tPM ~ MONDAY BEEF BARRON BUFFET A selecl1on or bed eotrees. potato. fresh vegetable and salad bar TUESDAY 3 Mexican entrees, salad bar and • glass or Coors Oral\ 121 yeara or older). WEDNESDAY COUNTRY B·B·Q BUFFET BBQ Chicken, BBQ Ribs, baked ~ans. com bread, vegetable soup, western 1lyle potat.oel & salad bar. THE JOCKEY CLUB • 67~1850 ~ Ea t C.oPt lhaho~ Col'Ol'la def Mar MEN'S TRADITIOSAL WEAR F'or those v.ho shop ror quo hi\ Pat Marley's · unparalleled traditionals wear on forever! We have the correct fit ... handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out • front in the best-dressed realm. Come see. Ladies traditionals too. ~.....:.. ______________________ .....;;;. ____________ _,,; ____ .....;;..... ________________________________ ,, ~rday (C90tinued) , SCHOOL DAYS, SCHOOL D~ZE -John Schubeck, KNBC/Channel 4 anchorman, hosts "Whatever Will Happen to the.elass of 198?," an examination of the Los Angeles City school system, Its problems and pros- pecta, Saturday at 9 p.m. on Channel 4. 1;46 9 ABC NEWS (Z) MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd' ( 1957 Drama) Andy G111f1tti. Patricia Neril A dereltct goes lrom a ,ail cell lo na!lonal 1ecogn111on on Jhe 6treng1h ot tu:. humor and mu'lical talenl 12 t1r<. 5 man ) 2·00(1) MOVIE "Sageh/uc;h Trail' ( 1933 WEKtern) JOhn Wayne. Nancy Shuber1 A cowbOy uniustly imprisoned ror murder escaper. 10 hunt down lhe real killer and provf' his own innocence (:> "'") GltiEWS , Cl> MOVIE "Island Of 1000 Of!hghts"On •lush 1rop lcal island. beaullh.tl women are sold 1nlo slavery 'R' (I hr • 20 min.) 2;05 CJ) NEWS ~all WORLD AT LARGE 2:30 8 NEWS 'fl i PUBLIC AFFAIRS = AGRICULTURE U.S.A. 2 MOVIE "The Earthling" ( 1980. Adventure) W1I-~ ham Holden. Ricky Schroder A world traveler teacheS a young orphan the ways ol aurvlva1 1n the b" Australian wilderness 'PG' ( 1 hr , 37 min ) rp 2:.0 CH) ON LOCATION "Don Rickles And HIS Wise .,, Guys" Taped before a five audience at the Sahara ~ Hotel. the caustic king ol "pur-oowns... Don Ric-g. kles, hOsts a h~anous cast ol versallle comedians. ':'- ( t hr , 30 min ) ? 3:00 G all NEWS .... VARIETY CLUB TELCTHON (CONT'D) ~ STRAIGHT TALK _. POWER BOAT RACING From Miami Florida ~ (Show 9) ( 1 hr ) ;D 3~15 . MOVIE "South 01 St Louis ' ( 1948, West-a> ern) Joel McCrea, Z8chary Scott Ranchers battle "' North and South to preserve thetr spreads trorn the devastation ol the C1v1I War ( 1 hr • 45 min I 3:301J MOVIE 'Annabel Takes A Toor" ( 1938. Comedy) Luclll 811111 Jack Oak1e. A once-lamoos star goes on a toor to renew her decaying care13r ( l1 hr ~O m111) • CSl BIZARRE "World" OldesrStuntman" 4:00(!) OR. PAUL YONGGI CHO ( ) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Caddysttack" ( 1980 Comedy) 8111 Murray. AodnPy Dangerl1elcJ The demented grounds kef!'per of a swanky coontry club w~ges war against lhf> gophers 1nhab111ng his turf 'R' ( 1 ht 47 min.) SJ MOVIE ·Wild And Beaulllul On lb11a" ( 1981 Comeny) Regis Porte. Tania Spiess. Rich and poor tOUOQ travellers converge on lhe 1Sland 1c1or1 tor a holiday of partying R' ( 1 hr • 25 min 1 'l' MOVIE ·The Gmne For Vultures' ( 1978 Ad111?nture) R1charc:J Harris. Richard Roundtree A ruthless merC-OnfVy who smuggles American heli- copters 1n10 Africa during a terronst war '' pitted Rga1nst a l1e1ce freedom lighter 'R' ( 1 hr • 4 7 min ) 4·05 QZ) BETWEEN THE LINES 4:30 Cf) VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION (C) MOVIE "l a Cage Aux Foiles" ( 1979 Comedy) Ugo Tdgnazn Michel Se<raull A nightclub OWl'lef t1ies to prPpare his trn~vestltc lover tor a vlSlt by has ~on s ltaric:.ee s lalhof lhe morals comm15S'Oner of france 'R' (1hr .31 min) U MOVIE "Brubak.er" ( 1980. Orama) Robert Red· lord. Yaphet Kollo A rolorrn-m1nded wardan uncov-°'' wKWc;prciid conuption when he enters his newi ::i~~;=~ :•en mmate 'R' I? h<S I 4:501 LAST OF THE WILD 'Report to Murph y' series on parole By JERRY BUCK 4' T~ Wrtt« LOS ANGELES -Michael Keaton stars as a parole officer in CBS' "Report to Murphy," a c;eries on parole ltaelf. CBS haa 11thedu1ed six epiaodcs ot the comedy series to see i.t lt attlacta enough attention for the faJJ IChedule. "1 had a aeries deal at CBS and we went throuah a lot of ideas," says Keaton. "I'd been alt- • ting around with the producera and writera for a week going through Ideas. Then somebody said, 'Parele of fleer,' and It hit a chord. lt aeemed like a good area "You can't be too sill)", but you can't bo t.oo ~rloua either ," he aay1. "h 1eem~ like an area where w~ could eet Into aome &ULIY 1tuff. You have to atay true to tho roct that he's a parole officer. but like 'Barnoy MJUcr,' you t;an l\av a lot of cruy Si· tua1lons U you &ivc H. a good base of reality." Kenton stora us un cnthu1la1tlc and ttmder· hearted parole officer who 1omt>tlme1 ~pat: ht• i;upcrlorJ with hl•unorthodo'.lt mean1 of dt'ollna with the fOJ'fll<'r conv1t·1.1 who report to him H11 <:hAr11 te1 15 ~med Murphy. Maybo Jf the? mow~ •1.t picked up for th ( JI, ens will rewaltt hhn with¥ f1m nante". The n also 1tara Oimna Ponttruuo, Dbn· n•lly Khod , M-r ot R6'<· and OJJVfo•Cot • • '''Report to Murphy'' 11 Kt'aton'1 firth Clttt:mp.t •t flndtna a 111\k ful 1eri~. · ·alt.. "l .. F. • 14 ~ Fro:m Broadway to TV ~ is her 'Facts of Life' · ~ By JER.R~ Bua hu ~e mo~ rational and more >-Al T......._. .,.., -.el)lltive and attuned to the problema ~ of her t.een-qe ~ that form the -c: LOS ANGELES -°'8rlotte Rae, buia for most of the stories. ~ one of televialon'a funnieet women, "I want to bring ln • much hwna-~ considered henelf a terioua actreu nity aa p ouible, aa well aa th~ _, until a chance 1eat101 near Paul humor.'' uya Mila a.e. "rve triecl to ~ Lynde ln a oolleae clua. make her a human being with di· "My name WAS Charlotte Rae menaiona. The way they write her ~ Lubotaky then," aaya the star of now.~wlth a t dMl of tenaidvity ii: NBC'• "Facts of Life." "Since we and . But I don't want were 11eated alphabeticalll Paul and I her to be Polly . becau. ahe weni next to eech other.' must have human taW.np and make At lllinoU' Northwestern Univer-nUtakes. lity abe h.ed played Maria m"Twelfth "She'• abo a aurropte mother to Nlaht.'' but Lynde aot her a big role the pla. I told them I wanted to be in the mu8:al lt.lled by ~ Women'• firm with the pll became I know it'a 1 Athledc Amodadon and Men'• Union. impo,rtant. Parenti muat lay down That wu her sophomore year, and ground ruJea foe their cbildren to help after that abe wa1 in numerow mull-them to 1row up and to learn res- eal comedy productiiona until cradua-ponalbllity for thelr actions. They lion. mwt learn to stand on their own two After oolleje the beaded for New feet.'' York, where ahe dropped her lut Mm Rae, ~divorced mother of name Al abe found work in the clubs two 1fOWD -. aya, '°The pbOcWJp· and finally on Bro.dway. ":In father by I Used to rme my own ... la what wu heartbroken when I 't uae I put into Mn. Oerrett. Nawrally, rm Lubotaky," the uya. "Today acton better in retrolped. When we liYed in keep their 191 name1 and I could me York one of my ... WQJte srafflU all tt." over the hallway outalcle OW' apart- "Fact8 of Life" wu spun off two ment. I mede him lfl c1eenm, mate- yean aco from "Dlff'rent Strokes," rial and wouldn't Jet h1m off the hook and bu become one of the most po-until be tot f!Very btt off. And I think abow9 on NBC. Not onl~ Ml it I grounded him, too. How el1e are tly pwed "Dtftrent Stroke•.. they eoU'I to 1eunr• ln rattne, but it hu more aub-~of Lile" la the fifth aeries foe llance to it. Diff'rent Stroke• .. om~ Mm Rae, who aot her early·trainlng en on the cute rmwim and antb of in the N~w York clubland on the preooc:;loua Gary Coleman. Al ~ ._. mother in a pll' achool in '"Facts of In °her first •t!.9!4,l~ in New Life," the chancier of Mn. Garrett See She'•~ ~ 31 BEADING, 'BITING AND BAE -Ch•rlotte IUe portray• the houaemother •t • llChool for t8il..aged gi.rla -two of them being LJsa Whelch4!1 (l'NI') and Kim Flelda -on '"lbe Jacta. of Life." Announcing The arriott Ten is Oilb • Limited Membership AVlilable • No IniriaDoa Pee • IO~Caarts • Full ~ Houle FICllities • ~Ray­ Dndm" d Tellnd -----~ \I< >l l :\I :\< ~ 5:008 .VARIETY CLUB TELETHON Monie Hall hosls this annual fund-raising event. 12 hrs.) (!) NINE ON NEW JERSEY Cl) SWIMMING ''Natlooal Short Course Champion· ships" (2 hrs.) 6:05@ JAMES R08ISOfll .6:30 (!) DXV OF DISCOVERY CS) MOVIE "The Last Married Couple In America·· ( 1980, Comedy) George Segal, Natalie Wood. ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 6:351 CARTOONS 5:•5 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 FOR OUR TIMES SUNOA Y MORNING • YOUT-H AND TH~ ISSUES ORAL AOBERlS DIRECTIONS 81Bl£ ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM KIDS, DRUGS ANO ALCOHOL Edwin Newman talks with high school students who have become addicted to either tiirugs 0< alcohol. ( 1 hr.) 00 MOVIE "The Ordeal Of Patty Heaf'.$l" (1979, Drama) Dennis Weaver. Usa Eilbacher. (2 hrs •. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Shogun Assassin" ( l98t, Adventure) T omisaburo Wakayama Masahiro T omlkawa. ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 0 8:06al) LOST IN SPACE 8:30 8 TODA V'S RELIGION SERENDIPITY DAYBREAK LA. AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY. POINT OF VIEW PU8LIC PULSE NEWS MOVIE "Cotton Candy" (1978, Comedy) CUnt Howard, Charles Martin Smith. 7:00 8 COMMITMENT ITHArSCAT VARIETYCLUBTELETHON (CONrO) rT 18 WRITTEN KENNETH COPEL.ANO -; ---e SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DtSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER MFl GIMME A young boy can't attord to buy the drums he wants 60 badly. , 7•06@1.IGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS • _,J:30 8 ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX Sa:NICE I WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT CAMP.US PRot=ILE "Body C81e" Guests. Or. Alex Ooarte, Jenilee Harrison. I TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THArs THE SPIRtT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) Tube Topper ''Yanks '' Channel 7 -8 p.m. l ntE WORLD TQM6RAQW ' ~CT\JREO FLICKERS ELECTRIC ESKIMO •An Eskimo boy Is suddenly endowed with extraordinary electrical powefS during a magnetism experiment at the N<xth Pole: . (%) MOVIE "Oh God!" ('1977, Comedy) George Burns. John Denver. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) • 7:36a?) MOVIE "A Time To Love And ~ Time To Die" (1968. Romance) John Gavin, Lild Pulver. 8:00 8 8UNOAY MORNING THIS IS THE LIFE PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THEAE BE UGAT LLOYD OGll VIE OAVEY·AHJJ GOLIA TH JEMY FALWB.L B.ECTAICCOMPANY (ij) REX HUMBAAO .. • F.A. 800CEA "The Road To Wembley" (Match 13) (1 hr.) . (I) MOVIE "Hugo The Hippo'' ( 1976, Advent4fe) , -A CLOSER LOOK at Carpet Cleaning t ~ -« 15 Animated. Voices of Burllves. Paul Lynde. ( 1 h;-:-l- . 41 min.t N 8:30 D 1X>YS$EY Guests Paeror Scott Bauer, c:o World Missions for The Church on the Way: William ~ Jaeger, Moral Re-Armament; Roxanne F-. Williams u;; · Soulhern Cahforn1a Interfaith Hunger Coalltlon 8 TODAY'S Bl.ACK WOMAN (I) THE LAHA YES I MEETING TIME AT CALVARY . REX HUMBARD' . FREDERICK K PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW VOUR BIBLE MOVIE "Ode To BUly Joe" ( 1976, Dfama) Rob-* i Benson. Glynnis O'Connor. ....1 VIDEO JUKEBOX > MOVIE "Betrayed" ( 1954, Orama) Clark ~ Gable. Lana Turner. ( 1 ~r.J.. 48 min.) 9:00 D NEWS CONFEREM;E VARJETY CLUB TELETHON (CONT'D) PEOPLE7 1J ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER rT IS WRITTEN · SES.(ME STREET (R) Q ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Boston Cel· t(&s vs. 1951 New York Baseball Giants ~5 ( CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE (II) MOVIE "11ot Lead And Cold Feet" ( 1978, Com· edy,im Dale. Don Knous. ( l hr .. 30 min.) NEWZOoREv\JE · ' 9:13d ~M~~~l'ON • DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND • THE WORLD TOMORROW ROAD RACING "Cre9Cenl City Classic" from New Orleans, Louisiana. (l)·WACKY· WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Leslie Uggams. Cl) MOVIE "Oh God! Boo!< II" (1980, Comedy) ,Geor~ Bums, Suzanne Pleshette. ( 1 hf .• 35 min.) 10:00 B ()) NBA BASKETBALL Regional coverage ol MilWaukee Bucks at PhHadelph(a 76ers; Atlanta Hawks at Washington Bullets (2 hrs .. 30 min.) G KIOS, DRUGS 'ANO ALCOHOL Edwin Newman talks with high school students who have become ladd=.tl_~~ or alcohot. ( 1 hr.) HERALD Of TAVTH . OUTDOOR LIFE AEXHUMBAAO ------- Whenever YoU walk across your carpet, the .. dirt grinds away at the f1bef$, wearina the ,. carpet out prematurely The pt<>per cleaning method can dfametlcally prolong the life of your carpet · H0MEOWNERS BES TECH %b-b442 ( I ROOM ADDITIONS -·REMODRING AS LOW AS S96°0 A MOMTH· - ' ·~~~~~--~---~­' 1-l6 ~ Sunday (rontinued) _ 2 e TH£ LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer· ~ thelmer and Cokle Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- lto-t~9'm~L~ongressionat activities. MAGIC OF OfL PAHjTING . POCKET 9'WAROS "Legendary Stars ~rles" Minnesota Fats vs. Willie Mosconi ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "The Nude Bomb" (1980, Comedy) Don Adams. Sylvia Kristel. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) > 10:308 @ ·KIOS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: Lisa ,, Whe~hel. Billy Crystal. ..animal experts Jack end ~ Kathy Hanna. comedian Joy Behar: (A) ( 1 hr) ~ ' IJ ROBERT SCHULLER ~ (!) BASEBAll Montreal Expos at New York Mets lhrs .. 40 min.) · JERRY FALWELL OPEN MIND AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "The. Learning Tree" ( 1969. Dramal ~le Johnson. Alex Clarke. U MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" ( 1979. Comedy) Richard Joroan, David Niven. ( 1 hr .. 40 mil).) 10:36@ MOVIE "The Pharaoh's Woman" ('t961. Adventure) Linda Cristal. John Drew Barrymore. 11:00 D ON CAMPUS Featured: a discussion on cults with cull expert Dr. Ronald Eruoth. former cult mem- ber Ed Senesi and attorney Michael Woodruff. I VARIETY CLUB TELETHON (CONT'D) MOVIE "Parrish'' ( 1961, Orama) Troy Donahue. Claudette Colbert. • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Ch· mate: Rings And Things" Uncle Matt staunchty refuses to let Linda marry Tony Kroesig. (Part.3) c;J j hr.) • OUTDOOR LIFE WASH1NQTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) Al/TO RACING "NASCAR Northwestern Bank 400" from Wilkesboro, North Caronna. (3 hrs.) CH> MOVIE "Dirty Tricks" (1981, Comedy) Elliott Gould, Kate Jackson. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:16(%) MOVIE "Modern Romance" (1981,Come- dy) Albert Brooks, Kathryn Harrold. ( 1 hr., 33 mln.1 11:30 D • TOURNAMENT Of CHAMPIONS Flnel· round coverage of this tournament featuring some of the t()f> goiters on the pro toor (I.Ive from the La Costa Country Club In Carlsbad, Calif.). (2 tvs.) 8 <II THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BAINKLEY Guest: IPr·H==~pt. (1 hr.) • CHURCH IN THE HOME WALL STREEI WEEK "A 8u9hel And OPEC" Guest: Wiiiiam L. RandOI, vice pr8sident of the First Boston Corpo!'atlon. (R) Cl) MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit 11" .. ~J980, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) \I J l .I{'\< H >'\ 12:100'-~ IH BASE9All •• THE AA8T CHUACHIUS "The Queen Com- mands" Falsely accuseCf of Jacobean treachery.- John Churchill Is Imprisoned In the Towef. Ooeen Mary dles leaving Willlam to rule. ( 1 hr.) • PERSONAL "FINANCE ANO MONEY M~GE- MENT . 12:0611!) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Houston Astros {3 hra) 12:309 Cl) NBA BASKETBAU LO$ Angeles Lakers at Phoenix SUfl9 (2 hrs .. 30 min.)~ • I~ Women'• International Touma· ment" Anakound Olay In the annual LPGA golf tournament (trom Hiiton Head. S.C.). (2 hft.f I NEW8MAKERS . OOOOER DUGOUT . PEAIONAl RNANCE AHO MONEY MANAOS. HAPPY TRAILS _: Loretta Lynn (right) and her gue.t, Si.my Spacek, who portrayed Loretta to Academy Award-winning per· fection in the film "Coal Miner's Daughter," are set to hit the trail in a segment of the NBC (Ch. 4) special "Loretta Lynn: The Lady .... The Legend," Sunday at 10 p.m. Nicholson, Shelley Duvall. Directed by Stanley Kubrick. (2 hrs .. 26 min.) 1:10(1) KINER'S KORNER 1:308 e SPORTSWORLD P.art 2 of Golden Gloves Association of America TournamenJ ol Champions (from Kansas City. Mo.): Bruoe Jenner Track and Field Meet (lrom Sen Jose. Calif.): World's Strong· est Men Competition. part 2 (from McAfee. N.J.). {_1 hr .. 30 min.) • <II AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Lauren Hutton. LOUI$ Knoble and Izak Bamard locate the BuShman tribe In Botswana, Africa: Ben Abruzzo, Larty New· man, Rocky Aol<i and Roo Clark attempt to cross the Pacific in a hot-air balloon. ( 1 hr.) (f) GOLF "Women's lnt&fnational Golf Classic" (2 hrs.) I AOAM-12.. FAEDERtC CHOPIN: A VOYAGE WfTH BYRON JANIS Classlcal pianist Byron Janis journeys throoghoot Europe for a greater understanding of the life and work of Frederic Chopln. ( 1 hr.) e AMERICAN STORY (I) FRACTURED FLICKERS 2:00. MOVIE "Luci<y Me" (1954, Romance) Oor1s Day, Bob Ctlmmings. t8 ANTON CHEl<OV'S .. THE THREE SISTERS" The Royal Shakespeare Company performs Che- kov's ctasslc, starring Roger Rees. Emily Richard. Janet pale. and Su2'nnft Bettlsb. (3 hrs .. 30 min.) e WRfTtNG FOR A REASON • (I) SCHRADE PAO TEAM RODEO Dallas Oespera- dos vs. Tulsa Twisters (3 hrs.) ® MOVIE "Nobody's Pertekt" ( 1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) Cl) MOVtE "Love Me Or Leave Me" ( 1955, Musi· cal) Dorla Day, James Cagney. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In 8ef1<etey Square" ( t979, Comedy) Richard Jordlln, Oavk:I ruhr., 40 min.) • · 2: U.8.A. VS. THE WORLD IN Ol YMPIC MENT . ~ MOVIE "Outlaw Bloes" ( 1977, Drama) P.iitec_.;_ __ The U.S. swim teem vs.' the national team of West G«many (from Galnesvllle. Fla.). (1 hr.) --~ ''Shettoek Hotmes-tn Wa8hington" ' "*' ~MOVIE "Smokey Bit• The Oust" ( 1981. Come- }:llllfn_y McNlchol, Janet JUllan. ( 1 hr .. 30 min:) EUBE A -'*lted tribute to the ~II.I• Of com- • -poMr Ellbil Blake; feeturlng 2A Of h1$ beet aonga ...... . lncludlna "In Honeyaudcte Time" and 'Wm Just Wffd . ~ •• • About~~~~-i:n_ln.) . 12:9 ~E 12: T~ • 1:00 V CLU8 TE.£THON ~te Hall no.ta this annuet fund·ralalng evtflt. (2 h11.) !!a~r · IAllBALL lot ~ Oocfver• et San Diego Ir• (3 hra.) • I Af>AM.12' JUNE WAYtfE -·THE OCW>THY IEM!8 A MtlM °' 20 It~ apotllghtt the •t°'Y of tbe lfttlt '. mother'• 119: . • Al lnCNd ITOfW (I) ..wll ·m. ~· (1tl0,. ~ ** 19~) Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bl'UC4J. ~FOR AREASOH. MOVIE ''Ode To 8Mfy Joe" (1978, Drema) Rob· bV ~nnlt O'COnno<. • • 3:1001mxx:.. ~aciflc South~est Open" :(2 hrt.) VNf/ETY CLUB TaETHON (CONT'D) ntl8 w&I< .. ~LL . AMERICAN 8KYUNE . . . • 8UQAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVEI "H~~~hr.) ! MOVIE. "Hawk The Sllyer" (1981, Adveoture) M~T-ry. • • . • ·• ~-.. ~~~~. UMed Shltel ~ h•lna Chlmpiolllhlpt (from GMttott• •• N.C.) .-.(1 hr .. 30 "*"·> . . I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON MUSIC WORLD ._ NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW OF EARTH ANO MAN TABLE SETTINGS Ao~ Klein. Eileen Heckart. Stockard Channing and Dinah Manofl st~r In this series of vignettes about family life. 'set around din· ner tables. Taped at the Brooklyn Center for Per· forming Arts, Brooklyn College. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Hpme Movies" ( 1980, Comedy) Keith Gordon. Kirk 0ouglas ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 3:36 (fZl NICE PEOPLE 4:00D SUNDAY Location: live from Doheny campus at Mount SI Mary's, Los Angeles. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) VICTORY AT SEA f> MOVIE "Deathdream" ( 1972. tiorror) John Marley. Richard Backus (J) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with Hugh Hefner. Al Jarreau, Chubby Checker. Ed McMahon and Tanya Tucker ( 1 hr) GI MOVI~ ''Cinderella Liberty" ( 1973. Comedy) James Caan, Marsha Meson. e-MOVtE "Just A tlttle lnconvenler'lce" (19n, Orama) Lee Ma1ors .• James Stacy. • WALL STREET WE;EK "A Bushel Apd OPEC" Guest Wilham L. Randol. vice president of the First Boston Corporation (A) G MOVIE "The Land That Time Forgot" ( 1975, Science-Fiction) Doug McClure. Susan Penhaligon. ID PROJECT UNIVERSE Cl) MOVIE "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Adams. Sylvia Kristel. (1 hr .. 35 min.) II CLARENCE DARROW Henry Fonda stars as the controversial lawyer who recalls 9ome of· his more challenging cases In the one-man show presented es it was performed on Broadway. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:05@ MOVIE ''Scalawag" ( 1973. Adventure) Kirk Oouias. Mark Lester. 4: 15 TALL IN THE SAOOLE ' 4:30 LOUIS RVKEYSER I WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "Cotton Candy" ( 1978, Comedy) Clint Howard, Charles Martin Smith. 4:"5 al> HORSE RACING "San Juan Capistrano Han· dica •• 5:00. LAST OF THE WILD STAR TREK GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS M•A•s•H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) PROJECT UNIVERSE WCTTENNIS VIDEO JUK£80X MOVIE "Thunderbirds To The Rescue" (1981. Orama) Puppets. ' (%)MOVIE "Oh God!" (1977, Comedy) George Burns. John Denver. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 6:30• C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS · tJIASCNEWS HEALTHBEAT NAPOLEON & LOVE "Josephine" While In command of the french forces In Italy, Napotean longs to be with his wile In Paris. ( 1 hr.) eMONEYMAKERB . (II) MOVIE "The Orde81 Of Patty Heatst" ( 1979, Orama) Dennis Weaver. Lisa Ellbaoher. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) CDl MOVIE "The Pilot" (1980, Orama) Cliff Robert- son. Diane Baker. Cl) WACK:Y WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS • Guest: Leslie Uggama. D MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mys- tery) Honor Blackman, Michael Gal~. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I \ 1 '\ I '\C . e:oo•••NEWS • McME "The Perils Of Pauline'' (1967. Come- ~) Pat Boone, P~criel•../\t.Attln. A young woman iNfchlng lOr hef' (;hlldhood IWMthMrt encounters a variety of harrowing experlenoet along the way. ~~ • THE :u...INE MY8TIOUE "Thf New Male Se• Symbol" lf)tervlews with Tom · Selleck. Joe NarMth, Dudley MOOf•. Ron C>uauay And Teddy P~Hs Investigate this new lc:fita, ( 1 hr.) I!) rT ltJ WFI If EN CHAAUE"8 ANGELS · . u·A~&·H · · MOVE ''Battle Cry" ( 1955, Dr~) Van Heflin, Aide> Aly. U.S. Marlnts m'lx kMI wtth COfl'bat duril'lg ~~~. HICN&WI . EVENNG AT 8VMPHONV Seijl Oiawe and the on SYft'IC)hc)ny Qrchettra J.*form ·"Herold In 1t8fy0 by Heetor 8ettlot With ~ ~ Zul<er· man.· lf'CS Haydn'• "Cof1eummltum Est.'' (A) ( 1 tw.> • J 'i;-- ---~---------1 ._...._ ............ ......,_.,,.__..,. ..... ______ .,.._,_,. .... __ ._.. .............. ___..._.__._._._...._,.,_,_ ____ . ________ ~--·-----~~------------.. :,. Sunday (continued) (I) M0\11E "Rough Cut" ( 1980, Adventure) Burt Reynolds, . Lesley-Anne Down. A British soclaRte lures an International jewel thief oot of retirement to help her steal $30,000,000 in diamonds. 'PG' ( 1 · • hr .. 52 min.) 8:061lWEB< IN REVIEW 8:30 FIGHT BACK THE WOAlO TOMORROW THE JEFFEASONS I rs HOLL vwooo .NEWS SIGNATURE Guest: Christina Crawford. • WHY IN THE WORLD · CC) M0\11E "The Learning Tree" ( 1969. Orama) Kyle Johnson. Alex Clarke. A black teen-ager learns ~~vt lite while living In Kansas during the f 920s.. (2 8:~ CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 7:00 «> MINUTES 8 FATHER MURPHY Murphy reluctantly acoepts custody of a hate-filled black teen-ager. IB> o (1 hr.) • IHSIOE AMelCA Actress Donna Dixon takes a look at dating, 1980's style, by being matched up wfth three different yoong men by computer. dating seMo8 and a matchmaker. ( 1 hr.) I YOU ASKED FOR rT JIMMY SWAGGART GEOAGE PLIMPTON QUARTERLY REPORT THEMUPPETS r8 B..IZABETH SWAOOS "Songs of Innocence, Songs Of Experience" Based on the poems of Wii- iiam Blake, this musical piece by 8 izabeth Swados examines the theme of a yoong boy's journey from innooence to experience. ( 1 hr.) I TUTANKHAMEN'S EGYPT NOVA "Notes Of A Biology Watcher: A Alm With Lewis Thomas" Biologist and award-winning ·author Or. Lewis Thomas reveals some of the mys- terious wonders of lite. (R) Q (1 hr.) CD MOVIE "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two men are Mlsta)(en for bank robbers and sent to jail. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) • JOEL GREY IN CONCarr The versatile talents of the Tony Award-wtnnlng entertainer are featured In this one-man show which includes a salute to Geor~ M. Cohan. (1 hr.) · (%) MOVIE "Otl God! Book II" ( 1980, ~ ) George Bum&. Suzanne Pleshelte. God returns ¥.o PRE-PAID ·DENTAL PLAN NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS . FREE -OFFIC! VISITS FREE -EXAMINATIONS f REE -CLEANING a X-RAYI Our Special Yearly Rates For Dental Services Include: Surgery, Or_thodontics and Optometry Benefit s. lndlvldual ............ $48 year" Couple .............. $71 ye•r Femlly '. ...•......... $98 yeer Concepts 36 Dental Plans (114) 545-7370 . Earth ana c:noo... the young daughter of an adver- tisiog execut~ to IPl'ead hll message to the world. 'PG' (1 hr., 35 (Tllo.) 7:06 al) NEWS 7:30• 8UU.8EYE I THE MUPPET'S I THE AWAKENHG: A NAARATIVE IN 8AONZE The work of the JoMeon At.._ Technical lnstttute of Sculpture In Princeton, New JerMy and Its found- er J. Sewwd JohntOn JI .. ere documented. o CD> MCME "The Mirror Cr'°k'd" (1980. Mystery) ENzabeth Taylor. Klm Novak. 8aeed on a story by Agatha Christle. A strange murder Involving ri'l!ll H~ood stars takes ~ In an English vtllege. 'PG (1 hr .. 46 min.) e:oo• Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE St~·s TubeTq>per Country Jamboree Channel 11 -'. 8 p.m. .....,..., long-lost father shows up unexpec1edfy on the eve of her bar mltzvah. (Part 1) (R) 8 e CHIPS A former CHP offloet' who was impfl&- oned for taking bribes ri ·ns his setf..steem after. breaking up a large theft r . ( 1 hr.) • ENTERTAINMENT TH WEB< Interviews with Hugh f'letner. Al Jarreau. Chubby Checker. Ed ., McMahon and Tanya Tucker. (1 hf.) 8 (II MOVIE "Yafiks" ( 1979, Romance) RJchard Gere, WIUiam Devane. A young ~ier finds a love he cannot keep and a memory he cannot lose dur· I r;~~ (3hrs.) MORECAMBE & WISE COUNTRV JAMBOREE Guests: Mickey Gilley, Johnny Lee, Conway Twitty, Terri Gibbs, David Frlz· zell and Shelly West. Sylvia, Steve Wariner, Joon lcon~g~ . NAPOLEON & LOVE "Josephine" While in command of the French for~ in Italy, Napolean I~ to be with his wife In Paris. ( 1 hr.) . e NaVA "Co&mlc Fire .. The extraordinary discov- eries made by x-ray astronomy of neotron stars, • ASIC AIOUT VALET LIASI , OU• • Pt.~N 900 So. Coost Hwy., Lctgwta hoc .. 494-1131 or 546-996 7 H.WS: .......,,,. .. f·7, s ... t•S, S.. 10.( April Special ·203 OFF exploding galaxies, quasars and black holes are tt examined. (R) O (l hr.) "' • MAS~ TH~TRE "Love In A Cold c~ I mat-': The Merry Widower" Linda marries Tony - Kroesig and g.lves birth to a daughter; Polly shocks .; everyone with her plans to marry Boy Dougdele. ... ~~(~ -· . --.i. f (I) 25 YEAA8 OF JERRY LEE -Atal'liAA~. Johnny Ceth, Kris Kristofferson, Chaltle Rich end ,~ M6(:t(ey ~ join "The Kiiie(' In a perlOONnee taped at 'the Jackson Hall of the Perlonnlhg Arts 14 Center In Nashville. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOYIE "Starting Over" ( 1979. Comedy) Burt ~ Reynolds, Jill Clayburgh. After months of TV dinners ..J and bUnd dates, a divorced magazl~ writer thinks > he's foond true love When a schoolteacher enters his ._ life. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 44 min.) ~ •MOVIE "Brubaker" ( 1980, Orama) Robert Red-ii: ford. Vaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden uncov- ers widespread corruption when he enters his newly . prison posing as an Inmate. 'R' (2 hrs .. 10 8: OPEN UP 8: Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME Ann is sent into a tailspin of uncertainty about whether or not to give' in to Batbara's decision to elope. (Part 2) I THE WOAlO TOMOAAOW EVENNl AT THE IMPAOV . MOVIE "Breaking Point" ( 1976, Orama) eo· Svenson. Robert Culp. A man, who witnesses a gangland murder. is terrorized by the Mafia after he testifies. and must move with hl9 famHy to Toronto. 'R'i hr., 31 min.) 8:36 CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 9:00 Cl) ALICE Allee accepts Monty's marriage proposal In a desperate attempt to save Fiim from ending it all. (R) 8 . • DEAN MARTIN AT THE W1U> ANIMAL PARK Dorn Deluise, Barbi Benton and Jerry Reed are Dean's guests In this musical special from the Escondido, Calif. anlmal park. ( 1 hr.) • IMPACT '82 "Impotence: How To Avoid And Overcome It'' Medlcal professk>nals Salty West Brooks, R.N. and her husband Or.' Marvin arooks, try to dispel! the' many myths surrounding.the sub- ject of Impotence, a problem that affects many Americans. ( 1 hr.) I OA.CHO . HEEHAW THE VERY 8PECW. JACK Git.FORD SPECIAL Jack GllfOfd performs songs, skits and renditions of -~-..... -.----.. - • I I j 18 N SuI¥lay ( cootirrued) ! outrageous characters In this one-hour variety show. -.2 a: 0 hf.) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: The Merry Widower" Linda marries Tony Ktoeslg and gives birth to a daughter; Potty shocks everyone with her plane to merry Boy Dougdale. (Part 4) O (1 hr.) __.,...., • ,....>......, e AMERICAN PLAVHOUS~ t'eo-ple 01 varied 0CC1Jpatlons discuss lhelr working lives In an adaptation of the 1977 stage musical based on Studs Terkel's best-setting~-Q (1 hr., 30 min.) (I) AUTO RACfNG "NASCAR Northwestern Bank 400" from Wilkesboro. North Catalina. (3 hrs.) (8) MOVIE "The Last Married Couple In America" ( 1980. Comedy) George Segal, Natalie Wood. A happily married couple begin to wonder how happily matried they really are after seetng ah of thefr friends' marriages end up In the divorce court. 'A' Ohr .. 43 min.) CD MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adven- ture) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his partner by members of a drug ring. 'A' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Game For Vultures" ( 1978, Adventure) Richard Harris. Richard Roundtree. A ruthless mercenary Who srnyggleS American heli- copters into Africa during a terrorist war Is pitted against a fierce freedom fighter. 'A' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 9:06al) MOVIE "Captain China" (1~9. Adventure) John Payne. Gail Russell A depOSed ship's captam se.etcs vengeance against the meo who robbed him of command. (2 hrs.) . .. 9:30 8 (I) THE JEf'FERSON6 Louise and Helen become convinced that their efforts at the h,efp cen- te< are In vain. G JACK VAH IMPE Cf) MOVIE "Rampage At Apache Wells" ( 1966, Western) Stewart Grang«, Pierre Brice. Two Indian ... bloodbrothera prevent a Navajo uprlslng afte< the cblef's son Is framed and murdered bY, an oil awln- <ler. (2 tn.) (' . CD) MOVIE "Eyewttnesa" (1981, Mystety) Slgouf· r-.y Weaver. Wtliam Hurt. A television reporter becomes lnvolYed wtth a janftOf who may know more abOUt a murd« that he wttnesaed than he Is aay~. 'A' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 10:00• (I) tRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Stanley Cfaoka under the Pf-.ut'• of being deserted by the rnt of the ~•I a1aff. (1 tw,) • • LORETTA L'nft THE LNlf ••• THE ~ 91) Cfystel Geyte. 86-y ~. Howatd ....... mwi, the Oelc Ridge Boys, Conway Twttty and Ernest Tubb help LOfetta Lynn celebrate h« 20th ii~· (R) (1 hf.) e IZABETH 8WAD08 "Songs of Innocence, Songe Of ~·· Sued on ihe poems of Wi- llem a.ke, nuical pi8ce by Ellzabeth Swedot examlinel the theme of • young boy's journey from lnoor~ to OX$*1ence. ( 1 tw.) • PAOES OF TESTIMONY Liiiy Jacob's 1980 return to Auschwitz where she was lrnpflsontd Is lnterWOYen with documentary footage from WOfld War II and repflnt• from her photo album. (1 hr.) ·- (213) 947-2121 llittir DlinleStic ~ent Ate l:ive-m liouleieepers, companions, b'l)yaitters1 gardeners. Brought to your borne ror interviews . ...... ,,,, .... THE MALE ANIMAL -Tom Selleck. star • of the hit t.elevlslon eeriea, "Magnum P .L," w ill be interviewed on !'The 'Masculine Mystique -The Male Sex SYUlbola. .. Sun- day at 6 p.m. on KHJ-TV (Ch. 9). Al8o on the 1how are Joe Namath, Teddy Pender- @-. Dudley Moon and Ron Duguay. ' CC> MOYE "Outrageous!" ( 1977, Comedy) Q8'g • Russell, Hollis Mclaren. A good-natUttd helf- dreuet. who moonlight• aa an lmpef10nator of temale celebrftles. shares an apartment and a pla- tonic relationship with a achlzoptwtnlc young wom- an. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) · Cl) MCWIE "Smokey And Tht Bandit II" ( 1980. Comedy) Burt Reyno6ds. Jackie Gleason. Sheriff BufOfd 'r'. Mtlct eels In hla two lawman brothel's to atop • retired bootlegger. the Bandit. trom tran- sporting a baby elephant. 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 mln.) 10:90 e JERA'V FALWELL I .IMMV SWAOOART LORD MOUNTBATIEN: A MAH FOR THE CEN-TURY "Europe Goes To War" Mountbatten rises from Commanding Captain of the 5th Destroyer Flo- tilla to A<Msof of Combined Operations when war bfeaks out between ~ny and Russia. (Part 3) IB> Q (1 hr.) • lotOVIE .. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" (1979. Comedy) Richatd Jordan, David Niven. The night watchman at a British Bank Is t ted to return to a life of crime (1 hr .. 40 min.) 11:00 8 CllateNEWS James L. Zim merman Certified Pubtlc Accountant Full ranoe of personal I zed professl0nal sef'vlces for <;mall t>uslne5ses & ll'ldlvlduals • INCOME TAX PRIPARATIOt .. a PLANNING • IYIT!MS DlllGN & INITALLATION • COMPUTVllZID "NANCIAL RIPOATING 645-4212 IMPORTAN1' CAMS J~< Of.TAILS UNLIMITID ( 714) 9'0-'"4 1..uUlllll:.-'!~~J;...JL.mi;t.JCHf~!!::LDAEN~ Hoata Art Link- letter and Carol Lawrence ocu9 Otrlhrhopes. dteama and survtval of the wOfld' a children. ( 1 hr.) Cit NAPOLEON & LOVE "Josephine" WhUe In command of the French forces In Italy, Napolean k>ngs to bt with hla wife In Paris ( 1 tw.) • SNEAK PREVtEWS ~ Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! review "A Little SelC. "Penitentiary 2" and ~~~.~~ ~~,-~....., .. •~c· -~-~· -- (8) MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Oust" ( 1981, Come- dy) Jimmy McNichol. Janet Jullan. A Natl school delinquent gets the whole town on his trail when he makes ott wilh the homecoming queen and headS across the state In a &efles of stolen automobiles. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD MOVIE ''The Fifth Floor" ( 1980, Drama> Bo Hopkins. Dianne Hull. An aane young woman Is inc;arcerated In a bizarre mental hoSpltal where vio- lence and drug abuse are the order of the day 'A' {_!hr"~ min.) CZ) MOVIE "Shogun Assassin" (1981, Adventure) Tomlsabuio Wakayama. Masahlro Tomikawa. A for- mer shOgun assassin who was maneuvered out of his positlOn by a ruthleSS Clan of spies v<YNS to take ~revenge. 'R' ( 1 hr., 26 min.) ~ 11:06@ MOVIE "The Idol" ( 1966. Orama) Jennifer ~ Jones. Michael Pari<s. A ne'et-do-well artist seduces a pretly young girl at the same time he's romancing his beSt friend's mother. (2 hra .. 10 min.) 11:1s1 ces NEWS 11:30 SPORTS ANAL 1700CLU8 ABC HEWS MOVIE ·•). Case Of Rape" ( 1974, Drama) Eliza- beth Montgomery. Ronny ColC. A rape victim Is humiliated and made to seem responsible when she • presses charges against her assailant. ( 1 hr • 30 ml.n.) Cf) UF£ Of RILEY O MOVIE "My Father's House" ( 1975. Drama) Olff Robertson. Robert Preston. While Slltfe<lng from a heart aflacf(, a high-preasured magazine edi- tor has flashbacks of his youthful day&, (2 hrs,) • MOVIE "The .Bachelor And The Bobby Solter" ( 1947. Comedy) Cary Grant, Myrna Loy. An ellgl- b£8 bachek>r Is pursued by a love-ctruck sc:nootglrt. bUt he tab fOf her older sister Instead (2 tn.~ I TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED OUTQ4 CONNECTION FOUf' Americans who have strong ties to thel1 Dutch heritage ate profiled. {1 tlf.) • T'HAr8 TV Susan Anton. Robert Conrad, Mei. N Sue Andefaon, Mackenzie Phllllpa, Isabel San· fOfd and Bruce Jenner perOdy a variety of telell'191on ~ograma. (1 hr.) (Q) MOVIE "Network" (1976, Orama) Faye Duna. way. Peter Anch. An agl!'Q television newsman, whose ratings are attadUy &Upping, la turned Into a ranting prophet of the alrweVft by a crafty female prOQ!__amming executive. 'A' (2 hrs.) 1 1:40 ~ MOVIE "Outlaw Bluee" (1977. Orama) Pete< F~. Susan Salot James. When a countrr western singer steals his song. an elC--con tries des- pe<ately to retrieve hla recordfng rlghtll whlle baffling tht Qolice. '~hr., 40 min.) 11:'68 THE · OROALE8 8 THArS TV Susan Anton. Robert Confad, Melis- sa Sue Anderson. Mackenzfe Ptlllllps. Isabel San- #EWPOR1 ··DATIU# . W1nt1 To 11 Your # 1 1111111 D11l1r 11 ln1111 Co11t;I S.1 I• .,.~., .. I We An lfflri11 F1itlllio .-111111111 ., ..__. ..... .---..... --~~~~~~=:=~~=:====~~=:-=---------------------­Swrlly (continued) -fOfd and Bruce Jenner parody a variety of television P-!ograms. ( 1 hr ) • •MOVIE "The Glass Menagerie" (1950. Dfama) Jane Wyman. Kirk Doug.las. l3ased on the play by Tennessee Williams. A transplanted Southern lady survives on her memories of a ITIOfe gentle past. (2 hrs •• 15 min.) • Cl) MOVIE "Why Shoot The Teacher?'.' (1980. Romance) Bud Cort. Samantha Eggar. In western Canada dunng the '30s. an Eastern-bred teacher and a neglected housewife develop a close relation- &hlp out of their mutual loneliness. 'PG' (1 hr_,, 47 mln.l . 12:00(!) MOVIE "Win. Place Or Steal" (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Randy Aides Alone" ( 1934, Western) John Wayne. Al~a Vaughn. A cowboy infiltrates an outlaw gang to gather evidence against thieves who raided an express company office. ( 1 hr.) QI THE VERY SPEC,AL JACK GILFORD SPECIAL Jack Gilford perf0<ms songs. skits and renditions of outraQ90Us characters In this one-hour.variety show. u hr.) ([)SPORTS CENTER 12:30 •·THE SHOW MUST GO ON Seven yqung comedians perfOfm their routines befOfe a studio audience. ( 1 hr.) CJD MOVIE "Nobod "s Perlekt" (1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex :!arras. Three unlikely heroes set out to battle the red tape and bUre8UClacy of city hall. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 36 min ) {[)MOVIE "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981, Adventure) James Ryan. Anneftne Kriel A martial arts expe<t battles the minions of a p<>We<-mad scientist intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drug. 'PG' (1 hr .• 40 min.) • HAMMER HOUSE Of HOAROR CZ) MOV1E "The Shining'" ( 1980, HOfrOf) Jack Nicholson, Shelley Ouvill. C>irected by Stanley Kubrick. A former schoolteacher !Wed as a winter caretaker for a remote, and apparently haunted. Colorado hOtet. Is snow~nd thefe with his wife and clairvoyant young eon. 'A' (2 hra .. 2e min.) 12:~· NAME Of THE GAME • THE SHOW MUST GO ON Seven young come- dians pe<fOfm their routines befOfe a studio audi-ence. ( 1 hr.) 1:00 Cil LOUIS RUKEY8EA 8 -alZA8ETH 8WAD08 "Songa of Innocence, Songa Of liltperlence'' Bated on the poema of WJI. liam Blake, "this mueicel piece by Elizabeth Swados eumlrles the Iheme of 1 Y,OIJOg boy's Journey from Innocence to experience. { 1 hf.) .. - (I) TENNIS "River Oaks Tournament" The world's top ~os compete In the finals. (3 hrs.) 1:16 1JZ) MIS8K)H: IMPOS81BLE 1:20~ MOVIE "The Last Of The Mobile Hot Shots" UNEXPECTED VISIT -Mother-in·law Celeste Holm (left) peya a vWt not knowing t hat her daughter, Jeuica Walten, is no longer married to Pernell Roberta in the "Don't Rain on My Char•de" episode of "Trapper John, MD.," Sunday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Cb. 2). ( 1969, Comedy) James Coburn. LyM Redgrave. The sutviVlng member of an old L~ lamily wins the grand prize on a TV game ltW>W but In order to collect he must marry NI co-winner on the next day's program. 'A' (1hr.,40,mln.) 1:30 <II AM; NEWS I~ p~r. TaxJ" (1979, Comedy) Fred Aataift, Chel1ot t Ramping. A simple lrfsh country doctor unwillingly tak• on• new and rich cllentele Which flflds his old wNekey remedies unac- oeptable. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) e MOVIE "The Final Conftlct" (1981, Dfama) Sam NeiM, Rosaano Brazzi. In the third part of "The There's more to Babcock than hot oil IDassages Omen" trilogy. young Qemitn. the embodiment of the Antichrist, Is now an adult and a trusted a<Maor -o to the presidtnt of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) ~ 1:~8 AT ONE Guest: actreu Yvette.Mknle<Jx. (1 ~) ~ 2:00® MO\l1E "Happy Birthday To Me" (1980, r- Horror) MellMa Sue Andereon, Glenn FOfd. As mur·. o def begins chopping :.at al hef circle of elitlat 0 frlenda. a prep school worrltl that she may be tht next vk:tim -or possibly the killer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 48 min.) 2:06 Cl) NEWS 2:158NEWS a> W0AU> AT LAAGE 2:30 8 TODAYS RELIGION Cf) MOANN) STRETCH a> rrs YOUR BUSINESS 2:461NEWS 3:00 NEWSMAKERS ~JOE FRANKLIN ('!)~"Modern Romance" (1981. Comedy) Albert Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. A film editor tries repeatedly to win back the heart ol the woman he loves. 'A' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) 3:10~ MOVIE "Breaking Point" (l-976, Orama) Bo. Svenson. Robert Culp. A man, who witnesses a gangland murder. is terrorized by the Mafia after he testifies. and must move with his family to Toronto. 'A' {j hr . 31 min.) 3:15(1) MOVIE "$tarting Over" (1979, Comedy) Sort Reynolds, Jill ClaybYrgh. After months of TV dinoe<a and blind dates. a divorced magazine writer thinks he'a found true love when a schoolteachef' enters hes hfe 'PG' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) 3:30 8 tNTERFACE 0 MOVIE "La Cage Aux Foiles II" ( 1980, Come- dy) Ugo Tognaz:zl. Michel Senauft. A middle-aged gay couple are the quarry of a sectet OfQ&l'IWllion trying to get the micfofln that one of them swal- lowed. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 3:60® MOVIE "The Blues Brothefa" (1980, Musl- cal) John Belushi. Dan Aytuoyd. Two btues singers muat contend with the Chicago pollce. the CIA. Neo-Nazis and the U.S Army to put together a ben- efit concert to raise money f0t their parish. 'A' (2 hrs •• 13r00.) ·=~Uf~ •:06~ FUNT1ME •:30 M BAKKER '=35 MOYE "The Sin" (1979, Dfama) AtWWI Hey- wood, Donald Pltetenee. A reprelMd Kansu IChooltHchtr de'.e~ a trlUmltlc retatfonshlp wtth a Sldlltlc janitor. R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) · '=~cm MOYE "Cotton candy" (191s. eomeay~ Clint Howatd, Charles Martin Smith. A group of SChool mltflta form a rock bend to compete with t sehool'a establllhed bend. ( 1 hr .. 45mln.) ·I l •· -., ···"-· .... ---·. --·. -·. -· .. ----.. ~_.----.. -·-··----.. --·---------1---------··-..._.. \I< >I Z '\ I '\ < , \ I< )\ 11 " l:OOCI> ''Rough CUt" (1980, Adwntur•) Burt Rey· noldl, Leeley·Anne Down. 5:30. "H«dCountty'' (1981. Oratn11) Jen.Mlchul Vincent. Kim Basinger. · 8:05aJ "Tea For Two'' ( 1950, Musical) Doris Day, Go(don MacRae. 8:16(%) "A Face In The Crowd" (1957, Orama) Andy Grittilh. PalrlCla Neal. 8:30(C) "tlelts Are Ringing" ( 1960. Musk:al) Judy Holllday, Dean Marlin. CH> "Mr. Sycamore" ( 1975. Comedy) Jason f\obards. Jean Simmons. 7:30• "The Cat And The Canary". ( 1978. Mystery) HOl'IOI' Blackman. Mlcheel Gallen. 8:05 al "Home Of The Brave" ( 1 !M9, Drema) Frank Lovejoy. James Edwatds. 8:30(%) "The H81rad Experiment" {'1973, Orama) James WhUm<>fe. Tipp! ~en. t:OO(C) "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961. Weslt"n) Riohetd Boone. George Hamilton. t:30e "Lawless Range" ( 1935. Western) John Wa~. Sheila Mannora. 10:0000 "The Big Red One" (1980, Advenlur,) Lee Marvin. Mark Hamill. (I) ''Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Chevaie<. > Leslie Caron. 10:05 aJ "The Swinger" (1966. Comedy) Mn-Mar· ~t. Tony Francioea. CZ) "Otl God! Book II" ( 1980, Comedy) George Burns. Suunne Pleshette. 11:00CC) "The Late Show" (1977, Mystery) Art Car· ~· Lity Tomlin. • "The Nude Bomb" (1980, Comedy) Don Adams, SyMa Kr11tet 11:46(%) "Modem Romance" (1981, Comedy) Albert 13!ook1, Kathryn Harrold. · \I 11 IZ '\< H >'\\I<>\ II ." 12:00G "The CM1tme1 Kid" (1967, Orama) Jeff Hunt•. Louis Hayward. e "Karak" ( 1957. Adventure) VlCtor Mature. Michael Wiiding. · e ·· Alu bn Safad" ( 196-S~ ~tur!) Oocomtf\- tary. (I) "Netwotk" (1976. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Pet« Finch. t2:30(C) "a.Ill Are Ringing" ( 1980, Musical)...Judy ~.ONnMattln. • "Atty NOmtw Can Pia~" _l11M9t...9fatn11 Oa~ <litie, AleiUa 8mitfl. . .. 1:00(1) ''SeboeeUr'''. ( 1942, SUepenle) PrllCIU Lane. Aobef1 CUMmlnga. (II) "o..p.ir" (1t1t. Orwna) Ch Bogatde. Andr• Fetreot 1:30(1) "Shogun All tt'n" { 1981, AdVentunt) TomiMbufo Wekayame. Masahlro Tomikawa. 2:00CD "St8' Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Science-Fiction) Wllllem Shatner, Leonard Nimoy. Tube Topper "Goih' South" Channel 4 1 ~ p.m. ..... , 2:30(1) "X.nadu" (1980. Mutk:al) ()Ma Newton- JoM, Gene Kelty. 3:00G "KJno Kong &capee" < 1968, Sclenoe-Ac· tion) Rhodes RMson. Unda Mlll8f. , (II) "Hard Country" ( 1981, Orame) Jan-Michael Vincent. Kim Basingef (%) "()ti Godl Book II" ( 1980, Comedy) George Burns, Suutnne Pleshettt. · 3!30• "Countdown To Disaster" (1980. Adven- ture) PuJ)pett. ':30 (I) ''Countdown To Disaster" ( 1980. Adven- ture l_ Puppets. ':'6(%) "A face In The Cfowd" (1957. Orama) Andy Grittlth, Patricia Neal. 6:00(11) "Mr. Sycamore'' ( 1975. Comedy) Jason Robardl, Jean Simmons. • "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Adam•. Sylvia Ktistel. 6:05 Ill) "Paris When II 'Sizzles" ( 1964. Comedy) WiHlam Holden. Audrey Hepburn. 6:30(C) "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, Western) Richard Boone. George Hamilton. · We'll &lH JH UJ ... ef thlte••~••••:::J,::! , ... te.t .... ... .......... , ...... .., ..................... ............. . ROY ALE r Alplta I M ..... Sy1•e• ............. l• heet Set ... <:..1..-tft" ...••••..••••.••• 3 Pieu Padded Ralll .................. t • 6 Drawer S,.ee S..er ................ l • All bed1 eo•e c:oMplete wlllt ... am.. lteaee.11.er pe4eMal, M4 fW IUt. ORA '1t'JlS <Wl'IONAL. ··211 Reg. $410.00 1.\1 .'\J'\C, e:oo•••NEWS 1 ~8ANGEL.8 C88NEW8 . WHn'£ 8HAOOW .. MOVIE ''The Tamarind s .. d.. ( 197'4, Romanoe) JlJlie Andrews. Omar Sharif. A femaie BrfUlh otficW1 •iapiclol• mlstruet of • RIAalen tnt~ ager1C II transfonned Into loY9 '°' hm. 2tn.) A8CNEW8 THE JEFF£A80N8 ~~ NBC NEWS NEEDlECAAFT MURDER AMONG FRIEN06 SaUy Kellerman and Leslie Neilsen star In this comedy whodunit, set In a New York apartment pn New Year's Eve, lnvolv· Ing an act0<. hit weallhy wife and his ambitious agenx· ... 5 min.) . 8:30 Cl) NEWS I Ml..lEJlt . AU. IN THE FAML Y NEWWAT: CAUFOANA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT • 8U8N88 REPORT CH) HEAOE8 "Patton •• The Man Behind The Myth" film footage and rare stills provide new Insight Into the man behind the military mask •MOVIE "Tim" ( 1981. Orama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a sensit~. mid- dle-aged woman deYelop a close relationship of mutual need and underatandlng that leads to an unorthodox marriage. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 8:60 (%) CHAALIE CJtAPUN COMEDY THEATRE 7:001&cc:w8 HAPPY OAVS AGAIN A8CNEW8 P.M. MAOAZJNE Cartoonist Jim Davis, a eat0< ol "Garlleld"; "honeybee" glasses •• • ciustered- lenaes '°' the neerty blfnd. I KOJAK ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Charlie O.nlell. I M•A•&•H JOKER'S WILD 80NO ANO DANCE: YOUTHFUL BALLET Stu· dent• at the Royal Ballet'• Lower School perl0<m Distinctive Fashion Every Sunda.y j • J • / Monday (continued) this ballet based on "Friday AtterOoon.." a COUec· lion of children's songs by Benjamin Britten. i 'ft) OVER EASY Guests: Ca~ and Sally Montoya. ~MUPPET$ PORTRAITS IN PASTELS BOXING'S BEST "Grudge Fights" Barry Tomp- kins, Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier take a I<><* back at a hall-century of the most hlstorte andlJUbll· cized vendettas In the history of boxing. ( 1 hr ) CD THE POINTER SISTERS Anita. Ruth and June perl0tm In a concert featuring "Fire,'' "Yes We Can Can" and "He's So Shy." ( 1 hr.) (JI) MOVIE "Fade To Black" ( 1980, Suspense) Dennis Christopher, Linda Kerrldge A diSturbed young ll)OVie Ian reac1s to romantic rejectlOO by committing murders In the guise and style of his favorite screen vlllalns. 'A' ( 1 hr~ 4 1 min.) 1~15®NEWS CZ) MOVIE "Modern Romance" (1981, Comedy) Albert Br<><*s, Kattyyn Harrold A him editor tries · repeatedly 10 win back the heart of the woman he loves. 'R' (I hr . 33 min ) 7:308 2 ON THE' TOWN Featured· a re-cteatiOn of the events leading up 10 the murder of local m1lhon- a1re E.L. Ooheny's son: visll a food suppfler for res· taurants; coverage of some action at the flnala-of the World Speed Shooting Championships. I • FAMILY FEUD BASEBALL California Angels at Seattfe Mar- iners (3 hrs.) 8 EVE ON L A. Featured: motorcycle riders who court _death In dangerous races. a makeup artist Who specializes 1n pecmanent makeup with tattoos; the ultimate limosine. I. TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•s•H 8IGNA TURE Guest. Lou Harns MACNEJL / LEHRER REPORT THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS "A MldSommer Night's Dream" ShaJ<8SJ)eare's maglcal tale of lov- etS' quarre, enchanted pranks and hapPy endings stars Pettlf McE'*}'. Brian Glover. HeAen Mlmtn and ~Guard: (2 hrs.) CC) MOVIE "The Private Eyes" (1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bUmbfing Amefican ·detectives are called In to Investigate a series of muc.dersln an English castle. 'PG' (I br., 31 min.) 8:008 Cl) PfWATE ea.JAMIN Captain Lewis becomes avetM to taking orde<a af18f she takes a seminar in Mff-assertlveoels. 8. UTTLE HOUSE ON TH£ PRAIRIE A fa.st- telklng salesman convinces Mrs. Oleson to change her res1auranl Into a "fast-food" place. (R) n ( 1 hr.) . ..,. 8 0 TODAY'S FBI Ben searchet for a wealthy ~ecutlve's son Who has been kldNlpPed. ( 1 hr.) a MOVIE "War And Peace" (Part 1) (1968. Ora· ma) Ludmlla S8vefyeva. Sergei Bondarchuk. Based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The lives of th<ee fami- lies 11e greatly affected by the Napoleonk wars. (2 !!!-,~~~~I . • ....; lVIJIR:lltNY Hill P.M. MAGAZINE Meet Deney Terrio, host of "Dance FeYer"; .. honeybee" gl89N8 -ctusttlfed- lentes for the nea bl'ind. FAIRY ROYALTY -Pet.ef McF.nery and Helen Mirren star as the fairy king and queen , Oberon and Titania. in a new pro- duction of Shakespeare's romantic comedy, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," MOl)day at 7:30 p.m. on KOCE (Ch. 50) and 8 p.m. on KCET (Cb. 28). e MOVIE "Target Zero" ( 1955. Adventure) Rich- ard Conte. Peggie Castle. A Korean War lieutenant leads his men on a dangerous mountaln mlasion and une5 tedty encounters • beautiful female scien- tist a the way. (2 hrs.) ' QI BAG: ANIMATION This kx* at animation from Betty Boop to the present focuses on cultural attitudes reflect9d In cartoons, • THE a..AKESPEARE PLAYS ''A ~ Night's Dream" Shakespeare's magical tale of lov- ers' quarrels, enchanted pranks and happy endings stars Pete< Mcenery. Brian Glover, Helen Mlrren and ~~:·~ (tl}'Mow: "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene WHde<. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and Mnt to jail. 'A' (1 hr., 51 min.) Cl) GALLAGHER: TWO REAL The comedian per- forms 8 series of on&-llnera and comic vignettes. e MOV)E "Mode<" Romance" (198f. Comedy) Albert Br<><*a, l<ath!Y" Harrold. A film editor tries repeatedly to win back the heart of the woman he loves. 'A' ( 1 hf .• 33 min. All• YOUll U11UTY •ILLS INCRaASING7 our1nerww .... ,.., •• C8ft ...... ,.., ........ , Cell ua tor MB...,..."°" 1:15 Gl) AU.. IN THE FA.Maly II 8:308 ,REPORT TO MURPHY Charlie's rough, tough ~ tactics drive a parolee to near suicide. o I PU8UC AFFAtRS "Channel 8 Journal" -:"'" IRONSIDE o ALL IN THE FAMILY ~ CHARLEY'S AUNT Eric Sykes. Alun Lewis and ~ Judi Maynard star lo this farce where a party may < have 10 be cancelled when Charley's Aunt 1$ , delayed and cannot chaperone two young ladles, ,. un~ someone can be found to lmpe'fsonate the aunt. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) OJ MOVIE '"Woodstock" ( 1970. Musical) Docu- mentary Many of the top musical groups of lhe late ~ '60s perform at the famous rock concert held In -J Bethel. New York. in 1969. (3 hrs .. 15 min.) > 8:"'5 (fl) MOVIE "The Amorous Adventures Of Moll .,.._ Flanders" (1965. Comedy) Kim Novak, Richard 1o Johnson An 18th-century woman utilizes her feml· •if nine charms to attain money and social position (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 9:008 Cl) M•A•s•H Charles gets a toothache but refuses to see a dentist. (R) D CID MOVIE "Goin' South" ( 1978. Comedy) Jack Nicholson. Mary Steenburgen A captured horse thief Is offered a chance to eecape hanging by marrying a young lady from the town In v.(hich he's imprisoned (2 hrs ) 8 9 MOVIE "Fatso" ( 1980. Comedy) Dom Deluise, Anne Bancroft. A portly compulsive eater is 1orced to choostt between his gluttony and his girtlriend. (2 hts.) • MERV GRIFAN "Salute To 'Flamingo Roed' " Guests: Howard Dutt. Morgan Falrchlld. John Beck. Barbara Rush, Fernando Allende. ( 1 hr.) (C) MOVIE "The Late Show" (1977, Mystery) Art Carney. Uy Tomlin. A seasoned private eye encounters blackmail and murder when he comes out of retirement to loeale a cat belonging to an otfbeal female client. (I ht., 30 min.) Cl) SWIMMING "NatiOnal Short Course Champloo- stlips.. ( 2 hrs. ) (lD MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Maurice Cheval- ier, Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by her aunt and grandmother sets out on her own to catch a man. (2 hrs.) (I) MA0A.ME IN MANHATTAN Wayt,end Flowers and Madame are joined by Henny Youngman In an evening of rlsque humor. (%) MOVIE "Greasers Palace" (1972. Fantasy) Albert Henderson. ·Allan Arbus.. A mean. nasty saloon owner Who locked up his mother and mur- dered hlS son meets a wanderl!!P actor with a pen- chant for performing miracles. 'A ( 1 hr .• 31 min.) 9:30 8 Cl) MAKINO THE ORAOE Jeff becomes the object of affection of a female student. CJ) MOVIE "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break" (1941, Comedy) W.C. Flelds. Gloria Jean. A man pfannlng to many either a woman or her daughter ends \J(> losing both of them. (I hr .. 30 min.) G THE REHEARSAL Award-winning choreogra- pher Giordano weaves a story into rehearsal whlle taking his class through their paces. (A) D MOVIE "Nlahlhawks" (t981. Dr•ma) Sylvester Stallone, Billy 0.. Wlfliams. A tough New York City . cop has his wen cut out for ... him when one of the world's most de~ terrorists arrives in his city. 'R' D ht .. 39 min. 10:009 Cl) LOU , ' ~· Cla11med · advertlelng le your beet choice for help tn MUing the Item• YoU no longer need. It'• quick a"d lnexPenll\t'e. .. J • L I .. - \ .u.. :2 0 -~- -· CITIZENS FORUM Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! NEWPORT B™B AND THE IRVINE COllPANY ••• THE DREAM AND THE RFALl'IT Are yo.u concerned about leasehold? Would you like to hear all sides of the Issue? Peter Kremer and Ray Watson. current and past Presidents of The Irvine Company.· address this and other topics as local citizens speak out on the one hour program-hosted by Newport's Mayor. Jackie Heather. Don't miss Ill cmzENS FORUM EPISODES MAY BE VIEWED 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM ' 7:30PM DllOtDL\TBl,Y POLLOlfiNG ~NOW"· 01' CABLE CllA1'NIL 24 or It PltOGltAllllJ1I- ... Tim PUBUC IN'IDDT" ~(CootimOO) IU:SoANCE: YOUTHFUL BALLET Stu- dents at the Royal Ballet's Lower School perform this bellet beeed on "Friday Afternoons," a collec· lion of chlldfen's songs by Benjamin Britten e ~EARSAL Awa1d-winnlng chofeogta· pher Glofdeoo weaves a SIOfY Into rehearsal while -===°':T~=-~'!ld Be King'' Franklin Ford Ill's lathet. visiting the university to recruit studetrfs for his law firm, puts pressure on hls ton to be the star of the ctass. ( 1 hr ) 00 MOVIE "Mountain Men" ( 1980, Adventure) Chatlton Heston, Brian Keith. Two fur trappers enJOY the lfeedom « the widefness in the last few )IUtS befOft the encroachment of c:Mlizatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min.) -(I) MCME "Xanadu" (1980, Musical) Olivia New- ton-John, Gene Kelly. A young artist. a heavenly muse and a sentimental mlllionajre Join forces to open up a huge roller-disco palace. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 ming . 10:30 NEWS I Tl& Guest: Lou H4rri9. CMIOANlA UNEMPLOYMENT: LMNG ON NCl alf THE LANO A look al the a.rant job crl6J& focwea on the variety of ways out~ Clillfoml- ans ate eoplng. CeJ MOVIE "8ama1 Knowiedge" (1971, Dama) J~k Nicholson, Ano-Matgret. Two college friends spend 54tYefal years belOfe and after graduation dis· coveting lfe by sharing &<lO switching each other's Q!!.lfrlends. 'R' ( 1 hf., 37 min.). CZ> MOVIE ."The Sin" '1919. Orama) Anne Hey- wood, Ooftald P.leUet')Oe. A repfessed Kansas schoolteacher ~ a traumatic reiatiooitl•P with a sadistic jilnltor. R' ~-· 20 min.) 11:ooeeewaeN I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN . -M•A•s•H BENNYHllL MD<EO BAG: ANrMAT10N This I<><* at anlmalion from Betty Boop to the present focuses on cultural attitudes rellected In cartoons. • OtCK CAVETT Guest: John Cleese. (Part 1) LR) • HUME.AO UNO (Premiere) Japei;i's T9t\o, a modem-day legend In the ancient sport of sumo wrestling, Is prollled. (I) All.ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE Boston Cel· tics vs. t951 New YOfk Baseball Giants CO) THE GIN GAME Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tan- dy re-create their Btoectway roles aa an elderly cou- ple who discover that Uf& In an ofd-age home has few rewardS outside of playlng gin, until tension ' er~ into the games. ( t hr .. 23 min.) 11:26QZI MOVIE "Fall Of The Roman Empire" (1964, Orama) SopNa Loren. ~tephen Boyd. Emperor Maicus AurelfUS Is murdered and his reprobate son. Commodus. aaumes the throne (3 hrs., 15 min.) 11:30 8 Cl) QUINCY Quincy inv95tlgates charges that a Marine dllft instructor was responsible for the death of a recruit. (R) (t hr., tOmln.) e e TONIGHT Guest host: em Cosby. Guests. Tony Orlando. Martette Hanley. Shari Bel8fonte. ( t hr.) I POJ~ NEW8 NIGHTUNE THE 808TON MARATHON Coverage of this famous 26-mlle race which draws thous.ands of ru~a from acroe1 the coUntry Includes a discus- sion of the hlstOf}' of mar•thons, the backgrounds of the runnefsand how they train. (1 hr.) 1 8.ANFOAOANO~ . CHAALEY'I AUNT Eric Syket, AIUn lewis and Judi M8yn8fd star In thit fatci. Where a party may have to be can<*led ~ Chaf'ley's Aunt Is delayed and cannot chapercnt two young ladles. unless someone can be found to Impersonate the aunt~ min.) , I.ORT T: CAUFOANIA CONGRE8stoNAL ·==-~NEWS • .a.11 ''WNch Way II Up?" ( 1971, COmtdy) Rlch8td Pryor, Lonette McK•. A 8tX4tatVed fruit piek9r la caught In a comic crouflte between his unton and the Mob. and • hwocritleel pceecher flnde heeven In a ladles' choir. •fr ( 1 tw .. 3' min.) t1:'6([) ~ "C.ndy Stttpe NutMs" (197•. Com· tdYl Cendlc:e ....a.on. Robin Manton. Thr• young girls hew cMerent rM10nS for volunteering to help at their loc8' hoapft ... 'R' ( 1 tw., 29 min ) Cl> M(MI "Nttwatk" (1978, Dfllnw) FaY9 Dune· wey, P.-f'lnot't An ~t6evtllof• ""91man, Whole rallngl are •tMdlfY . le "'"*' into • ':'fl .. ..:!Z ~· C<efty-' 1:80 OWIUN THIATM 11:11 ''TM ~°'fir~ JCO~ ~ttJ . ~ GOING BUGS -Charlie (Donnelly Rhodes) suddenly goe.i wacky after his customa r y tough tactics drive a patolee to near suicide on "Report to Murphy" Monday at 8:30 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). Kubrick A former schoolteacher hired as a winter caretaker f0< a remote, and apparenUy haunted. Colorado ho••. • soowt>ound ther_. wttti his wife •nd clakvqyant young son. 'R' (2 hrs .. 26mln'.) 1~00 · ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Charlie Daniels . 8 III MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey HepbUm. Robin Hood returns from the Crusades to reclaim his beloved Maid Marian, who has entered a convent and taken her vows. (R) (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 1 (!) MOVIE "Apartment For Peggy" ( 1948, Come- dy) William Holden. Jeanne Crain. A professor offers his attic to a student and hlS pregnanl wife for hous~. (2 hr~ St r!'.;"g AN s I to: I • AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY 12: 10(C) MOVIE "A Thunder Of Drums" ( 1961 . West- ern) Richard Boone, George Hamilton. A seasoned captain of the U S. Cavalry ndes hard on a green, young lieutenant just out of West Point. ( 1 hr • ~O m1nj 12:16(1) MOVIE "Shogun Assassin" (1981. Adven· ture) TomiS&buro Wakayama. Masah1ro Tomikllwa A former shogun assaMin who was maneuvered out of his posltlOfl by a ruthless clan of spies vows to take bloody revenge. 'R' (1 hr., 26 min.) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guesfs; comedian Richatd Betzer, Edwin Newman. !~ MOVE ~Ing Kong Elcac>et" ( 1968, Scleoce- lori) RhodH i.uon. Linda .... °'· Who con-struct• a giant robOt and pita It against King Kong In a attuggle fOf world domination. (2 hfs.) I a.sot IMPOIStBLE ~Niil OAGANIZAT10N8 AUTO AAQNQ "NASCAR Nortl'lw9at6m Bank 400" from WNkttboro, North terollna. (3 l'lrs.) 12:40. (J) COWM80 A faf'l\Ola food critic black- malll '"taurantt In returo for fallOfable ~ ~~40~ t ~'Cybofg 2087'' ( 1987. Scienc»-Flctlon) Aennie, Wendlloi.,y. In IN_.., ol the M\n, Earth le ~ by ~ .,..,. wNct\ .,. Mtf-tMMn. ,,..-mactine. ( 1 hf .. 32:.''b • 80NG Niil OANCe YOUlHIU. Stu- dentl at t"' Royat a.let'• Lower School perform 1HI be11eJ bliliid on "f~IOOfll." a colec· lion of c:Hldttn'• ""9 by Btttten. 1:11(I) ~"Caveman'' (1 1, Comedol) Ringo Stan. 0.... au.;d. nw downllh member of 1 barefV l__.. ~one tribe ~ to dllcO¥et lhal btilnt n not brawn • be the ~ 1o tall ........ 'PO' (t "'" 3t mil\;) ,. If ---··~Hiner' (1•1. HOriar) MlcMel . M..a.......,., a.re ...... " t.u11'"'~ ....... "'-~ ~ l111'1 ... ~'i' llf9 • __ ......... --~---------------------------~~------------~~~~-::-:a Evenls leading to the October, 19'' daalh of Field Tuesday \I< >IC\ I '\( ~ \I< >\ · 11 .S 5:00 (%) "Greaser's Palace" ( 1972. Fantasy) Albert Henderson. Allan Arbus 5:'5 Cl) "Xanadu" ( 1980. Musical) Olivia Newton- .John, Gene Kefly. 6:06(17) "One Touch Of Venus" ( 1950. Comedy) Ava Gardner. Robert Walker. 6:30(%) "The Game For Vuflutes" ( 1978. Adven- ture}_ Richard Harris, Richard Roundtree. . 7iOO(C) "Jules And Jim" (1961, Romance) Jeanne Moreau, Osttar Werner - 7:30CID "The Earthling" ( 1980, Adventure) William Holden, Ricky Schroder. e "Huckleberry Flnn" Animated 8:00 Cl) "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971, Fan- tasyJ_ Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson. 8:06(11) "C~ught" (1949, Suspense) James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes. 8:30(%) "The Shining" ( 1980, Horror) Jack Nichol- son. Shelley Duvall. Directed by Stanley Kubrick. 9:00(C) "King Of KlngS" ( 1962. Drama) Jeffrey Hunte<, Robert Ryan. g "The Green Horizon" ( t981. Adventure) James Stewart, Philtp Sayer. 9:30• "The Man From Utah" (1934, Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes 1<kOO CID "Flash Gordon" (1980. Science-Flction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. Cl) "King Of Klngs" ( 1962. Drama) Jeffrey Hunter • Robert Ryan · 10:06(11) "freaSUfe Of San Gennaro" ( 1968, Come- dy) Harry Guardino. Seota B«ger. 10:30D "Cardiac Arrest" (1978. Mystery) Garry Goodrow. Mlk.a Chan. 11:00(%) "Zazle" (1~. Comedy) Catherine Demongeot. Philippe Nolret. \I I l H '\< >< >'\ \I<>\ 11."' 12:00G "Elec:tranlc Monste<" (f958. ~Fic­ tion) Rod Cameron, Mary Murphy. e '1'he Heroes Of r-iemark" (1965. Orama) Kirk Q9uglu. Richard Harris. e "Track Of The.Calv (1954, Adventure) Robert Mitchum, Tab Hunter. (C) "Shame, Shame On The Bixby Boys" ( 1979. Adventure) Moote Markham. CID "King Of The Mpuntaln" (1981, Advenlure) Harry Hamlin, Joseptl Bottoms. II "Tim" ( 1981. Orama) Pipe< Laurie. Mel Gibson. 12:'5(%) "Blood And Guts" ( 19i · Orama) William Smith. Micheline Lanctot 1:00(f) "Suspicion" ( 1941, Suspense) Cary Grant, Joan Fontaine. Directed by Allred Hitchcock. 1:30(C) "Second Wind" (1980, Orama) Lindsay Wagner. James Naughton. CID "Ruckus" ( 1980, Drama) Di~ Benedict, Linda Blair. •"The Green Horizon" ( 1981. Adventure) James Stewart, Phihp Sar,8f'. 2:00(I) "Alrplanel · (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerty. 2:30(%) "Oh GodJ Book II" (1980, Comedy) George Burns. Suzanne Pleshette. 9:00 e "Hercules" ( 1959. Advenlute) Steve Reeves, Svtvtt Kosclna. • 3!30(8) "Kiii And Kiii Again" (1981, f'dventure) James Ryan, Annellne Krlel. 1 4:06 (%) "Modem Romance" ( 198 1, Comedy) Albert Brooks, Kathryn Harrold. 4:30~ "Choppy And The Prlnoess" ( 1973, Fanta- sy) Animated. (I) "Bedknobs And Broon1stlcks" ( 1971, Fantasy) A~ Lansbury, David Tomlinson. 6:00{!) "You W8fa Never Lovelier" ( 1942. Musical) Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth. • 6:40(%) "The Game For Vullures" (1978. Adven- tutt) Rlchetd Harris. Richard Roundtree. I \I "-I"-.<. THINGS ABE SHAPING UP -David Rupprecht (cent.er) la surrounded by the other recuWa on the comedy-variety 1eries, ''The Shape of TbJno.'' celecMt Tueeday at 10 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). They include (clockwUle from top left) Rhonda Bats, Al- vemette Jiminez, Judy Carter, Elayne Boo- 11le r, Dottie Archibald and Maureen Mur- . phy. abotJt a stubborn firecracker. D MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980, Orama) Dirk Benedict, Linda Blall' A shell-shocked Vietnam vet disturbs the peace of a smaM Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 mln.1 6:30()). NEWS I BAANEY MILLER AU. IN THE FAMILY NEW88EAT WfTH CLETE R08ERT8 8U81NE88 REPORT • MIXED NUTS Animated. Chip 'n' OaJe assautt their favOflte target, Donald Duck. In a series of adVentures. . (J) L.AfF..A·THON A comedian host and tour comic contestants who compete against one anotber are featured iMhis uncensored comedy game show. 7:IOO~AGAIN A8CNEW8 . ' • P.M. MAGAZINE Hawaii's triathalon, an endUf- ance race in thf'ee event•: baseball's painless pltch- KOJAK 1. NNE ON~ JERSEY ENTERT A....eNT TONtGHT An Interview With Arnold Schwarzenegger. IM•A•&•H JOKER'S Wft..D OVER EASY "Af1M 65 -Marriage" (R) Q TH£ MUPPET8 ~ PORTRAITS IN PASTELS MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eestwood, Sondra Locke. Before settllng down with his girl and pat orangutan, a bare-fiStedgJhter signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' 1 hr., 45 mjp.) cm THE 1 PLAYER ()) WHA r s UP AMEReCAI Featured: a look at ~­ puncture for enlmala: bfack Amerans who practice pp!ygamy and voodoo; a profile of femele strippers. '(t hr.) 7:$0. 2 ON THE TOWN Featured! the contjngency plans Lot Angeles haa In I.he 911«\t of • nocleer attack: • look et 1n ln~tment compute( wtlCh matches buye<s and ulef• of e)(paneNe e•otlc Items: 1 profile of Renee Sendstrom. • 7-yeer-ofd eome comperf to JutJy Gef1and. I FEUD • CetlfOfnle Ang* et S..ttle Mar- • lnara (3 hra) e EVE ON LA. FMtured a trip to the Long Beach ('jfanc:t Prtit: • pcoflle of the t oo Shof1 for Prime nn. ~ 1 children'• nightciub tct; 1 pcC>Ne of Hlro. LOI~· mest« ai9hl chef. •TIC TAC OOUQH LATIN HEW YON< YOU AllCED '°" fT u•A•e•H WTUN:Guest: ~· MAO& I LBIW' ..... DIATH C1' THE caa'CJ FOX 1 Marst\81 Erwin Rommel are recalled lhrough news-.,, reel foolage, slltt photographs and personaf testlmo-&= ny by Rommel's son Man(red and biographer David - Irving. <! cm BASEBAU Houslon Astros al Los Angeles r Dodgers (3 hrs ) o (%) l.tOVIE "Zazie" ( 1960. Comedy) Calhe<lne ~ ~t Philippe Noire!. An 11·year-old girl ,, .......... ..,.._..... .........W..&AA in ~ from the pcovinca speodS.at.t excitlOg "~~"" ' • a ---Paris with her 1ransvesll1e uncle. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) ji" 7·35 al) NEWS '!< 8~008 Cl) Q.E.D. Prof8SSOf Oeverill Investigates a > myslerious apparition al lhe anoes1ra1 country home ~ of his seetetary. ( t hr.) 8 •BRET MAVERtCK Maverick's plan to catch ;, lhe leader of a utopian grou, thal has tleeoed Sweetwater farmers oot of their land hlls a snag. i {Part 2) (1 hr.) • g HAPPY DA Y8 Roger and Fonzie unwittingly "> dale the same girt, and Marlon learns the secret behind Howard's old love lelt84's. (R) Q D MOVIE "War And Peete" (Parl 2) (1968, Ora· ma) Ludmila S.vetyeva. Sergei Bondarchuk. Based on lhe novel by Leo Tolstoy. 'The lives of three fami- lies are greatly affected by lhe NapoleOnic wars. (2 (l)·~Hlll • e P.~. MAGAZIHE Haw.H's trlathalon. an endur- ance race In lhrfle events: schoolchildren who are !earning to use ~en. e MOVIE "The Deacly Trap" (1972, Suspense) Franl( Langela. Faye Dunaway. A man finds his own 111e and that of his family endangered when he tries to break tree of his association with a spy organiza- tion. (2~ I~ OOUSTEAU OOY'88EY "The Nile" Jacques and Ptlitlppe Cousteau exp6ore the hold that the Nile has hed on mankind throughout history as they coo- hnue lheir journey dOwn the 4,000-mile-long rMw to the Meditenanean. (Part 2) (R) ( 1 hr.) • t+OVA "Cosmic Fire" The extraordinary discov- eries made by x-ray astr00001y of neutron stars. exploding galaxleS, quasars and black holes are examined. (~.) ~~Kill And KIM Again" (198t. Adventufe) James Ry1n, Annellne Krlel. A martial arts ex.pert battles the mlnidns ot a power-mad scientist Intent on enslaving manl(lnd With e new mind-control drug. 'PG' (1hf.,40mln.) ()) MOVIE "Wiiiie & Phil" ( 1980, Comedy) MichUI Ontkean, Margot Kidder. Three people begin a triangular romance In Greenwich Village that ..._ continues throughout the mercurial social milieu of the · 70s. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 56 min.) e MOVIE "Mogambo" ( 1954. Orama) Clark Gable. Ava Gardlwtt. When e plantatlon e>vef'seer falls In love wllh lhe wife of an engineer. oontttcts arise. ( 1 hr .. 56 min.) &:•• 0 LAVERNE"-'ND SHIRlEY A man who pToposed to Laverne years •go returns as a dashing miHlonalre. (R) Q i ~u: THE FAMILY DANCE: LA ALLE MAL GAAOEE Lesley Colier and Michael Colef'M star in Fr9derlc Ashton's 1960 version of the 1789 ballet, performed at lhe Royal Opera House. Covent Glrden. ~rs.) 8:3$@ AU. IN THE FAMILY _ 9:00 •· ()) MOVIE "Parote" (Premle<e, Drama) Jamel Nqnton. Lori C.rdllle. A troubled young parolee fac.s pcoblems when thrust beck Into soc~ ety with ln1dequate employment skills and prlson- lndooed ttmotlonal scars. (Parental dlloretlon Is advised) (2 hrs.) •• f:l.AMINOO ROAD Lute-Mae tr1es to kKI fief ex·loYer. and Field resigns from the legislature and moves to dlvOfce Constance. (1 hr.) • (II THREE'S OCMPAHV J.ck uaes Terrl't> CPR dUmrny to convince hla bols' • 1ggreaslve daughter that he II a married tMn. CR) Q i RACINQ FAOM AOOSEVElT MERV<RFRN AMS1CAN Pl.AYHOUBE "W-.nd" Barber• Hershey and Tony Musante ater In en edeptation of AM Belltle'a lhof1 atory •bout a man's frustrated ...,ch fof youth 0 (1 hr.) . e TH! COUITEAU OO't'88EY ''The Nile'' JecQU99 and PWllppe CoultMU axpk>f9 the hold thet the t-. hat hed on menklnd throughout h!.tory u thev eon- tinue thetr journey oown the '·~ rt. to the Medlterrenean (Pert 2) (R) ( 1 hr.) (C) MOYE .. ,,._ An!J Jim" ( 1981, Romance) JMflne Moreeu. Olks Wemet'. In J1'9"Wortd W• M France. a catefrM young women lovea two men Who art cioee ffllnde ll"Cf retuMs to gt¥e up eltf'ler ~ ~ hrlAll CONTACT KAM TE ''Wand 6uptf Mlddlt"4ght ~·· from Topeke. Karw. 30"*'.) MCW1E "lovtng Couollt" < 1990. ~ MecUfne, JlfMI Coburn. A merrlld Md I l)llllr of ~ 11r9'1 l.itct\ ........... tn 8 - I • 14------------------------------:-----------------------------------Tuesday (continued) ~ game of bfestyi, sampllng and romantic revenge O> 'EG' ( 1 hr .. 37 min ) ~ (%)MOVIE ··e1ood And Guts'' (1978. Drama) w11 .. ~ ham Smith. Micheline Lanctot. All aging wrestler seek.a hts one-m-a·mlllion shot for success In hie. :C: work and love. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) ~ 9:06 «?)..MOVIE. "The Last Command" ( 1955, Advr.n· ~ "-mre) ~terttr\g Ra9~ltl11l"MIJM.Amergnerl1. '"A as band of Texans including Jim Bowie fights to the :g . death 1n their ..defense ol the Alamo. (2 hrs., 15 u.. min.) . • 9:30 fJ ®) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry is gi chided by his family tor not gc>l(lg after a raise. (A) -' Cf) MOVIE "I Was A Teenage Frankenstein" ( t957. ~ Horror) Whtt BtSSell. PhylltS Coates A 1950s Amen· can deScendant of the tnfamoua dOctor palcheS ~ together various adoleScent body parts to create a 0:: new monster ( t hr , 30 min.) 10:00 D fll) PLEASURE DRUGS: THE GAEA T AMER- ICAN HIGH Edwin Newman reports on the lncreas· 1ng use of drugs by Ameflca's middle cla&5, the -pf'Oblems 1h1s drug use is causing. and possible so1utt0nS to these problems ( 1 hr ) IJ @) HART TO HART Jennifer becomes a target liiii murder when st\fl enlets a ptesllgt009 r09e con- ;1~1> ~~~ SPECIAL ON NARCOTICS -"Pleasure Qi) THE GAEA T BALANCING ACT ·ca1tfotnta s Drugs: 'nie Great American High, n an ·NBC State Budget · A group ol state leg'51at0f5 gathe.r White Paper examination of bow drug hab-'°' a drscvsfiJO(l ol rhls years budget pwcess I 1 its of the 1960s count.er-culture are moving r') MOVIE "King 01 The Mountain" ( 1981. Adven-rapidly into the mainstream of America's ture) Harry Hamlin Joseph Bottom:; Three young ntiddle-class, will be telecast Tuesday at 10 LA bachelor<> devore 1he11energies10 the sport ot p.m . on Channel 4. News Correspondent drag racing. 'PG ( 1 hr. 30 min.) F.clwin Newman is shown. with a narcotics CS) MOVIE "Sw1ngtng Cheertead~" Jo Johnston display board used by the New York City Colleen Camp A 1ournahsm major 1nf11trates the police to alert the public to the dangers of ranks of a college cheerlead1ng squad to eicpose me dru explottation of the cheerleadefs by the foolball gs. team "R' ( 1 hr . 35 mtn ) Westerners ate aided by a communist's g1rlfnend I 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HOAROR (2 hrs.) 10:308.., NEWS 11 308 Cl) ALICE Mel's buS•nfli>S orops ott. lorOf'Q @SIGNATURE Guest Alan Parker hrm to eliminate one ol his waitresses (R) ~ AM~AN PLAYHOUSE "Weekend" Bart>arc1 0 8) TONIGHT Gue61 hOst 8111 Cosby G 1e-;1 ... Hershey and Tony Musante &tar 1n an adap1a11on ot Marie Osmond Steve Allen Reynaldo R~y ( 1 ru ) Ann Beattie's shOfl story about a man's lrustrarfld I ®l ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE search for youth Q ( 1 hr ) KOJAK THIS WEEK IN THE NBA "Playoff Preview" THE JEFFEASONS (Q) R.e.o. SPEEDWAGON IN CONCERT Filmed hve SA NFORD ANO SON in ooneert tn Denver, Rf 0 performs many of their DANCE: LA A LLE MAL GARDEE Lesley Cotll~r recent nits. tncludtng "Taking II On The Run" and and Michael Colemn star tn frederic Ashton's 1960 "Keep On LOVlng Yoo " ( 1 hr ) versK>n ot lhe 1789' ballet. perl0<med st rhe Royal MOVIE "The Shining" ( 1980, HOfror) Jack flra House. Covenr Garden (2 hrs ) N1Cholson. Shelley Dwell Dtrected by Stanley NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS Kub<1(:t( A former schoolreacher hired as a winter CAPTIONED ABC NEWS careraker tor a remote. and appatently haunteo MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980, Orama) Otrk Beoeoict CoCOfado hotel. is snowt>ound there with h1~ wile Linda Blair A shell-shocked V1ernam vet d1sturbt. and cla11voyan1 young son 'R' (2 hrs , 26 min ) t'le peace of a small Alahama town 'PG' ( 1 hr. 35 1 1~00 1J 1J fJ Cl) OJ) 0) NEWS . min ) 8 SATURDAY NIGHT (0) MOVIE Marac;chu 10 Ct .erry• ( 1978, Orama) fJ YOU ASKED FOR IT • Gloria Leonard, Jenny Baxter A top' New YOik (!)JOE FRANKLIN madam shows her younger s1srer the ropes at ,1 I M•A•s •H high-class brothel (1 hr . :>3m1n) BENNY HILL 11:36 MOVIE "Cheech And Chong's Next Movie" QUIZ KIDS ( 1980, Comedy) Riehard "Cheoch" Ma11n, Thoma'> DICK CAVETT Guest John Cleese (Part 2) Ch<>ng Two Potheads have numerous small adven {B) .....iures while roi\m1ng the ~treets ol Los Angeles 1n (C) MOVIE <; Knows You're Alone" ( l980. search ol the "perfect high .. 'R' ( r hr . 33 min ) Suspense) Don Scardino, Caitlln O'Heaney A psy-12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An inrervlew cno murder with Arnold Schwarzenegger tic er stalks flttractlve young bfldes-10-D (fl FANTASY ISLAND A comedienne tongs to be. 6llently and lelhal1y stashing thett dreams 01 lead a normal hie and two men lead an lnlamous wed:=w~~Nhr 30 min ) Q!_ng (Fl). l 1 hr • tO min ) C!J MOVIE "Escape To Th• Sun" ( 1972, Advon· MOVIE "Rabid" ( t979, Horror) Marilyn Cham· .rure) Laurence Harvey, Josephine Chaplin. A band bers. Frarik Moore A young woman who was ctill· of Soviet Jews make a sar1ous blunder In theit celly injured In a motorcycte accident Is saved by 11 ettampt 10 hlJack an alrllrier (2 hrs ) radically new surgical procedure that leave• her with aJ MOVIE "Citizen Kane" ( 194 1, Orem&)· Oraon only one side elfe.'.:t -a voracious appetite tor Welles. Joseph Cotten A young man inherits ~reat human blood. 'A' (1 hr . 3A min) wealth. but chooses to be a new-;paper pobl1sher 0 MOVIE "St tr Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Rict'lard alter GC<lndal ruins his po1111ca1 asp1rattons.:_ (2 hr& Pryor Gene W1lde1 Two men ere rn•staken IOI bank 30 min ) rob~ and &ent lo )ail 'A' ( I hr 51 mm ) 1 1.0VE. AMERICAN STYLE 11.20 Q1) MOVIE "The Shanghai Story" ( t954. Orn· ~OCUS ON SOCIETY __ ma-:..) _R_u_t_h_R_o;_m_a.._n..:.• ;;..;E::..:d:...mond....::..:.~..:O.,:.;'B;:;.r.:..:io:;,;n.:.....;1m~pr..;.:lson:.:.:.:.e:.:d::.....-.-~12!.·~06~8!..!:!:!...:W~KR~N-Cl_NCINNA Tl Herb's lather runs FUN CIT~ 'lllllili..IK.alll I. time To tjuy /I. TltM T <1 Jump Or S11JYt BU>Oks 1111<1 L4!0 1 leg W rrnen ••. At Ptlfttche Of"POOO O"'JI OOCfl d600do ddfb ~~J­ ~ ... ~las s'ifiejis 1~642 -5 678 away from his rest home and pays his son an unwel· come visit. (A) 12:308 fJD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests three chefs from mainland China. magician Harry AndE\rson ( 1 hr ) I COUPLf.6 MOVIE "Hefcole$" ( 1959, Ac!Venture) Steve ReevM. Sylva Koscina ThQ son of Zeus renounces his immortality for the IQl(e of the Princess ol Jolco l hrs) NEWS EXPLORING LANGUAGE MOVIE "Shame. Shltlhe On The Bixby Boys · ( 1979 Adventure) Monie Markham A lour-brother lam11y ol callle rustlers and thetr father challenge rhe local deputy 10 a genu1nA shootout at 1he old corral 'PG' ( 1 hr 27 min ) WCT TENNIS "$300 000 Dallas T ournamenr Quarterfinals" (3 hrs ) 12:'°6 CJ) MCCLOUD McCloud discovers thar M. hal 1s a hnk to a rn1lltGn ~liar conspiracy (R) 12 hrs 12:45 MOVIE "Terror Tr:l1n' ( 1980. Suspen~) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Curtis A college fraterni· 1y·s Npw Vear's rnas.weradc parry turns 1n10 .i mghlrnrire when a v1no1ct1ve guesl starts kll~ng off !hr !?£1rlY goer<> ."A' t 1 hr 37 min ) 1 00 U MOVIE "Dodsworth" ( 1936 Drama) Wallor Huston Rulh Chatterton A bu~1nes<;man finds h•<. bucour. hfe t1.srupted wl"11•n he and hie; wile retire ro Eure.pr wt>E'fP rhey are conlronred by a nf>W hlestylP .mo values (2 hrs ) (!) MOVIE "Doornwarcn" ( 1972 Orum••I Ian Ban nf'n Judy Geeson A man cooduchng underwater '" Parch r.enr a •.mall 1slar1d '11",ot)vpr· that the w31er conra1ns rad1oachve wa~le responsible for physic.ii ly dclorm1ng the island'<; tnh11b11ants ( 1 hr JO min) 0 MOVIE 'All Thar Jan' ( 1q79 Mu-:1cal) Rr>y Scheider. Jessica Lange TLe lumultuous Ille of ;i prole!>~1onar choreographer 1s followed lrom su1; cess on the stage to per<,onal cnses 'R' (2 hrs 3 mm) (?° MOVIE "The Sin' ( 1979 Drama) Anne Hey wOOd. Ooosld P1easence A reptessed Kansa· SChOOIHChe< deVelops a traumaric relattOnShlp with a sadistic. 1anttor 'A' ( 1 hr 20 min ) 1: 10 0 MOVIE ··say GooobyA Maggie Cole • ( t972 Drama) Susan Haywdrd, Darren McOav1n A r<icently widowed doctor lorgeJs her !roubles and grief when she becomes 1nvol11ed with a younr;i girl aspiring to be a doctor ( 1 hr . 30 rn1n ) @)NEWS ((i) MOVIE 'The HoltywOOd Knights' ( 1980, Come dy) Robert Wuhl. Tony Danza On Halloween eve 1n 1965 a rowdy high r.chOOI gang w~aks havoc '" Beverly Hills 10 avenqe the closing ol l!'leir hangout by the local home owners ac;soc1arion 'A" ( 1 hr . 39 min I <S) MOVIE "Ntghihawks' ( t981. Orama) Sylvester Stallone Billy Dee W1lhams A tough New YOfk City cop has his ~ cul out tor him when 0r>e ot th• world's mos1 dangerous rcrrortsls amves 1n his c11y 'R' ( 1 hr . 39 mtn I 1:20@ MOVIE "Crawlspace" ( 197 t, Suspense) Teresa Wright. Arthur Kennedy A childless. middle aged couple welcome a strange young repairman into their empty ltves ( 1 hr 30 mtn ) 1:30 • 6' NEWS 2·00 FILLMORE tn rh1s beh1nd·lhe·scenes docu mentary special great mu<;ical gr(')Ups ol the 60's aro gathered toge1her to perform one la.st limo. ( I hr , 45mon.) 2:05 (!) NEWS' 2:30(]) MOANING STRETCH G) MOVIE "F'1reball" ( f 966, Su"penso) Richard Harrison. Wand1sa Guida An AmerlC3n spy is assigned lo replace a sc1ent1st who was part ot an inrernattonar coalition working on an important petroleum project (2 hrs ) 2:'° fJ fJ NEWS 2:45( MOVIE "NtghthawkA" ( 1081, Of mo)-Syl· vo-.rer S1allone Billy ()Ce W1U1ami A tough New York City cop h.:is his work cut out f<)f hlm when ono • or the world s moot dangerous t nort la om-.M In ho city R' ( t hr . 40 mtn:J (Z MOVIE "ltwo" ( 1!\60 Comedy) ·- Wednesday \I< >JC\ J:\(; \I< >\ · 11 ·~S 6:000 'Heaven can Waif' ( 1978 Fantasy) Warren Bedlly Julie Ch11c,11e Zi Ori God' I 1977 CorneOy} GeOfue Burne; John Den11t1r 6:05@ 'Far I Carroll Var11t1as ( 1945 Musical) Denni<, O KPell' Cortstttnce Moore 1·oorc1 OullJw Alue-;" 11977 Drama) Peter Fon cla Su~11 ~.11nt Jame·, 8:00(~, ·Hot I ec:1d Arid Cold Feet" I 1978:Comedy) Jim Dttle Dun Knott•, rs · ThP Nude Aomb" I 1980, Comedy) D<Jn Adam•, Sylvt<t Kristel 0 "r me.a f ive Starvenyers' 1198 1, Sc1ence·F1c· 11on) Amrnillod <z1 ·Ott God' Book II' t 1960 Comedy) George Burm., Sumnrie Pteshelle . 8:05QZJ "Oes1ry' ( t955. Wes tern) Audie Murphy Meri Blanchard 9:00(C) "ABBA The Movie ' ( 1976. Musical) ABBA 9:301) ·New frontier'' ( 1939 Western) John Wayne Ray Comgan 9:35fZ) "la11c" ( 1960 Comedy) Catherine Oemongeo1 Ph1hppe Nc>tret 10:00($) "Mr Buddw1ng" ( 1966 Mystery) James Garner Su1anne Ple!!he11e 10:05 Q!J · The Birds And The Boos' I 1956 Comedy) Ge! Gobel. M11ZJ Gay"°' 11:00 'The Solt Skin" I 1964 Drama) Francoise Oof ac. Jean Desa1lly II "I Sent A Letter To My Love" ( 1981, Romance) Simone Signc>fel. Jean Rochelort "The Harrad Exper1ment" ( 1973. Drama) James Whitmore. T 1PP1 Hedreo .\I· 11.ll"<><>" \l<>\JL" 12:0011 "Ope<atlon Mermaid" ( 1960. Orama). Mai Zet1er11no. Keenan Wynn m "Slaughte<house F111e" ( 1972. Comedy) Michael Sacks. Ron Leibman • "Hero's Island" ( 19621 Adventure) James Mason, Neville Brand , (Jj) "Gigi" ( 1958: Musical) Maurice Chevalier. Leslie Caron . (I) "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard PryOf, Gene Wilder , 12:35 (%) "Shogun Assassin" ( 1981. Advenlure) Tom1saburo Wakayama, Masah110 Tom1kawa. 1:00(1) "Shadow Of A Doub!" ( 1943, Suspense) Teresa Wright. Joseph Cotten [CJ "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Drama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saini Jomes 2:00 "The Pilot" ( 1980. Ofama) Clltf Robertson. Diane Baker D "Ooctm Zhwago" ( t965. Orama) Omar Shani. O-ald1no Chaplin (%) "Home MovleS" ( 1980. Comedy) Keith GOf doo, Kkk Douglas 2:30(1) "Hugo The Hipp()" ( 1976. Adventure\ Ant· mated VolceS of Burl tves. Paul Lynde 3:00 8 "Why Would Anyone Want To Kiii A Nice Girt Like You?" ( t968. Suspense) Eva Renzi, David ~k • 3:30 "Nobody' a Perlokt" ( 198 t, Comedy) Gabe Kapl&n, Alex KarrH (%) "The Game FOf Vultures" ( 1978. Adventure) Richard Harris. Richard Roundtree •:()()()) "The Shogun Warrlma. Oanguard Ace" ( 1981, Fantaay) Animated. 6:00 ~ "ABBA; The Movie" ( 1978, Mualcal) ABBA 6:20(%) ''Oh Oodl Book II" C 1980, COOl4)dy) George Bums, Suzanne Pleshelle 5:30e "The Frisco Kid" (1979, Comedy) Gene Wlldef, Herrlton Ford I \ 1 "' I "'' • e:oo•••NEWB -~8ANGElB ... BATTLES DOPE -When a t.een-ager dies of an overdotte of. drug1J. It prompts Quincy (Jack K.Jugrrum) ro ~gin a public campaign agaimi IU~al drup Wednesday at 10 p.m . on NBC (Ch. 4). C88NEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT NBC NEWS NEEOLECRMT MOVIE "Hot Lead And Cold Feet" ( 1978, Com- edy) Jim Dale. Don Knotts In The Old Wea1. 1wln brothers •• one rough 'n' tough. the olher a clly· bred mllquetoaat •• compete In a oruellng contest to see who will lnher11 their father'• fortune. ·o· ( 1 hr . 30 min) HOll VWOOO Bill Harris presents up-<:lole reporta on the people and eveota which are making news In lhe production and glamour capital of the movie Industry 6:30 (I). NEWS I BARNEY MILLER AU IN THE FAMILY THE SONG WRITERS: CHARLES STROUSE The compow of "Annie," "Bye. Bye 8"dte," "ApplaUM" and "Golden Boy." gives aome lnslghta into the busHleS8 of &haw business ( 1 hr ) I NEW88EAT Wn'H CLETE R08Em'8 BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "The Nude Born~" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Adams, Sylvia Knstel S'ecret agen1 Maxwell Smart laces his most dangerous adversary In an archv1llaln who plant to launch miuiles that wiH dis- robe the entire human population 'PG' (I hr . 35 mlnJ_ 7:00 •CBS HEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN • ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A pair of twine celebrate thelt 100th birthday. ~ women's ba&ketball team that pleya onlv. met'l's teams • I KOJAf< ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview wnh ck Cavett I M•A•&•H £' JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY "Aller 65 •• Living Togttl'Mtf" (R) Q ms . u I THE MUPPETS PORTRAl'fS IN PASTELS ~ MOVIE "The Solt Skin" ( 1964, Drama) Fran· 0> c0tse Do<loac. Jean Desa1lly A middle-class busi· "": nessman·a marriage collapses when he becomes ~ involved "' a latolul ltatSOn with an airline steward-• _ ess (2 hr& ) >; ( MOVIE "The Prtvate [yes" ( 1980 Comedy) < Don Knotlr. Tim C¢nway Two bumbling Amencan ~ detective'> are called 1n to investigate a se11es of ., murder& in an f ngl1sh caslle 'PG' ( 1 hr . 31 min ) 'O (OJ MOVIE "Stay As You Are' ( 1980. Romance) ;£ Marcello Ma"ltr01anm. Nas1ass1a l<1nsk1 A married, c;;. middle-aged man embarks on an affair with a teen-o age 0111 who may be related 10 him 'R' ( 1 hr . 45 ....J ~) ~ (%) MOVIE 'Oh Godl" ( 1977, Comedy) George _ Borns John Denver God selects an unsuspec11ng Ia young' supcrmarkol managor lo deliver a message er of hopo and gOOd will lo the skeptical people of the modern-day world 'PG' ( 1 he . 36 min ) 7: 10 Cf) KINER'S KORNER 7:301J 2 ON THE TOWN realurad a look at the competitive world of weather reporters. an interview with Jerry Gfll!M, a man who professes t<HtAOw the s.crel qi ltv1ng IOfever. e view of a few artstocrats and their offices I cm FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE OH L.A. Featured the amazing world of microsurgery, the latest trend 1n fashion -· bulle1· ~oot cl0th1ng e TIC TAC DOUGH ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Dick Cavetl I YOU ASKED FoA IT · M*A•s•H SIGHA TUAE Guest Jacqueline Bisset MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT MEDIA PA08E8 (Premlefe) "PhOtography" Host Cheryl Tiegs profiles live people whO make their living behind the cameta Q e MR GIMME A young boy can't aflOfd to buy the drums he wanls so baJly 7:36 dl) NEWS 8:008 .(I) CBS REPORTS "People Like Us" Biii Moyer1 tells four at0fl8S of Amfricans who are 1n trouble because of th& economy and budge1 cuts {_1 hr_J II • REAL PEOPLE Featured: a loveable land· lord; a one·man band; a town aptll by the U.S. - Canadian border; a 12-year-old auctioneer. (R) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "First To Flght" ( 1967. Orama) Chad Everett, Marilyn Devin. A Medal of Honor winner has problems on the battlefield, but manages to lead his men to vic1ory. (2 hrs.) 8 a:I THE GAEA TEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph ts sent Into the lhick of a major league pennant race and becomes baseball'• hOtteat overnight sensa- tion (R) ( 1 hr ) ). D MOVIE "War And Peace" (Part 3) ( 1968, Ora- ma) Ludmlla Savelyeva, Berget Bonderchuk Based on lhe novel by Leo Tolstoy The ltvet of three laml· lteS are 11eat1y affected by the Napoleonic wars (2 CE~HILL .. • P.M. MAGAZINE A ~Ir of twtna <*ebfate !heir 100th birthday. • women'• basol<etball teem that ~Y• ~ly !f*l'I teams. • MOVIE "Thunder Road" ( 1958, Adventure) Robef1 Mitchum, Gen. Barry A hero in the K()(aan War makes hl9 way back to his home In the moun- tains and becomes Involved wtth his famlly'a boot- ~ Oetf8llons. (2 hra.) CR STYLE Featured· chlldren'a zoot, Paloma Pieaa- to'a jewelry ·· wearable sculpture: i.athtr • MEDIA PA08E8 (Premiere) "Photography" Host Cheryl Tiegs profiles five people who mttke t~lr llvl!'Q behind the camera. O • MARK AU88ELL Washington' a top polltlcal sat._ "" ~" tun et mejo< luuea and nows stories 01 ~:&.rs c&n'EA • CR) MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958. Mutlcal) Mlurice Cheval· let. Lnllt CatOl'I A tomboy btlog grOOINd by her aunt al'ld gral'ldmothtf NII out on her own to catch a mtn (2 lwtJ ' ---~~-~~~------~------------~--------------------._. ............. ,_.._ ................. --.... ..._ ...... _.. ............ ._._. ... _.._..__... ..... __ ..., __ .._ ________ ~"'!"""'--... ~ t . r- $ "Tl 1 Q II> ~ ~, = ~ !'> ~ co CD I\) ' . Cl) BIZARRE "Test Tube Teens" II MOVIE "Heaven can Wait" ( 1978. Fanlasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Chnsrie After a pro footbaH star's Nie is prematurely claimed by an inept angel, the man Is given the body of a millionaire Industrial- ist to continue living In. 'PG" ( 1 hr., 41. min.) 8:30 (I) IRONSIDE I ALL IN THE FAMILY NAPOLEON CONQUERS AMERtCA A film focusing on the Amencan tour of Abel Gance's four and one-half hour epic "Napoleon." ( 1 hr.) 9 MARK RUSSELL Washington's lop political satt- rlst pof<es fun at ma1or issues end news stones of the day. C!) BAO MOON RISING TV joumalrst Stephen Tal- bot looks at the disturbing resufgence of groups wtilCh are perpetrating racial 1ntolefance and at the v1Ctlms of such bigotry ( 1 hr.) CS) LAFF-A-TiiON A comed1&n host and lour comic contestants who compete against one another are featured 1n this uncensored comedy game 6h0w. 8:35@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:4'5(%) TOTAL CONTROL 9:0011 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNA Tl Mr Garlson's mother secretly takes measures to turn the station's success into failure D Oi) THE FACTS Of LIFE An unwed mother leaves her baby with Mrs Garrelt's girlS lheO doesn't return to p1Ck up the child (R) 0 GI THE FALL GUY Colt and Howie put&ue an arsonist to a strange town run by IN! lug1t1ve's mother (R) ( t hr ) CD MERV GR1FFIN fD MIDDLETOWN "Second Time Around.. An• engaged couple, both divorced. attempt to come to terms wilh thetr own el(peCtatlons and hesitallons about a shared future. O ( 1 hr ) CC) MOVlE "Middle-Age Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Ann-Margret. Bruce Dern A Tex.as developer's suc- cessful job and beautiful wife manage to drive hlm into a mid-life crlsiS 'R' ( 1 hr . 31 min.) TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas. Nevada (? hrs .. 30 min ) (JJ MOVIE "Rough Cot" ( 1980. AdVenture) Sort Aeynotds, Lesley-Anne Down A British S0C1alite lures an 1ntemattonal .,ewel thief out of retirement to help her steal $30,000,000 In diamonds. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) ., cm MOVIE "Ma588cra At Central High" ( 1976, Dra- ma) Andrew Stevens. Robert Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins after a prank that went too far was pulled on the quieter students bY a group of bored high-school friends. 'R' (1 hr., 21 min.) Cl) WAl:X'f WORLD Of JONA THAN WINTERS Guest: Ruth Buzzi (%) MOVIE "Shogun Assassin" ( 1981, AdventU<e) Tomlsaburo Wakayama, Masahlro Tomlkawa. A for-"* shOgun assassin who was maneuvered out of his positron by a ruthles$ clan of spies vows to take bloody revenge. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 26 min.) 9:05GlJMOVIE "A New Kind Of Love" (1963, Come- dy) Paut Newman, Joanne Woodward. A bOyer for a department store and a newspaperman tall In love after meeting on a plane. (2 hrs .. 16 mln.) 9:30 8 Cl> BAKER'S ooze. 8 e TEACHEAS ONl Y Dreyfuss falls victim to an entrapment situation Instigated by a faUing student. (!) MOVIE "Beyond The Law" ( 1973, Western) Lee Van Cleef, Antonio Sabato. An outlaw becomes the town sheriff lo get his hands on a 6iiYer ship- ment. (1hr ,30m~ QI TiiE SONG ~TE'RS: CHAALES 8TAOU8E The composer of "Annie," "Bye. Bye Btrdle." "Applause" and "Golden Boy,'' gives some Insights Into the business of &how business. (1 hr.) e NEVADA FALLOUT: THE HOT YEAAS Ranch· ers and residents of Nevada relate stories of what fallout from above-t~ound nuclear .bomb tests conducted <Nflng the 1§50s has done to their fami- lies, livestock and livelihood. Cl) MOVIE "The Last Married COuOle In America" (1980, Comedy) George Segal, "'-talle Wood. A happily married c:ouPe begin to wondef how happily married they really ere aft• Mei<'CI al of their TOUGH OPPOSITION -Joh[! Forsythe, who plays Blake Carrington of ' Dynasty," is a two-fisted corporate tycoon who runs his family and ]J.is businesses with r,Jentless tenacity Wednesday at 10 p.m . on ABC (Ch. 7). More than one opponent has felt his power. lnends' marriages end up in the divorce court 'R' ( I hr . 43 min ) 10:008 Cl) BARYSHNIKOV IN HOUYWOOO M1kha1I Baryshnikov and guests inck.lding Shifley MacLalne. Bemadette Peters, Dom Delu198 and Gene Wilder go on a mUSteal romp through Hollywood's movie studlOS. ( 1 hr.) 8 e OutNCY A teen--ager's death from a drug overdose prompts Quincy to start a public cam-• i~al'il = ~R) (1 hr.) I ?I ABC NEWS CLOSEUP "Fortresa Israel" Matshall Frady rooks at the impact of four decadeS of conflict on Israel and the pe<SOOSI lives of Hs peo- ple, and talks to a wide range of IStaelis who voice their opinions on Israel's current polltlcal stance. ( 1 hr.) • BAO MOON R1SING TV Journalist Stephen Tal- bot looks ai the disturbing resurgence of grouP,S which are perpetrating raclal lntOleranoe and at the victims of such bigotry. ( 1 hr.) e MIOOLETOWN "Secol'ld Time Around" An engaged couple. both divorced, attempt to come to terms with their own expectations and hesitations about a shared future. Q ( 1 hr.) (JI) MOVIE "Caddyshack" ( 1980, Comedy) em Murray. Rodney Dangerfield The demented grounds--l<eeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers inhabiting his turf. 'A' ( t hr ' ~1mln.) • MOVIE "Together?" (Romance) Jacqueline BISlet, Maximilian Schell A young woman tries to P4JIW9 a career despite the chauvinist attitudes of her rtve--in lover. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30. NEWS QI SIQNA T\JAE Guest: Jacqueline Bisset. CC) MOVIE ''Breaking Point" ( 1978, Drama) Bo Svenson. Aober1 Culp. A man, who witnesses a gangland murder. Is terrorized by the Mafia after he testlflfa, and must move with his ferruly to Toronto 'A' (1hr.,31mln.) cm MOVIE "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" ( 197~. Comedy) Graham Chapman, John C*le. King ArthUr and hl9 band of kn1Qht1 encountar . -. giants, r1ddlef$ and a leroc1us rabbit in their search for lhe legendary cup. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Harrad Experiment" ( 1973. Dra- ma) James Whitmore. T1pp1 Hedren A college deeldes to incorporate a course on sexual relations and 1nt1macy 1n relatlOflshlps into the curriculum 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.} 11:008 D. Cl) 0 tm..NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H ( BENNY HILL STYLE Featured: ch1IJren's zoos. Paloma Picas- so's jewelry --wearable sculpture. leather I ~ Guest Codley MOOfe. (R) - GREAT BALANCING ACT: CALIFORNIA STA TE BUDGET (JJ MOVlE "Joy Of Flying" ( 1979. Adven1ure) Cor- inne Cartier. G1an(l1 Garko A woman becomes liberated from her fear of sex after she becomes involved with the international 1et set. 'R' ( 1 hr . 20 I minl • 11:20@ MOVIE "The Mark 01 The Hawk" ( 1958. Orama) Sidney Po11Jer. Eartha Kitt A pac1frst1c Afri- can leader 1s chanenged by his brother, Wtlo advo- cates revolution by violent means ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 11:3011 Cl) MOVIE "Walking rhrough Fire" ( 1979. Orama) Bess Armstrong. Tom Mason A pregnant woman stricken with Hodgk1n·s disease learns that lhe therapy necessary for her survival will kill her unborn baby (R) (2 hrs 15 min ) D 8) TONIGHT Guest host Bill Cosby Guests Jerry Reed. Marvin Hagler and Thomas Hearns ( I hr) I®) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK • THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD A~D SON NAPOLEON -CONQUERS AMERICA A film focusing on the Amencan tour of Abel Gance's four and one-half hOUr epic "NapoleOn" ( 1 hr.) ' NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Sttr Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wiider. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sertt to 1811 'A' ·( 1 hr . 51 min.) g MOVIE "La cage Aux FolleS" ( 1979, Comedy) Ugo Togoaw. Michel Serraull. A nightclub owner tries to prepare his transvestite lover for a visit by his son's flancee's father. the moral& commissioner of France. 'R' (1 ht., 31 min.) 11:~00 25 YEARS Of JeARV LEE -A CEL£8AA· TION Johnny Cash, Kris Kr1$tofferaon, Charlle Rich and Mickey Gilley join "The f<Ulet" In a performance taped at the Jackson Hall of the Performing Arts Center in Nashville. ( 1 h<.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Dick Cavett. 8 9 LOVE BOAT Gopher becomes Involved with an aspiring singer. a woman challenges her chau- vinistic boss. 1'nd a disabled man dominates his brothel. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) · (I) MOvtE "The Divldfd Heart" ( 1954, Orama) Alexander Knox, Theodore Bikel. A young couple are foroed Into a custody battle OV8f their adopted son when his natural mother appe11e, cfalmlng het maternal rlghta. (2 hrs.) e MOVtE "The Man From Colorado" ( 1~. West- ern) Glenn Ford. Wiiiiam Holden. A newty appointed federal Jlldge of the Colorado Territory is sadistic to those who oppose his harshness (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AM9'Ck THE 8ECONO CENTURY MOVE "One·Trlck Pony" (1980, Ofama) Paul Simon, Stall Brown. A once-popular perfe>tmer Is pressured.l.\y 81/eryone around him to drop his style of music and write songs that can bring him bad( to the top 40. 'A' (1 hr., 39 min.) cm MOVIE "La Cage Aux Foiles II" (1980, Come- dy) Ugo Tognaui, Mlchel Setrault. A middle-aged gay couple are the quarry of • MCret org11nlz.atlon frying to get the microfilm that one of them swal-lowed: ·R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 12;06(%) MCME "The Game fOf VuthK•" (1978, Adventure) Atcherd Harril, Richerd Roundtree. A ruthless tTMH'oenary who ·~ Amtriean heff· NAIURE'S BEST LECITHIN GRANULES 1 Lb. R~. •s.1s Now •a.•s KOVAC ACIDOPHILUS AND FRI NDS I .. ~ (contirued) copters into Africa during a terrorist war Is pl1ted against a fierce freedom fighter 'R' (1hr.,47 min.) 12:308. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests· Tom·Oreesen. singing priest Father Tom Smith, Willard Scott (1 hr.) I COUPLES MOVIE .. Why Would Anyone Want To KNI A Nice Girl Like You?" ( 1968. Suspense) Eva Renzi. David Buck While on vacatlOfl, a beautiful glrl Is victimaed i temfying allempts on her hie (2 hrs.) NEWS THE SONG WRITERS: CHARLES STROUSE The ~ ol "Annie," "Bye, Bye Birdie ... "Applause" and "Golde~ Boy," gives some insights into the business of show business. ( 1 hr.) llPEOPLEANOORGANIZATIONS ([) WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Dallas Tournament Quarterfinals .. (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE .. A Change Of Seasons .. ( 1980, Come- dy) Sl11r'ley MacLa1ne. Anthony Hopkins. •A middle· aged couple try out younger partners during a mountain vacation 'ff ( 1 hr., 42 min.) 12:'°00 MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" (1980, Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. As mur- def begins chopping away at her circle of el11ls1 friends, a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim -· or possibly the killer 'R' ( 1 hr • 48 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "A Sold1er Named Joe" (1970. Adventure) Dennis Safran. Lang Jeffries. An Ameri- can deSe<1er from Vietnam becOmeS Involved with the underworld 1n Rome ( 1 hr . 45 min ) • MOVIE "Inn Of The Frightened People" (1972, Suspense) Joan Collins, James Booth Embittered over the brutal murdet of their young daughter, a couple set out to g1Ve hef ktllef a sk>w but horrible taste ol their vengeance ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "Death In Small Doses" (1973, Ora· ma) Barry Netson. Nyree Dawn Porter. A butler and maid sta.rve and torture their wealthy Widowed employer 1n order 10 extort hef millions ( 1 hr . 30 min) . a =E .. Jenny" ( 1970. Orama) Marlo Thomas. Alan Alda A pregnant girl and a draft-dodger form a marr~ of convenience ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 1:30DmNEWS (I) II MOVIE "Texas Lightning" (t981. DrAma) 1 Channing Mltcheh, Maureen McCormick. A bov's R. DENIS RUSSELL, D.P .M. T ' l'OOIA T•IST I . FOOT S,ECIAUST 1, I AM1, Ol•rt• ...t S... weec... weekend hunting trip with his father turns Into an lmtiallon Into manhood. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 1:468NEW8 CC) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Orama) Peter Fonda, Susan Saint James When a country-western Singe< steals his song, an ex-con tries c:tesperat~ to retrieve his r9COf'dJng rights While baffling lhe polloe. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 min ) - 2:00. MOVIE "One Minute To Zero" (1952. Adventure) Ann Btyth. Robert Mitchum A surprise enemy attack Interrupts a colonel's romance with a cMlian during the Korean War. (2 hrs.. 15 min.) CZ) MOVIE ''Home Movies" ( 198<>. Comed'f) Keith Gordon. Kirk Douglas A young film student suffers from a badgering teacher and an attraction to his brother's hancee 'PG' ( 1 hr.,~ mfn.) Tube Topper Baryshnikov ·in Hollywood Channel 2 -IO p.m. 2:06 (!} NEWS 2:208 MOVIE "Magnificent Doll" (1946, Biogra- phy) Ginger Rogers. David Niven Dolley Madison helps to Inspire America as the wife of the fourth president, James MadiSOn. ( 1 hr , 50 min.) 2:30 (!} MOANINGSTRETCH CH> MOVIE "Terror Tratn" ( 1980. Suspense) Ben Johnson, Jamte lee Curtis A college tra1em11y·s New Year's masquerade party turns Into a night- mare when a Vindictive guest starts killing off the pari -goers 'R' ( 1 hr . 37 min ) 2:'° NEWS 2:46 MOVIE "Ivory Hunter" ( 1952, Adventure) Anthony Steel. Otnah Sherldall. A game warden sels up a wdd animal sanctuary In. Mt KlhmanJaro National Park in East AfrtC& ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 3:00 (!} JOE FRANKLIN «l)NEWS 3:06()) LAFf.A·THON A comedian hoSt and faut comic conl89tants who compete against one anoth· er are featured In this uncentlofed comedy game show. 3:26(C) MOVIE "Breaking Point'' (1976, Orama) Bo Svenson Robert Cul A man who witnesses a HEARING AlD BATTERIES Sl OFFI WITl4 Ml AD Clnpben ttearint lids In Montgomery Wafd Bldg HwlLIJl•C ...... ........... :-'\ 11 gangland mYrder. Is to<rorlzed by the Mafla.ahet he testifies. and must move with his family t~ooto. ~ 'R' (1hr.,31 min.) Cl 3:30 {I) SPORTS FORUM -• MOVIE "Together?" (Romance) Jacqueline fCi Bisset. Maiumllian Schell A y~ woman tries to - pursue e career despite the chauvinist attitudes of i hef live-In lover. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) < CZ) MOVIE "Shogul\AuaSSUl" (1981. Adventure)-. • Tomlsaburo Wakayama. Masahiro Tomlkawa. A fOf· ~ me< shogun assassin who was ma~ed out of ,, his positfOn by a ruthless ctan of spies vows to lake ;t revenge. 'R' ( 1 hr . 26 min.) - 3: B&ZARRE "Test Tube Teens" ...J~ 4: .. MMY SWAGGART (f)SPORY8 CENTER ~ Cl) MOVIE "The Lasl Married Couple In Ametica" ( 1980. Comedy) George Segal, Natalie Wood. A £ happily married couple begin to wonder how happily c;: married they really are atter seeing all of their friendS' marriages end up In lhe divorce COIJr1. 'A' (1 hr., 43 min) ':061 FUNTIME . • 4: 10 VIDEO JUKEBOX 4: 15 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ':30 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA (!} JIM BAKKER 4:'° CID MOVIE "The Last Married Couple In Ameri- ca" ( 1980. Comedy) George Segal, Natali'& Wood A happily married couple begin 10 wonder how hap- 'pily married they really are after seeing aH of their friends' marr1ages end up in t~ divorce court 'R' ( 1 hr .• 43 min ) • * PUIUC IOTICE * 150 CASH REBATE or 10% off our regular price • 10" -• home OOfllltNctad Mfor-e t/22/1&, ~ and -*by eo. ca o.. Co., ,oitre .._.tor ~ ~ .. low 8'lt /t,f#. lnlnc*lg. at1 tfl8 SU0-of IOO aq. ll. « men of A-11 Nullliaon whkltl .. lltiflo tfl8 entire * I 'bft attic .. up to A-tt ~da. Tiiie ~ Ne* ofMr II OOoct on lrlNMlon ~ ~ 41'/H and llt/12 .,,._ .....-0, ~. « ,......, by lhll oompany "'°' ~ notloa. ~ Callt. Ii.a and t~ Feclerll t.11t er-. ~. ...an 1111.mE" .141~111 . ., z ,. I 1 - '...:.-.:=:;:.:=:;;:;;:;:;:.:::=;,;--~-~-~-;;;;.:;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;~:=:;:;;.;;::....:.;;...;..;~:...:..;;......::;....:;.... ________________ ,-.._,. ____________________ ..... ______ ....,_~ ti . :Thursday \I< >l C\ J '\( , \I< >\ · 1 LS . --- .. :66~ "Middle-Age Crazy" (1980. Comedy) Ann- Mar~el. Bruce Dem. 6:00111 "The Hand" (1981. Horror) Mlchael Caine. Andrea Marcovicci. (%) "The Harrad Experiment" ( 1973, Drama) James Whitmore, Tippl Hedren. • 6:06 Q1) "Cover Girl" ( 1944, Musical) Rita Hayworth. Gene Kelty. 8:30~ "Secret Valley" ( 1936, Western) Richard Arlen. Virginia Grey. Cl} "Who Says I Can't Aide A Rainbow!" (1971. Adventure) Jack Klugman, Norma French. 6:36 (%) "B+ood And Outs" ( 1978. Drama) Wilham Smith, Micheline Lanctot. 7:00 Cl "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" ( 1979. Comedy) Richard Jordan. David Niven 7:30 CB> "Manganlnnle" ( 1980, Drama) Mawuyul Yathalawuy, Arma Ralph • e:oo ~ "Tha Private Eyes" (1980. Comedy) Don Knotts, Tim Conway. CS) "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980, 'Comedy) Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews. 8:06Q7) "The Lucky Stitt" ( 1949, Mystery) Dorothy Lamour. Brian Oonlevy. 8:16(%) "Small Change" (1976. Drama) Geory Oemouoeaux, Ph1hppe Goldman. Directed by Fran- cois T ruffaut. 9:00CI "The Frisco Kid" (1979, Comedy) Gene Wilder, Harrison Ford 9:30 • "The Trail Beyond" ( 1934, Western) John Wayne, Verna Hiiiie. ~ "The Late Show" ( 1977, Mystery) Art Carney, lily Tomlin. 10:00(1) "I'll Cry Tomorrow" ( 1955. Biography) Susan Hayward, Richard Conte. (%) ''The Game FOf Vultures" ( 1978, Adventure) Richard Hams. Richard Roundtree 10:06Q7) "Trlpofi" (1950, Advenrure) Maureen O'Hara. John Payne. 11:00(C) "SelZUfe: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Ora· ma) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope ~Mord. • "Tess" ( 1979. Orafna) Nastassla Kinski, Peter Firth. .\I !"I.IC\<><>~ \l<>\'11.-.S 12:00G "Thls Is Not A Test" (1962. Orama). Seamon Glass. Mary Morlas. • • "Oinoeaurus" ( 1960, Science-Fiction) Ward Ram6ey. Paul Lukather • "The Rainmaker" ( 1956. Romance) Burt Lan· caster. Kat~rlne Hepburn CB> "Despair" ( 1979. Orama) 0.rk Bogarde, Andree Ferreol. (%) "Modern Romance" ( 1981, Comedy) Albert Brooks. Kattwyn Harrold 1:00(1) "Str1tngers On A Train" ( 1951, Suspense) Fa'1ey Granger. Robert Walker ~ "Cotton Candy" ( 1978, Comedy) Clint How- ard, Charles Martin Smfth, 1:36(%) "Oh Godl Book II" ( t980, Comedy) George Burns. Suzanne Pleshette. 2:0000 "The Big Red One" ( 1980. Adventure) Lee Marvin. Mark HamlU. ([) "The ldolmaker" ( 1980, Orama) Ray Sharkey. Tovah FeldShuh. Cl) "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason Cl "The Shogun Warriors Grand1zer" (198t, Fan- tasyj Anunated 3:00D "The Grand Duel" (1974, Ofama) Lee Van Cleef. Peter O'Brien ~"Secret Valley" ( 1936. Western) Richard Arlen, Vlrg.!!!!a Grey 3:16(Z) "Blood And Guts" (1978. Orama) Wilham Smtih, Micheline Lanctot 4:00 D .. A Nlghffng&le Sang In lJerkeley Square" ( 1979, Comedy) Riehard Jordan. David Niven. Tube Topper Fame Channel 4 -8 p.m. 4:30(1) "Who Says I Can't Ride A Rainbow!" ( 197 t, Adventure) Jack Klugman. Norma French 5:00(%) "Home MOVl8S" ( 1980, Comedy) Keith Gor· don. Kirk Douglas. 6:06(11) "The flare Breed" (1966, Westem) James Stewart, Maureen O'Hara 5:30QI "Ten Day·s Wonder" Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins CC) "The Private Eyes" ( t980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. e:ooe a-. NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS C8S tolEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFER80N8 HAWAII FIVE--0 BU81NE88 REPORT N8CNEW8 UNOERSTANOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Dallas TOUfnament Quarterfinals'' (3 hrs.) 00 MOVIE "Manganlnnle" ( 1980, Drama) Mawoyul Yathalawuy, Anna Ralph. In 1830s Australia, a white settler's child and an Aborigine woman travel acrOGS the buSh In search ol the woman's lost tribe {_!hr,30mln) . Cl) MOV1E "little Miss Marker" ( 1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Jtllle Andrews. Based on the Damon Runyon story. A gruff, stingy 1930s bookie's Ille Is !Urned around when he accepts a 6-year·old moppet a.s a marker for a racing bet. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39 min) II MOV1E "Tha Ear1hhng" ( 1980. Adventure) Wil· llam Holden, Ricky Schroder A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways of aurvlval In the FREE. • llON.·LADtll'DAY ·112 .. EG."'9«:1 • TUH. • ..... DAY· tl2 MQ. NICE ~ I . Wl.D.· ... •DfTAL •tll-.0.~ • • THUM.·,.... CM WAIN Witt GAL llAI ~- FAST CASH Id 2nd. TD... ~ I • l'Rl • IVEftY .... CA" fltH .....,... • IAT.·f"Ulf'AAYWAllWMIG.WAlff PP••1-•tl d 94 .. ,_. .... , .-.. I • Mt•"'°.UYWAXWIMO.WAIH .-.. I O .. PuC....._ : = 1::::: ~ I COMIUTI CAil ll.,Alll ..-ucroo. NT. POatcHI. FOMIGlt. OOlltDTIC"I • SwlD& Low ._... 1.f:"_;. ~A~TF~cc;J'~~-'~~.!!..67W561 Personalizedserviceln __., -----• _.._ _____ _ your home or office lftN r:t';~l ·LYONl " 11NCOMI PIOPllTY COMMIKIAL ••• · llNDUllllAL ••• APUTMINT •LDOI. Australian wilderness. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 37 min ) 8:30 Cl) ID NEWS I BARNEY MJLLER ALL IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEA T WrTH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMliDY THEATRE 7:00 8 CBS NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A prohle of President Reagan's personal secretary, a phorographer who is braving the Amazon jungle 10 ph..>lograph a rare bird NEWARK ANO REALITY I KOJAK ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT "Kno1s Landing" s1ars Ted Shackelford and Donna Mills demonstra1e a love 5cene. JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY Guest. Mel Torme (A) Q THEMUPPETS IM•A•s•H MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING MOV1E "Cotton Candy" ( 1978. Comedy) Clint Howard, Charles Marlin Smith. A group of high school mtSflls fOfm a rock band 10 compele w11h lhe school's estabhshed band (2 hrs.) (L) MOVIE "The Mirror Crack'd" ( 1980, Mystery) Elizabeth Taylor. Kim Novak. Based on a story by Agatha Christie A strange murder Involving rival Holl~ood stars takes place 1n an English ~ 'PG ( 1 hr . 46 mm ) ©)MOVIE "Tim" (1981, Drama) Piper Laurie, Mel GlbSOfl. A young retarded man and a senslllve, mid· die-aged woman develop a close relallonshlp ol mutual need and undersland1ng that leads to an unorthodox marriage ( 1 hr . 35 min.) (%) M0\11E "SmaU Change" ( 1976, Orama) Geory Demouceaux. Philippe Goldman Directed by Fran- cois Truttaut. Several French children demonstrate lhe amazing wisdom and Innocence which youths possess In 001wit11ng I~ elders. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 44 7:~~n~NEW8 7:30 fl 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a look into Alzheimer's disease. pre-senility. the fourth blggeSt k1llef in the US .. a profile of Ralph Faulkner. the man who has 1aogh1 stars to leoce; a 111sit 10 North High School In Torrance for a look at their fadio station. De FAMll Y FEUD , . I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured' a trip Into the world of airborne traffic reporters: a look at a pollster who will ~ to unusual lengths to gather information. •TIC TAC DOUGH • APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR rT M"A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest.: Richard Harris ( Par1 1) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I NEWS WHAT ON EARTH OBOn Bean hosts this last· paced. fact-filled aclenoe series 8:008 Cl) MAGNUM, P.L A puzzllng lntematlonel situation develops when Magnum Is requesled to act as bodygvard fOf a world-famous ballerina. (R) ( 1 hr.) HEADACHESl WUTCU" CIMOfllACTIC OMCI ~ ........ ...... JMJW11I ........... .. ............. . ..... c..'i.1111 ........ Jhtd .... Thursday (continued) . · • fl) FAME Lydia and Coco c0mpete for the same part in an off-Broadway play, and Danny tries to arrange a meeting with his idol, Johnny Carson. (R) (1 hr) U MOVIE "Vera Cruz" ( 1954. Adventure) Gary Cooper, Burt Lancastflr A pair of mercenaries take ~sides in the Mexican War (2 hrs.f U OJ) NO SOAP, RADIO .A convicted kltlef takes refuge at the Pelican Hotel fJ MOVIE "War Md Peace" (Part 4) ( 1968. Ora· ma) Ludmila Savefyeva. Sergei Bondarchuk. Based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy The fives of three fami- lies are greatly affected by the Napoleonic wars. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) (!)BENNY HILL m P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of President Reagan's personal secretary: a photographer who is braving the Amazon jungle to photograph a rare bird. e MOVIE "Along Came Jones" (1945. Western) Gary Cooper, Loretta Young"." A cowboy mistaken for a notorious killer Is hunted by a posse and his look-alike, the real outlaw. (2 h1s.) (8 BOTANIC MAN: EXTINCTION IS FOAEVER Dr. David Bellamy examines the baTance OT nature ancf how man's influence may determine the extinction of animal species. - • LAST CHANCE GARAGE Bred Sears lnvesti· ~tes a car-starting problem and surveys jaci<s. GD SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Stsk - el host an Informative lool< at What's new at the movies. 00 MOVIE "The Big Red One" ( 1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin. Mark Hamill A tough Army .sergeant leads four young. inexpe11enced recruits Into the vlo- lence-hlled fray of World War II combat 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min.) CS) MURDER AMONG FRIENDS Sally Kellerman and Leslie Neilsen star In this comedy whodunit. set in a New York apartment on New Year's Eve. Involv- ing an actor. htS wealthy wife and his ambltlou,s. ~ent. ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) U MOVIE "Thief" (1981, Drama) James Caan. fuesday Weld A professional crook gives up his independence for a big score that he hopes .wifl secure hlS family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.) 8:05Ql) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:308 0 MOAK & MINDY Mindy lslalled fOf refus.- 1~ to reveal her news source In a bribery trlar. Cf) RACtNG FROM ROOSEVELT l!D ~ MAD IMPORT U=1J DOMESTIC ANDER<oN ~ ~UTON\OTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERV ICE . FRll PICKUP·Dl!LIVERY :m,•::r:·1nn (114) 142-1171 -· .. .--1 - t1J ALL IN THE FAMILY . 9 MOVIE "Ten Day's Wonder" Orson Welles. Anthony Perkins. Director Claude Chabrol examines lh6 complex love I hate relationships among the rich and tyra~l Dletrleh Von Horn. his weak son and~ls oung and beautiful wife. (2 hrs.) • PREVIEW& Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el host infctrmatlve look at whars new at the ~j.~";~i'('i"'ft • .-....------~ VI t'Un I ""I ID '" r 11\0 I CLO--..... ~-.-.. ..-=- 8:35 a:z> MOVIE ''Rope Of Sand" ( 1949, Drama) Burt Lancaster. Corinne Calve!. After beoOmlng Involved romantically, a suave thief change$ hla plant for reve~. (2 hrs., 10 min.) . 8:46 CHARLIE CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 9:00 (l)SMON •SIMON Tube Toppei: Knots Landing Channel 2 -10 p.m. I • Dff'AENT STAOKE8 Q di BAANEY MUER Q.erney seek& help from the polloe chaplair\ when.a seeminglY meek man who threw a trash can through a store window demands an exorcism. (R) Q (!) MOVIE "The Delta Factor" (1970, Drama) Chrls10pher George, Yvette Mlmleux. A private recently released from prison 1s dispatched by the CIA to rescue a scientist being held on an enemy island. (2 hrs.) I MERV GRJFFIN NUMERO UNO Australia's Murray Rose. the young8$1 triple gold medalist in the history of the Q!ympic games. is profiled Q!),.MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: The Merry Widower" Linda marries Tony Kroeslg and gives bitth to a daughter: Polly shooks everyone with her plans to marry Boy Dougdale {eart 4) O ( 1 hr.) (C) MOVIE "Seizure: The Story 01 Kathy Morris" (Drama) Leonard Nimoy. Penelope Milford. A beautf ful young woman with a promising career fights for her Ille. when she Is struck down by a near- latal brain tumor. (2 hrs.) • LICENSED AESTHETl£1AN r opean • u~' facials •MASSAGE • (OD ....... Isl.in•) FOR INFORMATION • 714 CALL llNO IALDWIN ••• 675-0727 (I) SPORTS CENTER CD MOVIE "Badge 373" ( 1973. Drama) Robert N DuvaU, Verna Bloom. A New York City cop wages a ~· lllnglehanded campaign against a crime syndicate. .-i? hrs.) «> (Q) MOVIE "The Hand" (1981. Horror) Michael .- Caine. Andrea MarcO't'ioci. Bizarre incidents and ;: nightmares begin happening in a cartoonist's life ~ ·I.fl·, J\'l~ ~ ~ffpc~.Jll~_losa~f a hand. 'R' l!_ hr . « mn) ~ (%) MOVIE "The Hatrad EJ<pernnent" t 1973. Ora-,, ma) James Whitmore, Tlppl Hedren A COiiege ;£ decides to Incorporate a course on sex\Jal relations and Intimacy In relallonships Into the currlcUfum. 'R' ~ ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) -' 9:30 D • GIMME A BREAK Nell decides to quit > after the chlel says that she can not entertain men In .,_ her room. (A) ~ D O TAXI Latka's split personalities prompt ii: Baine and Alex to take him 10 a psychiatrist's office J.;>~ SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE e UP ANO COMING "The Best Man" Kevin must overcome his fear of public speaking when he Is dnrfted to run for student council president O (I) GOLF "USF-& G Cla$$ic" from New Orleans, l.oulslana. (First Round) (2 hrs.) 10:008 (I) KNOTS LANDING Val runs off to a back- country roadhouse where she receives the attention from an ex-prizefighter thal she hasn't been getting from Gary. ( 1 hr.) D IZ HIU STREET BLUES Lucy undergoes a career crists alter she Is responsible for a prosti· lute's near-fatal dru~erdose (R) ( 1 hr ) ll?J,.20Ci>N llTOTHEMANORBORN (8) MOVIE "Lady Sings The Blues" ( 1972, Biogra- phy) Diana Ross. Billy Dee Willlams. The alternately stellar and t1'8gle career of blues singer Brthe Holli- day. whose addiction to drugs 'increased as her ~rlly did, is traced. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Cl) GALLAGHER: TWO REAL The comedian per- forms a series of one-hners and comic vignettes. 10:30• NEWS · I SIGNATURE Guest. Richard Harris. (Part 1) BUTTERFLIES MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "The Final Conflicl'' (1981, Drama) Sam Neill, Rossano Braui. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embOdiment ol .... ... I I . I I I I • I I - I .. .,--------------------------------------------------------------..;....;._,;;;; i Thursday (oontinued) -the Antichrist. Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr , 49 min.) (0 -10:36(%) MOVIE "Blood And Guts" (1978, Drama) WlNlam Smith, Micheline Lanctot. An aging wrestler ~• his one-in-a-mllUon shot fOf success in hfa. WOfk and love 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 10:46«Zl MOVIE "'The Battle Of Neretva·· (1971, Adventure) Yul Brynne<, Hardy Kruger. Yugoslavi· ans struggle for freedom against locaJ Chetlllks as well u ltabn and German troops (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 11:1ooftM~~.f N6WS YOU ASKED FOA IT JOEFAAHKUN M•A•S•H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN: EXTINCTION IS FOREVER Or David Bellamy examines the balance ol nature and how man's innuenoe may determine the extincJion ol animal species. • DICK CAVETT Guest Michael Palin. (Pan 1) (R) fl) THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cok1e Roberts join Paul Duke f0< an up- to-the-mlnutuummMy of Congresslonal activities. ('C) MOVIE "'The Private Eyes'' ( 1980, Comedy) Dot\ Knolls, Tim Conway. Two bumbling American detectives are called 1n to investigate a series of murders 1n an English castle. ·PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) CD MOVIE "'It's Not The S12e That Counts!'" (1974, Comedy) Le;gh Lawson. Elke Sommer. A man who had a rather unusoal 0<gan transptant operation returns from a sea cruise to find he is the only male in the world who is not impotent 'R" ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (m MOVIE '"The M1rr0< Crack'd" (1980. M~y) El12abeth Taylor, Kim Novak Based on a stOf)' by Agatha Christie A strange murder lnvolVlng nval Holl~ stars takes place in an Engksh v1nage 'PG ( t hr . 46 mtn ) · MOVlE "Wild And Beautiful On lblza" (1981. Comedy) Regis P0<fe. Tania SpteSS Rich and poor young travellers converge on the iSland resort for a holiday of partying 'R' ( t hr , 25 min.) t1:30 8 (I) OutNCY Ou1ncy ballles government red- tape and a corporate power to save a small town lromadeadryep1dem1c (R)•(1hr.,10mln.) D GD TONIGHT Guest host Joan Rivers Guest. Gall.!gher. (1 hr.) I a1J ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEFFERSON$ SANFORD ANO SON MOVIE "Ten Day's Wonder" Orsol') Welles, An1hony Perkins ()rector Claude Chabrol examines the complex love I hate relationships among lhe rich and tyrannical Dietrich Von Horn, his weak son and his young and beautiful wife. (2 hrs.) I NEW88EA T WITH ClETE ROBE.RT$ CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8POA'T8 CENTER 12:00 e ENTERT AIHMENT TONIGHT "Knots Land- ing'' St8fl Ted Shackelford and Donna Mills demOn- Slf'ate a love teene. · 8 (fl VEGAS Dan competes with a beautiful sleuth to solve the murders of three private detectives (R) il hr., 10 min.) '.lA MOVIE ''the Hero" ( t969, Orama) Richar9 ''-Cbny Schneider. An aging soccer player ·epe=·~I moments of gby. (2 hrs.) Jann Wayne. ~ ~V!!'!· Adventure) forces, a colonel or~lzes native" A~na:..,~n f:rrilla er~ on trw, Japanese. (2 hrs.) a LOVE. STYLE ~ FOCUS ON SOCIETY 12:05 (I) MOYIE "Home Movies" ( 1980, Comedy) Keith Qordon, Kirk Douglas. A young fllm atudent &uffetl from • badger~ t..chef and •n attraction to his brothef't flancee PO' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:308. LATE NeGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guesta; humorltt Stan Freberg. dleco ater Grace Jonel. Leo Bulcagl1a ( 1 hr.) l~he Qrand Duet" (1974. Drema) Lee Van ca..t, Peter O'Brien. A courtroom t>ecomet a aparrlng "*'-f0< legal minds wr•tllng over a man'• fate (2 hra.) ··~LANGUAGE (!MOVIE "LI Cage Aux Follee" ( 1979, Comedy) Ugo Tognazzl, Michel Serraull A nlgtttctub OWntr tries to prepare his transveslite tover fe>t i vlllt by hit son's flanoee'a fllh«, the metals com~ of France 'A' (1 hr , 31 min) Cl> WCT TEHN8 "$300,000 Oeflat Tournamtnt Ouart•llnals" (3 ht ) QI) MOVIE "Willie & Phil"' ( t980, Comedy) MIChHI Otllk .. n. Margot Kidder Thfff f)tOp1'9 b.gif\ a tnangutar romanct Jn Grtenwleh Vlll.aoe tbat continoet lhroughool Iha mercurfal aoclal mTlleu ot I~ '70. 'A' ( t hr • 66 11'14(\,) ( MAR'VlN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYlNG MY SOHO Liza Mlnt\41111, Johnny Matl'lit, 014ctys Kn•oht RETURNS TO TUBB -"Simon and Simon," wblch nan Gerald McRaney (left) and JIU7Jell0l1 Parker a brothers in another private detective series, will retum to CBS (Ch. 2) tor a limited run at 9 p.m., following "Magnum P.I." and Carly Simon smg some of loday's greatest tlils 1ncl1Jd1ng: "'The Way We Were,"' "What I Did F0< Love" and "Nobody Does 11 Beller:· Cl) MOVlE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1961, Ofama) Jack NichOtson. Jessica Lange , A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- b811d. 'R' (1 hr., 37 min.) Cl MOVlE "Tess" ( 1979, Orama) Nastassia Kinsk1. Peter Firth. The (laughter ol a pOOr English farmer beoOf'l'lfl the victim of her family's aspirations and her own beauty 'A' (2 hrs . 50 min.) 12:~9 MCMILLAN & WIFE An attempt is made on the life ol a composer who has recently dedicated one of his compositions to Sally McMillan. (R) ( 1 hr . 45 min) (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE An allempt IS made on the lile of a compoMf who has reoently de<fteated one of his compositions to Salty McM111an (R) ( 1 hr , 35 mlnJ_ 12:66(1l) MOVIE "Sherlock Holmes And The Woman In Green" (HMS. Mystery) BaSll Rathbone, Nigel Bruce Sherlock Hotmes 18 called In lo investigate a series of c11mes In which fingers are mysterlouSly mlulng from the hands of victims. ( t hr .. 15 min.) 1:00e MOVIE "Beloved Enemy" (1936. Orama) David N'tven. Merle Oberon. Love transcends biller partisan lines when an ktsh patriot di9coYers htt loves an Englishwoman dol'lng the early ·20s. ( 1 tw .. 55 min.) e MOVIE "Terrified" ( 1964. Suspense) Rod Lau- ren, Steve Drexel. The OWl'lef ol a popular night spot becomes abnOrmaUy interested in thtt welfare of unprotected young girls. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ··~· MOVIE "Planet Earth" ( 1974, Science-Fie· llon)~ .AA~ ewton. Diana Muldaur. A 20th-century man IS sent tn~ a Jlme warp into the 22nd cen-tufy. ( 1 hr., 30 min,) 9NEW8 . 1:30 •• NEWS 1:36(1) MOVIE "Modem Romance" (1981. • dy) Albert Brooka .. Kathryn Harrold. A film~ tries reoeatedly to win back the heart of the woman he loves. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 2:00. MOVIE "'The Brain That Wouldn't Ole" ---.r ( 1963, Horror) Jason Evera. Virginia Leith. A sclen· list searcheS tor a body lo attach to the head ol his llancee. who was decapitated 1n an accident. ( 1 hr . 30mln) ._ 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:10«ZJ RAT PATROL CC) MOVIE "The Late ShOw" ( t977. Mystery) Ari Carney. Liiy Tomhn A seasoned private eye encounters b&aci(mall and murder when he comes out of retirement to locate a cal belonging 10 an otfbeal female client ( t hr .. 35 mm.) 2:268NEWS 2:30(!) MORNING STRETCH • MOVIE "Tile J$1and 01 Living t:tocror" · ( t 968, Horror) John Ashley, Kent Taylor. A r~arc:h team investigating plant and animal mutations due to atomic testing discovers a human mutation. ( t hr . 30 min.) CH) ON LOCATION "Don Rickles And His Wise Guys" Taped before a live audience at the Sahara Hotel, the caustic king of "put-downs." Don Ric- kles, hosts a t)ilarlous cast ol versatile comedians Lt hr , 30 min ) Cl) MOVIE "Up In Smoke.. ( 1'978, Comedy) Cheech and Chong. Edie Adams. Two drillers embark on a cross-country lnp. frustrating the law and meeting an odd assortment of characters along the way. 'R' ( 1 h< • 27 min ) 2:~eNEWS a:lJ WORLD AT LARGE 2:56. MOVIE '·Passage West" ( 1951. Western) Jann Payne. Arleen Whelan A westward-bound wagon train gets overtaken by six escaped convic1s ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 3:00 8 MOVIE "In The Maller Of Karen Ann 01.11n· Ian" (1977. Orama) Bnan Kmth. Prper Laurie. Hav- ing accepted IM retM!ty that their daughter IS 1erm1- nally ill, the Outnlans auempt to have her life-sup- port equ1pmen1 removed (2 hrs ) (f) JOE FRANKLIN l!Zl NEWS 3:10(%) MOVIE "The Harrad Experiment" ( 1973 Orama) James Whitmore. T1pp1 Hedren. A college decides to incorporate a course on sexual relations and intimacy tn rela1tonsh1ps into the curriculum. 'R' ( 1 hr , 35 mtn ) • 3:30G» MOVIE "Die, Monster. Die" ( 1965. H0<r0<) Bo<i~ Karloff, Nick Adams. Based on a story by H.P L0'S9Crall A young American visiting his Enghsh liancee's parents recolls in horror vmen he, f811'\er turns Into a giant funQUS. ( 1 hr .. 3!; min.) (I) SPORTSWOMAN D MOVIE "All That Jau" ( f979. 9'1usical) Roy Scheider. Jessica Lan~ The tumultuous Ille of a prolessioNI choreographer IS followed from sue· oe55 on tt)e stage to oersonal crises 'R' (2 hrs .. 3 minl_ ' · 3:45 ct) MOVlE "The Last 01 The Mobile Hot ShOts" ( 1969. Comedy) James Cobum. Lynn Redgrave. The surviving member of an Old Louisiana lamlly wins the grand prize on a TV game show but n order 10 collect he must marry his co-winner on IN next day's program 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 3:66 MOVlE "Used Cars" ( 1980, Comedy) IWrt Russell, Jaci( Warden. Alter the owner of a'bankrupt car shop dies. his employees try to cover up hlS demise to prevent hlS wnlthy car dealer brother from inheriting the business 'R ( 1 hr., S3 min.) 4:00()) JIMMY SWAOOAA'T Cl> 8POAT8 CENTER Cl) QAU.AGHEft TWO REAL The comedian pef· forms a series of one-flners and comic 111gne11es 4.1>61 FUNTIME 4:15 MOVIE "Sky High" (1961) Sid Melton. Mara Lynn. A apy attempts ubot.age With the use of a remot~contrOlled ptane. ( 1 hr .. )5 min.) 4:30(!) JIM BAKKER 4:48(%) MOVIE "The Game For Vultures'' ( 1978. Ad'.lentura) Rlch9fd Harris, Richard ~r ... A tuthless mercenary who smuggJee American hell· copters Into Africa•during • terr0tilt war Is pitted against a fierce fr~ fighter 'R' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) Oscar winner can't read HJllsi~ bmrda. ~tape ~ana~ -all controlled throulh • IMnt 10-'°°' mUd.nc P8ht.l "1 don't feel Uke • mu1leian. Mu1ic C lhrouah me -it'• not by me," he -'cl ... , i • aynthetlaer produces tbou11nd1 of dlfftrent IOUndil_•• The Gr~k-born mu1lclan, who wa1 born :Van1elil Pa~ou, pNfna co u. only tut' Ont ~:n.:-•of • a,roua ~ . Va~U. wu rued in A and~ P"9ytnC the Camily pand ~ It the Ip of 4. "Char1ota of Ftre,'' with more th.an l million c:opies IOld. ll ,tua baa-t worldWide luet'ftl. Inside TV '/feality-based' crime show set By JEFF PARKER OtttleDlilfrNoelt8ft Produciion haa begun with fUm1ng ln SL Paul, Minn., of "Counterattack: Crime ln America. " a new "reality-baaed" crime prevention 1erfet1 ~n ABC. The program wilt be hosted by Gecqe Kennedy and baed on the WeTip anti-crime organization. The show will air later this 1eM011 . • • JlepreM:ntatiws from Central Television of the · People'• Republic of China arrived at ABC New. ln New York recently for a first hand look at how the neW1 ii handled by the network gianL Said ABC vice pttlident JUchard Wald, "We are delighted to greet our friends from the People'• Republic of China and provide them with a first-hand look at our editorial process and technical capabllitiea" Lee Remick will star u the beeutffu.I. restle9I wife of ~ rubber planter wboee ~ erupt into. forb6dden romance, deceit and cfeeth ln the tropics ln the May 3 television apecial. '"The Letter''' on ABC ... Thia year, aome 71 countriea aired the 54th ANO'tBBIC CIClll~ SBOW1 -Geor•e Academy Awarda abow. Among them were A.laerla, Kean«ly wW ~ a new ''rNllty-bued'' Bahrain.~. Berbedol, Bennuda. Bolivia, crime •how, "CounteraU•cJc: Crime Jn Brazil, Colla Rica, Cypn.w, !'cYPt. Dubai, Gibraltar, ~!'I.aw thia -.ar1 cm ABC (Ch. 7). Kenya, Malta, Mauritiua, Pakistan, Panama. Para-- guay, Qatar, Slnppore, ·Sri Lanka, Surinam, Swa-"Saturday NlCht Live'' on April 17. Ii marka the zfland, Tr1nJdad, Zambia and Zimbabwe . . . first dine the two aapentan have appeared totie- Lelley Ann Watftft, Rita Moreno, Dianne Kay ther on te1evWoo . . . and Tony Curu. star in "Portrait of a Showgirl." a "Love, s=;; the f:.X:::: comedy eeriea new teleYWon movie blieed on the problerm of Lii flarrinc Tooy . • a laed bechelcr, la Vepa dancen orrand off the rtaae Tue.day, May 4, the first NBC..TV lbow that premiered th.ii 9eMOll on CBS. ~ to be renewed for 1982-83, it waa recently an- Mill Warrep ys JWJan Brookl, a Broad-nounced. way danoer y arrived in lAI Vepa after an "'Love Sidney' la a quality c:omM lbow," aid unhappy love affair with a married man in New NBC president Brandon Tartlkoff. 1~t'1 the type York. AltholuEh respected for her cool, profelllonal we'd fike a lot more of next...., on NBC'' .•• demeanor, this unord1nary attltude..aoon geta her "Father Murphy" will go to the United Klnc· into a cmflict of interest with other daDOel'I and dom D>n. The l'tV Network of GrMt Britain baa abow folka . . . paid for 22 epUodea qi. the ahow, which ltal'9 Merlin nu. writers (or CBS programa were among Olien and IGatberlne c.annon ... thole honored at the recent Writers Guild of ~ Stephen Burleiah hM joined the CMt of "The rica award.a banquet held in New York and Chi-Doctora," playtnc tlle duhina suraeon Dr. Mike caac>· 'Ibey are Suzanne Calmer for "The Pride of Powers . . . . J1eue Hallam," Arnold and Louis Peyser for Lynda Carter will star in "Reachout," a .us- "The Violation of Sarah McDavld" and John peme drama about a JOUl\C woman menaced by YOUftl_ for .. A llumor of War'' . • . t.hrMta from an unknoWn licko. The drama la beina ''Trwure Ialand:' Walt ~J;• film hued shot in L.A. for future broAdcMt on the CBS Tef. on the Boben Louil Steven.Jn , will he air-evlslon Netwock ... ed ln two bour·klnl -.mm• Apil 17 and April 24 IJetsy Palmer hM MUmed to teJevialon. 'lbe , , I l)ODU).ar actr't9 will join the rejlU}ar cast of tt Al the · Prtndpml ~on ABC'1 lle00Qd fea~ W0rld Tuma" and play~ :&aa Beeker, a divorcee with film, "NaUonal ·wmpoon'• a.. Beunlan,'' wu '--_._ •-~ ~__. t'-~ __.. ~-'-• ~ ~ e ... com.--Im\ -C1ft --...-. 'lbe aamedy at.an Comedian n Rtcklea will 1ueat atar on Zant Busby, ..,... ~ M1rlarD ftynn and "Archie Bunbr'i Pl.ce," playtna an aWn1 and S= 1\nl. ABC'a tint m.Me, "Y~ Docton obnoxioua lodcer who taka a room next dOor to J.n ..__ ," wm be rd~nd In July . . . An:hle . .on. f« airtJW hM not bem eet ... IVlyw IDtm'W= In hiab fMblion wm't want WUU. NellOft will make bJI teleYf.laon actlnc to ma. the Aprtl 17 "'Love lloat." In tbll -cinent. debut Sund.y, ~ 28, In &be Cl8.,..... uc.ntnl Geuftrey ..... ff.e ..... Bob Mac*ie .md Gloria Out of the b ." Tbit dnma ten. Cht lllll'Y of a 10'lnc Vandlrbat wD1 au-t IW • thmmlwli . ~ . American in RUllla who apendl 18 ,_,..of~ . "IDllde the n.ud Belch, ff • five-hour teJevt.lon exlJe and lmprilonmimt for ...,.. to bl •..... ..: . dw a..d cm lht nwnaln of Albert Speer, la let. When be Wanta to be ~ John ... far MaJ I md 10 CJn ABC. The 8*ory tncm the in-• plaY1 tbe 1-1 role • . . tellectml t.ciqp'ouDd ot talmtect arcbttect Speer, · Two KtnlMI ~ ... found tbetr flm rnajOr wbo ... dUllmed by Hitllr IDd rem to lll'QIDbw televlllon roi. tn the C88 .,.~ .. ,.. the World • the ICDdl1er ot AnnMmnta and Wer Produetion. Turnt" and "Gutdlftl Ltabt . ..-The1 ar. Judith au.,. S.--and Blythe Dinner ...,. • Mr. and Bluer, who wtD play Ariel AldNAn on M\Vadd." IDd Mn. Speer . . . Sllen Dolan, w'ho play• a&.u_reen &eardon OD Johnny CHh and •hon John wtll Join .,.t. .. Weloome to dazUm! !9't *Ill ... She's serious about 11 ' • "O 'Facts of Life' ~ From Page 14 r-'8 York when she was still on Broadway, she waa the • hyaterically emotional Sylvia SchnaU.terin ''Car 64, ~ Where Are You?'' ln .. Hot 1 BUtbnore'' abe w. the i eccentric Mn. Bellotti, whoee overpown .., Mame ~ was never aeen but waa always ln bot water :> .:xnewhett in the hotel. She WU a member of the ~ comk repertory group on Web Utt.le'• abort-lived = variety show iii 1976. o On "Dlfrrent Strokes" ahe wu the 1Catter-:. brained F.dna Garrett, when she moved over to I "Fact.a of Life" u a summer ler1el al the end of the N first year. She returned to 0 oorrent Strm." at' the beginning of the lleOOlld IHIC>ll. but IOOJl )e~ I again to renew "Facts of Life." Three ol. ttlhe ori8fnal .gida are atlll with the show -MinCJy Cohn, Kim Fields and Liu Whel- Chel Nancy MclCeon hail been added to the CMt aa the tomboylah ltUderlt. '1 d9covered Mindy when I went to a dM>Ol in Westlake So aet an idea of how the kids feel today. I w• introdiiced to her and ahe wu., .cSotably funny. She baa~ beyond my wildelt dree.rm. And aM ~ goel to ec:hool in Westlake. They make nd ~ with her." ., te her~ a.oclation with 11tl.6tlon co- medy, uys, .. I always thou&h~ the aitcom wa1 goini to die out. lnlteed, it'a reaChed a new 1ewJ of richnem and comcioumee. It'• a new fonn of rea- lity and hwnor. I don't think you can ever go beck to the comedies of the 1950s. .. When she racbed New York after college Mila Rae wu:n't llW'e. what to do. "I wMn't an ~ like Debbie BeynoJda. ·~me-_,., "and I didn't lcnow how to break into the belli!VW ." Buf'\he aaw Wally Cox and AlJce Pierce per- forming at the duba and decided she could do •t- lrlcal abtchel. She tried out one Sunday nlaht at the Vanguard and atayed ~or 14 weelc:I. She did a monoloaue on a 1arden club In her native MU· waukee and ahe dld a spoof oo an ~ alneer· A damnate at Nonhwtstem, Sheldon HamJc1r.. who went on to do "Flonillo'' and "Fldtiler on the Root," wrote a mlnl-mUlkal for her .... She •ys, "I w• the oc1Clnal Mn. Peechwn ln 'Three Penny Opera.' I wu in my 20. and they made me look like I wu ~O. I wu the original Mammy Yokum in 'Ul Aboer' urBroedway. l'.idie Adam• played Dat.y Mae, and when we were littina down I w• taller. &andina up I looked like a little &irl and lhe looked like the mommle. I have short lep and a lol'C body. She had 1eaa Wat a colt." I 'Secret of NIMH' release HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Don Blu&b'a lavllh animated feature tUm. "The 8ecnt ot. NDIH," wOl be reh1• d in July by MOM-United AtU.ta. The ..umalllld ff1m flliture. &be ~ of l:ll- abeth Hartmua, Dom DeLame, ~ SCrau., n.- rek Jacobi, John Carncllne, ~ BeddeJey mid Arthur Malet. It ii t...s an Che book .. Mn. =·and the Rata of NIMH," by Robert C. ~ J--c.un·-Jeff Bridaa wui. ~al 20th~~:~ Into pro. It't a ..__.Uc C50iD6d) aboui a .J'OUl'I wom.n. her flulce ~ad -.... of ---b .... Mnd (Cun). RObert M111H•r wW dlnet .,_ a ICI~ by a.rtie ~ bwll cm a lay by ~u-p I f .... i .. ~ FromPage3 f! -(1963), 0 The CGurtmhip o( i:ddle's Father'' (1860), ~ "The Magician (1973) and "The Incredible Hulk" < (1978). . • 8~ Robert Conrad starred In "Hawaiian Eye" >-(1959), '"11le Wild Wild West" (1965), "'lbe D.A." .! (1971), .. A.atp.me'nt Vienna" (1972), .. Baa Bu ~ Black Sheep" (le76), ''The Duke" (1979), and 04A -Man Called Sloane" (1979). -'gt 9. Farrah portrayed David' Jameen's neighbor in "Harry 0 " ~ 10. Gilligan's boat Wla the "S.S. Minnow.''· ~ 11. "Bridget Loves BemJe" (1972-73) featured :: David Birney atid Meredith Bax1er as a Jewish man Q. who married a Catholic woman. Some viewers ob- jected becau.e the show seemed to condone mixed religion rnarriaa@il_ 12. ·~Uiia;1"~g Diahann Carroll as a nw:ae. The series debuted in 1968. . 13. Warren Beatty and Tue9day Weld both lelt after appearing ln the first aeaaon (1959-60) of ''The Many Loves of Doble G illls,"·Beatty portrayed Milton Armitage, and Mi8a Weld appeared u Thalia ~en "Lou Grant" fint appeared ln Sep- tember 1977, his star'woman reporter wu Carla Mardiglan, who disappeared alter a few weeks. Rebecca Balding, who portrayed Carla, took the role of Carol David on "Soap," beginn1na ln 1978. 15. Completing the·entire run with "Mission: lmpoaible" were Greg Morris u Barney Collier and Peter Lupt.\I as Willie A.rmltap. (Peter Graves u James Pheipl joined dUJ'tna the Pl"OIJ'al'n'• eecond aeaaon.) Royal romance dramatized > HOLLYWOOD (AP) -'lbe royal romance of Prince Charlea and Princesa Diana will be drima- tiud in a new movie for CBS -"Charles and -Diana: A Royal Romance.'' Linda Yellen, who produced ''Playing for Thoe,'' will produce the film in London. The CMt will be announced later. JOlll llOW AllD SAYE 50% EVERY BODY'S GOT ONE, BVT .. Jn "I Dream of Jeannie:• Barbara Eden's belly button wu considered too ri8que for young viewers snd was camouflaged out by a fleeh-colored divot. . WilHam E. Smeltter, M.D. WISHES TO ANNOUNC! THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR GENERAL & FAMILY PRACTICE At Newport Penlnsual Center Wells Fargo Bank Building. 2727 ll-lewport Blvd . #102 N.B. 92663 Hours l;>y appt. 675-6114 • • Fromhpl . public affaln procram will air at 9 p.m. Sunday on KTLA Olannel 5. Johnny Grant ho91a this one·hour pre.ntation that attempts 1o deal openly, f.actually and at length with the subject in order 1o demystify and allay peniat.ent myths about impo4.enee. . *** A man who la hungry for love -but even hungrier for Chineee food -hM a cllOAoe between bis Jd,rlfriend and h.ia gluttony ln "Fat80," a comedy to air at 9 p.m. Monday on ABC (Channel 7). Dom DeLuise st.an u a good-natured man whose eyes are never bigger than Ilia stomach. Anne Bancroft, who alto wrote and directed the picture, ls his siater Antoinette, convinced that her brother is digging hia own grave with bis teeth. • .• * Jack Nicholoeon is star and director af .. Goin' South," a west.em comedy about an outlaw whoee marria1e of convenience equah his moat severe challenges on the frontier. 'Ibe motion pcture will premiere at 9 p.m. Monday on NBC (Channel 4). Nicholson plays a bungling criminal who is captuied and about to be hanged. But be is saved by a new law, which allowa 'convicted outlaw.a to be' saved from hanging if a single, property-6olding female agrees to marry him. Actress Mary Steen- ~n steps in to save the criminal from the nooee. ·*** "Pleaaure Drup: The Great American High" will examine the drug babita of the 19608 counter- culture movement and how illicit drug uae haa moved into the mainstream of America's middle daaa. Tbe NBC White Paper pn!l9mtatioo will air at 10 p.m. 'I\aeeday on Channel 4. *** Kate Reid at.an in "Robbers, Rooftops and Wi\cbes," a pre9entatloo of the ''CB.S Library" ae- ries at 3:30 p.m. 'I\aeeday on Channel 2. *** "Parole," a drama about a dedicated Boeton parole officer, will air at 8 p.m. 'l'Ueeday on CBS (O\annel 2). 'lbe movie-foc'-teleYUion stars Jamee Nau&ht.on. Newest most mOdern technl._,e of self-help Come in for frtt ..._.trati • NO &ELATION -..................... .-.: A Irle .. elalm1 Uaat MHreea Stapletea u4 Jeaa Stapletoa are 111ten. I bow I've red aut dtey area't related. "'°'• rtpt? The two actreues are W>rdGame not related. Jean Sta- pleton actually 1.11e1 her mother's maiden name; ahe wu born Jean Mur- ray ln New York City. Maureen Staplet.on (real name) wu IJ'Owin« up in Troy, N. Y. Your friend might argue that Mau- reen's father and Jean'• mother could be dlatant cou1in1, but there'• no record of iL FILL I~ Tl4E Ml>SING £..EfilRS; ltJ ·n.ie '' rv ~" BELOW. LOST LEAD -Pleue prove tat Aqela Can- w rzai t, .... ml441e daa ter la .. Tlae Sou4 of nk" alto ata.rred aa ~ Beb ...... , dupter oa "Lost la Space." Everyoae la te1Ua1 me I'm era1y, bat I'm aare taaey•re tM same. Mia Cartwright p}fy- ed Brl1ttta in "The Sound of Music," then u part of a contract with TV Puzzle . 1,5 Shown, hoet on H°"r M-oazlne 12 ActresaAlmee- 14 Played Bert Beast.y onM.ude 1~ C1ocl( numer11I 18 Tony-Blanco 17 Sally Of Ayn 18 Played Col. Klink: lnlt. - 19 - -8tg Olr1 Now 21 Play unit 23 at.nd-Opry 24 -King Cole 25 For YO\lr tnfOfmatlon 29 Rlchatd Sander• role 'Z7 "'-yedKrle 30 She playa Steeb 32 An Aldl'a lnlllal• 33 -the legtnnlng ACROSS 34 Playa Sidney 36 Ptrennlal top 10 a how 31 Thia-for Hire 40 -Arvan ~ Actorllnden 45 Hole In one 4e Cosmos host 48 Hltlotlc ttme 49 Starred In Family Affair: lnlt 50 Plays Getraer 51 "H• .. rt'a Johnny" man 53 Pini! Patlther a tar lnlt. 54 ltara on NurM 5S Termn•anewJane M Ptay9cl McHalt 68 "ol• lor 54 Acroaa DOWN 1 pteya LO¥e 8oet'1 .. ,.. 7 Christine R•lnea on Flamingo Roed 8 M'onorary degree 9 -Trov•tor• 10 Anthof'ly- 11 Pl•yed one of Ozzie'• Glrls 13 Ring cfttclalona 20 One Day-.-Time 22 Mlsa Francia' algn-off 23 In-Chicago 2B Role fOf Urich , 29 Oot1a or Dennis 30 Ptayed Gomer 31 Mias Merkel 34 T•nyaorTommy 36 -Lift to Live 37 Htand- 38 -Valley 39 Played Rhett 40 Joy0. DeWitt role 41 Matured 42 Our continent (•b.) 44 RoleforTom HtnlChtl 46 • The-of Rachel cadt · 47 8eaUy or Romero 50 Pref ht with med Of teen 52 Certain voter. Abbr, 55 -Act of Murder 57 The-E>cS*fltlona .. I. I I .. I . I ...., ' . - '· i ~Daytime -i f i Kent tells Erica 1 to ditch Brandon ~ £ Ci: BJ LYNDA IDUCll ALL MY CRILDllEN: Leemina that Jl:rb hM rec- onciled with Brandon. Kent hirel • 1exy ~ and ref~ Id Ulay l'.rtl:9'1 fean tb8t the 1HpOt may be her modeling repl8cement. Kent WU. blc:a to ditch Brandon or he'll drop her oosneUcl line. ~ tb8t Jenny and Gres h.ave recond1ed. ErUd once ...m trim to an Jenny to drop Gres, but ahe refUM9. Crea decides to •tiend a:bool •t Plne Valley Uniwnity. Op.I invitee Tom to dinner. When Otudt ._ 1ca to Donna that be may be the f.alher ol her child. the •ya ft'• lmpcwihle 8Dd that ' ahe loves Pat.mer. Nln8 outraced when CllU becomea mcry becsm the left • OU-etric:lcen Bobby in Mcnkp.Wa care while the •ttended • board meetmc. DteDe leanw th8t Benny uad her Upe from the 0iateau to bet with and lied 8bout Rndinc 8 ci"9Ck to Broob. IO the deddea to ave Benny and take Emily with her. A Ninf BOMB -Red Alranc., wbo pI,aya Tr•v& ~ntell, and Sherry M•tbla (Liu Seatell) board a boat Jn harbor •t the Caribbean l•land of St. Kitt•, aite of a T• fl11«I story of exodc ~and cUlb•nglng adventure a• "Search for Tomonow," the.Jongmt-runnlng dAytime drama In UJf! bJstOiry of tekWdan, llndtl a .aew home at NBC (Cb. 4). It I• aeen weekdap at 11:30 a..m. ..... ~up wida KM», Tony,..... be hM,...... for Hillary 6ut ·~·.....-than. v-::::1:: 1o Hope and Am.net.~ with a.-.-Y article. Alim, ltill bekw held pn.an.r, lwm hit cape.er, Goff, is • zmn be find ~ 8F· Mike and Lln'y oan- Un.ue to hunt for A.Ian. In Londan. Nola prepn1 to Jaw, but ~t .... hlr to .. ,. She..,... and -dre8ln wheft lhe ii dandnl with one of the London~ Aabford & Simpmn and Maurice Glbb pl8y Wired for Sound and oUer to help 1'1oyd cut • reconl ONE LJPB TO LIVE: Larry 110la Dorian'• pr~ Co&ombMm dl8c, which 11 lndlan idol. Ivan wan.ta the diK ~ rmny lndlam in Sau Carlos died due to Iv.n'• brain implant procedure. He feel8 that lf be retuma thil diK they will fcqive him. One of the San Carlos Indiana who wm experimented on by Ivan comes to 1.Janview and talb t.o ~•t •bcM.at Lany and Ivan. Mimi beglnnina to believe th8t A.a la truly lonely and ahe feela IOITY for him. Jimmy raenta th8t Beeu and Gecq1ne haw become lovers. A 1ullty Katrina auurn Marcello the did not sleep with Bnd, but ~Uo .. YI be can .ee their re- lat.lomblp will I" no further and tella her It'• C111er. Becky does not WU\t to move to the country with Johnny, but doem't know how to tell him. Clint and Vldd a-r up for .U-out N!WISJ8per t.ttle. RYAN'S HOPE: Unable to become bigamist, Jane runa from chapel without rnarrytna ftocel". Mau finda her In Philadelphia. She tella him the at«y of her marrlqe to Ox. Matt tella her ahe muat mum to Manhattan md teU Rocer' the truth. Kim 11 belJ'1I nanxd in • 18wlult which centers around railin& fundl in • fraudulent ID8nDer to tupport porno movie in which ahe w• atar. KJ:m fean th8t If the story 11:t1 out she'll be cwtody of Arley. Kim unhappy wtlh nanny Rae h.-Ftt.en for the baby. Ox offera South Americu'I hit mm • deal in order lo a ve trouble for Jane and hlrnRlf. SEAACll FOB TOMORROW: Martin la a bia "-r' at the poker i.lMe. When he NN out of funds, hfa polter- playinc pall •)' • d"9Ck i81'1't nece9ar)' and they only wmt h.la mark.er. llMe ii stunned when Sue Lynn. one of h.la former foreip ~ partbera, QOmeS to Hender- .., and •ya the ii h.la new pertner to replace Bona and "'°UN. Sue Lynn then 10S to the laborawry ... tella Aja that they wmt the Subnbunt project and will have it. She orders AJI 1o tw-e Travta bide io the laboratoey where the ninja will destroy him •t IMt. Janet deddee ahe WMta 8 totally new look. a.y tella Suzi ahe feeJa W will make the Clewland d8nce lfOUp, but Suzi feus It will be the end of her relaUonahlp with Brian, 1ince dilW'IOe wW make ttwt.r love pow weaker. TEXAI: A.a Grete.hen tum. the cube, • pa streedii out -the Nme 1•• th•t kllled Beau -and U kilt. GretlChen. LurieJw UTlvea •t the bolpital )at • the ral eR8te brolm' la about to amotber Joel, md Lurlene •vet Joft. lWdd. Brette, Mike and Ruby ... aaved from the cave. IAter when they an drinldnl. the man who tried to kill Joel in the bmpttal be8'm a lhootout and Jdlla the lheriff of the town. but none of &he founame IS Injured. Je»J ....U.. be ii ltU'tins to care far 1.uriene. Ju.Un de- dda to 8dopt G~ 10 that Hann&bal can D1'W1' pt bJm. YOUNG AND TR& llD'l'LDI: GftC ICUnneCI when be .,,.. Cvta -offered to ...... Otudde, but ~ lnfonm ~ .._ 4*\nOt lfw up her c::bOd. One of Sally'• ou~(-towa ~tnena. calla Stuart'•"°'* &o leave • m p f« y. Patti'• ~ is •wate th8t ahe'• UYinl with Jack. but c.rt 11 lllll unawan. 1'hlnldnc th8t Patti'• vWdna rtiatlwa out of ~ Cart writee her • ~. 1..-d of dMroyinC them p , Miry Cfw. It to-.PatU. who .la ~ by the Jett.er which oantalrw tn.lltand much Aow. Jeck'• hither com.down on him fw ovet"lpendina and~ It muet atop. Luca aw.,.. that lAw1e did not m Vane.a and .,._ th8t Victor Newman tricked Laurl• Into stvina him her •hare of Prentl• lnch.aatri• 1tocka. Nlk\1 atunfted when Kevin •ya he111 rmrrY her. • • -----~'t!"!:!----~~~~--==---~~~·~..._~~L-.,--,~~:=::o'li~~e;:;j~~~--·--~----~--· -• -• 55 O A: We usu.me you're refe.rrifl8 to the 1eM r>aytime Peacock shuffles • dayti:me schedule By LYNDA HIRSCH After much deliberation. NBC Ml announced ita new dayt.bne IChedule, effective In toto April 26. On that date, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. (PI'), the ao- called comedy aeries starring Gary Coleman and. Conrad Bain, will air. That show beaan lta morning run on April 12 to fill ln for Regis Plillbln, who had his final al.rtng on April 9. Phllbln'1 main problem was that not enough a!flllatea would run hla talk 1hoW. Many have iheir own local gabfeata 1oing at that time-and felt they'd rat.her not share a piflCt! of the advertlaing revenue, since they can keep all \he bucks I( they produce the shows lhemlelves on a local level. .. • Alto as of April 26, "Wheel of Fortune" will be teen from 9:30 to 10. From 10 to 11, "Texaa"; 11 to 11 :3.0, "The Docton"; 11:30 to 12, "Search for To- morrow "; 12 to 1, "Day1 of Our Lives'': 1 to 2, "Another World," and from 2 to 3, r erun1 of ••CHiJ>a.•• The reuonlng behind this, accordlng to NBC exeas, ii that there la no 1108p opera runnJna in the 10 o'clock slbt, and NBC felt U\_e)' wanted to give . viewen a chance-at altema1.ive V'iewfng. So "Texu'' will nan up apinlt reruns of "'!be Love'Boat'' on ABC and the hour-lon1 "Price Ia Right." AA for alat.ing ''CHIPa" at 2 o'clOck. the network ttata th.la la another chance at alternative vtewtna. Our guess la that NBC reelly hacf nothlna in the beckup hopper when It eeemed that .. T~" had fatally low ratinp. They decided to ~ve the lhow one more chance, but clidn'c know where to put It in the ICheduJe. Perha .. they felt "Texas," which does have allck production values and eome attractive performers, was 1Ull not stronc enough to pull viewen away from a -p IUCh as ''General Hmptta1 ,. But Randy Hamllf41, who plays l\lklc.i, told us, "Gentta.I Hospital hu loll a few ratlnp pointa, and we feel that aome of tm.e fans have come over to Texaa." Hamilton, whq talked with UI prior to the announced schedule lhift. a11o eald, "We all hope that we are allowed to stay in the 2 o'&dl t.lme alot, llnoe it would show a vote of confidence.'• Althou&h we haven't talked to Hamilton alnce, we auume he'• jult happy that the show Ml rema1ned on the alr. A. for "CHiP9" at 2 o'cJeck.. perhaps NBC bat thrown ln the towel • far M P'tlna viewen away from GH and "Guiding Ll1ht,t' and feel thac HCHIPI" it an eay way to ao durina that a1ot. Aleo they may be hoPnc th.at the ldddw .. 11 ;MS u.nder wW return from ldm and commandeer the TV aeta to .ee thetr bike-rtdina herom, Ponch and John. We allo heel' that there are oc.hm' ~ ln the p&annlnc stapa that may air at 2 o'dock time slot IW1inl in Aucust Of' Sept.ember. Canceled are the pme lbow "~" and "Bett.Jmtan ... We found "Beni.t.n" fairly lnce,...un1 -an obvloua copy of 0 Hollywood S.--." but pretty.-, to cell.e • ..-lhowl ID· DOUBLE HOST -~ti Ed~ gen/JU TV personality, is now •een weekday mornings as host on two program• on K.HJ-TV (Ch. 9) beginnlng at 9:30 when he joins Mered/Ch IJacRa-e •• co-ho•t on "MJd-MomJ.rw L.A .," • 9Q.minute ta1Jc show which la telecut live. Then, Immediately following at 11, he doM hJ.s pme ~r1e. /l,at on the ball-hour nationally syndicated ''T.reuure Hunt'' .en~. and Rhonda Palistar welcomed a IOll, Shane Po- whatan. ~ for the m6iddle name ii that Rhonda la a deteendant of the orhitnal lodlan ctuef Po- • whatan. Chrla ii deU,hted wl\h the btrth of hla latelt child; be Ml a IOh by a prior manillet--Q: I'm a viewer of 11G1tu1 Ll&ltt." I WHld brdly believe my eJet or ean wt1111-i taned It oa reee11tly. WUt wu .Ut~le Mlte frem die dl1co1 A bHclt of blaarre·loekl•I people wltll weirded ... & awr... pn= &e be ntenalaen . . • It aeemM .. MYe I I .... wt&a. .. allplue. DMt ''G ..... t.tpt" laieM so eemdne la'41ala vela! I llepe Mt 8.W., 8.tfale, N.Y. debut of the new-wave ,roup, the B-521. We un-i • demand the ,roup'• man1,1et llOUlht out the -P _ 1pot and that "Guidin1 Ll1ht" wu more than • happy to welcome the~up to the ahow. Dou1 ~ Marland, who IO'iptl" Ucht." wants the di.co to be an int.ecral put of ahow and feaun i a variety of su-t at.an. Durinl£ the B-521' appea-~. we Ulo &Ot a_ alims-of JpctJ,. Colllnl. Slated ~ to •wee!: abo fLMturiae .. Glhi}...o.f _'IWGttM and ,:: _ leYen1 oilier top-name ttan. ~ While the B-521 may not fill everyone'• bW • 0 entertainmmt, we think ·~q 1.Jaht" Ml taken o •• ,.p in the n,ht cUrectlon by pre.ent.inc profes---' atonal performers'. By the way, the pup loved ~ their v&lt to the eet, and we understand one of. the ~ girls wants to become a regular. if Q: t pn •p. Wlaere 11 Freak oa "Ryu'• Bo-~ pe''? U ieein1 very 1truae .. me &Ut all die "llyu kldt are back except fer Fruk. WUJ M retua! -8.D., SUeveport, La. A: In the 11oryline, Frank has tone to practke law out of town. In the beClnn1ng it waa only a p~ ., I.he producers had time to recMt; .Dan.lei Hu Kelly, who had been playing Frank, is In Ho y- wood starrin1 in the NBC 90-minute show, "Chicago Story." However, casting leeMed almoet lmpoalble, ao for now Frank wlfi remain out of town. Siobhan and Patrick have returned, played by new performers. Mary Ryan, of course, was killed oU. But you are foc'aeftlna one more Ryan libllna -Kathleen. Kathleen ii the eldest Ryan ctUld..w.hcuhoWJI up for wedding•. funerall and 80me holiday• with her lnlurance.aaleaman hus~ band Art in tow. Q: b a receat e1l1ode of "Aaocller World," &My meadODed Pac Rudolpla ·ud lier "c.Udrea." All l cu rememhr. l1 OM da.pter, Marlllae. Cu JH tell me lf ta.el made a ml1take d1rlaa t~e .......... ff ... Pat MH more .... OM t*IW1 -W.N., 8treet1Mn, Olalo A: Yes, Pat Indeed bad l'DOft than one child. In fact, the gave birth to twlna -an event that many call a trUe mlrade, llnce prior to the birth of Ma- rianne and Micheel, Pat bad had a tot.al hysterec- tomy. No, that pohlt wu never cleared up In the 1toryllne, buC it dJdn't eeem '°mp anyone. lnci- dentally, when the chal'Kter of Mike wu made focal point ln the l10I')' by the ICripter at that Ume, Hardine t.may, he bad wanted to make the cha- racter gay. Proc1n & Gamble save \he ao-ahead and then changed lta mind, leaving Lemay with anything but the character he iJnaCined .. Have • quHClon abouc your /avorl,. aoap or aoap .car1 Write to Lynda Hirtlch, clo Field New- 1paper SYf)(l,bte, P.O. Box JIHJ20, lrvJne, Call/ . ga1I4. Sh. wllJ mswer M muJY q~ M lhe can In her column, but the volume of tmil tmket ptnOIMl rep1Ja impo-'ble. ( Gleason stars with · Pryor in 'The· Toy'' MINI ._..,. .,.., OFF 100% PLUIH NYLON CARPET • PAD..,.,. I ED flam •.• PerYeld I I ·I • I. I I ... N I -. ,,; - eelienae.r '1( ll I\ ( ( l\11'1 ! i I ( I :1 II (I (ii·'.\ '-.l ! (I\\ I I l:'. I:.'-..,'()"\...., • .. Ballet Paclfica win pre.ent two •pedal program. •t the ~ Moulton Pbtybou.e tJu. weelcend. The pro(/nl1» •re choreoll"•ph«l bj Lil• ~ (above) Md Jill Sweet. . Ballet Pacifica will dance at Laguna By JEFF PARK.ER · The procram -choreocraphed by Ballet or .. DllllJ,... ..... Pacifica director Lila Zall and Jill Sweet -wUl '!be Ballet Pacifica wW ltnlt its stuff 1n two be made up of three sty1-, cl=e'=J, neo-clulical special procrama thla weekend ln the Laguna . and modem. Moul~ Playtn. 1n Lacuna Be.ch. "We alway1 try to offer a varlety for the INSIDE , f ;• I I l I' ' \ , , - - J ---------. t . i-The-theater - -.2 0:: S.t designer Mark Dtnnelly shows off hit art work for S.outh Coast Repertory'• 'Henry' IV, Part I,' a fatdnating mechani. cal Mt with moving parts. His work ends primitive royalty In the play with an orpnk qua- lity, llCCOl'dina to Donne Uy. "He wanted what he delcribed • a 'metallic rock' feel," Donnelly rememben, .. '°I looked through p6ctw'e8 In rOck boob and finally •ttled on mancane.e ore for a crlsp, me1allic and color- • • urta1n rises as reflect.ed J.ook." . By MARY JANE SCA.BCELLO Conferences with costume dslgnen come after or .. .,.., ,... ... the final concepts for the let have been fonned. For MOit artilt8 hope their work will live on for the Shakespeare, color helped the au~nce keep yean, but Mark Donnelly ._. bis creat.lona dis-the large cut identified, with the eovereUin aide mantled after a few weeks or monthl at the most. wearing red and rust &hades, and the rebels Clrelled "When a play open1. my work la done," the in cooler colon. busy let ~ya. M.-recently, playgoen at The latest effort ls one of nine productions South Coelt In Costa Meu were fuci-designed for SCR, by Donnelly, and at 26, the nated by his let for .. IV, Part I." eoft:cpoken young man already bas elghl years of An abltnct deslp with moYhll puU tepara-experience behind him. ted and reconnected llke parta of a IDllllive, me-He bepn acUng In community theet.en w~ ~~a lot of latitude in Sha=• are ln hi1h ecfiool but found 1tlff competition u he productiolw," he Mv. "becaUle the ...... _ y moved up ln ading. .,... ..-.,. "I had an art becJqiround with aome theater Wft'e per{onned on a bare platform with U fur-deai1n," he remember•, "10 I moved into aet niture. We can create. 6 new environment from ~" . ~ 1ys evell lend t.hemlelva to .wttchinc He araduated from the Unlvenlty of Ariaona dme becl..-the relatbllblpa ot. the_.... with a Bl'A de,,ee and nots that a .Map de9ioel' r--r-needl both architecture for blstoric·J)ertodl and art are 1D01t impart.ant t.cton." " for CQmpoeltion, coJor and aeatbetic Values. He bepn conlerencee with the play'• director, But the tlCtiDI experience ~·t= to wMte. John Alu.on, three monthl before drW reheanal s with the " be to refine thelr approeda and find a oounon lr'OUhd. " '-linl always li.N • •YI· Before do6nl uiy bunct•nc. Donnelly bWJt four "I have to know the requltementa Ot the play • aeparate mode19 of the _play •t: the tint to If ve well • lnterpreti.nl what the director Medi." a rou1h idea, the aecobd to lee the dJrectlon it .. c:recMta at sea ........ tbia ...., .... t.oc.e took. the third to refine lhapet md the lait • a Sndt" u well at "Anythlna Goee," "American • flnilbed, painted reprneJttatlon of the Mt In Buffalo" "Bolomt and~ .. "AIMe," •-nine \.i-inch ..ie. Wai." •"No Man'• Lan ," ''J'orever Your1. 11.irie-Lbu." and two nwltn« edueadclMl lhowl. "It'• ~t for a director to haw a three-dim daml 1nodel to play wtda and Widlrlltand to In addition to hit wcft at 8CR. the M; utllt be can ~ movement for the__.., .. Donnelly liiil llt ..,.,.. for ..wral ......,... f...av.Ji •YIJ. · · · -· ..... It on the .taff of UM Old OW.~ All S- Iie dl&Ttbel the~ plaf. the ..... he'• a.o. ....... "'ha .... ...,, ; ..,.., ., Md ••s.t ~ lm't. hl8h-payine ,_" ......... to lawnt It all ..,..U -I ...... ,, ID flQ r• 1 ch "to we all 11'8"& eDd &aie trM-IPoe joM. IUlht ........ for inUc:b ot. It." now rm ..... two --C" M f..;'.Df --...... !\ ..... -· tbe:JM IU(iMI H $ ·m+I ... ........... ~ n· O<>t•r.~~,, ''>111\\t>: ~ •• wir ~~ ~. up rough drawi.np to glie him time fci-raearch, but be still puts In 80-hour weeks. "Each production ii different, IO rm constantly diuina Into reae~h." he aaya. Hla project.I rec- ently bave included 1ucb diverse 1ta1ln1 H a houle In Edwardian F.ngland and an on...t.ae plane cruh, for which 'he went to the San Diego Aero- IJ*e Mu.ewn. For a d.lrectoc who plana to It.lie Shakespeatt'a "Twe lfth Ni1ht" u an Arabian N ighta fantu?,:• Donnelly plant to uae atoryboolu • references. 'I get matB(al wherever I can find it," he uya. ]dodem stage muic takes advan,tage of new products to create a 10fid Wuaon Ol'lStap. "In the '20a and '30I they ~ wood and can- vas, but now we're more likely to u.e 1teel atruc- tures 1ucb u with th.• Henry IV tet,'' be •YI• 'I love the feeling of walking onto a set when the theater is empty.' ----- -In motion------.. lll!llm ............................ ~ . ~ - Dancer quits '~etirernent' to lecture .at UC Irvine 'I was so high when I got l that first company position _J that I'd do anything ... ' l By JEFF PARUR or-..,.., ......... Dancer Jim Jones left UC Irvine nearly 10 years ago u an underp-a· duate and returned just two montha ago as a guest lecturer on the art ot dance. In between, be studied side by side with Nuryev and Baryahnik.ov, perfonned aa a proft!91ional dancel' on two continenta and traveled the world • u a guest performer. And although he won't take the stage tonight or tamorrow ~part of 'It's a great feeling making a living off what you love to do.' Cthca10 and New York, and four more in l!'A.arope. After leavtnc UC Ir· vine, he went to New York., ltudied with Stanley WJlliaml and landed hil flnt company job with the Chlca10 Ballet under Maria Tallchief. "1 WU 80 high when I got that first companv poai ti on tfiat I 'd do anythlna,'' he rememben. "You work overtime, do ·~~ they uk you to. It'• a pat f makitig a uvm, oU what you love to do." He later went to Germany on the advice of Geo_rp Balanchine, where he jDlned the Frankfurt Ballet. After one )'e9J' in Germany he truwfernd to the C,tlgloua Zurich Ballet of Switzier where he worked with Hant Meister' and Pa1rida Neery. -DMoet' ... ..... ---the UC Irvine hculty Dance~ his pn!lleDOe will .,. felt ;.t the ame. ma first major piece of cboreolrapby -a 15 minute work to the IDUlic of Tippett that involves 10 dancers - wilf be put of the show. Jonet'• choreography la born of three yean of profemfmal dandnc in "I loYed the work in D&rope. I Ft to' wmk wtth a lot of different dinict.on and lee.med a Jot ol different thincl- But after a while I ree1bed what I Wiii doin1 to my~lf. So I flnally came back to the United Stats foe a rest," beakl . The .. net" involved another com· pany position with a Seattle-hued ballet and a brief 1Unt with a Los . .'Belich apartment -is pttinC t.be a\. Anaelea ballet. Finally re.olvtng to tent!on that hla earlier performing ·~the full·t.lme, daily demand of once took. ~ ~,.be mowd to La-"I just low listenini to mUlic and ~-i: t months.., and ol-fJcwinc out bow to move to It," he DcLally' "frcm perf.ormina. . aald. ''Choreoarapby la very.hard -But Jone1'• Jove of dance IOCln·led work. It takes me about an hour to him to ua 81 au-t Jecturer and to choreocraph one minute of mualc. I UCI f acuity in dance program the Mlmon Viejo Scboo1 of Dance in cm't me~ and paper, eo I do It all Lacuna HDk • l:n my heed. " Members of the UC lrvtne dance fecultv will praent a wide rmice of dance aty1a. from buoque to rock 'n' roll. in a concert tonicbt and Saturday ewnine· ~are acbeduled foe the Fine Arla VWaae Theater at 8 p.m. The Saturday concert will honor UCI dance alumni and ~t dance acbolanhipa at the camp.-. Faculty choreoiraphera include Wendy Hilton. Jim Janee, larael "El''. Gabriel. Lenna DeMarco, Donald BradbUrn and aueal artlat Suaan EDenbMt-Eade. The dancen will be accomperUed by a 20·ptece orchestra led by William Fltspetrlck, a member of the New York Strina Quartet. Tickets for tonight'• performance are f4 general, $2 for atudenta. Sat. urday'• benefit performance are $8 pneral. $4 students. For more lnfoc· mation. call 833-Ml 7. • She pilots Anaheim Boat Show now ."I w•t to UCI eo thla la llk.e a ~ """OO"llinc to me," be akl wr1irouch all the •!it:l wu dandna I never really t ol tee:Nnc -"llut now that rm It; I loY'8 It. I think the many dlreeton' and tw:tws rw hid have helped me aa a tiw:blr. ~ • a performer I wu fairly adept.a t plcldna out what waa wron1 In a mawment and belPnc to OOITeL'C tt." But teecNnc ii cmly half ol "-'• enthu.aium now. Chonocrapby - whicrh he plota out ln hi• La1una By SANDIE JOY °' .. .,.., ....... H. Wf!mlf:r Buck'• rwne and reputatkm for produ-dni quality ahowl for 17 years. Sharon Buck aaya her job keepa her oU the Mn. Buck'• manaaement atyle diffen conakSe. atreeta. rably from that Qf her huaband who &.-cl to work More than that, it hM atven her a whole new 1ona hours alx and ..ven da)'I a week. penpective on life. 0 1 ~t.e .. much authority .. polllible," ahe Most of her life, w'a been a ~e and explained, ' and I came 1.n only two or three dag:.a mother. Not.bina more. week. But I P9Y my duea dwtnc the lhawa... - Now, at ~1, ahe runa two major, hl8hlY auc-cally, ahe coordlnata, abe aald. ceaaful 1port1 ahowa. And, abe doean't even Uke Her firm produces the Anahellp Boat Show, camping; lhe pre{en collecting antlq\.a and atten· openlna Saturday at the Anaheim Convention dlnl swap meets. Center for the 14th conaecu\lve year, and the Until taJcinl '1Yf!r the reinl of H. Wf!!mtll!r Buck Anaheim Sporta Vacation and RV Show each Ent.efllriw when her bu.t.nd died five )'W'S ..,, winter. Mn. 8'JCk Mid tbe only ume abe recaDa working in Produd.nc the lhowl la quite dJffnent from the office waa beck in 1948. b.iandnC the family c:heckbook Mn. Buck admit-- "! amwered the phonea one day," ahe aaid ted. ''Suddenly, rm diM1lnc In tell o1 ttwwende o1 ~ an inter"Vliew 1aa\ week. "and I hid a pcnytail dollars.,. then. ' ' She indbted ahe W hard pr E I 1 ta llnC)i Dw1nc her 6nt two ,_... aa board chairman, out mUlr' dnwbldm • blmata at ._ paa61km. Mn. alCk Mid all ahe did ..... pop Into the offlce to ... tbe ~ dlrW.'' ........ 1-.. Gii .. atan cbecb and od1er' documerica. nl.ns dQ •hmi ,.,.,..._ '*'*' no .. wt11 ....,. up. Then, tbne ,_,.. ..,, the aJeenan who had Suddenly, you walls to tbit front doar and they're all been manaclnc her ftnn taid ahe'd have to take llnld up bMll to the .awt." ('fWI. An ...,......., .... WCllDID -• ,... to be 0 1 Mid, •No way'" lbe 19C&IW, .. but , .. .,. eDct -Ila.._ 8dliiiMi m •"'i"• ....... ww't ..,_. tflllt to doll." pr EE EM't!' And dllill ...... '\hurt Mr ID .......... Blir ~ ......... to ...... ~.... ~~---_JGYt:_ ... ...... 14~~.:r~LIO .U, lbl llkl,..;;. ''' s.~-;:;-~-- Acco:dln1 to Jonn, the hardeat ~ about tellChing la keeplna the very· talented, hard-Worldna daDcera interened. • "When 1ou have to keep 1oln1 tbrou1b aomethlna over and over •Cain for tbe alower atudenta, the really aood Cloel pt bored.'' he llicl "You can't jump aheed until man of the clau utlderatanda what you're =--., the real fast mMienta find eJVa Wald.he around foe IOl'.De-thlnc to do. I CUI relate with the faat IWdln1a; &bqre Uke I wa." I i r 4 i ---To listen-............... ------... ! Righteous Brothers ~ solid after 20 years ~ .... ~ By JERRY HERTENSTEIN u. or-. o.-,,... ,..., ~ Five gold singles and two gold a1buma should .., give anyone a teNe of accomplishment and enough i f>ucb to retire comfortably on sunny Orange Cout j beachett with time for perfecting a golf game. ~ . Why keee woridng? _ But the Righteou1 Brothen -remember .2 them? -are back linging and jok.J.na their way 0: through IOllp that had teen-acen hoppin'. boppin' and aqueezi.n' each other nearly 20 years .,o. Such 1ong1 aa "You've L o1t That Lovin' Feelln," are still eolid hits. And l1 •·recent 20-year reunion concert at • Knott'1 Berry Farm In Buena Park ii any indicatlon the two, Bobby Hatfield and Bill Medley, may pr'OY'e to be -popular .. f!Vf8. -Hatfield, a Corona del Mar re1ident, and Medley, who lives Jn Villa Park, drew a standing ovation after a 45-mb)ute performance at the mnu- aement park'• Good nme Theater. 7be ahow Wiii a test -.art ot -f« the duo'• upcuntnc nationwide tour which w1ll take them to wvera1 major dtia and state fain um •muner. finally ung it near the end of the show. It'• diffJcult to believe two voioee of such con· trut -Medley's gravelly-eoundln& bua and Hat.- field'• hJlh-pitched falletto -can blend but they do -extremely well. Medley, abo 41, says be sang tenor in ICbool choirl until he was 16 . .. But my voice dropped to bus and I grew 7 inche1," he 1aid aher the concert. He la now 6-foot-l. Blll grew up in Santa Ana. Medley'• rendition of "Soul and Inspiration" WU aostaJcjc. . It w• eMY to cloee your eyes and remember the sweaty pe1ma you got when finally getting to dance to the same nUmber at the high school record hop with the sweetheart of the aenior cl.us oh IO many yean ago. And when Bobby reached for the high notes in "Ebb nde'' they were •till there. The comical Hatfield, alway• a arolle on bU face, played lt for all It wu worth. He reached for and held .. pleMe eend your love ~ me" hiCher' than Plke'a Peek and lonte!' than the Rama have sought the Super Bowl cham~P·. "I can tell 6efore I go for it it I can ati1l hit high C," Hatfield said. Then with a em.De and wink of an .ye, he added, "I always go for iL'' Far tbme wbo mimed the Knott'• appearancea and don't plan OD betJte. in dtiea from Detl'mt to Tu.laa, where the two Will perform this •ummer, you can catch them at Medley'• dub oil Tueeday and Wectne.lay mpta throucb thil month. CELEBRATION TIME -The Righ teous Brothen, Bill Medley and Bobby Hacfleld, were featured during• 20-year reunion at Knott'• Berry Farm. Popular in the mid-60., the Oranae County nativea quit In 1968 only to regroup for a tbort time . in the mld-70.. klng·:;?.:FHa~i!°"~~p~~ Knott's ·to host. ~quare dance fest UWe felt the 11m11 aren't dated. It'• mwdc that ii a till u fun today u it wu ln the '60.," .. ta It'• "Grab your ~r and do Ii do" time this teams, Jea and May Saueen and Bob and F.dna ~. who hM a niahtdub in Fountain Valley. weekend at Knott• Berry Fann, Buena Park, Faudree ai.o will stage calla throughout the park. Hatfield, who at il can still hlt the blah notes where callers and cuera will gather for a equare Al Dtedtrich, Knott'• resident equare dance just Al M could at 24, baa been •11tttng in"'' with dance festival. caller f the ......t 17 -I -will be I ... --a Medley at the club for montha. It'• Hatfield who la Square dance callers Nate Bllu and Melton or ,_.. yean, .__, . . ~ea....u~. the golfer. Luttrell from Texaa will lead dancers through the Dietrich was one of the original callers at Many in the aud.lence at Knott'• had dlfficu1ty steps or the "Texas Star," "Cheat or Swing" and Knott'• du.ring ~mid-'~ when 1quare dancing recallina the Rflhteow Brothen and their ICJll8ll but the "Dip and Dive." · · = was flnt staged m Knott·1 Wagon Camp. >.. more equally • many rememl>ered. Jolninl them will be California callers inclu-and more people were attracted to the .:iuare dan- More than once IOIDeODe'I "Aunt &die from dinl Bob Johnson, Lee Schmidt, Mike Slkoraky cea, they were ~'::'ed to Calico Square in Ghost Kalamazoo" yelled for ;•Coco Jo," a cruy ditty and J~ Schat.zer. Town where DietJidl helped organize a clu b for _abou __ t_a_monke)' ___ ,_lorll __ befOre __ the __ Rigb __ teot.-__ ~ __ -::::_...-=::Tw=--' _!'_h_u._ban_d_an_d_w_lf_e_r-:-o_u_n_d _d_an_ce_cu_e_ln_1 ~~at the park called the Knott'• Calico 1 A well knolNn boslc cotton °' blended fabric The fobflc Is vetY ruable and la~ '°' or types or gormentS flom WOl1c d6lhes to sportsweor and 9'f'8nlng wea 2. A coarse blue dlngol9e used bv.IOf1< dothes. ollglnolly used fof soAOB WOl1c clothes Tickets on sale at OCC Tick.eta are on sale for the May perfonnance of Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" at Orange Coast College in C.O.ta Mesa. • I The RUNlan playwt1ght'1 best-known work will be performed May 6-8 and again May 13-16 in the college'• drama lab. All performances begin at 8 p.m. . Ticketa are '3 in the college ticket office. For more information call 656-6627. 'nck.ta will alao be IOld at the door. THI NIW ARTEF PLAYERS -"TM Fruit of Her HMde" Frtda~, Aptll 17, 1982 • 8pm -Concert Hall Explore• Jewlah hl1tory and bulture, notable WOfMf' from e. to the preMnt day. au. Y WIBM -Wld end ......... looltleh lluelc Satway, Apttl 18 -8pm • VMtage ThMtre TradKloMI Folk MUllC Md ' ortgtnll compoeftlonl. ... She pilots boat s·how noW JtromP•S having entered' the bwlinels world earlier. "f ~ think I would haft been ready before,'' she~ . --with obvious enthuaiwn about her late bUlband and the high rep.rd with which be WU held among ahow produoen. And, ahe'I tryinC to carry OD the tradition, li- berally aprinkling her converution with references to "~uality lhoWI" which she believes she offers. 'We have a g<M?d_ reputation of pretenting a clean lbow," lhe expla1ned., "You're not goina to aee vibrat.ora, watttbeda, veaemaucs and pitch items here." Everything muat have a definite connection with aparU. abe explained. The aboWa are geared Committee for Arte PreMnta: TIE IEW Y• Im• turm .. .-FUma Tueaday, Aprlf 20, 1982 -8:30pm -VIiiage Theatre GUMt Artleea: AllM Vogel -Oboe, Mi- chele Zukovaky -Clarlnet, Dennie Trembly, - Double Bue, John Perry -Pl.no. Selectlone by Bruch, Ptotcofle¥ & Sc:hubett. $unday, April 25, 1982 -8:30pm • Vlll•G• ,, Theatre Guest Artlata: Rich•d Todd -Frenctl Hom, Andrea Byert -Vlolln, Barry Gold -VIO- ionceiio. Selectk>M by Moart and 8r9hm1. Wedneed8)', AprN 28, 1982 -8:30pm -Vfftege Theatre Gunt Artltt: Eliot Flak -Guitar. S... lectloN by a.ch, BHthoVen, Pagnantnl, T.._ 8CO Md Boccherlnf. • f~ thi ente family. . . !'.ach 11\ow ii a pmble, lhe explained, aa you decide on the act.I and exhibit.on to preaent and wonder about the weather. "It'• a high-risk bwd,,,..,.. Mn. Buck added, "with a lot of money Involved. And, every year, it costs more ... You re.illy have to ~t the bodiel in there to produce. 5 man ... You &el a look al what il'• like lO be a breadwinner father . . . .,,, "I don't have lO keep doing th.11,'' lhe expla1-g: ned. "I could quit anytime. Thal'• why I keep aotna. - Btau. I don't have to do it, it'• IDOl'e enjoyable. I I'm fortunate to be in th.la pcmtlon." · ~ Something squirrelly i "It isn't easy,'' ahe exclaimed. "If it WU euy .. . :,, ~1!~~ T~e~·~u=~-;~~ ~-~;~uirrel !~=:~.1 - "Sometimes ou ~ 'Who needl th.la'! .. ahe ai~ COn~ter. -.:<"' said, "wllh one L:.1e after another. But you go · The 8Q~ -~ -~ la lO water akl > from show to ahow to ahow. You don't go out of behind a mi.niatwe mo~~t in a 20-foot ~ town. Life la geared for quite a few montl)a around pool. : the lhowt · · · The animal, which haa aopeared on NBC : .. Boy, when I get off that Ventura Freeway at Televiaion'1 "Real People," la 1'a real ham." ac-co night,'' she aaid, " ... all the time I'm thinking cording to her owner/trainer Chuck Best., who ~ about what ha.a to be done. I feel like Erma Born-found her In the wilck of Florida more than a beck .. .I can now relate to what It's like to be a year ag~o--. ------------- A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank of America • Biibo Bagglns • Coco'a/Aeuben'1 •Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema• Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mesa Verde Floflst • Mesa Verde Travel Mione 's • Music Market • Plecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • SOuthern California Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's --.··~·· '"' - 4 -·-... 6 i --The theater~~~----------~~------- ~ j'Who's on First?' t just fun 'n' games 'C ": BJ JIMMY JOHNSON I O(IM °"",... ... i It ain't Abbott and Costello. but what tM Ir- 1 vine Canmunity players do to .. Who'• on Flrlt?"' would make the two mmediarw of the 1940a 1Witch ~ to atraight dramatics or pull up l1aks and move to -Dayton. g ~or la thla little ~9Ckery "Saturday Night a. Live. More appropriately, it could be termed a live Saturday night that ac>ea awry, apd keeps £Oi.na on and on and on. thank.a to a lamp like Afadain•a-. Jack Sharkey, the El Toro playw.!~~ w ho hatched th1a little preteme, aets a lot of out of Mid lamp, a iun-wlelding jealoua husband, a farclcal .:heme and a rubber chicken. But what I .. , OCI fOUltMt . iiiliilOiiii"iiiidWiiCftii IUCh u Gyrw, femoue Greell putrlee IUCtl • bUlava, I K..,otegena end K~. Md IT*'Y Imported bMr9 I & WIMe. I It's tnly htnl's bat kept secret I Try m ts UIChl ·---------------- 1 l ~2PRICE Try•~~f .... I y ~ With Thh C.upott I Exp1r9e ,..,,. 30, 1992 makes it IUCh • ah.am La the fact that he keeps doina the aame thine -whatever that ii -aver and aver acain. each time in a different vernacular not com- monly known to folka a1oQg the Orange <:out. It aeeuw to work and it'• funny moat of the time. There ii no atoryline u such . Sharkey h.u taken four people -a gun-toting huaband with a very low tolerance for unfalthfufne.., a wife who may or may not be cheatlnc on her huaband, a Jover with whom the may or may not be cheatina and a friend upon whoee ahoulden everyone dumps -to .make th1a aha1low idea do whatever it does. In the tint of thil three-act blt of deception the players play l' straiaht. or • 11ralaht u they can play thil kind of material, with Don, the jealoua A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate SOUP.S a,nd delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special d ining experience. I Herita1e Plaza -157 -0825 1 I 14220 c.ner Dr. (next to 8uld & Grow) •• .. ••••••••COUPON••••••••! The Grinder 1s PfOud to announce the serving of Fresh Fish on Friday and Salurday evenings only uohtiy breaded and grilled • to a golden brown Only $4.<4& Cahfornla Styte tcpped With a mild Spanish Sauee and sliced lomato and avocado Only $4.9!5 60 Fashion Island Newport Buch / 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 2"·1840 husband deliberately ahootlnc the loYel; ecddent- ally ahooting hia wife and then abooUnl himlelf, for what reason, only God and Sharkey know, and Sharkey la doubtful. Only the friend doesn't get ahot, but then the tee0nd and third acta follow and before the evening la aver t.hett are bodies all aver the atace· n.e aecond act offera the aame thine. but th1a time they dolt the alow and e..y hWbilly way, the "dil ain't no place for a lady; dat ain't no lady, it'• my wife" tough-talk.Ing hoodlum atyle, and, of cow., a taste of the Orient. The third act waa more of. the aame done up Britiah, ·~1t1tf upper Up and all that rot" faah!on, leaving only enouch time to tie lt all topther at the end. Mountina this dil~ted blt of fool.iabne9I muat have been a dlreetor • apectral fantasy, but Tom Titus pieced It topther very well. getting droll and often hDarioua work from hla performen. Joe Rltks ~ Don the hUlband and Steven Llnderbaum la the lowr' -not Don'• but the wife'• lover. They do what la expected of them, but the women -Ca~eue aa c.amme the friend and Kitty Karp at the wife garner the biggest laugha. Even the macic lamp, with the Voice of doom. and the rubber chlckea aet their ahare of the lauaha, but the blggest laujh ia Oft the r-fOlb in the audience. Tiley never find out "Who'• on Flnt?." Only God and Sharkey know, and Sharkey la doubtful. .. SCR aud~tiona scheduled Audltlona l(or the Summer Acting Comerva: ~-are now beinl held for studenta ill yean and OtQlll:T at South eo..t Repertory The etch~week actina ooW..e often cl.-el in improvisation, •taae combat, vob, mowment, cha- rect.er and text analysis and rum from 9 a.m.. to 5 p .. m. weekda:y1 June 21throughAue.13. Applicants abould prepare a two-minute Sha- kapeare and a two-minute contemporary monolo-sue for auditkJn. For more information and application form.a call 9~7-2602. ___ . ___ .._. __ _ ___ ......._ ......... .__ _ ----...-,_.,.,,,..........___....._...........,_.,... .... ,_,~ -......... ~ • I • Hf here« ••le• ......... THE FIRST &.. ONLY SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN · NEWPORT BEACH SP£C1ALIZING IN SZEOIWAN, SHANGHAI &. MANDARIN CUISINE (IMl9llll'KIMnllOTIRCYf0091 SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUN·CH in the Mediterranean Room · from 10-3 ""' '' A:... ._, I Ho•el 18700 MacArthur Bl., Irvine JW\11 por UE:'1 nn ·~ . ( 714) 833. 2110 · IS,OOVER . ~. Blackbeard's NBw took save ilp to $4.00 on oar new dinners! I 441 .-~ ., Try tM>tMthing new and delicious on our newly expanded dinner menu. And with this coupon, save up to $4-.00 on dinner for two (or $2.00 on a single new dinner). Alaekan King Crab Lege Teriyaki Chicken and Prime Rib Rib Eye Steak Shellfieh Sampler FdetMigac)n Staffed Slarimp New York Strip Steak ' cbaliged and have a newly remodeled loun1e, All 4iaaen lel"fed eomplete wttll .... or _, ... ,_. ..W .._, riee or ....... ,a.•~ ol fl'Mla ... !••· · oy1~r bar &: dinner menu. . ~" ,.,_, BNTERTAl1Wll.,..,.., ,,.. o• ... ,. rmr. 4-1 ,_ •ee1r•,. 8 Nlf111'1'8 .... , N1P1 1 .... Bit •urr -111eee eeawpd .. mll'OdaetorJ .. .._.. ..., ............... ,6 .. Victoria Station De ltat Prime-. A .. llOW• wltole lot .. ,... Ne.pen leaella, MacArthur and Jamboree, 751 .... Lapaa IDlll, 34231 Avenida de la Carlota, 1•1 .. .................. llall .,, :i 0. ~ • - I 8 m --"U oing alone i Big doings set I for Q.C. singles -The third annual Orange County Slng)ea Week ~ will be helll April 18-24, with dances, roeetinp, ., IOdals and a host of ocher eventa. i The week-long •riet of events will be laun- ~ ched by a dance Saturday, April 18, at 7 p.m. at the _ Grand Hotel in Anaheim. Tickets are $3 and pro- £ ceeds will benefit the Mu.cular Dystrophy A.o- 0:: elation of Oranae County. FoUowtnc I. a lilt of the week'• activitl$ =· Friendship will go to dinner in Sumet Be.ch at 6 p.m. Telephone 963-3195. THURSDAY, APRIL 22: Man-Woman lnati- tute will have a ooune on how to meet people in. c.errttos. Telephone 964-5570. A happy hour will be held in Newport Beach at 7 p.m. by CharU'1 Private Club. Telephone 760-6078. Outdoor Sl.nlln wlll have a walk-.a-thon at 6:30 p.m. in Newport Beach. Telej>hone 54.~"51. - FRIDAY, APRD.. 23: Cartier. will have a wine social at 8 p.m. in Newport Beach. Telephone 641-3987. Wheel ot Friendahip will have a TGIF party in Buena Park at 5 p.m. Telephooe 547-1820. A lecture on 8eXua1 intimacy will be held at 8 p.m. • SUNDAY, APRD.. 18: Outdoor Sinalel will So • ~~~~~~:~ Benefit auction at go t.o brµncb at 11 a.rn. Telephone 98341". - MONDAY, APao.. 1t: Tbse wm be,,,,.,,.. .. Huntington Beach ln Garden Grove. Telephone 638-1060. Man- Woman Institute will have a social at 8 p.m. in Anaheim. Telephone 964-5570. Mm Angie'• Singles will have a dance at 8 p.m~ in Qranae. Telephone 772-4265. SATURDAY, APRIL 24: Cent.er Club Singles will have a potluck dinner and di8cu8lion at 3 p.m. Telephone 975-0700. Wheel ot Friendship will haw a dinner at 6:30 p.m. ln Orange. Telephone 547-1820. Outdoor Single• will have a party in Huntington Beach at 2 p.m. Telephone 641-9283. Cartien will have a house party in Huntington Beach at 8 p.m. Telephone 641-3987. Mila Angie'• Singles will have a dance at 8 p.m. in Orange. Telephone. 772-4265. The IJ"OUP recently donated more than '6,000 to the library for creadm>. of a pennanent gallery. -'ftlJI pllery will be ckdkated with a rtbbon-cuttlng ceremooy on the night of the art auction .. dance at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim at 9 p.m. Telephone 834-8248. Works on diaplay wW be by local arti.ltl. Free champecne, hon d'oeuvres and a no-ho.t bar are '1PUl'dollo '82," a benefit auction of fine art, planned. MmiMion Ii t"T.50 per pe~ w.W take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aprll 17 at r -wide repertoire of re- gional fiesta dances Huntinltoft 8-cb Central Library, 7111 Talbert Aw:.i,. event le ip(Jlwored by the Allied Arts Al-~ Tickets go 0 n sale ...UYI of HUA&tqton Beach, a non-profit group f • f • dedkated to the development and •upport of cul-or music est1val tunl U1ll In the oommunity. ... Sat.day Apti 2.4 1:00 p.m. hill 8o.t in lll'l'I Beach . ':Ill it ·~ of. showmanship, cestuminc, cho-•IPlic ririety, PKiflc and 1udience relation, ... oup·s credentials are unquestioned." -Los~ rltHS ". . . sold out. lhoptinl. cbeef lftl performance . . . uwalr attracbwt, qtltlJ .c:ostwned dM· ces .•• musical &JGUP with vinte sincefs, Yir· tuoso trumpet pllytrs .•. the audience YiftUl#y roared Its tppJcmt" PlllFllT PllTI Whleuw.at · · llYEI ClllDI •74 E. 17th It. ,Coete ........ 21W Tick.ell are on sale for the leOOnd annual Co- rona del Mar Baroque Music Festival, June 6-13. Canadian organist Douglaa Hau will open thE festival June 6 with a performance at St. M.lchael & All Angels Church, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Co- rona del Mar. Joining Haas will be a m. ensemb~ led by the festival's artistic director, Burton Kanon. One June 9, C.al State Fullerton'• Trio Came- ra ta will perform eonataa, cantatas and .onp at the Sherman l.Jbrary & Gardena, 2645 E. C.out High- way, ~ del Mar. 'Phe program will be highlighted by the per· fannal'K'e of the "Coffee Cantata" by Johann Se-buUan s.cb, with guest artiltl tenor Paul Hanna and baritone Christopher Undbloom. A prosram dedicated t.o Spanilh baroque dan- cina. and music wW be featured June 11, at the Sherman Gardena. Art historian Irmell Daenberg will preeent a allde show on architectural styles of the period. . 'The festival will cloee June 13. with a concert featuring the Festival Chorale and Orchestra at St. Michael & All Angels Church. Some of the telec- tiorw perfonned include: Monteverdi'• ''Beatl.la vir," Johann Chriat.oph Bach'• "lch luae dich n.icht" and Vivaldi'• "Gloria." All concerta begin at 8 p.m. Tickets for the 1eriea are $35. nr reeervaUont and lnformaUon call 673-1880. - ----·e> canvas------------------------------~!=--~ . ~ .. Newport Beach ~~~=l~::::::·=:: ~~==~7.=.: l F • I ind then la no edmtwlon charp. and a five-piece mUllcal outfit that wW perform i es tJ Va -grows law:da:: ~ta~U~ ee~=•.ciity ~ "'1ihe8tt:m':1 t":: ~.~':-national - wuw with a cut of the profits IOlnl beck to New-festival.'' .,, By STEVE MARBLE Of ... o.lr,... ...., . Elahteen yean ago, ~ Newport ee.cti City Arts Festival wu hardly anythl.na -oot a festival In fact. it waa little more thari a weekend ou- ting for a handful of arUlta who eet up their eueJa on the lawn in front of the Newport Oty Hall ln- hopes eomeooe might notice them. . Apparently 10meone did notice them and 18 years Jater t.be festival baa been moved, expanded and finally lives up to lta name. The festival, to be ata1ed at Fashion hland Aprll 24 and 25, has been molded Into the city'• number one cultural event and apomors have swept a aamplinl of music, puppet ahowa, comedy and dance into the art lineup. Once mieant for peinten only, the two-day feat .... Ballet Pacifica- From Page 1 fund-raW.na, teaching, artinic direction and cos- tume detlgn -aome. 3,000 costumes for Ballet Padfica performances have beel made by lief. She c.me to \he United State. on a boat from Rualia at the ase of 2, when lier famiJy waa e9Ca- ping t.M revolution-torn country. Her father died of typhoid during the long trip, and she and her mo- ther aettled in Washington. D .C. Durlng her lon1 career u a dancer, ahe per- formed u a member of the Mordkin Ballet and the Ballet Theatre; appeared on the CBS apecial "Balleretta;" organized a USO show that .toured during World War ll; and later mov~ to Hollywood where she performed ln television Q.cl movies. ,•·•ARQAIN MATHl••s * Monday tllrw latwday All Peffonnancff bef0t9 5:00 PM (~ ,,_... ln•1••u11 • tteNlraT .. ,_ .. ~;:oo) ~o:..~~~ ... I .. ~..::.~'='°"Jl ·-:::::;,.., "O& 't ..... I UU9f""' -.-.- IAl'IW'i'1(,' !NllP 'I ( ) I I • ~ .,., .. . • '' ' \ j /. • .,., /, ~ ! ~ 1ATTLa TMICC" ... __ ... ,__, .... .. "OU&aT ,Ofl ,_.. 1•1 --____ ,__, .. port'• dty ans commialion for future f.uvata and Muaic IJ'OUP' from UCI wW linl 1electlon.a ~ cultural eventa. from mu.tcaw, lncludina "Godlpell," "A Chorus ~ ,.. in the put, there will be a juried art oom-Line" and 0.Fame." petition with cash prilel awarded 11ie top artist'• To round out the two-day fell and live lt more ~ wof'k will be dilplayed at a later date lnllde city of a ren.abaance faire flavor, downs, mimef, jug-~ hall. glen and mualclana will wander throuah th e ~ A chUdren'a art competitiorral.:> is ICbeduled crowds. . · and winners will have their creatiom displayed at The featival. expect.ed to draw upward of 10,-i later data at the Fuhlon Ialand shopping mall. 000 penona, ia aponJOred by the city'• arts com-N On Saturday, hourly puppet ahowa will be million and the Fuhlon Ialand Merchants Amoda- ataged for children while the crowcla are enterta.i-lion. .. -...... -•• "" ""'615 -· •Jt IM'°"JU J llOJICI! C*lMHI UMOH 12 fAU! ..... .,, ... __ , ........ :li·S. ""' -·=· .. ~-·.,.,.· Clll-• .,.. ..... •••Clll-......... ~ ..... --• lllft&l1• ..... afl --•• ,. .. ............ ANAHEIM 0111\/i "~ ,_ .... 1-.. 17'-tllO ~ ' .... '~ .... BUENA PARK 0111..,t 1N --- ~ '• .. , . , LINCO LN DPIVE IN l•ftCOlft ,. .. -.. ·-121-4010 ._ °'990 ,,.. OI .._.._ "°I M22411 I' •.• •• • HI WAY 39 .111«1 " QM ..... -nu.::c-·"' .............. C..lflOUMI . . li• .-,ARRA • • " ........ s.. ---Gf-ff-. l91·l6tJ ___ ., __ _ "CHAMOT9 cw,...'"' -·MTNUll" '"' C:..·ft ----"POMY'S""' -.............. "' c.."-- ~~--­~·°"..: ........ .......... .__,__ I .,.,.,...... ... .,. ... , -- •'' ORANGE rJlil'.'t ,. .,,,,,_ Ol I ACM»my Aw_. Including Best Actor -HefiJ" Fendl Best Actress -Klthlrtnt Hep1Min Best Screenplay (Adaption ) -:-n!Z:!. I • 1 ------~--,,~ I IO 1 ~1n~rmi~on~---~-~--~-~-I I l i Laguna Moulton i f es ti val· winner -C By TOM TITUS "-or .. ..,.... .... I. For the aecond 1trat1h t year, the Laguna Moulton Playhoule Ml taken an Ol'taina1 ~y to the Soutllem California COmmunlty ~eater-ie.tlval 1 and walked of1 wtth first prtje. ~ "Click," a two-character drama by Oran1e ~ Coast Collep theater inltrudol' John F~ ~ vailed av« entries from San Dleco. San ij: and J'cmtana. The one-ct play wtth .... lcbael ~ and Emily Wade focwed on a yowic woman held hoN8e bY a d.lltu.rbed ~ man. Scouting theme for Stamp Expo '82 ScouUnc, which Dia blil been a popeJar alb- ject for 1tam119 tbe wcdd" CNS, .. Umne of Stamp Expo '82/South at Anaheim Ccnwntaon c.mter tbis' weekend The Expo, open through 9 toni1ht and tomorrow and through 5 p.m. Sun- • day,.features an ex- tensive display of I scouting memorabi-c lla. stamps and stamp o covera. Alao, there '! are alide ahowa, ap- praleU ol collectiom and lecWrel. The flnt atamp to depict Boy Scou'8 w• lsaed in 1925 by --~ ...... Q" ____ ,. ... -. "EVL ...... ,... .... ............... J'erzacca'a ahow will be aired for the public May 7 and 8 in the Forum Theater on the Festival of An. @">tlndll next door to the playbouM. Lut r,eu, the Moultm WOil-& rei1omJ festival with 'Match Pomt,'' an original by Lacuna author Mary Jane Roberta. • * THREE MORE SHOWS (beslda t.boee 1pot- 1t1hted in Tuetd~y's column2 go on the boards tOIU&bt-M the Huntinatoo ae.ch PlayboUle .<>pena "A \Tiait'to a Small Planet," Saddlebeck Colleae launchea "The l.ma8inarY Invalid" and the Newport Belich Parka. Betimes And Rec:r.don Depertment unvella a sanldaed version of ''GreMe." Art Wlntlow la cl1rectlna "Vlait," the comic tt«y of a liahtaeer from outer lpllCe. Wayne May- berry play. the vltltor, with M.lchael Aquila, Dohn Shaw, Stephanie Erixon, Earl Couaina, Nanci An- denen, !'.ave Wolfe, Nancee Cooper, Xiomara Suro and Ric Dill completina the company. Perfomwv-wuI be £iven Fridays and Sat- urdays at 8:30 for five weeienda at the playbouR, in Huntfnlton Beach'• Seacl.1H VW.,e center on Main Street at Yorktown Avenue. Call 847-4465 for Udtet information.. Mollere'• "Imaginary Invalid" opena a two- weekend run under the direction of H . Wynn Pearce at the M1llion Viejo campus. Perfonnanoes will be given FridJp and Satwdays at 8 and Sun- da}'9 at 3 for two ""eekenda and n!9el'Vatlona are ava1lable at 831-4530. Robert Conrad la directing "Greue" for the Newpqrt players, with Peter Marc and Nancy Herman headlnl the cut of the Fifties mualcal. Performancet are Fridays through Sundays for three weekends at Lincoln School in Corona del Mar, with curtain Umes and ticket information betna d.laperwed at 640-2271. ~tlnulna their reepectlve en,agementa on local 1taaJa are: · -"8e91la Padflt" at Sebutian'a West Dinner Hungary aa put of an eight-stamp llelD.i-postal aet Play~ HO Ave. Pico, San Oemenw (492-9950), produced to ralae funds for varloua Hungarian 1 on stap nightly except Monday. at varytnc curtaJ.rt athletic amodat:iolll and-youth l"O'J.-. timel ~ May 9. HWP.ll' ~ w• the ~ nadon to tum out . -"'P•l1J Caratl" at the Harlequin Dinner' atamps pubJJd%.ln& a worlerSCOut jamboree. That Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana w• a 1933 ~ i.ue let of five values oomme-(979-~11), playlna nlahtly except Monday. at va- maradng the t"ourth World Jamboree N&ed during l"Yinl time1 ~ r.lay G. awnmer 1933 ln Godollo, Hunpry. . -"WM'• • Plnt1" bl:!:!, Irvine c.ommu- nity Theater at Tw1Je ROck wllty Park. on Dwtna the .PMt few de:wlN, domw of nadonl Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive ln Irvine have ~ approximately 2,000 vu1elim of stam119 (557-7297), runn1nc Friday. and Saturdays at 8 p.m. • pertalnlna to ICOUUnc· through May 1 with a matinee Sunda,i:!,P.m. 'Expo'• tribute to Sooutlna includel creation of -"'ne DeU11 Game" by the Viejo tl in limited ed1 Playhou8e at the Forum Tbeeter on the Festival of ~a ve coven, tlon, Art. arounda. Lquna Beach (830-9252), playing will be avallat* at the lhow. Friday. and SatuM&"' throuab April 24. Soouta of all ... will be admitted~ when -"T•e Ro1~f Pamlf7" at the Newport In unifCJrm, to Expo. Adult ticUU are $2.96 while Harbor Actcn Theater, 390 Monte Vl.ata St., c.o.ta edmlerlce for C't-12 throuch 18 .. $1 and for M-(631-5110), on staae Thundayw through Sat.-lllllor dtbenl $1.96. urdays at 8 p.m., Sunday. at 2;30, until April 26. . I -'' _.. ... ~ I I ti ~u~entlyscreening~~~~~~~~~-, A LIMLE llU[: Rated R, atan Tim MathHOn, Kate Cai:iahaw and Edward Hemnann In the aay ol a man who trim 10 be faithful but finda It bard. Tht R rattnc la foc adult •cua.- tiona. TBB IOIU>Ell: Rated B., llCarw Jack Nicholaoo •a dWllu--..S border l\IU'd and Valerie PW'rtne *' h48 lftl!it-:-m9d 1'Ue. Nk:bollan .. briDAlnt • the ~ a.tie SmHh; a.-y Keitel ii taut• hiacarNpt friend and pertnlr. Tht Jl ratl,al ii fat violenae, ... nudlty md Jene!·•· BurraPL Y: Rated B., acara 8'8ey K..m and Pia Zadora In the film Wl1llon ol Jamm M. Caln'• DOftl ol me... Dl.rected by Matt amber from a acrlpt by John Gott and Ombs-. The R rattnc la fat adult 1M111rial. CANNDY llOW: Rated PG,..,. Nk:k Nolte and D1bra .... ,.. ........ II. ... ai.w a.or-.... .nu lnlmd.,,..,,,., .......... the ... .,. -wbo -out to .,_.. the daMb ot hll .U. at the i-. GI__...,,._ a ~--....... EVIL UNDD 1"BE IUN: a...d PO, IClln Pe-. Uldnov. J-Blrldni' SJMa MQill, Jamm 111.amn and a-BAii In Aptbe Oirtlde1. tUt of lllllUlder and inD1CUe-Tht PO ,.., la lot adult .. IUdam. ftlB nD1C11 usl1izNAN'n WOMAN: !Wad a. ..,. Msyl 8CNlp ID the rol9 ol the bMadll'*-IDd bwebi...adnc Ytiftdl u..~ ,._,and ~ !ram. the VldartlD ~ wbo....,.,. .. low and reputdca -blr. Tht . ..... .,,,., ,... ' latlmlt wbb ----Jlot: the modisn de1 ma c:rww ...im.c • _,,.. o1 wn. Frech u.u. temot'a W~" bis J1a own l'OIDllltic ._ md downfaUa wblcb lft _, to ~ and cxmlnlt wtth the Vkeari.m aeq1 ..... n. a ...unc ta fat adult mNAl •...a.. GAU.IPOU: Batad ........... oa.mand M.tl I..•two J'O'IDI AUllrdan lllkMiss wbo ft«bl In the ........ ol WINNER ~y BEST PICTURE Bf.ST ORIOJNAL SCORf -VANOELIS BEST ORIOINAL SC~eN PLAY COLIN weLL.AND BEST COSTUME -MELINA CANONERO :r. : I It . • . -!~~~rent~ screenin~g~~~~-B~al-le~-i-E_o_l~k~lo-r-ic~o ... i JromP~ ll ~ PC>a&Y'a Rated B. ...,. XJm CaanD, Scot Oilamby and ~ !1::t,~ 1n a ta1a ot a..,. lr'Cl"'tnc up. n. a ,..... • &. i QUBIT joa naE: 8a'9d B.11 a look at pnbillklrtc-Ind i ...... _,.... with prim&dYa ....... and ... ol "boct1. 1 -.,.,..,.. ~by mdu~ Dimond Mania. Thi fib =~ and a. Dawn 0-.. Thi B raUac II&. ~ violmct and lllL ~ ~ llA.01111&: Rated PO, II an hlf.e.W&ent ~ YSllion ot E. L. Doctorow'• 197$ DOYel. which we.we hlllorb1 ehancten-Hany 'lbaw, 8&anford White, INelyn Nelblt, J.P. Morpn-lnto the lh.w ol wbat trill YW'/ bard to be.~ Amllrbn f.amll.y. m.beth ~ lfwt. wtnnlnc pedOrmince. the drwny m'1Habtt and Jiowud .1. RoWnl JI cmwnandtl: O.thnlme Walker, a black p&ano player who 11 ..-s tqoo and bureeucratl allb. n. dlnc1iar. lWm l'cnmln. bad. dWlcu.lt talk In CUWnc the epnwlinl book lnto tJJm.....,.. and be11 done , .~job admirably. Thi PO ratlnt ii far nudity and aame vlolmce.' . :YWaaDaa4la Dady' . ' . NEWEST AELEASEl•NOSTALGIA•CONCERTS RELIGIOUS• SPORTS· CHILDRENS• ADULT INCLUDING THESE CLASSIC TITLES SPELLBOUND Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman MISFITS Clark Gable. Marllyn Monroe SOME LIKE IT HOT Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe MILDRED PIERCE J011n Crawf"'d ~Of' TAN9 MO DllC9 TO CMOOel HM* tOPEN: M·F,10-t-IAT,10·1 -IUN,12·1l ONE ITOP FOR All YOUf' VIDEO NEIDS Alk AIOUT OUR EQUtPM!NT "ENTALI ,.1 ........ ,,,,*'-c ... Ml-. t'lll1illtmll lllll "'"' ar .l'fOll • a'.*' AC#fOU nt0M lfAUffl 'GREASED' AND READY -Fran Dreacb.ler playa French and Peter Marc i.s Danny Jn the Newport Beach Parb and Recreation Department's production of "GreHe," which begins this evening at Llncoln Middle School In Corona del Mar ·and rum throu6IJ the next three weekends. Mexicaparl due Ballet Folklortco Mex1capan, fea~bun· dredt of coetwnee. religious and sacred rt and regjonal fiesta dancing wW be held at the Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach April 24. The program" pre9e11ted by Saddleback Col-lese Community Services and tickets, ranctne trom $3 t.o $8, are available at the M'-lon Viejo campus. Embelllahed with more than 200 authentic, coloriul coetwnee. the ballet company conmta of 40 dancers, alngen and musicians. Their repert.olre includes dances of religious and aacred rituals dating to Aztec and pre- Colombian times. Al8o included are regiorial fiesta dances from Yucatan. Chiapas, Puebla,~ Nayarit; Jaliaco, Guerrero, Chihuahua, Sonora, Norteno, Central Mexico and Jaroch Huaateco. The artistic directors of the company have de- dicated themselves to provide a disciplined and exciting ensemble, stressing showmanship, costu- ming, choreographic variety and pacing. For ticket informa tion or.reservations, call 831-4656 Mondays through Fridays, from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 t.o 3 p.m. Tickets !or children are half-priced. For thoee who want a taste of the ballet, but' don't want t.o pay the ticket price, a free picnic program will be preeent.ed beforehand a~;i· on the Festival of Arts grounda in Laguna . The Angels, the performing arts wing ol the Foundation for Saddleback College, are presenting the free program, and villt.on are asked to bring a blanket and picnic basket. VJC1'0ll VICTORIA: Rat.cf PG, •tan Julie Andrewe. Robert . 'Thomas Wilaon, a flamenco guitaNt, will 11ere- Praton and J.,. a.n.-1n 1 comedy about eexual klenUty and nad and will be "-l .. -4 b "olk -i---~ lhow ML Dlracted by Blalre,J'.dwank, who aJeo """* me atpt. e, ,.,...,,,....,. Y 11 ~·~:n. t.o Thi a ,...._ 1a tqr-adWt lltueliolw. • the evening wW be pinatal. atreamen and a . .. Pryor is wonderful! He ts tender, hilarious, thoughtful, eexy. ecared and deadly efflclplt." -&h<-llil ,,,.,_, LOS Al'IOEUS TIMES Libby T ucktt hitchhike:! from Brooklyn' to tw Hollywood by storm. And her fat.Mr by surpriw . I ·~ , . --· .. c..-11 , .. --~ ' 15 ---Diversions~-~----------------...... .--il!~-,, ~ ·' -PLAYS Vista St., C.O.ta Mesa. Performances are Thundays the Cotta Meaa Civic Playhouse on the Orange ~ through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 until County Falrgrounda In Costa Meu. Performancet I April 24. Call 631·5110 for ticket iri.formation. are Thw..:lays ~Saturdays at 8:30 until May • . . "WHO'S ON FIRST?" by El Toro'a Jack Shatkey, a wacky farce, continues for the Irvine Community Theater at Turtle ROclt mmWitty Park, Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive In Ir- vine. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May 1 with Sunday matinees April 18 and May 2 'at 2 p.m. Ticket.a available at the door. Call 557-7297 for infonnation. · · "DA," an award-~ Irish comedy, opens Tuesday at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Curtain time ia 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, 7:30 Sunday and 2:30 for weekend matinees. Reservations 957-4033. 8, with re9el"Vatiom available at 754-5159. 9 "THE DEADLY GAME," a -..pe111e drama by l the Misslon Viejo Playbou., continues at the Fo-'"SEE BOW THEY RUN.," a wild tarce .et in :,, rum Tbeatet on· the Festival of Art.a grouncb on an EniJiab vicara&e. opens tonight at the Newport :i Laguna Canyon Road In Lacuna Beach. Perfor-Theater Art.a Cent.er, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport i rnances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Beach. Curtain ttme is 8 p.m.. Fridayi and Saturdays ~ April 24, with reterVationa taken at 830-9252. throuah May 15 wtth matinees at 4 p.m. May 2 and i 9. Reeervationa 675·8143. "FORTY CAR.ATS," a romantic comedy 1pen--- n1ng the generation pp ia on ata,ge at the Harlequin Dinner Playhoute, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Sant.a Ana. The show will be on at.age nightly except Monday at varyina curtain times throuah May lJ. Call 979-5~11 far tfcbt information. ~ "THE ROY AL FAMILY," a comedy about people in the thea1er a half century ago, ii on stage "WHERE'S CHARLEY?" -the mUlical ver· at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater, 390 Monte alon of the oomecty '10\adey) Aunt." I! on filCe at "VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET," a comedy !" about a visitor from outer apace, opens t.onfgbt at ~ the Huntington Beach PlayhOUle, Main Street at S Yorktown Avenue In the Se.cliff Village shopping N center. Performances are given Fridays and S&tur- days at 8:30 th.rough May 22, with re11ervationa ta- See Divendona, Page 14 ·''Rivals '2001'11nd 'STAR WARS''' -ntll'H6N «:llAUSlt. (JS ..... 'DEATHTRAP "l'lot twt.ta are eveqUttna m D•HB'i"i •• whiCh ta ~hat'll ~abomit?' -Da.sd~•MWBW&IX ".& dy'Uah, aeeq, oat-uMt- mow movte ••• wiUl h11mor, . .,.,..,, tnt;eJJt••--a4 11nmtne>mble ftetr!' · -Jlt.m& M.an. TIU JrnYOBK '!'Dim - .. • ._ .. ,.. nrt: l:tl 1:1111:11 I Diversions--................ ___ _ »om Page 13 "FEELINGsleROUGB ART," a series of ken at 847~. drawino and pel.nt.lno, are oo clilplay in Califomla State Mu.eum of Sclence and lnduttry, Los An-• THE IMAGINARY INVALID," Moliere'• geJes, throuah June 30. Gallery houn are 10 a.m.-5 clilllic a:awdy, opem t.cJnilbt at~ Collete p.m. daily. Admillion ia free. in Kimon Viejo. Perlonnancee are Fridays and · · 8aturclaY1at8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. throuch ORANGE OOUNTY ART ALLIANCE ii lp)ll· April 25. Call Ul~ fO( .tickm. · ~jd11~~~~~ ~REASE," a G-raied \leraon of the popular FulJertcin, and the Heritqe Park Arts ind er..tta Ji'Utiee mUlical, opens fA>n.lgbt for nine performances Bu.lldlng, Itvtne. For lnfonnatloo. call 836-1600. at Lincoln SchoOl in Corona del Mar. Show time9 and play datee may be obtained by ca1linc 640-2271 AN ABT SHOW AND AUCTION ia planned tor 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Laguna Beach Masonic "THE PRUIT OF BER BANDS,"·a play chro-Temple, 680 S. Cout Hieliway, Laguna Beach . the llvet of .everaI Jewiah women. is to be Admlalion ii free. at 8 p.m. Saturday in Fine Arla c.ontert Hall. Irvine. The producdm ii staaed by the New CBJNESE ARTISTS YU-BSUAN AND LIN Artef P!ayen. lnlormation, call 833-6370. CBING·SBIN wW present an exhibit of Chinese bnaab pel.ntinp from 10:30 a.m. Co 4 p.m. Sunday at .. GREASE," the hit muaical foc\W.ns on the Sherman lJbrary and Gardena. Corona del Mar. '501, open• tont1ht at Lincoln Middle School, ---· Corona clel Mar, for three weelcenda. PHOTOGRAPHS BY IMOGENE CUNNING- -A .• T----------Bill go on diaplsy April 24 at Susan Spirtua Gal-lery, 3336 Via Udo, Newport Beach. AN OPEN FINE ABT EXBIBmON, pre9e11t. "PHOTO WOllU,'' phoio,rapha by current eel by the Tora.na Art Le-.ue and Bree Art Aao-and former memben of Orange Cout Colle&e'a clatJon, opena Wednesday ln Brea Civic Centet Photography Department faciilty, I.a on Cllaptay Gtilery, One Ovk: Center Circle, Bra. Show coo-through April 18 in the OCC Art Gallery, Coeta tinuel th.rouch May 21. Me.a. Admlllion la 50 oenta. Gallery houn are 10 a.m. ... m. weekdaYI and even.lno by appointment WUPE LJNa" by Diane Elmes, operi. Monday which can be made by calling $5982. in Gugenhelm and Uritatn Gallerie9, Chapman = T~· ~~ ~. 0ranae. Show continue. ' -DANCE---------- A llECEPTION FEATUlllNG TBBLMA D& · A SOUAllB DANCE l'ESllVAL .la ~~ GOEDE SMITH, a a in apec1ral color ab-Saturday and Sunday at Knott'• Berry Farm, atncta. la at 7:30 t at.Fullet1.on CoDep &me Buena Park. hatured will be celebrity c:aJJen Naie and Fine Ana 321 E. O\apma A~. Ad-SU. and C.O., Guen from Tu., Mike Sikonky ~ 1a fne. Ma. th'• WOfb will be hunc tblt and Al Dietrich of California IDd round-dance cuen M~ throu1h Thunday. Information, call J-and May S • 1 rn and Bob and Edna Faudree. 871 • Ext. 323--4. See Dlwniom, ~ 16 '!'9 Di:Versions ·-- horn Page 14 ~MUSIC·-----~-- CHAPMAN COLLEGE SYMPHONY ORCHE- STRA performs in concert at 4 p.m. Sunday ln Chapman Auditorium. 333 N. Gluaell St., Orange. Adrru.ion ls $2. . ORANGE COUNTY YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA performs at 4 p.m. ~5 In Chapman CoUeae Auditorium. 333 N. St., Orange. Admililon la $2. VIOLINIST DEBORAH SMITH performs In concert at 8 tonight ln Bert.ea Hall. Chapman Col- lege, 333 N. Gia.ell St., Orange. Admilsion la free. IA73. PIANIST ~ PETERSON perionm ln concert at 8 p.m. Saturday ln Plummer Audito- rium, Fullerton Colleae. Ticketa are $10, $12 and $15. Information, call lr71-8000, Ext. 252. NEW YORK STRING QUAR.TET performs 3 p.m. Sunday and 8:30 p.m. Tuetday, ln F.lne Arts VWaie Theater, UC Irvine. Concert.a abo are..tche-- duled April 2!i and 28. Tickets are $10. InfonnaUon, call 833-6379. SILLY WIZARD will perform traditional and contemporary Scottish music ln UO Irvine's Flne Arts Village Theater at 8 p .m. Sunday. General admiasion ls "· · "TO RICHARD RODGERS WITH LOVE," a presentation by the Yoi.ana Americana, is set through May 2 In Bre~ Civic Cultural Center 'n\eater. InformaUon. call 990-7722 from Noon to 5 p.m. dally. RAY CHARLES ls to perform at 7 and 9 p.m. Monday at the Crazy Hone Saloon Theater, Sant.a Ana. Doug Kershaw ia acheduled April 25 and Rodney Crowell with The Rfden ln the Sky on April.26. . GUITAIUIT MICllAEL IOZUBD prelel'&tl a t.culty recital at 8 toniOt in Fine Artl Recital Hall. Cypresa Co.U., 9200 '9'alley View St., Cypreea. BAROQUE MUSIC, DANCE AND ARCBl4 TECl'UIU!! are to be featured at the M!COnd annual Onna de1 Mm' Baroque MUlic V.Uval June 6-13. .... . 15 l -~· ' J i ~ --! -p. -I ~ .... I • ~ • i f "" f J . ,. 1£WfOlt 1uc1 OIL 1 1oo's + 100's of TV & Video Units Manufacturers Reps On Hand ourinQ lhls Fantastic Event .. , % we Have Empt\ed our warehouse ot 100's OI Odd Lot items-Some one OI A Kind ManY St\\\ \n f actorf C,artons Hurf'/ 3 oays onlY 1st come 1st s_erve MOTHlllG HILD •• ca· We Must Make ROOin fOf New Stock '-- . NoW ArrJvlng-Casll-term11-8 ot A-Visa-MC \ : , \ .. 11m11111 a1111111111111111 , FAID A Y A PJllL If, I'•<>:.? I ) H I\ N ( If ' ' ) u N ' '( ( J\ l I H ) H N 11\ ;' c, cf N T ~ , New MacDonald ·evidence J'AYl!TI'EVILLE, N.C. (AP) -New evidence ln the murder CMe aaa1nlt fonner Green Beret Dr. Jelfrey MacDonald of Hunt,. in1ton Harbouf hat orompted the J'BI to reetart a .rthorouah" lnvestlption. a U.S. Justice De- partmen t official cQllfirmed Thunday. The Fayetteville Times repor- ted In a copyrl1ht atory today that the evidence WU offered by Mac0ooa1d11 private investiptor, former FBI aaent Ted L. "Oun- denon wbo wu hired by Mac-Donald'• friend. in January of 1980. Gundenon laJd the evidence II contained ln an l,lOO-pa1e ln- vnt11at1ve report 1ubmitted to JUIUce Department offidala,lut yeu and.apin to the FBI March 19. Brim Munqh, the aupervi· l1na JUltlce Depertment attorney in the cue, confirmed that the FBI hM been lnvesUotlna Gun- denon's report llDce )\me, 1981. MacDonald wu convicted in 1979 ln ~ of murderina h1I wife Colette, 24, and two dauahten, Kimberly, e, and Krilten, 3, at ron ... ln 1970. The convkUona were overtumed ln December of 1980 by the Fourth Clrcult Court of Appeala. which ruled that his r11Fit to a speedy trial bad been violated. But that decUiorl WM overt:ul'·. ned last month by the U.S . Su- preme Court, which ruled that MacDonald'• speedy trial rights lltd not been vl61ated. MacDonald ls now in federal custody until his next appeal ls heud. Murta1h uld he ordered the ,-SI to inveltipte the Ca.e 0n the ba1l1 of Items mentioned in Gundel"IOll'• report 1ut June, al- tbou1h be pencmally .!eel.I the report ls not proof of MacDo- nald'• lnnocence. "I eee nothlnl in tbe report to (See DOCTOR. Paae A%) * * * HB vessel - -··offered ·as refuge ~·Evidence by FBI credited By JEFF ADLER or .. o..,,......,. A Huntinston Beach ma,n who uys he fe.ell 1e>rry for the akipper of the ullboat that ran aground off Capiltrano Beach early Mon- day morning haa offered hia own boat aa a temporary refup. "I sort of feel 1orry for the IUY," explained Vern Feeney, an enstneer with McDonnell Dou-&laa Aircraft. "And I don't uae ihe boaL" Feeney said he baa been t:rylng to contact 68-year-old Steve Moore linoe he read newspaper account• of how Moote'• sole ~ion. hla hand-built ferro-, cement ullboat, waa breaking up on Caplatrano Beach. He uid he would like tO offer Moon the chance to live on hll boat in return for .Up feea and aorne--matntenanCe. Allo, Moore might be able to work out pun:haee of the boat, Feeney uid. Moore'• sloop, ''Edith'• Trip," ran aground when Moore became oonfUled by Dana Point'• harbor U1hts and believed be wu off Marina del Rey. He and hia 24-year-old daughter, Cry1tal, were on a shakedown cruise before em- barking on a trip to Hawail. Prior to the slx~y-ahakedown cruiae, Moore had lived on his boat for five yean at a 8-rl Diego ~· Since the boat hu been bea- ched. Moore bu been Wlable to ulvaae the hulk becau.e be can- not afford the COit. The Dana Point Harbor Patrol, meanwhile, ls preparlns to re- move the boat from the beach and bill Moore foe the cost. Since the seven-ton boat ran aaround, the surf baa taken its toll and not much ls left for ul· W(e, according to a harbor petrol spokeswoman. Special Olympics meeting Tuesday Parents who are interested in enn>lllng their Mndlcapped chil- dren in the Special Olympic• pl'Oll'UJl C8ft attend a free lnfor. matlonal me,etin1 Tuetday at Wlntenburg Guidance C.enter, 17200 .Goldenwest St., Hunti:ne-• ton Beilch. The meettnc. ~by the Wintenbur1 PTO Jl:OUp, wUl be1ln at 7 p .m. in the multl- purpcm ~ ... WORLD 0.., .......... "'.,., ....,_ HAND TREK -Bob Weiland, whoee legs were blown off in Vietnam. P1am to walk on ht8 handa from Los Angeles to JacbonvUle, Fla. rrek by hand Legless ma!! to cross country By STEVE TRIPOLI Of'hO.., ......... In recent year1 ..,_mericana have tested their akilll and en- durance by Cl'OlliJlg the country on foot, by bicycle, in helium balloons and even on roller skates. But it'a doubtful that anyone bu even.considered -much ie. attempted -the crouing that Bob Wieland expect.a to embark on later this month. Wieland plan• to waJk from Loa Angeles to Jack1onville, Florida in 14 month• on hia bands. He appears supremely confi· dent that he can do it. Wieland, 36, has let little stand in bJs way in Ute, espec:ially aince both of h11 lep were blown off in Vietnam in 1969. Thia challenge has lpedal llg- nWcanoet for Wieland. He hopes the "walk" will rat.e money to help abuled and dlAbJed )'O'lth; he vlew1 it u a personal and athletic ~pliahment, and he . says it will be teatlmony to his Christian faith. . 'rhough people may be moved to pity by Wieland's oonditloti. he refu.es to refer to it u a diabl-litr, and says he baa been lucky. 'I appreciate the bie.inp that have been bestowed on me, and I just want to share them," he says. . Wieland says he ls ready to start the trip Jl.Dytlme, but that the problems of setting up a 1upport team and the publicity hil plans have 1enerated have led to five po1tponementa aince February. Trainlna for the challenge baa taken two fonm. Since hil injury Wieland has built up his body through wei&~t training. He's abo been Walkinl between one and 10 m.llel a day on hil hands tor the peat year. He'1 not jO.st another wet1ht lifter. He wu a national cham- pion power lifter and world re- cord bolder in his cl.all in 1977. (See w~ PqeA!) COUNT Y Israelis Jcill 2 teens TEL A VIV, llrMl (AP) -Two Arab teen.~ were abot to deeth end 16 other riota'I wounded by -...i ..... today in tbe ... &pied a.. 8trtp wt the We.t Bak of the Jordan. the military CQi•~ IUd. I NATION ST/\TC An attorney for Huntington Harbour phyaidan Jeffrey Mac· Donald •peculated today that varying blt1 of evidence may have caUled the FBI to resume an lnveatl1ation int~ the tamed murder cue. -...... ~·::..!? ~~f;;g .~µW=3!' at the University of Pennaylva- nla, said the evidence into the 1970 1layi.ngJ had been uncove- red by former FBI agent Ted Guodenon. According to Spritzer, Gun- denon cla1med that evidence at the a:ene of the 1970 alayinp of MacDonald's pregnant wife 84d. two young daughters wu not J>rC?_perly preeerved. Spritzer al.lo aatd that Gun- denon's 1,100-~ invtstiptive report also involved Helene Sioeddey, an alleged wltnem to the llaytnp. Accord1na to -Gundenon'• re- port, the Stoeckley woman had claimed to be a pertidpent at the · slayill,I• in Fort Bragg, N.C., where MacDonald wu a doctor with the Green Berets. Spritzer claimed that her de- acrlptlon of one of the alle1ed klllers matched the dHCrlption given to investigators by MacDo- nald. . Spritr.er abo claimed that Ms. Stoecltley had siven additional information about the slaying• outside the court. He said, however, that ahe claimed she had blacked out at MacDonald's trial and had no praent recollection of the case. · The court then excluded the ac:lm1alon1 she made outside of court, aid Spritzlel'. Gundenon WM unavailable for ocmmenL Spritzer al.lo ls aeekin1 Mac- Donald'• releue from Tennlnal Island federal prison, claiming that a district Judie had impro- perly revoked bail 1-Jed t>Y the 4th circuit court of apJ#eal in Ricb.OlOnd,VL MacDonald had been free on ball since December of 1980 when the appeall court ruled that hl1 n.ht to a 1peedy trial bad been vfolated. But that dedlion • overtur- ned 1ut month the U.S. Su- preme Court wbl reinstated MacDonald'• con MacDonald wu an emerpncy room physldan at St. Mary me- dical center prior to hll lllftSt at hi• Huntlnston Hubour home Man:h 31. DlllJ N9t .... ,,....., ~ .... GRADUATION RITES -Carl Sevelln of Huntington Beach ·. ~~ujiag.1c-UIW 'wrt~ ~glass"-whtle-·standing--in­ middJe of 1,600 balloons. The celebration was held at the couple's hair salon in Huntington Beach. The 1,600 balloons represent 1,600 hours of study by 5evelfn at Golden West College's echool of cosmetology. Venomous bite 'Spider lt;1dy' had memorable holiday BY ROBERT BARUR or .. o..,,... ..... Diane Reed'• nlahtmare bepn about 10 days before Ch.ristmu last year when ahe brou1ht a Chriatmu tree home in Hunt- ington Beach for the holidays. She ahook it out and trimmed it and di~ the usual thln11 to make it ~tty. • That night she experimced a "prickly, aticky" senaation and noticed two tiny dots on the left aide of her boeom. · She suffered from a lot of it- ~ the next few days and the two little dots didn't go away. What she didn't know -and neither did the nine doctors that she vislted -WU that lhe bad been bitten by a deadly brown· rech.-lpider. One doctor told her, she aid, that 1he 1uffered from a breut dl.aeale and that her chances of IW'Vival were not aoOO· One told her ahe needed sur- gery. Others thou1ht she had .evere allergic reactions. She took 19 different pre- ICrlpttons and none did any good. "1 sot to calling it a $100 disease. It cost me a $100 blll every time I turned around," Ms. Reed U)"I. "It dawned on me that medi- cine WU not an ex.act s:ience. I wu getting wone and I had to rely on my own iNt1ncta to find out what wu wrona. "I had a swollen breast, no leeJJ.ng in my leg and I WM in Iota -of pein." 1'akln1 mattera ln ber own hand11 Ms. Reed , a former · Huntin1ton ~ach newspaper editor and 1ometlme political INDEX At Your Servb A4 L.M. Boyd A6 """'"-06-7 C.alifanda A& Cavalmde .. B2 0 ntfled Dl-8 C-omlel -Be ~ •. DlethN~ B7 Bllllmtal M ...... mtW..andir ~ ... • SPORTS . .,.., ............. MISS MUFFETT -Diane · Jteed of Huntington Beach ii recovering from potentially deadly bite by a spider. consultant, wmt to .ee a derma- t.o~ took ooe look at my~ and must have recoanlzed the venom. He asked me If I kept snaltea." Ms. Reed was then sent to a doct« at Scrip.-Institute in La Jolla. "He told me that I had beeJl bitten by a brown recluse •)*Ser• that he'd bet hil Ufe on it.' Ma. Reed, 40, the creaUve di· rector at a •vin&I ~ loan firm (See SPIDEil, Pace .U) ... \ • ' WALK ON H~NDS • • • dispuJes Sills Employee handling before athlttlc offlctalt decided he abouldn't be allowed to com· pete for phy1lcal and t.chnlcal Beln1 banned from compeU· Uon, plua .everal other lnddente •that occurrejl 1oon after, put . Whtland on the road to hh cro.-country Spirit of America Walle'. . "I had to figure out wtat to do with myMlf, flrat of all. About that Ume I uw a t.elevilion •pe. dal on Terry Fox (the c.n.d1an cancer vkUm wtth a wooden lea who ran am. Canada). ''Then one day I wu training in Puadena and I got the \houtht to do a lap on the track on my h.anda. ''Of coune, the Lord lmPft91ed it on my heart, too," Wieland uid. Meanwhile, he also 1pent 1ix Yt!&n aa a 1t.ref\l\h and fi~bWty " Ooich at Cal State University ln Loi An1elH. In 1977 he al10 1tarted Strive for Succe11, a fundral1ln1, motivational and fltn111 Urm tbat becarM larc• enouah to force him to abMdon hit work at Cel State lilt y.er. 8omt corpora• IUpport for tho walk already hu been llned up, but Wieland and h1I beckert are look.lna for more and for 1Upport from lndMduall, too. "l\'1 aolna to be the ultimate pbyllcal anCl mental tett," aald Wieland, who plant to cover between five and 10 mile. a day ln a 1pedally desianed lult. Wieland h.u appeared on the Orange C.OUt 1everal tlmee rec- ently to talk about the trip, l'llOll recently at Caplltrano commu- nity Church In San Juan Capi- strano. ''I want people to reallr.e that Bob Wieland is not 1pectacular, but that J~ Chriat hu shown hit strength," he said. BY l"R&DBRlc& ICBOEMBBL or-....,,... .... AIMmblyman Nolan nua.u. .. id today ••there ii no bull In fact" to a clabn that he hat vlo· lated •1afe l&WI on campaip e~ peNe d1eclolurt. 'nit charp WM lodied 'nlun- Haig tells bid on islands ~Y by.Irvlnt Mayor David 81Ut. l'rilleU.'1 opponent UHhe June 8 primary election for the Repu· blican Party nomination tn the reapportioned 89th Alltmbly di· 1~rlct. The dlatrtct tncompulft much of the central Oran1e Cout. Slllf produced aopl• of cam· paJan expenae diacl0ture forma 1ubmitted by Frlntlle for a 1-i-month period wh.lch he clal· med did not comply with 1tate dilcJosure law.. Spedfk:ally, SW. aaJd FriDelle wu not iteml.zlni certain expen- diturel ln ~ of *100. Sllh al.to produced a copy of a letter to the state )'air PoUUcal Practices Cornm.luion In which BUENOS AIRES, Araentina he uked that "appropriate ac-(AP) -Secretary of State Ale-._a.._ . ..:_ xander M. Hail Jr. delivered a tlon" be~· ln uie matter. JneMaP from Pretident Reeaan "~ readt the law apparently to Argentine Prelldent Leololdo quite differently than my seminar at GWC · A teminar on how to dllcl· pllne employee• whlJe avol· din8 lesal ritlu wW be held Safurday at Golden We1t College ln Huntington .ee.ch. The 1e11ion wlll be con· ducted from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ln Health Science Room 117. The proaram will focus on •The Untouchable•, a north Hunlinaton Beech toe· • cer team foe l>oy1 under 12 years of age, haa won the south 1982 atate cup ln Tor- rance. The team will be going to Vlaalia May 8 to play for the at.ate cup championahJp. aettlns and enforclns realilt.lc work 11tandard1, appralllna performance and followln1 corr«'t leaal steps for d11m11- lln1 an employee. Reptratlon fee la $20. For more Information, call tht college at 891·3991. / Members of the team are Jolla Apottle, Laace Barter, Rodaey Barker, Darla Pltll· man, Brlaa Glullaao, Scou Holt, Mlclaael Lapper, Ryu Lee, Jeff Myen, Maril Roo· ten, Michael Sandel, Jlm Ut· tick, Scott Volk and Jeff ZJ .. ko. ·DOCTOR INVESTIGATED • • Galtlerl today in a bid to avert attorney," Frlzzelle responded war over the Falkland lalandl. today. "The FPPC goes over theee thino all the time. They've An Argentine diplomat ex-never aalcf to do anythlna diffe- change my mind about the cor- rectnell of the 1979 Jury verdict," be aald. "Mr. Gunderion wanta the government to throw in the towel becaUle of a four volwne report. But lt'1 not going to ha " cgh aaid the report WU firat given to th~ U.S. tolidtor general In February 1981 and ~entually wu forwarded to hi.I own office. But be aid he did not uk the FBI to look lnto the caae until June of last year, aft.er the gov~rnment had made up lta mind to aak the Supreme Court to review the cue. ~el\her he nor Gunderson, who would comment only briefly on the report. identified the new evidence in the report which prompted the inveatigaUon. M\.IJ'1a8h aald he wu not awa- re of what the Marcil 19 report to the FBI contained, but be1Je.ved it waa the aame report that waa given to the Justice Deputment fut year. Gundenon did not aay why he had aubmitted the RCOnd report. ~reaed optlmiml over the latest t1 renuy. tlatlve. ..He th1nka it should be broken Haig, accompanied by 1pecial down 1n more detail. 'That'• h1a envoy Vernon Walters. met with lnterpre1ation. Neither my attor- Galtlerl and Foreign Mini1ter ney nor I acree." Friaelle aai.d. Nlcanor Coeta Mendez, then d.ro-SW. cont.ended that Friu.elle ve to the Foreign Mlniltry for wa1 circumventing the law by more tallu wtth c.o.ta Mendez. lumPlna many expeonaee tocether Haig made no comment to re-a n d -111 t ( n I t h e m a 1 porters waiting at Government "miacellaneou1 campaign Houae and the Foreign Minlatry, expen9e11 '' but an Argentine dlplom.at re-The fonm showed that tome marked to a local radio ttatlon Items lnvolved amounts of $2,4~3. that "yesterday I wu pewimistic, '890 and $728. SW. aald the law but today I'm optimistic" about requlrel any amount greater than the outcome of the tallu. $100 must be u.t.ed separately. •Directors of the Publk Cable 1relevi1ion Authority (PCTA) have designated Ca- ble Channel 6 aa the official public safety and emergency channel In tbe West Orange County aJ"ea. PCT A dlrectora 1et uide the uae of the channel for law enforcement, fire, paramedic and civil defen se u~e tn Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley. We stmins ter and Stanton Radio stallon K.EZY is the offic ial rad io st a tio n for emergency 11tuaUons. SPIDER BITE; .. Presldentlfl pres• secretary He aald that Friaelle, by not Rodolfo Baltierre:z told report.en givin& the breakdowna. wu con· that the talk• at Government ceallng what thtl coat.a were ac- 8 ·teachers enter not guilty pleas ln NewpOrt Beach, aa1d lhe WM given a very powerful medld.ne that ii a derivatlve of cortiJlone. "Within 24 hours I began to feel better." Now, about four montha later, Ma. Reed still U8el a cane becaU9e her left leg ii partially paralyzed. She faces skin graf\1 on va- rioul parU of her body and 1he must be w~ away from the pawerful medicine. • During htt-wont times, 1he aaJd she ,at licker and licker u the pol1on 1pread through her bloodstream, atlac:klng the walb of her blood cella. She aid the blood tupply w• 1hut off close to the iurface, causing areas of the lkin to die. ln looking back on her trou- bles. Ma. Reed aald that an I.rank thina about her attacker la that the recluse spider llkea to b ide and doesn't usually bite unlea disturbed or threatened. "It proba6!y came into the h:>UR on the Christmu tree and fell lnto my clothing. "I did reeearch on my enemy and found that it la about the me of a dime. It also 11 called the vtolln or fiddler =·der becaue It h.u a darker mar . on it.a head that loolu like a vio . "They are mostly found in auch placel u Arka.nau, Miseou- ri, Iowa and Arizona. There's not many ln c.allfomia." Ml. Reed, who 1ays 1he'1 been called spider woman and Miu Muffett by friends, declarft ahe'1 oul te lucky to be al1 ve. · "II I were a 98-pound weak· ling, I would have been dead. "But by havinl extra poundl, the venom becomes more diaper-* over the body. "l w• told that being a large lady probably 1aved mv life. "What do-they aay in the wo-men'• depertnwmt? -large and lovely." Houae had been "frank and tually for. uaeful." He aaid Haig delivered a SW. u.ld he wu not judging F.ight Orange Cou.nty teachers me-.age from Reagan to Galtierl. the approprlatene11 or the ex--lbrfrotu ooutal 1chooh:UstrlcU The memage, contents of which penditww. -have pleaded lnnooent to mt. were not revealed, wu drawn up "All I'm aayina 11 'let'• have demeanor grand theft charaes following a Thunday telephone d.l.llclosure'." which allege that they received convenatlon between the two SW. aald he oonsldered about aalary increalet ba.,cl on college presidents. $14,000 in campaign expenditu-OOW'9e9 they never took. In the telephone conversation, rea to have been mhreported. Galtleri "reaffirmed ... bil "How do you apend $14,000 ln During arraignment procee- penonal desire for a peaceful campaign expendlturet ln a yNr dings Tbuuday In Central resol u tlon to the dl1pu te," the ln wh.lcb there la no campalln?'' 0ranp County Municipal Court, White Houae said. Galtieri al.lo Friz:z.elle aClCWled SW. of try1.Jl8 attome')'I repreeenU.,, the eight uked Reagan to keep in mind to "create" an election luue be-t.eachen entered pleu on their that the United States fought cal.lie, the .-.emblyman a11erted, cllept.a' behalf. None of the tea- agalnat coloniall1m In 1776 to no other i.ue. exist. chen wu p19e11t. achieve Independence, and that SW. uld Thursday there are 'lbo9e wbo are charaed with a Argentina did the aame in the other 1-u'el, such u the oounty'1 single mi1demeanor count of next century "and completed the pnmi.ng ~tion problems JEtand theft are Cbarlel Merrill, ~in li82" by retaJcina the and Frluelle 1 vote u a Repu-!'fancy Metrlll and Kenneth Fa.lk.la.nd lal.anda tluat Britain had bllcan to back Willle Brown, a Owen of the NewporhMeaa held 149 yun. San Francllco Democrat, u /u-Unified School District; Jean Hl&h School; David A. Elecelri, Caplltrano Unified; Suaan Haren. Saddleback Valley; Marilyn Harmon, Tu1tln Unified a nd Hubert Dew10n, formerly of the North Ora.nae County Communl· ty College OS.trict. The e ight instructors were charged with the 'rand theft counts following an investigation that beaan In Los Angeles County. where 43 teachens were aimilarly charged. ~ Deputy District Attorney Ri- chard Toohey aaid the Orange County teachers, if convicted, could be fined $1 .000 and serve one year in jail. Additionally, they could lose their teaching . cred.entlala. A pre-trial confe rence was Reaaan telephoned the Ar-. aembly apeaker. Croa, Huntington Beach Union genLlne president April 2 to ti)' to ---=--=-----------=:.:..:..::.:..:....:..:....::.....;__...!:.. ________________ _ acheduled for May 17. get h1m to call oU the tebure of the BritUh colony, but the lnva- llon force WM a.lttady en route. and Galtleri would not order It back. Coaatal 801t1rt 0'11 expect •outh· wwtq wind• et 10 to 18 knOt• 8eturd1y •nd tight 1rw1 v1rlebll br11ze1 Other llmH. So\411'1· ~ .... wlll be runnll\a 2 to 4 1 .. 1 with 2-to a..1001 wl'nd ........ "FAMOUS NAMES AT FAllULOUS PRICES' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .... ,. .. , Cffi!l ..... .. ~ <•'" ··-~ -=== .. \"-••·. ,. ........... o........ • amim ---=== IO 41 05 ee 61 02 92 81 M 70 .01 57 41 eo " 79 42 07 94 H 79 84 OI .. '14 1.03 ee aa 94 H 76 50 48 30 50 37 .24 54 33 112 27 117 29 H 71 49 H .02 13 74 13 .... u ea a il7 13 t7 44 ,. 80 " 17 ... a ee 13 49 .. 7~ 17 ... 94 .. CM.l'OMA ~ 1347 llyttw .. lurtlll ... 40 F..nc> 11 .Q LMOllW " 42 ~ :~ • lllf 111111 1 58 13 81 ... 83 38 ... 40 82 5e 81 41 58 SI ea ae 117 4t 71 44 82 84 42 13 11 11 68 115 II .. 84 62 87 63 73 ... 112 ae 81 .. 84 6f '2 " " r: a M IO 4t t1 ... .. 13 .. ... 47 11 ·Exteruled forecmt IOUTHlhN OALl'O"NIA OOAITA~ AND MOUNTAIN AMAi -,,,,, llMt ...... ...... ....., Md ¥lltr ... • '° n 111C1 lo•• o to II, Hl1h• ot lllOl#lteln reeot1 lft9ll N to II Md .... llto41. ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-- MANAGER'S SPECIAL . GIVI YOU• OLD PATIO IU•NITU•l THAT Nnv LOOK. We Restore And Repair All Brands, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New' Condition For A Fraction Of Orlglnal Cost. LUMONT 100 • 42" Table •All Weather • 4 Chairs Alum~inum NOW S269·v a ·etail $428 MATCHING CHAISE Retail $188 ,129 TllPITllE oam11 • 42" sq. round reg. $1042 Sale :&.. .. ~"1::'.""ChalM reg. $378 Sale s249oo llAPCADA IWlllGI , . u~ · DRIVER MOURNS -Mourning the slaying The girl, Shannah Wicklund, her mother Re- of the 8-year-old girl she usually picked up in nae, 31 , and neighbor Barbara Hendrickson Clearwater, Wash., school bus driver Lolly ·were found ala1n Wedneeday evening. Knut.en ii comforted by a student passenger. ' millu~rnrn • t Ora~ Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 18, 1982 H/F ' . Israel to quit Sinai? N~gotiator~ optimistic despite disp utes By TM Alt0elaled Prete who la al.lo qu~n of Canada, and ffi&h-level netotiaton ahuttled her huaband, Prince PhWp, ani- between Jeruulem and Cairo few ved 11lunday afternoon for the the MCOnd day today, expretaina delivery to the former North optimilm larael will quit the SI-AmerJcan colony of complete nai ne.ert u .:heduled on April control over ita const.ltution, now 2~ detplt.e lut-minut.e dilputes. equJpped with a charter of rtghta In the Sinai town of Yamit, Ia-and ff'ffdoma. The royal couple'• raeli extremiltt who re(uH to echedule today included lunch leave threw two tlrebombe et Ia-with Prime Minister Pierre El- raell tl"ooJ>9 that injured no one, liott Trudeau, a televl1ed gala but the extrem.iau at.amped on perf9rmance -by Canadian at.an the fingen of one toldier, lavl and a dinner for the Canadlan radio said. • -Achievers, an organization of OTl'AWA (Al>) -Queen Eli- zabeth II 1ays she la saddened becauae Quebec la oppoeed to the Canadian conatllution 1he will proclalm Saturday b~t ho the new charter "will be for all of C.anada." The Sri monarch, outatandlng young people. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Grenade ex plo1lons and machine-gun Ure today punctu- red a Syrian-monitored truce between Moslem factiona. Police aaid at least le'Ven fighters were killed and nine wounded. To- day's cuualtiee bnJuaht the toll ln Lebanon'• worst factional ftaht.lng thia year to 59 dead and 149 wounded in the paat four days. A police apok.aman aa1d the Lighting broke out in the Bou.th el-Barajneh dlatrict on the eou- thern edae of Beirut at mid- morning. 11le dead and wounded w ere members of leftl1t and Shiite MOllem mllltlaa ambushed by the other side. Townspeople angry over loss tO Cult BEIRUT', i,ebaaoa (AP) - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini'• force1 here killed or wounded more than 125 Kurdish ~bell ln northwett.em Iran 1n a renewal of fighting between the revolUr tl o nary r~glme and the autonomy-seeking tribelmen, the offidal Iranian newt agency Ima reported. Ima said more than 100 members o f "U .S .-in1pired splinter groups'' were killed or w ounded ln cluhes near the K'Urdlsh town of Mahabad, and more than 25 Kurdish rebel.a were killed in oth er villages in the region. Kurdlth tribesmen, mountain warrior. for genera- tions, have fought agaln1t tbe central Tehran government for decades. ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) - Townspeople who had hoped to diaaolve their government to keep lt out of the hands of an Indian guru's followers have been outvo"ted, •nd the mayor and City Council are devastated. "We who have lived here a long time have lost our homes," Mayor Margaret Hill said aft.er the proposal to dlsincorporat~ failed Thursday by a vote of 55-42. "~of now, our hemes are worth nothing." But election of- flgala challenged 70 bellots from voters who registered or changed residence within the put 30 days. That meana voten would have to go to circu.lt court to defend their realdencles if the election la contested. DETROIT (AP) -Stroh Bre- wery Co. and Joa. Schlitz Bre- wtna Co. have ended a 2 ~-week battle for control of Schlitz by announcing a merger that leu Stroh take over the larger com- pany and vault into thfrd place among the nation's brewers. Schlitz, whoee saJea have decli- ned, reponed a net U.. of $20.6 million in 1981 and had been under pressure from atockholden to improve earnin1•. It bad op- posed a merger with the priva- tely owned bre wing company, calling its offer "deceptive and manipulative," but ~ a.ft.er Stroh lnaea8ed its ofler and the Wisconsin securities commisaio- ner 1tepped into the case. EAST CHICAGO. lad. (AF) - Relcue workers pulled the bodies of all but one ol 12 oonatruction workers from the collapsed, ' twisted wreckage of an unfi- nished hi1hway bridge -but the last body was entombed in a pillar of freshly hardened con- crete. The accident left 17 con- 1t.ruction worken injured in ad- dition to the dozen killed. Offi- ciala planned to free the lait body today and continue eearching for others, although they say all 75 men who hadbeen working at the site have been 8CICOunted for. Some' who were working below the bridge Thursday morning were crushed by falling st.eel and concrete; others who were on the &O·foot high bridg~ died when they were catapulted through the air. DETROIT (AP) -Unite d Auto Workers union President Douglas A. Fraser and General Moton Corp. Chairm.an Roger B. Smith signed a historic conces- 110111 contract today that is de- ligned to pump new We Into the nation'• largest auto company. The pact, which went in effect Monday, was signed at the bar- gaining table on the fifth floor of OM h-eadquarters where the union and the company struggled ln two sets of negotiations over 10 weeka. "As the yean pass, people will look back on March 21, 1982 (the date the tentative agreement wu reached), and say it was the beginning of greater job l«Urity ' for GM workers," said Ff'aaer. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Johnson & Johnaon officials say they will appeal a federal judfe's ruling denyins them retrial o an antitrust and fraud suit. The company wa.a aocU88d of buying and then stifling a am.all firm that manufactured an electron ic painkilling device which could have cut into sales of pills such as "Tylenol," manufactured by Johnson & Johnaon. BLOOMINGTON, Incl (AP) - A couple who let their teVerely retarded infant dle want to be alone "to live with their declaion," one of their lawyers saya. The baby, identified by au- thorities only as "Infant Doe," died Thuraday night aft.er living for le11 than a week as a legal fight to aave him was about to reach the U.S. Supreme Court. The parenta detjded to forego an operation to repair a deformity of the esophagus which prevented nourishment from reaching the child's stomach . They ordered food withheld. and the Indiana Supreme Court upheld their de- cision on Wedneeday. SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) -A massive investigation that began nearly three years ago with little more evidence than the ·bo dy o f a federal judge sprawled in a driveway has re- sulted ln murder charges against a convicted hitman and a West Texas narcotics kingpin. ANKARA , Tarkey (AP) - Preliminary findings suggest that a serious engine malfunction caused the cra1h of a U.S. Air Force C-130 transport plane in eastern Turkey, killing all 27 Americans aboard, an official source &aid today. "It might have been engine trouble, one of the engines might nave been drop- ped off," the source told The Aaaociated Prea. But the C-130 aircraft has four engines and can still function when one breaka down . Search suspended ·ror 4 missing sailors SAN F R ANCISCO (AP) - The Coast Guard has ended itl formal 1earch for four sailors who diaappeared when hi&h winds disrupted a weekend yacht race to the Farallon lalanda. Pet- ty Officer Don Mincher said Thunday air .ea.rches had failed to turn up new clues to the whereabouts of the two boats slnce a pAeoe of the 22-foot Sweet 0mep WU f<>Wld Monday near Pomt Reyes, about 20 snllee north of here. The Swart 0meaa waa carrytna Janice Maimone, ~1. and I..arry 0tum. both from Ponland. The oth er boat, Bad Sneaken, c:an1ed Gft!IOI')' matmone, 38, of c.tro Valley, and John BeNon, 39, of Morap.. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The con1ervatlve majority of the county Board of Supervbon ef- fectively killed a propou.l to de- clare next week Ground Zero Week to make the "public ... better informed ... about the effects of a nucle&r war. "I waa dumbfounded," Kenneth Hahn, a veteran member of the boerd said ThwWday aft.er falling to pt a leCODd to ht. propcml from the three other board memben pre- sent. Hahn had invited Dr. Mar- vin Goldberpr, president of the California lnltttute of Technolo- gy in Puadena, and Dr. David Caldwell, a political and aoolal llCientlst from the Univendty of Southern California to praent the proposal for Ground Zero Week to the board, adding, .. I MAIN OWla .. .... .., tt .. (;..la-... CA. Mall"*"':._ 1MO.C.wMftl,CA. .... ~ ... ....., ll lmat st C-nrteM 19 Of .... C.. ....... 4 c..-r. ... _ ....... llu!W ............ ~ ... "" .......... --~ .. ....,...... ..... ..-Clef""""" ...... -~,·-· had expected there would not even be debate on something as atmple aa this, let alone a contro- versy. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ra- leigh Hills alcoholism boepitala ln Southern California are under-,,oing a "validation audit" and a 'routine evaluation" -not a full-blown inveattsatton -in a diapute over the hoeptt.als' treat.. ment program, spokesmen for · the federal government and Ra- leigh Hills have aaid. The spoke- smen al8o agreed that the core of the controversy regarding the re-treatment of 80lne patients at a second or third Rale1ah Hilla ho- ap4ta1 waa the queatlon of med1cal neceuity rather than the aug- leltion that patients were moved m order to~wed MedJcare payments. Hilla hospitalt are operated by Keal th 8~ a aafll&dl•ry of Petrola· ne Inc. AHS ~tea 21 holpltalt in 10 ttata Ita 1981 revenue wu • mUllon. IACLUIENTO (AP) -n.. ,..,, a 15-day delay ln the cuUU. of 1u blidiMd 1ehool lunehee to llQ.000 Callfomla pupU. who ~' ....... Dim' ~­loclal Seewity numben. U .8. Dlllltat Judlt Baul Rmnins or-deNd Nell a delay Thursday, wMlathl tadJlnewwi.w l0D!9 lnto effect. Bu t a federal I Mutt do,_ Ilk• •bcMll UM Delly PUGt? Whal don't you Ullt• Call UM number below Md JOUr ..... ,, wUl be ded, lnwrtWd and delivered &o Ille 1fp...,ne1e ldlt«. TM aame ... hour ................. , M UMd 10 ~let· ler• &o U. ......, on •r ...... lllil• ....,. ...... •• .-.a-. lhelr UIM Md tel..._. -.nw fer wertftt.U. No 1trn1..-• calla,,a. .... ftU • dlt 'I M ttJUr lldllll . • lawyer said U.S. Agriculture Se- cretary John Block had already agreed to a 15-day extension. The judge waa acting on a suit by low-income parents and welfare groups, joined by state acbools Superintendent Wilson Riles, contending that Block violated federal privacy law1 by not tel-· ling the state or the families what uae would be made of the num- bers. ., ........ BUT NO ARM -The Internal Revenue Service hAs been accuaed of demandi.ruz an arm and a leg on April 15, and Janet Tyler of Laramie, ~o.. oblifted, in P.811· She wro~ her $10,- 825 tax check on an old artificial leg she replaced last summer and mailed it to the IRS as a protest over her inability to file a joint return as a widow. SPRING CARPET SALE • Just in ume for spring redecorating. a storefull of savings on luxurious Evans-Black Carpet by Armstrong. Excuing mulu·colors, stylish solids, heavy saxonies and beautiful sculptures -all fro01 Evans-Black -and all are on sale! , Cand~ra ... Save on Rich Anso• IV Nylons . Beautify your home wnh an Evans·Black c~ of SOii and st1un resistant Anto• IV nylon Anso fibers actually rcJCCl din, resist spills and provide comforting s11uc conuol. •1sso NOW ONLY Inst . Count .•• Save on Rich Antron• P lus Nylons .. , Shop now and save on luxutioUJ Evans-Black c~• conmuctcd of DuPont Ancron• Plus nylon. t~ ruucd new fiber that ~si1t1 soil, staihs, and htlps control stttk shock. NOW ONL y ' l 9 50 Intl. lhltMl«I Prices Include NZX-3ia> ,,,ange rubMr pad BY PAT DUNN or .. ..., ......... ' DEAR PAT DUNN: My •11baad sot mt a levely Hede ... ...., Janet for ar11tma1. It •• , wet hrlq dM reeeat nlll• ... MW INU De 11'1 at ln1t oae alu amaDer. Does leatMr ...... or II tM Janet defective? S.R., lrvlae Leatheni and IUedet do lhrink, 11&XOrdina to the ~mationa.l Fabricare lnatltute, a trade a.odation ot profe..tonilO cleanml. nu. ahrt.nkace la a natural relaxation of at.retched hldet u9l!d ln the aarment. Any leather a arment 1hould be bought "biB" td alloW fOC" t.h1I normal ahr1nk.ap. A dry cleaner who 1pedalir.es in leather clean1nc may be able iolitret.ch the jacket, but IFI warns you not to depend on the lea~r'• ability to h?li the stret.ched- out me. Next time your jllcket gets wet, air °T it away from strona beat to minimize ahrink1ng. Sugar boost fails BOSTON (AP) -Somd ma- rathon runnen believe they wW r u n• harder and toni er If they bM:I up on augar while they race, but a 1tudY. concludes thl.a at.ra-te~ doean t work. 'There hi noth.lna about what we have fou.od that would 1ug- gett that it" harmful," said Dr . P hillp Fellg, who directed the 1tudy. "But on the other hand, we didn't aee any beneflt.L' Many runnen 1tp sweetened drink• during a race. Their bo- diea UM" up thelr reaerves of su- gar while they run, and they u~ aert a aweet drink will offlet thll 1011 and prevent them from "hittin8 the wall" -the intenle fat.lgt.&e and pain that often set.a in after 20 miles. ,,, .......... T he dau1hter o f actor - 1&npr &rl1 &rl1tefferHa la • dolna well" u 1be r.e- oven lnXn internal and heed tnjuNI 1vff er.ct ln a niotor· eyel• ICddent with Olympic akatet Erle ........ ....... woman for A.Ate.lope 'O' alley MedJaal Center Mid. Pnaklt Rtc•arc11 111d 29-year-old Tracy ltrl1tof • fenoe "It improving. T h e p~ 11 ,ood. and ahe haa been uparade<! to fair condJtlon. •• Former federal budget di- rector Bert La•et N)'I he '1 decided aaalnat r unnlna for governor of Oeorala. Lance, an UnMKCWful gu- bematorlal candldaie 1n 1974, told the Rome Newa.Trtbune, "l think I could make a dlf- fttenee in the race. I think I oou..ld win.'' ·. Tips /or car buyers DEAR PAT DUNN: I read recently tllat lt'1 aot ueommoa for a• 1tole11 ear body to be pet OD a claa11b for wllJcll .. ere 11 a Jecltlmate title. ftJ1 makea me wOJlder llow tM avera1e ued car b41yen cu be Hre Ile or 1be laa't gettlDg a "bot" car. l>o yo1 llave uy advice oa tlll1? R.E., Hutlagtoa Beach If you're in the market for a good used car or expect to be in the future, the follow ing tips from Aetna Life & Casualty's anon/fraud unit should help to prevent the accidental purchase of a 1tolen vehicle: "The ldea really hat been around a long time that sup_i: l.a the gasoline for the body.' aaid Dr. Johanna Dwyer, director of the nutrltlon cen ter at Tufts- New Erl8Jand Medical Center in Boston. "Some athletes think they can take a sugary drink, ana immedfately the fi res burn brighter.'' BLOCK.ING CANCER -Richard Bloch, co-founder of the H & R Block tax preparation service, plans to open the non-profit R.A. Bloch Cancer Management Cent.er to give patient.a quick ICCell to the l1l09t up-to-date cancer figh ting ·resoun:es. Four yean ago, Bloch was told he had inoperable lung cancer, but after a regimen of surgery, drugs and radiation, the dileue ii in total remission. Prlace11 AAae reportedly hates giving aul9£raph., but it wH front-page news in Great Brltaln when her highnea made an exception and signed a get-well card - for a h01'9e. Newspapers printed pic- tures of the pnnces.,, the card, cloee-upe of Anne's signature aod of Sae Beni on and her honie. A report on the latest work, conduc t e d al Yale Medical School, was published in Thurs- day's New England Journal of Medicine. -Aide misses Reagan chopper Like Anne, Mia Ben.on i.s competing in the Badminton Horse Trials this week and heard that one of the. favorite mounts, Peter the Great, waa injured in a road accide nt. The horse la convalescing at hi s o wner 's s tables at Hungerford. -Go to a reliable, established dealer when buying a used car. Be especially careful when buying a car from an individual without a specific address. Check to see whether the seller can be located ahould you need to reach hqn or her after the sale. -Check t he Vehicle Identification Number, which is usually emoo.ed on a metal plate over the driver's dash section and visible from the outside of the bottom of the windshield, for algna of alteration or replacement. The VIN must mat.ch the VIN shown on the seller'• certificate of~title. -Inquire about past insurance and financing on the car, and then verify thia infonnation with the insurance agent, bank or finance company. · -Look at the body paint on a new model A fresh paint job may indicate cover-up work by thieves. · -Check the liceme tag and inspect.Ion sticker to be certain that they are current and issued by the same state. -Ask for at least one aet of the original ~actu.rer'a keya rather than a replacement set. Be suspicious if the seller provides you with re-made keys for a late model car. -Review and complete all paperwork at the time of aale. Don't forget that a certificate of title can be counterfeited. Check documents carefully for sisnl' of pmsible alteration. • "Got a oroblem? Then wri~ to P'af btutn. Pat will cut r«f tape, getting the an6Wl'n and action you -.1 need to .olve Inequities in governrntmt and bus1nea. 1 • M,aJJ your ql.ISfiom to Pat Dunn, At Your S«vltce, Orange Co.ut Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, Costa . M,... CA nsa A.a tmnY Jette,.. .. pcmible wW be ~ but phoned lnquirl8 OI" J.ett:en not Including the nY• der'1 full ~. addn9 and b«Mlne-boon' phone nwnber can- not /Je considered." The researche rs found -as runners suspect -that sugar le- vels tn blood fall during a stre- nuous workout. However, thia does not slow the athletes down. "One of the s triking findings was the fact that not only was low blood sugar fairly common but that an the presence of low blood 1ugar, the subjects were able to continue exercising for periods ranging Crom 15 to 70 minutes," Felig said. The research w rus performed on 19 men who worked out on stationary b icycles until they were exhausted. While they pe- daled, they drank water sweete- ned either with sugar or sacdla- rln. In one-third of the men who got saccharin, blood concentra - tions of sugar fell below normal levels after between one and 2 lh hours of exercise. This condition 1s called hypoglycemia. Despite It, h owever, they were able to keep pedaling for as long as men who had nonnal blood sugar le- vela. PreaJcleat Rea1u waits for no man, at leaat not Whlte House communicauo,,,. direc- tor David R. Geraea. Gergen, who had gained a reputatl~n for being chroni- cally late, waa 1u ppoaed to accompany Reagan on a five- h our tri p to Chicago on Thursday for a presidential A $155 million suit hat been filed against Warner Bro1. Inc. and others by Rob.ert Towne, the acreen - writer and in.iual producer of the movie "Personal Best." The suit accuses Warner, David Geffea, Geffen Filma and 30 unnamed defendants with coercion, fraud and de- A miniature Michigan .state flag that circled the Earth 129 t lJnes last month is back on home tu.rt, the gift of space shuttle pilot Jack Lo11ma to Gov. William MUllkea. Lo usma retur n ed to h is home state and Milliken de- Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi from just any dealership wheii yo u can get . ,, the special trea tmentatfark. • At Park Po rsche/Auli"we're committed to offering Lhe ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Por~e or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you to a multitude o f complimentary services. You 'II also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all your auromotive questions. And, if you'd like ~~< ~ to pick Up you r new <tUtomobile right from the facto~ ask ahout our unique European Delivery Program. .. The professlvnals at Park Po rsche/Audi are dedi-i»O=l)Cf-e // AUi)i cared to giving you the first class treatment you deserve. II Come In and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UN LIKE ANY OTHER difference . speech on college aid. But when Gergen dashed onto the White House South Lawn, Reagan and the rest of his entourage alre~y had boarded hlii helicopter. the door was ~hut and the rotor blades were whirling for Uf- toff. Gergen turned and walked back to his office. famation of character. Towne claims 'in the suit that he entered an agreement with Warner in June 1979 for his independent San Pedro Productions Inc. to produce "Personal Best" but that strikes in 1980 halted w ork on the film and Warner was un- able to continue financing. tlared it ''Col. Jack Lousma Day" in his honor. Lousma. who was born in Grand Rapids and raised in Ann Arbor, was in the state to visit relatives. He and Milli- ken exchanged glf ta at a newa conference at the state Capitol in Lansing. FLY The Toyota auto manufac- tunng company agreed to pay ent ertaine r Fa6ian Forte • $32,000 m an out-of-court settlement following a ruJmg that Toyota was liable for m- JUrles he s uffe red in a car accident. Attorneys reached a settle- ment a fe w hours before a Los Angeles County SUJ)ertor - Court jury in Torrance was to begin deliberating how much the 39-year-old singer should receive. Fabian, whose popularity peaked in the late 1950s and 1960s and who Wied only his first name for professional purposes, was injured Sept. 13, 1978 during a practice session for T oyota's Pro - Celebrity Race for Charity, which was later held m Wat- kins Glen, N.Y. AND DUY. Pertl Porache/Audl lnvlt" you to a apec:i.l evening. Taking a European vacation? Join us for compflm~~tary wine, cheese and travel films, on Wednesday, Aprfl 21st at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will Introduce Its all new, unique and unlike any other European Delivery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picking up your new car In Europe. For more Information call 714/521-8621 or 2131921-n44. ~~~~~~R im~Ym Buena Park, Ca 90621 ... - ..... t ..,...,;,,__,. ... AETN eyes .Wilco buy Warhead contract let A. new technique to make air-to.air ml-'t. more eftecUw throuah better control of warhead det.or.Uon at the taraet will be lnvest11acect under a contract·~ awarded to McDonnell Dou,las C«poraUon by the Air • Force Armament Laboratory, Eglin Alr Force Bate, 1 F;la. • • McDonnell DouaJ-AltronauUca Cctnpeiny encl-, neen in Huntt.naton Beach expect to improve optical proximity len80n under the $670,000, 29-month pro-' ject. Ale introduced in OC Coon Dlstrfbuttng of Orange County will intro- duce ltll new ale, KilllaJi'• Irish Red, the week of April' 19. t ,Forecast meet slated .t. An economic forecasting conference ww be held Thwwday ln Newport Beach. " ~event., co-tpooeored by Claremont McKenna College and the Orange County Economic Forec:uting Conference Committee, will begin at 4"p.m. In the grand t.llroom of the Newport Beach Marriott Hq.tel. The theme ii ''Transition to Di.alnflatlon." l • Valencia branch due Valencia Bank, headquartered in Santa Ana, la to ! open Ill ei&hth Orange County bank oUJoe in mid-May at 840 Newport Center Drive fn Tower ll of Pacific MuJUa} Plaza. t Willard buys firm ~ 'The Willard Company, Fountain Valley, announ-4 ced the .cquisition of Gre.t American Engineering J Company of Elsinore for an u.ndlac1oeed price. • Willard, traded over the counter, desfgn. and manut..ctun. fiberglul marine and lotPt'tiat producta , foe government agencies, aero8pllOe ana the recreatio- nal tndustries. Grnt American Engineering ts a de-• signer and manufacturer of fiberglass mobility mo- dules and specl•ll~ shock iaolation systems for mill-• tary and indua1ri.al applications. Apparel unit planned , An organizational meeting to form an Apparel 1 and TexU.le AaodaUon ln the Orange County area will I be held A_pril 27 at the Saddlebeck Inn. Santa Ana. 1be Oraoee County office of Mom Adami. a cer-1 tified public accounting firm.. is sporworing \Im ~ I t.ina· J For lntonnation, call 557-834.f. · f CM condos selected =' . Sl Al.bana condominiums, a 220-unit development in Costa Mesa hu been aelected u a participant in the sixth annual ''Best ln the West'' competition 1poN10red by Houalng Magazine. The project ii at Bear and MacArthur. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADOS NIW YOll!C Vll'I -1 •1", 1"11r1. price .. -:-w.r "'l..!!L.--= .........,.rt! I --l .. " J1 +I ·-· .I 2 ..... _, ·g .!" ... J ~ t, tri~ ;~ tlll -"' • fl ..... I NeW 'i'O'tK(A~ ~ ~ ..._ r.,.~,,.,, 1$. • .... °I:" :ns ~ = + ~ • Tin M.47 JO ... MU1 JM.ft-I .S U VII 112.All 112.52 111.ll l12.1J + o.a tf • Ill.It m.11 ... DI,._ t• ...... ............. ~ . . ............. .. ········ ..... , ...... . .. . ................ ····· -WllAT STOCKS DID __., 4Ml• 00 MOALS ,,.,.-. SILVEI """- 1 " M HencJy a """''"· t 7.llO,., tr .... • • ·. ,. .. VOtUiE SALES iND GREAT DEALS ON . NEW ·10YOTAS KEEP. US OIERSTOCKED . . WITH EXCEPTIOllL, LOW MILEAGE UADE:INS. WE "AV~ OVER 100 FUlll° · , . RECONDITI.OIED USED CARS READY TO · GO --DRIVE ONE HOME AND SAVE • _ •• ) . . •4999 , ......... ......... I tpeed ttane., factcwy air cond., ~ dllo.,,........, ~. eunroof, alloy wtl,.l• & gleamlng bleck pedlage. (1AOKl71). 57999 ......... Automatic trana., air conditioning, power ateertng. power brak•, • lu.xe trim, epotteaa m9talMc copper ftnlah With beige Interior & low rnlleal (1BWAn8). •••111n ... I cyt, auto. "-&, r.ctofy * c:iond., pwr. --1ng & brlkea,...., c.a.., 'flnyl roof, tinted .-... Mk:Nlln ... & en exceptlondy c!Mn, low mi,. -.car.~ 5 3.499 . 1M1 Miii ......... I cyt., euto tren&., factoty .. , oon- ~ ful ~Inc. ~ dllo brak" & power door 10!~1 Ult, Cf'*9 & .-.Oc:....cta. (1~T1IO). . L-1•1 mna llWU4aalll Auto. trane., flM:10t')' air condltlo- nln9, power eteerlng, power,::: ~ AM-FM r9dlo Ind low ( 1CG'E044). 1• mlTI ... Full power Inducting power door locka, air conditioning, tllt Wheel, Cf'*9 control • ...., ~ .. """1 wheel•, leather aeata & morel .. (1AHM247). ~8599 SPECIAL .. GREEll RIBBON BUYS n,.. late model, low mtleeQe cars all carry Earte Ike'• exclullve 2 year 24,- 000·mfle warranty. You can't loeel • i~~!!~.~ .. pWr:~ratt ...... ~9 •etereo. tinted glH• & morel Oleamlng I ""1f metalll0d4)ver with c~ttom Interior. (2e3VCPJ.~tyllatt acooomy tor only .,........ 56899 Equipment lnokldee auto. trana., power • dlec brlk•, hNtlr,...., ~.moon roof. (12tZOK). e 1•mn1... S B lc,l.uo.--..~ilrcondlllo11l119. 7 99 ~---~clao .... AM-FM ..... redlo, tit wheel and~..-.... (IUZPW). 111111m'I mlllllf1W I apeed, factcwy aar OOftdlttonlng, P°"' dlec br .... AM-fM ..... radto and moret (HIPPF}. A ,..,. ftnd tor Oftflt • 53699 ~ . 1M1 Timi 11112 11 ._,, unw 5 apeed, factcwy air conditioning, ~ alMr'lng. ~ dlac brakea. atereo oaeett~nroor & und•r 11.000,,.... (1 24). 5 7499 1111 TIYITI •&U•"lllPI 5 lpeed trenamlealon, atereo caa- Htta, power brake• end morel (177ALF). An exceptionally clean rare model for Just •.3399 11MUTm 1211LIP1IAll 8J. PICka" 5 •P"d. factory air condltJonlng, AM·FM radlO, tinted gtaaa. c:uMom lnter1or ' & exterior & under 8000 mllea. (1AP8447). . 5 5299 ,., .. DlllT-1 .. Automatic tllN., air cond., power .-mg,~ brakea Ind lU9t over 7,000 ,.,.._, (1CNY181). 55499 111111m'I ••unw Automatic trentmlaalon, power ateerlnD. POflllr dlac brakea, AM·FM ttereo, rHr window thade kit & cuatom two tone Plilnt. (113UXT). > t 1112 11m'I I ..... .... Automatic ..... redo, heatar, my! Interior and more. Great tranapor. tatlon cw1 ( 141FVZ). '1-999 1M1 YIYITI E.IU LIPTIAll Auto. trana., factOt')' air condlUo- nlng, power d!K brak•, A.._,M radio, M1nroot and alloy wheele. (1AQXl75). - 57999 1•1111T1 ........ AutOf'Mtlc trene., fectory • c:iond:t atereo CUMtte, pwr • .-..,.._, • bark•, tltt WMef, CNIM cor.':~i roof '** & Jim OWi , , ,ooord (011100). - 58799 1111 TIYITI ITllLIT 11111 Optlont Include 5 epMd tranami. •Ion and power dltc brak". Tf\1• cne la full)' tectory ~ • oaea great gaa mlMge. (1 0293, • 54999 1 .... ,. ... '~" Automatic tr::. .. ercondftloftlng, pwr. 1tMrln9-brake1.:ctoor locka, atereo cuaette & a aperkUng blue flnlttl With matching *°"' tn..nor. (096475). A very rare car tor only 57699 . . . OR, DRIVE AWAY A GREAT DEAL ON A 1982 TOYOTA CAR OR TRUCK! ND NEW 19~_...__--rT.I TOYOTA STARLET ' DIAL ... tea ' 0' ~q ft!_UNJTV_ Prtae Wiit •1 beyfront 81q11 for I bolt.; rt11t1~1~ ,~a bdrm. a blth ti.200,000. All real eitate' ad· -~:: 1. ~=b~ 't! ec.n • itCtY .... Marine rocm.. ' bdrm, u.. re11era1 ra1r 11ou. 3 bath, rtgo--..tt. •uas,ooo. , il\I Act of lMI which SN~es it Uletal to ad· vtrtlle "any pret.renee, Hmllatloa, or dla· cr1mlnatloe baaed oa · Prime Lid N-..1 ba f 1t bd race, color. relltloa, 0 ""' 'I ront. " rm, 5~ .a, or naUooaJ oiiJia, bath. Lte L.R., 2 bolt lllpi $1~,000. * Oft u lmeaUon to make :: any 1ucb preference, · :: ~~~~1 or d la· Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath+ larae rec. no. = tam ceWnca. fumllhed. pedoL '420.000 .• = 1bil. .Dt'Wlpaper will not -lmowinflY accept any : advert 1ln1 ·for real ra Wale wblcb la in viola· : taclthelaw. = .............. , ,.. --molS:A.t.trtlMn ......iditdr .... --=· fWI'. ~.n. DAILY PILOT•-• ......., fw .... ftnt hlcorrect l•HrtlH .-,. ~HHOUSI A .siet!l>.,<:>~1c a Bdrm z bath llo!Dti "ood cabinet titcben, amU1 room with brl ct tlnplace. lb.II family pool, bdlt·ln IU harbe· que, beautiful patio. OD· ly Sl.21,500. Clll DOW, .-au THE REA! £:STATER~ -·------. .I!__.· THE REAL ES-:-ATERS ........ ,,... • Lqoon view .from 8 bdrm. 5 bath, ~lay- rocm.. dark rm. c1en. Boat .up. •u~.ooo' llllmlM Spectla&llr bayfnmt view 2 br, 2 1-up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 tx.t .Ups suoo.ooo. 1111 mu •••• .,. New French Nonna.ndy • bdrm, • bath, iuest ~. poo1. Neer-lab. sm.ooo. 1 ' 1111•11n ·C«on·~~~ .'. dock. Plana avail. $ol26,000 w/tl!nm. .~~~~~ z Bdrm townbome •1•111 utru lachad· iDI 1119 •aaana. Cloee to bead1, comm1talty fldlllila .... •wim . ......... Aauma- bll'llm • owner wlll a.-11111. Offered al ~.· •· -------"""' .... --.~ ........ Only 115,000 Down. Large Allumat>M Loen With 30 Yw Fixed Ratt. Owner WUI Cerry Large 2nd T.D. At Low In· tertlt. l.oWfy 3 Br End Unit W/Wrap Around Patio On l.Ulh Greenbelt. Im- mediate Po11111lon. OHLV 1210,000. Siiiy Shlptey'1 uattno. ·(i) --......... ,, - MIMlve rooa; HfCb-cswd w5JOd CIOinp. Aetutiful ocean and COllt11ne vlewa from every room. Built In tJae la'-192011, •• conlfdered the ··~·· of • laraer estlte. J'our bedroaml, Five 1-tbl, formal .• & informal dln1n, & IYJDDl!liwn. ror 1ppoinbmnt call: Jtm AnJtery ( ..... t) 71~91. . .. \( 1//11/"ti r -L_ .. ND.··~· 'J Houu oa Be1oal1 a.ooo. lot •alue, pria. -.. ••••• ... ••••••••••• C!lllr.llkr.(213)'11.sal. ~~ HAU; ~AMI Low ~~T llDw·t-·...._.---lll!Y!!•itPr:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l-------•I : oad o. Iii r r o ~ e cf •Bdrm many re· ln11 Tradu 1 We Attiad.fve a rm + a ~·l't,f.~.~!, wuclrobe1, up1raded ceat up1raclla11. A•· .repreHDt BUY&llS ramlly room, many bey view. 8117 before ~ and ceramic -'*Iola ud ..ntt uywbere la Callf. 1peclal decoratln1 ......... __. b RE Wed tltCbea •ll make wlU ._t •lt~ addl· SPfflaU.t la dlstre11 ,..._, lnter~in. tttt· ;:;".-;i'c. t.o' hici:~ Ulil a btautlful atarter UoMlftuadae. llU,000 ,..aalea. llurpby-Loeb tral ¥anul, hqe tree wbeD ll1ted W/brkr. balm. C.omauaity pool, Callaowf1'1.U'JO 1Jkr,1'1J:tm CD¥endlot.SB,SOO Prln. ontv. UUK. IJl9 aod i...-court.a. \1 .l//1:/'1i ,................ . ...... ......., ... ___ _....J11Um ............. , ..... ......................... ............ /.... ..,... ............. m..-utp·......... ..., .... , ..... ++ •1--...... ......, llr,.... a...-....... ,... ...... a ...... ................ a.,. WATERFRONT HOMES, ..c ~UTAtE s...~~ ........ -~ ,.,. w 0-Hi..y ' 315 MwWlt ,,,,,.. ~'-" W.W... ...... '7Ntll 111..- 0wrtooklng Big Canyon Qott courM. OM Of Mel.ain't belt loclted condol with It• own doubl• garage, 2 bed· roome, tonMI. c1rq room & s-quM ldtcheA floor. 8vperb ftnlnclng on one of Newport'• belt buyll Mort thin )ult • .,.. to Ive, In ~ ... STARTHBI IDtldl ~i~aiacho W Joeqaia VlUu one bedroom and loft totally ~ltaded CODdo. Ter- rilk .... ble ftDue· la1. Price b11 beea drMtically redllffd to CllllJGe.((O.C&UWay. I 'c0&.a OP llliWOR1' MM.TOM 11ta1.c...-.. .._ .. .., ft ..... tt TR\DI .i 10\ \I ~I .\I 11 ~ , Divorce forces ule. -------•I SH,500 by ownu. lff.1770,1 ..... • • I ~ · HERITAGE tit i\, 1 (Ill'-. . -- .?:.~~. do acroa1 from lake. Completely loaded •/esfrH. O•ner will cany peper. Auua» ta· ilC.lnl loan. Drive by 31 Lakt1lde tben call 11J.1S170n/Btr. OfilET ELEGANCE a... JOU llle mo me ot you eater this llD · aN8&e I bdrml Z ba. Turtle lock Hilhlaada a ... Home. l'ormal lvial md dbliDI room. Eaetttiemal paatorlal VtE•. O•lltndle1 landleaptn1 and paUo ..... Oat ol the best loclit.lonl ... Mpa t.o pool md..,.. sno.ooo. ,• RVMtv ------- 1t•U.T1 fOS•llOM 1~~ IO••· pa1•utt tu001sno . It It DoNiMt l.o own loYtlJ JWrm;' 2 ttory, N.9. lack Bil. ............... Ev a : 1·12U • ..... l M'ft 'r .,t.~. l•nl· tr. "°""'' parttl ihort chlltlnCf Trom t.tonls ' beacll Ownt llu In tludtd plans for rustom v1ll1 StU.000 Spct llt\llat \'11'*1 1 MISSION REAt..TY 4!'.f731 FAMrASTIC HOMI 190 dc1 otHn vltw1 JIOO+ ud r uatom • Gourmtl k lt c ht n maulvt liv1n1 rm. forl'AAI dlnln1. 1:011 nrrplattl;pOOl,apa t..i rerwn ..... CIOO L~.._..1.1 __ _.. .... --- _ttl!11tl AtmwrJHR OrnD vk'wt. 2 bdrm. 4 Ila. kit. w/conH•nlt ncts. f1m. rm. la• .«ardt n. Pl(.io, formal din rm. lee Uv. rm Quit.t rul·dc· ur 1112.oou Ownt r. 173-MU Bv ~ M'-<><-un lick 6 rqe to fttPI to ~ lftlucltd btl('h, um woUld bf 1 perfect ....S lloow for llle tltJ d•tlltt Ch1rm•n« u can be with It• co11 n,.,,,a..ace. z bdrm ' low mlil!Unllltt yard with tnlertalnln& p1llo ' BBQ. Owner au)tttd ............ 000 ..... ll!dll ,, t~lhl• .._lie 1ew bofDt with ,_..m&c ocean vlHt• Ollll'th to IOllUa, FIHtl q••lll_r . .c>Htruc Uon ~ witlt no dt tall ooi«tooktd. 4 bdrl'IMI. 2~ ba\U • l elft"'llt l•Hl ,11arttn plu ·" .... ~ Pit•* -... deck ol low«' left!. Owner will ..;.;...-=:;.u.:.=.z:;.-=:..:.--1 llelpn..te • .-.oeo. OiM~~.·.~:..t tacitUI home• ,,.,..._..,, dffOrat .. WI" Hbtandilll wllll• water •I•••· QiMom dellsatd with all WODd l1oon. fa•UY room.:!:.f room1 •ft WI ttiepoo .. d PldO. Walk to pr; vale bett9' • clubhuu . ..... -FHUIY Honw ColltJe Park a Br. z Ba. frplc. dbl 1ar1ie. luadry book·UP•· Wlltr • 11rdtaer 17$0/ma . ..... lln'I. -- •Dr.GVlEWCONOO z BR. z•tba, mlt ro.11r • --Does Laguna · ¥0.t~~ 1list need .purge? · ...._.a19Y1 Fl to and a way to "'°p u.e voter npvat.ton Ill&: ' w.t '° • • ... the ..... ol.W LMUM 8lli:h QtJ c.oun .. cU race,·ille·J>urP9f1ed 1&oppy ..... of the dtY'•· --NII*'*- ... ftlUI ,,.. .ihe cbAlf '°'* of co•v•natlon at poet-electlori ,..,... And wbOe IUpporWa of both . 11111 ......... to voe. ID Lemma Beaeli. They moved to "1-01 Allll• MYWU ,..,. ...,, th• ..,.. -AD 111 lllDll aHlair frcim the Tup ol lhe Wodd JftdDct UDld IDaU..otM ........ YOWI lb• bellev• DO loDpr live ID town: -Aad oae voter uiit tile w of a cl«•1rd mm.,,_. lilt that are no a.,......, .. of LMunaBMch. She Mid lh• torwardl all ID· formation, complalntl and qu .. tlom about 1uch tblnp to the county R4tpav of Vawn tn s.nta Am. . A~ at that omc. eald a llpurft" ot..Llauna'• .... .. well .. thml of otMI-munid· pelltt11, will occur prtor.to the ~an co-def entlaht June prbmry '**"· ' The C':.: method tnvolv• ... ..,, to voc..'priar to t6e .-uon. ·'Tbeyre IDAl'W ·addnM ODI'• rectlon requ•ted.' and, tf·th• voter hu moved, the 1ampl• ballot ii mu.med by the PGNI Servlm.'' .... Dletcm eald. She Mid offida1a then matcb (See LAGUNA, P ... AJ) Open hea~ing ': ()C~U~d.er • ID By DAVm KV'l'ZMANN ............... A Supertaf' Cow1 Jud&9 Nled today that a Jlftlimlnary beuinC 1n Ul Or-. County mUnMr c.e would nmaf.n open to the pubUc de9plte the objlcdon of defenM ntcmeyl. In IO dolq, Juda• PhWp E. 8c:hw.b, tn effect. upheld a new state law which allow• preUml- nuy beutnc 1n crtm1Ml ~ '° be open to~ 8Dd ~alike. SCbwab • nil.Inc mean• that murder defendant Thoma• Tbompem'• ~ heuina 1n c..ntnl or.,. County Munf. d~ Cow1 wW ......-0 open. It WM unknown tf def.-at.- law took effect M an mMtaenc>' ltatute March 1. Thompeon't attorne~ appea- led Taylor's rullna to Schwab, a_r1utn1 that the defendant'• rtaht to a fair trill woul.d be .... rlou.ly jeopardlzed lt an open hMrina ... pennltted. Deteme lawyer Ropr Carey uld that ••once the prellmlnu'1 heartna waa forced open, the ctarn.c-would be done, IO far al we're coricerned." But Mitchell Abbott, the at- t«ney repr .. nu.rw the 8eddJe. beck newspaper, llld the~ could be dmed at a later date B there wu prejudicial publ1citr aemrated by the <.'Me. Abbott abo araued that th• prem N9 • corwdtuUcnal ricbt .. lit in en a1mlna1 proceedtnea. .. • SQUEEZED OUT? -Don Rackemann may:. ellewbere lf he can't 1et· the Laauna Beach have to s-ck+aP hil can and mpve ~biwtn-Qty c.ounct.1 to approve hie open-air.auto lales. to~:ld Brower would a Schwab'•~ · 28, ot • and co-defendant David Ullam 1.Atlleh, 22, ol~a.dl, an c:hlqld with murder Bellerue 'wi.lling' to stay as m~yor . Sally Belle rue HY• 1he wouldn't mind betna mayor of In the ~ .. ol Gtneer ~ 20. KS body WM foUnd tn • abalJow sraw tn ... Irvine Laguna bearing set on ap'peal of parking l~w . ~~~':..': BY nzvz MJTtiiitU, out al town if be dolm't wtn bM ment ded.soa that would force In Cetral OrM'Wt County Muni- [jole posseulen o<11e...., .... ,,,,,.---CAM before tb• City Council Jladremann to l'llDOY9 the vtnta-dpe1 ~ ~ ~ tfof ta!: Von llackemann fear• he'll ~. , I• UMd can be HU. from ht• bMrineffldent eYkllrlce to order have to padlock hi• La1una Tbt 14&M Bwb CM' dealiw artwway and en adjilan.t lot. -"' IWMl trial tn a.me car. deUenbip and mow ll appeeUDI a Boerd of Adjun-Tb• city cont.end• the com-~ ~ to IU· merdal ronlnl at Rackemann'• ..--~ of bu1tnffl, 1165 Nbrth Jud1• Samuel Taylor clOHd HJcbway pennltl ..-of the btiu1M to tbt public at the autoe dnly w~ the vehidel are ~ of ~I*"'• attorney, ~c~e 'fa!'d of expectt that'• what wW happen when three new council members are iwom into oftiee -ru.day m,bt. She •YI the ~·t done any heavy ~I with fellow COUDdl "beca--ew- ryone U.woe11'0 111.i tt. ., it'• not t0methin1 I re&lly need to puniiue.'' Mn. BeUen., who Iii ent.er1nC her 1lxth year u a counc:Uwo- m an, became mayor 1even montht aeo when farmll' Mayor . Way. s.atJn reqn.d to move · ·. to Saudi Alabla. . Grounded sailor offered boat use exhibited within an encloHd Ronald Brower. Leitch'• attor-buildlnl. . rwy, llcJNJd KNbel', f.avond .. RacMIDann, who bouaht the open heutnfc. buelne11 a year aao, bu thrff Howewr, Taylor tubleq\.aently vln..,. can ......,... tnr6de Che ,...,....t binwell alter attorneys ~ anodMi-tfw ID the wide for the s.ddleblck Valley Newt drtV9Way fronUftl the ltOtte, and dted a new etate law which per- tlw mon be •YI be ICOl9 CD an mU1 public attendance at prell- adjlcent vecant lot he rents. mtnary heartop U there lt no •1u rd been mayor for a whola WILLING -Lapna Bue .. year, I'd auume tomeone elae Malor Sally Bellerue aayt would be telected," lbe Mid. lhe d like to .-ve a completlt She 1ee1m to have the tupport . term • mayor. of fellow cow.ell member-Neil .. . Flt1patrlck, althouah the two-"Yeah~ I'd lib to be 1ear councilman 1ay1 he mayor y. rd like a tum at wouldn't mind a cnck at the Job it, whether now Ott ln the future." • WORLD Mbore'• sloop, ••r.cutb'• Trtp." And, be eayt, If he'• fcrmd to 1howtnc that aa open heartn1 nn lll'O'lnd wlien Moan'*-• nplOW aD but 1be thnl can in-weuld be cletriinenfal to tbe de-~by J>ma PcJmt'I Mtbar l6de the cllllei'lbAp, he'll haw to fendant'I cbancil of reeeivinl a h.llme1f. The mayor &. have the tup. "rsn prett~ aci-able to mo-port°' DIW' ammb.-Bob Gentry, vtric tow~whatewl' the ~ ol wbo ~ he told her )alt that on the aroup wantt," he utd. 0 1 ei.ctaoll Piltlt. UJihtt and believed he w• off C-. up lbop. fail' trial. ICartna del Bey, LMwle a.ch ftW a cnmaiAl ... l>revl~~~ law~t~!:!s tlhtath• could support everyone on the "She'• Only been ln th.al. role coundl for l8Y9\ montht and I think we He and bit 24-year-.old complaint •1al.mt RackellWlD neartnf ._lo u. c~ t • dauibter, Cry1tal, were on a lHt October tn South Orance defmdllnt IO ~ The new "I can even auppon my1elt," need her there for more than he nld after a 1hort paulft. that," Gentry .ud. 1bakedown cruiH before em-c.ountY Munktpal CQurt. t.rtdnc CD a trip '° Hawail. Thi Judie conU1uMtd the C9te PriOtttotheu-claylhabdown tor atx montht, 1uQe_1tJD.C the crulle, Moon bed Uved on h1I dealiw IDd the dty JDICbt be able boat f« ftY9 y-. at a a-a.., to work out a reeolution to dM moor1nl. p1otMm. stnce the boet hat been bee-Bae..._..,., dedMd '° _. a cbed, Moore bit bem \meble to variance from dM dty to allow .iv.. the hulk '**-he <.'aft• the outdoor clJIPlay of hll Clln, noc alfcrd the coR. mil the~ w.. UMd down Tbt DIDa Pomt Hlrtiar Patrol, • unanlmouely by the Board of wwhile lt ~lo re-Ad~ ID J'*'-1. mew• the bo.t ftom thi ~h 'n. MdO ._.. 11 ......_bit md btD Moore b-the aal&. ' ~ CD tJ9 ...,_a to the Qty CGiilMIQ 'l\mday. amc. the teWD-ton boat ran "I ,... .... cftJ doem't want aoouact, the IWf hat taken ltl a fan-buck uted car operaUOD tOl1 end not much II Wt (Ott eal-OJini bUms-and have doll •· ;:.-:-~to.-.pan1 < ... CAU. .... Ai> · COUNT}" Lagunan dies taking shower Mesan pJJys·by pennies Tax pro-t.er Bric Jobnaon ·That tddlUonal amounf made hll point tn penn111 -ae.-~t till ax bill to •1. a. MJcbael &. Ammann of i....u-000 ot tblm. d9ddid to pay taeo ot it In ,... na 8Mcb epperently died •bile na. and the r.n.tndll' ill IUWf' takln1 a 1hower at ht• home That'• bow many copper aotnt 4'°'n ... Wednitday nlabt, accordinc to the o.ta .... l"tlidmt dropped He dld tbl• by whHlln1. Llluna Beech ~· • oft at the J'ederal Bulldtns ln 1boppine cart fllled with col• Ammann. 48, ol 1Wnce Way, Banca Ana, where the Internal roUatntoU.IRSolftoe'l'bunMJ wa1.,d:tlco111imw11we1P11red111111deed1n the tho-a.wnueJ ...... _s.r.,.~ ._8,,J...tl~ ~· ..._.. _ _._._= wer by bl• dau1hter, Laura ___ ., "----, _ -· · "I think -~ .... .-.... AftilMllft. 1tudent. Mld be wa1 miffed io ~· Mid aft.er hlt arrl•• . PoUce 1ald that th• Oran1• ~ bit tu bill for lMl would don't WDt me to lnlk a C.ounty CDOMn are W'1dnc to be t270 hllh•r becau.. he pt _out of the roll1, but I tblnll . ~the-.-ot death: r tbeJ're l*rC to.~" Utt." .... Dlatcn Mid. Sb• ur,.cl new re1ldent1 to reiura 1implt ballo \I HD\ to fanns occu_,.a11 to the.....,_,, lndlcatSnc tl'9 ~ hll mowd. ''Tbt\'I about the Only ~ we bafie pf flndiDI out who '(1 bo Jonaier • valid ~ voter II lhe llkl. ·-r--' :CARS OUTDOORS e e e .. med Spot out front,'' ~ , .... ~ He Mid the Qty Cound1 could f m...-candltiolw on the lot ~. 1uch u proh lbltlna luminou1 llChttna. or rMrtct the number of outdoor autoa to 10 -condltionl I that could not be tranlferred t.o- future ~ton on the property. "I don t have the luxury or the • f undl to buy the property and •r econ1truct it to contain more ~ can," be Mid. ''!Min if 1 did, the landlord ii not..wn,." H e .. 1a he'• in a 1ituatlon where, "lf I don't do what I'm currently doln1, I'm out of bullnl!9." • And the fact be contributed more than $11,000 in ..i. tax•, to~ Beech lMt year ahould be a l..ctor in the oounctl'• deci- 9'on. he .. ,... School to filark -25th anniversary St. Catheti.ne-St. Nicbolu Catholic Elementary School will bold a 25th anniversary opea houae April 25, and alumni, perentl, studenta and frienda are invited to attend. ;aiahop William Joh.mon of the Archdiocese of Orange will dedicate the Laguna Beach 1chool'a new avm/ pariah ball durlnl ceremonlea •t 4 p.m. •A low-cost rablea vaccina- '" tion clinic will be held Tues- day from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Ccown Valley Community f'ark. The rabies· clink la apomo- red by the Oran1e County •South Coaat Medical Center will ho.t a day-lon1 health falr April ~5 at the South IAcuna hmpttal. The heelth acreenina pro- ject includea free ~ninl for blood preaaure, lhemla, viaion and c;;ventative health courwe . 1be open hoUle begina at 3 p.m. and cbampagn' punch and other refreshmenta wW be offered. 'Ibe IChool. located at 3090 South Coast Wahway, ope- ned ita doors in l957. It cur- rently hu a at)Jdent enroll- ment of 284. For more lnfOl'- matlon, call the achool at 494-7339. Aru.mal Control, in coopera- tion With the Southern Cali- fornia Veterinuy Medical Aleodation and the Laguna N'8uel W~ Club: . I'« more information, call the county ahelter at 834-3667. For a $7 fee, partJclpanta can take a blood teat that checks for cbolnf.erol, dla-betea. liver and kidney func- tiom and 20 other blood cbe- miltriea. For in1onnat1on, call Liz Dowling at the hoapital at 499-1311. . • .......................... HAND TRE& -Bob Weiland.1. whme Jeo wen blown off ln Vietnam, plans to walk ott''hia handl from Loi Anplel to Jacbonville, Fla. Trek tiy hand . L t;gless man to cross country BY STEVE TRIPOLI or .. .,..,,......., In recent yeara Americana have tested their akllla and en- durance'"by cromi.nl the country on foot, by bicycle, ln helium balloon• and even on roller akaie.. But lt'I doubtful that anyone baa even OONddered -much lets attempted -the croaln1 that Bob Wieland expecq to embark on lat.er 'thJa month. Wleland plans to walk from Loa Angele• to Jackaonvllle, Florida in 14 months on his hands. · He appean supremely confi- dent that he can do it. Wieland. 361 baa let Utt.le stand in hil way in Ute, especially since both of hil leO were blown off in Vietnam 1n lt69. , Th1a chal1enae hal aped.al sig- nificances for Wieland. He hopes the "walk" wW raiR Jn(>ney to help abmed and diubled youth; he vtewa it u a personal and athletic acccmpllahment. and he aaya lt wui be testimony to his Christian faith. Though peeple may be moved to pity by Wieland'• condition, he relwiea to refer to it u a dilabi-lltr. and aaya he hu been lucky. 'I ~pprec;iate the bletainp ~! have been beltOW.ed on me, and 1 juat want to ahare them," he aaya. Wieland aay1 he la ready to atart the trip anytime, but that the problem• of setting up a aupport \e-1n ari'd the publicity hi• plans bave generated have led to {lve postponementa SLnCe Febnq.ry. ~ Tra1nlng for the challen,e hal taken two fonna. Slnoe hil Injury Wieland bu built up hla body through wel1ht training. He'• alto been walklng between one and 10 milea a day on his hands for the put year. He'• not juat• another weight lift.er. He wu a national cham- pion power Ult.er and world .re· cord holder in hit c1aas In 1977 before athletic ofllciall decided he ahouldn't be allowed to com- pete for phyalcal and technical reuom. Beine banned from competi-tiod. plus aewra1 other l.ncidellta that occurred aoon after, pu.1 Wieland on the road to his croa-cou.ntry Splrtt of America Walk. .. U.S. bid . l:i.eard on FallclaDtls BU&N08 AIRD, Ar1mt111a (AP) -8ecmary of State Alt-...... JI. Hall1r.·deUvweda Ir.,,. frClm ......... t ...... to Ariadne Ptlilldlmt Leol01do .Oaluert today in a bld to avert ,,.. ONI' the J'alllJand ....... AD Ar1e ntlne diplomat •x-C::W~ (NW the latilt Bala. ~led by ·~ mwy-Vernall altsl, !Ml w{th Oaltl•rl and l'oreip Mlnt.ter Nlcuor a.ta Mrdis. then dro-ve to tbe J'oreian Mlniltry for man ta1b with b.ta Mendes. Hale made no comment to re- porters waltina at Government J-. and the l'oreto MiNmy, but an Ar,.nttne diplomat re· marked .to a local radio mtlon that "yelt.erday I WM pelllimistlc. but today rm oPtlmlaUc" about the OU11COme of the 1aUca. Pl'flidentlal pr.U aecretary Bodolfo ,BaJt:ienft told repmteta l hat the talk• at Government Ho uH h ad been "franlt and u.ful.'' He Mid HaiadteUWrtd ._ ~ fJ'9ft\ Reepn to Galderi. 'n"9 ~. content. of wbSch 1 were not revealed. WM drawn up following a Tbunday telephone converaatlon between the two pre.&denta. In the telephone conver.tion, Galtleri .. reaffirmed .· .. hla peraonal deaire for a peaceful reaolution to the dlapute:' the WhJ\e Hou.ae aaid. Cycle crash hurts. LB teen A 1Aluna Beach motorcycl.lat ~ in~ Tbunday afternoon when a driver who a pparently didn't aee him turned ln frorit of him. Jamet J . Nugent, 19, wu re- portedly going northbound on Pacific Coaat Highway near Crown Valley Parkway when a car driven by Claraetta-V ecke McCauley, 67, of Capiatrano BMcb 'turned left into Monarch Bay Plaza. . Nuaent. who waa not wear1ng a helmet, waa admitted to South Coaat Medical Center with a fractured lee and multiple con~ Ullom. Mt. McCauley was not charged. but the HJabway Patrol aald the incident 11 under tn- vstigadon. ' .... ,... ........ NEW SERGEANT -Fred MarUno, 29, a ftve-year vet- eran of the Laauna Beach Pollce Department, hu been promoted to the rank of 1er- 1eant. Martino, who lives in Laguna Hilla, waa a police cadet in Laguna Beach In 1971. (:ristOdy · .· of:· twins --->---1· regained A younc Tustin couple wbme ~rltal troubles cauaed their twln 1on1 to be put In foater homea for three month• have re1alned cuatody of their 11-month-old cblldren after a court be~ spannina two eount- lea. An Oran1e County juvenile court Judie ordered Bernn'd Paul l!amiin m and J<*'Ph Do-I Dfld Hannon returned to their ~ti Thunday. nae c.hlldren'• mother, Brenda Harmon, 22, threw her anna around Deputy PubUc Defender Kathleen Shaver when ahe heard the dedslon. "We've 1ot 10 much to do," aald Mra. Harmon, adding ahe had been worried about the ef- fect the aeparati&n might haw on the twins. '"I'hil la what we've waited ID ionc to hear," aatd her husband Paul, 27, a computer proeram- mer. "We never miatreated our chlldren." "1 think thla caae 11 a 1ood example of 90melhlng that pro- bably ahould have hem band.led oui.ide the 1y1tem," said Ma. Shaver. "But every county ope- rates differentlv ." Fair weather Coaatal "eoater• can expect aoutll· .....iy Mllde at 10 IO 11 knola 8eturday Md llgtlt llfld ,,..,,..,.. breH .. other tlmH. South· ....iv ....... lie running 2 to 4 fMt wttll 2-to S·foot wfnd ,_.. OIVI YOU• Oto l'ATIO FU•NITU•I THAT N.W tOOIC. We Restore And lepalr All lrandS, (Alumlnum And Wrou1ht Iron) To A "Like New'' Condition For A ff'actlon Of. Orlglnal Cost. \ ... ' 1111111111111 <Hd\N(,f UJlJNTY C AI IF(JHNIA :?~C ENTS daY by 1rvtDt Mayor David 8'lll. . . SW. prod~ cop&e. o1. ca.m- rrlaelle'a opponent ln the J une 8 palp expew dlaclOeure fonm primary ,1ect&on for the Repu-1u bmttted b y l'rt11elle for a bllcan•PirtY nomination~ the 14-month period which he clai-reaPPOl'tioned e9tb "-"a y di-med did not comply with 1tate 1trfd. The dlltrlct mcotnpuMe cUaimure lawa. much of the central Oranae Spedfkally, SW. Mid Fr1zr.elle CoMt. Wll not ltaniJlnl certain expel\· . 'Breached agree01ent' SU.it ·hitslrville on ·drug arrest An Orange resident haa sued tt)e clUet of Irvine and OraJlie for ml>re than $10 mlllion for arreatlng hia aon last June on c:truc chargea and then allegedly bre9ching an agreement to drop the charges In return for the youth's cooperation in a narcotics lnvestfotJon. The OraD,e County Superior Court lawsuit alao claims that narcotb oUicera did not have a · dltww in~ of ttoo. StU. alto produced a cop"/ of • a Jetter to the atat.e 1''a1r Political Practtcea Commlllton tn which' be uked that "appropriate ac- tion" be taken in the mat1er. "He re.di the law apparently quite dtfferentlv than my ~.w.i.k!.~~-~r =·· raided Surendra B.o'a home on June 24, 1981 and arrested bia aon, Anil, on marijuana poaes- lion charges. atiorney," Frlzielle reaponded ney nor I .,ree.'' Frtu.eue uJd. today. "The FPJ'C goes over SlllJ contended that Frtz.zelle theme Lb.lno all the time. 1lley've wa1 clrcumventtn1 the law by never Mia to do anythlnc cllffe-lwnptna many expenaes ~ ren~. and -l11tln1 them a1 .. •'-•-L... t• ·"'-·' .. be ... _ .... _ • • 1 11 l wWJA.9 • 9lJU\IMI uivaci1 m ace aneou1 cam pa en down in more detall. That'• h1I experwm." interpretation. Neiiher my attor-(See SILLS, Pase A!) • Parents get back babies ~' A y°'"" Tuat1n couple whoee marital troubles, cauaed their ·twin aona to be put in foatet homea for three months hav~ regained custody of their 11-month~old children after a court battle spanning two c:ount: ies. An Orance County juvenile court judce-ordered tlernard Paul lfanOOn m and Joeepb Do- nald Harmon returned to their paret)tl Thunday. The children's mother, Brenda Harmon, 22 , threw her arm.a around Deputy Public Defender ~lthr~r -~~~~ she "We'v~ sot ao much to do,'' aaid Mra. Harmon, adding ahe had been worried about the ef· feet the separation might have on the twina. The YOUJ'l8er Rao waa arrested as pert of a crackdown by polloe agencies on people believed to be hlch echool drug puaben.-About 17 people were arrested. Rao, 18, wu eventually con- victed of po 11 dng le9I than an ounce of marijuana. Dllllr ll'llot "'°"' .., ~ •tan STIRRED UP -Rex Kiphut of Anaheim hopes to add anO- ther chill-cooking championship to his long list Saturday at the Irvine Chamber of Commerce's cookoff. . ''Thia la what we've waited., long to hear," aald her huabanq Paul, 27, a computer program· mer. "We never mistreated our children.'' "l think this case la a good example of something that pro- bably ahould have been handled outside the 1y1tem," said ~­ Shaver. "But every county ope-- rates differently. Children can be cauaht up in a maz.e of red tape in chlfd abuae and neglect caaea ..., ......... ..,,.., ....... BAND TJlEK -Bob Weiland, whme 1-'p ~blown off ln Vietnam, plans to walk oii h1s habds from Loe Angeles to Jacklonville, na. Trek by ~and Legless man to cross _country By STEVE TRIPOLI ... ..., ........ In recent yean Americana have teated their akilla and en- durance by cro.tne the country on foot, by bicycle, fo helium balloons and even on roller lkates. But It's doubtful that anyone baa even conaide:red -much ie. attempted -the croaing that Bob Wieland expects to embark on later th.bl month. Wieland plana to walk from Loa Angeles to Jackaonville, Florida in 14 month• on hia hands. He appears supremely confi- dent that he can do it. · Wieland, 36, haa let little atand in h1I way in life, especially aince both of hil ·leo were blown off in Vietnam in 1969. Thil ~ baa apedal •· WORLD NATION . nificancet for Wieland. He hope. the ''walk" will raiJe money to help abueed and dllabled youth; he view• it a1 a personal and athletic· aocompliabment, and he aaya it will be testimony fo hb Christian. faith. . Though people may be moved to pity by Wieland'• condition, he refuaea to mer to it • a diab(. lity and says be baa been lucky. "I appreciate the bleMlnp that have been be9towed on me, and I just want to ahare them," he aays. Wieland aaya he ta ready to •tart.the trip anytime. tMLt that the problems of aettina up a support team and the publicity hl1 plant have aenerated have led to five poltponementa aince .February. Traininl for the challenae haa {See W~ Pap A!) .,,, ffia father, Surenclra. however, claimed that police acendes were auUty of invuion of privacy, unlawful aearch and ~ and infliction of emotional disttta resulting froni Anll Rao'a .arrest. ma leflal ectSon further alleged that IrVfue police offioen offered Cftili champ · ready for Irvine. cook off to drop the charges againlt the By GLENN SCOTT youth U he coopef'ated with them or ... o.1r,... ...,. in a contlnulng lnveatlgation. Every we.tern ICript tncludea Surendra Rao aakl he con~ h1m.. He weera black and .cowla a his aon to help polloe. Jot. He can outahoot. outr1.de and How-r, the lawsuit aaid that amenlly outthlnk Jutt about all .,..~ the innocent folka in town. cr1mlnal charges were not drop-H be th vil ped and a bench warrant waa e may or may not e · lasued for Anil'1 arrest when he lain. depending on the final twist did not appear at arraionment to the ttory, but he alway. la the e outsider. prooeedingl. He'll be in Bommer Canyon P.oiice officlala have aatd that Saturday morning when the the you:J:r Bao did not carry aood folk of Irvine assemble for out hla of the agreement to their annual chill cookoff. Many hel them of thoee folks will be concoctina a p · batch of competitive cQil1 for tne finl tJ.me. but not Ro' Klphut ot Anahelm. Healing tree: whose fa ult? MIAMI.. (AP) -Neither police nor a property owner wanta to take re1pon1lbillty for a bare little tree that'• becxme a ahrtne fOC' b\mdreds ol ~ Crowdl have been flocldnc to the "-• collect1nc aap and t.rk anct-edomlna it with rellgioua medal.a and Oowen llnce an el- derly man cl•lmed that ap fran the tne cured hia l)Jfndnee .. w. wW clO ~tever the pc>- Uce aay," aa.ld Yolanda Raffo,· ' whole family OWDI the tree, Jo. cated in the~ of an apu1ment b uildin .r. 'Thia l• a police problem.'"' 'lbe police~. .. COUNTY S T · ... -r.- 1 ~ -- Klphut ia an ornery dude when it comet to cooking chill . He la the defendini chmpion ln tbJa contest. bavina won over 19 other chill chefa 1n the Irvine Ctwnber of c.ommerce·. inaugu- ral event last )'e9r. • In that CXJmpetidon. Anahetm- bued Kipbut wu one ol three chef:a who dJdn't hail from Irvine. Thia yec, witlt 46 teaml fbdng to 1Ur their way to victory, ~~U aaaln be one of the carpetb«g· cera. But llke all these myate- rb.11 auya. Rex Klphut cla1ma he can tab the heat. Aa Jone aa the Jud.-can take hfa chill. Actually, Klphut takea a good-natured approach t6 bia 1tatu1 aa an outalder.~a folks at chW oook1ncl y · don't care where you're from u lol\I • you share ln the fun. •'MOit of u.e th1np are llke a I bis. happy family." aaya the gultar-pickin' warehouse leader. He ought to know. Kiphut -estimates he's bttWed a batch of chili in about 16 contests during the last two yeara. "For awhile there last yeiu, we were doing about one contest a month," he added. Klphut and hi1 gang of old hich school buddies -he'a been a 1erloua cbi,li cooker for about a d~e -most likely will be in demand Saturday among those teams that don't have the aeuo- ning these outaidera have deve- . loped. And they'll be euy to apot, too, because their squad, known u the Burning Bush Chili Co., holel tsp in a booth built with a we.tern facade to appear like a two-story saloon complete with swinging double doon. What doea a burning buah look like? .. lt'1 three chill peppers on a branch,:· he e~laina. Now let,.1 get to the important stuff, the cblll. Kiph_ut •r he'• got none of those oock.eyed secret lngredienta you're alwaya hea· ring about at chill contests. No kangaroo meat or old ahoea or motor oil About the only uncommon in.: gredlenta a.re Grandma'• Molu- aea Barbeque Sauce and a 12-ouhce bonle of beer, any beer, 1n the pot. Otberwiae, Ktphut aaya they at.art with about alx « aeven p0und• of meat, round <See CRILi, Paae AZ> INDEX • SPORTS ven if charges appear to be UnlrnaL'' The children learned to walk and apoke their fint words du- ring the separation which began Jan. 14 and in which the Har.t mona were only allowed to Wit them on weekends. The couple'• twina were put ln foster homes ati,r a police officer visited their home in Oxnard in Ventura County and de«Jibed it aa .. messy," with a notation that one of the twlna had diaper rub and a fever. (See TWINS. Paae A!) Land sought for e x pansion of college The Saddleback Community CoJ.lese Dlstrict has extended an option to purchue an additional 40 8Cl'e9 of land for 6panaiOO ol the Saddleback College north ~inlrvine land. now owned by the lrvne Company, b belne conai~ dered by the. colleg~·· board of trult.eel for nuralng .fadltt1es « an outpaUent clinic. The tite ti a1ao betna atudied by the Irvine MedJcal Center sroup for pomi· ble comtrudion of a hospital. There are preaently 80 acret ' Uled by the north campua at 5500 Irvine Center Drtw. The additional 40 ac:ra would COit the·district $1.8 m1lJJon. The option ext.enda the deadline for . buytna the land to October 1983. ' I I Oringe Oout QAILY PILOT/Fnd~. April 11, ~-2 --~~~~~--..... ------------------------ stories SILLS' CHARGE HIT • • • 'Th• forma 1howed that aomt •14,000 ln campalp expendltu- lt«m lnvolved a.mou.ntl of $2,4&3, ~ rea to have been mtareported. '880 and •728. SW. uld the i.w "How do you 1pend •1.f,OOO in r-.quirel any amount IJ'"eAter than campe.lan expenditw. tn a year •100 muat be lilted aeparataly. ln wntcn there la no cam~?" H --ad •'--....... __ ,, b Friuelle accUled SW. of U')'tn, :1 • ... wwt .rn&.&e.ue, y not to "create" an electJ ..... l11ue be· : . aivina the breakdowna, wu con-"'' .•, ce•11 .... what the 1C01tl were ac-cauae, the u.mblyman ueerted, . ......., no other t.ues emt. tually or. SIU. pfd Thunday there ate SUll 1alct he wu not judstng other t.ue., such u the county's 1 the approprlateneu of the ex-pnmina trana~rtation problnna . pend!turel. and Fr1uelle: I vote .. a Repu- " All I'm aaylng ~'let'• have ~lean to back WUUe Brown, a 1 dhdmure'." . '""-_J1an Franclaco Democrat, u As- ' SW. uld he considered about aembly speaker. TWINS llEUNITED . . . The Harrnona, who subse- quently moved to Twtln, never were charged with child abu.e. The order under which the Harmona regained custody inclu- ded Instructions for marital . counaeling and 10 classes in pa- renting. Harmon hadn't worked for a month-and-a-half and his wife _ wu five months pregnant and "out ot sorta" when the two equabbled Jan. 14. She called for ~lice escort to retrieve her from the house. Harmon explained. "The p1act!, well, maybe it didn't look 10 good at the time." "I knew about Joeeph'a Q.iaper rash -he was very aenaltlve akin -and I waa tre.tin~ It," Mn. Harmon said. The boy 1 fe- ver wu at most 99 degrees be· cauae he wu teething, she added. On Jan. 19, Ventura County Ju- venile Judge William Peck de- layed rutina_ In the caae b«auae Harmon still wasn't working. Bed y la Irvine . Murder Case to stay open By DA VlD ~lJTZMANN OflNOllJ ....... ---··· A Superior Court judge ruled today iNt a erelimlna.ry ~ ln an Oranle County murder: caie would remain open to the public despite the objection of defeNe attomeya. In ao dolna. Judge Phlllp E. Schwab, In effect, upheld a new state law which all9w1 prelimi- nary hearing ln crlm1nal ca.. to Haig tells bid on islands be open to P-"bUc and pre. alike. Schwab 1 rulln1 mean.a that. murder defendant Thomu Thompeon11 pre~ hearina In Central Oranae C:OU.ty Munf. clpal Court wW remain open. It WU WUmown If def~ at- tor~e Ronald Brower would •P Schwab'•~ peon. 26, of • and co-defendant David tlltam Leitch, 22, of La,\ma Beech, are ciw'pd with f1nt.degree murder In the atabbfnl,. dftth of Ginger' Flellchl!, 20. Her body wu found In a ahallow airave In east Irvine lut September. A prellmlnary hearing for the two defendanta began wt month ln Central Orange County Muni· clpe.J Court. The purpoee of the hearing WU to determine If there waa auffident evidence to order the two men to stand trial In su- perior court. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Judge Samuel Taylor closed (AP) -Secretary of State Ale-the hearing to the public at the xander M. Haig Jr. delivered a request of ~ompaon's attorney, message from President Reagan Ronald Brower. Leitch's attor- to Araentine President Leololdo ney, Ronald K.reber, favored a1 Galtlerl today in a bid to avert open hearing. WY over the Fal.k.lapd Ialanda. However, Taylor subsequently An Argentine diplomat ex-revenied hirmelf after attorneys pretled optimism over the latest for the Saddleback Valley News initiative. cited a new atate law which per· 2 ·nights How to apply cardiopulmo- nary resuacltatlon will be ex- plained during two Wednes- day nli!l t clalleS thia month at the Chabad Houae of Ir- vine. Taushl by members of the Hoag Hoapltal Heartaaver Clinic, the claSSetJ will meet from 7 p.m. to" Y p.m. on two, •Irvine Company leuehold property in Newport Beach and Irvine wiU be diacuaaed by the development firm'• director of building at Wed- nesday's dinner meeting of the Orange C-ounty chapter of •The annual March of Dimes 5 and lOK runa through Newport Beach and Irvine will take place April 24, starting at 9 a .m. at the Harbor Municipal Court parking lot. An entry fee of $8 wnh a : . """ in Irvine Wcdn~ya.: Aprtl 21 and !US. Rabbi Mendel Duchman aa!d the coune 11 available to all members or the oommu- ruty who are 13 yean old or more. Thett la a •~ fee. The C habad Houat' la at 17222 Cahd1eberry to lrvtne. More information can be obt- ained by calling 551-1188. Real Eatate Appniaers. The 6 p.m . dinner will be held in the Trabuco Room at the Saddleback Inn, Santa An.a. For reservations to hear the Irvine Company's Chick Willette. call 955-3230 T-shirt or $3 without a shirt wlll be charged. All p~ benefit the March of Di.mes. An awards ceremony will follow the runs, whleh ter- minate at the courthouse. For m ore information, c all 979-2270 '' e made up just two days later but we've been paying for that argument ever since," Mrs. Harmon said. "We were getting ready to move In with Brenda's father because we w'ere 90 low on cash." The couple then moved In with Mn. Harmon's father until Har- mon found a computer program- mer's job ~ Inglewood and a new apartment in Tustin. Oxnard police and Ventura County officials wouldn't diacuss the cue. 'We're pioneers' Haig, accompanied by 1pecial mita public attendance at preli- envoy Vernon Walten, met with mlnary hearings lf there is n o Galtieri and Foreign Minister 1howlng that an open hearing . . . -The A&9oCi.ted Press '.WALK ON HANDS ... ~ Irvine to boost Nicanor Costa Mendez, tben dro-would be detrimental to the de- ve to the Foreign Mlniatry for fendant's chance of receiving a more tal.ka with Coata Mendez. !air trial. taken two fom\S. Since his injury Wieland has built up his body through weight training. He's also been walking between one and 10 miles a day on his hands for the past year. He's not just another weight lifter. He was a national cham- pion power lifter and world re- ~rd holder in his class in 1977 before athletic officials decided he shouldn't be allowed to com- pete for physical and technical reasons. Being banned from competi- tion, plus aeveral other incidents that occurred soon after. put W ieland on the road to his cross-country Spir_it of America Walk "I had to figure out what to do with myself, first of all. About -dtat time I saw a television spe· tjal on Terry Fox (the Canadian cancer victim with a wooden leg · who ran 8C1"QS8 Canada). •Wrhen one day I was training ln Pasadena and 1 got the thought to do a lap on the track on my hands. "Of course. the Lord impressed at on my heart, too," Wieland said. Meanwhile, he also spent six years as a strength and flexibility coach .at Cal St.ate University in Los Angeles. In 1977 he also started Strive for Success, a fundralsing, motivational and fitness firm that became large enough to force him to abandon his work at Cal State last year. -·CHILI CHAMP ... steak or sirloin, pre-ground at a too spicy. Haig made no comment to re~ • science porters walling at Government Previous law stated that a Houae and the Foretfo MiniBtry. hearing had to be closed if the d 1 defendant 10 requested. The new but an Ar1entlne p omat re-law took effect aa an emergency classes marked to a local radio 1tation that "yesterday I wu pe98imiatic, statute March 1. More science is in the future but today I'm op~tic" about Thompson's attorneys appea-for studenta in the lrvtne Uruhed the outcome of the talb. led Taylor's ruling to Schwab, School District. Presidential preaa secretary arguing that the defendant'• The school board has given Rodolfo Baltlerrn told report.en right to a fair trial would be se-preliminary approval to changing that the talks at Government riously jeopardized if an open graduation requirementa S<> ttu· House had been "frank and hearing was permitted. denta must either pass a science useful." He said Haig delivered a proficiency test or take an addi- mesaage from Reagan to Galtieri. Defenae lawyer RoJt~r Carey tional half year of science. The message, contenta of which said that "once the preliminary "A lot of schools are talking were not revealed, was drawn up h earing was forced open. the about acience profictencies," said following a Thursday telephone damage would be done, ao far as Assistant School Superintendent conversation between the two we're concerned." Dean Waldfogel, "but haven't presidents. done much with it. In a sense, In the telephone convenaUon, But Mitchell Abbott. the at-we're pioneers in thia." Galtierl "reaffirmed ... hla tomey reprewnting the Saddle-• Personal desire for a peaceful back newspaper. aaid the hearing The new requi.rementa, wi htchh could be·clo9ed at a later date if would affect incoming n nt -resolution to the dispute." the -..A •'-'-c-n f final White Houae said. Galtieri also there wu prejudicial publicity 54 ... en uli.t ......, are up or asked Reagan to keep in mind generated by the case. approval at the March 24 achoo! that the lfnited State• fought Abbott alto argued that the board meeting. agalnst 'colonialism In 1776 to prem haa a constitutional right to Explaining reasons for the experience as that kids could meet the unit requirements and stall not necessarily understand cert.am concepts or have certain kills .. .. s . The graduation requirement change is designed to make sure students have a certain level of understanding and skills in life science and physical science, Wald!ogel explained, "eve though it might take them twice the minimum course require- ments to get there." The change. which looks like it'll get board approval, would affect what tcience is taught in upper elementary and middle 9Chool. Waldfogel said. Irvine schools already have graduation proficiency require- ments in reading. writing and mathematics . . butcher ahop. • Then they throw in the usual atuff: tomatoes, bell peppers and a few other types of peppers. They •eaaon to taste, and (get thia) they don't let the chili get Judge1 don't want to eat atuff that'• too hot. Kiphut explained. achieve independence, and that sit ln on criminal prpceed.ingt. change, Waldfogel said, "Our Argentina did the aame ln the .----------------;;...._ ___ _:._ _________________ _ next century "and completed the proce. in 1982" by retaking the Falkland lalandt that Britain had "If It bums their tongue1 and they can't taste anything elae for 10 minutes, that chill's not going to get a second taste," he said. held 149 years. Ootutal Boll•ra c1n lllpl CI IOUlh· -ttrty wlnOI 11 10 10 111 knoll Stturdly and light arid v1rlabl• braezaa other t1ma1. South--terty ........... be running 2 to 4 fffl with 2-to 3-1001 wind --""'able Cloud~ ionlgtlt and T ..,iy s.turday °"*"""8 1a1r. e mpera tures Co11111 low 50, lnl1nd 58 · Co11t.1 hlgtl 85. Inland 72. Water NATION 51. HI Lo ~c. Ea.ewtlefo, emo11 craft acMaory Albany 82 41 . over outer co11111 watere from Alt>uqua n 39 Point Conception to Sin NIC0111 AmarlllO 85 « 1t11nd duo to north-l wind• of Atnevllle 82 58 .27 15 to 30 knotl COmblnod -8 Atlanta 78 59 .24 to 10 IHI. Wind• •nd .... do· Atlante City 54 46 CfMllng tonight. Auatlo 83 73 Other#IM llglll varlable Wind• Baltlmo<• 54 41 night and morning houri ~ 8llnQI 42 31 . 17 _,to_,,_, 10 to 18 knot.I 8lrmlngMI 79 e2 26 1ooey 1nc1 s.1uroey. Wind --2 81wnarai eo 38 to 3 Mt Soulhwe9C ..,... 2 to 4 BolM 48 22 foal. Mo1t1y cloudy night and &oaton 545 3t morning houri wttll petUy Ckludy BrOW!>...-0 e 1 n .n.moono. 8utfl6o 70 53 Bunlnglon eo 22 U S CalC* 51 19 • • summary cMn11n sc 12 83 C11«111n wv 14 e 1 CNlltlto NC 73 80 ~ ee 28 Cincinnati a 1 83 CleWland ea 52 Clmbla sc n 5t Columbul 77 57 o.1-Ft Wlh 64 72 o.tyton 78 54 OOnvar 72 31 .02 Doi~ 87 57 2.05 o.troll 63 4 1 Dulu1h eo 38 .33 EJ Paeo 14 56 F1tgo 71 40 .01 ..._.,. M 21 OreatFlll 40 2t H8111«d e 1 33 ......,. 44 2t HonoMu 96 73 Hal.Wion U 73 lndMplll 10 52 . 10 Jacllll\ MS 82 8" ,,___.. S3 14 KM1ll City 80 e& lMl/agM 17 &S Uttit... 12 ti .74 L~ 11 to ~ .. eo ....,_.. II M .70 """"' 13 17 eo •• os ee 5t .02 82 86 ee 10 01 57 4 1 ao 41 79 42 .07 64 e9 1e 54 .oe ee a. 1.00 ee 38 64 59 75 50 48 30 50 37 .24 54 33 52 27 57 29 86 73 441 3f .02 u 74 13 41 37 13 83 .27 83 87 « 38 50 31 87 4e 13 ee 13 411 " 73 87 4e .. " O.._.OMllA Ball.erttlald 83 41 8lyttlO " f'"" 54 40 ,~ ., ~ LAinCelW 57 '2 Loo~ 17 ts M~ 18 41 lllf 11'1111 .... ~ ..... :;"' ,Ji-" 11 -= t1 11 .... II -= .. II 11 u ' o ...... ( .. --· .• 5e 13 81 41 63 311 " 40 82 58 11 41 61 38 es 59 51 49 71 44 82 84 42 13 81 77 56 56 28 88 " 62 81 63 13 48 52 36 .. 65 ... 52 12 lie 10 IO 17 51 13 ., IO '8 81 ... ee ..,&S .. "' 41 11 Extended foreccut IOUTHll'H OAL"O"NIA COAITAL AND MOUNTAIN AAEAI -'* end WWM. H1t!.1a oo.ell lftd WllliY ...... to 71 and IOWI 41 IO ... "''"' ae moun111r1 .....n lewtt II to ff ..cs 1oWt aa to •t. JC I Tade. l!H ,.a "FAMOUS NAMES AT FAllULOUS PRICES' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ~------------------------------------------------------------------------~ MANAGER'S SPECIAL . GIVI YOUR OLD PA TIO FURNITURE THAT NEW LOOK. We Restore And Repair All Brands, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New' Condition For A fraction Of Orlglnal Cost. ALUMONT 100 TllPITllE c1m11 I • 42" Table •All Weathe r • 4 Chairs Aluminum • 42" sq . round reg. $1042 Sale NOW $269 Retail $428 :L. .... ~~'."'"ChaJM reg. $378 MATCHING CHAISE Sale s249oo Retail $188 $129 llAllCADA IWI GI Reg. '64200 TOW~ I COUtl'(AY PATIO SHOPS • 21112 c.mtno Clpletnano &......, N ... 415-1422 • • ., .......... DRIVER MOURNS -Mourning the slaying The girl. Shannah Wicklund, her mother Re- of the 8-yE'ar-old girl she usually picked up in nae, 31, and neighbor Barbara Hendrickson Clearwater, Wash., school bus driver Lolly • were found slain Wednesday evening. • Knutaen ia comforted by a student passenger. .. rnffiu~ rn rn 0rang9 Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 18, 1982 Al ' Israel to quit Sinai? Negotiators optimistic despite disputes By Tbe AllOCla~ Presa ffich·level neaotiatort 1huttled ~tween Jeruaafem and c.a1ro tor the IM!COnd day today, exi>re91ina optlmluri llrael wW quit the Sf- nai Deeert u acheduled on AprO 25 despite wt-minute dllputet, I.n the Slnai town of YamJt, Ia- raell extreml1ta who refute to leave threw two firebombs at i. raell troops that injured no one, but the extremllll stamped on the fingen of one soldier, llrael radio laid. OTTAWA (AP) -Queen EU- zabeth II eay1 she l1 saddened becauae Quebec is oppoee<i to the Canadian constitution 1he will proclaim Saturday but hopes the new charter "will be good for all of Canada." The British monarch, who ii allo queen of Canada, and her huaband, Prince Phlllp, arri- ved Thunday afternoon for the delivery to the former North Amerlcan colony of complete control over It.I CONtltuUon, now eqajpped with a chaner of rfghta and freedoms. The royal couple'• echedule today Included lunch with Prime Mlnllter Pierre El- liott Trudeau, a televl1ed gala performance by Canadian 1tara and a dinner for the Canadian Achievers, an organization of out.standing young people. BEIRUT, LebHOD (AP) - Grenade explo1ion1 and machine-gun fire today punctu- r ed a Syrian -moni tored truce between Moslem factions. PoUce said at lea.st seven tighten were k11led and nine wounded. To- day'• cuualt:lee broulht the toll in Lebanon'• wont factlonal fJahtl.nl this year to ~9 deed and 149 wounded ln the pa1t four daya. A police 1poUlman Mid the fightl.nl broke out in the Bourh el-Barajneh diatrict on the IOU· thern ed1e of Beirut at mtd-rnorn1Jl8. The dead and wounded were memben of leftist and Shilte Moelem qillJtlu ambushed by the other aide. Townspeople angry over loss to cult BEIRUTLL,ebaaon (AP) - Ayatollah RUriollah Khomeini'• forces h ere kllled or wounded more than 125 Kurdlah rebels in northwestern Iran in a renewal of fighting between the revolu- t Io n a r y r~slme and the autonomy-.eeking tribesmen, the official Iranian news agency I.ma reported. lma u.ld more than 100 m e mbers of "U .S .-inspired splinter groupa" were killed or wounde d in clashes near the Kurdish town of Mahabad, and mor e than 25 Kurdi1h rebels were kitled In other villages in the-region. Kurdish tribesmen, mountain warriors for g~nera­ tions, have fought agalnet the central Tehran government for decades. ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) - Townspeople who had hoped to diaaolve their government to keep it out of the hand• of an Indian guru's followers have been outvoted, and the mayor and City CoundJ are devastated. "We who have lived here a long time have lost our homes," Mayor Margaret Hill said after the proposal to disinc9q~orate failed Thursday by a vote of 55-42. "&of now, our homes are worth nothing." But election of- fldala challenged 70 ballota from voten who regiatered or changed residence within the past 30 daya. That means voters would have to go to ctrcuft court to defend their realdencle1 If the election Is contested. DETROIT (AP) -Stroh Bre- wery Co. and Jos. Schlitz Bre- wing Co. have ended a 2 ~-week battle for control of Schlitz by announcing a merger that leu Stroh take over the larger com- pany and vault into third place 0 among the nation's bre wers. Schlitz, whose sales have decli- ned, reported a net loss of $20.6 million in 1981 and had been under pressure from stockholders to improve earnings. It had op- posed a merger with the priva - te ly owned brewing company, calling its offer "deceptive and manipulative," but •greed after Stroh increaled ita offtt and the Wisconsin securities commissio- ner stepped into the case. DETROIT (AP) -United Auto Worken union President Douglas A. Fraser and General Motors Corp. Chairman Roger B. SmJth signed a hatorlc concea- • sions contract today that la de- signed to pump new life into the nation's largeet auto company. The pact, which went in effect Monday, was signed at the bar- gaining table on the fifth floor of OM headquarters where the union and the company struggled in two sets of negotiations over 10 weeks. "As the yean pus. people will look back OD March 21, 1982 (the date the tentative agreement was reached), and say it was the beginning of greater job security for GM workers," said Fraser. WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan said today that ef- forts to reach a compromise in the deadlock with Co~ over the budget ''are approaching a climactic stage." The president also was adamant in opposing any effort to roll back the tax cuts Congress approved last year. "Tampering with the third year of the tax cut would lnflict major damage on the economy," the president said, 1peaklng to edi- ton and broadcasters from the Southeast. EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (AP) - Rescue workers today struggled to recover the last bcxly from the twisted wreckage of a highway bridge that collapsed during construction and killed· 12 work- ers. The bcxlies of all but one of the 12 were recovered Thursday. The search resumed at dawn for the worker entombed in n ow- hardened concrete during the accident, which al.so injured 17 workers. Offidals said all 75 men wht> had been working at the site had been accounted for. BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) - A couple who let their severely retarded Infant die want t-0 be alone "to live with their decision," one of their lawyers saya. The baby, identified by au- thorities only as "Infant Doe," died Thunday night after living for leas than a week as a legal fight to save h im wu about to reach the U.S . Supreme Court. The partmtl decided to forego an operation to repair a defonnity of the esophagus which prevented nourishment from reaching the child's stomach. They ordered food withheld. and the Indiana Supreme Court upheld their de- cision on Wedneed.ay. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - JohJ'l!IOn & Johnson offkials say they will appeal a federal judge's ruling denying them retrial of an antitrust and fraud suit. The company was accused of buying and then stifling a smalJ· firm that manufactured an e lectronic painkilling device which could have cut into sales of pills such as "Tylenol," manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. • ANKARA, Tarkey (AP) - Preliminary findings suggest.that a serious e ngine malfunction caused the crash of a U.S . Air Force C-130 transport plane in eastern Turkey, killing all 27 Americans aboard , an official source said today. "It might have been engine troUble, one o1 the engines might have been drop- ped off,'' the 1ource told The As:aociated Presa. But the C-130 aircraft has four engines and can still function when one breaks down. Search suspende"-for 4 missi~g sailors SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Cout Guard bu ended ita formal 1earcb for four sailors who disappeared when high winds disrupted a weekend yacht race to the Farallon Ialands. Pet- ty Officer Don Mincher said Thunday air tearehes had failed to turn up new clues to the whereaboutl of the two boats lince,a piece of the 22-foot .~weet Omep wu found Monday near Point Reyes, about 20 miles north of here. The Sweet Omega was c:arrytng Jaruoe Maimone, 31, and Larry Obnw, both from Portland. The other boat, Bad Sneaken, can1ed Gregory maimone, 38, of Caltro Valley, and John Ben.on, 39, of Morqa. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The con1erv,ative majority of the county Board of Superviaors e f- fectively killed a propou.l to de- clare next week Ground Zero Week to make the "public ... better informed ... about the effects of a nuclear war. "I waa dumbfounded," Kenneth Hahn, a veteran member of the board said Thunday after failing to get a 9eOOl'ld to his propou.l from the three other board memben pre- aent. Hahn had invited Dr. Mar- vin Goldberger, president of the California Institute of Technolo- gy in Pasadena, and Dr. David Caldwell, a political and aocial lclentiat from the Univenity of Southern California t.O present the proposal tor Ground Zero Week to the board, adding, "I CIHatfled edveftlMng 714M2·M11 All ottt.r depeftmenta 142-4321 MAIN OPF1CI! • Wnt..., Sl., C-. INM, CA. Melt...,_: ... ,,.., c-. ..... CA. .... c., ...... tW:I 0r-. c.... ~ .... ~. ... _......., .......... , ................. .. ,...,, ... _....,..... ...., • r~ ...._.. ..-ci.1 ""91fuMfl .. cepyr11M-. had expected there would not even be debate on aomething_ as simple as this, let alone a contro- versy. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ra- leigh Hilla alcoholism hoepitals in Southern California are under- going a .. validation audit" and a "routine evaluation" -not a full-blown investisaUon -in a dispute over the hospitals' treat- ment program, 1pokeamen for the federal government and Ra- leigh Hilla have uid. The spoke- smen al90 agreed that the core of the controversy regarding the re-treatment of IOme patients at a second or third Raleigh Hills ho- spital was the question of medical neceulty rather than the sug- gesUon that patients were moved in order to get renewed Medicare payments. Raleleh Hilla hoapitala are operated by ~vanced Health System1, a 1Ublidlary of Petrola- ne Inc. AHS operatl!ll 21 hospiiall in 10 ltatl!ll. lta 1981 revenue wu $69 m1llion. What do you Uk• about the Dally Pilot? What don't you Uke! Call the nYmbtr below ud your m .. .,. will bt reir:orded, tr1naeribed and delivered to\be appropriate edJtor. The ••me 2A·hour anawerina MrYlee may be \lied to rffOfd let· tere lo lhe edttor •an)' loplc. llaUboa ooatrUuon muat IMh..Se tMlr ume and telephont "umber for verlflHU.. No elrcu&1Uoft ull1,p&eue. Ttll • whal'I on >'our m&nd. .. lawyer said U.S. Agriculture Se- cretary Job.P Plock had al.rftdy agreed to a 15-day ext.en.lion. 11ie judge wu acting on a suit by low-income parents and wel!are groupa, joined by state schools Superintendent Wilson Riles, contending that Block violated federal privacy laws by not tel- ling the state or the families what u.e would be made of the num- bers. ., ... ........, BUT NO ARM -The Internal Revenue Service has been accuse'Ciiof demand.ina an arm and a leg on April 15, and Janet Tyler-eff Laramie, \VYo., obllg_ed, in ea-rt· She wrote her $10,- 825 tax check on an old artificial leg she replaced last summer and mailed it to the IRS as a protest over her inability fo ·file a joint return as a widow. SPRING CARPET SALE Just m time for spring redecorating. a scorefull of sav m.i.:s on luxurious Evans-Black C..ar~t by Armstrong. Exciting multi ·colors, stylish solias. heavy saxonies and beautiful sculprures all from Evans·Black -and aJI are on sa le! Cand~ra ... Save on Rich Ansoe IV Nylons ~1u11fy your home wuh an Ev1n•·Black carper of soil and stain resistant Anso• IV ny lon " An5<> fibers actualJy rcrtct d1", resist spills and provide comfomng static conuol. NOW ONLY s 13so Inst. Cosant ..• Save on Rich Antrone Plus Nylons Shop now and saw on luxurious Evans-Black c1rpct1 c~rcd of DuPpnt Antron• Plu~ nylon, the rugged new fiber thll resists soil, •rains, and helps conuol static: shock. • NOW ONL y 'l 9 50 Inst . • COITA Ml&A, CALIP. •2•27 • . 00 --~ IAUft'AaTS U'ILl .... m.AY ... . . Br PAT DUNN or .. ..,,... .... dry leather OBAR PAT DUNN: My llltbud 1ot me a lovtlf ·~~,~· lea&Mr Jaeket for Clarl1tma1. It 10& "'* dartq IM neea& nual ...... loob like lt'1 al lea1t oae alse amaDer. Doet leatller .. rlak, or ll die jacket ltefeedve? S.R., lrvlae Leet.hen and suedel do shrink, ecooni1ng to the ~tional hbricare lntUtute, a ~ ..adatlon of profeatk>r11l cleanert. Thia lh.rtnbce la a natUral relaxation of stretched hides u.ed ln the aannent. Any leather aannent thould be bouaht "bia'' td allow few thla normal thrinkaae· A dry cleaner who ·~ ln leather cleaninC may be able iolit.retch the jacket. but IFI warns you not to depend on the leaihl!r11 ability to h?~ the stretched· out tire. Next time your jacket gets wet, air Olf It away from strong heat to minimize ahrinking. -l Sug ar· b o ost fails BOSTON (AP) -'"'8om• ma· rathon runnen beUevl \hey wW run harder and lon1er lt they loed up on ..,... while they l'aCJ, but a 1tudl concludee thJI atra- teCY doem t work. ''There 11 nothlna about what we have found that would aua-aest that lt I.I harmful." aa1d Dr . Phlllp Fellg, who directed the atudy. "But on the other hand, we didn't aee any benefit." Many runners alp sweetened drink.a during a race. Tbelr bo- dies use up their retervea of su- gar while they run, and they u - aert a sweet drink will of&et this 1011 and prevent them from "hitting the wall" -the ~tenle fatigue and pain that often eeta ln after 20 miles. ( ,.,.,.,..,..... The dau1hter.of actor-1ln~er ~rla &rlateff eraH la • dolna well" aa •h• rec- overs from ln&ernal and head Injuries 1utfe(9d ln a motor· cycle aectden\ wlth Olympic abW Erle B.W., a ._.. woman for Antelos:te "Oall•Y Medlcal Center uld. P'raakl• Rle~ar•• add 29·year.old Tracy &rlatef • fertoa "11 lmprovlne. The ~la aooct. and ahe bu been uparaded to fair cond.ltJon.•• Former federal budget di· rector Bert LHce uy1 he's decided agaiNt running tor governor of Georgl.a. 1.Ance, an UNUCCftlful jU- bematorlal candktate ln 1974, told the Rome N~Tribune, "1 think I could make a dif- ference in the race. I think I could win.'' . Tips !or car buyers DE.AR PAT DUNN: I read receatly lb& It'• ••• ucommoa. for a 1tolea car body to be pat on a claa11l1 for w~clt dlere 11 a lqitimate dtle. ftll makes me wonder ltow tbe averqe ••ed car nyen cu be 1are be or site lu't 1ettta1 a "ltot" car.l>o YM laave uy advice on &bis? R.E., Battaston Buell U you're in the market for a good uaed car or expect to be ln the future, the following tips from Aetna Life & Casualty's anon/fraud unit should help to prevent the accident.al purehaae ''Th e idea really has been around a long time that au,ar ia the gaaollne for the body,' aald Dr. Johanna Dwyer, director of the nutrition center at Tufta- New F.ngland Medical Center ln Boston. "Some athletes think they can take a sugary drink, and immedlately the fires burn brighter." BLOCKING CANCER -Richard Bloch, co-founder of the H & R Block tax preparation aervlce, plana to open the non-profit R.A. Bloch Cancer Management Center to give patients quick access to the moet up-to-date cancer fighting Te90\.IJ'Cel. Four years ago, Bloch was told he bad inoperable lung cancer, but after a regimen of surgery, drugs and radiation, the di8S88e ls in total rernlasion. Prlace11 Aue reportedly hates giving autograph.a, but It waa front-page ne ws In Great Britain when her highness made an exception and signed a get-weU card - for a hone. Newspapers printed pic- tures of the princete, the card, cla&e-upe of Anne'• lignature and of Soe Benson and her hone. of a stolen vehicle: · A report on the latest work, conducted at Yale Medical School, was published ln Thurs- day's New England Journal of Medicine. Aide misses Reagan chopper Like Anne, Miss Benaon ii competing In the Badminton Horse Trials this week and heard that one of the favorite mounts, Peter the Great, was injured in a road accident. The horse ls convalescing at h is o wn er 's stables at Hungerford -Go to a reliable, eflabliahed dealer when buying a used car. Be especially careful when buying a car from an individual without a specific address. Check to see whether the seller can be located should you need to reach him or her after the sale. -Check the Vehicle Identification Number, which is usually embolaed on a met.al plate over the driver's dash section and visible from the outside of the bottom of the windshield, for signs of alteration or replacement. The VIN must match the VIN shown on the seller's certificate of title. -Inquire about past insurance and financing on the car. and then verify this information with the insurance agent, bank or finance company. -Look at the body paint on a new model. A fresh paint job may indicate·eover-up work h¥ thieves. -Check the license tag and inspection sticker to Qe certain that they are current and issued by the same stafA:. , -Aak for at least one aet of the original mahufactttrer's keys rather than a replacement set. Be auspicious if the seller provides you with re-made keys for a late model car. -Review and Complete all paperwork at the time of sale. Don't forget that a certilicate of title can be counterfeited. Check documents carefully for sip t>f poaible alteration. • "Got a problem'! Then write to Pii,bunn. Pat wU1 cut red t.a~. ptting the amwers and action you • i need to aolve lnequitiel in govemmtmt and bcaine&t. , Mail your quest/01111 to Pat Dunn, At Your &rvloe, ~. Orange Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, Costa ~ I Mesa. CA g26~. Aa .many letten • pmsible w1lJ btt ~ but phoned inquirle9 or letters not Jncludlng the l'M· der'a tun name, adtJrem and bu.l.nem hours' phone number can- not Pe considered." The researchers found -as runners suspect -that sugar le- vels in blood tall during a stre- nuous workout. However, this does not slow the athletes down. ··one of the striking findings was the fact that not only was low blood sugar fairly common but that in the presence of low blood sugar, the subjects were able to continue exercising for periods .ranging from 15 to 70 minutes," Felig said. The research was performep on 19 men who worked out on stationary bicycles until they were exhausted. While they pe- daled, they drank water sweete- ned either with sugar or saccha- rin. ln one-third of tt)e men who got sat-Charin, blood concentra; . lions of sugar fell below nonnal levels after between one and 2 IA hours of exercise. This condition is called hypoglycemia. Despite 1t, however, they were able to keep ped.allng for u long as men who had normal blood sugar le- vels. President Reagan walts for no man, at least not White House communications direc- tor David R. Gergen. Gergen, who had gained a reputation for being chroni- cally late, waa supposed to accompany Reagan on a five- hou r trip to Chicago on Thursday for a presidential A $155 milliorl°"sujt has b een filed against Warne r Bros. Inc . and others by Robert Towne, the screen- writer and initial prodooer of the movie "Penonal Best." The suit accuses Warner, David Geffen, Geffen Films and 30 unnamed defendants with coercion, fraud and de- A miniature Michigan state flag that circled the F.arth 129 times last month is back on home turf, the gift of space shuttle pilot Jack Louma to Gov. William Mllllken. Lousma returned to his home st.ate and Milliken de- Why buy or lease you_r new Porsche or Audi from ju ·t any dealership when you can gee the special treatment atfark. At Park Po rsche/Auli"we're committed to o ffering the ultimate in customer service. Yo ur new Park Pors~e or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, en~itling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You 'II also have a personal Park Consumer ~epresentative, here to answer all your automotive questions. And, if you'd like ~~< .~ to pick up your new automobile right from the facco11~ ask about o ur unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-i»O :W.)(1-i: II AU i>i cated to giv~ng you t.he first class treatment you de~erve. II TH Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY 0 ER differen~e . .· .. 6700 Manche ter Blvd , Buena Pl_tk, Ca. 90621<71•)521·8621(2U)921-774'4 The 8each Blvd. exit otf the Santa Ana Preeway. speech on college aid. But when Gergen dashed onto the White House South Lawn, Reagan and the rest of his entourage already had boarded h is helicopter , the door Will shut and the rotor blades were whirling for uf- to ff. Gergen turne d and walked back to hLS office. famation of character. Towne claims in the suit that he entered an agreement with Warner in June 1979 for his independent San Pedro Productions Inc. to produce ''Personal Best" but that stnkes m 1980 halted work on the film and Warner was un- able to continue financing. tlared it ''Col. Jack Lousma Day" in his honor. Lousma, who was born in Grand Rapids and raised in Ann Arbor. was in the state to visit relatives. He and Milli- ken exchanged gifts at a news conference at the state Capitol in Lansing. FLY The Toyota auto manufac- turing company agreed to pay e ntertainer Fa61an Forte $32.000 in an out-of-court settlement following a ruling that Toyota was liable for in- juries h e suffered in a car accident. Attorneys reached a settle- ment a few hours before a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury in Torrance wu,to begm deliberating how much the 39-year~ld Slllger should receive. Fabian, whose-popularity- peaked in the late 1950s and 1960s and who used only his first name for professional purposes, was inJured Sept. 13, 1978 during a prac tice session for Toyota's Pro- Celebrity Race for Charity, which was later held m Wat· kms Glen, N.Y. AND DUY. Par1c Porache/Audl lnvlt .. you to • apeclal evening. Taking a European vacation? Join us for complimentary wine. cheese and travel films, on Wednesday. April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Part< Porsche/Audi will introduce Its all new, unique and unlike any other European Delivery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picking up, your new car In Euro,e. For more infonnation call 714/521-8621 or 213/921-n44. UNLIKEANYOTHER M=t< .... 6700 Manchester Blvd. ~)( .. i 4UDi Buena Park, Ca 90621 . . MARRIAGE PROPOSAL -Some men will go to the ends of . the earth for the woman they love. For Steven Rauach of , Newport Beach. the aky was the limit Tbunday afternoon. • The Fluor Corp. employee spent $325 to send his marriage proposal acra. the sky while he and hil girlfriend, Corrie Morales of Balboa Ialand, sailed acroae Newpo~ Harbor. The ,• ~ 0.-, Not ~ .,, Gery .,...,_ 144-foot sign saying "Marry Me Corrie, I Love You. Steve" floated above the harbor for 20 minutes, catching the attent- ion of curious onlookers as well as Miss Morales. She said yes. N-M teachers facing -layoffs naIDed .,,. . . Tax paying ·by Mesan ll1akes cents Tax protester Eric J ohnson made h1a point in pennies -36,- 000 of them. '!bat's how many copper coins the. Costa Meu rellident dropped off at the FederJl Bulldlne in Santa Ana, where the Internal Revenue Service bu ita officel.. Johmon, a Cal State Fullerton student, said he wu miffed to learn b1a tax bill for 1981 would be $270 higher because be got married. That additional a mount' brought hia tax bill to $381. He decided to pay $360 of it in pen- nies and the remainder in silver coinage. . He did thia by wheeling a shopping cart fflled with coin rolls into the IRS office Thunday morning. "I think they're going to accept It," he aald after hia arrival. ''They don't want me to break it out of the rolla, but I think they're aotng to accept it." Aak.ed" why he WU prot.estina. Johnaon said, "I thou1ht thfa would be one way to make a point that people who get mar- ried shouldn't be penalized on their taxes." Johmon claimed that the only reason his taxes went up waa becau.e of his marriage in 1981 and the extra Income therefrom. Newport arts ~festival viewed The 18th annual two-day Newport Beach City Arla Festi- val, set to untold at J'iilifon laland April 24, ia previewed in today's edition of the Dally Pilot Weekender. The preview on pep 9 of. the Weekender det.alla the festival'• colorful biltory and the eventa slated foe tb1a year, includi.qa a foi,000 juried art compeUUm. WORLD RETIRING -Randall Mc- . Cardle, owner of the Real F.taten, la ae~ hia eeven- o ff ice operation on the Orange Coast. Millionaire realtor sells Mesa business By STEVE MARBLE Of .. Dellr ........ Randall McCardle, a ninth grade dropout who thumbed a ride into C.O.ta Mesa 30 years ago, founded the Real E.taten and became a multi-millionaire. bu sold b1a real estate empire. McCardle, who would not re- veal the price for the eeven-offioe operation, sold the bu1ine11 Thursday to hla brother Terry and a longtime employee, Mike Ferry. "t aotd It becauae ln today'a- market you need somebody wil- llna '° work b1a bottom off," said ~. addina, "and rm not." The '0-year-Old broker, who went t.ck to achool and ended up earninC a PhD, aaid he has en- joyed auccea In the _real estate 4'See REALTOR, Paae A!) ·Israelis kill 2 teens . TEL AVIV-, i..I (AP) -Two~~ wen lbot to death and 18 other' rioten by I...u troos-today In the ocnaped Qua Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan, the military~ tald. NATION Upper Bay: ··More silt for buck A multi-million dollar cleulup of Upper Newport Bay, to be launched next month, can be ex- panded without additional eo1t, ~~ ~ offid.ala have ~ l~n. coordinating the J.araely state-funded $4.7 milllon job, tb1a week revealed they can ,et more allt for the buck becaUlle of an unexpectedly low oontnct bid for the work. Ben Nolan, Newport's public worka director, said the low bid could result in an extra 200,000 cub1c yards of lilt being dredged from the debril-cllokecf bay. Nolan said thi1 would be In addition tO the nearly 700,000 cublc yard.a of lilt, mud and u - aorted goo already scheduled to be ICO()ped from the bay. The low bid from J .W. Mit- chell Co., an lrvlne-bued firm, WU rouably $500,000 )ea than what the city had fiaured the project would coat. The City Council will decide late thll' month If the~ .will be spent for additional dredli.DI· The cleanup projct, expected to nan six JDODU.. la designed to return water and tidal action to the top reaches of the bay, an area now nearly bone dry. Delly Nol~..,_.,~ BAND TREK -Bob Weiland, whoie legs were blown off in Vietnam, plans to walk on his hands from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, Fla. Work crews will dredge 1 30-acre baaln a t the extreme nor1h end of the bey, adjacent w the Jamboree Road Drld1e. Crews Uo wW clean a stretch of the San Diel!> Creek, which feeds the bay, and inatall allt- catchlna devices at several polnta. Trek by han._ . . . Legless man to cros$ country Tbe Clevice9 reportedly will be able to .,hold .up_to flve-yea.r1' worth ot lllt -baning a mapr wtnter ltorm -before they must - be clMhed. When the project la oompMrted., the now-dry top of the bay Ii expected to reaemble)l small, pond that expands and' ahrlnb with the Ude. COUNTY BJ STEVE TRIPOLI Of ... Dellr ......... ' In r ecent yeara Ame ricana have t.eated their skills and en- durance by ctolling the country on foot, by bicycle, in helium balloons and even on roller. skates. But it'• doubtful that anyone baa even oonaldered -much lea Prep ant teem oil ered hope · Prejnant teen...,.. haw been offered new hope and a chance to flm.b billl ICbool tbrouch the SchOol Aae Mothen procrmn In a.ta Mela. Pip Bl. Ballet to ap~ twice The Ballet l"a.ctfka wlll nrut ttl atuff ln two ~.,,.. tbJa ~ at the Laauna Moulton In X... Bu =h.. Wnkendei. STATE attempted -the crossing that Bob Wieland expects to embark on later this month. Wieland plans to walk from Los Angeles to Jack19nvllle, Florida in 14 months on h la hands. He appears supremely confi- dent that he can do it. (See WALK, Pase A!) INDEX SPORTS Some have 10 years on job The names of 88 t.eachen who face possible dismissal at the end of the school year have been re- vealed by officials of the Newport-Mesa Unified Sch ool Di.strict. Moat of the 88 have been tea- ching In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa school• for five to .even years. Some have been in local cluarooms for 10 years. Come June, they have been told, they could be without jot. because ol district cutbacks. The dlatrict also has sent pre- dismlg.a! notices to 30 lea expe- rienced teachers. It's unlikely many of thoae will be back next year, district officials said. Last year. the district gave notice to 100 experienced, fullti- me teachers. and d.ismilled 79. The district i.s 1 · teachers, basically, because ~nt baa been declining at the rate of 1,000 students a year since 1976. Three 9Chools will be clORd in June and another will be con- verted from a middle 9Chool to an elementary sch ool next fall be- cause of declining enrollment. Kevin Wheeler, the district'• assistant superintendent for per- sonnel. told school board mem- bers earlier this week that the 88 experienced ~were placed on the dl.amiasal lilt on the basis of four factors -time in the di- strict. credentials held, total ex- perience and educational back- ground. WheeJer said that ~ and benefits earned thia year by the 88 teachers totals about $2.4 mil- lion. The teachers on the tennina- tion Uat in clude: Loia Hines Joyce Zcqer, Diane Olcott, Sha- ron Barth, Bruce Olander, Laura Holmes, John Curtis, Christine Reinemann, Rick Barth, Bonnie Cotton, Thomas Barr, Karlene Von Szellaki, Judy Diener, Ro- nald Covlnaton and John Car- penter. (See TEACHER, Page AZ) • • C/N ~\ -' Continued 8tol'le8 TEACHER LAYOFFS • • •• Al8o Dlane Gomty, LUy Spl-rit~J Kenneth McMJWan. Ran- dall y anap, Wilbur Fen, Blanche DeMen, Mary ~tuttht, David Alexander, Thomaa Ware, Mi- chael Pomeroy and Edaar Blant-on. • Alto, Jamee Canary, David • Doyl~. Thott\al Dukes, Patti An· durlkConnle Wadlley, Joan ·Pam opf, David Martin, Linda Lechletter. Charlene Brumleau. Roakel Brezoggo, Carol Steven- • aon; Zelta Lyn Steg, Bart Fl- 1i queue and Suaan Starbuck. '• More are Nelllne Ketchum, Sandra Riehl, Renee Barger, Wileeta Philbrick, Vlriinia Whi- tehouae, Charlotte Chamberlain, Joan Connella, Diana Hen.eley, Michael Starkweather, Joyce ,,Lawhorn, Janet Jephcott and ;. ~thleen Cox. Teresa Galusha, Judith Cwiertnia, Ctndy I...anpvad, Jean i'orbea, Carolyn Stephenson,· Ruth Maia, T.S. Smith, Margery Beck, Paul Karaaheualan, Ri- chard Camobell, lbrbara Fel- tham, Jeanne Peck, John Llnd- fora, John Koch, Charles Schu- bert and Douelaa Voiding ap- peared on the U.t. AlJo F.dward Joe, David Lar- .en, Lloyd Brown, Pamela Hen- derson, William Wakeman, Wanda Olten, Charles Blelket, Paul Kahn, Larry Sunderman, John Battey and Je!frey Pieroee. Also Janette Johnson, Martin Krenzke, Wlllta~ Cochrane, James Weeks, Eugene Swanson, Lynn Collini, Paul Jordan, Joan "Semeniuk and Rochelle Lang. ''REAL TOR RETIRES ... . Rejection . . of USC appealed Auorner.s for the Newport- Meu Unit ed School DllUict fl- ied ThW'ldat!:' reconaideration of the at.ate tal Com.rn1-lon'a rejection of a permit by the Un- lventty of Southern Callforn1a to operate a satellite camp.aa ln Co- rona del Mar. Last month, commillioners de- nied the unlvel"lllty'I app~ti.on to operate a bwineu tchool at Corona del Mar elemhntary school, saying that tb.e lnc:reued uae of the area and traffic would ."subltantially erode the charac- ter of the community." Clayton Parker, the suomey for the school district, said he believes the impact from traffic as a result of the operation of a busineaa school would be infinitesimal." Nancy Luca.st, director for the commission's South Coast District office said commiaaionera will consider appeala baaed on new OVERTURNED TRUCK -A loaded concrete truck driven by Duane H. Kendall. 36, El Toro, overturned Thursday at Adams and Placentia • .. ~ ..... ~lllf LAehpe avenues in c.osta Mesa when the truck'• front wheel spring broke, police said. No one ~as injured and very little cargo was lost. businea and aim ply im 't willing to work that hard anymore. He said his brother, who hu 1 been with the firm since 1965, and Ferry are. And now he teaches at Orange Coast College. McCardle aald it's the money -the amount he's made, that ls information or proof that there I She added that appllcaUona for reconsideration are unusual. "It's has been an""°' In fad or law. ~I not me. '!"' It d ... n't happen ~~'"'' Three seized in Costa Mesa bar holdup McCardJe, a Mesa Verde resi- ' dent, has had a rags-to-riches life. A high school dropout who operated a hamburger stand at little profit in Pennsylvania, he later joined the Navy, took up mountain climbing and ended up in Costa Mesa taking psychology courses at ~e C.oast Colle1e. -that has taken the edge off hia drive in real estate. He said he's looking to hia brother to keep up the reputation of the firm as a "hard-working outfit." very oft.en,' ahe aa.td. ~~ , lJ Under the comnusaion's guide-• lines. the diatrict had until April ... 18 to flJe for reconsideration. A • ,,~ He said he is not a believer ln ''all the cloudy, gloomy and ne- gative talk" about the real estate business being in trouble. public hearing wilJ be held in 30 to 45 da)'ll and oornmil8ioners will · make a decision immediately al- terward. As the story goes. he bouaht an old car for $285, rented a single- car garage u iJvt.ng quart.en for even less and started a real eata te career, which eventually made him rich. "I.don't believe it," he aaad. "There won't be a quJck. drama- tic turnaround but there will be a turnaround." USC has since sought to ter· minate the $69,000 lease with the school district. And then -aa -if to prove "once a realtor always a realtor" -he added, 'Td buy now. Right now. In fact, if I were you. " WALK ON HANDS ... Wieland, 36, has let little stand Tra.lniilg for the challenge has Mesa teen shot in heist; clerk held "' his way tn life, especially since taken two fontlS. Since h.ia injury both of his legs were blown off in Wieland ha.a built up his body Vietnam in 1969. through weight training. He's This challenge has special sig-, also been walking between one nlCicances for Wieland. He hopes J and 10 miles a day on his hands the "walk" will raise money to for the past year. help abused and disabled youth; He's not just ano~her weight he views it as a personal and lifter. He waa a national cham- athletic accomplishment, and he pion power lifter and world re- says it will be testimony to his cord holder in his class ln ~9~?,. , Christian faith. before athletic officials decadeu Though people may be moved he shouldn't be allowed tQ com- to pity by Wieland's condition, he pete for physical and technical refuses to refer to it as a disabi-reaaons. lity and says he has been lucky. Being banned from ·~o"!lpet1 - "I appreciate the blessings that don, plus several other incidents 'have been bestowed on me, and r that occurred soon after, put 'jus~ want to share them," he Wteland on th.e .road to his cross-country Spmt of America ,says. Walk Wieland says h~ 1s ready to ,,1 had to fi out what to do start the trip anytime, but that with myself.~t of all. About the problems of setting ':'Pa h tim 1 w a television spe- support team and the publicity t. at ,; sa Fox (the Canadian his pla~s have generated ~ave ctal on -~ with a wooden leg led to five postponements smce canceh r V1 Canada) February. w o ran across . A 19-year-old man waa shot ln the back Thursday night aa he and two friends attempted to run out of a Costa Mesa convenience store without paying for six 12-pack.a of beer valued at $32, police said. · Ronald Lee Matloclt ia repor- ted in guarded condition today at , Costa 'Mesa Memorial Hospital where he was left by hit two friends, pol.ice said. Bang Van Vu, 21, Costa Mesa. a clerk at the U-Tote M store at 1913 Placentia Ave. waa arrested on suspicion of attempted mur- der. He remains at Costa Mesa City Jail. Police said Vu called the de- partment shortly after 11:20 p.m. to report the theft of beer, but neglected to mention the shoo- ting. Matlock told police he didn't know the names of h.ia friends. _,_--~------------;._.------r Coastal 8oe1tr1 c;en ••pec:t toutn--tttty wtrldl et 10 to 111 knote Seturdey end llght end nrteble breezH other tlmH. South· -i.rly ........ Wiii be running 2 to 4 feet with 2· to 3-foot wfnd wevet. ~;.i:::oo~~1 _,Temperatures Coutel low 50, tnlend 511 Coeatal high 85, Inland 72. Wellt NATION 58. HI Lo l'!rc.. El-"«•. tmaJI crett IOVllOf't Alt>eriy 112 41 over outer c:o11t•I w•t•re from Albuq~ 77 39 Point Conception to Sen Nlc:olu Amerltto 85 « a.l•nd due to northWHI Wind• of A8Mvttl• 82 se 27 15 to 30 knot.a Combined -II At18nt• 78 St 24 to 10 IHI Wind• end HH d•· An.ntc Clly 54 4e c:fealng tonight Auettn 83 73 011\etwlM llght verleble Wlndt 8111tlm0r• 114 41 , ..... ,, .. crrm .... • ( .td ~-.. •\ho •• ~,,..,,. .. 1 .2;:.!.."!.:4 .. KmtIII ------- night llld morning holKs becoming 81111nge •2 31 17 ...t to IOIJttlwett 10 to 111 knot.a BlnnlnQhm 79 112 29 Mtlw8Yk• eo .a .06 todsy end S.turd8y. Wind We\IM 2 81tmetcil 60 38 Mpls.-St.P. 1111 82 51 .02 10 3 Met. aouu-t twelle 2 lo 4 8olM 49 22 Nuh\lille 115 IHI. Mo1tly cloudy night •nd 8oet0fl 56 39 New Orleent 11857 70 01 morning houri wtth partly c:IOudy &ownsvlkl 91 77 Hew YOfll 80 41 llllemoon8. Bufllllo 70 53 PfOrtOlk 71 :: 07 8\#lngton eo 22 No. Plettie 94 61 U S C98Plt 58 t9 ~ .. City 7S 54 ()ti .. 1ummary =~~ ~ ~ ~ 118 114 103 T'hund«l10mle bfought -• Clwltl• NC 73 80 Phlltldptlle 1111 38 -trlef trom Mlnneeote to Alk· Cheyenne ee 211 Phoenix 114 5t llll9M todey. and tomedo99 tw. Ctndnruitl 91 113 PltttburQll 76 50 ched dOWft '" ... tem Nebruke Clevel8nCI 119 52 Ptt.nd. Mt 48 r, 24 end -tern North Dekota. C1mb1e SC 77 St Pti.nd. e>r. 50 Showert •nd thunderttormt Columbut 77 57 Pr0¥ldenc:e 54 ~ COn1lnued ffom Al'UnMI 8nO lhe o.1-ft Wlh U 72 Aeno 55~ c:entreJ Gulf CoHt 1telN to lhe oeyton 79 64 S81t l.8ke 21 upper MIHIHlppl V•lley, •nd OenYet 72 31 .02 s.n Mlonlo 85 73 trOf'll •Ht•rn South Oekot• to o.. Mol'*' 87 57 2.05 S..tne 48 31 .02 northMlt COloflldo. Oetroll 113 4~ Shr~ 83 74 There were 1 tew 1c;ett•r•d Dulu1h 80 st .33 8IOUll ;::e111 13 .a .37 1howere end thunderahow•r• El Puo 114 55 St LOUl9 13 83 .21 8IOl\g the IOUthem Allentlc; eo..t. fliroo 71 40 .0 I SI p. Tempe 63 117 end llght r111n Ml lft perta of the F11gtt81t M 27 St 81e Mette « 31 nor1hem p181ne. wlttl .... .,_ Or.-,... 40 2tl Sc>okllfte 50 31 ltlOWer9 O"lfK the northWll Aoc*· ' H9nford 81 33 8Yf8CW9 87 4' la He1en8 44 211 T op8lla 83 M The N8tlOllll WMth« 9ervtc. Honolulu 85 73 TUC80ll = 4t forec;ellt tfloWerl end~ HOullon 113 73 TUIN 97 73 tl\uftder.,_.. frmom 1119 ~ ~ 80 52 .10 Wuhlflgtft •• !! Greet Liii• ecroee ttle ONo v-.. Jedlaft MS 112 It WlcNta -"" ley. 1M Mlul11lppl Velley, the Jec:Mnvt1e 113 114 c~~ T~ v.., Md ffom 1o11tt1 1<a1w City eo ea BeMrlfllld 113 47 Cerollna ln4o ~ T-U1 V99 n 63 , 81Vtf1e Ill lcettered ~WW• pr.. Utt'9 Rom 112 111 .74 E.,,... &4 40 dlo1ed for ftor1119rn and fffltHI ~ 11 eo ,~ 111 q ,lofldl lllld the l'IOtWletll ~Mlflo 1.UOt>oc:a N 110 LanoMt« 17 42 Coeet, lllft!IY llllM wete Ml*· MempNe 13 M .70 Lot Mg111e1 !? !1 1 tecrO"l«~Oftt1ereetoftt1e ~ 13 n ~ -.. MllOn. T ........ tur• WOUllCI the ne-IOft ..,,, ..,, ,...,.., l\'Offt 11 In ............. kt IO''" K4¥ w.c. f1a. ~. lllf llPllT 50 83 111 .a 113 39 tl4 40 112 50 tll 0 58 38 65 59 57 4t 11 44 112 tl4 42 13 81 71 M " 21 et ... S2 117 ~ 13 .a 12 35 .. 55 ... 52 12 M 10 10 11 11 13 N IO 41 111 4t Ill 63 ..... 41 31 E~tended f orecaat IOUfHl"N CAL"O"NIA COASTAi. ANO MOUNTAIN AMM -'*Md Wfftl. Hlllfll ~-.-...... '°...,. lftd' IOWI 41 10 H . Hl,111 It mount .. " reeort lrlwlt I to M Mel lo-. ti 10 42. • WoIDen Ill Science occ • seID1nar at ' ''Women an Science" will be the topic of a day-long, seminar April :l4 at Orange Coaat College ln C.O.ta Mesa. Astronaut Or. Mary Cleave and psychobiologist Or Ma- ri on Diamond will be the featured speakers during the conference from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the college's Chemi- stry BwJding. • A debate on the Peri- pheral Canal and the ballot measure that would Imple- ment it -Proposition 9 -lS. scheduled Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the community room nf Mariners Library in New- port Beach. Dr Cleave will discuss op- oortunilles for women ULthP space program and Dr. Uia- mond will talk about the ef- fect of the environment on the brain. More than 40 other women sclentlsta will speak about the futltre of science careers for women. To register for the free co nfe r e nce call 556-5906. Speakers for both sides of the issue will lead the debate. The program is sponsored by the Women's Civic League of Newport Beach. The branch library is located at 2005 Do- ver Dr. t Costa Mesa police arrest~d three Garden Grove men early this morning ln connection with the sawed-off shotgun holdup at Vaclu's Lounge Wednetday night. A woman attempted to use a credit card belonging to one of the seven robbery victims and that led to the arrest of the three men, police said. Shara Matthews. 20, Garden Grove was arrested on suspicion of misuse of a credit card and receiving stolen property after allegedly attempting to use the credit card Thursday at a store at South Cout Plaza. Arrested on suapicion of armed robbery and possession of an il- legal weapon were Steven Tra- jevich, 27 ; James Redenbaugh and Frank Forgione, both 25. The three men were arrested at 4 a.m. at their Garden Grove home, polloe .aid. Police satd that two men wea- ring stocking mask.a and armed wjth a sawed~off shotgun ente- red the bar at 1791 Newport Blvd. shortly before 11 p.m. and forced seven people to hand over their cash. Police said another man waited in a car while the robbery OC·· curred. "FAMOUS NAMES AT FABULOUS PRICES' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MANAGER'S SPECIAL GIVE YOUll OLD PATIO FUllNITUllE THAT NEW LOOK. We Restore And Repair All Brands, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New" Condition For A Fr•ctlon Of Original Cost. ALUMONT 100 • 42" Table •All Weather • 4 Chairs Alµminum NOW $269 Retail $428 MATCHING CHAISE Retail $188 $129 TIDPRDIE UDllA • 42" sq. round reg. $1042 Sale :.,a...~~~ChaJM reg. $378 Sale s249oo MARCADA IWlllGI t '• , MARRIAGE PROPOSAL -Some men will go to the ends of the earth for the woman they love. For Steven Rausch of Newport Beach, the sky was the limit Thursday afternoon. • The Fluor Corp. employee spent $325 to send his marriage proposal across the sky while he and his girlfriend, Corrie Morales of Balboa Island, sailed 8CJ"Ol8 Newport Harbor. The \ IOIPlll lllCll I Hiil llll:U Delfr Not ""4>'41 by OMJ Ambt- 144-f oot sign saying "Marry Me Corrie, I LOve You. Steve" floated above the harbor for 20 minutes, catching the attent- ion of curious onlookers as well as Miss Morales. She said yes . • N-M teachers faci.ng layoffs named Tax paying by Mesan :makes cents Tax protester Eric Johnson made his polnt ln pennies -36,- 000 o(them. 'That'• how many copper ootna the ec.ta Mesa resident dropped off at.the Federal Building in Santa 'Ana, where the Internal Revenue Service has ita officea. JohNon, a Cal State Fu1Jel1()n student, said be wu miffed to learn hia tax bill for 1981 would be $270 higher becauae he got married. That additional amount" brought hia tax bill to $381. He decided to pay $360 of It in pen- nies and the remainder in silver coinage. He did thia by wheeling a shopping cart filled with coin rolla into the IRS office Thunday morning. "I \hink they're going to accept It ," ·he said after his arrival. '"They don't want me to break It out of the rolfa, but I think they're going to accept it." Aaked why he wu protesting, .Johnson aald, "I thought thfs would be one way to make a point that people who get mar- ried shouldn't be penalized on their taxet." JohNon claimed that the only reason his ~xea went up wu ~uae of hf.a marriage in 1981 and the extra income therefrom. Newport arts festival viewed The 18th annual two-day Newport Beach City Arla Festi-val, -.et to-uO"foid at ~ahlon ll1and April 24, la ~ed in today'• edition of the Daily Pilot Weekender. The preview on page 9 of the Weekender detaila the festival'• colorful hlatory and the eventa uted for this year, lncluding a .._000 juried art competition. WORLD RETIRING -Randall Mc- cardle, owner of the Real · &taters, ii selling his aeven- o U ice operation on the Orange Coast. Millionaire realtor sells Mesa business By STEVE MARBLE OftMDelJ ......... Randall McCardle, a ninth grade dropout who thumbed a ride into a.ta Meu 30 years ago, founded the Real P'Ataten and became a multi-mlllionaire, hu told b.la real estate empire. McCardle, who would not re- "eal the price for the seven-office operation, sold the buaineas Thunday to hia brother Terry and a longtime employee, Mike Ferry. "I aold it becauae Jn-today'• market you need tomebody wil- Uaa to work his bottom of1," aald M~. add.lna, "and rm not." The 50-year-old broker, who went bldt to echool and ended up earning a PhD, aaid he bu en- joyed aucceaa In the real estate (See REALTOR, Paae A!) Israelis kill 2 teens TEL AVIV, l8nlel (AP) -Two Arab~ were lhot to death and 18 other rloten by .....U troop1 today in the oocup6ed Qua Strip and the Welt Bank of dw Jordan, the milftary ~ laid. NATION Upper Bay: More silt for buck A multi-million dollar cleanup of Upper New port Say, to be 1aW1Cbed next month. can be ex- panded without additional cost. Newport Beach dty offidala have happily dWcovered. City leaden, coordinatins the largely state-funded $4.7 mlllJon job, th1a week revealed they can get more ailt for the buck ~wie of an unexpectedly low oontract bid for the work. Ben Nolan, Newport'• public work.a director, said the low bid could result in an extra 200,000 cubic yarda of ailt being dredged from the debris-choked bay. Nolan aaid this would be in addition to the near ly 700,000 cubic yards of lilt, mud and aa- torted goo alre~y .cheduled to be ICOOped from 'Ole bay. The low bid f rom J .W. Mit- chell Co., an Irvtne-bued firm, wu roughly $500,000 lest than what the city had figured the project would coat. The City • Council will decide late t hla month if the ~_will be apent for additional dredClng. The cleanup project, expected to run six months, la destgned to return water .and tidal action to the top r~Jchea of the bay, an area now nearly bone dry. Work crews will dredge a 30-.acre basin at the extreme north end of the bay I adjacent to the Jamboree Road Brld1e. Crews allO will clean a stretch of the San Diego Creek, which feeda the bay, and Install aUt- catcbina devices at aevera1 points. 'Ille Clevioet reportedly will be able to bold up to five year1' worth ot lilt -barring a n:ajor winter lt«m -before they must be~ When the project la ccmpleted, the now-dry top of the bay is expected to resemble a small pond that expands and ahrtnb with the tide . COUNTY -·"'·-~ .A.JI-. • -· .. . . 0..., "°' """° by 0., ...... HAND TREK -Bob Welland, whose legs were blown off in Vietnam, plans to walk .on hls hands from Los Angeles to J&ckaonville, Fla. Trek by hand L egless man to cros~ country By STEVE TRIPOLI attempted -the croasing that dlM Dlillr Not ata1 • Bob Wieland expecta to embark In recent years Americans on later this month. have tested their skills and en -Wieland plans to walk from durance by croesing the country L 1 J k ill on foot, by bicycle, In helium os Ange es to ac sonv e, balloons and even on roller Florida In 14 months on his skatet. ~·appears supremely confi- But it's doubtful that anyone dent that he can do it. baa even considered -much less (See WALK, Page A!) INDEX ~ . Pregnant teens offered hope Prejnant teen_..,. have been offered new hope and a charn to f1nblh bilh IChool throuih the School Aae Mothen JX'Olr'mD In a.ta Meu. P.,e Bl . At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A6 Buaneee C6-7 c.Iifom1a . M Cavabde B2 • . Ballet to ap~!U twice The Ballet t'actftca wlll 1trut ltl 1tuf f In two performancl9 du. ...and at the Lapna Moulton Pia,.__ In X.....-8 11 -b. Wulwidr. STATE 0 ... fled Dl-8 Comb B6 era.word 86 O.th Noticei 8 7 J:dit«lal A8 Sn~tWeebnder HOme/CJVdeft M ~ . SPORTS Some have IO years ·on job The names of 88 teachers who face possible~ at the end of the school year have been re- vealed by officials of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Most of the 88 have been tea- ching ln Newport Beach and Costa Mesa schools for five to seven years. Some have been in local cl.aaarooms for 10 years. Come J~ne, they have been told, they could be without jobs because of district cutbacks. . The district also ha.s sent pre- di.smissal notices to 30 lea expe- rienced .teachers. It's unlikely many of those will be back next year, district officials said. Last year, the distr ict gave notice to 100 experienced, fullti- me teachers. and dismissed 79. The district is losing teachers, basically, becaute enrollment has been declining at the r:ate of 1,000 students a year since 1976. Three school11 will be cloeed in June and another will be con- verted from a middle school to an elementary school next fall be- cawie of declining enrollment . Kevin Wheeler, the district's assistant superintendent for per- sonnel. told school board mem- bers earlier this week that the 88 experienced teachers were placed on the dismiasal list on the basis of four factors -time in the di- strict, credentials held, total ex- perience and educational back- ground. Wheeler said that salaries and benefits earned this year by the 88 teachers totals about $2.4 mil- lion. The teachers on the termina- tion list include: Lois Wnea, Joyce Zorger, Diane Olcott, Sha- ron Barth, Broce Olander, Laura Holmes, John Curtis, Christine Reinemann, Rick Barth, Bonnie Cotton, Thomaa Barr, Karlene • Von Szellaki, Judy Diener, Ro- nald Covington and John Car- penter. (See TEACHER, P age A%) IntermLtidon Weekender Ann Landen 82 Movte. Weekender Mutua11Funda C6 'NaUanal Mewl A3 PubUc Notk9 B7,D'l ae.tauranta Weekender Spana Cl-~ Stock Maike1a C7 T~ TVLoc ,,_ten Weekender Weather A.2 I WGrld News A3 ,_ ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprtl 18, 1912 ==-~-----~~---:::T~-:-----~~~--..;_----------_.;.---~--R eject i o D. ·TEACHER LAYOFFS ... .. A11o Diane Gomey, Lily Spl- rtt"!:'.1 Kenneth McMllllan. Ran- dall x anaaa. WU bur J'otd, Blanche DeMtre, Mary ijtuttle, Davld -.\ltxander, Thorn11 Ware, Ml· chael Pomeroy and Edaar Blant· on. Alao, Jamea Canar:v, David · Doyle, Thomu Dukes, Patti An- d url, Connie Wadsley, Joan Pamkopf, O.vld Mart.In, Linda Lechlelter. Charlene Brumleau. ¥•1 Bre1.0110, Carol Steven- ' son, Zelta Lyn Steg, Bari Fl- que«e and Suun Starbuck. ~ More are Nell1ne Ketchum, Sandra Riehl, Renee Barger, Wileeta Philbrick, Virginia Whi- tehowie, Charlotte Chamberlain, J oan Connella, Diana Henaeley, Michael Starkweather, Joyce Lawhorn, Janet Jephcott and Kathl n Cox. Tereu Galusha, Judith Cwtlrtnia Cindy Langevad, JHll Forbes, Carolyn Stephenson,· Ruth Malt, T.8 . SffifUl, Margery Beck, Paul Karagheualan, Rf- chard Camobell. Barbara Fel- tham, Jeanne Peck, John Lind- fon, John Koch, Charlea Schu- bert and Douglas Voldln1 ap- peared on the Un Aho Edward J oe, David Lar- aen, Lloyd Brown, Pamela Hen- deuon, William Wakeman, Wanda Olsen, Charles Blelker, Paul Kahn, Larry Sunderman, John Bat1ey and Jeffrey Pieroee. Also Janette John.on, Martin Krenzke, Wllllam Cochrane, James Weeka, Eugene Swan.son, Lynn Collin.s, Paul Jordan, Joan Semeniuk and Rochelle Lang. 'REALTOR RETIRES. • • buainess and simply isn't willing to work that hard anymore. He said his brother, who has •been with the firm since 1965 and Fel'l')' are. ' McCardle, a Mesa Verde re&- •dent, has had a rags-to-riches ·life. · A ftlgh school dropout who operated a hamburger stand at little profit ln Pennaylvania he later joined the Navy, took1 up mountain climbing and ended up in Costa Mesa taking psychology counes at Oransre Coast Colleie. A. the story goes, he bought an old car for $285, rented a aingle- car garage aa 'living quarters for even less and started a real estate career, which eventually made him rich. And now he teaches at Orange Coast College. McCardle said it's the money -the amount he's made, that is -that has taken the edge off his drive \n real estate. He said he's looking to his brother to keep up the reputation of the firm as a "hard-working outfit." He said he is not a believer in "all the cloudy, gloomy and ne- gative talk" about the real estate business being ln trouble. "l don't believe it," he said. ''There won't be a quick, drama- tic turnaround but there will be a turnaround.•• And then -as if to prove "once a realtor always a realtor" -he added, "I'd buy now. Right now. In fact, if I were you: .. " WALK ON HANDS .. • Wieland. 36, has let little stand ln his way in life, especially since · both of his legs were blown off in Vietnam in 1969. This challenge has special sig-. nificances for Wieland. He hopes the "walk" wiU raise money to help abused and disabled youth; he views it as a personal and athletic accomplishment, and he says it will be testimony to his Christian faith. Though people may be moved to pity by Wieland's condition, he refuses to refer to it as a disabi- lity and says he has been lucky. "I appreciate the blessings that have been bestowed on me, and I just want to share them," he says. Wieland says he is ready to start the trip any time, but that the problems of setting up a support team and the publicity his plans have generated have led to five postponements since February. Training for the challenge has taken two forms. Since hJs injury Wieland has built up his body through weight training. He's al.so been walking between one and 10 miles a day on hJs hands for the past year. He's not just another weight lifter. He was a national cham- pion power lifter and world re- cord holder in tus claM m 1977 before athletic officials decided he shouldn't be allowed to com- pete for physical and technical reasons. Being banned from competi- tion, plus several other modents that occurre d soon after , put W ieland on the road to h is cross-COUlltry Spirit of America Walk. "l had to figure out what to do with m yself, first of all. About that time I saw a telev1Sion spe- cial on Terry Fox (the Canadian cancer victim ~ith a wooden leg who ran acr0&$ Canada). of us~ appealed. Attorneys tor the Newport- Meu Unified School Dtatrict ft. led Thureday for reconalderatlon ot the. state Coastal Commlaion'• rejection of a permit~ by the Un- lvel"llty of Southern c.alllomia to operate a satellite campus ln Co- rona del Mar. Last month, commisalonel"I de- nied the unlveralty'1 application to operate a bu.lneu school at Corona del Mar elementary achool, saying that the lnm!aaed use of the area and traffic would . "substantially erode the char'f- ter of the community." Clayton Parker, the attorney for the school district, said he believes the Impact from traffic as a result of the operation of a busin ess school would be infinj tesiznal .•• Nancy Lucast, director for the co~ion's South Coast District office said cpmmisaionera will consider ap;eala based on new information or proof that there has been an error in fact or law. She added that applications for reconsjderation are unusual. "It's not rare. But it doesn't happen very often," she said. . Under th_e L"Omnussion's guide- lines, the district had until April 18 to file for reconsideration. A public hearing will be held in 30 to 45 days and comm.i.ssionen will make a decision immediately af- terward. USC has since sought to ter- minate the $69,000 lease with the school district. Mesa teen shot in heist; clerk held A 19-year-old man was shot in the back Thursday night as he and two friends attempted to run out of a Costa Mesa convenience store without paying for six 12-paclu of beer valued at $32, police said. Ronald Lee Matlock ia repor- ted in guarded condition today at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital where he was left by his two friends, police said. Bang Van Vu, 21, Costa Mesa, a clerk at the U-Tote M store at 1913 Placentia Ave. was arrested on suspicion of attempted mur- der. He remalna at Costa Mesa City Jail. Police said Vu called the de- partment shortly after 11:20 p.m. to report the theft of beer, but neglected to mention the shoo- ting. Matlock told police he d idn't know the names of his friends. Fair weather Coastal Boller• oan expect 1outn- -tlfly wlnot at 10 to 1e knot• S1tu1<11y end llghl 111d varlablt b111u1 other tlme1. 80111h- -terty ...... wQI be running 2 to 4 1 .. t wHto 2-lo 3-fool wfnd ~ - Verlat>M cloudl"-1 tonlgh1 1nd T W11Y s.1uro.y otherMIM 1w. emperatures Co11111 low 150, lnl1nd 51 Coulll high 65, lllllt>d 72. Wlltt NATION R ~ EIM'#tlere, 1mlll cr111t aCIVll«y Lo ~c. ov•r outer 0011111 wat•re from Albany ~~ 4 I Po1n1 Conception to Si n Nlc:olH ~ 85 !: 1111ne1 CIU. to northwut Wind• of A.lhevllll 52 5e 27 15 to 30 knou ~ -8 Atlente 78 59 24 to 10 IMt. Wind• 1 nd 1111 <I•· Atltntc City 64 4& cr...ing lonlghl OlherwlM light verl1bl1 wind• AUlltln !~ 743 1 nlghl end morning hour• becoming Beltlmore - -t lo eouu-t 10 10 11 knoll ::-,Zwn ;: ~~ ~~ Miiwaukee 60 today end SltlKdl'f. Wll>d W1¥11 2 Blemllrell eo 38 Mpll.-St P M IO 3 '-!. Sout'-1 .......... 2 to 4 NNhYtlll 12 Int. Moally clo11dy nlghl e nd ::-on :: ~ ,.._ OtlMnt 18 mofnlng houra With pertly cloudy erowniYlll 91 77 N-Y0<1\ 57 tlternoone. Buflllo 70 53 NorlOlk 60 U.S. summary Tlluncs.rtlorma brought -• -"* from Mtnl'IMOta to Arll· -today, tnd ·~ tou-C:hed Clown In M•t•n Neb<uk• encl -t.m North ()Mota. 8how1r1 anel thunderttorm1 oontinu.ct from Arkin ... ane1 Ille cenlrtl Gull COHI etttff to the upper Mlu lu lppl Vall•y. and from Htttrn Soulh Dakota to l'IOrtMMt Colored<>. Thtr• w•r• • law 1calltr1CI 1how•ra and th11nd1rehower1 Bur11ngton eo 22 No Platt• 711 Capet 58 tt Okla City 64 Chtrlt In SC 72 13 Omal\I 7 8 Cl\lmln wv 64 81 0111ndo 18 Chll'ltlt NC 73 10 Phllldpflll 61 Chtywlne 61 29 Phaenlx 64 Clndnn1tl 8 t 13 Plttlburgh 75 a.v.lend 18 52 Ptland, Mt 48 Clmb11 SC 77 59 Piiand, Ori 50 C01umbu1 77 157 ProYlcllnc:e 54 Oll·f't Wth 84 72 Rano 52 DIY'on 78 15-4 Salt Like 57 OtnYlt 72 3t .02 Sen Antonio 15 °" ~ 17 57 2 Ol5 S..ttie 41 Detroit 13 41 Stw~ 83 Duluth eo 38 .33 'Sioux F1ll1 13 El PMO 64 56 St loult 83 MclngthelOUttllmAtltl'tJcCOMI, Ft1""' 7t 40 Ol St P-TllmPI 83 encl light rllln Ill In ,_,. of IN ,,...,, 15e t7 . St Si. Mane 44 not1hem p6elM. wlll'I I ... lllOW Clteet Fiii 40 21 ~ 50 .,_,~IN llOf1Nrn '**•' Hltttofd 11 33 Sy\'~ 87 .... liellne +t 21 T opekl 13 TM Nation•• WM!Mr &«vice Hono4ulu 85 73 Tuceon 83 lior-1 "-" encl OOCllionll Tlllu 89 =-~.:-"me:~~= == : :: .10 Wllhlngtn 17 48 05 51 02 05 10 01 41 48 42 07 119 54 .08 84 1.03 38 59 50 30 37 24 33 27 29 73 38 .02 74 48 .37 83 .27 17 38 31 41 .. 49 73 48 .. ley, the Mltllltlppl Vtlley1 the :::::= g " Wlenlta S4 T~ v*" ertd trom South Ktint ,_, 80 :: ...... _1.....,cAa.WOMt~~ 47 Cll'~ 1mo notttieett r-. v""' ..-... ·-""' lcettertld lhowef'I wer• Pf•• t:. = :: r, ' llyiM N dlettld tor MftMrn enct c:.nlral ~ 11 80 ·74 ~= r, :g ~ ::nv "':.:'::: ::: t== :: IO l.lnOMllf 57 42 Md ~ mudl ~ IN rwt the Mleml 83 ~ · 70 lot ~ : ~ ndOfl, ~ T..,.,_tur• 11ovnct tM na- aon 4llf1Y todl.Y """° "°"' 11 1t1 llUttll, Mont. '° IO In ~ W.. Ille. ·California lllf IEPIRT se 83 11 41 83 311 84 40 12 se 11 41 SI 38 es st 57 49 71 .... 12 64 42 83 11 77 55 55 21 89 84 52 87 53 73 41 52 35 es 55 64 52 12 68 70 50 17 11 13 13 80 49 11 41 .. 53 .. 41 47 31 Extemhd f orecaBt IOUTHl"N C ALll'O"NIA COAITAL ANO MOUNTAIN AMAi -'""' Ind """' ...,. OOMtel MCI Will9y .,... .. to 71 111<1 low• 4-to H . Hl,he at mountain rMOrt tewla 1 to N INI-.. aa to •a. A ..... n ',;jl_. T:;" UJ8 17 TON• ,., 17 u = " ll . OVERTURNED TRUCK -A loaded concrete truck driven by D\wle H. Kendall, 36, El Toro, overturned Thursday at Adams and Placentia . .L.. Oeltr .... ,..... .,, .... .,... avenu~ Cost.a Mesa when the truck's front wheel spring broke, police uid. No one was injured and very little cargo waa lost. • Woinen ID Science occ • seminar ~t "Women in Science" will be the topic o t a day -long seminar April l4 a t Orange Coast College tn <Asta Mesa. Astronau\ Dr. Mary Cleave and psychob1ologist Dr. Ma- rion Diamo nd will be the featured speakers during the conference from 9 ·a m. to 5 p.m. in the college's Chemi- stry Bwldmg •A d e bate on the Peri- pheral Canal and the ballot measure that would imple- ment it -Proposition 9 -is . scheduled Tuesda y a t 9 :30 a.m m the community room nf Mariners Library IJl New- pon Beach. Dr. Cleave will discuss op- oortunilles for women 11\...thP space program and Dr. Dia- mond will talk about the ef- fect of the environment on the brain~ More than 40 other women scientists will s peak about the future of science careers for women. To register for the free con f erence call 556-5906. Speakers for both SJdes of the issue will lead the debate The program is sponsored by the Women's Civtc League of Newport Beach. The branch library is located at 2005 Do- ver Dr. Three seized in Costa Mesa bar holdup Costa Mesa police arrested thr~ Garden Grove men early this morning in connection with the sawed-off shotgun holdup at Vicki's Lounge Wednesday night. A woman attempted to uae a credit card belonging to one of the seven robbery victims and that led to the a.rTeSt of the three men, police said. S han Matthews, 20, Garden Grove was arrested on suspicion of misuse of a credit card.and receiving stolen property after allegedly attempting to use the cr edit card Thursday at a store at South Coast Plaza. Arrested on suspicion of armed robbery and possession of an il- legal weapon were Steven Tra- jevich, 27; James Redenbaugh and Frank Forgione, both 25. The three men were arretted at 4 a.m. at their Garden Grove home, police said. Police said that two men wea- ring stocking masks and ariped with a sawed-off shotgun ente- r ed the bar at 1701 Newport Blvd. shortly before 11 p.m. and forced seven people to hand over their cash. Police S8ld another man waited in a car while the robbery oc- ,curred. "FAMOUS NAMES AT FABULOUS PRICES' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MANAGER'S SPECIAL GIVE YOUR OLD PATIO FURNITURE THAT NEW LOOK. We Restore .And Repair All Brands, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New" Cond•tlon For A Fraction Of Orlglnal Cost. TIOPITOIE c1m11 • 42" Table •All Weather • 4 Chairs Alµminum NOW $269 Retail $428 MATCHING CHAISE Retail $188 $129 • 42" sq. round reg. $1042 Sale ::L~~~-Chafse reg. S378 Sale s249oo MARCADA IWltlGI EASE INTO THE RELAXING LIVING OF YESTERYEAR • Sup.,.,, Outdoor 'urnlture ~. Wroflflltf Iron. IALI TOWN ... COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS ' - .. APWlr~ DRIVER MOURNS -Mourning the slaying The girl, Shannah Wicklund, her mother Re- of the 8-year-old girl she usually picked up in nae, 31, and neighbor Barbara Hendrickson Clearwater, Wash., school bus driver Lolly • were found slain Wednesday evening. Knutaen ia comforted by a student passenger. mm u~ rn.rn -'" • Oran9• Co•t DAIL y PILOT /Friday, Aprll 18, 1982 N u • Israel to . quit Sinai? Negotiators ~ptimist1~ despite disputes By Tiie A11ocla&ed Prfft ffiah-level nej<>Uaton shuttled betweer, J~ and Cairo for the leCOnd day today, exprellina opUm.lan Iarael will quit the Si- nai Detect u echedWed on April 25 despite wt-minute daputes. In the Sinai town of Yamit, Is- raeli extremi1t1 who refuse to leave threw two firebombe at la- -raelt troops that lnjured no one, but the extremlsll stamped on the fingen of one mldier, Iarael radio said. OTTAWA (AP) -Queen Eli- zabeth II aays she la aaddened becauee Quebec la oppoeed to the Canadian conatltutlon ahe will proclaim Saturday bu~ho the new charter "will be for all of Canada." The Brita monarch, who la a1lo queen of Canada, and her husband, Prince Philip, an1· ved Thunday afternoon for the delivery to the former North American colony of complete control over lta conatituUon, now equipped with a charter of rtghta and freedoma. The royal couple's schedule today Included lunch with Prime Minister Pierre El- liott Trudeau, a televised gala performance by Canadian stan and a dinner for the Cllttadlan AchieveTs, an organization of outstanding young people. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Grenade explo1lon1 and machine-gun fire today punctu- red a Syrian-monitored truce between Moslem fac\iona. Police said at least seven fightera were killed and nine wounded. To- days CMUaltJea broulht the toll in Lebanon'• worat factional ~tlrll th.la year to ~9 deed and 149 wounded In the put four days. A polioe spokesman aald the fightJna broke out in the Bou.rh el-Barajneh district on the sou- thern edge of Beirut at mtd- momina. The dead and wounded were membera of leftist and Shllte Moslem milltiu ambushed by the other aide. BEIRUT, Lebanon (lP) - ~yatollah Ruhollah K.homelnl's force• here killed or wounded Townspeople angry over loss tO cult · more than 125 Kurd.lab rebel.a in northwestern Iran in a renewal of fighting between the revolu- tionary regime.a nd the autonomy-aeeking tribesmen, the offlcial Iranian news agency Ima reported. Ima said more than 100 membera .of "U .S .-ln1plred splinter groups" were kllled or wounded in clashes near the Kurdlah town of Ma.habad, and more than 2~ Kurdish rebels were killed ln other villagea ln the region. Kurdish tribeamen, mountain warriors for genera- tions, have fought agalnat the central Tehran government for decades. ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP) - Townspeople who had hoped to dl11olve their government to keep it out of the hands of an Indian guru's followers have been outvoted, and the mayor and City Council are devastated. "We who have lived here a long time have lost our homes," Mayor Margaret Hill said after the proposal to dlsincorporate falled Thursday by a vote of 5M2. "Aa of now, our homes are worth nothing." But election of· fidals challenged 70 ballots from votera who registered or changed residence within the put 30 days. That means v01en would have to go to circult COW1 to defend their reaidedcles if the election Is contested. DETROIT (AP) -Stroh Bre- wery Co. and Jos. Schlitz Bre- wina Co. have ended a 2~-week battle for control of Schlitz by announcing a merger that leta Stroh take over the larger com· pany and vault into third place ~TiffiTI~ among the nation's brewers. Schlitz, whose sales have decli- ned, reportM a net lees of $20.6 million in 1981 and.had been under pressure from stockholders to Improve earnings. It had op- poeed a merger with the priva- tely owned brewing company. calling its offer "deceptive and manipulative," but agreed after Stroh increased it.a offer and the Wisconsin securities commissio- ner stepped into the case. DETROIT (AP) -United Auto Workers union President Douglu A. Fruer and General Moton Corp. Chairman Roger B. Smith signed a historic conces- sions contract today that Is de- signed to pump new life into the nation's largeat auto company. Tlle pact, which went ln effect M'&nday, was aigned at the bar- gaining table on the fifth floor of GM headquarters where the union and the company struggled in two sets of negotiations over 10 week.a. "Aa the years pus, people will look back on March 21 , 1982 (the date the tentative agreement was reached), and say it was the beginning of-greater job security for GM workers," said Fraser. WASBINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan said today th°'t ef- forts to reach a compromise in the deadlock with Congress over . the budget "are approaching a climactic stage." The president also was adamant ln opposing any effort to roll back the tax cuts Congress approved last year. "Tampering with the third year of the tax cut would i.nflict major damage on the economy," the · prealdent said, speaking to edi- tor\ and broadcasters from the Southeast. EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (AP) - Reecue worken 1.0day struggled to recover the last body frQm the twisted wreckage of a highway bridge that collapsed during construction and killed 12 work· ers. The bodies of aU but one of the 12 were recovered Thuraday. The search resumed at dawn for the worke entombed in now- hardened concrete during the accident, which also Injured 17 workers. Officials said a.I) 75 men who had been working at the site had been accounted for. · WASHINGTON (AP) -Two Soviet TU-95D Bear reconnais- sance bombers were Intercepted by U.S. jet warplanes Th"C!:J. over the Atlantic off Cape . Masa .. after penetrating the air defena. Identification zone. the Pentagon acknowledged today. Air Foree officiala said the Soviet reconnaissance bombers were detected by ground-based radar · and came within 125 miles of Cape Cod before turning south- ward when intercepted by two F-106 jet fighters from Otis Air Force Base in Masaachuaetts. This was the fourth such U.S. intercept of Soviet reconn.aisaan- oe bombers along the F.ast Coast of the United States this' year. WASHINGTON CAP) -The government refused today to give immediate approval of a plan by Braniff Inte rnational Airlines to lease most of its South American routes to Pan Amer- ican World Airways. but held off a decision until further hearings can be helti. Daniel McKinnon, chairman of the Civil Aeronau- tics Board, said the issue was so complex that oral arguments from supporters and opponents of the plan is necessary. ANKARA, Tarkey (AP) - Pre lirrunary findings that a serious engine m%.t1on caused the crash of a U.S. Air Force C-130 transport plane ln eastern Turkey, killing all 27 Americana aboard, an official source aaid today. "It might have been engine trouble, one of the engines might have been drop- ped off," the source told The A.s3ociated Preas. But the C-130 ai.rcraf t has four engines and can atlll function when one brealu down. Search suspended for 4 missing saif ors_ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Coast Guard hu ended Its formal search for four sailors who disappeared when high winds disrupted a weekend yacht race to the Farallon Ialands. Pet- ty Officer Don Mincher said Thunday air eearchee bad failed to turn up new clues to the whereabouts of the two boats 8'nce a piece of the 22-foot Sweet Omega waa found Monday near Pctnt Reyes. about 20 mlle9 north of here. 'The Sweet Omega wu carrytng Janice Maimone, 31, and LuTy Ohrm. both from Portland. The other boat, Bad Sneakers, carried Gregory maimone, 38, of c.tro Valley. and John Demon. 39, of Moraga. . LOS ANGELES (AP) -The conservatM ma)orityr or-the county Board of Supel"VOOn ef- fectively killed a propoeal to de- clare next week Ground Zero Week to make the "public ... better ·informed ... about the effects of a nuclear war. "I wu dumbfounded," Kenneth Hahn, a veteran member of the board said Thunday after failing to get a second to his propoeal from the three other board membera pre- aent. Hahn had invited Dr. Mar- vin Goldberger, president of the California Institute of Technolo- gy in Paaadena, and Dr. David Caldwell, a political and social sclentilt from the University of Southern California to present the propoaal for Ground Zero Week to the board, adding, "I Clatatned adwftllfnt 7141142·5171 All other depa'1ments 142-4321 MAIN Of'FICE a. Wfft a.,. St, C..U Mesa, CA. Mell ......... ec. IM,C..UMHA, CA. ... CenrltM '9 Or.,..~ ~--. ~. NO _ _.....,..,. ....... ~ IMlllWW- ~ ....... --,____ ...... ......... " ....... ,_ . .,._. ~ had expected there would not even be debate on something as simple aa this. let alone a contro- versy. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ra- leigh Hilla alcoholism hospitals in Southern California are under- '-oing a "validation audit" and a 'routine evaluation" -not a full-blown investigation -in a dlapute over the hospitals' treat.. ment program, spokesmen for the federal government and Ra- leigh Hilla have aald. The apoke:- srnen also agreed that the core of the fOntroveny regarding the re-treatment of IOmfJ paUents at a second or third Raleigh Hilla ho- spltal wu the qUfJlltion of medical neceulty rather than the aug- gesUon that patients were moved in order to enev£...ed Medicare payments. ~HD.lsholltals are opera~ by vanced ~th Syatema, a sublid..lary of Petrola- ne Inc. AHS operates 21 hocpitals ln 10 at.ates .• Itl 1981 revenue wu '69 mill.IM. SACRAMENTO (AP) -n. re's a 15..day delay ln the cutUna of 1ubeldiaed tehool lunchet to 380,000 California puplla who haY9D't IUbmltted their perenta• Soclal Securitf;wnben. U.S. 1*rtd Juclp u1 Rlmlra or- deNCI 1Uch a de ay Tbunday, wiml Che dMllnt Wll to have pne lnto effect. But a federal . W.'te LIStenl~.. . Whet do~ HU a~ Uw Dllb Ptlot" Whal don't you llkt! Call the number below Mid rour m-.,, will be retotded. lran1tribed and dtllverid to Ute approprtal.t editor TM ••me M·hour HIWtril'lt Mnltt may ... UMd '° NtOtcl ltt· l.trs to Ult ..tllor on any tciiptt MaUboa eentnbutclrt mut llH:lucle their ume and telephont •u•ber tor nrtneeu.. No t'lrcul1Uon un1,p1nH. • TtH 111 what'• on your ..UtMI. lawyer aald U.S. Agriculture ~ cretary John Block had already agreed to a 15-day extension. The judge waa acting on a suit by low·inoome parents and welfare groups, joined by at.ate schools Superintendent Wllaon Riles, contendlng that Block violated federal privacy laws by not tel· Ung the state or the famillea what uae would be made of the num- be~. APWlf ...... BUT NO ARM -The Internal Revenue Service has been aocuaed of d~ arl ann and a leg on April 15, and Janet Tyler of Lanlmie, \V'io., oblig_ed, in J>&rt. She wrote her $10,- 825 tax check on an old artificial leg she replaced laSt summer and mailed it to the IRS as a protest over her inability to file a joint return as a widow. SPRING CARPET SALE Just in time for spring redecorating, a storefull of savings on luxurious Evans-Black Ca rpet by Armstrong. Exciting multi·rnlo rs, stylish solids, heavy saxonies and beautiful sculprures -all from Evans-Black and all are on sal~! Candora ... Save on Rich Anso• IV Nylons Beautify your home with an Evans·Black carpet of soil and stain ((S1s1anr Anso• IV nylon Anso fibers actually "'"' din. resm spillJ and provide comforung statK control s1gso NOW ONLY Inst. Cosant •.• Save on Rieb Antron• Plus Nylons Shop now ind savt on luxurious Evana·Black carpets constructed of DuPont Antron• Plua nylon. the r\.18&~ new fiber that ttsitts soil. suin.J. 1'\(I htlps control st1cic shock. NO., -ONLY 'l 9 50 lruit. COltMMllA. CAUi. '2617 • .. _---:; -. . --... --.- Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Frktay, April 18, 1182 , By PAT DUNN or .. ._ ........ • DEAR PAT DUNN: My butband sot me a lovely 11e.de ftatlter Jaellet for C.rt1tm11. It 1ot we& d•rtl& t:H neeat rabl1 ... •• l..U like It'• at least oDe 1lae 1maDer. Don leadler •utak. or la die Jacket defective? S.R.,·lrvf¥ Leathera and •u.edet do ah.rink, acxordlng to the In~matJonal Fabricare InaUtute, a trade aaaodatlon of profellionll cleanera. ThJa ahrtnka'9 ii a natural relaxation of stretched hides Wied ln the aarment. Any leather garment should be bought "big" td a1loW for thia nonnal •hrln.kaae. A dry cleaner whq apecial.lzea ln leather cleaning may be able Watretch the jacket, but IFI warns you not to depend on the leathi!r's ability to h~~ the stretched- out a1%.e. Next time your jacket gets wet. air Cl'[ it away from at.rang heat to minimize ahrlnking. -· Sugar bods,t fails BOSTON (AP) -Some ma· ,. rathon nmners believe they wUl run harder and lon1er lf they load up on IUIU' while they race, but a stud1. concludes thhl stra~ tegy do9I\ t work. ''There ill not.hJna about what we have found that would 1ug-' gest that it hi harmful," sal~ Dr. Phlllp Fellg, who directed the study .. "But on the other hand, we didn't eee any be~fit." Many runnen alp aweetened drinks during a race. Their bo- dies use up their reserves of su- gar while they run, and they as- sert a sweet drink ~ offset this 1011 and prevent them from "hitting the wall" -the lnten1e fatlgue and pain that often sets ln after 20 miles. ,.,.....,.... Th• -d•u•hter ot actor· 1ln'-er krl1 &rllteffenH 11 • doln1 well" •• th• rec-oven frcim in~ and heed lnjurMlt 1utfered ill a motor· cycle ac:ctdent with Olymplc llkater Ede B.W~ al>Qka.. woman for Antelo '9alley . Medical Center . Fuakle Rle•ard1 utd 29.year-old Tracy krlatef • feno• "l1 improving. The pf'Olll09b 11 aood. and she ti.u been upgrad ed t o fat, cond!UOn.'' Former federal budaet di· rector Bert Laace MY• he'• decldetl aeainst running for governor of Georeia. Lance, an umucce..f<.tl .su· bematorlal candJdate in 1974, told the Rome News-Tribune, "I think I could make a dlf· ference in the race. I th.ink I could win." ·.·Tips I or car buyers DEAR PAT DUNN: I read recently tbat It'• not ancommon for a 1tolea car body to be pat on a cba11l1 for wbJcb tbere 11 a leptlmate dtle. Tlala makes me wonder bow tbe avera1e a1ed car bayen cu be aare be or she isn't getting a "bot" car. Do yoa bave uy advice on tbJs? R.E., ButlDgton Beacb "The idea really haa been around a long time that su'ar is the guollne for the body; said Dr. Johanna Dwyer, director of the nutrition center at Tufts. New England Medical Center in Boston. "Some athletes think they can take a sugary drink, and immediately the fires burn brighter." .., BLOCKING CANCER -Richard Bloch, co-founder ot the H & R Block tax preparation service, plans to open the non-profit R.A. Bloch Cancer Manasement Cent.er to give patients quick access to the most up-to-date cancer fighting TeSOu.rces. Four years ago, Bloch was told he had inoperable lung cancer, but after a regimen of surgery, drugs and radiation, the disease is in total remission. Prlncea1 A•ae reportedly bates giving autographs, but it w as front-page news in Great Britain whe n her highness made an exception and signed a get-well card - for a horse. Newspapers printed pic- tures of the princess, the card, close-upe of Anne's signature and of Sae Beason a nd her horse. U you're in the market for a good used car or expect to be in the future, the following tips from Aetna -Life & Casualty's anon/fraud unit should help to prevent the accidental purchase of a stolen vehicle: A report on the la test work, conduc te d at Yale M e di.cal School. was published in Thurs- day's New Engla nd Journal of Aide misses Reagan chopper Like Anne, Mw Benson is competing in the Badminton H<>rse Trials this week and heard that one of the favorite mounts, Peter the Great, was injured in a road accident. The horse is convalescing at h is o wne r 's s tab l es at Hungerford. -Go to a reliable, established dealer when buying a used car. Be especially careful when buying a car from an individual without a specific address. Check to see whether the seller can be located should you need to reach him or her after the sale. -Check the Vehicle Identification Number, which is usually ernboesed on a metal plate over the driver's dash section and visible from the outside of the bottom of the windshield, for signs of alteration or replacement. The VIN must match the VIN shown on the seller's certificate of title. -Inquire about past insurance and financing on the car, and then verify this informaUon with the insurance agent, bank or finance company. • -Look at the body paint on a new model. A fresh paint job may indicate cover-up work by thieves. -Check the license tag and inspection sticker to be certain that they are current and issued by the same state. -Ask for at least one set of the original manufacturer's keys rather: than a replacement set. Be suspicious if the seller provides you with re\(llade keys for a late model car. -Review and complete all paperwork at the Ume of sale. Don't forget that a certificate"of title can be counterfeited. Check documents carefully for sign.\.of possible alteration. • "Got a problem? Then write tQ .Paf Dunn. Pat will cut reef u.pe, getting the aJVWers and action you ._ i need to aolve inequities in governmenc and business. 1 Mail your quegtiona to Pat Dunn, A t Your Sernce, • Orange Coaat Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, ~ta . Mesa, CA 92618. As many lett.tts u pcmible will be mawered, but phoned inqu.irle8 or letters not includln,g the rea· tkr'• lull rwne, add.re.I and bwlinem houn' phone number can- not pe considered.'' -. .. Medicine. , The researchers found -as runners suspect -that sugar le- vels in blood fall during a str~­ n uous workout. However, this does not slow the athletes down. "One of the striking findings was the fact that not only was low blood sugar falr)y common but that in the presence of low blood sugar, the subjects were able to con\inue exercising for periods ranging from 15 to 70 minutes," Felig said. Th~ research was performed on 19 men who worked out on stationary bicycles until t h ey were exhausted. Whilf they pe- daled, they drank water sweete- ned either with sugar or saccha- rin. In one-third of the men who got saccharin, blood concentra- tions of sugar fell below normal levels after between one and 2 1h hours of exercise. This condition is called hypoglycemia. Despite it. however, they were able to keep pedaling for as long as men who had normal blood sugar le- vels. ' President Reagan waits for no man, at least not White House communications direc- tor David R. Gergen. Gergen, who had ~ned a reputation for being chroni- cally late, was supposed to accompany Reagan on a five- h our trip to Chicago on • Thursday for a presidential . A $1 55 millio n s uit has been filed against Warner Bros. Inc. and o thers b y Robert Towne, the screen- writer and initial producer of the movie "Personal Best." The suit accuses Warner. David Geffen, Geffen Films and 30 unnamed defendants with coercion, fraud and de- A miniature Michigan state flag that circled the Earth 129 times last month is back on home turf. the gift of space shuttle pilot Jack Loatma to Gov. William Milliken. L ousma returned to his home state and Milliken de- Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi fro m just any dealership when you can get the special treatment atfark. At Park Porsche/Auli"we 're committed co offering the ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Pors_~e or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card , entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You'll also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all your aucomotive questions. And, if you'd like ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-~~(.... to pick up your new automobile right from the fa~tory, PO=I )( 1-E // AU i)i ca ted co giv~ng you t.he first. class treatment you de~erve. II Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. 6700 Manche~ter Blvd., Buena Plrk, Ca. 90621(114)521·86Zl CZU) 921·1744 Tht' kach 8tvd. n11 ptr the Santa Ana Freeway. I I ' speech on college aid. But when Gergen dashed onto the White House South Lawn, Reagan and the rest of his entourage already had boarded his helicopter, the door was shut and the rotor blades were whirling for lif- toff . Gergen turned and walked back to his office. famation of character. Towne claims in the suit that he entered an agreement. with Warner in June 1979 for his independent San Pedro Productions Inc. to produce "Personal Bes t " but that strikes in 1980 halted work on, the film and Warner was un- able to continue financing. tlared it ''Col. J ack Lousma Day" in his honor. Lousma, who was born in Grand Rapids and raised in Ann Arbor. was in the state to visit relatives. He and Milli- ken exchanged gtfts at a news conference at the state Capitol in Lansing. FLY The Toyota auto manufac- turing company agreed to pay e nterta in er Fabian Forte $32,000 in an out-of-court settlement following a ruling that Toyota was liable for in- juries he suffered in a car accident. Attorneys reached a settle- ment a few hours before a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury in Torrance was to begin deliberating how much the 39-year-old singer should receive. Fabian, whose popularity peaked in the late J 950s and 1960s and who used only his first name for professional purposes, was injured Sept. 13, 1978 during a practice session for Toyota's Pro- Celebrity Race for Charity, which was later held in Wat- kins Glen. N.Y. AND DUY. Ptrtc P6rache/Audl lnvltH you to • speclal evening. Taking a European vacation? Join us for complimentary wine. cheese and travel films, on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will introduce its all new, unique and unlike any other European Delivery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picking up your new car in Europe. For more information call 714/521 -8621 or 213/921-7744. UNLIKEANYOTHER M=t<Y. 6700 Manchester Blvd. ~><•E l' AUi>i Buena Parl<, Ca 90621 . • .. \ \ .. Ot911g41 COMt DAILY PILOT /Fndey, Aprff 181 1882 N .. UP 3.81 CLOSING 843.41 eyes Wilco buy American F.ducatlonal Televa.1on Network lnc., headquartered in trvine, announced It algh.ed a letter of Intent to acquire WIJco Energy Group Inc. in ex- change for an undiJlcloeed amount of common stock Wllco Energy Groap la a c&oeely held Southern California bued 1ub-lell0f' of gas and 01J properties. The propoeed acqulBlt.lon 1' aub;ect to approval of · the board of diteciOrs and ahareholders of both rom- ~ru~ . Warhead contract Je t A new technique to make aJr-to-aJr ffi!lk'llles more effeclJVe through better control of warhead detonation at the target will be investigated under a contract awarded to McDonnell Douglas Corporation by the Air Force Armament Laboratory. Eglin Air Foree Bue, Fla. McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company engi- neers in Huntington Beach expect to improve opucal proxuruty !MmSOrB under the $670,000, 29-month pro- ject. Ale introduced in OC Coors Distnbutmg of Orange County will intro duce 1t.1 new ale, Killian's lnsh Red, the week of Apnl 19. Forecast m eet slated An economic forecasting conference wall be held Thund.ay in Newport Beach. The event, co-sponsored by Claremont McK.enna College and the Orange County F.conorruc Foreca.sung Conference Committee, will begin at 4 p.m. tn the grand ballroom of the NewP<>rt Beach Marnott Hotel. The theme i.9 '"Trans1uon to Dain!lauon " Apparel unit planned An organizational meeting to form a n Apparel and TexuJe Asacx:.'lation 10 the Orange County area will be held April 27 at the S&ddleback Inn. Sant.a Ana. The Orange County office of Moss Adams. a cer- tified public accounting firm, 1s sponsoring this mee- ting For mfonnallon . calJ 557-8344 , CM condos selected St. Albans condomiruums, a 220-urut development in Costa Mesa has been selected as a partmpant in the sixth annual "Beet ln the West" c."Ompet1llon sponsored by Housing Magazine The pro1ect as a t Bear and MacArthur Valencia branch due Valencia Bank, headquartered in Santa Ana. u t.o open ita eighth Orange County bank office an mid-May at 640 Newport Center Dnve an Tower JI of Pacific Mutual Plat.a. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ... ·~ ""'' ---,,_..., -~-.. ,,.....,-tot .............. -~-............. -..., .. ,..,,._ AMERICAN LEADERS METALS AJPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK (AP) -$pol nonl.,roua meia1 prfC .. todey Copper 711-78 cente 1 pouno u 9.1 d•llnatlone L.ed 28·32 cien .. a pounO ZlftC 35 .39 c.ttll • pouno OeliYlfed ,.._Ya.Ill II") -T ... -....... -.... -v .... llOllllL lac,_.. .. ._ .. -_.._ __ ..,. ._ __ , __ ,,.,. _ -....,,.._,,.e,......, __ .. _ __ r....,.......,11 .,.~..., -.............. tll ....... , ..... --_ .. _ c-.. __ _,. --- -r•M41. 1 troy 01 .. IH~.oo. 011 ••• .... ..... 1 tro~ OI .• IMS oo. 011 IUO • ...... ....... t..l ~-........ Off 17.IO. ....., ... 10 .,own, ... o• troy 01., ., ........ . Tift 17 62H1 Met11S w .... eotnpolll• lb I AlvMlftllfll 78-77 c.ttll 1 pouno, N Y. Mwcwy S3K 00 per llull ,,.Urlwll '380 00 lfoy ~ . N Y SILVER I H111dy • Hermen. 17 &20 per troy 1 OUflC9 GOLD QUOTATIONS ... 0...,.. COMt DAILY PfLOT ,,rtMy, APrtt 18, 1982 IAllLI llll TOYOTA'• ·GREAT ~ . ' LAii MIDEL EAR • J \ . • . . . .. . VOLUME SALES. AND .GREAT .DEALS ON NEW TOYOTAS KEEP US OVERSTOCKED- WITH EXCEPTIONAL, LOW -MILEAGE TRADE-INS. WE HAVE ·OVER 100 FULLY RECONDITIONED USED CARS READY TO GO -DRIVE . ONE HOME4 AND SAVE ••• . . . I • .------;;11~1~1~n=111-..:ar.----.,------~.1~11~1~T1~Y=1t=a------r.================================:::=::;:i-----~11=1~1 =to=1=ot~a----,.-----7.11=1~1 =t1=,,=,~,~---, Wllll-"llESEL" OlllllU Wllll CGllOLU "El" COIPE CIUOI LIFTIAll Automatic trana .. power ateerlng, e cyl., auto trana .. factory air con-SPECIAL 5 apeed tr1n1ml11lon, atereo caa-Auto. trana •• factory air condltlo- power brlk ... 1t8f'eo caaaette with dltlonlng, full power Inc. power dlac tette. power brakea and morel nlng, power dlac brekH, AM-FM booeter, duat tank• & a new metalllc brakea & power door 1ock1, tllt, G ft EE N RIBBON BUYS (677RLF). An uceptlonally clean radio. aunroof and alloy wheela. bkl9 flnllh. (293TZV). A great family erulM & stereo cueette. (1CHV180). rare model for Just ( 1AQX976). car for Juat 5 4999 ry etr radio 11MYll.llWAllll ..•.... ... " 5 •PM<S trena., rectory •Ir cond .• pawar dlac brlk•. etereo CUMtte, aunroot, elloy wheela &. ol••mlng bl** pecage. (1AOK878). CWCA..,..._ Automellc trana .• etr conditioning. power ateerlng, pawer brakea, ~ tuxe trim. apotleu metallic copper llnlltl with beige Interior & low mlleel (1BWAn8). 56299 ' F ... IRlllAI e cyt., euto. trene., f.ctO!Y elr cond., pwr. et..nng & w••. litereo c:aa., ~ roof. tinted gJMe, Mlche&n Ur• &. an exc.pllonally clean, low ml- leege car. (983WKR). 1111 TIYITA ClllLU 4 •· 11111 Auto. trana .. t11ctory air conditio- ning, power steering. power dlac brafc•, AM-FM l'1ldlo and low mllea. (1CGE044). 1111 UYDTI ; SIPU Full power Including power door tock•. air condltlonll\Q, Utt wheel, erulae cont~ol. stereo cuaette, alloy wheel•. feather 1eat1 & morel (1AHM247). 5 8599 CELICI LIFTllCI 5 apeed trana., 8 1r 6ncUtlonlng, atereo. poww lteerlng, r..,. window lhade & cuat~ two tone red me- tallic ftnlsh. (142XSO). What• car for orly 5 5999 1111 TIYITI mon Equipment factory air dlac b (1AKB These late model, low mlleage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't lose! e 1171 F•I lllT• FUTUll 4 cyt., 4 IPMO. power ateenng, ·p0.er dJac br-*•· 11.,eo c:uaette, wtra wtMMll df9Ca. (&53VAE). e 1171 DITSUI 211SI 5 apeed trana .. air cond .. pwr. brakea, atereo, tinted glue & morel Gleaming metallic 1llver with cuatom Interior. (283VCP). Stylllh economy for only 5 4499 \ . e 1118 lllllA PIEL.IE 1 Equipment lncludea auto. trans .• power dlac brakea, heater. ltereo CUNtte, moon root. (129~0K). ~ e 1llO TIYITI RPI.I e cyt .• auto. trana., factory elr c:ondltlonl!'lg. power lteer1n!J, pow./ d'8c: t>rM-. AM-FM atwao radio. tllt wheel and allOy wheel•. (933ZFW). 56899 1 57899 ! e 1111 TOYOTA CWCA LWTUCI Automatic trana., air cond., atereo radio, alloy wheels and a sunroof. (1AQX975). A raaJ lhalp car and priced to ..a at only 5 8299 1111 TIYITA OILICA LIFTIAOI 5 apeed, t.actory air conditioning, power dlac brakff, AM-FM atereo radio and morel (928PPF). A rare nnd for only . 1111 TIYITI 111au "Ill" UfTIAOI 5 •PM<S. factory air conditioning. pawar ateering, power dlac brakff. atereo cauetta, aunroof & under 11,000 m11ee (1 BSY724). 57499 I ~53399 1110 llJSll 1210 UFTIAOI SL package, 5 apeed, factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, tinted glus, cuS1om Interior &. exterior & und« 8000 mllea. (1 AP8447). 5 5299 1111 FHI EIOllT-1 ... Automatic trana., air eond., pc>w9r ateerlng, power brakes and Juat over 1,000 mllell (1CNY188). 55499 1111 TIYITI CILICI UFTIACI Automatic tranamlulon, power ateerlng. power dbc brak•. AM-FM atereo. rear window ahade kit &. custom two tone pelnt. (813UXT). 5 1999 1•T1Y1Tl 11111• ..... Automatic: trans.. t.ctory elr c:ond .. atereo ce1Htt•. pwr. atffrlng & barkH, Ult whMI, crulM control, roof rlldt & )u91 over 11,000 mleel (0 11100). 58799, 1111 TIYITI ITlllLET SEID 01>tlon1 Include 5 l9"d tranamta- alon and power dlac brakea. Thia one I• fully factory equipped~ gets great gu mli.ege. (18J0283) 5 4999 1111 YILYO 214 -"111111." Automatic Irani .• air conditioning. pwr ateerlng-brakea-door lock•. 1tereo ca1Mtte & 1 aparkllng blue tlntlh with matching Y9lour Interior. (091475). A vety rare car for only 59999 5 7699 ... OR, DRIVE AWAY A GREAT DEAL ON A 1982 TOYOTA CAR OR TRUCK! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA CQROLLA Fully factory equipped 2 Door Sedan. Equipment includes 4 speed transmission and bucket seats. (239327) . B~AND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP Fully factory equipped Shortbed model. Equipment includes 2 4 Iller engine and a 4 speed transmi~on. (0'40432) . . s All units sold plua tax, llcense, S20 doc. fees, plus dealer added acceaaorlea. All cars sllbject tp prior sale. Sale ends Sunday, 4-18-82, at close of business . .... .. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA· STARLET · .