HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-23 - Orange Coast PilotYlll 11111111 llllY NPll ' J HIDA V APHll 13 1YllJ or~ANGE COUN TY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ConSu~1:er price dip biggest '53 WASHINGTON (AP) -Con- sumer prices, .down for the first time since 1965 d'nd the most alnce 1953, fell at an annual rate of 3.3 percent last month, the government reported today. Plummeting gasoline prices, the product of the persistent receaaion and worldwide glut, po1ted their sharpest drop on reoor~. aa did fuel oU prices. Today'• Labor Department. announcement of March price . activity means checks for the nation's 36 milllon Social Secu- rity recipients should rlae an average of $27 beginning ln July. The 0.3 percent teuonally ad- justed decline ln the March Index confirms economists' prec:UcUons No bodies in rubble ihat the recesalon, which has peralated alnce the summer, is moderating the spiral of lncrea- aing pricel. At the White House, deputy presidential preea eecretary L..ar- ry Speakea said: "Today'• good newa ia evidence of the dramatic progreea made in this area. "We beUeve it is because of our conailtent economic policy, which hat cut the rate of increase In fed~ral apendlng, our support of a atable monetary policy and our policy of non-Intervention ln the market place. All AmerlcaN are experiencing the benefits of the lower Inflation rates." If prices fell for 12 stralgh t months a t Ma rc h 's rate, the - Fire victims return tO · Anaheim homes Dog life saver Fire damages man's home Fire officials say a Huntington Beach man's dog may have saved its master's life early today when a f ire broke out 1n the man's home. Huntington Beach Fire Capta- in Roger ttosmer said Michard Martin, 32, was asleep about 2:30 a.m. when a fire erupted in the living room of the single-stOr y, house he rents at 9381 Castlegate Drive. Hosmer said Martin told fire officials he was awakened by his dog jumping on his chest. Martin helped his dog \.0 safe ty out a bedroom window and attempted to call firefiahters on a kitchen phone, which he found was dead, Hosmer said. Martin finally summoned fire- fighters from a neighbor's phone . The blaze, which was brought under control within 10 minutes, caused about $40,000 damage to the living room, roof and con - tents of the home, Hosmer said. The resident was treated for smoke inhalation, but no other injuries were reported. Hosmer said calm wind conditions min· imbed the danger of the blaze sp~ to other residences. The cause of the b~aze could not lmmediately be determined, Hamner aaid. Bolsa Cblca plan Coast panel cites areas of concern By ROBERT BARKER -Development of a marina ()('ttie DeltJ Not •taff • .that would includ e 1,.800 boat The California Coattal Com-slips. miaaion Thursday found defi--Preservation of 600 acres of ciendes ln Orange County's plan . weUands (including the 300 acres for the development of the Balsa already owned by the state.) Chica marshlands at Huntington The action sends the plan back Beach. to county officials to w ork out The 12 commissioners present problem areas with membent-of at the hearing in Los Angeles the coastal commission staff. Fl- followed the recommendations of nal coast.al commission action is their staff to the letter on eight 1eheduled for mid-June. key areas of concern. Scores of apeakers testified at Comml11ionera also added a the long-time controversy. ninth concern -archaeology -One of the key issues to emer- after a spok~ for California ge was a difference over the size Indian tribes said development In of the wetlands in the lowland the area w ould destroy sacred er.ea surrounded by Huntington grounds and burial sites. Beach o n three aides and the The plan that was submitted to Pacific Co1st Highway on the the coastal commisaiqn had been other. approved by county supervitoni According to Coastal Commh- and officials of Signal Landmark sion officials, an 1,800-boat slip Inc ., the major owner of the marina would be pennitted only 1,600-acre area along the coast-if 813 acres of wetlands are res- line near Huntington Beach. tared in conjunction with the It included: marina. -Development of 5,700 res-The county and Signal plan ldential units on 1,200 acres of calla for restoration of a total of the lowlancla. 600 acrea of wetlands. The -Creation of a 600-foot navi-coastal oornml8aion staff says the lllble ocean acceaa from the total wetlands area, without a marshlands. marina, aho!-tld be 1,016 acres. WORLD North Korean leader ailipg North Korea'• dictator, Kim Il-Suna, II 70, and . world ieaden are watch.ina hla frail heafth u clolely u that of Ru.ta'• Leonid lftzhnev. P• A8. NATION. ~etworll news ez•mined Former State Department •Poke.man Hoddlna c.rter tau. • look •t the~__. of network newa ln a PBS docwnefttary. hie A 7. • UPHILL FIGHT -Amputee Bart Van Housen, 35, runs up one of·the many tortuous hills along Highway 1 in Southern California as he nears the completion of a 900-mils;,.run from Oregon to Mexico for the Easter Seal Society. U.S. to 'take' island again TOKYO (AP) -Th e Japan-U.S. J oint Defense Com- mittee has decided to permit U.S. Marines to conduct a landing exerci.ae on lwo Jima, site of one of the bloodJest battles of World War ll ln the Pacific. Some 800 Marines are expect- ed to participate In the drill 1eheduled May 4-6 on the laland abouC 700 mile. .outbeut of•To- kyo, the agency aald. STATE Governor ap_peals for aid . By DAVID KUTZMANN ()('UM DellJ Pttot la.ff Anaheim police officials say that victims of Wednesday's $50 million fireatonn will soon be al- lowed to return to their charred dwellings to search for salvagea· ble belongings. Police spokesmen said that re - presentatives of the city's Buil- ding .Department were to make an inspection of the ruins this morning before salvage opera- tio~ would begin. Search and rescue teama fl· nished poking through the rub· ble Tburaday. No bodies were found. Crowds of onlookers and motorists on Ball Road stared at bloc ks o f gutted bui ldings throughout the day, getting their first look at the destruction cau- aed by Orange County's worst fire. It is estimated that up to 1.600 people were forced to flee ram- paging, wind-driven flames Wed- nesday morning. The fire de- str.oyed 53 buildings, Including 524 apar tment. units, within a four-square block area of central Anaheim, near Disneyland. Incredibly, n o deaths were caused by the blaze, though po· lice and fire department rescue teams combed the wreckage Thunday to be certain of that. The return of fire victims to their former homes was to be allowed only under strict guide- lines, including a requirement that the residents first register with the Red Cross at Ball Junior High School, site of an evacua- tion center. P olice officials said the victims would then be allowed back. into the area lo aift debris after cal- ling the police de partment to make an appointment. No chil- dren would be allowed back ln. a spokesman aaid this morning. The actual return of the resi- dents, however, muat await the city Building Department's ap- proval. There are safety concerns re lated to allowing people to poke through the fire-scarred debris, officiala aaid. (See RESIDENTS, Pase Al) . Medi-Cal benefits ex.tended LOS ANGELI'S (AP) -Superior Court Judae Dick.ran Tevrlzian extended Medi-Cal benefita for 10,· 000 California famlliel ~ Aq. l after a Lep1 Aid •ttorney filed IUit on behalf of a divorced working mother of four. COUNTY Japan toy exhibit on C.0..1. An exh1bttlon of tndidanal toyt frcim J•pu II on ~l91>laf at Newport Beach'• BenJhana Reltau.rant . UUVUCh April 30. Weelrmder: ' yearly decline would be 3.3 per- cent. The annual rate reported by the Labor Department is ba- aed on a more precise calculation of monthly changes than the fl. gure the department makes pu- blic. Specifically, the department reported these price changes: -Gasoline prices fell 4 per- cent, the moat alnce theae costa were first recorded monthly by the department 1n 1967, to help brina down overall transporta- tl on costs l perce nt. March marked the third straight month these coeta have Callen. Fue l olJ prices posted their biageat drop alnce reports on (See PRICES, Pa1e A%) Deity Not "'-to by LM ~ HIGH AND DRY -Want to learn windsurfing without the indignity of unscheduled dunkings? Try Orange Coast College lnstructor Mike Perry's cJ,u., on 18th Str~ Beach in Newport Beach. Student April Dallas ls on chopped off board mounted on swivel base. Nearing Isles British fleet alert at second stage LONDON (AP) -Britain's armada nearing the Falkland Islands went on the second hig- hest st.ate of alert before combat today. a Defense Ministry spoke- sman reported. "At this moment, the ships are at defense stations, which means that half a ship's company 1s close up to its weapons or radar, while the other half is conduc- ting normal business," the spo- kesman said. The highest state of aler t is action stations. Although the spokesman de- nied the task force was involved Re fugees safe BANGKOK. Thailand (AP) - The U.S. submarine Indianapolis has rescued a boatload of Viet- namese refugees in the G ulf of Thailand and brought them to safety, the U .S . Embasay said Thunday., INDEX At Y out Service A4 L.M. Boyd A6 BUltnela B4-S c.allf ornia A~ Cav~ B2 a...fled C5-8.01-8 ·Ccmlcl B3 Clcmwont B3 o.ah Nodcee C4 Stan Delaplane B2 l:cUtortal Ae Enterlelnment Weebnder Home/Gerden • SPORTS \ in any landing action on South Georg11t, reports persisted that · the armada ·will first retake the British dependency 800 miles east of the Falklands that the Argentines seii.ed April 3 and are guarding with an estimated 140 troops. Some British military experts expect attempts to ,am ArgentiM radar and to la nd marines for sabotage miSSJons. ln Washington. British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym was con- ducting talks with Secretary of State AJexander M. Haig Jr. on the Falklands cnsis. The task force commander, Rear Adm. John Woodward, told correspondents aboard the car- rier Hennes the aerial blockade will be one o f his first action~ when his neet gets close to the Sou th Atlantic archipelago thia weekend. Meanwhile, The Tim es of London said Prime Minister (See F .ALJtLAND, Pase AU I r • RE IDENTS RETURN. • • Meanwhile, there were other deve lopmenta Thursday related to Anaheim'• devastating flre1- torm, Including these: -Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. asked President Reagan to de- clare Anaheim a federal disaster area, free ing up assistance for fire victims such as loans, grants and substitute housing. -Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark.,whose district in- cludes Anaheim, said he would ask the Board of Supervisors next week to give some thought to toughe n ing regulatio n s on fire-retardant roofing in urban areas. [n 1979, the board appro- ved a ban on shake and shingle roofs within 1,000 feet of brushy wildlands areas. Clark said he wanted to see how much it would cost to expand the ban to include combustJble wood roofs m urban areas. The quick spread of Wednes- day's blaze was attributed to the wood shake roofs atop many of the gutted apartments. -The ~urance Information Institute in San Francisco, meanwhile , estimated that the amount of insured loss in the fire was roughly $30 million. Many renters did not have insurance on their belongings. For the fire victim• themael- ves, Thuraday wu another day of coping wilh a traaedy that left moet with virtually nothing but the clothes on thelr backs. The Red Cross 'evacuation center at Ball Junior High School, where about 800 of the l ,500 homeless have registered, was crowded with 1everal hun· dred people. many just sitting on folding chairs and awapplng sto- ries Red Cross off1c1als said as- sistance ope rations have cost their agency nearly $250.000. It is expected that the evacuation center will remain open through the weekend at Ball Junior High. Officials said the Red Cross needed contributions to help co- ver expenses related to emer- gency operations lhis week. Part of Thursday's activity m - c 1 uded residents o f the Palm Villa apartments getting rent and security deposit re funds from Ron.son Equity Management Co. o f Fulle rton, owner of the 116-unit complex. By noon Thursday, nearly $50,000 had been refunded lo tenants. One onlooker at the fire scene Thursday was for~r preside nt Richard Nixon , who toured the area. F ALKLAND ISLANDS. • • Margaret Thatcher may have agreed to a strategy that British warplanes must bomb Argentine mai nland airfields to counter Argentina's numerical air super- iority before mounting any at- Laek on the Falklands. The newspaper. quoting views of unidenuf1ed defense analysts. drew the conclusion from a gov- ernment reply to a message st said was sent Thursday by seruor officers with the British navy task fon-c who are womed about th<' Argentine air force's grealt'r numbers. A spokesman for Mrs. That- cher sajd he had "no knowledge wha~ver" of the reported ex- change of messages. The Defense Department had no immediate l'OTlU'Oent. The troops Argentina h as poured mto the islands smce its invasion April 2 have been sup- plied and reinforced by 8.U' sux-e Bnush submarines imposed a sea blockade around the islands 11 days ago. The British experts believ<' that although the Argentine air force's 240 combat planes out- number the task force's 20 Sea Harrier verucal take-off fighters 12 to 1. that edge will be greatly red uct'd by the worsen 1 ng weather as winter closes m and the Argentine planes' limited range from their mainland bases "Only a small number of their planes ha ve all -weather capability," said John W.R. Tay - lor . editor of the aut horitative annual "Jane's All the Wo rld's Aircraft." "Many don't have any radar, which limits their useful- ness at this time of year." The Harner is fast.er than the agmg U $.-built A-4 S kyhawks used by the Argenune navy and air force and can outma neuver the ir faster Mira g e Ill and Israeli-built Dagger interceptors "The Harrier is a new dimen- sion in air l'Ombat,'' said Taylor "l don't think the Argentines have had any experience of fa - cing something hke it " The British "jump ,ets," Har- riers, by d eflecting the engine exhausts that give them vertical thrust. can change direction sud- denly in combat. That causes at- tacking planes to overshoot , lea- ving them vulnerablt> to the Harriers' Sidewi ndn h ea t - seeking mis.11les. 13 killed BEIRUT. Lebano n (AP) The assassination of a pro-Iraqi poht1cal leader in northern Le- banon touc hed o ff e1 night of fighting between rival leftist Moslem militias 1n which 13 people were lulled and nine were &nJUred, police reported today Mostly fair con<111lon1 lor thr .. r9111on8 Ol t1'141 Soutl'I Coast Alf 8111n lod1y. CoWJtal L1ghl var1eble w1nd1 111rough 1on1ghl ucepl w.s1erly 8 10 IS knou at;ernoon I to 3 toot wHl•rly swell Mostly fair but aom11 tog mainly over lhe outer wllert 1on1ghl V .S. summary Shower1 end aom• lhun· d•rtl'low.,1 s~reed acrou lhe Sout"-t to tM OVlf OI Medco on Thur1day, and cloudy 1111e1 IC)fffd KtOM tM SoutMut ottk:l•ta Mid The worst condlllon1 are ••· pect.0 In t1'141 Rlvw..oe-Sen Ber- nardtno aree with 1 Pollu1en1 Standard lndu ol 210. Condi· tiona lhOuld be almost .. llTIOgg'f In th• San Gel>rlel end Pomona Valleys with a PSI ol 205, the llQ9flCY Mid Meantime. t1'141 /\OMO for11e11t unl'IHllhlul condillon1 tor Mnal· lt\19 f)l<M>nt In tM Sen Fernll"dO end Senti Clerlt1 vellwfl wtlh PSI 163 end metropolitan Los An· gei. with PSI 113 access • Ill court By BERNARD RURWITZ At1ootlltied ""• WtHlf SAN f~RA NCISCO -The California Supreme Court agreed Thursday to decide whether the s tale Coast al Commis11on may require all shorc·line bu1lde111 to provide public :>ccesli lo the beach The 2nd D1str1c:t Court of Ap- p<'al in Los Angelt.•i;, hearing .i legal challengl' brought by the Pac1 f1c Legal Foundation. had s111d lhl· requarl'm<·nt was un· ('Ona.t1tut1onal l'X<ept when ap- pht.-d to largl' d .. •vl'lopments CLASSIC CONFIGURATION -Bob McGre- gor peers into the interior of the Heritage motor ~r on display at Orange County Inter· D•llJ '''°' ltaff Pt\oto national Auto Show at Anaheim Convention Center. This little model. complete with dual side-mounted spare tires, goes for $65,000. "In 1mpl1·m1·nt1ng these n ·ii:ul<ttllJOb," thC' J!JjX'llaw l'OUrl s<.t td, "the c.:omm1sswn hai. at· tt.•mptcd to t•nlurg1· its own po- Wl'r~ and hai. pron•<•d ed in a milnnt'r wh1th uff1•11d!> the c:on· stllutwnal pi ott-<.·uon of private proJ)(.•rt v " From Page A1 PRICES. • • monthly price trends were first kept in January 1952. -Housing costs fell 0 3 per- cent, partly a refle<:tion of a 1.3 percent drop in mortgage interest rates and a 0.4 perl't?nt decline.in home prices themselves. In the preceding month, housing costs overall had risen 0 4 percent. -Food and beverage prices dropped 0 3 percent. reversing the 0.6 pt'rccnl gam m February . -Medical care l'OS\S, posung th e only s ubstantial gain 1n March. rose I percl•nt, up from the 0. 7 percent m creas(' of Fe - bruary. All the m«rc.•aSl'S ar<: adjusted for normal SC'asonal variations. For the first thr<'<' months of the year. inflauon rose a small 1 perC'ent, the lowest quarterly gain since 1965, today's report said. Inflation rose a seasonally ad- justed 0.2 percent m January and 0.3 percent m February For all of 1981. t he index rose 8.9 percent, under the 12.4 per- l'Cnt of the preVlous year and the smallest increas<.• in four years. Ec·onom1slS, already lowering their inflation projections for 1982. are pred1('tm g consumer prices will r!S(' in the range of 4 !)(!rc.>ent to 7 percent At the wholesale level. prices also rcu in February and March, marlung the fu-sl tune smce 1976 that those costs had dedined two months running. The wholesale index, Connally known as the L abor Depart - ment's Producer Price lndex for finished goods. fell a seasonally adjusted 0 l perct'nt in both months T he declines were the first back-to back d rops since early 1976, when the econ omy was coming out of another rec-- ess1on. 1 •• ~ Cl•]:JJf;\ji =~ ... _ t Policewoman out Thl' Appt.·al Court said the c.omm1ss1on's regulations are in d trC'C'l vwlauon of thl· 1976 Cal.J- fornaa Cua.<.t<tl AC't The court did not qu~uun thl• lOn\t1tut1ona1Jty of lhl· ad 11.M·lf after nude photos SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP> Two police officers pictured m Playboy magazine. including a female officer who posed nud<•. were suspt'nded indefinitely wi- thout pay today pending a d~1 phnary hearing. offlc1als said City Manager Thomas A S..y told a news l'onferenre that a <.'1ty Pohl't' Division board of inquiry re<.'Ommended dismissal for Bar- bara Sch a ntz, 25, and offu.:<.'r Dou~las Radel. Radel appeared fully clothed 111 some pictures which showed him and Ms. Schantz on the JOb M!. Schantz was alone in the nude photos pubhshed in the May is- sue of Playboy A hearmg will be held Tu(•s day. said Bay, who wuh Spnng field's pohce chief will make tht· final J £>c1sion on thl· o ff1t•erl>' fall'. Bay said the board of inquiry found that Ms. Schantz violated 10 l'IV1l Sf'rv1<.-e regulations The board found Hadel in violation of two regullitruns, Bay added Ill' said thl' rules concerning Ms Schanu. uwolved l'Onduct on .ind off duty. sohc1ung g1fli. in tht· hnc of duty. seelung personal pubhC'1ty and <.'OOperauon with a poht'V mt.l·mal investigation Buy did not elaboratt• on the l'UOJX'ration l'hargc He said h<.• was hei.1 tant to answ<'r most quC'St1ons about the c~ becaum• ht· will prl>S1de at th<.· d1S1:1phnary h<•a rmg Ms Sch<t n tz has said l>h<• 1 l'<.' <.•1vt>d $20.000 from Playboy fur pol> mg Th.t• comm1ssw11 "'rgucd thl' appellate dloe1s1on would have a "dl'VClstating" impal't on the Le- gislature'" ability Lo police public rights of <tlTt'!>S to t he st.·a as guaranlt.·«d by tht· state Consu- tullon Thl· <tgl'nc:y askl'd the high <.'ourt for a ht•anng. saying the appt.•a1 l'OUrt ruling would "l·~ulat<·" tht· 1976 California Coastal Act "Obvwusly, wc"rt· pleased," ... aid <:omm1i.!.1CJn !>JJ<>kei.woman K;,ty Corsaut after l1•arning of Thursday's d('<.'l!\Wn "By taking tlw l'as<', tht• Supr<.•m(· Court has t•ff"t:tivt•ly vo1dl'd tht· <tppeals l'OUI t dt'l'l!>IOO " She' ::.aid the Appl·al Court's f1·b 2:$ rulin~ "put l<tnguage inw lht-dt l tho 1 " not thl'rt-" by '-ily1ng thl' rN~1n.•m<-nl only ap- JJlll·d to 'largt• mul ti-purpose and mulu-urul dt•v<·l<>pmcnt" Nix on tours rubble of Anaheim blazes The· appl•al t'OUI l had said only that ~on ot d1·vl'111pment would intt•rft'fl' with the.· public's ability l11 rt•Jc.:h th1• !>hon· But the com- 1111:.::.wn arguNI !>mall projects l•1uld al!.u l>lo1:k an·l'SS. 1nd1v1 - duJ1ly and c umulauvl'ly Former President Richard Ni - xon, who was s tayW'lg al the Disneyland Hotel o nly a mile from the Anaheim fire that left 1.500 people home!~. toured lhe burned out neighborhood Thurs- day "It was much worse than I had thought. It was a miracle no one was hurt.'' Nixon said after tou- ring the desolate, mile-square area for 20 mmutes before being dnven to the Los Angeles Inter- national Airport to catch a flight back to New York. Actually. 17 people -10 hre and policemen and seven resi- dents -h ad to be hosp1tah:r.ed suffering everything from heart attacks to burns to twisted ank- les. However, officials said it was ''a miracle" there were no deaths. Nixon had been in Anahe im for a $1 ,000-a-plate fundraiser Wednesday night for GOP can- didates m Orange County and elsewhere m the state. Aft.er touring the ruins, Nixon stopped al the city fire depart- ment's command post to congra- t u I ate e m e rge n cy workers, saying he was "very much 1m- p r essed b y the way it was handled." Nixon said Secr e t Se rvice agents assigned to him saw the fire from lhe1r hotel room across tht.• hall e1nd had monrt<>rl•d Ill> progn.•ss Ill a'i'\Ure 1t would n n l 1mdanger tht' fonncr rt.>Sldl'nl He said the agents wld him the fire was only about a mlle away but pOSed no lmmedlate threat. The former president said he did not watch the fire from his hotel room. Tht' c1gem·y ba<.·kt-d its pos1llon wllh a 9th U S CirnJ1t Court of A ppl'i:l b de<. 1\lon 11n olv1ng the ~, . ., H;;inch dt-velupment on the nurth<.·rn California , oasl Thal ruling said the age ncy could ap- ply· the regulatton 1f the cumu- l<1l1ve impact of md1v1dual con- !>trul't1on pro_)('(·t:; inwrfered with pub ltc· act·c'SS 'Bombs' to drop <:o llege to m a h worst record TULSA. Okla. (AP) -There'll be stacks and stacks of wax coming down tonight on campus a t the University of Tulsa in what promises to be a real record-breaking bash. The 10 worst popular songs of the 1970s -as judged by the university's students -will be loaded into an aging jukebox, hoisted to 100 feet and dropped as part o f the school's annual Springfest celebration. The records, many of them No. l hits, include "Disco Duck" by Rick Dees: "I 'm Not Lisa" by Jessie Coulter. ''Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas; "Billy. Don't Be a Hero" by Bo Donaldson and the Ha~oods. Also. "Run. Joey, Run" by David Geddes; "Tom Between Two Lovers" by Mary MacGregor; "Daddy. Don't You Walk So Fast" by Wayne Newton: "Da Doo Ron Ron" by Shawn Cassidy; "S easons in the Sun" b y Terry Jac k s and "Undercover Angel" by Allen O'Day. Relnellow•r• conunued ov•r T e•n end Loul9'ene. end cloucfy 111119 C0¥9fe0 the r•t of lM OuK Coaat. reachtng tllrough lh• C11ollnn to Marylend Seeu .. .ci •llow.,1 1110 cover•d N-M•· •k:o end northe<n Amon• Good air qullty was pr.cllc:ted for 1111 olller reg!ons· Banmng end H•met·L•k• £111nore. PSI 100. low d•t•rU PSI 6 7. inland Orange County PSI 54, end t1'141 lltgh dH•tl. Big Beer Lek• and COUlll lonet PSI 42 --------------------- T"9 lower Ohio Va119)'. nortl'lflm N-York ll•t• and nortllefn New Enoland had peflly Cloudy lllllff. enc1 II wu moetly tunny throug- llOut the rH1 of the natiot'I. Scatt•red 1h0w•r1 w.,e tore- cHI tor lodey over teJt•• and IOUtllefn Florida. and l'*I wn a chine• of rain In norlllern N•w England Sunny a111t1 were H · peeled~• Temperalur• wound Ille nat!- on 11 mlOClay Tllurldey r•"99d from 1 low of 33 d1gre11 In Gr~. Melnl. lo a high ol t2 In St P11era1>urg. At California Soutllern C1111ornl1 wlll 1>1 moetly telr 111touph 8et1frd1y Cool nigl'tte Stighlly oooler dl'f9 ,_ lhl COM! 1)\11 Wtflnlt lnlllfld ., ... 011no1 Counl y may have' ~ loo ., COUI Sa&uroey mofnincl Hlgllt ~ Wld .. "". d"Y el the~ .. to 74, 7t IO 14 lnlend Lowe &2 to 11 V...,,. w111 Mlle lllOflt ,_ IO. With Iowa In Ille IOt Mountlllfl higN In Ille IOI, 10Wt In 30e 10 IOw b . N«llletn oet«t fllotlt 74 10 H, lo•• In 40•. loutlltrn dtHrf hlolll IM lo IO, ._ 41 10 N Norttwn ll!O a.Mr•~ -Ill leir ""°""' .......... ._. .., --·tow ....... ... =r:=:,-:='~..:Y ... IH •• , A Ufllt t•.i.t tt9ftt ..... OenYlt 51 28 Extended Oft Moltlft 58 30 O.trOll S3 29 El PHO 62 41 forecast Fttgo, 55 29 Fllgllall 48 26 Oreal Felli 64 43 Som• nigh cloudlneH. other-Hertlord S9 35 wise fair atc'J ••rly morning HonolulU 80 69 low clouds 1n~long Ille Hovaton 65 S3 COHI HiOhl et &4 to 68 lnCln1pli1 65 36 end lni.nd ...... 7 4 lo 82 LOWS Jack an 65 53 S2 to Sii Moumeln reaorl hight Jacllanvlle 91 &2 se to ee Lows 35 to 45 K-Clly 60 41 Ln V91111 70 se little Roell 58 45 Temperature• L.oulrf!M SS 39 Memphj• QI) S1 MIM!I 112 Tll NATlON ' MMWIUll• 53 30 All>uque S5 38 Mnpla·St P•ul se 30 Ancilor 109 47 33 NlllWllll 58 41 Atlanta 71 47 ......., Orltan• 73 58 AUentc Cly 63 40 ...... 'f'Ol'k " 43 8elllrn0<• &4 34 Olli• Cily 61 36 Blrmlngl'lm 60 411 am.ti• 58 32 8olM 63 48 OrllMO 92 911 BOii on 81 311 Pltiled9NI 04 311 8'1Helo 42 21 Plloen4JI 75 27 8ul'tlng1on eo l: Pllttbur~ 51 31 Chltteelon. WV &7 '111nd. 57 ., ~~NC " 50 PtllnO. Or't 11 ... 111 24 Pr0¥kMnel 81 SS ~atl &3 " Reno 83 2t M 34 ~ .. 47 QMlen(I u It ..,. Ula• H 30 ~IC len~ 04 47 82 II .... 71 •• Dll-'1 Wiii ,, .. lloU• , .... IO 21 lllf IEPllT ..,_ -=.. = 'r: 1C' 'I:' f I f ii ' f w E St Lovll St P-Templ Spoil-Tuoaon Waslllngln Wlctllll CAUf'ORNIA Appi. Valley Belltt1lleld 81rllow ee.umont Big Bellf 8llhOP 81y11'141 Cetallne Eureka FrlllnO Laoc.1tt LOOQ leech lOI Are Marys MOOfovla Mont.,.ey Mt WMIOll Ntldltl ==BMc;" OnltflO Pllm 19flll0t ,....., PMO AotMI ~ Red Muff "'9dwood °"" 8.u-"> ... len lltnwdlno 1111 OltoO J Tidea 56 38 88 63 66 35 74 41 68 44 60 34 62 32 881 64 77 50 7S 38 54 25 73 29 79 50 76 62 7& 49 111 50 76 30 84 47 8S 58 81 47 88 43 74 62 115 43 n H 81 51 81 t: 81 .. ... 84 u 12 42 83 4' 11 44 IO •U 71 41 7' 46 12 40 ,, .. ?OOA\' ...... "fa~ .... "' .. ""'... •L•,,. °' = . ,;.,.. ·1 l9W I 11 pM 0 ""' ., ... "' . ............. 111., ....... . ..,..,,,,,,.. .............. "'f ,., .. ....,,., ... '"' OBIE SPORTS LTD -.... RENTAL SKI SALE ROSSl&llOL SKIS $40-'50 (WITH SALOMON BINDINGS) BOOTS • • 2181 PAatlC CoUT HWY • COBOllA DEL 11111, CA 87 9700 I • '* '20-'31 • OPEN ALL WEEKNIGHTS TILL 7 P .M. • .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 s Falklands life normal despite war threats -- BUENOS AIRES, Araentlna (AP) -As the British fleet moves closer to the Falkland Ialands, purchases of staple foods are rising sharply In Buenos Aires and so are f rices. Bankers report a flight o money acrosa the River Plata to Uruguay. Otherwise this cosmopolitan capital of about 9 million people appears normal There are no outward signs of war jitters as residents do their usual thlngs - Including going to see the Aca- demy Award winner ·•Chariots of Fire," a British movie that arn ved before the crisis. The housewives' rush to stock their cupboards la matched by retailert marking up their prices to cash In on the South Atlantic crisis. The government ls waging a propaganda campaign against pro fl tee ring. "Don't speculate," say• a mes- Hge 1ured on the state-run TV channels. AB a hand erases a food price on a blackboard and re- places it with a higher one, the viewer reads: "Thmk about how rnuch money means to you. then about ho~ much the lives that are being risked for the country are worth. Don't make your children ashamed of you.'' Alberto Sciarreta, president of the Buenoa Aires Grocers' ~­ elation, said food purchases last week were up 15 percent over previous weeks. "Expectation of con!ltct h8'!1 ' caused people to acquire large quantities of critical products like oils, noodles, m ·e and powdered milk," he said. I le said the 1m:rt>abt' wub par- Ucularly noticeable In middle and upper clau nelg~borhoods "because the purchasing power of the lower class doet not allow them to accumulate product.a." The purchasing power of the average Argentine worker drop- ped nearly 20 percent last year as lhe country strugglt.'CI lhrough ilS worst recession [n :>O years. There have been no reports of short.ages, however. Officials of the Economy Min- istry said they feared the price markups would send the mfla- lion rate skyrocketing again It hit 130 percent last year, t:>ut a fi&Cal auaterhy program imposed by Economy Minister Roberto Alemann h e ld price rises to :> percent a month In February and March Alemann prohibited the pur- chase of foreign currt'nl'Y follo- wing the Falklands invasion April 2 The measun' wru. mten- d ed "to prevent spl·t·ulation against the peso, which would be improper m this lime the nation 1s ltvmg through." he said However, banks have reported --- large withdrawals of savings. Bankers In Uruguay h.ave repor· led an increase rn the lranafer of capital from Buenoe Alrea acroa the River: Plata to MonlJvldeo. Savings associations have rals· ed Interest rates to I!> percent a monlh -up 50 pert·ent 11nce April I -m an attempt to stem the withdrawals and lurt! back some of that withdrawn But unless one ket>ps a watch on interest rates and retail food sal~. life m Buenos Air~ St.-e~ ~t.·hanged Palestinian autonomy Dearing showdown BETHLEHEM, Ot:cupied West Bank (AP) The return of the Sma1 to Egypt on Sunday will focus a ttenuon on another g~I of the Camp David peace accords: autonomy for th<· I :1 million Pa- lestinians in lsrad1-oc:cup1ed ter- ritory The autonomy issue has been Vlrtually deadlockt.-0 for the pasl 30 months of negouauons by the United States, ~ypt and Israel. Many West Bank and Gaza leaders, inl'luding Bethlehem Mayor Elias f'reiJt. foreset• mounung opposltton to Israeli proposals and tht• ml•nac:e of more bloodshed and social up- heava I fol lowing the Israeli "warning" attack on Palesuruan bases Wednesday to an attack on them "Any local leader who does not stand up and prott.'bt is a collabo- rator and a qu1shng," says FreiJ. who IS proud Of hlS Status as a moderate "It is tht> JX'Ople who obJt.-<·t Strikes, demonstrations arc by the people, not the ll'adt.•rs." PLO stre ngth cannot be a<.'CU· rately ~ lsraeh leaders say most West Bank and Gaza Pa- lestinians are kept m hne by fear of PLO repnsals and the lack of any alternauve Ibrahim Tawil, removed by lhe military authorities as mayor of El B1reh last month. d1i.agrees "W e are 99.99 percent for the PLO," he says. Interviews with diplomats, academics and evl'n some lsraeh offic1als speaking privately also make it dear that thl• PLO has suff1cwnt backing to block any political solution 1ts leaders op- pose The opuons art:' ft>w Thoughtful Palestinians rule out a military solution, and few · expect Israel to withdraw vo- luntarily from the West Bank, whatever ctvtl unrest tt might fac:e Israel hopes the Palestinians might eventually a<.'l'<'Pt its auto- nomy plan, at least as a first step toward a solution. Fre1J, summing up Palto.st1n1an obJect1ons, said "If America. Egypt and Israel <.'Ould not m 30 months agree o n a form for aut0nomy, how can they expt."t:t us to accepl anything offered by Israel?" ~ "These measures to crush the PLO only strengthen our peo- ple's will to resist and support the PLO," said Frt'tJ in an interview. "Th e lsrac•l1 attac:ks will increase the tension. alrt'ady very high " Books • aill1 at bias attitudes Israel set!ks to grant l1m1ted local autonomy to lhe Palesti- nians in hopes of nurturing a moderate leadnshtp that will overtake the forcc'ti demanding a Palestinian st.at<'. T o do that th<• Israelis must destroy the PLO's influence in tht· West Bank and Gaza, where the PLO has been outlawed since Israel captured the areas m 1967 But many Palestm1ans say that any aua~ on the PLO amounts NEW YOHK (AP) Elemen-ducted by the Counctl on Inter- tary school textbooks aimed at racial Books for Children based stamping out racism, sexism, and m New York. discriminatory attitudes toward Howard Webber, publ.&aher of the aged and handtcappro have Open Court Publishers of LaSal- tx.-en unve1le? to JO publishers of le, Ill .. one of the industry re- children's readen1 presenlat1ves al the gathering, The textbooks. for third-and s~ud comparable private industry fifth-graders. were the product costs for preparing such text- of a two-year, $200,000 pilot books was about $1 5 mil hon pro,ect funded by the U S. De-Like other publishers at the ga- partment of F.ducation, and con-lhenng. he said Wt.'Cfnl'Sday that ----- A NEW "MARILYN?"-Tami Holbrook, 21, of North Hollywood was one of only 13 hopefuls who tried out recently for the part of Marilyn Monroe in a scheduled Broadway musical on All' Wlreplloto the sultry sex goddess. T h e auditions were in West Hollywood . T h e play Is entitl ed, "Marilyn: A Fable of the 20th Century." -'- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ..,,... .... .., .......... CIHtlflM edwnltlnt 714.'142"M71 All other depertment1 142-4321 MAIN CWFICE *'° Wttl 8r, SI., CAIAt MtM, CA. M<llt ...,..._ lk>o '*• Ca u Meu, CA -,...,,._..tear.,,.. c-~ ~ ... -· ..... It\, llh•ll•el ............. 11\.ettt .... .. ,u ... -..... "' -.. ,.,..._.. ...... lf'9< Mii lllHWll-.. ~-- Error 'cau e d' platform to tilt BOSTON (AP) -Nine days befOJ'e t.he Ocean Ranger sank In a •lorm. killing 84 crew mem· bera, the drilling rig'• captain had accidentally opened the wrong valve a nd ca u sed the platform w till, a drilling tore· man tettJfled. Jim Counta of th ObNn Dril· Jina and Exploration Co. told a CoAat Guard martne board that the h\Ale platform develope<( a ~. 5~ Ult on Feb. 8. We're ,_,.,.,.,,ng ... WU. do JOU Uh 1boul &e.. DtUlr POOi" Whal don't you llkt" ('1tl UW nurnM .._..,. aid your ""111111 wlll M rtrorffd. &r11ft1tr1blld and d•llured lo llM .,,,.oprialt tdltor Ttw ••m 24 ttour ., .. wft1n1 Hr\llt• ma.r tMt u11d to·rtrord ltrt ••n ao &lw ldluw un 1n.r toptt M1llbo11 re>nl rtbulurs mi+1t lnt llldl lhlr ...... ind ltt~t numbH ror verlflt1llon No ~trrul1t~ ,., .. ...... 'i'fll • wtt11•1 ijft )t.ur mutd N while he wasn't yet ready to say he would publish the texts, he was "very much impressed." Attendin~ the meeung w ere representatives from the pubh- sh1 ng firms Allyn and Bacon, American Book Co., The Eco- nomy Co .. Harcourt Brace Jova- novich, MacMillan Pubhshtng Co, Open Court, Prentice-Hall, Riverside, Ginn and Co , and McGraw Hill. Dr. Ruth Meyers, a professor of educational psychology at New York Umversity and co-director or the project. said the books are a radical departure from most basic readers -even texts that make a conscious effort not to be racist or sexist in that they explicitly aim t.o foster attitudes of justice and equality toward women and oppressed groups m society The •th1rd-gradt> text. for ex- ample, contaJns a poem. ''Color," which says. m part "But people are pmk Or brown or tan Or yellow-brown-pink Or pinkish brown-tan. Not much difference, I lhmk, Bet ween one and another " The fifth -grade text has a short story, "Meg's First Day," about a handicapped girl's prob- lems, and another story about the experiences of the family of a Hispanic man who hits another man for making a racial slur and is sent to pnson As part or the p1lol pro}l'Ct. the textbooks were fleld-tesLed this achool year in 16 public schools and one pcivate school in Massa- chusetts, New York, Pennsylva- nia, F1orida. Ariz.ona, Minnesota, Indiana and California • All' Wlrephoto WORK AT LAST Bright. sunny days have finally enabled Mexican field workers to weed out lettuce crops in the Salinas Valley. Lengthy spring rams had delayed work and threate- ned the crop. valued at $300 m1lhon. A c ut in production, blamed on weather. has also driven up the price of a head of lettuce for the t'onsumer New birth control pill needed less frequently PARIS (AP) A Fre nch scientist says he and two other researchers have developed a birth c'Ontrol p11J lhllt ha'> to tx- taken only tWll't? a month. but tt needs more tesung and won't be on the market for about three years Dr Etienne Baulieu said he was confident research would show the pill 1s safer than pre- Sl'nt oral contraceptives and doesn't ptoduce the side eCCects ass<x.·1al.N:l wtth them "One of the pill's main advan- tag<'S 1s tha 1 a woman needs lO takt• tl only two days a month 1n$lt'aU O( thrl't' Wt't'ks," he S8Jd tn an interview this week "So she 1s t•xposed lo a much lower amount of chemicals It will give a woman more fret•dom A wo- man will be ahle to dt.'C1de at the l'nd of her monthly cycle whe- ther she wants or needs contra- cepttvl' protection " ----- SPRING CARPET SALE You don't have to wait for that t.a.x refund check to brighten up your home. We have 90 day -NO INTEREST Terms· (0.A.C.). Pocket avings on Rich Antron* Plus Nylon Shop now and save on luii:uriou8 Evans-Black carpet.a construct.ed of DuPont Anlron• Plus nylon, the rugged new fiber that resist.a 8oil, stains, and helps control s~t.ic &hock. NOW ONLY '19so d INSTALLEO Ml· y . Pocket Savings .on Rich Anao• IV Ny.Ions . . • Beaut ify your home with an Evan1·Black carpet. of ao1l and at.am resist.ant Anao IV nylon . Anso flbera ecweUy reject dirt. r11llt 1pilla and provide comfortin1 atetic control. NOW ONLY $} 5~. yd. INSTALLED ~ ... _.. ...... .,@··-··. tnsUl#ed Pikes lndude NZX-3600 JPOllfl!I Ribber plltl DEN'S ·i$1• :;;;;iiJliHiin: 'cu1to111 ,,.,.,;,, ll ~ 11 160 ~TIA AWHUI • COlf A MliA, CALI,, f2'71 • 'NONI .... 4111 -616 Jiii DOUBLE DIGITS -Gasoline at a Phoenix Arco station was being aold at cost, 99.9 cents a gallon, in an effort to lure customers. Arco has dropped c:redit card sales and lowered gas prices about five cents a a all on. Wants spouse declared dead CASTRO VALLEY (AP) - The wife of a man who disap- peared during a sailboat race April 10 has asked Alameda County Superior Court to declare him dead. "All our financial dealing.<r are tied up without a court dec.lara- t Ion that m y husband is deceased," said Darlan G . Mai- mone, 37, who said she went $5,- 000 in debt hiring private search planes to hunt for her husband. Gregory Maimone, 38, and John Benson, 39, of Moraga, were aboard the 24-foot Bad Sneaken when it dilappeared ln a storm off the Golden Gate du- ring a race to the Farallon Islands. Neither has been seen since. Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Friday, April 23, 1982 ~~~\ ~"'"~ Unvented heaters opposed BY PAT HOROWITZ Of IM O•ltr llttot ''-" DEAR READERS: Southern California Oas Co. has an- nounced that It la opposed ~ ,ihe federal Consumer P.,.oduct1 Safeti~ Commisalon's regulation which liberalize» usage of un- vented 'gas room heaters. Eve n when equJpped with oxygen depletion eenaora -at which point the federal government flnda them acceptable - these heaters can be...dangerous under certain condltiona and could cause death dul. to car,bon monoxide polaoning If lmprope· rly adjusted, according to the utility. The oxygen depletion aenaors are designed to shut off the heaters when the surrounding oxygen level droJl9 to 18 percent from a normal of 20.9 percent. But the devices ~ure only the d epletion of oxygen and not the accumulation of carbon mono- xide, the gas company said. In allowing the use of these heaters with oxygen depletion sensors as of year-end 1981, the CPSC has pre-empted all state, local and other regulations which ban or limit home installation of these units. New unvented gas apace heaters have been banned in Cali- fornia for more than 30 years. Their reintroduction could bring about a num8er of deatha due to asphyxiation and carbon monoxide poisoning, the utility said, adding that-the sensitivity of the oxygen depletion senaora may cause frequent shutdowns and cause consumers to tamper with the sensing device. The utility stated that Southern California Gas Co. and many local and ~te governments which have tougher laws governing t.he use of the.e heaters believe the federal rule is unnecessarily lax. The CPSC does not require American Gas Association certiClcation of unvented gas heaters. Ita only criteria are that heaters be equipped with proper sensing devices and that the unit display certain warnings. The utility polpted out that since its formation In the mid-1970s, the CPSC began examining the issue of unvented gas heaters and at one point considered a national ban on their usage. Opposition from states which still permitted them prompted the cornmis&on to r~nsider and adopt a rule allowing their use as long as they were equipped with the oxygen sensing devices. Don't eat pokeweed DEAR PAT: I alwaya beard Uaat pokeweed waa a polaonoa1 plant. Bat a friend told me pokeweed leaves can ~ ased lD sa- lads if tbey are boUed, drained and reboiled ~fore aslng. b this true? K.E ., Newport Beacb No! In fact. boiled pokeweed leaves resulted an an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness among campers at a large day camp in New Jersey last sununer, according to the C.ooperative Extension. Reports indicated that the outbreak was limited to a "nature group" whose members had sampled a salad made with wild plan ts. Four persons who ale the salad were hospitalized for protracted vomiting and dehydration. • ''Got a problem? Then write ro Pat Horowitz. Pat will • cut red tape, prting the an.fWers and action you -_ 'l need to aolve 1Mqultler1 in lfC!Vemment and business. Mail }'QJr questknf to Pat Hq-owitz. At Your Servn>, ,.., •: Orange Cout,Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Me.a, CA 926:1$. A.t many letters a poaible wW be &JVWet'ed, but phoned inqulrlft OI" ktten not including the rea- der'• iul1 ~. add.re9 and bu&iness hours' ~ number can- not be considered. " "FAMOUS NAMES AT FA8ULOUS PRICES' UNDER NEW· MANAGEMENT MANAGER'S SPECIAL GIVE YOUll OLD PATIO FUllNITUlll THAT NEW LOOK. We Reatore And Repair All Branda, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New" Condition For A Fraction Of Orlglnal Coat. ALUMONT 100 : . ·:·d;° !, . . . , . TIOPROIE CllTlll • 42" sq. round reg . $1042 Sale • 42" Table •All Weather $679°° ~~r • 4 Chairs Aluminum NOW $269 Retail $428 J~~...=;;.::;:31r:,-:-Chaise reg. $378 MATCHING CHAISE Sale s249oo Retail $188 $129 MARCADA SWINGS EASE INTO THE RELAXING LIVING OF YESTERYEAR • Superb Outdoor Furniture • Wrought Iron Reg. '64200 SALE $499°0 TOWN & COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS 28162 Camino Capistrano Laguna-Niguel 495-1422 Why bur or lea~e your new Por~che or Audi from juM any ciealer~hip when you can gee the ~pecial treatment ac Park. At Park Por~che/Audi, we're commicced co o ffering the ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Por..,che o r Audi comes complete wich a Park Preferred ervice Club Ca rd , enticling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You 'II also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here co answer all your automotive questions. And, if you 'd like ~~< .~ to pick up your new automobile righc from the factory, ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The profess ionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-i»O=l)(l-c II AUi>i cated co giv~ng you t~e firsc class treatment you deserve. II Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. • • Friction nagged Paul, John ~k 1\ar Paal McCartDey uy1 he a nd Job• Leapon settled moat of their dlffe· rencea before Lennon'• death, but they never eued nauiNl trict l.on over buaineaa affarri from their days as Beatles. "I would have liked to have aeen him the day before aqd jut \ straightened everything out with us," McCartney said in an interview to be televised in four oarts next week on NBC-TV's ''Today" program. f he main poin t of conten - tion was the management of Apple Records, the rompany the Beatles formed, McCart· ney said. Although a prominent CBS stockholder compJained that Walter Crollkite had been too soft on communism, the re- tireJ anchorman has been re-elected t o the network's boartt of directors. Reed Irvine, chairman of Accuracy In Media, repeated· ly criticized Cronkite a t the annual m eeting of CBS stockh olders in Boston . He received a cool reception from most other shareholders. "Mr. Cronkite has demon· strated over the years a sin- gular obtuseness on the sub- A FIRST -For the first time since it began admit- ting women a century ago. the University of Missis- sippi awarded an honorary degree to a woman, with s9prano Leontyne Price receiving the honor. Miss Price is a native of Missis- sippi. ject of the security of the United States a nd a naive lrµs~ in the Soviet Union ," said Irvine, head of the <.'On · servat1ve watchdog group based in Washington. Princess Margaret , divor- ced younger sister of Queen E lizabe th U, will announce her engagement to a wealthy publisher within six :nonths, a London newspaper repor- ted. The tabloid Sun said the DAVE'S CLOCK SHOPPE I ~1-ye r-old princeu "hu fal- len deeply In lo¥e" wl\h Normae Loudale, a wido- wer. Her preu 1ecre\ary. Maj. Job Ortffla, denied the COU• pie are en1aged, and Lons- dale uld there waa no truth \0 \he report \hat he plans \0 marry the orincesa. Lon1da£e, 55, has three grown children. liia wife died three years ago. State Supreme Court Chief J ustice Rose Bird waa cited for driving with a n ou t-of· date regiatratlon, her office confirmed. The juat1oe was pulled over by a California Highway Pa- l'ro l officer in South San Franclsc.'O on April 15 and a(2 ted for having a car registra· lion that expired in Septem· ber, 1980. "The chief just.ice' thought her registration was up to date," said Steplten Baelll, her executive assistant. Mary Cannlngbam, who left the Bendix Corp. amid allegations she was having a r o mance w ith company chairman William Agee, says the reports were rumors s pread by people out to get A.gee. Parade magazine reports Ms. Cunningham and Agee are engaged, but have set no wedding date Reports of a romance with Agee led to Ms. Cunning - ham's September 1980 res- ignation as vice president for strategic planning at Bendix. the nation's 88th largest cor- poration Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 Rentals offered e e VICtIIDS By JOEL C. DON or111e e>e1y,.... •t11tt Though eran,e County hat an apartment vacancy rate hovering around l percent, lnduatry offi- ciall expect \0 meet the demand , for rental units cal.lied by the fire disaster in Anaheim., "A.a long as they don't inaiat on staying ln that particular comer of Anaheim, I think we'll be able to handle It," said Peter Carber- ry, executive director of the Orange County Apartment Aleo- clation. Apartment manaaement tl.J and private lndivtduala have cal- led the a.oclation oUering avai- lable units for the eatlmatedJ,- 200 persona left homele11 by Wedne9day'a fire. The American Red Cross de- signated the aaaociatlon as the coordina\ins center for matching fire victims with available unita, Carberry said today. Many of the apartment firms, Carberry added, al80 have said they'll extend nonpaymen t of rent and dep osits until next month to the scores of families and individuals left homeless and without personal belongings. Carberry noted that fire vic- tims in search of a new piIK'e \0 live or apartment owners with available units can call the asso· ciation at 638-5550. Temporary housing has been offered by a number of Anaheim hotels. OeMr Pllol Staff l't>olo "GOOD SCOUT " LUSK -Ne wpor t Beach r esident J o hn Lusk. chairman of Irvine-based John D. Lusk and Sons builders, accepts award from Huntington Beach Eagle &:out David Barton during ceremonies in Anaheim honoring Lusk for years of service with the Boy &'Outs of America. Speclallzlng In the repair of antique and new clock1. Hou1e calls on grandfather clockl. Certified Clockma- ker Soles & Ser- vice. 'The lt Frame Sale Rides Again! (714) 495-3233 28752 Marguerite Pkwy., Mission Viejo Off at Avery NABERS CADILLAC 2000 HOIOO< Blvd CO$IO ~I ll.di ~Q1()() • 12131 ~18700. Now you too can cruise Newport Harbor .. in the all electric Edison 18. Safe. quiet and easy to operate. Comfortably seats 6 to 8 persons. leat the Edison 18 for $200o /hr or ~t\,.._:soao for 3 &n. 873-2050 2900 l.afa~tte. Newport Beach April Special 203 OFF-- The Frame Range Rides On ••• and On ••• ana on owr llw hills and over rhe plains Riding mto cilles big and small where\ier there's an Aaron Brothers store And why does he nde? He rides 'cUL he knows that Aaron Brothers ~ haVlng the rootm rootmest. deals to lx>ottnest tc Frame Sale ever They're selling platn frames. fancy frames phoro frames. sed>Ol1 fra~ ceramic frames and frames with glass and backing. 100. And pardner. when you buy one frame at the regular price, you get a second frame that costs the same or leM for just a penny more. So. v'all stampede down to Aaron Brother., An Marts where the I c Frame Sale Rides Again' StudJo Trio Adjustable draft· ing table from Plan Hold has a 30x42# white laminated top ~NP-. and a sturdy steel --~-base. Reg 169.95 $98.88. 21· artist's stool with ~~~~~==-----butcher block· look seat, Reg 29 95 $19.88. and clamp on lamp wih fled>le arm. Reg. 28. 95 19.88. have baked enamel finishes In as· sorted colors. Enllre peck ... Reg 228.85 ttl6.88. ~ ., II • • ' I I l . ' I I • I I I I ' ' ' I , I ' • I ( Al Orange Co .. t DAil. Y PILOT /Friday, Aprll 23. 1982 • Grand jury stresses .flood control need The Orange County Grand Jury is quite correct in recom- mending that more n eeds to be done to•improve flood protection along the Santa Ana River . The river, whJch has its origin in San Bernardino County, emp- ties lnto the Pacific Ocean on the Newport Beach -Huntington Beach borde r. Every study completed on the river s hows that lowlands in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley could experience consider-• able damage should a flood occur. It is a potential situation for which neither the counties nor the cities are w ell braced. The jury suggests development of a flood warning system and an e mergency flood plan. lt recommends mo re information b e made available about the flood poteltial and flood insurance programs. All o f those ideas are excellent points o f d e- parture. Whll~ n ecessary. those sug- gestions may be of limited benefit. Ultimately, what must occur are major improvementa to the Santa Ana River channel and existing flood control facilities Along its c'Ourse. Those improve ments have been unde r discu ssion for some time. Current thinking is building behind a $660 million project for channel improvements, increasing the height of Prado Dam in Santa Ana Canyon near Corona and new facilities along Santiago Creek, a major river tributary in Orange County. Such a plan still requires much work. County officials must impress upon those who control the purse strings in Washington D.C. that some type of flood pro- tection program must be initiated. C re dit is due the grand jur y for keeping that fact in the spotlight. Science and alcohol A UC lrv inc researcher h as revealed some startling informa- tio n about the e fficacy o f pro- grams to keep drunken drivers off the road. Dr. Frederu.:k L. McGuire has discovered that h eavy drinkers actually m ay be e ncouraged to dnve while intoxicated after par - ticipa tion in court-ordered treat- ment programs. McGuire has studied the re- cord of 18,000 drunken drivers in Orange County. When he followed up on the drivers, he found most light or social drinkers made a commitm e nt to avoid driving un- der the influence of alcohol. But heavy drinkers, in what McGuire describes as d eliberate antisocial behavior, take the ir re- quired treatment program as some sort of rude punishment. Their response. h e says, is to "get back " at the syste m by con - t inuing to br eak s t a te Jaws on drinking and dnving. And 1t doesn't matte r wha t type of treatm ent program 1s of - fered. M cGuire studied people who went through a variety of programs. The results were the same. What this may mean is t ha t w e a r e was ting e ffort on re peat of fenders by send m g them off to a court-approved proj!ram. be 1t re - gular attendance a t Alcoholics Anonymous meetings or private alcoholism treatment. lf a heavy drinker is on public assistance, the t axpayer may be footing the bill for treatment that, according to the UCI study, sends the alcoh c lic back on the s treets and thus a further threat to the public. , Whal should be d one? The scie ntist has o ffered no solutions to this problem. sin ce m ost treatme nt programs have been shown to be ineffective for heavy drinkers. Prison terms may exacerbate lhf problem , spurring alcoholics to continue to break the law, McGutre s uggests. And since the UCI s tud y s howed he avy drinkers who a re not enrolled in any treatme nt program do better .than those re- quired to get h elp. we may need to re-evaluate traditional methods of handling this problem . Perhaps it's time for the courts to dis ti nguis h h eavy from light drinke rs . But. more important. money would be better spent de- veloping new treatment programs for alcoholics Otherwise, we're sending the wors t offenders -a nd potential public h azards -back to o u r streets and highways. Walk for others' health Orange Countians who enjoy their good health, want to improve it. and at the sam e time h e lp others less fortunate will have that chance tomorrow when the March of Dimes WalkAme rica fund - raiser departs from two county locations. More than 100 teams re pre- senting county firms and groups of individuals will strut their stuCf in two 32-kilometer w alks. One sec- tion will leave from the Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Beach and traverse Irv ine. the other leaves from Cal State Ful- lerton. Registration at both loca- tions is scheduled between 7 a.m . and 10 a .m . For the even more athletically inclined, there will b e five- kilometer and 10-kilometer runs, with registration from 7 a .m . to 8:30 a .m . • And, for the minimum effort, county Supervisor Thomas Riley will lead a one-mile "executive walk" followed by a brunch. Par- ticipants in this stroll will contri- bute $500 each for the privilege and hope to raise $30,000. The runners tvill raise their share through a $3 registration fee or by buying a run T -shirt for $8. Many of the walking teams will have financial sponsorship from the firms they represent, plus pledges from friends and their own contributions. Last year the county effort raised $113,000 for the March of Dimes. The goal this year is $225.- 000. Spring is here, the weather is fine. Put on your running -or walking -shoes and join i~. Opinions expressed 1n 1he space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views e11· pressed on tr11s page are those of their authors and art ists. Reader comment Is lnv1t· ed. Address The Daily P1tol, P 0 Bo• 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 926211. Phone cno 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Courtship colors Numerous experta still contend that colon greatly influence people. I~ No. 44C In our Love and War man• file hanp on th.ls belief. h cites one color expert as saying that a young woman who wiahn to inapire a ma- trimonial propou.l abou1d d~ her clothing ln ecCordance wl\b the nature of the mm. U ht i. lhy, war red. aye thla autborlty: If be la •&ll'nalve. w..,whUe. Qukk. wNc:b letter of \ha alphabet iln't en the~ dl.al? Put that query to Mybody and the llnlW'W will come back, "Q." For rea1on1 un- known, few people remember there's no "Z'' on the dial, either. The Himalayan Mountain Range pUaha upwarda two inch. each year. F..rotion each year knocka two lnchea' off the top, however. Growth rate: iero. Q. Wherf and when did men wear bella all over lhelr clothJna'I A. 1n Omnany about 700 yean llO· The coatum1 WM popular with jua& about everybody bul bW'IWL TIMmll ~. H•'9Y PubllWr c TELL nlMTo BUTT OUT, NAlURALLVl North Korea's ailing leader WASHINGTON -Whtie the world's lt<aders a re a nx1ou11ly watching Soviet boss Leomd Brel.hnev's latest bout or 11J health and awaiting the power struggle thal wall develop, Western intelligence t'X perts are also keeping a dose eye on another aalmg rommurust leader, North Korean President Kim II-sung Kim 1s an ailing 70 years old this month. But an1 tendl•nt·y lo cheer the dictator's demise as dampened by the µrospect of a St•q uel to his reign that l'OUld Ix> lilied "Son or Kim .. SINCE ABOUT 197:i, Kam has bl•en grooming has son. K1m Chorig-11, to Ix> has SU<'t.'<'S:.c>r, and the younger Kim may Ix> c•ven more militarily ambitious than his fat~l·r "Advancing age and a growing awa- reness of his mortality. rather than any acute wor ening o r heallh , probably prompted Kim U> began to seriously ad- dn-ss tht• question o( trans1t1on," a top- st.'l·ret CIA report concluded It then de- tatls what 1s known about Kam Chong-al and what <.·an be exp<.>cted of him 1f he dot's indt·ed takt' over on has father's death The younger Kim was born in 1942, wh al e his father was leading ant•· Japanese guerrillas. A child prodigy. ac(·ordang to current propaganda an Pyongyang. young Kim IS "a gradual(' or Kim ll-sung University (and) ts also va- riously repor~ to havl' rl"<.'elvrd tra1 . n1ng in th e Soviet Unio n or East Europe." the CIA reports Though appomh•d to lwo key com- mtllt'es. propaganda -ag1 tat1on a nd orgamzation-gu1dance, young K am for yl'ars stayed out of lhe limelight The CIA speculall'S that Kim II-sung may hav<.• been reluctant to push tus son for- ward as a suct:essor for fear this would µu l ham.self "in a lame duck status and G. -JA-Cl-11-D-IR-SO-N -~ might also open the held for manc-uve- rang ag<iinst Kim Chong-al by tnl<'rest groups not wllhng to Sfi? another gen- c•r<itton of J>(.'rsonah ty c·ult ll'<idershap." All that has <.·hangro an re-cent yt•ars Young Kim's buildup 1s blatant and l'Ontmuous. His p1ctura appe<irs with his father's, and the CIA reports that "North Koreans must study the wrllangi. of the son and pra i se him 1n son~ and d1sc:ussion." A S('('ret State Department report ra1- Sl'S onl' possibly s1gnif1cant obstacle to the No. 1 son's political amb1t1ons: the military It says \he re 1s a question "whether his emergence as a maJOr fi - gure would bl· accept.able· to military lt•aders. who reportedly arc concerned about h1..' lack of military expenence." But anothN report. by the CIA, s ta t es that young Kim not o nly is "well-known in the· prov1ncN>, wht•re he• has built a substantial poli tical base'." but has also managed to gam support in th(' mahwrv "Unhkl' his fatht•r, ht• has not ta-d h1rnst·H to tht· old Manchurian gen- erals. and I'> known lo ass<JClalc• with lht• more· JUn1or orf1n·rs." th<' report ex - plains Karn Chong -II has cul u va-tcd the yuungt•r gt•nt·r<tll()n t•n •n tu th(' point of having ht' hair ta~hwn ably wav('d "School chtldrc·n havt• parad<.·d in thl· stn~lS of Pyongyang l·arrymg has pho· tograph, and slogans havl' appeared on walls and building' m pra1S4.• of him." the CIA notei. DESPITE HIS lack of rruhtary exper- ience -or possibly because or ll-thc yuung<·r Kim L' SUSJ)C(:ted of lx>ang l'Vl'n more· or a gung-hn milttanst than his fath(•r. Thi' or l'oursc. 1s wh<.1t worn<"! mtt•ll1gem.t· l•xpc·1 ts who spoke to my iiS...'Ollate Oak· Van Atta Tht<v wondt·r tf Kam Chon~ ii. on has falhl'r'.S death. wall t·urry support with th(· gt·nerab and the publit by trying lo unify North and South Kon·a bv brute fort'<· an the name of Kim II -sung: As for the unmanem.'l' of the son's at• cession, at all depends on his father's health, wh1th grows evt.•r more preca- nous with age• Kam Il-sung suHers from an astonishing cata log of medkal ail- ments, ranging from heart dl.SE.'ase and high blood pre-ssu r~ to arthritis and chronic kidney dlSCase. In othc>r words, he 1s a skk 70-year-old, who tould go at anv time Are bored cows giving inferior milk? What as the fourth most popular dnnk an the United States? The answer to today's news quiz is one four-leller word: milk. 'fhe thrl'e fluids other than water that Americans drink more of than milk are soft drinks, coffee and beer, an that or- der. l haven't been so surprised by a st.a - t1st1 c since last year when I read that women buy more raw r blades than men. FOR YEARS milk was associated w1th wholesomeness and goodness. The all- American kid came home from school. dropped hlS books on \he kJt.chen table, and had a glass of milk and a cookie. After that, he went out and played for several hours until supper was ready. The kid had mHk at supper, too. According to the statistics, that has cha nged Now, when school is over a child buys a bottle or a can of sw eel- flavored carbonated water and throws the can or bottle on someone else's lawn on the way home from school. Nothing seems to hurt the booming sale of sofl drinks. 1 had noticed the in- creasing popularity of something called "Sunkist," so 1 bought a can of It to have with a sandwich at lunch the other day. Watch out for Querie., Quibbles, and Qulpe: "Dear Mr. Harris: Lately I have run acro11 the word 'oxymoron' aeveral times. I know It I.a IOr'ne kind of flcure o.f 1peech, but could you give me an lllu· 1tratlon of bow lt la u1ed?" -M.L ., Lone Beach. Cal An oxymoron 11 a 1tatement that combine• opposite• lo make • kJnd of MIR- Thto" l',Jll, tx><:ause of 1L-. n.1m<' and l'Olor . gives thl' dear 1mprc .. ~10n that tht' dnnk inside as madt> of orange juice. SunkLSt 1s not made of orange JUice. A carbonawd beverage can be called "ora nge soda" without having a ny orange 'juice at all In 1t For editors worried about the legal /~'­ -•• -o,-10-01-1Y_ ...... ~ . implications of thal statement, be advi- sed \hat I have talked to \he admin1 strators of the regulation at the Food and Drug Admm1strat1on m Washington. O.C .. within t he l<lsl four minutes THEY told me that. The makers of carbonated orange soda often put in orange pulp to help at mas- querade as being made of orange Juice. and they may Include an additive that gives the drank the cloudy appearance that real orange juice has, but unless It says "orange juict-" on its hst of ingre- dients, It has none The dairy industry blames the decline In our consumption of milk on the me- dical profession. Doctors have suggN>ted 'oxymorons' u a menace to peace?'' "Dear Mr. Harris: I have a bet with my roommate that In the original manuecdpt of 'Gone Wlt.h the Wind,' ScarleU O'Hara had another name, which w• chana'ed betore the book was published. Alto ihat the author pve.the book itltlf another title. True?" -A.C., Akron. Ohio True on both cowua. Her name ln the manUICript wu. unbelievably enouab. ~a~1_y~ and tb1 Macmlllan editor cnanpo It to Scarlett. He U.O bonowe.d a new tille from J:meml Dowlon'• pomn. ·~··· that too mut·h milk produt·~ too mur h cholt-st.erol. tht· substance• that dogs the p1pt.'S that carry our blood through our budaes. There·~ no doubt that the American Wl!-h to CUt down on faU.emng foods and _ food. thnt produ~ cholesterol has had some ... dvt·rsc cffoct on milk t•ons ump- t1on. but I'm ·wt <'OnVin<'ed this as the principal n-.1 n for the decline The medical pn ift~ ~n has JUSl as often at- tacked sofl drn ., for n variety of me- dical reason .11 t 1t hasn't hurt their sales Thto" dalrv . ustry can think what al hkes. but t' • 1k people aren't drmkmg ai-much n .11. and tream as they used to bt'<:ause it 1fot>Sn°l t;.\ste ns good. They've madt• ra<'\ones uul or t'OW S and the milk tastes more as 1( tl wt<rc manufactured than given JERSEY COWS living an a pasture g1vc-wonderfully rich, good-tastmg milk. It's dessert all by 1tsc.-I C. The Jersey cows are a minority in America though, be- cause they only produce three quarters as much milk as liolstcm cows do. The Holsteins' mllk is about half as good, In my opinion. Dairy farmers no longer chase their cows mto \he barn to milk them lwke 1 day. The COW S nve like broiler-bound chicke ns. Their heads are caught"in a wooden ha rness permanently around th<'ar necks m a narrow stall. They can't move . The cows are fod with peJJct9 from a tro~fh an front of them that ia resupplied rom a conveyor belt, and they're artif1cially inseminated onas • year so that they have calves and ketp -producing milk. A cow doesn't ~v an1 fun at all anymore and her mUk tat* tha\ w11cy. FarrM:f• have become lden- tiata and da rles have t>.come laborlto- rlm. They're takil'\I thlno out or natural milk. dolng un~tura.l things to It and I.hen adding other lnamtfenta until It .. ckllcr \0 oranae eoda than what the eow haid l.n\«JdOO \0 saw to her calf. Th.tc'i why fnter ~ anP ~ milk .. .. . Network news eyed Hodding Carter looks at changing concept·· By TOM JOllY A1111t111111~......, 'TV REVIEW NEW YORK -Public TV'1 "lnside Story," In lll eecond eea-• --1111111!1--• son a mature and thought-with OITe to go on May 7. on provokJng aurvcy -of the media. American press coverage of lsrael bites off a hunk t.(>night with a and the Middle Eut. look at the changlna ahape and The series, with Carter, the dl'reclion of network news. former Mississippi newspaper "It's a very broad subject," publisher and State Department says Hodding. Carter, the series' spokesman, as correspondent, chief correspondent, "and the was introduced last season aa reason for posing It now is be-TV's only contmwng exerdae In cause the whole business of iel-press criticism. There have been evision news Is at an lnteretJting several high points this season, point. notably: "There are a number of roads -An award Crom the Reli- comin g out of network news gious Public Relations Council right now," Carter says, "And for a special edition on the In- each one is worth following." fluence of the religious right on All three networks, for in -television, called "Eye of the stance, have unveiled within the Beholder" and broadcast m De- 1 as t. several cember. about, how lt worka. r wlah we had the reaourc 1 to do more 1how1 like thoee." Tont1ht'1 program on network new1 Includes Interviews with anchormen Tom Brokaw from NBC's "Nightl~ News," Frank Reynolds from World News To- night" on ABC. and Dan Rather from CBS' "Evening Newt." The three network new1 pre- sidents, NBC's Reuven Frank, Van· Gordon Sauter from CBS and ABC's Roone Arledge, are among the oth ers lined up to appear on the show. The program will explore the stakes involved in the race for ratings, the proposed hour-long nightly newscast, and the impact of high-technology tools as well as the a nchorman "star" system on network ne)¥s. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprfl 23, 1982 Wlli»ll1t'·s POPULAR BRANDS OF SOLID COLOR POLO-STYLE KNIT SHIRTS ARE ON SALEI 59•187 5 . Choose your f avorlte emblem A1 weeks plans -Carter's trip several weeks for overnight ago to Central America for a look "A subject like this one," Car- ter says, "can't be reduced to a simple sign-off: 'Now folks, for the answers. . .' ThJs one is too complex. • 1 .-Famous brands llke - n ews pro g • at news coverage of the war in El rams. Salvador. ''I t may ''Of the full season. the show be," Carter I 'm happiest with was says, "that the 'Salvador I'," he says, speaking story is too of the first of two shows resul- blg to come ting from that trip. u p w i t h "I got a letter from a conser- somethang de-CA"n:" vative guy in my hometown, finitive. My hope is to raise issues Greenville, Miss .. who said of the that viewers don't normally ·reporters covering El Salvador. think about. Everybody sees 'It was a strange thing, but even what comes out of the pipeline, , though I don't hke those people, but nobody really thinks about 1t made me aware that they work the pushing and shoving that • hard at what they do, and they goes on behind the scenes." do think about their work.' The show, at 9:30 p.m . on "That's what we've tried to Channels 28 and 50. is the 12th.of do," Carter says. "make people the season for "Inside Story," aware of what this business as alJ "I think it's extraordinary," he says, "that with institutions as large as the networks, the news presidents are so important. Roone fs a case in point. He's really fashioned the product at ABC. Van Sauter Is trying to do the same at CBS, and Reuven, it's too early to tell. He may be the fox. "To the public," Carter says, "these are faceless people. Eve- rybody thinks the news is deli- vered by the anchormen. But they're only participants in a very complicaled process." BRITTAN IA S,.OltrS I# .. OrlO# BRUCE JENNER SALE 59 / ,,< ' '/'/( I"' r: LETIGRE BY CAMPUS SALE 5 12 SALES 1125 Free Horoscope S<tve on our enure stock of solid<olor knit polo-style shirts tor men and JUnrors. NCJIN ttlru Sunday only. they're 25% off the everyday price. Choose from _all our famous brands hke Le Tigre. Brittarna. Sports In Mouon. and 1urnor styles t>y Bnn.arna and Op ... ANDMANY FAMOUS BRANDS WE CAN'T MENTION f Regularly up co S25 Astrology computer. Huntington Center this Sot. & Sun. N twpnrt Blusic Qlnns trUatnru E..relence"' M.NC Edu<o•<>n' Piano , n.r .... ,,...,.. ..... Cw , ... ,a.... VCMC8-V10h,._flul8"9Ull8f ....., ... --. ....... ..... C..1110< Brochure H7.0ZI I. .. , I• /• , DUE TO IEASONS IOL OND GUI COIOI WI All FOIQD TO QOSI OUI DOOIS fOIMI. WIHAYI SPlllT 3 DAYS MAKING DOWN I PllCIS Oii IYllY. THING • Tiii S10ll. WI PIOMISI TIAT YOU WILL• TlllWD WITI OUI ·r=.::r:~ f 1 • •• • \' '' 'u .i;._ • • • f 1 ; • • • t r ,, ~ Convenient locations throughOUt Callfoml• to ~rve you Atttsia • Bakersfield • Brea • Conc0<d • El CaJOl'I • Enorntas • Escondido• Fountain Valley • Fresno/Nu~ry • Fresno/SUnnys1C1e • HuntlngtOl'I ~ach •Lake Forest • La Mesa ·Mission V1eJ0 • Newark • Nont'lrrdge ·Or~· Oxnard• Pasadena· Pl•asantOl'I •Puente Hills • R~/Tyter St • San Diego/Sports Arena • Sant41 Ma • Santa Baroara/Downtown • Santa Baroara/Frve Pomts • Stlerman Oal<.s • Torrance and ~tmmster • g L. _Ji ' Orange Coa1t OAILV PILO'(/Frlday, Aprll 23, 1982 ..J E V ERY CAR IN STOCK RED TAGGED '82 B-2000 PICK-UP «i?AJ \ .-Z' .... • (!2 t'E.V4 ,ssi . .... . • .,. - Check The Bottom Line & SAVE NEW 1982 GLC HATCHBACK .. ~\~~ 49S (#624590) $~1_~~1~48 •0~149 :~.·c . · mot. Def. S7f52 0o AP:C· r ... St4t mo q ALL '82 DEMONSTRATORS D GLC's-TRUCKS-626's CALLY 1425 Baker Street, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 (714) 545-3334 I Credit. · · 18.4() on •pPro~ed D TOSELL NOW!! •' FAIOAY, APRIL 23, 1982 1111• 111111 c•m CAVALCADE COMICS GARDEN 82 83 86 Jn.,estment ad.,; ers ha J1e a tough choice to make: Will the near I uture bring economic catastrophe or a golden age? Page 84. 0 a ~' ~--Junk • interes ts county collectors OLDIES & GOLDIES DEPT. -Increasingly, our Orange County government seems preoccupied with the nQtion of saving things. U the government savants need advice, they could come to no higher authority than your faithful correspondent. I'm a saver. l don't mean money. Heavens! I never save any of that. I mean old stuff. And that, my friends, is precisely what the govern- ment people are interested in. It was noted ~ the ~ublic prints just the other day that one Don Dobmeier, chairman - of the county historical commission, was urging the supervisors to establish protection for old things. In addition to early adobe ruins, archaeological finds and artifact sites, it was suggested that-protection is needed for stuff of cultural or so- ciological significance. • 1 Old farmhouses and · · windmills were cited as 111 •11111111 ,f.~tit; exam::: E WRONG ' thinkers might classify a beat-up barn or a falling-down windmill as a piece of junk. ·This just goes to prove that one man's junk is another man's treasure of sociol~cal significance. Pondering this issue, I suspect my entire garage may be a treasure-trove of candidates for historical preservation. For example, l have very carefully rolled up and saved one plastic canoe ~th four punctures in it. The punctures are invisible to the naked eye. JUST IMAGINE the delight it's going to b4: for ar- chaeologists several centuries from now when they keep trying to pump it up and it just keeps sitting there, wheezing and collapsing. Of coune it's historically signHicant. It's in my garage On the brighter side, there is a collection of four wheels, complete with tires that actually do hold air. Trouble is, nobody has yet figured out what poasible vehicle the four wheels and tires would fit. They appear to have been designed for a toy truck about four feet long. Other delights abound in my garage for future histo- rians. There's a cuck· · J clock, from Thrifty Drug Store, circa 1971, with a m.i8' ng cuckoo. Over here is a 1950 model Zenith radio, minus .mtenna and three tubes. Under this 193'Z model Royal p. rt.able typewriter ia a 1948 model ping pong paddle with half the handle gone. , NOW HERE'S ONE on the shelf that will absolutely mystify historians in the Year of Our Lord 2152. See? Right there under the 1948 calendar: advertising the newest Hudlon Hornets. No, it's not a giant cork.screw. It's a connecting rod from the engine of a Ford pickup truck, circa 1960. How did it get ln that corklcrew shape, you ·aak. Well, that happened w hen the engine blew up on the Santa Ana Freeway. Scattered parts cfear lnto Tustin. I saved UU. rare corbcrew..Wped connecting rod ln the event that 80mebody'1 ao1ng to come along ooe of theae days with a corklcrew-ahaped enelne· You never can tell when emercencies like this will ltl'Ule. MAYBE I SHOULD petition the Boerd of SupervWon and -* 1IO have the entire pnaie declared an archaeolo-atcal dta. Maybe h would.be worth 10me kind of tax wrlte-ofl. At leMt it milbt ralle the leftl ot esteem for the ltUff ltaw. My wife, yvu ae, ~ ea1ll it all junk. 'TIRE· KICKERS' BEA VEN -Hundreds of new models are on display at the Orange County International Show at Anaheim Convention Center which runs through Sunday. Dlllly ..... lteflPIMICo Tonight's special events include Hall of Fame night with Dan Gurney, Cathy Rigby, Mickey Flynn and George Yardley. •' Insurance firms se't for claims .. Estimated on e-thir d. of fire victims had rental policies Orange County Insurance companies were preparing today to srocess claims from owners an tenants of apartment buil- dings destroyed Wednesday by fast-moving flames in Anaheim. Though no ex.act figures were available the insurance lnWrma- tion Institute in San Francisco estimated that perhaps one third of the 1,200 apartment dwellers forced from their homes had purch.aaed renters insurance. Other offidals said the fiaure probably la much lower than that. No estimates on overall insured louea were available \bia mor- ning. (Related story, Page~). 1 t LS estlma ted that overall loa- 8e9 will exceed ~ million. It is believed about 50 buildings in all were destroyed in Wednesday's fiery holocaust. Pauline St. Pierre, a division manager for State Farm Insu- rance Company's regional office in Costa Mesa, said fire victims were being referred to a disaster center established at the Holiday Inn in F\illert.on. Mia St. Pierre said that rent- ers' poUcle• generally provide for temporary living exper.. while · vlcthns 1eek new housing. The policies aho cover personal pos- aeaalons such as furniture and clothing as well as sporting goods and other houaehold items. . She said that the living allo-• wance varies from policy to po- licy, depending on the amount of coverage purchued by an apart- ment dweller. Unfortunately, various Insu- rance officiala said, most tenants never take out policies to protect themselves. "People just don't realize how much they really have,'' Mias St. Pierre noted. Tom Flynn, a spokesman for Allstate Insurance Company In Santa Ana. said hia organization immediately dispatched special teams of adjustors to Wednes- day'• fire scene to begin evalua- ting loeses and processing claims. Flynn said a tentative estimate of losses covered by Allstate - both for apartment dwellers and building owners -was put at about $1.3 mil.lion. He l&ld Allstate insured lhree apartment buildings destroyed in Wednesday·s firestorm. Miss St. Pierre said that St:ite Farm Insured the Palm Villa apartment complex at 1230 S . Euclid Ave., which also was re- ported destroyed. DEVASTATION -Firefighters sift through . rem.aim of gutted apartment building on Ball R oad near R oberts Street in Anaheim. Delly "°' "'""° by Gary An*- Wednesda y' s firestorm caused an estimated $50 million in damages and forced 1,200 from their homes. Weed recalls· 18 fruitful years Says Pilot has played a part in shaping Orange Coast community When Weed arrived on the scene nearly 20 years ago, he uled a passage from the Bible to explaln his philosophy in a get- aequain ted editorial. It aaya, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye free." He aaya he ia departing with conviction in that belief unsha- ken. "Thia ia as 1ood a working outline that l can think of. I be- lie-Ye in it." One of th• area• that Weed aeema to ~ m01t pleued with over the yean ta the part the Dail.)' Pllot pla~ In IU~ what be called an .-.1ent edu~ ciadan~ Weed NYI former publl1her Wal• Burrouabl ._ a JMd1nc vo6ce 1n birUwlnl a mmsu o1 ttw Unlvenity of California to ltt loeadan In &,rvlne. "And we helped lt to fO cm to be a pretty ouutan~Una inllltUtlan.'' hit Mid. He ... -n:hl ........ &he IUppGlft -:.1~ .... .,.. to cam11 Ille •et'sU.oflhe.._ 111Mol dlllrl~• aW a-I ~ 1l11Hw • paper missed opportunities to do things better. "We haven't done much to help solve the traffic problems. But God knows, we've tried.'' Weed says the Orange Coast is a remarkable place to live, by virtue of lts climate and plan· ning. He a.ho says it has a diverae economy that will help to tee it through economic hard times. "If I were betting on any place in the country, I'd bet on the Southem California coutal area to ~ along," he says. He aaya he alto feels that community volunteers have played an lmportan\ put in bn- provlna the ..... ''They make it a aood place 10 live lnlie.d of jult • place to ..., and •t. .. In IWJlmlnC up, Weed aya: I . .. Bl Orange Co"t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 23, 1882 - •ANN LANDERS " •STAN DELAPLANE •HOROSCOPE When husband ties 9ne, on, wife gets ·-no rest DEAR ANN LANDERS: Does ~ wife have the right to lock her husband out of the bedroom if he ls drunk and obnoxious? I am already a member of Al-Anon. so don't point me in that direction. I should tell you in all fairness, Al-Anon saved my life and prevented me from killing him. My husband drinks every night, but he gets rip-roaring drunk once or twice a week. He rarely misses a day's work, makes a good salary and has never been physically abu- sive. I have told h1m repeatedly that when he gets drunk his language is terrible, he smells awful and passes out on the bed in any direction. He is a heavy man and it is impossible for me to move him, so I end up sleeping on the lumpy collch. I always know he will be coming home gassed when he doesn't show up for dinner. About 11 p.m. I hear him fumbling at the front door, trying to get his key in the lock. 'l'he last few weeks I have locked the bedroom door, which has made him very angry. He claims a wife owes it to her hus- band to keep the bedroom door open at all times. Please don't misunderstand, Ann, This had nothing to do with sex. When he is drun.k, he can't do a damed thing. What is your opinion? -NEED MY REST IN GARY, IND. DEAR REST: When a husband becomes obnoxious, smells terrible and uses off en- stve language, a wife baa every right to distance herself from blm -whether be 11 drunk or sober. In your case you lock the bedroom door. I see no reason for you to spend a sleepless night on a lumpy couch whenever be decides to tie one on. More power to you. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I wonder how many of your readers wonder what happe- ned to.some of the people whose letters have appeared in your column. ·I. for one, am consumed with curiosity about the man who wanted to buried (after his death. of course) sitting up. behind the wheel of his beloved Packard. Please, Ann, fill me an on this, it's been years since I read that letter and I've been wondering about it ever since. Can you givt- me an update?'-AN ELEPHANT IN PETALUMA DEAR PET: Elephanl, indeed~ That letter appeared at least IS years ago and I remember It well. Only It wasn't a Packard. It a was a 1939 Dodge. The man wrote to ask If It was legal, and I told him It depends on the charter of the cemetery. I advised that be enlist the help of a funeral director to find a cemetery that would permit such a burial because be would probably need to buy two lots. I don't know If the man is still living I suspect be is, because If be bad been burled in bi11 1939 Dodge It surely would have made the papers. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am writing m reforence to the woman in V1 rgm1a who was concernc'<l about her adult sister's TV habits • I belleVl' ht•r problem could be similar to mme Sht.> might not be "zombw1zed," as you q ANN LANOllS put it Perh&ps shl' needs no~ to rescue her from the deadly silence I am also d1vort'CCI and about the same age as thC' sister When the children are with thC'1r father. or at school, the loneliness is unbt-arabk· I kl'C'P the TV on aJJ the time, even though I sl·ldom watch il. H earing human sounds makl'S me feel Jess aJone. I am ALSO BY MYSELF IN WISCONSIN DEAR ALSO: Your point is well taken. I 'll bet millions of readers combat loneli- ness by turning on the TV or the radio for the same reason. Thanks for catching tbe ball when J dropped it. ConfuS{.>d about what 's ri}fht and what's wrong in 1oday's "new morality?" You 're n or alvne. If you want hom'Sl, down-to-earth information on your sex questwns. read Ann Landc•rs · ll<'W book/el, "High School Sex and How to Deal With It -A Guide for Teens and ThC'ir Parents .. Send 50 cents plus a long. stamp!•d, st·lf-addressed enve- lope co Ann Landers. P.O &x 11995. Chi- cago. 111. tiOti 11 I The bigger they are. • • AP W\r9pfloto "Quincy" at Universal Studios. Klugman's birthday is Tuesday. but the crew decided to celebrate early. SAN FRANCISCO -A spring day I rolled up my pop-open umbrella. Put il in the cloth case. "Relax and secure the storm gear," I told the children "Th e Stiver Fox lS never wrong." Along with th<' bad news, the re's good news from the lady who does "Household Hints." A reader wrote her: "I did not realize rubber niats in bathtubs are not sl<ldproof untJJ my husband slipped on one." Instantly a lot of women (with dented husbands) wrote an with recipes for gluing bathmats to the bottom of the tub. "Put corns tarch under it." That was what most women had discovered. Maybe too late to put the old man back in shape though THE "HOUSEHOLD HINTS" lady fil. led a whole column with volunteer help. What a ,JOb' A PIECE OF CAKE -Actor Jack Klugman takes a bate from his 60th birthday cake during a_ wra up party for the ca.st and crew of NBC's --------------------------I don't think any bathmat is safe, ladies. Aquarius improves communication Saturday, April 24 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You dis- cover the mi~ing link. Puzzle pieces fall into place and financial prospects are brighter as result. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Lunar postt1on highlights individual effort, in- novative material and contact with one who aids your cause. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Clandestine meetJng proves beneficial. You are assured of supp0rt by one who works behind scene. Mystery is solved. secret fears are cast aside. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): You get your wtBh. but not in manner expected. Be ready for surprises and g1ft that aids in beautifying surroundings. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Express views to superior. Reception will be favorable - you'll be asked to assume greater responsi- bility. Chances for reward, promotion are enhanced. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Long stan- ding obligation is fulfilled -you're rid of burden, you finally are able to initiate action leading to greater independence. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You gain knowledge concerning financial s~tus of individual close to you. Emphasis on new starts in new directions. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on .,,,,,, . By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach ' cooperative efforts, legal rights and pennis- sions, partnerships and concern with marital status. Intuitive intellect is on target. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ac- cent on travel. communication, education, added interests and outlet for intellectual curiosity. Services improve, work picture 1s brighter .and social life accelerates. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Lunar aspect stimulates creative process. emotional involvement and accents affairs of heart. You'll know what to do. when to do it and you 'll imprint personal style. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be ready HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA for change, a new kmd of feeling and a re· quest for files of sour<::e materiaJ. You'll be more secure, communication improves with spec1aJ member of opposite sex PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Focus on relatives. request by family member and call or message which could result in s hort journey. Be selective, choose quality. · GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF East·West vulnerable. Easl deals. · NORTH • 14 li:I A8 0 Q1' + AQl1094 WEST EAST +Veld • QJ JOUU li:I QJt1tOt ~ 10 0 8 O JUI •HU +k SOUTH •AKU li:l &5 0 AltlOU •n The blddlnr: Ea.It S..t.lt Weet N~ a• I NT ... 5 + PMI 5 + P• TNT ............ Openlns lead~ Queen of ~. The secret to m1a1 hand• I• eountln1. But that In ltMlf II not. tnoup &.o ltt\art the wlna1as Une. You mut aJeo M aW. \o draw the r'fl" ton· ........ rrom your eatcua.· ""'· 1¥H will• 9'11 .... U • M .. u, Ntn''• ~ .. an*'"· NII llw """ ... ... ....... .. , .. ......... .., ... ......, ship. but he might have also checked on kings -a grand 1lam that could depend on a finene Is not winning bridge! West. led the queen or hearts. and declarer was oot · I overjoyed with his contract. He won the ace. cashed the ace of diamond• and reentered dummy with the queen. When West. discarded a heut on thi1 trick. EHt could be counted for four diamonds. Declarer took the proven rine11e Cor the jack of dlamond1. then cashed the king of 1pade1 to make 1urc thtl Weit waa void and that Ea~ had started wlth•atven card• In \ht 1ult. Now \wtlvt of Eaat'a card• were known. Otelartr cuhed the kins of liearU to e1tabll1h that Eut'1 c.hlmenth card waa 1 a peek at the hand1. He was simply applying the knowledge he had of the hand. Declarer had only nine trick• in hearts. diamonds and 1padt1. Therefore. he needed four tricks from the club ault. Since clubl were known to be H. if West held the king·fourth, declarer could not make more lhan three trickl In the suit with the help or two fine11es. sod be would io down. The only chance for hie contract waa that the king waa alnplton, and demrer played for It! . t*"---,....--~~ .... now provtn to bt T·l-4•1, The rH\ wu eu7. O.Clattr ltd a dub to \llf 8". ud elat.ed UM rtll .t &ht \rilka when \ht kill r.a&. ht. wait a ..... ,.u llMe Yitet wu how1 &.o Mwt ltur tlulilt, ... , dW ....,., ,-a1 ,., &M.., .r &IM ~ .... • . .,....,e .... ....., " ......... , N.; ...... -..... • STAN DELAPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD ~ s.44 If your husband stands an the tub. book a pohcy on him with an insurance company. Be a well-dressed widow One sprang day an the Stone Age. a man stood up. He had been on all fours like his shaggy mat.e. Grubbing up grubs. Gnawing on caterpillars. "Don't make a fool of yourself again.'' said bJ.s wife. "Get down here wher~ you beJong." "It's a free country." sa1d the hairy fellow. "I like the view up here." Man has been falling down ever since I fell over teleph o ne cords until I said : "Enough's enough. We're getting SHORT cords." There was plenty of oppos1tion. If you have a short cord, how can you take the phone into the bathroom so you can disc~ things that are PRIVATE? WE PUT A LOT ON the upright posi- tion. "Standing on your own two feet." "Slands to reason." "How stands the Union?" We have the standing Army and poker players "Stand pat." I I said: "Tum down that record player! I can't stand it!" Did you ever heard a LOUD playing of Stevie Wonde r singing, "The First Heart Transplant Was Done By a Black Man"? When I came home from London, I was a hero to the younger set. Because I got a glimpse of Lady Di shopping in Regent Street? Not so. "You stayed at the MONTCALM? Oh my God, that's where Stevie Wonder stays!" While we had the long phone cords I went around on all fours myself. ThtJ dach- shund loved it. Well, not crawling really. But I kert a low profile. I kept hunched down so wouldn't have so far to fall. We got the short cords. I went in the kitchen one evening. The floor had just been waxed. My feet went out from under me. I came down on my head and it was ring-a- ding time. I crawled back onto a couch. Gave Or- ders: "Any swab who waxes the decb, I'll keelhaul hlm!" STANJHNG AT COCKTAIL partiet ~ave me a back like a dollar si~. "We11 put 1t in a brace until it stabilizes, said the me- dic. HE had a bad back himself. Our dentist -his and mine -had a trick back. Three of us, crocks. The best way to stay upright isS!: barefoot. I don't stand on a bathmat • I don't go in waxed kitchens. I aend a · . "Fetch me the cooking sherry." Chlldren are sure-footed. lf they fall they don't fall far. It's educational. Let them learn like l did. l'OTS•n · . BY ASHLEIGH BRtlLIANT MOIT 0,. MY ~--.oa&.IEMS llTMS,_, M4' NO AN•WSll' • o~ cu~£ "T.-4E ANSW " I WORSt T .. "N "TH r'AOeLEM. 1 THE t'A"ILl' ClllC't:S by Bal Keane BIG GEORG•; .. l P£t\Nl'T~ IJIJCOL.IC !JVFFALdS S01"AKeN wrrn "THE: A.CA'S ~AL.WONS,. Hf: WOl\YIU:1HIM SIOP. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, ~ril 23. 1982 83 CJ by Tom K Ryan '' J I "Do you realize what this would eam In Interest If you left It here tor just one short yea r?" j suo_•: _____ _ by Jeff MacNelly "Mommy! It'~ raining popcorn!'.' ~ \R~:\Dl'llt: by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum ' '1fJ. .. •. ,;.)f .... 41. t ...... 4' • II ---. u ---:i 1- r-) .. I:· ·~ '-. ~ .. \\ ~ ;~-.... '"L \ -"... :._r..;,, ) J -~"~ " !1 ~--~:: "Don't you ever WALK home?" -) .. ' 1 WfT KNOW WKAT IT 15. BUT "THERES SOME THI~ tN •· ACROSS Camet1" 1 Uppet ep.ce 57 Slull 6 Aelan l)fletl 59 -Haute 10 Mocctelnl 6 t Fine WOOi 14 In - -64 Matkel· t 5 Agute ptecet 16 ~ 67 Prtl)Olillon t7 Plf1ln0 II Meet 19 ~Int OUIPUI 70 Leytr :lO Prtflit lor dfl1 71 Plfhcle or yeer 72 AltlCk: 2 t VWld 2 WOtdl . 23 RenounCM 7J Win 2$ ... nott 7 4 RllilMd 2tlreed 7S MoW1I 27•.ce DOWN 2t ~ 1 TrtnQUll HERE ll\4T ~SMY~ ~VERY ~ING .~ I ---0000. 1 LL SEE rou ff.fj~; .. ~~:;., TOMORROW Nl6HT If/ Y4 2 • t Al 5f:VEN ' (( by Harold Le Doux I ANO TO THIN!\ THAT ON A 5-CAlf O~ I 10 I RATED '0l' hEVEl.I I IN HONESl'.:i' "1P"..i \ r;P)~~ "'--""'---_____ .........___ ____ ~ _ 4 l!> JfM C7JltJ'S by Ferd & Tom Johnson ----..... LORD P., WH,AT 'TYPf OF ROSES ARE THEY? otl' THURIOAY'S PUZZLE IOl VED UH .. OF Co0RSE) 1'1-1,AT ISN'T THE SCIENTIFIC NAME, Miss S WIV£L . s Mme the ~lowing : JOCularity '\:\('\ by Ernie Bushmiller LIKE A SECOND OPINION I THINK YOU1 REJ A STUPID ?A ':_J v- fiOROO z LJICE '11~1 (lo:; 4 i.:AL1..:..::>f HE'-6 ~ETT'lf T::. .A,l:;;T I~ TE-'~ .:CV.......,1', CAT.' A---~~ a,J.IH \VILL ~t 1VE: "! .l .:;,Jli-.:,E ::> T ..,CO·OO Jc..l\IP IN THE '-"~A. E EE F.--v:::E ~~ "'-"-~,. 1bN l&ITT (Yo.I N K:ztlil,.J NE. ~ GOESf t~ 5ENAlOR "()AH VAL.£ , PLJTHOR Of A C.ONS-fllUTIONAl Alfe.JDMEN'f ounA!All N6 MC. ·/MN MALJ.ttNE..5 ! 5€.NAmR VALE. HAVE <.IOU EVE.R PL..AU£D ~ MAN ~5EJ...F ~ DR \BBl~t: 8E.1.1E.VE ME., 9l1'R1CI<, '40\JR 6A6'i 1'001" Wt\.\. COM£ ~16~ Ollt ! 'i<>V WON· r MOO, QIO 'iOV "f1E. "fME. S1'R\H(, ro ~~ 1,00S£ fE-E.\. ~ 1141M(,~ ..---· OR.SMOCll we Pu-r 'T"He: eu'f'1"0 N IHE:RE:: 1'b PISCOU~AGE: NUISANC E: CAL.l..S IN IHE: MIOc>t...e OF 'T"HE: ~IGH"f" ... . J'Oa 8ETTt:a oa t •ea •O.RM! IJHeN'~~ =:~ "fOOTl>I? 01..J"f" IF l'HE:RE: RE:At...t...Y WE:RE: A PROe>t...f:M , YOU'c> FINP A WAY TO RE:ACH 11" ! ' •"\_ ' . ') ' ~ .. ·-. .,, ... rtE,,.L ~._W A L'ITLE ".\NOY WAKJ-1..JL • ::iv"'-'-~ H.Jitjc.J._'14 ' . ' ~., .. ' .,-~, ... -.,, ... by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk by George Lemont E IV\ E R G E N c y Win a free trip for two on AIROIL blR ._our dyta Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 "WE.CARE" POI All 0, YOW HEALTHHllOS orot £VEIYMY IY~IND t:OO AM-t:OO rM ltlASONAU NIS l'ta.IC NOTICE -11·~ THI . "~=~:"~=· !!!l'~ 1>u:'::.!~1:-1ng peraon• •r• o01no ~ ~:r.~ IA) SPORTS HOMES (8) SPRIG H 0 ME S. IC I STE l LA a.-r.,... 61.,,. el y°"" Door HOMES (01 TEAL HOMES, (El l<:.l 6l0ft --"°""Ar•) TORUS HOMES . (Fl WIDGEON COIJA MllA 641· 1219 HOMES. (G) WISTERIA HOMES, (H) 11» "'-' .....-_ ZEPHYR HOMES. 1178 SE Mt ln MltMON YtUO 495-0401 SlrMI, lrvlnl. Clllfotnll 92714 1"22 C--. ~-Phlftp H Mc~. 18 196 MC· (-DMp ,....., ... A•wy l'liwy.) Gary L 0 Donn.I TPua lt•t•m•nt ••• ui.d *"" th• County Clwt. of OtMQt eo..n1y on "'d 1 IM2 O•rmo 11 , #I, Irvine. C•llfornl• ~=========~=:'-1 92114 r ,~ Pwfll1ari~,, f40U~ c..o ...... t O•·•Y Ptlt)t ""'", ·~ ~J }tl ' ... 1 l)tl 82 IUl'UllOll CCXlll'T MCAAI~ COOtfTY M OflAMOI ................ ................ ....,,.. U>WAN> Ml'". ·--· k<C-..of-.... Altallt _..TO IHOW CAUM F(Jfl CltANCla CW MAim Ell(EN ... 8USHl\b -8 ~"' WO cour1 lot en oro. ~ pMit-~O~ ":'u~ ~o~u~°';o':~~1ri Ot le Slmbro. 1430 S1n11nell1 Terr-. Corona 04" Mir, Calilornle 92625 Thlt l>VM,_. 11 Con<IUC18CI by I hm11.a oannersn11> Dale Slrnbro Thia 1111-1 wu llled wt1h the Coun1y Cle<'k of e>ranoe Coun1y on AP<ll 14. 1982 ,1m1s Publlsh.O Orange Colt! Dally P1101 . l.Ap<ll 18 23 30. May 1 1982 1722·82 l'tB.JC NOTICE NOTICE OF APflUCATIOH FO.. THE HT A9UIHMENT OFA~H No1tce •• hereby QIYen by rhe App1ic1n1 First lntersllle Bink of 8USH It ,. "•••Or o•O•••O 111•1 all pe•eone C111forn1a. Iha! II wUI 1pply 10 the tnt•Mlecl "' tile ,.,.11., ol0t....O -Fede<l l Reserve Board purwant to -· 111111 WU.I .... ~ ..... Ho 3 •• Ille l'ec!Mal ~ ... AC1 lor th• .... 100 CM< c.n1 .. °'""' W•t Sanuo ,,,,... 111>1osnm1n1 ot a bttnch The 9'>1>11- ;=:n!•,,, on0:::,•r~ .':o'~;.!~ '.~! cent proposes to •nQ•ge 1n bua1. -11 -i...., Mw _..,, Mid I*•._ "41SS II lhe following IOcaltOn VICl-IOr-. of ---o. grent n11y of the 1nters•ct1on of Brook ..s hurt! S1r .. 1 ano LI "I•~• Avt· " • ....,_ .,,_ IMI • copy of -nut C.ty ot Fountt."1 Veney Orenoe oro., to •~o• cawH be pwbll•ll•d "' County Cll•IOfni. DAILY P1LOI • new•P-or ~., The put>llc 11 lnvlleO 10 aubmll :.:':!!:· ~:.,~ \';,.;~':0,.~1~ wfllllf' com"""111 on lhtt ec>plk:a· ...... ""'°' 10 ,,.. c1ey of ....,~ lion 10 tnt F1<11ra1 AeMt.,. Boero o...o .,..,ell 30. 1 .. 2 111 the Feoer1I ReMfVe Oenk of Sin Rot\OllCI " ,.,_ Fr1nclaco, •OO S1nsorne S1re11 JuOgo of lfte San f'renc11co C1lllorn11 94120 S...-Cowr1 The comment period on this •PC>ll· ::::-:.. ··~ -ctllOn wt" end on Monday, May 2•. ._ ...... CA ' 1982 Clll Mr Gordon $rnllh. (4 15) ,..,_ O.enge Cout o ... , PllOt !>0 ·1229 II 11\e F.Oertl R-"• Ap1I 2, •. 11, n. l"2 1~41 Bank of Sen Frlt'Ct9()() 11 you ,_, 1------------"''°'"'"'°" abOut subm1111ng com-ments The Federel Re serve will conttd•r comments. 1nc1uo1no re- q11111S lor e public m&ellno or for· MOnCa 0. TMJ91"!.R'I IALE mal h•ar1no on the appllc:auon 1f T.&. Mo.. ,_.. 1ney ere r-ve<I durlnQ 1ne com. BENEFICIAL MANAGEMENT .._,, pe<loO CORPORATION OF AMERICA H Ap<tl 23 19112 NJUC NOTICE FICTITIOUI au ...... NU. ITA'nMDfT Tl\e IOl4o""111Q pettonl ate doin<,j buMleU .. BALBOA COI N GALLERIES. 4100 Birch 91r .. 1, Newport ee.ctl. CA 92660 Eu1ioo Inv"'"""'''· LIO • Inc .. a Cellfornla corpor1t1 on 92.00 Westmlnaler Avenue. Uni! "53. We.tmlnt1er CA 92883 Thia ~ ii con<lUC1.0 by 1 GO<PO<lltOn Eullgo ln¥lllmtnll lid Ot Hwectl 11t PrMldlnl This Siii-i Wit 1111<1 With lhe Coun1y Cltrll of Orenoe County on AP<ll 14 1982 ,1m11 Publlaneo Or11191 C:0.11 o.lly Pllol. Ap<il 111 23 30. M1y 7. 1982. 1721-82 Pla.IC NOTICE ACTITIOUI IMl ... H N~ITA~ The following P•reon 11 Oo1ng ~ .. J & L CONTEMPORAR Y OE· SIGNS. 7832 Albertl Or., Hunllng· ton Buc;l'I, CA 926-48 Jc>nn Anthony Hao•n. 71532 Al· ber11 Or Hun11ng1on 8••ch. CA 92648 This bu.,,_. II cooduc1ed by 111 in(!Mdull John A H'Olfl Thi. ltll-1 WU llled with the County Cleft. ot Or•not County on M1rcn 17. 1982 F1MMI PubltShed Or1ng1 Coast Diiiy PllOI AP<ll 18, 23 30, May 7, 19&2 1720-82 outy ~led Trv•IM unOef lhl Ftral tnleratele NOTICf 0' TIIUIT'ff'I IA.l.f following de9Ulb9d a..d or 1ru1t Benll Of C..,fornie LoMI No.. MA,.RtOTT Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION lo. A"Qelll Celif0fn1a T.I . No 74tt2•S TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Put>l<sneo Oranoe Coesl 0.ity P110I NEWPORT HOME LOAN INC ... CASH (Plylbl• II lime of Hie In April 23, 30 1982 duly •PPO•nl•O TrullM unOer the lewh.tl monlY of the United 5111 .. 1 1772-82 rollow•no OHcrit>ed CIMO of 11u11 Ill riQ!ll, lllle end ln1etffl ~ WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 'to 1110 <1ow l'l•ld by II und•r Hlel PllU IC NOTICE TO THE HIGHEST 8100ER FOR Deed of Tru•f In 1111 PIOPll't'I' 11.. -=a;: CASH IP•V•ble .. llm• of Hll In relnttlet c14MN;t11>9d NS.f!$5t lawfUI money of Int United Sl•l•I TRUSTOR Bill OLENN BOMAN NOTICE OF DEATH OF all rlQlit. tllle and 1n1tt•I ~ 1nCIDEBRAVALOAIE80MAN, REX R. CANTERBURY 10 1nd now htldt>y 1tunC1trHld hulband end w4,. u jojnl ltnll'll• Oe@d of Trust In the P'CIP«IY her• BENEFICIARY COAST HOME ANO OF PETITION TO nalllf ~nb9d LOANS INC ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. TRUS TOR WILLIAM MARRIOTT Recorded Jutie 24. 1980 .. IMtr A-J l303 I. and PHYLLIS H MARRIOTT nu•· No. 251711 In booll 136« page 31 1 1>.nc1 •nd Wife of OfllClal Reccwd• In the otflce of To all he irs. benl'f1c1anc-s, BENEFICIARY NEWPORT HOME lh• R•corder 01 Or•no• County. l'rt•d1to rs a nd contingent LOAN TRUST •82 utd d .. o of trust dHcrlbH Ill• crt•ditors of Rt>x R Cante r Aecoroeo M•y 12. 1981 .. 1n11r following P<CX*'ly No 14213 In bOOll 14~. PIQI 340 The land referreo to tn thl• oua· bury und persons who may 01 omc111 Record• In int omce 01 rent .. 11 tllull•d In lh• S1111 of bt• otherwise mterest<•d 1n the Recoroer of Or•no• County. Ctlllomla, COunlY of Ou1ng1 and le Lht• will and/or est.at<• said o .. o of 1ru11 OHcr1b11 tne dllct'IMCI M tollowt h '-~ f 1-.. lollow•nQ ptoper1y LOI 6 of TrlCI No 10513. In lhe A pl'lltaon M """n I t"U LOI 94 ol Traci No 11523 In 1ne Clly of Co111 Meu. County of by Leona Can terbury In the C11y of 1rv1n•. Counly of Ottno• Ofeoge. Stal• ot Celllornta. u per S uperior Court of Orange s111e of C11ttom11, u per map rec· m19 ,.;ord«t 1n boOll «8. PIQM County requestJng that Lc-o-oroeo "' boOll 254, PIO" 47 10 50 46 to 47 1nclutlYe. Ml11etllaneous tnclus1ve. M1t01ll1neous Mapa, In M1ps, In tile ofllc• of 1ne County na Cnnterbury be appomt~>d the office of 1ne county rlCOrdll' of A«lordlr of Mid County a.-. JX'l"50nnl reprt>SentaUvc tn aa1 0 county. 1oge111er wllh an ep· EXCEP TING lrom H IO 11nd. an admmlllter the estate of Rex purtenent. non .. llclut1111 ..wnen1 uncllYlded Ol>e-fOUt'ln Int•• in encl R ,..._ b ,...__ M f0< tn{lrfft 1no IO'"' o\llf Lot 148 10 •II crud• 011. pttroleum, g11, ..... nler ury. """'t.a csa, of said Tr1e1 brH, 11ph1llum 1nd all klndrtd CA (under the Independent EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill otl, IUbetanCel end other m1ner• un· Adm1n111trat1on of Estale11 9u m1ner1ts and other hydroc•r-c.ttt and "' Mid !Md u r~ In Act) The pellllon 1s IM't for bona below e depth of 500 IMI 1111 d••O lrom L Arlhur Burgen ""'"°"' the tiQ111 Of ..,..,_ entry.•• 1nd othen r•corO•O J1nuery 8. hcnr1ng in Dept No 3 al 700 •-Yid 1n lntlrumlf\ts ot record 1867. In t>ook 3784, P•o• 328, Civic Center Drive Weat . •5 Ash TrH. Irvin•. c 1111orn1e OMclel RK«d• 30 Santa Ana. CA 92701 on 927 18 3057 Yutton Clrcll, Cott• Mela, M 12 1982 9 30 ·111 a 11rwt eddrHt or common CA ay • at ;, a .m. 0•11gnellon 11 1nown 1bov1, no .. (If• 11'"1 ldOr-or common IF YOU OBJECT to the w1rr1nty 11glvtnu10 111 compte. d11lgn111on I• 111own •boY•, <10 granuns of the petl\lon. you •-Of correct-I" w1trenty 11 111""' 11 10 111 c:ompi.. 11hou.ld either appear at the The benefic1•'Y uno« Nld Deed 1.-Of com1ct,_) ··The-. Of Trust by rlM()l'I of 1 brNCh or 11c:11ty under Mkl OMc:I of TNll, by he•ring and state your ob-del1ul1 1n Int obllgeUon1 MCureo r..on of • brMCll 0t dtlf9uh in the ject1ons or rill' writtt-n ob· 1n1ttby hlf•tofore 111ecutld 1t1<1 o«111ge11on1 MCVrld tri.rtby. "-• ~t1on11 with the court be-OtllY•r•O to 1n1 ut1dt r1tgned • tofo<e eaecultd and dellvertd to fore thf.' hllarma. You r a p -wrllllf'I o.c:1ar111ot1 of 1>e1e•11 1no lht und«llantd • wrttt.n Oedll.. " Oem•nd lor Slit. lf\<l wrltt.,., notlol 11ot1 of Oef1u1t 1nd D•mand tor peuranel' may be In ~rM>n of brNCl'I af\<I Of t*tton to CAllMI S•. tlld Wf"lllen nolloe of bfMCll or by your attonwy. 11'1• undtrlfgned 10 1111 H id 1>•0-~ of tl.ctlon 10 ~ .. , ... Ul\cMr IJo' YOU ARE A CREDI· P"''Y 10 Mlllfy N kl obllO•llOl\I. •J\<I llglled to 1111 Nici orCIP«IY to Ml• 1'0R Of 8 contin~ent crecll•ftr ,,.., .. tttr ,,,. unoer11tnte1 "uMd lllfV Mid obllgAl1lonl, M'lCI tMrMtl41t "" aald notkMI of bfeael'I tnO Of llec:tlon ""llnderllgned CalMd NICI notlOI of the deceaae . you m uat 10 b4I r.corclld ~ 21. 1N1 of br•ecfl and of el9CtlOt1 to .,. file you r claim with the u INllr No ~1 In bOOll 14337, ~dtd OecemMr SI. tH1 h I h P• tOO~. Of Mid Offlolll Recofti lnett No 39949 of Mid Official Ae-court or preSC?nt t lo l • Seio "" w111 ti• m•O•, but wt· cou:tt ~rtOnAI repracntatlvo ap-1~ COV"anent Of ¥HWl1Wlty, •llP' .. Seid aale wtll ~ made, but ••· pointed by the court within or 1mp11ec1, r90erdlno tfllt. po....., llllOVI ooYeNllt °' '*"'''"'Y· ..,,, .. tour month.I from the> daw or e1on. « et'ICUl!lbtll!OM, to pey the °' ~. r9011dlno 11111, ~ fll"lll l-ua"""' of IC'llcl"ll ,. tall rem11n111g l)rlnclpll eum of tl'l1 lion. ol encumbr~. to pey the -·-not ... , H CUltd by H id Dffd Of r1m1lnl<1f prlnolp•I 1um of the provided In Section 700 of Tr~t. won lflttr•I 11 In _... ~It t1otl(1) 11cut1d by 111d Deed ot lhe Probaw c.odct of QiJl(or-1>rovldoe1 1ov1neH , 11 any, ut1oet Ttut•. w11111n1trtte ae In Nici noc. n la. The time for f l Jina Ill• term• ot 1110 Dffd of ftu11. p!OY1Md. ld'tt~, If Illy. ul'ldef • o .... ChlfOll 11\0 tl\l)tMM of the IM term• of Hid DH<I of Truet. cl.um will not npiNI prior Trutt• tlld Of tt-.1Nltt c:tMtled b'f ..., CIW'gtl _,..,..,_at tN to tour months from the claw Mid OMO Of,,..,., 1"""' Md• ..,. "'*'CW..-."' of the harlna notk-td above. '* .... _. " Mid on ..._. =~ ... ~"~': =~~: YOU MA'\' E)(AMlNI ~~~~1~8::.~:,:·!!,~,~,:_ ~! ~::: 2:00 pm. at "" c.__.. A..,. tho mo Mpt by ltw court. If c1111e c.t11• lulkMt IOO e. o.p.. e111rance to tM CMo C..•• lklll· you .,.. incerated In the tt-men AWl!Ut, 111 111e City Of 0r"'ft, Clilg, 300 IMf ~ AWIM. 1'1 UIU! you mav tilt a :Ti' 11•1• of c.iitorn11, .... Cltr ol Or1t11t, QA. ' :::.i. --tile..._ OI ~ MllMl!Mrol AtlM ... oftNlnlOel~ whh the court to rect • tlonoflfltltllOllOt •tote1amoun1 • • INI--. IM ... ..,.... apeda.I notk9 of the lnven· of lfte VllH+cl MiaM. Of 111e oeiM• -.. .,,..... """"' of Ille .... \Ot1 ot etl.tlA! ..... and of t•llOfl MCl#M -~ Ille ........ . flltlofl "'°"'941 lty IM IM¥e ,._ h ti I liC'C'OU l nd ....., .... of IYWll ... _,.,.. .. ........ OfWll ..... llUf t t' pe lOIU, ~~'-eot(I .. ,..._,_,.,_....11 =I •• _,....., Md MY .... le ~ cUiltTlbed In _ __, llO, t• U ,.., IO '• ••11•• tM.,.. l 200 I of th• Callfornla · f• .. ,.,,,..,..,.._...,...._•lei ~;~'· ~ ... 1111¥ 111111141 .,.. .. C*. ...,o::ri?11','!'""'·. o... ~ .,..... 01 ~ ,,, ra.,.~HOMI ~,;::: ::~" ~ '.;;;o. CM> o,..._.__ ;~ti!-• . , ............ o, ..... c .... = ""' ... JI. ''· •• a ' .,., ........... w.::""" J Doom or golden age? Investment advisers must fig ure out which By JOHN CUNNIFF Al ---ANllr9t NEW YORK -There ll Mver an off .euon for lnvestment ad- vUlen, which ll to uy that during b a d times aa well as 1ood they stand ready to tell you where to put your money. The re are several reuona for thll, not the least of which la the n eed to earn commiaalon1 to fl· nance food o n the t a ble , and, perhap1 among the more 1u c- ceufuJ o nes, a Mercedes or two in the garage. But these are diffic u lt limes for advisers. times of great perils, of extrem es, of change . And lf they f igure it all o ut, which hasn't alway• been the cue, you might say they wiU have earned their commi.ssion.s. Tough dayt beca1.&1e of the i;are p oHib llities, the e xtremes of which may be 1ummarized as (1) the col- lapse o f the econ omy hke a w orn-out star, o r (2) the . econ o my be- ing catapul led t o the econ - omic strat- osphere. CUNNll'I' Thomas Gies, a University of Mic higan e co nomist, a ptly de- scribed the situatton m a speech . W e are, h e said, e ither o n the brink of doom o r o n th e threshold of the greatest golden age ever known. It's that tough to figure o ut, it seems, a nd the investment advi- sers will tell you, a toUgh way to make a livmg. The adviser, h owever , cannot be indecisive; he mus t r each conclusions. even when they re- 1111 IUlYlll present a break with hla old ha- blta and a break with the econo- mic paat, u for example, in forecuting diainlla\!on. What's 10 hard about tha t? Only that ln!laUon hu been with ua now for 15 yean or ao, long e n ough for people to assume it was like the bachelor uncle, a family member, aomethlng to live with forever. But infla t ion h as dropped sharply In the past year. The producer price index has r isen onl y 4,1 percent, and the c on - sumer price index, to be releued today, i.s up only 7 percent or so in 12 months. That's d!Jinflation . which you sho uld be reminded I& n ot defla- t ion . The latter is whe n prices actually fall from earlier levels. In contrast. disinflation is a slo- wing of the rate at which prices ruie. Over the decade and a half of rising inflation, investment advi- sers put custom ers into tangible investments they fell w o uld in- flate the most: gold, real estate, colle ctibles, commodities, raw land. Suspicious of paper money in any form, people b o ught up anything that might bec."Ome ra re , comic books and fine art alike. ln so d oi ng th ey t ipped the demand-supply scale which, in effect, made t,he sought after i'1ms relatively rare indeed. Now, expecting m o re price stabill t y. advisei:s are a I.most un- 1 forml y r eversing themselves, advising clients to ge t into f i- nancial asset.<J: s tocks and bonds and oth er liquid a ss ets that do OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND beat an 1table times. That bt1nf1 ~P the othe r aide of the new thinkin&· which i. to get out of collectiblet. But nobody really kno wa, do they? The advlsera could be all wron,. ln fact, there'• a IK'hool of thinking th.at aaya the OONeNUS is likely to be w rong and that if you're amart you'll bet againal It. The conaenaua changes too - in fact, very often -1upporting the adage that if you forecaat , forecast o ften. And som etimes w ha t h ad been a conseruu s sim - ply shatter& into a conf ualon of conflictmg notions. And ao, you might agree, the investmen t a dviser '• JOb 1a a tough one these days, corwdermg the extreme limits de1eribed by Professor Gies. But don't lose all your com- palllllOn, or even any at all, on the adviser. Remember, at stake is yo ur money, not his A nd re- member. too, that wrong or nght 1t m atters no t. He gets his com- mission anyway Fire victims offer ed loans Crocker Bank said 1t will assist v 1ct1ms o f fires an Anaheim by making loans available at special rates. Information about loans for re loc ation and replacement o f furmshings and personal proper- ty as available from Crocker Bank offic e s thro ugho ut Orange County The o ffice a t the corner of Euchd and Ball in Anaheim wiJJ tx> open Saturday from 9 a .m . to 4 p.m . oowws Lal J , ,..., '"" • 1 .w ti J ,,.., ...... 1'4. J J J J •• •If) ,..,. ''"' , . .., ,...., , ... • J • ~L Of! IU Off '4..J ()rt IU Off II.I Off 11 I Off ti I Off ... Off .., Off • 1 Oii •• Oii u Oii u Oft ,, Oii ,, Oft J.J Off ,, Off ,_, °" 7.1 Off 11 Off u °" .., Oii ..... °" u Oii u Off u °" , • New YOlllC tUJ HI M • " ..... EiC" JI 1:1 NI. T,. '°''-"" !t r.,.,. • 12 a.SJ Mllll n.» 11.14 Inv $111 11111 JO..JI ¥1" ........ H -II 11 CW Inv 511 U.S 7 .CW .,....., I• I • Pftf!'lt I GO tMl4M, ..,.i.. C.TWT t M NL ~ 1M S t1 NL W ......... "-~ <!ft ,._ IUI NI. al"°" fl ---c;.,.,.. IM U t 0'1 tlK t Ill llL ·~ lftt., -€Wt •• '-ti Hllft<AI I 11 NL tflt .ncat M ~ CNftc-0.-. HI Vld t 1J NL ...... ~!ft HIYN I ti ta LI -J a Hl.. OWICI -..... HI-II '1 12.SJ l'unlft 10 D Hl.. -I--NO. 11.ft IUt Tiwlft t U NL vahlll W . '*4IW Te•... 1.10 llL T...... a• NL (¥11111 .... ... Teti# 15.14 16-• 1'1-1• """' Ulotr'9ll ~ c;,,. SM tU • HL ~ 7 M NL tltl aW g 1tA lUI ,llCJT• _,,Ill Mlle 11.41 NI. Dir ti.• NL lftllloll ,.-. NI. ~ , D... NL ..,.~ Hl.. IMtm ._., NL AOY 14. IO NL ..,.._, "at I~· Afllt-It... HI. ,_ 10.D II IO .... /Ill ti a IUI •AIM,_, ~ IV 1.'5 DI-... '" CvYld tUS IUit HI Ylll •• 6.W ~ UJ J S1 .... . •• ,. 1.... •• t.. ,_ ... ._. . °""' •• • NIYlll LJ'I I.It TeJ Ml ... lt'.Ji ._..,_ S • • • Inv V• t•• • " ~ 1Ait • IJ To ,.,. 1 • 111'1 ~ • J ll _ ....... t lJ ""'• ~ .. 11194 tjtl NL -Ulll fl~ ~ l'"CI ~1 ~ 14:: I~ =. ::: JP lftCe I • .... IMom J tl ,,_ IM Ml T• lft .. ,. JollVt Hellcecll. ~ II.JI ...... ,, R •• • """' 5lw • ., ~ . 1·· "-.tT ..... US Gll1 I, .4 •• Net AYle U11 Tea h • • .Ot He1 INI II ... !(N-.,. NL Nat l«urlflft: ~ "-...... t• IOU IMtm Ja 114 11W Grew • ,. ,..,. ~ HI Yl4I LlS 11.'5 ""* 1m1f.ct 11 JJ 11 n •11tem illlwll I UI &• °"'" If ,, 11.)t =" ::::rn:: Tol"I 11•116' USO.. --11.a~llN Miit: ~II IUI 141! c... • ,, ., 11 ... CU... U1 J,SI Clll kt J 11 r .. ii ~":'.t' Orange Coaat qAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1912 ~---------------------------------------------------------. s· 85 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS llllTAfl ... tllfCl.11''' ......... ,,. .................. ,. "''"c. ............. •ITIOlf AllO CINCllllltAfl noes llCMAlt•H AM• I NIT It l 'f 'Ml HH Ht INITINf'r, J3URBANK (AP ) -Wa lt Disney Produ<.'tions re· ported higher revenues but low er net 1m·oml· for thl· se«>nd quarter ended Man.'h 3 1. as l'Ompan«l with thl· sam e period a year ago Revenues were $247,675.000, up ~ pt>1't·t-nt. whtlc net income was down 22 percent to $21.648,000. or $.65 per share, the m m pan y reported. The company also had tncn·ast:d n·vt•nuc·s JOd lower net tn<.'Ome for the six months ('ndt'd M._mh :~1 Attendance at both Wtilt Disney World m f lornl.1 and Disneyland in Cuhforn1a dechnl'<i sliS(hllv dunnf? lhe quarter Dividend datl'.4; ,., Newport PharmJ<.'eu.l.1t·als lntl•r nJ\11111.il In< Newport Beach. announ<'C-<I dt'<.'IJr.itron of 1111' rt'<rnd date of Apn l 30 for d 1v1dt·nds of 811 n•nL" pt•• 'liat1 Lo shareholders of 8 perc·tmt t•onvt.•rtilllt• pr t•f11 rt'<J .. tot k All d1v1dends will be payablt.• July 10 Furnace deal initiated Radiant Technology Corp. of Newport Beach an · nounccd com pletio n of nl'gouat1ons for an exclusive manufacturing a nd distributio n agrvl'ml'nl for it.s ovens and furna<..'t"S with Hakuto Co. Ltd. o( Japan This five-year contrat·t will en<.-omp<.tJ» J apan as well as most of Southeast Asia . T he agn·ement pro· v1des for an 1n1t1al $100.000 royalty pay ml•nt and thereaft<'r a pen.-entagt· of sull-s llt•sort planne rs nanu·tl T he firm of Ballc•wfArbuckle/Martm, 18025 Sky Park East. lrvam·. ha.-. bc.'Cn named planner. art·h1lt<t'l and J andscapt.· arch1tt'<.'t for a 2J a<.Tt' pnv;.te hsh1ng resort Club dl• Mt.'<:ca to Ix-built on the north shore of the• bay o f Cabo &in Lucas. Mc·x1w The site known as C h tto's Watc:rmg Hol<' 1s at Land's End where t he• Pa<.·1flt meC'ts th{' St•a of C.Orwz. The resort 1s e1 11mt w•ntun· o f &•nor L1t'<'nc·1.ado MaguPI Ale man. a former p resadt·nl of Mexru1 ( 1946-52) and thl• Cather of Ml•xaco's tourism industn . Senor L 1l'en<:1ado Jorgt.· Soto, Arturo Cota. Jacol)o &villa, Jrrry OuC'harmt'. Jim Habig and John B Si- de ll <il> a Cali fornia L1mllt'CI P a r tnl'n.hap /1·t;ine firn1 con solidat£•.'; Prmtronrx, In<: . has openc'Cl headquarters rn !rv11w w h ich eonsol rdau~ c·orporatc• and markt•llng act1v111t~ at one loc.:a t1011 . The f1Vt'·build1ng l'ampui;-styl{• c·omplt·x. with OVl'r 100,000 squan· fl>t.•l of offi<:~'b. I!> the• fifth Prt11· tronix fal·il1ty in \h(' Irvin(· area. and Lllt'rt•J !lt.'S t hl' manufat·turc•r's fac·11aty sput.'t' to m.•arlv J SO.UOO ~uare feet · The• fat·1hty is at l 7:'1v0 C<irtwnght R<>tld STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIC~T DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS ~1 Up 1U Up IJ t UP IOI VP IOO Up " VP IO VII IA VP I • uo ,. UP 7S VP 1J Up ,, Up 11 Up 11 VP 71 Up '1 VP . 11 Vt> '·' Utt , .. VP !<! HEW 'l"Ol'lltAPl Ft...i ~-­"" ~-22 ITOCU JO • ..., JO Tn• I) uu U Slk ...... , Tr.,_ VIII\ •S SU a.-..... ~~°" 6-11 ts7m "110 m 11 . t 10 ,,., .. ,. S1 J.o IO ,,., ... 0 .. 111 .0 IW It 111 Jt 11) 7• • 1 n .mu m n J31 n n. ... 1.t'1 • •.m.a 1,"3,Sllll 1,tOl,.cJQ • sn..a WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORlt IAPI 4'1>' n r_, •SI .,. ... .. , ., II NEW YOlllC IAPI -n METALS f oclrf H'I 1111 10 I03 11 I) """" °""' '" * 650 1 .. .. n c • .,,., 76 • 78 ...... • """"d v 'i tlf!",llfl9110ft• L-:.>6 Jl • ...,., " P<"""1 Zlftc lS 39 c~11 a """"" <1••1-v"'"" Ttn Ml ~74/ M~t .. i. w .... tCl"'W.,I• "' ,._.,. '"" 76 11 • .,. .. ~ 00\lftQ ,.. " llHfcwy '380 00 P<'' ••••• Pi.ti-$179 00 ,,,,.,. (II N 'V SILVER COLO QUOTATIONS •r JIM AHOC .. IH PfHI ~IOd world QOf<I PtlOS JO<lay l.ont1on1 mo•n1ng fl•ino $3U 7S, off $2 00 London! allarnoon ll••no $30 00. 011 ,, 1b ~at1e: $343 04, 011 $3 OS ,,.,.'-"= &:Mb oe o11 s 1 " Z1ulcll1 l it• 11111ng S3U 00 DIG Oii $1 00. $34 T,OO a.ailld ' Hantlr a HarMa11: onlr oa11y Qwota SJ.U 00, oft It 75 lln.-lllMd: Oftly C1•1ly Cl\IOll $3411 00 ON $1 7$ 11~4J: only Oelly Quote labtlcatlld ~ 25 oil Siii• SYMBOLS ._,..., ..... -_., ...... ~-----... ~: .............. ....., er I _, ... , .... .,.. ..... -9 =.:.::-:::-.... -:r= ........ ~---~---._..., .... _ o.ti..e. .. .... ... .......... ,, -• ~ ........... _ .... _.,._.,. ,......_,... __ .....,.. .... ·--·--...... ~ ~ Y~ (AP~ laM Wac!Mt-• ... -llW M -----~ ........ -.. •Ill tllMl)l'1 ......... -,..._ -..... "' iwic. .,.. .. ,.......,,_,......,._ =:::-,. __ '*'° offt l't ...... -........... _..... - V TJ O • " -.............. -..... l llO'fot ,aHOI0..1~•·ta ~ ...... ~":':' .. - •...... IO l*O. I I llO'f • "')O 60. Oii .-a 119 • w ''° ................ ....... ..... , .... 100 CIO"'"· H07 110)' 01 I -----... ...._ -• A40 n, °" '' a_a ' ,.. • .., t:• ~·-........ _ ........... .. ~ . .-..,._ ... .. ,,...,...___...,.. ..... I . ..---------·--~ ~--~ ..._ .... .. 0ranQ9 Cou1 DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 23, 1082 . ,,, Buy proper • Try· drought-resistalit shrubs equipment WASHUiOTON (AP) -M~y homeow a.re chomina to do thd.r own lawn work, and can ave tJ.me by purd\llltna the ptOper equJ Oard•n dry .apotl often develop beyond the mand -the.)' want well dralnln1 1oll. Molt re1eh of your prden hole. But don't dllplir. n-drouaht·Nllltant varleUes develop Jena.thy root.a problam apota can be attnctlvely LandlCaped with · that tap ttae w:ater table for thefr need1. Theae lhrubl that are ~Jy adap~ to dry condi· 1hrub1 can be found plant•d throu1hout the uona. Drouaht reelltant lhrubl thrive in extremely Interior valley1 where lrrl1atlon 11 not alway• barren ancJ rocky locatlon1 once they are eata· plent.lful. <bllahed. In fact, many of them do not dO well with The olHnder ls, perhap1, the leacUni candidate avenp prden watertna pract.k:es. · ·in ~P· This round headed flowering 1hrub Ls Drou1ht resllta. nt 1hrub1 have only one de-a po state roadllde plantina becawie of lta re-~~--....____________ Uabl lty. There are--vartel1ew that produ<."e white, For the .nan lawn. • ftand.puahed mow II fine, wh.lle larpr Iota call for the lllliatance a power mower and folka with a halt-acre or more may want a ric»-on machine. Reaatdlem o( the \ype needed, ufe\y f~ should 6e an important consideration when ft8 the hue. 'nltna-to look for include def1 1hJe~n the ,.. .. dilcharge chute, throttles t . U.1111 CllCllllT yellow, plnk or rich red Qowera all 1wnmer. 1'he crepe myrtle (Laaentroert\la lndJca) al.lo ls easy to IJ"OW, producing small eucalyptus-like fe>JJ. ge and 1mooth brown bark. ln 1ummer, crepe myrtles al.lo develop dl.atinctlve aoft.fringed paper- llke blooms In white, bright pink, deep red &J\d purple sha<UJ'\P. atop the mower when the grip la relealed a quick-atop blade brake sys~ . If, however, hiring a lawn-care profeulonal teerna more the ticket, check the company out with your local Better Buainem Bureau. I •Set mower blades to three lnches to stretch the Ume between waterings by an extra 3 to 4 days. Lonpr 1fU1 bi.des shade the ground and reduce evaporative l;.es. · • DMde English Primroees every three years or u eqon u they flni.ah their sprlng bloom. •Watch for lawn moth damage at this time of the year. Consult your nurseryman for an effective control. •Fill in bare sJ)pts with cheerful marguerit.es, zinnial or marigolcb. ifles ·lll'i rShbt guns urHOLSTllY ; ........... -"' s.... ltJ2 ~IOl IUD. COSTA MISA -541·1156- ~ .... 77V·Ht1YJ ~ti 22·250 and .JOI $215.00 <•••· $369.00) rz»X? --ClllSTllll *Wlnchnt• Fta~tilht 243, 270 and 301 $449.0o <•••· $481.00) Wlnchnt• · .120 ~-12 and 209A (WC) $199.~ <•••· 264.00) Wlnchnt• 1300~ 12 and 20 11 (WC) $249.00 <•••· $379.00) 8IUlf Z5 Auto (Stall*'s) f lj./ $99.® <•••· $120.00) Fr..-Ams (2Z CR) za:~ $~~~ <• ... t12S.oo> !\' Many MM1y ~~ F1nt Cotrl9 Finl !Wwtd. ~~~;H;c-;1 ••• 28192 Ma,,.uerlte Parkway (South of A.,.,y on Mer~ Pkwy Peued Toyota) NO CHARGE CARDS ON SALE ITEMS Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear I' I South Coast Plaza ln the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 -------.. , ... ....,,_,t'_ ...... _-.-IOlmlllOt...._ ___ _ ew.t-... ·---.... ·-·--·--.... ·----' '-:.:~~-=:.~-..,,_ .. """_ . ..,........, ___ _ --·---..-! . =-,.-! ~?-~-·-.,._._.....,._ · ................... ...... ~...... ..........,,.~ '2118 Reg. ~9" HO 00 .._, c'"'"'" '"°' ..... •·•"'•"•"•' Plitt le floe1111l1Chll" • •u ... •ttf htl llflC• IOt tno4ell!1tff ~--.... - M,olt of them are legilimate, but there m11y be a few questionable ones and the bureau can tell you If they have received complainta about the oomp6ny Roeemary (Roanarinua offlclnalia) ls known for Its aromatic gray foliage. The regular slr.ed shrub develope to a height of 4 feet, and can be eaaily trained Into an attractive hedge. The dwarf variety can be used for ground covers on hlllsldea. Both develop light blue flowers each 1pring. . .,..., ................. FUND-RAISER -Docents of the Sherman Library and Gardens, Corona del Mar, are having a brunch at the gardens Tuesday to raise funds· to transport student.a participating in enrichment programs at the facility. Assis- tlng Kappy Anderson (left), chairwoman, are Ruth Ann Hay (center) and Betty Andrews. you are considering. · · 1 Many cities and counties allo have consumer affairs offloes that can warn you about companies that have had problems. 'the distinctive manzanlta whlcn abounds In the lower mountainous 1ectlon1, the wild lllac (Ceanothus) and the matilllja poppy are alto worth corwdering. _f1oi11 Ftrol111n'T WANTED Uonult•d hemi.; 14or SPON (;urug•• Sule Profesaionala may ask you to sign a contract. Make sure you understand everything it includes and there are no blank spaces. Make sure 1t 1tates what servJCeS wlU be performed, the exact cost and how long the contract runs. May Tak• Over 'ayment1 And Some Ca1h To Sellers. All 1•rort't'd8 f(O lo li8hl airporl e11pan1lon al J1"A t•••·-----•••••••••••••••••••••••·~·-•••••••1 I ~~ I Private 'arty. Prlnclpt.1 09'ly PleeM Call 54.IJ-66:16 or 673-RIM for 1>lc·k up. I w• ••II Mor• Th•n "THE WORLD'S Fl-.. \JI,. I Sol•· <lute: Suturduy. Moy I -<J-5 1 NElfr PRODUCE." W• IYv• R-.dy ~ &4&-9442 I llumpshire <:rt .• Newport llt•oc-h I To•• S.IMI• lfnd C•rrol, CucumlNr, .. ---------------: C•l•tY Bliek•, for "nibbling" In lhl• FRUIT TREE ... f41#9 Plant a whole orchard .at these BIG savings. · APPLE• APRICOT•NECT ARINE FIG •PEACH •PLUM•PERSIMMON Exampl•: VENTURA PEACH 11£6o~~i:so N 0 W 8. 7 5 - Abowe ll1ted Fruit TrH1 at com rable 30% 1avln 1. READY·TO-USE WEED ANO GRASS KILLER •oRTHo KLEENUP 1111 Bermud1 Or111 and other weed1. MovH throughout the whole plant fOf a compl•t• kllll 24 OI.. Hendy ....... REO. ICJl!lt equeeu 4.N ----epNcator. ASSORTED. VARIETIES Including: FERNS, PALMS, PRAYER PLANTS. SPIDER PLANTS AND OTHERS 4"POT VALUES TO 3.49 I K;J4 • Since 1946 ·ttalliWs Nursery -Florist 2140 Harbor llvd., Costa Muo ESTATE IUCTIOI .. Ill 0-E COUllTY THll ... Yll1 P.M. I w•rm WHlh•t. Bo who w•nl• lo cul . lh••• thing• up wh•n w• h•r• '•m "T_,,,. tte.dy." W• •l•o h•r• Drn•lng• In pin,. end IJM/on• •nd tulM. for our 300 R••l•ut•nl• •nd • Complete Lin• of Froz•n Food• In bulk tor our R••l•u- r•nl• •nd Z% lb. box for l•mlll••· All Al The Lownl Pr/en In Town. OPEN DAILY 'TIL I QUANTITIES LIMITED SO ORDER EARLY r----R•l•f:Nil-----r----"fl'i11T;l1Jl]----,r-----{(1l1l;l111}----1 I ft LEAD. I It 1 on.Rt FOU.OWt 1WE ITARTED ~r,1 10 DEJCIOUS NOWt I I M'S IWHT I LARGE HeADI II LARGR MUOI l DANJOU PEARS l LETTUCE :1 CAULIFLOWER I ! 3 ,,ound9 100 ! 25' Nd\ !! 69• Md! I 1 IAVI! _.La. 1 SAVE UP TO•·... 11 uv1 50' EA. I •---------------1--------------~L--------------~ : r---1(•l•J:Nrt-----, r-----{(illf;I1Jl]----,r-----f (•I1J:l•J1l----, I I NEW CROP LARGE I IANY DEGllH CW M'EMESlll OUiriiiO. 1 I I I DIUCIOUS 11 GOOO SIZE HAii II FMatt I ! RAISINS I! A wCADos !! MUSHROOMS l I 99• 11 3 100 II 89• ,.,,. I I • ......_._... I I f'Of 111 Pound I I r--II I I L __ !~~~~-~---·J !~!.!-.1~~!~~~JL ___ ~~-7!-'"!· ____ J THE ... SIZE FLOWER SHOP SPECIAL ·-----((•l'l.iL!lJJ-----· r-----ro11T:Nil"----. .. -----«•11J :l•Jat"'---... : , JUl90 •ID :: WE HAVI TMI , .. aT n 1 1 CELERY or 11 MAROUINTE 11 cowAM ms PRICE 1 I ROMAINE II DAISIES :I CELERY HEARTS l ii 3 1°0 I: 99· ... ~ :: 3'"Aactt29· : 9 I F• II II I I MlX '£11 UP 11 8AVE UP TO 1.50 KM. II SAVE 40' KM. I '--------cooPOtia~iitii-iitu"ita:-APRit:"~.:.-,-;ii:---.;;;;o-.J ;~ g.: I ••w fllUIT ·~ fO..• I .,...,.. lllOfll PHONll· I «JY..,.. ...._ I 1 :::::; 1601 Newport Blv . ,.,.°'::,,"., I I 1--.~ 645-0032 t • ., ... ,,. ,"'h" ,._"-'. I L•••••••••••••••••••••••··~··••••••-•••••·~·I LLD\'O~!i gordensho PARKl~G LOT PATIO SALE Alumont Patio Furniture AMERICANA MODEL 11'2 Aound oen1ng r.- '· 1100 Arm CMlrw DORAL MODEL .~ THIRTY (JO) FINf SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RINGS 1, 2 & 3 CARATS EACH A Ml«tlon of 140 diamond, emerald, Np- phlre, j.MM, ruby, opal, pearl, antique rlnp,' bracewtt, necklace, w1khet and t1mnp. °''°""IVI C/iTAl.OI AY#Wl.AIU 1142 Aound ~ T.._ 4, ISOO SteclklnO Ann CMW9 :'280 -+-. -... llllJPllDI FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1982 r . ClASBlf 110· C6 BUSY AFTERNOON -Golden West College second ba- seman Marty Boyd had plenty to do Thursday during Southern California Conference game on the Rustlers' field. He awaits tag play on Harbor's Mike Patterson (upper left), then completes double play by tagging out Tony Bloomfield after Harbor pl'ayer struck out (lower left) and leaps to avoid Andy Flamengo (upper right). Golden West back in winner's circle Orange Coast stays on the heels o f Cerritos in South Coast; Saddleback b lanked Golden West ColleJe's baseball team got back on its winning ways as the Rustlen dropped LA Harbor on its own home field to highlight community col- lege baseball action Thunday. and no one out; Meyer proceeded to work aeven acorelesa innings as he struck out five, walked one and 8Cattered three hits in improving hla record to 5-2. Three players had two hits for the Rustlers led by designated-hitter Dan Larson, who went 2-for-5, including a home run and two RBI. Al.so oontrlbu· ting were third baseman Bob Grandstaff <2-lor-4) and center fielder Doug Irvine (2-for-3 with an RBI). Or.nge CCN1tt 15, Fullerton 4 The Pirates exploded offensively at the expense of the Hornets to remain a half-game behind C.erritoe (10-3) in the South Coast Conference chase. toro, making his third start of the season, reaped the benefits of OCC runs in the first two irutings to post his first win. The Pirates (9-3 in conference, 24-6 overall) had three other players with three hits as Dave Tinoco went 3-for-6 with three runs scored and two RBI; Scott Groot went 3-for -6 and scored o nce; while Darren Puskarich was 3-Cor-5 with two RBI and a run l'C'Ored. Southwntern 4, Saddleback 0 In other games, Orange Coast pounded out 18 hits in smothering Ful- lerton. while Saddleback was blanked by Southwestern. Here's what happened: Golden Wnt 5, LA Harbor 2 Third baseman Tom Duggan, a product of Edison High, was a one-man force for the Buca. The freshman fi- nished his day by going 3-for-5 at the plate, including a home run and a dou- ble. good for seven RBI. The Rustlers snapped a two-game · losing streak and evened their Southern Cal Conference seoond round record at 2-2 as sophomore Rob Meyer, ln relief of starter Scott Marsh, pitched seven shutout innings in stopping the Sak- hawks (3-1). Meyer, a sophomore, came on in the third inning after two runs had acored to tie the 1tame. With a runner on second The Rustlers, who scored a single run in each of the firat four frames, puahed acroa the eventual winning run in the third u Chuck Spiegel walked, took second on a sacrifice by Steve Mo- rello and acored on a hit~and·run single to right by Irvine. The seven RBI, in fact, set a school record, breaking the old mark of six co- held by Daryl Sconiers (presently with the Angels) and t'om Barnett. His home run raised that season total to seven, leaving him one shy of that record, too. Duggan, who extended his hitting streak to 13 games has raised his average from .225 to .342 in his last 19 games. The Gauchos (12-5) fell victim to the strong-arm tactics of Southwestern's Ron Herring as the right-hander struck out 10 and walked three while allowing but three hi ts. Offensively. Southwestern was led by shortaop Romy Cucjen, who went 2-for-3 with an RBI. R e d s sp oil p e r fect start ... by Braves ATLANTA (AP) -Atlanta's record 13-game winning streak came to an end Thunday night when the Cincinnati Reda ICOred a 2-l·victory behind the combi- ne4 alx-hlt pitchin~ of Bruce Berenyi and Tom Hume. The Braves, h owever, took their firat setback of the 1982 tea.on In at.ride. 0We told everybody what we were trying to Ho was win the pennant, not break any records," uJd Chris ChambU.. "We didn't expect to go 162--0." "I told them I was proud of . them," aakl Atlanta Manacer' Joe Torre. "It wu tun. maybe we can start another ~ t.omorTOW." Cladnnati sot both ita runt ln the fifth tnnlna when the Reda coUec't.ed four llln&.lea, includlnc wh•t proved to be a 1ame- wtnnlna hit by Berenyi. '~t WU pretty lucky," Be· ,.yl IUd of hJa .,_ to Wt. "1 don't look at m,.U ... • •n eM)' out )lit ba::awe rm. pitcher." . Bennyt •• ..... tiow It felt to~ Adan .. '• -.It. "Anybody In that altuation Wlftfm to be the one that ended '"E:! ...... , 1-1, yieldld five hita .._.... uvlftl with the bMft = .. the ........ but Hume Olmn HU!blllfd on a lhan II, then 101 Claudell ................. .., .. Larson added his home run, an inside-the-park job, in the sixth irutinsr. Freshman ri1tht-hander Ken San-The Gauchos' Gary F.asley absorbed the loss in going the distance. Aiello making bid to be Vols' No. 1 QB Ex-Golden W.est College standout impressive in Tennessee scrimmage ~1 Sam Aiello ia making a strong bid to be- come the starting quarterback at the Un- iversity of TennesBl!e. Aiello, who prepped at Marina and star- red for two season.a at Golden West, was impressive recently in a Tenneuee scrim- mage -completing 20 of 35 pa11e1 (at least five were dropped) for 238 yards and three TDs. Although the numbers didn't mean that much, the perfonnance apparently did, ac- cording to Thomas O'Toole of the Knoxville News-Sentinel. Aocordlng to O'Toole, AJello worked as much with the fint teem u Daryl Dickey and had IOIJle lklellne oblerven thinking he had inched ahead ln the depth chart race. ''Our plan Pna tnto the ICl'iJnmaCe WU to u.e both Sam and Daryl with the fint teem," Mid quanert.ck co.ch Al Saunders. "I w11 pleued with ane of the th1np I saw from Sam in terml of ~ the defenlel and aetUnc UI Ojl\.9f lituatlona. But all our quartert.dcl have a Ucht year to IO·" , ~ Cockrell WM the Voll' quart.erbac:k lut ..on, but he II comlnc ofl knee IW'· ~ and will not h8w any cani.ct work until A~ Dk:irey, Who Wll 3 of 11 with two inter- cepdonl In the w ICrlnr .... bM beer'a u.ted No. 1 11nct T..,._.•1 ...... pnc- Uce bepn. AAello ~ at No. 4 aDd. after a alow awt, l1 11vTn1 Dickey • aeriou1 challqe. "I """ r.Dy hllil'8nt IDd ....Uw the f lnt few dal:S:' a>recUee." MYI Aiello. "You don't lf'a lhlt W, a ...., _.,. from JC to tM bti ttml, bu& lt-. fwM Ml"YOUI at tM flni ,,..... I WIDtld I0 91l \bet ovw wtth. Altill .._ I lhOulh\ rdi. UI i1lldt . Malltlht .... ~ -....A1111Dtat ................ bet ••t l!'I d ...... d. I Wlill't ...... _,. ~1 ............ ,.... ... r ..... ... SPORTS EOITOf4 CRAIG SHEFF Two of the best 'West players -Lester Conner of Oregon State and Rod Higgins of Fresno State -played for the Midwest . . . one of the true mysteries of the tour- ney. The eight-man West team included Dwight Anderaon (USC), Lafayette Lever (Arizona State), Clarence Dickerson (Hawaii), Mlke Sanders (UCLA). Bill Gar- nett (Wyoming), Fred Roberts (BYU). Mark McNamara (Cal) and Wallace Bryant (USF). "I feel more comfortable now. At flnt I was trying to do everything eo fut and do it so good. After I relaxed, 1 started doing better. I'd aay Darvl and I are about even, The West won the tourney with McNa- but I don't know. l had a aood acrlriunaee mara, Lever, CoMer, Ricky Pierce (Rice, thJa Ume, but Daryl had a p-eat tcrimmage South) and Eddie Phillipa (Alabama, the Ume before." South) selected to the all-tourney team. Since he'w the new kid on the block, Phillipe wu named the MVP. Aiello uya he's had to make a lot of ad- juatmenta. ""Youth aoocer I.a growing in the islands, "When I went t.o Golden West lt wu the but California teams dominated a club same thin&. comina into a situation with all tournament Euter week. new players. I Md""t.o P1n le8denhip, and 1 ..-Another btg apor1 in Hawaii la ~by. did lt by dolnc better than the IUY' who w• The _panidpanta have no fear, especially in there. You pin l'llJ)eC'tabWty by dolnc the Samoana. - well. · • a.. s Tenneaeee Uk• to IO ~pplna in Call-VHawaU la puahln1to1et tne uper fomia for lta qUU1.er'bKka. Ai.. ,.an..,, Bowl. but Aloha Stadlum Ia Inadequate, Gary \l'albuena w. r.a'Ufted by the Yo)a aeatlq-wlae. But thote in the know My out of Oraft11 ea.& O"'• and lbr the 1-t they can aet $40 • ddcet. rneanlns they are two Muon• Steve Alatorre (Cypr .. t) totally canvinmd there la no bottom t.o the played for Tlel 11 1. pocket of the tourist. And don't look for AWlo to be llWnc on the benCh come &epcember. l&IPPIN' A.ROUND -117• CUiweil • • • lt baek for hla Hnlor football •NOn at Oddi and endl from• W.-in HonOlwu: ArtlOM State after littlq out lffl wllh t-'ln thll part of the world, bwball I• &ride prOblema. The former Fountain Val· The lporta P1111 ara.au.d....Sdathe ----iej".'.-Hlp t\UldOUt lt a defeftlive. end. .X-II of ihe Hlinll lilm*'I of the Pl• &'1 M: l50 po.andl Anolhll' ft·'FY _., df c.o.t ~.and cbe Unlwl'IAty of WWle 0 11 .. t m1tMcl l»riDI prKtict at HaWllU, the No. I llllD -tt. llnd. A8U.,.. ~ .............. Th• four-teem Alob& n r'c, • c:iolJ•• __..,. OttllDI. a _... NmllllW b9ck. II all....,. baiUdd ...,_.. .. a bUlll .......... ID'-~ n.u•ill bJ die .... at IM•"·*'"'• ... .._ W ~ .. of fall *Wi la AlillUll •• •,_Cir-~· ..... (=:-;,... lllrtiar llalb> ----~~·.~ • • &°f' L _.. m11up11a,'W•• _, .. -liia --g:i11111 I• ldl ...aor .. ,.~at tt-.:C-.':"',J ... ~ . ..., •••. =J:;:;i,T:.-,.a. .. K e oug h weary of dontes By CURT SEEDEN of the .,..., ,... ..... Matt Keough pitches for the Oakland A'a and he live. in the Northern California community of Santa Rosa. But tonight at Anaheim Stadium, he'll feel very much at home. And that's not just because Keough grew up along the Or ange Coast. performing In style at Corona del Mar High School. Keough is relieved to be in Anaheim Stadium torught simply because it represents the great outdoors. The 26-year-old right· handed pitcher has had hJa fill of playing in the domes, especially Minnesota's Hubert H. Humph- rey Metrodome. "In Minnesota, the scores are going .to sound'like football games because it's a football field," Keough says. "'They jut\ threw a baseball park in after- wards. It's a joke." KEOUGH WASN'T laughing last week when the Twins belted three solo home runs off him. But 'Our b11ll1111r" looks like the Grand Canyon cornparf.•d to that t he Minne so ta M-etrodome). '' he managed to keep some aense of humor because the A's held on for a 6-3 victory. "Our ballpark look.a like the Grand Canyon compared to that. A guy in the right field stands can sneeze and get it all over you if you are on the mound," Keough adds. unintentionally sounding a bit like Don Rickles. "Ifs about 10 long atridea from first base to the right field fence in Minnesota. "All I know ls that Tony Oliva would have had 90 to 125 homen there, and if Harmon Killebrew were still pla~, he'd be in four figures by now,' Keough adds. Despite all the agonizing over covered stadiums, Keough has managed to bring a 2-0 record into tonight's game with the Angels and their ace Ken Fonch (1-1). # It's not quite the Apnl Keough experienced last year, but then how many pitchers finished April 4-0 with a 1.00 earned run average while earning the title Pitcher of the Month? KEOUGH PROBABLY won't repeat his April of 1981 this year. Nor wUl any of the other A's pitchers. Oakland car- ries an 8-7 record into the three- game weekend series with the Angels. By compa.Non, the com- bined Angel pitching staff. with a minuscule earned run average thus far, could collectively qua- lify for such an honor. "They (the Angels) have a very good ballclub and they pro- bably have better pitching than most people said they had," Keough said. He abould know. He watched the Angels take 2-out-of-3 from the A's in the season-opening series in Oakland. 'lbat included the Angels' 8--6, 16-in.rUng verdic• in the rubber match. • "We've had several 16 inning games,'' Keough uys with a bit of exasperation ln hla voice, ''We've taken a couple of 3-2 leads into the ninth inning but wind up losing. .. Everybody up there (in Oak land) is already pushing th4! panic button. We've just had a few injuries, a couple of pitchertt with bed arms and we're 1-vins guys on third base," Keouatr 181:' the PMt. auch eerly teM011 antics were taken rather u,htly. But with Bllly Marlin 1utdlnt the A's, and laet yee.r'1 impnmve 17 -1 1tart still vividly inltiDed 1n the mindl of the Oakland f.aith · ful, th• A'• are beln1 hud- pnmed to perform ln the tame luhlon that eventual]y led to . their 1981 WHtern Dlvlaion. cbamplorllhip. • . Included In that 1 '7-1 lpUtt w. a fow-~pme awtep of the\~ lut teMOn. • ' , . ---·....--· _,,. ,,...... ____ (t f)&. ..... ~ ,--. ·--· ..... -·· -..... ---·· ....... -·--···~·· .. -....... _.._ ... ·-... ·-Ci • • • ...,--·· ~-··---,........._. ... -~ Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 Ferragamo not on waivers yet . doesn't have an open door back to the 4 • Quarterback Vance Ft>rragamo [iJ NFL just yet. Despite a wire service s to ry which cleared Thursday mornlnR st~ting the present Montreal Alouette quarterback had clea- red Canddian Football League w aivers, it should be pointed out that the team pl~ Ferragamo on "recallable" waivers, meaning Uae club was jus twestmg the market, not releasing lls high -priced com· mochty. "IC Vance Ferragamo had been put on waivers, believ~ m e I would h ave kno wn about it," said Rams Coach Ray Malavas1. "Every day we gel a sheet from the league off ice t ellin g us who's o n waivers and who isn't. And, ,UIAAOAMO as of right now, Vince Ferra· gamo ts not on waivers." Ferr agamo is reportedly the key lo a com· plicated three-way deal between the Rams, the Baltimore Colts and the Chicago Bears. If a de.al is worked out. it would supposedly work like this: The Rams, who h o ld the NFL righ,ts to Ferragamo. would receive the Bears' first choice in Tuesday's NFL draft so they can deal it to Baltimore for J ones. In exchange for the Bears' ·first choice, the Rams would deliver Ferragamo's NFL nght.s \0 the Bears. • · Quote of the day Jay Johnstone, flaky Dodger outfie lder, asked for his reaction to the return o f h old· out pitch er Fernando Valenzuela; "He's fat, he has pimples ail over his face, he can't • speak Enghs h. and he's ugly. We're glad to have him back " Alaska Eagle donated to Orange Coast Alaska Eagle. the first Amencan ~ yacht to enter the recently-concluded Whitbread Around the World race, has been donated by owner Neal Bergt to Orange C.oast ColJege. OCC Dean o f S tudent Affairs Dave Grant recently took possession of the yacht 'n P ort· smouth, England at th e race's conc lus11..n . "We are tttmendously grateful to Neil. It is a terrific opportunity for us." said Grant. "Alaska F.agle is an exceUent yacht utilizing the finest available equipment and having her will add another di- mension to our _Jlfogram." The boat will be sailed back to the U.S. at I.he end of Apnl with an ex- pected tin;-e of •bvery of two to \hree months. I Oil Filter I i tor most Imported Cars I I I "P"ICll AAI IUOOllTID .. Lemon puta squeeze on Yankees) ~laet ~emu hammered a tape· •• meaaure, two-run homer Into a rarely-reached aecUon of Y ankH Stadium Thursday nlsbt and Jacll Morna ~ttered alx hltt to 1 ad the Detroit Ti· sen to their alxth ·~t victory,. 3-1 lriwnph over the New York Yankeee. Lemon tmUhed hi.a first home run oI the aeuon In the third inning, a towerin d rive Into the upper left-field si.nds J u 1 t ·I n 1 I d e t h e t o u I pole .•. Elsewhere In the American Leaaue, Bea Ocll· vie belted a two-run homer and Cecil Cooper lined a b11e1-empty shot to power Milwaukee to a 7-0 victory over Toronto . . . Joe Cbar· boaeau and Rick Manning each drove In two runs to help Cleveland shade Texas, LfMON . • 4-3 .. '.Jim Euian d rilled two hits a nd drove In two runs to h ighlight a seven-run third lnning and Richie Ziak added a two-run double In the Jame Inning as Seattle .,topped M innesota, 8-4 ... In exhibition play, Gay Sulan drove in three runs to give San Franciaco a 6-~ victory over Stanford University and Bob Dernier hit two doubles as Philadelphia defeated its Reading farm club. 11·7. George Allen resigns at Montreat In an e ffort to prod Montreal • Alo uettes owner Nel1on Skalbaala to l'<>mplete the sale of the team. George Allen quit Thursday as president and · chief operating officer of the Canaruan Football League team. Allen . who joined the team Feb. 16 as part-owner. had run o ut of patience with Skalbania, ·whose efforts to sell the team had been blocked by a tinancial tangle that included several majQr creditors ... 'Heavy rains forced the postponements of the first rounds o{ ·play in the New Orleans Open Golf Tournament and the .L ege nds o f Go I f t o urney in Austi n . Texas . . . W•yne Gretzky scored his first two goals and notched an assist as Canada beat I.he Uni"led States 5.3 in the World Hockey Cham- pionships. eliminating the Ame ricans from the ~P6f>T." Meanwhile the Soviet Union blanked West G ermany 7-0 to extend its unbeaten streak to six games. Television. radio FolJowing are I.he top sports even ts on TV torught. Ratings are: v v v v excellen t; v v v worth watching; v v tau'. v forget 1t. . n 7:30 p.m ., Channel 11 v v v DODGERS BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Francisco Anlloaocers: Van Scully and Ross Porter. Dodger s tarter S ob Welch (2-0) w ill b e hard-pressed to duplicate the pitching perfor· mance turned in Wednesday pight by teammate Jerry Re uss (a on e-h it shuto u t); the Giants wiU counter with Alan Fowlkes (2-1) who played AA ball a year ago and is a graduate of Cal Poly Pomona. OTHER TELEVISION Basketball -NBA playoff game. 11.30 p.m .. Channel 2. Taped RADIO Baseball -Oakland at Angels. 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710).; Dodgers at San Francisco, 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790). Laguna, .. Must~ngs, CdM win The Laau!la Beach, Costa Men and Corona del Mar High volleyball teams got • jump on tht- re 1 t of their league counterparts by poatlna victories Thunday n ight. The Soutjl Coast L eague-leading Arti1t.1 took Caplatrano Valley In straight sets, 15-13, 1~·6, 15-11 behind the p,Lay of junior o u tside h itter Adam J o hnao n and play-maker Rudy Dvo- rak. Costa Mesa stayed on the heelB of pace-setting F.et.ancia in the Sea View, dumping w inless Wood- bridge. 15·2, 15-2. 15-3 while Corona d el M ar was a 15-6, 15-S. 1 ~·11 victor over Ne w p ort Harbor. Mark Arno ld, who signed earlier this week to attend Pepperdine in the fall. stood out for the Mustangs, as did Paul Coerfe n and Dan M ax- n er. Schwartz, Oxley race Bobby Schwartz and Brad Oxley w11J join the r eg ulars a t t on 1gh t 's weekly s p eedway m otorcycle racing prog- ram at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Schwa rtz a nd Oxley are regulars on the En· glash speedway c1rcu1t but w tll compete he re tonight for the first lime. Schwartz firushed fourth an the U.S. nauonals last year but has been inju- r ed for the last two weeks after a 100-mph c&l6Sh al a Jong track m Germany Oxley has been e n · joying his most s uccess- ful season as a member o f the Wimbledon Team m London Bo th riders were r e- gulars al Costa Mesa be· fore moving to the Bri· ti.sh CU"CU It. Gates open at 6 :30 with the first race at 8 Valvoline Diesel/Turbo Motor Oil . ~ALYou•f especially formulated ~J/'TudJIJ for imported and domestic r .~ diesel & turbo eneines 9 8 ~ t..L -:.' Mist Scents Air Refresher Spare Air l11sfMffly lttfl•t•1. ••• ,.,.aw •• . Win a free trip for two on AIROIL b.11 .. CM style .. HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET .•. ANAllf.IM ... Younaati:n uttrnd1n1 the Orange County International Auw Show at ~~Im Conv~uon Cen\ef will be able t.o meet and greet the Seu.me Slret't character Cookie Monster tomorrow (Sat ) and Sun , Aprtl 24 and 2~ Cookie Monat~r. wi:ll known to viewers of the popular televialon ahow. Sta11me S treet, 11 a blg1er· than-hfe muppet who 1p~an on 1t.aae with Big Bird, Bert. F.rn1e. Olcar the Grouch. Crover. The Count and Prairie Dawn In the at.age apectacular "Seaame Street Live." The ahow wlU be at.aged at Anaheim C.Onvtmtion Center May ~ through 9. ., At the auto ahow, Cookie Monater will bt-giving autographed photoaroph1 w 1111 younai (und old) Sesame Street fans Appearing at the show tonlHht will bt-Orange County Sporu Hall of fllmers Dan Curney, Jim Fregosi, Cathy Rigby, M1l'key Flynn, George Yardley and Bob Hambhn. FolJowmg atl· tht• spt•ual l'VCrtll that are echeduled ' tor the show today, Saturday and Sunday • m l1H. \ 11rol :z:s 7·00-9:00 pm Ontng(' County Sports Hall of fame MaJOr aporls ftgurt'S appearing Mar- shllll Klt•tn, Modc•ralor 'ulur•lu•. \ttrol :l I I 00 pm "Htghw ... y Sc1fL·ty" prt>sent('d by c ... 11. fom111 Highway Plltrol offlt't'rs 2:00 pm Women's Markc-t ai. 11 1s 1oecn by an aut.omob1lc· manufattU.rt'r, prt.'!!l:nted by Martlyn King. Mun.iger Conu:mporary Mark('ung Group, Ft>td Mot.or Compa- ny 3:00 p.m "Pi.ychC1logy of Color" hy lmage Works 4:00 p m Fina.m't' "How-to Buy a C..r in Today's D1Utcult C.:redll Markl't" by lll'rttage &nk Rt>prl'M•nt.JlJvt'l> 5.00 p.m "H1ghw;,y Safety" preiwnted by c .. 11. forn1a Highway Patrol offll't'ni 6:.00 pm "Whal Lo du 1n Ca.St• of an At:c1den1" by Diun Cavmt'hl, Agl'nl. Sc.ate Farm lnsu· ran<.'t' 700 p m 8·00 pm 900 pm 1.00·9 00 pm IOOpm 2.00 pm :I 00 pm 400pm ~,oo pm 600 pm 7 110 pm 1.00-7.00 pm "Psyl'hology uf Color" by lmagl' Works Women's Mc1rket as 1t 1s seC'n by an .iutomob1le manufacturer, prt>Sented by Manlyn Klng. Manager ConU>mporary Mark1>ung Croup. F'ord Mot.or Compa- ny finance "How ll.l Buy a Cdr m Today's D1fhcul1 Crc·d1l Mark('r· bv Ht-rilaJw B.tnk R£•pn~·nwuvc.~ F'llmcod Orangt.> County Rm.'(.'way High· lights inc-luding Jt:l:> dragslers. runny la rs. moturc-yt 1,.., "und1H. \Jlril :l:l f'manc.•1• "How lU Buy " Car m Today·s D1ff1l'Ult C rt,dll Marht' by Heritage Bank H(•prt-:.;.-nt.Jllv<'!> "Pi.~Tholugy of Culnr" by lmagl' Works Wom1•11'i. Markt•! a' tl I!> sc·Pn by an aulomub1li: m.tnuf™·turt>r. prest-nlt'd by Marilyn Kmg. Managl'r Contempo· rarv M<1rkc•t1ng Group. ford Motor Comp;..ny ··Highway SafNy" prt'M'ntt-d by Call· furnia Highway Patrol qlftttrs ··Whal lo do in C.C.... of dn Accident'' by I)ian U.v1m-s.. Agt nt. St.al£' Farm lnsu- F1nanct> "Hu.v w Buy a Car in Today·s D1ff1cult Credit Muket" by Heritage Bank Repr('S('nt.aUVt.'l> ·ffigh"'"" Sah·ly · prPS<•nted by Call- fom 1J ll1ghway Patrol Offl<'t•rs F1lm1-d Or.mgc• County ll:K't.'way H1gh- hghts indudang Jell>. dr~&sters. funny 1·ar.. rnoton~1 ••• 1.0 ... \ 'l.•.1 ......... Isuzu has bt·'C:n i.t>ltoelt'd a.s the off1crnl veh1de of lhc· :.!4th .mnual Mt San Antonio C.Oll<>ge tMt SAC) Relays lo bl-held April :.!2-:.!5 al Mt San Antonio C.Oll<>ge in Walnut, California While the Mt. SAC lklays have a 23·year head st.art on lsuru, both llr<' l'Xpert.'I in rt'<.'Ord brealong. 'tn 1981 there wert' two world rc..:ords, lhrtA\." Aln<.•ncan reccirds, ond a host of collc•g1at(· and forl'1gn nauonal marks set at the games In 1981. Isuzu sel a nl'W rc-c:ord with the greatest numlx'r of vc•h1dt-s l'Vl'r sold by an import m its first year m the Amencnn morket To l'Vmmem<>rat<' tht• rc'(,'Ord brl'aking performances at the 1982 Mt SAC Relays. U..uzu will prt'St'nl a spt>eial plaqul' to all athlN.t>s who i.el new world or Anwr1can N'OOl"ds dunng the mN>t Add1Uonally, Isuzu Vl'h1d('b will bt· in Wit> through- out the game and will pa<.'t' the ''Torch Run" from the Los Angeles Olymp1t· Stadium to Mt SAC over the 60-k1lometer rour..l' Thl• run. whu·h salutes l.he upco· ming 1984 Olympics, begins at the stadium al 7:00 a.m. and 1s scheduled to end at Mt SAC in ume for the ••• I.AS \ t:C.A!-... Off-road vehicles of all shapes, SlZell. and colors -from slow but sur~ stock Volkswagen se- dans to fast single-seat buggies and thundenng four- wheel drive trucks -are being readied In all parta of the nation for the prenuer event of the off-road racing world -the Mint 400 Desert RDC'l' April 29-May 2. Drweni of more than 500 off-f'OQd racing machines battled the heat, dust and the Inhospitable Southern Nevada detert for mort' than $250.000 In prize money and contingency awards In last year'11 event Spon.'IOl'ed by Del Webb's Mint Hott'I and Casino in downtown Las Vegas. Thill year, in spite of inflation and other £<.'Onomic robJems, the entry hst is fut approaching that nwnber, with drivers coming lrom Ill far away u Alaaka., Ger- many. Sweden and Australia. Many of lhe rompelllors wllJ pre-run or prac:Uce on the 100-mlle oounie north ol Laa Veaas {or 9eVenal days prior to the r~. but ~ action begins in earnest April 30 when alJ of the ~ vehicles &re lined up on P'remont S\.r'et't and the block aurroundlnt the Mint Hor.el. It adds up to one of the biggest weeks of lhe year for Downtown Lu Vegas. rons.idertng the 60.000 to 70,000 •uectaton ~ Bureeu of Land tdanaptMnt estlmates dot the terrain alona the l ()().mile l'OUIW Meh V"f, There will be one departure Crom Mlnt 400 tndiUon this year. The parade of race can Crom downtown co the Lu Veaaa Speedrome 1tart-flnl1h alte will not take pbice. The event has arown ao large with more than 500 entrtea and traffic problem• durln1 \he parade have arc>wn with It. To alleviate congeaUon problems lhe community feces on race day. Mint 400 of(ldala have decided \0 mend the cara trnmedlately out to the Speedrome for lmpoun· dlf\I once they have pa.Ill'<! through tech lntpee\lon 81\d conUl'\FftC:y row. The l'k'e wlU pt under way at the Speed.rome, lo- cated two mllee north ot NeULA Air Force Biie on lM V .... Boua.vard .. orth, at 9 a.m. Saturday. May 1. AJ. thcJuth all of t.h4t f•tMU. downtown and mo.\ of lhe rec» coune Iii fret' t.o the public, \Mre will be nonMl edrn6a.kln char'P a• U.. Speedrome on r.ce day. *** SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DE JjERS HA VE TOOFPEBYOU TO B .. a.i,__ • .._ __ ,.. ____ _ . ----·------· -~-------& Ora~ Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 Cl ~ t I .· ·, MAJOR llAOUI ITANDINOI Amertc1n LNt" 0.11001 Clewlancl Boe1on Mllwaul< .. New Yon T0<onto Bal11m0te w"i.r11ow1 ..... W L l'cl. 01 • 2 eoo 10 S M7 '" • s 545 2· .. • 7 ~3 2· .. 6 8 500 3 7 9 438 4 8 10 376 5 r .. 1 .... ow ...... 9 s 643 8 s 4$4 11 .. • e 500 2 S 8 4SS 2'• s 8 u s 2t• s 8 315 3'4 2 9 112 si., Tl>wedep'• aco. .. ........ _ .. 7 fOfOlllO 0 Oettoll 3. New YOO. I Clewlend 4, Teus 3 Seallle 8 Mlnn.oia 4 Ollly garMt ac'*!uled T°"""l'a 0.-0 elllancl (KeouQl't 2·0) 11 ....... (f'OfKll ,_,, eo.1on flud0t N>l at T0<on10 IClaney 0· 11 Cl11cago (Burn• 2·0) II BalllmOf• (Palm .. 0·0) 0.llOll (Petry I ,, •• -YOfk tRIQhettl 1 1) MllW1uk .. fHau o 0111 Te.as fl1oneycutt 0-11 Cleveland tSOtenwi 0·01 at Kansai Cny (Leonerd 1 11 Minnesota tErlCkllOll 1 21 •1 Seallle tNunez 0-0) N1tloNI lHGU. ...... ,., 01 .... IOn Allanta s.n oievo Ooclget• San Franc1..:o Houston C1nc1nl'\ell W L 13 I 9 4 6 I S I s 10 ' •n llHt .. n Ol~l•loft l'cl 01 959 992 429 315 333 286 3•, 7 1'. 9•,, 9 St l-11 3 786 N-Y0tk 8 S 615 2'> MontrMI e • 600 3 Cl"lleeVO s 9 ~ 1 6 PttllbUlgh 3 1 300 8 Phltaoelpll<a 3 9 2SO 7 ThwecNt'• S-e C•nctnnaU 2 Atlanta I Only game aclleOuleCI Todef'tOa,,... Oodgero (Welch 2 0) at Sar1 Fr1nc11en (Fowlkn 2 I) New Yori< ff atcol'e 1 01 •1 Mo111reat fGulhe:keon 1·01 Pflltburgll 1Baumgarl&11 0· 1) at Chicago INoief 2-1) San D1e90 (LOiier 1-01 al A11tnla tCOWl9Y 0-0) S1 Lov•t tforsch 2·01 a t Pn1ladalph1a tRulh...., 0-21 C1nc11'n111 (Seavtlf O 11 al Houlton Nie> ro I· II Amertun Le1gue lfewera 7. CUve .1911 0 T0tonto 000 000 000-0 ' 3 M11WaukM 10 I 023 00•-7 11 0 Bom1>eca Mut11y (8), A Jaci11011 (71. Gou 181 and Marllnti ~ anci Simmon• • - C.Jawell 1° I L -Bombac:k 0-3 HR& - M1lwavk1e Cooper 11) OglM• 1•1 A - 5.1911 T .... a >. TMll-1 Oelr1111 002 000 010-3 10 0 -Y0tk 100 000 000-1 8 2 Mo<r11 ano Wocl<er>fuu Jolvt and Cerone w -Morr11 3·1 L -John 903 HR -0.1r1111 Lemon (II A 18.059 ~ ............ , Cie¥elencl 103 000 ()()()-4 9 1 r.... 100 ooo 200-3 9 o Berktlf Sp111ner (7) al>CI Band<>, Tanana 0etwt11 191 and Sur>Oberg w -Barter 2· I l -Tanana 1 2 S -Sp111ne< Ill A -II 9$4 ........... T ..... 4 Monnnot• 002 001 100-4 11 I Seattle 007 000 IOa-1 II 0 Re dtern Al•oyo t3). B Cawho 111 and wynegar Moor• Ana.._, ce1 s .... ton 111 ano Euian W Mora 1·2 L l\tot.,n 1.7 S -S1anton 131 A -' eo1 Hernanou . St LOUI• MOl .. afld C:~go Ptn•, Plnabulgll u.-.-•. ~ Cl\el'lll>ffM. A(lani. May, San Fral1CltecO Afltby, H-lon Communltr colteoe Oolde<t Wael I, LA Hetief I lA HatbOr 002 000 000-2 8 0 G-West I 11 t01 OC»··& 9 0 Pul-unun Oourghly (41 Conner ti) and Pa11ereo11 Marin Meyrt (31 end M11t10. Schulu <•I W··Mayer1 L··Pulkunua 2B··S1-n1 (HI S~ (GWCI H~··L&rsot1 IGI Orenge c-t '5, 'llllerlOft 4 Orat199Coat1 S40 000 600 -t$ tll 1 Fvlletton 020 010 100 -4 1 0 Santoro •nO Puakauch, L11per, Kindred tll Grac>MO (2J Br_,, t9/. Cll~ (81 end Cartelli w -San10to (1-01 l -le1pe. (3·3) 2B-Sllwtnsl<1 (OCCJ, Ovggal' (OCC). Oarlll'{I COCCI Jackie !Fl HR-Ovggan (0CC) a-.,. ... ,.,,. a. leddlelMlclt o SaOOlet)Ac~ 000 000 000-0 3 2 Soutl>WM1ern 022 000 00•-4 7 0 Ealley Kol>el (81 ana lrwm. Herring ana Oppel'll"'mer W-Hetrlng L-ENley ITANDINOI South Coe•t Con,.,.,_ Cefntoe O<ange Coast Santa Al'\9 Fu~er1on W L Ge tO 3 San Otego Mett Ml San Antonoo Gros.smont II 3 9 ' 6 • 4 11 3 • 1 tO Tlwnday'• ScOfM Orange Coast IS F.-er1on 4 CC!fntoe 4 Mt San Anton;o I San11 Ana 12 San Otego ..._ 4 Todey'a 0- San Diego Meu at Orange Coul .. , • .,., .• a-a Santa Ana at Of""Ot CoM1 Gr-1 at Fulerlon C.r11oa al San Diego MMe Southern Cal Conterenu I Second llcMillCI I . ., I 3' 5'" 8 • W L GI Li\ Huoor 3 1 Santa Monie• 'J I RIO Hon<IO 3 I Golde<> Wett 2 2 1 Eu1 LA 2 2 1 loe AOQ411ff CC 2 2 1 Cypt8" I 3 2 LA Southwest 0 4 3 n ... ...,.,,, ac .... GOlaen Wett S. lA H•rC>Or 2 RIO Hondo 13. CyPt ... 4 loe Angela CC 14 LA Soull\WMI 2 Sant• Mon.ea 1. E.Ht LA 11 ........ .,..a- RIO Hondo at a-.. Wal ·Los Angela CC al Cyp< ... LA Soul-1 at bat LA LA H¥bo< at Santa Mon!Ca Ml91lonConNfenc. .__.,. °"""'°" W ~ GI 12 $ 10 1 2 10 1 2 7 10 $ ..... .-."~ 11 8 ' 4 Tllut..,'eS-M Soul-tern 4 ~ O Ch•lt .... I 1 Sen BernarOlr.o ' PalOtnar 3 San 0oego CC 2 ArYer-CC 1 ClllUI 8 Sllurdef"a 0-Pelomar at Saodlebecit C111111 11 San B«naroono Chattey at A/Yer-CC SoutllWMtern at San Otego CC • 8 2. 11 9 12 • • 2 mill I l doy IMOI. 10 tO O. 2 ~It (MDI 10 10 0, 3 KIWI (MO) 10 '° 0 tiO HH I Oltw.,.. {9J It In a l .. 1., Ill ID 4t , ~ lorer'INll IMO! 1t..)4 440 rt11y I a.letet Otl 41 31 Mtle telay I M411et 0.. ) 3t ff HJ 1 Lyl\Cll (I), 1·2 2 (he ) l 111Qt10tl (MOl 111\d V~ .. YIC (8). I 0 LJ I Andrade 1•1 20·1'. 1 Vuc;e<YIC ttL 1 .. 101<1, 3 .M~ (MO~ 18 t l<I ._, ............ ..._Ill, a...... ,,.., I Jll•) Jollll O.i11ver1 (MO) er1d II o --G....,an t 01. 13-0 ) .1et111w Ull 12 ~ 10'• o,-~ 1:~lio'~ 2 Orlllllh tE). ,,,_, lur'"I ,., .......... a kllH let no-1 lltlm (HI ). u •• 2 011111111 (f ), IMO), ••• e. II Paoe (MO), 4)..)\,\ . UT 3 ~(E),l)I ......... Yteje .. ...._. ....... 440 I ~ (H9), U S, 2 8IWi09 100 -I trown (Mii). 10 7. 2 FlyM (LI) IHll) &2 7, ) .. lc;halor (HB), 13 0 11 ), 3 Alabe (Lii. I I 4 tto-1 Howolony (I), 2 02 7, 2. M#llne.t 220 -I Notman (MV~ 26 3 :> v .. 1 (Ml/), (HI) 2 03 5. 3 ~ (Hltl1 2.04 8 H 3, 3. ci.y10< IMll). 26 4 Mli. 1 Qv111one1 (H8). 4 30 3, 2 Jol\t\IOf'I u o -1 Guyer (LB). 53 O. 2 Aayoec;I\ IHtll. 4 31 I. I . Mk~ IHBI, 4:33 1 (Mii), U 0, 3. HArvell {Mii), 66 2 2-mffe-1 Ouinon411 (H8). t .48 2; 2 COii eta -1 ClaytOI (Ml/), 2 ~ 1. 2 WllMlell (E), 10 11 5. 3 c .... a (HI). 10·1s () (L8), ~.09.2, 3 tdw .. 01 (MV), i oe . 120 HH I Zumwalt (El, 15 4, 2. Ven • 2·mlle -1 Bllllatd tMVI, 10 49, 2 Me1ty OOtMIHr (HB), 1& $, 3 Oatcle tHB) 15 9 (Mii), 10 49. 3 iCteln tMV), 10 411 330 LH I Van OOfHlaer (HB). 39 7. 2 l~UtiH -I Kerllo tMV). 14 &, 2 Wal1"4t< lumwttt (I:), •O a. 3 Tllompt0n (HBI. 412 flBI. 1~ 7, 3 Gregory 440 rel•y-1 Hvn11ng1on 8"cll. 44 8 44U , .. ,1 1 laouna 11eac11, 41 o Mti. relall-1 Hvnt11191on 8-1\, ) 39 6 Mlle re4ay -1 Lagwia Buel\, 3 43 HJ-, I Oerneyer1 (E). t -6, 2 Oatnw (HB) HJ -I Brown (MV), 11-2. 2 Bogw (MVI & 10. 3 wa1t11ng1on IE'). &-10 5-8. 3 Y•t tMv~ 5-6 lJ-1 l 1lm (HI). 23·1 (llH .ChOOI LJ -t Brown(Mll).19·6''>.2 ArabetLB) raccwa1 2 Fr111k IEI 22 o·. 3 O.M~• (E). ••·5'"· 3 Rollertaor'I (Miii 11.1•1. 10·9 TJ -t Oreo«Y (MV) '1-41'>, 2 Aot>etl T J I 0eMeyer• IEI 43·8. 2 S.11.,IMllCI eon (Mii). no mark. McManua (LB). 40-0'' (HBI '2·11'1 3 WNhtngton IEI 4 1-4 PV -1 McMlc~el (lB) 11·1. 2 Guy Pl/ t R FC)ftytn (t), 14 2 2 Outur (fl (MV). 11-0. 3 Mc>rMl>(MV). 10-6 1'·9 3 8 Foraytl\ '"' , I.() SP -1 Redman (MV). 49-3' .... 2 Alklf\to" SP-I Moota (H8). 52-', 2 Ponder (fl fMll) 47 ·II, 3 Klrc:flotf (MV). 43-8''> 411· 10"~. 3 RICNtdaon (E) '7 -0 OT -I ReclmM (a.Ill) 9'4-4. 2 KWCllOll 01 I SmHn (HB) 142-2 2 KendllCk (Miii 129·10 3 FlyM (l8) 126· I I fHB1 139.0'-t 3 z .. uc11e 1E1 137-3 OcMll lllew 74. Mwlfta .. WCHTMfl 100 1 Brown (011). 10 5 2 F1antaen HIGH IC"°°'- fM). 11 0 3 Rlen (M). 11 3 MMlM •• ~Va.. 41 200 I ll<OWll (011) 2 I 5 2 G.-1 t0V) 100-I Atneya (M) 12 I 220-I N.itOll 11 4 3 f•an.oen (Ml 1211 fM) 29 4 440-I PrlC:I (0V) I 00 2 400-1 AuguelWM (01/). S2 7 2 Bouletl H0-1 Hel'ly (M) 2 38 4 Mii•-I Anno IMI. $2 9. 3 llierre (Ml S4 0 tOVI S 49 9. 2·mlle-I Dr•I* (M). 12 51 2, &00-1 GUMt tOV). I $t fl 2 Patker (Ml 1 IOLH I 1 Webl> (()V) 19 8 3JOLH 1 2 06 1 3 Hema (MJ, 2 08 0 Webb (0VI. S3 6 440 telly I Ma11n1 S3 6 1 llOO-I WalMI (011). 4 4S 8. 2 l.Jtwaon M•I• relay ' \,4.,,,,. 41 8 HJ I Waid (0V) 4 500 3 Park., (Ml 4 526 (Ml 4 9 lJ Amaya (Ml IS·7 TJ I 3 200 t Arc:l\•C>ald f0V) 10 21 4 ;) Weol> 10111 ~1 ... SP 1 Grell (M) 33.0'1> La waoo tOV), 10 49 0, 3 Glau on CFI ()1 -1 Orall (Ml 96 $ 10 S7 0 !dleon 71, Hu11tlftgl0ft 9-11 '2 llOHH-t luqM). 16 I. 2 Mangum (0V). 100 -I JacklOn (£1 11 11. 220 -I 16 4 3 01v11 (Ml. IS I Jaekton IEI 17 O H O 1 B1etela CEI 300lH 1 M1lchell tOVJ. 39 0, 2 Brown 1 02 O, 960 -1 Oevellt tEI 2 29 0, Mlle - (Ml 40 3 3 lllO<t• (Ml. 42 7 , Pren (E) 5 31 o. 2 mile I Vandermden 400 •e4•y-t Ocffn -· 44 1 (El. 17 JOO, 330LH I 8eM (HO). I 01 I. I 11()() 19'1;-' Marlo• 3 34 0 1 IOLH -1 Be&t (HBI 17 9. 440 relay -t HJ 1 Burn• (01/), fl-4, 2 Davit tMI. 6-4, EOIM><l &I :1 Milt rttey 1 (dltc>n. 4 25 0. 3 M11Cllel1 (0V) 6·4 HJ -1 MttndOll ('1Bi &·0, LJ I WaMle LJ I Geiman tOVJ. 20·7 2 HlllM (Ml (E), 17·2. TJ -1 BeulHB),32·7'-\,0T 1 10 2. 3 Oe11tt tM) 19-S''> ff\ol>t (El. 121.1. SP t Utu (HB). 41·1'• I J 1 Burne (0V) 43.5 2 Oav1a (Ml t2 6 3 He1te tMI 42·6 Newport Hatbor M, leddlelNcll 12 PV ' 1-Multe IMI 12 0 no lt!COnd o• 100 I WM•tS) 11 J 220 1 wnne lhlrO tSl 2e e 440 t O.lacy (NH). I 00 6 8'() Sp OV 3 2 2 T 1 Newtllfll (NH) 2 32 5. Mile I -1 l1m1>e t I 4 • .... 1ecno1a ""-(NHI s $!> 8 2........ 1 s.-.. tNHI tMI 4 1 S 3 Gaur~toe (Ml. 40·3 • OT 1 Oeurgllot (M). 123·1'>, 2 Ro 13 00 0 I 10lH 1 Wt11pple (NH) 16 2 M 21 0 3 All ov I t9 1 J30LH 1 0.Lecy (NHI 48 4 440 re4ay MfllWllQ ( I 1 • • ttn t ) • 1 SllCldlebac:I\ so 0 Mil• 1etay 1 New ~-"· .... ,...., ...,..,..,. ., DOii Hllll>Ot 4 19 0 HJ 1 Ptetloot (NHJ 100 1 Tl\ogj)en ISi 10 3 2 B•.otey tSI 4 10 lJ Hu~all (NHl 16 0'• SP 10 3. 3 Ga.r.11 (NH) 10 4 MaMlfla• tSI )4 1 t OT I W•M-1 IS) 220 1 Th<gpen tS). 23 5 2 BtacJley (SJ 103 7 23 1 3 Sommona ISi 23 8 Coli.a. OJAI ToUNlAMIMT "'•I lleuM ........ Sllydet (UC lfVlne) °"' Dunn (Pec:lflol. 9 1. t 3, Ouedt CUC llV!nt) clef Kart IU81U e..3 .... ~ "'>und ........ SIWIMf Clef Bretl (UC AIY.,akle), 8-3. 4-9. 8-?: Ouaot O•I Sl•ne fF1e1110 11•1•). 6 1 0·1 11.3 ,.,., l'eUnd OovblM Ou ad e -$nyde t Oe t Sh ak1 -81c~• (P0tnona Plllet), 9.3 3-e, 6-2 Oommunltr cotlHe OJAI TOUIOIAMINf ,., .. Aoulld ........ feddefty IOfenoa coa111 aet A• .. •no ts.,, Barna rd1no1 6-0 , 9 -0 Ser1bne 1 (SllOCl!el>ackl def Eagan (Cyp<-1 8· I, e t SecOlld ,....,.. lfftelet F.aaerly def Zu (Menlo). e.o 6·2 Kiln• (01anoe CoH t) del 1ndrak111un1 (Cllru•I 7-s 11·3 Sc1111net aal Valdel 1ven1Ut•J 1 e 9· t S1ro1>f (Saddlebaca) det Reyablfge< 1c .. r11oe1 &-3 9.2 , .... ~0..-... Faaa1rly-8on1a (Orange Cou ll det F•-·Woo1en tlA HatbOr) 9 4 1 s Women COLLiO. Oje!T--1 Sec-.f "-nd •1n..-Ma111 Myere !UC lrw.e1 def kov1/ (C.i St Cl\1eo1 9-0 11·0 ICeellng (UC lrv1111J Gal Turney t"'9ta1 8.0 6·0 t.cOftCI ~ OeuDIM Malla t.lyeta·Mellnda Myere (UC 1r .. ne1 del ~·Newton 10cclcM<11a11 e.i 6-t , LOI Aa.mlt09 T'MUllSOAY'I uauu• (IJnd of M-ttlglll h1tnea1 -•"'91 ,.,_ST llACf. One mile ~ Bye Away 1Gru00r1 28 20 9 20 ~ 60 Royal SIQnal t"""'-1 1 90 S 00 My Oltecl Kn19"1 (Camp!>el) 6 80 Alto rl(to IH<I Glenvale ~II SllYet Noble Ca091 8'a11 Boy Panawa Bay Time 20S S2 IV.CTA (5-6) peoa 5189 00 llCONO 114CIE. Ona '"'le 1ro1 Snoooy ROO""Y (Goudr.,au1 440 t BeMywo<tl\ tS> 52 1 2 Sllv• 1s1 b1Mod9 n. lnlM '1 ~2 1 l OubeN tNHJ 52 g 100 -1 lutn IE) 12 8 200 -1 Lum tEI fly."Q Squeo (Hym"1>1 HO 1 Varbe (SI 20311.2 Calloway ·261 400 1 WittiamaontEl IOlO llOO -St01m Mes1M111Qet 1GrunO)I 900 '"° 3 ;xi 4 60 1 80 1 00 fNHI 2 06 s 3 0Ufflat1 tSI 2 07 1 ' Nau1n~H Ill 2 2• 1 '600 I Foyt (El Al.O raceo Eta.... Coll•n• Fao1an Mile t Celloway !NH) 4 •S 1 2 Goal b 114 O J 200 -1 Lam (11 12 !>2 I HllH -Cnnt. Sa!lot Seward fNHI 4 4S I 3 Oelll0tre (5) 4 SI 9 1 l .. tll 14 g 300lH 1 l .. ti) 41 4 400 Tome 2 OS 3/S relay 1 Irvine S 1 1 1 600 ral1 y -I Uppel 2 mole , 11 .. 1 C-•Y (NHI Berg (NH) f.ltanc .. 4 13 0 LJ -' Fcwblth tEI 1$-1 TlWIO M CIE. Ona ...... pec;e Roen (NH1""' Smith INHI 11 05 9 HJ 1 fOfb•lll 1E1 s.o SP 1 SlrlllQel C.IOuOOufl~r tVtoclngnm1 1 80 J 00 2 :ta 120HH 1 CIQ9 (S) 16 3. 2 S.mmotu E 32 J OT 1 S (E Ra~ t G111 tSherrenl 1 60 3 80 ISi 19 4 3 Bte.zu tNH) 18 1 ~ I . trinqe. I Pree'°"• CllOOCA (Au1>1n1 t OU 330lH I Bennywortn tSI 39 6 l Ug<.na 9eecll •· 1111111-.. 'f'lelo 18 Also rec:ecl fareway B1M Beltu Pu""ose Sommon11S1 40 4 3 Brau• (NH) 40 ll 100 1 W1lmot1 tMV1 12 s 220 , YO<KlgO<O Balle la<Jy S.tM 440 relay 1 Saoolel>acl. 46 7 Ou1ano \LBI 27 6 440 I Ourana fl8J T""" 206 3/S Miia •e4•Y I Saaolaba<:k 3J19 , 03 2 880-1 Ovrend tLBJ. 2 2 s 6 .., ••ACTA ( •·91 paicl $4? ~ HJ 1 Pa11e11 15) 9.0 2 Berry (NHJ Mlle 1 Catd flBI S •9 7 2 mote-1 Cara 'OVln'H llA~. One m•le ,,01 S· tO 3 Giem !NH,.. tO tlB) 12 32. I IOLM-1 $0elanlu (MV) 17 S Pt•IOloro Pa11mlll;ams) 9 00 4 80 2 80 lJ -I MCANlll., (SI. 20-7 2 BerryfNl-ll 330LH-I Fetg<u llB) SI 7 440 ref1y-1 Final~ tOun"'(lan1 7 00 3 20 10·3·~ 3 Bloc:kburgtlf (NH) 20·2 M1uion Vle)O 52 1 Mlle •el•Y 1 l 1t9una 'l(;kel Room IOOUCllH U) 2 flO T J -Blocltl>IHger (NHI. 43-3' • 2 W1•0 84ieell 4 13 1 HJ-Jonet (Ml/) 6·2 lJ-t Alto tac.a Wyn Oerni.y Nallve Sllflm• (NHI 41 6 3 Pommy(SI 41·2'\ Fergru ILBI 18 5'~ TJ-Cvplk (MVI tkal10ll PV I BellOI' (NHI 1?·11 2 Bennan 31 9 1 SP-1 Norton (MV). 40·4. OT I Time 2 01 41~ fNHI 17·0 3 Howaer (NHI t 1-8 N0tlot1 IMVI 1lllH~ P:WTH llACI . Ooe mile pece SP ' OllL&I (NH). !>O I, 2 Btaus tNHI L.e Patron (Kueblefl s •O 3 80 l 00 •8 1. 3 Czar,,..i.1 ISi 4S-10 Hardy Mc:;Fa~ 1Stem.,,man1 10 20 S 60 OT t Ou" (NH) 1!>8·1. 2 ArmstrOf\Q Loyal ll<I (CrOQhenl 3 80 (SI 129 8 I 3 l .. (S) 118·3'> Alto rae•O Kendall• Boy Spry• bHI Unl,,.,an, 77, El Toro ti Knto1>!9honoUln. MHl.,ntue Ouole Hiii 100 I lyb11ge< IE H. 10 3, ? H1et fU) Time 2 02 415 10 4 3 Swe.uy (ET! 10 4 12IEXACTA 11~1 paicl 573 40 l20 I lyC>arger IE f) 22 1 2 Hie< IUI llXTM llACC. One mole tr01 23 3 3 Sweazy IE T1 23 3 HOnot Bounc:t f Parker) 11 60 4 80 3 00 440 I Homel \U) 520 2 8alOelll tEl) Jl<lal(T.-y) 3 •0 2 •0 52 1 3 F•tc:ut (UI 52 9 A._, Klfta Ca-k Hw.way tGouorM u) 2 80 880 1 l ogan IE TI 2 04 1 "l Ch""'G CUI (et LM ~ .... ) Aleo racecl Fowy Matkan19y Omer~ 206-8 l Nie!Wltl IVI 207? a......._,,......... Time 201 315 Mile I Heuehfl~ tUI 4 33 0 2 Oeeitt Jimmy Conn0<a det van Wlllll•-y '6-1 UWNTM llACI. Ona mole pao;e (UI 4 35 0 3 Cnbl>6 (UI 4 3S , ·2 s·-...._,on ...... ,.~ .. L-2 • •3 ., •• ~ ""-"-~ 1"---·11 • &A ' 00 1uf ~.' ~%1101%°0~ f Moor• ;:., ~ o;;;tned 0.. ..... EllOI '---· l.f ~oc'K.d(A~·· """ 3 oo 3 00 2 •O 4 40 120 HH-1 Cov1ng1on IETI IS S 2 6-t Merit E~ oef 8flan T-T.-..Alao ,.~~Cra~ .. c•---Summe<s tCTl t& S 3 Eldnoge tETJ. 18 1 11-3 2~ fretlred) Johen ICnela def Mel Pur· .. ~ -"'::'1om ..:::.:..· ·~ PV Brei C.-7-6. 6-0 0... Meyer def ~Man-~,.., r•-• uun 330 lH 1 Cov1119lon tET) 40? 2 An. _, 9•1 1-e 5ancPf Mayer de! ""-Vall Tome 2 03 115 0..IO'l IVI "3 3 B...,.... ITTI 41 6 Panen fl·2 6-2 A IV.CTA S-61 pa.a $17 40 440 re4ey I UnNe<11ty 44 ' Mote r111ey 1 u ........ ,Y 3301 12~•m 1J.1.s.1.1.s1 ~56 Sfl2 40 HJ 1 lMtY 1ET1 e-e•, 2 Buccolll tUI Men'1 tourna,,,.,,t w111\ '"'"Winning Uckel• (II• l>OfM al S2 II·• 3 5Y11enko tEfl e.o (at~.~.......,) Pie~ S•A conto1a1ton P••O $98 20 with 67 lJ 1 S1a .. ar1 fUI 19 3'> 2 van Ll9W 1-.d .....,_ ...._... w"'n1ng tlcile11 111ve l\ofles) $2 P1clt S11 1Er1 11 10 3 H0tgan (Ell tM\.\ Pablo Arraya oaf 8uater Mollram 7-e 9c;1atc:fl con50iall0fl peld S25t 40 With '°"' TJ 1 Stew111 fU) 43.4 ' Jen (U) '1·7 9-4 Bafan T11ouy def JoM l oe>err MaMO wvin1119 IJCllel• llOut hor-or>e 1e1•tclll ) c..mminot IE T1 •O~ 6-3 6-3 Manuel Of•"'" def F .. neno l ur>a. llOHTH llA~. One mlle ~ PV 1 Greg (U). 12 0 2 Gron• IET I fl. I fl.' "°" HlQ!ler .. def Jonall\en 5mlh, ..., ~ (lluebl«t 11120 s 40 3 40 10 6 3 Sl\on1 IUJ 9 e 9·2 6-2 Angel G•mlne7 del Pedfo Reb04· Jibe HO 1Grtl90f)'I 3 00 2 80 ~ . ' . . . " w--··~• COflllllllUMTY COU.IE~ 0r.,...c:_.,,....._ ... , Ot ange 000 000 000 03 3 tO O !lanta Ana 000 000 000 00--0 2 t Culp anc1 Cru1 Ao<*•• -Folclen-lE-l1nc-COCCI "'°" tcHOOl II~ Amal I. Mete< Oe4 I B lhOO AINI 001 002 0 -3 ) 3 Mater 0.. 000 010 0 I 7 ~ Ha<netl ana Sil•• Boer 1110 Kana .. 1e 11arne11 cBAl Men'• volleJb•ll ... v ... Leegue Coa1' M ... 001 WOOOl><ldQe 15-2 1·2 ·~ J Curone del Mar det Nt •PQ" ~aroo1 •S & •S 3 15 11 eo..111 c-1~ l ~11un1 But h oat Cap111rano Valley IS 13 I~ 6 IS 11 ............. l ~ Ou11'ta d•t Mllat 011 IS I I 5·6 IS t1 IHOLIWOOO TOUMl.-NT h lUtU,."a ,.._. ""' {I ...,., I (•1 ine-ood ....,.., Poo< 1 Arced•• l • Ouonta Cac>rs!reno V ...... 5.on Mateo. M~ .... 1e Santa M°""9 POOi 7 $ou111 T CH• anee lnQlewOOCI 0oa Pu'IO•o t S•n c .. m.nt~ Sour!. Puaaena Founaa•n Va19y Poo• 3 L.o Serna Huntington BeKh San1a !UrDAt• Laouna 8'.ctl Cul-G<ty t os Altoa 1""-•P-J POOi 4 "'°''" '°'r~ EO•aon Dana Hoh Costa Me.. Beverly H.... lO'IOla 11>(> IWO"' eac;h pOC)j QUaltty IOf Q\>atlerll nai. 11 Ing~ H'l}I> Wednndey Misc. Thvrlder'• ltMINCUOnl •AN9AU ... tloMI Leeeue SAN rRANCISCO GIANTS -Sen• Joe Petti"' int....,.,. ano Ret"8 Martin. pl- 10 Pnoa n" ol 111• Pac:thc Cout LHgu• R«.e1tec1 Blll L ul<ey pitcher and JoM Bet rios l1tal b1.-nan lrom P-• 'OOTSAU CltNdl!M '""*' ~-MON TREAl AlOUETTES -An-t~ •M1Qna11on OI Ge0tge Allen pr-1 and chief -a•.ng Oll-cou.aoa PACE N-.JoM Oienowslll...,.... a balloell>el coech PUR04.IE -AMOunC110 Iha 1-..gnatlOtla Of Cla<ence Gio--Jey ~• _.,. 1an1 llNl<ell>ell ~ ROSE HVLMAN N-Randy Dao<.,.• olleontN• I>~ encl •ion• end cOllCfl WESTMINSTER MO -Hamad Al'Oy f ·-1-..d -•tblfl COICll Women'• 11rmnutte9 ltlGH I<:"°°'-.. ...-154.1. Ooeell View tOl. It VaulUl'Q 1 P1lm1e11 (Ml 8 7 Uneven oer• 1 P11m1e r1 CMI 9 3 B•lanca b••m -t P1tm1a 11 1M1 9 0 Floor ••••t ttl 1 P a lm ie ri t MI 9) Al around 1 Palm..,., (Ml 3'i S E1hlbltlon tpola_ .. ...,.....1 (at Spoil-) Cal1f0tn1a 0 tO 000 000-I 3 I Hlgfl IChool Capo V11ley Cllrl1tla11 21, II. lllllchH I'• ,..._4 SP 1 1-1111 1u1. •9·0'• 2 Holl\ (E Tl lecJo fWlll\OI-) c mon Hllll>llly (SIMlhl '20 49.11•, 3 Se<ge•nl 1ET1 47·1'> r-::============::=====================================~ 01 1 Sargeant IETI 1S7·2 2 Hiii CUI. SpOkane 007 200 00•-4 9 o Bal\nstn, HaHler (3) Col•m•n (41 ano f e•gv1on, Mahler. JOl'H (8) and Bl11\op Hlf'l (9), W -MWllel L -Ha..... Allen· dlM"IC• -10,433 Ph41adefpllie 11. AttelltlQ (hllern L"9\19) 1 Boeton 3. l'•wtvcktt (ln1arnat1on1I L. ... guotl I (7 tnnll'gl) N1tlon1I LMgue lleci. 2. ., • .,.. 1 C1nc1nnat1 000 020 000-2 11 0 All•"" 010 000 000-1 9 o Betfln'I' Hume (7) and Trevino. Walll Mc w n11am1 (7) G"t>« 181 and &enec11e1 S•n· atro (8) W -Berenyo 3 I L Wa41< 2 1 S -Ii-Ill A 20701 Top 10 (9-d Oii • al beta) AWIUC4N L1AOUI OAI II H f'cl MuHay Ball•l'llOf• II 45 S 23 S II Hatral\ Cle¥eland t I 43 13 19 442 COOC* Mtlw..... 11 48 7 20 417 Cabell. OelrOlt 14 56 1 23 411 Jollnaon M,,,,_• t t 42 S 17 4~ Pec:Jofek. Chlc;ago tO 311 4 IS 38S Bell r.,... 11 ae e 11 370 Zill< Seattle 1$ 60 1 22 367 T110t11100, Clewlancl 11 44 11 18 344 Oalllf llalllmOlt II 36 1 13 361 v .. 11.-1111 Boelon 12 36 1 13 .361 Honie"-Hf~. t.1'"""°1a. 8. Oowftlftg, A~, I( Hatrah. Cleveland. 4, Thornton. Cleveland. 4. OQIMe, MllwlukM , 4 flllfta 9etted "' Hrblll, MlnrtetOla, 17, Og!Me. MllW•uk" Ill, Thornton, Cleveland, 13. 0 111 Kan1a1 City. 13: M ..... 8"11te. 13 Capo Valley Cl\tlSI 343 04( 121 0..29 11 \ St Micflaet t Prep 010 002 t-4 8 3 Penner and Sll4e11, Detar. Boll1ua (4) Declue 191. Ludolph (6) end Muet1a1 w-p..,,,.. L -0.1a1 28 -S"-t• IC"I. L• fCVl 38 -S._11 2 (CV) Hlotl echool ,._!Mn .., .... , tn, w .. tm1ne ... • 100 SOOhOO IFVI 10 2 2 EINf'f ff"lll 10 4 3 Nochols tFV> 10 S 220 -t Trani (WI. 23 6 2 Soolloo (FV) 24 0 3 WOOCI (WI 24 ti U 0-1 Em.,y (Fii). $I 6 2 Trani (WI 52 3 3 s.-1e (FV), 6S & eeo-1 Monon (Z). 2 02 e. 2 RemMv (W) 2 OS II, a Anclereon IFVI 2 Oii 8 Mlle-1 Eric:t<eon (FV). 4 40 8. 2 8otl>er (f ll). 4 SS 8, 3 MIM (Fii). 6:01 2 2..rnile-I Motll« (FV) 10 27 3. 2 MMlll 1f111. 10 44 s. 3 Bt_, tFVI. 11 01 ' 120 HH-1 Nlc1lolt (FYI t4 t , 2 Anclrewt (fl/). 16 3. 3 T ...... (F\'). 18 0 330 LH-1 Te11ler (Fiii, 40 9 2 lung (FV). 42 O. 3 Oge .. (W). 44 ). 4-40 rtlay-1 Fountain I/alley. 47 s Mlle rel1y-I Fount.in Valle¥, 3 32 9 Ii.I-I IMngf\am (W). 8-0, 2 Andrtwt ffV). 8.0. 3 Gec:lc (Fl/). 6·8 LJ-I Munea (W). 20·0 , 2 Geck (F'V). 111-9'"" 3 ~ (FV). 18· 1 I 15' 5'1 l H01h tETI. 1~10'> e.~1a n. nine a 100 1 POlasl<I (El 11 3. 2 t r-mel (1). 11 4. 3 Hlrk!M (1), 11 8 200 ' P01•t1111e1. n II 2 Hier~ (I). 230. 3 Tr1~fll '36 400 -I Hleft11>ey (I), S 1 4, 2 .iotinaon (EJ, 53 2, 3 Ho<lge !El. 63 5 800 -1 McCarthy (El, 2 07 8. 2 Slmme fl).~ 03 0 3 WOflatO (1) 2 08 0 1,eoo 1 McCenhy tEI. 4 40 7. 2 Ar.a• (I) 4 !>O 0 3 MtJe!\11' (11, 4 SI 0 3. 200 I M'Catttly tEI 10 00 0 2 ....,..., fl) 10 04 0, 3 White (1). 10•52 0 1 IOttH -I 8-(E). 18 6, 2 MICl\efel (El 17 s 3 Bu• tll 17 5 300lH 1 9owen IEI 41 3. 2 Mlli.Uldl tEI 42 2 3 HoCJOe !El 42 4 400 relay -1 lr;WM. 44 4 I &00 relay -I ,.......,. 3 31 4 LJ I Hatkllt& (11 111· tO 2 MtOlanO CE~ 19·2 3 LUCll l\O (II 16-3 T J -I •Hat111na (1) •2·2. 2 .....,_di IE~ 39· 1 I 3 M•'utcfl (El 39 tO·+ HJ -I To11 1El 5 · 10 2 Mldlancl (E). 5-e. 3 Wiile! tEI !>-8 SP I S111ety (11 46·3 2 Smlll\ IE). 4~11 t. 3 l .. (!) 41-10''> OT -I Slntlh (El 124-10. 2 Duval IE~ 12 t.f·~ 3 2-.ilte (1) 110-t PV 1 HllOI (11. 14-0 2 Uti..,num (1), ll 7 3 l •n<lfy (I) 12-0 ...... Oel 71 •• ..,, ... ., 100-1 A~ (MO), 10 25. 2 KOCIJ ISJ. 10 35 3 Aguifre (MO), 10 47 10 47 220-1 Aal>prtel\ (MOI. 22 68, 2. KOCI) (81 n eo. 3 L esi.r tS). 22 112 440 1 Jtm <la111ven (MDI. S3 37, 2 wooo (MO), 53 114, 3 Mar'llMr IMO). ~.•t. 110-1 J im Gallf~an (MO), 2.02 6~1 2. Mer11ne1 (MO) 2 03 48 , 3 HughH (MO), '04 70 Mlle I Neteon (MDI. 4 40.0 t; 2 Mc:· Mitt .. (MDI. 4 40 112, 3 Eddy IMO), 4 4(),63 Oilers stay unbeaten in track Richard Brim a nd Gus Quinone% poste d outsiand.lJl8 markl and two other Huntincton Beach start bad Wetlme beat efforts u the Oilera conti- nued undefeated in tht Sumet. Leque track and fJeld dual meet race with an 82-54 victory over EdilOn Tbureday to hlah.Uaht area prep action. Brim le.peel 23-1-ln ihe b\a jump to tie tht echool ~ 1n add1Uon to wiMJ.nC tht 100 and 220 dMh evens.. Qu1nonn doltbW in the mile (4:30.3) and two mUe (9:48.2), both besi-of ·the day marks tor the area. El.Mwhere, Fountain Vall•Y defeated Wee~ minster and Ocean View took the meuure of Ma- 1'1.na in other Sun.t 1-cue Jneeta. In the s.. View 1-pe, ~ ttopped Newport Harbor; Unlwrmty won over El Toro; and tltanda defeated lrvlne. Mater Del won an An,elua Lea,ue d«ielon tNt't Servtte. OCher top marb for Carter Lewfa' Huntinp>n fk-h t.-n Included M1U Moore'• 52_. effor1 In the lhal (M.lt and MatUn Van Dcnelaer't St.T mark in the .. ,.,. low hurdJta aloQa with. lifetime beet Of 142-1 lor Rater. Smith 1n &hi dMiM. Oimn V•'• Rn BrVW"D nm a 10.1 lri thl 100 ....,. llllt a b.-aDuilt)' effGI'\ In the*...._. at 21 :I. llark Ou.M •t a tcboOl ncard la the IOO' ......... :ea.a ............. b ......... ..-1:-~~ I VA111Y1 lktl Nlaboll hid • IU .,. ... , .......................... .... '11111 ww"llAlnthepioll-.ill~lllD•• ·---'I I Di.acua th.rowen in the Sea View Leaaue came to the front with Newport Harbor's Mll<e Oust hurling tbe elatter 158-8 for a lifetime bfft. El Toro'• Lou Sergeant had a Hn-2 effort, 10 feet beyond his pNVk>ul besL Ga.Di a19o won tM ahot put wtth • ~-1 mark. Eatanda'f Jim McCarthy WU a trip} winner in ttw distance racee. He captured the 800 ln 2:02.6; U. 1,600 in 4:40.7: and the 3,200 in 10:00.0. El Toro'• RcJcer Leuy Md a 6-8 \.i ln the hlah jum~ bMtina his prevtoue beet eUon by 4 ~ tnche.. The Oe.Jlivan COUldnt did an ou\ICandlna Job for Matu D~l with Jim wlnntna the 440 and 880 apimt Servtte. c.ou.tna John and Rkhatd ded for first in the pole vault at 13--0. At Mt. San AntonJo Colleje, David Milford of Sacldleback eou.p 9(lualltd the bait community oollflN 110.mtflll' blah hurdl• effort in &he counc.y- at lf.8 but had to MUI• for MCC>nd place by an eye1Mh In ihe l'ICl,to Al Lane of Bekerafleld. Chet Vert finWMd fourth In the 1,!500 meter nan In S:M.6 and the 800-mtter relay team won l• .... , ..... On &he women'• front, ldiaon lm~ed ,._ Sunmt ~ NCDf'CI '° 4·0 by def .. Oftl Bun~ ~ a.ah 8l1bDuih LW a.. won thrie ftmll ,_Laa.wt., ..... ·~ ~ :Sbool rWatd 1n ..._ .. ..,. h·-~ ....... 41.4 . .....,. .,...,..1Mwen11Gdthw6rw.-..-... wtOa H,t lift lbl llO IDd 4'.4 In .. llO. -g' • M.., CON Ve NTIO N c•NT•llt •W.lllftll.A•.._ ~ '°"WO CAU C114t ...... .................. Tell Mom You Love Her Thi~ ~lu1hrr', 1>11\ sr nJ M om a g'rrrrtng & ""'"' our ··WurlJ"s Crt-alr 1 Mom" conlr•I al tht-tllllnt' t1mr Our JU~t'l ... ,11 "''"'"' 1hr ntrt'SI Mo1ht-r"s Oa\ CrCf'llOft ind thal mothtr -..111 rrrl't\I" a S511 111f1 ft'rllfiratr from a lradtnft dc-perlmrnl •lort' It-_ 1'11•\, Wrlfl' \OUT 1114''~~!' IO fil Ofl(' of lhf' bordf'T~ !Jr)o1>r or Jr•1gn \our o wn hor.-H-r o l MJU•I •111" with rnnsaftr in tdr Rordrra comr m 3 "t" , S 18. 1 10 and 1hr 4fll"n•I r h11d 6t7f' for $ l IM rh1ldrc-n under I:.! vrer~ of agr Br111ft or mad .,.our grttung 10 thr l>a1ly Pilot, :no V. Bav 'it., Cml• \lr sa. CA. 92620 Leforr 5 p.m .. Mey 6th or \'OU m~\ orlfrr your rttrs..<ag~ b, c-1ll1ng 642-5678, "'" M\r mam bordt'r~ to 1·h01»1" from ind w,.·11 bill you or rharge to your \'1u or Mu trrCiml S~elal Kida Siu 14.00 l l ~ I I I I • c c I ·-----_...._....;:;,,_ _______ _ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Frldey, April 23, 1882 Beasley still • IS undecided iffe's leaning toward Houston, bu_t Arizona is in the running, Orana• Coaat Colle1e11 talent•d 1wln1man Cbrll Beuley 11 atllJ undecided on a four-year echool whore he can contJnue both hi.a basketball and bMebltll careers. The 8·2 South Cout Conference player of the year averaaed 26.7 point• per same for Coach Tandy OIUls' 1quad. H e became only the ~nd player In OCC hlltory to better 1,000 polnta Ln his career. Beuley ll a1IO an accomplished pitcher, at least th~t wu the thlnklns of the Chicago White Sox when they p icked him In the fif th round o f the winter major 1_,ue draft back in January. He'• not playb'\I bueball this year for Coach M ike M ayne because of lack of enough college uni ta. He reportedly Is looking for a achoo! which will allow him to play both baseball and basketball. It appean that he la leaning toward-the University of Houston, although Arizona is making 1ta presence known to the former Costa Mesa High star. Beuley Is expected to make a decision soon. • • • Saddleback basketball coach Bill Brummel r eceived a phone call the other day from Jeep Jacloon. Jeep Jackaon is an All-City guard from Gar- dena High School who says he wants to attend Saddleback next year and play basketball for Brummel's Gauchos. Jackson, a 6-1 guard, would fill the shoes of George Tumer. who earned aJJ-state honors this aeaaon and wlll now move on to UC Irvine. Jackson had said previously that he wanted to play at either Saddleback or Santa Momca CC. • • • -Gaucho fitcher Brad Kinney approaches each day cautious y as the Mission Conference season winds down. Kinney. the ace of the Saddleback staff, is having arm problems. Spedfically, he's suffering from an inflamed rotaU>r cuff. Rotator cuff injuries have a tendency to sideline players fo r many months. Just ask Rick Burleson of the Angels. or F.cl Ott Ask former Dodger Doug Rau. Saddleback Coach Jim Brideweser must have realized h is star was having problems when the Gauchos opened a comfortable 8-0 lead against Riv- erside CC a few weeks ago. only to have the Tigers COMMUNITY OOlL.i rouah up K.!nney for eeven runa. The Oauchoe held on for a 10-7 victory, however. • • • The presllgjoua Mt. San Antonio Relays kicked off Thursday altemoon, aetting the stage for aeveral weekenda of top notch track and field competition. The hlahllght, ot coune, ll Sunday'• Invitatio- nal competition, which will Includ e Sullivan Award winner Carl Lewt., the No. l •printer ln the world. Lewll, who a1ao owns last year'• best Jong ju.mp effort, 1aya he will con centrate only on the 100 meters at Mt. San Antonio. But track and field fans won't be too d lsapeolnted, considering the o ther talent on hand. The community coUege, located In Walnut, was reserved Thursday strictly for communJty college competition, while today's action will be realricted to the High Schoo) Relay Carnival (3-7 p .m .). The half marathon kicks off competition on Saturday (7:30 a .m .) followed by a full day of action provided by some of California's top h igh school athletes. The first week of the relays culminates with the International Day of Champions, which should be ·•worth the price of adni.l.ssion lt..elf," according to meet director Don Ruh. "Many of the w orld's greatest track and field athletes have accepted invitations to compete. but that's never rea lly been a problem for us," adds Ruh. "We juat w ish we could fill the stadium, for if people would just come out to see the meet once. we think they would be back evfry year." Other familiar names to be seen Sunday in- clude Larry Myricks, Stanley Floyd, James Robin- son. Earl Bell. Dan Ripley, Doug Padilla and Cliff Wiley. Floyd, Wiley and two-time Olympian Harvey Glance will join Leww in the 100-meter race. On the dist.a.nee 1eene Sunday, Kenya's Henry R o n o wall run 1n \he 5,000 m e te rs race. Padilla supplies the biggest threat. H e is coming off an indoor season where he set national records in the two-mile and 5,000 meters. I 'ICTfT'IOUe .,.._ .. ....an.-.~ the l<)llOWl"f pet.ot\I are 00"'0 !Na• --1..fGAl CONSULTIMO ~ -.& T-<Ant• O<M, •MO Coat• W.... CA t2t2t UllllO H ,AANClllCO, A LAW CON'Of\A TION, • CellOtNe -pew-. e1s Tow11 Cent .. Dfl••· •IOO. Co••• ...._CA'2t21 EOMOHT T IAAAfTT A I.AW COAf'OM "°"· • CellorT* __..... H & lown c.n11< Oft•• lflo6 Cot1• -.CA~ n.-•--bf• ....... __.... ~,,_, Al..#~911on ('""'90 Fflif"OICO p,.~, ,_ Tltlo •Ul•Mefll •H llled •11h lh• County Clett.c o1 o..,.. eo..nty on "'1tf 1 1911 Put>•••h•o Orano• C.oatt Oa11.-v.10• .. P'~ 9 " 1J lO """ 1~79 87 P'tllllC NOTIC£ ITAftMINT OP AaANDOlalEN'T OP UM Of' ACTTTIOU8 au ... H NA• The 1o1io.1ng pereon hu 1ban· ooned th• uae ol the llctltloua bullnManame PACIFIC REAL ESTATE, t711 Weetdlff Drive. NewQort Beecfl. CA 112660 Tha FIC111IOVI ~ Herne r• l•red to 100.. WU IMO In O<enge County on Ap<tl 3. tll73 OAVIO P LEVINE, 408 Avo· cedo "--Corone de! Mer. CA 112625 Thia ~ WU conclucted by 1t1 lfldMduel OeV\d L.,,lne TNI allt-1 wat filed wllh 1he County Clerk Of Or111199 County on AP<~ 14 t982 F2.Ut5 Pul:>llthed Orengo Cout Oetly Ptlot. ""'U t6, 23, 30, Mey 7, 1982 t663-82 11111 11na1 Tars No. in U.S. •.cTTT1CWS •-11 f'\lll..IC NOTIC[ llA ... ITATUll:lfT Pl.llllC NOTIC£ ROBERGE lO:OOAM at Universny Un- ISABELLE B . ROBER-ited Methodis t Ch urch, The Newport Harbor GE. Costa Meu resl~nt for 18422 Culver Dr . Irvine. Ca, High sailing team came 9271~ In lieu of flowers the h f A 1· the past 28 years, passed ome rom nnapo 19, away on AprU 19, 1982. Born family requl-sts donations be Md. wit h the h o nor of made lo the UUMC Me mo-in Btdderford, Maine. Octo-rial Fund an hill name at the being the top high tchool ber 28. 1903. Survived by 3 above address. sailing team i.n the U.S . daughters, Ruth Robuge, The Harbor High team who s~ resided with, Mrs. BENT went to Annapolis in Annette Hemmingaen of EVELYN GOODSMITH quest of the Creaay Cup C.O.ta Mesa. Ca.. Mn. Viola B"'~ ,.. __ M Ca W b ,..:.""~Ollowi"Q '*'°"' ••• -"9 t>v••· I'::~--~· l'ICTITIOUI eUllNISS DONOR COHI ROUEO CHRISllAN Th• lollowlng peraon •• doing NAMI IT~IEMlNT CHANNHEO REllH ruNO •:M2 \lei. Ou-... The lollowing per'°"a ere doing IN!M C ... t0t"4•t211A J K CONSULTANT S. 20t2 bu11n1HH 11.,.,!~:.=~c .. ~~'::c':.'::;:. Flemlngo Or..,_, Coate M .... Call· THE TIN LIZZIE IS:? SI Clllr. ,...,. .,., 11• """"'· c-.... enu l0tnl1 92826 Col•• MllMI C111110tn11 92626 rtwa l>u-•• concNcl<Ml 1>y • c<VP<> Jec:ob KOOl>y Alltve, 2012 Fl•· Dotti l Boehm 8 tll2 Ca111orn1• fltion mlnO<> Ortve. Coll• Meal. Celllornl• S11ee1 Mo 21 euena Perl\ Calll0<· 5P'".,.. <>wr-• s-....-926M "'' 9767 t "".,,..,_Cot-•'""' Ttwa Ou*'-la eonckleted by .,, Alv!n F 8oetim 8192 Caltf0tnta =~ tndlVldu8I St•ecu No 21 Suen11 Park CelllOI· Tl\la tit-WM t.ieo ....,. , .... County Jac:ol> Kooby AklYI ,,.. 11262 1 ca.. ol Or-c-1v on""'' e 1N1 T'11a •llt-1 ..... nled with the Gene H F1ut111ci. '.)()81 Vuhon '*no County Cwt; oC Orengo County on Sllef'I C.oa1 a Men C1ti lorn•• A!.v,Di~~220..29•"1'~0911 O•·:~••:; Ao<M 14, 11182. 92626 ~ • .... 1'1f7J30 this t>v.,,_. •• cooouc:teo ov a PuDll11ted Orange CoHt Dally ~al p.t•IM<lllVP Ptlol. Aptt t6, 23. 30 May 7. tH2 o l eoervn Enos of South1n1ton , Con-"""' 1 • ~... esa, .-e but it waa won Y a re - necttcut, allO a slater Hen -note the pualng of Evelyn gional team from Anna- rletta Desc hambualt and Goodsmlth Bent. age 71 · polis. The local team brother Roland Palard1s who wu ver y active an placed 1econd in the both of Maine, 3 grandchll· Orange County poUtk.aJ or-Creuy Cup competition nc~• ~ .. 16711-82 Tiits Steltmenl WH ftled wtlh 1"8 -----------Count; Cli!rt. of Or•noe County on Aprt4 t3 t982 M'1110UeW81 NAmlTA~ The 'Olowlnf llWIOn9 .,. OOlnO ~ .. IPOAT TN!HOI CMllWtectur.,. lllac>reMntaUvee>. itt0 W•lany lf .. Hclwpor1 leech, CA t2eeo Jmet C"' Hermon. 10 Ceder Tr• Lt\ • !Mne. OA 12719 ''""" o etw111en111r1, et 12 Le· Oona Covn, '®tltllll Valley, CA t27ot Oery A. Otlerhott. I Almond Tr• Ln,. lrvfne, CA 12716 Thll butlntN It conducted bye oentfll pettMrlhlp Jem.O H~· Thia •tatement Wll flted wllh I.he Oo;.inty Clerk ol °'lllOO County on M111Ch 31, l~S2 ,,llMll Publllh-6 Or•nge CoHI Delly Piiot. Aprll 2, 9, UI, 23. 1812 1&27-f2 -------~-~--~-- fllC""10Ue .,... .. Mm eTA.,....,., n.~.,...eon1t-,._ .. llJH,lOWlll 111AVll, IOU ...... v .. o. Ort•• I!, I 114 Co•te MeH. CA t2t2t ------------MAI.tel AOOI, 1J:l4 A11119w• W•y. "-°'1 ......, CA t2MO NllC NOTIC[ fhlo ......,.... .. '4>110..Cl.O l>y M In· --'1CT.....,._ff __ IOU_a_Ml ____ H __ ~ ~ M01 NAM9 8TATl•NT ffllt tltt•M•lll wu llled •1111 11•• Ttie lottowif19 CMlt_,• ate dOlng ~ Ctet• Of o.-. c-y on"'°" 1, buelfMU .. ,.., SOUTHERN C"LIFORNI" Dt· ,._ RE CT ION 80 AR08, 290 I Sou1h ~i:·~0~~-~0HI o.i•ra:~lo~ Pullmen St . Sante Ane, CA 92706 CARYN lEE WILEY . 2502 Sycemo•• l•n• Co111 Meu CA 9~27 MAYNARD "SKIP' JOHNSON 7712 p-Ciel R9y, P\ey• del ~. CA 9029t Thie bu"'-11 cooducled Oy 1 119'* al 1>W1ner1Np Caiyn l M Wiiey Thie llllemetil ,. .. hied with tM COunty Clerk of Oranoe County on ""'II t4 1982 l'ttnaa Publllhed Or enge Coaet Delly Pllol. April 16 23. 30. May 1 t1162 170t..S2 '9CTITIOU8~· N.AmaTA~ Thi loilowlng !*_,.we doing ~ .. "lPH" SONIC 1232·C Vlll1ge W1y. S1t111 Ane, CA 92705 Lloyd v CMt'-4on. 25442 Hlllety l •n• Legune Hlllt, C111tornl1 92M3 Edmond LH ..... 25792 Ap- ptltl W1y, Mlal>on v,.10, C1M0<nle 92891 Thia ~ le COOOUCled by 1 Q«*ll 1*1ner.rt1p ---... ---IC-NO--T-IC( ____ , Lloyd v c .. 1 .. 1on I'~ 1 0-81 Plrlnet ,ICTfTIQIJa __,.,..,, Thia 1111emen1 wu llled with the NAMI ITATl•NT Coul'tJy Clerk ol Or•noe County on The lollowlng pereont ere dOlng Metch 26. 1982 1'1-.S l>lninMt .. Uw OMoee Of RLO M"NAOEMENT , 18&36 0 .... J. C90t*' Af9c>nguln S1reet Su111 268. Hunt· lune 400 tngton ee.cn. Calllornl• 112649 Eldof .. 9eNI ~ Roneld 0 Ownet 16262 &..n-MOU C ... di 1-"-ta d•ncer Lene, Hun11ng1on B•Kh ~ .._, CA t2IM3 Clltf0tni1 926411 lyndl M G•rner t6262 Sun· d1ncer Lene. Hunllngton Beech. Cat1lorrMa 1126411 Oen1 l 0 1rne• 16262 Sun-d1nc1r l ene. Hunllnglon Beech F11tOM Publllhed Orange Coett Delly Pllol Aprl4 2 II 16 23, IOl2 ts2a-a2 Caltlorn11 926411 1o-----------Tht1 ~ IS cooOuc;teo Dy • ~ CouaT Of' U--11 pertnertntQ CAUf'~ lyndl Owner COUNTY Of' OAANQE T,,.. 1111-1 wu 1-.0 With the In the Men.r of "'9 County Clertl of O<ange Counly on ~ of Aprlt 14 tll62 ltrlfl T ..... ...._ .... l'ten21 "°' c ........ *'"-Publtth•d Orange Coatl Delly ~fl TO lffOW CAUR Pl.IOI. Aofil t6. 23. 30. Mey 7. t982 FOii CHAMQ( Of',. ..... _________ t_eao_._e2 c-Mo. •-112a1 Pl.llllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8UllNlll NAME ITATflffNT fr>e 1011ow1ng persona are aotng bu11neu u lllCTOA ENGINEERING 19572 w.ieroury lene Huntmoton 8eecr> CA 92646 VOJEN KM OSE K t9!>72 WalerbVry lane Hun1mg1on Se11c;h CA 92646 MAOC.lf KM OSEK 19!>72 wa1er1>ury latte Hun11no1on Beach CA 926•6 11>11 busmen " concsuc:1ed Dy • hm•te<I parlnenh•p M80Q!e temoaet< Thia S11tetnent WU filed Wtlh Iha Coumy Clefll ot O<ange Coun• 1 on "'"'" t3 19111 fll71a3 Pul>hlhed OranQe Coelt Oa~y Ptl01 Apttl 1!> n 19 M1y & 1982 1110.92 T ARIO Ind SUSAN MAHMOOD on 1>et111t ol mtnot ap9flc:a11t have flied 1 pelltk>tl 111 ttlls COU'1 10< 1111 Otder ellowlng pet11toner to c:nar.ge hi1 neme lrom RYAN TAREK MAH· MOOD 10 RYAN TARIQ MAH· MOOD It ta twtret>y 0td4t<ed thet all per-.ont lntMHted In the mallet 110-reuld •PPI•• t>elore thoa c:ourl in Oep1r1ment No 3 a1 700 C1v1c Center Ori•• Wett. Senti "n•. Callforflla. on Mey 12. 1982 II 10 30 o"clock 1 m . and lh•n end there lll!OW c....... If eny 111ey h1... wfly H id pe1111on lor ch1nge of name thO\llO no1 be or anted it 11 ruttner oroereo 1111t • C09Y Of thla order to ahow CIUH be pu- blllhed tn Delly Ptlo4 .• ~ of ~· cwcula1lon, pubtilhed In thl• courny al .... , once a ....... f0t '°"' COf'IMCIU1,.,,. ....... prlOt to 11>1 day of N60 ,_."'11 oa1eo Mereh 3t. 111e2 ..__.fl,..,_ dren . James Hemmingsen , ganlzations and community but wu the overall win--nAtT•lfT PlaJC l9Ta Ndee •I IM~ C..t Pubfiahed Orenge Cont Di lly P1101 Apr1I 2 II. 16, 23 tll82 t5t8-82 Patricia Andel"IOn and Joyct' a ffairs Mrs. Bent held a 11 .. 1~ '*_.. ., • ._ .,_ f111200 l'IC1mOUll-M En Qs and 3 gr C ~ t . number of poaauons through ndievtaaanr. i.n t. he high school ._.., N:1TnOU9.,.... Pub11Y>ea O<B"QI co1s1 Diiiy p,. -ITATllmfT ... -1c ..,.net - h h h l . t., CUMMIHGS AUIOMOlt\lf 121 MO IOI "Pl~ tS n 29 M1y 6 19112 n .. ~I*-II --0 -I'~ "" grandchildren, Tara.Carla t e years wit t e rvane-etlE MECHAkj(; NO 0101 20 '•-The,-::::~~ -.e ....... lM7-82 .. ----------- and Joey For 12 of her 28 Coast Republican Women, Gordon Wanlau of 11 1 ~~.~ ctJ::OHas ••eo _ • o.-o~v~MJ,.,N:t.H''" O•"• :':~~~011c=~ Years an Costa M esa she the Fullerton Republican HarborHighLaserClasa. S-MWW.CAt7714 o aw COMPAHV.&1111100•11 NllJC•Tlt( l YNNEte GtNSauAo 11170.,.. onecc.ordangewlthpr-oCthe W d othe CO nt hi h llOYO E GAUHIT 1000 Weit l a D•I••. Hu1111flOIOn llncl\ Catllornle -----·------a.-_ C-. -CA t7C2e worked at Hoag Me morial om e n , an Sh r u Y ma.king him the top 'g v91a Sut•• J06 °'9"9A CA tMM t264f fl•••""-•,. conclUC1ad l>V.,. •n· Calllor'rH Educ:atton Code. Sectt0n Hospital, where she w as a organizations e was an school sailor in the na-'"'•--,.._..., l>re-• "°"", o CON\Of Jr 5711 "°98'• "tCTITIOUa __, ... ,. _... Jff.411 t> '°' IChOOI d11tr1C1a on be-ll e member of the C.O.ta patl-oNp Ort•• Hwnll"OIOn llHCll Celllo,,... NAME ITATIMDfT lVNWE I( OllfSBVAG 11111 of the tru11 ... or lh• IRVINE NursesAldeuntil1heret1-acM· v M I H t I tion . Third In the B w ....... Ec--nos .,.., Th I ll I I Tl\lttlll•"'•nt •••lll•O•tlt\lt\• UNIFIEOSCHOOLDISTRICT Tllla red. Burial will be by the t'Sa emoraa ospi a division was the team of ,..,.,"', __ ,...., .. 1 .. ,,,.c-1r h41t•tot w-enn. 5111 "°991• • 0 owng per10n • domg eo..ntrCl•t.i110r-eo..ntyonAcw'7 pubhc achoo• dl11r1c:1 m•y ••erd Neptune Society with a Auxtl111r,. ser ving a s a M1'ke Nash and Eric c1oo o10r-c-1von""'1 • 1112 ~;·"""1111010,.llnc" C•lllo•n•• 11v.w-.. 1112 con1rac11 1n emounta of 1et11hen m•morial mass at a lat•r member 0 Its Board of Di-Pu1>"•""4 O••~• cou 1 o.,f.~. "*-1t-bf•99<*• All CONSTRUCTI ON SER· '~ 112.00000 " " d r I Hauser Harbor Hlah .... ' --vices. 2233 s Ritchey. S1nt• Publ••-Orang• COH1 D•N~ Piiot. To.--contrec1• m1v be -woeo .a-•·. ln la'eu of flown-thA rec to r s . a s e llo r o ts , o • 11111••. •S i2 ~ 1tt1 1~-82 ,_ .. ___ 6 -· CA "2705 A....o t 11 Z3 ao 1911 1sn -12 ·-' ,..._. ....... PINAFORE PRESS n ew -and fourth in the A 1,_ ___ __...._ ______ T"l••1a=~•""'"• '''jo .. p,;'O.Pfleherd.406401h ....... · · · · our;ng theourrenicalendery-tor f~mily requestsSanyV~ona-sletter, and as tta member In division was the N ew--• M9tlH Couniy Oerto o10r-. eo..myon .,_ St., Newpotl a..cn. CA. m-ar NOTICE gd•I n•r•I end gtnee10'1,no,.Pg•-cl1lt~ c11ou~-uons be sent to l . 11'\(.."Cnt ~ "9nK • at. t .. 2 Thi• twlln••• 11 conducted oy r\IUU\I ng, •n ... , 11 ' • De Paul Society. charge of ho8pltaJ tours for port H a r bor team of· ,._... enlndlvldutl. __ F_1<:_T1_TIOU __ 1 __ .u--... ~~,~.--11rec:t0<~bylnt0<rftlllblddifl9 JACKSON :CC!~~•;._,a ~d =;:~tt~~ Steve Farwell and Hea-~r~~.;:e.J' ~~'.·~~~.~·~i;1eo•e1 °··~.~~ JOMPh o. PrlCMtd NMll •TATEMDT to ':;:!o CC:'~:~:,:~,,: ROY J . JACKSON, age Costa Mesa Golf Club. Mrs. ther Nlblo. ,..!. ..... folloo#l119 "''°'" ••• OOln(J .,.,... ~·=i:~:c::.~ 1= Th1 lollowlng peraon 11 doing purl)OM of receMng to41clt9"lona tor 86. an Irvine res!dent, pre-Bent had recently completed Local sa1lora battled CAEATl()fjt," &ALON. soe·~ .,.,. NU·~ AprM 1, 1oa2 ~: ~ 1oot w 171h s1 . Sull• =~ ~~°'.,:°'~~~~ viously of Lake Worth. Flo-writing a book on the pre-winds of 15-25 knota on "'°'~~:::.,':,,. C::.~ ,.._ M. eo.t• ~CA 11~27 mall• flPl)lbllon directly 10 the di· roldi adanAd Chi llcal ~6o.119118in20111 parataon of food for per90ns Saturday. and a gusty ,,,. = ,. ... ~-=::::t:,"""''"' '1CnnoutT ~· ~= ~r~;;3~f::;. Delly St. g:t,t;.. ~;o,0:26S6 LueH ~~~.rr~;.~:::7c HOOL o1- e pr • n whose a btlaty to chew is 20-35 knots on Sunday. c:o._ .. .,., ~·~ ..._ • A··-· 1&2442 Thia buW-11 col>ducied by• ITNCT Brookfield, llllnoa.. Funeral severely impaired, and her '"" -,.~.., "'·-• ~1:wrno 1>9fton I• doing MmllecS PlrtnerahiP ~.o . .ox, .. servlef!S and ln~nnent was ram1ly plans to publish the -•-INC> YOLANDA SEWING SERVICE. P18.JC NOTIC( Gery l Senner lmM, c.. 117'1 held .on Apnl 19, 1982 nut book in h e r memory. She , ..... =~:'~1 .. ,_c;o.,..1) 1801 w 111h St , San11 Ma. CA Ft<:TIT'IOUt.U.-.. c!;:~·~~';:'~..,~~...'= ~~- to h11 late w ife Je nnte In 5UOC\.lmbed unexpectedly on l't&.IC NOTICE ci..t. o10ranoec-tvon ~· 1 1eu 121oe ...-tTATI....,. ""'~ f5. 111112 All conl•ICt()(a, .,,.,0 ere pt-a Chicago, lllano11 Be love d March 30. 1982, to rompllc.a-... .... P o• •11.a o.an: cou1 o •• ~~ w~re~~ .. ~ ~noc:'ei~t The loilowlnO ~·ere dolno F1f>'m on tueh 1n1onne1 bid lls1•. ehall lhen father of Fred Jackso n of 1 f A-w, ·, ••• 29 1 • 1L.1'.1~ ~-..__.. Puollthed 0r-Coett Olily Pilot ...... .....-. ~· ............ -1n•-"' ...... , lions resu ling rom a rare l'ICTITIOUI eu ... 11 ~ ~ •• • "" • Thia t><n1..-1 11 c:ondvciecS by ---5 A -...... 1182 ""',..._ .• ..,.._ ... -·· ..... _""' Irvi ne, Ca and Arle n e bone disorder She11survi-N..-tTATIMEf'T .,,~ helmol=.O:~J?oNSC:.~ .eor•te.23,30.Mey 7 t 11oe.-2::i~°'won.w11hlnlhelf91pec- Kutska of Brookfield. 1111-ved by her husband. John H The lollOwlng l*IOne .,. dOl.ng Y~ ~ CA 92627 -----------1 Contre<;ta to be let'°' MNICel nols, 5 grandc hildren who Bent a designer of surgical 0.--.. rtaJC NOTICE Thia It.._,. -llled""" the VIRGINIA L JOHNSON. 1845 Piil.iC mm al>Ov• the$ t2,000 00 •mount CS.· Include locally F . Scott mstr~ment.s with 3M Com-Lem~~~r~."J;}t~N~2~6~!;~ FICTITlOUllU ... al =3~e:.OrwigeCounlyon An•helmAvenu•. •10-0 ,Cost• -----------;1C>11t>ec1•110¥e11r•MPW•t•endwt1 Jiac0on and his wife Susan pany an Costa Mesa: by her CA 92830 NAm ITAT1mNT ,,.... ~cf:~2~ JOHNSON, 1202 l'tCTlTIOUS ..,.._.. be ed¥et11Md at t"8 time bids w• and 10 great-grandchildren son Pau 1 Bent a Long Al8ERT HARRISON PRtTTS. bv~~wlno peraon 11 doing Pul>lltheO o .. noe Cout Delly ,.__.,St'-Spmg. ~ NAm 8TAT11111Wf required who include locally Jeffrey Be~h attorney and his wife 2765t Chep111. MIH1on Viejo. C" A· I SILVER CUPPE.A OOQ Piiot, Aprll 2.11. 18. ZS, 1~:.0..2 TNI ~It con0ucted bye The follo-lng per1on la dOlng ~ ~n.eal Jack8on. eon o( F. Scott and Barbara. a Fulle rton High 112611~10HARO All EN DOUBLE· GAOOMINO. 125'"' 8ro1dw1y. gitnttll ~~ Jofl-~a': NAILS. 3413 Hclwpor1 '= .__.. Susan Jack~on Memorial Schoo l teacher; by h e r DEE. 1613 cernci.n Pl-. FullertOft, Colll MeN, C.Nl«nltl 82627 -• -• , ..... etllement -Med with the 8M:I . Hclwpor1 e-ct>. CA 92M3 ubll•h•d O••no• CoHt Oatly servclea wall be h e ld on daughU>r, Sandra Bent Kar-CA 92633-Whlt~.!:'!:;:,.~c~:':!!a.1~ 1 ~ ,..,_ ~iy Cieri! oe 0ninge County on Nguon Huu N11 uyen, 1427 Pllo4, Aprll 23. 30, 1982 17482 M onday April 26, 1982 at rer o f Anaheim. Ca .. a ~ .. ~n::Aconoucteo 17¥.• f0tt111g2e21 ..cnnoue-AIWll 14.1H2 ,,,.,._ :::."'dt~t"· WHt Lo• An·, ___________ _ HA.llOI LAW,._MT. OLIVI Morlvarv • CemPll'fv Crema1ory 1625 Gisler Av" Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_ClllOTHIU llU. •OADWAY MOllTUAIY I 10 Broa<lwav Cos11 MeH 642·9150 IA&.T2. & IH6H°" 5Ml'Tl4 & TVTH•U WHTCLM CHA"L 427 E 11th S1 Cotta Meu 8.t&-9371 ,_Cl llOntMI IMmW MOITUAIY 627\.411n SI Hunllnqton BHch 636-6539 ·supervilor In 1he street sales Richard Allen OoubledN Thi• blll!Mlt 1t.conouc*' t>y in _.. tTA~ PublWled Ofenoe COMt Delly Pilot, Thia bu1lneu It conduct.cs by rtllJC NOTlC( •d ivision of the LOS AN-Thta 1111emen1 wet flled with the lnd~llll Terrence L Dodd• ,.!.M .. ~ .,.,_ --..--. April ti, 21, 30. Mey 1. 11162. ""lndMduel ~ .... C-'J -..1c1,11 c..rt 'GELF.S TIMES·, and ~her County Clerk of Or•11oe County on ~·-.AW -~1~ ._ 11o:r-a2 NgvC>n Nguyen ...__........,.,...,... " I 16 t"•2 Thlt llllement Wff llted With the .....,_ _ .. -"' -....... 1t1l-t -...._,, #tlh the gra--'--ns J ohn ,.. __ I rrer prl · "" Cou 1 c ...... Io C""•"'I -A-~-...i tHIO """ -·-· ,_, ..., ,..., ... •1ul10•• I ,...,,., • ~ ,,.,. ti :y _ .. 0 rengt ....... .,. ..... °""' ...... 8¥)' J b., MO,.'Ht •wi County Clefk of Of8f\OI County on ................ CA -and Robert Michael K.arrcr Publllhed Orenr:: Coaat Ocllly AprH l3, 1g62, , '~* =-~ 14•, ......,.,, i.-.. PIU 19l1Cf, Mardi 2e. 1H2. PL.AtNtlFF: RONALD SHE"MAN Piiot, AprH 23, 30, ey 7, 14, 1ff:l PublltlMd Orenoe Cout ,.. Tl1ll ..._ .. ~ lly. ""'°' ,,.... DEFENDANT· WENDELL AAM· I OCHSNER tSl7·12 IOI, April 16\ 22, 19, Mey e, 1 ' ...... """"10U9-Publllhed Or•110• Cout Delly STAONO· 00£8 I ttwougft v, lnclu- OLfVER H. OCHSNER. 11 117Ma DMt ~ •• 1.0.. IM IMlm tTA~ PllOI. Aptll 2· t. 11· 23• tH2. llML DOES VI end VII. ~ ..... IC NOT1CE OMt ~.,,....... Tiie ......... ,.,_ -.... IMI-l52Mi end db• BLACK COMPANY .• GO-resident of Col"ONI del Mar, ,._ ·-ti' 1111\-Tiii• .,.,_, ... lll•f •1111 tll• -.. per1Mt'lhlp WHITE COMPANY • CA. Paned away April 20, FICTITIOU9 eu ... u r-""'-°"'"OrwipOeunfyMAIWU, t n .. L wcou1111 I NTll""""· PUl.IC NOTIC( eotporetlon ' ' 1982 at lhe age or 86 years. NAM ITATl•WT ncmnoue iUiilii1 ita. "91'19 :;, ~-..,.. '· ,__ l'ICm'fOUI waa • 9'•IOM Survtved by hit wife Mabel The loHowlno perlOtlt ete dOlng MAMI ITA,......., ~ OfMea COMt Oe11Y "414, .U, ~~.INC .• MAM1 ITA~ C... ........ E ; eon Geo roe Ochaner, l>lllinft&" , fhe r~ petaont .,. doing ..-i •· 1' • ao, 1M:I _.... Oelewer• -l'W•'*" 1ooe1 TatM« Th• 101tow11111 per1011 It dotno .. onc::11 Y .. ....,. Melt ..e4. • RAUL OESIOH8 , IUI •OWi ~... A-.... hlle 7, '°""11111 VllWf, CA ~II: TM_._, ............ ,_ N . w port Beac h . c A : SlrMt. NO c. Colt• ....... CeilfOt· .. J OlllQHll'I PAINTING, -::_ • ..,...._,.~ TAUMP MARKETI NG. 1170 """:*',r-:' ~--:!..-= daughter Mrt. Virginia L. n11 m~I 1"20 Mt,~~ VII--.JC 1911( ,..,. 911118 At1I Ave .. tulle o , Coete ,_ _ ,-=._ -.-Malmat.en, El Sea\lndo, CA: Reul G111ell. 11,_ IOWtl llr..C; tey. Celltornla t27Cfl •....... M1M. CA '2127 h -1 -1 r -· daugftwr-ln-law \rtrglnJa L No c. Cott• Meu. Callfornl• JOM o Hlldtelll, 11120 Mt. MfhWW-~..,., JM'M9 ~ a1 w. C«IW If )'Oii wWI to..-IN 9CM09 Of hen er, New porl Beach: l2t2J,.,., ~. 1131 low• '""'· :!'=· '~ V*f, c..iwor· --tTA~ =: ......._" Aw., •I. P1eoenk CA 12t10 :C,::%n:: ~ '".!1::C::; CA, 8 t r andchlldrcm & 3 Ho C Cott• Meu, Ce llfornta Ric* L Mo011mOtt. t"20 Mt .,_ nra......,.. ..,_ • ._ Tlllt tta1-1111 •H lllef wl111 Ille ~ l9 CIDndudld by an W11tW1 ,....., If,,,.,,, in., be .._ 1rHt·1randchlldren Ser-11292t ~ Foin• V..,. ~· C.OMCl~llJWICll. =:"ca... .. OIMtlC-V .. ,..t. .-....~ lectOfltlrM. VlCH will be held in the TNa ~It ciondUCted by 1 nle ta70t llA7 Tiii .._....,, __._ v...,, 1* ..... .. '...... Tllla ""'*"*" 11119 lllld wllll tM AMOI UetM N ............ Manclw.~ Chapel at lnaJe Otl*• ~de Tllll ~ It QonOuetlld "' a C<Mli'a::="-.. ,__ 1-1 T1ll. ..,. •-:::., Collntr Cltltll Of <>r-.. ~ Ofl _.,. ~ .. :_• ~ 11 -=-•~ wood Park Cf!mc'tery S.wr: Tt111 tc1'*'*'1 wu flled wit11 the "'*11 ,..:i~MCIOtr"'°'1 =1111• ,_,. "....,· c ==ri.e...,....,. Apttl a.'* ,,_ ... ~. ,..~ -.m. • • day, April 24. 1982. at 2:00 County Cler• OIOrll\OIC-tvon TM~-w..-... .,......._._......,.,.._ i..--..cu•t ,_. ,......_.OranfeC-.Olllr"°4 .... '-Ila..._ rt _...._. PM Vl•h.atlon will be! Fri· APf1I 13, 1M2 '"'* COUf\~ ~ « Orf'llll Cauntr on ..... °""""""' ,,__ ,,.._. o.-c.. ~ Apttl 11. n , ao . ._ 7, 1Mf. · 11 u....s .._ ....._, .. day. April 23, 1982 from 4 to P\iblltNd <>range eout O...PI-Aprtl i. lMI. ,.,_ u 1 .. 111-e111 ... "'" w1t1101e _. .. -.-.-. .. 17U-U lltO•""._.."'-.-=: 9 PM at the c.eme~ry Cha· IOI.~· t6, t2. 2t. Me)' I , 1Mt ~ °'""' Cotlt Olllr ,._ ~tf0rwlal°"""P 911 ...,... '91.. ...,... .. MoeriO ~ .. ~I. 1"4-12 iot, .. JI, It. a . M9w I .• '!11-Ii, ,_ ~ mna d• Ht• 1111ner1, eu reepv .. le -"' ....... ~ c-Oellf..,. ..,,.... _ etel'lt•, .. Illy Mguft•. puede .. ..... 1.1.••-...-nAW reaiatr9da•..,.. ....... l . TO THI 0CMNOAH1" A oMI ~ .,_ ,,::,. .....,,,. _.... _..... :;:'tf:'"' 1111 -. ..... meet iw tfl• ~~talW.LI .... ~.lf--wflflto ............. CIMflll. a...-......, ........ ~ ...... ..... .... -. . .._. ................ _. -............. t '""':. :J _. °" 19U .... Wl111 ""' ....,, a :.T5r:~=. ,._ ......, ,...-. .... • .....,.. • .... _.... Ullltll,... ............... .. Mil •• ~~ ..... M eM«ef Oii..,......... Ill .. • "!B'..r, "',.. ~ ~71.-:"':.-=:' .:v:.: ...... ~ ....... .... =·..... . .... , '""": .. , ............ , nee " ;:ci:::a..: :":".., ~ ::::.r.t:= • w.:,c~"'' ~'"'"Lt .. W eekend TV, railio .,_ Saturday's TV, radio TELEVISION 10.15 u.m. (4) -BASEBALL -St. Louls ut Ph.Uadelphta. 11 a.m. (5) -WC'l' TENNIS. 12:30 p.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLO\'ES -California takes on New Me>Cico in a aeries of bouts taped at Albuquerque. l p.m. (4) -GOLF -Third round play ln the Legenda of Golf. l ;SO p.m . (7) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The final of the WTA championships, taped at Amelia bland Plantation, Fla. 3 p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATt.JRDAY - Former WBC super featherweight champ Cornelius Boia-F.dwards (33-3) vs. Johnny Verderosa (22-0), the USBA's 130-pound titlist. in a scheduled 10-round bout, taped at Atlantic City.. N.J. (7) - PllO BOWLIN~ -The finals o f the Firestone Toumament of Champions, taped at Akron, Ohio. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE· WORLD OF SPORTS - Taped coverage of the Kentucky Derby Trial from Churchill Downs in Louisville. Also: Larry Rice defends his title in NatJonaJ Championship sprint car racing. taped at Rossburg, Ohio. 7:30 P..m. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at San Francisco. RADIO Baseball -Oak.land at Angels. 7 p.m .. KMPC (710); Dodgers at San Francisco, 7:30 p.m .. KA.BC (790). Sunday's TV, radio 10 a.m. (2) -NBA PLAYOFF -An Eastern Conference game is scheduled. 11 am. (4) -SPORTSWORLO -Live st.art· to-finish coverage of the CART Atlanta 200 from the All.ant.a International Raceway. (13) -GOLF -Final round play in the USF&G Classic· from Lakewood Country Club in New Orleans. 12:30 p.m . (2) -NBA PLAYOFFS -A Wes- tern Conference game is scheduled. lf Denver wins tonight, jt will be Denver at the Lakers. 1 p.m. (4) -GOLF -Final round play in the ·Legends of Golf from Onion Creek Club in Austin. Tex. ( 11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at San Fran- citoo. 1:30 p.m. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN - Two-tune National League MVP Mike Schmidt and his former Philadelphia teammate Bob Boone hunt ducks in Idaho. Also: Tennis player John Newcom- be participates in a camel roundup m the Mcdonnell Region of Austraha and a team of mount.am chm· bers attempts to scale Mmya Konka. a 25,000-foot peak. 2:30 p.m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD -The U.S. men-.s and women's gymnastics te~ vs. the USSR. featuring world champion Olga Bk:herova, caped at Gainesville, Fla. • 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The Harlem Globetrotters visit Mickey Mouse and friends al Disney World in Orlando, F1a. Also: The men's world record high dive challenge, taped m Orlando RADIO Baseball -Oakland at Angels. 1 p.m .. KMPC (710); Dodgers at San Francisco. 1 p.m . KABC (790). Ne_w golf tour set TAMPA. F1a. (AP) -Plana were announced Friday for a $4 million, 20-toumament men's golf tour for players aged 40-and-up. beginning n ext spring. F.ach tournament will carry a $200,000 purse and will be held in cities not on the established tour of the Professional Golfers Aaaociation, according to Bill Marcum of Tampa, president of the Dallas- bued World Championshlp Golf Corp. ' f'UklC NOTICI T lie 1 •vlllon ol 111• city • flan• oor11tlotl NolM 'lellltf\t WM lnltla led by ll'le P1an111no Commtulon and d••tgnlle<I H OftA·t by tll• City Counclt Tlls Oropoaed Nol .. Element 14eftllhet the lollowtng •Currtlll condlllone 1111d fu1111t Jtt(\OJ Of llQIM t.._ If\ Irvine •Oppo1111nHI• and corit1111n11 •or aoh .. vtng 1n Improved nolH etfWonment rn ·~ . •Ooal, oblee:tlv ... POllClla. 1t1111• da1d1 1nd lmpitm~tttlon pollolea aocordtno 10 Ille Htabllllhed c•I•· OO•let In aocorde.l'IQI wllll 11a1e ""° ctty 011•dallnet • <11alt neg11tve Clec:I•· ration 1111 oean PllPtrtd 101 lh• proposad pro/•CI tn<I po1ted lor public 1ev-rom A,prll 9 10 ,_prll 23, 1982 A public lleerlng will .,. held on lllla projec:t by Iha Clly OI Irvine Planning CommlNIOn on Tl'lurt<ley. Mey 8, 1992, 11 7 30 pm In 1"41 City CoupCM Cttamber1. at Irvine Interim Clf'lo Center. 17200 JamborH Bouleva1d, ltvlne. c111101nl• Fot P8fllc:ul1111 pllone 754-31101, 01 cell at tit• olflc:e ol tile City ol Irvine Communt1y O..e~I 0.. par1men1. IMnt l•!ltrlm Ct'lllC Cenl· 81, Annex. 2901 McGaw, 11111ne. Celltorn1e Pubhaha<I Orang• Coaal Dilly Pilot Aptol 23 1982 1128-8:1 Cltf'17m IT II INTINDID THAT THI IAU WILL H CONOUCTIO ON ••HALF 0, THI TftUITll a v, C~LlfOflNtA POITtNG ANO PU· .. 111..0 COWANY, 19 NCMITlC LAU AVI., aUITI H1, PAIA· DINA, CAUPo.A 11104, TSLI· l"ttoNI ~. t1Hll1 ..... NWllMf 80'2 - MllC NOTICE lllCTITlOUI eu ... H NAM9 ITATl ..... T llle 1011ow1ng per1on 11 doing bu-•• Pl.All\ TRAVfl CCNflll . 1121 W. Orl•IQtlhOtpe Avenue. l'uller1on. CA • C PEl~ HICKS. !&Sae Mam- C>flno. Miiiion VlejO, CA 9289 I Thia butl.-II conducted l>y Ill INIMctull c Peter HICk• Tiil• 11atamen1 w" llled with the County Clerk 01 Orange County on AprN 19, 1982 ,,., .. 1 Publl•ll•<I 011no• COHI Oally PoiOI. Aprll 23 30, May 7, 14, 1982 1137·82 NOTICI OP f'UllLIC HRANNG H'OM THI CO'Y COUNCIL OPT .. CITY OP 'OUNTAIN YAU.IV NOllCE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllal Ille City Council will llOld • putlllc l'IHtlng on Tueectey. May 4, 1982. ti 8 00 P M In Ille Counc:ll Clwnbet, 10200 Sla1e1 A....,,ue Fountain Val- ley Cat11orn11. c:once1nlng Iha IOllo· Wing. ADOPTION OF UNIFORM FIRE Or1nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23. 1982 NOTICI CW ""9UC ttlMINO Ae1"1TtOUt 941 ... 11 HOllC[ ti ...iAHY OIVFN 11'181 a MAMI ITATl•NT J)UbllC hearing will be het'1 by 11'18 Tiie lol~no petM>M 111 <!Olng City Councll 01 the Clly 01 Co11a butlneet et • - Mall on M1y 3 1982, Ill t/'18 Councll (el IN\/UTMENT BROKERS OF Ollambetl ol Clly Hiii. 17 Fi ii CALI;,; (b} INVEST MI NT IJRO· Drive , Cotll M ... : 11 8·30 pm., or KEAS or SOUTHERN CALIF , 10 H aoon 111e1Hlter H practlcabl•. Mtllald. IMM CA 9271• on,,.,. lotlowtno Item flLH I NT E,_,,., ••• INC e ·afNERAL PLAN AMENOMCNT CaJllornla COtporallon. 10 M•ll•ro OP·• 1·3A ANO R!HEARINO 0'1 lrll!M CA f2T14 GENERAL PLAN AMf NOMI NT Tl'll1 bualneea II c:ondUCllO l)y e OP-112·18. Coale Me .. Clly Coun· corporetlon ell. 10 conalde1 General Pla n lend FLH Enletll' ..... I~ UH detlgnallon opllon1. Oener•I F L Hanson, Cornm8fcial or Hl1111 Oen1lly R"· Pretldent IOenll ... IOI pr<>pefty loc;ale<I II 2 19. T1111 ,,.,_, w•• llle<I Wtlh Ille !2t,MO221·1i't AlfOClido S1r .. 1 eno ounty C..,.. Of Orange County on Ille Envlronment11 Oetermlnellor> Merell 30. 19U IOI lh• propo .. d Oh•OQ•. Tiie r•· '1"274 hH1ln9 w11 requet1tcl by Gerald Publlllled Or•1191 Coeal Delly OdegHrd, 1ou P•gHu• SttHt. Pilot, Aprn 23. 30, May 1, 14, 1te2 Sanla A.nt Heigl'lta 1904-82 NOTICE IS 'UAfHER GIVEN 111a1 •• .. 14 tome end pt-1111111., .. 190 peraone may apc>eer and 1>e l'IHt d f'ta.IC NOllCE Ml.IC NOTIC£ 'ICTI'TIOUI .uttNIH NA•tTAHllllHT file lollow1no pa11GI' It doing bulint .... _ • • L[ llOYSENlll!RRY MOUSSE Cl Cle1 N Fal1 Drive. Cotta M"•· CA t2o21 , O.wrle A We+n 115A Dal Mar Ava 90tta MeeA CA 120'8 Jelltey M Cl"k IUA Oii M11 A..,. , CO.la Meta. CA 911128 Thi• bu•IMta II eonduc:led by • Q411\tfll l*lnetltllp Jeffrey M Cieri< flltl atatemenl ..... lti.d Wllll 1118 County Clettt 01 Or•noe C-ty on April 2 I, 19t:l ,,1777e Pub1111"1ed Or1119e Coa1t Detty Piiot. "0111 23, a() May 7. 14 t082 178M2 rtlll.IC NOTICE FICTITtOUI auttN«H NAMI tTATIMfNT by the Clly Council on the alo1a· ------------ men I lone<I m1 tl8f NOTICI Of' PUeUC 111• following pe1aon1 .,. doing ~Tr._:....-:::: bull~~M~ BUILDING ~ONSUL EILEEN P PHINNEY. Ctty C ... k Putllllllad Or1nge Coast Dally P~OI Apfil 23. 1tt2 182t·li ON VACATIO l'MMINI TAN TS 243 E 22nd S t Cot11 01 llOMllft TINANT M ... CA 92827 CCCI ... ) Eugene Robert Otw1g Ill 243 E Mollee 11 hereby Q.11181'1 on May 22 22n<I St . Costa Mete. CA 92627 1992. 11 10 oo em , at 680 w 11111 flloro LavaugM Adcock 7•3 f Cl rta.IC NOf ICC rteTmo4't eu ... u NAMSITATllllNT TW1o llow1ng Pt•aon 11 dcl1n11 bd~ .. l~E. 6FCONO TIME AROUND. HO f. 17th Il l Co111 MHe, C A 92827 B11•" Oorll'•m Jone• J A06 6 Ao .. SI ~nll Al\<! CA 92707 Thi• l>ullflftl '' <Ofl<!UCl.cl by a11 1no1v1t1u11 lkian G1>1h11m John I 1111 llel811Wlfll wH filed wllll Iha County Ci.ti. OI Or80Q41 ~nty on April 21 198~ "'"" Pub11t>hocl Orange COHI Daily Pot<>! Ap1ll 2;1 30 May 7 14. 1982 178Hl2 Nil.IC NOTICE F1c1mou1 au•,...•• NAMI! ITATUN!.HT I lie lollow1ng per 1011 11 <1oong 1111 .. ,. .... ~ DOM ORIGINALS 500 S Metn St S10 ~ i:1 Or;111gc CA 92688 C11rl11 O•"'n Hart !> 18 Call OallmMI 01~ CA 9;>667 rrua bUJINll it Wong conduc.llO(l It~ "n 1n<l1Vleluill Ca1l1> 011wn Harl CODE. 1982 EDITION, AS AMEN· 1-----------Street 1n C o11a Men. Orange "2r>ct St Coll• Me1a CA 92627 County tl'la unoerllQlled wt1t ae11 al Tiiis bul•nea.s •• conducted Dr a ~.:;• pu1>11c .. le 1111 peraonll property gene.at parln8t'1\tp !hot s1a1em1>nl WM lliPd w1lh 1110 <.;ourlly Cier• 01 Or ~rlfl" C0<only qn Ap111 ')I 19117 . 0EO ThoM Cletlflng to l81tlly 1n ta\'Ot or on oS>POlf ltOfl to 11111 P'oe>OMI wlll oe gtven an opportunity to oo ao " further 1nlo•m•tlc>r> 11 deelred, you may contact 1"9 Fire Oepa11men1. al 963-83:11 CtTV COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY Evelyn MoClendon City Ctetk Pw1t11'1ed Orange Coett Dally Pl· lol. Aprll 23, 11182 1665-82 r ... 1--. per-.,.-.-· left by JOtiN EVANS El.IOD"I Rol>C!<I °'""IV 111 F'uhh~ O••"ll -M Said ptopeity c:on11111 of petlO· Tiits llal-1 W81 hi.cl Wllll lhu Aprol n ;JO May l•I SUMMA ll!A81NO. INC . (IP) net papa<• and fufnllutt Said IUC-Cwnly Clerk ol Or•noo COunly 00 SUMMA COMME"Cl"'l LEA81HO • Cet· lion will b• made pursuant 10 Illa Apiol 21 1982 .,..,,... 00t00t•Uon, 22202 lklnlfollo ~-. pro~111on of S6Cllon 1988 of 1"9 Cl· F117771 Et roro. CA tl?llO 0 2 02 vii CO<le Pubhalled Orange C()l!SI Dally Pilt)I ~R~N~YT~~E~A ;~ t 2 Oiied Apttl l6 l982 Aprol 23 30 Mey 7 I~ 1118~ "CTlllOUl·IUSINUI ~All MAGEE, 1toa1 Ow-•.l'llu fllehefd 1~1« 1786 81 NA• ITATEM£NT 8-a Ana, CA 92880 .eo W. tTltl I t. t 111' 10110 ... ong p"r sor1• ur• Oumg Tlllll -.. _..iuc1ec1 bl' • """"° C0918 Mfte, C1. PUBltC NOTICE '"'~""~' •l' ~:c?i:7.~ .. llleo wllh the lo::~~~. ~:;r f:8~11 Diiiy Pl· PICTTTIOUI 8UllNH9 CONVd~~~;~~;O ~:,~~o~ ':.:'eG Pl&.IC NOTICE Tnaetor ...,.,., GI~ a Ml-1------------Coulltl Cletto o1 o..,... County on M•Glll 11113-82 NAMe tTATl.MENT Ur1r1 B Stattlon Calolorme !;0680 :io. 1912 ,_. T 118 lollowong person II doong Don Moy••• 671 Broo~ ••e .. -· PU8UC NOTICE l>uttnM~ as Wdy Cos111 M1·u C.a11ro""" 926'6 11'.IU NOncl Of' TflUITel'I I A.I.& NOTICE II heleby given lhel Flfll Charter F1nenc1al Corporation, a C0tporatton. as Truatee under Illa Deed of Trull recorded aa lnatru- ment Numt>e< 23991onOctot>et19 1977 on BOOll 12421. Pege 1722 OI Olhcoel Aeoo<da •n Iha County A«:· orde< 01 Ofan~ County, Celllorn1a. ol which Dead ol Truat Ame11can Saving• an<1 Loen A~l•llon 11 tile a.r..t'llctary. t>y , .. _ OI default 1n Ille payment or performance ol ot>hgahona aecurad thereby end Notice OI OefNI and BeneflClery'• etec11on 10 cauae 10 t>e aold Illa property t>elow dHCrll>ed having !:>Mn recoroeo 11 provided by law. ano more lllan r11ree month• 11av1ng el•DMO tlnc:e aucl'I recotdaUon. Wiii on Friday May 21. 1982 at~ IS A M at I.lie lront entrance 10 Ille Old Orange Cou<\ty Courtnouse 1oc:a1ee1 on San•• Ana Blvd . ~ Syc•· more SI and Broadway. Santa Ana. Calllornoa. Mii al publtc: auction 10 me "'911811 ~ 10< cash, peyat>le al 1118 lime 04 aale 1n lawflJI money of Ille Uolted S•••• wttllOut covonant or "'•tr•nly ••P'e•sed 0t Implied at 10 tolle. POHaH•On or encum· branoea. an rtglll !Ille ar\d 1n1er•1 conveyed 10 •n<I now held by II un· Cler saod Deed ol T rut! In 811<1 lo 11141 proptorly on Illa counly ol Orange Stale qi Ca h101n1a described H lc>lloo#I LOI 23 ol Traci l>O 1088 ... per map recorded in 8ooll 35, Peg41 25 01 Misc:ellaneoua M114>$ on 1"8 Olloce ol Ille Coun1y Recorder ol 111d county for 1"8 purpose Of u tialylng fl"I lndet>1eonau teeureo Dy H•<I OHO ol Trust 1ncludlng the lffa c harges and axpen1ea o f Ille Trullee T"41 street eddrH a or other com- mon e1e11gn11llon ol 111e above· 0.Ktibe<I property •• 1923 Fut .. ,. Ion A...-Cotta Mesa. Cal•lorn'41 92627 T Ila 101al 1moun1 of the ur>p11<1 oal1nce ol IM otJltOaltOn MQ.lfed l>y HI<! Oeeo Of l rust 81\<1 IH50!\al>fv e111m11e<1 c:oall expenH and •d· var>cH at the 11me ol Ille 1n111111 p;.ibhcation of 11'11 Nouce 01 Stile 11 $50.649 •6 Cutrenlly dated ca.,_·,~· or c:eftrtled ctleclll wll be ~I•· Ole to the Trustee PfO\llded I~ are <1rawn in favor ol F1111 Charier Fl- nenc1e1 CorporatlOll eno Mll1lac:- 1ory 10er>t1toea11on 11 avlllleb4e Dale<! Apt~ IS 1982 FIRST CHARTER FINANCIAL CORPORA· ~. UTfUllff By W H HARDIN tu AllOI r>ey "' F llC1 Ad«eta OI Truet .. 4 ISO Nortl'I Palm Slr .. I Fulteflon, Ceiol0tnta 92635 (7141971-3221 Publlehe<I Orwioe CoHI Dally Pt· I01. Aptll 23, 30 ar>d May 7. 1982 1770-82 PUllL.IC NOT.ICE Notte• 01 Hie under tile provl· 11on1 ol tecllon1· 3071 an<! 3072 of the C,1111 Coda ol Iha Siiia of Cell· tornoa • In ac;coroance with U>e P'O't'laionl of 1ec11on1 307 t en<! 3072 of Iha Civil CO<le ol the Slate of Ca11fornl•. the following !lated l/8hlciaa will oe sol<I al Pub lie Auction et 1 O 00 e m Mey 4, tTUft<l8YI 1982 al e 18 EHi Walnut SI Sa nle Ana C11t1orn1a 92701 I FORD 19 78 2 dr VIN •8Wl2F19039e bflartng llltnOll LH: VE9S70 2 MOS, 1976. Body type CV VIN e GHN5UG400187G bearln9 CeNlornla Loe 817YB0 Ben Warne•• G111• Inc 818 E Walnu1 SI Senta Ana. C• 92701 LleMot<let Publlll'led Of•nge Coaat DlllY Pl- IOI Aprtl 23. 1982 1691-82 Publlehecl °"~ CDael Dally .. 1101. ------------1 RWA ENTERPfilSES ::>025 Ray Lipp' Sl6 Mad"O" />.v" Allrt 1, I. 1$. 22. 1912 1412..-i ITATe__,. Of' A9ANOONtlllNT An•llllm Ave Cotia Mesa CA p1.,c.e1111a c.. .. 1o1nrn1~ '12610 -------------! OP UN°' 92617 Tr1t• 1N61nesa •• ton<1uc1e<1 1,. ,, PUBLIC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI .u ..... NAMe Richard w Co em 202'i Anll o«oora1"p11r1n••Sh·~ Tile lollowlng peraon llH aban· llt'•m COiia Mah C.f\ 97621 Ray LIPP• P:lCTITIOUI eUltNlll Cloned Iha UM 01 tl'le ltcllltout butl· Th•• 1>v11ness 11 conduc1eo oy en o A Moye.\ MA• ITATlllll«JofT neS9 name 11\C11vt<lual 1111> •'••f'fnt.~•I .. .i~ l11to<1 ... ,.n 1r.1 Tiie lollOWIRQ P•••on II doing PICCAotLL y PARK CAFE. 4881 Rlchlrd w Ctam (;wnty ,_ .. .,. OI °'"''9· County OI bull,_. U Bllcll Sttael, Suite P Newport Th11 1111omen1 wH fol&d wotn tnu AIJ"' ;>1 1911<' VICTOR PROOVCTIONS, 1103 BellCh CA 92880 Coun1y Clerk ol o,~ng• Counly un Walnut Street. Tu1Un. CA 92680 Tile FICllllOUI Butlnela N•INI re· Aprll 21 1982 VICTOR leVAR PETERSON. le.recs 10 al>Ove was tiled In 01an99 FtlnH Puhlt>hl"<I Or J"ll" Cod" Omly Polot F1$77M Aprol 23 30 Mey 1 14 198') 1103 Walnut. Tu.Un CA 92680 Cwnty on May 17 1981 Tllta bUSI,_ •• con<lucied by •n RONALD 0 CRAIG. 16709 in<llVl<lual Tu.lift VlllaOI Way •J8 Tuelln CA Victor Levar PetetlOn 92680 Thts llll-1 WH hied Wllh ,,.,. ,,.,., bull,.,. .. WU cor>duclecl by Cwnty Clerlc of Orange County on 1n 1n<11v1<1u1l March 31, 1982 Ronald O. Ct•lg F1MMO Tl\ls llftemenl WU filed Wllh lhe Published Orange Coast Delly Piiot Courty C181k ol Orenge County on April IS 22 29 Mey 6 1982 Aptll 20 1982 1702 82 fteOMI PU8l.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllNHS NA ... ITAtt*"'T The IOltowong pertonl a re <!Olng l>ullnest U Put>U"'8<1 Orange Cout Deify Pt· IOI, April 23. 30. Mey 7. 14, 19&2 175~-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUltNHI NAME ITATeMINT Pubhtl'lfl<I 0. 3nQ4t Coaa1 Oa~y PolOI 1800 82 Ap11I 73 30 May 7 I 4 1982 1780 87 Plate NOTICE f'taJC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINf.81 NAME STATEMENT Nt·t217t STAT£Mf.NT 0, A8ANOONMENT th .. lollow1n9 P•"on '' de>oroq M USE M FICTITIOUS hu~ness .s LTD euSINEll NAME OUR COMPANf 1 he 1011owing perton1 n ave ~ S M11n Ci Ste Sl2 O•ange eO..ndoned ll'le use ot Ille llCttllOUI CA 92668 b111onan ntme 8REA CANYON Carltt 0 8,.n Hilot S 16 E11~• MOBILE ESTATES at 162 1 E 171h Ookmon1 O••nqe CA 92667 SlrMI Santi Ana CA 92101 This l>ullr>MI "conducted l>y tn The hc:tltoout ous1ness name ••· •n<l••t<lu&1 lerred to above will f11f'<! on County Catlo Oa"'" Hart on June 21 1978 In.~ st111emt!f1I w•~ h~ with Int' I Moo.le FinanCJal Inc 1621 E C,.,.mty Cle•• r.1 0•111\0f! C.o.,nly on SHREDDERS 234 Pro1pec1 Newport Beac:h. cat11ornoa 92663 NOTICIE 0' IALI Stephen R Tully. a Calllornla Notice 11 l'leraby given puttuent to c.orporauon 234 Proapecl Newport sectlOnt 3071 ar1d 3072 ol tl'le Ctvol Beech CalH0tnt• 92863 The IC)llowtng petton II dOlng l>ul<· neas as 17th Street. Santa Anl CA 9270 1 Aprtl ?1 198:1 F117773 Pubil.rlt'<I O•ariq" Coast Oe•lt P1101 Apul 13 JO May 1 14 1\197 Th11 buSlneN waa con<luclP.d t>y a Code 01 Ille State OI CaJllorn11 lhe Ann M PhlMipl 204'\ Anttt>el under11gn11d Mc:F1tland Towing Newpofl ee.ctl Celflornla 92663 Inc wJI Mii 11 p;.iblic a.ic11on, at 578 Tl'llt OUSlnll6 1s c;onducted 1>y • No Sa11111e SI Ofange CA 92688 I lhl a t 10 00 a m on Monday Ille 3rd Qe'IN• pa"s~ R Tully day ol May 1982. Ille 1011owlng <I•· llltt atatamenl was ltleel wHh tile scro°:': ro~t~ d~ ~'x 5 0 o MC County C.1< ot Of anoe County on V 1 n P C 0 l 4 I 0 7 !>SS Aptl4 7 1982 FllNTII E n g P C 0 I E 4 I 0 7 6 0 S C A Pul>lllh80 Ofenge Coal! Dally P1 Ltc..111V2483 ·lol Apt~ 15' 22 19 May 0. 1912 Seid sale 1a tor Ille purpose ol 167S-82 SECURIT V CONSULT ANT ANO ALARM SYSTEMS 25211 Stock· pon Dn\19 •227 t..guna Htltl CA 926!>3 ABBAS SAOARI 2!>21 I Stock· port Orove. •227. Laguna Hiiia, CA 926!>3 Tiiis bu11r>esa •• conducle<I by a" tflOt\lt<IUll AObH Sardatl T1111 11a1em1n1 w11 llled w11ll 111• County C181k 01 Orange County on Ap<tl 20 .1982 '"",. Put>lltl'led Orange CoHt Olllly Piiot. Aprtl 23, 30. Mey 1 14, 1982 181M2 Umoted Parlnerll'ltp Rk:l'lard Simonian Voce Pr-~1 1·86·1!2 Tllos statemenl was hie<! w1111 lht P\JBllC NOTICE COunly Clerk ol Orange County on ------------Apnl 19 198;;> FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Pvbltthe<I Oranoc Coatt O&oly PilOI lne tollow•ng person•• d11or1Q Apt~ 25 Mat 3 10 17 1982 tJu~nHS a• 1839-87 ANDERSON £N1ERPR1$ES ------------t 111132 Magnohe C10 Hon1or>g1on PUBlJC NOTICE Uf'8Ch (..A 92646 Ntl29M I TA TUIUIT ~ WlTHOflAWM FM>M l'ARTNl!iftl ._. irenP Elaine Ander1oro 1913;> Magnolo3 CJO l1un11ng1on Beath CA 'l;;>646 sa1111y1ng lllfl Ol 1118 underslgne<I IOt 1ow1no an<l/Of 110<age charges to· get~ "''"' CCMll 01 adllelllSltlO 81\<1 e .. pensn of Mia Oalacl lllit IOlh Clay OI N>r~ 1982 JK Lien S.... ,.IC~ -H Of'EftATIHO UNOE:R lllAMR HAn-.lfT P'\lllJC NOT1C£ FICTITIOUS 9Ul*EH .... Tno• 1>u11ne .. ," co'10.,<ll'<l t>r .,n •OO•vt<tua• Pub1111'1ecl Orange Coell 01tty Pt· IOI, Aprtl 2t 1902 1681·112 Pt&IC NOTICE .. n.. •~ '*_,,. OOoflO -l'ICTITIOUI eUSMll Tiie lollowlng P••son hH w1111 SOF TlC !llRlfiC[S 111~0 (UCllO NA.Ml ITAn•NT drlwn H a general partlWlf from Ille !itreet Ho t . Gar-a. ..... CM!DfN8 flle following persons 111 doing par1nara111p operating unda1 Ille A-• w.11.,. D••'-J 1 11~ t-~.. 1oc111oou1 l>usme ss name ol ALLS 11-E An<>N aon T n,, slall'mm11 "'ll> I•~ w•lll lhu C.ouroty C1e11< 01 Or~nge County un Apr~ ?1 1982 SorMt loot Ow-Growe Cal+10t"'• WOODCHUCK INDUSTRIES. TATE REALTORS MILLER-MOORE t~~ 1>11...,.•• "co"°"'teo 111 0,. rn 1835 Wllllller. Sulla C4, Co1t1 ASSOCIATES at 811 IS Alla n Pc NOTICE Of' AVAllAM.JTY M8M. CA !12e27 A--Hunungton Beach. Celllor Of' ANNUAL Ml'OtlT -n<I 112648 F1'7T74 Publ•snecl Of i>tlQ<' Coast Oa I) P1101 Ap<'I 73 30 May 7 1• 1982 118• e::> -1 w o.e.r, HARRY DENE PEACHEY 213 Tile lk:t'hwa btJ••nas name Ila· Pursuant to Section 8104(<11 of "•••t••-••••toleoWllflU..Coun•• South Kellog A11«1ue Fullerton CA ' .. PUBLIC NOTICC Ille lnlernal Reven.ie Code. llO!lce 19 c.i..• Of o.-Coun1~ on "Pfit 1 tN' 92833 ' · tement for 1"41 P4111ne«llllP was hied ------------ hereby gM!f'I tlltt Ille annual reoo<I '*"' STEVEN MICHAEL BODA. 8922 on Oec:emt>er 3 1981on1"41 COunly SUPERIOR COURT for lhe caltond1r year of t98 1 of Put>il•nea O•anow CoHI D••lf P•tol T St I G d G 0 8 CA OI O.inge OF CALIFORNIA Broggs Cur>ningham Automotive Apt 1 •~ n n IH 1 1eos 81 ,..2':!:.! rae · ar en 1 v · Full Name •n<I Alldreu or Illa COUNTY Of' OflANGE • """' P.,-son W1llldl8wt~ 00 C........_ C ...._ W I Museum•• available tor public •n· Tho•~ 11 conducted by a II· J A"ES ''OO R 7 6 ~2 Ani t• 1 , .. ,.. .,.,,.. ......... " speclton by any lnle1e 11ed etltzen -.. ~ ...., ... ... " S.ni. ·-· c.ilfotNa 12701 wtio reQunll 11 11 Ille loundllton • ,._ ... ,-. mtteo ~·f; 8od• lane Hunhngton Beach Cal1lorni1 Matter of tile A<loptoon Pt!l1llon ol, pronctpal OfltGe locel&d 11 250 Beaer This atattmenl wH Ille<! wltll tile G2647 Jamet Moore Wii mer Gene J1n1ce~ Adop11ng S1ree1 Colla Meu C11l1lorn1a ~~A~ Counly C141r11 of Orange County on Ftrn:J7 Pwen1 92626 begmning on ~ay 11. 1982 ri. ~ .,.,_ •-. --Apr-20. 1982 .......... ._..Or...,_ ,. __ 11 O•..., p,•-i AMENOED CITATION (PROBATE) and lor 160 days IM<ffller <luring • ,..nit r,..,...,......, -·...-........, -1 "' C-No AO 2S62S reQular bu11nes1 llourt from 9 00 HllOt S HELPE"I 111 !ll•er11ae Publlll'led Oiange CoHl Da lly Apt~ 28 May 3 10 17 1982 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF am 10 5 00 pm °"'4. .,, ~--..CA t?M3 PllOI, AptM 23, 30, Mey 7, 14, 1982 11140..82 CALIFORNIA ga~":t":;::f~~~':.~[:;'f.11e~~";; ~~=1:·:::::: ::• 1759-112 MlJC NOTICE ~~/~~~;:::~~!,E:;d requo Cunnlnghem clMdl;el PUBLIC NOTll't ------------red 10 appear el • 11eanOQ In Ill•• Tile title ol Ille Prtnc¥>af M.neget Jilft ll W11M llW. 'ICTITIOUI •UttNllS COUii on Ju,_ 2S. 1982 al 8 45 .t m ol ·~ toundanon •• Pres•denl Ot· TM• •l•l•t11•11I ••• flle4 •1111 Ill 'ICTTnOUI .,....... T NotlA~ ITATl•NT In Dept 9 loctled at 700 C1vtc; rector C-., C:... Of Or-. c-t)' Oii ....,Clll ..._ ITATbillNT Ile f ,,_.ng penona •1• dOlng ~ter Onw W811 Senta Ana Cal PUBLIC NOTICE Published Orange Coe11 Delly )I ita . ,.,_., Tile 1o11ow1ng perwoni aie Clolng t>u"'g,:~~ TRUCKING. 2119 Po· 1lorn•• 92701 11nd 10 give anv !toge! NOTICE 0, ~ H£ARINO Pllol. April 23. 1982 PMbllohed 0••1'9• CoHI O•llr. Piiot butl,_ ee: mona. Cotta M .... CA 92827 reuon why, acc0td1n11 10 the ve<1· NOTICE 1$ MEREBV GIVEN that a l834·82 API* 2, ti, ti, .n, 19C 4n_.; ARGO UNDERSEA ENTER-TERRY PHILIP SPEAR, 2119 heel pellllon hie<! wtlll lhiS courl tnis CWflCIAI. ~·CW pubhc 11eerlng will be llel<I by Illa PRISES. 817 W 17111 Stteet, •2. Pomone. Cotta Mesa. CA 92827 edopllon P•l•llon s hould not be THE 90.AN> Of' ~ City Council ol Illa City ol Colla PUBLIC NOTICE NllJC •T1CE Co.la Mau, CA 92tl27 CANDACE SUE SPEAR 2 119 a<~~~ Ao"' ') 1981 Of'flC&AL ~Of' TW llOAJID Of' """"Vtl<>RS Mesa on May 3 1982 ;n ll'le Council JOSEPH JAMES RYAN, t9S4-Pomona Coeta Meu. CA m 21 lee A Branen Clerll Of' OflANGe COUNTY, CAL..-ONtlA Cha mbers ol City Hall 77 Fair NOTICI TO CAtOt'T04'1 Fe<!etlll Coeta Mesa. 'CA 92927 Thia bus!,_ la oondudao by 1111 Senta Ma, Celfomla Orove Colla Meea 11 6 30 Pm OI Of' ITOCk TRANlf'lfl ~A~U DAVID FINNERN. 821 Pr...oio, lndlVICl\.181 Sy Oet.ty O;e<la A '9gUl8f mMl!ftG of the eo.t<I ol ~· of Of1nge Counly. Cali-as soon lhereefler H pr1c 1oca1>1a. Notte• 1a l'leraby given 10 Cf editors Tiie 1~ ~ ,. ~ .,.,_ Coate Meu CA Te<ry p SI*!• l«nla, elao=I 11 tne G!Mlmlng Eloeord of Iha Dlstt1Cts govamecS by Iha on Ille ro1t0Wlng ''em• 01 the w11111n name<! 11an1la1ort1I .. Tllta bualn1111 la ooneluctt<I t>y • Tiiie 1-ie1emeri1 wu fifed Wllh 11\9 Boetd ol • -held"°"' 13. 1982 .• , 9:30. m. The !Ollowlt>q REZO NE PETITION R-82 04 tllal a ltoelt .,.,,,,., "aboUt 10 be , PAULI ASllOCIA TES. 1002 generlll pannerll'ltp. County C•k of Oranoe C-Outlty on r>atftad mem l*ng praa.n1: Bt~ Neatande. Chei11nan, Roger A Otnn1s M Gimpel and Donald R ma<I• on personel properly llaret· '""" .. -Cour1 Fount.., v-,. CA JOM9f'I J Ryan Aptll 20, 1982 Si.nton. Haniatl M WlaOet, ~ B Clartl. ThomM F Riiey and the Cler\ Slrll<llS 5600 Rt .... Avenue. N-· n•fl• clelerlbed mot Thi• 11a•-· WH ''*'with the '"7121 The offlclll ll•t-' for Ofanoa COunty s.cor.i Houetng ,.._.,. 8ond por1 BHc n lor perm1111on 10 ••· The nama<•I and bu11nea1 ad· _'~·~!.:;,.:''~..:!',·~A 1;7"1C:." County Cler1I Of Or811Q8 Coun!y on PubW!e<I Oranoa Coat Oall\r Pl- ,_ le 11P91oY9d State UcenM to ConOuct .,. Adoption ~ 19 •• zone prooe<ly •I 2640 F-•Y Ori..,. or ... of I~ intended 1ran11eror(•I Thi. ""-11 COl'dvclecl .,,. .,. .,,. April 20. 1982 IOI, Aprtl 23. 30, May 7. 14, 1961 newed. 8. Ooldbetg la apc>Ointed lo the Human 5-vloae AcM9ory 8oefd. from RI to R2 Environmentll De· ere FRANCIS W. DAVE.I!. 202 Celle 41-...i rtfT72t 176S-32 COmmandlllonl and proelematlOna er• approY9d. c.rtaln CONtructlon term;natlon Negative Oeclaratlon De Anze. San Clemente. CaNlornla Fr-o ,._ Publlihed Orenge Coe11 Dairy Pl- con1rac:ta are -arded. completed and Ml for bid. A "-'ln!I le aet for PROPOSED APPLICATION lor 92612. KIROKO OAVEE, 202 Calle T1111 e1e1amen1 ••• llleo wllh lhe lot, April 23. 30. May T. '°'· 1982 ----' Anneullon No. 81·5 10 CSA-0. P~ ~ere llPPfO-1118 Cornmunttw ~I Block De Anu San Clemente C.Nfornla eou..ty Clerti ol °'*'98 County°" Mardi 1763-32 ... _ , • • llO 1112 ,.111111 \.ad; S w.imat, M.O. 11 dellgt\altd the Drug Program ~lat« The Grant Pro 9rem for F11ca1 YHr 92972. RAYMOND J l<HIGHT. ,.11011.,_ecs o.anea eo .. 1 Delly PtiDi ACTITIOUt 8UllNltl Ar• Agency on Aging 1982-85 Ar•~ II ~o\'ed AdoptlOn ll09ftCY 1982-13 25948 View Point Ortve WHI. Aof9 1. a. tS 22 1M2 fl'ta.JC NOTICE ~ ITAHMENT Pl8JC NOTICE WIUJAM ll'UCE YOH CON>OVA I V088 ........... Drift ... t. 250 ~ 9Mch, CA l29IO (7H) 1W-10IO PubllShe<I Or enge CONI 0111ly PllOt Apnl 23. 30. May 7. IA, 1982 11\38·82 P\8.JC NOTIC£ ~ta ate authorized Aecoldl Control 8c:McMM IOt EMA, Fire NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lllat Clll>l•trano 8"ch. calll«nie 92824, 14.._., ------------Tile follow! d I ~tmenl an<! OSA/CommunlcatlOnl Dl~alon 818 ipP<owed P\&r<il'la· II Mid lime and plac;e, aM lnter•led FRANCES E KNIGHT, 2514& View FICTITIOUl IM.l .... 11 butlnaH H ' ng pertona are o ng Nlt2712 elflQ mettan .... approwd. AB 8 OttennlnatlOn for the G•dtn Ofow pertont may appear and l>e l'leard Point Ortva WHI, C1p1•1rano rta.IC NOTICE NA• ITAftMaHT l(ASHMIR. LTD 3•71 Vie Ltoo. I UPEfllOft COURT Seriltary Olltrlot It 8j)pl'owd. Conlllct ol lnl•eet Code of V'8 South Cout by Ille Clly Council on the afore· 8"dl, CalHornla 92024 The loll owing per1on 11 doing Sulla 21 I. Ne..,por 1 B .. cll .. CA 0, CALW04'HIA County Wat• Oletrlc1 19 ~ Rltlge ,_. er• wllwd for 1he Garden mentioned mellers Th• locatlon In C1lltorn1a of tl'le AC111104.ll .,...... bull.llMI 11 COUNTY Of' ~ANOE GfOOM Unlfted Sdlool Oletflct'•W-'• Self~ CIMa.. Thi polcy ol EILEEN p PHINNEY clllll execu11Va omce Ot Pllnc;lpal HAMI ITATIMSWT COME 'N' GO TRAVEL. 1153 ~ANNY JAY SCHEUER. 25 700 CMc C-tet' om. .... heoMQ en ltWIU8I aidlt of the CountY• F1ntndal 6....,,_,I II adopted City Cler., butlneu olllc• of the ln1e11ded The following person•• doing South Pec:lllC Coa11 Highway. Le· Roclr.y Knoll, 1.....,,., CA 92715 Senl• Ana, CA t2'70t 11\d tolldta11on of propoNll lrom lodependent public accounllng ftnna.. Published Orang• Coaa1 Dally lfanttelor .. -bUllMN -GOO• Beac:h, CA 92tS 1 0 PLAINTIFF B SHARON CLEVE· authol1Md Jail WOl1l ~ Progrlff't 11 lpl)toved. AteoMIOn_regardlnQ Ptlol April 23 1911:1 827 92 All othe1 bualneu nemaa •n<I NORDIC REFRIGERATION. WINOSTREAM. INC .• Callfor· Knoll. ~~'!.~AE~2~~:· 32 Rocky LANO, Aa Peraonat ~-ll•IMI tl'le ~tlon of SentlaOO MunlClpal ACMtofy Councll Ind CSA No. s I • eddlHHI UHd by th• Intended 1525 w. MaCAllhur, • 17. CJ>at• nla corpor•llon, 1154 Gavlota, L•· Tllll buelnee• la conducled by • ol Iha Esl•I• of DIANE A VALDEZ lloundtwlte, .. .aopteo. UfotnenQe No. 3318 .. adopted. Tu INll18f9 .,.. • •• ,,., •• Or wllllln thrff YHrt IHI MIN, CA 92028 OU"" Beecll, CA 921151. ___. .. pattnetlhlp DEFENDANT LEONARD RO· 8'1Pfoved. Ptymen110 EIR eon.uttant, PAC Toupe. lnC , II aitflor1zed. .,._II' MftflC( puUof.,MlmowntotlMllntended WAYNE M StAALESOH, Tiiie ~le condUc1eO by a .,... .. _. Dan Sdlelltf BEAT BLAUVELT and DOES I P04enti.I Aoed Protectl Report II~-CcNldetatlon Of IN Soc:lti r-..n. "" tranalarH are: El Cimino Travel 17082 °'-Slreet. •t:l, HuntJno-COfPO'ltlon. 111rougti ~ lndutlvt, Progr-"4¥teofy eomnwu.·· ~IO lnltlete IN 1N2..a3 Funding ITAT1MINT °" MAMDDl•IQfT Se1vlc;e CAKA 0811ff Tt111e1 Al(A ton 8Mctl. CA 92649 Wlndatrwn, Inc Thia 118*'*'1 -lllad with Iha '"'*°"' ~ .. ~. 9udOet Tr...,. .,.. ~. The lent• Ana Of' UM°' Sen Clement• TteYelj. 111 so. El Thi• bWlnMe .. conch.aecl by~ ~ Gta1r91, ~Clerk Of o..anoe Coun!y on c-....... ..... Flood Protectton A09ftCY It~ to reootn11•Mf lnteml anct tlnel f!CTITIOUa ~It NA.Ml Cimino R .. I. Sall Clemenl,. Call· lndM<IUel. Preeldent Apt ' 1982· ,,.,.,.. NOTICll Y•11 flH• bHfl a11ad. ,.,... Of flOOd prOWC11on. Trect IMtter'a.,. mppro¥'1d and Olllfl ac:t.IOn le nie following peraon• have, forl\la Wt'(ftff M. Staeteeon Thie •l1temen1 wu !lied With the Pul>htled Otanoa Coeel Delly p1• Tiie -1 fMJ 411eoNe ._... ,.., ~.Thi IOfM"*ll wtltl ()renoftrood, A...., Home FOt o.p.n.. abandoned tile UM ol ,.,. llclltlou Tti• nam•C•I and bu1ln1u •d· Thlt tteltirne)\t wu llMCI With the County Clerk Of Ofanoe County Otl lot AOtll 2'3. 30. May 1, 14• ttl2 wlthMt JMr Mlftt ~ _.... _... ONl«_:j.:Lsi elMflded. 0.. Potnf Hett>cw Crown Poent ,..._ertt'• butlnea.s nalNI' arw of tl'le Intended 11anef«MC•I CovnlY Clerk 04 Ofa11ge County on A4Jt'M to. ttu. t7S7.a2 yev Nepeftd WftMft • ..,._ AaM o,t1ot1 to II relnttmecl and extended. PrCCIOMd Otdlnlnoa,.. iUM.-CONSTRUCTORS $51 are-W CHANNING SMITH, 5 10 W, Aptll ft. 1982. 11"7m tlll ~ ..... . llllJClnQ w-. Colector IMnnce "9qulrement• II QOntlnu9d. A ... r .. van e • 322 N po I l..OOot Metlnoe, SM~ ... Cll-.. ~ ~ ()fMQe ~ OallY Pl-.,._.,. NO:TIM' " "°" """ IO ... ""tNMcie of r..a Wtltl Nwettront 8POt1t c.neer. Inc. tor tfle Fon.I ,..,. P"'11 site ~.CA tHe3 · aw 1 llornlt 82672, S~U"AT Ill SMITH, Pubtlltled Orange CoMt IOt. Aprt 23, 30,....,, 7, 14, tM2 nlUU'I ''""' 1n attorney in thlt 111a11e'. you ~'end the~ v ... Gott CourM \.-le amended. FM The Flellt!Oue Iv.._ N•INI r 5 TO w Lobo• Mutno1, ••n Cl•· "'°'· Aptl 2a. 30, M.y 7, 14, 1 lltM:t 1---,-IC-Tm-tOU-.--.,-... -........ ~-thould do IO ptomf)lly '° 11'181 YOUI' ~ fOt leGll d*IM °' llebllly cMlrll9 II ........ HICO ContllCtt lerreo 10 •DOvt WU llted In Of• nwnte. CalllOfnta m12; DOROTHY 1803.e2 NA• tTATIMltfT Wftlltn reN)OllM. If •t1y, may be II ,..... WOfMIH• f'r..itlonal l.Mng c.neer, 1no. and .... ~A•llllelnl .,. c-... , .. on J·-13, 1"77. I!. SMITH. 810 w. Lobot t.Urlnoe, ... _.,. Mt\-T .................... _ .................... bual• Itel~ lime .... Oiied. ~...,.. ...... 10 '°""' eo.t Nt Oulllty ()I. -HARRY .... -KNOns. 5518 N-San Clemente, Celllof'nlt tH72 rtaJC MOllCE 1""8U'-..vi.-•.• ".,, ........ -· ........... .,, AvtlOI Uete4 lie .......... ". a\itct IOt -of apeo. •I ii T0tO 'Ir• 8'etlcMt. COn.ld., ton of 11'18 Wt A...,_, •3<12, Nftpoft Beech, Thtt the 1Ka,•t1Ypett~t ,_..o '9C11TIOUI ...... ft K QMllON£fl a ASSOC., 2333 •He. II tr--= M<ct4tr ~ CoMdOte P1C90Md DevtiOPflM«t Poley le continued. OA t2M3 II dHGtltltd If\ ouetel H . All PUa..IC NOTICI MAm tTATUllNT E Coe11 H(ghMy, eor-del Mat, oeMf9 Ud,.... . a -~::::,:#' ..... '°'81l~~CMG .. ___.v·~ Lll.Y.l<NOTTS. 5515 Rl11e1 °""~INr•Ofetomoof-IM TAnl~~~~ftleOby .... ~~llowl11g~reont1dolftg OA82125. 4'111~~, .. ·~ ..... .,.~ II\-V ,. _ _,of .-....-aand .__, ....._"'.,. .. •'""" ..._....-.......Ah c• CalifOffllt OClrpOfatlon, k & tnA· he fVIM -·-·.r·....., . l ,,__u: •Q•ERT ~ o• .. o .. ••, l ltt .... _ -111ro.--.-.., ~ 11 ~.-;;:-~of ea... e;.·r;;,.-.; ...... H* t"~. ' .,cc, ·~......,' -' " VEL SlftV'IC(. tfifC .• =~ Cent« Orille. Htrwpofl 9eedl. 1111-IAM ELECTAICI, n9 W. 1tltt " " " "" "•" •-,..-...., ' -... .-.-..--,....., Ti ................ 1 t2•'"3 ' ... _ '"t--' ,._., .......... ,. .. , ...... , ~c .. ~,.!:.Jerr•¢e. Corona oet Mar. • •1 Utt_ .. d ............ .,.., •• el ~on• 11 .....,._,, ,._._tor tM -· "'*" .....,...,.IO ---, ,. _,......._. fhlll l>llllnell ,.11 condU¢ted by a .. OO&lllWllW rlllltl MO --'°'" •· ..... . Of • iron• c .... noe v ,_,,....,,,. -• ..,. ·-• ,. • ......, "' .., ......... ..,.,.., ... -n. ... of ... ~ of ()( .... MIMlorl \llejo Compeny, le ..itled ganatll pen~ et: en Cemlno Oe IOt ...., .... Wt. from 'lt>ICl•lty cornmerclel to oen-STllVIN 11108EA'T HICKMAN, Tiii• DutlM.. .. conCNG1ed by .,, -Oe un abOQtldo 8f\ eat• MUOIO. , Tiie ~ lldjOUrntd. Htriy M l<nottt 1 o t. l•n Clemente. Ct Ulornl• •al retail ..... ~ MMCie un6ef 1700'.4 80 ieyttonl, lellloa llllMd, ~ Merit f\eclrtO tnmtdllNmenl•. de l8IAll JUHi ALIXANO£A Liiy l<notll tatn. 111e Home 1mpro•eme111 01111•1 CA tate2. Aotlet1 IC 0.-clMr •• menera. au 1911PU9t• eacnt• Ollftl of .. lolrd Thie t!aJ-" -ftltd ~ IN TM l>l.9ineta ,_ uaed by Ille Pl•nnH COf'lll'll\UlllY Aeeiltetlofte TNI llwlllell II ooncNcMd by aft Thia alal-nt wu tuecl ~ttl the II Ny ~ Plllde Ml ,..._,Ide Of~ r-.-.. Cllril of Or: ............. Mid.,.....,~ at Mid looMlon ... 1a~ lf\dMdum. 04MllY Qef1t Of OrMOt ~ on • '*"""°' ~ llM>OUOtHOI ()fl THI Of'AHOI COUNTY Houef"G AV. ~ .. ;. ltl2 .,,.. ............. Of\ ocEMMEW TAAVfL. flll• •CIPllCIOon .. to permit ,, ..... "' ........ ~to ,.a , TO THr OE:FENO+\NT· A chttl TMONTY • ,,,_ n.t Mid .,__,., 11 ~ to p«c9"t ...,.,., retell ..... e11ct TNe ... ..,,.,. .. Med wMtl .. 1 • '*"' compl•l111 llH 11 .. 1\ tllM b.r th• A,_.,......_ Of Ille Or-.~...,_.~ -11.s AIWI Pullll•h9d Or•rtD• Coul Oafty lie ~ al the otrio. of: "rvtc• llMI 1101 retatH to ~ 00urttY Oleftl oil Or-..~ Oii .-Ull..._ Ot~ COMC o.1y p6tlfltlft ~ ~ If._, WWI to tli 1112 .. UO U1 TN lllOWl!lil ,_... ...... Mtrlt ,,...... l'IOt ACWll H *J ~ f 14 ttlf .... ..._ II ........ lne., IOt lmPO.,...._ lfl .... ~ nMll Apt f01 lta 111M. AtW1Zli30....., 1, t4, t111 .._, tNe--..it, )'Oii ~ Mtfwl n..a '·=~."--fl...,_.,...,... 11111. Y'llMtr • .,... ' ' ' ' tf....a N. Tlllllt AlltNl8 ...... ltO,..,... HoflW ..._,~ C...........,. ,_,. 111~ • daya alter lfllt ~la let• If 1 ''• a. Ollr* IM t. Cllltl. Ari•. Caltf0f11le t270S Ofl or •fMf et the ft~ comer• ~ ._ ~ °'*9 0... Dlllr fi'. Ire<! Ofl ~Ou. tile witl'I tltl• coun • A J IJ o ,...,::s,:;::111 • ..,_. AeNa!Ml>1 It......,, ,,,.,.. -Mew tO. 1tea. IMN C..... Ot""9 -· Apltl n. JO. ,.._ 1. 14. 1111 W ll>TU .ntteri tuOonM to tl!fl ~t -"' ,,,,..._. • .......,. n.. i..... °' --.. tot A. t'111t oentlet It 1101 1u1t.1Mt to Tiie 8'Wlroi-1a1 ,...,,,.,....,., ,,.,,.. l.llM* rou c1o to. YOfr#t .,..,.. 'tl!tll tt • .,. 11 ~· ~~MO. CtlllOtf\I• Ut11forlft Colftm•rolel • 4111S181ID 1 It"'...,..,.. PIOnnou9 WM be entafad on •Pc>llC•tllMI ot ,,... ' ~ JUHi AL.IJWIOM Coo.~ I.JOI. •"II etelo a11ct Olly ~ffllMt, e -•.. ..... ITA~ pNl!ltlf!, ef\d ltlte OOUl'I 'NY....., a a.. f/I...... flle rtMlrfAd d"eff Of tfte D ..... , ... ._,. ,_ Tiie , ... __.,., l*SOM •e '°'lit ~t ...-. '°" lor lfl9 ...._. Of ... 1 .... 8 ,_..,t_.Ul~o6eNtMr• fOfltoept.,llS•P'Ofec1 .._,... .,___.In ltoe ~. llfllCltl °"QAL 'fM)GalDt..ol OP THI IOAPO Ofl IUllllPVllOM Ofl tMM le ttttt 1118'ew ...... ,...... ....... '9t ~,..... "-.............. TAfltANAHA 11.ICTftlC CO , c011ICI reeuH In gar11fall1Hfll ol ~ OOUNTY. ~ " ..... tol N T11etlft A...,.J 9111'9 It ...... """'2. tltl. .. eraw .... ~ c.... L ......................... tllltno Of INIMY Ot ~ ..... ~ Gllllr'lllll I 111, ._,.,. Alie, CA HTOI Cll 0 A ...... ...,._.. ......... O!\ tlle ....... ..,.. -.... ._. .....-. CA Mt4I •• otllaf reilel re4'11••1M Ill Ille Os•• .......... .......,0ei ...................... ii ..... .., ..... AM.CAm111 ........ ,"' .. 5'"'"::~&if\f-·-·-· .. --"~°'" 1!f1rt .. ..,~ ,. ... ,..., ......... .,..,!'t!.,..,.. '*'•=• °" . ..--l.lllflle · Osllft, .. ;euo'""-1 ....... }li::. ca....~~~=~ l~·m;r.:;:.·a..t-=,J~~-=.::-: INI~~~ t . -· ~::.,.-".'....... • .. ..._T=..,CA i;°'.-...-......_ ,,.._. ............. 'J~..... ........ HltlHOffle';r.':.":te ..-elffff Ml CeAW, ~ .19'11..,_. ,,. ........ • Wl911111 ..... _,, 11t•.!!t.!!--"'~,.. ..... ,.. ...... . ~...... ~ ......... :Ti Iii'*"'· ... -"" -=foiP··-:.-· .. ··-· ... -· . :lfi" '-:. .c .:.: :-·;; m'tf.iE:'-i.::. :::: ..... = .. a .J:=..:.,,.. , ... a..:. ........... -.... ~ .. tMr •. ar...·• O..!!!f-· .. ....,.... ..... ,~...... '"'f' ... ., ...,. ...... ... .,.,..-...... ..,,., .. "._ ..... ..,.. .......... ,.~ -,, , .... .. .. I I i I t ., ' ... • Cl Or•nge Coaet DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 231 1982 P.rivate_ Prop~r~Y Jjl,ig~ts: Y.o.~rs .to protect f >rlvato Property Wed< is t one w..ek of (ti ytar in wbkh ..-rlu;ulnr ullention 111 tcic:used on onl• of nur nt1Uon'1 bHic right.I th right of tw~ry. i4¥!ividuo.1 J.O own 4'nd nuunluin a ploct1 of I.he lCJtd. Your locul Uourd or ftcalwrs 111 dedlcaWd LO protoctlng Lhi11 right aud t'llCOurages all r1 twm-s to 1oin with utl In preserving iL for future generatlon11. llVINI COVE The bHt guarded romrnunlty In Nt•wport i>r Laguna Pravat.e Sandy 8e11Ch ~n View, ~.000 IQ ft ~ Bdr. ~ bath l\ooll' Huge fire· placelt. v11ull4-d beam l~lllnp. dvuble lot and 1u~rbly landM'O!X'd rriar yard with dra matH.' w .. u .. rt.-11 SIK-nfu.°'"· ut $1 ,930,000 In Fee • wl consider yow home or W-Comt p1operty as down payment and carry a ht T.D. at 12\. Wm. E. Doud & Co. Inc. Realtors Ernest Georce (714) 673-1600 HARBOR RIDGE Jodelle Mdl • This home offers luxury and comfort for the affluent 3 Bdrms, 2', ba. formal dining rm and a panoramic view of all Newport and 1ne blue Paclhc Financing at less than 11% 1n1 Asking $795.000 UNtVERSITY PARK This 1mmal::u1a1e 3 Bdrm 2 ba tiome In a park flke selling 1s only for the fussiest and most dlscnmmallng Imagine fmanc1ng at 9~,•4 1n1eres1 Astung S 169,000 HOLSTEIN REAL TY Damy Bibb 966-9058 or 640· 7665 Will SELL H TUH Tiil ILIFFS. P o pular 1 s to ry "Linda" Plan. Enp_y happy days · chl'<'ry condo. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, aar l'Ond , se(·urity system. 2 patios. $275.000 FEE LAND. Consider lrade for larger horn(• Baycrest · Wl'stdaff area. f<acheffe f<oLerJ - 2a55 c. Coast Hwy., Ste. 221 Corcw dtl Mal 67~2373 Sea!!!li!CJ!!,!!!':"-~!Ji!lt Br home ft'IJlurmg sw1mrrung pool, bonu. room. al<yllle, J1111h pnvalt• row1yltl'd. fpk & -U· m11ble financing Only 1299,000 on FEE land 2670 San M'l{Ut'I Dr, Newport 8t«h 759 UOI or 752·1373 WAL.KER & L..EE REAL ESTATE. DaleboUt Bay&Beac Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITI H ••• Tl UYIMllH Bayfro n t villa . Built like a fortress .. yet loaded with charm'. Five bedrooms. P aneled dining room. Huge master suite. You own the land! Family plans prompt $450,000 price reduction. No~ $1 ,650.000. 1111 WHTOUfF H ., l.I. 111-1100 VACANT LOT Steps to oc.-ean in top Peninsula Point Joe. Try and top this on e. Price $200,000. "Impossible" Look ac it at 923 E. &lboa Bl. in Balboa. COMM'L INCOME Top Newport Bl. location in Costa Mesa. Has triple net lease. A good one -and priced tq sell at $325,000 Look at it: 1858 Newport BJ. Costa. Mesa LEISURE WORLD Laguna Hills 2 br. 2 ba. xlnt cond. Nice patio. open view, owner will help finance. Price $92,000. ESTATE SALE Brite. clean 3 br home on good street. Asking $155.000. MAURY ST AUFFEA SEA LION REAL TY 173-5354 OWNER-CARRIED lST Give yourself Mesa Verde in !82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home wlma.ny extras on cul-de-sac. owe lrg 2nd T.D. Full price $134,500. 75 1-3191 MINT CONDITION Bea utifully landscaped and maintained 4 Bdrm home. Great corner loca tion w/existing RV access. Own er will assist w l financing. Full price $142,500. 751-3191 LAGUNA BEACH &!t In u galA:!d, 11rlv11w beachllde rommunl ty. thlt lovtly 6 room floor plan lncludet 11 formal dlnln& nn. a modem klichen with • d l1hw111hl'r & mlcrowav•. 3 bdrm1 & :J bathe Completely turn11htd with cho1ct" dtt0rator ltenui Enhanttd by rommunaty 1wlmmmg pools and wnJ\11 rouru and JUSI a few 1lept1 lo the be11ch t47!'!,000. ll4' fl. nancintc available M~•~/ . 1506 S. Coast Hwy. 11 lilt. l•l'N e .. ch I . 494-7220 QUIT LOOKJNG Th .. 1.11 It' Everything you have ~n loolung toc Th( r.~1 pall(lrllmx- ~an v1ew1 Si--IOUI C'Jtm J&. Jba huow. tnnl duung nn tam nn 4 lrpk-s, Is dedca Roofl•d l(ame & t·ntt-n,unrnC'nt an•11 plu1 pool Jnd spa Nt'w on Marktt A'sklog $~9.000 La1111 Ylllac• llHI Estate -Gl-1111 llYllE TllllACE Fabulous ocean and bay views. spac -I Br, gourm<'I k i tchen and swimming pool Just reduced ro $895,000 mcludmg rhe land Owm•r anxious and will fman<'f.'. 1111011011 SUYIEW-11 Port Jloyal 2 story 4 bedroom. 3 bath plu.'> formal dining and much, much mort' $398,5<fo tOQ, QC. ~~~l0 Qfb\JJY' . 675-2311 IEWPORT IUCH 3 BR. den. Cam rm ..... $365.000 510 Ahso. Open Sat/Sun 12-4 ALSO 3 BR. 2 1 ~ ba. view ...... $21 5,000 4378 Westrrunster, Open Sat/Sun 12-4 COSTA IESI 2-3 BR, 2'h ba condos ... $160,000 327 Ogle, Open Sat/Sun 12-4 3 BR 2'h ba home ......... $125,000 2253 Elden 4 Unit condo package .. $225,000 Aa••t 111-1111 V .A. 01 CONVINTIONAL • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS I C<lXDOMINIU~IS o,.. lat/I• 11 tt I Wti4p l·I 21ff llffk ... , .... '"·· Offt• lltta Truly tlc&IU't 2 & . 211 blhw for Sl :lll,:r<KI and 2 Bdrm· 2 Ba homt'I for Sl211,!>()0 • • 100.. down wl paymenu. u lc1w wi $889 ppr mo VA F'INl~'1n& ·IOI at l~'1'lli SeUt•r will Ulkt> but k 2nd to lowt'r pll)'ml'nl.I t.'ouru ... y to brok"" . Snthtrn C1liforai1 Raaltr 541-1111 -131-1114 YOU'LL ENJOY Coles worthy &Co. 2S4S EASTBLUF-F OR. NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 640-0020 BLUFFS BEST 18 ~ m•w, 3 Bdrm single levrl -you own the land. Avrulablr 1200,000, I()'(, own<'r fmand ng f1xt'd rate for 7 years Redured from $344,0QO, no w 1277,()()() Super value 100 rra. ft HI I nrf L1PH'1 FIHtf It•• Itta D I 0 p A N c H 0 R 3 Br, 2 ba, gourml't kiteh M any many Ameniuet 13'·5 yn J.450.000 or l.sr opt ror $2000 Mory Jlll\k & Vat.a Gamm, Rhn (114)111-1014 (211)141-Jlll LAGUNA WHAT? ' Logurw N11eu••I 1" dO .,,.,, With 11t-c.m and mou11u11n Vh•w 11111111·1. l(Olf '·nuriw hum1'11 11nd lundu•, rullinl( hill• priv11t1• illlt•tl comrnun111 ..... l Uttom 11111111· .. 11'$ a ~O 11r r1• lak<' and lhl' lii.t gu .... on 1uic.l on Cuming aoon ·~ " lot'C.ond &ulf l'OUMM' with 1A."t•aru1dt- f i11lrwa y• and ,, r.~irl h•>U•I 11n lhL ~.111 bluft' All lh" w11h1n" f1·W mtnull'~ o( 1 marini., 1·luhur .. 11• •'C)U«1trl11n hunw• and hornt·~ll•·• .ind, ul tour .. , l11vdy Laaiuna &>tk h I lullur v11lu1.,. ..r1 It•• 1111< rnrroe ..,.... 1.&1' COLDWELL BAlllER TIW• OEITEll 411-1"4 RECENTLY REDUCED Wt>// ma1n1a1nt•d 3 Br house on largt· Jot. Easy acc"C-ss Prime rornrr localton wiih futun• commercial p o tc·11t1al OwnC'r will assist w t fin.rncing Full prit'<' $134,500 751 JJYJ DIVE RIGHT IN Swun any time in luvely solar hea· Led pool 3 &Jrm, J '' &. remode- led k1tchf(IJ in one of C<~ta Mesa's b<•!H .Jrt•as Owner very flexible Full pnN' SJ.1.5.000 75 1·3191 EASTSIDE STARTER Only $119.500 for this 2 Bdrm 2 Ba c ulie . Nicel y landscaped with 1 car garage & service porch._ 631-7370 TRADITIONAL REALTY CHARMING DUPLEX on a b<.'autiful sLrC'C.•t m Lorona de/ Mar. Two tx-droom owner's unit with beamed ceilings and firepla ce . Lgt• 1 BR apt w l fireplace. ALSO a bacht•lor Grear incom e Patw around pool. Assumable Joan. $31 5.000. ll6El BAJl.EY I ASSOC/A TES REAL ESTATE 644-7211 • Cl Tile m.arketplace on the Orange Coast .. 642 -5618 M ed1un income of Daily f'1lot familtes erceeds $34.000 a year. Your ad reaches the county's most affluent buying audience • CLASSIFIED INDEX nus. INVEST Mm. nNANCE lr ..... u I h 11 w ....... "' , . ..,, AUTOllOllll '::~~.~· S©~~µ-~ tfr~· :::~ -----t-4 .. (UY I l'OW>M ~.;;;~{'!. ~.'! .. ;·;;i !!'.~!!!.{'!. !;-l! •••••• ·I ~!!!.!! .{'.'. !~.1.' ••••••• I!'.~!!!.{'.'. !tl.'....... !'.~~ .{'.'.~.'.'... •• . • . .........•..•.•....... ~~~~~ ......... !.'!'!~1¥!~!6.-I. •....••.. !.'!!~ ~~~'1. .......•. !.~I ~~ ............ !~~ .. ~ .•. Te rtxe Ywt Ad, Call 642·5678 llOUSES FOi SALE lff'lllf'r•i """"" hl•M Llflt_.. I'.-"'~""'" t .,.~,."" ...... " t Of'CM'• ..... "•' lfl'h\tf'\• ~r1•M •1 T.,.-• r ..... .-\.or ....... .,.,,. ...... ,. ,,,,.. .... ..-. ...... Iii l.M-lt.11 • ..,i!HU , .... ~ .. ,,.'""",fflfh ~:n:~~~,tt ~Jv.-•••ll"~tt,,. ""'' "~· 'w.t ..... 4. ,., .......... . . ,,_.,....,., .............. , ... IUllSTA{[ J, • f . ""'"'~ .,., ... . "9•tl'M ....... .... '""""••"'"""""'' "" ,.,,,,.t"' v. •"'• d "'"""•''''41•<ffl .. , ...... .-. .... "'·••-<tu• TO• AMOVNCEMEMTS, rllSOHlS & lOST & FOUNI '"r ,..... .,..,._,~' ""' "-tCU c et l>;•fl ,..,. 1,,., ,,~ .... IU. i:~~!;"',.. loifk ""-'•••I •• ,., :"':. ···~~ ..... stlYIClS I ... lot.• 11'\1 lttllli If ... ,.,,. ...:. I .... , ... .... ·-·~ EMPlOYMENT & PIUAUTION V .. Jl!lll• 1Mtr•iw4 J..-1'.itlrt ..., .......... ' . MUCWlllSl ,. -..... '"" .... lltl• ••:. ..... -- ffT'I'°' . , ..... ..,. .. . '" kf 111 •I ll \t fliln h • ..._. ... ... , . .... 1 ....... 1tt .. 1, ._." \ .... A-..1 .. , ...... ''"'''' AUTOS. IMPOltll '""'""'•' u..tt,... .. \•t1 \w-M• lh .... ' """ t. .... , 1..11 o.e .... 1 . .,., .... t .. 11 ....... , ....... ........ .. .., ......... t.h. ... , .... »1•1••" .... , .... :th ... • .,.1 ........ . v ... -.n4 ..,, .. ............ ..__. .... ., ... ... * .. )4•• ~li.tt• r . ., ... _ , ........ ,.. \~"'···~" \Mllu• ArllS, •• ....... i .. ,., .... """ ..... _ ..... ..... """ ..... . .... '·"· "f1N'j 1.1 '"• .... .. ., •·!• n •. •·:" .. .;. 'it l.• ..• ..,,.,. '''I.: flfi U )j • If,,, ,..., . r.-· .... .... iwa: . .... '""' :f."t ltiltJ ..... ... o::·=~·,:.v,~ :; lo--... 00"' ~"'· '",._,, .. ..,,.., I "ORIB I~··' • I gr ... up kl I IOIJOh llN All I I r r ,,,. °""' ••r• really macho • • • -IOUOh Alltf I llH"Olt IMy'd 1 ..---8-A _R_T_l_B_...,I ""lion on -I I' I' I I I •~~:-tho~"::::~ Sp11clou1 • bdrm home wllh 80 fffl on the bay Private pier and float FMmal dining rm . !amity rm .00 work anoc> HISS. 000 L.H A l)w1,1on OI PllllllU ••El XLNT TERMS! Remodeled traditional 3 bdrm. den, 3 bath. reduced to $395,000 Prii.r West Bay bay(ront Slips for 2 boat.a. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 beth $1 .200.000 Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 aq.ft. $1,3851000. Oceanfront. UMllU_. Prime Lldo Nord bayf ront. 5 bdrm. 5 ~ beth. ~e L.R., 2 boat !Lipe $1,600,000. ....................... -------,... do-<t"'9 ,_ ........ , - • m;M~~m r r r r I' r r r I l ro.\C:=£"'4CI I I I I I I II urhor lnvt'l>lmenl l'o Remodeled 3 b&nn. 2 bath +large rec. nn. l~~~~~~!!!I bNm celllnp, tumlahed. pet.IOI. M20.ooo. ~SA.111w•n People woo nMd People Thtl'I wtlal the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY II all ab<>Utl "'c 1300 You don't need 11 gun to "dttw laal'' whtn you pie<:• an ad Ill Ult Dtlly PMol wam Ada! Call now I e.2-58711 ft1• •ff1t,•6f 1 • • JI aflf•t•I ...... "" ......, .,, w u.1...-... ,,.. , ....... a.-.-.... ...., ......... n....- ...... .,.. ........... 11,..- ............... 11,-.- ................ + .... 11-.- .................... 11, ..... ""llfM.. + .... • .... •II mlT ...... +t 11 ...... WAT!IRONT HOMll, IC 11AL at Aft .. ---.................... >U:-...:r uma llLI """" .L..qoon vtew from 8 bdrm, ~ bat.b. playroom. ·'ark nn. dt'n, Boet .Up. $1.350,000! UY .. om SpectaCUlar t.yfront vtew 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 botat aUpe $1.900,000. ..... llYI Coronado ~ CUil. baytront lot. •5· bOllt . dock. P1anl Wail. '42&.000 W/litr'IM. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR + con murr 1.1 mvrnnrnr conrMr WATERFRONT TOWNHOME WITH BOAT SLIP l~ down assume 1st and 2nd, owner will carry balance. Highly upgraded with hardwood floors, beveled mlr- rors and shutters. Two bedrooms plus a den '(third bedroom?) and three full baths. Super bay view and location. $549,500 . 760-1900 ... , -.• , Lllllll •tm' ••....-"-\ Charmlnt C.pt c.od hem. on Ptnirwula Point. 3 lk, 2 Be on quiet ttttt\ ecnm from park. St.pt '° '-i:h fl bey. N.wly remodeltd whh French doora. hand paln&ed u• otnMr brick pado; hUlh wallpePtn & mort. A•urM l24~~ f{nt al 15 and owrttf will l'lrry ..,P 2nd 0n1y muoo. ~ ..,.~ , Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 C7 Real Estate_:_ the Complefe Orange Coast ~~rket PIOce • • .. ~DOLLAR DAY DQUGH SAVERS . ,____ ~-·. ·Sett your-no-leftOer ftleded Item.-oeah.-~ ¥8 If It doesn't Mii, we'll run It another 3 INES daya FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial eds. Cati t~~~.t'f!' .~~ 11_, CLASSIFIED&642-5678 ~.~!:*-•••••• ~.~!\I! ...•.••.• Wl!.'!!.l!l! ••••••• !~m.'!!.!W ..•..•. !~.<~!'!! .....•. ~.~!:*-..••.. ~m.~!e.• ....... !~~m.!~!'!.~ ...... ' !~m.t.~~'!. ...... ~~~!!!.~'.'.!.•.'! ...... . P!!'!.~ .......... '.'.!I f!!~~~ ......... !.~ ~~ ......... }.'!I ~~ ......... !!.fl ¥!!~~~{. ........ !.~ F!f!!~.4!!!!e .. !.~!I ~!~.!!!!f ...... !.~ff ~! .. :.m .... !.~1 !'!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~t !'!!r.!!.~~! .. !.O!~ PllOI IUSIUI PllCEI TO I.I. ... 1 If' A I• W11•..WS• 1tw llWNIT IElllTS By owntr. S~lud•d lo-Lrg s Bdrm 2 81 w/ Thi. s Bdrm. 2 b• home. • a .. y 2 bdrm •nd d•n. highly IEWPOllT IUCM Owne< neecb Cd~h cleen wty St 811Ck B•Y Area. SELL IOW! ~ ~ comm pool & •P•· Fe•· ol wood Ind g1 .... loca · "' upg11d1d. Prlct S188, $111 Ill! anhque tyiw hOun ? 61 ~tlcl\Ome,yetcozy Low11tprlced ln Meu tur .. lncludefrl)tc.2c11 tedonCdM'18uck Gul· lw1tr a11l t11. • 000 17%dn Slng14t1ty, 2 8rln NEW~ORT~GTS 1Ba ~•1 17 lot Laroe t1n:°"c~~~~!dco~ del Mar Urge 3 Bdrm g•~1r1•t1g'1'• ~·Ant6C.ownA•.,•uwum•1 ~!!:...o_llT•o'•'a12!~g~! l•r•, 2 Ill •• ft ~~;:~~.h~:•P·~~~~!'t,,11~· BRAND NEW on market g~~c~:~ ~-~!r'e ... ~ •:: d"' 3 b 1•• t home with • dellghtlul. A """ .. _. ' ..... _, _..., 11 ... witli ltr••I IJ. LRG LOT Wont IHI et '"3t 3L"( -·""d b rm. • '"''' •r warm llving room which hllp f n1nce. Aaktng prtv•ll beech I CCHI. I H,111 Ownef/BOt.r S52-06e0 Wlo.n<I• " "'' 1 .. ~ f\ Sultl), lncl'g aep M1ld 's lmrlt .. lemlly enJoyment. 1128,90(). 831_7370 1575,000 ..... 1 , .... lhll prrct l RA E RO D· qtr Lovely llv rm Anum• low lnt1ret1 Open S.t/Sun 1•6 ttlf II II llJI• lilt SPECTICILAI GERS agt 631-1266 Ote.-intrc..nt du1Jlt<• £:1111 Waterfall. iJ&Z•t>o. brick $71,500 loan 1nd Hlltr 409 0.Sol• Terrece. ... ll ... IJ'JI, d•Y •nd night llght 11lew t>oa P1.H1111 \"1" 1 O .. 'petlo Obie lrpc, l•m rm, wlll help with th• fln•n-Ill CAIYH llUlllll Slll,MI 8 totl« 648-0295 give thla 4 Bdrm 2ba down LI~" ru-w D•11'f.lly Form din rm. $375,000. clrig 01\IV .. 129 000 CIH flome .. ,0"'ethlng •P•· on oc.ean !1clow mn•k•ll Xlnt lln. •v•ll. Courtesy 646:7171 • · Beaut. -4 bdrm. Fam rm w /fire place, ctat" 1209.000 With good pr1c11 S68~ ooo Opo11 to Bkr1. conaldlf equity formal din rm, 2 ~ ba. N e wly decorated OUlllM llPUL ltnanclngl Sa11Sun t ? • l'J 1<1 tradelorlnc.prop.OPEN I f 1 I 1 B \'f l on a be•utlful atreel In ll..-t.. •i-L..M.. Oteonl ront Wk c,ly~ ALL WEEK 1-5 d•lly. n so t Peas ng co o r s . eau 1 u new COM. 2 Bdrm owner'1un1t A~ss'OCi'.:";e•s For 11111e t>y owner 1..1111 '..44 OG 1 • l "'" 1521 ANITA LN NB (8k c ptng & drapes. New marble entry. P ool wtbe1med celllnge and 11111 Wll• 111...,.2" Haven 3 BR twnh&e 2 1138 J2J:i:' Bey) &45·0532 & spa. 4 ... Piil ... E ll1epl1ce ALSO lgt 1 llSf ... llf • Be p0wde1 room comm oloer Oupll•• Nt'Wf•<J•I EASl SIOE with c1th1d11I celling• bdrm •Pt wlllrec>l1Ce plu1 •--IMTI j HI pool A11um e 3~ Y'j Beacn ~uper lrJ'"''"n BEAUTY _.. •-f 2111 Sal ........ ka4 1nd1remodeledkltchen i blCh ()odod l~c~mt Bldr GlvesEH y Termt ~/!!~~.~~ •••• ! .... $$1~~~011~ at 13 ' $625 000 Opo•n I<' 4 Pet1on•llty and charm ~·,• .~":". llWPllT lllTll. I .I . 144-4111 A 9 5% H1um1ble loan atro aroun poo Hu-Two lge mHter aultH, FORECLOSURE SALE 1 • rtnt only s1111~un 4.CO<i '*•"''"'•' •re lound In thl• 3 Bdrm --and an 1nxlou1 owner meble loen $315,000 2,,, t>llhl, lrplc, lorm•I Under Alnoer's cost So 845-4955 or 63t 0360 Wkdy• .,.,. Of'. l4 F ,8,, 2 bllh home No qu•lt· STEPS lrom thl9 2 Bdrm Only I 110.000 Call din . Mly411•. y11di , bal-L1gun1 pvl eslltt 180 lllYllTHI 838-3232 lying Auume $91,000 hoYM & 1 Bdrm hoYM on 97&-5370 .... llYISTlllllT conlee, v•ulted <*ling•. deg ocean YU. Security Newpon Terrace 3Br I •oral w1••£•I loan •t t2''•-Interest & 3Q111100· R-2 lot. Only OCUlfllOIT Ruttlc 1Br coll?: on r"r 2 car guages Prime E/ $56S.OOO. 855-2013 S 13 1_900 ors115 000 niga "· Miier wilt carry a 2nd TO $255.0001 Like new duplu·3 & 2 FOllECLOSllE! oCl1Rn2bleYuletld10,t dupoll•~wyor. aide loc1tlon $120,000 BLUE RIBBON cesh & you P•Y ell clo· 3 BA FAMIL v HOME IN With low down. Prime , .... __ • ., ---. •••l!•••r ft to $131,000 M·F. 8-5. SPECt•L THE HEIC..HI' WAHM I t I eel I S 149 .... .-...,. Brdm 2 B• Heh unit-on ....... tlngt1 lemlly rHldence 8 977 S "' ling cosll We have Oe· u SE D BR tr ~ f IR f oca ion.prc 11 · ltllten the111nd,wlll t1ke1ml O.eperelionaale!Owner Onl 1220000 '°-8, •1·&.tn l2-S. 3 t>drm.2le'llell100fplan pendat>le1enan1 We 1 PLAC.f . SHIJI TfAS 500 Cell S.CS-7171 •llt.'1Ht11 oown °' 1r11de and carry must.sell Brlngallolleral Beeut. modern brick y ..:...1i11 831-3405. eva 751-3297. In wood & glua Oceln muat tell next •ewoays& FAFNCH OOOHS ll:-A t he entire b1ta nce Meaa Verde 3 bdrm, 2 church 1145000 10000 view, beamed cellinge. want 5 day estrow DING 10 f'Afl<J & '>PA THE REAL ESTAT&:RS IOVE IP TO IEWPOIT u.una Exclustve restdent111 area ol IUCCIHIUI U · ecuttv11 •nd their l•ml· lits Thi• t>Hulllut 1nd spacious 4 Bdrm home olfe<a low Interest aum· m1ble loan• I nd 11 pri- ced at only $269,900 Cell nowt iwa-717 1 L1v1 ng •I the beautiful Verultlea Wonderlut tocauon. some With ocean ~•ewe. gooo 11n1nc1ng . guarded o•te, aecuroty syetemt & we h•ve tour to choose lrom Priced lrom S2.C7.900 U !lllttl(..lJt 1'1()..'tl:S Realtors, 675-8000 I THE REAL ESTAT&:RS * A SPIRAL STAIRWAY * TO GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites. sold oak cupboif ds. stytcMs 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINT$ ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OPEN SAT., SUN. 2-5 P.M. 2277 PACflC AVE:, C.M. End Of W ilson D ~ llllllFICEIT llYFllOIT OPEi SITlllDIY • 1 ft 4 Experience the height o f elegan ce from the m oment you enter this dramatic home via leaded, etch~ glass doors until you step o ut on the most gracious patio overlooking Promontory Bay do wn to your o wn private d ock with room to accom - modate three boats. Approximately 3,775 sq. ft. of s h eer luxury. Tri- level, four bedroom. three baths, two f ire places, spectacular patio/ lanai with swirlpool spa, magnifi- cent wet bar a n d muc h , m u c h more. Treat youraelf to 701 Bayside Drive, Newport B e a c h . OPEN SATUR DAY 1 to 4. For the best- addtelled people. llU.SMD MJ-1211 ,.,...,... $750,000·bHI deel on bath. femlly room, 2 SQ It He~ or P~rk 'ctty C M house $101.900 3 huge •tone frplc LOCa· 496-7737 $2l5 000 the watlf Birch llreplacea Only Utah 2 13--443-8252 BR. 2 Ba. 2 car gar, 10-lt led high above Laguna's Execu1111e condo. ocean & VIC JASHIN~l'I ElKR .IAClll IULn S124,950 You mutt see . down only $1,058 mo R1v1era coeattme $195 bay VM!W Fplc c11'1edral I 152-51 11 llMlll thl• one Call 546-2313 JASMINE $93~~0C ~ ~::,~~· ba-000 MISSION REAL T v clg• etc 1 • den s 10 ~ .. u1oru1 v'-"' J•ll• ,,,noo drooms. hu1ry Aol. Don 494 0731 OOO Oplton money Dys s 123 ooo Nnw 1 er AP 5 1£ ... SI vu .. •llS CREEK P1•1f. 760-7" .. 7 • S~·9035 evs 673 4899 ...., ouceO pt•Ct' t111ti lu no 1111£ UIEUU UY umLIFF IUUll 11'.tlly ll'r Ad11ll (lloly Aseectecul.,3.000aq Huge 3 1>drmhome ln F O ROTHERRE 2 *2•1TtlUCI* AWAROWINNER wal~•n111J•:tldnr••11J 11 Buccole home . 3 .... pree11g1ou1 Jasmine SEPARATE HOUSES Wt Assume S70K VA loan at Oceen v1ew5 3 bdrm .c 3 Bdrm & extra ltg lam1ly ote.11n ptJOI '"r; 11vn1 gent bat Ila Huge kit-OCEAllFllOIT Creek Tenn11. pool. GARAGES ON O~RSI-8~·-. ba krt wtconven1encea rm P11ced at $235 000 clubt•!Ju\!' ,. ""' f chen.breeklaatnook guardedgate S382500 ZED CORLOT · OF 3BR.llp.$114000 lamrm.IQegarden.paho f01qu1tll se~Owne1 wrll gv•«l11-itl'd~l1.,0lvv,., ptui lemrtyroomand Llkenewouplex-3 &2 Formore inloCALL HWY Pnnclpalsonly543-7023t Id I II helpl1nant" Jim knowlCOQ.t!>h111;,ll1<~ 0 Bdrm 2 Be each unit-on Steve w 1111e ASSOC•A· 1 760 6757 ,..0 ,, 175 or ma in rm. ~ v rm 64:i:'-07~0 < ,. J , ,. llreplace wnera went the und. wrtl take 1m1 TE 0 RE ALT 0 AS • -..., Bk1 Quiet cul-de-sac S812K .. 'o w Ii',, ,. ' ' ''l out $27S.OOO t>ut make ss 1.1100 "lmY UIUll 114' llWll By owne< 673-.C411 ltUl &31 l<l11l '4 offer Try 20-At down Act down or traoe and ~rry • the entire balance 1---------Ollll FIOIT now, S41S-2313 S750,000-t>est deal on *Fii YOWll* Ouplu 4 bdrm plui 2 Ne w condo• 2 Br 2ba CUSTOM 300+ S O FT F111e bedrooms 3 bilth& S•• Clt•talt 1016 lhe _.., er.nd-new-honWe mi• t>1,0 8rdme.dloyw•n•r,n3e8w5 .. 0W00 111 u'ifts. 13% Int Minimum home wnn wn1te water flr-'a~• homl! ~NSeco ···-·~~·-·······~ '" VY' ~ Wh1t.-w dlt1r 1u 4'h10ps tu .MOii$ IULn bedrma lrom $55.000 to 709 Orchid Corona del quelllylng ca111g1 1or de· 111-ltom most rooms rateo Al so or1c1voeo 11'\l ••r.o ''''"'"cur• THE REAL ESTAT&:RS l'JMlll $85.000 Mar 851-9i35 tails 5'6-5605 Complete Wllh pool end woooen pa110 ano •mall oom•n111n• Orit , 4 '"'' $0 down, 0 eacrow lees spa 3BR 3t>a • formal boat doclo. 2 tar garage lrom ,,41 SOtJ So 0 , Find what you wan1 In Otlly Pllo~ Ctusitled• UHM Mii PllTllMSl-l 4' MWI Desperate own er says "Must sell No w ." 60' bayvaew J,us t pro fes- sionally d ecorated . Lake n ew . sophisticated 2 BR + den. 2 1~ BA. bar. pool, gym, beach & security Pnce reduced $96.000 to $446.000. Only $30,000 down Debbie Fratt 642-8235. OPEN H OUSl: SUN - DAY 2-5 ... 1018 BAYSIDECOVE EAST. NEWPORT BEACH •• oan• Presenting The Leas t Expensive Home In Ne wport Beach's Prestigious Big Canyon . S hows Like A Model - Typically Pride Of Ownersrup. Huge M aster Suite Plus Separate Guest Quarters. Owner/Age nt Will Finance. P riced U n der M a r k e t V a l ue At $425,000. John M e rrill's L isting. G:r ·---··•t ..... 759-9100 u c_,., ... ,.... M.,.,.tC..- * llCI llY ARO * * S131,lll * 3 br house on fee land featuring hardwood floors & s h ingle roof w ith 11" assumable 1s t T .D . Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Migu e l 7 59-1501 o r 752-7373. * WATUFROIT IM * PlllYITE IUll Sensational -4 br home smack o n the water!! Featuring frenc h doors, frplc, profetaionally deco- r ated & private S A NDY BEACH. Only •Z49,000 & teller will carry AITD! 2670 San Mi- g uel Dr., N e w port Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. •n, llSTY I YllllT * 11n,M1 * 9.K uaumable flnandna avai- lable on thlt tMtefuUy decorated 3 BR townhome. Vecant & quick poneulon. 2670 San Ml1uel. N e wpo r t a.a~h. 759-1501 or 752-7373. .......... • 71 ........... ... t..t~111Ja (l~U ... . . lltt't Ilia" M214 IY IWIO drntng rm lam tm $589 4 blks 10 Ocean $26S l..C>d>I ~ '·''"' 01.,11 trori• CeM Relph 5' 1-0425 702 ACICI•. CdM $235K I . V.JI 10341 000 000 f.rm 714 836 8542 , .. iu._ Opr '.>.JI !iun 903 VET Agent. 24 N9 Open darly 1-5 873-2041 [~!~•••••~•••••• Lie_. Yill-ct l .E Of 731 2811 _ 9,,.., , vri.tfl A 11 bot. BY OWNER · 41'1· 1111 PRICE llllCTIO•' 4 ,& 1o~r c. ., ot••pa.1,~ ......... / ........ ".JI), .., ., lNH """ IH•ti .. I, tt• .. tftlJ ,. •••• 194 ...... J ••r• 2 •• a •••ilr rtt•. I att1I at U41,IH. 1,.. I•• M lat/S• 1-1. lat Strtaa4tltmtt C.11• #1u lOZI OPEN SAT/SUN 12-4. 4 ' 1•••••••••••••••••••••• BR, nr Mile Squere P•rk., 2 UCI UY C J nal front 4 B• Fee Sul• .4111 1010 S24 ••• la.. $2 0 000 Owe 9960 P I ,__ 111nd Terms S299 000 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' 1 . . ovate commun• Y ,..,..,e ••1 Clark 645 3' 70 ari ""A[)f l)f CJ ' l S Curr ant A" e Spacious Family Home ... " .,... ~ ' '""" "' Ill IOITI 714-963-1555 I wllh ocean vrew. 3 t>e -1"ii6PiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml •"1110••"> 1' 1"'1" <·no buya thll roomy 4 Bt· orooms. 2 oaths . new 1• ""'' 4 Hor 1 a .. Q.ir droom l•mily home w/2 Buli•fll• overtlze spa Large pll· IEWPllT CllEST I Pd1"' y.1ttl 1"'''1 P.trk I 1y I d S89 900 A ~)umo SS9 111ep1aeea. • werm amt lt•tl 1040 vale patio. ow own 2 BOrm 2 t>ath Oen d• 000 1,1 ~' 11 Agl room w/wood be1med •••••••••••••-••••••• p • y men t GRE A T mng room. large oout>le l 8,,7 iO•O cell1ng1 Decorator •c--TEAMS $420.000 C•ll o•regt Elect ope ner _ cents $1 20.000 Prlnd· hw Trwlent4 Denni• Bush 11 Arm-Ooletend unit w atHo the pelt only Oon·1 del•y. 1tter jull t>uylng •nd orueter. Clufman. Brown t>eacn $18S.OOO 01)11 Re1/ £1l•lt caU Dian• tod•Y aterllng upgredH YOU ano ~ny 494·8595 lty lkC .... , l ltr. •• • • •• •" • • • • • • • • • • • • • Diana P1etenpot-Volpe WINI Anume 10% VA LIW llWll Ml-llH /fo)i/t Ro•11 loin. 3 bd rm 1¥· b •. F01 Silt J/00 HURRY on thla ~ 1125. E11cellent long term••· •••••••••••••••••••••• 500. n11ncing makH thts one 001e W•df' ? 01 1 t>.i l'Jf.1'1'11 eaay 10 own A lorm11 UYflllT S17? '>llAtt-"n1 AOult~ .. · .. •.• RVM* SWDmSTUIL ....... CM4" Me" Vetde 48', 281, lull Tdtr lfJlt 111•u. p11ce S225;'000 10% St. tf lwJ ill 0.... dwn, owner wlll llnance ••I l1r. Oit•e4rel balance 11 12% Oller• lnvlled Open Sun 12-4 I.~~~~~~~~ model llOme. 11 has been Lovely 1 "oty home on ~mall r>"') Ou•f'I H B decorated with epeclal 60 o f weter in Dover torn•r 101 !>2 7 ~00 err well co11errngs. pl1nk ShC>fH Pter ano lloai and bfl)I Ownf'• 84 7 2q54 110011 & QUOllty ClltPI· --ti $l60 000 l11111ce covered bays1de Newpor 1 8eac 11 Do> Anni ng · pello 3 Bdrms and IOW ~ I 1 •A p11ce o l SS25 000 Call bllylront "'n Monl cono 18 01.11 "''"" trre Prrrne lnduatrlal P'oe>erlY Jane Frazee lot appoint· platP 1>1tc ~ pilticr S61 ttlll•1• I l11H4 lit-3182 Country Clut> Or. with heavy duty power. ment 10 Mt ooo Al,c· :;i t·• , nJ oll1ce1. separate work M2-1218 doot>h• w•d" corn•" 10 1 ••ta. Frut Hit I ~~9777 tor Into Owner-JnU. 1044 ... UJl,111 .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil·······-·······Tl····ll····· tall 2 14r• SUI, bstW4t ._2 Ltt areas 4 house on I large S39 000 p,11 Grur10) 1ec ura ly lenc ed lot -675 6161 Gre1t opportunity OWn· __ _ I I I' I'' a I ta 11 ,......._ ltiWtnt PIM W at Wiii help with llnan-: • • ACAi) FROM BfACH crng M195.000 , Beaut I "'"o' ;> l':lr <'!>a Sa I I Sa a 1 ·I . Colony 4 8d trl·l•v•I "11 "11"'· a..a.&la Newly decorlled 2 Bdrm Formal d ining & lamlll ltw llWL '9f' CuMO"l'I ""tell 6 "1Jn1 Lo" monthly payments! j e•lras Sellonq bt'lo"' ap Fer Eastern c ountry p1.i1s111 .it $14 000 f'.or atmdtphere 1n the des1-app1 <.all %8 681' • ... Yl -homt on 80• 125· lot Room to 1>u1ld Flrat TO rm Low Int. 111 T'.O •~.J uan $102.000 111um1ble et OW!ltfualatedflnenc1ng rable North End City ILlfFI Cozy tre•let p<•rl' tor lady llghl1 end co1&ta1 views lln llY! or Qfmt 50 Pl us $49'>0 _ _. •I Ownef Ob'llloully llll)lloul lt11t. 2 Ir 2 ~ la, ;!;-.:~1c~~~1~11!:;,5,0~0 for pricing et S17UOO ,...._. ttilittc , ... see. cill S40-l151 C harley Derr. •o t ••• ,.,.,1a11r 2 • ., 559-9400 ........ ,., ... , ,,._ .... ,., .. ,...... ..... fiH . h•er trHlftr• re•, •Hf Hll. J11t ,..... .. 11 ....... ~HERITAGE Ir o m 0 en a Po In t Io 3 BR, 2 story Plaza Con-W&lk 10 SICJ•P' bu\ lrnf• Eme11ld Bay Beautiful d o Near ahop1, pool. Sp.i cP $1'~ 6 110• g11den1 with tea house. echoola Only S 13 7 9!>0 wale• 64? 8'388 ape. patio end deck• A H ---.•• ~EALTORS very PflV81e home S550. c ... ,,c;,1 UUL~Mwr. ~ .......... 115-5511 IWIDWJMS II TRAOE-tf! SIOK below mkt . this sharp 48A 2b•. tam rml spa h o me C AN 8 E Two bMu1tlul Woodl>fld· YOURS• Come and take gt homes Either wlll a took & -·11 llguf• out consider 9QU1ty trlde for hOw S 142.000 by owner your smaller lrvlne pro· 979-1138 perty or1 II'• Ilk• gelling 111 .. E •1•• ... ell ca.th to yQi.Jr io.n Qot ,, ts • 5 Bdr luxury home Beaut. 3 br, 2 bl, lg• The olher a 3 8dr + cMn fem. rm or 4th l>f. trptc. wHh prliflte pool & ..,._ 000 new crpte & drpe, lg• C•ll lor det1lla Gr111 W••U Bil/1 105' CllllA Ill 1,11 patio No qull OWC II opporlunltyt ••'••••••••••••••••••• cua•u 1 I "lo $ 1 2 8 . 5 0 0 . [i By Owner 3 er 11<, Ba OCElllFROIT .. ~-ia t .. _ ,,_ 10 .... ~ thla _54_5_-1_oe_1 _____ 1 ~.luld-lrptc, new carpet, upgra-By owner Or1111c price ,_.. ,.., .,.,,. .,..1 -did, bllo w m1rket reduction tor ll:odown-cozy 2 Br home neer 3 Br 1 8• hoYM on large •·•ltt 1124 700 $12 000 down beach Only $195.000 t... 40x 175· 3 unltlot. 438 ~ 8 5 9 '. o t 4 7 .' wo r k 1 640-7 N.aTllS Hamilton Do not dletUfb 551·>1*1 552-1511 _._ ten1nu $128,000 tDft , "' t 1 ------------ht tt .__, 5'48·-5041 ~ & wtinoa. • , .. ra ••.,."' wh l«nl llSS ---,.,. 4 Br l•mlly home on l•tge t\31-3520 wtioys s•SlllllE •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 BR & lam rm. 3 ea. '" tot In N9wport Belch. ----11111.,; lplc. 2 blks to PCH P•· Juat need• your dtcOll· COLLEGE PARK-4Br. cm•a1r PUI Pl.ICE tloe& sundeck p<ICed to ting touch Owner very 3B•. pool, $139,600 111115 NII llUlbl•. Wiii oonslder 1 20,000 dwn . o we. Bright & llry 3 8d Colony ESTATES .. .,. ........ tr1de. $322,000 IM . Ownet/egl. 545-7821 home. Extr• wide IOI. A 4 II. 2'L II. Fee Newport Shores. 4 •-• -• I lN short w1lk lrom pool & YI BR , 2 Ba, owners unit ---lighted ttnnla Crtl BETTER THAN /I I d FlW 38R, 28A. A-1 cond on Binker owner m1y """ MODEL w ge muter su 11 an 4 Br. hOme .. Lake foreal, lerg• R-2 lot. Park Ilk• In procuring ftn1nclng & HAS EVERYTHING ~';':'a c~s bl!~o u~H3 terge wooded tot. Ownlf r erd. Eutllde. By owner. wlll cury. 11•1.1100 Cul-0.MC llreet 1280.000 Wllf 1ln1nu. Submit y~ S13t.OOO. 142·8125 or Ch erley OU r . I 0 t Sun & Sall II C1ub SUTRO-STENE IN\/EST term• $203,000 ,.. 642-27411ner 5:30 PM 20 min 10 85().()474 or 5,u.1094 B«nlll EllertMn Newport Cent• •.• ~~~!~ •••.•. !.~~ lPft.£ YIUIY TH Sli1tt1r Nl'il• nl'w 4 pie~ } b<'lrm 2 oa111 '"''h unot "''"' lrrep4ilCI' ••nCloS('(f PilllO 9ar1g!! q '• 194 Po• C8$h Oow Mow S 159 500 Biii Grunny Ritt 675-6161 De1lut1/ Uail1 101 S•lt 1100 .•...••.••..•.•..•••.. Price reoucad SIS 000 Greet 1umm~ rental du P'"• S•eps 10 0"11ch 4 Br up 3 81 down Ow ner unot P'''''bl~ Low low oown Owno• woll Clrt\I l>tQ 2no $2.C'I 000 PROPERTY HOUSE logo PROPE.ATY HOUSE 842-3850 RMttOt' $210,00(I with 1180.000 875-2373 Ot' 720-0740 It 12% fixed ,.,, & 1niH IH4 lniat IH4 .•••••.......•.............................. ~.t'!e'l!!.~.1 •••• ... 11-.&. JUlt rectuced 12&.000, Cute co1t11• on 1tan- dard 1ot. 1210.000. owe 111 T .O l r o,er M-OatS ~ MIOt'tlMd. No point• or ~tying, low Mtllllt 170-0347 wnni <>wMr'°C' 3 !',~!!~~~!o• ~.'.rmt!.~ .. !!.t townnome. hlghfy u~•· Wll"I WT ded. Super term1. ull UV 4 ed.~ dec:Of, ptlee OCMn, b•y ' '"-w. Nu PoQe. -& muctl l'nOfl AelwrM tow Int. w1'erme. Ont~ P 1t,IOO. A lrede .-. ..... ect .... t WM YmlUe. Cell Potl'tctl or P red Teftore, •ti \ - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1982 IARLI llll TOY.OTA Weeken d I Volume Sales on. llew Toyotas make it possible for us to BEAT AllY DEAL. So, take your pie~ of our complete inventory of 1982 J' oyotas ••• Celicas, Supras, T er_cels, Corollas, Cressidas, Coronas and the tough Toyota trucks. .· ' • , , • Just bring us your BEST. DEAL in writing and be ready to DRIVE-AWAY in your new '82 TOYOTA. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA CELICA ST $ 5 speed transm1SS1on and MP.X stereo' radio, trim rings and floor mats. (064284). BRAND NEW 1982 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA ST~RlET---TOYOTA 1/2 T-GN-91C-KUP 3 door hatchback. 5 speed trans .. MPX stereo radio. pin stripes & wh'eel well mouldings. (5933 11) . 1111 TOYOTA COllLU 4 II. SEIAI Auto. trans .• factory air condlllO· nlng, power steering, power dl1c brakff. AM·FM radio and low miles. (1CGE044). 5 6699 5 7999 1171 TOYOTA ClUCA LIFTl&CI 5 speed trans .. air conditioning. stereo. power steering, rear window shade & cuatom two tone red me- tallic finish. (8-42XSO). What a car tor only 5 5 999 MILEAGE · CHAMPION 1111 TOYOTA •11.U "Ill" Unull 5 speed, factory elr conditioning. power steering, power disc brak ... stereo caaHtte, sunroof & under 11,000 ml• (1BSY724). 1171 TOYOTA COIDLU "El" COWE 5 speed transmi11lon, stereo CH· sette. power brake• and morel (677RLFI. An exceptionally clean. rare model tor 1uat 1111 TIYITI OWi& UFTIAOI Auto. trans .. factory air condltlo· nlng, power disc brakes. AM·FM radio. sunroof and alloy wheels. (1AOX975). 5 7999 4 speed transmission. This one is fully factory equipped. (040432) SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't lose! 1111 flll lllTUI F&lllAll 4 cyt., 4 speed, POW8f ateet1ng, POW8f dltc brak•. stereo cuaette. wire wheel dl9Ca. (853VAE). 1171 IATS• 21111 5 speed trans., air cond., pwr. brakes. stereo, tinted glaaa & morel Gleaming metallic sliver with custom Interior (263VCP) Stytlsh economy for only 1111 TIYITI llPU 8 cyt., auto. tr9111 .. fllCtory air conditioning, POW8f 11eerlng, POW8f dllC ~--· AM·FM stereo redlo, tilt wheel and1alloy wheels. (933ZFW). 5 7899 All units sold plus tax, license, $20 doc. fees, plus dealer added accessories. All cars subject to prior sale. Sale en ds Sunday, 4-25-82, at close of business. · BRAND NEW 1982 -T-o¥0TA 4X4-.PICKUP- 4 wheel drive. 4 speed trans .. MPX stereo. window package. chrome step bumper & dual Del Bar mirrors (004509) . 1110 llTlll 1210 LIFTllOI SL package, 5 speed, factory air condltlo,,lng, AM-FM radio, tinted gla11. custom Interior & exterr0< & under 9000 mites. (1AP6447) 5 5299 1171 TtYITA CEUU LIFTllOI Automatic tran1ml11lon, power llMrlng, POW8f disc brak•. AM·FM stereo, rear window shade kit & cuatom two tone paint. (813UX'f). 54299 1111 Yll.Q 114-'••" Automatic trans .• air conditioning, pwr. ateerfng-braket·door locks. stereo ca11ette & a aparkllng blue finish with matching Yelc>Uf 1nterl0<. (098475). A v.ry rare car tor only 59999 1111 Fiii F-110 PICI IP 6 cyf .. auto. trans .. power steering. power brakes. AM·FM radio. tinted glau. custom wheels & low miles (1Y41087). 1111 ISIZI "LI" CllPE 5 speed tranamlulon, AM-FM radio. all the factory equipment. JU9t over 11.000 mi.... custom wti.els & tires. (1CQA945). 5 5999 1111 IUZll 121 CllPE Automatic Irani .. alr cond., AM..fM stweo. alloy wheetl, POW8f brak•. custom trim package & under 15. 000 miles. (18JZ435). -I •• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Frtda • A rll 23, 1882 ~l.ff.'t! ..•• !Mt , .......... ........ ~~-;~~==~~;:;::;,;::::-~:=-;~;-f.~:---:-:~':""'.""~;;--~----~~--~----~----.,,_;-.!~~~..:...!.~::I tlllllDA ,__ .._ ,,. ,,,. •a-~ .IMI .__ -.i.a-&AM £'--'*~ fll«lll from 1120 mo '· 2 ::::::t.ffifJf.t ...... ~.~ ... :;;u r;mr._.•n::r.:u;; •• ~.1:::::::-::=. . II~ ~II , ,,.,,._,, ..,,_.,, ,_,,,, ,. ~ fM '3 rOOftl olfieea. a Pfldl,_.QI"°*'*"* Tr . , l•ltte .. ,...,ct ·~ • •••• •••••• •••••••• .,,_,_Ml.,..,, '~'·-~ o~1a-i.~ •••••••••••;m••••••• ~ e1w100 ~. ,'°' .. ~""" ••l•r a bdrm 2' b: ~ ~.itlt!.fll!!;.l!ff ·~ m• ·c··'nnnn'nh ........... nn:;t;'9'7. ............ nn:rr.-mn"•• 2 rQOIT\.I l\lalJ lll'Ullt.d... BAYFRON ..._ on Ave • • •• ~-:r:::.':":':":~....... "'' .. __ ~••~ UOO Colla Me11 Call C.M. OIWltt MIO wi ,....,.._. dOte get. ,_. ••• • , .. ••••••••r.•!• UUI .,,.. •••••• ~~ •••••• ~~!' •u1J.1tu *----' IHfi "'' anyilmt e'°"t180 -ll4••7.:Uell'llOt7'4 oeoycS.•1. 11s...a3'4 2 It ~It condo, ffJMC, Neatatde 2 eR 1 aa .. -.-;r.;;.............. P111ntolfa 873-1003 .... TI -·-• • ~-1 Stir 2 bf, 2 bf.~c:ond~~o..;. V~l~llt!liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii-- Of ... 1 eM lot Jack ~ ,,_, .. A_ e-• /D. i&25. ee1.~. · 4 e r Canal front. Fee • .-1 rm .. ..-. ll"'°"'"f'l . , Of a.rt .., -<#... 11 n d , M r c 11 r 11 !\OW, "90 mo. 840-0997 Huntington Creek Apt. condo. Pvt patio, pool, •••• •u•••••••••••••• lJTlae Jl44 '45--3370.Alt't , OtiUKt 1 & 2 Br, Frpce, l(ldry $850 mo ~Oe.f2~:51:t~urlty execuplan ...... It-In. Pllll )(Int 2 bt a ba 1&80 1 ·•••••••••••••••••••X' •i..c ,. __ .. 'oomy 3 Br. Townl'louH tnel•d gara1ea, TV 876-3412 & 8.44-9842 9t111Utul ·1•moatnew (213 .. IO.)HO, kd IRVltf '"'" enyon.,.,.,.,ot,3 &2 a11t lnqulttadultcom· 11curlty 84 ·1813, Sn11.agun1Bchl'louae "l ... IH•:zrtf" trlplH, juat upgraded. 1714 ....,. 0 _ .. 75 • "' 1 ...... 'fld fJdrma , full gotf ccwrH pleK, NeW1y dec0t1t1d, IAM·&PM only. 2 BA, Yr. round ren111. (downitalra), 1,., bt. ba. f'ull Mt""'a/cu: om Ortat ttnenlt. Dana ,.,.. • """ .... n • ~.furnlth«IOIUl'ltum. llr..,.eot. enclld petlo & Step• to lh• bucn or 11 h • ..,. • POlnt. 544·f180 11k tor ~ ~ W~ldge $1200 IHH. 844·7424 11rege, Sorry..: no1e11. WtMllllt a.ta, bay 15711 mo. l1t. 1111. e:,yopvr'1'380imd;~·~.; Oll"41 6 dttk tC*t MrMutphy. Cfll•#-. 1114 • , or_."'tlfm. Bkr. 575'Mo.84"·33 1or Spacloue t&~bdrm $100 dep. C all utlla, l1t,l11t&1100 ··s"NrlOO ~""Alr~1ar1tet" -----'~-----•••••••·•••••••••o••• CloH to lake & tennle. 878·5948. among beaut 1 a k • t 8 3 .. • "o 5 o r clap. ~n4_3237 -• ... .,... ... I UNITS C08?A MHA, OC•N:NTALI S 1150/nlo. 7 other un• 2 muter bdrme, a•.; ba, • ". ' ,.., . v• llf..1111-ntede work, pttl po· 1·5br'e l200to12000 furn, to cnooae hom. HU. W. Npt Twnhm, )PAC. 2 BR, OPEN BEAM •treama. Pool. jac and 1 " 827 " 9500 38A 2BA. trplc. t blk 101~~~~~~~~~ tenllal, •"tOt<. JOl'ln 760-3314 -1 ... .,,. M7&·11180, kldl ok, no pita. John c~e,•btr, Iota of wood, ~!.!' .. ~~ •1.• · N ° P • 11 · OCEAN FRONT 2 lxlrm, ' I: -..,,._. --·-----'--•tudlo o...... ... No~• ~2"* Ma .... ...-v..,.. b ocean ' Ne 1280 mo., 2 +CdM .. 1,. 1u1te .. ,c 848-7MO AQT Spec 3 bf llome ult! [g Marehall Agt. 831·2242 -s, ... '"· • "" • a upper duplex. $700 rma 1 11 "*3 8"'l 2 "' • ,. on q ~ U1....~L IA..... .......!WO.....__,._.. pit St 48 3•• or -.-...........A 1y ve "" • " emp141 ""g. u111 pc1 2855. 11f11 cu1..d .. 1ec, 1850. Oeyte i """"ur ""I" Super INl'p 3 8dr, 1am11y ;;nta. 'Fui,;iiHio B73-l803 • .. v ... .._&,ti mo ~:·;l3·62M23I, Fem rmmt wanted 25-35. a C11 ~ 675-8800 Tu --831·ll039/540.1448 m-Da•hl rm. belWtlM pool & ape. ..., ".... D Unlurn, 1 bdrm •Pl. All eve, 213·27*00•8 to lhr "'dupltll 28drm _.,_ 1~~~~---;_;_;,,:,-..:. rK EKcellenl family location. and U....-U n•IHE . HUNNINO lerge 1 Br. ulll pcl AH amenltlet. "" .. "' ' • Laguna Beach · Tnt CO· ,..Ul•ll SPACIOUS2bf,WOf1lahop SS1·3'IOO S1850prmo.Agt. Otkwoodaleootttra gttdenapt.pool&rec. 648-0etG OCEANFRONT2't.br/lba FIP encioNdpello.watk tony nu110 Mou11on San Clemente p ... d, of ~'· fnod, kld9. now 1485 tma.rruu P\•• .,,,... 780-9333 • .... , ..... ..._........ area. '425/mo. 710 w ,.,. .... u-1 pool•'de. •tre lar-ger n-decor $875 mo to t>eKh $250 + ,.., uol PlaytlooM on Broedway " C RENT'"LS7"""'"1~ ' _.,,,._ .. _. 181 .. SI \19>" ., 8 8pm42·l l 37 Cullen alt. 300.c.75 ""ft 4n• .,.,..3 owner...,.. M....._.. ...... · · "' ~ .. "· • g e 2 b r , 2 b a, b 1tn1 • Yr I 'I 8 7 5 • 3 4 7 O " ..... .,._..., _..,., .......,., ...,.... 3 Br 3 ea EKec Home In Cl.IFF Or Ocean 6 l'lbr ••1d'•1 2 3 8 nl1h 1tyla lour unit 3 BR, 2 Be, gar, Coti.g. Nortl'lwood 2 t .... h view. 3 br 2 ba lrpl _.__ *2 Br 1 b• Mna vtrdt dewnr. Ith mlle1 beach. 1 • 92-2604 ---------Newport Beech 504 N 1partm1nthou11wltl'I Plt1!1720mo 1• IMy ... t d ,· ,,.,.Cllil' _ ... T upper Ntwdeoor No Adutt1nopet1SSOOmo ••y-•-Wanted rmmie Employeo Newpo<tBlvdS l85&up ocean 111111 & ootl courtt 731_.214 & i31.2<1t4 lltra lrg lam room. No gar ener wtr .,... I . •11 Miiion In P•t•. Gar l500t m o 5Ja.s3e2 -r•-• .,._ Mature liberal male 2bt SI• r r • M g m I Co lllew doeeto~hlng dogapMelt.Garden«& dren 6 pet• welcome. "> "9cr..elon 8338974 · 3 Br 2 Ba S1800/mo 2ba apt $3001mo+ S200 84 t.1324 only tnrtt ~ean old° ALMOST4bfuec:pool water paid . $900/mo. $1,500mo.e31-7300 •. THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2.J yearly 2131282-7733 securit y d•POlll --------- ltlOWI lllrt """"· new ow~ home, dbl gar. HUR RV 545-2000. Agent. no lee HARBOR RIDGE/VIEW And Muell More' *30r, nr S.C. Pttza, 8.A. Bdrm Apt a. Gym. Spa, •u CJMiall .,.1.~ 494·6216 Ult 1111.1111 ner could ~u~ t .. rM 0 '5!0 --•• • Pvt comm e500 ..... It .. For a month or • l1le· CtrPQfl. pool, apa, 1875 Sauna. pool, 1enn11. etc ii - • F 1 h Economy """''es SIOO & "'"' " C RENT'"LS7"" '""14 -·-...., • ~ Pet ok 752·5822 or 84'" ,..,., •••••••••••••••••••••• ema e to• •r• 2 Br 2 _.,,, bedroomtwobe clly & · " ~ l br lbe 1650 b4',3ba,lrplc,IU100mo llmtModtllonrot\~_-dv "'"""• Stud10 1p1.ocun v1ew. B 1 apt 1n Cd M S1203 room1l.11t1S425 oceen Y1tw ~t" 2 BR Etlta6d9. '575 ino. ? t>t' 2 bt 1800 549-ll099. 875-4078 911J'!to§clm NoO-U· BA1•14eo. Oeluu 2 Br 1 Ba 1n ut1l lncl'd $375 mo a32 S2501mo plus•) u1111 Sec I ~ic• avad 33SS lf)Pllcablt, and rent the S3SO MCUfltv, AvaJI now. 2 bf: 2"' bt S&50 Blulla, 3 br, 2"' ba. on •2br. 2t>t."' S.C Plaza. A-plu ow hook-upa. Encino In San Clemente 640-6858 V•• Lido.N B 673-4156 ol!Mrtl'lr .. apeftmtnll 845-2871;813-4899 3 bt 2',<,t>a 1175 '4rMnl>tll nrpool Lge (ll*wood S.A.Pool.~ Sl\50 No en c lad gar 1485 IMe theMgrApt C) Luw 3 br., ,.8 e w~c Newpo<tBe.chnear H""" tor Income. Seller wlll • ' • -pet• 7• "'822 "•n ••a• ~ c" •• ....., halp finance and HY• NO l<IOOINGI rtrllOdtMd 3 br. 2 bt $1500 IUm ~ pallo. New erpt, 641•1480 " ·" or 1_-_.,.._ ..... -"-,. .. ______ 1 Sp1clou1 2 Br. duplex, Ba~ apl Nwpl BOAT Hosp 109011<1 fl second buyertl'loueendiol ... tslde2br,gat.l350 31>4',2bt $1400 drps.Xlntcond.11050. o.den~ !Br Crpt,drpa&relrlge f rplc oceenvte w SLIP A V AI L PVT lloorOlli<;ea ample par- doletllll Selllng price of O.C. RENTALS750-3314 4 br. 2 bt 11350 484-e30&, 213-55e·t878 •3br."' S.C. Plaza. S.A No pe11 S5751mo 830· 7 145 , BEACH POOL Prol k ing well m11n111ned $325 000 I I 4 br, 2•.; be $1100 X·LAROE-LU)(URVI Newpof1 e.ech/No. Gar, pool, apa. $750 Call H0-2675 1130-6155 PM non1mkr Aelareq 111. b I d 0 V 1 ck V <11 y s • 1 way be ow Never ••lore • rental. 3 br. 2 b• 1725 1--· 880 Irvine Cnlld ok. 752·5822 or IHI & ~ S950tmo uto11 7141845,..800 current rtplacem•nt Cu1tom decorated 3 L.4GUNA HILLS 3........, twnhM, 2 br, 3 ba. <•11611'1) 84,_,480. LQ41 2 br, 2',.., ba, 2 lrplca. l••I• U• 3110 tnel 760.6078 co1t1 II PA~CIPLE S Bdrm with gardener. Le Aalaor Alty a33-8800 den, view. I 1100 mo. (714) 145-1104 lam rm $600/mo & MC. ••••••••••••• • Con1ullan1 1n trv1ne has ONLVlll CaN owntf (714) $850/mo. 558-0347 844-9~29. 728·808e : .. tilde 2 BA, 1m ytrd & clng NlcearN Alberta UOl iij" •••• F to shr C M condo w/F large oll1ce 10 share 842-0138. nome Agt. WOODBRIDGE Brotd· Jutl off Bay 2 bdrm XI, Newpof1e.ech/8o .• opUonal otttacl'I gar. 714 /846-137 1 or Deluxe 1 Br ALL ut1Ute1 OCC atudenl. pool ten N u r A llport Reas iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilLovely Brand new 2Br, moor home, 2 br. den, cond. Rei. $850im~. 1700 18111 St 1495/mo , 900 aq " 2131430-0794. paid Pool, rec room . ni1, S260 6-42-8065 terma Call 752.0186 s111.-..... .., 2•;.Ba. lrplc.2cergarege ~~-.Tr'~sci ~:~~.~~:: 631-5233 ~ .. "2'~.l. ~8_.845 • 2 br, 2 car gar . cov'd Pl· 20102 Birch St Just Ott Pvt Rm & Ba In 2 Br 2 Ba c•IUCIAl Oceanfront duplell, N--w/optntr, both bdrma Evee. 844•8795 or 1• .. , -v1w 1II,211. a II, tlo, all pool rlghla & rec Brlatol. Neer ev9f'/1hlng townhouse 1n Untv Town ffflC( port Beach. Poulble arelgmttrlUltM,ptffeot 75g,.1789 Newly decor Gu pd areaa $876/mo May 6 $-490/mo Contact Mngr Ctr Cloae to shopping. Prime Beach Blv<1 . 11 bre1k even with 29% for 1lngle1. euy terma. SPYGLASS, RJDGE encl 0., dwahr. pool. (2 13)926·47116 Apt 4 P • r II I & c • m Pu• Slater, H B a..1.25,.7 downi~~·~<>wntr~~·~He-~~ll08~~7~1~~~7~~~~~';'°~1~4~0ye=:_:850-=:'7~7:8· u,~ :.k~~02 !~ bbq. Adulta, no peta Nr beech, 2 br. t ·~ ba. •· 4 s 3 2 5 1 m 0 Oll1ce tor business very -park, shopping. 1875 UECITIWI -Summer only Studio apt, 642-5073 bit-Ina. crpla, drpa, lrplc. :i."!!'!! ••••••••••••• ~ 553-l 124 good view ol ocean -l9 -Stpeft1e llouaa. tutala. mo. Call 714·879·8008 Wl1I YllW pool. aauna. gym. tennis, 28r wl gar $420 Cpll encl gar $695 Avail Small Cottage. S60lweek Sol tem OCeenvu nome oood area S4 001mo Oeluu Trl·PltK ·Prime 2 Br I Ba. crpt1. drpe, "'714·975-0144 $500 mo. 631-7487 EKI lncd yrd, wtr pd 2228 now 536..()921 in Laguna Beach. Lag Ben $3SO U111 inc 631·5233 locallon . av OWNER . atove, waaner:d hk-4 Br 2\.\ Ba. 2 flreplecM. 246 or 975--0142 "A" Pt~tia 6"* •120 661 -5949 .. ---------Pr'__. BELOW M'""KET t d Turtlerock end condo. 2 putting..,."" ,..,.denef """'"' ...,.... 2 Br, 1 Ba, mtnutM from "o pets 499-1856 , .._, "" up, ncd Y9I • gar. •· ' .-•re-•-u • 1-5pm t>Mell ~45 Furn room in C M Outel " l•ll•fU l1at1J 4450 at $247.500. OIWIC 11% Mo peta. no watet"bedl. bdrm, 2 bt, aep. din rm $1700/mo. --·-1 EM Non-11T1kr relfable. •••••••• •••••••••••••• loan Opet1 THURS-SUN $500/mo + MCurlty d• Atlacl'led 2 car garage. Realtor·~ Edland Avallable now 1300 "Ice • Br 1 Ba uppet in 548-08« or 998-8668 room or ""°'"1no person nr bch S290 per mo Full STORAGE SPACE Costa 817 Jennifer Lane, C M poall 548-5 44 2 0 , Deluxe. S825 m o . 642 235 week u p Agent 4-plex From 1425 No 2 Br 1 Ba nr Beach & ~~-rag: 32 years old rec 963-3749 M111 24•13 enclosed 546-1575 °' 1-481-6242 770..5629 979-2651 IM UlfM 875-8170 pels 540-4484 Slater, enclad gar No Shr 2 br 1•, oa 2 tty turn Elec hOOk·up 6-46-7660 UllM •-•A e.-3bdrm, 2ba, water/ NEW Woodbridge coOOC>. .. W •-A Oceenlronlwttly 2 &3 bf 3herp 1 Br 1 Be n•w l pell 8-4!-9348 daya. S200mo incl uhl .pvt Ba twnh.e w/M 26 pool . STORE FRONT Ole or •••••••••~••••~gardener Incl 1795.No 2 matrt.2'hba,den.AIC -comp lurn'd.Gar Avt' crp11.drpa&pa1n1 Im-8AO·t078 1Yt1&wtcn01 aptcomple• all lee nonsmkr S275t mo re11113336V•aUoo Npl -.aa .--* .. 2778 S850mo. 559 ... 718 .. CAIPfT1 now 640-4784 med e'1811 2-459 Elden B 751-3130 E t•"• C •• 63 B h S8SO S O --YllW1 ,.....,, .,.._ . 3 Bdrm1. 2•.; Ba Pool ~25tmo 111 lut & MC MV.•• •.eA 31411 LG Room 1n n-conoo as --..e ... '· 5500 c ' 14 Omo ~~n~i!·:;~81W~= S~~ ;.t:;:rr;·d~"":a,~ N:;•:,~~0:0"~"d:.b~j~~ Jacuzzi & Tennie NewiY A,ulaf•I• Aoent 957·0701by1p9! A~tr~;~"28d~~;P~~; Cost • M esa D aya ~!~c~S~~o"~::, t~ ~: :s::~rom warf!f .lll~t.a Wey. 1ben call AveJJ Ma}! 1-lZ.9.Lwl poOl,.!....!fa.• tenni s. dee Vacant '1•200/Mo. "abcnl •:! I Br upper StOYe relnge beach & town Cpta rt-, 9 9 9 "2 452 Ev•• sec Yrly 645·4895 Storage or o re 209 Agent 54().6240 n••...___. 831-1-· MS01mo. 1-41673-1487. ..., •• 't•· .. ~, ..... ~:~~ ....... carperi i drap'o No "" Oar~ &eOOl mo 5•8•1554 Palm 8elOoll ""7" L _ ..... _ .,... Oaa11~1 ~.. • • e L A I Spac1ou1 2BR ' >B.. o• ... <r'3 77"'-213/596-1711 .,_"' .... 10 C.aitaJ UfZ peta Weat arde agu na ea ly Young stngle mo1t1er loo-" HJalborV $10RO!Oge-. oo"'lmenttdvltw•"' '. II -IF r -.. -L ., ..... 3 Br 2 81 ""'"'· N ......... ,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• $375/mo 64µ382 494.0077 I king tor resp peraon to r~ s c Plu.a Quiet 4 Co•••tti1/ O.bO w t11 •--flW ........ ~ ., .. ,. "' "" 1 C plex ~75 559-7439 •t•l•/I .... l S 759.()481 • .,_, ••'•...,••••••••••••••• S850/mo I 11. la11 a Apartment Aid l Br. 571 w Joann, 111 !Ir, Stud•o •, blk trom mi Jn ren room 1 11 Kartn " "'"' Rent In Coeta Meu ·1 New 2Br. 2Bt. den l'lome. $250 CaH Rae Rodgtfl. no pets. 1425 Sterr• beach 1385 Utll Incl 631-5632 S/\are ?BR 2BA Apt Poot •••••••••••••••••••••• 0.f t/ C.0'1 N E W EST get t d 2 O ~ view, no-t. Vt agt 83t.1266 to Anahem' t.49mt. 6-4 1-1~2.4 GOO<I ktlch 494-3044 ' Male 22·30 pool JacUUl flC nr S C Plaza S2 15 S.., 1~ ZSH Townhoma VILLAGE mi to oen 494-6478. 4 Br 2,.; Ba Stepa to 2 Br. 1981 Maple Ave, 111 /Ii In i 3111 tennis, 11-Ps to bch. re11' mo & ,., u1ll 549-5092 San Juan Captetrano ••••• •• •••••••••••• c2,<?~~U1~~·1!~ !.Bltr .. 1,, .... •Inil ••5·4 beach, community pool/ f" Vi 1. fir. no pell. 2 per1one • .'!!r.!! •••• !......... 548-4260 Shere 3BR 2BA Condo 6COO sq II •t<-•"O Cammo ·-Ir , .. 1 iry ,. ..... vvv-"""-... ,..... ,.. "" .. tennll $1000/ p re IC ms S695 2 Br 2 B I Versailles" $300 mo ap1Slrano Wllh conve-..,.,..1.S -...5 ol pure IUK"'"· Gar-, •• ••••••• ••••••••••• . mo. ro-• $<125 Sierra Mgm1 a ux con-Room S235 Prv enttan-673 6 O n1ent ~ustomer pa kn 1.82 acre. mountain YU, hydro-tubs'ln mamr Monarch Bay Terrace 4 perty HOUie, 842·3850 & The Apartment Aleoc. of 8A 1· 1324 do w/all amenlliH Xlnt Ce. cooking, pool Wor-·I 4 Or 645· 1827 1 1 0 level bulldlng lite. Utlll· " di I Br. 3 Ba. l'lome. 32841 642-tOIO Orange C It complex neer beach. ktngmen.Lagunaeeach Mother w112 yr ol .. son Oand accou $4 10 mo au •. n ng rooma. Seven Sea• Or o. urge• • 2 br. avail. May 111 No Herry Patel ... wner 675-0176 tin. S 11,200 firm. Own/ wood burning llrtpltOte, I 1275/mo. 675•8074 or IH CJiaiall 3111 metnbet'I & aff apartment petl. 1525. Water & gar-2 I 31 2 7 8 • 8 4 O O 0 r 494.4459 wishes to share Newport Agt. 714/246-7304 mlcro-wevt ovena, prl-527•7408 •••••••••••••••••••••• owner• to cooperett In def14lt Incl. 1552 Elm Cell 870•3008 or Glefln Elne-Pleaunt rm wl kitch prlv home wlma1ure. Chr11-FlllTlll Y&WY Other Good lnvt1lmenta vatt patio• & · BEACH COTTIE. 2 provlcllng houllng during 646--3827 for appt man 7141840 9000 Back yard E'tlde CM. 11an woman 64~·4271 SCHOOL PROPERTY yard1,gardentr provl-1575 .. 2 BR eKtC, bMcl't bdrm. 2 ba Wik train, this time of emergency. · • s2001mo S.8-5998 \Al 3 FOR LEASE 0.1 ti Ill,. ded. Elegerit IMng only rec lac, ga1ed. vac, twn. bch. S700 4 ·7913 Pleau contac1 The Spac. 2 bf', frplc. encl 1 BR condo. VeraelllH. F 5 to 50 2 BA 2 ba. 2 ottocelato1age bldgs ... ~~&. ...... ~ =~~~~ 493-1132, Mt-3872 lat• h4 JUI ~e~~~cfe.~,~~d~~ ::~os..;;~::.d8~~~~X:· ~~~h~~; f~;-~;;,~2~~'. !'!.'!l!<.1!. .. '!!! ... !.~~ g;~1~2~io '250 u1iis inct ~'.~!.~~n~ c2;,~~rs?o~~- atmt fl -Pina or O.C.Alrport. 3 BR 2'"' ba; condo. lam •••••••••••••••••••••• llOnl ~·can make, So CoNt Pl lbt Iba 21J.823-7854 IW I PlJCl1 Prof M unaer 3510 Shre lg hon parlung Lease all or 20 -•...,. ...._ Juet 9111 of Newpo 1 rm, fi>lc, 11111 yd. dbl get, Neel 3Br. $1150 mo So monetarily or otherwlM · au · A NB home Xtras $375 part Annual lea•e w t with~: =~2b.l!'. BNd. & ao. o4 S.n ~ aeaoc. pool. 487-1811 Cit Plaza arM Will be apptecltted OW· lull MC, pool/apa S455 2Br 101. Ill rn k1tch Encl eas Weekly Rates 631-63t3 opllon lo re"ew Foun- ·p rlnga & some foreat. F'Wf. Si.rt~al HOO a EKec 4 Br. 3 Ba. view, A.gt 752.f731 nera are alao aakea to lnclds gu/Wtr Aoent. no pa tio & gar s535. no "'·'·1z~9..tnt~-Mpo~5 ---------111n Valley School D•· I tee 951-0222 ..-., 8A2 2134 • .... ... ·-T...., ,,or woman w111 •"'r 3 .... ApptelMd 11 $130.000. month. 831· at, 2473 apa. $1400/mo. "gent Wnllabllln ,Zll acct~ n lleu of cHh. ,...., • I Sandpiper. 1967 New-''" "' s1r1ct P 0 Bo .. &510 c 1 11 0 wn er /anent. Orange Ave., Coat a 495-1°'4 Of 131-8707 •••••••••••••••••••••• vouc • lHued by The I BA, up1telra, cpt1, dr~. ........ c30o n d50°. , w i s a m e Fount11n Valley 92708 • ••--"~ c t •· • .--. I ...,. • s-s .urn rm. pvt 714-64<J..7210 -HOME FOA RENT .,.., roa 0 .... T .... 1m1. range, new pl nl 0 ON THE s•y Bl Costa Mes. 6-45-9137 Na 0 m I w I et an <I __ :.....;.__::....:;. ____ , __ -::7:'".:""'.:-:----llJui• ri-.. 1111 2 Bdrm ~75 Gatage 1 Vouchers are caahable pets $350 mo 980 Va-" bath gatage, patio pool 842 6651 1MJ llUll 1111 IAY ••••••••••:r. ••••••••• c h lld OK no peta thru The AmerlCR.n Red lenclt St. 536-1368 Luxur1ou1 2 bedroom 1 SUUll lltltl & i•c SC Plaza aree ---------3 8' 3 8a. Towntiowe by HOMES FOA RENT ~S.2000 a'...-1 I Cr o I• Ca I I h Wkly rent111 now avart $250. Shr u1t11 M ay I lfFIC( H S• be••-Ziff babbllng brook, frplc, 3 & 4 Bdnnl.18754700 ·...,,...,·no ... 714/e38-5550 IAlll 1111 IPTS oat apartment located s 05 & 545-31!0 m newer bid c •••••• -::':7f.':e••••••••• d/w . ..,...,,, d ... ,..,, --Fenced -aa & ,...,.,_ "'--~a-'-'•-• A"'ull 11u1ni I Br ~·r directly acrou from !he I up Col or TV g on 0111 l prime Corona del Mar ......,. ""' -··-·• •--.......-_....,_ "' • • • -• Reuben E L Ovettoo« Phones In room 227-4 l roomm1191 ~ea 511 Hwy South Laguna "P· d"'*"" 10 dlOOM from. lllru No ptll. $850/mo. ~:..'~.e~~1~';: Oahnld.J ,,,, "1M. ~· ~50 laundry No New p 0 r I " B • y 1 Newpot1 Blvd CM 10 ahr 3 Bdr C M town-PfO• 500 IQ It E.ccel~I WllltredelorotnarR.E le11e. 111 & eec ...,,.... •••••••••••••••••••••• l•.U.,.U 3#1 pe .... 1131W 19th Sl 800l mon1h For ap -646-7-445 nous..s21omo&e1ectr privateparkrngbeh1n<1 Darrell Piii!, ownr/agt 846-6423 .. ~ IHfi nlf LEASE/OPTION 9KIC •••••••••••••••••••••• St 544.(1492 polnlmen t pltai e call On Ul4I beech H TOOd. 111 530 6'15·2791 bldg S52S mo Turner Re/MtX 759-1221 ...... Ot1 Mer, 3 Br. 2 ea ••N ••••••••••••••••• conoo. NB. <>c.an 6 ~ 4~~2BA. yearly Frplc. 2 Br. newly redec: duplex 714 720·2473 M·F 8-5 k1tcf'len & bat~, ~r~, 1'-... !f.ll 1 ... ,. aa•t .. JSO Assoc 49 -4·1l 77 Fa 2 fr""" .. bl SPYGLASS eKecutlve view I BR+dtn, tor ., .. -.... par1Ung. Cloee to w/.,.,._,_ ,..., ..,.,_ ard ~~~~~~~~~ -·· ''""' -"' • bdrm. Canal Front• m rm. ..,..., " gar. home. 4 Bdr, 2't. Ba, 3 more Info call 873-48"9 be Y & oc •In. Br k r ss(i0~'."55i..so0'1 Y I-+ $300 <>epoSlt. 2306 W •••• ••••••••••••••••• l•'••lti•I 11•1114500 Newport for Sig Bur fenc.d yd Gardeotf Incl. ctr gerage. 2 lrplcl. po-evt. 558--9035 dYI 87~912 PARK MrwnnDT Oce1nfron1. Newport SIOO Double gerage sto-•••••••••••••••••••••• property or 7 Mr Clark StOO 873-1173. p~lar Tredewlnda mdl L.lrge 3 bdrm. 2 bt, petlo, 11r.nrun e.acti 673-4154 rage only 564 Ptumef St N B 3975 Bttch 5600 SQ 845-3370 ettar 5 PM 2BR nr SC Pin. Adult Sl750/mo. Mike Crow Near"""" adult COtldo nr ~ ,,, ., 111.t yard Enc gar. On Lill APARMNTS ....... , l1•l•l1 ~zoo 5n4•~'2'2w11 19t h C M ~1,.:.r1 ~~,1~50M321A zone condo P I J ..,.. •H3178 SC Plaza Sec galtl, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ln. Avan May 20 S650 • • ,. .,. ......... ~ IW llul1 08191 ~a. :f1~·~0 -·· ........ pool. Tract I• amall, 1 Br. ctoee to beactl., b9'-per mo .................... .. .., .. ,__.. z-move Jn. + 45 utll. Harbof Vu 3bf, many up· friendly. reaort-llk"e. 1 cony with ocun view. 548-!936 l&YFlllT Olliu 11•1•1 4400 PRiii( OFFICE ••• '!! ••• 9!'. ••••••••• ':':"! 556-1828. grad .. , ger den.,. BR, dining, air, petlo ut111 Inc Id. $450/mo. CMITllY CLR -4 bdrm. 4 bath. aanoy •••••co•••1•1•; •1••E•S•; • •••• w arehouse spece with Wanted: <f.piex H.B. arM. $1100/tnCJ. 760-0451 alt Secluded end unit. No 875-6606. Lg. 2 bt. 1 be, ntwdrps. & beac h, pier & II o at • • tor pelt drps & wet email down, flulble Spac condo. newly de. 3 5 pm. ~ pell. $495 + $35 utll. ,, • .,.. cpl O/W & relrlg. Encl'd. LIYlll m $8000 lor August 8111 Superb l7U1 St tocalion bars 700 to 3200 sq 11 ttrmt. Tany885-1400 br, 2 ba, patio. lrplc, n5·2580 ""'' ,,. -•4 gar. Od. loc. S4t5. •WllAllT Grundy, Rltr. 675-6161. 1 room, 400 sq II $360 Mesa lndustrtalpBJk, 711 Pool gar •'"'50 LuJ1ury pool home.' mar-•••••••••••••••••••••• 845•9884 att 11AM """" mo 968-9-477 de, ev, w 17•h S•. Pec11•-Bluff ' · •v · veloul Westcllff •-a11on. 2 br, I~ ba, 1p1, 2 c11r -·-•I a 1 • I ~z ' "' •--848-4067 ""'"' -•-• p 1 1 1 •ira-r•C•l1H "'•I• I 'I' SO Wllnd lndus1ri1I Park, 1835 -"" ' 4 Bdr, micro. many••· encl. ger .. crpt, nr S.A. $5254800/mo. 2 Br. 1•.; ro '" onal Y decorated ~ •••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• COLLE OE PARl(.-4Br. traa. Year or more IH. college, 857-2248 ea. TownltouM, aN bulll· I Br. condo with all OCEANFRONT r& •;•Br~ C M 2 olhcea. 3415'. Oath. Whllller Ave 642 • 44 63 & •a---"--t-L_,.. 3Ba. pool, $850 mo. + s 1495. Call Lola, 101 •••-llW Ina. balcony, laundry rm. amenltlea, near S C A lu•ury community on Avail now Weekly rhru storage ev111 S250tmo _ 6 _ 41 _ 2 _·_ 7 60A _____ _ ~.~~•••• oep. ~5-7821 831 -1266 .,._ covered parking. Nice Plaza, yearly teaae the Back eay. Spectecu· summer 873-7873 548-3345 494-3803 ~I 4550 ltJM.a I"-' '"' 2 br .~· 1 llTlell child Wntclitt 2 8' ......... S650 :.AX,ln2tBlocA. Jnrr ExS.CecPCI•°,~· ~t~""'I ... 2_1,.,.3 ~~:.~~:~~6"3788 or ~·:0~~:·11~~.:~":Z'~~I~ Indian Wells VIHa. rurn. 3 EXECUTIVE SUITE .!!~f!••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ok,.,....,,111 &1&91.R«s Et11b1Utf3Br ...... $1200 --.,... .,.. "" co ,11 bike I II BA,3 Ba Dove• Or Ne w por t STORAGE 1250sq lt plus 3 br. 2 ba. w/ge.r. Mo to a muet. 8.42-1417 EutblUtf 3Br+ ram rm Open Bum, SkylltH, 2 BR 1•;, Ba. lplc. O/W. 11 u · Bra 1' put-Clff 714-6-40..5548 Beach Avell May 1,1 pou o tc u&e Pr1cet mo. 11000 + MC. Avail. .,500· lrplc, lg deck over tu1h ""'r,r & Ho ng gr"" acht6ora. 1 Fo r more 1 n to c 1 11 space negot S300 to Ml 1 644-""'.u •Clean 2 t>r dupltK oll· ...... .............. ......... ..__... • .,.11 ,... '° get pet• and 2 bedroom apart· Nwpt Bch furn 2 Br H . b• S600 w C M Av111 now Y • ....,.. atrett pt11g. Quiet. $475, Bay1lde Cove 2+den tandsc, poollepa, dbl ~-u " 152 mo. 543-5478 mellla and townnou1t1 houae. ,,., Olk lrom bch 71-4/631-3651 Mon-Fu 645·8877 ,,_ • , 1.. ,.2200 gar/opentr. Avall now ••unmt• B ti' I 2 B• S Ir-,..,~,. to *1000 .-• ---------_,, ,,. l ,. utll1 Incl. No peU. ........................... ... $795 moll yr lttle ., • eau •U "nr o ~ ... .,..., • ,....... ... mple parking. Av11I •••••••••••••••••••••• 848-2474 9-5. M.f 8ayfrt 58<. dock .$3250 II 1!).33 79 wk d. y.. Btautllully landac1ped Coaat Plaza. $486 mo. month 511-6115 Of by wtc Also llU CUTH ••• ,.,, w .. 1" '""' New 3 Br. 3 Ba Condo. Watemont HomM Rttr• 751 .. 1 .. ~ -·· , ...... ncl• g&r',.__ ....... Pool & .,_ Agent, 8AO-e 181 On Jambol'M 11 Wt\ of 914.9111 Fam ... -l~T • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • $1500/mo turnlahtd 180 DEO VIEW CONDO 2 831·'400 .., 000 ... .,..,. co:-·...,_ _. Sen Joequln Hille ROid only Cell 75 ,,,_ s;w~ Bal Ill 2 or J Bdr hou99 $ 1000 fur Mo 1 Mo Br 2Yr ba niQo & ga1 ....__1 vered parking. Heat 1500/mo. Imm.a occu-(7 1-4....,.··"-lllOO 1• S-6059 Elegant E11ec au1tea 1n 12 mo lease Preler un n. . o · Si 2 5 . '5 3 3 . 4 3 00: Dover Dr In Wutcllfl _,.,.n peld. No pets. pency 2 Br 1 ea "°"M ~ Newport Beech ocean preshg1ou1 loc Incl le· yard 2 I 31698-0.686. r:~~io~~\',~!o~ 875-1781 Condto. Ul.1tlmat 1 e 1Mn 1 g, fanJd.J ""' ~ ••• ,.~9555 yard,~mall.gerage Cati NO FE Ei Apt & Condo fron1 . ..-lyr4M't1ts.2 & cretarral. recept1on111 945 4912 1 & 1 h 1 ma1 er 1u1 • w th lrp c , •••••••••••••••••••••• · ......,.... for Appl renttll Ville Rentals 3 Bdrm Open house. telephone ana & more ~ ••ere. --aundeck+1Br &dtn,Dtluu28R,AIC,F/P, 2Br.rnea 1510 TSlMgml 8.42-11103 ~5.,.1112 Brokar Stt /Sun 12 ·4 4409 Qlcatrom ~36mo On· l8yr NBresioentrequi· 868. r..-Ir pie. llvlng rm & huge dbl/•. City Hell area 2250 Vanguerd $40-9826 s 1 a•h0 r e & 2 9 1 4 call oles $16S mo THE rea 2 Of J bdrm home •utJ.1• 1111111 JUI rllo, pool, i pa, BBO. $52 mo. ~f-5080 1450/mo. 2 Br. 114 81, Ol~:.~136t ::1.~:2':~~-~~,.r,·sii!:>.~~~ Ocu nlro n t Wkdy a HEAOOUAATEAS COM· Prefer Eastslde CM Npt aa--L 11 I end 2 bdrm each with 1000 mo. 5•8·8448, apt .• balcony, petlo, 1 ...... pat'-, .. ...__..___, ·~·~ ,.. 5 4 4 • 0 6 t -4 . Eve 1 PANIES A proleulonal Hts 0 ' other fllCe tamdy -• 1 493-0803 ~ •--taL_,.. 1 ".. ....., .......,,_ ,...v • 8 .... 3 32 ortented toca11on Yard •••••••••••••••••••••• ergt automttlc double II,.,,._ eundry rm. carport. ....-2 . environment {7 141 d 1 d 3 br, 2 ba, newly dee. ~. fir~. lkyllght, • •••••••••••••••••••• CloM to all Cell fOf appt. 1 & 2 Bdrm. kJKury apta 851-0681 require or 0o• Will CI Ol9 to bea ch ' privet• patio, dlehwuhtr. unmr ,.,... TSL Mgmt 842-1803 UY ... _... ~25b,~a:so::..0~.':'9~: ~! ... ! .. 1!.!!J~'!.!.~1c",_o-.-•• -M-.-.-.-.-2_5_0_•_q_lt_, ;.!1~:';.~d ~ ;::::-~=· IChoolt. Good neighbor· etc. 2 llOry, 4 + bdrma. 2 lni...JI ,111 ,_,.. 54µ351, 213/331·5417 Non-emkr, 3 br condo suite $1 75/mo Ullll In· Mull be modefately prl- l'IOOd. $875. 1 yr min. Sift II Siii bethe, fir~. pgeout ouueuuoeu uou "'"-tftleld 1200 mo+,,. utll, $150 Cid 779 W 1"1h St c e d A eterenc 11 leaM. 9114-3181 1872 MOl'lt'OYll vl9w Pier S3000 Baytront Bt<lh Apt. Quiet WW.:. -· SPACIOUS 1 Br. 2 Br 2 B1 VtrHlllH lult. a.p 964·3654 H.B. 85 t.S928 673-3858 COit• MtM older peraon . No peta. , ... , 1_.. • Flteplace. pool & much condo, Hcurlty, vlaw, 1---------1---------111.._ Vrly Incl ulll $400. .,,.. mo<e. pool. •pa ... una, no W1nled reapon1lble It · 1617 Westcllll, NB Want 11t/laat & dtp. 873.f785 8ttulllUI gerdtn apte. peta, adult• only. El•· male to ahere 3 bdrm lln1nc1a1 lnat 70001 I l•1i•111/larnl/ ..,... Patlot/dtcb. Heat paid. 141-•I gent $850 840 6118 condo In lrlllne Area. 11 t . II o o r Ao• n t Fiaun Small 1 Br. carptU. :,:~11. Chlldren wtl· 897-3066 • . or 552·3248 5-41-5032 •••••••••••••••••••••• drepea. 1395/mo. 2 Br. w. Ba. 1515 Roommate to 1h1re 3 llSllEU a.as luia111 876-0473 2 Br. 2 ea. 1 1535 • K b bdrm houH In lrvln• Anewttlng & mall Ht· 0-...g/t. lllS 3 Br. 2 ea. MOO enny unkporf? Avall. 6/1 55l-3l58 vice. conference room .••• ~:· ••• ;'•••••••• C.,U ... mf 3N W. Wlllon PROF non·amkr 4 br Adj. OC airport S 100 Mobile Power Wuhlng •••••••••••••••••••••• 831·5583 or 642·370I Isn't that the boat home In Lan Nig · .. 2 .. 7 mo 1141951.1342 equipment & con1rac11 1111 • •I -·· · • v • 10 l'lra/Wtl pays S20Kt y,. ALL UTIUTIES PAID -. ...... ,! that won The America's Cup In 75? 49~ Nur San Diego Fwy & Term• •vad. 1-633-4242 '365-1475/mo. 1 a 2 Br. ,-,. · f'Y""\ r-..r Stir condo wlp1ot per.on HetbOf 4 offictt IUltt & Compere before you epte. new«*!*. pattoa. ~ • )1 11....1< /' ~ $285, I•!. 1111. dtp. 11.1i tront office & reeept laNl,.,,,I rent. CU.tom dtelOf\,... oerpo(tt. Cat OK. u )'OU rt not surr who (or wl'ilt) it... .......... n......... am1n11111 Ul·5110: area. 2 bath• & kllche· ,.__,_.,,. lllf turee: Poot, 18(), 00\l"td TSl Mgmt 842·1803 """'I"" ...,..,,, ~78 nette. llt. l furn evall ••• ';C'r:':'::::'OC' ........ . _, •• MTOUnOed wttti •---------1 WIS. Cblt fffl bld-'f(JAJ·rt not~ $850 mo 549·2928 LOAN SHAN< WANTED pluah landacaplnQ. No ......,;:~ ~~14 ~r'('(Mnd .~ lll"lllft &ec. olfa. xlnl N.B. loc, ~~dat'~~~~r~ .,.... •eMeB• "'"' -u·-~•w.-~Jt.-.... ••liq HH-copier. 12 It , 3875 POttlf.lt2·t2S4. ~=:= == ISl&lm tnoftbrtlngtont,.-.~1~~~!!.~ FHmDS ~~~32 Ne Agent__;,.;..-;..;...;.,;..;;...,,;.._.;;;;,,;;,.;,;___ *"'·l'-"·M2·1t71 New Condo tor rent. 2 _.., ,.... __ ,. .,.,.,..,........,............... Old .. t a.1er099t ~1---------1 ... ,,~, ... If, 21.; It. f70ltmo, Dtlf Tht kind Of M.ttntlOfl 'fOAJ de5fM AJI Cfi.tlll ec:rMfted with WM'lll ~ ~ pool, ~· • A ~ blet"2 Of l'\ltUl'f llld IMng-~toe & , ... .,IOel. ON ,.OMCl.OSUAE W. 1ttl\. 148-2 31 ndled In I foml ~h C*>Clltng brOdlS Mid qi.lift Credtta: COtmopolltan PROPfRTY --""' Qood Momlng Atntf1ca. 714/Mo4-1704 ,....._ _.._ .,, l\Mut'll OC81 l9ftts Add 10 The Tomorrow Stlow. ~ tr\lt ttMIS ~l'U. Nmmino ~, .)eCtUJ eno *"on. to .. new~ ~Cllllllll..,...... 1 t~110c1tion nw ~""' --,..... e .,_., I'=.. ffnp•otnwrund ;iou ve 9ou pwcu''>o"" WOu1<1 *Hi"' M 1-1• .,, ,,. -- Pt'OUllY Clll "°""'(&en ~lq)Ortl) ,""*"8d ~--- Onl .., rwo Otdtoom. one ~ two '*" OCee11 Ylell¥ """'°'* ~lrOfl"I ~1500 Nwpt. pro!, M, "°""'*'• .... ,,.,. r10o1011 ·~;jiiifiiiiilr,;;-I . . 2ssocia ted L __ W1 .,., • : ·l ',r. " .~ . .. . . I • I c., DI Oran CQUt DAILY PILOT/Fr1d1 , A rll 23, 982 oils anted ATflNTION IMP.LOYllSI Find the pereon wfth the abfltdel you nMd In one of thlM MJ1. A Pub/lo ~ Of tn. Ody PllOt I INTIRIOR Du11nu WILDlNO Mid rtr he¥t w1nu work Hu cfevel· 4.~ yn up , hive LA. olltd WIJqUf lnlM\Or wall on •up. In pipe It rellera Mr Robln1on mtt wtldlnc 54~30 4tH?l8 CONTROi.LU true ENTRY ltvtl Bookku· IN~nwnt, 1uperv. 12 pine [)(plorna in A«wn· hvy lt>P Incl O.ta Pro· una 1714) 642-8789 ceu lnatal .. buda. MBO OIR!Cl'OR of MarkeUna OperatlonJ wtntenswe aalH & pubht' r•lat u · pet f'~r txec wlhowl corp Tr1vel rl'IOC' OK 541 .mo •Yt 644-4788 MECHANICAL Tech. avail for IM!lp )obi. wkly, monthly Contract labor bull $11 ~ Exp prou>- 1 y pe• mech UHm Ron 546·2~9 WAITRESS reliable & exp 1n both food & drink Can work nlfhtl & wktnda 497-361 . . l.IBBABY R•Herchtr POStTtON netdtd, Id PBOFUSIONAL maclc HcJITAIY with hill ~VY l'..qwprrwnt optr• APPllDITtCI AIC l'.tf1& rtlLD Salu Rtp. with 8U8fNl88 orlu1td 8 .A In ln1ll•h. Wtllt· worl&tr up Ofhtt driver, clH• J. Current cbarp bllpe tk!U. nltdt aLOt (txpar ) <Amrnt fin-meet\ Tech. dXIOI and· a pi'OYfT\ trldt reeord. loo-M HA it.~ edm1n alty coll•I• 3 yre txp Printer 2 ytt coll•I•· rnedicl1 cJ. OMV van., tu.11 Urae ptnMMnl POii llher. dMa 2 UceNI (714) mo'1 up. Pinn call ktn1 to locai. (n LA or &+ )Tt aper. a.er. P*· rtftr Sci.nllflc JOurnall wlllln1 to l11rn Av1ll fl•t•. doubl11, truck, Av.II. lmmtd OH·9078 6*<~78 eea.1~1 •for Jot. O .C. aru. Jot (802) tlon =•or dlnlca • ('Ufftftt k lrilo ac U. lmmtd. reaumt, aalary cnn.ler low ':/: llM\lt llvlnt Newpon •South LIOAL Admtn. f'UC * N1...el9 C.en IOlwt'ff«U· f CI S ._.,._ •• H lnq"'-onlv. 2'·8182 ' COMMU NICATIONS . vil 714Ml&32.I o •IL llbrarlu open. levt..w·_..., ...,_ , .,... Stanfotdped~th3yn 'y20·30yreuper All COPY Editor, accom · Y • • 49H8T4 ASSEMBLY. maakln1. IXPIRllNCID offlct ADM1Nl8TllATOR M4dJ. poe1CJ'ad. award wlnnlnt rltlde, 1ttkln1 pttm pllahed journall•n• atu· CREDIT COUenlclnl txper IDITOR Writer, public: awnc • .Ok ICnJtn ~pol-worker Ty_p• eowpm, acor wrilf'r. l!xperienct In journalln, 811t Hlllna fulltlmt poalllon. Ev•· dtnl Htk• poet 1rad Offfct work. MW a«tl' relatlont , fund ralatna. llor, pa1c. up, Ml & \af. 1•n office knowl1d1e. lt&al rtttatch & COW\11· author wlth ure ere.din-~ Hl-7943 empl. 2 yr1 td ltln1. loan•. colltcllon•. acct• brochurH. ma1ulnH, htat·Mtltr. reada blue· Trains w/IBM Sy1t1ma 11n1 n 1 w,p1 p er1 . tlal In communication HAVE~. prt . .ec'y. N1tlona.I award wlnrun1 ,..,, rec:anc .. TRW cndit romwr publllhtr, tdltor, prlnu. 20 yre alrcrert 34. Hard worklna. con· 07.34911 ~rvlcee & relal.td l«h· r«epUon. lltf rrtdly. ,... co~ peper Ill cNdwat compuc.r reporta. Sue.an monthllea, ~urnallam fact. '48--8419 aien&loua. 892 3730 -1""4-. ••• 7713 11 u er.ell (913) 749.o8J3 914-2218 • RETAIL Man1aer 3 yn ..... ....., .,,.,. · 11 exper .... ature. et· •---------~Starr · WARE.HOUSE ITllll. fork· ADMOOSTJ\A'MV! man· exptr In 1up1rv1tlon MAN A 0 ! Ml NT w I tractive, weU ~tMd. ~~~p~~:~!Th·u~· MANAOEM!.NT 1tainH 4 ~I lift oper1tor 711 yn H · ~nt. 15 'I"' Project buyln1. marketln1. In· proven 1rack record In Cu & woul ltlce 10 Rtferenctt Call evu Cuatomer, publl,c relt· HI Level t~er nee per. w/all attaa or 1hlp-dtvtlopmtnt, 1y1. ll')a· ventory control flnanc people & ulft dvlpmnt 1.ravel 494·729' 71 .......... 78 11one H1v1 Xln t com· aec.lwrittt, ,,...S . ~~ & recelvlna. (714) ~ ~.~~ report1, art, curt. fra· within flnandaJPrlWOWftob MFG Repre Oiatrlbu-~~ .... ~ munlca1lw tldllt. verbal typu11 IOC>+ ah. l • ...iu · 202 ·~u.....,, min& ~.trd & 1lft llnt1. puamew,.. & ortt j. tlon, d l!'fft O!M "'"·' CONSTRUCTION worlc & wriuen Work well am ofrict. pref 2 ptnon. _L_A_W_S_t'_h_o_o_l_&_rra_d_u_a_t_e & •uperv nr,:r Xlnt Aarttttvtcaiwrorlen\«l Enlrtpttneural thlnklna Call T tltper wtrtme>CkUn1 In· wuh peoplt. Collea t Irv .. NB area 9~'7-16117 Former Appella~ court written & vtr I iklllJ. 842-6738 w It um con c' Pt yu '~·.~~u:;!~o~ •Ide homtt, bank•. '"° 1rad. Or1anhtd. di INVESTED 1111 50K in· vent tlec:tnatyaennaunc 200 MPC 1u10 fuel dt· vice, nttd JOb to comp! Eng'1 PhD. saln manu! P'OITIO 494·0451 anytunf dayleve. la)V clerk. P1ychol01Y & T20·0t37 SH•RP. 1ttrtctlve ult· 497·209~. Club PSS II. Wiii rtlo·I Htvt refer .. rtlltble. COl\I ~'9·1381. BAR Rt111urant Mar 3~ k d k M"'CH C T n 1 • ..,. 2880 _....;;;.. ______ _ FULL ume Recept pos yn IO<'ll up., lop real .. SALES Manaaement, yn1 aceount b arn . •tt 1 "' ANl echnlclan, a tarter hu exten11vt GIRL Friday/Computer cat.I. ._.,. CREATIVE lndlv. np In desired Good front off hotel, fully qual1fltd aggre11. colle1e arad w1 challenalni empl. opport. many y11,.. exp. lnnru· barqround in Intern. pr, Exp. New to area Stt· _N_t:ED ___ h_-'_t_l _tha_t FORMER Pur.1£ml. 11let d11play, vwual ptam .. ct.. appear pl1111nt apk VOi· Buyer lnv ConltOI full or OVl'r 1 yr• of IU~eurul Salary. btneflta neaoda· mentatlon.field & lt'rV1Ct, enercy •Y•· WIP mamt, kini "' co w/1ood bfn. mec . I"-on Mrv ... p. us !mporttr, qn, rttail .... tlrw .,,,, ca Can do bkkpg, pay· part tu·ne 642•4663 exper .. 1eekln1 challen· bit, Central 0 C. area t>l«I. plwnbl.ng, weldina, oraaf\. Forte la 1tartlna trlta. Adm. uat·Bkkptr, P•Y• fair wtaea Wiii din, mofltdl, paru. ecc art ~allery Dt&rtt In II I hi t Gd r &Ina & rewardln1 poal· 714-631..a4i foreman Wb ht1 atturt nt'W bualntt1tt. ~36·0427 Sttrearial Alao RE LI· work ever>: d1y except AOlleae 1rad, •xp•r In "'-p y •· In ....... _ .t-1-ro •II ypg re PBX ~ ...h tion 8~9·1384 job 631·7~2 -...,._,,. • ., Sun Pltaat c.11, out ot ~ h h d I ... all"' .~=78_.~ ~~7~17 td:;lldof.~~y;:~: MALE 26colleaeet'on EXP'OS«r'ywtadllailon ..,.,_ ....,.....,. work Aftu6pm wat1{"rec 1n O· nowav .,........, TRUCK.DRIVER or Wart· hhn& & handlt 111 mail SHARP 3rd year USC Exper In ultt. uporu. BOOK.KE.EPINC thfouih ab1llly Adm A1111t or PUBLIC Relatlo n1, 842-.103~ PtJca. 87 2374 LOOKING for Sood A/P houseman Class I. cur· Avail now call Loll Mrk1 atudeot needa ~at'hlna. dttlrtt F'tume financial statemmll Exp off '"if Very 1ood per· Bectpt.,Gtrl Friday.,ood _......;.. _______ TEAMSTER M1ea or con· potlllon t.l1h11yp , 10 rent medit'al dot semi 631.8273 swnmtr nnpl Preier of. pOI In bu)'llll or relaled in rompuur d•ta entry, ION!lly. wanta to bt buty wtpeople Friendly, IN· MALE 3~. colle1e educ it 14 1,.. drwer 111e1, 7 key touch. comput1r tn· bobll>I LA OC aru ---------f1ce Exper'd In Word r 1 t Id t n Ir Y G ary al.a aentta1 office duon wtJ)(Ol>ll' Gd aJUU. & ref tu re. womfn'• seminar M1m exper In l1nd1c:a· yn road OCNt.. Wion. btl· put. betch & OCJdl'inC. f'I. IOyr up Forklth optr RESPONSIBLE Mature Pronmn1. Computer 642·2078 Lillian 494.6661 ~S·l7-90 planner, can cravtl. rt1p pln1 ,roNtructlon lndu· llt1 etc: Dir ulH. 4 yr Una. mill id wlflrurn ~ "'I 964 9946 Se<Tti.ry uperttntt all Lana & Bkkpa Suaanne RECEIVING Clerk.~ yn JOURNEYMAN Electrt· ~DMINISTRATOR Coor· Ma·5M5 ltrlel Need work tmmed roll11e. but ad, a«tn1 Would love to learn pey. of!1t'f runt'llons, dt11rts 962·4783 receiVlng dtpl tXpl'r ."' c:11n. h l1hly ex per, in dlnator up ln Food !)er. TWENTY F111• yre up . Hive rtftr & rtaumt. US-9987 or 548·2134 roU 1164-3013 V p Salt'S. Mktg Mgr or part limf tmployment C AL Friday f'XK ability electroruc MFG Envtron· Comm & lnduatrlat. 21 64~·7409 tx« ilJISt S••nford .wad 979 ""21 vltt, eventa, prornoJWN, inl:luda 111ta mkta. dut INTERIOR dalnitr 6mo SALES & Promotion ·MBA lo4yr e;p Sold"~wn . .,., & exper avad for adnun ment CRT Input txper yn workul& formian !or public: rel Writ. abll ef· memt , Writwn & verbel MANAGER. dearee. rte· expet in w field, direct Solid & aucceurul bl& chl'm bus. also 2yrs in· ADDRESSING envelo~ role wlopporl Ruume ·Rick 775·8036 lht Irvine Co. 9118-7481 fklent, or1anlttd, crea· romm Succet1 orltnltd tntly rtlot'. 'lxper nw:>tl· 111ta, meft'hdl.tina & dJt.. Udttt f'llp. Mab It worth vestments 64!> 2487 or by hand or typing. Or upon reque11. 768-8661 PRODUCTION ICT't'W ma· BOOK KEEPER rut 1 tlve, B.S Home Econ.. Seit motlvaled ~~2·7422 vator & communicator play ex~. l 73-7511 my while with 11Jary1 ~8 2644 stwing at home ~8·8419 Box 940, El Toro ch1nea, hard1ngt & charge thru t.ria1 balun l...anaullie art.I 546-8432 CERAMIC TUA o-t•-20 ettlu career w Fortune comm John M Henoucl ~ ~ ""' ~00 romp. Sain 11rv & VERSATILE Oeneralltt. .._ 7200. r~-U-,._ EXEC: 5c"<·rt1.1ry. typt>80. UNEMPLOYED st'hool RETIRED after 38 yra c:hucktnplus1naJ;'.t1on8 & r1n1nc4ill 11a1tment.t WRITER Editor, l"fltarch y ra uptrnenct Mud l.nltNCUonai mtdia blirk· Potlllvt rtallat wlaolld mu ~~U.._....., shor1h11nd 80 Word pro teac~r needs work Can from Commuruatlon Co. yrs Prerl'r C . Irv wilt"tTt'unal alulla 5 yn lnltrvttwa, aurvey1 up work included 894-4264 ........ ovt 545 9600 communk aOon1 uper •--------- l·ea x!nt wnt ~lulls. orr tend bar. somt' t'lfncal w/ office & ouuide plan• 546-2076 exp+ IChoolJ.na 5~9-9078 w l UIOC' lr•de jollrmlt. RELIEF Mv. penonablt, .. ~-· · Shon or lone lttm empl, LEGAL t«f'y. 15 yrt np idmin bkkp :; yr exp )kill 40 wpm. good w1lh uper 59 yra old r P CERTlf'lED Purrhasing VERSATILE Arual Rap brOC'hurn. ntwaltlttA, exp hot11I , •pt complu. CLERICAL Cifn offke aalary open Pete Chi!· Gton Law. type 7~ wpm rtr NB resid Sl!>OO mo ~ 963·!>208 llJnl' Hunt Bch 962-2!>18 Manager tCPM) or aub· rrut1ve. atlr ·starter •pto«hft. ropyfdlt, proo-club. mol#I Pl't'ftr 2 or 3 wanted Fiume In C M drn1. Box 7200. Cotta S H 70, hard wrkr. no nun 644 0196 ACCOUNTING Manager HONEST rehab~ studt!nt rontract1 admin for lflt 1v11I ror work Slul.kod al frnd1n1 mag ntwapa· dayt pet wk 640-4999 arn Exper In all 1ypee Me..CA 92828.64~~528 hm obl11 flexible WRITER f.ditor 9 yrs l'X F'1nannal AN.lyst 15 yrs w1Shes outdoor w ork or am Co Manur <'On <'oncept de11gn. layout. PfB 6~3-00lllJ PURCHASING Msr w C::::'n•~~A':;: RESERVATIONS. ticket _~_9._3_143 _____ _ -r Con• Oflti1n1zat1onal SUpPrvlSion FIS r A A p wktnd1, & all summl'r 11ruc11ng or 1ny fitld lint lllWll & prodUC'l art MALE 26 II n·-r~-M--t 1'l"lllltt for airluw. CAREER m1ndtd lndlv r· .,. "' AR P1R t.axes audit DIP N B or CdM Agt 17 775·2580 15 yn uptr Stro ng t'O •IP eron mfg & •m bull,_ man· -~ ~ -.··· C'Ommum,;ouons degrN' "" ·x---r 1n 111-•xporu ~.,-1 l.L.4....A "'-p •n crulw tndu.try I yr txp 11ttlu rwrm em~I 3 yn lmpl•m•nt•l1on vlnl c•o ""'"' portfolio 4...,.1063 ~ ,... n . ~ • -.~"~" .,_.,,.. ""' • BA "·" T 1-,.. ,... 'Sam pl rs .iva1labl1' Aomm'un'1, s.k1ll• -1~1 r1 . '" """". EXPER Eltttro-mec:h as lt'al'hing dt1lrtt r 'llm<.I printtd clrrull boards. ...ulO Of t .... v ... on travel agrncy c>peraUc>nl, bankln1 exp. i ypt 3:; 5~5 ~2:11 'nanA1•1' ropur1.1ng BKKPG r11 pi t hvy i.1p 'lt'mbler IS('('ks Job in So 'HARD Workm11 M/2:> WI JIOllllOn Ill buvlnl[or rt· wood producll & Roi Stron1 wrlt1n1 ability bonded travtl t'OUrltr. wpm. txp. on CRT. lft\ POSITION Wanl~d by 840 368• 6• ' I exp. air rollf't't!ON. pay Oran~l' Co l.>epend family. nN'<l1 work Ex· lattd held entry Gary Est.all' 980·6967 or and txptr • arrretarial ('Ompulttl Call anytime ltd~tr & 01htr clerlc:al • k d r .. .,. 1killt, xlnt work record ••6-6870 .... •7~ "7"" u 11.. Rt'oil Estate brkr, ban· roll, tu return, bank re· no w I' ge o uum I per warl!'nou1em'an, .,,2.2078 551·~8 .,.. ,.... v ,,..., .,. ........... BARTENDER ~ h r hanMW. aold.-r blue""'nl ah1ppin11. rt'<'tlYlng Ex· ---------963-4379 I ktng,llAl~oropt>ntoop-rrt'nc l' l'onc,typing,t'omp ,in· ,... BARTENDER w.inta ---------WRJTER.proorrtadf'r Ntv.'UllO'<o''n•Ca111(1td port B A dl"g pub I IC malt> prorl'11 looks for put. '7141 847-~125 !>~·0198 I per lOIJ'lde, underwater work, any shift 5 yn OFFICE Mar ruuomtr PASTE-UP. Pho1ocompo· 5tNof fditor of Wm ref can btlp you mt~ many m.u~ uJ.;ry ~um!d ' po1111on in high dass NURSlN.G .8u11ni'S1 .a_. fAM-T-A-S-TJC workul ~t"ma3"~nta11\afll-e Cr.-g dinner~ t'Xl'V'rV'll('t' service ;arctg. suptrv1 lltion Layout. Sp«>·typt. boolu for 7 yri Proofread 9'xourntt4s HZ·H11 GEORGE r II t ade5 morning<1 CTeallvc-, s.unulllung out ii pa1nl1ng rork lift JOURNEYMAN Ell'<tn ASSISTANT .. IOK er)' drptndablt, pm.g. Med Frt off "'P 3 do upoailory wnt1n1 tf/llU lf mt'1JllS , •• .,. ' """ min bkgrnd ePk1ng Sl't'ks Frr l'mpl Jilmton 962·2 13~ I . on. ~rsonnt . yping. • • ~ • ~ JU . • • c:ompu ... r prin u .an un._, . •99 1891 • -1•bl1-LmAnt "u.1317 S '".,..., '" I .-·-I I l ~1m•r1 •xp •l•r'-1 IV •· · to ll d 0 ;a r TAN''IBL£ s I I d f I I k r1o1n \'X"' r 1n omm & ... .in.iger or or11anired. 111blt xlnt yn rM'Wspllpet np 2 yn 1161-7298 M"t"r or nonr PINsc "' a l"t po11 et w g man.c1a rt· tloc Inf! gas s1.111on al r· ' hflprr in soilPt rt'l•il od ;;... ad /o ,,.11 b46 :;711-i t1on ... ill travrl navy tum fitox hrs days PO 1 .. ndanl 9113·8929 .. n" Ind "'Uf'kt'<I '4 yrs ro< tht-bu.Jlrwa or bu4•n<W 2 , bullnPu birk11round :!~':,.!~ mJ;::;3• A<X..TG l.1trit 8 yrs gen IV/ JIOUr EXEC my lt't'k) good ~~~~~~k!~Jil~~v~e~e~ ~~ 2643 Newport 8(,ich t llllll' ~~~~!~·~ :::: .... pro ) ra exp '0 dotluog & -E~-5-~-o:?--~-2-.,.-mg-r-1e_k_ptr_) BOOKKn'nB pm unw bv~ ~;:c:,:~c; be "c/ossi(lRfi• bo-.s Engr ml'd acad I •pale t.altt vxpt-r sttks CONSTRUCTION t'lllma h...siull4l Ii vn. (J A ei... pharma(y l!?J S2.."IJ__ d1&tr1butor Dir & Dllt for small bUI Light ty 5h . .jl()2 txp F T Sal o pen 1ntHUl r halltngt SALES experirme with tor JO vvars l"kJX'r Cum I ptr ,.bnagt;nwnt, t:ng1 MATUR~: womiin rree-mgr lev!'I. mrkg. bus ping, r1hn1i. phone I yr 960·4640 or 962 5997 1 1 675 l.j83 20 vears in Ind Rt>fc>r mt>rrial indui · publu , n1·1·ring Rt·l(ulatory af l.mte wnter, dt"S1r~ po· mgmt, frar1'hlli' prnm & t>xper $6 ptr hr 5~·i794 --~·, .j99 2976 works. bid o< t'QOC~ptual I f.11.,, 1n11nin11 CumputN \l\KIO u l'd11vr .. 1 aaut.m1 po•n!Ofl mollVilllOCl Auto RECENT Bw ••Ila grad PUBLIC relation~ pho· MG MT salt>a or wardrobt nl'g Gd sub rn nli<l'l~ r~•-d1nu ......... •-~"'1a w11 .. l·~·al Publ11hDr ur 1nouve & rl'latt•d fltlda L-d r II TECH Illustrator, gra-hK omp 8 d tlr qu ntll) I "n .. '" ""3 .,. .. ~.... " ~ • -.... ' !'°' WI u llmf' 1narapher wl3!'>mm cam ('On•ult1ng po1111on 1n I"' l' I • ••--'·--1 dev~. M1hUiry lnhouaa l'ublu align 714 1142 74114 pl r Iona d -.. dl't1f1ntr wl!'> yrs exp & I.Ike oH 645 6488 ,.............. ~·~ ' t'11l YP'"ll 1-'6· wor era, portloho on l"fquesl womtn• hnl' apparl'l. Univ lmlr Rf'C'fnt Blue · hardwart, rl'tumc< <1vaJI ~ 646-4612 pn,..'e'll , ~nll l?t't'IV Camtra & Lab uper wan1f'd by ex per moll Pnnt readins days & sta GENERAL Of fut' P1T 714·!'>~7·3606 MANAGER or Otrt'l"\or or SEMI l"odu.t'IOf' <>pt"r ~ yra abll'. payableo. payroll 645·8718 valtd sharp raahion con· bi!Jty 646 3432 C EXPERIENC'ED r·-·lt w R ... "---I exp with local rom 01r M<ir~ret 5341.2974 !CIOUI t.dy. xlnt reromm ollegl' studl'nl ne .. ds , .. _ t11t'anh ~ IA'Y" opment f 751.-I~ ---------1 Ill 839 2762 16-20 hr wk in afternoon t rt'w on rh .. rter r1Sh1ng prrrl'r St'm1rondurtor USIOll area MANAGEMENT tmpl u ry open GENERAL 0H1t't 2 yn Ex per 1n PBX. typinfl. boiit OI' M11I Cert1f1td d1 ~tf'Ol'lll"ll & ()poo rlt'ld MED A.wt reruflt'd In all past 6 YB .. off manager FOOD and Cot'kt.a1l Wiii· txp Ill AIR ~ahna with riling cuh1tt1ng. rompu Vl'r Dan .. P l lo Loni( Hold PhD In Ph)'Sll.'5 & bark & rront orr ...... U\REsalesrtlllledflelds r-m nffdofpb.nl'Wto pubhc:Cap1bleinlBM tl'n. JO-kt'\' H B Btach C11l B abs Ma1rnal15c-1l'ntl' (ii-.) ting Av11I 1mmed llJlCf 11152 114~75.7045 arta 730 ~~18 l)'l\mW 34 m .37jb 1162·7326 . lle0-0839 64~ 1525 495·1743 Ll>'EliUAl<U t:xpen l'11"fd ocean & pool Want 10 work u hfe1uard. swim 1Nlruc:tor °' pool m.i.narr 962-31183 HAVE Bookkl'tping ad· nun tttr'y alulb I'm IM at trac" cap RnC'l're 'pt'f'IOn )'Ou're looking for Call Bobbi Bui.on 631-84111 CONSTRUCTION Suptt· inttndtnl ZO yra exp in a II phattl ol 11ftilt Carmi y drvtlopntnl PrtC« htld opHlllon Qual1fltd peci&.qll\g or purdl.allnc 642M29 n._._ ............... ---....... .._., ,_ .... ...,.,_._.,...._... ....................... _ ... ...,,.. claaalftH ada ... 2-tf71 '---------- "'~'!..'!,"' r,.,, so1s f ~!!. ~ !.'.-.~~-... !.~~ '-'!!!~~~'. .•..... !.~~~ !'.'1.!!!.a.!'!. •.•• !.{ ~ '!.•.'1. .Vf !~'.'!. .... !.{ ~ !'11..'!.'!.!'!. •••• !.{ '! !'.'I..'!..•!'!!. •••• !.{~,!'.'I..'!!!!'!. ••.. !.{'! I !1!.'I. .Vf !~~~ .... !L. !'.'l..'!!.a.!'!. .••• !.{~ """ AGORAPHOBIC IUYSll"l'Trl • . t .. ... • I SALES •••••••••••••••••••••• HELP LINE ,..... Delk Clerlls w11nted. day GEN Ole Br1gnt gorl to r ... • o ••• ,., PITIME 7 doys 2 nrs GH 3 GEROlllTAL WE Buy 2 d M·F 2·6pm 4 kids & night 111111. w11111a1n d1vt.,s11teo work 1631 FIT1m11 pos lor recent PAYllll CWI d111ly AM deh11ery LA nowavallobleinlheUSA n s FOUND ADS 536•7734 Some car pooling nee SIJI Lark Motel Cell Plocenlta. c M 642-6830 h igh scnool gr lld wt I lhe JOiiy Rooer Inc;. ilO Times $465/mo Laguna Is It the F oun1a1n of GREAT SOUTHWESl * * * Good salary 1rv1no 646-7445 noon 10 6PM •a•iwA•E ••L£S mec.h11n1ca1 opt11uoo I estabhshed restaurant Beach 494-8496 Youth? F'ree semrnars. .7"' •tff Atlantis llauac1 Banking DOMESTICS F'ull time E•p prel d I ooesn 1 m111d ~111n9 dlr· an en1ry level payroll/Ille Real Estate hogh income potentia CAPITAL CORP ARE FREE 552-3728 " n -llke$ working with IOOll & I cha•n has an opening'°' 1 -Open 24 nrs a dly PIT 1ellerllra1nee Sou Mature houeeli.eeper tor I Crown Hardwere 3107 ty Learn prtv4'nl1ve clerk lo work in a 4 per· E...,.,.H9r/k't ~;:";~~:~~h~~5•va1la· Purcha!.41 S 2nds & Equi1y Cal·. 7 days • week proteu1on11 11ar1eo <Ill· E Coast Hwy CdM I mach m111nt plus veriely '"°" dept Payr<>ll ••pet NE w P 0 R T IN II {ST Loans From 17•, .. 30 Yr 69 Gorgeous girls 10 ~11,·~~0';1a~!.;:~•,7,~: ties H1one5st energetic. Hl'IP with elderly man 2 o l other dut111s wn1le helpful but wlll 1ra1n an MEN r COUNSELORS Sa11>s office PT acc:oralt Amon Ownc<!Non so-,., •••-1171 J rellabF 9 C hrs pr day oays 8 weai. • 8 l"w learn1119 1ne JOb Peuon 1ndrv1dual who has hm1· h•• 1 lim•l...,. num"'~ ot lyp1'1 Mino diclalion & _, pamper you acuu1 lypmg & ca5h« exp re Mon r1 artrefa req d v o v m l ...... d .....,d bl• ,...,. & d I ~ ""' """' l Tll SaUl'la Locels 1111 well as quired Call Jane Marlon 640·6962 overnighll Prv br & rv us .,.. ......... a ~ ""l'Jpe< a esire o opply s tor po5111ve tape Good 1e1ep11011e PETER DOBBS tourisu BeM Ameri 873.5630 E 0 E 548•4259 CIMCO fe4rn Salery commensu ambitious enlhusiashc per sona111y Sailing BROKER Lost F Golden Rel red card Master cnerge ooughnul make• e•ptr 285 Brigos Alte C M rare w11h ei.per Apply 1n reel 9518., licensees 11 i..nowled9e helpful Rt'- 640-60UI 760-&!27 collar I ' y11 old Amer•can Expreu D1 IUmCIUS salaryapen Capo Beach Hoateu wan111d uper 15ales -person bet wee n you are interested in rn· \ume rtq d 631·4761 Bully Easlblufls. ners all wel come Ha1rdre11ers w1tn some Area 496·9711 Apply In person The MAil A ••Cl 8AM-5PM or send re· ve)lment real eslale bet 8 9AM Mon.Fri ' b•t••t1•1•l1/ Bl II N B 7141645-3433 2112 Har· following needed for Beach HOON 619 Slt-e $<.lmr to: ano!o look ng to ----------11110~/1/ 76~se:o area bor Bl , CM pleaunl . bosy lull· Drapery lnllaller custom PY HollOw ln LB START Mill JOLLY ROGER. INC growth r your t~ols ar; SALES l'llSllS servlee lllon In Newport e•pe11enca. no lramee. UISECWI The Los Angeles Times 17042 Gillette Ave here In !'louse micro Mollvated, friendly. ho<' Liii ftu' Lost Apr 15 ladles' gold QUALITY MASSAGE lnaurence benefits, lop reterrences required · El CHculallon Dept cur. lrvlne. Ca 92714 compoter li!lrary syner. nest sales persons nee· •A·.·,·,··.·,·,·,·.··,·.·,·,···S•l•OO•• db:aa~genl.111N.w1pw,1sB1ce~ Sro1poo' ProfeeslOllal Swedish pay. Several pos11lons Va.° & too.'s ri_r3o;bded, ~~~~!Y: 1i'1o~~no' ~P~=~ renlly has poslllons open 714·648-0331 g1s11c bri1n s1or~1ng & dfld fOf cuslom hat shop v • " style, lllP treetment. available. Call Marc for 'w~ry1 °1n !.,... •Paid:.!;,~ vv., 1n ulea Aa • field rt· up to 4 hOurs ot m house •n Laguna Beach Full/ ••••··.·••••••••••••••• reward I0.8PM 548·2817 lnle<V-. 642-6164 d""""· s'd ""'wA k n""on caro no windows Family presentative you II e1rn Petition Clrcuta1or1, rtT c;las5es weekly Call Paul 11 me & P II r I 111 me IP91mll. 540-11051844·0949 ay• ay ce OI 4 w Nwpt E11p & refs h I • PIT d I E b s 4 I " 0 u r • I. rt In 0 1111111* TelephOne Fantasy Beauty Seton 1mok~r tnlervlews Mon· req Call 648-8309 Del an our Y wage 0 gen· ai y pay Uy JO FronkUn or Doug Hockell 12131341.4171 fMarcl 1815 So El Camino Real. Lost Shaggy lo119 hair. 4 ;~~~~~eat1~n c~·~~ •M~· Manicurist. S1uo10 F'111e T hurt un trl 4 Cell lor 10 & 2 =~~g~';':!'=e ~I~ S6·S 10 hr 840•6912 al 752·5 I' 1 '°' an appt SALE'S S C 492·7296 Full lie ~e~~~~~0~1~~1 539-6370 All< for Judy 640..&A43 ~~~~.~~:9~119~1~ Houeoeeper wanted please call 957·2381. PIT Pt!<manllfll Receplionlll needed 2 Sales Represen1a11ve to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 646-8610 You1"19 man lale 201 w/2 BEAUTY SALOl'l 1'1111 3 A 1 l 0 c 51 Sooth Laguna area Mon eat 1204 .... lllS ye1rs lyptng experienoe call on rtader ad bu••· SPla&l children would like a hair & t manicuring sta· Jrpor oop r 0 8 thru Fri lovely room w t MECHANIC arTra ..... • xlnt PR on telephone ness accounts fOf edver· ll<>n5 tor rent 645 9100 eu ball! & ColOf TV hve in°' 8 I ..,. , ___. Submll resume to Ma· 11'1 n g Mon· Fr 1 ICCASNMn meaningful lasung ref•· • ORlllEAS Cross Country out Must lleve c•r & va-Apply 7AM 1 31 Pl•· Leadt1'19 na~al ma•k• rio s Cons1ruc1ion Inc 9am·5pm Bue & com· Chauttered. luxury hmou-llonshlp "1llady 23-30 Bike Store needs mech•· No special he reQ d lld he OOOd Ulery Call cenua Costa Meta I ling firm needs in1e111. 27665 F'orbes Rd la· m1u1on company t>ene· tine Full bar. etc Cele· Musi have strono Chris· nic & energetic person MacGr8C}Or Y1c1111 1631 belore 9am or 111111 6pm IEllGAL ltC'Y gent adaptable people guna Niguel. 92677 rite w1ll tr11n NHI •P· brity 966-9087 1' 83~ u:f b 11 ng 1 n g tor stock & various du· Placenua, C M 831-2854 Between 9 & N wp t B ch Co 11 e g e who en toy publlc con Pleau no calls peerance & good 199111119 E 121 · 492 b~~.:~::-port BIVd Earn S60·S•OO tor 6•9 hra 6Pm call 661·5156 background Sa lary :01c~usl~•v: c,~·~ l'saen1111 Apply Penny· Come Ono! Come All! ADULT Afternoon & Eve. 01 run been for women open. Mull type 76 WQm ee • v 11• n ea Res1auran1 Rusty Pell<:an saver 1680 Placentia. Games, Pr1cea Fun ning PartlH Mon lhru BLOG Maint. 5 day wll. 40 wlsml Children No exp . HISllllCl um 759-1833 =n~~ ~:n ~:~ 2735 w Coast Hwy no~ c M Newport Elomentory Sal GIRLS only Wed & hrs per wl< S.lary open. no investment 960·4930 Buay gen agency has 11...,.111 ••••st. a regular 1<:hedule Op· ecceptlng epplrcellons ----.-aw ___ _ School Carnival Satur-TT~sev. G~Y~~~35M9on & 675-6101 btwn 8 & 4 opening tor personal • ._ -""'tunity f0< an excellent for Oyster Bar personnel -d1y 11 3 14111 & Balt>oa ~· va ~ Olflce nurse needed ,..... Mon Fri btwn 3-4 Telephone eohcllor. no • •CLUB FANTASY• BOOKKEEPER Xlnl opp-rLECTROllC SILES lines auto rater Rapid starling appro11 May I parllllme income For a • •~per nee 11·5. Tues lolHl IOtlllOlolll Ka#\' lllHf IOMl<'hl llttU Place a HAPPY AO In th.ii column '°' only $3 25 Found Brn & wht lrg Puppy Beck Bey arei1 nr Sente Ana A11e 631-4854 LOST Yellow Lab, 4 mos old Jonie. ple11e call. 646·2415 19th & Orange CM Oll·Lh1S8 Apeo. 4 -22 Blk & whl Btar St & '(ukon Circle, C M Re· Wlrd 5 4 0-49111 , 641-0635 TIYMPllM Color lawn, named Cru11e 842-552 7 , 6A2·5522 ___ c_a_11_64_2_·_56_7e ___ ,. eward. Lo•t amall Chi· Bruce, thank you tor being n ... Pug dog With bltck lhertwhenlnffdedyou mar111 on b1ck leg. I Love Youl Love Ol119er. 714/M3.0228. Tlf'A Found Cocltatlel Area Newland ' lelber't 8A7-458e, 147•9959 Lott All•ed M. Satpolnt SlameH, vie Laguna 9ch ~di 494-t283 lOtt MM ChOc Pt. Sla-m.e Cat Allnrveraery I lnllne Ave. N8 Rewatd 84M155evee.Hl-M01 WOfk j ly tor m8lure, full chg, "-advancement Salary 8'8-883a conf1dent1a1 Interview RETAIL CLERK. N-porl thru Fri Go 00 benef•t• 1'T1nl 5450 bkpr Resp IOf payablft. Semlconduclor prod11<:l1 commensurate w/1xper ca 11 M r S 1ro1 a 11 Beach 1111ie1y StOre. 1"8 Apply in peraon u580 •••••••••••••••••••••• payroll gen ledge•. fin d11tr1outor need• ulea Call Tony. ~9·9923 UllYl •SIPI 545-5778 22nd SI NB 67S.S643 Plac;entia c M rwo Laa Vegas And Trip 11a1emen1s Great wor· personnel in Orange Cly INVENTORY work and or· live in Good 181ary Car ;.========;.!..:========::.!;=========::; 11ck111s from O C Pd kinq conds Bene11t1 Experlenu In direct elec· d 111 l l t deo NB 6424001 S 248. 11c tor St 75 Nelly known 1n1erior Ironic 0 EM contact 1s ,,~;.~ ~~ ~~-?,f;;g _P'_OVI ______ ..__ 675-7474 Larry Mu11 Mil design firm Non-smkr Ol111rable Major large · NANNY needed reapon Dy 4130 641-4004 high volume fines efe INVESTOR to talt.e over fOf Infant 8-~ witty Ana. ------------------1v11l1ble tor high com· flnancl.t man1gemen1 ot helm 1·172-9108 t.•ltrr•••I lllllEIPll F /C m1aa1on earn Inga Cer al· manufacturing company ... "••' .. ••••••••••••• lmmed opening with low1nce plus medical & with 12.000.000 annual Need respon pereon •o J1ll1 W••I" 1015 gro"11ng retail cto1h1no dental plans Included ulea Pltaae reply 10 drive my car lo Bolton ••••• ••••• •••• • •••• • •• co Exp lhru lrlal balan· Sena resume to Boll 995, eox 993, Daily Piiot, PO Pey ·~ ga1 4'93·9,.23 -i•kPCI In exch for rm & ce Some data entry exp Dally Piiot, P 0 . Box 1680. BoK 1560, Colla Meaa. lllW Miii board, reliable young helpful Send short letter Coala Mue, Ca CA 92826 Need t.11 ahllll Can t1rn French Can1dlan lib•· to Admln Mgr.PO Bo11 $8 I OO per 8 hre Muat ral L•Jiun1 Charlu. 619 .. 16635 Algonquin, FAST FOOO·b•ech ate•. Le,al Secretar·v have exper & ref'• le· 495"'82 Huntington Harbour gflH Of' coont9' wotk Full J__ scouhe Nur .. Reglllry. Houaelieeper . SWIM glrl 92649 or parl·tlme Wiii train 'Par time. e.11per d • 351 Hoapllll Rd Sia 20 exp'd wtchlldren, ... IUPIJ 673-3152 Huntington Beach, nee· 119 Newport Beach Heks llvt ·ln po11tlon dad for overflow In gen· 6A2-9955, 540-9954 SPNll• German. French Travel 11oencY neeo1 up f1.lllL MltlllEJl el'al rtctlee law flfm 141 E"""·"' R-' c 11 lull charge bkllp'r to trial tor p/Jlme work In Hu11l to 1 htl ptt Wt\ Thura :'::':w~~ .. ··,:d "";1 4 s: balance Selary com· Bch Mull bt uper'd 8 Fll Exper with IBM 842~300 2.C hr• menaurate w/ablllty Call 536·&043 tor appt. DllPfaywTlter pret'd Wilt Betty. 494-t<M8 treln Atk for Cl\hl. MATURE womtn 10 do FRONT OFFICE. Chll· Mon-Wed 847.e04 t met!I & l\tplln fOf allot-CARPET SALESPERSON dren'1 dental ct1nlc Ma- ine. 873-5898• Aggre111ve lor Orange ture peraon, Engll1h/,i.lght houaekttplng & co u n I y 11 rm Ct 11 s panleh nee. Mon. Wed. cooking In my home. 5 Brighi. home0 1trande,,d 780-0734 or 631-4402 Thur•. &73-2673 to r dayweetc C•ll•lt9'3PM mo1het wlll help you with uk for Jeok or Gel'I 1n1tN1ew 645·9339 your work In my home ---------1 . Malling, phofie wot11. etc. Call 730.7951 MISES AIDES Exp In Geri.tic nurtlng 1 must Only Oedloatto, iovlng pereona need •P· ply hp 1111 11'1111 )(Int Ina. program. Call. 842-8044 HlfmllYU DIAL AMERICA MARl<E· TINO INC WILL HIRE FOUR MA TUR! 8AlE8 PEOl'L& TO WORK IN OUR NOit MOOEAN NEWPOAT·llMPfE OF· FICES HOURI I o ·cLOCI< TO • PM,' OR 4 lvtNINO$ & SAT URDAV AM IAAN 190 TO l120hlMll 5tMrY-+ IONUI ,OA PIR80· HAI. INfE"VllW CALL MR. McKINNON AT . .,.._ .... 17 • ..... Newspgper Carriers tor routes in Hu~ Beach, Fountain Valrey & Newport Beach • CALl CIACULA TION OIPMTMINT ~1~7Ate~0:1 '°'. 30 Oly lld In tne NIU PUT ...... •llTllY DO IT NOWI ... .., ..... Your Delly Piiot s.tvl<:a Olractory RepraMnteu~ 142·1111, •it. 122 "'""' ···iU.w····i·iiii··· &ullder• nee 1947 Addlt!Ot\t • A81T!OC1911ng Ooota. w1nd0Wt, pe110 CO'Ytlfl ,r .. •t l\aal Lie: • 3 t0t42 !1412 110 ................. Cuatom Cerpantry Oecka 4 patio• J S Con11 Co. top quet11y work Lie No. 380801 Free ffl !16t.6S11 FINE HOME IMPROVEMENTS fer..tl!!T!tt •••••••• l!>!T!!~~ •••••••••••••• Wily Per. Stora Prtc.e? Carl* •Y81' will buy <lt- rec:t ffOll'I ~ mlll • If we 00 Illa labOt rrM att. ratt 851·8'20 !.·~~~~~~!!!!! ..... THOMPSON'S CONCAEl~ CONSTR lie •313383 842-8482 cement·M•eonry"81ock Walls-Cu11 worll Lie Raslcomt Rob 647-2683 Ct/1' C111 ....•....•............ ORYWAll TAPINQ AU telCIUtff & acou.ttc: ''"•I Kavin &75·90M OAYWALLIACOUSTIC 14 Y" a .. p rut1y 11e'd a 1n1u,.1e1 532·5~11 El1dtlt1l ••••.•..............•• TOP QUALITY ELECTRICAL WORK Rea1. retea. 531-6056 ELECTRICIAN-Pr lead right. free es11m11e on terge or smell Jobs Lie 396621 673-0359 0 .,Genlng W1nt9d M0Wln«1, aog1ng. f Pl"'OI, aweaplnl Fraa a•ll· matu 4 S 4372 or 846·!1737 ------OAROENING MAINT, lan<1t1eeptng lrea trim & removet CtHn·ups Free asttm•••• 642·4889 TREES Topped/re<t1ovoo. Clean up, lawn renov. 761-3476 ,,., ...... ., ... ., Plea HI Ken 839-5035 DI !~!!~·'··· .. ~········I ~~!!!!!~~!!~'··· ..... r1.rr.~1. ... · .•.•..•... r.·I.!~.~!!~!~! ............................. . HAULING 11l1der11 lln Coualn OIH nlng I Hanto •ST£VENS PAINTING *•BRYANT S* * CCAAMIC llNOll'UM lge truck LowHt rat• ·Teella. fltp'd. , .... rall 11 ~kl Now~ 1n ext W•t"overtng Aamoval Ttla P'Of tn1tall Prorn~I Cell 769 t978 840.~55177M 198 ,r .. e1t Charles, AH types 842 1343 Ru1 retM(k)b 675·6e51 T ant. y<N John I EXP HSECLEANINO 645·33'81548-468t 1lut I l1t C1r1 ••All Tll E* • Profeulon.al 841rvtca By the day ()wt1 ''"'' LAUT IATES j••••• •• •• ••••• ... • ••• •• OuaJily w orlo. tO .,,,. •A Hauling yard cta•n up Cftft'\ftanlon &41·8028 PAINTING •do .,....... P[ T LOVERS c.,. pet Oeoroa 131 5479 Ou•ck ' c'"n FrM Eat -.. ...-~"··~ '°' ,,.,. ·1n your hOme" 1173-0648 i..,... ltMhlC PAINTER NEEDS wtl•le o-• vec•tlon. CHT• Ot• I j 11 DUMP JOBS Rafa Try m• IOf tlw WOAKt 30 yr1 a11p, Intl 06~·92~8 FREE EST 840-2ot2 & Smell Moving Jobi dtlCerene.I l>e0-5290 Eat ACOl>lhC ce1llng1 11 I I • 1 TILE INSTALLED C11,ll MIKE 1148-1391 HOVSECLEANINO Oevt1 Pllnllng 847•5186 •• ~!.!!t.~.'~.~••••••• All K1no1 Guaranteed A b,_ o 1 Fiil •a••t11i N .. t pa1chn & 1e•tu111S Rafa Joh11 840-9211 Hauling. gredlng, demoll· euonp1 .... apenoao • r "' t lon Conc;rate & trH Tanya 9e9-24o1 by R1cn•r<1 Sinor Ltc frH Ht. llJ-1Ut ftH l1nlt1 - - remov·cJump truck 280644. t3 yrs ot happy PLASTFRINO •••••••••••••••••••••• Quick .. ,., 642-7835 ~~~!!!{'!!~1.......... iocal cua1omer1 1,,1 3. ut Rutucco. Comp1ttt11 Tree Service Thenk you, 631-4410 htock well• 588·48112 nnn I t in up & lrrtg Rup N 6 couple wtll l<1wn reno11 536·0914 ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~I .... "-~~ Mature loVl"'OI c:lllld care Rarer , tancad yar<I. nr O M V e 4 2 -1107 631-4274 ELECTRICIAN lie . 233108-C-tO Smell Job• M llnt a rep11r1 648-5203 i<&O Lendecepa M11n1 Restd/Comm Clean-up LI Heullng fl.48·2489 Heullng by college lludent wlplckup truck Free est Aot>41fl 49J· 2 t 48 hOuUlll July I Aug 646-3908 (8 30-5 Wkdy11 l•tt•• rix PlllF. PAlnlH RattdlfnduslComm t Low rates Fr41e est 675 7t69 .IAYETIHCHI PLASTER PATCHING Ra1tucco1 4ntlekl 30 Y" Na<11 Paul 5-.5-2977 C 0 m P 1 • 11 r v'' • ~~!! ............. . Oen Hellwg Grading & P•vlng Co R .. /comm. Lie. •397804. ~2· 1720 Orivewaya, Perking Loi Repal11. Seatcoallng S3S Asphll 631·4199L1c ~.)J.!! '!!~I .......... . BABYSITTING my home. MHI Verde .,e •. CM Refs SMrt, 55 7 -46 14 BABYStntNG ANYTIME Reta C M 979-6646 Careful & loving mama of 2 I mo1 to care ror yours. my nome FI T 631-3787 Babys1111ng In our C M homes I yr & up Any hrs. 6.42·84821646-5759 ~!.~~!!t!!t ••.•••••••• For all you need 10 know about bankruptcy. c111 (7141835-9162 ,.,,,, 11.;.,,.,.,,; hmt• MARINE SERVICES Mechenoc. pa•nt varmsh Teak . rub & wax 645-9766 You don I need • gun 10 or aw last'' when you place an ad 1n the Daily Pilot Want Adst Call now I 642·5678 LIC 348892 770-6554 MJP EnltHprlHt Conaullanl/Oetlgnar on remodels Th• finest In 11n1111 carpa1111y Your house 11 your pat1ce1 831-21841642 3672 f.·!~".!~~ ........... . CUSTOM SPA DECKS P1110a, gueb01 Loc'd John or Rtc.k 979-32 18 C•b1ne11 RemOd Skyllles -Room Add ns Grnl\Se wndws 754·4420 C1•t11t11n 01•111/ ···········'·········· REMOOELIAOO ONS ano Cvpentty lit Cl 25 years trwtn 548-2719 AOO'NSIREMOOELING Plans, Llc'd, George Pll- me1 ~ Son•, 56741932. COMM'l /RESIO. RemOd·AOd'ns-Repairs Very 1ea1 Uc 390250 Jack H Bennett, Jr Oen. Contr 552·9142 8of'deO & tnaur4MI LIC 0 ELECTRICIAN Oual work-Reas ratff FrM ... 631-5072 Tom RESIOICOMM LllND 20 yrs Do my own work li<; 278041 Al 646-8126 r~!!i!!~~l.F!!! ........ . Formica counter tOP5 & cab1na11 rereced F 1ee OSI 642-6357 ,, .. ,,;.,; St1i•H C/111 ....•••••••..•.•...... f~!r..'. !!.'!!!! .•.••••. Additions 3 remodeling ONE OF A KIND b on d e o S I • t e L I c Especially lor you 202752 1 Cll11s11ne g Ed 848-7825 NO Steam/NO Sl\ampOO JG Allen 494. 1810 Stain Spectal11t Fast dry Free est 839-1582 CrplS 1nstatll rep1lr!ld f.a:~'!.~.!~!~!~!-!f. Flood oamage Steam CUSTOM CABINETS clng 554·8510. 973·8566 lnteroors. bars. menlles llt:>rane•. cabmets ~ky- EXCEL CARPET CARE htes. cusl molding Ref$ Cpt, vphOI, area rug 646-0092, 536-23&6 cleaning WOik guar Free est 645-177 1 Crown movto1ng Oedtr It ---------1 ned closets Oookcues Sllampoo & steam clean mantles entertarnmenl Color brighteners wht cabinets WOOd sotu11ons crpts · tO min Dle.:ich to wood l>'OOlemS' Hall hvldrn rms S 15. a11g 631-1528 room $7 SO couch $ tO cnr $5 Guar e11m pe1 ooor Crpt 1eoa11 t!i yra exp Do w ork myself Reis !>31·0t0t We Care Crpt Cleaner& Steam clean & upll011 D.tki• ...... ~ ....•....••... ~IVER ROCi< perfect over pool decks pa11os walkways driveways. etc 66 I -237 1 Truck moont unit SELL •die olems wi th a Work guar 64~-37 t6 Daily Pilot Class1t100 Ad ~~.'!.'.':!~f ............ . LAWN CARE <,om 'lfresid. NplfCM )(1111, 1eh11blt1 work Onr opr Barry 645-7412 AVILLES GARDENING Res/comm Tree trim 3 remo val clean.up& landscaping 549-1604 Tiit uu• scot Lawn lrM·Shrub mstall Trl'e t11m-remova1 Lawn ca1e-Ro10111hng 646· t578 or call Ans wer Ad 5 4 7 6•2-4300 andscapong-YO Clnups· Tree trim-Expert mamt Jtm 8!> 1.0129 Wi!llll Ads Call 642-5678 ,._ /I · I HoH1dH•l•1, ~••t• ,,.,tll ••••••••••••••••••••• ·.:········ •••••••••••• 1 Want • RE ALL y CLEAN Jollege Student• wndw HOUSE? Call Glnghllm ctng car we.o<tng Odd , 1 F 1 845.s 123 I O b I 6 4 2 • 5 4 4 9 , "" rae ff ........•.••.......... FEDERATtD Income Tl.II Service 83 •·4871 BtshOp 4 SOn Painting '.10 Y" e.11p 1n Beac.n 11111a rrae est 548· •029 640 Q'.l-08 11_.I - -.. ~ .... ~I............. ,.,.,,.'/. OAV OA NIC,Hl ••••••• •••• • ••••••••• ~1r\t Chin Wort. Moflt •u01eL1\ I( tl' & 641>-1012 ROBIN'S CLEANINu 1 Lud1t,.;.. I Serv1co • 1 thoroughfy ••••••••'••'•••••••••• H1dr.••• clean hOuSO 540·08571 VANDLNBEAC• LIC D PAINfl:f~ Int ht 10 yrs llXJJ Htils frl!e 11~1 536 9898 ._ r ollNJn 25 Y" S~ ''" Etl Ell 1•1-ll2u Mr Morg.111 6•:. '> 1 ft. ~'.'.".~.'. !.~'!.i!! .••.... '!11.~~f. ~!!!!!! ...... . . .• . • • . . .•• . • . .•• . . . . I LANOSCAPIN(~ Cor~ntry • Masonry SCRUB-A DUB Ma1nt. comm llrosoel Roofing Plumbing Prof reas reliable Tree r r1 m c. tea n u ti R~=~• ~t~c~~&.:~:O Reis Jean 63 t 5016 I Briel\ 3 Ille ins br,r•ueo. IACHLOllS lie. O Fret> 881 979 ~ 146 JOHN THf HANDYMAN Plumbing etec Odd jObi~LEANI NG SERVICE Free estimetes 638·4068 sonabla rates tree esllmBICI HOME IMPROllEMENT 720-0742 RE PAIR-PLUMBING Ht>at•ng corpentry etl!C Housecle•nong hor ... s1 & Ille Free e51 No iob 100 deper1<1able small 64!>·2811 962-2690 Exptlrt home ano •Pt re· I w 111 clean you• 11~;;; pRtt c11rpentry root oll1le choo111 four plumb E.lc 94;>.6013 · nours• Aers 548 900!. Wo bid all Jobs lgelsmt Quality l!llper. ht'O 0111 & Oe11e 644-9325 General Maintenance Repairs 3 Oeco11111ng ou .. 111v Ray 640-5 144 C.atptrnlry JJlumb•ng e1ect11ca1 reas retes '>46-8437 Don Cauc Hskpr 01 House cle1tner looking tor !> day~. same housu w/ allllH!nt lamoly Call Ans- wer Ad 500 642-4'.lOO HOUSEC.LEANING IS OUR BUSINES!:.1 10 yrs Janice s Ra9g~'<ly Ann 675 25 t4 E•pe<l•5t' HousekePpottQ JACK ol all TRADES We furnish vacuum & Call oay or night 1 supplies Krlly 64 I 4970 *Jae!. 675 3014 * --Oua111y HOu6ectaar1111g1 Peuplt' who noec1 people w/fJ per <1011111 tou<.11 CM should always ct1eck the 1111 HS Beth 850·09J3 ~~!!~!r ............. . BAICI( WOAI' Slllilll fOIJ• Newtiorl Costu Mt>sa 1tv1r1e Reis 67S 3175 Bry.tnl s Lanoacap1nq Brock stone bloc~ c.on crete FrptC$ BAO s pa llOS & orwoway6 uu.;r Lil 4 ins 536oq14 ~~!!'!t .............. . ·ABC MOVING Quoc.~ Cdrl'lul <)erv•<." F roe e>!.tomalft1> '>~<> 04 Ill *A~ 1 MOYlllC * lOIJ Oudloly Sl>fl(.1.i.I 1.t1111 •r lo trodl•ng l'i yrs dAP t;ompelollVP rate& N o o w 1 tornu 730 I 353 '>TARVINC:. C'OLLEGC !-.IUDENTS MOVING LO l•<. T t24·436 hosureo 64 t 8427 WATCH US GROW' Sorv1c.t> Directory '" the 1 HavP ~ometh1n9 to sell? DAIL v PILOT Sell idle item~ 642·5678 Ctass•t•eo ads do 1t well ---- INl1[)(l PAINTING I it Cl Reis Free est 64b-1067 c ...... Pai1th1& l!> v•~ e~p Loe 40:i9• 1 Bonded In~ Refs Color v•pert 963-0911 DIG~ I up IJuulll> lo "' ~ 111omµ1 E•I & lnl Spec; , 11o~1 Re~ & Comm I Frl't' I... 1 t4 7J9.Q108 OUALITY PAINTING PllDH S&IONAI lyptncJ My hOlllt! IBM W1111J1~j1£01111~ l ypong Se1t1<.t11<. Ill lurm pa. 64i' 214<' 11e" t-lt. l ~pr rc·I' %0 49. ~.'!.1}~1. •••••..••.•••• w · , CJ • Huli•'' J.10011nq dlt ty~.,., !!!J?. ~.'! ... ~~~!~r ..... Nl•W re<:O'llt>r OKk s l el ''" c,.., '"'" lo t •t 41180:? •,49 9734 (.,111 , 111 tum W111oow ~!~~~!~!~;!,( ........ . UUOC,f r AAf£ !> l ·<: Cl l uw """ ~ml 1ut1' 0 1' Ir.-;· t•\t In!> t..41 /',81 l 1;'"'""0 1 tll ~48 88~3 10" Mc.nll•ly 01!><.oun1 * rlf:SIOf N ltAl * AvQ t "''I $JO Avg 7 Sir S4~ 1.1111~ '•~1 8J88 •O yr~ w•v1119 0 C S • /A/ · ReascinublP t34fl.S684 .!!.'."..f ••• !!!~!!~!~ ... : Widow• w11t1e• r.•r..~i!'A ............ . f >tr 1111119 lnlt!HOI 0eS•(Jrt HANGINC. $ t01ROLL 1Ju.1l1ty L •r.11'1$ Strop 1""9 O•S<. on Pd(>t'• Vo\J MC Stoll 64'> 'U1!i WALLPAPER All kind~ F •Pe est S I I roll l oc 330986 Norm 64'>-088r) l bµt11~1:~-;e-;;ng on s1at1.i 11vn Rtias p11c;11~ Gonsulldnt Ass1gnm .. n1 58t-8590 WANf ACTION'> Cla~~·•eu AOS 642-5&78 r,1 WING DONl r ,,, rou lor all o<.t .t'l•On\ ll Ii l1tCk•I' 84I·0018 ~~!.'!'!.'.'· ........... . * SkJli&hta * Fr...-•rlt h3t·925S !t!!~~.'!!! ........... . • '>1»1r1• ... , lh·t,!dll. ~h-.:;p1cJ <.omn•t"f• hll l 1ntJ• di e '>t-rvot ••s •1•,7 11.lllK 111,10•· 11,ur olO 'lull tor ht.,.. f~OOO•• ')w ith a ( foJ\~1flPO lid b42·!>b78 Ir VIII•' ~ bo\I B•c~•<. t ~•y $?0 l ~•v S10 ~!JC, 130J Ron .. W1n01 ·w Nd~h1n9 l•f'~•O Hi-d$ rati-; r ontr..1 '" 0 c; 8JO 7711 Uh P-.41~~ Mutlt>t ,,11 (Jn tt 1.,11.,1 ,1onq o.oml' c1 p•Ot:r .,,,o 111.U-•~ lt•e o .. 1ly p lot c1.,n.t1ecJ \Ct 11011 nlJVtJI Mo•'> Mui 1 ... 1 .. T ulh:I .inel t.ougt•t 11 ,,,, $'J Q•, V<1u c..in st-II /0\H IUftl:'I 1Hld ICllS OI uthcr 111111q\ 111rou9h Do:1oty P11u1 ~t.1 \>1 f1eo AO> (.all 64;> Sf>l8 !•.11..'!!!!'!.. •••• !J.f! !'.'.11..'f!!!'!.. •••• !.{~ ~IJ.~i!!!~~ ...... !~~~,!'!/.~ ............ !~!~ [!!!~'!!.' .••.•... !.~!~,· ~'!.(!.~~{! ..... ~.~!~.~!!!.(~.~~{~ ..... !~!¥ !!!~t.'.lff~!!.~! ••• !.~~~ TVH~d1t11to 1091 !!t.'!il~!!~ .... !f':!~ SALES person wanted SwitollNw• e,.rettt HARBOR AREA l.atrn Terrier 8 wk M Te.1k neo Qn size plat-BIG GARAGE SALE SAr 140 E BAY C M IGSTOll fEllllS •••••• :! ••••••••••••••• 2~ Ow,.M ., .. 11~y htlaO Sund lat Fesh1ons La-3-11 Sll•ll Will "a1n APPLIANCF SERVICE Shou A worm1119 S300 form from Mel Brown Maht:>u OUlrogQe< 10 lrlr 5'11 Sun 10-6 SacrollGlllQ lht-v.•ry lml')I '" ''''""'• 1 •i I fl "' C "I 'r '"" n C tH· ~1 t-n91ne~ guna B ch Call C71 4 1 642-30t3 Wese11recono guar ~best oiler 642-9682 Co" $900 Bs~oroq S350 beo mf'tc1l l'.cet Of')~ 111 (;omP ~ Y'l·' lh• wry lowi.!>t" ,., • f,,t r .. "'•" JrT Qooo <.<>r· I StOOOO or 497 4774 T a...a1... S lief dpphances 549 3077 lhd~a Apso puppy Ai<C 8J9 t949 mot<1I conlMPnCt! tt:>I ~IPv" '>48 ~4'.19 !•11;> .,., .. , 1,i'> ?714 •·• 1 ullPr S40 4784 Seamstress u 11s lino-• ..,._.. • 91 IRelrtg S225 wasnpr/ I mall' S?OO OBO Hurry Dl's•gn~.,;;c;;ntng-;;:;; P1tch1nco 91tm,. b110 Sii EQUIP ·---- -rv ,., ,. 1,,mP w re c.1155 ED shmg PIT ex per 501 Work y04Jr own llrt llom OryP.• S t2!i & cJ•Shw11s1wr wun t last 646-S60S 5Qt 4 Chairs b••nd nu c•ge painting lran•PS ~ump.tr pool 19bll' m1111 Gt AS'> 0001-' 1 llH \ 1 7'1 c:,n11,, r v st ~'1 WllfT i 29th St NB 675·1823 3pm to 9 pm Mon-Thurs $125 ea 646 !>848 -------12 •4 I 2 0111 moto1cv b•• .. misc otPm' IOe lo fNC:lOSUHf SJ'• AM f M ~1,.,..1, Gos\ s 4? 1,1.1~• C,1.intJ B.Jnk' SrrCIETA•J & Sal am Earn $4 per Wa•"'~r ~85 c.l•an Dryer t;r11nqe1 Spaniel Puppy mu\~~~1183Ve:y rca~one-t I~' many tn c yt.I" SSO 2'>1! ;i 1~1 51 C:o~ld ':>4G-2<nro t ,,. t ISO f, rt. 2'>74 ·•'' C AC.,H o1 11,10t lru "Quoly " n hr & oonus Go111ng pre· ,..., • r •O weeks male SIOO ble u " 4" I llJmn & parts A mutt1 Me~" ::.111 only fd~llltult1 C:onoo NB senta11on no selllng' GO qas S7S c~an All work 548 7062 Furnoluraloppor I unity I mor,. 900 w,.,., hit Or ' ----<!NOS TORY f IA[ 6J>M ..,1u~ c .t'n l'rinc. only fo r ta.oc lawyer . wood processing. will train Newport Beach Law Ot· !ices Interview by appl Call C.,yn 7 t41644-6512 phone pe1$0nahty req O gocxJ 548·4485 Pf TS R PEOPLE' tu,.om Qn solo bed NB 1 HuQ,. Gara1w Sale. '"'" f '>CAP£ LADDER $20 rt-Al Rf f I l O REE l Pvt pr~ 714 1,7r, a1is1 Call Debbie, 642 9470 I IU1' APPUAllCES E.aot•c vBcatrons hall c;1urbrJdge plard pert 1 --· , 'l"rolO• l'lnd 1abl1>~ 1.,.wn '>49·2430 1n.,rJ1, ti'>O , ..., .:;u1o Tow T9•CI Styles & love al Sherry ' yr Old dPConuor C.h1tn9e GARAGf SAi f "" 5u11 rrmwm motorrvc.lc M-C II D h .•. fj 150 ,. "'r~·· 6 0 .tr.1 ur11r BOlll S•il 9060 '" l~ 957-81J3 PondlC ~•OS 4 Sato T-ol mono Orig $1200 as-1547 W•"'""Pt!"'n Pt I lltcA~~ fverythrng mu51 "' • um1 I er I SJIO ulh.•r ,.,, 776' '·····'················ DlJYEll fRASH COMPACTOR cup toy mon S46·2848 I k1n9 S500 Musi S"'e C M (eotr.J11~t' .,c;ru!.• 90 Sal Sun 492 Or11f19e 549·2"30 -' C. --1 ~ t l'r llf'nti"rq '>loop SECIETAIY Experience p1efe11ed K i tchen Aide large 18!>!> Port Manle191l Npt1 from ft!dcc. Oii Nutmeg1 Ave Newport Be•ch len1lllcolor T~17S Frtg ~n;,:,: $4~r6;~~~~3 54i .. ~d ~ u111 Newport Beach Co see-Good cJrovtng record cap a c •I y SI 7 5 Srbt'fo.JO HuSky lem t yr Bell 644 1751 ~~:~s ""~'Y"'"'ll tor 1~ BLOCK GAR., SALE St2!> washe oryt'f oak ' __ 1 " k1ngpe11ontope1lo1m Sh0Uldhll8nearby Larry 7141841·2.647 AM AKC Bl~twhl 5200 '"'"r B 1 M et tab~ 646·<> 82 lo1t1l#1ti•t '34 • 1? FPrrott! t:>road renge of secreta-Hunt Auto Center 1825 961 72 tO f lf'qant 00"'"9 lalJle Qlns GARAGf SALE ooole-1 Areak ron'i stove f t 00, ----HUll t !>ti rial and clerrcal duties l"" na Canuon Ro Lan Pef'cre51 refr19 1 yrs Old I top '"'Cl 6 cha·•~ Cost '~• ~·hi 10 c .. ~0°7 parts cots 0 0 ,, 1 ~1 ~ N1119:lra !>1on Puoc.h '"ear E••i••t•I ocri•'!.,800 •no -,,u ' " S S gold very gOOO C.C~lr s,atiel $4 400 nf'w sell S3 000 """"'"'$ .~ J cc 9ood•f'S ,al 1 " < IJ w Ou>'> ;.4 •nroat .tnt ••••1••~•••••••••••••• ~e u !l'>I with apltlude tor tearn.ng B '11 8 3 J 8 9 6 6 cono $250 644-6312 PUP Femete 8 weeks I II a flan an t1Q u1.; I( 1n9 Hotly ln NB Pav••nc C M '> .. • f' fJ o •, s <i c. !> lo1t1 M11i•1 8 6 12 I Ji '>">• ~~~k~~=~ur~~;:,~~ 497•2030 hie reo wolll mom & po(> Heatll>OMO $900 Arr Super G11reoe Sa~• YARD SALf !>4!i 314" / B.3.3 af 50 WPM GOOO phone Travel Agent, e .. pertenee<J L~~nl~-:,~ ;~~~C:::arzua~i l>BP'"f5 S/00 loom K ing b•'O S300 Sat Sun 8 J Lois ot & GIVE: AWAY DfEP FAr COOKE:R ••• ~f'!!t~!!! ..... ~~~~ l. 0 l U M B 1' manner and abituy 10 w 11 n contects top good $150 646_3794 720-0425 I Or1ent.1t wut•I ruq $600 111111 a ooo' 3 t>nd'> At 1<1ttr..,nwa1P h~flld C.omml ,.1.,c. 220 iull l •t•trJIS 01n9hy S8!> 8 MOORIN L•HQt' part deal with publtc 1 must salary1comm1u1on WIRE FOX TEARIER .ma 011~ 833 1051 tht f'nd o t Pnmeta ln 9ooos men , clolllr>s SlSOIMI Oh 63 t 2678 1t11ql~ ~d•lboat S29!i 211µ npr St 1 aOO or bt>\I olr Sharp ano energetic lns1del Outs1de sales WASIEI PUPS AKC Ei1cellent GlASS roP C M 1Wt110r1 Ptt1c1>nt1111 10µ t:tuallty art ooo~~ J111t11son 0 B Sl9S 2 b?J 3630 person should call 8 to 5 Saber lrlllned Jl'Olerred like new Good cond b•Cf'O•ng $250 VP COFFH TABLE $75 ""' 9 J 1808 W Balboa c.tassoc fo1.11on rn<;Or<1\ I' uO•e,. bok" 3 spd S50 '"·''on<' r<·<.·r~ulal•ng 1211 Fb I <; IC at 714·673-1060 7141680-3466 590 840-9 t80 821.s292. 828-02?4 ')49•2430 in alley NB Bldn matt> SAi SUN APRIL 24 2~ Ai.,,orte<l olllr.r furflllurn ltt•olfl'> Sl'~ 3 S~O Auto 1 C'~g •H\ 81 ar SlCIETUY Must ha11e good com- mun1ca1111a & organ11a- 11onal s1<1ns Sll<>r1hand 3 typing raqu;red .lllCE TIU, tie. 12151 Monarch St Garden Grove 891 -4425 rial• "''''"'""'~ unit 622 Ma111ueri1e A" COM r ""tor ~,,,.~ 044 1:?71 p•lul i t~O one.ho• c;ha•n c '*"'er <Jt<.osi.u11e~ TUYt:lAIUT '10cu ll30•f11g1da11e G1'rmonShepherdPuppv TWINCORNFR ' .,.. ~ SE •• Afp1•1t L 1ttlto•"!>O ~1pr11 I L,•k e4 1 ••i-w S S?!\ r Sahol mo•c 67L. •.re cnr ... argVufl " 1 f I I ~ • • " '-9 7 1 Mtn 3 yrs exp comm I retrog Har11es1 Go 17 I Al((; 11 weeki St2!i Slf:FPING UNIT W/ v • ~ .,.,., •llitu$1 ar• or \PrilY tiush••r b•IQ•' pump $<10 "" PYf'~ & vac: Sabre lralf\ed cubic 11 ffosuess relro-638·3228 TABLE $7!> ~49·2430 Yaro ~ale f "'!lat 9 s .1<1rdge Sale unoerw •• t41r """" bt•Olt• 'l• 1tn1 c.he Jot tor ;>8 ~e1ltJoa1 $95 IAllA PT. Hart>Of Travel .--a tor s 110 646.4140 f • b b 1 tamer a hous1nt,1 IOI!> ut moc.tl tum'" Co~• S:?OO Ollec.t1on hnder S50 D8 "" 67"' 1311 •-· ''6 • m~n Shephard male Walnut 01n1nn room tao•-urn mo\(. 0 a Y ' ""'5 S 1 1 '' ? J" 7 11 t ' 1 •5c ""'le o1-after 3pm u~ u • ··w "' 86j W V' I t C misc a On Y "" " '1 ••t· new Oii )' ~ " "25amp balt•ry $50 I. 9 mos $25 Needs TLC woth 6 c•n• baci. chairs •C. 0118 0 on Magnolia St C M i.n 67:16 • ~ TWtl IPl.UTll !>5 T-B•rO Blac" 2 top\ 638•3228 and bullet 5600 Gooo t1nPn1a1 to 863 Arbor I ·--------Manona rope tor decor & GOOd typist for twut ma. stick lo m1 x1n1 c.ono ChiHll Sllat Pei cono 67!>·7396 ,-~ ---G.1r>1~~s:o1~eER~E1 9.4 r,~~0:~1"T~P~1~A;c" ws";'~ IMK Ms.9121 ch1ne W1N tra1nXlnt0p $11500 &451446 ... 6.139 .. B loot <.Olith earthiones EA~TBLUFr 80100· l wor beo\ ore->ser/ 4r,4 7h li 8IJerS~1 •lnt c.or1d portun•ly ano tompany Traoe electrtedryer 1 yr M pups 4 mo ,,., " 6 monllls 010 5 300 m1n90 Or <iAI 9 5 Voe rYtorior lamps 1011 of $1300 wrlh lraoler Only Secrefary/Eiecme benato1s Cell 8.,bara 01 d 1 0 , q ,, 5 or ye, POODLE AKC !>49 5269 675 4462 1oroan chrs ornt1te Dross good $lull Ca~h 2850 fh1c.ar<11 l.•y>tal 16 H;lr i!i h<' used 64• 0227 F1nanc1al 1nveS1m1nt film ii5iiii56iiiii-3i8iiii80iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 645-1446 Ch•Os C M mony glasses $800 •e 3 ftP JOHNSON -f Pma1e •mos $285 beO butcMr bl~ tbl elc Spectatutar whitewater oce;rn voewi. 2 I 00 SQ It townnoml' 3 Cull beth! Ot'f'P pole Cl•Pl'l•ng lh•uOUI utmotl •fl tu•uty Pool ldG wnno< C.rlS plu\ 3SO \Q It o t sun· OPC •\ Reo $.3JO 000 A~sum $110 000 ar 10•. f11 ed int E•· change for 4S !>5 u 11 for educators plac,.mont s5oo Must OUTBOARD MTR $85 Commun1calion11aomtm81 nnsmo EACellent large Ilda by deaulifut Baby Youth bed. Miii 673-1003 673-4749 Cash only 979 5?28 TrunOle Seo Complete 1ewPlry cto1nas many Dark wolnut wood trame setlers 644-1651 side rerr1ger11tor treezar tots of c101ne1, 1!>31 1 dept aec·y Excell. typing NeedeO, nights and wee-S250 645-8947 N 0 tr e o •me w 8 91 • 3 SIH req'd Exec seer•-kends F\('plecement pOSI-----------• m 1 n star POODLE wt111e M, 1'• yrs Asking S8!i. '149-3 785 Electronic Nut1 Garage 010 5hOIS traoneo, f11endly loves chlldren, 2 Pc Couch $325 2 Wal· sale 1801 15th St In OLD SLOT MACHINE tor sate 673-2534 t 1 to 5pm 10111 loflll 9040 _b_o_11_4_9_6_·3_83_8 --- tarlel up a must Non· 11on for 3 month1 70 Adnwal 19 elf F/F SIS (McFaddenlboldenwest) amoller Call 840-0123 woros per minute st.11 relrig Like new yellow Fri, Sal. Sun real fun AKC . $250 nut spkrs $30 Pf Racel· beck •flay All week tong Cash only 979-5228 1111r $20 Portable stereo also chr & couch • ····'· • • •••••• • • ••••• 'll C~ttf Let 'lt SllP.IACI Luoers 30 diesel stoop SEC'Y (PT /TIME) Newport Beech him co Typing C111no phones CarOlyn 85 I -1502 SERVICE REP months el<perlence min· l<lnt. $275, 646-7909 11v 1mum required Apply 10 PtttS-O<lnef Orne• C.ut lafft Pilet 330 W Bay SI Costa Mesa An Equal Opply Emp:t Refrog Aom1ra1 <1elu11e whole S1de/S1de tceme- k er 2 1 8 cu fl Frost free. J yrs new Sac S5001ofr 646-304'> Airline travel cage for med 11ze dog 859-8590 aft 4pm $45 $20 8ro1le• oven St 5 S48 9676 MIYlll SALi Twin bed b•HS hdl>O OE I MISC. ttouHllold ttemt Slo,r 3 ski equtpment Surf S•de/Srde refng umbrel-bo11d lawn lurn bdrm ta 101 cllrs & 2 chaoses RomOdehng? 2 slldmg gla M-... --v-er_d_e_G_ar-ege--S-a-te-. drs compl w/lramesl IWtn bed With booll UM • c r e e n s s ' 2 5 I 0 Ir haadboaro. m1111esae1. 55'·8067 Open 24 M8ny •trH S38 ooo M F 9 !i Susan 1mmec co11d 130 nrs 752-7179 Newport Slip Asking ---------5 t • 750 5~7. t566. Sa.Dot dbl nulled r~mg 775-7058 equipped great concJ lamps bedspre•ds full MHitll lenqth while rabbit coal c.tothes toys 3 geml's. lut1••t•l1 1013 78 77 fl BAYLI NE:R S400 Jett 640 6366 TV s misc 2850 L.tuos • • ••••••••••• •· ··••••• Ro CM CLARINET Vot 1011.i Fly b11d9e t, II HoO.e Monoc.al car VHF" 111010 b.t•t ton~ lop $475 N orma r1oy wu o o S3251bst olr 586· 353 7 Ol'pthflnder oumggers Q68 04!>6 with l•atlt'r W•ll sell ba-ti) ramotu s~•lbOBI~ ~~n~~an ' ' Everything goes HuiYTI•n Cooler 509 C9rnn11on. COM Sal!Sun 01/itt r.,.u.,, I r .:ill 6 16 2843 ~~~e;4~~~7 ~r;oo cond .. .'':t!!t~!~ ! ..•• !.~!~ IBM Selt>c.l11c computer prtntM tor MOOel I or Ill TRS·80 Used as type· wrrter or prlnlet II new '2500 Sell for S 1200 497~494 198 t Cennon NP 80 Co· pier excellent cono111on $3,500 979-0229 Laroe oell.s w11h returns plu1 typing chair S 150 979-0229 WOO<len desk. offlee ty,,. w ill\ 3 drawers, .111n1 cond $35 770·1467 EXECUTIVE 0£SK 30x60 Liii.a naw S 1751bl1 olr 760-9279 3011 7 9 .s F A RAY w / 12· Boomera,nQ flb0•9lass b11aoe Stisrp & equ•p· sailboat w/$p1ce on Bay pod $55M Ha11eras $595 9i)2•2667 675·1H11 32 79 ST AMAS F /8, son LO hrl Cteen $65M H111eru 675-871 t MEL CRAFT SABOT Mini cono S650 848-5415 43 78 VIKING •II cab • ,.,,,, 11;,, T 1D I own gooo buyf f>«k1 f010 H11tetas 67S'"'871 t •••••••••••••••••••••• 53 YACHT Docked 1n "te 21' SHI ... Np t For s11te on 11me ___ 67_3_8_14_5_E_v•_s __ sha11ng bas•• only Tax Sli•• Avail beneltls 1110 111a1t $ 1100-S 1500/mo Doug Up 10 59 It, COM erea 875 32"8 S9 00 pef " Call P99gy --·-"-------• or Carrie 7 t4·955-2413 ti' IFFSIHE S.F wt<-d• 8-5 Btt 1n '71 by Colomat. Tw SUP WAITll 6· 7 t 1. Ld w/ectec:t 7112 kw onen, a fisherman's for beauhlut Orenclbanks ltll IOl1 clfMm. NB tl'P. O w c ai1_eo. __ t _6«_·5005 ___ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• t~ •• s11e·1 at our dOC111 NEWPORT Arches Me· Burmese pythOn In LIOO VIII NB. aslo.l11g una, 2 lllpa •veil up 10 &12~ Incl lfg cage H4.500 Satter HY• 42' &42-4644 .... SP ... 7141988·2087 • aubm.I •II offart --------TRADE WINO YACHTS WANTED Dode to ran1 for P /\R ROTT Nanday Co-875•9007 96().1725 eve 2 pvt boels Approx 20ft nuro. l 't yr• olo w/lg • a• Newport 11ae wrought Iron •tending '79 3 10 Wat1c111t Cabin 975.7474 1slo. tor Merk eaoe 1100 &40-0117 Cr1r, tt«n rm, 31', twn1---------- s111mon-Crestad Coelo.1• 330'1. loadtCI. llpe 6 ,.,,,, 1,..4 I l•XI, lamal•. )'OUl'IQ, l\ffl· 73 t-4332, 8:37•5340 lkJ ,,,, tny S5751bst ofr Muet 24' Seabird Swordfish ··~··••••••••••••••••• aall 63 t-0232 or (2 t3) boll & lrft Comp! rig· 1e Trl·Hlill walk thru. gel 822-0086 gad rudy 10 11111 s15 cond com .. wt canooy Umb1ett1 ctMl.«I Coclt•· 000 • 4H·!lt65 • • ~~~~ ~~2~v1r etc 100. wtcega, '5001090 40' Owen• Tahitian, llva· , 131-3435 lv meo aboatd Slip avail Call 78 Hondo 1111 Hydro J u d y 0 r H • r v a y ftl.._.. I holltt on tn· ,,.,,,., I f!!eu.. ...Ml4• bbln t AM a 5 oine. Maoo t?34M1 MUSYs"i1T s·;.~~r;i~: PM . • Ed • no L*t Htw OtMI for '7' 20' IKIPJACK I f,.._ 22' Cflrta Crett 'II .... cttlld 18$0, &48-2022 Of I a r • U , I 0 0 . C 1 11 : hog hull I~ ._1101'. M·27at ........ Ill ..-.. GNlt CCIN D1•11"•" '!"'""---------~------1 • ~ tntlfd llO hlJ .... cul•• •nt '"II ''"''"" ,.,...'*' end '8llo ....,. ••Oii I I C:I COWi '· ....,__.. o--.-·-., .. ,.,. 1. D4 6r.nge Cout OAIL y PILOT /Frida • April 23. 1982 '76 FORD MUSTANG le ........ c t C:t' ..... P*' ..... lf"9 Onfv31 .. 1,....._ J:toet-"' .. ~ 11"11~.of ""•'-• :A~0~::~·~1999 '79 FIAT STRADA le •N1ZUA •c~ •vto .. •u ru.._., u._..... °""'" .. ""'"~ '""'~ ., ·~A~:::~'s34e9 8ot0• S •O pwt 11_."9 •~ AM/FM Sle<INI s.. •02$W7 '71 YOLKSWAGBN DASHaR DtlSaL i..c •1u1n •• • ..,,.... tte-eo Onl, it en mNiM on.,_._ O.eft ' ~ -:::~$'4599 '71 CHIV llOltTE CARLO le "lNJUH A.--pef •t~ pwr kKit-1 AM_,,MtltitH c.MHtl• ,..,.. .......... ""~WC*~°""~ Ofttirl~•tt -:~==~~$4999 '80 SUBARU BRAT 4 WMIEIL DRIYI TRUCK .., -nu ... ......,,.., .... .,. c....-. """"'"'feel""'-" Ot'll't" »O -:::~~$4999 '82 CELICA QT unaACK UgllC 111119 "'9'..-.C •IAO -11-"IQ w AMIFM ll••eo Se< •02~7 - ,.. ... ,,. ~!~'!..!..,.~ti. ... !.~~ ~!!!.ht~ ......... !!!.!~~ ....... •• !:f!J •••••••••• l..w •••••••••••••••••••••• WI -Tm lllfl nll ,,.. nM CAMPER 8hefl lot tmall Jaguar '&I )(I( 1'0MC ...... UIJ ....... ••••••••••••••• ···--··········l'4'11' i*tlllP· 1150. Aoadalar, wire wllHI•, AftV'lllno conlk*ed 1'e......... 1'78 Oattun 210ZX wtttl 54t.ot75 gorgo bOdy. 11.toO. ... 1177 thnl 1tl0 ~ Pwt If Tw u 1tomallo Ii.ant., air t """' ••'"'!Jee1 10 cond I AM/FM ,_,,. A !~!#..~~lJ. .. rJ: Mia. 213135 8132 lAIH ..... le (tAIHU41 Kelley Blue I ff YIPt> ""'"' ......,&-M ~ ..... ,, .. ., ver y clean c tr ·79 Paueeot . 118')1 1--·------11_. _ lllWll 8ook 18210. Robina In atoreg• tor 2 yaara. 1-'I btt ~-price t 72H. Flntnctng Extra clean. Low mllaa· ';~.L 1 i•~• .., tr .LMM • enllable. Call now, Hk ge. M3·2202 •••~••••••••••••~ •I .. Or-.. C IJ ........ ,._, lor DaYt Jonaa. Tll•O· PUCH Sport Mk II. Nr Corvalt Turbo DuMbUgOY -.tr (l1JI) 122-1••• ' do rt Robin • ,ord. MW. 8lg bof• kit. Mofall wllralltt, 1ur1 lltH. 2825 Wltl>Of Blvd. "' ••• 542-0010 u11au1t. S•ddl•M bag•. 11eoo. 542.eo1. c1o1s1rA2M1e1s1A 1-~-~1.&1iii•~"1jjjj11iiianei9y1iii1:-1-12-D-,-,aun--,200-.-A-M_1_FM-, rs:r:~:' QC>ed. 4 IBHI Jrlm 1110 • ~ very good conct., 11050. 1----------1······················ WE PlY 1eo--e392 eve1 1848 Wiiiner, Mii 0< trade StoPI Lookl One of a kind & eoz 3 .. 000 tor car. I 1500 firm 1978 Ford 4)(4 Pll)kup TOP DOLLAR '77 Dataun 2 · •· 548-8832. 548·04178 with rtmovabl• top. ml, AC, 4 1pd, AM/FM Oorgaou• wlllta F150 can. lmmac 18890 1878 Pucll, xlnt cond, lo loaded with Jilt oond.. FOR nu CAIS s ..... !Wvlce·L•allng 730. t837 ml. $325. 751·5131 dye, automatic, pwr. II., Ill· &1Jll Mltll2 or../ r A IJ\/t:O 85l-82e0 eV98 ding rHr window, over· l'Lll ~'v q, Nl'Nl/llUll !Y'.11 I C f()i{'E lfv1W ... llUJ elHd llrH . (1V81041). 2•80Htrbor Blvd. ~ ' '75 B2 t0, auto, am/Im. red. • Or, 11lnt cond, t owner. St800 S48-30t8 •"2• ·~•.9743 Financing avallable. Call .,.. -•·" ~ .,.,...,. , .... .., " "'"" now, Uk f0< Dave JoMa. COSTA MESA .,..,..,. ... • • .,, .. ,...., Dtwt1•• l 1ZI ..,~Inf Theodore Robin• Ford. MMJll Liie '78 7331, low mlle1. •••••• •••••••••••••••• •--fin 11•111-_s.._2_..00_10 ____ ~1 ___ M_l-_1_4_1_7__ new cond thru-out A•· •W ~ -1ume l111e with low •••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Jeep PU •x• truck. WE •llV interHI re11 Call An· 0£.l()R[IN '78 YAMAHA 125DT pll. p/b, auto, 360 4 Btl, .. , thony oayi 8'2·5757 ft Low ';'~~OBO. S250010BO 541-8M4. Cl.EAi DAiS eves & wtinda 531~30 (•08057) -------1r111t1 1110 '78 SUz'*l GS. 1000 Xlnt • •• •• • ••••••• ••••••••• cond 1t1tu-ou1. S1H5 11111 R • J,. ~ ~. COHHKL CHEVROLET '76 BMW 2002, lo ml lllnt cond PP Make olfar 646-4081 S24,lil 080 MU9t See 994. 7304 1112 UTSll '81 Yemalla 750 Seca. PllllP r .. "" •' , •,. r' ••• SllTI Ill Late '78 320! Ouo ownra. 301 w WatMK 2000 ml, warrenty Blk Clean $2795. 8"1-3087 Dateun'a f1mou1 Ll'I ... : •, \1 ' ' S4~ 1200 Huatlef Pk:llup II our ft· wv. moue low Pfloel Tlllt one .. llYEI '80 Honda 850C8 cuetom llae a 4 1peed trana 3900 ml., mini cond (l0l851I Top dollars for Sporll $2000. 896-7810 OILY sir.32.. Care. Bugs. Campera. UI 't 914'1. Audi's '71 Yamaha 650: Cu1tom, Oller Good Tllru ... 25•82 Ask tor U/C MGR low mllu Like new t JI• 1111111 s tored 1 yeara seoo. •EWNIT 111111 YIUIW&•ir• 8-40-1839 888 Dov• Street _,. NEWPORT B~CH 1871 1 Beach Blvd '74 380 Yamaha MX. Just HUNTINGTON BEACH reblt molOr. S350/bHt 133-1310 142-2Mt ofr. 842-7113 1------------------•--1-,,80-H---.... -C-X£_""_ t98t Ford F250 Pickup. WAITED'. • "'"" """ Sea loam white with 6 7•00 mllea, In excellent cyt economy RHdy tor late model Toyotaa. condition, fairing, car-heavy jOba without brN· VOlvoe. PICkups & Vans r y I n g c • • • s 2 Ii 0 0 k In g y 0 u • I I h. g. I Call us lodayl 559-9299 -· pump! Au1omatk: tran1., '74 Honda 380 Ilk• new. pwr 11 .. AM/FM c:uaette only 2880 ml Harry tltef & over a I z e d t I r • • &pm 8-47-4843 ( IW86085J Financing -...:--------1 available Call now, Hk '78 HONDA 550 Four tor Dave Jon11 Tlleo- lmmac cond LO "" d 0 r e R 0 b I n s F 0 r d __ c.ii __ 83_1_·3_9oe __ M_a111 __ 1_64_2_-00_t_0 ______ 1 '73 VESPA Rally Black '12 ....... IT W/bar windsllleld Xlnt 5700 OBO need• wot1t cond 645-3"39 s.es.3593 '7" Yamaha MX90 Dir 1---------Honda 7501<. fairing. ~of a kind 1875 Ford trunk. caM saver•. crut-~ ton pickup Orlglnal u 9 ooo ml S2 100 pelnt, 6 cyl atandard 839-4235 1ren1 & only 54,000 m11e1 T1111 truck could not be oupllcated Come see & make offer '7t HONDA 90 Trail Blka, IOW mt , runa good S300 offer 963-0282 •. ,., ._,,, ,,,,; .!.~'!!/.!!!!~I! ... !.~~ ( t A08696) Ftn•nclng 1vall1ble Cell now, 1111 tor Dev• Jon11 Theo- dore Robina Ford 8"2·0010 RENT 26 11. motor home --lllWiw---,----L-- Slps 8. fully loaded •mnr r.u11 645·8616 67 Chevy. nice body. -. 7_6_E_l_d_o_re_d_o_2_1 _', -c-le_a_n-.1 great ever Y 1 lllng Rea I sol id S 1500 OBO bargaln-17900. P P E\199 63 t • 7958 673-7478 ----------.-7-.-K-lng_o_l_l_he_R_o_ad __ t980 Dodge dual wheel I-ton with low mllel Tiiis Tt1ple bunk, 1.oeded. loaded Special Edition clean '281<. 11klng 512. Club Cab w1m all the 900 552_3659 pvt narty options IS I truck that ,.... can oo Iha Jobi '78 Born Fr ... King ol lhe I tU792741 Financing M i n i Hom•• w/only available Call now, 11k 26000 m1. In 11orage ap-for Dave Jones Theo· pro• 2 yra bec1u11 of o ore Rob In a Ford divorce Over $12,000 642..0010 xtru. Uke new lor S23.1_7_6_F_or_d_P_U_.-4-WO-.-..,-.-,on-. 500 Retallt IOI' "47,500 rune ~ooo . low ml, today UMd only 8 tripe S3000 52 2020 , ..... _ 7 t4/552-2893. • """"' It ......... . c .... ..... "" .... .,.,., ...... ., WERY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOA FIU IPflAIUl Cor~-Oelollo CSEYla1T 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-lltl, 14t-1SS1 Top Oolar Paid For Your Cart .......... u. ...... ,..,, 2826 Harbof Blild Coste Mesa 540-563C Premium prices paid lor any used car ( loretgfl 0t domestic I In good condition See ua Flrall SOUTH COAST Dodge -11118 I l.11 bt11 Hh d ( .... t J '""·' 'Mii 0.1:•1 461< ml. anrl air. AM/FM Mt-l4H c111 . 11loy1. nu llrH & •---------•tr•• CaM Tom 752-4000 Fiil '1ZS ex1 382 or eve••••••••••••••••••••••• 559-8900 73 t2• Spr1 Cpe, xlnt m1 For sale or take over lea· '141 lat• ·79 7331. lmmaC good conq . S 1595/0BO All 5, 8•0·5243 & loaded. 431< ml S t8, 74 FIAT t24 Special 4 dr, 500 Ev1, 851-228• clean. AM/FM 11ereo St .500 JMn 8"4-1742 '75 BMW 530I Mint Cond . '74 Flat t28 New tires, new brekH . new trana. batt. exheu11 st 200 new heed. $8500 OBO. 879·901 4 Cell batora 5. 957-3222, ---------att91 5, 646-8772 '76 X19 nu engine, wht tape deck S2700 815-4568 f~I!! ............ !.~ ! ~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '76 Capri II, auto V8 2 e. 57 000 ml. 1111. runa great, $2500 54 8-28•31549 -8300 •t66 *FllTISTIC * *FllTS* HWI ISO Fiil SNIT CUS D1l1u 11ZO Maoy to Choote trom• •••••••••••••••••••••• Exatnptet ll Fiil '" .. Classic White beauty With 5 spd air cono m1gs tow mileage 1122NJN) $4211 11 NT lftlO ReClllO gr .. n, 5 Sp<I, lie· lllllloµ.lilli.:.Mola.:Miy,;,ji;.u,111 reo mags NONE NICER• l tACP577) ~--...-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,;.i S4115 SPECIAL SILE! FACTORY lt Fill SfllU Autom111c. s1ereo. mags We SOid newt (063YSA) S5215 11¥0ICE ll Fill 11 /t PLIS S41! 4 spo stereo, mags That's right! We're eel-Beautiful bro w n • ling our economteal Oat· (659SMRI &un 210 models al ONLY $4215 $49 over our co11 & r:~~~~\11~0: lt FIAT 11/I good thru Sunday. Me11111c gold. 5 1pd Al· 4-2$-82 11 cloM of bull· mo.I newt (270YHV) ness • .c> hurry' Eumple S&21& (5944) $47441 g g we Bellelle We Have The Lowe11 Pnced FIA TS In So Cahlorn1a1 If Yll'Yl am TllKlll l&TSll- TW llTtll IOW!!! mtllill JI J~i} 1§ Datsun King Cab 5 f11l11n f'11n/ 1110 1pd, $4800/bHI ofr ••••••• ;t ••• • ••• • •• •• • • 770...o.t 18 •ft 6PM •EWNI\' llTSlll ~ ... ~-!1.'!!1!.'!.~. ••••• 818 Dove Street TUT TUILD 63 Dodge ,,., ton ton All• '-" '105 NEWPORT BEACH = ~r,; !'::~ ~!l =~~~Pc~~~' 81 :~1g· ·;3·-',;;·5;,:,.~;:r:·;~;,~; __ 1_3_3_-_1_3_1_1 __ 1B••" 11z1 Lott of seating lnelde & 1 _s1_3_._s_1a_1 ______ tor summer. run• xlnt '78 610 Top runni ng •••••••••.-••••••••••• atorage room. lot• ot Body. top Int. gd cond cond Clean. air, am/Im 80 Accord LX. apeclal 82 S 10 Chev P U Fully $3700. 494-6875 radio .• door s l ,000 u1r11. mull see $8000 room to carry geer wlllle loaded incl'g Tahoe pkg. .. 1 67,,, 7807 tra:::ling $1395. 887~78 Musi Mii Sl0,250 Of bat JlfW 1111 mll11 1 Owner S2800 1rm ~ olr 5•5·20 t4 • ••••••••••••••••••••• _8_3_3-0_5_9_2 _____ -179 Prelude S spd, sun· OUicti ..re.Terry tgl axle. -7-7-C-hev;--C-heyen--ne-4-.-4. ·e1 280ZX GL 5 apd. Im· roof good cond Ot1g. 18',xlntcond.llveable. v.8 , 4 spd ,5700_ mec e11tr11.Foroedsalt owner S5600/bstolr lully 111-oonl .. $2000. 833--0188 $11,200 847·8611 581-72•8 S.5-8893, 546-8168 '78 PROWLER 20W . Comp. eell-cont Only used twice, xlnt. cond 80 Chev Luv PU Mikado h• campar ellell. Xlnt cond. seooo 640.1129 $5,000/0BO. 832·0358 :ourler '78. xlnt cond IWS4DY1Cl Maga, moon root, AM/ A•l• l.nin, l1rl1 FM Clll 13500 WllM I A#ftNrin HOf _s.._8·_9_ts.e ______ 831-2040 495-49•9 ··tire·eoovwoR.<·1·· 13 a Mc ·~ion Pu 2~02~~~t~-£_, off lo ml, dUal tanlla. cmpr "" v-· -, paint/up to '7\1,.. your shell S2850 8"5-!M t9 Minion Vleto body shop atl. 536-0832 1---' ------(Avery fJtlt off 1-51 vw '66 & '78 eng & body , .. , 1510 Open Sundays pert.I fOI Nie cheep Alao • ••• • •• •••••• •••• • • ••• ---------PO<acne a11oya t5d e.i 73 Chevy Van w/low1ng 8PM 8&4-5$73 mech $1000/bet olr ' 549·2221 New GoodYMr tire & whl, ---------12_18.5 LT, SU>C>. 3511 E 73 VW Van. great cond tllth St. 64~88 Naeda tome work Aak tor John 83 t -2855 lndiM ...... TONNEAU COVER Flta MG'a, '71·'11t Neyer uaed, 175 Mafia 831-7787 Iv ma t978 Dodge MaJll van, grt cond U .000/bet olr 548·8"83 bfr 8PM. 71 Ford Van. Camper eqpl. ¥· ton, tow bar. S1175. call H0-1130 A•ln I# "'• If P•nmt ··1MPORTANTNOTtCE•• knock• ott•n When you TO READERS AND UH tHUll•gettlng Dally ADVERTISERS Piiot Ctaulfled Ad• to Tiie prlc• ol ll8JTI• ad-reach the Orange Co11t ltefllMc:I by vetllCJe de•· matll!!,:~ ·~2 aa7e ... In the vehlclt ct.Ml· .. ...,. ............ fled aowrtlalnQ columna doaa not lncludt any ap- pllcable taxee, llcenM, tranafer faea, finance chatgee, .... for elr pot. lullon control de¥1c• certlllcatlon• or daeter documentary prepare· t l on c llarv•• uni••• otherWIM apacllled by INedWrtlMr. WANTED TO BUY u11-. --.... f (IO 1 ............... ld.i.11 &~ CREVIER BMW n. btltilc '12 ............ , A few remaining '8 t Models & o.mo. .,. '11111 avaHabltl We apeciallza In European delivery and flawl••• pre-owned BMW' a. Whlw• Cultomef ~CorMI 1all Salet-SeMce-LMllng 208 w. 111, Santa Ana (714) 835-3171 CloMd Sunday .. OranQ• Cout DAILY PILOT /Frld•x. April 23, 1982 · YOU "AUTO" ~ Orange County International ~ Auta Apri!21-2s ·Driv._e Into ~ v ~=%neenier Spring ~ ~ Shew ~ .. 1~, .. ~ ...... ~~~~ ....... ~ ... '!!.~ ....... ~!'!!.~~ ....... ~,.~.,m ............ ~.11~.~~ ........... ~,.~ .. !~ ........... ~!!'!..,~ ........... ~~.!'!! ............ ~'!!i.¥!.'!. .......... : !'!P. ••.•••••.•. I.~. • •. ,.,~.·,··.:::u:1~~ff ~.~ ......... mt !~.'!tr.! ..... !.~!~ &!:!!!tf ......... ~!f f!'m!! ......... ~~f !'.~!!!!Ml~ ...... !!.!1 t!~!~ ............ !!.!! r.'1Mt!! ....... !!.ff t!!Y!!. ......... !.'.!¥ WE'RE mlll 79 PoncM ., tSC large, 'll ...., 111711 CADILLAC 8evllla. '75 C0tdo11a, blll. 318 V·8, w·NTED Slop! Look I 1971 mini .•• Aoadrunnar. good '77 Grand Safari 11 PHI Ul a.I lk. PW, 7MS. full hhr, Runtgr .. I, AIC. AM/FM Full power. AMfFM Ila· loaded, to ml, xlnl " grHn, 1 owner. 35.000 cond. l'l .. dtfl. magi. won am/Im air, pwr Thlt la 1 loeded. h#d 10 AM/FM 11areo w/cau, c111 • really nice. reo llpa, IHlhar, aplll $3100. 857..0330 TO BtJY mlla Plnl'!:_! ... ul!'~•llo oood urat HOO OBO Halt wndwt lock• DEALIN ' find "Eattarn ZOM" gold alarm. lo mt Showrm 831·7958 12400 080 powar '"ta crulM Ult Iran• .• '" ""'jj .. nT IAi 8-5 e..s.1310 Mltla S3000 495-4305 u1erl or w llh brown C:ond. $24,"5. 4117-5257 1 • wire dl1c:1.' 11l nyl iop' CNll•••"I HU ~~111!~t t~~:~-:nou!: IMllN IHI --------- velour lfllarlor, S IPffd $2~ S.,., ~420 1456318). '9898. Eerie i97e"u"~"c~;;,j;," UR -l (70 1CKE) Flnenolng v.•••••••••••••••••••• f'iH'""'' 1110 lllDIATE t,. n I .. • u n, 0 0 II ~.:~.r~~~~~:.~~~:· . t:r Tso:i:!a·f ~~:.~;~g Clauy whit• With rad 1111 IUS IYllllble. Call now, Hk WANTED sio;;L;,;;~·,9·79·;..;,;;g; ":.'t,.0t/~0t. Blau~~n~ '67 VW SQrt>c:ll. Bed body, Harbor Bivd., Coal a leather Interior. moon WILSON FORD for Oa11e Jone•. Theo· T-Bird 1n -Int c:onu LO•· DELIVERY ON o • ua • 77'it Porache 924, Ma-gd running gear. 1600 M • • • 6 4 6 • 8 3 0 3 roof & fuH power. 55,000 do re A o b I n• Ford TO BUY ded wll-top& tow mtles aquallzar, air condlllo: roon wllan lnl, maga. dual porl •no. 111 1200 540•9497 low mllH Tell drt11a & 111255 Beach Blvd 642-0010. Powder blue w1maa1um nlng. rHr window da Sunff, AC. llarao. 35.000 lailff all te0-2780 buy (1125702). Kalley Huntlnnton Beech '74 Htchbk, xlnt cond blue lnterto• Gorgeous MOST lroeter ... atha< srmretl. ml. Must Mii $8,000/bat vw Cheula, '73. Good Tm u.JT 8kla 800ll $4345. Robina .. ., c lean 4-spd stereo UTE IOHL car• (687WCRI Kelley ~o00~~ ~~ 8:ocf~ olr 54&-4148 title No rual Sulllbi.f0t 1W11J11 price 13795 Ftnenctne 142-1111 SI09510BO 545-6881 USEI C-111$ Blue Book over 17500 MODELS mlleal Mull aell .. ONL v ln•sll 11SS kit c:ar • p1r11 E.Jtcal. , ol Illa modal. low mllea-~::1~:!~· f~1.~~~·h:~. 'lt ...., 2_* 74 Pinto. 62K ml, auto WILSON FORD ~~~~7~,J".1;!11!;~:5 c~:, $9,9991 Call 974-4611 •••••••••••••••••••••• cond 494.2401 Gt Cadlllec:a In Southe<n dot• Robin• Ford CUTLASS SUPREME good ltrH. JUS1 tuned, -now aslt. lor 01ve JOOH daya or 499-2530 after U.ST '79 vw Bug Con11t. Mat. C1llfoml1! 842..oo1o BROUGH Am. $4 700 new head . I 150 0 18255 Belch Bll!d Theodore Rot>ons Fe>rd SAVE 7;00 weekday• & wet-IDAILT River Blue. black lop. llllEJIS f 752 6'19 960-2780 Hunllnqton Beach 642.0010 kends. llLllTltl Great cond In/out. C'1ntl1 111Z Meka of" • 9 '72, needs brake•. lune-142-1111 ~---'------ ,74 Mazda Sia. wgn, new 18500. Mark , 01111.UC ••••••••••••••••••••••'79Dsl CutlalSSupreme up S4007141551-8544 77T-B11d showroom .. o.llftnil 213-847-2587. Mon-Fri, 2800 Hlrl>Ot Blvd '81 Cor11alt1, Charry, 4 Brougham Fully IOadfd cono all pou11>lea11r111 ay paint, ale, new'""· Including Iha 111 new 8-5pm COSTA MESA ·-tpd, wtlt wired lthr Int, IO New rbll eno $5200 72 2 or Runaboul 4 apd, I Michelin tire; n-trana n SHISO/OSO. 494"6242 IDAILT FIEll 540-lllO lo ml Spaclal whla 8 720-1696 544-08<¥i 38K actual m1 t ownr 'II f1IUt I $3500 962·0~92 '78 Mazda GLC, AM/FM, '78 Aabbll, 80.000 m1laa llrN MutlM41 Makaotr s1.ooo pp 646-1956 Xlnl body good l•ant 1--------- 8'\d Beat oft• .. ""737 "'•"'58"5 needs 11a1ve work many People Who n..u People HONDA AC. good llraa. good FllM Tml 968-3553 '74 Eldo Con11ert1bl•. "4"'"" Of.,...,.. " 79 Cutlau Calets Otl IJ,,.••li IHO n-parts Mual sell now• That's wt.at 11\e cones. Mu11 Hll $2790. .. .. 00 .,., .. ,~, 30.000 ml, lllnl Cond 28 • ·'.. •••• •••••• ••••••• Ftrll S500 494-3058 oa OAIL y PILOT 964-3914 Also. Ag<MI Mlectlon of '73 f b n•t t IOOkl grHI ~1 ., ,, ~ 'I' mp~ Com pl 1111 red 78 Pl" Honzon S2M mt, 1"111 ... ~~.-1[11111 ... ~~ Renaull 181 tadana end aunroo ug, n-.,.. n 752-2867 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' i. SERVICE DIRECTORY '78 Mazda GLC. amlfm. 8, 1n1erlo~. rebuilt, flaw-l98I FORO Eaeo<t Hatch-Opt ons $5800 bll oft $3200 or best Call n w at you wan n 11 all lboull SANTA al e, good llraa. good 'icaaacrf111~~ ~~~:~~~ t•~ tess. 52560 881-3982 '75 El Oora<10, 34,000 ml. back Auto trana . air 642-9273 reave msg. 979-3173 Doane Dally Pilot Cluattleds. cond .. Mu.I sellt $2780. '68 vw Bug: Rabullt, AM/ powder bll.lfl, whl Lenda.u cond., pwr 11., aleel ra-f'•OO A # f'I A•IH M•ll 1'100 96-4-3914 WE'RE D"" .. LING. F•• I .. I 1850 lop, alw11ya. g1raged, dtal tlrH, llke new. Jull A•lll'I #n l'I A•lll'I #n • •IH'I W •••••• •••••"•••••••••••••••• ANA #•ltH•• ••• 1140 ---/~T 4gg~2x5~ con.. . ~a~~o~yo orii ~ llk(,n~~i ~1~~~1a'af osc;.:.' ~:rsle ••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••• .... ••, ,,..., I llUllT new ang. greal sound 675-5718 Car Salta 1981S-1970 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 72 vw Popi op Camper, 6 4 8 • 3 3 8 9 or I 7 1 4 ) Ike Toyoll -Fine Uaed at tf1e ''~s-e·· IW"' IM4 ...... , 2524 Harbor Blvd system 13200/bat otr ·79 Sedan oev1111, lo ml. H1rbor Blvd • Cos1a Part1 & s.vic. ()pan All te a HW 493-9160 xlnt cond. $8995/lake Day Saturd8y 301 w. warner Ave. •rtWiil ""' *'67 Beetle. navy. xlnt over l o w pay 11e ., (1 blk. _.of Main) Compare House of Im-~!!.~T!!. ..•.. !.~!~ mo1or. trana,.body. Must 631-0496 At101u1ely Immaculate p0rts Ottect lease and 60 see! 12450 497-l597 ·78 Seville Blk/blk tea-198 t Ford Fairmont• 540· 7430 mos senslbla pymis Olal •t DEALER IN U.S.A. 14 BUG Dependable. red, lher. moon roof and all door • cyl . automallc 213 °' 714, MERCEDES IY"'t.I CARVER AM/FM cast stereo $2. ell Ir a 1 I 9 2 o o, trans .. pwr II . air cono 79 Accord. Hlchbk, IUIO IS 213 Of 714/637-2333 "'-11 500 499-4896 714/484·8904 & only 9000 miles. Cool irans. AC, beige, xtnt IY"I J C_D'"""t.r"r: summer blue Ready f<>< cond S5400 o tc ·8t 3ooso. m ileage l2. N......JLL...;) "'-11\..C::. '37 BAJA Ntw blue pnt, '71 Ca4illlt 11acatton (1CGX381) 7 7 6. 4 o 2 1. home 989 Uniter werranty .,.._ _.._, ~ ..,,... ., ·~-. ttres 8 rime lnl Rebll TOP OF THE LINE. Xlnt Current Kelley Blue Book 645-7957.640-.6931 SI R. blue. palamlno ...--• ..-w ,..,...,... eng& 1rans 3 hit Must conu.bluetxl,Ofeyelolh $6905 Robina price • Xlnl Cond S32K Call <t<»tDSUND4YS see $3 000 OBO tnl 32.000 ml $8800 S5895 Ftnencinq avalla-82 Honu1 Cl111cs. 4 dr. SS&-3880, Jaan 957-2525 T20-0425 ble. Call now. aak tor S 137 47 + tax per mo. '76 3000. "'""owltan, loa-'ll llhtf Da4ew Oeve Jones Theodore Clo ............. •8 mo •-a.. JV" 72 Sq Bk. orig owner, IO '77 SEVILLE """'-,u'" ''V' ..... ded. Very clean S 10.000 SPOTLESS 8000 Ml milea"". $2300 Robina FOl'd. ~2-0010 A II Savers ( 7 t 4 ) 546-4253 $62,000/0BO Call Oon. ..-751-4401 tmmac Orig owner. ---------63'4-0189 19161541.566()AM S6400 Lag S ch 1978FOROFairmontSe- 78 C1111c. am/Im CUI. SACRIFICE-$4500 vw Eng '74, 1835cc. all 4114.7933 den. 6 cyl .. aulo. Irani .. good cona. lo ml, 12900 19 7 1 250C 2 or, xlnl l•d 11f0 new parts looks & 1115 fac tory air. pwr st 8 Of baal Olla< 644-1976 cond, 758-12 15 OyS, ••••~••-••••••••••••• st OC k run I s Ir o ng c ... 11 lfJ1 bra.kal, Stereo CISI . YI· 548-3754 IYe8 TIE 11121 ss50101r 494.2401 iiii9"c·A;;A·Ro·z~28" nv1 root. 11n11u g1au. '76 Honda CVCC halctlbk. Michelin 11ra1 8 very good cond, 68,000 m1, 71 MBZ 280SE 3 S Clu-IRE IEIE! VW 73 Chastll, no rust. Gorgeous w hite with clean w flow mites $2500 557-1874 s;c cpe Excepl cond Lo new brks & shocks xrra Z-28 atrlptng A loaded (983WKR) 13499 Earle ml $17,500, 645-0295 900 ser1e1 3 doora. 4 parts 111111 Xlnt kit car 23,000 mlta Cit wtlh Jan Ike Toyota-Fin• Uaad }1••11 1130 ·so ClasSIC 190SL uoora & Turboa aveltable S250/otr 494-2407 cloth interior. Exceptlo-Ctr SalH. 1966-1970 ••'-•••••••••••••••••• nowt Come In 8 drive nal cer (622546) Anan-Harbor BIYd., Coale ·72 XJ6, xlnt. lnYetlment 2 109s. l(lflt. 19850 Obo. Road 8 Track Maga-·79 vw conv whllwhtlwhl clnq available. Call now, Mesa 646 •930 3 Leaving counlry. Red wl 2131433-0656 zine·schotceoltheBEST 40.000 mt. $8975 da uk for Dao Jonea. 540•9467 blk Int Fufly loaded N-· 70 Mercedes 280SL spof'1s sedan of Iha ·80.1 760-6000 Mary Lou. -Theodore Robins Ford --------- ttru. brks Show car Con11ertlble 8 hardtop, IE.ICll •PORTS 675-Q.469 642-0010 $5 900 548-4 141 AMC/1•''"1' ·.~?SE. en-8411 Oova StrMI. N.B 'lt I.wt 2.. -69--A-ul-o-20-.-000--mlles--on .. ' f1U thraclte gray. xlnl cond. 712.....,. 4 ,......,. Brown 26.000 new engine St 500 ,.,, I S 10 ,000 or o ller --...,..... •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-8052 1969 HarbOf BIYd , C M m1 $4500 Of $4000 calh _5-4_0_-_1s_1_11 ____ _ 131-1111 6T3-8457 75 Carero LT. Xlnt cond '10 M ercedes 280SL ,71 •-a•r••-New radials w/maga. Clualc. looks greal, , ... ,. 1111 _.__ am/Im can. air $2700. S 1 7 , 5 0 0 I be I I o Ir . • •. ••••••••••••••••••• $18001080 1179-2694 631 _5797 WANTED TO BUY UTE-l ISEI ClllS 972-2376 SalM-Ser""-Leulng '69 vw Pop Toi> Camper ---------1 '11 2tS HI SL u..DACI 7.000 miles on molO<, fW Cinr•l•I mo 18255 Beech Blvd. Maroon with ten lntt1110r, lllAll paint 12200 960-5543 ···;;;,··,·s··Fll····ST!•••••• Huntington Beech WILSON FORD auto. 11mllm 2 lopt. Oftg 111·2141 4~141 ~ • 142 •111 We have a good selec-_____ -. ___ _ SllUS owner. 11 3 ·SOO -------*PIEPUE F•* E 8 USEO ..: Evea; 714-720-0208 ·•"·"··••••••••••••••• *SPll•* Chavrotetal 11,000 ml, Ilka new. ,..JTlllAIDA. weelldays_ 1978 TOVOTA C4lttCa Lift-Pllmll IMS $5350 Call 962-8559 _IT & 1----------1 back. Auto trana .• ~ •01 TOUI f? 714-640-2044 Sat, Sun fneu 111$ llon of N w '81 F0td Eecort St Wgn .,_ '75 280MBZ. Vallow/Ian Slaerlng 8 brakH, AM/ 1960'1 thru 1970'• Falcon. runt good. new Ym •.. "' tnl. PP. lmmac. loaded. FM stereo. 11111 radlal .t.11 reconditioned 8 gua-llrea. ballary, brak ... fAGUrfl Nawttret.110 ,000. tlres,Ylnyllnt,cuatom2 ranteed Wtlllrede&ll-reltable $800.548-28.48 - l41J MISUtslllOU4UJM ~25 tone paint (813UXT) nance WE BUV BUGS! •72 Cullom 500 Xlnl ",. ...... ,.,-------.J""'l""4 ... rJ $4499 Eene !tie TO)'Ota-Examples lamlly car Looks/runs ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• Fine Uaad Car Sales 1MI WW... or•ll 11100. 54!;-3025 1986-1970 Harbor Bfvd . 4 spd . mtnl (083UKZ) flY CAILLAC Cl~£ SALE! --,' 1911 CADILLAC ILDORADO COUPI (1a.oell ) $14,995 191b CADILLAC SIVlUI C909ZEOI '12,995 1980 CADILLAC PlllTWOOO IROUGHAM (555ZEO) '10,995 1979 CADILLAC llVIUI (311Wav) $9895 19" CADIUAC COUPI DIVl&.LI .... llL .. (522XWO) •1495 AllDUll • IWllU TONNEAU COVER ~~48~eu 846-9303 $1111 WANTm £i•t•I• 114$ Fiii MG's. '71-'81 Never used. f75 78 Calle• GT Llllbeck, 1MI WW Ill gold, air. maga. Xlnt 4 spd Liken-(SKP417) TO BUY un Miili ISO CUI ...•..••.•...•.....•.. '63 Linc Conl. Con11. re- lraclabla, new Urea. all option• wllh '83 partl cat I 1950 Uke1 all. 751-t047 Marla 831-7797 111 m, cond . low mlla1ge. S4900. 844-1842 or $2211 1-128-451 I #CJ 1144 1979l0VOTA Supra. Fuel 1Ml WW Ill '78 Town Car, loaded. •Int cones New Ura• $6400. 845-7988 ....•.........•....... 11 MOB. blue, low mllM- ge. Tonneau 2 covera, new tlrn. CMlfdrl ..... 1tlnt cones .. YflfY clean, am/Im casaelle Call 548-0796. lnJacled aulomatlc 4 spd. SHARP (UOV4821 WILSON FORD 1rans . air cond , lull po-S2411 war. alloy whaata. 1111, 18255 Beactl BIYd. 79 MGB: Xlnt cond. am/ Im casHttt. 5 apead. $5000 or bell offer 857-2395. CNIH. loW m11e1Qe Met brown w/malchlng Int. (11114XJWJ. $7599. Earle lka Toyola-Ftne Uaed Ctr Salea. 1988-1970 Harbor Blvd., Colla Mesa 848 -9303 540-9487 ,! .. .(!!! ••••••••• !.~~ 82 Supra. part pkg. all t977 PEUGEOT Oltstl opllona. It bl mal. mini Wagon Aulo lrent • cond. Aaaume la• al pwr. 11., pwr brakH. $325 mo + 11,000. Cell llereo can w/pwr Mike 644-5800 aJCt 7268 boosl, dual tank• & new dys, 720..0533 ewa. me1 blue llnlah. Grt1t l·,-9"-8-1 _T_O_V_O_T_A_S.,..l_a_rte_l_Se_· family car j293TZV). dan Options Include 5 $4799. Earle ke Toyot• apeecl trana .. power dlac Fine Uaad Cu SalH bruat. This one ta 1u11y 1"6-1970 Hlrbor Blvd . lact()('f aqulppad 8 oat• Coata M111 846-9303 graal gea mllaaga. 540-9487. (1BJD283). $49tt Earle 1978 PEUGEOT 504 Ota-lka Toyo11-Flna Uaed Ml.4speed,ataraocua, Car SalH 1988·1970 pwr. at. & brakaa, pwr Harbor Blvd • Coata window•. (OOTZU). Mesa 848-9303 Ou1111ndlng economy 540-9487. fM only 15899. Earle lka 1.--------.--Toyot1-Flne Uaed Car 73 Toyoll HILUX. 7 long S.... 1966-11170 Hatt>or bed. CMWtlza 20 gel. gaa Blvd· •• Coat a Maaa. lank, 1u1omallc, Targa e..6-9303 540-.... 7 top, air, radio. lo ml. Pl- -------·--ralll tlret. Comptala Mf· ,.,,,.. 1111 Yk:4 rac:ofdl. Xlnl cond. ••••••••••••••• •• ••••• 12500/bat ofr. Cheri•• tellSTER (714) 875·2377 all 8PM or b4r IAM. .. 11./a-.i 1979 TOY OT fl. Corolla .... SR5 llltbtck. 5 apHd 13931 Hlrt>ot ltvd 0 .._ .... lfana., po.-~. llr .,.,...., '""CMI oond .. AM/FM tl9rao & a ....... brr... 1pot1H1 yellow 111111" 1 __ 1_1_•_111-__ z_n_a_, ~ =.~:'t::;t IO POftcht t24 TUtbO I '80 Porach• 924 9011\ loabad. Tak• over IH P9YIMI..._ 714,.H-1IOI '5399. Eane Ml• T~ Fina Uaed Car 8alH. 1IMMl-1t70 Hll't>ot INd .. Co111 'M•11. 841-9301 1Mlnf Ill 4 apd , CHIC. (UZP794) $2111 1tltWWlll Aulomatle (14455) $2411 Hunl~2-lonl8aach11 ~!!!!!? .••...••• !.~~ ---•-----1980 Mercury Zephyr ¥4-78 Monte Carlo, Illa btua, gon 4 cyl • 111nuard. lo ml, 101ded. 14850. cream color with light 968-1431...... 1n1er1or. 8 low mlla1. Ready tor summer ••Vlfll (817571) Kelley Blue .. 1112 Book 1 5325 Robina L ........ 1 et price $4475 Financing oeoac:s. --ope. c. 111allabla Cell now, aaJ\ rill~''/ lafinll II j I ~••) Ser 474017217· lor Oa111 Jonea. Thao-1.!AJ.,!»l Wll!l!.1SW •Y S11,Alll dora Robi n• Ford. ..... ...,,.... 642..0010 1211w ~!.9,~~\!17 :!l:Jl N=b~a~i,!~H •-.-,9-7_0_M_a-rq-lu-lt-,-,m-m_e_c.-1 .I• •ttl lnlr PIS. PIB. P/W, AIC, -naw llraa $645 . Y.•J!! •••••••••••• !.~!! ·19 c11eve11a.11r. 4~.1o 1_9_79-_5_100 _____ _ 11 1 y.e.. hMtr ml. 35 m~, $3500 make '74 Merqula Brougham .. .__ ~l offer 54S.-091 J.mmac Lo mi All pwr, --.• __ ,, '16 Chevell• 111\a new 20. ale, rag OH 11725 or IWS, IBYIOI UIWllll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS 000 ml AM/FM CUI. ball offer. 548-8209 12500 offer. 640-4959 • 73 Marqula Wagon, Im· Evee mac IUll po..,, I01ded. •IYITTI 70K orig. mllea. Ont ,77 30 I -~"''I OWner. 11200. 873-1003. . mPO. I( nt ,.,_,, cond new trana. llraa, •• ,,... Hll brake1, 1hocka. 57 ,000 •••••••'•••••••••••••• mllaa, 12375 An 11:30PM *AESALE SALES* 83t-520e 1 '71 Con11er1lbl• 13850 V8. auto, pt •. elr '110 Cllallon Hatchback. 009TZH 92K orig rnl6M. l 34SO. &09XMI. Balow ·eo VC/No 2440l. AM/FM WhOltUI•.· Dir. 8 cyl, atarao, AC, like new, AT, auto, power, air, Sea 11 18600. 54t-8052. 443 w. Bly. Coal• MeM. ·11 Hardtop. $2450. 302V8, auto, pi t . air. 92UZU. SUK orig • '74 STATION WON Pll 845-2983. ""'"· OrMI cond. ulr• '78 Mllltxl 4 door WIOOf'I, SHSO 4"4-1490 V8 1utom1Uc, pi t, air, redlo. P.P. Call aot ~...., 71 41848-3781 0( :;;-;;i.i-.~······-·· 831-1319. ... ,,,, ••• Clll_Ch_1e1_.-.... -: .-door--. Nice--------...............••.••.• '75 C«ll~ry, air, Pl. PB, 111r cono. 1600. 541·5313 72 914, "".,.in1, tlr• & ,_M0_-_ ... _&_7_. ____ _ eng. Meot. aweo 5-IPd. '74 oat 810 Wagon. Orio •·,-11-L_•_l_•_b_r_e...,.a_2_t _s_o , INOQ. Aldi .. 7.~ owner, od cond. 811< Ml: C:vatom coupe, loeded, 17 t 1 a C OU,t Wt 11175/Dat otr 831-ottt al'lerp, 5t3VZT. Wl'llH bo111M • new Taro1. rt/wtlndl. Dir. 443 w ley. C.M. 1---------Muel NII Cl""· d"I 1-,-.-.-,-T-O_Y_O_T_A_C_o_r_o_n_1 1_14_&._2913 __ . ----- IMGft, ,INI pttoe recNc· L111111ry EdlUO" 4 Door llofl H , too for quick Uttbecll. Aule. 1r1n1 • • t I e I 3 1·232 1 or pwr 11. & b::i::.. etr ...... 142 odN., °""" .. ........... -. ..... MtlOOOlftlllel• .... ...,. lt0NZ7• '"· Off to lell. larfo lkt l!Z!'~:.'..~ w , c1e~•:.J•u • .. 1111 • - lllW 1982 llCORT •5499 .. ~ ........... FORD CARI COVIRAGI 24/mo./24,000 ml. free full maln- talnence and extended warranty ''THI CLOlllT THlllG TO COIT FRll DRIVING'' Incl. Rebate Incl. Rebate -plu1 dealer added -plu1 dHler added option•. Ser. A 11578, Stk. T1242. optlona. Ser. 605-486, Stk. T1282. lllW' 1981 GmAllADA '5668 · SERVICE l&R. SPECIAL! Whh yew c.. It Mint MrVketl, lent•,.,. .. ltcert f.,. $5.00 per dey. (fSO "'"''"""" r• ,.Ir ertler -I tl•y "9•XllWU,.,, CUltOMor '91• fer P:t>-loMrvo yovr1 now -offer • Ir•• 4/~J 12. . ~~~::CZ:~~ 00 1111 Fiii T-1111 1111 Fiii PllTI Herlt~ S«la. Load9dl H .. a T·Top. Low rnMee. le. No. 897WCA. Automatic tranemlaalon and power lteertng. Uc. No. 807YTA. ...., ........ 11• ~ .... ... n11•1n ...... PllM .... ...... ,,... 11111 BODY SHOP SPECIAL! When your 9'otly ro,olra oro ltolne tlono, rent• Pertl lacort t ... $5.00 per tloy. ($100 minimum r...-lr .,....,. -3 doy meal""'"'' cu1tomor ,.,, fer e••>· Wo toke .,,.1nt- mont1. Offer •9.lr•• 4/~12. t 1111 Fiii IUSTAll FMtbaek. ~·· automatic trtna., pwr. st .. ring & AM gpe. Uc. No. 810XDZ. . ..., ....... .. 11 n11•1n ...... PrlM 14111 I 1111 CIEYY % TOI YU Automatic trans.. power eteer1nQ & air cond. Uc. No. 1TM323. • ..,........ •111 n11•1n ...... ""' ,_ SAYE S1111, SAYE s1111 I SAYE Siii SAYE S1221 1111 DATSll 211ZI Automatic trans.. air cond. & AM.fM 1tOr90 gpe, Uc. No. 1AIH234. ,=-.... .... ......... 11111 . SAYE S1111 4 Door. e cyt .• llUtOll'latlc trana. & air condl· tJonlng. Uc. No. 1CGX381. lllir ........ .... n1d1n...._,,... ..... SAYE S1111 4 Do«. Loededl Moon roof and whhe wlttt rad lntatlor. Ser. NOt 125702. ...., ........ n11••~...._,.. 1111 FIRI PICKUP ~·ton truc:tt. Automatic, power a...nnci. ate-rao w~ & big tlrea. Lie. No. 1C\>31d. lllW 1982 IXll •149·4 lncf. rebate -ptue dMler added ootlllnta, Ser. 121~5. Stk. Oe87. Zephyr moctel. hr. Ho. 111171. ~ tw tummer -..... ~ u.ttoft ... ....,....... .. "'*'........... .... Siii - . .. •April 23 -April 29 • ()!\.\~(.I . ( .( J\:-,1 ·s \H ):-,J ( ( )\ll'IJ.11: 1·1:LL\'IS(( )~ \1.\l .. \/l'\.l . Mae West Ann Jillian stars as goddess of sex Actress Aran Jillian stars as Mae West, the le - gendary movie star who built her career on sex yet struggled to find fulfillment with the one man she truly loved, in "Mae West," to be aired at 9 P·!ll· Sunday, May 2, on ABC (Channel 7). Also starring are James Brolin as Jim Timothy, Mae's longtime lover and manager; Piper Laurie as her mother, Matilda West and Roddy McDowall in the role of a female~raonator who helps Mae achieve her own ori · • much-lmit.at.ed style. * * PauJ McCartney and Stevie Wonder will sing their eagerly awaited "Ebony and Ivory" single on the "Fridays" prime-time special airing tonight at 9 on ABC (Channel 7). It will be the first time ~Ion viewers tee the ex-Beetle and Wonder perform the eong, which is a special cut from ~y's new album, '"I\11 of War!' * * * A veaeru 1tutmu will make a d.arta1 fall from a laeUHp&er to a spee4lq flatbed tnct. u Olympk aWeae wW com,,ete •a coftwoma'• 1wtmm1D1 team aJdlMp site ii parapll ud a pilot will cry to Oy &WMp Parlt' Arc de ompH wtt• Oldy ll lllcHs ~me ~lea~e OD ea~ 1Mle oa '"l'Ut'1 lacredtble: special Edition" tolllpt at I OD ABC (Cbuael 7). * * * Nineteen colorful, fut-paced animated vignet- tes sparked by mature humor, an assortment of atranae but lovable charactera and the Oscar- winning "Crunch Bird" will be on view tonight aa -part of NBC's "Jokebook." The show, produced and directed by William Hanna and Joe Barbera, will air at 8 p.m. on Channel 4 . . * * * "The Wild and the Free," a movie-for- t.elevislon about ICientists Involved In champanz.ee research, will air Saturday at 9 p.m . on CBS (Channel 2). The show stara Granville Van Dulen and Un- da Gre>:, in an often eomical adventure that developt when a group of Ameri~n-trained, hOll)e-raised chimps come into contact with a band of wild chim~ In the African jungle. ' ·* * * "The Neighborhood," a contemporary drama a bout the fear and uneasiness that beseta a workin1-clus neighborhood when its ethnic ma- keup seems threatened, will air at 9 p.m. Sunday on NBC (Channel 4). Christine Belford, Ben Masters, Ron Masak See Mae Wert, Page 32 _ New sitcoms oiler little See Of'ange C.oast TY Af!lenna on p11ge J Brenda Benet'• death See Daytime Drama on Page 35 • ' -0 6: MEW!!! MOW Atlantic Music's 21 year tradition of only offering the finest in home entertainment at affordable prices now continues in your car! Sohy's achievements in every aspect of audio and video are renowned throughout ' • the world!! And 'Atlantic is now proud to bring you the finest possible reproduction of music in your car courtesy of SONY. Stop by and hear tt1e amazing line of ~ONY AUTOSOUNQ. set up in our computerizeCI CJisplay allowing instant comparison between any component or entire Auto Sound Systems! . XR• 708 Pre-Amp/FM/AM Tuner Cassette XR-35 FM AM Aece ver Auto·AeVerse XE-98 9 Band Grapn1c EQualtzer Deck With Dolby Cassette Deck w It' Dolby • t. '11' *"1 •·'lh/.JI or tr#ll'lt"'•C (h .1flt-W yov 10 S:"lill"' j,,, ··O ti d lo ~ X-lal Lock. Qt.ar11 fiequel'IC)' syl'lhe!IS 0 Memory pro·set tor: AJtO-.'f:",C•<,() w tt pt• c (" .. r 'M " S(:.'fO ~ra.;1 'J. 0 [)c,\O~ '•t ' J ' ;ir.o.Jl:'•~s il)t'o• .. , 01 l• HT',.,, ollt.I r ~·> ti 1 .. s1t: i;ptob AM ard 5 FM sta•-ors aotorratic ~insi. rrr.lnt.Jal I J'lll Q note reduct.on t;n iuc l•·r..:r ·bar:c s•cp OQ~Or dCJl"ll :r,.. S ar1•c·J t. ,, ... <;Ct ''()" iJ'•" g1ar11 ~ .val 111iJ.cc11ni ol i.;J ...J 01Q 111 6!1P af 0( lreQlK''1CY and t).111t-1n Q..:.a•ll d<g1tal CIO<:i< CJ"°' Ind to .U~ )'O'J~ Cllr ,11 0 , '.ii Ct nq Plfll•ven er, f'o.Jt sp{ie~E'' 11.\hor I TCJl'1r. dflto,11 ~vdc.h p<,k1c, 11,ll l•1·q1JCI1 y '<'>r>1'11'1J Jl fO Aut<Jma\lc Music Sensor (AMS} O Dillb~ noiv• t•:duc1ioo CJ M1 ·ta OO'P JI w th fader an•J b 1 il">C" Cl)l 1rtJ~ 0 f.4e!AI ld;10 c r;~b 1.,. nd Cl\10!. or powei ~w1lc;h and Mltt3' Co<rµ..ct CllJlll)(h'Jll 1apocapabl tywilt•lapcseloetoo•w·1 tlCJHy sl'fe t1tao<l:nt!>tl v.rtt'I! se O'<A>'Ct\ •1•1>lri•r.M., ""'"'~•llll.rv• ... ,. .. _, "•d• •-•h -.......,_ ~ -. --:-~ . . -........... -- DailyPilal MAIN OFFICE 330 w .. t a.r St., Co.bl M ... , C•. Mell eddr .. a: Box 1MO, Co. .. M ... , CL, 92121 Telephone: 142-4321 Progr•m information is provided by rhe networks and stJUJons and is sub)fd to ch.ange without not.lcr. Index Orange Cocut TV Antenna Page 3 Sports Highlights . . . . . . Page 5 Daytime Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . Pagt 6 Evening Schedule . . . . . . . . . . Page B utters ................................................. Page 33 Word Game ....................................... Page 33 Inside TV .. .. . . .. . . . ... . .. .... . .... ... . . ......... ... Page 31 TV Puzzle . . . . Page 33 Daytime Dram.a . . . . . . . . . . Page 34 TV Antenna Flashes of wit • • • 1n spring sitcoms By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM Dally Piiot Slaff Television's spring tryout season, as mentioned here a 'few weeks back. has included ~veral police dramas that are stale variations on the old cops and robbers fonnu.la. When it comes to comedy, the networks ha- ven't been afraid to lean on pre-tested ideas either. Charm ls This spring they've brought us "Herbie, the Love e Bug" and "9 to 5," both based on hit movies, and ''J oanie Loves ChachJ," a spin-off from "Happy 9 KNXT CCBS1 Days." 6121 W. Sunset Blvd . Los Anl(eles. Ca Three other spring comedies, however, have ~~~I~~~ Ave . Burbank. Ca . shown some refreshing fluhn of originality and e KTLA <Ind. 1 clever writing. even while operating within familiar sitcom fonnats. 5800 W Sunset Blvd • Los Angeles, Ca "Makin~· the Grade," airing at 9:30 p.m. Mon-fl KABC IABC I 4151 Prospect Ave . Los Angeles, ca days on C , is that well-worn vehicle, the class-GRAHAM JARVIS ... The officious assistant 1s1 KFMB tCBS> room comedy. This setting goes all the way back to principal of Frank.Jin High School in new co- 7677 Engineer Rd ., San Diego. Ca "Our Miss Brooks" in the 1950s. medy series "Making the Grade," wonders if fJ KHJ·TV Clnd.> A more recent example might be the moronic the show will, indeed, make the grade. 5515 Melrose Ave .. Los Angeles, Ca "Welcome Back, Kotter." Kotter'• sweathop were 1101 KCST <ABC> portrayed by actors who were obviously too old for worthwhile goal for this series. Un.fortunately, the 8330 En&inttr Rd .. San Diego. Ca high school and who aeemed to be as threatening show fell back on an old sitcom cliche during the • KTl'V <Ind.> and as streetwise as your Aunt Edna. second episode, when another teacher was thrown 5746 W Sunset Blvd . Los Angeles. Ca "Making the Grade," wisely parks it.self a bit out by his wife and had to move in with a bachelor • KCOP·TV < lnd.1 closer to reality in its depiction of teachers Ugbting comrade. Shades of "The Odd Couple!" 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca an uphill battle to educate students at an inner city Blending comedy and drama sua::e91fully ls one '241 CBS Cable high ecbool. The premiereephlode featured a student of the ~ghest tricks to pull off within the sitcom Qt KCET <PBS> s~·p ing wine from a brown pa,_r -.. in a IChool format. "M-A-S-H," "All in the Family'' and ''One 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Anlleles. Ca ---e g KOCE cPBS> . way. And a 9Chool pna (or ''9ocial club'' in the Day at a Time" have done it, for example. The 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach princiP,al'a words).waa called: "The Lords of writ.en of "Making the Grade" ought to lake a few <0> On·TV Death.' lessons from these series If they h ope to win • 1139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. ca A new substitute teacher (Steven Petennan), permanent place on the~ schedule. 1Z1 Z·TV meanwhile, had to deal with a class full of rowdy "Report to Murphy," on the other hand, steers 2939 Nebraska Ave , Santa Monica. Ca students who walked out on him everytime he tried away from that comedy~ Ughtrope and goes 1H1 HBO • to maintain order. straight for lau,hs. Michael Keaton stars as Mur- Tlme-We Bldg .. Rockefeller Center, NY .. N Y. A.ooording to the sit.com cliche, the substitute phy, an optim.istic. liberal. too-hip-for-his-own.good 1C1 Cinemax should have finally gotten tough enough with the parole officer. " Time-Ure Bldg . Rockefeller Center, N.Y ·NY kids to win their respect and their undivided at-In the first two episodes, seen at 8:30 p.m. fJI WOR > tention. Mondays on CBS, Murphy's desire to ~ only the N Y .. NY. Well, the teacher did get tough, but in a nice best in people got him into. trouble with his charges. 117) (WfBSJ twist, the whole claJ8 walked out anyway. A. the In the firat 1h ow, he invited into his home a ~i118~P~· teacher prepared to surrender, however , two stu-downtrodden parolee -who promptly stole Mur- e LI Select dents tiptoed back to their seats, anxious to begin phy's tape deck. . 1s1 Showtlme learning. Just two. The teacher then began the "Why me?" asked Murphy, when he caught up 1s1 SpoUjdht lesson. with the thief. "Why my tape deck?" ... U ln.h11nhtlna •'----11 ·"'-----'es an inner dty "I don't know." the hood .... -.... ~. "Who can cC> cCable News Network ) •ue ue ·-. wl'I:! u1-.u v"'""'' ..... .._....v ___________________ te_a_c_h_er_m_u._t_b_e...;g::..r_a_te_f_u_l_f_o_r _w_h_a_t_w_o_u_l_d_b_e_a_ See New &ffColJJI, Par 32 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • "10DllN PROll.IMS .. • NllGHIOIS • ILUI COLLAR • •v11nHING YOU ALWAYS WANTID TO KNOW AIOUT SIX •. JANI FONDA'S WORKOUT • STllPcll • nMI IANDITI • HIAIDUPS . • IHI M•ROll CRACK'D • 3 ~ 0 - l AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 IOI McLARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILl.AC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -54o-5630 SANTAANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd . .i Anaheim -956· 1820 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPOITS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 --636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK 1VERSOH. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street -Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855~· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSW AGEH 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-ZOO•- VOLVO EARU ID VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9~03 -,-------,;r---,,.----_ -.......... -----.-.---_..,._ __ ----......... ,, ... __ Sports Highlights A""-n. 1ta IEV8IN1 1:00 I OOOGEfl DUQOUT THR WAY IT WAS 1:11 ~ ""'4AME 1:ao e ..... ~ Loe AllOlial Oodgarw at San Franc:laco Olanta (D)MllMU Oakland A' 1 at Ceilor'llla Mge9 11:30 8 (I) NM IA8KETMU A#IEHNOON 12:*0. ~MY LeONMD'I OOl.DEN CM.OYIB 1:00 8 '9 L9ER1'Y MUTUAL • mecw OF oc:v ll*ckound ~ °' Ihle IOUr'namellt for --gollar'I (M lrom Onion er.. Club In "'*"'· T-.). 1:30 8 0 TENNI "Murjanl Tovrnem•nl" ........ top .... play- ... _,._. tor $250.000 In prize mo~ ''°"' Alnela lllMd, Flof1da. a:oo (I) M8Rn.L MJNaf l::OO e IPORTI AABJ> l:aO. IPORTI 8Al'UID'Y tCkound junior llglltMilgtlt bout --Comalue ''Bou" Edwltdl and John VardarOM (lrom Mlantic City, N.J.t; IN LltUe 500, a 5C).fNle b6Cyde ,_ (lrom 8looml1101on. Ind.). • 0 "'°'911 °"4L 90WlEN T'OUft '200,000 Al'.eone TOUf· nament Of Champion• (lrom RMera ~ In Alu'on, Otllo). CID OMA TUT Sf'C)ftTI NY~ 8oe1or\ c..... ..... Loe AllOllal LAil .. 4:IO • eocc:l1' MADIE .. GIMWl'f' ~ .... Germany ()) MIR\LL San C>Mgo Plldrn 11 Allanta8r-l:OO. WIDE WORLD OF lll'OftTI K9"lul:*)' Derby T rtal. • ..... ,_ tor top ~- olCI Ulofoughbredll (lrom Ctvdlll OowlW In ~ .... Ky.); ~Darby Pr9View: the ~ SllUI (lrom LAldngton, Ky.); NetlONll ~ ltllp Sc>ttnt Car A.-(lrom RoaaOurg. Otllo). • IOCICl1' MADe .. CllMWfY AtgantlM w. OenNny lc:IO 0 WIDE WON.D OIF IPORTI IC.antuclly Derby T rtal, a ..... ,_ tor top S.~· old lhorougllbtedm (lrom ctlurdlm Downe In Loui. .... Ky.); Kantucay Darby Preview: tM 8luegraM s... (lrom l.aldnglon. Ky.); NldoMI"~ ltllp ~ Car Rll09 (lrom Aoeeburg, Otllo). SLUGGER -Los Angeles slugger Steve Garvey win lead the Dodgers in a three- game series against the Gian ts in San Frandsco st.arting th.ls evening. All three games will be televis- ed on KTTV (Ch. 11). IYIMNG 7:00 • ...,._Of.. 'tfl9IC8 Thie__.~ '-tur• • group of ,,... ~and~-­ ... conipe61CJ ~ .... ming. lradt end fl9IS end otll«MNaelc~ 7:1•1=~ 1:IO ..... "'- Loe Mgale9 Oodolr'I at San Francleco Ollla Haveaballl limited memberships ovolloble --;.l . _j . • Corporate Mimbershep • Family Membership • Single Membership • Associate Membership • Junior &ecuttve c1 a to 29 years o1 age> • Junior Membership c 12 to 1 a years of age) ·Swim~ • Aefobfc~ • And our new AtnJOI ~ Suniay · A""-la,,.. ltitOM9eG '"'~a.,..,_ of Alneric8n Clllmbers ~ lallga the 24,MO-tooc peall M'"Va Konica In .....,,, CNna. --2::IO. 0 u..a.A. YB. THI WOM.D .. Of..YWIC IPORTI U.S.,_, and -gym- med All and Joe Ffllder '°'* bed! .. a ... .-....y of IN "-' NMottc 9'd Pllb'Cblad ~In -llCIOI"'• ... Of)'. ::!! 0 - 10:00 I NM MIMTUl.I. .... 'l.l 9UNCt4 nelW&K .. ,_.. ...._ IN Mlllonal taeln -U.. JtlL,ORAIT 8ttCM ,, of the U.8 8 A. (lrom Jim Hll, KNXT apot1a 1 a• • Ra ~ director and reporter Aoy CL •:00 I OUTDOOfl LR Araatona ,..,._ tfla h . ~ MIR'\LL ~MY day of NFL dralt•. LeoMl'Nl"'I QOlDIH hlghllgllU119 the Ram• ~ GU2llD drllftl and -..-.one a: 11:00 ••~ CA ... T Atlanta 200 auto ,_ ,..... lrom AtlanCa. Oa.k WOftd"I Strono-1 Men~.'*' 3 (lrom Mc:Alae, N.J.). • oc:v "USF And 0 Qaaale" (I) MIRM.L San Diego Plldr• 11 Atlantallf- -1l:OO . TMI WE< .. M8RftU 1t:l!OINM~ DODQllt DU80UT U:AI ~ .... u.. 1:00 8 '9 L8Bm MUTUAL lJ1QBml °' oc:v FINHOIW'lf _.. of .. ~tor-- ---(llw lrom Onion Creel! Clutl In Auattn, T-.)._ ··~T • ... IHftU Loe AllOllal Oodolr'I •• Saft frMC:laeo 0... 1:IO . 0 AMINCMf ~ Buebal p1ayara Mika 8dlmldt and 8ol> 8oona """' .... In ldaflol Jofwl Newco.nba J*'tidpe9e In • cemal ,~ In ...,. ~ City va. Rodcy lrom USC and UClA. MounCaln U0. 0 Wll>E WORLD OIF WOflTI The Harlem Olobelrottan In partormance at Wale ~ Wprtd (from Or*- do, ALI. Men'• Wortd Record High OM ~ lallga (lrom Orlando. AL). 6:00. QMATUT WOflTI L.fQBC)I Monday Al'M.·-1"89G 11:00• .....,UNO Aullralill'. Murrmy Roea. Iha youngeet trtpe gc*S medlilllt In lhe hlatory of Iha~ om-. .. pro- lllad . Tuesday 7:aG(Dll'-n.L Pflladalptllil Pt-. .. Loe AllOllal Oodolr'I ~ursday 10:00•~ A~-looll la ..._. al horM r-*'IJ by ~ a-. Caulfwl. Jednto v~ end Aon Turco«• . EYaNI t:OO. JOCKEY A behlfld..lhe-aOll-1oo11 ....... l'lor9a radng by ~ 81aW CautbM. '**"° v~ and Aon ruroon •. HO. NUMEN> UNO W• o.rmanf• Fr- l•cl!anbau•r, wldaly raoard•d u 90Ce«'• ~~.,..,,.,. laproftled. What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NOTHING! L4lt your inveeanent make money for you ... build a new home, an apuUnent or Nmodtl the one yoa have. Phone (71•) '1-..s2 / (21S) 802-21518 lllt CEN'n.JRY CON8TltUCftON CO 1ocw.nn...-. We,.......ov-'mc 9'14:l•Mlil .... '° CD N I I- ... 6, • :Daytime i: Q. < ,.:; • "O l: ~ ~ ..J ~ -.2 0: \ I< >l {" I '\< , 4:66(11) ~1HR.,39 MIN.) (MON) 6:Qet9-8tJf 8EME8"fER -l =..:1-~MING (1 HR.) (TUE) ~A8., 16MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 2· HRS.) (TUE) &05Gl)I OF~ · 5:16(1) MOVIE (2 HRS.,-' MIN.) (FRI) Cl) MOVIE (1 HR., 65 MIN.) (WED) 5:30 8 JUNT08 (MON. WED, FRI) YOU ANO THE LAW (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET TI-tEAe 8E LIGHT (FRI) JNTERNAllONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOt<S AT LEAANI~ (WED) PV8UC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AHO AEAUTY. (FRI) MEETTHEMAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) UNMRSl'TY OF THE AIR (TlJE..f'RI) MOVIE (FRI) FlASH8ACK: RAE AT THE COCOANllT OAOVE (1 HR.) (TUE) -~~~;30MIN.) (FRI) 6:35 al> MY SONS 6:'6 8 HISTORY OF MEXICO (MON. WED, FRJ) I AMeRtCAN GOVERNMENt (TUE. THU) I A.M. WEATHER 5:50 NEWS 5:66 REAL STATE PAlNCIPLES (MON. WED, =~GARDENER (TUE. THU) e:oo. LA. MOANING HOTF\JOGE PEOPLE 7 (FRO FOCUS ON 80CETY (MON, WED) ==~THU) COMMUN11Y FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE l88UE8 (MON) MEETTHEMAYOAW FRAN<l Y FEMALE ) fT CAN IJE DONE ) 8TfWQHT TALK .MIVf SWAGGART NEW8 UNOEMTAHDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) rrs EVERVBOOV'S BUStNESS c~...J-. WED) HUMANITIE8 THROOOH THE ""11t (TUE, IEOJECT UNIVERSE (MON, WED. FRI) THEMATICS F<>A MOOeRN LIVING (TUE. FOA A REASON (TUE. THU) ~~THENHL CAI>. 8POAT8WOMAN CMON. WEO= 8UPEA 90Wl HIGHUOHT8 C()l t mE IN8TAUCTlONAl (THU) ..cED NUTS ~.Al) IDA MAl<EB A MOVIE (TUE) WILD BA8E8 (THU) ~HR., 30 MIN.) (T\JE) MOYE 1 HR., 50 MIN.) (WED) e: 15 e: 15 HEAL TH AB.D I THAT TEACH e: =!S·· ,, ... , <MON> e:•l~AIN KANQMO() ~ ~ LA. " -~ COMMUNITY OK (MON)"" ~ AMDTHE .alJE8 (T\JE) · Ol'f HAND (WED) FMNICL Y FEMALl (THU) QfEAT •ACE COA8T8' PB.DC THE CAT ==~~~ 11111/'t SWNIGMT P 5 OJNAL ANAHCE AHO MONEY MANAGE-~ .aLOOY (MON. WED) A' PDCAN~THU) ..... (TUE) IAQC811a1 -~ WORllFOllAI AU.-ITM~ 4MC>N) THE REMARKABLE~) MOVIE (t HR., 25 MIN.) JOHNNY CASH: A R. OUT OF Pl.ACE 1 HR.) (MON) MO~ n HR., 30 MIN.~ ~) ~HR., 36 MIN.~ ~il ~~t:1~l=~=IN. ) YOOAY CLUB al 0000 MORNING AMERtCA .THE FAOOZLES ROMPEAAOOM BUGS 8UNNV ANO FRIENDS -RB> R.INT&TONE ANO FRIEN08 BlJSINESS REPORT PER80NAl FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT (FRI) AMS.CAN GO~MENT (MON. WED) OF EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. THU) MOVIE (TUE. FRI) SPORTS CENT~ (MON. WED-FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., '5 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR.. 4'0 MIN. U) MOVIE i1 HR., 30 MIN.~~FRI) IOA MAKES A MOVIE • l'HU) MOVIEUlHR., 37 MIN. (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR.. 28 MIN. (TUE) eTH ISAWAY THE F\MTSTONES KARTOON KARNIVAL (FRI) CARTOONS (MON-THO) YOOA F<>A Hb\l TH MAGIC OF Otl PAINTING MOVIE MON) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 30 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR.. 38 MIN. I) MOVIE 1 HR., 4'0 MIN. ;/, MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR.. 36 MIN. U MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 66 MIN. Cl) SUNUP SAN DtEG6 JIM BAKKER JOHN DAVIDSON FLIPPER BIO BLUE MAA8LE (FRI) ~ AOQER8 (R) (MON-THU) 80DV 8UDOIE8 =-~~ = n ::: 58 MINJ ~) ~HA&.) (WED) :10~ MOVIE (2 HRS.) (THU) 8:15(!) MOVIE (2 HAS .. ..0 MIN.) (FRt) 8:30~VE rT TO BEAVER .. I~ Til ~FATHER GETS HOME (FRI) ~·Tll '(OUR FATHER GETS HOME (MON- MACNEIL~~ ~)(MON) MISTER A008'8 (R) NEW MAIO (FR} HEAOE8 (FAI) MOVIE C 1 HR., 30 MtN.) (TUE} ClAAENCe DAP«M ( 1 ~. 30 MJN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 ~ 30 MIN.} (MON) MOVIE (2 .,..) (TUE) 9:00 •Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) ~RENT STAOt<E.8 (R) OZZIE ANO HARRIET A.M. L08 ANGEi B JACK LALANNE NEW8 THEAOa<FOAO .. --... FU8 ILOYEWCY AOWERAOOM IE8AME8Ti&f Q DONAHUE =~~ TI4U, FRI) POWEA.IOAT RACING (Fii) :r=a(WEO, . ~~~LEE -A~TION 1 ~ FIRE AT THE OOCOANUT TIMEv,:-\1 ~{THU) LOLA FM.MA:. THE AM.T lAOY OF LAS . -(1HR.,llllllll.) (FRI) O#l~MON-THU) L.-6. • • .~ ---~ -~ ~ ---..• - -"""'-A' ....... . ------------·--- i MOVIE (WED) AEROBIOISE MON. WED, FJI) BARRY MAN~OW: IN THE ROUND (2 HRS.) iMON) MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN.) THE Ml~E ANO THE Ml~ (WED) 10:008Cl)THEPRICE18 RIGHT WHEEL OF FORTUNE (FfU) • TEXAS (MON-THU) BIGVAU.EY 0 LOVE BOAT (A) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM OF JEANNIE (TUE-FRI) HEAL THBEA T (MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING RICHARD 8IMMON8 (FRI) GETTIN' TO KNOW M£ CA) (FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MOK-THU) GOLF (FRO MOVIE (1 HR.. 4'0 MIN.) (TUE. FRJ) MOVIE (1HR.,58 MIN.) (MON) IVA~~~~·~~!JN .) (WED) 1 HR., 4'0 MIN. FRI) 1 HR., '5 MIN. iON) 1HR.,50MIN. 2 HRS .• 30 MIN.) ) 1 HR.. 66 MIN.) U) (1 HR.) <THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (WED) 1 . UMOVIE 10:10 MOVIE 2 HRS .• 50 MIN.) (THU) 10:15 ~ ~~ ~~ '5 MIN.) (MON) 10:80 BAltiESlARS (FRI) ~ OH08T AND MRS. MUIR (TUE-FRI) lWtCE A WOMAN (~). tNOEPENOENT NEl'W~ NEWS EDUCATIOHAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) SPORTSTAlK SPECIAL (WED) MOVIE~HR.. "°MIN.I (FRO MOVIE 1 HR.. 49 MIN. (web) MOVIE 1 HR.. 31 MIN. (TUE) 11 :008 TA ALES fHEOOCTORS BONANZA 9 FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTlE.88 (J) 8ULl8EYE SUPER PAY CARD8 (FRO WOMEN'S PAGE (M()N..'fHU) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WHY IN THE WOALO (THU, FRI) ELECT'RtCCOMPAHY (R) (MON-WED) THE DOCTOA8 (ffl) RICHAAD 8MION8 (MON-THU) MOVIE <MON. ¥.:..!fili ~) HtQH SCHOOL~· IMLL (THU} MOVIE ( 1 HR., 3 t MIN.) (THU) 11: IMOYIE (1HR.,21 MIN:) (~) 11:30 THE YOONG ANO Tl4E AE8TLE88 8EAACH F<>A TOMOAAOW AN'SHOPE ~~GAME ~ AMENCAH STYLE MACHEL I LEHRER REPORT mB BLUE MAR8lE (WED) ~) MOYE 1 HA., &8 Mk) CWS>) HOUSE OF H0AAoR (MOH) MOVE (1 HR., 51 MIN.) (TUE) 11:.a (I) MOVIE (2 HAI.. 4 ..-£} (MON) (J) MOVIE ( 1 t4A., '6 MIN.) (WED) \I 11 I\'\< H >'\ FAOM JUMPSTHEE I (R) Q (FRI) UP N«J COMtHG (R) Q (MON) WHY IN THE WOAU> (TUE. THO) AMERCAN EN I D4f118E (WED) ~~~THENBA i} MOVIE 1 HR.. $1 MIN. MON =~' ::: ::::! ~) MOVIE 1 HR., 44 MIN. MOVIE 1HR:.~ ~ MR. G IME (THU) 12; al) THE FUN1"8TOHES (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 46 MIN.) (FRI) 1:008 e ANOTHER WOAU> l ~MAGAZJNE 0 ONE UFETO CJV£ MOVIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MOt{. TUE. THU, FRI) I ONCE UPON A ClA88IC (WED) MOVIE (MON. TUE. THU) WCT Ta.HIS (WED, THU) TIME WAS 1 liR.) (TUE) MOVIE ~ ~ .. 16 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 2 Jr:;L.t,(THU) 1:06Gl)THE 1:30. Cl) CAPfTOl NEWS (MON-WED. FRI) SIONA fURE (TI.JE.fRI) NAP0l.£0H ANO LOVE (MON) =UE~M'f8'-E (MON) MOYIE 1 HR., 63 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 58 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MINJ ~ ~ 2 HAS.) (WED) 1:36,VE IT TO BEAVE'A 1:46 MOVIE (1 HR, 14 MIN.) (MON) 2=00 ~LIGHT ~.&MON-THU} ~H06PITAL OPEN LINE SUPEAMAN BOTANIC MAN: EXTINCTION 18 FOREVER Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" we c.oue BAO<. KOTTBl YOU A8t<ED FOR IT THE BAAOY BUNCH WOOC1V WOODPECKER CA8ARET: EILEEN FAJ~lf'l I El..ECTAIC <:XMPANY R) • WB>FAI) MACNEIL / L.BiRER (TlJE) UTTlE HOUSE ON THE PAAAE VICTORY OAADEH (RI) ~~~ CHl.DAEN Of THEATRE~ (FRI) 8UN8HtNE PORCUPINE (TUE) NEW MAK> (WED) OOlF (FRI) All-81""AR SPORTS QQ~ (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA , , vr;.1 8POm'8 FORUM CWED) THIS WEEK IN TH£ NHL (THU) 8T ANDING ROOM ONl Y ( 1 Hll) (FRI) n~l>ONQ~8H:.::M~iMON7t{TS (1 HA.) MOVIE 1 HR., 41 MIN. U) MOVIE 1 HR., 33 MIN. MOVIE' 1 HR., 40 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 37 MIN. ) 4: d7) WIN S. (FRI) • al) CAAOl ~ANO FRIEN06 (MON-THU} 4:30•NEWS 8()8 NEWHART (MON. WED-fAI) (I) ENTERTAINM~ TONIGHT w·A·s·H LAVEANE 6 8HR.EY & COMPANY THE BRAO't' BUNCH BUGS BUNNY ANO FAfEN08 SIONATURE Ml&TER~JW MACNEIL / REPORT MOYIE (MON. TUE. THU) SPORTS~ (MON-THU) ~ ~? ~· 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE~· 26 MIN.) (TUE) ~0-(1HR.,30MIN.) (THU} 4: . d7) BASEBAU (TUE. WED. FRI) J 8AHFOAO AHD SON (MON. THU) IDA MAJ<E8 A MOVE (WED) ••e<l>dlNEWS O'r1'CE ~ON THE PRAIRIE THEIAlfT MOYE A THJ, Fff) HOLLY 1MON) NA8l 80CCEA (WED) WB.OOME BAO<. KOTTER FAE> FUNT8TOHE ANO FflEND8 MIXED BAG: THE Blaes Of BOOKS (FRI) MDCEI> BAO: IH8IOE. OVT8K>E (MON) QUIZ KIOI. (TUE) . 8TVLE (WED) BOTANIC MAN: CRACKPOT JACKPOT (THU) 8E8*ME STREET Q LNEATAVE OVER EASY r.w:~(MON) SPORI 8T AU< 8PEaAL (TUE) ~~~U) MIXED NUTS (Rt}',, MOYE (1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (MON, ~ • =-. Harbor Lawn· MoUnt Olive Men1otial ~drk · Mortuacy· ~ausoleums • • Cremation, Plans Available 7 -. i .\I< >I{'\ I'\< , \I< >\ 11 .S ,, . ~ 6:16()) "Chept• Two" (1979, Comedy) Jamet 'O Cean. Marlhl Muon. 'C 6:30 ~ "La Cage Aux Folles" ( 1979, Comedy) Ugo u. J~ Mlctlel Serrault. ~ •"The Afth Floof" (1980, Drama) Bo Hopi(lns. _. Olenne Hui. . > 8l06@ "Paid In Full" (1950. Drama) Robert eumm.. .._ lnQ9 Lizabeth Scott. _£ 8:30(i) "The Green Room" ( 1978, Drama) Francois a: Truffaut. Nattralie Bayt. 7:00~ "Choppy And The Princess" (1973, Fanta- ~ Animated. CID "Mr. Sycamore" ( 1975, Comedy) Jason Rot.ds, Jean Simmon&. e "The Earthling" ( 1980, Adventure) w1n1am HOi- den ~ Schloder. 7:30(i) "Oh Godt" (19n. Comedy) George Burns. John OenYet'. 8:06@ "RJde The High Wlnd" (1966, Adventure) ·Darren MoGavln, Marla Penchy. 8:15(%) "Far From The Madding Clowd" (1967, Dra- ma) Jutle Christle, T•eooe Stamp. 9:00~ "Jules And Jim" (1961. Romance) Jeaone Mo<eau. Oskar Werner. 9:30• "The NIQht RJders" (1939, Western) John Wa~. Doreen McKay. 10:0000 "The last Chaae" (1981. Drama) Lee Majors. CMs Makepeace. (I) "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Comedy) Glenn Ford. Gia Scala. 10:06al) "The Legend Of Custer" (1968. Western) Wa~ Maunder, SUm Pickens. 10:30• "Force Ave: Starvengers" (1981. Science- Action) Animated. 11:00 ~ "Second Wind" (1980. Drama) Undsay w~. James Naughton. 11:06CJ) "Are Sale" (1977, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Rob Reiner. .\I 11 .I{'\< Hf\ \I<>\ 11 ." 12:00. "~'' ( 1968) Ty Harden, Jadt Stuart. e "The Mad Room" (1969. HotJor) St ... Ste-wns. Shelley Wlntert. • ''Sunrile At Cem-npobelo~ ...... (1960, Biography) ~ Bellamy, Greer Gareon. ®"Take ThlsJob And Shove It" (1981. Comedy) Robert Haya, Barbara Hershey. (I) "Why Shoot The TMdler?" (1980, Romance) Bod Cort, Samant~ EOQer. 12:30~ "Beffs Art Ringing" (1960, MUllcal) Judy HOiiiday, Dean Martin. e "Countdown To OINstef" (1980, Adventure) ~IL 12:36(%) "Hard Country" ( 1981. Drama) Jan-Mlchael Vincent, KJm Bulnger. 1:00(!) "Psycho" (1960, Mystery) Anthony Ptr- klna Janet Leigh. 2:00{il)"HatdCountry'' (1981, Drama) Jen-Mlcheel Vincent. Kim Bellnger. •"Betrayed" (1~. Orama) Ctart< O.t>te, Lana Tumlf. 2:20(J) "Far From The Madding Clowd" (1867, Dr•· ma) .A* Ch<lstle. Ttrtnee Stamp. 2:309 "Ten Oay't Wonder" Orton Wellta, Anthony Perkins. Cl) "Mr. Buddwlng" ( 1968, Mystery) Jemel Gamer. Sozanne Plelhtttt. ' a:ooe ''Lott Fllght" c1989. Drama> LloVd 9"dget. AnntFr~ .. '00. "C.dlllc Anett" (1978, M)'ltery) Gerry Goodrow, Mice Chert 4:aGl "lnYldn From The Deep" Anlmlted. 6:00 "John Goktfatb, ,,..... Come Home" ( 1 • Qomtdy) ,,..., Ultlnov, ti1ty ~. 6: 11 (%) ''The C.t And The Cenety'' ( 1078, Mytttry) Honor 8Mlc:*'"90. MlchMI cw.o. a:ao(C) ''StconO Wind" (1980, Dram.) Undlly w..,_, Jemtl Nllughton. I \ i . ' . I . \, ( I A STEP TOO FAR -Jill Eikenberry w.rs as a nurse who helpt a patient eM:llpe from the hospital rat.her than face a necessary leg amputation on "Nurse" Friday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). (I) WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Oatcas Tournament Ouarterllnals" (3 hrL) ®THE REMAAKASLE ROCKET David Niven nar- rates this anlmaled vtfalon of Oecar Wiide'• story aboot • stubbofn firecracker. Cl) MOVIE "Oh Godl" (1977, Comedy) George Bums, John Denver. God Mttcta an uneuapectltlg young aupermarket mal\lgll to dtllYer a mtaMge of hope and good will to the skeptical people of the modern-day wend. 'PG' (1hi .. 36 min.) 8!30Cll •NEWS I BARNEY Ml.LEA ALL IN THE FAMILY NAPOLEON 6 LOVE "Pauline" Napoleon le In Egypt when he lean• of Joeephlne'a lnfldellty: divorce uppermost In hit mind. he tte6ca contOlatlon With Pauline. ( 1 hr.) I NEW88EA T: L08 ANGEl.EB WEEK IN REVIEW BU8INE88 REPORT MOVte "Mr. Sycamore" ( 1975, Comedy) Jason Robards, Jeen a.nmon.. A mlddle--aged mailman fantutzee about becoming • tree to ~the dnJdgMy of hit .... (1 hr .. 30 min.) . • ClAAENCE DARROW~ Fonda 11-1 u the oontrO\'efllal lawy« who r.cal(a tome of ht8 more chelleoglng C8lel In the one-man lhow pr ....... ted •It wa performed on Broedway. ( 1 hr •• 30 min.) 7:001c a::watEWS HAPPV OAY8 A<JNM A8CNEW8 .M. MAGAZINE An Interview with KtOJ Borrell t of "The Ouk" Of Hazzard"; an antique Ger· s,;=~--Celnl. l =J.v~Welt«Lantz. (R)Q THE~ MAGIC OF Oil PAlfTINQ MOVIE "Julee And Jim" ( 1881, Rornlnot) Jlennt Moreeu, Olk.Ir werTW. In JJN-Worid War h Ff8nclt. 1 cerefrM )'OUflG wom.n lovtl two men who .,. dole frienda and refuatl to ~ up either one. (2 tv1.) MOYIE "The~ Knlghte" (1880, Com. Aoblr1 WIM. Tony o.nza. On ttllow11n M In .. """" ""' MlhOol=wreekl hevoc In ~ ... to ...,. ... of their hlir1go_tlt :,. lh9 looll home°"""' 'Ff ( 1 ht., " • :J.. WAY rJ W~ ~w~"ti1r:io · / 1:W.CiN1"a , ••• .,, ..... '° ...... ..,, .. , ~ ...... ..... ...... ... .............. ]" (I) e TIC TAC. DOUGH (!) NEW YOAK REPORT Guest: Frank J. MaccN- arola, chancellof of New York City Public Schools. I YOU ASKED FOR FT BASEBAU Los Angeles Dodgers at San Fran- cisco Giants (3 hrs.) . I SIGNATURE Guest: Richard Harris. (Part 2) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WALL STF'EEI WEEK "More Oellberatlonl" Guest: Ian McAvity, publisher of "Deliberations." CD> BASEBAU Oakland A's at California Angels (3 tn.l_ 7:36@NEWS 8:00 8 (I) THE DUKES Of HAZZARD Uncle Jesse Is arrested for helping a pretty fugttive, who has unrovered Boss Hogg'• latest scheme, to escape from Hazzard County. (R) ( 1 hr.) . 8 e JOKEBOOK (Premiere) The wOOd's top ani- mators Illustrate classic short jokes and other humorous vignettes. • MOVIE "Fame Is The Name Of The Game" (1966, Mystery) Tony Franciosa, Jack Klugman. A magazine reporter tcddentally disoovers the body of a 6'aln girt. (2 tn.) • 9 THA rs INCAEOtBLE Featured: a st\#ltman fals from a helioopter to a speeding ftatbed tl'\Jde a paraplegic competes on a coleglate women's swim team. ( 1 hr.) • "WAA AND PEACE" (Part 4) ( 1968) Ludmila Savelyeva. Sergei Bondarchuk. Based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The lrves of three famines are greatly affected by the Napoleonlc wars. (!) BENNY HILL • MOVIE "The IOCfedlble Sarah" (1976, Biogra- phy) Glenda Jackson, Danlel Massey. The legend- ary Sarah Bernhardt becomes an lnternatlonally famous stage actress known and loved on both sides of the Atlantlc. (2 hrL) I MIXED BAG: THE BU8IHE68 Of BOOKS e WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" ( 1961, Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. A young eo<porate executive runs Into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a compeny bfewery. 'PG' ( 1 tv .. .0 mln.) Cl) MOVIE "Mountain Men" (1980, Adventure) CharHon Heaton, &Ian Keith. Two fur trappers enjoy the freedom of the wlldemea1n the lest few years before the encroectvnent of civilization. 'R' ( 1 tv .. 36 min.) e MOVIE ''Wholty MoeesJ'' (1980, Comedy) Dud- ley Moore, Laraine Newman. In biblical Egypt, 1 falae prophet named Herachtl MVeldropt on a dMne CX>rlYefMtlon with Motta and deddel ht must be the one to lead his peopte out of •very. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) · (%) MOVIE' "Hard Country" (1981, Drama) Jan- Mlchael Vincent, Kim Baalngtr. A Texas factory worker Is torn between hit desire to continue In the "good old bov" N1tl9tyle and hit flancte'• thaw bualneea ambltlonl. 'PQ' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) a:ao •• CHICAGO STORY A rObb« Pelegr:oo helped eet free commlt1 1 murd8', and Max triel to prewnt a renowned eurgeon from operating unne- ~on one of Max's petlentL _(1 hr., 30 min.) (!) IAON8l>E • RA<HWINOff'8 "PtANO CONCERTO NO. 2'° The fMturtd p68nlat la Alexlt We6attnbtta with Httbert von ~•Jan conducting the Btrfln J>filher. monlc. (1 hr.) • WAU. fTAE£T WEEK "Mort Otllb9'1tlona" °'*t: Ian McAvtty, ""**. of "Otllberatlona." e CfEATMTY WITH 81.L MOYEN ''Nltionlal ~ For A•ITIOIPhtric RelMrctl" 9111 Mo)oera loc*a at '°""' CtNftw :ri the NCAA la dlllcxMr-1:linwM ff'~F=•y ta needed. Q l:OO ~DM:LAI J.R and Clltf Samet fact w:h °'* .. lhl = ,.,ding the deeth In the Soulhtoftc~poot {A) {1 hr.) • 9 MOAVI PU MoCattney and Stt'Yle WOf'r c1ir Join the cast Of "fftcMys" In. prlme-tJme edition of tht 181.-nlght uttrtc:.i ..n.... (1 hr.) e OAEATMTY WITH kL MOY1N ~ Cini• For AttnOIOhltlc R•1 Oh" ~ toc*a at eome ore9ftw W9Y1 fie NCAA le dllc:o¥ef· to mike,..,, ... where" Ii needtd. Q "<>ltlfl ....... MCMI ...... '4 Nnglng'' (1880, Mualcel) HalldtJ, ~ MefUn. A firt and lmpwMICJn. ... young •••lf1llO ... operatof becorw ii Wll\ • ClhMnl!IO ......... (2 '"'· 30 ~...... ... MCMI ' " c1•1. ~> 81gicu-...... .ut. A Uta•• .... Friday (continued) ma) Greg0<y Peck. Mary Bedham. A Soothem law- yer's two children are exposed to strong rac.lal prej- udice when their father defends a blaci( man accused of rape. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 9:30 (!) MOVIE "Horror Hotel" ( 1963. Horror) Chris- topher Lee. Betta St. John. A colleqe student doing a research project on the OCC\Jlt arrives at a Massa- chusetts roadhouse where It's whispered that a 17th-century witch still entices victims to their bloody late. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) Qt NAPOLEON & LOVE "Pauline" Napoleon IS In Egypt when he learns of Josephine's infidelity. dfvorce uppermost In his mind, he seeks consolation wlfh Pauline. (1 t)r.) •• INSIDE STORY "Networ1< News: That's The Way It Is" Hoddlng Carter loof<s at the changing status ol netwonc news snows. (I) GOLF "USF & G Classic" from New Orleans. Louisiana (Second Round) (2 hrs.) 10:009 Cl) NURSE Mary's latl>er. an eminent retired surgeon. vlS1ts Mary and attempts to improve their relationship. ( 1 hr.) D • MCCLAIN'S LAW McCta.n and Gates reluc- tantly accept the help of a street-wise Informant to nab a darnrous drug dealer. (R) ( 1 hr.) I 'L•s= FORCE Murphy goes atter an amusement pM< cloWn who Is making extra money by selling stamps with cartoons of! one side and LSD on the othe{. (R) (1hr.) • TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "Ghettonomic:s" Tony Brown looks at one blaci< newspaper's outline of self-help guidelines to black survtval in the ghetto. • ARING LINE "Alternative Responses To Repfe&- slon In POiand'' Guest Zdzlslaw Rurarz. former Pol-- lsh Ambassador to Japan who has defected to the United States. ( 1 hr.) ® 25 YEARS OF JmRY LEE -A CELEBRA TfON Johnny Cash. Kris Ktistoft8fS()n, Charlie Rich and Midtey Gilley jo4n "The Kl~" In a performanoe taped at the Jackson Hall of the Pertormlng Arts Center In Nastwllle. ( 1 hr.) ()) MADAME IN MANHA n AN Wayland Flowers and Madame are Joined by Henny Youngman In an evening of rlsque humor. e MOVIE "Buttlrt' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich- ard Pry0<, Clcely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cr~try trip In a brolceo-down echool bus.. 'R' ( 1 hr .. ~ min.) (%)MOVIE "'The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mye- tety) Honor Blackman, Mlchael Gallen. Heirs battle fat a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased millionaire. 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 m)n.) 10:30 I YOUTH ANO lliE ISSUES I SIG~ Guest: Richard Harris. (Part 2) CAUFOANIA WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Fade To Bla<:t<" ( 1980. Suspense) Dennis Christopher, Linde Kerrldge. A disturbed young movie fan reacts to romantic rejecilon by committing murders In the guise and style of his fevOfl1esoreenVIMains. 'R'~r., .. 1 min.) 11:100ftUA~J!., N YOO ASKED roR rT JOE FRANKLIN BENNY HILL MIXED BAG: lliE BUSINESS Of BOOKS OICI< CAVETT Guest: Michael Palin. (Part 2) i ) I CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Stlt Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pry0<, Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbefs and sent to )811. 'R' ( 1 hr •• 61 min.) (I) MOVIE ''Big Doll House" (1976, O(ama) Pam Grier. Judy Brown. Turmolf and ~ cause i obleml tor women behind prilon wah. (2 tn.) BIZARRE "Best Of Bltaml't Flm Season" 11: al MOVIE "Count Orecota" (1971, Horror) Christopher Lee. Htfblft Lom. 9eMd on the story by Bram Stohr A vampire mutt prey upon llvlng humans to suetaln hl9 own.,., (1 hf .. 55 min.) 11:301(1) NBA 8A81<ETBAU • "TONIGHT ~ hott Joan Rlwrt. Guettt. l:iilvtd Brenner, Betty White. Bemadttte P.rn. ( 1 hr.)c NEWS NGHTUNE "Under The Y"" Yum Tree'' ( 1963. Jack Lemmon. carol Lynley. To"*"'. marrllgt. a couple try IMng togitthtr pllt~. but the arr~t btCon'lel comlcel -'*' ,,,.., landlofd "* MdUctng the~ tidy. ~NIDION • l tn.) .... MCHWJINOWI •"9AH() CONCERTO NO. TN ~ PIM*' It Ate>dl w11111nblrg with Hlrtllrt von l<arejln ~ the Yertn Phllhar-moinlo. , ht.) T:LOI ~ • TOGETHER AGAIN -E.G . MarshaJJ (bottom right) guest stars along with series star Robert Reed on "Nurse" Friday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). The two aero.rs starred rogether in "The Defenders" drama series from 1961 to 1965 on CBS (rop phoro). Suspense) Don Scatdlno. Caitlin E>'Heaney. A psy- chotic murderer stalks attractive young brides-to- be, silently and lethally slashing their dreams of CE'=i:~ .. 30mln.) CJ) MOYIE ''Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Duna- way, Pete< Finch. An aging televlslon neMman. whOM ratings ere ateedlty s1rpp1ng. II turned into a renting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty female prOQ!_ammlng executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 11:"6~ MOVIE "Murmur Of The Heart" (1971, Dra- ma) Lea Massari, Benoit FefTeux. A young boy diagnottd as having a heart mutmur is accompa- nied by hi& mother on a fateful visit to a spa. (2 hrs.L 12:00. ENTERTAINMEHT TOMGHT An Interview With Michael Caine. " 8 al FRtOAVS Host: Tab Huntef. Guests: Kiss. lR) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "Big Combo" ( 1955, Drama) Cornet Wilde. R°IChard Conte. Dedicated ponce detectives set out to destroy a crime syndicate. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN S'NLE MOVIE "Nighthawks" (1981, Orama) 6ytvelt81 Stallone. Billy 0ee Willlems. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him When one of the world's most dang«OU9 terrorists arrNe& In his city. 'R' ~ ~9 min.) 12: 16 ~"~From Within" (2 tva.) 12:~30 MOV1E~o.t Fllgtlt" (1969, Orama) Lloyd • Anne Francis. SUNlvOf'1 of a plane craSh are ced to llvt by their Wits on a jungle Island. (2 hrs.l.ews I NAPOLEON • LOVE "Paullne" Napoleon la In Egypt when he teems of JoMphlne' • lnftdeflty: dfvofce Uppefmott In hit mind, he aeetc~ ooneolatlOn with Pdne. ( 1 hr.) · Cl) WCT T9H8 "$300,000 De ... Toumement QUarterflnels" (3 hrs.) 12?56Cll)MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Je~ Mlohael Vincent, Kim Batlnger. A Texas fectort work« II torn ~ hit deelrt to contlnat In the "good old boy" '"-Mt n:t hit flencee'• ehOW bUelnete ambltlOnt. •PG· (1 hr .. 4! min.) 1:00e MOVIE "Our v.ry Own" (1950. Orama) Ann 8'yth, Fert.y Gfangcw. A. young Oki mete• the trau- matic dlecovetY that the la an adopted ehl!d. (2 . tn.) e MOYIE "OMI O..d Oelleh" (1972. Mystery) Agnet Moorthlad. Wiii Getf. When • woman ~•• a l'IOulltceieping fob at an •tale. w dolln't reallzt the tttr0t thlt wl follow, • temlly membefl lllfChlng for a '*9dll°I ..... are ey.- temattealty rnurdltld. (1 lw .. IO Mn.), " CC) MOVIE "Julee And Jim'' (1181. •fl'OINlmfill•nioe~> Jilnne ~ 0.. Wtnw. _, sn-Wcnt W. ll . """ (I) MOVIE "A likely Story" ( HM7. COmedy) Bill Wiiiiams. Barbara Hale. Thinking I~ hls time on Earlh Is soon to end. a veterinarian aecldes to let himself go and llve it up ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1: 15 (fl) MOVIE "Good Times" ( 1967. Musical) Son- ny and Cher, George Sanders. Two young singers aim for mov1e stardom unlll one of them realizes that the dream may not be a pract~ one. ( t hr .. 45 mine 1:30 NEWS D ENING AT THE IMPAOV 81 MOVIE "Invasion Of The Star Creatur86" ( 1963. Science-F1cllon) Bob Ball. Frankie Ray. A pa1t of soldiers hnd that good old romance Is an antidote tor the. unusual paSSIOOS of two beautiful scleotl6t& who have a unique plan for destroyJng Earth. ( 1 hr . 40 mtn ) (I) MOVIE "Deadly Games" ( 1981, Mystery) Sam Groom. Dick Butkus A woman returns to he< home- town to investigate her SISl8f's mysterious death. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 1:45CZ) MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( t967, Drama) Julie Chrlslle, Terence Stamp A willful young farm girt betters herself. but destroys tbree men m the process (2 hrs .... 9 min.) 2:00 D GD NEWS 0 MOVIE "American Pop" ( 1981. Musical) Ani- mated The history of Amer1Can pop music, from vaudeville 10 rock 'n' roll, IS traced through sewral generations of a tamlly of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 mln-1 2:06 9 MOVIE "Doctor's Secrets" ( 1975. Orama) George Peppard. Talia Shire. A big city hoepltal Is the setting for lhls drama about the llves or patients and the medical personnel who treat them. (2 hrs.) (!)NEWS" 2:30 G NEWS (!) MOVIE "The Gay Falcon" ( 194 1, Mystery) · George Sanders. Wendy Barrie. The Falcon calls off hlS own wedding plans to solve a jewel robbefy. ( 1 hr .. 30 mtn.) • MOVIE "Blood Mania" (1970. Honor) Peter Carpenter. Marla Aragon A greedy, tplteful girl who Is anxlOUS 10 collect he< deceased fathef'a money loses her physician boyfriend In the process. ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) 2:..0(C) CHILDREN OF THEATRE STREET Princess Grace gives us a look behind the wana of the Vaga- nova Choreographic Institute -alao known as the Kirov ballet tchOOI -to explore the dreams of two Russian datleeft who hope to folk>w In the footsteps of Baryshnikov, Nureyev and Makarova. (1 hr.) ®MOVIE "The Hollywood Knights" ( 1980, Come- dy) Robert Wuhl, Tony Danza. bn Halloween eve In 1965. a rowdy high IChool gang wreaks havoc In 8eYerly Hills to avenge the closing of their ha.ngout by the local home owners aseoclatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 39 mlnJ. 3:00 . MOVIE "Passion" ( 1954, Western) Cornet Wilde, Yvonne De Cario. A man seek• help from an outlaw ,tter his land ls taken away from him and his famlfy Is roordered. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) a7JN£WS 3:06(1) MOVIE "Why Shoot The Teacher?" (1980, Romance) Bud Cort. Samantha Egger. In western Canada dunng the ·30s, en EastMo-bred teacher and a neglected housewife develop a close reletlon- lhlp out of ttleW mutual lonellnest. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 47 mln-1 3:10. MOVIE "The Phantom Pla~t" (1962. Stl- eooe-Actlon) Dean Fredericks. Coleen Grey. An astronaut aids the Inhabitants of the ptanet Rheton to stave off a Solante attack. ( 1 hr .. 3$ min.) 3:30(1.) COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Bue- bell: Hitting" 4:<JO (!) NEWS (I) SPORTS CENTER • MOVIE "Modern~ .. (1981. Comedy) Albert Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. A film editor trlet repeatedly to win back the heert of the women he loYes. 'A' ( 1 hf •• 33 min.) 4:0611) VEOETAlllE 80UP 4:10(.C) MOYIE "Ht Knows You're Alone" (1980. SulpenM) Oon Scar~ C.ltlln O'Heaney. A pay· chotlc t'Mll'dtr11f atalks attrectl¥t young brldee-to- be. llently and lethally .... hlng thelf dl'wnl of wedde\t bha. 'R' (1 hr .. 30 Min.) 4: 15® MOYIE ''Tht lMt Chale" (1981. Orama) Lee Maj()(s, CMI Makepeece.A fOfmlf rec. car dftwr and a young computer WhlZ )Otl'\ fofoea to oppoee a ~ ben on tne ~ of IUtomo- bllel. 'PO' < 1 hr., 40 mW\.) 4:30e MOVIE "Trail Of The Wld" (1974, Atttl«t- 1\Q) Oocumenlary. The *" of the itWfnO In .. dally ltt'Ullllt to ~ in Ifie frOllln .. _.,.of theNortnli~. (2tn.) (!)MAKI PEAiCI wmt NAT\N • •·~al AOWIR 9'C>OM . iiCME '""• .... '' (1177. eon.dy) Alen Mtln. _,.,.•A dlplrtMllll llOrt °""" i. ,.._,_ _."'.,.. ............. n .... CD OD I\) .. -------------- lO ~Saturday ~ \I< >ll:\ J:\( I 4:66 CJ) MADAME IN MANHA TT AN Wayland Flowers and Madame are joined by Henny Youngman in an even!~ of rlsque hum<>f. - 5:00 (!) CHRIStOPHER CLOSEUP Cl) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex- 6;06 8A8EBALLBUNCH as.~ hrs.) 5:30 NEWARK ANO REALITY · ... VIEWPOINT ON NIJTRfTION • HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR 5:35al) THE PARTRtOOE FAMILY 5:40~ MOVIE "Choppy And The Princess" (1973, Fantasy) Anlmated. 5:501NEWS 8:00 SUNRISE SEMESTER SERENDf PfTY HEALTHBEAT TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAKERS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MORNING AGAICUl TURA1. U.S.A. VIOEO JUKEBOX MOVIE "Invaders From The Deep" Ani~ted. (1 hr., 30 min.) 8:06l!l)WAR AHO PEACE (%)MOVIE "Murmur Of The Heart" (1971 , Orama) Lea Massari, Benoit Ferreux. (2 hrs.) 8:30 9 DUSTY"S TREEHOU8E THAT'S CAT PACESEI IERS VOICE Of AGRICULTURE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MUSIC WORLD rrs YOUR BUBINE.98 8PEAKOUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. 8NUOOlES MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Oust" (1981, Come- ~ Jimmy McNlchol, Janet JuNen. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • THE MINE ANO THE MINOTAUR Four chlldfen become Involved wtth an lnttfnatlonal smuggllng ring after they accidentally dllcoYer a prlcelesa stat- uette. • 7:00 9 Kt06WORLO Featured: an Interview wfth Lydia Comelt, Yt'ho plays the pert of ·~ra" on the comedy television stfiee "Too Ctose For Comfort", a report on 12·year-<>fd speed rollerskater Tracy Mefsch from Chanute, Kansas. •THE FLINTSTONES SJG BLUE MARBLE 0 8UPERFREN08 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DA VF'( AND GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO TURNABOVT YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977. Orama) Peter Fonda, Susan Saint James. Cl) SPORTS CENTER 7:a6l!l) MOVIE "South Pacific" (1958. Musk:al) Mlt· zl =· Rossano Brazzi. 7:30 s. i£: MAGIC CIRCUS a RICHIE RICH I 8C008Y 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUA DAVF'f ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO NEWS UNDEASTAHOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR HOLL VWOOO Bin HerrW J)f'etentt up.dole report• on the people and .wnt• ~ ere making MW1 In the production Ind gllmour Cllpital of the movie lndUttry. e MOVE "Doctor zrw.go" ( 1966, Orame) Omar Shertf, Geraldine ChapMn. (3 tn,, 15 min.) e:oo• Cll POPEYE ilCME "The Old Corral" (1937) Gene Autry. ESTATE TOOAV MOYIE ''Ufebollt" (1~. Orltna) Telk.Uh JohnHodlM. e MOYIE "COunt Dracula" (1971. HOtrOf) Ctw• lM, Herblf1 Lom. UNC-TANOING •ACE MID TM AU.4TAA IPOfff1 OWJ.W Bolton c.1- 1961 Nlw York llHblll Olllntt MOYIE ''Hot lMd And COid Feet" (1978, Com- ) JlmO.. 0on t<nott1. u "'" 30 mn.) ID1I "Unll .... ...,... (1980. Comedy) .Mll~4\~ hr .• 38mn.) ...-.19'-•U&llllMIM .,.&al.,.. ADVENTURE ENDS -Robert Newton (center) is Long John Silver and Bobby Driscoll (left) is Jim Hawlcin& Jn the second of a two-parter, "Treasure Island." on "Walt Disney" Saturday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). • PEOPLE ANO ORGANCZATIOHS (I) GOLF "USF & G Classic" 1rom New Orleans. Loutslana. (SeQond Round) (Time period extended to accommodate Sports Cente<). (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 8:66 i PHANTOM ltOA (Part 2) 9:00 LEAVE rT TO BEAVER I LAVERNE & SHR,.EY MOV1E ''The Lest Woman On Earth" (1961, Science-Fiction) Anthony Cerbone, Betsy Jones. Moreland. I EANEST ANGLEY NEWVOOE AMEJICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "St. tws" ( 1978, Adventure) Charles Bronson JacQueine Bisset e:laoE~~' ROAD RUNNER 0 HEA THCLIFF I MARMADUKE MONEYMAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 9:'6(%)PHANTOM INDIA (Part 3) 10:008 e BASEBALL St. Loult Cardinals at Phila- delphia PNnles (3 hrs.) ISHANANA (fl THUNOAAA I GOLDIE GOLD ~TEST SPORTS LEGEND CAR CARE CENTRAL Boe JONES LAST a-tANCE G.AAAGE Brad Seara lnvestl- Q!tes a car-stanlng problem and eurveys jackt. (R) • VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Coop8f moderatee a debate between candldatn aeeklng offtce In Orange~ty. (8) MOVIE "HM1" (1979. Comedy) John Bekllhl. TOlhlro Mlfune. ( 1 hr .• S8 min.) (I) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, eom.dy) Clint Eastwood. 8()(1ch Locke. ( 1 hr., 45 mln.1. .. 10:801\._oAMEAICA'STOPTEN · ! eASelM~~~ontreat Expoe I ~:~ DOM DAY PHOTOIHOW PORT'AAITl IN PA8TEL8 10: GI) MOVE ''Thundet Bay" (1953. Adventure) ...,,_ SttWll't. Joanne Dru. 11ir"w3'=:a'~~.ooo zuoon Tourn. rrJ-{1~ • 8 ~ IPfCW. ,..._ S>Mtctt To Tht Riaci'-'' A mysterb41 gift Mndl two youngltM on I beoi< to the 17th~. {Pert 1) (R) Q • WU> WOM.D "'NIMM.8 TMIN THI~ ..,.~ ... TN McMI" • MOVIE "Tim" (1981. Orama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson. ( t hr .. 35 min.) 11:30 I Cl) BLACKSTAR I AMERICAN BANDSTAND WILD. WILD WEST MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING CALLIGRAPHY MOV1E "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( 1967. Drama) Julie Christie, Terence Stamp. (2 hrs . 49 min.) . \I·. l"l .IC\< >< f\ 12:00. (I) TROLUONS I (OS""f IN SPA-CE - -MOVIE "Santiago" ( 1956. Adveriture) Alan Ladd, Roeeana Podesta. - IADAM·12 QUILTING NEEDLECf\AFT MOVIE "King Of The Mountain" (1981, Adven· ture) Harry Hamlin. Joseph Bottoms. ( 1 hr .• 30 . min.) Cl) MOVIE "Bedl<nobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971. Fantaay) Angeta Lansbury. David Tomlinson ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 12:309 Cl) l'OM AND JERRY I SUGAR RAY LEONARO'S GOLDEN GLOVES, MOVIE "The Vengeance Of Pancho Vina'' 0967, Western) John Ericson. James PhUb<QOk. 111 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK lnterVlewa with Olok . Cave11, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mlchael Caine. Ted Shackelford, Donna Mills and Chartie 10e~CANINE8 (R) HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR 12: G1) MOVIE "Monkey Business" (1931, Come- dy) Marx Brothers. Thelma Todd. 1:00• Cl) KWICKY KOALA 8 • LIBERTY MUTUAL LEGENDS OF GOLF Third-round coverage of this tournament for senior golfers (live from Onion Cr-Club In Austin. Tex.) THE MUNSTERS i hra.) NASL SOCCER Chlcago Sting vs. New Yon< Cosmos (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "The Long Voyage Home" (HMO. Adventure) John Way_ne, Ian Hunter. • WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP "The Rake's Prog- ress" Roy Underhill construets a garden take. (A) •GAOWINGVEARS • ~MOVIE "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961. Western) Richard Boone. George Hamilton. (I) F.A. SOCCER "The Roed To Wembley" (Match 14)_Jt hr.) 1:30,~ MINUTES I a TENNIS "Murjanl Tournament" Nineteen top tennis players compete for $250,000 In prize money trom Amelia ISiand, Florida. (2 hrs.) e NOVA "Cotmlc Are" The extraordinary dlsooY- enas made by x-ray astronomy ot peotron stars. exploding gala.xles. quasars and black holes ere eu~~·> I STRANGE DEA TH Of THE DESERT FOX Events leading to the October. t!M4 death of Reid Marshal Erwin Rommel are recalled through new&- reel footage,11111 photograoht and = testimo-ny by Rommel's son Manfred and rapher Devld Jrvtng. • ~"Wholly Moeee!" (1980, Comedv) [)ud.. leY Moore. Leralne Newman. ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 2:00. MOVIE "Nightmare Al Pendragon'• C.atle" 19~= =Hamilton. Robert Vaughn. BASEBALL BUNCH MOVIE ;.Oealh Ridel A Hor•'' ( 1969, W•t· ttn) L" Van CtMf, John Phllllp Lew. i= .. ,_Thi Yum Yum T,.." (11M13, Ject( L*1lmOn. CelOI Lynlty. TUAE <Met: Rlcherd Harrll. (Part 2) UNDENTANDINQ HUMAN 8EHAVK>A "USf & G Clell6c" from N9w Orieene. Loulllana. (Third Round) (2 hrs.) (II) t.tOVtE ''Ruckut" (1980, Orama) Oltk Benedict. on..-. a.;mln,) MOYIE " Of tonal" ( 1882, Orwna) Jeffrey • Robert !21-. 50 JM) 2:'06 THe IN IAIEIAU 2:20 MOYIE ''The cat And The Cenlry" (1878, =~;.-·--· (1hr , 2:1'-. la.AND ..., ... fHE .. _Of IOOK8 IWlftlW ''NllWCNtc Nlwe: ~·a TM Way II 11" Hoddll19 c.;., kxllll 11 lt'9 cMligll ig ttatua of Ji1"•1·~ ...... !51!C!u.M~VIOA J .. Satwday (continued) m~~Jackle Moran. • MOVIE "Aprll In Par1a" (1953, Mualcal) Oorlt Dey,_ Ray Bolger. 8 RAaiMANIHOFF'8" "PIANO CONCERTO NO. 2'' The featured planls1 Is Alexis Wefseeobefg with Herbert von Karajan condUctlng the Befl1n Philhar- monic. ( 1'hl.) I HAROLD UOVO ALM FESTIVAL MOVIE "An Amerlcan In Patts" (1951, Musical) Gene Kelty. Leslie Caron. • HOME GARDENER .CC> MOV1E "Outlaw Blues" ( 19n, Orama) eater Fonda, SUsan Saint James. ~"Doctor ZNvago" (1965. Orama) Omar Sharif. Geraldine Chaplin. 3:06 al) WRESTJ.JNG 3:308 SPORTS SATURDAY 1<Hoond junior llght- wetght bout between CornelkJt "Boz.a" Edwards anc:f John Verderosa (from Atlantic City, N.J.); the Little 500, a 50-mlle bicycle race (from Bloomlng- ton. Ind.). (1 hf., 30 min.) 8 EVERYWHERE Locatlor'r. llve from the UCLA dance marathon at UCLA. Westwood. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) 8 9 PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $200,000 Firestone Tournament Of Champions (from Riviera Lanes In Akron, Ohio). ( 1 hr . 30 lmln~ONOER WOMAN WILD KINGDOM HOME GARDENER GREATEST SPORTS RIVALRIES Boston Celtics vs. Los Angeles Lakers • MR. GIMME A young boy can't afford to boy the drums he wants ao badly. •:OO II GR1ZZL Y ADAMS Cl) ERIC SEV AREJO'S CHRONICLE • MOVIE "Tho Oulslde Man" ( 1972, Su8pense) Ann-Margret, Jean Trlntlgnant. Cll NAPOLEON & LOVE "PauJlne" NapoleOn Is In Egypt when he teems of Josephine'• Infidelity: divorce uppermoet In hlS mind. he seeks consolation With~) I SPOATS cerrr:P.BKX.OOY \l10EO JUKEBOX • MOVIE "Heaven Can Walt" (1978, Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Juffe Chrletle. p hr .. • 1 min.) 4:06(%) MOVIE "Hard Country' (1981, Orama) Jan-Mlcheel Vincent. Kim Bulnger. ( 1 hr .. .S min.) '4:30 Cl) BASEBAU Sen Diego Padr11 at Atlanta 8revee (2 tn., 30 min.) Cl) AQAON8KY ANO COMPAHV • 80CCER MADE IN GERMANY Argentina vs. ~BIOLOGY . CB) MOVIE "Smokey Bltea The Oust" ( 1981, eom. dy) ~' Janet Julian. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) 4:36Gl) San Diego P•dr• at Atlanta 8'8\w (3 hrs.) 6:00~N ADVENTURE 1 8TAA~ WIOE WORl.D Of SPORTS Kentuctcy Oetby Trt- 11, a mile race for top 3-yeef-old thon>ldlbfeda Churchill Downe In Loulsvtle, Ky.); Kentucky Pr~ the Bluegfue Stakel (from Lexing- ton, ~lone! Chafnolonahlo Spf'lnt Car Rece i om g, Ohio). (1hr.,30 min.) KOJAK amt. 80CCER N9w YOft< Arrows va. Plttlburgtl 80UDGOLD (i2tn.) T CAAAOLL .• ON THE AOAD wrrH GER- STEIN A pcwtratt of P9t Canol • ahe tours wtth '* Ot»-woman lt'<>W on the ... of Gertrude Stein. ( 1tw.) !,F= .. oewANv Argentine 'ii. ineny ( 1 ht.) ~~~78, Mlentur•) Cher1el I r \ SEEKS CHOWN -Christie Ellen Oaridge, "Miss Los Angeles County," will compete in the "Miss California Intemauonal Beauty Pageant" Saturday at 8 p.m . on KHJ-TV (Ch. 9). The annual event will be broadcaat from Knott's !Jerry Farm in Buena Park. (I) WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Dellas Tournament Semlflnals" cm MOVIE "The North Avtnue Irregulars" (1979, Comedy) Edward HerrmaM, Barbara Harrla. Cl) MOVIE "Xanadu" ( 1980, Musical) OIMa New-- too.John, Gene Kelty. (1 hr., 33 min.) 6:30 G81 OF TH£ WILD I WIOE WOALO OF 8PORT8 Kentucky Derby Tri- al, a mlle race for top a.year-old thoroughbfeda (from ChurcNI Downs In L~. Ky.); Kentueky Oetby Prevtew; the BkMgr .. Stak• (from Le><Jno- ton, l<~lonal Chamok>nehio Sprint Car Race {from K>Ufg, Ohio). (1hf.,3() min.) • ONCE UPON A Cl..A88IC "The Talisman" Sala- din's physician El Hakim ~ to the European camp with Kenneth and Richard a potion which cures him. (Part 3) ( ) Q &.60 CZ> MOVIE ''The cat And The Canaty'' ( 1978, Mystery) Honor Btackmen. Mlc:heel Gallen. ( 1 ht., 30 min.) l .\ l .'\f'\(~ e:1·~NEW8 ~ .:.. ( t9n. Adventure) Chllt W1lll. Mlchlle Alhbum. Poco, a lheggy lhtle dog, Mt• out In ...,ch of 1'111 owner -a lttle glt1 dlubled In a car=~ liWMaWELK MOVIE "IUl &lent, Run Deep" (1958, Orama) Gable, Burt lancMter. A IUbrneMe atfNi l'e dMded between !>'>Y: ~ men duf1ng a battle on the=.~~~ STEIN QEA. c STEIN Thia 01eY about Gertrude St.in't )'91('1 In Pn from 1903--1936...,.. Pat Carroll who ._ perbmed tNI role off.-en.dwey end on • Mtlof* tour. (2 In.) • UP ANO OOMlfQ "The Best Man" Kevin mutt --- overcome hll ,_, of pobllc apMklng when hi It drafted to run for student councll pr..ia.nt. Q :2 • THIHKINO TWICE ABOUT NUCt.EAA WAR §: Mike Farrell hosta an examination of how Amef'lcana ate responding to the risks of the arms race and ~ how some lndlvlduala are woO<lng to prevent nucleat ,- war. (1 hr.) ~ CB) MOVIE "tiot Leed And Cold Feet" (1978, eon.. • edy) Jim Dale, Don Knotts. In The Old Weet. twin ..,, bfothera -one rough 'n' tough, the othef a city-5: bred milquetoast -compete In a Oluellno oont"t to CD see who will Inherit their father'• fortune~ ·a· ( 1 hf.. ':< 30mln.) > D MOVIE "Mogambo" (1954, Orama) Clark ~ Gable, Ava Gardner. When a plantation overseer falls In love with the wife of an engineer, oonfllcta arlee. ( 1 hr.7-55 "*1.) 8:30•••NEW8 ! MARY TYLER MOORE WHY IN THE WORLD MOVIE "Star Trek -The Motion PlctUf9" (1979. Scleooe-Actlon) WIHlam Shatnet, Leonard Nlmoy. The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise reassembles hla old crew and sets off on a mission to find the mysterious vessel reaponalble for the destruction of numerous Fedel'atlon star· sh~ ·o· (2 hrs .• 12 min.) 7:00 9 SENIOR OLYMPICS Thie annual competition fea'lures a group of middle-aged and elderty at~tes competing In SW1mmlng, track and field and Olhef athletic events. ( 1 hr.) I FAMILY FEUD WHERE WERE YOU? IN SEARCH Of ... II THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES I PUBLIC AFFAIRS PEOPLE'S COURT OOOOER DUGOl1T CHECKING IT OUT Featured: NBA referee Tom- my Nunez; p&astlc surgery for young people; 14- i r-old songstress Lisa Lopez. Q THEMUPPETS THIS OLO HOUSE Bob Vila and Norm Abfam take a tour of the newty renovated house. O (C)MCME "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, WMtern) Richard Boone. George Hamilton. A eeuoned cap- 18.ln of the U.S. Ceveky rides hard on a qreen. young lieutenant )Us1 out of Weet Point. (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "The EarthNng" ( 1980, Adventure) Wll- llam Holden, Ricky Schroder. A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways of eurvtval In the Australian wlldemell. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) Cl) GALLAGHER: TWO RE>.i.. The comedan per- forms a eeitee of~ and comic vtgnettes. 7:061PHANTOM lNOIA (Part 2) 7:15 OOOGER PAE-GAME 7:30 LOOK AT U8 I Nt THE NEW FRONTIER FIGHTBACK PU8UC AFFAIRS EYE ON SAN DIEGO Featured: an lnteNlew with ~Goodman. e BA8E8AU. Loa Angelee Dodgers at Sen Fran- dlco ~hrs.) I ~~ 7: INEWS 8:00 Cl) WALT DISNEY "Treeaure leland" A young boy and a charming mutineer become lnVOfYect In a ...,ch for bUt'8cj lreuur~ (Patt 2) ( 1 hr.) e HARPER VAU.Ef St• and Bulter team up to aeve the ~ Harper Vatey Eatery from a-=.,,~~ Jungle" (1988, Comedy) .Jemee Gemer, Eva Alnzt. A photographer and hie model ~~Ito~ amberk on• ...,ch for• diamond mine. 2 hrs. e 9 THE POWERS OF MAN Rldl- erd -. .. hilt IWJ'8t• tNI epea.I fMturlng ..,.._ binding tofotry, lncndble ~ -~ ;rr~ ~~:l.o.w_ llEAUTY ff'""NJIEMT Thia -9¥tnt, preeented from Knott'• B«ry Fann In BUeM P8tk, d hollt '2 young wom- .~~~y NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~¥{~ Creative Jewelers, Inc. L &.-~-'·(:;;!:~·/" ~'°¥(~ • REMOUNT SPECIALIST 2810 E. PACtAC ~~~1U"~ 'J - 12 N Saturday (continued) Cl) ~ en whO wlll compete '°' the title of "Miss Callfor· nla." (2 hrs.) Cl) PAUL HOGAN e MOVIE "Caged" ( 1950, Orama) Elean0< Par· ker. Agnes MOOf'ehead. A young gh1 falsely Impris- oned f0< thell becomes a bltte<, ho6tlle woman. (2 hrs.) t8 PAT CARROLL .. ON THE AOAO WITH GER- TRUDE STEIN A portrait of Pat Cerroll as she tours with her one-woman show on the life of Gertrude Stein. ( 1 hr.) I TRAINING DOGS THE WOOOHOUSE WAY LOOK ALIVE . MOVIE "Angel On My Shoulder" ( 1946, Fania· sy) Paut Munl. ClaUde Rains A g81l0Ster makes a bargain w11h the devil to return to life as a judge. ( 1 tv .. 30 min) Cli) WtTH A TOUCH Of BURLESQUE Sid Caesar and tmooene Coca perlorm baggy pants comedy, slapstick routines and other bur1esque staples In a show taped at the Star Theatre In Alnt. Michigan ( 1 hr ) CSJ MOVIE "Nighthawks" (1981, Orama) Sytvester Stallone, Billy 0ee Wilhams A tough New York City cop tias hrs work cut out for him when one of the wO<td's most dangen>us terrorists arrives In his city 'R' ( t hr .. 39 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Howflog" ( 1981, H0<r0<) Dee Wal· lace. Patric!< Macnee A woman reporter Is menaced by a kllle< whO seems to be a werewolf 'R' L! hr .. 3 t min.) (%)MOVIE "Friday The 13th" (1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King The reopening of a summer camp, clo6ed 20 years eertlef after thtee murders, attracts a vindictive killer who knifes unsuspecting teen·a~s 'R' ( 1 hf .• 38 min.) 8:30 D e ONE Of THE BOYS The events leading up to Olivef's moWlQ In with Adam and Jonathan are recounted. Cl) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT •sTB:102 8:35 al) WORLD AT WAR 9:008 (I) MOVIE "Corvette Summef" (1978, Com- edy) Mar1< Hamill. Annie Potta. A young car buff and a would-be prostttute join forces to track down the ttwevee who stote hil cherllhed automobile. (A) i ~ARA MANOREL.l ANO THE MAHOREU. SISTERS Guests: Ray Cherlee, Sylvia. (A) t 1 hr. l - -.. 0 LOVE BOAT A wtdow ana tw unmarried lilt« meet a romantic English lofd, and a couple celebrating their anniversary twave a big fight which may lead to a dlvofce. (R) c;> ( 1 hr.) mWAEBrt~ -· 9 GERTRUDE STEIN GER'Tf'UOE STEIN GER· TRUDE STEIN Thia play about Gertrude Stein's years In Paris from 1903! 1935 ate,.. Pat CerrOll Who has perf()(med this r<*t off-Broadway ahd oo a natl008J tour. (2 hrs.) • AMERICAN Pl.A YHOU8E "Weekend" Bat beta Hershey and Tony Musante star In an adaptation ot Ann Seattle's shof1 stO<Y aboUt a man's frustrated search tor youth. c;> (1 hr.) e MOVtE ·:Arst You Cry'' (1978, Orama) Mary Ty1er Moore. Anthony Perkins. Newswoman Becty Tube Topper Barbara Mandrell Channel 4 -9 p.m. Rolhn expenenoes the anguish and trauma ot dlS· covering she has bleast cance< (2 hrs.) CC) MOVIE "Middle-Age Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Ann-Margret, Bruce Dem. A Texas developer'• sue· cessful fob and beautlful wtte manage to drive him into a mld·life crisis. 'R' ( 1 hr., 31 mtn.) Cli) MOVIE "194 1" (1919. Comedy) John Belushi, Toshffo Mltune. Aft81 the bombing of Pearl Harbof, Southern Cafftomia cMHans and mlfftary personnel react with unbridled panic to news of a Japanese attack In their own backyard 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) CD MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981. Orama) SytvestM Stallone, Billy Dee Wiiliams. A tough New York City cop has his work cot out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terr0<lsts arrives In his city. 'A' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) (D) MOVIE "Thief'. (1971, Orama) Richard Crenna. Angfe Dickinson. A ref0<med et1mlnaJ Is faced with a sticky situation when he needs quick money. (2 tvs.L 9:30. MATINEE AT THE B&J0U Featured: "Wild- cat" (1942) starring Richard Arlen and Boster Crabbe; a 1939 "'°'1: and the float ~ter of "ZOf· ro'a Aghtlng LeglOn." (A) (1hf.,30 min.) HOMEOWNERS 675-18> 3MS Eut COQt H11hwa> Coron. •t Mar • • • •• • t 9:35Ql.l MOVIE "l'emp8St .. (19&9, Adventurer-van • Hemn. Siivano Mangano. When a SOidier saves a man's Ille. he later discovers that the man Is the Czar of Russia. (3 hrs .• 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Jan>- Mlchael Vincent. Kim Basinger A Texas factO<Y worker Is torn between hlS desire to continue In the "good old ~.. lifestyle and hls-fianoee's shOw business amblttons 'PG' ( t hr , 45 min.) 10:00 U NBC MAGAZtNE Jack Per1<ans vtSits the "Straight" drug rehabilitation program. Garrick Utley rePO<ts on the possibility that some compa- nies are considering adding lead to thetr gasoline again: Betsy Aaron looks at the current state of affairs In the Middle East ( t hr.) I .NEWS 0 FANTASY ISLAND A modern you~ woman experiences the adventure of 17th century France and an amateur magician soddenly possesses the secrets of sorcerers (R) c;> ( 1 hr ) 1J MISS WORLD PAGEANT Sixty-seven beauties compete In three events. Helen Reddy hosts ( t hr . 30 min.) (!)MOVIE .. Demons Of The Dead" (1964) George Hiiton. A sacrllicial Satanic cult lures a young girl Into Its ceremony. (2 hrs.) • WE WERE GERMAN JEWS The dramatic escape of Herbert and Lotte Strauss lrom Gennany In 1943, their building a new hfe In the Umted States and their coming to terms with the Holocaust are recounted. ( t hr.) Cl) MOVIE "The Stud" ( 1978, Orama) Joan Col- lins, Ollver Tobias. A waller advances his career by sleeping with his boss's wife. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) e t.40V1E "1941" (1979, Comedy) John Belushi, Toshlro Mllune. Atter the bombing ot Pearl Harbof. Southern Calttomla civilians and military pe<sonnet react with unbOdled panic to news of a Japanese attaci< In their own backyard 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min ) 10:30 •• NEWS ~MOVIE "ABBA: The Movie" (1978, Musical) ABBA. A hapless disc jockey tenaciously pursues the renowned Swedish super group as they sing 18 of their hits. Including: "Oanclng Queen," "Water· loo," "S.0 .S ... and "Fernando." 'G' ( t hr, 37 mlnJ_ 11:008 U 8 (I) 9. NEWS • ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with Dick Cevett, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Celne, Ted Shackeff0<d, Donna Milfs and Charlie Danlel8. ( 1 hr.) e MOVfE "The Outside Man" (1972, Suapense) MF.N'S TRADITIONAL WEAi For those who shop for quality Upstrurs downstairs- <lll aroond Pat Marley's you can saoor the successful looks m classu· traditiono.ls-lailored tm crof t1tm(#n who care- de11gned from superb /abnci for your comfort Check lhe attic sale room for undiscovered HVlnp. I Saturday (continued) AM-~ Jeon Tllntlgnonl An unl<nown hit man relen trecka hie tar09( ttvough the streets of Lot (2hra.) E CELL BLOCK H T CAAAOU. .. ON THE ROAD wmt ~ 8TEJN A portrait of Pat Carrol as she tours with her one-woman show on the life of Gertrude Stein. ( 1 hr.) • THE FRIE:NOeHIP YEARS Hoets Wetter Cronkite and Phltlp Boemendal of Holland review the Interde- pendence of the U.S. and the Nethetlande es the countries celebrate 200 years of unbroken diplo- matic relations. ( 1 hr.) • AUSTIN QTY LIMITS "Geofge ThofOQOOd And 'The Destroyers I Oevld Olney And The X-'Aays" ( 1 hr.) (JI) MOVIE ''Terror Train" ( 1980, Suspenee) Ben Johnson. Jamie Let CUr11a. A college fraternity's New Year'tJ masquerade party turne Into a night- mare when a vlndlctlw gueet starts killing off the ~rty-goers. 'R' (1 hr .. 31 min.) CIJ MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuelte" (19n. Ora- ma) S~ Kristel, Umberto Orsini. A beautiful woman 1 search for the ultlmete tf'Otlc experience ~ her to a etartHng reallzaUon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 Cii)'EvamHING GOES Rick Podell hoets thle adUlt <iQf1'ledy game show where contestant• must take .it thtii clothes If they Incorrectly answer a question that has been given them. 11:30,THE AOCKFORO ALES e SATURDAY Nk1HT LIVE Hoet: Robert Culp. Guests: the Chat1le Oeniele Band. ( f tv .. 30 min.) e ABCNEWS Cl) MOVIE "Pu Of The Seddlt" (1938, Western) John Wayne, Ray Corrigan. A cowboy encounters a pret1y female agent on an undetCOYtf milelofl to lrweatJgate the llltgel traneport of a dangerous chtmlcal ~ camouftaged .. salt. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE ·The DtetfimMter" ( 1972. Horror) ~Quarry, BiJI Ewtna. A vampire chief1aln poses 11 a guru In order to entlave the rMmbtrl of a Calt- for~ commune. (2 tn.) I MOVIE "Sweet And Low'' (Fantasy) Metyanne Aowtre. Patriot en.on. A dt'Yoted young wife's «otlc fant..-begll'I to take control over her behavior. { 1 hr~. 1 min.) ~MOVIE " , Emmanutlle" (19n, Dra- ma) SyMa Krietel. beetntful woman's M81'ch for the ~inate «otlo e"Ptl'lenct brings her to a atar- t11nQ.!eelz.allon. 'R' (1 hr .. 40 min.) 11:46• MOVIE "Ltidy In Cement" (1968, Mystery) Frri Slrlltra. ~ Welch. A private dttectfW hw.d to find a mllllng Oltl ~ her body In a Ronde t>ey, ( 1 hr., 30 mln.) Cl) lllZAW ''Teet Tube T..,. •• 12:40e MOVIE "The Nenny'' {1965, SUepense) Bette Devit. W..m Dix. A dlltutbed chld and tHs nenny reeent eech other for their re9P0f\libllty In the dteth of the boy'• .... (2 tn.) (!)MOVIE "Indian Paint" (1~. AdWnture) ~ ny Crawford. Jey Sltverhttll. A young Indian boy ehar• a ..-of exciting adwnturee with his btloYed whtte pony. 8 MOVIE "Who la The Bleck Dehlia?" (1976, Mys1ery) Efrem Zlmbllllt Jt" Ude Amaz. Police attempt to IMm the bld<ground of a 22·yMf-old HIOM ~ound rn a vacent lot. (2 hrs.) ~ STEIN OERTRUOE STEIN GER- 8TEN TNI play abOut Gertrude Stein'• ~In Pn from 1903--1935 ttara Pat Carrol who ti. performed thla rote oft-ero.dwey and on I ~·~ . ~ QtANNEl ZERO (1 HR.) 12:i!a:> MOVIE "The Stud" (1978, Orama) Joen Collrte. Olivet' Tobia. A W9ffer adllencee hie cateer bv llMPlna With hll bolt'e WIM. 'A' (1hr.,36 min.) 12:15(1) MC1.1E ''Any ~ Way You Can" = Comedy) Clnt EMtwood, Sondra Locke. Mttllna down with hll girt and pet orangutan, a 1>9r•ffet~« llar'9 up fof one tut, lucratlw metch. 'PG' 1 hr .. .S min.) 12:80. ''The Friande Of Eddie Coyte" ~3, Ormma) Robert Mttchum. Pettr Boyle. A al lglf1t Ulll I trnlltlml «ootc to expoee a a1mt ~~l~ Of HomJr'' (1971. Horror) • ~ YOCMta Gr8Y. A '"'" lllml the awfUI llCf.e ol hll btolhet'• ~.,..lnee when ht le led I0•~09\19bylbendof~ (2tn.) 12:«»<11> MOYIE "The ..,_ Brothere" ( 1eeo, ~ Cll) John 8eUN. Din A= Two t*1M *'Gire muet oontend Witt\ tM . police, the CIA. ~and She U.8. Army to put together a ~ 9M conoatt to ,.. mcny for ttW petllh. 'A' (2 --OQGHI •'Home 8ifor9 Dn" (1M o..m.) d':~=:'t·~=~-= ------~ for a nervoue breakdown~ hrs.) • EVEHNl AT THE (I) GOlf "USF & G Cluaic" from New Orteens. Louisiana. (Third Round) (2 hrs.) CI) MOVIE "Clndtrela" (1966, Fantasy) Narrated by Paul Tripp. A gentle peasant girt meets a c:Oarm- lng pf1nce with the help of a fairy godmoth«. ( 1 hr., 36 min.) e MOVIE "Brubak•" (1980, Orama) Robert Red- ford, Yaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden UOOOY- era widespread coouptlon when he ent«• hit newty ~ prison posing 11 en Inmate. 'R' (2 tn., 10 t'Oi (i) NEWS Gl) WOAlD AT LARGE ~MOVIE "Murmur Of The Heert" (1971, Orama) Lee Matlatl. Benoit Ferreux. A young boy dleg- noeed • havtng a heert mul'mur Iii~ by hie mother on a fateful~ to a aoe. (2 tri.) 1:30(1) MOVIE "Red RNer Ranger'-(1938, Western) Jof'ln Wayne, Ray C«ttgan. The Thr .. Mtsqulteera Mt out to nab a gang of cattle tNevel operating i~~~(2tn.) 1: MOYE ''TN Liit Of The Mob11t Hot Shott'' E TUAEU.8.A. (19 , Comedy) Jamel Cobwn, Lynn Redgrave. The tuNMng member of an C>ld loultllna family winl the grand pttz. on a TV g1me lhow but In order to collct he must many hie co-winner on the next day's proW8fn. 'R' (1 hr .. 40 min.) 2:00e MCWIE "Hcue Of Terror" (1972) Jenifer Balhop, Arel Blanton. A ~ and her lovef are ~-of ~ and murder, when a weelthy "*" Nf• 1he nur1e to care for hie lnvdd wife. (~ NJC NlWI ltn.~TAU< tr= auAAD8 ''Legendaty Stars Senel" Luther~ YI. U.J. Puckett ( 1 hr.) ~=1 ~The latt Married Couple In Amtft.. ca" (1980. Comedy) George Seg81, ~tallt Wood. A hepplly married ~ begin to wonder how hep-Dllv merrled they r are afttt M9lng Ill of their fftinde' marrtegea up In the divorce court. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) '· 3:00. MOVIE "Herd. F8't And Beeutlful" (1951, Oratn1) Clelte Trevor. 8ely Forreat. The pnonel llfa of a ~ young ttMle P'IV-" dltrupted by ~ &:,";'M;..~a:.d 1 hr .• 30 min.) ~~LIB CZ> 'The cat And The Cetwy'' ( 1978. My. '9ry) Honor ~. Mlot'99I a.Ian ....... battle for a fortune It the epootcy tltata of I dec:Hted m11o1-.. 'PO' ( 1 hr., 30 mlnl_ ... 3:10 (1) MOYIE ''Chtech And ~·· Nut Mewta'' ( 1t10. Comedy) flctwd ''CNech MMrt. v-w Chong. Two pothledl NM nunwoue lr'Nlf'" actwn- tut• wt* ~ the .. ,.... of Lot AnaaM In ...,G~~hiah." 'A' c1hr .• 33rnn.> a1 VIEWJl'OlfT ON NUTNnOtrt • .,,,. ~·· c1ee1. Horror) o.. w-. .._ ....,_ Meonll. A woman reponar le ,_.-e.y • Idler wttO ...,,,. to be a ....ewott. 'A' ,,, ~. 31 ,,.., .... " ....... _ .. ,!II,... ' ·--! £8~~- • Searching Marie Ha.mi.11 atanr u a you th detenruned to recover the automo- bile he and hiB mends rebuilt into a dream car that was stolen in "Corvette Summer" Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). Rickle·s growing soft with age By ROBERT MACY A11 11 .. t 1111' '9w ..._ LAS VEGAS, Nev. -Don !Ucklee, king of the zingerl, twnina toft? C'man, hockey puck. get aeriotm! "I guem u I grow a Ottle older, I find my.elf growtnc a Utt.le men raerved," RlckJs admitted. almost a~y. ln a recent interview. "My Clream 11 eomediy belns able to walk away from thia bullnell and have lleCW'ity for me and m~. I find leilure life and travel and beina most enjoyable. Show bulllnem la not my llfe to the point that I would mi. it all that much.'' On Nae he mak.ea a mockery of the title ''Mr. Warmth." Off-ttap, he mak.ea the tag believable. ~ are ch1nka 1n the vitriolJc armor ln which he baa clothed hiJme1f llnce the mid--t-Oa. OricinaJly, the caU1tk coatt~.;..u d"1ped to fend off the butl9 of rowdy wbo wanted anythina but comedy at a W~ D.C., ltrip joint where he WM emceet.nc in 1948. He Mys hU ean:utk approach on etafe ia a defeme mecbanian bem&m he faUed mllerably at beinc the aaJewnan bia father wanted him to be and becau. ''I could never really tell a joke.•• The late Max RJdtlee wu one of the bat ln- IUJ'anCe ulMnan ln Jacbon !Wahta. Ll., and hO- ped IOI\ Don would follow IWL tfo ludt. "1be only policy I ever-aold w• to my uncle, who w• plmlnl away ln IQ)' anm," Ridde9 laucha. Then there wu a 1tlnt at aelllnc !DAkeup dooC'·to-door ln Jmmon He«cbta -work1ftC wtth crewa who received thtrir 1UpPllea from a car trunk. "rd rtna the ~ •Y •rm from .,.,and..,, w anna aee my makeup? They'_d Mf 'Get outia here!' J 80' to the pol.nt where I tbOUCht JGet outta here' WM the Mine of the lmkeup." Taldni his fathln --of humor and mother l!tta't flair fw the e&ap, Rkklee opted for ehow ~u.t..ctof.-. J'or yean be w q a well -kept aecret ln the entertainment lndU1try, with only ht. peen reo- ~ bll qukS wtt. -•·1 bmd that thA8 ..-a.ac atdtude ton ol cSe... veloped I chancter," ~ recalled. ''It took a lone time for people to ~t lhlt. In tbe evly · yean, a lot of people would walk out o1 &be au· dience. 1'ldl1 tlwJ ....... ti cl -·· It be ~t thew ... ..-. o.c.. Nevy Wll a r°"8b .......... be had • ....,..... ritial lot him lnttieLal V .. ~a-...lallr . to.::~=~~;::..~== ..... You nall1 had to Work to wtD .._ owr an r.bGmi ~JI-And I followed •.'S'AY tw ltiit ,.. of Louie Prtlm. LouM w• UM World Ww D wt.. ....... " --!'.":!' 14 . :Sunday =c: ~ \I< >l { '\ I '\( I "' 5:00. VOYNJE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA ~ i NINE ON NEW JERSEY ' ~ MAYBERRV R.F.O GOLF "USF & G Cluelc'' from New Orleana. ! 5:~;8~~ (2tn) ~ 5:20(%) MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuetle" (19n, ~' ~ Kttlttf. (1 hr .• .Omln.) ~ 5:30. LAST OF THE WILD . ii: Cl) tiA y Of oeecovERV CC> MOVE "Middle-Age Crazy" (1980. Comedy) Ann-Margret, Bruce Dem. • MOVIE "Texu Llghtllklg" (1981, Drama) Channing Mitchen, MaUteen McCormick. ( 1 hr., 35 5:~ CARTOONS . . 5:-46. aRSTOPHER CL08EUP Cl) MOVE "Sterttng Ottet'' (1979, Comedy) &Jrt Aeynoldl, Jll Qaybwgh, (1hr .. 44 min.) 8:00~ AHO TfE 8POl<EN WOAD I YOUTH ~188UE8 ORAL fUIERI 8 DtRECTlOH8 The mcM to strip Naz.I war ctlml- Gnelt of ed ":' .:::r cttlzenlhlp and have them BIBLE AH8WEM AOMPEAAOOM PflCA f88 TREA8lJAE Or. R8lpt\ Schultz. pr• !dent of Concordl9 College. explalns the activities fOf and clewlopment of student• at hit Lutheran ec:hoo&. (C) MOVE "The Prtv8te Eyes" (1980, Comedy) Don Knott•. Tim Conway, <Ii) MOVIE "Kl And tOlf' Aolii" (1 981, Adwnttxt) Jamel Rywt, AMlllne Kner. ( 1 hr .. '° min.) (%)MOYIE "A KJnd Of Lcwtng" ( 1962, Orwnl) Alan Bet-. Joot Ritchie. (2 hra.) 8:06~ACE e:ao FOR OUR TIMES 1 ~~ Tube Topper Per/ ormance at the White House I OAY Of Ot8eOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH IPORT'8 CENTER WLD 8A8& Thie documentary catches many wld rinall M they grow up and learn to aurvtve In thtit nattKel habitat. • MOVE ''The. Nude Bomb" (1980. Comedy) Don~·.~ Kttltel. (1hf •• 35 min.) 7:0515 SIDE OfTHE NEWS 7:30 OOMMrTMENT !l AHO THE AOBOT CAMPU8 PAOfl.E "Food Combinations" Leon lluc Kennedy, Robin Mattson. Dr. Betty McNabb. (I) 1V-8 LOOKB AT LEARNfHQ THAT"8 THE 8PRT 8EAACH JMIY 8WAJJtGNfr MISTER AOOEN (R) THE WOAl.D TOMOAAOw MOVIE "SemKe: The _Story Of Kathy Moma" (Dama) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope MlfOfd. 7:86 Im MOVIE "The Greettet Show On Earth" (1~2. Drema) Charlton Hiiton, Betty Hutton. A VISCO ELASTIC POLYMER 'Jr ,.,.. ............... ~SL, . 1a LJ. lfl .. •••:_'*••• ~ 5t/v -, ""'"' ..,,.,,, ~ .,.. ........... ~ .... ---. Mrr 4~-'y 8:008 SUNOAY MORMNO • PAICB...E88 TREA8UAE Dr. Ralph Schultz. Pl'~ ldent 8f Concordia Colege, explalna the actMtles for and deYelopment of students at his Lutheran echool. POPEYE ANO HIS FRIENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT UOYO OGILVIE OAVF'f ANO GOLIATH JERRY FALWB.l B.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) REXHUMBARO F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match ~ (1 hr.) CHl MOVIE "Despair" ( 1979. Drama) Dirk Bogatde. Andr•Ferreot. ( 1 hr., 59 min.) Cl> MOVIE "Plnchclltf Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adven- ture) Animated. (1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) f:»HANTOM INOtA "A look At Tt)e Castes" The ancient, rigid Indian caste system Is explored In depth. 8:308 ODYSSEY Guests: chffdren of Temple Beth HUlel perform the "Brundlbar" operetta: Dasha Lewin. a chlld of a Cz.echoalovaklan contrentatlon camp; Rabbi James K. Kaufmann and Judy Berman of T emp&e Beth Hiiiei. TOOAY'S Bl.ACK WOMAN THELAHAYEB MEETING TIME AT CALV Alf'( AEXHUMBARO FREDERICK K. PRtCE a.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BB..E HARRY CHAPIN IN CONCERT "You're The Onty Song" Chapin, one of the finest alnget I aongwrttera of the decade, perfonns "The Cat's In The Cradle," "Taxi" and "The Clrcie Game." 8:66 (%) PHANTOM INOIA "On The Fringes Of Indian Society" India'• mln0011ee, the Christians, Jews and outcaat trlbet, are reviewed. 9:00-=7CONFEREHCE I='" A08ERT8 I SCHULLER rT 18 WRITTEN 8E8AME8T=~) Q AU..-6TAA CAAU.ENGE Boeton Cel· tics Of The 1970'1 YI. OeKiand A's Of The 1970'8 9:30. ~m.er:TION G zooREVUE AnnOuncing (The I U2rfli1t•l . ·------------------------------· i· -S 5 Gift C11tificate S 5 ! Marriott Tennis Club I Good Tow_. PwCllllH of •25• or More I L . .... •••• a....... ....,. .. ------------------------~-----& D " Atlllelic I• tlt4 HAMILTON A.YI. HUMTIMftTOM llACH 3251 • limited Membership Avlillble • No lnltildm Fee • IO ~COU111 • Full Cklb Ham Fdties • Rdwn Ray·__: Dftca-dTail a ----------------~--~--~-----.......... ------~------------------------e e MOVIE ''Sheftook ~ And The 6C*tet Clew" ( 1944, MyttlfY) Bull Rathbone. Nlget J! _Swxlay (coo~) I DAY Of Ol8COYERY KENNETH COPEl.AHO THE WOAlO TOMOAAOW MOW: "Second Wind" ( 1980, Orama) Lindsay w~. Jamee ~on. (I) WCT TENNIS '$300,000 Oellu Tournament SemlflnaJI" (3 tn. 30 min.) ()) WAD<Y WOALD Of JONATHAN W1NTER8 ~ AJth Buz:zt. ---• MOVIE "Arry Numb.-Can Play'' (19"9, Ora- ~) ~Gable, Aleldl Smith. ( 1 lw .• 4'5 min.) 9:50 CZ> PHANTOM INOCA ''Bombay -The Future Inda" •x.amlnee the*-of Hindu cMllzatlon and 1htk D_bjllty Jo the modem WOf1d. 10:ooe HBA BA8KETBAU. 8 ON CAMPUS FeatUf'ed: Or. Armen Sarafian, President of the Unlverllty of La Verne. talks about the unique Freshman Camp for Incoming freehmen. e · MOVIE ''The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer'' 1 938, Comedy) Tommy Kelly, Jactde Moran. BASESALl 8UNCH THIS WEB< IN BASEBALL HERAU> Of TRUTH OVTDOOAUFE REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda We<- thelmer and~ join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-mlnute ~ Congreaslonal activities. , l ~PAJNTI.ro r MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Jao- Mlchael Vincent, KJm Ba11nger. ( 1 hr., -45 min.) ()) MOVIE "The Elephant Man" (1980, Orama) JoM Hurt. Anthony Hopkins. (2 tn.. 3 min.) 10:308 AGflCUl T\JRE U.S.A. • 0 Kll8 AAE PEOPLE TOO Guests: John Ritter, IOCClf 118' Giorgio Chlnaglia. Scatman Crothers, 73-yeat-<>ld runner Mar .. Salisbury: (R) l ~INTIME A08ERT SCH~ • 8A8EBAU New York Met• at Montreal Expos l ~F:k.t OPENMINO OUTDOOR l.ff MA09C OF OL PA.MlHG ;~~~~~;:e0f~79, Orama) Chuck~ Jennifer O'Nell. (1lw.,31 min.) 11:009 e 8PORT8WOALD CART Alilnta 200 auto race (llYe from Atlanta. Ga.): World'• Sttongeet Men Competition, part 3 (from McAfee. N.J.). (2 ~~San 06egc> Pa«• at Atlenta Btavee i tn. 30 min.) OOLf "USF And G ClalAc" (2 tn) MA8TBFIECE THEATRE ''LOYe In A Cold ~ mete: The Merry Wldowlr'' Lklda "*"'-Tony KtoeeAg and gtv.e birth to a deughttir. Poly lhoct<a ~one wttfl hef plans to "*TY Boy Doogdale. J..~mr~ WEEK IN REVIEW (! MOYfE ''The Soft Skin'' (19&4, Orama) Fran- ~ Oor1Mc. Jeen o.arly. . 11:051!) BA8E8ALl &.l Diego Plldr• at Attenta Br9Ytt {3 hrl., 16 min.) 11:30e ltl THIS WEE)( wrrH DAVID -..ci..EY Gueet: ..... Prime Mlnilter Menachem Begin. ( 1 hr.) TEARY COl.E-WHfTTAKEA CHUACH..,. THE HOME WAU. t'T'AEET WEEK "More Dllberatlonl" : Ian McAvtty, publlher of "Oallt>tntkM .. " jW MOYIE "19" 1" ( 1979, Comedy) John Btlulhl. ?:.t.o MHune. (1hr.,68 rNrl,) \I II I\'\'''>'\ LEGENDS OF GOLF -Arnold Palmer (Cop two sketchel) and Sam Snead (bo~ two slcet.c.hes), who have am•ned a combi- ned total of 14, tournament vJctoriar during their careera, are among the headlinera scheduled Co compete in cbe Mutual Liberty Leslenda of Goll, ending Sunday ac 1 p.m. on NBc (Cb. 4). --------I -----~-;_. -~~ ~~:.~=--.. ~ ~~!llNl~.:O Nlmo-J, P Mitford. i ~~ MOVIE "Fat F1om The Wedding CrOWd'' ,.. (1 7, Orama) Jule Chrtltle, T•enc:. Stemp. (2 & 3:=-eACE ~ I MOVIE • .,.::e llwee Stoogea Go Ar<>UM The ! Wond In A Oez.e" (1963, Comedy) llwee Stooges, - I Sheffield. ~ 8TAATRB< THE HAAOY BOYS I NANCY DREW MY8Tm-~ Cl> 8 GERTRUDE 8TEIH GeRTRUOE 8TBN GER-~ TRUDE STBN TtMe play about Gertrude Stein's years In Paris from 1903-1935 ttar• Pat CerrOll Who hat perfOfmed thll r<*I otf-&oadway and on a national tour. (2 hre.) I AMEACAH 8KYUNE 8UGAA RAY l.EONAAO'S GOLDEH GLOVES Kansas City VI. Rocky MountlUn ( 1 hr.) • Of EARTH ANO MAH " (I) POa<ET BILUAAD8 ''Legendary Stare Serle8'' Cowboy Jimmy Moore vs. WUU-. Ma.Oonl ( 1 hr.) CI) MOYIE "LOYerl And Uatl" (1979, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Glencal1o Gl6nnlnl. 3:30. NEW8MAKER8 I TAU< A80UT PICTURE8 ltl WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS The Harlem ~ betrottn In perlomwlOI at Waft Dilney Wond (from Or1ando. Ra.): Men11 Wond Aecofd High Otve _Challenge (from Oriando, Fla.) . ( 1 hr.. 30 lmln.~T: l08 AHGB.E8 WEB<~ REVIEW Of EARTH ANO MAH MOVIE "Thi Nude Bomb'' (1980, Comedy) Don Adema. SvM9 Krtttel. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 3:315~NICE PEOPLE 4:00 MOVIE "LOOJ1t1" ( 1974'. Orama) Ben Joho-eon. Howard. • SUNDAY Locatton: five from CommurWty ~ rial Hoepltal, Ventura for "Health Fair." (1 hr .. 30 min.tr AA TIE< . MOVIE "The Oeethmuter" ( 1972, Horror) OIJlrry, 811 Ewing. Cf) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEB< lntlMewl with Diet< Cewtt Arnold Schwwzenegger, Mlct\lel Caine, Ted 8hKke1totd. Donna M.r.-and Cherie o.ni.. {f hr.) e MOVE '"TM outt6dl Man" ( 1972, Suepenee) .AM-M9rgret, Jwl T~. • MOYIE "56 Days At~ .. (1963, ~) Clwtton HtltOf\ Ava Gardner. • WALL STKEI WEEK "Men Oelbnttone" <liMlt: len McAvtty, ~ of "Oellbtnttcn.. .. i }MOYJE "At The Ear1tt'1 Core" (1978, ~ Rctton) Doug McCUe, Pwter Culhlng. flROJECf UNMNC IPOAll cefTER MOYfE "o..pM'' (1979. Dnlme) Ollie 8ogarde. F«reol ( 1 hr .• 58 "*'-> Cl) MOYfE "Oh God!" (197'1. Comedy) George aum.. John o.w.r. ( 1 hr ••• "*'-> •:OSI!) MOVE "My Side Of The McuUln" (1988, AcMnt\n} Ted Eod9I. Theodott 8IMA. 4:80~1NJTON WEB<..,. REVIEW (A) I UNM"8f! MCW1E ''The Pftwate E)t91" (1980, Comed)'> Knoltl. Tim Conlny. • 5: llI~'V:om. LEGEND8 M•A•e•H mwGHTTAU< N!WI NAflOl IDN .• LOfE .. ,.,..,. .. ~ .. In when he .,,. of Jollptft'• ~ ~.,.. hllmtnd. he ... OOfllOllllon fl:•• J. ·L ro Oo On PMon Albm" w.. .... ••ator a.. Collon. (1 tw.) •MC>a:TtNtf11m (IJ GOLi '"UIF & G Clllllc'' tom New on... _,..~=)A=~ (1919, CifMdYJ ...... Hlnwln. ....... Hlntl. ''Ca ..... ~(ttl1. ~) Alnoo --OUild. i16ii ~-.. '1m DrwN> tt11111111 tclnlld. • T:i=· '° ntn.) ~ ' l6 ~Sunday (continued) O> l .\ l .'\l'\C; S:00888NEWS • MOVIE "Charge Of The MOdel rs" ( 1979, Comedy) Louis Nye, Herb Edelman. Ounng World War I, a German spy execures a plan to weaken the American war effort by encouraging Villa Nueva and his band of 9U8'111as to make raids Of'll the Meiucan 1~~~:3'""•1 CHARLIE'S ANGELS MOVlc "Jesse James" ( 1939, Western) Tyrone Power. Henry Fooda. Jesse assumes en alias and marries In an allempt to go straight but he Is dogged by bounty hunters. (2 hrs.) .-MOVIE "Cheyenne Autumn" ( 1964, Western) James Stewart. Richard Widmark. Directed by John FOfd. The dramatic exodus of Cheyenne Indians extends lrom an OklahOma reservallon to their homelands in Wyoming. (2 hrs.) I SIGNATURE Guest: Jacques O' Amboise. LIFE AROUND US NSCNEWS EVENING AT SYMPHoNY Selji Ozawa conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Tartlnl's Trum· pet Concerto 1n 0 Mth French virtuoso Maurice Andre, and Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 4 In F. Qpos 36 (A) ( 1 hr ) CCJ MO\llE "Second Wind" (1980. Orama) Lindsa{ Wagner. James Naughton. A man continues to alienate hes wife and son by jogging alone to think about the problems that are destroying his mar· ~· 'PG' ( t hr , 33 min.) CHJ MOVIE "The Big Red One" ( 1980. Adventure) Lee Marvin. Merk Hamill. A tough Army sergeant leads four young. Inexperienced recruits Into the vio- lence-hlled fray ot Work! War II combat. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min.) Cl) BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Man1low pefforms a selection of his hits. including "Mandy." "I Write The Songs." "Can't Smile Without You" end "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civic Arena. (2 hrs.) 6:06 al) WEEK IN REVIEW 6:30e FIGHT BACK 8 ST AR CRArf Stuart Damon hosts a documen- tary on the thin fine between fens and fanatics featuring interviews with Burt Reynolds, Robert Con· red, Linde Evans, Marilyn Chambers •nd William Shalne<. ~ ~rwsC>RLD TOMORROW ~ CHARLEY'S AUNT Etle Sykes, Alun Lewis and Judi Maynard star In this farce where a party may l\ave to be cancelled unless someone C8ll be found to Impersonate Charley's Aunt who Is delayed and cannot chaperone two young ladleS. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) • WHY IN THE WORLD CD tAENE MOVES 1H 7:00 e Cl) eo MINUTES 8 e FATHER MURPHY A teacher accepts an otter of state flnenoial aid few the school. then learns It means that Father Murphy and Moses must go. I) c;> ( 1 hr.) INSIDE AMERtCA · FUPwtLSON JIMMY SWAGGART WIDE WORLD OF ENTERTAINMENT Top enter- tainer• from around the wOfld are featured In thls variety special hotted by Gene Kelly. ( 1 hr.) • IN PERFORMANCE AT THE WHIT~ HOUSE Country music atar Merle Haggard and fiddler Mark O'Connor perfOfm fOf President and Mrs. Reagan and their guests from the AanchO Sierra Grande In CallfOfnla. ( t hr.) • N<1VA "Cosmic Are" The extraOfdlnary dlscov· .-made by x-fay astronomy of neotron S1art. explodJng galaxies, quaaars and black holes are examined. (R) 9. ( 1 hr.) (I) SWIMMING 'National Short Course Chllmpion- Shle> ~lays" ( 1 hr.) • CC MOVIE "Caveman" (t981, Comedy) Rlngo Starr, Oenn11 Ovaid. n-. elownlth member of a barely hum3n PfehlstOflc tribe begins to dtscOYef that bfa1n1 and not brawn Wiii be the key to h ~·a tuf\'lvtl 'PG' ( t hr , 31 min.) (Q) ·MOVtE "The Flnal Confllct"J1981, Orama) Sam Nelll, AolMno Brazzi. In the d part of "The Omtn" tnlogy. young O.mltn, the embodiment of IN Antlctylat, II now .,, ldufl and a trueted ldvllof to tht Pftsldtnt Of tf'le U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr., •9 min.) 7:0&Gl)NEW8 CZ> -flHAHTOM IOA "Thi lndllnl And The Sicttd'' Thi lnttnet r~ dl¥otlo11 of the s*>-plell•~· 7:80 MOWll "Thi Lat• Show•' ( tt77, Mylllry) Alt TOmln. A .. IOr'INI GOING FOR RECORD -Vera 's (Beth Howard, left) desire tc be remembered tor some thing o ther than hard labor at M el's Diner leads her into the arms of Donald O'Connor when s he set.s o ut to break the world's tap dancing record on "Alice" Sun- day st 9 p.m . on CBS (Ch. 2). Jolene (Celia Westen) looks on. . offbeat female client. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) · 8:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Stephanie becomes the unWittlng pawn In a selflSh scheme concocted by her long-lost and supposedly loving falher. (Pert 2) (A) D e CHIPS Jon and Ponch befriend a boy· to prevent him from following In the steps of his par, ents, who are petty crlmloals. (A) ( 1 hr.) • ENTERTAINMENT THIS Wf:EK Interviews with Dick Cavett, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mlcheel Caine. Ted ShackelfOt'd, Donna M"ls and Charlie Daniels ( 1 hr.) e 0 MOVll: "Beyond The Poseidon Adventure" ( 1979, Adventure) Michael Caine, ~ny Aeld. The surviving passengers aboard a caps!Zed ocean llne< and a 1rio of salvage dealers battle a vfllaln out to seize the ship's valuable airgo ot plutontum. (R) c;> IT IS WRITTEN MORECAMBE & WISE i hra.) WIDE WOALO OF ENTERTAINMENT Top enter- tainers from around the wOfld are featured In this variety special hosted by Gene Kelly. ( 1 hr ) I SOLlOGOLO NAPOLEON & LOVE "Pauline" Napoleon IS in Egypt when he learns ol Josephine's Infidelity: dfvOt'ce uppermost In his mind. he seeks consolation with Pauline. ( 1 hr ) · • NOVA "Computers, Spies And Private Lives" The benefits and potentlfll hazards brought about by advances In computer technology are lnvestlget· ed. (A) c;> ( 1 hr.) ID MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cll· mate· Heir Apparent" The MontdO<es locate their heir. Cedric; Linda leaves her husband and moves in with her new love. (Part 5) c;> ( 1 hr.) ~ SPOATS CENT~ CID MOVIE "Escape Ffom New VOfk" (1981. sci. ence-Acllon) Kurt Ruasell. Adrienne Barbeau In t997. • hardened c;rlmlnal Is ottered a pardon If ht can rescuo the president ot the U S from the ptilOn city ttwt Manhattan hes become 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 min) Cl) MOVIE "Stir Cf~" ( 1980. Comedy) Rlci\lrd PryOf, Gene Wilder Two men ere mistaken fOf bank robbers and Mlll to )111 'R' ( 1 hr., S 1 min.) e MOYtE "Fame" (1980, Orama) Irene cara. Bat· ry Miiier Severel gifted 1tudent1 at a New York high 9ChOOI lor the performing 1n1 ~lence verloUe lltbecM and IUCC ... 11 of bOtt\ pnon9' and pro- E Nltutll. 'PO' (2 hrs., ""*'·> MCME "A Force Of ON" (1979. Orema) Nonll. Jannllf O' ..... A......, Cll tM !Mr• '~ J' .. H', J..' :.J '+•J •I' •• -·· . 'I : I • t/ t " •I . . - - 8:30fJ ONE DAV AT A TIME Alex goes out oc1 his f1rst date (R) Cl) NA TiONAL CRIME AND VlOLENCE TEST "Rape'' The latest techniques In self-protection trom cnme ere offered 1n thl8 examination of rape ~ ~~E WORLD TOMORROW • {!) EVENING AT THE IMPAOV 8:36(1J PETE SMITH 9:00 8 ALICE Vera attemprs 10 bfeak lhe world tap denci~ reco<d (A) D 111 MOVIE "The Neighborhood" (Preml8<e Orama) Christine BelfOfd, Ron Masak Three New Yorkers try to handle lhe uneasiness that envelop£ their lriends When the ethnic make--op of their nelgh· borhood 1s seemingly threatened ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) I WILD KINGDOM OR.CHO NATIONAL CRIME ANO VIOlENCE TEST "Rape" The latest techniques in self·protechon ll1~N;~Eo~= ~.:~·::::ol <ape I MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cll· mate. Heir Apparent" The Montdores locate their heir, Cedric: Linde leaves hef husband and moves In with her new love. (Part 5) c:;> (1 hr.) ID AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Weekend" Barbara Hershey and Tony Musante star In an adaptation of Ann Beanie's short story about a man's frustrated search IOI' youth. c;> ( 1 hr ) CC) MOVIE "One-tnck Pony" ( 1980. Orama) Paul Simon. Blair Brown A once-popular perlormer is pressured by everyone around him to drop htS style ol music and wnte songs lhal can bnng him back to the top 40. 'R' ( 1 hr . 39 min ) (I) LPGA GOLF "The Oflarido LadH!S Classic" ff1nal Round) (2 hrs ) (]J MOVIE "The Final Coun1down" (1980. Scieoce- Flction) Kirk Douglas. Martin Sheen. A myster1ous stOfm at sea transports the atom~-powered a1rcraf1 earner U S.S N1m11z back 1n time to Deoember 6, 1941, po511ion1ng the vessel between Pearl Harbor and the advancing Japanese fleet. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 43 min) (Q) MOVIE "Squeeze Play" (1981, Comedy) Jenni Hetrick. Melissa Mlchaels A group of girls try to gel their boyfriends attention by forming their own soft· ball team. (2 hra.) 9:05 al) OPEN UP • 9:30 8 Cl) THE JEFFE.R80NS GeOfge Is convinced th•t he's no longer attractive. (A) I WORLD OF SURVIVAL JACKVANIMPE . · MOVtE "The Long Memory" ( 1953. Orama) John Miiis. John McCallum. An Innocent man Is released from Jail aftef being wrongly convicted of murder. (2 hf1.) QI CHARLEY'S AUNT Etlc Syt<es, Atun Lewis and Judi Maynard star In this faroe whe<e a party may have to be cancelled unless someone can be found to Impersonate Charley's Aunt who Is detayed and cannot chaperone two young ladles. ( 1 hr., 30 rnlnJ_ 9:46CZ) MOVtE "The BloeS Brothef&" (1980. Musi- cal) John Belushi, Den Aykroyd. Two blues sinQen; muar contend with the Chicago police, lhe CIA. Neo-Nazls and the U.S. Army to put together a ben· eflt concert to raise money fOf their parish. 'R' (2 hrs • 13 min.) 10:008 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Gonzo and Trapper learn that a bnluant staff eurgeon may alto be a Ku Klux Klan leadef. (A) ( t hr.) l ••NEWS MAVERtCK EXCHANGE ''Threat To The Rain FOfest" The ngers of the ongoing destruction of lhe world's troplcal rain foretta to ttle workfs weather. food &upply and p:ant and anlmal resourcet are explored. Q_(thr.) · •MA lTERS OF LIFE ANO DEA TH 00 MOVIE "Haro Country" (1981. Otama) Jan- Mlchael Vlnoont. Kim Blsmger. A Ttxa.s tactOry WOfker ls tOfn betweoo NI desire to continue In the "good old boy'' Hfestyle and his fiancee's show butlnoU ambitions 'PG' (1 ht .. "5 min,) Cl) MOVIE "Th Postman Always Alngs Twtce" ( 1981. Orama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her I0'4f P'OI to murder her hus- band 'A' (1hr.37 mtn) 10:0647) MOVIE "Jivaro" (19S., Adventure) Fernan- do Lamas. Rhonda Fleming Three men end a WOM9 an ventUt• deep Into the l'INrt Of the headhunter region In search of gold ont (2 hra.) 10:308 e 8UNOA\' lV FVNNES A Mtles of -Ag· nettet are praeented In comic bOOI< style. Conrad 8"" hoat•. ll.JSlll(f FM.WELL JMIV SWAGGART LON> MOUNTBA Tl8t A MAH FOA THE CEN- "Aoad To ....-y·• Thi~~• Brit· llh-AnWtcllP COllll160n and IN ... Ind fr1U1T1...- 1 Swxlay (continued) • E\JBIEI A splflted trlt>ute to the genius of com- poser Eubie Blake. featuring 24 of his best songs Including "In Honeysuckle Tlme"...and "I'm Just Wild _ Abou~~r~·~-Uv_.30mln.) 11:00,~v·NEWS I ALL GOO'S CHILDREN Miiiions of the wond's children rtve In a delicate belanoe between life and death, hopeanddespair. (1 hr.) QI NAf'Ot:EON & LOVE "Pauline" Napoleon la In Egypt when he learns of Josephine's Infidelity. divofce uppermost In his mind. he seeks consolation with Pauline. ( 1 ht.) • SNeAK PREVIEWS RogW Ebert and Gene SISk-et review "Swamp.rhlng" and "DeaUl.Wlsh II." (R) CC> MOVIE "The Soft Skin" ( 1964. Orama) Fran- coise Dorteac. Jean Desallly. A middle-class busi- nessman's marriage collapses when he becomes -1nvotved In a fateful liaison with an alrf ne steward-ess. (2 hrs.) (!) ALL-ST AA SPORTS CHALLENGE Boston Cel- tics Of The t970's vs. Oakland A's Of The 1970's CD MOVIE "The Story Of O" (1975, Drama) Cor- inne Clery, Udo Kief A young woman tests the limits of love as she allows herself to be dominated by the man she loves. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Happy BlnhCfay To Me" ( 1980, Hor· ror) Melissa Soe Anderson, Glenn Ford. As murdef beg.Ins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends. a prep school senlor worries that she may be the next vk:tlm -or possibly the killer 'A' ( 1 hr .. 48 mini 11:15 CBS NEWS 11:30 SPORTS ANAL 1700ClU8 ABC NEWS MOVIE "Someone At The Top Of The Stairs" ( 1973. Horror) Donna Mills, Judy Carne. Two young women rent a room at a forbidding Victorian mansion and discover that their fellow tenants are not ~t~l!lr to be. (2 hr&.) i MOVIE "The Proud And The Damned" (1972. Adventure) Chuck Connors. Jose Greco. Five AmeOc:ana consent out of fear to fight fOf' a Latin American dictator. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Hoepital" ~ 1972. Comedy) Geo<ge C. Scott, Oia.n. ~lgg. A dislllusloned doctor on the v«ge of divorce Is saved from IUiclde by a PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS FR EE -OFFICE VISITI FR EE. --EXAMINATIONI FREE -CLEANING & X-RAYI Our Special Year/ y Rates For Dental ervice T nclude: urgeryt Orthodontics and Optometry Benefits. lndlvldu•I ............ $46 Y••r Couple ............... $71 r••r F•mlly ............... $96 r••r i>ncept 36 Dental Plans (714) 545-7370 i ng woman. (2 hrs.) TALES Of TkE UNEXPECTED THE RAST CHUACHILLS "Aeconcltiatlon" Rec· ognlzing Churchill as the man to defeat the French. Wlllam affects a reconciliation. William's death makes Anne queen. (1 hr.) • MOVIE "Advice To The Lovelorn" (1981, Com· edy) Cloris Leachman, Desi Arnaz Jr. A newspaper columnist who diSpenses a<Mce on just about any· thing and everything runs Into problems In her own fife. (R) (2 hrs.) (I) SPORTS CENTER 11:468 THE AOCKFORO FILES D MOVIE "AdvlCe To The Lovelorn" (1981, Com- edy) Cloris Leachman. Desi Arnaz Jr A newspaper columnist who dispef'lses advice on JUS1 a~t any- Tube 1<>pper S tar Crazy Channel 7 -6:30 thing and everything runs Into problems In her own life. (R) (2 hta.) 8 MOVIE "Shadow In The Streets" ( 1975, Ora· ma) Tony Lo Bianco. Sheree North. A parolee a~ts a job as a parole agent. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ® MOVI~ "The Hollywood KolQllts" ( 1980. Come- dy) Robert Wuhl. Tony Danza.~ Halloween eve In 1965, a rowdy high &ehoof gang wreaks havoc In Beverly Hiiis to avenge the clo6ing of their hangout by the local home owners association. 'A' ( 1 ht .. 39 mlnJ_ 12:00(!) MOVIE "The Ride To Hangman's Tree" (1967. Western) Jack LOfd, James Farentlno. The. Infamous "Baack Bandtt" ncapes being hanged and becomes the 8COUfQ8 of the West. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Lawtels Nineties" ( 1936, Weet- em) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes. A federal agent goes undercover In a amaM Western town to nab a gang of outlaws who have been terroriZlng the terri- tQrY. ( 1 hr.) ~saGHA lURE Guest: J9cqtJe8 O' Amboise. MOVIE "The Last Married In America" 980, Comedy) George Segal~alle Wood. A happily married coupte begin to wonder how happily • Leasing ASK AIOUT VALET LIASI ou• . Pl.AM ' 900 So. Coost Hwy., Laguna a.ace. 494-1 131 .. 546·996 7 Hew.:~. 9·1, s.t. t~I, S... IM Aprll Special 203 OFF married they really are after seeing all of their friends' marriages end up In the dlvoroe court. 'R' -o t1 hr., 43 min.) ~-- • MOVIE "Together?" (Romance) Jaoqueine Bisset, Maximilian Sdletl. A young woman tries to _,. pursue a career despite the chatMnltt attitudes of ~ her live-In lover. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) o C2) MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981. Drama) Jao-~ Michael Vincent. KJm Basl.nger. A Texas factory ~ WOfker Is tom between his desire to confioue In the S: "good old boy" lifestyle and his flancee's show • business ambitions. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) ~ 12:05 «ZI MOVIE "Maracaibo" ( 1958. Actventure) > Cornet Wilde, Jean Wallace. When e firefighting ~ expert is called In to.quell en oil blaze in Venezuela, he discovers lhat his old girlfriend Is engaged to the ~ owner of the property. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 12:30ta CHARLEY'S AUNT Eric Sykes, Alun Lewis <0 and Judi Maynard star In this farce where e party Cl> may have to be cancelled unless someone can be "' found to impersonate Charley'• Aunt who Is delayed and cannot chaperone two young ladies. ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) (!) GOLF "USF & G ClaSSlc" from New O<leans. Louisiana. (Anal Round) (2 hrs.) 12:46 8 NAME Of THE GAME 1:00(C) MOVIE "Allmore" (1972) Documentary. The Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Me8aengef Service. Jefferson Airplane. Hot Tuna and Santana perlorm one last time In a farewell conoert to AUmore West. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CD MOVIE "Shoot The Sun Down" ( 1980. West- ern) Christopher Walken, Margot Kidder. In 1836. four disparate misfits use an old map to search for burled gold. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 42 min.) 1:20® MOVIE "Used Cars" ( 1980, Comedy) Kurt Russell. Jack Warden. AftM the OW"8f of a bankrupt car shop dies. his employees try to cover up his demise to prevent his wealthy car dealer brother from Inheriting the business. 'R (1 hr .. 53 min.) 1:30<1) ABC NEWS I ~thawks" (1981. Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Biiiy 0ee Wiiiiams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his city. 'R' D hr .• 39 min.) 1 :46 e AT ONE Guest: Beau 8'tdges. ( 1 hf.) Cl) MOVIE "Up In Smol<e" (1918. Comedy) Cheectl and Chong, Edie Adams. Two drifters embark on a crOM-COUOtry trip, frustrating the law ' ··---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Sunday (conti nued) 'Wa lli:-ies' lady · -- ~ and meetl~ an odd aaeortment of characters along • theway.'R (1hr.,27mln.) k h d ~ CZ) MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary'' ( 1978, Mys-n 0 W S er ogs :C tery) Honor Blaci<man, Michael Gallen. Heirs battle Q. for a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased < mllllonalre. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) i-2:001RAT PATROL .g 2:06 NEWS -c 2:16 NEWS u.. 2:30 TODAYS RELIGION · i MORNING STRETCH .9 rrs YOUR BUSINESS AOAO ~nt Cjty 10 Km Classic" ~ 2:46 8 NEWS · CC) MOVIE "The Private Eyes" (1980, Comedy) ~ Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bumbling American 0: detectives are called In to Investigate a series of murders In an English castle. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 3:00 8 NEWSMAKERS i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match 14) _{ 1 hr.) 3:15(8) MQVIE .. KIU Aod KJll Again" (1981. Adve,... ture) James Ryan, Annellne Ktlel. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist Intent on enslaving mankind with a new mlnO-Con- trol drug. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Island Of 1000 Detights"On a lush trop- ical Island, beautiful women are sold into slavery. 'R' (1 hr .. 20 min.) 3:25 (%) MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd" (1967, Orama) Julie Chrls1ie, Terence Stamp. A wlllful young farm girt betters herself. but· destroys three men In the process. (2 hrs., SO min.) 3:30 8 INTERFACE e MOVIE "Tess" (1979, Orama) Nastassla Klnski, Peter Arth. The daughter of a poof English farmer becomes the victim of her family's aspirations and her own beauty. 'R' (2 hrs., 50 min.) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER ':05@ FUNTIME 4:20(C) MOVIE "e>n.Trlck Pony" (1980, Orama) Paul Simon, Blair Brown. A once-popular perf0<mer Is pressured by everyone around him to drop his style of music and write songs that can bring him back to the top 40. 'A' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 4:30 Cf) JIM BAKKER ':46(1) MOVIE "Texas lightning" (1981, Orama) Channing Mitchell, Maureen McCormick. A boy's weekend hontlng trip with his father turns Into an lnltJatlon Into manhood. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Douglas to play judge HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Michael DouglM will play a California Superior C.ourt Judae ln the aua- peme movie "Star Chamber'' for 20th 'Century-Fox. Peter Hyams wW direct the movie, which be wrote frun a story by Rod Taylor. He is-the-writer' and ~ of "Outland" and ''Capricorn One.'' By BOB THOMAS AModeled ........... ·HOLLYWOOD (AP) -That "Wal.kies" lady was in town recently. ' If you own a dog, or know eomeone who owns a dog, you probably know who she is: Barbara Woodhouse, whose BBC-PBS TV show, ''Training Dogs the Woodhowie. Way,'' has convinced millions of BrltiBh and Americans that they can master their dogs after all. ' Mrs. Woodhouse was here on a national tour. Her mission is not to persuade dogs, but to convince their owners they should buy her book, "No Bad Dogs, The Woodhouse Way" SurnmJt Boob, $12.50. Stre has been successful with the human species., the book resting comfortably on the bestseller list. A celebrity at 72, she seems to enjoy what she is doinf . Remarkably, so does her husband, Dr. Mi- chae Woodhouse, a retired physician who accom· pa.nies her on her travels. "I enjoy what I do, even the television talk shows," she remarked . "Sometimes they try to make you look funny, and I watch out for that. "Recently I was on the air with Studs Terkel in Chicago, and he tried to make me angry by saying he was on record as hating dogs. I refused to take him seriously, and by the end of the program we were on the same wave length. That's the way it should be with those sh owa: w e're ther e to entertain." That'• the way it is with ''Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way.'' Suggest a dog-training show to a network executive and you'd be stuffed in a paper shredder. Yet Mrs. Woodhouse'& show provides more laugha than a week of sitcoms. Not to mention intelligence. Firm but understanding with dogs. Mrs. Woodhouse is less patient with their owners, and her curt comments provide much of the amuaement of the TV ahow. Her trilled command, "Walkies!" has become a byword here and 1n Britain; she hears it from fans wherever ahe goes. The command means the dogs should hurry up. Daughter of an English clergyman, she deve- loped her knack with aoga at an early age. Her mother boarded doga, and Barbara could quiet their barking merely by talking to them in a quiet voice. She also learned she couia control hones, cows and other anima1S. But not cata -"they become your master, not vice versa." Mra. Woodhouae trained doge u her three children were growing up, became more active when they left home. At one time she ran a wee- kend hotel for 32 clop and their owners -"one man arrived with nine dogal" She has made the James L. Zimmerman Certified Pubtlc Accountant Full range of personalized professronat services for small buslnesse'i & Individuals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION a PLANNING • SYSTEMS DESIGN a INI TAUATION • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL M PORTING 645-421 2 IMPORTANT CARS DETAILS UNLIMl1 t!D (1H) 9fl0·"94 DOG'S BEST FRIEND -Barbara Wood- house, whose PBS show, ''Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way," has convinced millions of British and American viewers they can master their dogs after all. Guinn~ Book of Records for the number she has trained: 17,000. Among her observations: "Dogs love laughter, a nd they can laugh themselves. I had a toy Manchester that would curl his lip at anything funny. A Great Dane of mine would wrinkle his eyes. "Dogs grow more like their owners,.not vice versa as ls the common usumption. Dogs watch your face to catch your mood. If you are sending out laughter, they feel good. If you are unhappy, they sense that too. "Dop like to do naughty thino, as much as to say, 'Catch me if you can.' They like to aee their owners annoyed." Because of the TV show, Mn. Woodhouse cah't go anywhere in public without having people ask her for advice. That doesn't bother fier, but she admitted: "Every dog owner believes his problem ls unique. Actually all problems are pretty much the same.'' The public recognition can be helpful. as when she was going through passport control at London airport. The lnapector said: ''Oh, here's the dog lady. No need to aee your puaport. Wallcie.!" llEWPORT IATSU# W11ta To 81 Your 1# 1 D1bu1 D11l1r In lr1111 CountJ! S11 Us 1 ot11r ••• W1 lr1 Dfflri11 F11t11tio· , llril l1llM•I • • Monday \I< >l C\ I '\( I \I< )\ I LS 4:56 (8) "The Hollywood -K~ts" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert WUhl. Tony Danza. 8:06(1l) "Bringing Up Baby" (1938, Comedy) Katharine Hepbum. Cary Grant. 8: 16 CC) "Seclet Valley" Cl) "The Blues Brothers" ( 1980, Musical) John Belushi, Dan Ayt<royd. 7:30a:l "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boys" ( 1979, Adventure) Monte Marl(ham. OD "The Ordeal Of Patty Hearst" ( 1979, Orama) Dennis Weaver, Lisa Eltbacher. Cl) "The, Shogun Warrlor9: Oanguard Ace" ( 1981, Fantasy) Animated. e "Ruckus" ( 1980, Orama) Dirk Benedict, Linda Blair. 8:05 ttll "I Dream 01 Jeannie" ( 1951, Biography) Ray Middleton. Lynn Bari. 8:30 Cl) "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mystety) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. 9:00(C) "Cotton Candy" (1978, Comedy) Clint Howard. Charles Ma11in Smith. 9:30• "The Lonely TraU" (1936, Western) John Wafile, Ann Rutherford. 10:00(h) "1941 " (1979. Comedy) John Belushi, T oshlro Mitune. (I) "The Gazebo" (1960, Comedy) Glenn Ford. Debbie Reynolds. 10:05al) "Jamaica Run" (1953. Mystery) Rey Mii- iand. Arlene Dahl. 10:16(1) "Hard Country" (1981. Orama) Jan-Michael Vincent. Kim Basinger. 11:00(C) "Jules And Jim" (1961. Romance) Jeanne Moreau. Oskar Werner. 11:46 (I) "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. .\l··ll.IC\< >< >'\ \I< >\'IL" 12:00G "BeUe Statr's Daughter" ( 1948, Western) Rod Cameron. George Montgomery. e "The Lady VanlShes" (1938, Mystecy) Marga- ret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave. e "Mysteries Of The Pacific" ( 1979) Documents- & "A Force of One" (1979, Orama) Chuck Norris. Jennifer O'Neill. 12:30® "The Earthling" (1980, Adventure) Wiiiiam Holden. Ricky Schroder. • "A Nightingale Sano In Berkeley Square" (1979. Comedy) Rlcnard Jordan. David Niven. 1 :00 (!) ''The F'ty" ( 1958. Science-Action) Vincent Price. Oevld Hedlson. CC) "CattJe Annie And Little Britches'' (1981, Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Rod Steiger. 1:46(»"The Cat And The Canary'' (1939. Come- dy) Bob Hope, Paute"e Goddard. ~OOCD "The Jazz Singer'' (1980, Mu86cal) Nell Dia- mond, Laurence Olivlef. 2:30(1) "The NI.Ide Bomb" (1980, Comedy) Don Adams. $yMa Kristel. 3:00. "I Was A Male War Bride" (1~9. Comedy) Cary Grant, Ann Sher1dan. CC> "Secret Valley" Cl) "The Blues Brothers" (1980. Musical) John Betushi. Dan Aykroyd. 3:30• "Ruckus" (1980, Orama) Dirk Benedict. Linda Blalr. 4:00(1) ''The Shogun Warriors.: O.nguatd Ace" (1981, Fantasy) Animated. 4:80(C) "The Learning Tree" (1969. Orama) Kyle Johneon. Alex Clafkt. ) 6:00® "Manaanlme'' (1980, Orama) Mawuyul YattWnuy, Anna Ralph. 6:051!) "Roman Hdldey" (1953, Romance) Grego- ry Peck. AA.t<Jrey Hepburn. 6:15CZ> "Hald Country'' (1981. Orama) Jan-Mlcheel Virant. Kim Ballngl(. a:.acm ''Chlpt« Two" (1979, COmedy) Jamee CMn, ... MMon. I \ I ... I "'-( . SHAKESPEARE CELEBRATION -Tony Award-winner Ian McKellen stars in the highly-acclaimed, one-man show "Ian McKellen Acting Shakespeare" which airs Monday at 7:30 p.m. on KOCE (Ch. 50) at 8 p.m . on KCET (Ch. 28). Cl) WCf TENNt8 "$300.000 OaKa Toumameot Anals" (3 hrs.) • MOVIE "ffolkn" ( 1980, Adventure) Roger Moore, James Mason. A depper. woman-hating frogman Is caJled In to thwart the pi.ns of extortloo- lsts who have hijacked a supply ship and Me threet- enfng to destroy two North ·s.e olt rigs. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39mln.l 8:30(1). NEWS l~~~ILY -=BEAT: CAUFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL • 8U8INES8 REPORT CC) MOVIE "Shame, Shame On The Bixby Boys" (1979, Adventure) Monte Markham. A four-brother family of ca"le rustler's and their father chalenge the IOoal deputy to a genuine lhootout at the old corral. 'PG' (1 hr .. 27 min.) OD WHAT ON EAATH Orlon Bean hosts this fast-~. fact-filled IClence series, 7:100!c~e: AG~N A8CNEW8 P.M. MAGAZINE A vtslt to "Btlty Bob's Ttir.at,' .. largeat honky-tonk In tht WOftd; a fashion detlgner who speclallz• In MXY women'• liWfmWMI, I KOJAK WIDE WOALO OF ENTERTAINMENT Top ent«- tainer. from around the wortd .,. feltured tn tNa wrletv tpeClel hotted by Gent Kety. ( 1 tv.) I M'A·e·H · JOKER'S WU> c.A&+J£r: EILEEN FAWll nw opera star et t pleno ~ IOf1gl from tht clalllca to tht blMI. I OVER EAIY Gullt: Blly Dlnle9. (R) Q THEMUPPETI MAGIC '1F OI. PAINT'WQ MOVIE ''Gigi" (1868, Mu*el) w..a~ !If. Lelle c.on. A tombOy b9lng CP'OOfMd by. htf *'"' end pMtnothlr Mtt out on tw own IO cmch lb~~=-,4J•lllO. Drw) Clll-· eon, Dlm'9 ...... A turnl IO *lf*ll'O IO_..,. .. unt}lpplr\9I of ................... . ..... 'PG' ,, ......... , ..... Cilr",... ...... ·-····--.... " , ... , .......... • • . - 19 7:30e 2 OH THE TOWN ~tured! Yl9lt Detect!Ye Keene. whoee epeclllty II locating mlalltlg pereons; .,, visit Saks Afth A'lefMJ8-In Bever1y Httts; a look at the S: 1txuallty end dlNbillty project of Ptanned Parent- - hood. ~ I BOOY WORKS "The Nervous System" < LAVERNE & 8HtRLEY & COMPANY r EYE ON LA. Featured: a profile of award-win-~ nlng actrea Pia Zadora; a report on the exciting adventur• of Navy frogmen; a look at unusual snakes. M•A•s•H • I. TIC lAC DOUGtt 8eGNA T\JRE Guest: John Etllchman. (Part 1) MACNEIL / LSiRER REPORT FAMJL Y FEUD ~ GREAT PERFORMANCES Claudio Abbado coo-• ducts the Vlenna Pttlfhatmonlc In Brahms' Piano - Concer1o No. 2 In 8-Aat Major with tololst Maur1zio ~ Polllnl. ( 1 hr.) I\> 7:35 (1l) t4EW8 . 8:00 8 (I) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Judy bluffs Capt. Lewis and Col. Fielding Into taking a weekend semi.- nar for career soldiers on preparing for retirement. 8 . MOVIE "Side By Side: The True Story Of The Osmond Family" (Premiere, Orama) Marie Osmond. ~h Bottoms. George and Ollve Osmond st to overcome handJcaps and pro- vide for t children. WhO eventually become famous entertainers. (2 hrs.) e MO\llE "Boxcar Bertha" (1972. Orama) Barba- ra HersheY. David Carradine. During the Depression, three men and a g%1 on a crime spree lnvoMng train robbery. kldna ng and prostitution. (2 hrs.) • 9 TOOAV',S I Ben Slater's latest case Includes en unusual murder and the tapping of a gasotlne pipeline. (1 hr.) G MOVfE "A Taste Of Honey" ( 1962. Orama) Dora Bryan. Alta Tushlngham. After a young. sensi- tive British girl has • affalr with a black sallor. she struggles to accept the fact that she Is pregnant. (2 hrs.) • P.M. MAGAZJNE A fdshlon designer who speci- alizes In sexy women's swimwear; a one-room 8Choolhou9e on an ISiand off Maine's coast. • MOVIE "Seven Days In May" ( 196-4. Suspense) Burt Lancaster. Kirk Douglas. A top-ranking U.S. general plots a mllltary coup In opposition to the president's _propoeed disarmament agreement with the Soviet Union. (2 hrs.) 8 MIXED BAG: INStOE. OUTSIDE The problems of Independent fllmmekers Is the topic In the flrst of a ~rt Mrles on making Nms In a cloeed market. e GREAT PERFORMANCES Claudlo Abbado oon- duots the Vienna Philharmonic In Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 2 In 8-Aat Majof with IOlolst Maurizk> Poltlnl. (1 hr.) · CC) MOVIE "Cattle AMle And Little Britches'' (1981, Advent\Ke) Burt Lancaster, Rod Steiger. 1wo young orphana team up with a gang of bandits led by an .,...ble OU11aw. 'PG' (2 hrs.) Cl) LOLA FAL.AHA: THE ARST LADY OF LAS VEGAS Lola Falana O«forma "I Wiii Survive." "love Tht One You're With" and "Who Wll Buy?" In a conc.rt per1ormance from the Aladdin Hotel In Lu Veges. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE '10ut Of SeMon" (1975, Orama) Oltf RobertlOO, Vane.a ~aw. Old problefnl relUt- f.ce when former lowira meet egaln at en otf-eeuon M8lide teeart. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) . Cl) MOYIE "The Cel And The Canary" (1939, Comedy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. In order to collect their Inheritance. • flmlty must spend tht nldlt In a htUnted houle. (1 hr., 14 min.) 8:30 e REPORT TO MURPHY Murphy gets a note from a ~Olea beefing a death threat. AU. If THE FAMILY 1 ~1:1DE TINY AlVOLUTlONB A drama beMd on tht true etory of a Cz9chollevekJen profeelor who wea jilted whtn he 1tt9mpted to pubWI hll coltctlon of pollti-- Cll Jok•~·i ~min.) elAN ACTINQ8HAKE8PEAAETony AWllld wlnntf len Mct<elln ncee hll lrwotwrMnt wtth Shakaapelte, portrays many of tht Bard'• grMt ohtrectn n oonm.lnlclt• hll tndUrlna lcM end tntttuaielm fOf tht pleys end po.try. Q (f aa;, hr., At(:~ THE FAMILY aoo (I) u•A•e•H Tht .C077th 11 vtctlmad by a who ta ...-ng .-ytNng from ~ to ...., to ..... end 8.J.'t ,.,.. --.. (Plrt l~ ~ "'The ~· (19IO, Honor) 0.-. Aldn. ....,, 8Mtner. A cMrnq ....................... =··ghmem-..... lnd~-· 2 ) ....... .... '"'· ••i:ft• ~ -·~ llf ~ l t, .. / I to ~ Monday (continued) ~ (I) SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "Wlllle & Phll" ( 1980, Comedy) ~ Michael Ontkeen. Margot Kidder. Three people -begin a triangular romance In Greenwich V~laoe that i contlnuel throughout the merc01lal social mlieu of < the •70s., 'R' ( 1 hr .• 56 m n.) CD MOV1E "Days Of Wine And Roses" ( 1963, Ora- ma) Jack LerMlOO, Lee Remick. A businessman and his wife become alooholics. but ooty the tM,,... band Is able 10 find rehabiUtatlon. ( t hr .. 55 min.) cm M0VtE "The Mirror Crack'd" (1980. Myslety) 81zabeth Taylor. Klm Novak. Based on a story by Agatha Christie. A strange murder Involving rival Hollywood stars rakes place In an English VIiiage. 'PG' ( t hr .. 46 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Cheech And Chong's Next Movie" (1980, Comedy) Richard "Cheech" Marin. Themas Chong. Two potheads have numerous small adven· tures while roaming the streets of Los Angeles in search of the "perfect high." 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) 9:05 al) MOVIE "HarlOw" ( 1965, BK>graphy) Carroll Baker, Martin Balsam. A Hollywood starlet becomes disillusioned and turns to a life of alcohol. (2 hrs .. 15 mln.J 9:309 Cl) MAKING THE GRADE The usually easy- going Harry becomes tired. short-tempefed and for- ~tful. Cf) MOVIE "Blood And Black Lace" ( 1965. Mr.r lety) Cameron Mitchell, Eva Bartok. An addict Is suspected In the death of his gillfrlend who had been stealing drugs for hlm. ( 1 hr .• 30 mm.) (I) ESPN SProA1. "1982 NFL Draft Preview" ( 1 hr.) ct MOVIE "Brubaker" ( 1980, Drama) Robert Red· ford. Vaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden uncov- ers wldesp<ead eo<ruptoo when he enters his newly ~ned prison posing as an lnplte. 'R' (2 hrs., t 0 (%) MOV1E "The Cat And The Canfry" ( 1978. Mys-- tery) Hooor Blacicman, Michael Gallen. Heirs battle for a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased millionaire. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 10:00 9 Cl) LOO GRANT Charlie sets up a controver· slat tip hotline for the Trlb, and Lou gets picked up for drunk drMng. (A) ( 1 hr.) e • OEBB't' BOONE... ONE STEP CLOSER James Coco, Dionne Warwick and the cut of the musical "Seven Brides Fot Seven Brothers" are fea- tured In a perlormanoe from Detroit. (1 ht.) I ~J'~~~EN FAAREll This opera star at the piano sings songs from the classics to the blues. • PAPER CHASE "Moot Court" A b'ack stUden1. k'ltent on winning the moot cour1 competition, drives hls poor partne< to open rebeQlon. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" (1980, Suspense) OOn Scardino, Caitrin O'Heaney. A psy· chotlc murdertlf •talks allractive young bfides.to- be, &llently and lethally llashing the# dreams of wedded blla9. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30.NEWS I StGNATURE Guest John Ertichman. (Part 1) CARTHAGE EH Wallach narrares a report on the discoveries made by scientists who have studied the 1ube T<>pper Today's FBI Channel 7 -8 p.m. _ ... c:-. greatest empire In the Mediterranean from Its found- ~ to Its total devastat.lon. (I) SW1MMING "National Short Course Champlon- aNp Rela .. ( 1 "hrj . 11:ooe e e Cl)a•News I SATURDAY NIGtff YOO ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNYHtlL MOCED BAG: INSIDE. OVTSIOE The problems of Independent filmmakers Is the topic In the fltst of a two-part series on making films In a clo6ed market. I DICK CAVETT NUMERO UNO AustraHa's Murray Rose. the youngest triple gofd medalist In the history of the Qlympic games. ls profiled. CID TABLE SETTINGS Robert Klein. Bleen Heckart, Stoekard Channing and Dinah Manotf star Jn this series of vlgneltes about family Ille, set around din- ner tables. Taped at the Brooklyn Cent8f' for Per- forming Arts. Brooklyn College. i 1 hr., 30 min.) meets In his work. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) cm SPECTACULAR EVENING IN CANADA (I) MOVIE "The Nude Bomb" (1980, Comedy) Don Adams. Sylvia Kristel. Sectet agent Maxwell Smart faces his 4TIOSt dangerous adversary In an archvillaln who plant to launch mlssites that will dis- robe the entire human populet1on. 'PG' ( 1 hf., 35 11:~cb MOVIE "Goodbye, Emmanoelle" (1977, Orama) SyMa Kristel. Umberto Orsini. A beautrtul woman's search for the ultlmate erotic expeflence bri~ her to a startling realizatlon 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min. 11:20 MOVIE "The Vulture" ( 1967. Fantasy) Rob- ert Hulton. Akim Tamiroff An atomic sc1ent1s1 bat· ties a m~terlous bird-man creature. (2 hrs ) 1 f:30 IJ Cl) QUINCY A small Industrial city opposes the efforts of its new medical examiner. (I hr .. 10 mlnl D Q) THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Bert Convy. Jean Marsh, Erma Bombeck. Manhattan Transfer I) _JI hr.) (II ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON TINY REVOLUTIONS A drama based on the true story of a CzechOSlavaklan professor who was jailed When he attempted 10 publish his collection of polttl- cal jokes. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • NEWSBEA T: CALIF'ORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ID CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ~ MOV1E "Jules And Jim" (1961, Romance) Jeanne Moreau. Oskar Werner. In pre-World War II France, a carefree young woman loves two men who are close lriends and refuses to give up either one. ( t hr .. 45 min) (I) SPORTS CENTER 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Pat Boone. 8 9 MOVIE "The Death Of Ocean View Par1<" ( 1979, Horrot) Mike Connors. Diana Canova An unnaturally powerful hurricane turns 8 holiday weet<- end at a seaside amueement patk into a nightmare. (A) (2 hrs., 15 min.) (!) MOV1E "Cottage To Let" (1941. Mystery) Ala- stair Sim, John Mills. A British scientist ls abducted ~a group of Nazis. (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Garden Of Beauty·• ( 1974, Fantasy) Yves Marie Maurin, Aorenoe Cayrol. A bank clerk Imagines romantic fantasies about the women he ----------------------------~ • MOVIE "Ruby Gentry" ( 1952. Orama) Jennifer Jones. Charlton Heston. A Southern girl from the wrong side of the tracks marries a wealthy business- Larry Stewart-"l lost 3 11 • inches ort my wai11t in only 8 tretHm cnta." Heather McNair-'1Thi1 it the only nll·tWtr t f(tclive cel- lulit inch lc>1 proeram that. workt"d for me." 0 The European Way to Classic Beauty There is a world here in Co- rona del Mar where your fon· de. l d reams can come true, a place where you can become the person you have always wanted to be. No need for far away pas or health resorts. Decause there is ULTRA· SLIM, a place .totally diCferent from any other slimming studio anywhere, with its spaciousneas & serenity aophiaticat.ed equipment & akilled profea- sional staff. ULTRASLI M is dedicated to the we ll -being or lt.8 client.8, providing the latest & most miraculous treatment for cellulite control and slim- ming under the supervision of experts. ULTRASLIM owners & founders JILL & ALLEN NI· CHOLSON, spent year. resear- c hing and perfect ing t h eir unique tech niques fo r body contouring. "But, more t han that.'' they say, "we have looked for natural ways to bring out the innate beauty in every woman. In our atudios we have in s talled equipment unavai lable any· where else in the United States so that we can off er the beat of rejuvenation & beautifying treatment for those men & wo- men who really care about themselves." "To do that we include cel- lutronics & nutritional guide· lines to break down cellulite - that annoying m ixture of fat, toxins. fiuids and wastes that tlCCl}mulate in the layers of• connective t.iHue between th muscles and skin .'' Cellulite ia a malady t.hlt has plagued females for ages, and has been sometimes miscon· strued as omething the indi- vidual is unable to get rid or. "At ULTRASLIM it can be controlled & eliminated," Jill continued. "Our total concept. program combining nutrition, lifestyle guidance & UL..,,RA - SLIM electronic machine. pro- du<'es astonishing reaults." Allen Nicholson states that he has been pleased with t.he wide acceptance o f the UL TRASLIM program by men. "While not bothered aa much by cellulite -men aeem to •P· preciate the muscle tone & inch 1088 that our program provides -quickly & eff ortleMly. •1 - Gary Russell, Manager of ULT RA LIM o f Corona del Mo r. invites you to vis it our atud io fo r a free nutritional consultation. , (7 14) 67G-2711 LIM 8810 E. Coa•t Hi1hway, Corona del Mar Monday (continued) man 10 spite the soclally prominent man who _i weD..her. ( ~ LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERtCA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE ''Nighthawks" (1981, Drama) Sylvester S1allone, Billy 0ee Willlams. A tough New York City oop has his wont cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his city. 'R' (1 hr., 39 min.) 9 MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Benleley Square" (1979. Comedy) Richard J0tdan. David Niven. The night watchman at a Brltlsh Bank Is tem~ed 10 return to a Ille of cnme. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 12:308. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: "Mr. 8111" creator Walter Williams, Belly Thomas. Bonnie Raitt. (l hr.) I COUPLES MOVIE "I Was A Male War Bride" ( 1949, Com- edy) Cary Grant. AM Sheridan. A Frenchman mar- ried to a WAC attempts to gain entry to the U.S. at the same time as a group of war brides. (2 hrs.) I NEWS ' PEOPLE ANO OAGANIZA TION8 WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Dallas Tournament Finals" (3 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Up The Academy" (1980, Comedy) Ron Leibman, Barbare Bach. The war-obsessed c&nmandant of Weinberg Miiitary Academy Is no match for the troublesome t><ata eruolled there. '11' i! hr .. 29 min.) (lJ MOVIE "Breaking Glass" ( 1980, Orama) Hazel O'Connor, Phll Danlets. A Brltl9h punk pop star's llfestyle ultimately leads to tragedy. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) (I) MOVIE "Winle & Phll" ( 1980, Comedy) Michael Ontkean, Margot Kidder. Three people begin a triangular romance in Greenwich Village that continues throughout the mercurial soclal milieu of the '70s. 'R' (1 hr .. 56 min.) 12:40 B (I) COLUMBO A woman assumes leadership of the famnr· COfporatlon her brother has run since the death o their father (A) ( 1 hr • 35 min ) 1:00 e GENE AUTRY - ., MOVIE "The Dirty Game" ( 1966, Adventure) Henry Fonda. Robert Ryan. An American spy chief recalls three of the most daring explolta In his career. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) QI CABARET: BLEEN FARRELL This opera star at the piano sl~ songs from the classics to the blues. (%) MOVIE 'A Force Of One" (1979, Orama) Chuck Norris, Jennifer O'Neill. A master of the mar· tial arts embarks on a revenge-motivated search for the kllle<s of his adopted son. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 1:15(C) MOVIE "Cotton Candy" (1 978. Comedy) Clint Howard, Char1es Martin Smith. A group of high school misfits form a rock band to compete with the school's established band. (1 hr., 45 min.) 1:20lfl) MOVIE "Beach Ball" (1965, Musical) Edd Byrnes, Chris Noel. Faoed with repossession of their Instruments, members of a college fTll,JSlcal group pose as girls to Win the necessary money in a band contest. (1 hr., 40 min.) 1:308.NEWS I <JENE AUTRY SPEAK OUT 2:00® MOVIE "Caddysha()t(" ( 1980, Comedy) Bill ( Murray. Rodney Dangerfield. The demented gr~·keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers Inhabiting his turf. 'A' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:1588NEWS 2:30(!) MORNING STRETCH Cl) MOVIE "Mountain Men" ( 1980. Adventure) Charlton Heston. 8r1an Keith. Two fur trappers enjoy the freedom of the wlldef'ness In the las1 few years before the encroachment of clvillzatlon. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 2:46(%) MOVIE ''The Blues Brothers" (1980. Musi- cal) John Betuthl. Dan Aykroyd. Two blues singere must contend with the Chicago police, the CIA. Neo-Nazls and the U.S. Army to put together a ben- efit concert to raise money for their pariah. 'A' (2 hrs.. 13 min.) 2:508 MOVIE "The Long Way Home" ( 1975. Western) Glenn Ford. David Carradine. A young man meets and beoome6 friends with a couple of OU11aws. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN lfl)NEWS (C) MOVIE "Cattle Annie And little Britches'' (1981, Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Rod S1elger. lwo young orphans team up with 1 gang of bandits ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCREASING? Our .nefWY men ... lfteftt ,,...,... can rectuc. your ~ ooetsl Cell ua t~r FREE Information Heetlng and Alf Condllonfng StMcld•t9alnce1111 545-5542 171-8771 ORAN COUNTY Threat Mrs. Oskowitz (Betty Karl e n) and h er daughter (Sarah Dammann) deliver a note from a parole.e be8.ring a death threat to Murphy (Michael Keaton) on "Report to Murphy" o n CBS (Ch . 2) Monday at 8:30 p.m. led by an amiable outlaw 'PG' ( 1 tu .. 40 mln.) CJ MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill. Rossano BrazzJ. In the third per1 of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodlmeot ol the Antichrist, Is oow an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the U.S. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 3:30(!) AU.STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Boston Cella Of The 1970's vs. Oakland A's Of The 1970'8 3:...0(Jj) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. As mur· def begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends. a prep achoo! senior worries that she may be the ne>el victim -or possibly the killer. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 48 ml11.) 4:00 Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART (!)SPORTS CENTER 4:05 lfl) FUNTIME 4:15 (1) MOVIE "Cheech And ~·s Next Movie" (1980, Comedy) Richerd "Cheech' Marin. Thomas Chong. Two potheads have numerous small adven· tures while roaming the streets of Loe Angeles In search of the "peffect high " 'A' ( 1 hr .. 33 mln.) 4:30 Cf) JtM BAKkER 4:...0(C) MOVIE "The Learning Tree" (1969, Orama) Kyte Johnson. Alex Clarke. A black t~ager learns about Hie wtiile IMng In Kansas during the 1920s. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) INFLAMED ARCHES · U you are feetin, Plln ot a burnlna Hnaulon on th• unc:INllde ot 'ifJ4Jr foot, you mey be 1urterln1 from an lnllammadon of the ~W· dlnal arch Thi• condition lhould I» t.NeWd .. llOon .. poulblt l.O 1vo1d the bonf pro1u11on known •• heel 1pur. · Thf' Inflammation i. cau· lil'CJbyw.,ef&Mr~ -an lnJuJ"1 to the feet of 1 W\11.'turll lmbalanot that CM ~ corr.nftd Strett lo thll' foot may C.YM the plantar fatda, (the hbroua U•ue &hit ....... from the .... '° the_, '° ....... wi... med . Leh untreated, the atrl.in of foot muteles may caute U1arnen1a to tear Ind b&Hd. Thia cu ... to ntW ttuue thal celcUln ln\o a bony protuelott In lhe heel .,..., BaUnc )'OW" foot cma ._... brine llll1W NUef. So cma "-1lniH'"I to Mlp .... the 1tn1co•tt beck Into bUlnce. An ulnaaound technique rnay 11'0 M uaed. In •bl• method IOUl'ld wavea •' wry h4lh (l'lqUltftdle -fOC\md on th• lffllcled a,.1, the ~o1 • ..,....,. to~thl~ ,. Or ....... J. s.•• ·..• • . • IJOI A ...... A" .. ~.I. ·~~~--__,.-~ .... Mii~) ...... ~ ; ft i ... ~ i ~ ~ i: u. ~ ..J ~ ~ 0:: t STARRING WPORTBEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Liver llONDAY· 7:00 PM "Newport Now" 7: 30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council co~rage or "Citizens Forum" <alternate ondays > 7: 00 PM "Sound Off" WIDIU8DA1' 7:00 PM "NeWPOrt Now" TllUlt8DAY 7: 00 PM ''A Better Way'' 7:00 PM "Newport Now" Our local programming lineup in· eludes the discussion series -"Sound Off·, our intervi~w show hosted by Mayor Heather -"Citizens Forum, .. and live coverage or Newport Beach City Council meetings. Pltd, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show "Newport Now." · Our focus is on the issues thay are happenin& around.you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. lBFPHCM'IEH NEWPORT IEACH flQA PROGRAM IN'°RMATtQN CALL (7U) 842-8197 'D¥nasty' elbows for top r-tings BY JERBY BUCK • II/IT......._._ LOS ANGELES -Blake Carrlnaton of ''DynMty," a llDOOtb and eophisdcated oil man. la ~ by IC> IDUl>'prWHt' .. iUrrounded by 10 many tymphanD. mlJred by 11> many predatan that the crtAt-laden prime-time ABC 80ap opera la alowly ~ lw way to the top of the rattno. Playfn,1 the role 11 John For1ydie, white· haired. har-:daome and vtrik at K ~actor Jllniles and .. ,.._ .. , never thoucht rd be llat.ening to ~le wax-cJiorfoUI about the ra\inal, but I fJcur-if-you re aolna to be In TV, be In a h1t. BeinC in a flop only givea you heart bum." Fonythe hu known ratinp 1UOOM1 before, but usually u affable, avuncular characten In bland llltcoml In the day. before teJevilton comedy diaco- \-ered iw blte. "We had a bla talk at the ~ of the ae- riel about what Blake Carringion wu, •YI For- IY1he. "I wrote down my thouihll and pve them to the writ.en. We had aome differences of opJ.nlon which have been '90lwd. "One wu over whether he wu a 1elf-made man, • I lnllated. There'• a YMt difference between lnherltlnl money and mak.lni lt, and making lt takes ill toll It maks him more lnterest:ing. He hu the oonfldence of having done it hhmelf. On the minus side, he'• n.athlem and manipulative. So we had a talk about that. · ''I enviaianed h1m aa rouch and domineering In the marketplace. On the other hand. be doesn't lie, he deeply low9 his wife and children and ]le cares about h.ll frienda. lie'• the ckmst thin& ~a mob lont I can fll\.are ouL" Fonythe wanll Su to know, however, that Carrtnaton la no J.R. . He aaya. "The minc1e of 'Dallu' la that Larry gman made that cha- racter attractive. I never wanted to be J.R., and I toJd them that In the ~ 'That'• DC?t my bag. Whenever I play a charicter f alwaYI 1oOk fer the bJacb and the whit.. When you play a vil1a1n ~ look fer the '°°"._, In him. ana when you play comedy you look fcr the dark aide." Al the Judae ln "And Justice tor All," he ln- fu.d b.la chancter with Im own warm penonality aud eooc'·IUY lmqe. Then, when the Judie turned out to be eYO ancf corrupt, lt had IW'prile, impact and beUevabllity. Fonythe bellevee the 1how hu grown and pined more depth lllnce lm debut In January 1981 u the creation of Richard and Esther Shapiro. Ta1Jdnc about bll wife, Krystle. played by Linda Evam, be •YI· "In the flnt year Krystle wu a llmperlJ\I lady. No pll, no fiber. Now~;,;: made her •tn1111W· She can atand up to Joen (who plays b.la ex-wife) er anyone ei.e. "And en my put my chanctm' hM more to lfve the audience to care about. Whim a chancter hM • much to do • I do you can't totaU,y hate him." Fonythe •YI he .... "l>ynUty" u a conti- nutnc navel. In which cbancten came and _IO· Two ~:---~~~ former lover,~. lloberUon u wildcatter Walter Lanbnbbn. who hokll CeniQlton iwpon- llble fol' b.la awn ma119J troubl-. At the bellnn1nl of th• new aeuoa Joan Colllm appeared u the m~ WOIWl and Carrbwtian'• fOrmm-wife. "It 1 11> much cMtt.wlt "D.an writine individual =~ot•anMJ!c:!:.=-~ Any-~ .. a lhalr.edown c:ndle that lhowl ~::.!your 1tren1tha and weaknee1e1 ar,. maracwa pow, wdmel ~ 11· tuaU.:.. in.._ the .......... mare thml otblh. I think -~ ..... ~ .... Ule the oO riC lituadon m••te&t th9 •ldilnce a-than what ...... Gil In the~ IMR.-." What .. bePPlldnl lft the --.. that bll daup• J'aUan (Pamel9 Sue Martin) -pniml- ICUOUI, .... 8~ (Al c.orleJ) .... bornoee-- xual, C..rtactan'• ... ..._ .,,.,. ... lhaky and ~WM cm trtal OD a c.bArl' al llUder ln the dliMb GI hll ... , hw ••u.l loftl'. The I.a --mdecl wsu.. ~ -Who -.... .., ... , 9N .., .... tiow would .... affect c..,...,_ .• tNlf Tbe .,..., ...... IOl a ~ WGltlaul ID dae "'Whit Shot J.llr.' phmamlnon ·="wlllbe .... ~ ... tbe----. -~l!~ •• .--. ~~..:io..-.•· '-.._._.. ~· ..... ;,,.~ • .. • John Forsythe ~ on the stepa of bis mobile-home dreaing room on the set of "Dyna.ty'' In Honywood. He plays wealthy on mB/lllll~ Bl.ake Ourlngton. "We'll have four cllffhanaen and they'll Involve Blake, Krystle, Alexi.a, Fallon and JeU and their baby." Foraythe broke into the movies with . "DeaUnation Tokyo" in UM3. "I had been a boy actor on Btoedway and I w• waitinl to start my cadet tra1n1nc in the AJr C«pl." be •ya. "I Ft this movie oller and it W• auch an exorbitant amount of money -f175 a week -I t'OUldn't remt. So I did lt and then went into the aervtce." While ln 'be aervlc:e, he played in "Winged Victory," and once out be went back to Broadway, where be 1tarred ln 11Teahouae of the Auguat Moon." He wu d.laappomted when Glenn Ford got the role ln the movie venlon ol .. Teahouae,'' but later he took over Henry Fonda'• role In "Mr. Ro. berll'' on the n.ae. He nalll that while be WM llarrina ln the TV aeriee "Bllchelor Father' he pve Unda Evans her first job. "She wu a pwky kid then." be_...,., .. and lhe played a cxmtemponry of my niece. What a turna- bout! She went from playlna a contempcnry of my niece to playt.nc my Wile. r pem that •YI eome--thlnc about Mnclna on." Emmy Awarda will be presented on Sept. 19 HOLLYWOOD <:::J -The Uth annual ~ Awarda wtU be on &mday, Sept. 18, at the Prn ct.a.a Ovic Auditorium. The prime time awarcle, 1ponaored by the Acldlmy ot TelMl6an Artll and sa.a., wtU be ---CID ABC. Dwicbt HemkJn and Gary Sm&th wtU be the ce produaen -S1IM Binder will be the -cllnctor. All three bad the --dutlll ..,... \I< >l l '\ I '\( ~ \I< >\' I LS 6:00(%) "Murmur Of The Heart" (1971, Orama) Lea Meeeart. Benoit Ferreux. e:oo e "Countdown To OIMster" ( 1980, Adven· ture} Puppeta. 8:06al) "BieaJc Of Hearts" (1935. Orama) Katharine HeJ>burn. CNv1es 8oy9f. 9:3000 ''Hot Leed And Cold Feel" ( 1978.~) Jim Diie, Don Knotts. Cl) "Who Sayt I Can't Ride A Rainbow!" (1971, Adventure) Jack Klugman, Notme French. 7:00~ "Somethlng C5f Value" (1957. Drama) Rock Hodson, Dana Wynter. (%) "Fite Sale" ( 1977, Comedy) Alen Min, Rob Aeltlef. 7:30e "Mogambo" (1954, Orama) Clark Gable, Ave Gardner. 8:00(1) "X.nedu" (1980, Musical) OIMa Newton- 8:~ ~ ~veriek Queen" (1955, Western) Berbera Stanwyck, Beny Su9van. 8:30® "Smokey 811• n. 0u9ttt (1981, Comedy) Jimmy McNlchOI, Janet Juflan. CZ> "Murmur Of The Heltt" (1971, Orama) Lee Muun. Benoit Ferruc. e:ooce> "OUttaw 8'uea" (1977, Orama) Peter Fon- da. su.ao Saint Jamel. e:ao• "Overtend ~t• Reldert" c1938.-w.tem) John Wayne. Ray comgan. e "ffolkea" (1980, Adventure) Roger Moore, JemetMaon. 10:00 CH) "Take This Job And ShOYe tt" ( 1981, Com&- ~ Robert Hays, Barbar• Hershey. (I) "Betrayed" (1954, Orama) Clatk Gable, Lana Turner. 10:06@ "Vera Cruz" (1954, AdYenture) Gaty Coo- per, Bort Lancaster. 10:30(%) "A Foroe Of One" (1979, Orama) Chuck Nomi, Jennlfet O'Nell. 11:00~ "ABBA: The Movie" (1978, Mulic:al) ABBA. 11:30• "The Frtaco Kid'' (1979, Comedy) Gene Wiider. Herrllon Ford. \l l l .l \'\< >< >'\ \I<>\ 11 .~ 12:00. "CeJI Of The Wiid" (1935, A~e) Clarit Gable, Jaok Oakle. e "The Magic Box" ( 1954, Bqraphy) Robert Donat. Laurence OtMer. • "Come Fill The CUp" (1951, Orama) James ~oey. GJg Young. Cl) "NetwoO<" (1978, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Peter F1nch. 12:15(%) "'The Green Room" (1978, Orama) Francois Truffaot, Nathale Beye. 1:00(!) "0.ftnetton Saturn'' (1939, Science-flo. tton) Buster Crabbe, Constance Moore. ~ "Something Of Value" (1957, Orama) Rock Hudlon, Dena Wynt•. 1:30• "CountdoWn To Diiate(' ( 1980, Adven-- turel_ Puppeta. 2:00(8) ''The Last Ohale'' (1981, Sclenoe-flctlon) lM Ma)Orl. CMt Makepeece. CD "The First Oeedly Sin" < 1980, Mystery) Frank Sinatra, Faye Dunewty. · Cl) "l'I Cry Tomorrow" (196$, Bk>graphy) &.an ~d. Alchetd Conte. • CZ> "Friday The 13th" (1980, HOl'ror) Betty Palm- .,, Adrienne King. aroo• "The Lat Wegon" (1968, Western)~ erd Wldnwk, FeMcia Farr. 3:36(%) "Hald Country" (1981, Or8ml) Jen-Mlc:hMI Vlnolnt. t<lm Belll iger. 4:00. ''Fofce Aw: Staiwngn" (1981, ~ RctlCii) Animated. 4:toce> ... Qulin BIUel" (19n, Oratn1) Pettt Fon-. ~ ~ s.At1t ........ Cl) "Who Seys I Qwl't Aidt A R91nbow1" (19'71, AcMnture> Jeck l<lugrMn. Nofme Ffwlch. rdaO(!) 11Nt'1 The Wwt Of The World" (1978, NMf'llUlel.!:l/9Y ~ Ed Nellon. (II) ''Hot Md Odd Fe.t" (1971, ComedV) Jim ..c.. Don Knoltl. ~(I) "'The Cet And The Cenery'' (1178, Myttery) Honor .......... MatWll <Wen. : " i . : ' { 7:aoe 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: vteit Orange County fof 8 look at Magic IMnd, a new members-.,, only magic club: txamlne I controverlial rellgloua a oulf nortfi of Seettte. - I .FAMILY FEUD ~ LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EVE ON L A. Featured: P9YCholoa6ltl who IP&-g aartze In phobiaa towards nytng; CaUfornra·s boom- ing beauty pegeent lnduatry; a look at the relation-,, ~ between Loa Angelenos and San Francl8cans. ~ • TIC TAC OOUOH -c:.• YOU ASKED FOR IT u·A·s·H SIGNAT\JAE GlJelt: John Etlc:hman. (Part 2) MAOEl. I LSffR REPORT NEW8 THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 7: @NEWS iO 8:008 O.E.O. Profeeaor Deverl•. Charlie, Phipps ~ and Jenny become Involved In expoelng a danger- c. lntematloMI drug ring, (1 hr.) e • BA£I'. MAVEAICe< MaveOck and Guthrie are ..-aned to guard the Sweetwater bank when a fOI'-~ In gold from the United Stat6S Mint Is stOfed there. Cf IV.) • MOVIE "Ma1Mcrt At For1 MQ!rnan" (1971. Adventure) Telly Savala, Jamel Coburn. DuOng the CMI War, a colonel devlaet a delperate plan to r~ure a Conted«ate fort. (2 hrt.) • g HAPPY DA V8 Joernt and Chechl try to get the awkward Et.Jgtne BeMn to 8lk Jenny Pk:cok> out on a dai:MtR) Q i ~ON THE RUN Johnny Mann hosts a MANY-rACE'l'BD COVN'l'BY -Artiat documentary aboUt the mmon. of chlld refugees In Dan Long hu .malgamat«I modem and ~&<~ti} traditional Images 1n thi• pMter •peciaJly • P.M. MAGAZJNE How a child'• hyperactivity can crNt«l lor the unprecedented .mes of cJo.. be Inked to food al8'glea; two men who build and cumentaries an &audJ Anthia Tue.d.ty •t 8 rent robote fOI' Illes pr.-itatlont. fim . on KCET (Ch. ZB) and •l 9 p .m. on • MOVIE "Three Vloltnt Peop6e" (1956, West· em) Charlton Heaton. Anne Baxter. Two men and a cx::E (Cb. Ml). woman btcome lnvofved In a trtang1e while flgtrtlng • UNOEASTANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR an unfair~ government. (2 hrt.) Cl) MOVIE "XenedU" (1980. Mualcel) OeMa New· l~uoe ARABIA (Premiere) "The Kingdom" ~ c:":.:~ ~~· 8 ~. °"' to The hll1ory of the Saudi Ara~ people II traced, ( t hr 33 tocutlng on the economic and poltlcal ~ of open up • huge rolaer-dllco ~. ' ' ·• the country under King FaiMI. ( 1 hr.) •"*'~ .. Wtv.L Moeell" (1980, ~Dud-• t«:NA "Computere. 6Pi11 And Pr1vete L.NM" .... """• fflt beneftta and potential hazardl brought •boUt llv Moore. Laraine Newmen. In btbllcal • • by advanc:ea 1n computer tec:hnok>gy art iweetlgat· fa)ae prophet named Hnchel M'MdrOJ» on a ed. (R) O (1 hr.) divine coovereatlon with Moeea and deddel he nut (I) 8POftT8 CENTER be the one to leed hie people out of allvefy. 'PG' (1 CB> MOVIE "Smokey Btt• The oust" (1981, eome-~~·~tf~. ~. dy) Jimmy McNchol. Jenet Julen. A high eohool I IAANEY ~ delinquent gete the whole town on hit tral when he .... ' IN THE F ....... ILY mak• off With the homecoming QUMfl and heeds NEWseeA T Mn. ClETE A08ERT8 1e1oea the atate In a _. of stolen automobltl. .. -as-'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) MOYE~~ Ringing" (1960, Mullcal) Cl) MOVIE "Gigi" (1958, Muta!) Meurloe ~ Judy Holliday, Dien Martin. A thy and ~tllk>n-llr, t.le Ceron. A tomboy being groomed by htr ab6e young anewll(;i ig ~ operator oecomea aunt and gtandmother Mt.I out on het own to catch Infatuated with• charming ecr1ptWrtt•. (2 In. 30 il"*'~hr·:.~~ .. c1979, Sulpenle) Nick ft~ ll.UAA08 't..gendaty statt S«tea" Mlncueo, o.vta wenw. The popu1at1on of • ~ ~ WW. MotCool ( 1 hr ) Southweetem ~ t9g1on It terrOftzied by hun-7:firjl:aeNlW8• teiie"'•"" · dr9de of vampire bllte wtibh lrwlde1he ., .. 1n maae I numbers when night ....._ 'PO' ( 1 hr., 46 rr*\.) CZ> MOYE "Mumu Of The HMrt" ( 1971. Otwne) ~~Y8 AQA.. Lee Malutt. 8enott F«reux. A young boy dleg-- P.M. MAGAZINE How a ohlld'e hypef.ctMtv can noeed • NMno a htett numut 11 IQOOmpenled by bit linked to lood •• two men who bulld and hit mother on a tatefUI vt.tt to• IPL (2 hrt.) rtnt robota for ..... pr.-ntattona. 8:30. di LAVENE NID ltR.EY l.tMY end EAK ecpggy lOt•rupt ~ HMthertan on natlonel Nie-~~. ~E ~-~=~.:__ Aie ' A pMlntatlon of the 1954 perfolmence by M•A•&•H • the Bdlhol Bll9t of Pr~• dllllc. d'lc:no- JOtCBfl Wl..D graphed by Lav lewoeky and ltarl'lnO GelN \Jlno- CWIR EN1V Guelt. procu. Stanley Knuner. va.ihrs.) -l;:FAMl.Y ~ MUPP£T8 N» MOVIE ''The Jwtnt Manaftlld etOty'' MAGIC 01F Of.. PAWTING ( 1 • ) Loni Andinon. Arnold SdwMr· ITANDllG ROOM ONLY ''Aid Skllon'1 Amy ....... lllOfY of W. _,..and w wmbcf •1 .._end Y .... and Y11111V Noy loin b ..__t=_.., erldad In "'9dY II cnn. ,...., comlCllft In • prcpm ~ IUClh r. 2 tn. tnouea.c.loncNtadlil•~ ... Ftilmd-• ROM>MlaheltlYfoM tllleon. •• Cllml<8cld~.~ (1hr.)E ...... ~ 'T .. ~"'· . .c, .. · Pfomptllig t.10 • ([) MOVIE ''lltllctng W' (1118. er.,.) 8o 1w.11or .. ,.,,,.;a;;.. A tMn. who '*' 11111 a nu•• Jlok and J1net ,,,. C!"td nudlr. Ii llncwMd by 1tll Miii...., hi ..,, oo aorllli tor ,n _...., ....,. trom •-• ..... -.. Md,,... ....... NI......,'° Toranto. ~DIWCho ...S.. ("> g 'A' ""-'·•'11"*") •tH1V..,.flCllt:n9LN9~w.nnnw· Cll>..,.. ''Ttll ..._., =...Hamw~ ......... offtatapllnNLtg111ln8omill9. (1 ......... ...., ,.... by tlr.) ~ A a... Da'll atfe tftd •a....._ , ..... w-.. NDIM>Clll&T ...... " tar ......... .,,.. .... , .... di a. a.t•ero.. u tlr,) " .... .!!. .. ,.~... l'LA.._ .,.,,. Cua•• -""·~-.... ,,.,. ....... ,.... ................... . ·v.•-=::m: J~~~rc~--.~~::!il~llflilMlli• ~ . . sc------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ hlmMff ...,.. a mwder charge. and a construction worker romancea two beautiful wom- en. (R) ( 1 ht .. 10 min.) C'4 Ttiesday (attirned) . I .-(AUDI AMBIA (Premier•) ''The Klngdom" . ... The hilt«Y of the s.udl Arabian people II traced, 1i focusing on the economic and political evolution of _ the country under King FalMI. ( 1 ht.) 'C CC) MOYIE "Something Of Vb'' (1957, Orama) ~ Rode Hudlon. Dana Wynter. The~ encoun- tered by 1 ~ tume him Into a seeker of ~e>R.3r~ ~ MO\l1E "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975, Creme) Al Paclno, John Cazale. A New VOfk City bank robbery escalates Into a neat-circus when community activ- ists join In to atage an anti--polloe protest dUring'the > ~· (2 hra., 10 min.) 1--9:06@ MOVIE "Battle Of The Commandos" (1971. ~ Adventure) Jack Pallnce, Thoma tulter. A small o: teem or commandos II uelgned to destroy 1 pow- """ German cannon before It can be ueed egeln8t the Allee. (2 hra.) 9:30. 0 too CLOSE FOR COMFORT Jackie gets )ealoUs when the date she turned down asks Sita to a French restaurant. (R) (!) MOVIE "Powder Rivet" (1953, Western) ~ Cdloun, CorWle Celwt. A Western metwhal eetl out to find the llll8llent who klled NI Old mining buddy. ( 1 tv .. 30 min.) CB) OH LOCATION ''Don Rk:tt• And Hll W1M Guye" Teped before 1 llYe IU<lence It the Sahare Hotel. the caustic king of "put-dowN,.. Don Ric- ki.. hoet• a hlarloul caet of veflatlle comedians. (1 ht .. 30 min.) 10:00 8. SHAPE OF THJN08 Eleen Brennan, Rob- ert ~. Nancy Ouluutt, Rita Moreno. Alan King and Dome Olxon 11tlttz.e contemporwy IOCial ---~tv.) II ~'o~ Two tllgtHodety women who modeled f\n with Jennifer are found mutdered. ffi) Q (1 tv.) CD) MOVIE "La Cage Aux Folle II" (1980, eon. dy) Ugo Tognaz:rJ. Mk:t'8I Serrault. A middle-aged gay coupe are the queny of a MCfet organization trying to get the mlcroflm th9t one of them swal- lowed. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 39 min.) . Cl) ~ ''Seven" (1977, Adwntur•) Wllam Smith, Batb9ra Lee. U.S. ~~In• IP9-ctel agent to atop the Imminent merger of ..., Hawlllen crime evndlcat• 'R' ( 1 ht .• 40 min.) •MOYIE ''UMd en·· (1980, Comedy) Kurt tu- .... Jack Warden. Aft« the """* of a binkrupt car lhop dies. NI employees try to COYet' up NI dernlM to preY9nt hit WMlthv car deeler bfoth« from lnher- ltWlg the ~ 'R' ( 1 tv .. 63 min.) (%)ltOVIE "Friday The 13th" (1980, Horrot) Betsy Pelmer. Adrienne King. The reopenW1g of a aJmmef camp. cloted 20 yeera .... after tlne rrudera. 1t1ract1 a vtndlotlve kllef who knff• uneuapectlng teen-Q!t. 'R' (1hr.,38mln.) 10:30.lEWS I ifGNATUAE Guest: John &1lchman. (Plt1 2) WA TEA. MORE PAEQ008 THAN Oil The Cf'ltl-cal-.. surrounclng mankind'• l* of It• water auppllee are explored. (1 ht.) • AMB1CAN Pl.AYHOUOE "Privet• Content-ment" Reynokil Price'• ortglttill ICfeenplay about a ~ aoldler'• lat femlfy reun6on befOl'e being aent to ngtlt In World War ll ltar. Katherine Wal<er and John McMartin. Q (1 tv.) (I) lf'OfU8TAU< 8PECIAL "1982 NFL Draft'' (1 tv.,30=-J.., 11:001~<f U NEWS YOU All<ED FOR R' JOE fllWICLJN M*A•e•H BENNVHU QUIZKID8 MOYIE "ABBA: The McMe" (1078, Mullcal) ABBA. A ~ dllc ~ ~ putlUel the renowned 8w1dllh ~ ~ • .._, ling 18 of thllr hlt9. lncWlng: "Dlne*1g Quee;\/1 "Water- loo," "S.o.s:· and "Fernlndo.'' 'G' (1 hr .. 37 min.) CB) MOVIE "RuckUI" ( 1980, Dram.) Olf1c 8eneclct. L#lda Bl9lr. A lhllHhocMd Vletrwn wt dlllurbl r--------.-. l1030F.~ I I I I -I I I I I l· IN Bl!llTBIC TIMES -Loni Anderson as Jayne M.an6field, the HoJJywood 11eX symbol of the 1960., and Arnold Schwarzenegger playa her devoted bu.aband, body-builder Mickey Hargitay, in "The Jay-M Manmeld Story," Tuelday at 9 p.m. on CBS (OJ. 2). (!) M0\11£ "Vivacious Lady'' (1938. ComedY) Ginger Rogef1. Jamee StfWart. A college profesaor encountlf• ~ holtlllty from hls conteNa- tlYe parents when he marries a cabetet singer. (2 hra.) e MOV1E ''The Andromeda Strain" (1971. Sd- enc»-Flctlon) Miu HI, Oevid Wayne. Three eclen- tlata work to Identify a deadly strain of bec1erla In time to aave everyone from extinction. (2 tn .. 45 min.) ILOVE. AMERICAN STYLE NEW88EA T WfTH CLETE R08ERT8 8PORT8 CENTER MOVIE 0Texa Lightning" (1981. Drama) Ming Mitchell, Maureen MoConnlck. A boy's weekend hunting tr1p wtth h6t tathef 1ums Into an initiation Into" manhood. 'R' ( 1 tv., 36 min.) 12:06 . (I) Wl<AP IN CtNCINNATI Jennlf« flnaJty accepts a date with Hefb, hoping It will scare him Into becking down. (R) 12:308. LATE NIGtfT wrrH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guests: photographer Joeef Karsh. comedian Rob-ert Klein. lnteC1 expert Professor Ratfensb«ger. ( 1 ~) . I COUPLES MOVIE "The tast Wagon" (1956, Weetern) Richard Wldmatk. Felcla Farr. A condemned man comes to the reecoe of wagon train survtvors follow· I ~n attack. (2 hra.) FOCUS ON SOCIETY 12: e Cl) MCCLOUD McCloud'• lnvesUgatlon of a muttkni.llioo dollar Jewel helst leed9 him to a motion ~ture Mt and a deed body .. (R) (2 hra.) CC) MOVIE "Bells Are Ringing" ( 1960. Muek:al) Judy Holliday, Dean Martin. A shy and lmpreealon- able young answemg S8Moe operator beCOmeS Infatuated with 1 chatmlng acrlptwriter. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) ®MOVIE "The Last Married Couple In America" (1980, Comedy) George Segal, Natalie Wood. A happily married couple begin to wonder how ha.PPify married they really are after eeelng d of lhelr friendl' marriages end up In the dlvoroe court. 'R' ( 1 tw .. "3 min.) 1:00e MOVIE "Promltel, Promllel" (1964, eom.- dy) :Jayne Manlfteld. Marie McDonald. Two coup6n become dlltrauaht when one of the wiv.. beoomee pregnant •ft• tF.t ot"9r hed trltd and faled. ( 1 hr .• 60m6n.) e MOVIE "Stanley" (1972. Hoffor) ~·Rocco. Ctw1I Aoblnaon. A rattleenake becomel a Vietnam veteran'• peraonal weapon of r~ against man- ~~"W.ooAGE - "THIS WEEK IN THE NBA ~MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Hef" (1980, eom.- dy) Mac Davis, T ovah Fe6dshuh. In order to meet h(s alimony peymenta, a recently divorced private d9tectN9 tracks down delinquent husbands for a dtvorc. lawyer. 'R' ( 1 tw .. 32 min.) 1:06@ MOVE "Getting Awey From ft Alt" (1971, Comedy) Barbel• Feldon. Litty ~· When two mlddle-dela eouptea dfop out or the "rat r8CI" and Mek paradlee. they get leM than they bar- ~ fOI'. ( 1 hf .• 30 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Hard Coontry" ( 1981, Drama) Jan- MlehMI vine.tit, Kim Bulngef. A Texas fac10fY work• II torn t>etween NI delir• to continue In the "good Old boy" 11te1ty1e and NI ftencee'a lhow ~ ambltlona. •PG· ( 1 hf., 45 min.) 1:1oe MOYIE "R.P.M." (1970, Orama) Anthony O\JIM, Am-Mergr.C. Whef'I he II made pteildent of a dllaldenMom uMwllty, a IOC~ profwot tnee to •tablilh a rapport With the ta. (1 hf .• 30~ t:l11NEW8 <I) ~ltNJ "Natlonel SW Cour19 Chemplon-1111P Alleys" ( 1 ht.) , Cl) M0YtE "Nttwottc" (1978, Drlml) Faye Ouna- wey, ,,...,. Anch. An ~~ MWlf'nM. wt'°99 ratlngl are lttedlly II ti.med Into a ranting PfoPt* of the altwtl1191 by 1 etlfty female -~ wednesaay \I< >It\ I:\<; \I<>\' I LS 6: 15()) "Glgi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurlce Chevalier, Leslie Caron. 6:00CC) "Seizure: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Dra- ma) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope Milford. CZ> "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" ( 1971, Drama) Glenda Jackson. Pet8f Finch. 6:05Q1) "Spitfire" ( 1934, Romance) Katharine Hap- born, Robert Young 6:3011 "The Green HOl'lzon" (1981, Adven1lKe) James Stewart, Phlllp Sayer. 7:00® "Hard Country" (1981, Drama) Jan-Michael Vincent. Kim Basinger. 7:30 ()) "Bedknobs And &oomstlcks" ( 197 1, Fan- tasyl_ Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson. 8:00 CC) "Second Wind" ( 1980, Drama) Lindsay Wagner, James Naughton D "Huckleberry Ann" ( 1974, Adventure) Jeff East. Paul Winfield. CZ> "A Kind Of Loving" (1962. Drama) Alan Bates, June Ritchie. 8:05 al) "Mr. Peabody And the Mermaid" ( 1948, Comedy) William Powell, Ann Blyth. 9:30• "Riders Of Destiny" (1933, Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes. CC) "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, Western) Rich- ard Boone. George Hamllton. 10:00(1) "The Brothers Karamazov'' (1958, Drama) Maria Schell, Yul Brynner. (Z) "The Cat And The Canary" (1978. Mystery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. 10:06al) "Arrowhead" (1953. Western) Charlton Heston, Jade Palance. 10:aoe "Wholly Moses!" (1980, Comedy) Dudley Moore, Laraine Newman. 11:30(C) "Selzute: The Story Of Kathy Morris" (Dra- 11'19) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope Miiford. CID "Despair" ( 1979, Drama) Dirk Bogarde, Andrea Ferreol. 11:46(%) "Hard Country" (1981, Drama) Jan-Mlctiael Vincent, KJm BuingeJ. .\111.l{'\<H>'\ \l<>\11 .S -12:00• "Pic1ure Mommy Dead" (1966, SOspense) Don Ameche, Martha Hyer. • "Spellbound" (HM5, Suspense) lngr1d Berg- man, Gregc>fy PecJ(. e "Branded" (1951. Western) Alan Ladd, Mona Freeman. 12:30()) "Starting Over'' ( 1979, Comedy) Burt Rey- nolds, Jiii atsybufgh. e "Nlahtwtng" (1979, Suspense) Nlclc Mancuso, Oevld Warner. 1:00(1) "This Island Earth" (1955, Scienoe-Flctlon) Jeff Morrow, Faith Dometgue. 1:30(C) "The Late Show'' (19n. Myst8')') Art Car· !!!)'. Liiy Tomlin. · CH> "The Big Red One" (1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamlll. CZ> "A Kind Of Loving" (1962, Drama) Alan Bates. June Ritchie. 2:00CD "LOYlng Couples" (1980, Comedy) Shirley Maclalne, James Coburn. 2:30(1) "Why Shoot The Teache1?" (1980, Romance) Bud Cort, Samantha Eaoar. e "The Green Hoftzon" (1981, Adventure) Jamee Stewart, PhlffJ> Sayer. 3:00. "The Coci<ey.ct Cowboys Of Celloo County" (1969, Comedy) Den Blooker. Mickey Rooney. 3:30® "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Jan--Mlchaet Vincent. ~ Beslnget. Cl) "The C.t And The Cenary" (1978, MyateJY) Honor Blackman, Mlchael Gallen. 4:00• "Thi Eatthllng" (1980. Adv9flture) Wlltlam Holden. Rlci(y Schroder. 5:00(C) "A Thunder Of Drums" (1961, Western) Rlcherd Boone, George Hamllton. 5:16(%) "A Foroe Of One" (1979. Drama) Chuct< Norr1I. JenAtter o· Nell!. JAILED -Gene Wilder stars in "Stir Crazy," a film sbour two r.any New Yorkers heading west to find fame and fortune, only to wind up in the sl.arnrne_r on Showtime at 9:30 p.m. Richard Pryor (not shown) plays his nutty sidekick. 8:oo•aeNEWS ~8AHGELS C88NEW8 WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFER80N8 HAWAHAVE-o 8USINE88 REPORT NBC NEWS NEEDlECAAFT HIGH 8CtiOOL BASKETBALL "Derby All-Star Clullc" from Loulsville, Kentucky. (2 hfa.) CH) THE REMARKABLE ROCKE"r Devtd Niven nar- rates this animated version of Oscar Wilde's story about a stubborn firecracker. Cl) MOVtE "Bedknobe And Broomsticks" (1971, Fantasy) Ange&& lanlbUry, David Tomllnton. Dur- ing World War ti, a novice sorcefesa end hef three young friends set off for a magic Island where lhe Intends to leem ~h about witchcraft to uee It agaJnsi the Nazis. 'G' (1 hr .. 57 min.) • MOVIE "HeaYen Can Walt" (1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Julie Christle. AftM a pro footbaQ star's life la prematurely ctalmed by an Inept angel, the man Is given the body of a mlllionalre tnduatilaJ.. ls1 to continue IMng In. 'PG' ( 1 hi' .. .t 1 min.) 8:30 ()) • NEWS I BAANEY MILLER All IN THE FAMILY THE 80NO WRI I 918: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ The composer of "Bandwagon" and "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, .. lhow us how a ~~a. ( 1 hr.) I NEW88EAT WfTH ClETE 8'J8tNE'88 REPORT MOVIE "Mr. Sycamore" (1975, Comedy) JMOn Robards, Jean Slmmonl. A middle-aged mailman fantllizee abOUt becoming a tree to eeca~the dnJdgefy of his life. ( 1 hr., 30 min..) 7:00 C88 NEWS . NEWS HAPPV DAYS AGAIN I ... , .•.• ,. •' . . IL.. \J •• , .15 8ABCNEW8 ()) P.M. MAGAZINE Celebrity Winter Olympics; a -,, tour from Hong Kong to the People'• Repubtlc of ~ China • I KOJAK NINE ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An lnt9fVlew with ~ 1=·~~8.i JOKER'S WlLD OYER EASY Guest: singer HU~de. (R) c:;> .,, 1 Q. ~ THE MUPPET'S / MAGIC Of OtL PAINTING > ct) MOVIE "Seizure: The Story Of Kathy MOl'rlt" ~ (Drama) Leonard Nlmoy, Penelope Miiford. A N beautiful young woman with a promlSlng cateer !.> fights '°' h8f life. when she Is s1ruci< down by a near-.... tatal brain tumor. (2 hrs.) U> CD MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Drama) Steve ~ McOueen. Eli Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dange<ous life as a modem-day bounty hunt« 'R' ~hr .. 38 min.) AUTUMN UPRISING PHANTOM INOtA "On The Fringes Of Indian SocJety" lndla's mtno<ltles. the Christians. Jews and outcast tribes, are reviewed. 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN FeatUfed: an examination of evidence Indicating that apparitions "exist" lo the Hollywood Hills; the future of pay TV; viSlt the Coun- try Club In Aeseda for a reunion of big tolk music stars. I • FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY • EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on new leg- baring fashions: a look at extravagant ways people lnduJge It-elf pets; kids who do daredeYll stunts on ~. • TIC TAC DOUGH NEWARK AND REALITY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•&•H SIGNATURE Guest· Raquel Welch. MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT MEDIA PAOBE8 "Soep Ope<as" Host Ruth Warrick takes a behind-the-scenes look at the PfO- ductlon PfC>OeSS that ylelds a dally soap. c:;> CD> 8A8EBAU. Phltadelphla Phlflles at Los Angeles m {3hra.) 7: NEWS 8: ()) A QUESTIOH OF HONOR An honest ~ew Yor1c cop accldentally gets caught In an e4aborate trap eet by federal netcotlca agents; Ben Gazzara. Paul Sofvlno and Robert Vaughn 81ar. (3 hrs.) 8 e REAL PEOPLE Featured: a man who le plan- ning to launch his own rocketahlp; a 56-year-old man Who clalma to be the strongest In the wond; a champion whee6chalr racer. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Mako: Jaws Of Death" ( 1976. Adven- ture) Richard Jeeckel, Jennifer Bishop. An ecology- mloded fisherman tries to protect great white lhetks from would-be hunt--. (2 hr1.) • (fl THE GREATEST AMEAtCAN HERO Biii Max- well falls for a beautiful but deedty FBI efflc6ency ~· (1hf.) a MOVIE "Requiem For A Heavyweight" ( 1962, Drama) Anthony Quinn, Jackie Gleaaon. An employment couneek>r trlel to help • washed-op boxer land a Job. (2 hrl.) (I) BENNY tflLL • P.M. MAGAZINE A tour from Hong Kong to the People'• Repybllc of China; a husbend and w1f• who .,.. both ~ o"1oets. • MOVIE 'Mayday At 40,000 Feet" ( 1978, SU&pense) Oevtd Janeaen, Don Meredith. In a etrug--~for a gun. a klller dlsablel an alrtlner. (2 hra.) QI 8TYlE Video Aoott combines the perlormancee of rock elngera with state-of·the-art video teeh-n!9u. and lf>8Clal effects. • MEDIA PA08E8 "&.p Operu" Host Ruth Warr1d( taket a behlnd-the1oenes ~ at the pto- duct!on _prooees that ~a dally IJ08f>._ o e ONE LAST 80NO ON HIS MOUNTAIN At the age of 70. vetetan mountain clmbcw Glenn~ retumt lO tht Exum R$dQe r>f the Grand Teton Mountalnl, ~~ieered In 1931. (R) ~~em.-Robert KJeln. Deerl Heckart, • . ----~..., ----------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~(continued) ca Stoekard Channing end Olneh Manoff 8tat In tNI • T'" aer iOf vfonett• about famlty llfe, set llound ~ ~ ner tablet. Taped at the Brooklyn Center fOf Per· ~-fonnlefl.~:: Stooklyn College. (1hr.,30 min.) Cl) "Best Of Biz.an•'• t:lrtt Seuon" e MOVIE "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo • Starr, Oennil Quaid. The clownlsh member of a : barely human prehiltonc tribe begins to dllcover ~ ""t bralnl and not brawn wtl1 be tt. key to hll .-~·1 eurvtval. 'PG' (1hr.,31 min.) t.-> CZ) MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( 1967, .§' Drama) Jul6e Christle, T•enc. Stamp. A Wiiifui > young farm gin bettera henelf. but destroys three ._ men rn t_he procea (3 hra.) 8:30 (I) IAOlelDE ~ e CHICKEN A teeo-ager terrortzea hll high ldlOOI ir ttvough gang vk>letloa and vendalllrr\ but meat• hll match In• teechet who won't ftght back. 8 OHE IN A THOU8AHO A drama of •=boy who suffera from splna blflda and hydr lua and his family who must deal With this pp. L1 hr.) • ONE LAST SONG ON HIS MOUNTAIN At the age of 70, veteran mountain climber Glenn Exum returns to the Exum Ridge of the Grand Teton Mountains. which he pioneefed in 1931. (R) e NON-FICTION l'ElEVl8ION SPEaAL ''Blood And Sand· War In The Sahara" Interviews with U.S. and MOfoccan statesmen and polltlclans are fea· tured In a loaf< at U.S. foreign policy in the Pollsaro Front-Moroccan confllct In the Western Sahara. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Up In Smoke" ( t978, Comedy) Cheech and Chong, Ed1e Adema. Two dtltters embark on a croas-country trip, frustrating the law and meeti~ an odd assortment of characttwa along the way. 'R C 1 hr., 27 min.) 8:3611!) ALL .., THE FAMILY 9:00 8 e THE FACTS OF LIFE Jo enrolls In a mar- riage-preparation courw Which leads her to believe her old boyfriend Eddie la not the one for her atter au. (8) • 0 THE FALL GUY Cott'a eearch tor a baK- )1.Wnping murder iU9peCt la compncated by the reek· leee actions of a country-western star. ( 1 hr.) I MERV GRIFRN • FAKE The controversy concerning the authent~ liY of a painting at the Metropolitan Mueeum of M alleged to be • 17ttH:entury mMtetplece by George de la Tour la documented. (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE ''The Man Who Faff To Eatth" (1976, Sdance-Actlon) David Bowle. Candy Clattc. A rode Ital from 1n den pllnet, on .,, ~ , ... _...., aeerch for Wiit• tor hll ~ becomes an exptolt-ed mllonaJre on Earth. 1 hr .. 68 min.) (I} WCT T9H8 "S300, 0.... Tournament Anele" (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Little Brltchal" (1981, Wlltem) Burt l.ancast•. Jdhn Sav~. two tough outlaws pk:« up a pelt of teen-<ege ~ and take them along on their a<Mintur... 'PG ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) • a05az MOVE "The Last s.1ar1" (1967, A<Mnue) Stewert Gt.nger, Kaz Gar-. After a huntef II killed by an "8phent, hit fl'tend and en American ~ attl!!J)t to~· the anmai. (2 twa., 15 min. r . 9:30 • • TEACHEA8 OHL Y °'8na worrie1 about Cooper, who le delegmli'lg more and more r~ ~~•Tr .... (1961, Wlltam) Brian Donlevy, Gig Y~ A geng Of thllwa murders an Arm/ ofb' and three lrdliw In cotd b6ood. ( 1 hr., 30fTW\.) •THE 80HO WAllUC: ARTHUR 8CHWAATZ The===Of ''Bendwllgon'' Ind ''A T'r• Growl In Br ," show ue how I tong deY!llopl. (1 hr.) • CMTH El Wllllct\ ,.,.._ a report on the E~..=*1-~~~ toe.I_.. .. .,. .. MOVIE ''Nlahtt...u'' (1981, Oraml) Sylwet• 8llv 0.. WWllml. A t°'9' New Vortc Oly cop t. nil wortc out out for tWn when one of the wand'• mo.a terrorlltl llTMI In '* City. 'R" (1 hr. 38 mn. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN -R obert Vaughn portrays the ruthless head of a federal invest.igatfon of corruption in the N ew York City Police Department in "A Quest.ion of Honor" Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). - 0 Movie "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gana Wiider. Two men are mlstatcan f()( bank robbaf'a and tent to jail 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) 10:008 e QUINCY Quincy II aselon8d to determine tt the death of an admiral wa1 linked to a COYW-op of ·~~&rtng's aecret opetattons. (1 hr.) 11 ~ Alexia flaunts her romance with Colby, Stawn la booked on aeaault charg11 and ~ remambaf'athenlght ahawaaahot. (1 ~-> e 8UfMVAL "Myster1oua Castlel Of Clay'' l'he --felolnatlng world of the African lennffa -a epecies wtMctl ltv9t In strange, temperature-controlled eerth-en moundl up to 40 feet In height -le explored. Or10n w ... narrat ... Q ( 1 hr.) e FAKE The controversy concerning the authentic- ity of a painting at the Metropoltan l.4ueeum of Art alleged lo be a 171tH:en~terplace by George de le Tour le documented. 1 hr.) Cl) GAl1.AGHER: TWO 'The oomedlan per· 10:= =of one-Inert and comic vlgnett11. • Sic3HATUAE au.t; R8QlMI Welch. CD> MOYIE "Thief'' (1971. Orama) Richard Crenna, Ang,e OlckJnlon. A reformed c:ttmlnaf II faced With a ~ situation whtn he neadl qu6ck money. (2 JOEFRAHKUN M•A•S•H IENNVHLL 11:,ool':!?M- 8TYlE Video Rock c:omblnat the performlnc:)ae tocic linget9 wtth l11ta-of·the-en video tech-~ = SAi. MOVIE ''fluplrfty T.N.T." (1973, MYtnhn) O'Nall. Rolcoa lea Browne. 8uparfty COfN8 out ~ Aomln rettrernant to frM a tiny Afrtcen netlon from the ff Of a cruel dlctatOf. (1 hr •. 30 min.) Cl) MOYE "&~Ing <Mr'' (1979, Burt I I I Reynofds. Jiii Olaybwgh. Aft« monthl of TV ~ and blind dat... a divorced magazine writ• thlnkt he's found true love wherl a lchoofteacher enters hll ltte. 'R' (1 hr .. « min.) CZ> MOVIE "Sunday, Bloody SUnday" (1971, Ora· ma) Glenda Jackson. Peter Finch. A man and a wom911 compete for the love of a calow young male artist. who enjoys being caught between the two of them. 'A' (1 hr .. 50 min.) 11:2011!) MOV1E "Eecape, From Zahraln" ( 1962, Adventute) Sal Mineo, Yul Brynner. A natlonellst leader In an Arab oil state Is saved from execurlon by hfs fellow rebels. (2 hrs.) 11:309 (I) MOVIE "Kingdom Of The Spiders" (19n, Horror) William Shatner, Tiffany Bolling. Thousands of mutant tarantulas In search of food attaci< an Arizona town. (2 hra .. 15 min.) e e TOMGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: L0tetta L.~· (1 hr.) • 0 VJEWPOtHT Ted Koppel anchors this ~ ration of how American television news covers for- eign affairs, with emphasis on the Middle East and Central America. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) .I KOJAK THE JEFFER80NS SANFORD ANO SON ONE IN A THOUSAND A drama of a young boy who suffers trom spine blflda and hydrocephalus iandhr 'f famUy who must deal with this handlcapp. NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROeERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "The Late Show" (t977, Mystery) Art Carney. Lily Tomlin. A seasoned prlva1e eye encounters blackmail and murder when he comes out of retirement to locate a cat belonging to an offbeat female client. (1 hr .. 30 min.) (Jj) WITH A TOUCH Of BURLESOUE Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca per1orm baggy pant& comedy and slapstick routines along with· perfOfmances by burlesQue queens In a show taped at the Star The- atre In Flint, Michigan. ( 1 hr.) II MOVIE "Modem Romance" (1981, Comedy) Albert BrOOks. Kathryn Harrold. A film editor tries repeatedly to win back the heart of the woman he loves. ·R' ( 1 hr .• 33 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Roger Moore. (!) MOVle "Days Of Gloly" ( 1944, Adventure) Tamata Toumanova, Gregory Peck. The· vallant Au8alan Realatance during Woi1d War II tries to hold back the Invading Nazis. (2 tn,) e MOVIE ''The Nelton Affair" (1973, Orama) Glenda Jackson. Peter Finch. The low affalr between Lord Horatio Nelson end Lady Emma Hamilton during the 1800s ends In tragedy. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMBICA: THE 8ECONC> CENTURY 8PORT8 CEHTER 12: 8 e LATE NtGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guetts: presidential speech wrltet"S Vic Gold and Bob Orben, wtlderneea aurvtvallat Tom Brown Jr. ( 1 hr.) I ~'The C<>e*eyed Cowboys Of ea11oo County" (1969. Comedy) Dan Block•. Mickey Rooney. rownapaope try to r~ thetr local ~h'• 001how mai-otder bride With a local ctanc.hall girl. (2 hrs.) I NEW8 THE 80NG WAllEA8: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ The~ of "~" and ''A Tree Grows In Brook .'' lhow U1 how 1 IC)(IQ ~illopl. ( 1 hr.) e AHO OAGANIZATION8 (JI) MOYIE "°"Pelt" (1979, Oraml) Dine &og.rde, Andrte Ferreol. A ,_,...,, oocifecttonet ~ In Germany la f80ed with total n*' during the NM of Nl.tltm. (1hr.,69 min.) CJ:) MOVI£ "The H?tYwood Knlahta" ( 1980, Corne-d\') Robert Wuhl, Tony Dlnza. On Halioween 8'4 In 1065, a rawdy high IChool=WfMkl tMrvoc In 8ewt1y Hfll to IV9f1g8 the of their ha by the loall home ownert lllloctl 'R' ( 1 ~ !.~"Fida To Bliek~, Sulpafw) Chrtatophar, Lindi . A ....., S of Newport ... ••enln9 Primrose Oil from ENGLAND"' REG. $14.H --~ ...-.....---· . . . .. ...... _._._ - Wrlnesday (continued) young movte fan reacts to romantic rejection by committing murders In the guise and· style of his favorite screen villains. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 12:~(1) MOVIE "Mountain Men" (1980. Adventure) Chaftton Heston. Brian Keith. Two fur trappe<s enjoy the freedom of the wilderness In the last few years before the encroachment of clvlllzatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "The Illustrated Man" ( 1969, S<:l- ence-Flctlon) Rod StelQef, Clalfe Bloom. A woman persuades her husband to have his body tattooed with symbols relating to events In his life. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Fearless Frank" ( 1969, Comedy) Jon Voight, Monique Van Vooren. A bnrwny country boy becomes a blg-oity brawler. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I NEWS MOVIE "Houdini" ( 1953, Biography) Tony Curtis. Janet Leigh. The Ille of the WOfld's greatest ~artist Is fictionalized. (1 hr., 30 min.) ~ MOVIE "Allmore" ( 1972) Documentary. The Grateful Dead, Oulcksilver Messengcw Service, Jef- ferson Airplane, Hot Tuna and Santana perform one last lime In a farewell conoert to Allmore West. 'R' U hr., 45 min.) CE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL "Derby All-Star Classic" from Louisville, Kentucky. (2 tvs.) • MOVIE "The Earthling" (1980, Adventure) Wi- Ram Holden, Rlcky Schroder. A w0f1d traveler teaches a young orphan the ways o1 llOfVlval In the Australian wilderness. 'PG' (1 hr .• 37 min.) (%)MOVIE "A Kind Of Loving" ( 1962. Ofama) Alan Bates, June Ritchie. A series of aecret lovefa' meet- ings r.uts in a lhotgun wedding and a dismal day- by-day married Hfe for a hapless couple. (2 hrs.r 1:30 eNEWS 1:~ NEWS 2:06 NEWS 1:201 MISSK)N: IMPOSSIBLE 2:20 MOVIE "The Public Eye" (1972, Comedy) Mia Farrow, Chaim Topol. A husband's plan to have his wife followed by a private detective becttflres when the detective takes a fancy to her hhnsetf. (2 az·~T PATROL 2:30.NEWS Cf) MOANING STRETCH e MOV1E "A Song To Remember" (1945, Musi- cal) Paul Munl, Cotnef Wilde. Chopin'• heart breaks over his love for George Sand. the beautiful novelltt. (2 hrs.) R. DENIS RUSSELL, D.P.M. POOIA TRIST I FOOT SPECIALIST AM1, Chihlrtn llftd Stniors ••kHte FREE lnltitll Ex• & Cona.at•tion By Appgtntment Onty 979-0313 11100 WMfll AVE., SllT£ 306 FCIMU. VALLEY AdjlceM to FMtain Y*t CommunitJ ftosprtal * PllUl. lllJJIE * S CASH REB TE or 10% oft our ,,....., price If '9'1 ._. 8 .... 11 II •1f -.1111/71, ~ -....... lo, c.i ... ee. . .,.,,. ........ tOft ........................ ,._.,.9'; ti. .... ., ....................... .... = ____ ..... ,. .... ... ........ ., ................... . .................. _, ....... . ·-··--........ , ... -. ... Cllr. .................. .... 11 --. - ®MOVIE "The Blues Brother1" (1980. MUldcal) John Belushi. Dan Aykroyd. Two bltJel lingers mutt contend with the Chlcego police, the CIA, Neo- NazJs and the U.S. Army to put together a benefit concert to ral&e money f0t their parish. 'R' (2 hrs., 13mln.) Cl) MOVIE "Why Shoot The Teachef?" (1980, Romance) Bud Cort. Samantha Egger. In western Csnada during the '30s, an Eastern-bred teacher and a neglected housewife deve6op a oloee relation- ship out of their mutUel lonellness. (1 hr .. 47 min.) 2:~~ MOVIE "Second Wind" (1980. Orama) Undsay Wagner, James Naughton. A man contin- ues to alienate hll wife and 1on by jogging alone to thir* about the problems that are desttoytng his marr1age. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) Tube Topper Quincy Channel 4 -10 p.m. 2:60Gl) WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 • MOVIE "No Man'1 Woman" (1955, Ofama) Marie Windsor, Patric Knowtet. Ave different people are aCCUSlled of the murder of a ruthless women. ( 1 hr .. 30min.) ~JOE FRANKUN {I)~ BIWAR08 "Legendary Stars Serles'' Cowboy Jimmy Moore va. Wlllle MoeConl (1 hr.) • MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Muelcal) Ani- mated. The hist~ of American pop music. from vaudevllle to rock n' roll, II traced through aevefal generations of a famlty of musicians. 'R' (1 hr .• 37 min.) (%) MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" ( 1977, Ora- ma) S~ Krlstel, Umberto Orsini. A beeutlful woman • aearch for the ultimate erotic experience brl~ her to a startling reallzatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min. 4:00 JIMMY SWAGGART (I) 8POR'T8 CENTER 4:06 al F\JNTIME 4:10(1) MOVIE "Start Burt Reynolds, Jiii Cla HEARING. AID BATTERIES SJ OFF! wmt1MS40 Cmtpbell Hearin1 Aids In Montgomery Ward Bldg H•tillgtott Cttlhr ............. 898-4833 z t7 dinnef• and blind dates, a dtvorced magazine writer thinks ha'• found true loYe wtlerl a echootteachel :P. enters his life. 'R' ( 1 hr .• « min.) · o 4:15~ MOVIE "The Man Who Fell To Earth" (1976, ~ Sclenoe-Flctlon) Oevld Bowle. Candy Clat1c. A rock < star from an alien planet, on a.n Interplanetary r- search for wat• toe his rJ· becomel an explolt-.g ed mltllonalre on Earth. R' 1 hr .• 56 min.) _ 4:30eVOYAGETOTHE TTOMOFTHESEA ~ Cl) JIM BAKKER ~ • MAYBEMY R.F.O. • .4:40(%) MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981. Ofama) Jan-':< Michael Vincent, Kim Basinger. A Texas factory > worker Is torn between his deSlfe to continue in the ,,_1 "good old boy" Rfestyte and his ftancee'• show business ambitions. ·PG' (1hr.,45 min.) N .4:~(8) FlASHBACK: ARE AT THE COCOANUT ~ GROVE Eric Sevareld hosts this documentary Illus-~ tratlng the tragic events of Saturday Nght, NoYefn-CD ber 28, 1942. when the famous Boston nightclub N expk>ded Into a blazing Inferno. ( 1 hr.) Farr ah will star in new aeries for ABC HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Farrah Fawcett will star as a contemporary adventurer in a new one- hour serie9 for ABC next fall. Woody Gould will write the script for a two- hour movie pilot kicking off the aeries. Jerry ben- berg'a Jozak Co. will make the ahow far MGM. llenberg'1 concept for the aeries wu ~~ from a nwnbet-submitted for Miss Fawcett.. It will be her first aeries lince she left '!Charlie'• A.npll" in 1977. Richard Cttnna will co-star with Jon Voight in "Table for Five" for CBS Theatrical Films. Rob Lieberman will direct (rom a acript by David Selz.er on location in Greece. Crenna recently completed "First Blood," which abo starred SyJvetrter Stallone. Alter "Table for Five" he •W t>egln the ABC series "For Better or Wone." YA WANNA CHEAT?· MIGHT AS WELL DO IT UP REAL GOOD, HUH? ~ CAROUSEL swm SHOP vou•n hllve to ~ the ~tt.t8t on the roof ot your mouth -that wtll melte UI f8fnOU9 - 1. CAROUSEL -The orlglnal "CrHmery" Ice creem. All nature! frull1, real cream & low air content! Fall Fell Fell PfUs reel malt9d mMk. 2. Our ~ are made wttn t'MI butter & rNf chocotatel c~. "°"'" ... , Jetly a... toot 3. Petit• ~oura lndlvlduelly decoretect. Strudels that wit blow .wey In e llQtlt bteen. The cMeeecalct? lnct.ecr10. *' •• The eooklet, browniet & ructoe? You probabfy won't melt• It thlt fer, but If you do, you•• be dote~ to crawl out the front dOor. ~. ________________________ __, CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP .. ...... s.-... ....., a •s•I\ Olllia .._ a..lt ... ., ............... ... ,.,,, .... .. ... ( .. .. t8 ;Thursday Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. 3:3000 "Kill And 1<111 Again" (1981, Adventure) Jem.s RYan. Anneline Kriel. 4:00 (I) "Hugo The Hippo" ( 1976. Adventure) Ani· mated. Voices of Burt Ives, Paul Lynde. ':30(C) ''Bells Are R1ngng" (1960. Musical) Judy Holliday. Dean M~rtin. :c Q. < >. CID 'O ;£ * ...J ~ -.2 a: \I< >IC\ I'< ; \I< >\" J LS 5:ooe "Ooct0< Zhivago" (1965, [)(ama) Omar Sharif, Geraldine Chapfln. 8:06 (ll) "Sylvia Scarlett" ( 1935, Comedy) Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant. 6:30 (%) "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mystery) Honor Biackman, Michael Gallen. 7:0000 ''The Last Chase" (1981. Scle~Flctlon) Lee Majofs, Chris Makepeace. 7:30(1) "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Adams. SyMa l<Ilstet 8:06@ "That Brennan Gift" ( 1946, [)(ama) Mona Freeman, James Dunn. 8: 10 (%) "A Klnd Of Loving" ( 1962, [)(ama) Alan Bates, June Ritchie. 9:00CC) "The Soft Skin" (1964, Drama) Francoise Dorteac, Jean Oesallly. 9:30 • "Sagebrush Trail" ( 1933, Western) John Wa~. Nancy Shubert. 10:00(h) "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. Cl) "Something Of Value" (1957, Orama) Bock Hudson. Dana WSier. 10:06@ ''The Cha '' ( 1970, Adventure) Darren McGavln, James W tmore. 10: 10(%) "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( 1967. Ora· ma) Julie Christie. Terence Stamp. 11 :00 (Cl "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 1981, Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Rod Stelgef. e ''Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. .\1 · 1 Llt\< >< >'\ \I< >\'JLS 12;00. "Madigan'•Mllllonl" (1967, Comedy) Dus- tin Hoffman, Cesar Aomefo. • "The Patadne Case" ( 19-48, Mystery) Gregory Peck, Ann Todd. e "The Nun's StOf)'" (.1959, Orama) Audrey ~n. Peter Finch. CH> "Nobody's Perlet<t" ( 1961, Comedy) Gabe ~n, Alex Karras. ()) "Oh Godl" (1977, Comedy) Gio<ge Burns, John Oenve<. 1:00 Cl) "Colosaua: The Forbln ProJect" ( 1970, Sci- ence-Action) Erle Btaeden, Susan Clari<. CC) "Jules And Jim" (1961, Romance) Jeanne Moreau, Oekar w.-ner. e "Doctor Zhivago" (1965. Orama) Omar Sharif, Geraldine Chaplin. (%) "Murmur Of The Heart" (1971, Orama) Lea Massari, Benoit Ferreux. 1:30® "19-41" (1979. Comedy) John Belushl, T oahlro Mlfune .. 2:00CD "A Change Of Seaaona" ( 1980, Comedy) Shir~ MacL.alne, Anthony .Hopkins. (I) 'The Nude Bomb" (1980, Comec!Y) Don Adams, SyMa Krlstef. 3:00D "the Tall Women" (1966, Western) Anne Baxter. Marla Perechy. (%) ''The Blues Btothef's" ( 1980. Musical) John 6:00(1) "The Hunted" (1974, Adventure) Lee Rem· lck, Michael Hinz. 6:06(1l) "Breakfast At Tiffany's" (1961 , Comedy) Au<!L_ey Hepburn, Ge0<ge Peppe.rd. 5:15CZJ "A Force Of One" (1979, Drema) Chuck Norris. JennlfM O'Neill. 5:30t8 "Th<eepenny Opera" (1931 , (Musical) Lotte Lenya, Ernst Busch. l.\ I .'\I'\( I e:ooe e SHEWS - I CHAALJE'S ANGELS C88NEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS TIE JEFFER80N8 HAWAHAVE-0 Tube Topper Magnum, P.I. Channel 2 -8 p.m. I BUSINESS REPORT NBC NEWS UNOERST ANOtNG HUMAN BEHAVK>R MOV1E "HM 1" ( 1979, Comedy) John Belushi, Toehlro Mlfune. Af18f the bombing of Peart Harbor. Sou1hem California clVttlans and military petsonnel react with unbridled panic 10 news of a Japanese attadl In their own backyard. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 mfn.) 6:30 Cl) e NEWS I BAANEY MIU.ER All IN THE FAMILY · NEW88EAT WfTH CLETE ROBERTS 8UUE88 REPORT ANDREW'S RAJOER8 During the CMI war, a Northern spy tries to Infiltrate rebel territory and capture a train vital to the South's supply lines. ff.'att 1) Cl) l.Aff-A-THON A comedian hoet and four comic cont"tants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 7:100!c~ AGAJN A8CNEW8 . P.M. MAGAZINE An lntervtew with actress Mar· lette Hartley; hlghllghta of a visit to the People's KOJ~~°"· MEET THE MAYORS ENTERT A.INMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Easton. ew•A*S•H --------~-~------,...-s_s _s S_S_S_S_$_$_$_$ $_$_S_S_S_S_S--t$ ~· Drf~~GasN Walih ~ __... ~ FREE. ~ ~ ..,.. ..,.. ~ 1st ..,.. .,,. .,,. ..,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ .,,.'. .,,. FAST CASH TD•s ,. .......... ,.... .... •Short Term • l'°"I Term • swm,Loans Personalized service tn your home or office -~tl LYON'S • llON, ·&.MMD' DAY • 1n MG. .WCI • lUU.•MIN .. DAY •11tMQ.flNCE __... • WID ..... •HfAJl.-1/tMO.flNCI ' __... · • ntUM. • FMa CAA WAIH W/11 GM. OU "'9tOHA.M ~ • ,._•IVIRY•CMFMI ~ • IAT.·'9t09"'AYWAXWIMO.WAIH ~ • IUN.·FMl.-RAYWAXWIMO. WA.IH ~ o..r..c..· " ~ COMPUnc.ualJ'A~ MlllCOU.NT.~POMIC:lil •~rea CCHM lrt To n.c Mobil $10Uon Al ~ t61SW.PACIFJCCOASTHW\'. "'~673-3561 ~ -----•MOeTMW ... •--- MAGIC Of OtL PAJNTING l =Js~uest· Vincent Prtce (R) Q THE M1,JPf>ETS MOV1E "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 1981, Adventure) Burt Lancaster. Rod Steiger Two young 0<phans team up with a gang of bandits led by an amiable outlaw 'PG' (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981, Drama) Jack Nicholson. Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus· band 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) aJ) MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957, Drama) An<:fy Griffith. Patricia Neal. A derelict goes from a jail cell to national recognition on the strength ol hlS humor and muslcaJ talent (2 hrs.) (I) WHA rs UP AMER1CAI Featured· a look a1 acu- punc1ure 10< animals; black Amer1C&ns who practice palygamy and voodoo: a profile of female S1rtppers. l1 hr.) (%)PHANTOM INOtA "Bombay -The Future India" elt8mlnes the values o1 Hindu civilization and their stability in lhe modern WOr'ld. 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: meet some ol the finalists vying f0< a llStlng In a new'bOOk, "The Women's Gulde To The Eligible Bachelors Of Los Angeles"; attend a dance marathon at UCLA; a look at Stoogemanla, a revlVal of Interest In The IThr; 5,J~ FEUD MOV1E "Earthquake" ( 197,, Orama) Charlton Hes1on, Ava Gardnef. Los Angeles is destroyed by two massive tremors which wreak havoc on both the populace and the terrain. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 8 .£YE ON LA. Featured: a report on the latest fad, hot tub clubs: a physlclan who helps celebrities with drug problems; a couple who are a tough twosome. • TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H .NEWS SIGNATURE Guest Miios Forman MACNEIL / l.BiRER REPORT THE STRANGE DEATH Of THE DESERT FOX Events leading to the Octobe<, 19«, death of Reid Marshal Erwin Rommel are recalled through news· reel footage. stlll photographs and pe<&onaf testim<r ny by Rommel's son Manfred and biographer David Irving. 8:008 ()) MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum searches for a man who disappeared while salll~ through a chan- nel tradltlonally feared as "cursed. ' (A) (1 hr.) 8 • FAM( Danny ttles to raise money so that Leroy's mother can see her eon dance. and Mr. Shorofsky Is reunited with an old love. ( 1 hr.) • 0 NO SOAP, RACK> Roger becomes fealous over Karen's seeming Interest In a corporate execir tlve and fires her. D THE MYSTERY OF ANDREA DORIA The facts behind the sinking of the famous Andrea Dorla are examined. (1 hr.) Cl) BENNY HtLL • P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with actress Mar· lette Hartley; hlghl.lghts of a vlalt to the People's ~bllc of China. e A WOMAN CALLED GOLDA lnQfld Bergman stara In the stOf)' of Golda Meir'• life from her earty Low Back Pain? . There Really Is An Answer ... ~L64WJM I .... c • ., ...... ,c., .... .. WISTCU" C .. OPIAC1IC OMCI . ........ ...... IMIWt ......... . -. .... =::1 • a . . . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Thursday (conti~ued) days In Miiwaukee to her triumphant meeting, as leraell Prime Minister. with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. (Part 1) (2 hrs.) QI BOTANIC MAN: ~CKPOT JACKPOT Fea· tured: Dr. Oavl$S Bellamy contrasts apartment dwellers In California with Indians In Mexico. e LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears S1ra1Qht- ens out an allgMl91'lt problem and evaluates differ- ent makes ancf models of tires. • SNEAK PAEV1EW8 Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el r«Mew "Partners" and "SWord And The Soroer· er." CI> SPORTS CENTER (J:i) MOVIE "The Last Chase" ( 1981, Scieno&-Flc· tlon) Lee Majors. Chris Makepeace. In a wor1d of the future, a former raoe car drtvef and a teen-age comput8f expert fight I.he govet'nment's proecrlptlon of automobiles. 'PG' ( 1 hr., -40 min.) (I) MOVIE "AH That Jazz" (1979, Musical) Roy Scheidef. Jessica Lange. The tumultuoUS life of a professional choreographer 18. followed from soc- cess on the stage to personal crises. 'R' (2 hr&, 3 min.) e JOCKEY A behlnd-lhe-1loenet look Is taken at horse racing by jockeys Steve Cauthen. Jacinto V~uez •!Id Ron turcotte. (1 tv.) {%) MOVIE "The Green Room" (1978. Orama) Francois Truffaut. Nathalie Saye. Two people obsesSed with the memory of their dead kWed ones form a close friendship. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 8:30 e (fl MORK & MINDY MQlt( wlds Orson a ii on how to stay haJ)J>ily_marrled on Earth. RACING FROM R006EVEl. T al ALL IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Threepenny Opera" (1931, (Musical) Lotte L!"Y.a, Ernst Busch. This musical ver1lon ot John Gays play, "The Beoaet's Opera." Is about life In London's.Soho dlatnctln the 1890'& (2 tvs.) • SNEAK ~ Roger Ebert and Gene Silk· el review "Partners" and ''Sword And The Soroer· er." • PORTRAITS IN PASTa.8 . -9:00 9 ()) 8'MON & 8'MON A man tall8 to his death from a hotel window mlnUtes after AJ. and Rick MM him with divorce papert, (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 • ftC.ADSIY Of COUNTRY MU81C AWAAOO The 17th annual edition of theae awards. honoring excellence In the country music flekS, wtll be telecast ID ~ alt AD IMPORT LW DOMESTIC ANDER<oN S F\UTON\OTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Fltll PICKUP·DSUVERY :m::r:· •• 1 (11•) ••2-1111 (Formerly of Whftman'a) TAKATA NURSERY,~ &Mllntenance from Knott'• Berry Ferm ,... Loe Angella; Mickey Glley, Conway Twttty end Dottle W•t are halt-. (2 ltn.l. BARNEY MILLER Q l%t.a ROBISON 8PEClAL MOVIE "In Otd CNcego" ( 1938, Orama) Tyrone Power. Alice B<ady. fhe livee of Chicago's O'Leary famlly take a IUdden, unexpected turn when their cow kicks over a lantem and starts the Great Fire~ · e MERV Guest Mariette Hartley. ( 1 tv.) 4!) MOVIE "Red Tomahawk" (1967. Western) Howard Keel, Joan Ceulfteld. Ari Army officer attemp11 to ward_ off another m8IMCre resemblng Custer's Last Stand. (1 hr., 45 min.) Tube Topper A Womqn Called Golda Channel 13 -8 p.m. _...,.. ....... • NUMERO UNO Welt Germany's Franz Becken- tMltJef. widely regarded as aocceJ' s greet est 81- aroond player, ls profiled. -• • MASTEAPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold CU. mate: Heir Apparent" The Montdofes locate their heir. Cedric: Linda leaves her husband and moves In with her new love. (Part 5) Q ( 1 hr.) ' CC) MOVIE ''The Return Of The Secaucus &Mtfl'' ( 1980, Orama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college students~ In the protest movement during the '608' gather fOf a weekend r·eonlon. 1n. 'A' (1 hr., -46 min.) (I) COLLEGE WAE8'TUNG "Division II Champion- ships" from lJrilWrstty of Wilcon3ln at Parlcslde. (2 hrs.) CD> MO\llE "The Final Conflict" (198t. Orama) Sam Neill, Rossano B<az:zl. In the third pert of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodiment of the AntlcMst, Is n<M an 80.ltt and a trusted adYt80I' to the pr~t of the U.S. 'R' (1 hr., 49 min.) e MOVIE "Niahthawa" (1981. Orama) Sytwtter Stallone, Biiiy 0ee Wllllems. A tough New YOf'k City cop ha hll wOf'k cut out for Nm when one of the wor1d's moat dangetoua terrorists arrives In hla city. LICENSED J\ESTHETICIJ\N r opean • u ~r facials •MASSAGE (•• B81bea lsl••d) FOR INFORMATION 714 CALL RINO IALDWIN ••• 675-0727 Expert Japanese G•clini11 s.vice *~-Weekly *Y•d Malnt., • T,_Trtmmlng •BonMI Pruntng & General CIMfH.lp *Commercial & Reetdenttel •20 y..,. ExperlenCe Expert T lkata lllldlcapinc S.Wt 'R' ihr .. 39 min.) 9:06 8HR.EY TEMPU -o 9:30 9 TAXI The cabbles recall the moments In _S: their llvet when they decided to become taxi ~. i8r.P & COMING "for Me. MyWf ... Maybe" ~ Joyce Wilson fights reeentment at home and on the.r 0 Job when lhe la promoted to a loan~ at the c bank.Q ~ ([) MOVIE "An Eye FOf An Eye" (1981, Adveo-:1 tUl'e) Chuck Norris, Ctwlstopher L.ee.14. San Franci&-: co cop quits the fOl'oe to avenge the murder of his ':< partner by members of a drug ring. 'R' (1 hr., -46 : mlnJ_ 9:36 (I) MOVIE "A t(Jnd Of Loving" ( 1962.-Ofama) 3: Alan Bates, June Ritchie. A lefles of MCtet lover9' N meetingll r.uts In a lhotgun wedding end a dl8mal !-'> day-~y married lfe for a hapleea couple. ( 1 tv., .SSmln.L 10:00 9 (I) KNOTS l.AHOWG Abby beoome1 more b<azen In her affair with Gary, and Laura Is encour- l eged,. to help Richard, but not be oYetly supportive. ••• NEWS -2tJ 120 TO THE MANOR BORN MOVIE ''Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Chevti- ier, Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by her aunt and grandmoth« sets out on h« own to catch a man. ( 1 hr., 55 mln.) 10:06 EBIZAARE "Howle Mandel" 10:30 NEWS I TURE Guest: Milos Forman. ~ Cheet1eaders" Jo Johnston. Colleen Camp. A journalism major Infiltrates the ranks of a college cheerlefldlng squad to 8)(pOM the exploitation of the cheef1eaders by the football team. 'A" ( 1 tv .• 35 min.) 10:46 4!) MOVIE "Manftlh" ( 1956, Adventure) John Bromfield, Lon Chaney. A Jamaican treasure hunt tum. Into an expedition of deceit and terror. ( 1 hr .. 5Smin~-11 :001~A~M NEWS l ~~fT M•A•e·H BENNY Hill BOTANIC MAN: CRACKPOT JACKPOT Fea· i.10111 llOW lllD SAYE 50% 1 • 50 Thursday (continued) i ti.Wed: OJ. Oevld Bellamy COf'ltrntl apartment ... dwellei'• In Celfomia with lfdMe In MexJco. ~ I DOC CAVETT N THE LAWMAKEAS Correepondentt Linda WtH- i theim« and Cokle Robert1~aul O\i<e for an up- to-tti.mlnOte IU"MlafY of eeek>nel ectMtla CC) MOVIE "Julee And Jim' ( 1981. Romanoe) Jeanne Mof..u, Oekar'Wemer. In pr•WOOd Wat II France, 1 carefree young women lovea two men who are cioee fr1endl end refulel to ~ up either one. {1 tv .. 40 mi:L) Cl) THl8 WEEK IN THE NHL (a> MOVIE "Maeeecre At Central High" (1978, OJa- ma) AndrffW Stevens. Robert Ceffadlne. A CfUllde for rewnge begins after a Jn'* that went too far ~ wee puled on the quletw ~ bY a ~oop of n: bot.CS~ trilnda. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 21 !Wn.) • MCME "The Hawing'' ( 1981. Horror) Dee wa .. laoe, Patrick Mecnee. A women reporter II menaoed by a kier who....,. to be a werewoff. 'R' (1 hr .• 31 min.) I 1:30e ()) outNCY Sam developl a prooeea which provet that a 8U8peeted rapist C81l't be guffty. ( 1 hr .• 10 min.) e e TONGHT Host Johnny Ce,.,,,. Guest: Sheena~~~ l ~-MOVIE ''Threepenny Opera" (1931, (MUlical) Lotte Lenya. Etnat Buac:b. TNI muelcll verlk>n of John Gay'• play, "The Begge(1 Opera." It about life In Londoo'• Sano dlstrtciii the 1890'a. (2 hrs.) I NEW88EAT WITH Cl.ETE A08ERf8 CAP1lONED ABC NEWS SPORT& CENTER MOVIE ''Cry Uncle'' (1971, Sulpenle) Allen Garfteld. Madlllne le Roux. An ICX*'ltr1c mlllionelre hires a prtvat1 lnYeetlgator to c ... r him of murdering his mlltre-. 'R' (1 hr .. 27 min.) (%) MOVIE "A Fon::. Of One" (1979, °'8me) Chuck Norrll. JeMtfer O'Neil. A mater of the mar- tial arts~ on a ~•led ...,di for the ~of tie edopted eon. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 31 min.) 11:56(8) MOVIE "~From New Yortc" (19&1, Science-Action) KUt1 ~ Adrienne Bett>eeu. In 1997 •• hardened criminal .. oHeNd. pardon If he C8ll reecue the preeldent of the u.a from 1he pr11on ctty that Manhattan haa become. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 40 min~ 12:00 ENT£RT AINMENT TONIGHT Ari lntlMew with Ealton. _ e 9 VEOA1 A dleperate CM6r\o owner framee Oen Tame tor the murder of two petty glrtl. (R) (1 tv .. 10 min.) (!) MOYIE' "The Sectet Waye" (1981. Orama) Rlchlrd Wldrrwk. 8oflja ZllmaM. A leader of antl-communlet torcee II brought out from behind the Iron Curt.in In~ by en Amet1oen adventurer. j ~ "Battle Of Britain" ( 1989. Adventure) ~ CMle, Uulf'loe OMer. Bntlllh plots fight galantty to =n. the 8l'Wlllletlon of London by lihe ~ AMEAICAN ~· 46 min.) FOC08 ON 80CETY 12: Cl) MOVIE ''Cheech And ~·1 Next Movie'' ( 1980, Comedy) Aldwd "ct.oh Marin, Thomu Chong. Two pothMQI twve """*cue emd edven-tur• _.. roenMg the ltf .... of Loe Anaetee In INrch of the '''*19ct high. .. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 rrMn.) 12:30. e LATE NIGHTymH DAVID LETTERMAN au.: comedllt'I fldWd a..w. ( 1 hr.) OOt#U.9 . MOYIE "The T .. Women" (1966. Weetern) Bmer, Metia ~. Folowlng en lndlan maucre, Mwn courageoue women face the ordeel of an _,._.Ing 9"d pettlOul trek 9CIOl8 the dle«t. ~ tva.) l~LANGUAOE TOP RAM< IOXING 12: • Cl) MCa. LAN & Wff An autographed footb9lt '*"-• mllMge thal uncOWf'I • mUl'der Ind ._friend of the McMllanl beoofnle • -..ptet. ~)~,·=~ Holrw A.nd The Voice Of Ter· rOt'' (1942, ~) Beel Rmthbone. Nlgll BNol. Shertodl Holmil Md WllllOn uncovtf en 8IPIOfWge operation INlt utllr.el radio pr~ (iht:'15 min.) CC) MOYll ''CJn9.Tl1ok Porr(' (1te0, Or9ma) PMJI Sinon. 8llllr Brown. A ~ perbmel 'le pr....-ect ~ Wf"'• ~ hkft to drop,. etyte of mute Md Mite eonge tf\at can bnng Nm bectc to ""te:•.,.. {J tw., 39 mh) 1:00 MIMI~" < 1CMO. Adllmlan) Doro.. .....-thy • ---~. AomenDI ....... fat ·~In lhl *"'of high .... end Ul~bll ' ....... , ':4Dlnwlal 13'' ( ,... ......, FROM INO'IT'S BEBRY FARM -Mickey Gilley will oo-hota tbe "17th Annual Academy of Country Music Awardl" Thunday ~.ning live from Knott'a Berry Farm on NBC (Ch.~) at 9 o'clock. the memory of a deed allter 1$ reeponelbte for a Mrtes of axe mwders In an lrilh castle. (1 hf .. 30 min.) CC MOVIE "Breaker Morant'' (1980. Dfama) Edwatd Woodward, Jeok ~. Australians conecr1pted to fight on England'• llde In the Boer War decide to fight the Boer guerlllas on their own terms. 'PG' 11 hr .• 48 min.) e MOVIE ''Out Of Seaon" (1975, Dfarna) Cliff Aobertlon. v.,,.... Aldgrfte. Old probleml rnur· feoe wt'9n former lowfl "*" ~ 11 an off-season --'de retort. ~ 1 hr •• ao min.) 1:1oe MOYIE 'The Last ()eye Of Planet Eal'th" dl9~Actlon) (1hr .. 30mln.) 1: 15 CZ) CHARLE8 CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 1:30 •• NEWS (%) M09IE "Goodbye, Emmanuelle" (1977, OJa- ma) S~ Krtttel, Umberto Orllnl. A beautiful woman • ... ,ch tor the ultimate erotic experience ~ her 10 a llattllng reellzatlon. 'R' (1 hr .• 40 1::;00 MOYIE ''Nobody'• Perfekt" (1981, Come- dy) Gabe Kaplan, A.Jex K.lrra. Three Ut\IR(efy heroea Mt out to battt. the red tape and bufMUCfa- cy of city hat 'PG' (1hr.,38 min.) 1:A6 Cl) MOVIE "Wiiiie & Phlf" ( 1980, Comedy) Mlchilef Ol'ltk .. n. Matgot Kidder. Three people begil a trlangular r<>m1noe In Greenwich WlaQe that contlnuee throughout the merconal IOdeJ nilleu of the '70., 'R' ( 1 hr .. ~~ 1:561 Ml88tON: IM 2:06 NEWS 2:20 NEWS 2:26 MOVIE "He Knowa You're Alone" ( 1980, Sospense) Don Scardino, Caitlin O'Heeney. A psy- chotic murderer stalks attractive young brlde9-lo- be. silently and lethely 8IUhing their dreams of wedded bllse. 'A' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:30. MOVIE "Jemalca Run" (1953, Mystery) Rey Miland. At1ene Oehl. Murder reeutta when six people fight OYet the ownership of a JameJcan estate. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOANING STRETCH e MOVIE "Vampire People" ( 1971. Hooor) Amelie Fuentee, Ronald Remy. A small village Is Invaded by bk>odthlraty vamplr ... ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • M0\11£ "Which Way It Up?" (1977, Comedy) Rk:hatd Pryor. Looette McKee. A 1ex-st8Mld fruit picker Is caught In a con1'c croeaflre between his unk>n and the Mob, and a hypOcrltlcal preacher finds heaven In a ledles' choir. 'A' ( t hr .• 34 min.) 2:401NEW8 2:46 MOVIE "Flight Rx Freedom" ( 1~. Adven- ture) RolaNnd Au9eell. Fred MacMurray. An ambi- tious aviatrix finds her love llfe cut short because of her aerlaJ IUOC 11111 (2 hrs.) 2:56• MOVIE "Three Comedlee" (1974, Comedy) Ted Beteell, Jackie Coopef. A tchool psychiatrist encounters an 8-yeer-otd )ewe! tNef. a men has guilt feelings when It comes to the 1Ubjec1 of his wife and a poltoe 98fge&nt end a beautiful crlmlnolOgist set out to solve a crime. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN ~~"The Road To Wembley'' (Match 15)_11 hr.) ~15(8) MOVIE "Up The Academy" ( 1980, Come- ~ Ron Leibman, Bat1>arl a.en. The war- esaed commandent of Weinberg Miiitary Acade- my Is no match for the troublelome brats enrolled there. 'R' (1 hr .. 29 min.) (%)MOVIE' "Far From The tMddlng Crowd" (1967, OJama) Julie Chflltle, Terence Stamp. A wtlltut young farm girl bettere heraetf. but destroys ltvee men in the proc:eea. (2 hrs.. '5 min.) 3:46 Cl) WHA rs UP AMERICA! Felturect. a look at acupuncture fO{ animels; black Amerlcens who practice polygamy end voodoo; a profile of female •tr~s. (1 hr.) 4:00 CJ) .1MJIY 8WAOOAAT CC) MOVIE "The Retum Of The Secaucue Seven" (1980, OJama). Marte Arnott\ Gordon 01app. The member• of a group of college 1tu0ent1 active In the prOCMt rnoY9ment dultng the '60I gather for a weekend reunion. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) (I) SPORT8 CENTER 4:06 al) FUNT1ME •:30 e VCJ:(AGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (!)JIM BAJO<ER eM<ME ''Fame" (1980, OJ1ma) Irene Cera. Bar~ ry Mffler. Seve<al gifted students at a New York high IChool for the petfor"'4ng lrta expertenoe various eetbaok.I Ind lllCOel'" of both pertonaJ and pro- feeaklnel ntn... 'PG' (2 hrs .• 1• min.) ~46· MAYBEARY RF.0. CID MCME "Kii And Kiii Aoaln'' ( 1981. Adventtn) Janl8I Ryan, Annlllne Ktfel. A martial arts experi battles the mlnionl of a power-med IClentlat Intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drug. 'PG' (1 hf., .W min.) Cl) BIZAAAE "Howte Mandel" 'Sunday Show' art from all over guitar virtUOIO And.rs Segovia. Revoltinl ~ the restricUve fonnata which dominate radio, 'The Sunday Sh9w" wm·~ be all talk, It won't be ill music -It won't be all any- thinfJ1'here iln't room on radk> now to bar just a fraction of what we hope to pr-.ent." a.man •YL "Thi• Pl"Of"•m frees tome tiroe for a real crou- .ect.ion of what'• happenin& In A.IMrlca. "( really have been ap.lnlt what I would call a kind of elitimn In the procrammina that pa11e1 for arta procrammina. 0-4cal si.Uona. whether ClOCTI• merda1 or not, are almolt uni venally boring." · Clualcal muelc will be 'h• bue for "The Sunday Show," with about half of the flw houn devoted to munc, all live or rec:orded ln Uve pet· fonnance. What Omnan call8 "a.dio Redtvtva" allo wU1 come fnlim the PMt -from hll edmlndon tor Ft'ed Allen and Jn -...my, Ind .. work wllh "nr.i&n Tbeetn," the four-man croupe wbicb ...m.d 194l>t radio io modern technolo11 in• denN, free· ..a.~ .cyA. of. tunor. 0 Wh8& .. dtllucbt we were doir'I w11 tn,ns,. JaUftl~Y Tft 11~90~' o.m., .,.....,.., \ ........ ' ... st .. :> - au a a Inside TV ABC to offer children's s hows By JEFF P ARJtER • Of ... DellJ .......... ABC has announced iu lntention to "introduce an informative and fun.filled J.ine.up of children's programming for the 1982·83 season." This new programming wiU include such shows u "ABC Aflerschool Specials;" "Willie Sufvive," a class stressing self reliance; "Health and Nutrition" and "'The Dough Nuta." a eeries on ex>naUIJlerism . . . The ABC show "20120" r~eived 11 Emmy Awards from the National Academy of TeleviaJon Arts and Sciences wt week, leading all shows in total awards. Some 22 Emmys wett given out to various ABC news shows . . . = Dangerfield will star in hil fil'lt prime time . "It's Not Euy Bein' Me, The Rodney Danaerfield Show," Wednetday, May 12 at 7 p.m. Slated as guests are Steve Kampmann, Honey C.omba and Rex Benson . . . Producer Irwin Allen wu named recipient of the Golden Halo Award by the Southern California Motion Picture C-ou.ncil for hil aeries ''Code Red,'' a dramatic entertainment aeries that is intended to "enrich young viewers." The award wu accepted by George Swink on Allen's behalf. . . Oscar nominee Joan Hackett, "Dynasty" star Joan Collins and Jennifer Warren have been cast to star in "Paper Dolls," a two-hour television movie ·about the P.henomenal preslU.l'eS put on young wo- men who rbe to the top of the heap aa teen·age fashion models. A broadcast date la yet to be let. .. "Time After Time," the 1tyllah thriller di.nlcted by Nicholas Meyer, will be aired on~ May 22. 'The mystery ltarl Malcolm McDowell, David War· ner and Mary Steenburgen, and involves H.G. :':,~. ~~ and amortA!d other inters. Donny Osmond will be the featured ~ueat performer on ''The 1982 Mils USA Paaeant.' joi- ning host Bob Barker and actre11 Joan Van Ark on a spedal bondcaat ban the Milllmippi c.o.t CoU- leWD and Convendon Center May 13~ Judges ln this year's contest will be Edie Adams, Joey Bbhop, Candy Clark, Leroy Gordon Cooper, Georgia Gibba, John James. Freadle Solomon, Carlene Watklna and Tichi Wilkenon . . . "Fallen Angel," the compelling drama about child pornography, will be re-~ May 18. lt 1tan Melinda Dillon. Dana Hill.· Richard M.-ut and Ronny C.OX.. This show w• the most watched tel· evWon movie of the 1980-81 ...an. when it orili· nally and ... Roee Alaio, Scott Bryce and Chriatopher Hol- der are now retf\J)an on the .. ps. Alaio wW play Helena Mam:lni in "Guktin8 Light;" Bryce will play Craia MontaomerY on "Al. the World 'l\anw," and Holder will be cut as Kevin Bancroft on "The young and the Restlem" . . . Despise the ~1penturea on locatkln in Lapland for the of ''Comlnc Out of the Ice,'' the teJevilion movie been com= .md wtl1 air May 23. The drama ltan John •• youna man who underaoe. interminable torture and abule at the hands of the Sovteta • . . "Cold Readina.'' a mystery thriller about 1 playwrieht who ii llunned by the aedden dath of Im fianaee, will air May 26 on CBS. The lhow 1tar1 Patrick M.:rlee of ''Ttie Awn,era" fame, and Ro- bert Pt-.., ... ~ Award winner Jean s.. ton will...,. as Eleanor Roosevelt an the May 12 broadcut of "Eleanor, First Lady of the World." Abo eet to star are E.G . Marahall and Joyce Van Patten ... Johnny Cash wlll 1a.lute cowboy music in "Johnny Cash: Cowboy Heroes," a apedaJ musical ahow eel for May 6. Join1J18 Cash will be the Oak Ridge Boya and JWle Carter ... Production haa besun on "Just Pala,'' at.arrin1 Byron Thames, Heather McAdam and Arthur Pet.. enon in a younc peop)e'1 drama about a boy and 1 ho cro. the threshold into adoleecerK"e 11 frienda. Bandy Haines ii d1redina from ' p by Nick Andenon, Hindi Brooks and Bob Johmon ... Michael Damian. who ltarl aiDanny BomaJotti lb "'!be Y ounc and the Rstlell." haa been namec1 Honorary CWnnan for Southern California ln the March of Dlmee "WalkAmerlca" walk·a·thon .et for this week.end • . . Tbe punJing deeth of a prize. cow on an Ari· zona ranch brinp t.opLher William Sbatner and nttany Bollin&. who come to the shockina aJnclu. lion th.at the oaw w• kWed by mutant tarantulu. "Kinadom of the Sp6den" will tell it all April 28 in thil ces t.eJevWon movie. . . Patty Dub Aldo., who starred ln "The Viola· tJon of 9erab McDavkl. tt a teleWiion movie breed· cut lut year, wtU be honored wtth the 1982 Hu· manit.a.rian Award prftent.ed by the Loi Anaeles Commia1ion on Aaaaulu Aeatnat Women l.tay 10 ... Benjamin directa comedy HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Richard Benjamin, who ).II& ftnAIMd dinctUlc Peter <>'Toole in "My . Favorite Yeer," wQl dlrect a movie fer United Ar· llsta bued on the l'reach comedy ''Chatlee and Lucy" ... Melima ~ wW 1in1 the theme..._ foe ''A Uttle Sex.'' which lhe ~ wtth Alee Wl.llla and David Paul Sry.nt ... John Hw.rm.n pi.11 a New York todety columru.t ln the NBC minlllrW "UttJe Gloria ... Ha at Liit." Coolcing School MONDAY ... MAY SC#widule 10 51 Garage producer ~ has fear of cars ~ i I By TOM JORY A-i.IMl't'_W,.._ NEW YORK -"The French Chef" and "Crockett'• Victory Garden.'' two of public TV'a best~known bow-to leries, grew, in a eenee, frc:m =~~ucer, Rum Moruh, had fOf' ! "I have no affection for cars," says Moruh, fl.> whoee latest creation is ''The Last Chance Gange," ~ Thunday nlf,lt at 8 p.m. on KCET (Ch. 28). ... "ln fact.,' he adds, with 10me certainty, "I fear i thefn.'' N The 13·part aeries la distinct in that respect, though no lea informative -or entertaining - than ha ~ incl~ the more recent Mo- raah producUon, '"nl.ia Old flowle," which recently completed its third 11e8100 oo public TV. There is another difference, Moraah says. "Unlike 'Houee' and 'Victory Garden' and, o! oour- te, 'Julia.' we're finding with the automobile th.lng that the rnemage ii. 'Let the other SUY do it.' "Nonnally," he aaya. 'Td be reluctant to accept thal But I believe the important thing here ii. when you go intb the garage, you'll be better of! if you know how to talk to the mechanic." "The Last Chance Garage" la a show about car care, and the host i.a a real.life mechanic named Brad Seara. Moruh says be .ought out Seara after listening to his recilo lhow, "At Your Service foe Car OWnera," on WEEl, the~ station in Boston. "He had a e.:i'if.~lng, eaay·to·llaten·to manner," Moraah "and I asked him. 'Brad, can you make me feel any better about my car? "It'• a VMt sub~ with eo many component.a'' the producer aaya. 'that it's kind of outrageow for IOl'DeOne like m)'9elf to be dealing with the subject. Brad Md never been on television, but he'd run his oW1\ ....-. for almott 20 years. and he's had plent}r of experience tachlnc people about can." ae.n, like Julia Child in "The French Chef" and two~ lhows, and the lai, Jim Croc· ket:t ln "Victory G"arden," has an appeallna style th.at~~ and honesty. ••WliiJe we were PtU.na ready to do the lhow one day,'' Moruh M)'I, "someone CAme into the Baraae complaining of a leek under the c.ar. In ta· kinl UI throuch it, Brad made UI define the leak - wbett under the car, and when? -and dt.agnoeed the problem that war. without even jacking the thina off the lfOW'ld.' l4onlh, a native of Lexington. Ma&, lfWluat.ed from eo.t.ml Untwnity in 195'1 and went Co work at once for Bo.ton'• WGBH, one ol publlc TV's pri· maryJ::!=:S~a Child to "The l'rench Chef' 1n 1962, and followed with teqUela -"Julia Child & Company" and .,Julia Child & More C.orn~ pany'' -well lneo the 1970.. "CtockeU'• Victocy Garden'' remiered in 1976, and CICfttinue. today • "Victory Garden." Morub .. ya be sot the idea for "Thll Old Hou.e," tint tro.dcalt nationally in 1980, wblle he w• renovaU.,. his own home -an 1a1 farmhoUle =:-1al'Wa':d~~~~ ted a 1"°8 ranch~· tnct bowe. "My modUI openndi,'" Mormh Myt. "haa been to ahow the procram tint 1n the ea.t.cri aree. 'Julia.' for eurqple, was a local lhow before we took It to the netwk tn •a. We Mnd tbe tint 13 ePmdee ol "1'hll Old Howe' locally before we went national. "We had the bmlllt -at ~ we thouaht we did -al ....._ out whet "°"' l1ked bllift we rtlUd • n.uan.J" lhowtac." t• 1 I • • .New sitcoins ~ From Page 3 fathom the crim1nal mind?°' ~ In the second epUode. a prostitute placed under < Murphy's aapervimon tumed out 10 be a beautiful : former cheerleader from his high 9ChooL ~ "We were in biol°'1V together," Murphy tells .. her. "We ahared a froti.r. u.. "I remember," the woman replies. "You're 8' Freddie'' -' "No, rm Edd.le. Freddie was the frog.'' ~ Murphy la IWTOUJ'Mled by the usual office gang: a tough but sympathetic 00., a wi8e-cracking wo-9 man parole officer and a gun-toting male parole 0: officer who views hla charges u .. MeaL Bad meat." But the teries succeedi primarily on the comic talentpf Michael Keaton. Hi.a Murphy is naive and sometimes a little silly but remains lovable none- thelem. The brightest light among the new 11pring comedies may be ABC's "No Soap, . .Radio," which began a five-week run bet week at 8 p.m. Thun- dayw. The title la aa1d to be the punchline from an old joke, but even the network publiciat for the show could not recall the joke It.elf. The network la ad~ the aerite Ilia "the ahow that cannot be de9crlbed.' and that's about as good a de9crlption u you're likely to get. The pl'Olr&ln cent.era around a rundown hoWl in Atlantic City, but thla la just the barest frame- work upon whkh to hang a variety of 80Chetimes surrealistic. often hysterical CtWnedy sketches. For example, the debut epiaode featured a skit involvin1 a homicidal box of breakfast cereal. Another concerned a younpter who ii found ~ of killinc a dummy he conatructed with a buke for a head. U thla 90UJlda at.urd, well, you just bad 10 1ee it to believe it. ABC's other recent attempt at aurrealistic and offbeat humor, "Police Squad," was canceled be- fore the end of ill run when its ratinp took a noee dive. In that leriee, viewers were probably amuaed initially by _the cop show 1poof approach. but when the gjmmJck wor-e off, viewers .reallt.ed that there were no sympathetic characten to identify with. "No Soap, Radio" avoida that pitfall by focu- ling partly on the haple.. Youns hotel owner (Steve Gutlenberg), a YOW\8 woman clerk (Brianne Leary) and a.oc1ed hotel gues1a. -lt'a riaky to judge a program &0lely on its pre- miere episode, but "No Soap, Radio" looka like a 1eries to keep an eye on. U for no other reason. it deserves points for injecting aome fresh variations into the traditional sitcom framework. CALLING ALL CARS: Speaking of ''Police Squad," there i9 some aood news and some bad newa for Lani of that zany aeries. • The good news la that Paramount is preparing a motion picture bued on the first four eegmenta of the lerles. with additional material from lta creators, David Zucker, Jim Abrahams an Jttey Zucker. The bad news la that the movie is being made for European releue only. FATE 0, "FRIDAYS": ABC La moving its late night comedy aeries "Fridays" into prime time (9 p.m.} tonight to eee how it fares against "Dallas." U the program, which bepn u a "Saturday Night Live" lmltation and eventually developed ita own atrona fbllowing, la a ratings aucce11, it may win a permanent prime time slot next fall U not, it may disappear altogether to make room for the new late-night news program ABC is planning. Pryor, Gleason at work HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Richard Pryor and Jackie GleMOn have started work in Baton Rouge, La. on ""The Toy" for Ray Stark. The movie la baaed on the French oomedy ''Le Jouet." Pryor plays a joblesa journalist, with Glealon u a domlneerin& tycoon who hires Pryor u a toy for hls son. The movie also introduces 11-year-old Scott Schwarts, who haa appeared in more than 100 commerda.1t and on and off Broadway. Academy Award-winnlnl actn!81 Mary Steen- burgen portrays .Marjorie Kinnan Ra,wlings ln ·oen. Creek," a movie bued on the memoirs of the noted author. Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold~' ::::::::~;::::::::~ L~--FREE extra transmitter with garage door opener STAfl.EY Md. 20 $149.00 lnst•d Stanley Digital "High Security" Radk> controls • three alg'nala ..___ ~. t I . , STJ\NlfY . .. Mae West From Page 1 and 198 l Oscar nominee Ho ward Roll i n s ("Ragtime") head the cast. * * * Country music star Merle Haggard and fiddle champion Mark O'Ccnnor entertain President and Mn. Reagan in a special show ''In Performance at the White Hou.e," to be aired at 7 p.m. Sunday on KCET (Channel 28). Beverly Silla hosts the program, to be simulcast on KCRW, 89.9 FM. The program was taped March 7 at the Reagan's ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley. . * * * Conrad Bain of NBC's ''Diff'rent Strokes" is host of "The TV Funnies," an irreverent half-hour of wacky vignettes, akita and blackOuts, to be aired at 10:30 p.m. Sunday on Channel 4. * * * Patty Duke Astin, William Shatner, Quinn Cummi.no and Stephanie Zimballst star in a chiller of seduction and terror ln ''The Bi6ysltter.'' anABc movie at 9 p.m. Monday on Channel 7. The movie is about a clw:mlng babysitler who Infiltrates a family -exploking each member's needs and vulnenbillties. ~ * * * "Ian McKellen Acting Shakespeare," a one- man celebration of the world's greatest playwright, debuts Monday at 9 p.m. on KCET (Owmel 28). The special ii presented in honor of the 50th anni- versary of Wuhington, D.C.'s Folger Shakespeare Library. * *· * The story of a five-year exploration of the North African city that once ruled the Mediterra- nean. ''Carthage" will air at 10:30 p.m. on KCET (Channel 28). Answering a call from UNESCO and the Tunisian pemment, lldentista from six t:OUntries converged on Carthage to unravel the mystery of how a thriving and prosperous civilization could be totally destroyed. • • ------------sa• •211 •141 1YUl._.I. -------------. f' D•~ or Night 'Prompt. courteous • .. con1clentlou1 service. .... c..,. ...... _ .... ,.rt~ i ••• , ...... 1-lm111• III r-----------• -'~• c.., ........ I ~,, s-1~ .... ,.,. ...• UDO NAUTILUS FEATURES I ••• ........ .. Letters Ford not in sitcom FORD FAN -Did Harriloa Ford ever ap- oear Oii TV before lie dld r,-Star Wars " and "Raiders of the Lost Ark"·? I remember aa actor wbo looked 0 like Ford OD tbe old sitcom "Hot I Baltimore." Ford made a number of series appearances during the early days of his career, but only in guest shots, usually on cop shows. He never guested tn a si lcom, though, including "Hot 1 Balli more." The only two actors lounging around the Baltimore lobby who might resem- ble Ford were James Cromwell as the d esk clerk and Richard Masur as the manag~r. BYE, BARBARA - Wby ii 81arbara MID· drell'• series going off tbe air after 1be was named entertainer of tbe year? Miss Mandrell found the work exhausting and wanted out of the series grind. She wants to get back lo recording and live appearances. JOHNNIE'S ANGEL -This is a little oat of seasoa, IHlt I bave a bet goiDI as to wbo played tbe aasel la "Tbe LIU· les t Angel," aa old Christmas special tbat aired 111in this year. I say Jobanle Wlltaker (Jody of "Family Af· fair") starred;-my mom WxdGame u'Y1 It was Roa. Howard. Score this one for the kids. Whitaker played the fledgling angel. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndie11te,. 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New YO£...k.-N..Y-. 1016/L FI L L OJ !HE MI SStN G LEiTEf?S I~ 1'He '1 IV l.A.IORDS" B€LOW. ,-,~H ,-e I R ~I I~ I ----, ~,.__..,l.....--Vl-=-s1 IRI I Li ~ lL-IEI ISIKI I I DINI ISITIRIEI tTI ~* lclOI I IAtTI .·~'$¥;, ~,;6 :.:ftt ~ fU Afl£NJGE n~ ~ ~1 -~ ,,.IJ bJ1tJ) , C..ET'f~S Yoo F/C.lEO lt-J ~'""°1 •. l"O ~Ll "iHE IJl.M£ Ck A ) ) ~ NSllS/fALK SHoW HOST: I I I I I I I ·TV Puzzle 1,7 Shown. co-anchor on Today -and Loewe Starred in Masada Wotld org Mr Wallach Opie a Aunt Clock numerals Pitcher feature Abbe and Priacllla Cl;11re Of Balin Whllman to pa1a Oiamond- Make Aoom-Oaddv Singer Paul My-Lady -No Ano"' Actor Pac1no ACROSS 34 TV award 36 Job 39 A Gabor 40 Fiii 'er up 43 Janis or Fleming 45 Falsehood 48 One of the Fords 48 Joanne ol rums 4~ Actor Marthall 50 Hush-hush 010 51 Pubhc1ze 53 Miss Ruttter1ord·s algn.oll 5A Played Gomer Pyle · 56 Pltys Furtey 58 Cttlflie'a- $9 A C0n'},9Ctlcut- 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 22 23 28 29 30 31 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 46 47 50 52 ,,..1 55 57 Plays Harper Valley's mayor Utlllty trucks A Stooge Derek or Hopklna Wyhe or Donohue Burton of Roots fame -tor Cover Nickel (aymb J - -Had a Mllhon Miss Novak Played Peaches on LObo -Albert Neighbor of Fla Plays BJ --west A Caesar Bruce Lee·s torte Liz Torres tole See520own Mita Ekberg's ID Meandering Michael Learned show Ttte-Ne1<tOdor MlsaPoch Fred or Barry 40 Down Plays Hams on Barney Mllle1 Mr Goodman's slgn-011 Mr Kn1ghl"s 1nslgne SOLUTION • 53 ~ 0 -~ r-~ l -.., &: • ~ _TQ 50% > 'O ~ N !-> ... co OD N On Display Cabinets 0 ~ Dayti1ne =c: a. < ~ ~-Luke finally says ~Laura is dead ~ ByLYNDA~· Ci: ALL MY CHILDREN: Kenl slunned when Enc• chooees Brandon over Enca Cosmelica. Kent still thinks he can chanse her mind and ordel"ll her back to Pine Valley to judge a beauty contest. But Kent is stym.lf!d when Brandon comes aJonB, using the opportunity to Wk IO Pammy about her dedsion IO take Mark's summer clasl instead of touring Europe. Pammy confides to Melanie that 1he'1 In love wtth Mark. Liu enlen the beauty coniest and pkJtl IO sabotage Jenny's talent 1pot. Palmer 11 doing all he can to encourage Nina's working at Qiurtland r.iterprUes. Palmer II stunned by the new1 that Donna's pregnant and decides to CONU.lt a sterility expert to .ee if h1I sterilJty might have revened itRlf. Melanie uaes Rick to make Chuck jealoua. Jeaee betCOfnet defensive when Angie t.riel IO help him with his home- work. When Myrtle comes hcJl:ne early, Opal ls infuriated . since her plans to seduce Tom are halted, ANOTHER WORLD: Sally 11 conoemed becauae ahe feels Denny la too ambitiot.m for his own good. Cedlle gives birth to a 7 ~-pound baby 1trl and names her Maggie. James beginl to wonder lf he could be M.qgie'1 father. Overheerlng Blaine oUertna to get out of his life if Cecille will live him Maa;e, Sandy tella Blaine he doesn't want her to leave. C«iUe baa decided ~r IO give Sandy up, and ln an a«enpt to win him back .he heads for the airport, hoping he11 stop ber from png to tee Elena. At the a1rpoit. C.ec:ille ._ Vic Strana. who promi3es to call her when he ccrnes blc:k to Bey City. Harry ii a1ked to return 11 head of the union. Joe Master1on claims he waa innocent, and Steamer 11 charged Wlth planting the bomb t.Nt killed Lorett.a ln Harry'1 car. AS THE WQRLD TURNS: Marao and Tom reklnd.Je romance. unawatt t.Nt Mr. aw la looking on. Fm.le tella Cricket he loves her, and Karen accu.ae1 Cricket of want.Ing Jeff for henelf. Magie furloua when police 8earCh f:>ee•1 aputment for the mbainC Slembeck neck- lace. Barbara friahtened when Gunnar decides to stay in Oakdale. David lella Chris hl1 marriage to Ellen ii un· salvageable. CAPITOL: Lawrence takes Julie to lunch and she oon6del that she and Tyler plan to l'l'WT)'. Lawrence cal.la Mark and anonymoualy tella him about JUU. and Tyler'1 unpendlnt rnarrtqe. 'fyJer goee to work • an aide to Mark. ~ warns Wally that Wally'• lave for J~ will create havoc:. The underworld fl1ure Wally bor· rowed $10,000 Crom comes to hla apenmentand tel.la him he'll forget the debt If Wally helpe to undennine Tyler's poliUcaJ career. Wally retu.ee. Wally'• friend Rofrer sug-ceats t.Nt Wally can n.m $300 a nllht •a stud.Llzbeth Boehman.. unaware t.Nt Tbomu le paralyzed or that he la Gilli.an'• brother, tallc.I raptw'OUlly or the young dodor she met in the emergency room. Gillian goes to the hm· pltaJ and tella Thomae, unaware that he ii the doctor. Thoma1 calls Lizbeth, who suuesta they meet for an evening of dancing -a sua&eeUon which ttuns and tof· menta Thomu, but he agree. to the date. DAYS OP OUR ~: When Jake lhowl up at the -=ret hideout, he lntende to ltnU\&le Renee, but ii •tap- ped when Tony enters. With Renee dilpi8ed • a boy and Tony ctre.ed M her fath«, t.be twoeome Qee the motel In a car \hey ~ from anotbeJ' occup-.t ol the mot.el. ~Y laser pt rid of the car and If> Into a c.mper that Liz hat rented for them. Tony ~-9eriowly W '···-·· ·"': and Renee offen to get into bed with him ln order to keep him warm, but he rebuffs her. When the strangler sllpa through his handa again. Beman tells Marlena he either captures the strangler in six weeks or he resl.gns from the force. Just before making love to Jake, Jesica backs out. and a relieved Jake strikes her name oU hil hH list. Jemica tel.la Marie she doesn't love Jake. Gwen be· lleves that F.ugene II innocent of murdering hil wife and tans to have the case reopened. Lee decides to tell Ste- phano that Renee II hll daughter. DOCTORS: Following a propoul of marriage by Je n . Althea leevea town 10 make her deciaion. an action wtucb crushee Jeff. Philip cliapproves when Nola aka Billy to write a weekly column for the Chronicle, war- ning Nola that Billy'• IOiled reputation u a writer will ca\.lle the paper trouble. When Lee Ann ls dilcharged from the holpitaJ, Katie'• emotional dlaturbances 1urface. Luke stunned when Noll infonna hlm that Billy la her Unandal acMaer. EDGE OF NIGHT: Raven feela like a pNoner-in her home and wants out. Smiley, dlsgui..ed u Mike Karr, tella Raven ehe ro~ siay ln the home. Raven ii puzzled becau.e theft has been no news of her impending murder charge on TV. To t.Nt end. Victor goea into the buement of her home, np up a video m11Chine, run1 a tape through Raven'• TV, and hat Jeff, posing u her lawyer, say he feell Raven will not be indicled for murder. They al9o make a tape whkh •YI Raven has been found guilty. Smiley gambles awa:t $20,000 of R.9ven'1 ball money. Smiley tella Nora lhe mi.t get Raven to Jump ball 11> they can keep the dough. Hearing that Damien hal beat.en up Sammy. Derek suspend• him, and Damien'• •hocked when Poppy becks up the story. A deprelled Sky exli. Libby'• and moves Into Spencer'•· When he learns Ra· ven'1 there, he pl.aN to ronfronl her. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke tells David be'U ex· change tbe pendant for information about Laura. Al David lt&l1a to hypnotize him, Luke manaaa to break the 1pell and realizes that O.vtd must have hypiotaed Laura and 11ent her to her deeth. J~ wamt Laura T not to try and replace Laura S ln Luke'• life. Bradshaw agrees to a meeun1 with Mr. Newell to clear hlrnlell of charge• in the dl'ath of Mrs.. Newell. Anne and Noah dllCOver that Bradshaw pve Mn . Newell birth control pills despite a history of phlebltia. Scotty ateeJa a client lrom Joe. Johnny tuma down Demley'a offer of full·time pt>. Tiffany hires 81.adde U nieht club valeL Johnny and Amy are falllnc in love. Blackie'• friend Spike, who ttole the sporu cen~ money, la etnt to a rehabilitation center. GUIDING U OllT: Nola pta Quint lnto the IN!Cl'et Rivals Bill Beyers, Kelly P.Uzis and David Ma- son Danie ls (from .. left), r espec tively playing the rebellious Wany. reen-ager Gil- lian and returning Air Force hero Tyler, three of the younger McCandlesses, are seen on location for "Capitol" in Wash - ington D .C ., with Kimberly Beck - Hilton and Nicholas Walker, as college student Julie and her brothers, Congress- man Sam Clegg m of a. rival family . •'Capito/'' is seen weekdays at 1:30 on CBS (Ch. 2). room at the mansion. where he is ove~ with its la- vender scent and the memorle1 It stirs. J osh makes IOmelhl:ng of the fact that the only two times Tim hal been at Wared for Sound are the times Morpn was there. Mlke learns that Brenda Lowry, s}'lleml analyst. is really Ivy PeanlOn, FBI agent. Hope receives ransom note for Alan. Carrie No. 2 almost has total control of Carrie No. I and stuns Rms with her sexual tumons and Interest ln bis 1hady paaL ONE UFE TO LIVE: With orden from Ivan, Larry drags Karen to Timberdark farm, but rerilts the final command to bring her into the mansion and she \akel off Karen goes IO Will and UY' she thinkl Larry's having a nervous breakdown. Marco and Pat bel.lew that Hugo and Ivan are the same peraon. Pat ii f.rip~ned when the San Carlos lndlan comes to the station. She l"Wll from him, he falls oU a catwalk and ii killed, and a note Is found on hla body uklng for Pat'1 help. An autopasy 1how1 a dillntelJ'atinJ brain Implant. Asa and Dorian agree to become ~ after she ~ to get copie9 of the 11>1aramite vacuum Tony and Georgine are plan· ning. With no word from Cu.sie'a father, Herb adopts her. RYAN'SJIOPE: Jane telll Roger about her marriage to Ox, and explaina that she didn't say anything because ahe thought he w• dead. Roger uya he wantl to hear no more about her put .o he can let t.hla eink ln. but that he atlll loves ·her. That love ls shaken when Dee infonna Roger that Jane gave his mot.her'• pevla to Ox. Ox IC>e9 to the South Americans and lllY' t.Nt he will give them pearll ln exchange for money to •tart car-rKing career again. They take the deal, but say lf he wins \he race he'• free and if he loees he'• a dead man. Kim and Onon hat.ch a plan whereby Or.on will kidnap Arley and Kim and uk for $2 million in return. R.e t.ella Jack nol to ask any more questionl about Holli Kirkland. Joe dona~ a brown110ne and ~atioo cosll for Pat'• free clln.lc. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Goln1 Into Turner 1.naa.rurnenll. Dane dbcoven the ninja and kilJe him. Aja continues • a eecret .gent. Mei Sung hM other plant to destroy Travis. Sunny ii doing excluaive story on Ope- raUon Sunbur1t. Cilly upeet when ahe, toet into Lee'1 dre.er and Undl a photo of Sunny. Followlnl an &rfl\.I· ment.. Brian and SuzJ go for a ride and are waylaid by three punlu. The riverboat Stu plans to turn Into a nightclub la on Ill way to Hendenon. TEXAS: Brett.e tries to warn Rena t.Nt Judith will do anythin1 to a•t Grant back. Burton and Mildred Canfield find an apartment~ T.J . Brette II liven• Job at World 00. 2823 east coast bighway -675· I 0 I 0 0 Daytirne Benet's death shocking loss By LYNDA HJRSCH Recent news lhat Brenda Benet ~ Dumon- de, "Daya of Our Uves") committed suicide ahocked and saddened us. We had apoken with Brenda a few weeks back. She was a flurry of activity and good spirits. We decided not to mention her son Christopher, who had died at the age of six last year, but Brenda brought the child's name !JP her- self. She talked of her happy times with Christo- pher and the joy she had received from him. Brenda seemed excited about her new fashion business designing for the petite figure, her heftier role on Days.-and life in general. Although Brenda did not Ciiecuu the child's deatll, you may recall that while on a akJ trip Christopher developed a m throat. He was rushed to the hospital, where docton performed surgery in an attempt to open up the throat, which had swol- len shut, but he died on the operating table. Several reports 11ated that Brenda and husband Bill Bixby teparated following the youngster's death. Thia la untrue; Bixby and Benef had "been eeparated prior totbe~y. The 'Days of Our L ives" cut and crew are bereaved by this tragedy. Macdonald Carey dedi- cated the last five shows on which ahe appeared to her memory. It has been decided that the character of Lee will be written out. Thia ii not just senti- mentality, but a decision that Brenda wu., cloeely associated with the role of the Southern vamp- tumed-aympathetic character. HENRY DARROW, who ia remembered aa Manolito from "High Chaparral" and Uoe lieute- nant Manny Quinlan OD "Harry o:Pf. about to make h1a daytime debut .on "General Ha.pita!," where he will have the recurrtn1 role • a foreign amhe•ador beginning ApriJ 28. Just last month, "General Hospital" made a great bl4( anoouncement saying they had found the writ.era of their dreams -the~ The GH producers teemed to feel that this "W8I the team to shake up the show. Althou&h GH ls still No. 1, ft ~ .. dropping fta viewers by the mWiona. (We had mentioned that we were not dellehted with the recent turn of events on GH -weak writing, convoluted storylina. plots that teem to start frcm nowhere and end abruptly.) Well, the Corringt.ona may have been eeen • ~ aavtora, but only for a few ween. n.ey•ve been axed, and • new writer, Anne Howard Balley, hu been named u bead writ.er, with ~. au.en. a novelist who lives in New York., to work u a consultant. "YOUNG AND THE RE8TLESS11 la about to have two major io.e.. David llMlelhoff, who baa been Snapper for the put five yean, ta finally •)'inl IOOdbye to the show after threaler\ln8 to do ., for yean. Denni8 Cole (Lance) II betnc written out; h1I character Will be killed oil in a trap: acci- dent. TBE LATEST STA& to alp on to ain1 hla heart out for a soap la Jloimy Buffet of .. M.arauerttavOle'' fame. Buffet la aet to appeer on "All (ly Cbildnn." FANTASY OF THE PAST -Eigbteenih- rentury Engl.and 18 evobd in spec:W /JuJtasy sequences on "A.a the World Tums" when Barbara St.enback (right, Colleen Zenk) en- visions herself as Lady Bianca Scott, whose life oddly parallels herst Actors Anthony Herr•r• and Jacqueline Schults (center), Q. l'n DOdced die clLuacier of Astrid teems to be llmpl•I OD "Ome Life to Live." la th re aomeG181 duit laappned to lite dlaracter duit I dee't bow abMt? J was Oii vacatloa for a week ud tlloqllt sometklq mJpt laave occane4 te explala lite acddat, aJt1M9P It WU MYeJ' IDell~ 18 yov AllDIDary celama. -J.N., B.uaa., N.Y. A: No. Marilyn Mcintyre, last aeen on "Search for Tomorrow" as Caroline, injured her knee and ia wearing a knee cut. Q: I'm a bll f u of "Dyusty" Hd WH woa- derbt1 lf IC'1 poulble dull die actor wlto plays Jeff OD dae doW W ffH a ... , open • die daytime tclledale. -Z.N., YCM1Dptowa. <*o. A: Yea. John James waa Tom Bergman on "Search for Tomorrow." By the way, John cornea from a ahow-buainea family; h.la father la Herb Oscar Andenon, a well-known New York disc jockey. Q; Wiie. die~.. I 1re•,. ••pear H seap operu, a.re tltey J pert~ at lite time el die tQlq1 -t . ., ~Pille, T-. _ A:. No, they are not uaually linCinc live. Most of them are llp-IY1lChlna. Th.ls fa done for a variety of rea80na, one of which la that few poups aucb u the B-521, Maurice Gibb, etc., would want thelr alidt aound being reproduced in TV studio facilities. However, the performen on a abow who llina re- gularly -for example, Candace Earley on "All My Children" -are not lip-aynchlng. Mo.t of the people aucb u Candy have had Broadway expe· rienoe and know how to belt a tune without relytnc on fiUdio..reproduced IOUnd. Q: J .... MYeral ef die M!lf .,_. tlan. Ca JH pleat• HH me a !let•re •f tM fell•= LUe, Ilia ... ~ ("'0•11 ... 811111111"); (~Cl~<·;:v.,:i,~-:;J;~,,(=-= ~t"); llakJ (""Tesu"); llWy ... lane ("fti Dteter1">· , Jea ... Jab , .. Da • et Ou < 11"1{hi~ '.L\.iafu'l.w c C!.a'fuU1t'.J CPAMIC TU ~ WCWtH WOOCJ9 WAlL....,.,. "1TTIM WOOOA.OOlll MINI m.JNDS 50% OFF 100.... PUJ8H NYLON CARPET a PAD INSTAI I FD From 18.llP.,Yerd WE Dt9COl.M" PRICE -NOT QUALITY .. who regul.ar~Jay James Stenback and Dee Dixon, are involved in these sequences, as Lot:d Jaaon--Boott and Deidre, a servant. And Hugo Napier (left), seen Bii Gunnar St. Clair on the series, is Geoffrey Smythe- Everet t in the sequence. "As the World Tums,, 18 aeen weekdays at 12:30 on CBS. IJvea"). -M.B.; Baltimore, Md. A : lt'1 lmpoaible for us to send alonat auto- IJ'&phed pictures ol the atan because we don t have any -and even if we did it would be impractical for ua to aerve aa a go-between for a star and a fan. Your best bet is to write eac:h performer indivi- dually and uk fOl' an autographed picture. Alao, the smart fan, the fan that has a better chance for a raponse, la the one who send.a a aelf-addreued, stamped envelope. You are one of thousands re- questing pictu.rea from the performen, and while it doein't teem like much, pOltage at 20 cents per adds up. Thia plus the coat of the glossy is an added expense that most daytJ.me at.an don't want to in- cur; although aome are awfully nice about it, it does tend to be a problem. Have • qu~tion •bout your l•vorlte aoap or .a11p start Write to Lynd.a Hinch, clo Field New- •paper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, C.111. 1>1714. SM w1l1 amwer •many quesdool • llhe am. ln bel' mlumn. but the volume of mall makes peno- nal replW lmpcml~. Mear• leaves Archie HOLLYWOOD VJ>) -Anne Meara la leaving, her role u Veronica Rooney on CBS'• "Archie Bunker's Place" at the end of the eeuon ... David Soul will star u Rick, the role made famous by Humphrey Bosart, in the 9eriel ''Cuablanca" for NBC . . . Jerome Hellman bu ~ulred the film rfah\a of Paul Therow('1 new book "'The MOIQUito COMt" ..• Debra Winpr at.an in .. Mike'• Murder '' which 1oea lnto production on May 10 In Loa An1elea . Kate Nel!!Jan, Judd Hirsch, David Dukes and Stockard Cbannlnl atar in .. Without a Trice" for 20d\ C.tury-J'ox. &anley Jaffe wUl produce -direct the AIC-c..hal atory of a youna woman's IMl'dl for her mlllbtC s.,_,.4c1 Ion. fnim a ~play by Beth Outcbeoo from -book. , ' " , f ~ i ~ ~ i ~ "O 'C LL ~ ..J ~ -~ ~ • l'lU ••• n..e 8'erJtn«i·Claanntee -Jf you're not sat1sft~ return~ purchase withlll 60 ~ for a fall refund • • ~ .......... IOl.WbbNDab ...... __ tlWID~CW ...... ~ 118 wtmMMlil •llmlala•~illAowt•1-GiD\Jteepr. ~...,......,.. • llSDl.Q&L 111 Pll ., .... a...--.. •April 23, 1982• INSIDE Art . . . '. . .. eekender 'r( >I I< 1 < l\ 11 11 !-. I I. < ,I · 11 >I It J I JR.\".( .I· I I 1. \ '-i I I JI\ ! 11 '-i Ir 1',, '°' Toys-of Japan An exhibit of traditional toys from Japan, ill.spired by religious symbols t~at date back centuries, la on display at Newport Beach's Benlhana Reaaurant th.rough Apr\l 30. The colorful toys, depicting lions and hones and birds, are on loan from the Cfaft and Folk Art Museum of Loi Angeles and ¥<till gradually make the rounds ~gh all 40 of the Benihanas. The toys, mostly traditional desigm that have been duplicated and reduplicated genera- tion after generation, are more than just play- thlnp for children in Japan. Centuries aco. the handpainted objects were wied In religious ceremonies primarily for per- forming exordsma. The toys, back then. were not aold on the market but diaaMaYed at ahrineL Some were uled as aymbola of protectipn and, aocordlna to lore, were Imbued with special powers to heal, brine happiness, strength and good will. Toys depictln1 Ilona, straw hones, oxen, foxes and small bells were used by farmers. Bird.a, clop, u,en and monkeys were conaidered symbolic protecton of children against evil apl· rlta. t i Artworks go on sale -~ at ·Newp~rt art festival ..::: 0. < Hundreds of works of art by pros For the first time in the festival'• ~ and amateurs from all over Qrange history, artists will be permitted to 'O County wiJl be displayed tomorrow · sell their creations. ;£ and Sunday at the 18th annual A $3,500 juried art competition la ..: Newport Beach City Art.a Festival. scheduled as is a children's art contest. ~ The festival runs from noon to 5 p.m. c The two-day feat at the Fashion each of the daya . .= Island shopping center will feature Among the local artists returning to ! live entertainment aa well with a Di-this year'• featival are printmaker > x:ieland band, a guitar eNemble, sev-Margaret Bedell, Laguna Beach _g eral dancing troupes and atuden~s painter Richard Bunkall and photo- 0: sln~ing selections from Broadway graphera BUI Agee and Bick Femcue. mumcala. There ia no admilsion chA!rge. ------University of California. Irvine ------- Committee for Arts presents ODYlll!Y TttaATIR In °NIQHTCLUa CAN· TATA". Thura. Aprll 29 • 8:30 9.m. -VIiiage ThMtre. A mullcal -colorful cottumea -raw ~ .... LOS L&RMOI m IAN .I08a: Ml'Kl11n Folk DMoe Fl'ld8y, April 30 -8 p.m. -=ThM-tre. M.n.c:N bMd, d8nOlng Md from Jlllleco, T......,_, Nu9¥o Leon, VeNC:na. & ~. 9'1i•8UAL TaATaO FOUMDATI0• 1• "YMIA". '=Mey 2 ·I p.m. • ~ TheD'e wtltl ----N ZAPATA. ~ ~ L<>ft. CA. Beethoven concert due The Pacific Symphony Orchestra llCCOl'Dpanied by the Pacific l:horale will pedocm BeethoYen'a llchth and Ninth sympboniel S.turday when the Orange c.c.mty Philhannon6c Society hoN the two groups in the &mta Am H.lah School Auditorium. The orchestra will be conduct.eel by ita Muaic Direct.or Keith Clark, who wu one of the sympbony'1 founding members in 1977. 'rhe 85-member 9l'Cheltra JI com~ of Pl'Ofellional mu1icia1'b from Southern Cal- ifornia. The 140-voice chorale, which will perform the "Ode to Joy" finale to the Ninth Symphony ii 0rance County's lara-t muacal cqanlzatlon. It la di- rected by John Alexander, who la in hia 10th 1eU011 with the IJ'OUP· Joininc the orchestra and chorale for the evening will be four guest 80lo6ata, Maurita Philli .. 'lbomburah. who heacb the mu.ale echool at the California Institute for the Arts; Fre- deric de Manetlle, of the Royal Opera of Ghent, Belaiwn: Kathleen O'Brien, a San Die., County resident who bas performed throughout Southern C.al- lfornia; and Richard Allen, a Phila~ delphlan who hu won the Concert Artlata Gulld national singing com- peUtlon. Ticketa for the 8:30 p.m. concert may be obtained from the Oran1e County Philharmonic Society, 234 E. 17th Street.. Coli. Meta. or at the door the night of the concert. .....-··---· ---- Guitarist to play at UCI Classical guitariat Eliot Fisk will be the featured perfonner Wednesday, April 28, In one of the three New York String Quartet an.d Frienda concerts at UC Irvine. The concerti will be held Sunday, April 25, and April 28, all at 8:30 p.m . in the Fine Arts Village Theater. At age 27, Fisk already is esta- blished u one of the world's finest classical guitarists. He won first prize in the 1980 International Guitar Competition held in Italy. He is known for his technical and expressive ability as well as his music scholarship. Fisk is the founder and Dime 1 chairman of the Y ~ 5'hool of Music guitar departmen\ and baa been prai- sed for hia adaptations of clauical pieces written for other instruments. He will perform two auch trans- criptions in the UCI concert: the Three Caprices by Paganini and Bach's D Minor Violin Partita BWV 1004. The program al.lo includes Ya- riation1 by Beethoven, Quintet for Guitar and Strings, Op. 143, byTe- deaco and Quintet in D Major for G\J.itar and Strinp by Boccherini. Performing April 25 will be Andrea Byers, principal second violinist of the Long Beach Symphony. .. 3 Knott' s Cinco de Mayo l Knott'• Berry Farm will celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a weekend-long "Fiesta Mexicana" celebration Satur- day and Sunday. May 1 and 2. Besides authentic Mexican foods and costumed dancers, Knott'• Berry Fann will host a lineup of internatio- nally known Hispanic stars and the Miss Los Angeles Latina Beauty Pa- geant. From Mexico City, motion picture and television atus Felipe Arriaga and Norma Herrera and entertainer Tito Guizar will be joined by the Mexican Dance Theatre Ballet and Mariachi America de Miquel Mar- quez. HOl1S for the 1how1 at 1, 3 and 5 ~ p.m. Saturday anc1 at a. 5 ~~~ I Sunday will be the atara of - TV's "Mundo Latino" show. ! At noon Sunday in the Good Time 9- The.t.re, eome of the area'• low:lielC ~ Latin women will vie for the Mm Lim .,. Angeles Latina title. &: Also part of the Fiest.a Mexica.na ~ weekend will be appearan<'es by - Grupo Anahuac, Ballet Folklorico Lim ~ Ninos and Obregon Folklorico, an ol 3. which will perform on the Fiesta ;:; Plaza stage Saturday and SL MarY• !" Folklorico of Redlands, Mexican _. Folklore and Ballet Folklorico Ana-I huac de F.econdido, which will enter-N lain Sunday. A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment CACnter Dilrinaivc Wlrcrfnlot Diniog • Oysier a. . CodttliJs ID3 .. Pa:ific C.-c ~Newport Baim Rae• .... Aaqitcd • 6G229S The Grinder 1s·pioud lo announce the serving of Fresh Fish on Friday and Salurday evenings only L1ghHy bread,od and grilled 10 a golden brown Only S4.45 • Cahlornla Style loPped w1lh a mild Spanish SaU<:e and shced tomato and avocado Only 14.95 Albertson's • Bank of America • Biibo Bagglns • Coco'~ben'a • Dolphin Hair F~lons • Edwards Cinema• Fash'n Spfuh • HamburgerHamlet• lceCapedel• Meaa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Trawl• Miooe'• •Music Market • Photography by Jeffrey• The Plecemaker •Southern California Optical• Spe Lady • Swensen'•• Upper Cuts 1 N CID O> .... · ..... ~ . ...; Calll•se f 111 Complimentary Bottle of M IRASSOU W INE Dry Chablis or Burgandy TUES. WED. THURS. Minimum Dlnntr For Two · live Entertainment With ·KATHY KAVANAUGH \\ 24501 DEl PRADO Comtr ot Alllbet lM!IMn DANA POINT 496-5222 / AMBER tMIT[llN STARRING ClllLEIE DIE Mustc By .IULl81'Yllm Lyra By STEPHllll SONDllEIM Book Sy ARTHUR LAUllENTS · Directed end Chot•OOta~~ ·&y •• JOHN SPINDLER -~-ff"'' db' n.,_ wcr•·==r:= •-Ye•' !t ' • e .. ·-Table to table----- . . ·Night at Midori Lunch is one of our favorites at Midori, where a ~uickly prepared and filling meal costs under $4. The same menus are offered at lunch and dinner. At lunch, most prefer the a la carte version, which includes salad, soup, rice and green tea. turns sour With the dinner, you received sumomono (cucumbers in a. sweet vinegar sauce), shrimp and By JOEL C. DON vegetable tempura and fruit dessert in addition to oru.. D91J ,... ,..,, salad, soup, rice and tea. MIDORI, 2969 Fairview Road, Cosu Mesa. We also opted for a sushi appetizer. a traditio- 557-7313. Lunch.served from 11:30a.m. to 2:30 p.m. nal Japanese dish of raw seafood on cold cooked Monaay throujh'T'hlJl'8day, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m . rice.-"N@fi Susru ($5:90) had several dlfferent Kinds Friday and noon to 2:30 p .m . Saturday. Dinner of seafood, including tuna, yellowtail, octopus, squid served from 5 to 10 p.m . Monday through Thurs-and giant clams. The sushi was fresh and tasty. For day. 5 to 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 4:30 to lh06e who have a certain objection to raw anything 9:30 p.m. Sunday. A la carte Items $3.30 to $4.50. on a plate, Midori a1ao often sushi made vegetables. Dinners from $6 to $8.90. Visa. My guest opted for a rather traditional main -course offering of chicken teriyaki ($6.80). I decided Consistency ha$ to be one of the major bywords to try aomething quite different called Shoga-yaki of the restaurant trade. ($6), with a choice of beef or pork seasoned with So' what do you do when an evening out at one ginger. of your favorite dining spots turns sour? The soup is a ligtlt consomme and is a refre- Perhaps the cook was having a bad time in the ahing prelude to the main course. kitchen. Since we cb06e to go out on a Tuesday, ~ut our shrimp and vegetable tempura was maybe midweek dining should be avoided. Worae aoggy, apparently left in the deep fryer much too yet, we could decide to arop the restaurant from our long. With f.r:ied food, especially at Japanese res- list of favorites. tauranta, we have come to respect the care given to We could take our disagreement up with the insure a crisp tempura batter without much hint of chef, returning the meal to the kitchen. But that'• greue. generally reserved for outright disasters. We could The chicken teriyaki ls seasoned with a take our displeasure out on the waitress via the Up. barbecue-style sauce. But the meat was overcooked That's really not fair. and dry. Even extra sauce could not improve the But since our meal was not altogether a wa-pala~bility of the meat. shout, we decided to avoid making a fuss. And we'll As for my selection of beef with ginger, the continue to frequent what we have come to know as meal was te nder and tbe vegetables crisp. But I a generally fine Japanese resta~i. finished up the meal searching in vain for some hint MJdori ls nondescript. hidden away in a small of ginger. shopping center. The interior is Spartan at best, but Nevertheles.5, we'll return to ,Midori from time the food -on most occasions -and service have to time, and hopP that a bit more attention is paid to always received high marks. consistency. r·.u -~DINING I .ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE THE FIRST&.. ONLY ·SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN. NEWPORT BEACH SPECIALIZING IN . SZECHWAN. SHANGHAI &. MANDARIN CUISINE C.,_.WIOMnMn-•eCYfOOel NING ~~A PALACE RESTAURANT w ·W ,// IUR I. WINC S£RVU> "~ ; ;• LUNCH&. DtNNER S£RVtc •• ' ' ntOM I 1 :30A.M.·IO:~Or.M. '~~T 7 0AYSAWtl.k ALSO:Food togoorderi lHOW.COAST91WY. 7 14 63 t -80i t NlWf'OIT llACll. CA • (714) 6J 1-MJ I SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH in the Meditenranean Room I ,, from 10-3 -~- ,. • Roast Beef ~ Fresh Salads Roast Lamb ~ & Much More Bourbon Glazed Ham Decorative Marriott Ice Carvings Marriott's Famous Twin Pianos OUR FAMILY HOLIDAY DINNERS ARE BECOMING A TRADITION. • 900 Newport Cc•ler Dnve ISCOVER . complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5:00 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup or saJad and one of these entrees Fenuclnl "Neptune .. The Weight watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef country Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips o melene du Jour . .. plus your choice of dessen. Including Haagen oazs Ice cream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverages from coffee. rea. Iced tea. milk or sanka. ~ leKla CAPRICCIO CAFE a• ~-:; OCJCI Nt-wport C<'Ok'f ortve I ~m Bea<"h. CA 92600 I t7 I 41 64C,_..IOO. Ext. 6 138 save up to $4.00 on our neW d in ners! Try eomethlng new and delicious on our newly ••paneled dinnilr menu. And with this coupon, save up to $4.00onilftMI' for two (or S2.00on a 8inale new dinner). Alee"• Kills Crab Lege Terll•B Cllic._ and Prinae Rib RltE~Stuk SM ... S-1ler s:W:nr:P New York Strip Stuk All .u ................ , ....... M!llP -··"·'led ialM ...,., riee or ,... ...... • •uht el ,,... llnlicl • •. ~ -..... -........... ""' .. .... ... , .............. ,,. Victorila Statioll TH Met PnmM •.Am --•Wlaala let...,., Newport Bean; llaeArtbar mctJambaie'e. M ll)f · Lqma .... lml"Avenida de la Carlota, Tel-I .. ................ 5 6 -.2 er ••• --· 1 ~ --...... ~~~~co-~~ -Di versions--...... -·_llllllliiiiii....__...._ Wf PIOMISf ro• HOO CIHlllSI fOOO WNCHH • DeNNllS • TIOPICAL COClTW ~ . IAllQUft FACIUTlES ... CATllM * FOOO TO GO · • ... 7bATS -- . r iiii ••• .. '°" " '° -PLAYS------ "COMING ATTRACTIONS," a satirical co- medy, ls playing on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory. 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033), through May 9. Curtain times are 8:30 Tuesday through Saturday, 8 p.m. Sunday, with weekend matinees at 3 p.rn. "FOLLIES A LA CARTED," a variety show, is the fare at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente (492-0465). Per· formance times are Fridays an6Si1urdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 through May 16. "THE FRONT PAGE," a comedy ab9ut old- tlme newspapering, opens tonight at the West- minster Community Theater. 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-4113). Performances will be gi- veq Fridays and SaturdaY1 at 8~30 th.rouCh May 2"2. "DEATH OF A SALESMAN.'' Arthur Miller's classic drama, is being pruented by Showcaae Productions at the Westminster Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave., Westminat.er (894-6786). Curtain time is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays \hrough May 15 and 2:30 on May 16. "WHO'S ON FIRST?" by El Toro'• Jack Sharkey, a wacky far<."le. oontlnues for the Irvine Community Theater at Turtle Rock Community Park, Sunnyhill Road oU Turtle Rock Drive in Ir- vine. Performances are Fridays and Satlu'dap at 8 p.m. through May 1 with a Sunday matinee May 2 at 2 p.m. Tickets available at the door. Call 557·7297 for information. • .. DA," an award-winnine Irish comedy, conti- nues through May 16 at South c.o.t Repertcry, 6" DEATHTRkP. The trap is set ••• For a wickedly funny ·who'll-do-it. Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa: Curtain time is 8 p.m. Tuesday through Satw;day, 7:30 Sunday and 2:30 for week.end matinees. aelervatiOl'lll 957-4033. "THE ROYAL FAMILY,'( a comedy about people in the theater a half century ago, winds up at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa. Performances are tonlght and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2:30. Call 631-5110 for ucket information. "THE DEADLY GAME," a suspense drama by the Mission Viejo Playhouse. clO&eS at the Forum Theater on the Festival of Arts grounds on Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach. Performances are tonight and Sat.urday at 8:30 with reservations ta- ken at 830-9252. "FORTY CAt\ATS," a romantic comedy span- njng the generation gap is on stage at the Harlequm Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. The show will play njghtly except Monday at varying curtain times through May 9. Call 979-5511 (or ticket information .. WHERE'S CHARLEY?" -the musical ver- sion of the comedy "Charley's Aunt." is on stage at the Cocta Mes.a Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds in a.ta Mesa. Performances are Thundays through Saturdays at 8:30 until May 8, with retervations available at 754-5159. "SEE HOW THEY RUN," a wild farce set in an English vicarage, is playing at the Newport Theater Arla Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays See Diversions, Page 7 "Leaves you laughing ... " _....ow ~lltWW tll lUluwrl~ E1'Kut~ Produc:~Y ~SSON AUEN A~ ,f'OCM., AlFREO de LIAGRE. JR ~by )OHNNY r>1ANOEL ProdYced by BURTT HAAAIS ScreeftPlar br JAY PRESSON ALLEN Blied OI' tl\e 'uit p11y by IRA LEVIN Dt~ttd by SIDNEY LUMET 'llOM----0 A VWIN(l't COMWNoC&rlQHI ~'( .......... ................. - ' : . --~·.:..1t . -.. ... -., ._ .............. -..... .&~ -- ._~ ----- ................. ., --- -Diversions---..-.--------------7 ·From Page 6 through May 15 with matinees at 4 p.m. May 2 and 9. Reservations 675-3143. ''VISIT T-0 A SMALL PLANET.," a comedy about a visitor from outer space, continues at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Seacliff Village shopping center. Performances are given Fridays and Satur- Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to tah Hollywood by storm. And h~r father by surprise. Em --·- days at 8:30 through May 22, with reservations ta- ken at 847-4465. THE IMAGINARY INVALID," Mollere's clas- sic comedy ends this weekend at Saddieback Col- lege In Mission Viejo. Performances are tonight and SalUrday aC 8 p.m . an<f"Sunl:lay at 3 p.m . Call 831-4530 for tickets. "GREASE," a G-rated version of the popular Fifties musical, conti.nl,leS at Unooln School in Co- The dream you can't escape ALIVE! rona del Mar. Show times and play dat.es may be ~ obtained by calling 640-2271. l "MARRIAGE OF FIGARO" will be pre.ented in English a t 8 p .m . Saturday In Moulton Play- house, Laguna Beach, by Lyric Opera AaociaUon of Orange Counfy. Information, call 499-U33. - ~ Q. ~ ,, :i Q. "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," Arthur Miller's ~ See Diversions, Page 8 , ••Pryor is wonderfUlJ He la tender, bllarloua, • ~tfUl,8CXy, 8CAnit Uld deadly efficient." -Slld9 ""-· t.08 AHOIUS T1ME5 _. co CD N f I • . ' ' 8 -Diversions---------------i -er> From Page 7 "' Pulltz.er Prize-winning play, opens at 8:30 toriiaht in ::C the Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave., West-~ mln1ter. Staged by Showcase Productions of ~ WeatrniJUter runs through May 16. Reservatiom, ~ call 957-2515. ~-ART------- 1 STUDENT ART la dlaplayed in Guggenheim and Upstairs galleries, Cha~ College, 333 No. Glallefi St., Orange, Monday throug)fFiiday. Gal- lery houri are 1 to 5 p.m. .Admblion free. "FOCUS FOUR," an exhibition of collographs, watercolon, et.chino and IOft ICUlpture la displayed through June 1 in West Gallery. Mills Houae Visual Arts Complex, 12732 Main St., Garden Grove. In- formation, call 638-6707. "SCENIC DIMENSIONS;" an exhibit of aeta, drawings and installations are dt.played through May 5 in Santa Ana College Art Gallery. Hours are 11 a.m.-2 p .m. Monday throu.t~~uraday, 10 a.m.-Noon Friday and 7-9 p.m. y and Wed- ne9day. . MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana. Information, call 549-4989. "THE VICl'ORIAN FLOWER PAINTERS," an exhibit of watercolors, la ahown through June at St. Ives Annex. South Coast Village, Santa Ana. Gal- lery hours are 10 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays and Noon-5 p.m. weekends. "INDONESlAN RITUAL OBJECTS AND TEXTILES," an exhibit of 92 ritual objec~ and textiles, la on view through May 2 at Bowen Mu- seum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Gallery hours See Diversion&, PMe 9 -..2 WORKS BY printmaker Shiro lkegawa plus drawing• by Dorrlt Kirk and three-dlmenaional ----------------- multi-media drawlnp by Michal McKeown go on display Wednesday through May 21 at Orange C:ounty Center for Contemporary Art, 3621 W. 0: "TRADITIONAL TOYS OF JAPAN" ia dis- played at Benibana Rettaurant, Newport Beach. Groupe tours available. Information, call 955-0822. ' ED1f A.BBS CINEMAS WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLA. Y ----- WINNER ACADEMY ·AWARDS BEST PICTURE . BEST ORIGINAL SCORE· VANGELIS Bf.ST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY COLIN WELLAND BEST COSTUME-MELINA CANONERO .- ~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT NEWHT RELEAIEl·N09T~ERTS REUOIOUl•IPORT•CHIU>RENa•AOULT INCLUDING THESE TITLES MASH BLUE COLLAR HALLOWEEN II MIRROR CRACK'D SO FINE THE LOONEY, LOONEY BUGS BUNNY MOVIE THOUIANOI 0' TA,11 ANO DllCI fO CHOOH f"OM IOPEN: M-F,10·9-!AT,10-f-IUN,12-&f ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS ASK ABOUT OUR EQUIPMENT / RENTALS JU EHi ~Hmh $1rwt C#t• MllN. ClihlomJo 12Q1 (114/13' SfOI' or 111 ·1161 M:ttOU fffOM /W.1IH'I ·--- From Page 8 are Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday lhrough Sunday. Admission free. "ARTISTS OF LAGUNA,'' works by 250range Coast artists, runs through May 23 at Vorpal Gal- lery. 326 Glenneyre. Laguna Beach. WORKS BY CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN ARTIST GIUSEPPE SANTOMA.SO are displayed at Rizzoli Gallery, South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. -DANCE------ CRIPPLE CREElt CLOGGERS perform at 1 and 2:30 p.m. Saturday ln the Brea Civic Cultural Center Theater. Adult ticketa are $3. Information, call 731-2792. ------NOW SHOWING------ FOUHTAIH VNJ.IY = OIAHGf Foonton ~ Tlolln ~ SIOdllUm Or-In 839 1SX> 037 6»-8770 =..ICfge 561-<ltl65 ~~ Winner of 3 Academy Award• Including Best Actor -ttetvy Fonda Best Actress -Katharine Hepbtl'n Best Screenplay (Adaption) -Ernest • ~son •··· ~ '·. ~ SALVATION ARMY DANCE GROUP featu- ring Michelle Borden, 6, of Coeta Mesa, perform at l p.m. Saturday during Youth Expo '82 at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Expo hours are 9 a.m .-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Ad- mission Cree. --C!MdftON,-m~ttancran11pasit:iut1, highlighta "Spring Dance Theater" staged begin- ning Wednesday at Cal State, Fullerton. Curtain time ia .8 p.m. except 5 p.m . Sunday. Continues through May 2. Information, call 773-3371. -ETC.------ SECOND ANN UAL ALL-WOMAN BAJA See Diversions, Page 10 *BARGAIN MATINl!ES • Mond•Y thru S•turday AH Perlonnanc•• IMfOf'• 5:00 PM I~ ...... El ........ ,•• Ht1Ny1) ...oMY't"UIJ -----.- ' /\ ~ I oN , : J ,•(,I~· •• ( J lJ ' • ( ,,.. "' • •• ·1~ IUNO Of' MUIC>" 1111 ------ -.YOUCOULO .. WAT I HU#' fNI ------- "t'OMV'l"1111 --.-~-- • Daily Pf lot e classifieds wortc for • • you.Call 642·5678 e forquick -9-<-aslt91es. - PllUlll PllTI ...... u ... , llYUlllW 474 E. 17th St. ,Coeta ..... .._21• "CAT PEOPLI" (It) ... ....... , ...... "8TRftS" .... ~OOVETUBE" OI) -_, .... -6t0 "' '°' lU -· •• ,.,ouatn MOTICl' CMllOllH UllOU 12 flUl! llMW ... ·--, .... '" •••• u a.. -•• ,. c:..11.-•'llUI AM DIA 111119•1WI PUlllll ,. .. ,,..aa .... 11fT1181T91~l'OSIDI ---..-i t•M.L Cla-'I ............. ...... ... ANAHEIM i..,o1111t 11-t ___ ,,._ .. • ,....to -.cMAM ""'°" LM OM 1 lME~~"' I -cLA9lf"" .;::-m,...... <NI Clllf " tOUllO • " 0 t ,. I f4 ~ I HUlNA PARK [•~YI 'i , ................ ..... 12)-4010 ---....... "·• LINCOLN O~IVl IN -~!'~--­ "TAH" (P'O) -'1llOOQN ~-(P'O) Cltlt " loOllllC> "THI MDUCTtON GAllll" Clill "MX AND TM9 LONl1. Y WOMAN ~MT t• 1111 l_0 ... ,. ......... -121-4010 1CMOOLO.. MITC..-DtS" I'll I "•'A"• FOUNTAIN VALLEY D~IVf IN ._ 0-..,. ,,., .. .....,_ "'°) ff2-Hl1 I ,. ... , '• '• ~11 WAY 39 01/IYI IN "TA!':J"I .... ~Mnf"(N) ~ fl90UllCI .. YOU COULO "9 WMATIMIM'tNI ......,. "THI M'90'f MOUY tTORY" .... Clllf " tOUllO I. " II ~ • - lA fiARRA : ~ ,, •, ... ORANGE .... 1 ,., ---" ..-na ......-nlAM" -"MA.DUA TM* DA r llQ Clllf fl 90llllO ......... S.t'I O.ltfl$f_ff_ 191-3693 .. "' 111e.--,... -~Tl Of' ,_ .. \N I -•MTHUll"' INI calll "~;.;;.._ __ ~Y'•".-1 -"Uli'INMIK*a•tlll CMll ··~ "'"l;J"°I "tATUllDAY TMI 14TH" (PQ) ..,,,.., ...... ...... _, __ ~ "CAT NIOIU" CR) 9 • , IO N I ~ • ~ N :c: ~ ~ • 'O "C u. 1 1 ~ -.2 Ci: r -------Diversions--------- .... From Page 9 CALIFORNIA AIR RACE takes off from Long Beach to La Pu on April 30. Information, call (213) 643-0471. ORANGE COUNTY PLATE COLLECTORS CLUB celebrates ita 4th anniversary at 2:15 p.m. Sunday at Brookhurat Community Center, 2271 W. _,.·-·Claa:ent; Anaheim. A~anc:t"lJBrldnrfrtt'. QIUT FOi Fiil (R) 70ntm 1:083:18 5:20 7:401:45 No ,... No Economy Sutin1 JulieAndnws Y..19'01 VICTIRIA Information, write P.O. Box 8818, Anaheim, 92802. MISS CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY PAGEANT is on stage at 8 p.m. Saturday In Good Time Theater, Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park . ANAHEIM BOAT SHOW is at Anaheim Con- vention Center through Sunday. Actor Alan Hale is to be among guests. \'i~c\o 2:40 5:20 1:0010:30 A VICl'ORIAN FAIR will be re-created from ---1111~ noon until 5 c.m. Saturday at Fulleri0ri Arboretum, K.teU. Ne..-Cal State Fu lerton. Includes artisans and hobbyists STADWM demonstrating crafla such as butter-churning, ••••• paper-making and calligraphy plus antique auto display, cake-eating and pie-eating contests, nature * ~:.c .. ~:.~~.'.P.d~\'!.:i~~:.·rutr.~i~ * I wal~ ~d beek~plng e xhibit. Adult admission is $1. Welt D~ Julie Andrwwl ~ht0evil~~11 ~~ BUENA PARK COIN AND STAMP EXPO O!yt!n 1'9LQtil!ML PertONC a.tlftl continues through Sunday at Retail Clerk's Audi- • Bill Muney 1n ThtDl9nYaw&li&a1111 I torium, 8850 Stanton Ave., Buena Park. Adult ad-r.:"J!~:! ~!RI mission is $1.50. Information, call (213) 453-1854. OroowTubelRI ~~~, -·M·USI· c---------..+.--x Cot bf._..... iiiiW,..,. AUTYUIEC IRI -----Plue 0-Winner! UU A~ · ~L-=:M~hur~~"°~'~':"":"!~~~~~~~~W~ CHAPMAN COLLEGE'S BERTE.A BALL will ALL DRIVE-INS OPEN 1:30 NIGHTl y be site of a violin recital by Shelly Burger of Clllld••" Under 12 ""•• Uftle16 Noted Fountain Valley at 8 p.m. Saturday, a piano recital by Maria Amiri at 8 p.m. Sunday and a vocal recital by Julie Roberta at 8 p.m. April 30. The college is In Orange. Admisaion la free. CHAPMAN COLLEGE CHAMBER ORCHE- STRA performl at 8 tonight in Bertea Hall. 333 N. Glassell St., Orange. Admission free . MOLLY PICON AND JONNY YULE present a be.nafil_concerLfor_Jew.ia~ Schoo. at 8 p.m. Thunday in Donald R. Wash Au-- ditorium, Garden Grove HiC}l School. 11271 Stan- ford, Garden Grove. Ma. Picon does Yiddiah dra- matizations and songs. Yule does Jewish humor plus Yiddish and Hebrew aonp. General admission is $15. For infonnation, call 636-3361. ORANGE COUNTY PACIFIC SYMPHONY performa "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony" with Pacific Chorale at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in Santa Ana High School Auditorium, 520 W. Walnut, Santa Ana. Information, call 646-6411. ELECTRONIC MUSIC will be performed at 8 p.m. Monday In Fullerton College Campus Theater, 321 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton. Performance consists of two styles of ele<:tronic jusic, jazz. oriented and techno-pop. Tickets are $2.50. EXCERPTS FROM THE AMERICAN OPERA "RACHEL," will be performed at 4 p.m. Sunday in Geneva Presbyterian Church, 24301 El Toro Road, Laguna Hills. Presented by Oranae County Alum- nae Chapter, Sigma Alpha Iota. 1nformation, call 675-2115. IRVINE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA performs at 2 p.m. Sunday at Turtle Rock Community Cent.er1 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Rehearsal at 10:15 a.m. ill free. Concert at 2 p.m. Is $3 for adulta. ''Riv11ls '2001' 11nd 'STAR WA.RS''' -nllflOIOMUU, US~ -~ICC _._.._,, ... -........ ............. -.. ••llllft• ........ --•-••n .-..ms-·•- ...... --...... •il •.•-----• ----··-..... •--m"a•a•r ... l _ ....... .._ ....... --;-.; ___ • I' I ~ ,--. , ~~ -On stage-I ------- . 'See How They Run' flat out By JIMMY JOHNSON Deir ..... , ............ ldltof It'• no problem to understand why writer Philip King baptized thla little three-act travesty "See How They Run." It begins running flat out and doesn't slow down until the last funny lines have been delivered. Director Kent Johnlon baa gathered together a remarkable group of performen to make this ~ duction tor 1lle Newport !Ibeater Art Cent.er both interesUng and funny ... very funny. "See How 'Ibey Run" mixes stage. clergy and a bit of lntri4Jue with a heavy batch of nomeme for an even.ins of Wuiht.er. It takes ~ in England ahortly after Workl Warn. The Bev. Lionel Toop, played nicely with a bit of mock naivety by Richard Allen, bu recently manied an American abowpl, who la having a "pwd..awful time" adjusting to the life of a vic'.ara wife. She bas even been 8eel\ 1n the vUJaae wearing penta and W8Vin& to an American toJdier in._ Jeep. Penelope Toop, the vicar's wife, ia played very _,,ell by Beth Tiu, who can't foraet her days in the cborul line and ii quite heedltrooc ~ her P-'- tion in the community. When the vicar goes of1 to play the organ foe the choir foe the evening and an old friend from the theater ahows up, you won't believe what follows. Involved in all this ill a cockney maid who baa aeen too many American moviel; a aphwter, leCtttly in ~ with the vicar, who gets her tint taste of booze; a a.abstitute vicar; an e1eaped Ru.Un apy; a boisterous poUce rreeant and a staid bilhop, 1who just happens to be the uncle of the vicar'• wife. How that la pcmible 1a never explained. Mt. Skillon, the lpinlter played to perfection by Betty Young, 9 openly upeet wi1h Penelope. She says lt'a becauee the vicar's wife halt detuated the pulpit for the harveet bell. but if the truth were feally known. ahe'a mad aa bell at poor Penelope> becauee ahe manied the vicai'. Corp. Clive Winston. Penelope'• friend from the theater who ii now 8el"Vtng with the Air Force in England. le ccnned into «ivtnc up hla uniform for· the evening for the vtcar'a "MCOnd best euh" ln ocder that he and Penelope mlcht vWt. theatrical production wtucb baa been put off-llmita to Amer- ican IOld1en.. . It im't Jone before the bilhop abowa .:_ unex- pectedly to vilit his niece and her new h\ nd he bl. never' met. In the meantime, the Rulllan epy relieves the Rev. Toop of h1a clergy garb and a .w.titute vicar shows up. You talk about wild, director Jotm.>n ~ to mix a lot of c:rulne9I into three abort acts. Toin Regan plays Corp. Wbwton; Stanley Tudor ii the Bishop of Lax; ?leal Seth Kop&\ is an odd Ru.Ian apy and Colin Guiver ii • big scene stealer .. the Rev. Arthur Humphrey. Currently ·.screening A LITTLE IEX: Rated R. atara Tim Matheaon, Kate Calllhaw and F.dwatd Kemnann ln 'the at.ory of a mM who triea to be faithful but Oadl Lt hard. The B ratine Is k1' adult lltua· tiorw. A8IENCE OP 11.AUCE:llated PG, PauJ ~#Id Sally J'leJd. A camul IWdy of the pa'!fl!r of the in-and Ill corwequencM, matly aet'Uied by stclne)' Polleck. The PG raUnc Is foe adult~. THE AMATEUR: Rated R,...,.. John 8avaee and Marthe X.eDer lo a tU of CIA tntrtpe and bltrayal. 'fte R ratinC Is for ~. An.AHl'IC~I Jlalad R,...,. Bun i........ ... IClnl. bottom-rune a -pm• .. who,..._ i.. ~.., IMllra a ai., t.d& when he happem upon a W,. amount of cocam., and cine i.. chm at nllDW!I wbm he ....... "-s.r.dan, a mrd ..... LoU Malle diNctad tw. bb of ~. wn.m by John Owre. lt'a fnlih, "-'Y• and altw. 'Iba a nit1ns a lor ...._ and8dlahllbedclna .. ~T -r .... PO,-. Jlldl Nahl Md °""9 ......... mW·-CL°Lol .... ,. It V1 ..... "'Clmsy...,... ......... ,,......, ...... llQll ............................ ,, ......... .. .... F bJ Roht, 1'ltiett' and Aui*a LW.7.· 11 da9 _._ ... 1111 ... lllnm_,Mlld "1.W......_,,_PO ..... 11 far .....a ...... CAI P80PWI .... a, ... n ........ ILIMld U4 MP' Md' s•a• .............. U ••ril ... ...... "' ................. .., o..p ........ fte • ......... _ .. ......: . D.EATB Wllll: Bated R. IWI 0-.. Broman and JUI .J!eland. ~ ~ candnum the .... of a man who au out to 11W1191 the iJeatli of hil wtfe at ti. barW ol ............ Tbt B ratlnl ti fot vtoimct. &VIL UNDD TllE IUN: Rated PG, an Pew UIUnov, Jane lllrtdn, Sr.Ma MDel. J.,. M..an and Diana Na In , Aaiilha Ou1atie 1 tale of murder-and lllltfcue. The PG ratlnf II k1' adult llwaUom. TIC&LISB -SW21ey Tudor grimacn a Valene Mcilroy claws at him during• .ome from''~ HOw They Run" at the Newpon Theflter Arls Center . . 'l'hincl haw gone quite r.any when Sergeant Towers invadea the 90eSle in leAl'Ch of the emaped apy. Needlem '° •Y· he doee not unravel the me.s. That•a left up ~l)' _!O Ida. the cmid ~yed dellchtfully by Valerie Mcilroy, who couJdn t have been better. AD In an. it'• an evmtnc of tun and well worth the price of a ticket. "See How They Run" will nm ~ May 15. u •• ' ·. .. ''DASBOOT'' , ... , ...... IAT/IUN.1:11, .00 7:00, t:41 (R) lllTllllll IUal fmrlll IUID I Hl[IA V APHll ; I 1'1ll.' Of~ANGE. COUNTY . CALIFO RNIA 25 CEN TS Booze, Pac~Man OK a.t Mile Square By PHIL SNEJDERMAN or ... ,...,..., ,Fountaln Valley hu t~ to liquor and video 1amea u means of bolatertna income at the city'• recreation cent.er at Mlle Square Park. The City Council authorized the wrvtng of alcoholic beverage. in the cent.er'• aoclal hall. Thia ii expected to ~enerate $3,000 or more annually iii extra income . from rentala of the hall for wedding receptlon1 and private parties. 'rhe council alao approved a one-year contract for the lnataL- la tlon of at leaat three vid eo machine• In the center '• gamei room. The city la expected to receive at least $5,000 annually from theae machines. 9 concerns aired , City Recreation Manager Bob Cook aaid theee stepe are par\ of a gradual drive toward making t h e recreation center aelf- aufficient. The center, which includes a games and activities building, t.ennia courta, buketball courta and bueball fielda, la or.rating with an annual deficit o at leaat $100,000, Cook laid. The cent.er hu been a popular target of city otflctala and reald- enta auagettJng steps toward ea- ting Fountain Valley'• financial problemt. Critics have charged that Fountain Valley ii aubaldi· zing recreation programa that are Wied by many residents of other ct tin. Others argue that mpet cltlea let up their recreation provama aa a pubUc te!'Vlce In Umes when more !unda were available. "Obviously, w e h ave leaa money today. and we have to explore new waya to offset rec· reation coata," said Recreation Manager Cook. He aaid It wW be several yea.rt before the recreation cent.er can be operated on a break·even baaia. Coast unit rejects Bolsa Chica plan ( BY ROBERT BARKER O{tfw Deltr ..... llaft The California Coastal Com- mission Thursday found defi- derlCies in Orange County's plan for the development of the Bolsa Chica marshlands at Huntington Beach. * * * The 12 commissioners present at the h earing In Los Angeles followed the recommendations of their staff to the letter on eight key areas of concern. · Commissioners also added a ninth concern -archaeology - after a spokesman for c.allfomia * * * State court to hear· beach access issue By BERNARD HURWITZ ·~'" """ l'f'"" SAN FRANCISCO -The California Supreme Court agreed Thursday to decide whether the state Coastal Commission may require all shoreline builders to provide public access to the beach. The 2nd District Court of Ap- peal in Los Angeles, hearing a legal challenge brought by the Pacific Legal Foundation, had said the requirement was un- constitutional except when ap- plied to large developments. "In implementing these regulations," the appellate court said, "the commlaslon haa al· tempted to enlarge ita own po- wers and has proceeded in a manner which offends the con- stitutional protection or private property." The Appeal Court aaid the commission'• regulations are in direct violation of the 1976 Cali- fornia Coastal Act. The court did not question the constitutionality of the act itself. Dog·tife The commission argued the appellate decision would have a "devastating" impact on the Le- gialature's ability to police public rights of access to the sea as guaranteed by the state Consti- tution. The agency asked the h igh court for a hearing, saying the appeal court ruling would "emuculate" the 1976 Callfomla Coutal Act. "Obviousl y, we're pleased," said commission spokeswoman Katy Corsaut after learning of Thunday's decWon. ··~taking the cue, the Supreme bas effectively voided the appeals court decision.'' She said the Appeal Court'• Feb. 23 ruling "put 1angua.ge into the act that's not there" by saying the reqirement only ap- plied to "large, multi-purr,>•e and multi-unit development. ' The appeal court had said only that sort of development would Interfere with the public's abllitv to reach the shore. saver Fir~ damages man's home Fire otf.iciala say a Huntington Beach man's dog may have saved its master's life early today when a fire broke out in the man'• home. Huntington Beach Fire C.apta·. in Roger Hosmer said ltlchard Martin, 32, was asleep about 2:30 a.m. when a fire erupted in the living room of the single-st.Ory houae be rents at 9381 Cast.legate Drive. Hoaner said Martin told fire officials he was awakened by his dog jumping on his chest. Martin helped hia dog to safety out a bedroom window and attempted to call firefiihters on a kitchen WORLD phoile, which he found was dead, Hosmer said. Martin finally summoned fire- fighters from a neighbor's phone. The blaze, which was brought under control within 10 minutes. cauaed about $40,000 damage to the living room, roof and con- tents of the home, Hosmer aaid. The resident was treated for smoke inhalation, but no other Injuries were reported. Hoerner said calm wind conditiona min- imized the danger of the blaze spreading to other residences. The cau.e of the blaze could not immediately be determined, Hosmer aaid. . \ _North Korean leader ailing North Korea's dictator, Kim D·Sun,, ii 70, and world leaden are watchi.na hia frail health u clmely .. that of Rullia'• Leonid lftzhnev. Paae AB. NATION I Networlc neWI e%amiaed Former Staie Department .,..._.n Hodd:;f Carter tau. a Jook at the~.,... of netw newt ln a PBS docum.ntary ...... A'7. , Indian tribes said development In the area would destroy sacred grounds and burial alt.es. The plan that was submitted to the coastal commission had been approved by county supervisors and officials of Signal Landmark Inc., the major owner of the 1,600-acre area along the CO{lSt- line near Huntington Beach. It included: -Oevele pment of 5,700 res- idential units on 1,200 acres of the lowlands. -Creation of a 600-foot navi- g,a bJ e ocean access from the manhlands. -Development of a marina that would include 1,800 boat slips. -Preeervation of 600 acres of wetlands (including the 300 acres already owned by the state.) The action sends the plan back to county officials to work out problem area.a with members of the coutal commiasion staff. Fi- nal coastal commission action ls (See BOL8A, Pqe A!) Woman, 19, critical 0.-, Net ,_... by lAe P9YM HIGH AND DRY -Want to learn windsurfing without the indignity of Wl9Cheduled dunkings? Tty Orange Coast College instructor Mike Perry's class on 18th Street Beach in Newport Beach. Student April Dallas is on chopped off board mounted on swivel base. after crash Nearing Isles A 19-year--old Fountain Valley woman who had been a pas- aenaer on h e r companion'• motorcycle waa In critical con- dition today with injuries suffe- red ln a three-vehicle collision Tueeday. British fleet alert Theresa Pelt of 18730 Brook- hurat St., waa in the intensive care wa.rd at Fountain Valley Community Hoepital with head and cheat injurlea, a hospital spokeswoman said. at second stage The driver of the motorcycle, Joeeph F. Oster, 29, of the aame Brookhunt Street address, was rele.ued from the hoepital after treatment for a leg Injury and varioua cuta and bru.i8es. Police aaid the pair were lnju- r e d at 6 p .m . i n a crash at Brookhwst Street and Hamilton Avenue In Hunt1ng1on Beech. Traffic lnvestlpton aaid Janet Lynn Anderson , 28, of Santa Ana. waa anempting a left turn from Brookhunt onto Hamilton when her auto collided with another car, then the motorcycle. The two motorcycle riders were thrown about 80 feet by the impact. ofticen aald. Neith~r WU wearlnc a helmet, according to police. Ma. Andenon and the driver of the aecond car weren't lnj""'ed; police aaid. STATE LONDON (AP) ~Britain's armada nearing the Falkland Wanda went on the second hig- hest atate of alert before combat today, a Defeme Ministry spoke- ~reported. ••At this moment, the ships are at defense stations, which means that half a ahlp'1 company is close up to its weapons or radar, while the other half Is conduc- ting normal business," the spo- kesman aaid. The highest state of alert is act.ion stationa. Although the spokesman de- nied the task force was Involved in any landing action on South Georgia, reports peraiJted that the armada will first retake the British dependency 800 miles east of the Falklands that the Argentines seiud April 3 and are guarding with an estimated 140 troops. Some British military experts Medi-Cal benefits extended LOS ANGELES (AP) -Superior Court Judae Dk:kran Tevr1Dan extended Medi-Cal benefi1a for 10",· ooo California tamme. throulh Aue. 1 af1er a Legal Aki attorney filed IUlt on behalf ol a divorced working mother of four. · COUNTY Japan toy exlJJblt on CO..i An exhibition of U'ldidonal toya tram Japm la on ~lepl•f at Newport Beech'• Benihana 88taurant 1throulh April IO. WeeUnder. . W'eefl ren ... on 18 yun expect attempts to jam Argentine radar and to land marines for sabotage missions. In Washington, British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym was con- ducting talks with Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. on the Falklands crisis. The task force commander, Rear Adm. J ohn Woodward, told correspondents aboard the car- rier Hennes the serial blockade will be one of his first actions when his fleet gets close to the South Atlantic archipelago this weekend. Meanwhile, The Times of London said Prime Miniatu Mlli~ret Thatcher may have ~ to a strategy that Brit.lah warplanes must bomb Argentine mainland airfields to counter Argentina's numerical air super- iority before mounting any at· tack on the Falklands. INDEX At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A6 8uainell 84.~ California A5 C.valmde 82 a.-fJed 0-8.01-6 ·C.omka 83 Cawwww01d B3 0.tb NotX. C4 Stan ])elepkne B2 Mtaml A6 ......_,w...., HomelOerdlri Bf SPORTS Among the earlier 1t.epe taken to booat city Income were In· creaaea on tennta court charget and higher recreation clall fees. Cook aald the city la conalde- rlna char1ea for uae of the po- pular ba.aketball courta outside the recreation cent.er. Currently, there is no charge for playing oa thew courta. Vic.tims of fire due back By DAVID KUTZMANN oru-. o..,, "°' ,..,. Anaheim police officials aay that victims of Wednesday'• $50 million firestorm will 800n be al· lowed to return to their charred dwellings to search for salvagea.. ble belongings. Police spokesmen said that re. presentatives of the city'• Buil· ding Departfnent were to make an inspection of the ruin.a thla morning before salvage opera- tions would begin. Search and rescue teams fi- nished poking through the rub- ble Thursday. No bodies were found. Crowds or onlookers and motonsts on Ball Road stared at block s of gutted building• throughout the day, getting their first took at the destruction cau. sed by Orange County's \fOrst fire. It is estimated that up to 1,500 people were forced to flee ram- paging, wind-driven f1amel Wed- nesday morning. The fire de· stroyed 53 buildings, including 524 apartment units, within a four-square block area of central Anaheim. near Disneyland. Incredibly, no deaths were caused by the blaze, though po- lice and fire department retCUe te ams combed the wreckage Thursday to be cenain of thaL The return of fire victims to their former homes waa to be allowed only under strict guide-- 11 nes, Including a requirement that the residents first register with the Red Cross at Ball Junior High School, site of an evacu> lion center. Police officials said the victima would t~ be allowed back lnto the area to sift debru after cal- ling the police department to make an appointment. No chil- dren would be allowed back in, a spokesman said this morning. The actual return of the resi· (See RESIDENTS, Pa1e Al) U.S. to 'take' island again· TOK Y...O (AP) -The Japan-U.S'. Joint Defense Com- mittee haa decided to permit U.S. Marines to conduct a landin4 exerclle on Iwo Jima. site of one of the bloodiest battles of World War 11 In the Pacific. Some 800 Marinea are expect- e d to participate in the drlll 1eheduled May 4-6 on the ia1and about 700 miles aouthe.aat of To- kyo, the agency aaid. This la the firJt landing exer· clse to be held by U.S. Marines on lwo Jlma Ii.nee the ia1and WM r eturned to Japan and placed under the jurl8dlction of the To- kyo Metropoli'8.n government In 1968. Hocoa>pe B2 Ann Landen B2 MoYm Weekender Mutual Funds 84 Nadonal News A3 PubUcN°*9 Bt,04.5 R9taurm• w.....-=:Marbta Cl·S • TelevWan w~ 41 ,,,.. .. W•tbs A2 World N ... A.I , stories RESIDENTS HETU.RN. • • d ntl, howover, mU1t await the clty Building Department'• •P· proval. Thttt are .. rety concema • related to allowing people to poke throuah the !ire-scarred debrta, offici&la aaid. Meanwhile, there were other developments Thursday related to Anaheim's deva1l4tfng fires- torm, including thHe: -Gov. F.dmund 0 . Brown Jr.· aaked President Reagan to de- clare Anaheim a federal disaster area. freeing up aaalstance for fire victims such aa loans, grants -and substitute housing. ,... -Orange County Supervisor 1 Ralph Clark, whose district in- Jl eludes Anaheim, said he would ask the Board o f Supervisors next week to give some thou,ght lo toughening regulations on fire-retardant roofing in urban areas. In 1979. the board appro- ved a barr"on shake and shingle roofs within 1,000 feet of brushy wildlands areas. Clark said he wanted to see how much it wbuld cost to expand the ban to include combustible wood roofs in urban areas. The quick spread of Wednes- day's blaze was attributed to the " wood shake roofs atop many of "• the gutted apartments. -The Insurance Information Institute 1n San Francisco. meanwhile. estimated that the amount of Insured loss m the fire wu roughly $30 mllllon. Many rentera dld not have lnlurance on their belonatno. For the lire vlctlma themael- ves. Thureday wu another day of coping with a tragedy that left •mo1t with virtually noU\Jng but the clothes on thelr bef;ka. The Red Cro11 evacuation center at Ball Junior High School, where about 800 ol the 1,600 homeless have registered, was crowded with several hun- dred people, many jutt sitting on foldlng chain and •wapplng sto- ries. Red Cross offlclala said as- sistance operations have cost their agency nearly $250,000. It ia expected that the evacuation center will remain open through the weekend at Ball Junior High. Officials said the Red Croaa needed contribution.a to help co- ver expenses related to emer- gency operations this week. Part of Thursday's activity in- c J uded resid ents of the Palm Villa apartments getting rent and security deposit refunds from Ronson F.quity Management Co. o f Fu Iler t on. own er O'f the 116-unit complex. By noon Thursday. nearly $50,000 had been refunded to ~nants. One onlooker at the fire scene Thursday was former president Richard Nixon , who toured the area. . BOLSA CHICA ISSUE. • • Scores of speakers testified at the long-time controversy. One of the key issues to emer- ge was a difference over the size of the wetlands m the lowland area surrounded by Huntington Beach on three sides a nd the 'Pacific Coast Highway on the other. According to Coastal Commis- sion officials. an 1,800-boat slip marina would be permitted oniy 1f 813 acres of wetlands are res- tored an conjunc tion with the marina. T he county and Signal plan calls for restoration of a total of 600 acres o f w etla nds. The coastal commission staff says the total wetlands area, without a marina, sh~d be 1,016 acres. 'Boinbs' to drop College to mash worst r ecords TULSA. Ok.la. (AP) -There'll be stacks and stacks of wax coming down tonigh1 on campus at the University of Tulsa in what promises to be a real record-breaking bash. The 10 worst popular songs of the 1970s -as judged by the university's students :_ will be loaded into an aging juke box, hoisted to 100 feet and dropped as part of the school's annual Springfest celebration. The records, many of them No. 1 hits, include "Disco Duck" by Rick Dees; "I'm Not Lisa" by J essie Coulter: "Everybody W as Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas; "Billy. Don't Be a Hero" by Bo Donaldson and the Ha~oods. Also, "Run. Joey, Run" by David Geddes; "Tom Between Two Lovers" by Mary MacGregor: "Daddy, Don't You Walle So Fast" by Wayne Newton; "Da Doo Ron Ron'' by Shawn Cassidy; "Seasons in the Sun" by T e rry J ack s and "Undercover Angel" by Allen O'Day. Boys Club • receives $14,00() T h e Unite d Wa y o f West Orange County has contributed an addillonal $14,000 to the Boys Club of Fountain Valley to help the club carry out its 1982 prog- rams. Mark Chow, executive director of the club, said the youth prog- ram received an Initial donation of $23,000 from the United Way to be put toward the club's l 982 budget of $70,000 But a growing membership and e xpanded activities have strained the bud~et , requiring the bailout, he said Without the extra money. the club might have had to cut back on staff hours or actJV1lles. Chow said. When he took over as director in Cktober. about 500 youngsters per month were participating in club act1v1ties. He said monthly attendance 1s now up to I, l 00 youngsters. Chow said the club h opes to raise the remairung funds m its budget through local donations a nd fund-raising activi ties such as an auction in June and fire- works sales in July. Nice weekend due .. " .• CotUta l OenM log llOng tr.. COU1 Siii· uroay m~rning Olherw1 .. 1unny. stlohlly coolef Coutal low 47. 1nfano 5 7 Coutal high 68-74, Inland 74-80 Wiier 59 EIMwtlete, loghl Vltllble Winds 8 10 15 knots Wmetty swe111 1 10 3 feet Mostly ta1r With IOl'ne fog OYer OUltlf Wll«I U.S. summary Showers and lhunoer11otm1 were widely scattered lrom the FIOf ide peninsula llCf OM the cien- 1r11 Gull co111 to Te•u todey. while snow tell In the higher ._ vatlont of Arizona Skies were cloudy over South C 1rolln1 1nd lh• Gull coast ltltes. New Mexleo end Artzon1, R11n ehowera were ac•ll•••d rrom wHt Teus to eutern Arl- 1on1. Cloud• w•r• b90lnnlng to move over the northern P1clflc cout. but .... were clear over the r•t of the nation 8catter4MI 1hower1 •nd lhun· WIN>wers -• eitP«l4MI from nor1hern Teui to th• Gulf of M9xlc:o Ind Ille MIMIMIOPI deft• Thun<1«111ow .. 1 -• predicted OV« FIOflda. Sk lu were expac t•d to be cloudy from the aoulh-1 lo lhe lower MINIMlppl valley' end IUn- "IY -the ••• of 1119 nation. Temper1turH were upected to t>e 1n the olOt and 50t over the extreme NorthMtt. 1119 northwn Grell lekH, 1outhern Rocky Mounlalnt lf'C:f IOUlhern TeUl 10 IN Gulf of M9xlco Temperelur•• e1rly today r1n9ed from 21 In O lene F11f1. H.Y .. 10 79 In ~ Wnl. Fii California hlQtl "-11and6410 94 81 io-'eleYa11<1n1 &o.teic1 lrom Point ConcepliOn 10 the MHican botder cen •XPKt OenM nighlllme fog end vW1abie breeu1. becoming 1ou1h II:> 10\llhwHI 81 8 IO 111 llnoll $11- urOay 1f1.,noon A -lllf'ty swell Sho.JIO run 1 lo 2 feel E x tended forecast SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS -Some high Cloud"-. olherw\M lair P1lehy early mot- nlng tow c:touda end log along the coall High• 11 beacMI 114 to 118 and 1nlllnd ., ... 74 lo S2 low. 52 IO 58 Mountain resort high .. 5e to 1111 LOWI 35 IO 45 Temperature1 Albany Albuque A merino ....._~ .. Atlenl1 Alllnlc Cty AU911n Baltimore 8illlnge Bi<mlnghnl Stlmarek BolM eo.1on B<ownavlle ButfelO Buningtn Cupw Cft«llln SC Chatllln WV Qla(ltte NC ~ CNeeoo HI Lo !'re. « 29 50 39 83 40 SI 31 115 43 aa eo 511 49 1 37 111 31 73 37 85 40 10 se 13 31 55 35 .. 63 .37 42 33 38 24 ea 31 71 51 5e 2t se 40 eo 2t 51 lM • Cinek1netl c~ Clmbla SC Cotumt>u. Olt-FI Wth Dayton 0en ...... .,.. MOlnM 0.1r0il Ouk.Ith Bl Paao Fergo Aagtlaff GrMI Fiiis Hartford Helen• Honolulu HOUiton lndnac>lit JllCllll'I MS Jactcenvtte K-Clty Laa v90 .. little Roctc Loul9vllle Lubbodt Memc>hla Mleml Mllwauk .. 81 29 48 31 70 33 55 30 114 51 SI 33 114 3e ao 39 55 35 59 40 53 40 70 40 44 27 73 37 53 27 74 32 11 ea se $4 .n ISO 3-4 83 45 87 81 82 41 73 41 83 45 II 33 57 40 01 ee 44 83 71 01 40 NO•• vt De_,"''--•·• Ml)!e-SI P ao 43 NISl'lville 63 32 New OrleaN st se New Yorlil 59 40 Norlollt 57 47 No. Plane 117 39 Okl1 City 70 41 Omah• 61 41 Orlando 90 ~I Phlllldphll eo PhOenl• 77 55 ,05 P1t11burt: 51 29 Piiand. e 48 24 Piiand. 0.e 71 45 PtOVldence 57 33 ="" 51 35 70 32 S.11 lali• ee 41 Sen Antonio 53 45 .87 S..llfe 71 48 Shr:i:t 81 43 SkMt Illa 81 48 81 loul• 12 38 SI P-Tempa 17 ee St Ste Marie 51 33 SP<*-73 45 ~ 4' 33 Topeka 82 3-4 Tuctelf1 71 42 TUIM 71 42 W~tn 114 44 Wlel'lll• 85 311 CANADA Calgety n 38 idfnclMOll 17 3t Monl.r9ll 43 u OttlWI •s 12 "90lna 7' 3t TOtonlO 51 » vencou. .. ... Oeff)I Piiot Photo by lee Payne thtnking of swimming out to see them," she said. "btrt--I de- cided not to " Nursing job fair slated at college Nurses and other health care professionals can meet with recruite rs from more than 15 local hos pi ta ls a t a Nursing-Health Careers Job Fair slated Monday at Golden West College m Huntington Beach •Fountain Valley Chamber ot Commerce members will e lect f ive peo ple to the group's board of directors at a luncheon 9Cheduled for l l :30 a.m . Tuesday a t the C ross- road s Restaurant, 18050 Lawrence R. Ho l mes of FountaUl Valley. who is pre- sident and chief executive otficer of the Bank of Orange County, has been appointed to the University Advisory Board at Ca1 State Fullerton . Holmes has a master's de- •Lucille M. Romanello, daugher o f Domenic and Carol Romuello of Hunung- ton Beach. has been recogni- ied at James Madison Un- The event, scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon in the commu- n ll y center. is designed to serve as a clear inghouse for those looking for work or ex- ploring career opportunities AdmlSS1on is free. Brookhurst St. Nominees for the three- year board tem\S are Roberta Defrage, Linda Faolk, Irene Mardini, Don McGeoty and Greg Zaret. Wnte-m candi- dates also are ebgible gr ee Cro m Cal State L o ng Beach and a graduate ban- king degree from the South- western Graduate School of Banking at Southern Metho- dist U n iversit y, wher e h e serves as an instructor. 1vers1ly's h on ors day prog- ram She received an award for exceUence in Sparush earlier thlS month at the university in Harnsonburg. Va. Victims identified Three of four U.S . Marines killed when tl'ielr car jammed beneath a truck In El C e ntro ha ve be e n identifie d as 21-year-old enlistees stationed at El Toro . Deputy County Coroner David Com identified three victims as Sgt . David John Lafoon of Tuc- son , Ariz.;Sgt. Wayne Veron Rudy of Orange County. and Cpl. Bradley William S tout o f Pla- centia. He would n o t 1d ent1fy the fourth man until relauves were notified Cons ume r • prices take dip WASHINGTON (AP1 Con- sumt>r prices, down for tlw hrsl t1nu· i.1m·t:-191>5 and the most sinct• I !:153, fc·ll at an annuaJ rate o r 3 3 pl•rcent lai.t month, the gov1•mmc•nt reported today Plumm<'t1ng gai.oline pru:es, thP produc·t of the p<•rs1stent reC'ess1on and worldwide glut, posted their sharp('sl drop on rt><:ord. as did fuel 0tl pm.~ T oday's Labor Dc·partment announcemC'nt of Man·h price a(.·t1v1ty means chet·ks for the nation's 36 m1lhon S<X·1al Sttu- rity rN·1p1enb should rise an avt'rage of $27 beginning an July The.• 0.3 pcm?nt st•asonally ad- JUstC'd dt.'<"hne m th<· Marl·h index C'onfirm!> C'l'Onom1:.ts' pred1ct1ons that the rec·e!>s1on , which has pers1!>ted sanC'e the ~ummer, 1s moderaung the spiral of mcrea- san~ pnl't'S At the White House, deputy prt-s1dent1al press M>cretary Lar- ry Sp<:akes said. '"Today's good news 1s ev1dem:e of the dramauc progr~ made m this area "We bebeve 1t IS because of our rons1Stent econom1<· policy. which has cut the ra t<· of increase in federal spending. our support of a stable monetary poh<.·y and our policy of non-mLervent1on In the market place All Americans are expenencmg the benefits of the lowt'r anflauon ral<."l •· If prices Cell for 12 s traight mo nths at March 's rate, the yearly declme would be 3 3 pcr- Cl'nl The annual rate reported by the Labor Department is ba- sed on a more precise calculation of monthly cha nges than the fi - gure the department ma kes pu- blic Re fugees safe BANGKOK. Thailand (AP) - The U.S. submanne lndtanapolis has rescued a boatload of Viet- namese refu_gees an the Gulf of Thailand and brought them to safety. OBIE SPORTS LTD .. ·-.., RENTAL SKI SALE , ROSSl&llOL SKIS •40-•50 (WITH SALOMON BINDINGS) BOOTS • .-•20-•30 ... ... 2881 PACIFIC COAST RWY. OPEN ALL WEEKNIGHTS TILL 7 P .M. COIORA DEL llAB. CA 875-9700 ' I Pension ieereases due . --~.~~~- Newly retired to get $27 extra a month B~ Tbe A11oclatecl Prett Social Security benefita will rlBe by 7.4 percent in ~uly, putting an average $27 a month ext.ta in the check.a of newly retired 6~~year-olda, the govem- ~nt said today. The automatic annual increaae, pegged to the booet in the Conaumer Price Index announced '9· day, could be in jeopardy If the White HoWIC and <;:ongre11 carry out svggestiona to delay or deny the Soclal Security Increase as part of an overall plan to t.rtm the federal deficit below $1()') billion in fl.8ca1 1983. SlMe 19~, Social Security benefits have been linked to the Contumer Price Index and have risen 68 percent ln that period. The 7'.4 percent hlke·will add to that increase. From 1978 to 1981, workers' wages wen\ up alower than lnf1ation. The Social Security Administration said th e la test cost-of- llving increase will cost the t.ru.st funds $11.3 billion in the year ahead. Health care firms eye battle GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -The nation's lar- gest supplier of h ealth care products sa ys it is deddi.ng whe ther to appeal a federal judge's ruling lhat it illegally conspired to monopolize the health care products business. U.S . District Judge Douglas W. Hillman ruled Thursday in a case filed by four amaller competitors that a contract American Hospital Supply Corp. signed with Voluntary Hospitals of America was anti-competitive and said the. antitrust decision migh\ lead to lower hospital C08ts. In awarding $430,638 in damages to the CQm· petitors of American Hospital, Hillman -said the- cont.r:.act was an attempt to monopolize or restrain trade In medical and surgical supplies in Michigan, Ohio, Weet Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana. Forest fires burn 5,000 acres LITTLE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP. N.J . - Thousands of evacuated residents are back home today after three suspicious forest fires scorched more than 5,000 acres in southern New Jersey. Investigators were to walk through miles of smolde ring woodlands today to t ry to determine what caused fires Thursday. Fire officials speculated the blazes -two in Ocean Cou nty and another Burlington County a bout 15 miles northwest -may have been set deliber ately si nce a ll three broke out w ithin an hour of each other, a state fire warden said. PLO asked to show restraint . . WAS HINGTON -U.S . officials are using 1nd1rect channels to plead with leaders of the Pa- lestine L iberation Organization to restrain from retaliating against Israeli raids that killed at least 60 people in southern Lebanon. sources say . Striving to guarantee Israel's withdrawal from the Egyptian Sinai, U.S. officials were said to be gratified that the PLO has opted not to respond to the Isr aeli air attacks viola ting a 9-month-old American-negotiated ceasefare. "There a re lsraeh extremists w ho would like to move in and wipe out \he PLO and there are PLO extremists w ho would fike to wipe out the Israelis," one diplomatic source said. Salvador right-wing rules SAN SAL V AOOR, El Salvador -El Salva- d or's r ight-win g parties joined forces and took control of the new constituent as.wmbly , electing ultra-rightist Roberto d ' Aubuisson s peake r and rightists to the assembly's othe r nine leadership posts. -But d' Au b u1sson 's party, the Re publican Nallon.ahst Alliance. or ARENA. was reported bal- king at a moderate nominee for the presidency ac- ceptable to the Christian Democrats and at least one of the rightist parties. "We must unite ·m our mission and bring re- covery to our homeland," said d' AubulSSOn m an accepta nce speech T h ursday nigh t after the 60-member assembly elected him by a vote of 35-22. J a.panese farmers protest TOKYO -Eight thousand Japanese farmers marched to the gates of the Amencan F.mbassy to- day to protest liberalization of farm imports. Poli- ticians and consumer groups joined the growing ranks of those opposing lncreased impo rts as a threat to Japan's national security. Many in the demonstration, organized by the -~UillU~ Central Union of Agriculture Cooperatives and 18 other farm organizations, carried anti-import pla- cards and wore headbands saying, "Stop import liberalization." Speakers said increased farm im ports from the United S tates and other countries would deal a "crushing blow" to Ja panese farmers. Worker shot, 4 others beaten OX NARD -A farmworker was shot twice and four others ~ere bea ten as they picketed a d- trus farm near this town in Ventura County, where the United Farm Workers union has been striking growers for six w eeks. and lengths of contracts from members of the Ven- tura County Growers Association . Andre Rosales, 26, of Oxnard. w as wounded in the leg and arm Thunday morning wtule marching with a group outside P eck Ranc h in Et Rio, a northeast area of Oxna rd, S her iff's Lt. Brad en MclGnley said. The violence marks a batter strike over wages Peking duck • wins vote SACRAMENTO -Ttfe California Assembly has taken the side of the Peking duck in the flap with "over-zealous" health officials who don•t want it hanging at room temperature. Los Angeles County health inspectors recently raided Chinatown. throwing out dozens of Peking ducks. That prompted Assemblyman Art Torres, D-Los Angeles, to in troduce A V2603 to e xempt Ch inese-style roast duck from w hat he called "over-zealous" inspectors. • C1Hdled edvwhll• 714Jl42.a71 All otftef ct.pe,......_ 142-4»1 MAIN Off=ICE JIO WHt ..,St., c...-. CA. MaH.-..:9oa1M ,C-.M9M,GA-- C....,rltlll le ~ .... C:-. ~ '*'-"· ... _. ........ l........,_Mllllw __ -11MMMb~--·· ....... 9"<1.91 '9411 I & :of~-. . Ruling 'shocks' Van Houten FRONTERA -Fonner Char- les MalUIOn disciple Leslie Van Hout.en, her bld for freedom re- jected, WU detlCJibed as stunned and shocked by a parole board's d ecision denyin g her f u r the r hea.ringa for three years. Mila Van Houten, 32, conskle-- ~ the moat likely of all Mamon murderers to win eventual pa. role , aat frozen In h e r ch air Thunday u the board took the unusual ecUon of a mine off het- r eque1t for r et.H e f or three yMn. Mt're LMtenlng ••• What dto1191 Uu about Uw o.u, Pilot? What don't you like? Call the llUllier below and JOUf .... .,. will t>. recorded, trantcrtbed Md deltvw.d to the 1ppropri1te tcU&or. The tame M·hour auw.nna .. rvtce may bt UHd '° rHord ltt· ttr• to the ldttor on "'' lop6e •• M1Ubox contributor• m'*lt tnchadt u,.,, name and &elepboM aumw for vtrtncauon. No eireul1Uon tall• ........ T .. I UI ..... t 'I on 10'91' tll&nd, • Hot It.ft Pfloto CLASSIC CONFIGURATION -Bob McGre-national Au to S how at Anaheim Convention gor peers into the interior of the Heritage Center. This little model. complete with dual motor car on display a t Orange County Inter-side-mounted spare tires, goes for $65.090 Big weekend on Coast Yacht race, arts· festival on agenda There wilJ be plenty going on this weekend along the Orange Coast and anyone with a yen to gs.& out a n d h ave a little f un shouldn't have any trouble fin- d ing It. Here's a breakdown of the spectal events schE.'<iuled this weekend: -THE 3STH annual Newport to Ensenada ya<:ht race begins at noon Saturday This year, about 700 yachts will head south from Newport Harbor If you plan to watch the race st.art yachts wil take off at 10-minute intervals from noon to 1 pm you'd best get to your vantage point early There's always a big aud1l'nce on hand. AT F ASlfJON Island. tht! 18th annual Newport Beach City Arts Festival will get under way Saturday. Off1c1als arc set to award $3,500 to t ht.• finest art entries M usic and dancing are planned. too, and then•'s no ad- mission charge. Hours arc noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday -FOi\ THOSE who yearn ror the ultimate 1n yard work, the 2nd annual Great Back Bay Cleanup lS set for 9 a.m Sdtur day at University Drive east of l rv=ne Ave H you like a c:ll•an Back Bay. you' r<' free to JOtn California Conservation Corps work<.'ri. an removing trash-and storm debris from the area. WC'ar Welding not just - man's job at OCC Orang<.' Coast Collcgl•'s Wel- ding Technology Dt-partmcnt believes it has recorded a d ra- matic first for women Elise V English. or'Garden Grove. has become the first wo- man to pass th<.' Amern:an Wel- ding Society's Unlimited Thick- ness Structural Stcf.'I Cert1f1ca- tton Test at OCC "Elise lS tht-first woman from our program who has~ lhe rigorous ccrttf1cat1on," said Charles Blesh, OCC's assistant professor of welding l.C'Chnology. "We've probably had 500 m<'n pass the test m the past I 0 years, but never a woman from our program" Ms. English enrolled in Orange Coast's wi-lding program last September. and began prepara- tion for the l<.'St. The test took six hours to complete. and consisted of utilizing the sh1clded metal arc-w elding prO<.'ess in welding various joints. "It's ver y difficul t work ing with molten metal that L'l 2,800 degrees Fahrc.>nhc1t," Blesh said "It takes takes a gn.•at amount of skiU and technique to bl> able lo make th e metal do what you want at lo do .. With her new ct.•rt1f1cat.c, Ms English tS ehg1ble to work m any shop in Southern California that speciali.z.es in fabncating structu- red steel. But the petite redhead WELDER -Elise English has become the first woman to pass welding cer tification test at Orange Coast College. has other plans. "l'd like to g<.'t into pipe welding." she says. "Pipe wc.>l - dmg takes a very high degree of sk1U. but l'd like Lo make lhat my career. There aren't many wo- men an the field , but I'm not gorng to let that stop me." gloVl'S and sturdy shoes. Re- fr<>shmcnts will be provided. T HE IRVINE Sym phon y On:ht.'Stra will perform in eoncert Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Turtle Rock Community Center, 1 Sun- nyhall Drive. Irvine Tickets are $3 Anvone tntl'rested in atten - ding the orc:hestra's rehearsal at 10 15 am. may do so free o f l'h<.tr~c· AN AMERICAN Indian Pow-Wow, sponsored by the ln- i.lltuw of Cahforrua lnchan Hen- tagl' and the Juaneno Mission Indians, is St't for Saturday and Sunday dt Descanso Park m San Juan Capistrano Hours are 9 am to 'i p.m each day. and the act1v1t1es include traditional Plains Indians dances; Indian foods and crafls, an.d a variety of cont~ for everyone from tots to seniors The park 1s located at the end of Paseo Adelanto. T HE ORANGE Count y SpK'1al Olympics Swimming and Diving Championships are set for 81.1turday from 9 a m to 5 p.m. in thl· Heritagt· Park Aquatics Complex in lrvinl' About 200 mentally handicapped youngstC'rs will rompt-te m this <'vent Adm1ss1on lS free ANYONE CAN enter the Orange County March of Dimes WalkAml'rll'a. set to begin at Harbor Mun1c1pal Court in ·Nc•wport &•ach Saturday from 7 to 10 am Walkers in the· 32k event should pick up sponsor s heets at Wendy's. 7-E leven markets, Winchell'i. or Miller's Outpost Runners interested in (•1thc:r the 5k or !Ok run can re- g1stc•r before the r<ict', which be- gml> at 9 am T HE YOUTH E XPO '82 will come to thC' county fair- grounds in Costa Mc.>sa Saturday and Sunday There 1s no admis- sion charge. Hours arl' 9 a.m . to "5 pm each day. A fu ll a rray of act1v11taes or. by and Coe young people, is planned . T h e county 4-H Clubs will display their prize animals and offer games. animal fashion shows and dog .obedience dass<•s A special buildmg filled with voc:at1onaJ projects done by young people including e lec- trical pro}l'('ts. graphic arts. home arts. photography and flor1cul- ture w11J be open for touring Clowns. mus1c1ans. singers. dan - ce rs and comedi a ns will be showcased on the Hentage Stage contmuously during the expo SPRING CARPET SALE You don 't have to wait for t hat tax refund check to brighten up your home. We have 90 day -NO INTEREST Terms -(0.A.C.)_ Pocket Savings on Rich Antron• Plus Nylons Shop now an d save on luxurioUB Evans-Black carpets const ructed of DuPont Antron• Plus nylon, the rugged new fiber that resists soil, ~tains, and helps control stat ic ahock. NOW ONLY s19so 'Cl· yd . INSTALLED Pocket Savings on Rich Anso• IV Nylons Beautify your home with an Evans-Black carpet of soil and stain realstant Amel' LV nylon. ANO fi ben actually reject dirt, resist. spilla and provide comforting static control. NOW ONLY S J 5 ~. yd. INSTALLED ~ --~ ........ ...,@•• ....... lnstalleil Ptkn litCIUde NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad • DEN'S J · : iiiiiiltitioii: ·cu1tom dr1p1ri11 t l NO 110411 COSTA MH~, CALIF. 92627 • .,HOHi 646·4UI -6'6·2355 . ' DOUBLE DIGITS -Gasoline at a P hoenix Arco station was being sold at Cost, 99.9 cents a gallon, in an effort to lure customers. Arco has dropped it card sales and lowered prices about five cents a on. ants spouse d clared dead .• dASTRO VALLEY (AP) - Thf wife of a man who dlsap- ed during a sailboat race 1 LO has asked Alameda ty Superior Court to declare ~dead. ''fJ.l our financial deaUng.<> are ti~ up without a court dedara- t I o)l that m y hu sba nd is dectased," said Darian G. Mai - ~' 37, who said she went $5,- 000:in debt hiring private search pl.ajet to hunt for her husband. qregory Maimone, 38, and Jolin Benson , 39, of Moraga, weie aboard the 24-foot Bad Sniakera when it disappeared in a~ off the Golden Gate du- rl a r ace to the Farallon Isl ds. Neither has been seen sindt. . # #. ~ ~ • • • . • • • • . .. . .. By PAT HOROWm Of tM o.ii, NM .... DEAR READERS: Southern Callfornla Ga1 Co. haa an· nounced that It i1 oppoeed to the federal Conaumer Product.a Safety Commla.lon'• re1ulaUon which UberaUZft u.aae of un· vented gu room heaters. Even when equipped with oxygen depletion ICmlOrt -at which point the federal pemment ftndl them accept.able - these heaters can be dangerou1 under certain condttlona and oould cawie death due to carbon monoxide pollonina lt imprope- rly adjusted, according to \he utility. The oxygen depletion aentan are desii(ned to 1hut off the heaters when the surroundina oxyeen levef dropt to 18 percent from a nonnal of 20.9 percent. But the devices measure onJy the depletion of oxygen and not the aocumulatlon of carbon mono- xide, the gas company said. In allowing the Ule of the.e hea~rs wlth oxyaen depletion sensors as of year.end 1981, the CPSC haa pre.empted all ltAte, local and other regulations which ban or llmJt home lNt.allation of these units. New unvented gas space heaters have been banned In Cali- fornia ror more than 30 years. Their relnt.roductlon could bring about a number of death• due to ~1,phyxlatlon and carbo n monoxide ·poisoning, the utility said, addlng \hat the aenaltivity of the oxygen depletion aenaors may cauae frequent 1hutdowna and cause consumers to tamper with \he eenalna device. The utility stated that Southern Cafltornla Ga1 Co. and many local and state governments which have toucher laws governing the use of thette heaters believe the federal rule ll unnecessarily lax. The CPSC does not require American Gas Association certification of unvented gas heaters. Ill only criteria are that heaters be equipped with proper aenaing de.vlet.>a and that the unit display certain warnings. The utility pointed out that since Its formation In the mid-1970s. the CPSC began examining the iasue of unvented gaa heaters and at one point considered a national ban on their wiage. Oppos.iti?n from sta~ which still permitted them prompted the commission to r~nsider and adopt a rule allowing their use as long as they were equipped with the oxygen se~ng devlcca. Don 't eat poke weed DEAR PAT: I always bearll that PQ.kewffd wu a polsonoas plant. Bat a friend told me pokeweed leaves can be •led ID 1a- lad1 lf tbey are bolled, drained and reboiled before aslag. II tbl1 true? K.E ., Newport Beacla No! In. fact. boiled pokeweed leaves resulted in an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness among campers at a large day camp ln New Jersey last summer, according to the Cooperative Extension. Reports indicated that the outbreak was limited to a "nature group" whose members had sampled a aalad made with wild plants. Four persons who ate.the salad were hospitalized for protracted vomiting and dehydration. • "Got a ~? Then write ro Pat Horowitz. Pat will • "'t red raj)e, p ttina the mawers and 111Ction you • 1 need to aoJve i.nequJdei in /IOWITUDellt aod buBinals. Mail your questions ro Pat Hcrowit%, At Your SeMoe, • 1 Orange Coaac Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, Coata M esa, CA 92626. Al many Jetten a pcmibJe will be answered, but phoned inquiries or Je~rs not Including the rea· der'• full name, addrms and bU6inertl hours' phoae number can- not be considered." "FAMOUS NAMES AT 'A8ULOUS PlflCE8' UNDER NEW MAN·AGEMENT MANAGER'S SPEC.IAL 'GIVI YOU• OLD PATIO FU•NITU•I THAT NIW LOOK. We Restore And Repair All Brands, (Aluminum And Wrought Iron) To A "Like New" Condition For A Fraction Of Orlglnal Coat. ALUMO T 100 . .. ~· ' .. .. . ' . ' I "' • • 42" Table • 4 Chair s NOW • All Weather Aluminum 5269 TIOPITOIE CllTlll • 42" sq. round reg. $1042 Sale Retail $428 Jb!~-~lf'......_-Chaise reg. $378 MATCHING CHAISE Sale s249oo Retail $188 $129 MARCADA SWINGS EASE INTO THE RELAXING LIVI NG OF YESTERYEAR • Superb Outdoor Furniture • Wrought Iron Reg. 564200 SALE $499°0 TOWN-& COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS 28162 Camino Capistrano Laguna-Niguel 495-1422 Why buy or lease your new Po rsche or Audi from just any dealership when you can gee the :-,pecial treatment at Park . - Al Park Por che/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You 'll also have a personal Park Consumer Represent,ative, here co answer all your automotive questio ns. And, if you'd like ~~( y. co pick up your new automobile right from the factory, ask aJ?ouc our unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi· i»O=l)(l-;s ;f AiJi)i ca ced to giv~ng you c~e first class treacmenc you de~erve. UNL IKE ANY OTHER diffe~~~e~ in and discover the Park Porsche/Audi 6700 Manc:tw tu 81\ld . 8uenll Pan, Ca 906ll C71it) ,21~1 (JIS)9Jl·7'44 -The Inch INYd utrotrthe sanra Ml fNft'ly. · ' /. j I II Ill A' l\l'Hll ;>I I'll!,• OR ANGE COUNT V. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ,State J .blftst·ed Qn. Cryst·al Cove ~~~!," .!P~ .. ~a . The state's recent eviction of Crystal Co'ie State Park's part- tlme cottage residents drew some heated criticism Thursday Crom an unexpected quarter -the California Coastal Commission. After learning that the state had posted eviction notices on 23 doors of the 45-cottage commu- nity, the commission delayed whai was to have been routine approval of the state's recreatio- La una poll nal development plan for the park. "I think on that part of the iJ- aue the state needs to have a more humane poUcy," aald Com- missioner John Flynn thls mor- nan1(. And Commissioner George Shipp III commented that "evicting people from places where they have lived seems ra- ther harsh." Shipp added that the evictions, ·Pupil spanking J opini~ns split +-I U.S. to 'take' island again TOK YO (AP) -The Japan-U.S. Joint Defense Com- mittee has decided to permit U:S. Marines to conduct a landing exercise on lwo Jima, site of one of the bloodiest battles or World War II in the Pacific. · Some 800 Marines are expect- ed to participate in the drill scheduled May 4-6 on the island about 700 miles southeast of To- kyo, the agency said. This is the first landing exer - cise to be held by U.S . Marines on Jwo Jima since the island was returned to Japan and placed ~er the jurisdiction of the To- ~~etropolitan government in Route 140 reopens YOSEMITE. NATIONAL PARK (AP) -State Route 140 betweon Merced and Yosemite National Park will reopen..Sat- urday, three weeks after tons of boulders tumbled onto the pave- ment. WORLD Laguna Beach opinions seem to be at vanance on the question of spanking purushment in-public schools. In a random opinion sample, some residents were asked this question: "Laguna Beach Unified School District trustees are considering putting an end to corporal pu- nishme nt at Laguna's four schools. Do you think students should be paddled as a means of di9c:iplineT'The'replies: SCOTT THORN, 15, Student. LBHS: I think they should con- tinue spankings in the school because a swat is better than detention or some other fonn or punishment. For one thing, a swat doesn't hurt and detention 1s such a waste. Swatting is ac- tion. CHUCK BREAM, 15, Student, LBHS: I'm against paddling. be- cauae I think it's up to the pa- rents to discipline their children. It's demeaning to be spanked by a principal who is not rela,ted to you. HERB LEE, Postman. Laguna Beach: Paddling might be okay on occasion. when all else fails. But I would have to say I'm o p- posed in most cues. I don't be- lieve they spanked when I wais in school, but that was a long time a~o. I'd say only as a 1aat reeort. ALICE ADAMS, Laguna Beach, college instructor: I don't believe in it. It's the parents' responsibility to physically dl.sci- phn& their children. It Inspires a fear ln me that my child might be abused by an administrator who is having a bad day. TOM MASSEY, Laguna Beach. professor: Definitely not. If any- body's going to do it, It should be the parent. I raised Cive kkb and never believed in spanking. l was spanked in school, but that was back in the Dark Ages. The principal had a big paddle and another teachef. used to knock our heads together. RICHARD GOODHUE, Irvine. Former LBHS student: Due to the c haracter of the disciplina- rians in the school system, I would be opposed to corporal punishment. The people who take jobs in school admlnlatraUon are not often perfect Individuals themselves. There are other, less violent, alternatives. North Korean leader ailing North Korea'• dictator, Kirn ll-Sung, is 70, and . world leaden are watching hia frail health as cloeely as that of Rutaia's Leonid Brezhnev. Page A8. NATION Network news examined Former Stale Department 1pokeeman Hoddlna Carter takes a look at the c~ ICetMt of neiworlt newt In a PBS documentary. Pap A 7. Bud.et oulline •iJ6bt W ASHINOTON (AP) -White HoWe and oon· If 11tarieln11••!;1' .•• ....,_~ ... • jriqdlni doWn &hell' t---lar I bl ....... ~ ~ tOclay by f==-an OU .... radier thM a drtlllrd plM tar loww clilftdta. "appear to be a miJtake at thil point." · He said he did not understand why the state needed to evict the part-time cottage resident.a be .. fore developing a plan for the cottages' uae. "We'd like to iee a plan first," Shipp said. · He al.so said the state'• actlon did not make economic sense be .. cause the state would not only have to pay to maintain the 50-year-old structures, It also w~ losing rent for' the properties. "Our mandate ia to P.rotect, preaerve and enhance, ' Shipp continued. "It aeema a double loa of economy and that doesn't make good teNe given the state's problems balancing the budget." Although commiaaioners were told by the commission counsel that lt it not within their juria- dlction to detennine who Is allo- wed to remain In the cottages, the commissioners lndicat.ed they do have a say in the matter be-cause It falls under their mandate to "preserve, protec t and enhan<:e." Shipp said the coastal commta- sion's staff w,as directed to look into the ev1c t1 ons matter and report back to the panel, posstbly at next month's meeting. Part-time residents of the rot· tages, a designated federal histo- rical site, received notke April 14 that they have until July 31 le vacate the agjng cottages. Permanent l'Ottagc residents. however . "~" • ...,,. ,.ffored two- year lease extension•. according to a state Parka Depart(tU!nt official. The cottage community be- came part of Crystal Cove State Park in 1979 when the Irvine Company sold it to the stat.e for $32.6 million The 2.791-acrc park 1s situated on both sides of Pacific Coast Highway bctwcel'I Corona del Mar and Laguna &at·h WATCHING WHALES -Louise Salmin of C.OSta Mesa wat- ches a group of gray whales feeding 200 feet offshore at the G Street section of the Newport Beach oceanfront. "I was Delly "9t f'tloto lay '-" f'eyM thinking of swimming out to see them ," she said, "but I de- cided not to." Nixon sees ., -'No bodies fqund fire rubble . Firesiorm • • v1ct1ms in Anaheim to • • • v1s1t ruins Former President Richard Ni- xon, who was staying at the Disneyland Hotel only a mile from the Anaheim fire that left 1.500 people homeless, toured the burned out neighborhood Thun- day. "It was much worse than I had thought. It was a miracle no one was hurt," Nilton said alter tou- ring the desolate, mile-square area for 20 minutes before being driven to the Los Angeles Inter- national Airport to cat.ch a flight back to New York. Actually. 17 people -10 fire and policemen and seven resi- dents -had to be hospitalized suffering everything from heart attacks to burns to twisted ank- les. However, officials said it was "a miracle" there were no deaths. Nixon had been in Anaheim for a $1 .000-a-plate Cundraiser Wednesday night for GOP can- didates in Orange County and elsewhere in the state. ·Alter touring the ruins. Nixon stopped at the city fire depart- ment's command post to congra- tulate emergency workers, saying he was "very much lm- p resaed by the way it ~as handled." ' STATE By DAVID KUTZMANN of IN D.itr f'ttol lleff Anaheim police officials say that victims of Wednesday's $50 million firestorm will soon be al- lowed to return to their charred dwellings to search for salvagea- ble belongings. Police spokesmen said that re- presentatives of the city's Buil- ding Department were to make an Inspection of the rums this morning before salvage opera- tions would begin. Search and rescue teams fi - nished poking through the rub- ble Thursday. No bodies were found. Crowds of onlookers and motorists on Ball Road stared at blocks of gutted buildings throughout the day, getting their first look at the destruction cau- seQ. by Onn_ge Coun 's w orst fire Il is estimated that up to 1,500 people were forced to flee ram- pagJ.ng, wind-driven flames Wed- nesday morning. The fire de- stroyed 53 buildings, Including 524 apartment unlts, within a four-aquare block area of central Anaheim, near Disneyland. Incredibly, no deaths were caused by the blue, though po- • Medi-Cal benefits extended ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Superior Court Judge Dick.ran Tevri%ian extended Medi-Cal beneflta for 10,- 000 California famillee throuch Aua. 1 after a Lepl Aid attorney filed IUit on behalf of a divorced work1na mother bf four. COUNTY Japan toy exhlbll on .Coast An OhiblUon of tndidoftal toy8 from Japan II on ~l1pl•f at Newport Beach'• Benlhana Re.taurant tJ:U'OUlh April 30. W•kend9r. lll'e and fire department rescue teams combed the wreckage Thursday to be certain of that. The return of fire v1cums to their former homes was to be allowed only under strict RUide- lines, including a requirement that the residents first register with the Red Cross at Ball Junior High School. site of an evacua- tion center. Police officials said the victnns would then be allowed back mto the area to sift debris after cal- ling the police d epartme nt to make an appointment. No chil- dren would be allowed back in, a spokesman said thi~ morning. The actual return of the resi- dents, however. must await the city Building Department's ap- proval. There are safety concerns related to allowing people to poke through the (ire-scarred debns, officials said. Meanwhile, there were other developments Thursday related to Anaheim's devastating fires- torm, including these: -Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. asked President Reagan to de- clare Anaheim a federal dlaaater (Sff RESIDENTS, Pa1e AZ) INDEX I At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A6 Buainell 84-5 C.allfomia A5 Cavalcade B2 I awfied a..e.D1..e ComQ 83 Croalwont 83 O.\h Hodell Cf SllltDe..,._. B2 alleortal At, •tenatnmenc. Wwkendtr Home/Oerdln • SPORTS School land bids tabled School trustees have tabled a resolution calling for bids on I I 6 acres of Laguna &a<:h Unified School Distrkl property, saying they want an appraisal of the hilltop land firsl. The vacant parcel, known as the Top of the World/ Alta La- guna property. 1s located near Park Av~nuc and Alta Laguna Boulevard. The d1stric't purchased the property in 1971 for $173,000. The resolution tabled by thE board called for m1mmum bids of $3 m1lhon for the part"el. which iE zoned for single family residen· tial use. • A city spokesman said the di; strict rould seek a maxlmum or seven dwelling units per acre, under that zomng. , Superintendent Robert San, ch1S said the dLStrict could go to bid on the property as early as mid -July Moslems battle BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - The assassination of a pro-Iraqi political leader tn northern Le- ban on touched orf a night of fighting between rival leftlal Moslem militias . . llren. frct•tng up assistance for tire v1ct1mb such us loans, arants ' und aiu~tllutf' housinJt. -Orange County· Supt>rvlsor Ralph Cla'rk, wholle d1str1ct In· : eludes Anaheim, stud he would ask the Board o f Supervisors next week •to give some thought to toughl'n1ng regulations on j fire-retardant rooring In urban areas. In 1979. the board appro· ved a ban on shake a nd shingle roofs Within 1,000 f<.'l't Of brushy wildland!> areas. Clark said he want~ to St't.' how much It would cost to l'Xpand the ban to ;nclude , <.'Ombusttble wood roofs in urban areas The quick spread of Wednes- day's blaw Wll!i attributed to tht' wood shake roofs atop many of the gutted apartmt"nts. -The lnsuram.'t.' lnformat1on Institute 1n San Francisco, meanwhile•, estimated that the amount of insured loss in the fire was roughly s:rn million Ma ny renters did not have msurant-c on their belonging<. For tht' fin· v1t·t1ms themsel- ves, Thursday was ;mother day of copmg with a tragc.'Ciy that left stories • • mOlil with virtuaHy nothing but the dothes on their becka. The R ed Crou evacua tlon center at Ball Junior High School. where about 800 of the 1.500 homeless have reglst~red, was crowded with several hun- dred people, many just sitting on folding <.·hairs and swapping Ito· ries. Red Cross off1c 1als said as· s1s.ta ncl' operatio ns have cost their agency nearly $250,000. It 1s expected thut the evacuation t-enter will remain open through •he wrekl1nd at Ball Jumor High. Officials said the Rt'd Cross needed contributions lo t'll'lp CO· ver t•xpt.•nsl's related to emer - gcnc·y opt•rauons lh1s week Part of Thursday's activity in- d uded rc·sid<.•nts of the Palm Villa apartments gt•umg rent and securtty deposit n•funds from Ronson Equity Management Co. o f Fullc·rton , o wne r of the 116-unit complex By n oon Thursday. m•a rly $50,000 had bet>n refunded to tenants. Ont.• onlooker at the fire sc.·ene Thursday was fol"mer pr<.-sidcnt Richard Nixon, who toured the area ·~'' \\\\\\ Medical center • • group recru1t1ng "Winners Circle." a newly fonned support group for the South Coast Medical Center Foundation. 1s seeking ph1- lanthroph1c members. Laguna N1gul'I residents Henry Persons and Ray Cox, mcmbl!rs o f the new organization . ..ay the first :WO membt.-rs JOtnmg the fund- raism~ club will be rec.'Orded •Four St'SS1ons to teach c•J. derly Lagunans how to CO!X' with stress. will be held next month at thc Semor Citizens Club of Laguna Beach. Taught by Sarah Kerr, a •Host families are being sought for Sc<1ndmav1an boys and girls who will attend Laguna Beach High School in the 1982 83 sc:hool year Thf• Swedish. Danish, Nor- as fo unde rs The annual membership fee for the Win· ncrs Cin:le is $100. .£uru:ls rWJ:Ut future pro1ects. s uc h as the Gala Ball, will go directly to lhe South Laguna facility Foun- dation for hospital equipment and St·rv1t-es. For more informauon, call the hospital at 499-13.1, ext i 101 llt·enscd <"ounselor. theses- sions run from I to 3 pm at the Veterans Me morial Com- munity Ct.•nte r , 384 Legion S t. For 1nforma t1 o n . cal l 497-2441 weg1a n a nd F1nn1s h teen- agers arC' flue nt m English and are thoroughly screened by the American Scandina - vian Studt>nl Exchange For more mfonnatton. call the exchange at 497 -6526 hogh d4!>t'f1' an<J 84 10 9• ••lo- Co asta l Oen!tt• loq ul<1n9 !ht' coa~• ~at u•day morlltnO 01h111w1"l t unny Jltghlly Cd<>!"• Coai1a110 .. 47 or•l11n d 57 Coa.11a1 h•Qh 68-74 1n1ana 74-80 Watl'I '>9 E1~e hghl •1111abH> wroels 8 lo t5 kn<>I\ W~lf'rly s-lh t 10 ' J teet Moslly In" ""h wrne log ovet oule-r """'P'~ V .S. summary Shower"' •nd thunderttorms were w1de1~ ~Gaitered from the l'IO<•da pen1nw1a across the cen· lrat Gull Gout to Teaa~oda~ whtle snow lell 1n lhl' tughef ele· vatoons ol Arrtona Sk1e1 we1e Gloudy 011111 South Carolina and Ille Gull coaal states New Me•ico and Arizona R•1n sno-rs were 'c•llered from west Teaas to autarn Art· zona Clouds were beginning 10 move over lhe northern Poc111c coast but tl<lt'S -e ctear over the r9't of tl'le na11on Scat1ere<1 1how11ra and thun· det'lhawttrs Mre ewpecled from northern Tues to tile Gull ol Mealeo and Ille MlllllSlPpt delta Thundet1hOw!'11 w11re preelk:led ov« FIOr•d• SklH were 1npeclad 10 be CIOUdy rrom the southwett 10 the low9f MtU•UOPPt volley and Min- ny over lhe retl ol lh• n11ion Temperatures were e•peoted to bl HI the •01 •nd 50s Ovtt Ille e11tr11N1 Nor1nea11 the nor1hefn Great LakH, southern Rocky Moun111ns 80d soullllrn Tettu to Ille Gull ol ~ Temperalure1 a•rly IOd•y ranged from 2 I In Glen1 1'1111 N y 10 79 on Key w .. 1. Fla elevattons Boele<\ tro'" Poml Conception to lflt' Me•ic,;in l>Or<lef can eapect denw-n1gh1t1me log <Ind v11<1abll' IHet-1e~ b11com1no •oulh t o 'oulh•est •I 8 10 t6 ~nots S•I ur(1ay lllt'rnoon A westetly Swell should run I to 2 feet Extended forecast SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA COAST AL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS SorrMI htgll GIOudmess otherw1~ lalf P11c'1y early rn0t ntng IOw clouds and log along lhe C:OllSI Htghl al be8Che9 6• to 68 and inland areas 7 4 10 8:1 lO'llrS 52 10.58 Mountt11n resorl highs. 56 lo 66 LOWS 35 lo 45 T empera tures HI Lo Pro. At bony 44 29 Albvqve 50 39 AmarrUo 63 40 Alhevtll~ 59 38 Allanll 65 ,, AtlBnlC: Cly 36 60 AU$lln 56 49 1 37 Batllmort' 6t 3t B1111nos 73 37 Blrmtnghm 65 40 Bismarck 70 38 8otte 73 38 8o11on 55 35 Browntvlle 66 53 37 BullalO 42 33 Burltng1n 38 24 Casp411 68 3t Chatltln SC 71 51 CllMltln WV 511 29 Ch81111a NC 56 40 C~M 80 28 ~o 59 3• C1nG1nnat1 Cleveland Ctm1>oa SC CotumbUs Oal Fl Wth Dayton Oen•er OM M0tn" Delre><! Ovlulh El Paso Fatgo Flagatall Ore11 l'•lls Heriford Helena Honotutu Houston 1ne1napl11 Jacktn MS Jaclt.sn\lfle ~ans Cny LH Vagu Ltllle Rocio lO\illllllle lu"bOc:k Memphtl Miami Mttwauhe 6t 48 70 55 84 511 6<1 60 55 59 53 70 44 73 SJ 74 79 58 60 63 87 62 73 83 61 57 66 83 81 • nearing Falklands . . LONPQN CAP) -Britain's atmada nearing the Falkland blanch went on the second hl&- hest state of &lea t before combat today, a Defense Mlnlatry spoke- sman reported. "At this moment, the ships nre at defense st.attona. wh1c·h means that half a s hip's compan y is close up to its weapdns or radar, whtle the othe r half 1s conduc- ting normal business," the spo· kesman said. The highest stall! of alert is action stations. Although the spokesman de· nied the task force was involved m any landing action on South Georgia, reports persisted that the armada will !1rst retake the British dependency 800 miles easl of the Falklands that the Argentines seized April 3 and arc guarding with an estimated 140 t.roops. Some British military experts expect attempts to jam Argentme radar and to land marines for sabotage mtsSions. - In Washington, British Foreign Se<:rctary Francis Pym was con· ducting talks with Secretary of St.aw Alexander M. Haig Jr. on the Falklands crisis. The task force commander, Rear Adm. John Woodward, told correspondents aboard the car - rier Hermes the serial blockade will be one of his first actions when his fleet gets close to the South Atlanll<.' archipelago this weekend. The troops Arge ntina has poured into the ISiands since its invasion April 2 have been sup- plied and remforct'd by air since British submarines imposed a sea blockade around the islands 11 days ago. Funeral held for Laguna photographer Memorial services were con- ducu>d Monday for Bt•npmm J . Vest, 58. who died April 17 at South Coast Medical Center A resident of LagOna Beach for the past 22 years, Mr. Vest owned and o p e rated Harbor Graphi<'S Camera S tripping & Plates. 1378C Logan Ave.\Costa M<.-sa A skilled photographer, 'Vest was a mc•mbcr of lhc Laguna Beac.·h Camera Club. S urvivors include his wife, Dorothy, a brother. thre-e sisters: and numero us n l<.'ces a nd n e- phl'ws. In earlier obituary notK'E'S, the O-a1ly Pilot incorrectly identified the late Mr Ve-st The Daily Pilot rl'grels lhl• erro r lttO•• v\ D••' " --· .. 29 3{' Mpls·St P 60 43 Nalhv~le 63 32 JJ NawOrleaM 59 56 48 30 New York ~9 40 51 Norlot~ 57 47 JJ No Pl•lle 67 39 38 Oklll City 70 4 t 39 Omeh& 61 41 35 •O Orlando 90 67 05 Phlledpht8 60 JJ I 40 Pt10&n1• 77 SS 40 27 P11111>ur9h 51 29 Piiand Me 411 24 37 Pllt.nd. Ore 79 •5 27 ProYldttnGe 57 33 32 68 Rlletgh 59 35 Reno 70 32 $4 S•ll lake ee '1 ~ San Anton40 83 •S 67 45 SHllle 11 •6 61 Sh1evel)Ofl llt 43 4t SIOUX 1'8111 81 46 ,g SI LOUii 82 38 45 33 SI P-T~P• I 117 66 St Sii Marie 51 33 40 44 78 Spollane 73 •5 SyracuM 45 33 TCJC)9ka 62 3' 40 Tvcaon 71 •2 Tu111 71 42 Wuhlngtn 84 " Wtc:hlta 85 3e CA .. ADA California Morning coe11a1 log and Kai· lered high cloud• are the only newt Ill the IOtecetl IOf a llUM)'. nol·H ·llOI Soulhetn C•lflornla weellend wtlic.11 Wiii be ~ "°"" lfl0t1• lhll'I llOfmel SURF llPDIT . Cel08IY 72 I Edmonton 87 Mon Ir NI 43 33 Otltwa 4$ 32 " • Deyljgl'll 5IYlnO fime eoeiin. mo 1l1tr 2 a "' lunday cl0c:t11 •~rd be moved lorw1td one llOl,lr Th41 tstrl hour Of e¥9ftlng 11111 (fll'\Mlt '" '""'' llftlll .... I .. ~ ()(;I 24 fh• H1llon11 Wtllhtt _.,vie• IOfH••I Lot An9tfM l ...... e. ,.,, .. Ill tile 11110•10• •• ,.,, ... ................ """*' ,.,... ......,. '~""u Ill lflt ~Ill~•. llitfll -· ~·-· DettlfM ..... , 1~•1"'91 1,.._,lf 1an1• lto111"1I IO H Ill ~ 73 39 foron10 SI 33 \I~ 841 •• A~ '?'Tide• " " .. H IO IO I TOOAY lecOflCI hlOfl ••• p "' •• Un.MAY fHI loW I H lllll OI ,., .. 111111' • • 40 • "' •• ~-a 11 '"' u ....... '"'"' u htt ...... ,,.,.,.... .... "'"'. ,, . "' --01111 ....... ,. "' • llHI ._'trlCMl!t! CLASS OF '4Z Among ~guno &·a<.·h High School a lumni appearing fur rt•unwn o f ttw 1940s were s tudent leaden; Curson Ha11muSS(•n DallJ Piiot ll•lf '°"'Oto' (le ft) and John Rhoades (right) who arc flan king Sam Yamashita, star running back-tar th<· Artists football team of yestery<.•ar . THE LEGEND -On ha nd at reunion to greet his old p I a y e rs , Co a<: h M a u r 1 c <· "Rc.'Ci" Gu yer Early 40's recalled by Laguna alumni Tht-y rt•calll'd tht• Summtr o f '42 <tnd the .. ummt·r.!. o f '40 , '41 . <i nd ·4:i for lha1 matt.er More than WO Laguna Bc:at·h High School alumni and thtc-1r spouses, along wuh a half down tanner f1M.>0lt y nwmlx-n.. ml•t for a combined rl'Unwn n •c:ently JI the El Adobe.· rc.-swurant In San Jua.1 Capistrano The rcunwn, i.pann1ng four sc.•nior dasM-:., wru. in.-.t1gatc'Ci by thr Pl' memb1·rs o f the Clasl. of '42, who got t h e a nnounce· ml·nl out "mostly by word of mouth " Organizers included Becky (Mor<•y ) Judy, Mary (Glynn) K rl'nlalin a nd lryss <MJ:CQy) MdJc>ntwll Their t•fforts paid off "'1th m·<.1rly two-thirds of l'ach dai.i. showing up at Saturday's n •union Thl'rl' wru. dinner and dancing and a t·omplimentarv book. "Thl· F 1 rs t I 0 0 Y t· <1 1 i. 1 n L:.. g u n ,, Bt><.1t.·h" by p1vnec.•r Mnlt.· R...tl™·v at t•al'h plat't' Sl'tllng Formt•r dasi.mdtt•., spanninl<' tht• f1r .. t four Vl'ars 11f thl· 4()., dann'CI lo mus1t: prov1dt.'<i by tht Lagun.i &·<.u.h lf1gh ~hool Jaz7 EnS<"mble. what·h pl.iy1-d tirclc·-, i.lv fur four hour.. ·Former fat·ultv mt:mb1•ri. 1n <.1ttt•ndantv mdud<~ John Finlt·v Dvrothy What... Jc·an Tuttlt•, Ht· Jen Ellwt, M<ium·t• "fh'ti" Guvt·r". and Dr V1nu·nt CJrrnll "4·h11 M·rvPd JS tt•am doctor a t htgh st·hool games and was .ibo ,1 sc:hool board mt·m~r Alumni ~howt-d up from as far away as Hawa11. NC'w Jl'rsey and S<.•atUc• t.o rt·minL<;('C.' With fonne1 classcnall!S and ~ <1round year books from those· YC'..iJn. "The• jaz2 l'nsl•mbh· playt•t.I only 1940s mui.1l you know tht' old1t'S," l<1ughl'd Mrs Judy "I think c·vl'ryorw e njoyed lhl'rTlS(•lves " CLASS OF '82 -Laguna Beach High School Jazz Band was on hand at El Adobe Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano to play swee t and m ellow s wing for the old LBHS grads assem- bled Crom the classes of 1940, '41 . '42, and '43 More than 200 a lums atte nded. OBIE SPORTS LTD . ..., RENTAL SKI SALE ROSSllillOL SKIS •40.$&0 (WITH SALOMON BINDINGS) BOOTS • • 2831 PACIFIC COAST HWY. COROKA DEL llAR, CA 7 -9700 • '21-'30 OPEN ALL WEEKNIGHTS TILL 7 P.M . • --- Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /l'rldly, April 23. 1812 ~--.;.._ ____________________ ..;._ __________ ......, L .. NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 'l"t .. ,. .... llllCl.lltl ,. .... 011 , ....... JO•!l. MltWU f, ••• .,,c, ....... , .... HHOtf .... c1•c••••T1 """ • H .. liAll• H lleaUt l YTlll NAHU•IMHllllT • .... Smith profits up sharply Smith lntemaUonu.l of Newport Beach ccpor\t_'(J Increased reaulta for th latest three-month period Finit quarter compared with 1981: -Net income; up 46 percent to $35.7 m1Jl1un. -F.atnlni• per share. up 46 pcmmt lO $I ~. -Revenuet: up 23 percent to $322 m1lhon S mith lnternatlonal 1s a manufacturer and sup- pUer worldwide of dnlling and producuon tools and equ1pmf'nt end relat(>d aervices Nat ional Educatio n .'iets r t•ct>rd National Education Corp of Newporl Beach re- portt-d the company achlf'ved rerord first quarter re- sults Net earnmgs tor the three months ended Marc·h 31 reached $1 ,098,000, up 9 percent from the prior yt'ilr. Revenues for the period rose to $31,995,000 t·ompared to last year's $23,008,000. Primary earnings per shart> wer'4 48 C't!nts tn 1982 compared t.o 44 cents in 1981 1'el eprompter rena m (•<I Teleprompter, serving Newport Beach. has been ren amed G roup W Cable reflecting the mc•rger of Teleprompter Corporation m to Westinghouse Broad- casting a11d Cable. Inc (Group W) ,The change will be• 1mmed1at.cly appc1ren"15y the new Group W logo appearing on the trucks. building signs. and uniforms. R a u Park er ii t·1·os11ace chie f Robert H. Rau of Corona del Mar has bt."t:n namt'd president of the Parker Scrtc•a Aerospace Group o( Parker Hanrufm Corporation. which des1gns and pro- duces fluid systems and <.·oltrols for mn1tary. com - mercial and generaJ avuitaon aircraft and engmes, and the nation's space program Parker's Aerospace Op<'rataon is headquartc.>d an Irvine Rau sU<.'t.'t.'eds Paul Schl<>t!mer. whose elt•vataon to the presidency of the parC'nt corporation, w~ an- nounced thll> week . Rau had most recently been vice prcs1denlloperauons of the hydraulac-:. branch of the Ac•rospac<> Group llug h,•s o pe ns Irvine fac ility Hug<.~ Alrcrtiift Company has opened a 44!,000 sq ft. fac1l1ty an Irvine to bt.· headquarters for work on command and control information systems, a new produc-t Lint· There are 100 persons at thlc' lrvtne Si te. and the company expects to hire up to 100 more persons - primarily systems engint>ers and software engineers Lcx:ated at 2640 Main St . the facility houses system engineering. compull'r software developmt'nt. logisucs support and program management personnel Mesa firm n ew client Markeung Information Services of Cypress has added Holland Automation USA. Inc. of Costa Mesa and Proressing Innovations of Anaheim as clu>nts STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS 81.1 COINS ' ,...TMC'c~-"'--~ :J:." ._. ......... ltA It• WHAT STOCKS DID "EW Y()AI( (APJ ""1t n Too.~ .. .... "" " " NEW YOAIC IAPI ""1t n SILVER ~ & """'-'· 11.HO per If~ - SYMBOLS ' . ""' . -Or1ngt Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1882 Try drought-i-esistant shruhs -x ,_ Carden dry 1pot11 uft1•11 dtwt•lop beyond the mand -they want well uralnlna 1011. Molt rt'ach of your l(l>rd•·n htlti4' Hut don't despair. The.e drou1ht-real1tant VarletJea develop lenath)' roott problem apotl~an Ix• uttrnrllv\•ly land.leaped with that tap the wc.t•t table fot' their nHCl1. _!heH 1hrubt that arl' purt11.ulur1y adaptc<.t to dry condl-1hrub1 c•n be found planted throuanout tho tiona. Drought rt·~latMI 11hru~ thrive In e>Ctremely Interior v\lley1 where lrrlaaUon 11 not 1lway1 barren and rc.><'ky lo~·at1on11 uncc they are c1ta-plentiful. bllahed. In fa<'t, maoy of thl•m do not do well with The oleander ii, perhaps, the leading candldlte average garden wnt<'ring proctires In thla an>UP· Thia round headed nowerlna•hNb II Drought re11latant shrabt1 hove-only one de-a popular at.ate roadllde plantina becaUM of Ill,..,_ liability. There are varletlet that produce white, yellow, pink or rich red flow~r1 all tummer. URllllRS CHICKllST •Set mower bladt-s to thn.•e inches to stret.ch the time between waterin~s hv an t.>x Lra 3 to 4 days. Longer grass blades shadl' th<> ground and reduce evaporative losses The crepe myrtle <t...aer1troemla lndlca) allo ll easy to grow. producl.na amaJJ eucalyptua-Uke folia- ge and smooth brown bark. i n 1ummer, crepe myrtles alllo develop dllUnctlve 10ft-frtoged paper- like blooma in white, brlaht plnk, deep red and purple shadings. 0..,,... ............ Buy proper e equipment " WASHINGTON (AP) -M.any homeownera choolina to do their own lawn work, and they can uve time by ~h.Mlna the "proper equipment. For the lfP*ll lawn, a hand-pwhed !ftOWel' ta fine. whlla..16.raerJot.t call for the a-111an0e of a power mower And folkl with a half-acre or more may want a rlde-<>n mach ine. Regardle11 of the type needed. ufety features ahould be an Important oonaiderallon when maklna the purchale. Things to look for include deflection 1hields on the grua dlacharge chute, throttlet that at.op the mower when the SriP ll l't'leuecl and a quick-stop blade brake 1yltem. If, however. hiring a lawn-care profeulonal aeem1 more the ticket, check the company out with your· local Better Bu.alnem Bureau. Most of them are legitimate, but there may be a few questionable ones and the bureau can tell you if they have received complainta about the company you are considering. •Divide English Pmnro'l>t"I t:Very three years or as soon as they f1 ni..,h tlll'ir .. pn ng bloom •Wat.ch for IB\I. n moth u,11nagt• a l this time of the year. Consult vour nur..i rvm:m (or an eCfecuve control. •Fill in bruc ~poL'> Y.tlh l't1t-t·rlul marguentes. z.innias or marigol<li. Rosemary (Rosmarinua offlcinalla) ls known tor its aromatic gray foliage. The ~lar aized shrub develops to a height of 4 feet. and can be easily trained into an attractive hedae. The dwarf variety can be used for ground covert on hlll11de1. Both develop light blue flower1 each 1pring. The dlatlnctlve manunlta which abounds in the lower mountalnou1 1ection11, the wild lilac (Ceanothus) and. the matillija poppy are alllo worth considering. FUND-RAISER -Docenu of the Sherman L ibrary and Gardena , Corona del Mar, are having a brunch at the gardens Tuesday to raise funds to transport students participating in enrichment programs at the,facility. Assis- ting Kappy Anderson (left), chairwoman, are Ruth Ann Hay (center) and Betty Andrews. Many cities and counties al.lo have conswner affairs offices that can warn you about companies that have had problems. Professionals may aak you to sign a contract. Make sure you understand everything it Includes and there are no blank spaces. Make 1ure it states what services wlU be performed. the exact cost and how long the contract runa. Rifles and Shot UPHOLSTERY a~tertlMS..• 1922 HAJllOR ILVD •. COSTA MIU -541·1156- *RUier 77V-Heavy Barrell 22-250 and 308 $285.00 (Reg. $369.00) 'wr?. -WINCHllTIRI *Winchester Featherwelt ht 243. 270 and 308 $449.00 (Reg. $481.00) *Winchester · 120 Rancer 12 and 209A (WC ) $199.00 (Reg. 264.00) *Winchester 1300XTR 12 and 20 ca (WC) $249.00 (Reg. $379.00) *Bauer 25 Auto (Stainless) IJ .J' $99.00 (Reg. $120.00) *Freedom Arms (22 CR) / _:. • $99 .00 (Reg. $1 lS.00) ti Many Many Mori F lfSI (.;on> Fir 51 Setved Ltm11ed to Stoel. cm H.111d Joe's Sporting Goods 21892 Marguerite Parkway (South ol /Wety ,,, '-' • ~llf·fltr Pl<wy F-as.secl' Toyotal NO CHARGE CARDS ON SALE ITEMS Com<.> in a ncl see our large se)e(·t ion oJ Swimwea r South Coast Plaza In lh1• Mall h~ lhl• (.',1rou!>cl 751 7500 S8ve 550°0' an tlis work-saving Lawn-1kJ1. I 1 00 l •••".O COlllPA••• 111vo•11.., r·•o,..011on11 I t 1tl•1 It' "•~v'•<turtt I •·~~n••d •·•• ll"ct 1q1 "' Cl•'",,, .• .... LlbsL&ttlW• I ...... I 11111 P1I••• It, F1ci111 Forohtsure1 WANTED May Taite Over 'ayment1 And Some Caah To Sellen.~ Private 'arty~ 'rlnclpl•• 'Ortty Pt.••• Uonuh·d lte mh 1-'or SPON GuruK•' Sult• All prtH'f'f'd!I #(O lo fl111h1 airporl n panttion 111 J.,A Cull !HIHl6:Jt, or 67:1-8164 for pick up. Sul•· dult>: Saturday, May I -'>-5 145-9442 I llumptthire <:rt .. Newport Bt•ut'h FRUIT TREE 41498 Plant a who)e orchard at these BIG savings. r APPLE• APRICOT• NECTARINE FIG•PEACH•PLUM•PEASIMMON EHmPlf: VENTURA PEACH Alo~~~.'so NOW 8. 75 Abowe ll1ted Fruit Tr"' at com rable 30% aavl A~ADY-TO-USE WEED AND GRASS KILLER =oRTHo KLEENUP 1111 Bermuda Ore11 and other wHd1. Mow•• throughout the whole plant for a complete kllll ~~:· iCl!H s:~· ASSORTED VARIETIES Including: FERNS, PALMS, PRAYER PLANTS. SPIDER PLANTS ANDOTH~AS 4" POT VALUEST03.4t •sr• Sine~ 1946 Hallishlts Nursery -Florist 2MO Harbor ll•d., Cotto M110 EST I TE IUCTIOll Ill ORllllE COUllTY THll IUIDIYll1 P.M. ""''~"'' Fr.tm \'.,.iou11 Ow .... ,,., lnt'l11dln• E't•tf"ll Confir-d Ft•r N11lf' 111 TI1f' SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CALIF. ,,,.,.,,.~r trllll J->w-lry l'N•~rtln to'-• •1iltl By ( tNl.-r of Cnodhur In PueM"Nlon of SF£URITY COILA TERAL IN DEFAULT JEWBLBY • ------~--------------------------~---------, ~ I w. Sell Mot• Th•n "THE WORLD'S Fl-?.-. I NEST PRODUCE." We h•tt• Ready Made : Toe'«I S•IMI• •nd C•ttot, Cucumht, • Celery St/eke, lot 11nlbblln11" In tftl• 1 • w•tm w••lhet. So who want• to cut th••• thln11• up when we h•tt• '•m "TMlle lleMly." We •I.a hare D,..elnge In plnte and 11allon• and tulM lot out 300 Reetaur•nte and • Complete Lin• of Frozen Food• In bul.k lot out R••t•u- t•nt• •nd 2~ lb. box tor lamlll••· All At Th• Low••I Prlcn In Town. OPEN DAILY 'TIL I QUANTITIES LIMITED SO ORDER EARLY ,..----m t•J:Mil-----1 r----~·m----,r----1N•Iil•IJJ----, I WE LEAD, 11 . II I I OTffE"8 ,OLLOWt 11WE STARTED SOllETHINGl11 10 DEUCIOUI NOW! I I Aft. I WEET 11 LAROE HEADS 11 LAROE HEADS I : DANJOU PEARS 11 LETIUCE II CAULIFLOWER I I 00 II 25• II &9• I l 3 Povnde 1 ll Nd! II MCh l I SAYE 30' La. 11 IAVE UP TO U • H . 11 IAYE 50' EA. I •---------------'•--------------~~--------------j 1---1(•l•J:lil1J-----1 r--:---Ril'f;NiJ----,r-----f (111J:l•J1l----, • I NeW CROP LAROE I IANY DIEOAEE OF RIP£NE1atl ~. 1 I I I DEUCIOUI 11 GOOO SIZE HAH It ,__.. I I I I I Oft FUERTE II MUSHROOMS I I l RAISINS 11 AVOCADOS II l • I 99• II 3 100 II 89• ,.. I I I • ........ __. '11 '°' II POUftd I I I ~ II II I I I IAVJ 70' La. 11111•11 Elll SIZE 5 "'O 11.0011 I AYE 1'0' La. J I •---------------' •--------------~L--------------j THE II' SIZE FLOWER SHOP 8PECIAL • 1----~(•lllal!l!J-----• r-----R•1'T1'Til"---... .------t(•lfJ;N1r----. I .IU..O SIZE ll WE HAVE TffE ,..IT :I : 1 CELERY or 11 MARGUERtTE 11 COWtME THll PRICE , I ROMAINE 11 DAISIES l l CELERY HEARTS : : I 3 100 n 99• BlgOrit!NI II 3 29• I 11 for II 9undl II In A ktl I I MIX 'EM UP II SAYE UP TO 1.10 llCH. II IAVE 40' llCH. I , 1 _______________ ,, _______________ 1L ______________ ..J COUPONS EXPIRE THURS., APRIL 21 -. P.M. IONDID fllUl'f 1.-tll '°" tO YUiii LLO\'D•!"i -oardensho I PARKING LOT PATIO SALE Alumont Patio Furniture AMERICANA MODEL 1142 ~ Dlf*'Q Ttlble 4, •100 Arm a-. Utt Price $450 LLIYIJllEl6LAI NOW '251 LOW PRICE $322 ONLY. DIA•OKDI I 142 Round Otnlng Table 4, 1500 St•lng Arm Chin THIRTY (30) Ff NE SINGU STONE DIAMOND RINGS 1, 2 & l CARATS EACH A telectlon of 1'0 diamond, emerald, 11~ phire, Jade, ruby, opal, port, 1ntfque rtnp,' br.celet1, necklace, w1tdtet ind earrinp. DtlC""'TWI CATALOO AYAll.AILI INSPICTION1 THll SUNDAY, APllL ~Ith 10 A.M. until 1 P .M. SALi TIMI Litt Price 1400 LLIYl'I .. LAI NOW . '280 · LOW 'PRICE $350 ,ONLY STACKING ADtlUITAllLI CHAIM t:OUNGI #S 10 wttt\ Anni • .. I ' ClASSIFllD C6 BUSY AFTERNOON -Golden West College second ba -• seman Marty Boyd h ad plenty to do Thursday during Southern California Conference game on the Rustlers' field. He awaits tag play on Harbor's Mike Patterson (upper left), then comple tes double play by tagging out Tony Bloomfield alter Harbor player struck out (lower left) and leaps to avoid Andy Flamengo (upper right). Golden West back • ID winner's circle Orange Coast stays on the he~ls of Cerritos in Soutl_i Coast; Saddleback blanked Golden Yl:t College's baseball team and no one out, Meyer proceeded to got back on its winning ways as the work seven acorelesa innings as he struck Rustlers dropped LA Harbor on ita own out five, walked one and IC8ttered three home field to highlight community col-hits in improving his record to 5-2. lege baseball action Thursday. Three players had two hits for the In other games, Orange Coast Rustlers led by designated-hitter Dan pounded out 18 hits in smothering F.ul-Larson, who went 2-for-5, including a lert.on, while Saddleback was blanked by home run and lwo RB.b Al.lo contribu- Southwestem. ting were ttUrd bueman Bob Grandstaff Here's what happened: (2-for-4) aq! center fielder Doug Irvine Golden Wnt 5, LA Herbor 2 (2-for-3 wi an RBI). The Rustlers snapped a two-game losing streak and evened their Southern Cal Conference second round r.ecord at 2-2 as sophomore Rob Meyer, in relief of starter Scott Mars h , pitc hed seven shutout innings in s topping the Sak- hawks (3-1 ). Meyer, a sophomore, came on in the third inning after two runs had acored to tie the ~ame. With a runner on second The Ru leri. who scored a single run in ~ f the first four frames, pushed e eventual winning run in the third as huck Spiegel walked, · took second on J&Crlflce by Steve Mo- rello and ICOred a hit-and-run single to right by Irvine. Orenge Coelt 15, Fullerton 4 The Pirates exploded offensively at the expense of the Hometa to remain a half-game behind .Cerritos (10-3) in the South· Coast Conference chase. Third baseman Tom. Duggan, a product of Edlaon High, was a one-man force for the Buca. lfhe freshman fi - rushed his day by going 3-for-5 at the plate, includini a home run and a dou- ble, good for i&even RBL The aeven RBI, in fact, set a school record, breai9ng the old mark of six co- held by Daryl Sconien (presently with the Angels) and Tom Barnett. His home rtan raised that season total to seven, leaving him one shy of that record, too. Duggan, who extended his hitting streak to 13 games has rallied his average from .225 to .342 in hls last 19 games. Freshman ri1tht-hander Ken San - toro, making his third start of the season, reaped the benefits of OCC runs in the first two lnnin~ to post his fi rst win. Thtr Pirates (9-3 in conference, 24-6 overall) had three other players with three hlta as Dave Tinoco went 3-for-6 w ith three runs scored and two RBI: Scott Groot went 3-for-6 and scored o nce: while Darren Puskarich was 3 .. for-5 with two RBI and a run r.cored. Southwntern 4, Seddleback 0 The Gauchos (12-5) fell victim to the strong-arm tactics of Southweste rn's Ron Herring as the right-hander struck out 10 and walked three w hile allowing but three hlta. Offeftaively, Southwestern was led by shortsop Romy Cucjen, who went 2-for-3 with an RBI. The Gauchos' Gary Easley at.orbed the loss in going the distance. Reds spoil perf eel ·Start by Braves Aiello ing bid to be Vols' No. 1 QB ATLANTA (AP) -Atlanta's record 13-game winning streak came to an end Thursday night when the Cincinnati Reds ecored a 2-1 vjctory behind the combi- ned aix-h it pitching of Bruce Berenyi and Tom Hume. The Braves, however , took their first setback of the 1982 season ln stride. "We told everybody what we were trying to do was win the pennant, not break any records," aid Chris Chambliss. "We didn't expect to go 162--0." "I told them I waa proud of them," said Atlanta Manager Joe Torre. "lt was fun. maybe we can start another one tomorrow." Qnclnnat1 got both its runs tn the fifth inning when the Reds collected four singles, includlng what proved to be a game -winr\lna hit by Berenyi. '"That WU pretty lucky," Be- renyi laid of hit litWe to lefi.. "l don't loQk at my1eR u an eiisy out just becawie rm a pitcher." Bennyi Wiii ~bow It fe\t to 1top Atlanta'• IU'eek. "Anybody ln tha\ 11tua\lo n wanted to be the one that ended It,'' --~ .ad. .._ 3-l, yielded five hlta before eavln1 with 1h• baMs kiedld an the aewnth, but Hume NdNd 0-. HUbbmd on a ahort !}? ltall, then 1ot Cleadell ·--·-·~'°-.... = ...... bU:lhld. mo- ... mJDr '"C ........ wt\h ,. 1111 = , .... .... -., ..... .u. 11111 • •• • I nw• iilllltL Ex-Golden· W.est Col ege standout impressive in Tennessee scrimmage Sam Aiello ls making a strong bid fO be- come the starting quarterback at th Un- ivendty of Tennessee. Aiello, who prepped at Marina and Star- red for two seasons at Golden West, was impressive recently in a Tennessee scri'tl- mage -completing 20 of 35 pa.es (at least five were dropped) for 238 yard.a and three TDs. Although the numben didn't mean that much, the performance apparently did, ac- cording to Thomas O'Toole of the Knoxville News-Sentinel. According to O'Toole, Aiello worked u much with the first team u Daryl Dickey and had aome sideline obeerverl thinking he had in ched ah~d ln the depth chart race. . "()ur plan going into the ICl"immaae WU to Wle both Sam and Daryl with the flnt team," aid q\.lal'1.erbeck coech Al Saunders. "I was pleued with IOlne of the th1np I aaw from Sam ln terms of recop1zlng the defenaes and gettlna ua QUt of lltuationa. But all our quarterblicka have a u,ht year to go." Alan Cockrell WM the Vola' cauartert.ck lut 1euon, but he II comlna of1 knee IU.f·. gery and wW not heve any contect work until Aupt. Dickey, who w• a of 11 with two lntet· cepdonl ln the .,.. ICl'tmmlft, bll been lilted No. l lincle Ten.-'1 eprina pnc- tb bepn. Aiello blon •t No. 4'ind, af1et' a slow 1tart, l• 1tvTn1 Dtclcey • 1erlou1 dWJenCe. "I w• ....Uy Mitt.ant and &9n&aUve the flrat few d•Y• of r.recdce," .. Y• Atelto. "You don't ihlnk lta daat bll a step -6ftl 1rom JC to the * .-.. but tt ... r w.a ~et the fin{ pnc1'ol. I Wlnted to ltl daat OM' wtth. Aftlr lbat I thoulht td 1'I all~-' ... ~ .... Alllll b • few .............. ... .. 1.-d•u•911d.I._~..._..,. ~, ..................... r ...... .. SPORTS EDfTOR CRAIG SHE Ff "I feel more comfortable now. A\ tint I was trying to do everything so fut and do it so good. After I relaxed, I 1tarted doing better. l 'd aay Darvl and I are about even , but I don't know.1 had a good ICrimmage this time, but Daryl had a et"eat ICrimmage the time before." Since he's the new kid on the block. Aiello says he's had to make a lot of ad- jultmenta. "When I went to Golden We1t it wu the same thing, com1na into • situation with all new players. I hacf to aa1n leedenhtp, and I dld it by dolnc better than the IUY who wai ln there. You gain respectabUlty by doing well. Tenne11ee llket to 10 1hopplng ln Cali· fomla foe ita ~·A few yeenaao. Gary Valbuena WM recruited by the Voll out of Or.,. COii& c.oll• and for the 1ut \wo "Ena Steve Alatorre (Cypre11) plancl ~. And 't look far Aiello to be llttlnl on the bejlidl cane Sepllmbel'. • • • Odds and .a from • week ln Honolulu: ..,..In 'hit pert of the world, baleball l1 The •PGf11 P9lll are f1l1ed with the • • of Ow Ha...U ......... of the Pe·. df Collt, L...,., and the Univen6ty of Haw.U. the No. a .... ln the lend. • The foUr·c.m Aloha CIMIAc, a con ... all~ t • ...,, -.--.s. -• bull .. tM ........ -............ pretty ~. -'r. ...._,, ••urll!il • •••• hdrr md/ .................. , ..... ... .. ................ ~"'0.000) .. .... 1 ........ ,,.. Two of the best West players -Lester Conner of Oregon State and Rod Higgins of Fresno State -played for the Midwest . . . one of the true mysteries of the tour- ney. The eight-man West team included Dwight Andenon (USC), Lafayette Lever (Arizona State), Clarence Dickerson (Hawaii), Mike Sanders (UCLA), Bill Gar- nett (Wyoming), Fred R oberts (BYU). Mark McNamara (Cal) and Wallace Bryant (USF). The West won the touiney with McNa- mara, Lever, Conner, Rlcky Pierce (Rice, South) and Eddie Phillips (Alabama, South) selected to the all-tourney team. Philllps was named the MVP. "'Youth aoocer is growing ln the islands, but California teams d ominated a club tournament F.aater week. v Another big sport in Hawaii ls rugby. T he partlclpanta have. no fear, especially the Samoans. v Ha wall Is pushing to get Ute Super Bowl, but Aloha Stadium 11 !~adequate, aeatJn1-wtae. But \hOM ln the know NY they can ,et $40 a ticket, rneanJl\i they are totally convinced theft fl no bottom to the pocket of the touNt. llllPPIN' AROUND -a,,. C.W.ell la beck for hi• aenlor footb•ll Muon at ' Arlaona State alter littinl out 1081 •llh 8l'.cle ~· The former Fountain Val-fey · Hl1h 1tandout i1 a defentlve end. He'•,_. 2&0 poundl. Anbther a -rv 11ar, WIUM Gllteu a-a .• ~ PnC*.e •t ABU aftlr •u duF'ftl olf.._ abouldef. ........,. Ok--. ....... runnlnl ~ " ~ ID be fullJ NOOYWed bJ the~ ~ ot ran*'°' 111 ....-••• 1ee car• ..-(n·Newpon lllrtiol' ~hll-1· ned•~e111Urupto1 IMln fN'NU'•tlon f• hi• •••o-:i.c.!:'!'P'IP •t ~ ..... CerneMn.. VlnlP•yMI' .... 1m1111n. ii• aa.•w ...... Keough weary . of d .ornes By CVRT Sl!!EDEN OfltleO.-, ..... l&Mf ... Matt Keough pitches for the Oakland A's and he lives in the Northern California community of Santa Rosa. But tonight at Anaheim Stadium, he'll feel very much at home. · And that'• not just because K eoug h grew up along the Orange Coast , pe rforming in style at Corona del Mar High School Keough i• relieved to be in Anaheim Stadium tonight simply because it representa the great outdoors. The 26-year-old right- handed pitcher has had hit fill of playing in the domes, especially Minnesota's Hubert H. 1-lumph· rey Metrodome. "In Minnesota, the acores are g oing to aound like football games because it's a football Cield," Keough saya. "They just threw a baseball park in after- wards. It's a joke." KEOUGH WASN'T laughing last week when the Twins belted three aolo home runs off him. But "Our l>ullpurk look.-; likt"' tht· (;r1.1111I Canyon ('ompurt•tl lo that (1 h <' I., i n 11 1· !'> o I u lt-11•1 rotlo11lt'). •• he managed to keep aome sense of hwnor.because the A's held on for a 6-3 victory. - "Our ballpark looks like the Grand Canyon compared to thaL A guy in the right field stands can sneeze and get it all over you if you are on the mound ," Keough adds. unintentionally sounding a bit like Don Rickles. "It's about 10 long strides from first base to the right field fence ln M.inne9ota. "All 1 know ls that Tony Oliva would have had 90 to 12.5 homers there, and if Hannon Killebrew were still playinf, he'd be in four · figures by now,' Keough adds. Despite all the agonizing over covered stadiums, Keough h as managed to br ing a 2-0 record into tonight's game with the Angels and their ace Ken Forsch (1-1). It's not quite the April Keough experienced last year, but then h ow many pitchers finished April 4--0 with a 1.00 earned run average while earning the title Pitcher of the Month? KEOUGH PROBABLY won't r e p eat hi s Apr i l -0( 198 1 this year. Nor will any of the other A's pitchers. Oakland car- ries an 8-7 record into the three- game_ weekend aeries with the Angels. By comparillon, the com- bined Angel pitching .staff, with a J?linuscule earned run average ttiu.s far, could collectively quaT llfy for such an honor. "Tt\ey (the An1ela) have a very food ballclub and they pro- bo.bly have better pitching than most p~o ple said they had," Keough said. He should know. He watched the Angels take 2-out-of-3 from the A's ln the season -opening .eries in Oakland. 'Ibat included the Angels' 8-6, 16-uming verdict in the rubber mat.ch. "We've had several 16 inning games," Keough says with a bit o f exasperatio n in his voice. ''We've taken a co~le of 3-2 leads into the nlnth/mning but wind up losJng. "Everybody up there (in Oak land) is already puahing the panic button. We've just had • few injuries. a couple of pitchen' with t>.d anns and we're leavinC 1uy1 on third base," Keou1h; aays. In the put, such early le8llOll antics were taken rather l.lahtly. But with Billy Martin 1uJd1ng: the A's, and last yeu'a lmpnlllve 17-1 start still vividly lnltilJed ln the mind.a of the Oakland faith- . ful, the A't are beln1 hard-· Pl"ftled to perform in the .une laabion that eventuelly led to their 1981 Weatern Divi1lon. champ6onahip. _r Included ln that 17-1 apurt w..; • four-1ame sweep of the AnceW lalt ..-on. .. I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Frtday, Aprtt 23, 1982 •,,.. ____________________ , r I I I 1 j Lemon put• squeeze on Yankee• Cite& Lem11 hammered a tape-Ill meaaute, two-run homer into a rarttly-reached aectlon of Yankee Stadium Thunday ntaht and Jack Morrie ec•ttered alx hlta to l ad tho Detroh Tl· aers to their alxth 1\r&laht victory, a 3-1 triumph over the New York Yarikeet. Lemon 111\Nhed hla flnt home run oC I.he teuon In tho third lnnlna, 1 towerln drive into th upper left-field at.anda Laguna, Mustangs, ' CdM win , 1 · Ferragamo not I on waivers yet juat l n1lde the foul pole . . El1ewber e lf\ the American League, 811 01ll· vie belted a two-run homer and Cecil Cooper lined a bHH~empty 1hot to Rower ?.jilwaukee to a 7.0 vktory over Toronto ... Joe Cbar- bobeau and Rlcll Manalna each drove in two runs to help Cleveland 1hade Texas, The Laauna Beach, Coat.a Men and Corona del Mar Hlah volleyball ieem.s aot a jump on the r u t o f thelr league counterparta by poat1n1 victories Thunday ntaht. The Sou t h Coast League-leading Arti1t1 took Capl1trano Valley In 1tralght aets, 15-13, 15-6, U -11 behind the play of junior out1lde hitter Adam John so n and play -maker Rudy Dvo- rak. I • I I • ! • . • • Qua rterback Vince Fe rragamo [il doesn't have an open door back to the 411 • NFL just yet. Des.p i le a ware servke stor y which cleared Thursday morning stating the present Montreal Alouette quarterback had clea- red Canadian Football League waivers, it should be pointed QUt that the team placed Ferragamo on "recallable" waivers, meruung the club was .~ ~ , , . . : -:IJ· •• ~tl ::I '. ..... . .. . . " just testing the marke t. not releasing Its hlgh-prtced com- modity. "If Vinc.-c Ferragamo had been put on waivers, be~eve m e I w o uld h ave known about 1t," said Rams Coach Ray MalavasJ. "Every day we ge t a sheet from the league office telling us who's on waivers and who 1Sn't. And, n!llJllJAOAMO as of right now, Vance Ferra- gamo as not on waivers." Ferragamo is reportedly the key to a com- plicated three-way deal between the Rams. the Baltimore Colts and the Chicago Bears. If a deal is worked out, it would supposedly work lake this: The Rams, who ho ld the NFL rights to Ferragamo. would receive the Bears' first choice in Tuesday's NFL draft so they can deal it to Baltimore for Jones. In exchange for the Bean' fi rst cho1~. the Rams would deliver Ferragamo's NFL righ ts to the Bears. Quote of the day Jay Johnstone, flaky Dodger outfielder, asked for tus reaction to the return of hold- out pitcher Fernando Valenzuela; "He 's fat, he has pimples all over his face, he can't speak English, and he's ugly We're glad to have him back." Alaska Eagle donated to Orange Coast Alaska Eagle, the fi rst American ~ yacht to enter the recently-concluded Whitbread Around the World race, has been donated by owner Neal Bergt to Orange Coast College. OCC Dean of Student Affairs Dave Grant recen tly took possession of the yach t n Port- smouth. England at the race's conclusi"n. "We are tremendously grateful to Neil It IS a terrific opportunity for us." said Grant. "Alaska Eagle as an excellent yach t utihzmg the finest available equipment and having her wall add another d1- mens1on to our program." The boat wall be sailed back to the U.S. at the end of Apnl with an ex- pected tame of delivery of two to three months. ~) ~~}} Oil Filter tor most Imported C1rs #W21-3JO, JJJ, 344, 34', 341, #WZT-352, 355, 357, 351, JM @].[£] Tune Up Kit JOJ.l ' Cyl. lttehlHa O.lu ,.11ff, rotor, 1 CWHIH1er. 4 25.= "" Robert Bosch Spark Plug LU.ION 4-3 .. ''.Jim Eulan drilled two hits and dro've in twcS runs to highlight a seven-run third inning and RJcble ZJu added a two-run double in the same Inning as Seattle topped Minnesota, 8-4 .. .In exhibition play. Guy Salan drove In three runs to give San Francieco a 6-5 victory over Stanford University and Bob Dernier hit two doubles as Philadelphia defeated its Reading Cann club, 11-7. George Allen resigns at Montreal In an e ffort to prod Montreal • Alouettes owner Nelson Sllalbanla to c.'Omplete the sale of the team, George Allen quit Thursday as president and chief operating officer of the Canadian Football League team. Allen. who joined the team Feb. 16 as part-owner , had run out of patience with Skalbania, whose efforts to sell the team had been blocked by a Hnancial tangle that md uded several major creditors ... Heavy rains forced the postponements of the first rounds of play in the New Orleans Open Golf Tournament and the L e g e nd s of G o lf t o urney in Aus tin , Texas ... Wayne Gretzky scored h is first two goals and notched an as,,ist as Canada beat the United S tates 5-3 in the World Hockey C ham- pionships, eliminating the AmericaOB from the elate pool Meanwhile the Soviet Union blanked West Germany 7-0 to ext.end its unbeaten s treak to six games. Television. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tomght. Ratingi> are: V' V' V' V' excellent, V' V' V' worth watching; V' V' fair; V' forget 1t. . n 7:30 p.m., Channel 11 v v v DODGERS BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Franctseo Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter Dodger starter Bob Welch (2-0) wall be hard-pressed to duplicate the pitching per for- mance turned an Wednesday night by teammate Jerry Ht>uss (a one -hat shutout), the Giants will counter with Alan Fowlkes (2-1) who played AA ball a year ago and as a graduate of Cal Poly Pomona OTHER TELEVISION Basketball -NBA playoff game. 11 30 pm . Channel 2. Taped. RADIO Ba~eball -Oakland at Angels, 7.30 p.m . KMPC (710). Dodgers at San FranctsCO, 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). Costa Mesa atayed on the heels of pace-setting Estancia In the Sea Vlew, dumping winless Wood- bridge, 15-2, 15-2, 15-3 while Corona d eJ Mar was a 15-6, 15-3, 15-11 vic t or ov e r Ne wport Harbor. Mark Arno ld , who signed earlier this week to attend Pepperdine in the Call, stood out for the Mustangs, as d id Paul Coen en a nd Dan Max- ner Schwartz, Oxley race Bobby Schwartz and Brad Oxley will join the r e g ula rs a l ton ight's w e e k ly s p ee dw a y motorcycle racing prog- r a m a t th e O ra nge County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. S chwartz a nd Oxley are regulars on the En- glis h s peedway circuit but wall compe te he r e tonight for the {if"$t time. Schwartz finished fourth an the U S nationals last year bu t has been inju - r ed fo r th e last tw o weeks after a 100-mph crash at a long track in Germany Ox lc>y has bee n e n - joying has most success- ful season as a member of the Wimbledon Team an London Both riders were r e - gulan; at Costa Mesa be- forl' moving to the Bri- tish Cll'CUll. Gates o p e n a t 6:30 with the first race at 8. Mist Scents Air Refresher Spare Air Air Filter #CA I 4Ut, I MIC. IM"- 1 U , JO.I #CAJOI, lt4A, UI, JIJ, W. l• . . #CAut1 U7, DI; JMA, U1 #CAW. 1111, MH, JUI, W7 hut•trtl1 ,,.,,., ... H•ll IH#fCfWel ,,,.,,,.,, I U.S. Auto P1rt1 Specl1lllf1 ~OSTA rlSA • Slltb Cast A11t1 5-lllY ltEWIWIUCH • t1i1i1i Ala Pll1s 1111. Mir At llliltll • 2112 I. C111t llfJ_, • -·-' 141113 '"1CH "" tUOOHTIO '9UCH 0 MAY VA"V AT 'A"ftC.,ATINCI ltlTAILlltt ' ' HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET .' .. ••• i\NAll~IM .•. Youn,.tt-r1 alttndln1 the Or•nS4! County lnttmaUonal Auto Show at Al\ah(.'lm Convt'ntlon Ct>nter wlU be able to mMt and ~t lho St..ame SU'fft character Cooklt! Monater tomorrow (Sat ) and Su.n., April 24 and 2~ Cookie Mon1ter, well known to viewers of the popular te l•vl1lon show, Sc.-s.me S trHt, It 1 blfgar· than-Ute mut:!r who appean on 1w1e with Bia Bird. Bert, Ernie, IN Grouch, Grov(.'r, ~Count and Prairie Pawn In the 1tJ1ge tpt'Ctacular "Seume Street Live" The 1how will be st..ged at Anaheim Convenllon Cen~ May ~ through 9 • At the auto 1t)ow, Cookie Moneter wlll be 1lvln1 uutographt'd photographs to all young (and old) Sesame Street fans. Appearing al the show tonight will be Ora nge County Sporu Hau of Fumers Dan C urney, Jim Fregoei, Cathy Rlaby, Mickey Flynn, George Yordley and Bob Hamblin Following are lhe spt'ctal eventa thal are achecluled ' for lhto ehow today, Saturday and Sunday .-ri.t.n. \rml :.n 7.00-9.00 p n'I Orange County Sporll Hall o f Fame MaJOr 1porl1 figure• appearing Mar· shall Klein. Moderator 'ulur•lu~. Atml 'J. I 1.00 p.m. "H1ahway SafNy" pretwnted bJ Calt· fornia Highway Pulrol o fflt'tlni 2'.oo p m Women's Marke t as it la seen by an automobile manufacturer, preaenu.-d by Marilyn Kang. Manager Con~mporary Markettng Group, Ford Motor Compa- ny 3 00 pm. "Psychology of Color" by Image. Works 4 00 pm Finance "How IO Buy a Car m Today's D11f1cuh Credll MJrkt't" by Ht-rllage Bank Represenwttves ~:00 p.m ti.00 pm 700 pm II 00 pm "Highway Safety" prt>St·ntt>d by Cali· forrua Highway Patrol off1ccrs "Wtui t to do in Case or ill\ AC'Cldt'nl" by Dtan Caviness, Agent. St.ak Farm Iru.u ranee "Psychology of Color" by lrnagt> Works Women's Marke t 111 It 1s st-t-n bv an automobile manufacturer. prt•stmlt'd by Manlyn Kmg, Managt:'r Contemporary Markettng Group. Ford Motor Compa- ny 11.00 p.m. F\nance "How t.o Buy a CJt 111 Today'r. l :00-9:00 p m I 00 pm 2:00 pm ~j 00 p m 400 pm 5<?0 pm • 600 p m 7:00 pm 1.00-7 00 p m D1 m cult Credit Marht" by ll<>rn a g.- Bank Repr('S('nlaltVH Filmed Orange County fut(t'Wa y H1gh- h ghu. including )('lS. d rag)tl'r!>. funny cars. mol.Orcyclt'!i 'unda~ ! \pr1I 2S f'1nance "How lo Buy a Cor in Todav's D1ff1cult Credit Markt-t" by Herita.ge Bank Reprt"Sentat1v<'s "Psychology of O>lor" by lmagt' Works Wom en's Market ai. 1t 1~ sN•n by an automobile manufa<·tun·r. pr<.-'5Cntt.'(J by Marilyn King. Manag<'r Cont('mp<>· rary Markt>lmg Grouµ. f ord Mo tor Company "Highway Saft'ly" µrc•sentl'd bv Cali- fornia Highwa) Patrol offll'l'rs "Whal IO do in ~ of an Al'C'ldent" by I>1.m Caviness. Agc·nt S late.• F'ann lnsu- Fmam:e "Ho .v w Buy 4 Car m Today's D1fficu h Crt>d 11 MarkPt" by Heritage Bank Represenlbuvei. "Highway Saft>ty" preM-nll-'<l by Cah· forn1a Highway Palrol ofrll't'rs Filmed Orangt' County R.at,,,.way High· 1Jgh1s including JN"> dragstt>rs, funny cars. molOrcyd es *** U~ A '4;t.1.t.-. ... Isuzu h45 ~-t n k>lt"Cted as the off1 c1al ve hicle of lhe 24th an nual Ml San Antonio CoUege (Mt SACI Relays t.o be h<'ld April 22-25 al Ml San Antonio College In Walnut. California While the Mt SAC Relays MVl' a 23 year head slart on Isuzu, bolh are experts m rt.'<:ord brt>akmg ln 1981 there were lwo world records, three American records, and a hosl of collegiate and for('1gn national marks 8et at the ganws In '1-981. Isuzu sel a new r~ord with lhe greatest number of vehicles ever sold by an import in its first year an lhe American market To commemorate the record breaking perf<>nnanc('S at tht' 1Y82 Mt SAC Relays. lsuzu will pn.>sent a SJ>l"C'l8I plaque to all athletes who sel new world or Amt>ncan rECOrds d unng the meet. Add1uonally. Isuzu veh1des will be m use through - out the game and will pace the ''Torch Run" from the Los Angeles Olympic S tadium to Mt SAC over the 60-kilometer l'ourse The run. wh1rh salull'S the upco- ming 1984 Olympics, begins al lhe st._•1chum at 7:00 a.m. and la scheduled lo end at Mt. SAC 1n tame for the opening ceremonies ••• LAS Vt:(.A~ ... Off-road vehicles Of all shapes, siu•i and colors from slow but sure stock Volkswagen se- daru to fu t single-seal buggies and ·thundering four- wheel dnve trucks -are being readied in all pert& of the natton for the premier event o( the off-road racing world -lhP Mint 400 Desert Race Apnl 29-May 2 Drivu s of more than 500 off.rood racin1 machines battled the heat, dust and the inhotp11.able Southern Nevoda deiert for more than $250.000 in pri7.e money and contingency awards an last year's event apor\IOt'ed by Del Webb's Mint Hotel and C&11lno in downtown Las Vegas. Thla year, in spite of Inflation and other economk blems, I.he entry list Is fast •ppr0achlng that number, with driven coming from as far away as Alaska. Ger- many, Sweden and Australia. Many of the competitonl wlU pre-n.m or practJce on \M 100-mUe courte north of Lu Vegas for teVeraJ days prior IO lM rk'4', but the act.ion bq:l.ns In Mmeat April 30 when all or the nice vehk.let are Uned up on Fremont Sln!e\ and Ole block surTOUndlng the Mint Hott-I. It tldd.a up to one of the bigest weeks of the year for Downtown Lu Vesu. CONklering the 60,000 to 70,000 fptic\aton the Bureau of Land Ma~,,ement estimates dot the terrain aJona the lOO·mlle cour'IM! Neb year. There will be one departu.re Crom Mlnl 400 l.Ndlt.ion l this year. The parade of l'llCe can Crom downtown to the J..aa Vea•• Speedrome 1tart-flni1h site will f\ot take' • place. The event Ma CJ'OWn IO Wp wf th MON than 500 anul" and traffic problems dunna lhe par• have pvwn with IL To aJ)evlate con1eaUon problems the community C.c. on rift day, MJnt 400 offtdala have dcdded to lft)d the ~ ll'M'ltdlat.e.ly out to the s~ for '"'~ dint once they l\9ve ~ th.rouch l«h lnlplt\lOn and contlnlmCY row. The race will pt under way et the SP"dtorrw. 1o- <'8tlld lWO m1wa norO) of NellJa Air FotW ... on Lu v ... Bou-.Vard North, at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 1. AJ. tNulh all ol the f..Uvj\iet downtoWn and molt ol I.he ,.. munt la free to U. publk, t.Mrt wlll be normal adm.llllot\ ~ at the~ on na daJ, *** SEE WHAT YOVR LOO"L AVTO DEALEBS HA VE TO OFFER YOU INTOD Y' , • FRIDA Y APllll /I l<Jtl: O RANGE COUN l Y. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Cons_umer Price dip _biggest '53 WASHINGTON (AP) -Con- sumer prices, down for the first time since 1965 and the most since 1953, Cell at an annual rate of 3.3 percent last month. the government reported today. Plllmmeting gasoline prices, the product of the persistent recession and worldwide glut, posted their sharpest drop on record, as did fuel oil prices. Today's Labor Department announcement of March price activity means checks for the nation's J6 milUon Social Secu- rity recipients should rlae an average of $27 beginning In July. The 0.3 percent seasonally ad- WATCHING WHALES -Louise Salmin of Costa Mesa wat- ches a group of gray whales feeding 200 feet offshore at the G Street section of the Newport Beach oceanfront. "I was Firestorm justed decline in the March Index confirms economists' predictions that the recession, which haa persisted since the summer, la moderating the spiral of lncrea- slnJ( prices. At the White House, deputy presidential press secretary 'Lar- ry Speakes said: "Today's good news ls evidence of the dramatic progress made In thia area: "We believe It Is bec4use of our consistent economic poUcy, which has cut the rate of Increase In federal 11pending, our support of a stable monetary poUcy and our policy of non-intervention in the market place. All Americans are o..., Pt4ol Photo by L" Pe1ne thinking of swimming out to see them," she said, "but I de- cided not to." .. • • v1ct1ms • Irvine Lions set to honor city leaders to ruins Nixon tours Anaheim fire devastation Five community leaders will be honored Saturday during the Irvine Wons and Lioness clubs' Seventh Annual Community Awards Dinner at the Santa Ana Country Club Lawyer and community orga- ni:zer David Baker, city Planning Commissioner Mary Ellen Had- ley, Boy Scout leader Joel Lo- wenstein, UC Irvine student Stephen DeSalvo and magazine editor Thomas Self will receive recognition during the dinner- dance. Baker will be presented the citizenship award by Irvine Mayor David Sills; Supervisor Thomas Riley will give Ms. Hadley the community service award; l,..ions District Governor Charlie St. John will present Lowenstein the achievement award for his work with ment- ally retarded youngsters. beSalvo wiU receive a medal of valor from Orange County Fire Chief Larry Holms for his bravery in saving a woman from a burning house in Irvine and Self, Orange County editor of Executive Magazine. will get the press relations award from Ken Bunting, president of the Orange County Press Club. .The $17.50 per person affair will begin with cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m .• said orga- nizer Andy Karydas. WORLD By DAVID KUTZMANN of' tlM DellJ "trot llllff Anaheim police officials say that victims of Wednesday's $50 million firestorm will soon be al- lowed to return to their charred dwellings to seareh for salvagea- ble belongings. Police spokesmen said that re- presentatives of the city's Buil- ding Department were to make an Inspection of the ruins this morning before salvage opera- tions would begin. Search and rescue teams fi- nished poking through the rub- ble Thursday. No bodies were found. Crowds of onlookers and motonsts on Ball Road stared at blocks of gutted buildings throughout the day, getting their first look at the destruction cau- sed by Orange County's worst fire. It is estimated that up to 1.500 people were forced to nee ram- piiging, wind-driven flames Wed- nesday morning. The fire de- stroyed 53 buildings, including 524 apartment units, within a four-square block area of central Anaheim, near Disneyland. Incredibly. no deaths were caused by the blaze, though po- lice and fii:e department rescue teams combed the wreckage Thursday to be certain of that. The return of fi re victim• to their former homes waa to be allowed only under strict guide- lines, including a re.quirement that the residents first register with the Red Cross at Ball Junior North Korean leader ailing North K orea's dictator, Kim Il-Sung, is 70, and . world leaden are watching his frail health as cloeely as that of RUltlia's Leon.id Brezhnev. Page A6. NATION Network news examined . Former State Department tpoknman Hoddln1 Carter takes • look at the c~ ll'ene of network newt in 1 PBS documentary. Pace A7. Budset outline togbt · W ASHINOTON (AP) -Whi .. Home and coa· 11 .. -.1on111.i n•t>Uiiear.. ......_an maJar' ....... an •wlildlnc doWD lhetr ...... fat';a bl~._.... ........... toM..J by, 11!'-• an OidUM :NcMr ........................................ J. High School. site of an evacua- tion center. Police officials said the victims would then be allowed back into the area to s1ft debris after cal- ling the police department to make an appointment. No chil- dren would be allowed back in, a spokesman said this morning. The actual return of the resi- dents. however, must await the city Building Department's ap- proval. There are safety concerns related to allowing people to poke through the flre-SC'arred debris, officials said. (See RESIDENTS, Page A2) U.S . to 'take' island again .... TOK YO (AP) -The Japan-U.S. Joint Defense Com- mittee has decided to pennit U.S . Marines to conduct a landing exercise on lwo Jlma, site of one of the bloodiest battles of World War 11 in the Pacific. Some 800 Marines are e~­ ed to participate in the drill scheduled May 4-6 on the island about 700 miles southeast of To- kyo, the agency said. This is the first landing exer- ose to be held by U.S . Marines on lwo Jima since the island was returned to Japan and placed under the jurbdlction of the To- kyo Metropolitan govemme1tt in 1968. • STATE Former President Richard Ni- xon, who was staying at the Disneyland Hotel only a mile from the Anaheim fire that left 1.500 people homel~. toured the burned out neighborhood Thurs- day. "It was much worse than I had thought. It was a miracle no one was hurt." Nixon said after tou- ring the desolate. mile-square area for 20 mmutes before being driven to the Los Angeles Inter- national Airport to cat.ch a flight back to New York. Actually. 17 people -10 fire and policemen and seven resi- dents -had to be hospitalized suffering everything from heart attacks to burns to twisted ank- les. However, oHicials said it was "a miracle" there were no deaths. Nixon had been in Anaheim for a $1.000-a-plate fundraiser Wednesday night for GOP can- didates an Orange County and elsewhere in the state. After touring the ruins, Nixon stopped at the city fire depart- ment·s command post to congra- tulate emergency workers. saying he was "very much im- pressed by the way 1t was handled." Nixon said Secret Service agents assigned to him saw the fire from their hotel room across the hall and had monitored its progress to assure It would not endanger the former pre.sident. • He said the agents told him the fire was only about a mile away • Medi-Cal benefits extended \ · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Superior Court Judge Dick.ran Tevrtsian extended Medi-Cal benefits for 10,- 000 Calif omla famlliea tbrouah Aua. 1 after a Legal 'Aid attorney filled .Wt m behalf of a d.1VOl"<.'ed working mother of four. COUNTY Japan toy exhibit on Coast An exhibition of tridttional toys from Japu la on ~lapl•f at Newport Beach'• BenihaN Restaurant ~A~30.W..._...,, 1Vffd reflecta oa 18 r.ean -. experiencing the benefits of the lower lnllation ratcll." lf prices fell for 12 .stralght months at March 's rate, the yearly decline would be 3.3 per- cent. The annuat•rate reported by the Labor Department 1s ba- sed on a more precise calculatton of monthly chang<'s than the fi- gure the department makes pu- blic. SpeciC1cally, the department reported these price changes: -Gasoline pncea fell 4 per- cent, the most since these costs were firs t recorded monthly by the department In 1967. , Taubman meeting Irvine to m _ap coinmercial project plans I f. i By GLENN SCOTT OfttwDelly~li.tl Irvine city off1c1als expect to haah out plans for future com- mercial developmen.t an their city when the president of the Taub- man Company arnves Tuesday IOI' a special da.scuss1on at a city council meeting. "Ir we have a slowdown in commercial development, we can·t sus tain rapid residential development," said Caty Council- man Larry Agran "The two must RO hand-an-hanrl " No appeal on county noise rule The Taubman f1nn as the na- tion 'a premier developer o f shc.pplng malls and Alfred Taubman is a major stockholder in the Irvine Company. The Taubman firm 1s handling ar- rangements for attracting com- mercaa l tena nts lo the lo ng- awaated Irvine Cent.er, billed by Irvine Company executives as a Orange County 0U1cials say "super-regional" (.'enter. th~y have no immediate plans to Taubman President Bob Lar-aJ>peal a ruhng that sets the stage sen IS expected to explain plans for anothe r trial in which 54 for the center whe n he mee ts Upper Newport Bay and Santa with the council at the beginning Ana Heights families wall seek of its 7:30 p.m . session at City damages because of noise from Hall. John WaynC' Airport . Larsen will come from Taub-The 4th District Court of Ap- man headquarters in Troy. Mich. peal m San Bernardino noufied for the discussion. which was the county counsel's office proposed after Irvine Company Thunday that it had revened an President Peter Kremer met Orange County Superior Court wilt\ the council Jan. 12. verdict of four years ago which City ofCicials have been eager denied the families any damages to see the cente: developed inside because of noise complaints. the triangle formt-d by the The appeals court ruling, in antersecung Santa Ana, San Dae-effect. gives the families another go and Laguna freeways. The opportunity to press their case. commercial stores are anticipated And attorneys who represented to bring the city millions of dol-them the first time said they lars in sales tax. would likely push for a second Larsen is expected to discuss tnal. pre liminary plans for Irvine During that farsl trial, the fa. Center, an overview of shopping milies con tended that airport mall development in California noise was undercutting the value and "what the holdup is" in of their homes. AddlUonaUy, six going ahead with construction. families contended that they said Paul Brady Jr . assistant city suffered emotional dLStress manager ln all. SI 4 million an damages Taubman. not the lrvine Com-was sought from the jury, which pany. has been negouating with turned down the claim. major department stores about Assist.ant County Counsel Ro- locating in the center. explained bert Nutlman said the Court of Irvine Company spokesman Dan ' Appeal ruled that Superior Coun Carlsson. Judge Walter Smith was In error Taubman 0Cfic1als weren't when· he told jurors not to consi- avallable for comment this mor-der the emotional distress claims nlng. of the six families. City and Irvine Company ex-Subseque nt l? the 1978 ver- ecutlves have been meeting for diet. Nuttman S81d, the sta~ Su- severa 1 months to work ouJ. a preme Court ruled in a case in- development agreement spelling volving West.chester homeowners out tradeoffs an approving the who live near Los Anceles Inter- land within the so-caUed Golden nauonal Airport that emotional Triangle for development. distress cc;iuld be cited as a legi- 1 n addit ion to a shopping timate claim for damages. center, other land uses such as During a second airport noise offices hotels and restaurants are trial late last year, a case the envlsi~ned by the Irvine Com-county also wo~. emotional ~i­ pany for the site. Many of those stress ~as permitted as a claim other buildlnfi{s probably would for w~ach government could be be built first. according to current held hable. The county operates proposals. John Wayne Airport. To many city official~. more The second trial involved 265 commercial development is a keY. people who live beneath the to adding residential subdivisionS flight path of John Wayne. La- because the sales tax Increases wyers have indicated they plan help pay for the costs of serving a to appeal the jury's decision to· larger population. reject that case. INDEX ' At YOW' Service A4 L.M. Boyd A6 Bua1Dell 84-3 California A~ Cavalcade 82 aw tied CM.I>1~ ·Comb B3 Croeewonl 83 O..th Notk.9 C. iUn Delaplane 82 ' l'dAtorial Ae lhtertalnmeni Weekender Home/Gaden Bf SPORTS , Cl-3 •• TVJ..oa WeeJlendm' A2 .u • ------~ -- RETURN. • • Meanwhile, thf'fl' were> ottwr i.Jevelopmc>nlB Thur11day related ito Anahelm'a dcvnatallng flrcs- •'onn, Including these: · I -Oov. Edmund 0 . Brown Jr. 1a11Jsed Prcaldt>nt Rcagan to de- clare Anaheim a fe<foral disaster ;urea, freeing up asslstan"e for 1flre victims such as loans, grants tand substitute housing. -Orange Cou11ty Supervisor Ralph Clark. whose district sn- dudes Anaheim, said he would ask the Board of Supervisors next week to gJve some thought to tought!ning regulations on /are-retardant roofing an urban ilreas. In 1979, the board appro- wed a ban on shake and shingle l'OOfS Within 1,000 feet Of brushy wildlands areal. Clark said he wanted to set' how much al would t'OSl to expand the ban to include t'Ombustiblc wood roofs an urban areas. The quick spn•ad of Wednes- day's blaze• was attributed l<) the wood shake· roofs atop many of the guut"d apartm<'nts -The lnsuran<.'t' Information Institute 1n San Franc 1S("O, meanwhile, csi1matl•d that the amount of 1nsurnd loss an the fire was roughly $30 million. Many renters did not havl• insurunc~· on their belongings Three of four U.S . Marines killed when their car Jammed beneath J trut·k 1n El Centro h a v e b <· t' n 1 d t' n t 1 f 1 e d a ~ :.? I-year-old t·nh~tl'<'!> stationed at El Toro Deputy County Coroner David Corn 1dt·nt1fwd thrt'<' v1cums a'i Sgt David John Lafoon of Tul'· son , Ariz .. Sgt Wayne Veron Rudy of Orangt-County, and Cpl Bradley William Stout of Pla- '"t"nt1a He would nut identify the fourth man until n•lat1ves were not1firo The M:mnes had IX'en statio- ned at El Toro and wt•re tempo- ' araly assagnt·d to S l•c ley Air Station Wl'St of El Cl•ntro, Lt Col L<-vmsky c;u1d The spokt>Sman rdUSC'd to gavC' f'or the Circ victims themsel- ves, Thursday was •mother day of coping with a t.rasedy that left most with virtually nothlna but the dothe:i on their backa. The Red Cross evacuation center at Ball Junior High S<:hool. where about 800 of the 1.500 homeless have registered, was crowded with several hun- dred JX.'<>plc, many just sitting on folding chairs and swapping sto- ries. Red Cross officials said as- sistance operations have cost their agency nearly $250.000. ll is t·xpt•(·tcd that the evacuation ('t'nler will remain open through the weekend at Ball Junior High. OH1c1als said the Red Cross nt't.-dcd contributions to help ('O- ver expenses related to emcr- gl'ncy operations this w~k. Part of Thursday's activity in- l"l uded residents of the Palm Villa apartments getting rent and sc>cu rity deposit refunds from Ronson Equity Management Co o r Fulle rton. ow ner of the J 16 -unit complex. By noo n Thursday. nearly $50,000 had bl>t·n refunded to tenants. One onlooker at the fire sc:-ene Thursday was former president Richard Nixon. who tourt'd the arC"a his firs t na me or any details about the accident The young men died at For- reslt"r Road r.nd E van Hewes Highway in El U>ntro, 110 rrules t•ast of San Diego. when their car slammt'Cl at 55 mph underneath the trailer of a semi-truck which pulled an front of at ' Tht• impact decapitated the driver a nd killed his passengers ins tantly. lmpenal County Sheriff's de- pullt-s released truck driver Leif Ohrborg. 34, or Non·o. without l'hargt.>s after the a<.·c.:1dent (•arly Thursday. But thcy rontanuc·d to anvcst1· gc.ilt· whl'ther he might have a run a stop sign. The anlA:.'rs«·t1on •~ Ire4uenlly used by truckers skirting El Centro as they exit Interstate 8 'Bombs' to drop TULSA. Okla. (AP) -There'll be stacks and stacks of wax coming down tonight on campus at the University of Tulsa in what promises fD be a real rerord-break.ing bash. The l 0 worst popular songs of the 1970s -a.S judged by the univers ity's s tude nts -wall be loade d into a n aging jukebox,, hoisted t o 100 feet and dropped as part o f the school's a nnual Springf est c-ele brat1on. ·Coasta l 0.nse fog <11011·~ IM C.Oitll Set urday mornono OlherwoSf' aunny lttOhtly c<f<>lrr Coes1a1 low ,7 i nland 57 Coastal hogh 88 74 .n1and 7'·80 Waler 59 ElteWhe<• light vaoat>le win01 8 to 15 kno11 Wesaerly 1-i11 I 10 3 leet Moslly laot "''th -fe>v Ove< OUle< water' 111ph deserts ano 84 lo 94 at iower .. ('lllllOnS Boote" lrom P0tnl Concep1100 to the> Me .. can t>ordet can "'PllC' o..iw 111ohthme toq and va11a1>1e D•e"Zl'I becomong 1oulh to sou111 ... ,,t at 8 10 t6 11no1s Sat- urday ar1 .. rnoon A westMty swell V•OUICI •un 1 10 2 feet ~·xi ended for ecast UPHILL F IGHT -Amputee Bart Van Housen , 35, .runs up , one of the many tortuous hills along Highway 1 in Southern California as he nears the completion of a 900-mile run from Oregon to Mexfco for the Easter Seal Society. Talks fizzle • 1n concrete hauler strike Talks bl·twee n s triking Tc•amster NX.'k, sand and concrete haulers a nd C'oncrele industry negot1alors stalled Thursday al- m<Jfit as soon as they had begun. Thl' bargaining session, con - dut·tl'Cl under the aegis of federal mt>d1ators was adpumed Thurs- day uftcrnoon a nd additional mc•c.'lings have not lx>en sc·hedu- lt'Cl, said spokt-sman Jay Watkins, of tht· Southern Cahforma Rock Products and Ready Mix C'on- (·rew AsS<x:1a t1ons "Th<' union demands really l'O uldn't lead to meaningful negotiation~4." Watkins said to- day He· t·haral·ter12ed the bar- gaining Sl'SSIOn as a "bust " Watkins said union leaders prt'St•nu'Cl t'Ontract demands that wcrc> much h1gh<'r than those negotwtc'<i before the union re- JC><:tt"d a proposed c:ontrac·t April 4 That l'Ontract offered Teamster drivc~s. who l"Urrently carn an avcragt• o f $11 40 an hour. a s:J 03 an hour wage and benefit hake ov<!r three years U.S. summary SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTA L ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS Some nio11 c!OlJd,nas otne•wo~ lair Patchy eatty mo<· nu'9 IOw cl0Ud1 an<I log alOng the coasa Higha 11 beac'l1es &4 to u and inland art'IS 74 10 82 L~ 52 lo 58 Moun1a1n rnorr rughs. S6 ro 86 Lowa 35 10 '5 \ll. •• ~· . ., • o~,1_.111.d Sllowert and 1hunders1orm1 were widely sc.attered from rhe Flori<Je pen1nwla across lhe een. rr111 Gull c.oaat to Tuas 4(>day. whole snow tell on I hf! h•gl!er •I•· vat1on1 of Aflzona Skies were cloudy over Souah Caronna and the Gulf coast state1. New Me•oco llnd Arozone Rain ahowera were 1cot1a••d lrom weal Te•al to eo1tern Ari· zone Clouds wero beginning 10 move ov•r the northern Paclllc coHt, bul akies wor11 cle11r over lhe resl of the n1111on Scaller•d thowera and lhun- d•rsllowctu w••• expected from northern Tll•H 10 lhe Gull of Mexico and lhe MIHIHIPPI dell• Thunderahower• -• prtdlcled o-F~tda Sktet w•re ••PICleCI to b• Cloudy lrom lhe aout'-1 10 Ille a-M-91Ppt Yalley anCI IUn• ny OV« Ille , .. t of 111e na110f1 Temp9f•tvres wtrt ••s>ecleCI tO bt In the 40. encl ~ 0.... the 41111-NOtl~I the norl'*n Grtal la-H aoulhern Aoc-)' Moun111tn1 and toulhe<n T•-•• 10 the Gulf ol Me•ICO T•mper1tu1e1 early loday unged lronr 2 I in Olen• Falla H Y 10 79 In Key w .. 1 Fla California Morn1n9 COHtal log Ind ICll· ltrtd l119n cloud• are 1111 0111, ' llewt In lhe fOflCHt f()t • 11.11\n)' nol•H•hol 8oulhtrr1 Cttllomli _....,,cl whlcrt wlN bt one llouf "'°''* 1na11 norm1t II'• Oeyll\)hl Sa14tng Time eotln, •o tller 2 • m lund1y clocka tttould b• moY•d ft>rward oM hCklt Tiit etltt hOur ol --, tlitl rtl'lltlna In tftlct ""Ill tlloellt .... Ole-' Oct 24 Tiit H1t1onal Wt11"-hfYIH fOftCHI l.Ot ~ntt ... ,......, .. '"' .. (11 1111 mlf· 70. ltllffdey ....,,......,.,.,,..........,,.,.. MM1ft'71-~ !ft Ille ,._...,.,..,.. llitM ... ...... Ill .... ~11:-r.'~ ';Tr.~ T e mperatures Alb11ny Atbuque Amanllo AShl"Vtllo Arlana a Allentc Cty Au111n e11111mo•t amino• 8kmlr19hm 8 otmatc:ll Boise Boston B•ownavtte 8utflll0 Burllngln Ctli* Cl\alllln SC C~latnWll ChafH .. NC ~ HI lo Ptc. 44 29 60 39 63 '0 69 38 65 43 36 60 56 49 '37 61 31 73 37 65 40 10 36 73 38 55 35 66 SJ 37 42 33 3& 2' 88 31 71 51 59 29 56 40 80 26 59 34 crmrm --- CtnG<nneto Clevelnnd Clm1>1a SG COlumt>us Oat-Ft Wiil Oayion Denver Des Moines Detroit Duluth El PIS<> Fargo Flagslltt Great F1111a HlltllOrd H ..... a HonOlulu Houston lndnapl11 Jac1tan MS J11C1t1nv11a Kana City Las Vegu ltlllt Rocle lou,.v11le LubOOCk Mtm~ Mtam! Mll'#llUkM --- 61 ?9 48 31 10 33 55 30 64 SI 58 33 64 36 ~ 39 35 59 40 -s3 40 70 40 44 27 73 37 53 ?7 ,. 32 79 68 56 54 80 3• 83 ,5 87 61 '82 " 73 •9 63 •5 II 33 57 40 ee 44 13 71 81 40 lllf llPllT • 29 09 '90•• \,' o • ., • --· Mpls-St P 60 43 NHhVllltlt 83 32 New O•lflans 59 S6 New York 59 '0 Norfolk 57 47 No Platte 67 39 Oki• City 10 41 Om1tio 61 •II Orlando 90 87 PhlllldPh•A 60 33 I Phoen,. 77 55 P1t111>ur~1 51 29 PHand o ,9 2' Plti.nd O•e 79 '5 Pro .. dence 57 33 Ral.,gri 59 35 Reno 70 32 Salt Lak• 88 •1 Sen Antonio S3 45 Sutllt! 77 48 Shthll>Ofl 11 43 SIOu• Falla 11 46 SI lOU•I 62 31 SI P Tami:>• 87 &e SI St• Mane St 33 Sl)Otl-73 tl5 SyrecuM 45 33 TOptlla 12 34 Tvct0n 71 42 TUIM 71 •2 wu111ng1n 8A 44 W.CllOI 65 31 CANADA C119t1y rornon1on MontrMI ouewa At91n1 T0tonto VlllGOUY .. TOOAl 72 M 17 3t 4l 33 ., :1i 13 311 &I 33 611 49 48 05 67 IKond high • 4t p "' •• MTUMAY '"'' IOw 3 H 1 "'· 0 I ,Ital '"811 t 40 I 191 4 t lcoNl"llW ,, ,, '"' u .._,,. '"'"' H 11111 ..... ,., 'Ill . , ........ _.., .... ,.. MOO" Hie t II II "' , rlMt hlwr .. I CM a"' State hit , on cove BY JEFF ADLER O( tf\e Oally !'lie! Ila" The 1tale'1 recent eviction of Crystal Cove State Park's purt- tlme c:ott~gc resident.I drew some heated criticism Thursday from an unexpected quarter -the California Coastal Commission. After learning that the state had posted eviction notices on 23 doors of the 45-collage commu- nity, the commission d e layed what was to have been routint.• approval of the state's rt'<:reat10- nal development plan for the park. "I thank on that part of thl' is- sue the s tale needs to have a more humant.• policy," said Com- missioner John Flynn this mor- ninl( And Comm1ss1one r Geo rge Shipp Ill comme nted that "evicting people from placl's Where they have lived seems ra lher harsh." Shipp added that the ev1,·t1ons, "appear to be a mistakl· at thu; point." He said he did not understand why the state needed to evl(·t thC' part-time cottage residents be- fore developing a plan for the c:ottages' use. "We'd like to !lt."t: a plan first,'' Shipp said He also said the state's action Jid no\ make economic sc•nse be- cause tht.' stow would not only have to pay to ma1nta1n the 50-year-old structures. 1t also was losing rt'nt for the propcrtit>s "Our mandate 1s to protect, preser ve and e nha nce.>," Shipp t'Onunued "It seems a double loss of economy and that d oesn 't make good sense gtven the state's problems balancing the budget " Although <.'Omm1ss1oners were told by the comm1ss1on c·oun.<>el that 1t is not within their JUris- dkt1on to detcnn1ne who ts allo- wed to re main in the cottages. the c'Omm1ssioners ind1ca~ they do have a say in the matter b<·- cause it Calls undl•r their m andatc to ""pr('scr vt·. prott'l"l and ('nhancc• ·· Shipp said the coastal C'Omm1s- :.1on's staff was d1rt.-c·le'd lo look 1 n to t h t.-ev1l"t ions ma ttt·r ·and rc•port back to the panel. pcr...o;ably at next month's mceung . Part-lime rl'Sldents or l\'ll' l'Ot t.ages. a dt>S1gnated fedE'rat histo nca1 site, r('(.-e1ved nouce April 14 that they havt• until July 31 «.. vac·atc the aging cottages Permanent cottage res1dcntl>, however .. ~, • •.,. ,.ffcred two- year lease cxwnsaons, ac-cordang to a state Parkl> Dt'partmt•nl offacial The cottag(• community bc·- l'amc· part of Crystal Cove• State Park .an J 979 when the I rv m e Company sold 1t to the st.atl' for $32.6 million The• 2.791-acrt: park 1s situated on both sides of Pac1f1c Coast Highway bE'twcc:n Corona de! Mar and Laguna Bcac·h S tudio put bite on s hark movie HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Three hundred theaters across the country screening the movie "Great White" have been sent telegrams instructing them to s top the s howings because the film may infringe the <.-opyright and trademark of the m ovies "Jaws" and "Jaws n .. South Atlantic Oce.m Puerto ~ Deseado ~ FALKLAND ~ ala ISLANDS f ....,..Stanley ~ Cape Horn SOUTH GEO~ AP Wlt•ptloto INVASION TARGET? -A s Bri t1sh armada approaches Falkland Islands at defense Stallons, rumors pers ist that a destroyer force is diverting to take South Georgia Island where only 140 Argentine soldiers are reported on station . British fleet alert at second stage LONDON (AP) -Britain's armada nearing the Falkland Islands went on the second hig- hest state of alert before combat today, a Defense Ministry spoke- sman reported .. "At this moment, the ships ore at defense stations, which means that nalJ a sh1p's company IS close up to its weapons or rada r, while the other half 1s conduc- ting normal business," the spo- kesman said. The highest state of alert 1s acuon stations. Although the spokesman de- nie<C the task forc.-e was involved in any landing ac·taon on South GN>rg1a, n•porti. pcr:.1sted that th(• armada will f1111t retake the British depcndc•m•y 800 miles east o f thl' Fa lklands thcit tht• Argt•ntanl'b seiwd Apnl 3 and an-> guarding with an l"Slamalkd 140 troop!>. Some Bnush nuhl.ary ex~r~ exptAt:t atlt!mplb to ,1<1m Argt,ntine radar and lo le.i nd mar 1nt·s for sabot.a~(' mlS810nl> In Washington, Br 1u-.h Foreign Sc:'\.Tl'ktry Franu:. P~ m w.L .. t1Jn dueling talkl> with s,'lrc"ldl v •>f Stall· All·~nder M Haig Ji on tht· Falkland' t n"' Youth center sets events for teains Irvin<' teen-agers will go from bananas to popc'Om next week m events scheduled a t Hentage Park Youth Services Center . 4601 Walnut Ave .. Irvine Events planned b y the city's Youth Services prog- r am include an "Eat a n d Skate Night" from 6 to 10 p m. Monday. a banana spht- maki ng contest at 7 pm •More than 200 mentally retarded athletes are expec- ted to participate Saturday in Irvine at the swimming and diving championships for the •Six UC Irvine stude nts have been awarded special grants by the National Action Council in Engtneerlng. The grants specifically for ethnic minority members are among 3.000 given annually by the council at colleges Judged to have a strong rom- m1 tment to recruitment and Tut'sday c.i popc·orn and lO- medy movie• night at 7 :Jo pm. W~.dpC'sd.iy , "Clas:.al' Food N1gnt'" dt 7 pm Thursday. backgammon Loumament at 7 p m Friday <tnd showing of th e m ovie. '"Thf' Main Event." at 7.30 pm Saturdav. May I . Some t.•vt•nts arc· Jree arid o tht•rs l'l>St from 50 l"<'n ls to $7 50 l·at·h 1982 Orangl· l'uunty Special Olymp1'-s Tht• compt>llt1 o n a t th<.· Ht•ritage Park Aquatics Com· pl<>x will run from V a.m. to 5 pm. a nd adm1ss1on is free graduation of minority engi- neering students Rec1p1ents are Gonzalo Pena of Anaheim, Tom Arijs Ma rtin of L o ng Beach and Juan Garcia of Tamaul1pas, Mex.iro. all Juniors and DaVJd Ro driguez o f El M o nte. Pedro Reyes of Sacramento a nd Christopher Marrufo of Bakersfield, all sophomores. OBIE SPORTS LTD RENTAL .SKIS.ALE ROSSIGIOI. · llS '41-'50 {WITH SALOMON BINDINGS) BOOTS • • .. , .. 2891 PACIFiC COAST HWY. . COROKA DEL MAR. CA 87 9700 .. ) • '21-'31 J OPEN ALL WEEKNIGHTS TILL 7 P.M. • ..) I IHDA y i\Pflll :J 1~11.' UH ANGE COUNT Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Graif sOu enirs stir bad IneniOries BY STEVE MARBLE O('tM Deity ,.... ltllft Officlala at Newport Harbor Hl1h School aay they didn't mean any harm when they agreed to let the eenior clasat or- der 0 champagne" gluaes aa ae· nlor prom aouvenlra. And they aay they didn't mean to bring back memorlea of a se- nior killed laat year In a car craah by letting the c1NI INICribe the glaaaes with the eong title "Let The Good Times Roll." · But the 1ia.e.. dlatributed this week to atudenta planning to at- tend toniRht'a 1enlor clasa prom, .. Control retained have brought back memories. Bad memories. Some parenta are furious. One mother ln1l1t1 the glasses are tasteless and a teu-than-subtJe encouragement for 1tudenu to celebrate graduation by drinking. Joseph Gerondale also 11 an- gry. He says the 11assee are an irusGlt to his daughter's memory. Jw· Ann Gerondale, who would have been 18 this year and likely a student at Orange Cout Col- lege, waa killed a year ago In a car mishap near South Coast Plaza following a ~nlor claaa lun~heon two days before gra- duation. She wu M paasenger ln the car. which rolled twice before alam· nuns int.9 a pole. Police say the 17-year-old girl drivinJ the car, who was 1eriou- sly anJured; had been drinking. She wa1 arrested' on suapidon of drunken driving but never for- mally charged. Police aay that's Newport given OK on oil operation An Orange County Superior Court judge has given the City of Newport Beach permission to continue operating 16 oil wells located outside city limits but slant-drilled into udelands con- trolled by the city. The wells are located inland of Panel action West Co.ast Highway on land owned by Beeco Ltd. Newport, handed a courtroom setback only weeks ago that threatened t.o force lhe ctty to give up control of the wells and lose $1· million-a-year in profits, now is pushing ahead to collect at State criticized on Crystal Cove By JEFF ADLER O{'lfM Dl!My Piiot It.If The state's recent eviction of Crystal Cove State Park'.s part- time cottage residents drew some heated criticism Thursday from an unexpected quarter -the California Coastal Comffim1on. After leamjng that the at.ate had posted eviction notices on 23 doors of the 45-cottage commu- nl tk the commission delayed what ~as to have been routine approval of the state's recreatio- nal development plan for the park .. "I think on that part of the is- sue the state needs to have a more humane policy,'' said Com- missioner John Flynn this mor- ning. And Commissioner George Shipp III commented that "evictinR people from places Mesa woman tied, robbed in her home A 36-year-old Costa Mesa wo- man was robbed and tied up in her home Thursday mommg by two men who told her they were Interested in purchasing vegeta- bles from her garden, police said. Thi Amh Phan. 985 Valencia St., told police she was gardening ahortly before 9 a.m. when the two men described as young V,letnamese, approached her. When she entered her home to get bags for the produce the two men followed her brandishing a gun and a knife, police said. She was gagged and tied up ln a rear bedroom with a lamp cord. One of the suspects stayed with her. while anothe.r ransacked the houle, police said. A gold necklace and $200 in cash was taken. After freeing henelf Mrs. Phan call~ a friend, who then called police. WORLD where they have hved seems ra- ther harsh." Stupp added that the evictions, "appear to be a mistake at this point." · He said he did not understand why the stale needed to evict the part-time cottage residents be- for~ developing a plan for the cottages' use. "We'd like to see a plan first," Shipp said. He also said the state's action did not make economic aense be- cause the state would not only have to pay to maintain the :w>-year-old st.ructurea, it al8o was la.ing rent for the properties. "Our mandate la to P.rotect, preserve and enhance, ' Shipp continued. "It seems a double 1068 of economy and that doesn't make good seme given the state's problems balancing the budget." Although com.missioners were told by the commission counsel that it i.a not within their jurU- dktion to det.ennlne who is allo- wed to remain In the cottages, the comnUssioners Indicated they do have a say In the matter be- cause it falls under their mandate to "preserve, protect and enhance." Shipp said the coastal commis- s1on 's staff was dl.rected to look into the evictions matter and rep0rt back to the panel, possibly at next month's meeting. · Part-time residents of the cot· tages, a designated federal hist<> rical site, received notice April 14 that they have until July 31 t.c vacate the aging cottages. Permanent cottage residenta. however .,,...,. • "'"" "'fered two- year lease extensions, according to a state Parks Department official. The cottage community be- came part of Crystal Cove State Park In 1979 when the Irvine Company sold it. to the state for $32.6 million. The 2,791-acre park i.a situated on both aides of Paclflc Coast Highway between Corona del (See CRYSTAL, Pase A!) North Korean leader ailing North Korea's dictator, Kim D-Sung, ii 70, and . world leaders are watch.ina hil frail health as cloeely as that of RUl8ia'i Leon.id 1lrezhnev. P-ae A6. NATION Networlc news examined Former State Department 1poke9man Hoddlna Carter tam a look at the ~ a.ne of neiworlt newa in a PBS documentary. P• A7. least $700,000 in dam~es from Robert Armstrong, who operated the rigs for 12 yeara. A decision on the damages, whic.b the ~ity Jaid reoreaents money paid to attorneys and time delays in takini over the wells, Is expected early next week. Newport City Manager Robert Wynn aaid Judge Bruce Sum- ner's ruling this week represents a dean and clear victory for the city. But Wynn acknowledged that Sumner's ruling may not be the end of the legal scrap over the wells. The court ruling stemmed from the city's contention that its original <.'Ontract called for Arm- strong to sell the ngs to Newport when the contract expired in 1980. Armstrong has maintained the contract doesn't call for him to sell the wells. The city said it expects Armat.rong will appeal Sumner's rulln,(. The setback ~ewport suffered on the on battle only w;eek.s ago, centered on a separate legal aspect. o.lly "9t f'tloto by Lee hyM WGB AND DRY -Want to learn windsurfing without the indignity of unscheduled dunkings? Try Orange Coast College instructor Mike Perry's class on 18th Street Beach in Newport Beach. Student April Dallas is on chopped off board mounted on swivel base. , . In that court fight, Armstrong charged the city had improperly taken·control of the wells by condemning land ou~ide city li- nuts. FirestornJ • • v1ct1ms Although Orange County Superior Court Judge Edward Wallin cleared the way for th~ city to condemn the rigs more than a year ago, Judge Harmon Scoville ruled the other way recently, saying the city takeover had been improper. • • • to v1s1t ruins Wynn said Newport will ap- peal that decision only if Arm- strong appeals Sumner's decision. U.S. to 'take' island again TOKYO (AP) -The Japan-U.S. Joint Defense Com- mittee has decided to permit U.S. Marines to conduct a landing exerdae on Iwo Jima, site of one of the bloodiest battles of World War II in the Pacific. Some 800 Marines are expect- ed lo participate In t he drill scheduled May 4-6 on the Island about 700 miles southeast of To- kyo, the agency said. This is the first landing exer- ci.e to be held by U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima si~ the island was returned to Japan and placed under the jurUldictlon of the To- kyo Metropolitan governmeJU in . 1968. STATE By DAVID ICUTZMANN O{'the D.ity Piiot 11.tt Anaheim police officials say that victims of Wednesday's $50 million firestorm wi11 soon be al- lowed to return to their charred dwellings to search for salvagea- ble belongings. Police spokesmen said that re- presentatives of the city's Buil- ding Department were to make an Inspection of the ruins this morning before salvage opera- tions would begin. Search and rescue teams fi. nlahed poking through the rub- ble Thursday. No bodies were found. Crowds of onlookers and motorists on Ball Road stared at blocks of gutted buildings throughout the day, getting their flrst look at the destruction cau- sed by Orange County's worst Cire. It is estimated that up to 1,500 people were fon:ed to flee ram- paging, 'ft'ind-d.riven flam.ea Wed- nesday morning. The fire de- atroyed 53 buildings. including 524 apartment units, within a four-square block area of central .Anaheim, near Disneyland. Incredibly, no deatha were caused by the blaze, though po- Medi-Cal benefits e~tended LOS ANGELES (AP)--: Superior c.ourt Judge Dlckran Tevrlzian extende4 Medl-Catbenefita for 10,- 000 California families throucb Aua. 1 after a Lepl Aid attorney filed suit on behalf of a divorced worklna mother of four. · · COUNTY Japan· toy exlJibit OJI Coast An exhibition of tndidariil toys from Jap1n ii on ~lapla~ at Newport ~h'• Benihana Rettauranl UU'qUlft April 30. w..-.... ff ffd renee,. · oJI ~ II ~.be clr•Md .._ WbO 00\lwed tM ft9WI. llow Jlolllr& N. Weed II,..._ •.r11tdmt OI .a.or •a.. P\abt11tJt111 eo., lad T&'I """'° • .............. 1. • ' lice and fire department rescue teams combed the wreckage ThW'!iday to be certain of that. The return of fire victims to their former homes was to be allowed only under strict gujde- llnes, including a requirement tha' the residents first register with the Red Cross at Ball Junior High School, site of an evacua- uon center. . Police officials said the victims would then be allowed back into the area to sift debris after cal- ling the police department to make an appointment. No chil- dren would be alJowed back in, a spokesman said this morning. The actual return of the resi- dents, however, must await the city Building Department's ap· proval. There are aafet.y concerns related to allowln1 people to poke through the (Ire-scarred debris, officials said. Meanwhile, there were other developments Thursday related to Anaheim'• devastating fires- torm. Including thele: -Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. asked President Reagan to de- clare Anaheim a federal disaster (See RESIDENTS, Pa1e A!) INDEX SPORTS becauae the.re wa1 a longJlelay In taklns blood samples. The tragedy left a cloud over IJ"aduaUon exerclaa Parenti now say they wondet' how the achool could have for. &Otten all this IO quickly by let• tinic 1enlon order tbe a}ules. , (See GLASSES, Pa1e A%) , j Appeal 1 • on noise declined Orange County officials aa they have no immediate plana appeal a ruling that aets the atag for another trial In which 5 Upper Newport Bay and San Ana Heights families will see damages because of noise fro John W3¥0e Airport. , The 4th District Court of A~ peal an San Bernardino notifi~ the county counsel's offic' Thunday that it had revened an Orange County Superior Court verdict of four years ago which denied the families any damag., because of noise complaints. - The appeals court ruling, i~ effect, gives the families anoths opportunity to press their c And attorneys who represen them the first time said the~ would likely push for a seconq trial. During that first traaJ, the fa m11aes contended that airport no&Se was undercutung the value of their homes. Addmonally, silc families contended that they suffered emotional distress. ln all. $1.4 mllJlon in damages was sought from the jury, which turned down the claim. Assist.ant County Counsel Ro- bert Nuttman said the Court of Appeal ruled that Superior Court Judge Walter Smith was In error -when t\e told jurors not to consi- der the emotional distress claims of the six families. Subsequent to the 1978 ver- dict... Nuuman said. Lbe 1tate..Su- preme Court ruled in a case in- volvm~ Westchester homeowners who Uve near Loa Angeles lnter- nauonal Airport that emotional distress could be cited as a legi- timate claim for damages. During a second airport noise trial late last year, a case the county also won, emotional di- stress was permitted as a claim for which government could be held liable. The county operates John Wayne Airport. The second trial Involved 265 people who live beneath the flight path of John Wayne. La- wyers have indicated they plan to'appeal the jury's decision to reject that case. Fire victims to get aid A Salvation Army collection site to aid Anaheim's fire victhna haa been set up at the Bank of California, 1401 Dove St. lo Newport Beach. Donations of household Items, bedding, towels and kitchenware. are being accepted at the bank's real estate office. No heavy fu rniture wlJl be accepted. For more Information call 833-7980. C/N Orenge.Oout DAILV 1 PILOT/Frtd1V, AprU 23, 1112 ______________ ..,. __________________________________________________________________________ __ I LASSES CRITICIZED. • • 111 ju1t don't It'~ how ~yon" with any retf)t'(t tor n\Y dauaht· er could condon llOmothtna Uk thl1," Gcrohdale 11ald. "lt'1 ead. lt'1 very ~d." · Stevo Pavich, atudt-nt actJvltlllt t dJtector 1-4t tht1 lilaih .chool, aald l, parent• havl• ml1eon1tr,,d thc' meaning bl'hlnd the "cham~gne" gl&ll9<'9. j "We re certainly not Nytn.i •go , out and drink'," he explained. l And,\Pav1ch said, \he-"Let The i Good Times Holl" ln9Crlptlon la f not meant as a cruel reminder of the accident. but was picked only cbecause ll IS a song Ulle , ln fact, hl' s~ud. the.> souvenirs 1aren't even champ gnc glasses He said they're parfott glasses (OHic.,als at Newport Harbor High School rc.>fuscd to let the glasses bo photogrnphed. They said it would be inappropriate.) Parents colcnd thl' school ud- ded ln1ult to Injury by 1endlna home a Uat of eenior clul prom rule• lncludlf\i a atrlct wamin1 aaalNt drtnkJf\i. Parenui aay the 11JaQCs were passed out several dnr,• atter the rules were lmued. 'I gue11 some parents aaw a dichotomy in thh1." Pavich ac- knowled&ed. • He said the rule. were sent out bec<luse the dlatrlct has had pro- blems with drinkJng In the ~t. He said the school will 1tr1ctly enforce the no drinking rule at tonight's prom at the Anaheim Conventfon Center. "Any student who appears to be under the influence won't be allowed in," he advised. "We wlU caJI their parents to come get them and if we can't ttaeh the parents we'll call the police." He also said students won't be permitted to bring their souvenJr glasses to the prom. RESIDENTS RETURN. • • area, freeing up assistance for . fire victims sut:h as loans. grants and sµbstitute housing. cost to expand the ban to include combustible wood rooCs in urban areas. WATCHING WHALES -Louise Salmin of Costa Mesa wat- ches a group of gray whales feeding 200 feet offshore al the G Street section of the Newport Beach oceanfront. "I was 08111 Pl!oi Photo 1>1 LM P11M thinking of awirnming out to see them," she said. "but I de- cided not to." -Orange County Supervisor ,Ralph Clark. whose district 1n- ;cludes Anali'~·im , said he would ask the Board of S upervisors 'next week to give some thought to toughl'ning regulations on The quick spread of Wednes- day's blare was attributed to the wood shake roofs atop many of the gutted apartments. 'Back Bay Cleanups' set for weekend ~fire-retardant roofing an urban -areas. In 1979, the board appro- ; ved a ban on shake and sh angle roofs w1thm 1.000 Ccet or brushy wildlands areas Clark said he .wanted to see how much at would -The insurance Information Institute in San Francisco, meanwhile. estimated that the amount or insured loss in the fire was roughly $30 million. Many renters did not have insurance on theU" belongings. The second annual "Great Back Bay Cleanup" is set to take place 9 a .m . Saturday at the deadend or University Drive east of Irvine Avenue. .CRYSTAL COVE. • • • 7Mar and Laguna Beach. • The appeal court had sa1d only -.that sort of development would interfere wath the public's abahtv •to reach the shore But the com- •missi'on argued small projects •could also block access, and1v1 - dually and cumulatively The al!encv back('<i ats pas1t1on· with a 9th U.S Circwt Court or Appeals decision involving the Sea Ranch development on the northern California coast. That ruling 8a1d the agency could ap- ply the regulation ar the cumu- lative impact or individual con- struction projects interfered with public access. :·Church to settle :r or shorter tower? Citu.ens are being urged to join 100 California Conservation Corpe workers in removing ille- gally dumped trash and storm debris from the north shore of the upper bay. The cleanup is being sponsored by 14 local agencies and busines- ses including the Irvine. Com- pany, the Cannery Restaurant, Art's Landing and local action groups Stop Pulluting Our New- port (SPON) and Friends or Newport Bay. Volunteeni are asked to bring a pair of gloves and wear sturdy shoes. Refreshments will be pro- v aded. For more details, call 644-3652. St. Andrew s Presbyterian (;hurch, which created a ttar m Newport Beach's Chrr Haven community with plans for a 105-foot tower. has md1cated at pught settle ror a less lofty structure More than 200 people showed up Thursday evening during a city Planning Comrrussion session to protest the plans. The com- m1ss1on continued the maller until June 24. tamp to I en FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -A security guard has been a ccused of stealing the equivalent or 5 m1ll1on Green Stamps from Container Corpora- tion or America. Robert L . Col- e man, charged Tuesday with irand theft and dealing in stolen property, was released from jail on S2.275. Robert Curlis. chairman for ihe church's $10 million expan- sion pJans. said church leaders will take a second look al their growth plans. ml'luding the to- wer. Curtis. who sa4d the tower would be used for adnurustrat1on 0H1ces and conference rooms, said the expansion as needed be- cause the church's membership has swelJed 'Coastal OenM tog alon<;I the coast Sat· urday mor111ng other .. ISe sunny Slightly Coote< Co111e1 low • 7 n11nd 5 7 Coes1et htQh 68-7 4 1n1eno 7 4·80 Wate< 59 E1~e light venat>i. Wind• 8 10 15 ~note Weste<I~ ...... 1. I 10 3 feet Mo111y l•or wtlh some fog OWlf outer w1tet1 U.S. summary I Showe•• and lhunderatorme were widely scettered trom lhe Fl0t1<111 ~fflsule ICrotll Ille cen-lrel Gull c;ou1 10 Teu1 lod1y. wl'tMe enow tell In lhe higher , ... f vetk>tls ot Arizona Skt .. were cloudy over Soulll ICerolln• end lhe Gulf coHI 1t11es. Ne"W Mexleo and Arlzone Rain 1hower1 were ecetlerea from wHI TeaH lo 1111ern Ari· ion• Cloud• were btglnnlng lo lmove over th• norlllern Peclflc COlll, but tllllet were C .. 8t oYer Ille rest ol the netlon Scattered showere end 111un- der1llower1 -e expected from norlhern T• .. • to 111e Gull ol Mexico and the Ml~ delle Tllunderthowers -• pr9dlcted -Florida 6klH were upected to b• CIOuOy from 1111 IOIJthWMI 10 Ille !Ow« 11.0"'Mil>C>' valley, and tun- ny -the tell Of the Miion TempeteturH were eapected IO bl In Ille 40s end S0t -Ille •••r-Nonlloefft, Ille north«n Greet Lektl, 1ou1hern Rocky Mounlaine end soutlletn Teau 10 IN GUii of Mutco Ttmperaluru Hrly lod1y r1nged lrom 21 In Olene Fell•. N Y , to 71 In Key Wiit Fla I 111gh deletls e.nd 84 10 94 11 IOWet elevation• Boe1er1 from Point Conc:ef;>Oon 10 the Mexican border can e•oec1 dense nigh111me log •n<I venat>llt breezes becoming south to 'outhwest II 8 10 16 knot• Sii· urday affernoon A wetterty &welt illould run 1 10 2 1111 Extended forecast SOUTHERN CALIFOANIA COAST AL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS Some high cloudiness. oth-ose law Pe1c:hy _.1y mor- ning low cloud• end fog along ,,.,. COlll Hoghe 11 beecheS 64 IO 88 ll'd onteno areas 74 10 82 Loon S2 to 58 Moun111n retot1 highs. se 10 ee i..~ 35 10 •5 Temperatures Albany Atbuque Amarillo Alhevtlle Allenll AUenlc Cly AulM 81111more 8ifflng1 Blrmlngf\m 8len\81ctl BolM Bos Ion BrowntVI .. Buffalo ButllnOtn Cetoer Cllatlttn SC Cl\erlttn WV Chatltle NC ~ CtllcaQO HI Lo Pre. 44 29 5Q 39 83 40 59 38 65 43 36 60 58 49 1 37 81 31 73 37 85 40 70 3e 73 38 55 35 1M1 53 37 42 33 38 24 68 JI 71 61 59 29 5& 40 eo 2e 59 34 Clnc1nne11 Cleveland Ctmbta SC Columbus Oai·F'I Wlh Dayton Oenv11t Des Moines C>etroo Oululll El Paso F11roo Fl11gll•lf GtHI Fells Hertford HMna HonolUlu Houston lndnapb Jecken MS Jecutl"11e Kane Coty Laa V9989 Little Aoc:ll Louitvtlle LubbOl:ll Memphis Miami MlhoreukM 81 29 48 31 70 33 55 30 84 61 58 33 84 36 80 39 56 35 69 40 53 40 70 40 44 27 73 37 53 27 74 32 79 68 68 54 29 llO 34 83 45 87 81 82 41 73 49 83 45 81 33 S7 40 09 ee « 83 78 8t 40 ' .. . . . , lllf REPORT ali/omia MornlnO couttl tog end ~t· t•red high cloud• •r• the only lllwl In Ille forecMt fOf I IUnny, not-11-1101 Southern Celllornl1 •:: .k:.~ilmi-~t ........ __________ __ weekend wNcll wll bl -"°"' thelrter lhan no<1nat. "'' ~· Bevtno Tim. IOMI. eo •ll•t 2 1.m 8u11d1y clock• el'lovtd bl movtd 1orw1rd one !MM, The eatrl ~ Ol ewnlnt ..,., ,.,,.,. In ~ """ GIOOtl• ... blClr Oot 14 t111 Ne11one1w .. 1'* lefvlot IOf.C .. I Loe A~ .....,_,,. .... "' ..... , .. hhll'"'1.' .... ;r.: ........... ,.. ....... ... . Ill , .................... ""'' ,.......lft .. .. : ----' ........ .. llMlul• rlftf9 frM ti I• to Ill ' A....-T-., IO IO .. .. ii Mpil·SI P 60 43 Neahvll .. 63 32 ~Or .. •n• 59 se 48 New YOfk 59 40 NOflOlk 57 47 No Plel1e 67 311 Okl1 Cttv 70 41 Om•hll 81 41 Orlen do go 87 .05 Phtledphle 60 33 , Phoen•• 77 55 P111tbur2.ll 51 29 Piiand. • 48 24 Piiand, Ore 79 45 Providence 57 33 RatelQll 58 35 Aeno 70 32 Sell Liiie ee 41 S8tl Anion~ 63 45 e7 Seattle 17 ... Sllr~t 8f 43 SlouK Fellt et ... St Loult 82 38 St p. T llTIPll 87 ee St Ste M11tll 51 33 Spo6lene 73 45 SyrKUM 45 33 Toe*!• 82 34 Tuceon 1t 42 Tutla 71 42 WMhfnOtn ... « WIGhlle 85 H CANADA c.ioerv ~~ 3f Edmonton H Montretl 43 Q 0111WI .45 12 ~ • 73 30 T0tonto 11 33 VlllCOUYll' .. 4t Tide• TODAY hcond "fA t ·4t p.m It lWeAY ~-'"'"' OS Ei:?j • 40 "" .. ... I ti•·"' OS ... .. ...... to ••llO•"'·''"' .... ~· ,,&fll MHll "" I H • "'" rl .. 1 ....... .... ,., \ ~\\\ ,,~\,, 'Youth Expo' set at Fairgrounds Livestock shows. art exh1- b1ts and Juggling acts will be just some o! the activities of- fered Saturday And Sunday during the "Youth Expo '82" at the Orange County Fair- grounds in Costa Mesa. The two-day exhibit Crom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. will be dedica- ted to youth organizations and the'ir activities. Admission is free. Orange County 4-H mem- •An art ex hibition and auction wall be held 1 p m Saturday an the Promontory Point apartment complex tn Newport Beach to benefit Alleluia Village. a care home for mentally retarded adults The exh1b1t will include bers wall exhibit pigs and goats Saturday morning at 9 a .m . and sheep and steer Sunday morning from 9 to noon. The 4-H Spring Fair wall also feature demonstrations on animal slulls, judging con- tests and dog obedience clas- ses. Photography and art exhi- bits by local junJor and high school students will also be on display. signed and numbered litho- graphs. etchings and seri- graphs as weU as water color and oil pamUngs. A donation of $3.50 is requested. The auction will be held in the Valla DiAmicci Clubhouse. 200 Promontory Dnve West. USC views campuses • ln Mesa, Newport OHicials or the University or Southern California are looking at three Newport-Mesa Unified School District campuses" as pos- sible homes for a satellite busi- ness school. Superintendent John Nicoll said Bear Street, Eastblu({ and Lindbergh elementary achools will be considered aa possible sit.es. Lindbergh will be closed in June and the other two schools could be added to the casualty list by the 1983-84 school year due to dechnmg enrollments. said Ni- coll. Last month the State Coast.al Commission rejected a plan for the university to operate a busi- ness school at Coro na del Mar elementary school, seying in- creased traffic would cause pro- blems in the surrounding neigh- borhood. Since then the university has sought to cancel its $69,000 an- nual lease contract with the di- strict. Trustees responded last week by filing !or reconsidera- tion or the commission's March 18 decision. State court takes public . access issue By BERNARD HURWITZ AHocleled Pr•" Wrller SAN FHANCJSG J Th<• C.thfornw Supn•rn<· Court Jgrt'i.'Cl Thun.<lay LO d('l.'ldc 1.1. hc-thl•r the s tate Co<t!>tal Comm1 ... s10n ma" req\.11re all shoreline builders t;1 prov1d<' publ1< Jll'C•s'> lo thl· lx•al·h Thl' i nd D1stnet Court of Ap- peal in Los Angc•l<>s. hl'aring d ll'gal chi.tllt·ngc• brought by thl· Pat•tfH· Lt·gal Foundation, had said the n •qu1rc·mc•nt wa., un- <:onslltutwnal t'X l'f'pt whl'n ap- plied to 1<.1rs;ic• dl'vl'lopmcm~. · · I n 1 m p It: mt.• n t 1 n g t h cs e rl'gulawms." th<' 11ppellate court said. "thC' comm1ss1on has at- tc•mpted to l'nlargt.• its own po- Wt•rs and has proceeded 1n a manner wh1c:h offonds the con- sutuuonal prot('(·t1on of private propertv" Tht> Appeal Court said the comm1ss1on's n·gulallons are in direct v1olat1on of the 1976 Cah- fom1a Coastal Aet The court did not question thl' ('OOSlltuuonahty or the ac·t 11.S<'tr The comm1ssJon argued the· appellate dCt·1~1on would have a "devastating" impact on the Le- gislature's ability to pohc't' publJ<.· rights of aCt'l'!IS to the sea a!> guarantec•d by tht.• state C?nst1- tul1on Tht• agcnc·y as kl•d the• high court for a h c<1r1ng. saying the appea l court ruling w o uld "emasculate'" the 1976 California Coastal Act . "Obviously, we'r<> pleased." said commission spokeswoman Katy Corsaut after learning o f Thursday's dt'<.'1s1on. "By taking the case. thl' S upreme Court has e rrett1vcly vo1dt-d the appeals court decision " She said the Appeal Court's Feb 23 ruling "put language into the ac t that's not there" by saying the req1re ment only ap- plied to "large, multi-purpose and multa-umt dC'vclopment." OBIE SPORTS LTD ~ ·-..., RENTAL • . SKI S1'LE ROSSl&IOL SKIS '40-'50 ' (WITH SALOMON BINDINGS) • . I BOOTS I •21-•30 I OPEN AL}:, WEEKNJQHTS '1'114. '1 P.M . • .. 1nnm 1111a 1 •mm f lllUA 1' Al'llll .' t 1'111.' UH AN GE COUNT Y CALIFOHNIA 25 C ENTS . Gra·d souvenirs stir had • rnernor1es BY STEVE MARBLE Of'""'90.-,Net ..... Ofllclala al Newport Harbor Hiah School aay they didn't mean any harm when they agreed to let the senior claaa or- der·"champagne" glaasea u se- nior prom aouvenin. And they say they didn't mean to bring back memorlet of a ee- nlor killed lut year in a car craah by letting the clasa inlcribe the gluees with the eong title "Let The Good Times Roll." But the glaaaes, distributed thil week to students planning to at- tend toni"ht'• aenior class prom, Control retained have brought back memorlea. Bad memories. Some parents are furloua. One mother ln1i1t1 the glasses are tasteless and a lea-than·1ubtle encouragement for 1tudenl1 to celebrate graduation by drlnk:Jng. Joseph Gerondale also ia an-'?· He aaya the glUleS are an Insult to his da1..tghter'1 ·memory. Jill Ann Gerondale, who would have been 18 this year and Ukely a student at Oranae Coast Col- lege, waa killed a year ago ln a car mishap near South Coast Plaza following a 1enior claaa luncheon two day• before gra- duation. She waa a paaenger in the car. which rolled twice before slam- ming Into a pole. Police say the 17-year-old girl driving the cal': who waa seriou- sly Injured, had been drinking. She was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving but never for- mally charged. Police say that's Newport given OK on oil operation An Orange County Superior Court ,judge has given the City of Newport Beach permission to continue operating 16 oil wells located outside city limits but slant-drilled into tidelands con- trolled by the city. The wells are located inland of Panel action Wes t Coast llighway on land owned by 8eeco Ltd. Newport, handed a courtroom setback only weeks ago that threatened to force the city to give up control of the wells and lose $1 million-a-year m profits, now is pushing ahead to collect at State criticized on Crystal Cove By J EFF ADLER Of the Delly Piiot ltalt . The state's recent eviction of Crystal Cove State Park's part- time cottage residents drew some heated criticism Thursday from an unexpected quarter -the California Coastal Commission. After learning that the state had posted eviction notices on 23 doors of the 45-cottage commu- nl ty, the commission delayed what was to have been routine apfroval of the state's recreatio- na development plan for the park. "I think on that part of the is- sue the state needs to have a more humane policy," said Com- missioner John Flynn this mor- ning. And Commissioner George Shipp III commented that "evictlnR people from places Mesa woman tied, robbed in her home A 36-year-old Costa Mesa wo- man was robbed and tied up in her home Thursday morning by two men who told her they were lnterestea in purchasing vegeta- bles from her garden, police said. Thi Amh Phan, 985 Valencia St., told police she was gardening shortly before 9 a.m. when the two men described as young Vietnamese, approached her. When she entered her home to get bags for the produce the two men followed her brandishing a gun and a knife, police said. She was gagged and tied up in a rear bedroom with a lamp cord. One of the suspects stayed wi~ her, while another ransacked the ~. police said. A gold necklace and •200 in cash was taken. After freeing henelf Mrs. Phan called a friend, who then called police. WORLD where they have lived seems ra- ther harsh." Shipp added that the E!victions, "appear to be a mistake at this point." He said he did not understand why the state needed to evict the part-time cottage residents be- fore developing a plan for the cottages' use. "We'd like to see a plan first," Shipp said. He a1ao said the state's acti()f'l did not make economic ae1'll9e be- cause the state would not only have to pay to maintain the 50-year-old structures, it al90 was losing rent for the properties. "Our mandate is to protect, preserve and enhance," Shipp continued. "It seems a double loss of economy and that doesn't make good sense given the state's problems balancing the budget." Although commissioners were told by the commission co4nsel that it is not within their juris- diction to detennine who is allo- wed to 'hmain in the cottages, the commissioners indicated they do have a aay in the matter be- cause it falls under their mandate to "preserve, protect and enhance.'' Shipp said the coastal commis- sion's staff was direcuxl to look Into the evictions matter and report back to the panel~ possibly at next month's meeting. Part-time residents of the cot· tages, a designated federal histo- rical site, received notice April 14 that they have until July 31 tc vacate the aging cottages. Permanent cottage residents, however 0 ..... • ·~ .. nffered two- year lease extensions, according to a state Parks Department official. The cottage community be- came part of Crystal Cove State Park in 1979 when the Irvine Company 110ld it to the staw for $32.6 million. The 2,791-acre park ls situated on both 1lde1 of Pacific Coast Highway between Corona del (See CRYSTAL, Page A!) NEW YORK (AP) -The Federal Reserve re- ported this afternoon that the nation'• money supply (M-1) fell $1.i billion for the latest reporting period. The drop, although welcomed, wu unexpected and left many ~ confu.ed. \ NATION .. Networli news e~amined l'ormer·State De.,.nment 1pokealnan Hoddina Caner takel • look at the c~ ICene of network new1 in a PBS doc.'wmntary. Pace A7. I I least $700,000 in damages from Robert Armstrong, who operated the rigs for 12 years. A decision on the damagea, which the city said tepresents money paid to attorneys and lime delays in taking over the wella, is expected early next week. Newport City Manager Robert Wynn said Judge Bruce Sum- ner's ruling this week represents a clean and clear victor}"'~ the city. But Wynn acknowledged that Sumner's ruling may not be the end of the legal scrap over the wells. The court ruling s temmed from the city's contention that its original contract ca.Ued for Arm- strong to sell the rigs to Newport when the contract expired in 1980. Armstrong has maintained the contract doesn't call for him to sell the wells. The city said It expects Armstrong will appeal Sumner's~. .. The .etback 'Newport suffered on the oU battle only weeks ago, center ed on a separate legal aspect. Delly "'9f "'°'° tty LM ~eyN HIGH AND DRY -Want to learn windsurfing without the indignity of unscheduled dun.kings? Try Orange c.oast College instructor Mike Perry's class on l°Dth Street Beach in Newport Beach. Student April Dallas is on chopped off board mounted on swivel base. ln that court fight, Armatrong charged the city had improperly taken control of the wells by condemning land outside city li- mits. Firestorni • • v1ct1rns Although Orange County Superior Court Judge Edward Wallin cleared the way for the ci ty to condemn the rigs more than a year ago, Judge Harmon Scoville ruled the other way recently, saying the city takeover had been improper. to • • • v1s1t ruins Wynn said Newport will ap- peal that decision only if Arm- strong appeals Sumner's decision. U.S. to 'take' island again TOKYO (AP) -The Japan-U.S. Joint Defense Com- mittee has decided to permit U.S. Marines to conduct a landing exercise on lwo Jima, site of one of the bloodiest battles of World War Il in the Pacific. Some 800 Marines are expect- ed to participate In the drill scheduled May 4-6 on the island about 700 miles aoutheast of To- kyo, the agency said. This la the first landing exer- cise to be held by U.S. Marines on Iwo Jlma since the island was returned to ~apan and placed under the jwiadiction of the To- kyo Metropolitan govemmen'l in 1968. STATE ' By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( the Dlllly "4lt Staff Anaheim polace officials aay that victims of Wednesday's $50 million firestorm will soon be aJ. lowed to return to their charTed dwellings to search for salvagea- ble belongings. Police spokesmen said that re- presentatives of the city's Buil- ding Department were to make an Inspection of the ruins this morning before salvage opera- tions would begm. Search and rescue teams fi - nished poking through the rub- ble Thursday. No bodies were found. Crowds of onlookers and motorists on Ball Road stared at bloc ks of gutted buildings throughout the day, getting their firBt look at the destruction cau- sed by Orange County's worst fire. It is estimated that up to 1,500 people were forced to flee ram- paging, wind-driven flames Wed- nesday morning. The fi(e de- stroyed 53 buildings, including 524 apartment units, within a four-square block area of central Anaheim, near Disneyland. Incredibly, no deaths' were caused by the blaze, though po- Concrete strike talks off LOS ANGELES (AP) -Talk.I between striking Teamsten and the concrete industry have broken off indefinitely despite intercellion by a federal mediator, neco&wn•dtoday. - COUNTY 'i. Japan .toy exliibit on W.st An exhlbltiori of tndldonal '°11 from Japan la on · ~laplaf at Ne!f _r.rt Beach'• Benlbana Rettaurant ·thrOUlh April iy. W ......... . 1Veetl,Nfleeu on f8 7Mn l'ai' 11 ,,..,.. he dllnea..S .._. who COtJ•tlll the rm"°" lablrt N. "-I II ..... •.:11ld• Of di9 er_... C.. "Hlltt'tW~ IDd·i'a turn ID be ID•v'AWlcl .... 81. lice and fire department rescue teams combed the wreckage Thursday to be certain of that. The return of fire victims to their former homes was to be allowed only under strict f{Uide- llnea, including a requirement that the residents first register with the Red Croa at Ball Junior High School, 11te of an evacl!a- tion center. Police officials said the victims would then be allowed back into the area to sift debris after cal- ling the po lice department to make an appointment. No chil- dren would be allowed back in, a spokesman said this morning. The actual return of the resi- dents, however, must await the city Building Department's ap- proval. There are safety concerns related to allowing people to poke through the fire-scarred debria. officials said. Meanwhile, there were other developments Thursday related to Anaheim's devastating fires- torm. including these: .-Gov. Edmund 0 . Brown Jr. asked President Reagan to de- clare Anaheim a federal disaster (See RESIDENTS, Pase A!) INDEX At Your Service A4 L.M. Boyd A6 Buline. B4·5 C.Ufomia A& Cavalalde B2 ci..tfi~ a-8,Dl-8 Olmica 83 ero.wc..d 83 0..th Notklel C4 &can IWap&ane 82 lldltartal A8 lntertalnmlnt Weebnder Home/Owden '8tl SPORTS becauae there waa a long de~y In taking blood samples. The tragedy left a cloud OVft graduation exerciaes. Parents now aay they wonder how the "hool could have for- gotten all thl• so quickly by le~ Un~ eenlora order the £).ules. (See GLASSES, Page A%) 1 Appeal • on noise declined i Orange County officials a~a they have no immediate plans appeal a ruhng that sets the sta for another trial in which 5 Upper Newport Bay and San Ana Heights families will see~ damages because of noise frorQ John Wayne Airport. The 4th D1strlcl Court of A~ peal ln San Bernardino notlfie4 the county counsel's offic4f Thunday that it had reverwed aq Orange County Su-perior Cow1 verdict of four years ago whicH denied the Camilles any damaget because of noise complaints. I The a ppeals court rulTng~i l effect, gives the families anothe opportunity to press their And attorneys who represen them the first time said the would likely push for a seconcj tnal. -1 During that first trial, the fa, milies contended that airport noise was undercutting the value of their homes. Additionally, si>f families contended that thex suffered emotional dtstress. In all, $1.4 million in damages was sought from the jury. whkh turned down the claim. Assistant County Cowuel Ro- bert Nuttman said the Court of Appeal ruled that Superior Court Judge Walter Smith was iq error when he told jurors not to consi- der the emouonal dtstress claims of the six families. Subsequent to the 1978 ver- d1ct. Nuttman said, the state Su- preme Court ruled in a case in- volving Westchester homeowners who live near Los Angeles Inter- national Airport that emotional distress could be cited as a legi- Umate claim for damages. Dunng a second airport noise trial late last year. a case the county also won, emotional di- stress was permitted as a claim for which government could be held liable. The coupty operates Jphn Wayne Airport. Q The second trial involved 2M people who live beneath the £light path of John Wayne. La- wyers have Indicated they plan to appeal the jury's decision tQ reject that case. Fire victims to get aid A Salvation Army collection site to aid Anaheim's fire victJrna has been &et up at the Bank of California, 1401 Dove St. In Newport Beach. Donations of household items. bedding, towels and kitchenware are being accepted at the bank'• real estate office. No heavy furniture will be accepted. For more information call 833-7980. Hotoa'Ope 8 2 Ann Landen B2 McMel Weekender Mutual Funds , B4 National News A3 Public Nodca B4,C4-, Reltaurania Weekender Sporta · C 1--3 Stock Marke1a B& - T.a.vwan TV Loe Tbeae.n Weekender w.u. A2 WarldNewa. A3 LASSES CRITICIZED. • • '1l just don't see how anyone with any respect for my dauaht· er could t'Ondone 10methlng Uk th11,'' Qerondale aald. "h 's sad. lt'• very sad." Steve Pavich, student adivltles director at thu high school, said parents have misconstrued the m e aning behind the "cham~gne" glasses. "We re c.-ertainly not saying 'go out and drink'," he explained. ' And, Pavich said, the "Let '!'he Good Times Roll" inscription ts not meant as a cruet reminder of the accident, but was picked only because it is a song title. • ln fact, he said, the souvenirs : arerft even champagne glasses. He sa1d they·~ parfait glasses. (Official$ al Newport Harbor High School re fused to le t the glasses be photographed. They said it would be inappropriate.) Parents cotend the school ad· ded ln1ult to Injury by 1endln1 home a ll1t of 1enlor claa prom rules lncludln1 a atrlct wamlna agaln1t drlnklna. Parenta uy the gluaea were passed out several daya after the rules were lslued. "I gueas some parent• saw ~ dichotomy in thla," Pavich ac· knowledaed. He said the rul8 were .ent out because the dilt.rict haa had pro· blems w ith drinking in the put. He said the school will atrictly enforce the no drinking rule at tonight's prom at the Anaheim Convention Center. "Any student who appean to be under the influence won't be allowed In,'' he adVlled. "We will call their parenta to come get them and If we can't reach the paren\a we'll call the police." tte aiso said students won't be permitted to bring their souvenir glasses to the prom. RESIDENTS RETURN. • • area, freeing up assistance for fire victims such as loans, grants and substitute housing. cost to expand the ban to include combustible wood roofs in urban areas. WATCHING WHALES -LQuise Salmin of Costa Mesa wat- ches a group of gray whales (eeding 200 feet offshore at the G Street section of the Newport Beac h oceanfront . "l was Delly Piiot Photo bJ L .. Peyn• thinking of swimming out to see them," s hl' said. "but I d<:· cided not to." -Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark, whose district in- ' eludes Anaheim, said he w ould t iask the Board of S upe r visors ., next week lo give some thought •to toughening r egulation s on '> fire-retardant roofing sn urban 'areas. In 1979, the board appro- ''ved a ban on shake and shingle l•roofs within 1,000 feet of brushy wildlands areas. Clark said he I Wantc.>d to see how much It would I The quick spread of Wedne11- day's blaze was attributed to the wood shake roofs atop many of the gutted apartme n ts. -The Insurance lnfonnation I nstitu te tn San Francisco. meanwhile, est imate d that the amount of insured loss in the fire was roughly $30 million. Many renters did not have insurance on their belongings. :CRY ST AL COVE. • • ·~ Be Mar and Laguna ach. 'I ~ The appeal court had said only , that sort of development would .';interfere with the public's ability 1 lo reach the shore. But th~ com- 1 m1ss1on argued small projects , could also block access, tndiv1· dually and cumulatively The arzencv backt>d its position with a 9th U.S . Circwt Court of Appeals decision involving the Sea Ranch development on the northern California coast. Thal rulmg said the agency could a~ ply the regulation if the cumu· latJve impact of md1v1dual con· strucuon projects mt.erfered with public access. :::church to settle 1 . :·for shorter tower? St. Andrew·s Pres byterian Church, which created a stir in "'Nt>wport Beach's Chff H aven community with plans for a • 105-foot tower, has indicated it pught settle for a less lofty '!itructure. Robert Curtis, chairman for 1the church's $10 million expan- ·~ion plans. said chur<'h leaders 1 will take a second look at their growth plans. including the to· wer More than 200 people showed up Thursday evening during a City Planning Commission seaion to protest the ·plans. The com· mtssion continued the matter unul June 24. Curtis. woo said the tower would be used for administration offices and conference rooms. said the exJ>¥.s1on is needed be· cause the church's membership has swelled. 'Back Bay Cleanups' set for weekend The second annual "Gr eat Back Bay Cleanup" is set to take place 9 a.m, Saturday at the deadend of University Drive east of Irvine Avenue. Citizens are being urged to join 100 California Conservation Corps workers in removing llle- ga 11 y dumped trash and storm debris from the north shore of the upper bay. The cleanup is being sponsored by 14 local agencies and businev ses including the lrvtne Com· pany, the Cannery Restaurant. Art's Landing and local action groups Stop Pulluting Our New- port (SPON) a nd Frie nds of Newport Bay. Volunteers are asked to bring a pair of gloves and wear sturdy 1hoes. Refreshments will be pro- vided. For m o r e d etails, call 644-3652. Stamps stolen FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -A security guard has been accused of stealing the equ ivale nt of 5 million Green Stamps from Container Corpora- tion of America. Robert L. Col- e man, c harged Tuesday with grand theft and dealing m stolen property, was released from jail on S2.275. Nice wreekend due ·Coastal • Dente rog along 1he coast Sal· urday mor,,1ng 01h11rw1se sunny al!Qlllly COOier Co11111 low 4 7 inland !> 7 Coas11l hogh 68-74 inland .74 80 Welet S9 Et.....ne<e llglll vanable Wlndt 8 to It knoll Weslerly swells 1 lo 3 tee1 Mostly lair w11h some log OW!< ou1er waters U.S. summary Showers and 1hunder11orm1 were widely scauered lrom the Flofld1 penon5Ule acros1 ~ c;en. 1'11 Gutt COIS1 lo Teall lod•Y white '"°""' lell In 11\e lttgMt ele· v111on1 of Arizona Skies were cloudy over South Cuolln• end the Gutt cout 1111e1. New Medco and Arlzon1 Rein 1howera wera sc11tered tr om we11 l e11as to ee11ern Ari· ion1 Clouds were beginning to move over the northern Pacific eoul. but sllleS -• deer -1119 r"t 01 the nauan Scellered showers and 1hun· , Clerahowers -• e•pecleel from northern Te11a1 to the Gull ot Mexico and 11\e Mlul1~ delte Tflundenhowet• -• preellcteel over Flortel1 Skin were upecteel 10 be cloudy kom the llOllthw•I to the lower MINIMlppl veltey. and tun- ny -the r•1 of the nation Tempoereturff -• ••~eel to be 1n tri. ~ and 50t -the ntreme NorlheUt. th• "°"'*" Oreat lakH, 1outhern Rocky Mountain• encf aouthefn Tex• to IN Ol.lfl Of Mexico Temperaturu ••rly today renged trom 21 In Olene Felli, N,V, to 78 Ill Key West. Fie California hlQh Ofllerll end a. 10 94 .. io.er lllevatoons Boate<s trom Pooni Co<!Q9pll0n to the Mexican l>ofde< can eicpect denw n1ghtt1me log and vwleble breezes be,om1ng aouth to southwest a1 8 to 16 kno11 Sil· urday ellernoon A wHterty swell shOuld run 1 to 2 tMI Extended forecast SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Some high clouellneu. 01t1erw11& ''" Patchy urly "'°'. rung low Clouds and tog llOng lhe coal Hight 11 "9chel a. to lie arid >nlend ., ... 74 to 112 Lows 52 to S8 Moun1a1n relCH1 hiGha. 5e .IO 86 LOWS 3S 10 4S Temperaturea HI Lo ~. Albany 44 29 AlbuQue 50 39 AmlfillO 63 40 AIMY\lle 59 38 Allan la 65 43 Atlenlc Cty 36 60 AUltm se 49 I 37 Baltimore 81 31 Bilhng• 73 37 / Blm'linghm 65 40 Blsmwcll 70 36 BolM 73 38 Boston 55 35 Brown11111e ee 53 37 Butfak> 42 33 Burllng1n 31 24 c..,.,. ee 31 awtstn SC 71 S1 Clwlem WV 69 29 Ctlarttte NC M 40 ==-eo 25 59 14 .... Co14 ..:.::... -\to.••' ,,,.. '"'"• 0 1tlw4•4 IIIIIIIn ---== = Cincinnati 61 29 Cleveland 411 31 Ctmbla SC 70 33 Columbu• 55 30 0•1-Ft Wth 64 51 Oa~on 58 33 OenYll< 64 36 o.. Molnea 80 311 Oetrot1 55 35 Ov1u1h 58 40 El Puo 53 4() Fwgo 70 4() Aagstatf « 27 0tH1 F ... 73 37 H.,tlMd 53 27 Helena 74 32 Honolulu 79 ee Houlton 5e 54 lndnepue 60 34 Jedltn MS 63 45 JllCktnvtle 17 11 1(-Cl1y 52 41 L• VIQM 73 49 Uttte Aoctl 63 45 LouirMI 11 13 Lubl>oOI 57 40 ~· ee 44 Mleml 13 711 MltweullM 11 40 ••. _.., U·l ·I Jtfs\ji 28 08 =~ ---t .. O•• "' o.r .it·-, •• Mplt-51 P 80 43 Nashville 63 32 New Orleans 59 se 4& N-Vor11 58 40 Nmtolk 57 47 No Platte 87 39 Okla City 70 41 Omah• 61 41 O<lendo 90 117 .05 Phltadptlla 60 33 I PtloenlJI 77 S5 P1111burf!: 51 29 P11enc:t. e 48 24 Pllend. Ore 79 45 ProvtOenoe S7 33 Raleigh 69 35 Reno 70 32 Seit Lake ee 41 Sin Anlonto 53 45 .e7 Sellt .. 11 48 ShrevepO(l 111 43 Stoux Fllll 111 48 SI Louil Ill 38 St p.Tempe 17 &e St Sle Mene 5t 33 Spoil-73 45 Syrec;1.1M •& 33 TQ9eka e2 3-4 Tuc:t0n 71 42 . Tu4M 71 42 W11htng1n 54 44 Wichita es 3tl CANADA lllf IEPllT 72 M 17 » ~ 33 .. la ~ .... ....... .... E£!'~ I ... ·.:.· ... ...... ..... -.,.,t ... ....... ............... 1 ... =:..-:... • I tj iii:, ·a 13 " 61 33 ..... 0 ~ T~ T.dl! IO I • • TONY ! ..... "'TA ..... ,,. .. .,..., I """-Hte.M I.I ~ ... ~"' iJ ... ,u ..... .. '"' ~.;If, .... ,,.. .... , .......... Mltllll Ml ..-..i "* .. ,..., ... .__ .,,. • ,. 1-lft. ... ..::::,::::..:•'"'. ,. ... ' ~\\\ ,,~\ 'Youth Expo' set at Fairgrounds Livestock shows, art exh1· bits and JUgglmg acts will be JUSt some of the acuvities of· fered Saturday and Sunday dunng the "Youth Expo '82" at the Orange County Fair· grounds m Costa Mesa. The two-day exh1b1t from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. will be dedica- ted to youth organizations and their acuvuies. Admission IS free. Orange County 4-H mem- •An a i\t ex hi b1 lion and auction will be held I p .m. Saturday in the Promontory Point apartment complex in Ne wport Beach to benefit Alleluia Village. a care home for mentally retarded adults. T he exhibit will include bt•r s will exhibit pigs a n d goats Saturday morning at 9 a m and s~ep and steer Sunday morning from 9 to noon. The 4-H Spring Fair will also foature demonstrations on animal skills, judging con- tests and dog obedience das· ses. Photography and art exhi- b1 ts by locaJ junior and high school students will also be on dasplay signed and numbered litho· graphs, etchings and seri· graphs as well as water color and 011 pamtmgi>. A donation of $3.50 ss request.eel. The auction will be held in the Villa DsAmicc1 Clubhouse. 200 Promon tory Drive West. USC views campuses in Mesa, Newport Officials of the University of Southe rn California are looking at three Newport-Mesa Unified School District campuses as pos- ih ble homes for a sate llite bus.i- ness school. Superintendent J o hn Nicoll said Bea r Street, Eastblu(f and Lindbergh elementary schools will be considered as possible sit.es. Lindbergh will be closed in June and the other two achools could be added lo the casualty list by the 1983-84 school year due to declining enrollments, said Ni- coll. Last month the State Coastal Commission rejected a plan for the university to operate a busi- ness sch ool at Corona del Mar elementary school, saying in - creased traffic would cause pro· blems tn the surrounding neigh· borhood. Since then the university has sought to cancel its $69,000 an - nual lease contract with the di- stract Trustees responded last week by filing for reconsidera· lion of the commlSSion 's Ma rch 18 dec1s1on. State court takes public • access issue By BERNARD HURWITZ Anoc:le19d PrH• Writ•r SAN f'RANCISCU Tht· Utltlornua Suprcm~ Court «fL'(.'<i Thursday l•> d<-<:1dt· whl•lh<·r th<> :.late C0°<istal Comm1 ... :.1on mc.1..,, requ1n• all ~hurehnt> bu1lclni. l~> provide· publtl an·<''>), t11 th1· l~:m:h. Tht• <!nd D1stnc:t Court or Ap- pt·al 1n L<>S Angl'les, hearing .i legal t hallenge brought by tht• Pac·1f1<. Lt•gal F'oU.ndJl1on. had said lhl' requirement wa:i. Un · c·onst1tut1onal exn•p\ wh<•n ap· plied to lar)!<' developmt•nL-. "1n amplemt•nttng th esl' regui.tuuns," the appellau..• <'Ourt said . "tht' comm1ss1on has at- temptt.>d to t•nlarge 1ts own po· Wl.'rs and has proct•eded in a manner wh1<:h offends the ron· st1tullunal protection of private property " Th<' Appeal Court said the C'Omm1ss1on's regulations are m direct v1olatton of tht• 1976 Cah· forn1a Coastal Act. The c:ourt did not quesuon the consutut1onahty of the a<.·t at.self The comm1ss1on argued tht· appcllat<> decision would haw a "devastating" impact on th<' Le- gislature's ability to polll'<' public right!> of access to tht.• sc·a a s guarantN•d by the :.late Con:i.ll· tu lion Th<· agem·y a!>k<·d tht: hagh court for a hearing. saying th<> appc•a l court ruling would "emasculate" tht> 1976 Cahforrua Coastal Act "Obvtously, we're pleased ," said comm1sston spokeswoman K aty Corsaut a fter learning of Thursday·s dec1s1on "By taking the <.·as<'. tht> Supn•mc Court has c ff<>cllv<'ly voided th<• appeals court dL'<.·1s1on ." She' said the Appeal Court's Feb. <!J ruhng "put languagt' into tht• a c t that's not there" by saying the reqarcmcnl only ap· plied lo "large. mulll·purpose and multi-unit development " OBIE SPORTS LTD · . .., ' RENTAL SKI SALE ROSSl&IOL SllS •10-•&0 (WITH SALOMON BINDINGS) BOOTS I • ·2111 PAaFIC COAST RWY • CORORA DEL llQ. CA 9700 • I •20-•ao ' OPEN ALL ·WEEKNIGHTS TILL 7 P.M. • • .. I l ! . ' I . \ ' • Oranoe Cout DAILY PILOT/Frldey, Aprll 23, 1982 N NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTION OUOTATIO-.a IH(LUOa HAOUO• fMI lflW •Ola, MIOWHT. P~CIPI(, , ••• 90fT0., OITIOlf a•e (llt(illllAt't UOC• IX(MAHOOAlfDllflOITIOI Y fMI .. AtOaHOINfTINI' • DOW Jones Final UP9.04 CLOStNO H2.1 I Smith prof its up sharply Smith International of Newport Beach reported lncttued rftultl for the latat three-month period. Fint quarter compared with 1981 : -Net lnoome: up 46 percent to $35. 7 million. -F.amin8J per ahare: up 46 perqent to $1.56. -Revenues: up 23 pera?nt to $322 million. Smith International is a manufacturer and sup- plier worldwide of drilling and production tool.I and equipment and related services. National Education sets r ecord National F.ducatlon Corp. of Newport Beach re-J>P.rted the company achieved record finlt quart.er re- sults. Net eam1nfl' for the three months ended March 31 reached $1 ,098.000, up 9 percent from the prior year. Revenue• for the period rose to $31,995,000 compared to last year's $23.008,000. Primary earnings per share were 48 cent.a in 1982 compared to 4-4 cents in 1981. ~ Teleprompter renamed . Teleprompter. serving Newport Beach, haa been renamed GrouECable reflecting the merger of Teleprompt.eT ration into Westinghouse Broad- ~g and Cable, . (Group W). · The chanae will be Immediately apparent by the new Group W logo appearing on the trucks, building signs, and uniforms. Rau Parker Aerospace chief Robert H. Rau of Corona del Mar has been named president of the Parker Bertea Aerospace Group of Parker Hannifin Corporation. whlch designs and prcr due~ fluid systems and coltrols for military, com- mercial and general aviation aircraft and · and the nation's space program. Parker's Aerospace operation i.s headquarted in Irvine. Rau succeeds Paul SchJoemer, whose elevation to the presidency of the parent corporation, was an- nounced this week. Rau had most recently been vice president/operations of the hydraulics branch of the Aemspace Group. . ~u Hughes opens Irvine facility Huges Aircraft Company has opened a 42,000 sq. ft. facility In Irvine to be headquarters for work on command and control information systems, a new product Une. snas IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADEIS ,DPS AND DOWNS ... 'W'O'llt IN') -The..._,.. ... -... _,..,.._·~----::.. "= .c.. ":t ::-.. ;---:. :.: --...... -"'1:=--.... ... ~ .~ ....... ,. , ... --_,. ,...._ ._,.. __ ..,, -- ... 'fo..-i -s--.. --... ~-... --·---"""' _ .. ___ "' __ _ • :r.t,700 '"' .. I llS,too S'-+ lo1I ,. ~-• "'.!!! ·-+ ~ = '°'·• n.-i •"' I M,MO Ullll +" Nr U,.00 !I -114 Tit (8ni. ",700 "" .. "' ........ ...100 '"' •141 CMctw"" 6J.Jtl ,.,._ -14 Hlo<OlrTr W,AOO 12" METALS NEW YOf\I< \N'I -890I nonf9rrout fM. ,., prlOll 100..- ~-:i= 78"'-71 a.nit a pound. U.8 -u.t 2142 -• POUfld. -ZIM 2s.M cent.I a PGl#ld • ..__ -lllt M.6tto ...._ W.-~lb- lhwtl "1._n -• ~ H.Y .. _, l380..oO ,,., ... -Y' a : '321.00 !fay Gii., NY • SILVER .. Orange Colet DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 23, 1882 Buy proper • Try. .drought-resistant shrubs equipment WASHINGTON (AP) -Many homeownen are choc*na to do their own lawn work, and they can uve time by purchull'\I the proper equipment. Oard n dry 1pot1 ohen develop beyond th• reech·of your 9arden hoee. But don't deepa.Lr. The9e problem 1pota can be attractively landlicaped with thrubl that are particularly adapted to dry condl- Uone. Orou1ht resistant ahrubl thrive ln extttmely barren and rocky locatlon1 once they are eata- bUahed. In fact, many of them do not do well with averaae garden watering pracUces. Drou.cht reslatant shrubs have only one de- 111111111 CllClltlT •Set mower bladea to three inches to stretch the time between waterings by an extra 3 to 4 days. Lonaer arasa blades shade the ground and reduce evaporative losses. •Dlvide English Pnmroses every three years or as aoon as they finish their spring bloom. •Watch for lawn moth damage at this time of the year. Consult your nurseryman for an effective control. •Fill in bare spots with cheerful marguerites, zinnias or marigolds. Rifles and Shot RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY .. ,. ........ ~ I '22 HAJIOI I U D. COSTA MISA -541·1156- •Rut• 77V-Heavy Barrel 22r250 and 30I $285.00 <•••· $369.00) 1JPJ. -.. Clllllllll *"""'st• Featherweilht 243, 270 and 301 $449 .00 <•••· $411.00) *Winchester -120 Rancer 12 and 209A (WC) $199 .00 (leg. 264.00) *Winchester 1300lTR 12 and ·20 ca (WC) $249.00 <•••· $379.00) *Bauer 25 Auto (Staness) 'ijJ $99.00 c•••· f 120.00> *f rttdom Arms (22 CR) ~· $99.00 (leg. $125.00) tr Many Many More. First Come F.lrst Served. Limited 10 Stock on Hand. Joe's Spotting lioods 21192 Marguerite Parkway (South of Avery on Marguerite Pttwy PUMCI Toyota) NO CHARGE CARDS ON SALE ITEMS Come in and see our large selection of Swim wear South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 1 ... s.-...11 --... -~ ., ... ~ IOnQt_lf "*" ""* ..,.... ....,.. •W.•~•<r..._.,_,..,..,,....... .. ~ ... ~ ....... •<-"',_,. ..... .,,.,, '-"".,,.....,..., .......... ~.,.,.,.., _ ....... .-ea.-__ _ ... _ .. __ . . •SW. Qt,ICl,Jlp ...,_... 9'11ttOI",....,. ... -.. . ,.,.....,,,,.. ..,. .,.,...,... ~ .... ....., . I .~..._ ............................ ... ...,_. ., ___ _ _____ .......,. ~trW •»82 '211" Reg. •34gtt mand -they want w•ll draining 1oll. Moat dro"'1ht-re1i1ta1lt varletlet develop lengthy root.I that tap the W3ter table for their neecti. Theae 1hrub1 can be found planted throughout the lnterlor valley• where lrrl$atlon 11 not always plentiful. The oleender la, perhape, the leading candidate In thia group. Thia round headed flowering 1hrub la a popular atate roadside planUng becauae of Its re- Uablllty. There are varieties that produce white. yellow, pink or rich red flowere all summer. . The crepe myrtle (Lqeratroemia lndica) also I.a eaay to grow, producing ama1l eucalyptua-llke folia- ge and smooth brown bark. ln summer, crepe myrtles also develop dlath\cUve soft-fringed paper- like blooms In white, bright pink, deep red and purple shadings. ~,...,,...,,..... For the amall lawn, a hancf..puahed mower II fine, while larger loll call for the ~ of a power mowe:r and folks with a half-acre or mont may want a ride-on machine. Reaardletl of the type needed, ufety fealW'tl ahould 6e an Important conalderatlon when ma1dna the purchase. Things to look foe lnclude deflection ahlelda on the gra11 ditcharge chute, throttles that atop the mower when the iriP ii releued and a qulck-stop blade brake ayat.em. If. howeve r, hiring a lawn-care profeulonal aeems more the ticket, check the company out with your local Better Business Bureau. Most of them are legill~te. but there may be a few questionable ones and the bureau e&J\ tell you If they have received complaints about the company you are considenng. Rosemary (Rosmarinua offlcinalla) ls known for its aromatic gray foliage. The regular sized shrub develops to a height of 4 feet. and can be easily trained into an attractive hedge. The dwarf variety can be used for ground covers on hillsides. Both develop light blue flowers each spring. The distinctive manianlta which abounds in the lower mountainous1.~ections. the wild Jilac (Ceanothus) and the matiwja poppy are also worth considering. FUND-R AISER -Docenta of the Sherman Library and Gardens, Corona del Mar, are having a brunch at the gardens Tuesday to raise funds to transport students participating in enrichment programs at the facility. Assis- ting Kappy Anderson (left), chtµrwoman , are Ruth Ann Hay (center) and Betty Andrews. Many cities and counties abo have consumer affairs offices that can warn you about companies that have had problems. Professionals may ask you to sign a contract. Make sure you understand ever-Ything It in1tludea and there are no blank spaces. Make sure it states what services will be performed, the exac.-t coet and how long the contract runs. WANTED Facin& Forclo11n? May Take Over 'ayment1 And Some Ca1h To Seller1. 'rlvate 'arty. Uonatc·cl ltt·m ... t 'or SPO"W c;ura~•· Sult· All pr~f't'd ... ~o lo right uirJH•rl t•xpami1111 HI J" ,\ Cu11 5 IB-6(>:1(> or 6 7:1-H It> i for pit-k u1>. Prlftclplet Onty PleaM Sult• d u lc>: Suturdu~·· May I -9-:> 845~9442 I llum1>wh ire Crt., ~•·w port Ht•ut·h . FRUIT TREE --fJ98 Plant a whole orchard at these BIG savings. · APPLE •APRICOT• NECTARINE FIG•PEACH•PLUM•PERSIMMON EHmple: VENTURA PEACH A:o~~ho NOW 8.75 Above ll1ted Fruit TreH et com areble 30 '/e 11vln a. READY-TO-USE WEED AND GRASS KILLER =oRTHo KLEENUP 1111 Bermude OrHI end oth•r weeds. Moves throughout the whole plant for• c~plete kllll ~~ ... :.-ICIU ==:lt':99·· .. ----aplk:ator. ASSORTED VARIETIES lncludlng: FERNS, PALMS, PRAYER PLANTS. SPIDER PLANTS AND OTHERS 4" POT VALUES TO 3.49 I Bi" l~--· S ince 1946 Ha1li~es Nursery -Florist 2140 Harbor llvd., Costa Mesa ESTATE IUCTIOll IN ORllllE COUNTY THll IUIDIY 111 P.M. 1-ropt'rtJ' FNm VHiou,. Ownf',.., ln••ludln• E,.t•t" Confirmed For l'iale U7 Tl1.- SUPEftfOR COURT, STATE OF CALIF. '"•"'"~r wilrJ. ~_,,,. p m ll'f'rlle• L11 l1e ""' By 4 trde-r of Crt'tlllo r In PoHHtlon o( SF£URITY COLLATERAL IN DEFAULT JBWBLBT -------------------------------------------, ,a ~.;.. ....... ~ We Sell More Than "THE WO D'S Fl-l · NEST PRODUCE." We have Relldy MM» To••ed Ba/Ml• and Carrot, Cucuml»r, Celery Stick•, tor "nlbbllng" In thl• warni weather. So who want• to cut th••• thln11• up when we h•v• '•m "T•ble Relldy." We al•o h•v• Dre••lng• In pin,. llltd gallon• and tutt. tor our 300 R••lauranl• •nd • Complete Lin• of Frozen Food• In bulk tor our R••l•u- rant• and 2 !,2 lb. box tor tamlll••· All At OPEN DAILY 'TIL 1 Th• Low••I Price• In Town. QUANTITIES LIMITED SO ORDER EARLY r----m1•r:l•Til-----.r-----ffellf~•Jar---,r-----«•lll;l•hl----, : OTHE-=•~OWI I :WE 8TART£D 80METHINGJ:: so DEUCIOUI NOWT : I RIPE. SWEET 11 LAAGE HEADS It LARGE HEADI I : DANJOU PEARS I I LETTUCE I: CAULIFLOWER I I II 25"" II 59• I I 00 II • II • I I 3 Pounch 1 11 eedl II eectl I I SAVE» La 11 SAVE UP TO 4$• .._ 11 SAVE 50" EA. I , ___________ :_ ___ , ·--------------..JL.---------------' 11~1 §.: I ••¥ I ~Yws .._...., I :,::::;. 1601 Newport Blv . ~·'-' I ,_._.__,, 645-0032 t '"nrruo l"'h'J .,_,.._# L•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·LtO\'D•s garden Shu PARKING LOT PATIO SALE Alumont Patio Furniture AMERICANA MODEL 1142 Round otnlng Table . 4,1100Arm0Mn List Price $450 LLIJYl-,.'IEIUIM NOW '251 LOW PRICE $322 ONLY • DORAL MODEL ·DIAMONDS -THIRTY (30) FINE SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RINGS 1, l Ii l CARATS EACH A telecllon of 140 dl1mond, emu•ld, sap- phire, j .. , ruby, opal, pearl, .tntlquc rinp, bHcelet1, necklace, w•tctws and e1rrinp. OHC .. ll'TtVI CATALOG AVAILAeLI IN5'1CTtO~: THIS SUNDAY, APllL 21th 10 A.M. until 1 P.M. SALi TIMI AUCTION: nus SUNDAY at 1 P .M. s.tll Cast Pim Hotel • MTOll ILVD., COSTA MESA ...... 111 ......................... _,,.,..... H KLEIN IMl 1111• .... • ••11 tllftl - 1142 Round Olnjng Tabte 4. •500 StllCktng Arm Ch .. ra Llat Pra 1490 LLIJYl'I fflltAI ONNLOWY -s2ao LOW PRtCE 1350 ..