HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-21 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 c• Ylll 11111111 llllY NPll ,, . : . • • Wt DNl ~oOA Y l\l'llll / 1 1'HI.' ClHA N < .1 1 l lll N I 't < ALIFOf~N I A 2~ CENTS , .. na ar en rove * * * Coas lal power snarled By ROBERT BARKER or .. .,..,,...,..,. Tlie SOUthem California F.di- llOD c.ompany put out a call for help today u heavy Santa Ana winds played havoc with electric tranamisaion lines along the OranpCout. Ed.ilon Operations Manager F.d Jones said that power was knocked out to about 16,000 customers between 3 and 8 a.m. in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley areas. He· said aix circuits were knocked out by winds for dura- tions ranaina from 30 minutes to 1 ~ houri. 'niere are 1,500 to 1,- 800 customers to a drcult. Jones said that most of the power outages that darkened homes, set off hundred.a of bur- glar a1anm and disrupted traffic signals, were caused by tree Umbl blowina into traffic lignala. ANAHEIM BLAZE -Firemen battle one area people in Anaheim this morning. The firemen of a fire involving two dozen apartment com-we.re caught from behind when fire broke out plexes and homes displacing several hundred at left, forcing their retreat. He said the nonnal work f.oa:e o1 .t>out too ~~oul6be lncreued to about 130 when he get.a additional reinforcement.I from the South Bay area. Slain ~ M!OJnaaexpected it Other than power out.ges and fallen limbs, the Orange Cout e.caped major cWD.aes, acocsrd- ing to offidals. By GLENN SC01T ofhDlllJ ......... A Tu.tin woman fat.ally ahot outaide h~ front door Tuesday bad grown ae aaxloua about ~ man ahe claimed was haraaalng bu that she arTIUll(ed to have her 15-year:.Old daugnter atay with friends ln Irvine. But Beverly Ann Crosby'• ef- forts didn't project her frona a man who witnelle9 lldd shot her twice at 7:03 di. and then fled. Two hours later, Orange County Sheriff's deput.lea arrested su- spect Ziad Rashed Da.ndan. 30, at hla brother'• home lo Mission Viejo. But the strong northeast winds are expected to continue unaba- ted tonight, aocordlna to the U.S. Weather Bureau. Wlnda are ex- pected to dimin1.ah Thunday. Officials aald the wind, blo- wing from 25 to 35 knots per hour at John Wayne Airport th.la morning, are formed in high pressures over the western pla- teau and blow bot winds to Sou- thern Califomia from Idaho and the California deaerta. Reagan, advisers try to avert war Dandan had dated Ma. Crosby, 37, but would not give up when she reportedly decided to stop aeeing him. friends said. Only last week, she had obtai- ned a restraining order in Orange County Superior Court prohibi- ting him from harassing her. She wrote ln her petition for the or - der that he had often threatened to kill her and even her daugbt er, Anna. The Santa Ana winds blow from the fall to the spring. Planes at Orange County's John Wayne Airport were taking off and landinl( ln the northerly dlrectlon ln order to operate into the wind. Several small boats were cut adrift in Huntington Harbour. Helen Klussman, 16302 Sara- tosa. Huntington Beach, aaid a 20-year-old tree blew down in her yard early thia lllOr'ning and damaged a family camper. Killers spared STARKE. F1a. (AP) -One of two convicted killers whose 1eheduled electrocutions today were put off by a federal appeals c ourt was "relieved and thankful." hi.a attorney said. But the other condemned man said he didn't expect to be executed anyway. WORLD WASHINGTON (AP) -With a threatened military showdown bt!tween Argentina and Great Britain perhaps just a few days away, President Reagan la ga- thering hi.a advisers to search for ways of break:ina the negotiating stalemate ln the Fallclanda criaia. Reagan called a meeting today with Secretary of State Alexan- der M . Haig Jr. and other National Security Council mem- bers to explore ideas in prepara- tion for ThW'9day'a visit here by British Foreign Secretary FraQcia Pym. British Prime Minister Mar_garet Thatcher said Pym will be carrying counterproposala in response to an Argentine peace plan that Britain rejected Tues- day. The glooi\=osph.ere was undencored y niaht when Argentine Foreign Mlniater Nl- canor Costa Mendez said his government had no plans for concetaions. Unofficial e1tlmate1 say the British task force, which set sail April 5, could begin arriving over Falklands crisis 'stupidity' ~ Thoee cold, treelea, 10mber lllanda over which Britain and Argentina are threatenini to go to war are monumenta to nationalistic and mllitariltic stupidity. PapA12. · NATION Doins thinp dill erently Hard times have chanced Americana' beh.avtor. They're h.anPll on to the old car lonpJ-than they u.,d to, not movtn1 aa frequently aoCi lea~ to mu. do with thl.ntl . p ... 83. 'Middletown' series cl01e1 Ti. lut epi8ode of the far·rancl"I but contro· v9nW ...._ of Pl'OIJ'&ml f~ on Muncie, Ind. .... --~~.,.Al. the week.end in the Falkland Islands area 250 miles eaat of Argentina's coastline. The British Defense Ministry has refused comment on the arrival plans of the armada. Despite London's hostile atti- tude toward the Argentine pro- posals, there wu unrest reported in the Argentine military over the concesaioN agreed to by Gen. Leopoldo Galtlerl, Argentina'• president. An Argentine official, asking not to be identified, said Galtleri "cannot offer any more." Arei.entina's mllltary junta Issued a communique today saying It la ready and willina to negotiate, but that negotlatfons "have as their final and irre- nounceable objective the conaoli- dalion and exerd8e of Argentine sovereignty over the ialands, and the recognition of that 10Vereignty." The communique al.lo said it ia willing to consider the wishes of the ialandera, but aaid the "recovery" of the islands wat backed by all Arientines. STATE She said his constant harassing had made her anxious, aometimes sick, and she couldn't sleep. "I am fearful," she said, "that he may actually kill me and in the process hurt others who may be nearby." She said she had contacted Tustin police several Umes about Dandan, who she claimed was violent and dangerous. Police officials, however, said they didn't have the staffing to per- 10nally guard her. Tustin police Lt. H.D. Williams said one of Ms. Crosby's neigh- bon aaw Dandan drive away in a car that was traced, through the lloe?We plate, to him. Dandan ls a Lebaneee national who had lerVed four yetirs in the U .S. Navy, he said. Ftiends of the victim said ahe initially met him at her job at the Xerox Corp. in Tustin, where he had been a aecurity guard. He waa booked into Orange County Jail on auspicion of mur- der. Bail was aet at ~.000. State's population up California gained about half a million residents llnce the 1980 cenaua, but Orance Co\&llty grew more alowly than the state. Pap A.6. COUNTY Pendleton watches over tern Alona with the military tralnlna pvm Martnee. Camp Pendleton officlall concem i.MmM!v• with . protec:Una.the rare 1Mlt Wn. hp AB. Do aleohollm ap futerf 'n..'1 DD Mrd Wd•N ... alaohbal !flt.,_.., but a UC !Mii ialiadl& _, dr791 that. Piii 81. • e1m ' azes Evacuation center set up; many hurt By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL t • . " Of .... Deity "°4 ..... Fire whipped by Santa Ana winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour unleashed its force in Orange County t.Oday, consu- ming at least 50 homes and apartment houses in Anaheim and Garden Grove and forcing the evacuation of 2,000 residents, firefighters said. Several persons were injured, said Anaheim police officer Werner Race . Firefighters said they couldn't say for sure whether everyone escaped the d ozens of apartments that burned in Anaheim and homes gutted in suburban Garden Grove. ~ An evacuation center was set up at Ball Junior High School in Anaheim, and authorities said 500 evacuees showed up there. • However, initial r~rts that flames were approaching within a mile of Disneyiand were disco.unted. "At this time they're blowing toward the west, away ; from us," said Disneyland spokesman Al Flores. ' Five houses caught fire in Garden Grove when winds toppled power lines, igniting gas meters that burned four , homes on one block and directly caused a fire at a fifth hoWfe,_ officials said. Flames spread into neighboring Stanton, where an in- dustrial complex caught fire as well, firefighters said. In Anaheim, scores of persons in their nightclothes lined streets in the area as firefighters attempted to get the upper hand on the flames. Many people whose apartments were destroyed were temporarily relocated at a Red Cross emer- gency shelter at a nearby school. An Anaheim Fire Department spokesman said the fire broke out about 6 a.m. Officials speculated that power lines ripped loose by the strong Santa Ana winds were responsible for igniting the blaz.e. Anaheim summoned all off-duty personnel and requested and received assistance from fire departments from as far away as Ef'Toro and Los Angeles. Witnesses in the area said It appeared that numerous apartment units were destroyed by flames. One observer said every other unit at the Palm Villa apartments at Euclid and Ball was destroyed as the fire jumped from rooftop to rooftop. In Garden Grove, firemen at 4 a.m. were summoned to a residence at Lampson Avenue and Nelson Street where sparks from a downed power line ignited natural gas escaping from a wind-loosened gas meter. Minutes later, at Nelson and Allen Drive, fire consumed three houses and damaged two others. A Garden Grove Fire Department official said another fire burned the roof of a home at 12600 Susan Lane. And by 8 a.m ., Garden Grove firefighters were checking reports of heavy smoke coming from llanCho-Alarru1.os High School at 11351 Dale Street and a structural fire at another location. Damage in brief Here in brief are wind and fire damage reports from ~ughout Orange C.Ounty today: ST ANTON: One industrial building at Katella and Dale Street afire with the entire city fire department respon- ding. ANAHEIM: Fires triggered by power lines being knocked down by high winds set 25 buildings on fire, in- cluding 1,000 living units. An estimated 2,000 residents evacuated. One fireman injured. GARDEN GROVE: Fifty buildings burning; 200 resi- dents evacuated. No serious injuries reported in early re- ports. INDEX At Your Service A4 HOl'09COpe B2 L.M. Boyd Al2 Ann Landers B2 Bua1lle9I B4-5 Moviel Al4 Herb Caen B2 · Mutual Funda B4 cauf omla A5 NaUona.1 Newa A3 Cavalcade 82 Public Notices B4.D2"'3 """fled 1>3-8 Sports 86-8 Comk:I AlO Dr. Stelncrohn B2 ero.woro AlO Stock Marke1a BS DMth Noticel D2 TelevWon Al3 Editorial Al2 Thea ten AU D\tertainment AH W•thes' A2 Food Cl-lf World Newt A3 SPORTS Another view on Begle Columnl~t Bud Tucker doean't tblnll a.lite l J..._ ii ~ my bettll' -)II& older. Piii M. THE BEACH -Efforts were being made y U> keep the 50-foot ketch, Dama, from back into the sea after it went on the h Jle&I "M" Street on the BaJtV. Peninsula o.lr ............ "1 Lee P9JM Tuesday night. Unidentified skipper made a wrong turn about 9 p.ni. in dense fog and missed the entrance t.o Newport Harbor. s~aeli j eiS~lii Rli6::· ~ebanese sources say 19 killed, 40 wounded alt thEmUT, Lebanon (AP) -b- 1Q.S3\.Ji jets blasted Palestinian slrongholds south of Beirut and -cfow ned two Syrian MiGs In dogfights today, ending a nine- month truce in a hail o! bombs and rocketa. T he Isareli air attacks were mounted after an Israeli soldier was killed by an anti-W\k mine ft'°vthem ~banon. lsrael confirmed the raid, and lhe Lebanese government and ~Palestine Liberation Organi- laaion said the jets set off fires 1IJbi drew heavy anti-aircraft fire. •bll!banese government sources ~ first estimates were that at least 19 Palestinians were killed ·ilnd matttffim'40 wounded. &rtJThe Thf'aen ~ommand in Tel j{'J\Mv sa}*j\\i'~ets doW'ried two ~:;.nan Jet.S. 11U~ Syrillli'~ovem­• nt in DamaSC\4S said its ..ucface-to-air missiles and jets !ttf•ogaged enemy jets In a dog---t. The result was the hitting •at one Iarull eJane and two Sy-~ jets. Our Hgtlting planes are ,tm llying in Lebanese alcies." l he Christian Voice of Leba- radtr~ the Iar.eli jets ne<L& dan MIG..,71s that · mbleJ after the-Israelis eted Syrian missile sites In c Bekaa \Talley. But the Mo- slem Voice of Arab Lebanon ~lo said Syrian SAM-7 missiles r~ned two Israeli jets in the Bekaa, :n miles eaat of Beirut. The Christian radio also said the Israeli jeta dropped decoy balloons south of Beirut to lure the Palestinians' heat-seeking missiles .. There was no Lmmediate in- dication that Israeli ground troopt were Involved ln the raid. The PLO said 60 Iaraell F-15 and F-16 warplanee pounded the Damour, Douha and Naameh townships south of Beirut In a "crlminal raid." Lebanon's at.ate rad.Jo and television said 20 jets were Involved, that they new in four formations, and that thick palls of black smoke billowed from the bombed areas. ~-attack began at 2:30 p.m. -4:30 a -.m. PS1' -and conti- ' ~ rnoM"thmt SO. minutet. i _,,.,~bl\t.,.,aiay co~r. Gen. Victor kboury. and lbe PLO said ln .eperate statements Israeli helicopters pa trolled a 50-rnile stretch of the southern Lebanese coast from Beirut to Tyre as the jet.a went to action. Government sources, who de- clined to be ~. said~ 8nifi~ naar stA 'On the fi.ill.s :at the Mhionabte 00u- ha neighborhood on Beirut's aouthem flank were devastated . by Israeli jet.a. The Israeli military command in Tel Ay-iv confirmed its jet fighters'struck deep into Leba- ~\' eat to~ WWlde ~ mcin ttwougfl 1oo.y, ..... l--1no off Thurld•y. High• H to H , fow1 30I to tow 40a, Nonll 10 ~ ..... 1&-30 mph ••peeled In~. Nor- thwn "-' ... 96 to 76, lowl In 40I 8ouUMm ~ lllgtl9 12 to 12. lows In 50e. Hor1hem _, C«ttr91 C8llfoml9 lllllr ~ wwm ttvougll Thutldey. Gutty nonMatt to Hit wtnde ""°"" ,_... I non on bombln'-runs against Palestinian guerrilla targets. A military communique said that l&raeli air force jets bombed Palestinian guerrilla targets aouth of Beirut and another two targets northeast of Sidon, a Mediterranean coast.al town 35 miles north of the Israeli border. The Israeli communique said the attack was In response to several "bloody attacks In recent weeks" by Palestinian guerrillas on "Israeli ctviliana ln larael and . in Europe which reached a cli- max this morning whan a terro- r I 1 t mine killed an Israeli aoldier." It said "the targets that were bomlled were Uled as active bases !.or terrorist actions against ls- .r.ael" and w.e.re used to atore 1>111Pi:UJuY1~t. the ~u­ nique said. The Tel Aviv command said an Israeli soldier was killed and another was seriously wounded today when their jeep bit a land mine in the Israeli-1upported Christian enclave In southern Lebanon. Israeli aources said 'the • • land mine blut was the IJ10lt se- rious violation of the PLO-Iaraeli truce, which a1.ao ,P.rohJbited hoe~ tile action in Christian enclave. The cease-fire wu mediated by the United States In July to end weeks of cross-border fi~h- ting. · 41 Slnta AM .. ,, Sen\9 BMW• M 48 S\ntl Cruz " M s.nt9 Met'9 78 c s.nt.e Motlic9 61 Stodltotl 19 21 T9hoe Vrllfly 52 43 'Th9mwl " 71 Torrlln09 85 21 52 YurM 84 a. "° Newport slayer ·guilty An Oranse County Superior Court jury convicted a Newport Beach man of second-d~sree murder Tuf!llday for the stabbing death of a Laguna Niguel ~11- neer who waa dating the defen- dant'• ntrangecl wlte. Moat jurora, however, were at.artled to learn aft.er announcing their verdict that there waa sub- stan Ual additional prosecution evidence that wu never intro- duced and which, they said, could have affected their delibe- rations. The six-man, six-woman panel returned with its verdict after deliberating .for more than a week in Patrick J . Fogarty's murder trial. Fogarty, a former lrvlne city employee, was found guiJty of killlng Bechtel Corporation engi- neer Donald Frank Cook, 2~. whose body was found in the bedroom of his Ellendale Drive home by a roommate ln February of 198L Orange County Superior Court Judge Jamee K . Turner schedu- led sentencing proceedings for May 18. Jury foreman Roy Compton of Anaheim said the panel was still undecided as of -rue.day monalng whether foprty. 39, wu lullty of first or aecond-degree murder. Compton said the jury waa split 6 to 6 on the iaaue before reaching its unanimous decision· later in the day. He aid the ~eet evidence against Fogarty was the testi- mony of a bartender friend, Chuck Miller, who said the de- fendant admitted to him that he killed Cook. The victim had been dating Fogarty's estranged wife, An- drea, several montha before the killing. But the jury aoon learned from Chief Deputy Distrtct Attorney James Enright that there was additional evidence he wu un- able to uae during the trial which Compton later indicated could have ntade the deliberations much easier Enright told jurora outside Turner's courtroom that another fri~d of Fogarty's, John ~­ dale, adn)Jtted \o lnveatigaton that be accompanied the defen- dant to Cook's Lag-Jna Niguel home a week before the kiiling. AUTHOR DEAD -Archi- bald MacLeish, three-time Pulitz.er Prb.ie winner for lit- erature, has died in Bost.on at 89. ~ .......... STIFF UPPER LIP-David Wilson stands outside his gallery in Santa Fe .• N.M .. with a sign he posted and a British flag he said is from the turn of the century. Wilson, who is of English descent. sells English antiques and was in England at the time of the Falkland lslands takeover. · MacDonald refusal of bail requested RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Government attorneys told a federal appeals court Tuesday that convicted murderer Jeffrey MacDonald should be denied bail because he would be impelled to flee rather than face Life in pri- aoo. MacDonald, a former Green Berft doctor, was convicted of the 1970 stabbing and bludgeo- ning murders of his wile and two infant daughters in their Fort Brag, N .C., home. He was sent- enced to three life ierms. His August, 11'79, conviction in U .S . District Court In North Carolina was reversed by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals here July 29, 1980, and he was freed on bail at the appeals court's insistence. But the Supreme Court on March 31 reversed the appeals court decision that MacDonald'• conviction was Improper because he had been denied a speedy trial. He wu lmmed.iately taken into custody and now is in federal priaon at Tenninal Island, Calif. MacDonald had been living in Huntington Beach and working In Long Be.xh on $100,000 bail since the appeals court decision. The bail waa revoked by the di- strict court In North Carolina af- ter the Supreme Court acted. MacDonald'• lawyers imme- diately filed for a review of the Supreme Court decision, and ap- pealed the bail revocation to the 4ta Circuit Court, saying it re- tained ju.Nd.let.ion and its earlier o,rder abo~ ~ tt,j.}l, WU valid. But iiAVerpmept attorneys in thelr wfitten response to tbat argument. told the court Tuesday that the power to grant or conti- nue to deny ball rests with the district court. Terms of the appeals court's 1980 order granting bail, they said, "Lmpllcitly continued the district court'• power to act. at least where a ~~e of dr- cumst.ances dramatiCally ~ sed risk that MacDonald would flee." And the dlatrict court, the government ~ hu "arople grounds (!:Ir' bellD'Jlll that IC&- Donald COUkl bot aoDlpt the licl- denly looming reality of life im- prisonment and that he would take flight at whatever unP.re· dictable moment this reafity struck home." U the appeals court disagrees.' the government said, it should consider the government's res- ponse a request to re9dnd its bail order. MacDonald was convicted of killing his pregnant wile, Colette, 24. and their daughters, Kimber· ly. 6, and Kristen, 3, at their home at Fort Bragg. He has ateadfas1ly maintained that the murders were commltt(!d by intruders who chanted "Acid Is Groovy. Kill the Pip." Last Friday, Brian Murtaugh, Justice Department attorney superviairlg the MacDonald cue, said the FBL at the request Qf a retired FBI agent. has reopened its investigation of I.be cue onf.be basis of new evidence. : The evidence 1s • tQoed ltft-- ment by Helen Stoedcley. a one- time police informant. SALE Our FIRST EVER ... To make room fof aur \ NEW SPRING LOOK EVERYTHING IN .THE ShtOP .... 10% TO 401 Of.F ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 21 THRU MAY 1 • c~ w. 1ut.t-..· . 3'29 e. Cout ...wy. • C0ron1 d•I Mar • 873-8510 l Orange COelt OAtLV PllOTIWedneeday. Al>rfl 21, 1812 . . [£}filU~rnrn ff WOOffi[OO Reagan says statistics altered Jobless report said inaccurate because of 'funny' counting BY WALTER H. MEARS ,.,.,._Cem11rn•rn1 WASHINGTON -~rding to President Rea1an. somebody hu been Jimmying the flgurea again. Lut time, he Mid It was Jim- my Carter'• people, trying to make the Inflation-control record look better than It really was during the 1ut campaign. Now he blames government 1tatlstlclans, saying that their funny way of counUng led to a report that unemployment rose when it actually declined. Who'• right and who's Wl'(\ng depend.a on the method of com- puting the numbers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says it produ- ced the moat accurate reports possible, in those and all the other economic indicators. The president's complaint about the unemployment report stemmed from seasonal adjust- ment, a system designed to dis- count predictable changes in . computing statistics that measure NEWS ANAtYSIS employmeni, prk9 and produc- tion. "Over the ciow. of a year, the size of the nation's labor force and the levels of employment and unemployment undergo sharp fluctuations due to seaso- nal events such aa changes in weather, reduced or~x anded production. harvests, ma holi- days and the opening closing of achools," the Bureau of Labor Statistics explains. "Because these seasonal events follow a more or less regular pattern each year, their influence on statistical trends can be eliminated by ad- justing the statistics from month to month." Seasonally adjusted, unem- ployment wu worse in March than in February -even though the number of people out of work declined. So when an elgbth-gnde dvics ,, W\: ...... QUITE A m GH SCHOOL -These three are studenta of a high school of sarts, actually the Florida State University Flying High Ctreus. They were performing recently in TallahaSlee. From bottom are David Martin, Joe Ligafelt and Patti Wilsey. student ln Geneva, Ill., uked the president when there will be more jobe for people, Reagan saJd there already att. " ... In spite of the fact that \he reported . . . March unem- ployment went up -the sta- tisticians In Washington have funny ways of counting, there are -there were in March, ac- tually 88,000 fewer people un- employed than there were in February," he said. He said later that government statisticians had projected that unemployment would decline by about 200,000 "and when the dec rease In unemployment wasn't as big as their projection, even though it decreased, they called that an inc rease in unemployment.'' The raw numbers bear him out. The BLS reported that there were 88,000 fewer people unem- ployed in March, and that there were 525,000 more people wor- king than In February. But when those numbers were eagan, O 'Neill confer .adjusted to dllcount l>Ndiotaba. late-winier fluctuadou, ihere were 279,000 more DeOllle out of work, and 90,000 fewer people ~ployed than in February. v.nn, the adjusted figuret, the Bureau of Labor Statistics re· ported that the unemployment rate r<Sae from 8.8 percent to 9 percent in March. BLS Commiaeioner Janet Nor- wood said anyone tracking trendl would want seasonally adjusted data ln order to see what really la happening in the economy. Eco- nomists generally agree on that. Besides, the aeaaonal adjust- ments cut both waya. In January, for example, the BLS reported the un·employment rate went down from 8.8 percent to 8 .5 percent -even though the number of people unemployed actually went up. The atatia~ project a sub- stantial end-of-the-year increase in unemployment was holida,y season workers laid off, and the increase this year wasn't aa big aa an t.ici pated. The Consumer Price lndes, the most commonly used gau1e of inflation, also is seasonally ad- justed. And in that case, it works to the advantage of the admini- stration. With seasonal adjust- ment. the latest CPI works out to a 3 percent annual rate of infla- tion. Without seasonal adjust- ment, the rate would be 4 per- WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre-cent. sldent Reagan and Republican As the economic scorekeeper, congressional leaders CQllferred the Bureau of Labor Statistics on the budaet at the White has been questioned and critlci- House and, minutes later, Reagan zed before by administrations called Speaker o f the House unhappy with the numbers. Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. to say he "We are criticized when our hoped the negotiators can reach a data are too high and we are compromise. criticized when our data are too ,,, "",, .... DOG-TIRED -Shannon Hurst. 17 months old, and~' a 5-week-old puppy, found the recent dedication of the i 250,000 Monterey County historical park a bit tiring. The park, with 1111 original 1873 school house, wa.a opened in King City. Actor Timothy Bottoms aided in the dedication ceremony. New self-portrait unveiled of America The two men, who have not low." Mrs. Norwood said after taken part ln the diacuasions but candidate Reagan complained WASHINGTON (AP) -"A high peroe.ntage of people who must approve any compro-about the 1980 inflation reports. Americans have a new self-in povert7 are women ra~•inl miae, spoke for about six minutes The issue then waa a change ln portrait, and It's not a picture of children,' said Census Oi.recwr Tuetda ·d tiaJ k "Onie and Harriet" or "Archie Bruce Chapman. "Poverty -1y, presi en spo esman the way wholesale prices were Bunker." to attach itself to people tl')'ll'l IO David Gergen said. calculated. A month before the raiae children alone." A spokesman for O'Neill said 1980 election, the bureau report--Asians are enjoying larger in-......._ _ the Democratic speaker viewed ed a .2 percent decline ln prices comes than whites in the United \...rutpman documented the wt· Reagan's call 88 a "positive sign" at the wholesale level _ explai-States and 10 percent of the deJy reported growth In the becauae it marked the flrst time rung that the decreue stemmed people In thia countcy are ~pea-number of women in the wpr" the president had acknowled~ from the lnctuwlen of year~d klna a langua,e other: than En-force, commentine that the ·way a "need for some changes" in 1he discount& in automobUe prices. gllsh In their homes. One of for a family to succeed econmnl- bud '-bmitted Co 1 ded every eight Americana la poor. cally la for the woman to work. get ne IU to ngretlll Those dlBCOWlts were inc u ln Th lf led Between 1970 and 1980, the in February. the index for the first time in e new 8e -portrait, pain be f 1...1...... "-The spokesman, Chris Mat-October ·l980, and without them, In 1980 and unveiled by the num r o wor ..... '6 women ,-u• thews, alao said O 'Neill was the wholesale price reported Cenau. Bureau Monday, shows ped 58 pe~nt, while men in Che pleued because It waa the first would have been up by .4 per-that America ii more a melting work force incttued by 42 per- Urrfe he's heard directly from \he _pot than ever. The report waa amt, he said. president on the talks, and be-cem~gan called it "jimmying of 6ued. on long.-foan ~111ua re-Other ma1>r findino included: cause Reagan conceded that the official government statistics . . . turns from o.ne In five Amer--Americana usfng p ublic: meetings have amounted to "They have taken to making icana. transportation to get to work "negotiations." Reagan has in-highly questionable uses of offi-The study contains a maa of declined to 6.3 percent in 1980, · 1i1ted publicly that h is aides cial government statistics to su-.statistics, some new and others down from 8.9 percent a decade were not negotiating with mem-garcoat the bitter pill." confirming trends previoualy re-earlier. bers of Congress.. ported. -For the fint time more &.ban "The president said he was Rats •. nfest Of the 23 mllJlon Americans half -66.3 percent -of all hopeful there could be aome sort using a language othfr than of compromise. They didn't Englian in thelr homea, 48 per-people aged ~5 and over have di9cuss specifics." Matthews said. cent are speaking Spanllh, the completed four years of hillt He said O'Neill kidded Reagan Milwaukee report. said. achool. . about his earlier insistence that -About 17 percent of Amer- th ·•-ti · MILWAUKEE (AP) -Fea· Aaiana, according to the 1980 icans have comp1'ted four yean ere were no nego .... ons gcnng census had a m•dlan family o• oolle~. up from 11 .._..,_t in on, and told him directly that he ring an "explosion" in the rat • ~ ~ a-,._ • ..._. l h .... _,_,_ · • population, the health comm: .. _ income i n the Vnl\ed States 1970 be !eves t e aunlUwttrauon s po-... • 07 Th edi . Ucy is the cause of the nation's sioner has declared an emergency of •22• 5 a year. e m an -There are now 5.8 mUllon economic difficulty. in a 900·block section of the inner family Income for whltea wall one-parent families, or 19.1 per- Sen. Howard H . Baker of city, where one out of every 10 $20,S40. Hispanic famillet ~a centofallfamllieswithchildreb. Tennessee, the Senate majority homes is believed infested with median income of $14.711 and That's up from 12.3 percent in Th the rodents. blacks had a median income of 1970 leader, told reporters, " e pre-· sident has now indicated very Constantine Panagis issued the $12,618. Non-family houaehoJda, that ii clearly that he is willing to go the alert Monday and ordered r~ The median household inoome people living alone or with noo· extra mile.'' He added that Rea-dents to clean up heaps of o~~ 1tor the country u a whole in relatives, increased 71.9 pe~t gan "wants to play ball. He garbage that are Un.Ing alleys and 1979 was $16,830, up 98.3 per-during the decade and now~- wants to cooperate." stacked haphazardly against ia-cent during the decade ending atitute more than one-fourth -=- Baker added , however, that rages. 1980. 26.7 percent-of all hOU8eholdJI. the main stumbJlng b'lock t o .-~------------~;.;;_-------------------------- agreement is that Reagan and O'Neill have not met. Syria severs important ties Gem Talk Your golden opportunity to own Omega Quartz. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Syria's President Hafez Assad has closed his country's borders with Iraq, severing Important trade routes and cuttinR off the pipeline that carries crude from Iraqi oilfields to the Mediterra- nean. The economic sanctions Indi- cate Assad feels the time la ripe to bring down his longtime rival, Iraqi President Saddam Hu.saeln. The actions are likely to help Iran in the border war with Iraq over the vital Shatt al-Arab Persian Gulf waterway -a war In which Iraq had suffered se- rious setbacks ln re<.-ent months. ..., ........ ..., It ... I • .......,~ ,,,... ... ._ .... ~ ... JO.Ill ........ , '"' -"°"' OOlfr "'" .. ......... ..,...., .... lu!IUi,11 r:, .. 111111 ~=\'OW~-·-= ~~ ...... ~-- CIHalfled •~afnt 7141142-Mn All otMr departments 142~321 MAIN OFFICE .. _, ... ~k. C-Mfte, CA. MeH .--: .... U•,C.U -..,CA._. C_,.rltM HD Or .... GeMI l"Wtl ..... ~ • ... """ ........ ...,.,.. ....................... ... ........ ,,.. ....... ...., .. ••tflC .. ...... ~!al.-:; lllllR·~-. "The Syrian government ap- parently feels that Iraqi presi- dent Saddam HUllein la ready to go. That's why they moved now," aa.ld one Arab analyst. who declined to be Identified. The independent economic weekly An Nahar Arab Report. and Memo predicted Syria'• move would likely lncreue lroq'• dependen cy on oil-rich Arab creditors on the Persian Gulf and further drain c.aah reMr'Y'eS, eati· mated to be half thelt '80--bllllon level before the Iran-Iraq war bepn ln September 1980. What do you Hkt aboul tbl DaUy Pilot1 What don't you Ith" Call lbe number below and rour mt1111t will bt rttorded tr1n1cribed and dellvertd lo tht appropriate tdJtor. ' Tbe aame 24hour1n1•tri111 MrvJc. may bt uJ4td to record-let ' tt;a \e the tdltor on any toptt Mailbox contributor• muat IMh.tdt their ,..,.,. and ttltphont nu......,'°" v.w,.uu0n. No tlreulatlon calla, pltaM • -""! Tell ua what'• on rour mind. , By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cnt1fl#d G~molog11t, AGS GOLD'S DURABILITY beckoru Nlvqen Becal* ol lt8 unutnc dunbWty, gold that baa been buried ln th• extremely tW'lh mvlrcnmlnt o1 the aea la often the &ar,et of aalva,. cnwa who know they will find that the 6eeo u....... • ttW "•FOCI• ...... lllllionl ol dollan .. ..-t. and ma.ar b~ of work alMI .x- pendltuN of lh•t teebftkal re· ~ '° Into the a-.,,..., ,_,.to reoowr ....... TM..._ undertaklftl lnvol"' al-' tioo mlllion ln pld whkb Ut111i • \be Bridlh wanblp ~ wh6da WM IUftk ln 800 fml of W9W olf the RUlllan port of II~ du· Ml World War ll •It UW to ""7 the .,ad to the U.S. In 11811 'far AnWricM IU~ IOW to .. ..... ... ,,....,. •. fa.et .... .... ther•, and tb• ..iv.,en Wlftl It. Under an aarMnMnt, \he •lu.h wllJ 1•t on• third of th• 1old bro\&tht up, with the lovlet P· ernmtnt 11uln1 tht .,,.., t••· ....,.~u.•.•~...._. Mid IMUranoe on &ht·'-· TM Ill· . ........ ,.. .. .,..._., ........ ............... ' I \Ne proudly pr,_,t these etev-nttv ltvted Omege 14K gold quartz timep«eS. F« him. distinctive deslgr'I with a 14K gold Flor,mine bracelet Fof her 28 lhlmmer- tng d .. mondl •nd a 14K gold leittured btecelK Boch haw precese quartz moYementa for amazing accurec:y And both give you a golden apponunlty to own the finest in Swiss craftamanshio-Omega. .... ....... tis ' .. $2900 I • State's Toads • tops 1n . cows produce town Sy PAT llOROWITZ I or ... .._ ........ ftbs•a PAT: ........ ~ ..... &Ht CalUeraaa ....... ~. CONWAY. Arlt. (AP) -•tifmDll -Wleeeala. Cu '" .... &Me "' fw ••T·,f There 111 a cuundl of _.. Jed by lla'1tirelaUY11 la..._.. Wiie w..W M •11~1• ~ • 11 lt't • he9d io.d. They plan to crown ~ ·-.i:!Jueeo wed, have a -P.T. lia....._ a..e. oontmt and try to Sorry, CaUtomsa 1a leOOPd amonc the ....... <Wt.:icmn " &be ptu-_. ''toMUl'!>I·" ftn.ltf lft tqw alk pcoduc:Uan. However, California II ant In milk ~·.a I*" oL .. &at T-0ad ~ ps ciow. 'You =lnt.erelted In~ that i. . auall~~at'l ..... •tion at ~ Callforala fanben 12 mUUon tatw of~ -a iiiitC ._. WMN'. .... bid TQld 45 t of U. nation'• 22 lJrimar)' fr.h market .. •••NM and SUek teriy \.-cl to e.rr)' people 49 t of the l*1ie ~ procc1ud veptablel. · acroa the Arkanw,Rlver bet-·'l• ween Faulkner and Perry Tape o~der in limbo ~t~t.he tint of what we 1nte- ..PEAR PAT: I t"9erM five eueette '-'" ,,.... PllblbMrt nd to be an aonual celebration," =al Buua el Aveael, N.J., l• early FebrHry. I've oalJ u.id John Ward of Conway, who yed ._ tQe ud die paperwork dlat eaJM wldl lt MN I& eaya he la the hetld toed. wu a "lllaft rier." Cu yoll Had o•t ltlow loaa I wtll laave IO wait The festival will be held April ,., ......... . for.,.. Nlawee ef my or4er ao be fllledT 30 throueh May 2 at the U.S . ~. R.H., Lapaa BUb Army Eneineera' Toad Suck -:>MAYbe fettYer. Publiahen Central Bureau'• <.'Ultomer lefVioe Park. ~oman uid there II "no way to tell bow lona it will take "We certal.nly want to preeerve foe Alellvery." She refuted to give any time estimate, notinl that the memory and the legend and STRAWBERRY FIELDS -Yoko Ono, widow of 11aln Beatie John Lennon, potnta to model of area of New York's Central Park to be dedicated "Strawberry Fleldt," after a Beatles tong. if UW wu not 'eatiafactory to you, you could request a refund and the r o in• n c e of To ad Suck it would be malled to you. The decision la yours, but A YS ·thinka ferry," Ward said. w..~ the mast casual approach to doing b\.&1in91 the column hu Legend haa it that workera Alda preferred ever.~ ac:rom! from the lteamboata that trave- C led on the river would atop at a ' d J' bo Silverfish bothersome tavern ln that area and "suck on as i ea SS l the bottle Wllil they swell up like Actor Alu Alda would be 1>EAR PAT: I move4 ialO a aew apartmeat ud flad &ht toads." the ideal bo9, acc:ording to a &UN were ,...vi•• teuatl -1Uverfl1._ T'Hy ~e la ~ clOlet Hence the name. survey of eecrecartes throug~ _....Fm werrtff .._, dley eat wool Do .. eyt Row eu I set rid "It i• a very. unwnaal name," bout tbe nation. f ....... 1 Ward said. "li ou don't unciert-o .-m ~ Manpower Inc., • tempo-. ?>' -.......-s.-rc--.,-tC0....,1wrr1M~1ir--+--timct-'Fmn:t-Sud~.-thl!'!ft""'Y01tr"ll~~1-raey help .umt, •Ld 32~ ae---· SUverfiah seldom damage wool, so don't worry. Their pre-hapt have to take a dim view." cretaries.it surveyed tn con- ferred menu includes cereal, paper that has glue on it (wallpaper, Ward said Toad Suck Daze nectlbn with Prof-1onal Se- book bl.ndinga, envelopes), starch in clothing, rayon or linen fa-evolved because Conway hasn't cretaries Week choee the 1tar briq, · had a community or regional ce-of the TV series "M-A-S-H." -Insecticides available to control sllverfiah are liquim, bait lebratlon before. Some of the words lea'etaries pack.eta, dust or powders. Carefully follow manufacturen' dJ. The council of toads -local used to describe him were rectiona and cautiona when using theae producta. Apply aeroeol peC1ple who are interested in "compa.aaionate," "creative" spray (any which lists silverfish on the label will be effective) preserving Toad Suck'• memory and "conaclentioua: PLANS TRIP -Libyan directly on the door and window caslnga, baseboards, closeta, -is supervising the festival. Runnerup wu talk show stl"ongman Moammar booktaae. and areaa where pipes go through walls. Use bait The man who looks most like a hoet PllU Doull•e. followed Khadafy will make an of- packdts by placing them ln locations ln which the ln8ecia hide toad and the woman who looks by Pre1ideat Rea1a•, TV ficlal state visit to Greece such ,as cloeeta, under rugs, in bookcues. Uae a bulb duster, least like one are to reign as king anchorman Du Ratlter and from April 30 to May 2. He pow~blower or pl.altic .queeze bottle to uae duat or powders. and queen. columnist Erma Dombeck, ln will have talks with Pre- De ta fine layer at places mentioned for apray control. Unless Bill Steed, who operates that order. mier Andreas Papandreou. the teria.18 become wet. they remain effective indefinitely. You Croaker College in California to ----------------------may to apply a .econd treatment if control la not achieved in train frogs for jumping contests, abou three weeks. Aleo, follow label precautions Lf you have is to supervt.e the jumping toads. Progreuive Savings & open-heart surgery in Fe- peta. ; "Nothing will give me more Loan Aasociation wants to bruary. It's al.:> the first time pleasure than helping change the reach the busine9B people of the lecture-circuit favorite ia ''Got a PIObletiJ1 Then write to Pat Dwm. Pat wtl/ t cut recl ta~. ge~ the answers and action you • 1 need to ave .l.oequitw in aovemment and busintw 1 M.a your qUMUanl to Pat .Dwm, At Your~. 1 0rVJP Cout IAily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'6(), Coirta . Me11, CA 92616. Al many letten • pcmlble wiD be ~ but pboaed inquiries or linen not Jadtldln6 the l'N· der'a!tuU ~. addrss and buairlt!9 hocus' obone numbt!'l' can- not ~ con.sld~red." ~ -• t \ toad's poor self-image from ugly, Beverly Hills, ao it's "starting helping booet a financial ,n. dirty, dumsy, warty and stupid at the top'' by peytng former stitution, said Washing~on !!.J1t,8;~~=~·1ean -cut and Secretary of Staie Beary A. D.C. spokeswoman Susan Kl11ln1er to speak today McFarlane. - Ward aaid people are wrong when its ne w corporate "When we r eached for a when they aay toadfros. headq started """h t th "A froc la one thing," he said. uarten opens. name, we • 06 ta e .. A toed i. another." Kiaainger'a echeduled pu-top with Mr. Kiainger," u- blic ap\larance ls one of ~ aoclatlon Preside nt Lon E . ;X<WJ• lbta.cm. l1nd.~kn1~~er I Cirst al ce he underwe nt 1 Hannoo said. flP8Jt .. 1f Pilll• ... ""'" ~ ,11111 1 1111 lc:r. IFt 1D OWJ l~h) frop, he said. .......... OVlR . -· .. .... - FLY ,. Yelle 0.. IAuee la than· lic!nc world ludtn for dona· Unf treH and 1tonH for 118 nwbettY Fteld1 " a tri1n1ul1t &1land In New York'• <:ent.ral Park that ho- non the nwmory of her alaln hUlb9nd, fonnet" Beetle, ... l.Auee. .. .._your~ IOUla. You are boeutlful,' she l&ld. Accordinl to lAMon'• wi- dow, 31 countri" haver..,. DOnded to her req...i to all. heaclt of atat.e to help make the 1aland "a prden of love: an 1lland ln which all nadorw oould arow together in hannony.'' Sl~ora Pa•I StmH and Art OlrfaMI. reunn.d for a flve-week concert tour of Europe• end Japan next mon· tb, Hy they may tour the United Sta tea togflhH Dr collaborate on another album. The 19eOll alnging duo got tosether for a concert i.q "New York lut fall alter 11 yeara as eoloilta. But they told a new• con- ference in London on Mon- d a y they w on 't remain a double act forever. Actrea Breacla Ba.et, who killed heraelf, made her final appearance Tuesday u the eeductive Lee Wllllama on the NBC aoap opera "Daya of Our Lives." The lalt ecene in which she appeared was taped by Miss Benet-befo.re ahe shot heraelf April 7. Tht;diMppea.raotCre ot ber cbanAfier. a ~ teduc- tre91, will be left unexplained until Ma}' 13, aaid producer Kett Corday. He said he could not reveal what explanation would be given. The character of Lee Wil- liams will be temporarily written out of the show. At a later date, the role will be recast with another acinsa. Dr. E . Marpret Barbld1e will receive the Catherine Wolfe Bruce medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the University of California announced. A. former director of En- &land 's Royal-Gr-eenwich Obeervatory, she is di.rector of the Center for Astrophysics a nd Space S cience at UC'a San Diego campus. Dr. Burbidge is th e tint woman to receive the award, esta!>lished 84 years ago. AND DUY. Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi fro m just any dealership when you can get the special treatme nt at Park. · · At Park Porsche/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in custo mer service. Your new Park Porsche o r Audi comes complere with a Park Preferred Servi lub Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentaf}t-se;yices. You 'II also have a nal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all ~tU' aut.omotive questions. J\rld; f you· d like ~. -( y. to pick up your new auto mobile right from the facto~ ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-PO=l)(l-i J AU Di cated to giv~ng you t.he first class treatment you deserve. U I E ANY OT Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi NL K HER difference. ' 6100 MaMhac.r ltvd , Buena Pattl, Ca. 906ll ( 7J •> 'J l 862 I U I') 9l t • 77.f• The Beech ltvd. •II otr the SUta P~. ~~~ # Petk PoracfM/Audl Invitee you to a apecl9t ~. Taking a European vacation? Join us for complimentary wine, cheese and travel films, on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Pat1< Porsche/Audi will introduce its all new. unique and unlike any other European Delivery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by pfcking up your new car In Europe. For more tnfonnatlon call 714/521-8621 or 213/921-n«. UNLIKE ANY OTHER:al;I(._._ ~•d. tMUG1 rum Bu Part<, Ca 90621 • _ .. . TV .segment can·celed Muncie I olks didn't like portrayal of student• MUNCii, Jnd. (.\P) -The April. Now the lalt epMode, dea-and that th•yjold them c:amen c.ptund more of MWlde llnl with the two people faclna (filmmalcen) not t! film certain than IOlne of lta Nlkienta want.eel 1econd marrl•1••· wOl be tef-thlno." he -1d. the world to know, and the ret· evl1ed tonl1ht . (Channel 28, 9 Afthouah hia clienta have not ultln1 controveray hat forced p.m.: Channil 00, 10 p.m.) dropped their leaa1 proceeciln8Ja, cancellation of one epi8ode of the "For PBS and 0.vta Produc-Brfokman aatd ihey decided to ''"·part, •2.8 =1~bUc tel-tiont to malut that kind of ded-put the 1ult on hold until they evtalon lel'iel life ID IAon, we mm& haw had IOIDe le-flnd out Davia' plana for the ftkn. 1 mJddJ,e America. ·, .. 1al ba1l1 fw our •Uen~" ,.1d "ff he attempt• to 1how, we Filmmaker Peter Davi.I •Pfnl Franklyn Br ink•••"' ~r .. a will pur1ue" all the peopt. tn nearly Ouee ~· 19aldn9 ..Kunde attormy ~~ti char1e o1 production, Brtnknaan "MlddletoWRJ'o\tWtd6 t .. 11 .the more·than a ._...!121 .. and ukl. lt.ory of an-~ ~l parenll who three to ate. Davll had hu denied wron1· basketball game, a.mayonl coo-"We feel like th•,.. wwe vio-doln1, aaid hl1 filmmakers cap- t.eel, the atnalet of a pbza par-lationa of certain conatJtuUonal tured whatever wu happenin1 lor owner, a aecond rnam..,e for rightl, the rt1ht to prtv.cy, and and didn't .et up lnddenta. two divorced people and the final there may have been certain, PBS' action may have utiafied year In hi1h school for aeveral mlsrepresentatlona," Brinkman the unhappy dele1atlon, which Mund6 teen-agen. said. Included Jamea R . Needham, It W81 that episode, \(!ntltled "There are allegatlon1 that eneral manager of PBS' Muncie "Seven teen," which drew the they (the atudent1) were told =fflliate WIPB· John Beasley 1trongeat re.ponse from tho1e eome things wouldn't be ahown attorney for Mu'.ncie CommunttY who participated in the docu-Schoola· James Hedae, principal mentary. They didn't like what • of So. uth1ide H11h ~hool; and they uw. M k l Sam Abram auiltant auperint- Their re~on was 80 negative oney mar e endent for ~econdary schools. that a five-man dele1at1on, In-But they're not talking about cludin1 the principal of South-l•DtereSt pay PBS' action. aide Hl1h School, traveled to Beasley and Needham a1ao re- Waahin1ton for a meetin1 with fused comment about the officials of the Public Broadcaa-Up Slightly Washington trip or their reaction ting Service. to the cancellation of the aeg-Armed with videotapes and m~t. affldavlta of atatementa by atu-WASHINGTON (AP) -.. ~And school Supt. Donald dents and parents -u well as Banks and aavlnp and Joana can Slauter said, "I only have two the threat of a l'wauit-tf the pay as much u 13.16& percent mmenll to make. ~iwe ap. epilode weH!r(.t ~ed ...._. the : in t ereat o n ll~"1Donth money edate the• fact 1ttaa P88: .w~ group got what it wanted. • ' "Jnarket certilicates, a 1llght in• to nteeti wtthi OUJ'\ljedpte PBS asRelct ~tao:to •maike" 1 crease from the prevtot» rate of -tnd receive lnformatlbn; and c ha!'ge1 ~•'P"otY•m , l>ut 13.1S4. two, we appreciate the fact PBS DaVlS said"he -preferred to ~ The-~ e w ta te on the made the decision not to 1how the show Intact. The se1ment, $10,000-minlmwn deposltl ii ba-the program .. pe ppered w ith profanity, In-sed o n Monday's auction• of Th · b PBS Da . eludes a por tion in which a short-term Treasury aecwitiea, ln e agreement Y • VlB teen -age boy describes sexual which about $4.7 billion in 1ix-and the delegation not to make ex lolll ln detail. month bills were 10ld at an av~ detail.a of their ageement public ~he Xerox Corp. which hel-rage ditlcount rate of 12.719 per-has mystified some residentl. ped underwrite th~ series, wu cent, down from the 12.899 per-"Frankly, I th<>';',ght it lhould also critical of the episode and cent of last week. have been 1how, 1aid Mayor withdrew 1Upport for an adver-The government allo 1old .Alan WU.On. "The film did have ti.sing campaign. about $4.7 billion in ~month profanity throughout, and there On March 30 PBS canceled bills at an average rate of 12.497 were a couple of kid1 smoking "Seventeen " ~hlch had been percent, down from the 12.849 grus, but I wa1n't in any way scheduled t~ be shown in late ~nt of last week. offended by the film." Thru May 22, 1982 Fish & Chicken Dinner Only •i.39. ~,. . ,., .......... . FAMILY HIGHLIGHT -Christian fundamentallats Phil and Phyllis Tobey, daugh~r Rebecca and son NoeJ., strive tQ ~P Gpd uppenna.t in tlietr lives in '1Comrnunity qf: Praiae.''•one of. t PBS prefM!ntattons of HMiddJetown." NEWS f r om all over California is rounded up each d ay in the DlilJ Pilat -.. coaster t (8 .tf)O SANTA CLARA (AP) -'}1>e man.,.-of the amUMment I*:!< where 1$ peop1ia \Went hurt in'l'>m roller ~oa1ter aectdent tald ttiVa~ ride would remain cloted untftD •• comple~n of an Investigation., Man.pr Jim Mortow dec~n to speculate on, whether t'iil,1q Whluer ride at 'Marriott!• G~~ America would be ~nnanen~ e• closed. A 13-year.old Palo ~ e• boy died after ridinr the attrec· ton two yee.n ~o. ~B 1' "We Mu make IUl'e' the ride ufe or we will not open it," ,... aaid, blaminB the accldeJ>t Su'tf.tll'JJ day on the dama,ged tiret of tmo"' four-car \rain. "aw Morrow said becauae of we'» iol the tires failed to ,n~ a rail f8 the train was being ed up tfie initial grade, 40 eet off ttteoq~ ground. Morrow 1ald the tlr~• ~· were inspected and found sMJ 11 before the day'a rides~. ;r,w Jr .., iurlJ The train stalled and roll~~<.>V" back 450 feet Into a stationary - train in the station. r ~ Ten of the Injured were trei-l · ted by park per,onneJ. Thrge declined• treatment, and Aly~·,ds James, 12, of San1iJl'randlco, Wf.!lbaa taken to O'Connor libspital Mil lo San Jose where she was treated for a bruise and releued. ,., It was r eported that no go•.n'l91 ernmental agency hu jurisdi(jllood tJon in the accident, including 6Jm! Santa Clara city building insp.M- tor who said the incident did notl'>e<; involve building codes. •..iiJ'.'9, 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_._~~~~~~~~~~~Mnqa b')'Jib .. ---------------------------------... ,{.,rxi :hHO Robinsons ,1JU, W0<.4 LJ14..CI (I rlJ (&m uodc ll'lq IJ1'..<: ouun.c.H , > b.n u .aif J ' I.Jet two great tufes In ourrr1n c:,, le: h .ld .. .., '-• ,.,\IU.tl •P•l ,.\u11ft Monday May 3, 1982 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. , Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a crispy nsh fillet and two tender whJtemeat ChJcken Plonka,• served with fresh coleslaw and golden f ryes. *' HARBOR BLVD. -COSTA MllA . Jutt South Of Sen otego Frwy. Acroea From Fecko Introduction: Janet Kelly, R.N., Community Education 1bplcs: What is Coronary Artery Disease? Risk Facton Diagnosis Surgical 'D'eatment Rd\abilftation Spmker'I: Joel H. Manchester, M.D., Cardiology John A. Drews, M.D., Thoracic and Cardiovucular ltJrgcry Carol Covm,ton, R.N~~ 'Cardiac RduibilitMioe\ ... - .. J 0 w I T~ percent Of Newport Center eWt)lllis are r'\OW involved 111 nde s~ogral'l}l~ffered by Center1de, a spartftl.pn man~ement ~Er f"'ew Port Center bllsmesses T ~le are a dnvtpg force. u o otf'POOls vanpools and Orange CQuntyTransit blltrict (OCTD) buses tO"get to and from work. And by shanng the ride to work each day. they're getting some great benefits. Like a significant cost savinps-up to $2,000 a ~r on gas. repairs and insurance More hme in the morning to relax or read the paper. And lhe opportunity to make new tnends and acquaintances that sh~re a common goat OC population up· 1.4 percent State has gained hall a million re idents since '80 census . California gained more than half a mllllon new resJdentl In the 16 monlha followinl the 1980 cen1u1, but Oranae Couniy'1 lfOWlh rate WU alower than the 1tate's u a whole. eettled or were bom here. The et1Umate1, luue-d by the It.ate to help aovem allocation Of tax dollua and other fund.a, ahow that mott of the 1tate 1ro~th took place in Southern Callfbr- nJa. State ft1ure1 for the period from Aprlf 1, lNO to July 1 of lut year 1how that CallfornJa11 population ~pt.-d fnJm 23.7 to 24.'J rniWOll durJ.na that period, a 2.2 percent lncreue. • The eight aouthemrn01t countiet galned an eatlmated 327 ,000 resldent1 during the period, while the :SO northern countJea grew by 201,000 .. However, the (.'()Uftty'• popula- tion ,rew just 1.4 pe~nt u an estlma\ed }6,591 new ret1ldent1 Tiny Alpine county, with an lncreue from 1,097 resJdenta to eome 1,300, had the largest per- H~~u~a~n,a . Heapin1 select loo ot Quahfied Hopefuls in the DAILY PILOT HELPWA T_ED_A~ offera everything In casual country club elegance • 27 holes of championship golf • 26 tennis courts (8 lighted) • 2 awlmmlng and 1¥frothera.pt/ PoOle • 348 deluxe aleeplng l'l)CWnl • l)eatled In bMutlfUI Rancho Mirage. Calif. (In the Palm Springs area) at base of the magnificent Santa Rota Mountains Come see for yourself why we've become "The Gem of the Desert" ~~us. V RANCHO LAS PALMAS RESORT. •1000 90b .._ OfM Alldlo "'"°' CallotM 12710 (71"1 Ml-2727 0t Toi Free (800! nH290 «nt.age growth during the pe. nod, an 18.6 perttnt lncreue. Loa An1elea County, whlle recordln1 growth of just 2.1 per. cent, showed the largett numerl· cal lncreue -a galn of 164,297 ret.idente -to puah lta total po- pulation to '7,631.800. ... u Kid care books to be curtailed WASHINGTON (AP) -The Health and Hu- man Services Department i.a conaidering plans to curtail the free distribution of two of Uncle Sam's most popular publkationa: guides for parenta titled "Infant Ca.re" and "Your C'hlld From One to Slx." The department hands out a 'million copies a year of the two bookleta, lnclud,l.ng 600,000 copies given to mem.bers of Congress for distribution to constituents with newborns or young children. As part of a government-wide Reagan ad.mini- sL .. tion effort to prune federal publications, the Office of Human Development Services within HHS is seeking ways to cu\ Qack the $1 .44 ~ it spent to print, 'to~ 1md malJ~.l tSe~ of 282 1 book.Jets in 19~ l. 1 l:>MJM:> IWOl / Fifteen of lhoee ~2 )>ublicationl are longer being printed. Abo, the agency has 9erlt Health and' Human Services Secretary Richard S. Schweiker a propou.l to sell the other bookletl at cost, except ~ • ..J ~ ~ th~wui.nda:;t ..,. '9w fe. frtt ~ .. iw&en. aaMh Pilot adve'hts1,;g.' • 'Pa\ti& McKe ey, a spo~ the agency. ! is good Pamela B&iley, the t'a ..W~t se- business for cretary for pubbc af~ :idSCWe0ter has made Lanz of no decision. She said the department is trying to "The Daily Pilot has been our most effective source Of advertising." Nancy Orchard, Manager Lanz <'f California Fashion Island California. come up with a policy that will allow exceptions to provide free brochures for the poor or for distri- bution .in campaigns such as Its current "Healthy Mothers" drive. While most people get ''Infant Care" and "Your Child From One to Six" free. the Govern- ment Printing OHice also eells them and they rank No. 1 and No. 3 on the GPO'a ad-time best-seller list. In· Cisca1 1981, 71,350 copies of "Infant Ca.re" were sold at $2.25 while 525,600 were given away, including 349,331 through members of Congress, accordlng to McKelvey. .... your ride lfs~y A,.,. tum You can do 1t through your company-sponsored pr()Qram or by calling centeride at 720-AIDE .W'U supptyyou with a "match list" ot people who ltve a convenient distance from your home, who 1haa1e our work hours end are emplo either at your company or at anot er Newport Center location. Call Centende today Or mail this coupon to P 0. Box I, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Find 01,Jt how you can join the driving force in Newport Centor .. Some 82 o( the 267 HDS publications are aold by the GPO, he said. Co~ing Wednesday, Aprll 28 Timely and topical hinw from getting Into herbe to getting rtd of enaffl, ph'8 Indoor tlpa on lkytightlliMd • trend• In fu~t~ ,• Orange C.oatt DAILY PILOT/Wednead.ay, Aprll 21 , 1982 • Consumer henef its f rorn down titne in the tuna industry . . LOS ANOELl8 (AP)-What lt t.hNt ot Ua 'plant.1 for t.hre.t weekl ret.atl price of canned tuna hu ln-olhtr entUI to finance the con-with 1,300 employeet wtll oloae biiit IWWI fOf' the tuna lnduavy Iii and reduce the price of a S~-ounce cr--1 by about~ peroent, lndu-ttructlon of their v ... ela. Their April 23 and the third plant In tumlnt out to be aood new1 for can of tuna by about 20 cent.I, Vice 1try tou.n:ea uld, prompttna "'>n-lntereet ratee like everyone olle'• May.,uez, Puerto RJco, will be Idle can.umen. Prtliden t Edward A. Ryan eald. 1wpen to buy•-· hu 1one up dramat1cally." for three weelq bealnntns May 28. Bec1u1e of a worldwide tuna C.\le & Coou lnc. Mid lt will. Ryan explalned that the price of A n ew tuna ve11el co1t1 more Ryan aald whole1ale coata fell 1lut. varioua canner& l.n Loi An· olOM Ill Bumble Bee brand tuna tuna hu lncreMed tor two reMON. than $8 m1Won to OONtruct, Ryan laat week and trl11•red a quick 1•lel and San Dle10 are cl01tn1 plldc.lna pl.ant ln San DleSo lndetl-"The domestic tleet ha1 expe-.dded. drop ln retail prioe1, producint "an tMlr planta and lowertnc the price nltely, tdUni 900 worken ln 1-te rienced prob1ema ln two areu: first Star-Kilt'• Terminal Ia1and can-lncreaH ln 1alea tha t'• quite of Clrined tuna. May, uld J!'.riUe Petel'IOn,,ln charae the cost of fuel 11 up and the other nery ln Loe Anaeles will cloee Fri-gratlfytn1." Star-Kilt Jl'oodl Inc .• the nation'• of production. la the fact that almoat all of the day, ldJln1 2,0"00 workera. Ryan Comwnen have been· paytna 99 laraeet tuna canner, will clme all Over the put three yeara, the ve11ela have loana from banlu or Mid a faclllt on American Samoa cent.I and 1.05 tor a 6 ~-ounce . __;~~~----.;__~~~~~~~--:;...._~~...;;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~- SPECIAL I SPECIAL I •Nfl(ll-· c.ltm lt•t 51° .. • OlllA fllimr1l9 ,_ -Ill ot I •O.mm&-IU•t• ... ltfa~ .,__,,,_, I Q flD 1 $00 SOFT IOOY WAYE One-step loall\-in aerosol ::.:'.':""~If I "C::=~i ' ,. - "---------'! .. daiesSe CUlllOL CLAIRESSE. IUMPOCMM ..-colO. Assorttd ·no-ammo111a· shades 3.59 u .. COmEICO BIO-KUR HAIR REPAIR. HOT OIL mAmJfJ YOUI~ P•OfllUIU 1.99 .. #EOashtw ·· SANDALS I ' ...................... • ClllllllJ ""' -, ........... .... '·~ ......... ........ ..... -. AD PRICES PREVAIL: WE DNESDAY APRIL 21st THRU SATURDAY APRIL 24th GILBEY'S COUNT VASYA QIN VODKA 17SLT. 9.99 1.1SLT. 7 o 49 INGLENOOK LADIES' SUN TOPS Choose lrom a range ol beautiful solid tOIOI and pleated 1~• polyester tops lllMfl °"[Ml£ .88 ~ \ I .) ,.. '), r,' /\ t( -3-TIER DURUU: SHEL YING UNIT ., WD-40 SpraJ Lnrk.t Stops SQueaks. P'°ttets Metil. Loosens Rusted Parts & frees SIJCky --:·:t49 .. FUCKER WOMAN'S SHAVER Tough enough tor close clean shaves gentle enough tor delicate feminine .·~~'1.99 CAU,OANIA NAVALLa ..... •m.llMIC ..... eat.-•• L. .. .SLT. 2.99 u SAVE•1.10 VASELINE run P£TIOUUM Jlll Y For family slltn care OLYMPIA BEER 12 •z. CANS 12PAK- SAVE •1.00 ~ ~,!A~~ ~ 1 DISINFECTING ~ SOLUTION . . I For more convenient ' f I JO'' I 2f" 11.88u NOITHt:ltN "HOT PRO" ·sTYLING BRUSH Hot Brush Hot Comb. and Hot Wano 1n one• All-around cur111111 to1 Vie all·aroono glll 1 L . :.~. '"""".""" ~15 0L 2.29 ' .... 3.89 SAVE soc CORTIZOIE·5 SAVE&&< '!. AllERGAN M HYDIOCAK (1;1 ii: For soft :, · .:. lens care -• IOL 2,49 ll11Y CllOClll ·-s&RRmsr· CAKE MIX ·~ ........ ..... . _ _,,.. With ltfllOft ,Ulce lof 01.ra clllnlno powlfl ? A real space·saver 10 help keei> your items organized Available in metal walnut finish tUnassembltdl ... COPP£1TONE The Savage Tan~ 'JIMICAl ll(JtD DARK TANNING LOTION OR OIL .,... c:Gl.tN" Made from pure linear polyethylene that can be lrozen 01 bolled SAVE•&.07 -ROUGHNECK : GAU• lllfUSE COMTAllElt IO ltUGGD, rr LOVU AIUSEI '· Win a free trip for two on AIROIL b 1•ourdyll PIH/7HH PIH/71111 PIH/7H U PIH/7t1U I M ICONqMIHR' . • 70 ..,_.Tr.ad II dll.,enl ·PLY POL VESTER ORD BLACKWALL$ 'KM RADIAL 225' STEEL BEL TED RADIALS Our Reg. 66.97-P165/80 R13 .... ...,"'-duty Shoc ks RadlaMuned Shock• MacPhenon• ltnm ny U.S. cars and It ·Our Best. fOf all tires. fit s. · All-weather fluid many U.S -mode c ars. 5.44 2-CU. A. Peat Moss 4.57 1-Gal. Sago Palm I fa troplcol !Oc:*. Tough. leron1 houee or patio ptont. QIOW!ngc and 11"'9 core 6.44 4CMb.. Fertlltzer A c~ Iron-rich fertilizer for ev~ )'p\J grow. ·-~~ ~ Ill • .. j'!! , 2.97 1-Gallon Planll Vour cholc• of H;»ollon cttrua, Doney Tancl)eflne Of Eureka Lernona. ch Monro-mane• Shock• 2.87 1-Gallon Fish lase A fish bose plant food for everything you grow 22.97 Tank Sprayer •7 lig htweig ht pol yprop_v "e tonk. 1Y2-gotlon 1.27 Color Pack Plants VOOI ~of petunloa, mortgold'a. and ~ more. 6 p1ant1 In room poctc. 50\llng prlcell Diec lrake l.,.okll Front only for many \JS . Im- port cars. Light trucks more. "--PO<h ClftO _VIC.._ -~ -Ole Of adOlltonol COtl ..,..,_IGlllC "'<>41• I 10 mooe H.D. Muftler tMtolled Quality muffler fOf many U.S cars and light trucks Save ) i"'hMI J MeMh 'tff ··~=·:.:.-.. :::•-4 ................... ,,...,.,. A41twti-. ... t ... , .. ,_ .. , ••·month lattery Mo1ntenonce-tree; m ny cars and Ii 6.97 Ground Cover ful~ flats ot ground co.w. popvk>r J f ssr'ed vo~s. stondof~ ~f$. , Color Reprints Froin Negatives 14$ Prints From Sllde1 41• ~r 1.32 Ot11pp1d ............... Dellcba~ nain~ made.,.,, . Deir ............... READY FOR FAIR -Dustin Fisher. 15, and Debra Courtney, 12, of Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club, will enter rooster and pygmy goat in 4-H Spring Fair Saturday and Sunday. The fair will be held at the Orange County Fair- grounds in C.OSta Mesa from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Admission ls free. Marines aid rare bird . CAMP PENDLETON (AP) -In tank-rutted terrain, the leas\ tern bas !"1.ally found Jll'OtecUon -thanka to aome big, \()Ugh Marines. The smallest of the world's 39 types of tema w safe behind electric fences that keep out coyotes, foxes and skunks and behind signs declaring "California Least Tern Nesting Area." In addition to the signs put up last week along a deserted beach of Ca.mp Pendleton, the base na- tural retlOW'cell office is building an island for least tern nesting in an estuary nearby. There are believed to be an estimated 150 pairs on the world's largest amphibious military base. California is home to an estimated 900 pairs oC the least tern. At least five other endangered species are trying to make it at Camp Pendleton -with. the help of Marines. They include buffalo. the light- footed clapper rail, Stephen's kangaroo rat and the C.oyote Thistle plant. Paul Campo, a civilian engineering geologist who heads the base natural resources office, says his people "have a symbiotic relationship with all the birds and animals on base." But "the marsh m Southern California 1S just about demolished," said Linda Belluomini, a 27-year-old wddlife biologist and one of eight civi- lians on the staff that includes 22 Marines. The staff inclwdes soil conservationiata, b~raulic technldaDI. a eolol\st.a .-n4 C8fQfied ~o ... 'I l Mlil Control ottkert.:'l'la ariHual budptM S70,006 p T h is is a time o f speci a l tare for terns. ~t • • • ... ... as they work to protect the rare animals and birds that have been driven to the isolated area in which they abo are threatened by heavy gunfire and massive Marine traming operations. There are 141 acres of ponds and lakes with popular game fish mcluding rainbow trout, channel catfish and bass and thousands of acres of moun- tains in the 125,000-acre base in.oWhich hikers could go for days without a sign of human life. ''There's no such thing as a typical day," says Campo. "There's a crisis every minute. practically. For irutance, buffalo might be out of their area. Everything the troops plan to do may be shot be- cause you have to get the buffalo out of the unpact area. "There they. are. just wandering around, and they don't fear anything." Thl1 is now nesting time for the least tern, though, from April to August, and a time for special care for them. The natural resources people of Ca.mp Pendle- ton are rounding up the tiny b irds wi th white plumage, pale gray wings, black cap and their black -tipped yellow bil11 to band them, then set them free. ~ r --P:~ -:-- u t ure nostalgia , .felt by write r BOWLING G REEN. Ohio (AP) -Science fiction writer Ray Bradbury says he keeps his in- nocence alive at age 62 by feeling "nostalgia for the future." The author of "Fahrenheit 451," ''Tbe Martian C hronicles" a nd hundred• of short 1toriea, Bradbury wu at Bowling Green State University to r ecelve an award for hi1 work. A coll~ of his memo- rabilia and booka, preaenied to the univenlty by ldence fiction writer Wllllam F. Nolan, wu dedicated. Bradbury told a new1 con- ference that be malntaina bJ1 ~lrlt of Innocence by keeplfli • ._. feelinp of childhood all~"" .. U your lOV'S att Ml'Olll u a child and -... can hoJd onto 1hem, you dO t.. 1ndbury aid. rtWben I w• a chUd, I Javed d t.,,.un. Beca~ ol that, I've 10tten wrlth'I jobl (about dlnoeau.rt). What that •YI to me la. ~ lale your low of dlnouun. l have a nolta1'la for the fuwre." Tobacco firnJs swi~ch eIDJihasis CHAJU.D1T1. N.C. (AP) -TaMcco laiicluiilrj .....,IN, who UIU&lly buttonhole PGliUdull la w......._ 111 U.,'re lblfdnl thlfr-a.-.-to "'Dini u.. ,,.,.u., of the •wnae mu anct a • ftl~lmdtuttwm•d ,.._ ... ... ~ .... oolor ~la weftl.1_~ ....... . .,.._ ................. lind TV Ou611e. • I l I Israel-Arab ·show sharp' ~ PUD aarDNBERO "'l;lt ~K -The laraell·Arab contllci on the We.t Bank la IO complJcated and frqrnent.ed thal both l&ct. takef on elementa of underdoc and vtctlm. ~ .. That'• lhe moat lutl.na tmprelllon of tonlaht'• •0 ABC News Cloaeup: Fbrtl'ell lsrael.'' a documen- tary th.al hu aome or1an11.ational deficiencies, but •tUl manac-'° brina a multifaceted lituatioo inio 1 aharper fc:>cw. (Channel 7, 10 i).m.) J'ram the penpect.lve of Dr. Sam1r Cabeth, • Pal .. tlntan nationallat who wu jailed without c~ lut ,.._., llnel la a pruon. It rules appro- TllOlll prtated lands, occupied by 800,000 Aral». by sup-· preuing political dlaaent, banning books, closing IChoola and making mass arrests. .• "I expected the occupation to last three montha, l1x months," Cabeth says. "I am living the wt 1~ years under martial law." For Cabeth's filth-grade child. Israel is a mili- tary dict.atorshlp. "Soldiers with we,apons to my children are Iaraelis," Cabeth says. "Any soldier from any country is an Israeli. He is a Jew, he has a gwl." Ol course, the need for aggressive self.defense st.ems from Jewiah history -both ancient and 40 years old -and the antagonisms of the Arab world surrounding Iarael. Within these historical contexts, Iarael, a democracy, sees flt to govern occupied lands as a military dictator. "Every settlement in Israel is part of a ten1to- rlal defense system," says Ariel Sharon, Israel's defense minister. The J ews in Israel are imbued by this need to survive. Many of them see the lands taken from the six-day war In 1967 as their biblJcal blrthrtght. tHJlhe experience <JTtne•Holbaluat only made il much clearer," sayt•Ouatth Cohen, '"that ... onel needl a homeland to get a ~trdnger foothold on this earth.'' One of the many irorues is that the Arabs could say the same thing. Mrs. Cohen, whose pa.rents survived Auschwitz but loet a child there, says she doesn't "feel guilty for taking anybody's land." She's aware of cliscrl- mination, but not overly concerned. "I alto know ... the other side of the tragedy, and that's my parents' tragedy." Children go hungry ClilCAGO (AP) -High inflation has left so many parents without enough money for food that 1 thousands of Chicago-area children. are going to bed 9 hungry, according to charity officials. ____ _ 9 7 Faci11 ForcllHl'I? Moy Toke Ovw Po""9nt1lAfMt h1n•· eilsh '~·~-·' 1 .. u Private Porty. Prtnclpte1 0..., , ..... lpecW Apt1I 21,·27, 1112 ,......,ec-= a.. eel I am lndegenou• to aft Venzuela and Southern Re B razll. I have a allm elongat9CI body and heed. iru A8lde from my unique un--1 .. rthly appearance· I eat vi< elgee. Don't wot1t to hard ALL MAKES! corbel· enjoy yO\tr aquarium, let 833 _0555 rM help ei.an up the al· i!~~ am on ule at G~ 3J9.''"' Tr~ fOf only Atlc for Ray' wh VISA° • lWl SPlCIAUST at a1a1 mo w. W••c.ta 11na HOWARD Chevrolet neJ S4t-l3'l•C.W....,, la• c-o10.....-o..1tt er• =================...1.._.~ __ .._.'l..!!!!. s.e..,~~x:H~~ . WE IRE OYERSTOCIED! $ave now during this spe- c I a I sale to reduce our stock. We have selected a number of your favorite styles. Now's the time to get your size and color at . ·--"1111 3414 WAClmTO ... ,IUClt 714-175-5954 $19 Toke-with Price Save $3 OtxReg. $22 Full-featured TV Stand For 19" oolor TV sets. $29 Toke-with Price Save $7 Otx Reg. $36 Stand Wllh 'Cane' Shelf Walnut-tone vinyl veneer. s29a•ave $40 Reg. $338 lult In IMllMCllher 4-cyc le wosh includes short wash and energy-saving dry option. GSD400W. 1J" ::. Color 1V 100-W. 90lld state chassis. Weighs only 33 pounds. •r=..._ .... ACIOC operatton. 100~..otld ttate QhaoM, Mod.t 12XS< 1268. 100 Instant Savings On The Pair! Specially Priced GE. Dryer Or Washer r s2e1 ~3~r7 s3~~~~~4 Save Save •50 •50 $ 308 Save $50 '°'9clubbere Dllhwalher 6-cycle wosh Includes Pow- er SCrub9 cycle for pots and pons. GSD551W. 19." ::. VII ti Color VIR II Broodcast controlled COior. Energy conscious chossls 'iHhia ~--Microwave Vonoble cookl~ control. rotating Carousel • more. s39 ~--:rs Price Otx ~eg. $44 Microwave oven Stand Stain-resistant finish. $54 Take-wl1h Price Save $10 Otx Reg. $64 Begant Microwave cart Enclosed storage area Take-wtth Price s327 CafOUMl9 IWcrowCIYe Oven Rotating food Carousel~ vanab6e coci<ing control. 19'' ::. Color -.mote V1R II Brooocost controlled color. Oval mode remote control Israel• Arab · show sharp' f/..,PUD aoTllENBERO 'AA '31x -The laraell·Ar•b conflict on' the Weet Banlt la 10 «lll'nptsc.ted and trqmented °'-t both lldee take on elementa of underdo8 and victim. That'• I.he most lU\ini 1mpre911on of tonllht*a "ABC Newa C'loleup: Fortre. 'mael," • documen· tary that hM 10me orpnb.ltional defidendea, but •till man.,. to briJll a multifaceted llt\AAtion lnto lharDer focue. (Channel 7, 10 e.m.) l'rorn the penpective of Dr. Sam1r Cabeth, a Palatlnlan naUonallat who wa1 jailed without chaap lut .,,..,, larael la a prl.aon. It rules appro- Jl lllllW prtated lands, occupied by 800,000 Arabe, by sup-· pretalng political dissent, banning book.a, closing llChooll and making mass arrests. "I expected the occupation to last three montha, l1x months," Cabeth says. "I am living the last l~ yean under tnartia1 law." For Cabeth'1 fifth-grade child, Israel is a mili- tary dictatorship. "Soldiers with weapons to my children are I1raelis," Cabeth says. "Any soldier from any country is an Israeli. He is a Jew, he has a gun." Ol co~. the need for aggressive self-de(ense stems from Jewish history _:both ancient and 40 years old -and the antagoni!rns of the Arab world surrounding Israel. Within these historical contexts. hrael, a democracy, sees fit to govern occupied lands as a military dictator. "Every settlement in Israel is part of a territo- rial defense system," says Ariel Sharon. Israel's defense minister. The Jews in Israel are imbued by thb need to survive. Many of them 1ee the lands taken from the six-day war lh 1967 as their bibUcal blrthttght. 1"ft>e experience afltfte Holbcauat only made it much clearer," say11ouaftn Cohen. , .. that ... one1 needl a homeland to get a stronger faot.hold on this earth." ·One of-the many ironies is that the Arabs could say the same thing. Mrs. Cohen. whose parents survived Auschwitz but lost a child there, says she doesn't "feel guilty for taking anybody's land." She's aware of diacrl- mlnation. but not overly concerned. "I also know ... the other side of the traged~~ and that's my I parents' tragedy•'' Childre.n go hungry CHICAGO (AP) -High inflation has left so many parents without enough money for food that thousands of ChicagO*area children are going to bed hungry. according to charity officials. F1ci111 Ftrcl...,.? Moy Toke Over P~nt1•AfMfhMe C6h TcY-111 .. l'wl luu Private Porty. ll'rtnclpte1 °"'Y ....... Spectal Aprtl 21.-21. 1M:l Fertowetlal acua: UI I am lndegenou1 to Vanzuala 1nd Southern Brazll. I have a allm elongated body and head. A9lde from my unique un- earthly appearance I HI algae. Don't WM IO hard enjoy your aquarium. let me help clean up th• al- . . I am on aale at tic Tr~ lor onty VISK -mo •· W.•Cesb 11na s.t.lJtl•C.. Hirt. ' ... ~;:w:r~;..;~~ ALL MAKES! 833-0555 Ml for Roy, lWl Sl£CIAUST ot HOWARD Chevrolet C-ol Doo9-0.-Sta ~~BEA1:M - WE ARE OVERSTOCKED! $ave now during this spe- c I a I sale to reduce our· stock. We have selected a number of your favorite styles. Now's the time to get your size and color at ' •• ·~-..... 3404 VIA Cl'mTO .._,IEACH 714-675·5954 . . Take-with Price Save $3 Our Reg. $22 M·fealufed TV stand F0< 19" color TV sets. $29 To ke-with Pric e Save $7 Our Reg. $36 Stand Wll\ 'Cane' IMtf Walrut-tone vinyl veneer. s29a•ave$AO Reg.$338 .......... Dllhwellhef 4-cycle wash includes short wash ond energy-saving dry option. GS0400W. 13" ::':i Color TV 1~ solid state c hassis. Weighs only 33 POUnds. Wed. thru ·Sat. Sale 100 Instant Savings On The Pair! s 308.av•$50 Polloftlbbere DllhwCllher 6-cycle wash Includes Pow- er SCrub9 cycle for pots ond pons. GSD551W . 19." ::. VII II Color VIR II Broodcost controlled colOf Energy conscious chassis. s2aa llm-.. 1e 119crowave Vartoble cooking control. rotattng Corousef•. more. Toke-with s399 GI• 91-Channel Color let With mldbcl'ld chornel t\.fl- lng fa oab'e. Much morel ~s39 =:-:rsPrlce Our Reg . $44 Microwave oven stand Staln-reslstont finish. s54 =:-:$1~ce Our Reg. $64 Begant Microwave COit Enclosed st0<oge area Take-with Pt1oe s327 Carowet• 119crowav• oven Rotating food Carousel" variable cooking control. s4aa 19'' ::£. Color ...... VIR 11 Broodcost controlled color. Dual mode remote control. .. .. "Could yoJ buy junk food.when you were little, Grandma, or was it just homemade?" "AR"ADt:kE by Brad Anderson \ ..Th• ta.? You know full well my bo11 11 coming to dlnMr. I went to look nice!" n----.,., SLUGGO, WHY ARE YOU PRACTICING YOUR TROMBONE OUT 1-4ERE? "Who set the blanket on high?" ~ GORDO Jl'DGE PARkER G.\R•'lt:LO • YEAH I HE~ 01.0, &JT !CT" NEAA AS OU) 16 ~f LOOKS: rP!ll!!!!~~~~ SOME~" 15 RfALL V GOINC:I TO 0E 5CJRPFUSEO ,:~ OPfN1kAYo. DRJ\88Lt: Mf(\CK, ~ 1001'~ IS ~ ~. llM'f OOM''f 'fQJ »51 ~1'. Mt.. 110U ' 1lE~ rooo~ HAO ~!>TED Of Pl'lZA ANO HO-HO!> ? IT DIDN1T WORK INDOORS I by Gus Arriola ( GUBIT -Jame• Meyer, chancellor of UC Davia, will be ~eetatmee­ of alumni Uvlng in County. Davis aluinni to meet James Meyer, c ha n- cellor of the University of C.altfornia'a Davi• ~f!~i?t-¥-4'f!4fa1t=• alu d tbe r '1:1 get-. ... ~ • The event ia ICheduled Saturday at the Airpor- ter Inn in Irvine, starting at 6 p.m Mike Henry, chairman of the event, aald there are more than 1,000 UC Davia alumni in the county, some of whom graduated more othan 50 years ago. Interested alumni and their spouaes and guests are welcome to attend. Reservations can be made by sending a check for $16 per penon to Bob M cClure, Cal Aggie Alumni Dinner, P.O. Box 964 , Gard e n Grove, 92642. For information, call 774-7050. urrri811 • set 1n t~ death ctiZrged ~~ Vv~= manalaughter and felony drunken driving in the death of a 4-year-old Santa Ana boy will face a Central Orange County Municipal Court prellml- nary hearing April 29. Judge John Hyan scheduled the proceeding after defendant William .Rowan, 53, pleaded innocent. Rowan, who hu pre- viou1 d runken driving convtctiorw. ia lllCCUaed bO being the driver of a car which kllled David Gunderman on March 20 While the youn&'lt.ef' WM 1tandlng on a atreet cor- ner waiting for an ice cream truck. The acddent occurred on Fourth. Street naa Grand A'Vmue in :n Ana I I J~Jge Ryan allow Rowan to remain free Ob $5,000 ball. Prosecuton were WlfUCICt!llful in ha- ving ball rai9ed to $50,- 000. Space topic of talk a llG. 7 ... UTILITT BOARD & ROLLING PIN ~ Heavy quality Nor1hwooda hardwood. Great fcK c:utting, chopping, MNing and rolling pastry~· .. --. . . . .. "GARFIELD the CAT",99 PLUSH ABEAN BAG Sif him up, ~him down, he loo... to ploy. Apptoxlmat.ly 9" tall. • GARFIELD PLUSH CAT Cut. & fiesty and fun to hcwe orgi-... Approximately 15" tall. x20" GARFIELD · _ MED POSTERS GLASS 699· fJI cdar cartoon potet In a real TOUI wood frame. CMOICI CLEARANCE SALE OF OUR ENTIRE 1st QUALITY INDIVIDUAL ... IMPORTED DURAND FRENCH CRYSTAL GLASSWARE fOll CllOKla tMCll • 1• 11M1. IOCIS • 11-111.ol. IMIMI llASS ,_.,.........._...._...• OIAIUllT J" CITSTAl IOWl 2ro.99! ... ,_,. OIAIUllT ... ,l'MZ.-.-at • ... 1/WL WA111 Mii.iT .•.. ffC ,.. CJIOICI ~ . I' MIEllC&S FINE :UGlll COORS BEER 6-PACI llG. 2.49 9 12-o&. cans. 21-IN. TALL DECORATOR 1599 TABLE LAMPS 0.00. wood column, mrarnic ginger jcr or glass baMs. With shades. Whi .. Stodo Lmtl YOUR CHOIQ ~I I I / l GtJBST -Jame• M~yer, chancellor of UC Davia, wlll be apedal aueet at mee- ting of alumni living in orange County. Davis alu1nni to 1neet James Meyer, chan- cellor of the University of California'• Dav{1 campia. will be the ' 0~~1~:.:'..~~::l~ii.tii alu~~ d tbe't-r get-t>tte . ..... The event ia acheduled Saturday at the Airpor- ter Inn in Irvine, starting at 6 p.m. Mike Henry, chairman of the event, said there are more than 1,000 UC Davia alumni in the county, some of whom graduated more olhan 50 yea.rs ago. Interested alumni and their spouaes and guests- are welcome to attend. Reservation• can be made by sending a check for $16 per penon to Bob McClure, Cal Aggie Alumni Dinner, P.O. Box 964, Garden Grove, 92642. For information, call 774-7050. H~rin,g • set 1n t~t ,~eath,, A '-1lslton Vtejo tnan charged with vehicular manslaughte.r and felony drunken driving In the death of a 4 -year-old Sant.la Ana boy will face a Central Orange C.ou.rity Municipal C.ourt prelimi- nary hearing April 29. Judge John Kyan llCheduled the proceeding after defendant William Rowan , 53, pleaded innocent. Rowan, who has pre- vioua drunken driving oonvtctiom, ia llCCUaed bO beina the driver of a car which killed David Gunderman on March 20 while the younpter was standing on· a street cor- ner waiting for an lee &ream truck. The accident oa:w:red on Fourlh Street. n.ea Grand A.wnue in !} Ana ' ~ J~dge Ryan allowe Rowan to remain free Ob $5,000 bail Prosecutors were wwucce11ful in ha- ving ball raiaed to $50,- 000. Space • topic of talk . •••~••••~ r -••••• - Orange eo..t OAtL'Y PILOT/Wedi'ield1Y1 Al>t1t 21, 1912 UTILITT BOARD 4aa & ROLLING PIN ~ Heavy quality Nonhwooda hardwood. Gr.at for cutting.~. MNing and rolling pa1try dougtl. "GARFIELD the CAT",99 PLUSH BEAN BAG Sithimup. tqualhhlmdown, he loY. to ploy. Apptoximcrt.fy 9" toll. GARFIELD PLUSH CAT Cut. & flesty and fun to hove orgN.. Approximately 15" toll. CLEARANCE SALE OF OUR ENTIRE 1st QUALITY INDIVIDUAL ... SHEDS & PILLOWCASES* llKUIDI ..... cu••&PEGUOT IY SPlll .. MILLS flATOI IK ..... ~~;~-~, &.n,t.:;-:;.;• I • : e e 'e • J • • • ' = ~--l"T' ·' .,..--5"' IMPORTED DURAND FRENCH CRYSTAL GLASSWARE TOii oeoecll &Mell • , .. lfl.Ol. IOCIS • 11-tfl.Ol..llYllMI l&ASS ,.,...........___.,.• DIAMMT S" ClmAl IOM 2ro199! & .:.. • ••••••••• 21-IN. TALL DEC~RATOR 1599 TABLE LAMPS Choote wood column. atramic ginger jar Of gbs bales .• w.1h shodn. While Stodu Lastl YOUR CHOla CAMEO BAGGED CANDIES nmc.a 51 • -~ ...s • •nwwvc• ...S •u..-Y 1WTI •nM- UMT mm ·•w.u cua•s REG-i ~ • IPICll &Y ..... ._.... •• YOUI ·--· lfl•U.• ...,-. . CllOICI " ,. .· ............ __ ~ o;1nge Cwt oAel Y Pt~OT /WtdneldtlY, Allftl a 1, 1Ma J..,. I Crystal Cove merits ·equitable treatment : , Another tanale le develol>lnM over Crystal Cove State Park. Thii , 9ne haa to do with the old beach cottages at Crystal Cove it.elf. The atate, which purchand • the cove and surrounding beach property for the state park in 1979, has announced it wanta so-called part-time residents of the bunta- lows to get out by July 31 . The notices affect about hall ~ of the cottages in the 40-home , enclave, whicb 'Vas first built as a movie set in the 1920s. All of the homes are on leased land. The notices for the ~time Crystal Coven to move on didn't come as a total surprise. The state Legislature said in conjunction with the park purchase that the part-time residents should be moved out to allow greater public 8ccesll to the beach. It hasn't been made clear why half the coitages must be vacated while the occupants of the other half are aJlowed to stay. Presu- mat>ly. the decision has som~thing to do with whether the bw;'galow is someone's permlnent residence, or a second home used for vaca- tions and weekend retreats. Also unclear is exactly how the departure of the part-time residents would enhance the pub- lic's access to the beach. The empty cottages aren't going to be torn down in favor of a parking lot, for exarnrle. Natura ly, the part-time Crystal Covers think this is all very unfair. After all, they say, they have the same investment in the cottages as the f ull-tirne resi- dents. Beyond that, all of Uw Cmta1 Covert retent th• f.ct that their nef1hbora in El Morro Mobile Home Park, which al8o II on ltat.e park land, Sot 20-yev lMMI and they didn't. But the Crystal Coven mllht yet be able to ride hlatory into their aunaet. Somewhere alona the line, the federal government got talked into placing all of thoae old cot- tages on the national historic reg- ister. Indeed, the 1tate also aaya t})ey should be preaerved as a public resource. But ao far, the state hasn't aaid how this will be done. And, lf the part-timen are evicted, is the state ~oing to maintain those cottages. Protect them from va.nda.la? The Crystal Covers and their · representa~ves in Sacramento are trying to persuade the Legialature to let them stay where they are until the state figurel out what to do with about four d0%.en historic public resources. Meanwhile, the public has something less than full 8COel8 to the park for which it paid $32.6 million. To begin with, the state should have acted equitably and decisively in dealing with both mobile home park folks and the cottage folks. Since it didn't, and since it seems to be stuck with the historic register, the best thing to do would be to let all of the Crystal Covers slay until the state decides what le going to be done with the cottages. .Teen-age dilemma A proposed regulation that would require federally funded family planning clinics to notify parents when prescription contra- ceptives are dispensed to minors 17 years or younger has set off a de- bate that raises some difficult so- cial questions. The regulation proposed by the Health and Human Services Department supposedly is an at- . tempt to ensure parental involve- ment in a young girl's decision to become sexually active -a lau- dable goal, but probably one that cannot be attained by bureaucratic fiat. There is no doubt that teen- age pregnancy is a serious social problem. About one million girla, most completely unprepared for . the tremeJldous responsibilities of parenthood, become pregnant an- ·nually. Half of tboee deliver. Clearly there is no substitute . for a strong family when a teen- ager is faced with a personal crisis such as pre~. But opponents ·of the· regulation fear that the pa- rental notification rule could op- e rate in reverse, discouraging more girls from seeking contra- ceptive advice, leaving them to run the risk of pregnancy with 'inadequate information and pro- tection. Indeed, the Planned Parent- h~ Association, which runs many-of the cl.inica. le suf ficlently ·disturbed to have announced it , would try to operate without fed- . era) funds rather than take this chance. Proponents of the regulation do have some valid arguments. The use of federal funds in this manner could be objectionable to many people, but this is true of every federally funded program from schools to defense. Perhaps more important is the fact that many prescription contraceptives pose certain heal th hazards. They must be used carefully, intelli- gently, and preferably with conti- nuing medical supervision. Operators of the dinics say that many of the girls they serve come in on the advice of their parents, who presumably are interested in their weliare. That is all to the good. Tlie problem, however, is the girl who does not have a cloae contact with her par- ents in this very sensitive area and therefore is even more in need of the profesaional advice available at the clinics. The congressional legislation that now controls the use of fed~ er al funds for family planning clinics urges that they encourage family involvement, but does not mandate it. That probably 11 a sensible approach. The parental notifica- tfon rule could mean even more teen-age pregnancies, even more welfare costs to ::!J:port unwanted children. badly ocated lives for the girls, and more babies brought into the world with two strikes against them. ~Guiding our youth Some very influential Ameri- cans will be honored tomorrow in the nationwide celebration of Girl Scout Leaders' Day. Throughout the country more than 300,000 men and women 1erve as Girl Scout leaders. In Orange County alone, there are 7 ,693 volunteer leaders working with more than 25,000 girla. There would be no way to put a dollar value on their leJ'vicel u they help the young ICOUtl plan . . • their careers, learn domestic and outdoor skills, participate in com- munity projecta and experience the benefita of teamwork. In a period when 10 many women muat work outside the home, the Girl Scout leader takes on a special aigniflcance as an adult role model and a sympa- thetic confidante. Thete volunteer contributon to a better ccmmwaity deeerve the honor aaxirded dmn. Opinions expressed In tM spece ebove 11re thOse of tM Deity Piiot. Other views ... pressed on this page are thOM of their authors Md •Mists. Reecler commet1t Is lnvlt· e<I. Address The 0Jlly Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mes., CA 92626. Phone (n4) 642·4321 . ORANGE COAST Daily PHii . ' T....._A.,.,.,.IM Editor aa ....... •KNMticll Edttorl•I ..... Editor ar.; _ -· - ,......_..._,_,. ~ Le::- ' ~MKr? Gtve -~~ YM lt~IGMT' t:> ~N~? w~, SoN, ON£ 'f».'( AU. nos wu! BE VOU~!, . Bleak symbol ·of stupidity W ABHINGTON -Despite what the Britlah and Ar&entlniana th1n.k.. theft 11 no reuon to ., to the h.lJdand blandl. Never baa been. It would be presumptuow to •Y that the thinga are God-tor.ken. But a little reeearch i.ndJcates that they have been regularly fonaken by c:neturee created ln God's lma,e. In f.ct., more than 200 years of historical mendoo lee!ll to lodi- cate that the ia1anda have never eerved a purpose much greater than u reuona for jingoists to threaten to klll each other. THE BRITISH have been threatening tor a long time to eo to war over what one of their writen called "the empty IOUOda of an ancient title to a ~ rock, an Wand thrown uide from hu- man u.e, stormy in winter, barren in summer, an ialand wh.lch not even the southern uvages have dignified with habitation.·· 'nlat WM written by Salftuel Jobmon in 1771, after the Spanish had cla1med title to the land where only a few Brttiah had eettled. By 1832. the Britiah .itlen teemed to be tone· At 1eelt a Commander Duncan. the caP.taln of the U.S.S. Lexln1ton, oouldn t find them when he ~ by during an international dispute OY8' -1 and whale barvestina righta. "I investigated the mauera lo 5 on," the American reported ... In them to be of the most Iniquitous an egal character. I determined 10 break up and diapene this band of pJ- ratea. many of whom had been -.t fram the prilona cf Suenoe Aires and Monte- video •.. (Other 1ettlers) appeared p"eatly rejo6a!d at the opportunity thus prae!lted at remavtn& with their f.am.i- Ues from a de.olate re,ion where the cllmate la always cold and cheerle9I and the IOt1 extremely unproductive.'' A yes later, Cbarlee Darwin stopped at the Falklands during what would llCUll 11011 prow to be the historiCal voyage of HMS Beagle. He Mid: .. After poueuion of tbfie mleerable lal&ncb bad been con- tested by France, Spain and England, they were left uninnabited. The gov- ermnent of Buenoe Aires \.-cl them . . . for a penal .nlemlnl EncJand claimed her riPt Md leited thal. The ~­ man who WU left lo charge of the flaa wu conseqUMitly murdered. A British officer wu next aent. unsupported by any power: and when we arrived we found him in cbarae of a population of wb.icb rather more than half were run- away rebel.a llDd ~rera. The thea- ter la WOl'thy of the IOena ected on lL An undulaUnc land, with a deeolate and wretched upect. la everywhere covered by peaty soil and wlry gra11 of one mono~ brown cob'." The siory of the mbldrable lalanda goea on. In December of 1914, the battle c::ru1-r HMS InvtndbJe -a predec:emor Count the candidates • ID Do you know who Jules Kimmet, Genevieve Marcus, Linda Parnell and Allen Seaman are? They are amona the 22 candidates running for governor in the June primary electlona. Althoulh a~ this early date, with ax weeka to •· the polls show Los An1elea Mayor Tom Bradley leading, a donn othen are contesting him fo~ the Democtatlc no- mination. And while the Bepublkan nee haa been one between Lt. Governor Mike Curb and Attorney General Geor- ge Deukmejian all along, three others are Hated on the ballot. Llkewile the Libertarian and American Independent parties have each fielded a candidate while the Peace and Freedom Party baa two. IF THE RACE for 1overnor teems crowded the contest for U .S. Senate '9 e'{eJ'l more IO. /I( total of 27 ca.ndklatea, includlni Gov. Jerry Brown, .... to re- place incumbent Republican Sam Haya- kawa. Eleven of the.e are Democrata and 13 are Republican.a with one each from the Al, P&F and Ubertarian par- ties. Altogether 99 candidatet1 are yylnc for aix statewide offices, the 1owmor, lieutenant governor, ~tary of ltate1 treuurer, controller, 1Uperi.ntendent or public inatr.uction aa well u the U.S. Senate seat. Thirty-seven more will battle it out for four.._._ on the lilate a.rd of F.Qualir.ation. Addlnl tbe.e to the 561 candidatetl seeking to f W 45 co~ional aeata, alone with 20 ln the state Senate and 80 in the ~bly,. maka a p-and total of 88'1 elUM!nl ....,. to pin or retain public . office. Thia doal not lnclude them seeking to retaU...or win the 271 superior court llll WITlll pasta. lnterest.lnlly, all the critidlm of the courta notwithstanding, only 23 of these Natl are contested, teVen being vacant and 16 judpf Wna challenged. But the con~ ftiapportionment Unee drawn by the Democratic domina- ted J.Aci,alature hu made for aome hot Contests for the~ and legi- alative .. ta. · For the 45 ~ IMta. 87 De- mocrat. and rt Republk:an*. alone wtth M from the Al, P&J' and Libertarian partim will battle it ouL Of theee 36 are lncumbenta dlvkied 21 Democrats and 16 ~epubllcan1. While moet of the real fllbtlnc woe't take place until Novem- ber, there will be a real hoedown in the of the alrcraft carrier leadJ.na the latest Brltiah flotilla to the FalJtlarwU -helped sink a couple of German •hiPI off the Wanda, dro~ 2,000 of the Hun. "It baa done wall a tremendous amount of good getting the news." said the Admiral of the li'leet, the Earl Be.tty, "and I hope it will put a stop to a lot of the unpleasant rem.aria one can detect in a certain amount of pl'e98 that the British navy h.aa been an expensive luxury and is not doing ita job." IN lt48, the British navy dispatched warships again. "The dangers in the d.ls- pu te between Great Britain and Ar- gentina over the .•overeignty of the South Atlantic Fa.lkJ.anda Wands should not be minimized," aaJd United States Underaecretary of State Sumner Welles at that time. · Now, 34 years later, once more into the breach come the British. and it would be fooliah to rnin.i.mi%.e the dange' -to the world. Among many acenarioB worth worrying about: Spain using a fiery Falklanda flap as a"COVer to march OD British-occupied Gibraltar, and Israel using it in the same way in the hope that no one will notice an invasion of sou- thern Lebanon. The Falklands are an en~urin" monumeQt to nationalhtfc, militaristic stupidity. Perhaps they could be preser- ved that way, as an educational adult amu.ement park -then there would at l~ be a ~n to go there. Or. maybe.) it WOU'fd be belle' ~ td e-vacua'te thej British, the Argeniinians and the sheep. and blow the mi8erable ~ up. hundreds 43rd district as 21 candidates, 18 of them Re publican, jockey to fill the seat of retirina Republican Clare Burgener. In the state A89embly 269 candidates, 120 Democrats. 115 Republicans and 34 Al, P&F and Libertarians seek to fill the 80 seats of which 22 represent vacancies while 34 Democrats and 24 Republicans try to hang on as incumbents. Surpri- aingly five incumbent Republicans and three Democrats are without oppicStion in either par\y. On the other hand 11 candidates 11eek the seat in the 80th di- atrict. ONLY H SEATS in the Senate are up for grabs this year, Five are being vaca- ted while 15 incumbents are running for re-election wit}l 71 candidates in \}le races. Thirty-9-m of le are,Deri»- crata and ~ ~pUb wiud:1~ and Ubertarians filling out the remain- der. The largest field L, in the 32nd di- strict where five Democrats and four Republicans will struggle for their party nominations, while in the 14th district Sen. Ken Maddy of Fresno will run without oppll}mta in either party. U the candidates don't occupy all of the voten' time during the campaign weeka ahead. there are always the ballot iwues. There will be 12 of the.e, three of them relating to reepportlonment and the controvenial Peripheral Canal 1-..e will be another. Racial 'purists' miss anthropological truth Amona the cruiee who have me on their maillna lilt, the most rab6d and wron1-headed are the fanatica who warn aaa.lnlt "lnOftC"li&atlon "of ta.. 1'11(9. In the flral ~·· they don'i ewn know wha( a '' ta. Slr-wUy, &Ml 11110- ~ ~ petence, the R\mian'a warmth, the Ita- lian'• friendllr•ee, the Jew'• tntelUpnce. the Spaniard's dJplty, the lrlahman'a conviviality, the l>lack'a vivacity, the Anh'• hoeptallty -nOt to mention the llnlUJar vi"'* of the !'.Mt. Of cow3'heee are not bioloateal ...... (IUlila a..M!Wtlltlcl .,. not ir-. iDlu.cl ln --~).but cultural Min-..... .-,'..-et In • ....., to ll*'fle ~-"D w. were~" we would be very cold, wry rl1id -and very de9d. ' I ..... _ ....... (J:l)MOVll ..... ·~ M Yov Are'" (1NO) Mer'Ollo MeW*'t-nl. ....._... l<lnlld. A nwrted, mktlll• •eed -emb9rlla °" en .,,.., with • --..oe girt wtlO 'MY be ,......,to,..'A' (J)MOVll ••• "°" Oodr' c11m 0-ge luma, John °"'" ver. Ood H l•cta •"· unlUIP8C1lno young ....,.,. metUc ~ 10 dallver • '"'88llge of hOpe and 'good .. to ttle ...... .-.ila .. ttle ~ wortd. 'PO' r•• IONTHITOWN ,...,..: • '°'* .. ttle comp•tltlv• world of -•Iller r890'tera: an lnterwtew wtttl J«ry om.. a llWI MIO PtOI 11 to knOw trl8 ...,.. of IMng for-. • vl9w of .... e KOCE CPBSI ' \ STUDIO TOUR -Guest star Bemlidett.e Peters and Mikhail Baryahni.kov perform "The Sheik" during a musical romp . tl)rough moVie studios on "Barythnikov in Hollywood" tonight at 10 on KNXT (2). ................ .............. __ ,.,, ........ .............. ............. rllCMI •• • ''111e lMt ....,.. ~Ill AIMl'lal" (1M0) KOCE (JS()) 7:30 p.m., KCET (28) 8:00 - ''Phot.oaraphy." Cheryl Tieg1 hoeta pre- mier. ol Media Probet .erl . See 1tory, below. ::r A~ == KOCE (~) 9:30 -.,Nevada Fallout: The -... .....,. "...., Bot Yean." Nevada re.Iden\& tell what ~~== w, fdotat from nUCl!fU bomb testa hu done .._ ..._.. INIMW UveUhoodi ......... ~ ooun. ·w .a..£ • , T (2) 10:00 -"Bar~.tl~i~ov in -~-~ ood ... ~fit' !II>· 'll!sqV .nd ...... ~ ~ ~_ti take a m roinp ,u~h ,npvte ....-~~ .. ~oe. See pho , leti,. ,, '. 1 M•oLal"•· a.ff9cJe• ..._ .. DolYI DeWM M4t.. KABC (7) tb:OO "J'.ortreu Israel.'' A Gene Wiider oo °" • """'° look at. the imf.lct of four decades of eel rOfnP '"'°""" Holly-wood' I l'IMWll ltudloe. conflict on larae . See story, Page AB. e80UINCY A ~a death lrom a ~ ...... p(llftlptl OIMoy to ~ a """'° . Clwtltmaa EW. ~ ........ clr\iOI. • THIJWP-,.IMOMl-- i ~ deddea to lmpat-1~..'::8 .-..=,AHOIOH ~ • NIWllifAT WfTH "FOf'lfell 1araer• Mann.II Cl.IT'I ~ Frady lookl II IN imc>eCt Cl) MOV11 of klUf Olcedla .. confllc1 • • • "Stir Clay'' 11110) °" llfaal and IM~ Rlchatd Pryor, Gel'8 Wiid- "'-of 1111 people, and ., Two men .,. mlelall.,. IMkl to 1 wide range of for batik rot>b«• and ..,.., ...... who voloa m.lf lo jail. 'R' ~ °" latMl'a OW· • MOVIE l'Wlt polltlc.i etanoa. * **'"' "LI Cege Aull • IAOMOOH MINO Follel" (1878) Ugo TOQ· TV lou'nllllltt Stephen T.i. llADl, Mlctlel S.raun A bot looltl 11 the dlaturblng nightclub owner trlel to rHurO•llC• of orcwpa prepare hie tren1v•lll• which 11• perpetrettno iowr for• Yltll by hi• IOI!'• racial tntolet.,_ end II • llancaa'• fa I h er , th the lllctllnt ot .&ti blOOltt • fOOfalt COf'l'lnlMloner 01 • tMICIOL9fOWll ' L' I ... f.an9e. 'R' ·~rr~~fff)d;!M11 11n:e'fm •l'f!AM °'~ ~ ... jt<fWRlp,i1~'>1 J "' E ACELUFUITION ~ttilm6t fo -r "l' Cllh, KOi K 10 ..,IN With thW own I Cl\artle Rich ~...-..,...~, .. "' Mieti~ a111ey ~ .. llOlW M>aut {1 ~ KJIW' In a perfor"*-~ taped .. lhe Jac:Qon Hall I.ILi ot the Perlonnlng Ana • * * "Caddy1hack" Cent« In NaatMMa (1te0) 8111 Murray, RodMY ~ _._ Oell(IWWd. The dafnanl· -"""""1f1 I ed ""~..,., of • awa"kY cou"lry club 12::00 e EHTERTA.IHMEHT wagee W« egaln9t Illa TONIOKT ~· lnhabltJno hie turf An Interview wllh Diet. 'A' ~I • MOVIE 8 9 l.OV£ IOAT * * "Togattlar?'' J~ Oopt191 ~ ~ llne BIMel. Maximilian wltll at1 aaplr1"Q llngaf, • Schlll. A you.no woman women chall9n0" her trial to ~ • car-GhauWlllllc .,_, and • ~ IM~ am-dlNblad man domlntl• NcNa of .. ~ lowr hie broUw. (R) 'A' • MOVll 10:tO. ~ * * * "The MM From CC)....,.,,.. Colorado" (11Mt) GMIM ··~ ..... Ing Point" Ford, Wllllam Holdell. ( 1878) Bo 8wneon. Rob*1 • L.0W, AMENCAH Culp. A man, who wttne... STYLE • 1 Gll'IOllnd murder, II • AMEAICA: ™I l«rortnd by Illa Mana IECONO C8fTURY atw Ila ~ anc1 mull CC) MOVIE mow w11t1 hie family lo * * * "e>n.Tr1Ctl p ......... Toronto. 'A' -.. 1'11\ MOYIR 11880) Paul Slmotl, Bl.it uw .. BfOWrl A onc.poc>utar I ii I perfon-le Pfllllkedl fO'll fr~ •Ol.lneto!Jlm tOl'lli ~ ,.,,,. .. ~..,.. atyte of "'81C Wftt. IOf'9I Iha! Cati b'1no 1'1111'1 bed! to the lop 40 'A' ca> wow hi• band of ll"19111a _....., ,...,.,... rtddlar9 Md • ..oclua rlllbbtl In ••• "La Cage Aull Foll9 E ~J u "Ill.I .. , lftllO) Ugo "OOoaat iSJ'!b I , 7'.Hi1ttlkM SerrllUll. ~ ~.. ... O'Y ~ •• .,. quarry ol • MCt9I orgenlo UIJon ·~ to gill • .,. mMr' (1tn) ,,.,.. ..,.,. ,_., 1"pl Hedran. A ool- llglt die** to~ rne • c:ourM on -ual ratlona and Intimacy In r91Mlo118111pa lntO the CUI'· t1culum. 'A' 11:00 •••CJ> o a Niwa • IATUN>AY HIGHT Hott· M _ _, Stac*totl ~: Linda Aonatldl. Phoebe Snow. I YOU A11<.ED FOft fT ""'A'l'H Hawtcey• and Trapper. with 1n 8Mlat from Rtldar, IMll• ~. flctllJow Clip-- lain In orci.r to donat• 1111 ~to an orptw1199, ·MHNY ~ Benny tlUMda the cNnnel MWlll M Ff9d 8c:ullta. • DICKCAWTT au.t: Dudley Moore. (RI • WAT IA&.AHaNO N:r:~ITATI IUDQIET 11••<1> ~ * * ,_.. "W...,. Througtl Fff'' ( 1879) ... Arm- Rrll'la".l T.,,.o ..... .u,f mleroflm "* -of !hem llW1IAowed 'R' 12:(11 (%)MOW! * * ''Tiie G-F« V\11- lurff" ( 1971) Rlcll11d Hatrla, Richard Aoundt,_ A NllllaM mercenary who lmUQOlae Atnericlrl hall- copl .. Into Alrlca ckK1ng I lerr0fl11 W« le plttaJ llgllntt • !Woe lreedofn ¥1«.'A' 12='0 D QI LATI HIGHT WITH DAVID LnTlAMAH Ou .. ta· Tom OrMHtl, llngitlo Pf'*I Feltlat Tom Smith, Wllllrd Scott ·=-• * ''Why Would Myona Want To 1(11 A N1oa 01r1 Uk• You?" (1"8) Ev• A9NI, O.Yld Buck I =.ANO OMNIZATIOHI pr~(¥8k4Wll ~~NJ; D J. wll ldl .. fl/leorr(l~ 4 ;QITOMGHT a.. ~: • eo.tly °'*'8: J«f'f Aeecf, M.er• Yin H... and ThomM ........ •• NllJNlWI NIGHTUNI • f((),W( l<otall .,.. to ltOp two HnHl•H 111111"0' on 1f'AO (II) M0\111 * * 'i'I "H.lppy 8ltUlday To M4t" (1H0) ......._ &u. Anderaon, Oi.M Ford. A• rrt411daf b9gllll Glloppjng IWtry ., '* clrda of allllsl lrlande, a prac> ldlool aM- lor worn.. lf\11 Illa ~ b9 IM Miii vk:llm -Of poeel· ~Illa klller. 'R' 1:00 • MOVIE * * "A Soldlar H*"9d Joa" ( 18701 o.tltllt Betran, Lang Jellri.e M Amat'ICan de11rler from Vletnem beComM Involved wlUI IN undllrworld I" Rom.. • MOVll * ·~ "IM Of TM FrlQllt· anad PaotH9" (1872) Joen Colllf'tl, JamH Booth. 1:'10 .. MOVIE .. ··~ 1•0..111 In 8mlll l "~ ~)tft) QtnY ...... eon. N1r• Dawn Port.,. 1~1= • • ''T•JIM UOhlnlno" C 188 I) Channing Mltchall. M-..i McCorrnldl A l>Oft ..... and hulltlng lr1p with Illa tao. tume Into at1 lnltlallon Into manhood 'R' 1:46!= * * • "O\ltlaw Blu81" C 1877) P.tat Fonda, Su98" Se1n1 Jamee Wherl • countr)'·-11••" elnger ••Mb !\le eong, In IJl-COfl lrlu d••P••elaly to re1r1eve hit recording llQllt• while bal!llng Iha poliC9 'PO' 2:00• ~ * * 'i'I "°"41 MlnUI• To Zero" (1952) Ann Blyth, Aob~rl Mitchum (%)MOVIE • * "Homa Movie•" ( IHO) Keith Gofdorl. ~ Oouglu A young ltlm e1u- d1n1 1ullara from • ~Ing IMCll« end an allractloll IO hie brOll'r9r' I llancM. 'PO' 2:208 MOVIE 11 iJJ~~~~i''~gn111can~ P fn~·~~,Roo 2:a0 CID MOvtE • • "Terror Ttaln" p tlO) e..i Johneon. Jamie Lee tr ... ~· ~ ,,..,,.._ m1 b~-~~; ~· ..,.,.. • W\dlc- UV9 OU-I llllrU krllng off CM P8'1Y-OC*S 'R' 2:.01 HEWS 2:4' MOVIE * * • '" "M>fy Hunt., .. ( 18521 Antllony SIHI. Dinah Sherlden ':Of Cl) L..AFF-A-™ON A comedlln llOlt and lour comic contN l811l1 wno comp••• ag1lnet on• llll01"9< ere IMIUted In Ihle unceneored comecsy game lhow a;a a::> MOVIE * • '/t "Br*lng POint" (18781 Bo Sven.on, Roberl Culp A man. who 1'tlt- .. • QlnOllnd murder. le l«rorlHd by the Mafia attar Ila t..un., and ITIUll -with hit family 10 Tor°"IO 'R' 1::30 e MOVIE •• ''To09thel?" J~ 1109 Bluet, Mulmlll•n Sch9I. A young women ,,.... to --• C8t98f Series probes effecis of media 4-11• lfle ~~ .. •Ill ludla Of .. ~·' !Ov• .,_. CZ)~ ..... "lnotlurl AINtMln • (1N1) T~O Wallty ama. Maaafllro T Olftlllaw• " '°'"* ~ ---~ w .. ~ed o;il of ,.. p(lllUOn by I IUlll • ... cllt1 ol et>'-"'°""' 10 ... bloody~ "' .-(l)taNW "Teet TUO. T 88f\I" •:OO (J) MOVI& * * * "Thf I.HI M1trled Ooupla In Amatlel .. Clll<ll O.org• seoa1. Nt11111 Wood A happlly mar'le<I couple bagln 10 wond4ll ~ happlly ""''*' lh41y rMllY w• •ftel .,....lO 111 of tlM!lr lrlllnd1' n'llfr'leon encl I.II:> In 11111 dlvOt ce 'R' ~:10 ~ JVt<POX 4:15 Mtle!Oft: IM'°9118l.I 4:t0. VOYMJeTOTHE 90TTOM Of' THf 8eA "The ONlll Strip" ~40QD MOVlf • * * TM Lui Matrled Coupl9 Ill Am«lc•' ( ltl<IJ Oeorg• 8eg1I H111He Wood A f\19P<ly mttr*1 OOUC* begin 10 wondtlf llOw llapplly m1mao tney rlllly ., •• 11 .. Meino Ill of 1"411r friend• m11r1aoee end \09 In I,.,. d1VOI CA COUt1 R Tlaur11day•11 Dayfimv tlor i~" -MORHtNG- l:OO CC,)**'' "Tiit PrlVllli E)'M" C 18801 Ooo Knot11 llfll Conwey 'two burn bllng M°* k:WI C181...,Y .. If• cllled tn (Q lf1\l•l10"e 1 ""-of murd«1 In 111 EngMll'r cutl• 'PO' CJ) * * '.; ' Lillie MllA ~erUt" C 18901 Wallet M1tlll1U Juli. Andr-. Bued on Ill• Damon Runyon llory A grutl 11tn QY 183<>11 l>Ookl8 I hi• IS lumed llfound wi.... h4t ~·a~~rno(>- 1>411 u • m1rk., tor a rac:· ~1191 PG t:15 CZ)*•*• 'Smaff Change I 19761 Ge0<y Oemouce•u• Ph•hPP• Goldman 01rec:1ed Dy Franco.. TrulllUI S.ver1I Franctl cll<ldr*" Of'mon- e1rete lhe emUlng w11<1om and l"nocenc• wn1ch )'OlllM ~ in OUIW'I· llng their ald«1 PG 8:00 g • • ·~ The Fnsco Kio 11879) o-Wiider Ham eon FO<d A P01111h rebb• tlllde hlmMll ln~OIYec:t in wlld lronller mludven· rurn W11h e dllr•OQ D•n~ robb9< when he 1r ••Ill• 10 San Francisco to llke ovl!< • ,_ congregellon 'PO t:::IO. * '"' The Tr1H 8eyono ( 11341 John Wll)'M, Ve<ne Will"" • CO!"t>,Oy jOur"")'I lo 1119 Hof1"11\iwell I 8Hll O"'f I n -QI Of I gold ,,..,.. end a mQelng glf1 {C) * * * * Tl\9 Lala ShOw' ( 18771 Ari CarM')o Uly TOf\"lin A -llONO pttnll 4fY9 .,,c:ounteu bleckm•H •"d murd•r •hen he GomM OUI DI rat..-1 10 iocate • cal IMllonglnO 10 an olf bM I ,.,,.... c:ll«ll IO:OO *** IHCty Tomor rO'Or" C 19!>5) Susan H1y ,,..rd. R1cllerd Conre Aetr-UM1an Roll\ llrug Glee w1'" .iconol•em ano • 1adlng e¥- (%) ••• TM Gerne FOf VuHurM" ( 1978) Ak:Mrd Henla, Rlchatd Roundtr• A rvthlMe m«cenaty wno ~ Amerlc:lln hell· c:oplan Into Alrlcl during a tarrorill • .,. 1e pitied aga1nt1 a l*c. lr9edom llgnt« 'R' 11:00 a::> * • "s.lzvre TM Sto-ry Of Kllh!J' Morrie" Leon erd Nlmoy, P~ Mll- IOtd. A buu11M young women Wllh I ptoml""O ~ lighll fOf h4lr Mle . wtian aha 11 llrvck doWn b!J' • flaer-11111 br11n tumor •••• f .• ,.. •• c ,.,., N .. IMI Klitllll, ,.._ F1r111 TN ~ of 1 poor ntlll h ftrMaf IMIOofTIW lhe 'WIC!lm of IW ·~a .-cWation. and lier own llMUfY 'It 1100D • ••t TlllllllNO!A THI ( IH21 9_."'on 01 ... Mlf'I MOttll Ill IN m!Ott OI Ill~ I dragnet 10 lllP I kltlt, I Ital• lroopat le warneid of •n lmml"•"I "uc11ar lllldl • ••~"DI,__.." (IMO) WAid ~.Paul LuUlh41t OW"'O IM con- e1rucll0fl 01 I lllrDOt Ofl 1 lroe>ICll leltncl, 1 cavetnall and prtltllJtQ(IC) baaall .,. aneertllad Ind IOUnd to be 11111111"41 • ***"Trw.....,.,.. ..... ( 1t5f) Blit1 L.ltlcUter. K11h1rlnt H9PbUr11 A 0011 min poelrtg ... ,~., not only end• the drOUOflt In • INTl8ll 80Ultlw9at«n 1own, but lllO bring• nNdtld ,~ end oon- ~ 10 • 19'1'M., (BJ • * .... "Oetc>elt'' ( 1978) Olf'k Bogerdtl, Andf 11 ,,.,. raol A AUNlan oonl9Ct~ .. Wing In Germany .. '"*' Wrlh tote! ruin during Ille r1M of NU*71 r.u • • • 'Modern Romenc.e' ( 198 I) Al'*1 BrOOk• Kathryn Hanold A lllm 9dltor ll1ee r9P111· edly lo win t>ICk IN'-'! o1 llWI women he io-'R' I 00 C • * Colton Can4)'' ( tcH81 Cllnl Howard. C.nartn Mlrtln Smith A gtOUP OI hlQh tchOOI mle- 1111 lorm ,, roca bend 10 comP<1•• with ,,,. ech<>Ol'a M1101t.n.cs bend 1:'6 'J.1 • • * on Godl 800ll II 119801 OeorQ9 Bums, Suzanne Pt..neita. God relurna lo Eerlll •"d thoo ... 11\9 YOUllO dauQh· ter ot .,, ldverllllng •x11e- 1Hlve to -i>raad 1111 ,,_.. 11g9 IO Ill* wotld 'PO' 2-00 lJ1 * * * ,.,.. 8'U Rad o"-' 1 t9801 l ee MwWI. Matk HllT'll A tougtl Army Mt geattl IHde lour 'J'OUllO, ln9•P«l9009d racrulll Into '"* ~t1'*1 tray of World Wer II comlMlt 'PO { I * * ClllPl« Two· ( 19791 J1mM Cun Mer· ahe Muon Soon th., Illa ...... 0..lh • Wfll., tlnOI hlmNlf r.WCtantry falling 1n to... *Qlln PG 0 * • ' The Shogun Wo1rr or1 Gre"dlzer" 11981J Arutnllled A~­ tul rot>ot defllftdl Earth wti9n 11 ti 1nvlded by Vigen 1nvaoet1 3000 * * • The Grind Ou.i C 18741 Lee Van Cleel Pelflf 0 Brten A c:ourlluom b•c:ome1 a •11«rr•ng tcene t0< 19Qll mulda wresUtnQ ov., • man• I••• C. * t Secr91 Vllley ' ( 1936! RICharo Arlen. Vlr· gorn Grey TM contrll>u- 11on ot Ille horN In IM d4rvt'lop..,.n1 of the WMI II Ch•~ 3•15 (l * * Blood 1-nd OuU" ( 11178) WIMI.," Smith, M•Ch•lin• L111c:to1 An *Q•no wtnh., ..-. hla one-on-e-mllllOn stl01 lor ~ In hi•. WOt1' and '°"'* PO 4.00 1.J •• t A~ Seng 1n S..l<*r Squlr9' ( 1878) Aichttd Jordat1, O•·•d N<v.,. The night wa tcl\man 11 • li<ttlltl B~ 11 1emptlld to retwn IO I hte ot Ctltnl 4~ l • * Wl>O 5..,,_ I Can't A.O. /It Aaint>owt ( 1871) Jl cio. Klugman. Ne><ma Frenc:n The CMetM .. of • Gr-.cn VIII• pony t•rm tecee ltYl<:Uon by ., un.cruP<JIOul reel Nial• ~I wtio ,..,,,, to butld • hlgll·flN on IM farm'• IOI G 5-«l ZJ * * 'Home Mov!M" (1980) l<al1h Gordon. Kirt! 0oug1M, A young fllm ttu• d•"' eull•r• from • beOgerlng INChar and 8fl attractlOn IO hie l>fotheir"a '"'-PG' 8:JO lC) * * '1 "The Prlvll• Eyee ( 1880) Oon K"°lta, T Im Conwey Two bum- bling AIMrlCln ~ .,. c.iled In to ln\10Mtl09'1 • ..,_ ot murdel'"• In an Engltltl caeti. PO Theres only one Fi-we Crowns. fr ~ .,t • ID By JAC&JE HYMAN ......... ' ,,... .,..., • LOS ANOELJ!'B -Two t.h1no fucln.ate Etn- tyn Wllliama: murder and good wd\.lnl. Often he comblnm the two. The whlte-h.alred Britlah Ktol'-author11 wrlt.lnp lnolude "Nlaht Mu.t Fall," a play about murder that wu filmed firat wlth Robert Montaomery and then wlth Albert Flnne~and a book, "Beyond Belief," a chronicle of a Ila . t ii it about murder that'• ao intriguing? "lt'a 10 dramatic, isn't it?" aald the 76-yeer-old Wllllaml, in Loe AJ\ielee recently lb the couree of a tour of hla one-man 1how, "Emlyn Williama as Charles Dickens." "It's a macabre side, to be inter- ested in that. Dlckena was interested, too." One of the nine .elections from Dicken.I which he enacts during his show is "A Call Upon a Strange Man," a heart-stopping au,penae tale worthy of F.dgar Allan Poe. It concerns a doctor given an appointment to tend a man dying of in- juries -except that the appointment Is made the night before the injuries occur. Ttle readinp a1ao include the black humor of "A Bedtime Story for a Good Child," about a cer- tain Dlptain Murderer who has a fondness for meat pies and meek brides. But there's more to Dickens than murder - there's also great writing, Williams' other love. It's quite a passion: He's been portraying Dickens on stage for 30 years, and claims he never gets tired of It. "I always come back to it. You flnd new things," he said, relaxing In the sunshine of his hotel's pool area with a well-diacipllned leaf pro- tecting his nose from an un-Oickensian bum. Williams has toured as Dickens and as "Dylan Thomas Growing Up" for about focr months every two years since 1950. . He said he got the idea -then ~ novel on«; -:-- of performing solo after he was asked Ul 1950 to JOUl in a charity show at London's Drury Lane Theater, enacting a 10-minute scene from has own play, "Night Must Fall." The problem was that Williams, then 45, felt it was inappropriate to portray a character of 25. "l thought, 1 wouldn't do it on a weekday for money, so why do it on a Sunday," Williams said. Coincidentally, he read that Dickens had been a frustrated actor and had often given dramatic readings of his own works. "I thought it would be fun to come on as hi.rri, the beard and everything, really as a stunt," said the actor. His presentation was so well received, howe- ver, that he decided to do a complete evening. In preparation, he read all of Dickens' works and made sel~tions. writing in-character bridgea between them. The selections "focus on the narrative power and the comedy. 1 couldn't go an evening without an audience laughing," Williams said. "I just love to hear an audience laugh, especially young people. It's just lovely to 1ee young people come round wit.A shining faces and say, 'I never knew Dickens was like that.'" Williams, who has portrayed Dickens "everywhere except China.'' began his current tour in September in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada. After the Westwood Playhouse in Los Angeles, it was to take him to Washington, D.C.; Baltimore; Austin, Tex.; Long Island and Albany, N.Y., and Pennsylvania State University, ending this month in Palm Beach, Fla. • "CAT PEOPLE" 12111, .... 1111. , ... - .IAC1l LDmC* "MISSING" tta,HI, ... , .... "EVIL UNDER ntE IUN" 11:111, ....... ., ..... I ~OFA• (PO) 12:00 21• 15:10 7:46 10:10 I Cll'9J fOA AM (R) ~~~~!!!!~~!!!!~ 70m1'1 1 :003:10 5:20 ..!: 7:401:46 No,... ----------No leonomy ... tlftl MOVIE RATINGS FOR PAREllTS MD YOUNG PEOPLE .,,,. oe.oc-ot .. ,..,... ,. ---·-.. -~ . ...... _.,,......,.,.llteit~ ~ AU AGEi MMmo l!:!I 0.-..- AU-am AHc>T,uie "1<:«1111 JHI ~ C1f 1"I WOTIOM ~NN -OOD1 al.•'-' MOUl.AftOll MOM•PllYOll ---OFNUIO '"' 12:112:115 •:115 1:1151:15 10:15 =~IOI 'tut TM 0,.11 a Miia De¥Jln IN ) Odlw Al'---~ ... OUT OF PAST -Actor-author Emlyn Wil- liams portrays Charles Dickens in a one-man show touring the United States. The uttimal> in~ and sound..~ re-recorded in new ~s&ereo. (e).q.~ .. DWIA5L\ .. •HAi ... l••ttt ..... "•lAl_.1 .. llfltt.U 1J111. " • .._ .. ,., ..... ,..u--..1t ... "•"'•unM CWfflf.£2'.e" '-o(gj NO'l1 PIAnNG AT ~E SELECTED Till!A'.JUS COStA MESA Eawords Town Centet 751-4184 Ot!ANGE Ctneoome 634·2553 ' . ,, NOW PLAYING IUlU '""' DfllYMll Cl .. OMl UWAflDI IMWClttt ' ~ 1 841~ Pal• 821 4070 OW!Qt 634 2553 NewPO'l Blach 644 0760 M ..... lllU ,WA ITADIUM DfllfE·lll UA CllllMA Stu S29 5339 O<fl'Ot 639 8710 Wnll!IWlsttf 893 OS48 l.OWUDI IADOUUCll lDWAllDS SflllTOl "°•AMO ACCPfU Elloio58JUJq Cttra.,._,40•.io _, _ _.......,, •t tvD HIATH, J:ncland (AP) -8~ lnva· den with neon 1petn merwie a fairy taJ.t kJ.nadom creaied at Euro1>41'1 lar&"t movie 1tudlo for the $20·mlllJon·DlUI fantMy film. "XNll." Columbia Pk:1W"4111 U111 elaborate cte.aana and 1pedal-effect1wlf.ardry1n "Krull'' -a film with a cHt of ntwcomtn. h will b e launched h;. the crowded field of btc·budaet apec:taclel next year. Since late January, a medleval castle, emerald-encnatted cave and other marunade won- ders have emerpd at the 10 l\.l,pl "Knall" occupies at Pinewood StUdloe, 20 milel ou'*le London. The cavemoua 11007" It.lie. where James Bond tequencet are ahot, la now a vaat 1Wampland dotted with IOme 4~ treet, mostly pthered from burned forest. ln the Bucklnghamalilre countryside. Fog produced by vaporiJlna vegetable OU enhancel the eerie effect. Special-effects aupervilor Derek Meddlnga, 'winnei-of a 1979 Acadfimy Award for hi.a work on "Superman," hu Invented wa)'I for honee of un- earthly speed to make fire, men to tum into fiah and a prince to retrieve a magic weapon from boi· ling lava. · , He a1IO aa)'I he has created a monat.rous cryatal spider that will. iolt audiences like the great white shark in "Jaws.'r Meddinp' trlclc.a. and the luah 1eta by produc-tion designer Stephen Grimes, embellish a Stanford Sherman IC!"eenplay that attempts to encompass the past, preeent and future. Hideous slayers with neon spears attack the planet Krull (which rhymes with hole) just as *BARGAIN MATINl!RS • Mift .. 1y thru Saturday All Pttform•ncta befort S:OCl PM (&a,t 1,ecW E ... ll•llta 1M HtMep) LAKEWOOll CENTER WAlK IN w~INI --"'*" Y ..... I LAUGH" 1•1 --- MQIJeST ,Otl ,.." 1111 ---· ta __ ,..,_,_ laC.llltf OJ Condlewo~ 21J/H1•fll0 "POfllC r l " tlll ___ ,...._ lAICfWOOD CENTER SOIJTH W"'. '" woeA Tl(TllA ... ' (l'O,.,...~ ,. -....... ,.---.-- IM,OltTHT •OT1Cl1 CMllOltl• U•Dllt 12 fltH! .., .. .,.. • .,..., ... '"• '" •:• • S'4 S.• 11t1t •:GO I'll Ollf-ll _,.. • ~ Ml CM MOIO • ~ Slloll(IJI Ill llC> *CM MDIII WITII GlfT9I ~ IOllT'OI -..CAM llllJllLLl•llU ~ CIRl'IMCI D • 1111111111111 ...... tti•~ ANAHEIM ORIVHN 1 ft t .._A P.AI.' BUE N ~ PARK 0111v1 tN --------· Ill ·~ ' ..... ' LINC OLN DRIVE IN l...CO"' Awe W•tl Of •Mii 121-4070 ....... .,., -..,....,.... ... Clllf•l'llDUllO ... nw_.._ ....... ,;...,. . . . """""'le OI J GGr•Gt-Jf- ••1·J6fJ ' ·"~~""­~°',.."'"' -""'""""" '"' ~·"' IOUllO.;;....... __ '...oMY'rlNt -'W•t110«l"1111 CINI • H IOUltO ---., 'Ml 'IUlll "OW IDTl:,_"ll'tt ·AllT'MUR" ... ' Prtnce C.olwyn (Ken Manhall) la about to marry the beaut1!ul Prtncm L)'llA (Lytette Anthony) at the White c .. tl•. Sh• 1et. carried away to th• Black Fortret1 controlled by The S.Nt. Prlnce Colwyn la propelled on an odyuey tn whJch he mu.t perform a Mrlel of Herculean w.ka In Ol"der to reecue the prtncim. Althouah "Krull" hu a team of 40 stuntmen, Marshall Uid he trlee to perf onn as much of the actlon u pcmible, becau.e eo much la Jolt when the camera cannot move In for cloeeups. He said he took fendna and horwbAck ie.ona and rere.d ICienee-flctlon books to prepare for the part. . For llWlY of the 1peclal effects, Meddlnp re- Uet on mlnlature modela and photoa.raphlc auper- lmpoalng to produoe viauala such aa hla Metropolis .cene in "Superman n." 1.Wl1• ...... TIE ClllT 111 TIE C•m CAVALCADE STOCKS SPORTS 82 86 88 our r e aders ~ CROSS-EYED & CROSS-WORDED: Somebody at the high and lofty syndicate level who serves our newspaper has just d one ua a diaaervlce. He or she changed our Cl'OllWord puzzle. This did not go without notice. That ia to say, it wasn't really noticed by the various editors who do not work crossword puules. They have day just trying to make headlines fit. You know, • ~ WHO'S ON FIRST? -ThJJ photo records the famous 1963 finiah of the Enaenada yacht race -in which more than 100 boats tried \0 muacle their way acroa the finish line simul- Fernando Valemuela pitches a · complete s.ame to end Dodgers' six-game losing streak. B6. taneously, creating general pandemonium. The photo was taken by Wally Gearhardt, a crew member of a yacht already in port. enough trouble during the ~ substitutin2 words like /'a\ , ''Balm'' for i't'Divorce Sett ~I: lement" and 11Flayed'" fo; TIM MURPHINI ·~ f "Criticized." By the -You had .to see it to believe it end of the day, they are all headliJ'}.ed out and no longer capable of figuring out a three-letter word for the Greek god of fire. WITH READERS WHO are crossword puzzle fans, however, it was a different matter. One loyal aubecrlber informed us, "My complaint is for the crossword puzzle editor. He's been running puzzles lately gearE:d to third ~ers. They cballell&e you noL" -r.-;Lh&U,!Jfe,. .. bis lmtance, T guess, is a nme-letter '5llMI me.aftlnl tat. Another reader suggested, '1'he new cromword could be worked by my nine-year-old grandson." Yet another critic was a bit more strident; being an . eight-letter word meaning shrill. He said, "I don't know whether you realize it or not but all of your readers aren't mental retards. With this new puzzle, third graden are working it with ink and not having any problems at all." _J:yeJwt llD.W»d m. aomwwo '\hen there •ts. ;lie Sibua of Sunset Beach who wrote in to declare in part, "Okay. You've~a t local . l'~inuali)' de.f~ded:.JUU ag · tipated. r:ster fans ... illfft your typos. Bud '1 well- , balanced relief from consistent John Sevano (our two sports columnists) who truly writes good sports. although he may need assistance responding to pe1'90nal reader mail. But ... what garage sale spawned those adolescent crossword puzzles blooming forth this week? ... What's next? Connect-the-dots-pictures? "OR DID YOUR BEAN COUNTER Controller -the bane of aggressive creativity -propose a $1.27 a week saving in printing ink? "Come on! Cet with it. A good puzzle is as effective a relaxer as a second martini. Almost. · ". . . Continue thoee pube9cent puzzles and I've had it. And I haven't even touched upon your delivery penon who couldn't hit my doorstep if the entire front of the building was a gigantic funnel ... '' SO MUCH FOR the delightful m~~~ from our crossword puzzle fans. Despite being hea e weary, I decided I'd better get some first-hand experience on this crossword puzzle that everybody thinks is too easy. Now here they want a word acroes for "Smelter food." And next they want a word down for "Auguries" and ••T one for "HOYello of tbeaw fame." What J dllak".N·--di& tJ cd upon thi8t ~y with e nine-year-old grandson. Or 90IJle of thoee third graden who do these puzzles in ink. MAYBE BY '?HIS time of day, Charlie Slbus upcoast in Sunset Beach ia serving third martinis. You don't have a spare eraaer, do you? r Finish -line cr ush in Ensenada still unforgettable By ALMON LOCKABEY 0.-, ............ WT*' More than 100 sailing yachta ~to crOA a 100-yard fin.ish ~~ultaneoualy. Veterans of the"En.enada ~ are actuatomed to seeing crow- ded Starting lines, with oa:aaional bumping, but all agree that such a finllh. after 125 miles of sailing, ju.It couldn't happen. But happen It did. It's unbelievable unless you were one of the yachtamen in· volved ln that 1963 finish of the En8enada race, or were near en· ough to witness it. One witnees was the late Wally Gearhardt, a profeaional phoio- grapher who was crewing on a yacht which had finished only a -.few minutes ahead of the famous crush. Gearhardt looked back and saw the yacht.s under full spin· naker converging on the finish line. He hailed a small Mexican "bum boat," grabbed hJ.a camera and 1ome color film and went back to record the famoua flnish. Gearha.rdt eold a lot of prlnta to yachtsmen. 'Bud De.enberg waa aa.ilin.g hia 36-foot sloop Mistral in the race. Desenberg recal.la: "At daybreak that morning we were slatting about on Mistral about five miles north of Todos San toe Bay. There wasn't a sail in sight. "By breakfast time a few bright-colored spinnakers were beginning to dot the horizon, apparently bringing wind with them. u 110 often happens in the Entenada race. · "AJs the morning wore on, the number of sails astern Increased and by 9 o'clock 100 or more yachts were converging on th~ finish . I had a TV newsman aboard who, up to then, had found nothing worth recording for a viewing audience. ''The wind died, and then re- covered. We worked the boat nard, but weren"t moving very fast. The mass or yachts coming up from astern were bunching together and were advancing on a quarter-mile Cront. ''Those astern with spinnakers drawing began to blanket those ahead, allowing those behind to move into the lead. The blanke- ted yachts fell back to clear air astern. Their chutes filled again and put those ahead in a wind shadow. The lead changed con- stantly. "Any experienced racing skip- per could see that there waa no way that mass of yachts could cross the finish line which was set up for no more than 20 boata. Many of them tried to drop out, but by this time there was no place to drop to without colliding with other boats. There waa no room to maneuver. "The late Don Morden was race committee chairman. His unbelieving eyes finally told him to belJeve what was happening. He ordered h.i.a crew to man tape recorders to record the numbers of finishing boats. Do booze drinkers age fa s ter.? "Morden himself hailed the approaching boats and told them to finish on both sides of the corruruttee boat. Several did, but other skippers recalled the sail- ing instructions which said the yachts must finish between the committee boat and the flag at the other end of the line. No way werf? they going to risk a dis- qualification. "By this time Morden's tape recorder had begun to record in color -mostly blue. Hulls were banging together and crewmen were shouting for others to stand clear or give sea rooom. ~ JOEL C. DON the aging proceu. In fact, res· .. Deir ,... ...., earch in all areas of aging was If you a wig one too many spane up until the last five years, martini.a each day, you may be he added. Im'petua to study the aging fuier yd~ ~ caµaes of aging 'WM boosted by ·~; ~ !1 ~ l~tfri!'::·~:0~g~~~~~ ~:r4°n;~ reteare.ber at the UCI C.Ollege of said. ' Medicine, will spend the next Zometzer suggested the surge Y~ t.rytna to tmi.dv9Uo alco-· •in granta for aging nwearch has holism Witfi the aain& .C--been due partly to ~~the aware. Then'• no bard eYf that ness of the tremendous economic alcoholial age faster, Or. Zornet.-and social Impact that h.aa been ier emphasiud. Hia theory is cau.ed bJ the increaaed number bated, in part, on subjective ob-of &Red penons." aervations that alcohofics appear About 11 percent of the popu- to age more quickly than non-lation in tht> United States is over alcoholics. age 65, according to federal esu- Long-term alcohol users ap-mates. By the year 2030, that fi- pe a r to lose some of their gure is expected to be as high aa memory and learning capabilities 22 percent. and show a deterioration of Though moat scientists agree motor skills. . the maximum human life span is C.OinclHentally, as we age the about 85 years, Zornetzer said same negative effects occur. It aging reiearch focuses on easing has been suggested that loss of the trauma of bodily dete rlora-- memory and motor ability as we lion in the aenior years. grow old may be due to the nor-"Anything you can do to in- mal death of brain cen.,. be 18.id. crease the vitality of the aged Alcohol la a toxin. In addition will have a benefit on aociety," to lta serio\a destruction of the he said. liver, alcohol haa been shown to Zometz.er will use laboratory kill off .elective cells in the brain animal.a to study the impact of -J>C*ibly the critical areas that . chronic alcoholism. Mice used in control our vital learning and the study will be at various ages motor skills. to .ee lf alcohol haa a different Zornetz.er aaid lclenti.lt.a belle-effect on.young, middle-aged ¥Mi ve the natural m of bcain oe1la elderly &nlma.!a. due t::> aging and the effects of In what'• called a double-blind chro nic alco~••Y M experiment, the UCt eclentitta working by a ~-wiD not know which mice have niam. been fed a diet 1plked with alco- "Perhaps you're giving your-hoJ. aelf a bool1er shot (toward aging) The an1mala will be tested for by taking alcohol," he said behavioral learning and motor The aclentist said there's little abilltlea ~d then apeclflc por- reeearch connecting alcohol with tiona of the brain will be exami- ned for cell loss. Curiously. Zornetzer's project has been funded by the Distilled Spirits Council of the Unite d States, an induat.ry trade group. It is not unusual, however. for industry groups to fund basic research and Zornetz.er's findings will be published in a journal subject to peer revtew. "I think it helps the Image both for the scientific and the lay community that they (Distilled Spirits Council) are willing to support research," he said. "It's poesible that the data will show that chronic alcohol use does not increase the aging process. "I don't believe that. I believe that what I'll find is potentially damaging to the market." He stressed that it's not known "how much consumption of alco- hol is needed to cause the de- struttlon of brain cells. Further studies are needed to determine what degree of alcoholism con- tributes to the proposed aging theory, he said. "But by no w there was no room to give. Obscenities filled the air as hulls banged together, spinnaker poles were snapped and the booms of aevera.I yachts came down on the dec ks o( nearby yachta. Boats in the rear plowed into the sterns of boats ahead ·· John Arens, who was sailing a 35-foot yawl, recalls that he was rammed from astern three times within a fe w yards. Morden's tape recorder recorded the f.tct that 83 yachts were cloc ked across the line within two mi- nutes. Back to Desenberg: "The only calm penon in the entire fleet was the TV newsman aboard my boat. He sat enthral- led throu~h this historic end to the world 11 largest international yacht race -so enthralled that he never once reached for his movie cainera." Registrar checking freeze signatures The C>ru\&e County BeglatraT of Voters is busy checking more than 56,000 signatures on petl· t.iona endorsing a statewide ballot Initiative demanding a ~ in the production of nuclear wea- pons. stop further productioO) testing and deployment of nuclear wea· pons. Among those present when petitions were turned in waa Sydney Smith, an elderly Lei- sure World resident, who collec- ted about 2,000 signatures. Hoag's lifeline push of a button away The 56,000 names were among 700,000 submitted to registrars throughout the atate Tue«tay by Californians tor a Bilateral Nu- clear Weapons Freeze in its drive to place the iaaue before the vo- ten. Backers of the Initiative aiy they have about doubl-=. the number of atgn.atures needed to qualify the measure for the No- vember ballot. Elderl y, handicapped get hospital care An emersency lifeline system to help elderly and handicapped people get boapital-Uke care in • their homes at the puab of a. button baa be~ lnatalled at ~ Memor1al Hotptal. T6e 1y1tem1 which baa the capedty to connect nearly 10,000 people with the hospital'• com- nwn.Lc:at.lon center. wu ~­Md by"• fund·raillnC .. ., .. Newport Balbm Bmary Qui>. 'n.f17,000eetup,IDllDbll'lof the .... port .... J'oundaUon explala, wlll allow l*)ple wbo m&pt normally be conflMd CO conv.-..nt balpltall or nunm, homee to maintaln an lndepen-• dat Uf..cy&e. It the person la in aerioua trouble, the, hospital wW alert paramedica will check a chart to see if the penon has a known medical pl'Oblem and will oontld netchbon fer .m.tance. The system can double u an alert co auth.oritlel if a penon needs police and • !*nl tobbld -..lt.ed. Tbe lifeline, which la hooMed '° th9 ~· talllfhone, functaonl even If a pereon•a phone ll not wor"1nc or du.rinC a power f.al~ lure. • Oeor1e Hoed1Jlabau1, ptet.t. dlnl of the foundation. .,. Ni 1roup hu"provtdecl for an Im· m.diate order of 2& of the 11fellne units. He M)'I UM lfOUP II bo· ~ful other dubl and orpnila· Uou in Newport will help by ~mare. To helc.:'r WJ for lM hcilp&IAI· ,,.._, &he ao- ::a;:.;:~111 11111• a IU"4• ............ luft. CllJ Mdlll•w ......... Alt The propoaltion would call oo the governor to request the pre- lldent to at.art lmmediat.e nego- tiationl with the Soviet Union to The nuclear freeze movement.. they Mid, haa been endoned by 170 U.S. senators and relftRllt- allvea and by dty counclla and other public bod{es throuahout the c:ou.n try. dln1 th• Stanlllaua B.lver and America'• wetlande. The moviell will be shown in roclnl 101A and 1018 o1 the Unlwnlty C.W. A blue .,. .. concert II Mt fw 11 a.m. to noon _. tbe -"-'· Brower, &M bynoC. ~1 w.. e 1-dlil' ln t.M·-.n Cub and found9d J'rterm ol dlll.,.., in 1988. Ha pUlbed ....... 'rlllh· !Wit al::..::-: c.. ... andRed •ala lllllllwl &be~ Cod, JIN w... .... Mat..,. .... _. 0 ,,. He--= I 21• .... .... ....... .. ....... .,., ,__. •UCN larU• D•r ••Uw 1, call .... .... •HERB CAEN •HOROSCOPE Advice . £or -someone ~lse changes reaaer's life · DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 really ~n't Every time the fellow 181d 11r/ght?" we care lf this letter makes the ~ or not, I nearly cracked up. We did manage t.o keep juet want you to know your colutpn c ounelves under control, however, thanked chanait Uv~. It did mine. him profu.ely and proceeded to the next gas Lut week I attended my secona;: station for a leu confusing aet of inatr.uc- Anon meeting, and I feel as if I hav ti°"'. - rebom. If J sound nutty, forgive me, , Please print thi~ letter so those wbo the be$t way I know to put it. have the habit of tacklna 11right?" oQto My husband is an alcoholif11 I tt ed every sentence wm aee that it can create everythina to get him to stop drtnklna. t serious P!Oblema iJl conununication. Sign me begged, pleaded, cried, nagged, sulked, -ln-DE'AR ANN LANDD8: I would like to -SCHENECTADY, RIGHT? , suited him and made myself sick. Almost share a hilarious experience abOut a penon every day I had a headache or a stomach with a speech habit referred to recently in DEAR SCBENEcrADY: Rlgbt. Here's yoar ~euer. Let's laope U belps. ache. When I realized my job was iJ1 jeopardy your colwnn. I decided to ta.lee the advice I had read so My friend and I pulled into a gas station often in your column -for others, not me: in need of specific directions for an address DEAR ANN LANDERS: My daughter, ''Go to Al-Anon. It's in the phone book and in the Boston area. The lad was cooperative age 4~, and her 53-year-old husband make it's free." and eager t.o help. But he was one of thoee frequent use of two four-letter words -one After two meetings I beccune con~ characters who tags "right?" on the ~.nd of beginning with "s," the other with "f." I that nobody can stop anyone else from every sentence. . know you can't print them and I would not drinking. Since I couldn't change my hus-The directions he gave were as follows: write them. Usually they use these words band, I must change myself. Last night Mike "Pull out of here, right? At the first aet of when they get mad, can't find something or and I had our first real conversation in double lights tum right, right? Then right the car won't start. years. The barrier has been broken. I feel after the underpass, turn left. Right? After I am a 76-year-old woman who dislikes strong, confident and at peace. My change in three more lights. tum right. Right? Then thia kind of talk and have told them so re- behavior toward Mike is beginning to right after the last right, make a sharp left. peatedly. They tell me I am old-fashioned - change' his behavior toward me. Eventually _Rig_ . ..z....h_t?'_' _________________ Tha __ t _t_h_ese __ w_o_r_ds_are--'-. _a_n_a_cce___,,p_t_ed__,p:....art __ o_f_. 1 HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Capricorn: Solve puzzle Thursday, April 22 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You make right move at right time. Individual who opposed you will become an ally. Mutual security interests figure in scenario. Check diet -you could now be susceptible to di- gestive disorders. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Horizons expand; you gain view from inside and have. access to information previously concealed. MaF fears, doub~ are erased -yOl.lll MV reairPt\ ~ celebr~tf. GEMINl (May 21-June 20): Rebuilding process gets under way. Some cherished notions are subject to revision. Alliance with me opposlai6-.iex can be strengthened. Wish comes ti;-ue in unorthooox manner. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be ready for change, travel, variety -professional superior puts in a good word. Gain indicated thrOugh written word -prom~tion posmble iffthorough in outlining procedures. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Family member seeks reunion, makes gesture of conciliation. Accent on spirituality, long-range projects, communication. education and possible travel plan. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Accent on mystery, intrigue, questions concerning fi- nancial status of one who makes offer of partnership. Focus also on taxes, leases, property values and appraisals. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphasis on law, ability to d eal with older individuals and decisions regarding location and time. Emphasis also on marital status. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Task can be completed; many people will be concer- ned 'with your views, methods. Focus on health, nutrition. employment and dealings wi1b ~pendent!. . I ' I I I SAOITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Focus on emotional responses, getting to heart of matters, making necessary changes and ability to reach understanding with children. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on property, security, relations with family members and ability to utilize available material. Check routine, put puzzle pieces together until pattern begins to emerge. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Highlight venatility, humor, ability to overcome dis-:· ta.nee and language barriers. Emphasis on movement, relatives, visits, short reports and favorable news concerning money. · . PISCES (Feb. 19~March 20): By digging beneaib IW'face indic.ations you are likely to strille pay dirt. You locate what bad been i..t; ilallllng or stolen. , . .. 11 ., ............ ARTIST AND SONS -Alice Neel, 62, who is known as one of the finest American portrai- tists of, the 20th century, poses wilJi paintings of her sons, Richard Neel (left) and Dr. Hartley Neel. The artist, who has committed family members to pop culturist Andy Warhol to canvas, has been named a "distinguished daughter of Philadelphia." GOREii 011 BRIDGE " BY cHARLES 'H. GOREN ' AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. Eut deal1. NORTH •AO <:;) K.J8 0 All5Z •t5' WEST EAST • 10t7 + llQ8Z ~ 107154 ~Veld 1 9'~ ~Ill' ~ I 1t1 1,ti;,~5>:~ L fJ ., t I b~:f-.,-_.,._...,.,, I :1 W>AlCUSZ 9-QU •Aa The bidding: Eut S.lldl w .. t N.nli P ... I <:;) PUI 2 0 P ... 2 <:;) PUI '~ PUI P ... Pu1 Opening lead: Ten of •. At tbi1 very moment, a creeplnr paral71l1 i. atu.ck· Ing many bridp player• throurhout the world . Thia 1tranre diaeaae auacltt d4!daren whenever tbe7 •D· eount.w a bad trump break! North·Soutb 1Uded lato four h .. rt. on a ,.,~ normal auction . .\a tM tanla Ue, boanr, t.b,.. .. &nmp is a superior contract. Eleven tricu can be made b7 finea•· Ing the eight of hearts once the 5-0 break i. dlKOvered. West led a epade.. Dedarer correctly ducked l.o dummy and Eut won the queen. He 1hift.d to tbe jack of clube, won by the ace. Declarer led .a ~um t · . When ecl&rer'1 went lato'• e n 1hock. He decided that be !lad to pick up Weat'• trump•, ao be came to bud with tu queen of diamonda and led a trump to dumm7'1 eight. Th.a he cub· ed the king of trump1. , Now all declarer had to do wu get back t.o hl1 band to draw the remainJna trumP.•· He tried to do 10 b7 leadlnf a diamond t.o the jack. Unlor· tunatel7, Weat rllft,cl ud returned a tpade. Dedarer wu locked ln dwnm1 wltll tt.. ac. with DO wa7 t.o ,.t to hll hand. No matter what H played, the clefenden were bound \o ICOl'e their b&aek· 1utt klqt ud anoth9r clia· mood ndf for a two-tric:k Mt. Declarer forp that .... main object in rubber bridge ii to make your contract. In· •lead of worrying about Weat's five trump1, declarer 1bould have concentrated on making ten trlcu. The 1ure· fare line ii t.o draw four rounds of trumps, leaving W eat with the muter trump. Now dec:lare~ at.ari. on dia1n00.da. Wut la.. welC09Je to rldf •bi never Jie dlooff), but d~arer •lU be able £o dl1card one of hia btack .. ult loaera on dummy'• fourth dia· mond -the ace of 1pades 11 ltill an entry t.o dummy. Oecl&rer will loae only one trump trick ind two in the black 1uit.1. Have7M..._......., ... te 4ealtle trealtleT Let c ........ a....w,·, .. .... ,.. . ., ......... .... el DOU8LE8 ler ,...atJe• ............. .,, .. MIDOUILEI ........... .... .. -0..-0..W..," _.. ................. P.O. h• llt, Nenr-4, N.J. ..,... ............. , ..... w New••farliul&a. fOll 1111 JI· OR. '9£TEA J. STEINCAOHN '' , ' . ~ . . modesn~. Are they•rt&At? rd like'° see your answer In the paper. -NBED EARMUFFS JN SASKATOON ' ... DEAR TOON: Modern, my eye. nose . words are gutter language -totally uac- ceptable to people of refinement. Y oa are not going to clean up tlaelr garbage moatlas, 10 your beat bet 11 to play deaf. Can drugs be a friend in time of stress? If you keep your head together can they be of help? Ann La.n.ders' all-new booklet, ''The Lowdown on Dope," separates the fact from the fiction . Get it today. For each booklet ordered, send $2.00, plus a Jong, self- addressed, stamped envelope (37 cents pott- tage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chi- cago, m. 60611. OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Appeal fa des for suntan ~ OKAY, SO cancel my reservation: I agree with Bill Marsh, that's a great ad! I mean the one for Aloha Suntan Studio in Walnut Cre4!k: "Look your best! If you're kind of good looking, you'll be pretty with a suntan. If you're pretty, you'll be beautiful with a tan. If you're beautiful, you'll be gorgeous witp a tan. But if you're downright ugly, it's no use." ONLY IN S.F . siihtem No. 29031: At SixtH' ntf.:lil~a. ·wl'b.o wearmiJu warwsq d j3S l )'ODt begin«j~ to despair of fortune cookies worth rea ~ng, Ph~. one at Pier 6 in San Raf "BtWMn!>f SttfSers Be traWl .. ""."": . Opening loon above Clint Eastwood's Hog's Breath restaurant in Carmel: a hair salon called High On the Hog . . . Catchy plates on an '61 Toyota: "MOTA-KAA" ... Trying to revive my flagging interest in Namephreakism, Michael D . O 'Reilley points out that Toby Repose is an embalmer at the Chapel of the Chimes mortuary in Oakland, but ZZZu:z ... Is "a mortuary in Oak.land" as redundant as suicide in Buffa- lo? BOTTOMING OUT: I think I'll keep campaigning for the Luther Burbank Shasta Daisy as our National Flower. The sunflo- wer, leading the pack, is a& corny as Kansas, where, in fact, it is the state flower, and that's enough . . . Besides, daisies don't tell, and Washington is plagued f~h enough leaks as it is (hahahaha) . . . , Proving again that the old da~ were better, Pauline Johnson browsed thr()ugh a 1910 edition of the Standard Di~onary of Facts ~~d .;'J.,qct,~, on the Los Angele~ fi1ver, 460.JDilis South of San ~iift!riod. Tillt'w'fS it. The entire listing. ~ . iill'rEVER hap;ned to jud.iment? Lisa Busboom, having ridden BARt from S .F. to Berkeley, found she needed to add a nickel to her fare, and had only a $20 bill. The station agent wouldn't change it and nobody would give her a nickel, so she lea ... ped across the barrier, hoping to find chan.ge elsewhere. Summoned by the acent, Berkeley cops picked her up three blocks away and gave her a $60 citation. For-a nickel! ITEMS FOR ·sALE: Aa the movie ver- sion of Tom Wolfe's 'uibe Right Stuff" en- ten tta fourth week of ~ here, there ls lti1l conlusion on the 1et. 'nlat's becaUle the role of Chuck Yeeaer la played by Sam Shepard, Astronaut Alan = Glen, Astronaut John Glau Ed and Deke Sla Warnin1: Scomai'• at th hea~ mayt« 'dee: W mes ia the new Lt:4'" MS ·KNOW ,_. THa1ta's ANY WAY l C.AM -...svs ~" ~AIN Slow spending rises • Decline of mobility, discovery of utility eyed Together, we can change tflinls. BY JORN CUNNIPF ,, ....... ....,.. NJ:W YORK -Arnone the more evident ef· lecta of lnflaUon·rec.'ellion are the alowlJ\I of the marketplace, the decl1ne of mobility, and the cfb. covery of utlllty tn,thlnp that once would have been abandoned. . People in touah economic t1met are more rea· U.tJc, 1-dreamy-eyed. They make do. They rely on old NllOW"Cel, internal and external. lnflaUon-recelllon clearly reduces the frenetic acllvtty of 11COM.ln1 and IOlna. 1ettlnc and epen· dtna" that Wllliam WordlWorth referred to. People retreat to old values, and eometimes pay leea tor dOlna '°· "'!'he age or the average car ln \Cle today la cloee to eeven years. Il'\-l970, aC'C!Ordtna ~e Motor V.hicle Manufacturing Auoclatlon, people kept their can only ~.~ yean. Then, Inevitably, they bouaht another. To the great frustration of automakers, there ii nothing ln· evitable today about retirinl one car and decl.ln1ng to buy another, not when tome families can get along as well. almoet, with the one remainlng. Americans are alto using their can less than they Uled to. In 1970 they drove about 10,000 CUMMlf'f' miles a year. By 1980, they were down to 9,135 miles, says the auoclation. They are. conserving. money and energy_. They are holding on to the same houae too, a particularly painful matter to real estate agents who used to advertise small houses aa "starter" homes ~ "first" homes, the expectation being that they wduld have the same couple back for some- thing bigger Ln a few years. Similarly with apartment dwellers, who Uled to aay they were savina money for a suburban I I J 1: . ' _. houae. But. you may have obeerved. while they are still in the same apartment, now they own it and are calling it home. Others have gone back to the old houses real estates agents offered them, with apologies. several years ago. They are fixing them up, and they are proud to tell you how they saved money on their "di9covery." In those houses people are installing inexpen- sive computers. to the further frustration of auto- makers who can't understand that priorities have changed and a person might prefer to ,!Jtay home with hLa COD)puter. High cost and tl\e relative decline in income because of inflaUon-recesalon produces financial i.naecurity. lnaecurity in tum leads to cost~tting. Consider the car: In 1970 it cost just 19 cents a mile to operate. By 1980, according to the same aource, it cost 44 cents. µt roughly the same period housing ooeta have soared even more. So people stay puL U, for example, a family has a $60,000, 8 per- cent 30-year mortgage it isn't likely to give it up for a new one at 17 percent, no matter bow nice the y w}ah. \Q t,uy. T\le ·~ • would whlle u welt ·jwnu Clllllf • 474 E . 17th I t . ,Coat~ ..... .._21X Bring your home the beauty of Armstrong Designer Solaria"® -... ~\. ' ., a1 -••• ~ .1_·-• PACIFIC DEeORATINQ CENTERS .' r 11T1•,tr ' HHJ f1111 •If. t•,tlilJllO (l) ~~ ··n. only PO · ... "°"'..,,,,_~ Ol 11*"1 COior.,,,,. -r,,,.,. ,,., .... .,,,, ... ~ -·- " ' Theno-w1x floor rou love to come 'hometo . 0..lgMr Solarlan la the only no-wu llOOf with the rlchn111 of In· • lakl Color'"' -Arm- atrdhg'a ••cllalva pro- CtH that bulkll VP the color and pattern with thouaand1 of varlcolor9d vinyl granu .... The '"ult 11a1lehllau of color and •uniquely "craft9d" look that no printed flOO(lng can begin to ' match.. And 111 ax Ira-durable MlratlOnd nc>wax IUI• •~ r•ltt• aculf1 and Kfltcilel, IO It nMllllS • iu.trous ··~·· leoll wltnovt •••lftO far IOfloer IMn _.,,,. nc>-waa ,.... lo come In now 9'MI ... fot ~rMlf wtly °"'9Mt IOfttlan ''°"' """''"'"' la "lo"* 10 oerne ,_,.to." be the dlffettnce between '440 a month and '865 a month. Far too much. TamO.id thentfore are more lncl1hed to .ad a ·~..,_.,""....._ l!I room or a bath If needed, while dolna thelr best to -ai:========~===~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!m!--l!l!!l~·~n.~~~===~· ... pay lhe heetlng or coolln& bllla, whlch allo have t- l()f.red. Their economlzinl al.a tends to slow down the yo~ .et. A colleae education II tough enough to finance without having to pay donnhory room and board. The kids, thereto.re, are often movtng back home, aavtna money, when feasible, by becoming commuter students. Advance Mortgage Corp., a Detroit-baaed, nationally active hmder that re1uiar1y sur.;veys housing snarketa, found that (or the first time in many inblttha &.ton'll apartment avaU.8bWty rate improved. It attributed the phenomenon to college students retumlng to families. The return to old hablta La evident also to ex· ecutive recruiters. Detpite a flow of people to the Sunbelt statt!I, they report aome executives aren't aa geographically mobile aa they were a decade ago. Many, it seems. prefer to stay with what they have The Unfvenity Diet 18 a clinfaJly ~ medlcaUy ..,perviwi. eupp&e. mented fut,~ by an aUthorized pbyllida.Jl for·tboee who Med to loee twenty pounds or more, quickly aDd tiafely. and what the know. Super Perm Sale! You'll be lookin' good in our easy-care perms: Nova Perm; reg. '40 now s33 Sam~ & c:DeliLalt SOOTH COAST PLAZA ------:-=--=~-::-=.. -------- First we it e one resource people could count on, no ~g§'?IJ.., matter what. (' The United ~<' ~~ States Treasury. "''11tH ANt> ~ So we decided to invest our fond exclusively in U.S. Treasury securities. Because they're backed by the direct full faith and credit pledge of the U.S. lrcasuty. If The worst happens, the Treasury will, by law, honor its obliga- tions to the fund. Without question. Not all money market fund s can say that. Not even most govcmmcnt- only funds. Now what docs that mean to you? You 1ct the eafcty and security you need to sleep niahts. Which ls why every one of our accounts is what we call a Safety Ac- count. Htri'I • iiappenl .ht you open a Safety Account. You put in a minimum of 111000. That maka you an inw:stot in tnc fund. The fund, in tum, inftlll in U.S. Trcauty 9eCUl'i- tica. You don't have to leave yeur money in for 1 tel period of time. If you need ii or Willi ro move it arowxi, you simply write 1 check. And you dodt set pcnUzed either. . Capital Pmervation i1 not in- turtd, • 1 blilk ii, by the RDJ.C. But the RD.LC. holde ill own cu•paitf rem,. in die w ldod Of nt.urY llCuridll. lnla .... Clinically Proven. The Unlvenlty DiiiJJ.m't a fed diet.. It's a medical protocol preecribed for rapid weightlou. Over t.he lut eight years, It'• proven iteeU with lit.erall~v ihoUMnd8 of tat. sub-ject.a at r..c.hina 't&le IUCh u Hlll"Vard Medical School U and UCI. TheJoomaJ of U.. Anurican M«licaJ A,.odation has twice reported favorably on t.he result.a and recommended the ~ Medically Supervised. 1'» University Diel le a ..... alflc:tive f..unapnigram. -...~by an m~ ~ N"oehotAI. pill or llUl'gwy are mvofwd. lnltJally. you are IPven thorough labare- t«y warkupe. As IOOO ~:.~~is posit.Ive there are no • ' you are t.abri off tnditlooal fooda and you begin the University Diet. You Can Do It. Thou9UJda have. One thing I.ha&. helsie ii thal. you 're only required to make one dedaioo: The decision lo t.ry the prOl8t1lm. Aft.er that, t.bere'1 DO calorie ooundng. You don't haw to cbome "not" and "wrong'' fooda or ~You're ~ freeolthemed lodMl wilh The Univsaity Diec. ii for you if you're reed.Y to kMe a lot ol 1"icht. With the help ola~phy9'daniandan~ Ing couneelor. -know you can llChieve your goal ~\ Fast. Safe. A calorie cont.roiled powds, mW.id with walk. tea. coffee or • diet llOh drink. provldee your body with 46 grams of~ tein and 30 grams of c:.bohydrate daily. 1n adefit.¥m. you gee. aD the vitamins and mineral.I you neeii Some peop&e say it '1 deticioul. The POim la. )'OUT nut.ritional needs are fully a.t,. lsfied withouteeting. Meanwhile. your body does the nat.ural thing. It bu.ma up pound after pound of unwanted fat. ~Y and safely. Reach Your Ideal \\9ght. You can etay on the Univtnlty Diet WI longuyou need lo, burning off fat as quiddy as medical safety permit.a. Lab woriUa =~ i.oen&ui.' your afety, and there's an EOO ts after C!V9')' loee of pounds. Once you reach your ideal wejgb1.. the University Weight Maint.enance program helps you stay there. · We Cost Less. The Univeni Diet coeta less than similar prognuna. ~ t' 1 every bit u effective. And your imurance probably coven a major portion of the cost. Ask for our fee schedule. You 're invited to meec. wilh any of our paUellt.a. And of COUl9e we'll gladly Mnd complete details lo your perwooa1 or f amil):' phyllician. If you need lo loee more than 20 pounda, c;all ua for an appointment or Infonnation. Looks like we asked the right question~ SIO.O '9.0 Jf..you hid invested 15,000 in out fund "hti II ~I and left 1DW' .,., In. you'd ~ OYCf 110,000 ~ Still camina hisb interest. And lli\l protec- ted by the U.S. 1iaturYI direct fuD faith and credit Pledae· That's the kind of income that would blft hdped proteCt your Ql>ical apinat inflation. What'• co.mini nut? We don't know. Thar dilys, nobpdy doa. We 1till •Y tbat it'I •fc, and IOUDd, to mm .,.xt IDOOIJ oo your money. And IO do thC llO,OOO ta.• .. who ............ '" .... 1n-. If .you think a Safety Accoont might be the answer for you. give us a caQ. Or send in chc coupon below. Wc11 be glad to send you a free prospcctUs which will tell you all about our fund. Including charges and expenses. Be SUtt to read it thoroughly before you invest. Or drop by and sec us. -------- ... CNfW. PROEIVAllOA FUND l900 ,,,._ ol tht San Suitt 715 LO*~ CA '°°'7 Win a free trip for two on AIROIL bll._ourdytl .. You see a1903 Motgcin silVer dollar. We see a 14000;6 return. ln May 1976. you could · have purchased chis MS-65 Morgan from Hannes Tulving Rare C.Oin Invest- ments fOr a modest $30. Today. 5).1 years later. we 11 buy it bade for $450. A tidy 14® rccum. Granted. chat kind of rare coin appreaaoon u 2xce tionaJ, but there's a deal of money to made in the market as a whole In fact, since opening our doors in 1976. not one of our clients' rare coin investment portfolios has ever made less than 30% per year. Not one. Quite an achievement. we think you11 agree, while bullion, stocks -even real estate -remain extremely soft. Not even monc;y market funds or T-Bills offer that kind of annual return. The secret, of c.oursc. is finding the right coins. And Hannes Tulving is one of only 18 recognued silver dollar expens in the country. Our company offers the senous investor a pro- fessionally managed. personal rare coin invest- ment portfolio, complete with a 60-day moneybadc policy and grade guarantee on each coin. Give us a caU today. Or return the coupon below fur a free information p;tClcet And do it soon. After all, at 1400% over 5~ years, imagine what you're losing each day you delay. ~ HANNIS 1ULVJNG ~· Ollf Prolmion•I Florist 1 2916 Red Hiii Avenue A· 108 Cotta Mesa 841-0810 ·~ · fLY .~·AIR IRVINE TO LAX Via Dally Fllghte ,,.... "°"" w.,... Alrpott <OrMte coune,) . &35.00 (71"lf 540-6911 lt531 Arpert .. , ..... 8-11 ..... , ..... •Resklmflal • COmmerdal Bulldlnp . Takr,ouf COmmbmenl requJmd alof1g with leases. Conlllct: . Jeff John8on SOufh o.a._ O>unl~lnl• -7~ "My beeper saves me time, gas and money!" _ .. """" · · ~ Answer Page beeper means my phone caMs reach me nght nowl When someone calls. my beeper gives me the siglW Ill seconds, TIO mit1af where I am or wNI I'm 4oiftO It's almost Wea hMng I phone Ill my pocbt. and that means fewer call-lnS and less bid!· tractdng and wasted time Answer Page worb almost ewrywtiere in SoUthtm califom11. and the cost 1s less than 75( a day, so my beeper moB ltlM pays for itSelf wery tme I use It. I'd be lost Without It, .. How about you? How much 11 JOllf time worth? Wtrv not make the most ol ct wery day. with an Answer Page beeper! @ fl~Sl\IER ffilJE , 731-7777 Call toll·free 1·800-252·9161 Or call 1ntorma110n tor the Answer Page ottice nearest you ~tility chahges pushed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. hu uraed the Public Utllltlea CommJaaion to chanae utUlty ratea to ,tve a break to taidenta ol all-e1ec:tric bomel. In a letter to Public Utilltlea Commlulon Pre1ident J ohn Bryaon, Brown alao urged the PUC on Tuesday t o "crack down on utility mlsmanagement" and to order utllitJee LO eell ex- cea1 properties. among other thinp. Brown alto urged the commiaalon to quickly order utilities to reduce electric ratea because heavy rains and 1now1 have created an abun- dance of cheap hydroe- lectric power this year. Although the PUC'a members we re a ll ap- pointed by Brown. the governor does not have authority LO set commis- sion policy. Hla letter, therefore. ia not binding o n the commiasion, al- though the commission is expected to follow that general direction. Instead or giving dis- counts for heavy energy consumption. aa earlier rate structures did, the new rates lmpoee higher per-unit r*8 for heavy consumption, hilting ea- peciall y hard on all- electric homes. P"l'OU( t -01 -Me0 -mo P•1me1111 leu oned a1n1 c:cwen1111 Mao<ecl Finl Deed I mil· NOii OOltlr 11orne Lagune 8eedl F-185 000 MHd c:eeh hi SH .000 *•" AclMOW ..,,,. ...,. ........... *'<~~~'*"- ..oas A<lll•erlhen uwA .-Cit ...... ..., ••<Ill n,ert •••••• lmas ....... "" .... , ,.,o,_....., ................... ~..,. ]. Alexander Securities, Jo e. INVESTMENT BANKERS Congratulates HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK on 1t6 grand ~nm~ ar &l<a Chica & llt-11. Weo antidparc-a succc-sJful fu111reo for tlleo bank. Adam~ inqumc-s about commun srock pi)tCh•~.s/saln/quott:J to John Packard or • Barb1t1 Bro11+-n ar (714) 7'./·7'06. C11~ .......... c__, ~0.$1" t .... UllllM ...... Wa•~D.C. WHEl\EAS itf9cl~ ~ llP l>Mn pr-led to file Comp- trOll« of tM Currency the1 PACI- FIC NATIONAL BANK located In Newpott BMdl, I tel• ol Callfor- nla. llu comollad wltll llN provl- lllorll of the ataMea of the Unllad StatH required to be complled wltll baf04'a being authorized to cornmenoe the bu9lneea ot ban- 111 no a1 a Natlonal Ba11111119 Meodetlon. NOW. THEREFORE, I hereby certify that -~·-wo-oletlon la ~ IO COf1'119191 IC9 tll• llullfl•H of banlllng H 1 ~,~:a..=~ wtt-,.. my ........ and .... 9' of- -... 2"' dflt Of.-....,, 1M:2. '1CTTTIOUI MHMNIH _,. N.u. STAT'lmNT P ..... take notice, pur.uent to The followtng ~ ero d°*1g 8ec:tlon 9604 ol the Uniform Com-~ ea: 11\efctal Code of tM State of Call- BRANO y ENTERPRISES, 270 fC)fnla and certain 1eeurlty dOCU· Bflooa Avenue, Costa Meaa, CA menll aucuted by Qotlcel MOldlnet 9242"11. Sy11am1, Inc. (the "Debtor''), th• PAN WESTERN RESEARCH . unOar1lgned tflaN H ll at a publlc CORPOAAT'IOH. o Celtomla cor-Ala for GMh the OOlat.,., cMlcl1b- Pot'9110n. 270 lt1QQI "--· ad .. followt by ,_., of tM a.-Cotta ..._, CA ~ laultt by Datltor 11nCMr Mid ~ ~PORT Pl.ASTICS. INC., a document.: Cellfomla oorporatlon, 3 1948 AK-Opllcal equipment, mochlnary port Loop Or"'-a, co.ta MMe. CA and tool•: otftca lurnlfore. equip. 92628. 11\ent and euppMea. U!Sllt De WITT, JR.. '8124 The Mia lhall be held at 12:00 ......._ AowWld HelGM•. CA o'Q6ook ,_, on Aptl at. 1982, at 9t74'. All Sid..., llOt'age, 1002.5 ..... Thia llullrllla .. ~ed by Ill IMCll. IMne. Celfofnla tt114. la6d unincorporated -.00.tlon othet putllto .... llflell M oonclUC'9d ..,. thlln a part~. oordll10 to tM leWe Of UM 8t.1e of Pan W....,.,. AeaearGtl Corp. CellfOmll and 1MY lie poMpolltd by HelwY L. ldlone. pvlHIO ann<K1ncement at tM tltM Pr..rdant and ~ ... tonh abcl¥9. TNa _..111•" .. tltcl with tM The underllOl\90 reMtVel IN County c.ti ., Or-. Coutity on r10f1t to bid at Mid ~ ..... 4100 ~acAnhur Blvd Suur no Newpon 8etc:h. CA 9Z660 t714185t-8Z02 Comc>trOler of -Cwrenoy I °'*"' l!Unbs t7 1M • l'Vblletled Or~ Cout Deity ~Not.,..,. ... 31. Aotl7. 14. 2f, .. ...., •• I. "· 11t2 fUU'2 Aot1 •• 1912. ..-,,.NIM, U1>. MMV9I D. llAllR tr: ROOM MMLA• .... '11'1 llltC.,.•111 ., ........ -... .,.,.. ~....... --.,j:--=~~-:--:-~ ::S!:~..... ....--.o..-. ...,. _____ :a: ...... =::a....-ptl) NMlll ,_ A-.-=-~ .... PuOllltlad OtlflOlt COMC Delly,._ ,.llblllttiMI Oranqe Coa11 Dalt) lof, Aptl 14, 21, 21, ~ I . fN2. P!loi, AC>fll 21. 1H2 1•2.a nu.a - ' • ' Property manager Bppointed Moearcb Propertlea, lac., Newport Beach- bued property management company, announced that Rlcbard Hauer has been appointed director of properties. Coldwell Buker reportl that Chrlea SaJUvH will be responsible for marketing the $260 million Warminaton Plam, a major urban buatnea complex in Santa Ana. Jalle Brtllkerboff-Edward•, formerly director of pubUc relations/marketing for J .B.S. Develop- ment Corporation, join~ Llleacape11 lac., Costa Mesa aa executive dlrector of bual.nets aevelopment. J . D. Yous of Newport Beach, hall been named direct.or of the Department of Commerce's Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. Young previously waa the chief liaison with the nation's governors for the office which ls part of President R.eagan'1 federalism initiative aimed at returning responaibWties to states. Young, 26, holds a maaten' degree from the Thunderbird School of International Management, in Phoenix, and a bachelor'• degree from Claremont College. Jerrold R. Cole, an asaodate vice president in the Newport Beach office of Coldwell Banker CommerclaJ ReaJ E1tate Services, has been selec- ted redplent of the William H. McC.arthy Memorial Award, presented nationally by the real estate brokerage company. Harry Arcllan1 has been named vice president or Saven Tlarlfl & Lou At1oclaUoa, a financial institution scheduled to open In Laguna Hills in May. He dlrected commercial credit for offices in Pomona, Mlssion Viejo and Costa Mesa. Donald R. Lawrelll, founder and chairman of the board of Beat Plaa Compaalet, lac. or New- OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS 001111 caum 101111111 ------------------------~ port Beach, has been named to l't!Ccive the Muter of Maas MarkeU111 award at the Maas Marketing Insur an ce ln•tltule'a annual convention 1n Washington on May 2. He was president of the ln- 11Utute in 1977. Allen D. Cunon of the Newport Beach agency of Ma11acba1en1 Mutual Life lnaarance Company haa been named a member of the company's 1981 Freshman Five. The designation is the mo.t presu gious fint-year agents can receive For the second consecutive year, JaM Church AdverU1lng & Graphic Design, Inc., was a wmner at the annual Belding Awards presentation spon- sored by the Advertismg Club of Los Angel~ The firm waa awarded best of cat.egor1es award under the dir(let mail categones . Laurie A. Lloyd of Laguna Niguel jomed Great American Baak as an operations officer at the Newport Beach regional headquarters She wu associated with Union Bank at both its Century City and Beverly Hills offices. Mlclaael S. Andrus has been named cruet f1- nanoal manufacturer and <lisl.nbu&or of an electro- nic votmg system WM.'d ln Orange C.Ounty David J . Gay was appointed m<mager of butiness devel9p. ment and Sta~y M. Morg•D, field operations ma• nag er CbudJer and Chandler Adver1istng announced the appointment of John E. Brinkley as Vice presi- dent and creative director of the Newport Beach agency. He was most recently with Cochrane Chase and Livingston. _, Lest •n ' ""' , , .. Ju ICIYJ •I.. , .. J•) , .. ) .... "'" , 10• .. .... 111 .. 71 , ... 1 4\ro 14\lt ~ 1\1> ,..., ,..., 1"> !'rt. Up 151 I VO fDO VP lo I VP 11 • Utl JU Up llA VP IS.O Utl ISA up uj u, 1f ~ n VO ll.O VP II I VP 11..1 Utt II.A Utt '1.t "" ..... ~ tr.• Uc> ... VP ._, VP 1U Uc> •• VD IOO VP " Uo t i °" Pel 1 °" tu ••• Of! 112 ' °" ,.., ... Of! IU "' °" .... ... °" ··~ 1... Of! 1).4 .. Olf 1U ... Off '" > Ott 11S .. Off !JS "' Oft '" .... Off 11.1 .,. °" 11 , II.. Of! IOt "> Oft IOS > .. °"' ..,. ,..., Olt IG.J ""' Oii •o "' °" ., 1~ g: :~ -1 °" tJ 14 °" t i .... Cit! " -... Olt '' ... Of! t 1 HL HL HI. NL NL • , .. Scliloemer Paul G. Schlt1emer hu been elected ~t and • dirtctor oC Clovt1-nd·bued Parker fin C.Or- poratton. a worldwide 1u ppUer of Gu.Id poWMli'oducta for iht tnd u1trlal, aero.pace aJMI au tomo ve IAdu· •tri'9. effect$ve July l. ~r bcjaded Lh ,_n ' opcrtt1on1 helid in J1nce elected a presld in 1919, NlfMd lo the-office of chief execu tive in 1980, and eJ an t>XCCUtiYf> Vi09 ,,esideJ'lt ln l98 Patri~ 6. Parker. chalrmaa and chief execu tive officer hu been filling the office of pr<'Sldcnl since August, 1980 when Allen N. Aiman retired. Schl~r holds a degree from the Onaversity or Cincinnau and an M.B.A. from Ohio State. He joined Parker m 1957. Women 's career aired Ruth Urban, senior vice-president of Ablgall Ab. bott Personnel Services, will be the guest speaker for Women ln Management on Thunday. Her subject will be "Developing a Career Plan." The meeting will be heJd at the Hungry Tiger restaurant on Edinger Avenue in Santa Ana at 6:30 p.m For infonnation. call 556-8133. AirOal tick ets $9.BOJ "() AU'Cal announced that round-lrip tickets U be sold Cor $9~ eacb ,...&)'to destinations served ~ans10p by AuCal Crom the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Afr· port on Saturday at the earner's airport ucket counter. "The $9.80 tickets to San Jose. Oakland and Sacramento wiU be OJ\ sale from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., the day before we inaugurate Burbank service.'' said Harry Lehr. the airline's vice president of marketing and business plannmg. The $9.80 figure refers to AlrCal's DC-9 Super 80, which will be used on the routes. WE -CO to convene The Westem Electric Serv1c.-e Corp., a nonprofit trade association designed to assist modest-si7.ed elec- tronics companies, will meet Wednesday from 5 to 7 p m. at Victoria Station reslallrant, 990 'Dove St.. Newport Beach. For informauon. call 955-3636. JD ..... JO Tr" " Utl •J SHI ·~ rr ... utlls 65 Siii WHAT STOCKS mn~· HEW YOflK lAPl "'11 » r~ '" ... ,.,, 1' .. HEW YOflK IA~ "'11 JD ...... METALS '-~ 111 ,,. t o 17S If II ,. fT1 m 1111 u 1 • •' COP!"' 76"·78 cents 1 pound, U S. d"t1net1on1 ~ 26-32 oenl• a poood Zinc 35-39 oen11 a pound, o.11-ec1 Tin $6 5602 M411111 Wllllll comoo•ll• It> Ahimtnum 76-77 ceni. • poul'd. N Y \ Mlfevty $390 00 pet llnll Plattnum '360 00 troy oL, N.Y SILVER Handy & Harman $1 185 pat troy oonce GOLD QUOTATIONS ' ,_., LondOfl: al11tnoon nldng IMl..00. off $1400 ~lft.: $3-45 09. oft $11.28. fr9Mfl#t 13'8 00. off S 10 00 Zurlcll: Lale fhtlng S3'2 00 t>td, of'r s 13 00 1345.00 llltld HandJ & HarMan: only dally quote· 134300, olf $1HIO 1Ef1911~d: only d•lf)' quote 1343 oo, oil 114.00 I~ onty dally quote ft.t>r1ce11d '34!0.15, off 114 ,.0. SYMBOLS ._,_., ..... -~ ...... ____ .,,_.,. .. ---...... -~ *' __ .... -1 .. 11-....,lell • •"9 I --°' .,.._.. -...,._ ....... ... .::=. .. :-.. ::--..i.::-:......... I ........ ~ .... ....,. Oec•1<N or H •f •• ,_..,"'t tr -..__ _,.. _ '*' •?.J:• 14'Wf"-~ .......... -..... --·----........ ..... __ ell _ _._ __ -.. ---~· ... 111 ,._...,,_..,... __ ..... 111_111,._.. ··=---........................ --···-· " .. ,... -.,... ............. ..... ,,,. .............. c..c:.ii. ......,,...., ........i1w • .._ ·I ==::...-·--·~-~ .... ---·--· ........ . ---··--............ .... ~ ...... ------- " DETERMINATION -Matt Caniro (11) of with Costa Mesa Tuesday night. Estancia Estancia, goes in the air to spike a ball in a' won in five games to take over first place. Sea View League crucial volle)Cball match See story on Page B7. - Vaseline· victory? Perry fans 13 for win No. 298 SEATTLE (AP) -"If I can 1•t five or 1lx runa like that" veteran rl1h t·hander Gaylord Perry aald after hll 298th career vlctorr. "I can win a lot of 1amm.' 0 1 feel pat -bett I've felt in 10 yean.' . Perry atruck out a aeuon-h11h 13 ln 7~ 1nnln8I aa the Seattle Marlnen held off the An1eta, 6·4, Tu.day n18bt. 111 BAD A GREAT forkball, allder and fut ball," Perry utd. "My curvebal.l wun't u aharp aa It Ma been." The 13 atrtkeouta aet a Martner club record and lncreued Perry's career total to 3,3~9. No. 2 on the all-time U.t. Walter Johmon had 3,608. Perry left with the base. loa- ded. Reliever Mike Stanton got pinch-hitter Darryl Sconiers to ground into an apparent double play, ,but 1hortatop Todd Cruz's relay throw to first was wide. However, 1econd base umpir~ Steve Palermo called Sconien out at firat, t'ullng that the Anaela' Tim Foll had interfered witli Cruz. That. call nullified two Angel Nna. ''IF YOU CAN touch, it's a le- gal slide," said Angels' Manager Gene Mauch, who filed a formal protest on Palermo's call. "Foll said he could touch second. Pa- lermo told Foll that he (FoU) did t.oud\. ln front ot Bobby Knoop4 and (tint base umpire Greg) KOie... ~ In th,e aeyenth> Mauch com- plained to home p1ate umpire Nick Bremigan that Perry was loading the ball with vaaeline. "The umpire aald, 'I can't see anything,' " said Mauch, when he showed a ball to Bremigan. "I said 'All you have to do ia feel It.' "Gaylord Perry will be and should ~ In the Hall of Fame. There should be a tube of jelly next to the plaque.'' RICHIE ZISK and Manny Castillo each drove in two runs to lead Seattle's 12-hit attack that snapped the Angela' aeven-game winning ltreak. Perry ltrUck out every batter in the Angela' ·~ lineup at least once with the exception of Foll in the 7 ~ lnn1np he worked before giving way t9 Stanton. Perry gave up a leadoff double to Juan Beniquez in the eighth. One out later, Don Baylor a1ngled Beniquez home. Doug DeCincft and Foll followed with linglea to load ihe b~sea and Perry waa lifted for Stanton. The Marinen broke on top 4-3 with a three-run fifth inning, highlighted by Todd Cruz'a RBI double that scored Dave Hen~ deraon all the w'y from fir1t baae. Henderson had singled with one out. CRUZ QNT to third on the throw home, and after Julio Cruz walked and stole aeoond, Castil- lo'• groundout .900red Todd Cruz. Aft.er reliever Andy Haaler, in place of st~ter Angel Moreno, walked Bruce Bol;hte, Richie Ziak singled home-Julio Cruz. The Angels had staked Moreno to a 2-0 lead in the first inning on Bobby Grich'• two-run triple, which ICOred Brian Downing and Rod Carew, both of whom had singled. Seattle picked up a run. in it.a half of the first on Castillo's sin- gle, which 1COred-Jullo Cruz. who had walked t.o open the inning and raced to third on Moreno's ~rrant pickoff attempt. The Angels made the score 3-1 in the second when DeCinces doubled and ICO~ on Downi.ng's single. FERN.\ ' 10 'WJNS -Fer· nando Valen.ztAela went the distance for the Dodgers Tuesday night. Dodgers' • meeting pays off Jackson seelbs to have found a hill he can't climb LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles Dodgers Manager Tom Lasorda gathered his struggling team for another of his closed- Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . •It can now be said with the proper degree of respect, remorse and rcaret ... Reggie Jackso over t 11 known hill. •The Angels paas~ up shortstop Mark Belanger who went from the Bal- timore Oriolea to th~gers . ti of course, the Ang ad no of knowing they would Rick . eThe hours of dlaJosue seem rather incredible because the bottom line on the Los Angeles Coliseum and a National Football League franchise ls that Los Angeles is the richest pro football area on the face of the earth . . . Now or in the future which might belong to cable television and the figures thrown around are two million homes at $10 per game. JI ·~e xle -not to mention urabWty -to make it as a wide receiver with the San Franciaco 4-9era, Howard Coeel1 will receive a series of Mr. Nice Guy awards. •Guest.a whb left a recent party at the Balboa Bay Club were astounded at Georgia Frontiere, Madame Ram, ma- king a surpr~ presentation of a gold watch to Jack Teele who was forced out of the Rams organization with a broken heart t.o show for 21 years of service. Teele, now with the San Diego Chargers, showed considerable class in accepting what was probably the result of a twinge of conipcience. · ' •S~ ~ Aballl'J•~ WOUld not accept an_}'lhing as hwnillating as a trade $an J:/i~O. •T~ ~~-Teddy Hall(atUe, If you prefer -~ tell yoU" In "'three l:!ays or less why the Atlanta Braves are for real. •Desiree Wilson, the latest female auto race driver to appear at Indiana- polis, will probably get the same ap- . praiaal 500 winner Bobby Unser on ce· gave Janet Guthrie . . . ''U she doesn't get us all killed on the track, we may all die laughing." •On this date 20 year s ago, th~ or injustice? How else do you explain the county all-star selections U it isn't evident by now that BOme changes are needed for the annual Orange County All-star football game, than someone tBn't putting much thought into what's been going on. PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON When Ediaon High's Ken Major isn't invited. there's something wrong. When gi Toro's Damon Sweazy Isn't invited, something's wrong. When Estancia High's J im McCahill, Marina's Jeff handsen, Laguna Beach's Damon Berryhill aren't . invited . . . well. this l.lat could go on and on. Mark Templetoii (the CID' l>l~ il Pla1"r of the The game (eatuQS a N~~ ~ Year)indE1Modena'1J~t'~wbo8Clltedeome the rosten of •the two teams are'~ up rr6m ~er 2~ touchdoWDI or ao aft4 hilppens t.o be the apple of 60 achoola, which tranalates to lelli. than ~ l>Jiyer the ooach'1 eye. per school. Well. U'a hard to argue with El Modena Coach Obviously the answer isn't to increase the Bob Leeter'a choices, but nevertheleu there are number of players .elected, that just means more some cla• players left out. How about Fountain sitting on the bench. What'• needed ii another game Valley'• Rod Emery? -a double-header with a 4-A game coupled with a Another All-CtF atar and headed for Nevada- 3-A. 2.A game. Las Vegaa after ~ting in the Shrine Game in Too many de.erving playen are being left out Pasadena. Elmery, tOo, ii lelt out. and it's not a matter of the coach choosing the Last )'eat a _ quarterback from Laguna Beach wrong plarei:s. High wu ignored -the ume problem, no room· for Lance Stewart. There's been apeculation that maybe the All- atar football game ahould be plafed •t Anaheim So Lance Stewart l wallowed the diaaf.!;lnt- Stadiwn. rather than Orange Coast ColJeae, but. the ment, then proceeded to lead Saddlebeck Co to fact ii that. only a couple of pines in the leries ha,ve • perfect record and eAll'I\ a ticket to the Univenlty commanded a Cl"OWd rivaling 8,000 and most are in __ _...,._,,.,..,...::::::ornla. ~!" ' , the ~ =:·aa .... , ~ more plav. .. and the The examples are but only a f~. Really, to • --J--earn a berth in the 0ranae County All-Ital" pme crowd ii more like 15,000. 1houldn't require All-ClF at•tua. There are a And 1f you think all th.la would water down the bundle of ltandouta who let aced out c.>f that r•t Ci' well. does anyone ,.Uy think the eddition of ~. too. :. : :.r.:.-:i~~' -• ~II, howi;t::.~~ to~ the 'l'ol'o ... ~.;~~Olr &ct-"i/Wa~_7' their ...,..t wu left out. , I 1'1ltl ,_,. too .ta• I !'!.ppme. But tt doem't Major'• list of credent.iala could fW the rest of have to happen eptn. And ¥fho ~1 With two thill column. Suffice to aay he'•• fint team All-CD' 1 amea, maybe the••-ciuld juatlfy Anaheim DlvWon I :::r*• with w-70 ~t cca· 8t.edi\.D • • iUyin& 1111. = m and ~ few the Uftliiwlllj of ~ • • Sw..q, a fOUf~ lt&ndout and twice tM CBBC'KINO AROVND -The flfth Orana• SM VleW ~'1 ~of the y...,, did Wfll'Y• County All....,$ pme 11a.tforJw.e4 at thin8 an~ could ,..bly aped. but no lnvtta· J:l Tero llllh,_f• a m1n and WGmlll'•,.... daft. .......... "HiP'• &11111 --~ · Why? w.u. ll Mod-e Coadi Bob lAMI' .... t letwr of &awnt to attead UCLA cm • ~ wttb l'owttm R ValllY ...... bec:I& MIU"'" 1m, M • echo~ He't the a...~ to'* 1w a All·CD' Dtwtmon f 'plck u a junior and wbo l1 llnol ""9 lllFdwe ... Bunuaaton 8-dl cat· h iii.ti WUCLA. .. ~ IMrtlf bM ~ a Will' of lntlftt tD 1 \ft. ,,titp __ All All..aJ' ihtMout Km i...ao of au..t Ailma l•t.e • • l\Nata&a v~ wWe ...,_ who will Dl'Obibb mrt la -. • n t '1· r111twr M lllJt a:&• a.wrc1. II ~·· .,,..,..... ...... , ··n· 1 'IDIMt ....... ,......, ....... ,,,. Qerad. an AU:aJ' Dlvt.a I ... ..wtld ~ littal11lll litttl rllilf ci91r, ,_MW......_ ftillJOM and ptn• to Kaw; PaodatU llt0£a , ,._a t.O GPA....,~,_.,... ·, door meetings before Tuesday championship of the National Basketball evening's game with the Houston Association had been decided and the Astros. winning team had been on vacation for But this one was different. two weeks. · •lt•wa~ more than a ~tfle amUftjng -.H '!hl' ~fl.i!?',rqanager sait ·~~tlial~r Jmyers ref~ tb'" oru~ It' w'6hli anti therfl lef members of another team as "hot dogs." suggesting to his players they •Asked if he f~la his team has a good continue the meetlnR. JhQ.t at wi~hlg ll~ ADWtcan League "' "'1~J tb\c!').he y in 'lher West champions ip, An1els Manager and talk amo!"f thenaelves ... Gene Mauch replies, "we have a better about baseball.' said Luorda. than good shot." It paid off ~I.t is understandable that Forum The Dodg~rs, in their biggest offl~1als are complete}~ at a loss to ex-batting display of the young plain where th«: abusive and obsct;ne season, snapped .their si.x -game eleme!1t -part1cuJa rry visible during losing streak with a 10-2 batte- the Kmgs-Edmont.on playoff series -· 0 of the Astros comes from . . . It also figures as diffi-nn«> · cult t.o figure the motivation of these Los Angeles battered three animal!!. HotJBton pitchers for 19 ruts, . , ' matching their season high in ruts of a year ago. And Fernando Valenzuela, last year's National League Cy Young Award winner, was the stopper. He scattered eifht hits in pitching the Dodgers' int com- plete game of the season. Besides his brief appearance at the pregame meeting, Lasorda adjusted h is lineup, replacing slow-startinR Pedro Guerrero with Rick Monday in right field. Monday res ponded with a home ru~ hia t ir•t. time to Uie pla\e, and tbeni;ai:ngled -horn.a anoJher NI> ln tbe eighth when the ~n, wrapped it up -with four runa in their blggest inning in two weeks. "We're not just a ball club built around one guy who pitche1 every five days, Monday said, alluding to V alentuela. "But he'• a vital part of it.. He's amazing. With all that went on in spring training, he knew he'd be under the magnifying glaa8 ... Luorda aareect. saying. ''Thia . was a big game. We needed it very desperately." Valenzue la, 2-1, 1truck out ..ven and walked only one. He aaid he felt fine, th•t he WH makina aood ~tcbes, and added. "I hope that a the end of our alu.mp." Ray rr,t ..x:ked a lead-oft )Mmar la tDp of the aeamd, iftatlhe4 the beUom o( the .... -Monday'• flnt ._. of*-""..,., and only ~­endl fdr h~ ~ 11naltd home a de-Nn in the fourth ott loler v.. . o.a. The ~ ... IClt m \11111111 Did nm In the f Utb and then put U away In lixth wbln \bey ...... a....s. · ..m,lhlwl'\IM. In the •lebtb, Lot Ana•* battld 8rouriiS ... to ..... four l"UftL a.. On''and ICaO Leftdio•ws ellCb b.s iblw al ... 11 .... and ...,0a ....... Md .... . ~ Brewers ban 'photogs from dressing room . . Fnm AP d.lapaldaet MILWA1JKEE -A11octated ·• Preu ppotographer Steve Pyle wu baned 1rom the Milwaukee Brewen' dreea1na room Sunday, and an oftj,tjal of the·Ansimn .lMCUe bueball club said a new policy would deny acc.-by still photograpen WI ~_except under unutual circumltancet. Dick ~t, vice preddent for marketing, laid Tuelday the ban WU prompted in part by an ~~ure, taken shortly before major league players went on strik~ last June. The plctu're showed a cap , bearing the words, "take thil job and shove it," atop Brewer third bueman Sal &ndo's locker. "That certainly brought it to our attention," Hackett said. "Bando was upeet when the picture was run and brought it to ~ attention. Other players were upiet. • "We decided around that time that there would be no more photographers ln the locker room, period," he said. "l understand enforce- ment was a little lax the rest of last season, but we decided to reinforce the policy as of opening day. • "There just have been too many people hanging around in the locker room that have no business in there," he said. Quote of the day Jell9J, . .Pt.r,d.9Ja, >YU~.of Larry Parrish, 1 • "l who Wl~~'tlU~ spring_t.Q.Jcorrect i J a deptH J»~n ~letn and now has a 1 new outlook alt.er being traded from Mon-- treal to Texas: "Things are much better now. Larry can read the menu on the wall at McDonald's while we're standing in line.'' Vandeweghe paces Denver victory Klkl Vaadeweslle scored 29 m' pointa, including 11 furious third-, quarter spurt, to lead Denver past Phoenix, 129-113_. TUesd"f night in the opening game of a best-of-three NBA Wes- tern C.Onference playoff aeries . . . Rick Mabon ICOl'ed all 16 of hia points in the aecond half to spark Washington to a 96-83 win over New Jersey in their opener. Mahom. a second-year forward, shot seven for 10 in the last two quar- ters as the Bulleta erased a 10-point deficit. Braves win 12th for major league mark r • ankM• end White Sox win atreak , Raetc.iweandWlUM.l•••• 111 delivef'ld ~run .anai. In • eewn-run tewnth lnn!n, u the N"' York YatlkeH whipped Chica10 11-2 Tueeday n!Jlht and handed the White Sox thetr fint loa of the Nuon . • . Ellewhere in the Amerlcan J.,eeawt, Du Meyer, the fonner Mater Oei Htah 1tar, 1tnaltd home tbe wlnnina run with two out ln the 16th lnnlna to Med Oakland to a 4-3 vScf.ory over Minne- eota. Davey L0pe1, the for- mer .Dodaer. started the rally wlth • ltadoff double ... Gleu Hoffmu ca~ three-run rally wltb a followtna a di1puted hlt by ,._, Peres with two out In the fourth lnn1rw and Bolton went on to an f .. 3 win over ~ Baltimore . . . Detroit rookie ·a.._ WU.. cnrdled a pair of dou~ and drove In two~ to ba(k th4!I one-hit phching ol Mill Wllcox, leedlnc the Ti· aera{to. a n -8-0 victory over Kan1a1 Ci\y ••. ADGre fton&oD drove 1n three runs with a double and a homer and Toby llarru ignited a lix-run fourth· inning with a alnale u Cleveland pounded Te:icu. 9-4 -. . . The 'T'oronto at Mil- waukee game waa postponed because of cold weather and wlll be rescheduled aa part of a twi-night double-header Aug. 12. Baseb~ll today On this date in baseball in 1955: Don Zimmer went 4-for-4 as the Brook- lyn Dodgers set a modem record with their 10th straight victory at the start of the aeason. a 14-4' triumph over Philadelphia at Ebbets Field. The Dodgen' record would be tied by the 1962 Pittsburgh Pirates and broken by the 1981 Oakland A's and 1982 Atlanta Braves. Today's .Birthdays: Baltimore outfielder Al Bumbry la 35. New York Meta pitcher Jee1e Oroeco is 25. ~tocl(ton·. ~uns Borg In Nevada ,. 'Dick Scockto1t stimhed Sweden"ll Ill BJera ~or1, 7-6, 1-6, 8-2 'in a <tuall- fying round to oust the flve-time Wimbledon champion from the Alan . King-Caesars Palace tennis classic . . . Cal Abrams, former outfielder ,for the Brooklyn Dodger1'1 "Boys of Summer," was reported "doing nicely" Tueeday, a week after undergoing a guadruple heart bypaaa operation at New York Medical Center. Abrams is 58 ... Fonner hea- vyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey was released from the New York Hoepital-C.Omell Medical Center after spending eight days in the facility. Ilempeey, 66, had• ~ker implant- ed during his stay . . . TtmeyWrUer was ope~ rated on 1or a stomach problem and wW mill the Kentucky Derby, a race he wu favored to win . . . Juror David Marcroft was diamialed from the panel trying the Oakland Raiders versus the National Football League antitrust ault beeauee he bad read a new1paper ... Gerry Cooaey, bristling to knockout predicUona and penonallty put-downs .bun Larry Holmes, utd that Holmes Claadell WaaMD«toa. playing for II may be ruining their_upcomlnJ ~heavy-the first tlme· since being beaned a weight chamr,onabip ng_bt by "br1.npllg 1n too week ago. delivered the game-. many ilaues.' · <Oinning hit Tuesday night as t he Atlanta Braves 800l'ed a record-setting 4-2 vie-Television, radio 10~ OVff~u JljumJ>8 .~~P8·~ l~-~ 11 •• 11F~~ top aporta eventa on TV h '1l-a ro't'n o~~ / .Brav~ ~ ~ -liCID'Cht..·a.U...erei·vvvv,_..u.u., W1W".t-' iriodem ma)>r ague mar ot 11 at e st.art of a worth watching; ........ fair; .... forget it. eeaaon ae~ by Olakland. last year . • . Ellewbere. r:::\ -"fi ll\..f~t-'INationali~. Joelu1' ~·J si it~'f...6~ 1tiaane1 I "''i;i~ta;'1 ''' ~ 1'1 Yo•1blo9d and l>ave Kl•1· ' · maa hit home runs and NHL PLAYOPFS:.Kinp at Vancouver. right-hander Mike Scott pt~ Aaoucen: Bob Miller and Nick Nicbon. ched seven shutout innings to The Canuck.a hope to end their Quarterfinal lead the New York Mets to a aeries with the Kinp tonight at home and will 3-2 victory over the Chicago uae their tight. man-to-man checking defenae to· Cuba . . . Darrell Porter and try and at.op the Loe Angeles IQUad. 'the Canucks . Due Jors drove in two runs hold a 3-1 edge in the best"<>l-aeven aeries and ' each aa the St. Loul.a Cardi-need but one win to move to the aemifi.nall. t i na1s stretched their winning RADIO ••~o. 1treak to nine gamea with a Baseball -Angela at Seattle, 7:30 p.m ., 7-4 win over Pittsburgh ... Loels Salaur ho-KMPC (7 10); Houston at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. mered and drove in four runs, and Te~ Keli-KABC (790). Hdy-h.ad two-RBI to propel San-otego Siri -Hockey -Kinp at Va.ncoUver. 7:30 p.m., Francl.aco, 8-4 . KPRZ (1160). . · Orenge Cout OAILV PILOT/Wedneedey, April 21, 1882 •T Estancia lceeps five-year win· streak at 'home intact lt took ttw P11* lncludi.nC a 18-H dedidorl In the final one t0 stv• W.tanda a 3·2 victory over u :0 1 "LEYB' "LL c-ta M .. and eole pttrrrdon of tint pllCI ln the J' 1 LI n See View I.Mcue men11 volleybtill 1t.andlnp Tuee- day n.llht. TFie r.,1et kept a five-year home ClOW1 victory to two 18-14 dedriorw on the way to a 3-0 Souttl •trina intact wtth the narrow vidory that MW them Cout Leuue victory fNflf 1Aluna Hfl.la. •lole the ltccrKI and third pma before cominc b9ck San Clemente def•ted ldWon V'-Jo, 3--0, anf'l to win the final two. Dana HW. toppled Capisenno Vals.y 3·0 tn othtr "1 th1n.k the endre team played well ton.laht South c.o.t encounters. cl and thJI wu tJ\'e touahat challenp we have had at l'aianda'• r..,lea are ranked No. 3 In the home ln five years l>y a wide margin," r.tanda and C.O.. Meta It No. 4 and the two teanw t'O\lldn Coach Mike Pomeroy laid after the victory. have_played lt aitY doter. · 1n other acUon lD the See View i.e.,ue, Irvine ~rek DanWmon. a 1en1« middle blocker, w · wu allo ext.encMd to fiw aam-befoN defeating the cataly.t I« the E'AIJet With Mark AnlOld anl Newport Harbor, 8·2 while Uhiveralty topplea Paul Coenen pllrytng well tor the M~ ! Woodbrtdge, 3-0, an<I Corona del MA1' won over El John But.el' bad a bia pme for ltvifte .. tht Toro by the same ~ . v aquerot wer. e~tendea to ttve sames befo1 Marina .et up ' r• big pme at Foun~ winnJni the finale, 15-8. Baxter played well as Valley with a 3-0 decU1 over Westminster in~ letter and hitter with Ernie Lee glvl.ng support Su.met League while Laguna ~~ wu extended • the back line. • Mark C.Ox played welhon defenae tor the~ rina Vikings aa they tuned up for tonight's bif Ed • F V D ff match with the Barons ol Fountain Valley. Marini ISO D, ,, . , goes into the same with a two-game lead. .. · . Chris Miller , a aenJ.or middle blocker waa t~ W db • d II leader for University over Woodbridae with Ma 00 r J . g e r o fo~~er~~e Alt and Tom Borauk playing w / Lorenzo Deymen po8ted a double 1n w.tnntng "We didn't have a good match tonight but y® the Iona jwnp and triple jwnp event.a to lead r.diaon have to give Lag\&na Hllls credit, they came W ·-o play," ia the way Laguna Beach Coach BW Asheta High'a track and field team to a 78-56 win over put it. "Our!Tc dlcfn't serve well and they capil Ocean View In Sumet League action Tuesday. --"-~ i did lot f ood hitting" 1n other meets, Fountain Valley ~ ... ed Marina, ~ on t a 0 i · '<""6 C.Orona del Mar uaed it.a te1erves much of ~ 73-63; Dana Hil.la smothered Laguna Beach. 94-42; match with El Toro with Joe Fuschetti and naq, and Woodbri~ dropped Coachella Valley, 86-50. Ahern playing well on the front row. Captain Mik~ In women a action, Woodbridge tied Coachella Johna 5 1 a.l8o -dld .--1 job f h Valley at 63-all. while Laguna Beach diapoeed of Sea Ki~.a -aetter. a g\ or t ~ Dana Hills, 70-56. Dana Hilla had little trouble with Capiltra~ I)eymen leaped 21-2 ln the long jump. 45-3 in Valley u Scott Schwartzbaugh;-Mark Lauhlere and' the triple jump and al.lo had a leCOnG place finish 1n Peter Neeve played well for the winners. the high jump (6-4) to pace the Cbarpn. Also San Clemente's Georae Kni~hts and Brian posting a double wu teammate M1k.e Coe, who won ~ la ed 11 · the atrai t g 'ctory the mile (4:41.0) and two-mile (10:19.0). P Y1 we m g ame vi th o er on Viejo. , Rex Brown led Ocean View's effort.a wi vic- tories in the 100 (9.7) and 220 (22.4). Todd Andrews won both hurdle events to lead UC J l W the Barons past the VikingJS. Andrews won the 120 S OpS 3VeS highs 1n 15.0 and then captured the 330 lows In 39.3. Bob Erickson, who won the 2-mile (10:13.0) and Rod Emery, who took the 440 (51.5) also played key roles ln the victory. Shawn Hobeon of Dana Hilla set a achool re- cord in the diacus (154-5) to lead the Dolphins past the Artist.a. Finally, Eric Schermerhorn won the 44-0 (53.2), the 330 low hurdles (40.9) and the long jump (19-8) to lead the Warriors' rout of Coachella Valley. In the women's division, Rennie Durand cap- tured the 440 (1:03.0), 880 (2:25.4) and mile (5:31.0) to pace the Artist.a past. Dana Hilla. OV tops Oilers p · .ch ing and home fl.\ I• ,Jljghligh ted area , . ,Wif~'• toftball action Tu~~ afternoon with ,.~ ~,,ew'a Pam White Te&amg ber team to e. 3.0 1 deciaion over Huntington Beach with a one-hitter. t I Junior right-hander Curt Ruther, making his first start of the seaaon, snapped a three-game UC• Irvine losing streak as he led the Anteaters to a 10-4 victory over conference-leading Pepperdine in a Southern California Baseball Association game Tuesday. . The victory improved UCl's SCBA record lo 6-7 (23-19-1 overall) and dropped the Waves' mar k to 10-2 (31-13-1). Ruther pitched 7 ~ innings before giving way to reliever Gary Brahs. During his stint, Ruther surrende~ four runs on nine fiits. " .i Desiree Johnson bel- ted a home run in the fourth inning as Golden West defeated Palomar, 3-1 in a night game. It was GWC's 33rd victory this 1eaaon. PERSONAL Sue Sully belted a three-run homer in the fourth inning to lead Saddleback to a 6-3 ded.aion aver Riverside. CHECKING Barons, Sea~awks ~" ... 'U'7,...,,A:. ... :i_~_·~-~~i~ .. ' post upset WIDS TO Upaeta were the order of the day Tuesday as both F.diaon and Huntington Beach, the one-two tftrml in the pe.nl'Wlt namble in the Sunaet Lea-,ue. .tKJth dJ'oPped ~ c:Wddona+ .. 11 .. rf 6.diaon w»lbe ~·_$)f the FPuntatn Valley ~ by a 9.4 oount 4f1MCffufttinglOn Beach WU !~~~~~--. ... the victim of a one-hitter 1n 1oe1ng to Ocean View, ~-l· Fountain Valley acored five times ln the third inning and moved 1n front 8-0 with three more in the fourth before FA:li8on aot on the boards. Don Grep won hii fifth dedllon against one defeat 1n a relief role, tak1ni over 1n the fifth and • retiring the final aeven Ed.l8on batters. Pat Connor wu 3-for-4 and John mlJott 2-for-2 while 8COring two rum for the Barona. Dave Ste- wart had a double and sacrifice fiy to get three RBI. ffil double WM the key blow ift the b6g third inning.· Ocean VJew pitcher Kevin Stanley llmlted the · Ollen to one bue hit but 1-..ed five walb inclu- ding one to force in the only HunUngton Beach run. He Do had llx atrikeouta. Ocean View put the decision out of reech 1n the third lnnJ.ng With three runs. Paul Ayree atncJed and Stanley doubled to aet· him home. -____ Jtttt911 .... , Jtttt:9'9 _. ___ 11:919 _, __ ,:919 '~ ,,Maimnoth FROM JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ~-. ~ I SllJK.OO J\Jr lrvfne wlll arra~ for ~ IU+r.ax traruportatlon tp and from ' ONE WAY th~ main lod~S6 Round Trip MPAft'IM" JAM w\ Dlll'.Aa'T MA'•OTN ca\\ No . d\ ..,...,.. seats umtte 11t41540-6911 19531 Airport Way South•Ge~ral Aviation Terminal Secretary's Week Special ,. 50% OFF • WHY PAY SERVICE CHARGES ON YOUR PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT WHEN GARRELD BANK'S ARE FREE? Tired of Monthly Service Charges That Seem To Keep Climbing? Your Personal Account Is Free at Garfleld Bank. Simply Maintain It Free of Overdrafts. Come To Garflelcl Bank Get The .. Garfield Edge" NO BANK PAYS HIGH ER THAN GARFIELD •· In Huntl~gton Beech/Fountain Valley See Our Vice President/ Manager JODY QOENS' She wants to be your perlONll banar 9042 O.rfleld Ave., Huntington B•dt (714) 983-9802 . " t' •• <\ •• .. • • .. ) ~· ~ . . . ' ., . MAJOR LIAOUI ITANOtNOI AIMf'loen &....,. ... .., .. .,..,... WLl'llt.CNI I I ... 0.UOll CWHllnd eo.ton Toronto New Yorlt Mlwtull .. 8alllmor• 1g : ra • 5 64& 7 7 500 • • .42' 5 II 357 --""'~ 7 5 $13 5 4 SM 5 • 455 5 II 455 4 6 ...... 3 II 333 2 • 200 ,.....,.,._.. s-11110. Mette4 Toronto" M--. .. IPOCI . QOIO-•'*I eo.1on I . BelUmore 3 Oelrqtt I . Kanau Clly 0 Cllvtiencl 9. T t lt.M 4 NewYort.11.~2 Oeltlend 4, Minnoeota 3 (II tnn<ngal Totley'•0.-Af1991e (Kleon 0-0) ti Seeltle (llannl1ter 2-0), n r<anau Cllr (Gura 1-0111 Oetroll (UnOetwood 0-1 MIMHOI• (Jeckeon 0· 11 81 Oakland IK~2-0I 81t1tmore tMertl,,u I· I) at Botton (Eckereley 1-11 Toronto (Lui 2-0) at Mllw11.1kH (Lerch 0-0). n Clevelend (Weill 0·21 al Te•H (Medich 0-11. n New Y0tlt (Guidry 1·01 II CNeago ILMnP 1-0 0t Ootaon 1-01. n Nation.I L-.ue ....... DMIMft W L r>ct. Ga 12 0 I 000 • 4 1147 • 6 7 417 1 5 8 J&S 7'"' 6 • 3~7 • 3 II 250 9 1Mtw11 Dt'IWM St Louoa tO 3 7119 ...... Yor\ 7 5 S.3 ~,... 6 4 556 ~ s • 315 PtttaburQll s o 333 PNlldelpNe 3 • 213 ,...., .. ._.. DNfwe 10. Houeton 2 P1llleOllpllfe 11 MontrMI IPOCI . rt1n1 New YOtk 3, Cllic.oo 2 St LO\IOI 7, PonlO\lfQll 4 Altente 4.~112 San OllQO 8. San Frandtco 4 2'"t 3 s 5 o '"""'°""' Houaton fRyan 0·31 at Dodt•te (Reuu 0.1),n Ptllledtlphl• (KrukOW I· II " MontrHI lRooer• 1-11' Ct>IC:eQO I Lat ton 0.11 11 ,.._ Y or\ (l.ac.llly 1-0). n SI Louie (Mura 1·01 a l Plltellurgh 1Can<1<111tta 0-01, n Cincinnati (Soto 0·2) 11 Atlanta (Mehllf 2.()). n Sen Fr tnel9CO (H04tancl 0.21 al San 0teoo (Monlltluaco 0.21, n AMEfttcAN LEAGUE Merinw91,~4 CA1.1'Df!NIA MATTU •rltlll •r ltlll Downing If 5 I 3 I Jen.a 211 2 3 2 0 Lym cl S 0 0 0 MCM11 3b 4 0 I 2 Cetew 111 4 1 I 0 ~ 11 2 0 I 0 AaJc:Unr1 I 0 0 0 Zlllldll 4 0 2 t llen,quz r1 1 I 2 0 MMw 111 4 0 1 I Grlc:ll 211 4 0, 2 C-..r1 4 0 f 0 ~ell! 4 021 &Ilene 4 000 0eCnce 3t» 4 I 2 0 °"'1cllarl cl 4 2 2 0 FOii M 3 0 I 0 TCtwl • 4 I 2 a ferl!'*I c 3 0 ().(I Sconir• pf! 1 0 0 0 8oonec 0000 TOllla 37 4 12 4 Tot• 32 I 12 O ._..,.,,,... Celrtoml8 210 000 010-4 S..ttle 100 031 IOll-8 E-AMoreno OP-SH llll 2 L08- Celltornla I . St•ttle 0 28-0eCtncH , TCru1. OHenden, BenlquH 38-Qrlch S8-JCnn 2 S-FOll c ...... •H1tP1•80 ~7 44 31 \tlOOOO I~ 3 2 2 0 I I .... 1 0 0 1 1 AMOteno (L 1·2) SencllG ..,.,,_ H ..... ...... Peny (W.1·2) 7~ 12 4 4 I 13 Siemon 1s.21 '"" o o o o 1 PS-&llan T-2 48 A-7.418. AMlnl,o.teeM• 8811Jmor• 000 200 010-3 • 2 8oeton 000 300 1411-t t I f'llnlOM. 81"""-(I). T. Mlr11Mz (I ) Mel Oem(JMy: Ojecle. ~(I)_, AJlen. eon W-Olld•, 1-2. l-Fl•n•0tn. 0-2. HR-8oelon. ~ (2) A-15.095. ,.,. .. _.... ~ City 000 000 000-0 I I 0otro1t oeo 002 00.a-• 13 o &Me. Wrtaflt (2). '**-(I) llMI WMhM, Oulrll (I ): Wiicox end Woc\entu11. w- Wllooa, 1· 1 t.-lllue, 1-2 A-10,1154 ~ ...... ~~c:,_8 " I ,_ 000 °'° 010-4 1 0 ..,.._, ~ (I) Wld'"-r; "°""" .,.,.._.. (4), Mtlledt (I) and 8undbw1. W-~. 2-0 L-Hougll, 2·1. ""-~. Thorftton (41. A-IO.M2 .,.,._ 11, """"' ... 2 .... ,. 000 000 711-11 " 0 QtlCMO 000 020 000-2 I I MottM, ~ f71, 0oeuoa {IJ, Framr1. (ti tll(f c.r-Ttoul, Lemp m, Hk:My m, Aooeto (I) end Flak, HIN (t ). W-Moroen, 2~. l -TrOUI, 1-1 A-11.MI. A .... , ... I MW\, 101 000 000 000 000 0-3 11 0 Olk. 011 00 I 000 000 000 1-4 14 2 Wllllema. eort1ett 181. e. c.e• 1121 llfld eut.,•. W)'nlOlt 191; Norrie. J Jon .. tt). Owclllnko (91. llMrd (12) •flO Hfflll, W-8"10, 1-0. l-8. C:..11110, 0-1 A-12,4N. NA TIOMAL L&AQUI ~1o,A9tfoe2 MOUITol LOI ANOIUI *'".. .," .. Gemet.h 4 0 0 0 8all.2b 4 0 I 1 9cott.Cf 3 0 I 0 L.andt'eit.cl 4 2 3 0 Pulll.ct I 0 0 0 BMer ·" 4 0 2 2 CNl,11 4 0 0 0 fhornaa.lf 1 I 1 0 IWgllt,IO 4 2 2 I MonOey,tl 5 I 2 2 l<nlolff.ff J 0 t I ftoM!dc,tf 0 1 0 0 ~ 111 4 0 0 O C4o)'.31> 4 1 I 0 0.--4 0 2 0 o.n..y,111 4 I I 1 = JlltO ~4 121 2010 "'-"·•4 110 .-0000 ......... 01 1 Me4111 I 0 0 0 V........., 5 1 1 I ~--0000 T..... U 2 I a T..-e 41 10 It 8 ............. ......... 010 000 001-I U..~ Ot() 111 04-10 c -(Mt'Cle, ......, ~ -..... 2. ... ~ t. LOe -...... t , ... ,.,.. ..-n,aa -"llOMI, GefWll', Ge1o1t. ~ Hfl-~(11o Klllll'C t'~-­~ ·-.... .,-~. ~ • .. "••eo· """CL.0-2) ~ • • • 2 ' ~ I" • 0 0 0 0 ~ 1 ••• , 0 ~~'f.W , • 2 , T-l ;N.A -.. .tn.. L 09 a 2 0 2 5 2~ 1' 4 I I t II 10 7\t °'Ml' C-4 I, IO ..... I Or8f1111 Cota• 120 003 000-0 " 3 Sen OleQO M-. 000 021 000-3 I I R111nN11t1.. M\lnlOtl (I) Incl l'uellNtell: ,., ** end Beket W-AelnllOICl ( .. I). L-f ueba. S-Muneon (8). 28 -Pu.akarlc:ll (OCCJ. &alloy (SOM). ll8-0obYn1 (80M) H~tne tOCCJ. Aolltll t80Ml l1ddll tull I. hrl o._.4 Saddlebedi 010 015 010-. 11 2 Sen OllQO cc 010 012 ~ 11 I llonllle, EMiey (9) -lnWI, lllaa. Muter• 1111 •no 8rllt W-8 onttla L-BI•• 2B-M11c11111 fSO>. w 1omen 1so1 38-Swenccet 2 (Sad ) ITANOINOI '°41th c-1 Conter-w L GI °'"'09 Coeal • 3 Cerrltoe e 3 Sellt• Ant • 4 •• Fveenon 5 5 5 San Diego ...... 4 1 • Ml Sen Al'ltoniO 2 8 5'~ GrOMmonl 2 7 5 ,__,.,._ .. Orange COel1 e. ~ Oteoo ,,..... 3 Fullerton I . eerr11oe 4 Mt Sen Antonio 13, Groumont IS ~·a.­Orenge Cout 11 Fuhnom Cerrlloe el Mt San AntonlO San 0"9o ........ Senta AN louthefn Cal Conterenc. (1-o Roun4) W L Git LA HMl>Of East LA ;, 0 2 1 2 1 2 t Serita "4ontc:e RIO Hondo GOIOen Wiii Loa ~CC Cypr-LA~ 0 I 2 2 2 3 . ,__,..._.. 8"111 Monlc:e •• COIOln w.. I Rio Hondo 11, Loe AnQ111e1 CC 4 µ ._,bor 16, EMI LA 2 ~ II. LA aou.-. 9 ~ca-. LA Hwbot &1 OolcMr! Wllll 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 c.,,... .. Rio Hondo • , I ' I I Loe~CCllLA~ S.0'9 Mor-. II Eat LA MIM6oft COftference ._.._.. DtN6eft • 12 10 1 .11 ............ DMNMI L 3 • 2'.\ II .4 9 II Cltrua 11 5 Sen &emerdino 7 1 3 0.nty 2 II 7 R'-"de CC 3 12 7'_. T__,. • .__ 5eddtlOedl I. Sen OllQO cc • s.n Berllltdino 16, Riv.aide 2 Cltrva 12, Cllaltl'Y 2 Sout"-tem 5, l>aiornar 5 T'llurecMY• a--~ •I Sou1"'-tern SM 8emerdlno •I Che!My Sen OllQO CC 11 Plllomat Rlllwalde cc at Cltrue ,_.!.~~ .... I F O\lfltlln Vt/!Wf 005 30 I 0-t 12 1 EClieoll 000 030 0-3 3 2 LAMwdle, (ltWQor (51 and Pritt, Sdlmtn (7); Joe K.,..., ~ (3~ caonoy (I )_, Llnoaro. an-t•>· w -Greoor 1~-11 L-Joe K ...... 28-SIOWWI (fV) 0-.,... I. Hllfl•A ...... 9-1 ac-. View 003 020 0-5 • 1 Hunlln91on B.oi 000 100 0-1 I o St•nloy end Hoeltln, Petrldl, Flynn (31. L.111,..,., If> end Slllr1ey w-aleNIWy L- P11r1c:11. 2&-Stanley (0111 HA-C11toll (OV), Tu!UI (OV). hnMta.iiue WLM • 2 1 s , 5 & 3 • 5 3'A , 1 I 2 7 6~ ........ ••'1*1 ........... bC8nele def. Colle ...... 111-12. 10.15, 2-15. IS.II. 11-14. ~-dll Mar ctlll. £1 Toro, 11-t, 11-12. 1M. 11 . ~ -· WoodllftOOe, 11-3, 11-10, , .. ,. ntne def. -...oort ""110r. 17-11. IM. 1-15, 11-15, IM "'""''Mt. w .. 1rn1n1ter. 11--4. 111-11. 1W. Laf\IM e..cf'I dtf. LAoun9 Hiiie, 11-14, IM , te.14, San C.-to def MIMIOn Vlojo, 1 .. 1. tf.11, IM . DeftAI ... def. Ce6*tt-Velllf!/. 1M , ll-10.1M. LoeAlllmH .. TUllOAY .. MIMA. Tl ,..., ......... ..., _ _..,.., Hl9T AA~ OM mlle ~. Ancty'••-IO!Mn> 4UO 13.10 7.00 0... t 0-1 ICOQlllll 21.00 17.00 Wlftl-W (M~ 10.40 Aleo r~· P-1. Bye ~ Scotty.• Ar4Y'• ~ flNJ'I• ldMI, Boliao CNet, ,.,_.... Time 2 OI 115 91 UAOTA t .. 71peldHl480 .• MCOMO MCI. One m<le lrOI ,. L lt'llP lt'llP lmf> (Shot1) 14 20 1 40 v 20 Mo;in!MI 81orm (9c1Nnk•I I& 00 I IO Stag &OWi (HOl11 1 00 Aleo r1ceo I c ,., HIOll Cllmll.,, au~ £din. llllllool. OleMI ~ rime 2oe SJ5 TMflO MCL ()ne mlle pecie Ola-IAOt (Kazmtiet) 5 00 3.20 2.40 TuatllN Ndgt t~ 10.20 5 20 K41)'atone froe( (T-*1 5 00 Alto reced H•nover Siar. Star Ricky. Menlngle. Gldtno 81M. Shy Bucll9'1o1 Time· 2 OS 116 ta UACTA t1.e1peicl148 20 POU!mt MCL ()ne mlM ~ GooO Re111n tlllMttl> 10 oo 4 oo 2 .eo Turn 11 On (CrO(ll'llllll 3.00 2 40 &utlered Popcorn (Kuebletl 2.80 Aleo raced Gigi frotl. Sn11ggllt, R M'e ClndY 9-1. HOiy Vtntvfe, Nallw Oeoonelr, Flu time. Time 2 04 3/5 ""'" llAC8. One mile pece Tin• Knight (Croghtnl 32 20 I 1.40 5.40 Blue Summer tLOl\QOI 4 IO 3 00 Henty'• OrMm (Kuef>ler) 3.20 Aleo rec.a Popler OrHm, FOOllll\ For- tun•. J O Front, Jt mH Rhytllm. StH dy IMllQI, ~ "°'' nnw 2 Ool o, '2 UACTA (11-21peld512040 .. X'Tlt llAC.. Ofl9 mill trot e...i (Grund\11 3 eo 3J)O 2 40 M1JOt Metllen)'y (Aubin) 4 40 3 20 c.p1111n Sllwt• (Per••> 2 eo Alto,_, Mon11rey JUOQe. Ooclor Tony. 61" Emperor. Chip Oii, h .. t• o- Tlml 204 4/5 UV11Mnt llACL 0... mlle pee» Golclen c.to (Blec:lunMI 39 40 15.20 9 40 COii .. Ju fAmnot) O 20 7 00 W•m W-(Goud,..u1 • 00 Aleo raced Foa Valley Pride Skipper W'f•ll Ar"'4><0 Vegu Nathlln • .._ Arbor Cf OWll If Ith °"" Time 2 05 MS 1:2 lllACT A (2•3) pelcl S2t 1 40 1:2 ~ ... (3-1· 1-0-4·21 paid "'273 40 wilh tovr winning lie-eta (live horM•l S2 Pict. SI• con•olatlon P"d H 3 20 will\ 90 """nlllO t~ll• ttour l\Of-J llOHTH llACL One 1n11e pecie OutalllQh• L0tl 1Lonoo1 21 eo 1e 20 e 20 Pr1t11fl\8'er tPlfll•I 5 20 4 llO Andy'I A.,. (OIMn) 3 60 Hot N BOIMtld, Papa J()y9, le<l)I UZette. Rttq\A L.oy. 81o Oet>l>le, Ouelane Time r1me ~°' "' 1:2 UACTA (ti-Ill paid $138 IO NIHnl llAU. 0.. mile pece kif• (Au1>4nl 4 00 4 00 2.llO MdYt Lily (&Mfh) 0 00 3 20 Sequole Magic (Perlter) 3 40 Alto tac.cl Squlfe L ...... HOllf a Away, flylng Tonye, Time tor Trec1 TenandhaH GOiden Orazi.tl• Time 2 OI 115 a UACTA (4·11 paid S2'2 40 ftwnt MCL One mlle Peel T'--(l.ongo) 19 20 7 llO 5 llO GtU (T Oddi • '° 3 20 N"10t0 lt.0 (T....,, Ill 00 MM ,_, Tlllll "-· , .. AlcMIO• Miiia ~ ,,.,,,.,., Belier. LMt Enon. Scottltll T-202 115 MMC"•t1Nld s 11100 ""~ -310' t.nta Anita TU890AY'I MIULTI I'"'_......_ ._~M -""II ""9T llACL I'• mllea on turi "°'4' Rider cv...-....1 4 00 l.40 2 IO HI Mlil\ S.,,. (lllec:lc I 9 90 S llO s.m·1 Cornet IAfagonl 8 40 Aleo raced NNll\', Vato•. Regel SPort • Vetenttne Lew 81 So Lucliy, Captain Al Actlng Foolia/I Time I 15 215 RCOHO M CL I'"' mllee on 1"'1 Forll>Mt 10.-r11 11 eo s eo s oo ""'Hegue (Slblllel 6 20 4.20 Pr1nC:e of Hot• (o.lllhOuaaevel 4 eo A110 t*'90 Eafly M"llt Mlgll!y C-, Tell of a ~. Erne<MO fOA. Holmt>y Hiiia, FllMOMU. Shealle 8'"911, tt-t 8"""· LIQ BaM • TllN I 49.0 • DAILY DOUllU 13-1) paid 123 llO T.-m llACI. 0 l\Wlonga Brll\dft RIO (Vtlenzuefe) 4 80 3 40 2.IO 9orlnet /\40 tCMtlMCSI) 4 llO 4 00 SMeloQe ~1111 (HlnMtl) 1.20 Mio raiced. Comman' OMr, Sunny Ridge, Norttlerty Glow, rm fNNonellll. et-out tne Wlfw, MIMlftQ In Aclton T11M 1 oe 315 '°"'"'" llACL II M1onot -dlOI (~WO"") g IO 3 llO 3 00 ledlle (8'ectl) 4.llO 3.20 • ~·· 8oy t<>motl 5.00 Mio,_, WUMli, Ftourou. ~.NO Gr1tu AltM, Spanewey Liiio, Hit Sift ... OendtlO Lou. T C>OUyM 8r-e. Jwl Gooft<I T1rM I 08 415 ,..,,. llUIC&.-I ... mllea on tuff Nlgf1I LM811' (.,._I t7 00 10 00 1.00 &oft ~~) 8t0 u o PletN IA Mom ~I I • Aleo r..O • ._, Moto PlllllPO. Allllllt.. Melter c.r--.. Tllr" 91ta, ~. Hiii Bono. PtretL Time h11' S/5 • 8XACTA (11-0) peld 5534 $0 IGTl4 "'4Ca. 1• .. tunonot P-PIM (1119ckl 4 40 2 IO 2.llO Enterw.a (Pletoel 4 00 3 20 Oulalcel t~I 4 00 Alto rao.a. Nell•Y•· Ronnie'• e1e .. 1no. Oebelle. SIM Oil.Ing, Tiii'• Tr9Mlre, HIQll on RollllefY, "no Se ll Awey, "ppaledlll•" Trell. Ttme I'll 0. Nvumt MC._ One mill. CMI .. tll1>4MI 4,00 3.AO 2 80 M-Tit ~I 1.00 4.20 Thel eo.. lt '°"'"'' 4.20 Gr.., SUMI\, Whitt 8elle. 811.-ul M-1, lloflowed Meld, Winter Soltft, Tlw .. t. Time: 1:16 415 • • IUCTA 17-'1l)llld Ml50. U f'ICK l ill (1·1'·12·11·1·7> p1kl IS.· 147.40 wfttl ... ...,,... .... (till --...i. 12 f'kAI Ila CQMOl9tlon pe1c1 142.00 -'II\ I. ill WlfrilO lkUta (IM~) 12 Pleil Six acretcll c:onlOlallO<I petd 163.IO Wllll rovr Wlnn4nO --(!Out ~. --•letl .. ......,.. llACI. Allclul .... ""*"" °" turl ,,,. ,,_ ~tw))l.00 14;eG 7.IO ~ """' °"' ') 70 . ..0 24 40 ..,_"""0*("9dl) 6IO Mio reGllCI. I Gol ..,._.., Pt'ont POllllon. WteWfl 8'lt!lt. ""'-o..,... ~ ol ~ Kiwi."""' Torqw. ~ (.ll'i. , ... '8lldl. """" 11,, lfl. 9'" Mell.. I 1111 ,.,.., OW fMI ~ (ONl) 121.IO "·40 M O ~ ~ 1'*'-1 4.10 1,00' AIMI0...-..~1 4.20 i\tlo 19"0. CUM., Lu~ll. ~·· toy, Cerflt'e Tet1. AQltalor, llrNm llCll, l.d'• ~. ,, .. °""· OM> "'*'· T1IM! 1 ;A.S tit • UAOTA (11·1) 11e1c1 t lM U O. A""1dlllcll -IUIO. o.., CUI def 1<"911. I, def SN..,, 7-6 def Vflllaco 11-0 def Grlfftn 6-0 Merl"- tUI IOll 2-0 WOtl 11-0 6-2 11-2 Olr¥tr (UI lo91 1.e ""'°" 6-3 .... 1. 6-a. ..., ..... tu> toet M • .e won tl-0 I-1 ~ Grffr v ... ,., .. ,, IUI dll Hutftg.rri .. 11-3 0·2 def Har par-Tham 7 IS 11·4 P•u!M><1·8fO.n (UI won 11-3 IS-0 -c>l•I 2.fl 6-4 ~r'o~vw-11 100 -I. Brown (OV), t 7. 2 Griffith (Ej, 10 1. 3 Germen (OV~O.O 220 -I ltOWl'I I 22 4, 2 Grtfftlll tE), 231; a ~(El. 2 .0 440 -I 0.-1 (OV). 62 7. 2 NeuOer1 (£). S3 7. 3 AugultlM (OV), 5U 880 -I G.-t (OV). 2 00 0. 2 Nowotny !El, 2 02.0, 3 Batto ..... t (El. 2 07 0 Mlle -I Coe (E), 4 41 0, 2 Wt/lftt (OV). 4 41 O. J Arc:Nl*d (OV). 4 43 0 2.,,,.. -1 Coe <E>. 10 11 o, 2 ArcNbekl IOVI. 10 It $ 3 IA-lOV). 10 st 0 330lH -I Mii~ 1ov1. 40 o. 2 Zun>-w.n (E) 4 I 0, 3 Tllet-(E). 43 5 120HH -1 ZllmWllll IE). li5 0 2 The,_ 1E>. 15 o. 3 no 1111ro 440 ,...., -I ~ View, "8 Mlle ,...., -I ldoeOll. 3 3t 0 t<J -t eu.ne !OVI. 8-4, 2 Oeynwe ~>. ..... I MltalMI (OV). 6-0 LJ -I O.yllMlll le). 21 ·2. 2 Oer1M11 IOVI. 20-7.,., 3. ,rink IEl. 20-3. TJ -1 ~(£). ..W, 2 IJume(OV), 4~. 3 W"'*'Olon~l!.J. 41-7 PV -I Fortyth El. 1'-4, 2 OulUt (El. 12-0~ 3 'orwylll. S ll ). ICMI SP -1 Ponder (I:). 4g...9•_.: 2 Rlc:flerdlon tE), 44-9, 3. Leml>e (0VJ. 44-4'_. OT -I z.t\ICe tEJ. 13e-I, 2. S.vage(OV). I~--~. 3 PonOer (E). 130-10\t ,_ ..... v...., n. _....a 100-1 Soohoo (FV!, 10.3; 2 Emery (fV), 10 4, 3 NIClloll (FV). 10.4 220-I 'ran11m (M), 23.2: 2 Rllh (Ml. 2' 5: 3 9oOlloo t'Vl. 2U. 440-I. Emery (FVI. 5 I.I. 2 llollhnen ( ... ). 52 5: 3. 8oMlel (M). h .6, ISIO-I. Moeller (~2.03 I , 2. Andefwon 11'\1). 21M.5~11 ), 2:07.7 Mill-I 4:47 4, 2 !tlcll_, (FV). 4 48.5; :I Mllnn (FV). 4:12.5. 2·mlle-1 Erlck1onJ FV), 10· ta,~~ 2 Motl'9t IFVI. 10:32.0: a. -IFV). 10\...,,0. 120HH-1 Mctr9M <m 15 o. 2. NldlOle (fV), 15 I; I. L..wy (M). t5 2. 3JOl.H-I Mdr-(A'). M 3, 2 If_, (Ml. 40.3. a. T_.., l'V). 41.1 440 rlley-1 Mertne. 44 t Mlle rlley-1 'OUt'llllln V*t, 3 U .7. HJ-I llilM9 (M). .. 2: 2 RodMy (M). 11-1: 3 Helee("" e-1 LJ-1 OOU4 <'>· 1t-10\t, 2. Hel .. (Ml, 1 .. ~. a Otw !'). 1e.11"- T J-I KelM JM>. 43-014; 2. D~ IM), 42~3~~~ f'V-1 Lui CM~I ... t O.Oure (P'V). 12•• ...,..., ,, .. .,._, '""°' 1. '4-t \4 , t .. .,_ (JV). .... 7~ ~ ...... (f'V), ..... · or-1 o-""" tM). 1\u.1014: a. ~ --'I~) T.,..,(P'll). 111-11'4. a... ...... m ..... 100-1. °"""'*' 10 ?t,~ _WlfllMtlr (Qm 11,0: 3 ~~ II, llO -2t0-1. NoW1C (OH tU, t llrlWN (OH), 110 111MC I T ..... ~, llO tlllle, 440-1 ~ N 1; t. °"""' 11.911 U 0, I. Crowe ( ). JU 110-1. 11-1 (DH), t:ot 0; 2. Crewe (DH). t'Gt 0'~~(1)H). .. 1U, .,..._ 1. •(II ,,41.'t; t . MaMlnlll (DH). 4.41.t , I. K-1°"1. 4 ti.I toomlle-1,,..,, IOHl.10 u .... ~ (LI .. 10,H O:~. V jDti), 1po.t 1**4-1 OerlNlll 1U1 t. WlllNr (LI~..!:-~,~ WI ). ar ......... IOH).•t:a ..... ~•71 = :-11 'a:"..l:Tit1 .. ...,_ 1 .......,., a.a M : I Mllllll !V"L M ,I .._..,..,..M Lol -1 Wtne t111•r (0~110.;:.~1.a . ........ ,~ .. , . , ...... tM ,,_, ...--~· .. "J ...... --a&••.& " .. "" .. ·,.u a .. • ..... ............... ~i;~~-t~,~;,;; '°" .. 10M. -.... rtllll .. 0..-... y ..... 100-1. 'ltUW• IWl. 10 I. t. ~ IW). 10 1. • ~(W). 'o• U0-1 ,.., .. (W). U I. t Oo4111 IW). 10. a °'°" 1evi. to ...... 1 ...... WWMnl (W). ...... ~ (CV). tU; I. ..,_•ICM. 11.0. Ho-1. AauMw (CV), t :Ot. t; I . c .. 1ro (CV). t :OU: I. """"*-CW). I: 1 t.a. ..,_,~--ICM. 4,1?,0; L Wlloll (W). uo~• e:oa.a. ,&,.~V: ~ o'll.IU· oruu 110t*f-1,...,.. (WI, 17 0: 2. ~ (W). 112;), "'"ICV). lt O. 3'0LH-t. kllM-llor~W), .-0.t , 2 LGunO IW). • 1.r: a. ~ t no 11me. 440,..._1. Wooeftlli~· .t. ~Nlll'l'-1. WOOclCll I. 1:11.1. w.1-•. \'01111t CCV),•· : 1. Heynre (W). 6-4; a . .._. (CV). U . W-1 lctMlrn•llorn (W), IM; 2. YOUflO (CV), IM~~W!, 1e.5. TJ-t, •1: a. ~ IOV). IM.t.V•<W>. '11-~,YOlllll (CV), t0-0; t . f tynn (W), tM· I . ,..,. (W). M. ..,.::1 ...... 4CV1. M-tt1 t. WNt.tde !WI. .. "Yle,.""' ..... """""°· · or..;..1, itwt. ,,..,;,a:"~" (W), 108-t f: 3 ... CW).*-" WOIMft MICIH ICHOOL W•11M1•111ftowte• .. C........ V .... • 100-1. C«OI tCVJ, 11.2; 220-1. Cetol (CV), 21 3: '40-1 "ovtltr.~V), l'Of.4, NO-I Aoufiw (CV). 2·1.U; I N9!f9 (CV). e·oo. t-l'rlle-1 Ar1ye <CV>. 13-ao.7: I IOl.H-I. Cero (CV), 15 4, 330\..H-1. Ho- 06" !WI. eo t: 440 r•y-1 Coectltle v• "'1. W 2, Miil rlltV-I Wooelbt!Oge, 4 :II .. : 14.1-1 IOrven (W). ....... U-I. C1ro (CV). 16-11, TJ-1. IUrwn IWl. :14-6. ,,._I W1I.. eon (WI. 32· I, OT-I Herne noer tCVI. 107 .. 0.... ..... 1'.I tr •11ti.r 100-1. Wlllte 18). II 1, 220-t. Wlll1e (8), 2t I: 440-1 8oyd (8), 1'01 lc M0-1. t<ellV fCMI. 2 22 I , Mite-I WOiie (CM), 4 24 I; 2·mlle-I Wolle ICMI, 11:'2 t : llOLH-1. Oerc:I• (CM), It.a; laGOl-f 011-(CM),61.9:440reley-I ~ back, 50.5, Mlle relay-I. Coeta MoH. 4 0 5. HJ-1 O•y (CM), 4· 10; LJ-I SIUllOer• \81, 1 .. l'A; 8P-1 S...,., (CMJ. :M-2: or--1 w.-cs1. aa.10 ~ ........... o.. .... 100-l low. (OH), I U : 2.20-I Hegen (OH), 27.4; 440-1. Ourend (LB). l·OS.O: U0-1 Ourend (LB). 2;25..4· MMo-1 Oi;- rend (l8 ), 5:31.0: 2•rn.flo-1. Quinn (OH), 12.13.t ; 110LH-1 H•tan (DH). 11 4, JaOLH-1. M11C1M (OH), 4.7; ; 440 111ty-1 Oe na Hflll1 5~.1: Mii• -1. ~una Beecll, 4:21.2; HJ-I F LB). 5·2, U-1 8turm (LB). 1 OH), ilS·O; 8 1' -1. Women'1 eoftbel COMlllUNITY Cou.IGIE • • • 1111111 •ell e. """"*" a "'--020 001 0-3 s 4 Sed<llet>.a. 200 3 10 •-0 ' 1 P..,tidt lllld LUCU. Loclle Ind Rubllcavt HR-Sully ISi , OolcMfl .... a. ,.lllMlet I Paiornar 000 001 0-1 IS 1 GOiden w .. 1 100 101 .a-3 1 1 Tomolona. Bryen1 (71 ena V1119. Allen end .,...,,_ W -Mon l -TOtl'l(llolM. HR - .IOMeonOWC~ HlOff ICHOOL ~Ylewl. ..... ...,,~O Huntington 8eacfl 000 llOO 0-0 I ~ ~ V1-000 030 •-3 3 0 Phllllp• I nd l'leno, YOU"il (5), Wllll• Ind llellue< 28-Thlet>en IOV) llertM7, ............. 2 M..,ln8 302 010 1-7 10 1 W•tmlneler 000 110 0-2 I 3 t.MMn end sane-. Mttt1n, PNllipe (41 ano Mender W-Luaen l -Martln 2B-Le< .... (M). CrOUM (M), Wetaon tWl SS-Mc:CeOe (W) .... 0...1,k~O St M ltlofty 000 000 0-0 2 3 Me• 1)91 000 002 •-2 5 1 lAya 8ftCI P.etsaon. ~ G8ltwy (1) a11d K111ue W-M1<1do11 L-(•Y• 19-hk•«Ol ......a. .......... ~t Edleon 000 020 01-3 I I fountain v....., 020 000 00-2 I ~ Cltpent• -~. "~ -Al ~ 28 -W1'llllll (E). 38 -"*-(fV) Pirates, Gauchos triumph Oran1e ~•t Colle1e moved Into a d e whh Cerrlt.oa for the lead In the South Cou t Confe- ren ce 1tandln11 while Saddle- back widened Ha e dge ln th e MINlon Con1erence and Golden Wat conWi* to IUlfer the ae-cond half bluH Tueaday In ~ty bueball ac- Rlck Koplrtna • ~e- run homer In &be lnnin8 to BASEBALL •· give the Pirates their marefn of victory with J ack Reinholtz pit· chlng aeven lnninp with relief help from Robb Mumon. Rein- holu potted his ai>cth victory and MUNOn hll ninth aave. Hopkins wu 3-for-5 aa was Kevin Sliwln1ld and Dave Ti- noco. Tony Duggan kept a mo- dest 12-game hitting streak alive with a bue h it. Oan Puskarich had a double to dnve in two runs in the aeoond inning. Saddleback acored fi ve runs in the 1lxth Inning to post an 8-4 decision over tu.t San Die~o CC. The w i.n gave Saddleback a 2'h-game edae ill \he Southern Dlvtll•<Ot .. MWlon e- '1.t'-: ~W:~e th 'When be tri to gel two runa 9Cf'09, George Bonilla patched 8~ in· nmga and had seven strikeouts for the Gauchos. Mark Henkel was 3-for-5 and Russ Lee went 3-for -4 with Randy Cumming, Da le Hahn and Rick Irwin all getting a pair of base hits. Golden West, winner of the first half in the Southern Cali- fornia Conferenc;'e, fell to 1-2 for the aecond half as Santa Monica posted a 9-6 victory over the Rustlers. Steve Elkins belted a home run and was 2-for -2 with a pair of RBI fo r Santa M o nica. Bob Grandstaff we nt 3-for-5 with two RBI for Golden West while Steve Morello was 2-for.2. with a pair of RBI. Golden Wat bad a perfect t•..o half of tbe ~. . . . ·-I.or tbt •· w t . . . 2-Or -... .. ..,,. ... ~""'· . . . . . .. .. the aecond hall. Enseiiaaa~' ~ race lures 704 boats The first big question with 704, boats acheduled to set sail Satur- day is: Who will be fint to finish the 125-mlle slide down the coast to Ensenada? Will it be one of the 22 multi· hulls (catamarans and trimarans) ·or one of the top rated boats in the Internation al Offshore Rule or Performance Handicap Racing Fleet? The answer will depen<i a lot on the w ind and sea conditions as the huge fleet heads either inside or outside the Coronado Islands aouth of. San Diego. M08t likely of the multi.bulls is t.he 53-foot trimaran Crusader, ~kippered by Mike Kan• of Sowth Shore Yacht Club, or ~ Nac0~1 36 .• foot CILa· maran, skippered by Laura Maves, Lido Ille Yacht Club. Bo th h ave been a mo ng the front-runners In previous Ense- nada races. But t.b~ att other perpetuals plu• a wealth o f take-h ome awards that will send many boats home with hardwa re. Othe r perpetual trophies up for Rt'abe: ........,, ....... "'''""" ( ...... , -WlOOlll of ~ CllMt llM'V Vie MOOltd .,... CIOITOC!ted llfM. ............... (lletdoe) -Winner of IOA clMe he'tilnO the 1hlfd be9t OOff9*d llme. "111f1 ' .. .,.. ,....., -Rm~ 1--... of~ on~ 1ln-. u.a. .. .-1 ....... -~ofPHAF ... M"'"O llOOnd belt aorrectild time. wt. ....... , .. ....., -WIMlr OI ,..AF dell llM'O tf'olid MM ~ tllN. ....._ .... c• •-w.....ot ,..,. a. MWIO tourttl .,_ _.,..,... ._ .......... c •1 .. -WllWW of '""" dmt =i:i.t OOil IOU d tlrM. -.. ... -Winner of '""" -""" .,. ..,,.tall ..... C*f .. I I, ----ot~ollle .............. , .... ..... ........ o ........... 14 ____ ....... - ~:..""""' -............ . ... ...., _______ ..... .... .. ..,,. ""•• our..., o =-•a ,......_..., .. """' -... 10ill"" ....... ..... u.e.: --...,_ -....... °' ~ ............. c...-. ... ,~ .. -....-.;-.. ••••f'191 -wtnw ot eCl'D• ......... ._,.....,_,_,.. .... ... ~-:....,~_ ........ ... ............ -. ....... ,. ~..:::n.: ...... ...... ., ,..tr-=-~ ..... -.... """'. .~~~-·~--....,_ ............... ·--~-""' ~_,.,....,.. ,.an=~;,...._ ...... - SLIM GOURMET SUPERMARKET SHOPPER OUT OF THE KITCHEN • \ C5 C7 C12 · Bake a spring basket for dessert ... C JO • ID a pocket . , ... Friends are back aft.er •Prlna vacatJona, and llCllvtties are •ta.rtina up. Everyone la eager to get together to catch up on the newa, and you have offered to provide the place and \.tle food. Now you need an ldea for hasale-free food that will let you enjoy the Ume together as much aa your guesta. • You'll come off with flying colors If you base your menu on one great Idea -like homemade pocket bread plus a variety of easy fllllnga that will satlsfy everyone from vege- tarians to the heartiest eaters. Pocket bread I.a a cinch to make this speedy new way using refrigerated flaky biscuits. Fol- ·1ow the directions below for tender, good tasting breads that will have a pocket every time. You can bake them a day ahead and reheat just before serving, or they can be frozen. Include one out-of-the-ordinary aandwich filling along with famlllar favorites like ham, cheese and egg aalad. Mediterranean Vegetables la a spicy mixture of garden-fresh zucchini, tomatoes and onions, served wann. U you chop the vegetables and measure the eeaaonings early in the day, it w!ll take only five or six minutft to heat before aerving. The rest of the fl.llinp need little, if any, preparation They can even be arranged in ser- ving dishes early in the day, covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated. · Quantities for fillings for 10 good-sized pocket breads allow your guests to be as creative aa they like in a.ssembllng their own sandwiches. For a cool alternative to the warm vegetable sandwich filllnga, serve a Mediterranean Salad touched with the flavor of mint, a favorite Mid- dle Eastern herb. A final spnnkllng of Feta cheese adds the authentic, tangy taste of the region noted for its hospitality. MAKE· YOUR-OWN · POCKET SANDWICHES 10 pocket breads (see recipe below) Margarine, mayonnaise or mustard Shredded lettuce 1 pound cheese slices 1 p0und ham slices 4 cups egg salad 2 medium tomatoes, sliced 3 cups Mediterranean Xegetables (see below) 1 cup dairy aour cream 1 cup allced olives Spread pocket bread with margarine, mayon- naise or mustard. FU1 bottom of pocket bread with shredded ~uee. Fill as desired. 10 aand- wiches. MEDITERRAICEAN"VEGET ABLES 1 'h cups (l large) sliced zucchini 2 tablespoons chopped on ion 2 tablespoons marprine 3 tablespoons chopped green chilli or green pepper 1 llz cups (I large) chopped tomato ~ f.e¥poon aalt 111 teas))OQJ'l garlic powder 111 teaspoon pepper .. · .... In med ium alze skillet, saute zucchini aod onion in margarine for 3 to 5 minutea or until :r.ucchlna is crisp-tender. Remove from heat. Add green chilies, tomatoes and spices; mix lightly. 3 <..-Ups. I EASIEST-EVER POCKET BREAD Heat oven to 400 degrees. Greaae 2 cookte sheets. Separate 2 (10 ounce) cans refrtgeraied flaky biscuits into 20 biacuits. On waxed paper, press out biscuit with palm of hand to form a 5-inch circle (saucer-sized). Place 5 circles on each cookie sheet. Moisten outer edge of circles with water. Top wi1h r~­ maining circles. With fork, seal edges firmly. Bake at 400 ct.. grees for 8 to 10 minut.ee or until golden brown. Remove from cookie sheet. Let cool 5 minutes. With knife, cut along edge, about llz of the way around, to form a pocket. Fill pocke ts as desired. TIP: Pocket breads can be wrapped in alumi- num foil and stored for later use. Reheat in foil at 350 degrees for 5 rrunutes or until warm. flower MEDITERRANEAN SALAD 2 packages ( 10 ounces each) froi.en cauli- 1 small cucumber l llz cups canned pitted npe olives, drained 10 cherry tomatoes, cut into halves 2 stalks celery, thinly sliced diagonally llz red onion, thinly sl.Jced 5 radishes, thinly sliced llz cup Feta cheese, crumbled Freshly ground pepper Cook cauliflower according to package di- rections for 2 minutes. Dram well. Cut larger flowerettes in half. Peel cucumber; cut in halt lengthwise and then into 1-4 -inch slices. Combine all vegetables In a large shaJlow dish. Toss gently with dressing. Refrigerate for about 1 hour, tos- sing occasionally. Just before serving, sprinkle with Feta and freshly ground pepper. Toss again. Makes 6 to 8 servings. SALAD DRESSING 'A cup salad oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 111 teaspoon coarse pepper '12 teaspoon salt 1h teaspoon dill weed llz teaspoon dried rrunt llz teaspoon oregano Combine all ingredients. Mix weU . Doing business with a Middle Eastern flavor By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Deiitr ..... Food ldttof ' Some customers ask for basturma, others need some che- mun and a few have a use for bekmez but Hotch Bedrosian speaks the language. AJJ owner of I{atchadoor's Armenian Deli and Grocery In Westport Square on 17th Street in Costa Mesa, he knows that buturma is a highly aeuoned meat. chemen I.a a spice and bekmez I.a a grape molasaes whJch can be spread on tout like grape jelly. . And he has them all in stock. _ "This store is in memory of my mother and fathel', who love~ cooking and people," be says, atanchng near ahelves decorated with artifacts from the Middle East. "They were of Armenian deecent, and my father came to thia country from Turkey In 1914." His establishment specializes in Middle Eastern and Meditetra- ' nean gounnet foods and bu been hi.a dream for 25 years, according to Bedrosian, but lt wasn't until last year that he began to build and atain shelves to make the dream a reality. In December, a grand opening complete w ith champagne, hors d'oeuvres and entertainment re-- vealed to over 1,000 1Ueata the result: a store wlth everytblng fJ"om A to Z -or lta equivalent in a variety of alphabeta -for Middle Eutem and Mediterra- neu ICJW1Det cookJ.na. "We have products from J'CYpt.. Greece, 11rM1. Syria. Le-banOri and India, .. he .aya. noUna that ~t 90 perwnt of the --.. imported. Even maaulnes and newspa- pers for Nie on racks near the entrance are wrtttm ln the twirll and dota of Arabk print. Helplna Bedroalan run the lton .. hll wife Katie and her father, Mike ~· Children, Runya, a • ..ct • 1, help by rearranlina the lowK 1helvn wbm .diahi-vm't IDDldna. On the lhelvw ate the exotk- eoundln1 ltema aec1111r1 for autaa•nuc Mldclle Sutem coo- ~oi&an bu19 IOlll9 ,,....· --* •••Wik.~· ......... ,. .... ~ .... . ,....,--:e .... . ....... ~i ~·-· .. ...,. . ..... I Cak-. (.011-est ll«tfali• Tftiis N.iJ~at:•4Ln. at ~,.,Uwter ,. Cbli'5U J'~5 to enter. YA WANNA CHEAT? MIGHT AS WILL DO IT UP RIAL GOOD, HUH? CAROUSE~ SHOP • bok choy .. · . • • . JJelicatessan Prtm Pac• Cl m•1• (hort d'oeuvrn,), candy and the quem of drlnklna the ltl'Onl1 dark dee1ert1 -baklava -coff" and pla)'inl beck· made to the It.Ont'• ipec· 1ammon at tablet ne_, •fl l b I 1 1..A the 1torefront, he uy..\' 1 cat ON Y a oca u.• Bedro1lan 1peak1 bot ke!:\ve have It In eevenl1 Armenian and Turk.J1h varietJei, but bulcallv but H 'Y• hit favorite • 11 b ~ cuatomer la IOl'neOne un· It 1 a a com inatlon of famtllar with the pun· fUo dough. walnuts and • cent flavora of the Mid-sweet 1yrup," Bedrottan ell .. Vor do-lt-youraelf ~.f'ft~e to Introduce cu1tomer1, the •tore people to the.e food1,'' 1..-fll d h d he says. "I give 1amplet 1toc-o oug an 11 to 'non'bellever' lf they'-bappy to 1tve advice, re uncertain about w~ help wlth recipe• and to order, and nine out of anawer que1tlon1. b k "We've even had tome 10 come ac for more, women'• r,:;'..,. come in They mu1t llke what ,... ~w~e~·re~~!!YI~·":.._ ____ ~ for cook n1 <:laate• to ...;; raile money for charity." he notes. Many cuatomera are drawn from the growlnl number of Middle Ea1terner1 living along the Oranee Coast, and it' 1 not unUl\ll.l to aee a few older men enjoying fw Ad Actiln Call a AO-YISOI 642-5671 ~ t ~-.~~- Batllroom Tissue YCJIJ'll have to scrape the butterfat off the roof of your mouth. -that will make us famo~s - CAROUSEL -The orig na " reamery ce cream. All natural fruit•. real cream & low air conteotl Fatl Fall Fat! P1ul rMl malted mltk. k••dl I 9 ~y....,. IA 1(11al"' ...=. ~ :=:s ---.. 2 Our candles are made with real butter & real chocolate! Creamyllcloua, honeatf Jetty Betllea. tool 3. Petit• Fours lndlvlduatly dec:Of'ated. Strudel• that t will blow away In a llght breeze. The ch1111cake7 Indescribable! 4 The e-0oklea, brownies & fudge? You probabt)I won"t make It this far. but If you do, you'll be clOM enough to crawl out the front door. SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT -'2°' ., '1" '1" Hen Turkeys ~.:-lb 59c Thin Sliced Meats ~v.-. 1~.., 49• Sliced lmpOrted Ham "'-' 1.: '1 °' Chlc;..k Patties ..... '*411 • " Boneless Roast =y *189 t::. lb. Fresh Perch Fillets a1n1m Fresh TruT cOd Fillets Cooked Shrimp Meat C 111 •1 • Smoked Kippered Salmon 111 '2" Raw Scallops ft- ., '2" n appl _98° ....... =49 Russet Potat Crisp, Sweet Strawberries ,. .... -4 59c , .... ~ ":' '-ht 111111111"" ____ .... __ .._ __ 9!11111!!1!..W Miid, Yeti Green On .... . Lovely Rose Bouquets Marqurtte' Daltles -~ Porn Pom or Mixed BouquetS Bloomlf.10 Mums .:.., 6='1411 • • :-::. 59' 4· ~ GROCERY DAIRY ~ Chedder Cheese#/:-...._. -.•1 • •Lucerne Yogurts •Margarine Cubes ~11uy ~39' •Lucerne Apple Juice -Frltos Corn Chips &:".!.~ 1~ 1121 •Safeway Water 3r!:.'100 ":.: ., . &Ill!\ 45' := f 1tJt:. '111 --\~Juii\Otl ~~=fi1 ~ Pita Bread ...__.. 2 :;-'100 ~ Buttertop Bread ~=-= • 2~ 79' • Brqwn & Serve Rolls -~. •:: 79• Mca E--.. Ill~ liW•lfJralll •cream Sherry U::... l~ '2" •Pal/1 Masson ·.-~ Li:., 1571 • ~Gllbey's Gin ..:,. ~ '94 ' •crown Russe Vodka ~ ~~ 1741 .Schlitz Beer 6 =1215 .... • • C-!•Jolly Time Popcorn ..... 4:0 1179 ~Hi-Ho Crackers =' HEALTH & BEAUTY Ban Roll-On ~ Aspirin Tablets s..ir......, White Petroleum Jelly ~ Plastic Strips "~ •• Safeway Cotton Swabs Finesse Conditioner 't: '1" -.11n ti 100 '~'1" :t.'1" .. i.•1n = '2'' ,. . . Orange Cout DAILY PILoT/Weifniidey, Aprll 21 , 1982 ....--------'°'ame__...• . 0 F VALUES . . ME A .TS Lean . LONDON BROIL Great on the GrlUI Reg $3.49 lb $2.98 lb ~neless RUMP ROAST (. Reg82.98,b $2. 79 lb EYE ROUND ROAST Reg$l.~lb $2.98 lb ~andMeaty CUBE STEAKS Reg$3.49lb $2.89 lb Our Own Great MEATLOAF Reg81.98 lb $1.69 lb SIDE OF BEEF · $1.39 lb HINDQUARTER OF BEEF $1.69 lb Av.i'W,ae '' the Tuetin and Newport stora only! ' F.dltloa XIX Barban'• Bakery RUSSIAN TEA PASTRIES CALAMARI STEAKS Reg83.98lb $3.59 lb HALIBUT FILLETS l.SOL Rf'C9C 39~ RAW CASHEW PIECES lklll1 Only. R'°C 82 !HI Ill $ l.S9 lb CORN NUTS Mk<Mty.a ... u.ttlb $l.59 • Flaked or Shredded COCONUT .. oi..llft U.ot $1.69 YOGURT COATED PRETDJ.S IWI o.ty. ... fJ.2U1 $2•69 • Umit ~Reserved N> Dealer Sales. IRVINE ITORE ; ~4002 Myfotd ROlld M 8*lta Ana Freeway 838-2851 Reg$5.98lb $4.98 lb , New Zealand WHITEFISH J Reg$3.98lb . $2•69 lb Available at the lbetln and~ etoree onlyt New York NATVRAL MUENSTER CREESE Sliced or Piece! I ' • Reg $3.39 lb $2.49 .lb '~ Gallo San Frandaco MORTA.DELLA Reg 83·29 '1b $ 2 • 79. lb, Armenian LAVA.SB BREAD The orlalMI lell8IDe 8eed Cl'9Cker brud ... wblte or Wheat! Reg $1.95 pkg $1.69 pkg Imported from Denmark CHIVE CREAM CHEESE Reg $4.69 lb $3.98 lb Hormel CROPPED BAM Reg$2.98lb $2.49 lb Available a1 the lbstin and Newport •toree only! PA 0 YI SI O.N New Generic CRANBERRY JlJICE I COCKTAIL 32-. Alta Dena NAJA YOGURTS soz. Reg 41 c 2 for 79¢ . · - WBOLEBEAN COFFEE Brealdut Blend. Bulk Only! Reg85.191b· $3.99 lb •AKERY Homemade Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets APPLE COFFEECAK~ ,,....n.n,iis~ '. $1.99 Homemade Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets FRESH KAISER ROLLS Packaaeof8 $1.39· V,llAMIJtl· Nul.lfe T.R.C -... -.... a..KM $5.59 Nul.lfe LECITHIN · . .. .._~... . . ...... u Slon HO#rs: I•"' 10 9 pm. ~~" /Afi · . ... ' : Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/Wed~t 21, 1182 FIG CHEWS In a bowl, mlx flour, lt'1notonlyd1ttkWtio U'11lmplet0'~0U 1W cup1 whole whHtprm,1~.oat- ftnd foodl that carry well on•·quart•r cup i:>f the wheat flour meal and epic.-. Cut in tor bHk packina and whole wbMt flour c:aJJ.t ~cup wbetat awn'.' bun. W\til ~an cam~ trip•, but one for ln the Ndpe ii p1aoed ~ cup tlrmly pack-1 1 v•ry Une. Sur ll' e1,. mu1t find hlah. quick into the food proceuor eel brown aupr mol11111 and tt1r W\dl t ener~•fooda -even for bowl wlth the item.med · ~ cup qWck cooklna , t>.comet a atlU douah:I de1Mr1a: dried ftp. oetmlel J'old ln fill. Shape mlx· F 11' Ch• w • are a Jult a couple of quick 1 •IDl9POO" .ch cln· ture into 48 ball• and qWckJ1tnade cookie that on and oft tuma of lhe • namon and tinier place on .,....ct cookie wUl meet the 1tandard1 motor wUl chop the ftp ~cup (1 IUck) but-lheeta. Pr-. walnut p&e- of the~ ardent natu-quite finely. ter OI' marprtne. cea firmly into toJ> of ral fooda advocate, yet Dried ftp ClOlltain am-1 ea e.ch ball of douah· SU. they 1';tt 10 tuty that pl• amounts of potH-"' cup moi.-ln a preheated moderai. even -hdtcated 1weet alwn, pht>ephorua, Vite-~ cups finely chop-oven (350 cietP'eel) for 10 eatenlwm be ..U.fted. min Bl and lroo and are ped dried ftp (in pinder to 15 mloute1 or untU for tiaken Who send a 1\U'p1'11in8ly aood IOW'·' or food pl"0Ce90!') firm'° the touch. Makel hom~adecoo~ea ~ ,~~f~o~r~Q~~~~~·------~~~~~aln=~u=t~h~;v~·~~-'=8~~=~·~·----~~~~ dlltant\foved onee these ... are ldi'tl since they tra- vel well and keep fct a lona time. Use the food processor to chop figs quickly. Cooking with class WEIGHT WAT- CHERS will present a cooking demonstration fO( the weight c:onscioua at 7 p.m. on April 26 at the Weight Watchers Center in Costa M4!1fa. Suaan Bei1beder wilt prepare fruit crepes with poultry breast piquant and distribute recipe sheets at the free 1nee- tlng. The public is invi- ted, and more informa· tlon la available by cal- ling 835-5522. SHERMAN LIBR- ARY and Gar~ens i n Coron.a del Mar will of- fer two low cal orie, gourmet cooking classes wugbt by Kay Putorius Crom 11 am. to 1:30 p.m. on April 27 and June 29. A class using the food processor to prepare a French summer dinner will be held on June 15, and do -ahead hors d'oeuvres for summer will be taught on June 22. Madelaine De Groote will instruct a class on May 11 with a menu in- cluding a mushroom and cauliflowe r vegetable dish. aeafood strudel and crepes for mocha cheese cups. Registration fee for each class ls $20. and preregistration is ui- r~~U t at 6'73-226.1 for KITCHEN OS in Corona de l Mar w i ll" pre.en\ a cl.Ml in prepa- ring an Italian dinner using a food procesaor on April 27. Betsy Moulton will demonstrate cold beet and cucumber aoup, scampi with Pernod. pasta primavera and al- mond cake. Coet is $20. and a deposit is required to hold a clue apace. Call 673•3444. COAST HARDWARE in Laguna Beach will offer a cla11 ln basic ;y~ut breads taught by Mary Willhoite from 1 io 3 p.m. on April 29. Fee ii $18, and payment must be made in advance for re1e r vatlo n1. Call 497-4403. DJOSA'S Books and· -Cookwares in Irvine will preeent Dolores Hoffman dernonatratinC a "tlX re- bate teafood extravagan- za" tonight at 6:3(). Fee is $10. Tarla Fallgatter wlll offer an elegant spring lamb dinner at 6:30 p.m. on April 23. Fee is $20. Karen Berk will teach atudeqta io make edible and non-edible food centerpieces, garnishes and table decorations from le880ll&1 wgetablee at noon on April 24. Coet is $20. Dinah Corley w ill' teach techniques of cake making according to Si- mone Beck, well-known French pHtry chef at 6:30 p.m. on April 26. She will return on April 27 with a cla9 in putry tecbnlquel. Fee la $35 fOC' eech clMa. Tarla l'allc will demomtrate of acandle 6:30 p.m. on ',I ...... $20. Dotor. Hof,_. will offs iideM for -flaUan picnic at t:~ ,,_~· on Aprtt ao. r.. Ai..,. Call the 1tore af "1-0280 f« adftlD 19- ....... uon and clue ln· f-.don. Fiier'Wi• ''"" RelllllewTnud .......... f'-11 ZI I hU UM11'9 l••• Cldal• ~ ......... naw ..... ,... •CllNllM ,....., ......... •arucballl•ch ,., .. f,_OefrMIM roa.r Fanm or Zac:ky Farms.caw.. Qrown CODliltl o£ lrealt w /R1bt, TNgba Drums and Wings Best of Fryer . per lb. _,., J39 FOlterFanm or ?.ac:ky Parma C<llJJomla Gtown Thighs, Drums, per lb. .99 TW'll•J Wln1a ": Specl1I Fl1herman'1 Cove ValuH ,., •• 1.38 f-o.!Ne._..,_..., H.., UnrS. .... ": 2.31 Special Grocery V1lu•• ow f lltlllellM 1.58 ti OL 1.48 Ralph Ice er ... ~ .... ,.. ctll. .88 hftMllell ..... 3.55 .,... TIH Det ... •t ,.. ... .38 "-1•M&MI .51 21ta ltn........, .......... ,.. ~¥....... 78 ...... llUrtll lnad ·~ • -···~;... ....... •• • -2.11 .,,... Flelalll••••'• ... '·".:: 1.38 ·-z: •• .................. , ... ......... , .......... 1.H ~I Ptoduoe V1IUM ,,.... .... ~ '• •::: 4/11 IUmWUI · .... • ... ·• Ceflee lltJ•• 110:t 3.89 r.rr.;;·-. ·-: 1.49 .... ,....., ................... ... , .... 21~c: 3/11 IUllWlll ............ ~ 1.39 Dryc.t , .... a...,•a.Ry IUllWlll ........... 11~ 1.29 ...... ..... , • •Oftr leQld'DQ name brands FIGURING -Flaa, wheat 1erm and whole wheat flour add nutrition when coolda take • hike. Glade AA Ralphs Locge Eggs l8packtray J19 ~ ................... ~: 1.49 Celt• ...... .... -elloM fUllWUP ..._ ..... ~ 1.49 ....... ................... .. zzarell1 Cllee1e '::;: 1.97 -... IUllWUf. ........... .95 Cllla• 1e11111 , . ,.. ........... IUllWUP .._ ..... 11 ... 1.59 a.ertc. Cll••• ,.. -------- '···--···-··· ..... '·~·-···---·"--• -----' --0rangre OoatOAtt.Y PILO'r!Wedn.Mf1y, Aprll 21, 1082 Take a · lit'tle lo.w-CSlorie sl -lamb to. Cllnner Jon a'Jl 00o1 1 • calorie mayonnalle ~·•d ,, 1 teupoon le~t"• ., !J'Ul: IAlllARA OIBIONS With America'• wlde-runa lntel'tllt in advent.i w.ocno •thnk: cooklna. lt't •urprillnc that lamb l1n't a more popular marinade and bruah with lar1• freah muah-llll lllllO U,htly with oU. Broll °" , room cape and quanered barbecue 4 lnches from amall oniona. Bruah from heat llOW'Ct!, 6 or 8 mlnuta each lide. ?.Jakes lix aervi,..,., 206 calorlet .. ch. MIDDLE EASTERN LAMB SALAD (For eacll urvlaa:> juice tH tau Pinch of aro\'l'~'l ... clruwnon and nutme&&n , Pinch of dried 01'83 I 1 gano, marjoram or aWJtb'".>•' leavee 19m II• Salt (or prlic ~ .,rlJ Pepper, &o \U1.e ~boo) J, mNt. heal aource for 7 or 8 U,h\ly with oU; btoU or mlnul& Tum and broil barbecu11 3 to 4 lncbet c.tenhlre (or eoy) •UCO e or 7 mlnut .. lonaer, from hHt IOW'Ce 6 ore 1 tablelpoon ml.need until de9lred donenem la mlnuwa NCh lkte. Makel frHh (or 1 teupoon reached. Makn the NJ'· alx lletY'f.naa, 206 calories dried) mint or marjOC'am vtnp. 186 calorte9 e.ch. Heh. Pinch each: dried 12 ch~ Ullnatoet 12 fresh muahrooml 2 teupoont aalad oil BEEF 8KI$H KEBAB -Sub.iltute l ~ pounds top roubd a teak for the lamb; 210 calories per ~ cup cold cooked lamb, julienne allced 3 cherry tomatoes, halved · 4 or 6 allcea pared CUCWTl~r Cla11Uled aa a red meat like beef, lamb may tufter from an undeser- ved 1u1plclon that It'• hlah In calories. But lamb la relaUvely lean. The fat on lamb tend.a to be trlmmable: around the outside rather than marbled thrq_ughout where It can't Be elimi- . L. A M B E N B R 0 • Or try thia: ore1ano, around ainaer CHETTE -Have the SRlSH KEBAB and .U.~ lamb cul Into 1-inch · 1 ~ pounda lea of 2 bell peppen (l cubes. Olmblne with the lamb, cut into 1-lnch red', 1 1reen), cut in preced1ns marinade and cubet 1-lnch ~ refrl1erate all day or ~ cup dry white . t iaaall •Iona, overnlaht. Thread .....-wine q~. ~ lnt.o on 1kewer1. alternadng 2 tablespoons Wor-leavea ~ , Combine lamb with inaredlenta, eJ<cept oll ana veaetablet. Refrt,.. rate all day or ovemiaht. Remove meat cubet from marinade and w.d bn akewera, altel'naUnJ with vegetable•. Bl'uth lightly with oil. Broil « barbecue 3 to 4 lnchet •CiifcKEN SHISH KEBAB -Subatltute chicken cutleta (skinned, boned chicken bfeut) for the lamb; 17~ calories per Mrving. Here'a a way to re ~ cycle lamb Into a salad 1 tablespoon allced sca.l.llons Lettuce DRESSING: 2 tcablespoona plain low-fat yogurt 1 tablespoon low - Arrange Jarpb, lOIJ¥tr 't"' ioe., cucµmbtr and aom-n Ilona on lettuce. Blq~.,, dreulna lnsrwlenta~,o''I gether ind~ over,MrJcn~ '\ad.~ ~servlJHf<taJP 28~ calorie,. '' I ~ nated. Deeplte the leanness of the meat. lamb la always flavorful and tender. The leaneat cuta of lamb come from the leg: only 590 calories a pound (choice, bone and fat removed). ·I( you're a novice when it comes to lamb cookery, here are some company-pleasing Ideas you might like to try. and all calorie llaht. FRENCH-sTVLE MARINATED LEG OF LAMB STEAKS 1 ~ pound leg of lamb cut into 6 fillet lo · ~ysU~"' .> IOJllBTHIN' BlrRA AT YOlll PLUS DOUBLE COUPOllS. TOOi WEU DOUBLE ntEl>IFFERENCE OOR <l<JARAl"fn,E OF VOl'48 LOW PRIC£8 to cOtW!nct you-c:J Vom commitment to low pric:n. we're maklnsi thh olfer. If you cen nnd lower pricu OYefllll thll week' et eny other 1u~!Mt. Vons will pey you double the difrerence. Jull lhop 111 Vons. Buy 25 different Item• WOf1tl •20 or more. Compere prices on the tame Item• llt eny other ~ •j their loC.al Is lower. bring your icemlud Vone r.c~ end the other mettce(1 prices to Vona end we·n pey you doUble the dVference rn cnh. Vons-Low prices you can be- lieve In. ,----~-----------------------------~ .-----------------· •I •332 I• :1 DOUBLE COUPON 1! :,, PreMnt ti. CCM.lpClll .,. .tit! ~ -~. -~ coupon ••• end eet doub6e IN -""' fl'om V-. r.ot to~ ....... "'" coupoM, coupona ...... dwl -..., Of_.... Ifie .-ic at tM It.em. .. II u...a-<-c:..ltWll! Nfl'tc....,.IM...,.4_...,.,......,. •1 II c-~ ~-=' ::..~. s;;:re· II ·-----------------· ,-------------------------------~~-~ .----------------~ •I ·~ I• 11 _ DOUBbE eoaPON . 1! steakai ~.; 1 garlic, finely -~ ...... - minced noquo:J , ~~~~·• · l cu red wine 1~tr,,n1 , D(JMD"') '•1 Pl'9l"l tt'9 eowpon .ione wlltl.., ... ~. ·~ coupon I', 1114 ,_ Ooub6e the IM'9it tom VOfll. fW to~,...._,"'" coupon1. I coupou gruta tNin OM dolls Of CXiCMcf 1M wluc at I.tie It.em. I' . 2 te oons Wor-n l"'f cestershire tauce TABt.£ Kf'iG BEU-BOTTO/II\ RCXJl'iD-LESS EYE 1 teaspoon Proven-U"VT 2 IPl.wcheM OVCf limit-NG pnc.11> 2.09) L8 cal herbs (or ~ teapoon each: dried marjoram, thyme, oregano and aa- wry) l tablespoon olive oil Combine lamb fillets with remaining ingre- dieni.. except olive oil, in a plastic bag. placed in a dish. Refrigerate all day or overnight. Remove lamb from Playing fo big stakes TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -Ted Staren has a big- ger stake -. .wt bigger steaks n he ever thought ould have when he a paper project a rti.-nce• ~1·'~ class. ,1 ' • • ' Not th e haa any beef with that, he ex- plains. The 22-year-old Un - iversity of Arb.ona senior says he didn't Intend to start a real company when he set up an ima- ginary business as a so- phomore, but started to wonder how well his product line would sell. Staren, originally from the Chicago suburb of Hinsdale, m .. says he got the idea of selling $100 gift boxes of six high- quality atealu from hls summer work with a Chicago meat-brokerage company. In fact, he says his connections with the company, Star Mill Inc., helped him launch t..a-e Metat Martial; Us "4a9P ness. • .. 1111111 ... ""',.._ ..... "I d.idn' independently at first because moat people wouldn't take 1erioualy a sophomore to· college who aaya he'• president of his own comrany," Staren says. "So began aa a suba::::::f of S-tar .Mill and m)'9elf a regional repreaentatlve. '' '11e had the help of Clark Hawkina, head of the univenity't finance and real-eatate depart- ment, who was hia ho- non projett adviler. Staren calla Hawkins "a gocbend," and Haw- k:ina says he merely "told him at many 1tep1 u I knew about tettina up a bullnem." With homeWOrlt <!Orn· plete, Staren contacted f Star Mill eXllCUtlftl and pro~ a :Tuc8on ab- aldlary .. 1Hsee _: reca1b that they~ ..... ~ J.,,:.,__,..;,;r., -ltwouldmMrr'~ ,.1n and creace .~: tat martlllt. Heno.rbill ..... U. with the,....., oampu1y • -Mid la:ll!l'1•rd prOft• Ahbou1h ,ltaren wcin't .., WM& hll °"" C\lt Al aftlr -I bt HJ• pron&;&om tlM about 40t lift --lie Hiii eYHJ J•ar IH "9ftOUlhtoput •mDslli 1tudeftt du'Oulh ....... eomfortablJ, iad &Ma -·" -· ,·,LAT ~ ~~·"@~W~ 7 Q\~IA 2M "~'~ Ketcftup ~.Oii .... l~~ ~ .. edMllc .89 .62 }18 133 .50 f HOZf N F·OODS ~ ~l&jrvp ] 79 a==.-,~Steeka IA 2 39 ~&°8d It Dog Food ~llllJ" Dry Bluc:h ~~Trtgeer 1199 ~~ IA 258 )50 ~~ .. 268 }13 ~ IA J79 ~~"' ~ Wnic> .69 r.eQ3'::tcG:r IA J 99 PRODUC[ '-'.19 u. .79 IA .49 (A .69 49 · ~ IA }99 ~~ ... 69 ~·:=•r•~"AOCO ia } 59 S I l ~\11< ·1 S I A l < >< '' > II Umll -<~~··--.... 4._,.....,_,.,.,., I 11 ~a.;:;.~-:-::..~~ II ·-""---.... -...... --......... --""' ,-----------------------------------· ................................................ , •I •332 II :1 DOUBLE COUPON 1: '•I PrcKnt this coupon .iong ..tth any one manutactum'• "cenll'Off" coupon l'i and get double the aMlp from Von1. l'foc to Include m.ler. ,.._ coupon•, I coupo119 orutcr tn.n -dollol' 0t ocffd ttic ¥1lllie o1 !he Item. I 11 Umll_(....,....pcf._...._._ •• ___ 4 ~·...,,.,..... 11 11 ~ ........ tolMcco -II Miry p<odue'U I' I c-'°"" Atwt 22 to Apt u. 19412 I ·-----------------· ·-----------------------------------~ ·-----------------· •I •332 I' !1 DOUBLE COUPON 1! 111 PrtKnt thl9 coupon '6or'8 with WIY one ~. ·c~ coupon l'i end get doub6e the 1M'191 from Vom. l'tot to Include~.~ COUponl. coupon• IJIUler tNin one dollol' 0t u ceed the V8lue ol the Item. I' I I Umll-COUf>O'I pct~•.__ .... 4 ._. ... """"'· I 'I ~ ..... -.0 -.. ....,. P'°*'<U I I ~ "'°" Apt 22 IO Apt 2t. 19412 I ·-----------------· -~--------------------------------~-· ., ~·h~~Hit'llA 229 ' ~~=~OOM .98 D~-i=l~ } 59 ~~Cheae 125 ~~_. }29 ~~-)P\A\OB .49 LIQUOR 'l)U!'p Sim Pr1«T1'I Oln ~reoor Scotch ~~~~ I of • • 529 699 899 399 699 799 ~"lot:.;:.~· l 59 ~~ 699 PIAYVONS $2,000,000 SOMETHIN' EXTRA GIVEAWAY W.I lf.,w I ,,mJ ~n 1et'9'h• '(l.>l-:1· • r ~00'- rt Ji'# ' t :!! ..,, ? 1t~i ~: ~111Jf .. 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'l'l01oCl 111>1 r I . ·-~-_____.,.- Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Wedneed8Y, Aprll 21, 1882 Easy 51'mato ... ces socl1ted Preti ' ·ripe tomatoes arc ant in markets. to UM' them? d~ best reelpe we've ~UPon lat..ly ht ea..y t.o re ro. It makes a great addi-ti5i a main course of sim y cooked fish , pout or meat. Th~ amount of curry powder given in the fol- lowing recipe, Curried Baked Tomato Slices, tastes just ri,qht. CURRIED BAKED TQMA TO SLICES 4 medlum--sl.ze flnn- r i p e• t o m a t o e s ( I \la pounds) 'h cup flour crJf:~:::: ~1~read 1 \la te~spoons curry po r 2 large eggs 1,.s cup butter, mel- ted Line the bottom of a jellyroll pan (about 15 by 10 by 1 inch) with foil; butter the toil well. Cut away the stem ends front tJ.-tomatoes; cut each OM crosswise into 3 s -~ch slice will be bout Y!·1nch- th1ck. Mound \,he flour on a sheet of wax paper. In a shallow dash or pi e plate stir together the bread crumbs, sail and curry powder Ina bowl beat the eggs j us t until yolks a nd wh1{ are combmed. D the tomato slices, on e t a tame. an the flour. dip in the egg; dip an I# mixture, making surOhe crumb mixture a dtwes well . A s each sllcGs coated, place in a sin1* layer on the pre-par4' pan; dribble with the itJtter. s .:ace In a prehe ated 375-egr ee oven until coa is crisp and ligh- tly wned 10 to 15 1 utes. Coaling wall ellowisb tinge. · 1~ sl(<:es 4 Sple1a11 From . VIGORO ll~·PURPOSE FERTILIZER 20-LB POTTllOb MIX ~ 8-QT Prices Effective April 22-28, 1982 Avadable At All· Stater Bros. Markets Paid Advertisement Electronlc Exercise JUst Lie There and .. f ' ( ' , . A Machine Exercises For You Using the muscle stimulator. combined with Blo·H ea lth Ce nter's ravorite diet, Brad As pin went rrom a size 38 pant to size 30 in ju.st 2\12 weeks. His mother Norma saw similar results (size 12 to size 8) in the" same 18 day period. These are just two or the many successful & h appy Bio·Health Center customers. That's why people are flocking to Bio·Health Center on 17th Street in Cos ta Mesa and becoming regular participants of electronic exercis• with amazing results. , The principle behind tbls phenomenon is straight.forward. In a so·called "voluntary" contraction. that is to say during e .-eryday movement, the brain sends a signal along a nerve to the "moU>r joint" of a muscle. This signal, similar to a weak electric current, Is a message to the muscles to contract. In e l ectro .mu scu lar stimulation at Blo·Health Center, electrodes in the form of conductive rubber pads are placed on the surface of the .skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current is applied through the pads, the sicnal finds its way ~ugh the skfo to tbel\e motor points and causes the muscles to contract, just as lf it bad received a s~al the brain. urin& the contracU.. or e mustles, the~• are clually qpendlna ray and Coln& the work. rona ot Blo·He&hll aft.en t t.baf the exerclM feell tbONu&b and ....U1 worb the -*e mu.cit. ._ ••1 JOU bave tD try lt to •fPreclate lt. Doeton aay ~ .u mlnut• of 1t1aullation t1 ,equivalent to 800 to 1,500 tk•"" and/or 1e1 rallet. · Deaptte eurcl1lni your · muaclea I00-1,600 time• in '5 mlnuta, persona feel no pain durln1 treatment and mott don't even feel that famlUar tortMll Uk In normal HerclH. TIM current 1tJmyl1tff circulaUon &':.\..~ ~-=~ ~ ~01in1 . llo·Healtla Ct•tt ,..rtlc ..... do hill • •nd tlrmlftl of U*r Mtlle! .. 1r.y otl1n after tt\1 ts< '"' ..... Bio-Health Center ls currently treating men and women from the ages or 18 to 87 years old. Some come to Bio·Health Center just for the exercise firmln1 up their flabby mu scles and improving their overall body tone. Others, wbo are over .. weight, combine this electronic exe r cise with Blo·Health Center's ravorite diet program allowing a substantial weight and inch loss. At first people say it reels strange and are amazed at how tborougbly h exercises the muscles. Then they relax and progressively work throueh their 45 minute treatment. Afterwards persons experience a five minute relaxation cycle that feels like a massage. Doctors are sending their patients to Blo·Heallh Center for this outstanding exercise program. ln some cases, these persona are unable to do normal exercise due to back injury, etc., allowing them to now exercise muscles tor the first time In years. Blo·Healtb Center has a nominal cbar1e to try this woncter machine. On your tlrat visit a trained technician will do a full set of body meuurementa then let you lie atop a padded table for treatment that will take approdmatel7 45 mlnutea. During th.ii time tlile technician will educate you fWUMr on what tit &ransplfiDC, wllleh 1lve1,you ,_...r ~I of the .... Uonl YW9 l'Mtn1. . After~.,.. ent, t.be technician wUV nideaaure a calculate tlla ...... Flrat time UJen bave experienced lncb lou varytaa from 2" to t '' overall. Thia ebanl• ii primarily caUMd by the tontn• ol tbe muade due to the extenli" exercise It bM lust completed. · , f Thia type of ~ulpment bu been widely used In both tbe medical neld and ln areu ot prof eulonal iplirtl. I tn mecllclDe, electrool( 1tl m ulatlon has been wldtlJ{ UHd In bHpltal1 for the rt·educatlon of p1r1l111d muca.i. la &Mae tlMI, ..... ~oluatar1 .•••rtht II ···r ............. ~, .. IU 1Ut11ie for •ltt&rlHI ftimYllUon . In ouu of paraplegia or hotftiplegla following a stroke, e lectro muscular s timulation is invaluable for preventing loss of tone or atrophy -in affected muscles. Other areas of medical use include the treatment of bed sores by improvine muscle tone and blood circulation. In Sports, hamstring, muscle · strain and other injuries have been treated by doctors wit.bout risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits of muscle s timulation in the treatment or muscle and ligament injuries. Tbe practical advantaees of greaU1 reducing the time spent by top players Inactive due to injury can be imagined. East Europeans became the foremost exponents of electrical sllmulat.lon for muscle power training. Other countries are using muscle stimulation to train every type of athlete - from the endurance needed by long distance runners, to explosive power required by sprinters and high jumpers. The futest girl 1n the world, Angella Taylor. for example, uses mua"Cle slimulaUon ln· tralnlne. Electronic exetcile, however, la not for everyone. The stimulation could Interfere with pacemakers worn bt pertonl with heart dlseu1, preanant women and penons who carry metal in their abdo mens because o( auraery. Looc .,... .... d.,. Vtbea • IGMrol ot akrla tntalte waa MIJeved to be tbe Gilly W87 to keep ln lbape. llodem thinkln• now coocludll that exerctae ii an ..._ti.al faetoir ln the quat for total body bealth. Bio-Health Center ln Coata llna u.o speetau... ln otber llurope1n concepts whlcb Include Cellulite Control and l).V.A. Tannin& Beds ancl Equlpmeot. II you wlllt to be more actJv•, aUve and ba" a snat lookba& body wtthout &M druq...,. ol · ltrenuoQ' l11rel1e and u•eomfortable diet prorrama ' et I• on the MUola ud trr: .............. •11* CGIU 11iii a e . . . l Kelly Young is in her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine is keeping her in shape with its electrical impulses. ... •· -.. Orange Coaat DAILY Pll:OT/Wid~y, AprlT 21, ilff ·overboard coupon er rocks f amilY st~hility - ., MilTIN SLOANB CUTEX NAILCARE or 2.&-ounce !pria Con-11111 Ill the prWo ctrded. Expires Product Code numb r one T e xture Curl r DEAR MARTIN -fl.50 Caah Ofter. R.c· centrated ColOIJle Spray llllllJ PPll Dec. 31, 1982. wrrtte n on a aeparate and the reJl•ter My d1u1ht•r·ln-law 11 etve a fl.50 refund and 1 and the re1l1ter tape . PRO-LINE Corp. ·Rec· piece of pape r and the Explrw June 30, 198 very much lnto oouporw nail care booklet. Send l!xptrea June 30, 1982. •Ive a f2 refund. Se nd rea lator tape wlth t he and refunda. I think lt ii the requind refund form GEE Refund Ofter. tape wlth th., price cir-and a 25-cent coupon for the required refund form p rlce cir cled . Explrea ROSI!! MILK R-' ~ wonderful that ihe en• and the frcnt porUon ot Receive a refund of 50 cled. For $1 , send the T ried & True. Send th and the entire top panel June 30. 1982. Offer . Receive a fl r : joy1 lt 1o, and I know any Cutex Nailcare pM:• centa or fl. For 50 centl: form, one UPC number r equired refund form, from the Pro-Llne Hair fud. Send the req\&4r1" that ihe NVH 11rHt k11e. ElCplre1June30, eendtherequ.lredrefWlG from each product and the Unhenal Product Revltallutlon Kit . Ex-REVLON REAL• re fund form, the~ deal of money on her 1982 form on which you have the tape. Expire• June Code number or the car-pi.re. Oct. 31, 1982. ISTIC Texture Curl veraal Product e aupennarketbWI. EPRlS, Max Factor & written the Unlveraal 30, 1982. ton end flap 11howlngthe RAVE Ha i r C are Kit Offer. Receive a 1ymbol from 1ped~ ~ But ihe recently atar-Co. Receive a fl refund. Product Code number MAX FACTOR Hair Max Factor address from Cente r . Receive two $2 refund. Send the re-marked Roae Milk~ \ed comlna lnto my hou-Send the requlred refu-from one bottle of Gee Bookle t. Rece ive the any Tr ied & True Hair 50-cent coupons. Send quired refund fonn, the the re1i1ter tape ll"tt ee and aolna throuah my nd form, the front panel Shampoo or Gee Condi-book let "20 Wa y• t o Thicken er product and the requir ed r efund picture of the couple cut the price circled. Expif,~ cupboarda, ptU'ltry, cabl-}rom one package of l.3-tioner and the reglater Make Hair Look Thick" the regi1tet tape whh form , the Uni verul from the front panel of Nov. 30, 1982. : ' .i net1andevenmyba-·.-----------------------------~--------------------------...:::_ __ ..:_....:_ ____________ -....... ________________________________________ ...:__;1_ throom claeet lookina for coupon• and proofs of purchue. She then pull the burden on me to aave her the.e packages. • The crowrun, 1tory la when ah~ abo uka me to give her the register tapes. I think she hu gone a little overboard. I reeent anyone golna through my house like UU.. Why should anyone ehle know how muc h I apend o n groceries? I feel bad about this ~~ my daughter-ln- law is such a sweet per- son. She la kind t&> me and lets me dote on my two grandlons. But this thing with coupons and refunds la going to put a· strain on our relationship if aomething isn't done. I really think y o u would be doing a great favor to many people U you could comment on this in~ into ~ pie's p te 1~. Per~ haps m daughfer-ln- law will read your colu- mn and undentand. -A Grandmother in Little Rocle DE'AR GRANDMO· THER -I agree with you. Even a cloee relative has no right to walk into your home and lay claim to the box tops and label. on your groceries. It is an invasion of privacy for which there is no excuse. Obviously your daughter-in-law means no harm. H e r c ase of "coupon fever" has ap- pare11tly got the best of her better judgment. You may not be aware of it, but she may need her coupon and refund savlng:s in order to make ends meet. I am sure that if she has a problem, you will want to help her. I suggest .that the two o1 you sit down and talk thtngs over . She mlnt res pect your right to privacy. But perhaps if she lets you know the refund o ffer s s h e is working on , yo u can conveniently aave her a few of those empty pac- kages. Just ln cue ahe mia8e9 this column, cut it out and tape it to your pan- try door. A Note fr o m th e Shopper: I want to tip my hat to the Randall Fooda chain in Dave n- port, Iowa. for giving a 5 percent di.count to un- employed workers. The rece91ion hu driven the unemployment rate to more than 10 percent in the Daven~ area, and a Randall 1 representa· tive told me that the company wants to help. Dixie Foods In Bir- mingham, A.la., and the P~k-N-Sa•e stores in Detroit recently made similar Offen. . CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Colmedn, Beaaty ProdKtt (File 11..C) Clip out thla file and keep It with similar cash-off coupons - beverage refund offers with beveraee coupons, for example. Start col- lectlna the needed proofs of purchHe while loo-klna for the required re- fund forms at the super- market, ln newspapers a nd m•gazlnea, and when trading with friends. Offen may not be available in all ..._. of the country. Allow 10 week• to receive eacb refund. • 'l'be f~ refimd ottenanrera= nu....... ... fen h9vw • Wiit af $21.70. CAPBl tl6dl Re-fund on. ............. qulnd NfUDd fDrm. the pe•l 1Ucker from th• '** llW .,, Caprt Bath Ollmdlhe ......... tape. ~Die. ll, UMl2. ~Offer . ...... • tl.50 refund . . Stillddl9~nfU• tMt --. .... c.oc, a,.. eial Offer labeh ·a••rouad tb• ,... .. ~ ... --=-~ ·=J:t: . ' 9t's ©ult uUeat <tfhat JAade CUs tJ'atnousf 9t · s (0uh vUeat ffiat v\Aad e CUs 1tamousf o @IBDThJ o serving you '"th high q11allty U lcnv ,lcnv prices! ~e aav•1 I llUI ........ ··-·-----..... ......... d ••....... ~ ...,_ ____ ............ -_... • llMM CMECOC -lie -...-.. ....... , ... -..... -~ .. -... --.. __ ..,.. ( n.t1'U ..... n•NU .tccOJlAcr .tr r•• c•aCUl'.tlfO- LEAN,TENDER.JUICY-BEEF BONE IN ROUND //.;;.~STEAK . ~,' .. ~-..... _,~ . \ LB LIMIT 2 STEAKS PER FAMILY Bii;· a;----mlo&.jr.'ll .Round Steak BEEF BONELESS AU.VAIUETIUITAIEAllAOS 12-0Z •111 llEEF COANEA CUI "•1.1111 ~~ BEV LARCll END LI 11.99 Lm 11.ATS EA • •• ROAST II SIDI LEO'S e.Ol • 1 29 BEEF BONElE" ll '2.59 , -Meat Frank• BEEF 80N£Ll!>b La12.58 • sum II.ATS EA • TIP ROAST TIP STW WILIOH 1U •1 89 SU' 90NElESS BEEF 1118 l l 13.51 SlalUCll La • TtW II.AT SPEICH STW ,.•2.09 Ill $%19 8ARM 8ULI( •1 59 NOT TO EXCEED 21"-FA• llCEF 111.J>DE CUl La 11.29 UOIACll LI • Wll GIOtlD IEIF ll 11.89 · Lii CHUCK STW '*' .. hat £ltn LIPt .... DIS ~Is D :::r Tynlla • s,.aa :..."'t° t ... ,,,. '1.99 Galll llm .. _,... t ... ,. '4.89 0111 Craw .... • , .. '"t• SU9 c.-.11st 1 ........ 110.11 161 lmllr ==:" I ..... , s4.19 -=-~ Senay ~ • ' ....... SU9 ~ Slllnllf Ym :::.. • I .......... U • ''°'5t '1 ..... .25 ! ..... s2.17 ! ..... '2.13 e "°' '1.19 vocados PMNQ4 ClllAMY CllCUMtVI "MJNI ltOI -.....o.c:ATAU•A KRAR DRESSIN '"°' • 'Oii DISHtl - DAWN - LIC!YID - SHASTA.I: SODA HJTUI ~5oLYMPIPI 0t.~f'A BEER t j/lll""i 1an.oz CANS '. ~ILLMATE •. t TOWELS :J '1101.l R£Guv.A Oii "'Nii GtllJ'(n•un JUICf. • Ocean Spray ... ,_, ( ..... o • Crisco .... CAI C..OW-2 Y<Yl•[TIH Purina ! ... 1192.SS SUSIE 0 Cat Litter I ~ui •I.89 ·-,.H()OO(SfYllOllTllli l()NAl uoz•I.74 COflCOAO Ol'IAPfi Kern• Jelly I -.oz •I.79 oa~o t O.ad°a. .. • sev9i.7up 1 Y'OiiiirtVOM I IOCT •I.09 '1UTV!3 .. •• , .. ---Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/W~M9dey, April a1, 1912 Ore-Ida Is America's best-selOng brand of frozen potatoes -made by the people who know frozen potatoes best. All Ore-Ida potatoes are made from highest quality pota- toes. Cook 'em up, and they come out crisp and golden brown. And taste delicious! Now. to make the best taste even better, here's 25¢ off when yo u buy any TWO of our best-sellers (24 oz. or larger}. All-nghta' r---------~-----, I . 25¢011 I I o on any TWO 24 oz. or larger ~ I I ~ packages of Ore-Ida frozen potatoes. ~ I LiJ ol<OC! ll ~ <l,.. • t-"' 1~ QA£ IOA rooo~ ~ COUPON R£0£MPTIOH 0 I ~ r>nOGRA1.< 1·0 A0• 11•0 H.,.c1rv NC 21ege,,,.,.., ........ ,.....ciut-..p1u9 I ; f h.trlil u~J t"•"O• ~' ,..,. _.,,~ °'''(tlAW (J aiuftot•&nt •IOCil ol Or• k:ta fr(> • /W r.r;t.1lrJt~(OCt1•""(UUtllf)ftmut1be\llOWf'IU(M:,ltH~ fattufeto lo'< * • "° • C<N(lo>' ~ n()Ot U-1 .. -Sales I .. mu.i be I ,.._.n.,.,,,., ,.,'\.\,#~ 'll!•J *"WWl'Y•P''~., U..ell0tt .. ,.cteo Ca.ti I l>uL 1 l\)\JC l•f0[£1.<"fl<l ONLYONOAE •OAfflOZENPOrArOCs "1lyo01 ......... (<,...,,.,.,,_ ,,...., orruHXPIRf'iOCT08£A31 1912 6 ll!.'llONI UJ<JP'JNl'>(RPVRC.~SE 9 J Store coupon ---------------. e~ijO• 11 lb ._ "' :Jtl --------------. . . NOW'S TH 111 ro ' ~ Bou·ar-dee~ -oz. ~ii~ AND SAVE ON- sPALo•NG LCD PlN WATCH ALUMINUM • Elegantly designed Tennis Racquet pen with bullt-ln 5-f unction LCD read-• Light weight out of hours, minutes, • Full -size seconds, month and '•!!!ra • Strung with nylon date • Perforated grip for • Long-life battery greater feel OM.Y included oMu .:..~.. $7.95* .. ==i. $7.95* . """""'°oc-..-...-.•... • ...... ,,.,...._.__,._ ---· -Cloel ..,,_ -----Cloel.....-~ .... fA ~ .... TA ' ... setter vet. Qke .the DAWN GREASE CHALLENGE In APRIL ••• and ··:::::· :J= ( t ; ( 0 b .,,,.redeem these "11111 IP coupons · ~ at any store~ , selling these ,- products BY RETURN MAIL WITH PURCHASES OF • SAVE AFTERSHAVE, I COLOGNE, I STICK DEOOORAf\ - OR . I SOLID ANTl--PERSPIRANT t I to •.• on Anwtc:a'a most populllr atwvel Looll fOf "Instant" 25' oou· pons on packages of l'rac II 5's In yoiJr local sto<e. Clip 1he coupon to the right and save another 2~ on any aae package of Trac II cartridges. I I I I I I I I I Or.nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneedey, Apnl 21, 1082 15' 15¢ ~Savin~on ~ Team~ . Aakes.o'""-"~"'* ... lt'tOOO bOl1B2 ----------------M•• ... ~ FOR FREE BELT OFFER . To gel your " .. bell Nf'O WI ltlll cendlcale wlltl A IOClll of 3 ptooll of purct\Ue. "om OLD SPICE Allef Shave ano Ot Cologoe-«-1 lolalof S proolsof purchue' tromOLDSPICE SbCll OeoOotanl and 0t S<>ltd M~ane---1 lotalof 2 ptool1of ourct1aM• JromOLDSPICEAh« Sl\aYeand10tCologne plusa IOlalol 4 pr~of purc111ee• 1rom OLD SPICE Shc:k OeoOotlnt lndlOt Solid Art~anl Alla lnelude soc lot poetlQt Ind handllnO • prooll of putel\aM .,, the UPC code number• lrom MCI\ pecqge pllA a cun reg.st., receope '°' each PllCQge pu<C:huect uPC code numb«s lrom erry trial tat pec:Qgl 1111 noc ~ MAil TO: 8tll Ofter. PO 8o• 406$, Great Neck. New Yorll 11027 PlEASE c:"-Ck your tile end Iii out your l!dcf- 0 Sm.a (30-32) u M«Jul'I (34-36) n'Large (38-40) a Extr.U1ge (42-«> AOOAESS CITY _STATE ___ _ llP _ Clf'lfl!J' -.~ OCTORJt 11. HU. on .. "°'° -·• p1ot11Med tall4d 0t ~ , ... ne•eo "-e 11> e -· '°' pr~ Otte. good Ol'*J tn Cctnl"Ml>lal US A Ce'1.tltc:ata mey ll04 111 llM9'e<reo ••cn.ngeo Of 90ld not me, ~ oe reprociuc.d Ot aoclltCI lMlil -119'--, T"'9 ~ pd IOt _ .,. ,,,., Zip Code -~ ""--., THlt CPTWICATa lllUfT ~y YOUfl ltEOUUT ---------------__ ..., .......... _.o., __ ., .. """"'*,...., ,..,.~"""'~--~ ,.....,..,. •19JO••" ·--- ~-...-.···~ ... -·---, ......... ~· ·--- l-C--c-i;_. ___ _ <=-~~-------~ ____ ........, ___ ><'.( Thars a savings of up to 50¢ on America's close. comfortable shave - Gillette Trac II. , ______________ _ I I I I I ~I I 1· lOJ.143 J.02b5'4 soc • \ Spritig into a f'lowen .... th• . .,.. .. A. I ••.• I LOW MarlAmallow no. I ·'Nnc mlxt:Un. Qlt. bol of 1prtu and all ot 1f111i wwe •mall 11lt In paper cup the iood tlltni• tlaat J'or ~ 1._. cul a Marilun'11ow Lea-nHr rlm. Gen&ly tear come wtth It. th1D ...wA-. ~ mu'lh vt11 paper cup to remove. ~... • Loni wooden 1ke-Connect marehmallow lf you'N ctW!ntina a maUOw. w...,. or pipe deanen Uowen and leavH to teen·•I• birthday, a MARlllMALLOW Combine c:rwnbl;.:; wooden akewen and ln· wedd1nl annlwnary, OC' PLOWD PO'll aar and rmrprint. ~Into flower Potl. Juat the fact that It 11 I~ c upa araham onto bottom And met. of Mak.m 8 manhmaUow IPl'lna, why not top off a cndc.er cnunbs al .. ... ... _L•"a flower pota. apecfal meal with an X ""'°'·paper unilAJ.... Variation: For choco-k " c:up supr C:Ul'!IA attentton·ftt~tli\I ca • ~ cup maraarlne, r-late cruu. combine 2 that lookl • buket-lied Qndua11y add milk CO cur.• cru1hed creme· tul of floW¥e. me 1 ~P mUk inarablnaflow creme, m eel chocolate cooldet1 You don't have t o f 7 .·o.unce jar beatina wlth electltc ml· and W cup mar1arlne, have unuaual cake deco-manhma1Jow creme xer OC' wire-whiak until melted. Pre11 onto bot- ratlna talenta w prepare 2 8~ oontainen well blended. Stir In 'YO-I tom and 1ldea of •l>J & thll Sprina Buket cake. fruit flavtftd yogurt gurt. P.qur lnto paper ounce paper drlnklna • FLO}VERY PRAISE -A floral-covered cake 11 the perfect de11ert for a 1prtn1 birthday or annfvel9- ry pvty. To tbape the ba1ket, cu . Freeze. Freell . cu . baketwo cakelayer1,1----~-,~-----;---::.~~~r'Jlrlil"11r-J~llliiiF'1t"lri~~~~'1~illliii~.--:ir-~~~~iiiiii9i_...~iiiii::iiiiii~~--~iiiiiiMii.:iiiiiiiiii;;;-'.;-~~~~~~~- one ln a standard 8-lnch cake pan, the other ln a 10-lnch pie plate. When the layers are put to- gether they look like a flared buket. The 1hape LI emphui- zed with chocolate- flavored manhmaJJow1 ~ sllce9 are cut in half for the latt.lcework sides and left whole for the basket rim. Angel Mallow Froa- t.ing ia the perfect back- grour\d for the flowers that top the cake, and it la easy to make with marshmallow creme. Because it is ao nicely textured and holds It• peak ao well, this fros- ting ia extremely versa- tile, suitable for all kinds of cakes. For a bridal shower or a n e nd-of·term teen party, make individual flower pots full o f marshmallow flowers. Flowers a'l'ld leaves made with marshmal- lows are attached to wooden skewers and in- serted in the flower pots at serving time when the paper cups are removed from around the pots. For each flower, ar- range mars hmallow slices, slightly overlap- plng. in a daisy design. Cover the cut 1ide of each slice wl th colored sugar. C ut a mini a tur e marshmallow in half and press in the center of the blossom, cut-side down. For leaves, use mar1h- mallow slices dipped In green sugar. SPRING BASKET CAKE l 18 "'1 ounce pac- kage cake mix Angel Mallow fiol.. ting 2 1 <Mn. bap marsh- mallows 2 pipe cleaners yam Grease and flour one 8-inch cake pan and one ' 10-lnch pie plate. Pre- ,,..pare batter a1 package directs; divide Into cake pan and pie plate. Bake at 350 degrees. 25 to 30 minutes. Cool 10 minutes; remove from panS'. Prepare Angel Mallow Frosting. Frost top of 8-lnch layer with •,4 cup frosting. Place 10-inch pie plate laye.r on top. Frost 1ide1 and top of cake, bringing 1ldes ou~ ward to create flare In ba1ket, For rim, 1ur- round top edge of cake with chocolate Funmal- lowa 1licea. For aides, arrange chocolate Fun- mallow1 11ice1, c ut In half le ngthwise, i n basket-weave pattern around cake. For lulDdle, join pipe cleaneu and wrar. with yarn. 8end into 'U" shape and inlert handle ends Into cake. Cover top of cake with ~anhmallow flowen, leaves and 1tem1. ANGEL MALLOW FROSTING 'h cup sugar 2 egg whites 2 tablespoona water 1 7 -oun ce jar manhmallow creme 'h twpoola vanllla Combine 1u1ar. •II wbltea, and water In double holler; beat with electric or rotary beater over bolllna water until 1oft peak• form. AcSd marshmallow creme; continue beatlnJ until stiff p!eb form. ~ from heat; beat 1n vanil- la. Tlnt fro1tln1 wlth food co6orln&. lf dllitred. MA•'P"AUA)W n.owaa J'or each flower, ar-ranee ttve IDU'lbmlDow lllic. on waad pai ln a dally dee!an, 1 tly ~upe. pln- 1Acle ol"flower lnso col- ored 1u1ar to coat cut ..... of ....... jl dlllnd. Cut a mtnlatun manh-• ....UOWIDMlltnd.Pftll .~iiiiJf&: BONELESS RUMP ROAST Sll'toln CUt. IOnOed ..... ~ ·peHARVEST DAY 75 & !!!AD 2•01, ~at • Butt•mllk !LADY LEE 229 ALBACORE TUNA SOid PaC:ti 1 s oz. can ,.,.. Id, ff OZ-lox 189 CRO'SS RIB ROAST lk>nlleSS BOnOIO Beef cnucll WHOLE 139 !!~E.!'!~1~!! lb. . ' P,ITOMATO . 37 '~UCE 1soi can • !"VASELINE •~£!J~ •. Her1-I or Extra Strtf19t'I\ .•. ,,. ' .... an....,.. lt> IY) • •tt lwm11 pricM i.etow tlwtr n_,.r lllMcMlnt ,rice I• I tllYll o( ....... , ......... ''"'fl«•f) promotloftll ......... °' • ..,._, ,..,,.., •. ~.,.,, nn11 h•..,. or'" lh) lat ... ntf)' U• Y" ... e · Vin 7-BONe--- CHUCK .ROAST 8onOed 8"f lb -eoNEtess . ~ . 188 !!2ou~·D STEAK lb TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Bonlllss 8onOeCI Beef LOln -"248 LONDON BROIL 22s STEAK BOnltMS 8onOed 8"f UJ Top ltound f"SENECA 99 & APPLE JU~0~ 8tl • I ORANGE . JUICE LaOylee fi'PURITAN & on. D'ANJOU PEARS US NO. 1, LM91 DELICIOUS ARTICHOKES llOll a. serve. Llr9' FRESH BROCCOLI 1~ cooo ftttng ".39 .... 59 ".39 RED DEUOOUS APPLES FRESH MUSHROOMS S~t ~.79 . I ............. •••• ol .. r•IJ••llow 11' rida&-~!:JM~~~~~~e::.&.t:f::J~~~~~tt:!~~~~~~;;:;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;~~ Three Cheers for •priftll ll'1 finally here and what betcer way '° celebrate 1Drina'1 arrival than by 1ervf n1 tHty .... Perk up thOM aleepy winter appetite• with two ICnlmptloua aalada. Both of thele crtap cre.- tlonJ are topped with creemy homemade dres- 1tn11 -made eaally with P•f k•1ed sauce mlxe.. Whether you crave a crunchy luncheon trea' •·~_,.,._,.,... or hearty aupper fare, Spring Garden Salad fits' the bill. Nutritious api. nach la layered with hard-cooked eep, alfalfa sprouts, green pepper and a&ed almonds. Mandarin oranges add a tangy touch of aun- shine. Packaged aour cream sauce mix leta you prepare the homemade • dre9ling in minutes and its fresh creamy flavor Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, Aprtl 21, 1082 ~~~~·to each delicioua No other newspaper brings you more sJ!d~beTr!:!d:at!<l of your city council, planning commission, soyouhavetimetoenjoy school and college districts and county the glorioua spring aun-------•----t th th •1 ' shine. Green beans, gar-ADD MENU CRUNCH-Spinach is layered with hard-cooked eggia, governmen an e 11·111 Pl DI bantoa, and kidney beans alfalfa sprouts, green pepper and sliced ahnonda (or Spring G~n are toaaed wlth an oil Salad. .4 _ and vinegar dressing. ,.-----------------------...-------..,...---..,..-...,,....__. ____________ -,--______ ,.......,. ____________________ -...;.._;=.. ___________ ~ Ordinary becomes ex- traordinary in the drea- pac • taco ....UN, mi ,picy Me>Ck•n fla Jenda into the sitb the addition of veg bles while it mari- nates in the refrigerator. Garnish with rosy red I tomatoes for a colorful I '.:' t6uch. .• Serve either recipe with hot rolls, vanilla pudding topped with sli- ced peaches, and gW5es of milk or iced tea for a relaxing spring luncheon or supper. SPRING GARDEN ·sALAD 1 can ( 11 ounces) mandarin oranges 4 to 5 cups fres h spinach, torn Into bite- sire pieces 2 hard-cooked eggs, coanely chopped 4 thin slices red onion, separated into rinp ~ c p sliced al- ~nvelorfe ( 1 ~ ou.nca) llOW' cream sauce i----------~~----------.-,.,..""4 mix ~cup milk ~ cu~~~nnaiae 2 tab lemon juice 2 tablespoons con- fectioners sugar 2 radishes, chopped Drain oranses. reser-1 ving 3 tablespoons of the liquid.. Arrange spinach in a 2-quart bowl. Top with layers of: eggs, ·• onion, oranges, sprouts, green pepper, and al- monds. Prepare sauce m1x with mllk; blend in rnayonnaile, lemon juice, sugar, and the reserved liquid. Pour over salad just before serving. Gar- 4 nish with radishes. 6 U> 8 servings. THRE~~~ALAD Combine green beana, ces) taco le8IOl'ling mix ~cup oil \.4 cup vinegar 2 teaspoona sugar 2 pack.ages (10 oun- ces) frozen cut green beans, cooked (3 cups) 1 can (16 ouncea) garbanzo beans or chick peas, drained 1 can (15 ounces) kidney beana, drained and rlnled l' green pepper, coanely chopped 1 mnall onion, thinly aliced Tomato wedges Combine 1eaaonin1 mix, oll, vinegar, and augar in container with t11ht fitttna lid; 1hake tborwahly to combine. Combine 1reen be•\4• C";:n-P9Pl·Pl9 =::r:~ a.trta-a• at leMt two houra before aervtn1. Garnleb wltb tomato .. HdlH. lfak .. 8 Hf• ,,.... r ~ ~.~!~~?.~.~.'. ............. m oz 7 .10 El~.~~~~?~.~ .............. oz 3.58 !1~?~~ .~~~~1~................. •01 2.S1 l~~o~~ ~~~~ .................. u oz 1.8& !'~?~Y .~~ .......... ~ ........ 11011.33 r~~~~-~~~.1~ .................. •oz 2.87 !~~~~.~~~~~··················· S20Z 1.94 r~~~~.~.1~~.1~ ................... 2201 1.35 r~~~~~~.~~ ..................... SOl IAI e 50 !~~.~:.~~!~.~~~·············· S~011A1e49 r~~1.~.~.~~~~ ................... ~oz 2.61 !~~ .. ~~~~~ .......... :.: .......... 210l 1.99 rCOMET POWDER alMmt .. •. ..... • • .•.. f ••••••••••••••••• •OZ.• ' I Save25~ on a familiar face atbre fast. 1(Jlup~ CORN FLAKES The familiar focc of Amcrk:a's favorite (ercal. Kellogg's Qwn Flakes." Ju.c;t use the rnupon hckM and saw a quarter on )'OUJ' next ·package Then disc.:o\'cr why our <.TUl'lChy <.-om taste topped with fresh fruit is so popular. It'~ a J,?rcal way to put a smile on a famiJiar face at hrcakfasl. Yc.xn, Sit down to a familiar face al lnaldalt. • ·1 ' ) , ' , I , --. -...--.. Parents cl.isCover jo}) is lon ely 8 t the top BY MARY JANE SCARCEUO O( ... Delr,... .... In all lhe rwcont IOCioloCieal~ychdlo-atcal atudlee done on lona·•uff enna e Pl· renla, one bll drawback hu been . Never mlnd tho problema of tenchool t.· byaltterl or th• sum ln \ryinC to be both a mo- ther and fathor to the chlldrei\. tora t that you have Uttle time to r.ouneU btawie of both work and home f8ponslblllt1ee. The wont part of beina a linale parent 11 that you're outnumbered. No one standa behind you when you lay down tho law to the UtUe darllnp about ptckin1 up the mesa in their bedrooms. • Your voice la raised alone In beln1 firm about the child who collect.I atray an.lmala and wanta to tum the hou.e lnto a branch office of the Loe Angeles 1.oo. . When co-worker1 gather at the watet QOOler to talk about the latest movies, they're dl8cualing "Body Heat," and you haven't seen anything since "Bambi" left town. The aarne thing goes for food. 111 •Ill llClll It'• hard to I" act-9 about flxinc0 dlrmer'' aft.er a day at wOrk. and tt'1 even harder when YOW' fm.t cu11nary ettona a.re pMled wt\b criel of, "Yuck.'1 •tQrom,'' and "Not UU. junk apin. When do we ,.t pm.ar• · · The procea1 la 1radual\ but children fall naturally lnto persllwnt tecnniquea of the old Chinele water torture. They II.now they can weu down the aharp ..... _of r~ k>na·held belief.I to lhapelem blobe ol pliyCIOUln. At aome polnt, moet llnale parenla realize their entire hoMe menu hu been reduced to tomtthina re.embllna the repertoire of a lhort- order coOk: ~ hot dop. fJ'Olm plraa and an occulonal ch~ tandwich. Green ve,.ta ln, t1peclally aalada, have qu.letly withered away, takin& with them pot . roMta, trout ln wtne tauce and your favorite re- cipe for teriyaJd chlcken. Parenti aomeUme1 don't realize how fl! Gr.e ek-style feast Introduce your family and friends to a classic Greek-style feast to· night, and do It quickly and easily with the help of frozen vegetables and ripe olives. .Lamb A La Grecque Is a delicious casserole you c an cook in the oven with all the flavor, vita- min• and minerals of a hearty old-fashioned stew. The protein ln the la mb ch ops 1s supple- mented with extra pro· tein from the frozen lima beans. Alo ng with this lu- scious e ntree, ser ve a magnificent Mediterra- nean Greek Salad. It's a s nap t o marinate the frozen cauliflower, fresh celery, cucumbers and r ipe olives with a d e· llghtful dill/mint salad dressing. toes, olives, onion. par-ooti.ge cheese ' sley, cinnamon. and all· 'h c up c hopped spice. Bring to a boil, green onions continuing to cook, un-~ cup milk covered, over medium 2 eggs, beaten heat, stirring occasional-~ cup chopped par- 1 y, for 15-20 minutes. aley Meanwhile remove outer l 'h teaepoons dill fat from lamb chops. weed Season chop• with salt l teaspoon salt and pepper. Heat oil in V. teaspoon pepper large skillet. Brown lamb Thaw frozen aplnach. chop1 on both sides. Put Squee&4; dry . Prell chops in a baking dish, ln thawed patty ahela to- sl ngle layer. Combine gether to form a ball. frozen lima beans and Roll out dough on a cooked olive sauce, and lighUy floured board to s po o n o v e r c h o p 1 . fit a 9-lnch pie plate. Fit Sprinkle Feta cheese ~h into plate, turning over top if desired. Bake, edges under and prets covered, in a 350-degree over rim of plate. Prick oven for 1 hour. Garnish bottom and sides with a with lemon slices. · fork. Set aside 1 table· Makes 6 servinga. spoon olive wedges .. With thlnll have ..,... uadl a holiday rn-1 .at ppd· parwltll' howl, when the~ c:hUd p6Cb up a fork and lnnoctntly .... "What'• t)UI fOl"r' That'• when a l*"lftt hM to IC&nd firm. ~J?o: to your children that no one wu bom Woocioll OI bMf ltl'OpnOU, but a u.te tor ~ .. acqulNd -aom.t.lmel with \!Mt help of a IDMA .,.,..t, I Anothtr f.ctor In U.. UphW b9t\le la that , molt ao-a!Md edult food 11 more eXl)eMlve and takee lol'l'I' to prepare than the ~y C\dldne, which makft WNeWna with ~ conlCience u difficult M WNltllna with the oftlprina, , One aolut.lon II to •trike a barpln, euch u , ''One mM1 to .Wt the edult (me), and the next mM1 to Milt you (the Idell)." Don't let them vote on tt, becau.e they'll OU ..... you. Jwt dilam It }\1th them and rMlut the all-powerful lxeeutlve Declllon. It may be tauih at tint. but 1f you hMa In there for awhile, the children qht ~ua'!Y. bqln to fl\joy a variety of foodl. al~ Ule)"U never admft lt wtthln your Ml'lhot. Hen'• an adult-type recipe to ~ upon Meat them some nlCht when It'• cook'• chokle. Serve with fruit or a dreaded 1reen ve1etable for a complete meal. QUICHE 2 C\191 lhredded Swill cheele 2 tabletpoonl f1ou.t ~ 1-poon ealt ~ teupoon dry mUltatd 1 6-ounce can chunk ham 4 egp, beeten ~cup milk ~ cup white wine 1 &ablfllPOOll Instant onion Oakes 1 9-fnch unbaked pastry shell . To. cheele with flour, aa.h and dry mustard. In. mhdna bowl, combine eua. milk, wine and onion. ~te ham chunks and add. Combine with chefte/Oour mixture and pour lnto putry ahell. Bake at 375 desreea for about ~ to --40 minutes, or until ahell la browned and filling la cooked through. Le t atand 10 m inutes before sUctna. Sel"vel 6. 1V'ARIATION: Sub1Utute cheddar cheese and dry sherry for Swill chee9e and white wine. A traditional Grecian favorite vegetable dish Is an exotic spinach pie. This special version cal- led Savory Spinach Pie Is easy to make and just as delicious as the old fashioned version. SAVORY SPINACH PIE a fork, mix together re· 1 package (10 oun-malning olive wedgea, oes) frozen chopped api~ spinach .and all remai- nach ning ingredienla. Spoon 1 package (10 oun· i!lto pastry ahell. Ar· ces) frozen patty shells, range reserved olives on defrosted top. Bake ln bottom half ¥.cup canned pitted of 350-degree oven for 40 r i pe olives, cut into to 45 minute1. Cool weJges slightly before cutting. 1 cup low fat dairy Makes 6 to 8 .ervin~. Prime and Top Choice Beef aged 11 lean 30 days to the peak of perfection and prepared for yoo JUSI the way you want it by real liv~ meal cutlers!! -Right from the Delaney brothers!!! - Low-Cat cottage cheese adds extra p rotein to the . dish. Dill and chopped ripe olives add ageless authenticity and spice up the dash. LAMB A LA GRECQUE l cup canned pitted ripe ollves l can ( l pound) ste· wed tomatoes 'h cup frozen chop- ped oruon 1A cup chopped par- sley 114 teaspoon cinna- mon 'A teaspoon ground allspice 6 s hould e r lamb chops Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 package ( 10 oun· ces) frozen baby lima beans ~ cup Feta cheese (optional) Lemon slices Drain olives; cut into ' halves. Mix together In medlun"l aaucepan, toma- llCllllll ClllllC Jtdpe BEEP MOUMAIA l small eggplant ( ~ to 1 pound) 1 medium on.pi. chopped 1 small clove garl.lc. minced 1 pound lean ground beef 1 teaspoon salt ~ to ~ teaspoon cinnamon • 1 medium tomato, thinly al.Iced 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 'h cups milk ~ cup grated parrnesaI\ chee.e ~ teaspoon white pepper 1 egg yolk Cut eggplant into 'h-lnch cubet. Combine with onion and garlic in 2-quart rectangular alua baking dlah. Cover with wax paper and 0001' 12 minutes stirring twice. Comblne beef, aalt and cinnamon in 9-inch glau pie pan. Cook 4 mi- nutes, stirring once. Remove hall of eggplant mixture from 2-quart dish. Cover eggptant ln dlsh with cooked beef. Layer with remainlnl egaplant and top with tomato llla!s. For sauce, combine butter and flour In 1-quart diab. Cook uncovered 1 minute. Stir In milk, cheetle a,nd pepper. Cook 4 minutes, stlrrlng twice. Beat ln egg yolk with wire whip. Pour aauce over eggplant. Cook 5 minute• lonaer. ,Makes 4 servin&I· • I t 8ouND CHUCK (.,-1 '-riy)l 0 9 th. Boeeletl Rolled 8tt OAS Marinated BEEF RIBS Wine Delaney'• Prh-ate Label 2 ! .. 9 CHAMP AGNE (750mJIJ .... CASE OF 12 $35 00 All Uquon & Wine Pliu Tu Delaa~'• Famou Homemade LASAGNE u ... ._,a r..1> Freeh Fi let Of PETROLE SOLE fre9h fUet <» Northern &1W1~11DASS Groceries 3-Lb. Bag of Ore-Ida Froun DINNER FRIES I~.~ FrosenOh-Boy 49~ STUfFED POTATOES ea. KHU FLAT BREAD 79.~' "Mornint F re ah " Produce ' 49.~ 89~ Sweet 99~ SEEDLESS GRAPES it. . ..__, Fl"ftii E.tn L&rp ARTICHOKES Ranch Freeh ASPARAGUS .. 673-5520 l ... Or•l'lOI eo.t DAILY PR.OT/Wec:tnetday. Aprll 21, 1982 Cll When It come1 \0 cu11· room 80Up, canned IUced nary artt, America'• muahrooml, sreen onlonl sr-•t contribution bu and dry mustard. to be the eandwich. Here, It'• euy enouch for a more than In any other cuual lunch. yet eJesant area, our creatlvlty ha1 enough for a party. rlHn to new hel1ht1. OATMEAL From Ice cream to car· MONTE CARLO rot.a, we've found Int.er· 8 1 lice a o a t meal nt1n1 way1 to combine bread them wtth bread. 4 slices boUed ham One of the reuona for 4 a ll c ea cooked thl1 may well be the chicken versatility of the all· 4 alloes Swlas cheese American u.ndwlch. The 1 large egg, allght.ly duzllng variety of beet.en ln\O ea mixture, tumtna \0 coet both lidee. Heat 1 tableepoon butter in a larae 1lllllet or 1rfddle. Coelt aandwichea on one aide over medium heat until 1olden. Melt ano- ther tablespoon butter in 1ktUet, turn .. ndwlches and brown remaining \ IT TAKE CRUST - Thie variation of the Monte Carlo sand- wich la dipped in egg batter and grilled. br..m and rolla available 'W cup in1lk t plu.~heinflnl~ueort·' ~2~1.ll..;,;...;;b~Jee~~ns--bu_t_t.e_r__;~_,,.-;.-.t"....flf..-tiP-m.._..1----..:.......+-o.......,+--TL_..+-----~HQi:w.....--..:.....;.;_.:..._~~..:.u.~w.u.:;.;.:.i....:.:...;i~~.:...;:.J.:.._ __ .....;;.:.:.:.....:..:..;;:.:;.:..,;.;;,.~...:..,.......:....;.;_;_ __ __;;......,.... ____ ....-----~ I meft't'Of fllfln i 1(1'le&rt• ~ there'• a Hn wlch to' 111 ,,\iiui""":T.lfi~--'~--i~~~-iil!ii31!i!! -~~~~le', ••tflf y vlrtual1y all ' I~ i=. !m!! appetites. It's appropria· te for almoat any meal and can be eaten anytime and anywhere. It comes In all 1hape1 and sizes and can be aa lirnple as the peanut butter and jelly v,ariety or as elabo- rate as an entree filled with an elegant pate. Allo, our native curio- sity makes ua interested in adding new techni- ques to old ideas. Thja variation on the Montecarlo Sandwich, uses flavorful oatmeal bread layered with slices of ham, chicken and cheese . . The whole sandwich ls dip in an egg batter, en ed. UNDBEEF It's rved with a sau- niently prepared iftg condensed mush- ~~r!~il~~~~~IL•ANCHO lESS THAN ausage favorite Flavor, convenience, econom y, variety - these outstanding quali- ties have made Polish sausage a family favorite for generations. h's delicious simply braised or broiled. Or for a special treat prepare Polish Sausage Pepper Pot. In thia recipe smoked Polish sausage ls cooked in Old World style atop a combination of cabbage, onion and mushrooms. Because the sausage is l> PER POT U S D.A. ChoQ a-f loMNu Chudi Roffed SHOULDER CLOD ROAST .. .lB 2.•9 U S.D A. Chooce ... Ctnlef Cut l.•9 BEEF SHANKS ......... LB U.S.D A Choke 8fff 1.69 0 -BONE CHUCK ROAST . . LB. E II Center Cut, Woter Added 1.98 HAM SLICES . .. .LB. BOI ·-NB llOAST BOSTON BUTT EASTE:,e~~ouR I 59 VERIBEST La. • . i:J~co~!~f:t~·r ' L BSA~~ 21 0 2 ,....,., ........... --... fully-cooked smoked Po- lish sausage, cut into 6 to 8 serving-size pieces 1 tablespoon lard or drippingll 1 large onion , hal- ved and sliced 1 small head cab-bage, thinly sliced 8 ounces mus h - rooms, sliced 1 teaspoon caraway seed 1 teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon coanely ground pepercoms ~ cup boiling water Cook sausage in lard or drippings in frying- pan 10 to 12 minutes, turning to brown both sides. Remove sausage; add onion to pan drip- pi.np ~d cook stirring. coician~ ~ I •3 S TOOTH•ASft \E!.l 7 .. , Col Med 109 -t-5po<. EDGE SHAVE 10'• GlllEffi ATRA 8\AOES 1.59 3.39 '·" ~il a' =~~~~~nr~o~s~ w seed,siiiaiiiltjiliainildii-+----ml!l'I! ; add a"' t combine. Place je on top ~f ve.._ tables, cover tllhtly and cook 11owly 15 to 20 ml· nut.ea or until cabbage is done. Remove aauaage, place cabbage mixture on warm platter and top with sausage piecea. 6 to 8 .ervings. Nutrition workshop M~ V bHlth e"'9ca r, an .lAe Solow,• 91y- c~t, will lead the WGl'Uhop. They are eo- dlreciora of Wellne11 a.ourc.. • health pro. modaa aamultlnl ftnD In Nowpart'Bwh. A multl·le.rnln1 at. proach of teaeblDI • .,...... for the.,, lft,. eludtn1 UM of medla1 mMaic, movement ana Doe\ Not E.ace.d 22% fot LEAN GROUND BEEF Doe\ Not Eaceed 22'14. fol GROUND BEEF PATTIES Doe\ Not b c"d 15'14. fol LEANEST GROUND BEEF 0o., Not Eacftd 15% Fol CHOPPED BEEF STEAKS 30 %lfAT 3-LB. PICG. LIMIT 2 lB 1.89 lB 1.89 lB 2 .19 lB 2.1.9 LB. E II °""" flf'ody 1.89 HAM LOAF LB E II W Fre•h E9g• o~"" Reody MEAT LOAF lB 1.89 Froien, Delro•l•d (~lb Bo~ S2 95) FRYING CHICKEN LIVERS LB .69 .LB. • 79 Frelh Fiiiet of LB 1.89 PACIFIC RED SNAPPER Fro1en Jumbo Size Alotko -~a...&e-,._ '• ·-Motlowl IS o z DUMGllllSS c•aas l8 2.59 sH•IMP EGG ROLLS EA 1.89 Fresh New Ef191ond Motlow' 15 01 Cl911YST-CLA .. LB 1.09 LOBSTl• IGG ROLLS EA 1.89 J7 Ol Bollie 8-01 c~nlry Brond, 8o9ue11 .. long FRINCH 79 BRIAD • PURITAN OIL 1.75 32·o~ R99ulor & Homeltyle RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE 6 Pit. 12 01 Cont, Diet 7·Up or .. SEVEN-UP -~~"!.."!. llec;i . Diet, S F .. 6 Pit • 12·01 Cont A&W, SUNKIST . 1.79 1.99 1.99 ( 12 Ol Alli Vo"""" FRITO LAY CORN CHIPS 12 01 Hollywood, Aul Vorlf!l•f!l NATURAL DRESSING 7101 DAWN DISH DETERGENT EX-FANCY WASHINGTON 1.39 1.09 1.39 2) lb So<~ ,,..,, KOKUHO RICE . 7. 79 fltlSH \o""°'o kh•bon 1 .....,, '1iv RAMEN ORIGIN-Al •• 27 MCC ,.,, 71, 0 1 c.... ' NOODUS SUKIYAKI SAUCE ••. .. .. . . . . . .. .• . . • M Slo"°'"" ~ .. .,,.,., 7 '• 01 Cen PICICLED VEGETABLES . ....... 1.39 '"'-n .. ,... 49 TEMPURA BATTER MIX .......... I.OS e l'ICu ••• I - E R Pork S..own1n9 BRATWURST SAUSAGE lB 1.69 Holl•hore Form Pohko Kof'lbou• SMOKED BEEF SAUSAGE lB 2 .79 t1 lfoncho RANCH STYLE BACON l B 1.49 E R Sweet & Hot IT ALLAN SAUSAGE LB 1.69 STUFFED GAMEH,NS a ~~~~f~~~~H 99 ~ D~ES'>IN ro~.. LB. e Ploon lobPI 7SO.ml 80 P1onl VODKA ORGIN 2.98 lll•(hcibl,~ ..... A-·~ 1, :,~~~N LABEL .2 • 99 ~Drro1t•s NOT• - ' 'IVJMtt'I Wf'Ola6 With 1-f· lo...,., .ltlqf» "'' aJJ ln Che nanw. ''THltJ111 on Che n1m.IM" hH a tu more •ppetl-1"6 llOUnd. ln el,,,. aue, It'•~­ bJ.y _,,.U.U.. we "" alJ enjoy«/ at one time or anoelw, by any name. NEW YORK (AP) - Th1a eometlmel aeneroua old town auffered a 11'1\all embarrumnent not 10ng aao. when aome school children had t'alled to qualify for the federal free lWlCh pr'Olnlm early enouah. Pragmatic tchool offl- clala, with hungry kids on their hands, aimply offered them what other children had left on their traya. Newapapers and te l- evision news shows fo- cused on the incident, and there waa an implied outrage, aa it it w e re. somehow degrading to be fed leftovers. A quick s urvey of friends, associates and others "found them al- most universally ponde- ring the question, "What's wrong with leftovers?" Most couldn't remem- ber leftovers being a matter of sacrifice. They were, instead, a mark of prudence and ingenuity -from the Depression days of stingy and infre- quent pay, through World War II days of rationing, and even to- day when the prke of one hotel dlnner would have fed a family for a week a decade -a<>· Leftoverw always have fed the mwt1tudel. And when Christ fed the thron1. 10me 5,000, with flve loev. and two flahes, the dildplel went amonc them and c.ollec-. t.ed the leftovers. Julia Child, the culi- nary artiat, •ya. "People are Juat not aOod cook.a unleu they know what to do with eXCl!lll food ... The word "leftoven" ls h• own wont enemy. Perhapa, ahe HY•· we should call It "feutln1 on the remalna." She remember• one televlalon ahow when she made a~ from leftover turkey and drew angry phone calla and letters from Italians who saw sacrilege in what was done to their national dlah. There are even books on menu planning which begin with the notion of cooking too much, so there will be enough left over for a second meal. You co uld ca ll it "planned consumption." AJs a child in a Gi!orgia family of six, one trans- planted New Yorker re- members, "We had a very small garbage can. •• "Everything got eaten. You had chicken. then you bad chicken soup. There w~ always a eoup simmering on the stove. - All the bones went lnto the aoup, ham bonea, beef bones. And It WU u anUclpat.ed u th• ort1l- n.al mMI." There wu devlouanea In lef tovera. One man remember• hla pa11lon tor leftover maahed ~ tatoea, heated up and mixed with mllk. Hla mother knew hit pusjon too. "She ~ to mix ln aplnach to get me to eat aplnach." "I 1till like aecond clay maahedpotatoe1 mixed with milk. but not with apinlch." • One can only i1'M4Pne the aoup po1a atrnmenna the day throu1h In a land promJ.aed a chicken for every pot, but they must have been myriad. In 1ome Jewish house- holds, there were pla n- ned leftovers because one was not supposed to cook on the sabbath. Stew, begun from lef- tover chunks of meat, was sustained with lef- tover chunks of meat. It was a study In rejuvena- tio n . By the time the original meat and vege- tables had boiled down to sauce, there was new leftover meat to replace it. Hash. One has great diffic ulty in this Bag Apple finding a decent dish of roast beef hash 10 a restaurant. Loads of good roeat beef, but oh. the heart yearns for hash. Tu~k•)' traveled poet- ThanlUif vlna from blrd of feut to hath to l&1ad to aoup. . And •P•lh~ttl aauce. One never knew whe- ther the tomatoey lwnpe would be leftover pork chope or chkken Uver. The health aepart· menta would have been greatly depre•1d to 1ee how le hovers were hand~ back a waya ln time. Some people had cold pantrlea, aome had lceboxea. But tbe beat anawer wa1 to keep aomethlng hot and on the ltove. Lu~ch waa another great consumer of lefto- vert, whether It waa cold meat loaf aandwiche11, or a mother and an aunt smilingly Indulging themselves ln a chicken salad and vegetables for lunch with the offspring and roen off on other endeavors. One woman who grew up in rural Indiana as- ked, "What leftovers?" In an earlier time, lef- tovers were considered pre-cooked meals, the conve nie nce fooda of their time. Tod$y, w e buy our leftovers in alu- minum trays. carefully wrapped and p~ed. trozen We just heat them up. Some how it's not the same. OOLLAR DAY OOUGHSAVERS CLASSI Fl EDS 3 LINES• 3 DAYS • 3 OOLLARS Is r household Cash Flow Low? Sell those items JOU no longer need with a DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVER AD 3 llnes, 3 days $3.00 (tor private party ad~ertlsers) If JOU don't 1111 in the first 3 days we'll give JOU 3 for FREE 3 llnes, 3 more days •· That's right! Advertise your Item for 3 consecutive days and If you don't sell just call classlfled 642-5678 and we'll run the ad another 3 consecutive days FREE. • If you discover you have priced the Item too high to sell It on the first 3-day run, we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run . • The rules are simple -one lte. m per ad -Item must be priced -sorry, no real estate or commercial ada. You are not llmlted to 3 llnes, just add $1.00 for each addltlonal llne such as 4 llnea 3 times -$4.00, 5 llnes 3 times -$5.00, 8 llnes 3 times -$6.00. No m~~ter how m•RJ lln•• rou run, we'll atlll give ~ 3 d•Y.• FREE If ·"~ don't Mii your Item on the tint try. . " '--~ -., - SAVE 25$ on any flavor of Piiisbury STREUSEL SWIRL. 8!~~~ "'"'~ e.-n._ ..... __ ..,,_ ... ~· ........ --aa-. _ ............ _.,. ,,,,,_ .... __ Tllll(llfTM.a ... -...,.. .............. _ ... , ..... ,._ .. _._.,._ ........ ~ dWltl ........................... _. __ ... _ _,,.... 111.-. .. d1411" .......... ,..,._ ... ,.. ............. ____ ... __ __ llle __ ,,...,_ .. _ "--·-...----~ c-.•--· .. --~---..--·---... ...,_. __ __,_ ... _.,,. ...... -.... --........... w-. • ....._...,. ..... , .. _....,..,_ .... . 111e....,c_., ... 117 .......... _.,..~s. c.._._. .. 1110Dtlll v..--:;n ......... 1.-T • ~ ... "**ll .,,.. WWJ . llU • nu: Plu.seuftY COMPANY ,.., I ~ I • I I ----------------1 I I I I I I I I I ~~~~~--~~~I -------------I I I I 151117 I --------------------1 1 ___ _ I r ~~ I I I I I I I I I b. I ,, " I Sea Scouts show their stull Dally Piiot Photos by Patrick O'Donnell SCOUTS' DAY -The Sea Scouts of Newport Beach filed out for an inspection over the weekend, with John Saxby of Coast Gua- rd Auxiliary 25 checking the Triton (upper left). The crew stepped out for drill (upper right), and the crew of the Del Mar (lower left) won first prize for drill. They don't have to worry about polishing their shoes (lower right). I ... . • NUCmncl *'"''liii • ~ .. dc*'I __ 1:;,..p.-Tiie f!:,.. ~eon 11 doing UY, ,...~.... ·-...... --..--IMll*llll ,,. ....... ...-..... ... a"·"-WIDIMe, 7NI -.T.it·t MAAQT ttM I OMllf THI MAlfM ~c:..~ -.::...,.., .... CMMI. .... ... J, ............ 0A ""&:,~~=· ::;:,,l'fendi. ......... ~II J, H1111t..._te11 ...... ~ ~=~~'l:ol':f,::"'• u.;:.t:tb!=-OIM. Ma:;=:..~....._., L~~--- JAOK WAlll .. MAH. 7111 ~=-11 ..,..::,• ...._ tH21. MllClt~s·· ._. -OrM, ......... laadl, CA ....._ '°'.,. Tll9 ......... II 00.idYoMd 111111 Aw. CA •... ___... ?. =.... lnclMduai. TNI ......... ..,. •--'11111 ....,_ II oo. ltlded 111 a A. ""-Ollfll L. ~ ,.._-=..,. I. ,,.... JI ,.,....... 'fNI ......_.. -...... 1111 C.U. Tll9 IU:1'1Mnl ... lllN wlll tM Tiiie t••l•-1 HI ftfN wllll tlll ....,.. .... lllr oi.tr " °""" ~......... ... couinw Ollrtl of °'""' c::ounty °" ~ Clllti "°""" Clwllr .. --.... Mt m1.n ..., .. f, tll2.. ,_.. •·,.. TNI 11111-14 wtl lllN ~ IN ==.-=. D0110W OG9. '11bll11ted Orange Co11t Dally ~ °'~ 0-• -~ :n.~°' o...,. County on =·-.. ~ -Piiot. Apl1I 14. 21. a . Ml!Y Ti;~ ...,.. "·,.. '· , ........ ~ '11n• ..... _____ .....__ __ ...;;:,_.;..__.__.. "'•M1PIM ~ Orwiae COIM Dllw ~ o...._. c-1 Ollfr l'tlet. _._ - Not. AtWI 14. 11, If: Mey •• 11d .......... 1. 1•. 21 • ..., ,..,. ....... ••mi& ,...... --""""!"-~...-----. ------------fllOm'IOUI-ITAWW to' I I Wiiia MJCll)Ta Tiii ...... ITAW ~::-·.-"°"nou; ....... -~...,.,.. ... .... ...... ,,,. ........ .,._ ,_ ..... --..... ITAW McNAIJOHTON l"OTHIN LU ... Ille_._. tM llOtllievl ~ J~ llAW Tiie lollo.lnt "''°" II dOIAO f(O, l~ Hiii .._ ..... -· ................. 111·-1•.. .. .. .,.._. -......-............ _. ~ '-11.C.....tMN ~-........ Qill. '"' ,,_ NAN\' IU"9tCA&. M-llllte tot. """'1 ..... ~flltl •;a:::....;,. ....._ 1 _ .. ~~Ki· "-~~:i&i:= :-:-.J. ....... ~..., ... ~ =-a~'~ •. . _.. * ..._ iiiii. . .: to• . ......,....._, Clll!flfftlll 'T "· ITMT ' ..... "Obert L" 111001(1, DVM, 21 llv'= W..."T:...'°'' W. ""91W· ~!·,.:~ _, •• IHW.Ctllf. == Ortva.1Mwpof1 .. .oft. "----~~ LvMii"M.U ANOUl•C. "' --. .C. ....._,CA._,, ~ ..,.-,,.,_.... ... ..... '""' ... ....,a ,...._ ........... ., • ...,.. ~~It oonoucted by en eoon J . .,....,.,_, ~:t::r-''"" Cl•ted ao. ......... ._._. llllt 1111emeftt ., .. llllCI "'"" ll1e !".~!I.~ .... c.t """" .,_ "°°9rt I.. Aootle. OVM CloYlltr Olwtl Oii 0..,.. ~ °" loWdl -. ""' Tiiie 11eteme111 WH flleCI wltll 1111 Tll9 ~ W91 flied ...ith U. 21, 1112 ..!:::. ti;---~ -, .._. ~Olrtl Ill °'Mp~ M Mwdl County Olettt ot Oflll09 County on I l'lllllllW OrMfe Coeea ,,.:,-: :~·.:..-.. P91M Maret! 29, 1112• Milt: II, /4,pl 7. 14. 21. tM2 t-..i Tiiie tltt•me"t "'It lllM •1111 Ille I'll~ Of'anoe c-1 o..iv ... 1101 P*1• County Cltrll Of°".,..~ on...,. ~ a1, .. T, f4, 11, 1112 mwi Publl1hed Or•n1i• 00111 Dilly "8JC NOTIC( 26. 1112 ...., ~-----------PllOt, Apfll 14, 2t, I , Mey I. 1M2 ............. ...._, W llll( 1118-12 '9ChilOU9 .... M cntY• ....... Wle-~ITA,......, ...._. ..... CA _ -· ' '911911( The ,__..,.... per90n1 If• doing ...... I' NO·-OP T'Mlel'D'8 IAU ~~n.,, flub119Md Ot;i: o-D., l'lllC. ~TICIT.tH'r~MH, lflal Ha M EXH18fT8. J782 NOt1h _,,.,ll,A!W1 7, 4.21, 19'2 ...... t:oOon W~ay, ~.J..I. 1112, 8' Th f II I ~~~arr .. =:::~; 1 -• -• o....,.. a.in. "' -day, In die • o 0• no per.on I• doing Calllornl1 corporallo11 331 Fii t ~ ""'llK room Ht Uldt lor oonduollng .,.,...._ -• n itl---...... ...,...------111' Wlir •II*,.. Tn.tllee'I ...... w1tNn tN o1f1o11 ot COMPUTER OPTIONS 9000 Avenue. Long 811ch. Calllornl1 .• , • , 4 --------------------------------------------;;.:.:::..:.:.:.:;_ REAL UTATE HCUAITIU HAs Oardtn OrCM. U23, W ...... IOl~led Deelgl\ lnC a Cllllfor· ~A~ VICE. loo•t•d 11 2020 Nortll c.ltorNI ~ nl• eotporatlon, 11 Hael9tlda, Ir-n. ~per-. --.. -.... ~ • .,... 2081 In Ole City at Benny Aoberl MMltH. 8000 Wit Caillfomll 12114 -a • ..,. Ana. Cowlly °' Onlna9. .... Oeldtn Giove #323, W•1mln1ttw, r» ~~-~ by • OIVER41"EO/l VON AUOCIATU. at ~AML UTAT'l SECU-Clllfotnla t2t83. ~II ~~ 210 I et1e1o1 111-. Ml• %01, C.-. :=:.,•: ~ ~~rv: .. .:.:u. bulluw II ooncMted by an · o...td Y. • --., ~c.:: ::,,_ c-, 1 2 Pulitzer winners horiored undlt arid punwant to "" power at e.nny "' M..ut Thie 9tlt-1 -llled ...itti the ce1110tn11 .,.._., '*'',_.,,.., aro a .... conMNd Ill .. oar'9'I Died Thil 111*'*'1 Wll lllld W1U1 the Coun7: C*1I Of Orenge Counfy on ~l~S.,tle 20I, Co.II M-. of TNlt llll80Uted bY JAMU AU8-Coun'T: C*tl of Orw.ge County M "4>rll 2• tlNl2. ,..,._ v r No 1. • c-o.nte .....,,._ pen .• lfl.L KRAAL Ind IAMARA OAY Apft 2. 1te2. Publltlled O • Co•a• Dell ...,tfllll, It Co<por111 "'.u. ~ Authors also gain American Book A,'rar(ls for writing5 NEW YORK (AP) -Authon John Updike and Tracy Kidder won 1982 America n Book Awards for the same works which earned the m Pulitzer prizes. ted for th~ 1981 P~:."llne '''about.•an anthropologicel dl.9CO· book is about an in~Je tragedy very'. 1n paperback, 1he tclence KfNil4.. ~ lrMd wltt, ,_. ,.,..,01 Pio! ... ..,.. l4 ''r9' M r .,, t:'1' ....... ~ 92llO ded J1n11~ry ao. 1111, In look P11bt11h•d Qr~11a-C(!ut Owly · ..... ft • 11~ 29• .., <>..J 2· ke *"--·~~·,,,_. .. "8'1Af ~ rg.orde ol • rtlot, Ap1111•. t'1,rff. M~ 5, 1'tt . ' .., 2 ~-· 1 ' •• involvina two boys~~•• •wvd went to Fred Alan Wotf Victor S . Navaeky won the for "Taking the Quantum Leep: CC>unty, 11,page t II, Aecord1W'1 • Wt•U ~ul £.:.,,_~., 1t ' ~No."MS l,by~of ,,.,, • ,, ......... "' .....,.. In ~ °' ... .,. er-n,. -"'°" c.. parfofrMnOe of the obllgltlonl ... • ..-. l9Ja NOTtCI TO COMTRACf°"8 ~ ....,,_ cuted thereby lncludlng lhlt CN..UMQ '°" 9IOa r~•• 1111em•"' •11 111•• w1111 '"• award in the paperbcack general the New Physics for Non- non-fiction category for "Naming scienU.ta." Updike won the book award in the hardcover fiction category for "Rabbit is Rich," which also won the Pulitzer Priz.e for fiction. The novel continues the adventures of Rabbit Angstrom, hero of Up- dike's "Rabbit, Run" and "Rabbit Redux." Names," a etudy of the oongres~ The award for best fint novel bfMCh Of Oef141h Nollce of wttlc:tl NOTICa 0. TRUl'Tla'I IALI -121-uA ~an ol 0r-. County°"~ -,_ded l>Nt •lber 29, 1M1, T.a. Mo. 7-.a COHTl\ACT •1M2A Nu 1 lllMILLA sional Investigation during the wenl to Robb Forman Dew for 1950s into allegationl of commu-"Dale Loves Sophie to Death." In 8oc* t4338 of Ol'lldal Aecotdl of Lewyet1 Tlttl lneuftnee C«por• Scllool Ol1Ulcl NEWPORT-,. ~ ...... Mid County, at Pee-912, Recor· tlon u ~ted Trut\M un· MESA UNIFIED SCHOOi. DISTRICT ... -der"I "*'-' No. S.-750, WILL dlr Ille delcrlbed d.ed Of Bid OMdltne· 2:00 o'Clodt p m of :;:r;: -. CA -8EU AT PU8UC A~ TO THE JNtt WILL SEL AT PUBLIC AUCs lhe 29111 day of ,.0,., 1982. . . (7'4 NMll'll(ttl) m... ~ HIGHEST llODEA '0A CAIH, TION TO THE HIOHEST BIDDER Place of Bid ~pl 18$7 Pia· Pvbll-O.enoe c-1 oa11y flllol. nists in the fihn industry. The poetry award was given to In the biography category, the W illiam Sronk for "Life hardcover award went to David Supporta." !ewf\11 ~of Vie Unlllld 8._, F~ CASH(~ 11 time of ... centll Sueet, eo.t. Mell. CMf<w. -I I ""11 1.14. 21 IM2 1._., or • cutllet'a chec:ll drawn on • In l1wt11I money of the United n11 92927 McCullough for. "Morning, on Two translation award.a were Horseback." a study of the young given, to Robert Lyona for "In •t•t• Of natlonal benll, • 81111 Of Sl1tMl 111 right, title 1nd lnter•t ProJ1c1 ldenllllce11on Heme· ledetll Otedtt union. Of I •t•te Of conwyed to Ind now helO by" Ul'I• AUTOMATIC CON'TROl SYSTEMS federal llWtal end IOll'a M911cllltlD" dlW Mid Deed of Trull In the pro-AT NEWPORT ljARBOR HS, C0° Tracy Kidder won the award in hardcover general non-ficUon with "The Soul of a New Machine," which won the Pulit- zer Prize for general nonfiction. The book is about the people who build computers. Theodore Rooeevelt. The paper-the Shade of Spring Leaves" and beck award.wmt to Ronald Steel to Ian ll1deo Levy for '"n\e Ten domldlld In 8* ltate, II~• 1*1Y herelNtter dWttbld: RC*A ~ MAA MS. ESTANCIA HS NOTICa OF TRUSTllPI MU 1M tllM of .... • ,.... tlla anCI TAUSTOR: LOUIS W. SMART and & ENSIGN No.~- for "Walter Lippmann and the Thousand Leaves." Both were lntlfeet held I>)' It, .. Trustee. In NORMA s. SMART, hutband and ~ PIW1'-on Ille: 1857 Pie-llM-2114 th1t real property llt111te In Mid wife u jolnl ttnant• centll Sir .... Co111 Mlle. Celffor· American Century." t.t,anslated from Japaneae. County and Slat•. dffOflbed •• BENEFICIARY: TAYLOR DUNN ""t:!U7 On Apfll 28, 1982, It 10:30 A.M .• folowe: MANUfACTURIHG COMPANY NOTICE IS HEAE8Y OIVEH that Peoiftc SentiMI Corporation, IC.-The award for a work of hi.a-Five awards were s iven for tory in hardcover w ent to the children's books: to Lloyd Ale-PARCEL 1: lot 11 of "-Port PROFIT SHARING TRUST the lboviMIMled 8dMIOI o.tt1Ct Of lfornl1 corpor1tlon, u duly 19· Rev. Peter John Powell for xander for "Westmark'' in hard· HllQMl Trct, • lflown on• Mlp ,._ded AuQult 8, 1MO .. lnltr. Orange County. Cellfornla, IC11ng P<>lnted Tn.tt.e under Ind put9UWlt recorded In Book 4, Pl9• 13 of No. 9230 In book 13elM pege ne Of by ind through II• Oovernlng 10 Deed of Trust r-dld ~ Ml~llantout ~di of Oflldll ~ In ttw offtce of the 8011d, he< .. n1tter relerrld to H bar 30, UMIO, • "*'· No 43591, 0nnoe Cowtty, Record« of ~Coun~~ "DISTRICT," wt1 ,.-... up to, but boolc 13757. Ptgt HS, of Offldll Nineteen A wards will be pre- sented in Carn egie Hall Tues- da y . Eac h is worth $1 ,000 and is accompanied by a Louise Nevelson scupture. In addition, a National Medal for Literature will be presented to John Chee- ver. • •Pe op I e of the Sacred cover fiction; Ouida Sebestyen Mountain." about the Cheyenne for "Word.a by Heart" in paper· EXCEPTING tMrefronl ttll Solt-d.ed of truet ttw I not laler the" lhe 1bove-1t1ted Recoroe. ••ecu1td by: Mark Mo- trtt11e111M1 .... ert)l'tm rectanaullt M7 ..... prOC*ly: time, .-.ct bldl tor the -d of I -. .• lirlQle men, -trultOf(I), In ALSO f XCEP"'rlNG therefrom: Lot 23 In 81oc:1t 13 of llr•t lddltlon contrlC1 ~ ~=roject. lhe offlot ol the County Aecotder Of Indiana. The paperback award back fiction; Susan Bonners for went to Robert Wohl for "The "A Penguin Year" in non-fiction; Generation of 1914," a study of Maurice Sendak for "Outalde Beginning at the mo•t Northe<ly to ..._'°" Htlghll, In t"9 City Of BlcM lflllll be In the.,._ Ortnge County, SI.Ill of Cllllomla. comer of Mid Lot 11; tMrlOe 8outtl Hewpof1 BMch, County of Orange, ~ ~ and lflllll be oe»-WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOff 50• 00' 00' EMt ~ IN ~ Stale of Ca11om1a, 11 P1f Map rec-ned and publldy reed llOud 11 lhl TO HIOHEST BIDOEA FOR CASH ~twly Hne at Mid Lot 11. I dll-orded In 800k 4, Ptgt 94 ol Miits ~lied time end .,._, (pey1bt1 ll time of tile In l1wfut influential people whoee youth Over There" in hardcover picture was disrupted by World War I. books; and P eter Spier f o r tine• ot 83.39 IMt to th• mo1t cell-.. Mape, In the oftlot of the Th•t• wlll De 1 150.00 dep~lt moM)' Of the United Sta1•) 11; In- Tbe award for fic tion in pa- perback went to William Max- well for "So Long, See You Tomorrow," which was nomina, · In the science categoa~_the "Noah's Ark" ln paperback pie· ~ ~ was aw~ JWil/'t ture boob. Northerly oorner ol th• Sou0 County Aec:ofder of Ulld County. required for MCt; Ml of bid doou-licM lhe ,_.,, lo«>tly of~ Tllll =-:~:-:== ~CINfOr .. ~leldt.~ IMftlltO u.ar"'t"l:it=tnllt ....,.IOI.==~~ DonaJd C. loha~nand Mall-"nte a.waz::da are 98lecled .by a Ian~ A. f'Atey for "~:i•pa.nel ~f....u:tbon. llbf~ boolil Beginnings of Humaii1l'fno:"' ... 11 criUcs, ~ 9ellen llftd edtton. the rnoel Hcw1Mrty ~ of T~ "(It 1 ~-lddf-bid 11111 Ind lntw~ to ~· 11~11 ........ ~Map,_. d11lft'lll)ot1 te ehown Each bid held by It Deed «decl If\·...,... M. ~ of Miit-.,,,. 11 vt-i " 10 lta fMponllve Ult In '"' property In ~Mapa, NCOrdl of°'*"' l..,.. °' ~ectnMI). M ,,. ..... mlfltl.. • County Wld 8ta:t. Oed - County. Clltfonii.; t~ Sovtll 11cWy U11111r Mid Died ot TNll. by Eadl ll'd shell 6. ec:ComPMIN ,.,.,.. 1; Lot 4 of Tr9Ct No 10211 DllTH llTICIS DELAUNE B. Stanton. lister of ll1a G. ANNA DELAUNE, age Phillipi and Isabell 0 . 86, a resident of Chicago. D-O'Farrell. a.190 survived by 5 llnols. Passed away on Sun-gnndchildttn and 8 great, day April 18, 1982 m Hunt-grandchlldttn. Servioelt will mgton Beac h . Ca. Beloved be held on Thunday, April mother of Louis F. Delaune-22. 1981 at 12:00 noon at the of Huntmgton Beac h , Ga .. H ope Chapel, Forest Lawn alao surviving are 3 gnnd-Memorial Park, Cypreaa. c hildren a n d 2 great-Directed by F o rest Lawn grandchildre n , 1 bro ther Mortuary. Charles Repp o f Ctucago. n. lino11. Private funeral aer-PICK.LE vices will be conducted and LAURA JANE PICKLE, in~t will take place in resident of San Bemardlno, SL Cuim.lr'a Cemetary, Chi0 Ca. PUied away on April 17, cago. Illinois. Pierce Brothers 1982. She I.a survtftd by her SmJths' Mortuary direct.ors. daughte r Irene Bal'tley o f 536-6539. Costa Mesa. Ca., ION Char- GOODWIN lea Moore of C.Olton. Ca. and NETTIE E. GOODWIN. Kenne1h Moore of Pennsyl- beJoved mother of. Richard vanla, her s tep-daughter Dorothy Rabey of Mone.an&. ~-.,-~--•111111111"!'~~.nd Sharon Novak and eptune ety -etep-aon David Pickle of CMMA6TION46 7411UffAL31AT IEA M ontana, also aurvlved b y -her afater Mra. Catherine Our llt•ratura t•ll• th• M c Bride, 7 grandchildren complete story of out and l2 .,-eat-~ eoc:Mity. She waa preceded ln deelh c.. ... -,,_.... by her late husband Warner ,. -rftobert Pickle. Sttvtca will be held on w~,z; April HA.HOii UW ..... MT. OUYE 21. 1982 at the Vfew Monuarv • Cemeterv Chapel at 2:00PM. Interment Crematorv at Pacific View Memorial 1625 Gisler Ave Park. Padfk: View Mortuary Costa Mesa direct.on. 540-5554 '°• 00' 00" W• ~ die Hor1fl. rlllOll of a b<eacfl « dlfeult In the by the MCU•lly relerrtd to In the In the County of Of"enge, Stale of .-t•ly llne of Mid Sout'-ltwty ot>tlgallon• MCIH'ed thereby, here-oontrlC1 ~It end by cne lltt California, 11 .,_ on 1 "'llP rec> -.11t1 rectangular 587.00 Ifft i nd lhe tofore111ICUl9dlllddeheredtothe ofpropoeactlUbcontt.at.,,._ orded In Book 443 , Page 20 of "CLAIMI MltWG PROM AC-PiiC'lhlOUe MJIP•.. Hor:fl: ••'Y h of llld Tract No. uncw'llgned 1 Wfftlln Oec:llr111on of P\lnuent to Section 45eD of the Ml1c.ll•neov1 M1p1, recordt bl TIOMI OP ••VltTo-.1 LOA• MAim ITA~ 11113, I.._°' 150.22 .... to Det9'lft and Oemlnd I« Sale. Ind 0-M*!I Code of the Slit• of Orenoe Counfy. llRVICll, 1•c .• A•OIOR IM 0 The to1ow1ng per-..,. doing IN moat HOt1hlrty comer ot L.ot 7 •rlllen nollce of br11c11 1nd ol Cllfomlt. IN oontrtct wtl oontlln Ptree! 2: An undMOed 1112 In.., WSTo..I ...,_LO~ 8'C., Al bl*'-• of H id Tract No. lllU; thenoe ellc:tlon 10 C4lllM the undlrllgned 10 prcMllol• permitting the IUCCeMflll reet In Lota 13. 15, 18 & 17 of Tract '9AL UTATW: ........ MAY GAAOEH a A880C1A-Horth 50• 00' 00 .. Wiit Plll llel sell H id properly to Hll1fy H id blddtw to eubet1t1111 MCUfllla for No 1021 t, In the County of Or9nge. Al per90tll wtto wWI to -TU. 2t Swtgtlt, lnllnl. CA wttll Mid ~ llM °' Lot ~·lone, "'° thtwMlttw ttle un-any moneye w4thN6d by the Olltl1c1 State of CellforrM. .. .,_ on I a ny amount lrom or HHrt an,. 92715. 18, • dl•lance ot 41.31 1"1 lo 1 deulgned c.uMC1 H id notice ot 10 en111re performance under the' Map r9CCWded In~ 443, P8Qe 20 dlkft aoeir* IN Alll ~ C:O.... CtlENG-IHYONO HUANG Ind polr'IC on I tine that II Pl"lllf wtltl bruch llld of elecllorl 10 be Rec· contract. ol Mbcellaneoul Mape. reoorda °' ml11l11o11•'• ~account°' ... MEf..MAHN HUANG. huMMlncl Ind Ind 111.00 ... aoutto ... ..,,.,.,... ordell o-nt>tw 24, 1981 .. Instr. The DISTRICT reMr\'et the rlghl Orenoe County. AHi Elllt• j':.und tor ed1101tlon, wt1a 1111*14 tenant1, 3 Sunllgnt, .,, 111red It t~lll anglH , from thl Ho. 31173 In book 1038 page 10 retect any°' .. bid• or 10 w1INe The ••rell 1ddr111 end other reMarch end recovery purp-vtne, CA 121t5. Nortftwelt llM of Mid lot 11; 1003, of llld Offtctll Aec:ofdl. eny ltteguMtttl11 « lnformalltlal In ~ OlllgMtlon, 11 '">'· ot IN 1ft11nO from actMt• ot inv.tott JA1it.MtH H8UAH and TINA c. thence Nott 40° oo· 00" WMt Slid .... wlll be made. bul wl· Ill'/ bld9 « In IN bidding rul property de.erlbed 1bov• I• Loan~. tnc .... 1 ~ HSUAH. ~Ind wife• IOM1 150.00 f .. 1 to t"9 Sout1t-1ar1r lhoul OOV'INll11 or wwrenty, ~ The DISTRICT hU oblllned trorn purponed to.,.. 3t2 ~ ~ real -... tire*• mutt flll by Juf'9 tanen1a. 1907 ~ Orfwe. Pia-tine of Mid Lot 11; lhenol Hotth 50 or Implied. regarding Ulle, poe1e1-flle Director of Ille 0tp111ment of Newpot'I 8Mcll, CA 92MO. 111, In In Re: lnve•lor• Loan 8«· cantll, CA 92780. oo· 00" WMt along llld South• lion, or lllCUmbrencet. to pay the lnduetrl1I Rel1llon1 the gener1I The underalgned TrultH dl1· vlc11, Inc., aka lnvt1tort Homa MAY,fZE WANO. 3 Sunllghl, ..ttwty tine of Mid Lot 18, • ._ rem1l"lng prlnclp1I eum ol the pt9Yllllng rite of per 06lm wegae In dtlme St'/ liablllt)f for any lncorrKt0 L.otnl, all.I lt1¥Mtor1 Horne Loane trvtne. CA 12715 11nce ot 15.00 '"I to lht mo11 nole<•I 1ecurtd by 11ld Deed ol the loclllty In wNdl 11111 WOtti II 10 ,_of the str-.t tddr-. end OU. Co . , 8 • n k r 11 pt c y No. Thll bl*'-11 conduc:ted bY • Weeterly corner ol H id Lot 11; Tn.tll, .tth lnllreel • In llld note be peo1ol:rled f« Mdl aatl or t~ common dellgnetlon, " .,.,.,, "- LAI0-03212-CA. U111ted St•t•• gtnlfll pertnerlhlp. tllence Hotth •o• 00' 00" !a1t proVICled. 1dv1nOM, If 1ny, under of worilmwl needed to 111ecvt1 the lltwlln. Blinkt'4>tCY eoun c.ntret Dllerlct ot Cheng..attyong Hlleno Ilona ttle Nol1tlwat;My llnl at Mid lh• tetm1 of H id OHd ol Tru11. oonvac:t. T'-raet1 art on Ille 11 Said .... wlll De m1de, but M- Caillfomle, Unlt9d St .... Courthous Managing Pertnar L.ot fl. I dllC8"0e of 300.22 .... '° '-· dllfgt1Ind111peneet of Ille the DISTIUCT OFFICE LOCATED lllOUI covenMI « WltrWlty, ~ ... 312 Ho. 8'lftno Street, t..oa Aft. Thll et......,. ... llled with tftl Vie~ of beOlnnlllo· Truetet 111<1 of IN bWtl-ted by AT 1857 Placenlll Strffl, Co111 or lmpMed, regatdlnf tttlt, ~ 9!!.!.!· C1llfornl1 90012 either 111 eounty Qerta ot Orange Count1t on PAACEL 2: 11* P°"'IOn at Lot 11 Mid OMC1 Of Tru1t. Mlle. Callfofnla 9H27. Coplal may .ion. or ~ 10 pey Applleltlon' 11 del«l«>ed In Bl*-Apl1I 12, 1H2. ,1S7,,. ot Newport HelO'ltt. • "-on I Slld Ill• wlll be he+d on Thure-be oblllned on requaet. A copy of rem1lnlng prlnclp1I •um ol lh nell end ProfMllonl Code MCtlonl Publllhed Otenge COtll DtllY Pt-in.., recorded"' look •• pege 13 of day, M.., el 1~2 ,, 2:00 P.M. at tN lhtle ,..... lhlll be polled II the nole(•) HCU••d by hid OHd 10470.104t3, °' H nectltltY l19PI lot Aor1I 14 21 28 Mey &. iM2. MllC4lllaneou1 M1p1, record• of Chapman A11enue 9tltranoe to the job lite. Tru11, wltll lnletHI lhttton, II prcecedtng lldl ~tlon .,. In-· ' ' ' 118().12 Orange County, Cllltomla delcfl-Civic C1n11t 811lldlng, 300 Ellt The fo~eoolno •chedul• of per provided In Mid noMIC•). ldllancee. cornplete, • •c::team = for1h the bed • tolowl: Ch1pm1n Avenue, I" lhe City ol diem ..... la blMd upon a wor· 11 '">'· UNter the t.-mt of Mid Oea4 rwM. ~-and ~le -. -.,. -8"11wlll;g 91 IM mo.t Horthetly Ortng1. C.A. king c11r of a1gf1t (IJ hcMa. The rate ol Trvtt. '-· ctlargt1 and e111pen. btw or Md! C*-'ll'Nlnt, the 1moun1 ~ -·-oomer of Mid Lot 11, thenol 8olltfl Al the time of tit. ltlltlll publloa-~ llollda)I' Ind CN9t'tlme WOfil .._ ... 0( tfle TNI ... Ind of IN t""'9 ctll"*', end the taotuat bull for T ... 50• 00' 00" Elle llong tfle ~ lion of thll notice. tn. 1cM1 M10U11t be et 1191t ...... ......._ ~ by llld Dead of TNlt, 'Of "" cllM\. ~ to eo ect _.. blir • Mlttwty MM of Mid L01 11 • die-of the unpaid bllenoa of .._ ...._ It 811111 •• f1U 1 .. .. ..... ,. u a:._.....,.._, tct ~ ,troq1 ""' ~lef'I "°11CC CW ""18'K"'I IA.La t1-Of •t.H .... to the 19101~ gallon HC1WH bJ -........ CONTRA ~-· Fl.Wld,.. ,'TJS. Ho. 12171 ~ Nottherly oorner of the loei .. ICf1bed deed Of.,.... .. ._. tt1ot 11 1 ry 11119 Died Al~ .lro ~ iuecoW, ~Q(I May 5, 1te2£ o• -....,.. ,.to• M1.00""' of coe••· "'*'"'..., ~ 11 81 ofor• end an,. 1motmt .frotn or ,...,. any .llf.' •t tht front initwlot lll6d l.4't 11<,,,,. IOIMI' alllO IMllno S79.tt7.M. To.-..,._. 111 ope. .._ "*' -M .. the u1-..0n•d • dall'll....,.. ... Allf l!MMt ~ mil" lot>by o 8 Tltto In-._ mciM ~ oon. at Trad nlno t.10. you m.,, 0111 (114) .. WOl'il,_. by the!n In .ntten ~tloft fl DlllltUtt end m1u1:..·1...,.,.. aocount ~ttle IC/flf'IOe Compenyi.2! N. lroact-Ho. 11N, • lflowll on • lftlP,.. 837..otee. the•~•---Of ttw oonttac:t. O.mltt4 for Sale, Md• wrllt ... A .. 1 l.lt1t1d fun undd 1 fQf educatton, :~~ECO~·= or..-. In booil 41, pege ... 0( Mt. Otte:.-7, 1112.. No bidder ""Y wMOrew hll bid Nolle• ol o.fault Met ttMtlOfl to r••rch an recove ry purpo .. 1 RANCE COMPANY, 1 0«watton. Wit 111o1•....., _... ot Or9n01 LAWYEM Tlll..E for a peftod 0( lilC1y (IO) dltYI 9'* Se1. Tiie uoct1111911d Olll9td Mid 1fM1ng from ac:tMtlet ot 1n¥18'on 11 T"'*-,_._ __ ~ T-.-COunlY1 C'llffornla: thetlct Sovlh INSURANCE COAPOAA· U. dete Mt for the oper11ntg of bldl. Notice of Oefeul1 111d Election to HoMe LoeM. Inc. • a llcenMd reef .......... -.,_, "' ·-· 40° 00 00 .. w.t lkwlt the ~ TlOH A payment bond and a perlor· Sell to be recorded In Ule CCMlfttJ --broll•,..... ~ wftt1 Ole e'teculed by -.OMA MELTON. an ....wty fine ot Mid ~ •Mid T,,._, ~ bond wtl be ~ prtor wt11te u. real~ 11 localed. provltk>n1 of Calltornla BllllllMI unmarried women, recorded 0.. ttcllftg~lar M7.00 feet and the ey T.D. SINlce Compeny, 10 1xeou11on of the contract. Th• DATE: Mltdl 23, 1982. and ,role111on1 Coda H otton• cemb« l8, 1HO • documant No. Nol1tt ••Its' hot llMI Tract No. Agent paymertt bond lhllt be In tN tonn Pacific Seminll Corp 10470-10483. '*""'-to do eo wll 24447 In boo4c 1387e. P101 ICM of 1118, a dlMMoe ot 150.U "9t to , ay Cindy Schoonowr, ..t fortt1 In the oontrac:t doCUnOntl. u Mid TNIMI bat r~ from the ~ Offldel Alcotdl In the offtce of the tflt moat ~ oorr. ol Lot 7 AMlltlnt ~ ~ Boerd By .._ ICiiy ,_.., fUnd Aecotder Of Orange COllnty. Cati-ol Hid Tract No. 1113; thence One City lfvd. W.t. 8y Dototf1r Hanwy ""'*· Authoriled ~ There may~ tome cl1lm1nt1 forn ... by reuon of del1ul1 In IN Honh 50• 00' 00" WNt patallel Orlf'OI, CA t2M8 C.P.M. lt29 So . ..,_,. 9111d. aoalnlt the Aeco"'91y Fund WhoM pl)'ll'llnl « Ptt10t1TllllOI Of otllOI-wtlh Mid Nor1Mllwty llM of 1.ot (71•) 836-82811 Purdllllng Dnctor LOI Anoe111. CA 80045 dillnl 11 ti..s upon clelllnoe '°"'>' llOM MCUrld thereby lndudlng the 11, • dletance of 41.H feet to• PublllhOd ~anga C-t Delly Pl-P11bt11h1d Orange Co11t Dilly (2131 T1 .. t201 ROBERGE "'"' lnVNtOt'I Loan hrvlOoa. inc breacll or dotiuu. notice ot whletl point on • llnll 1Nll 11 per1111""" tot. Aor1I 14, 21. 21. 1"2 Ptklt:""" 14, 21. tea P11bt1111M Or•nr coa.~ ISABELLE B. ROBER-==-=Ole~~~ ::". r:;r,~n 1:':~:',':t~ :::.::·:::..:-:::,•:::,'Jn.": 1873-12 1"6-12 Pilot.""" 1. 14, 2 • 1t12 t l'IHCt 1aOTHUS HU UO.t.DW.t.Y MOaTU.UY 110 Brolldwav Costa Mesa 642·9150 141 Tl & IOCHIO.. SMITH & TVTHtU. WISTCU'f CHAl"t\. 427' E 17th St Co.la Meu 646-937t ' "9CI tlO.,._S SNn'MS' MOllTUAllY 827 Ma:n St HuolinQton Beac h 636-6639 OE. Costa Mese resklent for fie NPIC)I' prooaodlng " .._,. 1810 of Mid Offlclll Aecofcll, Will Holttlweatarty une of Mid L.ot 11· the~Ht 28 ean, paHed are 0111m1nf1 who ltav .. 0111m1 :C:,':*Cllhauo;,1or1..:,.tt1e ~ thence lou01 40• oo· 00" W••t MtX 1111( Pa& llTa MtX llTa awa on ._. l~L~!!2·Born ::-CU:~~~ 1111 un1t•ct s11t11. wu~n,,. ::>.:"U:.O~~=;:r ln ... v. -· Ocios t.OM IONtoat tno lfld llW#lor1 ~ "'wmniy, ......., "' oo· oo·· ... , 11one Nici lout"· CITY OF COSTA MESA her 28, 1903. Survived by 3 Homa l.Olnl, lrio .• lfio. Plttone. '° lmpttod .. to tit ... poeaeulon, or ...-tw IN°'"°' 11, a...,_ of dau1h~r1. Ruth Robe.r.::•· .. ~ tt11t..,, wlllh to~ ~= -....:..!!' .=,,:ri::-_JI! 11.00 '"' to tit• 1110 .. Wff= STATEIENT Of CWllTY DEVELOPIEfT who I.he ___. ...... wt•'-"°"'the~ Fund ---Of ..,,--T .. _. ·=,,_,,___ 1:'J:_, -OOf'* Of ... Lot 11;.... OB.Ee~ AJI) PROPOSED ·-"" tMllr ----wNI .....,... L.oein "' ·-,,_ ,...__ 40• 00' 00" ... lllof'I .. ...... llWl:;..J USE Of IC.1 ~ Annette Hemmlnraen of ..--ine: ._,,.. .:: IUOll to 111d Tr1111 .. by Hid o1 ~.,..,Mid"°' 11, 1 -. .-unu~ c.o.ta M.a. Ca., Mil. Viola action .. • • • 111.,. to perteot Trutt l"J(operty 11t11•1~ In Ille ..,.. al D..n ._. to .. POlflt Of li:i)oe of SouthirurtoQ. Con· their olelnl aftllri•t tM A41Gover~ ::= .:=· ltatl of c.Mfor, bllglMlflt, TM ltNet lddreM Of oedkNt allo a ~Hen-Fund Dy ~ "' .... hnl(s "°' 11 °' T T-II\ -,.._ otMr OClftWMll ......... n Of ... r1etia i>etcb.-'bautt •nd "4*1)1' ~,.,.,.. rece .... .. ....... ,. ,... ~ .......... .,. .. brother 1lola"d italardl1 llowMI(.., ._,,11 INN· ~~"::"~~ '=1f.:C~ ::.!: 1112 both ol. ~·; = M *"'" ' I I IQ ...., and 31, ....... ~ .~;;. ~ • ....,.,, • Cells w ~~ GOrCll of Mid ()flftal ~.!.~ Tiie Uri~ ,..,_llY dll• dren, _..... Ill 1 ...... -,~ I ..... ~ .. _Illy...,.. P•lttda~_. ~ ....... ,,.,.,= -=-.ll!IPeldlllllln'*_,= -lft-=...-•--!no•._ and I sr~•t · onw•• ...... -...Y., ......... ..,... ......---•n. ,..andcJllld.resa_ 1'at1, Carla ol lnv .. L.-~. *" .Of"-" !-JIU II 111.000.0t: -........ tto ..... ...._,. and Jo/q. hi U of. .-: 28 ...... r,llu\ill ......... to =--'-lrlOrMM Ull1t dete Of ......_ .... ., ......... ,._ yon In Cot'8 MHa 1he •tt_,, iO ,...., .._ .,... Tiie '""' ..... enct otfl• Cft~ ~=:'..:.;: worked at Ba.I M...or1a1 =-'~~on~= .....-I 111 ...,, • •· « .. ttlallH of t11• N•:.:r •'"" Hospital, where the WU a i..., , M .. 0•1 :• .... ~:f!!'ro ·:.~~ll =:.: rtlrM .. I I~-... -,,,_,_., Nunee AJde unUl lhe reU-c.t. n..,.,....-.-.. 1 ... TNi. - - red. Bur4aJ wW be by UM OllMI ~ -"-••r .._, TIM ~c:-.... f':,,! Hr-:::.:-.:.:= Neptune 8ocl•t1 whb a ~ • .,111,.-C..~':J' ...._..,....., .. ..,....., ............... ._. .. ..,. memorial .... at a later -:r,• .. 0111 • ....;; ,_ " .. w ....... ,..., _...,... Mf .., .... ,., date. ln llllu of ....... tbe CM ... ,.......,, HOMO .._.......,. flllp fl'"._,, .,_.._,-.,~---- famlly reque.c. .u~~i L-. ............... ~~ .. -.... DMf .. ""f'" ... dam ... _,'° 11. =r=.'N :;;-....... • ••• , ........ .,. .. -. _.,"\i'41J...i.-=:I 0. hu1 ._..,, ·... at ._Oii a..Nli. •..::.. ltOWwt &.., .,. • fl ,.,.,.Z: ._,. M, 11, ---. .... ~ =:c.11. -. T• , '~ '"rl'•tU"411A ~~"~~~· .,.~·\=-mm.~ .. .. . . IMiiliilil.ii!~~ ~ .-;r. _ __.~ ~--·~=l•ra; ~~~~~~~~~~~~=::::::::=:=~9WI . --. ...._ ITAW "°'".out_ .. .......... I t TM ........ ..,_,..,e0*9 NMalTAftlmff f.I. .... ,...., ..,.,.... • Tiie followlng petaon 11 dOlnt IOUT"'-ANO COVl'AHV M -ZUMA CONeTMJCTOM, INC., lklllr'9ll Ml *f T""* ~!tie ..... llH Wiii.iiier, Unit '·I. Cosle UNIOUI ,AOI, HU llaCll• deecllbed dMd of VUlt WIU. Miia. ~ nta1. ttlorn, lrfN, Clallfot'nle t271' II AT~IOAUOTIOHTOTHS lu11u 1 VM\n a. IYen, HU Blecll· MIOHHT 11001" '0" OAIH ...,_ oorpotllUon, Int WMn*, 1Nn'1. !MM. Cellfof"'41 ta114 ,,.~ .... II time Of .... In lewtul U..it , ••• Co••• Mffl, Cl!Mlotnl• Tllll tMll'9M .. oondUC"Wld by 11'1 "'°"'¥ ol IM Untlect ...... , .. ,.._ tlll1. ~ 11Ue Ind lflleJM1 O«lveyM 10 iftd Thia ....... II ........ by a 'IMen 1'1911 llOW Mid by 11 under lllid ~ of Mf'PO'.....,, Tiiie N'9rnfn1 -flled wt11I tllt Ttuet In Ille pro,.t1y IJettfnafl., li.wlle COlllll'*Ofe. ~ Coun1y CWll Of Orange County on dMCrlCled: ll#tt V, .......,_ • Mwotl 21, IN2. T"UITO•· •ANOALL MACKIN· ~ ,_. MM an UMW1lld tnan, fNI et.aeemMt ... llled ...,.. IM ~ Oranot COMt OelV 'I· HHi'1CtAAY: llVl•LY HILLI County a.ti of Or.,. County on lot Apfil 21, 21, May I , 12, INZ. 8AVINQS ANO LOAN AHOCIA• Alftl ft, 1112. 17U.f2 TION, e COfl)O(lllon. '1'1'111 Recorded '•bruary II, 1110 11 'ublltll•d Or•llll• Co111 Dally tnw. No. 1'417 In booll 11411, Noc. ACltll ti. ta. Mey 5, 12. 1112 1>eo-1• °' OffiOlll "'9cOrde 111111t n-..a •• Pennoue .,,, ... U. tfAftMa#T fll• tollow1n11 perton I• doing buell'9el .. TM HUT I C"ACKf.R CA,l, I ft7 N9wpotl 8l¥d Coate MeN, Calltcwnla 12t27 Olan1 "ulll Wlnnlng1'1m. 480 '•norema br1ve. '-•guna .. ecll,' Celfcwlllemtl Thie IMlneM It oonclucWd by an ~ ~ ... Wlflnlngtwim Thie •ta""*11 -llled with "" COwilY c.11 of <>ranoe Couniy on April fl, 11192. • ,,m,.. Publlll* Orange COut Delly Pl• IOI, Apttl n u. May &. 12, 1882 , 17311-82 Ml.IC NOTICE Office Of IM "KOfO.f Of Or1n99 __ .,. -.... ,. ' County; lllcl d-.cl ol ll'UIJI daacrlbM ,.._ """K ":l:.~A:.,.. 'ICTmOUI IKI ..... 1119 lullowin'~" 1--N==n=reoue~~ .. ~ .. ~=-= .. ~-Tiie ~per-11 dolno ._.,_ NAMI ITATIMl.NT AH 11111 oerteln i.no lltuated 111 "'-• MAim ITA,_.,, • Tiie following pereon 11 doing Siii• Of C1llfcfrnl1, Cou1uy Of ~:::W'"• ""0" 1' doing A~,=-~~~ bull~11r~· CAT ERERS. 604 17111 ~=·-C~?Oltt Miii, d•· (AJ COAIT INoUSTAttl· (I) -~·~':1 H!Qwwa. llllNiol't StrMt, Hunungton BMdl, Cllffcwnla PARCEL 1. ' OOU T•Y """" 8 A8 , ~C) ::?:!:.."'*-1t--.ic1ec1DJ1111 In· 82t4~1 JerneaCoon<oo. 604 l7th Unit 33 ;.. lhown on 111-1 .....,. foY, ~ '~~~ .... ~~f 2ia .. c C.Wo SttMI, ~11ng10n e..cn, Cellfornill Condominium Plan r.cordM New Dill ~ • Thi• 11111111en1 ••• rnu w1111 the 92648 31, 1177 In boOk l2218, PI09 1ers ion:-~--· MM.a. Cell-Coo.Inly an Mo..,.. e-,iy on MwClll (hit ~ II conduel.a by"' g~ffl~:!.c'!~otd• ol Orang• David A: Oall.y, 1225 OM:ota 22. 1112 llldMdull ,AAO'I·L 2· Avenue, Cotta Meu, Cellfornla Pu1111-Oranee c0 .. , oeu';':, Larry Coontoo An undivided 1184111 Inlet"' In ~· ... ...____ .. _..._ ......... ' .. -__ ._'·-""" __ 1_._ I••_ .• -''-·_1112 __ ,~_ Tl'lll •t•t-t WM lllecl -'th Ille , ·-__ _ __ ...., 1111 ,-County Cleflt Of Orange Coullty on encl to Loi I Of TrllCll No. 90t3 M lndMduel -.,. --Apt~ 18. 1882 .,_on a Map t900f'a.d In booll · Dellld A......_. ,....... -""" 393, pegee 5 encl 6 Of MllcellaMoue _,. Map1, record• of Orange County, Thie It...,_.,. -flled wtt11 Ule callfornla, together wltll ell lnlpro-="•~of Or-. County on v-1• lll«eon. llloeptlflQ ~ ' · ,_. from Condominium Unite I ttvough ,., ... ,11'79,. ~ Publllheo Orinot C-t Delly f>O,. lol °'Piii 21, 28, May 5 12, 19'2. 17•8.U CONTACT -Putting c.osta Mesa's 911 emer- gency system into operation (from left) are Mayor Arlene Schaler, city com.mun.ications .,.., "" ........ ~ .... ,..,,. director Qrville Amburgey a nd communica- tions oUicer Olivia Ramirez. The system be- came operatiQna} this week. 64 1nc1u11ve localed thereon Publlllled Orenge Cout Oelly E.c..,ung'trom 1 l)O(llon of Mid PMot, A&>ftl 21. 29, May 5, 12. 1842. lot all crude oll, pelroleum, g11, 11~2 brec. upll•llum end ell kindred ••.,. ..,,.~ 1ubet1ncea en<1 otllef mln«llt un· i--::::'= ~=:-:::-:""='~=~-- •crmoua eu._., MA• ITATIMUff IM IOllowt"Q pet-we~-· -.. MARA IHON UASIHO OllOUP 911 goes one better :': u!."° :n1 ~ ;~~~ '=-~A=:rN tlle land °' dnlllng op«etlonl, ml· The followlng ~ .,. dOlno n1ng °' quarrying of .. klna., lnctu-~ u : ding but not uclu1llr• of Oii ••II ZUMA CONSTRUCTORS 1835 drllllng, oll developm•nt. mining, Whittler, Unit F-3, Cott• M8U CA opet .. lonl, logetll« with Ille UM Of 82927. ' H id 1url1ce for oll well1, l1nk1, BURLEY V. JACKSON, 14873 1unna11. mlnlnL::.i:•llon1 or akbury Drive. LI Mirada CA 1IHO Allon StrH t ltY1na Calt!0<n11 1111• por.~:."91:f.:iT.,C:.."'s1~.;..-.=-~ d0<-81714 tr.•.,._•• conoucteo by 1 c:o<Po- "''°" l .... s..,.1.,... 1ne Ttmoltty S Samt><eno Pr--'*>I Push of button dispatches police, fire men •halt• ptovlded, • tllt -. 1h1ll no1 be conetr~ 10 prohibit 1lant <1rllllng or 1uen othet o~•· tlona wtlich In no way UM °' In any way affect Ille IUtlaoe rlghtl of Mid land and wlllcll do not entet 111<1 l"'4 •Ill-I '"a' lliecl ... th tile County ~· of Otano-Counlt on N>r• ~. 1N2 , ..... By JODI CADENHEAD or .... ~NM• ... Costa Mesa's new emergency telephone system. ca~e o1 d is· patching poliC"e" and fire offid.ab a t the touch of a button, ia more sophlaUcated than any other In the county. Aa of t h is week all Orange County residents can reach police and fire departments in an emergency limply by dialing 911. But in Costa M esa, residents will be using an even more so- phisticated system. It has never before been irutalled for e m er· gency use, said Orville Ambur- gey, the city's director o f com- munications. By ~lugging Pacific Tele- phoJJe ll new emergency sy•tem into a $1.2 million computer in the p0lice communications cent· er, emergency units wlll be dis· patched autom atically in Costa M esa. Here's h ow Costa M esa's Computer Assisted Dispatch system works: I -Resident dials 911 to report a fire or police emergency. -Automatically, the address ot the caner is flashed on a visual display tenninal that look& like a television screen. -The dispatcher will use a second computer acreen that will i nclude the address, phone number and infonnation about the type of emergency. -I n the case of a fire. the dispatcher will push a coded button that will autOPlatically tum on the lights and alert fire offici.ala at the tire station nearest to the emergency. -In the case of a police emergency, the inlonnation will be routed to the n earest police unit equipped with a similar computer terminal. "W e've been working 10 yean on this," said Amburgey. "It's fantastic. It's truly au tomatic." In the past, when a fire call was received, a dispatcher had to loo'k up the resident's address in order to determine which of fow- fire stat.ions should be alerted. Not only will th~ rle'W ~ · save precio us seconds in an emergen cy a nd eliminate much of the potential for human error, it also will make important in· fonnation available Put>lllh~O Otano• Co11t OaHt PllOI ""'1f 1 14, 21, 11. ,.., 1&16-12 land " I point .... tl\an 500 IMI to 8urtey V. Jedlaon rtc:TITIOW ~ Uld ...,,,_, .. ,~PY A<la M TNa •ta•-· -tll8d ...,, the ~ ITAn..NT ::~"it 0:::5~~~ 6·11~:': 7 0::2°' Orenee ~ on .. The ........ ,,.._ II dolr'8 -FICTITIOUI IUSIMU l\llCOfdl . . oow auoeu """"""''°" H _...,. ITAfftftNT 10415 W11tward Lane, Co111 ~ Oranoe co.at~ ~a . .,,,..,.. Cai111ot111a t27u rne 1011ow1ng par1on 11 oo1ng MeM. Ct111«n1a neze AptN 21, 21 . ..._a, 12. 1112. · .._ ~~· 2~ f.MI-. ~ .. "'(II a tlrMI addf-Of common 1747-82 T'"-...,.,_ 11 COM..clacl by.,..,.. CLAYTON WOODS IMPORTS. <IHlgn1t1on 11 1llown above. no -19~15 Cllurch StrHI eo.11 Mffl. warranty 19 glv9f1"to111 comple-•-ic ..,,.~ ~GI-. Celofomll 92$27 ,_ Ot COftecl,_J .. '"-. ""'"4 Tn1a •Ul•mant •a• l•l•d ••111 111• <..1 1y1on W Woooa t 955 The benetlclaty unoer Mid o..a eo..nty o.11 °' °'"'09 eo..nty Oft -ell Cnurcf\ StrMt Co11a Me11 Call· Pl81.IC NOTICE 01 Truat by r--of• t><eecn °' ncunoue ~• 29 tlll. ------,_ Jarnia.iZ§ZI If a business w ith flammable dafault In tl\a obllgallon• MCUled ..,._ ITAT'lmlff P11b11a11.o Or•~ c oa11 oa11y Poot Thia~ ii conduct.a by.,,. liquids on its premises reports a 1nereby. 11e<1101ore 111ecuteo eno TM followlno ~·.,.,doing ..., 3t ""' 1 14 21 1112 t~ 1n<11Vl<kill dallvereo to th• undet1lgned • ~ u. C&aiyon wooo. fire, for example, that informa· written o.c:1ar111on of Default end ADVANCED RISK MANAGE _.,. ~( ""• 1111-1 w .. ltleo """'UK lion will automatically be inclu· Demand'°' Sale and Wflnen notice MENT TECHNIQUES, 2••lO Moclc-~ County Clefk Of Ofange County Of' ded in Costa Mesa's computer oc brMCh and of llec110n IO~ lngblrd Piece, El Toro, Calllornl• -----------1 Aprll 16 1882 the undersigned to 1111 1110 ptO· 82e30 ncnnou1 ~H flt7443 system. . P«1Y to ut11ty Mid o«>llg.atlont. and Slaven P. Kelln, 2« 10 MOCll· MAMR ITA.,...lfT PubltSti90 Ofenge eo..1 Daily P1 Residents in Irvine, Newport U.Nltet 1t1e una.tllgMG cauH<I ln9blrd P~. El T«o. Callfornte u T,,. ~ '*_.. • ~--Jcl...Aotll:I! at, May4, 12 1.e12 Beach H · a ---h F aat<I notic. Of bra.ct\ and ot llec110n 82e30 TEaiNIC.-.L •HVESTMENTSuMireo.... l783-82 ' untington ~ ' oun· to be reoorded Dec«nber 10, 1881 D•kl•y E. Ven Slyka, 23832 QEHEllAl REPAESENTATIOH 100 "'°'' tain Valle3. Seal Beach, Brea, "'"'"No 1492?1nt>oo111011. BitmLane,M1111onv1ejo.Callforn1e Plala . ..., 2 ... ~e..chCMf0t,,.. Orange, arden Grove, and pegei 149.otaat<10fficiel~d1. 1ze11 nM3 Slld 1111 wlll De mede. but wl· Miiie K1doarz. 204112 Regan vwi llMrM. 100 llcl>oli PllH -· ,ICnTIOUa iw ...... Buena Park also will have the lhout covenant°' warrenty, upr-Clrcte, Hunll""ton BMch, CellfOfnl• POfl 8Mcn Call4o<n1a t?e413 NAMe ITAn-NT h ·,. Th•• bu1.ine11 11 eonou<:te<S by •n '" --added advantage of ha~· t eir ot 1mp11a0. regerdlng 1111e, ~-12648 o.Vldoal ,,,. 1oi10..,<111 ""''°"' .,. ooono -· ddr 'call lllOn. 0t encumbr~. 10 pay tn. w1•1em Mortimer, 1100 Sunast v.,. ea"'• ,,.., •• a es8 aUtornaU :y I J.al! On a remalnlnQ Dtlncloal 1um Of 1111 Ridge Drive, Lagun1 Beach, Call· Thltt1a1-1•1•liledW1lht,_Coun1y CROWH VALLEY AHIMA1 CENTER COmfu ter screen by dialing 911 . note{•) 11cured by H id DHd of f0tnla 92$51 Clet\ oi O<onoa C-ty on""'" s 1ee2 111418~ C•own v.-.,, P1ow1y Laouna N1- T I -·-....... _ fl-10 GU'" Co"'"""'• t2617 But they will n ot have Costa rust, ~tll nt«Mt u In Mid note ..... ..,.__ le COfldueleel by • C•own vai._,. """""' Hooottai 2Nt2 provided. adV1nce1. 11 1ny. under general pertn«lhlp. .!u~11~:~1 °;;"f:.f0 .. , D••,'r!1~8o~ c'""'" v11,. P • 1 L g H ov-t Mesa's system that is capable of tll• lerm• Of H id Deed OI Trull, Tiiis eleternent -flied with Iha ....... "" • C•M0t"'• 9;1,,"' .. y • un• I then automatically dispatching '-· cllargM ano ex~ Of tile County ci.rtc Of 0renga County on ~-----------'I EO•••d R co•• D v .., 1 w111ow· eme .. gency units. TriietM Ind Of llle truatl CfNled by Ap<M 18. 1112 _.,. ~c lltoo' 1.....,. CIOllOf ..... 9'71• • aat<I 0..0 Of Trutt Publilhed Of~Coeat ......., pj. .--,..,~ J1,.,a• l A1cn D v "' l7S3 Pofl ,..----------------------------------..:.. -----------Se w-r M""*Ofl C..Cle ,_.,..,, 8ucll C.. Cal-•-ii' Mn'N't JO Nie wlll be Mid on Monday. lot, AprM 21. 2t. 5. 12, 1882 l'ICTmOU9 ---•• 11.,.,,.. t19IO . ~ .............. PLANTS FOR SALE -Marci Worthington, member of Friendl of the Hortenae Miller Gardens ln Laguna Beach, holds ltaghom fem that wW be 10kt, ~ with hundreda of other planta, S~y at 8Chool d1mict ad.nilniatratlon parking lot on Blumont Street. Sale rww from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pro- ceeds go to the 2.5-acre prden. ·For more intonnadon. call 494-3714. '"~ m11n.c; Mey 2•. 1982 at 200 pm at the 1787~2 -r,...-. .. O'lduc19dl>'f 1---,-IC-nnou ....... --.-au-..... ----Chapman Avenue enttence 10 1111 MMll I TAft•NT _,_.,,., c • _.. NAm aTATDIUf'f CIVle Cent« Buldlng, 300 E Cllap-_,,,. ~ '*_.. "°""'0--f ACI\ 011 .., TM foll-nn ---mC~ Av.nue, In IN City Of 0r"'91, MJC ~ THE COOPEJI COLLECllON 111 1'"urar..._, ... ,_ .. ,,nt1'4County .,. ...----.,, .. t~ • 30ttt Sl••t ,..__, e.ac:n Callf0<"'a c. .. • o< °'M>99 C.O....ty.,,.. Aonl 5 1te1 -. ... _!'. .. _ -"'~ 1 "'' 11 If "'A( ,M.{df Iha lnltiel ~itt. I " " n* ,_ HOAe&~•1•tt1 S•H lb.II' """1Mllie,tn.totef~f .,~..,.,..,_.,.:~' ._.c ~ .uo.1~ lrcle, t4UAfln{ilo" lhfioll, CA Of Ute Uft"""'d llalanc:. of Ule ~ MAlllf'tt.,ru.wf 111 30lf, Sit-. ....,._. 9Mc11 C.IO<· Pwot11nto O•e,.g1 C<>atr 01 '( P,101 92&48 ...-n.........,._lallelo't-,...92MJ ·""''' 14 11 21 tN2 ~ JILL C WENDT, 18571 Sell ~ ~edOf t~!_.l~a~:'.!..,~!; .. T111• 1111••-• •• c.....,...,,.., t>y.,, 1n. Cltcle. Huntington Buell, CA ;;,f;,".;-:;~;:,:;;:c;;.1. 0r'!:,.~C:':i:.~PAIH. tH Jomes -o.n.c HuGI* PnlJC M0m 82&48 $109 31155 M•c .... IJO•I Brown 1HJ• ..... T,... _____ lheC-ty ----------- ROBIN L. fREEA. 488' Seaplne ro' determine lhe opening llld 0.-. CA na.1 Cler\ o1 o.-. eo..nty on Al>I• s 1911 ITA~ °' AeA~ Circle, Huntington 8eecll. CA yOU may cell 171•1 837~ · TN•"'*-•• ~ucteo by.,."'· ,_ °'UM°' 82849 Date Aptll l3 1992 -Publtohad Orano• Co .. 1 Daily P•o1. ncnnout .,.._ .. ._... KIRSTEH ANDERSON KUZMA· SOUTH.LAND COMP•NY MIC:ftNI Joel •own ""'11 1 t• 21 21 1112 t67641 t,..1-~ ~ .. "-1191_1 _ liled wltll Ille County u-----------"----1 ~· !Mf-"" •b--NIC. 17078 Soutll Pacific, SunHI .. uld Tl\MtM c;i..11 04 Ot c-ty ,.,. .... ol 11'9 """' --e,.cn. CA 90742. ..., TD "'"'R'~ lllO' on Aprll 5,,~ _.,. mlW'l XCALIBEll IHVfSTMEHTS 286$ E T bull1-v1 ~ ..... "' -'"-""'-. Coal! HIQhway lull• 30•. Co•ona del hi• •• conducted by • COMPANY ...;u~11::,-:,o;;,"r:.;-o· O••:~· . ...., Calllof-'2t2~ Qen«al pet1neJllNp agent ' ._'7 IM Flctotioue eu...--, __ Jiii C. Wendt By sn.ran ~ '9C'TTTIOUe ~ to ebo•a .... 111.0 In Orange County TN1 statement w .. nled Wltll Iha Aalletent Secr.Ury ~ l9TI( Mm ITATDmfT .,,.. ~. 1181 County Clerll Of Orange County on One City Boulevard Wiii TM~,..,_ .. dOit'O --l •Wf9'1CI J Vl11111. 1300 Pon -· Ap<N 20. 1982 I Of• ...... CA 82988 . ... llO'I,~"" 311 ,.._,.....,. CM!o.n111 ,1t7111 _ . .,... ncTfnCMl9 llU9IMIU MEIA llECOllOI, 351 Otenobla .,..,., f7 14) 835-1288 MAMR ITATll9NT ~ Co9ca M9M. Cellkwnie 12121 Thia DU-., .. conduCl«I by 11n ..,. PublllMO Of•nge Cout Dally Piiot, Publflhad ()fenge Cout Daffy Pl· T,,. ~ IMflO'\ .. OOtno --Ft-A. Oonz-.. Jt . 3$1 0<9rlOOlll dMdu9I Aprll 21. 28. May 5. 12. 189127.8,. • ., IOI, Ap!ll 2I. 28, May 5, l882. .. ~ CoMa .._, c..i-'2t21 L...,..,_ J V19n1 _,,.. 1788-42 THE PlloTE AAIL, 1240 So./lh 8-:1'1 Tiii• l>uei"911 II Cond..cled by .,, In· T~ll llll•manl •H ltlad "'1111 1111 NI.IC NOTIC( •TA.,...NTM AeANDOl_,fT Of' UU 0. ACTmOUI ., ..... NAm Tiie followlng pereon1 lleve abandoned tl\t UM of thlt flclitfoue bullrMM-. ZUMA COHST~UCTOAS INC~ 1135 Whltller. Unit F-3. Coe ta ...... Cellfomla 92&27. ZUMA COHSTRUCTOAS. IHC., • Cellfornl1 corporation. 1135 Wtlltller, Unit F-3, Coeta Mau, CA 12127. Thie buelf.--CGnllUctecl by I ellon. I a._ o..uow. M Tllll lleteinent .... filllld with .. Coi.ntY a.11 o4 Ol'Mgll 0ounty GI ~ fe. 1192. ·~ Publlellad Ora nQ• 00811 DIMiy Piiot, Aot11 21, U. M~ S, 12, IM2 1745-a -----------1 eo..i.ttt4 . ...,,_, CalilonMe t2I04 -. County Cl9o1' of 0."'09 County on Matcfl f1t8.JC NOTICE Janet Hedin• Outlaw, 2111 Anzo ,.,.,. ~ 30 11112 · -~----~-----......;---!Lane, eo.11 ...... c.INornle Ht21. Thlt ttetamenl •1/1 flied with Ille f~ ... TI9 ·~ COUWT Thi• l>ulinMI lo Cond..cled by II' In. ::oun.v Cieri! of °'lllO' County on Mltcfl Publtoh.O Or•ng• Cou l O•lly Pllol, C# Tt9'. ~ 22. INZ. M• 31, A'1ft 1, 14, 21, Tltl 1~ -H OU1lew ,_, ITATI f# CAl.WC>ftMIA T!1111te1--1111c1-1111County P11bt1-Oren119 Co111 Delly Piiot. '°" THS Cl9r-of Orenoa County on w.,ch tt. llwdl a1, Aprll 1, I•, 21, 1112 1.....,2 COUNTY M OtU.NM 1NZ. In re JOSEPH OEORGE MEZO· ,,_ VARI, e Minor l lld ERIC JON Publllhad O••"lltl Cou1 Oelly Pllo1, MEZOVARI. a Minor, by VALERIE Apr9 7. 14, 21, :zt. 1112 1611-12 ._.. JEAH MONCRIEF, Their Mother, fOf ~ llfa '9CTmOU9 _ .. Cflenge g'A':':o. A1u.a Mm ITATDmfT ON>afll TO SHOW CAUM PICTTnOU9 Ml9MU • Tiie lalloMl'8 ,..,_ • dOit'O - (CCP ' 11'71) U. 91'Anmtn MIO-Wl:IT£RH CMfTl.Mef, 1tO I WHEMAS VA&.ERIE JEAH MOH-•The lolowlt!g ,__II _,. -::;;',:""'. U!1ll O. a-. Ana. C.WO.· CRIE'F, petl!IOner, .. Mottler of ~ ~ ~ i.wu.G& a.. '°"" aor-311 lay 1119w .. .IOSEPli GE<>f'QE MUO. MINT CONSUL TA HTS, 12522 AVbuof\ r-. a.a ..... ~ AR.I -'Id ERIC JON MEZOV~, Ollll Ol"'9 e foro. ~ tll30 Tllla ~la '*'4!uc1 .. by an 1n- l*ION urld8t the eoa Of elghc.n .--J ..._,en, nm """"'" -181,...,.. ...,. llled a -non wtttt o.a °""· e '-· ~ m30 a..-....,_ the Cletk of INe COUrt i;".,, orO. Tl•ll ~ "_uct., II)'.,..,.._ T1tl1 1te11111en1 wu llled wllh tit• cll1:'/ilng •t~llcenll' ntme from clMcMI eo..ntJ Qerlt of er.,.~ ou MwClll .MrrOld J Pellaon 2!. 11S2 JOS PH Q •GE MEZOVAAI lo TN1•--111ec1w11111N~ ,_ SEPH OEOAG.E MONCRIEF encl o.11ofOtlftOa C4NfllYonAj)tl5, 1tl2 PubllaNcl Orafllltl CoHt O•llr Piiot, Nit.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llU ... 11 NAMa8TATORNT Th• foll owing· per1on 11 doing bu""-u ADYANCEO COMPUTER GRA- PHICS, 885 Seagull Lane. N9wpOf1 eeecn Ca11tom1a 92M3 J 1me1 Jolln Campbell - Swarbrldc 815 Seegull Lane, .._. P<>t1 e.ach, Celifomla 112963. TNI b<nl-ii conducted by an "'dMduat ~ JoM s..,t><ldt Thie 11...,,.,1 ... llled With the Coun1y Cletll of Orange County on April 12. 1882 ERIC JON MEZOVARI to EA1C JOfll ,_ UwClll SI, .\lltl J. 14, 11, 1M2 l.c7..f2 Mtn"M'r MONCRIEF· f'llbll•had Of•nee Coul o.lly PllOt, "8JC nv1.-IT IS OAOeAEO met .. pettone A'1' 1, 14. 21. tt. 1112 1568-12 fWNU Publlllled Or1ng• COHI Delly Ptlot, Apr1I 14, 21. 28. May 5, 19112 1w..a2 N-Jinteteated In the ebove·•ntltl•d _.,. ,,,,.,,._ SfAflMINT Of' AaANDONMINT matter lj)9Mf llefor• "'* Court II . ~ -~ lllCrmolll eu-u a. us. Of' 10:30 a.m., on ~ 2, 1892. In ttie ~-----------i '1CTmOUI eu ... H MAMI tTA1'1...., '1CTITIOUI tua.••.... courtroom Of Deolt1ment 3, II tllt PM:TmOUI ._.. ..,.... lfATa•NT ,,,. IOl!owlng --· ... oo;ng -· T II• I ollowl ng per eon• hive SUperlOt Court cl CalltonM. Coullty .. ,... STA~ The ~ .,.._.. 11 OOlng --,,.. .... •bln<loned Ille UM Of Ille flctltloue of Ottnge, 700 Civic c.nteJ Dflv. The~,.,_ 11 00ing ~ ... IMUA STABLES, 20ao Mltlkl Way, bUll,_ name Rancl1 Propertlel •t Weet. 841nl• Ane. Clllfomlll 82701, ... 81ll'8 AUTOMOTIVE, 1212 811ufn liewoofl l!Mdl. Ceklor .... taeo 169 Eaet 17111 StrMI, Colla ...... •nd •flow CIUH, If any, wh~ll• ~!~.." ~ .. L~l.~ • .:.:! ~~· om.. HO w. HunUngton llwh, Oaltfo<· JoM LOUii CllOCI, 2020 M•rlln Wey, -111on for -of ---...... --~-Ille '*1 .....,,ort a-. c.11~ l2t90 CA 82$27 .-• --.,,.. ,,_ CA 12704 w-MlftOlly Andteor:rl t17 1111/1 lllclwd e.rt ... 171 Sllotec:ltlt "-· TM flctltlou1 bull,_. name t• not be granwel. lOWIH OOMN CHILOE, llllO Co-Slfffl, Hun11,.01on IHCll. Celltorn11 Cot°"" cMI Mar, CMIOfN t2t25 f«red to at>ove wu flied In Count) IT IS l'UATHEA <>f'DEAED thet I rtntl\. '°""teln Y...,, CA 1270I. l*I Timothy D<rriM, 14t4 ~In r.,. on 8-21-78. of tNI Order To Show c... ~!..._._I• concHllled by'".... Thll llVllMll I• COl\dUCled b)' •n In-·-·Corona 1111.-., C.0.Ne 12tU JAMES w. RAY , 192 Tiit ~bfl.n.dlnlMOrano-CONI -~ WlllWlll Brown.11'111 ........ W.,, MHter1 Circle, Co111 M•H. CA Piiot, 330 W. lay, eo.it....... ~dWll\ o °*' TNl 11--llled wttn 11111 COolrlly -.ior1 a.en. c.iitomll t:zeeo 82e27. Cal lornle 12927, a~ 01 Tltlltl...._._,...WlllllMC-ty ci.r-oc OrMOt ~on Allf'l I, 1m J-°'""'°"°"'·toll...,..., w.,. MICHAEL D. AAY, ... 7 Pallle· general clrculatlon In Orange ~::;• 01 °''"" C-1)' on Merell 11· -A AMrwu! ,_, ~.,.,::::.;:::., n:o • .....,.. rtno, ea.ta ...... CA t2t27. couitty, Oeflfomle. onoe e .... '°' ,._,, '"'"'-Ot•f\99 Coal! OellY Pilot. ,.,......,,.,, ,. ...... ~ AOKFIT 8. SMITH, 2004 YICtll four lllCCIHI,. Wll8kt prtof to IN ""blftltecl OtMIM Cutt o.i~.;::a I« 1, 1._ 11. n . 1112 1M1oN ....... •u~ L_-..::::. ..... ~ .. --Vloilanl, ~ Beech, CA 82880. date Ml tor '-Ing Oft tl\t ~. ._,,. 7. H, 11, .. 1-,,.. _...n ·--•• ,,.. -"' "APHAll P. OLMEIHEID DATE01'W1118, ltea, ,..-----------!-----------C....•Or.,.c-.,011A01tl;,:, TRUST. 2701 Wa\09 cr .. 1 Orlve, AONALO H. PM.NNEA ... .. "8JC IGTIC( Pvbli-O..enge C..tl Ody Hot. COfone def Mer, CA 829H. JlldOe of ttl8 __ .. - -.. -A4lfl 1 14, II Jt, ttet 1117.a WELl>Otf W~ 111 E.1114 lklperlor Court -·---~·-11th 8.,_, COl\a ....._CA '21127. YMIDUI MOUN l MM.It "==fatl!!!J!' TO~ -• m. ~-~by• uw oo.GMTIC* n.. ............. ...._-.._ M.COMGllC ......,.. r..a 1111( ... IW .... 11 Clo-. To~lt ;;;;; now-. . ' C.-...... CA-......_ .... "°""' t. t. .......... • ..... STA~ ~-== ..... ~~ ::_: ..... a..,....... -,,. :r-~ ----,,-----.... TI111•11"111n• ... ~~~.. ._ __ ,._...,_ .. D~ .... .-.. .... n.e....._...,_ ..... __,_ P1Chli0ii•111•11 MMMMMl1tiifN =14~~0f .... Countyan Atlflll,,:r,:.~,r:'/.,..._ 1=-T'-~:':111-i:&a='~1~~~~~: ::..ACc!:t~~o.-.. MMm ftAW .... 8TA'W W I,._., ~£..... ... .................. IOI,._ ANfHONT O ""' Nf Cet4H19ff Ttte foflowfng "'9011 le dOlllf TM .......... '9'M" la dofnt The .......... pef9" I• dolnt ,Ubllellld OrMg1t C:.... Daly "'°4. ----------~ ffllt = t -f1fM wttfl Ille OIM oer.:z."=-"_.~ on.., C:....--. CA .... ~L-:OI WOODS, 17102 --c:r~cH,OINf; (ti) ~Alf ~~ WIHOT, 111111•11 Apt1U1•2•· •5• 12• '"f-111..a PmlJC IGTIC( ~ .. ~---~or-.. C-1 O..IJ ~=::--"'"'"'" oaw:a=~rr.~1102 =-~:.r-o...t..,_ =~·Hvllll1tttHl .. oll,CA -----------N1mOU8atH•ll ~Of._.~._,"'= Ntllt.Allftl1,1tlf 1,,._ Tlll•tii:..a~••H lll•-•llllli.t Cowen ....... !Mne,CA1171'. THI GOIMN COMfllANY..1_1 JILL. C. WI NDT, 115111•11 PmLJC ll)TIC( MMllTAW 1*'111l,_.f, W.tt. -,-.. ~ ··~~,=~ TNa ...._II• t •• .... "' ~ .,....i..!,710I.,... Clrol•, Hvnt1n1ton 8Holl, CA ""3hiiOU81Ullllll8 Tiie loltowfnt ,.,eon le ttol ~ OtMte oe... o.r.,..... ~. '"'7 .......... tMne.CA .. ,1.. ...... NMmlTAW ~-.... ' ..... .....n...-r.M.tt.-t.~ .... '· GMN11 Tlltl ......_II 0011••tU ~ 1 Tttll .....,,_ "ooncluo'9cl !1y.,, Tiit fOllOWlno ,_...,.. f01ne '10 TUI AHO IHOWI " IN Tiiie 1tat111ent....... .. .,........ .......... ~II: Cl.OIUMI. '°" w..,,., AW a.ti .. °'Wiii Covllty Oii "" ..... ~ .. c. Welldl '11.0Wl'll llY JANICI, 7041 l u1t11.•. Hunll111ton ... 011, c ttM. ...... P...... fNI l'lllNllt .... w11t1 .. Aclal, Oerdon Qfow, OA 12708 HMtr:T:T -.... .-...... -. a IMLY ........ ~a.ti ef ~ Cov11ty on J AH ICI GALLll" MILLI .. , ........ __ .. "" .. • Y9 ,,.. I I I ' ... ... ... APft .. -. 11014 ~AOllUll Drive. '°""'.'" ,.. ellllltl Lane, H\lfttlntt =-~=.. II or._ o..ey .. , F17Gd Qrll"llC.. ~-,:_ v~ ..,.::.oeti oond..., ~.,, ~=-• ••• ~ .......... ct.\_ .... ...., ........ ,.. ... ~. ......... ~ Y9 ,,.... JIMa Q.... ,..._. °'911 SI .... If "'IP 7ud 9'11111f O.-~ ""-... fNI 11111 •11 -... Mii ilit =v.n. •==:.It~~ ............ ''·... ... ~°"" .. or.,.. OOIMty... ---~;;;;;;:~~~-.,;:..Im:&1 ...-.u-~t &ilia-Fi:. ) Mllfdl to,·-· _,,. .... ........ ~a.. ........ ..,. ,.?,, .. _ .... a..::=. ........ _,...... __ .,,.. ,..,,,........ . ;lj!itl ., ... , ........... ..,. __ ..... u ......... -., IN , orange COirit DAllY Pll017WecT~1 ~111, 1112; .-_, L Orr Tiii• 0talema111 wH flled wllh Ill• County °'""" of °'-Counly "" M4WCll 11.11112 ,..,.., aw mm Mr • .,,,,.,,,,..,_~ "'""10Wot• 1., ...... =::!!:'ii:-">"' """"''"' 1% r,,.,.' t'tM .... ft t•l h¥'fh ,....,....w.,~~·· 1-...ktt" I Mh 'I'\• .. ,_ .......... "' ~ .............. " ,.....,.,4 .. ..,...,.,h 1.u. r. <vk ...... llfllllf l•h •• ,, 11&.lilllMl't liltwf't ....... , '"''"'"tu ,.,..., Ovl: uf I \NIM ' I'•• .. • ·~-',.. .... ,.,,.., M.-.t. .. t MM• loflll'~' .......... ~ ..... h ..... t Mot t •l#fr V.1"4"'4 ltllf AlS 111*'41"" twnw.1w-.t :t::~ ~~:·.~ t ...,...M\urMuf'ht •wr• '~"'""'"'l"f r ... ~"""'h11• luiar\oht.,-_.., •• ,....,..,_hitl ·~'-'"' .... ,."". .\phl ,_fwtA .... t lttfl._ I"' lt~n. "•"' '~ .. ,,. 11 ....... , .. 1 •• h t1wr'>t •••tn•• '-'"''"" 1 M•nt•I· ,.,. ............ i. ....... 1.1.AJ~ff ...... P"'.llf ..... uu .............. .,, .......--..~ ....... , ltlldwottwl MrM•I HW•tlf" ................ "" .w .... .......... , IUSINESS. INVEST lffNT, RNANC£ .................. ~••fill"' IM Nfflr"M ....... ~ t l9"NWJlllf ••Mt4 ........ , .... , .... McN-\ ..... ~ til1.1n,.,..., l U • AMllOUNCUIENTS. P£1SOtlAlS l lOSl & fDUND ~ ................ , t •r l"-U lr....t ,,.M,-........... ....,.. J'f'f....,.,.J "'u-1.i t l.;t'p. Tr•HI SHYlClS ._,...,.,. lhf~l"lf DIMYllEIJ l mmant11 vtt.(1Qh '""'"•h•lft Jd ""'" ... t II•••,., .. ,.. "' t MEJCMAJIJISl "'"-"""'• ...... ......... ....... .... ._. .... .,,,.1 ( ... , •• 6 tq1111*"",. M l •h '"""' ........ ht\UV t"8r•wf' ·--~~"-""' , .. _ ·~·-...... W..V• l.l\f"ll&o•\ ,._, "~ ............. "*'""'·~" "'•"'"' ·~ •• ···"'-'" .. f'lt. lllffWf' >"¥r•6 ... !;It' , ... ~~4;~;. ~~~; .... _.. t:r ........ ~"'"* llATS &MMINE £0flPMlNJ !'-'ol tto..• W ... N Vf\lit ........ ,. .... ...,.,. .......... , ..................... -·'-" .. ,..,"• .. ._ .. -.............. ......._.Mllf•b' TIANSPOIU TION "'""" r • .-.....,..,~k-ktM tMMrwt·•r• ..... I.._ \Mt!'t4 \t""~'' lloi•• 11-"-1< ... Tr•""'• 1,., ... !~~~':"•··'" Ql.11lE u,.,.,, .. 1 A.M-,,\lllf·• \'l•"'""• Kn r• .. tt•\t 9'Ht." "-'•'-..... , k·.1 ·-~f lhHt• r._,..._., \- AV'ttlA••"' .. ,._ ...... , .. MTOS, IMPOITEI lf ......... Alht(Uthfi'U \.,.h AWl'tM tl.,111' .... or' u.-•• •""fft•t ..... ....... '•k••• -... 1C.,-.. ... 1au ... . ., .. ., ,..,.,.,.h. "'., •ti Mil" ·~ , .... , ........... ........... .......... , Mou-. Mt•U• ""-•• ..... •tMr_, ,_, ... r. ........ ,.,, .. ,.. ... \•h• ams,o "' ... "' UTIS,ISO lffwt•I AMf -· ~"'·Mot 4."e-..n. l,.._ \Jlt\-~ \c.......__ lW•-\,Jwpt ~. ~ ... -=a... fii· ..... , ..... The marketplace on tM Orange -Coast ... 64 ~lmlr ••••••••••• !!ft!.!r.~ ...... -. ....... ,., ,.,, ~.~~!...... ~.~!!'! ...... . ,,,, ~............... 11 '"' .... .i ,,,, !91!P.tt •••••••••••••• -..,.i 1111 f'!i!~ •••••••••••••••• ·••••••••••·•••••••·•• ·~· ....................... . ...... ... ... ut. 2 er. llome, oor· SANO POINT 'S llnell ._. au ~..,"'1: ... r41C)1Mllonal Dev, 1 Wld 2 '*' ""' "" _.. · "• • bd e I II ooo. 2~ down. 2~ fl· rm unlit. ac:h w I IOU.AL ~ nanolng, Xtru. By 9w· vi.-. dee*. and • Pfl'i•••I •Dtall ULI* ~ ~ ..... O li'llOltTUNITY ""· 811-tW -boat allp SP• building IWll hU ~. PoOf !Ind laUna 1• Price• •tart et 137,950 ., ::t! ........... ...... .. •a-• ll•rTIY .,._ with 12% llnanolng 1~ --..a..a.6 .. ,1 .._.._~ Lovely Fr. Normandy I -• -Con1101 RHorl ,. .. II)' :: .--...-Bdrm 4 Ba. tllp for eo· Maenlficent location o'looklng 8th green 202 So lat, Sand Point ,.., All ,.., .... t• ad'*'IMd bott. owe at t<* Int. or of golf coune. Majestic Colonial custom 1da11 o . e 3 I 8 4 . := l~~:W:o ":.~:C:,: :'.'r, ~d:ogown. Atklng 11• by owner/builder. 5 bdrm.a, lge formal 208-26UI02. - :: Hou1l"O A ct or 1HI • din nn, fam rm, billiard rm, refrigerated WUTIUff ,.. wlllcll m1k .. It Illegal to in & 6 ..... ba Marbl fin t wood ,.., advartlH "any pr•l•r· w e rm, n · e, es 11111 1111 :~ enc•, llmltallon or di•· panellng, air cond., + many custom Sentallonauy remod•l9d :~ crlm lnatlon baud on features, $2,15p,OOO including land. May & decorateo 4 er home ,,.. rice. color, religion, HX lell fumiJhed. featuring awtmmlng poot1 :: or national origin, or lll'l'f 2111 S. ,,._. IMlt ltM booua room. uytlti, luah _ Intention to m1kt 1ny -, private courtyard, !pie & '"" auch preference, llmltt· lnntll Oll'11I. I .I . 14t-otl11 uaomable llnanc:lng Only .... ,, .. '"" .... ll<i< , .... ,,.., . ... , .... ~,,., ,.. n., °" ..... ,.. .. ,,. ... -"'"' -· ..... ..... .. ,.., -'"" -l~ I\;> .... .. .... ...., .. ... """' ••• "'" •»o> IS .... -HI> .... """' ....... -· - ~·" ..... 1'>1\ --...,, '"'"" .... ~·""'· ..... " ""' ~ ''"' ..... ...... l<ll• lttol -..m -~ --... ~ ---., l9U -------- ..... --,.;.. 11111 'f1Vi •1'0! •H: ..... ~II r. .. tt:.:t • • .o .,.,. lllM VIA: '1» Ill• r. .. 1114.: Ylll ., .. ..,., Ill• ,,_ -->ffll .r. .. """ -.,,., -em .. 111111 --... ... -- lion or dlacrimlnlllon " $~9.000 on FEE' l1nd Tiiie newap1pt l' wlll not 2 6'70 San M 1gu•I Dr. knowingly accept any lld· ~ Beec:h 759-150 1 vert111ng for real Htate Tll lllT PllllllL& HIES or 752-73~ which la In vlolatlon of the Of tvarytlllng. Forevar law. view of prl111te, undy XLNT TERMS' Remodeled trad1ttonal 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilbeadl & rock1. Tiile home bdrm. den, 3 bath, reduced to $395,000. Walker&lee llal • PoOI. 8'>I & healed DIMlt Advertisers flall pond The c:ompl•t• Prue West Bay b9yfront. SllP9 for 2 boata, shdoudld c11heckdthelr ~~~~:~":c!un:C:: remodeled 3 bdnn. 3 bath s1•2oo.ooo 8 S 8 Y &n re-llOUH & grounde, the fl. port errors lmmedl-nHt 1t.ereo equipment Ocl!an & jetty v1ew11. Manne room, 4 bdrm, 3 ately. The DAILY throughout. Unb9tlevably !>9th. 3700 aq.ft $1,385,000. IAYnttrT PILOT II wond«ful. Your own tor· assumes a-lrHI & worth th• prlc:• blllty for the first 13.300.000 Ull llU lllES SPICIOUI 4 bdrm llom• with 80 leet on th• bay Private pier i nd 11011 F0tmel dining rm l1mlly rm and we<~ snop 1985, 000 I. ... Incorrect lnsertlon1u~l(;UI'. t1().4tt:SI Only. Realiora 875-e000 -~Udo Nord bey{ronL 5 bdnn, 51/t bath ~-~-~~-!~~~~·~~~!! Lee L.R .. 2 boat all!" $UOO,OOO. 17141 6 73.4400 12111 n1.21n ....,....,,," 1tt Give yourHlf MIN Vflf- CS. In '112 3 8dnn 2 Ba hOme wl~y extru on cul-de-Mc. owe trg 2nc:1 T.O. Full prioe $134,500. 751-3191 C::::. '1• ' t ' ' I ~l>q(JP! Pl1t <.., SELL Idle ltema with a Dally Piiot Clualtled Ad. 842-5878 lnfHSU .... JUll right f~ ttle YoUnC1 executive getting atat· tad. Mo1t lnexpentlve condo In Oranoetr••· Attume 10.8% roan wt low down. 1131·7370 TfUDITIOUL Rf.ALTY MAGNIFICENT BAYFRONT OPEN TIUSDAY 1-4 Experience the height of elegance Crom the moment you enter thia dramatic home via leaded, etched glass doors until you step o•Jt onto the most gracious patio overlooking Promontory Bay down to your own private dock with rQOD\ to acoom· modate 3 boats. Approximately 3,775 sq. ft. of sheer luxury. Trl- level, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fire· places, spectacUlar patio/lanai with swirlpool spa, magnificent wet bar and much , much m ore. Treat yourself to 701 BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEAC H . OPEN THURSDAY 1-4. For the beat • addressed people. Sllllll ICllUI 142-IHI er llW441 mAL llmll mAL UTllfAmll NEWPORT BEACH 90 t Dover Drive N~ Beech. Ca 92883 (714) 642-8235 HARBOR View <Antflf ~ 8-c:tt. CA 92eeO (714)e.u.e200 .... LIUml On Quiet Cul-de-Sac In Old Corona del Mar, Ju.i Two Short Blocks From Beach. Comfortable Heme On An R-2 Lot Offers Relaxed Atmosphere, Typical Of Thia Desirable Communi- ty. Reallatlcally Priced At $279.~00. Binnie Dixon'• Listing. ® ·--..... , ... ,. 759-91• 12e..,. ... .._ ... .,..e...... ----..... Great tinandna on thla expanded 5 bedroom, 4 bath Palermo. Owner wW carry AlTD CIC' 2nd TD w/m down. Amenitiet lnclud~ lovtly landlcaplnc. prtv•t.e yard, S fire- placa. new neutral carpell and fteeh p.inl Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large ret' rm beam ceilinp. furnished. pauos $420,000 UllA llU UYFRllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 6 bath, playroom. dark rm, den, Boat slip. $1 ,3~.ooo· llYSIDE COYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat 1tip1 $1,900,000. .TRES YISTAS-llSSIO• YIE.10 HARBOR /\ 1>1 \ htnn •>I lf.irbor lml"lmt-nl I 11 IEWPllT Slllll WALi Tl IUCll PIJCE HHCHI 2 ttory, 3 bdrm, 2 bath home · ROOF PATIO WITH VIEW• INCLUDES LAN()I s.llet .Mii help with New French Normandy 4 bdnn, 4 bath, guest 11nanang $235.000t ~I>· houae, pool. Nt>ar lake $795.000 rn11 1ff offer1r11 COROUDO CAYS Coronado Wand rust. bayfront lot 8,. boat dock Pl.ans avail $425.000 wl~rms BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 341 Bo y\•d" D•·•" ,... B 67S 6161 l alltH lay Pre,, IHlttn •lll-lOIO* IMNI hJ,., IOOI .......•.............. PlllCU Tt SIU Juat reduced $25.000 Cute cottage on stand•· rd lot 1210.000 owe 111 T O Broker 6'64295 flrtd out 1bout the high earning real •tale ulel c:arMr apportunltlM wttll THE REAL ESTATERS. Llcenalng ICllOOI , ... comptetety refundable to 1choo1 of your choice. ' lfJ1IOGt 'HOIR • hHI • 2 l Wltll o•Mdr• ~ Cale, ofla, apt" &{Id a remodeled Ht· o--nnance. c:hen. 9.6% uaum1b:e I HI l •r: 11tf loen and an amrlous ow· ner. Only $110,000 Call ~~~17~1-~2~~~~ 979-5370 :: u teNMI u1e1 11a1n1ng. C.ra• ''' 11M IOZZ -~-~_;_..a_1~-~-~-r_m_•_•_1o_n_._e_a_•_1 1 -;.~~~-~~ji,,i~ . Get GREEN cllh Bkr. (2 13~38-5823 lor WHITE elephants iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii w1tll a Cluaifled Ad Clasalfle<I Ada. your one- C.tll &42-5678 . atop lhOpplng center fn• '""'•ti• .. to •ffl•••t tr'fileTtm1taa... lllMIWl ... o.ttlc• ............... tkUfMIT , ....... UNI Wt L...e, llr, 4Mt .. .... , ......... .................. WATERFRONT HOM~1 lftlc. tlrM. EtTA11 u.~ "--"'-~ M-tr- fU. W c._1 ~ JlS~/M ~tit.ch Wioe~ 611-14M '7Ufft- Charmina Cape c.od home on PenlNUla Point. 3 Br. 2· Ba on quiet atreet aero. Crom puk. Stepe to beach & bay. Newly remodeled with French doors, hand pelnied tJlee. center brlclt patio. Englilh wallpapera & more. Auume $247,000 (int at l~ and owner wlll carry large 2nd. Only $399.~ . ...... , ... 1111 ................ .......... ~-=· S<C\\4llA-4'E~s· _., °"' .. ,__ ____ _ ·=·::..:-..:. :: ................... I NOGlEP I I' I r I ~ ........ F ....,A,...L.,.u_w..-tl ~ . I r I I . , 11·2 LIT w/ a..n4 c.fft Plu So orPCH Ind rMdy tor development Owner will trade $290.000 l l l laY• TtllllOI Fabutou1 ocean and b1y vlewa. 1pec1ou1 • Bdrm gourmet kitchen and awlmmlng pool Ju1t re- duc.d to $1195.000 loclu· ding tNa. ~. OWIW tterY .,..1ou1 and wlll fl~ 1111u autn llJ..2111 OlllMlll llPLU. on a beautllul atreet In CdM. 2 Bdrm owner'• un11 w/baamed celll"Qa and firepla ce . ALSO lg• 1 bdrm apt w lllrepleoe plu1 1 bacll. Good Income P1tlo around PoOI Ateu-""t>te io.n. '316,000. .... lllYllTIDl R~ttc 1Br ootttoe on rear .of R2 level lot. !Jo of liwy . Can bulld • duplu or alngl• f1mlly r"ld~. Ontf '22(),000 . M4-l211 c....... 1114 • ••••••••••••••••••••• u..-... ........ buya tr1l1 roomy 4 81· dtOOfl'I fjlf'l\lly home w/2 ......... wet1ll 'lmllY room "'-ood "•med CllUftOI. DeocHator -oenee. '120,000 ~ pal• onty. Oon't fflay. Oii Diane ,~. '*"" v.-. . . ..... -·· R&"Mt« ----21t11L+tltt1L 1h 105 "a tot. Oo not dlthir~ t911antt. 1111 a •· eue.ooo. , ... a--. ........... .•. , .......... ... 1h111' I vntt .... 411 ~o. ... .... ... ........ . Orange Cout OAll.Y PILOT/Wedneeday, Aprtt 21, 1982 Private Property Rights: yours to protect / PrfVate Property Week hi thu onc.1 w k of llw yl•ur in wtuch purlk~lur alwnUon is focu.00 on ono of our nation'• buslc rltchl11 Lht! righl 111 1•v1•ry 111d1v1duul L<> own uncl maJntaln a ploce of the land. Your local Board of tte.ltor• ls dcdlc l.4:>d to prc>lc'Ctiny, lh1 n.chl ttrut t•ncourogt>s oil d lizen11 to join wllh ua ln preserving ll for future ge1wrnwo1t-. llVINI COVI The t>.t auardf'd convnW\Jty In Ntwpoct '1lf Luuna. Private &ndy BtAlch. OoNn View, MOO -.. h. 5 Bdr. ~ bath home, Huac lire· placm. va\41\td hewn cell.in(p, double lbt and 1uperbly landxap«d rear yud whh dra- matk waterlall. Sactihce a\ ll.~,000. kt fee • wl consider yow home or Income property H down payment and c.any I ht T.D. at 1241. Wm. E. Doud & Co. Inc. Realtors Ernest Gtorce (714) 673-1600 • • HARBOR RIDGE Jodelle Mdl -Thia home otters luJlu:l .nd comfort f0< lhe affluent. 3 Bdrma, 2 ~ be. formal dining rm and a panoramic view of all NewPort and the blue Pacific. Financing at less ttlan 11% Int. Asking $795.000. UNIVERSITY PARK Thia Immaculate 3 Bdrm 2 ba home In a park llke.!!'10 Is onty 10< the fusalGt Md most dllcrl lnatlng. Imagine financing at 9¥.% Inter Astclng $189.000. HOLSTEIN REAL TY Dniy Bllb 966-90SI or 640-7665 Will llUtlTUll TIE ILIFf I . Popular 1 story "Linda" Plan. Enjoy happy days • cheery condo. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, air cond .. security system, 2 patios, $275,000 FEE LAND. Consider trade for larger home Baycresl - Westcllff area. *WESTCLIFF HIGllAlfJS• smialSonaJ.ly remodeled & deconiid'l Br home f e11 Ctll1rttl 6W'ilnn1UJ6 pool, bomu room. llkylir.e, lush private cour1yard, lpk & .-U· m•ble f inancing. Only $299,000 on FEE l&nd. 2810 San M.JgueJ Dr., Newporc B8ch. 1$9-UOI or 1$2-7373 WALKER & LEE REAL ESTA TE. Dafebout Bay &Beac Real Estate REAL ESTA TE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 NIE WITll IS. • .TO lltVIH TEIUUOE Miiiion dollar view .. and Its all yours. .not leasehold. Three spa- cious bedrooms. Huge family size bllllard room. Patio, gazebo and spa .·You own the land! $1 ,050,000. 1111 wtSTOUFF Ill., I.I. Ut-UOO VACANT LOT Steps to ocean in top Peninsula Point Joe. Try and top this one. Price $200.000. "Jmposs1ble" Look st it at 923 E. Balboa Bl. in Balboa. COMM'L INCOME Top Newport Bl. loc·atwn m Cosca Mesa. Has Lnple ner leoase. A good one -and prh'CJ to•1e/J at ~3251000 1..uok aL H: 1858 Newport Bl. Costa Mesn OfJ Corona CALL AND SEE This charming comfortable home which has livlng room with fire- place, beam celling and hardwood floors, dining room, 3 bdrm. 3 plus baths, fireplace in master bdrm. Pool, view, and Is close to beach All tor only $475,000. Df 4ll011 .. LAGUNA BEACH Si-1 111 .. K .. u~J. pr1v111C beach»ldt-rommun.I• IY !hi• IC7Vt'ly fl rt)Om Ooor pwl includ~ a fomwl 4'11111'1( ,.,, 1 cnodem kJtehen with a d11h wuab.c.-c & m1rrow1ve, 3 bdrma & 3 balha Cwopll'll!i)' furn11hl.'d wl\h choice dN.·wator 111-ma F.nhanced by community 1w1uunm11 1.0011 und wnm1 oouru llnd jwll a h!W llh•pe lo thl' bt!Ol.'h $4711,000 12'!1. fl· nurte1ng avallabt.• M~1~/ . 1506 S. Coaat Hwy. J r4 / 1. L111N Bead! 11111. 4 94-7 2.20 OCEAN VIEW From top to bottom -quality Is the work on thl6 T'abulous custom with fffff' ntf'O¢ean views. 3 Bdrm, 21h ba. den. femlly rm. Contemporary Spanish. $439.900. La111a Vlllac1 Ital Estlfl, 41l·1ll1 IRVllE TEIUOI F.1bulous ocean and bay views, spac 4 Br. gourmet kitch en and 1>w1mming pool. Just reduced to $H95,00U mcludmg the land. Owner ru1X1UW> ancl will Fina.nee. llOAllOOI SUVlEW-11 Port Royal 2 story 4 bedroom, 3 bath plus forroal dining and much. mut•h motY'. $398,500. ~s:.1 ::~~Yo~T:~:m k2<. 'l'~~ JJ'{ ... 113-"354 .1 675-2311 b\I ~ :====~~=!~~~ ....... ~~ J·w=~~~!!!i!M--~ lu<Jl!L lu• ~l ()ffli, 1• I Absolutely elega I l,alces1de h-Ome in 11-vine 4 Bdrms, 3 ~. FR A breathtakmg view K1tchen has ,Jen n-Aire range w l b/1-in mJC'rO· wave, cerBmJc ule floors .Jnd mor<'1 Owner will assist in fmancmg. Full pnce $425,000 751-3191. fll(SA VERDE 48R & POOl./SPA Outstanding value in tht.'< lri·lt.>wl home on cul-de·sa<. Ov£•rs1zc'Ci /or, F .R. wl frplc Owner will ass1sl w financmg. A grear 1'u.v "'' $239,000 751-3191. C:::::. ~El EC T -t"' PROPE ~ 1 tf· <, r IEWPDRT IUCH :\ BR. den. faro rm .. ... . $365,000 ~10 Ali.so ALSO .J BH. 2 ·~ ba, VICW .. .. -$215,000 4278 Westnunster COSTA llESI 2 3 BR. 2•1: bacondos $160,000 327 Ogle J BH 2' 1 ba home . .... . $125,000 2253 Elden 4 Unit rondo package ..... $225,000 As11t 111·Hl1 PRIV A.TE PROPERtTY WEEK: I • HARBOR VIEW HOMES 12~% ... ae4 1111,Mt ................. on thls beautiful moei aought afttf 4 bdrm, 3 ba. Porlofino model homt-in Harbor View. Separat'e molhcr-ln-law quarters with fulJ bath. Almost new carpeting. Lo- vely open pJan for gracious livmg. Community pool and super recre- alion center. ,,., S.14ay AlrH 21111 tr.. 1-1 ,. 1144 Pert o .. rt .. ,. .... lt1rtlttr1 Oallfenla l1affJ Ml·llOI 111-1114 SPECTACULAR VIEW plus PRIVATE SPA. Are just two of the outstanding features of th.is 4 bdrm, tam.rm. home in Turtle Rock Highlands. Lavishly upgra- ded. Good location on quiet cul- de-sac street. $385,000. Call today for mionnaUon on exceptional fi- nancing being offered. Coles worthy &Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 640-0020 ILIF11 FHffll rlEW 2 Br 2 &, fpk, beam ceilings, very pnvaiR. $275,000. '" our• ,,,,,,.,,,, Lease $1050 pr mo. 2 B r ·2 Ba, t.enrus, pool, formal dining area. IOO yrn. tt IH I Mrf Lact11'1 """ ...... Alta ~JI R 0 p A N c H 0 I 3 Br. 2 ba, gourmet kltch. Many many AmcniUes l:n.-~ yl"I. $450,000 or be opt for $2000. Mary Jank & Vita Gan't.'ll. Rltn (11•)111·1114 (211)141-1111 A'PRilJ 18·24 ~~~ ' " + • . . ~ , .. ' . . . ' ... • ~ l, I ', :• l \ • LAGUNA WHAT? J. • .a.ma N.lauel ii Af\ "'" w1U. .-n ~ R:10un...,...v1ew homH. golf C'OQ,.. hanlc!t an(t tof'4do1. rolllni hlll1. prtyat~ Pl#d i::ommun)\let. c1.11tom bomeshes, a 40 ~ ~ and tht' U.t ~ on and OC1 ~ 1000 ii a K'CUnd golf aourv wltb ....,.mlde fal""•Y•· and a rnort hotel on lhe ocun bluff• All 1t111 wl1hln a few minutn of a marina, elalx>rate equeetrlan hom~ and hometitff and, oh:ourM, lovely Laau.oa Bnch Doi.JM values are tttnfic -come -ua• COLDWELL llllER Tln1D111 411-MM START RIGHT Th~ perfect home for young or sma.11 families. 3 Bdrm, be4JurJfully remodeled kitchen featuring all new appliances. new roof, fresh paint, fantastic financing. M esa Verde area. Full price $124,000. 751-3191. SELECT NEWPORT SurroUJJd yours~/ wllh mJIJion I llonl8. Newly remodeled' 3 &Jan 1arru.Jy rm, marble flrs, stone .(;rplf:. li'antastic terms. BJegan~ HllTlx?r Island Rd location . This Select Property is priced right at $6,0,000. 751-3191. GOLFCOURSE LOT This 10,000 sq ft lot is over- lookihg Grass Valley Lake on the fairway of the Lake Ar- rowhead C.C. It's surrounded by e xclusive executive re- trea ~ and is one of the last lots available. Owner will help finance. Asking $195, 000. 631 -7370. TRADI T 10\AL RUITY CHARMING Dll'LEX on a beautiful street in Corona del Mar. Two bedroom owner's unit with beatr}ed ceilings and firepla ce. Lge 1 BR apt w l fireplace. ALSO a bachelor. Gres t income. Patio ar ound pool. Assumable loan. $315.000. NIGEL BAl.EY I ASSOC/A TFS REAL ESTATE 6"-7211 · Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place Hf RITACE t J ' J\ I I I ) ' ( ~ ' PETE BARRETI . REALTY .. Never before e rtl)tal. Cuatom decorated 3 Bdrm with gardener. 1850/mo. 556-0347 home Agt. Lovely Brand new 2Br. 2~ ffplc:, 2 ear garage w/opener, both bdrmt are Ii) matr tullff, per- fect lor alnglH, eaay terma. S715 mo. Oyt 15().8779, 53t-3tt4 s.p..w llouM, MatalOI 2 Br. 1 Ba. crptt, drpt, atow. w.._tdry« hk· up, fncd ytrd, enel•d gar. No peta, no wat•· beda. HOO/mo + MCU.- rlty depoelt. ~i qi 710.5629. , . . Orenge cOMt DAILY PtLOT/WedMeday, Aprtt 111, 1112 .... ,~the ComQlete Orange ~t Market Place • .I -•• . • I Lilda & V"teki's ""'llllU ~ THAN EVPI 24 ~J llM21l '°= I buy dlacounted TO't , atralght not•, etc. A9k tor kel tll , broker. N8-N52 Of 962-4471 ,, ... , "" •••••••••••••••••••••• .... , .... ..., '"" ... , ...,. •• yOur cNnoll Pen Am 2 lot 1 tic* ... Buy 1 ticket round trip to Wf'I· wtl4lre Pan Am fty'I out• aide "" u.a. end 914 2nd ticket free. Beat offer °"" 175. Ad Slttll' No. 5 U Call 942·000 24 hf-. ff'!ll!I!!!'!! ......... . ... ~ .... !!!f ... -·-,...,. lno • .,,.,,.. tojalftfNlllMot9 •itt. IO fttalce up to ............. "'°""" '°' ..,.., ..... IN!lon.MIMt.~ .. I I 00 rJ NOWI ............. Your Delly l'llot a.Mee Olnlotory --·lalM ...... .,.. ..... -~~ ---. - Blf!I;.·;-·--·" 11.1~····· !ml! .. .-......... ,,. ............. •"*'-············ ~.!.'!1 CONCMTI~ ~~~=::& ~~ Al=~~".... ,,.:-.. w:,~ ,..._ •• "'"1adtl 4 Uc.,.,_ Ml-141a "*""· W.Wt CO. Uc. T,,.._.-tmrol. Uo. fW. I ,.__ ....._....__ = -....,.,, 141...a7 NcwM 141-ottO .... _...., -Cemeflt~ ......,,.,., ue 09'0WI 1m ................. . .... ,,.. .... w~ . ...-. Uo. nnr.-;;;-............. .,_. DUMflt JOM WATCH •• ,.,, WeftooV9flftt In· ~ Lio. H,_.I ..... 170 "-loornt 9'ob .. J.tta TOl1 ~ t-.i & 8'Mll MoW'8 JMe ,.,,_ 1a.llet&on. "9M ptloel. Tiie ptOf • .._.., I ... ._ 1 ... n10T wORK T~~ a.wt, ea. MtKI ~1311 ..... 'r.11.............. CoMuttent AMIO~• ""-r.._.. 1'7.....S1 ••• gll I ~ ...... ,..... 631../JOM leWn rencl'<I. 7114'1t HOUHOIHnlnt. dilly, .. ,_ 111.-..... L Tl' ••• ~ CilrDentYY rm ..... ~...... .. ... H.Mlllno. arMlna. demOll-ttl440. e.ii mom1nt1 -·-.... -Deolll & p1tfoe. J .I . Dr. Yoo · llOtor ILl!CT,.IOIAN-lrlced '"MllllMF uon. Cinoi•r• & lrH ot ~ Ml ... 111. blJ!:"•rd llnot. Uc. tll.!!'(.lr•rNI OUeltY worts. tO Yf9 ••· Cont i. co. lop quallty ~. l!I Tcwo rlghl, ftM Mtlm•t• on ,.,.. .... Ken U9-803I remov·dump ttucM ~ =._ & HeNd I . 1S,,,.. ol ~ • ..... ••••••••••••• per. Georoe 9'1-1419 worll. I.lo. No. HOIOf. 710.12111'4 lwt ltwoe ot llftlll JObe. ., .. D, _,.._ .. _._., Quid! ..V. M2·fW T..--.e. lilo'i°,(9........ ......... IOo.I OUl!lOfnltS. **8""Nlf'I** •n• II• ,,.. ... eae.ee11 II Uo. MM21. lra.o31it ,_ -------" -Jam ·-.. ,.,. Ttwlk ~. 131-4410 W~19 "9mov9 .. _ "NI HOMI f1ll!l!!lnc.fffl!~ ... ILIOT .. IOIAN : LJo. A~=~· !t!f!dt?f!!r. ••••••• MO-HH Mt ... •••• Al 'YI*· M2·114a fMI UT. M0-2082 IMPAOVIMlMTt MMOOl.L/AOO-ONI UI 101·C· 10. lm•ll 0 w led want ... !ALLY CLIAN ......,,,,_ "••ld/lndU•ICOftlm'I. ~, • ., ~ TILi INSTAU.l.D AddltloM & "9mo~ end ~try. Uo'd. Job.t. Malnt a repalrt. 81dMinG' 81'1 HOUll'? C1ll~l\lftl m"nll'\"•'Til'e• .. • .. ••• Low rltH. Free Ht. H•.::!ttl•OVJ'•';.:.::.•~::..••• .. ':!_ Klnda.~~_!~1•7 28~ 1tw1n 1414119 141-a~' Mowtno, ~no. ratclno, .... ~llble retlt9d ow-.... , -"'91• ,_.. ....... _.... -r • 1weepln,. ft1e Htl-Gift, R.e .... 1•"' pie 1ve11 • .iuna•l ept. e7e..71et fOf' P«• "In~ home'' AOO'Na/MMOOl!LINO LIC'D l!L.ICT .. ICIAN metn. 45·4311 or Ill•• ... ,,. C1ll P1bt1 0.Mr1 "NEW 1.00t<" _,. owner9 vlCIMlon. fnt ... PMinl, Uo'd Georoe P-. Ouel wonc.-e ,.._ M6-61S1 1 ..... 1111 PAINTIHO lfJINICa ..... t22t •••••••-••••••••••••• "!~!!~~~!!~I-.... ----•-tM1 & aon.: H1-et32 ,,.. Mt. ea1.eoi2·Tom • CLIANINO' HAVIOI: ·~Tr .. Pt\lnlnO* :.;; ----_..,_ ------....,.,..,,.--1-------..... "..... Aeetonabl• rll••. ,, .. ,_ .... I lftV•xt. JWt.J:_d· ~ L.aAOaoape ·~ UC. I~ Tfo.elM OOMM'UMSID. ..!8IO/OOMM't.JIND ......... 7-7f!I....... Mtlmet•. mim.crn.......... a.do'• &-1118 fltf!f{t~....... 8ervlc'M. HT-Ul8 nrr.r.-............... '-= Aemoct.Add',..=-20 yn. Do my own worts. COlt.ge 8tuda.,t1: wndw 720-0742. ~TIJ) 111f1op l 80ft Pllnting NMt ,._.A ee.tUfel ~::::...,~ :!'I.tiff! ... ~....... Vwy,..., Lio. llO Lio. 27to41 Al .... 8121 01110. oar wnlng, o~d ~1..,. honMt l lnoOtfie'Tex hn4oe 10 yra HP. In IHch ,,.. .... m.1at ~ T,. ~ aaS--~ea1,..1ttl.lo CUiTI:ii"8PADICK8 JacikH.BanMtt.Jr. Ii jo b•. eo-oo . ._.....-.··· .,,......,1 erea.F,..•.&ea-10tt. oen·1o1~~ o.n "*-a<ndlnO ~· o,:b~'fa oene;:., ..=:1 .. 2 .'mtffff(Tl!f ......... M0-1112 "2·1tl0 ,,...,.. uc·D PAINTI" int &~ucoo, ~~ran .. ,. & P~ Co. "'8/COfM\. OI Addition• & r-od-•1.... 'o0arlT\Jbln°•811°0reuln•t!~JOP,•, .. ' ~. H~ -c>'d r• ••••••• •• •••::,••••• int.Ext. 10 yn ..,,. b6odl Wllll ~ c 0 mp 1 1 • r v I #0 • Uc. .t»llCM. 142-1720 ~ AefnOd. ..... ..""'' ...... ~'""·····-····· II ble fl No Job too VA ""' Aefl.,,,.. •. 536-Htl .. SkY'*. Aooff1 Add'ne bonded State Lie ... M2·&3!1 C1tp1ntty . Milor"Y ..! .... ·:.·~ H 7-3:M1 LAHOeCAPINO PlASTEA PATCHING ~ ..._.,,,._ Grr11M _... 784-4420 #202752 AooftnO • ~ .,._,, _,,., M ... t. comm'Vr.-CS. •STEVENS PAIHTIHO AHIUCCOI. Int/ext. 30 :;;"".,\;e".";';I'••••••••••• J.O.Alen4"4-1110 t•••lll•1llll••' Of)'W911 •8tuoco ·T11e WlllclUnyourhouMOf TrH trim, clean-up. lll>IOllNowepec.lnext. yn.Neet.PU5U-29n h'!f!s IAIY81TTINO my home, 6.-1 '-rid ~ W.-.....4--...!9 "'" IWnodat. J.B. &41 MIO off lo•, chOOH your Sit!* & tile. Int. bonded. ~~!'9!:.~,., .... ·....... ::···.·· b·,···t···::·12 .. : ...... V•rd• •r••· CM. mr.e· •••••••••••••••• ·--..,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• hour9I Rlife. &4a 9006 llo'd. ,,... •• t7M14e .... ......._.. --1 ,, __ .,_ -0• IU •0 • n• .. fWI. atwt. 557-4114 No 8teem/No ~. •••••••••••••••••••• • ONI: Of' A KIND JOHN THE HANDYMAN ••tt.:tt11.•••••••••••• oc11o9. 25 yn. *'51lw. Stein~,. lnCt~~ ... ':!' .. BlmN~t·IM. ~IOf )'O'_I. Ptumblog alee.= C1uc. Hakpr or HOUH• lfaw.. Ullf 1&1U Orlilnt dNf9d trom •10 Mr. Mor9*1, 14&-5118 8AB'l'IITTIHO dry ,,_ ..C. 139-11512 .,,.,.. ,_ -· ,......_,,_a ...... 7'""'5 fl'W ..um.... oleanar loolllng for 5 :=tt.l•••••••••••••• PAINTING Plumbing Aepeltt ANVTIMI! . llbrlftM, ublMCt. lky· "'",. ,,,. -"' . M5-t383 Fr• ..c. M&M M2·9033 Pwml•!f ,.,., ~ ~ lnstell/r~ tit-. CUit. ~Refs. ll-...,,a~ HOME IMPAOYEMEHT d1y1, •;m• h«!.U_!•· w/ BRICKWORK: 8"*' )oba. ;,&;; ••••••••••••••• Aelfl. C.M. • • ....,.,._ Flood detntoa. Steem . _., REPAIR.PLUMBING emu.nt Miiiy • ..,_,,.,... News>ott. Coet•....... PAINTER NEEDS DAY OA NIGHT Typlno My hom• IBM Cweful l loYlng mama of Ging 564-4510'. 973-16M &46-0092, 538-. •••••••• •••••••••••• Heating, cwpentry. -.C. -Ad lllOO, .. 2"-'4300. ll'vlna. Reta. 875-3115 WORK! 30 yrs up, Intl Arlt C1M9 WOf11 8eleotrlc: Ill Teri" P•· 21 mot to ewe IOf YoUrt, . ' Crown moutdinO ceder II· CLH·U:f~';.6:IM t .... ,,,.. ..c. No JGC> too HOUSECL.EANtNO BLOCK WAU.8 Ext Acou8t1c Ollllngt. 14 U ta-ltH p•r•. •to. Expr. refl my home FIT. 831-3717 EXCEL CARPET CARE ned c:loaets, b0okc:.M9, . MA l!TMlll. M5-2111 18 OUR BUSINESS! Petloe . DfMweye Devit Painting &47-6191 990-4977 Cp1, uphol, ., .. rug inanu ... entertainment Exp d. JaaM &45-2122 Ea t . 1 o yr 1 . UC'd. Oennll ~ •..n----------B1by11u1no In our C.M. cleentng. WOf11 guar. cabinet•. Wood IOlutlon• LAWN CARI! Expert home and apt r• Janloe'R•oo•dy Ann INT/EXT f>AJNTINO =-:;"A•••••••••••••• "'-'-CIH.ahlr. homee.. 1 yr. & up, Any Fr• •t MS-1171 to wood problems! Com'llr..id. Npt/CM. pair. C1tp•ntry, root. 8115-251,. Bryan1'1 ~ UC'd. Reta. Free•· ...... HENRY ROOF1N0"' •••••••••••••••• •••• hr's. &42 ...... 2/8*-5159 Shampoo' llMm clean. 131-\528 . Xlnt, r oerdenl~ plumb. Etc:. 142~13 Brick, 11ona, btodl. con. Ml-1087 SHINGLES' A.EPA.IA •RESID£HTIAL• .. .._.._ Color brloht•nera, wht .__u_ rH /c:omm. TrH tr m & W• bid all Jobe -1Qe/1ml 111 ... 1 ri:•a~r::=~:~·~J:: ...... PallltlM UC. 415232 54M213 :..1 h~ ':fi.:SX.2 tty :;;;;e:'l';;l.•••••••••• c:rpte . 10 min. bleach. ~~A•••••••••••••• removal, olean·upa, Ouallty, exper, 'llc'd ...... .. ... -25 -• •"" Uc:.· 4'0fe41 Hubel R()O ........ ~. For 1111 =IMd 10 know Hell, lfv/dln. rm• S 15: ....., landecaplng. 549-1904 8111 & Deva ,....._9325 -•.. Uc. & Int . .....,_..14 " ...... · · ...-...~ • .::;.z,_., __ .. _ ~ .. _ .. • •-·o" RIVER ROCK -perteot Bonded. Ins. Rafa. Color ---~ ......... -.,,_. ·-abcMIC "'J, calf room 7.50; c:ouc:h 1 ; t7VW pool decks, patloa, 111 URI.. Oenarel Main'-High quellt1',houNWorll. "-'-expert. "3--0911 Dick UC 1411802. 54&-9734 IMne't bait. 8aak: 1 ety (114 9112 c:hr H . Guar. ellm. pet wllkwayt, drlvawiyt, LI 1 ....nNb '<Mtiilf Repair'I & Deeofatlna Experl•nced. de.,.nda-;;;;;;•••••••••••••••• $20 2 llY $30 odor. Crpt repeir. 15 yrs etc:. ee1•2371 wn-r ""'·•" .. _ un 5 r44 bl•. hone1t, lntetllo•nt. -ABC MOVING-Top Oualltl, lo price. !=ff''6ttl-· 559•1302 .,,,,,,..,..,,,,./ up .. Doworllmye•I!. ~:',::;:vi!!.. _._ty . ._7 ..-..r The batt . Piion• QWdc.eer......a.vtce. prompt.Ex &lnt~r.••••••••~••••••••• ~ Rafe. 531.0101 · IJr~lll-l«fttn • .,.1511 or.::::'"' JACK Of' AU 173-7012 after 1:00 PM. Fr• ~&Uo0410 i.tlat. Rel & Comm'I rM BUDGET AATES/UC'd "LAI the Sunahlna In" •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ::'~•••••••••••••• _. ....., TRADES .,_.......,___._ •· 714-739-0708 Low rn&n. Sm! Jobi OK. Call Sunthtrw Wlodow MAAINE 81RVICES WeC..CrptCIMnar9 MAPS l GRAPHS. Fr ... An1w•r Ad #547, Cell~ornlght. --.__....,.,, A""f' • •-• .... 141-7511 _,,.., Ud ..._..., ~ paint vam+th Steam c:i.en & uphola. lance. Ouallty work. M2-4300 •Jacti 675-30141t We YtlCUUm •• r'I-'-20% Monthly Diacount T •• k ' r• u b .t. w 1 .. : w-.t.cuc* ~. nt~1 •• MG-027'4 llft 5'1m. . Klt1y M1-"970 ·. ,_ •. ••=h-~••••••••••~• a--.IAJt.11iM1 • ,. ~QI* _,v Land.Ctpl~ Clnupa· -.... c , Interior o.1Qrt ::-..~•··-·••••- • J 14$-17~ f!Wt, ~-fl ..._&IJ Tr .. t~-... , ,.1~t ... .,~ • .:.-.~"°..... ........ ~~ · 0 ~ ING 110/f'OU. ~•lo"' m1de clothH· Claulfl•d Aeh .,. the ~me Im -::1.~••••••••••••0••• •••• -~ '"' HAUL "--ttUOel'I Ilea ....::_~~ .... 1 ..;. Oualtty. Uc:l1na. Strip-form•I & w•ddlnga. & antwer 10 • tuCCH•'"' • -•••••-DAYWAll TAPING ,.._. _.. -• ..., ~Otac ~ I I A CONCRETE/ASPHALT ~.-u. niE ORA88HCPPER lg, truck. l.Gwfft rate. . SELL ldl• lt•m1 with a · ·on · 8 t•ret Olla. •at. ~cwywd u6el ft'•• Dlrlc:totY In !tie · All I..._&'-~· l.wn malnt. Prompt. c.I 759-11171. ~Adi, your OM-Deity Pilot alllllfled Ad. -Scott ..,._.,. betl9r way to tell more DAIL y PILOT ~~ frM .. Kewtn t 76-IQ88 OornWc M2-4451 Thantl you, John. atop lhoppllig CIWlter M2-&e78. Sell Idle llemt M2-15178 CluaHled Ada 142-5871 _l* __ oSl_llel ______ _ Attention Artists AICtiol, 1nt1rtaanent & ............ Cil 551-3747. 752-25411 I ,. Ormnee COMt DAILY PtLOTIW~. APtil 21, 1H2 8'-4 cuthlon dk bro•n eofa, good oond, '95. Wurllllef Conaole Plano. 1948 Whlzz9r, ... Of trede ~9 Ne• 11800. Gd cond. forcer. S 1500 llrm. Top quellly glrla' 8 piece bedroom Ht. Mutt '" '900. 873-0444 20 Sofa ne. S98 ee. 10 1ovHeet1, SH ee. Met- treeMI $39. 957-5709 a Or•-deek for ofc Of' home, 34x80. 150 548-5139 dya. O..lgner aole, dining rm NI. 4 chelra, brend nu, must Mii. Very reuone- ble. 87&-8345 Welnut dlnlng room teble '"'" e cene beck chaln end bllffet, H OO. Good cond. 875-7398 !'!!C!.-!!!! ••••• ~1 MR18E Sile I FXU Fr1. Apt1I 23, 8:30am-5 Dl1h, gl111111are, furn , many ,,...,.. .. ' 1rlnketl. 3801 lnlet Isle Dr .• Corona del Mar, off Mergurlle & 8andca811e. $750, 875-8149 ~2. 546--0879 '87 Delmont N . xlnt eond, cleen, mutt .... $1200 ff'.57Qe, ~2007 79 Cut1e11 Supreme Brougham DleMI, euto, air, AM/FM 11-. crul- " PW, lo ml, l m171ec e •• , ofr over 14.00 64+~a2' n11 ,,.,. .•.•••••.............. Stopl Look! 1971 m1n1 gr-n. \ owner, 35.000 mlle Plt1to Automatic t,_., riw oond. & in ex- c.llent condition. T"t dri ve & make offer (70 1CKE) Flnenclng avallable Call now, Uk tor Dave Jones. Theo- dore Robin a Ford 842~10 '74 Htchbk. xlnt cond., clean. <l-apd, llereo S 1095/0BO 545-6891 '74 Pinto, 82K ml, auto, good llrH. juet tuned. n9w hea..d . $1 500 960-2780 IMtlM HIS ..•..........••.•..... \ SCENE OF HOLOCAUST -This was the scene at just one among llCOres of Anaheim apartment complexes that was de- stroyed by flames early today as gale-force Santa Ana winds ' * * * * * * Winds, shake roofs helped spread fires Ahaheim Fire Chief Robert Simpeon says it was the dange- rous combination of strong Santa Ana winds and wooden shake roofa that led to today's devasta- ting fire in a residential area. To illustrate his point, Simpeon noted that one apartment buil- ding that had a composition roof wu not damaged as flames sw.ept through aeveral other sta.JCtures that had wooden roofs. The undamaged structure was located adjacent to the first apartment building tO be consu- • med by flames. It was located in the 1300 block of Juno Avenue. The fl.re broke out about 5:50 a.m. when power lines created sparks that ignited a palm tree. Embers from the burning tree fell to the roof of an apartment buiJding as winds sent other embers onto the roofs of other nearby structures. "Our first report was that one roof was on fire, then It was three, the n it was five and then ... " Sim peon said. The fire moved generally to the west amm the 1300 block of Ball Road toward Euclid Street. Firemen were able to ltop the flames at Euclid. Gusts hit coast By ROBERT BARKER or ... .,..,,......,. The Southern California F.di- IOl'l Company put out a call for help today u heavy Santa Ana winds played havoc with electric tranamiaaion lines along the Oranae c.oa.t. Edf.oo Operations Manager Ed Jonea aaid that power was knocked out to about 16,000 C\.Wtomen between 3 and 8 a.m. WORLD ,...., in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley areas. He said six circulta wer.: knocked out by winch for dura- tiona rangina from 30 minutes to l '1i houri. ni~ are 1,500 to 1,-800 cuatomen to a circilit. Jonea aald that moat of the power outagea that darkened (See WINDS, Pace A!) Fallclands crisis 'stupidity' Thoee cold, treele11, eomber ialanda over which Britain and Argentina are th.reatenina to IO to war are monuments to nationlliltlc and mllitars.tic stupidity. PageA12. NATION knocked down power lines and started fires in both Anaheim and Garden Grove. Burned out complex here was located at Ball Road and Loara Street ln Anaheim. Early reports esti- • I ' , ' Delly Not ,..... . .,, Gery ~ ; mated damage a t $50 million, and witnesses said the de- vastated Anaheim area looked like the af tennath of a bom-. bing during war . ee ID erno Fill!. A•U. .... ltl,_ i.oJ 11.1. CSRttli'OS A.\lr!. ~ U) ANAHElM ~A'Tl!L.L.A Ave. (J ~ -..J ~ u .. :> Ill \ll Ill CD CH A.Pt-AA.~ ~ AYE. ~ ,, .. ~ "' AaU • VI 'WAI w+! ~ :l s . % /INW. o.11rN.t-.. ... FIRES PINPOINTED -Map indicates area near Ball Road and Euclid Street in Anaheim w here thousands were left homeless this morning by wind-swept fire that destroyed aeveral apartment complexes. Map aleo indicates location of second fire on Allen Drive ln Garden Grove. It destroyed aeveral homes. STATE State's population up California pined about half a million reeidenta Ii.nee the 1980 cemua, but Oranae County srew more alowly than the state. Paae A8. • ·Pendleton watches over tern ~ With the military ~liven Martnea, Camp PeDdleton offidala concem etme!.?'wtth Evacuation center set up; many hurt By F RE DE RICK SCHOEMEHL OflMDellrll'lotli.ft ,, Fire whipped by Santa Ana winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour unleashed its force in Orange C.ounty today, consu- ming at least 50 homes and apartment houses in Anaheim and- Garden Grove and forcing the evacuation of 2,000 residents, firefighters said. Several persons were injured, said Anahe im police officer Werner Race. Firefighters said they couldn't say for sur e whether everyone escaped the dozen s of apartments that burned in Anaheim and homes gutted in suburban Garden Grove. An evac uation center was set up at Ball Junior High School in Anaheim, and authorities said 500 evacuees showed up there. However, initial reports that flames w ere approaching within a mile of Disneyland were discounted. "At this time they're blowing toward the west , away from us," said Disneyland spokesman Al Flores. Five houses caught fire in Garden Grove when winds toppled power lines, igniting gu meters that burned four homes on one block and directly caused a fire at a fifth houae, officials said. Flames spread into neighboring Stanton, where an in- dustrial complex caught fire as well, firefighters said. In Anaheim, acores of penons in their nightclothes lined streets in the area as firefighters attempted to get the upper hand on the flames. Many people whose apartments were destroyed were temporarily relocated at~ Cross emer- gency shelter at a nearby school An Anaheim Fire Department spokesman said the fire (See COUNTY FIRD, Pase A!) INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoecope B2 L .M. Boyd A12 Ann Landen B2 a.me. B4-5 Moviee AH Herb Caen B2 Mutual l\mda JM Cal1fomla A5 National News A3 Cavabde B2 Public Noticm 84,m..3 Ch rifled D3-8 Sparta BM OJmks AlO Dr.Stetncrohn B2 iero.wons AlO Stock Marketa B6 Death Nodc9 D2 Televtllon ·At3 attaial Al2 Theaten A\4 J:n*1alnment Al4 W•thlr A2 protectinl the rare leMt t1m: r... A8. -J'oOd Cl -14 World News· A3 C OUNTY SPORTS • .. ' OUNTY FIRES • • • •• brob out about e a.m. Offldala 1plC\&lated &hat power tu. ripped lome by the mona Santa Ana wtndt were n1pohllb19 for llnltlna the ~. Ana)itlm IUl'NnOned all off-duty pel'IOt'lnel and requeeted • and received ualttance from fire department. from u far •way u El Toro and Los Anatiel· · Witneuet 1n the area Nid It appeared that numerous ·apartment unUa were de1troyed by Oamee. One oblerver Niel every other unit ai the Palm Villa apartm~ni. at Euclid a nd Ball waa deetroy~ a1 the lire • jumped from rooftop to rooftop. • m Garden Grove, firemen at 4 a.m. were IUllllDOned to a ,realdence at Lampaon Ave n ue and Nelton S treet wher e 1parka from a. downed power line ignited natural gu eecaptna from a wind-looeened gaa met.er. Minu tes lat.er, at Net.on and Allen Drive,~ consumed three houtee and damaged two othen. A Garden Grove Fire Department offidal said another fire burned the roof of a home at 12600 Susan Lane. And by 8 a.m., Garden Grove firefight.era were checldna reports of heavy smoke oomlng from "Rancbo l\Wnf\os High School at 11351 Dale Street and a structural fire at another .iJocati~. * * * . ' ,~~INDS WREAK HAVOC ... 111 t'l~ tet olf hundrem of bur- jlar alarms and disrupted traffic t1na l1, were caused by tree umbe bJow1ng into traffic m,nata. He ..set the normal work force of about 100 employees would be lncruaed to about 130 when he geta additional relnforc:ementa from the South Bay area. Other than power outqes and fallen limbs, the Orange Coast e.caped major damages, aocord- biq to ottkiala. h1 l But the 9troll8 northeut winda are expected to continue unaba- . 111'd tonJcht, acconilna to the u .s. '<.Weather Bureau. Wfnds are ex-. ~.-cted to diminish Thunday. " t1 Officiala aaid th e wind, blo- f>..wlng from 25 to 35 knou per .1' hour at J ohn Wayne A.1rpart \his morning, are formed in high pnaurea over the west.em pla- teau and blow hot winds to Sou- thern California from Idaho and the California deler1a. The Santa Ana winds blow from the fall to the spring. Planes at Orange Coun.ty"a John Way-rye Airport were taJic1nC off and 1andina in the northerly direction in onler to operate into the wind. Several unall boats were cut adrift in Huntington Harbour. • Helen Klumnan, 16302 Sara- toga, Huntington Beach, said a 20-year-old tree blew down in her yard early \his morn1ni and damaged a family camper. ;Israeli jets attack ~·jl ~~end 9-month truce bi:.i BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -la- \or,aell jets blasted Palestinian atronghOlda south of Beirut and clow ned two Syrian MIGs in dogfights today, ending a nine- month truce in a hail of bombs and rocket.a. , T he Iaareli air attacks were mounted after an Israeli soldier wu killed by an anti-tank mine in eouthem Lebanon. larael confirmed the raid, and the Lebanese government and the Palestine Liberation Organi- zation said the jets aet off fires and drew heavy anti-ail'craft fire. J:.ebaneae government sources ''f: first estimates were that at ") t 19 Palestinians were killed -ii. more than 40 wounded. •( The Israeli command in Tel Aviv said ti. jeta downed two Syrian jets. The Syrian govem- m en t in Qama1cu1 a-aid its surface-to-air miuilea and jeu "en1a1ed enemy jeta in a dog- fight. The result WU the hitting of one Israeli P.~ and two Sy- rian jets. Our Habtinl planes are atill ll~ in Lebanete aides .•• The Ch.rtatlan Voice of Leba- non radio aald the Israeli jeu downed Syrian MtG-211 that scrambled after the Israelis rocketed Syrian miasile sites in the Bekaa Valley. But the Mo- slem Voice of Arab L ebanon radio said Syrian SAM-7 m1asilea downed two h raeli jeu in the Bekaa, 37 miles eut of Beirut. Deir"°',...."' cw, ....... DISTRAUGHT FIRE VICl'IMS -Sitting. on complex at Juno Avenue at Arden Place watch some of the few belongings they were able to. as their units are consumed by flames . salvage, Anaheim residents of an apartment Adler back Valley • in may or's s eat The Fountain Valley City Council unanimously selected optomet:riat Marvin Adler Tues- day to 1erve u the city's mayor for a one-year tenn.. Adler, 46, haa served on the council for 10 yean and it cur- renUy president of the Orange County League of Cities. He was selected mayor by se- cret ballot immediately aft.er Ben Nielsen, Fred Vou and James Neal were sworn in tor four-year terms on the council. The three were the top vote-getters in last week'• council election. Adler said his primary goal will be to help keep the finan· dally ailing city 10lvent Damage in brief Here in brief are wind and fire damage reports from throughout Orange County today: STANTON: One industrial building at Katella and Dale Street afire with the entire city fire department respon- ding. ANAHEIM: Fires triggered by power lines being knocked down by high winds set 42 buildinp on fire, in- cluding 300 living units. An estimated 2,000 residents eva- cuated. Two firemen injured. GARDEN GROVE: Five buildings burning; 200 resi- dents evacuated. No serious injuries reported in early re- ports. Mandie takes helm, snuffs smoker bids Reagan . _--..........ckles • • cr1s1s WASHINGTON (AP) -With a tnr.tM*9 mWtary thowclewn between Araentlna and Great Britain. perhape ~ a few daya a_way, Pretldent Reagan ta ... tbertnC h1a advtlen to leuch lor way..of breakina the nesouattnc ttalemate in the ~alklanat c:ri& called a mMd.na today wi tary of State Alexari .. d e at1 Jr. and oth er Natlonal Secunty C.ouncll mem- bers to explore kleat in prepera- tion fOI' Thww:la~vtait here by 'Britl.sh Fore(gn tary Francia Pym. Brltlah Pri111 e Minister Margaret Thatcher ..set Pym wUl be carrying count.erpropoula ln reapome to an Argentine pe~ plan that Britain rejected Tuetl- day. The gloomy atmosphere wu undel"ICOJ'ed Tuetlday nlght when Argentine Foreign Minister Ni- ca nor Co1ta Mendez aaid hit government had n o plant for concemiona. Unofficial estimates aay the Britiah task fe>nle, whJch set ail ·April 5, could begin arrivi.DR aver the weekend in the Falkland Islands area 250 miles east of Argentina'• ooaatllne. The Britiah Defense Mirilatry haa refused comment on the arrival plana of the annada. Despite London's hostile atti- tude toward the Argentine pro- posal.a; there waa unrest reported · in the Argentine military over the conce91ions agreed to by Gen. Leopoldo Gallier!, Argentina's president. An Argentine official, uking not to be identified, said Galtieri "cannot offer any more." Argentina'•· milltary junta luued a communique today saying it ii ready and willing to negotiate, but that negotiation.a "have u their final and iu.e.- nounceable objective the comoli- daUon and exercise of Argentine sovereignty over the islands. and the r ecognition of that sovereignty." The co.mmunique also said it is willing to consider the wishes of the islander s, but said t he "recovery" of the islands w as ~ked by all Ar~entines. ''The real thing, the big thing, the thing we cannot and we won't move from la soverei,nty on the islands," Costa Mendez told CBS News in Buen09 Aires. In London. meanwhile, Mrs. Thatcher told the House of Commona that the British fleet "continues steadily on its way" to the Falklands. "We have to be true to our objective ... " she said. Windy and hot Bob Mandie showed he knows how to put out a fire before it atarta in first few momenta as the new mayor of Huntington Beach. Shortly after he took the oath following the unanimous vote of h'-colleaauea Monday, Mandie waa aaked by Councilman Ron Pattinson if he and Jack Kelly (the oound.l'a two smokers) could smoke during city council sea- siona. leagues to succeed Ruth Finley at the annual city council reorgani· t.ation. Don MacA.lllater was se- lected to succeed Pattinson as vice mayor. Crash kills HB motorist A Huntington Beach man was killed early today when his auto crashed into the rear of a large trailer carrying earth-moving equipment. Strong gwty Winds. conUnued lwwm. · • ~ Coulll, Inland Iowa In 50•. Coatal, !Mand hlgl'9 In 70.. eoa. • 'Water 82.. I EIMowMfe, small ~ 8CMeory for areu balow canyon• from Senta Berber• to OCMnl6de due t Ito local ~ Wlrldl of 20 to 35 knOtl with wind --4 to e twt decfaeaing but locely 15 to 25 mp.II tonight with atrongar aaewtw•. 1 to 2·foot ~ wa-. wind•~• to 15 knot• during afternoon• today and Tfluraday. ll_ght varlabl• wlfldt tonleflt and ~ mor· nlng. Weltlrty IWellt 1 to 2 Met. locel .,.. of --fog. ~ lt ::IT"'..._,,....~~ 1 •• ""'""-' Mandie 'dissented: "'I'm not a smoker and I believe it would be unfair to the public." (Citizens are not al lowed to smoke in oound.l chambers.) Patti.Dion laughed. "He'• going to be a strong mayor im't he," he said to the audience. Mandie was cho8en by h1I col- Mandie told council spectators that Monday was the fourth moat important day of his life -after hill birth, marriage and birth of hia daughter. lie thanked citi.zena for making him the top city councU vote- gett.er for two elections in a row. Ht! a1lo had kind words for the city's staff, saying it was among the fl.nest anywhere. Later in the meeting, Mandie abstained from voting when the City Council raised emergency towina ratea from $35 to $40. SALE Police said the driver of the auto Mark Allen Andenon, 23. o f l '7771 Quintana Lane, was rushed to Fountain Valley Com· munity Hospital, where he died ol massive chest and internal In- juries at 7:51 a.m. Traffic investigators said An· denon was eastbound on Slater Avenue when he abn.tptly pulled into a left tum pocket at "Deach Boulevard, where the truci was stopped for a red light. Our FIRST EVER ... To make room for ·our NEW SPRING LOOK_ EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP 103 TO 403 OFF ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 21 THRO MAY 1 • -------- \ Israel pullout starts Sinai settlers weJp , many f urio us BJ Tiie .41Mda&e4I Pntt The braeli army launched U• malllve evacua- tion operaUon from Yamit in occupied Slml today and ran lnto fw10U1 oppollitlon from aboutinl and w•p(na ~u of larael'1 withdrawal from the deltrt penlNUJa. "You'll all be fighting the FcYPUana here lri two manttw.'' oo-SlMi •ttl.er yelled at the troopa. "You're 11ntenctna younelve. to death." The army delayed be1innln1 the evacuation until Prime Mlnl1ter Menachem .Begtn'a Cabinet complei.d a meetln1 In J eru1alem afflrmln1 ltl commitment to the Sunday deadllne for completing wttbdtawal. Sports owner rescued, hurt EDMONTON, Alberta -Peter Pocklington, the mult1milllonalre owner of F.dmonton'a hockey, IOCCer and bueball teama, wu allghtly wounded when pol.Ice ~ him from a rnuked gunman who held him captive for 12 houn in an attempt to collect $1 million in ranaom. A 1po~e1woman eald the police fired at the gunman and the bullet went through his arm and l?Uld Pocldi.ftlton'• arm and chest. The gunman wu reported in atable condition and injuries recel- v e d by Pockllnaton were described as ''lncoolequentlal and .uperticial. •• Publlcation Of the IUMW'l'I identity WU pro- hibited by law until he wu formally charged. But the pol.Ice said he wu in his 20., •p<>ke with a Eu- ropean accent, wu anned with a piatol and a knife and wu extremely dangerous. North Korean trOops open fire S!X>UL, South Korea -North Korean troopa fired aero. the demilitarized zone between North and South Koree for more than four houn today, apparently to prevent four North Korean aoldlen from defecting to the South, a South Korean 1po- kesman said. .... The 1pokeaman, Brts . Gen. Park J ong-shik, said the four were teen lying on the ground, either dead or wounded pa.ibly by exploding mines. He said they were nKX>Vered by North Korean troopa. The South Korean.a returned the fire but suf- fered no caaualtte.. aaid Park. O'Neill sees no budget give ' WASHING'IO -l>eipite President 'Reapn•s declaration that be will "go the extra mile" to reach a budaet comprornhle with Congress. Hou.e Spea- ker T6om. P. O'Neill Jr. aaya be baa yet to find "any live" in Reagan'• pollltton. ''The pttSident oertainly hu an Idea that we're a lot clo9er than I believe we are," O'Neill. D-Ma.., said Tueaday after a flurry of apparently non- productlvoe budget activity on Capitol Hill and at the White HOUie. "lt'a apparent to me that he (Reagan) thinks the give la only on pur side, he doesn't aee the give on h1a own aide," O'Neill aaid. Little letup • • 1n recession WASHINGTON -The receuion continued wtth little let..up in the first quaner of thla year as the national economy declined nearly aa fast as it bad in the final three months of 1981, the govern- ment reported today. But today'• Commerce Department report abo contained hopeful ligna for otflclala who are opU- COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa -Firemen fighting a blaze in a ahauered araln elevator where five men were feared deed today had to bring water through up to aix mllea of hoaea following a blast that rocketed· chunks of concrete a mile away. Offlciala aald they thought the explosion, • mi.tic that the January-March period will prove to have been the lut quarter of decline in the recemlon of 1981-82. The report aaid inflation-adjuated gross natiOOal prodl.IC't -the broadest measure of U.S. economJc activity -declined at a 3.9 percent annual rate in the first quaner. ID Iowa fire which injured 22 people, aprang from grain dust ignited by a apark. "It wu like hell coming at you," said Chuck Leonard, 26, of Omaha, Neb., who was working nearby but WU uninjured. Canal foes denied restraint any good reuon why thla case is different?" asked Judae Francia C. Whelan before refusing the re- Or1nge CoMt DAILY PILOT/Wed'*Cjay, Aprrt 21, 1882 HF IN DEEP W ~ TER -Conatruction worker Clay Jeffires wu not just working on his tan Tuesday while on top of $50.000 skiploader thattprankstera drove into the ocean off 4lst Street in Newport Beach. Work crews finally Delly ........... .,....._."-- pulled the machine to shore with a cable. Lifeguard Ray Garver (in wetsuit) 1tanda next to soggy machine which authorities fpund in high water y•hen the tide came in. Pr~ra were caught and are in hot water. ' MacDonald bail hit . -Govern_ment lawyers say doctor would flee if set free RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Government anorneys told a federal appeals court Tuesday that convicted murderer Jef1rey MacDonald should be denied bail because he would be impelled to flee rather than face life in pri- son. MacDonald, a former Green Ber.rt doctor, waa convicted of the i970 atebblng and bludgeo- ning murden of hia wife and two infant daughtera in their Fort Bragg. N.C., home. He was aent- enced to three life temll. His August, 1979, conviction in U.S . District Court in North Carolina was reverted by the 4th U.S. Circuit <;ourt of Appeals here July 29, 1980, and he wu freed on ball at the appeala court'• inslltence. But the Supreme Court on ¥arch 31 reverted the appeala court dedaion that MacDonald'• conviction was improper b«:au.e he had been denied a speedy uial. He was immedlately taken into custody and now la in federal priaon at Tenninal laland, Calif. MacDonald had been living in Huntington Beach and working in Long Beach on -4100,000 bail since the apJXWa court decision. The bail was revoked by the di- strict court in North Carolina af- ter the Supreme Court acted. MacDoneld'a lawyers imme- diately filed for a review of the Supreme C.ourt dedalon, and ap- pealed the bail revocation to the 4th Circuit Court, saying It re- tained jurisdiction and iu earlier order about bail still was valid. But government attorneys, in their written response to that argument. told the court Tueeday that the power to grant or conti- nue to deny bail rests with the dlatrtct court. Term.a of the appeals court's 1980 order granting bail, they said, "implicitly continued the district court's power to act, at least where a change of cir- cumstances dramatically increa- sed risk that MacDonald would And t he district court, the governm!nt argued, has "ample grounds for believing that Mac- Donald could not accept the aud- denly looming reality of life im- prisonment and that he would uke flight at whateve r unpre- dictable moment this reality struck home." U the appeal.a court disagrees, the government said, it ahould consider the government'• res- ponse a request to re.:ind Its bail order. MacDonald wa. convicted of killing hia pregnant wife, Colette, 24, and their daughten, Kimber- ly, 6, and Kristen, 3, at their home at Fort Bragg. He has 1teadlai1ly maintained that the murden were committed by intruders who chanted "Acid is Groovy. Kill the Pigs." Last Friday. Brian MurtaUl[h. Juatice Department attorrfey supervialng the MacDonald «*e, s.ald the FBI, at the request of a retired FBI agent. has reopened its investigation of the case on"the basis of new evidence. The evidence ls a signed state- ment by Helen Stoeckley, a one- t ime police Informant, who claims she witnessed the murden and that they were committed by a satanic cult that broke into 'the MacDonald home. Ms. Stoecldey's account would support MacDonald's venion of what happened. Anesthesia move Abortion proposal rejected b y panel · SACRAMENTO (AP) -An Asaembly committee has rejected an anti-abortion U1emblyman'1 propoul that called for anesthe- sia to relieve "the pain of the viable fetus" in abortions after 20 weeks. 9rganit.ed medical groups and the state He._Ith Services de- partment contended the proposal, AB3346 by Aalemblyman Chet Wray, D-Westminater, could en- danger women and also prove expensive to the sute. Wray and the organization aponaoring the bill, the Commit- tee for the Defenae of the Un- born, said ldentific evidence has estabilahed that fetU8el feel pain in an abortion. evidence that fetuses feel pain,. "The least a civilized society can ask Is that the pain of the viable fetus be alleviated insofar as possible," Wray told the As- sembly Health Committee. He said doctors should have-,a choice of methods but should 1 required to take some itep to llevinfJ the suffering of a fet . The bill would have let the state take action against a doctor's 11- ceNJe for failing to take such a ate_p. Opponents said anesthetiz.ing'Jll fetus might require the wo= to be given a general anesthe during the abortion, a pot.en dangerous procedure. The d·- partment said AB3346 could tq· creue state costs in its appl.lca·- on to Medi-Cal abortions. • The bill was defeated on a 4.8 vote. : LOS ANGELES -A U.S. District Court judge denied a temporary restralnina order sought by opponent. of the Peripheral Canal that would have prohibited the Metropolitan Water Diatrict from promotina the controvenial project. flee." Opponents queationed that claim. The California Medical A11oclatlon said there waa no quest Tue9day. Whe~naetaMay4p~l~lnuyiaju~uoor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t hearlna on the ltsue, which was brought to court April ! in a suit by Callfomla.na for a Fair Water "Generally ~. in thia country political ded.llona are decided in elections. Can you give me Policy. Newsman pleads no contest LOS ANGELF.S -Televi.alon ~ Keh Jone.. after first pleedina innocent to ctw-aes be bilked Securtty Pacific National Bank out ol hun- dred• of tboueanda of dollan In a check-kiting 8Cheme, now baa entered a no contest pl.ea. In an ~pearance Tuelday In Superior Court along wtth Shirlene Cardenas, h1a oo-defendapt and flancee, the 42-year-o~d Jone1, on leave from KNXT, P1.ded to one count of lfand theft and five OOWlU ol wrtttnc checka on lnlufficlent funds. i""""-----------------------------------------.. .... Cta..-..ct 8du•'*"• T14JM2"1111 AM Othaf dlplrtMeMa Ml-4121 MAIN OPPa • .,... ....... c-.-...CA. ......... : ... -.c-. ..... CA. ... C9""9M tm Or= c.-1,......... ~ . ....... __ ,_ ................ ... _........ ...... ...,., .. .... ..-Ciel• :I I ••u '-3 . Damages sought in fetus killing LOS ANGSLrB -A woman WhcJ9e unborn ~ WM killed in • .twriff'a raid a $10-mllllon dunac._e claim aaalnat Loe An- 1eln County, DeLoil Youns'• Jawyet'llid. '1t •.• :.-...c ~ ... said •tt.or- ney Jaine\ B. Davt1 at a JN'"' ...... Tu.lay In ha ciftlce. 11We'w 8Dt a woman in the hm-=~ ~ and • family Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cntifi~d a~mologi•t, AGS GOLD'S DURAlllLITY beckOIU Ml.,...n Your golden opportunity to own Omega Quartz. We proudly present these eleQently ttyled Omega 14K gold queru timepieces. For him, d11tinct1Ye design with e 14K gold Ftorenttne btecelet. FOf her 28th• mmer • ing diemondt and 1 14K gold textured tncetet. Both have prec11e quartz movements fOf amazing ea:urecy And both give you 1 golden OR)Oftunity to own the finest in Swist cr1ft1menshlO--Omega tis .. $2900 I \ , State's ' . cows produce IY PAT HOROWITZ or ... ...,,... .... . . Toads • tops in town CONWAY. Ark. (AP) - There ... coundl of c.o.da led by a heAd toed. They plan to crown a kln1 and queen toad, have a jumplna toed contat ana try to ellmlnate the phrale ''toMt.ftoc." lt'• all part of the flrat Toad Suck Due tefPona1 celebration at a perk neer where the o1d Ta.cl Suck ferry U8ed to caqy people acrou the Arkanua River bet· weefl Faulkner and Perry ooundee. "lt'• the tint of what we inte- nd to be an annual celebration," uid John Ward of Conway, who . •YI he la the heed t.oed. ,., ...... . Yea OM IAuft la than· ldna world leeden for dona· tlnf treH an4 1tonea for .. 8 raw berry J'leld1," a trian1utar l1land in New Y Ol'k't Central Parle that ho- non the memory of her alaln b~. fmmer Beatie, ... Leu•. ••m.. ~ ~ IOU.l9. You a.re beauUtw: lhe .id. Accordtnl to Lennon'• wi-dow. 11 countrlee have ree- DOnded to her requ.t to all heada of state to help rnab the ll1and 0 a prden of love: an 1allnd ln wTUch all nadocw could 1row to1ether In harmony.'' Sln1era Paal Slmoa and Art OJl'faut. reunited foe a five-week concert tour of Europe and Japen next mon- tl'), say th,ey may tour the United Stat.ea together or collaborate on another album. The festival will be held April 30 through May 2 at the U.S . Army Engineers' Toad Suck Park. "We oertalnly want to preeerve the memory and the legend and the romance of Toad Suck ferry,'' Ward aald. STRAWBERRY FIELDS -Yoko Ono, widow of alain Beatie John Lennon, polnta to model of area of New York's Central Parle to be ded.Jcated "Strawberry Fields," after a Beatles llOllg. The 19609 liln8iJ'\8 duo aot together f« a concert in N""ew York lut fall after 11 yean • aoloi.atl. But they told a news con- ference In l,.ondon on Mon- day they won't remain a double act forever. Silverfish bothersom e DEAR PAT: I moved ID to a new apartment ucl fiad mat ~ere were prevloat teaaat• -1llverfl1b. Tiley la.Ide la tlae closet u~n·m worried tbat ~eJ eat wool. Do ~ey? Bow cu I set rid of t~m? · .-S.C., Colla Mn& Silverfish .eldom damage wool, so don't worry. Their pre- ferred menu includes cereal, paper that has glue on it (wallpaper, book bindlnp, envelopes), starch in clothing, rayon or linen fa- brics. -· Insecticides available to control silverfish are liquida, bait packets, dust or powders. Carefully follow manufacturen' di- rections and cautions when uaing these products. Apply aeroeol spray (any which lilta sllverflah on the label will be effective) directly on the door and window casings, bueboarda, closets, bookcuea and areas where pipes go through wall.a. Use bait packets.by placing them in locations in which the ~ hide such u closets, under rugs, In bookcases. Use a bulb duster. powder blower or plastic 9Quet!Ze bottle to use dwt or powders. Depmit a fine layer at places mentioned for spray conttol. Unless the materials become wet, they remain effective indefinitely. You may need to apply a eecond treatment if con1roJ ta not achieved 1n about three weeks. Alao, follow label precautions if you have peta. -• "Got • problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat wf11 t cut red ta~, getfln6 the an.wen and action you • 1 need to aolve 11>«.lulfiei in government and buat.neaJ. Mail .)QD" quesDc:nt to Pat Horowi~ At Your Service, ,... •:Orange Cout Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'80, Costa ' I . Mesa, CA 92618. A6 many letters • pcmi,. w1.ll be amwered, but phcn«J tnqui.rls or Jetten not incJuding tM re.a· rkr'• fuJJ l'MIDX', adclre9 and bcaineil hours' phone number can- not be coMidered." Le1end has it that workers {rom the ateamboata that trave- led on the river would stop at a tavern ln that area and "suck on the bottle until they swell up like toads." Hence the name. "It ls a very unusual name," Ward uid. "U you don't unden- tand Toad Suck, then you per- haps have to take a dim view." Ward said Toad Suck Daze evolved because Conway hun't had a community or regional ce- lebration before. The council of toads -local people who are Interested in preterving Toad Suck'• memory -ia supervising the festival. The man who looks most like a toad and the woman who looka least like one are to reign aa king and queen. Bill Steed, wh~ operates Croaker Colleae in California to train frap for jumping cont.esi., Is to supervise the jumping toed.a. "Nothing will 'ive me more pleasure than helplfl8 chanse the toad's poor eelf-lmqe from ugly, dirty, clumsy, warty and stupid to handsome, clean -cut and swift," Steed sald. Ward said people are wrong wher: they say toadtrog. "A frog is one thing,'' he said. "A toad ia another." Toads live on land, not near the bulk of a pond or creek like frop, he said. Alda pref erred as 'ideal' boss Actor Alu Alda would be the ldeal ax._ according to a aurvey of aecretaries throug- hout the nation. Manpower Inc., a tempo- rary help firm, said 325 se- cretaries lt surveyed in con- nection with Profemional Se- cretaries Week choee the star of the TV .eriea "M-A-S-H." Some of the words eecretarles used to describe him were "compaulonate," "creative" and "oonacientioua. Runnerup was talk show hoat Plltl Donun, followed by Prealdent Rea1aa, TV anchorman Du Rat~er and columnist Erma Bombeek. in that order. Progreaaive Saving• & Loan Aaaociatlon wants to reach the bulinem people of Beverly Hilla. 10 it's "starting at the top" by paying former Secretary of State Beary A. Klulager to speak today when its ne w corporate headquarten opens. Kiaainger'a scheduled pu- blic appura.noe ls one of his flrat since he underwent Why buy o r lease yo ur new Porsche or Audi fro m just any dealership when you can get the special treatment at Park. ., ...... At Park Po rsche/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service. Your· new Park Porsche or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You 'II also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, he re to answer all your automotive questions. And, if you'd like ~~(.... to pick up your new automobile right from the factory,, ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-PO=i)(l-i ;f AU Di cated to giving you the first class treatment you deser"e. UNLIKE ANY OTHER diffe~~~~ in and discover the Park Porsche/Audi ~ ~ --T --~-- PLANS TRIP -Libyan strongman Moammar Khadafy will make an of- ficial state visit to Greece from April 30 to May 2. He will have talks with Pre- mier Andreas Papanc;lreo~. o pen-heart surgery in Fe- bruary. It' a alao the first Ume the lectUJ'e-<."1rcult favorite ia helplng booet a finandal in- ati tu tion, said Washington D.C. spokeswoman Susan McFarlane. "When we reached for a name, we started f'ilht al the top with Mr. Kissinger,'' as- sociation President Loa E . Harmon said. FLY Act:rell Brada Baet, who killed hene11. made her final appearance Tuesday u the .eductiw Lee Will.lama on the NBC soap opera "Days of Our Lives,~· The last eoene ln which she appeared WM taped b~~ Benet before she shot lf April 7. The disappearance of her character, a vUlainoua leduc.- trela, will be left unexplained until May 13, said producer Ket1 CordaJ. He uid be could not reveal what explanation would be given. The character of Lee Wil- li ams will be temporarily wntlen out of the ahow. At a later date, tbe role will be recast with another actl9I.. Dr,. E. Marpret BartaWc• wlll receive the Catherine Wolfe Bruce medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the Un iversity of <:alifomla announoed.. A former director of En- gland' a Royal Greenwich Obeervatory, abe is director of the Center for Astrophysics and Space Science at UC'a San Diego camp-. Dr. Burbidge la the fint woman to receive the award, eatabliahed 84 years ago. AND DUY. P8'tl Porache/Audt lfwtt• you to • epeclal ftening. Taking a European vacation? . Join us for complimentary wine, cheese and travef films, on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will Introduce Its all new, unique and unlike any other European • Delivery Program. Our expert travef advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picklng up your new car in Europe. For more Information can 714/521-8621 or 213/921-7744. UNLIKEANYOTHER ~ ...... 6700 Manchester Btvd. ;ogo..-/ J'uDI Buena Park, Ca 90621 ' .. r l I l ,.. .. • NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION ... ,,., .... JllC"U" , ...... " , ...................... ••CIPI(, , ••• totfO.~ •• HOIT .... cu·~······ ITOC• ............. lll'Ollfl•"' '"' ........... .,, • ., Heriiage Bank chief named H.E. "Sm" S~ of ~ ba1 beet\ na- med pretldent of Herltap Bank, Rober\ D. Hoyt, w ho WU elected pnl!lll- dent of the bank'• newly formed holdtna company. Httrlta1e Bancorp. . At 38, S ledna r la ontt of the younaat bank p...ideni. 1n Southern California. Slnce July, 1971, he haa terved aa executive vice prfll· dent. Heritage operates eight of· flea ln Orange County and one ln San Diego. Mexican b eer promotion due Superior, a beer ln Mexico, will be promoted ln major California markets through a radio and print advertising campaign beginning this month. Manuel Femandn, president of Moctnwna Im· poru, Inc .• West Coast importer of Superior, said the campaign will be aimed at both Hispanic and An&)o comm unit.ea. Created by Buan & Aaod.ates of Newport Beech, Moctezuma'• advertlaing and public relations agency, the adv.erttslng effort wlll kick off w ith 60-aecond sports on Hlapanic_radio stations In both Northern and Southern Califorrua. Prescriptions computerized Shoppen Drug Mart of Toronto haa begun what event~y will be a nationwide system of presc:ription proceaamg computers throughout Canada'• larget1 pharmacy chain with the inatallation of two mlnJ· ~mpu~rs manufactured by POINT 4 Data Corpora- tion, Irvine. Software syst em introduced A &0ftware system that permits MSU88a ~I handheld computers to generate internally their own customized data entry application programs haa been introduced by MSI Data Corporation, c.o.ta Mesa. Crock er cuts mortgage rate Crocker Bank has lowered ata home mortgage rate to 16~ percent from 16~ percent. The ~ate applies to Crocker's five-and seven· year mortgages which are amortized over 30 years. Computer earnings dip Computer Automation, Inc., a manufacturer of diversified computer products. rePorted a net W. of $542,000, or 26 cents a share, and revenues of $16 . 119,000 for the third quarter ended March 31. • ' The comi::::'~ said overall results of the quarter were aubstan · y less than the net income of $413,- 000, or 20 cents a share, and revenues of $18 377 000 for the same period last year. ' ' PSA declares diyidend PSA Inc. directors declared a cash dividend of 15 cents pef share to shareholders of ~rd on April 29. The dividend will be paid May l'\. · STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YOM (AP)-S.., T.-dey't IW1oe and net ch1ng1 ol Ill• len moll 1ct1v1 Am«lc:M 81odl !xdlllftOI I-. llldlf'IG ~almorelhMl1. ~. ,,.,.. h ~ 1~ "'; .. ~ = .~=~ Ttl! C-. I .,.. IM + "' =~ ~ ·m: jl4 ~· .... .._ : .. .....,,,: • ftt .::: .: -~ NEW ~tAP! FINI 0....--. ..... ~oals.......,· ,_ a IO Ind '='IJ ::r,, ~ =-~ JO Tm l>f7 74 MUO >a.It JO.It-U> IS Vil ~ ~ 111.11111.tJ •••••• ~ _..,...., __ J.t1 r,.., ~ Ulllt , ..... 16"" = WHAT STOCKS oiiJS: r-a '" .,. mt Jt ,. Nf:W V'Oi'I( (A~ ,_ a T"" "' M 1 ns u " METALS -r--. ...... -;. '111 m -la 1 .., I. Vaseline Victory? Perry· fans 13 for win No. 298 . DETERMINATION -Matt Carrico (11) of F.Btancia, goes in the air to spike a ball in a• Sea Viaw League crucial volleyball match ~,... ,,..._~,...... O'DMw .. with Costa Mesa Tuesday night. Estancia won ln flve games to take over flrat place. See story on Page B7. SEATI'Llt (AP) -"If I can a•t five or •he run1 like that" veteran rlaht-hander Gaylord Perry Mid l.fter hll 298th career vlctorr. ''I can wtn a lot of ,unee.' "I feel mut -belt I've felt in lOyeen.'r . Perry atruck out a 1eUOn-h1ah 13 in 7 ~ lnn1nP u the Seattle Marrnere held oft the Angeli, e~. Tueeday nlaht. "I HAD A GREAT forkball, 11tder and futball," Perry aald. "My curveball wasn't u 1harp·u lt has been.'' The 13 ltrikeoutl aet a Mariner club record and l.ncreued Perry'• career total to 3,3~9. No. 2 on the all-time lilt. Walter JohlllOn had 3.~. Perry left with the bue9 loa- ded. Reliever Mike Stanton got ·pinch-hitter Darryl Sconlera to ground Into an apparent double play, but 1hort.1top Todd Cruz'• relay throw to flret waa wide. However, 1econd baae umpire S\eve Palermo called Sconlen o\lt at flrat, ruling that the Angell' Tim Foll had interfered with Czuz. 'That call nullified two Angel ruN. •'IF YOU CAN touch, it'1 a le- gal allde," said Angell' Manager Gene Mauch, who filed a fonnal protest on Palermo'• call. "Foll said he could touch second. Pa- lermo told Foll that he (Foll) did touch. In front of Bobby Knoop and (flret base umplre-Gttg) K.oec." In the seventh, Mauch com- plained to home plate umpip~ Nick Bremigan that Perry wu loading the ball with vaaellne. "The umpire aald, 'I can't aee anything,' "said Mauch, when he ahQwed a ball to Bremigan. "l said 'All you have to do is feel It.' "Gaylord Perry will be and should be In the Hall of Fame. There should be a tube of jelly next to the plaque.'' RICHIE ZISlt and Manny CasUllo each drove in two rum to lead Seattle'& 12-hlt attack that mapped the Anaell' aeven-game winning streak. P~rry 1truck out every better in the Angela' ·~ lineup at least once with the exception of Foll in the 7 ~ 1nn1nas he work.eq before giving way to Stanton. Perry ~e up a 1-doU double to Juan uez in the etchth. One out later, Baylor llnlJed Beniquez home. Dou1 DeC1nce9 and Foll followed with li.J\llel to load the buea and Perry WH lifted for Stanton. The Martnen broke on top 4-3 with a three-run fifth Inning, hiahliahted by Todd Crun RBI double that acored Dave Hen- denon all the way from firet baae. Hendenon had alngled with one out. CRUZ WENT to third on the throw home, and after Julio Cnu walked and 1tole aecond, Cutil- lo'• grou.ndout .JCOttd Todd Cnu. After reliever Andy Hauler, in place of starter Angel Moreno, walked Bruce Bochte, Richie Ziak singled home Julio Cruz. The Angell had staked Moreno to a 2--0 lead In the lint inning on Bobby Grich'• two-run triple, ~ iiCored Brian Downing and Rod Carew, both of whom had ai.ngled Seattle picked up a run in Ill half of the tint on Cutillo'• sin- gle, which ICOred Julio Cruz, who had walked to open the inning and raced to third on Moreno's errant pickoff attempt. The Angela made the ICOre 3-1 in the second when DeCinces doubled and llCOred on Downing's aing)e. Jackson seems to have found a hill he can't climb Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but ... •It can now be said with the proper degree of res~t. remorse and regret ... Reggie Jackson la over the well known hill. SPORTS.COLUMNIST heart to show for 21 years of service. Teele, now with the ~ Diea.o Chargers, showed considerable class In accepting what was probably the result of a twinge of con.:ience. •Surely Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would not accept anything as humiliating as a trade to San Diego~ · •The Angels passed up shortstop Mark Belanger wh~ went Crom the Bal- timore Orioles to the Dodgen . . . But, of course, the Angela had no way of knowing they would klee Rick Burleeon. •The hours of dialogue seem rather incredible because the bottom line on the Los Anfeles Coliseum and a National Footbal League franchlae ia that Los Angeles is the richest pro football area on the face of the earth . . . Now or in the future which might belong to cable television and the figures thrown around are two million homes at $10 per game. •U Renaldo Nehemiah haa-the talent and moxie -not to mention durability -to make it as a wide receiver with the San Francisco 49ers, Howard Coeell will receive a series of Mr. Nice Guy awards. •Ted Turner -Teddy Ballgam,, if you prefer -can tell you in three days or· less why the Atlanta Braves are for real. •Desiree Wilson, the latest female auto race driver to appear at lndlana- polla, will probably get the same ap- praisal 500 winner Bobby Unser once· gave Janet Guthrie . . . ''U she doesn't get WI all killed on the track. we may all die laughing." •Guesta who left a recent party at the Balboa Bay Club were astounded at Georgia Frontiere, Madame Ram, ma- king a surprlae presentation of a gold watch to Jack Teele who was forced out of the Rams organization with a broken •On this date 20 years ago, the Is it madnesS or injustice? How else do you explain the county all-star selections U it isn't evident by now that aome changes are needed for the annual Orange County All-star football game, than someone isn 't putting much thought into what's been going on. When Ediaon High'• Ken Major isn't invited, there's ldffiethlng wrong. When El Toro'a Damon Sweazy isn't invited, something'a wrong. When Estancia High's Jim ~cCahill, Marina11 Jeff Frandaen, Laguna Beach's Damon Berryhill aren't invited . . . well, this list could go on and on. The· game features a North-South format and the rosters of the two teams are made up trom over 60 IChools, which translates to le. than one player per 1ehool. Obviously the answer Ian 't to Increase the number of players selected, that just means more aittina on the bench. What's needed I.a another game -a double--header with a 4-A game coupled with a 3-A, 2-A game. Too many deserving players are being left out and It'• not a matter of the coach choosing the wrong pla~. There's been speculation that maybe the All- 1tar football same should be plafed at Anaheim Stadium, rather than Orange c.o.t College, but the f.-ct I.a that only a couple of games in the Rries have commanded a crowd rival.ing 8,000 and mast are' in the e.~ catepy. Add another game, ~more players and the crowd Is more like 1~.000. And lf you think all this would water down the pme, well, does anyone rally think the additian of Ken Majer would water anythina down? Letters trom boo9ters at ~ H1Ch and Bl Toro are Pthertnc du.t be.re, lamentina on the f.-ct tbllr saaMOut WM left. OUL ~·lilt of credentlala could fW the rest of Wt column. Suffice to •Y he's a flm team All-CIJ' Dtvillon I quanerbeck with near-70 percent com-C stadltb and heeded for the Univentty of PAEP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON Mark Templeton (the CIF Division II Player of the Year) and El Modena'• Jim Torok. who ICOt"ed aome 25 touchdowns or 110 and happens to be the apple of the coach's eye. Well, it's hard .to argue with El Modena Coach Bob Lester's choices, but neverthelea there are some clua players left out. How about Fountain valley'• Rod Emery? Another All..ctF star and headed for Nevada- Las Vegas after competing In the Shrine Game in Pasadena. Emery, too, ta left oul Last year a quarterback from La8una Beech High wu laJlored -the ume problem, no room for Lance Stewart. So Lance Stewart swallowed the ~:t­ ment, then pr'Ot'ftded to lead Sadd1ebeck to a perfect record and earn a ticket to the Univenlty of California. 'Ibe examplee are but only a few. Really, to earn a berth in the <>rana County AJl .. atar pane shouldn't require All-CU" 1tatu1. There are a bundle of standout.I who ,et aced out of that rat rac., too. The polnt ... however, the dme • here fOf' the ~body, the Brea Uolll Club, to correct lht Tb1a yeu°'• too late, I IU~. But it doem't have to Mpperi ..,.in. And who k:nowlT With. tWo IUMI. maybe the 1ame could Juatlfy Anaheim St.9d1um • a playtnc lite. • • CllSC&INO AROUND -The fifth ~· County AU....,. ~ pme Is 19\ f« J--4 at D Taro ffW\, f• a mm and -·• lll!M ... Marini Hilh'• •k --~ letter of lntent to attend UCLA on a 8eholanhlp. He'1 lbt ftnl ~to -.W a championship of the National Basketball Auociation had been decided and the winning team had been on vacation for two weeks. • •It was more than a trifle amusing recently to hear Dodger players refer to members of another team as "hot dogs." •&keel if he feela h1I team has a good shot at winning the American League West championship, Angels Manager Gene Mauch replies, "vie have a better than good shot.'' •It is understandable that Forum officials are completely at a loss to ex- plain where the abusive and obscene element -particularly visible during the Kings-Edmonton playoff series - comes from . . . It also figures aa diffi- cult to figure the motivation of these animals _ FERNANDO WINS -Fer- nando Valenzuela went the distance for the Dodgers Tuesday night. Dodgers' • Ineet1ng pays off LOS ANGELE.5 (AP) -Loe Angeles Dodgers Manager Tom Laaorda gathered his struggling team for another of hia cfOsed: door meetings before Tuesday evening's game with the Houston Ast.roe. But this one was different. The Dodgen' manager said only a few word.<and then left, suggesting to his players they continue the meetina. "I told them to atay In there and talk among themaelves . . . about baleball," said Luorda. It paid off. The Dodgers, in their biggest batting display of the young season, snapped their six-game. losing streak with a 10-2 batte- ring of the A5troe. Loa Ange les battered three Ho uston pitchers for 19 hits, matching their season high In hits of a year ago. And Fernando Valenzuela, last year's National LeagU'e Cy Young Award winner, was the stopper. He acatt.ered eight bi.ta in pitching the Dodgers' lirst com- plete game of the aeuon. Besides his brief ap~ at the pregame meeting, Lasorda adjusted his linellp, replacing slow-atartln~ Pedro Guerrero with Rick Monday In right fJeld. Monday responde d with a home run hla first time to the plate, and then singled home another run in the eighth when the Dodgen wrapped It up with four runs in their biggest inning in two weeka. "We're not just a ball club built around one guy who pitchea every fiv~ days, Monday aaid, alluding t.0 Valeruuela. ''But he's a vital part of iL He'• amazing. With all that went on in aprina traintnC, he knew he'd be under the magnifyinR glaal. ,, Luorda agrftd, aaytnc, t'Thia waa a big game. We needed it very deeperately.'' · Valenzuela, 2-1, atruck out 9eVeD and walked only one. He aald he-felt fine, that be waa making good 'tchea, and edded, "I hope that 1 the end of our alump.'' Ray Knlaht IOCked a '-d«f homer' in tM top ol the woed, matched in the bottom of the .cxmd bJ ~·· flnt..._. of the ...,., only ttw eeY- mth foe the Dode•• k linaled home a in '1Mt faurdl ol.f __. W .TheDDd- 111'1 IQl an _,.. run la tM ftf&b ud dMla put it •••J ta ....... .., ........ --·' ......... ~ Iii &be et1btb, Lot An1eln ............... '° ......... ...... .. E Km 1ADdl ... ....... .. .. ltllAtlmll .,., ............. ... la .. 4!11]!111~· ' . .. I ~ . ·l ii -i.: • .. SCENE OF HOLOcAU8T -This was the scene at just one among scores of Anahein} apartment (:9mplexes that was de- stroyed by flames early today as gale-fo.rce Santa Ana winds knocked down power lines and started fires in both Anaheim ahd Garden Grove. Burned out complex here was located at Ball Road and Loara Street in Anaheim. Early reports esti- Deir,..."'""~ o.y ...... : mated damage at $50 million, and witnesses said the de- vastated Anaheim area looked like the aftermath ol a bom-- bing during war. • • ome ess 1n ires Woman loses all in bla-ze By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( IN Dally "9ot II.rt Esther Lichman sat' In the gymna&um of Ball Junior High School in Anahelm this morning al)d quietly wept. Everything she. owried, Mn. Lichman said, had been de- stroyed in the wind-driven blaze that gut~ and charred 'rows of apartment buildings n ear the intersection of Ball Road and Euclid Avenue. The fire, believed to be one of Orange County's worst, de- stroyed Dearly 50 buildinp, fire officials said. The flames, propelled by 50 to 60 mph eusts of wind, leaped from building to building around the busy intersection, sending acrid plumes of smoke over the Anaheim skyline not far from Disneyland. ANAHEIM BLAZE -Firemen battle·one area people in Anaheim this morning. The firemen of a fire involving two dozen apartment com-were caught from behind when fire broke out plexes and homes displacing several hundred at left, forcing their retreat. Nearly 200 evacuees like Mrs. Llchman were sent to the Red 0'09 shelter at Ball Junior High by 10 a.m. to grab when they were forced from their apartments at about dawn. Many carried small pets and the few belonginp they had time "EVerytlµng of mine is demo- llsbed; my apartment ls gone," ' . ... WORL D · · · Falklands crisis 'stupidity' Those aold, treeless, aomber Wanda over which Britain afid Argentina are threatening to go to war are monuments ·to nationalistic an4_ militarlltic stupidity. 'Page A12. NATION I . Doing things differently .. Hard times have chanaed Americana' behavior. They'~ hanaina on to the oi)d car kJa&m' than they ueed to, not rnovtn1 u frequently and l•ai'ninl .to . make do with thinp. P..-83. 'Mimiletown' 1erie. eloee11 Th• 1Ut •JUode of the far·.....,..~but aon~ · v....W Mli• of,....... ~aa llunde, Ind . ..,._...OD telMilaft ..... t. ~Al. Mn. Liebman, an elderly wo- man, said. . Neigbbon and her slater-ln- law sat next to Mra. Liebman, each telllne a aimilar story of STATE being told to evacuate by J>Olice and lire off.Id.ala aa 11'.DOke t>epn pouring through their wiDdowa. Newlyweds I>rew and Dianne (See EVACUATION, Pase A!) State's population up California gained about half a million residents aiJa the 1980 census, but Orange County fll'eW more slowly than the state. Pap A6. ·Pendleton watches over tern Alonl with the milltary tra1nina liven M.artnea. Camp Pendleton of fictala conc:em them1elve. wt th protecttna the rare leut tern. Face A8. COUNTY • Inferno county's worst By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ull GLENN SCOTT OftlleDelJNeelt.lft A fire that ignited when wind-blown power lines sparked a1ainst a palm tree awept through a section of Anaheim thia morning destroying about ADDmONAL PHOJQS, STORY -Pase Bl 400 apartment units and leaving at leut 1,000 people hornele11. Offictala speculated that the fire, fueled by Santa Ana winds.. was the moat destructive res- idential fire In Orange County history. Hot winds with 50-60 mph gusts alao fanned two other de- structive bla.zes this morning in Garden Grove and Stanton. Hundreda of fittftghters arri-vina on ICOl"e9 of enatnes mana- ged to pin control ol the vicious Anahe[m fire by mid-morning. Howewr, 42 bulldinel-moet of them apartment complexes - WeN dettroyed, leavi.na pockets of devMtation within a two-mlle INDEX A4 A12 JM-5 B2 A5 B2 DS-1 AlO AlO D2 A12 AH Cl-14 SPORTS Deir ............. FIRE SITES -Map indi~ ca'tes area near Ball Road and Euclid Street in Anaheim where fire destro_yed apart- ment complexes. Second fire on Allen Drive in Garden Grove al.lo shown. square In a section of the city filled with rows of wooden- roofed apartments. Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simpson estimated that 100 apartment unita were conaumed by the fire that hopped throuah the re1lon bounded by J:uclld Street on the west, Palm Lane to the IOUth, Chateau Place to the (See FIRES, Pap .U) B2 B2 A14 B4 A3 IM.llil-3 .... 82 • ~ ,..13 Al4 A2 Al .. . IRES IN COUNTY ... orth and Loar• Street to the t. Monetary io. ttcuree weren't .evallable thil momina. althouah tom• offlclala volunttered die obvioul -the COit will run ln the JDl.Wona. No Mrloua Jnjurlet were re- ported, althouah seven people Hqulred treatment, aaid Ana· t.etm ~lice 1poknman Werner ~ llael One ftrefiahter 1uffered • e.noke lnbalatlon, another had eec:onct ctesree bums. three rem- ~--we"' hoapttallzed and two othen suffered minor heart at- tacks, he aald. Identitle1 of the victim• weren't Immediately available. Wind• carried the fire from one building to the next, and fi- refighters credited a alackehing : of the wind to their aucceu in 1 • mntro~ the fire at 8:45 a.rn. : In Garden Grove, five hOWleS :iin NellOn Street caught fire to- day after power llnea were top- , g~Jed ln high wlndl, lgnitlng gas 1><.,eten. Damue was estimated at n ~.ooo. said Garden Grove fire a-i~ Brad Spell. Two hundred residenta were -evacuated ln that fire, in whlch two of the houses were burned to the sround 1tnd several minor. injuries were reported. * * * EVACUATION. Whittaker, neighbor• of Mrs. t:,J.4chman, said everything they biR,wned apparently was destroyed rn the blaze. The Whiuakera and Mrs. rl'1Jchman lived ai 1640 Ball Boad, ·c~ from the small apartment ·~ildlngs where thia morning's s liiaaatrous blaze is believed to ~~~man'1 ahter-in-law, Mn. Sara Siegel, said, "The <>ttnoke woke me up. The smoke -':>CJame riJOlt lnto my wlndow." rrf Unlike Mrs. Liebman, the r.9tartled Mrs. Siegel was told by a '..heighbor that her ground-floor 'fri'lpartment had not been burned. The elderly tenant said she L!!:f'U carried out of her apartment t.'~ a neighbor when police began evacuating the complex. One resident of the building at 1660 Palm Lane aa..ld ahe beard an explosion in a building acrcm the 1treet from her. She said a AOlice officer pounded on her <i>or and told her to pb whate- ver she could. · "He told me I had three mi- nutes to get out," she said. . Another resident of the Palm Lane building, Gloria Schaeffer, said she lost between $70,000 and f80,000 in antique furnishings, 1 Jplus oil 'paintings, furs.. diamonds ;f!.nd a piano. An employee of a 16'fustin insurance firm, Ms. 1.I . ln Stanton, a third fire de· 1tro)'*I the Pw\ft Plj»e. Supply Co. at K.ateUa end Dile ttr.t.. A.her moll of the Anaheim fire waa douaed, shaken tffidenta wn rnill1nl around theU' netah- bor hood. Many were cryto11 others carried handful• df do· th.Ina aalvqed before the Oamee hiL At one crlUcal point in the battle, firefllhten aet up a line o.i Euclid to prevent the blue f(om cro11ln1t the street and invading a neighborhood of ~family homel. Althouih • few amall root flrel were repor- ted tl\ere, the blue wu 1topped. There wu no apedflc figure on the number of fireffaht.en at the acene, although companiea arri- ved with about 100 engl.nea from such nearby juri8dictiona as Ful- lerton, Garaen Grove, Weat- mlnater, Huntington Beach, Loe Angelea County and Orange County. In at leut one ln.atance, real· dents were credited by witnellel with saving an apartment buil- dlnl( near Euclid and Palm. Sev- eraf youths were aeen at.anding on the wood-1hake roof of the building kicking burning embers off as they floated down. The building did not bum. * * * e e Schaeffer said she hu no insu- rance. A typical scene at the evacua- tion cen~r thia morning lncluded teary reuniona of netgbbon who would inform one anot her of whether their buildi.np were atiU at.anding. Much of the area ra- embled a battle zone u police, fire officiall and Red Cro11 workers directed the crowd. \Police helicoptera whirred overhead and many streeta were barrlcadecf to divert traffic from the general fire zone. A IChool offidal said many of t.he people usi.na the facility were the parent.a of children who at- tend Ball ·Junior High. Students at the school were confined to three large classrooms to free apace for the shelter. A. part of the rescue efforta, the Red Crou announced that donationa could be tent to P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, 92711. The collection wu belng coordl- na ted by John Seymour, aenator-elect In the 3~th state Senate district. whose former real estate office was destroyed by the fire. The Anaheim Marriott Ho1el, ln answer to Bed era. appeala, offered free toom1 to thoee left homeless. Pel'80na dilplaced by the flrea were asked to contact Mark Goodman, director of pu- blic relations at the hotel. Bellerue • to quit in Aµgust By STEVE Ml'l'CBBLL ~ .............. They tried to ,SV. her a year, but Sally Belleru• told fellow La1una Beach City Council memben Tu.day ahe wU1 only acc•pt the mayor'• poet uotfl A~t. "I'd like to be mayor for one year, and that year enda tn AU.USt," the eilht-:month mayor aakf followinl her nomination by tre1hman council member Bob Gentry. . ''That'• when I want to ~on the baton," the 1mtlln1 mayor Mid. City Clerk Verna Rollinger awore in new counctl members Gentry. Bobble Minkin and Dan Kenney ln rapld faalUon Tu.day night amld1t cheera from a chamber full of their support.en. The new council memben will 1erve with Mra. Belhfrue and Councilman Nell' Fitzpatrick, each of whom have two yeara remaln1nl in thelr terma. Mrs. Bellerue wu appointed mayor last year when former Mayor Wayne Baglln atepped down from the council to accept a job 1n Saudi Arabia. Fttzpatriek, who lndlcated lut week he wouldn't mind a turn as mayor, waa unanimou1ly ap- pointed as mayor pro tem until August, at whJch time a new council vote for the two postl will be held. Once the election ot the top two council members waa ac· compll1hed, the new membera wasted no time in indicating projects and chan4ies they'd like to aee occur in the near future: -Bob Gentry said he wanted to meet immec:Hately with John Gabriela and the Legal Aid So- dety to work out a aolution to a law1uit filed by Gabriela regar- ding the Sycamore Hlll1 land sale. Gentry a1lo aaid he wanted to appeal a p.ro)ect a~veaby the Design Review d for a · two-1tory bu1ine11 on Forest Avenue and South Coast High- way. · -Bobbie Minkin asked for. and received, endor1ement for a public meeting on the dty'1 local coastal plan, saying LCP com- mittee memben were unsatisfied with the prior council's action on the plan. Laguna trea surer r ecovers al home Beach Oty Treaaurer Fran ehardt la recovering at home wing a two-week stay in the hospital whett the under- wen\ major aurgery. A family member said 1he looks forward to returning to her duties at City Hall in the near future. Sunriy and warm . •, • Strong gusty wlndt. continued v I -rm. l Contal, Inland towt In 50a. • Coeatal, Intend hight In 70t, 80t. • I Wiier 82. 1 , EIMwtlere, tmell craft advitory for arua below canyons from Santa Batbala to ~ dlla , ' l to tocel nort'--1 wlnda OI 20 to 3S knota wtth wind wavea 4 to 8 IMC deaeeling bUt toc.ily IS to 2S mph tonight with atronger gusts EIMwMrt. I 10 2-toot wind waves. wfndt southwest I to IS knots during afternoons today end Thursday. Light varlabta wlndl tonlgtlt and Thursday mor-ning W"1"1y swtlll 1 to 2 feet. Local •r-Of daflN log. V .S. summary ~--·-•CC*nda. New Maioco, nortnern Mlch~n ancl the Dekotn today .. ...,_. and ~atonna -• ecettered from south c.ntral Tuai to th• centrel Gulf Coeat. Cloudy lklee prt1Yalled O¥el' Iha middle and northtm Atlenllc Coell 11a1 .. 11 rain and anow fell on nonnern Me!N. Felr weeltw pre- valted over tile remainder of the netlOn. Sunny lklel -• el(pKted to-day lfom Calllornla throutl'I tl'le "°"""" Aoc:klel. nor1'wll ......... end northern two-third• OI th• Mlllltlllppl V*'t Into IN weetem OrHt Lakea and w .. tern Ohio Vl/llf1t. H1gt1a 1n ttie aoa _. expec:tec1 over Ill• nor111ern and H1tet11 ~ LaMe .ittl eo. fller Aotlcle. aoutllern Celllornla and "" loulh-1 deelrtl, AMflntl Ill tlll 10. and 70• .. ,. IOf ... •I *'II tM bNfn ........ (Ml CoeM end "°"' .. hallo CCl9I IO .. ~ ........ lllF,_I ...,..,""' .... .,....'""" 40a end 508. T.,,..,.,...... ~ lt'9 ~ ••''Y todrY ran .. d from t4 111 Met~te, MIClll., to 71 In K ... w.t.AL Ptenet -e not ell0'#9d to land • at LAX from 5 p.m .• when llfaibllty dropped below 1,800 IHI, until 7:50 p.m .• I Federll A'Mtion M- mlnl9trallon duty oftloer uld. 0.- partw• ""~-Northent wlnda betw .. n 24 and 45 mc>ti -ptlng • high -6S mph -pt~ tr..,,.. ed\11- aorlea lor mountain p-. to- night TM Senta Ana llllo COUid generate dtl«I dUltllonna. High• et beacllH Thursday ehould be ~ 74 and 84. Hight In the mountain• were expected~ S2 and 82 alter overnight low• between 34 a11d .... Oel«t wtndt aholAd decf- Thur1d1y, .when lllgha ere lore- C41ll between 84 and 74 In hlotl de1«11 and ea to 12 In tow * -u. ~,. --- Temperature• UrNtF• ' Hartford Helene NATION HOnolulU "' "-'1:r ~ Albeny 74 32 . lndnaplla = 61 34 Jeckan MS 54 27 . Jedlemtla ....,.,.... 74 64 .01 l<ar'8 City Atlanta 73 68 .oe U.Vegea AIMnlcCty 57 53 .02 UttM Aodl Aull.Ill 70 64 .eo &..oui.Yllle Baltlmore 87 68 Lllbl>Oek BllinOI 50 32 =-=" 73 51 .OI 41 32 ...... Bolla 54 St Mple-8lP Botton 71 65 .....,.. Brownevle ... 12 Nllw0rtear'8 "'"* I a aa ..10 NllwYortl =='°" T2 .. .s' . Notioll 37 ,, Mo ....... a.tllnlC 72 ... .6t Oka.Qty Ctw1ltn WV . .... .oe ()maM ~NC 12 54 . t7 Ortendo =:-36 15 .oe =:"' 80 30 Olndnnetl 13 M .01 :rt. ~ ~= . ot amble IC .70 Nanci.~ COlullllM M II ,QI fl'nMml• 09..fl .. • 80 ~Qty = •1 12 .07 • 20 .oe ""'° O.Molrm It 11 lllltl.AM DWolt •1 11 IMMtonlO Oulllltl .. 23 ...... flPeeo .. 41 .. , 91:art '"'° .. at ........ ~ •• II L.OUll .. •• .:. f'• .. ------ 50 so St P·Tempe 16 68 7t 64 SI Ste Mll1e 34 t7 50 24 ~ 55 31 13 71 Syracuae 74 31 It 81 ..51 TOl*la 68 2t 12 33 .02 Tuceon 13 50 73 81 '·" Tim t7 31 .. 86 w~ t7 51 " 21 WlcMa ' 61 32 ... 41 18 47 C~ONU 18 15 letlerwlle4d to 57 ,. 8lytlle ao .. 41 Eur.U 75 13 17 .F~ 80 41 27 ,01 L.,_., 71 ... 26 ~=-18 18 41 ,Ot " 18 .. ~.tll · Montiny Tl • 11 ,..... 71 7t Ill o.lltlnd IO ... 22 P..O~ It ., 4i Red""" 17 H at AedWOOd City 80 to .. 8ecflrnlnto 76 71 57 ' Selll'IM 12 .. llt Sen Diego 14 17 37 Sen FnnallOO 7t 11 41 lellta ..,...,.. • 16 to lellta .... " M IO tcoc$10rl 7t ... IO •• ThenNI • 47 • UkWI IO .. . ..,.,.. n N :: = ..... • •17 .oa =. 17 4' .. ... M IO . .. , .. L9nee.otl 17 .. .... MorinMI IO 41 It ... .... Wlaall . ., ....... leedl 71 • Onwto .. " ........ I r. ......... ... _.... IO IO .... .,... IO • ... AN . .. ... ONI I ,,~ TUIM ON THE BEACH -Efforts were being made today to keep the 50-foot ketch, Dama, from sliding back into the Ra after it went on the beach near "M" Street on the Balboa Peninsula Delly Hot ~ bf LM PIJIMI Tuesday night. Unidentified skipper made a wrong turn about 9 p.m . in den1e fog and missed the entrance to Newport Hart.,r. Har- bor Department said trio aboard weren't hurt. Coast slayer convicted An Orange County Superior Court jury convicted a Newport Beach man of second-degree murder Tuesday for th~atabblng death of a Laguna Niguel engi· neer who was dating tbe defen- dant'• estranged wile. Moat jurors, however. were startled to learn after an.noundng their verdict that there was aub- 1tantlal additional prosecution' evidence that wu never intro- duced and which, they said, could have affected their delibe- rations. _ The six-man. six-woman panel returned with it.a verdict after deliberating for more than a week in Patrick J . Fogarty's murder trial. Dealer wins • reprieve on cars display Laguna Classic Motors dealer Don Rackema.nn won a reprieve, Of IOJ'la, from the Laguna Beach City Council in bis elfort to~ play automobiles outdoors. Rackemann ia aeeking pennis- lion from the ooundl that would enable him to continue displaying h.ls refurbished sport.a ca.rs on the driveway fronting bis building at 1155 North.. Coast Highway, and on an adjacent dirt lot. But ooundl membera were re- 1 uctan t to grant a variance, saying they could not legally justify the action given the com- mercial zoning on the property which permita aale of automo- biles only when the vehicles are exhibited within an enclosed buiJdina. The council opted ln.atead to continue the hearing on the va- riance request for two monlhl, durlnl which ~ the dty'a zo-nlna aiaff will explore the pcmi- billty of' lmpo11.ni a Conditional Uae Pennlt on the property. That would allow tHe City Council to lmpoee conditions - 1uch u limiting the number of cara that can be di1played out- doors -on Rackemann'• buai- 11e11. Fogarty, a former Irvine city ~loyee, wu found guilty of Bechtel Corporation engi- neer nald Frank Cook, 25, whose body w as found in the bedroom of hia Ellendale Drive home by a roonunate in February of 1981. Orange County Superior Court Judge James K. Turner 1ehedu- led aentencing proceeding• for May le. Jury foreman Roy Compton of Anaheim aaid the panel was still undecided aa of Tueeday morning whether Fogarty, 33, wu guilty of first or leCOnd-degree murder. Compton said the jury was 1plit 6 to 6 on the issue before reaching it.a unanimous decision Friends of the Dana Niguel Library are holding a silent auction this month to raise funds for l;ibrary aervioes. Twenty six books, inclu- ding four large books with illustrations by Gustave Dore, along with several numbered •Four Laguna Beach girls have been named winners m the 1982 Search for Talent contest sponsored by the Ex- change Club of Laguna Beach. Devon Mea de was named winner of the aenior division, with Amy Baamlller, Ml11y SALE later in the day. He aaid the strongest evidence against Fogarty was the testi- mony of a bartender friend, Chuck Miller, who said the de- fendant admitted to him that he killed Cook. The victim had been dating Fogarty's estranged wife, An- drea, several months before the killing. But the jury soon learned from Chief Deputy Diltrict Attorney James Enright tha1 there wu additional evidence he wu un- able to uae during the trial which Compton later indicated couJd have made the deliberations much e'8Sier. editions an others autogra- phed by their authors ate in- cluded in the auction. Partietpanls have until the May 1 used book sale to sub- mit written bids. The library is located at 33841 Niguel Road m Laguna Niguel. McGaigu and Laurie Wolfe co-winners in the junior divi· sion. Sltannoa Straigllt took ho- nors in the primary division. The winners wiJl compete against other area winners at a regional contest in May. District finals will be held in August. Our F.IRST EVER ... ~o· make room for our NEW SPRING lOOK EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP 1'0% TO 40% OFF ONE WEEK ON~Y APRIL 21 THAU MAY 1 c~Tw... COMj • •Corona dtl Mir'• l!D":!._.,,u ' .,111111 WIONllDAY, Al'.-IL 11, 1NI L CAVALCADE 92 85 ee STOCKS SPORTS CRO~EYED 6 CRO~WORDED: Somebody at the 'high and lofty syndicate level who serves our newspaper has just done us a diaaervlce. He or she changed our Cl"Ol8Word puzzle. Thia did not go without notice. That is to say, it wasn't really noticed by the various ·editors who do not work crossword puzzles. They have enough trouble during the day just trying to make ' headlines fit. You know, ~\ aubstitutin2 words like --------~r. "Balm" for i'l"Divorce Sett JDI IURPHINI ~ 1 lement" and '111ayed" fo; -"Criticized." By the end of the day, they are all headlined out and no longer capable of figuring out a three-letter word for the Greek god of fire. WITH READERS WHO are crossword puzzle fans, however, it was a different matter. One loyal su~ber informed us, "My complaint is for the crossword puzzle editor. He's been running puzzles lately geared to third graders. They challenge you not." Challenge, in this instance, I guess, is a nine-letter word meaning test. Another reader suggested, "The new crossword could be worked by my nine-year-old grandson." Yet another critic was a bit more strident; being an . eight-letter word meaning shrill. He said, "I don't know w!\ether you realize it or not but all of your readers aren't mental retards. With this new puzzle, third graders are working it with ink and not having any problems at all." I'vw ju6t finblhed my aur.vord pume in record rime Then there is Charlie Sibus of Sunset Beach who wrote in to declare ln part. "Okay. You've got a great local paper. I've continually defended you against constipated Register fans . . . and your typos. Bud Tucker's well- . balanced relief from conalatent John Sevano (our two sports columnists) who truly writes good sports. although he may need assistance teaponding to personal reader mail. But ... what garage sale spawned those adolescent crossword puz:z.les blooming forth this week? ... What's next? Connect-the-dots-pictures? "OR DID YOUR BEAN COUNTER Controller -the bane of aggressive creativity -propose ll $1.27 a week. saving in printing ink? · "Come on! Get with it. A good puz:z.le is as effective a relaxer as a second martini. Almost. · .. . . . Continue those pubescent puz:z.les and rve had it. And I haven't even touched upon your delivery penon who couldn't hit my doorstep if the entire front of the building was a ~gantic funnel . . . " SO MUCH FOR the delightful messages from our crossword puzzle fans. Despite being headline weary, I decided I'd better get &0me first-hand experience on this CI'06Sword puzzle that everybody thinks is too easy. Now here they want a word across for "Smelter food." And next they want a word down for "Auguries" and another one for "Novello of theater fame." What I think I'd better do is call upon that lady with the nine-year-old grandson. Or some of thoee third graders who do these puz:z.les in ink. MAYBE BY TRIS time of day, Charlie Sibus upcoast in Sunset Beach is serving third martinis. You don't have a spare eraser, do you? Registrar checking freeze signatures The Orange C.Ounty Registrar of Voten is busy checking more than 56,000 algnaturea on peti- tiom endoning a statewide ballot lnltlative demaodlna a freeze in the producUon of nuclear wea- pons. Crash kills HB motorist FREAK LEAP OF FLAMES -While Anaheim garage com- plex between Ball Road and Juno Avenue burned to ground, MOMENTS AFTER WALL COLLAPSE -Anaheim residents at burning unit between Ball Road and Juno Avenue pitch in to aid struggling firemen in efforts to pull a fire hose free from Firell1en put blall1e on roofs . Anaheim Fire Chief Robert SimJ)9<>n saya it was the dange- rous combination of strong Santa Ana winds and wooden shake roofs that led to today's devuta- ting fire in a residential area. To illustrate his point, Simpeon noted that one apartment buil- ding that had a composition roof was not damaged as flames swept through several other structures that had wooden roofs. The undamaged structure wu located adjacent to the first apartment building to be coruiu- med by flames. It was loeated in the 1300 block of Juno Avenue. The fire broke out about ~:50 a.m. when power lines created IJ)6l'ka that ignited a palm tree. £mbera from the burning tree fell to the roof of an apartment building aa winds sent other embers onto the roofa of other nearby structures. "Our fint report wu that one roof waa on fire, then it -waa three, then H waa five and then ... " Sims-on Mid. The fire moved generally to the welt aero. the 1300 block of Bell Roed toward l'Alclid Street. Firemen were able io atop the 0..... at l'AAclid. Killen spared STABKE. n.. (AP) -One of two convlc:\ed klUen wboH tcblcluled electrocutlona tr=' . ... put oft -,,, • fedlnl court wa1 •relieve aad, tMnldul." .. .__, ~i= ...... Cl 1 .. _ dlda't ••P"l IO M eueuted .. ,..,. Fernando Valen•uela 'pitches a complete game to end Dodgers' six:.game losins. treak. B6. Delly Noe~ bJ ca.,~ destroying a tenant's car in foreground, flames completely bypassed similar unit in background. beneath an apartment unit wall that collapsed on it. Firemen were narrowly missed by the collapsing w all. ) · •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN •HOROSCOPE Advice for ·someone else changes rea_der's life DEAR ANN LANDERS: I really don't care if this letter makes the paper or not. I juat want you to know your column can cKanp Uvett. It did mine. Last w eek I attended my aecond Al- Anon meeting, and I feel as if t have been reborn. If I sound nutty, forgive me, but it'• the belt way I know to put it. My husband is an alcoholic. I tried everything to get him to stop drinking. l begged, pleaded, cried, naggect sulked, in- sulted him and made myself slck. Almost every day I had a headache or a stomach ache. When [realized my jot> was in jeopardy I decided to tal<e the advice I had read 10 often in your column -for othen, not me: "Go to Al-Anon. It's in the phone book and it's free." After two meetings I became convinced that nobod y can stop anyone else from drinking. Since I couldn't change my hus- band, I must change myself. Last night Mike and I had our first real conversatiop in years. ·The barrier has been broken. I feel strong, confident and at peace. My change in behavior toward Mike is beginning to change his behavior toward me. Eventually HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Capricorn: Solve puzzle ...TJIUl'tday, April-%% ARIES (March 21 -April 19): You make right move at right time. Individual who opposed you will become an ally. Mutual security interests figure in scenario. Check diet -you could now be susceptible to di· gestive disorders. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Horizons expand:_you gain view from inside and have access to infonnation previously concealed. Major fears, doubts are erased -you'll have reason to celebrate. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Rebuilding process gets under way. Some cherishea notions are subject to revision. Alliance with member of opposite sex can be strengthened. Wish comes true in unorthodox manner. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be ready for change, travel, variety -professional superior puts in a good word. Gain indicated through wrttten word -promotion possible if thorough in outlining procedures. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Family member seeks reunion, makes gesture of conciliation. Accen t on spirituality, long-range projects, communication, education a nd possible travel plan. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Accent on mystery, intrigue, quf'Stions concerning· fi- nancial status of one who makes offer of partnership. Focus also on taxes, leases, property values and appraisals. LIBRA (Sept. 23..Qct. 22): Emphasis on law, ability to deal wit!i older individuals and decisions regarding location and time. Emphasis also on marital status. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Task can be completed; many people will be concer- ned with your views, methods. Focus on health, nutrition, employment and dealings with dependents. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Focus on emotional responses, getting to heart of matters, making n ecessary changes and ability to reach understanding with children. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on property, security, relations with family members and ability to utilize available material. Check routine, put puzzle pieces together until pattern beghu to emerge. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Highlight versatility, humor, ability to overcome c:Iis- tance and language barrien. Emphasis on movement, relatives, visits, abort reports and favorable news concerning money. f'.ISCES (Feb. 19!March 20): By digging beneath surface indications you are likely IO strike pay dirt. YOU locate What had been lolt, milling or stolen. It may change other tblng1. N~w I ha~e hope for the future. One th1na la certain; U I can't ,.ve Mike, I'm aolna to Ave mywielf. Thanlu a million. -llOPE IN NEW OR· LEANS DE4R HOPE: Bea•Ufd Mai le to my ~an! Yoar letJer made my day. Tlwlkl for wrltba1. Every time the fellow aaid "right?" we nearly cracked up. We did manage to keep ounelv• under control, however, thanked him profUlely and proceeded to the next gu station for a leu confusing set -0f lnstruc- tiona. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I would like to share a hilarious experience about a penon with a speech habit referred to recently in your column. My friend and I pulled into a gas station in need of specific directions for an address in the Boston area. The lad was cooperative and eager to help. But he was one of thoee characters who tags "right?" on the f'.nd of every sentence. Pleaae print this letter 10 thoae who have the habit of tacking "right?" onto every sentence wlll see that It can create serloua problems in communication. Sign me -SCHENECTADY1 RIGHT? DEAR SCHENECfADY: Rlgbt. Here's yoar letter. Let'• .. ope It belpa. The directions he gave were as follows: DEAR ANN LANDERS: My daughter, age 45, 'and her 53-year-old husband make frequent use of two four-letter words -one beginning with "s," the other with "f." I know you can't print them and I would npt write them. Usually they use these words when they get mad, can't find something or the car won't start. "Pull out of here, right? At the first set of double lights turn right, ri,ght? Then right after the underpass. turn l.ef t. Right? After three more lights, turn right. Right? Then right.after the last right, make a sharp left. Right?'' I am a 76-year-old woman who dislikes this kind of talk and have told them so re- peatedly. They tell me I am old-fashioned - That these words are an accepted part of ., ... ~ ... ARTIST AND SONS -Alice Neel, 82, who la known as one of the finest American portrai- tists of the 20th century, po&eS with paintings of her sons, Richard Neel (le_ft) and Dr. Hartley Neel. The artist, who hu committed family members to pop culturist Andy Warhol to canvas, has been named a "distinguished daughter of Philadelphia." GOllN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. Eut dealt. NORTH +A O '<:'K J8 O AK U +tu WEST EAST + 1097 + KQU <::1 107&54 <:;1 v.w 0 7 0 1098&4 •QUZ •K J108 SOUTH +HS 1::7 A Q tU O QU •Al The bidding: Eut S.llda WHt Nwdi r ... 1 "' P ... z o p ... z <:;1 , ... 4 "' r ... r ... r ... Opening lead: Ten of +. At this very moment, a creeplnf paralysis la attack· lnr many bridp players tbrou1hout the world. Thia 1tran1• d i1eaH attacks dec:l&nn whenever they en· count.r a bad trump break! North.SOuth 1lkled Into four hearta oo a perfectly normal aucdon. Aa ti.. euda . U.. bowe...-. three eo trump la a superior contract.. Eleven t.ricu can be made by finep. lng the el1ht of heart• once the 5-0 br .. lt la diaeovered. West Jed a spade. Declarer correctly ducked ill dummy and Eut won the queen. He shifted to the jack of clubs. won by the ace. Declarer led a trump to the jack. When Eut showed out declarer'• thought procetH• went Into a at.ate of lnat.ant shock. He decided that he had to pick up Weat'• trumpa, IO he came to hand with the queen of diamonds and led a trump to dummy's eight. Then be cuh· ed the ltln1 of trympa. Now all dedarer bad to do wu pt back to hla band to draw the remainillr kl.Imps. He tried to do ao b7 leadln1 a diamond to the jack. Unfor· tunately, Weat ruUed and returned a apact.. Declarer wu locked ln dummy with the ace with no way to pt to hla hand. Nn matt.r what be pJa7ed, the delenden were bouJ1d to eeore their black· suit kinp and another dla· mond ruff for a two-trick Mt. Deelarer for1ot that the main object in rubber b{'ldge it to m.alle your contract. In· stead of worrying about ·West's five trump•. declarer should have concentrated on making ten tricka. The sure- fire Une i1 to draw (our round• of trumps. leaving West with the muter trump. Now declarer atarta on diamonds. Weal ii welcome to ruff whenever he choo1e1, but declarer will be able to discard one of hia black·1uit loHra on dummy'• fourth dia· mond -the ace of spades it atlll an entry to dummy. Declarer will loae only one trump trick and two in the black auill. a. •• '" ..... rualaa la· te clH ltle tre•llille? Let Ca..rt. G_... lielp 1•• lacl , ...... ,..,....ti.. .... ef DOU8LF.S ,_ ,...au.1 ••Uw& .. 11 111& f'•aeen.r W.DOtJaLE8~...ct 11.85 .. "'G ..... 0.-W... .. can el t.1111 .. ,,.,.,_, P.O. h a Ut, Nerw ... J N.J. f'Jt41 .......... ,., ... te New.,.....tiukt. Statistics shaw medical warnings necess8ry T ro111u1r1 OR. PETER J . STEINCAOHN r n)Odem language. Are they right? I'd like to see your answer in the paper. -NEED EARMUFFS IN SASKATOON • DEAR TOON: Modern, my eye. noae words are gutter lufuage -totally aac- ceptable to people o refinemea t. Y oa are aot going to cleaa up t belr garbaae moada1, 10 your best bet 11 to play deaf. Can drugs be a friend in time of stress? 1f you keep your head t.ogether can they be of help? Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope," separates the fact from the fiction. Get it today. For each booklet ordered, send $2.00, plus a Jong, self- sd~, stamped envelope (37 cents pos- tage) t.o Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, cru- cago, m. 60611. llER48 MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Appeal fades for suntan .. OKAY, SO cancel my reservation: I agree with Bill Marsh, that's a great ad! I mean the one for Aloha Suntan Studio in Walnut Creek: "Look your best! If you 're kind of good looking, you'll be pretty with a suntan. U you're pretty, you'll be beautiful with a tan. If you 're beautiful, you 'll be gorgeous with a tan. But if you're downright ugly, it's no use." ONLY IN S.F. sightem No. 29031: At Sixth a nd Natoma , a wino wearing leg warmers ... Just as I was beginning to despair of fortune cookies worth reading, Phyllis Green cracked one at Pier 6 in San Rafael that warned, "Beware of Strangers Bearing Used Soda Straws" ... Opening soon above Clint F.astwood's Hog's Breath restaurant in Carmel: a hair salon called High On the Hog ... Catchy plates on an '81 Toyota: "MOTA-K.AA" ... Trying to revive my flagging interest in Namephreakism, M ichael D. O'Reilley points out that Toby Repose is an embalmer at the Chapel of the Chimes mortuary in Oakland, but Z72.rzz . . . Is "a mortuary in Oakland" as redt.lndant as suicide in Buffa- lo? BOTTOMING OUT: I think I'll keep campaigning for the Luther Burbank Shasta Daisy as our National Flower . The sunflo- wer, leading the pack. is as corny as Kansas, where, in fact, it is the state flower, and that's enough ... Besides, daisies don't tell, and Washington is plagued .fi.\h enqugh leaks as it is {hahahaha) ... Proving again that the old days were better, Pauline J ohnson browsed through a 1910 edition of the Standard ~tionary ,of Facts and found "Los Angeles, on the Los Angeles River, 480 miles South of San Frariciaco." Period. That was it. The entire listing.' WHATEVER happened to judgment? Lisa Busboom, having ridden BART from S.F. to Berkeley, found she needed to add a nickel to her fare, and had only a $20 bill. The station agent wouldn't change it and nobody would tcive her a nickel. ao ahe lea- ped 8Cl"CIS the barrier, hoping to find change elsewhere. Summoned by the agent, Berkeley cops picked her up three blocks away and gave her a $60 citation. For a nickel! ITE MS FOR SALE: A.a the movie ver- sion of Tom Wolfe's 'The Right Stuff" en- ters it.a {ourth week of~ here, there la still confusion on the aet. That'• bec:a~ the role of Chuck Y eaaer ii played by Smh Shepard, Astronaut Alan Shepard by Soott Glen. Astronaut John Glenn by Ed Barria, and De~ Slayton by Scott Paulin ... Warnin g: don 't get o u t of lin e at Scoma'• at t he W harf. Not only la ex- heavywefah t contender Pat Valmtino the mayter dee, W19tl1na Champ Pepper GO-! mez ii the new bartendw. 1POJSIOD . BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I 4 ' J ! a l rr ti a h E 0 st of 61 b ti ac A D L I Cl b) th I ' SCENE OF HOLOCAUST -}'his was the scene at just one among scores of Anaheim apartment complexes that was de· stroyed by flames early today as gale-force Santa Ana winds ' * * * Woman loses all • blaze 1n ~DAVID KUTZMANN IM Delly f'llot llefl Esther Lichman sat in the ~um of Ball Junior High in Anaheim this morning and quietly wept. Everything she owned, Mrs. Liebman said, had been de· stroyed in the wind--driven blaze that gutted and charred rows of apartment buildln~s near the intersection of Bal Road and Euclid Avenue. The fire, believed to be one of Ora~e County's worst. de· stro nearly 50 buildinp, fire officials said. The flames, pro5'elled bl 50 to knocked down power lines and started fires in both Anaheim and Garden Grove. Burned out complex here was located at Ball Road and Loara· Street in Anaheim. Early reports esti· 60 m~guats of wind, eaped from ding to building around the busy intenection. send ing adid plumes of smoke over the Anaheim skyline not far from Disneyland. ANAHEIM BLAZE -Firemen battle one area people in Anaheim th.la morning. The firemen of a fire involving two dozen apartment com· were caught from behind when fire broke out plexes and homes displacing several hundred at left, forcing their retreat. Nearly 200 evacuees like Mrs. Liebman were sent to the Red Crom shelter at ijall Junior High by 10 a.m. Many carried small ~ and the few beloncinP they time to grab when they were forced from their apartments at about dawn. "Everything of mine is demo. Uahed; my a~tment la gone." ' , WORLD - Falklands. crisis 'stupidity' Thoee cold, treele., tomber ialanda over which Britain and Argentina are threatening to go to war are monwnenta to nationalistic and militariltic stupidity. Page A12. NATION Doing things differently Hard times have chanpd Americana' behavior. They're hanclna on to the old car lol1&ft than they uaed to, not movtnc u frequently and leamina to make do with thlnp. P ... ID. 'Middletown' .erie. clotle8 Mrs. Lichman, an elderly wo· man, said. Nelshbora and her slater·in- law aat next to Mrs. L lchman, ea telling a similar story of being told to evacuate by police and lire officiala as anoke began pouring ~b their windoWI. Newlyweds Drew and Dianne (See EVACUATION, Pqe A!) STATE State's population up California gained about half a milllon residents a1nce the 1980 ceNUS, but Orange County grew more slowly than the state. Paae A6. ·Pendleton watches over tern Along with the mWtary trainina atven Marina. Camp Pendleton officlalt concern i'henwelvet With • protectinc the rare IMlt tern. Paae AS. COUNTY - Dely,...,.....-,o.y~ I ". ' mated damage at $50 million, and witnesses said the de-: vastated Anaheim area looked like the aftermath of a born:· bing during war. Inferno county's worst By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL UMI GLENN SCOTI' Of .... Delly .......... A fire that ignited whe n wind·blown power lines sparked against a palm tree awe'pt throuah a section of Anaheim thia morning destroying about ADDmONAL PHOTOS, STORY -Pase Bl . 400 apartment units and leaving at 1eMt 1,000 people homele99. Offlclala speculated that the fire, fueled by Santa Ana winds., wu the moat destructive rea· identlal fire in Orange County history. Hot winds with 50-80 mph 1UJ11 alto fanned two other de- structive bluet this morning ln Garden Grove and Stanton. Hundreda of fireftahten ani-vtnc on ICOtt!9 of enatnes mana-19d to pin CCllltrol ol the vidOUI Anaheim fire by mld-mornlna. ~ever. 42 bulldinp -most of them apar.tment complexes - were deetroyed, leevtna pockets of dl'Valtation within a two-mile INDEX • ires Delly .......... *" FIRE SITES -Map indi .. cates area near Ball Road and Euclid Street in Anaheim where fire destroyed apart· ment complexes. Second fire on Allen Drive in Garden Grove a1IO shown. square In i section of the city filled with rowa of wooden· roofed apartl'nenll. . Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simp1on estimated that 100 apartment units were consumed by the fire that hopped throuah the re1lon bounded by Eucl1d Street on the W91t. Palm Lane t0 the south, Cba•u Place to the' (lee mucs. ..... Al) B2 B2 AH B4 A3 B_4,D2-3 .... B2 • A13 AH A2 Al IRES IN COUNTY. • . rth artd Loara Street to th• -.i. Thll momlnl ~ ottmid a ''Very oon.rvative eetlmate of monetary IOla due to the tlre at uo mJJ..l{on. • No H rloua lnJu rle1 were re- por'", altbouch aeven people requl..W treatment, aald Ana· -=~la apok4191Dan Werner . One fir•flchter •uffered • smoke lnhalatJon, another had let'JOnd desne buma. tru. rem- denta were holpitalized and two othen 1Uffered minor heart at- tacks, he aald. ldentltlea of the vlctlma weren't immediately available. Winda carried t he fire from one buildln1 to the next, and fl. refi1hten credited a 1lackentn1 of the_~ind to their aucceu in mntrolllJul the fJ.re at 8:•5 a.m. -In Gatden Grove, five hQUla *-4"'\ NellOn Street caught fire to- ~y after power lines were top-~ ed ln h.l&h winds. igi'tltinc , .. 1x tera. Daroqe was e.iimated at tt.1$500,000. aaid Garden Grove fire a-thpector Brad Spell. . Two hundred resident.I were -evacuated in that fire, in which two of the hoU9el were burned to t he ground an d several minor lnjuri~ were rep0rted. * . * * EVACUATION. Whittaker, neighbors of Mra. b<JLichman, said eve:rythin,1 they bi9wned apparently was destroyed in the blaze. rli .T.~e Whittakers and Mrs . V,~ lived at 1640 Ball Roed, · from the small apartment ~ ulldinp where this morning's iaastrous blaze is believed to 9ti ve begun. Mn. Lich.man's sister-in-law, Sara Siegel, said, "The • e woke me up. The smoke • dj(ht into y window." ,, Unffke Mra.~icltman, the ~)tartled Mn. Siegel was told by a '{;P,eig~bor that her ground-floor +flipartment had not been burned. The elderly tenant said she !J•-.vas carried out of her apartment tf•by a neighbor when police began evacuating the compl~ ln Si.nton, a third fir• de· lvoy.d dM Penn Pt__1Mt • Supply Co. at Kacella and llUa ltnm. After maet ot the Anaheim fire wae do\&led, thakn rHftlente were m1ll1na lll'OUnd their n.llh· borhood . Many w ere cryin1 • o thera carried handf we of cl~ thine Mlv.,.cl before the aam. hit. . At one crltlcal point In th11 battle, ~ters Mt up a line on Euclid to prevent th e blaae from ccoaein t fhe etreet and invadina a nel1hborhoo d of alnile-farillly holriet. Alt.houp a few email rool f:ite9 were npor- ted there, the blue WU stopped. There wu no lpedfic f~ on the number of fireftchtert at the tcene, althouah companlet arri- ved with &)>out 100 englnel from such nearby JurildJd1ona u FuJ. lerton, Gara en Grove, Weet- minlter, llwittniton Beach, Loi Angeles County and O~nge c.ouniy. In at leaat one instance, resi- dents we,re credited by witne.ea with aavtna an yartment buJ.l. d.ina near lh':l1d and Palm. Sev- eral youthl were aeen •tandlni on the wood~ahake roof of the bulldJna kickinc bumini emben off aa t hey floated down . T he building did not bum. * * * • • Schaeffer said ahe baa no lnau- rance. A typical 1cene at the evacua- tion center this mom1na included teary reunion& of neighbon who would in form one another of whe~r their bu.iJd1n&B were ltl.1.1 standing. Much of the area res- embled a battle zone aa police, fire officials and Red Croaa workers directed the crowd. Police helicopt era whirred overhead and many streebl were barricaded to divert traUJc from the general fire zone. A achoo! official aaid many of the people using the facility were the parents of children who at- tend Ball Junior High. Students at the school were confined to three large classrooms to free apace for the shelter. Reagan tackles • • cr1s1s WASHINGTON (AP) -With • threet.ened military lbowdown betwHn Ar1entlna and GrHt Britain perhap Just a few days a_way, Prfflden t Rea1an te ,a. thel1nf hil advtlert to Mareh or ways-of bteek1Nr the nea<>tlatlnf •talemate ln the 'l'alldancJI crlala. Regan called a meetinl today wtth Secr.tary of State Alexui~ der M . Hals Jr. and other National SecW'it).' Coundl mem· ben to explore lileM 1n prepara- tion for Thureda~ villt ~ by BriUah Forelp tarY Fnnda Pym. B rltlah Prime Minitter Mal]iaret Thatcher Mid Pym will be carrying counterpropoql.a in reaponae to an Ar1entine peace plan that Britain rejected Tues- day. The aloom~r:oaphere WU u.ndencored y nlcht when Argentine Foreian Mi.niater Ni- canor Costa Mendez said hia government had no plana for concelliona. Unofficial eatimatea aay the British task force, which aet aail April 5, could begin anivlna over the weekend in t he FalKland Ialanda area 250 miles eaat of Argentina's coutllne. The British Defense Ministry has refused comment·on the arrival plana of the armada. • Palestinian targets hit by Israelis , BEIRUT, Le~ (AP)-Is- raeli jets blasted Palestinian strongholds aouth of Beirµt and downed two Syrian MiGa in dogfight.a today, ending a nine- month truce in a hail of bombs and tockets. The laarell air attacks were mounted after an Israeli toldier was killed by an anti-tank mine in aouthem Lebanon. One resident of the building at 1660 Palm Lane said ahe heard an exploaion in a building ac:rwa the street from her. She said a Police officer pounded on her door and told her to grab whate- ver ahe could. >.. part of the rescue efforu, the Red Croes announced that donations could be tent to P .O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, 92711. The collection was beinl coordi- nated by John Seymour, senator-elect-in the 35th state Senate district, whose former real estate office waa destroyed by the fJ.re. Israel confinned the raid, and the Lebanese govern ment and the Palestine Llberatlon Organi- zation said the jet.I aet off fires ·and drew heavy anti-aircraft fire. Lebanese government sources aaid ftnt estimates were that at least 19 Palestln1ana ·were killed and more than 40 wounded. "He told me I had three mi- nutes to get out." she said. Another resident of the Palm Lane building, Gloria Schaeffer, said she lost between $70,000 and •80,000 in antique furnuhings, 'Oplus oil painti.np, fun, diamonds 9fland a piano. An employee of a wt'uslln insurance firm, Ma . a/ Th e Anaheim Marriott Hotel, in answer to Red en. appeals, offered free rooms to thoee left homeless. Persons d11placed by the fires were asked to contact Mark Goodman, director of pu- blic relations at the hotel The urael' command in Tel Aviv said lta jets downed two Syrian jet.I. The Sfrian govem- men t ln ~amaacus aaid its surface-to-air miullea and jets "engaged enemy jeta in a dog- fight. The result was the bitting of one Israeli p~e and two Sy- rian jets. Our fighting planes are still fl~ in Lebanetle aides." Sunny and warm Strong OU9tf Wind•. continued wm. . • 1 CoHt~l1 ln~and low• In 501. 1Coat1al. lfMllG hlgtll In 70.. eo.. WaterU. • I 8-hwe, 111\811 Cfatt acMeoly for ereu below canyon• from Slnta Barbel• to ~du. to Ioctl n«t,..... Wlndt Of 20 to 35 knot• With wind WIYM 4 to 6 -teet decl'Mtlng but locally 16 to 5 mph tonight wllh atronger guatt. EltewMfe. 1 to 2..foot Wind wave•. wind• aouth-t I to 16 knoll during alternoona today and Thuraday L~91'11 verlabl• wlndll tonight tnd Tiulday mgr. nlng. Welterty ...... 1 lo 2 feet. Locm .,_ Of cMr.-log. Plllnee -. not allOwed to ltr'4:I et I.AX from 5 p.m .. , wMll vlllbllty dropped below 1.800 IM1. until 7:!!0 p.m,. I Fedefll AvletlOn ~ mlnlttretlon duty offlow .-CS. 0.. per\utel"""9~. Northe••I wind• betWMn 24 Ind 4& mph -gutting -high -as mph -'PfompMct trawl tKM-'°''•• lor mountain .,._ to-night. The Sen\a ~ 8lac> c:ou1c1 oenaral• 09Ml1 dWtatorma. High• at bHchH Tllureday ltlOUld be betweatl 7 4 and 84. High• In the mounteln• -• •llpeetld be'-52 and 62 aft• overnlgllt Iowa between M and 44. o.-1 wlnde ehould deer .... Thureday. when high• are for• CHI between 94 and 74 In high deMft• tnd 68 to 12 In low ff. WU. Temperatw-e• ~ ,. • : .tt#l• ---=== • Or•t F• 50 30 St P·TMIP8 I Hanbd 71 54 St Ste MM1e • HaleN 50 24 ~ MA TION HonoMu 13 71 Syrecuee ' .. Le ... ~on 11 It .61 Topeq U S Alb41ny 74 12 .02 lndNCJlt 12 33 .02 • Tuceoo • • IJUmmary 1 A1buQUe 5e 34 Jadlan MS n 11 1.08 TUIU "'-ilo 54 27 ~ H 15 WMNncl'n fl-~ 00"'9f9d Cdcndo. ,..,,...,... 74 54 .01 ~ aty as 28 Wlc:Nta ,._ M•IUCO, nortll9rn Michigan Atlanta n 51 .05 .... Vlglll 14 41 and the O.ot• today .. ._.. Atllime Cty 67 53 .02 Llttte Rodi ee 47 encl thunderltorlTll -• acatterld Auetln 10 54 .IC> L.oulllllle ee as trom aouth central TnH to th• Btlllmo(• 17 51 Lut>t>clc* 51 39 C91Jtr .. Gull Cclell. 81111nge 50 32 ~ 11 49 CIOUdy aid .. pt'eYalled t:1Wlf the 81fm1ngtim 78 11 .08 ~ 13 77 mlddle end northern Atientlc eo..t 81emerQ 49 32 ....._... 41 . 27 .01 atatH H rein and ,,,ow fell on 8olM 54 31 ~St.P 41 26 '*1Nrll MlllM. '*-'*pr• 1otton 11 as ~ ee 41 .01 vllled over the remainder Of the Br~ 94 82 ...., OftMtl8 11 et . 15 ndon. , .._ IS 83 .20 .._ Ycwti et 51 Sun,,y ·--· npected to-""""'°" 72 45 .31 Nonolt 71 61 ~ ~="~o::"',J: ~ a7 1t No....... ... 22 ""'v-n • · fie a.tillft IC 72 .. .H ()e(ll ~ ti 42 and northern two-third• oft awtltl'I wv " ..,. .oe Ol'Mfle 62 31 fF11' lppl Vall9y Into IN ......,.,0 I Ctl#tne NC 12 14 • • 17 ortMdo IO et Great L•k•• and WHlern h o. ~ ae 15 .oe P'tllladptile 71 57 v-:::,_ 1n the 308 _. .,_.., ~Tiea '° ao ~ ~ :; over the northern and H1tern ~ : = :~ ~ tt 45 Greet LakM Wlttl IOI t:1Wlf Rotlda. amble 8C 73 63 .70 P1tlncl' ~ 18 60 southern California and the CoUnM II ae ,02 PnMdino. M 60 SOUtllwett dee«U. Flndlfltt In °""'' Wtf1 11 10 ~ .. 10 .89 the eoe end 70• ware torecH t ......._ 11 ..... 01 ~ r..... A1 ----EMWn~.~ _,_, -. ...,., .. ;; C0Je Md from the Peelle 0.-~ ~ r. .oe lelt I.A .. 24 '° ... nonfWn 9'oclkleL a..Mrtt! OeWC111 et at 1M AntOl'llo n A .02 ......,.,,.. ... ~"' DWI\ • 21 ..... .. ... .,~ IFNICS the ftlbOn II Pw .. 41 .. , "J.°" M II ... HflY todoy ranted tro111 14 111 t;, 7 : : -... ~ C M81qlt0tt•. Mlcfl .. to 1t Ill I(~ im::::=-=~"':':"~~~'=""-·"':""Loule~~~-!'-~-:­..... ,.._ lllf llPllT • " et M 17 56 31 74 a9 6e 2t 13 50 17 3e 17 St 17 32 tO ao 75 ao 71 .. 11 79 71 IO 11 n IO 75 12 ,. 71 ea 71 79 ea IO 71 es .., .. 17 '° .. 72 .. es II '° IO .. .. • # ' .,.., ............ .., CMrtM ~ SAFETY FEATURES -New ~~mph speed a rash of serious accidents. Crews completed limit signs and shoulder stripee have been ad-the work this put weekend. ded to Irvine Center Drive in Irvine folio~ Niguel man vletlm High winds. EX-Irvine employee cut power guilty o_f slaying on Coast An Orange County Superior Court jury convicted a Newpon Beach man of second-d~gree murder Tue8d.ay for the stabbing death of a Laguna Niguel engi- neer who was dating the defen- dant's estranged wife. Most jurors, however. were start.led to learn after announcing their verdict that there was sub- stantial addltlonal proseculion evidence that waa never intro- duced and which, they said, could have affected their delibe- rations. The six-man. six-woman panel returned with ita verdict after deliberating for more than a week in Patrick J . Fogarty'• murder 1tial. Fogarty, a former Irvine city employee, waa found guilty of killinl Bechtel Corporation engi- neer -Oonald Frank Cook, 25, whose bQdy was found in the bedroom of his Ellendale Drive home by a roonunate in February of 1981. Orange County Superior Court Judge James K . Turner schedu- led sentencing proceedings for May 18. Jury foreman Roy c.ompton of Ana.helm said the panel was still undecided u of Tuesday morning whether Foprty, 33, was guilty of first or teCond-degree murder. Compton said the jury was split 6 to 6 on the issue before reaching lta unanimous decision later in the day. He said the strongest evidence against Fogarty was the testi- mony of a bartender friend, Chuck Miller. who said the de- fendant admitted to him that he killed Cook. The victim had been dating Fogarty'• estranged wife, An- drea, 19veral month.a before the killina· But the jury 900n learned from Chief Deputy District Attorney Jamea En ri1ht that t here wu additional evidence he wu un- able to u.e durinl the trial wbkh Massa cre denied SAN SALVADOR, El Salva- dor (AP) -El Salvador's army denied report• that one of ita patrola muaacred ., peasant.I in a tiny villAge 1n the eaat.ern part of the country. The U.S. Embaaly aaid it couldn't prove who did the killing. Compton later Indicated could have made the dellberationa much easier. Enriaht told jurors ou tside Tumer"a courtroom that another friend of Fogarty'•, John Dina- dale, a.dmiUe:d to inYea,tlpton that he accompanied the aefen- dant to Cook's Laguna_N._!guel home a week before the kJ.l.l.ing. School fund appeal n ets $18,500 -. The non-profit Irvine Educa- tion Foundation's first direct- mail campaign to raiae money for the public school system produ- ced $13,500 in donations and $5,000 more in pledges, organi- zers say. A second mail campaign will be organized later this month, aaid Helen Camenon, publicity chair- woman for the group started eight months ago to counteract loeees o! achool programs because of state budget cuts. The foundation has a goal of raising $1 million this year, and Ma. C&meron admitted Monday "we've got a ways to go yet.•· The mail campaign, conducted with volunteer labor, is aimed at the 10,000 families in Irvine w ith achool-aaed children. she said. Families with are asked to do- nate $100 per child. In addi tlon to the direct mail campaign. the group is organizing such fund-raiaen u raffles at community events and "skate nigh ta." Ms. Cameron said the foundation al9o is seeking contri· butions from local corporations. Treasurer Bruce Vorhauer said about 250 familles responded in the initial direct mail campaign. Accordll)g to priorities esta- bllahed by the Irvine Unlfied School District's Board of Truateea, the funda will go, in order, toward: maintaining a aixth period in high achoola, keeping a 305-mlnute day In elementary acbools, maintaining lnatructlonal materials at current levela and reducing cl.ua aiz.e. Funda raised in the mail cam- pa lgn will be used in the the 1982-83 achool year. SALE By ROBERT BARKER oftM Delly Piiot ltaff The Southern California Edi- son Company put out a call for help today as heavy Santa Ana winds played havoc with electric tra nsminion lines along the Or~Cqest. Edi.son Operationa Manager F.d J o n es said that power was knocked out to about 16,000 customers between 3 and 8 a.m. in Newport, Beach, Coat.a Mesa, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley areas. H e said six cir cu its wer~ knocked out by winds for dura- tions ra.ngUur from 30 minutes to I ~ houri. 'nlere are 1,500 to l ,· 800 ~1omera to a Clr'Cuit. Jones said that most of the power outages that darkened homes, set off hundreds of bur· glar atanns and disrupted traffic signa ls, were caused by tree limbs blowing into traffic signals. He said the normal work force of about 100 employees would be increased to about 130 when he gets additional reinforcements from the South Bay area. Other than power outages and fallen limbs. the Orange Coast escaped major damages, accord· ing to officiala. UCI prof wins a ward for r esearc h John Whiteley, vice chancellor of student affairs and professor of social ecology at UC Irvine. has received the 1982 Research A ward of the American Person- nel and Guidance Association. The award is the top honor of the association, a group of 40,000 counselor s, psychologists and educators. Whiteley, an Irvine resident, was recognized for his seven- year study of character develop- ment in college students. He fo- cused on factors that lead to de- velopment of a greater regard for equity in relationships. Whiteley came to uct as dean of students in 1972. He has ser- ved in his current post a1nce 1978. Our FIRST EVER ... . To· make room for our , NEW SPRING ·LOOK EVERYTiHING IN THE SHOP 10% ro 40% OFF ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 21 THRU MAY 1 c~ 348 e. cout ~· • Cororia del Mar'• 173-1110 IUlllCIAIT . SCENE OF HOLOCAUST -Th.is was the 9Cetle at just one among scores of Anaheim apa.r:trnent complexes that was de- stroyed by flames early today as gale-fon:e Santa Ana winds knocked down power lines and started fires in both Anaheim and Garden Grove. Burned out complex here was located at Ball Road and Loara Street in Anaheim. Early reporta esti- 1 I I DlllJ .... .,_..., Clery .,..,... ! ' mated damage at $50 million, and witnesses said the de-_. vutated Anaheim area looked like the aftermath of a bom-binc during war. • ' ome ess 1n ires 1 * * * Victims lose all in blaze By DAVID KUTZMANN OflMO.-,,... • ..., Esther L iebman sat in the nmnaaium of Ball Junior High SChool in Anaheim this rooming and quietly wept. Everything she owned, Mra. L iebman said, had been de- stroyed in the wind-driven blaze that gutted and charred row. of apartment buildings near the intersectlon of Ball Road and Euclid A venue. The fire, believed to be one of Orange County's worst, de- stroyed nearly 50 bulldinp, fire officials said. The flames, propelled by 50 to 60 mph guata of wind, leaped from building to building around the busy intersection, sending acrid plumes of smoke over the Anaheim skyline not far from Disneyland. ANAHEIM BLAZE -Firemen battle one area people in Anaheim this morning. The firemen of a fire involving two dozen apartment com-were caught from behind when fire broke out plexes and homes displacing .everal hundred at lef~ forcing their retreat. Nearly 200 evacuees like Mn. Lfch&an were sent to the Red Cro. shelter at Ball Junior High by 10 a.m. Many carried small pets and the few belonglnp they had time ' . WORLD to grab when they were forced from their apartments at about dawn. "Everything of mine ii demo- U.hed; my apartment ii gone," Falklands crisis 'stupidity' Tboee cold, tree1-, IOIDber 191.anda over which Britain and Argentina are threatenina to ao to war are mooumenta to nationaliltic and mlliiartsdc stupldity. J>aae Al2. NATION Mn. Lichman, an elderly wo- man, said. Neiahbora and her aiater-in- law sat next to Mra. Liebman, each tellin1 a similar story of STATE . being told to evllCUate by police and fire offidala u anoke bepn powtna ~ their wlndoWa. Newlyweda Drew and Dianne (See EVACUATION, P ... Al) S tate's population up Calif ornla pined about half a million retldentf lblCe theJ980 centUI, but 0ranp <:ou.nty grew more llowly than the state. Piie AB. , ·Pendleton watCbes o ver tera AkJna with the mWtary tninlnl atYWn MartMil, Camp Pendleton offidal8 concern them1elvet With. prot.ec;tlnc the rare leelt wn. Paae Al. CO~JNTY Inferno county's worst .. .... ..J .. ·-, . ...,... By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL . i---1-----=~---r­ ... GLENN SCO'M' °' .. ..., ......... A fire that ignited when wind-blown power lines sparked against a palm tree swept throu1h a section of Anaheim thi.s morning destroyi11.1 about ADDmONAL PHOTOS, STORY -Pa1e Bl 400 apartment unita and leaving at 1eMt 1,000 people homeless. Officials speculated that the fire, fueled by Santa Ana winds, wu the moat destructive res- idential fire in Orange County history. ' Hot winds with ~0-60 mph pta allO fanned two otlu:r de- atructive blazes thl.a morning in Garden Grow and Stanton. Hundreda of flren:len arri-villj on ICOl'el of e mana- aecf to lain control the vicioua- Anahef m fire by mld-mornln1. HoWw.r, 42 buildinp -most of them apartment complexes - were de9troyed, leevinl pocketa of dev-..dod within a two-.mile INDEX D.-, ............. FIRE SITES -Map indi· cates area near Ball Road and Euclid Street in Anaheini where fire destroyed apart- ment complexes. Second fire on Allen Drive in Garden Grove al80 shown. square in • section of the city filled with rows of wooden- roofed apartmenta. Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simpson eatlmated that 400 apartment unita were oomwned by the fire that bopped ~ the re1ion boundecl by Eucfld Stn!et on the Welt. Palm Lane to the aouth, Olateeu Pl8Ce to t!M' (SeeP'IU'.S,hleil) Ba m AH JM ~ -.m.a BM 82 • All AH ·Al Al FIRES IN COUNTY ..• -..north and Loara Strut to the --. Thil mom1na Sim~ offered a "vwY ~tlve •Umate ot naoneury S-due to the flre at tao mU.Uon. No Mrlous lnjurle1 were re- porMd, althou1h eeven people nqulr.sl treatment, aald Ana- heim police 1poketman Werner Ran. One flrett1hter 1uftered 1moke Inhalation, another had llCOnd dqree burnt, three J'eli- denta were hospltalhed and two otben 1uffered minor heart at· tacka, be aald. Identities of the vlctlma weren't Immediately available. Wlnda carried the fire from one building to the next, and fi- reflahten credited a 11ackenlng I of the wind to their aucceu in -;;11rnntroll1na the fire at 8:45 a.m. In Garden Grove, five hOuteS . .,ton Nebon Street caught fire to-rx-9AY after power lines were top- tu~U: ~~~~ ~~,000. u.id Garden Grove fire lDlpector Brad Spell. TWo hundred resident. were evacuated ln that fire, ln which two of the hOWIM were burned to the ground and several minor btjuriel were rePorted. * * * EVACUATION. ~Whittaker, neighbors of Mrs. ' Llchman, saJd everything they owned apparently WU destroyed .111:1n the blue. ~ •1 The Whittakera and Mrs. . Uchman lived at 1640 Ball Road. ' 'aero. from the small apar:trnent tl'J~ulldings whett tbia mommg'a 1ri~U1aatroua blaze la believed to have begun. • ,,,, Mra. Lich.man's 11ater-in-law, 1Mra. Sara Siegel, said, "The ~...-. woke-me up.-Th9-smok• ~· came ciJlht into mv window." .,~ UnITke Mrs. L iebman, the r,r'.-tartled Mrs. Siegel was told by a neighbor that her ground-floor ;,• apartme.nt had not been burned. v' The elderly tenant said she • J was carried out of her apartment by a neighbor when police began evacuating the complex. One resident of the buildin8 at 1660 Palm Lane said the heard Ul explosion ln a building acrom the street from her. She aaid a police officer pounded on her door and told her to grab whate- ver she could. "He told me I had three mi- nutes to Ret out." she said. Another resident of the Palm Lane building, Gloria Schaeffer, 11 taid she lost betweeh $70,000 and Jcr$80 ,000 in antique furnishings, 11 plus oil paintin&'. furs, diamonds " and a piano. An employee of a ,.u1tln insurance firm , Ma. ln Stanton, a third fire de- IU'o,.ci the Penn Pl__pe. Supply Co. at Katella and Dale ltrwta. AtW mmt ot the Anahetm fire wa1 dou1ed, 1haken re1ldent1 were mll1UMr around \heU' 'netah· borhood. Many were crylnl\· othera carried handf ult of clo· thtna ulv.,.cS before the ffa.mee hit. At one c:rltl~al polnt In the battle, fir.fiahten .et up a Une on Euclid to prevent the blue from c:co11lna the 1treet and invadln1 a nel1hborhood of llnll•famlly ~. Althouch a few tmall root fl.res were repor- ted there, the blaze WM stopped. There wu no *PeCiftc ts,ure on the nwnber of tirefiehten at the ecene, althouih companlet arri- ved with about 100 en,ainel from such nearby Ju.ri8dktk>nl .. Ful- lerton, Garden Grove, Weat .. mintter, Huntingtm Be.ch, Loe An1elea County and Oran1e . County. In at leut one lnatance, real- denta were credited by witn-. with aavin~~ apartment buil-dlna near d and Palm. Sev- eral youths were seen ttandtns on the wood-shake roof of the bulldJ.nc kiddna bumlna embers off aa they floated down. The building did not bum. * * * • • Schaeffer aald she haa no insu- rance. A typlc21 tcene at the evacua- tion center this morning included teary reunions of neighbon who would lnfor01 one another of whether their bu!ldlnas were atill standing. Much of the area rea- embled • battle zone u police, fire officials and Red Crou workers directed the crowd . Police helicopters whirred OYerheed and-many ltn!et8 were- ba.rricaded to divert traffic from the general fire r.one. A 9Chool ot.fldal said many of the people using the fadlity were the parents of children who at- tend Ball Junior High. Students at the school were confined to three large classrooms to• free 1piice for the shelter. A. part of the rac:ue efforts, the Red Croaa announced that donation.a could be tent to P .O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, 92711. The collection wu being coordl- na ted by John Seymour , senator-elect ln the 35th state Senate district, whote former real ettate office wu destroyed by the fire. The Anaheim Marriott Hotel, ln amwer to Red era. appeals. offered free rooms to thoee left homeless. Person.a diaplaced by the fires were asked to contaci- Mark Goodman, director of pu- blic relationa at the hotel. I I Newport budget unveiled Newpor' Beach city offlc'*lt have unveiled a proPOMd $40.8 mllllon budpt for 1)82-83 that calla for ie. apmdina than 1Mt year, no new employ"' and a projected year-end reserve of neerly $1~ million. The budaet, which lhowt MY• eral new alplflcant IOUrcet of revenue and leaVM at 1eMt one ln doubt, muat be adofted by the dty council by JUly . In <:alculatin1 the propo.ed bud1et, City Manaaer Robert Wynn tlaahed requeat• for 19 new employ4'811. Ten of th09e re- ~u.ta come fiun the dty'• poJ.Jce ~~thecUY cont~ functlontn1 with 887 permanent work.en, Mid he ad- viaed against addJ.na employees to the payroll bec:aute "lt'a the one area where the dty can })old the line." The city's property tax reve- nue. once hit bard by Propmition 13, ii estimated at $8.2 million; up 10 percent from thit filcal year. >.. uaual, public tafety tervicea -including police and fire ....... make up nearly 50 _percent of the budget spending. Employee pay makes up 44 percent of the bud- get. The preliminary budget, sho- wing a year-end reaerve of $14.8 million. doesn't include anUdpe- ted talary increases or anticipa- ted cuts ln state money due the city. Newport's employee aaaocia- tion.a are in the procesa of nego- ti a tl ng for wage and benefit hlltes. More than $1.5 million ln new revenue ii ahown in the budget. The city, despite a legal aetback.. la predicting revenue of more than $1 million from 16 oU wells it ia operating. It also expects to earn upward of $37..,000 from -a book on the city's 75th anniver- sary. New profits also are expected from Beaoon Bay, a small water- front community where residen1a pay annual leaae fees to the city, and the Balboa Yacht Basin, a commercial operation that also payt 1eue fees to the city. The city'• annual haul from hotel and motel bed taxet, pro- jected to. be...$L95 million ln the budget, could increase lf voten asree to raise the bed tax from 6 to 8 percent in a June election. For the third stralght year, the ci.t y bu budgeted l250,000 to fl~ht expansion at John Wayne Airport. The budget ahowa $388.- 000 will be 1pent th.la year ln the airport fight. That's more than $100,000 over budget. Most of the airport funds have been spent on legal fees. Sunny and warm • Strong gutty wtnd1. contlnu.d WllTll. CoH'-1, Intend Iowa In 501. I I CoMtel. lnlend hight In 70.. IOI. Wat• e2. '• a..wn.e. ll'Nlll Cleft ecMeofY tor eree1 below cenyon1 from Senta Bwber• to ~ OU. to loc:-' nottMu1 wlndl OI 20 \0 S6 knot• with wind -• '° I P1en. -• not aaow.o to Wld • et LAX from 5 p.m •• wt1911 ~ droe>c>ed below 1,eoo feet, untll 7.50 p.m., e Fedenl Avteuon M- lllol\lltretloft OUtt omc:. Mid. 0.. pertina --uneltec1ed. Northea1t wtnd1 between 2• end 4S mph -guetlng M lligtl M 55 mpfl -prompted tr.wl llCM- •orl•• for mounteln pa .... to- night. Tile Senta MM e1eo could ;enerete ~ dlatatorme. High• et bHChH Thuradey lholJld be ~ 1• and 14. • ~,. High• In Ille moun•1ln1 -• ' ~ ~~azenc:1e2an. • n overnight lowt bel-3• end GIID ••• o-t W1rt01 aftol.tld oecr.... ~ Thuraday. When hight ere tor• cut bet-9' end 7• In hlofl .l"'"'""rll cs--t• encl N to 12 In low de-i...........i aertl. I • • """"'9y I .... dee:feuing but locely 15 lO 25 mph tonight with 1tronger gultl. EIMwhefe. 110 2·fool wind wavu, Wind• eouthwell 11 to 15 knoll during etternoon1 today artd Thuraday. L~ht nrlebl• wlndl IOnlght end ~ mot• nlng. W..wty ..... 1 to 2 1eet. L«ai er-OI derlM log.. Temperature' ~ ~: :::i!=. MATIOM =:., = r, ~-= .. L.-"'2 Hou110n S 1 11 .51 Topeike v~s. m,mmary I=-: : ~a :: ~ 1::. = Anw1llo 54 '¥1 Jadlanvtll It e5 Wunlngtn fnool; llioMrl QOWl'ecl ColofeclO. Alhl'Me 74 54 .01 Kena City 55 28 Wlchlle Hew MHICO, nortJHtrn Mlehlgan Allente 73 118 .06 .... Vegaa ... ... end ~ Oekol .. todey 11 ~ Attentc C!y 57 53 .02 Ultle Rodi M •7 encl thUnclemorrne -• tee·--Aultlri 70 M .80' ~ M 35 from eou1h C*'trel Texaa 10 the 8ahlmcn 97 118 Lubbodc 57 H oencr• OUM C099t ..,. so 32 MempNt ee •• ()olldy lklM prwalaO 0¥91 IN 811-......._ 71 51 .OI Miami 13 11 mlddla encl not1ttefn AttenUc: C0Mt "~"" •" 32 1tetH a1 rein end 1now tell on ~dl " ....,. • ..._ ... 27 .01 "°"'*" ~. Felt -"* pr.--M 31 Mpla-lt.P ..e 29 ¥llled over the r~ of the :=. ~ ~ ~ : ~ :~: ~-... -·eqlKl~IO-..... U 81 ~, ~ 81 51 dey from Celltornle tlllouth the =:-' ~17 ",. !! 5112 nor1hlfn AodtlM, nor"'8m l'lallW • NO. l'tant •• an• northern two·thlr-. of the g::: ~ ~ t :: . :,_ C4ly =~ :~ tftll'I lppl V*Y Imo fie...._., awtna NC ta M .17 Ortllndo to 11 GrMI Leh• end WMtern Otllo a.,... • 15 .OI l'tllledllllll 71 57 "-=-1n a. so.-..,.... a..., eo ao ......,. 11 51 °"' th• northern and Metet'll = N 14 : ~ f, ~ ~!Ml•-"" toa ,,_ "°'*' ~IC J: : :10 =: Orw .. 50 touthern Celltornle and the oor-.. H • .ot ~ .. to ~tdee«ta.~111 ~Ml et IO ......... .. to .II Ille tot end 70• were fOl .... I o.,ton 11 A A1 ~Qty •7 21 =:cs~..:;::'<!: DelMr at IO ,ot ,_ II It .... ~ ............. ,_. =-...._ 11 t1 ~~ 41 IA ~...,....,.... ... DIM! =: ~ ~ : : .oa ., -IOI.. lr'OUftd .. ...... • ~ .. ... ..... '" .. .. ... eattr~119fftrom1•lfl ~Trr 41 It _,... •It Mw...,le. Mletl .. to 11 lri K., -"'"!ll'lill-... --4'~8~~-·~~-"!"!~~~~·!""t~l4~ W..Aa. ~ 15 88 38 17 55 31 74 38 MM 13 50 111 se 17 ff 57 32 ON THE BEACH -Efforts were being made today to keep the ~-foot ketch, Dama, from sliding back into the sea after it went on the beach near "M" Street on the Balboa Peninsula 0.-, ll'flet ....... bf'--l'.,M Tuesday night. Unidentified skipper made a wrong turn about 9 p.m. in dense fog and m1aed the entrance to Newport Harbor. Har- bor Department said trio aboard weren't hurt. Nlg.-el vlctslm Jury says NB man guilty of slaying High winds cut power on Co·ast The Southern California F.di- 80n Company put out a call for help today as heavy Santa Ana winds played havoc with electric transmlsaion lines along the Orange Coast. An Orange County Superior Court jury convicted a Newport Beach man of second-degree murder Tuetday for the 1tabblng dea~ of a Laguna Niguel engi- neer who was dating the defen- dant's estranged wife. Moat jurors, liowever, were startled to learn after announcing their verdict that there wu sub- Palestinian targets hit by l~raelis BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -ls- rae li jets blasted Palestinian strongholds IOUth of Belrut and downed two Syrian MlGa in dogfight. today, ending a nlne- month truce ln a hail of bombs and rocketa. The Iaarell air attacks were mounted after an Iaraeli 10ldier wu killed by an anti-tank mine ln 10Uthem Lebanon. __ ... 1arael confirmed the raid. ...... the Lebanese iCimment and the PalesUDe · doll Oroni· zation said the )!'ta let off lirel and drew heavy antl-.lira'aft fire. Lebanese 1ovemment •.ueet aald first eltlmaiM ~ ... t at leut 19 Palestinlam ..,.. killed and more than 40 ..,_.,,w The laraell command Lft-.Xel Aviv aaid lta jeta downed two Syrian jets. 'lbe Syrlaa aowm· ment In Damucu'I tald it• 1urface-to·air ml..Uea and jeta "engaged enemy jeta In a cfo1- fiaht. The .result WM the hitth\I o{ one llraell plane and two Sy- rian jeta. Our f.iabting planet are still flying ln Lebeneae tides." The Chriatian radio al.o aaid the laraell jets dropped decoy balloons 80Uth of Beirut to lure the Palestinian•' be.at-1eeldng. m.1.tles. atantial additional prosecution evidence that was never intro- d uced and which, they aaid, could have affected their deli~ ration.a. The six-man. six-woman panel returned with its verdict after __ £diaon_Operatiom..Mana&~ E<1 deUberatrng for more tnan a J o nes said that power was week in Patrick J . Fogarty's knocked out to abo ut 16,000 murder trial. customers between 3 and 8 a.m. Fogarty, a former Irvine city in Newport Beach. Costa Mesa, employee, was found guilty of Huntington Beach and Fountain killing Bechtel Corporation engi-Valley areas. neer Donald Frank Cook, 25, · whose bod y was found In the He said six circ ui ts were bedroom of his Ellendale Drive knocked out by winds for dura- home by a roommate in February tions ranging from 30 minutes to of 1981. 1 ~ hou.rS. There are 1,500 to I.- Orange County Superior Court 800 customers to a circuit Judge James K. Turner schedu- led sentencing proceedings for May 18. Jury foreman Roy Compton of Anaheim said the panel was still undecided as of Tuellday morning whether Fogarty, 33, was guilty of first or &ea>nd-<iegree murder. Jones said that most of the power outages that darken ed homes, set off hundreds of bur- glar alarms and disrupted traffic signals. were caused by tree limbs blowing into traffic signals. C~mpton said the jury was UCJ f split 6 to 6 on the luue before pro reaching ita unanimoua decision later ln the day. He l&ld the strongest evidence acalnlt Fogarty WU the testi- mony of a bartender friend, Chuck Miller, who said the de- fendant admitted to him that he killed Cook. The victim bad been dating Fo1arty'1 estranged wlfe, An- dree. eewraI months before the ld1J1nC. But the jury IOOD learned from Chief Deputy Dittrict Attorney James Enrtcht that there wu additional evidence he wu un- able to t.m during the trial which Compton later indicated could have made the deliberations much easier. Enrl1ht told juron outside Turner'• courtroom that another friend of Fogarty'•, John Dins- dale, admJtted to lnvesttaat.on that be accompanied the defen- dant to Cook'• La,una _ N..~ruel home a week befon the ldlllng. wins award for research John Whiteley. vice chancellor of student affairs and professor of social ecology at UC Irvine, has r eceived the 1982 Researc h A ward of the American Person- nel and Guidance Association. , The award is the top honor of the aseociation. a group of 40,000 counselors, psychologists and educators. Whiteley, an Irvine resident. w as recognized for his seven- year study of character develop- ment in college students. He fo- cused on (actors that lead to de- velopment of a greater regard for equity ln relationships. Whiteley came to UCI as dean of students in 1972. He has ser- ved in his current post since 1978. SALE Our FIRST EVER To· make room f0r our .. NEW SPRING LOOK EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP 10% TO 401 OFF ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 21 THRU MAY 1 ( . ' SCENE OF HOLOCAUST -This was the scene at just one among scores of Anaheim apartment complexes that was de- Stroyed by flames early today as gale-force Santa Ana winds kllocked down power lines and started fires in both Anaheim and Garden Grove. Burned out complex here was located at Ball Road and Loara Street ln Anaheim. Early reports esti- Deir ......... _..,, Gery ........ mated damage at $50 mi.llion, and w itnesses said the de- vastated Anaheim area looked like 'the aftermath of a bom- bing during war. • • ' ome ess 1n ires * * * Victims lose all in blaze By DAVID JtUTZMANN OfhDelJ .......... Esther Lichman sat in the gymnasium of Ball Junior HJ,gh SChool in Anaheim this morning and quietly wept. Everything ahe owned, Mn. Llchman aald, had been de- stroyed in the wind-driven blaz.e that gutted and charred rows of apartment building• near the Intersection of Ball Road and ~dAvenue. The fire, believed to be one of Orange County's worst, de- stroyed nearly SO buildlnp, fire offid.als said. The flames, propelled by SO to 60 mph guats of wind, leaped from building to building around the busy Intersection, sending acnd plumes of amoke over the A.nahelm skyline not far from Dlmeyland. APARTMENT COMPLEX LEVELED - Swimming pool area, right center, is about all that remains of thia apartment complex near Ball Road and Euclid Street in Anaheim. Th.ls morning's fire destroyed up to 1,000 apartment uni ta. Nearly 200 evacuees like Mn. Liebman were sent to the Red Cnm shelter at Ball Junior High by 10 a.m.. Many carried amall pets and the few belonilnp they had time WORLD to grab when they were forced from their apartments at about dawn. "Everythinc of mine la demo- lished; my apartment la 1one," Fal k lands crisis 'stupidity .' Thoee cold, tree1-, 80IDbet-i8landl over which Britain and Argentina are threeteninl to go to war are monumenta to nationalistic md niilltaristic stupidity. PaceA12. NATION Mn. Llchman, an elderly wo- man. said. . Nel1hbon and her siater-ln- law aat next to Mra. Liebman, each telllna a aimllar atory of STATE being told to evaeuate by ~= and lire ofticlala u smoke pouring throuah their windows. Newlywect. Drew and Dianne (See EVACUATION, Pap Al) State's population up California aained about half a mllllon re9ldenta II.nee the 1980 ~ tJut Orance County grew mott alowly than the ltat.e. hp A8. . COUN-:·y Inferno county's worst By .FllEDEJUcg SCBOEMERL aM GLENN SCO'M' Of ... ..., ......... A fire that ignited whe n wind-blown power lines sparked aaalnat • palm tree awept throu1h a section of Anaheim thia mornin1 destroying about ADDMONAL PHOTOS, STORY -Page 81 400 apartment units and leaving at leMt 1,000 people homeless. Officiala speculated that the fire, fueled by Santa Ana winds, wu the moat destructive rea- identfal fire in Oran1e County history. Hot winda with 50-60 mph iuata ablo fanned two other de- structive blaz8 thla morning ln Garden Grove and Stanton. Hundreds o1 firefighten arrl-vina on ICIOr9 of enalnes mana-aed to om control ol the vicious .Anahefm fire by mid-morning. However, 42 bulldlnp -moat of them apartment complexes - were dewtloyed, leavtnc pocketa of clwa.tation within a two-mile INDEX A4 A12 84-ts 92 M ' B2 DIM ~10 A:lO m All A14 Ct.14 .. -· ·-..J .... c•~• Deir ............ FIRE SITES -Map indi- cates area near Ball Road and Euclid Street in Anaheim where fire destroyed apart- ment complexes. Second fire on Allen Drive in Garden Grove also shown. square ln a aectlon of the city filled with rowa of wooden- roofed apartments. Anaheim Fire Chief Robert Simpson estimated that 400 apartment unlta were CIOnlUIDed by the fire that hopped throu.m the re1ton bounded by Eucl1d Stieet on the wat, Palm Lane t.o 'the IOUth, Chate9U P1loe t.o the (See PIRES, P ... A.I) ' I 1 I ~ .. • f.;: FIRES IN COUNT¥ .•• Newport udget unveiled north and Loar• StrHt to the .... 'l'hll mom&na Sim~ olfend a "very CONtrvatlve •Umate ot mcrwtary loll due 10 the fire at tao mil.Uon. No 1ertou1 l njurlea were re· port.cl, althou1h aeven people requlrtil U•atment, aald Ana· helm ~ 1pokeunan Werner Raee. One flrefl1hter auffered · amok• lnhalatton1 another had te0111M1 desree bums, three l'C!lli- denta were hosplf4llsed and two othen 1uffered minor bean at- tacb, be Mid. ldentiUes of the victim• weren't Immediately available. Winds carried the fire from one buUdini to the' next, and fi- . refifrhten cred.Jted a alacbning of tile wind to their 1ucceu in mntroWNr the fire at 8:4.5 a.m. In Garden Grove, five ~ .. "bn Nellpn Street caught fire tc?- ·•~Y after power lines were top- Jx.pled In hilh ~ ilfllting Pl • meten. Damue wu estimated at 1•1,~.000. aaid-Garden Grove fire " lnapect.oc' Brad Spell. Two hundred realdents were evacuated in that fire, in which two of the hOUlel were burned to the ground and several minor injuries were reported. ~ * * EVACUATION. Whl1taker, netglfbora of Mra. 1•rtJchman, aaid everything they I. 'Owned apparently WU destroyed in the blaze. '" The Whlttakera and Mrs. • ·Liebman lived at 1640 Ball Roed. ··~ from the small apartment " buUdinp where this morning'• ~ 'Clluatroua blaze ta believed to •t1bave begun. Mn. Lichman'1 lilter-in-law, .,•Mra. Sara Siegel, aald, "The ...:..mx>ke.. WD.kc..-me UP-The amok.e ,came Qllht into mv window." ,... Unllke Mrs. Lichman, the 1 •tartled Mrs. Siegel was told by a .r:neighbor that her ground-floor apartment had not been burned. t The elderly tenant said she ''was carried out of her apartment '• by a ne.lghbor when poUce began evacuating the complex. One resident of the building at 1660 Palm Lane Mid lhe heard an qplomon in a bulldina 1a<m t.be 1tttet from her. She Mid a police officer pounded on her door and told her to grab wha~ ver she could. "He told me I had three mi- nutes to aet out," she Aid. AtM>ther resident of the Palm Lane buildins. Gloria Schaeffer, said she lost between $70,000 and $80,000 in antique fum!.lhings. • plus oil paintings, fura, diamonds , and a piano. An employee of a '?f'ustin insurance firm, Ms. ln Stanton, i third Ure d•- lt.royed the P9lm Pi__pe. Supply Co. at Ka1ella and Dale ltrwta. Al1er molt ot the Ana1*m tu. wa.1 dou1ed, 1h,ir.n rHldent1 were rnWlna m'OWld their Mfah· bbrhood. Many ••H cryln1\ othen,oarrled handfull o( clo-thina aalvaawd before the n.m. hit. At one critical point In the battle, firefilhten le\ up a line on Euclid to prevent the blaie from cr;oHln• the ltreet and lnvadln1 a nel1hborhood of llngle-famlly holriel. Al\houah a few amall root (!tel were repor- ted there, the blue WM ltOpped. There wu no specl6c fipre on the nwnber of firefiahten at the .cene, although companies arri- ved with about 100 encfnel from IUch nearby JwildicUona .. FuJ. lerton, Garden Grove, Weat- minlttt, HunUJ.icton Belch, Lo. Angele• County and Oran1e County. In at leut one inltance, resi- dents Wen! cttdited by witnf9ee with aavtni an apartment buil- ding near Euclid and Palm. Sev- eral youths were aeen 1tandin1 on the wood-1hake roof of the building kickini bu.ming emben off aa they floated down. The building did not bum. * * * e e Schaeffer said ahe bat no lmu- ranoe. A typical 1eeoe at the evacua- tion center tlUs mom1ni lncluded teary reunJona of netahbon who would inform one another of whether tbetr bu!ldtnas were still standing. Much of the area res- embled a battle zone u police, fire off icial1 and Red Cro11 work.en directed ~ crowd. P~ helicopters whirred ovw ~~Anetlwett barricaded to divert trafflc from the general fire zone. A achool offidal said many of the people Uling thriacillty were the parents of children who at- tend Ball Junior Hi,tl. Studenta at the school were confined to three large cla11room1 to free space for the shelter. A. part of the re9C'ue effort&, the Red Croea announced that dOl)atiOna could be eent to P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, 92711. The oollecUon wu ~ coordi- nated by John $eymour , senator-elect in the 35th state Senate district, whose former real estate office wu destroyed by the fire. The Anaheim Marrion Hotel, in answer to Red Cnm appeala. offered free rooms to thoae left homeless . .Penon.a dilplaced by the fires were uked 10 contact Mark Goodman, director of pu- blic relations at the hot.el. Newport S..Ch city offlclall have unveiled a proPOMd M0.8 mlWon bud,.t for 1~82·83 that calll tor lell lpendJ.na than i.t year, no new tmployeea and a projected year-end reterve of neerly '15 mUllon. The budaet, which ahowt MY· er•l new 1lplflcant IQU.rcet of revenue and leave. at leut ane Jn doubt, muat be adopted by the dty coundl by July l. In calculating the propoud budget, City Mana1er. Robert Wynn 1la1hed requefl• for 19 new employeet. Ten oJ t.hOle re- queltl ~ fn:im the city'• pollce de~~thedty continue functlonln1 with 66'7 permanent worken, uJd be ad- vbed againat addlna employees to the payroll becaute '1it'1 the one area where the dty can hold the line." The city'• property tax reve- nue, once hit hard by Pro):Qition 13, la estlmated at $8.2 millJon, up 10 percent from thil flaca.l year. A. uaual, public aafety 1ervices -including police and fire -. make up nearly 50 percent of the budget •pend.Ing; Employee pay makea up 44 percent of the bud- , get. The preliminary budget, sho- wing a year-end.reeerve of $14.8 mllllon, doesn't include anticipa- ted aalary increases or anticipa- ted cuts in state money due tp.e dty. Newport's employee uaocla- tions are in the process of nego- tla ting for wage and benefit hikes. More than $1.5 million in new revenue ta shown in the budpt. The dty, despite a legal .etback, i1 predicting revenue of more than $1 million from 16 oil wel.la It is operating. It a1.IO expecil to earn upward' ()f-.$37,000 f..-~ book on the city's 75th anniver- sary. New profits a1.IO are expected from Beacon Bay, a small water- front community where residents pay annual leaae fee. to the city, and the Balboa Yacht Basin, a commercial operation that also paya lease fee. to the city. The city'• annual haul from hotel and motel bed taxes, pro- jected to be $1.95 million in the budget, could increase if voters agree to ralle the bed tax from 6 to 8 ~t in a June election. For the third straight year, the city haa bud1eted $250,000 to f(Rht e~ion at John \\'.~ Airport. The budaet abowa '388.- 000 will be 1pent thil year ln the airport fight. That's more than $100,000 aver budget. Mott of the airport funda have been 1pent on legal fees. Sunny and warm Strong gu91y wtnd1. continued wwm. CoHt~11 ln!tnd Iowa In 501. · Coat•. lnlMCI hlghl 1n 10.. aoe WllW 82 EleeWll«t. WTlll er .n ecM9ofy for ereH l>elow c1nyon• from Senta S..• to ~ due to 1oc:ai1 nonr-t wtndl of 20 to 35 llnob with ~ ...-' to 8 .... cMcreMng l>ul loe9ly 115 IO 25 mph lonlghl wllh etronger gu1t1. a..wtwe. 1 to 24oo1 wind W9VM, wlndl IOUlhw .. 1Ito15 1111011 dvrlng etternoone tod•Y •nd Thured•y. Light verl•ble wllldl tonight end Thundlly mor· nlng. W-.rty IWtllll t to 2 feet. lOCll .,_ of cNn99 fag. • ~ ~ COYWed COlondo. ""' Me111co. nortlltfn Mlchlg•n the o.llOUI today u lhowtrt thundtr'9tomie were ec.tl«ed om eouth centr•I T•Jt•• to 1111 ., .. Gull Coeet. Cloudy .... prewilled OV9f the Ind notlhern AIWtllc Coul t•IH 11 rein end 1now ftll on .mncdllm Miine. '* Mtlher pr-. ~ the remelndtr of the ' p..,_ --not ellowed to llllld • at (AX from 5 p.111 .• when Wllbllly dropped bt4ow 1,800 1 .. t, unlll 7:50 p.m.. • Fed«• A'Mtlon M- mlnltlr•tlon dUty officer M6d. ~ pwtur• -• unafl«:ted. ~,. NortheHt wind• t>etwMn 24 end 45 mph -PllnO • high • 65 mph -~ tT.wl ecM- eorlH fM mountain ~ 10- nlgM The Senta Ana -.a COUid 1)9Mrale '*-' Mt.slomlt. Hlgll• II bHChH Thur•d•y lholilO be ~ 74 end 1M High• In the mountain• -e ~~52.,_,'2.,.. I ovtrnlght Iowa ~ 34 end II!:!:!) '4. o-1 wlnO• Mould cs.er-~ Thur~•Y· wtlen h'911• are fMe- caet .,.._ 84 tnd 74 If! lllGfl - "-"• end 68 to 82 In low de-.c:::::i ..,,.. • --- IO IO 81 P-Tlll\'IPI 8$ " 71 IM SI Sle Mlffe 341 17 50 24 ~ 115 31 aa 71 ~-74 3g ., 81 .11e T.,.,._ 51 28 la 33 .02 • Tuceon 13 50 71 81 1.• TUIN .., 341 .. 86 WUhfno1n 87 58 sen Wlohlt• 57 32 IM 41 .. 47 CAU'OINA ... • IS 8eller9'191d 90 11 " llytht 80 .. 48 Eurwlc• 7~ 111 a n Frttn0 80 63 .. 27 .01 I.enc.It tr 71 38 ... 211 .01 ,~ 88 lie .. 41 81 .. .. .15 Mon-.y • Tt .. 11 ........ 71 71 lie C>el!Wld IO 4t 22 • PMO ....... 11 ., 42 ,__.,., n 62 91 Aed'#OOd City IO to .. leoremento 78 71 57 ..... la .. .. ..,, '*'° 74 11 a1 Sen FrtrlCllOO 71 ., .. ..,... ..... . .. ti IO ........ .,. .. IO ltodltoll 1t .. to .. n.TMI .. 47 • ~ to .. " ..... n ...... ..... a 71 .. .O'l =-" .. .. .. .. .. ... l.Oftl~ 17 • n ......... to ., ,,. .......... .. .....,.,.~ 71 OMwto • ........ .. ....... dlllO • a.ia.rtet to ....... to ... Ml .. ..... ow I , .... ON THE BEACH -Efforts were being made today to keep the 50-toot ketch, Dama, from sliding back into the aea after lt went on the beach near .. M" Street on the Balboa Peninsula o.a, PMol ~ ttr ,_.. ,..,... Tuesday night. Unidentified skipper made a wrong turn about 9 p .m . in dense fog and missed the entrance to Newport Harbor. Har- bor Department said trio aboard weren't hurt. Niguel victim Jury says NB man gullty of slaying • An Oran1e County Superior 1tantlal additional proaecution Court jury convicted a Newport evidence that wu never intro- Beach man of 1econd-d~1ree duced and which , they aaid, murder Tuesday for the stabbing could have affected their dellbe- death of a Laguna Niguel engi-ratiom. neer ·who wu dating the defen-'The llx-man. six-woman panel dant's ettranged wife. returned with ill verdict after Most jurors, however. were de1ibera.t1ng for more than a atartled to learn after announcing week in Patrick J . Fogarty's their verdict that there was sub-murder trial. Palestinian targets hit by l~raelis BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -Is- raeli jet1 blasted Palestinian atrongholda IOUth of Beirut and downed two Syrian MtG1 Ip dogfights today, endlng a nine- month truce in a hail of bombs and roc.keta. The Iurell air attack• were mounted after an Israeli 90Jdier WU killed by an uffl-tank mine ln aout.hem Lebanon. hrael confirmed the raid. and the Lebanese 1ovemment and the Pa1eltlne Uberadon ~ zation laid the jei. eel otf line and drew heavY antl-alrcnft fire. Lebanese government •.tn:et aid lint eltimata we1"1. .aat at 1eut 19 Paleltl.nlanl wen k111ed and more thm 40 wounded. The hraell command in...:J'el Aviv 1ald ill jeta downed two Syrian jets. The Syrian pem· ment in Dam&1cu1 1aid ill 1urface-to-alr mt.lles and Jets "enaaaed enemy jets 1n a dog- fight. The reaalt ..... the hittlna of one laraeli p~ and two Sy- rian ~~ Our fiChlinl planel are still flyiJlg ln Lebanae lldes." The C'hrbt.1an radio also aaid the laraell jell droppe~ decoy balloona aouth of Bein&t to lure the PalHtln1ana' beat-aeeklna miailes. Fogarty, a former Irvine city employee, was found guilty of killing Becht.el Corporation engi- neer Donald Frank Cook, 25, whose body was found in the bedroom of his Ellendale I>Jiive home by a roommate in February of 1981. <>rarwe County Superior Court Judp James K. Turner achedu- led sentencing proceedings for May 18. Jury foreman Roy Compton of Anaheim said the panel WU llil1 undecided aa of Tue.day rooming whether Fogarty, 33, was guilty of first or aeCond-degree murder. Compton said the Jury was 1plit 6 to 6 on the i.asue before reaching its unanimous decision later in the day. He uid the atrongest evidence agahut Fogarty was the testi- mony of a bartender friend, Cbuek Mlller,~who said the de- fendant admitted to him that he killed Cook. The victim had been dating Fogarty'• estranged wife, An- dree, leVenll months before the k1lllnc-But the jury IOOD learned from Chief Deputy Diltrict Attorney Jamea Enrt1ht that there wu additlonal evidence be wu un- "able to we durtnc the trtal which Compton later indicated could have made the dellberatlon1 much Miier. Enrtaht told juron out1lde Tu.mer'• cour1rocm that another friend of Foaarty'1, John Dlm- dale, admitted to lnvesttaaton that be accom~ed the aeten- dant 10 Cook 1 Laguna :t,\r:_el home a Wfiek befOl"e the • SALE High winds cut pow~.­ on Coast The Southern California Edi- IOn Company put out a call for help today as heavy Santa Ana winds played havoc with electric transmission lines along the Orange Coast. Edbon Operations .Manager-Ed - Jones satd that p o wer was knocked out to about 16,000 customers between 3 and 8 a.m. in Newport Beach, Coat.a Mqsa, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley areas. He said six circuits were knocked out by winds for dura- tions ranging from 30 minutes to 1 ~ hours. There are 1,500 to 1,- 800 customers to a circuit.. J on es said that most of the power out.ages that darkened homes, set off hundreds of bur- glar alannl and disrupted traffic s1gnai1, w ere caused by tree limbs blo~ into traffic signals. UCI prof wins award for research J ohn Whiteley, vice chancellor of student aHalrs and professor of social ecology at UC Irvine, has received the 1982 Rese arch Award of the American Person- nel and Guidance Asaociation. The award Is the top honor of the asaodation, a group of 40,000 counselors, psychologists and educators. Whiteley, an Irvine resident, was recognized for his seven - year study of character develop- ment in college students. He fo- cuaed on factors that lead to de- velopment of a greater regard for equity in relationships. Whiteley came to UCI as dean of students in 1972. He has ter- ved in his current post ai.nce 1978, Our FIRST EVER ... To· make room for our NEW SPRING LOOK EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP 10% TO 40'1> OFF ONE WEEK ONLY APRIL 21 THAU MAY' 1 c~Ti~. Im !. Cout tMy. • Cotona cttl Met•• 171-1110 ' s ' ' N .. Dow Jones Final . UP 2.76 CLOStNG KS.3.2 H .E. "Bert" Slezinger of Orange has been na- med president of Heritage Bank, suoceed Robert D. Hoyt. who was elected presi- dent of the bank's newly formed holding company, Heritage Bancorp. At 38, SJe1inger 11 one of the youngest bank presidents In Southern Callfomia. Since July. 1971, he has served as executive vice presi- dent. Heritage operates eight of - fices in Orange County and one in San Diego. r J ~ Mexican b eer promotion due Superior, a beer In MeXtco. will be promoted ln major California ·markets through a radio and print &d~lng campaign beginrung this month. Manuel Fem.ande:r., president of Mocte:r.uma Im- ports, Inc., West Coast importer of Superior, said the campaign Wlll be aimed at both Hispanic and Anglo comm unit.es. Created by Basso & Associates of Newport Beach, Moctezwna's adverwmg and public relauons agency, the advertising effort will kick off with 60-second sports on Hispanic radio stations in both Northern and Southern California. Crocker cuts mortgage rate Crocker Bank has lowered 1ts home mortgage rate to 16 \ii percent from 16 ~ percent. The rate applies to Crocker's five-and seven-year mortgages whicn are amortiu>d over 30 years Software syste m int.roduced A software system that penrut.s MS1188s model handheld computers to generate internally their own customl:r.ed data entry appl.Jcallon programs has been introduced by MSI Data Corporation, Cost.a Mesa. Computer earning · dip Computer Automation. lnc, a manufacturer of diversified computer products. reoorted a net loss of $M2.000, or 26 cents a share, and revenues of $16.-, 119,000 for the third quarter ended March 31. PSA declare divid end PSA Inc. directors declared a cash dividend of 15 cents per share to shareholders of record OQ April 29. The dividend will be paid May 14. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS .flPS AND DOWNS IUClllS ..,..,, .... 1 &rOf OL. JM 1.11, UP ..... ~ ..... t troy aa •• &H UI. 1$ .... ...._IO"'°' 1.1 tror oa..143l.OO, ....... ........ '°° Ofo.tl, .N02 &tOf .... .. ,. ........ • , METALS NEW Y()Rll 1API -Soot non!erTOU. ,_.. l>'ICft lodly Coppe• 76"· 79 c•nU • pouno. U.8. oest1nell0n• LHd 26·32 C91'1tl • Po<M>d VM 35 39 c.nta a pOund ~ea n.. 56 $771 M«tala w.-eotrlp09I• lb AloH!llftwM 76-77 _,ti e pound, H Y ~.,,., 138() 00 par ~ PWllnvm ~ 00 troy 01 , H Y Slt-¥ER GOLD QUOTATIONS London; morning ll11ng '348.80, up sao ~ •lt•rnoon ll•lng 134f.75. up $3.75 ~ 1340-09, Ott S(),03 • ,,.,.furn 1347 97, off so 03 Zurlclli Lett llalng 1345.00 bid, up 13 00, 134.t 00 ..aeci H•ndJ • Her11 .. 111 only dally quote »4e 75. up 13 75. l~dl only Cl .. !) QUO .. 134t.7S, up 13.75 • .,.....,. only deity ~ fabtQMd '314.l>t, up 13 t4 SYMBOLS =-==='=""-------··-----...... ............ -~ .. ----== .... j;:z;;: ...... ~-lr~-111 • ·= =-== . i=-J.-:. ~Ji . _....,.. ....... -.. ~ .. . .:p ... ~ .. .: .:=.'=-:..::: ~=:.i--~-n.= ==~-"---- ·Vaseline viCtory? Perry fans ·13 for win No. 298 S&A'M'LE (AP) -11lt I can a•t five or 1lx runt like that" veteran rl1ht-handtr Gaylord Perry llJd after hll 298th career victorv, "I can win a lot of Samet.'r . "I feel neet -best l've felt in 10 yeara.'"' . - Peny Jtn.lek out a teUOn-htah 13 in 1 ~ lnnlnp u the Sea tile Marlnen held off the Angeli, 6-4, Tuetday ntant. "I HAD A GREAT forkball, 1llder and (utball," Perry uid. "My curveball wun't u lharp u It haa been." 'n}e is·atrikeo\.&tl aet a Mariner club record and lncreued Perry'• career total to 3,359, No. 2 on the all-time lilt. Walter Johnlon had 3,508. . Perry left with the bues loa- ded. Reliever Mike Stanton got pinch-hitter Darryl Sconien to gJ'Ound into an apparent double play, but ahortatop Todd Cruz'• relay throw to first waa w1de. Howevet, second' baae umpire Steve Palermo called Sconlen out at Urat, rulln1 that the Anaell' Tim Foll had interfered witn Cruz. 'That call nullified two Angel runa. "IF YOU CAN touch, it's a l~ gal alide," said Angela' Manager Gene Mauch, who filed a fonnal protest on Palermo'• call. "Foll said he could touch teeond. Pa- lermo told Foll that he (Foll) did touch. In front of Bobby Knoop and (first base umpire Greg) Koec!' , In the seventh, Mauch com- plained to home plate umpire Nick BremJgan that Perry wu loading the ball with vasellne. "The umpire aaid, 'I can't see anything,' " said Mauch, when he showed a ball to 'Bremigan. "I said 'All you have to do 1s feel it.' snapped the Angels' eeven-game wlnnlng streak. Perry it.ruck out every batter in the Angels' 1tarting lineup at least once with the exception of Foll in the 7 ~ lnn1.np he worked before giving way to Stanton. Perry gave up a leadof! double to Juan Beniquez Jn the eighth. One out later, llon Baylor l1naled Beniguez home. Doug DeCLnca and Foll followed with lin8lft to load the baaea and Perry wu lifted for Stanton. The Marinen broke on top 4-3 • wlth a three-run fifth Inning, highlighted by Todd Cruz's RBI double that scored Dave Hen- derson all the way from first b11e. Henderson had singled with one out. CRUZ WENT to third on the throw home; and after Julio Crui walked and 1tole second, Castil- lo's groundout ICOred Todd Cruz. After reliever Andy HfUlller. in place of starter Angel Moreno, walked Bruce Bochte, Rk:/Ue Ziak slnaled home Julio Cru.L · The Angela had staked Moreno to a 2-0 lead in the fint Inning on Bobby Grich'• two-run triple, which IC01"ed Brian Downing and Rod Carew, both of w horrr had alng]ed. Seattle picked up a run in Its half of the flnt on Castillo's sin- gle, which acored Julio Cruz. who had walked to open the Inning and raced to third on Moreno's errant ~f attempt. DETERMINATION -Matt Carrico (11) of with Costa Mesa Tuesday night. Estancia · Estancia, goes in the air to spike a ball in a• won in fiv.e games to take over first place. Su~ League crucial volleyball match See story on Page B7. HGaylord--i>erry wlll be and should be in the Hall of Fame. There should be a tube of jelly next to the plaque." RICHIE ZISK and Manny Castillo each drove in two runs to lead Seattle's 12-hlt attack that The Angels made the 800re 311 in the 1econd when-Deein doubled and scored on Downing's single. Jackson seems to have found a hill he can't climb Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . •It can now be said with the proper degree of r espect, remorse and regret . . • Reggie Jackson is over the well known hill. SPORTS COLUMNIST heart to show for 21 years of service. Teele, now with the San Diego Chargers, showed consJderable class in accepting what was probably the result of a twinge of corucience . •The Angela passed up shortstop Mark Belanger who went from the Bal- timore Orioles to the Dodgen ..• But, of course, the Angels had no way of knowing they would loee Rick Budeeon. ' uo UC KER •Surely Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would not accept anyth.i.ng aa humiliating as a trade to San Oiego:- •The hours of dlalbgue aeem rather incredible because Ute bottom line on the Los Anfeles Coliseum and a National Footbal League franchise ia that Los Angeles is the richest pro football area on the face of the earth . . . Now or ih the future which might belong to cable television and the figures thrown around are two million homes at $10 per game. •U Renaldo Nehemiah has ·the talent and moxie -not to mention durability -to make it as a wide receiver with the San Francisco 49era, Howard Coeell will receive a series of Mr. Nice Guy awards. •Guests who left a recent party at the Ba lboa Bay Club were astounded at Georgia Frontiere, rvladame Ram. ma- king a surprise presentation of a gold watch to Jack Teele who waa forced out of the Rams organization with a broken •Ted TuJ1ler -Teddy Ballgame, If you pre fer -can tell you in three days or less why the Atlanta Braves are for real. •Desiree Wttson, the latest female auto race driver to a ppear at Indiana· polis, will probably g et the same ap- praisal ~00 winner Bobby Unser once· gave Janet Guthrie ... "U she doesn't get us all killed on the track, we may all die laughing." •On this date 20 years ago , the Is it madness or injustice? How else do you explain the county all-star selections U it Isn't evident by now that eome changes are needed for the annual Orange County All-star football game, than someone 11n't putting much thought into what's been going on. When Edison High~s Ken~ Major Isn't invited. there's aomething wrong. When El Toro'• Damon Sweazy isn't Invited, something'• wrong. When Estancia High's Jim McCahill, Marina'• Jeff Frandsen. Laguna Beach's Damon Berryhill aren't invited ... well, this list could IQ on and on. The game features a North-South format and the rosters of the two teams are made up trom over 60 IChoola. which translates to less than one player per IChool. Obviously the answer isn't to increase the number of players aelected, that just meam more lilting on the bench. What's needed ia another game -a double-header with a 4-A game coupled with a 3-A, 2-A game. Too many daervtng players are being left out and it's not a matter of the coach choo1lng the wrong pla¥~· There's been •peculation that maybe the All- 1tar football aame 1hould be played at Anaheim Stadium, rather than Ora.nae Cout Collqe, but the fact la that only a couple of" pmes in the aeriee ha,ve commanded a crowd rlvallni 8,000 and most are in the 6,500 catepy. Add another pme, 50 more playen and the crowd ii more like 16,000. And lf you think all thla would water down the pme, well, does anyone lftlly think the addition of KM\ Major would water an)'1.hlna down? t..etten trom boo9ten at Edblorl Hf&h and El Taro ere ptbertnl dust here, lamentinc on the fad Chllr Mandout WM left out. Major'• Ult of c:redenUala could fill the fell of lhll aobamn. Suffice to •Y he'a a tint i.m All..cD" DvWon I Quartert.ck wtth near-70 percent com-= atatlldca and h.ded fOC' the Unlwndty of Sweuy, a f~~ atandout ~twice the 8jj View ~ ~ of the Yew, d6d tNerY- .... anyone Could pc;.,tbly expect, but no invtta-... ' Wh1' w.a. ........ OoMb Bob i...... w.nt .,..,...v.un.-..... M.ua.--.. AD.clJ' DIYWon ·f pi;ck.u •junior end who II t «.g. ~AD.al'_..,, Km L..ao ol wllO§.tQ...,.IDlbtr n•~· " -.... ··-.. Diw ... -.. 1-.-........ ~ .... I ' , PREP SPOOTS ROGER CARLSON Mark Templeton (the CIF Dtvision II Player of the Year) and El Mode_na'a Jim Torok, who900f'ed 101ne 25 touchdowns or ao and happens to be the apple of the coach's eye. Well, it's hard to argue with El Modena Coach Bob Lester's choices, but nevertheless there are some clau players left out. How about Fountain Valley's Rod Emery'? Another All-cl:F star and beaded for Nevada- Laa Vegu after competing in the Shrine Game in Pasadena. Emery, too, ii left out. Last year ft q~k from Laguna Beach High was ignored -the same problem, no room for Lance Stewart. So Lance Stewart swallowed the diaal::;eint- meni., then proceeded to lead Saddleb9ck Co to a perfect record and earn a tick.et fu the Univeniry of Calif.omia. 'The exa.mplea are but only a few. Really, to earn a berth In the Oranae County All·star pme abouldn't require All-ClF 1tatu1. There are a bundle of atandoutl who pt llOed out of that rat race, too. , The potnt la, however, the time II here for the •pomorina body I the Bree Uonl Club, to conect the lltuatJon. Thia )'Ml''I too late, I IUppoee. But lt doem't have to hapPel\ ..,.U.. And who knows? With two 1amff, maybe die aame could ju1tify Anaheim Btadlwn • a pleylnc ate. • • • • championship of the National Basketball Association had been decided a nd the winning team had been on vacation for two wt-eka. •It was more than a trifle amusing recently to hear Dodger players refer to members of another team as "hot dogs.'' •Asked if he feels his team has a good snot at wlnnlng the American.League Weat championship, Angels Manager Gene Mauch replies, "we have a better than good shot." •It Is understandable that Forum officiala are completely at a loss to ex- plain where the abusive and obscene element -particularly visible during the Kings-Edmonton playoff series - comes from . . . It alao figures as dlfCi- cult to figure the motivation of these animals. • FERNANDO WINS -Fer- nando Valenzuela went the distance for the Dodgers Tuesday night. Dodgers' • Ineet1ng pays off ... - LOS ANGELES (AP) -Lat Angeles Dodgers Manager Tom Lasorda gathered his stru~ team for 1another of his closed-: door meetings before Tuesday evening's game with the Houston Astros. But this one was different. The Dodgers' manager aaid only a few words and then left. suggesting to his players they continue the meetina. "l told them to stay in there and talk amon~ themselves . . . about baseball.' said Lasorda. It paid off. The Dodgers, in their biggest batting displ-ay of the young season. snapped their six.game, losing streak with a 10-2 batte- ring of the Astr08. Los Angeles battered three Houston pitch ers for 19 h ita, matching their season h igh in hits of a year ago. And Fernando Valenzuela, last year 's National League Cy Young Award winner, was the stopper. He scattered eight hits in pitching the Dodgers' first com- plete game of the season. Besides his brief appearance at the pregame meeting, Lasorda adjusted his lineup, replacing alow-st.artin~ Pedro Guerrero with Rick Monday in right fJeld. Monday responded with a home run bis first time to the plate, a nd then singled home another run in the eighth when the Dodgers wrapped it up with four runs in their biggest innln& in two weeks. "We're not just a ball club built around one guy who pitches every five days, Monday aald, alluding to Valenzuela. "But he'a a vital part of it. He's amazing. With all that went on in spring .training. he knew he'd be under the magn.ifyi~ glass." Luorda agreed, aaying, ''Thia waa a big game. We needed It. very desperately.'' Valenzuela, 2-1, struck out aeven and walked only one. He said he felt fine, that be waa rnakina good pitche9, and added. "I hope that'• the end of our slump." Ray Kniaht IOCked a leed~ft homer in the top of the 9eCOlld, matched In the bottom of the M!COnd by·Monday'1 first homer of the 1euon and only the aev~ enth fOC' the Jlodaera, • ~Baker linaled home a tie-run ln t1M fourth ott.. lolec' Vwn , ~2. 'n.e ~ aers p an unearned l'\U\ ln &he flftb and then put tt away llf U\b when UMry ._nid ~· ecorinl tbftll NM In the el1hth, Loe Ancel•• • ... ~......,to ... tour NM a..<A7ilidKID~ .... ................ " .... .... .,., Dal1tpy --Md .. .... -· lntM• ·1--..... ..... ,..... ·~ Z::~l:~'erm •