HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-19 - Orange Coast PilotYlll llllllft llllY Ml MU NUAV APIHL 1•1 1'111,' <JH A N C,f COlJ N l Y C A LIJ-OH NI A /',Ct N T') Solution to Falkland -crisis nearing? BUENOS AIRES, ArgeJ'\t.lna (AP) -Secretary of State Ale- xander Hai& and Argentine ne- gotlatora are "approaching a 110lution" to the confllc:t between Britain and Argen\lna over the Falkland lalands, a member of the rullJl8 military junta reported today. Argentina reported willing to negotiate But the Buenoe Aires newspa- per Clarin said Argentina propo- &ed U.N. neeotiationa on the 1-ue of sovereignty within a fixed tame period. ln the Interim, an Argentine-Brit.lah admlnlstnUon with repl'8entatives of tM 1.800 1alandera would govern the island under American supervi- sion, the rep<>rt aald. A newspaper, meanwhile, re- ported that Argentina wu wil- ling to participate in negotiations at the United Nations on the key issue of who has aovereignty over the islands, ruled by Britain 149 years and seized by Argentine troops April 2. "We are approaching a solu- tion. with the aid of the United Sates, but preserving Argentine interesta,'' air force cmctr. Basilio La.mi Dow told reporters. He said Haig and Argentine leadel'll were working on a final draft of the laieat propoul to be carri.,P by lblg to London and Wuhington. Detaili of the laieat propou.1 in the 17~y impame were not Im; mediately reported by offlctals. ln London, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher met with her defense and foreign secretaries but there was n o immediate comment. (Stt F ALXLAND, Page A%) Mile Square Park melee ea Countywlde 911 emergency • ID use IJ.um·her By FREDERICK sCHOEMEHL of'tM 0.-, ,... • ..., SJ.arting today, Orange Count· y's two million residents need dial only three numbers -911 -to summon police. fire and other emergency services. It is for emergency calls only, not for business calls. The 911 syiJtem -the first to go .into operation in Southern Calilornla -covers each of the county's 26 cities and all unin- corporated territory and serves' both customers of Pacific Tele- phone and Gen~ral Telephone_ The system went into opera- tion at.12:01 a.m. Officials re- ported no immediate problems during 911 'a firat hours of ope- ration. When a penion needing emer- gency assistance dials 911 from a residential, business or pay tele- phone. the call is routed to one of · Balmy skies lure throngs to. seaside Springtime weather produced summer-like conditions along the Orange Coast sh oreline this weekend as thousands flocked to the beach to get a jump on their tans. ln Newport Beach, an August- sized crowd 'of 85,000 people spr ead out their beach towels Su nday under clear skies and 65-degree temperatures. Weather forecasters are calling for a warming trend this week With temperatures in the mid-70. along the coast and readings in the low-80s In inland areas. At the mile-long stretch of city beach in Hundngton Beach. 35,- POO visitors showed up Sunday and 21,000 turned out Saturday. Along the state strand in Huntington, 25,000 beachgoers turned up Sunday. Despite the large turnouts, there was little lifeguard activity along the coast, a fact guards were attributing to the chllly 59-degree ocean temperatures. Surf at moat beaches was run- n Ing on e to two feet with no riptides reported .. WORLD two switching centers where the caller's number is automatica11y recorded. At the central locations, calls are then routed to 24 Public Sa- fety Answering. Points located throughout the county from which emergel)Cy personnel are alerted. PSAPs are located in the police departments of Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Meaa, Cy- press, Fountain Valley, Fuller- toh, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine. Laguna Beach, La Habra. La Palma, Loa Alamitos, Newport Beach, Or•nge, Pla- centia. San Clemente, Sai1ta Ana. ~ Beach. Stant.on. Tustin and Weatminster. Offidals at a prees oonfttenee this morning in Santa Ana de- acribed the county 911 system aa the "most sophisticated emer- gency telephone system in the western United States." "No other 911 system has ever been developed involving two major telephone companies, more than two dozen government ju- risdictions and literally hundreds of people,:• said Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of ~upervi.so?·. . "The 911 numbe'r will save lives by making it· easier to call for help," Nestande said. "In every e m ergenc)" situation, a mome nt of confusion occurs when someone fumbles around for the police or fire or paramedic telephone number." A 1972 law called for installa- tion of 911 systems in California's 58 counties. , The county's 911 plan waa ap- proved by the state in Septem- ber, 1979. Since then. the county bas been working to lmplement the system at a cost of $1.8 mil- lion. The money was raised by a surcharge on telephone bills of Orange County telephone custo- men. Officials said they hoped per- sona will not attempt to "test" the sy~tem by making unneces- sary 911 calls. They pointed out that all callers' numbers and ad- dresses are recorded by the syatem. It is a crime to make non-emer~ency calla, they added. Business calls to emergency services should be made on non- emergency numbers lia\ed in the telephone book. offida.la said. • MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) -British ma- rinet and ldentista deported by Argentina to u~ walked on the belch and 'played with a IOOCeJ' they bought here, but made no comment.a to the f orelgn and 1ocal pre-. S P ORTS An6els win g,b straisht Sho~top RScb Burleeqn'a out, but the An1ell ~an ~·anyway. Plt8I Cl. C O UN TY • 1n par· Teen wou·nded : by knife One man was kn1!ed 10 death and a serond is hoepitaliJed toda)' suHering knife wourwk after a Sunday confrontation between two groups or Hisparucs at Mile Square Regional Park in Fount.- aln Valley.· Killed in the fight WU Angel Lopez Serrano, 28, a resident of Hawaiian Gardens. Investigating officers said Ser- rano had suffered knife wounds in hlB back. He died at Fountall'lf.Valley Community Hospital about 6 p.m ., an hour after the two groups had clashed at' the Foun- tain valley pQtk. . VICTORY CONGA LINE -Led by their cheerleader mooM, members of the Baxter'• Street restaurant chill team celebrate vtdory 08lt Not ..... PMto Saturday ln Irvine's chili cookoff. Team quall- f tes for state coolloff May 27_ in Newport Beach. OHlcers identified the woun- ded man aa 19-year-old Hector Carrillo from Stanton. Fountain Valley h09pital spokesmen said Carrillo w as being treated for knife woondt on bis upper body. Sheriff'• Lt. Wyatt Ha.rt said that details of the confrontation were sketchy. Hart said that it appeared that one group of peo- ple from Santa Ana appare.nUy fough t with an other from the Cypress area when the two came together near a baseball diamond in the park. Baxter bunch hottest in chili .cook off Method of picking OCC chief rapped The shertfrs investiga'tor said he didn't know if the fig}lt was gang rela~. No other injuries were rep<>rt.ed. After the c;,ompetitive glee simmered down, jovial members of the Baxter's Street restaurant team emerged as first place win- ners at Irvine's annual cookoff Saturday in the rustic Bommer Canyon. The Baxter's team will get a chance to compete for spicier stake• at the state chili cham- pionship, to be held May 27 at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. . The South Coast Chili Cham- p1onshlp, hosted by the Irvine Chamber of Conunerce, was held at an old-time cattle camp off Bonita Canyon Road. Nearly 3,- 000 chill aficionados showed up for the day-long event, featuring outlandish entertainment and a potpourri of costumed characters. Coming in eecond was Padfic National Bank. The third place trophy was take,n by the staff of the Irvine World News newspa- per. Cookoff judges sampled 44 entries. NATION By PRU. SNEIDERMAN Of ... Dellr,... ..... The Orange Coast College Academic Senate hu approved two reeolutlona criticizing Cout Community College District t"Ultees and Chancellor Norman Wat8on for the manner In which a new Orange Coast College president was .elected. However, the president of the faculty group, Fran Potter, de- clined to present these resolu- tions to the trustees at their recent meeting. Mia -Potter, a long-lime bUli- ne11 law lnatructor at the Col1a Mesa campu1, said 1he had not · received formal direction from the senate to praent the reaolu- tiona to the board. The faculty ii concerned about the trusteea' .election March 31 I of Bernard Luak.l.n. president of lister achool CoutUne Collep, to take over aa ~ Cout pres!- • dent when Robert Moore retires I June 30. Di1trict apokeaman Richard Simon said Watson and the EPA policies criticized Column.lat Jack Anderson aaya the EPA .eema more ea1er to appease the chemical and waate- dwnptna lnduatrles than protectina the public. Page A6. Dan Burt vs. Raipb Nader Next to the bud1et, th• bl11eat battle ln Waahln1ton theae daya plta author Dan M. Butt .,.tJWt ~ activtat Ralph Nader. P..-Be •. trustees have not responded to the resolutions because they have not fonnally been received. But he added, "Luskin has abeolutely the full support of the board. We believe the sc:reen1ng process was not adulterated." In seeking a successor to Moore, trustees aeveral months earlier appointed an eight- member ecreening committee re- pre9ellting Orange Coast adminl- straton. teachen. office workers, student.a and the community. The committee reviewed about 80 applications and forwarded six to the board of trustees. The board narrowed these to two fi- nallata. Their top choice turned down the job, and the board eliminated the aeoond choice for reuons that have not been made public. The trustees then selected Luskin for the poet, even though he had not applied. According to Mils Potter, the Academic Senate met on short notice April 1 and unanimously (See PROCESS, Page A%) I NDEX Hart said a n investigation is con tinuing. 'War' rages along coasi OCEANSlDl!: (Al') -Some 2,000 reservist.a and 1,000 adive- duty sailors carried out make- believe tea battles over the wee- kend in an exerci9e planned by the reservista, the Navy said. The "war" wu fought from three San Diego-hued frigates on a mission to hunt down enemy submarines between Oceanalde and San Cle mente Island, 50 miles to the aouthwest. En route. an enemy warship surpri8ed the Americana. It was the first major trainlna exerdle ever originated, ptannea and carried out by reeervistl in the Southern California area. the Navy said. l.n charge W'll reeene Capt. John~ Rie... At Your Service A4 Horoecope B2 B2 Erma Bambeck B2 Ann Landen ~1jl;!:l;1 A8 Movtes .86 A6 National News AS Cavabde B2 Public Notkm DI Oee1&d 01,03 .. 6 ~C'kta Marketa Cl-4 Comks D2 ca Crcmword D2 Televillion JM Death Noticel D3 Thea ten 86 Editorial A8 W•ther A2 Entertaanment B& World Newm A4 STATE _ _._._ . -. ------ lh1 Ill I I IJ I • Ullo," Costa Mend i aald Sun- day. Argentine C-130 trana port• continued flying men ond wea· pons to the lslandl, occupied by un e!ltimac.ed 9,000 1<>ldlcrs. t>11 .111• "' ,, 11 l .l'(1pold1J Gui In London, British lawmaker WiMton ChurehW, a defense po- Hcy spokesman for Prime Mln- 1ster Margaret Thatcher and grandson of Britain's World War n leader, predicted that within daya the Harrier planes aboard the 40-ship war rleet steaming toward the Falklands would im- pose an air blockade o{ th e as).ands, and British marinefl and paratroopers would land to esta- blish air strips !or the planes. 1111 _ 1 11t.11y, Hodolfo Then it will be "only a matter of time" before the Argentine garrison runs out of supplies and has to surrender, he wrote m the Ii 1 I f111 final '!tugt• I 1 • 111rl 11f nt·~oll:J 1 "11 Ii lh1• .,amt• I I \l,lt d this t,tl k .. 1 •rnlt·<I> " ·"' 11ioj11 I 1,..,.n 1'1s th.11 \t1(• .. 1'<'rC' .111111 d lO J1·C1 Vl' Sunday Express. · H 1 •11d,1\ hut would British submarines are already ~nfomng a 200-mile sea blockade zone around the Islands The Bri t1s h Defense Ministry said most of Argentina's 31-ship navy had put to sea bu t no "maJOr'' vessel had defied the British blockade. 1• • • "' • t• Haig would rly .. 11 ,. " I ( · , --I ( r11t• llw talks 1111111 f"11n •1gn •I 1 11-.t.1 M1·nd1•1 I ~ h~Juro, Su ti 1 ... 1 .. nd1·r~ .1n• , ... ··ndanb lfloil 1\1 ~llllJ • "' 1r 1nc1 wt•'n• I 11 L., bd1111d tlw The Defense Mmlstry reported Sunday that the British armada was "en route and on ume" but declined t.O elaborate The fleet lt>fl England on the 8,000-male voyage two weC>ks ago and rl'- po rtedly passed the hatrway point last week ·~SS RAPPED. • • .11•1n1ons wratu•n l'1,rk1s.-. I • rtrnt tht· Al'et t < I< ·c · dt•nounct .... t. .11 d of tru.st('<>s 1 1 1reumvt>nllng rr r ,.._., (Cir OCC in~u It to tht• fa ., .~nd othl·r ap- dgenda required in the group's constitution . Fearing that the Initial vote was thus invalid she said the group met again Tuesday and "rat.1f1efi" the originAl resolution by a majority but not unanimous vote. o;..u uuµ:i ttd l!l good h 111l1l'l pat1on ()( Mw Potter said she was con- cerned about this procedure being valid and was personally uncomfortable with the term "denounce" in the resolution . • •e1IUlllJll I <tllPd , 11ft:' poll , f no I l h l U 0 .I d IJ f 1;\;Jl.:;<111 1• r 'ic•ld aft• r thlh II i Lhl' c;1 r1dlt' ,•,1Ut-d wtthnut 111 I' and wntwn Because she was given no spe- c1 f ic instruction to present t h e resolutions to the trustees, she 88ld she did not. But she said the board members and Wataon were aware of the resolutions because of their publication in the campus ne wspaper. au greets Q u een Beat r ix ,, 11~(AP) 'Pre- .• •k•JTnm~ QU<'<'n •, • t I t ·rlur1d"-I•> the• ,11d ltld<JV lh(• d l lollimd mw.t I'~' 11 'I I h 111 1 v t 11 1 n.1111)1t'i arP • 1• '1• nuht<Ary I 1 \ ;tfld p< at'(' •II th\.• ).:lli.1dw1l1 of tyrants," the president s.:ud at <'t:remonies welcoming the f>ut4·h monarch "The American people and the· pt•ople of the Netherlandh. your ma.)('Sty. have trad1t1onally bec·n advocates of peace," ht> said. The queen and her husband. Prmce Claus, are celebrating thC' 200th annJVersary today of U S Dutch diplomatic relations <IMtrt.O lllgllll Hid en elrpo11 tl><'lo,91women °"11)et11ng ll•ghta W.en I •"ee- tlld ""'P"O Ill• log, aummer-llk• "' .. it.er "'•• •llP41C1ed Tueed•V w•ll 19'1'1~11"1111 In Ille IOw llOt ~ •ANIA vr.df'I tunny tk••s aeroaa Sou-.. I""'" Cehtorllle. tto•nll• 10 • st•· •Jtl r AIN .. .,...,,.,, l>•gto Pf-'• avatem. Ille o 111111 l'l·1t1on111 Welll'llf ~ Mid J'O lo 112 Tl'trtperatures ~-·· NATION ~ M I .,,' rtlTILOT)' HI Lo Pro. C!:m) Albttny 43 43 .66 AIOO(IU. 77 39 •• ". w •• ,.. Am .. tll':.I 79 59 ~ -= ------ Hunger unit recruiting Only 10 people attend Mesa meeting PETITE BEAUTY -Kelly Duncan, 17, Fountain Valley, has been selected Petite Ju- nior Miss California for 1982. The Fountain Valley High School senior appears Satur- day, in TV broadcast of the Miss California Beauty Pag- eant from Knott's Berry Farm. By STEVE TRIPOLI or-..,.., ......... A worldwide organization de dlcated to e nding hunger on earth sought recrutu In Coata Mesa Sunday and though the turnout waa amall, organlzera aatd they will continue to seek help along the Orange Cout. The Hunger Project., which claim• two mllllon me mbers, sponaored the seven-hour "briefing" of the city's Neigh- borhood Comrnunlty Center for thoee interested 1n supporting the organlzation's efforta. The brieflnp are an mtenaive look at hunge r -what it la, who auffera from It, h ow it can be combatt.ed, why It 1s both poul- ble and eronomically worthwhile to defeat lt and who has the po- wer to stop it The purpose of the brieflng i.s Candidate spurred by property rights To Laguna Beach 's Uave Hinchler. a dark-horae candidate for incumbent Supervisor Thomas Riley's job. there ls only one issue wtuch really matters in the June 8 primary election. Pnvate property rights. "W ithout the rights of ownership," Hirachler, 57. main- tai os, "the other issues are meaningless." Oh sure, the Newport Beach real estate salesman admits there are other areas of importance fa- cing county lawmakers -deci- sions related to transportation, planning. budget planning, air- port noise problems. But It was Riley's vote on a measure authorizing the sale of $54 million in mortgaae finand.ni bonds for affordable housing units that agitated Hirachler lnto running. A provision of that m easure imposes resale controls on the housing unit• -anathema to Hirachler. "Thia is what I call socialism," he said. "I don't understand how anybody who profesaes to be for free enterpriJe and a free market could go for all thia." Hirachler said Riley's vote in favor of the mortgage bonds - including the resale control pro- vision -was ph1losophically akin to Tom Hayden's position on the issue. Hirschler stopped short, ho- wever. of suggesting that Riley, a conservative by a lmost any yard.st.id\, was doing the worlt of Hayden and his Cilmpalgn fo r &anomic Democracy. Aides to Riley, responding to H1rschler's criticism , said the Deity Pilot Sutt Photo ONE ISSUE -Lagunan Dave Hirschler is campaigning for the Board of Supervisors on the issue of private property rights. aupervt.o.r has oonsistently oppo- sed resale controls, especially those related to state Coastal Commi.saion activities in the area of local coastal planning. to equip partidpan&I to d aJ with elected officials, th~ mf'dla and others in "generating the gro.u roota political will to have hunger ended," according to 11 Hunger Project spokesman Gwen Hill of Corona del Mar. one of two moderators at S un- day's briefing. !!8Jd the turnout of JUSl 10 people was disappointing. but that another briefing will be held ln the area next month. The . ait.e ls as yet undet.enninC'd Other sessions a lso will be held later thu year. Participants leave the session ready to lobby against hunger at all levels. Some o f what they leatn mcludes: -That one-fourth of tht' world's population Iii hungry. and that t hrc·e-fourths of the hungry are children. That some rlat1ons with 1}1gh per-capita income levels have not defeated hungl'r, while others .with very low income le- vels have. -That some hunge r exists almost everywhere, though it is rather rare in nat1oru such as the United States. -T hat nations which have defeated hunger come from all major political ideologu•s and economic and political syst<'ms, and that they also employ diffo- rent agricultural techruques and have a wide range of chmal.(>S -That, a<.'<..'Ording t.o a number of agencies wh1C'h ha'Vl' undt>rta· ken studies of hunger. the only 1mped1ment to defeating 1t 1s tht' pohucal will to do so That th e Parth aln·ddy produc.'el> more than t•nough f0t>d to meet everyone's nl"tc'ds. tht•rt• IS potential to produ1:e much more. and that inC'reascs 1n food pro- duction are outstripping world population growth. One of the program's major poan~. perhaps becalJS(:' 1l makel> endmg hunger pohtll·ally attra(·- t1 vc. 1s that wiping out hunger makes ec.-onom1c sef\S(' Project representatives l'ltcd leuh the talenia of tbe one bil- lion people who now are huncey, bwld marke&1 for richer natloN. e nhance global security, apd "liberate the untapped richneu o{ other cultures and minda." The sem inar'• final phaae Introduced an exhau.Uve Uat of the agencies battling hunger, the world food aid atructure', wri- tings on the aubject and sugges- tions for what those battlina to eliminate hunger can do. .The Hunger Project'• gOllla for this year, according to project offk:i&la, are to brtef at least ~.- 000 people ln the Unlted States and Canada. including IOl'Oe who will be able to lead briefing groups themselves. Ms. HIU sald that briefers like to work with groups of about 30 people and that local project members would aeek to attract at least that many for next month's brief mg. Valley crash vic tim dies of injuries Gary Puente or Fountain VaJ. ley died Sunday of injuries suf- fr.red in a March 29 auto accident that earlier claimed the life of his t'Ompanton An Orange County Coroner's s pokesman said Puertte. 18, of 18555 Santa Cruz Ctrde died at 12 50 pm Sunday at Fountain Valley Community Hospital. Puente had been hospitalized with head and chest mjuries af- ter the car in which he was ri- ding spun out of t'Ontrol during a heavy rainstorm and struck a block wall on Magnolia Street bt>twt.oen Warner and Slater ave- nues. two estima~ of the cost of era- dicating hunger. on<' which said that expend1tur~ of $25 b1llifJn a year for 20 y<'ars would bt• n<.'t'· ded, and anoth(•r whu:h c•suma-f ted that all childhood dl•aths ugitive capture d from hunger could be prt·wnt(-d The driver of the car , S teve McElroy, 19. of 18526 Santa An- drea St. Fo untain Valley, also was taken to the hospital after the crash but was pronounced dead on arrival. pohce SaJd. !or $1.5 billion. WINNEMUCCA, Nev. (AP) - They compared that to thl• ~ A trappN Q('CUSC'd of killing two t1mated annual costs of hungt'r ft.sh arid game officers 15 mon ths $36 b1U1on a yt•ar for food aid and .tgo in Idaho has been arrested food stamps, medical l·are for tht• after police trac ked him to a malnourished , rautr1t1on prog trailer home where he had been rams and the disruption o f pt•o . hiding. authorities said Claude plc.-'s lives. Lafayette Dallas, ;jJ. was arrest- Endmg hunger, Ms. Hill and eel oy FBI agtmts and Humboldt c·o·moderator Ed K1nm•y said, County s heriff's deputies Sun- would end a moral outrage·~-_d_a_y_. -----··-____ _ "'"''""' f' 89 44 03 ' \t ' ·~· • Ou•vlll•4 Allanla 71 46 02 II!IIlm ---=== Allentc Cly 84 48 Av•fln 73 61 02 Bao m<lfll 66 46 83 Mllwault .. 8' BiUinos « 37 Mplt-St P ee Birmrngtim 72 45 NuhYllle 69 B•""181'C~ fi2 28 "'-°''""' 72 Bo•~ 48 33 N.w York &8 Boston 80 54 07 Nor1olll 88 flrown•vllll 92 74 No Pl.ite 73 Buttalo « 38 01 Olde City 89 Burll"ijlOn 45 40 I 17 Ometia 70 c"'""' S6 211 Ort1ndo 89 Cnart11n SC 72 84 34 Ptill~phlll 64 CP111rlstn WV &8 40 PtiOenlx 90 Cht11llt11 NC 68 32 =.rt'. 511 C~ne 63 30 5e Ctooeago 83 ~ P1111nd, Or• 50 C nc.nnau ee 34 Pr!WldenGe 83 c~ 58 39 :'c.1y 71 CIWlbia IC 73 52 f7 Colulnbue 82 39 Reno 81 Dtll-ft W1h .. 5' laftl.MI• ' 53 0.Y'On 82 • 8.n Antonio 71 Oemw 7f " Seail11• 51 0.. Mol!Wt .. " tu":7.: 73 o.tfott 80 M 71 Duluth 39 24 211 SI Louil 117 el Peto 112 40 81P·l~ 84 Fll'go 82 38 81 IM Mn 35 Flegt1att 82 30 St)Ollent ... OrMI F111t 41 H SyracuM 48 Hartlor'1 •1 48 .... T°'*I 71 Helena ... ,, TllCllOn S2 Honolulll a 711 01 f ... 72 Hou.ton M 111 02 w~ 10 lntJNPl!e .. 87 Wlcfvtl 70 Jedltn Mt .. '1 CM.A'OMU Jectlr'Mle 7t .. ot KAN C.ty .. 40 =:= l•VtOM ... A' to Ullle~ eo ... 81ntaw .. l.OUIMll ,,. lit a..nont 11 Lubbock 11 53 llO ... a ~ 17 '41 ~ t2 Mlll'l\I ., ,,. .. I 34 Culver Clly 74 50 37 Eufek• !le 42 39 FfMnO 74 46 63 01 LllnC:All., 77 45 51 Long BMch 71 50 55 01 Lo. "'r 78 52 38 MlllYI 75 47 Monrovle 84 46 38 Montebello 00 49 87 Monlerey &4 47 48 93 Ml Wilton 88 47 eo NMdlee 80 57 38 Newpor1 8Mcn 88 51 50 Oaltlaind 78 50 35 01 Onlatlo 82 4e ~ .20 Pno AoblM 78 40 50 OI A.cl 8lufl 71 ... 33 SecnlmenlO 72 41 21 Sellnu 71 40 3e San B«MnllnO 1t .. 81 ,.,, Oleoo 10 to 38 . Sen Fr...-.io .. 11 52 San JOIN 74 48 42 SenlAI All• 711 51 311 Sent• Betberl &4 44 ee Sante Min e eo 40 2t .OI S1nll Monica 88 83 211 .03 s1oe1e1on 75 47 3e .Oii llhOI Valley 641 24 33 ln.t'mel 117 eo 60 01 • Teittence 72 49 ..... IO .&-4 38 Extended 40 forecast 13 12 42 IOUTHIRH CAL"ORHIA 2f COAITAL AHO MOUNTAIN to AMAi -''*and mild. eo.ttll ... 1nd v•H•y •••• ll~tie 12 10 82 '"d IO•I 0 10 I . Hls:.1 11 movntMI N10t1 ~ In IOI Tide• -· • Lightweigh t p op lin i a Brooks Bro the rs favorite Both bu ine~sman and traveller will find the qualities they seek in a warm weather s uil ha ndsomel y mel here. T he polyester and cot- ton blend has a neat, crisp appearance, good <.:rcase-rcsis 1ancc and wa hability. Tailored on o ur 3-button model with patc h poc kets and welted edges, in tan, navy or olive. Coat and trou er . $150 Uu your Broolt Brothers rord or Amt'rrran lixprtss. .I • • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday. April 19, 1Q82 ..,. s 3 kept Tax • promise LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER Gail Yoho, 6. sits in window at Fre d Hutc hinson Cancer Center in Seattle as construction crew presents message of love Gail. under tn•atment for A~ Wlreptloto leukemia. had ~<mt the crt'w messages as she watched them work. The Chebanse, Ill. native dted early last week Post office fights mail fraud Phony new ·paper ads attract women., unemployed PlTTS BUKGll (AP) Phort) m·wspapN au.' placed by the U.S. P~wl Scrvtt:t: tu hclµ stamp out mail fraud havt· allrnl'lt'<I ahoul 85 IX'<>ph·. mostly wome n and thl• unc•mplovt'<I. a pt.r.;t..al uff1nal ...ays. rc..-0 bv lhl.' work-at-home propos1l1on and its pro- mlSC oC $750 monthly carrungs. Mt-Clelland said . "Th<· n:a:-.1in I <·ht>M · tho~(' l wo <:alC'gories 1s that The postal st'rv1cc··, f1r'l advt·rltsPmt•nts ap- peared las t we<'k in about :rn nc·w.,pa1wr-s in thrt.'C' states, extolling ;.1 work-at honw moncvmakmg plan and a reducing formula guaranlt'l't'<I to hl·lp t.aJ<C' off pounds "hkC' m•vt•1 tx•fort• .. tht' work-at hom1• and m1"<l1t·ol fraud arc the two single most prl·valt-nl problems, at least 1n the last year. that wl·'ve :.<.-.m." h£' said "lt gencralt•d ;1 lot 11f n ·sponw I'd n1ll 11 a successful program at the... stag<· of the gaml., .. said Kacy McClelland. tonsuml·r prntt'<.'llon 'J)C'<.'l<1h~l for the post.al !'l('fVl<.'t.''s P1lL\burgh d1v1s111n "The ma1o r1ty Wt·n· wom<.•n lht•fl• e1n· ... The poi.tal st.•rv1t'<' c•,t1mates that of the $70 h11lwn tu $ttO-b1lhon worth of mail orde r business na11onw1d1· last y1•ar, about $500 m1ll1on w as frau- duh .. nt It'' not a ainw to answt·r adi. for mo n<•y- makang ~·hc·mc-s. hut c·on mc•n who place tht• ads fa<'t.' a maximum pun1~hnwnl of f1vt> years in jail and d SI 000 rin1· 1f wnv1t'tl-<l uf mail fraud number u f r<.·forf'nl't.~ of wom<.·n l·l(.'tng how.t•w1vC's or being <.'Onfmt'<.I .1t horn<· Or thf'y'n· unf'mployt.-d and looking for som<· 1.•xtra 1nc·om<.•," Mc-Clelland sa1d. The postal :.1:rv1t't.' sp<•nt a few hundred dollars for thr ads. wh1l'h wt•r<' w run from Easler Sunday through last S . .llurclay. Mt{.'!Plland -.aid · Ht> said he r<'pll<'d tu th<· f1r...t r<."'pondenL'> lai.1 Thursday. 11'\S('rting tht•1r post.age..• a nd a brtx. hur<· warning about <•nvflop<•-stuffmg, mc·d1c·al rraud. chain lcttt·rs and othc•r shady C'nterpnS(-s Tht• ad!> W('rc• sc:nt two weeks ago to !l I new.,. pop<·n. 1n Pt·nnsylvani<.t. Wt•st V1rgrn1a anJ Nt·~ York Nint• out of 10 pc--t>plt• who answered wc·re lu- The adi.. Wt'rt' pc1rt of a test c·ampa1gn, and Ml-Clelland ...aid ht•'s un<'t·rWm whl•thPr mort' sul'h ploy" will IX' lrtt-d Paris "besieged' by fast food PARIS (AP) Thi· Big M.1t attack launchtod 10 years ago as J modest reconna1SS<1ncc patrol has turned in to a full -scale assault France is falling tu tht• fast food invasion, its l'(..>Sistam·£' w1.•a kened b y a fifth column of l'n tre preneurs. Only a fractwn or I ht I c· ... t.1U rant markl't hru. tx'l'll pt1 ir1·d. and no one sugges~ th1 • • il,1r... at La Tour d'Argcnl an I lJx im's are now bellying UJ 1h1· counter for a shakc and ..i 111 fries. B u t t h l' n u m Ii ,. r •, I "restaura n ts rap1dc•s" ha' mm 1• than doubled an ea<:h of 1h1• last three years. wh11l• lhl' ranks of the sidewalk cafps <tr<' thmn1nJ.! by an avf'fagl' or 1,3110 a yl•ar Exact figures arc· unavailable•, but fast food n•v1·nucs amountl-<l to tens or m1lhons of d.ollan. la.st year. Cafe ownPrs hop<.· th1.• fa'>l food boom Is JUSl a fad. und point out that liquor la w s g1v1? lhl'm a specific edgl? Thl' young Frrn<:h businessml'n who run the burger and brioche emporiums say de- mographics a nd et.'Onom1cs are on their side, but say they can co· <'XISI WI th ('ar C'S L'A~,ut·1al1on de.· la Rt•staura non R<iptdc. sel up last year to rromote {ast rood and protect.the industry from fast-bu('k artists. atlnbutes the growth to chang<'l> in French life "The mass entry of wom(•n in thf' JOb markC't and the gC'nNal reductwn o f tht' lulll h ppr wc from an average of two hour.; to 45 minutes are the· b1gg<.·s t factors." sa 1d assoc·• a uon Vice Prt"S1dC'nt Wilham Moor<.'. owner uf thl· <'1ght-restaurant Ch1<.·k<'n Shop ~ haan. At 36. he's a 10-year vN«ran of the fast food wan. "Tradit1onahsts won't be hap py. but I th.Ink thl' cafe 1s 1n trouble." he added AJam Bonneville. prC'S1dc•n t of Burger King Fran('(', agn'C.>S some• cares are being hurt but belu.>vc~ "our real compet1l1o n 1s the fa mily kitc h e n a nd the l1lllt> rf'staurants" Ht' also s<.'eS an £'Volut1o n in t h e taste of th<' young -fostered by school ca· fcte ria fare a nd the ir motht'rs' increasing reliance on prepacka- ged foods. · "K e tc hup 1s a scandal l o Fre n ch gastro nomes. but the ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHtffled advertising 714/t42·5671 All other ct.partments 642-4321 Thom .. P HaleV PUllfW* -<>• (.-.. .... ~ Robef1 N Weed ..._, Kay Schultz Vioj,..,__,. -Olr«tOt ol AO..httftO Tom Murphlne l'dllOf Mike Harvey Dlt9CIOf or 111.n.eiono ~IOfl) Ken Goddard ~-°'*•tOnt ~Lean Ct*'tet LOOI .........,.1.dilof MAIN OFFICE lJO We.I..., SI cost• Mtte. CA Mall ~ 8o• ,,._ C°'l" -CA ~,. c...,,._,. "'2 O<-c .... 1 _.,,.no C-Y NO ., ... ,•'°""-•llUW41110fl\ . .O"or .. l ,.....,er .... or..-llM..-i. ,.,..1., ,...Y IM r•twocluc..S ~ \,,..:lel -•liOn ol <opyr.11N _,., young µt'<>ple St'<'m lo lt>V1· 1t," hl' '><lid ThNt' w<.•rC' 43 fast-food res- taurnn ts m 1978, but 89 the next yc•ar and !Bl m t9HI -a 4,500 p e r c<.·n t 1nt·rt>as<' si n ce the MeDonald's arrivro 10 yc•ars ago. Helicopter pact awarded WASHINGTON IAP) Th« Army ha.' a warded lhC' first l'On- tracts for production o f a con- t r ov« r~1a I new tank-killing Apat'he h elicopter whose rost has aroused strong ob.)l'Ct1ons in the powerful Senate Armed Services Comm1tl.C'<' It announced a total of $294.7 million in contrac ts to Hughes He licopters Int'., C ulver City. Calif .. and Gene ral Electric Co. at L ynn, Mas.s . but limited outlays of mon<'y for th<' first 90 days. The Army said the spe nding limit was "In recognition of a Senate Armed Services Commit- tcC' rcquc•st lo minimize govern- ment liability until the consensus of the Congress is expr essed clearly" The Senate commi\lee has re- fused to vote any of the $998.7 million requested by the Army to buy 48 of the AH-64 Advanced Attack he licopters in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1. The House Armed Services Committee ap- proved nearly aU Lhe Army's re- qu~t. Dust over Hawaii HONOLULU (AP) -Hawaii's skies are hazf thla week ~U!Me of a cloud o volcanic dust, the National Weather Service said, and th<' t.'Ondillon may perslat for 1evcral days. We're Listening ••• -;;,;~--~;1Sn:J11v.~J.0:1~DaULfJltJ~~.t~ llk•!- C1i11I r&· numl>er l>efuw anet your mnriii·~er·~-­ lr11nacr1tw-d anft dtllvtr~d lo lM appropriate tdllor Tht> Hml' 24 hour 1n11unn1 urvtu may b« u fd to remrd l•I· trr to th t.'d1tor on any tepft' M1llbo• rontnhutora mu1t lnrhtd• lh tr namr and telC!Phoft• numbfr for vertfiullon Ne> ctrC'ul1tkM\ rill•. ph•• f! 1'rll 11 what'• nn 1our mind, Reagan's move on education consistent but. • BY WALTER R. MEARS A~ S.,.clel COfrHponde"I WAS HINGTON Prc•s1dt•nt Reagan's proposal of ln<.'ome tux c r edits for µJrcn t ll who s1md their t'hlldrtm to pnvate schools 1s t'on s 1stPnl w ith onr of his campaign comm11rn1.•nts but not much e lse l t would r<'prt•S\'llt ,1 b1~ and open -e nded, 1f ind1rt"<'t, sub ... i<l) to private i.£•hools, while th1· ,1J m1nastrataon 8(-ek.s Lo trim h'<i1•r;1I spending on publw St·houls :ind college• rud program'> h would, 1f adoptt-d, add lo an already n>eord Jl'fll'lt And 11 w ..... 1>111po"•d 1u1 1!11 day thl' odrrnnislrnl1on fl'Jt'I ll·d as too costly a Rl'pUIJIH . .in pro posal for mortgage• sub...id1l·'> \11 spur lhl' ailing housmg indu'>\l'Y Thl' price tag'> wt.·n· .dJou t t lw S<i01('. S 111l, Reagan wa'> d1·llv1•1111g what he ppJml:.t'<i a.-."' l'anJ1d;1t1 ·. "I wholehcartc·dly suµpm t tu1 u on tax credit' for pun·nts "'" ding their childrl•n lo µriv.ill a11d parochial schoob. and will work to :>Cl' tht'm put 1n pl.tl'" lw -..11d during th t' campaign So last wt't•k. Ht-.1g,111 t11ld the· National C<11hul11 Edlh .1t111rwl ASS1x:1atiun "l bl'hc·w · that w1>1 ktnij Anic-r 1cans art' OVC'rla,t.•d ..tr1tl um.kr apprc'<·iatt-d, ;md I h;1v<.· l'Orn1· to Chicago to offt.·r n ·lll'I lit: ~1d his plJn would ht•m ht m1ddll·· and lnwc·1 1m·1111ll wor king families who now µav both private sc..·hool tu1L11m a11d lex.ti laXC'S to support publi1.· ":huuh The Reagan plan would lt•t parents drum 1m'Om<' wx t·11.•<.hL-. equal to as muC'h a:. :111 µt•H·t•nt of the tu1t1on tht•y p.1y for t'al h c hild allc..·nd1ng a privall' l'lt· mentary or i.et·ondary \t'html The t-e1hng would Ix· $100 a l the• outset, incrt'asing to $~00 1n Hiii~ Tht> full cn'<.11l would hf· av.11 labl<' to fam1l1es with 11u mm~ up to $50.000. and th1·11 would b1 partial c·n-d1ts for tho-.t• v. tth 111 co~es as high a,, $75,000 .NIWS ANAlYSIS ll \\ ouldn'l Jpp ly to c·11llt·gl· tu11111ns . th1· aJmin 1~trat111n 11> trving lo ught1·n rnl·om<.• rf'stn< uon., un loan~ and aid to tollt:gt• 'lllHlt'nls A ('Ollt•j(l ... ludt>lll r rom ii lanuly with an t11(~lfllt' of $:$0 111111 111 mor t• wuu Id havt· lo dt• mor..,.tr alt nt<t'<I tn ord1·r lo gf'l J go\ t rnnwnt gu.irantc•c·d lo.Jn Thi· i1drn1n1,..lrJ.t111n want:.. tht· Ltn11l y 111romt• 11•1hng Im 'olh·gc· g1 unh tut from <in JVt·r.1gt· 111.1i..1rnum ,,f $l7 OHO ll• $1X.01Hl Thi· Ht·aga11 liudgl·t .1lso would tut lt•d1·ral aid to Plt·nwntary am.I '-t'<.'11nd.1ry 'lC:huols 0111· lafl.~l't fo1 t'UI'> 1~ a progr<.1m o f ;ud fo1 di'> ..1uvanWgcd studc..·nls. Scl"n:Lary uf Edmallnn T 11 lkll ha-. ... ;.JtCI llt<tl l>J>4°nding ror f'i.ll'h •aud1·nl tn lh.ll pro~ram w1..1uld Ix· 'rL•dul't«I 110111 ;ibvul $!'>'..:!~)a v1·ur Ui about $IO() All told, th<·n · ;.in· ;ili11Ul !'> rrnll1on pupil' an prtVJll' .... ·boob 'I hal s ;)bout 10 p1·n·<·nt of Anwr H'<tn ~hook hilclrc..·n Ahou1 :i ~ mtlh11n of th1·m altt·nd Hom.111 Calhoht. pan":hial '.(.huob Rt•agan's 11ng1na l 1 .imµ.11gn pl<'dgt• "' ...... 11nwd pr 11110111 h .ll their f.imtli<" .ind 11111 <J1d1 who dt"Cltm-<J tu l..1t· 1dt•11t1f11'fl s.11d llu <Jdm1ni-.u at1011 '>Lill 111·<-&, p1.1ht11 .1l h1 Ip fr11111 tho ... 1· vnll r'> <.on,tr \ Jll\ 1· f>.·11101 r.il\ n1.111v uf tlwrn 1n urh.H1 p11"t111t.L\ It -. goud pul1lll's. \'11\' g ood p11lll11-...," 1 he a1d1• '-<!Id It ma~ h<.· t•vt:<n tx·tt•·r IJ<1ltt11-... for thl' fat·t that H1 Jg<in ..i·111·d thP 1~'u1• with .1 pr11µos;tl Lh.tl , .. 111'1 µ11ss1hl;. twumw l.1w lhts Vl'il r. d nd Ml w 111 flll l h ... Vl' .111' n ·al 1111µ<11'1 11t1 h1~ l'Urn·11l lludg1•t Wiii'' Thi p1 •1po-..1l hOJ, IJ1·1·n itr ound for;., l1111g t111u· Tht·n ;111 · rwarh .I() IUlllllll l<•' tTt·tlJI l11lb p1·ncl1ng in l '11ngn-ss. manv ol thl'm broad «r 1hc1 n thl' Rc..·<.tgc.in pldn in the.it tl11 •y would ,1µply tot 11ll1•Hl' "' w1·ll J" t·l1.·nw11\,11 y a11d M 'l'Oll d.11 y M·Jiqol i.luJt·llL'> Tlw ud111m1,11a111m ••t-l1111c1l1·~ 1h1· c.·o.,l 11f tht H1· .. g.rn µIJn a l $4 fl b1Jl11111 llVl'I 1 lw IH'Xl five YNll' ~:.JI lwr Tn .i..u1 y IJt·p.irl rrwnl 1· ... t1111.ilt"> hJd put tlw likely u r.l C..1 h1gh1·1 At 1u.1lh tlw11 ~ uuld h1 no \Ao,,.,. ot 1 ">llrlh•tlrtK 1h1 hmg lt·rm lo"' l•> th• T1 t·.1-.urv Th..11 wuulJ · d1•1.1t•nd 1111 Liu numlx 0 1 of fJJrt·n~ ~ h•1 d1·1 1d1·d lo Ir .11..,f • r lh(·11· dt1Jd11•11 fllJlfl p u lil1t lit µllVJtt• "'hooh lx-t ,1u-.t of 1111 lJX hn·ok Thi llt'W H1 .. q ,:.1 n budg1·l wo uld 1111 d1n·1 1 l1d11 .. l .11d to t'llUc...1t1or1 Ir 11111 ;i. I .i 1111111111 lo JU~t und1•1 $10htll11111 Tit• l1gu11•wa.., $1h 1,1111111'1 during l it• budg1·1 '>t "' ht'1111t tit• ru \\ ,,dn11n1-.tn1 t1u11 Look ofl1u.: l '011g11 ":. ·•I'll' '•fl' 1alt''> funds Im pul1li• "'111~11arid1·qlh g1· ~tu d .. 111 .od IJl t1gi.ims Thi· tu1l1t>n 1Jx 1·1f'lltt would11'1 lw .in ;1rpro- p11;1t11111 l 1 W• 1uld pr • 1v1dl' " 'ub- '"h 10 µ:111•11h 111 ,t•·ad uf to -.d 11111l, II\ r ,.,1w 111g 1h .. 1r l.1x1 .. , Ill 11fl .... 1 1lt1 lUlllllll llu \ 1-"'Y N11111'ltw h ... -. 11t1·11 11rn.i111:.. a llln .. 111u111111.d qw·''""' .. bout the t." l rt d 11 pl.111 I 11 I t.1 llil't .• 1d- lllllll'>l1.il 1011 1111111.tls h ,1\t l'X · I" ., .. :-1 .t 1 11111 • r n 1111 111 .. 1 pm n t And S1 r1 L r 111 s• l11 d l1ng ,, IJ S l 11 g111 , 1 lt.11 1 he Kt';1gan pl.in 1:.. 111«111'11111111111,tl u ncl1 •r d ruling 11 11d1 11 d In th• '">uµrt•me <"11111 t 111 1117:1 \\.11h Ith . 1111 1,,, l I 1-<lll. Mr H• .ig 111 v. uu Id pt 11\•111' ... 1ud1:nLS 111 pnv.111 .... i..,.,J, "1th l••Ur um1~ th• ,,,..,,..,1.,1111 1 h.11 " 1 ur rrntlv µru\td1·d lot t h• 111 uh public "'houl ... tudt ·nl ' .ud ll11ll111g' for \('.JI ' .1 it .1d ll1L' "P f••ll• Ill 11f 'ut·h pn1µ0..,,1I" 'I ti.it 11111 11 lh 1h 1 lq.~hl 111 l'.111g1""'· \\ 1111 h lt.1 r1·lw;•r'><:d 11 111 pr 1111 d1 11:111 . 1111 1u1111111 t rr'<llt plan-. II \\11n'1 1 ...... llll'd l.>1 ·fort• 1111 \l•.11 ... 1·l1 1 t111n -. .ind 11 111.1y ll!JI 1•\1•11 lw ·' 11Jt.d 11\ l1Jl:-l MAKES THE C.Hi.P.S FLY Thl· C..ih fornia Highway Patrol has purchased 400 n<'w Mus- tangs that w ill accclcratt' from zero lo 60 mph m seven seconds Tht• cars arc <'qUtpp<'Ci with a AP Wlr~to 5.0 hter V-8 <.•ngint• C l IP Sgt D11 k Hadema· chl'r, who will in~trut t off1l<'r<i in th1· u~· of the nl'W <:a rs, stands llt'X l lo 01001.. I our Polo inta.rlc:x::k, ... thz. ed'tast arrl m::et. roniCrl.oblcz. knit shirt hill <z>.JZI"~r ~toils a1'),d mmm:z.d. el<iczw.e fur activL or stnziit 'Ml.Or aveilabla, in 25 9ft1.0t colas if bz ho5 Of)IZ, hrz. rnriy jue,t want illflm eU . .. .,., I a hlfH1 l•luml • Nru•1HJrt &m h • 714 644·5010 llMll ~MuiOOJ 81tid, • l~u11>0d Vlllo.,.• • 213 208 .. 121.1 • A4 Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 19, 1882 By PAT HOROWITZ OftM Dellr ..... ,..., ' DEAR PAT: My landlord l1 bara111D1 me to 1et me to break &be Qree-year lean I laave , oa a 1mall 11109. Tiie leaae lnch1dea atllltlea. Tiie ludlord baa broken ID to t•rn off tile ll1lat1 and beat, bat I llaven't been able to catcll laim lD tile act 10 tlle police can't belP. me. I don't wut to break tlle lea1e ud don t bow wbat to do. L.L., Lapa BeacJa , Contact the Orange County Fair Housins Council by phoning 835·0160. A lease is a contract and if you are not breaking any ol Jts requi"'ments. it usually cannot be ended by the landlord without your consent. It's also against state law for a landlord to tum off your utilities with the intention or making you move. If he does, and you go to court and . win, you can receive $100 for each day the utilities are turned orr. plus attorney's fees. The civtl code further protects your basic right of prwacy and the landlord has no right to enter your place of business except in an emergency or for certain other reasons, such as making repairs . You are entitled to reasonable notice or entry usually 24 hours. The Fair Housing Council can offer some suggestions that m ay help solve your problem. but only if you are absolutely sure the landlord is the person who has entered your business and tampered with the utmty service. Before any action can be taken, you. wlll have to provide proof ol your anei auon1. Be s ure to keep any written materlalJ from the landlord and have a witnaa present If you apeak to blm ln peraon. Guide dog lau» handy DEAR READER&: The blind of California, and especially those who use 1uide does, now have at their fineerttps all law1 and reeulatJona applylna to the state Board of Gulde Dot• for the Blind (830 K Street Mall, Room 218, Sacramento 9~14). The board has publis hed lt1 laws and re11ulationa In Brallle. The Br:,aille booklets are provided free to the blind. Published In conjunction with the JntemaUonal Year of the Disabled, the Braille editions or the Business and Professions Code and Administrative Code represent the first time a state agency has been able to provide all It.a laws and reeuJaUons ln BralJle. A part or the Department or Consumer Affairs, the Guide Doi Board licenses &uide dog schools and instructors. It conaista or seven members, six of whom are lay persons appointed by the aovernor. and one ·state official wh6 serves by statute. Jhe board meets quarterly In metropolitan areas of the state. Presently five board members are guide dog users, and six are blind. making it • one of the few licensing bodies which has from its Inception consisted or lay persons rather than licensees. • Got a problem• Thf'n wrl lf' to Pat '1 Horowitz. Pat wlll cut red tape, 1ett1ng • thf.' an1wer1 and action you need t o 10/ve lnequitl•• In 1ovtunment and ri bu•lne.,, Mall your que1tlon• 10 Pal Horow/li. Al Your S f'rv1ce , Orange Co.at Da1ly Pilot, P.O. Box JMJQ, 0.1.t Me... CA 92828 . ./\a many letters M poalble will bto a111wered, but phoned ln- qwriee or let~,.. not Including the l'ffder'• full n.ame, ~ and busJ.nea hows' phone number cannot be considered. SWEET.TOOTH -Susan V068ler, 27, of Valencia shows oU her latest creation -an oversized jar filled to the brim with jellybeans. One of the first jars will be sent to the nation's m06t well-known jellybean addict. Ronald Reagan. Vanda l s, burgl ars b~tt er F V schools Burglariee and vanda.limn have 0011t the Fountain Valley School Dtatrtct more than $64,000 the past 2 ~ yeara, according to a report to dtatrict trustees. The report covers break-ins and damage to the district'• 17 e lementary schools, its former headquarters building on Ligh- 1houae Lane and it.a new head- quarters, formerly McDow ell School. According to the report, echool burglars have taken a variety of valuable ltema, including type- writers, calculators, fire ex- tinguishers, televisions, audio equipment and a cello. The most common act of van- dalism has been breakage o[ windows, according to the report. Damage also has been done to drinking fountains, locks, vents, toilets. sprinklers, floodlights and basketball hoof:. Over the 2 ~-year study pe- riod, the largest vandalism totals were recorded at Wardlow and Harper schools. For example, Harper reported $2,993 in vandalism damage du- ring 'the 1979-80 school year, $3.- 213 in 1980-81 and $739 during the first half of the c urrC'nt school year. (Several ~~ara earlier, an en- Ure wing at Harper wu gutted ln a fire st.art.ed by vandals.) By contrast, Maauda and Tal- bert achool1 ~ach reported lea than $~00 In vandalism damage during the tbree periods. To help reduce the vanda.Umn and burglary problem, A.siatant Superintendent Jack Mahnken suggested that the district take the !oUowmg steps: Monitor the effectlveneaa of an infrare d 10trus1on alarm sy.tem bemg used al the distri« h~dquarters Conunue to install mira- wall, a than steel plate, when windows are broken Bolt au benches and lunch tables to c:emenl pads Place railroad ties in shrubbery beds to eliminate da- mage fron1 bicycle~ and other veh1des Consider infrared alarms for the schools with the greatest conunumg losses. Consider rewarding the five schools reporting the lowest los- ses by granting them an additio- nal $500 for use on a proiect to be det.ernuned by the principal and thl' student <:ounc1J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robinsons YOU'LL SAVE 35°/o·58°1o 'AT OUR BEDROOM ESSENTIALS SALE ,.. ' -... 46%-58% OFF OUR EXCWSM FEATHER/DONN COMFORTERS '69.99 TWIN Dehc1ously warm and weightless. our Northern Feather comforters are sc1ent1f1cally filled with iust the right amount of leathers and down to maintain body temperature And the 100% cotton covers have channel-stitched. inner wall construction to prevent cold spots and shifting In chocolate reversing to ecru, navy/light blue or solid camel. with a handy vinyl zipper case for storage. Robinson's Bedding , 54. • Twin Full/Queen King Orig. $170 $230 $280 Sele $89.89 $119.89 $149.89 35%-54% OFF FIRST auAl.n'Y GEORGETOWN LACE SHEns IN WAMSUTTA'S LUSCIOUS 200 THREAD COUNT SUPERCALE PLUS® '9." TWIN FLAT , Pure luxury' You'll love our silky sheets (so finely woven that you can count 200 threads to every inch 1) and the wide . embroidered scalloped borders atop the flat sheets and pillowcases All 1n white or champagne Supercale Plust> combed cotton/polyester percale Fitted sheets are also available at savings Robinson's Domestics. 30 Flat sheets Reg. Sale Twin $22 S9.89 Full $29 $15.99 Queen $36 $21 .89 King $44 S27.89 Standard cases. pr $25 S15.89 King cases. pr $28 $17.89 SAVE 42%·50% ON MATCHING COMFORTERS, RUFFLES ANO PILLOW ShAMS, all in cotton/polyester. the comforter 1s fluffed with polyester fiberfill Robinson's Bedding, 54. Cgcnforter Reg Sal• Twin $90 $44.89 FulllQueen $125 $&4.89 King S 180 $88.99 Accessories Twin ruffle Full ruffle Queen ruffle King ruffle Standard sham King sham Reg $70 $85 $100 $110 $35 $40 Sale ends April 26. To order any Items on this 'p(lge. call Sale $34.99 $44.89 $48.99 S54.89 $18.89 $22.89 toll-free 1·800·346·8501. • • ' due awards Bart Reynold• and Bette Davia wlll receive the Ru- dolpll Va len tino Awards tor lifetime achievement In film. The awards, symbolized by a two-foot tall gold statuette .,of the sileqt film star, will be presented in a ceremon y In Los Angeles on May 13! The Thalians . a Hollywood-based charitable organization, sponsors the awards. Previous winners have Included Ingrid Ber g- man, Antbony Quinn, Sophia Loreia and Rlcbard Burton. Pianist Vladimir Horowlti, 77, says he will play a special piece "for the child of f>rloce Charles" at a benefit concert in London on May 22. Horowiu, who hasn't given a concert i n Europe in 31 years because he dislikes air travel, will give concerts May 22 and May 29 in London's Royal Festival Hall. WINNER -Orange Coast College photography in- structor, Barbara Kasten, has been awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Fel- lowship for photography. "l don't understand what all the fuss ls about," he told reporters at his apartment. Horowitz said he will make the trip because Prince Char- les invited him and because h e wants to g1v~ a benefit performance for the Royal Opera House Development Appeal. a favorite charity of the prince's. A Springfield (Ohio) Poll(-'(• Department board of Inquiry will conaJder what ahc.>uld be done about the female police . officer who po1ed nude for Playbey maaazine. The board of Inquiry Wed- nesday wlll review the fin- ding• of the department'• Internal lnveaUgation of the C89e of Barbara Scllaats. The Investigation la trying to dete rmine whether ahe vioJ.at.ed department rulet by posing for the magazine, which featured her In It.a May issue. Merv G riffin's television producer la suing the Riviera Hotel for $13.1 million on claims It welshed on a pact whereby the hotel pays fees and grants Cree perquisites for being the only place in Las Vegas where the show could be taped. Anthony Productions Inc. filed the breach-or-contract suit over an alleged five-year contract wl;>ich began in De- cember 1980. The lawsuit said the con - tract required the Riv1era to pay $200,000 weekly plus penalty payments for cancel- lations and for failmg to pro- vide the producer with ad- vance schedules for eight weeks of taping shows each year. Orange Coalt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprtl 18, 1892 8 Appeals speedup . irks New assessm ent d eadline will cost OC A new at.ate law requlitng that t.a>< &MeUment dllputee be reeol- ved In two, rather than tour, years has raised the ire of the Orange County Board of Supcr- v1a0n. The disputes arise when pro· perty owners contest the value placed on their holc.Unp by the county assessor's office. Exl.sting law requires that ap- p eals be settled within four years. But leglslatton that will take effect Jan. 1 requires they be resolved in two years. County Assessor Bradley Ja- cobs told supervisors last week that seven new pos1tiona will be required to meet the time man- dates of the new law. A•ullJlellt appeala, he aaid In a later lnter- v le w , often are exceedlnaly complex -.net require oonalderable timr and talent to re90lve. The poaltiona will coat about $126,000 annually -and that'• what ha.a superviaon upeet. They :!~. the 1tate s~uld pick up the In a letter to supervisors, Ja- cobs said the county stood to loee bet ween $1 3 million and $1.6 million if il doesn't comply with the n ew law. He said property valued at more than $131 million as involved in appeals. He aald 796 appeal• filed In 1978, 1979 and 1980 mull be reeolved by Jan. 1 and work muat begin almu.ltaneo\ll.ly on retol- ving the 2,43e Wed durt.Dc 1981. Official 'ousted ' LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -The associate 1uperlntendent at the Californl.a Institute for Men in Chino I.a the aecond priaon offldal penalized for suppoaedly allo- w ing a convicted murderer to take ahopping trips. Department of Corrections 1pokeaman Phil Guthrie 1aid. Tim e -share proposal put aside B to determine if such resorts sho uld b e a llowed Plans to erect a 20-unit time- share condominium compl~x along Newport &·ach's Via Lido have been set aside while ci ty officials det.emune 1( such resort l>stabllshments ~hould be allowed in the city The propost>d harbor· fro nt pro.Jt'Cl~t 3336 Via Lldo, now the s1w ·of a combination apnrtment and uffll'e building. would be a first-of-it.s-kmd an Newport. The applicant 1s R.V. Hogan. Newpw-\'s former community development director. Hogan bas said the Lido area is perfect for time-share ti1n1ts. which persons would buy in one-wee k increments and later can s wap for vacation time in other areas of the world where time~hare bwldm8$ exu;t. Time-1hare unita exist in La- guna Beach and San Clemente. Lido residents have complai- ned the project will Increase traffic in an already congested area . Both tha proposed pf9jecl and the city study are scheduled for public heannp late this IWTU'1ler. YOU'LL SAVE 15% ON LENOX FINE CHINA AND OXFORD BONE CHINA Lacepotnl Snowllty W1ndSOnQ Amf>thvst Snow Flower Haywortti HetmstPy Font•"" ' ·Robinson's ***·*** SIX STAR Reg $148 $199 Sal• $125.80 S1Q.15 Dining becomes a fine art, When your table Is set with one of these exquisite patterns by Lenox. The more you use it, the more you'll appreciate the delic1ue beauty and the tong.fasting durability Now for the first time, you can save 15'1t on all our current patterns of Lenox china and Oxford bOne china. In S·pc. place 1ett1ng1 and open stock Hrvlng accesaorlet Not to mention ell the other great names you'll find on sate now. Sale •nda May 17 1n Robinson's Ctilna, 61. Ask abOUt our China Clut> P.tan To order. call toll·free 1·IOO·Ml·llOt. DINNERWAR& $99 $89 $119 S88 S94 $106 $148 $82 $103 $70 S70 S80 $85 $84.15 $75.85 $101.15 . 174.80 m .eo ..10 1121.IO •• 10 U7.55 • ... IO 111.IO .. , ~ MUI f I • . .; ~.-_,,, -. . -._...... . Orang• Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Monday, ~prll 19, 1982 Work release plan eases jail crowding Should a person ordered into custody tor a few dnys be forc.'ed to serve his time in the overcrowded Orange County Jail whe re 70 percent of' the inmates either are convic t ed of or facing f e lony charges? The Orange County Board of ' Supervisors thinks n ot. And we agree. At the urgin g of S h e riff- Coroner Brad Gates, the board has approved a work re lease program d esigned t o ease some of the pressure on the jail's booking and inmate housing areas and permit the person facing a short sentence to keep his work, f am1ly and social contacts. Under the program, persons sen tenced to six or fewer days in the county jail will be a llowed to perform public service _work on time off from a rcguJar .)Ob. They will sift throug h trash at county landfills to pull out recyclable materials o r reusable salvage. Some will groom the grounds at county buildings. Others wilt di-an flood control channels of debris. One day's work will be the equivalent of on e day ln jail. Some might suggest that pub- lic service is pretty soft punish- ment for misdemeanor crimes like drunken driving or petty theft. But there is a larger issue, and that is the ability of the county's jail syste m to handle the increa- sing burdens placed upon lt. The county is growing. Crime is in- creasing. More and mo~ t>eople are sent to jail. Jail facilities simply are overloaded. Recently, the inmate count at the main jail in San ta Ana hit 1.- 900. The jail has ·a rated capacity of 1.465. Beyond that, recent sta- tistics cand reports indicate booking times are getting intolerably long -up to 12 hours in som e cases. So, until new facilities a r e built and existing ones expanded, there is no c hoice but to use a l- ternatives to incarceration lake the county's w ork release J>rogram. Student loan cheats Thert.· has been much criti- cism of students who make their way through col lege on low - in terest government loans which they conveniently forg<'l to repay after they gradual~ and go to work Regrettably, a current study by the inspector general o( the federal Department of Health and Human Ser vices sh ows tha t the list even includes physicians who now a re being paid for their pro- fessional services under the gov- ernment's Medicare and Medicaid program , some who actually work for the govern "1ent. a nd oth ers who are on the facuJties of medical schools. It is hard to believe that these professionals a re unable to meet the rathe r modest loan repayment schedules. The survey revealed that 63,- 000 health professionals -medi- Cal doctors. dentists, nurses, phar- macists, optometrists, vete rina- rians and osteopaths -are on the delinquent list to the tune of $3 1 million dis tributed through the Health Professions Student Loan program. At a time when the govern- ment is sh<!rply reducing funds for all types of s tud<.•nt loans, tt 1s discouraging to realiw that these seH1sh beneficiaries of previous loans are contnbutmt to the fund shortage by failing to repay their debts. On the brighter side, the sur- vey showed that more than 250,- 000 health care professionals w ho were assisted by the program have repaid their loans o r are making payments on time. Recommending a crackdown on the delinquents, the inspector general proposed an increase in the penalty for late payments and withholding of Medicare and Medicaid payments to doctors who are not repaying their loans As for the 83 who arc on the> faculties of 17 medical schools, 1t would seem reasonable for the schools themselves to look into the matter. This is hardly a desirable example for students pre paring to as.5Uflle a h eavy social responsib1l- 1ty. Vehicle 'recycling' saves The Sheriff's Office in Fresno County has launched a three-year pilot program aimed at reducing the ever -increasing ~'Ost of m ain - taining its rieet of patrol vehicles. Because o f inte nsive driving use, s her iff's cars h ave been re- placed with new vehicles after reaching the 100.000-mile mark. us ually in about 18 months -a very costly budget 11.em these days. Under the county's new She- riff's Patrol Vehicle Rebuilding program, patrol veh icles now are being "recycled" when they have been driven 100,000 miles . This compreh ensive operation includes overhauling or replacing the engine. tr ansmiss10n. rear end, brakes and s uspension . M o r e energy·efficicnt equipme nt is used in re placements whe re possible and pa inting and reupholstering are include d in the recycling as needed. County o fficials exp ect t o save abo ut $614,000 over the three-year period. s ince the dif-• f e r e n ce b e t ween the cost o f r e place m e nt and r e building is about $5,000 per vehicle . Additio na lly , maintaining a regular· r ebuilding program will assure the availability of reserve vehicles sh ould a car be wreckC'd or badly d amaged. without wai- ting for a new unit. A further benefit is the use of trainees in a county-sponsored re- h a bi l i t a tio n program for re- upholstering work, at a saving of some $3,000 for every 25 cars handled. Plans are to expand the program to include h eavy equip- ment and light pickup trucks used by county workers. This is a program th at should be watched by other government agen cies facing today's enormous cost of vehicle maintenance a nd , replaceme nt. It might even be worth "recycling" other used govern - ment vehicles for sale in good workable condition a nd a t a rea- sonable price. Opinions upressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily F-1 lot. Other view\ e• pressed on tnis page are those of t~1r authors and a r tists. Reader comment Is lnvit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Bo• 1S60, Costa M esa, CA·92626. Phone (11') 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Blue Monday So you thoughl that phrase "blue Monday" orig.mated as a hou.ewife's expression tor laundry day? Not so. says our Langungl' man. It, toO. goes beck to the old sallJng ships. Moriday was u-adlllonally when 11Camen were tt.roked with th cat o' nine tales for mhldeeda logged during the previous week. ' one I gm o mUhon looks as good bare as encased m a sheer stoeklng. Crcdil that opinion to Earl Moran, an arhtt of yesteryear who specialized in drawing the ahapely, lt would b • whole lot eaal r to rcap«t the memory of that literary light, Ralph Waldo Emenon. 1 thlnk, lf you. didn't know lhlt ht' prelerttd to be called Waldo. UP. Chemical waste control lags , WASHINGTON Are there mon..· Love Canals that will be poisoned by <'h<•m1cal SC'l·page? The prl'vcnuon of future pollution I!> th<• r~pons1bility of the Env1ronmcnt.al Prott.'<:llon Agency. Yet. incredibly. 1t hru. "N'ffil•d more eagt'r to appC'ast• tht' t:hl'm1C'al and wastt•-dumping uidu.'lttl('!> th:.m to protect Amenl'an famalws from pos.<,ably d.angerous C'Orl.St'qUt.'nt.'<'S Th<• issue L'i how much hquad i.hould bt• pcrm1Lu.>d m drums of t·ht>macal wastA:· dumped al landfill sale. What mak~ this of M'nous ront-ern t.o the public at large 1s the fal't that no dump ts leakproof Soon· er or later, the liquids w ill seep out of corroding metal drums, leac h down through the !>Ubso1l and <•ventually wind up m the underground water table SO IT'S IMPORTANT to limit thl· amount of laqUJd matter that 1s sumpe<l al a g1~en landfill. Ideall y. only solid wastes should be allowl'd. In fact, th11 EPA originally placed an absolute ban on dumping of drummed liquids. Then . under industry pres.sure. 1t announ<°WI 1l was rt>pt:almg thl· ban. The resultant out<·ry from envarun menlc.il1i.ts c:aused the bureaucrats to change direction opce again and an· nounce that the ban was still m effocl afll'r all But the EPA is slJll rons1denng a regulation that would let was te · dumpi'rs get around the liquid ban lfon.•'s how. Most l'hem1cal waste IS m the form of sl udgt• of varying liquid <'Ontent, dt'pcn· ding on how mut•h hqu1d has been eathl·r evaporated or treated. Obviously. ll ai. <'hl•apcr for the waste-dtSposal and chl• mJl·al industries to leave as mul'h hquad a:. possible m the drums they dump. But hke thl• ml in old-fashioned peanut but- Q -Jl-Cl-IN-D-IRS_D_N -~ ter. tht• laquad an tht• drums eventually i.c.•parall'l> from tht• wlads and ultamatl'ly INks out to lea<·h into th<· soil. Thl• proft•si.1unals al EPA wanted tu hm1t tht• amount of l1qu1d in any drum tu I 0 pt·rl'<'nl by volumt.· Thus a standard 55-gallon drum (•ou ld c·ontam no more· than 5.5 galluns of liquid This didn't sll well with the waste and c:h<'nHtal industnl·s They proposed a d1ffl•n •nt formul:.a. Fall 25 perct•nt of a dump site's ar<•a with hqu1d drums Th1i.. tht•y arguPd. would actually rnt'an lc'S.'. laqu1d wastl' tn the dump, bl-· rnust' most drums an the liquid area would contain only a small percentage of laqutd anyway, the other 75 pert't'nt of the dump would havc only sohd wce>te-; But the industries' formula could allow the disposal of drums filled with hquad, resulting in far more than I 0 pe n ·c•nt hqu1d voluml' al the dump. Aft<'r a series of meetings. the EPA .. finally bowt'lf to th1 · indw.try jo(roups and <.idopwd 1 h1 ·1r tluh1ous Z~ pert·1·nt plan. Whut 1., part11·ulai ly disturbing about thi-. t<ivt• 111 '" that th•· propcJM-d rl•gul<a wm w<is tJkl'n .ilmo~t word for word fnml ... m1·mo "rattt•n h\ Pt>h.'r Vardy. VI('(• prt ... 1d1·nl "' WJ."ill rvi.tnJKl:m1•nl Inc of 0Jkhn1uk Ill thl l<1rg1•..,t l hl·n11cal w a-.t4 • dun1pu 111 th1 l11untr~ It ow ru. H tlu1111>"-1ll .... foui qi w h11 h Jff lin·n!>ed k1 n·u 1vt lu1wd Y.a::.LL. M~ ,,,i,c.ll1.1lt Ton' C<1pd<.,u1 .,poke• to V.mlv v. h11 cJ,...., nlit-<l h1:. mt·mo. cLiled S1·pt 11 l!HH .... nd ''rillt•n on his 1·om- µ .1 n ' ., ... t .1 t 111111 r-1. J' · J.> u ll 1 n g th 1• thoulo(ht. ... 111 tht· IJollll 1ntlustry1gruup011 p.iµn · It V.o.t.' .ippr0\1·d by thl' National &,lid WiJslt M<1rl..iJ(t·m1·nt A. ..... "x:1atwn - whust• rrll'mb ... r:. d1i.p1Jw of -HI mallaon gallon!> uf drummt·d liquid wa:-olt l'ctt·h y(•ar on c.A·t I THE EPA pnJh ........ 111nul' 'tul·k to their gun<, at f1r ... 1 Prop<·r m;.n;igem<'nl of h<Juu dous wastl· .. .,twuld indudt• mm1 m1wtwn 111 frt>< IJquub. to I IJ peru•nt or lt·:-os by vuluml· 1n tt1nla1nl0 r !:> tu bt• landf1lh•d" EPA off1 ual G.irv Dit•trach ins1stt-d m ,, ffi(•m11 inlt·nd<'CI ior off1<"l<al t'Vt'l> onlv ·But \~h1•11 1>11 trH h r1•1t<·ratt>d this point at a Nov ti mt·t·ting with the In· du ... 1ry group Vardy.., 25 pNt't•nt for· mula \.\vl> pn>po"'·d .i<, dn .ilternauve Aftt·r tht· mt•t•llng D1t·lrat·h and other EPA off1n.1I., ml'l pra\alt•ly fur about 20 minutt·~ ,rnd dc:t 1d1•d to <acn·pt the industry pl.m Sleazy Rus.sian goods baffle traveler You t.'<Jn go mto a strange restaurant and m<ikl· a good guess about how tht• rood LS g1Jang lO taste long before they'v<.• actually served you any of It. There art": telltale signs that givC' you advance warning When the rolls or the bread comes, you know for sure how the wholl' meal as gmng to be. This 1dt•& can be extendt'd to everv- thmg and everybody. You can tt•ll a lot ubou~ th<> whole from a very small part Yp\.t <.'an teU a lot aboul how a person d'oc-s Pverything from watching him or her do JUSl one thmg. We are all v1ct1ms of our own charat•ter and Wl' find 1l 1m- poss1blt• to do something that isn't cha- rac:lt'rasllc of us. THIS IDEA applies to whole coun1raes JUst as t·ert.aml y as 1t applies to mdiva- . duals. We• keep doing things hke Amer- 1c·ans. the Germans keep doing things ilkl' Gc•rmans, tht' Fre n c h la kt-the fo'ren<'h President Reagan saad the other night that the Soviet Union has "a definite margin or superiority" over the United Stat~ m nuclear arms. Usmg my theory about being able to te ll a lot from a sample, 1 doubt it. I've spent a good deal of tame In Russia and holp some opinfons Jboul thl• people ..ind the nation that no ont' can t411k me out of On<• of my firmly held behcfs 1s that the Hussums arc not naturally mechani- cal p<.'Ople. They may a<.-qu1r~ the ability and th(.>y may be beltcr at it than they uscp to be. but working with mat·hinerv -AND-Y -RDD-Nl-Y -~ does not come naturally t.o the average Russian They have a great hentage m music and literature and thl• arts 1n general. but they build terrible automo- b1ll'S and don't know how to fax lhcm when they break down . One of the most incredible travel ex- pencn<.'CS I've cvt•r had 1s a wet:'k m u Russian hotel in Most·ow The second lltnt' I slayl•d tht•re th<·y had installed telephones in t•very room. bul tht.• l<'lt•· phont's were not ronnt"C'ted through any hott-1 sw1t.chboord. There was no way for anyone lo call the hotel and Ix ronne<.·t<.•d with me by phone In my room. Dot'S this sound hke a country that is Jpt to bt· alwad of U'> m nudt·ar we<ipuns" Tht• Hus!>rn ni.-, 111 thl•lr d<'!>peratl' at· tl•m pt to gt•t h ard Wl'st<•rn currC'ncy awuy from tourists. opened what they ('11Jl "8<•r1ozkas" or "Dollar Stores " They put tfw1r l>t<st mc•rl·hand1i.t· an tht.'SI'.• small ~hops 101:atro 1n thl'lr f111t'l>t howls and offt•r ll for StJI<• m <'~t·hang1· for dollars or olht•r fon•1gn t urn•m y. not rublt"'. Rus- sian 1.·1t11<•ni. t:an't huv th(•rl' l'w lx>ught nail dippc>r... razors. rawr hladt•!> and ball-point J>t:ns m those Dol- lar Stor<·' and l'vt• t·a rl•fully inspected suc:h 11t•rn ... as taml'r<1s. camera lenses. b1mx·ular.. and th<'11 U.dl-pomt pens. I'd w • .11t·h1·:-. th1·n· Tht.' bl-st Ru!>S1an goods art• pqor b:f our standards Thl' work· man,h1p as 1nft.onnr and the design ts e1- th<'r 1m1WllVl' llr dumsv This isn't bt•1ng w:ritten by ~omc blindly ant1-Hus.,tan nut I don't hate the Rus'!aans I hat<' tlwar oppress1vt.· gov- l'rllmcnt A':-a mallt•r of 1:11. t. I kind of llkt• thl· Hussaans Th"' 'rt· u flcn won· d1•rfully frc'l' sp1r11t'(I .incl fun to be with, but. for whutt•v1•1 lal'l.'l of tht•ar national l'hanwter 11 1s, tht•y du c1 lot of things badly From wh11l I've seen of their bmoculan. and thl'lr ball-point pens, I'd gut's." nudt•ar Wl'Upons would be one or the things they makl' poorly There are som«' things Amt'ril'ans don't do well. l'lthcr, but thest' an• different thmgs. 'New federalisDl' doubted OBVJOUSLY, thl' Huss1ans have lear- ned how to do somt' things. Thell' space program 1s not as sophaslicated as .ours but 1t works I haw no doubt that th~ir nuclear bombs go off with a big bang. Thoughrs at L.arge: -The so~called "new Federalism" wal viewed bleakly a doten years ago when Philip Hauser, then president of th American Sociological Society, war- ned. "The federal government will be ¢'!\ ii1-.1-, .-.-, --'!.;r) tumlng ov r funds to 1ta~ 1ovemmenta which, by any standard8. are more lnept, more subject to llpec~ preawet. moro Incompetent to ~ the Job and moni cor- rupt than any other branch ot 1overn- rnent" -Ono can underltand, tf not condonf, tht ugHneH tt\at 11 1enl'r1ted by th_. envltonment of pc;>Verty, what ti unfor· 1lvt-abl~ I• \he ~ that la pMtated by tht• l'nVINl\IMnl Of proep«tty · lM aJruinc.w that lprtnll from ll"'f'd, mon• than Ow .qualor thllt apr\nll from Mtd. -It I• tronk! tNit ~" '8 0.. prorlaimfd pl and ..... of aU ....... l ... u11on1t and yet, h"'°'teally, hardly any-uthtr •P'ft Of LivtUuuan hlll bltt\ more divisive of men, more prone to eeparate thnn to unite. We value our aymbols more than the substance they stand for: an organa- z.atJon can take an executive's authority away from ham with less fuss than it can relieve him of has title, his omce. or his perks -If a ~rlormer -be he a fiddler or 1 figure-skater -calls attention to his supt-rb "technique," he has not ~~hed the ultimate rung of performa nce - whlch is the iappearance of eCfortl u - Mtl -Tne valu~ of music is "dimensional," but the-dirnen.SonJ dlf tcr: we can Ute lt '° deepen ua, to br<>a· den u s, or to Clatlt"n us. (And moat of what pa11ra for inualc today dOff thf' laat.) -and I'm also sure tht'y've built rockets that wall takt• the11 nu ties to N<'w York What l t·an't believe. Crom what 1 know firsthand 11bout lhe Ru.~ans. is that they have more and better nucl<'ar weapons than we do 1 can't stop myaelr from th.inking that PttS.id nt Reagan LS just tryina to scare ua Lnto approvinf h huae defemt" bud&· et. lf t.he Ruas1an1 could build greal nucl ar bomm. th~ir hotela wouldn't be OJ pot>rly constructed as the1 ate. l IO Into a place for a wl't!k and JUdge • whole counu-y on one hot 1. Th4!re &l'l' no "alamoroua" punultt to thaw who l""laat' In tMm Pfol .. k>- Mlly. 1C>1M ml)' lnluaUy be more lnwr· · •tln1 lhan othcra, but all Inevitably approach the routine funl"tlon of window wilhbtl --~·- -A.It the r1U6nallu\Jon the\ mmi· nail Mild for &Mir l'ONIUrt II IO p!Mnt ia 0.. blhltYiot of llOYtl'W._. •• whim ~I)' kilt ll W~at, Ind Mt at ....... ' , Diiiy Piiat MONOAV, APRIL 19, 1982 THI COAST AND THI COUNTY CAVALCADE TELEVISION ~\ I ~\\\v , Monda ys won 't a lift • g i ve y ou BLUE MONDAYS DEPT. -Not everybody has a reall)' splendid first day of the week . Some Thinkers be- lieve that if we banned Mondays, the week could start a whole lot nicer. You take this Costa Mesa person who called in just the other day It riught typify how some people feel about Mondays. His yarn goes like this: . (;:) "Yes, l would like to talk to the editor . 1 want to tell you something. You really missed out on this. story today. "I was dragging some T-OM-. M-U-RP-HIN-f ®t; jacks across 17th Street in Costa Mesa today. 1''loor jacks, you know. You know what floor jacks arl'? They're what you jack up a Mack truck with. OK? "You guys missed oµt on the story but I want to tell you about it bt>eauS(' you ought to get yourself together. "NOW, HERE I AM going across 17th Street with this dumb P<:k. It's big enough to jack up a house And there was this poor s uc:k(•r with a flat tire who sees me coming across 17th StreN. 82 84 "Then he says to me, 'Hey, can you help me?' "And I said to him, ·1 haven't got any time to help you. RE.A DY TO SERV_E -Salvation Army Major Edwin Hen- derson wants more busmes.s for trucks that bring tn 38 loads a Who thought of the ultil11a t e ten t~ ~ 011g? . Lead i11ger Patty Donaliue tells, Pag(~ B.S. 0 0 DdJ Pllo4 Photoe bJ Lee ,.,,.. day of used good~ Orange Counuaris have not donated as much as they might 1f t'('fmomy w<•re stronger .. Economy cuts into donations If 11's going w J(<J wrong. Jt 'Jl happen on Monday. I'm 'lOtn~ over there to ,ack up some pool tables.' " 'Pool tabJ<.'S?' he says. ~ut m y tire needs t~be jacked up . "So I said. 'l gotta forget your tire. ·Get out your own jack and ;ack 1\ up.' "So then 1 took my own jack across the street to this place and pcked up these pool tables and carried the tables from one s1d<.• of the room to the other. So then l said to the management there, I gotta go, me and my jack. "SO THEN l'M GOING . across 17th Street again and he re comes the traffic. You couldn't believe it. It goes by Roar, Screech , Roar, Whiz. I'm out in the street with my jack. "I almost get run over by a damned motorcycle. I just make 1t across the street, by DK Donuts, you know w here that IS. "So there 1s the guy s till with the Clat tire. And he says to me, 'I wish you could have helped me because my jack didn't work.' "And 1 said to him. 'You never told me that.' "Boy. you r<.'ally should have been out on 17th Street today." THE WONDERFUL PART about all this is that right there 1s where our hapless Costa Mesa ~orrespbndent hung up. We don't even know his name. Further,'w e don't know: -Did he ever help the stricken motorist jack up his car? --Did he get the license plate on that motorcycle? -Was 1t such a l o u sy day beca use h e was conscience~tricken, having failed to h elp the poor man with the flat tire ? Or, was it a lousy day because he had to risk hfe and limb In t.rafflc and jack up a bunch of lousy pool tables? We may never know the answers. It's a yam without any conclusion at a ll. - That makes it perfect for a Blue Monday. By JEFF ADLER Of the Dell)' Piiot Sten Among th<• las t plac<'s thal should Ix.• hurting when lhe CC.'O· 11omy turas sour arc the places to wh1c-h t'vcrybody turns for help whc•n t1m~ are hard Tak<• th<' S1Jlvation Army. Busm(>s.'I must be good there be- causl' busine~s is so bad cvery- wht•n• l'ISC' But that's not the cas<' at all, the Salvat10n Army's MaJOr Ed - w1 n lknderson <'Xplained rec- ently Tht' mtcrnattonal organi- za lion that ass1sl the poor is h.'t•ling the economic pinch JUSl like· <'Vcryone else Henderson heads the Salvation Army's Orange County Adult Rchab11t1auon Center in Santa Ana It 1s th<.' cornerstone of a rehab1htauon i;>rogram for alro- holtc mc•n who ar<.' trained in some phase of the charity's well-known thnft store 1Jpera- l1on Th<' county's 11 thrift stores have bet.•n stung recently by the L•co nom1c downturn and. with sales off, the Army's Adult Re- hab1htauon Center 1s threatened, Henderson said. Despit£> annual sales whkh to- tal $3 m11l lon, the Adult Rehab1 - li ta t1 on Center and the thrift store• o peration will run about $1 50.000 in the red lh1s year. ht' estimated . The rehab1ht.at1on program is funded ent1n•ly by lhe profits gent'rated from the lhrtft store operation . This year·s de f1 c 1t largely sl<'ms from the• increased cos~f purchasing energy. Hender n said Uttltty bills have gon u p about $40.000 a year Besides the 11 retail outlets for previously owned goods (with a 12th soon to open in the El Toro area). the Adult Rehabilitation Center l'Onsists of seven buildings on 4.5 acres at the center's head- quarters and a fleet of 33 collcc- llon trucks. The rc habilliat1on program usually numbers about 250 men, 120 of whom hve in the center. Henderson said. Recommended stay for those m the program is six months. · Those who join the Salvation Army program are counseled by 1taff social workers and psycho- logists. TheY. also receive reli- gious training as the Sglvation Army is also an o rganized church, Henderson, an ordained minister, pointed out. Program porticfpanta are given jobs in &Orne phase oC the thrifl store operation. Some of the men help collect the 38 truckloads a day of u sed goods that are brought to the ~m~lex of buil- dlnas at the centers headquar- &.ert. Other men work In various "1hop1'' where the collected aoods are restored and refur- bished for sale. In theoae shops. repair rerrt1eratort or radios or reupholster a 10fa. From lhe cen~r. the rec:ondl- Uontd l*"I .... ...,, °"'' to the Y Motel for Mht '° lM pu· blk'. In adctOlon, th• Salvallon Army cond'1tta an aucuon Nth dly of .... , -* reoondlUan fotone,_orMOdw'. ,,... ~°""'IO lht publet, betl6N ,,.....,.,., at 7,IO aa In a building at 430 E Third St , a short dtslan<.-e lrom th<.• t:cntcr's headquart<.·rs. 207 N rn·ndl St . Sant.a An<i HL•ndt·rson said that bPs1<ks the increas<.•d utility bills, th<.· center's problems stem from lhc fact lhat Orange County resi- dents have nol been part.mg with as many used items as they m1ghl if the cc-onomy were stronger "Merchandise doc-sn't l'Omt• in when times are hard, th<• calls arc not as heavy and thl· mer- chandise isn't as good.'' he l'Onll · nued But Henderson said that 1( sales were to increase by 15 per- cent the center's budget would Ix> back on targN He pointed out that donations of USl'd goods made lo the Sal- vallon Armv art• tax dt>ducl1blt• .. The• whole-pl'O('<~ 1s made pos- sible by the do nations lhal romt• in on lhe Lrut:ks," he said He add<.'CI thal hc l'x•ll<'vcs tht• program 1s a SUC.'\.'<'SS "for <.·very day W<' keep a man out of tht> gull.L•r." H t!nderson also said , that hc hopes to start u similar program for female alc.'OholiC<! In the n<'ar future. After drinkJng for 38 of his 58 years. Al Jaeger believes he fi - nally had conquered his alcoho- l ism because of the Salvation Army's help. "I came ht:n· wllh nowhl•fl• e lse lo go," Jac•gc•r . tht• Adult HC'hab1J1tat1on Ct•ntL•r's 1981 Man <Jf the year, expla1m>d "It's here - if you want 1t. but you got lo Ix> ablt' to 'ie<' you wont ll " It's Major llC'nd<'rson 's hopt> that the Salvation Army will be continuing to help p<'Ople "s<'<'" in Orange County for a long lime to <.'Oml'. TOYS RECYCLE D June Jordan fixes and dresses rejected dolls for sale a t thrift storc>s or holiday boutiques. ...-....-·--.. -----=-~-....._____-~----~~ ___,,____ .----------------~_-.a:J._&;.~ Orange Co at DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, Aprll Ii, •2 •ANN LANDEHS •ERMA BOMB CK •HOnOSCOPE Teens give disaster aid, gain self-respect DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a high sch ool teacher in the Fort W ayne, Ind., public school system. Since 1967 I have watched sloppy, indolent, sassy, unmotiva· ted students virtually s leepwalk through this school. I won't go into detail about tht• lack of respeet for authority or thC' students I have seen stoned, spaced out. stall drunk on Monday morning, glassy-eyed from Quaa· ludes, freaked out from PCP and depressed aft.er tx>ming down from a high. More than om.-e I hav<! been tempted to accept the labe l "teacher burnout" and c han ge careers, but som ethin g made me stick around and encourage the s tudents who were making a serious e ffort to get an education. A few weeks ago, an act of God opened my eyes. Fort Way ne experienced the worst floods in our history. President Reagan camP and saw for himself the terrible destruction. He declared it a national disaster area. Like thousands of others I went down- town to help -and ~hat did I see? Hun- drcds o f students wht>m J had wnllt·11 off •• ,.. lazy, irrespons1bh• goo! uff~ Tlwy hud uum as volunteers to wurk1 m t~w H<lndwg lint~:-.. haul rubble· ~nd trus h , h(•lp t>vacuatt• tlw eld<>rly and strandl-d, do whutt.'Vt•r nt'i'<h'<i t11 be done. Soml' were• even n •Jtly to r1!->k tht·ar livl'S il nl-c<-ssary. And Wt n· lhl'y huv111g a gn.?at tune''? The best ever' I spok(• with many i1t h ugth .rnd lt·w m>d some lt-'SM>ns that an•n't 1t1 tht· hooks I discovered that trouble t•a11 hrang out tht· very best in fulk.s, and 1f wt· w,1nt our young people to amount to s.<Jm(•thrng we mu-.1 g1vt• them a !K'nS<' of purpose nl ht·mg ru-t•fk d , ~nd most of all, something tu do. TheSC' floods dad a tn·m1·11elous c.1muunt of damage. but they dad ..i llit of good loo. Th('y gave many young JX•opll a (1 ·t'lrng uf self-respc.-ct and personal worth. Plt•us ·print my letter, Ann. I W<.int thc•st· gr<.".1t kids m Fort Waynl' to set• rt Sam't·rcly l 'HOUI 1 OF T HEM DEAR PROl,10: I saw thoH Fort _Wayne_teen-agers on TV and It was ob\lou' thAL man). tor the flr~t time, were given tbe opportunity to give of themselves, to par- ticip ate lo something meaningful and Im- portant. Being part of a rescue ml11lon la marvt•louii. for bulJdlng sel1~1teem. llo\\' J wl»b we could develop the spirit ot voluntttrl~m In our young people. Why tlo w1 Dl·t·d " ntttional disaster to turn t hem 011'' I hopt• t•vcry teen-ager who reads tblt wlll usk hi ~ parents, teachers and c lergy- ltll'U , "Whut <·an I do to he lp somebody?" And I prnv that parents, teacher s and cler· ~ym1·n "111 Ki Ve them some good answers. I >l•:A H A NN LANDERS. My husband's jl'los•· .1 tau 11d marrilo<l an out-of-town wom· :111 111 k 11J known for only three weeks. She ,.., 11\ t 1111.1r 111g. 1 1ud1· and gt•nerally obno- xious ll·ll'i h1111 lo :.hut his trap when she d Ls.1 g1 ,., . ..., "'rt h li1ni and uses fo ur-letter "''''d" Lh,11 \\1111ld kno('k your hat of! ,J 11~1> .. ntl ~1y-. he's nut going to put 11p v.11h,h1 1 1-·~r1Jc1gt• mouth (•ven if it means d r••f>J' r1t 111111 I hat<· Lu S<.'l' this happen Any ~u~g· 11u 11. • S'l'ANl'ORD, CONN q _AM_N_lAM_Dl_RS_ DEAR STAN: Almost everyone knows such a couple -"love him, can't stand ber" or vice veraa. Usually tbey are dropped as a unit. Perhaps when tbls happens a few times, your husband's buddy will catch on and read the riot act to bis mouthy bride - or r esign h imself to a friendless future. How young is too young for a child to learn about sex? That's just one thing you'll find m Ann Landers' new booklet, "How, What, and When w TeJJ Your Chtld About Sex." For your copy sent 50 cents along with a long. sUlmped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O &x 11995, Chicago, IJJ. 6061 I . 1 I Mom's threats familiar ' BEATING HIGH COST OF ENERGY -Gene Watts, of Alamosa, Colo., stands beside a solar hot water heater that he made with scrap metal and $35 w orth _of pipes. In a r:_e_gio n _ AP Wlr.phol1> where the fWr -caJJ1LJ am<)m<· 1s JUSl $:\ 5011 ,, year, 12 percent of tht-pc1pulJt111n h .1s LUrnt.'d 1 .. solar to help beat the h igh n1-;t 11f 1·rn•1 ~Y N , '"" , "n p111potnl thl' exact day the 111 .1 tl•r • • .r \,,,.., rn.1111 by a mother. \ ·I 1 ' 1~ .111vo11~ tan Cagure, it was ,11111111.i tli• t11111· 111 r:Vl' who said to her son, 1 '.1111 11 u 1 l1m 1 ... 111p makjng faces at your l111·•li • 1.111 v.tll tum into a pillar of d t \\ l .11• \'• 1 \1111 thank of threats and in- l11111d.1l1••11 11 1 "'''aJ.1011 that has workc.>d for 111• t Ii i r I ,, r .11 • c1nd as passt·d o n from ~ I ri• " I 1 I I l.!1'111 I ,j t 1111\ \ c ~• H 'I l· '\ U ~SlC nwnal'mg threats l 11 1 .1 ·d tod a v <1 nd art.' as suc- f •J ,, • '' 1 111 111:-.11 ~hng ft•<tr and mistrust Ill .1 1 l dd . JI .. 1 d o11·1 k1 • p your hund m the car, ·111 ' '' t ' II hl11•,\ \11ur hJnd off" Despite 1lw !.•1 1 1ti,11 v1111 nt vc·r knpw anyone per- """ i1h \\ 1.. I .cd 1 h.111d blown off. l've ne- \' r • 1 II Id '' h1> w;inb lo take that I I .1111 \ " \ 11ur 1·v1·s 11111• mon· tame> and 1h1' II 111 • t• Iii.it \\,1v .. ThN'C' was a rumor 11111 • 11 1 t• h II llll I 01 I rozen t•ves of children '' t111 pl •• • ·d ti 1 udd ... and 1i,..,t, but ll 's not ,,, ~ I 1111f'li1t cJ • p, "' 1 \nu cl.in• wash vour hair after .! ~ 1 '" ,,,11 '11 1 .itlh µneumon1a ·· Someone's gr.mill 1th1 1 dwd onu.• from pneumonia. I <'•11lld11 1 l.i 111 ''<• he didn't know better than 111 ,. ,1· I l I 11~· aflf•r 8 30 11 '11 u "" t 1 omb your hair, the rats • wrll I l l ,, t w~l 111 it" Would at look any dit ,, ft 11(. ERMA IOMIECI AT W IT'S ENO I "You keep playing with th~ matches and you'll wet the bed." I was 35 before I trusted myself to light the stove for dinner "Those who play with their gum get very sick." Do you want to tell your mother that makc.-s no sense wh_atso<•vcr'> "DR INK COFFEE BEFOR E you're out of hjgh school and your l('(•th w ill tum black." "Sit up str:a1ght or your !>pint• wall grow that way." "Eat everything on your plate or I'm sending your food to the Armenians ·· I al- ways wondered what the Arme nians dad w1 th all those cold vegetables. The uruver.;al threat was always. "You keep making faces and your face will freew that way." I always wanted to Laugh at that one until I remember Lot's wife turning to salt as she leCt Sodom. I JUSt knew she was horsing around! POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT SOM E' TIM ES, Aquarius: N ew · contact profitable AFTER CRAWLIN G' INTO A HOLE TO DIE", I DECIPE TO CRAWL OUT AG AI'°" Tuesday, April 20 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Secret maneuvers dramatize current situation -if patient, you win. Focus on story behind story, cuf'iosity, suspicion. abilit y to make contact with individual who aids in resol - ving dilemma. Another Anes plays impor- tant role. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): RomanCC' dominates scenario; pleasure princ iple as • HOIOSCOPf BY smNEY OMARA emphasired, you get what you want through fresh approach. Member o f opposite sex does care and you'll know it. Discard outmoded procedures. Leo figures prominently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Firs t im- pression proves correct, especially where> pompous executive is concC'rned. Trust in- tuition, foUow hunch and study alternative methods. You'll be give n more authority, you'll have chance to prove that you are on right track. 1111111 By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach WaLCOM£ TO VAL EVILLE UNINCORPoRATED VNAFF"ECTCO UNABASHf:D UNAWARE ~,.•,OliilC:~RN lrD UNMECESS•Rv UNtC!MP'r UNSOCIAL. UHKMOWN UNSOPM15TICAT(0 - CANCER <June· 21 .Jul) 22>. Foc·us "" communication, trav<'l. s pmlual valut>S and sense of humor . Lunar ~J>t.'< t favorubl1·. you receive good news via long dista n<.c call Affluent ind1v1dual <>e<.·ks yout l:O\JnSC'l & agreeable, but don't g1vt· up sonwthu1g fm nothing. LEO (July 2:l Aug 2:!> S t11 k to pr.i<.·t1 cal issues; tnd1v1duc:il with ~r JndirN• 1tlcus 1s well-meaning, but <:ould ht· rn1s1nform1 d Emphasis on task at hdnd. uniqu<.• !-,( r\.WI'.., and plans that com:c•rn mov mg, n 1n<xl .. la11g, refurbishing and rcmfornrag safc•t\ or St.'{'ll nty devices VIRGO (Aug 2.s &·pt .!1 > Study pumL" of law. Clwck n •h ·n·m:Ps .• 1:-.k 4ut•sllons, makl' inqUlnes and open la m·~ o1 c·111nmu111 cation Rc·lataonsh1p inlt 11:-.1l11·s. y(lu ;in pr<'ssc.-d for dC'C1s1on rt>gar<lmg pc •rm;inen<'y or lack of 1 t LIBRA (&·pt 1:~ Ot.1 22> Obwm hint from Virgo mes.c;agc.· Empha<.1s on "'~unty , domestic adjustment and gift Mnncic ·t1><I with special anniversary One• who r1•lw'I Up<•n you wall return past favors You wall know that efforts are appre<'1att-d SCORPIO (O<:t. 23-Nov 1 1 > Sc.·cmarao highlights tllusao ns, romance:, ~xc1t1 n g changes and contact with onl' who as lavish in praise Focus also on children, travd, I l' lie{ from burden 'and the gmnang of greatc•r freedom. SAGITTARIUS (Nov . 22-Dcc. 21): Study Leo message for valuable hint Accent on security, property, domestic env)ronmenl and rclattonshlp w1th older fom1ly member. You learn truth connected with values, in· vestments and long-range uustnesl' pro- spect8. CAPRICORN (D c . 22 .Jen. 19): You receive favorable reply 1.0 rN'enl inquiry Trip could domina scenario. You strike chord of un1versa1 nppt.•al. Path t. smooth~ tor roal proarc11. Relativt> conv.-ys g<JOd news. .. AND LIVE:. ,·~~~ .i1 11~li1 pl..l 1 ol 11ght tame. Emphasis on 11pp1 o1r;1m·•· rlr1g1m1hty, unique concepts and V l rd w.it w n <.·o n cern1ng backing by ··1ni po 1 t.1111 µc •rsons" Whal originally a p· 1x ;111·d .1 l:ulun · 1s du<' to boomerang in your l;ivnr ····~~·~· .......... ..,.. ............. Clo"' CM •00 t ,.....,.. .._ • ,. ••• ~'°_, ._ GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.l -11••1 h 'ulnrrnhle J\ "" 11' I •I holrl +,1,q /\71 KJ54 •KJ9 11. "'''''"'IC h.1 .. prO<'Pedcd: :-\nrth fo.nl ~outh Weat I t•u.. 2 Pass l. ... ..,. ? \\ h 1 • ol11 'nu hul """'? A l lt·~p•ll \our t:I prnnl\ 1r1 h1Y,h r,u tl' H IU hJ\I> 8 flnl h.11 .. l ,\nrl "''"' 1nl<·rml'01Jll·'· ' "" 111·1·d tlo 1111 more t hu n r.w .. '" 1hr,.1 111 ,irh An) f rlh•·r .11I 1un '' up 1 o I' II tr11 I C.,.2 '\1•1thn 'ulnnahte, as '-u ul h \ 1111 holri AQ109.'l A 9113 •AQI03 lw l11ddrn1< ha<t prorecdtd: Snuth WHt ~orth Eaat I + l•an I ~T Pue ~ + l'a111t 2 ~ Paa1 7 'w\ hat r·1111n do vou tukt''/ -V11l1 hnvc· 11 vuy l(ood hll nd, hut t hf'lrt• 1' nothing , oll rnr1 do with ii ! ParLner hu <th(Jwn ,, Wt>1dt hand with l<•n~ ht u t •rf'ml'mbt.-r. ho wa~n I trong enough lo bid t w 1> lwilrl 011t1r ont• 1padel. 11n1l ht• tfo<'"n't parltcularly , r~ fnr l'!llht'r 111 your 'uat,. \Ou hav1• ,\ mt fit, and lhr prutJ,.'n t t'OUtlt> i • LO w 1thtlrltllli from tht> auction. a lhNt r1•lottantly. Pao. o •IUt"U ' prO<'ttdtid: aine. IAet uw. , ... \ What action do you take? A. -We know that partner's tlouble is for penalties,· but w1lh your unbalanced hand wt' don't think you should sit. Partner is lik~ly to lead a red suit. and that could cost your i.1de a trick and a tempo. Jump to three chlbs-thal dt'scribes your • holding ac· rurately: a hand with a good s uit but not much in tht' way or high cards. Q.•-ASI South, vulnerable, you hold: •AK762 QA94 OM •J92 The bidding hu proceeded: North Eaa& Soath 3 Q Pua ? What action do you take'! A.-Whil• w• would ool quarrel with a pau, your partner• vulnerable pret1mpt. hu promleed aeven winners. and with your three you abould be ufe at lhe four•level. Therefore, we would make one try for rame by biddln1 three 1pades. Should partner have epade 11o1pport, 1ou could make four apad • U he relurna l-0 four dlamol\dt, pua. INaluraUy, your bid of three ap&et.t la a one round forct.I mended way to show a good hand in (his situation - redouble. Don't worry about your singleton spade -if the opponents leave 1n the redou ble, you are prf'sv tmg part ner with five tri!ks m lop cards and ht' needs only a couple of well placed queens to waltz home w.ith the <'On tract. It is more likely that the opponents will run. and thus enable you Lo inOicl a substantial penalty. Q.6-As South, vulnerable, you hold: •K9% QA1095 OQ98 •KIOS The bidding has proceeded: We1t Nertlt Eu& Sour.ti Pua l 0 Paaa I 'i:1 I + r ... PaH ? What do you bid now'/ A.-A diificult hand. We would select two no trump despite the fact that you are a whi1ker ahort In high card1 tor that action. You have fine Intermediates and the queen in partner'• suit i1 worth more than 'the two point• allotled to It b7 the point count. 1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, Aprll 19, 1982 THE t 'i\MIL'' CIRCl'S by 011 Keane "I'm just practicin' to be like Milton Caniff !" ~.\R~.\Dl'IU·: by Brad Anderson .£ IQ!k '""\f!O•••' • 1.....cJkltt • "Marmaduke learned one thing in Sunday school yesterday ... to love his neighbor!" Jl'DGE P \RKER AMiheo eY o e ·5 0UE5TION5 M>OUT SAM, GL.ORIA Lrn:r:r-..-- AN5WER5 ~ER lri'JilUd ,.., TON<;UE IN C.HEEKI ACROSS 52 Enumerate woras SAT\lftOAY'S PUZZL! SOl Y!O t E•pected 6 Oceans 10Bvo9Y 1.t O\JICkly 1Hlf lrom P<tlly 16 YOlltl 17 Geom and lr!Q Ill (Q111ne COIOt '9 8ullt ltl9 ~ 54 Oe8dloek 581mmenM 59\oud sound 81 Dey s march ~~ 62 Summen Fr ~-.- 63 lnatttd 6' Com~t.- 85 S~Sh ~"" 66 Kernel 6 7 Ugly rTlllllt.S ~ Hlbt!llllOI OOWH . n ~<HM notsn 14 ldnll'et 26 lutllfOUS 27 POW9fllK 'I() Aoolltd 31,rMCl1C1ty ~11'11MM ll<~ Prtf II J fl9I °' Ow world •40fMril twnd •• IOf1 jObt 0 Qell tfk!ul ....... •• "*" ..... . ,..,, t CB opt'lllOlt 20itm 3Crown 4 CO!Mll•ld "1!¥fll 5 fffM'I OOiw11n T CMcfoil • Atlll llAIM~U 10 PlllpOlhOll Mlly 1..urctt ,, . ...,., ••C:.•-...... 42 ZtAIOut '3 fntlw .. ttt 4&Wood ,,~, 41 lluttt 4f ll•tll!I &O 1004 Cur".., y,..,.., '""' T~ ,,, . ·-I ,,... by Virgil Partch (VI P) 'PEi\Nl'TS · l0LL HAVE YOVJNOW HE ' W~ TM~ NVM R ~E I PlA'(ER AT THE DAISY HILL PVPPY FARM I " : '( ../:._JI . t . ... Tl''9BLE•EEDS "I hate Mondays!" (. ~1 (~ rr APPeAKS t.01SAWCK,OtJR P~E:WEE OF roMP, PL.ANS lo RePfCOM1E HIS llPI. WHO E:i.SE: HAS OSCAR V'I: L-A REITTA SLJE™l1 SKEfCHES. !'I.I. GI~£ ITA l?r' ... OKA'i , 006 .. S~ A &000 MOMIM& tl\JCK, ANO fAKE ·nos Mf.S~AC,~ 1"0 1'~E f\ZZA i>l.ACE ON "f~E ~ ooJBtE ! &4 DR.SMOCK ,,-5 A COMPOSl"fe DRAWING OF MY tc::>eA OF "MR . RtGH1'"" eu-r "fH 1s .Jus-r SHOWS "T"He eACK OF HIS HeAD.' ' \ by Cnarles M Schulz ACTVALLY, I LOST A TIEBREAkER IN. TH£ FINALS TO A LEFT-AAMPEP SAINT BERNARD! <O t; I'/ by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNetty by Ernie Bushm1ller r.fCHAT =;iJ DEPT \ ""1<'.... • by Gus Arriola by Tom 8at1uk by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont MY "MR.. RIGH-r• OWNS A MO"fORCYCt...e ! -EVBlltG-.......... CtWUl'I ANGE.I • WHrTI IHAOOW • ™IJIPHHiONI • HAWAIA lll\IW I ~ CMNIWI A8CNIWI NeCNlWI ~AMONG FMHOI Siiiy Kellerman end lellle .......,, ttw In lllle comect)I Wftoclunll, Ml In a Nw York epanment on ..... YMf'a E .... , lnvoMng an 8CIOf. Ille WM11hy wife and '* ernbluau. eoen•. lt:IO. AU IH THU ' AMIL Y Edllh'1 antJqu. lodtel ii mlallng • NEWIRAT: CAUR>MIA CONOMU10HAL. NJIORT I 9UllHU8 AUOAT 8HEWI 8AANEY Mil.LEA (Jj)HEROQ "Patton -The Man B«ilnd The Myth" Fiim 1001eg. end ,_ '°"' provide ,_ lnelght Into the man ~ the mlltery m.- • wovlE ••• "Tim" (1981) Pl!* LlkKi.. Met GIDton A young 11tard9d m1111 end 1 H n11tlve, mlddle-1g10 *OITl8ll 11....iop • CloM re1111on1hlp of mu1u11 need and Und«lllendlng that '-di 10 an unot1h0- 00• marrlege •.eo (Z) CHAN.I( CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE "The Rink" Ohartle P<>r· 1•8)'9 1 dumey waiter wrio lalll In love wtth Edna Put· Vlanoe llnd gela rkl Of Ill unwan1ec:11unor. 1:00 I C88 HEWS N8CHEW8 ~ • HAPPY DAYJ AOAlH 8 A8CHEW8 • t<o.w< • M•A•a•H Hawkeye dlec:OY9rl lhal 1 wtelllng doc:lor wtlO mus1 oper.S• on • 'WOUndecl IOl-- dle< l11 lulh I JOKER'S WILD OVEAEA8Y au.ti. Carlol llnd Sally Montoya.(R)Q G PORTRAITS IH PA8'TEL.8 "l.Ailllnl .. Cl) P.M. MA<lAZJNE CW1oonlsl Jim Devil er• 11or ot "Glffleld", "~· t>ee" gl--· cluttered· ien-for the ,_iy t>llnd tll fMTtA'T AINMEHT TONIGHT An lntervl9w wttn Charlie Dlinlela, 8 THE MUPP£T8 GliNI Glenda Jack eon (Ji) 80XJH0'8 BEST "G1udge F1gn11" Barry Tomplon1, Mutwnmed AU end Joe Ft azlef' lake a loOk Dack al I hall-<*ltury of the mo.t l'llltoric and puo.. llcUec:I vwn6el181InIha1'111- lory ol t>o•lng (O)MOVlE * e •,;, ''Fide To Black" (19e0) o.nni. Cllnltoptw, Unda l(erTlcSge A di. turbed young mcwle fin rNC11 to 1oman11c retec; lion by convnlltlng /TIU(• derw In the gutM lt'9 ltyle of his favorite ec:t.-i vt4- lalnl. 'R' 7:18 (Z) MOVIE • • * "Modern Romance" ( 1118 I) Albeit B1ooll1 Kathlyn HarrOld. A lllm editor 1ne. r~ to Orang• Oout DAILV PILOT /Monday, Aprll 19, 1082 ROYALTY -Peter McEnery and Helen Mirren star as fairy king and queen, Oberon and Tit.ania, in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" tonight at 7:30 on KOCE (50) and 8 on KCET (28). win Dack Iha 1-1 Of 11'11 woman he'-· 'R' , 1:30 8 2 OH THI TOWN Feahifed • ·,e-cnieuon of the eventa leading up 10 11'11 murd« of local m1111on- a11e E.l . Doheny't IOn; v11- 11 a tood euppller for 1ea- 1aur ant1: covettge ol -Ktion 11 Iha llnala of Iha Workl Speed Snooting ChamplonlhiPt. G 8FAMILYFEUO 8 8A8EBALL C111to1nla Angela al S..1 lie Marln«e • EY£0Hl.A, FN!Ufed· motOlcyele lld· .,, wtlO court dMlh In dangwoua ·-·a mall• up llrtltt wtlO ~ In permanent makeup with llllOOI; 11'11 uttlmale limo- llr>e • M0 A•8°H H~ tMrrleO B.J lall1 IOI 1 ~lful war OOff• 1ponden1 (SuHn St J-) • Cl) TIC TAC DOUOH • MACNEll I l&4~ REPORT I!> THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS A Mldaumme< N19nl'1 01e1m Shak11pear1 • mag1eal llHI 01 looter• quarrel~. encnanted Pt ank• and nappy ending• 11ar1 P118' McEnery. Brian GIO¥er Helen Mltren Ind ~Guard QI YOU ASKED FOR IT FNIUled° "Female Ball Hiiiing Champ" and "Play· Doy • Robot &.tier .. (C}MQVIE * • ·~ .. The Pr1v11e Eyee" ( 1980) Don Knou1. Tim Conway Two bumbling 4'/nertean det1C1lwl are called 1n to ""'9atlgate 1 M(IM of murder'9 In 1n Engillh'cuti. 'PG' t;OO 9 Cl) PAfV AT£ 8EHJAMIN Captain lewtt t>ecOIMI • ....,.. lo telling 0tder1 •ft• Ille tak• a Mmlnat ln Mlf·~. e a UTT1.E HOUSE OH 1"£ PAAIAIE A INl·lalklng Niesman convlnce1 Mr1 Oleeon to cnang. her rMlaurant 1n10 I "fUl·lood" l)lau (R) Q G 9 TOOAY'S FBI 8lf'I Matel'IM '°' • weell hy •~eculive'• ~ wl\O has tlMf'I kJdne.pped D MOVIE • • • • ''War And Peace' (Part 1) ( 1968) Ludmlla S1ve1yeva. S«g.i Bondar· cnuil. Baaed on the novel by Leo TOlttoY The,,_ of th•• famtllel ... grMtly altected by Iha NllC)OleOnle Wiii • P.M. MAOAZIHE M..c Olney T errlo, ho.I of "Dence F_.'. "non.y. t>ee" ~ -ciu81erld· ..,_ lor the nut1y t>llnCI • MOVIE · ** "Tiro-! Z..o" (1955) Rlchwd Conte Peggie Cuoe A Koi~ Ww lieu· tenant IMdl Illa men on a dllfl08IOUI mountain mll- 11on end unexpectedly eneounler1 1 Deautltut ,..,..,. tclentltl along the w•y • THf 8HAKE8PfARE PLAYS "A Mldeummer Nlgnt'1 Oreem Shak11peare'1 magteal t• of i<>'tef1' qu•tr•I•. 1n cn1nted 1>1•nk1 and napoy ending• .. .,. PelM McEn«y. Brian GIOYW, .....,, Mirran Ind ar-~d • • * "Stir Crazy • t t9801 Rlehard PryOf, G-WllO· er Two men 111 mlllaken tor l>link •obben arid eent tojaH 'R' GALLAGHER: TWO RfAl Tne oomedlln r>er10tm1 a ...... of ~""-· and comic Vlgne!IM 9MOV1f * * • "Mod«n Romllt'ce" ( 1081) A.Dail B1ooke, Kathryn HarrOld A lllm ednOI II... 1epeatedly 10 win beck the "-1 of the woman he lovet 'R' 9:30. REPORT TO MURPHY Chari .. 1 rougn, tough tac- ta drwe a pwolee lo neat Mclde G) All IH THE FAMILY Whlf' tragedy llrlket the Bunker hOuMl'lokl. Edllh que111on1 ne1 deeper l>lllell (Pl<I 11 (() PV8UC AFFAIRS ' Channel 8 Journal" t:OO IJ (() M'A'S0H ChatlM ge11 • toothact>e t>ut •efu-to Me • Oen· ti.1 IBI G QIMOVIE e • Goin Soucn· I 111781 Jeck Nlchol1on M11y Sle.it>utgen A captwec:I llOIM ll'ltef IS offered I cf\lnOI '0 Mc:4lj)e hanging by matrylng a young lady trom tne town 1n wNdl he .• fmC>t"'°'*' •a~ • • '"' "Fateo" ( 1980) Dom Delulae, Anne BanctOfl A POt1l)r ~ ..... le IOfoec:I 10 CflooM ~ hll gluttony Ind ,.,.. glr1- t11tnd • MERV OAlfflH "S1lula To Flamingo Roeo G.-a Howwd Dun. MOlgan Fllrcf\lld, Jonn Beck, Batt>ar• Ruan. Fernando Allende tC1MOVtE • • • * "The Lite Show I t9771 .Art Carney, uty Torn1m A -.aoned !>fl· vale eye encounler1 bleck· maH and murder wnen he COtnee °"' Ol ,_.,,_, 10 IOCat• • Cit belongtng 10 Ill oftbMI female dlent (O)MOVtE • * * * "Gigi" ( t 95111 MAUfjce Cheveliet. leelle CMon A tomt>oy belnO gloomed l>y ,.,., IUlll and 9111\dmochel Mii 001 on her own lo catCh a man. Cl) MADAME IN MANHA TT AH .,,. .. ~ AWWct-wlMlno alloreGlf .. .,.... Olofd.lno .... ••Ol'Y into ,.,,..,... wNte t•tng ,. ... Ulfougll U.~ l"I .MCMI •*lo\ "Hlghlhaw1t1" ''" 11 8yl\lelllf ltlllOna, Illy Dea ~I A tough Hew YOttl City 000 haa hie work out out for lllm ... cine of the WOftd'• mot1 d1ng11oua tertotl11e Wf ..... In Illa olty. '"' 10:00 I I~.:=" ncNHCAMM. Awwd-wlnnlng CltlOrlOtf• plMlr Glordano --a 11ory Into 1an.erui wNte la6dng hie ... thfougll lllalr pacee (R) • ,~CHAii ''The Man Wno WOUid 8e King" Franklin F0td 111'1 flthet, ""'11ng the unMlfll· ty to rlCl\lll 11~11 for f\11 ,.., """· pull ~,-· on Illa 10n 10 tie the .. ., ot theclaM CHl MOW * • "Moun111n Men" ( 1980) Cllaltton Heelon, Brian Kelln Two fur l111pper1 anjOy Ille free- dom Of tf\e Wiider,_ In the I.Mt tew )'Mii before Iha ancl{oechmenl of oMtl- ullon. 'R' (l)MOVIE • * "Xanachl" ( 1890) Ofl· vi• Newton·JOhn, 0- Kelty A young l<lllt, a hNvenly muM and • 18'111· mentel mllllonaJre join IOIOM IO open up I lluOI 10lter-dleco palac. 'PG· 10:30 •• NEWS CAl..WOAMA UHEMPlOYM£NT: UVINO ON AHO Of'f' T'Hl LANO A look al the cumll\I job cr1111 tocu-on the ..,.,,._ ly of weye ou•-oC-ork Cal· !for nlan1 ata copjng (C)MOVIE • • • ·~ '··carnal Knowl- edge" ( t97 t) Jade NICllOl- llOn, Ann·M1tg1et. Two oollege t1ierld1 "*1d ...... erll yM11 before and aft., gtaduallon dlac;oveOng Hie by 11\afing and ewltefllng each otl'l«'e glrttrlend1 'R' (%)MOVIE • • • "The Sin" ( 1979) Anne Heywood, Donald PleaaerlCI A , • ....., K1nu1 1cnooll11cn11 devetope a l110ma1Jc tel• llonll\lp With I aedllllc jan- itor 'R' 11:00 ea a Cll a a NEWS 8 8ATUROAY NIOHT Holl Candice Berglf'I a.-1 &t,_ Ptllnipe 8 YOU ASKED FOR IT G) M•A0 8'H Al CN11trnat1im., Hawtl· eye wrll" 1 .. lier to n11 l11ner deecrlt>lng • wt>at a ooctor'1 ute 11 like •I tne •07711'1 • IENHYHIU A retum v!Sll la paid to the Hotel SordlcM wtlh Benny In Charge of room ~ • DICK CAV£TT Gu.el Jonn C'-8 (Part ll(R) CD HUMERO UNO (Pr-•) Japan 1 Tllho I~ legend In the ll'IClenl l90f1 of eumo wrMtllng, II !>fofllld. (0) THE GIN GAME Hume Cronyn and JMaica T 1ndy re·crelle th ell Bto.d'#my •<>lee .. an etd· erly COU9le wtlO dltCCMt that life In an Old·""8 l'IOlne hN few rewwd1 out· llde of playing gin, untM tentlon creec>e 11110 the 11:aoU 001NCY Quincy lnve11ig1te1 cf\argea thal a Marine dtlll lmllructor -1eaponalt>1e tor 1ne death of a 1ecru11 (R) G QITOHIOHT Guell ~I 8ltl Coat>y Gu.111 Tony 011ando. Matlelll Hlllley, Sh11i . Be111on11. 8 tll A8C HEWI NIOHTUNE G KQ.W( Ko)1k and C1oclle1 enoounl., trout>le In a ll'l\all lown 1n Nev8da wtletl they try 10 return an Important wtt,_ t>ectt to Hew Y OR City lor ltlal CHANNEL LISTINGS Weyland Fiowera end Mldeme a1e jOinld t>y Herlny Youngman In •n evening of "ICIU. numor (Z)MOVIE G) THf808TOH MAAATH<* Cowrage of thi8 famoue 26-m.. r-whlc;ll o.- lhoueanda of Nf'IMf9 trom ac1011 the count1y lneludee • dlecuMlon of Iha hll1ory of mwllhona, the badcgroundl of Iha runner• and how ll'ley 11a1n. f) l(NXT ICBSI 0 c;) KNBC CNBCI 1 8 KTLA llnd I .. G KABC fABCI c O KFMB ICBS) t• 0 l(HJ TV (Ind I 1Y IE ICCST I ABCI [ G> KTTV tc no I $ 'Ii) l<COP TV I Ind ) 0 ID KCET (PBS1 Cl '9 KOCE !PB!» 0.1 TV l TV HBO l(tn<>m•xl IWORI NY, N Y 1WTB'>l cESPNI ISllowlt~I Sooll•Ql'll ICo11Dll' New\ Nptwor•i I * * ''t G1-·1 Pllaoe" (19721 Alben Hendereon. AMan Albu• A -· nuly Nloon owner wrio loc:lled up "" molher and ,,,.,,. dared 1'111 eon ~I I wandering ICIOI wtlh I penc;henl IOI performing millCIM 'R' t:JO 9 Cl) MAKINO TH£ GRADE Jeff l>eCOmee the Objec\ of el1ectlon of a female 1lu· den I • IAHFOAD AHO 80H Frid aw8it1 a vleh trorn hie lllter untN he flndl OUI that ,.,., -hu9band le Wf>lte • HIWMEAT: CAUF<>NflA CONGRU8IOHAL AUORT . T.UBE TOPPERS KOC E (&0). KCET (28) 8 :00 "Mldeummer Night'• Dream." Shake- speare'• magical tale of lover•' quarrela, enchanted prankJ and happy endlngs. See photo, left. KNBC (4) 8:00 -"Little Hou1e on the Prairie." A salesman persuade. Mn. Ole- son to change her restaurant into a "fast-food" place. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Goin ' South." Jack Nicholson, Mary Steenburgen star in western comedy. KOCE (50), KCET (28) 10:00 -"The Rehearsal." Award.winning choreogra· pher Glordano weaves ~a story into a re· hearsal. G CAPTIONED A1C NIW8 .MOVll * • * "Whtch Way 11 Up?'' (1917) Rlchatd Pryor, lOllltt• Mel(.. A ... llerved ftull plcke< 11 caug111 In a com1e croteflfe ~ hie uni°'!, Ind Iha MOb, Ind • nypocnllell P'eecher ftnd1 .... VIII In a ladlee' cholt. 'R' 1 1 :48 CJ) MOYIE •••• "Network" ( 1978) Faye Dunaway, Peter Anen. An aging televlalon -an. wl10M 1a11ng1 are •IMdlly llic>plng, II tumid Into a 11n11ng PfopMt of the lllr#IVM by a e<atty temai. program- ming hlCM,.... 'R' 11:60 (Z) CHARLIE CHA.NH COMEDY THEA TM "The RIM" Cl'lar1ie por • lreye a Clumay Wliler wl\O falll In !cw• With Edna Pul· VlllflCe Ind o-1. 11<1 of .,; unwanted IUftOf 11:M CH) MOV1' • • •,; "Tne Sntnlng'' ( 19801 Jeck Nlchoteon. SMiiey Duvall Olr1C11d by Stanley Kubflell A former ICflOOllNCller hired .. • winier cara11ker IOI a remote, and a1>9Wenlly llaunteo, Colofedo hotel, 18 enowt>ound there wtth 1111 wtle and clalnloyant young eon 'R' -Ml>NIGH'T- 1~ 8 lHTVfT AIHM!HT TOHtOKT An lnl8'Vlew with Cnatlle Oantet1 0 9 MOW! * * * ,,.. "RoOln And Mwl- 1111 . ( 1978) SMlt Connety . Aud1ey ~n • LOVI. AMa.ICAH 8TYl.E • AMEAICA: THl 8ECOHO CEHT\JAY 12: tO CC) MOVIE • * ·~ "A Thundltf 0 1 Orum1 11981) Rlcn11d Boor'8 Geotge HetNllon A MalONd capialn of Iha U S. Cavalry rklea hwd on • g1-. young Meu•---· juet out of Weet Point 12: 18 (Z) MOVIE • * '" "Shogurl ,._,, (198tl Tomiaaouro W•my- arna. Meaalltro TomtUwa A former lflogUll ....in '""° ---ad out Of ,,. poeitlon by • l\M- .... Clan of~ ¥OWt 10 • take bloody revenge 'R' 12:IO G QI LAT£ HIGHT WITH DAVIO LETTENilAH Guee11 comedian Ric:h¥d BeUeir. EdWlf'I "'-'nan 8 COUPLES G MOVIE ** 'King Kong~ .. ( 1"8) Rtlodaa Reuorl. Linda Miiiet. Of' Wf\o con- ltruc:11 8 gilnt IOC>ot Ind pltt It against KlnQ Kong In • lllUQQll tor WOt1d Ck>ml· nation • MellK>N: ltoilP098a.E ·~ANO ~TIONI 12!40 I Cl) COUJM80 1:00 OEHi MlmY MOVIE * * ~ "Cyborg 2091" (1987) MlchHI Rennie, '*'18HIW8 OIHl!AUTRY l'IAKOUT MOVI! * * "The Hand" (1981) MlchMf Caine, AndrN M1too-Aod BU.arr• lnQ- oan11 •no nlghlma111 t>egln happening In a car. 1oonl11'1 Ille alter ne Wfferl Iha iOee of I hand 'R tM(l)MOVlf I*'-' "Thiel" 11981) JamH C11n, Tu11day Wekl A jlfoflMional crOOlc glveeupllla~ lor a big 8COI• that he hOpee wtll -· hit ltmi· (£='R' * * ',; .. The Hatred E.apert- mant" ( 1973) J-Whit· more. Tlppi Hldren A eof. lege decldee to lncorpo. 1ate a OOIKM on tnual r•tlone end Intimacy in ••tlonlhlp8 lnlo tl'll CU•· r!Culum 'R' t:IO (C) MOVIE * • * "Fama" (1980111- Cara. Barry Milter S-.. gifted lludanll II I New York high 1C11o01 for the performing .,,. nper1enoe VWIOul Nlbeckl Ind IUC• -of Doth pereonal and !>fofMeion8l n1tUf11 'PG' 2:161 NEWS 2:2.0 NEWS MOVIE *it lo\ "UMCI Cw1" ( 19801 Kurt Ruuell. Jaell Warden Aher the O*ll8' of 1 t>at>- krupl Cllf ~ diee. hie ~ try 10 CO'tl( up f\la ~ to prevent hll .....i1hy car dealel t>rolher ltorn Inheriting the l>uli- ,_·A' 2"M8 MOVIE I 1t * "The UFO Incident ( t975) J-Eatt Jooae. Eltelte Patt0nt A COU9fe Claim lo ,.,.... Deen lallan abollfd • ~ and ll<Mlllneo t>y •• ,,.,.,, ... lt\81 t>elngt. 1:30 (Z) MOVIE • • * "The Sin" (1979) Anne Heywood. Donald "*-ioe A leprealec:I Kanu1 1choolleacn11 11....iops 1 traumlllc rela- llOntfllp wltl'I • Mdl811c len- ltOf 'A' 4:00 CC) MOVIE * * * 'i'o "c.mal Knowt· edge" ( 1971) Jaclt Nlchol· eon, Ann-Margret Two COllaQI tl1enda IP9flCI --•al ,._, before and after graoo.tlon dllCO'tellng life t>y ll'tarlng llnd twllc:Nng eedl octw'1 glrffrtend1 'R' (I) GAU.AOHER. TWO REAL 4: 16 CID MOVIE • • ... "Oaec>alr" ( t979) Olr1I 9ogarde, Andrea Fw- reot. A Ruealen confection- ., IMng In Germany Is faced with tolll rvln Ourif,g IM riM of Naziem 4;4f (I) MADAME IN MAM4ATT~ Wayland Flower• and Madame WI joined by Henny Youngman In 111 -*'O Of ritQue """"°' JOHN DARLING Ttw•dat1'• . Dat1il•r "'""'"'• -MORt-~ •• CJ)**~ .. ~., ... _ .. ( 1112) Albert Hender· -· Allan Nflua A mMn. nMty ..._, --WflO looked UC> Ille motMr and "IUfdettid 1111 -,,.... • wanotttng IC10f with a penohflll1 for patformtng ,.,,.,.,... .,.. 1141 Cl) • * "lC.anadu" l!HOI Ol'M H9wton-JOhn, 0.... K.ily. A )'OUllCI wllel, a ._,,..,,,... -and • MnlJ• M4M'!lal mllllonalre join IOIOel to OP1n 11P I lluOI tolat~ '*-'PO' t:aO (I) * * "The Game F0t Vuflu1•" ( 1978) Riclleld Hwfla, Nchwd Roundtr .. A Nthleee ,,_canary wno ~ Amer1cen hell C09'ert Into Af'flca duflng a lerrOlltl Wat II pilled ag.llnat a lier~ lr..oorn ~., 'R' 1:00 CC) • • • .. Julat And Jim · (1981) JMnM M0<•u. Oellar Wer<* In pr• World Wat II Franoe. e caret1• young woman IOllM two men wtlO ate Cloee ft1endl and I~ to give up 8ither one 1:J0 CHJ * * * "The EarthHng" (1980) Wllllem Holden, Rldly Sdlroder A ~ ., • ....., leechM • young orimen the Wayl Ol IUNIYll In the Au1trallan wtld8'· MN 'PO' 9 * • 'i'o "Hucitllberrt Finn" Anilnllld BeMO on Iha llory t>y Matlt Twain A young boy and a runawey 11-t>ecome lnvOl\'ld In 1 --of ed_,IUfM while fleeing down the MINIMlp. pl Rllllf on I I af1 1:00 ()) • * • '"' "e.citc.not>e And Broomellcl<I" ( 1971) Angela Lantt>ury, OaVld T omllneol\ Ou<1ng WOlld War II. • no¥lce totoerlM end n11 tht•• young lliendt Ml off tor 1 maoic llland ""*• IN lntendl lo teern enough 1t>out witehcraft to.._ It 8Q81nat the Nm:ia. 'G' 1:30 (Z) • ii·~ • 'Tn. sn1n1ng' · ( 1980) JICk NIChOllOn, Shelley Dvvll Dlr1C1ec:I l>y Stanley KubflCI< A former ldlOOlteacher l'llrld .. • wtnter catetaker fOf 1 1emo1e. and appatenlly l'launlld, ColOl'IOO "<>lei, It enowbOunO ,,.,.,, .,..,., hi• wife end cilll'voYant young IOf'I 'R' ..00 Ct) * * * "King Of Kings" ( 11182) Jeffrey Hun1e1. Rober1 Ry111 Tne coming of ,,...,. and the -·· °' hll lite Q9V1 blnh 10 a ,_ reffglon U ••'1t TneGr_, Horizon (198 11 James St-.r1, Pl'ltltp Sayer An emneeiec wologltt In Af1l- ca tlncSI a refuge on the wllOl!fe Pf_.... OI an aid· er1y men and hi• 9111\6: dlUQl'lt• •.30 • • • "Tne Men F1om Utlll" ( 19a..) Jonn W1yne. G1t>t>y Hayw 10:00 CHl •• * R..n GOfdon .. ( 1980) Sam J ~. Ma.. Von Sydow A lrlo of ewtnt1ng1 lrlWI lo the plet'8I Mongo and ~ n1 ooe>rllMCI Inhabitants In the OV'erttwow of the evt Emperor Ming 'PO' (I) * * * "King Of Kings" ( 19821 Jeffrey Hunl•t. Roberl Ryan The coming Ol "'-» 11\d the _ .. of hl9 "" geYe blr11'1 IO a ,_ religion 1o:ao O • • .... ··ca1dtec Arr•I" (19781 Garry Goo- drow. Mike Chen A Dtacll mar1tet oe>erlllon lhal ...,, dlMml>Odted heart• for llaneplants It dl1COV8'ed by an Offl>Nt l'IOmlCIOI cop PG' 11:00 {%) • * * ~ 'Zazie . (Ille()) Cethe1lne Demongeol . Phlllc>98 Notret An t I· year-old gil1 trom the proY- lnoM IC*ldt an exe1t1ng ...-end In Patlt with ner 11 aneveetlte unde 12:00 D • • "Elect1on1c Mon- .. ., .. (195111 Rod C-on. Mery Murphy llWMllQll· ~ ........... ,,... .... .,. in.,.,.,. ..... ~abl&Mf•~ atno CllrllG Viel lit..,.. ~ 10 oontrol~ •••• ''TllaHerotaOf Tei.mMi" (IHI) l(lfll Oouol•• "6d1Md Harrta. A • • .., j)lanl la dMtroyed In WOf'ld WW II to • ..,. off Germen di\.,...... "' llfl etomto boftolb • • * !.\ "T1adl Of The Cat•' ( IU41 "obe11 Mitchum, Tab Hunt.,, ~ lflelr C4dtie hard la being o.M1oyed, !fie~ .,, lt1f'l'llPI lo ~· IN mountain llon r~bta (Cl •• "Shame, en- On The 81.aby &oyw'' ( 1171) Monie MMllNn\. A lour• brother famfly of cattle ruatler1 end lhelt lather Challenge lhe locel deputy 10 I geni;lnl llN>cMOUI at the Old OOfrel 'PO' (8) •• "~Ing Of The Mountain" (1981) H1try Hltnlln, JOMOh Bottoma Thr• young LA ~ lorl drlote their -gilail lo Iha ec>or1 of dlllQ raclnO 'PO' 9••• "Tim"(1MI) Plcier~.MelGI~ • A YOUtlg retarded man and a aenel!M. rnlddM egad woman c:teYeloP 1 dote relallonthlp of mul~ need end underwtandlng lha1 teed• to an unonho- OO• mernaoe 12:48 (Z) *. "Blood And O<lta'' ( 19711) Wllllam Smith, Mlchettne l 1nc101 An tQtng WIMUef Meltt hie on.-tn-a-mlllion lhol tor -In life, WOltl and IO\le 'PG' 1:IO (C) • * ' ~Wind" (1980) Unduy w...,, J-Haugll:ton A man contlnuae 10 llllanel• hie wife and eon t>y IOgglng atone to l.hlnlt at>OUI the l>fot>ieml IN! .,. deetloY· !nil hie merrtage 'PG' CID •• "Audtua" 11H01 OjB Benedict, Lind• 8talt A lhefl·tll'loc:llld Vietnam vet diatur DI the peac.e of a lmall A1aDama '°""' 'PG' 0 * e 'i\ "TheGre.i HOfl1on" (1981) JlmM Stew.n, Ptllllp Sayer Art emneeiec zooiogl" In Atn- ca tlndt 1 refuge on the wtlOlll• pt-of 11"1 eld- •'Y man end 11111 01 end· daughter 2-.30 (Z) ••• "Oii Oodl 8°°" II'' (1980) George Burne. s.a.-~. Goel return• to E111h and ChooMt the young daugll- ... ol an edver11ting •xec- UllYe IO 19'eed nil mee- lage to the wOttd PG a;00 D • • • Hercuiee" ( 11168) 6t-Aeewa, Syttta l(Oldna fhe ton Of Zeul renouncee hit lrntnortality for the io\11 Of the P"'- of JolCo 3:30 (fi} * • Kill And l(lff Again" C198t1J-Ryen, Annellne Krill A merllal .,.. expert t>ett1el the ,.,.,,_ of • powet-tned ldentlet 1n1en1 on enelav- lng ITMllMllnO wtlh • ,_ mlnd-oontrOI dfug 'PG' 4:08 (I, •• * MoOern Romance ( 1981) Altl9rt 8t00k1. Katl'lryn HarrOld A ttlm .Oltor tr ... rec>eel· Idly lo win back the '-1 Oltnewoman he~ 'R' 4:30 CC) ••• , ~ And The Prtneeee" t 1973) An.- mated ~.the Cr~­ et Angel, 19 hMverl-t 10 ICt U gu110iM OWf Iha Sllv9rtand pn,-. *. ··~ "Bedknoc. And Broomsoc*•" (19711 Angela ~. 0.Vld T om11naOn DuMg Workl W1t II, a nootlce eoroar.a end he1 thtff young lrten<ll Ml off IOI' I magic llland ..,_. .... tnlendl to lewn enough abOlll w11mcn1ft 10 -11 agalnal uw Nam 'G' 6:AO (Z) * • "The G-FOi lfultutee" ( 197111 Rll:tlatd Hem.. RkNrd Roundtrw . A '111,.,._. rneroanary WtlO amugglM ""*lcen ...... ooptera lllto All1ca during • 1error111 -11 pitted aglinet • fierce freedom llgl'lter 'R' by Armstrong & Batiuk WELL, 1 M OFF TO P LAY 'SOME RACGUET0AL.L Wrfl·i '9'.-ITZ' KRIE6ER! ~~~~ ......... ~~ ........ ~~~~ oltera everything In cuual country club~ • 27 hol .. of chempiOtlltllp golf • 25 tennla court• (8 llghted) • 2Nlmmlngendh)'dld ..... p00i. e 3'3 dtlUIC'-t'""'ng room• • ne.tled In •utlful Randtlo Ml,.ge, Clllf. (In the Pllm 9'>nnoe _,.., at beee of the maQnlfloent Senta RON Mount1tne eom. IM tor yc>ul'MW Why wewbecomt ~ o.m of the 0 ... 11" • ' Businessmen I/• you ore do in g b u •ine2s undtr a lf'1ct1t1ous Huuneu Na me you orwr rcqturtd by law r 8us1~ss and Pro/tsnottl Code. S«. 17900 to 17930 J to /alt a 1''ictit1ou Bu111•H• Name Slaltm~t oltd have at pMbl11Md for: foMr coumdiw MJHb. w,; at ,,.. DAILY Pl LOT ca• Mlp with botll. CaU tlw UOAL DtPARTM£NT •I 142·4Jtl £zt. m tor ,.,,,,,.,~ I I I I Waitresses end Jon~ wait ,, . By V ARDENA ARAR ANOCle19d "'"• WrlMJ LOS AN G ELES -ln her t auntl n g n y h· hyoh voice, Pa tty Don ahue of The Wu,l\retse smugly 11ms1: "l know what guy1 want I know what boys like. . .Boya like mo." S he !ihould know because ahe'» a woman, right? Sure. Except, she didn't write tlle· song. "I KnQw What Boys Like," in which the ta U, leggy brunette proudly proclaims htr success 1111, well, a tease, wns written by a man. Chris Butler, the rock e nsemble's founder . guitarist anc;l songwriter, says the tune is 1ictually a tongue-m-chc..>ck reflection of h1S own ex periencea m the baule of the sexes. ··That was basically about t he powe r of the pickup," Buller said during a recent in terview at the Century Caty omces of Polydor Records. "I don't personally walk around bar.i teasing . boys and things," adds M iss Donahue, ·a~ w~ man an her early 20s. "To me it's like a mock on that kind of person." "I Know What Boys Like" Isn 't the only tune Butler has penned m a first-person female voiee for Miss Donahue He also wrote all the aongs she sings on the band's rccentlX released album. "Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful'! ' And if that weren't enough gender <'Onfus1on, it turns out that there are only two wom,en in the six-member Wan.resses -Miss Donahue and bassist Tracy Wormworth. But the band didn't even exist in i1s present form when Butler and Miss Dona hue <:h ose the name several years ago. Butler, a Cleveland native who settlf~ in the Akron arPa after gradua ting from Kent. State in 1972, had been playing in a local band wtule trying to make ll as a songwnter. He talks about what happened nt•xt an a rapid-fire series of fragmented sentences: "T he basic idea was JUSt to wn te sougs. Came up with a guy girl talk song. tried out a couple of people Then bumped mto Pa tty an a local watering hole "Said 'l.A't's do thL'> · S he said. ·Sure, nothing else to do today.' Cut her classes, went t.<i the tape machine and did at, and hked the way it was hap- pening so I kept wntmg songs Cor her," he said. '• :, ...... ,.,, .. .,.., "' ·---.............. I• NOW PLAYING IUlllA rAllll OlllYl·lll CltelDOtltE lOWAAOI ~T • • • P , ~ 1 4 'I' b)4 ?~Sl -oori BedC'll 644 0760 MAlltl lllLA ,lAZl STADIUM ~an ... UA Clll#IA s·u ?q l'l Or~ 11 '39 eno WMc'""""''' n 3 o~ IDWAllDI SAOOUIACl lOWUH UllTOl •-acclfJW l Iv ~Bl '~80 C .U 1.1•>4 540 74U •oa•••__...., • AP Wlre11h I TEASING Lead smg1 1 P.111 \ I m.Jh1a fe llow members of th<· rcx:k g11111p 'I In \ tresses have produu d v. hat 111ust I" 1 h tal mate tease song "l K now W t. ti Bci I 11(1 'lltt ultim.tft · 111 '•l.!.lil and -.ouml Nt1\\ n: !ClUltkd Ul Ill'\\ daJ.!Jl:il -.It 11 ·11 t aa ............ ;a G CO!.lA ME$A I 1 • oaANGE '100t' • ').: • Keep ao ~ oat for the fu.nnffe& maria about pawing ap evft' mad.el National Secretaries WeekApril 19-23 w ... O •lnt•V ' FANTASaA !GI 12 00 2 30 6 00 7 :.o 9 55 "-'&-sit\ 1'1Hr Ont/ c;__.. ~ & Au ft• n~ A.,. tuh RAIDERS OF 'Oif LOCT ARK (PGI 1 O<J 3 1!1 ') 30 I ..... 9 Y,; Jult1 And•, ..,~ VICTOR VICTOfUA IPOI 1 4!:. 4 30 7 30 10 00 STADtUm t:J ,.: Sctczczn Drive-In calt639 8770 • · KATH LA""' ST/\,w:iv I I Chuck Notflt t SILUfT AACl Al Also Pl•y• Outh W11~I IRI == ~ "ICttAN> PRVC>ft ICl..00 ff RO lso lihn Edw1,J'f!fo 0 IRI Omngo Coast DAIL 4 p LO I /!Ac 11<1.1y. April 19 1U8~ •• c•11 «1w r1ter lucky finally lh JOI I I>\\ \f\l)S A1a.0<lated f'teee Wrtt•t I' VI I I.I' Wl11 11 1<.111Jv l1.11d1 11 f• 1111g 111 It• lr11••• 111"11h .1 N11 I ;ong "ll'• IOfl,. I 1111" \1.11 11:(11, h•• 1,1.,1s 111kl '"1 111 If• .1•11 11111 10 11111111hs 1r1 h11('1p11,1l ufu•r I 1 ltd II lh• Ai lllV Ir\ l!lli.1, Ii• ''I \1111 11111, 'I 1•\;;1 111 llw sho1d11\\ 11 'I ti.it li111il.t h;"" \4,(d 1111 .,.,11wtt1111 I ' lh .1 d11it k it ••I dlll\' 111 ~uut lll'.1!-ol ,\s • llloll'lll.lll /.(llll Ill'-'\ If, \ • Ill lht• b.u lo.., "Ill• II II I Iii• .111klt· II• \\,1. , •. 11.11\ • I 111 t\ 1·1)!h \ vi 111"-l111d·I, •\I ti llldt •d 1111 ll''>(UI , l1ul 0 lt•lf ll.1111 11111111 cl lo Jiil k 111111 UJI 11111\ \I. 111 I I "" 11 ... 1111;:!.1 .111d 111.1d 1 •• I 1111 ,i i \t',11 11IJ ll.1llh I 11 ... u. 1111 .111111> 11 111u~ll l1u-.1111 II" '1\'l 111tl H11h ltl'ld 'CJ 'Ill l 0111111 1111h11 h11 t1111rd 1'\f li\ r I 1 H ... i.. 1'111, < Jld 11 •.••• 1 r, .• B11111/• :-;1.11 h.1:. ... ~II II I viii> Ii,,,, <I -..111J.!\' 11lt 1 s1111 , NtAHtlM . ANAHEIM. IMINHN ~ "-I. A ~r -• Wl"A PAft ll~COU~ DtttVl·IM 821 •070 fOUNlNN •!FOUN1AIN VAWY ': ' : DttlVl·IN .. 962 2'461 • ti d1 tl h\ '1'0111111\ J, I ••••I• H•g L111d"" ,, 111k 111 \'I I' 111 •»11d I• 994 2400 '~f • ~0 i t-4fA'"J H•ITl l TFIUCll •c. "' •" IJU[ ST ~OR FIRE • ' O'>ll• ,..,,., .. """ , ... ...., u~ ' .. ""'., ' :: ' 0 •• - l\3/531 ·9580 PQMl(Y <, • " 1 AN IA~IA ... ..,., ,1'4() ... .. • C HARIOT'> l')r <•RE ..... ;. ' ,. •kl .. 'W ,., -Ot ' ._ •Ot ~·I uOO•O• 494-1514 ~ ... .. .. ,,. .. .. -~ Uoo ... 111'!.W RICllAAO PRYOR uvr OM TH• 'lUM5.ET <,TRIP t•w• STIR t;AAZl' • l'AT'Tl£ fRUCK "" Po\U• 1o11.,;H RISK • '> M~ ~ N[) 01 HlRO Ol\ •M4 'f' """"'" )'\ lllAHllEMSTEIH •1 O\U• lOMBll: Oltl '1 F\)R flR~ • ... CAV(MAH " ~ · -wun.-snt · :~ff._l:·WAY S9 ~-tN M•S!IMC •II .... , Hl ORDf !I o •• ,, , •J • ~, "'" HIQ'1 fllSI( • ... • 'Jli .. ()eANQI ORANOI DRIVl·IN 891 3693 .. ,.., .. , .... , ... ,, ... CHARIOTS OF FIRE' ,... •u,• ARTHUR 101\1 •I I ~· "0Rf(Y r11>0 .. ' UP IN S M0 1((" •1 .... ~ .. .. ., -.c1 ,., ~"" ~u·-• CHARIOTS OF flllf" '"I "'"" . WARTHUR" 1H 1 • \\ .. 111t I· I ,, .11 l'I• 1kll Ill tlll' ( '1•11lrnl Hliihwn \ •• , .-, m .... Juh 1 wt.ur11: 1111 1111 h11 D1v1s10n ' I I .1 11 II• ·r I 1111 1 • 111 1 • "''. 1 v .11 .t V1•11 1 iJll'i Adm1ms tr i. .. 1.1 1 • r.1. ,, 1.111 .1 c1111 t111 g .• v. 111111 u g~ • Ii• 1 1,ld v. 11 ~ h 1'< li.sm.I 111 .1v111d 11umbnc Iv. 1 11 •• 1., .. 111 \\Ith f1 v 1· 0H11·1· ~uys wl id 1 •• i... .. 1• '"' ~· .i11d 1><1." 11..rl ti "'..11d "If 1 11 1 11 .. 11 111. \\111.l I'd t.1k• 11 ,111d "11v my o~ 1111• ,11111 11111.,:.1111 .. d • 11 ht\• .•1111 .. 1111111: 111 prow.," I 11 r\t lii,11 Ii. Ill).\ Ill " Wht-.•I< hu I I ' '" •jlttl '" 11•~: • , • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, Aprll 19, 198' • Washington elite battle each other with papei:- WJ\SlllNGTON (AP) -A book by a <.'Oll5l'rv1ttlve IDwyer attackina consumer m•tlvl l ~lph Nader hu l't off u apul<' of what occurs In polite.• rht:lt'S hl W~hlngton in hcu of mud 11hna1na. To wit, pupcr whngmg 11 ulf bt•gon with Dan M. Burt's 1 270 \Mgt• book, "AbuM' of Trust,'' the us t 114 pages of which arc uppt•ndkc'lll. That drew u "statement" Crom Nadc•r's Public Cilium organization t·lghl pagt•s worth: with a nlne- pa14l· atuwhmcnt. pntil'' lo11H "nd hud u t:J pul(l' 11 l k1~:hnwnt Th1.· t·ulm11rnt1on 1.·am<.• wh1•11 Burt ht•l d 11 pre•• conflort'lw•• anotht•r W hangton IMt1t1.1Ucm Ttw paper slh\&lng bl·g•m when Burt, who hcada an orgunltatlon lorgcly supported by l'Orporuuons and l'c>ni>crvatave and bus1nc1111 or1ent.ed toundal1on:1, wrott• o book uccu11ing Nuder of many o ( the practice.as th<.• consumN adv0<.·att• has him.self crltic1U'd. Spt'CitlcoH~, Burt iwyi;· - Sonw N.1dt r a}roup• .1J"111 u • tlw "nt•KUllV(' l hl'< k cifl • ch VII I whwh Nudt•1 Im ... t r111rm'<I wht n It WUI> ust•d hy hu11UWllM'"I to ~l·t funds from t'Ollc•gc..· •tucknl>I Orw Nader organazuuon l'OI lt><:Le<J ·1 ~0.000 an l'OOlrtbUtlONI 111 I UOY, made $111,000 an 1tot·k 11ur l'h: but madt• no $(1 ltnl.¥ 111 ullw1 d1:.bur11eml't11Ji lo 1.·h11rllubk CH ll·• nazauons 11ut1u Ill ni.my 11\.4.I"'°' hc<t'UI ~M· N1t• clt!l ff' Jj a.uh not1t· 111 c• ut l(,'t1n.oeU· llltlf>ll ,, lhe ,ir'OUIJ Id Nwlr.r him •·If H Y• ht• 11 >hbll•d ·~·•lnKI 11nt• d1M·loi.un• h.'((1 ~tatiyn U.'taUHt• ll "-f>Uld hoivt• tn·Ull-d VO lunk•••• working Cur o t'UUM muc..•h hkt lohbytA paid by mrp<>r.allonw. a dcvkt· 11' 1ll<•gal, but wc•rC' urucuc· cc 1(ul. Tlll'y 11rl· appt'ullng, al !Wld N ,1tl1•1 ~uy11 ht' d o<.•1n 't 1 N·all wlll'I tw1 haw Publk S t•rvlct' Re1- c:urch lnaututc mado uny ir11nt1 In 1969 lie sn1d lhat. wu early In It• operation und It may have bee n building up cuplt.al Makin& grants l'tlC.'h yc•ar was rc'<jUlr<-d Ill tht• UnO luw undl•1 which the· group quail· lll'!t .i11 a t·huntabll• in1;litut1on and j.(ran~ haVl' bt'<m mnde c•ach yc•ar 11111t•t•. ht· suid SPATE SET OFF Thul wa11 followt.'d by a "press n•lt'u.i;c.•" n•ply five pages end a on1• pagc> auachment -from Burt's Capital Legal Foundation. Nader hos a "netw1Jrk" of Ii* organizations that hllVl' not c:om· plied with l'haritablC' 11oh c1wtlon lawi; and r esist "adequate disclo· i.ur"" about their sin• and finondal r<•sourccs Nu1.for has lobbied against d1sd osurt• by groupi. such as his own Nader'11 1.11.·Uvlllt'I do not rc•ully prol.t'Ct th<' J)()Or rmd thl• working mun. Thl'y would lc..•otl h1 mu11• govcrnnwnt t'Ontrol ond l1•11s I n ·1· durn. ln rcsponiw, Publk C1ui1·11 1.a1d Nuder hu"I Joundl'd 111 h1•t•11 tt1v11l vt•cJ with mon.· than 19 uq~.rn 11tt Uons that an• ltl()lj(•I y tic'<.! llll-(t•th1•1 hut c.lo not 1.-<m~tltuh' J "rwtwork" Th1.•y havr n-s1stC'd f1hn~ d1~·Josun · Ac:t·onlanl( to .loan L:l.iyl 11·1mk, p1 ~-11uil•nt o( Puhlw l11u•rc'l6t, Natfor 1ilUd(1lll ..:1 llU JI~ U ,1 th1• "lit' i.tllllV<' t'l1t't'k ul I" tu l'ull1•t·t 11w1w) from t•ollt•gt· 11tude11ts Thul d cv1 er rt'· 1\11111·s 11tudPnts lo HJ>t.'l'tfit'ul Jy say I 11·y do n111 wnnt to wvc· murwy to tlll' Nudc•r Krr>u1r.111.1tw 1rn1111 ·y will ,1utrn11atl1·11lly t•om1• from s t 1J<ll•11t Mi. Claybrook and Nudl'f ulso Kaid thc..•lr udvc.ll'at·y or lc.•gal lk'fVlt'l'8 lor the• puor, h~htt?r pollu11ori U.ws, '1 l''l safl• food luw1 among othns A book c nt1c1i1ng Ralph Nadt•r h us 1wt off an outuu1-st rcsul ting in "p a p e r - slinglng." That prompted a treatist> from a lawyN who has worked with Na- clc•r'i. organization. It was three M-.. l'l:ivhrook sJ1tl th11·1 · ~lu J1•11t' at Kutgc·r-. Un1vl'rs1 ty 1n N1 •w lc·r-..·v f1lt·d :.ull to prov1• sut·h do mor<· for the-poor und working populutwn tha n do tht• points pustll'<.I by Burt l OPEN LETTER TO THE STAFF OF CAPISTRANO BY THE SEA HOSPITAL The Joint Commission on Ac- creditation of Hospitals sets stan- dards for hospitals and sur veys them to ensure compliance with those standards. In the area of psychiatric hospitals. there are over 1400 standards which a facil- ity must comply with to gain ac- creditation. ''Capo" has just successfully completed its survey, and we would like to extend our deepest thanks to the Medical Staff. Clinical Staff, and all our employees. Your excellence Is continually displayed in your dedication t o patient care at its best. But beyond that, the warmth you have shown our patients is unmatched. We hope you share in the pride we feel tor this accomplishment. With Great Appreciation. ~~lL _, J~ Jud1tf L. Nor,,~ \ Chairperson, Governing Board 11'\~~~-+--- Harold E. Day Chier r xecut1ve or I teer WIN FREE TICKETS lust Look for Your Name! Slclpprr Alo11 llolr lnultf'~ You tn ,.,,.,. fHllAll C,l e IN BOAT.., f.QlJIPMI NT ''~4§11 AND \\'Al l H l ..;.•/ PORT~' "'-./ . . etassifieds! IT'S EASY! Find your name and addreaa In today's claeslfled section. then call 642-5878 Ext. 272 to claim your tickets. Winners each day, so check the ctualfleda In the ••• • John Robert Powers Become• profeaalonel model ·Sf:~H)I{ ('rl'IZE~S $1.00 llParin~ Tt•sts St·l For ~P~\'JHn·t Bt'a(·h I MO·DEL thla yeer ELEC'THO~I • ~·TS will be g i\'f'll a t ~('\\port B<•ath llc•aring .\icl C'Pnlt•r I O PROFESSIONAL MODELING PHOTOGRAPHIC MODE LING TV COMMERCIAL WORKSHOP CAREER ADVANCEMENT EXECUTIVE GROOMING SELF IMPROVEMENT John Robert Powers fo Oriangt County 3 Town & Country. Oraogt (714) 547-8Z28 Call or Com~ In today ·1· .... , ... \,,... ~O \\t•d .. \ttr. ;!. I. 'l'hur ..... \aw. 22 1• \.11 . In :i I". '9. lh•arinJ? Lest!. wall be condl cted,by a Hearing Aid Spt•<·ialtst who 1s h<:<'nsed by the C'alaro1-nia Slah• Boarrl of ~kd1l'al lJualtl} Assuranc<' a s a H<•armg Aid D1spenst>r Anyone who has trouble he.<iring or undl'n.Landang 1s wplcornt· lo a lf•st emploaying the latest (')ectronl<' equipment wh1t·h will dNf'rrntne his or her parti• ·ular Josi, You wtll st'l' " rnod1·rn tw:mng aid '\O l1ny 1t fits totCJ1 ll y wathtn lh(' <'ar ~E\\ l'OJtT HE.\('11 JI EAH l~C ,\II) ('E:\TEH 1111111111 \11111l~11n111\ W.u·tl lltJIHI~' \1d l'1•11t•·1 1'11·1,1 \1••,,1 moo Wt-~l ('oa~l llig hwa ~ ~t·wrmrl Ht· a c h 64fi-R26fi II"''' t "'I Ill'"' 11'"11 .... 1 "·" I .111 ,,., ''""' .11 1!11tlh1 I """ Starting May .~rd, w he n you opt·n o ur 91-Day Money Market Account, we'll ).tivc you a $20 ca-.h honm~. lx·.n11c >111.1t1< .ll h rnmc.·,ll d ''" \c1t1 .st the r: 11 l' in d In t u ll ' 1 1111 111. 11 11 111 ' d .1 1 c < > r ' 1111 IH:t~ \\ 11hdr.1\\ \I 1t1r 1111 >Ill'\ II '11u prl'll 1 $l0 Umua-.. l.1rg<.·,1lit1.111l 1JI 111 .... 11111111111 In 1.1<. I. 1 llnl'' pn 1h.1hh .1 lt111k 111 \111<.'f'I<. a hr.111d 1 IH .1rln "'1<llllll'1111111 o r .tltl·r \I.I\ -\rd .111dopl'll ~qur•Jl l);i ~ \1.un1111 ;11 H.1nk lligh Rate~ forJust 91 Days! Bank c'1t ,\lllc.:rs l.t\ r.l ll' 1111 1'11' .1uou111 '' thl' h1~hl·,11 ht· l,t\\ Jiln\\' ll' tu p;I\ \ml rt·111~·mh1.·r. lt111k ul \mt·n1..1 ).!l\t '\rn1.1 '~0 honw ... ~tc 101 111 Anll'ril .1 Soon. you \\Olll h:t\l' to til' up '(our moll<.'\ lor long pt:riolh t<> g<.'I high mont·~ mar"c.·t inll'fl''I. \\ ilh mir Ill'\\ t) I l>.I\ \lo11n \lar"cl At count.~ ou <.·njm high r.ttl''" h<.·n ,·ou im c.,1 .1 mini mum ol '--;oo for onh· 1) I <.1,1,, at a 11m1.· \1 tht· l·nd ol lhl' ll'l'tll \our lu.nd' "ill Also ;\it:w: .~1 i-Year lnvcMmcnt. H.111!-. ol \rnni<..t ,&1,0 olkr' :i Ill'" im l''l llll 'fll lh.11 kt-. ~111 1 lo<. I-. up ioda' 'high r.lll'' ~afl't~ anti< otl\.t'flit'nc.T. tor ;t : \c:1r-. 11 '"ur ~1 : \l'ilr I li~h Yidd ,,lfl 'I\ .llld {Oil\< llll 111 t. 11f ( ,tllfllllll,1' .th lllll it 1 ( >nh B.111!.. ol \llll'l'H .t l.111 o llt I \IHI llH l'lu' 111\l''·lllll'lll ''" ll' m I BANKOFAMERICA .. ~-----------------1 You'll be in the money. I 91-Day Money Market Account. 1111, 111upon '' i.:•" Kl l11r .1 '.!fl 1 .1,h Ill 11111' \\ht 11 1, 111 I '~ 11 .1 •11 I >.11 \l11n1. 1 '1.1!1.1.1 \1. u •ui11 .11 11.1111.. 111 \1m 111 .1 I ( 1111Jlllll' .1f.,u ,I\ .1llJhl1· ,II 11,1111.. 111 \1111111 .1 h r,1111 h1 ' I I \.1111t \tf1lr1 .,, I I "N. 1.11 "'l t llrll~ \1l•llllll '1h11l~l••hll1111 I I I I I I I I I I 1'411111,unh ,1\,11l,1hlt.'\\I)( ll•ll'll.lllll14~1JI 1>.11 \hllltl \l,trl..11 \u111.1111 ( 11111011\'lll!flll'J'll'I l~Nlf111f.IHlllllll I l'4 11111,11llt.rJt•MN.l lm111\l,11 ~1hru11)lh htllt II 11>1'1' •11 l>.11 \111m1 \11rt..11 <1•1f1/l111l1·1 .1rL•~1.11.11l.~ll . l1111H•11 r < c'llf/1111/c•, .in 1101 .111111111 1111.1111 r1111u 'll1,1l ,1111l d11 >111t lf1du1lt· .1 'lll ho1111' I ,-~tK) UltlJllllUlll Jl.J)"t.l ~1lhl,llll1,1l jXJt,11!1 hJI \::Uh frllllr.&~'11 BANK< I AM ER1 C:lfl .... I I -----·-- Diiiy Piiat MONDAY. APRIL 18, 1882 • STOCKS C5 . · , Wadkins benefit from infraction to win T of C. C2 ·Another sw~ep!. But loss of B url eson clouds celebration .. ' BY CURT SEEDEN . oftMDellJ ..... IWf • T1m Foll went l-for-4 Sunday afternoon, and h i1 batting ave- rage hovered In the .160a. He scored no runs a nd contributed no RBI. Yet Foll was the man of the hour alter the Angels had whip- ped the Mlnnesota Twins, 5-2, comyletu~g .. aweee ot their first homestand and running thefr undefeated streak to six games. But while Don Baylor w as slugging a pair of home runs and Geoff Zahn waa scatter ing six hits, the majority of the 26,935 in attendance was unaware of the gloom the Angels carried on to the field Sunday. S hortstop Rick Burleson, who Saturday night le ft the game when he felt some thing tear in his right shoulde r, suffered a damaging Injury -the same one that has sidelined catcher Ed Ott this season. THE PROGNOSIS: Torn rota- tor cuff. The consequences: Bur- leson 1s probably lost for the season. Surgery 1s planned and the Angels' great 1982 s tart seems unimportant at the mo- ment. Foli, considered the ultimate in utility infielders, who can play any position asked of him, will have k> settle for shortatop. The ti~e utility is now a misnomer. "We all feel very, very bad. It's a blow to h1m and to us. He has been the most co n sistent shortstop In t h e majors for at least the Laat five years," Foli praised his sidelined teammate. • .ttesutts of Burleaon's arthro- gram at Centlnela Hospital showed that the veteran infielder -in the second year of a six- year contract with the Angels - did, indeed, tear the rotator cuff. INJURED -Angel shortstop Rick Burleson may be lost for the season after suffering a torn rotator cuff. tory against three losses •At this ume we w1U probably plan surge r y . But we don't know when .'' Dr Yocum said "It's a decision Rick has to make. U there is surgery, I would say 1t will be sooner than a month." ACTUALLY, BURLESON has two recourses. He can submH to the surgery or he ca n tr y to recuperate simply through an exercise program. "I think it's best treated sur&ically," Yocum added. The team physician said that pitchers ar~ notorious for suffe- ring the severe shoulder tear , put that "position players have a much .bette r chance to come back." Burleson 's teammates were informed prior to taking the field, Manager Gene Mauch said afterward. Nobody popped into the Angel manager'• mind whe n asked about t h e Angel fa rm ay1tem. And Mauch doesn't think there'• a chance the team can re-aoqu.lte veteran Intl.elder Freddie Patek, who waa releued shortly before the seaJOn began. "I knew wnen he threw the ball last nlght there wu some- thing seriously wront." admitted third baseman Doug DeCinces who was u cla1e aa you can be during the play. The injury ouurred in the ·sixth inning Saturday night. With one out, Mickey Hatcher had singled. Kent Hrbek then grounded a perfect double play ball to Bobby Grich at second. Grich fired to Burleson who tore the cuff 8.s he tried to make an off -balance throw to first. "I h ope it doesn't ruin hia career: OeCincea continued-:-- " He's an extremely valuable player.'' "THE SHOULDER'S been hampering him for two or three weeks," added Baylor. "Yet he sull we nt out there and played every day even though he waa only hitting about .130. . "'I'm depressed because be'a such a team leader. He comes to · play every day," Baylor added. ! The Angels as a team have ablo come to play. Tpe homeatand sweep was the first for the Angels since May 15-20, 1979 and the vtctory keeps them one game behind undefeated Chic.ago, a 6-4 victor over Baltimore S-unday- aftemoon. "Collectively, we're playinJ well," Baylor noted. "The w t . couple of years we've atrvggled out of the ".n gate. I t.hiQk the major difference is the over all defense and our pitching stafi.'' DIR.TY JOB -Brian Downing of the An- gels gets a mouth full of dirt but also gets the pb done, scoring first-inning run. Dow- ning raced h ome when pitcher R oger 0.., Not 9'Woe ..., CMtee ...,., Erickson, s hown covering the plate, un- r corked a wild pitch. Angels swe pt series with a 5-2 victory. T eam physician Dr. Lewis Yocum passed on the news in the pr ess box, shortly after the Angels had jumped on Twins starter Roger Erick.ton for four run.a enroule to their ninth vie- ''They felt just like I do. It was a blow to lose him. Now we just have.._to go out there and do it. Now we have to find someone who can back up Foli," Mauch said. "We've started to hit a little better and the pitching is a lot better than people said it would be," added Zahn, who who lo- wered hu earned run average to 1.04 in pi~king up bis aecond vtctory agamst no defeats. The Angela got all the runs (See ANGEU, Page C3) Lake r s win J fin al tuneup for playoffs PHOENIX (AP) -The Los Angeles Laken have never made life easy for the Phoenix SWll in the National Basketball Aaaocta- tion'a Pacific Division. Every game resembles a fu- rious tug-of-war. Sunday's was no different as the Lakers held on here for a 120-115 win over Phoenix in the nationally televi- sed regular-season finale for both teams. "It was a c lassi c confrontation," said Suns' Coach John MacLeod. "LA had a tre- mendous 12 minutes in the third quarter and we had as great an eight minutes in the fourth pe- riod as you could poaibly play. It's a shame som"ebody had to lose." J amaal Wilkes ICOred eeven of his 31 points in the fourth period -including a crucial 3-polnt play with 1:57 remaining -to seal the Los Angeles victory Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had a game-high 34 points and Norm Nixon added 25 as the Pacific Dlvlaion c hampion Lakera (57-25) won their third straight after s urviving a fruioua fourth-period Phoenix comeback. The io. sna~ a four-game Suns' wlnnJ.na at.l'uk and kept Phoenix 46-36 from 1alnln1, a home--court advantaae .aaa1nat Denver In an upcornln& We11em Conference playoff mJ.nileries. Loe Aneelee. wblch led 102-91 after thnie periods, fell behind the Suns 113-110 with 2:53 to go 1n ~ pme. JORDAN ADDED FOR PLAYOFFS ARM'S LENGTH __.Tim Foll d ives to avoid the tag of Minnesota fint baseman Kent Hrbek during second inning Sunday. Foll will be a key to 1my Angel succesa the re- mainder of the teUC?n after •tarting shortstop Rick Burle- son was pronounced probably lost for the season. ~ings don't find Campbell goals amusing Canuck , ·o -tor-tbe -regular-season , ge~ two as Va n couver wins in o vertime INGLEWOOD (AP) -Va.nooUver'1 Col- in <Ampbel.l thouiht h1I two_.. for the c.m.:a were "kind of a Joke.r~ the Loi Anallea Kinp didn't ftnd them amUlln&. Campbell, who went the entire reauJar aeuon without a gCM1l, popped In a pair Sunday n!pt, the second at 1:23 of over- time to atve the Canucka a 4-3 vtctory over' L09 Angeles ln their NaUorial Hockey L.gue playoff 1eriea. THE TRIUMPH GA VE Vancouver a 2-1 ed1e ln the beat-of-.uven Stanley Cup ~ wttb same four tonlaht at the "It w• a aarp1ll to me to aet two plt,'' •kl Cam~ a 29-yw-ota defenaeman who Ml a ot 30 _. d~hll fleht NHL~. "ll'a Td.nd ot a for SIM, bUt lt'• nlCe 1.o II' um .._..a onoe In my...,.,t• c..mpb911, who hid talW tM ~ ftlS pl 1n the IJ n,.. ................ I .......... 1..o&Anplll.---Mano • Canucka Coecb ftocet' NleUon w• ama- zed at c..mpbell'• production. "What an unlikely auy to ret two pla," Nld Nielson. "He doean't even acore in practke." LOS ANGELES COACH Don Perry WU 'It's kind of • j o1'e for me (to get two goal•), but it'• nice to get this recopition once ia my career.' Marcel Dionne'• goal midway .through the third period put Loi Angeles t.ck on top, but Stan Smyl tallied w ith 5:48 re- main1n& to knot it at 3-3, letting the atap for the overtime victoey. "It wu our tUm to win.'' aid Niel8on; who la technically 1till an Ullttaht COllCb with the club ... There have been thr .. 1ame1 ex.nly the aarne. We've won two and they've won one aand there could be four more )'* lib thele." NIELSON WILL UPI.ACE Karry Neale • the Vancouwr coiileh next -..in, when N .... becomel the dub'1 ~ JMDllllll'. N_.. tame off a 10·~ ...,_ auapen- Uoil lut rrtclay, but ll eondnulnc to let Nlellon CC*h the ch.lb. The Canuc:lla 10• a ftn• l::J;:,ndlnc perforfnlnor fram RJebarcl 1 whO ....... 41 Lm ~ .-. Vanoouwr .... ..., ........ rt. Padres excited about w in SAN DIEGO (AP) -The Los Ange les Dodgers s uppoaedl)l Introduced t.he "high five" to base ball, but it was Ruppert Jones and h is San Diego Padres' teammates who were doidg all the leaping about and slapping hands at Jack Murphy Stadium. "There's a new spirit on this t e am , a nd w e'r e doi ng it (showing enthusiasm) to try and excite the fans," said Jones, who belted the Padres' first homer of 1982 during a 9-3 San Diego victory over the Dodgen Sunday afternoon. ' The Padres, fired up after Loi Angeles right-hander Bob Welch nearly touched off a brawl when he thre w a pitch behind Juan Bonilla's head in the third in- ning, scored seven runs In the bottom of the eighth to erase a 3-2 Dod'er lead. The Vietory waa the fifth in a row for San Diego and gave the Padres a sw eep of tbelr four- game series with the Dodgen, the flra\ time they've accom- plished 1uch a feat since 1969. "BE JUST wanted to inUe a point. but I don't aet lnUmldat.d that euily," ealaBonilla, w ho walked toward Welch after the p it.ch and brought playen from both tea.ma ruahtnc toward the mound. No puncba were thrown and there were no other lncl- dent1 durln1 the reat of. th e pine. "That'• the 1eventh time theY°W thrown at him this..,_,,,, aakl Manuw Dick Wiiliama. 0 1 ~they lelt ..... ahowtnl th~ up, an4 we're not MA to do that." ":: 01 An~• Mana1•r Tom' l..Morda, w .... m 1a1& aw etraJcht~dlllA9d Welda .. tr)'inC to hit .... let \ .. (·. Orange Coa•t DAILY PILOT/Monday, April 18, 1M2 ...... -------------------------... I rl h ·re' nothing like ~ o riel Cup mania .. Fro1n Al' dllptttc hes j\1, I I Hf,, The l'USt Includes a rm· klug. ~ll OtJll p1~·1.1l pulK·c, 110me greedy h<•l~ 1 111.1111.1~1·1 i. .md I ~ bl hon Can5 ex- 1" t1-d ,., s11 tra1u.!uwd bt'fore their tel- ' 1:ts for u<.'arly one month, watching the d' IM t ,.., • r players .. "''" u.ts. h1{-d to socx.-cr more than bullfights, , 11l1t1;'. It ~11\ • Mndnt.....,, of the M~ndial" -The \\ d IJ By hnrn;t .1riy yardstick, the 1982 world eoocer 1 11 11lm t11p: 111 S p;.itn this summer shape up as 1 J.: ih1 ~u .tt1~t '>porL'> show~ m }_listory. 111 1 •1;111 t.a.· :!4 ru1t1ons compeun~. 50 percent , ..,11 ii •mdud1ng teams from such unli- ' Kuw,11t and Cameroon. , 1•s11nu1t1 that $400 million will be 11 ,,,, 11 .. ~:! gamt'll tn 17 stadiums, and 500. lUIJ.: I Ill.!> :.tfl' l'X{X'(:l<'<i to be added to the .1u11 1 ""hllh .mnuallv runs about 4 million 1 l l I• th.rn th1. nation's. population of 37 1. ,,~ two months away from the June 13 11; •·Iona. tlw soccer craze is moving 11 r 1or 1. off w1 al Mu11d1al wine, an official 1 • 11111k an offtc 1al Mundial mascot, an ., T .ii l'°'"t<'r, t·V<·n an official rl'ame for 1'11 ~lot . •I 1t1t'l day -.f pt:i':rr., clo be Iler when ,, .. l111nwr Tex.as basket- '' 'h•• 1 tmons "Did you ever 1 1 1 •\\ I• r d mg herd sings nice, L: 111 tlu· t.it tle instead of , II L..t•m1111s m'ver wanted his , , Jli• lh•• npp<isauon with verbal WI '" r tll 1,atches Wright in wins K ll I r1 \ \\ h I I " 0 r t b f I red a n u r It • 1 ", '-iundav .ind won the I I "' .t1•1r1al wonit•n 's golf , .111 "' l1\ run1• -.1rokt·s to tie \t• -k• \ \', 11ght \ r('('ord of 8:.! LPGA career v1c- \\ I 1t~\'111th. who won $22,500. birdied t ;nd f1111-.lwd with a 7-under-par 281 • ,, <m lv golfc>r in the field of 66 to "'low p<1r for the Australian Bob Shearer, who t •. lour shol.S behind third-round Jh man. I trt.>d a 6-under-par 66 and l .lll,1h.1""<·t· Open. Shearer. who !>t :A tour smtc 1976, never had m tht• Un11f'd States. Braves tie mark for quickest atart The Atlanta 8nvee tled the • major-leaaue l'C'COrd for victortea at the at.art of the '"'°" and broke t&e National Lea1u mark Sunday with their 11th ln a row aa pinch·hltter Blff Peee- Nbe'1 two.run double ln th• et&hth lnn1na pve them a S·~ vlcrtofy over Houaton. The vlctory matcMd Oakland'• 8t.rM.k at the atart of the 1981 aeaaon and the Braves can brf'ak the major. league mark Tuuday nlah t at home a1ainet Clndnnatl ... Another hot team la St. Loui•, which •ttetched l t.I winning atr~ak to elaht aamea. aa David Green sln1led h ome Kellia Hernandez in the 11th lnnlng. Green had earlier singled iq the tying run in the ninth ... Gary Carter ho· '°°~ mered and Andre Dawson homered and made a rally-killing catch in center field ln the aeventh lnrung os Montreal held on to beat the Mets, 7-6 ... Leon Durham slammed a three-run ho'tner in Chicago's foW'-run. th!r<f in- ning, powering Ferguson Jenktn1 and the Cubs to .a 5-1 victory over Pittsburgh ... Fonner Dodger Reggie Smltb hit his first home run in a San Francisco uniform, a two-run drive in the fourth inning, giving the Giants a 4-2 victory over Tom Seaver and Cincinnati. TJgers share lead with .500 mark Detroit's AJa.n TrammeU drove in a two runs to back the combined six-hit patching of Da.n Petry and E lias So1a as the Tigers dumped the New York Yankees, 5-2 Sunday. The victory earned Detroit a share of first place ln the American League East despite a .500 record (5-5) ... Elsewhere. catcher Rick Demp1ey'1 wild throw on a double s teal let in a pair of tie-breaking runs In the seventh inning and the ram- paging Chkago White Sox rolled-w theWieigh th victory without a lo'1is , 6-4 over Baltimore .. • Glenn Hoff- man tripled with none out in the ninth and scored on a wild pllch to lift Boston to a 4 .3 victo r y over Toronto . . Riehle Zisk tied the game with a leadoff ho- ntAMMEU mer in the ninth inning and Todd Cruz delivered the game-wanner with a single to lead Seattle to a 4-3 v1ctor:y over Oakland Dou1 Flxna smgled home the tie- b rea k 1 n g run and George Wright belted a three-run homer in a four-run Texas eighth in- rung as the Ran~ers knocked off Milwaukee, 9-6 for the Brewers fifth straight defeat ... Toby Harrah smashed three hits and Alan Bannister keyt>d a four-run fi rst. mnmg with a two-run double as Cleveland topped Kansas City, 8-2. Islanders go one up on Rangers Bryan Trottier sc.'ored on a back-~ hander three minutes into overtime , Sunday night. boostmg the New York Islanders lo a 4-3 National Hockey Leagu~ playoff victory over the Rangers and a 2-1 lead in their quarterfmal series. Trottier's goal came on a rebound of a shot by teammate Ken Morrow . Bob Murray. Tom Lysiak and Tlm Higgins scored during a I :48 fi rst period burst leading Chicago to a 6-5 victory over St. Lou1a and a 2-1 lead m that series . 474 e 171h St. 646·2136 FIXED--HllTE MORTGAGES .. I U .i ,,_ .. , COtlA ... ,. ... Ml· 1289 ISJ• ..... _. .. r11 •'•4 MIHtOtt "IUO 49J..()401 ,.., .. ,.....,"' ,...,. . ., .... rs .... c: .,. ,, .. , •• ,. • .,., "'.,.,. • •• RllBBITT IHSURANCE FULLY AMORTIZED SECOND TRUST DEEDS CALL (714)754--1801 FOR CURRENT RATES · ASK FUR: JENNIFER HEBNER LOAN OPERATIONS MANAGER I+.-:,, fliNfRS INWRAJ(C( &P.Olll' I 700 ADAMS A VE. COSTA MESA, CA ' 44 I Old 1'4~•PQf1 l l•cl H"wp.:~ l•och CA bl I ,740 ; • • Houston drops r~ular-aeaaon ftnal• EMM ,...._ colJected 21 po(nta m and Lury Drew added 18 to boOlt the KaneH ~let~I• to a 106·104 ~ NaUonal ~don v1cto- r:Y over Hou.ton Sunday. The 1<>11 meana that Houston mu.t travel to Seattle in the tJnt round of the NBA playolh, openlna Wedneeday nl&ht ... In other 1ame1. Rickey Orea eoored a llMIOn·hiah 35 polnta to l~ Utah put San Anton.lo, 12!.120 ... Arlt• OUmore and Larry &••• ecored 20 point.I apiece t.o lead Chtcaao paet Indiana, 112·104 ... J•llH Ervlaa l•d eeven playera ln double fll\ll'8 u Philadelphia routed Milwaukee, 110·86 . . . Robers Pan•~ netted 31 point.I a• Botton breezed pa1t New York, 119·99 . . . Rick Moore IOOJ'ed five of his 14 poinll ln tt\e final 1:46 aa Waahintton nipped Atlanta, 99·96 . . . Jlm1Pa11oa'1 jumper with 34 aecond1 left and a ateaJ and two free throw1 by Bobby Groaa lifted Portland to a 119-114 vict.ory over Seattle .. Terry Tyler'• two foul shota with 11 aeconda remaining helped Detroit ~t Cleveland, 116-113 ... Fint-round matchupa in the beat-of-three mini-series will flnd Howton meeting Seattle, Phoenix va. Den- ver, Atlanta squaring off against Phlladelphla, and Washington taklng on New Jersey. Connors eases to tourney title Top·aeeded Jimmy Connon • overwhelmed Mel Purcell, 6-2, 6-1 Sunday to capture the singles cham- pionship of the Pacific Southwest Tennis Open. Connors, 29, needed only 63 mi- nutes to beat Purcell, as Purcell won only the third and seventh games of the first set and the third game of the second .et . . . Lembl Gold, ridden by Walter Guerra, whipped heavily- favored Perramlt and easily won the 43rd run- ning of· the San Juan Capiatrano Invitational at Santa Anita ... The United States hockey team led twice before wilting in the third perlod and dropping a 4-2 decision to Finland for its third straight defeat in the World Hockey Championships in Tampere, Finland. The defeat, the third cloee one for the Americans, left tl*m in the basement of th e eight -team standings. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are. vvvv excellent, vvv worth walclung; vv fall', v forget it. 6 7:30 p.m., Channel S v v v v ANGELS BASEBALL: Angels at Seattle. Auoancen: Bob Starr. Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly. The red-hot Angels, winn@lftJof their last six games lllCluding three in a row against the J\1a- riners at Anaheim Stadium last week, send Mike Witt to the mound in search of his first decision tonight. J im Beattie (0-1) will toil for Seattle, which is coming off a pair of victories over ~kland ~the Kmgdome. OTHER TELEVISION Boston Marathon, 11:30 p.m .. Channel 11. taped. RADIO . Baseball -Angels at Seattle. 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710); Houston at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. lCABC (790). Hockey -Vancouver at Kings, 7:30 p.m .. KPRZ (1150) Wadkins won't l give it hack· RANCHO LA COSTA (AP) -Lanny Wadktna overtook •t.ruailn8 and penallr.ed Ron Streck on .he Jut two holee and acored a three-.1.roke triumph Sunday in the Tournament of Champiorw. "h wun't pretty, but I 1ueaa It got the job done," WadldN aald of hla hard·won dos1na round of 1-over-par 73. "I really wanted t.o win ilUa .one badly. "I just never coula get lt on a roll. Several tJmee I waa right on the verge of aetttns 110mething 1otng, and every time ao~thlng jot in the way, a bad Iron thot, a drive in the rough, a mlaled puu, "It waa a lot tougher than It had t.o be." It WH even tougher for Streck, who three- putted away a 1hare of the lead on the 18th hole then wu alapped with a two-1hot penalty for a rules Infraction that had occurred whlJe he wu t:ry1ns to play a ahot from under a tree on the 16th. Thorne wins trophy Gary Thorne, Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, was the winner of the Harry Woods Perpetual Trophy, an annual uw1tatJonaJ regatta for Lldo-14s .• The regatta was sailed in three classes -the Grand Masters for sloppers over 50, Class A and Class B. It was sponsored by the Lido-14 Aaocia- tJon and conducted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club and Balboa Yacht Club. Trophy winners an each c~: CLASS A -Gary Thorne. ecvc, 2 L-Brook•. Mevc. 3 Dave Pritchard, BVC, 4 Hal Brown. M8VC; 5 Charlie Cum- m.ng1 ABVC Aogar P1ttar10n, MBVC. 4. Kiri< Btown. LBVC, 5 LM Smith, A8VC GRANO MASTERS -1. Pete Jeflwton, MBVC. 2 Gib Mlr9hall, ABVC, 3 RowtllllCI lohmen, BVC; • C'*l Twtchall. eve. s. Biii Mc-r.oro. eve CLAS$ 8 -1 Kim M cAH eve. 2 011<1141v Johneon, eve: 3 Constructioo moo~ available at • ·Heritage Bank.. . Residential · CornmndaJ Bulldln• Takl"oul COmmlfnwnf required along wllh le~ eon.act: . Jnf Johnson South Ora~ Counf)'/ll'Vlnt' 7141851...0SO ·15wle\StI(g)l \n \ME stile ,, ] 1 : ove~all excellen~e stY.f f~r grace 1n performanc~ s~l er · Or appearance ' 111_af1~ exceptional oil-time 2 8 f. · ri:nance b : convenient~ peredutes c : speedy baggage seh dJing d : low.fares e : ban stop check 1n f : seat · one· tion on every flight setec . ' ~I • • • \ WE LCOME HOME -Doug DeCinces is waiting at home plate to congratulate Don Baylor after one of Baylor's two home runs From Page C1 Daltr f'tklt "'°40 by Ch8t1M llMr Sunday a t Ana heim S tadiu m. It was the first two homers of the season for Baylor, w ho helped Angels win, 5-2. Orange Coat t DAILY PILOT /Monday, April 19, 1982 JF YOU DEMAND RESULTS, WHY WEl8HT FOR LESS? ._...· 171t1;;,;;,;.;;SI;,;,.. -----1i 119 E.18th str .. t Costa Meta. CA 92627 i81t\SI ~.......__.}. & JSZ@; 191hSI ~ CALL TODAY (714) 645-6110 The agony. L ANGELS SWEEP H OMESTAN D • • • th ey need ed in the first, taking advantage of shortstop Lenn y Fae~o·s error on lead-off hitter Brian Downing 's grounder. Fred Lynn followed with a d ouble, Reggie J ackson collected an RBI with a sacrifice fly to center. Bobby Gnch tripled .~ and Baylor followed with a two-run blast down the ' left-field line for a 4-0 bulge ; I G !. ~old~~~.~~ol~e?.~~m~n~!ohball ~ sw~pt to the championship of its own invita- tional tournament Sunday. by posting a 1-0 da<Js1on over Cypress in the championsh1p· gam . Cypress had earned a shot in the finals with a , 5-2 victory o~r Chabot in a~ earlier tourney game Sunday. Tammy Delp. one of five Rustlers named to the all-tournament team. shut down the Chargers on three hits, while walking one and striking out five. It was her second shutout in as man~ nights. Charleen Bilyeu, another all-tourney choice, singled to lead off the fifth, stole second and rode home on tournament MVP Donna McElrea's single to right. Other Rustlers named on the all-tourney team were second baseman Laune Btrd and cent.er fielder J;\enee Cross. Golden West hosts Palomar Tuesday rught al 7 o'clock in its next encounter. f>I •• L ~ • Yo~rofess1onal ~ · Florist R...ORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park • 641 -0810 Feminine Fitness· • • • • s25 ·Aerobics 10 Classes For Everybody '· . c Bad Back? Try 0.. Therapeutic LOlllll • $40 Untiririted Y"ISits 1 Mo. • Postlre • Circulation • Slin ~s Thicht 1 • Tilflten Buttocks lnckldes • FREE AEROBIC Home lkits Avllable (714) 964-5242 t Baylor then added a solo shot m the sixth after the Twms nad scray:hl'ti for a single tally in the· second and picked uj> another run on Hrbek's sixth homer of the year m the fourth So the Angels move on to Seattle for the first of three games tonight, minus a veteran shortsop who was commg off one of has best years average- wi.se (.293), but with a capable defensive backup in Fol.J. Foll will join second baseman Gnch m trymg to duph.cale the talented double play combination which has worked &O well this season. "We can't cry in our beer," added Grich. "We're very lucky to have Tam Foh." As for Burleson: ''.Jie.'..Ljusl a super guy. I'm going to miss him cons1dera@Y."lt's JUSl a tragedy." Grich addL'<i. -ANOU NOTH:"'i:~Hr1Mll'1 whopping 61.~0 Slturday night. toorth-onnlng hom• ru wu the they're 11111 behind In Int year'• tint ott Angel 1tarter z.hn 11tend1nce pace Aller nve dlln th•• Hnon It also helped the tht. MUOn. the Angell drew 11115,· youngster brHk out of 1 alump 252 Fr.a dlln latt yeat 1ttr11Cted 1ga1n11 the Angela Coming Into 196.665 The AnQltt de9lr1 for the geme, the il-4, 2 IS-pounder 1 mlft•·roed trip whi<:h begin• ancs wes iu11 3-o1.1e 1n the ttw gamM end• In Suute Tonight at the against ""'Angela HowltYer thtee l<lngdome It wlll be Mike Witt of "" 11• 11om1 runt 1)1ve b••l'I going for the Angela 1nd Oen• served up by Angel pllch1ng Neleon going for the Mar1n«1 11'1 Even though the Anoill drew 1 on Channel 5 al 1 35 I First we made itsafe.' ------~ -------- Now, both the looks and driving safety of your late model. unibody- constructed, domestic or imported vehicle can be restored by experi- enced craftsmen using the latest repair technology and equipment, factory authorized repracement parts, paints and refinlshlnQ products. Take your agony where many dealers and insurance companies do. Free estimates, written guar~ntees and courtesy transportation provided. Spec1al1sts m Complete Painting of Pnde of Ownership Vehicles HAID L AUTO EDDY, INC . Open h m to S 30 pm Dally -Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm. Garden GrM Hawthorne Blvd .• P\acentla Santa Ana. 1305 t Cannery I 11623 S Prairie 11275 YO<ba Linda I 1343 E B«ctlard (71•) 537-707• (213) 679-0666 (H4) 996-0711 (7 14) S47-5128 -r (213) m .5914 25 Yurs of Craftsmanship and 56~ Then Looks like we asked the righc quc~uon. we e itpaJ ·' If you think a Safety Account m1gh1 he che answer for you, give us a call. Or send in the coupon below. We11 be glad to send you a free prospectus which wall tell you all about our fund. Including charge5 and expenses. Be sure to read it thoroughly before you invest. Or drop by and sec us. -------- The ·Safeur Account. ----------- Cl Win a free trip for two on AIROIL You111tke our stytc i r ,. . Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Monday, April 18, 1882 ... ~ t I ... · .. MAJOR LEAOue STANDINGS Amerlc8nLeague w .. tern Dhdtlon W L !'ct. Git ~~ 8 01000 9 3 750 KanaaaClty 6 3 8417 5 3 825 1 2'1r 3 • Texaa Oak lend ·Mlnneiota Seetlle 8 8 500 4 s r .417 5 4 8 333 e e.atam OIYlalon 5 s 500 4 4 500 4 5 444 'Ir 4 6 400 1 3 6 3'75 1 3 8 .333 1'1'1 Sunday -25 Oalland at ..., l ·Dedstn at Giants. 1:05 SCOREBOARD Angel, DOdger Schedules Angela on A•dlo KMPC (71 O) Dodge"' on Radio KABC (790) Angela on TV Dodgers on TV ·0.-•TV - Mond•y Tuesday Wednesday 'Thursday 20 21 Channel 5 ·channel 11 Friday 22 ~('{) • , 1 , Saturday 24 •Alll* at Seattle, 7:35 ·Anr• al Seattle, 7:35 Anttb at Seattle, 7'35 .Oakland at Anctls. 1.30 Oakland at Aftceb, I Astros at DMsan. 7:35 Astros at Doctcen, 7:35 Astros at Doclcen. 7:35 •Doclaen at Giants. 7 35 •Oodaen at Giants. 7·35 26 27 28 . 29 30 May 1 Anrtb at Yankees. 5 Anttb at Yankees. 5 Ancets at Yankees. 5 ~naets at Orioles. 4 30 Anatls at 011oles, 4:30 Phillies at Doclcen, 7:35 Phalhes at Doclcen, 7:35 Phdhes at Doclaen, 7 35 Eapos at Doc11en, 7 35 bpos at Oodcers, I 05 Oetr<>ll Cleveland Boe ton TOfonto New YOfll Mllwaul<M Balt1m0<• 2 7 222 2'1> l uncley'alcotee l ~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~-'~~~~~~~~~~o4-o~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~_.~~~~~~~~~·~-« Afttll'la 5, MlnnMOla 2 Detroit 6, N-YO<k 2 Cleveland 8, Kllll ... City 2 Boelon 4. Toronto 3 CNeago 8, Beltlm0<• 4 TeXN 9. Mllweul<ee 8 Seettt. 4, Oaklano 3 Todll)"a Qa- Antele (Witt 0·0) al SHiii• (Beattle ().1). n foronto (Sllel> O. t) at eo.ton (Rainey 0-0) Kar>aa• City (Spllnorn 0-01 •• Detroit (PUllnlck 0.0) M1nnHole (Haven1 f·Ol at Oakland (LaJ>QIO<d 1· 1>. n Only 0-ach«!Uled Natl6nal Lngue w .. tamDl'flelOn • W L !"ct. Git Atlanta 11 0 1()()0 San Diego San F renciac:o Dodger9 8 4 800 •• ,., s 5 500 5•,, 4 7 364 7 4 8 333 7'1t Houaton Clnclnnetl 3 8 .273 8 lal•n OIYlelon St LOU\I 9 3 7r.<I MonlrMI 5 3 .626 2 --New York e s ~5 2''" cnac:aoo s 1 4 11 • Pltttb;#Vh 3 ~ 3 7 S 4 PhlledelpNa 2 8 200 8 lunde,'• lcot .. San ~ 11, Dodtt9'e 3 MontrNI 7. New York 8 Ch4cago 5, Pltttbutllf' t S I LOUii 8, Pl1lledelpNa 6 (I 1 tootnge) Atlanta. e. Hou1100 6 San Franciaco 4, Clndnna1l 2 Todey"aO.- Houaton (Sulton t· 11 at Dod9era (Hooton 0.1). n Phlledelphla (Chr111en•on 0· 11 at Montreal (Aogert 1-1) 581' Franc:i9CO (Sc:l\a~ 0.2) 11 San ~ 1Elchelberil9r 1·2). n Only (l9IMI .c:heduled AMERICAN LEAGUE Anael9 s. ,...... 2 .... aolA CMJFONU •rllbl •~llbl Elanic:ti 4 0 2 0 Downing 4 1 0 0 Werd 4 0 0 0 ACWtl 0 0 0 0 Hatcher 4 0 0 0 Lynn 4 1 2 0 Hrl>t6t 3 2 I 1 Sconn • 0 0 0 Vege 4 0 2 0 AeJcUn 2 0 1 1 <l•elll 3 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 euuwa 3 o 1 o Gltctl. 4 1 1 o AMC10 3 o 0 1 8llylof 4 2· 2 3 RWlhtn 3 0 0 0 0.0-3 0 1 0 · • Fol 4 0 1 0 Boone 3010 Tolala31 2 8 2 TOUlla32 S 9 4 k«•by -..... MJnneeola 010 100 000-2 Cel!lomla 400 001 00.-5 E -F..00. O.C-09 -Celll0<· nla 3. L08 -M..,._a 3. Celtfornla 7 2B -Lynn. 38 -Gtld\ HA -Bayle>< 2 (2), HI'*' (8). s -Boone. Sf -Jecll. ~lllHlla • H " I" • IO ~-:'.Ji~-:.!. 8 II 6 I 2 3 ZahnCW-2-0) II 8 2 2 1 3 WP -Erldc_.. T -1:49. A -29,- 935 Angel A•ereoee aATT*O .. "" .... Pd. Joa F«'(IUaOn 5 I 2 0 0 400 BollO¥ Grleh 22 3 a o 3 . 3e4 Rod c.r-43 9 15 0 0 .344 Fred LYM 47 10 t8 0 3 .340 Bob 8oOfle • 41 1 12 0 3 300 OOl.ao OeClnCla9 41 7 12 3 10 ..2113 Bobby Clat1I 11 1 3 0 1 • 273 Bfllln OownlllQ 41 a 12 • e 255 DOii 8-ylOr 52 1 t3 2 1 .250 Tim FOii 3S 2 fl 0 2 .187 Aegle Jaclil-' ~ 1 e o 3 .1113 Juen e.mquu 11 o t O 2 . 091 JoM ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ,000 OV1I sconler• 5 0 0 0 0 .000 T OU119 4r.<l-41 114 1 •a .2111 flfTCMINCI • H -SOW"'-"'-' 8tan Bai-3.0 3 3 O· 0..0 0.00 Aftitt H....... 2 1 2 • 1 0..0 0.00 BnlQe Ki-11.1 10 8 1 0..0 0.79 St-Renko 10.2 7 1 4 2-0 0.14 °"" Zahn 21 t5 • 9 2.0 I.CM Don...... 15,2 10 10 12 1-1 t.15 LSlll\CMZ 7.2 5 1 4 2-0 t. t7 A. Moreno 11 t 3 4 o..o 2M ..... Witt 11 9 3 4 0..0 2,48 Ken Foncti 25. 1 19 e 7 1-1 2.45 Totala 128.2 93 42 52 9-3 1.41 .....,.. .. .._.. Teue 802 000 CMO-e 14 o M...-.. 020 OtO 210-1 14 4 Horle)Qltt, Derwin (1). Mattick (I) and Sundberg; Vuckovich, O. JonH (I ), &11.-ty (8Mincl MOO<e, Yoet (1). W - Dwwlt\, 2.0. L -VuckO'ilctl, 1.2. HAI -r...., Wright (2). ~-. Ogll'M (3). A -25,2'4. Titer9 .. y--2 Haw YOrll 000 000 002-2 I 1 Detroit 020 000 211-5 e o AtghofQ, A.wy(7) and Cerone; Petry,. Soae (8) and WCICMnl\m. W -Pfty, 1-1. L -AlgNttl, 1-1. HR -..... Yorft, ~ (1). A -23.334. ......... 4..A'al Ollltllll\d 000 003 000-3 3 1 Seattle 100 001 002-4 7 2 Mceetty, T. Underwood (7) Md~­ ney; Nunez, Stanton (8), Vendaeert (7) end Bulling. W -Vllndellerg. 1· 1. - T Underwood. 0-1. HAa -Oaltlend, Meyer (3~ SMttle, Boehle ( 1 ), Zill< (2). A -8,980. Mdll!Ml.flof•2 ~ City 000 002 JI00-2 5 1 Clev9lancl 401 002 •ax-a 10 o Black, Q Jeekaon (I I and Wethan: Denny, Whll1on l:!:'d llarido. w -Denny, 2..0. L - , 0.1. HR -~ ,,..and, Herran (4~ A -11.371. Aedlo• ........ T0<onto 010 100 100-3 8 o eo.ton 000 101 0 11-4 I o Clanoy. R.L JackllOll (II), G.,..,.ln (9) and Whitt, Torrv, Aponta (71 end Geel· man W -Aponla. 1-0 L -R.l Jacoon. 2-1. HR -8011on, YH 1'· amald (3). A -18,247. WMeSo•l.~4 BalllmOre 000 031 000-4 10 3 Cflicmgo 301 000 201!-S 9 · t Mc:Gr9110f, T Mllrt1nel (7). StatlllouM (7) end C>empMy, Nolat'I (Ill: K-. Hoyt (II). Berotu (9) and Flek W - Hoyt, 2-0. l -McGregor, 0·2 S - Barojae (5) A -34,1122. NATIONAL LEAGUE Plldr" t. Dod99f• 3 LOI A.NO&US • Ion 0..,0 •rllbl libtllbl 'Su 4 0 1 1 , RIQlvda S 1 2 0 Garwy 5 1 2 O E.dwrdl O 1 o o Guerrer 4 0 0 0 Bqn41te 4 O 1 t Baket 4 1 1 2 Tf'1191t/1 S 1 2 1 c.., 40 20 A.ion. 4221 $How9 0 0 0 0 Lezcano 4 0 1 1 Power 0000 TKennd'fS112 YMQe< 3 0 0 0 Salazar 3 t 1 0 Sdoec:le 1 0 0 0 Pe<klna 4 1 2 2 Landreit 4 1 I 0 Lollat 2 o 1 O ~2000 Flnnry 1000 · Welch 2 0 0 0 Del.on 0 0 0 0 Aoend< 1 0 0 0 Bevacq 0 t 0' 0 Stewart o o o 0 Luca o o o o TllofNa 1 0 t 0 Totalt" 3 a 3 To!Q37 11 13 e lcor•by.--. Loe Angelee 000 002 100-3 San Oleo<> t01 000 07•-11 E -Rleharoa. Templeton LOB - Ld1 Angelu 8, San Diego 9 2B - Garvey, Cey, Su, T Kennedy 38 - Pe<klne. HR -Baker (3~ R JonM ( 1) S -Belanger LoaA ....... • H flP .. 10 Welch 8 7 2 2 t 3 Stwn(L,0.2) 1 '" 2 2 2 0 1 $Howe 0 3 5 5 2 0 Powe< ~ 10 020 Le!: 0-.. 1 8 3 3 2 3 . OeLeon(W, t-0) I 1 0 0 0 1 Lucaa 1 1 0 0 .0 1 S Howe pitched 10 5 battera In the 8th wP -S. Howe. T -2:•4. A -22,• 800. c-. .. ...,....1 CNc8Qo 104 000 000-5 t2 1 PltlaburOh 100 000 000-1 8 0 Jenklna, Martz (8) en d Moreland, Devl1 (7); Solomon. 0. Aoblnaon (4). Scurry (9) and ,._, w -Jer>ltlna, 2.1. l -Solomon, ().2. 8 -Martt (1). HA -Ctllc8Qo, Ourflam (2). A -8.028. h.-1: ...... MontrMI 420 001 000-7 15 1 "'" YOtlt 000 202 020-S 8 0 Lea . Jama (7), LM (7), Reerdon (8) and C.W) R . .i-, O•oacc)(1), Puleo (8), Allan (8) and SIMl'M . W -lea. 1..0 l -A. Jc>nM. 2·1. 8 -RMtdon (1), HAI -Montreal, Cli1• (2~ On9orl (2). New York, Klngmen (2) (4). foater (3). A -27.t29. ~ .......... ~100 010 102 00-5 13 3 81. Louie 100 001 102 0 1-e 11 1 flutt'Mrl. Farmar (7). m (7). Monge (II), AMd (9), BruN l •r 11) arid Diaz; Alneoll, &mer (8). Bair ( ~ la Point ( 11) and Port9r. SencnR(10). w -LllPolttt. 1..0. L -BNMIM. 1-1. HA -Phllaoat- pflla, Olea (2). A -25.222. .. _ ........... Attenla 010 003 020-a 10 1 Haullton CMO 000 001-5 9 0 eowtw. McWWlema (II), Hn1boelcy (7). Cemp (II 111\d Benedlc:I; Knepper, LA· Coal (8). o. 8mlUI (7), LACor'9 (9) and Aehby. W -Hrabo•k}'1 1·0. l -O. Smith, 0.1. S -C«rlp (3~ A -2t, 1M . ............ ! Clncttwlatl 100 000 0 t0-2 10 1 Sero Frwtelaoo 000 211 OOll-4 II 1 SHve~ Kern (7). Shirley (8) and O'llern': l'OWllt•. Minton (I) and Mlly. W -f:OWlltae, 2.0. L -hewf, 0.1. 8 -Minton (2). HRa -llan Franclec:o, Smith (1~ E-(1). A -a7,t2.4. Cotleae ecoree s1 .... 10<d 11, ~LA 5 (Mike 0ot1-. lonnetly o4 E«*on High, had two hOfne run• for Stanford, Including a grand .. .,.., Arizona S1. II. Cal.,1 At~ona 20. USC L- Pepperdlne 11, Cal Stal• LA 5 Cal State Dominguez Hllta 11-2, Cal POiy SLO 2-3 Nava da Laa Ve g a • 8, Loyola· Mwymount 5 Tournament Of ChamDkm• (at RMcM La C....) -lMlny Wadkln .. $83,000 57.72..aa.73 213 Craig Stadla<,128, 182 Mdy llun,$20, 182 O.Ylo Graham,$28, 182 Aon Str«:k.'20. 182 .. Jollnny Mttlet,1 12.IMO o.i-ny Edw9tda.S 12tl40 w..,... ~. s 12,a.o Tom Klte.112.IMO Tom Wat~.lt2.8'IO - 7•·72•73-64 70.72-71-70 7().72-7().71 72-7~73 74-7().73-87 73. 72. 71.e8 72-7 4-415-73 ff.M-72·75 Lee Trevino.Sll,033 7t-72·7~ Dew EloMIOergt.Sll.033 73-7t-7t-70 Fuzzy Zoell«.19.033 70. 72· 70. 73 -Ray Floyd.17.900 117 Hale lrwto,17.400 -· Kei111 F•QUS.le,400 Br.-LleUke,le.400 J c. Soeed.$6.400 - 7t-7t·72·72 89-74-70.74 73-77-7 t-87 70-74-72·72 71-71·72·74 Petet Ooel•hula.".450 72-66-16-75 -JOl\n M-ney.14.775 Ed FI0<\,$4,775 Larry~.$4.775 Jay Haaa.54.775 211 Mofrll Hatalllty.14.300 wry Pale.14.300 2t2 TomWeill<opf,$4,100 8114 Roo-•.'4. too -Da"' Barr,$3,950 ., Jim &mona.$3.850 .. Jaclc Renner .13. 750 -Huber1 Gt...,,13,650 73-73-7~ 70.73-78-71 74-73-71·12 73-73-70.74 74-74-72·71 72·72·71·78 70.72-75-JS 89-78-72-75 74-73-72-74 70.73-78-711 T.ileheMMOpen 272 Bob ~-.1111.000 m Hal Sutton,$8,llOO Oenla Wataon.18,IOO 274 Tim Slmpeon.$4.960 171 Rik M~,'3.825 John Miima"',A,125 Mertt l y ... 3,125 Bob Murphy,13.825 ~ Bobby WeOlttna.$2,900 Bob 8yman.12.900 -m Pel McGowen,12.llOO 271 89 885 87 71..S7·71.ee 118-7(). 7().87 72-69-17-47 7().87-411-70 88-71-47-70 11..-..ea-1• Ed Sneed,12,300 87-70.71-70 Rod eu.u2.aoo 13-SS-85-12 LPGA tournement (at ...... Meed lalaM, l .C.) •t Kelhy WNttwonh.$22,500 73-418-73-117 .. Pany &hMNln.Sl~OO . 5e1y Ut11a,sa,ooo Penny PW,$8,000 A110e Altiman.sa.ooo .. 71-11(). 73-811 79·70.75-70 74-7e-a&-75 Heney l~-Mltn.16.025 75-72-76-72 Betl1 Oanlel,18,025 71-71-Te-78 -JoAnne Cerrier .... ,200 Julla Pyrie ..... 200 -Merlflfle Hegge. 13. 780 .,, Oet>l>le Auattn,'3,480 -Holla 8tacy.S3,000 Sandra P.,,.,.13.000 76-70.78-74 74-7t-7 .. 71l 76-74-78-71 12·7•-79-73 77-76-72·74 .......Open ( ............... , Tu ~Yu, 114,218 Tmuko O!laalto.1!1~79 OollN Ceooftl, ... _, OINr: N"I A10ot1. 1uao 217 2 11 221 228 Loa~YC ftaa11lla of Howlend'a le,o••r ra11ea, ......,, LAYC IO.........., IOR-A -I. Bnea, Ctioete-Meine, LAYC; ~ Mel Rlchlev. LIYC: 3. Merlln, Schotleid.Clatdne<. LBY~. IOA·B -1. Sl)enanOoa h, 8111 Pelmer. NHYC; 2 SllOwllma. Ballanun ... Col\rell. KHYC, 3 BrOCIM ANI, Lat,Y HlllY9y, CBYC IOR·C -1. Coeur de lion. Ed Ha rt, KHYC: 2. Stinger, "'Ike Wathen, Capo eve. 3 lHdlng lady, ""bl• and Benoy Kern, WYC PHRF-A -1. SplnO<ltl. Oen Faith«>, St BYC; 2. lntenM. AJ Roaenb ... g, ABYC, 3 OOMellon. P..., weeoer. wvc PHAF-B -1 Wiiey Coyote. M..-g .... Roae nberg, KHYC. 2 . Concan1u1, Pwtrldge-Rldlarda, LAYC. 3 Bumble "B". Oon 8lack. LAYC. PHRF·C -1 Windy, Oon MlchH llt, ABYC; 2. Aevage, Ttal\er-Ellu. BYC, 3 Torch, Al Gewlna. CBYC MORC -1 'triple Crown, Merah•ll· Bal-Ray, NHYC: 2 Fut lane, Shedden· Cdeman, l8YC, 3 Wrec;lc ..... AG KMslnQ. Capo BYC. TOOO PACIFIC (f>MAF) -1 Oulclt Sllwr. Bob Neweofll, LAYC. 2 Albbel, H11mbrldc· lnlell•. LAYC, 3 Tomara. Tom Md Doug Jor~.LAYC .......... to LAYC (._..,) IOR·A -1. Amante, 2 lllu1lon. Ed McDowell, KHYC, 3 Pendragon, John Mec:LalJten. CYC IOA-8 -1 BtOOl<e Ann, 2 S~ 3 RoOeo Drlw. Aooer CMlum, PMYC IOR..C -1 Sllngar. 2 &lnjamme<. Mika Orale. LBYC; 3 IAedlng Lady. P HRF·A -1 Ob-Ion; 2 lntenM. Al ~berg. ABYC: 3 Har~ .• Jim New). PHRF•B -1 Wiiey Coyote, 2 Buml>te ''B": 3 Conceneul PHAF..C -1. uc:a11t1ur. >J -·eve. 2 ~3 Windy. M6AC -I. Wr~: 2 Trlple Crown. l Full Tiii, 0 Aleorn. LSF. TODD PACIFIC (PHAF) -1 TO("ara. 2 ~; 3. Aatra. Al G•ber1. C8YC NBA wun..J'~M..c1 l"ecttlc DMeloft W L l"ct. Ge Lall.,. s1 2a egs 8Mttla 52 30 .~ 5 Phoanlll 41 36 .661 11 GOiden Slate 4& 37 .6411 t2 Por11end 42 40 1512 15 San Diego 17 85 207 40 ......... Df'lt1eloft San Antonio 48 lM ,5$5 Denver ~ 3S .!lt1 2 Houston 41 36 .661 1 I<-. City 30 52 .3841 18 Odu 28 54 .341 20 U1al1 25 57 305 23 IAITlllN COHfBMNCI AIMntlo DtttNcNI S3 111 .7114 54 24 .707 5 .. 38 537 tll 43 39 .524 20 33 411 .402 30 C-ltel~ Mllw9Ul<M 55 27 1171 At!Mta 42 40 .512 18 Oelrolt 311 •3 •78 18 lndlane 35 •7 .•27 20 CNc8Qo 34 48 415 21 C~ IS 17 183 40 ....,.. kofM Lall.,. 120, Phoentll t 15 Boe1on 1111, New York llt PhllllOelphla 110. Ml!WeultM 98 • Wul)lngton 911. Atlanla 98 CNc8Qo 112. Indiana hill Kenua City lOI. Houlton llM Utah 128, Siii\ An1onlo 120 Portlelld 111, S.ttla 114 Detroit 118, CleYallll\d 113 IOI) Lall .... 110, aune 111 ,(09 AMOllUI -Ramble II, Wiiie .. 81. Abdu1·Jebber 34, I!. John1on 15, Hh1on 25, 9,_ o. Cooper e. l a nd•· berger 0, C. ~ 0. Totela: IO 20-21 120. ,._NOi -Adame 18, Aoblneori 18, ICtllfV 11, D. Jotvl8on 22, Mee)' 19, °'* 17, 8oott I. CocMI 0, Hence 12. Totlll 81 13-111115. ,' , Camel.Where a man belongs • • ' . ~ .. Warning : The· Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . •• 8 mg. "tar", 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Repon DEC. rel. lcot• b, o...n .... Lol A~ 29 32 41 tl-120 Plloerllx 36 32 24 24-11 S FOUied OU1 -None Total IO<Ae -Loe Angelee 18, PllOenlx 21 T~ 8'-. Wlllt.._ A -1•.MIO •Aotarott. ,..,..,..'lftOUMD .s=of'nlrM) .. CONRMNCI • ......,..ca.me HouelOn •• 8Mt11e ,.....,.. ca.me SMttle at Houlton .__,..a..... HOueton at Seetlle. II ~ ,__,. .• o.- Phoflfltllato.n- Tttuncley'a Of f rldey'• a.- Denver a1 Ph0en4J1 ... ..,.., °' luncler'• a.- Plloerll• et Denver. II ,,_ry Ul'TWJIN COWIMNCI WedMadar'• Game A llanla II PhllacMll)hla ,...,..a..... Pl\Uadelphle at Atlanta hnday°I Ganoe Atlanla al Phlladelphia. II ~ , .... ,..a.- WuNngton al ,.... Je<1ey 'rtctey'a Game N-Jerllr( at WUlllngton ..... ,.. Ganoe Waal't111Q1on al N-J.,aey, II -- u;rOTE The dlYlalon wtnnera, Boaton, MltwaukM, Sen Antonio and lo• An· gelee, r~ flret-founcl byea an the next round, Botton WIH meet the wanner ot the N-Jeraey-Wuhlngton HrlH. MllwaukM wlll meet the Phlladalph1a. Atlanta wanner, San Antonio w111 meel Iha Houllon-SeetUe wlnnet, ano Loi Angele• wlll mffl the Phoenl•·Oe.nver winner c.t\ucltt 4, !!!'!' 3 ._..,.,,. Vancouver 1 1 1 1--4 Loa Mgelee 0 2 1 0-3 '1rll Period 1 Vancouver. Campt>ell 1 (Lupul. Wllllam1), 11109 Penartiea -Niii, Van, minor-major S 21; Charlraw. LA, mlnOt-<najOr. 5 21. Wiiii.ma. VIII\, 7 311. h)'IO<. LA, 7 311, lloldlrev, Van, 10 17, Nlcholla, LA, 10· 11, Rota, \/en. maior mtaconducl. t0.17. Kelly. LA, major mlac:onc:luct, 10:17, Stlepata, Van, 10 •5. Undgren, Va11. 19·03. 1-.d l"etlod 2 LOI AngalH , l(e tly 1 (l . Murphy Fox). 3 14. 3 LOI Ang•IH. hylor 3 (Simmer, L MurphY>, 18:08. Vancouver, Gradln 3 (Smyl, FrU.,). lt: 15. PenelllM -Wllllama, Van, 1:54; Chartrew, LA, 4:0t ; Snepll•. V1n. 11: 12; Well a, LA., 13:30; Wllll-. VIII\, 111'18;..fayto<, LA. 111:18. Tillrd~ 5. Loa Mgelee, Dionne e IM Murpny, lMaatd), 10.03. 8. Vancouv.,, Smyl 3 (HelWard, Gradln), t•. f2 PenalllH -c~. van. 8·00. h )'IO<. LA. 8:00. Rola, Vall, 12:38; L.awta, LA. 12'38, Rota. Ven. IM)or: 14'311, Hopldne. LA. mejOr. 14•311 0.ertlf'M 7 Vancouver. Campbell 2 (Hllnka). 1·23. Penaltlea -None B hola on goel -Vancouver 7 ·11·8·2·28 Loa Angele• • 18-12-14-0..... GoellM -Vancouver. BtOOeur Loa M(JMa. i..-d. A -t8,005 ITMUY~~ALI Venoc>INW ~ ';'(:. V~ lead•.,... 2·1) ~ 3, Bolton 2 (ol. Boeton IMd• ......2.11 ChlCIQO ll $1 lOUll 5 (Ch4cago IM01 --2 ·1) N Y ltlano.tl 4. N Y AanQ«l 3 (DI ltlenO!lr1 IHO _._ 2·11 Tonight'• Qa,,.... V8/lCO<I-al ktnoe Boalon al Quebec St Ll>IMI at ChlcaQo NY 1.aanc1er1 al NY Ran(Jel' W-...S.f a Qa,.... Ktnoe11V~ Ouebec al Boaton NY Rar1Qer1 al NY ltlan0e<1 ChleaQO at SI Lou•• frldey'a Gemea Vancouver al Klftga u ,__ry B<aton al 0.-tt --, St l<>U<I al ChleaOO. It _..ry NY lllanoeta at NY Rangera It,_.. Mry lunday'o Gemee Ktnoe a1 v~ 11 ~ Ouebec at Boeton. 11 _., NY Rangero at NY llllanOera. 1( ,_.. Miry ChlcaQO at St LOIMl.~neoeeaaty .,...... "'""' Sl>onotood S1ewa11-Fer01 Teygan def Btlan T e&Cller-Bn;ca Mlll\IOn 8-1, 6-7 6-3 (Stewarl Taygan apllt $12 000 TMCl'let Manaon 9j)IJI 17 200) WCT tournament (• Houo. Ion) ........ l'lMI Ivan Lendl .,.,. Joe.I.ult Ooarc, 3-6 7-8. 8--0, t-4 (lend• won by defeutt wfle<l Clerc reluaed to change to • llght•d c:oul'1 LM>OI -S 100,000 Clerc; -S32 000) Suntory Cup Bjorn Borg -s;~mo llllas. a-1. 8-2 (Botg wlnl I 110,000 Vllu w1n1 $70,0001 Third,,_ V.._ VM Palten Oel John Mc:E.nroa, 5-7. 8~. 8-3 (Van Pelten _,. "40,000 McEnroe Wlna '30.0001 Apull• tntem1tSonal (~==i Paul McNamM def Be1111z hroczy, 8-2. 8-2 Loul .. llle C .... lc (et L......,..., Kr.) tllnt'"flNI Marty Rteuen del Freel Stolle. 7-8. 18-3 (Rleuen wln1 S t0,000 Stolle wlnil se.0001 DovblM f1nal Rod Laver-Ken ROMWall def Stolte- Roy Emenon, 7-8, 8-t (Lav.-. ~ 1pll1 $2.000 S1011e, Emeraon apflt $1.500) World Ooubln Cham~lp (et '°" Wottfl) Anale M9'11nl NawatHove·Pam S""-def • Anna Smllh-Kellly Jotoan, 7·5, 11·3 (N••ralllova. Shr•••r 1plll $50,000 8ml1h JO<dan aptlt $28,000) ~ lellle Allen-Mime JllU9CMIC def Sue Bwker-Ann Kr,omura 7-6, O~. 8-4 "" ·- I I · Orange Coaat DAIL y PILOT /M -• onday, April 19, 1082 . . • Plenty! Take a look through this newspaper and see . Local busiriess and consumer ,reports. Advertising. Sports scores and features . TV listings and reviews. And when your customers get fussy . an entertaining story or two to keep them out of your hair. Every day. we've got more news and information about what's going on in this town than you'll find anywhere else. Anywhere. So if you're thinking of opening a new shop, or planning a special weekend, or ~ondering how much it's going to cost to send your-kids to college, or just trying to get the best out of life (without getting clipped). you're in the right place. Right here. What's ln It tor you? The answer appear• on every page ot v • II 642-4321 I ·- -· .... .. . _.~· .~/ .' -~ . • ? ! , : \ ~ . . \ j ·· ·~ . ( . . f;I l ' c• ~Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 19, 1982 • .. ; J . . . -(:J • Latest research confirms MERIT delivers the taste of cigarettes having up to t~ice th~ tar.. Many k)\V tar c igarette ~ n1akc taste pr()JT1iscs . But ()nly l·EnrichcLi Flav()f.~, MERIT offers J>r<Jof n()t ' pr()miscs. Prc)c)f · tl1rough extensive sn1c)kcr taste tests. MERIT Taste Does It. In impartial nc\v tests \vhcre brand identity \Vas C()nCe81ed, the ot1crttJ1 eln1 ing. n1ajority c)f .s n1okers ~eportcll MERIT taste equal t()-C)r better than -leading higher tar brand . ·Even brancis with up to twice the tar. Moreover, when tar l vcls wer revealed, 2 .out of 3 cho e the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and g~d ta te. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Taste Sparks Switch. In a sc~1~1r~1tc part ()f this extensive 11c\v st u·ciy, MERIT sn1()kers rcp()rt tl1at taste is a n1aj()r fact<Jr in cc)n1plcting their 'successful S\vitLh fr()n1 higher t1r l1ranLis . Confirmed: 9 ()LJt ()f 10 f()rn1er higher tar sn1c)kcrs say MERIT is an caS)' stt1itch, that they cliclr1 't git 1e itf) tcL,tc in stt1it cl1in g, and that .MERIT i the best-tcL"ting low tar th e-v 't 1e ct1er tried . ~ . Year after year, in study 1 after stuLiy, MERIT rcn1ains unbeaten: The prc)vcn taste a 1 t c r n at iv c t () . h i g 11 c r tar sn1c)king -is MERIT. \ Kings: 7 mg "1aC O.b n g n1co11ne-l OO's Reg: 10 mg "iar:' 0 7 mg n1coM1- ...__ _ _.._ _________ ....._~· "100's Men : 9mg "1ar:· 0 lmgnico11n1av perc1g111111, FTC Rtport01c·a1 I()(>~ ----.. ~ ' I . J ' I Dally Piiat Monday, ~prll 19, 1982 Looking.for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . ' Estate-the Compjete Orang~ Coast Market Place . ~ CLASSIFIED MHCHAMltSC = .. -~.'.!.~••••••••• tt!'ft!!.f~.~. Hutt for S• Nat-. f0t e...i.. ..._ for S• Housts for Sale u.....-e• l0t ...... I\.. ,._..j •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ............ ~••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• J1UUI • ~... Ul'MWf """9qJ C:.-al lOOZ '-wal • • ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• -• INDEX "" """-•11 .... f ... .. r.:.e.••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••!'!l ~II 1002 Cielwll • 1002 Colb Miu 1024 l"M I 044 San Clemente 1076 Pr--tw 2500 •••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• :r:e~ ••••••••••••• .... 11111 WI 11,000 1111.tW UPI * * * . TtPllCI YM ltCd 642·5678 HlfSlS FOi UL£ c....i I ..-1m.f 1ia. ..,......_ ... I (""""-"'"'~ ..... , ..... .,. ... , 190 t'..e1 Mf'• 1"14 o.. ...... IU> DTwo llLll ::..:~,.::~. HW .... In-I ... &...e-. ttr.~-1 .. i...,-.111lh 111!11 ....,_,,._11wi '"" ...... \ ... ,. 1•l =r:w~.t-I.., '""' ~ JtH" t ... d, ..... "'" Mftl•Atu1 I .. ... .a11r ... Ital *"h ..... Ult41 I ... ~=:·;:i.r ... -.i. .... Ill" IULESTATE Atrnl. .. fur '•Ir 1• .. .\tNir1fl'f"4 .. , .. ,"' ... ltll :=.!!:= ... lllli IQ f f'f'.tW'"' IA111• 'n.,t .. l~<I t'llMflllf'ff191 11f'~fl\ I•• t ~ ... ~"'-'' 111>1 lhf9l~a.t"ll ' "''" , ... , .... l~l•brM•u .. .,.,. lN"UnW ,.,. ... " \ .,,. flld....ttJMftr.,.,.tt' lU• I.oh kw '-'l" ~·; w ....... " .. tr tr •• ,. .. '"' """"""'" ,.........,, M•w.tt ,." Ur6ftt(f' \ • l"f .. IV• f"'-'J'wMt t"Jut1 ~ tlul ........ h1it1 -._ ................ ,. ···•"'•" ,,..., Kf'.& tJt.IMt' t''"""•' ... ., .................. ""' ,..., 1mm ·~•11i1• ...... tw.f .... ........ , ................ ·~ .. , ... , ... \tfl , ... ..,., • ., .. •hn• "" ' """-..... ,. .. ' "' ...... , ... -.v . ., ... l " , .. ~_,,, N> ..,...... ......... ,. """" ·~'~'·' ..., ~,.,.,_ Afol· I •t ... ... .\ell• •• ,lilt ... ""' .... ....,.,,. .... , -~ ............ ..... ... ,.., ... ,,. ... , ,,.,....16Hft•, &l •J """""'"'' tt ........ ~ .... ,.,. . ., ........ , '"" KM1htM~ft 4 lfl f;.,,,M fMt lff'f'll U'o1J «•hu• """'•• O.i ~."""' ... , .... , U lll , ... h •• 1 .... 1 ro 1 ~w .. -..-t\111J ~""'·'' " ..... ,... ..... '-•'• " ....... , ... 'V• BUSINESS, INVEST MCMT, flllANCE ..... "\j~ .. -~1 """ ~Ullfl•u "eMrft ._,,., ''"''(""'"4 o,., .• , \ ...... IM....t.-..M -.M~ ~"" .,.,,..,"-.. ..,. .. ·~ Mr"""' -·Mrod ..... ............... lit. "' AMMOUNCCM£NTS, PDSOMAlS & LOST & FOUND .................... ,... .. l .. ,...,. .,,.. .. '°'Aj!W-..... '-'•t-, ... _. ,.,,,..,..~ .. ' '9t. 1,.,,. SCIYICES -.. ........ _..., ..... DIPlDYIUNT & Nl'lllTIOM .......... 1"'41 .. 1-" JveW•M~ M) 1~11 ...... , ... lu" 111111 YllW llLIW lllm Corona dal Mer owner mutt Hll nowl Just rt- dUC*I 150,000. Panora- · m I c ocean and night light• view ... Bdrm• & lamlly room. Aaklng .......... H~I• , .. , ... ··'"""' , ... ..... .... "'°'"' ......... ... .. ., ... ~ 11 ..... ........... , .. -A~ ,,... .... U\n&orl .. ~ ........... MWtU~ "·~•·.-..--~ ..... .. va.c .. ,....,.,. ...... ,., .... '"'". ·~· "-'• c.-: ~~~,.::: ........... , . .- "'tw• M~.w•.-. K•r ~, .......... "'""' IOlTS & MUINE EQU,,MCNT ,_ .. "'°41l' Ml!tM 'Wf\ tH ~ .... .,."" t (Wit' t\Nt" tiv.u ,._,.., k..-"4 t h.n,, ltuthM•I ....... "''"" tki-h -·~·"· "°"4\, hf•H TUNSrGITATION 4, •• ,.,. it;'t:':"t ~I~ kf'M ...... ,tuft .... MNt.-l'''*' "'•lllt"' ... .-.. """ "'"' "' nt Tr.+"'" "•"t"i hlM'"" f tlhh AMlu.._.f,..-.-t•.rt, lUTOMOllU ........... w..,. ... , ....... knr ....... , ..... i. .. ~·h fC41t ~··· ........... I ... ,_ , .............. , ............. AUTOS, IMrGITEO . ....._ . ., , .. ,, ...... \ \-a... 1&. •k. HllWI , ..... '"" '"""'• tn•.t h•l lkM<lf , ......... , ...... trl,"'..,.'"''•ti.• .. .... ,, .. ._. .. ,,, .. , ..... ..... W11H ..... .... , ...... ... ~·1• l'ul\lht "·····" k••l<tMu111 H•t\•I ,...h ,.. ....... ·~··'-ltWM.-'• , .... , ........ \1 .. \u lOTOS, NEW 1 .. --. ... 1 lUTOS.US(O ........ .... ..... \ " f. -~ \ .. ..,,,. ........... ... ~., ..... , ·-· , __ \ ... ,, ... ,_ 1)4, 1 ... 1 ,,..,,... . ., .__ "•'"''" ~ Mttt .. ,. '1.;.1 ..... .......... ··-l'hl'f\i•• ....... , ........... t ... ,, \,._ .. ----------Wll --•l 91 -.,,.: ..... --~ -- Wiii .. ~. -.. ,.., .. to, ..... ..,1', .. ... .... ~11· •I ... -•>• .... •I ... .,. lrfl'f\• .. ,.I .•. .... ......, .... ..• ,.., ... . ... ....... ... ., ..• ·~~ ..... ••i• ,,,, .... ,,.!J :1~:0. .. ;:; ..... •1'. fiA ., .... .... Ii&.! .. ; .. •i• •H· -.;111 ~--· "'~ lf-;)I, 'fi'\1 .,;._, r. .. ,i.W "'"' ,,;: .. t';;,! -. .. , --~ Jm ..; -lie. a:. .. -.&.! ... ...... ... -_, ..... --..: -.... : -..... N"/JI ...... ,., ... .., lfllUT1-I Prize Weaf Bay beyfront. Sllpa for 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & Jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,l85,000. Oceanfront. UMllU ... lMNL.111-• 1·1 Prime lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 51...t bath. Lge L.A.. 2 boat slip• $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam <:eUlngs, furnished, patios. $420,000 . Ulll llU UTflllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room. dark rm, den, Boat Slip. $1,350,0001 UYSllE llYI Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba din. 2 boat Slips $1,900,000 . 1111 YllTll m1• YIUI New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath • guest houa6, pool. Near lake. $795,000. 11111111 un Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425.000 w/torms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J 11 ~. ,. d· [i· •. •,"' 1>7'> ti lot 1m Pllll G<Nt starter home. Ow· ner wlH conald« ALL ol· fer1. 2 Bdrm•. great Co1t1 Men neighbor- hood. Lowest priced home In th•.,,, at I 107,000. 751-3191 ,, ........... Live In Ihle highly d"l-reble guarded commu- nity. Beautlf\llly 1199ta· O.d 3 b1d1oom, alngla 1tory lltuated on prime greenbelt locatlon. EA· cellttlt financing II aval- llb6a. $427 .600 RCTaylorCo ',J•) ")()() llUlf nlT INE OIUPY1 MHI Verde. large trl· level with formal llvlnQ and dining rooma. Large !amity room, brick llre- plaee, .. 8drma, 2 t>etN. Covered petto Of'Mt fi- nancing only $187,500.1 call 11-46-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS .., Limit ""'ID& COMMERCIAL STORE on busy NEWPORT BL VD 1ull1bl1 for' owner/uHr . '250.0001 .... . .., ,,.,, ......... dll-1•· 111111 .U like new duplH-3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba MCf'I unit-on I Piii.i the Hnd, will tall• aml COL.OWeu.. llANl(eRC A 1p1ctacul1r ru,uc 3 dowri Of trade and carry Bdrm 2 beth"°""· wood the en ti rt balance. cabln11 kitchen, family $760,000-bnt deal on room with brick llrt· the wtiter. place. 18JC3e fwnlly pool, ""'91 IULTY 'IUffl bullt-ln gH barbequa, tlt-1111 1111,llO bHutlful patio. Only -------'---I Don't mlH the Catallne $128,600. Call now, vi.wtromthedadl olthll 546-2313 UL1 If fa. apaclou., bright & sunny bt1utllully dacoreted 3 • IM bedroom condo. A very \\'I :--, ; I· 'i ~ TAYLOR CO . I \I·. i\ I. T ( ) I\-.... ". '11 ' I~ HI; ..... ...... .,""" Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model. For- mal din rm . Ma~xtras. Security system. Large 8's1Jmable loan. Owner anxious. Act nowl 2111 San Joaquin Hll111 Road NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 ILlff'S -mil.I LOIL Lovely 3 Bedroom With Enclosed Yard & Private Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted & Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shlpley's Listing. 759-9100 •2c_,. ... ,... ..... ,..c...-. Avallat.I• Propertl .. ftom affordot.le. , .to effluent 2 •• "" ...... C.tt ... -·-"' •1~,000 " •• ,.,., J 141'111 .... --·-·-•111,000 191.11. Orall4 Can•I C..-lhe t1.110,000 ot4 N~ H_, C4M, YV t 1,U0,000 LIMa t• hyfrant, 4hcll --t 1.afl,OOO ....._ Ceve• W1tertf111t, 4hcll t 1.I00.000 On " ltllfet tayf,_t, -.Ck •1.IOOiOOO '"'· hyitftt, ... + 4hcll ..... , ... o.ooo WATERFRONT HOMES , INC RfAl. EST A TE S.W. ""'4..i. f'r-1w "'"'-WI I td w c-Hwv m Mervw ""' ~llfach W-~ Ut.t4M '7Mtt0 llUT IM • llUT LIUTlll •UTfW"l•I " .... Charmin& Cape Cod home on Peninsula Point. 3 Br. 2 Be on quiet it.reel acrOll from park. Stepe to beach & bay. Newly remodeled with French doon. hand paint.ed tiles. center brick patio. Enatilh wallpapera & more. Ataume •247,000 firet at 12% and owner will carry larae 2nd. Only $399.~. IPD IAJLY 1-4 tll1 Plm4ttlw, ..... ., .... llMlll 2 8'. 1ea.+1 8'. 1 Ba. TRADE UPI l u•Ury 3Br . 2·~B•. I n .•.• ,. .... ,, '2111011 R2 lot. Oo not • , 10\.-financing, ocn 11792 O•ford Or. dl1turb t1n1nt1. 1528 Two l>eeutllul Woodbfld· lf1-, $124,900 Huntington~ Orange. 11 29 ,000. g1home1 Ettnerwlll TERRELL ~L TV You1r1fh1wlnn1rol 641-5041 ...... & wtcnde, conll<I« 9Qulty trade for 498-11153 lour fret lk:*tl.a ($16.00) 831-3520 wkdyl. your 1m1ller Irvine pro· -value lo 1111 perty or? II"• Ilk• geiung 1S1n1a Aol 1080 .... .,.hit a.. 3 8'. 1 BL h<>llM on large aN cuh 10 yt;Nr loan One ••• •••••••••••••••••• ANAHEIM 15111711' 3 unit lot •36 11 1 5 Bdr lu.cury tl<llM BR OFORO PL • owner CONVENl'IOH Hamilton Oo not dllturb The otMr • 3 Bdr +den 1n111ou1, l•n,tullc end CENTER April 17.25 ttnanu 11 29.000 with pr~ate pc>o1 & ~ unit 4 Bdr 1 Ir 81. gar. to claim 1tcket1 call &46--50•1 -& wtlnd•. Call lor detalla Orea• pallo. yard pool, park 6•2-51178, ext 0 272 631-3S20 wlldyl i tv• $89,900 AHume 159. Tk:k.U must bl cttlmed 000 111 at 1 t'.o\-Agl 23 • 2 Br Townhoute, ocean & \\\\OOhrldg" 857_2040 by Aprll ...... 19*o2 night llgnt view Colla " ,. M111 8lull1 Flexlble fk II k:~~1 ~5 s 1 1 5 • o o o 55 ;~11~1 9!'!!' •• ~e.~.~~t.a~! ••••••• Out of c.rty l9?t81rr11u Pl.• 1. lt\ln• Moble Homes ... P.!~J•••••••••~~~ 1 Br. Pentrldg• Cove Condo, micro, lrptc, 2 car gareg• wt opener. $112,500 Terms 546-3115 C.M. TrlplH H ·ll ll11er $95,000 dn I 144.000 price w/auume 21K at N -+ 13K at 12% Wiii catry 3rd II 10% 5yr. BY OWNER 6<15-33'0 Slllla llST W L MtH Verde •Br, 2Ba. "'" price $225,000 10% dwn, owner wlll llnance b111nc1 11 t2% Oiiers Invited Open Sun 12-4. 3182 Country Club Dr 845-9777 '°' lnlo Owner Bkr PUii 1 In the Chancellor Honi.s 2 bdrm plus DEN. 2 ba with lront bedroom en- cloaed to make mce lam. rm. with 1kyllghl AIC. Patio cover Assoc pool and t ennla close by $137 900 for Sale 1100 APPLE YIU.EY , •......•...•...••••••• 1 82 acre. mountain vu, * UCITl.li * ltval bulldlng 1111. Ullll· llal. Sl 1,200 firm. Own/ Agt. 7141245-730• Estate Salt otner Good ln11Mtment1 ,, w 11n or wllhoul lurn 24116<1 GrMnbrler Horne In Out of State Lagun1 Hiits· nlcelt 5 1111 Pr-tv 2600 perk Young edit• wtl· •••• ;r;~;,••••••••••••• come BLACK SANOS LOT 11t1nd of Hewell. mull .,. .. , ... '•" Mtl S&OOO 631-15647 B11u111u1 24•90 Keywa1t Hm-2Br 2ea Thi• 11 the Ru• Estate beSt buy tn town [Icfg 2800 OUSSIO •••••••!'I! •••••••• ~ ••• -..u ll•E Prtval• Party wl1h11 to •u . ire exchange luxury San .__ [).-go Condo & Cllltl l0t 2706 Hatbor ,Sta 206-A 11milat hOml or condo In F•ECLllllE College Plt1c 3BR 2b• Lender wlll SELL BELOW MARKET1 141-lftl Newport BHCfl are•. lartn1 Beach 1048 ~~~~~~~~~I (7 14121 5 . e •• 6 or •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 642..3~ "-r• Ital Estate tll-1to0 4 BR POOL HOME with cllhtdrel cellln11• and • remodeled k it· Ch•fl 9 5% IHUmlble loan and an anxloua ow- "" Only $110.000 Call 979-5370 • ............ Try VA on thl• Heltzer l>Ylll • bedroom. 2"i'r beth Miiied In • quiet area With a family room, di· nlng an0 • mu141' IUlta. Plu1 • bonus room and I flreplace. Tutefully de· COfllld Covered patio 1210,000. 979--2390 TUIEU lastsWe .~2 .... lttfftitaWW.rs! Newly d,ec>rlled 2 Bdrm ome on 6011126' 101 Room to bulld Flr1t TO $102,000 111um1bl1 at 14%. A1klng $137,500 For an 1ppolntment to .... call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS ....... wlll gal you 1n10 • twrtnc tall 1h1lt1r or great In- come property. Good E'aldl loca1'on. Owner will ltadl or lh819 equity. Call IOI detalll lll-1111 FOAECLOSl.IRE SALE Obie wide 2 br, 1 ~ be, --------- Undef lender'~ cost So S 172 ap.ce tent Adults Rentab Laguna pvl ••Ill• 180 small pets Oulet H B •••••••••••••••••••••• deg ocean \II.I 5a<;urlly corner lot 127 ,600 or SMi5,000 85!>-2013 bell Owner, 847-2954 BLUE RIBBON Newport Beach °' Anz• SPECIAL b aylronl Park Mint 3 bdrm, 2 level floor pla,, cond 78 dbl wide. lite· In wood & glut Ooeen place. brick patio, 16 t. view. beemed cet11ngs, 000 Alao 2 b1 . 2 bl . nuge stone frplc Loca-double wide, corn11 lot led nigh above Lagune'• $39,000 Bill Grundy Riviera .coastline $195, 675-6161 000. MIS~~:..o~ri-L TV ~H!~t~.'~.~~ •••• H~ I *'° .. ,. •• lake forest 1055 Running 1tream11. oak •••••••••••••••••••••• trees. 9)tCtfltent vtew ,a•I PUCE Owne1 wlll carry Full Ml pnce $4!>.000 Agent ESTATES 676-6717, 1111 s. 679-2139 4 II. 2th I &. c-,-: .. BETTER THAN .,.,.,~ .._ MODEL Pf.....ri }MO Houses f lll'tished .............••....... 8'1boa lsbnd 3106 •....•..••••••......•. 3 Dr. 2 ba. wl ger Mo. to mo $1000 + tee Avail. May I 6«-98<M Costa Meu 3124 N-.·;·3·~;.·3·9;~·c~~d~~ 1 1500/mo lurnl1ned. S 1000 unfurn Mo. to Mo. rental. 111 & l••I Su· perb loc1t1on. n111t 10 shopping & theat111. 648-4968. hN 3144 .•.•.•••••....•.....•• Super view 2 + In Turt• rod! Ridge Come>ie tum. Move In wlln 1 tooth· bru1hl 11350. Agt. 752-5698 HAS EVERYTHING 1 •••• :r;~\1•••••••••••:: ~-<Se-NC slreei lPPU YIU.ll _P_L_U_S_H_2_B_r_2--B-•·.i_P_O_O_I Sun & Sa11 11 Club I Tu Detter ~ tennl9. Ilk•. •f150 20 min to Near new •-Pie•. 2 bdrm. L e • • e O r I o m o . Newport Cent• 1210.000 with ll60.000 2 bath 11cn unit with 559--598 1 ~ I I firept-. lflCloeed petlo, II ,,,., l•ed ale & garage 9'·-111 Po1 ~Beach 3169 IUlfy amortized cash flow No"w S 159 ••• •••••••••••••••••• No point•"' qualifying 500 Biii Grundy Rltr .' OcHnlront 2 br • 1 be, 770-'03'7 675-8161 garage No pell. Avall. 0wner1eg=:t now 10 Jone 20th. $550 ~~~~~~~~ °'C>IUH/ mo Utll pd &41-2510. ~~.~!~ ..... !~~~ ~ for Sale 1800 I SR. conoo. pool, i-ouui . WO." • •st gym. 1>1111ard1. sauna. 2• WI ;.;:;;·r~·d~~::ta;s·ooo• nr sec Garden view Lrg 4 Bd; beauulul de· Greet 1Ummar rental du· S 5 9 5 7 5 4 • 4 1 1 4 ; cor, ocean. bay & lltH ptu Step1 10 beach 4 6'2-9057, Kate vv. Nu pool, spa & much Br up 3 Br down, Ow· -B•_yf_r_on_t _ Cond_o __ l_1_200_ more. Anume low Int ner unit poulble Low wlterms Only 1376.500 low down Owner wlll VIH• Batbol 28r 11200 A 1r1de wlll be conalde· carry big 2nd. 12,5,000. Newport Cr11t 3Br red.. Best atN value Call S 1500 Patrick ot Fred Tenore. Waterfront Homae Rltrt agt 631 -1266 or Cal1631·1400 760-8702 Wesbnmter 3191 ................•.•••. *** L ............. 2726 Swi Lucas Ln ?!~Coll now, ~itl!I ,.. .... THE REAL ESTATE RS • Bdrm with many r9Canl apaclal pro~r ty on • upgrading•. Attumabl• quiet ouks.-uo 11rMtl I -~=======:r::~-:~:--~~ t•OIATE 1oan and Milar wt11 ua1a1 144-... I• BalMla llUnd 1006 PeSSESSltl Coete Maaa \'ou ere th• winner of tour frM tldle11 (116.00) value to the ~~~3 ~~~~•,•• oe.f:,.,.,)J with edd1t1on11 r1nanc1ng.1~~~~~~~~~~ ir•-····,.··.-···"····w····· 10"' , .. "'"50 • 1 •"' 000 Ce 11 .:ae•-7• down, paymen11 -• ...., • '""• now Chtrmlng~•m•ll 3 BR S1500/mo II tS polllbl• ------- 979'-S370 Get GREEN cUh lemlfy home or rental In· Ju1t reduced 125.000.I ~~~~~~~~~ to own IOvely 5 bdrm. 2 Income PrllMrtw 2000 ............... ..._ UU'lm homal ()( ft b thl1 low pricer Plus. • • 1parllllng pool. Huge 17MIU . 62X 112 1ot. owe '" ro wlltl 20% down. Won't ·---- !alt. c:8ll 973-8550 .._... .. ," ~~-!1 =~::.:: !:: ~'~~=~~lj~~~-!-~·!-~-~1··· ,.,.,, ... , 2 .. , ... Tl ll'WJMT HtlHH Clfllt, ,rt· 3 Bdr 2. ea. clen, wet bet nte ,.,.. Prlllt .... !.. "::..Nno.,J:"'~ ..... .. • ., ,,. ... .,. modMt tale and priced re•, •Ht ult. ""' at 1198,500. Call Harry, rt4Ht41 .. 1140,Mt 631-12M 11• 1 HU Lc.-l""'· I c-•-e7f.llt1 ... Take over loanal 1 107. WllTalff 000, 13% en.ctlve Int.. • •• ow ,. r .... a 8drm 2 bath, SanMtlondV remodeled -S!!f.7 "'13 a deco<al .. • I• •om• tHm~•=..~~ * * * == ::'Frli~ ....., P"'91 2810 San Mlov•I Dr. 1n41 8Ndy "-'bar°'· .....,.,,, laeOtl 75'-1501 ~ 8Mdl OI 76a·l'a71 You era fM wl~r of ~~-- '°"'free --Ct11.00) -..1ott1e .............. ANN9M CONY9ITION CiN'TI" .. ,,.21 To olalm lloke tt, oali 141·1111, .. ,. 172. Walker & I ee TicUel ""* be dlllrNO ... ......, .., .... .... by .... ,.. -........................ .. ... .. .. _ .. _ __ .;__;.;...._.:....:..;..;..._ __ , C.M. hofM'f~ & .._ ... ._ ...... Well IH ll"aln•tl t Ir ,.._, .. on lrt let. l aey ....... ~rlM• corner IOHtlO" wlefl f vt wre ""''"'0111 ,.,..,,..1. r 0Wftef Wlfl 8Hllt W/ ............. ,., .. f''" ....... llw• ~ ....... .,l:::"' .. nllly "*"· .... IOO loait. '"" p rlH lt-.000. •t·Jm> .\"l>lll !11.'JI •E a.•• a "*. t • .. ·'-'f ,,... ', for WHITE elephant• v11tm1nt. Betmed eel-Cull collage on atan-1. story N B Back b1y •••••••···,..-•• ~•••••••• with a Claatlflld Ad llng1, large uted brick dvd lot. $210,000. OWC New Or1Mnl EJlec ~. 1 re1. S 2 5 O, O O O 2 Pride of ~lhlp Tri· ___ Call __ 84_2_-se_7_e_--1flr19lace. huge yard with 1a1 . T D . Brok er 1g 38', 2B•. lrplc, pool, 850-t99 t Evu call Pie•• for .... by~ ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER April 17 ·25 To claim ttckell. call 6•2-5878, 8llt. 272. Tid<•t• mull bl deJmed by April 23. 1982. ROLLAF 11 I I I' I H E N I II I 1 r r 1 1 I 11 18 t 0r I i lime I looll lhe ell In. ,,. nr1tc1 -------tilt ~ alld told me I'*• WOOEAM 1•H 110--. ~l';.....;l;....;..;ol';...;,l~I ~. ~ .,. '""" .. ~ ... ......L.. --_..__ -"'· .....lo • ...J .. ,...._. "' .... .._ -· l'W...,,_ ....... , ...... , allay accMI. Oui.t ltraet. 646-0295. ctbhH, s125,000 110, 531.7215 449 a 765 Hamilton Ave Owner very motlveted. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 000 dwn. p rtn only I C M Owner w•ll help w l 11'7,500. I_&&... 2 L...... 6'~. ,93--0803 IEWNIT INITS 11n1nc1ng Cell 1eo..013-4 ._.. .._ Ownet need• ulh. clean or 1131-«02 ulc for Jack C-19, office • .,... •·2 entlque IYf)e hOuM 2 Br or Gert ••• ".~ f1flencel 3 8d 1 •1t ea dollhouse on 1 Ba 50x 117 lot .. Latge iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil _....,, ltr R-2 lot. Hrdwd lloora, d•tacned garage S179, 120 000 H Gtntral 3202 111-2* brlctl irp1c, darllng kttcn ooo. 548-504 1 evu & ' c;;,;·.iin··;s,······~·· ~~~~~~~~~I Bulld 2nd unit over g•· wknd• 631--3620 wkdYI Buys ooanlront duplo In di . .Cder't. ml .;: • Newport 8rNk even po-r. •P•· VlaW 1t1lln1. Certna dll y., lOU raga GrNI E.tklt loe&· For Hie by owner, Cllll tentlal Wiii trade ror any-1220011•. 63~ .. '5 li~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ••••••••••;;-.;••••••••• llon. Only $149,000. Haven 3 BR twnh11. 2 I t 96e--9087 Houff on Begonia $23!1, J 0 Y 0 • W 11 tie • •gt Ba, powder room. comm Bal>oa PrilaU 3207 000 lot 831·12IMI pool. A11um1 30 yr •••••••••••••••••••••• IAYYllW • value, prin. only. $120,000 111 Ill 13'1t -•• plex Coi t• Meu $1 89, 1'.t Bdr. 1 blk to b .. ch, From Balboa Island. Bltr. <213)438-5823• S159 500 Prine only OOO . long term flnan· yearly, nu criit. no pats. Quaint • Bdrm home on UU LIAll/'"1111 845-4ilss 0,. 631-0360 . cfng. 120,000 d,,.,$2110 15711. 875-2010. &-9PM th• peaceful little llland, If P•Mn :' j~·t:~~par: 28', 1ea. 310 AIYarldo Pl. neat epot to !Mt. Call fOf + 1 llYISTllS ly. Ao 1650 mo. Incl utll. Call an.appt. 9375,000. 4 bad!_~• nc31udlntg 2 Hll..._ Bead\ 1040 N•wfort ferr•c•. 3Br . l ... f S• 2200 owner 752-5710 maat• ...,,.., Y. l>a~h• •••• ~.,.••••••••••••••• S 13 900 or S 115 000 o,. • ~l()tJI: t1()M-=•1 lg lamlly rm, 2 lrplca, 1111,111 YI 12* • -' ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------..__. II d b I ;ia -. c .. h & you pay all clo--a• -Corina dtl Mir 32.22 won, t75-eOOU rut c woo ••m ca · 9hw'p 2400!"" 4 bdtm sing coat1. We have de-,., -•••• ...... , ............. .. , ling•· all In •walk to hOml on ~NC. pendabl• tenent. We nllh pfan1. Dnve by 481 2 br houaa. t ba. patio. ~·•• be11Ct1 location. R.E Pr~ rnu11 ""next few d•Y" & Alta Vl11a W*'I. then call 1111./dln. combo. •eso . WILi 11... In,::::.'~.= Na-1111 went 5 day Hcrow. Ag911t 540-e240 760-8379 bet. 12-5. 3 Bdrm 3 bath home In ~· 1525,000 •M-7737. .... .. Dttlrt, •Snulll 1br ywd, prt\18Cy, ucellent Huntington wlttl ~ llnencMg. mt llU. HIT • ..._ WMIU an.t 2400 good for alngla or cozy 1 .. ch •r•ll. A11umab.. .. ..... 1111 need caef\ 3 If\ l'14 b9. Priced btlow mlll. Ja-•••••••••••••••••••••• cpl 16215. No pelt. loan• Md OW'* wtll fur-"'Cl,.,.,,.· Y9fd Pno. r• amin. Ct99k Condo 28' Park City Utah Condo, 752-582:2 °' 641·1*· d therna•.•211 10 ' •00 1t 0 h Cllla"ll duced to '97.JOO. low +den, guatdecl gete. Ill Ownat lootclng for par1· >Ont 2 br, 2 b9, MIO. OW • • • .... loan •manltlH. U n.000. IW. M0Q0 up lront, ~of (213)460-19'0 ... J-*le ~ SCOTT REAL TY 0 WC 0 w n • r I • Cl I . "83 mo. 842·04171 (71•)640-t753 .,.,_nd ...... 531-7533 &4().8188 t..h llliu IHI 11• -• llM ~/W1r1al 50 ~.'!!!! ........ !!! A PETE BARRETI REALTY mn.-.r.:. ........ m 1044 ~ VWMI~ H ......_ .... -•••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br 2~ be. fJrtra. IOt ••~•.:.:..::,• ..... •••• ••• ~A~ :'il: -.I I r~•••u ... i.m.,~ ... Wll ·---oo,....,_ • "":· ltw ""· fl"ml cir\., Pf'Of for a~tl~I Prlf'Ctp•I• '* Mw 2 .-. any 7ao-a31 .. buy• ttll• roomy .. ... i.. , AC. u. Opt, 1 ~· Wortd euMnOe --------droefll....., tlOfM •II 7A 1 • er;: SIMPt 4; t% Trade your okt •tutf for 111..,.._.. • _,,_ ~ new ,good lH wlttl a room wlwood .._"""' Elt.utlW concto. ooe9'\ &Jiiiiiili~14340ii~iiii~C'~1~1 ~-~·~·~-~-~841~-M~71~ oe11.,...1. 20Diloc*ator,~-.... ..._ • ....., :81~.~c 'f:·,~~ oent• 1IO..i.oo0• ,.._. 3 lr+dan bei11A1M oondo I pale eAty. POn't cltl•y. WON trOftl lake. COfft.o ?P'\On money. Dv• oall '*'-~· efy loadecl wteatr... ~·!!·~-~~: ~~!·l'Mllt~~~ '*'-Volpe wtll carry paper. 'OMCl.08UJll Hume a11~~!o•n •brl 1 .... en. "17 Owft/lllr, Ocaenlront C111p1ea . UI0.000 wlltl OO<ld ..,,_ ... ~ ' _._,.._ ~upa...,.~.-..... -.an Huntington leach. On • "•rd to ftnd doubtl IOt. Prtc9d at '-Ml -.. •1•.-. L.ow IOW dawn. _ ~· -. -_ ----l I I •• • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 18, 1982 ' rtatC NOUCC ·Shelter design eyed NOTIC• INVITING 91Da NOTICE Ill HtRUY 011/fN 111•1 ~::u. F'll =~~:~ ~ ..... ----...... FV e-amining bu h elter in tallation of Ille Cfly Oitwlo et 11 ... Cilt tteil, 11 ""° TICM U.. •11 MIMI Ot ......._ Fu °''""· C:0.11 ....... CUloo-fllt 't:,.. ._.,CA tM41 ' l'ountaln Vall y plaMJna commla· lion•ra hav uked for authority to r•vt•w the d alan and adverllatna pan la of bu1 1helte r1 t hat may be built ln the d ty. In February, the' Fountaln Valley CN.mbtr of <Arnmerat u ked tht> City CoWICU' for permilaion to ove...ee the lnata llatlon and maintenance of 40 local bua 1helt.era. The comml Ion laat wffk urged that the foUowtn, condJtlons apply If' the-councU approve. the 1heh.c:·n· -That tho project bciU\ Ma Ont · year p lot program, UmJt.t-d to JI.Wt 10 aheltel"I. \ un1w tri. hour ol 11 00 1 "' on Ml)' 0. --=.• ~., 1 ..... 6 11'2, 11 lotNct\ Ume lh9y ~ be ~ ....... -.,. =-= ...... oo.ne;J l>"OOc;.ly Mn.I ,...., .., In Dr ~ ~ ~ ........ 11141 Cw11¢1t C,h1mt>t1ft IOf FURNI· ,,.~ .. ~.,...._ IHINO tl l I AllOM MATlf'IAl.I IN Wiie EOUtPMfN t lllAN~l'OftlATIOff ~I~ ANO SUCH OHICH f AClllTI I Al -T_.t !:::.''"'"' WH ltleCI w1111 "" IUlllMONa MAY 8£ Rrou1nrn FOR THt. Rf ~ "'°' .... ~., ...... -T h at the comml11lon have tht! power to r eview th~ dea)gn, color, materials, advertlalng panel ft and I locations of all 1helwra. ' OH ""IT AMCHOID C~ NOl/AllON Of 8ll)Pli8 ANO THI! ,._ NOT~::~v~: :!1! euM . ~~\~:~l:,r~:RI~~ ~1~~1;:~:. ~~·~t:.-:c,,~·:i~. ~1.·r~·M=· The ~_, deGtde ,......., '°" IOJS wnn 11HH ~rnrn CO$TA wllholll JOll.r IMfnt hffrd 11n .... Mt.IA. ( Allf OJINtl< 1-------... -.------- The chamber Mid it w ou ld con tract with Santa ~bMed American Bus -That •djacent property owners ! be notified of plans to place a sh e lter I near the m . I -T ha t the city provide for remo-1 val of sh elt.en that are not properly '°" reepond within JO ., .. MM A Ml ot pt••" •P"' lltc.a11un1, ano nr-1iw ffte lnfonnatlon below. OIMf C:OllfrlCI dO< UITllOllll •nty l!el------------1 tt vou with 10 NII< lht Mf·'tlee of obtained tn 111• 1'11111;1 ol 1111 O•· ~.,.... '" 11to1ney In Ihle 1nalttf. )'OU p1rtm1nt ol l1i11111 8ervlc:•1. 11 MA• ITATll9NT Shelter Company for the structur~. and receJve m o nthly r evenue from 1 the company's advertlaing panels. main tained. I .nuutd do '° PfMll>l'Y llQ thtJ y<;iir Fa.Ir Dftwt, Ct.tel• MN&. Oallt0tnl1, n .. lollooNlllQ l*Wll " OOlllO ~ Wfll1"' rMl)OllM II any, m•y be flied upon tt<>-'P' ut • ll0f)llfund1ble IM .. on t me of 16 00 11 11,0.,., t t""'ueat pl•n• RIGHT 9te>a 1Nfj, 111tt .-.. OlllGa. "'"1101 U I d "' Id d ~• Huntington llMdl. ~ 12641. .... I I nl I I l lftl ft• enp 1~t"c.11ion1 be mall•d the Myron LM Mtltor, UOI o.aot., CoeU di do II l1lb11n1I p111d1 deoldlr c:t\11119 ... 111 be t r &I> 1>11f "" ~. CeM•om&a 124121. The cou ncil poatponed a decision u ntil the b us 1h e lte r plan could be evahlated by the Planning Comnus lion. The bus shel ter propoNJ is ex~k'<i to be retu rned to the counctl with the commission's recommcmdat1on a in May oontr• Ud •In eudlenct. • -E1<.h bid 1nall be made on the Tll•t ~ ......... la ~.o by ai>"" q11• Ud. rHpond• denlro d• H propout lo1m and tn th• mannet OMik.1111 dlM L•• le lnflflfteClon qua 1lgue p1<1vlct•O In ti•• ~011tr1c;t docu• M'ftOll -SI U1ttd d•••• .ollcllar el c:on menC• ind 111111 o. 111• 1:ot 1p1ni.d 11"' •1•1•111•"1 wu lll•O •1111 !ht • • I c ...... 1y C..11 Of On1no• ~yon ...,Oii M)O ell vn •boo8do "' "" lltllnlO, by • ""1111«! or Cu/Vlt • t~ OI • 7~ 1N7 cs.o«t• llllo«IO lnl'MOlat"'*'i.. de Did bond tor not >eel thllf1 10 I* ' _, ..... Man.ti Ill r~· Mc:l'fll. C41nl Ol ltle 1niounl ol tlle bid, m.O. PubU•fled o ...... CoaOI Delly ""°'· .. h•y "'OI·'"' P<HMle -regl11r•d• ptylt>lt 10 11'111 Ctty ol eo.11 ..... M•Cfl 1t. """ 5. 12. It, tM2 • tlemsx> ,..,. Contrtcll.lf tti..at 111 111e 1>«10t· ,~ t TO IHC OEFEMOANT A ctvH m•noe «>I lfl• w0tll ••uJ lmproye compl•1nt hH been fll110 l>y 1111 mont1 tof'lorm tn tne llb41r Cod• ' MlJC •11C£ pl1•nt11t •o••ntt you 11 you with 10 of 1two 81111 ot Ca 1f\lfn•• 1nd olhlr ----------- 0 .... 1<1 m .. l11...-ut1 you rnusl. "''tllfn ••w• ,,1 ll'HI SU••• ol C1hl0tn11 ap rterrnoue .,_.. JO day. ¥111 11111 SUMITlOf\4 It &•r· plOC.1>141 l'*•IO W111t lhtl ei~llOfl MM9 ITATlmJIT • OC opposes renovation Superviso r s unit to r e mod el headquarte r ved.on you 11111 ... 1111 11111 cou11 • onlt «>• "" 1 ...... 11u11• •• may be n .. -'"' """°" 1a --0 - *'111111 rn1p<1nr• It> lhe cOmj>la nl r1q1;1rad uno"' f•.ft ~l<ol Niu! .. u l./nlelt ytlll 0 Ill yOUI clelaull ... n pur-nl "' '#'I 1(-t. P• •r.wo(l•ng• ,,. P(T'AO METAL.I 11107 ~Qr. b• 1n11r10 n 1ppl1r 111on ot lh• '""''°"''""I '•n fillO wt\IC:I• have ~,~,::V,~~~-. P'""''" .. ni.1 thlt cow1 mn1 _,_ • ""' "' .n ~~ .. r•• 11.,11 "'1 11\e prov! 1 ount .... v.a.y. ~ .... n1oe ltldg,,,..,,I 11<,1eAnll you tor th• ,. ...i t'Ont ol '""I •IKll r..,..,. Praleranoe lhoa b<i•ofl ... it con~leCI tiy .,, In· Ora{lge County supervisors say th ey'r e against spending $20.000 toward the cost of renovation a t the Sacrame n to 'headquar ters of the County S upervisors Association of California . It had been propo&.>d that the rive story, 20,000-squar e foot association building one block from the Capitol be renovated at a cost of $372,000 The assoctat.ion purchased the 56-year old structure in 1981 at a cost o f $975,000 11.-nllndilcl ..., the c~npta1nt, """"'" to leb(lo ''"'" '"' g1vwi Ofliy In Ille -i...a...i could 1111111 '" getn11l1ff1•11t ol man'* 11•v• tM!od "flaw •-F-w•ll" tllktng ot IT\OlllY Of Pf<'>C)41tt\t Nv bid •II•" l>4 ront>d.,lKI un .. tt It lto•• trolerunl ••t llled wltll lh• or oth•r rlftel requetl•d tn 1111 .. m.O. °'' • lottn lurn<t>•"<I by 11141 74 .~;i-" OI Orange Coutlty on MwCfl oomptelnl Cuy 1.11 G(MIH M..u t.11<1 It m1de In ,_ OATEO July 11, 19S I ICCOld8rtCt wttll 1tre p10~111on1 of Pt1tll11neo Otan,e C9,\ Pt.lly PHol, Shelte Gon:c.t* the Pfopowl rttqulrtwn•nta Merell 21. ~· 4, I, II, M2 1SFM2 Clerk Eec11 bid""' mutt l>* Or..,,,...o ind ------------1 The association is a lobbymg orga- n izatio n for coun ty gove r n ments throughou t the state. Three floors o f the bu1ld1ng are, leased to the s tate Fair Poltt1cal Practices Commission. av Susan L POtlflf "'° PflQUll!tli.<i .. •1t<1ulrft<l by t1w P\lltlC NOTICE o.c>uty Tiie City Ce>un<.11 ol lhfl C,lly ,,f C.0111 COOi( • l.INOl:N M ... 1 rHetvlt1 "'" 11gl'tt lo rttjetl Na.«lll40 A r-1ofMeolone4 ~tton ony Of 1111 114"1 f lCTITIOUI au ..... 125$ aunMI atYd., 11111• 2000 . tu.-, 1••1lnrlt1y NA.ME ITATl .. NT Local man gets wings S econ t Lt. M a r k A . Seward, son of John A : Seward of 2725 Sandpi- per Drive, Cotta Mesa, and Marilyn G. Seward of 2115 S herinaton Pla- ce. N e w por t Beach, has graduated from United States A ir Force pilot training, and r eceives silver wings at Vance AJ.r Force Base, Okla. Seward will serve at S haw Air Force Base, s.c. He is a 1979 graduate of USC. lllTH NOTICES STANSBURY B U R TON J . STANS BURY, nsdent ol Newport Beach, Ca Passed away on ApriJ 18, 1982 He lll ~urv1 ved by h.ls wife J.nei. 3 SOM, Donald L. Stansbury o! &. kenrfield, Ca , Dale Sta.nsbu· r y of Palm Springs, Ca . James Shinn of Tucson A.riJ:.ona, 2 daughters Wanda Differ of Bakersfie ld. Ca a n d P a tricia Fa1man of Ne wbury Park, 2 brothers M .H. Stan sbury of L ong Beach. Ca. and T W Lake· wood Stansbury of .Lake · wood, Ca and silt.er Vauda BenJ10n of Downey, Ca . 12 grandchildren , aTld 3 great- g ra nd ch 11 d re n . K e was. member o f t he L iber taa Lodge No . 466 of Bakera· field, Ca. and a member of the Al Malaikah Shrine and El Bandito Shr in e Club Ser vices will be h eld on Tu eaday, A pril 20, Ul82 at 2 :30PM a t Pacific View Chapel. Interment Pacific View Memorial Park. In lieu o f flo wers the family re- quests c:ontrlbuUona to Shn- ner1 C r ippled Chlldre ns Hosp ital of Los Angeles, 3180 Geneva, Loa Angeles, Ca. 90012. Pac ific View Mortuary dlrecton. BEST BENJAMIN J BEST, a Laguna Beach resident for HAUOI U.Wl4-MT. OLIVl Moctuaf\/ • Cemetl'f\/ Crematory 1625 G1sle-r Ave Costa Mesa 540 5554 NICI HOTHllS MU .. OAOWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadw;oiy CostaMes11 &42 91 !>() IA\. Tl & HICHIOH SMtTH & T\ITHI\.\. WISTCUFJ CHAPIL 427 E 17tn SI Costa Mesa 6•8-9371 ,_ClllOTHHS SMITMS' MOl'TUAI Y 627 M11n St ...,.nMQlon 8'tacn ~39 TRAVELS -P r ince Charles will visit New Mexico in October to dedicate a new cam- p u s of the United World College Oct. 28-29 in Santa Fe. Hollywood, Celffomla t002I City'""~"' "* The lollowlng peraont .,, doing (213) 4et-2901 C11y ,f <. , •' • M• • bu11,,..1 U Pubt11h11d Orange CoHI Uaity f'ulih•r.Od 0••11\1 , 1 01t•ly Pllol. ROY HOGAN & ASSOCIATES Pit 1 At>r • 12 19 26, 19'!2 Aprol t:1 ~ 1~1: INVFSTMENT8, 3197 "C" Airport 1~<,4 62 111•,o.92 lOOp Coeta M-. CA 92$29, JAMES B HOGAN. G1n1r1I p•oe.t IC .. OTIC£ Par1ne<. 2955 CNteau w1y, 1..eguna -____ uo ___ ,, ____ __, Beecn, CA 926!>1 R ealty talk sl a ted P\El.IC NOTICE 'ltS 92!'133 C·14lt RICHARD K ROY , Ge neral California Land Ttllt_· , ... ()TJC. f, 01, Ofo'.ATll ()f IUP£1t10" covl'IT OF Pertner 39205 Celle 811'1 Marc:oa. Company o{ Santa An ~ CAUfOflMIA Sin Juan Capl1treno. CA 92975 . il IS.\DORI '-lHl\oiEIJ>ER COUHT'l'Of'lOSANGELH Tllltbu-llc:oncluctld by• wtU present a ~~ St•m1 a ka I J ~l'll~EIDER, .. 11~ '" '' .,.., • ' • fl EET 1 •mttecl p111n«Wwp nar entitl ed H o w Iv ISADORE J SCH'IJE IOfo.R we • M , • · J-a Hogan, Market T roubled Real Al\'D Of PETJTJO'lt ro "Pl""'-"""'""'" ..it .. 1.19'111.0, 0-llPenner Estate tn a Troubled R.l•cil AOMl'\ISTER EST ATE 'i<J ::.':" '~O:: ':-C 'dNI CGl'\lrDI 011 c.c!.':y ~~ ~ ~ ': F.state Market " A·l 1!9~6 CASE Nu~ern A1\l11 Apr~ 9 1992 It Wtll be held at the To •• 11 h .. ir~. be1u•{1UJfll'''-,r .. cti!,",~~at'"'t•I Pubtlll*I Orange CoMt ~-=- Marriott H otel tn New ,.,. tl1111ri; .ind conl111i.:t :ll Cw••odt •nd CGntrol AP<•t 111 29 May 3, 10. 1982 port Beach on ThUF'i<.ldy n1•d11,,1:. ol ISADOHE (UANO<>HM NT) 1733-82 May 6 al 8 am ~C 11Nf1ll1': I{ ,1 ka I • .J lo cw~~· :~~1!.°:~, Ch•rle• Nil.IC MOJI( F or tnformatlon. call S<.: H N t.I IH.H ,; kd I SA Ol•s Ca•80H .. 11....,. I nAlur•t •• 835-5575, e~tN\SIOn 239 OOHE J !->C'HNr.II>!o:R and "'"'' .. , .. ,. tt>< .,,. ur.~no'-n, 10 ~TTTIOU9 ...... r pt•r ~Ill\ ,. h11 m.t v bf• fllhf."r CIMI< Rocb r I .~ .. I ~tdll Fl ... twoocl ..,,... ITA~ Whl tn\,.r,.~tPd rn tlw will J'""'ll""'J wr1 .. 11o1t;QUtt unlul°""n Thi~ JWlllnll Going i---•n<l tr• "' r.ut "°' • cln rn "0 to bl IM u HB • «Jkl 11r • .. wt• llfht1• nr mrill•n• ti ~••o.1 minor llHOEHH()f "AE.$5, 1001 Well 8i. airma n A pt l1t11111 h..c. ht~·n f1l1~1 h) pe<i.o•o •lK:•" •f•lfl<l ;;~~,No 402 Sant• An•. C•lllo•nl• I llUHf:ln L SCllNEll>EH 1n Bv N<l•Y • I 'Co••'' Y<Ju' HI,,.. l tnco lftrolO Jancu , 1001 W•tl h d h • . tf•hf r.••1J<1 II. >(l ,,.,..,,.,w lo) ~l>f'N !11_... No 401 Set>!• Ana c.t"omi. 0 n ()re t I s 1J Jll r I (J f L "u I l II f beforM lltt JuO!J" P•ettdtr>g 1n De· 97107 . I< JHJ\ N< • F Counlv rc .. tu•"lltng 1.1ar1n-,. .,, .'.•-4 lir.orn 7 ··'' 1 ol ti\• '"" t>u••-tt cono...:1ec1 by en..._ Master Sgt Jamt:S Lts. tit.ti m IBEHT !. SCJ!Nr'l •l'•J\rf! .,,.., •• ,, , .... 1r1c.•1tel "' OMOual S · Ct 1nt1n• C.... '" ij .,:" 2 H) W T em l .,_ H J9ncl<o son of tanley J and D1'.K lx· .1pnn1n1•"I •'" 1w ,....,,. , • •, 001 J Thrt •••••m•n• ••• lll•O wt1h 111• ,.-. l~'" • '" •v••• • • <"n unt Cc,,urt Cle<\ ot 0r*'041 ~on Mwch Margaret M LlS or 8601 nal f<'J.I'""'' ut11t1v1• t•1 ..1d1111· ;>1 ,~~' •• II 00 I' .,, ,,.., d•r 24 .·~, Lowmead H l•n ttn gtun 1n hlt•r 1111· , ... tat•· 1 I JSA 11''"'''"''"'"'" ,.,.,,.CAY .. 1ten1 ,_ Be h h ' '"" ()()JU" ~'HNI-JUEi< U'\-'ll • yu 1th" ,., • '"""ll" tllould PvbHtll•d Or•no• Cout oa11y ""°'· 8C , aS .,.,-en named • • • II ' nor t.., CJ .. I"' o(l 1 -t"'m tt ... ton ... wdl 21 AptM 4. 11 II. IMJ 13n-U nona>mml.SSiOned 0ff1<."er l.~ (Und1•1 \ht JntJPpt•nr!t"lll l1Ulc l 1•r• oo""I OC<>tOt<tQIOlhe,----------- 22 yedl"S He passed away o n of the yea t W ght A11r111111,tr;1lll•n ur f.'<Ltlt" , ... 1o11C>" "'' td~ •-et"'" P\ll.lC NOT1C( S aturday April 17, 1982 at p "' r Aa Frt • ,Alli Th• ix·uuun '~ .....,., fut Tl•• ""M'0" .,,..., """"n ''tor tllel NS-HUI at te' son 1 r o rre htou-tn" 111 l"""'t No 3 at .. 00 CoulP<IMI 011~ng 111e aoti,11Ct CJ•ild th~ South Coast Medical Base Oh.lo . · "· ~., ' '°' 1)1~1 t0< .Ooptl<>f I NOTICE OF DEATH OP Center H e w as tn g ood L .' · f I d c.;,.,.,l < "ntl'f Drtv~ w .. ~t. OAfEOAp<rt., 1~~' CECI L B U EL CR UZON healthand o..-at.edhia own IS, an a1rcra t oa jS•nt:.i Ana CA 927111 on J~nJ eo.e<w r AND OP PETITION TO .-· master technician with M.1\ ~. 141!:.! 'II •l :m 11111 CW<•,~· LtthographyservicemCosta the Aero_naut1 cal It \'Ol'OBJECTtoth• ~~~.,.''"""° AA_01M1•11~7.~R ESTATENO. Mesa. Harbor Graphic;;. S ,.....,, """"' " ,. when at 58 years of age he ystems v1V1Ston, r~t grantm).' .. r th• ,,,. un.,n ,·uu Jot>" H l•reon, To aU heus, benefJciaries was s truck by a disease of ved an associate degree ~hc.ulll •·1111• 1 ·•VP: '11 di it... ,,..'..~~'~ c:.;=: i-rt dttors and con tinge n t unknown ongin, which cau· in 1980 from Western ht•.•1 •nf. .inti :it le· v•JIH ''" Oepwty C':0<int r Covn-.1 tred1tors of •ECIL BUEL St.-d pulmonary damage and Oklahoma State College Jl'l 11011!> ''' flit ~ ritt1·n ob •.go Crtm•n~i C:ou•1• Butldift9 CHUWN and persona who lud.N:y failure. lhroughout 4 Jf"< twn "'111 •It• '•JU rt h• ~10 ••tt ra ... .,.. &tr"1 I , y be therwbe interested fnrr tt-r h••rrrtll" \'.,111 ,,, loe ""<l•le• C A 90012 Illa O weeks o f Lntens1ve car e ~ ' u14 )'ltl 111 the w1JJ and/or estate. fought val!antly and al ont' M • µ<>.H .in•• "'"" h· 111 µt r • " P1 r ~ ""' " ..oa.t ~ P· 01 A peullon has been filed tune appeared to be rallying esan g ive n 1Jr h:-vo11r llt>lrrtt'~ A;" I Hj IV ' !')ft. l by JEFF E CRUWN in the but weakened and failed He l.F VO! 1 l\ IU. A l"K!o::t >1 Ii >I< _ _ tr...i.e~ S upenor ~ of O RANGE was a skilled photographer Ar m y honor tlf II ct1nltn~·1 nt (fl ditttr "1 R •uc NOTICC County requ esting t hat and member of the e arly tht d•~ 1 .. " i v•iu mu t filt• J 1-:FF E C R UZON be a p- Laguna Beach Camera Club. P fc. Brtan A. Hogge, vour daun "'1th '11' ... urt or ficrm-;:;-•ua...aa-,--pointed aa peraon al repre - He i.s survived by hi.a wife, son of Bill Hogge of F ort pn"••t "1 11 tu l lH P1''"""·d ,.. • .,c ""'.,..,., 11cntallve to administer the Freelance Writer Dorothy Irwin, Cal.If., Md Evelyn rt.ht-pre-.ent.tllv~ "r1J11111't'd ~~ ... '"•"""~""'"'~oo-.. ,..,.,.,'111\u•..,... estate of CECIL BUEL Best, a brother, 3 sistera and O. Gupton o{ 3096 Ne-t>i H?Urt wrt m our mcmtru •Ou•rn ,.,,. Ju r.,. hn<f 11111191 CRUWN C04lta Mesa Ca. from tho d lltf' of fltllt 111 c,.,.~ .... "". c-•,ot 1 d th ' ,_ ... __ ,.., t' Ad many beloved n ieces and vad a, Costa M esa, has t io•11•1a• J •o••• "' 1 .. 1 22fto un er e uiuet""'"""'n • ne phew. s. In tribute to h. Is been n amed aoldi· e r of »Wl!lL~ u h·tt('l"lj ·'' prc,vulrd thrf'lll ·~· .,.._ l;.o!ol·"""' t.tt21 mJ.nlstraUon of F.iatee Act). ri·' in ~lion 700 e;f thl Proli.11/· '""II"""'""" '•'"""by en in Th ti I :. 1 b memory a memo .... service the quarter at Fort Hood • 11 .,.,,..,.... e pe t on .. set 1or ea -will be held today, at thel T--' Codr of C ~blonuo1. \t· UltM' 1• ~·• .Jtro.... ri ng In Dept. No . 3 at 700 Laguna United Methodl'st "'tt,.,_. fo_r filln~ dJtrn: will 111Jt t·~· Tnt• " ••·• • • • •• '""'' .. uh th• C . C t D . W t da ttakhl f h .,..,,u.,,,,.,"1"""''r""Mwt11 1v1c ener rive ea , Chu r e h at 7 3 0 p M Oeee, a.n a c el· ptr«' prior tu our monl • t .... S anta An a. CA 9270 l o n GASTON copter crew chief wtth from the d.111· 11r t.h1 h1·ar111g "teea u -.. 982 "30 ... -· I Pvt>!···~ fl•. 'l" r: ... 0• •y •·•ol lYlllY "· 1 at .. : a.m. RALPH GASTON, paged !he 6th Cavalry Dtvi.a1on. noY~U ~tt~ ~·v AMINE lh ..... u. 2<;1 """' u2M' IF YOU O BJECT to the away on April 16, 1982 at hlli is a 1979 graduate of / ~ e granting of the petition, you home m Yucca Valley, Ca., Estancia High Schop!. fill' kPpt by tht< llJurt (f you P'USLIC NOOCC should eithe-r appear a l the where he had been ltvingl Costa Mesa at•· mt.N(~l<~i m thr f'5\ak!, ncr1rt00i eu 11 hearing and 1ute your ob- tht? last 3 yean aft.er his re· you ITWV ftl,. a ff."fJUPSt with '4AMl ITATCwun JE'<'lton11 o r hie written ob- ttrement from South Coast Dra1· n OK'd th(' lOUrT to rt"Ct'l\.C Spt'< 1"1 .:""I ,,,_~ ""''" . """"'~ j(.-Ctlons with the court be- Construc1.1on, where· be had nol1t«• of th• 111q ·ntvr!' or '""""'C • "" r.c;AP1No 1141 (Ore the hearing . Your a p- been employed for 33 years. l'l>l<ll.t' It'il!ol'l<> o.nd or tht pNi ~J,' ..... "1 ..-•• , r••·1'""'1 pearance may be ln penon He leaves hJs Wlfe Norman. MENDOTA (AP) t.mri •m ... unti; ind n•ports llN<"'S--"' t>••~n.-or by )'OW' a~y. 2 d hl .. 7 g n ... -h 1 Landowners have voU.od dt· .... r1t...1l in ~lion 1200:'> eo.t.t ...... r;.-fot ... eemr lF YOU •DE A CRIPT"l>I· aug e. 1 • ra ~ 1 • I 11r l he Caltfor111-· Probutr '"'" W• ,... .. 1• •l>"'•11<i..e t,. "" ~ n.n ZJJ d r e n . a n d 1 g re a t -overwhelnung Y to creA u -• TOR or a conUncent Cftdit.or 1fandch1ld. Services to be te a 50,000-acrc dramage Cod i• ...._ . , '"'• ,,,:';",,,"':/':'!0 14 ,. •~ lh• o f the deceaaed , you mua.t held at W1esfels & Son distr ict southwest of Edw rd l:I. Stone, ~sq.. C:O....•rO..•ot O<.,..t.....,..,.,...,._ tile your claim with the Mortuary. Yucca Valley at M endota and Firebaugh Altoroey •' Lii"' '' 1982 ,,..... courl or pre1ent it to the 11 :OOAM on Tuesday, April 1 n w e s t e r n Fr f' !I n o '10 Newport Cuter Drlvt, Put11t•"'"' """w" c.0 .. 1 o.11v P1101 penonal repre.entative ap- 20, 1982. County SNuJte HO B b CA MA1ct> 11t "°'we. u •9 •118' u10-e;1 pointed by the court within ---------------------! l2tl~ ~:s~ t ' a c • P'UIUr. MOft( four months from the date of DEATHS ELSEWHERE H ADDONFIELD. N.J . (AP) -Keaae lla N. Mac- Donald , 60, a former vice chairma n of the atate Ca· alno Control Commlulon and a defendant In the Ab- scam cue. died Saturday the IUlnolll Legislauve ln· vestlgaltng Commil,lon, died Thunday SA N ANTONIO, T .. xH (AP) -Relittd Army G n Ttiom11 Troy Haody, 90. former commitndf'r o! th<• U.S . Europt"ln Comblnnd, died Wed.nt"lday HAVERFORD. Pa. (AP} -Dr Ga)'ler P. R.anweU, 78, president of the Un- ivenity of Pennaylvania 17 ynn and an atom.le phy'1- cl1t w h o helped de velop eon.er ~ for tl» Navy, ORMOND BEACH. Fin died Sunday. (AP) -Jo1ef Nklaola, 61, __ dim:tor of communk:.llUOnt C H l C A G 0 (AP) -1 for I.he United NaUont W\UI Qulea .....,_., 88, a for· hi• ~Uremen\ \hr9(! yc~ra mer euc.uilvt. dJrtctor of .,o. died April 10. • .. ~ . F.LY ~,AIR IRVINE TO &;AX Via Dally Flight• ,-,... _,. w.,_ Alr,..-t (C>nnee CountJ) #, C714> 640·8900 C.rat luuance of letters u Publ.l&hl'\I Or C"'-t ri..ur p1 FM:'l'ITIOOt llUllMIH provided ln Section 700 of lot, April 12,13~ 1982 MAM.t ITllTIJll(lfT the Probate Code of Callfor-1&4~ If~ ....!~~0'1""'"'0 P<"'" '" ••• 11"'"0 ou.i nla. The time f o r filing ____ M_l_IC_NO_Tl_C_E ___ co::O~":?.~'"i. ;,r,1 ~~~,~~~11~u6:ti. claims will not expire prior ronw111 :9•~ ~ t• • ........ °"*""II to four montha from the date ,:~:':,~, ~~,. s..11• 10~ c:"''" 111 ... r . .,,,..,"'" o! the hearlng noticed above. NAMI a TATR•NT T.,..,i.on• tJ...-.at1on Anltlyelt tlld YOU MAY EXAM IN!: The to1tow1ng peraon I• doing IHll>oelt ~ ""*ll0<111• • -I.he file kep• by W eourt. U w-1,... ,. :.::O:=:'~' 0;~:_ vi.•• o.-you are lnt.erated ln the e.- Al JO M INl EANAT IO NA l fhio-11"""1\l(lf9\10.•-\al.r, you may file a request ~i~~.~t:':.~ 9~· &Ill• """"' ,.,.._ louwi.n .An.,.... with t~• court to r eceive HFNAV L STECKEF\ * AttO-11-d .. ~ ~ •• Mt 1pecl&l notlc:e o f the lnven-= •g~~· 102 Coat• 1 ~ ..... :::.~. ~"':: ,';;=" tft• tory of estate ueeu and of rllli ~ "oonduc:t.cl by.,, ~ "ar.,.. c;o.,..1y ., M•dl the pellUou , accounta and lndMdual. ....., ~pot1a dMcribed In Secdon Htnry l 81«*-• .....,. • o.., 1200.~ of the C.llfornl• Tillt '"'"""'' ... 11*1 WIVl ,,,. 4•........... ....... ......... ... _ ,......,;._ COunty Clettl Of Ofanort COunty on ~ ....._ c..-t .-,_.w -..-. Apl'll 1. 11t2 (nll_.,. 8.anW E. BeWJ, ,·-,.,llllel\W O.•noe c ... , O.•IY ,. ... , ..... ~1 at • ·w -......,,, 7t A1W1 ~. II II tfl1 I~ "'_.._ -Publltllld 011nge Coet1 01111 l!M NMt8I Mala S1riiit, Ptlol. Ap<M 11 lf, ~ Mii)' 3, 1982 -111 --&d&e 794 1~2 r•-"''IK Suta Au, CA H7tl ('Ht) IH·lU4 PllbllilNd er.. OMt DMl1 ,._ lot. April ti, 1J. ll, 1112. l.....U t'Mft.M!dl~1J...... t'Mn.'1tatf •1.~ ••••• .... J2J C..Mete UJ4 . ..................................... ' N9wpoft Cr• .. ,....,., ale "°'*• --'de =...,...1~8d.1~1 to 2 9f 1 la.~ drp•. _,,_, """ tno. MOW w--/~ ht!· t 17M7N up, f~Cld yatd, ancl•d p I L 0 T Lllllf oar No pe11. M watat· • ... ~· 1500/mo + MCU• "bckm, "ba. •111" lerge, rl1Y dee)Oelt. 54fr5442 M vl9wu.!~'=. ra'a.':te 1_1_r_co-_oe_ae_. ___ _ ~ ._.__ 3 bd r m , 2 ba, water/ ..... ....,... gardoHt« Incl. 1795. No . ea:Haw palnl. pet.I. 6'4-7771. etova, water paid Gar-1---------d en er . No p tU. 2BR nr s.c PIH. Adult U SO/mo. 111. lu1 a oondoe. Quiet. S5e51mo $ 150. 51 Ht Bolu. o .. 1nc1. &M-1028 64S.504t evee & Wllndt, 2 BR, 1 be, gar, W ID 831·3620 wlldy. Ilk up. No pell, 1415. 3 bf, tam. rm, din. rm, 2 2201 C P l1c1ntl• bl, new palnl/drpa, trp1c,1_64_5_·_7G_83 _____ _ 2 c a r gar Gardener. Houae, hor•• OK. 28 r. Avell S7t&. 646-0e05 1800 mo 20202 Birch SI Cholce3br 30a,pool Santi Ana Hg U home. gar.' petlO 1550 65 1...&931 OC.RENT AL.8 -E.-Slde--3Br-. -2a--t.,,,--rm- 750-33 14 w/lrplc. fncd gardnw, Spec 3 bf nom. on qulel cpla, drpa S mo 111 c;ul-d.--NC, 1150 Gayle ' IHI + 1400. 277 RO· 631-8039/a.40-1~9 meg blnllood Ln 556-1737 aft 3PM. c L A s s Family Home Collage Park 1--------3 8f 2 ea frplc, dbl gra-3 Br 2 Ba TownhouH. raga, laundry l\Ooll-upe, private ape. patio. 2 cw w It er 6 g er d • n e r gatege No pett. lrnmed 17501mo. 6«-8079 POIHHIOf'I H oo/mo. "°"1• 846-4380. 190 DEG VIEW CONDO 1--------- 2 BR. 21M>e. micro, gat. EASTSlll 18 25 533 -4300, 2B< llou11 wl1hden, 87~178' garage, wld llOOk·uP• OC.RE 32CI Unlverel1y Or. s .. "'"'-' 1200NT "I.! man.ger et $. ~8 , • .,.,. • to .2000 .,,... . 750-33 14 open 7-d•)'I ---------_____ .;..._ __ .;...,3 Br. 2 Ba. trpk:. new pelnt 2 Wrtt '4ll a carpete, garde ner Agl Jim, 731-3032 5-43-6986, 842-6350. E.ltec 4br CUiiom lloml, 3 Sunny 3 Bd rm, 2 '1t ba lrplc;, wet bar. Must rent. E'llde wttll y.,d, dbl gar $975 80Alrport arH . Avail May 1. 1795 w l back bay view, 1mm1c, garden« 631-1094 redec, 3br 2bl, garege, 2 BR den FP 2 ba condo patio, yard, grdnr, w1r. ni w .. tcllft. 1675. Avali refrlge. 1925. 842-9542 now D•vld 846-3255 3 Br. 1'/\ Ba garege, Executive lf\llng N-Or-lenced yerd l6301mo + ..___ ,.. __ A '400 NOUrlty Santa Ana -·• ""'"'0 • Large end He lo hu duple x untt, 3Bt, 28a, frplc, pe· 1133-fg27 110. pool, clbhM, wlk to 1hop1 541-84 46 , 493--0803 I F I E D Br enc:tad gataga, car· Pell. dr a pu 77 3 W ---.-ir.--.,---W 11 a on N O p e ll IK U251mo 83 t-'8" Tl( llOll flW 3 BR. 2 ee. gar, COiiege Rent In Coate Mesa ' Park, 1720 mo. NEW E S T Cl• I e d 2 0 '731-4214 & 831·2494 Townhome VILLAGE COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br 1 2 BR Eaatalde, '575 mo. 2t;. Ba. t6Q0..1IOO IQ It $350 MCUflty Avail now of s>ut• lullury Garages. 646-2971, 8?3"'899 llydro·tub1 In mu ter Never before 1 rental. eulte. dining roomt, Cullom d t coraled 3 wood burning fir~. Bdrm wl111 x•rdener mlcro-w•v• oven•. prl-' I 115 vat• P•llOI & Ol mo 58-0347 yarda,gardener provl· I home Agt. ded Eleg1n1 IMng only ' Lovely Brand new 2or, 15 mlnu1es trom Futtloo 2'h8a, trplc, 2 c:et Qaf&ge Island. 7 mlnutee to S C wlopener, botll bdrm1 Plaza oi 0 C Alrpoll are lg matr aultet, per-Jutt •••t of Newpor 1 tec:t for tfnglH, H•Y Blvd & to. of 8811 ~ term•. 1 795 mo Dy• Frwy. Starting II $900 • 850-9771, 531·31'4 month 631-5439, 2473 Older 2 bf, $3751mo No gerege. Couple only Eaat.ide 642·2857 Orange Ave , Coate M .... Dw Point 3226 ---------1 ..................... . f'ICTIT10UI MllN'll NAJttlE ITA,._NT Tll• followln9 P«Won I• doing ~-(A) MUSIC CLUB (8) MISS JEANNE·s Mu&C Ct.U8. 260 Cec:1 Plec:e, Co11a M11a, C111tornla m27 Jewlne Meys, 260 Cd"'-· Coat. ..... Clllfornle t 2e27 Tll6I ~ .. oonductld by .,, lnCIMduel. ~Mt1y9r Tiiie UMmen1 -fl'9d wtlll IN Coun1Y CW1t at Orange County on April 1, 1M2. ,,_. Publl•ll•d Or•no• COHI 01lly Piiot Aprll 11, 18, 25. Mey 2. 1982 1031-32 l'ICTITIOUI .,.. .. llAl9 aTA,_.,, Thi , ....... s---dOillO """'" --IOVT" C0.491' tNVESTOM •I. 40:1 WHI C~a"Cllll A ..... 111\la A"'· CA tmM. ~ -I lM111. 11111 M1C11119 Ln , ~ llMdl. CA 92141 OttvlCI L p,,., .. , uau CotlOfl•ooCI Cir. lAM l"oNllt, CA t2GO. ..,.., ............... ll20 Aclllter Cir .• F-V*'I. OA tt?Oe TMa ~ .. oonoducMd "'. -......... . "°'*" H uni. Tiii• title'"•"' ••• lll•d with tll• ~ 0.-OI 0..,,.. C-, °" MetCI> 26.t• ·-""°''-Of•,,.. Coul Oa11y ,.llOl, ..... al Ap1I 4, ft, 11 1912 141~ llOTIC:a"" ___ ITDmllD ___ ~ NOTICE IS Hl""E8Y GtV£N 1t11t PAK. IHC., e Cellfofnla oorporatlon, wtlOll bullneaa addr ..... OI WM on Ille ground floc\r of • bulldlng commonly known H One Town Cel\1er leceted 11116 Town C«lter Drive, COlll Meta. Celttomla, In• lenda IO .,.,,..., IO tlll Ul'1del llalMld tr..,.,_, One Town Cell• Drive Aleoelet•. • loln1 ~lure, wtlOM bull,_ eddr-11 3315 Fairview Road, Co1ta MH a. Calllornl1 928a8, all lllat u rtaln furniture. tutnlahlno•. t111tur ... equipment, mectllntry, r111.urant 1111altwarH _, Olhtr ~ PfOC*1Y located In ce rt1ln preml1H commonlv known • the "Enclcn ,..._..,,,,, loceled 11 One Town C«lter'. The tr...., of""~ le ..t>lec:t to C01nrn•clll Code e.oeton ltbe. • Within.,.,._~ .... pell. IO tw u llnown 10 th• 11ndtralonad .,.,.,.,... tM ll• .... Of ..a inc. llM UMCI 1he fotiowtno lddllional ~n9Mland~IM n8'M .. ~ ~t" et"" llboW ...... °'* eOdl I I tor treneferor er• 4110 MacArtll11r 8ol.dlv.N, ~ laedl, OIMOI· ll6a Md 1U I 0.... del lot, N---. ~ The lr119t'ffd tren1 .. r wlll M OOI.........., OJI Of lfter Mey 10, 1* • .. oMoa of, MS.._ tor dllll9of ............ ... wttll, .llfMe W. DMJele1 194. of ........,_, ........ , .... . Nftton Oeft'9r brM .... 0 . In 1110i ~ leactl, cant~. Ttle ........ ,.., """' ...... tot ....._ of the .,.,...,., It Mer 7, 1-. M TID _.J, 1111. ONI TOWN 09fTM PNY1 MeOaATD 11y r.-a.-.,.aalrr • CllfwNa ..... ... lly ............... . ,.,..., lly,,. .. ,.,.,.. ................ ---~IC ..-.a .... .., ..... , L ........ DUPLEX Extra large 3 Bdrm1, 28x 18 llv rm. 2 full ba, bltln kllefl, plush cpaldrpa. tome ocean ... $850, 495-1480 ~~-~!!'.t ••... ~~ HOMES FOR RENT 3 & 4 Bdrm• 1725-1750 Fenced yard•. gar&QeS Kid• &. pets welcome 545-2000 "°9fll, no tee ~~-~~ ... ~~~2 OC-AENTALS 1-5br'e l200 10 $2000 750-33 t4 c>peJ1 7-days 4 br, 2 ba. fam rm. spa· clout ktc:hn, Cullom drapaa/c:pt. frplc:, dwshr 2 c:er gr, w Id OU1tet. mo-wed lawn. H.B. oen1r11 loc:. $750 531-91911846-0338. DUPLEX: '19 Hunllnglon Ave. Ocelll view, volley-1>111 crt, 1e A $500/mo. 2BR 1800/mo: or re nt e nllr• d u p t·e x t or S1 1001mo. Call Bob Meyer 586-3500 or Mr. Lewis S3&-3e02 Neal' ~tar & Springdale. 2 atory. 4 br, dMf1 t.... M $900 mo. l40-1188 3 BR, 2 Ba. tplc, kids OK. 1625 mo Mk for Kelttt 9e2-4471 3 BR. 2 Ba. fplc, kJda OK. $425 mo Alk for Keith. 9e2-4471 l BR. 28A houH In H B. Kida otcay. 1700. 84&-3515 nine 3244 •••••••••••••••••••••• W11Arttfpllll 2 br + den, 2 ba, ale. mlefo, trplc. fenc.d yd, 2 car gar. Hr POC!~_!,P•. tenoll. (213)113 7-e;J;JV .... ,... I ... .... 2 bdrm, 2"'° b41 MOO per mo. 552-n 4t 1 Rancho San Joequln con-I do. 2 Br . 2 e a. de n. '876/mo. 84$-7107. l Ot 3 • na.ne In o..n--,,.., Nr pooC, MeOC. ... & water lncJ. S100/mo. 551.0199 •• ~IU~W~ h ome , allort or long 1arM. CtoH to take a t1nn11. S 11 SOfl'llO. 7 ottlet unfum. to c:ftOOM from. MTM1160. , ·-J ... £.-Home In ~2 *-Y.-i •tra •;i :-:n• fOOfft, No I doaa ca.w-a wal~.~,81d. ttlO/rno. ......... ,,., .... ... ,.,, .. ...... . ........ ........ : .. -.,, . ••• • - ,I •• ' I Orange <:c*tt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 19, 1982 Private Property Rights: yours to Protect Prlvat.A> Property W k ia the one w k of tn: year In which particular attention iit focused on one of our n.Lion't basic rights-th rf~ht or very Individual t.o own and maintain a piece of thu hand. Your local Board of Realtors la dodicated to prot.ect,ing this right nnd encourages all citizens to join with us In preeervina it for future generations. IB HOMETOWN BOARD OF REAL TORS D(Al ror1 IRVINI COVI 'nl4I beet suarded cammunlty In Newport or lAauna. Private Sandy Bfach. Ocee.n View, 6,000 mq. ft 5 Bdr, 5 bath home. Hup fire pa-. vaulted bNm cdllnp. double lot and 1uperbly l&ndacaped rear yard with dra- madc waittfall. Sacnfk.'IP at ll.9SO,OOO In fff -wl 1C.-.. ., ... hmne .... prtplfty IJ dDwn plymlfrt lnCI ClfTY I 1st T.D. at 12\. Wm. E. Doud & Co. Inc. 111tcn Ernest &e«r• (714) 67 -1600 HARBOR · RI GE Jodelle Mdl -Thie hotM offer• luxury and comlor1 for t~ affluent. 3 Bdrme, 2~ ba, IOfmal dining rm and a panQramlc view of all Newpon and the blue PaclllQ. Financing at letl than 11% Int. Atklng $795,000. UNIVERSITY PARK Thia Immaculate :l Bdrm 2 ba hOme In a pari! Ilk• Mtllng 11 on1y for the fuealeat Md moe1 dlactlmlnallng. Imagine financing at IW•% Interest Alklng S 169,000. HOLSTEIN REAL TY Damy Bllb 966-9051 or 640-7665 RT BEACH'S FINEST Dover Shores ele.gant custom built formal home. 5 txlnn, large formal dining room, family room, library, 4 ~ batha. Lots of marble. air eond., plus many custom features. 11.-,111fDU11 llUD NIRl•I f<ac~ft f<o£er6- z155 £. Coast HlrJ ., St•. m Cm .... ... 675-2373 Dalebout Bay &Beac Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH U8 .•• TO IAVINE TERRACE Magnificently upgrect.d. Th,.. ~room• French wtncfowe and doon. Crown moul· dings. New kitchen. You own th• land. $395,000 1111 WUllUff II., I.I. H 1·lM BALBOA PEN/NSOLA Only 2 yrs old. Beautiful 4 Bdrm, 2 5-i ba, 3 frplcs, lam nn, dining nn, 2 car gar. all builtins, comer houae with bay view. Priced right at $449,000. Ex~l. financing. 500 "K" St., Balboa. 0/J Corona CALL AND SEE This charming comfortable home which has llvlng room with fire- place, beam ~ling aod hardwood floprs, dlrtlng room, 3 bdrm, 3 plus baths, fireplace In master bdrm. Pool, view, and Is close Jo beach. All for only S•75,000. lrj1DIUB A.t.oluwly e.\tpnt lakeDde i-In lrvine, 4 8dnm.. 3 Ba, famlly room A brmthtaklnc view. Kitdlen hM Jenn-Aire~ wlblt-ln microwall", oeramk lile Doors & mon!1 An- xious owner will Ulhrl In fl.n.ancin1 FuU prier $395,000, 751-3191 ....,., ,,,,_,. U you yearn for stone {rpla, wood paneling. knotty pine c11blneu & a 1paclou1 y,rd, you'll love lhla home.. 3 Bdrm, 2 a. plua family nn. OwMr will be helpful with fi- nancing, Offere.d at $150,000. 751-3191. LAGUNA BEACH S.t In 11 pt.ed, pnvate bdchalde° communl ty, l.hb lowly 6 room flocx' pl.an lncludee a formal dlnlni rm, a modrm kilc~ with I dl1hwa1her & microwave, 3 bdrm• & 3 balha Completely tumuhed with choice derorator it.ems Enh.anttd by communlly SWU1VDlfli poola and l.efUlil COW'tll and JUll a few 1leJ19 to the beach 1475.000 12,. fl nancing availabll' AJ~1!:/ . 1506 S. Cont Hwy. ti r4 '""" Lavm Btadl 494-7220 OCEAN VIEW From top to bottom -quality Is the work on this fabulous custom with hlll and. ooean views. 3 Bdrm, 2'11 ba. den, family rm. Contemporary Spanish. $439,900. . lap11 Ylll11• .... Ettatt # . 41l-1ll1 ROGERS REAL TY . /lfllf TDIAIE Fabulous ocean and bay views, spac. 4 Br, gourmet kitchen and swimming pool. Jus t reduced to $895,000 including the l.a.nd Owner anxious and will finance. llMMNIUArlffl-11 Port Royal 2 story 4 bedroom, 3 bath plus fonnal dining an'3 much, much more. $398,500. '"' ,,,,,. Port Royal 2 srory. 4 bdrm, 3 bath plus lormal dining and much m<>~. Rogers Rea.It 6V5~23Il IEWPOIT IUCll 3 BR, den. fain nn . . $365,000 ALSO 3 BR. 2 ~ ba, Vil'W .. $21~ COSTA IESA 2·3 BR, ~in ba condos .... $160,000 3 BR 2~ ba home ........... $125,000 4 Unit condo package ..... .1220,000 ls•lf 111-Hl1 \ PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK: I "' V .A. 01 CONVINTIONAL • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS F (_'C)XDOMINIUMS .,., lat/111 11 te I n1p l·I 2100 .......... la• '"" ......... Truly elep.nt 2 Br . 2'A baths for $139,50() and 2 Bdnn 2 a. honv. for $ 129,500 • IO'l doWll w/paymenu as low u $889 prr mo VA Finandng -Int al l~\I\~ ~ller wlll takfo bk·k 2nd t.o lower paymenta Cowft.ty t.o brokers • IHttltn O•IH1nl1 lt1ltr 141-NOI -111-1114 !!MILLION DOLLARS!! VIEW . from thl1 outstanding 3 bdrm, 2!h ba. Hollyhock I in Turtle Rock Glen Garden Homes. Perfect home for entertaining with It a large Cam. rm. with fireplace, formal din. rm. & living rm. with wet bar. Large enough yard fnr nool and a view fron Take over higt J93,900. Coles worthy &Co. 2545 EASTBLUrF OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640..()()2() ILl11f fHMI '1flr 2 Br 2 Ba, fplc, beam ceilings, very private. $215,000. ,,. ,,.,. ,.,,,.,,,, Lease $1 050 pr mo. 2 Br 2 Ba, teM.is, pool, formal dining area. ... ,, ......... art' D • 0 p A N c H 0 • LICIH't flatd, ..... lru 3 Br, 2 ba, gourmet kltch. Many many AmenllJes 13'-5 yrs. $450,090 or lae 4>pt for 12000. Mary Jank & Vita Garttll, Rltra. (114)111-1014 (211)141-lll1 AP RI L 18·24 \~ ~ ~ . \ ' ...._. \ ~' \ LAGUNA WHAT? J...acuna Nlauel ui an area with ~ and mountain-view homee, 1olf COW"M homes and condoe, rollln1 hlll1, private 1ated communlu•. cuat.om homealta, a 40 aae i.ke Miid the U.t .-on and on. Camtn, 10011 ia a aecond aolf ooune with oceanm6de fairway1, and 1 rHOn hotel on the ocean bluff• All thtt wllhln 1 few mlnu&M of a marina, elaborata equestrian home. and homealta and. of coutM, lovely ~ Beach DoUat values are l.e-nihc -come - ua' COLDWELL BlllER · TIWI OEITD SELECT NEWPORT Surround yourself with million $ homes. Newly remodeled 3 Bdrm family nn, marble flrs, st.o1Je trplc. Fantastic terms. Elegant Harbor Island Rd location. This Select ProfX'rty is priced right at $850,000. 80MJS HIDEAWAY Lrg 4 Bdrm 2 Ba family home w/ huge bonus room & barh forming separate qtrs. Owner wilJ aunt wfrh finand..ng. FuJJ price $145,000. 751 -3191 MESA DEL MAR This lovely 4 Bdrm 2 Ba home of- ten great location and good terms. Assume l0 1A% lst T.D. and owner will help finance. This home has !resh paint, nearly new carpet. gar. door opener, new disposal & D/W. Full price $152,900. 631-7370 TR.\DI T 10\.\l. Rf \I,., MOr.-EC, f. •l\~ES'Wl\t 'S 180 DEGREE OCEAN VII WIE LSl/OfT. <WmTWTY In Corona del Mar: 4 bedrooms in- cluding 2 master suites, 3 J.i ba, J.g family rm, 2 frplcs, rustic wood beamed ceilings -all in a ''walk to private beach" location . The per- fect family home in the perfect family neigh borhood. $525,000 wirh perfect financing. ll6El. BAl.EY I ASSOCIA 1E'S REAL ESTATE 6"-7211 Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place llWUllUH ~ ltadl lMO New Condo for rent. 2 •••• • • ••••••••••••••• er. 2·~ Ba. a7061mo. Obi Huntington Creek Apt. g411, fir~ poof ..,,. o.luM 1 & 2 8t. Frpca. eee w ''"' · 84Wm enctad gera1••· rv • .. curlty. 14 ·11 13, .,.--..,.....~-----I IAM-SPM od't OU1£T: Tenenl9 ate N.11ta --.-1-1-.-,....;t ;...lmll. __ _ IP•oloue 1 al bdrm amon g be•ut lake • ' I IM Orenge Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, April 18, 1882 -I~ I ~~ ~ • • ) ' $l.~.7A!'l, ~ tot. '¥Jtn~ad .. , PUT -·· ...,.., 00 IT NOWI ... .., ..... v our Delly Piiot 8ervlce Directory ~, ....... I 141-Mll, tit. HI ~ .............•.. Dflwweyl, PIW1llng LOI Aepalt•.~1~ 8&8 Mpttlt 831 .... 198 Oen Hllft)efg Griding & Ptvtng Co. Rel/comm. Uc:. #31119().4. &42· 1720 Baibz~. ,, ••• •••• • ••••••••••• BABYSl"INCl my home, Mell V•rde ltll, CM RMt. Shan, 557 .... 814 BABYSITTING ANYTIME Reft. C.M. 87o.e64e Y~tllef wlll beby91t F/P 1 dayl Mon-Frt. Nr St John Beplll Church. 5"48-&420 C.M. CMef\11 & loYlflG m1me ot 21 mot to care tor youra, my home FIT. 831-3787 81by11ttlng In our C.M. hom ... 1 yr & up Any· time. &42-&482/048-5759 ~~CJ••••••••••••• For ell you need to know about bankruptcy. call (714)83S.9162 Bolts, MalnteNnet/ StfYlce ..•...•....•.....•.... MARINE SERVICES Mectlanle. pelrit, vernltll Te•k. rub & w1 1 845-0790 .......... ..... _. ..... . •••••••••••••••••••••• --·-lullder'ISlnct 1941 AddttiON • AemocWllQ Doore. windows, C OOWfl, ,,.. .... Lio. #310IM2 1Mt2-170 ................. Cuetom CWpen1ry Oeckl I p1tlot J 8 Conat Co. top 1u1117 work Uc. No. 3 010 Fr .... ,. 5511-6611 FINE HOMf IMPROVEMENTS Addlllont & ~IG cclfll•· _ • .._....,.._.,w UC IS.9"2 no-es~ ~~~ ......•.•..... CUSTOM SPA DECKS P1lloe, gaebOI. Uo'd. John or Rick 07~218 Clblnetl Relnod Skytll• • Room Add'na Gmllee wndws 764-4420 ~~\.~~ .••....•. No iteem/No SlllmPOO Stein Speclelllt. Fut dry. Free .. , 830-1M2 Crpll lnttaH/repllred Flood d1mage. Steam ctng.554-8510, 973-858& EXCEl CARPET CARE Cpl. uphOI, ., .. rug clelnlng Watti f;at. FrM .. , 645-1 7 1 Sh1rnpoo 4 1team cteen Color br~htener1. wht c:rpt1 • I m in bleach Hell, llv/dln. nTll $ 16, IVQ room S7 60. c:ouch I 10, c:hr 15 Ouar. t llm pet odor Crp1 repair. 15 yr1 ••P Do work my111f Ref• 531.0101 We Cate Crpt Cleenetl Stearn CIMll & u~. Truell mount unit Work ouer 645-3716 ~'-~~~! ....... CONCRETE/ASPHAl T 0rlvewty8, pallol, l>loc:k Walla. Dennis ~58 ~'~ ~I t·~ l t •• • T ~.~m ....... Ptl?lf •••••••••••••••• THOMnc>H'I DlllYWALL TAPING CONCMTi CONITA. NA '41•Nr• & tcouMto Uc. 1'93313 e..2 .... 2 llf .. -· IC.Ml 176-toM Cemlnl·MlllOft~ DAYWALLIACOUITIC Wellt-Cult. wont. Uo. ,. Y'• 111p. '""t No'd • RM/ooml Rob IM1·2183 INUred. 2•51Mll EJectrtul ~~~t~ •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRICIAN-Priced Of. Yoo CNroptectOf right, lrff Htlm•t• on A~""'"· E Toro large Of .,.,.,, Jobi. 0.112111 2• "" Uo. :Jtte21. 173-<>3&$ Contractin. lienerll ELECTRICIAN: Lie:. •••••••••••••••••••••• 233101·C·IO. Smtll R~LIAOO-ONa Job• Mtlnt & rep1lt1 Ind c.tr,:try. UO'd. 64-11203 211 )'Ml'e. ~ 641-27111 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN AOO'N8/REMOOELING Ouel. WO!'k·AMI. r1t .. Plant, Uc'd G9orge Pll-Fr .. Mt. 831-5072 Tom met & Bone, 557-M32 RESID/COMM'LllND COMM'URESIO. 20 yra Do my own work RemcliO-Add'nt-l!Mc>ilfl Uc. 278<Mt Al 84~128 V&ry rMI. UC. 300250 JllCll H. Bennett, Jr. TOP QUALITY Gen Contt. 552·11142 ELECTRICAL WORK Bonded & lneurad ~. ,., .. 531-5065 ~~·/.~ ••••........ Addlllon1 & remodellng, b o nded Stet• lie #202752 Formic:• counter top1 & J.G. Allen 404-1810 ceblrw111 ref1eed. Free .... &42-5357 ~!!'!'.!!~ •••• FOll'ltanStllned Gius CUSTOM CABINETS ···•·•••·•••···•···•·· ONE Of A KIND lnt.,lort, ber1, m1nti.., E9'>1cilli for you llbrarle1, c:1bln•t1. •?.· Chrl1llne & d 848-7825 Ill ... CUii. moldl~R• I . &4e-0092. 536-23 . ~~ .•....•....•.. Crown moulding, oedlt II· ned clOMll, bookCMee, ClN·UPSfTREE TRIM MAINTENANCE m1ntl••· en1er111nm•nt EJ!p'd ..,.... &45-2122 cablne1a. Wood llolutlon1 to wood problem1I LAWN CARE ~1-1528 Com'llreeld Npl/CM )(Int, reliable WOf1t ~ •.•..•.....•••. Onr opt Betry IMS.7•12 RIVER ROCK • p•rlect AVILLE.$ GARDENING over pool dec:ll1, p111oe, R81/comm Tree trim & welkw1y1, drlvew1y1, remov11 . cle1n-up1, etc 661·2371 landac:aping. 5.40-1604 ~!~J..5!!?!t.~ •••••••• TllllED MDI lAwn·lr ... lhrub in.1.,. MAPS & GRAPHS Fr ... Tr .. trim-removal 11nce Ou1llty work . Llwn ure-RototUllng 960-0274 '" 5pm. 848-1578 or cell People Who need People A newer Ad "54 7 , &42-'4300 -Thel'I whet the D'\JL Y PILOT l•nd1e1pl~ Clnup•· SERVICC DIRECTORY TrM trim-malnl II ell 1boutl Jim 151.0129 . ~ ,,I ·j ~ .... ...... ) I ; • l t~ Ir t 1 ·-1.e: ;·~-I IJ I •. ') ' I \. I ' •t ·~ ... ~~ •.......••... THI OAAUHOPPEA 0.-el Mlllntenance ....... ~...,,!Mint ~· • Oeoot•tlnO Oomlnlo 142-4111 •O\lellty•lll•y WllTD ClAA0£NINO MAINT. ~51<44 L.andlOeP4no. T,.. ll'IM t'ft4'J HIQh ~uallty houMwOrll. & ,~ ... ~ •••••••••••••••••••• hi* 9fla.cl, d:d•· ,,... "1lm1te1.142 HAULINO-atud•nt hH bl•, hon111, Int U~t. ~· tructc. Low11t t1te. The bltt Phone TllD 113-7012 .,,., 1:00 PM ompt c .. 751-11111. T opped/rllnoved a.ti'! '"** you, John. SCRU8-A·OUB uj.•· l•wn renov, All 1round n1u11no . fre• 7 1-3•111 eetlmet•. c.n Jim, \ Prof, r._, ralleble. .......... ...., 54-3tl4 Ref• . .,..,, 13J-6018 Fr• mt. Ken 1311-ll035 Profelllonaj 8erV101 Oulllly HOUHCIHnl~ w/ 1 pereonlll touefl, C , K&D~Mllnt H~*-'uc> Irv, HI. Beth U().0933 Ouk* • . ,r_ Eat. RMld/Comm, ~ LI HIUflng. IMl-2499 97&-0IMf ROelN'I CLEANING 8eMoe • I tllor= Gardening Wented DUMP J088 ctMrl houM. ~ 1 & Smllll Moving Jobt Motrlng, edging, rlll~, 1we•plng Free ltl · 0... MIKE 14&-13111 tt!!~!!!~ •••••••••••• m111e '45-4372 or HtullnQ. orldl:fi· demoll· 145-5737 lion. Coner• • & tree Aelponllble retired eou· ~I• 1'1111 . June-Sept. 6'Mi'll swYICn remov-dumf truck. •I•. Call Ptlm DHert ..•.....•.•........... Oulc:tl MfV. 64 ·7638 1-340-2118 College 8tudent1: wndw c:lng, Cir wulng, odd ~-~·········· lncoml T11 )Ob i •••••••••••••••••••••• 142·5440/645-7972 Wint 1 REA.LL Y CLEAN FEOERATED HOUSE? C•ll Glnr•m Income Tu 8ervloe ~~ .•••......... Girt. FrM u1. 845-123 631-4871 Ceuc. H1kpr or Hou11· Carpentry · Muonry c:le1ner looking lor 5 ~~~ .••......... Rooting • Pk.Im~ Drywall • Stucco • Ii. dlyt, 11m1 hOUH, w/ VANDENBERG 1111Yent llmlly. Cell An• Remodel J 8. &46-8980 werAd #500, 842·4300, LANDSCAPING Mllnt, cornm'llreald. JOHN THE HANDYMAN 24 hrt. Plumbl;:Pr..-.C.-odd Job• Tree trim, cle1n·up Fr• lt1 met ... 838-'40e8 IAOllLIU Brklk & 11 ... lne. bonded. CLEA.NINO SERVICE llc:'d. Fr• .. , 1179-6144 Rit ll.41" R1Hon1bl• "'"· lrH ~~ ..........•.... el1knll•. .,~,~, !20-0742. BRICKW<mK. Smell Jot>•. HouMCleenlng. hone11 & Newport. Co111 MHI, dec>end•l>le. lrvlne. Refl. HOME IMPROVEMENT H2·2800 675-3175 REPAIR· PLUMBING HOUMCIMnlng eap'd r• BLOCK WALLS Heating, ~try, elec. ll1ble, rel• No lob too P1tlOI -~ Ole. FrM Ml. No Job 100 lmtilt. le/hr. 0117 -3341 Llc:'d, Denni. 58 ameH. 145-2811 Wiii clHn your hou11 or Bryan1'1 L1nd1e1plng Exper1 home end •Pl r• o ffice. choo1e your Brick, 11one, bloc:k, con-pair Cupentry, rool, houtll Rell 5-48-9005 c:rete Frplcl, 880'1. pe.. plumb, Etc 642-8013 1101 4 drlv=. Guu HOUSECLEANING Uc. & Ina. 1• We bid Ill lobe · lge/lml IS OUR BUSINESS! Oulllty. u.pw,..Uc'd E•t 10 ~.~ ................. yrt . 8111 & Dave 844-0325 Janlce'R•gi•dy Ann. _;;11ullled Adi 1r1 the 875-2 14. *'·1--· en1wer 10 • 1uceeuful Top Oulllty. Spedel <:WI gar1g1 or y11d Niel 11'1 1 ExpertlM Houaekeeplng In h1ndR~. 215 )'ti ••P better way to tell more We furnWI v1WYm & Compellt v• re111. No people! 1UP91lel. Kitty 14 1--4070 O'l9r'IJme, 730· 1353 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 !t?f!!l.~ ••••••••••• 8TARVINO COULOl WAUPAPEflll IUOGIT AATU/UC'd tTUO!NTI MOVING M ltlnde. ,.,_ .e. Low !Wn. $m1 IOtlt OK. CO. Lio. T12~. 111/rol. UC ll30Me. 'r• elt. Int. 141·7M1 • "*"«S. 141-t<427 Norm14MMO WATCH US OlllOWI E1pert wellC";overln~ In· ~~ ••.•••......... llllllllOfl, A ... pr eel. '~··············· Con1u1t1n1 AHlgnm•nt ·~· FINE PAIHTIHO 5814500 Fr• Mt 131-t266 br Alch•rd llnor Lie ~~.~~?~ ••••••••• "' 12~. 13 Y'• of Np-•••••••••••••••••••••• '~ local ou1tomer1 ••8RVANT'I ** CEAAMIC-LINOl.!.Ut.' .,. you. 1:11-4'410 Wlllcovetlng Aemovll Tiie prof. !net ... All typel. 842· 13-43 AMI rat .. eot> 17~641111 ,..,,.,.. RHldllndua/Comm'I rtant & '" C•t ••ALL TIL!** Ou1Jlty WOflt. to yrt ••· Low rttu Fr•• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 11~7189 PET LOVERS Cere '*· o.oroe l31-1M10 "NEW LOOK" tor pell "In yow home" white o.Mfl """"°"· ''" Stmct PAINTING SERVICES tnl/eal. Aefl, ln1'd. "4-0228 •••••••••••••••••••••• •&pert Tr• Pruning• Claudlo'• 545-1175 ~~~.!.~~ ••...•.••• Comnwci.i Lind= 8ltfl09 & Son Pllntlng SeMcee. H7 30 yra up In Beech NMt petehle a textur11 Complete Tr .. S.W. frff "'· 111-1Ut ., ... Fr .. el1. 548-1029 Gen'I~&~ LIC'D PAINTER ED'S PLASTERING Utwn ret\Oll. 14 Int-Ext. 10 yra t•p. All TYf: Int or EJ!t .aAYI TIU Ult Raft. ,,.. el1. 53t-M98 C1ll 45-8258 for free el1 Compl. • • r "' c:•. •STEVENS PAINTING MG-9308 ,, beckl Now epec. In •••. PLASTER PATCl11NG Fr•nt. Clllaflel, RHtUCCOI . lnt/1111 30 !~~ ............... 645-33<48/5-4&-4501 yr1. Neal Paul 645-2077 Moll IUb)ecll. K.12 ' UllY uns PLASTERING PAINTING Int & 1111. R•llucco . college. 25 yr1 exp. blocll .... 586-4802 '6/llr 145-9'313 Mr M0tgen, &45-5 1745 PAINTER NEEDS ~ ....•..••..... WORKI 30 Yf'I IJ!P, lnl/ !re!'I.~.' •••••••••• Ellt Acou•llc celllng1 Ori.In• cleared from S 10 · PlumblM1 Repelr1 Typing. Wrttlng, Editing Devle Plllnllt1g 847·5190 My Of1'lce or~,. Fr• M1 M 842-8033 INT/EXT PAINTING Sml lot>e di 2-2142 DAY OR NIOHT• UC:'d. Reft. Fr• eet. 848-1087 Flrat Clue Work 14 Ell Ml-7121 ~~.P!!!'!I ........ ......, ..... ~ *RESIDENTIAL* 25 Y"I •KP Uc. 40 94 1 ~!~~ •••.••.•••••• A~ 1 1ty $30; ~2 tty Bonded. Int Refa Co6ot $4 . CMt 057 ••1>1'1 ~ 11 Dick SpecallzlnQ In Olk Antq 'Let the Sunahlne In" Bauernan & Feth« tum ~~ ......•........ relln. 17381 NlchOl1 (F) Celt Sul\llllne Window H 8 84 7--0908 CIMtll~. Ltd 540-88S3 W1llp1pertng. P1ln1lng 2<W• ontnly Dlloount r .. /com'I. Scendln1v11n ~~ .••••....•..•..• qual. Hlllnar 64-7875 "'HENRY ROOFING.,.. ..,MT.nt Fart~ Interior ~ SHINGLES & REPAIR HA INO I 10/ROLl Lie 415232 knock1 often when you 6'M213 Quality. Uc/Int, Slflp-ult rHull-gelllng Dally Huber Roollt1g·IM lypel. Piiot Cleullled Ada to ~IO on paper. ~I IM~03~ New-recover~ r11ch the Orang• Co111 SELL Idle llama wltha lJc ... 1 1802. 541-9734 m11ket ~842·5e78 Delly PllOI <AaNlfled Ad SELL Idle ltem1 With I 842·5tl78 Dally Piiot Cluelfled Ad. OLLAAS INES days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Men., lfw'ld...., hire .,_ 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 530 Tmef 5450 Wanted 7100 ....... ~~~ ... !~.~. ~!'!'!! .... ~~ Martcic•s. TMt ............... .... ...................... .. •.•••••.....•...... *DELUXE OFF' 10001q1tw/otc&o/h Ottds 5035 l 1 ,_ ..... , ....... ,F 1 d00f1, lollet & bun. twy • • • ••• • •• • • •• •••• • • ••• °' : .,,.. ""' .... ca · CES* c10 1e. c M 1 2 05 2141"1 WUTD !~~~·· ~:1~k6~r~~o~ot From 1 room up to 2000 675..e251 E•ch for ln1ured acct 548•6533 (Ilk lor Su· 1q '1 From $1 145 • aq Low ellect d l1count 11 N o le••• required lndullrlel Bldg. aublel, Homee unltl condol 10 _Zlfl __ ne_J _____ _ Adj Alrporter Inn 2172 good Hie uea. H B S 1 ,000,000. Agt 0 u p 0 n I c • II A M 3"'50 lq ''· 2 !Urn ~ 1-661-0803 833-3223 Rell. ~1 ·20458 ---------1 WE BUY 2nds Loll. 111011c puro1, Tr•• Mule, uee of Selbo• lll1nd, N'fW "hello", very 11me. Cell Dave JI· blonaky, 1175·7824 •'1 5 WNf Te ~a_, ,,.. "un Here's YOIJ' chenc:el P•n Am 2 IOf 1 tic.et Buy 1 ticket round trip 10 any· Wh.,. Pen ArJl 11~ OUI· aide the u.s Ind get 2nd llcket tree. But offer over S75. Ad Sitter No 5 14 C1ll 642·4300 24 hrl ........ ,., ... a.rt The Jolly Roglf Inc hat In A/P C*1<:11 poeltlon for en lndustrloue lndM- duel Exper on 10 key. Gener1I Ole end or ac- counting ••l)ef pref'd. Xlnt benefltl ind wor· king COl'dlllone AW; In pereon THE JOLLY Ao- OER INC. 17042 O....,_ Ave Irvi ne . 114-5-46-0331 For Clullfted Ad ACTION Call a Delly Plot Ao.VISOR &42·5071 ' t " 8 I )I 01 111 2. "' ,. ,. ~o r. t n l • t DAILY PILOT /Mono ~y, Apr II 19, 198:i D 9080 ·······•·············· t• Kl Ll0A1 fll:W TRAIL l >1 !,4ll !lt:l\lt ! r a_r~ ~!! ~~~~ ......... . C~ITIP""· Sale Rtnl 9170 ••··•··•······•···••·· UhJity Tr11io• 67 c"""• r.reat tl\16 " $I'll Cl s. 6) 1 7'•!.B 1171 f-1~0 hrtl Ptd up U IJ I '' L t14 2 ' ·~ fllll I' a c: rm' ! • ,. ~ r u " ' 1-4 f • II) 1171 f.1r,n Forti p1ct u 'i!5 /";, ljQ,' I• 4 Autos Wanl!.'d • u ·····•·····•··· Ill Suz;;;;-'J~ Xll'l I ond lhlU OU\. '1995 0Q.£_ M11t1I Sl"t 968 7'.104 JU U. 0~~~_,.., £ll2~ Hdd C05TA I,\ 919-2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS W le MAC"OIC POITIAC SUURU 24!!0 ·~ ' t. [ r<i .~A Iv' Ut-UOO , ..... I!> 1 Mlltc.r Homu, Sale / --- t Re111JStou e 9160 r..: • Or ~090 ··········'··········· r .~ .. rarr.. o Ill Nt u It moto• llonie ··•••••·•·•··········· ~ &1101; 6 111 .. y ~. 6•ei·e6tti !r.~~!~~ .lJ.t~}l ••• • • .!!!~ I n1 "' i.toltly !>91''1-Ge a, 1o th lotk•l'O v m. WE BUY CllAJI CARS ARD TRUCKS COtO&l CHE~ 2328 llarbor Bh d COSTA ll~A S46-IZOO 1 1 cnts lot m11 \rue~. r •m £•6 42L1 al -'--'----'-Rl&M 9;,yu Auto ~erwice Parts Top dolla• It C 111 :;. bu11~ C 14 s. Auel & Ac.ceuooes 9400 ,. •• • • • • •. • •. • • • • • • • • • • A "'k ft ~) L Ill HOO• WORK g JIM lllUllMC r>'"'"11up to 'iO"t.. 011 your YOLISWAGU l•vtl f "''0P 99~6-~ 18711 04tucll t11vd T rn 1 m8&1fH r11d1ela I HIJNT•NC> ION f3 I\ f~ 11o1111 .. 1 .. 110•' 1 new 4 142-2000 ,1.g1111v u11>11d 4 chrom" -----""•11~ S:>'>O tor all wllll WAN.TEO' nll •'P 4':!7 5373 • r • • 1 10 Par'•"O ou• ~., s·5 Coll 1100 645.('872 lntlTIH MG OW.HS t.NI JllJ COVE~ I t.M •II 7t·81 •• •'*' u1eo $75 II.at 11 ~ 1 '1797. l\i" m'Q Auto' for Sale -·~·· ·•·············· 1•.IP 1RT ANT NOTICE 10 R~AOERS ANO 1'0.'fATISEAS T•1• IJP<.fl OI •lf!ma •d· vu I MIU by 1t8htcle dfla· I~ n thfl vMIClfll cl9ll91· lj•'ll 111.lvorll~~ columna 1 dO<I& not include ony ap-I 111ci.Olt 11111e!, ttconse • r~w fer t1>111, unonce chllrgtl9. 19'\t for al1 pol· tutlon control dev1cel c•1t1t11.1111cma or dealer I aor umen\arv prepara- 11c•" charge• uni••• 01nerwl11 tpeclfte<S bV \hll llOWttlMI General 9510 ········•·•·······•••• WE H f USE.D CAR 6 CO~E IN CH l. l t FREE APP II AL Ct;rm.111 0• I CIEVRILET 111211 BIO.l'C " HUNT tN('-101 14l·I Dl 1 141-U l l CREVIER BMW Tiit bortin& '12 HW't &rt Mort! Tll1 Noct hc1ttac '•rt Of Your BMW PurcltaH Or Luu C.ul4 11 Mclaren BMW!! u) Or bu• ISJ ll11r ,ho .. Plan! (1 14 ) 622-5333 0111111t coom·s OlDUT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HOND A SANTA ANA P.ir1~ A s .. rv1<.11 Open All Oil? ~11!\JT,,llV J t w Wrt1rter Ave 1 1~ west of Mam) •l'.l Htchbk auto '''°' • AC ne1ge xln1 r 1 s• ~00-ofc Tf ~011 home L~~ 7!Jf. 7 &•0-693 t iC' Hond• C1111u 4 dr. i137 4 7 +ta• per mo. Cki"''° i;r.u ~8 mo 1eu. All bu""'' t 714) f, 4 uHI'< ll.armanr1 Gtn 9734 ·············•···•·•·• , bl! (.Ol'>tr•l·Dle new tot:> & '"'"' " c:>ood running co no 5 48 -11139 , , .. , 2 ;,J 1~ "41 l • ng I~ Y't \ 1\I{\ HZ ~-a:'~! ............. !H! 1-1 ~ '1 ~, ·' ,, ' ~!~ .............. !?!~ Datwri .. . .......... . 4 t.l<:l AM .. si. tr mmac 41 .. ~ .. 9720 ~~·.• .,"~u• r-1 NUT,.AtDA """' YlllTM.. ... fAcaITTI in W<J fl US'l llW )4~ 1910 MAZDA Rll COUPE lt •s , .1 lo"deq, hard 10 tine E •<>te<n Zone .. gold 11 -tor or w th brown v11lou1 Interior 5 speed tr en ' s.unrool/ moonrool . Blaupunk t AM /F M cassette & l'QUl!ll•ZP• air condl\lo· n1nq rear w indow de· lro1tur. 1ea10er armrest, tog lkJht5, bra car cqver & ONL1 20 000 low m tes Mus• sen ONLY S9 •!c!9' Cell 97•-4811 dav~ 01 •1111·2530 alter ; 00 ... eei.oay1 & wH· ~er o l \ Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday. Aptll 18, 19~2 .. You "AUTO" Drive Into ~ Orange County-International A t . April 21-25 S . ~ (o)> U lf!l Anaheun V Convention Center -pnng ~ -~;, ~-Sbe_w ~.~t~ ..... 9742 t~!~ ... i7io ;ti¥,·~!41 .... ii65 st=~·;·n·a ~~.~ ........ 99i5 ".;e.t ..... ;·;i·s a;;~ ...... ,.;i·o I ;~;·~'.·.~ ........ ;;40 •••••••••••••••••·•·•• •••••••••••••••·••••• i&1·;·;o·vo·.;;,:~:,;;~~; ••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• , ............ , ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••..••.•.••.••• ITTEITIN 1980 Porec:he 928 t2.000 We on. 5 epffd trine., 'll ••••w OllTIMft.ATIH '74 Eldo Convertlble. •CDRYmE J 11176 Ford Or 1n1da 4 II IWllllS ml Fully loaded Snrl, 1 g nd ater•o tape -• MltWDt looi<e grMt $3700 Door Economlcel 8 cy- TONNEAU COVER Alplne 1terao Cherry •'co atMrlng and~ Bun1 Of .. t, AIC, AM/FM We apaclallza In l•HH 752-2M17 •fW 1H 2 Under engme. t1utometlc Flt• MO'• _.7 1~ 1 c; on d 7 5 2 -5 4 7 1 . ~Keel Muat H• 10 c a •• .• re 111 Y n Ice . 10, the bual""8 aJtacu-Camero 9917 Loeded, gleu tope. etc tran1m1111on. air cones .. Never uMd 175 831-2884 eppreclat•I C&71lTCO). 831-7958 S2400 080 live a Pfof...ion.I. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ser 474017217 ~w•r ateerlna. redlo. Maril e:s1-no1: tv mag 8 7 9 12 c 0 up E wa Priced to MlllllEarlaclk• '87 vw SQrbcll. Bad body. I.Ms• ltlHflte 1:~wo c~,ms•'1°111• ~!:_.1Al2C8., 10D.•L1!1S?!~llltl an ~~c=:~1~.1~!~!.1~ bouglll • new Terga Toyota-Fina Hd ., gd running gHr 1800 If ... 1NJ · ' .. ,._ · · " vawftt t earl '235RF8) 1·...-1.-111 ,_......_ 97"0 SalM. 1"6-1970 Harbof ... 1..,.,. 1 t .. 200 000 mll••. lllnt cond Dove/Ouall Sta • · ,,......_ .':'.':'.~Mti•s•trA····~· MUii .... CIHn. 11lnt Blvd Cot ta M11u. t:~"d.'=21:0. ....... 752-1550 NEWPORT BEACH only S2999 E erl• Ike ~~\:1.~·Jr,': rq~l~k e.e-0303 540-IM87. ... .. Steal '71. good Condttton, auto. ···-0111 ~::1·1~1!'~n~~·~-.<?.~~ •--------VW Cheule, "73. Qood •• '"""" "' "'""' PORSCHE/AUDI sale 83 1-2321 or Voll 9770 llU..NorU11.Sult•blal0t rad . r ed to 111so Blvd Co111 Me11 1"'""1 H·...,. B".... 546-5142 •••• '!~~•••••••••••• 1111 cer. pert• EKcal NABER~ 876-2574 an 8PM Chnsltr 9925 848-4303. ~0-14487 -:: ........ W:..""o r '"" 97r:.r:. '78 Rebbft, rune great, cond 404-2407 ... '-•••••••••••••••••• ,,_._, rove Roh Rovce JV AJC, AfMFM caM., rMlly ("" ,t.DILL \ Chewolet 9920 77 Cordoba, .clnt I ow-WANT['O W....S.mo.-teatfq ••••• ......... •••••••••• n I c;.. 8 3 1 -7 g 5 8 Volvo 9772 ~'' I ~ •••••••••••• ••• ••• •••• nor. 5S.OOO ml Loaded I I:. 114131-2333 1110£ALERINU.S.A S2800/0BO. •••••••••••••••••••••• ''" H ·--~·· SEE us FlllSTt.. S3000 842•3101 -TO BUY '88 vw Bug: A41t>uih. am/ ·77 VOLVO 2440L l ·""' , ........ C.,.11) •u-.1 We have • ~od HllC· c It 9932 '78 924, exc:.11 cones. 37K ruCARVER Im. lllnt ~2·..... ~:~. =· ~~!3"3ew g::.r:n~~IE & USED ~7~!b~:!k··c·o·:..:,·,,·.·.·;·1ri'··· LATE llOnEL ml, mega. 1lr S8500 ~ ....... ~-711 Eldo, bleck. alt extrul g .. ~ •• " USED CARS 492-8538 ·1~J\....L. #1 , .... IMltr Beaut. c:ondl 52,000 ml low mtlu S 10 2 O '80 Ponche 924 Turbo & ·-:_:;:"' ;. ' •.. :-"",::;.• '7!:' ~·~~· aut<?, la lnltce o..t,I S12.500. PP 831-8866 968 81147 WILSON f'ORD '80 Porache 924 Both CIO\ID \UNOAY\ 646-4414, 648-89ee TIE • ...... .., COUJI 9933 loaded. Talle over lae _.._., r 182"'5 ., __ .. Blvd peyment1 7141825-1808 9762 ·59 ClUllc VW R-o Top. W.U, IEIYllE SWOTlll "72 XA°i"~·u·;;·;»;:pb°. Hu~1n;";;'eeec:t1 '75 "11S El I Subaru Need• wonc. ut WSIM of lat• modal, low mllea-•tereo. grHt IOOklnn & .... 2.11 ·11 1 • ac aunroo . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. 178 ett 8 • " M new tlrH. lllca new. 33. SelH-Servloe-Leaalng .......,, · OVERSEAS DELIVERY ge Cedlllaca In Southern running, St 5001080 I 000 orlglnel mllH St6, SUILlllCI •74 Super Beatie, rblt eng, EXPERT'S CallfomleJ WANTED Cllll Do11. 631 4351 '81 Foro Escort !)I Wgn 500. 842-8832 evN Slllll redl•I tlet, Kint oond. H•• • Ill UIERS 1 70 Couoer. 351 ;tt;°ebtt I I 000 ml. m e new 1f66 1112, new engine, at-141 41Ml41 $2675 080. 964-2922 ...._ CUILUC TO BUY 11ereo/1apo run1 great.' S577S Call 962-13559 1oy1. cover bre. Kint 131·2 1971 v w WHtphalla YllVI 2600 Harl>of Blvd. like now Emorgencyt lat litcoln 9945 cond. OlVOfCI sale make r__... 9765 cempef V1111, good cond. 1968 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA un MODEL $1350 497 5373 •••••••••••••••••••••• Autos Used Autos Used •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Fard 994G Pinto 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••.................. 1 4 Meri_u11 Br~ '74 RUMA.BOUT tmmec. o ml A I pwr, 77.000 ml. auto. NnJ gd, elc. ~ g11 11825 or f000/080 &.4&-139e belt If 64M20ll Pontiac 996S OldsmoWt 99SS .•.••..•. ~ •.••........ .•..................... WANTED WANTED TO BUY TO BUY UTEllOIEL UTE IOlll ISO CUI USEI ClllS WILSON fORD WILSON FORD 19255 8Mdl Btvd 18255 a..ch Blvd HIH'ltlngton Beadl Huntington 8aactl 142-1111 142-1111 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix. '79 Broughem Supr Dal, Low mt!Mga. Full pow.. loeded wlxtre1. g•rl Air $3500. 647-9747 cond Sec $4 95 '78 ORAN PRIX LJ. Na 844-2328 c9nd $3500 or l>fll of· '78 01<11 98 RIQlflCY flt. 845-9248 Stunning blk body & blk '14 TUii All lealhe< Int, cilmeta cont, 400: auto, e/c. stereo. crulu . wire whle. f,wr new ~Int. tlr•, t>rekn. 1eet1 a wndw1, em Im/ $3 firm. W-6808 cb lmpec:ceble thruout Alweys o•r•~•d • .. F1IDIU olfllf 960· I 115 .:.'.::: ••• •• •••·•• •• • $27'50 olfef. 4e.-20911 COSTA MESA USEI CARS '63 Linc Cont C onv re-141-Hll 141-Nll 540-1110 Ford 9940 lrectable, new ea. al 80 356B, no ru11, need• ·77 Toyota Coron• Ilk• '74 Gold Sun Bug, good WILSON FORD option• with ~ art1 car 138951089 549. 245 I Mr Wllll1m1 Xlnt body, good tren1. naed1 velve work. many no work 17500/perllel new Air r/wtnd defog. 4 cond. Reblt eng, $2400. .80 Cpa da Ville, uaYme •••••••• •••• ••• ••••• $l g 5 o ta .,,, , a II trade 846-8028 dOOf .fl-brek91 & tit.. 760-e833 ~os. Used I II II I c II 78 FIESTA GHIA 75 1-1047 ·79 Cullan SuP<tma Dia-new~· Mutt NII now1 494. 58 om $3500 Cell Ooug Turin •••••••••••••••••••••• IK 1 no nenc ng • 18255 Beach Blvd Burgunoy. •herp e lr, ------'72 914, nu paint urn & Lori. 833-2009 oc evH Huntington S.ach eno Magi 11.,00 5.apd cwoO.) 873-143• 'll.......... AMC 9905 720_1229. aunroof louvera new Mtrcwv 9950 Ml loaded w/111trH. lo ml, Kint cono Seer $5500 Riek 847-2023 77 Toyot• Coron• Ilka $2000. 499-1420 •••••••••••••••••••••• 142-&&11 or• $3000 551 -3949 ••••••i>••••••••••••••• 7 4 Oremlln AMC Air, Selling enythlng with a t 1970 Merqull mmac $4995 844-2328 '69 Flreblrd, ttereo. air I 1hk1. m•g•· gd pelnt. 'll ..... 2 .. s 1800/08 847-7851 914 Compl recond Man'(' new Air rlwlnd defog.• Have something you want redlo , PS lo mlle1 DellyPllotCll11lfledAd 78Mont•Carlo llteblU41.1 7~TDS7~ag9o0n runt 1n1r PIS,P1B P/'N AIC . d00f.newbrak91 &tir• toMI?"'-_...._.....,. ,._ S 0 7 lo I I "' .. $•850 """" ""O I '6 5 111tras. HO 10 approc 53500 Cell Doug Torin ~,...., -• uv l 1 O 548 185 elt 11 • a1mp1e matter just m , 01 ... e ... .. 848_3518 n aw t res • 4 S4250 obo 968-8827 Cwork)87~· l43-4. It well. 842-5678. 4pm. call 642-5878. 988-1431 evea I 979-5100 CUTLA SS SUPREME • ATLAS CHRYSlH..rLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Cotta Mau Tel 546-1934 3 blockS aouth ot San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete ,bOdy shop Sales S1rv1c;e Parts Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 PM and 8 A.M to 5 P.M. on Saturday .le · I HACH 1~s 848 Dove Street Newport Buch Tai 752-0900 Call ut, we're th• 1pec1a11111 tor Alfa Romeo, Peugeot. Saab & Maaer1tl .. ~. . I THIODOIE IOllNS FOaD MOd«n Hin. Mrvlce, p1r'ta, body, pelnt & tire depta. ComJ)9tltlve ratn on leaM & dally rentals 2080 Hatbor B!Vd .. Co1ta Meta. 642-0010 or 540-e211 . JOHMSOM & SOM LINCOLN MmCUIY H2e Harbor Blvd • Cotta Mesa. Tel ~. 57 Ynrt of friendly f1mlly tervlce -Orange County'• oldMt Lin· col~cury daaler1h1p SOUTH COAST DOMI 2818 Harbor Blvd . Coata Mw. Tel &40-0330. AV aervlOI apeclaUsta, c.u1tom van conYeralona. MIWPOIT M'OITI $100--w ... Co..ut H i ghway, filtwport IHch. Tel • ~-9406/&40-17"4 Ttf'•Ftrrwl ~ , HOUll °' MIOIYI r•c•••• ............. ~ -MancM11Atr •~d . ... ill'lftl 60n IM• AN ,. .... ~ t• IMOk 8fWCl oft~ -1Mr1u·.-. -"' , Otfiif .... I I'• MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS . IN. THE BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Strfft, Newpon Beach Tel 833·1300 At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Brl1to4 behind Vlc1or1a Station. s ..... SeN\c9, Laulng & Part• We make great deal al • MAHIS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd , Cote. Mesa Tel ~9100. Or1nga County's Largest Cadlllac dMlet' Sal ... Service. Leu- Ing. IOI LONGPRE POtfflAC 13600 Beach Blvd WHtm1nster Tat 892-6651 Orange. County s oldest and largest Ponttac dealership Safes Service Parts SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Co.&St Htghway Lagun• BHCh "Qe.y't pt M .... 't.r ywl" SALES HOURS Mon.·Ftt 9-7. Sat 9-5. Sun 10·4 '494·1131 546·9967 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Hert>or Blvd . Cost• M ... Tel 54<>-6410 Serving Orange County tor 16 yNt'I. 1 Mite So 405. SUNSET fOID, IMC. (Home ol Wiiiie the Whale) ~Garden Grove B lvd .. Wl8tn un1tar Tel 836-<6010 • • • DAVID J . , .. LLIPS 1UfCMl'OH1'1AC.MA%DA Saltt • Servloe • Leulno 24888 Alicia Partcway l..8Quna Hill• 837-2400 • CHICK IYHSOM POISC ... AUD .. YW 415 E. Cout Hwy , Newport 9uch 873-0900. The only dMierahlp In Orange County with thne thrH great "*" under one rooll • ALAM MA•NOM roMTIAC-SUIAltU 2480 Hart>or Blvd , Cotta MeM. Ttl. 54f-.4300. S8*, letvlot, &.•Ming. :·Mr. Ooodwre!ICh." • O.A•I COUNTY VOLVO 101IO ca.din Clf'CM IMI., a.den OtCM T ... NO-f1to. balullWty Volvo to~.,. your Volvo ............. ..... u11e1111t11 l ••••rr,.,..aeMoeelodV 8hoP "'-·-.. "' .. "-' of Or-. County • oar-. ........................ SAMT A AMA DA T'SUM 2001 E 17th Street. Santa Ana Tai 558·781 l Your• Original Oedlc1ted Dattun Duler • MllA-CL"I MAZDA We've movedl Ou1 new locttion 1s 1425 Baker Strtet. eo.w ~Tai 5'45-333-4 Stgp by & visit our brand new tlhOWroom ll'd '" wtty we r• the J1 Mazda detller In Southern C.hfomta S1la1, s.Mol, Par11 and Laulng • ANAH8M MAZDA "CW, o.c. ....... DallAw "'""' ,.,... ..,.,.. La. Cert" 80' S Anthtlm 81Vd , Ann1m 956-1920 Jutt nonh of Sante An• 'rwy on Anaheim 81Vd C.11 us llrttl "'WI! ARE HARD TO FlNO-eUT WORTH ITI" SADDLUACKIMW/SUIAIU , 28A02Marguerlt•Pkwy ,AvwyPkwy eJClt Wt offtr what no bank or '"" ~Y ~ t tapeniy atatt.ct. rno11 modern ••rvlc• ' partt detJ)t , 2 Ont of "'8 ScKihland't moat txperlenc:MI ..._ & Idling tllt, 3. Ellminetlon of the middleman by 1 ... ngdetl• dlrt!Ct • '31 ·2040 M•won v o '495-4"1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON 1Hl8 AD, CONTACT YOUR DAlt.Y PILOT REP. .. DGM Ll.ASIM•, IMC. 730 W. 19th St .. Cote. M .. a 642·1~ You're In lor a aurprlH 11 OOM Lullng. -l:OMMIU. am.our - 2828 Ha.rbof Blvd .. Cotta ~ ~ 20 )'M'I aeNlng Or8nt~ County! Sa .... IMltng, atrYlot. Call 5*-1200; apecl al perts tine; 5*9400: body ahop llne; 754-0'400. • IOY CARY• •OU.S llOY~W 1540 Jambor" Roed, Newpott lltact\. ~ Salee. s.Mc<1, Part• And L ... lng. 642 --.. . --. ( 3 j • • M< 1Nl IA 'I Al'H ll 1•1 I• t lllA N f.t < lllJ~J I Y < A l lf O l<NIA ;•,CENT <:., 9ll·eHJ 8rM'~ncy iJUHJber .covers cof!.nly By FREDERICK sCBOEMEBL or .. ....,,. .... Startm, today, Orange C.ount- y'1 two mlUJon realdent.a need dial only three numben -9U -to a"mmon police, fire and other emergency eervices. It ll for emergency calls only, not for buainem calli. The 911 system -the first to 'go Into operation In Southern c.atifom.ia -cpvera each of the county's 26 cities and all unin· corporated territory and aerve1 both cuetomera of Paclf ic Tele- phone and General Telephone. The 1y1tem went Into opera- tion at 12:01 a.m. Officials re- ported no Immediate problems during 9ll's flnt hours of ope- ration. When• person needing e'mer- aency usiatance diall 911 from a te.Jdentlal, buainela or pay tele- phone, the call la routed to one of two IWitchi.ni centen where the caller's number 11 automatically recorded. At the central locatlon1, c~lu are then routed to 24 Public Sa- fety Anawerlns Polnta located throushout the county from which emergency per:aonnel are alerted. PSAPa are located in the police departments of Anaheim, Brea, Buena Pa"itk, Coata Me11, Cy- preu, Fountain Valley, Fuller- ton, Garden Grove, Huntington Belch, Irvine, l.Acw\I Belch, La Habra, 'La Palma. Loi Alamitos, Newport Beach, Oran1e, Pla- centia. San Clemente, Santa Ana, Seal Bnch, Stanton, Tult1n and Wet1mlmter. . Offidala at a Pfet1 conference this morning In Santa Ana de- 8Crlbed the county 911 system aa the "moai 1ophlstlcated emer- sency telephone sy1tem in the weetem United Statet." "No other 911 1yatem has ever been developed Involving two major telephone companies, mott than two dozen government ju- rlldlctlona and literally hundreds of people," said Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. "The 911 number wtll save lives by makifig It ~·to call for help," Neetande aald. "In every emeriency 1tiuatlon, a moment of confusion occurt when eomeooe fwnblee around for the police or fire or paramedic telephone number." A 1972 law called for lmtaJla. Uon or 91 l ayatenw 1n c.automia'e 58 counties. The county's 911 plan w•ap- (See tll, Pa1e A!) Falkland Islands solution said BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Sec;retary of State Ale- xander Haig and Argentine ne- gotiators are "approaching a solution" to the oonfUct between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, a member of the ruling military junta reported today. A newspaper, meanwhile, re- ported that Argentina was wil- ling to participate in negotiations at the Onited Nations on the key 1aaue of who has aovereignty over the i.slanda, ruled by Britain 149 years and aeiud .by Argentine troop April 2. "We are approaching a solu- tion, with the aid of the United Satet, but pre9erVing Argentine interest&, •• au-force c5ndr. Basilio Lami Dozo told report.era. He said Haig and Argentine leaders were working on a final draft of the latest PJ>posal to be carried by Haig to London and Washington. Deta1IS of the latest proposal ln the 17-day impaae were not im- mediate~y reported by officials. ~ . In London, Prlme Minister Mareuet Thatcher met with her defense and foreign secretaries but the re was no lm~diate comment. PARK FIGHT AFTERMATH -Fountain other suffe. ring knife wounds on his upper Valley firemen work on one victim in a con-body. Orange County sheriffs officers anrin- frontation and knife battle at Mlle Square vestigating. But the Buenos Aires newspa- per Clarln aaid Arsentlna propo- aed U .N. negotiations on the iaaue of sovereignty within a fixed time period. In th' interim, an Argentine-British administration with representatives of the 1,800 islanders would sovern the island under American supervi- sion, the report said. Park Sunday that left one man dead and an- Mile Square melee leaves one man dead Me thod o f pick ing OCC chief ra pp ~d A joint Argentine-B.ritish po- lice force would keep order on the ialanda. The C1arln said' tb:is was contingent on •ltain tur- "ling back its 40-shlp armada One man was knifed to death and a second is hospitalized today suffering knife wounds aft.er a Sunday confronUitlon between two groups of Hispanics at Mile Square Regional Park ln Fount- ain Valley. Killed in the fight was Angel Lopez Serrano, 28, a resident of Hawaiian Gardens. Investigating officers said Ser- rano had suffered knife wound.a ln his back. He died at Fountain Valley Community Hospital about 6 p.m., an hour after th<: two groups had clashed at the Foun- tain Valley park. Officers identified the woun- ded man as 19-year-old Hector Carrillo from Stanton. Fountain Valley hospital spokesmen said Carrillo was being treate d for knife wounds on his upper tx>dy. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart said that details of the confrontation were sketchy. .. . WORLD By PHIL SNEJDERMAN orttte Delly ,... ,..,. The Orange Coaat College Academic Senate has approved two resolutions criticizing Coast Community College District trustees and Ch.ancellor NQl"t1lall Wataon for the manner in which a new Orange Coast College president was selected. ~ However, the president of the faculty group, Fran Potter, de- clined to present these resolu- tions to the trustees at their recent meeting. Mias Potter, a long-time bu.si- nes. law instructor at the Costa Mesa campus, aald 1he had not received formal direction from the senate to present the reaolu- tlons to the board. ' The faculty is concerned about the trustees' aelectlon March 31 of Bm)ard Luskin, pttlident of lilter IChool Coutllne College, to tak.e over aa Orange Coast presi- dent when Robert Moore retires June 30. Dlatrict apokeaman Richard MONTEVlDEO, Uruauay (AP) -British ma- rines and ldentista deported by Argentina to Uruguay walked on the beach and played with • aoccer ball they bought here, but made no comments to the f oretgn and local pnm.. SPORTS Angels win 6t.h straigh~ Sbo~to~ RJck Bu.rJe90n'1 out, but the Anaeb bep on Winnin1. anyway. P• Cl. . COUN TY Simon said Watson and the trustees have not responded to the resolutions becawie they have not formally been received. But he added, "Luskin haa absolutely the full support of the board. We believe the acreen1ng process was not adull68t.ed." In seeking a a ucceuor to Moore, trustees several montha earlier appointed an eight· member acreening committee re- preeenting Orange Coast admini- strators, teachen, office workers, students and the community. The oominittee reviewed about 80 applications and forwarded six to the board of truateea. The board narrowed these to two fi- nalists. Their top cholee turned down the )>b, and the board eliminated the second choice for reaona that have not been made public. The trustees then selected Luskin for the pOlrt, even thouib he had not applied. (See PR~. Pase A!) NATION ... 'War' rages along coast OCEANSIDE (Al') -Some 2,000 re.ervtsta and 1,000 active- duty aaHon carried out make- belleve aea battlee over the wee- kend in an exercile planned by the ~ the Navy uld. The "war" was fought .from three San Dlego-bued frigates on a million to hunt down enemy submarines between Oceanside and San Clemente Island, 50 miles to the IOUthwest. En route, an enemy wanhip su.rpriaed the Americans. 'It was the fint major training exerdle ever ~ted, plannecl and canied out re.erviata In the Southern omia area, the Navy ukl. In cJ:w'&e waa reeerve Capt. John K. Rleiis. EPA policies criticized Column.lat Jack A.ndel'90n uya the EPA 1eema more eager to ap~aae the chemical and waate- dumptng·tnaUS1rles than protecdn& the public. Paae A8. Dan Burt . vs. Ralph Nader Next to the bud1et, the blll••t battle In Waahln1ton the1e day1:_1l_ta_ author Dan M. Burt aplnlt (lOftlUm8I' Ktivtlt ftalpb" N ..... ~ 88." .. heading for the Falklands. In return, Argentine troops would be withdrawn. Argentine Foreign Ministry and U.S. St.ate Department offi- cials refused to oonflhn or deny the newapaper report. Haig, who ended 12 straight hours of talks with Argentine leaden at 2 a.m. today, resumed the negotiations at Government House. President Gen. Leopoldo Gal- tieri's press secretary, Rodolfo Ba.ltierrez, said: "'l'he final stage of the second rowld of .;egotia- tlons has begun with the same differences that existed thla morning (when talka ended). " lie did not elaborate. Haig'• spokesman, Dean Fis- cher, aaid earlier that the aecre- ta ry of state planned to leave Buenos Aires today but would not say where Haig would fly next or characterize the talks. Haig and Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez talked for nearly 12 hours Sun- day. Bosto n Mar athon w on b y Al Salazar BOSTON (AP) -World re- cord holder Alberto Salazar won the 86th annual Boston Marathon today, edging Dick Beardsley of Minnesota, who challenged Sa- lazar in a neck-and-neck race to the finish. H~s unofficial time was 2 hours, 8 minutes , 48 seconds, about 35 seconds short of his world record. Beardsley followed by scant eeconds. John Lodwick of Texas was third and hometown favorite Bill Rodgers, a four-time Boston winner, trailed in fourth. The 26-mile, 385-yard classic was a two-man race, between Salazar and Beardsley, for about the final quarter. Salazar entered his first Bos1on Marathon as the favorite, rele- gating Rodgers to underdog status as about 7 ,600 entrant.a pushed across the starting line. Salazar had two marathons and two victories behlnd him, including a devastating 2:08:13 performance in New York lut October. The 23-year-old Wayland, _ Mass., native running out of Eu- gene, Ore., found good weather conditions -though a bit warm for aome -on the 26-mile, 385-yard course -temperatures hovering just above 60 degrees under dear skies, with a cooling breet.e. There were 7 ,623 official en- trant.a, up about 700 from last year. running a course 1hat wound through rural Musachu- s~tts countryside. Concrete group, drivers set taik·s Striking rock, sand and con- cr ete haulers finally will sit down at the bargaining table with concrete trade a.uociation negot.iators Thursday morning, an auoclation spokesman said today. Spokesman ~ay Watkins. speaking on behalf of the Sou- thern CallfornJa Rock Products and Ready Mix Concr&te Asso- ciations, aaid the bargaining ses- sion waa scheduled late last week following an exchange of letters between striking unions and the aaodaUons. A l the strike by 2,000 Teamster concrete haulers in Orange and Los Angeles counties entered its third week, construe- INDEX tjon p~-;=t.a throughout Sou- thern orn.ia were grinding to a halt as concrete and amociated product.a became scarce. Teamsters walked off their jobs April 4 after turning down the association'• offer of a $3.03-an-bour increaae in waaes and benefits. The union had been deman- ding a $4.50-an-hour hike In. wages and benefits. Driven cur- rently average $11.40 an hour. The teamster baulen struck companies which supply about 80 percent of the aand. gravel and ready mix concrete uaea ln Loa Orange, Los Anaelea, San Ber- nardino, Riverside and Ventura counties. At Your Service A4 Horoecope B2 AnnLanden B2 Erma Bambeck B2 ~ A8 Moviel B6 M National Newt A3 c.avabde B2 PubUc Modem Da Cl1lllfted Dl~ :::Marbta Cl-4 Qimb B3 C& ~ D2 TelevWon JM Death Notka D2 Tbeaten BO Utlarial AS w ..... A2 ........... 1 85 WarldNewa A4 STATE .J ] H/F Orange Cou stories 911 SERVICE BEGINS . • • provt.-d by the 1tate In Septem- bf'r, 1979. Slnce then, the coun~ hu been worlQna tD implement the 1y1tem at a coet ot $1.8 mil- lion. The money wu raised by a 1urcharge on telephone bills of Orange County telephone custo- mera. Officials aajd they hoped per- sona wm not attempt to "teat" the 1yatem by makin8 unnecea- aary 911 calls. They pointed out that all callera' nwnbera and ad- d re11ea are recorded by the ay1tem. n it a crime to make non-emereency calla, they added. Buainess calla to emergency services should be made on non- emergf:ncY numbers llilted In the telephone book. officials aald. PROCESS RAPPED ... According tD Miu Potter, the Academic Senate met on short notice April 1 and unanimoW1lv approved two re901utiona Written by instruct.or BW Purkim. The flnt said, ''That the Aca- demic Senate of OCC denounces the action of the board of tru.atees and Dr. WaUIOn ln circumventing the selection procesa for ace President u an insult to the fa- culty, community and other ap- pllcantl who participated ln good faith and wfth anticipation of honorable reaponae." The second resolution called for "a camputwide poll of no confidence ln the board of truatees and Dr. Wau.on." rescues toddler An 18-month-old boy la ln cri· t.lcal condition today at Children'• Hotplta1 of Oranse after being reacued by hl1 12-year-old bro· ther from drowning in Irvine Friday. The victim, Jacob Scholz, wu •potted lying at the bottom of a Jacuzzi at "312 Margarita St., Irvin~, b hia brother, Jeff Sholz, who ed tum out of the pool and erted h js parents, aocording tD Officer Robert Richardson. When he arrived at the 11Cene the officer said Jacob's parents: Jo Ann and Ronald Scholz of Armonda in Central California, ~-e attempting to resuscitate Richardson said the Scholz fa- rruly had been visiting with ~ SCholz' sister, Carol Anderson ai the Marearita St.rttt home when young Jacob apparently wande- red lntD the pool. VI o..,,...._,..... CTORY CONGA LINE -Led by their Sa_ turday in Irvine's chili cookoff. Team quali-cheerleader moose, members of the Baxter's f f Street restaurant chill team celebrate' vfctorv ies or atate cookoff May 27 in Newport ~~~~-=:.:;,,:__:_:..=::.-=::.:.:..:::::::.::.:::......:.::~-~~~Be~ac~h.:.._~-~ Clyde Zulch dies at 62 But Miu Potter said after this vote, she learned the senate meeting had been called without the two days notice and wrlttef\ agenda required ln the group's constitution. Fearing that the initial vote was thus invalid she said the group met again Tuesday and "ratified" the origin.al reeolution by a majority but not unanimous vote. Hunger unit ·re~ruiting Baxterbunch hottest in Only 10 people attend Mesa meeting Clyde Herbert Zulch, a C.orona del Mar painter and art gallery owner, was found dead eru:ly to- day apparently aft.er committing suicide, Newport Beach police said. Zulch, who was 62, was disco- vered in a shower of his Poppy Avenue home at 3:30 a.m Police said the Orange C.ounty Coroner's office has been asked to determine the exact cause of death .. Zulcb, the owner o f Clyde Zulch Originals. 3800 E. Coast Highway, was noted for his sea- scape paintings. Funeral ar- rangements haven't been an- nounced. B.J. Best dead at 58 A memorial service is set for 7:30 p.m. this evening at Laguna United Methodist Church for Benjamin J . Best, 58, who died Saturday at South Coast Medical Center. A resident of Laguna Beach for the past 22 years, Best owned and operated Harbor Graphics Camera Stripping & Pla tes, 1378C Logan Ave .. Costa Mesa. Best was a skilled photogra- pher and a member of the La- guna Beach Camera Club. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy, a freelance writer; a brother. three sisters, and nume- rous rueces and nephews. Allenta Miss.Potter said she wa.s con- cerned about this procedure being valid and was personally uncomfortable with the term "denounce" ln the reeolution. Because she was given no spe- cific instruction to present the resolutions to the trustees, she said she did not. But she said the board members and Wataon were aware of the resolutions because of their publication in the campus newspaper. Mesa stabbing victim, 18, hospitalized A Costa Mesa man who was found wandering through a Huntington Beach neighborhood with numerous stab wounds was reported ln serious condition to- day at Fountain Valley C.ommu· ruty Hospital Huntington Beach police Lt. Merle Schneblin said the injured man, Robert Moreno, 18. a Me- xican citizen working locally as a gardener, was found by a pas- serby at 3:18 a .m . Sunday on Flintstone Lane. Schneblin said paramedics treated Moreno for puncture wounds in the head and throat tlnd other cuts before rushing him to th.e hospital. Schneblin said details of the incidept were sketchy but that officers believe Moreno wa.s m· jured as a result of a feud bet· ween two families. 71 54 ~\' Atlento Cty 64 45 Auttln 73 .OS 65 Baltlmor• ee 40 ein:z 47 28 Coastal Bir hm 72 5e 02 81sn1111Cll 62 4() II 8olM 48 25 Sunn~ and warmer through ~ton 60 41 Tu.day ownsv!le 92 n Coutal low 50, Inland 5'. Bunlllo « 35 ,. Coastal high 74, Inland low eoa Butlinglon 81 32 Water 60 Catf* 56 45 f 1 E,IMwhere llghl varlable Wind• =~ 72 58 thfouOllOut tonight except -arty n 52 38 10 10 16 knoll In afternoon Ctlwttte NC ea 47 Wnterty •••II• 1 to 2 feet Fair ~ 63 23 63 ~ 66 45 ... By STEVE TRIPOLI ()("tfM Dellr Hot llMt A worldwide organization de· dicated to ending hunger on earth sought recruits. in Costa Mesa Sunday and though the turnout was small, organizers sa1cl they will continue to seek help along the Orange Coast. The Hunger Project, which claims two million members, sponsored the seven-hour "briefing" of the city's Neigh- borhood Community Center for those interested ln supporting the organization's efforts. The bnefmgs are an intensive look at hunger -what it is, who suffers from il, how it can be combatted, why it is both possi- ble and economically worthwhile to defeat it and who has the po- Wef' to stop· it. The pre of the brieflng is to equi 'ci ts to deal with elect~ o iciakthe media and others in ''generating the grass roots political will to nave hunger ended," according to a Hunger Project spokesman. Gwen Hill of C.orona del Mar, one of two moderators at Sun- day's bneflng, said the turnout of jUSt 10 people was disappomling. but that another bnefing will be held in the area next month. The !t1te is as yet undetermined. Other sessions also will be held later thJ.S year. Participants leave the session ready to lobby against hunger at all levels. Some of what they learn includes. -That one-fourth of the world's population is hungry. thr~ tonigflt axoepi a ,_ ew1y ~ morn ng log and low eloud pat•! 11 ef)M on IOUlhern _,... Clevelano se 4() ~ Ce•d •... Clmb6a SC 73 42 -= V .S. sumniary Columbua 82 42 ,.. . \•"· .. ,. .. o.,~.,,,., Del-Ft Wth 118 63 tIIIIIIll -- -= = = HO•• U • o..-.. (.--" Deylon 82 39 A hMY'f bend of lnOW tell todey Denver 71 29 on nor1heeel MlnnM01a u allow· 0. MolnM ea 50 PUend. O<a 51 33 02 San Franoleco ea 54 en and lhunder"'-• CO\'efed Oelroll eo 38 Pf'OYldeooe 63 •2 Senta B.att>era ... 43 rnucf'I of Ille Mlaailalp9f ValWft Duluth 39 29 .A3 RMlgh 71 ... Santa Ma<le 79 Fair wM1111f covered moat of ~.:=.i 62 50 Rel'IO 81 21 Stoetiton 75 the resl of the nation 1 36 13 Salt Lake 53 24 Thermal 97 The tor~ calMd lor afternoon Fargo 62 34 San MtonlO 71 65 .03 Ukllll 73 hlgh8 todi:t In the 308 and 401 In F\aol1•N 62 29 Seattle 43 30 Barwtow 85 52 Upper M =· northern Min~ Oreet Fall• 41 24 Shr~ 73 59 03 8!0 BMr 62 25 aotl, the OIU , northem Colo-Hartford 61 36 Sioux •Ila 71 43 Cetalkl• ee 54 r.00, Montana and northern Miii· ~=.,. 44 24 SI Louie 67 50 Long 9Noh 11 50 ne. 63 73 .01 St P·Tampa 84 65 MonrO\lla 64 46 TamperaturH In the 901 _,. ::=. 12 72 St Ste Marie 35 27 .53 Mt. Wiiton 118 47 lotecMt In the Souti-t deMn• 65 45 SC>c*-46 21 ~8eecll M 51 with 701 and IOa from the aou· Jac:Utl MS 76 59 Syracuaa 41 32 Ontario 62 ~ tllarn 1wo-tlllrd1 of the Alllnllc =acr: 79 54 .02 T°'*'a 71 48 oe San BemardlnO 79 45 Cou1 Into TexM. AMdlnga 1n the ~ ea 52 Tucaon 12 52 San JoM 74 45 50a and eo. were expect.O .._ ~ :C 84 eo T*9 72 55 .01 Santa Ana 76 51 ..... eo 45 1.46 WMhlngtn 70 45 T atl09 Vall9y 5e 25 Temperal\nl Wound IN '**1 ~ 07 40 WlcHta 70 63 .07 early today ran9•d from 2 1 In ~ 11 ... c~ t7 54 .47 ~ta, MDflt .. to 8 In 1(91 WMI, MIMll 83 71 .,.,. -.id 80 lie CMADA I ....... ... 47 ~ 12 ~-4S 2S California 1::: • 37 B#lltl M • 42 n • M F.-no 74 ... MonlfMI 63 31 NewC>liMN 72 70 .01 LanollMr T7 ... Ott8wa 21 ~~~Loe NewYofll '7 47 ~ 7S 56 Atglnl .. 35 ~IOnal A to-Nortoll .. 43 7S TorClflto 41 ~ day lifted an., dawn, allowtno 'fa, Piette ~ 73 SS ~ ... v~ .. H ~ lo l'MlllM normal oC*'• O.la City .. 54 ...... to WlM4pee S1 24 lklM. __,. ... lllld. OINN .. ft OI ' Otiktend 71 52 Fog clOeld Lot M9tM Inter· °'** .. 65 Paeo AotMla 71 40 rwltOIW AlrPon '° lnCOmlno trll-~ ... 43 "9d lluft 71 .. Extended flo •• 1:10 a.m. toda y. By t ·SO 80 13 ·=~ 11 ... e .m. OPlf'ltlon• were back 10 ~ .. .. 72 12 n«INI ~. " '4 ..... 71 41 forecast It ... "' '° ..,.,_ to OIClda .. s.n~ 70 " wtl•r• they "'011td 1111e1 tllelr = ""'°'41' °"""'° Ind LAii • I ~~o-tlot-lllf llPlll dhef\ed e. NICI en tlrpon ....... "".h • °"'*"'" --wr.t'I .._, .... ~·tttetot.-.-. ............... :':1i .................... _...,MWIY ......... ._ • ..... & ........... TUIB1 r.=~ "-c::U..:.~ and that three-fourth• of the dicating hunger. one which said chili cook of I hungry are children. that expenditures of $25 billion a -That some nations with year for 20 years would be nee-After the competitive glee high per-capita income levels ded, and another which eatima-smunered down, jovtal members have not defeated hunger. while ted that all c hildhood deaths of the Baxter's Street restaurant others with very low income le-from hunger could be prevented team emerged as first place win-vels have. for $1.5 billion. ners at Irvine's annual cookoff -That some hunger exists They compared that to the es-Saturday m the rustic Bommer almost everywhere, thoug}\ it as umated annual costs of hunger: Canyon rather rare m naUona such as the $36 billion a year for food aid and The Baxter's team will get a United Stat.es. food stamps. medical care for the chance to compete for spicier -Thal nations which have malnourished, nutrition frog-stakes at the state chili cham· defeated hunger come from all rams and the disruption 0 peo· p1onsh1p. to be held May 27 at ma1or political 1deolog1es and pie's lives. the Balboa Bay Club in Newport econonuc and political' systems, Ending hunger, Ms. Hill and Beach. and that they also employ diffe-co-moderator Ed Kinney said. The South Coast Chili Cham, rent agncuJturaJ techniques and would end a mor.al outrage, un-ptonshtp, hosted by the lrvine have a wide range of climates. leash the talents of the one bit-Chamber of Commerce, was held -That, according to a number lion people who now are hungry. al an old-time cattle camp off of agencies which have undert.a-build markets for richer nations. Bonita Canyon Road. fiearly_ 3,- ken studies of hunger, the only enhance global security. and 000 chill aficionados showed u p impediment to defeating 1t is the "liberate the untapped richness for the day-long event. featuring poilt1caJ wiU to do so. of other cultures and minds." outlandish entertainment and a -That the earth already The seminar's final phase potpourri of costumed characters. produces more than enough food introduced an exhaustive list of C.oming in second was Pacific tD meet everyone's needs, there is the agencies battling hunger. the National Bank. The third place potential to produce much more, world food aid structure, wri-trophy was taken by the staff of and that increases in food pro-tmgs on the sub,)ect and sugges-the lrvme World News newspa- -tffitt1on are outstripping world tions for what those battling to per. population growth. eliminate hunger can do. Cookoff Judges sampled 44 One of the program's major The Hunger Project's goals for e ntries of some of the best points. perhaps because 1t makes this year, according to project mouth-sizzling brews this side of ending hunger pohucally attrac-officials, are to bnef at least 2!>.-the San Diego Freeway. trve, 1s that wiping out hunger 000 people in the United Stat.es They selected the Baxter's makes econonuc sense and Canada, including some who Street entry, a chunky-style ProJCCt representatives cited will be able to lead briefing concoction that is a favorite two t>Sllmates of th_e_c_:os_t _o_f_e_r_a_-_ll!gro __ u..!ps~th:..:.;,.:.e=m=sel:..=.v:....:es=.... _______ am __ o,_n.:,::g:_1ts.:.....:.res.=...:::taurant customers. " ..,.. .. • Lightweight poplin is a Brooks Brothers favorite Both businessman and rraveller will find the qualities they seek in a warm weather suit handsomely met here. The polyester and cot· ton blend has a neat, crisp appearance, good crease-resistance and washability. Tailored on our 3-button model with patch pockets and welted edges, in tan. navy or olive. Coat and trousers. $ISO u1~ yo•" Broolu Btollur~ COJ'ILOJ' Amtrican Express. IPAMIJHIO 1111 • 1 BJ TH .A.uocia&M Pree1 llraeU troopt lifted women remter1 off a roof with a crane and batter.t open doon toda~they t.an ~ Jewfat\ lettlen tn Yun!t, ~ stria!, who rejliiet llrael'a pledp to -r.Wrri e ~ Deeert to F.cYpt. ''There wu aome weeping and everybody ii in depremlon, both ua and the army," a eettler ldent· Wed u Menachem Gran.It said in a two.way radio • ~overheard by r'" who Wlft ~ by troops from wa~ ~ "Everythlna la be!ng done ln a1ow moUon." More than 2,000 aquanen In the Medlt.lTa· neen COMt town of Yaanit ba.nic8ded ~ ln bull~ after rnornJn.r prayen but troopl INlde Do . Immediate move.a to eVICt them. Yamit wu the laat of the eettlementa llrtel establlahed after It captu· red the Slhai ln the 1967 Arab,..llraell War. Moslem clergyman missing · BEIRUT, Lebanon -Iranian Revolutionary Guards ransacked the home of a leading dJssideot Moslem clergyman over the weekend. d.iaanned his bodyguarda and •iz.ed aoti·government tape rec· ordino. Tehran newapapers reported. 'fhe whereabouts of Ayatollah Kazem Sha· riatmadari were unknown after the raid on bis residence in the holy city of Qom. An Iranian who declined to be identified for aecurity reasons re· porte~ by telephone that be aaw the old man broUght out ol hi.a quarters u a crowd ~ lnsulta at hbp. Shariatmadara, white-bearded lnd belieY\!d to be in his 80s, ii the reltp>ua leader of 13 mU.Uon Turkisli.a1>eak:ing Iranians in ~ northwestern part of the country. He baa long diaented from the vlewa of Iran's aup-eme leaQer Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on the Ialam1c republic. gremlin sets seabed. ruling MOSCOW -The Kremlin has issued a leng· thy decree stating Soviet rights and obligations in developing seabed resources beyond th e limits of the continent.al shelf starting in January 1988. Soviet coverage of the decree, carried by the official news agency Tass, did not explain why the document was released now lf It would not take effect until 1988. · It appeared the move was linked to the Reagan administration's decision to seek revisions in an international law of the sea agreement under con· sideration by United Nations members. Crash creates quite a mess LCJS ANGELES -Interstate 405 became a morus of crude oil, concrete girders, wrecked trucks and stalled commuters after an accident near Long Beach early today, the California Highway Patrol said. A tanker-trailer began leaking its 7 ,()()().gallon load of crude oil after the crash that al8o involved a seml·trailer which spilled IOl'M of its concrete gir· den, CHP Offk:er Rick Stevens said. · The oil truck driver, Edward Brousseau, 37. was trapped inside his cab for about half an hour following the miBhap at 4 a.m. Roller coas ter train crashes SANT A CLARA -A four·car train on the roller router at Marriott's Great America amuse· ment park stalled and slid backward, into another train, inflicting minor Injuries on 14 people, the park reported. Park spokesman Judy Hadfield said the acd· dent happened at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The train with 2.4 aboard was headed up a steep incline when it • "stalled near the top and rolled backward" into the station and another train, which waa not moving, she said. Ma. Hadfield aafd of the 14 injured, three re· fused treatment at the park. Ten were treated, and 12·year-old Alyssa James of San FrancilCX> wu taken by ambulance to a San Ja.e hospital for treatment. 2 die when car falls 300 feet SAN DIMAS -Authorities are seeking the driver of a blue Jeep that ran a car carrying six people off curving Highway 39. Two died when the car plunged 300 feet down a ravine into a reservoir; the others were injured. Sophia Vasquez, 40, and her BOn, Octaviano, 19, were killed about 2:45 p .m . Sunday when the oncoming Jeep forced their car off the mountain road about 45 miles northeast of Los Angeles. The Jeep was trying to pap another south- bound vehicle, <.:alifofnia Highway t'atrol Officer &l¥ Schmitt.er said. Ground Zero Week under way Marches, speeches. bicycle tours and foot races are serving as forums for blasting the bomb u Americans observe Ground Zero Week -the new peace movement's biggest assault ao far on the buildup of nuclear anns. In one of numerowi exerci8ea to demonstrate the elfecta of a nuclear bomb on an A.l'yaerican city, a siren wailed In Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati and bicyclist.a, Jolgen and at le.ut one man in a wheelchair .:a~ to see how far away they could get from a red "x" marking the aymboJic center of the attack. Warning jssued on budget -• WASHINGTON -Senate Republlcan leaden say budget negoUaton must come u p with a com· proml.ae on President Reagan'• pro~ ~ndins plan aoon or face a " of conflict" 1n . Negotiators fro~itol Hill and the te Haute held a three-hour secret le9ion Sunda.y to wc;>rk oa the president's deficit·ridden budget for a.cat year 198lJ. Conaremlonal leaden said no major agreement waa reached at the White HOU8e meeq. CIHelfted .. , ...... 71~ 3 dead m embers of film crew Alf qeMr .. , ........ MMU1 l..EES l'DRY, Arla. (AP) - 1bree bodiel recovered from the Co1ondo Rlwr have been ident• Jfied .. thoee 9f RHU'Dbe/9 of a m.-n crew who were in a hell· copter that CJ'aahed a f ter the ..... ti1mld • low ICllDe. A tourth crew member, Lort lAe Gere ot Tanana. c..tif .. w• hoePltaltsed m Pa1e..t. in 1table oonaiUon folloirlnl r:saturday'• cra1h a fte r a acen• from "A•Rioan .... i" a two-hour CM .. levteioo IGVenture Wm. ,. I .. u · Orange Cout ONLY PILOT/Mond1Y, Apru 19, 1982 H JF 0.-, Not ""'°"° REMEMBERED -A year and a half after the death of Ora.nge County Superior Court Juda.e Oretta Sears, her husband nas published his first book of poems. Balmy skies lure' throngs to seaside Springtime weather produced summer-like conditions along the Orange Coast shore line this weekend as thousands flocked to the beach to get a jump on their t.ana. In Newport Beac}\, an August· sized crowd of 85,000 people spread out their beach towels Sunday under clear skies and 6~-<iegree temperatures. Weather forecaaten an calling for a warming trend this week with temperatures in the m.id·70s along the coast and readings in the low.SOs l.n inland areas. At the mile.long stretch of city beach in Huntington Beach. 35.- 000 viaitorl showed up Sunday and 21,000 turned out Satu...,j.ay. Along the state s trand In ' Huntington. 25.000 beachgoers turned up Sunday. Despite the large turno uts, there was little lifeguard activity along the coast, a fact guards were attributing to the chilly 59-<iegree ocean temperatures. Suri at most beaches was run· ning o ne to two feet ~Ith no riptides reported.. Pa~n easing for widower • By JACKIE HYMAN In ieeo. the counte11 and the An rr'lllll..,... • ....., profe.or, who was allO married, Oretta Ferri Seara lived a col-becamo closely acquamted by a Ol;'ful. rich UH u an lt.allan quirk of fate. counieaa, out.spoken proaecu&or .. and Orange County Superlof' 1 wae eivlna her a Uft home Oourt Judee, and her auJcide In and we got. caug~t for three day• December of 1980 left her hua-ln a tnowatonn, Seara said, ex-band devastated. plaining that~he counteaa Uved Now, a year and a hall later, In the mountama ancf they took he has worked through his grief ,. refuge In her apartment. He,r in writlng, and next month hla daughter and huaband oouldn t first book of poern.1, "The Mag· let home because of, t~~ snow, ellan Heart," will be published and we got acquainted. by Harian Creative Press ln u~· The two voluntarily aeparated i.te New York. • for a while. but d ecided they "Oretta was flamboyant, bril· couldn't Uve Wlthout each other. liant and sometimes difficult," They marned m 1964 and work· said Dr Donald Seers, chairman ed in Washington, D C .. ahe for of the llnguiatica department at Attorney General Robert Ken· Callfornio St.ate University at Fullerton. "What we had was a '/ 1.;oul dn 't symbiotic relat1onahip. It was ~h7o~ruur.~en I didn't have Slop writing' Sean, who was 57 at the time of his wife'• death, said he was unable to write for aix months, "then the logjam broke and I couldn't a top. When I go t through I didn't know whether I had therapy or poetry." . The title of the poems. some of which were first published in journals and one of wbkh won a $200 prize. refet-s to Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sea cap- tain who commanded the first e xpedition to sail around the world. "The book has a certain orga- nic theme, of my •tarting out physically from Maine (where he was born) and traveling some· what around the world," Sears said. "It's also an internal journey," with a section dedica· ted lO Mn. Sears. Sears, who has a Ph.D. in En- glish language and literature from Harvard University, was teaching at Upsala College in East Orange, N.J. when he met Mn. Sears. who was a student in his Shakespeare ~. An Italian countess "by mhe- ('ltance -as much as she could be in her generation" -Oretta Dianora Vanna Laura Countess Ferri i:ame to the United St.ates as a student in 1946. She w.1 s married soon afterward, dropped out of coUege and had a daught· er . When she returned to coUege nedy and he for the American Council on Education and Ho- ward University. During the academ ic yea r 1966·67, the {'ouple headed to · Kano, Niferla, to teach a t Ah- madu Be lo University. They landed m the mlddle of the Bia· fran civLI war and fled to Italy, then moved to Califorru.a. Within a few months, he se· · cured a professorship at Fuller· ton and M rs Sears found a pos1tton with a pnvate law firm m Oakland . .ioming the Orange County Di.strict Attorney's office m 1968 to be doser to her hus. barld Mrs. Sears tackled her work in an original manner -she be· came not.<.'<i for her prosecuuon of obscenity cases but refused to prosecut<' abor tionists because she had nearly died during a pregnancy m her hrs~ mamage. In 1978. Mrs. Scars broke a precedent of several decades ,by cha llenging a Superior Court judge in an c)(.'('t1on and winning. S he took the bench m January of 1979 Then. an 1980, she died with barbiturates and alcohol in her bloodstream . At first her hus-, band doubted the coroner's ru· ling of suicide but said he was later able t.o accept it c::~t SOUTH COA,ST PLAZA Presents BILL BRUMLEY of • YJnd:J {/!,.. cf~gzJijeM, ~g/la Allow him to create a floral arrangement from the flowers you Mleot. You may bf'lng YC>VI' own container or eelect coe from our collection. There will be no charge for Mr. Brumley.'• design wvtces. Oar1<'s Silk Flowers are hend· made lo the United States. Celebrate the arrival of Spring with the lasting beauty of Biik flowers. Mr. llrumley wlU appear Tuesday and Wednedsay 11:00 A.M.·5:00 P.M. Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 rr.-\ ~ --41 VISA' L ~ -1 our Polo int.tzrlock, ... • l t • OrMQe COMt DAILY PILOT/Moriday, Aprtl 1t, 1982 ~ prol«l leaee By PAT HOROWITZ or .. .._,... .... will laav• a. provide proo1 GI rour .aauauau. B. aw. tO keep ur wrtttm maa.rt11-trom the landlord and bave a wttw ,,., ... II you 1.,.U to him ln pereoa. . ----,- Va~dals, hllrglar~ batter FV schools • • DEAR PAT: My a..dlord 11 U11aitq me • w ,., •• &o bf'Mk *'t dlree-)'ear.,... I iave .. a •mall ..... nae 1 .... tact .... .uutte1. Th IH dlord lia1 brolsea I• t• t1ra •ff tll• U1llt1 aad lleat, b•t I llavea't beea able !• ca&ell lltm la die act eo tlle pollff cu't lie_! me. 1 doa't 'wut &o break tile lease ucl cloe t DEAR READERS : The blind of Calltonila, and .. pecaa111 thole we.a UH 1ulde doll, now have •t their ftna9rUpe all law1 and rttul•Uou appl)'iq to t.bt ltate Board ol Guldt DOii tor U. Bllnd <llO K Street Mall, Rooaa Jll1. Sactamento t581'). The board haa ,ubhabed lh l1w1 and .._,ulaUona ln Brame. The Bt:aille bootletl are provided tree to the bllnd. Publlabed In conJunctJon with tbe lntemaUonal Year ot the DiHbled, th• Brallte edltlon1 of the Buslneu and ProfH1loJ11 Code and Admlnlltratlve Code reoretellt the ftrat time Bw1Jar* and vandallsn have cott the Fountain Valley School Dtatrlct more than $64,000 the p11t 2 ~ yeare, accordins to a report tel d.lat.rict tru.t.ee.. (Several l~ earlier,_,, en- tire wina at Harper WM gutted ln a fire started by vandala.) By contrast, Muuda and Tal- bert echooll each reported leal than $500 in vandalism damaee durina the three perioda. • lmow wllat ao do. 8 ~ · L.L .. ~ ea Contact the Oranee County Fair Housina Council by phoning 835-0180. A lease ls a contract and Lt you are not breakln1 any of Jta requirements, It usually caMot be ended by the landlord without your consent. It's also agalnst state law for a landlord to tum off your utilities with the intention of ma.kine you move. If he does, and you go to court and win you can receive $100 ror e(lcb day the utilltles are turned off, plus attorney's fees. 'rhe civil code further protects your baste right of privacy and the landlord has no ridlt to enter your place of business except in an emergency or for certain other reaso!U, such as making repairs. You are entitled to reasonable notice of entry -u.suaJly U hours. The Fair Housing Council can offer some suegestions that may help solve your problem, but only if you are absolutely sure the landlord is the person who has eotered your business and tampered with the utility service. Before any action can be taken, you. a state a1ency hu been ~bl• to provide all lta law1 and reautaUona tn BraJUe. . A part or the Departmen' of Con1.umer Affairs1 the GuJde Doc Board Ucenaes 1u1de . do1 scnools and lnstrueton. It conalata of. eeven membera, 1lx of wbom are lay penooa appointed by the aovernor, and one state orticlal who serves by 1latute. The board meets quarterly in metropolitan areas of the state. Presently llve board members are • eulde doa uaers, and slx are blind, making it one of the few llcenalna bodies which has from its inception consisted of lay persons rather than llcensee.s. • • Got a probl•mr Than write ro Pat Horowlu. Pat .. w cut red ,.,,_, 1•ttl111 the .,,.wen and action you need ro aoJve lneq~lll•a In 1overnment and ,.., bu1lneH. M•ll your que.clon• to Pac Horowlr1. Ar Your Bervlc•, Oran1e a-t DalJy.Pfloc. P.O. BoJt 16'0, O.U M-. CA m~. Al IDIU>Y WfrHI a p<l9/bJe wlJJ be am.wend, but phoned llJ- qulris or httt«s not lncllld.Jn6 tJw twtder'1 fuJJ name, ~ and bualM9t hocurl' phone numb«r cannot be canaldered. SWEET TOOTH -Susan VOlller, 27, of Valencia shows off her latest creation -an oversized ja"l' filled to the brim with jellybeans. One of the first jars will be aent to the nation'• moet well-known jellybean addict, Ronald Reagan. 'I'he report covera break-in• and darnaae to the dlltrlct'• 17 elementary echoola, Ill former headqwarten buUdin1 on Ltsh- 'thouse Lane and lta new head- quarter•, formerly McDowell School. A.ccord1ni to the report, diool buraJ,an have taken a variet)"of valuable items, including type- w rl ter1, calculator1, fire ex- tlngui1her1, televi1lont, audio. equipment and a cello. The moat common act of van- dall1m has been breakage of windows, according to the report. Damage also has been done to drinkJna fountaina, locka, venta, toUeta. sprinklen, tloodllghta and bdk.etball hoops. Over the 2 ~-year study pe- riod, the largest vandalism totals were cecorcfed at Wardlow and Harper 111Chools. For example, Harper reported $2,993 in vandalism damage du- ring the 1979-80 khool year, $3,- 213 in 198().81 and $739 during the first half of the c urrent echool year. To nelp reduce the vandalilm and bur.l).ary probfem, Allla1ant Superintendent Jack Mahnken 1ugge1ted that the diatrlct take the following ates-: -Monitor the effectiveneta of an infrared intru1lon alarm 1yst.em being u.ed at the district headquarten. -Continue to ln1tall mira- wall, a thin 1teel plate, when wlndoWI are broken. -Bolt all benche1 and lunch tablet to cement pads. -Place raJlroad tle1 ln shrubbery bedl to eliminate da- mage froru bicycles and other vehicles. -Contlder infrared alarm1 for the 8Choobl with the greatest continuing to.es. -Consider rewarding the five • echooll reporting the lowest loe.- leS by granting them an additio- nal $500 !or wie on a project to be defennined by the principal and the student council. Rolu1nsons t YOU'LL SAVE 35°1o·58°1o AT OUR BEDROOM ESSENTIALS SALE 46%-58% OFF OUR EXCWIM FIATHIR/DOWN COM FORTI RS '69.99 'IWIN De1tc1ously warm and weightless. our Northern Feather comforters are sc1enliflcally filled with just the right amount of feathers and down lo main1a1n body temperature. And the 100% cotton covers have channel-stitched. inner wall construction to prevent cold spots and shifting. In chocolate reversing to ecru, navy/light blue or solid camel; with a handy vinyl zipper case for storage. Robinson's Beddir1g, 54. • Twin Full/Queen King • Ong. $170 $230 s2ap • Sale *·" S119." S141." 35%-:54% OFF FIRST QUALITY GEORGETOWN LACE SHEETS IN WAMIUTTA'S LUSCIOUS 200 THREAD COUNT SUPIRCALE PLUS® '9.99 TWIN FW Pure luxury• You'll love our silky sheets (so ftnely woven that you can count 200 threads to every inch!) and the wide. embroidered scalloped borders atop the flat sheets and pillowcases. All in white or champ~gne Supercale Plus• combed collon/polyester percale Fitted sheets are also available at savings. Robinson's Domestics. 30 Flat sheets Reg . Stile Twin $22 $9.99 Full $29 $15." Queen $36 S21.99 King $44 $27." Standard cases, pr. $25 S15.99 King cases. pr. $28 S17." SAVE 42%·50% ON MATCHING COM FORTERS, RUFFLES AN D PILLOW SHAMS, all In cotton/polyester; the comforter ts fluffed with polyester fiberfill. Robinson's Bedding, 54. Comforter Reg Sale Twin , $90 $44." Full/Queen $125 *·" King $180 S81." Accessories Twin ruffle Full ruffle Queen ruffle King ruffle Standard sham King sham Reg. $70 $85 $100 $110 $35 $40 Sale ends April 26. Sele *·" $44.99 ...... 164.81 s1a.n $22.81 To order any Items on this ·page, call . toll·free 1·IOO·Ma·ll01. • / • • ( ( Cl 'f Or9ft09 Co• DAILY PILOT/Mond-.y,·Aprtt 18, 1982 ,,------------~...;.:.,.--------~------........ --.----------., HF NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS OUOTATIONt ... c~uo• T•AOUON '"' .... V'Oltl(, MIOWUT, .... (.,IC. ..... '°''0 ... OIT•Olf ••O CINCINNAYI nocw IX(MANeOANO •lll'O•TIO I Y TMI lfAIO ANO INlflNlf ··~ 1 -~ ·~ . ' :·~ 2 lllb ,: t: " .... 't f~·i.\ ~.a 4 ft • "'·. " ., ' ~ ,, -.... F4' ·" , ., IJllh ... F11FlnG 1 S t 27"'• "-Fi.«En ."2 n m 1w.+ 14 ,,...,_ I )I 1 J ~ " .............. 14 I,_ .... . l"lexl "' 1.61 .. ' ... .. Flltdf • • " ,, u • .. " F-P" ZS W ~\\ Fi.EC t . • U * "'11 +II\ Fi.Pl. la 1 _, 11"-04 Fl•Prw •• , ICllrJ ~ •• Fldl t It 1 t.2 IJ\lt + .. Ft~ 1S 10t 1~14 Fi.-.. 11121 -... . .....CUD 7ZS JI .... . ktdM . llM 21-.. .. For-t.M 1 m 111111. " FIONr I.JI . . 11 ........ Ft-I Cl 12 ,. »Yt+ "' FostWll .. 1 1111 '""'. "' Fol-" • ~ .... FodlP .. • 14 --14 FOJ(br I M IJ M -.. FrptMc .. 1 IU -· Fr!Qtnl e t m " F......., IA• 1t ""-. F-AID j ..V.+ ... FWllil fll I.JS .. I ,,_ .. GAF ' Ao~U IW.-"° GAF Jlf I.JO • ID I,,,, .... GATX 2AI • 7J ~ "° GCA s .:ID IO llll »141+ 141 GEICO .» 1 J7 »Iii .. o.i< "' .74 J """'-" GEO M 4 274 :ID + ,_. GF Eqp U S 4\'t+ I,\ G.iHou SI I lt1 J1"'"'° ,_. 0.Sk Jlf I llO 2 27Vt ~""" I .... o-1 171 11 .. ~ ... ~ ••»14 o.s..c ,. • ' ~· ... c-t11 .JI 11 m 12111-"' Geko 112 I • ~· .,. Gef'ft(.o 11 IJ 3' GAllW 4Jllt » 14"11 • GAmOlt .'"4b 15 ~ • I"'> Gn&all .• ' • 1111. • "" CiOftm .tt IO D ''" • Gfto.M . .. .-. ..... °"°"" .n u Miii ,,__ 14 G()yft fl( US ID .. + I GeftEI l.ID t as ...-.. "' GftFcll LID t Int~+ tll GGUI • ., 1tJ +14 ~·••GtM"­G•• t G 11 M:ID -·I .. OftMlfts 1..M ' us -• .. GMGt 2-0 ,. JMI """. Vt 0-fl I.J'S I • -... GMDC Ill S ' -·"' GHC 1 CM 11 .. ~+ 141 GP\I It 211 ,_._. Gen"-2.lt II -~+I °"'""'' 11 ........ g;\'9"' ~ ; 11;; =.: ~ GTE "' 1A • .. f"'-"' GTFI "' 1.:111 YD 10 + .. Gflre 1.-6 " -· " c..... 1 Ml -·"' Qlbd • • '~" ='" :i iJ ;: .:: : O.Pec I .. II l1t -· 14 a.!"t •J.M . "' ·-14 0. .... ,.,,.,. . ' Ml'llo ..... Ge .... ~ . 2 mt!. ! 0.""" jft.9' . . ' .. O.ll'w lltl.PS • 1 "°"" ... 0-.W .JI 10 JlfJI ..,__, ~ 1•' IS ~WI °"'* u 11 " M-"' Getty 1A S-SI + V. Gltfvj' I.JO • J UIMt+ "' ~ . 1 .... . Gillr~ ... .. CWOL• I ... "' .... "" GlflWlll .'2 • 11 wiw.-,,. GllMat 1.10 tt 1'D • • .. G1N1W • • 11 -· \It G6-a .JO SM '*• ,,_ = .,,,. ...... ..... ,. ,... " IOI 1.-• Ut ""'"' .. o.dl,n.12 .. u ~ ... ~ 1A • 1111 11"• " c..cJ a .9' S S !~ ..... c;.M 1.n t ,.. i.+ " ~-uo. IJ1 ~" ~ 1• 10., ,....,,,,, ~ SJ•-····· GtAI Pt 4 It 5'I>-.. G4Utn ... IJ • » U..+ 'It c.ttm 4.Dt • 1S a + Iii G4HoHll J • IJ ., • " Gr#""' .a m ~"' GWHtP n 11 7' 1) -'-' GMP " I... S 27 In. ..... Greoyt\ I .JD S Jt.S I""-"' Gt9y .. " Ila .... GtwwG to.ab ' tS ~ ... ~ltty ID J • "' °""""" IA 1t 41 27 + I °"""' llf2.ID • IJ --"' ~·.JI ' 117 I• ... ~ .1' 4 IB I,_+ 14 = 2.JD 4 ~." ut s ftO JN,-" G411t • • OS 11111-" GoMll ,, Jiii .. I 2• , ... ~II P'Ull .. • 11 -1 GffS(ut' 1.9' • ... IJtll .... . .... .. tJ ..... .. IA • -IN+ V. 111 . . 1' 11\olo • \Ii .Jl11~1S ... ~ ~Z..!. ....... HMW t • """ Hlt'T A D ft ~ 16 -· 1A 22 4 !Rio• " He!IP'a I.JI 11 f:I ~ ..... ~ IAI ... ~­_.. ,... s •• !N+ " -.is ,..,. " n~+ "' _,, I ...... •11 i.+ " .....,,... I I 10 1,,.._ .. Housing meet I ~. L set Mesa • ID Sebullano Sterpa, presld•nt of ihe California Auociation of Realtors, will addrea the challqes fec:in& bous1na May 11 durtna a regjona1 meeting of realt.on at SoUth c.out Plaza Hotel, C.O.ta Mesa. Sterpa la a Glendale-Burbank realtor. The Irvtne Board ol Realton ta ho.t baud for the meeting, which hat been arranged for reaJton and ..:>data of Dlatrict 32. For retervationa, call 9~7-9243. Trade cont erence set A ~erence on trade opportunities ln the Pacltic Rim wW be preeent.ed May 10 at the Regiatry Hotel, lrvine. Sponsors are the World Trade Center Aun. of Oraftge County and the International Marketing Alm. of Orange County. • · An official from the Japane.e consulate will be the luncheon speaker. For Information, call 540-9180. Screening service b egins A pre-employment acreening eervioe hu opened ita Wetn C.O.St headquarters in Newport~. • Callfornla Internal Loa Control uya !t utillies voice stress analysis rather than peod.l and peper tes.- ting. cn.c is located at 1301 Dove SL. Newport Beach. Computer open house set The Educational Services Dlviaion or Alrco. Inc .• will hold an open how;e for a ciornpUter learning cent.er on Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 at 1240 South State College Blvd., Anaheim. The facility specializ.es in IBM businqias applica- tions for computer programming and operating posi- tions. The school, Airco's sixth, has over $1 million in ClOIIl,,pUter equipmenl and custom-designed claaaroom facilities and ls designed to accommodate 1,000 gra- duates annually. o~ said. Electronics showcases DevelopO'\ents in personal and small buaineas computers, word processing and office communications systems will be on display at the Computer Showcase Expo at the Anah~ Convention Center on May 7-9. Admission is $7.50 at the door or $5 with discount tick eta. For information, call the Interface Group at 800-225-2233. • Investment firm acquired The assets of Glendale Investment Corporation have been purchased by a subsidiary of Glendale Federal Savings. and Loan Association, Wilshire Mongage Corporation. Glendale Investment ts a mortgage brokerage firm with offices in Westwood and Laguna Hills. which arranges residen.1ial aecond trust deed loans for private investors. · The original company was founded in 1946 by '#.fi~ C. ~. who remains as manager of the Laguna · office. · Tustin firm offers prjn ter The GBT 5207M~ Matrix Printer has been an- nounced by General Business Technology, Inc., Tustin. The pril)Cer offf:rs a reduction in coet over pre- viously available work stat.ion printers for the IBM System/34 and.System/38, company offic:iala said. Diamond trirnar()und seen Complete liquidity for investment diamonds. within five years is the prediction of Dr. C~arles Youngblood in a. report entitled Crisa Management of Diamond lnvesiments. It de9Clibes the options open to diamond investors and recommends certain actions in the bear market in diamonda. Youngblood, a frequent speaker on diamond in- vesting, is president of Utah Managed Diamond Ac-, counts, Huntington Beach . and Provo, Utah, and a comme.ntatOr on Channel 22, Lo5 Angeles, a f.in.ancia1 ~hannel. Gold.,metals quo'tations Gol,d By Tiie A.11oclated Pre11 Loadoa: morning fixing $356.75, off $6.00. .Metqla NEW YORK (AP) Spot nonterrou1 metal prices today: Copper 76-78 oenta a pound. U.S. destinations. Le&a 28-32 cents a pound. Zbac 85-39 oenta a pound, delivered. Tia te.~281 Metals Week com~te lb. Al...._ 76-77 cent1 a pound, N.Y. Me1~~-00 pet' flask. P1aUllSm ..,.oo troy oz., N.Y. .. ' I 1 ' ' ... • • Orang• Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Monday, Aprll 19, 1982 ; . ( Latest research confirms MERI'I\~eliverS .the taste of .cigarettes having up to twice the tar. 1 Many lo\v tar cigarettes make taste promises. But only 'Enricl1cd Flavc)r.~ 'MERIT offers proof nc)t • promi ... Proof through extensive smoker ta tc . tests. MERIT Taste Does It. In impartial nc\v te ·ts ~ where ·brand identity was conceC"ded, the ot1crtt 1!1clming -majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal tc)-or .· better than -leading higher . tar brands. Even brands · with up to twice the tat. Moreover, when tar le\1els J. were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina-- tion of low tar atid good taste. , ../ MERIT Taste . Sparks Switch. In a separate part C)f this extensive new study, MERIT smokers report that ta te is a major factc)r in cc)mpler'ing their succes .. ful sw itLh from higher tar brands. . Confirmed: 9 c1ut c)f 10 fc1rn1cr higher tar sn1okers say MERIT is an easy sivitch, that they didn 't gitie itp taste in sivitching, and that MERIT i the best-tasting loiv tar they've e1ver tried ~. Year -after year, in --tuqy_ after study, MERIT remain .. unbeaten. The proven ta te alternative to higher tar ·mc)king -i MERIT. · W1rning : The Surgeon General Has Determined Ol'hlh11 ~ •• , .. '"' 11111 ;Th1t Ciptette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. King s 7 mg "11( 0.5 mg n1cotm1 lOO's Reg : 10 mg "1ar:· 0.7 mg nicoune- . 100' s Men 9 mg "11r: · 0 I mg n1co11nuv, per c1g111111, FTC Ripon D1c'8l , J()( >s ' ' L Or•'lge Cotat DAILY PIL,OT/Monday, April 19, 1982 91 l SERVICE BEGINS .. • proved by the at.ate in Septem- ·~r. 1979. Since then, the county haa been working to lmple~nt \he aya\em at a &at of $1 .8 mil- lion. The money was ra.i.ed by a surcharge on telephone bills of Orange County telephone custo- mers. Officiala aald they hoped per- sona will not attempt to "test" the system by maklna unneces-• aary 911 calls. They pointed out that all callers' numbera and ad- d r esaes are recorded by the system. It Is a crime to make non-emereency calls, they added. Business calla to emergency services should be made on non-, emergency num,bers listed in the telephone book, officials said. PROCESS R~PPED. • • According to Mtaa Potter, the plicanta who participated :Sa good Academic Senate met on short faith and with antj.cipaiion of notice April 1 and unanimnu•lv honorable response." approved two re90luti0na written by lmtrUCtor BUI Purkila. The second resolution called for "a campuswide poll of no confidence in the board of trustees and Dr-Wataon." . Brother rescues . toddler -An 18-month-old boy ta in cri- tical coodition today at ChUdren's Hoepltal of Orange after being reacued by his 12-year-old bro- ther from drowning In Irvine Friday. The victim, Jacob Scholz, was spotted lying at the bottom of a Jacuzzi at 4312, Margarita St., 1.rvine, by his brother, Jeff Sholz, who pulled hlm oul of the pool and alerted his parents, aa.-ording to Officer Robert Richardson. When he arrived at the scene, the officer said Jacob's parents, Jo Ann and Ronald Scholz of Annonda in Central California, were attempting to resuscitate blm. The flrat said, "That the Aca- demic Senate of OCC denounces the action of the board of trustees and Dr. Wataon in circumventing the selection process for OCC President as an iruult to the fa- culty, community and other ap- But Miss Potter said after this vote, she learned the 11enate meeting had been called without the two days notice and writte°' agenda required in the group's constitution. Richardson said the Scholz fa- mily had been vislung with Mrs. Scholz' sister, Carol Anderson, at the Margarita Street home when young Jacob apparently wande- red into the pool VICTORY CONGA LINE -Led by their cheerleader moose, members of the Baxter's restaurant chill team celebrate victory OellJNot ..... ~ 8:8turday in Irvine's chili cookoff. Team quali- fies for state cookoff May 27 in Newport Beach. Clyde Zulch dies at 62 Clyde Herbert Zulch, a Corona del Mar painter and art gallery owner, was found dead early to- day apparently after committing suicide, Newport Beach police said. Zulch, who was 62, was disco- vered in a shower of hts Poppy Avenue home at 3:30 a.m. Police said the Orange County Coroner's office has been asked to determine \he exact cause of death. Zulch , the owner of C lyde Zulch Originals, 3800 E Coast Highway, was noted for has sea- scape paintings. Funeral ar- rangements h a ven't been an- noun~. B.J. Best de ad at 58 A memorial service 1s set for 7:30 p.m. this evening at Laguna United Methodist Church for Benjamin J. Best, 58, who died Saturday at South Coast Medical Center. A resident of Laguna Beach for the pest 22 years, Belot owned and operated Harbor Graphics Camera Stripping & Plates, 1378C Logan Ave .. Costa Mesa. Best was a skilled photogra- pher and a member o f the La- guna Beach Camera Club. Survivors include his wife, Do rothy, a freelance writer: a brother; three sasters, and nume- rous nieces and nephews. Fearing that th~ initial vote was thus invalid she said the group met again Tuesday and "ratified" the original resolution by a majority but not unanimou.s vote. Miss Potter said she was con-. cerned about this procedure being valid and was personally uncomfortable with the term "denounce" in the resolution. Because she was given no spe- c;f ic instruction.to present the resolutions to the trustees, she said she did not. But she said the board members and Watson were aware of the resolutions because of their publication in the campus newspaper. Mesa stabbing victim, 18, hospitalize d . A Costa Mesa man who was found wandering through a Huntington Beach neighborhood w ith numerous stab wounds was reported in -serious condition to- day at Fountain Valley Commu- ruty Hospital. Huntington Beach poljc~ Lt. Merle Schneblin said the injured man, Robert Moreno, 18. a Me- xican citizen worltiAg locally as a gardener. was found by a· pas- serby at 3 :18 a.m . Sunday o n Flintstone Lane. Sc hneblin said paramedics tre ated Moreno for puncture wounds in the head and throat and other cuts before rushing him to the hospital. Schneblin said details of the incident were sketchy but that officers believe Moreno was in- jured as a result of a feud bet- ween two families. By STEVE TRIPOLI O(tft9 Delly Not 8taff A worldwide organization de· d t..eated to ending hunger on earth sought recruits in Costa Mesa Sunday and though the turnout was small, organizers sa1ci they will continue to seek help alone the Orange Coast. 'fhe Hunge r Project, which .:laims two million membe rs. sponsored the seven-hour ''briefing" of the city's Neigh- borbood Communjty Center for those interested in supporting the organiz.a ti on· s effort&. The briefings are an intensive look at hunger -what it iS, who s uffers from it, how it can be ~'Omb&tted, why it lS both possi- ble and e<:onomically worthwhile to defeat tt and who has the po- . wer to stop 1t. The purpose of the briefing is to equip participants to deal with ,.elected officials, the media and ( others in "generating the grass roots poUucal will to have hunger ended~' according to a Hunger -Project spokesman · • Gwen Hill of Corona de)· Mar. one of two moderato rs at Sun- day's bnefing, SaJd the turnout of JUSt 10 people was disappointing. but that another briefing will be held m the area next month. The stte tS as yet undetermined Other sess1bns also will be held later this year. Part1c1pants leave the session ready to lobby aga.U).st hunger at all levels. Some of what they learn includes: -That one-fourth of the world's population is hungry, Warm w-eather due Allenll .t 1 S4 Aualln 73 65-.05 . '•• ......., Bllllmore 86 40 ~ IO Allentc Cty &4 45 ~ Blitz 47 28 :mare~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 8oiM 48 25 s · eoston 80 41 .. -.---• unny e nd w1rmer through Browrul't'lle 92 n Co<U t a l TUMdey Buffelo « 35 C:.~:~,~~~o~.~~ie~~·~;: e~!· ~~ton ~ :? 11 Water 80 .,_._. ~ Et.-Mre. llght verlabte winds ~~ ~~ ~ llvoughOul lonlgll1 Uoepl -terty CMflne NC 118 47 tO to 18 knot• In afternoon Wellerly •w•tl• 1 to 2 IMt Fetr ~ · ~ ~ lhrouOI\ tonight Uoepl a ,_ ew'ly C!nQnnali 66 45 mornT"G fOQ and IOw cloud pet-f ~ sa 40 ~ on aouttwm -.aten.. I Clmble SC 73 42 10 Col\ambut 82 42 U.S. summary g::c:nw111 • : ~ Denver 71 29 A hMyY bend of -I .. IOCUy 0.. MolnM 68 50 Ptlend, <Xe 51 33 02 on northeut Mlnneeoll .. allow• Detroit 80 38 Providence 83 42 .,.. eod tlMlna.r.n-. oowreci Duluth 39 29 43 ~ 7 1 « muoh of 1he MleelMll>PI Valley. El Peeo 82 so . Reno 111 28 Fair weather povered moat of Falfbank• 38 13 Seit Lek• 53 24 the .,!!"f of the nation. Fergo 112 84 Sen Antonio T 1 115 .03 , ,,. OteCMt cel*S fOt aflernoon Flagat•ff 82 29 S-ttle 43 H hight tod=the 30e lllld 40t In GrMt Falla 41 24 Shr.-..por1 73 69 03 lJW« M , nof1hern Minne-Heriford 81 35 SlouK Fatt1 71 43 eota, the ot ... "°""*'" Colo-Helena « ·24 St Louts 87 60 rlldo, MOntena and northern Mii-Honolulu 83 73 .01 St P-Tamc>a 14 85 ~eml*•turH In t~ to~· ~~ !~ ~~ 81 St• Mari. 36 27 .53 lofCMt In !tie Soutti..al • w _ _... "" -Spok-4t 211 with 70• and IOt trom th• tou-=.,.. MS 711 59 ~ 44 32 11\ern two·thlrdt of the Allenllc ""--~ ~ ~ .02 TUC90n ~ ~~ .oe COllt Into ru... ~In the LU Vegtt 114 80 lulu 72 58 01 Mt and IOt ...,. upec:r.d .._ Little Aodl 80 45 1.48 WMhlngtn TO 411 ~ •ex111d"IM tilltioll t:=: ~=-Wlclllte 70 53 07 11rly to4ay ran9ed from 21 In w.npNI t7 54 .47 ~ lvtte, Mont.. to t In Key Weet, MlerN ~ 1s Belferlfllld llO 118 ..... -...... ... 47 8tythe 92 C l~ • '~P M 31 = ~ :: a i omw ~..._._ 72 89 10 54 0 lAneaM• 11 ._. ,__ .,.__ • 1 loe ~ 11 115 ~ ... ~~~ ~ : ~ _........ 11 d9Y '"'" ,,.., d-;-~ri:;lno No. "9M 73 35 ==:r t4 fltflte to ,__. ncwmll °'*.. Ollla ()tty ~ II 64 IO ....., ..,._...Mid. OIMtla • sz .oe ~"'*" 11,• ~~ 'Gt ...... Lot Angt6M lfttlf• ~ " 16 - Sen Francleco 8an1• Barbar• Sente Merle Stoekton TMmlal Vklell Bartlow Big Bear Catalln8 Long BMcll Monrovta Ml. Wiiton HewpOrt Beecn Ontllrlo SM Benwdlno San Joie • Senti Ana T.,_ Valley 68 S4 tl4 43 79 75 97 73 85 52 .112 25 ea 54 77 50 tl4 48 88 47 ea 51 82 48 79 45 74 45 711 51 l5e 25 45 25 Q 23 53 31 ~· .. 15 ... 33 4t M Ill 24 Extended ......... Airport to 1nOOM1nO tref· ,......... M 43 Aid .,,. 1t M fto • l :IO a.M. todey. IY l :IO ~ to 83 Aldwood City 71 4t 1.111 ......... ,.111n1 were bHll 10 ~ M ae a...•1••10 12 62 ~ ~.... "11Md.... ... .... ..... 7t 41 --.... --· ... -IM D1100 10 .. oi-Hast 1t .. MP to...,_ to ,_..I -.!!::=~:=:=:::::=~::::-:=~==~~~~~~ wl\ere t ft•Y .. ould l•nd tlltlr 'II -· ·-.... ==:=:::~1 1 ......... Mtdtn•l*'I •1111 :mi. I 0¢ ......... ...., ........ ... .,..,... ................... __ ...,.....,......, ................. ...... ....., .... __ .... &.-&E -z:.~~-= ===Ji!ffl •~...--------........ t.Jktl~ ,...,.,.,..,.. I • IOUTH£11'N 0Allf'0ANIA COASTAL A M O MOUN'tAIN AMAi -,..,. and mllcl. COMttl and v111ey ., ... lllallt 71 to 12 •nd IOWI 41 to ... Hlg ll1 •I IMUntlln "'°" llYIM lft Iha '°' encl lowt In tM IOI. and that three-fourths of the hungry are children -That some nations with high per-capita income levels have not defeated hunger. while others with very low income le· vels have. -That some hunger exists almost everywhere, though tt lS rather rare in nat1ons such as the Uruted States -That nations which h ave defeated hunger l·ome from all maJOr political 1deolog1es and e<:onom1c and political systems, and that they also employ diffe- rent agncultural t.echniques and have a wide range of climates. -That, ac.'t.'Ording to a nl..mber of agenc1~ which have underta- ken studies of hunge r, the only impediment to defeating it is the political will to do so. -Thal the earth already produces more than e nough food to meet everyone's na'ds, there lS potential to produce much more, and that Increases in food pro- ductton are outstripping world population growth. One oC the program's maJor pc>1nts. perhaps be<.-ause 1t makes ending hunger pobucally attrll\.- t~ve, is that wiping out hunger makes econo1TUa.sense. Project representallves cited two estimates of the cost of era- d1cating hunger, one whlch said that expenditures of $25 billion a year for 20 years would be nee- ded, and another which est1ma- ted that all childhood d eaths from hunger could be prevented for $1 5 billion They compared that to the es- umat.ed annual rosts of hunger. $36 bt.llion a year for fooJ aid and food stamps, medical care for the malnourished, nutrition prog- rams and the d1sruption of peo- ple's Lives. Ending hunger, Ms. Hill and co-moderator Ed Kinney said, would end a moral outr~e. un- leash the talents of the one bil- lion people who now are hungry. build markets for richer nations, e nhance global security, and ''liberate the untapped richness of other cultures and mmds." The seminar's final phase introduced an exhaustive list of the agencies battling hunger. the world food aid structure, wri- tings on the subject and sugges- tions for what those battling t.o elaminat.e hunger can do. The Hunger Project's goals for this year , according to project officials. are to bnef at least 2:>.· 000 people in the Uruted States and Canada, mcluding some who will be able to lead bru~fing groups themselves. Bax ter bunch hottest in chili cook off After the compe titive glee simmered down, jovtal members o f t h e Baxter's restaurant team emerged as fU"St place win- n,rs at Irvine's a nnual cookoff Saturday in the rustic Bommer Canyon The Baxter's team will get a chance to compe te for spicier stakes at the state chili cham- p1onsh1p, to be held May 27 at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach The South Coast Chili Cham- p1onsh1p. hosted by the Irvine Chamber of Commerce. was held at an old-time cattle camp off Bonita Canyon Road. N~ly 3,- 000 chtli af1c1onados showed up for the day-long event, featuring outlandish entertainment and a potpourri of costumed characters. Commg in second was Pacific National Bank. The third place trophy was taken by the staff of tile Irvine World News newspa- per. Cook off Judges sampled 44 entries of some o f the best mouth-mu.ling brews this side of the San Otego Freeway. They selected the Baxte r's enL-y, a chunky style concoction that is a Cavonte among its res- taurant customers. 11 r I t Ylll llllTlll llllY PIPll "' fl~~'.f < OlH~I v <Al H OHNIA ;•, Cl Nf S 91·1·em.ergenc)r.nulliber covers Corintf By FREDERICK SCHOEMERL OftMo.lfrNlltle.ff Starting today, Oranp Count· y'1 two mllHon residents need dial only three numbers -911 -to 1ummon police, fire and other emergency services. It ls for emergency caus only, not for business calls. The 911 system -the first to go in to operation in Southern California -coven each of the county'• 26 cltfea and all unin· phone, the call ii routed to one of corporated territory and aerves two awltchlng cent.en where the both cu1tomer1 of Pacific Tele· caller'• number .IJ autol'l)At1cally phon and General Tel phone. recorded. The aystem went lnto opera· At the central locations, c-11• tlon at 12:01 a.m . Otcltlalt re· are then routed to 24 Public $a. ported no immediate! problem• fety Answering Point.a located durlna 911'• flrat hours C?f ope· throughout the county from ration. which emergency penionnel are When a person needing eme'r-alerted. gency assistance dials 91 1 from a PSAPa arc located In the p0Uce relldential, business or pay tele-, department. of Anaheim, Brea, Bu en a Park, Coata Mesa, Cy- preu, Fountain Valley, FuUer- ton, Garden Grove, HunUngton Beach , lrvtne, 1.Aguna Beach, La Habra, La Palma, Le» Alamitos, New port Beach; Orange, Pla· centla, San Clemente, Banta Ana, Seal &ach, Stanton, Tustin and Wt1tm1111ter. Officials at a press conference this morn ing ln Santa Ana de- ltribed the county 911 ayatem as the "most 11ophlstlcated emer· gency telephone 1y1tcm In the western United Stat.el." "No other 911 system has ever been d eveloped involving two major telephone companies, more than two dcnen government ju- risdicLions and literally hundrecb of people," said Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County ·Board of Supervi11ors .. "The 911 number will save Uves br mak,if,g it, euler to call for he p," Nestailde Hid. "In every emergency altuatlon, a mome nt o f confu1lon occurs when someone fumbles around for tbe police or fire or par.amecUc telephone number." A 1972 law called tor inatalla· lion of 911 ayltema in Calltomla's 58 counties. The county's 911 plan wu ap- (See tll, Page Al) Falkland Islands Solution said . . near BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Secretary o( State Ale- xander Hajg and Argentine ne- gotla tors are "approaching a soluuon" to the conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, a member of the ruling military junta reported today. A newspaper, meanwhile, re- ported that Argentina was wil- ling to participate in negotiations at the Onited Nations on the key issue o{ who has sovereignty over the islands, ruled by Britain 149 · years and seized by Argentine troops April 2. "We are approaching a solu- tion, with the aid of the United Sates. but preserving Argentine interests.," air force Cmdr. Basilio Lami Dow told reporters. He said Haig and Argentine leaders were working on a final dra h of the la test proposal to be carrltd l>y Haig to London and Washington. Details of the lat.est proposal in the 17-<lay impasse were not im· mediately reported-by officials. "'*° br Geiry .._._ PARK FIGHT AFTE RMATH -Fountain other s uffering knife wounds on his upper Valley firemen work on one victim in a COJl· body. Orange County sheriff's officers are in- frontation and knife battle at Mile Square· vestigating. Park Sunday that left one man dead and an- ln London, Prime Minister Mar~t Thatcher met with her defense and foreign aecretaries but there was no immediate comment. But the Buenos Aires newspa· per C1arin said Argentina propo- sed U.N. negotiaLions on the mue of sovereignty within a fixed time period. In the interim, an Argentine-British administration with representatives of the 1,800 islanders would gover n the island under A.mer1can supervi· sion. the report said. Mile Square ·melee lea ves one man dead Method of. picking O CC chief rapped A joint Argentine-Britlah po- lice force would keep order on the islands. The Clarin said this was contingent on Bt-itain tur- iing back its 40-sh ip armada One man was knifed to death and a second is hospltall:z.ed today suffering knife wounds after a Sunday confrontation between two groups of Hispanics at Mile Square Regional Park in Fount- ain Valley. Killed in the fight was Angel Lopez Serrano, 28, a resident of Hawaiian Gardens. Investigating officers said Ser- rano had suffered knJfe wounds in his back. He died at Fountain Valley Community Hospital about 6 p.m .. an hour after the two groups had clashed al the Foun- tain Valley park. Officers identified the woun- ded man as 19-year-old Hector Carrillo from Stanton. Fountain Valley hospital spokesmen ·said Carrillo was beang treated for knife wounds on his upper body. .Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart said that details of the confrontation were sketchy. WORLD By PRU. SNEIDERMAN Of WM Dellr Not l e.ff - The Or ange Coas\ College Academic Senate has approved two resolutions crlticlzlng Coast Community College Diatrict trustees and Chancellor Norman Watson for the manner ln which a new Orange Coast College president was selected. However, the president of the faculty group, Fran Potter, de- clined to present these resolu· tlons to the trustees at their ream t meeting. Mias Potter, a long-time busi- ness law instructor at the Costa • Mesa campus, said ahe had not received formal direction from the senate to present the resolu· tions to the board. The faculty ia concerned about the trustees' selection March 31 of Bernard Luskin, president of silt.er 8Chool Coastline College, to take over as Orange Coe.st presi· dent when Robert Moore retires J une 30. Distr ict spoke.man Richard MONT EVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) -British ma- rines and lclentista deported by Argentina to u~ walked on the beach and played wtth a IOCCet' · they bought here, but made no comments to the foreign and local prea SPORTS Angels win 6 th straight Sho~top Rick Burlet0n'1 out, but the Ancel.a keep on WlnDlnl. anyway. J>-.e Cl. COUNTY. Simon said Watson and the trustees have not responded to the resolutions because they have not formally been received. But he added, "Luskin has absolutely the full support of the board. We believe the a:reening process was not adulterated." ln seeking a successor to Moore, trustees several months earlier appointed an eight· member screening committee re- presenting Orange Cout admini· Straton, teachers, office workers, students and the community. The committee reviewed about 80 applications and forwarded six to the board of trustees. The? board narrowed these to two fi· nal.IJts. Their top choice turned down the job, and the board eliminated the second choice for reat10ns that have not been made public. The trustees then selected Luskin for the poet, even though he had not applied. (See PROCESS, Pase A!) NATION • 'War' rages along coas t OCEANS lUJ!: (Al') -Son\e 2.000 reservists and 1,000 active. duty sailors carried out make- believe sea battles over the wee- kend ln an exercbe planned by the reaervis1a, the Navy aa.ld. The "war" was fought from three San Diego-based frigates on a mlasion to hunt down enemy submarines between Oceanaide and San Clem en te b land , 50 miles to the southwest. En route, an enemy warship IUrpriaed the Americans. lt was the first major training exerci9e ever originated, pl.annea and carried out by reserviats in the Southern California area, the Navy lllld. In charge wu retterve Capt. John K. Riess. EPA policies criticized Columnist Jack Anderaon say1 the EPA 1eema more eager to appease the chemical and wa1t.e- dumptng· industrie. than protectina the public. Pqe AB. Dan Burl vs. Ralph Nader: Next to the bud1et, the bl11e1t battle In Wa1hln1ton theae day1 _pl_ta_·author Dan M . Burt llaintt COlllUMer ~Wt Kalpb Nader. P9 88." (;ourf to 11e11le t a row: WABJUNOTON (AP)I-TW .U.I_ ..... Pffii• C.oUrt illd tDd.ly ,, will ........................ OWi' fedenl tax bnaa for......, dlllrr'n11f= 111) pma• IChaoll. heading for the Falklands. In return, Argentine troops would be Wlthdrawn. Argentine Foreign Ministry and U.S. State Department offi- cials refused to confiitn or deny the newspaper report. Haig, who ended 12 strai~ht hours of talks with Argenttne leaders at 2 a.m. today. resumed the negotiations at Government House. President Gen. Leopoldo Gal- taera 's press secretary, Rodolfo Baltierrez, said: "The final stage of the second round of negotia· tions has begun wit h the same di!ferences that existed \hi1 morning (when talks ended). " He did not elaborate. Haag's spokesman, Dean Fla· cher, said earlier that the sectt· tary of state planned to leave Buenos Aires today but woul~ not say where .lhig would fl y next or charact.eriz.e the ta.I.ks. Haag and Argentine Foreign M1mster Nicanor Costa MendM talked for nearly 12 hours Sun- day. Bos ton Marathon Wo n by Al Salazar BOSTON (AP) -World re- cord holder Alberto Salazar won the 86th annual Bost.on Marathon today, edging Dick Beardsley of Minnesota, who challenged Sa- lazar ln a nEl<ik-and-neck race to the finl4h. HiLUnofficlal time was 2 hour'I";'" 8 minutes, 48 seconds. about 35 seconds short of hts world record. Beardsley followed by scant seconds. John Lodwick of Texas was third and hometown favorite Bill Rodgers, a four-time Boston · winner, trailed in fourth. ' The 26-mile, 385-yard classic was a two~man race, between Salazar and Beardaley. for about the final quarter. Salazar en t.ered his firsf BoSton Marathon as the favorite, rele- gating Rodgers to unde rdog status as about 7,600 entran ts pushed across the starting line. Salazar had two marathons and two victories behind him, including a devaatating 2:08:13 performance in Ne w York lut October. The 23-year-old Wayland, Mas,,., native running out of Eu- gene, Ore., found good weather condltions -though a bit warm for some -on t he 26-mile, 385-yard course -temperatures hovering just above 60 degrees under clear skies, with a cooling breeze. There were 7,623 official en- trants, up about 700 from last year, runn ing a cou rae that wound through rural Massachu- setts countryside. Concrete group, driver s set talks Striking rock, sand and con- crete haulers finally will sit down at the bargaining table with concrete trade association negotiators Thursday morning, an association spokesman said today. Spokesman Jay Watkins. speaking on behalf of the Sou- ttie.rn California Rock Products and Ready Mix Concrete Alsso· ciations, said the bargaining ses- sion was acheduled late last week following an exchange of letters between striking unions and the asaoclations. A s t h e strike by 2,000 Team1ter concrete haulers in Orange and Los Angeles counties entered its ~ week, construe- INDEX STATt. A4 B2 A6 A6 B2 Dl-6 83 D2 D2 A8 & tlon p~cts throughout Sou· them omia were grinding to a halt as concrete and amodated products ~ acarce. Teamsters walked off their jobs April 4 after tumin& down t he association's o ffe r of a $3.03-an-hour mcrease in waaes and benefit.a. The union had been deman· ding a $4.50-an-h our h ike In wages and benefita. Driven cur- rently a~ $11.40 an hour. The teamster haulers st.ruck companies which supply about 80 percent of the sand.~ gravel and ready mix concrete uled ln Le» Orange, Los Angelet, San Ber- nardino, Rive rwicle and Ventura counties. B2 B2 & A3 m Cl..C co JM BO A2 A4 -. -.-.. ·-r I ' x~-.. :,.·. Jewish settlers moved By n. AtHCllte4 Prett laraell troopa lifted women rest.ten otf a roof with a crane and battered~n doon today as they ~ Jewt.ah ee en in Yamit, Occu led r=. who rejeet larael'• edge to return the final Daert to J'cypt. "There waa aome weeping and everybody ta in depreatfon, both ua and the anny," a aettler ident· Uted as Menachem Granit aald ln a two-way radio bl'Oil<lcut overheard by reporters, who were barred by troop1 (rom watchJ.na the evicdone. "Everything la being do,te 1n alow motlon." More than 2,000 .quattera In the Mediterra- nean cout town of Yamlt barricaded t.hemaevea 1n bulldinp alter mo~ prayers but troopa made no lnunedlate moves to evict them. Y&allt wu the Jut of the eettlernenta larael e.tablilhed after It captu- red the Sinai in the 1967 Arab-WaeU War. Moslem clergyman ml~ing BEIRUT, Lebanon -Iranian Revolutionary Guards ransacked the home of a leading diasident Moslem clergyman over the weekend, disanned his , bodyguards and sei?.ed anti-government tape rec- • ordlng:s, Tehran newspapers reported. The whereabouts of Ayatollah Kar.em Sha- r.iatmadari were unknown after the raid on his residence in the holy dty of Qom. An Iranian who declined to be identified for security reasons re- ported by telephone that be aaw the old man brought out of hia quarten u a crowd aa:emned insults at blm. Shariatmadara, white-bearded and believed to be in his 80s, la the religious leader of 13 mlllion Turk:iab-speaklng Iranians in the northwestern part of the country. He hu long dluented from the views of lran'a auf.: leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on the c republic. Kremlin sets seabed ruling MOSCOW -The Kremlin has issued a leng· thy decree stating Soviet rights and obligations in developing seabed resources beyond the limits of the continental shell starting in January 1988. Soviet coverage of the decree, carried by the official news agency Tasa, did not explain why the docwnent was released now if It would not take effect until 1988. It appeared the move was linked to the Reagan administration's decision to seek revisions in an international law of the sea agreement under con- sideration by United Nations members. Crash creates quite a mess LOS ANGELES -Interstate 405 became a morass of crude oil, concrete girders, wrecked trucks and stalled commuters after an accident near Long Beach early today, the California Highway Patrol said. A tanker-trailer be~an leaking tts 7,000-gallon . load of crude oU after the crash that also involved a semi~trailer which spilled aome of its concrete gir- ders, CHP Officer Rick Stevens said. The oil truck driver, Edward Brousseau, 37, was trapped inside hi.a cab for about half an hour following the mishap at 4 a.m. ·. Roller coaster train crashes SANTA CLARA -A four-car train on the roller coe.ster at Marriott's Great America amuse- ment park stalled and alid backward into another train, inflicting minor Injuries on 14 people, the park reported. Park spokesman Judy Hadfield said the acci- dent happened at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The tram will'! 24 aboard was headed up a ateep incline when it "stalled near the top and rolled backward" into the station and another train, which was not moving. she said. . Ms. Hadfield said of the 14 injured, three re- fused trea~t at the park. Ten were treated, and 12-year-old Alyssa Jame• of San Francisco was taken by ambulance to a San Jose hos pital for treatment. 2 die when car falls 300 feet SAN DIMAS -Authoritles are seeking the driver of a blue Jeep that ran a car carrying six people off curving Highway 39. Two died when the car plunged 300 feet down a ravine into a reservoir; the others were injured. Sophia Vasquez, 40, and her son. Octaviano, 19, I rnillu~rn ~ were killed about 2:45 p.m . Sunday when the oncoming Jeep forced their car off the mountain road about 45 miles northeast of Los Angeles. The Jeep was trying to pass another south· bound vehicle, Cailfom.la Highway !>~trot Officer &~ Schmitter said. Spy c a se among biggest AUGUSTA. Ga. (AP) -A 50-year-old Hungarian, arrested near the city's Confederate War Memorial aa he met with a U.S. Anny officer, was arraigned on an eapionage charge today for allegedly trying to obtain classified docu.menta. Otto Attila Gilbert was amUgned before U.S. Magjstrate John Dunmnore Jr. on a charge of con- spiracy to obtain and deliver information relating to the national defeme, which carries a tentence of life in prison or death. Warning issued on budget WASHINGTON -Senate Republican leaden •Y budget negotiaton must come up with a com- promise on President RMgan's propoeed spending J>1an aoon or face a "iuoale of oonfllct0 ln eonare-. Houae held a three-hour aec:ret ae98ion Sunday to work on the president'• defldt-ridden budget for ftaca1~983. · leaden said no major agreement was reac at the White Houee meeting. Negotiators froin C'apltol Hill and tbe White CleMlfled.......,.'9 114'MN171 AM Gt'-' d1p1111M• M.2-4»1 MAIN OftllC2 .... .., ... c-. ...... CA. Mell..._: .. IM.C-.Meu,CA. .. c_,,_,..ar..,..c... .......... ~. ....... --. .... 111 .. .-....M-.t ... ............... _,.... , ...... --'...... .... -C9ff---. 3 dead members of film crew LEES FERRY, ArU. (AP) - '11\tee bod.'81 recovered from the c.olondo River have bf!erl ident.. ifled u th OM of members of a fllm crew who were In a heli- copter that crashed after the mm filmed a 1oYe acme. A fourth crew member, Lori Lee Oen of Tanana. c..llf., WM ~:sra11r.ec1 1n Pa1e. tn •table tlon tollowtna Saturday'• cra1h after a 1cene from "American r.c1e," a two-hour CBS televllion adventure fllm. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprtt 19, 1982 OelY Pilot Photo REMEMBERED -A year and a hall after the death of Orange County Superior Court Judge Oretta Sears, her husband has publis h e d his first book of poems. Balmy skies lure throngs to seaside Springtime weather produced summer-like conditions along the Orange Coast shorelirlJ! this weekend as thousands flocked to the beach to get a Jump on their tans. In Newport Beach, an August- sized cr owd of 85,000 people spread out their beach towels Sunday under clear skies and 65-degree temperatures. Weather forecasters are calling for a wanning trend this week with temperatures in the mid-70s along the coast and readings in the low-80s m inland areas. At the mi.le-Ion~ st.retch of city beach in Huntington Beach, 35,- 000 visitors showed up Sunday and 21.000 turned out Saturday Along the state stra nd in Huntington , 25,000 beachgoers turned up Sunday. Despite the large turnouts, there was little lifeguard acuvlty along the coast, a fac t guards were attributing to the chilly 59-degree ocean temperatures. Surf at most beaches was run- ning one to two feet with no riptides reported. Pain easing for widower • By JACKIE HYMAN ~'94 "'-Wl'llaf Oreu.a Ferri Sean lived a col· orful, rlch life as an Italian countess, outspoken prosecutor and Orange County Superior Court judge, and her suicide in December of 1980 left her hUB· band devastated Now, a year and a half later, he has worked through hLs gnef In writinjC, and next month his first booK of poems, "The Mag- e llan Heart," wil1 be published by Harian Creatlve Press m ups- wt.e New York I 1n 1~60 , thc.i counteaa a nd the proff'SSOr, who Wat ahio rruuried, became clos~ly acqu ainted by ,. quirk of fate. "I wus giving her a lift home and Wf' got caught for three dJiys in a snowstorm," Scans said, ex- plaining that 1hc c:ountess lived ln the mountains and they took re fuge in hN apartment. Her daughwr and husband couldn't get home bc1,.·ause o( the snow, "and we got a<:quamted " The two volunt.nrily separated for a while, but decide d they • couldn't lwe without each other. Th<•y marm.od m 1964 and work· eel m Washington DC , she for Attorn<>y General Robt.>rt Ken- "Oretta was flamboyant, bril- ltant and sometimes difficult," said Dr. Donald Sears. chairman of the linguisucs department at California State Univeraity at Fullerton. "What we had was a 'I couldn't symbiotic rtlat1onship. It was very painful when I didn't have the other half " Sears, who was ~7 at the time of htS wife's death , said he wru, unable to write for six months. "then the logjam broke and I rouldn't stop. When I got through I didn't know whether I had therapy or poetry." The title of the poem8, some of which were first published in joumaL'> and one of which won a $200 prize. referi> to Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sea cap- tain who commanded the fi rst e xped1t1 o n to sail around the world "The book has a certain orga - nic theme, of m_y starting out physically from Mame (where he was born) and traveling some- what around the world," Sears said "It's a lso an internal pumey." with a secuon dedica- ted to Mrs Sears Sears, who has a Ph D in En- g ltsh language and hteraturc> from Harvard Umvers1tv. W<iS teaching at Upsala College 1n East Orange, N.J. when he m,.t Mrs. Sears. who was a student m his Shakespeare class. An Italian countess "'by mhe- ritance -as much as she could be in her generation" -Oretta D1anora Vanna Laura Counte81' Fern came to the Umted States as a s tudent in 1946. She was marn<'CI soon afterward. dropped out of colfoge and had a daught- er. When she returned to college . l<>/J writing' · m.•dy and hE' for thl· American Council on Edut·ataon and Ho- ward Umvcrs1ty During th•• <H. 1dl·m1c year 1966-67, th(• luuph.• ht'aded to Kano, N1gc1 lit, tu u ·111.>h at Ah- madu B< llo Un1v1•rs1t y . They landc..od 1n the rilJddl<· of the Bia- fran c1v1l war ;rnd fl<-d t.o Italy, • th(:n movl'J to Call fomhl Within a fow months. he se- t·un•d a prof P.,sorship rit Fuller- to n <ind Mrs S hir., fo u nd a pos1L11m with .. private· law hnn 1n Oakl.md, Jotnln.I! th<· Orange County I>1stn\ t A ttor n<'y's office m l ~fi~ t•~ Ix· 1·losn to her hus- U..nd Mrs S<:ars t.tc:klt'<.l h<:r work in an ong1nol m .. rint r she be- u 1mt-n11ti-d for ht-r µr<.)S('t."\.IUon of obsu·n1 tv t·a,P'> hut n·fu-,ed to pr1Js•·' ut1• abon 11m1s t'> because shf' h<id 111· .. rl v d tt•d during a pn·i;tnam·v in hn f 1r'il marriage. ln 197/i. Mro; S e.ari. broke a prC.-'<."t><ll•nt of <;('VC'ral d<'C<Jdes by ch allt.>ng1ng a Superior Court judge an an l'l<>ct1on and winning She.• took the• bc-nc h in January of 1979. T ht•n, m 19110. <,he• d1c•d with barb1turatf'S and akohol in her bloodstrt•llm Al first her hus- band doubted the> coroner's ru- ling of su1c1dc• but said he was later abh· to a<.'l'ept 1t SOUTH COAST PLAZA Presents BILL BRUMLEY of 9Jaw ~~ cf~!YIJU1eM, ~~IC. Allow him to create a floral arrangement from the flowers you select. You may bring your own container or select one from our collectlon. There wlll be no charge for Mr. Brumley's design serviee5. Oark's Siik Flowers are hand· made In the United States. Celebrate the arrival of Spring with the lasting beauty of sllk flowers. Mr. Brumley wlll •ppe•r Tuesday and Wednedaay 11:00 A.M -5:00 p M. Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing ( 714) 556-7430 ..... ..c: ..... ~· our Polo inttzrlcx:K ... thi ~errl.Jreet a::mixtobla. Knit ehirt hill <lMlI"l).(l.Or. ~ ~ils and hzmrrei- ~ ibrectiw. or strait 'WZ.Or. avei1able in 25 9fla'.t ~. if bi hae ooz., hz. rrt!1j jUst wanl> 1han eU. .. Lau. prol«I 'ieaee By PAT HOROWITZ °' ... ....,,... ..... DEAR PAT: My ludlord la ...,._1ala1 me to jet me to break Ute dlree-year leaae I uve • a 1mall 1H1t. Tlte leaae .. cllMlet •tilltlet. Tlae IHdlord iaa brollH lD to t.r• off tlae H1lat1 aad lteat, bi&. I llaven't beea able to ca&ell lllm .. lite act 10 lite police cu't laelJ! me. I don't wut to break tlae leaae and doa t now wlaat to do. B la L.L., Lagua eac Contact the Orange County Fair Houslna Council., by phoning 835·0180. A lease Is a contract and if you are not breaklng any of jts requirements, it usually caMot be ended by the landlord without your consent. It's also against state law for a landlord to t';lrn off your utilities with the lntenlion of making you move. If he does, and you go to court and win, you can receive $100 for each day the utilities are turned ofr, plus attorney's fees. The civil code further protect.II your, b~ic{ right of privacy and the landlord has no nght to enter your place of business except in an emergency or for certain other reasons, such as making repairs You are entitled to reasonable notice of entry -usually 24 hours. The Fair Housing Council can offer some suggestions that may help solve your problem, but only if you are absolutely sure the landlord is the person who has entered your business and tampered with the \ltillty service. Before any action can be taken, you. .. wlll ha" to~ ,Not o1,_,. liUeutiou. Be ...... ~k p ..., wrtta.. ...... from tbo I and Ila" a wtla• pr11• if you 1peak hlm ln ,.,._, Gui~ dog ,.,.""""" EAR READERS: The bllnd of Call omla, and eapeclall,y thole who ue aul4• dot•. now have at thelr ttnsertJP1 all la.we and regulaUoaa applYtac to the 1tat.e Board ot Guide Do•• for the Blind (830 K Street Ma.II, Room 211, Sacramento '511'). The board hH publlabed Ila law1 and re1ulaUona In Braille. The Ba:allle bookleta are provided free to the blind. Publlahed ln conJunct.lon with the InlemaUonal, Year of the Disabled, the Brallle editions of the Business imd Profeulona Code and Administrative Code represent Uie first time a state agency has been able to provide all It.I laws and regulations In Braille. .A A part of the Department or \ionaumer Affairs, the Gulde Dog Board licenses guide dog schools and instructors. It conalsu of seven members, six of whom are lay persons appolnted by the governor, and one at.ate official who serves by statute. The board meets quarterly ln metropolitan areas of the state . Presently fi ve board members are guide dog users, and six are bllnd, maklng It • ·one of the few licensing bodies which has fr:om Its Inception consisted of lay persons rather than licensees. ' • Gol • problemt Then wr/fe lo P•I .. 'l Horowitz. P•t will cut rNI Ulpt!, 1e1t1ng 1he •n1wer1 •nd •ctlon you need to 1olve lnequitlu In 1overnment •nd ,..., • bu1ine,.. M•ll your que11lon1 10 P•I Horowitz. Al Your Service. Or•nge c.ou. DaJJy PiJof., P.O. Box }58(), a.ca M-. CA nnt1. Al IDMIY leue,..,., pc¥SlbJe wW be Vl.IWercwl, but phon«I Jn. qulrift or leuers not utdudi.ng the 18<kr'1 full TllUT», Mldre. II/Id lxlBlnea hocln' phone number cannot be CJOMJdered. SWEET TOOTH -Susan V 068ler, 27, of Valencia shows off her latest creation -an oversized jar filled to the brim with jellybeans. One of the first jars will be sent to the nation's most well-known jellybean addict, Ronald Reagan. Vandals, burglars hatter FV schools Bur,w;et and vandalllm have cost the Fountain Valley School Dlatrlct more than $64,000 the paat 2 ~ yean. according to a report to district truatees. The re port covers break-Ina and damage to the dlatrlct'1 17 elementary achoola, Ila former headquarters building on Llgh- ttfouae Lane and lta new head· quarters, formerly McDowe ll School. According to the report, echool burglan have taken a variety of valuable item.a, including type- wrl tera, calculators, fire ex- tlngui1hers, televisions, audio equipment and a cello. The most common act of van· dallsm has been breakage of windows, according to the report. Damage also has been done to dri.nking fountains, locks, vents. toilets, sprinklers. floodlights and basketball hoops. Over the 2 1~ -year study pe- riod, the Jargest vandalism totals were recorded at Wardlow and Harper schools. For example, Harper reported $2,993 in vandalism damage du- ring the 1979-80 achoo! year, $3,- 213 in 1980-81 and $739 during the firs t half of the c urrent achoo! year. (Several ~~an earlier, ara en- tire wing at Harper WM IUtted in a fire started by vandala.) By cont.rut, Muuda and Tal- bert echool1 each reported leu than $500 ln Vandall.Im damage during the three periods. To help reduce the vandalilm and burglary problem, Ami.at.ant Superintendent Jack Mahnken s uggested that the dlat.rlct t.ake the following atepe: . -Moniti>r the eflectlvenem of an infrare d intrusion alarm system being u.ed at the d.lltrict headquarters. -Continue to ln1tall mira- wall, a thin at~el plate, when windows are broken. -Bolt all benches and lunch tables to cement pads. -Place raltroad ties in shrubbery beds to eliminate da- mhe from bicycles and other vetlicles. -Consider Infrared alarms for the schools with the greatest continuing losses. -Col'lSlder rewarding the five achools reporting the lowest los- ses by granting them an additio- nal $500 for use on a project to be determined by the principal and the student council. Robinsons .. YOU'LL SAVE 35°1o·58°/o AT· OUR BEDROOM ESSENTIALS SALE 46%-58% OFF OUR EXCWSM FEATHER/DOWN COMFORTERS 169.M TWIN Oelic1ously warm and weightless, our Northern Feather comforters are sc1ent1fically filled with 1ust the right amount of feathers and down to maintain body temperature. And the 100% cotton covers have channel-stitched, inner wall construction to prevent cold spots and shifting. In chocolate reversing to ecru. navy/light blue or sohd camel. with a handy vinyl zipper case for storage. Robinson's Bedding, 54 Twin Full/Queen King Orig. $170 $230 $280 S•I• $89.99 $119.99 $149.99 35%-54% OFF . FIRST auAulY GEORGETOWN LACE SHEETS IN WAMSUTTA'S LUSCIOUS 200 THREAD COUNT SUPERCAU PLUS® . '9.99 TWIN FLAT . Pure luxury! You 'll love our silky sheets (so finely woven that you can count 200 threads to every inch!) and the wide, embroidered scalloped borders atop the flat sheets and pillowcases All in white or champagne Supercale Plus combed cotton/polyester percale Fitted sheets are also available at savings Robinson 's Domestics, 30 Flat sheets Reg Sale Twin J22 $9.99 Full $29 $15.99 Queen $36 $21.99 King • $44 $27.99 Standard cases, pr. $25 $15.99 King cases. pr $28 $17.99 SAVE 429/e ·50% ON MATCHING COMFORTERS, RUFFLES ANO PILLOW Sh AMS, all in cotton/polyester: the comforter is fluffed with polyester fiberfill Robinson's Bedding, 54. Comforter Reg. Sale Twin $90 $44.99 Full/Queen $125 $84.99 King $1 80 $88.99 Accessories Twin. ruffle Full ruffle Queen ruffle King ruffle Standard sham King sham Reg. $70 $85 $100 $110 $35 $40 Sale ends April 26. To order any items on this ·page, call Sale $34.99 $44.tl "8.99 $54.99 $18.99 '22.lt toll·free 1·IOO·M&·l501. .. ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 19, 1982 · • * Bacca victorious Aftaelo Dl Saplo'I Blccl WM tbe wlnMI' o1 UM (Los Anet*> Ma'JO"• Trophy l'IOI f.n the llidit down the coaet Saturday and 8unda1 fr'Om Marina del ~y to Newport BMch. ... The Mayor'• trophy~ to the handicep winner (n the lntel'N· Uona1 Offlbore Rule clMa. The race WM deaipecl to, take the yachta to Newport BMch ln preparauon for the a tart of the Enaenada race next Saturday. There ~ 12 IOR yachta and 15 Performance Handicap Racing neet (PHRF) yachta l.r\ the nee which turned out to be alow. The race ataried Saturday at noon and Allen Puckett'• 46-foot Black Bi.rd WU fint to finiah alt 11:40 a .m. Sunday. Blac1' Bird failed to aave her time and wound up leCOtld. The yachta continued to finiah throuahout the day Sunday. Most of them will be berthed at 49ers finish 2nd KING'S POINT:-N.Y. -The Merchant Marine Academy hos- ted 15 colleges for the 45-race Admiral's Cup Regatta here and came out the winner with a low 1COre of 111 poin ta. Runner-up was Cal State Long Beach's 49ers with 224 points. Other top scor.ers: U.S. Naval Acade~, 250; Tulane, 284; Tufts.~ . From Page C 1 Balboa Y-cht Club until the eta.rt ot the ~ rece. The r._.. la the MCQnd ln Call· fomla Yacht Club'• Overton Se. rlel f« lOR and PHRF yachta. The PHRF-A winner waa Ariel, tldl)l)etf!d by Huah Mcin- tyre, C~C. and the PHRl'·B winner waa Molly Muldoon, Gordon HanMn, Wlndjammen Yacht Club. Brisa dueling with Amante Loe Angeles Yacht Club 1ent its Whitney, Little Whitney and Todd Pacific racera on a weekend layover race to Howland'a Lan- ding, Catalina Wand, Saturday and Sunday, marking the fifth and sixth races for the .eries. The Whitney Series la for International Offshore Rule ra- tings, the Los Angeles Tlmea Series for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachta, the Little 1Whitney la for Midget Ocean Racing Cl.au, and the Todd Pa- cific series for PHRF. In the IOR group for the Whitney Trophy Brisa, c o- skippered by Denn.la Choate and Dick Meine, LA YC, and Amante, sailed by Mel Richley, Lido Iale, Yacht Club, a.re still fightins ft out for the top spot In Class A. Football • s1gnups set .Saturday The· Newport BNch Junior All American Fdo,bell Aaoclatlon wUl hold lb al1nupe Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at Corona del Mar Htah'• boY1' IYID· . &YI from aces 7 throuah 14 are welcome to rept.er, but the aignupe will be limited to juat th.la sa~ Playen will be aastgned to a team of boya In their own age and weight cluaification with practice due to Pegin In AUIUI\ and the regular aeuon alated to, atart the 1econd week of Sep- tember. The fee la $15 to register Sat- urday and if the player la certi- fied, an additional '35 will be due to cover reglatration and a physical. The reeuiar eeaaon lnclUdet a nine-game schedule with post- &eMOn playoffs. A parents' set-together ia planned for thi1 Wednesday night at Glendale Federal Sa- vinp in Newport. The meeting, which begins at 7:30, will feature highlights of past gamea and Interested parents are aho invi- ted to attend. For more lnfonnation, contact ·Tom Williams at 548-8146 or 979.5334 ANGELS SWEEP HOMESTAND • • • they needed In the firat, taking advantage of shortstop Lenn~ Faedo'a error on lead-off hitter Brian Downing s grounder. Fred Lynn followed with a double, Reggie Jackson collected an RBI with a ucrl.fice fly to center, Bobby Grich tripled and Baylor followed with a two-run blast down the left-field line for a 4-0 bulge. GWC takes tourney The Golden West College•women'a softball team swept to the championship of ita own invita- tional tournament Sunday, by posting a 1-0 decision lover Cypreaa ln the championship game. Cyprea had earned a abot in the finals with a 6-2 victory over Chabot in an earlier tourney game Sunday. Tammy Delp, one of five Rustlers named to the all-tournament team, shut down the Chargers on three hita, while walking one and striJcUMi out five. aa her IM!ICOnd shutout in aa many nfght&. Charleen Bilyeu, another all-tourney choice, ed to lead off thi filth. stole aecond and rode ome on tournament MVP Donna McElrea'a alngle to righL Other Rustlers named on the .U.tourney team were lleCODd beseman Laurie Bird and cent.er fielder Renee Croes. Golden West host.a Palomar 'l\.aesday night at 7 o'clock in lta next encounter. f>l •. L~ • ·y0 %ofessional '~ . Florist R..atST 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Cotta Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 64 t-0810 , Baylor then added a aoJo shot in the sixth after the Twins nad 1Cratched for a single tally in the· eecond and picked up another run on Hrbek'a sixth homer of the year ln the fourth. So tile Angela move on to Seattle for the first of three gamea tonight, minus a veteran ahoruop who was coming off one of h1a best years average- wiae (.293), but with a capable defensive backup in Foll. · Foll will join aecorul baseman Grich in trying to duplicate the talented double play combination which has worked so well this seaaon. "We can't cry in our beer," added Grich. "We're very lucky to have Tim Foll." A!t for Burleson; "He's just a super guy. I'm going to rm. him considerably. It's just a tragedy," Gridl added. ANOaL ..one: ... ,"'"''• ~no e1,540 s.1uresey night, founb-l~nlnQ home rlH\ wu tlloe they're etlll behind In lut yeer'• 11ret oft Af\911 e1.n« 0..-Z-. ~ pee.. All• IM datee thl• HHOn. It alto helped th• .. -. IN~*-1ee.-)'0U'J\99t•r bt.U out of • etvmp 252. Aw detee i.t ~ eftracted egaln•t 111e Moel•. Comf"9 Imo tM.MS .•• The ~ 4'part lof llloe game. th9 8-4. 216·.pounder a mlnl-roed trip wtllQh begirw and -~ 3-o1.1e 111 IN IM oen-enda In SHiii•. Tonight at th• aQlllnet the~ How9vlr. thr• Kingdom•. It wlH be Miiie Witt of hie eta home run1 have bffn going for the An~• end Ge1t• MJVed up by Anoe! pitching . . . ....... aolna tor tfle Marinera. H'• Even though the Angel• dr-• Of\ etwWlll 5 et 7:36. - - - ----------- IF YOU DEMAND RESULTS, WHY WEIGHT FOR LESS? ....,.f11tl.....,.Sl. ______ i illhSI ~~l CALL TODAY (714) 645-6110 19thSl I IIflt 8 ~ -1'9 E. 18th S!t'Mf Coeto M..a. CA 92627 '-~~~~~~ ..... ~___.;~ Now, both the looks and driving safety of your late model unlbody- constructed, domestic or Imported vehicle can be restored by experi-enced craftsmen using the latest" repair technology and equipment, factory authorized replacement parts, paints and refinishing products. Take your a~y where many dealers and Insurance companies do. Free estimates, written guarantees and courtesy transportation provided. SpeoJl1sts m Complete Pamtm(J of Pflde of Ownersll1p Vell1cles HAID L AUTO SCDY, INC . °'*' a 1.m. to 5:30 p.m. DlllY -Saturdays 11 a.m. to 2 p m. 13051 Cannery I 11623 s. Prairie I 1275 Yorbl Linda 11343 E. Borchard Gardin 6rOYt HawthorM Blvd .. Plac:tntia Santa Ana (714) 537.7074 (213) 879·0866 (714) 998-0711 (714) 547-5128 .._. (213) m -5914 _ ... 25 Years of Craftsmanship and~ -· ---------------- F1•i1i11. Fit11111 • • a • For E,,.,.,., --- one resource people could count on, no matter what. e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IU.O m.o "'° -.0 not---+--+--+-+--1~ '· Looks li ke we asked the right question. If you think a Safety Account might be the answer for you, give us a call. Or send in the coupoo below. We'll be glad to send you a f rec prospectus which will tell you all about our fund .. Including charge~ and expenses. Be sure to read it thoroughly before you invest. Or drop by and sec us. --------- ----------------- CAPITALPRESERYAJIOf\1 RIND "°° -... al thr Sm1 Sutlr ,., Lcil Anede. CA 90067 ~---------~ l :LcilA ...... t.--""71 NOCP.1'1 : ~-c.:-~= 1.--1,... I I MMll _._.._--.~-- 1 °"~~~~~~~ ... ____ '!- L--,-,,_,._ Win a free trip for two on AIR~L b111 "'-our ltyte It . -- ' r . .. Orengt Coeat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Apttt 19, 1182 ~ • • ., . . " MAJOR LHGUC ITANDfNOI American LMtue w .. temDIYl9">n ' W L l'c1. Ga • 0 1000 Oet10lt -~ Boston Toronto ;N-York Mllwauk .. 811\lmoH II 3 750 II 3 087 s 3 825 II II 500 5 7 417 4 II 333 ENl«f!OlvWoft 5 5 500 4 4 500 4 5 444 4 II 400 3 5 375 3 II 333 2 7 222 twlcMIJ'I 9-M ~ 5. Mlnnesola 2 Oe!foll 5, New York 2 ~ll.K-Clty2 Botton 4. T0tonto 3 Chlcego • Baltltl'IOI• 4 Teus II. Mi!WeUMe II S..tU. 4 OP.lel'CI 3 I 2''1 3 4 5 II 1..,-10- A• .... {Wtll 0·01 el S..11 .. (8"1119 0-1). n T0tonlO tSIJeCI 0-11 II &>.Ion (Ra.My 0-0) Kansas City 1sp1111()fff 0..0) II OeltOll (Pestlnlcio 0..0) Mlnnnola (Haven• 1°01 11 O~land (Yngford 1·11. n Only gemee ec'-uled N1tlonal LNQue Waetern OhtefCNo W L ~Ga Allan ta San Ole90 Sanfr-~ Houlton Cinc:lnnell 11 01000 II 4 800 5 s 500 • 7 3M • • 333 3 II 273 Eaetern OMMoft SI LOUii II 3 750 MonltWI 5 3 II~ New Ycrl 6 5 545 CNC100 s 1 417 PlllllbUrgh 3 5 375 PMaoelpNa 2 • 200 .._.., •• kotee San Di«10 II, Ood9et'I 3 Montreel 7. l'ffW YOft'. a 2 2~ 4 4 • ChlQgo 5. Pllllbutgh I SI Louil 6, Phltadeiphla 5 t 11 l<'lnlnQlll Altenla 6. "-Ion 5 San Ft8"CllCO 4, Cincinnati 2 T..,-10-Hou11on (Sulton 1· 11 11 Ood91n (Hooton 0-1 ), n Pht1ad1tph11 ccnr111e1t1on 0-11 11 Monu.I (Rogerl l·I) San franc:llCO tSO-.IHCMI 0-2l 11 San Ole90 ~ger 1·2). n °""' ean-~ AllERtCAH LEAGUE Mae1e I, TwtM 2 _..I01A C~ORMIA -, .. ... -, ..... EISnfctl 4 0 2 0 Downing 4 1 0 0 Wild 4 0 0 0 AClllt! 0 0 0 0 Halcher 4 0 0 0 lyM 4 I 2 0 Hrbelo 3 2 I I Sc:onlr'I 4 0 0 0 Vege 4 0 2 0 AeJdlan 2 0 1 I a..tn 3 o a o 8eftlq&a o o o o ~I 3 0 I 0 Gl1dl 4 I I 0 RMclo 3001 ~ 4 223 RW9hlll 3 0 0 0 o.cnc. 3 0 I 0 Fol 4 0 I 0 Boone 3010 T Olala31 2 II 2 T Olall32 S I 4 ac..., ....... _,,,..,.. 010 100 000-2 ~ 400 001 00.-5 E -fa.lo, ~ OP -Callor· nil 3 l08 -~ 3. Celllomll 7 28 -l~.38 -Gl1Cll HR -~2 (21. Hrbek (II~ S -Boone Sf -Jeck· ,_,,e... • H " P • IO ~..Ji.!~ 8 II S 1 2 3 z.lln(W·2-0) II I 2 2 I 3 WP -ErtcklOI\ T -1 411. A -:Z.... 0.15 Ange!AY« .... aATTINO .u " " "" -l'ct. Joe fergulOll 5 t 2 0 0 400 8o«>by Gtlch 22 3 • 0 3 3M Roel C... 43 t IS 0 0 Mt Fred 1.yM 47 tO 18 0 S 340 Bob Boone 41 I 12 0 3 300 Doud oee:inc.. 41 7 12 s 10 293 8oC>bY Clettt 11 I 3 0 I 273 9t1ell Downing 4 7 8 12 4 8 255 Oon Baytor 52 7 13 2 7 .250 Tim Foll 3t 2 8 0 2 • 187 ~Jackaon 44 I II 0 3 .1113 Juan~ II 0 I 0 2 081 JoM Moreno o o o o o .ooo OWyl &conler• 5 0 0 0 0 .000 Tolala 450 41 114 7 4e .211 ll'nC:.-0 • H -IOW~ 1AA Stmna.w-30 3 3 0 0-0 000 Ar'°'1....., 2 I 2 I ().() 0.00 8ruoe Kla«t 11 I 10 8 7 ().() 0 711 S.... Rer*O 10 2 7 I 4 2-0 0.94 Oeoll ZMw1 21 15 4 I 2-0 I 04 0on ,._ 15 2 10 10 12 1·1 I 15 L.~ 7.2 S 1 4 2.0 I 11 A.~ 11 • 3 4 ().() 2 45 Mike W1t1 11 II 3 4 0-0 2.46 Ken fOf'ICft 25. 1 Ill I 7 1· I 2.45 Tolllle 128.2 83 42 82 -t-3 1.4 I r .............. 8 T-302 000 040-8 14 0 ~·-020 010 210-e 14 4 ~t. Oetwtn 17~ Matledl (I) end Sundbe1~, Vucllovfch, o. Jon•• (I), ~ C1 Moore. YoeC (1). W - Oenlitn, 2 . l -VudlcMdl, 1-2. HAI -T--.= 121 ......... Og11w1e (3).A-25 l,Y--1 ....... Yen 000 000 002-2 I 1 o.o11 020 ooo 2111-s a o ----8Wteltl. ... CllMd c.~ l'elry.. a-fl)_,~ w -....,,, 1-1. l -~ 1-1. Mft -N11w YOftl, ~(1). A-13,»4 SCOREBOARD Angel, DOdger Schedules "'I ¥~ • •• Angela on A•dlo KMPC (710) Angela on TV Channel 5 J, Doclge,. on Radio KABC (790) • Dodger• on TV Channel 11 • '°"_"'_ , I I Sund•y Monday Tueaday Wedneaday Thur1day Friday Saturday Aprll 111 20 21 22 ---. Z'"~ 24 ·::,t at SatUe. 7:35 ·All• at Seattle, 7:35 Alie• at Seattle. 7:35 Oakland at Mells. I 30 Oakland at Alie•. I at Dellctn. 7:35 Astros at Doclcen, 7:35 Astros at Docf&en, 7 35 •Dodcen at Giants. 7.35 •Dodctn at Giants, 7 35 25 Oakland at -..,. 1 •Dldltn at tiants. 1:05 ........... A'al OMiand 000 003 000-3 3 I s..ttla 100 001 002-4 7 2 McCatly, T. UndenoOOd (7) end K-· ~ ~. Stanton111(~~ (7) end 8IMng w -v "G. 1·1. l - T Und.,wOOd, O· 1 HIU -Oallland, Meyer C31 S..nta. Boehl• (1). Zilk (2). A -ueo ...... ...,.2 It.-City 000 002 • 000-2 5 I ~ 401 002 ·o.-• 10 0 81aclt, O Jac:llton (&) and Wathen; _ Oennf, Whlllon ~d 8endo. W - o.itly, 2..0 l -0-1. HR -a.. ..iand. Harrllll (41 A -11,373. "ed ..... --.. Toronto 010 100 100-3 8 0 Boslon 000 101 011-4 I 0 Clancy. R l JacltlOft Cl). GaMn Cl) wld Wllltt. Torrtll. ApOnte (7) end Qed.. man W -Aponte. l·O l -R.l Jacfllon. 2· t HR -8oaton, YHIT· ....... (31 A -18,247 ........... OrteM4 Belllmor• 000 031 000-4 10 3 3q1 000 M!l-8 • 1 MarUNz in s~ I . NOiin (I ); K-. Hoyl (8), 8aroj11 (Ill and Fl11t. W - Hoyt, 2·0. L -McGregor, 0.2. S - BllrOjee (S). A -34,322. NATIONAL LEAGUE , ...... Dodg«93 '\.Ot ANOG.lt tM 0ie99 .,...... ., ..... 'Su 4 0 I I AlcNde S I 2 0 GeNey 5120 Edwrda 0100 Guerrer 4 0 0 0 8otlllle 4 O I 1 Bak• 4 1 I 2 Tmptn 5 I 2 I C9)I 4 020 ~ 4221 s.-0000 ~4011 Pows 0000 fKenndy&112 YMQf'f 3 0 0 0 s.i.z., 3 1 I 0 kloecll I 0 0 0 Per1ttna 4 I 2 2 Landtex 4 I I 0 LOiar 2 0 I 0 8elengr 2 0 0 0 ftnrwy I 0 0 0 w.a. 2000 ~ 0000 Roencll I 0 0 0 8evecQ 0 I 0 0 Stewert 0000 lucu 0000 TllClmaa I 0 I 0 Totall3S 3 8 3 To1~7 "9' 13 II -'-•bf!"-.. LOI Angelel 000 002 IOG-3 San Di«IO 10 I 000 07•-11 E -Al<:hard1. Templeton l08 - lo• Angalu 8, San Diego II 28 -Garvey.~. Su. T Kennedy 38 - Per1llna HR -Baker t3), R JonM 111 S -~ '--~ w.a. SIW<1(l.0-2l 5"owe "- •H"P•to II 7 2 2 I 3 I'" 2 2 2 0 I 0 3 5 ~ 2 0 .... I 0 0 2 0 ........ Lolar 1 113323 I Oel.--.(W.1-0) I I 0 0 0 I .Lucea 1 10001 s. Howe pUc:lwtd to 5 t>a tten In the Ith. WP -8. Howe. T -2;«. A -22,· 800. C-.1.,.,...., Q11cego 104 000 000-5 12 I Pltlabwgh 100 000 000-1 5 0 Jenkin•. Meitz (II and Morelend, Davia (7): Solomon, 0 Rotllnaon (4). Scurry {t) end Pena w -Jenltlne, 2·1. l -Solomon. 0-2 8 -M.U (I~ HR -Qllcego, Dumem (2). A -l ;02L ..,_,,....;. Montr... 420 001 000-7 15 I fMw Yori< 000 202 020-e II 0 lM, Jamee (7). LH (7). RMtdon (8) l(ld C-l R. .ion.. Oroeco (1). Pulto (e). Alen (I) end SI--W -l.M, 1-0. l -R. Jonee, 2·1. 8 -"-don (1). HAI -MontrNI. Cerler (2). 09waOft (.2). New York, KJnOr1*1 (21 (4). Foeter (3), A -27, 128. C:.....1,,..... PNledelpNe 100 010 102 OG-5 13 3 51. i..o.. 100 001 102 01-e 11 1 ~-,..,,. en ~ en Motiee (II). Reed (t), 8ruNtet 11) end Diaz; Rlncoft, SYtter {I). ..., ). UPoWlt I 111 end P«W. 8Mc:l'8 ( 10). w -l.IPolnt. 1-0. l -8NMter. 1· 1 H" -Phledlll--ptllll. DIR (2). A -25.222. .,_ ........ Allerlta 010 003 020-t 10 HoUlton 040 000 001-1 II 0 Cowie¥. McWWarnl (I ). Hreboelly en Camp <•> and hnedlc1; Knepper, La- Coea 11). o. 8mltll en 1ACone <ti end A1hby. W -Hte botky, 1·0. l -0. Srnllh, 0-1. 8 -Cemc» (J). A -2t, 1M. .............. ~ 100 .ooo 010-2 10 1 Sen Ftelldloo 000 21 t oo.-4 8 1 SHv•~~ <Ui;..!:"'er (I) end O'llerry; Fo.11 (I) Ind ...,, 1lf -~ t-0. L-..._, ~...­ -~ (21-HAt -9M Fr9flc:Mco, .,.. Cl)...,_ (1). A -11,NA. ' 21 27 28 29 30 May 1 Anc• at Yankees. 5 Ancels at Yankees. 5 Ana• at Orioles, 4.30 Ancek at Onoles, 4:30 Ancels at Yankees. 5 Ph1lltes at Dod11n. 7:35 Phillies at Dodcen, 7:35 Phtlltes at Dodcen, 7·35 hpos at Docf&en, 7·35 Expos at Dodcen. t ·05 Stanf«d ~I.A~• Dot-., IOmW1)' ol Edleon High. !led two holne rune for 8t1nlord, 1nctudtng • grand llem) AttzOflt 81 •. Cal 5 Atu-20, USC 2 ~dine II, Cal SllM I.A 5 Cal Slate Ootn~nguez tiU11 V.2. Cal Poly SlO 2-3 Nevada LU V~n I , l'OTol•• MerymounC. ToumMMnt of CMmploM , ........ Lac:...) -Lanny Wadlllna,M3,000 97.72.a. 73 -Craig , ...... '21. 187 """" a..n.121, 182 Or.old Gtanam.SM. 112 Ron Streci.,m . 182 .. Johnny Mk.I 12,840 0.M)' EdwwdU12,840 Wtyne L..-1, I 12,840 Tom IOta.112.&40 Tom Wataon,Sl2,l40 - 74-72·7'-6C 70-72-71-70 70.72·70-71 12.1o.ee.n 74·70-7M7 73-72-71 ... 71·72·71·70 72·7~73 8$.el-72-75 L.M Trtlllno.st,033 71·72-7..._. Dew ElcheMMrgr.st.033 73-71-71-70 FUD:f Zoeller .Sl.033 70. 72· 70. 73 -Ray AoyO S7 ,toO 117 Hale ir.tn.S 7 .400 -Keith F•p.M.400 en-u.tzlle.M.400 J C SnMO,M.400 . - 71-71·72·72 ... 74-70-74 73-77-71-47 70-74-72·72 71-71·72·74 Peler Oa.ltrhuls.15,450 72.-.76-75 -John Mllhldley,$4.775 Ed Flotl.'4. ns LanyNeMon,14,775 Jay HeM.'4.775 ., Motrla Hatalally,$4,300 J«ry Pete.14.300 -Tom WelMopl.$4, 100 Biii Aoowl.'°'· 100 -Dave 8lll'r 13.150 ., Jim 5'n>ona 13.850 .. Jed< Aenrlel ,13, 750 -Hubs! ~.13,850 73-73-75-et 70.73-76-71 74-73-71-72 73-73-70.74 74-74-72-71 70-72·75-75 •7&-72-75 70-73-71-71 77-72-75-74 Lea~YC """"' ef Hewla.IMl'I L•J•Yet race1, ......,, LAYC ......... di !OR-A -I. 8rtM. ~. l.AYC; 2. Amante, Mel Rlchlev. llYC: 3. Merlln. *Eachefn·&cllofleldfff, lBYC, IOR·8 -1. 8hen41 oeh, 8111 Plllmer, NHYC, 2 ShoW11me, at .. nllne-Collrell. KHYC; 3 eroott• /llNI, Htrwy, cave. .ttOR·C -I Coeur de lion. td Ha11, -"ltHYC, 2. Slinger, ... Wat1'9n, Caoo BYC, 3 1. .. dlng Lady, "'-ible and S.lldy Kern, WYC PHAF-A -I Solndrlft, Oen Fefthen, SI 8YC, 2 Int-. Al ~berg. A8YC, 3 oo...ion, P..., WM09'. WYC. PHRF·8 -I Wiley Coyote, ..._,nger. Ro1enberg. KHYC, 2 Concenau1, Perl~Alc:t\etde, l.AYC, 3 8umOle "8 ... Oon Bledl, 1.AYC PHRF·C -I Windy. Don Mlch1efl1, A8YC, 2 Rava09, Treller·EllH, 8VC, S Torell, N o-tna, cevc. • MORC -I lrlpte Crown. Marehall· Bal .... Ray, NHYC; 2. FNt ~. Shedden· Colelnan, l8YC, 3. Wreci.ie.. A.G. l<lldlftg. Caoo 8YC tooo PACIFIC {PHN) -I. OIAc:tl Sliver. Bob.._, l.AYC; 2 Rlbbet, "-tindt· .,,..._, LAYC. 3 T-e. TOtft end Doug ~l.AVC I~ .. LAYC (._...,) IOR·A -I Amante. 2 lltualon, Ed Mc;OoweM, l(HYC, 3 Penoraoon. Jof>n Mec&Auren. eve IOA-8 -I 8'oolle Alm. 2.. Showurne 3 ROOao Drtve, R1:1P Clll11um, PMYC. IOR.c -I. Sllngtr; 2 ~.Mille Drtle. L8YC: 3 LMcllng Ledy. PHRF-A -1 Ob-; 2. lnt.,.M, Al Roeenllerg. A8YC; 3 H•dlecll. Jim Newy, l8YC PHRF·B -I Wiiey Coyote; 2 Bumble "8"; 3. eono.n... PHRF-C -1 bcllllbur, Al .ion.. CYC; 2 Ravage. S. Wln<I)'. MOAC -I Wr~ 2. Trlp6e Crown; ) Full Tiit, 0 Mcom, l.SF. TOOO PACIFIC (PHRF) -1 Tomera; 2 ~ 3. Aalre. AJ Gllbett. C8YC. ~ > . -91.,... 11 12 15 60 ._..,~ LOI Angelel 211 32 41 18-120 Pno..tA 35 32 24 24-115 Fouled OUC -None. Toc.! lcMI -LOI Moe191 11. Phoenix 21 TtcMicall -._, wa..._ A -14,eeG. CMuok• 4. Kina• S ._...,...,.. V-I I I 1-4 Loe~ 0 2 I G-3 ,.,..,..... I Vancouver C1mpt1eU I (Lupul Wllema). 11'.0t. Penelllea -NII, Ven. minor-major, 5 21. Chartraw, LA --Jot. S 21, W11enw.. Van, 7 3t, Taytor, lA. 7:3t. Boldtrev, VM, 10'17, Hlchollt, LA, 10:17, Rote. Van, me)or rnleconducl, 10.17; Kelly, I.A, major ~ 10:17; Snllpell, Ven, 1045, Updgren, Van, Ill 03. ............. 2. Loa Ant•le•. Kelly 1 (l. Murphy ' Fo•I. 3 14. S. lo• Angalea. Taylor S (~. L Murotwl. 13:ot. v~. Otedln $(8"oyl, ,.....,,, 111:15 • ....,,... -WllllMM, Van, I 54; Chlllrew. LA. 4:09, an.'1•. Ven. 11·12. Welt1, I.A, 13:30; ~ Van, It. II: Tl)tor, I.A, tt:1t TilllNP'efted 5 Loe MQelee. Dionne I (M Mwph)', l-d). 10;03 I VancouY9t, Smyt :S (H11Wetd,4tedln), 14 12. PenalO• -~. van. e.oo. Teytot, I.A, 11>0 Rota. VIII, 12 SI: L-.. I.A. 12 31: Rote. ~:.'3!1 mt)Ot. 14 3t, Hopldna, I.A, ~. ~ 1. Vancouver. Campbell 2 IHllnke). 1.23 Penal! ... -None. Sholl on goel -Vancouver 7· I 1·1-2·28 LOI Angel•• -11-12-1~. .. . . .. OoellM -Venc:ouwr, 8r~. Loe Angllae, L-d. A -15,005. CNcaQo a SI LOUii S ICNCIOO leede -2·1) N Y ltlander1 4, N Y Rengers 3 tot I.a.no.a lead_... 2·1) T.......-1 0-V __ at....,. Boeton 111 au.i.c SI lOUle 11 CtliCaOO NV lllenders *'NV Renger1 • ....,..a.r- ll ..... atV-- Quebec .. ea.ton NY Aanger1 11 NY ..._,. ~atSt LOUii Frldlly'• o.r- Vll\OOUVW at Kift91 If~ Bollon 11 °'*'«:. " _.,. St LOUie at CNcaao. II_., NY lllander1 11 NY Rengers, H-. MIY a-dlly'10.W... 1t ..... 11v--.11_., au.bee II 8oeton, II ~ NY Rengers 11 NY lllenOen. If -wy Chlalgo 11 St loui., II _., 0.-...,..., sn....aod S-1""-0I Taygen del 8flln Teec:tw.en-.._,, .. 1, 6-7, 8·3 (Stewart. hyglTI •Piii S 12,000 Teec:tw, M-apllt '7.200). WCT tourn111nent . 1~~-= 1V111 Lendt~ "-lull Clerc, M . 7 -1. 6-0, , _. (Landi won by Clefeult "'*' Cle<c: refu1ed to change lo a llghi.d GOUTt Lendt wine $100,000 Clerc wine '32.000! kntOfJ C\lp ~~ 810tn Borg -;r-o..m.o Vita. 6-1, 5·2 (8oro •ln1 S 110.000 Vlln w1n1 S70000) Third"'-~ VIII Patten def JolVt McENoe 5-1, 6-4. 5-3 (Van~...,. s.40.000 McENoe wine '30.0001. Apulla· lntemellonel ':=::r.1 P1ul McN1mee clef. Saluz Tttl:>czy, 6-2, 6-2 • ~~C'-* <•~llJ.) ...... ,.... Matty~ def. Fred StOlle, 7-8, ,e-3 (Rlelaen wine SI0,000. Stollt wine se.0001 0.-...,..... Aod t.awr..I(.,. Roww .. def Stoi. "oY em.won. 1-e. 1-1 n.-. ~ apll t U .000 Stolle. Emenon 1pll1 11.500) Wond DoulltM Ch8mploft9Mp , .. ,onw.,,..1 ,,...... Mertine Nawetllova-Ptm Slwtver del • Anne Smith-Kathy Jorden. 7.5, 1·3 (Noratltove, Shriver 1pllt U0.000 Smfth, Jordan IPlt 128,000). c .. 11'lthr lMlle ~ --def. au. llwli•·Ann Klyolfture. 7-e. o-8, M . Camel.Where a man beloqgs. • l ' OUOUTIOlllt IMC'-UOI TU10U ... '"' ... .., ""·· MIOWUl. ••C•••c. , .... IOtTOlll. OIUO" ..... c••CIMMHI UOC• ••<••MOH•Me•1,...uo1 • , .. , MHO••o111n11"' \el.. ...., PI llO• C'9v CllO '-'" ..... H • Dow Jones Final set • Ill UP 2.66 \ CLOSIN0141.07 Sebastiano Sterpa, president of the California Association of RealtA>rs, will address tt\e challenges facing houalng May 11 during a regional meeting of realtors at South Coast Plaza 'Hotel, Co.ta Mesa. Sterpa iJI a Glendale-Burbank realtor. The Irvine Board of Realtors i.a hott board for the meeting, which has been arranged for realwra and associaie. of District 32 For reservations, calJ 957-9243 Trade conferen ce set A conference on ~e opportunltiet in the Pacific Rim will be presented May 10 at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. Sponaors are the World Trade Center Aun. of Orange C.ounty and the International Marketing AMn., of Orange C.ounty. An official from the J apaneee consulate will be the luncheon speaker. For informatJon, calJ 540-9180. Screening service begins A pre-employment screening service has opened its West Coast head.quarters in Newport Beach. California Internal Loss C.ontrol says lt utihzes voice stress analysis rather than pencil and paper tes- ting. CILC is located at 1301 Dove St., Newport Beach. Computer open house set The Educational Services DiVlSion of Aln:o, Inc .. will hold an open house for a computer learrung center on Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 at 1240 South St.ate C.ollege Blvd., Anaheim. . The facility spectalizes in IBM business applica- tiom for computer programming and operaung posi- tions. The school, Airoo's sixth, has over $1 million in computer equipment and custom·designed cl.aaaroom facilities and UI designed to accommodate 1,000 gra- duates annually, officials said. Diamond turnaround seen Complete liquidity for investment diamonds within five years la the prediction of Dr. Charles Youngblood in a report entitled Cnsa Man.tgement of Diamond Investments. It describes the optJons open to diamond anvestA>n and recommends certain actions in the bear market in diamonda. Youngblood, a frequent speakf r on diamond in- vesting, is president of Ut.ah Managed Diamond Ac- counts. Huntington Beach, and Provo, Utah, and a commentatA>r on Channel 22, Los Angeles, a financial channel STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonletroua metal pric9 IOda)I; 'PS ARD DOWNS ..... .. t .,._, .... All.~-­ lt.lt. ..,.. ..... 1 troy oa •. t '71 11. ott M.tl . ..... '° .,_,, 1.2 lrvy ca., '4t0.11 • .., 11.1a.. .....,_ 100 o.-own. ,M02•1roy 01., tMl.IO,..,MTf ' Cepper 78-71 centt a pound, US dMtlNtloml lb LMd 28-32 <*Ill a pound ZlftC :)5-30 <*Ill • pound, Otll.....,ect. Tin SO 5281 Metela Wffll CO"lpotHe Aklf'nlnwn 7&-77 <*lit a pound, t(y ...._,,., $300 00 per "* "-IWMI S3eO 00 tr0y Ol • N V SILVER Hendy & Human, 17 390 par ttoy ounce 60l:D QUOTATIONS LOfldoft: mornlno nxlno 1358 75, 011 N .00 l4ndoft: al1emoe>t1 lhtlng 1357 oo. on 15 75. ,__ 135e.37. otl 16.H . ,fMllfwt: 1368.00, off 17 02 Z11rtell: latt llklno UH.OO bid. 011 "oo: 9'51.00 Mktd Hll"'' a KarMa1t1 only dally quot• 13.57 00 off " 11. 1..,.--~ only dally quot.• 1357 00. off .78 . ..,, ..... only daly ~ tec>tloa1ed 9'74.15, off M.04 • ' . ' ·• • • Latest research confirms MERIT delivers the taste of cigarettes having up to twice the tar.· Many l9vv tar cigarettes make taste pron1iscs. But only lEnriched Flavor,~ MERIT offers fJroof not promises. Proof through extensive smoker taste tests . MERIT Taste Does It. In impartial newt~ ts wl1ere brand identity was conce8lcd, the ovcrit 1l1clmin g majority of smokers repo'rtel1 MERIT taste equal tc)-or . better than -leading higher tar brands. Even brand with up to twice the.tar .. Moreover, when tar level were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and good taste. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined Tbat Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~ MERIT Taste Sparks Switch. In a ~eparate part of thi extensive new study, MERIT smokers r port that ta te i .. a n1ajor factc)r in completing their successful ~witch from higher tar brands. Confirmed: 9 C)Ut c)f 10 fc)rn1cr higher tar smc)kers say MERIT is an easy sivitch, that they didn 't hrit1e ttp taste in su1itching, and that MERIT is the hest-tasting loiv tar they 't ie et1er tried . Year after year, in study after study, MERIT rcn1ains unbeaten. Tl1c proven taste alternative tc) l1igl1er tar sn1oking-i ~ MERIT. 0 P11t1111 Morrk •~ lllfl2 K1119s 7 mg "tlf:· 0.5 mg nicoune-lOO's Reg : 10 '119 "1er:· 0.7 mg nicotine- 100'1 Men~ 9 mg "11r:' 0.71t19'11cou111 ev. per c1gare111. FTC Rtpon Oec'81 " . I<)< >s ..