HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-24 - Orange Coast Pilot[ •• v n p II b • I e c • a c .. : 1111111 CUil YOUR HDMITDIN DAILY PAPIR •;A TUROA Y. APHIL .' l l'Hl. OH AN G E COU N I Y < Al If OH N IA 25 CEN1 S I Coast TV courses hit profs' HJ ailing • in By PHIL SNEJDERMAN OflM Dell1 Piiot llett The Coast Community College Distract is considering legal action against four Orange Coast Col- 1 e g e professors who have quesuoned tho quality of the di- s trict's television .courses an a letter d istributed statewide. The letter, sent to top offiJ'.'ials at about.30 four-year state and pri- vate <.'Olleges, claims the district's television courses "are not com- parable" to the aame courses taught in clas:;rooms a t Golden West and Orange Coast Colleges. T he authors of ti1e letter con- cede that the television courses. offered through the district's third college. Coastline, a.re fully accredited and funded by the st.ate. "Nevertheless, we believe that these television courses are not ncademkaJly sound, that they do not mee t even the minifQum standards of our profeMion, that the student I.I not well prepared by them and that these courses are a ar oss distortion of higher education, reflecting adverselr, on our professional reputations,' the letter says. T h e dlatrlct, however, haa branded the letter inaccurate, and clalma it could damage the reputation of the district and -could jeopardize the credits al- ready awarded to students who have completed televlaion cour- aea. The leucr was signed and dla- trl bu ted by Orange Coast pro- fessors Richard Yerby, Michael Finnegan, Norman Lumlan and Joaeph Tomehak. Attached to each letter was a list of 63 other Golden West and Orange Coast teachers w ho arc said to support the docwnenl. District C hancellor Norma n Watson summoned the four sig- nalOrics to his offi<.-e last Tu«.'Sday lO voice his displeasure over the letter and to raise the prospect of legal action. ''The matter is now In the hands of the attorney for the college distlict." explained district spo- kesman Richard Simon He said the four Orange Coast instruclOrs haVl' bt.'«!n told to re- turn May 11 for another m~tmg with Watson He d<.'('li ned to say whether the "legal at·tion" c.·ould Jn volvt• a lawsuit, d1sm1ssal or other slt.•pi. A spok<.~man for th<.• American Federation of T<.'dl·hers, which represents tht· d1Mru:t's full-um~ (acuity, has prom1i.l·d legal as- sast.ant't' 1f tlw m~tructors requir<.' ll. The ret.'t!nt' ll•ttt>r brought to a bot! a long s 1mml·ring dispute Ix-tween th<.• dastnct and some o( (See TELEVISION, Page A2) Plan 'unsatisfactory' British s tudy n ew U.S. peace p r op osal T HE REMAINS -For some of the victims of Anaheim's fire disaster, onJy a few items. such as this fire -damaged set of utensils, were rec- .,..., Hol "'°* .., c ...... •terr overed Crom the cinders t hat had once been homes. Others, however, were grateful to find some precious items unscathed. Fire victims find anguish, elation in return to hoHJes By DAVID KUTZMAN N Of 1 ... O•llJ Pllo4 Sa.ff O n Wudnesday. Sara S iegel had~l d1S(."Onsolately in the Red Cross evacuation center at Ball Junior High School m Anaheim wondertng aloud what would be left of her belongings bat'k at her apartment. On Friday, the diminut ive, gray-haired woman, accompa- nied by her brothe r. ventured back lo her first-floor unit in the Palm Lane complex on Ba ll Road. Understandably. 1t was with mut·h trepidation that she re - turned lo her home For blocks a round her were the charcoal- black remains of countless other apartment bu1ldmgs that stood in the path of a firestorm Wednes- day. Counted destroyed in the wind driven fi re Orange County's worst -were 53 structures. mostly one and two-story apart- ments housing 524 ~its near the ante rsection of Ball Road and Euchd Avenue. Displaced and left homeless by the $50 million fi restorm were an estimated l ,500 people like Mrs Siegel. • Siegel. t here was only rubble to poke through. Their se<.'Ond-story apartment was a n ash pit. "W e lost ever ything." said Mrs. Gibson. standing near the soot-filled swammang pool and looking up at the wreckage o f her apartment.. "We were in Louisiana when we h eard a bout the fire," s he said . "W e c ame bac k home immediately." S h e a nd her husband fou nd out Thursday lhl're would be "I jus t k new it was going to burn. B ut, l ook, n o thing s m e lls or a n y- thing." Janie lo salvage from their home of five years. They had driven by and seen the extent of the da- mage. But I'm JUSl thankful nobody ~l hurt." Another neighbor of Mrs. Sie- g e I's. Brian O' Dohe rty. 23 , whooped with py w~n he fou- nd his apartment undamaged. "This 11 probably the best day of m y life in Cal1fo rnia," said O'Dohe rty, a Nebraska native who had moved west two years ago. To his astonishment, the Cur- mshings suffered neither smoke nor fire damage. His pride and JOY. $700 st~ speakers impor- ted from Germany, stood unsca- thed 1n a corne r of the white carpeted hving room. O'Doherty a nd his wife fled the t.r home at dawn Wednesday as flames leaped over the lOp of their building. ,"It's just unbelievable, lsn't it," O'Doherty asked Incredulously, his voice nearly a shout. "I just knew it was going to (burn.). But loo k , n o th i ng s mells o r anything .. " The night foreman for Kleen- hne Corp. an Santa Ana, who li- ved several units away, was less fortunate. losing "everything . . 25 years o f belongings," O'Doherty said. WAS HINGTO N (AP) -Bra tish Foreign Secretary Francis Pym will carry back lo London a new Ame rican plan lo avert war with Arge ntina over the F alk- land Islands. a well-informed British sourc.'C· saad Friday. But the source said the Arner- 1<:an plan as "not satisfactory" f rom the Bnush point of view a nd l<'av<.•s "a gr eat deal to be dcsirro ·· The• "Ame rican -label" plan emerged in nl•arly IOnours of talks ovt~r two <fays be tween Pym and U.S Secretary of State Alt•xand<'r M Haig Jr Th<• source. whose name can - not bl' divulged but who was authorized to talk with reporters, said 1t 1s ··not 1n<.'Once1vablC'" that Br111sh Prime Minister Margaret Thall·h er w o uld r C'Ject tht• Amenc1:1n propomil But 1f that happt>ns h<• 1W;t1d 111:- "also not inconceivable• that Mr Haig w o uld ignore• that" and proceed with h is atlt•mpts to mediate the dasputt• Meanwhile Britain put au. ar- mada on the SE<.'Ond h1ghc~1 '>t.al<' of alert Friday a-. ll nt•an'(J thl· Falkland Isla nds, and bro<.1dea'>t the most urgC'nt appc·al yt·t for Britons to leaV(.' the• Argc•ntint· mainland. The-,. mes o( l:tmdon s:ifcf tlw fle<>l's off1ct>rs fC'lt 11 m11(ht h1· nea.'SSary to alt.at'k the• Argl·nt1ru• air force o n mC11nl<.1nd ba~t·s to prevent them from hilling tht· task force al sea ThC're was l'O t•onf1rmat1on 'from Pnme Minister That.c·h<'r of thl' report. which said the· gov ('rnment agreed with the i.tra- T he fi rst wave of 11 2 retur- nees was given two hours Friday by police and fire officials to dig through remains of their former homes. and then leave. For victims like Geor ge a nd J oyce Gibson. neighbors of Mrs Like many apartment dwellers left homeless by the blaze. the Gibsons had no insurance cove- rage and considered family heir- looms irreplacea ble. .a&All of those good things are ftMae." she said . "Things that meant a lot to me . . all gone." Down1tair1, Max Cherson entered hit apartment also to find most everything the wti~ he and his wlCe Ann h ad left it Wednesday. "You can't tell any- (Sff FIRESTORM, Pase AZ) ALL THAT'S LEFT -Angelina LaRosa examines the char- red remains of her apartment in Anaheim. Tenants of the burned-out apartments probed through the ashes of their homes looking for recoverable items. · • NATION Protesters follow Reagan Wherever he goe1, President Reagan ls dogged by demonstraton who vow to make him a "captive of the White House.'' Page B6. Florida i land ' ecede' . KEY ~T. Fla. (AP) -Mayor Dennla Ward- low, d«larin1 hinmlf prime mlnlater of "The Conch Republlc,t raltt-d lu bri1htly colored banner ln a properly ~nUic noon t-eremony Friday to mark the l'lorida KeY1' u....aon" from the Union. • Klelndien t u pended · P.HO&NIX CAP> -Former u.a. Auarney a.n. na ......, ltlltndlrmc WM •wprn~ld ~ ,,_ ""'1'•• ... ,. • ,..,. .... hi .............. ... hli ... In ........... frlud . ' STATE Slain baby buried LOS ANGELES (AP) -The unborn child of a pregnant Duatte woman alleaedJy lhot without war- ning by a aherif r a deputy waa buried Friday Vidal optimistic Author Gore Vidal told Laauna Democrata the larae number of undecided and anti-Jerry Brown voten will help him win &he June Senate primary. COUNTY INDEX Church Clalaifled Comics Comment. era.word Death Notices Entenalnment. • SPORT~:. ' B5 Cl-6 88 B6 88 Bl2 89-11 u:gy on ground-; thl· armada's :W J<-'t f1ghtt:rs wc·n· outgunm·d by Argentina'i. 2<10 warplDncs • Argcnllna'i-off1l'1al Tclam newl> agt•n<:y. m a daspatc·h from Washington. said Argentina had <tdVl:.l'd lht· Org<Jn1zat1on or Am<'rttJn St.ale.-:. that two Bnush d<...,tro~,.,..., Wl'rt' spolll'<.I 54 miles n•1nh ol South Gt'Org1a Island It 4uoh•d th< Argt•ntine m1s- s11m tu tht• OAS as saying the ~n-t ntt' .of lhc d os-tr-0ye.rJ>- . l'f•Vt·..ill> tht· d t•ar Bnllsh inten- twn to c·wnplNl• tht• aggrc.>SS1on .. :ind .. <1n citt..ic·k 1~ 1mm1nent ·· Arg1·nt1n1.· F11rt·1gn Minister N 11.ano1 Co«t•1 Mc•ndc•z, 1n an 1nt1·rv11·w with the• British Br11ad1·d~Lu1~ l'11rpor<1t111n 's re- portt.•r in Arg<·nt111.1. -,;u<l there wa~ <t !'XJ-'iO c·h.in<~ of war Cr yst a l Co ve plan in w orks By J EFF ADLER Of , ... Dellr Piiot Slefl State Parks and Recrea lion Departmc•nt off1cials have indi- cated thl'Y now arl' exploring a p lan thC1t cou ld fores la ll the who lesalC' eviction of C rystal Cove StatP Park's part-t.1me col- t.age rt'Sldtmts In stepping baek from the de- partment' i. earlll'r positio n of standing lwhind t h<' July ev1c - t1o n!>. Hod Tutti<', the.• d epart- ment's deputy d an'<.'tor for leg1- slat1ve a fra1rs. said Friday the department "<'arncstly is S(.'('king ways to be mon• flexible as far as the residents are <.'Oncerned." Tuttle said lhat om• alternative at wh1c·h stal(' offlrn1ls a re taking a hard look involvl's moving rC's1d<'nL'> out of 1nd1v1dual <'Ot- t.ages on a .. nt~'<.I oos1s " "Th<'n"s no wav we want to move people out unne<"CS.Sanly." Tuttle said from hL~ Sacramento office "It would be.• reprehensi- ble to movt• p<'Oplt• out and board up th~ place• for months." But, none theless. language contained in the Crystal Cove State Park a ppropriation might force the July :JI eviction of 23 of the cove's 45 cottages to go as scheduled. he t•mphas1zed. "We'n• ll"oking for ·waggle room · in thl' hill's language," Tuttle said "We'~ looking for a way to stc>p back ·· If the alwrnauve plan is found to Ix> legally aa.-eptable, a team of state enginN'rs would be dispat - ched to began inventor ying the 50-year-old cottages that d ot Crystal Cove's bluf(s. he said. Cottage residents. thl'n, would be asked to vacate their particu- lar cou.ages in phas<.>S. dependent ' (SeeCRYSTAL, Page At) Movies Public Notices Sporta Television Thea ten t Weather Youth TELEVI SION COURSES • • • its inatruc·tors over television coursce. The Coast District first began teaching by tt•lcvlslon In 1972, broadcasting courses over the dl· &trict's station, KOCE Channel 50, located on the Golden West campus In Huntington Beach. According to the district, about 150,000 people have enrolled in television courses locally over this 10-year period. Ironically, the current d1Spute surfaced during the sam<' week that Chance llor Watson and Coastline President Bernard Luskin dedicated a new cable original.Ion center al Coastline's Fountain Valley headquarters. This c-enter permits th(· distract. to transmit ats teh.>t'OUrst'S directly through the Oal·kinson Pacific Cablcsystc>ms m•t work sNving Huntington B(•ach, Fountain Vallcy, Westminster. Stanton and, soon, Curdl•n Grove• Thl· t.'Ollt:gl' <tlso l.Cikl'S l'OUrst.~ to the Telc·promptl'r rable l'Om· pany for transmission to Newport Beach sub:.<:ralx•13 Oistral't offll·1als ~y the Coast Collegc•s an• lht• nation's largc•st produn·r of lt•lc•v1s1on (·ourscs. About !.JOU c•ollt·gl·S and universi- ties around thl· nation mclu- d 1 ng tht• Harvard Graduate School hJvt• purt·haJ>cd Coast Colll'gl ll·lt·c·ours1·-.. the d1strH:l says But c11lll!:> 11n lht· lot·a l l·arn- pus<.·s claim tht• H·ll'v1s1on an - strut·llon 1s not l'quava le nt to dassrOOfTf co~ Th£-n"H·nl IPtter states that a frt-shman English t'Ours<.• r<.>qu1rcs 15 hours of kh.•v1i.1on v1C'wmg for 1he cnllrt--...t•mt"!lt'r On campus, they say. d i.1udl0nt in thl· saml' i:ourst• mu:st spc•nd i'l hours in th<.· dasi.room Y <.' l , l h (' I l'l tt• r Sa y S . I f a Coasthn1: s tud<.'nl l'V<.'ntua!ly transfNs IO UC Irvin<.'. for <'X· ample, his trJnsc rapt dot•s not rl'fJN•t wh1·th1·r hl· complt•ted English 1n a das.'>room or by tel evision "Som1· l'OUrws should not bt• taught on television at all." maintains Profesaor Finnegan, who has been an OCC Engllah Instructor aince 1966. ''Writing la one o( them.'' Although he says he does not oppose television as an aid to conventional Instruction, Finne- gan claims the current \e)e(.'OUr- ses otfer insufficient contact bet- ween teacher and student. "Unless there ia a real 'ex· change between people in the classroom. all the student geta Is information ," he said. "He isn't forced to think, c.<onsider . discuss or question." Finnegan acknowledged that telecourse critics on the faculty took a drastic step m distrlbuling the recent letter. "We've been compla1n1ng about television for years. and yet it's proliferating an this district," he said. "At the same time, thcy'\fe been dismantling th e traditional c lassroom educauon." District spokesman Simon cri- t1c1zed the teachers' assertions. "The strong implication of the letter was that a student receives three units of credit by watching ll'levisaon exclusively," he said. "That's not true. TV 1s JUSt one cumponl'nl of the course." He said telecourses also involve a textbook an,d ~ study guide. StudenLc; meet with an instructor in person or talk via telephone and must take at least two eXAms in a dassroom. he said. "The telecourse student has to -tx--mor? ~-mottVated aqd pro- bably puts m :TI<>re ttme than a (·on ven lion a I cam pui.-based student," Simon asserted. "It's wholly ma<.'Curate that they don't spend an equivalent amount of lime on the l'<>Ursc " He said the dlstrict 1s <.'Ons1de - nng various methods of <.'Ounte- nng the cnucal letter sent by the tcach<.'rs. "A lot of people hav(• taken tek'<.'OUl'SCS satisfactorily," Simon noted. "Now. there's a threat that these credentials would tx• removed" FIRESTORM AFTERMATH thmg hdpp<•m-d." ht• said Ch<.'rson. who will celebrate his 50th wt-ddang anniversary in June. was l'Sp<.'C·1ally delighted to find thcit a favorite Russian sa- movar was undamaged The anuqut'. he• said. had bc<>n a pre- sent from has daught<'r. who purchasc.'CI 1l in Israel litt~1Sara Siegel peered inside "lt's all intact," she SaJd. some of the anxiety leaving her face. And as qwckly as she could. she and her brother, Charles Llchman of Anaheim. began packing up pos sessions to take with them For residents like Mrs. Siegel and Cherson who lost none of their belongings further ar· rang<'ments would have to be made for removal of the furni - shings. Gt•n£>rally s pl'akrng. h alf of Mrs Siegel's building was d <>· strOyl-d and h.1lf was spared Into which cal<>gory did Mrs Siegel fall? The only way v 1ct1ms were being allowed back in, however, was to call the police department for a reservation after Clrst re- gistering with the Red Cross. Al first. sh<' <.'Ouldn't get into her apartmenl. Her key wouldn't unlock the front door So Ana- heim cit~ workers who accom- panied ttic fire victims broke out a window with the handlt•s of their shovels. Returnees were expected to <.'Ontinue venturing back to their bu1ldin~ today and Sunday. Om·c lht• cioor was opl•ned, Coasta l l 'llhl v l" ·lbffl wm<IS mghl an<I mo1n1nq hou•, through 1on1ghl ecce1>1 ~ov111we11 w1nd1 8 10 18 knOI& In allMn '°'' Soulhwette<ty swell 2 10 1 '""I LO<'Olly dense fog m0<nong ;mo nighl Ot1ww1ae ,.,, Cal ifon1ia Some loc.nlly <lt>11su rog 1~ rore- ca 11 In Soulhl'rn Calllornll coasl81 ar1111' In late night and early morning hours bul 01het· w•sa tk•e& w•ll bo mo111y '"" ShghUy COOIN <llly9 near co .. t but wlrme. lerlhf!t tnlOn<I Ot&ngo County w111 h11ve hlQhl 66 IO 70 81 lhe ball<:hel 77 to II;> Inland lows 52 to 57 1n1011<1 valley• ar• tAr>ec:l41<1 10 hove ll19M nur 110 lows 1n 10.., 60s Mountolfl1 un upact hight in Ille 80a. low9 in 30t to IOw 40t No<lh9rn d-11 IOUIC:MI call l o• 10\ithw111e1ly w1n<11 15"20 "IPll ol1ornoon ond evantnl Hight 71 to 1111 lowo •5 to S Sovlllarn desart hight 8• 10 92 ·towt If! SO. to iow llOt Nonh9tn Ond ~ltll Celtl0tn11 Wiii be lnOllly Iott lhtougll S\Hlda) uupt !Of loo IHld to ... c:lou<11 t.oa n.g1111 ono mot""'!I• y Ovat aout'*n s .... COOWlf V ~S. aummary Fair and l•"ll>ilr•turew around lti. no.- lion ranged 110"' 30 '" Gallul) N M 10 88 1n Key Wesl Fla Extended forecast Monday-Wedneaooy 8o"la n•gh c1ou<11n111. bul Olh9rwlie l11u E1uly "IOrntng low clouds tlOog COllll Htgft11 111 bellCl\ell 88 lo 7'2 ond Inland areas 78 10 88 LOIO>S 52 10 58 Mountain r-1 h1Qh1 58 10 68 lows 38 to 48. Smog Tito Soulh Coaal Air Ouallly Management 01str1c1 pre<11c1s unhonllhlul air Quality for tentl- llva people tod1y In Illa Son Gebttfll·Pomona volley• IM Son Fern•ndo·S•nlo C1ar111 valfoye onO Iha R1Yefllde-S11n 89rnllfdino OfHI Wllh 0 l>()llutanl stOndflfdl •ndea of 175 For •• OfMr orau, aK quality wu loracul 10 oe good with PSI 92 tn 8•t111lno. Hamal·Elatnora Ind rMtrO!)C141tan lM Ar!llMI. 51 In the IOw ~ and 42 .. 11111 high duorll, Inland Orono• Couttty, COHIOI ., ... ond Bto 8-I.ell• T e mperaturea Blrmlr19hm Boise Boston !Wllolo 8u11t11gton Chetltln SC Chorltln WV Cl\Mllta NC Clley9nne ChteaQO Clncw!oll Cl9Yeland Clmblo SC Columbus OOl-f'IW,1'1 Oay1on o.n- 0..M- DatrOlt El P-.O For90 Lo l'loO•loll 30 o, .. , ''"' 31 Horlford 0 Honolulu )IS Houlton 40 lfldneQlt• 37 JIClttl'I O•llr Not f'tloto ttr '•trick O'OoftMll RECOVERED LOOT -UCI Officer Richard McCut.cheon displays recovered video equipment allegedly stolen from UCI Medical Center in burglaries last month. The gear was re<:- oovered in a raid on an Orange camera st.ore. UCIMC -equipment recovered in raid At·tmg on an informant's tip, UC Irvine police a rrested a 50-v<>ar-old camt•ra store· owner in 6rang(' Friday on s usp1c1on of r<'<·civing stolen property, inclu- ding video equipment r('cenlly stolen from the UCI Medical Ccnlt•r Arrested and booked into Orangl' County Jail was Richard A Gould. o wner of Orange Ca- m<>ru. 141 N Glassell St. UCI Police Chief Michael Mi- chell said campus investigators obtained a searc h warrant and r1t1de<l the camera store at 8:50 am Fnday. discovering in the basem<'nt at least 47 items belie- ved to bt• stolen The property was vcilu<.'d at more than $30,000. Macht•ll said he anticipates more fencing operations in the munty m uld be broken with the aid of tho informant. Several film pro~tors, a mo- vw camera and a video playback machine were &tolen ·from the medical center during back-to- back burglaries on March 29 and 30. They were recovered during Friday's raid, Miche ll said. In addition. investigators also confiscated video equipment sto- len recently from Golden West warm !>9 41 •8 0 33 .... Collegt· m Huntington &·a( h. ht· said Mat hc·ll was reluctant to Iden t1fy thl· informant Hunting ton S & L robbe d A lone· robba e::.l·apc·d with about S2.000 l'ash in an armc•d robbl·ry Friday aflt.•rnoon an Huntington Bc.•at·h. polit.'t· m lhal CllV !><.lid Tht· robbl'ry m·c un·d at the Brentwood SJ ving!:> dnd Loan branch at 5H:l8 Edinger Ave shortly after 3 pm . a('t•ordmg to poh<.'t' Tht' robber. d<•:.< ra bt•d a'I a wh1lC' mall' about :30 v<•cirs old and sonw six ft.>el t..Jll, ~c·armg c1 long-sl~<·vt.· red shirt ;rnd whale· pa n t !>. a ppr o a c h<· d a t l' 11 c r . threatc•nt.>d her with a ('Onrealed object that appar ently was a weapon, and rt.'<.'C.'IVt'Cl the msh He then flt'd on foot. poll('t.• said. Santa Ana wom a n kille d in era h A 31-year-old Santa Ana wo- man was killed Fnday night an a singlc•-car 3l'C1dent on tht-Garden Grove FrN·way, Cal1forn1a Highway Patrol spokesmen !Mlld Police a nd county L·oroner 's office officials rc.>fused to release the• v1ct1m'i. name late· Friday, be<:ause family memb«.•rs had not been noti(ied The accident occured at about '7.45 p.m on the freeway's west· bound sid<'. near the Main Street offramp, poh<.'t' s~ud The vicum. who was dr1v1ng the car, was heading off the ramp when shl' apparently changed her mind, attempted to pull back auto the freeway, lost control and hll a sign pole. l y JOOI CADENHEAD Of tfle 0..., N.t ti.If A special aaaislanl to Pres1dt•11l Reagan said In Costa Mesa Fri day that the Washington preaa; corps la made up largely of aihelats from wealthy Eastern families. Wendy Borcherdt, who scrv~ aa the president's specml ass111wnl for public liaison. told a group of bualnesswomen during u lun- cheon address at the South Coast Plaza Hote l that the press 111 "destroying the presadl'ncy " Ms. Borcherdt told memlx'r:t of Charter 100 of Orange> County that most membl·rs o f thl· Washington press·come from affluent E<lstern fcim1hl·1> and that "83 perc-enl don't belw ve m a supreml' being " "I believe that wht•n you don't belicvl· in a supn•mt• lx·1ng you don't have any valul>!.," ~1d M!i> Borcherdt. "l feel th1~ 111 whv anyone is open game " · Ms Borcherdt wcu. a S{Ul'St of . Orange County Super - visor Harriett W 1 e d e r a n d was appointed by tht' presid('nt to help renuil woml·n for high ranking government positions Ms Borc h e rdt ci <'<'Us<'d tht• Washington press corps of d1!:> torung tht· coverage of polit1<:wni. with lht•1r own pt'r6'mal Vl<'W!:> <ind wrmshmg thP 'Amt'flldll pu- From Page A 1 bile's Image of the prt'S1dency. "They are dC!stroying the in· sutuuon of lhc prc-s1dency," said Mi. . .Borc:hcrdt "I fear we will only have a one-term presidency ni. long <as this 0<."t:uni " She criticized th<-prl'ss for "making fun" of Prcsadt•nts Ce- ra Id Ford and Jimmy Carter "Now they're out lu des troy All'xundl•r Hatg," shl· said latt•r, rt·florr1ng to the Sl·c·retary uf Sl<.lt(> Although lht' pn·i.1dent1al as- SL'>t.ant had prefw..'l-d ht·r remarks llJ lhl' group by saying they Wt're "off th<' rt't:ord." sht· latt'r agrc~-d to mJkt· her views pubhl· Sht• said tht• information on tlw b<lt·kground of the· Washing- ton pn·i.s c·orp!> C-dmt• from an andcpc·ndcrH sur vey that was pubh..,ht-d in "lluman Evc·nts", a l'Oll'4·rv.illvt· publ1t·at1m1 , on Jan :!:.!, IUHO Spt•.ik1ng in n·gurd to her c·un11•1-n fur lhc· n·lig1ous persud- \lon of pr<'s.s mc•mtM:rs , shr· said, "I'm pt•r-;cm .. 11 y c:onc·crned be- G.1u~· 1h1!. 1s a nation und('r God. It'' th1· Amt•ranm way " Prior tu ht·r rcmarki. on the· prt·s!:>. M ~ Borc·h<'rdt defended H.c.·agan's "Nt•w Fedcrahsm" plan that would sh1f1 the burdPn of l>'JnW n&llonul programs from tht· fNlt·ral to lht• stat•• and lcx:al'l1·- vt·I CRY ST AL COVE PLAN • • • on 1he state's dc>Velopmc·nl plan 'Th.is way !)C(.>plc wuJd IDO\lt! on a S<:hedule. on a rational sort or plan," Tuttle t:Xplamt'd flt• cautioned , h1Jwt•V<·r. that the legality of such a proposal would not be determined until somt•t1me next we<.'k Earlier tn the wt•ek. huwc•vt-r, state Parks Department D1r('(:tor Pete r Oangennond Jr re.)l'<.·tt>d a s1m1lar plan propos<·d by part- ume cottage dweller!> to d<·lay th<> cv1ct1ons unul the state• had prepared a spe<:1fit· plan dc•ta1hng how the cottages were to be used State officials tht•n said su1:h a plan would l.x.· dt•v£'loped within 30 days of the Julv ev1(·t1ons Also involved m exploring th~ nt-w proposal were aides to As- st•mbl ywoman Marian &rgc~n. R -NC'wport Bea~h . whosl' A ~­ c;c-mb ly district 1ndudC's thl· Crystal Cov<' area. Tuttle said Part-lime rl'S1dt•nts of tht• l'Ol· ta~'$ wf"re surpnsed to discover eviction notices tackC'd lO their door!) or stuffed m their mail boxc-s A pral 14 Tht> nolll'('S sa1d lht:v h<1d until Juh JI to vet<·at1..• lhL,: CU~'!. • Pt•rmant'nl collag~ residents. on tht• othc•r hand. arc to be of. ft•rl-d a two-yt•ar lt•a!>t' eXl.l'rt!>IOn. p.Jrk:i dt.·partm<·nt uff1c1als ~id Tht-l"Oll4gc· t.'Ur'nmumty. a de:· ">lgnat<·d f<.'dl·ral h1sloncal site b<·l·amf:' p.ut of Crystal Covt' Statt· Park in 1979 when the Ir- vine• Company sold the property to lht• swu• for $32.6 m1lhon During J California Coastal Commission ml·t•tlng Thursday, t·o<.1swl t'Omm1ss1mwrs lambasted a parks dt·partml·nt off1C'1al for not pursuing a "more• humcinl' policy" in lht• t•v1ctwns On<· c·omm1~s1ont-r t·ommented th~1t "1.•v1t·ting p<·oplt• from plaet.>s wht•r<· tht•y hcivt• llvt>d seems ra- tht·r h.irsh-.. , The· l''Jmm1:0.smnerc; directed thc·ir staff tv r<>port back to them on the· £>v101um, and what action thc·y might l.Jkt• lo ai.s1sl res1- dt•nL-. Tht: 'l.791 ·a< rt· park 1s silwued on both 'ild<'s uf Pat·1f1c· Coast ll1gh\.\ay bt·twt·c·n Conrna d<.'l Meir and Lc.tguna B<·ac·h Boat fee proposal may he revised By ALMON LOCKABEY O.tfr l"ttot 9olitl119 Wrtt• Yet another revision in the proposed U.S . Coast Guard "user fees" for r ecreational boating may surface after complaints about unfairness lodged against two earlier versions. The Coast Guard Is reportedJy considering a graduated fee schedule in the $5 to $180 range. or IA the $20 to $200 range with an exempuon for boats under 16 feet in length. The f,irst option would repor· tedly generate $67.55 m1lllon. However. the Department of Transportation may set the fet> for 16 to 26-foot vessels at $22 in the second option. thus raising thl' tot.al take to $71 million. It is not known whether any dHferentiation would be madt be,ween boats operated on coastal or inland waters as \\oas the case with the last prop.>sed fee echedule. released laat Dec- ember. Thf" transportation department ls reportedly seeking authority to allow the secretary of Transpor- tation to establish and change fees by regulat..ion. This would give the Coost Guard flexibility to adjust fees at its own discre- tion. Congress would need to ap- provt• sul·h a uthority. Commenting on tht> posslbtllly of another revision an the user fee proposal. Outboard Boating Club of America government relations director. Ron Stone said. "This proposal -if it sees the hght of day -is getting awfully close to tht-fedt>ral motorboat ful•I taxt!'ll paid by boat owner.t in the range ot $40 million. "Allocating the monies Crom this ex1st1ng tax to the Coast Guard can both solve the funding problem and amount to a true u ser fee which is fair to boatmen." 89 1• 68 5~ 63 71 65 8" 80 67 ¥ 8" 87 15 70 85 10 89 87 00 83 41 75 .. II 81 ... 70 J1ck1nv110 Ken1 C11y Laa vevas Llllle Roek Lou11vllle M1m(>n11 Miami MllwllllkM Mpt1 St P NHM11141 New 0ti.an1 NewYOtll Oltll City Omallo Philodphlo PhOetlla P11t1b\lf9h Piiand. M9 P11on0, °'• PtOY~ 70 70 77 65 66 69 8• 67 78 ~ 68 69 10 oe II 83 82 92 ea 87 u es 87 oi 76 •O 0 32 fi 39 ., 4t 33 55 2t 24 45 33 35 John A. Krajian D.D.5. ~ Ric:.llmond Soll I.au 81n Antonio • fi 39 •5 L WOOill ~[D Haig gets no suflport No evidence given on Cuba s witch claim . . WAS HINGTON (AP) -The St.ate Depart-' ment on Friday appeared to back away from Se- crttary o! State Alexander M. Haag Jr.'s statement that Cuban President Fidel Castro is "anguishing" over his ties with the Soviet U n ion because of Cuba's e<.'Ononuc problems. peputy spokesman Alan Romberg was asked for evidence to support Haig's claim on Wednesday that Castro is considering rejoining the Western Hemisphere community of nauons "I'm not going to speak for the Cuban gov- ernment OI'\ this,"' Romberg said. Asked whether the United Stat.es beolieves it is "winning the battle for the heart a nd mind of Fidel Castro," Romberg said, "I 'don't think I can give you a characterization." R o mberg acknowledged that there i no "specific o ffer on the table that Castro now is anguishing about. ''What we have said consistently Is that If Cuba were to change its policies in certain areas, then we would be walling to change our relationship with Cuba.", Aid to Salvador 'will continue' SAN SALV ADOR. E l Sal vador (AP) - American Ambassador fkane R. Hinton said Friday that U S aid t o El Salvador will continue "whatcv<•r the outcome of its govern- ment-in-thl•-making " HinLon's stateml·nt a t a news conforcn('e ap- pcanod . to '\lrcngthl•n the pos1uon of ultra-ri~htist [(]ffiUD 00 ~ Roberto d'Aubuisson, named Thursday to head El Salvador's t'Onslltuent assembly. The ambassador's remarks appeared to be a reversal of poli('y, but U.S. Embassy spokesman Howard Lane said later that contmued "support" for the Salvadoran government did not necessanly mean et'Onornic aid. He said it <.'Ould mean moral or other forms of support. $95 billion deficit eyed WASllIN<.;TON (AP) Negouators for the White Jf()US..• and Congress. still hoping to salvage a month of !.Cl'ret talks. are w~1ghang a general packagt• of l<lx increases and spending cuts resulting in a budgN deficit of Ix-tween $95 hillion and $99 billion next year, sourt-es said Friday "Tht-y're working on general numbers" for n·duc:ing dl'f1c1ts ovN the next three years. but hJVl' dbdndoned hopt-s of agreeing on spec1f1t· ret·· ommcndatHJn.-. to CongrC'SS in most 1f not all cases. l·ongressional sourt.C'!. said a fter the thret•-hour Wh11R Houll(' mceung. According to a worksheet negotiators were UMng, they were consadE'rang an outline that would produce a dcf1('1t of bl•tween $95 billion and $99 billion for tht• f1st·alJear beginning Ot·t I and lx>twl'('n $24 b1llmn an $35 billion in 1985. Without ac:t1on. the s ht>et said. the def1c1ts would be $182 billion in 1983 and $233 balhon in 1985 Money drop reaction mixed NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's money supply fdl $1 9 b1ll1on in mid April, the Fl"deral Kt•sNve said Friday. en<.'Ouragmg some pro)l'Cllons of lower mtl'rt"St rat<'S Other economists were less optim1suc. The Ft"d said the measurt.• of money known as MI. whwh 1s read1lv available cash in circulation and m intl·rt-:.t-bearing ch<.>cking accounts at f1nan- c1al 1nst1tut1ons. £ell to $452.5 billion in the week ..'Oded April 14 from a revised $454.4 billion the week earher Thomas Thomson. l'COnom1st and senior vice president of Crocker National Bank in San Franc1- st'O, said tht>rc• is a perception in thr marketpla<.-e that "inflation has taken a s1gnif1cant ratchNang d own." and a l·ombmauon of factors will "work toward lower interest rates. w1th1n the next two to thr~ W<.-'<'ks" Pverruils costing billions WASHINGTON (AP) -Congressional audi- tors say ma.)Or federal programs are costing U.S . taxpaycni about $275 b1llton more than the initial estlmatC'S given to Congress. The figure, balWd on a n analysis of 465 pro,ects. was pr<.>S<'ntcd t.o the Senate Governmental Affairs Comm1tlC'f' at a hearing Thursday. W.H. S heley Jr .. dir~tor of mtSSion analysis for the Gent'raJ A<.'COunting OHit'e, said the average cost ov'errun for the pro,Jeets was $55" nulllon Sen William V Roth, R-Del.. committee Chairman, said C.'OSt overruns in civilian agl'Ol'll'S are "spinning wildly out or control." Huge p hone rate hikes seen S AN FRANCISCO (. t') -The California Public Utilities Comm~1on J.irroicted Friday that telephone rate increasc>s of 280 percent could result 1! a proposed antitrust settlement between the government a nd American Telephone and Te le- graph Is not changed substantially. The s late agency's .views were presented in documents submittro to the Justice Department and U.S . District Judge Ha rold Greene. who as r e- viewing the matter in Washington D.D. Unless th e settl e m e n t is modified , tt wi ll "seriously threaten the financial v1ab11i t y of the &>11 operating compa nies and would require in- creases m local te lephone rates of a magnitude li - kely to reverse the historical trend toward universal telephone service," the commission said. HB • man WIDS Senate OK for CY A S AC RAMENTO (AP) -Antonio Amador's appointment as head of the CaJICornia Youth Au- thority was approved by the sU;lte Senate Thursday det1piLe a claim that his only qualification was his frlend'>h1p with Gov. &lmund Brown Jr. The vote was 21-2. Amador is a resident of Huntington Beach. He formerly served as chairman of a fact -finding committee that fielded citizen complalnts about ci ty operations. CIHIHled •dvertlalng 7141142·M11 All othef depertmenu l42-'U1 MAIN 0FFta mw..e-.,se .. c.t•MeW,cA M<lll ......... u ... C_..MeM, CA nta C.,,._ IW' Or...,. C•tl l'l!Mltlllfll c..._.,, HIS -~ 111...tr .. Mflt, Nlll«lef M.nerer ... ...n1 .. ~ --,,.., .. ·-Nuald ~ _ .. 1~1111 ....... ~..,,.....-· ' Argentine gu est on news show Here are the tcheduled gvesta for Sunday'• newa Intervie w shows on the majpr networks: -ABC ''Thia Week with Da- vid Brinkley": Argentine Foreign Minister Nlcanor Costa Mendez and former Jaraell P rime Min- iater Yltzhak Rabin. NBC "Meet the Presa": 11- raell Prime Mln11tet Menach m Beain, Uve via aa~ll\e Crom Je- rulalem. -CBS °Fac. lhe-NaUon": to be announced. it Orange Coa1t DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 24, 1982 A3 IT'S ABOUT TIMf: -Luan Poppler o f La-and watches all hav<' to be switched ahead guna Beach tries to figure out how to turn her a£t.N midnight tonight when Daylight Saving sundial a h ead a n hour. Your s undials. clocks, Tamt• b<.'gjns. Maybe a pipe wrench would do _ ____!_b_c· t1~1ck. Luann ___ _ Bolsa concerns MWD Planne d marina on district acreage By ROBERT BARKER Of lhe O.il1 Piiot St•ll An auornt•y pledged Friday "tu take evl·ry s tl'p lo protect Ml'lropollliin Water District" rights in the Bolsa Chica marsh- lands The watt•r d1strt('t owns 80 acn 'S in northc·rn 5'.'<'llOn'> of the marshlands and 40 a('rt.•s ar <' lo- l"atl'd at the• <'t'nlt'r of a proposc"tf marina Tht• marina and other devc• lopment m the Bolsa Ch1t·a by Signal Landnwrk Co has bel·n approved by Orange• County SupervLSOrs and will bf• l'Ons1de- rt•d for ftrrnl approval by the· i.tatc• Coast:.d Comm1ss1on 1n m1d-Junl' H D Tw•>mc•y Jr . deputy gen· c·ral l·ouns<.'I for the water di · strit't, said the property 1s dc·- s1~nl'd to servt· as a transm1SS1on ('<>rrador to a proposed offshore water dt$)hnauon ~rOj('t't Twomey said the property 1s not surplus and th•t it has grea- t<'r priority to the public Lhan a manna He said th<' district fl"<'ls that 11 must keep the site for possible future• development of alternate wal<'r supphc:s "We are not trying to klll the development plan an the Bolsa Ch1t•a and we have no axes to gnnd. But the marina 1s right on top of our property." Merropohtan boughl the land from Signal m 1974. Robert Rende, an 0H1c1al with Ole Environmental Management Agency of Orange County, said Friday he bt.>heves that an ex- IS. Brown Jordan TAMIAMI Wf U\I ftj(( :r , .. w/4 Cl\llrs S779 S46t "TilC* w/ .. CN11s 885 491 Chill$!' 319 "' Sun lencn 229 tJ9 Spting 81s. Arm C1W11 179 115 ltound O<~sionM TM>lf 140 " NOMAD 42" r• w/4 Chi11rs 787 ... 41'' TIC!ff w/4 Chltn 82l '°' , Cl\llst 2 .. JOt .... MAUN.ADA 4'' TIDll/4 ChMt 87S ... CNINWI/_. ... HI change of land bet Wl'~n Signal a nd the water d1straN or some· other arrangement will !>Olve tht• potential hang-up. The issue emerg<.•d a~ vn<• of several concerns that the stat1· Co~stal Commissio n !.ays 1t hos w i t h p I a n s t o d l' v e I o p t h t' 1.600-acn• marshland surroundt'<I on thwe sides by Huntington BC'a('h and on th<' fourth bv tht· Pacific· Ol·l'an • The Coastol Comm1ss1on said Thursday after a pubhl· hearing an Los Angel~s that II also has concerni. with wetland assuei.. public access. hazards. visitor sNvang fanl1t1es, public work~ and archat•ology. Orangr County .end Coastal Comm1ssmn staf'f mc•mb<.·rs wall Hono r due fo r Aldrich UC Irvine Chan('l'llor Dan1l'I Aldrich Jr 1s one of six people who will receive honorary doc·- tora te degrees M ay 23 at the University of Wisconsin in Ma- d1<;0n Aldrich, 63. earned his docto- rate in soil science at Wisconsin In 1943. H e will be granted an honorary doctor of science degree for his dual achaevemenls as a researcher and admamstrator. His past resean:h has focused on ways of mcreasmg the world's food supplies. Mallin TAMPICO \Alt LIU "'9('( 42" Table w/4 CNlfs $503 S27t A4just~ Chaise 200 "' Hl~l«lt Gltcwr Chillr IJO as YACHTHAnOlt 42" T .. w/4 Cn.ws 532 )19 48" r.-w/4 CNin 574 )4 5 HIQh-8.lc:k GMdtf CNH Ill as Ad)ustMlle CN!St 206 12' 24"' Ck(•SIONI Tatlte 80 ., , PALM IPlllNGS 42" T,.. w/4 CNlts , .. 411 48'' T ... w/4 CN!ri •2• ... ~•'*'Cn.tw uo '" Cilldtf Cf'llilf 187 "' WUTWOOD 0 " T ... W/4 (l\llta .... T...,w/4 Chlin ~,,_.., Clllilir CMI' QMaj '°' '"' , ... Ix h11luing mt'1.•ting-. to wurk out t•ont'(•rm, m l'fforL\ to makt: tht•m ;u'l-ept;ihl<· to th1· l'11mm1ss1on Sq~nal spokt•-.man Wa;.tnl' Clc.trk ~1d Fr1dav that thf' l'Om · n11s.,1un's finu1ngs tome as no -.u rpri ... 1· Hl· '"Y'.\ thl' comp;rny n•mains ··pn·ttv wt·ll t'omm1tlt><J'" to tht• d1'vt•lopm1·nt plan that 1n- dud1·s ~. 700 rt•sull•nt1al units, c·rratton nf a tiOO toot nav1gahl<' c1<·N•n at't"(•ss. an 1.HOll-txMt ma- rt rtiJ and JJrc•sp r vat1o n o l hOO al-res uf wc•tlanch Clark olso said S1~nal Hill will !)(· c1ttc•mptmg lu l"Onvinu: ot hC'I Jgl·nc:1t·s that 1t "lurn·l·t in a dl'ball' OVl•r the· Sl7t' IJI th1· Wf'l· lands Clark s<i 1d lt·aci1ng s1:1C'nll'>h workmg £or S1gndl hav<· dc•L1·1 m1nl·d that thc·rc.· c1re onlv 2:,3 c1 en•s of wc•tl;;inds o uts1•.(t. tht' swtt• t'l·olo~1t·al prt"'4'rve The· Coastal Comm1sMon st.art '\avs thc·r<· drt-more:' than 1.000 al·res .,.. hl're h1s1orn:al wrtl;.inds and dcf.(raded cund1t1ont-an· l 'UJlSldc·rc•d The Coast.al Act proh1h1ts ma- pr dc•vc•lopmt•nt on wNland., Lorraine• Faber. pn•s1dE'nt of the Amigos de Bolsa Ch1t·<1 an e nvironm<:>nta l group opp<>smg dt>v<.'lopment 1n lhc· Jowl.inds, said Fnday she wa-. datKJ that the c:omm1ss10n found chfferenn.-s with the Signal dt•vc·lopmC'n l plan "It 1s really wondt•rful wht•n an organa~tion on a shoestrmg budget like the Amigos can take on th(• profess1unals of Signal and win," she asserted ~Cl 10 Stock on H.incl Ortt1 rxpires 4/15/82 TltOPl·ICAI 42" Table w/4 C~s 48" ,_. w/4 Ch.tin Pool CH'.li,e SKOllOS 42'"T~ w/4 Cnws 48" TIOlt w/4 Chlifs S4"T*tw/4 CN!n Cn.t11«L~ CANTINA 42" Tll* w/4 CNln '8''f*tw/4 Chllrs ~Ch.llM ~, ... W.IA ., .. , ..... ,.c ... W"'.hllt w/4 CNln #0...•/Mlll .. ,_ llil S778 814 250 1066 1102 1170 360 1042 1068 ,,. 176 1414 1441 110 16' ~1'10 j Al( 1'111(( 090 090 090 ... 11' ... 11' oeo oeo oeo oeo ... '°" .., "' l 1 . ' • I I ' Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 24. 1982 LIONE L'S 70TH -Jazzman Lionel H a m pton receives a bunl'h of flowt•rs in Paris while celebrating h is 70th birthday I lc.impton le<l his orc·h~ra on his vibraphone in a threl'-hour ('On<.:l'rt Pop e app1·'n'es u f comics "I.WW. 4'omiu.,"!>ope Joba - Paul II wa-. quoll•d ;1s s;1ying "It's a good rrwd1urn fur tc:a ( h111g kid-. .. 1h .i rt•-.ull o f Lh.tl rl'mar k ICt 111-. 11ff1t 1.JI l11ugraphl·r Jiftl \.\1th the p11p1 " .1ppr11val. h.-. lik Is lw111g p111 lr<n t•d 111 ,1 t·ornll' lx1ok The li-t JJ<•.l;t' hook Is to he· 1s.-.ul'<.l this ..,pr111g by Marv1•I Com1l'S, tlw n.ilion's lar,K<·-.t publish<"r o f t.om1t· books , \.\ llh gu1<1.Jnct· I rom the PJ- 1 hh hrng1 <1ph1·r . Lht• H1• M ieczysla " Ma l inski. lim llmt• f1wnd of tlw Puh@ born popt• A Marina dt·I Ht•v 1nsu ri.ln<'<· brnk1•1 hit a $~:jH,:?IH J<tl·kpul .1flt•r pumping about $:?:1 11ll11 ,, p111~rc•..,s1\'I' slot m,11 h11w .1L th1· MGl\1 Grand h11t1·I 1 .i-.ino 111 Ht•nu John M. Ka mmerer , :n. on 1111t• of h.-. tw1u· " yl•ar ll IJ.I" lo H1·no wllh his" 1f<• R osalie, h .1 d b 1· t• n p I ,, y 1 n g t h c• $I -per-pull rn.id11 m fur about ln~Lcs whon hi· lwcd up 1h1· payoff n:ds K amnwn·r had l.H.·t·n <.·on - -.idt•ring i.tart111g an ansurant't' bus1m"'-'> Ill HNw and -.aid that l.J1-t ausl of h1!> win Lhl' bus1- n1·-.~ v1•ntun• ··a-. J lot more ltkt•ly .. I''. L ee Ba I le y 's right to driv1· 111 C::.dafornia ha:. bccD susp1..nded for s1x montN be- 1 ..i u ,t· ht· n 'fui.t•d to takl' a hluod akohol tt•i.t wh{·n hie' wa-. dfrt•i,((•(i rur drunkt.•11 driving an Fl'l>ruury The stat<' Ut•partmc•nt uf Motor Y chadci. l't•nt a notu:e of tht• s uspc•ns10n lo Bailey's J\1..<lo;sat·hu'l•l ts addrt-ss. lht• ....imt cfay ht· was atqu1ll.ed an S.in Franl·1,1·0 of drunken drivm~ Tht• s u s 1H·ns1un. which t.1kt'!> 1·rf,~·t May 5. is separat(' from the t·harg1~ on whaeh hC! w:is Lrlt'd I It• was convicted ul running a -.lop sign, but found mnot·t.·nt on tht> driving l harge As h cloud s tudie d 'l'ht• loundtHlon ur lnuu Htrlallst Armand HaMmer, a !cod ing arts patron , It giving $2~0.000 lb tht> Natlonal Symphonl Orchc1J11, whkh wlll say · lhonk you" wtth o 1pec:lal cont•t•rl nt•xt month honor na llumnwr VII hl!i ($4th birthday. Violin ist haao Ste rn and barltonl' Robert Me rrill will Join thtt orcht•1lru, lt.•d by mu1k dlrl't:lor MUb lav R o· 11ropovlcb, '"" tht• t·orwt•rt ut the• Kt•nrwdy Center c.m ~foy 24 three.> da111 nflN Ham- mer's blrthduy. ThC' lhrt.>e are frll•nds. Hammer, board <'hAirman of Occicfon t n.I Pt•trol .-um Corp., has btwn u Nutwnal Symphony truslc.'<' s1m•e 1977 Fou r Ameral·un women t'Onquered 22.4!:14-fuot Mount Arna Dablam. It WU!I thl' r1rsl ume the H imalayan pt•uk 111 nurth .. ast Nl•pul had bt'en S<:alt:'d by womcm The four are Sha ri Kena r - ney, 30, and Lucy Smith, :u . both of Lander. \.\!~o . Susan Havens, 33. of Aneh orag'" .Alaska, and St acy Allison , :!4, of Portland. Orl' Sc·n P a ul Laxalt, H Nt·v . s u y s he f u II y l' x pl' l'"' Ill., rr1c.•nd and pollllt•a l ally Pre ident Reagan, 111 '*'f·k ,, S(.'('C>nd l<'rm in I !:184 Laxall said ht· h.1d not dis- l'usst.•d Reagan·.., pl unto w 1 lh him, but would ~ ~.urpriscd 1r the pres~dl'nt d1dn't run again Hl• said tht• prt-s1dc·nt 'lC0l'ds a sc·cond ll•rm to t·om plc.•ll• his t·t·ononu1 1 l'l OVf'ry program. Astronaut .'ally Ride, thP flri.t Amerit·an woman chOS<·n ror a .,pace m1~-.11m. is "very < we II quallf1t'Cl to he pan of a 'pac.-e ah ultll• tTt·w." aays tht· man who will lw ~wr c•om manckr Robert Crippe n, who flt·w tht• Sf)Ct<.'t.' :.hultlt•'s fu bl llllSSI on a year ago. said thut Ms Rldt• will play <i "'gnif1ntnt role 1n tl•sting tht• "l1Ulll1··i. ubtllty tu n ·tnc·vt• ....itt·llllt~ S h {' a I so " 1 I I -, 1· r v l' "{':,,sen ua II y a:. J fllKh l t'ng~. nC'Cr on asc:l·nt Jnd n ·-c·ntry. Cnppt•n told tlw Forum Club of Lh(• Palm Bt·a«hl's 1n Flo rid a Ms Hadt• I!. .i :w -.c•a r o ld physicbt tlnd tht• younjitP..t of 78 ocUVl' aslfllllJUL-. N rnn Utrtf'! .. ntt '410t•tr1 •I' • 0Wt''""' IMt< uf-0 I,,,, O• 1 d I n • •·O" II ...... .....,,.., .. L·•'JH""·• 0 .... '• t Ii, 'St!~ 00 ,, ... 11 .. ,. h' ' • llONOL UL U (A I') S1·11·nt1.,t!. atop a Ila l pect.I ".111an vull«HHI ,h o t a ruby la!>c1 fridav <it a APftl 21,-27. 1112 "rrnm-.ter doud of voll'anie ash un:hng the gfobt• to fertowetlal ecva: Ut••-s t ACI N()~ l ·Prt l1t"t Ct ... ltHh 1049(-mf"~' /U.fH3 CA g.1Lhc·r nc·w 1nformat1on ,1houl 11-. -.izl'. dl•nliaty. 3.st -.pu·d .tncJ dtr!'\'tlllll 1 am 1ndegenous lo ·w,. rn.Jdt• .ill 11l>M'rva1.Jon this morning and Lhl• venzuela and Southern h.11'k M'ultt r r1•<Jd111g was mUl·h lowc>r the.in 11 hdd Brazil 1 have a allm bt·<·n.'' ....:11d Twn 1lt·Fnor. an cmgmt.'<'r at lhl' Maunu elongated body and head Lrn1 Ol>:-l•rv;1torv. p;irt of thl' Nauonal Ol•£•amC' and Aside lrom my unique un- Atmo~phl•nt Adnun1,trat1on "That m<.•ans the· H rlhly appearence I ea1 llgae. Don't work so hard doud ha.-. movt-d away from Hawa11 .. enjoy your aquarium. let Ht· &11d 1t appt•art.'Ct thf:' cloud had movt'Ct north me help clean up the al- over the Pacafi<: Ocean. g ae . I a m on 1ale at Lat<•st c-akulauons indicate the cloud may Aquetlc Tre>picala fOf' only mntam 10 m1l11on tons of ash and debris, almost 3·69· ccrtainJy from a March 29 eruption ol the Chmcho-VISA' • mil volcano an Mex1<·0. at.i.'Orchng tO &clenUsts al tht> 1~10 w. Blltt•Cosl• Mnl • Daily Pilot • classif ieds • work for you. ca11 • 642·5678 • for quick ,, • cash sates. An1t'S HeS<>art·h u•ntt>r IO Mountain View. Calif. ~9.13'l•C-HarMr I ... _::_..:__~~!!!!!f!!!!l!ll!l!llllilll!iiil!!!I!!!!~~~-~,..:_~~ .. BROWN Tallltfimt SALE An elegant design that combines distinct styling w11h solid com- ton Add more en1oyment to your ouldoor leisure with Brown Jordan quality Discover exciting solutions to your ouldoor hv1ng needs al Roger.'s Gardens There's a great selection available lor Immediate delivery . At tiome or at the beach a m1 n1·Sun Chaise t>y Telescope is a great plus 10 rela)(at10n II s quilhty t>u1ll wllh a lightweight aluminum frame hardwood arms and dorable vinyr coaled polye ter fabric It ad1us1s to four p0s111ons .411!"1..-.. ... and has a handy to.,i11f rod 8u11t lo Tall\lall\l REG 1u1 111 a care tree com1>1na11on of convenience andcomlort 86 '42" leg teblt & 4 cha Ira $779 '81' ptdtttel tablt $865 &4ch1lr1 0 • Pair due 1n c·ourt in thefts prol)t'rty A furmN Jo'ountern Valley School Oi11lra<.'I Janitor and a !K' <.'Ond man havf:' lx>t•n ordcrl'd ~' appc.•ar ut a May 11 court hoarmg on <'harges they 11lolv al leMsl $10.000 worth of video equip- mc·nt Crom tht-district. Von H oepen wutt firt-d 111 March from has pos111on w1 a .Ju nlt0r ol Wardlow St:hool Tht· numbt•r w u th:11 (if .1 mal'hlnl' sloh.•11 from W111 dlow St:hool, off1n·n. SoJHl Pulice say th<'y huvc.· rl"t:ov1·11 .. 1 ull vldt•o ~u1pmcn1 i.tolf'n I mm W~rdluw during thl• puat yt•ru t·xc.•t•pt for one playn Jomes Yan Hot'pe n . 22, and Roger Oean Pryor, 21. 1'oth or Garden Grove. e ntcr<.'<i lnJ\Ot.-ent pleas at their arraignment this Wt.'<'k on 14 felony count.s each of burglary and reee1v1ng ~tolen Ho hod been a d11.tricl em ployee for about 18 months, d1 strict officials said Van Hoepen wru. arn'Sted afu-r Carden Grove pol1('t' VIMLed has home on another matt<'r and dl'- caded to check thl• serial numbe1 of a Vlde<itapc• m\tl'hllW lht•rt• Vetn H111·pt·n .111d P1 y111 ;1111 gt·dly .. old tht· HJUlpnu 11l t11 ,,, 4uo..11ntant·t-s, polu.c· -...iy 'flw p.a1r r(•lll..tlfl r r ('(. Oil liJil Coffe e roasters r e duce prices By T he Associated P ress Tht· m1t1on's mapr t'Offc.•c produ<.'<'1'8 huvl• t·ut whoh·:.cilt· pr1u•:. &ib rnueh as 10 t'N)ls a pound ,.r fc1·11vt· 1mm..-d1ulf•ly, but it muy lakt.' up to twu m1111Llu.. for Lh(• rt•dUl'LIOOS lo i.how up In Lill 'IUpt•rmarkN. Jntlustry ll•adl'r G<·nerul Focx.ls Corp , lw.wd Iii. Whitt• Plain:., NY . said a I -pound nm of Maxwl'll I lou:.t• .tnd Mai.tt•r Blt•nd brand:. hw. ht-c.·n rt·du<.·t·d 111 lx·nL.., a pound to $2 60 wholt.'SUll• ~pokcsman f:ugt•nr R1tchw s..11<1 G1•m·1 ;11 f'110<.h ha; no c-onirol over n ·t<ul pm1 ..... hut "111,my t1mt"' 11u1 t lia11gt-:-. a11 • rc·rll<t tc·d at n•ld1I -.1,.. lo 1•1ghl Wt'l'ks l.111·1. { ;1•111·r;il Fonds' I :i uum·t• Mash·r B11·nd wholt· -..1h· pri( t• was 1 c'thJt c•d II I n nL'> a ptiund tu~.! I I h• · -..11d lni.tant c•ul 111· pr"'"' Wt•rc· urn h.111j.11'i'I In C1n11n11al1, l'11i; 1111 & G a mhl1 ( ·., 1 Ill ii \\ h 11l1 .... dl· li-.t 1111 .J I p11u11d u u1 ol J. "IJ•• 1 ' .111• I I l1gh 1-'rnnt l11 ,111d-. bv ~> u ·11L-.. r11J~,.1 ·-. l•i ~~ .1.1 .111d tht• d1>c.'o1fft•111.1t1•d 1111.th P11111l tu $:1 17 -.pol<• "111,ttl W1ll1.ir11 Uol.Nin .,,11d C11t'iJ-C11l.1 Im ., l11od d1 v1~1on 111 ll1n1~t1111 .. 111111 h d111pp111g 1111 v. li11l1 .. de prtu·~ 111 1t:s M.11 ~ J.111d C:luli Hull\•1 Nu( ,1nd J\drr11r;1l1011 l11.1rul~ I,\ •,,,.,,ts 111 $:? 1'1 ,1 pound Tiu JJ1•1du111 -. t 1t1·d ,, 11•clu1111111 111 1111 f,' 1,. 111 p1111·~ Thi lt'(lUl'lll>11 .... 111· ll11' (11 -.1 -.11111llh 1 •. .., ..... ,11 Novi ·mhM Lh.1 t I 11ll11w1 ·d 11'>4 ~ Ill I ht 111 11" 1.f ~:1 1 ·1 11, Plummer·s price plunge means va·1ue ! our warehouse program drops prices way down on beautiful contemporary aeed1wood Dining Table The flne ~1gn of oenma11c mee~ me c1ass1c stvte of the Breuer cna1r 1n this 01n1n9 set• The rat>le Is cratteo of oeautlful t>eecn ana measures 62 x 31 x 28' hlgn The Breuer stvle cna1rs add rne cnarm of cane far seat and Dack ana are ava11ao1e 1n e1tner walnut or natural wood f1n1sh with duraote cnrome frames S10e cna1r Arm cna1r S79 value S89 value s39 $49 Teak BOOkcases A. 56'h' x 12Y1 x 2b $109 val 1. 35'/J x 12v,· x 20 sasva1 c, 21 y, x 12Yi x 76'1· · . $149 val D. 35'1>' X 12Yi" .IC 40Y1' I . 3SW' x 12'11 ' x t Vlilll!! 76'1 .... S1~9 val . s&g c. '55 ~89 •&9 .,... furniture far the whole house! Shop and compare! White Patio Fumtture For PoOISlde far lounging far entertaining Plummer s 1ta11an pa11 J r.ao1e with nandv staclung Pno tal:>IPc; ano vour cnotee of 1 smart cnair StVIP' Ta1:>1e S209 val $149 Dlrector·s Chair Outooor 01ninq S 62. tao1e 3S 01a SSS value Outooor staclnnq S 24 cna1rc; S3S va1ur UorS69 Stacionq rnaor( .v•rn 29 01ac;t1c c;1ats S S41 value Stacking taOIP\ s 2 2 '7'. 01a S36value Director s cnair'> are perfect far summer entertaining maoo" and out Natural woc . frames w1rn a variet'f of t>ngnt canvas colors GOOO value at S39 I I 1' .. f Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 24, 1982 AS " few show for Viet vet par~de OCEANSIDE (AP) -Only a few .iroups are expected to par- ticipate In today's "Second An- nual Welrome Homc Parade tor Vletnam Veterans.'' and an or-ganl%er of the event sees the aparse showing as an Insult to the veterans. Volunteer Richard DeMaida descrlbes the wholesale turn- downs by groups asked to join the parade as "a slap in the face to those of us who served in . Vietnam." He said participants will Include Al Bahr ~riners and the relatively few members of the Carls~ad post "' the Ve- terans of Foreign Wars. The VFW post in Vista with its 600 members will not take part, but spokesman J ohn Wynne de- nied the decision insults Vae~ survivors. D~ Piiot lteft li'ltoto ON ATTACK -Author Gore Vidal spoke to, Laguna Beach Democrats in his quest for funds to de feat Governor Brown in the Senate prima- ry. GO AHEAD I SLEEP LA TE! BUT DON'T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCK AHEAD SHOP SUNDAY ·12T05! Vid31 seeks anti-Brown vote Candidate stirs Laguna Democrats with scathing verbal jabs •• By JEFF ADLER that the governor could be de-saying that even though he pen.'<'nt lax on the grOM adJUllted Of"IM o.lfJ Net..... feai.ed by several Republicans In entered the race late, he ttllJ lncomt> or ('Orporatlons. Candidate Oo~ Vidal, eeeking the race, ''He's aort of a corpee In .. st.Anda second to Brown In recent Also, he proposes eatabllsh- the Democratic nomlnatlon tor my path." poll.a. ment of a U.S. howsma bond to the U.S. Senate, told a mnaU ga-41What has either one of them raise mon<'y for home mortgages therlng of well-heeled South 1J''d:al~I~ he :Jreadyd ~a.. ever done or ever stood for?" at 10 or 11 perc.-ent. Such a bond t..guna J)emocrata that he needs vvta~ ts f~ ioae:nl e .-Vidal aald of Whitehurst and mJght ht.>lp revitalize the depres-only •500.000 to to topple front-e on spo s a egan ai-Carpt:nter. led housing anduatry, he said. runnlna Gov. EdmUllQ_Jikpwn Jr. ring ln the ~ Angelea.Qrange The candidate said he ii focu-On otht.>r issues, V1~: ln the June primary. Cou~ty television markets next slng his campaign effort.I on the -Bl'lit•vea the cost or the Armed to the teeth with acer-wee · 45 percent of Democratic voters NATO alhant-e should be bornt- blc one-liners, the a1,athor and The commercials were written who hav~ indicated they are still by this nation's Western Euro- one--time anti-war activiat said he by V.ldal in the hour before they undeclqed in the U.S. Senate pean allm. need.a the money to bring his al-were taped, he told those atten-race. -Opposes development of the ready highly identiflabfe name ding the Lexington Group-Between the undecided voters B-1 bomber before voters through a televi-sponaored cocktail party Tuesday and those who are anti-Brown, -Believes thl' U S ha& no sion campaign. night. ;t'he Le)Cington Group, a Vidal said he will win the prl-business antcrferang in the anLer- Re!errlng to Brown as the Democratic National Committee mary. nal affairs or Lalin Amc·r kan ''lord of the flies," a literary organization, is composed of af-Nonetheless, Brown repor~ly <..'Ountrit.>s such as El Salvador allusion to Brown's med£1~ batt-fluent, young Democrat.II seieking has more than $2 mi lli<>n in Supports Great Briu.un over le, Vidal said he has been told by to bring the party new-lea-campaign funds at his disposal to Argentanu an the Falklund Island political analysts that he will dership. Vidal's $22,000. situation "Let the two ma<.•e roar automatically win about 38 per-Vidal diacounted two of his Vidal explained he is Lrymg to but not right," Vidal suggested. rent of the primary vote because June opponents, Fresno Mayor run an issue-oriented campaign 8t"l1l·vcs federill grants an it w1U be anti-Brown In nature. Dan Whitehurst and st.ate Sen. stressing cutting the defense · edul·auon l>hould kw rE-stored an He said tbal since polls show Paul Carpenter, D-Cypress, by bud et and placi ng a 10 to 15 Cahfornaa ___ _ Shop ABC For: •Color TV •Black & White TV •Stereo ·Video Recorders •Video Discs • Bic Screens ·Electronics F lWl'litll'e •AU Yadeo Accessories ALL 1912 MODILS NOW PllCID FOR IMMIDIATE CLEA- llANCI TO MAKI ROOM FOR NIW MODELS THAT All AllllVING DAILY. LOWIST PllCIS Of THI YIAI WHILE THIY LAST. NO llASONAaLI Off II llfUSID. & ij ''h1i11t:!\ 1911 CMGCM. IWIKlt mtOTE CONTROLS • The quality goes in before the name goes o,,e a , ~ CALL 968-3329 FOR ~ SPECIAL LOW ~ CLEARAN'CE · PRICES. DO IT NOW ANO SAVEi! SOUTH COAST PLAZA 19" ....._ ZEJllH CCl.C. TV f I A Public Service Annou'lcement ~ ---- Welcome light For centuries rice paper was made only In small sheets. Now this unique material is made In rolls large enough for window blinds. Rice paper endures. It docs not yellow or become brittle. And It's translucent. affording the double luxury of soft daylight with privacy. 2.Sx6 ' .............................. 12.99 3x6' ....... , ................... : .... 14.99 4x6' .... , .. , ..... , , , .. , ... I ,.,.,,,,, J 7,99 6>e6' .................................. 25.99 fUMD: llO\ llllWI CHASSIS AfCeCIW. UCHJ. llJW CJU $31900 2&" ........ SPICE PHOllE REMOTE COllTROL ..,._14Mflfll ···--~-· ____ ,..,._a .. m ... .-: """ 91,.. WTlll. "'-cml. .. ,.,_ .... .,..... ...... 21" ••1111. REIOTE TULE IOIEL MODEL CLA308WR "1ttl I,... ZS"...._, s.r Set lllt lies ........ ........... .,_ ............ .. -ms Cll IDT 11" STMIDS -.,. .......... 11/b :.-..... ~ .. . SUPll VALUE •299°.!.lWT un..-n 11" ...... 'STIR' REMOTE MODEL AB•U5 A New "$tar" b Born! The most futwe pacttd 19" claeonal It emote In ttie lncM try. ~ Aectn lttm0te Control •fl.A s-111 Systttn •lllMMar Chassis '" L .. Te ,,..........., .... u21 • 21" ...... "STIR" REMOTES Or•nge COM/DAll¥-PfLOT/Saturday, Aprll 2"4, 1982 Te111:peirS . · ru_n high Neighboi: argue over who g'!ts harbor view • By STEVE MARBLE • ~ tM 011tr "-1 It•" Who I• king of the hlll on Kinp Road? That'• the question -more or less _. belng debated by retidenta alol'\8 lhe winding a~t that of- fers a panoramic view of New- port Harbor. The epat, w~lch pita residents on one eide of the road against move ~ the at.reet. The di•pute dates back three yean. It has bounced from Nt"w-• port Beach City Hall to county courthouse and back. At illue la how hlah homeow- nere on the bluff aide should be permitted to build housea. Barbara Luther, an inland side homeow.ner and organizer of a "I'm down to a 30-degree view myself b ecause of the building around me. But I expected that." neighbors on the other side, centers on who should hav~ a view of the harbor. Resid ents on the inland side say that unless action Is taken, they'll end up seeing only 50 tall houses. Those on the bluff side of the street -some of them at lvast - say, if a view tS what their inland neighbors want, then they should neighborhood• group known as Save Our Neighborhood, wants the cit y to slap a temporary building moratorium on the bluff side of Kings Road. "We bought our house for the view," she explains. adding. "not to look at someone's architecture across the street." Mrs. Luther, pointing out that a house is being constructed Bus terminal bids sought acre. the 1treet from her dwel- UJ'\i, IA)'S, lf houlel a.re built too talf. l.nland aide resident.a will lole their 1econd-1tory view of the harbor. Warren Howland, a longtime ttaldent of the other aide of the 1treet, I• not moved by 1uch worries. "If they want'd a view they 1 h o u l d ha v e l>'o u g ht v le w property," he suggests;· Howland, one of the first ho- meowners along Kings Road, • says whe n he moved to the neighborhood, he had a aweeplnj view from Laguna Beach to Huntington. .i1•m down to a 30-degree view myself now becauae of the buil- ding around me," he ·explains. "But l expected that." Mrs. Luther says ehe wants to find a compromiae inlamlers and bluffslders can settle on. The city permit.I houaea up to 24 feet high -measured from the curbllne. Mrs. Luther says 17 feet would be preferable. Three yea.rs ago, when the di- spute erupted, the city adopted an ordinance restricting blufftop homes to 16.23 feet because, -at the time, no home was taller than that. The following year, bluffsider KINGS VIEW -This is vtew from second floor of Mrs . Barbara LJ.Jther's home on Kings Road in Newport Beach. She's wor- ried that neighbors across the street will cut off her view of N~wport Harbor with high roof lines. Neighbors across the street thank The Orange County Transit District is calling for bids on construction of a terminal to be- bu i It adjacent to an existing park-and-ride garage in down- town Santa Ana. and open in June 1983. The facility wm include passenger. waftlng are-as. 17 bus bays, rider information areas and a lost and found office. Howland and others went to I;;;;;=-=~-==;;;;;;=-:;;;;;;;;~ court and got the ordinance overturned. --· ... ---111--~nA--... .__._ The temlinal will be located on 1.7 acres of land on Santa Ana Boulevard at Ross Street near the county Hall of Administra- tion. It walJ cost about .9 million No OCTD terminal exists today in Santa\Ana, a busy transfer point. Most riders must wait outslde at an unenclosed transfer location on Flower"Street n,ear the Orange County Sheriffs ~ partment and jail facility. Even though nobody has taken advantage o( the relaxed height standard, Mrs. Luther says she fears It won't"be long until ao- meone does. The Save Our Neighborhood group, aided by an attorney, is expt.'Cled to ask the City CowicO Monday to come to its re9CUe. .Cca,et of the · 1aaL'I pt ................ w;~,~ .... 8er"'Ce Time.._ et Y<NI Door (Cel ._ ...... Y<NI N•I cotfA-..~1-1219 lftl ......... -..& ....... WllO 49S-G401 ..a c..... C.,..•·-~ ..... ...,. .... _,, .....,., Dlllr l'tlot IUlft f'Mto inlanders shouJd have bought view property in the first place if a view was important. Debate over building heights on Kings Road is expected to surface again Monday before the City Council l'EN 10th ANNIVERSARY is on Sale this Gulistan carpets of Trevlra Pentron repel liquid spills and stains. Resistance is ef fectlve even after heavy wear and repeated cleanings. Protection is permanent and bullt In. No other carpet beats It. Gulistan carpets of Trevlra Pentron actually reject soil. Carpets stay beautlf ul longer and respond to cleaning better. Protection Is built In. A luxurious saxony plush from GuJlstan made of stain and soil resistant Trevlra yams-today's most durable carpet fiber. 23 fashion colors make it easy to coordl~te with your particular decor. This dense plush will stand up to the everyday wear·and-tear of family llvlng. Easy care Trevlra fiber construction mekes this Gullstan carpet unmatched fot" wear and beauty. 22 decorator colot"a. ......... ,_.,.... ..... ........... .,.._...,..,_ "'4....,. tit•-- "°' , • ........ u.. ,.-... ..--.... ...... t'SS ',i£N Gullstan carpets of Trevlra Pentron are crafted under the industry's most demanding construction specifications to assure maximum durablllty and wear resistance. Protection Is built in. No othet carpet beats It. Trevlra Pentron static shock control Is completely effective .. and permanent. Annoying static shock build-up Is vlrutally ellmlhated. Protection Is bullt In. ? A rich, thick plush crafted from Trevlra yams for yNrS of outstanding perfOOMnCe. 25 vibrant colors add to the deslrabfllty of this lono·wearlng Gullstan carpet. It's one of Har1ow's best values. The ultimate In a rtchly f Mhloned plU9h styled for your decorating needs. With 38 sumptuous colors, thla Oulletan carpet wUI retaJn It• appeerance ewer yews of we.. A bMuty nt a great buy . TV AUDIO CLAIMS FOUL -Oakland Manager Billy Martin mai n- tains that umpire Rich Garcia has been h arassing his pi t- Diiiy Pilat SATURDAY. APRIL 24, 1982 COMICS ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION . 88 810 813 Dodger: rout Giant .. -to open erie in an Franci co. ll2. A's feud coritiliues with ump Keough ejected; MBrtin charges •harassment; Angels win 7-2 • By CURT SEEDEN Of Ille Dlllly Piiot llatf The fireworks tha t have accompanied Ange ls-Oakland A's games over the years lured in a third party Friday nJght -the umpires. S pedfically. it was third base ump Rich Garcia who raised the Ire of A's Manager Billy ~artin. Whe n the dust had settled, Oakland ~tarter Matt Keough has been ejected for the fi rst time in his major league career. Martin had flown off in angry hrade - certainly not the first m his ma JOr- league career -a nd the Angels won their seventh straight game at Anaheim Stadium, a 7-2 verdict before 36,585. Ln the past, the Angels and A's have participated in more brawls than you'll see in the sJeeziest of Texas barrooms. But F riday night. the Angels we re content to Jet their bats do the talking. wh ile K eough, the former Corona del Mar High standout, and Martin, waged war with G arcia. The problems for Keough began in the first inning, whe n Garcia repea ted ly warned the right-hander to wipe his hand off on his pants a fter going to the race. By the time the third inning rolled around, the Angels had a 4-1 lead and Keough said he was being intimidated. "His harassment of tny pitc he r a nd fabncation of the rules resulted in the ejection of our starting pitcher without basis," Ma rtin charged in a prepared statement. "His judgme nt was not sup- ported by the home plate umpire." The rule in question is rule 802A and B which states: "A pitcher ahall not have on his person or In his possession any foreign substance." Further, Ute rule says. Martin pointed ouT. -th1H tteough""'l'trcmtd tnlve 15een warned and that the public address an- nouncer declare that Keoug h w as being cha rged with a ball as part of lhe war- ning. "He never said a word to me until he threw me out,'' Keough said a fter the game. "The crew chief (Don Denkinger) isn't eomplaming . Rich is just trym~ to make a name for himself. Every lime I wen t to my fare, he &aJd f had to WipP my hand off on my leg." M a rlin says it wasn't th e fi rst t1mt· Garcia bas gone af ter his pi tchers. ''H e was warning m y p itchers in Oakland He's the only one that's been harassing them," Martin a ngriJy char- ged. 1'he fe1Sty A's manager, in his prepa- red statement, demanded "an immediate review and determinatioA in order that thl.s silly harassment by certain umpires cease. He created a problem wh,ere one did no1 e xist." · -. -~·-- "I'm surprised Don (De nkinger) let H1l·h do thut," Keough addt'\1 '•f'vt: been doing thtJt (going to hu1 f a<.'<' and then t.o h1 ... t.•a p) for five• years " Kc·ough said c•very p1tx:ht•r has a cer- tnm rhythm and that his 1m ludes 1i:oing to hlS fow crnd then wiping ha ... hand on lh<· lip or hl'i cap He orr f'Vl•fl uffen>d a bl.i(·k-fmgt·rpnnted cap as proof a fter- ward ... .. It wa ... JUSl l'mbarrasi.tng ·· Kl•ough .1dd1'tl "lie• ({;urcw) ts JU'•l rnakmg u~ gray rulcoS" Marlin mt.•.mwh1h•, da1mc·d the· t'j('l' uon 11( Kc'OU!i:h turm"'C.1 the· gamt• around "lit.• lhrt•w my p1t.chc·r out 1lll'gally If Gt1rt.·1a ever ump1n·1> a game that Gay lord Pc:rry is p1tc:hmg. hl•'i. out before· he got'!> an 1mh ·· . Th<' game• wai. typical uC thl' kind --Oakland hl!! pl<lyl"d lh1s yt>ar -long.• (See ANGELS. ?age 8 Z) USC f oothall team handed probation Trojans face tiff three-year p enalty MISSION. Kan (AP) The ·University of Soulhcrn Califor- nia football program. which has produced seven national cham- J plons. was hit Friday with one of the stiHcst three-year probations ever by the Nullonal Collegwte Athletic Assoc1al1on Citing a ucket -scllmg sc·heme used to f unn<•I cash to players d uring a 10 -year period, the NCAA's Infractions Commiltet• banned the Trojan:. from bowl games during the 1982-83 and 1983-84 acadcmll' years and pro- h 1 bi ted telev1s1on appearances during 198:l and 1984. ' ln add1llon. an unnamed Sou- thern Cal assistant football c..'OOCh is to havC> h1s salary frozen· and not be allowed lo recruit for two years. The ruling s~iftes that Southern Cal can not replace him with another recruiter. The university will be e ligible for telcv1s1on appearances this season . Southern Cal o ff1 c1als said t hey wou ld have" no comment uhtil Monday when Preside n t Ensenada race set to begin By ALMON LOCKABEY Dlllly Plk>I Boating Writ., The air will be as blue as the ocean oCC the Newpor t J etty to- day at noon as over 700 sailing yac h ts scram ble for favored starting .posa uons for the 125-mile Newport to Ensenada race. The first start w ill be al the s troke of noon w hen ihe mulli- hulls (catamarans and trimarans) starl on the inside lme and the Performance H andicap Racing Fleet Class A start on the off - snore line. Because of the vast number of boats in recent years the sponso- ring New port Ocean Salling As- sociation (NOS A) has set up twin starting lines seaward or the jetty buoy. -. There wlll be eight starts at 10-minute in tervals. The second s tart a t 12:10 will be for the lntemationel Offsh ore Rule-A al\d the PHRF-B: at 12:20 the IOR-B and PHRF.C yachts wUI get the starting signal; IOR-C and PHRF·D w.m be off at 12:30. The PHRF-F and PHRF·E cleues will be on their w•y at 13:40; the PHRF-H and PHRF·O cllUMs will get a 12:50 1tartJn1 li&naJ, and PHRF-J and PHRF-I Will start at. 1 p.m. The last 1\&rt will b. at 1;10 when the Anc ient Marlnu (wooden hulla) and Sou1hern Ocean Racina Olvialon aet the •sun. ThouNn4f of apoctaton wm Ule lhoret of Belbo9 Penln- alld lb• Corona del Mar 1 watch the pre-1tart _ ............ tual ........ wtD '9111 ndaad ... .. -~-..... ....., ..................... ;;;;r .t.w'-="~•-:! _iaTil .=.':a James Zumberge has scheduled a press conference. NCAA policy 1s not to make public the names or md1v1duals c·1 lt:'d m rnfract1ons cases. Howe- ver. newspapers have linked Marv Goux. a long-time Southe- rn C<ll assistant, with the t1cket- sellmg Sl'heme. Char les Alan Wright, ch.airm- an of the lnfraclfons Committee. said th at, ''The mose flagr an t examp le of willful drcumvention of NCAA legislation m thl8 case involves a n assista n t foot ball coach w ho, during the pe riod 1971-1979, deliberately violated NCAA rules by selling compli- mentary tickets of varsity foot- ba lJ team members at prices an excess or face value in orde r to provide large sums of c.ash to the team me mbe r s who chose t o participate in this arrangement.·· The violations ''represent a significant and extensive pattern of improper benefits made avai- lable to enroll student-athle tes. particularly members of th e un- iversity's football team, over a period of about 10 years as well as a lack of administrative control or the conduct of the unive rsity's intercollegiate athletic program." said Wright. YOU'RE CRAZY -Oakland A's Manager Billy Martin lets off steam with umpires Don Denkiruler (right) and Rich Garcia (middle) after A's pitcher MatfKeougb was thrown Dally Pilot Photos by Chao' ... Sien out of the game Friday nighl. Man in wasn 't any more pleased later after Angels completed a 7-2 triumph. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will Rams be caught • in draft? They're hoping for a b etter s howing Tuesday than la' t year Tuesday morrung lhe 28 teams which i::oropose the National Football League wiU begin their an- nual tradition of pluck.mg the elite Crom the colle-p te ranks. There are many teams that look forward JO this part of the season like a chJld does Christmas. For losing franchises. lt'• a ~ to get healthy in a hurry. For the winner1 .. lt'1 an o pportunity to bolster what is probably an already atrong 1Uter. ~e good draft, with the ri&ht nucleus, can tum a pretender into a contender. On the other hand, one bed draft can aometimes decimate-a team for years. SPORTS COLUMNIST -JOHN SEVANO hnc"'an and a light end (not necess<:irily in that order). "It will all d e pend on who's up there,'' says Malavasi when askc..'<i what position he will try to fill first. John Math and his scouting ~rew have put m endless hou rs and months trying to compllu caliber players Malavas1 ls goin~ to be happy with. "Last year, there were> more lop people in nwn- bers, espe<:ially de fensive backs. This year It's Sims and then everyone else." says Ma\h, aUudJng to the difficulty of the task a l hand. "You can only do the lx'St you can,'' Math adds'. "You relinquish the pressure of something like this by making It a challeng ." Math becomes l'xtrcmeJy sensitive and de fensive when talking about last year's bust -1 -Orang, Cout DAILY PILOT/laturdav. Aprll 24, 1812 From P•A• 81 • • ANGELS. ... - drawn Wl und, of COUr'I('. full • of ronttov ray. t>nor to h1aay night'• game, thtt A'a hud logt-d 2,986 mlnut.es of ba..eball In l:S aam<.-... Thal'• an average of thn•o houra and 19 minute. per contest. The Anaels creatt.'<i most of the delays with three.run Innings In both the second and third. • Brlan Downing had 'homered to lel.ld o ff the Angel first. H alao delivered an R}3[ single In the !K.><.'Ond. Rod Carew's sacrlfic.-e fly for another RBI And a wild pitch jly Keough helped the Angels to a 4·1 lead. Once Keough was dispatched in the tturd, the Angels jumped on reliever Jeff Jones for three more runs, with shortstop Tam Foll delivering a two-run single and Bob Boone following with another RBI hit Ken Forsch quil•tly went the distance for the Angels lo earn his second v1(·tory dgainst o ne loss * ANGEL NOTES -Wnh 1r.11 1t1;qu1$1lt0n ol 1nf1etoer Mick Kelleher l•om Oel•O•I the Angel 10\le< onclucll'<I one 100 many names ., So r1.01y 1nciy 01>t10f'l11cl form•• Ot11nge Coasl "' COllegci '18r Oeryl Scon .. re to $paltane of lhe Pac:1loc; Coasl lf'~Qufl Scon1t1rs haO ape>ee1eo on love gam11, Dul wai h•llHS on 111 81-ba" w1tt1 tht> Angel" ~<;01Ut1•S 5t-em1 lo do 1111 bell on tne minor~ 0 1 "'' 619 minor league hllsl 222 hovl! b~en lo•.,,,,., bM5et fh•l's a composoll' 518 ~1uog111g avt1•&04' ~g .. Jeclleen waa .cralched lrorn lhe stl(llno fl. neup qwn. end aoaln II wu' P•Obl-wlih hi. lefl calf mu1cl11 11111 kept hom <WI of tne -lulaup Juan BenJquet, Wl\Q .uaullllv lL.J.Aci,.-son \ oefen,.ve 1 epl1cemcn1 on 111e 11111 •n· n111g\ 9ot 111» •la• 1 111 r.oht held 1n1u<eo ShOrlSIOP lllcll au1 .. aon Wiii unoeroo tu•o•<v to reoa" a tell• on tl'lil r :>la lo• cull of hos roone s'1outde• on Monday mornuno al Cen11ne1a HO~O•IDI '" 1notewood Or. Lewi• YOCUfl'I w•ll 11erto1m lhe surgl!ry Wnen lllcllaJ Hen- deraon siott" th11cl m 111" 111$1 1nn1no f(tdly 1119n1 '' marked the A • 301h 1I04en bew ot '"" vounQ seaton Tl••r vt< Of'lly II-' ctlUQhl l1•t' """'' f 01119hl lhe A. I !Mind lte¥e McC•ltJ It 01111J.•or1.i O.OH Zahn «2 Ot Geme 1om1< ,, 7 o~ Anteaters blanked by 49ers LONG BEACH Hight · hand<.'d Sl'n1or Httndv Ham1rc:z s pun a thr<:(•-h1ll1•r tu lead the 49crs of Long &•al·h S1.ettt• t.o a 4 -0 v1l'tory ov<.'r UC Irvine 1n Souther n Cal1Curn1a Ba11eball A~x·ial1on. Hl'tmn Friday Ram1rt.•z. who improved his ovC"rall r<'<:ord to 10-4, didn't al- low an Anteater to get as far as third base Thl• 4Yers, m1rt.-d m the SCBA t.·ellar with a 3-10 r(~rd. got the only run Ramirez would need when th<'y touc·hed starting UCl F1tchc•r Cai. Soma for a run m the f1Nl inning Long Beach Stiitc":. ll'adofr hiller 5<.'0tt Houp doubled lo left f1('ld to start the inning and then scored one out later when Tony Laurenu smglc-d t.o <'t'.'nlcr field The only hiller lo produce any kind of offense for the Anteaters was third baseman Mike Rupp, whowenl 2·for·4 with a pair of s ingles. The other h it was pro · dU<:ed by Darren K elchner Soma, who went the first 6 1/a innings, allowed all four runs in absorbing has third loss against three VIClOrll'S ' The la>s drops the An waters lo :l:i-20-1 ovc•rall. 6-8 in t'Onferen- 1..'t.' The two sides rc•turn to the cl1dmond today w1lh UCI hosting the 49en an a d oubll'-heMder starling al noon Ferrell . wins scratch main Dubb Ferrell captured th9 scratch main C'Vel\t Friday night at th.e weekly speedway motor~ cycle raocs at the Orange Couniy Fairgrounds before 6,435 fU.S. Bobby Schwartz, makll'\I hi• first appearance here thl• year from th~ English leagues. ~as lhe winne r of a special match race with Brad Oxley, a lto an English circuil ride r. Schwart% also won the h a ndicap m ain event. Follbwlng Ferrell acrou the finish line In the scratch race were Alan Christian of H~ ton Beach , sev•n·llm'= Y••· champlon M lk• Bast and Dave De Temple. In the-handicap race. Schwaru won over P~n a~. Sba•n Mt'Con9111. Chrtllian. Bob S.~ ton Ind Jim LaWIOn You,th football 1ignup Area players succes8ful . -1n tournament OJAI h was a bia .day for OrQnge Cowlt arc-u players al th1· annu1tl Ojnl lnvllntlonal ll'nnl• t.ournament Friday UC Irvine.> advanced two players to lodny's &<'m1flnal1 in the intcn·ollt•frnte 1ungle1 com· pt•tltion with Erk Quade and Jim S n yder each winrung two mut· cht>s Friday The duo ulMo wun t1 doubk'll match. Two other UC! doubles teams won first round cncounteni and Mark Ramos and Rob Nelson advancl•d to the third round in thl' open t'l1mpeuuon On the community t•oll<:gl' front, Saddlt.•buck and Orangt' Coast are rapidly rwrrowing the fll'ld fur u showdown wllh both .1mgles play<.•n. <tnd each doubll'S tt•am i.llll 1n the t·omp<'llllon ut thl• Quartcrfmul level Terry Strobl o f Saddleback was cxtendlod to thrl'<· sc.·~ bc!for<: w1nn1ng in th<• fourth r<>und Friday wh1lt: Murk Sc:ribnt·r had ll 7·6 d<'Cll>IUO In (.'at•h of h11> mak•ht>:. for Orangt.• Coai.t. Lunt't.' rro- derly had an cusy lime m h11> two matt·hcs whl11• John Kline wai. extcndtod to thn.At• M.'L'l in hai. fin;t f'Ol'OUnter ..,. In doubll-s pli.iy, Ft•ddt•rly and M1kt• Bonsu wcrt· t:asy wmm•r"S in ca.:h of the ir two matt:hc•s for Ora"ngl· Coast whal<• Tom Olmi. tcad and Craig Millt.·r llkt•w1st· had an easy t1m<.• m winning two matches Dlllltr "°4 '9tot4I ~ Ctwtee...,, HOMEWARD BOUND -Brian Downing got the Angels winging Friday night with a leado!f homer. He's congra- tulated here by th1rd·base coach Preston Gomez. Angels won, 7-2. Maria and Melinda Myers ad- vant'l.od to the• third mund 1n ml legc· woml'n's doubles play but both UC! 1>ingl1•s players wen• eliminated on f'ridav Maria Mycrs won over San Jose Statl''li Rochc•ll<' Morr111on but lost to Stanford'!. Alv<:la Moulton Rugby team has a 'skull session' From AP dl1patc bes PITTSBURGH The UnivPr-II sity of Pittsburgh as investigating t.·harges that undergraduate students rolled and kicked scven human skulls onto a field before a rugby mal'Ch. horrifying their opponents Un1vers1ty spokeswoman Daryl Clt•mmens said Wednesday nighl that a studenl JUd1c1al board was looking into the• allt>gallons Ms. Clemmens !>aid Pitt o fftl·1als wl•n· wor ried the inc1denl might hurt thl' un1vNs1 ty's organ donor programs .. The organs for lransplanlat1on gN transpla nted," she said Quote of the day , Bob Lemon, New York Yankt.-es mana- ger, on h'is dealings with owner George Steinbrenner. ''I tell George what I thank and lhen I do what he says." Sixers, Bullets advance after sweeps Jullus Erving scored 28 points m and Caldwell Jones nailed four free itirows in the final 67 seconds as the Philadelphia 76ers c linched a mini· playoff victory over Atlanta Friday night with a 98-95 overtime victory. Philadelphia will now began a best-of-seven second·round confrontation with Milwaukee ... Elsewhere, Washington alto advanced to the second round, as ltevln Grevey sc..'Ored 13 points in less than four anlnutes ferjy In the fourth quarter to ~ the Bullets to a 103·92 victory over New Jersey . . . Getting even was Houston , &s Moses Malone keyed a oontrolk>d-tempo offense with 28 points and 23 rebound s and the Rockets s hut down fast- breakfng Seattle for a 9 1·70 victory ... Dennis JOllnson scored a game-high 29 points as Phoenix knocked off Denver. 126 -110. squaring their~­ ries al a game apit-ce. Baseball today On this rl~~ m baseball in 1962: L os Angele. pitche r Sandy Koufbx struck out 18 Chlc•go betters~ the Dod· gens beat. the Cube 10·2 •t Wrigley Field In Chicago. On thb date In UM5: Sen. Happy Chandler of K entudcy wu named the second Commlsaloncr of .Bue· ball, succeeding the late Judge Keneaw Mountain Landi.a, · Todata birthday: ~ New York M ll phcN!r Pat 7Achry ii 30. White Sox dump reeling Orioles Jim Morrison tripled home thl' Ii tw-breakmg run in tht.• ninth inning Fmiay night and tht.• Chicago White Sox ddcaled Balt1mof'('. 4-2. handing tht· Oriolt'S their ninth <.'OnSC't..'ullvc· 1058 The win kc·pt Chicago a top the Amt·r1('an League Wt~t Elsewhere in the A L . Dan Pe try fi - r~..: a sevt•n -h1ttN and Larry Herndon, John Wockenfuss and Alan Trammell drove• in two runs aptC<.'t' ai. Detroit romped to its seventh straight vi<.·tory. 9 -1 o v l' r l h c Yankl'~:. Moose Haas scattered six htlS in eight In- nings and Don Money singled 1n the w1 nning run 'In thl• fifth H Mtlwaukct• t."dgc·d Texaa, 2-l Jim Rice belted a two -run homer, Camey Lansford added a solo M<>MtSOte blast and right fielder Dwight Evans threw out the pok•ntial tying run at lhc placed four hits to lead an 18-h1t barrage as Toronto, 5-4 Bobby Mltc be ll and Jobn Castino belted home runs and Ron Wasblngton laced four hats to lead an 18·h1t barrage as Minnesota buned Seattle. 12-4 Amos Otis. Lt>e May and Hal McRae eat.·h t'Ollccted lhn'(.• hats to lead a 16-h1l assault on four Cleveland pitchers as Kansas City e nded a four .game l0tnng streak with an 11.{i victory over the Indians Cardinals power to 11th straight win Geor ge Hendrick h o m ered and Ii singled twi<.'<' to knock in three runs and Onie Smith homered to lead the St. Louis Cardinals to their l llh straight triumph. 9-2 over Phal&dt'lphto Friday night Thl' Card inals e>Ctended their longest winning streak since 1943 ... EL'ICwhere in the National League. Al Oliver's infield single k'Ored Rodney ScoU with the winning run an the bot- ' tom of the ninth lo give Montreal a 4-3 win over the New York Mets . Omar • Moreno drove an four runs and Bill Madloc k a nd Mike Easler each rapped three hits as Pittsburgh s napped a four.game losing streak with a 12· 10 win over the Cube in Wrigler. Field . Slxto Lezcano 1 K'CC>nd home run o f ~ the game, a three·run blast in the l2lh inning. gave San Diego a 6·3 vktory over Atlanta . .extending the Padres' winning streak to nine games, 1CCOnd-long('St In the club's his tory. The IO&S was Atlanta's MCCOnd atraight rouowing its major-league record win streak of 13 which waa snapped Thunday ' .. Con&eeutlve home runt by Art Howe and Pllll Ganer high· lighted a 'alx·run third Inning thai powered Hou.ion to a 7-3 victory over ClndnnatJ. Tom Seaver auffered his 9e00nd 106.'I In as many ded· siona for the Reds. white Joe Nlekro, 2· l . wu the winner for the ~troa. . Shearer leads at soggy New Orlea"s Beb Sllearer s loshed over wet, • SOU)' fairways to a 6·under-1N1r 66 and the first-round lead Fdday ln the raln·delayed New Orleant Open Golf Tournament. The Australian played hie bai:k nln~ ln a ~~under-par 31 . . . Sam S.ea• and 0.. Ja.-y, laklna advantaie of wtnw rWill I.hat allowed tt.n to improve t.helt U.. on thj fairway, .-:h lhOt an 8·under-per 82 to·~ th• flnt-roulad lead ln th• Leaend~ ~GOif Toutw1111M ln Au.dn, Tex.M ••• &81111' ... ,. ..... , cWW crlaky wtncs. In ''""-•• to .... t.he ifire\ .. 1'~1}4 lead In the :OflanclO CaC11 C1-6c ,, • ~.\~ P"lluclll ........ I. Cdt &M fin&_... ,n the~ of die.Drab ~to .. ..,,. dlf,....~ ........... & ........ lo the llldlWlil II Dl'llilln"Jlft aftill INI _, tt.e 100-meter vh:&orJ In lHO, rltdlr'•,.. •• 1cou•1 first l'Ompet8Uw •I· ........ • 1.000 ...... "' cwo YMll.. he,...., runt th• r"' .,d L1 000 meOrt IUle• •• .... llJt A•••t •f Lio• ·::..;Elr;;'. .... .. J1Md91 ,. ••t'-l.. Uftll.... ., ............. . . .. . •• Eagles, Vik.ings ·romp past foes . ea View, Sun et leaders <·lick E1nanc1a High 's Eaglc•11 ov<·r- came a big hurdle 1n their quc'!Jt for tht• Sea View Lt:agut.· chum plonsh ip and Marina caM..'Cl t.o 1t.K lOth straight Sunsl'I L<'agut• vu.: tory tu h1ghl1ghl l"rlday's vol leyball ac•lion. Thc Eagles ra<'l'<.i JXest Uniwr slly in three straight, winning 15-10, 15-10, 15-7 on t}w win1wr'i. floor to up thl'er n'<.•ord l" 11 I, onl' game bellt:r than riv.ii Costa Mesa. "Our big garnt· wu!> Tu<'l>tluy (J fi ve -set triumph ov<·r Co .. tJ Mt.•sa) and we foughl oN tht• tcndent·y to IN down." said Es- tam·au Coal·h M1kl· Purrwruv .. I was ncrvous aoout 11 (tht· m:itt·h> Thl•y (Un1vcr..1ty) wt•n· fighting for a playoff spot" Doug P1m·km·y. J JUn1ur out s1dt• hlllt•r. and lxtl·k row 'J>C't'IJ V(JLl.1El'RA I .. L· .. lists Bryan Boda and Jon Wallan· stood out for the winnt·rs, whdt• Un1vc·rs1 t y's Chris Mtlh·r w:.es en..: ..... with 20 kills at his mid dlt.· blot·ker post Un1vt•r.,.ty l'-now lr-4 , a ganll' oi·nmu th1rtf plat'I.' Coron<.1 dC'I Mar M<irina h;id n11 troubh· with &l1son, winntnl{ 15 4. 15-li, 1:1 Ii in a rruJtc:h thClt n ·4u111'<I 11,._ than an hour to finish • ' W l ' p I a y c· d v t· r y w t· I I tonight," said Manna Coach Tim R<'<.-d "We dtd everything wc•'r•· sup~ to do "Brian K oont1. our m1cldl1· blo<.•kt>r , had an outi.tanding blol'ktng night Its nll"t: llJ hnv<· hun bat:k " Koontz had bt.'<.·n s1dt'11rn'<.I for 3 ', Wt'(.'~ lx'<'<HJ~· of pullc'(l .. w mat·h musdcs Al!-.0 playing wt·ll within a U.1 lann·d l'ffort for Mar1n.i "",.., St.>ttt.•r Chris FlSh1'1 Founuun Valll'y n ·main1·d 1n third plal't' in thl' Suni.t•t .,tan dings with a 7 -3 n ·l·ord aftt·r rt'l'Ordmg a l!'i-4. 15·7. 12 15. 1:> -I wan over Westminster Ken Har- tt-r was the t·a talyst for th1• Ba runi. at middl1· blot'kt•r In the· South Co<tsl L<·a~u1· where .. Laguna &·at h '" tht· cl11 minC1ting t1·am. San Cll'mt>ntt· ~INC IC NEY Miu.EA ICOONT7 14AATEP W•111 •l\'l'f L:.egur1;1 lldls, ~ I ~. 1!1 H. l ~> 11 ..ind 1:>. ;, Dana Hilb downt·d M1s1>111n V1l·Jo. ;,lso 111 f11ur g.1nu ~. 1;, !J. n 15. lfi :{and 1~ ~ __ ...., Sl·oll St hwaf tthJu~h at mid dl1· blrn·k•·r .ind G1·ff Bavmc• du111111.111 .. 1 pl.tv at th•• m •t ,,;r tht· D •1l11h 111., of J>.1n:.e lldt... Thi \\ 111111 '" .11"41 plJYtoU Wf'll on d1• f1 n"' 111 11111H•1v1• 1h1•1r South (..', ... .,, l..t·;1gu1· n~:ord to 7.1 S.i n l'l1·nu·ntt· hancf1•d tht• '"phomu11· d11m1n,1tt·d Lagun,1 Hil t... ... gu.Jd J d1·h·,1t with BnJn ll . .mn1g.11l JI muldlt· hl1x k1•r and (;1•org1 Kn1ghL.., .11 "4'llt·r plaving v. di lflr tht Triton., On th• t >mmun1t\ 111llt·g" ll· V• I ( :11ld1·11 w, .... l ., ....... un'Cl IL .... ·lf ol ,1 -.tJh pl.1v11ff l.>l'rth Wllh d :J-IJ \'It lor \ 11\ • •1 hr,... I S.11ll.1 f\!ontl •• Tht· ltu ... 1lt·1 ... w 1 n 1; t:i. l~~t) l.1 H to 11111-.h -..-.·11nd in th• <•on l1·n ·rn 1 l1<·h111d S.Jllld &rh.1r;1 Br •• d S.ind1·,... .it uuL .. 1d1· h1lll'I .and I >.·nn' Smllh~.111 .Jt m1ddl1 hl111 kt·f pl.1v<·d Wr ·ll fw tl11 Hu .. 1lt·1 , Tl11 · b.otllr· frtdav n1ghl 1111 v. •'1' t h1 · -.t·t 11nd l"'"ll 1011 111 lh1 Suu1ht·r11 < ·.dllttr n1.1 ( ·11nf<·n·nt·1 v.1th S.1111.1 Monte,, l:dl111g tu 1111 rd Welch hurls blanks at Giants in 9-0 • w1n SAN FRANCISCO IAPl Bob W<·kh p11 ... t1·J tht· ..,..<·1ind ton~t·t.·ullvl·. ::.hutout ll\ n L11 ... Angl•les patt·hc•r with ,; M vt·n hitter, and Kon Ct•y drovl· m ruur runs to beat th<· San Fram·1M·11 G1anL<> 9-0 Friday night. The nght-handl'r's e ffor t t·umt· two d n y s a r le r Jerry R t• u s s blanked Houston on a onc•·hllh.'r. and thr sh uloul gavt• tht! Dod gers' staff a streak of 25 straight Innings wilhoul yielding an ear- ned run. Welch, 3-0, was supported by a 14 -hit-attac·k. mduding four by Cey Ccy hit a three-run ho mc·r in the <'1ghth. his se<.'OnJ, and Ken Landrl'aux and Stev<• Gar- vey had lhree h1L'> apl<'l't'. Mah Sc10SCl8 drove in two runs with a sacriflt.'t'' fly m the fourth and a groundout in thl' sevt.•nth OCC pulls • • into tie for lead Orange Coast College had an 11·1 lead through fo ur innings behind ace starter Ron Rooker Friday 1n the Pirall's' South Coast Conferen<.•e makeup baac- ball game agninsl visiting San Diego Mesa. but 1l rt>qulrro Scott Darling's solo ho m e r 1n the eighth inning to get the 8ucs a 15· 14 decision. The victory propels Orange Coul into a tlf' for the conference lt'ad with Cerrltoe at 10-3. Coach Mike Mayoo pulled h11 starter after four Inning• with the vic\Ory eeeminaly UIU~ In order to C"f9t Rooker for Cerrit.oe TuHday. but lneffectlv~ relief pjk:hin1 nearly tu~ the pme U...out. . ' owu.'11bomer ma6t It 16·10 .befcn ar.i IClind four mott tn the nlnth Robb MUNOn flftilly •Ml'td and put out the flre. ft.n..r.. ~ "!.• 4·for·& wt1h-2;Jt81...t·O.ve T11*9 - 3-for.e, lncludlna • doubW aiid lriJ?!! and 4 UI ·for &he ,._, l'htot'O'I ..... laldld lnpkl tft \M lh6rd lanl• rnldlt It IO·l ln , ........ --.. Torn Dugan ••••nded h • ...-.......... ah. ... ... . ,.,. '""'" '° ..... ............. " .......... , . (;1,1111-. r1111k11 Al,111 Fo~ lk<·.., '1 I .tllnv.1·d "I'< h11 ... and four run .. 111 11,.,, inning" 1n h1 ... tir-.1 lllolJOI l1 .. 1gU1• d1•ft•Jl Thi l;i"t l1v1· L""" Angc·h~ run" ~ t•rc· 1111 f 1 ltt·Vl'f D.1n Sc·hi:ilZl'· d1·1 C< .. v ll'd o(f with a douhl\' m th1• (11urth. w(•nt to third on a Stnf(lc by Uurv('Y .•nd S<:orc'<I on Sc·1r)l;c:111's S.:JlTlfll'\' t lv In ttw r111h, Stt•V(: St1x dn·w a lc·adoll walk, Landn·aux :.inglt'<I and P1'<lro Gut•rr1·ro doublt>cl past third hast to dnvP in Sax R1l·k Mund,1y d1·hv1·rt'(I a "o<tl'nfll't' fly and l't•\ tullowt'd with a HBI !oln~h· · M1111d.1v. C•·~ .md Carvl'Y ...in gll-J Ill th<· ...i•vt•nth to prodU<'t 1>11t· run l>t'fon• Sl lllSl HI'!> run 'i(·onng groundt•r 'fht vu·tor y wa~ lht• DodgN-s th1rci 111 J mw wh1I<• th<.· Giant' wt•nt du" n t11 J fourth straight dt'11 ·at Miller named top cage s tar OCALA. Flo <AP) -Wayman T1sdult• ol Tulsa. Oklu . and Chc•ryl M1lll'r uf H1vcrside wen.· n a ml' d l h '" I 9 6 2 Co n v er S l' National High School Players of thl' Y l'llf f'r1dt1y T hl· li-9 T1sdak-. 17, averagt...td 24 points and lfi.5 rebounds in his cuf"('(•r at Bobkcr T . Washingt0n ll1gh Mlllc•r. 18, 1s 6-2 Rnd has av<'- ragl'd :13 5 points and 15.4 re· bound. during her can.-cr at Poly High School. (n one game-this season. s he <.'Ored 105 points. hitting 46 or 50 fie ld·goal at· tempts Tiad• lc and M tiler led th4' All-Arntriean t8ml «impiled by the Nallonal Hi•h School At.hle- lic Coachl't .AModatJon. Brazil favorite ., Orange Coa1t OAIL Y PILOT /81turday, Aprll 24, 1982 -.. I Irvine Tiel"ney, Gasho, t~am ~p fo~ • IRVINE STARS -Mike Tierney (lef l) tossed a three-hitter and Jim Gasho had a two-run homer and 4 RBI for the Vaqueros. Marina takes Sunset lead : Manna High movt'<.I a halC game in front in the Sunset League women's softbaJJ standings with an e.ight-mning. 1-0 victory over F.clison Friday while lrvlne kept pa<.-e in the Sea View League wllh a 7-1 triumph over &.t.ancia. Marina holds a balf-game edge over F.c11son and Oct•an View who pla~ successive games on Monday and Tuesday of next wc.>ek. Ol.'t'an. View edged Westminster. 1-0. behind the 15-s trikeout pitching of Pam White. In other games, Fountain Valley s to pped Huntan1tton BeachA 8 -1~ Costa Mesa won .over ~wport Harbor, 6-~: ana San -Clemen c aefcated Laguna Bt-ach, 17-1> Saddleback dropped a 4:0 verdict to Picrc-e on the community collC'gl' level .in non-c.'OnfNcnc.-c acuon. Manna's Julie Larsen hooked up m a piU:her's battle with F.clison's Juhe Carpenter, a freshman For the sc'<.'ond ume this SC'ason , the• two teams went into extra mnmgs lo delermme a winner The lont• run came· in the t•1ghth when Jill Bellamy wai. saft.• on an error and S<.'Ored on a long dravt· by i:atc:her Gina Sanchez who had two of the· flvl' Viking h1lS Each p1tc:her had six strikeouts Ot•N in View &'Ored m the fifth on a tnplt: b) Louisa Slazar and a Mnglc by Kelly Bodl• lrv1nf:'s Lisa Martin allowed two hits a nd strul·k out 10 to improve the tt'am's re<.'Ord to 9-1 in Sea V1t'W Lt•agu1.• action. Fhcka Locke had two hats for the wmnl'r.. Nanl-e J.,ux p1tch<.'d a two-h1twr for Costa Mesa and was :i-for--1 at the plate with two RBI CdM maintains Sea View lead; Field propels Mesa;· Uni dumped · • • Mark MMtranga ¥lugged a aolo homer for the BY ROGER CAR~ON BASEB4U winners for \he only extra base hit o! tho game aa °''"-01111y ~ ti.n EI Toro pulled lo wlthin ClF playoff l.lOnaiderotJon Mike Tierney pr~vtded the.arm and. Jim Gasho with a 4-6 record. 1112 games out of third place. swung the bla bat Friday as lrvane High • Vaqueros Jim Covarrubias banged out two hlu ln tw" put the akJds to Estanc1a'1 bid for title contention Dave Rohde. who waa 2-for-3, doubled home uppearancet for the w1nnera. who put It out of with an 8-1 Sea View League baaeball dt1d11on on Gordon Moss in the flrat lnnlna and evontually rea<.•h with a three-run faith the winner's diamond. acored on a wild pitch for the game's on!)' ICO~n". t,Jnaveraity pared the lk.'Ore to 3 2 an the top of "Tierney's just a gem and Gaaho'a only f>ro· Dave Arris was 2-for-2 for the Sea Kings. but the llfth when Randy MyL·ns singled with the bases blem ~imes he goes O-for-2 and thinks hes In Mou' 17 -game hitting streak was snipped by loaded for an RBI. follow<.•d by Jet! Miller's flel- u slum~." said Irvine Coach Bob Flint. Creahman phcher Leonard Damian. der's choke "Im happy,'' said the beaming Flint. "But I know I'm going to be worried again on Tueeday." The victory keeps Irvine one game off the pace of league-leading Corona del Mar, the defending ClF 2-A and three-time league champion, which rolled to its eighth victory in 10 league 1tarta Fri- day. Tierney allowed only three hits and an unear- ned run after enterang the game with a 1.84 ERA. The Vaqueros right-hander, who tossed a one-hitter against Saddl~back r~-ently and s~ck ou.t five in 2h innings ma relief role against University, struck out five and walked just a pair. Gasho. meanwhile. was a one-man wrecking crew, 1Jft1ng a fast ball 335 feet to right for a two- run homer an the third inning and finishing the day with four RBI. thanks to a fielder's cheice in the first mning and a run-scoring single m the fifth. Irvine parlayed a bunt single, walk. fielder's choice and Jay Scott's sacrifice fly into two runs in the first inning and finished the day with a three- run sixth. combining singles from Mike Tierney, John 5<.'0tt and Mark Webster. "We were lul·ky. too," commenU!d Flint. who emphasized Estan<:ia's plight of hitting the ball squaretx. but at_pe<>ple, such~ a line dove by Jim "MtCan11l in the first Gnnlng. which was turned into a double play with runners at the corners. Irvine Is now 7-3 m league. E<itancia is 5-4-1. Elsewhere Friday. Corona del M•r 2, S8ddleback 0 Curt Petersen strut'k out nine and walked none an spinning a five-hat shutout for the league- ll•aders. who are now 14-3 overall. Boat show expands The Southern California Manne Association· Sea World Boat Show, scheduled for April 28-May 2 al the tiea World marina. Perez Cove, Mission Bay. will be twice the sire of the 1981 show held on the grounds of the San Diego stadium. according lo cha1nnan Bill Kettenburg. Coet1 Mffa I, Newport Harbor 1 Jeff Field, again, was lhe batting star for Calta Mesa as the AIJ-CIF catcher laced a pair of doubles while going 3-for-4 with 3 RBl. Jim Hyde wenl the distance, striking out six and Allowing no earned runs as Mesa upped Ila Sea View League record _to 5-4-1. Field had an RBI single m the first and RBI doubles by Field and Kirk Peurrung keyed n four-run outburst in the third ining. Mesa added two more in the {ifth against the 1-9 Sailors, keyed by Stan Kurnett's RBI single and Field followed Steve Anderson's triple in the sev- enth with a base hit for the final Costa Mesa marker. El Toro 7, Unlveralty 2 El Toro knocked Uniwrs1ty (5-5) a half game behind third place Estancia and Costa Mesa in the wild Sea View League chase. Newport Chrlatlan 12, Herltege o Three Newport pltcher-1' t.'Ombtned for the tt-am's third no-hitter in the last four games Chris Ho- ward. Randy Stwlrt and Mark Frederickson pitch- ed the no-hitter and Brian &hrc>d<'r was 2-for-3 with a home run and four RBI. Howard and David Cillay had the other two no-hitters C•platr•no Valley e, Mleelon VleJo 3 Donnie Bohlman's two-run smgle h1ghhghU!d a six-run third inning as the Cougani snapped Mis- sion V1eJ0's winning streak at 9 m the South Coast League rac'<' The dec1s1on leaves the two ul'd at the top with 9-2 record:.. four games ahead or their near.est rivals Woodbridge 25, O•k Hiiia 7 Rick LA-e's two-run homer and Sl'Oll Nolan's 4-for-5 performan{'f' at tht· plate. including a trapll' and 3 runs scored. h1ghhghted the Warriors' free- lance victory. upping their re<'Ord lo 7 -11 ---Dodgers top-television lineup Other baseball, Legends of Golf featured this afternoon By HOWARD L. HANDY 0( the D.Uy l"tlot ll•H Following are the top sports events on TV to- day. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watl·hing. v v fair. V' forgt't at ~ 10:1~ a.m., Channe l 4 V' v V' BASEBALL: St LoulS at Ph1ladelph1a. Announcers: Jue Garagiola. Tony Kubck and Mike Schmidt The red-hot St Louis Cardinals will se-nd Joa- quin Andujar (2-1) to the mound today against the Ph11lws' Dick Ruthven (0-2) The Cardinals are off to a fa!.t start wh1k· Ph1ladelph1a ts floundenng at the b<Jttom of the Easttorn DLv1S1on standines. (22-0). the USBA's 130-pound utlJst, in a scheduled 10-round bout, taped at Atlanui: City, NJ (7) - PRO BOWLING -The finals of the Firestone Tourna~nt of Champions. taped at Akron, Ohio 5 p.m. (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Taped l'OVerage of the Kentucky Derby Tnal Crom Churchill Downs an Lou1sv11lt' Also Larry Rice defc:nds has lltlt.• m National Ch<1mp1onsh1p -i.print <·ar rac·ing. tapl'd at Rossburg. Oh11J RADIO ~ball Oakland at Angels. 7 p.m . KMPC (710). Dodgers at San Franc1S(.'o, 7.:lo pm . KABC (790). Fr_om Pa.ge B 1 Melting . snow hampers anglers ~0~:::~::~;~:.~"' B I I k "II b ell-St k d a trout s.oa on opens ADJLoancen: Don Cnqu1. Bruce Devlin. J ohn SEVANO COLUMN. • raJd Raggs (Antona Sta«'>. The Rams' next c.:ho1ce wouJd be anybody's guess although another lrnt>ba<:ker ts a priority. not a lu xury. U 8 es WI e W OC e ._ Brodie and Jay Randolph Warm temperatures throughout California this The team of Sam Snead and Don January hold~ "How m&ny holes need to b<> filled'?" I cis ked Malavas1 the other day • II 7:30 p.m ., Channel 11 V' V' V' V' past week wall most lJkely trigger an early spnng J.he ll•ad m the Legends tournament at Onion Creek melt of the Sierra snowpack and could hamper OUTDOORS GoU Club in Austin, Texas They are one s hot angters this weekend as the general trout seaaon JIM ahead of Gene Littler and Bob Rosburg opcn.s. Streams along the western slopes of the Sierra NIEM IEC will be affected more than thO&e running off the "J've never been anvolvt.•d an a draft where I didn't need players." he answered. "Surt' we have some holes. but not any more than normal" "Yeah. but aren't the holes" littl<· bit bigger this year?" I counterc'<i easu•m slopes. but all wm be high and off<Olor. ---------------Those who plan to head for the high country should fmd fair to good trout ftshmg at the popular roadside lakes from Crowley lo Bridgeport, with perhaps the best lake fishing for rainbows coming from Crowley or perhaps the June Lake loop. Some of the larger lakes have received heavy stockings of brood trout in the four-to eight-pound range and many of these trophy-size trout wall be taken by anglers braving the cool{'r Wt'ather BOATS ANCHORING over deep channels and al inlets and outlets of lakes will take limits of rainbows on floating cheese bait. salmon eggs and worms. whale troJlers should !and good action on larger·fLSh. Even though the streams and creeks will be high. there s hould be some nice fish taken. During this time of the year the fish wall be responding better lo worms than salmon eggs fished in the more quiet pools ¥1d along undercut banks. Also. Showdown next for OCC women Orange Coast College women's basketball team continued on a coll1sion oourse with the Fullerton College Hornets for their showdown battle Wed- nesday night with a 66-47 South Coast Conference victory over visiting Cerritos Frtday rught. The victory improved OCC's oonterence record t0 10-1 and the overalJ mark to 21-4. Fullerton as the lone undefeated team in the circuit and Wed- nesday's battle at Orange Coast could bring a co- championsh1p to the Pirates. If the two teams ue for the cil't'uit title, they would meet Friday niqht at a neutral court to de- termine a part1c1pant in the Southern California playoCfs. In Friday's game against Cemtos, Kns Kroyer was the leading scorer for the Pirates with 19. Tammy Parker connected for 12 and Cyndi Carroll .for 10 for the OCC team. Orange Coast started in fro~t and held a com- fortable 15-point advantage at halftJme. The dect- slon was never m doubt durtng the second half as Kroyer paved the way to victory. effective during the early aeason are brass spinners cast in a quarterly d irection across a stream and retneved very slowly. Fly fishing wiU be limiU!d to big woolly wonm and nymph-type hshmg as the rainbows, browns and brook trout wall not be finding much of a hatch com.mg off the creeks to feed on. Some of the better fly fishing waters would be the Walker Rivers and the upper stretches or the Owens. , THERE ARE SOME streams that run adjacent to Highway 395 which will be closed during the early part of the season for spawning reasons. An- g lers s hould make sure that they know what streams are open before fishing. Most all lakes above 8,600 are still frozen over, with perhaps some 1~·~eet of snow piled ~n lop of the ice. Most of these high country lakes will not be opening until around July and then there is going to be access problems due to this season's heavy snow. All of this snow will produce excellent fishing conditions for all anglers heading to the higher mountains. Many Southland fresh water anglers have switched opening day sites to lakes m Southern California which regularly are stock ing trophy trout. The reason that people still head to the Sierras or Big Bear for the opening ls due mostly to tradition. A few years ago. the only place trout could be caught in the southern half of the state was at these higher elevation waters. There wasn't too much stocking of rainbows done in those days, ex- cept for a small proeram in the Santa Ana River drainage and in Trabuco Creek. NOW FRESH WATER anglers have a c hoice, and many are headln.g to lrvme Lake and the Santa Ana River Lakes to get in all the trout fishing that they could desire, and at the same time saving money. gas and expensive time, but coming home with rainbow trout on a reaular basis. lr:vine stocked 10,000 po und• of trout lhis week, many In the 8-to 12-pound clase and ah ould produce better fiahlna than a lot of the high country lakes combined. Both boat analera and shore fl.lhennen will do well on a v~:~t of lures ahd balta with black or white Rooste · being Rood lor trolli~ and Uncle Josh aalrnon eas or Zeh'• belna ~ for 1till ft.ab-• ermen. BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Francisco Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter The Dodgers send Burt Hooton after his first v1Nory or the season tonight while the Giants will cou nte r with Jim Barr. The two teams art> battling for third place m the West{'m Daviston standings behind the tornd Atlanta Braves and San D1(•go OTHER TELEVISION 1 I a.m. (51 -WCT TENNIS. 12:30 p.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -California takes on New Mexico in a series of bouts taped at Albuquerque. I :30 pm (7) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The final of the WfA championships. taped at Amc>ha Island Plantauon. Fla 3 p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 3:30 p.m. (2) CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Former WBC super featherweight champ Cor- nelius Boz.a-&iwards (33-3) vs Johnny Verderosa THINK ABOUT THI! You've heard this: "It 9;;;;;;;;;;;m;iiil•••ll .doesn't matter what you believe. aa long as you ore sux-erc." Hold It' That would ne- ver bl-allowed In the field oC mathematJca. Two pliu two Is four, and slncen or not you're wrong if you think It is fiw . Yet. ln the field of religion It 1eem1 anythlna aoea If you're · alncere. In f11d , lt isn't po- lite to hive definite con- victions &nd •h•re them. "Nice people"•~ auppolld to scramble religions to. cether and aeek peace at tht! price: ol truth. 'There 1t 1pnedtna • new form of old humanlem. lt ......_ peoele ol faith. It " .... prejudkie. And It .. popular and tnwla.ctuaUy ~.Otbdltl~ '" Amerlc• \Oday r •• ¥ .. u• tontlomeratJon of ~ .... "Yes." he says. • • • There wall be some drama surroundmg the Rams' first pick. espe<·1ally ir Malavas1 and Math don't quite agree Asked separately who would have the final say 1f there was a stalemate, Malavasa said at would be Malavasi and Math said 11 would be Math . . The honor of <·alhng m the f1ri.t pack will go lo the team's owner. Georgia Fronuere, who asked Math 1r such a move would offend him. "Can you imagine SHE asking me 1r at was OK?" Math says with a smile. • • • For what it's worth. it loolo; as if the Rams won't tab Mar't'US Allen. The Rams weren't too thralled with what they saw of Allen when they went to San Otego for an all-star pNK·t1cc. AJler). conversely. has let it be known he doesn't want to be drafted by the Rams • • The Rams have a tot.al of eight picks in the first five rounds. ancludmg the fourth and 14th S(.'k-c:Uon on round one · ESTATE IUCllOll Ill ORllllE COUllTY THll •DIYll1 P.M. V~rt1 f,_,. Vulo1,. 0•n4',.,., 1...-ludln• ~•••• t:o"R"'"'4 t'or S.S.. 81 'n.. SUPERIOR COURT, STA TE OF CALIF. loplA.r .1111 }ftffl17 ,.,._,,,.,,,_."'be'"" By ( )rdrt' ul Cr'flfllur In PUHHtlon ul SECURITY COWTERAL IN DEF AULT IBWBLBT a Dla•OllDI I I l Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 2•. 1082 ,,_ ______________________ ..... p L ~ • • . ' ., .. MAJOR LIAQUI ITANOltfOI A!Mtklan LMgue WHl9fft Ol'lleloft ~::r Kat1-C1iy OeklanO 1 .... S..llle Mwin.ota W L 0 2 " 5 7 6 8 II 6 6 7 10 7 10 ........ Dtv!Noft Oelloll Boeton ~ Mtlw-• ..... YOik T0ton10 Bal111110f• 10 s 1 6 6 6 6 6 s 1 s 9 2 10 Frldey'e lcOlff ..... 7 Oaktat>CI 7 Boe ton s f Olonto • ~ ~ Bellomo<• 7 0.ltOtl 0 N-Y0<k I Mtlwaui<• 2. Tto• I K.an-Clly 1 1 Cie...1anc1 6 Minnesota 12. S.allle • l'ct oa 6111 6N • 538 3 soo 3 . soo 3'• 41:1 s Ai2 ~ 867 "6 SOC> 500 •11 lS7 167 2 1 • 2. , .. 4 > e·, Todey'e 0- o.llland tMcC•lly t.0) •t .,,. .. , IZal'ln 2-0), I\ Oattoll I Puhnlck 0 O. 11 N•w Vo •k tM01oan 2 01 Bo.ton 1T0tre1 o 1111 T0<on10 1s1 .. b o •1 • Ch1c1110 tL•mP t 01 •I Ba1t1mo11 l~•ego<.0-21 n ,.MJlwlUl!M l'()AWldU:.h &I IJIJ(U IHOUQll_ 2-11. n C1Wel1no Jl>e<>ny 2 0111 Ken.as Ct1y (Blue 1·2), n Mlftneso" IH8""'11 I 0) al s .. 11i, fNejaon 0-31, n N•llonal ~ue w..-.... W L l'cL 04l Atlflnll San IMgo ~ Houslon " 2 867 10 • 7 t• 2'\ 1 • 467 6 S... Ftancieco Cincmn111 • 10 375 7'• s 0 357 7'• 4 11 287 9 St LOU41 Mol\ltUI ~•Voo Plttlbu•Qh cnicaqo ~ hetwn Olvi.lcwl 12 3 7 4 a 6 • 7 s 10 3 10 Ff1dey'I kef'M ~ 9 Sen F•anc•eco 0 Mon"-' s ~ 'l'o.• • 3 3', 8 7 II Ptllebutgh 12 Ctwc:eQo 10 Sen 0..00 6 All.,.,11 3 117 "'"'"9" St LO<I<• 0 l'Nlaoetpn1a 7 Hou.ton 1 Cancinnau 3 Tode1'10.-~ (Hooton 0 II II Ben Frenc..eco (8•u 0.0). n St Lou11 (Andu1ar 2 II •t Ph1l•delph11 tRuthv..-0.71 N ... VO<k rPuteo 1 11 ., Mon111al tBv< ... 0-21 P1ttsbu•O" 18au~111en 0 t) at Cn>e•go 1J-1n1 2 11 Sen Diego (E>enotltHl•Qf'• 7 71 II Allenie (Bo9g1 t 0) n C1nc1nna11 1P1alor1 1 II 81 Hou•IOn IK~l·ll11 AMERICAN LEAGUE A~e 1, A'e 2 OAK LANO CAL•OANtA • , lllM • , ltbl RHnOM II 3 2 I 0 Ooomll\Q H 4 I 2 2 Mutphy cf 4 0 0 0 ACl<OI~ n I 0 0 0 Meyet °" 4 0 ' ' l,.,,. cf 7 0 0 0 AtmU rl 2 0 0 0 Cll-ID 3 0 1 I RU(ll ti 2 0 I 1 0.Cna )0 4 0 0 0 Gto .. lb 3 0 I 0 OtlCI\ 2b I I 0 0 Spencet tb 4 o O o a.~ dh 3 7 I o l-2b 2 0 1 0 e.n.c:iu.r ,, 0 0 0 0 Melley 2b 2 0 I 0 ~Olt II 4 7 2 2 Heet" c 4 0 0 0 8oot><t c 3 ' ' ' PIOQOIO 11 2 0 1 0 8u<Qht Ph I 0 0 0 FStenly H 0 0 0 0 C>hnM Pll I 0 0 0 l ot .. • 34 2 7 7 Tot .. • /!) 1 1 6 le«• by .......... Oal<IANI tOO 000 010 2 C•1IOfn1a 133 000 00• 7 E Murpny OP On 11nd 3 LOB Olllll•nd 7 C1lll0<n11 7 2B H•nO.rton C•r-HR Downing (II) S8 H41<\09fton 2 S ~2 2 SI' Catew O•leftd If' H fl ~fl M 10 ~ (l.2 I) 2 4 S 5 4 1 JJonet • 32283 Callf0tnle FOllQll (W 2 II 9 2 2 Keough pllo:n.d 10 I 1>1111• '" Ille 7nd WP Fottc.h. K .. ough PB He11n r 2 37 A 36 sas Gncn ~ c ....... Lynn s.tlOt Oowf\oOQ 0..• 0.Concon F11guaon ~I FOlf RI JIClo.aon 8urlelon MOfeno Soon«• Ro Ject<eon 104111 H..- Aase z.t,n Rer>llo SaneMl Wiii Kleon FOllCAI M«eno &eftn--. ~Het'etff eATTlMO Aa II H ltfll 34 6 II 0 !)I 3 16 0 St 12 16 0 SI 7 te o 87 9 1t 2 .. '' 19 6 IS I 4 0 se e is 3 8 I 2 0 ,. 1 • 0 !)1 5 11 0 •9 I 0 0 •s • 1 o 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 H1 U 152 11 mc...o H M IO lfcl )2:) 4 314 6 31• 3 310 • 299 12 297 1 2M 11 258 0 "° 2 n2 s 211 3 114 2 15e 0 000 0 000 0 000 62 2e2 •· 41 17 2 210 11 2 92 17 2 16 I 34 I Ill 2 4 I 3 10 15 3 1 00 • 9 16 11 II 21 tO 14 1·1 4 • 2 0 2 5 2-1 2 4 2·0 I 10 t-0 1 10 0-0 a a 2-1 9 6 1-1 3 1 0-0 Totalt 161' • 131 lS6 67 11-5 IU 000 t 02 104 1.64 111 2 04 220 238 270 4 16 , .. NAflONAL LIAOW • Dodf«9 t, G&Mte 0 t..otANOSLll .... ,~o . , ""' ... 211 :s 1 0 0 ltnOI•• Cl • 2 3 0 Ouef•• ff 6 ' 2 ' Mof\dey II 3 I 1 1 -, 11111 C0."1a cl 4 0 I 0 MOlllll" 111 4 0 1 0 MlnlOll p 0 0 0 0 Clerkrt 40 10 ~" 00 0 0 ~ 31> • 3 4. '~•3110 0 0 0 Gtw"41Y 11> 5 0 S 1 5-l•c 2002 RuUollf .. ' 0 0 0 °'1• Pll 1 0 0 0 64"1N19• •• 0 0 0 0 Wiien p 5 0 1 0 RSm•I" 111 4 0 0 0 Suft\11111 H 4 0 I 0 Ev11111 31> 3 0 I 0 RM.om C, 4 0 0 0 LeM11t tt 3 0 t 0 Fowlh•010 10 l.lllllUtY p 0 0 0 0 KUii* Oii 1 0 0 0 &hll~Or p 0 0 0 0 Beulot ph I o o o Sul•J"r 21> O O 0 0 Total• 37 9 14 o To1111 33 o 1 o ac ... by lnnlftee lot Afl9411N 000 130 230 0 Sen Ftlt\C1tc0 000 000 000 O E Summera OP LO• Ang•IH '· ••n Frencl1co 1 L08 -LOI AnQ•I .. 11 Sen F•ancll(O 7 28-Sum"'4Ht c.y, Guwr .. o Q.,v•y HR-C•V 12) S B L•nd•Hua SF Sciotc;a Monoev Lot A~ W~IW.3-01 If' NII I aa 10 9 1 0 0 I 4 ,_,,~ F-1• .. IL2-ll l•""' S<l>al~- M•nton • WP FOW>ll .. • • 6 .. ~ '> I 0 0 3 8 s 6 I I 0 0 T-3 07 A -25.~09 l•-S. Me\e. 4 s I 0 l 2 I I ~ V0tk 010 110 001-4 7 0 MOl'llr .. I 000 2 1 I 00 1 S 11 0 Jone•. Swen (61 lynch (7) 0101co (01 Allln 191 ""° St-ne. GullOChOfl "-"don 191 and Carter W -Re11don (2 OJ L 0.osco t0-21 HR-,._ VO<k l(lf\Ofl'WI (6) Montreal 011>'•• 131 Crorn1111e 131 A IS 470 lllf .... 12. Ctee IO P1n1Du1gn CM I 140 I 10 12 17 3 ChlC~o 210 200 131 tO 16 1 Solomon, MOU<llU (6~ Scufry 161 Tekuh•• 1e1 eno Pen1 NOIM RC>i.y (51. ~· (71, He•n1ndet 19) and 0••1t w Solomon fl-21 l Nolet IZ·21 S-Teitulv• ( 11 HR P.loll&llutgll. Th0<1llleon Pl ~ $\1\0· '*II 2121 wooos 111 A 6 sn c .. 111,.. •. Ptlll"" 2 SI Louil 000 303 300 9 11 2 Ph1ledelpli1a 101 000 000 2 0 I FO<tch Ba.r 19) and P011., Tenec41, K•u--°"' BIUMI., ~~ Monge (61 Reed (II end 01u \111911 W Fo11c" 13 01 L Krukow I' 21 HR St LOUI~-HendtlCl t•I 0 Sm11n 121 A 26611 ,._,.,_, Sen 0..00 001 100 000 0 13 6 I:' 0 Allenl• 000 10 I 000 010-3 6 2 LOiiar L uc:u 111) CMtw I 111 Ind Keo11..0y G .. 0M11 P .,._,o McWtth•ms 1111 Henn• 1111 Camp 1121 end S.n.coe1 W Cn111., 1Hl1 l CMICll2·11 HR S.,, 0..00 lOilll 1 •1 Lu ceno 2 (~I Allanla Hubb••d I 11 A 17 105 Atlr" 7.~J c.nc.n,..11 000 000 300 3 II 0 HolnlQfl 008 00 I 00• -7 10 0 s ..... Eoei.n 131 p,,,. •71 Shuley Ill end l••••no J N••o L.Cou 111 •nd At no, w J N••-•o t2· 11 L -SHvlf 10-21 HR Hou11on Ho w• 121 Garn•• (ti A 2l 4S2 Top 10 <-....t Oft n •• ut•l AMllllCAN LlAOUf G U A H l'cl EMun•y e.lhmote 17 49 S 2!> '> 10 GWolt()ll OllrOll 9 27 1 I? U4 Cabell 0.HOtl IS 61 1 76 476 HW•lll1 C-an<I 12 41 13 20 •26 Mc&tlde ~ 11 29 !) 12 .. ,. C-MllW,....kfl" 17 St T i1 '1~ Oa.-8alhm0<" 12 "° q 16 •OO P.ac00t~ C".CllQO I I • 3 • IT :MIS '°'0 r 0<onto 10 26 l 1 t :>fl3 RJohnaon Mtnn 12 •6 6 Ill 311 t ~lllun• O.Wnt,.., ........ e; Hrt>ek Mln....011 6 Th0tnton Ctev.iand ~ He11•h Cle•• lend 4 Ogi.v .. M.,,..._ .. • "-.. ""hi Hr-M~a 17 OQlntt• M1tw1U• .. 16 fl\OfntOl'I Cle•.iancl 15 Ollt KenH• City ti ....., S.a111e t• l>ltdllfto (2 0.Cleleft•) fu<IOf eo.ton 3-0 Hoyt Cl"UOO 3 0 Ftoel KenSM °"' 3~ F llannt••• ~·" t• 3 0 81yl•v•n Clevet•nd 2·0 O•nny Cl•••••nO 2-0 Gu•dr, N•• Yor-i,.o Motven .._vor~ 2-0 a.nc:M~A,...._ 2-o; ~.,...... 2-o; 8uln• c"~ 2 a W•li1amt M1t11M-.Ot• '0 Oa1w1n le••• 2.0 NATl<*Al UAOUI 0 A8 Ill H lfct Wooch C'-"'90 8 n • n u• GrMO SI lOUte 1~ 3 1 3 13 4111 HernM<lel SI LOU>• 1!> S4 12 12 407 TP-Po11-;::;., t I 46 3 11 391 ~· • '' a '2 at _.., -.4orefan<I en~ IS SS s 2 I 382 LeiCll>O Siii O'-t~ ~ 12 21 375 a ... o.nn ......... Y0t•.. a~ ~ 13 311 Au.i-S•n 0..00 11 32 t<4 11 ~4 Mii' Ban FrencltOO 12 36 4 13 3•2 Mom. llufte 1(1ngman, New Vork, 9. Moreland Chi· cago, 4 Htn<lrlek. St lOUta. • MUlph~ At lanle, 4 9 folO W1fll 3 ,._•an.cl"' 1(1nom111 N-Vortc t6; KH1 nendr. St LOUii , ... Buclont11 C"laQO 13 H<lndtoc;k St l.OUll 13 Murpny, An~1 13 l u car>o s ... IMQo. 1a l>hc ...... (2 0.CWoftel r0taon St ~ 3-0 w*' ~·· J-0; lleerdon Mon••••I 2-0 Mure 61 L_,. 2..0 M-AU.,,la. 2.0 McW141"'11 Allenll 2..0 CMt• Sen 018eo 2..0 c..t111 s ... Ooeoo 2..0 coe.,,. Lent a.ectl li.t. 4, UC lrvlM 0 UC In/WM 000 000 000 0 3 0 LC>t>Q 8Mct> St 100 100 20ll -• e o Soma Hlc;.lo• m wenoer 1•1 eno llam11d A1J01ft11 ano V1tn w A1mirt1 110 •I L-Solne (2·31 28 -Houp lll l T01r" ILl l. Gone.,_ llBI l(elclln« (\JCll 8CIA et8ftdtnge . • L -PeoptrOIM fO 2 Cat St F\lllllton 10 4 I UC S.,,.. 8at'ber1 I 6 3 u or tan o..eo 1 • 3•., UClrot1ne1 6 85 Cal St lot~ 4 8 6 Loyo11Marymounl ~ t I lOf\Q lletldl SI 3 10 7'' ,,..,.. 8oorM LC>nQ 8Ncl\ St •. UC lnllM 0 Cat 61 Lot Ange181 0, Cal St Fuflet\on 6 (1 1 NWllOt) l.oyoj'e llWyrnount 9. U, ot Sen Olego I Peoc>etd>M 8, UC 8'"1• 8¥b•r1 0 TodtJ't GaMM (-) LOl\fl llMch St 11 UC'"'-(dhl Cl l SI Fullel'IOI\ at C•I St l.o1 Ang .... ldh) - Loyole MlfYl"OU"l at U Of Sen Olego f dh) ~ 11 UC Sen .. B#bOfa Cotledl aoot.a 0qpman 1e, c.rst.w ~ 1 Ctlttot,,,. 1 USC 2 W ....... tl.OMH411e7 Woodb11CJQ41 322 31( 121 J 2• 11 ~ O.Hf,.._ 0030'6 00 7 4e tv1i.•, Wt" !ti tt;n111te 101 •no Not1n, Ll'tl•on KlllCl'ltll)' Ill Ind l.1no11on w-....... l LlllllOll H O_. (WI Mof• 11110 (WI t klli\11101 IWl Kenovtlly COHI L1ngtlon (OHi H I.lie llrVI Nol111 !WI l.,11aon (Otll Hiii t.. .. (W) C_tr_V...,l,MIM6MVletf3 • M••"°" Vl8j0 100 002 0 3 I 2 C8'>'tll lllO Vfllley 008 000 a -I •'f'" I Mad'(lll\ L•YMQUe m Ind eau1• '~"· O•t .. 1111 and l'lltllt W flnCll l Mlld!Otlt\ HA WllltMIMn (MYI .... ~ Cllit.defl II, .... ftaee 0 HetllllQt 000 000 0-0 0 3 NewPOtl CMeuen 000 IH A 12 12 1 St Cl•I•• 0.01111 (4) •no Ale11,,0••. Howero 8tu111 141. 'r•Otr1ci.aon (II ltld Mccown W lluert, •-1 L It c111,. 38 HOWllO (NCI, J tu111 INCi HA lcllltd41t (NCI HIQH ICHOOL 8TANOINOI ... Vi.w Leae,:e Coron• det Me/ o 2L ~ 01 Irvine T 3 0 Cotti Motl S • I bl1nc;l• 5 4 I J·~ 2· .. Un1v.,ally ~ 5 0 ~fOIO 4 8 0 S10C1i.t>eek 4 0 0 Nt""90fl HatOOt I 0 0 Prldafe lcOtH Colona a.I Mat 2 S.ooi.ba<-k 0 l•YI,,. I Eatlt\QI I Coete MMe I ~PO<I H8'bot I El f0<0 1, Un1-11ly 2 .. .......,-.-.. btanc:IA al COtona CM4 M., Vn•-•IY 11 '""'PO'' H.,W llV!ftl •I Sld<l-Kk £1TOIO 11 CO.II...._. 8°"1h Co.et Leque w l Cac»11teno 11.u.ry MISMOll \liejc> 0-Hlllt ll>QUl\A Ho•a s ... c-. •• l8QUlll 8Mcn II 1 II 1 ~ e ~ I> 6 " fl10ef'• IJC«ff C.0.ttteno \/•INiy 0 Mlt"'°'1 \1 .. ,0 l ()one H1ll1 6 Legvn8 Hotls 2 ~ Ctenlllnl• • Leoun• BHCll s ..... ..,., .• o.m •• M1a..on Y-io 11 Sin Clemente 0-1111i. •1 Cap111ta.no \/alley l 8QUlll Hiiia II L<141u11• e...cn , • 4 7 • • 4 g lunMt Le119ue • ~W L oa f<l•tQ<1 >tun1mgl0t1 8-l(h r ounta111 VlllllY M•f•nl Ooeen\llew WMlm1MI• . ' I 3 I Today'e o ...... 5 J 5 J , s 6 6 fountain v.11., II Hunhn91on B••Ch rn00t11 M•ron1 "' Eoraon at M•le S<iu••• P11~ 17 pml Loe A .. mltoe FJllOA r9 MIU\. Tl (SJ!d of ............... _,,,.I Ptllll llAC!. 0... m ... 1v1 Juel A Smootn11 12 eo 4 80 3 .t0 Athl<ly L0td tP8'~ .. I 4 .tO 4 60 ~ J-(Byelll 10 20 Al•u ••c•d f u1 0 v UY•• O•le l•d Ulef004ll H-8ounO IOI QIOly Knigtll 811QtO<t (11 10flflfO ''"'" 2 00 .,~ U l:XACTA 11 41 P•IO S61 80 81COHO llACI Ot,. ""i. p..ce M1 N M tPlll~l!r) 8 00 l 80 2 80 M \I P ILOflOOI 4 00 7 00 S" U4'11• IAul>tl\I 7 00 Al10 ,.,.d Sn1 .. F •P•d•l1uu Monto•ey a.~1• AM t Rn,mm !.nae, o.t St"' •P· _, !""" 701 llS THlllO llACI o ... mdf' t•.o<P Anqoote lier (.o\nOetlll,nJ 4 60 2 60 2 20 ~l>of"ler Anni 15,...,...,, l llO ~ ?0 w..,.,1n 1C.•OQAan1 • 70 Al•o 1ecltd B••vell• s..._ond Tno<19hll ~u•>Oec• ,.,_,..a Go1I t.,.,. 100 llS 12 UACTA tl 11 ,,..., $6 60 ~C>Vftn. llACI 0-.. ,,,... ~" lnO,.., 5,..., .. 1G'IUCl<,...,1 • llO J 40 H•'• -I 11•Jtnpjl I Ren, In I 6 80 NO ( 4C:..M ILOOQOI 2 !IQ • 60 1 ao A1to r"""2 C11a1>1ve o.1 Allrld Ann Oe"-1 ,_ 7000 ...nt MCI. One ..... -Deni•'• Ef\ON¥Or (lOflOOI 11 00 8 80 S 80 •.,•lier •VdvO•Hul ~ 60 l 40 Ptf1<h Hol 1P.,~ .. I • (j() Ai.c> rllCAO Klllv llO<Mt Qt...,., r....., Sly l~ OleM M"'11118 Win• lie Happy H1I end Rllh hnt 2 00 11& U lltACU l'-11 paid U S 80 llX'T" llACI. One mile ~ Solid Fuel (GoudrMuj 4 40 2 00 2 40 Reotdllf IC•"1C>l>""I 2 80 2 40 OI\ Alound (Mefoleill 2 80 Alta •iaoed Ooc • Hlj)py 8r8•kwm<1 1..,... I S7 ?15 llVINTH llACl. One m•lf' P•<A We)Ov9f (Sl>etrenl I"> 00 1 20 S !IO S"aoy H~I Donna tCOt,..I 13 80 0 ?O LI lt>.O.. IV~I I ?Cl Alto r1c;ed Spotlight Seng• ul~O"' ~·Rote ~l­Tome 157 215 12 lJCACTA " 71 IHl'O$1114 20 12 ,.CK 81X 13•J 6 • I 21 Plld S6 121 Wllh IOUI Wlnn'"9 •ttto••• lll• hor ... 1 $2 Poe' So OOl\M>l4illon p..o S 12 I 00 wtlll 7 3 ... 1n ""'<I llC~•tt 11 .... hortoffl llGMTM llAC. 0... """" PK« Ncona IC.ew!orOI 10 20 7 20 • 40 Slftkmg (~I 4 40 4 .tO Gunt>erlet (0 Bt-1 9 20 Alto •~ 8oofl119 Of1Y1 Wtl\fiekJ Alm- btO CrutMtwey l~rUlrOQ l.OIO .._.. ''"'° 1.maz .. T-169•• tit IUCTA (12) ~ "4 20 N9fTH RACl One mfle .,_ 011111 Royal IK...oterl 3 IO 3 40 Z 40 AnOy'e Hounc!JSl-1'11111\) 0 ..0 S IO BtlCll ~ ( -~hem) 2 80 Alto reced ~ .. -Bocly Checllllf. A l WM111 lpotty Oicl Al. Fl.ully f'tanto K 8 King Time 202 116 91 IXACTA Ill 81 paid ~I 00 UITmi~~~~ One mi .. nr HO •IO A•""'°"• lllMYIJ 7 20 5.80 Wiil H_,_ (Camc>bttfl 11 20 At10 r•~ Mall., l•pr11e, lr•1101n11 trOrl, A•ndom Wlnjl. C1m Fella, lummet Sii::., ~ ~-... .. tt llAC1'A (f.71,... -- ~ UCl, Q.11 ... ,_., l'll•ton IAnelet-) 4 00 3 00 2 80 Oom • .., (~ .uo ..., vouno Heot 11tn«rw1I UO Alto r..O M-4 Loti.11. OIMIOut 9oy, HllldOYlt T-111.1iie1. L C'e ~Cl.~..., lo Ttmt t~ M UACTA (I-ti ... lat 20 ~ . • • OffM Y ... 1, w .. tl'lllMMr I 0c4.,, V-000 OtO 0 I 8 0 W .. llMltl., 000 000 0 0 4 4 WIWI• l"CI hlclll. Pfllll'9t 11\d ~ 28 L ... "'1•t0VI ,._,....,., ,ov1 tfvN1,ltl_.., bl-010 000 0 ' " ltlllf• 002 013 • 1• 1 I C11r11tm81\ 8'\CI Vl9'h«, M•rlln 1110 Ko ,..recn ~ • K-ecll Ill YllUlel 11!1 Coeta W.,. 1, IWWl*'l ~ 2 Co.II M4IN 001 21il 0 I 13 f N9wPO<t H.,bOf 000 OOJ O 2 t ~ lu1 I/Id McAi..t, MkK .. Yly M CI MMI Die H l.1111 ICM) ._ c---. 11, LleUM ...... 0 LIQUl\1 8Mdl 000 000 0 0 8 ' Sen C""*'I• IO 1 1• I a t7 11 I 6'0Wt1 llflO Wtdi.Mlt, tlooc:IN. Chtltttn-' (&) and LOCllllWI W l uc;c;1n1 l Srown 211 lOCkh•rt !IC) 31 -LOOlllll (6CI HHa AQMW (IC), R1dl1\ !SCI New OrlHnt Ope" llob sn..,., 31 3S 66 ~Oii HOC:n 33 )4 6/ 4•m Co+t411 3~ 32 er C.eotg<o Arc:h<it )7 36 U L arty l>eQi.t •• d -4 68 Jom S""""' 1l·lS-68 Rc;n C.'lmmln • l4 • 34 68 ('J<••t T11voM><1nu 'lS ,. 00 Sle•• M4"nyt. 14 JS 6'1 Jly HIH .M JS 1111 o ••• f~o.to-< jA ~ 611 rom """~'"• 3• h ev• '"'"II t>o .. •• 13 '>ii Gii 911,,, J-~~ 1l·l1 10 I on Holtkle J7 3J 70 B•H 1<r11r ... 1 34·38 10 II~ C11,.., }J )8 7 1 O•n Pcmt • 36-35 7 t fiun Stoeo J<4 37 7 t Gii M0tgftn 3• )7 7 I M••• t'•Y•• 3J·39 11 t>t111 "•'>COC• :l4 3 7 11 Gary 110<.h '.16 3~ 71 JoM Coo• 3$ 36 11 lou G•llhllm 31 34 I 1 Mar• Pf9'1 34 37 71 Tom WalM>n 311 3.l 71 Brue. F ... -~I Willy Arm1lm"ll 3S·36 7 I (.n1u &..,-• 3~,36 11 Uob £~" '"c.W 36 3~ 1 t l 1n<ly Moll•" 37 34 71 J.c• "''"" '•u• 16 :IS 1 I Eric 8nll..n )6 j(I 1' VIH\Ct: Hf",.,,,., 'j4 31 11 S.11u a • .,.11 JT JS n Odo Hall<l<,tt<>n )7 JS 7~ '<><•nl re1te• "' :>e 77 0...•t WdlV>'t )S.)7 12 P"''I Ar1nu1 J6 )6 72 Stht: '"""'" l~·37 77 J•m '"'""' '6 J6 n Aroc, a.... 16 l6 12 u. ..... 11 l4 l& n Joo, Mullll ti 36 n Elob A........... )6·36 72 Cl•• o ro ..... a, JS 11 n ._.,,,,,. ~... jf, )4 ,~ f..,' tArd• )6-:u. 12 Don Poolt!, >6·31 77 Ortendo i...dy c1 ... 1c (llOflando ""' "•'"'!'"°"'_.,. f)tilftf\A 'Nt't•te """' s • .-.... ~.na, .... ,.ff"t' hnt~f'T\&1,_ ~-I~ • i,illi 5,att~ l1t1k- J,.n St~IM>I' .. ,....oe • ..,., Notf• f l CrCA"I p.,ft'1'f.1n Jane A~, J• tnnietf~ f(.,, ~" Jf(l(t e • .,,,. .. l"''' tiu•n<J40 J(.I A1tfl4I' L.•r hm ~,.,,,-,,.Vt.tit CW.t1h"' Au.,t•n <>•"' t<J91!1•no C ur<;+tt JrJ C•lf1MJtt 5•nd•.a ,,~, J~ J' t.6 3~..3~ lO ,. 36 10 J7 )3 70 •II 14 70 '" Jl 71 lb·J~ 11 '4 l1 Tl ·~ 111 71 J1 J• /I l1 )~ 71 16 .lll Tl ~6 )(, 11 1; H 11 H J~ 12 35-37 71 11 J~ , i Jt. 36 n 1f .• :'l11 n 16 3'> Tl , Ai.n Kina Cl1Nlo , .. u.-v .... , ~ ......... Jln1my COMOfl Clef Otev1 0tn11m. 1·1 l-0 .. r\QY Meyw cM1 8118<1 GOlllrleCI 1·& 6 O. 0-Ma~ dtl Johan K•ltll. 1·3. 8 4 Mii• (Omondaon Oaf A•ul Rem11., 8·:1 ' 0 (INtlat.111) WCT tournem•nl (MO..) 011«1«1tftll alnalff \1111y A1111111a1 04'! .111 .. lu•• c 1e1c. 8 7 111 11 ~ ~ • a ... H•rd court lourn•m•nt 111 aov1,....,.ou111, !nglano) 0U¥llfflllel 1111111.e H••u-'•rt•Cly d&I JOH H1uu•• •• 6 3 4 (, 0 4 Minuet Oranttte 0..1 P•bl<:> Art•r• ti~ It l ArlQ"I Glrnff1et out l'~ut Mt.N•"- l 6 1 I, ti 1 Jo" 1 "''' O•"""r" ""' u, .. ,, ~ h1lw111r-1p r, ',/ ~ 4 Women'• tourn•m•nl (al Amell1 !eland, Fla I S.mlllnef ll091e1 Lhh t ,. .. ,, t lf't1d 1Jtot 8-to'f•l•4 Huou• It 6 l ColleQ• OJAI TIXHINAMl.lfl ln111~1.ie Olvlolon Third llouftd lln9lee Ov110• tHC r , ,,. d•• t/, t t • u .... f'f,lt $ f:, r.,a... '•·'•'wt A ... 1(..t1.1t1tn.i:H t "> • • Ou.wtettlftal ~ ?vt<i• 0• I N••J U 11'l21' "ljD1 ... I t> I St1t<Uw r) • ~ ftf\ ~ ~J·"~ •· 4 c,, .. ,.,. t tJ fj 4 I> 0 9-ond ........ d °""~· Owu:lt'•S11.d~• 1rt1 cJtt •'' • J• ,, ... 1111 IU'.l•V• t, r U Op.n Olwl•lon Finl Round 0-bleo R•mo,. ''•I'''" t L hYtn•'I ch t f.-'\etiitt l,.jf\.,_., (P"OPttfd1N I 6·4 tJ ~ .. t-4r.J•f't.-1~ :tn P•Wt.lN· 1u<110 .. 1 {,t ;i,.t,.eil (:S,.}ff lftUtUMf•f' CJulf•U f ~ I ' lecond Round Ooubl .. ftllnrtJT •~tr1ir..,.,.. Cf1't w~~IJ ,., aom11r tiJri,•tl I I (> l 6 'i ...,,.,,.,.'¥ Benh )m 1( 11lllo1n1"t 11,.f Mri'''"'' 11 µ•JH .. re-> if, 1 •, .. , ' Community colleo• OJAI lOUAHAMENf Thltd Aouna 11n11i.• F.oo-iy 10.anoe Cou11 0.1 Lecl .. men tGOIOen w ... , 6 " t 1 ~I "" HJt ""0" C.,.,,.-'lf <>-' N•\&ae, ~"''I• Mf'Jf'\• ·t. 1 t. S '· 8 7 S1rob1 •S:•dd1~b•c., t d .. t \11911 1',•••'• Roi.tf 6 1 (. I 5'..•1f ,,..t 1ft1,1d<J~lJM'1I CJ•f ~••ev IG't'nd~ • t • ) F-lh II-91nvi.o F.,o., ... , d•I 0 c:.., S4n 0·"00 ~--· I ' 6 I .. '''"' ,,. I p,.J)(._. rf .,11 tltlQn~ t; J t .. «ittt>t I dt I Ro tJJtn p ,.., ,.. 6 'l , '2 f '1 Sc•1hf"•"" Ot-f C.har~ J.. _,, r 1 f J; .g ~-Round °""'*" Olmtleed-Mlllw IS-I Oel WM ~ln\j fl•~ .t ... ldl ( t t I f t'O<I .. • r El<IA\iO ~Ota 14)• {_(.Jilltf d• I f.tlt '.Ar ultnu·~" ... ,....,.,,."'' f. ' ,, 1 Tl\lrd "°"'nd ll09leo '''" '" "' M 11.-, ,.,..,, n ,,,,, ... , 1, •tr r " r • t} i 6 • r .. dtl• , A<_,o,,j,, U•'' HO I tti•I P t"1'1lt!tf ..,_, ti Aol mlf f f1 J " College women OJAI tOUANAMENl Third Aouftd 11"9'" Miiie M)'tfl !UC 1""'-I de! Mo.rlton tf>11> .JoM State) 6-1 6 2. Bu•ll'" (St.,,t01dl def l<eotllnQ IUC tnrlM I. 6-2 f>. t Fou11" Round s1no1 .. M t101t0t• 1•,1antmd1 J..-f M.ttl-i My••1\ I 1, '' Thltd Round 00<.1b1•1 Mtr1• l.A .. hnda M 1ftt ttJ( ""'"", cJt·f ... thull C-~MKJ 1P•JCC>e'td•11t,11 ' '; ••ft t.1 '2 ... ,.., •ott.yball • COMlllUHITY COLUU Ciol~n WHI dfOI 'I n•• M mt• 1" tl I~ .. ,, • MION tCHOOl ltllntta Otl U11•v•r101y l'I 10 M 10 l!t· 1 Fl TOIO Ot11 lt>'one I~ 10 I~ 1:1 ll>-6 M111111 def ldta<o<i t• 4 t"> 6 t~ I ,_,al .. V1lley d•I WHtmlntt.. 16-4 ·~ 7 II 1& t•. • ()..-• Holl9 0-' tA, "''" v .. ,., I'> 11 l'I '" I~ 3 I~~ B••' l••m•HI• thtf I •uuni.t ._,,u, 9 1& 1:,. ·~ 11 ,. 7 NBA pl•rott• PAELIMlffAll'i ftOUNO ..... ol ll1tffl f••l•fn Conl•t•nc• frlO•r • k0< .. '1/11\h nu101 03 ,.. .... '"""' 9? I/ .nh•rtr.Jh,,.; w n .... flt. :'-fh .. h•t..MJ pr. . ., ii" AUJt1lot -t ~,. •.h IJf .. ~ ... l\4"f .... 2 o, Wnt.,n Conference fr~,. kOf .. •·hr,., • tlft (>w,,...,. 10 ... ,.. 1..-u t t1 H 1.nl'>f1 IJ1 .... Ill•· 0 f ,.,.,.. I rd 1 U l Ol\lfhl • o ..... l'f .,, •• ,~ ....... ... ...,.,.o ..... .,.,. t• •• ~,,. .. "" CONFElllNCf IEMIFIHAL ( .. et of .. v.,,1 EMI.,,. Conf11ence l unctar • Oa,.... V\ •M IO(;I• .. , .. fU\4;1•ol , .. lo#Wi!IHk •• Pt .. , .... ,., f COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN Or•noe CoHt tfl. Cerrllo1 '7 CllllfllTO• flODl•1•12 Poo• 8 ,., ...... , ,, l ,,,., '' l • ,_, ,, , rot~I 1f' '' /4 47 OllANO( COAIT ( 1111~')"' ti r. •'•ml tf) •Ao1ti I, r,<JOI ' 1r11J.-1~ f'!h ,1 f( ''1r•' 'loow•·" lc.1..i-~ l"' ~u ,,.,....,., h 't__t" t~•fll1f1'f' (Jr•'~• l hJ'tf jlj /J 1 1l1•I t'ull" C,_,HIM \f, Or t i')• t n1t•l ]CJ • ..... ,1, U ~""' C..il"ot& tOCC• L .C.,rt • 1t..1 Women HIOH SCHOO\. u..i•9fl l1, 71 (I lOle 47 •O J• ,-. r.~ J .. # .a •·' ,.,. ( " " $80 1 p"""_.., 1U1 '1 '" 1, Mio-t Fo..,.,, lU !,,,i'')~ (I IT)t11t t ,., •' \ I •)00 t t H t• t <. ;tn ff 'I •'!# ' l OL 1-i ••• •fll 50 F 440 #f!f•, ' n1 ... to'• 1, ·...o 7 ~ ........... , 1 11 f(>t"r.;, .. ,. .. ' HJ ' ·~.i •lll'.,'l ,p.,. ru•r• "J• ' 011.,,., IJt l 'f'4i 01 t (, 1uu~ .. ,, ff ' .. 7 Frld•Y'• lr•nHctlon• 8All8AU. Am•f'k:•n l••OY4t ·~ tv• 1r l f li•·f l•f P A·'""'"' r '" t 1(1 "II f ,., 'If t 1 , , 11 1 H lu1\ ()ti (ti, f It) V UlfttUll•' I I''" I l t' t lf"lllQ"I,. Nl.JC NOTICE Pt&.IC NOTICE PlB.JC NOTICC PUil.iC MOTICE FK:TI'TIOU9 .,._ .. N.u.ITA~ The lollowlng P«IOl\I ,,. dOl"Q "'*,.. .. BUSIN ESS l.OGIC 18113 Ofenge A,,_, No c eo.IJI Meal!.. Caltfornia 92627 C11r11oph•r Jonflllll\ Burke. 18113 Or1nge Ho C . Coile MHe. c.i11orn1a 112627 Mark Wtr1"41/ 1893 Ofenge No c eo.1• Mela. ~-tornlt 92e27 Thlt bu..,_. .. conouc1ed Dy genet"ll~ Jon~• flllt at•l-1 .... fli«l with I Counly Cler1I of O.ange County Apfll IS. t982 FtCTITIOUI IU..... FtCTrTIOUI IUllNEH NAm ITATu.tn' ~ ITAT'll9WT Tiie f.ollowlng P9flON> .,, OOtnG Hoe following pe,.on l'I doing ~.. ou--. .. OE JAY EHTEAPAlSES 1241 NATIONAL PHOTO OF COSTA 8oulh Wright SlrMI 811111 Ana MESA. 19111 An•llelm St Co111 caltlomle 112705 M-. Ce 112627 Olivid Sullenge1. 9 I 8 Hyd• 8r11 Al11n Bewr 199f Anlhelrr Court Colle M•u C111torn11 St. Coet• Mela. C. 112627 112628 Thtt 00-1t conouc1.o Dy an JMnne N 5'Jlengtr. 1118 Hy<le lndlviduel Coull Coil• Me•• Ca11lo1n1a Bret A a...., 112121 Thia llJll-t ..,. .. hied Wtlh Iha This bufl,,... •• ~Id l>Y an Counr, Cieri! of Orange County on tndlvlOval .\pt~ 9 1982 D•Y>d L Su11en9er l't-1 Tiiie atattmnenl wu lited ""1h 11141 Publ11lled Or1ng1 COHI O.i1, County Ct«lr Of Or&n(jC! County on Pilot Api•I 10 11 24 M•v , tfl82 ApfM 16, 1982 ' 1602 82 l'ICTITIOU9 .,_ .. MAltlt 1 lA TEMUfT ThOI·~----.-­.. All 50UIHfllH PA1,.r HG CO_, PAHV 21110 8 OAfENVlllf 9A,.fA AfifA (A 91~ • '""~ .... I •0"'1 J<nn B GRH.N Vil l f ',A••' J. A•<4A C.A 81•t)..t '"'' b4.I•"'••• .-.. tonouc.1.0 t>y an W\ -t N'llft\M l f CM ''"' •'•'•"'•'"' ••• ftteo ""'" the Cout111 "_....• o• O.~ C:O...-•r on ~ ' IN7 "-" Pubttth.O Orang• Coa•~ 011fy Ptto• Apt-3 >O 17 1• 1M7 1~-17 f1tnlt Publllhed Or•ng• COHI Dell PllOt, Ai><ll 17, 24, Uty I, 8, 1912 1700-8 F117'* Pu1>U1htd Or•ng• Cont 01Uy P1to1, ApfM 17, 2f. Mey 1, 8, 1912 1706-82 Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF FRANCES DORTHEA Nl.IC NOTICE '1CTmOU8 llUU.H NAME ITATl•NT l M fOllOwfng P9f tonl .,. dOlng 1>uatnu1 H M & M Enterprl•H 28000 VII Fabrle8nl11, MIUlon VltjO, Celllotnl8 92ff1 MldlMI Cllar._ HoullOI!. 515'h Auel• Avenue. Corona d•I Mer, Callfomle 92626 Mlc;ll Egger. 2218 PIC111C A.,.. ,_, eo.11 Mesi. c.lffomla 82127 Thie ~ ,. ~e<I by • ltmtted pennerehip Mict>MI C Houlton TNt •·•-t -flltld with the County Clert! of Or andil> Coun1y on Aprl IS. tN2 '1na. Pubflah•O Ore no• COHI D•llr Ptk>I, Al>fll 17, 24. Mey 1, 8. lff2 170342 PtCTn"IOU9 .,... .. ,.._eTA'lWlllU(T The~ --.. Ooltlo --.. CAEATt\1£ OCCASIONS, 240 ,._ pott c..,,., °'1••. luU• 100 Newpotl 8Mcn, CA t2MO S-1114 Ht,..,.,,.. 117 hplanade .....,,.. CA t271S Tit<• .,.,._, • 'on0uc1ec1 °" an In· dMdu9I 8-llM-Tlllo 1111emen1 •U lll•d with Ill• Couftly ~ ol 0r.,.. County on Aprt 1 1112 FlCTTTIOUI IU .... 11 JONES aka FRANCES D. MA• ITAnM(NT The IOllOW1ng pereone .,, doing JONES AND OF PETITION oustneu u TO ADMINISTER ESTATE GREAT EXPECTATIONS/ NO •113060 NEWPORT BEACH, 4100 BtrCh St • " ' _ • 102, Hewi>or1 e..cn. ca 112880 To 1111 ht:'trs, bent>fKU.neois. Suun lannllll, 12662 Browning cr <.•d1l0r'! <1nd <-o nllngenl St . Sant• Ana. Cl 82705 t l'rdtlont of f'ra~'t."I Dortht-a R1c1111d A Slurglll 3582 J . d , h -GrMnlleld Av• • lot Angel .. , Ce one"' <1n pc:rsoru. w o may 8003A be OlhNWl4't' 1nlt'f(•Slt'd Jn Thlt bulinMI le c:onc1uc1ec1 1>y • the w ill and/or C!llall' generel par1nerlhip A petition has been filed by A~A St11tg1" Thie tt11 w11 tlltd w1111111e Wtlll11m Mosell'y .lone~ in County o.rti of Ofenge County on l h <' S u p e r 1 o r <: u u r t o I ,_. .\pt~ II 1992 ,._ O rang1· C:oun1y reque-.ung ""b""'" Ot•nee eo .. 1 o aur P11ot. -M 1 Aott J IO 11 t4 lM2 15«-tJ Publlthed Oreng• Coett Delly lhAl William OS(> <'Y Jon<~ NI.JC NOTICE P.to1 APftt to 11. 2• May 1 1912 be appomtro as fX'niOn.JI re- -----------•_,8_1_•~..e._2 prt'~t'nt11t1vc to ndm1n1ster l'ICTITIOUI 8U91M1il flta.JC NOTICE lh<' e!llalt> of Frances Dor- NAMI ITATW•NT lht'a J on<'S (und~r the Ind~ The IOflOWlno P9fll0"4 ere dOlng .....,. ""ndi•nt Adminiatr auon of ------------1 ~a: OflA.NOll COUNTY ,..~ ..cnnoua.,.... N.8 efrEAPRl8£8, 301'.t 3-41h ~AL COU9tT FataH ... Acl ) 11w pt'!Jllon IS Th • .,..:: :.!::::':" ..... bu.. Ill • Newpot1 a..cti. Ce. 926'0 IOUTH olUOtCIAL Dtallt.ICT M"l for hNattnf( m lkpl No 3 _ • Sco'1 am.ton. 301'ti 34tl'I S.. 10U3 CtOWft Vthr '-'•er ot 700 C1v1<. C'l'nle r Drive. OELTON l!AtlHO. 3210. av .... H9'flll)Ot'l lleed\, Ce. 92MO "---..... CA l2C11 w h c r s • ..-• ..,,.. Mt. CA tt704 Jon Ahodee, 116 3-4th SI •B. PLAINTIFF Jl;FFAEY " ANOLE, ('It. In t t' 11y 0 ant• OELL J SHOH!llV, UOt •u•n• Newpot1 &eectl, c. 92te0 • minor by ANN G ANQl.E. hl• Anti. <.:1.1llforn10 o n May l2. ~r.'l~~~o~2:~:71,otMI 'l'homH AOtH, 108 34th SL GU81'dian Ad l.H~ 1982 Ill 9:30 0 m ~ CltJw, El T0to, CA t113f, •A, Newpot1 Beecll, Ce. 92800 DEFENDANT-OREO SCIARAOT-IF YOU QBJ~CT lo the K•••N LL LIOw"' -ff,1, 1 T ........... ...__ '• -uc1..., bv 1 TA, In lndlvlduel and dOlng bUM· ..._,;."o;;.., ll Tor;":t_A IKJO orn ~-.. ~:"°""' - ' n.11 H MISSION HILLS MASON· l(ranUng of the peutlon, you l\AHOY w UOf!O. 11m Hlllll l'ord lklott S-ton RY, •lld 00£8 1 • 5. 1nc1u11... should either appcur al the ,,._, O Toro. CA t:tao THI•~ -flied '#Cit\ Ille WMoel*I hcarina and 1uite your ob· r•--1teono..eledDJ•...,..• eountr•CfetkOfOrll)OeCoun1yon C-...,111114 j " fll · b ,.......,.t. J 8l\OaOlr}' Apt'M t . IH2 MOTICll y.., "8we llMn etMld. ccllo n s o r r written o - 11111 •l•tel\fltnt ... lll•d wltll th• ,,.n TM~ _, dedde ....,.., y.u J<'Ctlon with the court be· ~CllrllOfOr.,...o-MyonAflt 1. PUbllthed Or1nge CoHt D•lly wltll011l JMt Mlftt......., tltWMI fort' th~ hearing Your ap· 1tl2. ,__ P110t APfll 10, 17, 2•, M1y I, lllU -"",......... ...... •.,.."-eel rv•ArOnl'l' may be in person 1e1e.12 .... .,.,n,•••n ...... r -l>ulllllllM °'.,... eo .. 1 Delly ltllot, ___________ .,.. " you with 10 ... ,,,. llCMoe o. or by your •Uomey ,.,,,. i. 10, 1'· '"' tta f....., Pia.IC tltl( en 111orn•y In 11111 melter. you IF YOU ARE A CREDl- etiollld do eo Pf9'"PllY to thtll 'I04it TOR or a rontin~nt creditor ~ COUltT °" :::':::!°"""'II tny, !'Ny bl fl. O( fht• c.lecu1ed . you mu1t C~ ~•W 1M M4M • ......,_ fllr your claim with ttit' COUNTY°' CMtAN011 ,._., .-.. ... ..., court or present 1t to th~ ............... I. •• ' ... I illlf ••• -l ti ef •VAMI At.Vttf TUC1 ·--fer ... \H. , ........... , ••• penona ~pre!9rnt.a Vt' •P-Clllllle ef .._, .... '-• .....,,_ 1111111 ......... po1n~ by \}w COW'\ wit.run CAim MO. A-1m11 four mont,),. (totn the dat4 of o• HZ ORDa TO SI Uetecl dllMe IOllcltar • -flrl\ lsau•n« or Jett ra .. '\!Z~=' ~~..:.::.::::·provided In S«Uon 700 of WHl"IAI lvtne AMn Tvckllf, de Hte fftlll•te, 911 t•IP_.•ltt \he Probllte Code o( CallfOt"· ,...._, ,_...., • pe1111011 "'"" ......., 11 .._, ~ ,_.. • ola. Th• \lme for tmn1 ._. ee.... of .. eourt tor en°""" , ,,111 ... • ..,.. · · ...... ........_ wtU ..i---~ "'"~ I llt!M from , TO THI OIPINOANT A aM1 ._._ not "''""' ..--._..AMI'\ TllCll• to lvene AMn '°"'''''"t 11u 11-.n "'"•rt"-to four mont.hl from lhe date ii~lj-~ ...... .....,.. ~. w ~ """ .. or lhe n.rtnc no\bd ·~ J. ..... ......, .. ....,..,,.,.,.,..,_..... YOU MAY EXAMINE .. ~ :.-:-:. ..:-.::::-.::-~ uw file-~l by u. court. lf ~ ....... ...,..... .. -........... )'OU ~ "' the ... - UNlea ... -... """....,.. .. '8tef-)'OU ... , filtl • ~ " .... ~ ... _,......_..of 11111 with tht c,our\ '° ~•v• =----.. _,,..:i.:~ ~I ~Of ~ IJW ... . ....... ...-:: tor:V Of .... _.. ... .. ••• , ..... :; .. •'Ulm _ ... .... ·-=--.,\.\..,~ ~ct..,. ... ... ~ n.J'lll'I· I 00 I or •Iii• C.Ufernla ... ...--. .• _.,. '*':'...\..-....... Ceda. . ..-......... =-=:-,;,. I J -Baptist ·Village thrives in Israel By J E NNIE GOLDMAN Ho1r1a11e1 h•lu•H Writer KFAR HaBAPTJSTl. Israel -Saplist Vil- lage ts an Intriguing example of Christian life In Israel. It is located 10 miles north of Tel Aviv near the Medite rranean coast, in a pastoral setting of or- chards and open fields. The tin y community of three American families and a dot.en o r so volun-' leers devotes Its energies lo summer camps and year-round t'<>nferences at Its spacious facllities, the nurturing and harvesting of citrus fruits and its renowned choir. The director of Baptist Village iB the Rev. Don Mantooth. originally from Tennessee. He and his wife, Suzanne, were assigned here by America's Southern Baptist Convention, which sponsors and staffs the village. In all, the Convention has about 30 representatives living and working in Israel, and Baptist Village is their center. As summer approaches, the community moves into high gear for its program of children's camps. About 500 youngsters from up and d o wn the country take pert 1n the camps, which are organiz.ed in language groups: English, Arabic, Hebrew, French and German With lush orange and grapefruit orchards rol· ling into the distance all around, life at Baptis t Village also has its agricultural side. During t he picking season. the c.'Ommunity expands as young volunteers arnve from the United St.ates to lend a hand The fruit 1s sent to an lsraeH marketing c..'00-~ratlVe nnc.t Chen if's exported. -· · Baptist Village a lso has been active in a diffe- rent kind of national undertaking -Israel's as· sistance to the Southern Le banese villagers who C'rOSS through the "Good Fence" on the <.'Ountry's northe rn border. seekmg he lp. Many sick and in- JUred Leban~ have received treatment in hospitals in the Tel Aviv area, and Baptist Village offers the patlC'nts' rclauves a place. AP Wlr•pholo Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 24. 1982 Workshops, lectures on agenda - R E CYCLING GOD'S LOVE as tht• them<> of u youth workshop at Chrlal College. lrvine, Sunduy .at 12·30 p .m . Keynote speuker 111 to be Steven Sonnenberg, <.'OOrdlnator for youth mlntstrws for the Lutheran Church In Edmonton, Allx-rta, Ca- nada. A SILVE R ANNIVE RSARY all day celebration la planned by the Cap111lrano Valley Baptist C hurch beginning with the 9:30 a.m. services Sunday. Fest1v1lles also wall Include food, games. displays and movies. SP E AKE R at the 9 and 10:30 am and 7:30 ~.m . services Sunday at the Huntington Beac h Church of Religious Science will be Terry Mt·Bridt.'. founder of Everybody Wins semjnars. The chu,.ch 1s located at 2223 Main St A WORKSHOP m natural fanuly plann ing will take place at St. Kahan Catholic Church. Mtss1on Vie.)O, at 7:30 p.m. Monday and on May 24, June 'J.7 and July 2~. SP ECIAL Bible School classes for retarded childten and adults are held at 8:30 and 10 a.m a t t he Firs t Christian Church, 1207 Main St .. Hunt- ington Beach CHURCH IDTIS held Mo nday at th<.• Irvine Cnnst Country Club. Newport Beach. ... A SEMINiR 0 11 ml'd1lauo11 will bt.> prt'M'lltt.'t.I at 7 p.m. Thursday at tht· &overly 11111' S.w1nga. ..ind Loan building, Lagunu li1lll> Spcm!>Or 1i. thl' Chun.•h of Religious Scienc.'t', Laguna B«u<.·h .. NEWPOR T CENTER, U11tf11·d Ml•th11d111 t Church , l 60LMarguer1tc Av<·. Corona dt•I M•r. will prell(mt a film. entitled "Sh<Apmg tht• Will W1tt 11,ut Breaking the Spirit." Sunday at 7 p 111 WILLIAM WENKE hd.!o 1,.,..11 1tJ1111'cl c ha11111an of tht.> building !1nant·1• c<mHn1111 •(· u l th1 S11uth Coast Cummunity Chun·h Wc·nkt will 111 111 d1.11 gt• of raising $6 5 million lur butld111~: L111lit11 .... un the• newly U('(jUtrC'd 10-a c·rt• paru·I 1111 Bo1111.1 C".111""" Road, Irvine. ORDAINED -Sergio Carrillo, the first black priest ordained by the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami, is embraced by Archbishop Edward McCarthy during ordination. A WEEKE ND R E TRE AT for Catholic w1dowi.-. and widowers is being ht'ld this weekc•nd at Marywood Center, Orange A GOLF TO UR NAMENT to tx·ndlt tht• ath- leuc dc·partm<•nts at Mater Ot.•1 High School will be ANTI-SE MIT IS M l l'li AMERICA "'111 ht d15 cussed at tht' mc-eun~ of thl· Or«Angt· C11u1H \' Ch,1p· tt•r . Ame rican Jew1i.h Comm1llt-t . .a • :w pm Monday at thl' Newpol't B<·at·h homo 111 H1t..i .ind Robert Tclll'r Sp<.•akc·r w1ll Ix· M1lt1111 I lm1111• 11 .. 11,, AJC national d1r<'<'tor of resc.·<in h ,Jlld ""' 11111.111on i.t>rvkes P E R FORMING in tht I h111.1I I• ··tl\.tl ,11 St Ct•c1ha Catholic Chunh. Tui.1111 ""ill 111 tht St:-. Simon and Jud(.• choir undt'r th1· d11l-t 111111 •1f Hu k Lopez with Tom Stahl Jt tht' org..an Woodblock helps church BALTIMORE (AP) -The finan· clally troubl<-d Shady Sid<' Epi$(.'Opal Chun.:h has a nt•w lt·aM.· on hft'. thanks to a 1960 blond actor A woodblock print, g1v<.•n in tht• nanw of a d ct•castc'd parish10ncr and hung inausp1c·1ously in a chapel, turru; o ut to be tht· wo rk of 15th n·ntury German ar.1st Albrt'<:ht Durt•r . c.·hur<.·h ret:tor the RPv Wilham Rob<.•y said It l'Ould be worth thousands :>f doJJars. appra1St·~ said "The re w people that wt·rt· awart' of 1t d1M.·ounted 1t, sayin~. 'If 1t wcrl' real, why would 1t bt· hanging here'?" Hobt·y said The print. he t>a1d, "c.'Ould pos.-.1bly saVl' the partsh " by helping It overt'Om<• a $5,000 shortfall in incoml'. Shady S1dl' has 85 members ~ South Coast Community Church Services 8: 30 A.M . & 10· 1 S A M Cor ona de l M ar H1qh School '1101 Ecl<.lblufl Or (Qr1in.1 ,,, 1 M.t• "Stres!j: Handling The Hurt~•• Tim T imni1111' '111•al..i11J.! ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY Freedom of Worship An "You've tried the r~. NOW try the BEST!" •••· Dr ...... c.••--.... ,,.... arw. h ...... .... n...pt c.....-c111rc11 ,_.., s.r.tce A ,,_,., Clllrcll '" .. .,...........,.... .... ..... A.M. "AnAINING ,.ACI Of MIND'' .................... Otfk•H..644-l'rtt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llAANC'.Hf'I OI IMC ...c)lM[A CMVRCM TH( ftAS• ('MUMCH OI CH<!l,.f "IC1(NllSI IN BO'llON MA'ljACMU'IE P S "Probation After Death" Sunday, April 25th, 1982 C"t. MeN -Ant C'-d of Ctritt, Sc*'"tt JIH....._Y~Dr.,C..teMne C"-'di 6 S-., Sc .... -t 0:00 A.M. ....... -.2 ........... Dr. 9 A...M.-+.JO , ................ w . W.& 7-7:Jt r.w. -9-9:JO r.w. •"• -Ant a.-ca. of c..nat, Scl1..et .. 1-e..s--... ..... -.... ~ 4161 ... , ... _ ...... , ... , Clllrdl 6 S..., kt.eel -I 0:00 A.M. CH'l.0 CN\l l"AOYOEO At SUftOAY SEIWICf llwllqtu .._. -Ant Clllll-dl of Cllrht. Sc ..... .... °'"· ........... . C ..... IS..., Sc .... -I 0:00 .u4. 1....,.a--u1 ...... s.. ~ .._. -First Ce.dt of Clrist, Ul ... Drt•• C ..... 6 S-., ScMel -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--214 ,.,.... A ... Me_,.. IMdl -Arlt Ce-dt of C~st, Sc ..... JJIJ ... L.We. ......,_. ..... . Clllntt I S-., ScMel -9:00 I I t:JO A.M. 1"'61t 1-. JJI I Yle Lw. ....... w.-• A.M.-1 r.M. ,...,_ 7 ,9 , ...... ChlOC.."'-f~ t3(>1!3C)AM '°'S"""'T- ... .,.. IMcll -S.C..e a.rcll ef Clwitt, Sc..... ' Jtooredfk•._Dr~c-.. ..._., • Clllntt I S-., ScJleee -I O:Oe A.M I 1....,.1--noo,·1.e...t:;-c.,. WB. ~ TlmMOMY-Yl ... S- t P.M. ALL CHmCHIS U ... ~-IO '"'-INc-_..,..._IN __ °' .... "'~-CllM c_.. ,,...*4 AT~ ~YJCIS ~w.:..C-h-u-rc~h-o_f_S_t_. _M_a_tth_e_w_b_y-th_e_S_e_a~1 • .--MST--M1-NS111--WTHBtAN---Qtl*>t---- ,,,admoMi/ Epl•cop•'' IH41 ...._A,,. I IM. .. to S.. Dte99 '-Y· 6 We f I its ~'-1 .HOLY COMMUNION · Each Sunday· 9:00 AM _ wo.•.._ ·--.J.. (Book of Cotrmon Pra~ • 11121) _.._... _,.._..,. MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Hellotr6pe, Coron• de/ Mar Tht an.,,_. tWtfeW-11z,.z201 -ST.JOlltS THI .... scorM. C...at ... COSTA NllA • ., StrHt., 0...,. • ._ 1:00 twy c... ·- I 0:00 ~oly hcltarist I 0:00 s-l9y Scltool 'Nur..,yC.e ........ ~ ..... ,,. t.Ylc• 141-ZZJ1 1:)0 fi f O:tf AJit . I ,ASTOi JO& A. S~M PHOM HM2H CtmST CM I M1asourl Synod! 760 Ylc .... St .. c..e. ...... ........ ,_,,..._-6Jl·l'lt w6bHIP SHYtcl-•II 6 11:00 A.M. ..., w-1 ......... a--~·· A.M. Qrtetlm w-1 -,...,.. S.rmon T opk April ..25th 9 100 & 10130 A.M. Terry Mclrlde • • Gvett Spealier I ~ CHUICH O' IB.HM~S ~llMCI Memt>« of tri. Unll9d Church of Rellgloue Science ICACl.W' \lllJ..4IOt IUfTt •I rm WMt ITlllllT HUNT!lfOT~ HA°"' CA -.e -·•o..-i , ~.== IClll&IO~A M ~• A COllAI. WO.COME FIOM T1IE UllTtD Clftlmt Df CtlllST c~c-. CMCllCAn.Al 611 H ....... A,,.~ c_.,..._ 644-7400 D...WW.lllh.MWttw IO.u4.-S...,W ...... c"""'" lk'\00'....., ... _ C:-• 011111111 CMMCAT*Al CStl )40 St ......... . .. ..................... . 4t4-IO" . "°""' M. HTMOU»S MAl.AllT A ... UTHOU>S ........... HAllOI CMUSTIAH CHUaCH IDltc.,... .,f Cllrittl 2401 tr-ri.. .t S.... I ..... 64'-1111 Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MAB NfSIYTBtlAH <K.-at ......,.. Dr. 6 J•• 1rff, "-~ heclt b•. W--. Mc~ I••· T~ w .... '-": ~ .._.__, ..... ~IMdele , .... Chvrc-h Schoel & Aclvh Ooa~ -9 00 o m Wonhip Sen.Ke -I 0·00 o.m C.-...... S•nk•• For lllf« Cel 644-1 l4 I . ·Ph pHot 1tl1 l, ll11qrctlll1 ill11t1 l ( 1111rl11 nu' ..OAD ST .. MIWPOn MACH UZ-2740 S_.., S.,..lce -I 0:30 A.M. 0 JISUS, THI HIALIR" ,ASTOi fOMT CUITO A _.... WekCMM frOfl'I THE UMITID METHODIST CHURCH Costa M"" MST.,..,.. MITHOCMST CHUICH 19th $1 a Harbor Blvd • Cllwcll Sc-.. t:JO ' W enlllp I 0:45 Charles 0 Clark. M1n1srer COSta Meu NOrth MlSAYIDI Huntington Be.ct\ ""'.,...,.. MnMootsTCHUICH 2721 17th SI 63&-3537 W....,$erYk..: lt:ll- 11...,_., c-. "" ........... Clllrclt Sctlee6-f:OO ._ U""9 MITHOINST CHUICH w ...... a.rcti w-1 l:Jt • I .... A.Jil. Dr.W...1.Shtll Fountain V .. tey M.l'llNTID cAlilfeWA IYTMlllA NeWC)Of1 BHC:t\ 1400W 81lboaBlvd 2CHUICH 873~3805 18225 SI, Rev AC>bef1 Sheperd. Jr 9 · J w..-a a...11 s..... Dr CarrOll E ...;.; ordJ ~1ni11ec tiHA.M. w..-a~.....-...,..,...._./hrC.. .~ ... AM.-, ............ PX - MIWPOIT C..,_..,. MITHODIST .................. c.... ....... '4W741 W ..... & Chwdl Scheel -9130 A.M. ~··-~" , .... w. . -~.,... C .... TIAM~ ..................... _.,. Ch 11 ••AIWMI .. ...., ............. ... ..... , ....... _....,..,... ........ ,.~~· ......... This Sunday Worship In ST. AHDHWS NESIYTBIAH CHUICH 600 <;r AndrPw<; Road • NPwf)rY! BF< art> • I' 11 :>~Ar ~._,...A.~ .W •• '•.tor W•nh1p S..Ytee t -7 30..8 4 S ond 10 IS A ~ 7 30 om I 4S om 10 IS om "This 11 The Day" Dr. John A. Huttmen Jr Pr•ac:hlng '•o~s lnfonh Thrv IC1ncl9fgo,t11n Child Co•• lnfonh Tlwv Adult Oone• lnfonh Thfu 6th Gtode & Adult Clone• AIC thlpM e 64S-U22 Cwauwffy ,resbyterian Churc-h 415 ,....,. A•e .• L ...... a-c• 4'4-7SU Rev Arthur J Tankersley RPv Cra•Q Williams Chrtsltan Education Hour 9 00-1 O 00 AM Worship -10 15 AM -"' CAlll ""°"IOU> n AU. Mll•ICU P'RESIYTBUAN CHURCH OF THE COVEHAHT 2150 f9r-,few Id., Costa MeM -S57-JJ40 ... A. ..,.,.. . '"tOf" Tctry M'Canne D11~101 ol Youth Mu• 11,. Howard K1l1ton. Director 01 Adull M1n1t.tn1· Don M addo11. Director 01 Singles Mln1<;trt1"• ~ W.,... -1:10 & I 0:00 A.M. QirdiSdlool-~ttwvAdllth 10:00 A.M. ....._., cere ...... -l:lO & I 0:00 A.M. '"'"' -7:00 , .M . CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. wit-, Cette MeM 64S-) It I We re A Going Glowing Growing Ch irch S\MOA Y SHvtCH ltlll STUDY 9 A.M. WO.SH!r I 0 A w & " ~ .M 10 a .m . -"God'5 Providen ce" 6 p .m . -"Ethics In Matthew " ,_. "'-. MWstw -D ... C•. ,_... MWtM -AL HAHOll llfOtlM,......,. S......_SW'Ykn Fri4ey ...... 1:15 ,.M, • • p q , q , ,...., StnlU ,.... ""*" ..... _.. .. 7:)0 , ...... Rabbi Be<nard ~ King Jamt1o•Pt> & (&'llblult Or Music Ane $h1kler Newoort Beach Cahf Educator Nancy Levin p.,. lwfw aaAt• c• '44-720> 411V-..nW- TEMPLE SHARON . ~ 1Cc>nv•r11at1vr1 ¥ Pre-School -Hebrew A Sunday School Ba1/M1tzvah Training - Youth Group -S1s1erhOO<I Services Friday. 8 15 pm Set , 9 15 am Sun .. 9 30 am RABI HERSHEL BROOKS 817 Wnt Hamilton, Co•t• M•H 131·3292 m1:J• n:i .. •• s. ta10 IHAllA T lllYICU • M,.t ,..,... ......... .... MIWf'OeT........., f M'lly S.W. • 11t Friday of Month -7 30 ~holoUt School, Adult Ed., Yout.h Groupe, S1ng1•1 I Ol t C••••tll. ... .,.,. INcti&.fU..._...I .... "' ........................ .AttenJ 9~e Ckurck Of Your e~oice .. Orange Co••J OAILY PILOT/81turd1y, Apr11 24, 1982 • -SOlOns' • • • 1nact1on / By THOMAS 0 . ELIAS What are the two most Important law1 passed in California sin<.-e 1970? Nol man y politicians would name anything besides Proposition 13 and the 1972 Coastal ln1tiative. Bolh reached the ballot because more ·than 300,000 voters wanted them there. 'fhe popular movements spurring them were the end products of inaction. ln- Pplilude or lack of <.'Ourage on the part of c.?lectcd officials who igno re d major problems so long that voters took matters into their own hands. Yet every two years. like clockwork. C..'OmpJamts about 1mt1auves -and now about lhe newly-resurrected referendum process, too -surface just as elecuon t'nmpa1gns get into full swing. battles and voters' frustration ai. they watched problems grow while pohtkaans failed to act. Proposition 13 passed, not bt.>cuUBe of inadequate 11nalys.is, but because the sky roc keting prope rty values of the mid-I 970s promised to push property taxes past the limits of what most Cal- ifornians could artord. Like this year's water issue, the pro- perty t.ax is.sue was thoroughly hashed out long bf!fore It came to a vote. The voters who overwhelmingly pa5S(..od it got lower taxes -exactly what they want- ed. The chances are moat will get what they want once again this spring Thomas Elias, a free-lance columnist based in Santa Monica. apalyzes slate issues; T~----­ ,~ • • IT IS HAPPE NING aguin this year, as vowrs look ahead to a June ballot with a reforendum on proposed multi-billion dollar additions to the state Water Pro- ,ect and an in1uauve designed to ehm1- nate criminal plea bargaining and pro- vide more aid to crimr v1cums. There 1s also a referendum on reapporuonmenl and an initiative• on 1m:ome tax mdt"xmg. States reassess crime comm1ss1ons Each is a compl<•x issue -too com- plex, some say, for the voters to decidc on their ~wn .... "Various ballot propositions . sel- dom receive the tou~h press scrutiny ClllfDRNIA f OCUS ~:nous candidates undergo." writ.cs Les Frnntis, a de puty chief of staff m Junmy C.irter's White House and the latest w1·ll -µubhc1z.ed m1lJat1ve cnllc. "The issues, the• potential bencf1c1a- rn-.;. the <.'OSts and the.· <."Onsequenccs of a p<irt1<.·u lar measure' ar e .. too often ~hiss<'<.l over until too lat.e," he argul>s. "f rnna1n c·onvin<:C'd that Propos1tton I :j 1 arril·d largely bt•<"aUSf' 1t was insuff1 1 tl•ntly <1nalyU'd 1n 1~ earhl'Sl days" Fnmt'1s. hkt> "'°"t cnll<."S of the m1t1a- t1V<'. ignores Lhl' rC'<:ord. which amply J1·monstratcs a d1•l•p-seattod voter skt•p· llUi.m 0( lfi8 ~m llallves plac't'(l on tht• b<dlot s ince H1r<.im J ohnson's Progres- 111vc.-s set up the proc.·ess. barely 20 per- l'l'nt have pass<'d. TH E MIX OF ren•nt losers suggcsts that Lhe process rcsJslS domination by ideological extremists of any stripe Vo- ll~rs turned down t'nv1ronmentalist· !>ponsorcd measun~ to ban new atomi<" p<Jwer plants and to forbid romplet1on of tht· N<'w Melones Dam on the Stanislaus R1v<>r Bu.l they paSlilt'd lhe Coastal ln- 1L1at1ve, wht<:h eventually gave Califor- n1<1 somt' of the nation's toughest watl•rfront development regulations Tht•y voted d o wn a conservat1vc- h.wkt'l.I measure.' lo ban local rent-rontrol l<iws anywhere in the state, but passed the· Proposition 13 property tax limits, and Proposition I. with its restncLions on '4. hoot busing for integration. both in- 'lp1rc:d by con!icrvat1ve groups. Then thc·v turned thumbs down on Howard .Jar-Vis' proposed income tax cutbacks Even campaign finances are not a sure 1nd1cator of how an Initiative battle waJJ HO. Backers ot the anti-rent control mea- . ure, for instance, outspent their foes by .• wide margin and still lost bddly. ABOUT THE ONLY certain barometer 111 a ballot measure's chances is thLS: Ir polb show a maJOrity of Californians ._ \'I-ant a change. but politicians resist 1t hl•t:ause of pressures from special inte-1· ri•'>ts, the voters Qf ten are willing to act • 1n their own. Both the Coastal In1t1at1ve and Propos1t1on 13 iuew from such extended Bv DA VE GOLDBERG A~ Newe ... tu,. Writer With 'he demise of the fodcral aKcncy that provided their mon~y. many state law enfon·cmenl commissions .!re dis- banding. Others are still in t•x1stence. and how they rare may prov1d<• an in- sight 1nlo the potenual suct:~"l'I of the Reagan administration's New !''t•dC'ra- hsm. The reason for the shuffle 1s the phaseout of the Law Enforcement A$ist- ance Administration, which betwc•en 1968 and 1980 appropriated nearly $8 billion to states for police departments and ancillary faciliues like courts. prtSOns and probauon departments. Its offspring were Lht' state t·ommissions. st•t up to p:irc:el out mont.>y <·oming 1n from Washington. The LEAA dtl'S April 30, Vlt:llm of a t·onsen!>US n•ac·hed during the Carter administration that 1t was too t:umbt>r- some, too waswful. too bureaut·ruuc A..;;, a re:mlt. many of the state <'Ommiss1on.-.. M'l up to handle the money and papN- work ~Jr(• also dying BUT NOT ALL. Some stat(•s hav<.· absorbed the be-st (eatur<.-s of tht• LEAA into their own budgets, running them from th(• govc•mor's or attomt'y g•:n<·ral's office or public safety and stclte police dt•partmcnts Others have· found e nough s ta te J!lOney to make thc (·omm1ssions pemmnc•nt Many are wailing for some fcderttl program several proposab art' pl·nding in Congress to rl'plac-r tht· LEAA That dcvt·lopmcnt porlt·nds what ..Pn~1dcnt Reagan_pr;ol>OM'd in his Stat.t.· of th<• Union Address turning uv<'T hrn•tofore f edl·ral progr<.ims lo the l>t<Jtl'S "Whut's happ<:nmg in lhe states t·er · t.ain ly t-ould be a porh•nt or tht• future 1r lht• m:w federalism gOC'S through," SCJY!> Gwt•n Holdl•n of the Nal1cmal Criminal Juslll'<' A. .. soc1ation. a Wa!)hmgwn ttdvo- t'ttlt· uf the· d1sparal<' l>lalt• law enfun·e mt·nt ugcmclt.'S "Thl· LEAA was a dassic CaM' or th(' bloc.k grant -'hNe'i. the· money, you hand It out.· Now tht.• burden 1s on lhe 11tat('!'" They're going to have t.o dc'Cidc what g<'ls priority in l'runinal JUStll'C and tht· rt'latt>d so<.·1al serv1<'l'S Jn a way, ha- ving less money can ht•lp Wh<·n thcn:'s monl'y, everybody's JUmpin1ot in looking for h1' p1c'lt.' of the pw " M.,, Holdc·n 1s on<• of mdny law l'n · forcem<•nt profoss1onals who c:om•t•dt•\ that LEAA's lime to dw has t'Omt• CREATED AS A rei;ponse to w1d1:- s pread urban noting m tht• lat.t: '60s. tht· agc·ncy in 11.!. early years poun'CI milhoru. into anti-not equ1pmc·nt hkc· armored personnel earners for '>mall «1t1cs and count11'1> with problelll.l> httll' wor~e than ll't•n-ag .. rs congregating on ~lrC't>t t:or- n(•n. It was aJso th<' kind of burc.·aul-ral'y that'!. an c.•asy target for budget·l·utwr,;; PICK TIIE CHAAACICR WMO FOR YM MA~ REPRESENTED 1HE \N'raRESTS OF BJ6 POWER COMPANIES. (KMr.MLS OOMtS WJIIT) B. ~:H-ix·rix·tuating, 1t l'rt.'aled a nl'W lay<•r of gov£'rnmt•nt whose funcuon w<1s to wrvl' simply a ... a t•ondu1t, and gl:'nc•rawd bu~dles or papt·r Om· c·x~mple tht· HltiH law t•rc-atmg tfw agt•nt·y mver<'Cf 10 p.~•~ in the· Congr~.,1onal Rt'l'Ord, an an1tmd m<·nt pas.'>t.>d in thc• mid-'701' t"bwn-<J HO paJ(l'S. ' Mun·ovl•r. for whalt·ver rc·ai.on, th1· t•rimt• rate• roi.t· stPad1 ly during 1h1• LEAA'S' lift•llmc· Dt•fc•ndc·r.. of the ft>dt·ral conl'epl "''Y 1L' must c.·ndunng l Jntnbut1on may h.1v1· hN·n t11 g<'t l<tw enforcement uff1uab thinking about l'QOrdmaLed effort.\ "l don't think many people an• sorry to IK'<' the LEAA ~o." says Ms Holdl·n "But somt'lhmg ought to r£•plac"<' 11 You have to realize that if you pc:trole some· onc from prison. that has an errcct on tht· probation departmt•nti. and may havt· an effect on Lht• 1.-r1nw rat<· I think th<· LEAA got pt•oplt• to at·knuwl<•dgc· that what hapJX•ns 1n om· an·;.. of l;1 v. (•nfurc.-ement has n·ll·vanc.v in anotht·r " WHAT'S EMERGING in th<· LEAA'i. pl1Jn· rt-fle<'l!> th1• l'o:.t:c.·onS<.'IOU!.m•s-. of th<.· '80s ln the LEAA'b hP yday, monl'y wt•nl to both high and low-<"rfme states f'or l'X amplc. New H amp~h1re -with tht· c•11i<hth lowest c·nme rat«:· m tht• n.1t1un in tht• latest FRI figure·~ got n<.·;1rly $25 mil Iron in 12 year,;; More th:.:n a third w1•nt t1; poll<:<: rlt·purlmcnts for 1•4uip- mcnl, n:novution. and l'O.Olmun1l"ations Thi· rest wa.' d1stnbutA.'ll among th1.· -.t.Jtt• pn!>Ons and probation system. JUV(·nilt• programs. t'Ourt.' and mental hosp1t.o1l!> Now lht' New Hamps hire ;;gc•n<y I\ ~one•. thou~h a lc•gac.·y rc·ma1n.-. n1·\I. <'<1u1pment. nt.•w tt·chnology. intc·rdl• parlm<'nlal t'Ommun1<.·ation. S imilar Ii• gac·1c•s r<•ma1n 1n other states whost· l'rlmL· c:omm1ss1ons are going out of busmc-s.s Some statt•s have absorbed th1.•ir in dt.'pendent agenc·1t'S into ex1sung dC'p.:trl mcnts like the state attorney gl·nvral's office or the state police. Somt! have ('Ontinucd independent With Stal(' funds or funds Crom court fC'CS . Least affec:ted will be statc mvcst1ga- t1v<• commissions, usually Cormed to dc•:tl with problems llkc o rganized crime Among those ar!' N<>w Jersey, Pt•nnsyl· vanla, Hawaii, N<'w Mexico, ll11001s. New York and West Virginia. They get most of their mo ney from st.ate sources and had li\tle to do with the LEAA Ot h er states have taken the LEAA apparatus and run with 1l Texas. for l'X<tmph" !>h1flro 11.l. planning a.,wncy t11 thl· guvt·1·nor's off1<:1· four y1•ar.-. ago and (1nant't'(J a M.'l'll'l> of prugra~ With I unc.b ulita111t•d from ft•t•\ d\St·\!.l'd on <WIT·nchmu-1n t·r1mumtra<;<'"; Tht· cuur t It'<'!>, whrt·h <.an gt·nt·r<tl<• ~ mut:h a!> $18 m1lhon a Vl•ar, drt' t'<>ntrol - h·d by J lripl<· M.rt•t.-n;ng pron•!>\ Re .. 4ut•sls for .11d <1Jm<' from l<x·al llnd n · g1onal bo.1rds :md <.'Ount:1ls or from l>lnt.e ug1•m·11'!> Tht•y'rl' rl'Vlc•Wl'<l quart..rly by an ... dv1!.lirY bo;ird <.ippomtt-<l by the· It· g1 ... laturc· ,md guv<•rnur and approvc-d by ... thn·1·-nu·rnlx r L'umm1tlt·1· thl· gov- {'rnor. I ll'u tt·nant gov{'rnor ,ind i.l;; ll' c·ontrull<•r The Texas program also f1nanccl> st.at.ew1dt-anll-cnme cHorLo;, hkt-a cam- paign des1gntod to halt th(' nar<.'Otll'S trade ovpr th1· Mt·XJ!'an hord1·r and <i tTat'k- down on rlrunkc·n driving Thi· nan:ot1<.-s < ... mpa1Rn 1' ~trt of d largl'r bord<'r ~tale l'ffort c.·1tc'(J b;. Prt'"!>ld<.'nt Ht•<tgJn ~ .m t•xample of how !>lat<" t"Crn \I. ork tog<.'lher \I.1th m1n1rnJI fl'<.ic·ral helµ Som1· ''"ti" -.pc_·nd m1nin1JI <JmounlS, ltkc· M1«h1g.m0!> Comm1~..iun on Criminal Ju,l1«t'. wh11M· budgl't of $1),000 gues prim<1ri ly 10 pety 1·xw·n.,1·\ of 1l!> 37 m<.'mtx·r-. whl·n Lh<'y altl·nd monthly law t•nfun-1•mc•nl 1il <rn mng mt·t·llngs But from I 9fi8 thrnugh I <mo 11 d1-.bursed mon· thun SlOO m11l111n Ill focl!-1 al mon<.•y to a varit•lv of munw1p.al1t1c.._ ,md -it.ate <.t~t·Ol'lt~ NOT ALL STATES ;in· t·utL111g bat·k Ariv>na, with J 1.·rim<' rau• third in th<.• n<1t10n in th<• IJtc~t FBI f1uurc ..... has JUSt forml·d \ wo t'<>mm1s.,1on!> Lo invc'!>t1gatt· th1 prohh·m' uf law e nfon't•mcnt Some law enforcement professionals pn·d1t·l thetl lhl·rc· wall bt• f<.flt•rJI m11nc>y t:oming in l•> n ·pluu· th1 l"i.t LEAA I und~ Th,· l louSt· ha~ aln .. ..1dy approv<-d "" a voh· uf :rn4-7J;.. nwa ... u1t• uuthon- zing $170 m11l1on 1n (·rime fighting grants to tht> states for fiscal l983 It would cov<>r many programs that the states had been running through the LEAA. like witness and v1c1Jm assistan- ce. But tht· Adm101strat1on oppose that bill and othN's likl.' 1t. Attomt•y Genc•ral William French Smith has repeatedly ·said that while the• admm1strallon may provide !iOme rnont·y for polit't' training and JUVt•nile JUSlll't' progra~. the.• main burden 1s on the stales Ms. lloldt•n s uggests that stalc·s will lx·nl'f1l most 1f thl'y arc• n·ah:>tl(' about what's superfluous in law enfon.'t'ment But i.hl' worrtE.'8 that 1nnovat1on Jnd planning may Ix> the· first v1ct1ms n l• ~Reagan facing protesters wherever he goes I By ROBERT PARRY ~ AHocleted Preu Writ., fl WASHINGTON ln a pa ttern not ::ieen since the Vietnam War, protesters .lre greeting President Reagan at nearly ull his public appearances and vowing to make him "a captive of the White I louse .. The protests rangl' from challenges to Reagan's cuts m spendmg for the poor lo l'cllls for him to freeze development of nuclear weapons. And increasingly. de- monstrators are linking conccrns over reduced domest1<.' spendjng to the sharp mcre3S<.'S in the Pentagon's budget. The All-Peoples Congress, a group organizing some of the protests, is udop- ting the s logan "Feed the People, not the Pentagon" as it tries to unite C"rltics of U.S . involvcment in El Salvador with welfare recipients facing cuts in fo<><i stamps "Reagan can 't go anywhere in the country now without being met by visi- How .to address lawniakers • U.S. SENATORS Cra111&o1a. AIH '0 ). 11100 Wl11blrt Slvcl .• Lot Anieles, 90012 (213> 82M&n Hayakawa, 8.1. <R>. 38'8 Campua Dr .• Suite 213, Newport Beach ne80 (714 ) 545·7175 Ourjn1 Con1re11lonal sessiona: New • enalt Office Blq., WHh.lftl\On, O.C. 20510 (202> JM,ll.21 lJ.8. a s PaUENTAn VES Oru••C.Uty Bade.am, a.Mn (40th Olstrtct·R>. 110 Newport Center Or .• Suite 240, Newport Beach' 92J8ft3 644-4040 -~ _ raue ...... l •rrJ <31th Olttrict·Dl, 14 Civic ~ter Plaaa. Sant• Ana mo1 tl3~·3811 c. ... , ... DH (34th D 1trlCt·R), &&14 Brilton Drlw. Lone Beech. 9081& (213) 0'4·9701 Ourlnt Con1reuloaal uuloat : 8adham, llOI Lon~ HOuM <>mH Hld1 .• W11h6111t011, D.C. •ll; Pal• t1raon, 22JI fta1burn HOUN OfnH Bldg .. Washington. D.C . 20515; Lungren. 1313 Longworth Houae Oftlce Bldg., Washin1ton, D.C. 205l5 STATE SENATORS <OrHle CoHlY> Scllmlu, Job (38th Ol1tlict·R>. 4fOO Campus Dr., Newport Beach 928e0 979-#10 Brlll•• JeM V. C35lh Oi1tr1cl·Rl, 1441 N. Harbor Blvd .. Fullerton 12835 87t.234$ Ca rpelMr . PHI a. (37\h Oiatrlct·O>, ~ Oranat Ave. Suite 203, Cypret1, CA 90830 952-3201 Durln• le1l1l1Uve HHlon1. State Capitol. Sacramento 95114 (tit> m .llOO l'l'ATE AMlt•a&.YlllN tOr .... c..iJ) l e ra ..... •arila (14th Dtltrld·R >. 4100 Campua Drive, Suitt 344, NtwPort Beaeb _,, Mt.1441 ,., ..... , ...... <11rd Dtttnct.-ll), ... fll1ta 9'., Hunt1n1ton IHell Ul4I .... ,.. ble, vocal demonstrations," said Brian Be<:ker. a Congress spokesman . "Like Presidents Nix.on and John.son. Reagan will be made a captive of the White House." T he All-Peoples Congress helped organize a demonstration of more than 10,000 people in New York City on March 24 when Reagan received a hu- manitarian award. It also is calling for a .series of protests -including a May l march o n Wa s hinglo n -during "national roll-back Reaganlsm week" e ndlna May 2. The president's recent trip to Chicago drew two teparate prot.etta -one critl- clzlng hla economic poll.des and lhe other opp<>Rd .to U.S. actions in Central Ame- rica. ()fganir.era of the two demonstrations said they al1llre many concerns and work easily together, a contrast wl\h the IOITH!Umes bitter rlvalrlet among protest arou?t In thf' 1960s. "It'• cuter than ll wu In lhc '60t l.O work t.opthor," u1d Kathy o.vtne, an o rianlxer for th<• llllnol1 Coalition As• n11t ~aaan Econom&c. (IC.ABE), one or the prot.e1t groupt. "People tee a common thrMt. TMy .. Y, 'l will work with you acaimt Re-can'.'' "PEOPLE AU undentand&nl more ind more thai an ncalelina mllltuy budpt " wuna money from the poor ln thlt country -to kJll tbe poor In other ~ntriesi" iald a.n=Oold.n, 1 l'IWm· ber of U.. Cha.> 1 Talk ram. on c.enu.a •A.nilrlai. w orpnillid tM ~ C outllrwd hlt ~~· for private school tu1t1on tax cr edits. Ms Golden and .other protc>slers unveiled a bannt•r which read. "Arms ral-e equals theft rrom the poor." The president lhen departed from his prepared text and said : ''Whatever we a rc doing In Washington today in this :-egard is aimoo at one purpose and one only -to moke war impossible, and never again have to bleed a generation or young Americans on lhe battlefield." Although pres1dent1al tripe often are made with only short public notice. de- monstrattions are becoming a lmost a routine part of Reagan's public appca- rnn<.'<.'S. ' On F eb. U, about S,000 proteswrs ron- f ronted Reagan In Bloomlngton, Minn . 'fhe next day in Des Moines, Jowa, about 2,000 people braved subU?ro tempera- tures to proteet high unemployment and U.S. involvement in El Salvador. Aho on Feb. 9, several hundttd demon1tratora met Reagan In Indianapolis. 0.p6lf' a ballatonn, ebout 700 p<.-oplc tul"Md out to prolf'at Reeaan'a pollcl durln1 hi• March 2 visit \o Chey nne. Wyo. 1b0ut 400 de monatra&ora a• «'Ci htm tn Loi An1ele1 on March 3; and hundred• of proteat.ert turned out at atope on hi• thrff·day. awtna to Mon· taamer)'. Ala .. NuhvUJe. Tenn., and Ok· lehorna City, Okie .. In m1d-Maf(h. MAil Y ANN C«ley of iM Amttican P'rienda &ervkft Commltt.e .. id the pro&Mll repreHnt "• 1pontaneou1 mov .... nt" aaatMt ~n'• pollt'let d\M dkl not oatW d~ the Fotd and CAn.r edm!niitnUonl. "Carwr end FOrd w•r•n't nearl:v u • outrageous," Ms Corley said Sht• <iddc•d that tht• protests we r e drawing "people I rom all d1Herent walks or life," mdudmg union member.i. uncmployl>d workt'rs, rehg1ous leaders, wc•lfart' r<'Clpicnts, anti-nuclear acuvista, busmessm(.'O and professionals. In the first year of the Reagan admi- nistration. two ma)Or demonstrations filled the st~'<·ts of Washington: 25.000 f)('Ople marched last May against gro- wing U S military in volvement in El Salvador ,md organiied labor marshaled about 250,000 for ''Solidarity Day" in Septe mber to protest Reagan budget CUlS. T he president also can expect more demonstrations in the future Chicago groups an-preparing for a protest May 10 when Reagan Is exp<!Clcd to r~turn for a speech, and anti-nuclear groupa are pl"nnlng for a June 12 d emorutration outside the U11ited Nation• to coindde w ilh a apc.-ciol ~ion on dlurmamcnl. ORANOICOAIT The ('Oftlm~• P••f ot I h., 0111) 111101 1ttks t~ Inform and 111lmul11lt rt'1cMr1 bv PNIM'ftl• lnl .-\lrlt'ly of romm.ntal") on h>p1r ot 1nt•r• I end 111n1(1canc•fmm tntor m.ct ob att\ l'r'I nd lpokHm«i T,,,,,,._ P. H'*tl, PllllM1llwr ... ,...,, ... 14, ltll . . YOUTH Uncle Len's mail was full of monkey business this week as bunches of the Jmle, Curry crea- tures scampered in to do their tricks. One even arrived riding a skateboard. Actually, Uncle Len always thought 1t would be great lo have hands whe re your feet belong, because then you tould d o the wonderful acrobatics like mon- keys. Once whe n Uncll· Len was httle, he climbed a tn.>e and tried some of the fancy things he saw the monkeys in the zoo doing, but his toes couJdn't take It, and he foll on his head The bi~. funny people who run the newspaper say that explains a lot about Uncll' Len these days. but he tries to 1gnor<.· their re- m&rks. One thing he couldn't ignore was the terrific artwork from Bushard Middle School in Hunt- ington Beach r r - I ~ --, , ' ~ \ 0 ' 'Y 4 "' ~· I Both winners this week u.1me fro m that e n vt-lopt'. and the de c is 1 on w a., a ha rd u n t• as usual FIRST PLACE Danny Lee of Huntington Beach First plact-and $5 go to Danny Lw. 14, of Huntington &·at·h for his drawing of a monk<·y ready lo Jump from a brant·h Second p lcit'l' and $2 go to Manothong LuallSlsongkham. 13. of Huntington &·at·h for a funny picturl' of two <ip<>s. one comµINe with hat Con~ratulauons to you both' Honorable ml•nt1ons go to Ro- byn Landess, I J, He1d1 Land<~. 11 . and Grl'gon Hurst 12. of Founli11n Vallc·y. Mt'~han Stick- ler. 9',. and Lt•s lie Kaenel, 12. of Nt•wµort Beach Maril) n Hansen . IJ, Terry Simms, 11 , and David James, who forgot to in- clude his age. of Costa Mesa. Candy Ramsey. 1~3. of San Juan Capistrano. Stacie Bonacker. 9, of Irvine and Scott Townsend, 11. of Laguna Niguel Mon• cntra<.•s from Busha.rd St·h ool andudl' JunE> Bachman. Sa1souda Roll<.1naphoul). Vinh Nguyen. Cuong Ninh and Vll'ny Keo-Rattanaphouly Undl• Le n'!> guod friend!> in Room 13 at Walson School in Costa Mt."Sa camt· through again, lCXI I Yt ,~ ~ SECOND PLACE Manothong Luangs1songkham of Huntington Beacfl I Thanks to Christian Gomez, Daniela P1t·ard1, Heather Gro-.d1- d 1cr. Kt•nnv Wt•ndel. Gabrwla A vila. Teresa, L aura Adame. Pattie Alverson, Julie Way, Tan- ya. Richard Barba, Aimee Fuku- moto, Craig Bruyn. Laurita Ro- dnguez, Jason Beverly, Rachel Mo r se, Jay Arruba a nd J ohn Rogers. Also Und1· Len 1s surrv that Jenny Casey b d rawing art 1vC'd too latt· for th~ mnt<~t last W<'<•k Stl)U' -;pnng fmall~ '>t t•ni' to h:ivC' C1n1vro. Uncle L<-n h,t.., no- lll('CI that everyone's front yard 1s Cull o f flowers (ex<:ept fo r his yard, which ts full of weeds) If flowers arrive, the butter - flies can't be far behind, so Uncle Len would 11k<' his friends t.o draw any of the· many varl('tll:"!> uf bc·aut1ful buttPtflws for rwxt Wt'<'k Hem•·ml.IC'r to draw with blat k ink on wh1tt• paper cut 4 inches squan• Enclose your name, ad- dr<.'SS a nd age and then send 1t to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box I !560. Cost.a Mt.'S.'.l, CA 92621i Let your 1maginat1on !ly away with butterfl•l'S Smoker s tudy approach novel H ow pc <'r pr<·s. ure a ff e e ls te en-a gers s ubje<·t of r e c arch WASlllNGTO:'\ 1t\1'1 With "peer pN•-,sun" long t•1ted a' a major rc•ason ll-1.•n <1ge•rs IX'gm to s moke a p<,\ c·holog1st at the Calholit-Uni vt•rs lt v of A meric11 here is trvmg a nc»vel approach .lo und erstand h o " t hi s P"t'r·pn•ssure prnte'\s works Basl'd on data collected from about 200 smokcri.. -a~cs 12 Ill Wade Martin '>H\'S · onC' C'lt•ar findin1( has 1·m<·rged · K1di:. don l 111mp orw rta,\ from lwmg a non s mokt-r to J><·lllJ.! a rpgular -.mokt.·r P rior rc•sNirrh into adolc•i.t·ent '\mok1ng ahq1,s c·orn 11 ared -.mok1•rs to non s moker-. an approach M ar l i n c·<ills "well inl,.fntionc•d ' l.iut \\<h1 rh ignored 1fttcrmNhall' -.tag<''> on lhe "a' to bt.·commg hooked on r 1gar<'tlc·s .. A -.ubstanlial proportion of .............. ,,.... nllENDL Y -Thll 2-=·old ihelUe mix IMml to be e for ICJIMCll• \0 llnd _.. for her. StW aan be "' ., .... ann.·a.u:a A111me1 shilwr, ae1 a1y llaUth. Oraqft. ;Phafte not. all k1tb ha,,. -.mokt.·11 al least on(• c·1J.::.irettl' b) th(• time the\ rearh ninth gr;.idc. but not C'Vl'l'~•)nt.• who -.m o kc•s a c1gart•llc· hc•come' a rt•l(ular -;m o kt•1 '>Hyi. Marlin . an <.1ss1'>l anl prof l•i.so r o f ps) C'hology and ai.soc1ate of Catholic l 'nl\crs1l' s Boy-. To"n Ccnt<'I' for llw SI ucl) of Youth I><' Vl' lopmt.'nl Tht• prof<".-..or focuS<•d on "what kids think o f thc·ms<>lv 1•s"- 1 n duding 1 n the• s tudy ·only lee n ager., who rlass1f1 ed t hemselvci. as s m oke r:-. and a s k i ng them . among othe r questions, to lutx-1 themselves as ·regular or hab1lual," ··social or occas1onal · or heginner or t.•xpcrimcntcr " While Marlin only recently began analyzing hi s res earch data, lhe 11rojcct has alrelld\1 v leldc-d sever.al findings. hc reports Among them ··Most t eenogeri'l do n't really have a good idea why they start smokm~:· Martin says Assuming that teen ager!> could ftx o specit1c lime and reason for when and why lhey s tarted smoking has twen a major fault w ith prior r~u·arch Into udol !tcent smoking. he .iddi. Social smokers, lh~ label applied to leen·aaers who smoke on ly occasionally or only in certain situalion11 auch at1 w1\h friends. coMlder lhums Iv s to tw a ··s moker" only part ur lh lim e. Interme diate s moker• bell ve they u n quit any Um and that thr y ar~ not r ally harmln• their health "Ther've deve l o p e d • p oal l ve 1dentlfacatlon of 1mokln1 and Utt ne11Uve ID hH n't cau&hl up wlth I.Mm,'' lhr11n 11y1 -l oelal amokera a r e n't worried •bout the htalth h a1 ard1 111oel1lld with 1moklftl, .......,. IOlltt rtlUlar 11mo11 .. )II,. M&iffd tta .nett on 1Ntr M•Jll•. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Aprll 24, 1982 87 l Camera captures fame : BELWOOD. N C (AP) Whl•n Hol)\.•rt WLlhams lll wai. :l yt!ars uld, ht.> pomh.od a canwra at his Cutpt>r ant.I snapJX'd tht• i.hut te r. Tht! rt'su lting photograph was good enough tu be publu>hed. Thrt'<' yl·an. and thousand!> of pictures latl'r, thf' chlJd 11-a vt· wran phutugrapht.>r who has C1 nisht.:d a show tn La:. Vc:p and ha'I had his work publtshl•d 1n i.Pvt•rtd national magazmt:s. lit• abo has bt•(•n thl' i.ubjet•t of 11'1 evis1on shows, whl•n• he has lx't•n btllt•d us the world's youngt·st profl•i.s1on<.1l photographt•r lits fatht•r, Rol:x•rt Williams Jr sayi. photography 1i-JUSt a gamt- lU Robert "Ill hk('S t.1ktng phutographi. and 11'11 fun t.c> him. but lw ilot.-sn't undt'l1itand what <ill th!' big ru. ... ., ovl·r him 1s all about." <wys Wll liami-, an English µroft•s ... o r at Gaston Colk•g<' 1n Uuston1a, N (' "ll's JUSl '>Unwthang hl .. l'nJOY" doing, JUSl l1kt· hl l'OJUY!t p laying ball u r wull h1111.~-, i.lrtoons on tt•lt•Vt'llOll " F.xn µt IOI tht· l.irg1 t.mll'r a Ill' oflt•n t•arrll'S Jfl/UIHI Wllh h1111 Rol.wrt looks hkt> JOY utlw1 ill'llV1• :» \1•,1r uld The blond hJ1rt•d boy \A.t:aran>( JC•ans <md" M1t•k1.·y Mou.'>t: wau.h. at L111ws ap~>C'<trs to tw rnon: 1nll'rt'!tl1·d 111 wn·stlang v. llh his fJtlwr in thl y;1rd of thl'1t ('Ur•d Clt.:Yt·lu.nd Cou.ntv h•>nH' than tak111g tht pho'to graph-; that ha\• 1·..1rr11 d htrn 1 htJU'><Jnds of c.loll<.1r., Hut rmn• ht fcx·USt 'l> Ill' 1,1111u a un his -.ubjtll h1 b1·t11n11 s .di IJu-.11 w ... :-. "St.ind I/Vt I thl'rt, n11 llll>Vt• "''' mor1· h1 tdl-. h1:-. f,,tlwr d' Ill' turns his 1.1na 1.1 on hi-. fJ\'11 rtll -.ubJt.'t'I No\\ 1111111 down h••fl' ;.ou·n fuzz\ ··Ev1·n th11ugh lw t.ik1·s .1 lot 111 plt'tU11•-. h1• i... -.ull JUSt <I l hild .rnd d11t "" t rt a I h knll\\ Jll' photo gr,Jph\ 11 rn11nolog\ " W1IJ1 ,1111' .... w-. "Ill• 'till ..,;1v,"t u11v for out of fc11. ll'> • AP Wlr..,t\OIO YO UNG • llllTTERBl•C; ~ 1\'1 \!'<Jr-old Rolx·rt W11l1 aln.'i II .,1 f.klwoud. N l' tn1' I•• 111.ui h1' 1 ,11nt•ra Tht lx>v has sold st'Vl'l'CJI thou:-.,111d dollar< \\nrlh ul his wnrk and.has h1•1·n ((-,1t un•d nn 11:1111111.il t•·lt·\ 1 .11111 \.Villi.1ms It,,., t.111gh1 hi:. -.iin to print ..inu dt•\ ,.lo!J his pH tur••s U U I '>.IV'> I h c l' h ii d l J II• t r ('.it.I no g.111\ t'' \Vill1.im'> s1111w11m1·., h • .i., to lwlp H11l11•rt load film lfll1t tht· t .irnl r.1 b1 tJU~w lt11l1\·rt', fing1 "an to.111,mJll tu d11 th1· Joh 111 ... IJll llll t' lt,1\ t bt I II Ill dt rn.111d l'Vt·I -.11111 I I• .ir t ( 'ollt gt 111 !\fa-. H11l11 1 t g .. 1111~1 ,, n<1l111nJI 1111111 \\ "._, "h1 n 111 \\ .1s f1 .1tUn'<l 1111 :\lit' , Tod.I\ ~hov. A AC' " I h.it, Im n·d1h1t·· .ind " "Pl\1 Thi• l'htld glll lllll'r<~tt•d 111 t;a k111J.: p1t lutt"> v. hilt· W1Jli.m1" "•1.' putllllj;( 111g1·thl•r ,, \A. 11111 n <Jnd pie 1011<11 h1-.tor\ 111 (.;..iston C11unt\. thn 1• vt·ar' a~u Wilhetm'> .... JVS lw ciutit out Jll old 1.1m1·rJ µut film tn It <tnd lt•l Roll! rt t..1k1· a ft•w µ1llurt•!> lu sallsl v his lU r11r..1t\ V.'hc 11 H11l1< 11 \!. " .I Ii• 1,.•).!.11\ .,.111ng ph11t11g1.qtl10, '" dlu:-.1r.111 lrt 1· larH • 111.ig.111n1· .11 twl• • \\ 1 lltl n h\ ht' lath• 1 .,,,cl 111uth1 I Eli1.1hdh 111-. Wiil k ti .• , ·•PP'"''. d in 'Ul'h publ1c.1l11111' ·'" t:lol1• F.ar 111-.lt .111 Jnd St.II• \l.,g.011111 "11d11 J\t'd T\ pr•ig I ·•IT I ·1 Ji,1\'1• t11 .1d11111 w1·'1c· .1 littlt ,1111,111 ·d Ii\ .all tli1' .incl .1t l!Ott" I lhlllk Huln-rt I'> t1111 Wtlli,1111" .,,,,., ·And tho 11111111•\ htl< pl• Wht•11 V.'1lli.tn1:-. dl·v1·l1i11t'{I th1 film. h(· found that the· s hots \A.en· in flxus.md v.c•ll framt."<.I Thl• publisht·r of the Gast"n County book usc-d a photo~raph RobNl had taken of h~ father \ l \ l t ,1 I (' o I p I 11 1 ll 1-! h t $ , 111 w1111h of lht· 1111\.·, p11 tu11·., llu .111 1·,h1bll ,ti lhl l 'h11l11).!1.1µl11 '"' l\IJ11Ufat turc r' (\,..,. ~ i.1t11111 11.1d• .,h11\!. in L.i-. \I g .... Will1.tn1'' '·''' SllllH' l)f I h1· ph11t11g1 .q1h' V. I 11 °'old hut h1· 'i n1 •t '>Ull lt11\\ 111l1< h th1"• bought Ill c .1u't ht h.1-.r1 t fl'H'IV~d tilt' d1t'l'k' tu; • ., b1111g in""'" 1111 t.1111 l1u1 . hl do.it'" I 11 ,.11\ 1 .in .1hnut lhJI '" 111u1 h Thi 1or1h-t li1ng I \ , . IHJIU h11n ....... 1hou1 OHl!H'V ,, th11 h1\\,11\l'1111.1111 •nougli to p..t\ h1-. v.av to tlw World's f'air th" \t•ar .. Tht· t luld ,1bo h<td ,1 1111t '"'' -,h11W rt'l'l'l\11\ Ill (;a.,llJlllJ ,111d plans to t'Xh1h1t his \\ork Jt L.1~ton Collq~1· and ,11 Sat 11 d Wdli,un-. sav., all tht' monC!y th1 lJO~ 1•arns g<H" into a savings ,1u·nunl th<.1 l ht ~'Ill jo(<'t wh<>n ht ' uld1•r THE QUIZ world scope (10 potnl• tor each quetlion answered corr1>cllrl Br11.a1n t'~l.ablt\hPd a "'M 1orw "'11h .i tdd•u' ol 200 mile\ dtound lhP I .1tld.rnrl hlJNh dnd wMrwd thdl dll't .l.ri;<1•1111111• ,hip•, lou11d 111 1lw 1one would he !C'ltOO'>f u-..L d\~t·tl 111 IPilVP JlldCkt'dt 2 Pre\ldl'nl Re.il(.in loo~ ,i wnrl.m~ 11<11 ,1111in 111 Jam.itl<l .ind Btttbddm wh('rl· h1• \'<Jtnl'<l nl lhe thrNI 1hat (CHOO'il 01'1 I. ub.i "'~''" 11na) pO\f'\ m lh.il p.111 ul 1h1· world l V\. holt>,ale pm"' (( ltOO~I O°"'f mw, lc•ll 1 in March lor lhl' \Ct und monlh on d 111w 4 Member\ ol the Un111·i.J ..,ulO Vl.orl..er\ •ppro.,ed a new con1rac1 w11h c .1·rwr JI Motors wh1rh off1>f\ wag1• ,ind lwnl'l11 ronCl'\\IOn\ 1n rf'lurn IOI grcJIN jou wr 11111.., TRLl OR FAL~l An 011rrwhc>lm1ng m.1111111.., of member\ voled in \IJpporr ul 1ht• fOnlr dc 1 S Formt'r Irani.in I orc>11(n l\lont\lcr .iJPith ' W<l\ airc\lt'd lor plo111n~ 10 U\.l\\ln,ue Ir .in1an leader Aya1oll.ih 1t.homPon1 He wa\ onr ol Khomeini'\ clO\t'\I Jldl'\ ou11nR the e.irh d.iy\ ol 1he tslamtC re•volu11on a·Gho1b1 Jdch b·RJl,,in1an1 c ·R<1J<ll newsname (10 point• If you cen ld.,,llty lhl• penion In the news) Though Canada has bel'n lndependt>nl since 1867. 11 has ne1tN had 11s own const1tut1on. Lui yedl, the Canadi•n govern- ment approvrd a ron\11- tution 41nd a bcll ol 11ght\, and rfl:elltly I lravelttd from Brh.iln to Olt•Wa 10 proclaim these docu· 1 menu H law Who am tl · matchwords 1-colony kolon I kc>lon ... pertum Jll..th• tem1ory of a parent ''''" t·• military offk:f-r 4"" punctu1tlon mar~ • ..cC>Nmn' wppcHt1n1 1 nM>f AnsY.t•rc; appear tups1de doY.n l belo" quiz • news picture (10 palnla II you an1we1 lhls quHllon CorteC11y ) r ollowmg J trip 111 Huf'nn' oA.11<'• <iPtrP1ary ol '11a1e Aleundl'I Hd•K retuinf'd 10 l ondon to ml'l'I Jl(atn "'11h lirilt\h P11me ~1m\ler l Hd•K \ shulllc> d1plumJ1" "p;irt ol 1he U S eolfort to 1TWd1al<' bPtwt>Pn l\rger111n.i and 8r11ain in 1he ron11011erw 1n11olvm11 the ~alkl.inrl hlarHh .i lir111sh µrott.'C10r•1e which Argf'nl1na \('11ed e.rll in April • peoplewatch/sportlight <iol11!Jr11~ ll'Adf'r "'•H t1Jlo..,ed ro v1s1 t with hts family tor [.i,1er in 1hl' \llld ou1,1dc> ol V1'a".iw where the go1ternment ha\ heltl htm smt<' ma111al law wclS dt>clared in Poland. l l • 'ht• lormer lJN Se<rf't.try-Gener•I who M!!rved two five- year term\ in th,11 pO\I. nc!'pled • pos111on <l\ prol~sor •• (.,('orf(l'lown L n11o1N\ity 1n Wa\hi~glon. O.C J FotmN !luprcmr Court 1us1lce A~Forus. n , di~ recently of • he.trl <111.td TRU OR FALSE Fortas was the ftr\1 Supr-.me 'Courr lu~tice 10 resign undeor threat of impe.tchment. 4 Tracy Caul~IM, 19, surp.u~ fohnny Wf'lumuller's earttr record of l6 n•tlonal tUI~. set 1n 1928, 10 become the wlnnlngen competitive . f .. on rt•cord. •·,wltnrner b·t•nnl' playl'r c-gollt'f 5 e r... Stadler won I s.ud<!•n -d~alh pl1yoft lo become th molt recent 4d(j1t1on to lht llU of golflns grf'1h who hav• won the M.u1en Toumtm«'nt. TRUf OR r ALSC. No prol~.sfonal 1olfer h.u ev r won the Master$ mort than once . ,...., ........... , ........ ) :.SNM.ld IN u.~ 1ih ,,,~, ~l()n to t~---IN numt..f of •'*>Import• trom ltptnr ~hy or "'"' nott ,, ... _.._.._ ........... _,.., a 'ICMM ICOM " ........... -,._,. ICOMI II • ........ -1 .. 11 MIO. ..... , .... ! 1 I" I •'11 •• 1 • ti -• Orange Colet DAILY PILOT/Saturday, AprO 24, 1982 I IRE t 'i\MILl' Cl•Ct.'N "WE should be called the waiters 'cause we do oll the waiting." ,_.\RM.\Dl'kt~ by Brad Anderson lj , II "Better shake hands with him ... it's a new trick he Just learned!" I GAR•'1•:1~0 HEV I OCi'IE I HOW A00UT A FREE 'TP.IP 10 LOOSE. T001H CIT'r' 7 ,_00~ ,_ l ' LLI NS 0 • BIG GEORG£ by Virgil Partch {VIP} "Why don't you go as a pear? You've got the body for It." 'WE &m~ FINO A PIT STOP mJ ~ I've FINISHED 'THE PEAOft.S AAO NOW IM STARTING ().J THE PLUMS.• by Harold Le Doux MEANWHILE IMAveE i·o f)ETTER WAIT A WHI(..( l.0N6lR UNTtl. THEY C1E f MORE ltlCH CU5TOMER5 IN lHE !'LACE'..- by Jim Davis 11112 l»'oct r ... .,. ~,._. n. JiM ~ by Ferd & Tom Johnson P£t\NtT WELL, PAATNER, Wf'RE OOIN' 6REAT 50 f'AR ! Tt.:M8LE•££D8 ,, HEr{f, AAVE ANOTHER CHOCOlATE CHJP C()()l(IE S~UGGO, I 'M READING A TERRIFIC BOOK TODAY--- WHAT ARE YOU DOING? .----...-_., .,.114 BRABBLE •.SUIOCK Hev, ee-rH , i COLJ&..P O...,a,y FINP -rwo CL.SA"" WH l"fE! SOCKS.' ANP SACH OF 'f;M HAS A HO&..e! IN rrs -roe!.' WE'RE 60NNA TAKE THESE 6lN5 IN STgAl6HT SETS . rA I I I ,r~f I t " I ()\&)£. ~Oll 50(- 4 I I I ~l(,NE.0, 'f t'l1IN •• by Charles M Schulz by Tom K Ryan by Ernie Bushm1ller ···LOLLING AROUND IN MY WATER BED by Gus Arriola HE PUT THE ~~ a::>tW ANO PICK.ED I.JP,.,,~ .:f\:156<0~/ by Kevin Fagan I Glf.$S I O~cr. PC1EO. . . .1 J .. WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS p • W•lt D:a't' FA.NY: IGI 12:002:3015:00 7:30 9:55 &ian.a...1t1Hr.~ 5 Ac9demy A-di RAIDERS OF ntE LOST ARK IPGI 1:00 3•15 5:30 ?:45 9:56 c:::=: i I Best P1c1ure CHARIOTS OF F1RE (PG) 12:00 2:35 5:10 7:45 10:10 I OUEsT FOR FIRE IRI 70mm 1:00 3:10 6 :20 7:40 9:45 No P•-No Economy S..ting RICHARD PRYOR ._ ICIM> OF HERO IRI 12:15 2:15 4:15 6:158;15 10.15 Jul .. Andrews VICTOR VICTCMUA IPGI 12:00 2:40 5:20 8:00 10:30 STADIUm a Scrczczn Orivcz -ln coll 639 8770 ~ l ....... a.. .. -. SI.-~ SOwlll D11w:1 To v-c.. ...... ..--. Tw.Toas.,..j!Jijpvt W•h D~!--HUUDCOI Phis The Devit • Max Dnlln IPGI °"*"'- Julie Andrews VICTOR VICTORIA IPGI Plus Co-fnture f'-IBest(AI l =:r:>..,~':uo (Al Also Showing BIHe Ectw.fd's S.OB.IAI I 8 111 Murr•y on STIW'BIAI Aho Showing Groove Tube IRI A Lot Of Uluohl A UTTLE 9Et IAI Plus o-Wonnerl Arthur (POI Tlw"'-n You C..'t Eape MOHTillARE IRI Alto Playonll_ Gr•du•tion 0 1y IRI Call 642-H71. Put• few words to work for ou. I ~ ._... __ ,,_. ..,.........,..__~:I • ................ ... . NOW PLAYING MMPAU_,ft_,. C..._. UMMll~ bll...,. 82 I •070 OfiWlgl 634 2SS3 Newport lelcll IU 0760 ..... .U PlAU ITAINUM DlllWl ·I• UA ~ 111 .. s21 nJe Orange &3uno wntminsier H3 os•e ...... UMllUC• lDWUll MttTOl ..,, ...... llCCIP'ID [I Toro Sii SHO Cosll Mm S40 ,... , .. , .. - WALT DISllllY ~TIONI --• • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/81turd1y, April 24, 1982 DOG DAYS -Debbie Mayer (left) carries Mitzi, a shaggy dog, to low-cost .rablet..cllnlc at Crown Valley Community Park in Laguna Niguel. Meanwhile, Margaret White's Maltese pup casts wary eyes at Wee Jordie, a Harle- quin Grea~ Dane ow- ned by Laura White. More than 100 dogs and their o wne rs showed up for clinic, sponsored by Orange County Animal Con- trol. Southern Cali- fornia Veterinary Med ical As8ociation and Laguna ·Niguel Women's Club. J _, .. • Savings on: Over-Buys, Odds & Ends and Discontinuecl Models Most Brand New in Cartons lililli. 111111 flOl.UIMll AM ANW IXUIW'l8 Of .. __ Of~ -QUMMBAm APPLIANCE TELEVISION VIDEO RtlGIDA.111 • U .I a. ft .... ,_, ....,.._ ·~, .. ,_ ..... CMO. ..... ............... GI WASHll &DIYll SAVE s50 WHIN YOU Ml\' THI PA• 2MM2170# Dull Channel Sound! as,,, vm n Colar TV DfA6C'.*At With Dual Mode '*note Control e VIA 11 llro.tdutt Controlled Col0< • Four S.,..lter, Ouel·Chartnel Sound e Ouaru Elec1rortoc Turt•rtt • Mldb•nd end S~nd Cebl• TV Chennel Capab11t1y. NOJICTIOM TY M WIOUCUIM llAR ., PllOJICTIOH .... ........ ..... .... a.-i· ...... . ' RCA 8 Hour • Z4 ..... Tlmrli7•--miiiir • 5-" ,... lllMI ....... , __ ONLY '55911 MGA61«t•if:l~ ..... -.. • SeftT_. Ca t11• MOW SAVE'SO" SAVE s5000 SONY BET AMAX •• Wi.1 a free trip for two on AIROIL bl11"'-0All~ ;; I ' ' . • ~ I I • • Orange Cout OAtLV PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 24, ~982 . Nostalgia· trip • spices new . . , . • Martin movie• By 808 THOMAS .......... ''" .. , .. ., HOLLYWOOD -None of the three men remembers who first proposed the wlnnlng Idea over lunch that day. Comedian Steve Martin, wrlter George Glpes and oomedian-wrlter-director Curl Reiner had met over lunch lo dl11euss repalni of a script Martin had written about the Depression. One of \heoi sug- gested a movie in which Martin would interact with famed stars of the past by means of film clips. Two years later, Universal Pictures is releasing "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," starring Steve Martin, Humphrey Bogart, Alan Ladd, Barbara Stanwyck, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Bette Davi11. James Cagney. Joan Crawford, etc .. etc. Steve Marlln plays Rigby Reardon, a fumbling private eye whose <'Ommiss1on from a mysterious woman (Rachel Ward) takes him through the plots of 20 films of the 1940s · "Whoever camt.• up with the idea at lunch, we all sajd, 'Let's do 1t'1" Rt>mer recalled. Then George Gipes and I started watching the old movies.· We saw a hundred of them. sometimes five a day. We were lookmg for over -the-shoulder shots, single closeups, but espectally loaded Imes that required an answer or could be built upon. "We realized that we needed a plot that would integrate all of these elements. otherwise it would be just a <.'Ollecuon of clips. So we came up with the mystery or 'Who IS Carlotta?' As you see in the picture. that 1s a surprise " While Martin was filming "Pennies from Heaven.'' Rem er and G1pcs methodically went about the ir preparation. They worked with a sto- r~t>oard on which were pinned llJles from the~~ tage movies. _ "We moved the lines around like a jigsaw puzzle," smd Reiner. "We had many more lines than we could use We even had a scene of Ronald Reagan as a captured fher. He does a great piece of doubletalk as he ts 10t.errogate<LBut we couldn't fit the scene into the script, so we couldn't use it.." After lbur or five drafts of "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," Martin .JOined the writing. He conti- nued making contr1but1ons during filming. in.elu- ding some coin -rolling on hlS fingers that demon- strates his dextenty. "The hardest part of the movie was reprodu- cing the costumes. sets. wallpaper. grillwork and other elements of those old movies so everything would match,'' Rem er said "Fortunately we had Libby Tucker h1tchh1ked from BroolJyn to take Hollywood by smrm And her father by surpnse ''Rit111ls '2001' """' 'STAR WARS''' -STUW01"°'4UU. "'--- Pryor ·shines in 'Hero' 8 )' Y ARDENA ARAR ANMlelM "-Writ., SOME KIND or HERO proves once aiain -In eate It sUU needed provtns -that Richard Pryor can shine In the fllm1le1t of human- ln\ere1t comedies. This one 11 baaed on James Kirkwood's book about a soldier'• capture In Vietnam and his return home 1lx years later to a fal\hle11 wife and an Anny that is not ovedf :~v~~~ wtth""" muetc, dontet Of IC)Ongi.d productton nu~•. o rolllcky, trollckv. fofctcot, coUoptl ble. laughable COVOlcode Of sight gaga, fJlght gaga ... The pfO(la a acrewboll oem ... the reaurtt or• uproortoua ... 'VlotorMofofto• .. the ..... good' movie tttll'ffHJI.· -Gene ... NICl\I IOOAV SHOW . . .•... .,_. ...•. PG A ----V.: , __ ____ receptive to his explana---------NOW PLAYING ------ lion of why he signed a PU COITA MHA ""'• OllAlllGI con f e1sion of wrong-&" Plil' i.,0 10, c.n.m.. '-""'"' Eo•atel'I w-oOQr ~,..,...,.. Ot·•t 111 doing. S29 S339 919 •1•1 )St 06SS 6391110 h may not sound L k COITA M(H (l TIMMI •OllAllOt •WHTMIUTlll I t' IO•Mcb II<• .u11 IC10 10 ...,.•!.> • C•'4!0un t ~A r., 'C.-~ much of a howler, but s•o ''" !>It ~•~o 63• 1~~J age 11•1 with Pryor's talent' and •-v· ·CDf--J Michael P!;essman's able "IT'S MY LINE" -Steve Martin (left) and Carl Reiner argue over who gets to reveal plot of the "' Wlrepholo movie In a scene from "Dead Men directing . there are ---------------plenty of laughs and some touching moments Don't Wear Plaid." aa well -most of them in the first half. John DeCulr as production designer; he had de- signed many or the old movies. And Edith Head created the clothes; she h ad done costumes for 'Notorious' and other films we used." Mlss Head died after "Plaid" was completed. and the film carries a dedication to her and other creative workers of Hollywood. --.!'..... -~ Smothers brother, wife will divorce SANTA CRUZ (AP) -After a 3 'n-month separauon. comro1an Dick Smothers has filed for divorc.-e from htS wife, Linda The ultimate in sigt1t and sound.~ re-reoordcd in new ~stereo. ~~ ...... .. ~ •• l!i!'J ------NOW PIAl'ING------- c OSTA MESA Edwards Town Center 751-4184 ~ Cinedome 634-2~ Smothers. 42. who plays the s traight man to htS brother. Tom, in the Smothers Brothers comedy ...._----------------------l team. cited 1rre<.·oncilable d1Herences in the dis- solution petition hied in Santa Cruz Supenor Court April 15. Tht> couple• werc> married Oct. 31. 1972, and separated Jan I. a<'C'Orchng lo court records. YOU DON'T HAYE TO II UNDO ao TO LOVE llQ1WI$ Mery TtHet, 32, Secretary "I thoUQht PORK 'r''S wu really 1uper It wat /1ghtMarte<J Ind IM good guy• won - C...1'9dde1.• levtngeCou,.., "/ rhOClght PORKY'S wa.s greet I would teke my 14·'/Mf-okl to ... it. And I'd r«:Omrr»nd It to myfr/enda. • "/ thought It ,.,., grHt from .,,,, to f/n/1h. I l•ugh«J •II t,,. wey through It." f' . ..,, ,,..... : ""R r'T··-n , ··--....,. : ~ The trap is set ... For a wklciedly funny who'lkto-it. -~·ACAD~Y WINNe~~AWARDS BEST PICTURE 8tST ORIOIML SCORf • VANOtLIS 8tST ORIGINAL SCRftNPLAY COLIN wet.LAND 8CST COSTUMt MtLll"tA CANONtRO *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perform•ncH before S:OO PM lbcept lpecllt Engagements 1nd Holldaysl I A M lltA(J.-M A,! Muooo or •01ec;1on1 LA MIRADA WALIC·IN 994'·24'00 "Yl<:TOfl YICTOfllA" 1001 , .. , ...... ,, .... ••ft()flt( Y'S" 1•1 .,._. ,,. ... ·~ ......... •erooc~Of , ........ ''CHAlllOTS ~ FllllE" tPOt ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlt< IN "tf YOU COULD ME WHAT I HIAW' (l'O) 1:1l, l:JIO, "'°' "10, 10-.lO LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN ••r AClOll -M:Tlllltl "ON OOU>EN ..aND" IN I . ..... _..__ :J.'"_,1;"4"' "SOME IUHO Of HERO" 1•1 ,,. , ....... ... -W YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAfl" ll'GI ·~ t• ....... 1':11 OUEST FOfl Fifi£' ••• ---· •• ,. , .. roo .. 11• focull'r 01 Cor10 ••ooo 213/531·9510 ''l'ORl<Y $" ••• tt• 1• •H P•} •:a -fAMTASIA" CGI ., .......... .. "CAT ~OPU' 1•1 1 '° 1• '°'.)It ...-to Mir ~l\IM <llCI CICllllWUf "CHARIOTS OF FIRr CPOIU• -UI o• •» SO. COAST WALK-IN Sou111 Coo11 Hlwoy ol l •oodwoy 494-1514 •ST OIMCTOfl ANO ~TINCACTMU =~~ ... ,, _____ ....,_ 'lCIJIC THUTllES OlllVl Ill SWAP Ml£1S $fat1(• tfVf IU(a\ ,,, l•t CAt 11 HAlllOll l lVO OlllVl·lll 6 OUllGl 0111¥1 tll I•• II),. UIVAUt 6 lvttOli• '"' , . ....._.. Mftttli•I Al ....,... ... ll~• .. •ou • • •~~ IMPORJAIH NOTICI' CMltOROI UNOlR 11 fRU1 Mt' ... '""' • ., ......... '"• fn . JD • \II S.111 ... , • 00 ,_ CllOI ~ ~ • ~ '" W 'llDCI ·S """ .l'l,UI• •f "° uo CAii llAOlll '#!!" GOll10lt ~ uou IOYIOo -.-00 tll 'OllllllU ·~ C»tt--fi OIWUIS llC Dlt ut IWllO ....... "4ft~ ANAHEIM ORIVl ·IN &1 1f .,.., '•e• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN 11.ot-,. ..... , ... ~ .... " 121·4070 e Jl .. A PA~I LINCOLN DRIVHN ·TA~PGI "IATIMOAY THe 1'TH" (-,0) •SOME ICINO Of' HERO" c111 f'LW "AHOY WAllHOL'I "'AHlllMIT'EIN" C1t1 •nw RDUCTIC* GAME" Cl'I• -Ml AMO THE L<*ILY WOllAN PART 1" fltl •ICHOOlGML HITCHt9tElll" Cl'll l~ot.n • .,,. we .. Of f ftO" 121·4070 -~.....,.,.,, --MOHTMAM" -••GJIADUATIOM DAY-PQ C1"4 I \ClUW1I #ti ~ ..... I., HI WAY 39 OlllYI I~ IMocft ... o so .. Cl.It-C.•-"'""°' 191·3693 vfA!" 1 ... 1 •" ..c'UM or n. ,.,.. ~Ill.,.... "CHARIOTS M FN" CPOI "UTUM>AY THI 14Ttf" (l'Q) "All~.;.,...,, ._;_CllOt;..;._1;..;.c IO\IMO~"'----~------'"'-~ SOUNO __ --~ YOU COULD IC• WHAT I .. .,_. INI Pl.lie "THI MIOOY HOUY ITDllY"INI Cllll llSQIM a •• • llti., a lA HABRA 0111\lf I~ ---·-·-·---17MM 2 - ., a"• . ' O~ANGf r1111vt ,... •'l'Oflt( Y'I " 1'°1 ..., ... "VI' IH IMOICI"' Clll C!IOf ft SOUllO "TA~l'O) ... AT\MOAY T• 1ATH'" (l'Q) •MIDY WMIMOL .. PM* ... , .. 1111 Nit "CAT "°""" (tt) -. • Chariot top LP album By Tbe A11oc:la&td Pre11 Thf' fo llow Ina a re Billboa rd 's hol record hlta (or the week ending May 1 as they appear jn nex\ w t-e k 's Issue of ' Billboard maJiazl ne: .. HOT SINGLES l~ii~==a~~ r:----r.to .. __,,,v...,.e_.,,R,_l)_l!',..lt-nr-~ Roll" J oan J ett & T h P --~~~:d,ir;s;iiii;iliii~~!!!l!!­Blackhearts (.Boa rd walk) 2. "Chariots of Fire'' Vangelis (Polygram) 3 . "Ebon y & lvor y" Paul McCarl ncy a n d Stevie W o nd e r (Columbia) 4 "Freeze-Frame"' T h1e J . Geil s Band (EM I-America) 5 "Don't Talk t o Strangers" Rick Spnng- ficld (RCA) TOP LPs I "Chariot!> of Fire" Vangchs (Polygram) 2. "Beaut y and the Beat" Go-Go's CA&M) 3. "l Love Rock 'n' Roll" Joan Jt-ll & The Blackhcarts (Boardwalk) 4 "Success Hasn't Spoiled Mc Yet" R1<:k Springfield (HCA) -.......-....;:i,...!.'.Ai;ia" Asia (Warnc.r Bros) ti. ·· Frl·t>zc-Framt>" T h e J Gl'il s Band CEMI-Amcnca) A R E AL BLAST -Stu ntman MiJ<e '"'RynyarcljU-ftips h'ts m otor - cycle over a tank. drops a hand grenade on it and clears his target OC'fore the explosion in this scene The dream you can't escape ALIVE! .. \ AP Wlr99no1oe from "Megaforce," a movie bein firmed in the Mojave TieSert wit Ba r r y B ost w ick and Persis Khambatta. ~ IDWIRDS 'SI' WIS llROOa SUpport March of Dim• dp Give to EDWARDS CINEMAS WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY • WINNER ACADEMY AWARDS BEST PICTURE B~T ORIGINAL SCORE -VANGELIS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY COLIN WELLAND BEST COSTUME -MELINA CANONERO .~ c=HARI==~=or=r=1RE= I Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 24, 1982 Bil Trivia Bowl race tightening • Only one point ~paratn the four top conten· dent In Trivia Sow l XXVl u four trlviaddlcca rolled up pttfect ecorea and another wu off the mark by only a half point Today's trivial tidbit: George! Bums (at 80) and Tatufn O'Neal (at 10) were the oldest and youngesr Oecar reclpienta, respectively. With tbe race heatln& up, here are the next 10 TRIVIA BOWL XXVI STANDINGS t o~ lhe Hill Oang c' II 30 Wint.tow Loach ( t 11 30 i fO S<hlTl9flel I 10' 11 191., l Trai.y GQ<llrey 1111 29 4 Coora 11 1 1 11 27 ~ Wentworth C l l1more (8) 13 , ti Nancv Pnor 141 1 Ric~ warnei 131 -t JlSJrn Russell Ill 9 Tn11 eonr rocll 131 10 fhtt 01ony11en111 1 18 12 9 8 6 que ries as we wind up the Cirs t month of the XXVIth running. Have at 'em. 1. Maria Dacunha stepped up a storm on the TRIVIA BY I.I. 2. Zero (Ann.le Rooney'ii dog) 3. EWING 4 (Dutry's license) 4. Serutan ("after 35") 5. South P hiladclph1a ("Happy Birthday, Ge- mini") 6. A mechanic (Lorenw Jom>s) 7 Leon GosJln (Clrat .. GOO&.·") H. "The Girls an 509" (Alll'n and Ne lla) 9. (a) OisciP.les of the Wutc·h , (b) Ma r<.'h 24 ("Final Conflict') 10. "Airplane" (Thovlc rlddlt') (Send your answet'B to T RIVIA. clo the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, COBt.n Mesa 92626. All entm'!. mu.~t be received by Wednesd~y. oth«.•rw1se hd/f the player's la.9t score will be owardro) screen as whom? .---------------- 2. ln what comic strip would you find a school teacher named Mrs. Hardacre? 3. ''Put a li ttle fun m your hfe, try dancing .. r--........ --... ------~~~------.. was the signore phrase of wha t TV t'Ouple? A B S Q L U T E L Y U N I Q U E II 4. Name t h e p rodu c t t hat was bil led as • · "Amenca's most famous dessert" 5. "A flock of sheep and you the only ram" ts a lyncal putdown from what Broadway and movie musical? 6. Name the radio hero who "ndes on and hvet. on m the heart and 1mag1nallon of the world.:· 7. Who was the only boxer to hold thret.-t.1tles s1mul taneousl y? 8 Gar O'Do nnell 1s th e leading ch aracter (actuaUy two leading characters) of what play? 9. In the movie "Bustin' Loose," identify (a) the name of the school thl' kids came Crom and (b) the bank that bailed them out m Washington .0. When Jlm.g.ave.ihe llUleJady a.bag band, relegated himself to S«..'COnd billing in what movie? ~ Last Week's Answ~ra I Dyan Cannon (name change) tft(n)R~9':> 1'~-- "''· l:AI, t:11 IA T /IUM. 12:30, 1:00, 5:30 l.-00 14kJO ,.G a JMt'e tie~ ... , .. _ u,,--...,,,.._ "MCHAN> "'y°" OMTHl~I~ --... ,,_ ... ..,_ "NIGHTMARE" nL l:IO IAT/IUN. 1t:IO, 4:11, WO ""-l:20 aAT/IUM. 12:50. '=35, S:20 ~l)V l!J "''· .... 10:15 IAT/IUN. a:., ..aG. 10:15 The music of Nell Sedaka, Li nda Ronstadt, Bob Dylan. Fame, Lynard Skynard r·Free Bird .. ) PERFORMED LIVE 10 express lhe evenll and feelings ol Jesus from Palm Sunday lo Easler THIS SUNDAY ONLY 0011·1 Miss II ' Worship al TEN A M 10.iyh4111 Sa111n9i. 1 11111 Fairview Community Church $air & F-airview, Costa-Mesa Or. Gary Barmon. paslOI 545·4610 "DASBOOr· FRI. 7:00, •AS IATllUN.1:15, 4:00 7:00, 1:45 (Al = .. llUIT IAR • ,N. 7:05, 10>.40 IAT/IUH.J:JO, 7:05, tO'AO .. BATTLE TRUCK" RU.HO IAT/SUM. 1:45, 5:20, t:OO "TAG" FM 1:30, 1:20. 10:15 I AT/IUH. 1:00, 2:50, 4:AO l:lll,t:20, 10:15(..a) 1 • d w .H ch L I D 0 C I NE MA "' "''''~·Ii of A ' <IA L'[' 673-8350 ~ J -1¥ Pt •'-'' '" A H DEATHTRAP • I ••• Orange CoHt OAILY 0PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 2•. 1882 NEW ENTRY -Nissan, thc ·Japanese auto firm that markets th<.' Dats un line, pla ns· to inlroduce a front-wheel-drive model that w11J HDRUSCOPI Sianday, April 23 ARIES (March 21-Apnl IY). Plan!! sub.)l'<:t to suddl'n changt'. you rt'n·1v1· tall 01 nut1u• wh1l h t ends lo s<.·a\ll•r for<:e~ An<ilyze motives. rCJc<.·t superC1c1al r<•spollSl'!>. dig d<'(•p for answt•n. TAURUS-.Aprll 20-May W : M-0-ne-y ~~ from surpriS(' source Luxury 1tl•m can bt• purcha- sed Family mc•mtx•r bl-aut1f1l'S ~urroundingi. Har mony <.·an be rt-stort'd at hom1•frunt GEMINI (May 21-Jvnt· 20) Lunar cydt· high. you make <.'Orrcct JUdgmt·nt.s and your liming hats mark. Tt'rms will be defined, you'll S(.'t' places and people in a more reabst1c hght · .CANCEJl (June 21 -July 22) You ovcn:onw fl'ars, su~pic1on:. Your pol.1laon 1~ strong. ont-in authority backs you, you'IJ havl' mort• r<.""pons1b1ltty and have chanct:' to earn more money LEO (July 23-Aug. :l2) At'cent un <.ommun1 - tcit10n. <.-reat1v1ty, ability to r<><;olve d ifferences with ·1ovt'<.1 one Projit"C't 1s C'umpll•tt'<.I, you 54.>nse pulSt.· of public and you g&an add<'d popularity as n><iult VIRGO (Aug 23-&pt 22) EmphaslS on andt· pl'ndtorn.:t-. affdU"lt of ht>&rt. t-xprt-SSion uf fl"t"ltngs and new start an nl'W dar<1.:tmn Focus alw on cart"l'r, fulhllment of obligation and a "l'Onferen<.·t_.'' w1th prurt-ssional SUJX'r1or LIBRA <Sept 23-0<"t 221 Your .ibal1tv tu DllTH NDTICIS OA\llS b\ V., '""'"'''I Mo 1111111,tl DH SAN fo'OH ().I D1\ \ IS I '.111.. ~t •• r 111.11 ' .111tl «• 1111 d~I '10 "' L .. k l \\ """ C:.1 It I\ P'"'• <I c1\o\"Y 11n i\µ1 d .! I I'll!.! Sunl\'1«1 11\ It.--"' 111 l.INOSA Y Mr"I J,,,rn D.1v1 .. , < hddr1·11 Hll"llAHI> 0 1.INl>SAV Dun .i nd Paul a . hr11th1·r ,,.,.,1,·111 or Nt "'l'"rl BhJ<h ~r11.1rd. D.w1 ... '"h·r Syl\ '" l'.J l'J..'-'il.-cl .iwJy on /\µ111 ".!.!. Ft 111lwrg .md m.IO) n11·1 ,., HIH:! Bor 11111 llollywood C.J anti 1wphrW!I Dr Dav" \o\J.., w1 i\ugu~t Ill t•HO f".1ttw1 J P rnle.11n:.l lit l,.ikt•wood uf t "h .. rlt•1w Sh'vl'n ;incl l)l· Ca lur tht• J>d'I .U. y< ur. A "''" l.endsav. h1'111v1 .. t 'illll ul ~1:1du .. 11· "' Oh1u C:oll .. gt• ur l\t·ll\o Ltnd~y. JIW l.11ulht I 1'1.1tl1.1tr11· Ml"dll 11w . ..i ... ,. .. of ,,f Timothy and <.:t11 ''loph• r I !1'\!I ,, rrn·mb• r 111 Tt•mplt L111d-...y M1·mu11,tl wr" ll t·' 11'·1 IJ Sh.1lom 111 Lon lo( Bt•"l h "' ti I It;. tw I ti 1111 ~ u ntl J \ (.',1 S.•f\'lu.--. \Ao Ill l.i. hdd 1111 Apnl .!.; 1!'8~ JI :! IHll'l\.l ,;t Sunil.1'\I A 1Jrt I :.! 1 I '18:! ,, I I'." 111, V1""' M1 mo11.1I J',,rk I:.! IHI no•m ·•l 1l.trl111r L..1wn (.'h.1111 I In l1t•u 11f flnw"'" Mounl ()lev1· M,•mor1al Ch,.,. ttw fi1m1lv ro'ljUI'''' cl1111.i - pt• I w 11 h H .. t.111 Sh" lt>m 11o1n., 111· 'il·nt 111 S.1,Hh C.'11;1"1 Podwol .md HJhht [}Jv1d .I t:ommun11v Chur, It :w:io K..tru , Hu'7z11n 11ff1C't.thng In l'.1 rk N1·w·p11r1 No wµ1111 111 u 111 llow\•r., th1• f,1mllv fll.,oth Ct W:lh11.I n ·•1u1 "'°' donat11ms bl· mad1 111 T1•mplt• Bt•t h Sh,jlum :111:1~ Elm Aw . t....m~ &•al·h. <;a Harbur' Luwn M11\J1H Olev" Monuury J11't•l'l•H '< ">4(1 .1554 . SHANNON Wlt.1.IAM C STl1\NNON ll•""'<I away April IR, l!IH:! ,1\ hi\ rt•ic id1·1lt t Ill C"1t,l11 Mt 'fJ c:.. With.ml wa' hurn 111 lh 1r111l, M1t h1\-t.rn April KESSINGER I.I IYHI lie\.\ .. J lClll.l>U\Wnl IH·:RtUC C: KESSINGEH. fvr 1h1 St;mli•v &rtx-r •md J n · .. 1dc•n 1 of H untington 1\,-.c•li•l.f" l"r 10 v1.1r" Sur Rt '"h· <.:a P;ii.,t•tl aw;1y on v1vt'tl 1111 ht~ w1l1· Lm'1 .. K April 22. 1~112' Surv1vl.od hv 111 l><'.ofborn. Ml< h11(11n . :1 hr' v. 1f<· lll'm·. son'I Don.ihl • h11d11 11 P<l!llf'l,1 Sh,mnnn 111 """ r\ndrt•w K1·i.,1ng1·r . N1•\o\ York Welhnm Chn-.111 d.1ui.:ht<'r 0-.;rlt·lll' Jlul1grt•11 11h1·1 Sh.innon of M11 h11(.1n i."tl r' Harn<.'t Jnd Grav lJnd ,mcl .Jonathan 11 Sh.moon of ldalu·lll· Purdv. brutht-rs M11 h1gJn a n d.; h1olhl•r Ho y .ind J a(·k K<'si.ingl'r, 8 11..rht•rt Shannon •1f ""ullt•r j(rnndi·hilrln •n Chap<· I i.1·1 11111 Ca t'unnal .,..., Vil''!> will v1<1..., and tnl••rrm·nt will IM· 111 111 hJ on SJlUrcJ.av. Aµnl ht•ld 110 Munduy Aµrll .!h .!I Ifill'..! ,1L lhl 11.trh&>r Lu\o\n 19112 .11th" W1•!1 lm1nst1·r C:hapt·I at 3.00 PM with pir- Mt·monal C:h,1pt·I 0 1rl'<'lc>d v.111• 1n1t·rnwn1 'I ht• l&m1ly rt tjU""'i. 1n ll<'U 111 flowc·r -------------,dunatlun~ h(• morl<· to the MorJu.11'\' • l.-"" ll'•v c t('rt\t '"'; h>?5 G•"I"' A.i· Co.,1.i Mt" 1 !>4(} 55~4 rlllCI HOTH.US HU llOADW.AY MOITUAIY I TO Broadway COilit Mr.,a 6429150 Ul n & lllGllOH SMfTH & TUTHllL WHTCUff CHUIL 421 (. 1 711'1 ~· Cos1a M ('i;1t f\46-9371 PtHCl llaOTHllS SMmtS' MOITUAIY 627 Main SI Holint1naton •c:ti 536·6539 Hl•art f und hi' hud l1vNI 1n 1h1• ;Hr-~• (or ahout I yt·ar mi ovtn~ 11u t h1•rt· IK.>t'ausc.• of t,u•11nt"•" li t• wu~ a pa:>I r""'dt·nt or Met h1gan and Swn Fr;mn"40, <.;.1 lit• wall 111~ r' po11t nHl<•N of C:rrx·k1•r C1t111•ni. B"nk In San f'tan- Cl!!l'O, (~a $(-rvl(.1'!> u ntkr tlw d1r1'C'tinn of Hnrbor L11w11 Mount Ol1v1• Mortu;;rv or Cusw Ml,..1 r, 10 ~:;~ Wll.LlT~ 1AP) 'rhrw S1tl'runwntn-1trt<ll dt•vl'lo - Jlf Ml dlt<tl Ill tht•. l·f Mh of u .,., n ji( I 1· 1•nn1 n1• p l.1 nr 1 n Mt•nJocln<J County ·Tht•y Wl•rc• 1cJ1mur1t•d all Wc:slty E. Timmerman, !'i3, 11 rt•ul <'lltutr dcvC!lopur 1tnd ~wn(lr or T1mnwrrn1111 Con1tr uc- 111m t:o , Giff• F. Wutlam1, !H1, •civil t1nslnrt-r ond own.•1 of Olf'nn F Wllllmna & ~uoclatt>t, and Tla9maa Oodeoo, ·Ii I, a murtaaae brokn ftir W"tland Mort- liCD ( &rvin' C.o APWlt~olo gc't an EPA ratang,.of 58.mllcs per gallon highway, 43 mpg in the t 1ty. The car. named the• Sentra. is to re place the Datsun 210. <.·ummunacatt! ideas t.i. l'nhan<.'C.'<i You rt.'l'<'IVC! rt"qUl'l>l for !>JX'<:ral material. you wat·h, ll·arn and gum nl·W pt'rspect 1 ves SCORPIO lOct 23-Nov 21) Check IA•nrl<•nl·v tu be t>xtravagant. Buying gtfl.l> muy not bt• an . .,Wl'f Lu ~i~mmtt 1nvolv1ng mtlnbt-r of opposlt~ st>x-Kcy now 1~ to be flex1blc. versattlt.• and to dtspl.iy s..·nM> o( humor SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 -Det-21). Chc'<.·k t..lt·· wils. n·mfort:c !>tructure. bt• aw.in• or legul nt't(~ ... ·- lll'S Jnd seek t'OOpetauon or partn£'r or matt• PPrm1t otht.•r!> to C'Xpress their views this can b<• a va- luable learning period. CAPRICORN (!A"C. :t2-Jan 19). Attend to bas1t· 1:.i.ut•s, cht:ck medical-dental appomlmt•nti. Em- phas1 on spl'(·1aJ care for dep<.•ndl•nts. pc.·ts Written not1toe C'Ould involve lease, n •rH or net'd for i.pc•oaJ Journey AQUARIUS (Jan 20-f\·b Iii). Lunar c·mphas1s on affec·taun, romance, varwty and a chang(' in do- m<~t1c situation Young per..on.<, are part of se<•nano. g1fl purchase for 9peclal annav<'n>a.ry should not tx- nvt'rlooked · PISCES (lo'C'b. 19-March WI. Focw. (Jn n•.il t-s- talt·. property. security, homt· appliances and sah•ty dt.·v1t·t.·s You ll'arn a secr<.•t, your ability to be· di- "' rt'<'t IS lt'Sll.od Another P1~'t~ bl>com~ ally Portable dialysis ystem invented BOSTON <AP> A portabll· bloud-purily1ng sysl.C'm w1JI 1mprov(• the outlook of diabetic. wl'.~ k1dncys have failed and free them from spending many hours hooked up to dullys1s machines. doctors say The new approach. ca.Ucci <.-onunuowi &mbula- tory peritoneal d1alys1s. 1s a lso cheaper than con· vC'nttonaJ he modialysls and (•limanat.es the need to t.akt• insulin &nJl.>etions. '"In the near future. 1t may become the lreat- menl of chOlt.'e tn those ruabet1cs rcqumng dtalys1s,'" the researcher wrote. More than 47,000 A.mencans now receive d ialysis, and one in four of them are diabetics wh08C kidneys have failed. Canadian doctors used peritoneal dialysis on 20 diabetics with ludney failure and found they did far better than those who have hemodialytds. a process tha t uses a large machine lo sc·reen impurities from t.he blood. Their s tudy w as directed by Dr. Dimitrios Or<>opoulos a t Toronto Western Hospital, where doctors helped develop the process. it was puu- ltshed m the New England Journal of Medicine In an Lnt.erview . Oreopoulos said non-dlabetics who a re doing well o n he m o<h alysis should not switch to the new method until doctors have had more expericnl>e with it. With peritoneal d ialysis, blood lS purified by the peritoneum. the me mbrane that lines the ab- domen MLIC NOTICE NOTICI OF A"LICATION TO llLL ALCOHOLIC HVIRAOH •·21·12 '" Whom II Mtoy Co11u1111 rnr rtOTISSFRI[ I\ lllJ1>ly111g !Cl 1111• D1111 .. 11me111 ol AIUJll\Jltt Buvtt ,.,,,,. C.01111ul for 41 ON '.Al[ Br 0 1 ,\ WIN( !PUB r A I l'l I lo "'II oil oloOhC btVf'r dQI'' ul 2ti0 Ro ,.,,. '>11 .. .,1 Co•ln M11 .1 <.~l•lo• ,,,. l•vt,11 hu<1 O r .JnQ" C ""''' (J.-uly P•IM A(olll '/4 111(11 Ill• J tl2 MLIC NOTICE "8.IC HOflCE l'tllllC NOTICE "8.IC NOTIC£ "CmlOUt .,.._.. '1CTITtOUI ...,.._ .. U. OTA~ ..... aTATlllllilNT T,.. ,_.,,.I*-ate M111f -Tllo IOllOwlng per.on II dOlllO _.. ~ .. WHllllN UNtllO llll'Alll Hiii TOM I WELL SERVICf. 300 I YICI ... , I , .. 811 .... ,......,. CA''* Redhill, 811lld1ng IV. 81111• 106 CA ,,'r.'f' " YOHO, 11 ""*'· 1<W>t. Cotta M"'' Ca t~211 &OWAl'IO ,ONO, 10 flooill, Wine. CA Cherl11 T Hl~t, !t 1731 l/te 1a1u Pato, rrabueo Ctn)'Orl. C. 1:18711 r.,._ -11~1.a11'1' 1 flll*tl Tlllt ~}I CGndUclflCI by tn --~ lndMClutl a.-, Y0119 Chai• l ....... Tllll •111e111e111 •It llled will\ Ille Tl\11 •lalemenl WU ffltd llWllll Ille Ccoun!y C-• Of o..,. Oountr"'"""' 1 COunly Clerk o4 Orange Count., on 1111 ,__ ApfH 9 19112 Publl•h•CI o .. ,, .. Coa•• OoMly PllOI ,t ..... Aorll a tO. 17. U. 1N2 1'tt., Publltlltd Or1oge Co11t 0•11) '"'"' 1\11111 1(1 I / ?• M•y t 1llO:> u.p, 8 PWllC NOTIC£ ~~~ aura•NT cw WTT"°"AWN.i rtCTITIOUI au11Nta1 l ... IOllO'tlllne ""'-... d""'9 b<IOI FROM ,ARTNIRIH4" OttlAATINO NAMI aTATIMINT ,,.0 •• UNMR 'ICTITIOUI AMERICAN lENANT IMPRO· 1MtHIJl!A 6HALLMARK JirH'11()tl 1ua1H11a NAM9 Vf MEN1S 7170 MOCktnQbttd Way 1.W•no N..,.l)Qtl -n CA t~IWIO l ll• lollowlng oerton llU with A11.1t1111m Hiii~ C!lltlorn•a 92807 ,.. .. ~',\!.JA~".';~ i • luce•ne Orlwn ••I gtnWal patine< lfom 1111 Jou J C .. 111111 1120 Moclo.tnQ· f,AltNOEll 11 SAWHN., 14 1 . .,., parlneta,,lp OPtrlllng unOer Ille turd W11 Anunetm 11111, C.111tlor111~ ,,. ""'*OOrt ea-CA !tit.a ftct111out bl.ltlneH name 01 D I ,. \12807 '"'' Luoin.••,. conoucioo 1ry •n '" Cont1111c11on Comp1n1 at 1611111 Jet~ I• H111101 Jo 18 27 D -Greeov-l1tn1 Huntington Boacfl 'iuulll I •Otv1;,w So1111u .&tut C.HltllJt A~I I S.-..,Y CA 026411 ro1.i '1210• lntt 1101eme n1 ••• 111•0 *"''th• The flCllltout Dull•-name 11• I tu• ltutlll.,H ·~ t.IJllC:.Jtlttd by d County CWtl ol Oronot C:-.ty on"'"'" 1 l&menl '°' ,,,. partr-•hll> WllA 11"'4 11•·11•11.11 1J1lrl11f'18ht1J 191~ ,,tMZ7 °'' June 26 108 1 •n 1ne Counly Of '"'~ A 11 .. r1t1y Jr PuDl11h•d Or•n11• CoHt D••ly l'•lol 0.enge flCTITIOUa aualNlll ''"• '11 .. nllOI """' l~f(J w11h the ""'~ l 10 11 14 1112 1~10 t1 Full N•m• •nO AdOreu of 11le HAW ITATEllHNT l••u'"Y <If'•• ul Or.in~ Courtly°'' -------------p.,~n W11rio1aw1ng Edw••O De ,,,. fotl°"'"llO pefl0'1t arl! 00tf19 A11111 n 1'181 l'tlllJC NOTICE Mui It '"8J! 1 Greenview l •11• bu1m"111 f117171 -------------Hunllt19lon BelGh CA 926-48 GREENHOUSE GALLERY. Put11t .t1111 0'""0" C.Ol't D~•lv l'ICTITIOUI 8USIMlll E<1wa10 OeMuha 143S Glanri.yre, Legun• BellGh Ca l'oktl Ap1.1 24 Moy I 11 1~ 1982 NAME ITATEMINT Fiie No. 115002 1126S1 180:> 82 The tollow1ng peraon 11 <1 011111 PubliahaJ Orario• Cont Oa11~ '>t1•1t011 S agur ''86 I omplt• 1-------------l>v.,,,... H 1' 1 A,,, 1 " ' •1 M ,, I 1·1~;? T L "'-··h c 926~ 1 DllDllC NOTICE PRECISION POWDER COA "4, "' err aguna ......, ' 1 " rUO\. TING 7 11 WMI 17111 StrMt Co,11 ----------Michael C Sagar 12116 Temple , ___ F_l_C_T-IT_l_O_U_$_8_U_S_IN-f-l-S--"4es1 Calll0<n1a 92627 Unit 0 II I err Llguna BMch C• 12651 NAME STATEMENT D.wo MIQIH4 Belli •O M11110n Th11 bu-i. conoucteo Dy an tndtvioual '' • '""''"""'0 P"' >O<• •• do1ny Bay Otlve C1llforn11 92625 'ICTITIOUI ., ..... Sll•ron Sager ... , ....... ~~ ••• Th•• bu~m ... ,, conducle<I by en NAMI ITATtMllfT Thtl 11at&rn8'1I Wd 111.0 wtlh Ille r I ft I RO MfCo• SAl F S CO 1nd1v10ual 1.._ ,_,t>O ""'""'' ere dol"') ....,_, County Cle•k 01 Oran~ County on 7 70, N1•wtr1n '!"uy C.oatH Mesa Oevld M Belli .....,, •• Aprll 0 19112 (;,1l 1ll')rn1a "12627 Tll11 1tetemen1 ..... flMld Wllll the f ... l'I 0 I H ltE Nf •• , ICAYIOC Fllltt3 11" I"' ' 1111lh • '" Wt'·,1 Hay County Clerk Of Ofonge Counly on C.ON">llt • AIHS •SO £u1 Cr>o1Jm•n PuDlls,,eo Orange Co•ll Dally A"• " 1ta1110.1 (.. i.11,,n-o 111~ Ap11I 15 19112 •••• ~• ,~"• ?01 O••no• C••·•o•nl• I tul Apt 1 10 11 ?4 M 1~ 1 it'l8' '"" •<-1 M Stn11h 11 ' W"'' F 1'1lt$ 11?6«. ,. 1 "L • ,, A111, .. 0 ... 11, •. ,.,. C.tt1tCJ••11a Publl~hed Orange Coaat Oa1ty ~.,.., M• "' 10»1 ".,..Inf,.., ... ' "" PIO •~· 1 1 24 M I II 19112 i;.,_, wo..., Ctll>!<>mo• !1160 Ml.IC NOTICE STATEMENT OF WtTHOA'lWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNOER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME f l•1 t U' 1n1••_., _, LOttt11.,.t•·t U:f d H 1 I ~ 1 l ay '101 82 ~,,e:."r_~7;·~· i:.~;c::. :;:.:01 JeVQM ,, ... ,., 11 ,,,,,ln••t••t11.., -------------! S.mtM ~ )()t [ ... t ra•• •"'aif1'4 11 '"I"' S1111 ll1 }'"''" 'll f'UBllC NQTIC[ 0.o•og<r 1. .. ,,,,. .. ,. 9?66~ • ,,,t r,,,.,1,. t'IXA-1-SMM'tor 1'03('1Wnf Mt An~ '"' ,1 ,,,.,,. .. , 1 ,..,~ ,,,,.o worn 11,.. l'ICTrTIOUS 8UllNEaS ·~· '>Mita Ana 1.a111.,,,... lt270A • 1 ,,.,,,,, 1 ,.,,k ut Or '"II" Cou1111 o" NAM[ STATEMENT 1"'• ov......,. .. .....,..,.,.,.., D) ·~ At,. , \ 1'-t1!t' fh• t tlrJW •rtQ J•ftf'-O" t cJ '"'I pattnoti'V"'(J ft I lh 'NtOQ i>••r JU h~') W•I h F 117"7 1 , ,11 •~ l"""'°•S.wnt ltlf MRS C A L ABASH ENtER· 1'0 '"1•'•"'•"1 ••t.1t •d ••lf 1h • o, ,., ,, 1 1M\t.if"\I 1·111thw• hf'MTI 1tu• , ... ,,, li\tnotJ Qr •nqe CO•'' 0 d tl f I '''"' f 11tus,t """"fdfUH;1 uno,., '"~ f'tll·~ ... ,,,.. ,. M•y I 8 1!1 1982 t < '" u\ nu.,,,•,, n.1m1• o t 1836-8? r I rc. IHO·MECH ~Alf '· (..0 I 101 £ ·'"' C hn Urut (... f ,u.~, "'" ( "'• l{Jtrti t -llfd I t tn • •1l1vu~ bu·.'"'" 11.uo ... '' • I• ,,.. •• 01 '' , U14• µ.u lot 1 f.ti•r ""·• ftlf'"d •••1·•u•'• ·~ i•1r.o ""' t ••• ,, .. ()• •'. I i I ,, fl1H ·•"•J A1• ,,. !11 I I.,,,. t • , n '''"''t'·J~•nQ 8•1• 81rcu• 11NO VI• Sereno 'forba Lind• C• t76N POOltC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 9USIMlal NAME aTATE•HT I•·• 10110•111·; per ton •• OO•llQ t u"'' 1•· ~ G\ '"Jt..eM~E rics 8678 D••'"' t." t..lt~ f ountd1n Vallf'y C..ut1forn111 \I, TtJI! l •n;1\• ' 1;119 81"'8 Oat hH l,.11 , 11 f rnp t ,,,, V.tUf'y C .ildOrn1.i ' (I~ 1111 I II If I• I' I 0 HCh..-lt•fl hy .I I ll 8:1 ,, •. ,,,., 11 Li••lnf.-•i •ilUlJ ~ \1ui•1tt l utl'.J '-.•""' • Monlon I MLIC NOTICC F'IC llTIOUS BUSINESS ; • • I 1•••1rn•1it ltld~ lalt'd iN1lt-i thf •''' ( '''" .f Or._J11r4• (..c1ut1t) l')f At, 'tP:.'J PRfSES 315 Ruby Ave B•lboa ~~) ,..,. "' O.aroge "°""11 "",,..,°' lllllfl<l Ce 02662 '1Ml2t Lucille CalOa1e1 31!> Ruby Pu""•"•O O·•~o• CoHI Oooy P1101 Ave Balboa ••land. Ca 92662 •P<• l •O • 1 '' 111u 1~1>t r. r1111 oo.,nee, it ~uc:1ec1 oy nn "Wllvodu II Luc:olle Cal0111ea Tri1t t1atemen1 waa hleO wiln ll'>e County Clef k ol 0. 111 Of1 County on Aptol IS 1982 ,,..,Jl7 Publllh&O Ora.no• COlll 0111ly P1to1 Apfll t 7 2• May 1 II. 1082 1704-82 PUBUC NOTICE POOLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of TRUSTH S SALE T $Ho 31 ... t;tJftl I Hf 1-1r b' C.1\1(" 1"-' "' "''"""· ...... t t,A.1, 1r-; l'JIJ/ 41 '; JO U lh(_.. I rrl ()~ 'Jdl(J l,,hty tn tf'lt 'Ot " •·• J'\teJ' rut tl-ttJut ''"9 fru~lf·• , • th· w;'r"" fht f)ff,.rt GI Rf.Al I '.1~1£ c;frors:11nt ~ '.fl't 111 f t "··"''' \J 1' ,070 N .1nti El<O·t•J., •• Su·ll :fJ• n l'W (..1, OI flCTITIOU• au..-.. .,~n·~ An11 CtlUnlJ' .,, O•a"O" ''•tf NA• STATE•NT "' (,.11otu1r"" '.AN MARINO ..,,._. The IOllOWlng penon ta Oo1ng 111;r,5 MIO l QAN A5'>04 .IA fl0f~ t>u ... ness u t c th'•1n·• rJ•tJor 1l1C1rt •t Out) HARBOUR FINANCIAL 7046 tr•l•'"''""l '""""' ''"Of'• 111<1 IJUI" Llllle H11tt>Qf Ot Hun1ing1on Beach. w ,,., '' '"' ''""'"' "' ,at" con1.,,~ Ce 926-411 I " '" ,, ""d 11 Dt'"CI at fru" f'•,.. Robe•! Nelson Wlllilml 7046 '""·It, MAR\o'oN b t<APElVS anO L•llle H1rbo• Hunt1no1on Beach A 1r1r•1 • "'Al-fl 1 '> •·u~bilf•O •'• F117114 C• 026411 .,,,, .., ,,tiro o. •ot .... 1 · •'.1110 ,,. ''" 'l ' ,, , ,.(.) Of lfHl'' l f A,, Od•ly Th11 bu .. ,,... tS conducled b~ an H "' ' ~ •• o f f)tt1f'..•at f4f'<.t.ore1~ ot '-' ll .,J,,, /4 Ma.,. I l' 1'1 198' tnd•v.dual ',., r .,,.,,, ·•' (>illJt_ l ;>') F4.fltOr. I NAME STATEMENT f I 10 I Wi1r I ") t.t I I .,.,,.,.. . ',(.AN().I A O<JW1' 'HIJPi- 1 • t tu t ·1(0'' lft•t•! (.rJ 11 1 •.-•• , .• lllO~ 8? Flol>efl N WtlMam• Cl•' \ ,,, I•"'"' I . "'' l 11 71) or ----.,.-.,,-IC--NO-T-IC£____ Tlltt •t•1ement wit loMl<I w•lh ll'>el '"~'o" ot a b•e11c1> or <Jel•ull '" r~ County Cle<k ot Otanoe Coun1y °"I f-.;ymenl o• pto<lorman .. e 01 tile April II 19112 ''''"O•l•on• ~urea thettlly 1nchl· FlCTfTIOUI IW ... 11 N.-ITAffMIHT '"·'" M1•,.1t11 A ,,. '""'-l·-...,.,,,,..." "' 'fl1 t th,, •• ,,, ... 41 ..... J """ "··· "1.1fll1 (.a.'"' CJf CJ1tt1cQ• ( nu 1., ..,.., ,,,. ,., f117191 Tne 1011ow1ng ~raon ••doing ~ .. ACE D£VC£ MFG., 11135 Whit· lier BS, Coll• ....... Ca 02$27 David R Mc:Collum, 2227 Po· mona •A Cosll MeM. C1 02827 T ht a bulll,_ IS conduc1tcl by ..,. 1n<11...ou11 OaYIO R McC<Mklm Thtt 1111-1 ... fllec:t w1111 11'9 County C1e<1< ot Or•noe County on Apr~ 0 19112 v .,1+1 .h•••J "' ,,, t' ' '• .t r1 .. ,y ,1~ ''''"' Ar>••• :It M ·~ HI I; •<t81 Pubhshed Orange Coa11 Dally •1'nt, P.I "''"' Ap11t 11) 17 24 M<1~ 1 1981 ~~~Ml.~-,C~NO~Tl-C-£~~-ii;o4e2 F 1"747 0 "9 IMI l>tMCll O< Clelaull Notoe. Publi1he<I Orange CoHt Daily '>I '"'"''" ..... recoroeo June 25 f»krl A1><•I IO 11 ;>4 M·•1 I 111117 1"61 ,n Book 14)15 ol 011re;1al Rei " I l!i tt:..•Cll OI WIG County •1 IJllQ9 1007, -------------1 J<,,(oro111 'lnurumf'l'I No 311077; Nil l !,EL l A I PUBLIC AVC. r ION ro IH( HIGHEST 8 1DDER FD" -------------I LA~H 14W1ol mane., OI 11'9 Un<ted ftCTITIOUI eue911•• State• O< • ~5""" I cti«k orawn ...._ ITA~ nn d 11.11.11 Of natlO<l&I b•ni. • at•t4 ...!.,,.~~per-•• dllo"Q ...... "' 1~111crf'O1 uruon "' a 11a1e oo AL0\0 INY£STMf'HTS :1'!•6 ~h IP<ieral MY•nQI and l()an .jJtoe::•al>Oll Cow l-Cost• ..... CA 97671 oomo<.•led •n Ill••''"'" an P•Y•bi. al PAUL E lOwER :10•1 s .. Co•• '"" 11"'4' 1)1 Mlle afl rlQhl ltlle 81\0 l-<:<>.ta ....... c.-92121 '"""'"' 'wto by If a& T•u•too ,,. 11181 ._:~!: ~CW:.N~~~! 9~:l: 11•a1 p11Jpet1y &>1ua1e in -..iod Counlt lltAAY ANN l(R()£HIH() •1•3 w-ano Stala oe.c11becl .. IOllOWA l ........ , ........... c.~ 91/14 PARCEL I "'"A•I •,. l <>AOvfA • , o J NI I NO I nclul••t as ,110,.,. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE PVtll( M011C( ~.,..,..,......, ...,,_,.., ... .,,... °''' • I ~ntl tll"'< •·llf'O " """ c0<>Cl".>M•n•U<11 STATE Of CALIFORNIA n ... -.. cono..c•eobyaOl"W"' t·•1n rf'tc••OeO on SepltrN:e• 14 F"" THE ftCTTTIOUS ~.. -·--:::... E l t9711 '" liooi. 178• 1 tld9'°"' 1U'l IO COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 .. .,.._ ITATIMINl Thit •t•t•tn•~•• llled ••fh tne ''ff me tu ,,v,. -.f o tflr ·~11 rrcorrJ\ f)( 11111 lUt•ANA C..HHt.,rtNA/IHIAN TNltotlOWl"Q -oon• .. •llOftlODUtl· Counl)C ... 11 o10r-eo.i..tyot•Al>f~I ,,.., ( llU"'' ..... rn,no •.:J b f BOl •HA H08f l<l ~ ''"" ._.. 19'1 •mPn'1mf'nt !•) conoom•ll"Jm pl..rf LlitlANO MANO[ l LAllOQSO COMMUNITY PU8LICAllOH3 2931 ,,_ ••-<<1<<l•"tl on Nuv~>m~• 10 1478 '" AQB(RI".. 8 Go:C:IOl:-e~tE~~f1~ = Publlolt<ld O••"~ Gout O•••r P1to1 Buolo. 11')18 s;(J(jf!"> 160) •nd 11\03 M.noti -(I IOf'O. C.<I ~ Ajlfll l 10 17 24, 1N2 1~1 .. 82 ol 011 •••I Rf'OCO"I ol ~o(j Coutoly lly If ROY C. A00ERTS o,tnoJ !'ION HOAYATH '9)1 Gr~• u... .._..,. NOTJC( PARC.El '.! NANCY G ROBffiT~ C:ool• -CA 9262t '"'~"'" An und•Y•df'O Ol'P '""'Y fOulllf '""" OAr .. nl\ '°' ChAt>Q•• "' "''"'" r,,,. -It_ .. DI'.,..,... FICTITlOUa eua1Heaa ' I ·1•1n111\lut't"JI "' a IM•••I ... LOtr NO. A1127$5 '*1net""'C> ""* aTATUlilDfT mon tn IM, .. "'19fell In &nO 10 lllf ORDER TO •HOW CAUIE °""'° H llMllett mmo' .. ,ea I lols 2 3 ano :. o( Wt·En .. ·s I a10 ,. Roi •• ,,. )lld Thi• tlolomonl ••• lll•d wl11t ,,,. The followlng perao n •• Oo1ng • 0 I . 0 • ~ , ~~ Y u I • t.ounly 0.lo. Of Oranoe Coultly Oft Ap'1I I, 1>u91ne91 ai It aCI 98~ H l)f'f Mrtp hied on f:IOOll Nauc~ 0 Rob"''' 11,.11110111•1 ~ 1•. 1H1 AN S COSMETIC COMPANY 41fi Plt91'• 1 le. 7 1nc:IU$lvf1 c•I Mt~ '·''""' 11•0 molhf'• nt '""''••'"" ""'°' 804 W W••llll'glon • 15 Santa Cf'llan"°u' M•ps At'<.o•d' ot ""o l uc•.ona C""'"n" Z.J< '" 8'"'' 1 llo .!~~111t0~70•2~~· .. ~ou1 Oeotr.!~'~~ Ana. Ca 92706 Counlv .n aur h twm IS <)f'f•nNI ·tf lNt~.tf•'1luru\/lO M•oo .. t(114rct>'<i .....,.. o1 ' ._-..: /lt..t\ UuO'-1tttn 80• W t~&fhCl~Of\lttl#oct Oef•nt11(.f'lo (.I' R"1"''" "·••e ltl{l(l 1 .,..,,.,,,,. w•ll• W•1h1ng1on •IS, S1nla An• C1 "'e C>Nt.1ra1'°" OI C.Ovf'l'lnlt l.Uf\ ""' C.S..•• ol lh•~ C.tMJll '"' "' or<J,., PllllC .nt( 92706 c1>11on' nno Rt'i!ttCloOn~ U!C010t-d th•"O"•ll lhe "1>fil1t ""~ '"'""" Thlt iw.1,,_ 11 oon0uc:1.0 by an Aptol l 1 1978 '" BO<» 12644 iia..,. lttlfn luc1.1na Ct"'~'"'J lult•n 9,,.., ~ ........ Individual qc, 1 o l 0 11>< 181 R8tUt0' I 111( '" .... t ... ,, 10 Ch••· lilt 1 l ·J~l11n.1 NA• •TA~ An Ol.oc Tran O!!lhttll•On ~ .ino olny •UIJflllh lln!>l-•1 lnd lrvm I •JI t l"" Mnno<>I r,,. 1-.0 ~ 11 000<'9 --Thcs atalemenl WU 1...0 wllh Ille m< nt~ ,Jnd 11mf'11umcnt• l~retn C.ittlO'U H1Jll""' In p.,,,,. Go 1n1 • Covnly Clerk of Or-County on PARC fl ) • Rob4ltl\ •MSl>f'<:h"~~ J ~~~~~O,.::.!!,~=~lt~ ll April 0 1042 -.,,. fa\1•mf•n1• ., \ucn ...... ,,.., "" •T IS ORDERED 111,,1 oil l"'''"n~ JOH,..<NA "' C.RM•OIA 141 l• Jolla F1-.. dll' l>"rtocut .. rl• ~ IOt11l '" lht• 111•! m1t1tel""<J 1n lhf •IH •'' ''"''""0 o. .... .._1 11toac1> GA tlt6l Publl•"e<I Orenge Coaat Dally • '" en1111eo fiuements 01 '"• 1m·llltt• •tl•~o• bf'l•)Of• Ill•'· C t:..u•I ,11 '"'• ~""" .. ' •• conOuctit• Or •n "" 1>,101 APf•l 10 17 i • Mi1y 1 1q8;> 0<'• 11.,,111on undf'• lho SPCllOn """ .. -------------10 10 AM on J11111• :0 19117 "' dtv•Ou., J Or-. HM) tll '''"II'"' •u~" o1fhtfe c.>nltlle<l •h tol POOLIC NOTICE O.•p,11tn•l'lll 3 ol "'" Criti•I 1 ... ·''"'' '"'' tUlemenl ... 111•11 With lh• • """'' A•Qh1l ~n(! Oullf'~ Ulll•llllt POOLIC NOTICE HAA•OR MUNM:WAL Ccxn.T 4'01 ............ IN¥CI. P.O .... 2:110 Newport ••acll, Ca. ""0·1J.47 PlAINf.,F: OLIN PRO,ER· Tlt'I CO'"·· a C•llfornla COfl)Ofa· "°" OEFlNOANT: NI W,ORT HAC H MOTORING ACC:llSO Riii, a 01llfornl• '•rlnerahlp. CATHIRlttf MITZ. 'lTI R ltAfl· NII , •I peraonal 9ua,.nlor or le1H. 00£1 1 tllrOtlgh I , lnclu•lve IUMMONI CAaE NUMHR 11740 NOTICll Yov M¥e Mell lued Tiie COVrl fNI)' dedde '91in•t )'CIV •ltllout 1our belnt ... .,Cl 11nlHt 1ati re..,ond within iO de11. Aeed 11te lnlonMtloft beloW. AV.IOI uetM hi.._ CleMlll· dido. ll 0 11tu11al p11ed1 decldlr COftlla Uf. ..... ._,4HtMll I -que Ud. r•tponC111 Clentro de IC dlM. Lea .. lntotMICloll """' 8Jtul If yw with 10 ..... 1"-e(IVI(;' 01 11n ,.ll()rftly In thl• melltr. you th0\11<1 do .a prompl 1y 110 that 'l'O' " wr1lle11 rnponM 1f any, may be h 1M on IHne !11 Vtl•d o .. u •ohcuar el eonM10 d• un •D09«Ki9 t11 este H 111\lo dtbcirla 11acer10 lomodl•la m1n1e, do ••I• menere, tu rtt· C)Ulltfll ete.rll• • hty .ioun• P'*" 1* •IOltlrlde e I~ Al 700 C1v1C: Cen1 .. r o ..... w .. \1 CQt1n1yC1e<~o10ranoec-1,0flAp<• 1. ""' ( HJI(' T1•lt••••1un Suppon. Nl·t2'7~ !;11111., Ana Cahlorm 1 ":7 ;111 t1nrJ 1917 Nil.IC •T1C£ C,•••ll1•mM11 1no E ncroad'•m"'" NOTICE Of '"""' ~"""' •I •"'1 '""' lh•· P"hh(>t• ,,.._ '"'~'' • lg•H, 10n<I Rtoereahun..t •UUt TflANUEA IOI th•'"il" ol n•mtr dl>Wl(I 1101 '"' Puottt...O O<enge CoH I O•llr P1to1, ORANGE COUNTY aU,lRIOR A«Jllh "no (•ctus•W' 111>ttroc1t<d 1-.Ct . 8101 ·1107 U.C.C) QfAl'lf'<I "°'" 3 •O 11 24, •M2 Im.a COUffT { ...... m .. n Ar ... 1 fa<ement fO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN tT tS ~VRIHfA OHDffH D lh.;I" , TOO Cf* Cen1W Dflva Wffl PAHL! • • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 'opy 01111•• ordf'f 10 ·,ho-.. lllUtP t•H Nil.IC •m ...... AM, CA '21'01 r " ...... "''" d$ sue,, •H•m••nll llrn Cred1to11 of ALEllANOER puDll,,,1'0 m '"" ORANC.f COAST P LAINTIFF OHIO CASUAL TY arl' p11tlo<.ula1ly \Cl lo<lh "' lhi> .111t1 PAZOS 8nd MAGDALENA PAZOS Poot Aprll 2• May J 10 11 1982 'ICTITIOUe .,..... INSUF\ANCE COMPAN\' • corpo· cl" l'HlilfPU I "'"monll 01 1111\ I r11n~leto11 whov bulo!\9U ad 111111 r,11tulftll1>n Olll'IPd on OrAnQf' ...._ ITAftllilbfT r•lron D~l1uel•oro ur C:nvffnanl\ C.onclt tJr f'U I\ 24362 Vr• Sttnl• Ctara Counly Cal1IOfnU1 O<Kf'" w"f'll 10< The~ I*-11 dOlllO --DEFENDANT. SHIRLEY M OIL· 1'°"' 1no R,_,t,ottlOn~ •l'CU•Ol'tl Mv, M"RIOn V1e10 Ca 02692 Counly ot ICJUI •"''"'•vii _ ... p11u1 lo ""' .. LOW ;>~ 10 • 7 on Boo~ 123~ P8Q(' 14& Or JtlfJ'' $18111 ol C ... lorrMt lhal a dale Ml"" ,,...,,,>O (Ill""'""'''""" ALl•8ENZ .ACCESIOlllll 1300 •ue•OMI ~nd '" •f'COIO~ 'i<•l)l9m00f 8 1971' !>vii' 11an~1 .. 11 at>out to be m•<k> 10 0A1E0 /10111 i'2 1982 -. A-121c. Cool•-· <All-ON "fllT AMINDID COM· on BOOll 11J;1 Pl'9" 3~7 Of Otlocoe( RIC~ LOOMIS STEPHEN LOOMIS f101>1\LO H PRENNEA """'• tM21 l'\.A .. T R"C c><<ll anti 1my \upPlemenlS and- arnl WILLIAM J CARO(N Tr8nsle Ju<Jqe ol lhe .1oncA ......... t300 AO-A-. c-........... a.10 "monOm('nta lhtueto (lhf MHle<. «> C •2IC, C<Mt• Mtee. ~ t2t2I .... T1C•1 y "'~.............. ......... 0 I ' d lh I ~ r<>e. w1lose 1>v11n1t<1$ lldOreH •• CIO upt>110• our I Thie butl-d 11 col'ClvCIH...,.,, In· ..., a .., ._.... --· Pt 111 •lit On 1 un er f' aec 10 .. 162 t Beystde Ortve Corona del JONATHAN I(, GOLDEN. 110. °'"""'.. TM oowt...., dtetde ......,_., "°" h1'1101l'Qt on 11Kh artt<lo onttHl!<I af" M111 Counly of Drano• 81111e ol 1175 Cent1H)' Perlii l a•I .i.no ..,gen "'"""' row MfRt heord 11nleH 1011ow• R1qh11 ano °"'"'t U111t11e11 Cnlll~;~·o~=y 10 be ,,,,:.,.,fed ~:."l"n;.':!. CalHornla IOOl7 et!:.~ ~·;c;~c= ::•~ C =:::....--=.:. .,. . .._. ;:~11~;:,t>~~I ':~~v·~~;roac~.~:~:": ,. IOC'llleO 11 2!t •6 E••• P9c111c (2111 HJ."22 17 •"2 ,,.... If~ with 10 Mell 1~ lld~ of Cornmun11y F'ac11t11es ftqmf'nl • Cone H1ghw•r Coron• ~I Mar Publltll110 01enge Coaat Oa•I) Publl~ 0r ..... C-• 0e11y PllOt. en a11or11tr In 11111 mellt• you ill'O Drainage Ovf't C.ommun•t)1 Co.Jn1y of Ortll'go, tilal• ol C•IM PllOI Allftl 2• May 1 II l!t 19112 ACM11 l 10 11. 24, IMZ t.....a tflOulO oo to promptly to tllel 'J'O"' f'ACtltlHtt • n11 9202$ 1850·82 wrlltell retp(lnM. II any fMY be II Tl\to -"*"' o<IOrMI Ot OtMr com.' Sal<I prop.,ty II dAICHlbtd In ------------l'U8UC NOTICE lod °" 1tme. ' ' · • mon d11t•gna11011 ol lllt rHI 010.t f,tf'ltrlll "H AH l lOCI\ In lrtOt, h•· POBlJC NOTICE AVlaOI UttM M .U. MMall• petty n horo1n1bovo d8\C~1D~ ' 11,ut 1"111"-fftl en"' ""o<I will 0 1 .. _..._ II tflo...--1 ...-. "'--l"'lr p~ur""'I~ 10 oe M H1rc\or 1<10 ' lht11i , .. iiu~~~I 'i>us1n';1'r° known a1 'ICTITIOUa 8U=H =-"'-.-;; ...... e-.::.;.. 01,.;;-·~por1 84Hlcll C.hl •a MAISON ALEXI s REST AURA NT flCTITIOUI •USINlla MAMIE ITATI.• T .... U4. , ........... ,. •• IO T ne U!\011 llO"ed lleil y dll • end IOClted At 2515 ru1 PACth(; NA• aTATIMINT rtie IOllO'ortf'IQ oereon1 ••• dolno .... LAI ........ llflA ........ Cl3~ •• h•O<l•IY '°' ~ lf'IC(llfe<I. CO .. t Hlgllwey Corone Oel Mer ltle fOllOWlng oe•ton II dOt!\g bu"411_.I a1 ,_11n MIO '911 .. I aod1tu (It Olhett Covn1y of O••noe 1111 ol Colt1M ™"'"""' .. MANAGEMENT COUITIES, 332 81 Utt" "'" tdllcf'I ....... con-t Oll'llnOtl OfllOntlt0'1 • n111 llM2~ OVE'RSE.A CHINES( 8 USI· F'.Metl A~. SUllt 22, PO Sol MjOdlun~-.... atunlO SllCI Hie Wiii b• m•O• •llllouf. IM bulk tran•fllf will 1>o con.. NCSS ASSOCIATION 10 Sttrbl.lr-1 09 Lagun1 Bffcll. C.ailornia OH52 CleMrlt lleMJIO lftlmedlalemet'ltt'. wa,,•llty upreu or 1mpllod re• 1umme1ed on or alttr the 121h d•y Cl Newport OHC.h. Ca11101n1a Ht1old lynoh. Jr · 210 •Olar\-d• ••tt mintr•. au rup11Ht• g8rd1no 111111 oo•Hulon or en• 01 M11y 1902 eno et••m• n'lly bl 112863 nllY't l llttl "P' 8, 1.•N a..ch. eterll• ti ney •IOVll• pued• .. , cumbt1toe.• to •1111a1y tile pr10Cll)tl ft~ 11 WELLS FA~OO DANI'. NA 81111 ~uf\ Chan 10 S1•tbu111 Cthl0<n1a UH I ,.......,. e ftemoo. ' balenc:t 01 l"e Nolt 01 0111t1 0011-• ftcrow Oep1•tmo111 ... hcrow Ct • Newpore 8uc.h ca111orn11 c Jam11 Mur•r. 3S MD'11CO l . to THE OE~!NOANT A Clvl4 Q•llOI\ HC\lted by Hid o .. o OI Ho •o 3725 Sull• 1230 HO 021413 ~~ hKll~~~o COMP. ltlnt 11 .. Hell llled by llM Tt11at. Wllll lnlef .. I Ind°'"'--.: t>ftwpott Centtt Orlvl N1;,,port Thll butonett It con6ucllCI by"' El •tt OI ....,,,., " ".,.,..,, .,...,_ ...... .,ou. I you wWt to u pt~ lheteln, pll'9 ldV-• a.ii'" ca UHO C011Rly 0 1 lll'l•f\Coroo1t1eo uaocaellon ol"-< lo• 11$3 SvnV..,,ldlf!Ot33&3 ....., ....... youl!IUll,...,_, lltny,Uf1Clt(lhtlttmt'hlrto4end Ortngt. atato ot Ceutomla Of by lllM • f)lftntf.nip Hugh Dlue. • North .,ortol1, • ~ lfter ... IUIMIOfll It W · lflllfetl Of'l tll(;ll e<l.,.lllC4fl, ano pluC'; mall to '°" 72.to, ~ 8"ell, &hu 8'..11 C"-n Sov•h WIQont ClllllOflllf t:lt17 11141 011 y~. 11i. •1111 Ill!• ""'' • ,_. cNtfO-and u.pen ... OI lhf C• 02663 lhll lltltmOnt wa• hi.<I wtlll Ille Dlnl)la E CAtMll, 7323 Sil\lfll• wri11111 ,....-10 Ille ~I. Trllll" and o4 Ille ltUllll crH llCI 0'11" All cltlfT!f Mlltl bt rttetlllCI ti County Cl4Nll 01 Orf09ti COIH1ty Of1 110111 011111, Cvtr01tt n. Co1or1<10 \JI"-you 11o eo. yo11t ..._,.. w11 1110 o .. d ol Tru11 Tho lol•~ 11111 t4cJr ... by lht 11111 <l•y Ol !lll•y llptfl n IN2 to4'9 • ""-~ ...... t ,...._. " lllllfed 011 eppllcetlOll ol llM ~· .. MIO OOloO-hOll tnc:~· 1te2 UlllCIM lhll blllll tren.i. el90 ,,..,.., .JOflll ~ .,......,"· _,,., _.,. ......... IM 1!11 oowt .._.,_ • rll!IM......,. ~*' .... ~ tf\c:lud•• tl\t traf\11 r ol 111wor II· 'Ubf11h1d Or1110• Co111 Oa11r flOf1 Ce.ell Nonh tftOlotwOOCI, Colo-~ ....... you '°' 11"9 ,.._. -..io ,.,..._of Ille TMI .... 1111. .Cetll Ill whl(ll U .. all elt1t11• PllOI Ai>fll 10 ...... I 14 17 1Ml tlldo I0111 .......... i\ .. 001 ..... It. wHofl t1f'119 et '"tl•t publlc9'IOll el !hi 1 TO TH OEIENOAfl!IT A dY- complllnt hH ltHn 111•0 by lht plalnllll llflltl'MI you It you •1111 10 dol~O lhlt lfwlUll, yOLI niut l, within 11 de~• '''" 11111 111nimont It Mr• wed Oii y<X.I file with t11l, court • Wltlltn r .. pontll 10 lN C6'11p11H\I VnteM yOll 09 tO '°"' ...,.. wit! .,. ente<tCI 01'1 •Pl>llOatlOll'OI the ~lrtt, ~ INt c,owt may enl• • PtCMIOUI l"'lfiifii ~ 'fall\ll yov IOI' tM rellel , .._,. IT4._ln Hln!lflded In lllt ~. wtlltll f'IWI llf r~..ect pr.or 10 Iha dtle ltOl·U J t<ert l•Cll. ' 0 I O• ao 14 cou .. roeull 111 ,.,ftlell"'e11t el ....... Jt alt) 191 M on wlllCll th• tu1uor llC•"H II -----.-.---.._....,..__,tun V~ kWIO INN ............ 11 IMMW •.,,.,.,., OAffO ,_,. t3 1Mt .., ir1n1l•H•d b~ Ille PoP.,tment Of ~ M)JIC( Oouvllll I ci.n.n.. , 0 lo• or Ollltf 1eflof 1eowe•l•C1 In 1110 I AN MANNO ~VtN<iS Al<.onolkl &tvtt• Cortltol -----------1 '''" ~ v-, kMM tJHJ ........,. ' lOAH A&IOCIAflON t• 1,, •• kntJwn lo 1,,. trani MOTtCI °' UPUCATM* J0'111 M ac.,.,.11 I 1~111 Miit DATIO: o..e. '· ,.., • ~-c01110ft110t1 fflfNt a1f ~ '*""'..,.. .ci fO ~ Aoad ''uellemln, H•• Jortt) ~A .,..., .. ,,_. •""'"IMO by Tr...-Ofl '°' '"' ~COMOUC tnaAMI 01•1• °"" "r NAl Ill A ff O'l!tt rt•l IMI PMI -.,,,.. ...... T"'9 ........ • ~-by 1 •I .....,.__ •CUNTll:l It O.t.o Ai>fll 11 1M1 tov:~,~~u t• ft> ..--• ==-Nl NUmA ' ;_ Qaltofiw OltfJICW•tton. .. ~~ e; ......... _,_, .. ,.. ·-c-.,, i<1 In•• 0111111111 mt t 4J ................ ....... & *'"' lfl\il!lllf. ,,. L.-... k.=, ...,_.,......, ......... .... 1t11t••I '1u111e 10 ••" atc*fl•ll ftW itll.,..lt •"" •-• -·-=r,-.,_ Ofl -......... ~.,. ...,., .... •t f 1'9 .Httllef 81ff -.----a.-ftlllilll Ct ..... ,_. ..., I .. , ....... ~ ~=--OHll Doll ~.~i..• n rll.'m ,~ .... lilt IMI :,n,..,.·~ '" fo1Jow1no Petaon I• 001110 c oufd re1.L1ll 1n otrnlthmtnl 01 lkitineta •t • w~ 1.-11111 ol lflOnllr O< ptOpetl~ DIV(~ OOAVI 17.I~ -..1r1111 or ofh•r r.ri .. ,._., .... O 1n tllt L-._,ii Ml C• Hmt ~ UMee .. lffly Wl"'""J. 1114 . •DAftO ....,. •I ..., ., ..... l lN hM•Me.C. t270I '"•"'!.!~ ..... , .. 1N11n11M 111 ~ t11 //!le 1Y u.,... .... IMWMlu• t .u.... ... ~~'W .. :n-e~~~~lll •• I -MORflNO- •:ee (I) MAOMlll IH MAHHATTAH W1v11nd "OWlfl llld Madame ere IOlnecl by Hetlny Younoman In In ~of r~ llulnqr I~. VlEWPOIHT OH NUTIWTIOH • HAMMER~ Of' HOAAOfll ··111111cw From The Ore ... " An A"*1c;an ,_._ wflO WU lnvolYICI In I mu<dlr ~ conv~ tf\el the ¥1C1lm'1 ghOll 11 sell!· ·~·~ 1:40 ct) MOVIE * • ·~ "Che>ppy Ano The Pronceaa" ( 1973) An1m11t· Id Choppy, Ille Cric:Ut Ang91, II 11ea-.-,1 lo Kl U QUlrdlWI °"*' the SllYerllndP<~ 6:60 QI) HEWS t:OO 8 SUNRISE SEMUTP I 8EA(HOIPfl'Y TllNTAU< • IUAEAUAE~ • &ATUAOAY MOANING ()) HEALTH8EAT l1J HEWSMAl(EM QI AORICUL TURAl. U.8 .A. $VIDEO JUKHOX (S)MOVIE • • "tnvllO•• From The ONp" Animeted A cap- 111n and his mighty llllp Chalfenoe In evil lord end 1111 army of 1qu1uc ll'9nl t~fIJ MOVIE • • • ''Murmur Of Tiie ~ .. ( 1971) LN MMMrl, 84inQt Ferreux A 1°""11 boy dieono-1 .. l\eYing ., hell'1murmur11 llCCOmp9- n..o by 1111 mothlt on 1 r11etu1 "'*' to • ape "30 e ousrrs TAEEHOUSE 8 THATSCAT 8 PACESETT'fM G AMEAICA: THE 8ECONO cem.JAY • 8P£AKOVT • CAPTIONED A8C NEWS ()) VOICE Of' AOAtCUI.. TUAE 9 rrs YOUR IU8ltES8 Q!J Oft. 8NUOOLE.S (f{)MOV1E * ·~ "Smolley Bii.. The Dull" (1981) Jlf'rlmy McHI· ChOI, J-1 Jlili11'1 A hiOh school ci.linquen1 Oii• Ille wlloll town on hi. tr• ~ hi mMI" oft with IN hOmecomlng ~ Ind hellOI ICtOU 1111 11111 In I -ill Of ltolen IUIOtno- bllll 'PO' 0 THE MIN£ AHO Tl4I MIHOTAUA Four Children becom1 1nvo1¥1d wilh WI 1ntern1. toonel amuggNng ring elter 1111)' ICCldenlelly ~ • Pf~ lllluetl• 7:00 • l(J08WON.O FNlured WI lnl.,,..... Wlih Lydia Cotnell. wflO pi.,.. the par1 of "Sare" on Che comedy·~ --Too Cloll For Comlorl". • repon on 12-,.ew-dd ~ roller11111er Trecy Melscn from Ch1nu11, Ken ... 8 QI) TliE FUNTIITONU I BIO llUJ9 MAl9l.I ([I~ G DA'llSY ANO GOUAnt • TVANMOUT • YOGA FOfll HEAL TH Cl) INTEANATIOHAL l10U*' (C)MOVIE • • • "Outtew 111111" ( 1977) Pei• Fonde, S.- Salnl J11T1fl Wiien a country-w1111rn llng11 lleals hll song, WI ft-Qlfl 1r111 d1 1pera111y to retrieve hi• recording rlQhll ....... belfllng .,_ police 'PO' 7:aCI 8 MR. MOON'8 llMM> CIACUI BaJSMUfR • Oft. INltOQ! fl 80~NCtt t acooeYDOO 8 DAVEY AMO GOUAnt • NIWS • UNOERITNONO HUMAN llEHA~ Cl) INTDINA 1lONAl. HOUlll CJ) HOU.YWOOO Bllt Hau• P<IMnl9 uc>- ck>M r9C)C)f'I 1 on the peo. pie encl _,II wNc:lh -malling ,_. In IN Pf'O- ductlOn •nd glMlolK ~ lal ol IM~ '"°'*f'I .MOYIE • • • ·~ "Ooc:IOt VW.00" (INS) Omw 8'wlf, O.al- dine Cllaplln Two lcMrt •lruggle Mlldtt 1111 ..... Ind peMlone °' "" ""'" elln Aevolullon. M01~~ • • "Tiie Otd c::orr.t" (lt37) 0... A.llry FllM· ll'O erupt• '-'-Olty ..... QMOll•• and .,.. ~. I ::. 9TATI TOOt\V * * "C~nt Drec11ta" Clfll) ~ ~ ....,I.om • UMDINTANDM9 e-AeeMIOTM (.B)MCMI • .... "Hol i....i Mf Coif ,_ .. Cl971) Jlfll 0., 0.. Knotla Ill Tiie Old ..... STUDY -Mike Farrell investigat<.~ per- sonal risks of the arms race a nd how Americans are working to prevent (j nu- clear war o n "Thinking Twice Abou t Nuclear War" tonight at 6 on KOCE (50) tMtl l>fothera --one rough n laugh. Ille Olller I QIY- t>t9d rn<1Quetou1 -· com- 1>91• on • grueling con1111 IO -wt\O Wiii inllef1I lhelr 111toer·a 10r1une ·o {,l)MOVIE * *''I "Ullle M11a Marller" ( 1980) Watter Matlh4W, Jutte Andr-. 8U4ld on lhe Damon Rut'lyon llC>r)' A gruff. 11tngy 1930s l>Oolt. ,.., hie II turned around whtv> hi acc411>11 a 6-yNt· ok! moc>P*I 11 • merit.er .r0t a rlClng bet 'PO' t.'06!%l.PHAHJOMJNDIA (Part ti t:ao 8 Cl) TARZAN / LONE RANGER a a l(JO SUPER POWER HOUR 8 9 FONZ I HAPPY OAYSOANO • P£0Pt..E ANO OABANIZATIONS HI(%) PKAHTOM !NOIA (Pill 21 e:oo I LEAVE rr TO B£A V£A lfl LAV£AHE& SHIALEY Cl MOVIE • * 'The Liii WOITIWI On Eer111· (11161) AnlhOny Clftlot'll, Betsy Jones- Morlland Fottowot'lg a ~ lltOIOelon. tllree llo1n cs;...,. ~ E11'1h'a IOle IUnmlor. • EAHE8T ANGLEY ·= OOVEAHMEHT rc:J MOVIE I* 'It 'SI IYIS" ( 19711) Charles BtonllOn. Jacque. line Bo111t A f0<"* crime rep0<1er-lurnld-d4ltectiYe la hwld t>y a w11tthy film flnCflr to recover a Mt Of lnctirnfnaling ledgers. 'PO' HO • (I) llU08 llUNNY I fllDAO AUHHEA I ~~~ 9 HEATHCUFF I ~ ·~JoWCEAS OOYEANMEHT .... (%) "4.AHTOM lliOA (Piil 31 10:00 a a 8A80All. St lOU11Cerd~llllatPNl­ lldltphla Pl'i4ll-. I 8HANANA 9 THUNOAAA/ OOl.DIE OOU> • CAA CARE CEHTMl. • ll08JONO • LAST CHANCE OAAAOE !kid S-1 W....tlgal.M • Clr·et11'1lng l)fOOlem and lllfWy• jacltl (RI • VOT'£A'8 PIP£UHE Jim COCW)lt modefllll • debata 1>11.....,, c.ndi- dat.. lllllclng office In Orenge County ®MOVIE • • "19• 1" (1979) JC>M 9eluehl, Toetltro Mlfunl. All• 1111 bombing Of Pew! H111>or. Sout'-n Califcw- nfl cM!lan1 Ind mJ111ary per90nnll react witn un"'f· died CMnlc 10 ,_. of • J..,.,_ lllacll in their °'""' 1>ac11 r-rd PO· (J)MOW •*'iii "Any Whlctl Wrt You Can" I 19801 Clint Eatwood. Sondra Loclte Before 11u1tng down Wltll "" glt1 Ind -Otangu!MI, a bar--111ted flgMM llgrll uo for -..... lwcretM metefl. 'PG' tO:to I AMEM:A'I TOP TEN WIU>, WllD WOALO ~AHIMAl.I I =~ f'OATIWTS IN ,Al'r£La t0:H (%) '"AHTOM IHCMA {!Jeri ., • tt:tO e WCT TtNNll "l300,000 Ztwldl Tournt· ment" eo WUktHO INQAl. "MIM Swttdl To The Ael- -·· A mytterble gift ~I IWO youtlOI .... on a joutnty becll to Iha t 7tti oentury (Part 1H~ i·~--~ *••"AMA Thi M«M9" ( 1t11) AMA. A ...... Olec JoQey ·~ pvr-IM ,........, ~"""''"""'. ltl9J lir'IJ II of ....... tnot11df110· "D111clftl 0111111, •• .. .... , ...... "9.01." lllCI .. ,~." ewow • • * Tim ' (1981) Ptper L•urll, Mii Olbaon A young retarded man end a 1en1111v1. mtdd ll ·lgad woman develop a cio.e r1ta11on1hlp or mu1uat n4Mld and und«ltandlng 1h11 lead• to en unortho- dox matrllge 11:30 I CJ) 11.ACQTAA 9 AMEAICAH 8ANOSTAHO 0 WILD, WILD WEST • MAGIC Of' OIL PAIHTIHO -· ;Pl'UJCUllAPH¥ (%)MOVIE • • • • "Fer from T'lll Madding Crowd" ( 1967) Julie Chr1111e Terence Stemp A wtlltu4 young term girl t>ellera twMlf, l>ul CIMlroya ,,., .. ,.,,.,, In lhepr~ -AFTERNOON- 12:00 8 ()) 'o"AOLLKJNS 8 LOST IN SPACE Thi KllPI< !Pill 11 • AOAM-12 • OUllTIHO Merf\tng At'ld Batte Steps ~~RAFT * * "King Of Thi Moun- ll•n 11981) H11ry HllTIUn, Josepn Bollom• • Tnr" young L A b1chelore devote their .,,.,QIM to lhe IPOfl of drag racing PG' l$J MOVIE * • • '"' 'Bldknoba Al\d Broomlllcf\1 111171) Ang9!1 Lan11>ury. 01¥\d TomllnllOn During World W8" II. a noviee IOfCllr- e nd lier three young lrllnda Mt ott for a ~ 11181'1<1 where •he il'ltlflda IO ielfn enough 1t1ou1 wffeflulf1 10 UM 11 agalnlt theNUIS G I~ 8 (I) TOM AHO J£MY 8 8UOAAAAY LEOHAAO•s aot..OEN Gl.OYES D MOVIE ••·~ Thi V~ Of Panct>o V... llN7) JOfln &-=-J.,._ PNIC>rooll A mM' I l)lrlOnll \lltldltta egtllntt lhe Almy prCJC*e him lnlO JOlt""ll up with lhe tnlamous Pancho Vob -~12 • C0LLE0£ FOl'I CAHtNE.8 (A) 8!> NUDlECRAFT 0 EHTVl'TAIHMEHT TWllWEE< lnlerYl•w• with Dick Ca ... 11. Arnold Schwet- zenegger. MlchMI Cain.. T9d Shackelford, e>oni,e MHll and Cl\arlle Oan1eta. 0 HAMMER HOU8t! Of HOAAOA "\/11110< From Tiii Or-" An Atneflc:an heir-W11o .... invot\lld 1n a murder l>IComett convinced thee lhl Ylelln't'• gh<Kt ....... ongr~ 1~lli~~ lmEH08 OF GOLF Tlwekound co-..raoe °' 11119 IOWnatnenl for Mf*>f goller1 (hi lrom Onion er.... Club 1n Auelln. T811 I • THE MUNSTPI Two hoodtume ..... H«- man'a CM IO U9e In a bet* robbery 111) ALAN KING TlNNtl CLASSIC • MOYIE * * * "The long VO)'llgl Home" ( 1940) John w~ 1en Hunter. II WoOOwNCIHT'I lttOft "The Aake't Progr-" Roy Undlrnlll con1truc11 • u-ctenr•e.IRI • MOWING 't'IAM "Tiit CNld'1 Mind" (Part 1) (C)MOVIR * * ~ "A Thufldlt Of °""""" f1Mll NotlerO ...... OlorOI H9mllton. AtllaoMd~IMofllle U t . c...lry rlOae IWd Oft a or-. riuno ~ I out .. W.t '°""· ,. <I>•...,. ~,...,.,, .,_ "MwtMI T-nM*'!I" -...n-. ....... ................ 000 '" PtlH lftOfteY rrom ~ ........ ,,...,... .MOVA "C .. "'lo ,.,... Th --==~~~~---------CHAllll. USTHIS ....... •111•• ......... ..,.., ....... ,,,,.......,.,,,,, .. ........ .,...,. .... ............ -... . ••ontT IC••> e ICNK INKI eKT~CIN.I 9t.MC •Aac> • ..,..tCllf I Iii .... ... ~Clllf'I---· f"-t ., ID""'•l W1'M 01 ._., ... .................... a.... le.4 ..... .. ,.... .......... ..... -----~ --1-.... If '111 llltll!o .., tmt, • ,... .,...... flMIM ...,...... ..... drOOI on t ~ ..,,...,. Miion~ ....... Mcie* Ill ,._... .. Iha Oftl IO .... IH "°"" Olll Of .. .-...y 'fllO. t:00• MOYll * * "HiglllJ!llte Al ~ dtlgOll'I CM119" ( 11711 GtofOI HMlllllOn... ~ V~hn 8 OILUGAH'l ISLAHO Mrt H°"*' torma • t)'ln- PhOny O<Chttlrl ·~ * •'A "<>-1h Aldel A HorM" (INtj Lie Vll'I CINf, John ,._ \.fW •M<>W ...... -,; * • ·~ "Undlt Thi Yum Yum Tr•" (1"3)' Jeell Lem~. CttOl l ynleir. ·~TMQNQ HUMAN~~ "0-lc PtyCl\otOgy" i =9/fil BUNCH * • "Ruckus" CIMO) Dll'll Benedlc:t, LltlcM 8lllr. A 9helt-4h0Ck9d Viltnem Y1t di.turl>I 1111 PlllCI of • amlll Alie>-1DM1 'PO' (l)MOVlf • * * "King Of IOnge" I t982) Jeffrey Hunler. Rober1 Ryan Thi coming Of Jftua and lhe -II ol hll Nl1 ga._. l>lflh to 1 ,_ rlliglon 2:20 MOVIE • * '' 'Tiii C.t And The Can1ry" ( 1978) Hon0< Blackmen. ~lctlMI Gallen Heu• l>lttle for a fcwtune at 1111 19C)Oky ...... ol • decelMd mlllionllte 'PG' 2;1(). OIU..IOAWl lllAM) • IHIC>E ITDftY "Network Neww Thal'• The W1y It 11" Hodding Carter IOOlca 11 Ille Chang- ing llllUI Of t'll1WO(k ~ lhows. ID IR>EASTAHolNG- HUMAH ~YIOA "Emollonel Oewioprnen1" Cl) STAR TREI< 3:00 8 8l'OAT8 AFIELD • MOVIE • • * "The AdVlnlur• Of Tom Sawyer' (11138) Tom. my Kelly Jadile '"'°'en 8ued on lhe 11ory by M1rt. Tw1ln A mll Chievous Mouourl bo)' hll a --01 exdhng eo....... lur" • MOVIE 6 * '• "Apt1I In Per .. ·· ( 19!>3) Oorts Dey. Ray 80lget A ChcwUI girl an(! I governmen1 ol!IClll 1111 on love on a Fr-boynd luxury""*' • HAAOl.O LLOYD Fll.M FUTIVAL 8 HOME OAROENER QIMOVll • • • • "An Amerlcen In Part• ( tt5 I) G«w KAM!y, Laslie Ceron. Mu1lc1I acore by George end Ira Glf lllWln An American n-01 !Inda r-end ..-.In Peril (C)MOVIE • • • "Out11w Bluea" C t977) ~er Fonda, &.In Sa ini Jama• When a c~n1ry-w1t11rn lfnger ...... hi• eong, .,, .. -con H I•• d••P•ratety 10 retrteve nos reeordlno Ngnll ...... balfllng lhe ~·PG a::.o 8 8"0RTll SA TUN>A Y 10-rouna jUf'llOt liglltweigttl bou1 ~ Con,._ Boze" Ed'#erda Ind Jofln VerderON (lrom Auantlc City, H..J ): IN Uttll 500, a 50-mlle blcyde ,_ Ct.om Bloomington, Ind , 8 EVER'IMW Loca11on he from Iha UCLA .,_ maratha't 11t UCLA. W11twood. • 111 M)fueow, llOWlEM TC>Uft 1200,000 ""-tone Tour· "'"*'' Of ChamplOnt (from Alllilfa Unel In Akron. Otlto). • HOMe e.MCINIPI (l)~WOMAH CIDOMATQT~ rw~ Botton Ceftic:ll \1t Loe ~Lall­....... A young boy Clll' I afford to ti.ly "'8 dt\llN lie WWltl IO~ 4:00 e ONDl.V AOM11 • MO¥IE ** • .,... ~Men'' ( 1972) Ann-...... "-' Trinflgnanl An "'*- not man rllenlNlolly .,_.. hll target ~ f1ie 11r .... °' Loe ,,,,.... • INT1'00UCINQ ltO\.OOY VIDEO JI llCl90X •wov. *** "~CenWllt" ( 19781 Wanen le9t1y, J\lle Cht18tle Al'W 1 pt0 '"9· ball •• .,. ...... pt9fne- lurely dlllNd 9y an .._ lllllJll, ltae "*' .. __, tlll body ol • ~ tnduto- lrlellat IO C<lntlnw llYlf'IO In 'PO' •:Ot (%) MOVll * * ,_. "Ha(d Country•• (IHI) Jtn.Mlch• Vlll- Oltll, Klm ...... AT•· .. flClory wcwtl• .. \om ~•...,.tooono ttnue In "-....... dd bOf'liltllyll ..... ...,_ OM'e.,_...._.,.._ tlone. 'PG' •:ao. IOOCl9I WOl It G..,,, .,,.,.. .. Glf'Mllay • lfT'llODUCM lll0&..09't (J) ··-'il 1111 Olego ,.... .. A11anta•.-<8'>tslCMI ·~ .. .,.., ..... 11'9 Outllw (1 .. 1) .itJrwrt; ..... dlcll, ..... .,.,.... ~ .. .................. .................. ........... ..,~ .. ..._'It ........ ............ -.. ---..-. ....... ..... ,.. -1:::..t" --·~ .... .............. _. .................... ;:..,---------... _.._ ... ., s _ a a :a.=::;- Orange Oout DAILY PILOT llaturday, APrll 24, 1812 TUBE TOPPERS KOCE {80) 6:00 -"Thlnklna Twice About Nuclear Wu." An examlriatlon of now Amencans .... J'llpondlng io tlaka of ihr arms race. &e photo. left, KHJ (9) H:OO -"Miu California l'oaeant." Youna worn h comp~t~ for "Mia California'' Utle. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sis ten." Ray Charles and Svlvta are RUesta. KCET (28) 9:00 -••Weekend." Barbara Hershey and Tony Musante star in story about a man's frustrated search for youth. lllOllOIH'9, ()No) • t(OJAI( Aide4 by Iha ln1wnll ""8WI DM9'on WI aNltt· 11'11 di11trlet 111orney in.... r: l(ojall lor brtt>ery totiOOOLO aocica.R MADE IN CMMWtV NIJl'lllnl VI 0..meiny l~W£U( ''OrMI ~ Sonoa'' c.c:JM<MI * I ·~ "SI ,.,.... ( 1979) ci,.,111 Bte>n1on, Jec:que- ..,,. 8llael A form« crime repc>rtlf'·turned·dllectlve II hired by a -'thy lllm lenc:I« to recover a Mt of inettmlnat lnQ ledger1 'PO· (O)MOVlf. • * •"" "The Nor1h A- lr'191.111rS" ( t979) Edw.,d ~rmann, 811bera Harrla --an.I,_ nl#iltlllrln • llNlll town organa.. a group Of dolly WOtner'I In 1111 congr• geoon to atop 1111 no.. of chutcn f\Jrld• 10 cr1m1n1111 'G' ())MOYIE •• ''Xanadu" t 1980) Oii- ,,, • .._,on-Jonn. 0..... ~ A young 11111Sl, a ~-end •Mntt­ menl•I mllllonelre join tor-to open up a huge rok-dlaco~ 'PG' 5~ I ~Of THE WllO ONCE tJflON A Q.AlllC "The Tahn\et'I Saladil'l'a pllyliC:len El Hllllm goll 10 Ille European Cernc> with K..,,...,, and glvee Rld\erd 8 potJon whtCh Cutll lllm (P11113HAIQ @ WIOE M>Rl.o OF "'°"" Kentudly Derby Trtll, 1 mile ,_ for lop 3.,...,. old lhorougllt>tedl (from Ch<.lrc:Nll Oown1 In LOUll- vllle, Ky r. Ken1uc11v Derby Preview. the Blulgre11 Stall.. (from lex1ng1on. l(y.), N1Uona1 Cnarnc*Jn- Mlp Sprint C11 "-(from RoelOUfV, 0!"01 l:llO CJ) MO'ftE * * 1'°' 'Thi Cat And T ne Canary" ( 1978) Honor Bladlman, Mien• a ..... Hei'a b.-hll tor • ion.-11 1111 IC>Oolly lltllt• ot • deceMed mlllionalre PO' -EVBaltG- jual out ot W111 Polrrt. (D)MOW * * * "The Elflhling"' ( 1980) Wltllam Holden. RIC«y Schroder A wor1d lrlVller INChll a 'fOU"9 orphan Ille Wl'f9 of_...,,., Ito the Aualral•M wtldlr· neaa 'PO' ' (j) OAl.l.AOHEA: TWO ~ Tiii comedian e>erlorma a -111 ol one-IH>era and ccwnte 111Qn1ll11 7'06 (Z) PHANTOM 1HOtA (P11r12) 7:" I DOOOEA PAE-0.AAa 7.30 LOOI< AT US OMNI: THE NEW ,~ F11tured • Chtld wtio regr~ a llflO*'llp 111\1 lost In an ll®ldlt'll, • lour ol the IOI•• 1yetern In the )'•If 2500, cMclren Wl?O uM ~tera before they can •Nd or write • IWJEBAU LM ~ Ooclger1 11 San Franc-.C.O Olanta • PRUEHTf 9&TOllE~ (I) AOHT BACK QI EYE OH SAN DIEGO f"Ntured WI lnllf'Vlew .. I.II Benny GoodlNll 18 THE MuPPET8 ~ Ellle Son11M1 t:OO 8 Cl) WALT DllHEY Tr"*"a laland' A voung boy and a charming rnu1...-l>lcOtnl lnvotved in a -Ch '°' l>utlld ,,.... IUfe (Pert2) D HA1'PEA VAUEY Stella and 8.ntar IMm UO 10 .. ,,,. ,,.. once-.popular Herper Vllley Eatery from l<Wec!Oeur• by ,,,. Allll)'tl 8 MOVIE * * • 'The P1nk Jungle" (IM8) J-o.r ...... e..a Renzi A pf\ol<>o<aphlr and ~ mOdel lh0ugh1 to be ~ ernblfk on a -di few • diamond mine 8 111 THE MYIT£RIOUS POWERS OIFMAH Richlrd BeNhart ~II Ihle epec111 l11tur1ng .,._ bonding IO<cery. lnct90!1)19 tupertium•n strength and titune '*_,.., rll• G Mtea CAUFOfNA IHTPNATIONAL BEAUTY ftAOEAHT This gala event. P<-"ed from Knott'• Berry Farm In &.wia Part.. -noet 42 ,.oung wom«t wtlo ... compete for IM 11111 Of 'MINCalllorl'!lll " • MOVIE • • • "C1ged" 11950) Eleanor Peril... AgnM M00tah9ad A young glt1 ,......, lmprl90ned for In.rt t>ec:omee a bitter, hOetle women • TAAININO OOOS TffE W000H0UH WAY "The Right 811111" Barbera WoodhOuM tr-"°91 ~ IOUt1d end ahowt Ille eot• rec! way to P<llM. • MOVIE •• • "Angel On ~Y Shoulder" ( 19•11) Peul Munl. Claude Raina. A gengtt• mlkM I baf-Wllh lhl di"" lo rel...,., to llt•ll. j\ldge QI) LOOK ALM (8) wmt A TOUCff OIF IUM.aOUE Sid C-Ind~ Coca perlorm b1Q1W f*!tl comedy. 9ilpll1Ctt routin. end o ther burl11q11e tRaplll In • lhOw ..,.., It the Star n-1re In ,_,,., Mldllgen Cl)MOW * * •.; 'Nlghlll1wll1" CIM I I SytYMter St...,.._ 8111) 0. w.arn. A tough ,..,. Y Ott. City cop 1111 ""9 WOfti CUI out fof him wtl9ll one °' the wond'• MOii dangerout llfrOtl.,e emwt In hllCfty. 'A' .MOYll ...... "TIM H~ (IH11 DH W1ttae1, Pltl1c* Macn.. A W01Mr1 rec>CWl• .. menlCed 9y a klllef who -to bl a ~.'R' CZlMOYll * * "'Frldly Thi 13'tl" (tN0) ... 1yP.,..,Mti- -. l(lflO, Tiie ''°"'*"' Of • .,.,_ temp, ..... IO,_.._..,....,...._ ,,.,,.,... ......... 11¥1 lllllf wtlo l11•1Ma "'*•IC11ng ....... L 'A' I* •• ONI OIFntl ecn9 ,...._.. ......... '° Olloter'• l'flOOit4ftO In .. ~ MO JOnllNll , ...... .. 1r..:. ··~·~ ........ -(ttrl)...,., ..... ... ,,...._ ~ .... .., --............ , ... .................... --------& ...... ,. ...., --....... _ ... ... a.Ill. .. llu.._, ................ ,........,,.....,_ ~ ........... Ulia; .. ..._. ., ... .,. ........ ........... •• "1941" (1171) John INlutlll, T OllllrO Mtfvne Atlll' the bombing of P-1 Hltl>of, Southern Cllltfot• nle OIVlllane 11\d mltilery Plfllonf'lll fNCI with Ulll>ri· died Panic 10 -Of a ~ lllack In their own bec:kylfel 'PO' (Q)MOvie • * ·~ "Thief" (1971) Rich: lfd Cranna, Aogll Otekln. eon A reformed c:t lminll te I~ Wl111 I lllC:*.y 111U• 11()1'1 ..,..,, he need• QUldl money •.)O C0 MA T'IHEE AT THE BIJOU FMturld "Wiidcat t 1942) 11arr1ng Aicnard Arllt'I and Buller C.1b1>1 • 1939 lt>otl, Md lhe 11r111 Cl\apter of · Zorro'• Ftghllng LIQIOn !RI ~CZ)MOVtE • • '' 'Herd Country ' ( 198 ti Jen-MtellNI Von- cent Kim S.tinge< A T ••· u lec:tory worker '• tcwn 1>11-h•a deslre 10 con- unue In 1he • good old t>oy' llllltyie and Ill• l1en- CN I tllOw bull-lmbl· 1oon1 PO' 10:00 D N9C MAOAZJNE Jeck Perkins 111ro11 1111 "Slraog/11" drug retoabohll· lion prog11m, G1rr1ck Ulley rapo<ll Ot'I the P<>Ul- blltly thal eome ccwnp.._ are consoderong adding •••d to their ge•oflne IO"". S,15Y Aaton look 1 81 the CUlrlrtt llllle Of lttlil'S In Ille Moddte hat am HEWS 8 di FANTASY ISLAND A modern YOUl'IQ .oman •KPeroencea 1111 ad..,..ture 01 17th century France and an erna1-maooc-i IUd· danly poueues 1h1 MCrl11 of aotcetera fRI Q D MISS WOAl..O PAGEANT S.•IY-.....,. bllu1-com peia in 1r1ree events Helen Reddy hCMllS • WE WERE OEAMAH JEWS The dr1rn11te MC101 OI Herbert and Lo111 Slrauu from Ger-many o" 1943 ll'>eir t>uoldlng a ,_ ~fe tn the Ur\lted St•IM and 1heir coming to 1erm1 wttll the HOIOCaull are recounlld (l)MOVIE •'It "The Slucl" ( 1978) Joen Coltlna, Oliver lob" n A Wiiier advancee 1111 ur-by lleec>lng w1111 h•• t>oet'a wtfe R' O MOVIE • • "1941 ( 1979) Jon... Belullhl TOlhoro Molune Aller the l>OmbW>g 01 Pew! Hert>ot Soutlllrn Cllrl0<- nta aVillen9 and ,..,..11ary ~ reec:1 Wllh unbri- dled pat10C lo ,_ ol a J~ •lladi In ''*' own becll yaro PG· 1~*>·· NEWS fC}MOVIE • • • A88A The Movoe" ( 1978) ABBA A ~ d* joclley 1enae1ou11y purauff the renowned Swecltsh 9'IC>I< grouo .. 1hly 91ng 18 of ''*' ""'· lnctud1n9 01nc1ng Oueen. • "W1t1rloo," "SO s " end "Fernando .. ·o· 11:00 •a• w o a HEWS • ENTERTAIHM£NT THl8WEEK Interview• w1111 Olck C1ve11, Arnold Scnwar- l9nlOOlf, Mich .. Caine, Ted Shldltfford. Donne Mllll llft<I Otwlll Otanllle • MOVIE • * "Thi Oullidl MM" ( 1972) Ann-Margret .JMn TrlnllgnMt An unk.-, 1111 men relent....,,, 1reo1<1 hl9 target lhrougn 1111 alrMfS of Lot Angeiee • PN80NEA: CEU. IN.C>aCH 11•1 end Jim are ., •• c'°"' of Erlcl'a 1llt1Ude 1-dTonl • THE FRIEH06Hlf' YfAM Hosts Wall• C.onltlte end Pl'lillp 8oernef'ldal Of Hol• lend rlllleW ,,,. lnl•Cll- ~°'the us and the NeClllr1enelt II Ille countflll celebtll• 200 .....,., ol unbrOllen dlplO- matlC tellllortl • AUl'TIN CITY LIMIT8 "George thOrogood And TIMI Dettroywa I Davtd ~Anet Thi X-Rays" <ll)MOVll * • "Tll'ret Train" (1980) Bin ~. Jamie ..... CUf'!il. A eotllge fflternt- ly' a,._ YMr'a muquer. Ide petty tuma Into a """""*" ...,., a lllnd!G· tN>I IJlllll flartl llllllnlJ off tl'll "'1Y'909'1! 'A' (ll)~oou Aidt 'odell lloet1 Ihle 80ull ocwneoy IJllnl "'°"' --· oontMttnta ~· ••• Off ... alolMI if they lftCOf • ,..,... .... • ~tlcwl .. Ml ti.fl oi-~ ·u• • '"'M>OKflOM) ... .......... "'* '*""" In ---wMfl ... Polol ..... lill--ld~· ........ Polfltt to '*" • ... ""'°"*' In .... J:a:'a----~·--~y...., HM:.....,. CMp GMlb.: I Glllltll 0..... ..... MO---... ~ D11•••11 H , ........... Ol!Mr ... ...A ...... ....... _ ......... .. .... ... ..-. .. . OllS•• ......... . - ~ • ......... And Low'' M~~~-­ Ctleron A---~ wlf1'1 l'Otlo f111tlllle lllglfl 10 , ... OOf'ltfcM OWf -~ W WOVll • • "OoodDye, fmmanuelle" 11tn1 •vMe Krlllll A l>Nu!lful - 111'1 -Ch for IN ulu. m111 erotic lllP«"'- rmnga her to 1 It ll1lnlJ rlllwillon 'JI' 11:.41 • MOVIE • • ''°' "Lady In <Ament" ( t9'8) Frink Slrt1tre. Raquel Welch A ptlvate dltlC11VI h1r9<1 lo rind • milling girt dl!ICO\l9t1 ...., l>Ody ln a FIOrlda bay (SJ llCZAARE 'THI Tube T-" -Ml>HIGHT- 11-00 8 MOVIE * * * The N"'ny' (1965) Belte 0.vle, Wolllam 1>111 • FRAHIOE HOWEllO MOVIE * * Wno Is The BtlCll Oanto1'1 111175) Efrem llmbaltll Jr LUCAe Atnu. POiice •Uemc>t 10 ...,,., the l>acl<gtOUl'ld of I 22-,._- 0IO ""' whose body .... found In 8 YICant lcSt0 U CHANHEL ZERO 12 10(¢)MOYIE •'> 'Tiie Stud" (t978) Joen Cotllnl Oliver T Obi· u A wal11f lldvance. htl car-l>y &leeping w1111 n.. t>oss'1 w1l1 R 12:11H $)MOVIE • •• ., "Any Wlloeh Way You Can ( 1980) Cllnl EHtWOOd, SQoQrA ~ 8ef0<e se1111no down .,1th h.1 girl 111<1 pet 0<angu1an • l>ar1-lo1ted loghll< Slil'l• up 10< one IMI tucr111ve mateh PG 12:30 8 MOVIE • • ''> Ttl9 friends Of Edo.e Coyle I 19731 Rob- ert Mitchum Peler Boyte A lede<lll aglt'll ..... a &meiltome c.roof\ 10 .. l>OM • ,,,..,. ronQ 41) MOVIE • • • Gta"*'fltd Of t1ot- r0< I tll7 t) 8'11 CurrM, Yoc;1s1a Gr•r A man teems Ille awful sec:t11 ol hlS !>toll~ I do~. lllC4 whet\ lie IS led 10 I hidden C:8Yil by ~ band ol gnouts 12 40 'H MOVIE • • • Tt>e Blun Btoth· ers l 19801 Jonn 8elust!I. Oen Aykroyd lwo t>tt.-"nQef• must contend wttll the en~ police 1he CIA, Neo-N111s ano tlll u s Army IO pul IQOelhlt I l>«lefll Concert to ralle money lor tneor par!Sh 'R' 1:00 0 ROCK CONCERT 0~1 s.111 SQuier Jose FetlClano • MOVIE • • • Home Before Oarll I 19581 Jean S.m- mona Rhona• Ftemorig A women llrugolel to lldjUlt to aoc>ety tOllowltlg hit eotlf-1 t0< • nervou1 bfeallOown QI EV£HINO AT THE IMPftOV Host Doc S.v•on..., 0.-11 Denny JohnlO<l, Sc:a1~ Crothers .....,_ roce LeMarche. Dotti• Areh•bald DMOVIE • • ·~ Bruballer (1980) Robert RldfO<d Yac>het Kono A reform-<Nndecf warden uncovers ....,._ llO<Nd corruploon Wflen he ..,,.,. "" MWfy ~ 11r11on po11ng •• an tnrnall 'R' I :o5 (%)MOVIE • "' • "Murmu• Of Tiii Hee1t" (19711 Lu MUlllt, Blnott F1<r9Ux A young t>oy dl90noMd •• navong a heart murmur 11 eocompe. "'*" by htS molher °" • latellil voStt 10 a spa t·ac> ()) MOVIE • * Rid R1v1< R&n99" t 193111 John Wayne Ray Corrog•n Tile Three Mlequit-s se1 out 10 nab • gang of C81111 111- 0!>« •tono •long lhl Red Rover 1:40 CIMOVIE * I * Tl-. LHI Of The Mobile Hot Shola 11N9) Jame• Coburn Lynn Aeog.e,.. Tiie 8Un'Mng member of .,, old LOUiti- ana lemtfy """'' lhe grind P<t21 on a TV ~ al1()W l>ul In O<dlr to COllec1 hi mull matry ,... C:O-Wlf'lrllr on the neal day.'1 P<OQlern 'A 2:009 M0\11€ "HOUM Of T•ror" (197:1) Jenifer Blehop, Arel Blan- 10<1 A nurw Arld her io....- •re ecc:u..o of bladunail ind murder. wh1n • """"lhy men hlf19 Ille nurM 10 c.re few hi• tnvlfld ...... 1:301~ 1:11 MOYll • * * "Tiie Lui Married C°""'9 In America" C llMIO) Georg• Segal, Na1aW. Wood A lllc>Plly "*rild ~ "°"' to _,. hOw ~ mtrrtlO tNy ,....... .,. lfl• llllfig .. °' lhelr fftenda' mwnaoee IN! llP '" 1111 Cli\IOf'OI CClllt 'R' ..... MOVll • • "Hard, Fut And a..rttful" c 196 I) c..... ,,_, ...... Foff• a.CZ>falCMI • • ~ ''TM Oii lvrtl T1ae Clftary'' ( tt711 ..._ '*""*" ........ o.lleft. ............. ..__ .. WM! ..-y ..... °'. .............. •(llQ' I:• Cl> MIMI ~ • • "CNeett An41 c....,.·,....,. ....,.. .. ,...., ........ ._.. .....,....... ...... fwe ••tHHt Ila .. -·-.... ...... ... ..... ..... .. -flLaaa,....llt .., ........ ' Canon The first computerized, · shutter-P.riority automatic SLR. Ihelast-word in value. The AE-1 is changing the way· cameras will be made, and the way photographers take pictures. Its shutter-priority automatic exposure and sensitive silicon photo cell free you as never before -to approach your subject-yet with all the versatility that Canon's more than forty FD lenses and multitude of accessories makes easily possible. To really appreciate the AE-1, you have to pick it up and use it. It just may change the course of your photography! ,. . . ---_:_-·-=-..=--.. . "l f . ~ --==--~----~ • . ., ' 'J • • • ' '. j . ... . ., I . ; .. • • I f -· ..=--· .. , .. • I I -• . : . • I ,. -·· . -' , -~ . . . ' r··-• -. . • W I 1-.,.-• . _. I . • -• t ,_ . -.. ,_ .. ·-• I ··-. ·-.. --· -. • Shutter-priority automatic exposure SLR •Incredibly l ight weight. compact and easy to use • Instant response. sensi- tive silicon exposure metering .• Compact Powe r Winder A • for motorized sequential shooting • Speedlight 155A auto electronic flash sets shutter and aperture •Accepts all Can o n FD lenses for AE operation • Unbeatable performance at an unbeatable price . , Qlive branch extended in rFV Employee , co~n ·ii act to reduce el ction-cau ed friction . Put the Power of the Daily Pilot 3-D Ads to work for you by taking advantage of · this speical off er • • • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3 lines, 3 days $3.00 Here's how it works for you. Run a 3 line ad for 3 days for $3.00 -If you don't sell your item on the first 3 days just call 642-5678 and ask for your 3 for~FREE and we'll run your ad an additional 3 days absolutely FREEi If you find you have your Item priced too high on the first 3 day run we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run (no other copy changes allowed). Each additional line you wish to run will only cost you $1 .00 such as: 4 llnea, 3 times -$4.00 5 llnea, 3 time• -$5.00 8 lln••, 3 time• -se.oo . No matter how many lines you rur,, we'll stlll give you 3 days FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. Rules are afmple -one Item per ad -Item must be priced -sorry, no com- mercial ads allowed. · • • ' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 24, 1982 Cl lulatu/J.nll/ ... ~~~!! ...........• ! lulan1 ~ "'l111hc ''' l~·all' UIK&llNlt BALL GAMES 8 L S l l A B T E K S A B L E N L L E 0 l A E C C 0 S I H N E T L Y L 0 I H H R C V B I l L I A R D S A A L L A N 0 P Klf XL Lt X ME S)R BYAL LO S A N 0 A L E N E T " I T T H B T A Y H B U E R S L I C S A 0 G F S T A I E S A R E G A K A C R 0 C R 0 Q P T A K A S D 8 A H Y E 8 F I T C S L 0 E J C U E N L 8 Y I I T Y E C K 0 J F U P 0 Q 8 I L E D W L E 8 E H K S A U Q E H S A 8 A S U 0 M W R A L C E I C 0 S D 0 L 0 P A J B U P 0 B L L A T C R 0 L D L R Y B U G R U G 8 Y L 0 N E C N E M E S S 0 R C A L Y E H A J V S " A I R W D E 8 A M A B L L A B D E E P S F M ed1u11 income of Daily Pilot fomiliH exceeds 134.000 a year. Your ad reaches the county's most affluent buytng oudiettce . You Love Her Th11 \1other's 01) send \lorn 1 greeting & l'nter our "World's Grf'etesl Mom" contest at thl' same time Our 1udgrs will ~lf'rt the ruet''lt Mother's Day Crl'ehng and that mothl'r "Ill rl'ce1vt a $50 gift certificate from a ll'adini;t department ~•ore 11·~ 1'8\.'. wnlr \our messagr to lit onl' of thl' bordl'r• belo" or debign your o-wn l10rder or l'qual ~·z·· 1o.11!i JOl'!\Sa!{I' inside. Borikr~ roml" 1n 3 •IU"'. S 18. S 1 n and rht 'JX'"•al duld 'Ill' for 14 for children undl'r I 2 year\ of a"'f' Brin!( or mail rour ir:rttll~ tu thl' Da1h Pilot. JJO \\ Bay St.. Cos1a Mesa, CA. Q!,!o2n bf.fore 5 p.m. Ma\ C>1h or you ma\ order vour m~~es by nlling tl42·5<>78. wt ha\f' man\ bordf'r• IQ 1·ho11M" from and "t 'II bill )OU or rhargr ICI vnur Visa or Mastf'rCard U;,.7.!~ouD!J ~ .•....•.•..... ......... lulldenl Slnot 1947 !!~ .............. ~~~'-······· t!l!'lli. ...•.•....... r.~!!!!l.~.el.~ .•...•• T!!! •••••••••••••••••• ~. 91edlne, Gerftoll• ••O!NMN LADY•• l.IC'O PAINTER Pl.AITlAlNO Till INSTAu.£0 tlon Contrere.a .,.. HoY•ewottl lxp...... IM-e.t. 10 YI'•..,,, Int' ••t. RHlUCCO, All Kind• Ouetlnteed aw .. p no rN Ht • tl'9\0Y•cl&1111p truoll . ... .. ~Hta ~Ft• •t Nt-tetl block wdl &el-41A2 Alfa JoM ..o-f2t7 m1te1 f<tJ•072 r OuClc ..,,,,, Mt·~ ...,..,,,_ •IT~ PAIHTINO PLAST!R PATCtilNO f. .._,_ 8'15-11737. Heu11nQ br OOleOit ~t ••••••••'•":':'t'•••••••••~ I• b-.1NOw1pec 141 at R•ttucco• lnttext 30 •• '!!.r.-:.·.r. •••••••••• !Of. ~.:'J..ld NIU ....., LAWN CAA~ w/p6akup ttuoll. ,,.. • R11p N. tl. oou,1e wlll ,, ..... Chafiel. yrt Neet Paul &.4&.2t71 'HI TIU U1f Comm/r~. Nwpt/OM "°""~'1.., 11ou11111 July I Auo. 8A&-334tl&.4M6t1 II Iii-C om pl .. r\ll C• UIMI MlllTllY DOIT NOWI ..... , .. 114,. Xlnt, ,......,.. ~. HAULING I 6Uw ....... (1'304 wicdyt) --l---,-u-m---i .. ~:::-,............. 640"9308 Ont/Qf>f, ..,ry 141H .. 12 JOe& ... ";fk1 ... "Jf...'4M!Of• &..-. •u PAIHTIN~ 9'5-9313 ~l~:i g::i~ -,-.,-.-,-•• ----- Ctiment·Muonrv•Bloc:k Wlllll·CUll WOfk, UC. IJ..wl.111 ... ,,",.,..... ...,, -·r .. ,.n;~~ieo...... PAINTER wuos ., n Na-ten ....... A ............ . u:l~";';";' •••••• .!l.•••u r:'o•••n•••••7eeu•u• ........ ,,. ll'!CQfl'le T• 8erYloe WOAKI 30 y;; exp, Intl Mott lub)eell. K· 12 I R .. /conll Rob 5'47·2183 TOP QUALITY Colleoe •••~dentt: wndw ~n • ..i •• fi°f'••.f..... 031 .. 171 Eat MOU.Ille Cllllno• -11-1-•• -,-,,-m-,-,---I c:olleQe 25 ~'· 15/hr EL£CTAICAL WORI< olng, oar WHln,. odd Went. -.eAl.LV (;LIAN Oa1111 Paint''"' ••7·5f8f •••••••••••••••••••••• Mr. Morgan, 8-45.5171 Your 0.1~ Piiot 8lnll<ll Olreotory ~r1M11t1t1111 CMU C.11 .......•. , ........•... R .... rttet 531·&055 ~Ob t · I :4 ~ • U 9 · HOUH? Cell Ql:illem "~ / "'W PROFESSIONAL f I If ELECTRICIAN-Priced 45-7972 Qlfl FrM Ht. 845-123 •••• ••~•~'•••••••••• INT/l!,)(T PAINTING Wtltlng/Edltlng/Typl"Q .!.f.a..f ••• ffl~!. ..... . Ul·Mll, td. 122 Mature lov1ng child c•r•. Riter , ltnc1d yard, nr O MV. &42 -1107 , right, frH Hllmall On ... ,ntH ROBIN'S CLE.ANINO r~~g~~~;~GG Lle'CI ~1cfe:'9 "t s.42·2t•2 Typing Mv home IBM rer0t 0t 1m1U 10b1. •••••"••••••••••••••• Serv~ -a thOrouglllY IMll S111c1r1c 111 Term pa Lio. 3"421 173·0358 Carpentry · Muonry cteen hOUIO 5.t0-0857 T Malnt, comm1'1trttld •--t .. Plhltllft ••••• Pl............... p111, etc . E•pr. r11t Rooting · Plumbing rtt l rlm, c tin-up. _. 990..-977 E l EC TA IC I AN : LI o Drywall • Stucc:o • Tiii 6CRV8-A•DU8 litle:k J 1111. Ina, bonded, 2.& yra exp Lio . .tO 9411 Huber Rooflr'Q·all lype1 --------~e.~!~ ............. . Din H•Jlblrg Grading 23310l· C • 10. Sm•ll Remodel J 8 8'16-0ffO Prof,, ... , rlllabll. Uc'd, f'r .... t 979·5141 8onclld ln1. Alfi Colof NIW"'ecov1t·d1Ck1 WI•''" C/tH/•f. Jobt. Malnt .t rep1lr1. • ' Rofl Jtat1 931-IOHS IX~ "3-091 t Oletl Lie •4 11802 5.t8-973.t •••••••••••••••• ••••• 5418-5203 JOHN TH! HANOYMAN I!~ ' l11 thl Sunlhlnl In" & Paving Co. Rat/comm Lie #397804 842·1720 Dr1VIWl)'I, Perking LOI LIC'O ELECTRICIAN ~::i:':fm.--:.-:::..= CLE="~=vice BR0tCKWORK7&,;,;t;;b.~ r:r~m°i,~a~:f a'::/s~~ ~~!~.E"s,"l..;•d•• c~.!i,~~r.~ t:1~cr~ Oual work·Rue ralft R lbl II I Newport, eo.11 MtM, lallll Ree & Comm't Fr.. .... 20"!. Monthly Ol1COUnt Repairs, Sealcoallng S&S AIPhlt 631 ·4 t etllc Fr• .. , 131·&072 Tom HOME IMPROVEMENT IHOn .. ,,m·.~ ..... 11• ,.. lt\'lne. Rift 175-3175 ftl 71.t-739..0708 LOW min Sml IOl>I OK REPAIR-PLUMBING -frM .. , Int &.-t -7511 •RESIOENTIA .. Cu'1!.•'" RESIOICOMM'U INO H1at1ng, cerpenlry, Ille. 720..()742 Bryant'• LandlclC>fno OVALITY PAINTING Avg I sty S30 Av9 2 11) ALLSTATE PAVING Seatcoallng-Strlplng Repairs Comm.IResld lJ<: • 397362 645-1I$1 ••• •••••••••••1 •••••• -------,~--i 20 yr• Do my own work hie FrM Ht No JOb too Ho ~1 a 1 ho ••I & Brldt. ll<>M. blodc, oe>n· lO Yfl ~ 0 C lntJ.•IAlt111tl1•1 S45 Chrl1 957-8318 CUSTOM SPA OECKS Lie 278041 Al &41-812& •mall 8-45-2111' u•~. n ng, n Cllll ,,pie., 880'•· P•· Reuonabll ka-&ea.<t ····s~NO.OON·e···· PatlOI. gueooa Uc'd -.--1-.1-.-,,1-----1E dll)lnd:1:2190 1101 & drlYeway• Guar. Blat\op & Son Peinllng Wll4otn w..W JoM or RJck 979·3218 ,.,. C'~." 1 •Pert home and apt rt· ---------uc. & 11\1 531-00l.t 30 yrt exp .. BNc:tt.,... For you'°' all occuion1 lrvtne, bnt Bu;c 1 II) C.bl-t• R-..,. F•••••1•• •••••t•••1•0•P••1•,• pair Carpentry, roof, Wiii ctean your hou11 or -.,,--'--------~ Fr•"'· 5'48-l02t _H_B_J_ldl_11_._ ... _1.00t8 120 2 lly S30 ·-_,.,,., orm c1 coun •r plumb, Etc s.42-9013 0 11101 choo11 your 119lnllf ·~JJ 1. 559.1302 L~lttl•• oabln111 refaced Fr11 hOurel ~t 5.tll·90C5 •••••• ••••••••••••••• • ti •· ••II :-:-.-'h';••••"••••••••••• "' s.42·5357 We bid all )obe • to-l ernl •A6C MOVING· rl• •• •• ••••••••••••••••••• Ron 1 Window WIM\I"" BABYSITTI NG my home, ---------1 Oualil", u.per. llc'd Cauc Hekpr or Hout•·i n ...... L . C··-·I .,~ .... -. •F•a'r1···~~~·""1n••1::.:.:~n·• * st..ta..t.a.. * . .,, MIH Vttd• are• CM • , l ,, Bill & 0 r ....... ""'25 .. vv...... _..,., :-52. ,.-. 0 '" ...... ~ ,...... R4l110 Reas rates Raia Sharl 557-46 14 ,, •• , ,.,, •Y• ..... ,. cleaner look Ing I Or " Ft• 1tllmat1t... .....-1 HA ING t 10/ROLL Fr• ftt 831-875~ F1~1 tn 0 c 830 77 I 1,,1--~ "1111 G--· ••-•n1-•~A day•. ••m• hou1•. w/ ---.. -,-------__., n.. ...... , LJc/0-... Strl"-1 ,. .. w, -~., ,...., -·~~ 1tttuent 11-lly Call '"n•-* * ~ V "'"' ,..-lr,rJ-&./l"I WINDOW CLEANING Careful & loving mama o ---------• •• • • • ••• • •••• • • • • • • • • • Ranelra & "~-ratlnn "' ,. -ptng "'IC on p•---•· 21mot10 care IOI your1, C•ll• WHt/,,.tti•f ONE OF A KIND 0u;,i1y Ray ""'6..o-5144 werAd ir500, s..2..-300 TC>i) Quality. Special c.,1 viu-MC Scott MITJ25 • ·;s;i,;;.;·A;;;,;.-·· 6-412;;:!;~5~;:12 my home FIT 831-3787 ---------1 •••••••••••••••••••• • E11>1Clalty '°'you HOUSECLEANING In handling 25 'Jrf 111p. ---------A .. /comm Commercl1f ..:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Crpt1 lnattlllrepalrld CUSTOM CABI NETS Chrl1llne & £d ... 8·7825 Ca rpentry, plumbing, IS OUR BUSINESSI Comp1U1lv1 rltll. No Expert w1lloovtrlng In· .,_ I' B•bv•lttlng in our c M Flood damage Steam Interior•. bara, m1nt111, ---------1 lllCtrlcal. reat ra1e1 I Overllma. 730-1353 t1all1Uon R111 prlcu Landacape .-.vocu asst e ~C::e:42~/;8:1~f6.~n9 c1ng 55.t-8510. 973'8561 llbrar11s, cabln•I•. ally· lfff, 111 5.tl-8437 Don ~~r:1i~·· Reqoe<1v STARVING COLLEGE Con1u1t1n1 A.1111gnm1n1 ___ 957-8388 salespeople EXCEL CARPET CARE 611'!'!·~'2'.· mold536·2lng3 .. R. •I• .•••• .' ........... OI....... J ACK ot •II TRADES -e-------t-, .. -H---. ._..-.. -.... -n-g-1 STUDENTS MOVING _5_9_1_·9_5_90 ______ ''"'" kr1 ow how ll•t1 .. tel Cpl, uphOI . ., .. 'UO '"""""" '386 Tll 11111 I II Call dey or night. .....,... ..,._.. .,. CO Lie T t2.t.,.3e. r I ti •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• .. •• ••••••••••• cleaning Work guar Crown moulding, oldar II· Lawn-tr ... ahrub 1nelall •Jack 675-301-"• We lurnlah \llCuum & I lntured 641·6427 .:'~~ •• !!t!?......... AU. ALTERATIONS i FOi' all yoo need to know Fret HI &.-5-1t71 ned closets, bookc1ees. Tr11 trlm·remO\lal supptln KlllV S..l..-97~1 WATCH US GROWi ••BRY~T'S•• & Custom LHlher Wear lo Say I •bou(7b,'4n~;1~c1Y52°'11 Shimpoo 6 steam clean. manll8',.~ntertalnment Lewn cere-RoMllllnQ • • Ouallly HouHcteanln~ I I Iii WallcOY11log Aemoval ~£~6~g8 Ad' m • · rtgh I-call __ ..;..__:.. __ . ---.1-l Color brighteners, whl cablneta ood 10lutlon1 • n s5w48-.~6!do, !'~'4 7 . ~~·U.!Lt'o:·;;~d·,·~~·~a·; ~11 t:"B ~'~ 81ouc50-0h9. 3C3M.' •• '.!' •• ~1.••••••••••••• All 1ypee s.42·13.t3 r-llS toda11 for· "'''' lf1i•t••••t11 crpta · 10 min. bleach. to lillood problemtl " "'~ "300 rv, ""' flll PUITlll ::1 J ' hrf'iC'I Hall, llv/dln. rma 115, l \lg ____ 63_l_·_l_52_8 ___ 1 ~2·4 ~r~~,c~.to7~=~:;:~e Coulln CIHnlng & Hehld b y Richard Sinor Lie r!~.t.f.!.!!.~~! ..... !'!!!.................. (lSSISlartCe •••••••••••••••••••••• room S7 50. couch S10. D«.tl•• L1ndtclplng-Yd Clnup•· Thank you, J onn Taekl. E.ap'd, ,. ... ,... 28084'4 13 yre of~ PET LOVERS Care I CERAMIC-LINOLEUM MARINE SERVICES chr $5 Gu1r 1llm pet ••••••i4•••••••••••••• Ttet trim·E.apett malnt S.-0.3e55177M195 toe.I cullometl tor pete "in y<>ur home'" life prof 1n1tall itl prepar- Mec111n1e paint va1nllh ooor Crpl repair. 15 yra RIVER ROCK · pe1l1ct Jim 851-0129 P1olesalon1I S-v~ Thank you, 631...,.10 """lie ownlf°I vac.ellOn Rea1 rttesBoD 875·~51 /tl.ri LJOUr ad. Te 1 k r u D & wax u p Do work mvsell over pool decks. patlOt. Hauong.,,ard cteen up E8f.,.ll hfflq 964-9226 ~ 645-9766 Reis 531.0101 w1lkwavs. drovew1y1. ..., ..... lartlHer CNICk & clean ~r11 Eat Rel• Try me for ti,. Pllf, PUITm *•All TILE•• t"c·ur1h• >Nho nt•t10 fltt()f>fe ~hCHJl<I llWllf!> ,,;ht'(k lllC 51'fYot.• Ouf\C.IOty on 1114.> We Cara Crpt Cleaner• etc 1161-2371 Fr11 HI t<en 939.5035 873-05.t8 .dltterencel 990·52901 RHld llndu1/Comm·1_, IWtnl b, h ~ Oua111~;:rk ~1!~!7~· Steam clean & uphOls fr.icJe your olcl -.1ull for K&D Land1<.epe M1tnl DUMP JOBS HOUSECLEANING Low ratet free eat. ••••••;(.~.~••••••••• per OI DAILY PILOI Truck mount unll nPw 91loo1es w1tn a Retld/Comm Clean-up & Small Moving Jot>• Reuona~ebll 675·7ll9 Neal Pll~ & lllllur• CIST ........ W0<k gulf 645-3711 Cli1$$11M!d .ic1 642·5678 Lt Hauling 5.t8·2At88 Call MIKE 9'6-139 I Tanya 9&3·2'401 SHI •elk-1tems M2·5'>78 ,(ff ttf, llJ· 1•H FREE EST 640-206 CIHtlfled ads DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn1 sell, we'll run It another 3 INES OLLAAS days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Noft..f .. ~. btr• llMt 11,00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642 •5678 !!.~~ ."!!.8.'.'!. .... !.~?~ !1.~11..'!!.-.!'!. •••• !.{l/9 !'.~11..'t!!!'!. •••• !.{!!'j !.~11. .'!!!t'!. •••• !.{~1 !'.~'1. .'!!.".t'!. •••• !.{ ~; !•.'1. .'!!!.t'!. •••• !.1.'!9 I '!.~11. ."!!.".~'!. .... !.~~I !'.~11..'!!!'!i •••• !.{!f !.~'1..'!!.-.t'!. •••• !.t. !'.~'1. .'!!.-.!'!. •••• !.{ ~ E11pe r loving care n1ghte Beauty Salon oesalTICIAJI I IHtrtl lfttot lig ht hOUHUe ping ~ I Receot1on111 nHdld, 2 leorttarr/lqal SERVICE S1111on attan-TIW TIHI 101 elderly. conval Of 111 Manlcurlll Studio Five lie tor I Npt aa1on De-Leading local PHI con-cooking In my home 5 PAIT Tiii ye1r1 lyplng t11perlenc1, 0 11nge Cty 1lrpor1 11ea dant EY• t hlll Apply HIYEI 754. I 183 l\IH Beat ret1 Ask lor Judy 140·8"4•3 nlte 213-274-8575 trol Co. need• lull time day week. Call •tter 3PM I Couple to help In l1m11yl ~In t PR o n 1111phona l•w firm Mllll• ~etary Shell St1t1on. t71h & 11 Experience preferre d HOUSECLEANING BEAUTY SALO N hn 3 Q8t*°al olfic4t Plf'IOnnel s.45-9339. I wtloleNll/retall l>ullneaa Su~mlt rHume 10 Ma· with top-1111111. min. 2·5 111ne. Npt 8ch Good d riving re cord Ablllly to work lndepen· haor & 1 manicuring II•· otlllll IALIS--Entry l•v,•I poelllon Ty-LIVE-IN needed. quiet Nationally .cflllf1111d pro-~1~1e1ff''~uou~ l~e : yre. lege~••ft FSalary 81w1ng Machine Op111-Should hv• n .. rby Larry dently ThOrough exp·d. llon1 for rent &.-5-9100 Yn&llll Pino rtq d. 01110. ••per maturo perton tornpore-1 duet. Oood proll11, bO· un Nlor e,e tit7;. ~~ a 1 an• tors. Eap'd, quality ""'1• Hunt Auto Center 1825 depenO•ble Xlnt refs Bike Store nM<I• mecha-~elp~t.2 ~~~~~arley ruy 1 or 2 mo., help cere nu1t1 Tegu• AHoc C llOOc"Jj deo. ben ttlu p A LaOun• Canyor1 Rel.~ Joan 631·3438 me 8 energetic peieon We are ll:>Oklng 101 a di· on I for eld.,ly man, rm & t53-1'77 ~UY PROO prep & 0 C 11• B c h 8 3 3 • 8 9 6 --, lor atock & various du· pendabll, friendly person lllOl&L .,FIOE boa rd + utary. non· UOiPfWT Mull haYe good com· 1111 s.42-9852 497·2030 Bil• Wt•IH 1/(>fl 011 21416 ~1 Bl\ld :: ~~;;t.:,n,,:;::,~.::;, lmmed opening Accu-1mkr 2 blk• ocn, H B wanted lor bu1y chlro· munlcauve & organize. IT RAIN EE lor pulhng & •••'•••••••••••••••••• Cotta MIN rate typ111 pl1111 n1 Moit ••ternooni free PUT Tllll practic olftCa Min typing tlOnal lklMs Shor1hand & lowlq IHlll. "' p1cll•g1n9 order a ~IT Aggreselve person to ma-I BOOKKEEPER Xlnl opp ~~h~:!, ~,:'.' 1e11pllon1 ·voice Nol Call Dtwn 4 30·7 30PM 6.fprn Eapendlng yoMlh 55wpm Good llgure typing required. Boat covef'I l cu.llllonl Santa Ana 540·585Cl naga re11ll sp1c11lllee I I I I II h • Cat h regllter exper a bookke eping dut111 536-0726 or 962-1412 COUnMfllng llrlrl hat 09'· aptitude. a..11M·F,1111>1 .lllOI Taff. llO FIT or PIT Min 6 moa I store, n per 557-128-4 :kpro~ ul~·p u a~ plus Exe ell medical 'I Warn11-F11rv1ew ar•• M1chln l1I Minimum 8 nlnga for 3.5 •harp OUt· d111r1d Mon·tnlOktr 12151 Monaron s t' lllP 501 29111 St N-· TUwtl AIUT Alk 1°' Miu Sobel p1y10M gen led~. fin. dental 1>1n11111 Uniform• 11 30·5 t41hr to 1tar1 veers experience LalM •going malura people to pref 63 l-5890 Gar-Otn Grove 891-4<125 Por1 Bch 675-1823 • ~';ac3 ~~~:';~-=m 1 btt•tllllle Salos Rt•. 11atem1nta Or11t wor· lurnllhed 40 hr wll Nol !MS-0137 Mill & Set Up Tooling motlYate amblt1ou1 IO·l3 •ir•pn1•-ltlffH A""4Mt Hat ..... T,1 ..... " e I s p 1 eicp.,lenee a plu1 Own vr old s C a ll 2 -5pm "5 •• I .,.,.. .,,. FGS has ope ning fo r kin~ co nda •n• 111 und•'JI llaM appy tn GENERAL OFFICE I • ... a.tr..._/Eut.tht Earn S 12/hr pl lime MMhe. 675-1311 AutomoDlle S•llS 'IC> In N•t ly known Interior per.on 10 manaoer Lind· C•r••t opportunllv for' ~~ .. ~~:1.33:0 M~ull ~0~2;,~~~ •• , 343 Ask Lill dullll In •m•ll Ell· Flnanci';in'veet~I firm 646-5781 (Uk,., 0 ... 1 I .. Hun 11ng 1 0 n B 11 c h design firm Non·tmkr be r9 Nutrtllon Ser111c1, I Fnday-type per.on ugru ecutove Suite '°' IPPf'OJI 1 0 r 8 duc at 0 r 1 TWI pro1p1ct1ng llttrtcll\18 IMllEEPll F/O Cou t Plaza btwn lh• work, 811111 Prllldent In Ge ne r al m1chan1c11 P&STEIP Plalll a1mo1pher1 & people dept MC y Eac:ett typing lfY1 c hine Wiii train )tint branch lnsode sales no &4 1·400.t 3333 S B<111ors1. (In So bookkeeping <1 e1111 UllTIJl&JIOI PEUll 3 month I Pl1ann t Communicattonsladmlnlat Sii.idiot Jot>e I Good typ111 for twt1t m1- compenutoon p11ck1g1 lmmed opening wit h Carouael & Bullodc'a) dut111 Thie 11 your op-I knowledge Exper In Now accepting applica· For lnlo a •PPI call & SIH req'd E.aec ..or-e-MY• •i•u opportun11y end com- u cellent fringe benefits portunlly to 111r1 t 11· electrica l & plumbing liOflS 3 d1ys 1 wk Tues 912.831 t tarla l up 1 mull Non--" piny benellll Call Bar· rapid advancemenl PO· growing retail clothing CMID/llERI cond car.., 5-48-8200 helpful Apply to Larrv, Fri & Sat Wiii tr11n At1 smoker Call. 8-40-0123 rio• would you l1ka to iiD&riii•i5i5f.iii38iii80iiiiiiiiiiii 1ent111 Some auto exper co Eap lllru trial be.Ian-S 1 & Send Ho 11 ' or draltlng bkgrnd d8SI Rea1aur1n1 Rutty Pelican, u rn as much u S50 00 1 & casualty Ile dffjrabll. ce Some deta entry HP for busy medical ltb Ill. IFflOI ur 1 · Leg rec:J Apply Pennysa\ler 2735 w Cout Hwy, now ~?Do vou lllle dr1v1·1n but would contlder non-helplul Send thor1 letter H" 8AM·SPM, Mon·Frl Good typing, mutt be 8ch .t97...,.77 E.O.E. 1680 Pl11C1ntl1, c M accepting appllcellon• lll'Y (n!TI•) 'l'IOvlae. ptcn1c s . poua experienced lndlvldull 11 to Admln Mgi, PO Box Perm pot 8-40-()l<IO good on phone, protl· lailt, ...... ltl,., for Oyeter Bar pertonnel Newporl Beach film co par1111, b11ch p111111, othlrWIM quallllld Ctll I l9, l&ll35 Algonquin. CUSTOOIAN-lmmed ope-clent w/lfgur11. 10 k•Y F/Tlm• pot for rtelnl paqaa 1 OUll Mon-Fri btwn 3·.t Typing, llllng, phon11. 111u1 manv oth., thlng17 Jim, 549·8111 Huntington Harbour nlng. Nwpt Bch rellll by touch )Unt co.~ ._ Catolyn, 1151·1502. fh1n you would probeby 92649 c It. 9 high t ehool grad WI Thi Jolly Roger Inc .. en SALES IUYIITTEll M-F, 2·8pm <4 klde Some car pooling nee Good u l1ry l1v 1ne 552-3728 BOOKl(.EEPER·part·tJ~. store & olllcH. e1eper, 611~15 "'llOOall Mii •11 am It mec hanic al aptitude. •tlablltl!•d r1111uren1 GH·3 GEROVITAL S1r111c1 tletlon allendent o, rob1bly enJoy wo rking ,,_ rellable, person w/1y1 ... ., llkn working wOh tool• & II bl h MtF I a fl or us Dana Point Chert H11. tor detall. Perm/lutt·tlrM OE ... Ole. Bright girl for d '1 Ind,..,,, .. , chain, ha• tn opening for now 111• I • ff\ I • • morn ng a .,. :lUALIFICATIONS ""l ltlon wlxlnt benellte ,.. oeen m .,.... ng "r· an entry level payroll/Ille USA I• It lhl Fountain of noon 1hlf11. OOOd wag• t Over 12 years 01 ..,,1 493·1103, 493·11&.-,..v · dl111relll1d work 1831 tv l earn p11\11ntlve clel'k to work In, 4 per. Youth? F111 Hmln1re. & b1n1llt1 Shell. 25 O 2 NHI honeet and de· IMIUINI ~~~~~01 Y & 0 r J 1 m Plac:entla, C M 642..ea30 macl\ mtlnt plua variety 1on dept Peyroll exper high Income pollntlal. San Joaquin Hiiia Rd, :>end•b.;. Tra\ltl agency neade l&llWW ULEI of other dullu white helpful. but will train an dl1trlbutorahlp1 a\lall1· CdM l WC)(k alter IChool and Banking lltP luil Ctlargt t>tckp'r 10 Deell Clefk• wanltd, day Full llme Exp prel'd. ~.~1: ~~a::'°" lndlYldual wno hH llml· ble 7141913·553!5 Serv;ca StatlOn Attendant Saturday• PIT teHer11r1in11 Sou· trlal belt nee Sala ry & night lhllt, will train. Crown Ha1dw1re. 3 107 CIMCO tld ••per & • dltlre to s .... omc., PIT, accura11 & A1t11tant Man1g1r CALL TODAY• ~.·~;0;1•~!.;:~1171~:: commeneurate wlabMlly 811 Lark Mo tel Ca ll E eo.at Hwy, CdM 2e 5 Brigg• Alll, c M ~~~n wl~~!7~~'r~ typ111, hllng, dlClaUon, & po1111on1 1\1111 Setf.-v 537-5931 or 531-6257 t""'no & ~&a .. '6. e•p r•· S.tty 494-8048 e.-1-7445 noon 10 llPM ,...... ..,...., t1p1 Good 1111pl'lon1 g11 11a11on In lrYln1 SAM to 10PM '"' _,..., ~ DOMESTICS Help wllh llderlv man 2 Salee Per I o n b 1 Iw 1 I n 111 S 111 M 1 bl 18 & bond b11 I qu1rad Call Jane Manlft CARPET SALESPERSON Mature houMt<Mpet '°' dOI 1 week. & a few IUH A MOI ::r:-~:M or H nd r•· ~~~!~~;. ~elpt!i R".~ 111':. CUhlar ax~: I~~~~~~~~~ 673·5elU30ITE~•~•a ~pt~;.:~~ P<Olllllonal Varied du· overn~htt Pr11 br &TV IT&ITIHI JOLLY ROGER.INC 1um1 req'd 131·"711 lm~geofbu'"-9& Ttlt .. tllltllettr ,_ Co u., I>' I 1 r m C e 11 "" Hone11. •nero-uc. 5.tl_,. 58 The Loe AngalH Tim" 17042 Ollletll A\18 bit 8-9AM. Mon-Fn Totthelm comPutere will Work Vol" own Iv• from nnamt1 Needed. night• 1nd wee· kend1 Replacement posi- 11on for 3 montll• 70 word• per minute, lilt month• HPtrl1nc1 min- imum required Apply to Persoontl, lfM~e Otast ... Pli.t 330 Bly St Cotti Mna An Equal 0ey1r Emp:r """"·'· alto light boollkMp1ng. p11on11 & 1h1pp1no for emall marine co in Costa M ... 6"5·5112 Halrdr""" with eome 790·0734 pr 83 1·At402 rellable, 5 hrt pr d~)' Ho1t111 wanted .. P., Clrculatlon Dept cur· 1r111,,., Ca 92714 SALES p1r1on wanted ~~~~.~~::\11::1~~gf~' 3 pm 10 9 pm , Mon - lo llowlng n eeded for J ack or G8'1 Mon-Fri Cartreta req d Apply In perton l h• renlly hu l)Ollttone 099'1 11.-.~&-0331 Sundlel fHhlona, L•· Mofl·Fn b.._ &AM 1 12• Thure & S at am E.,n ple u a nt . b uey lull· &40-6992 Beacll Houaa. 119 SIM-In U IH Ae a lleld re-n-•-l gun1 Bell Call (7 t<t) ---·-·-~·----S4 per llr & t>onue 01· NlwPor1 Beach CPA ltrm tervioe uton In Ntwpon O lrk-Typfll Full time. pt Doughnut maker, exper, PY HOiiow Lil, LB preMnt111v1 you'll 1arn "-~97-4774 You don't need 1 gun to Ying pr1Hn tat1on, n o ....,1ng l)'l)dt with eaper ln1urenc1 b1n1t01. top llma Stl ben aflh Mleryopen capoBeacl'I HOSTESSI AHlll Mgr a n hourly wage & gen· TIOlllGl&JI •ain -·-'drew 1111" wllen you Hlllngl Gd phone per· & malura 1111tud1 Ty- TYPtlT pay Several po11t1on1 631-5031 Ar.., .te&-971 1 for tm French ,111 11 erout commlNj()n1 Hre Cleeallled pireonn•I -nn•-place an ad 1n IM Daily eonalltLreq'd Cell ping I01111pm Salary S1 •va11101e Call Marc tor 4 9 F rt!Oll 1 I h d d b H 1 Motivated, lrllndl", llo-PilOI Want Ada! C.. now 000 plue Non·emkg ofc in11n1-. 642~164. °'"*Y tn11a11ef, cu11om day wti Pou Wknd• on Pf:~rc.,, °'957 ·23~10 ~~,on~~-h· cit! .. ~~-: neat Hin pereon; nee--'s.42-6t711 -~---· __ 2._9_4_10___ 752-~ RCTaylorCo (J40 C)C)QQ REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS IF: YOU WANT to work in a plush. well-localed CJfhct' wltl. n group of highly mot1vo ted prof~,,,nals YOU d <.'airt> th<' chance to grow wllh a rapiclly l'xpandins. progrcs- alve multl·ofr1Cl' company YOU dt-1<.'r vc LO ('1trn th<.' hlghe1t poaalbl<' Aplll• and 1llll r ecelv !ant.II. tk t'Ompany tools YOU want 1pcclalized. peuonal trainm1 and rMnAa~nt istan· tt. CALL ME NOW In ablolutc-con- fldcmre. ....... 111perl1nc1, no trelnee, Some apllt lhllll E.aper 1•1 1204 • •, . ., .,_ , ""'""" dAA I t .. a 1 lhOO ::;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,:_--------,j_;,=======~ r111rr1nc11 required rtq'd Call· Mondey, AM ft Dist 12 month pot Ab•· ..., °' cue om, .. Full/ r Van & tools provlOld, con.et 213-e93·50H MECHANIC loty lo type &0¥rpm & lalle In Lagune 811ch Ful I Hlary only. t 350 per _..., .. _. Apply 7AM •. il31 Pia· 1hrthd dic tation at t1lm1•11 & part /ll1m• weell, 111 mo. Paid hOll· ---5" centla, Cotta Meu 90wprn req'd 11,2&1 to 4 0 u r 1 tart n I>· dayi 5 day WHk non Monday• Mull be v.,y $1,576 per mo. depan· (213)341.,.171 (Marci emok~ Interview.Mon thOfougll lron1no & plent MEDICAL Ole, Exp d . ding on exper. Apply: SALES Thu re ~nlll 4 . Cell ,0; care. no wlndowt F'1mUy EKO· Treadmill Tecll. P/ 7 3 5 14 t II 8 1., H. e S•'" RIP<•Mntlllve 10 1n11tV1ew 556-6981. Win· of 4 W Nwr1. Ex/: & Time. 542..ea21 531-8851 call on re•dtr 1d ou•I· dow DHlgn1 31911 O r•I• req. Cal 841· 309 --•• -e'Y PetltlOn Clroulllora, F/T, nau account• for •d· Al L 0, C t bit. 10 & 2 --11 I n Mo F I rporl oop r. 01 • Nwpl 8 oh. College PfTi dally pay. Ealy Job Y•r 1 n.. n· r • M... Houeaketper w1nt1d, bacllt tound. S lll.,y $6-10 hr. 8"D...e912 8am·8pm, B•H & com• s th Lao •a Mon mlMlon. compeny bone-bm '90·1 100 f0t 1-8 llra OU. .1 [una Ir ' open. Ull type 75 wptn. P/TIME, 7 d1y1, 2 hr1 . 1111, wlll train. Neat ap• of fun. E.aClll. for women tllfu Fri O\lely room w/ 759-1133. dally. AM dellv.,y, L.A r11renoe & ....v.A 91:1i.... w/ltl'll Chlldren. No •111>.. b1th I color TV, 11111 In°' Tl ••••1 i ...... .. .,....... .. .,, no ln\IOlttMnt. 990-4930 out. Mu11 have car & •1111&. usalT, mN . .,._mo -vvn1 .. 111'11111. Apply IM'J· vt lld lie. Oood u1ary Offic e nurt• nt1ded Beach. <t94·11.tff uver, 18110 Plaoenlla, \!.M Wm .. IWI Call before Oem or etter 1tartlng llPc>rox. May 1. PIT Permanant 11pm 831-215-4. Between a..&-1131 11111111 UUI htn~UCIOf prodUCll 0 ' 8pm cell M 1•15158• NANNY MOdo<I: r~n. 111'1•••• T•l•pllont 1ollcltor, no dlttflbutor nHdt HI.. -UTU tor lnl•nl. 1·11 wkly. LAldll'\O MtlOnll mt(tl• uper. ntC 0 ·5, Tuet. ~ "'1n ~-= ;:J,;. Buey, gen. •gtncy 110 Anallelrft 1·772.·t108 ting firm nHdt 1nt•lll· ~twv i''i Gd. co.~~ tronlc O.E M contect 11 opening tor Ptrton11 N .. d ttipon pereon to gent. lld'Pt•t>lt people PP Y n pereon: dHlr•b••· Major lerge 11n11 •uto ra11r. Aapld drt\11 my c:41r to Bolton. wllo tnJoy put>llo con · P**ttta. C.M. hlgll volume ltn .. ,,. 1dv1no1m1nt. S•lary pay ,_. gaa . .e3-M23 ttct. Muel h•v• olHr 8ta"lttttH Hiii flnl· evall•blt lor lllgll com· commtnauf•tt */lllQOI'. Co tejOpllont 'IOICe. ~ !'!:!!!, llllng, '111, 1HJ>« •• 501 rn!Mk>n ..,n1119,. c;., a1-c.11· TOftY, 54 .. M23 ~m'!°::c....;,~ = _: :i ;~ Hth at, Na 111-tm lowance clut medical I INVESTOR to take over t lectrlcel "lttnbler. a regular echodull Op• ~- d1nt1I P •n• lnclud•d. llNncMI ~t of M•y le•d to full time. ~llnlty tor an l ltoellonl for tax l•wyer, wood Sena roeumo to Box'"· rnanufect11tln0 cornpony 151·60tt AL .. 1-... ·-A-"' =Not, P 0 Box 1HO, wttll t"'.000 .. 000 •nnu•I ' "'" '"',. .,.....,,,. ~« • iz:1n9. •Ill t,.ln ............. ,._ • --confldtntl1I Interview, ~ Law Of-:=i -.. u fet Pl•He reply to c 111 Mr . a Ir o 11 • t ...._ .._........._, w ..._ -Box tn, o.ily PtlOt, flO Need tit ....... Cen Ottn M&-5111 ,,...., ,...,...._ ,..-. ... JAST FOOO.l>MOft .... •o• 1HO, Cotfl Mou. H1.00 pot'""' Mt.tit . Cell~ 71., 91'• or eouncor wott!. 'Ill ~A ntae lltve e11c & ref'•· L.. ..... ..... --/ Ot patNlmt. WMI ttOln. ...... ..-y ecoullo , ... ~ry. ... ...... ,... •• I .... • 1w 152 • 11rone 'em"v L•• ... ~U.".t:'~,r~·-:~~. ~1::gsiJ:l .. ';,1 ,.T1 tio••• "'''""'""· ••· W •11118 Otrienoo Ml·llM. MO-~ ,_ e Mmltod ~ of ::::r ptfMflem for p/lmO ..W lft Hunt. ..lery S 1IOO •• 1t700. oppt '• ror potltlv1 -""' .... '°" Mt11t ltt e•pot'd 71..,.t-tm Jll~llftrt embtf1ou1. en11111•11.0 '""'' '0' Ot1n.. ; c-. ... ICMI fOr ... ~ , .. , Hiit• '"*' .... It Alrr::t ., .. offlie • ,,.ONT o,,.c1 61111. L11tl SlcretSv "'" 1n ,...... • ~ .. in•••"' in· ~~.:I~ *'"'' dlfltll flnia ..... ,,~fiimt fltptr1t m1,.t. nlr dfflu•ed, vettmtnt , .. , .. t•I• ply 111 pertolJ .,;.T,i ll"e po,.on htllll'I/ ....._.i....i ... '..--. -IOlltnfl ---~-~ tt'id/Or IOOll~n I Or lttwn I I., .. It .. , ...... M;\ --I -r-•,_,,,. _,, fly, Iv, •I...,..,,,_., gr .. tll, '"''I I ere lln. fflt I Ttture, r,'1.11?1 fei l =~==~ ~'""'·Call 1 flert In \t':: ltro , ~~·~~~ .. Ir• ..... 1 ... ,., .... ,,..... ~ .. iry ... i , -.c.. •.e:l!!2.: ~~'!I ' I I=: r:--•~ • 1r•,•,,.• .. •• ...... •liiil ~lMN =~~r·ar. .. mm5. :.:: .. °"""'' .... . -.... ,,.,. CALL CIRCULA TtON OIPMTMINT • «~•---~ .... !.{ff hl~.~!f. ...... l!(f HAIWOf'AMA A'f'\.IANCI 111111/ICI Wt ... C90tM,, ... appllancet. &49·$071 w!:T..~~'r.:'= • WUlll llbor poot ol qualltlad Ltkt new. Oood cond. or~hlo ane S*tOftM1 fOf HO. l40·91IO on-ctll work In tl'lt prt· ao cu ft ~ dr ''lgldtlrt orm 1r•a. At .... , on• ~ H.,_t ................... t ~··~~"'~ ., ............. . ..... t""' ""'"I• con • mutt ttll. '235 ..... ._, -up, GMWI S.6-9100 Optf'lllO!I Of plattf'nllffng ---------1 le ~y. You muet bt '56 T·Blrd. BllCik, 2 loe>t. t v1ll1blt to work on 1 1t1ck. lo ml )(Int cono IUMlllutt Of ~II-In ~. 11 1,500 045-1'49 Solary ~r'ld• on ••Pt-TrtlMeltctrto dJYtr 1,,. 'f1 rlenct . Conttct Ptraon• 0 1 d I 0 r ~ d ~ y., 1\411, 646-1«8. ·~· 0.11t -------1 PHtt E•c•llent laroe eldt by aid• rtlrlotfttOf lr4"ltr 330 . 81y St. S250 64U947 Cotti MMI An Equal °Petr Emplyr #lldN,i# ........•...•......... ~'!l.~ ...... ~.1.'!!' WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL 117~ I Gerdtn We11 - m1n11er Ave. GARDEN GROVE 55-4-6103 s2900 615.5s20 ~11.~j~~~~~ ••••.• !.~!~ Ref rig $225 wuher, Dryer, Dl1hw11her I 125 ea 6•6-5848 Wearier. $8S Clean Dryer o•s S75 clean All work good S.M48S I HY &PPLIAICES Les 957-8133 Olli gold C1tor1c slove. free 111cid1~, mint cond. $260 ~6-1 98 llEFltl. t1IO Guaranteed 859-0682 llYO 1111 Guaranteed 859-0682 •&1•• 1111 Guaranteed 859-0682 Penet•I refrlg, 1 yre old. SIS, go1d, very goodJ cond, 1250 ~12 Lrg 2-dr rel rig/ lre•ztr, •tnll 111 fl•medof. rvnt good $150. S.e..3704 1.11&, •• ,,,w. "' ..............•••.••.. •• a101n Redwood 2118 decking 4•20' tono: ll90 r lenctng Lowell prlc guaT. J im or Ken 1ny ume. S4&-M85 I Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dlme&-A·Line Bring Uiam or inall them with CONec:I ult! to Delly Piiot, 330 w 81y St . 'Co•• ...... CA 92626 • £ 1ch fllm must be priced "'"' "° Item over S50 10c per Mn• -St 00 minimum • No hvettocll produce or p11n1a • No commerc11I 1d1 111owed our famous DIMES-A-LINE >ORSCHE 1958 engine 1ase SIS 911 •~les SIS holh Aor tond1t1on c:omp $10 67 v w Dumper~ S2!> lronl 1ind rear 2 Nari l>llfS S 10 68 dl'tk ltd vw s 10 vw rtmt $S each Wide S boll vw 10 porsch• wheel adouttrs S 10 2 new s 50-13 Peren1 t1res S 15 0011'1 960-~543 TWIN t>eds $35 each Xe PICTURE frames $1-$5 LUGGAGE for .... Brand PLYWOOD ••• n .. 51111911 for tat ot11ce desk SSO • Yllfdage 50c-S 1 yard Oil drawer Ille c:abmat $38 pa1nlif19S 150 Lace cur· n-Camel COior. 2 pie· pong-tram--~ tat>le S20 Desk s 15 Typawr11er 1e 1 n p 1 n e Is new ce Ut. 261n pullman Sat ot 5 Dodge rim• with s 15 Adding machine 8•inxf>'ln SS OfHMS & 2 hn weel<ende< $30 Ml hub caps, 1 S1n S 15 YELLOW 1h10 carpe11nglOES" 1 d111 w11r hlle t 111• 1311 S4S w ooden '"•n•411m qtAu top $4!> shuuers 128> 22' ,.,,. 12111 Cott .... table 511 walnut $3 each Small yellow1 S:?O Chair orc:.is1on.i1 blue couth $50 Green w.ilnut :? •u't tU'!lh1on~ wall lamp $20 Yellow S30 En<I t11Dlr walnut wrclter h•no1ng lamp l81n1281n S20 lamp I S20 Front door 1111n1,11no gold thorn 1' .. n• 791n S20 lnllde wh11e "hade S 10 Head dOOt $10 End step llble board Ihde ctoors ond S 10 Yellow 1>111nba9 boO~ ShelVH !10 Oesh $IS Poper bac~ books sludtint 24m•361n $25 ~~Id ~':!~sytr"w~~ ~~~~':r \0sCO S ie1!v'i':.~~ ~:~ f~Y c!:~~o~:a or. -P5-A4-t-1::-,:-~-n-11-u-re_w_r_ou_g_ht1 dresser 130 6 drnwe1 $40 CB $25 Turn table WHITE wrougtll rron tabla iron with glus lop Tabl• dreas& S3S Tablas and $50 Car atereo SSO Bell $46 Matching wrought SSO Chairs $30 each tamps S5·S8 543-2987 helmet. new $20 245 iron cn11re 112 50 each Solid reduced ' 111111 or 667-1109 Wake Forest Costa Electric compact dryer 1quart tabla I SO Four OOT manual typewriter Nesa 546-3749 1•8 401n Cran Rema-benc,tlH $25 each Ex- made 1n Sweden 150 LECTRIC dryer, can use •andt lamp SSO All per. cellent condt11on 1644 25c each 760-0590 8 o o " c & s e s 1 u de " I •UTHENTIC sh1p1 hatch t<111er 1able l•t>erglueed S4S Large se1ec11on ot llt11vy pol11hed call bras"> an1ma11 and birds '2 S 10 8 inch pohtl>lld llreM sp111oon S6 Lovet, 8 inch c"1 brass umcorn S 12 Grace tu I 10 inch soaring lull S 18 Make l1n11 gttts Large perso nal collec11on ol hand painted porcelain and bisque hgurine11 $4-S 12 Old t111h1oned wooden standing co11 and hat rack S 12 English t>rau 11rewood basltet with 11on1 paw feet $1~ Alrt· can handcrafted hide Orum $ 15 Antique "4 drawer oak Illa eao1nel with lovely brass pulls S4S Large 1el11c11on of antique Ch111ts and rock· erli lor home and oflic. S 10-150 Antique oo Caplll•n• Chltr S•6 Antique and 111ntage wood 1111 swivel ofllce Chairs S 12·146 Oek tod<ers S 10-$50 Sever1ll d .. kl S IO·SSO Three enttqut llr11911Ct tendtt• or too1 reet• of cop~r btua encs "on s1s.s2s Wood btt>y gate S"4 843 W IStlt Strtel. Coit• M ... (between MonrO\lle tnd Pl•centta Str .. 11). ~48·0135 Seturday 9·6, Sunday 10·5 Facu tO key adding ma-1n any pert of hOIJM 00 feet c:ondmon 6S2..0073 Al~ Ave 63 t ·088S chine US Cash only 110 or 220 $49 E78./ 14 SONY Am/Fm rldto S 10 645-3996 spare on• Ford, Mui· Framed ptetures SS-110 ----8tn•JE>•n 4 111 .. ves S tO _MANY oohahed bruu 9,11ho loonger gotd 52!> ROLL·A-WAY beds Sin dec:ora10r PlflG6S $ •·S 12 End torn•r table 2 tier I glo S 15 Double $3S 38 inch solid copper end 30111.301n $20 C:nd 111blf' MOTORCYCl.E helmell $7 Black and wlTflt TV 12• Commerctal ttelr dtV* S35 Bedroom l\lr· n1111re Chest '50 <>* ISO Bed $50 ~se M COi.OR T V ttln 1abl• mOdel, 2. rear w1rr1111y on tube 135 1734 Mira. rn~. Balboa Pentnaula .,~.129 COFFEE gnnder. porce-tang wheel S 15 Age 7 ear.II each GE am/Im loin and wood $2 9S Otd boys su11 S 10 Other age radio new tn box $20 WOOd clock tm9'1ltl) S3S 1 c101h1ng 50c·S2 etch Marble, wood table S8 Old pocket witch S29 6'15-2591 Ille< &:30 am Mena Stllf'ls S2 End table EleclrtC 1>11rt>ecue I 10 I ROLLAWAY bed 30 Inch $50 Brill temp $40 Barbecue on padtst11 wide wllh mattrees S3S Twin bookca'se head· I 10 Screen door, OOOd Pint canning 1ar1 ~ver board complete SSO SS so Sc•Mn door extre u 1 e d s 2 2 s d 0 111 n BHtbtll glove llke new heavy S 10 Solid bran 673.0168 $7 Masa Verde, Satur- bell S8 Sotld brass pad-day 9-4. C11h, 2850 rock S9 Copper kettle PIECE Wicker H I $35 ChtOI. Costa Mtsa. Nur s 14 Beautifvl Pllr ol lklt! Oac fan $7 Headboatd BaltarnlC Street S2S Pelf aluminum cnit-S3·S7 I.awn edget' $8 18 INCH V H F Zenith chat SS 711 aluminum Tibtea 15•128 Lamps black and white TV ladder S 10 Antique S2·S10 P~lures S2·SJO wOl'kS good S35 12 Inch Rad101 1 3 -18 Z•· camp 11011e worll1 S 10 n 11 h A m / Fm at t r 8 0 Realistic bltclt end while 100 year Old anow ahoee phOne .. II 14S Loll 01 v HF. u HF T v s 2 5 S2S L.arge pee c:amer tor dolls. taye. Infant, chlldt Strobe llt• adluatabla dog $20 PiC1ure frames, flath $12 New Am/Fm old 12-S!>. 011 pelnllngs and adult clothing di•· 01g1ta1 clock radio 120 011 canvas IS 5-2•x3e h4ls kllchtnwara. boolta, Good tire and wheel 1tre1cri" O•I p11n11ng1 ~.'s~'.s..~ jtWelry (Chevy) 15 inch $1 6 I II. 3·24,1136 new gold 171n. black end white TV leaf pt"ure lr11mes lt8 LONGINES tltrto 115 SIS AM Batte<y rectllltt' H1lr dryer, 11ton type Boys cru111r, 1.,g• Sl2 Wood and mattl S20 3-1nt1que chllr1 $10 epokt $50,Avon col l>OXN St-13 Tflnll1tOI' each Five 281n reed and tor 1 Fllnllocll perfume r&dlO 1 lrom $2-$10 Tiii wtO'-'gM Iron bar etool• bolll• plalol $15 Avon black llble lamp, 3 wty SIS each Rockl"fl ch•lr. w11h buln and pitcher 18. 2130 Doctors Clrcle, 1ohd wood StO Twin $9 A'ion bollle1S5tach 1pt O. Co111 M••• Strll bo11 •prlng• and Round l1blt $25 2080 Phone &.42·7589 m111re11 tlS Hercuton 6111• Av• • Coll• Mela 5 INCH OtclllOtc"""" S:tl> cnair. Ilka new $20 Her· Follow Oak S1ree1. after v,... eulon eor1. g ood S30 tpm. Black, White poneblt T\I Bento Ind c... Ill!.• MW S25 Vtewm• S25 $20 125 Qutllt S 10 CofH SEVERAL thoutand high EIKlrlC ltV!fn edger H l•bla 125 COffH tel>I• quallly 11tlnl•11 lttll OuMaf 251n SOiid Slit• and 2 metchlng end hoM ctampe elltt ''Ind\ color TV, nHdl wort. tibfH new 135 .. oh 10 8 Inch dlamtltr 25c 125 Rotary power mo· wood itl•ck ind whit• ttCh. 5 lor S1Of110 to wer, ,.1,s10 T~ TV woru S20 $11dtno .,, p•r 100 WrOllOht $12. Pactl""<OOMMS10 Ql8ll dOOf 41tatft .. n 111 lton dout>I• t•tH lor Aller 10 30 Ma.1525 atumtnum lrtMt us. drlv•••r or ? IOI&~ Tralltf htleh tongue $10 5ft high S$O Oood "'*1 1955 toy Cadathc ctrt chllds et• lrlcyCtl 110 11M1 $35 t95S tor am: H•w redwood 1hlngte oator 11"1 wlndl't) $35. Clog houH 111 Ht Toy donkey and &1rt, Otrm1ln1 redwood wind up 135 Tor Sptttire plan1et1 S1·H ti inch 111pl•ne tton U6 2000 rtdwOOCI ~ tulle 13 ~·r old H'9V•llo ino11n Flftt cMed COM tier.._ T wo .,,,~ 111., s•c artlftcll 1 "•" s1o 150 Good "'•ctlon or ~ A• h"10 dill. ..,. .. 111 t Qly * "°" oar1 H••· r.,. 111c:1 meny 01her 1ooh ns 1 arrowhHd au red tn•ll:J:"J. l•ltot =:'T~9:.,b:~: !:r:i~t1\e~t~~ =::," ao:e of M o Mtget left 1ron1 ftnd•r 150 Comp1e11 dOOt MMmbty, ritfll and tett S30 tle:t\, Orllle aNl1 1111. Am/F"' radio I t5 Gltlt 10 epeed khwinr bike frame and compo 11ent1 S20 l.edl .. MC· OttlfO' pro go1t 1M10 tao H•• ftdlt• "Joflneon MlltDflY" '°" ..... -10. ~ Ill Mel\'1 ~ tubee l60 MCh btltt .. " $35 Oolf cart boat , .. , • "'"'' •II Lefae Ol~N, !>Ofla 1nd bag IU Chlldl rope.2k·lt0 WWHUI. aie. W , 9•1 cerd , .. N rocltlflO 1iofM I 1o (IOf't H•vy blnocvtete caNcf AllliOue c;., 1r.-UI toe grean thumbprint 00• fUlm• condltlo11 HO cfle!IU 1ol ti twM6 arml btet1 ta ..ell Two c•r· oftko9 ~ 111. 3 IC, n111et 9l1H 1t1nd1 tor etelrottettc 8"lot..., puncll bowl II•""' • 1111111 ... , ............. to I N Sll\11• 41rewtr Gt-. .... Mwf .. I ...... -~ :·""!"-~ r,1'r.!.. ...... s:. = ....... ,..._ w ,,~=: =111· •• F.':!i!i...i' .. -·-"· • Lyn• wood9 1,1. •~ t HO Ht l"ar11 tor 'tt 110,••PO"tr Mero_v_rJ ................... 111.0?0t Toaster Oven $7 brusbed wurm1ngpan 181n•211n SIO 17171 631 -099S S22 12 inc11 bran tan-Bois.. Ch1tu 17 81 Hunt T~5 11on $9 5 inch heovy 1nqton Beoch 840 3869 HANGIN plaque A1mo1 bf1ss anvil S6 Beaut1tul I shield and swords S20 sohd btass hreptace toot RfSIN lamiiiahnQ)I oa1 Hanging lamp $20 w o Ml handles are tine cas1 ton Solder Qtid C.Ort~ and mens mens ch1ldrent horsfls ""ads $.il S 22 10"" core '5 lb c.aeh, tennis Sl\oes and ctolheS inch Droll 9 hook coal 8!H l 489 I SOc-$20 New and used r&ck S 12 I arge squoozf' SOL 10 wood oval d1n1ng 10011 SOc-SSO Oven bulb bran IBK1 horn $1 2 lat>te w1lh two cnairt broiler $20 Toasllr S• Eif'von c1us1c old 'lol1d S20 Like nf'w Otymp•e Office chair S 10 Wood brass t11eplace tool MIS por1a1>111 tyl)(IWtlll'f $40 headboard se 9·6 S9-$28 Monv Old lfOn or l_s_,_s_n_11_._, ______ I 548-7011 2092 Walltoe brass '"•PllC:e •ndtron ANTIOUE corbOn ork mo Costa Mata "'' S5·S28 Filly lights vie 1h1ge lamp $40 Win( MANS 27 Inch 10-IPM(I btkt rides good 1 20 AWA Sti:ace Board S25 727 W 20t h Street Coale Mtll (R•ar Hou· Ml 642·5"487 KING ••ze bedding, 2 pll· tows '1 each comforter with 2 1h1m1 S7 2 qull· '" bedsprted1 M tteh. whit• blanllel S• Huge tamp $5 Arne<lcen Herl· 1aoe book• 25c each NIUQlhyde lwtlltl rociltf S 10 Lero• picture lramH 12x 16 to ,4h48 1omt new $4 ·125. 5 w .. tern 11.1111 rMn'• Ill• 40 regular l.adiU llH 14 120 ••c h Toy e 5c·50o R~y Ann toy bo11 S3 Toy piano S4 Smlll ttactflo orag~ 13 Pyro 5 Mldlng Ml SS 3 n ylon Youlh Ho11el 1ht1ta 15 Heh Clay cooker tn ortg1n11 bolt: '20 T oaelt'l\Ultr Brotlef Olltn S 10 Whrte 4-poaltf dOubll bed with mat• chlng nlll 11and com· ptet t UO. 2 double 1Me1110c eacn Jacuat ho1p1ta1 type wtttrtpool eQllllOt 110 Merra 1>1Ue suede 11cket11rge '3. N•w 1111c .. t1n•d win• YelOt• leck•l .. • .. ," 1tnd lamp• lrom every h d h era for floor, tat>te and casu inge wit rope hendlu S 1 each Gflm cerhng S3-S50 Good fl cutlet diamond 11w SSO w&y floor lamp $9 32 Elt'CltlC motor for d10 inch tab•• lamp $4 SO mond saw s 10 Old un V••Y entiqua 5 1191'11 hln-de<wood typewfltet with g1ng flKlure S 18 Solid ele<l•IC: return $50 Aug brass tvenshade cra111ng standing wood ortenlJll pt en tor lamp lramo ad lull able S 10 SIS Many old and en11-Ba bys bicycle 1911 s, que oll llmpa S5·S3S T •P• •hooter tor your Chlld1 ttrly yellow por-•hipping 0ep1 coat over cellln tltcltlc: llOvt S 15 1200 new only sso Sp,.. Porcelain EST grtduale ral Punch bind mnch1ne ••on 13 111 Inch hand-m1nua1. co11 new ov•• craft not m1111can. Tit· $200 only sso $1800 teny ramp 1h11d• S 18 In I tr com system only An11que walnut dining SSO Table temp 13 3 table orn11e1v turned and ,.11 of tire snow Cha"1!1 carved legt I SO rour s 12 pair Sida willt &hOe matching ch•l ra $25 1,.11 .. SIO pelf s..,.. •• HGh Tell kllChOn dining varlAblt IPltd drlH prtH and end llbln S20•SSO Sd 3X 107 cQPler $50 Forty's very good eolld Ptymlltor cht<!k writer Olk dln1ng teble With lffl 535 Wiier ""' s 10 pair 150 Ftve metchtng s111om 1k11110 11ch cl'lalre S2S t1ch ._... '••h1ng tecklt bou1 Ching 411 Cr9denu ctbl· u -i25 F1ah1no net• net 150 Old wooden 3e U ·S 10 etch B•ll ntlt lnCh round Olllte9 l•ble J39Cll Jio f0t -epp!ng S25 Many antique woo-11911.no rodtl $10 Flll'l1~ den trunu.1 cheete 1nd ien1pera1ur• gtug• s 10 bou1 12·•31 'r•nch Anchor '11111h chain and wtcktt ttunli. from tlOO'• 1001 I 135 l!ngllth eotdltre 1 "ylon rope •O ""'"ltd 110c,.. bf"' 1111 tank uo t<•y•k toclte HO I.er .. Ml4Hl• doUtlle ended peddle 18 llon of antique Ind Yin· Rtrnova~I• funnl nt 1ag• ftrm 1ftd kllclltn lloht• for bo•I. "" ST ) c,.,,,, I ~' IH r.,.11111 ,,.., l ll:flll •• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ";l':'!ftl!ft ••••••• n POOOLI AKC hall b4td, qn tlH. ,. ••• MIU• · lftrnalt, 4 mot, 1215 form ,rom Mtl etown St1rt your derlltoorn 10-c..n of\ly 879·622 Coll '800. Mlllnt t390. deyl Wllh a e....... 23Cll POODl.E. Wl'llte M, I~ Y'"l-ue. __ ,_IM_. 9 ____ _ 1nl1r0*. enl1rfl"fl len· old. 1no 11 '"'n•d Oefli>ntr eola, dining rm •••· ul•Ught lnt•r1. lrlendly, IOvM cl'llldren. Ht. 4 chair•. brand nu, tltctronle tlmer, v1r10U• rttl fun, AKC, 1250 mu1t Mii. very r11t0na· t1tel1 & •very type ol Caeh only 9711·5221 bit t75-a3AS d.,kroom I CctHO'"}' Alr1tnt trn•I Uge lo Eltganl dining ttblt. ~la. lmaglnable All In ••eel· med 11u dog 146 t d'" h 1 1en1 condtllon. Wlh ee11 "j 85i-O&OO 111 4P,.,; op •n .. c • ,., 011 p1ek1g1 only HOO. S4.400 new · Mii '3.000 751-8409 IYM. Oobltmala, 2yr1, 100 tine lltll•n antique t<tng gu.,d trllOed ndl IOv Ht1dbo1rd HOO All· •LlllA w.tl* 111en11on & 1 tlrm hand loom King tied 1300 New & ultd. F1ntHllO 0 or g • o u • I 2 1 6 Orlenlll wool rug. H OO prlc.e. l.1rge Hlectlon 731.22u end Oii• 833· 1051 P1rry'1 C1mer1, 380 E GLASS TOP 111, Tullln 832·3Me ftH If f11 104 COFFEE T ABLf '75 •••••••••••••••••••••• 649>-2430 2 Mii• Stlltr·mh1 pupe, ---------3mo1 Old 8111 TWIN CORNER 581-0083 61.EEPINO UNIT W/ TAILE l 7S S.0-2•30 ch1mp1on1hlp Sungo1ci On bed, &.box apringa lln• AKC. ShOll, wor- med 8 wks old S22S I 10 Refrigerator S 150 I 833-1418 VICkt 49~ PETS R" PEOPLE On 1lpr w/1pec1111 mll·j Eitol •C v1cat1on1 hllr tress . ._.1m11Ch•no c;hr atylel & love at Sherry's SS45 673-1202 Poodle kids 4 aale T -Oueen watarbed w t cup. tay. min 5-48-2M8 bkcue hdbrd, ht• ,.,,. SlberlOl'I Husky, tom, I yr AKC Blk/whl $200 brator. 6 mos old S200 • s4a-1062 I 962-7210 Cttbr s,11111 RAI f~NlfJ~~tH FURNI U E PUP Femele. 8 WHkl. Putl11 I.et Sate lite reel. with mom & pop L011 wartl'lou.M. huge M- PilPll'I $200 lec110n. mtny below COii 720.().42S 11785 Edinger. F V ( 1 t>lk WIRE FOX TERRIER W. of Harbof'I 839· 7239 PUPS AKC Excellent bfeedl~ 1250 up 8 ·• cu1h1on dk brown 827· 292, 828-0224 tofa. good cond S6S German Shepherd Puppy 8.-0-3869 I ' AKC 11 weetc1 S 12S Dinette Set w/but er Double bed, like oew. 1nci r./' headboard & frame. S50 63&-3228 t>loclt lormlca toP 1111. 4 _1_3_1_2_13_3 ____ _ Germen Shephllfd, male, Chrt L•ka r'l9W Sl 2!>lt>stl OUEEN SLEEPER SOFA 9 mot S2S Needs TLC olr 760•9279 & LINENS. S 175 538·3228 Oout>le bed mett , bo•i S.9-3S73 --.-... 18-1-.. --.-...... -.,---1 -1pr1ng & lrtme klnl New lull·11H m111rns Ml ---Wt cond . S•O Linda $60 New queen size M pups. 4 mo ~6-1395 I 7!>4-6876 I s 100 750·5832 DIMES·A·LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. C-11a11~ S40p111r tno 1ab1 .. $30 Wood llt>nch S 15 H1F1 S35 Cnbmet TV sso Sland UP hlll · dryeir S 15 Caml>fno tots $20 f'och Linens SOc S 1 T Owf'IS SS HI Luggao" J 1>1ec.• M'I S25 Gamta puules !>Oc-13 rur rack•" S3S Coats $5·$ 10 r abr1c s 1 yatd TV 181>11 modf'I s IS 4 wc1y •t<llO bc1 ae 125 C.11,....p1ng ice bo• $40 H .. 81•r $3'> Sin~ '15 Pq1111' $4 2-slueplnQ baQ'l '8 e11cn Crall •lems 2Sc-S I 50 P1c- lures $ 1 S25 S1turday and Sunday 9 S 2443 Vassar Place C M P'ARTS tor 73 Dodge Dart •nd Plymouth Ouster Sheet me111 doors. ho<>d S 15·$35 Front bumper sec11011a lu1 7 I Cad St111tl• 135 each 81 Ct>ev rHr bum~r S20 63 Nova rear bumper 120 l wo Ford aluminum mag wheels $25 Two heads tor Mopar 360 engine $35 e1ch Two l\Oach tor 67 Chevy 327 •H porform1 nee $3S each Mtnlfotd 1n11ke moptr 3t0 enotne 125 Air condtllon comC)(eMOr CASS Tf6 recorder 12 W•t• tounllin S30 Col· l•P•lble 1t11m1ntum clo· thelrildlon.nettt l lO "-'cy WOOO pletform •2 FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS. 642·5~78. ext. 319. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, A II 24, 1982 f.'.1!~1~.'! ........ !!.~ !!'!!.'!~~.~!! ... /!ff ~'!1.~!'J'. .... !!fl ~.'!1.~!!. ..... !!!~ r.1~.'!~!k.tt~~.!.Uf '!!.'.~~!. ......... !.~~ ~~.!!'.r.!!!4 ....... 1 ~.'.t'.~!!'.ff!!!4 ....... ~.'.'.'.~!!'.r.!!~ ....... ~.-.~'.'1.!~r..rJ.t!. ..... . Contt mp Wetnut Dining c:~o; i~~:~ ~~f: ~I:~ op:nll2~~trH >:;,.:;!<>; m='i!~ TUT tuall 7J.~~ .~n:1i'r1~x:· 11~!!! ............ !.~!~I ~1!.~~ .......... !.~ffl!'!.~~~ ........... !.~~? !!~1. •....•••.•.. !.~~1 rollota 881 ol~hA ~l'i~t . $178 60·2429 lmm .. Q c:ond. 130 hr a: ..... uooo (\.\ of my lfd top, ••ttPI 8. Vtry 833.01118 Tlllt .... htftlq I '2 O•tiaun 1200. AM/FM, 1 u Hond• Ctv1ce. 4 dr 77 ... 00. lllvt. tow m1i.a :711·7398 Ntl/tr UHd ntw Wf'tttl· Nawporl 811p Alkfno cott.) 2131•33·8t90 .... n *','"••,II<• ntWI Id~~ eo CIMtY WI/ PU Mlktdo Part"''" I YffY Oood oond ' $1050 $137.47 .. tu per mo g•, Tonntau 2 oov••• ehefr U50. Call "'" I u . 7 so. u 7 • 111 et, .011 o H•• ng. n• • • ,. h 11 XI ' I TS0..9~2 evff CIOMd Ind 411 mo 1e1.. new "'"· ovtrd•lvt. •1111 l<lng iii.a w81., Bed e.2 8512 · 175•705a. LIHr 2 ,.1, 01 ""' 111 1tor1., room. 1011 o f "-dcW~ :J.1 29' I W Plrtlllatt Ir ' A 11 8•v•r1 ( 11 4 l cond . v11ry c.•tnn. 11m11m padded ""'· bookcH.; • equipmtnt 6 dotila, ~ fo ca,~r.o~1 ~~71181 con • 1 Lt1u ONW It 77 Oat1un 2101. 39.000 f34 0188 cauett• c 11 548 07V6 httdbo•rd, e drawera, II" ·ea 20' Wtllcteft Motor. $HO. e.M t&.4 rev.. ..o~..., ....., 'Ill Chevy 'h 1011 PU. w/ lolartl llWll ml. AC. 4 epo, AM/f.M 71 Civic. imllm cau. 7"VMO'i)"xi,11 ,-;;;;;;-;.,,, hu t•t , llntr. oomplttt 'lllll•l•I• 1,MJ trtr. VHF ra dio, Oom• oam~r. •llOO/bttt oh c;u1, tmmac 16900 Im caH•tte '!I •p .. u S300 193·21111 ............ .-•••••• ~. pu1, atareo. m•nr ta· i•· Ml~ FIMrtJiut ....,T•ry IOI ax... •7U020 a., Ir...... 730·11137 good eono lo m1, '2900 S6ooo o• bHt o tt•" -------· --CLARINET tra• 12500/or bt olr l1p1trallt H llbo•t w/ 18' .tint cones. ll119able, • ly .... -....... I 75 8:? tO, eu10 am/Im, or beat otter 6U 1975 .............. , lt4, N 0 rm. n d 'I w 0 0 d . $~te3 trallef' 1760. 1411-0IS. fufiy •ll·cont ' 12000 c~~~l:.r ~~~·n ·::,~0A~/ (71 :) rl.22 Ira-a• rtd 4 dr. 1ifnt cond 1 711 Hood a cvcc hltcnt>t< 857 23115 ntft• •a•t frt•t S326/balolr.586·3537 '78 27'~fl 8AYltNER VENTUR~l2' Lolaol U6·U03.~6-tt&f f!M c:au 13500 • • • owne<.1 1800 64S.30t6 rodcond,H ,OOOmt *'llMlll* Olllemllt1 llltettr, Ult fbtnet PF200 Cu1iOmLn "Vl;torll1" Fly bridge. •lra1 14950. tralltrt blt 79 ~ f\OWLE.A 20W 54f.t18-4 80 3201. all ••lrtl, atnt 70 oat1Un 5 tO, 4 dr auto 2500 ~4 • I Mum 1 go1 ro let ITWt yu ttd 1110trhlt P1ut Ou11arw11hcua. VH ~~~o.ballte~k , l 4S.0700 &H4·1141 Co p.Hll·~lll Only .73 QMC .... tonPU 1 cond ,A/C ,AM/F M A•ICC>nd,greatgumi 70AClCOl'QHllCf'lb&ell togoodnt>mafo<Sl&OO tft •1 •• 1011• Xtnt cond S•crlllc• :~&i'~ra7ie~r·w°:ti'':1f b!~ HOBIE! 18., colored 18111, uH twlc•. 111n1. c:ond, Lo ml, dual tenka. cmpr cu1, enrt 973 .. 200 lt800 645-7589 5 te>d tllv.,/bfac:k 1n1 Lo '* n1111n 'cue 1 ,,, ''"' • r. .... S260 9112·5000 ...... ~of lo•n cat box, tralfer. SHOO. s oo0.1080. &92--0359 ~·· $2150 8-45-jl4111 I ···-· Aalllm,. 1m/lm Call .... al11t w••l<•nll CDI Dehv•red BEO Q S M ,,,_ -_. • "-'--f?IJ cood 15400 green wlfh 11111 top M11 box .~:e,~.~1: s .~·~'. Ollltl ,.,.,,.,,' Call Mf·2843 833~503 ''"'--· lllUJ .. "" 88 Fores Pfc:kup, 3110 V8, tLlllT -~·· 759·1122 ()( 831-04118 AIM 673·5483 L1J ,., IOl5 3011 '79 SEA RAY W/ ,.,,, Ill ••• m"·'···"·····;· R/H. pipe r•c:k, a· bid, & ········· .. ·1············· 179 Prelude 5 IPd:•un· 840 !1'70/ll!>O 1801 ---------... -;, .. I!............ bridge Sherp & tqulp· / JI . lttl trallltr 11 ft X 6 1• uddlt tank1, t 1495 I I '~o IBM Se-teclrlc QOml)uttr P•d s 55M Hatltrll ..n c H10 Huvv.~.,"!Y .tJ.~·2•.P!U• 673·2282 dy1, 9¥1, I DELOREAN o'owon'.· rgo,0£d•ocOo/nbd•tOorf1rg. ' •• •.•••.o •• ' •••••••••• 9.1.•.•. 11111 -prlnttt lor MOdel I OI Ill 675-8711 •••• ••••• • •••• • •• • •••• tptrt. -'" ... .,. vO., 975,5497 '"' "' ••••••••••••••········ TRS·•O u .. o .. tyc>e· Huntington Har----------r 68t 72•8 11111 PtuGror 01&,,.1 WHTHI IAllLE writer or prlntar ti ntw 32' '79STAM~S F/8, tdn. bour So at sll pa .,, ""'"' '"'' SUBURBAN 1980 2 whl Solei·Sttvle•L•Nlng (•06057) 'J 1110 Wagon Aulo ,,, ... .. wl•tand S160 M0..8777 $2500 Sall for t1200 lo hrt CIHll. H5M, a I I ',.,.,..",, HOO drfvt, new "'"· •Ira fY"1V ('A fJ\ 'ER I 124,110 .!A~!! •••••••••••.••• pwr SI IJWI tit•~ .. . 497·6494 HatterH 875-8711 9 V ••••••••••••••••••••• $7000 1•8-7008 Rl\LllJ.lL u-{)1;.~.auAJ MOIDl 72 )(JS alnl tnvntrntnt llett'U cen w11 "' ....... 1'c..411H5 .. 714/846-7766 or LITE &ODVWORK& 79F d • 4 26000 .~!'Llf\.l;(JIVlH L .. v.ng country Aedw bOQ1ll 1h1All1IH~·.\·~w •••••••••••••••••••••• 1Wooden desk olla IYPI 43 . 78 VIKING. aft cab., 213111.92 1359 =/up to 50% off your or • . • .. -• • •• ,.. '• Sl•TA &•A blll int Fully loadtd New m•I blue l1n1ah urci111 Beeutlluf Singer stwlng wllh 3 <111w111. a Int TIO. I own. good buyl ~ -lt\op •t 63f.-9832 mltel, xlnl cond S6!>00 ....... •• .... _.., 1., .. Drka Snow car tem1ly uu ~14 IT lV) machine 6 It high w/ c;ond $35 770-7481 Hatteru, 67$-8711 ~ &y·•t 6411· t5v1n wltowtng 76 BMW 2002 IO mt. J(Jnt l 301 W Warflef sc""" 5•8 •1•1 $4799 furl• 1~ .. Toyo111 StOf&ge $300 9&0-l3 l6 . • '&f & '78 eng & body mtch S 1000/blt c ir 140 1'10 "wvv • • F 1 u d <.. ~ 1 ' EXECUTIVE 0£SK 30x80 53 YACHT Oock1CI In Up 10 I, COM area part1 for sale c hup 549·2221 cond PP Meke ofltr • ne 1" '' "'' "i. Singer 2001 Touch Tronic like new S1751bat olr Npl For sate on time 5900 per 11 Calf Ptggy Ateo Potteh• alloy•. 8'6·•08t •• --··1z5 ""'' 1131 1966 lWO Htrh<" btvll Memory machine $500 760-9279 lhlffl)g basts only. Tu Of Carrie. 11•.1156·2473 15•6 Bef 8PM, 96-4-5S73 73 VW V1n great cond •Ill ~ •• •••••••••••••••••••• Co~•• M11sa 1,41 'J'lU 9f0-1316 ben.allt1 al10 e vaff N••d• 10,,.;e work A1k ,Late 78 320I Orig ownra 07••••••5 •••c"'"...... S•0·9•67 ---------Exec dnk f0x38, 5 drwr Sll00-•1&00/mo. Oo·•g wk·d8 9.5 for John 631·2856 46K ml. tnrf. air, AM/FM 3 124 pr1 pe xlnl mt• 0 k Bl •• d I I s •9 • ~ . .. SLIP w·-n •••v1 ··-· I can . altoy1. nu tlrH ' good cond . s 1595/0BO 1978 PE'UGfOT '>04 ll11• 1n11 . ue ... 1st stone· incl Ille rwr nc 1.. . 675-3258 -• ... -·~ 1978 Dod~e Maxi van. grt xtraa Cati Tom 752·•000 Att 5, 840-5243 tel 4 ~peed stttl"" '.1u were, 6 pc place setting 642·4127 tor t>eautlluf Grandbank1 -ISO p••ys 1 I 1 & 1 k serves8,S27prsetllng. •t'IFFIHIEIF B ... """5 "'"" "" cond S .000/bator &Kl 382 or eves ,·14FIAT124S"""'••I 4dt iiwr' 1111 "' pw• .... off Plua 2 lrg 58<1/lng ,,,, 1011 8; In '71 by eo1on1.i. Tw 081 . .,..4.""" lmpo~~~; p11rt1 548-6483 blr 8PM 559·6900 o,lean AM /FM stereo' W I nd o w\ 104 9 T 7 IJ I bowls. 'It off S unday. •••••••••••••••••••••• 6-71's, Ld w/ecleet 7112 'NEWPORT ArC:llH Ma· AUTO SUPPLY 111 Ford Van Camper I t 500 JHn 6414~&2 ~~~·~,:t~Sd~e'cf9 1(~:1;~~,' cefl494 -0087 M/Fi BurmeMpython kw onan 1U1herm1n'1 nna,2 111psava1Lupto t01N Mancheatelr l eqpl ~.ton.1owb" 75BMW5·301MlntCond 76X19 nuen~ne w111 Tu101a FmeU1eur~•· 5524070 St25 Incl lrgcage dream NBlllp,OWCat 42'.8-42-4f.44.9·5PM na"~m 17.~ $1175,call960·1130 lewbrakts.ntwtrans t ta ...... d~kS27 UtU\ ri Salf'i 1Cit,f,..1910He•t, 71419611'2087 12%, she'• at our doella WANTED: Ooc:M to rtnt for ·-.,..,...,,., 11w ht8d S6500 OBO .,.., S75 568 ~o• You• B '"a <... ,, 11 a M • ~ i. llatliHlf. 1071IPARROTT Nenday Co· tn Udo VIII NB. 11klng 2 pvt bOlll. Appro• 20f1 'I• fQlllUIE :::e11 belore 5. 957·3222 .. Nfl hulD• 646 q:soJ 540 9467 ••• • ••••• ••••••••• ••• nu re 1 '' yrs old w/lg $94. 500 Sall•r 1ay1 e 1 New p 0 rt a r 81 ew Oood}'981 ttre & whf. SHORT BODY /6 AUTO nt orig cond 1tunn1ng 0.10ret1P1•• wrought1ron11ending 1111bm1ta11offll'1 675.1•14 u1tror M1rk 12.16.5LT.St00358E saoo10BO 536-9832 ar1orm1nce •FAITlSTIC• ITWl'f& p • 9750 SS 550 559·t833 a19e s 100 540-0t 17 6~~t'~.i:2~H!~ 30. Dock. 5 125 mo . PO· 1611'1 St 845-3696 A.Ill WHIH ISIO ;:~~~~~~~.7~4~at Hll *FIATS• rttn •.. .!!!!.L ............ . Air c •• ,,.111r lsafmon-Creatad Cotk8· war boa• onl)I. Sunaaf •••••••••••••••••••••• lfW I llEI f&C:&.lnt MEISTER 3 &5HP One phase 601 100,1am11e .young. ·7931owe11•rattCabfn Beacti &Mmtl WllHIYfflt 68BMsw800t600 good 11n 1Aw11m11w1ui1!11l4 PORSCHE/•UDI ga l vert ASME code healthy S575/bst ofr Crsr. stem rm, 31', twn 714..8•7-6339. 759-0666 II tWIHS 1111 •SEI GARI 'ond 1 flAT SPORT CARI " tank Never used S69~ Musi sell 631·0232 or 330'11, roacseo. 1rpe f . TONNEAU COVER 760-0416 Many to cnoose from• 79 Gt C Wagon E•cet1eo1 cond 5 »peed , ack Call Mon lhru Frt 1363 t ltartim li'• 1 1trm1 772-5390 1213) 622-0066 731·4332. 637·5340 .. ,.rt 111111 Fita MG's, '7t.'81 An~:~~t~~~:Oed ' lll5 Eaemples ll(iulllAHll IOI Umbrella crntao Cocka-2 Seatrtnt Swordtlstr sapuit1•ll 4'~ wk.ouno Nav11 uwl, S25.... f!J.~I................. 71 FIAT SPllEll •••••••••••••••••••••• i 100 w/cage Sf>OOtOBO boat & trfr Compl rig· &46-0551 Merla 63t-7797 Iv m ~ •'11 OAP•I C1au1c while beauty w1ttt Greal Books ot Western 83t-3435 Lvmsg ged. ready 10 ll1h SHI. IHI l'...J I 4 •Pll . ttereo S spd a11 cond mags w orld Complete set p t 000 495·5865 I, r-t t 8 I J Jc... I IBUF l88I low mileage l122NJNl S750 631-2233 .,,. 0 T I Iii .,, ....... ~.!! .. ~.!........ 12•12 $4215 GREY CHEEK 4 months 40 wens ehtttan. Iv• •••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE ,. ---rE'LEPHONE otd Very gentle $100 aboard Slip 1valf Cell 16' Tri-Hull walk tflru. gd TO READERS ANO WILltl FIU ANSWERING MACHINE 831·1744 Judy 01 Htrvty cond. comes w/canopy AOVERTtSEAS •I 1 .. 0,_,.c~ 18255 Beach Blvd 11 FIAT "llEll Ford Code·A·Phone w -----642-4644. btwn 11 AM & 5 top & boat cover tic Th• prtca ol Items ad· Hunungton Beath Racing green s s1><1 ste raniote. under warranty Bird Tr11n1ng Ct8"8s PM 1 $1100 556-t233 vett•ffd by vehicle dea· 2925 Harbor Blvd 1•2-1111 eo mags NONE NICER• $195 Susan 497-2621 By Larry Cllttord COSTA MESA ,. •c p517 Learn 10 correct •crea· 16 boat w1cab1n 45hp 78 Hondo S k• Hydro 19'1 in the ventele c:lalSI· lll·2s.OO 1" ' Baby lurnllure goo d ming biting a othe< un· mlr. 1rat1tr & e11tr11 lla'*leas. 6 llours on an· fled advtf'ttlfng colUIYlns v 76 Capri If auto V6 2 8 $4915 .c:ond $25 to $300 wanted benavior Have $1500/obo 83t·2678 g1ne S6!>00 673-3881 dots not include 11ny WE PAY 57 000 mi 189'-runs 850 1396 840-8153 your Dlld ~forming 1 or 74 BAYLINER 11111• s-•w. appllcable llJCes. lioense. r::~2·:~S49 -8300 11 FlAT IPllEll INOIV Un1vers1ty AthleUcl more 111cks by the end ol 24'. FIB. 225 OMC, 280 " r~ transfer fees. finance DOLUR x 166 Automatic stereo. magi. I the 411'1 c•au Antmal 22' Chris Crall '56 Ma· cn11gea. 1 ... lor air pot· TOP Club membership or' S 1 llrs. AM r1<110, ball lank. hog hull Every option lutfon control devtce •'l• IHCIRY OIPRI .we sotd new' (063YSAl Site. $700 645-7 107 9~1~r2:• Untimllad, •rim lllb$, In water· Gree• cood Dependablt ctHtlflullons or deeler FOR USEI CARS 1 $5215 10¥115 SAU Huntington Harbour. no 6 cyl inbrd 180 fl /p ooc11rnenta1y prepora· WI IUlltl 4 speed auto trans Shores lntet1ors ui:; tol Double yeoow parrot rr a 11 e' • S 7 5 0 0 Harculaa eng Full In· tton (h11ge1 untess ' radio (J28820) 50% oft Picturts. lamps, .S395 <2 l3)592·~36 strumentallon ~ radio othe1w1ae speclt1eo by POITl&C/111&11 S2112 chandehe<• C•l>IO . c&t· 5 .. 0-8062 ·12 18 SPORTS LINER I plus dock space Campi the tdvartiaer 2•110 Harbor Blvd WILSOI FOlll k 1 e-. Cudd1e Cabin 140hp summer pkg-, 14500 11_ •1 ISJO-COSTA MESA 18255 BellCh Blvd Pet rems stoc m n•· li1•11 I Or•••• --' 1 O 675 7474 -•11~ 141 4100 bhnd11 din tbf wluphol •••• •••••••••••••••••• Mer c C ' u 11 • r t ... ••• •••• .. •••••••••••• •• • Huntington Beach 11FIAT1111 4 s pd s tere o magb Beautiful b•O w nt 659SMRI $4295 714·972·282~ 1110 IAZDI RXl COUPE T h11 11 8 loadeO 1'18rd 10 hnO Eutern Z~ gold eflellOI Wtlh btOw n ~elOIJf tnlf'llOI 5 ~peed 1r;11 n• sunroof moonrout Bfaupunkt AM /FM casse11e & equa11zer a111 'ond•l•o n1ng rear window ae holler l!'athe1 a1mre\I fog tight s bra c;ar cover & ONLY 20 000 1o w m11es• Mutt sell ONLY 59999' Call 974-4611 d11ys or 499·2530 afler 1 00 wee•oays 6 wee- i..enas cllrs, GAF dflplay 2650 B1td .. 1n conaola piano, Equip d for fishing $3 WANTED IU-1U1 142·1111 Avon St NB &42-2210 gooc:t c:onc:t $895 800. no reas otler refu· fl,..,l!tl•lin __ _ .Esl •• E•S lllE 846-1998 sed 832..()359 ••••• ••••••••••••••• WE llY Colt 1111 11 FIAT 11 /I 78 Mazda GLC am Im 74 MIUdll SIB wgn ~ paint a •c ne.., tires s 1650 OBO 494-624<' House tulf "01 beautiful IMUST SELL Splntt p18• 29' Owens. gallty head., C1a1111, i.11 TO BUY CLUI CARS .. •••••••••••••••••••• Metallic gold 5 spd At • c; good 111es good twin C"evy engines I t 112' •'11 HKE CllT en 'TIO"I new• 1270YHVl c.ond Mutl sell' $2790 rare antique• p,~-... to no Llk• New Great for " · 18 11 UTE IODEL AID TRUC.,S ~ ~ ~...... h Id $850 548-2022 good cond s 10 000 or •••••••••••••••••••••• " 2 door Wllh 4 speed 4 s11291t 964 ·3914 ~~~1,~u~t.~e,~~ ~~~~: ~46.2788 or 'nett ottlf 540·4784 71~s ~~.~~;~2t.1~ USED OARS ' cy1 AMISF2Ml·~2SPN) u u ll11tH-,-,-,-,-.-z 9140 67L 37381675 5389 Ja 2 ., d K 1 9· •••in •-•uL p 3 Ne Behe'le we Have Tne •••• ••••••••••••••••• • ,,. -· , , 01 awa 1 concert ----~-ml or11po1ty, burner WILSON FORD W1L•OI Ft•I net I Grand Plano, Ebony. 22· Chrl1 Cratt '58 Ma· 1 stove. Icebox. dbl sink • " Lowes~ Pnc:ed FIATS in •II,,,.,., I Cuno cabinet. luggage. $ 9 0 O 0 I 0 B 0 hog hull Ev.,y optton S5000tOBO ~2·4178 18255 Beach Blvd 18255 Beach Bl¥d So Ce1tforn1a• i ust4 ltrct4H oval rug, c11b. sota. misc I 213·437·7945 Great cond Dependable '70 VW CAMPER Hu11t1ngtoo Beactl Hunttllton Beach tt I llW 540·2412 Cash Piano small antique, ~u~sl~b~g 1~.,h~~.~::: New paint, new tires 142·1111 14 ·llll i lillJil JlJlli.E 'J 1 aaJflllll tlstl Hospital bad w/llde rails. beeullfuf uprtght, mu11 mentalJon end rlldiO pll4 S2500 53f-3784 01t1u 11111 J Compare House ol Im· monkey bar $50 Wheel set lo al>l)fac:latt, 1"'*'· dock spac•. Com pl CAMPER SMll for tmall A.tlif•ll/ I 1111 llnl •••••••••••••••••••••• ...OTO"S Po'tt Otr9Ct tease and 60 Cflalr S50 bOth for $90 2 w/Stool Can dattver 1ummu pkg 1•500, ~up S150 Cl • II# fop dollar• fOf Sports Ill•~ \\·;,1111•1:.. \:,·., 11.• mos Hns•b•e p ymts steel lra.;,es, twin beds "50 or Off« llA7·5e72> 67$-747• '5ttt-0975 ..... '.!'}!! ............ Cari 8ug1 Campt••. • -' Dial 213 or 714 MER· $25 As 11 2 girl• bikes conn tl•o. Of"&n, 1olld WllT'Ot -tt•"•I 914 • AUOI'• C EDES 11 2 ' 3 o' $~ s 0 2'""'7 Club M ... 1t'h' ClboVe< camper I -• .. A•" for U/C • ..,,R 7141637·2333 " 1 v • esa ci\el'ry clblnt1 a bend\ . 7 1 F 0 , d p u 9 81 1 • Shay rtC>llCa; ()letlups & -~ I .,.,, 1111 --- Pl c M s is 1 S800 959.9590 42' Gt ... Grind Banlct . contained ,3 500 coupes 4 to choose • ll&lllt ll"'~~~P.l""''!lll'f'il ······w···[···,R•••[••••••• 81 300$0 m•leage t2 Pe.o110 Sheet Metal Shear Oak upnght piano. beau· CASH or trade for tqully 540-8062 from• (0087681 !Stk YlllSWMll 969 Under warranty 3 complete excellent tlful finish & apln·lop Eutbtulfl Condo NB A3093) Prlcesstar11nga1 t87l1 S..Ch Blvd SIR b lue pals m1no save 6 O ".4 S 5 9 5 s1001. mull self $1375 or plus cash Prine only ll•l1ti6H likll 114G llll St,IHI j HUNTINGTON BEACH Xlnl Cond $32K Call 545.3349 offer 839·11100 Pv1 pty 7141675-865 t •••••••••••••• •• ••• ••• ••2·2000 DEALIN' S56·3880. Jean '79 Pevgeol Moped, kept -Coyote fur c:oat le< meo. Beauutuf Antique '80 Freeport 36, Ollar In storage for 2 yeers 76 3000. yellow/Ian loa· retail $6000 Sac $1300 UPRIGHT Pl•NO '79 Crealock 37. 011., E t 1 l II 8 WAITED! ded Very clean S tO 0111den c:,,,,.,,, S1lts ·ltn lct=-·--- lttsl•1 714 136-?333 80 Porsche 424 r utl 80 Po•~tr e 974 I:. 11 IO<JdPd la• .. (JvPr 'I• pa1men1' 714 82S 18U 60 3568 "O ru\I nro·cl~ ,,,, ... 01~ S7!i00 1111•1 traoe 646 61118 72 914 "u Pil•rol ,,,, c·no Mag$ S'"""1 '>· 1>1><t S':>SOO R1V 847 2U:?• 679 12 C<JIJI f >/~ bought a ,,,...., T .u11 • Must '"" CIPdn ,,,,,, me<.n F 1na1 r''",. ,.. J•i• 11on SS 9QO to• • "' ~ \Jll: 6J I 23( t 5•6·S142 79 P0tr.c.t ... g 11 I T ,,, •• aor PW 'S· 85 1111 11 I AM lrM Slµft'Q w <:It\~ atarnt o rr S"O "''" co"o S:?4 n .. 5 491 S~!i 80 r OJI brJ PM C'·" S1ton C.ar All EurfJIJtfdtl L·• 8''>7 · 1442 A1lha•O 74 Pors<.1•11Cf11 C111• Btk blk .,nrt 114 000 ·~ S11000 l11 m ~'''''• cond 1714164'5 •2r,1 '11 Tlllc& 11 lSO Moc:h1 b•own w111> < "' ~ 111 leliltl'I,., C1.rtu111 Al;ltm Air AM/Fi.A St~ reo Beau11ru1 cono VO 900 7 t4 640 2044 Set Sun Ev• 714· 710-0:1>01! wt"* Olly' 71 Pot~<.h .. "4 \4 1C ~ • ._., ma9~ $3700 5l0 7' . ., 77 Po1\rt-" 1171 Ma roo11 wllar1 IOI '""0' sunrt AC. lor• ,, •'• J(}!1 ITII Mu'SI ~foll !,!! 000 c•s1 oh 546 '148 (7 t41 636-2947 CALL 5.a-09.2 '76 Catalina 30. Otter ,.! r~-~~~2 ow m e · IMMEDIATE 000 546-4253 looktng for U1tlng1 •-Lal• model Toyotas. -- IOSTOI FEllH lr.,rti•t. c..41 IOH ed Cox Bkr 96-4·f110 PUCH Sporl Mk II Nr VotvOI. PICl\upl & Vans SPECIAL DELIVERY ON 71 MBZ 260SE 3 5 Cla'l 73 C!I Ir ~ SIJO It" r I T , I t I ~ B"' "-·e kit ....... t Cell u1 today! '" cpe E,c;ept cono Lo 1ean< <. ., • , .. ,. " ~ ,.. very Ines• tn qua• y, •••••••••••••••••••• 19811 Owen I "5' Cabtn ....... .... .,,,... mVI SILE' ~ 5 029" .. , 1ne very fow891 1n pra W1nc:haster 94 30130 ' ullaul1 Saddle baga • mi "17 !>00 64 • "' o u 1 ~ t 0 5 il Cru11ar New tngtnt OS 535 •(I) ,, • Sieve 546·7439 Win 12gt pump Coll compleia Sflp G·S2 In Deafen per-sonal Moped Jeguar .56 XK l•OMC FACTORY M T 60 Ctass•c t90SL • · c.• ' ' ' Our loss-Your Gain' pump I 1883138 140 Oceansi e tnc:fues.CI Sell 1595 673-1455 Roadster wire whfffl 2 tops 1tnt S9650 obo lt1t•Dll 91SS Out of business dren _7_2_0_·0_3_7_3_____ or traoe for Mot°' home 1946 Whiner. 5941 or lr8<1e good body $7,900 See llYOICE MODELS 213 433-0656 •••••••••••••••••• • ••• shop over 700 ttems Ben Pearson Hun11ng o r travel tralftr for ear 11500 ltrm byappt only Sub,ec1 lo PLUS 1411 70Mercades 280SL LAIUiHT Incl about t 100)3 P' Bow. 24 lb pu•, ladies or 722-3207 &48-8f32. 548-0678 prior Nie 213/355-9632 Conver11ble & hardtop, 111••ULT h ,._ $135 Mii 1 E Thafs right! Wt're •••· I -1u111. $750 takes all Alto youl vvwt or Ht I:. St I • 11• 1979 Puch, 11lnt oond. lo _v_n ________ , "'========~ I leal 0 t I AM/FM radto new hres SELECTll• 11ort-lullofrach&dls· S65 5.48-4138 -.. It mt 1325 751•5,31 dya,'&lBMW CSCpe,,laHy -~~~:='atONtv l SAVE $14900 PP 832·3045 play C&HI, $500 for the rv I,. Al la. where ••• an fiaulte 851-8260 eves trnsp Mutt sell. 8ob WE •• , S•9 over our 0011 I •ves ,, C.tlfor•I• lot 642-&446 / I 111 1ccep1td 1959 31 It 752 2266 955 32~ USED CARS & TRUCKS 1n1.lud1n9 tl!H Alf 11e>w HJI/ $ 1011 Cruzalong (CF4622AF) Piii 11111 • • . COME IN OR CALL FOR passing t~ aav1no1 on 70 Mer ceoes 280S L llHlULT FH81 GLASS DOOR TUB 1 ······~ .. !!!~........ "Aloha" Ste v••••I at • ., 5 .... ,.1 3 I t J f•EE •-•u•aL to you! Thlt offer It only AT Clanfc, looks great, ENCLOSUR£$35 1979 282 Color F1rWe1t Marini, 1330 ..,2 .......,..,. 4 ,.,,, ltl, " arr_,_ OOOd tlHu Sund•y, $17 .500 /best olr and 549·2430 TVs -O-hr• Ask fOf Jtm W 7th St. Long Beach. '80 Motobecane "Moby" IHI IS40 Cofmier·OeUflo '4•2s.82 at cloM Of bull• 972·2376 FHCO TIRIO" 2No STORY FIRE 962-5593. 675-273• Ca 90813 btwn &em & 5 like new low mHtage •••••••••••••••••••••• CIRllLn ,,..._IO hurry! Exempte· HONDA 'll 20-1-2-1-0-,-L-I Also A gr!'al Mleclloo ESCAPE LADDER 120 pm, 26 to 29th April copptr color $450 ' COfv8'r TUfbo Ounet>oQgy 182t 1 BEACH 8 LVD (59-4•1 .. 7441 Renault 181 sedans 111 •1 5•11_2430 TV At111 game w/8 cass Staled bid opening at 6<I0..0.08 w /1rallt1. xtrll tires HUNTINGTON BEACH IF Jll'Yf Maroon with tan inteoor wagon, plu~ 8 OOO<I ... " I ... 1..aifi S''"" !;}.~Mc:,':,'eJ"c:,1,50& olltce of So CoHt Ma· MOTORBIKE. antlque'_s_1aoo __ &4_2_·_8_«_7 ___ , 1414111, 141·1111 IUI TlllllM SANTA :u~on:':'''ms211~~~9 ~c11or o l A"n1u11 • •· • •••• • •r -8·trll. S150 675-2574 att "n8 SUTVeyors 5732 E whlUtr $750 Balbo1 4 Wi11l Drirn ISSO MTIH-71 4-640-2044 Sat Sun •·~· f D NO s.9.2430 I 6PM ~· •• ~~A;:, Penln 173-6726 ·;3·j;;~·;,-u·4·x3·.eo··.;~·Bc·k~ Top Dolar Tiii &ITIH ;;:.•ciay1su. 120.0208 OUHEECOm ZannhcoforTV S175 Frio -TE_A_C_R_EE_L-TO_A_E_E-L. tDe2 #t,.tqtln/ p11,plb,auto. 4 rl, Pai'd IOW'.!'. ANA UIC/JHP S t25 Washer/dryer oak modtf 1250·S w/auto Bids must be ac:eompa· •---ttn Ill' S2!>00/0BO 641-6116-4 75 280MBZ Yelfow1111" REllulT table 646-2782 reverse a Dolby unit nled by money ord« Of --y c.• lllWPllT NTSll Int PP 1mmac loeded • Niagara 5ton Punchtsneer $230/oller 752-7785 cuhler'1 cn1ck made •••••••••••••••••••••• '51 Wtlly1 4 wheel drive For our 888 OoYf Slrtt1 New t1tt1 S 10 000 2524 Harbor Blvd /di 24" throat xlnt p1y1ble to Duane Allt· '78 YAMAHA 1250T S tation W1gon 1995 JHllfl 6 Ill ••ewPORT BEACH 645·6625 549 802J 645-7770 w es. • • Sony 15' Cotor, remote. 1 negul In amount ol 10% Low ml. $5001080 540·8062 UH•·•rtlrY " Ptrtl & Ser.tee Open All -~:5:;3499 oY. s 995 . yrnews•OOll73-t003. olbld.Balanctofbfd 538-1223 1---------282fHtVborBlvd' 133-1300 Ofly.Saturday 1'1'Llowagon .1u-;;.~oll1lof.tl 1156 25 TV due 1n 10 d1y1. Envt· ,.. s kl GS 1000 XI 1 f111h ISfO C M ,..0 o:.630 301 W. Warnet Ave good 1600/best otter ••••••• ••••••••••••• DE EP FRY COOKER Motorola ·In color o uzu . n •••••••••••••••••••••• Olll ... .,.. "' (I btk -tot Main) ~6·3518 "l DlAlER IN U.S.A Comml. etec. 220 11011 Good PIClur•. mutt Hlf lopet ou" 11118 (S.afed cond lhrU·OUI S1995 IUll IEW Prtrnlum prices '11 IM l $250/bttofr 831·2678 S80 957.0440 ~~~l.o~~:;.r:n~'~!: OBO MustSee98ll·7304 1H2NTHI PlldforN1yuledca1 :W~~~:~.~~· 540-7430 ~~•••••••••••••.!!.~~ T'Y"'WCAR\f. ER S bt<I• 81 Yamaha 760 St ea -., (l(jnjgn Of dornnllc;) , .. __ 1627 .•• 7.11,,, alt· l~r Ladies bfktft, 3 •,Pd. 50 ..,,, .f •1u1 --· ------2000 ml. warranty. 81k Oataun!", ... lemoua l l'I In good con<lttlon .,.. ~OJ.. • •'11 11111& OYOO lTTUT'•I ~ I C ort\r'C Auorteo o tee urnttur•. ,..,, •-•/ ._ .. c1 .. n $2795. 8•t-3087 Sea ua Fntl .... " • ___. • t 2 ... ~ ,. l\\....ILLJ l\L.11\....C:. call t()t •lzn ~ 127t l!.li•ant 'l... ,_. Hu•tter Pickup at our 11-.. •....-. C'fl · """'· M e-11 ...., · • ..... • •••~··"•••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• ""' moue low price' Thll one 7f 810 Top running '*'° (891wYK) ,.,... ,. Exh1u11 Ian for 1pray JNll "IJ•t••u•• ti' Kettenbtrg Stoop. 71 y __ ,, 850 r .. • ... COfWI C ... n. eir, llmlfm a•JIJ TONNEAU COVEA CtO\tOWNOAV\ p11ln1 booth or any ch•· •-~· • :.':.-M2.000. •"-11 ' 8 k..,,.,,om hal • • •Pltv tren• r1Clio, •door 111,000 • Flis MG'a, 71·'81 ___ _ mlelt fumes Cott $200, ""'" ,.,_ RanOy 8-45-9723 dyl low m u . LI • "ewt (tOll5l) rnilM 1 Ow,. SHOO nm fllll N-used. S75 11 Sil ..... ... \. I k I S85 •••o.••••••-••••••••• !!~_'1•63d !. yHra. H OO AMI' 11•24 1'""~1'"""" 1e2•11 n-....... 81·.... M1111131-7797 Iv m= 1 Ytr .... .. Hll 1 'new on Y ENJOY VOUA BOAT )4' x 12' Ferrocemtnt '"" .. ..... tJ ....,...,_6 " .......,.. '"" ;::: SPOTLESS 8000 Ml 673·672ll I.at u1 do IM wofkl OCNn HULL. flnWI your• 01~., TIIN 4·2142 90 210 Wagon. 5 epd, SL Huntington Beech S59,000K>BO Call Don G1rden Trallll Arcn, wttltt, Varnish, paint, clealt, rt-Htf 12800/bll olr. M•F ~!b~mTor~h:3~~;t.:: .... pttg, Very efn )(Int c:ond 14J.,lf 11 '78 Mi<1gt1 Convet11blt t916)541-6fto AM wood•n 7 x 4'~', $20. patrl Exp. Ne w port 11·6. (213) 568·3000 ext .... ,. ,.~2•7113 18 0ow 9treM S.000 80·5115• 79 Accord, HIChbk, auto Wtlllt W/black trim, AM/ --•9• 78l7 ••alnt-·""'" ""8 •c•1 8:S3 '" "'" .... 8 II I Ill I FM radio. 27.000 ml,••· Hav• you rHd lodt!y • .. ... M .... _ ...... .,.. .,,.,. ---------,10f0 ... onda cxttlV\ N!WPOAT B!AOH _...., ... ltll \I •1 280ZX GL 5 .__....Im· tran1. AC. bel8•· 11lnt -• ., '7\N \I ... ,,.,. " .... sc •0 1 king 13.000 64•·0548 Cl1u1fied Ada? II not Bac:1ra1 Cry1ta1 16 Har· ENJOY YOU~ BOAT 12·11 Flberglau s .. 1. Cat 1•00 mlfH, tn excellent 1••·1110 l '"'t.1 1''•1 h• • "1 mec. •xtras FOfeed ure c: 0 n d "• · 0 c ev1/wknd1. 750-5588 ~ou're mining th• be•t monygfa ... a s800rt· letuadolheworkf curter &1ceN1orlH. •• •t1.200847·8611 776·4021 . home kd , 1 1-...11 LI k I 5 2 "' condition. lalrln9, c:ar· ~ • •• ,. ~7,,57 ,,.0 -31 w )'I ar_ga.ns n .,..., placamant, $500 Musi Varnl•h. paint. ctetn. r• • n • w " 2 'M -----..... Ii · .,....,.. • · .,.. ·u. 1811. f73·1003 pafrt Exp Newg:r1 550-7417 evet ryln~••• S 500 . • _.,,. •-•••••l••• ••••••••••• OLD SLOT MACHINE Mllntenanoe s.4ll..f t •••• " 659•9 .._ -. ..... ID 1111 ~'!!1.~ ...... !l!!f ~.'.'!!1.~!!! .••.•. ~ M~.!'!! ..... . -• 7• Honda 360 Ilk• new. Lo.ded. l1V90f05) •••••••••••••••••••••• lc.r Nie t939 Wood•n Skffl 150 Spactecutar whitewater onty 2f80 ml. Hwry 1f1tt ..._. 673-25:µ 11to5c>m OBO Old t5hp Evin OCMn Ylewl. 2100 aq 11 tpm. M 7_.M3 ....- Rtmodellng? 2 alldlng git S.00 080 f7~7M townhome, 3 full bathe, '71 HONOA 550 Four. 1~ ...!"&!, dr• compl w/fr1mt11 ... ,, #wt d••P pllt cerpt tlng tmmec c:ond. t..o rnl. HuntMlton 8Moh/ 1crten1 S 125 /ofr 't I -•• lhruout,utmottlnluxury. Call631·390e M8"1 .. 11 551 &Oe7 L.1_.. --Pool, l•e .. tennl• crta • • •• ~:~············ plu• 350 •q 11 of IUI\• 73 VESPA .. II Bl k 2 Oft M-31IC'I Cflr(Mt "8 y. IC ' '76 FOid PU •WO +'•ton Drapery fabric. MIO• w/ t 1 / dtckl. Red. 1330,000. W/ber wfnd•hl.id. >Ont ru n 1 \0 0' d , 10' ~ m 1,· blue lltck 250 yrd1. All molor1, comp ttt w Auum. 1 170,000 at cond 8-4~3t .. or pan. $1 yrd S.2-3232 Boro·Wtrntr Velva I t OY.-fhced lnl. Ell· · $3000. 61·2020 JoM drive. 191-1 rettoe, com· cttengt for •&•511' 1811• 7• Y1maha MX90 Dirt "I~· -8hufff1boud llbtl, un-pftlt tnatrumtnlatttn bolll, •91-083I Ilk•, ttbll tno .. good • ' 1,"!'•••• r_.,,. lque '5 It alum l1blt rHdy to lnttltl 11 .. 0 QOnCS, '200. M2..-0M • 1p•, • Cyl .. t19f80, 1 175 70 HP Johnaon 08 pr. or bttt otr. wm ..., 'Tl ...., Let a It co ft d .. •II t 11 !!! ,.,.P,• r I ~ .. ' ... !£.0. 8 au n d t" MI r I fte ludttl 80 dleNI 1toop eo Hondl 760K, falrtftQ, (1Mt7.,_) .....,....,...1 , Of ~ 141..000 lruNc, CllM Mvetl, ctul· -------13e,OOO ....., .. 5 ._,, ~!..:. !~5oo ml. u 100 '°'"' mower. • d• b•o· ,. rt>tot• dlnot1r. IH. a· _1_a_i._1_1_11_____ ..,.,.."" --,_ l t r Aune .oood . fbfoll Nilboll •295. ~ Sabot db4 tMlll.cs Ina -------11M'llectl ll¥d 15/be9t ofr 4ff.3402. Jot"1101101•1196. 2 ' 'r901tcf. 11 HONDA IO Ttwl ••· ~~~-J1.MC1 h •.,....174 • rnarln• rectrcw11t1no =p"ct~Oft · IOw"" rvMr ~ ... CAMPIHO GEAR.Le tenl• ht1Jt 125 I 150 Auto . Jett ~ iiQ.:oi .. I 1t26. lunti bed& PllOt .,IO lllftCftOr °""" It fl Holll9 Moftocet, •· )!rt y.,,.,,. ,.,. l<.ewMkl • .,~ Klft1 Cab, a tU . t lluffed cote HO I/ t1011 260' t 1 pr ft. '°" .. 76 HI, ltllt9CO '111 MIO I d, 4.00/ltt•t Ofr • .. ~.._II... OueMt bflcM pump 9'0, IM-04M oeefl. MIO W. Lit.HI 1 " ... _.,. ....... all~ toei>o• f40 Jib lof W Mile.oee .... 11' lemlfy Mltboat & t• a. ICM, 14a;;(41t A. t r m •• I,. I. '. . Dnatlon finder MO. Dt "' NW ... lllOOd oonCI ... : •• ,.... • .. Mm -Hhmp """1.:o. ..00. MWPft · =;,:rm: ' 'iii?.'ijt:.t:·i.1UJ•1t OUT~,:--.. MIL CWf Wdf ~:."ri.::-r ~r ........ ... =~.~-§i!I~·~~ ' " ' Oran e Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 24, 1982 a ~!!ff!~ ....... ~~!!~!!f ....... #!~.~ ••.••• ~~-!~!~ •...... ~ ... ~~.~~ ....•.. ~ ... ~'!.~!~ •......••••• !!< •......•.• l!~.,f!f ........••. ~ .. ,!!f ........••• ~.~~.'!!!f ..••••••.•• ftl! ............ !~ff ,,.~~1 .......... !~f. 1.'1.!!~ .......... l!ff 1.~~ .......... U.!f r.·~~ .......... !.~!f T.~!!~r.! ..... !.11¥ ~t ...... 1!~ f~~~ ....... ~ ~ ........ ·.!!.ff f.-m.1!~ ......... !!.ff Tll 11.•t 8~8.,vlc•l.Mtlng 1t78 TOYOTA Ce11oe Litt-lll tlYITl l•ll.U 1tl1 TOYOTA 8t1tlet a.. 79 ~vetl·•tOfM 3 yr1. '71 Mlllb\.I 4 CIQOr weoon. '10 Cll1t1on H1tcnt11ck. 71 CotCIOVI, bllc, 311 V·I, 78 L.12 Corvette. T-Top, • »•DAM btek Auto.11w, l)OWel' • cl•n. Opllon• Include e only ~eoo ml. A,.,, one ve autom•llc pi t, ilr, 134110 109XMI, Below 101d1d, lo ml, •lnl. 4114 1ng, w/lurbo, auto Ill IDll ·---1tHrlng & brlk ... AM/ 4 •PHCI, 4 cyl • AM . IC)-.d tt.nt., PoW9I' dlto for the bug loverl S10, radio. P.P. C•ll evea wlloleule, Dir. e oyl, '3100. 857.0330 1r1na. chrome wtr•. 11, too HrlH 3 door~. 4 ---:!. . ...... FM •tereo. •IHI r1dl1I (342VPU~..,.. ..., .... Thie one II fully 500 1·112,....711 7 14 /I 4 e. 311 t or Milo, PoW91', w. 8le Ill '71 Chev Conc04ltt. 4dr, o o o m I I 12. Io o "°°" & 'Turt1ouvalllble Ul·IMI --:·~~-Yl~rnlnt.0 %''Tr 2 ..... ltc*y ~llC)f)ICI & o-c• *"'' H•tHI• 13M31t. .-.3 W. ISly, eo.11 M..._ vinyl lop, 11r. 11ereo, _&&_t-_&t_se ____ _ nowl Come In a drlv1 $44tl l!tr~ fke 'T~yoii: --,_ r;"'' ou m11e1ge, Lo ml, lllowroom new, •73 Cf\evy Nova, 350• Pt11411-2"3. alatm.109 cond 1 owner ..,_ H'I Road • Tttok Mega. 1tn,,.1 it <»ui1H1t> Fine UHd Car StlH 112H BMcn INd. 18JD211:s~ ....... E11le l'l'IOlt opt 15IOO Maxi~ auto P8/P8 new ~Int 10 Cl I 4 d H t II S2295, 541·132t •·...-Al•••••••••••••••• 1ln1'• ollOlCt Of fht fY{AU 11~w ltel-1970 Hll'bOt rn · Hu;r.on leeCtl k1 Toyola·Flne UHd 140.lli70l8110~1I01 new 'ur .. good meclli: b ~It 01n, et or !l~t. '1mJ!1 ff• '71 COit, 4 d00t, 4 tj)Md, BEST eport1 Hel•n of • ...,, Cer S•JH. 1tee•1t70 I I . .. c 1• 10 ... Ir, • "' • II new Mata ......... ~ ..... & lhe 'IOll /;..,... 'lll'»IT ad ,,. Cotti Miii 141· 303 Herbor Blvd COlll 'IT 8UO " 01 ~o-n... I ' ... 200 5"·5961 .................... ';;'":~lnlla-'fTIOI. t."-'M"""J:: ... m'"'~---: IUO. l ... ITI tvr uv.., W 540-9417. 1979 TOYOTA lupta. Futf Me u I 4 t . t 3 O 3 XLNT COHO 12195 150•11 10 lfler Spm. u 'I l Corvette, Cnerry, 4 -------- be "cJ;.,.,.,:l';,,..A" Infe ct• .. 1u1omallc 540-Mt7. 14~3e0t '74 cnevy M1t111u , runt 77 1 Monte Carl~Htu;::.. IPCI. wtlt w/r.J lllv 1n1, 1o '11 .._. W 141 ~ Strllt, N.B a.0tHI~ ·111 Supre 1.lltbk. WI,. """' llr oond lull po-OOOd AIC pwy llMl'lno t ereo, mega, '5154 ' lo ml Spec111 Whl1 • E cell• I condlllo 4 lll.... w1111. em/Im''"· t•P•. wer, i11oy whee11, tllt, '71 Celle• OT Llltb1ek, '-'" 1111 t1zo0 142·52'5 •Int. 13,000. 559. llr•. Mutt .... M•• otr. .~ ~ ... ,.dl111 "20. 1MG l111bor .Blvd .. C.M. low COSt 1/c, new rUllll, lmmtc, crulte. low mllleoe. Mii. gold, •Ir• me,.. Xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• '11 Caprice Elllll WI· &40.0731 or U0-51&5 000 ml. 137115 111·'11'11 t_ .. _._,. 40,500 ml. seeoc>. Many. brown w/m1tchlng IPll. oond. low m luge. #1 Ylht IMllf 'll IJ...... gon, OleNI. Loaded with Selling MYlhln with 1 13&-<t82tl • :::;-,::.:::::.-=-:::~ 873-1345 M·f 10·5 j114XJW). 17!1H. Earll 1000. tlU· 1142 or II ....... lleltJt with elCtru, mu11 1111 every Chevrolet •Ire Dally Piiot c111:,,100 Ad --------_.., ___ ,_ ke Toyota-fine U11d 1•7211-4511 --14000 or bOt ofter. Sf:otlela Auto. 110,809. 11 a ,1molemattrr 1u11 Hive1omelhlng 10 1111? ":::-::.~:-:~s: ...,... ~= ~1needya c~ Ctr SalH. 1911·1970 tt7t TOYOTA Corolll IMn. 18'111 484 ... 412 Of 497·2203 ti 3-<'tl17 call S.42·5878 Clulih4MI ldt do II well Service Directory In lhe cl111lfled •d• Harbor Blvd ., Coit• 8A5 l.lftb1ck. 5 IPHd •-Liii• Service Olfeolory In lh• M • 11. ti 4 ti • 8 3 0 3 trana .. l>OMI' brlk11, .ir ,.... -----~==O=A=~=Y=P=~:O:T=~--~l~U~·i6t~7~1--~=~0~A~IL~Y=P~l~~L~T~=~5;~;·~M~l~7~.===~l~ .• AM~M~«eoll O~M~S~U~~ r IPOllHI yellow llnlth EXPEJ.TS 2Mlll 4 .... 1 IATCIUOH lu•plea et llTlTllllll llTll '82 STATION WAGON Silver GL (Ser 09581 OILY ••••••••• ., ••••••••••••••• $6995 '82 SUBARU BRIT Beige DL 4WO (Ser 0081) OllLY •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,$6275 Cone i'I Today And Save On Yu New SOOau! SADDLIBACK + +SUBARU + + ~++" ~~ 28402 MARGUHIU PKWY. MISSION VIEJO (ih.,r hit .•ff l ·S l O"IH IUNOAU 831-2040 495-4949 .. 5 SPEEDS 320 Cashmere 5 apd sunroof ................................ (Ser0928) 320 Opal green 5 apd snrf.etc .............................. (Ser0508) 320 Safari belge fi apd snrf ..................................... (Ser3529) 320 White Sspd snrt ......... (Ser8661) 320 Silver 5spd snrf ......... (Ser5162) 3'20 Sapphire blue 5 apd snrf ..................................... (Ser3388) 320 Aacot 5spQ snrf ..... d Ser5852! AUTOMATICS 320 Black automatic, snrf,etc ............................... (Sern49) 320 Lapls blue,auto,snrf. (Ser7453) 320 Sapphire blue auto.snrf ............................. (Ser9260) 320 White auto. snrf ........ (Ser7271) 320 Safari beige auto, snrf .................................... (Sert3428) 320 Battle blue Auto, snrf(:)er7971) 528's all colors Sspds and automatics 633 Opal green 5 spd ...... (Ser54s$) 633 Safari Sspd ............. _. (Ser5102) 632 White Automatic ....... (Ser0323) 733's-5 spds and automatics If you don't see what you are looking for ... Call us -We'U Find It! SADDLIBACK $ BMW & 2M02 MAIGUlllR PKWY. MISSION VllJO , • ....., .. "•ff 1.s 1 ONH SUHD._YI 831-20'8 411~ ... with bllClc budlet ...... Low mllH (381H2). l53tt. EMii Ike Toyot .. Fine Uted Ctr StlH. 1"6-19iO Harbor Blvd .. Cotti MIH. l4tl·9303 54G-t467. UILI Ill .,. 19ee Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA ......... Mil 'tl2-Supre, perf pkg. Ill ·eo VOivo 244DL, AM/FM opllon1, 11 bl met, mint 11ereo, AC, Ille• new, AT, cond. A11um1 IH 11 18500. 64&-eo52. $325 mo.+ 11.000. Call '74 STATIO WON Miki 1144-5800 •• , 7288 Great cond, 11C1ru dye, 7~533 eves. 12850 484-8490 1911 TOYOTA Coron• 1811 Volvo 242. 1unrf, Luxury Edition 4 Door 11ereo. 15800. Llllb1ck. Auto Irani.. 546-3738 pwr 11. & brtk11, elr 1-------- cond •. crulM contrOI, 1111 A IH UIH wtiHI, stereo c111, Ju1t .~ •• l •••••••••••••••• OY« 9000' m11et ' ' r.,.• llld H II model ( 1CNZT30). pfi. •••••••••••••••••••••• ced to Sell. Earle Ike 75 C1t1tury, air, PS, PB, Toyolt·Flne UHd Ctr fair cond. S500. Sile•. 1"6-1970 H1tbor 548-5313 Blvd., Co111 Mesa 1--------146-9303 540-9467 '71 LI S1br1 S2850. Cuttom coupe, loaded. 74 Oat t110 Wegon OrlQ 1narp 593VZT wn11e owner, gd cond. 81K m[ Olr 443 W 81y. C M. S 1175/bat olr 131-0999 1145-2963. Jl'dwlmdJ, ~-~~~~~~ o o a o llt1fl o ltutcir-77 Cellcl GT Ultbll Avg Electra 225 Xlnl cond ml lOnt cond $4500/blf S7001b•t ofr 4t9·1280 Yolanda 157~ 15 tl8 Toyoll N~1 short f!!}}!ff ••••••••• ~!f block Hal r•bu"t head .-TEllPLAT111 S250 842-81(17 OlllLUlf '!.r/~~ .•...... !.~!? 74 TA6. look• good & runs good , S4.000 547.0495 '78 Spttflre Convert. Xlnl am/Im, S2150 Call tl3 1 ·2991 7tl TA7. S tOOO belo• book. lo ml, mint orig cond .. nu tires. air , 4°1pd, call Mr Wiiiiams 548-7245 We 1pacl1llza In leases for the bulln111 execo· tM & profealoNI ur1• ......... If In 1H2 C-46U..1 A"' ..... ~,ow:f~~ \ ~u '"'' c,..i.o '"~' I v.u,,,.,n 1110 1879 CADILLAC Sevllle I • ••••••• ••• • • •••• •••• Full power AM/FM ., .... I 'll S.,.r ...... reo tape, ieather. split I $2000. 499-1420 power NIU. crulte. 1111, vw CllHllt, •73 Good wire d l1c1. vinyl top lllle Non.oat SuUablelor (45tl318) $9899 E1rle kit cu. pull Ex cel tke Toyoll·Flne uuo cond. 48'-2407 Cir SalH · 1818· 1970 1--------i Mtrbor Blvd , Cosll '75VAN ,7PIH Blue/ M••• 846·8303 whl. w/1unrool, 1tk 540-84tl7 thltt Very c:ln. g<1 cono . $3000. 847·5854 '711 VW Bug Conv1 Met River Blue, bl1ck top. Grell cond In /out, 11500 Mark . 213-tl47·25&7. Mon-Fri , tl-5c>m ~=I of late model, low mtle• I ge CtdMlaca In Southern Calllornla! I ....__--------------------------------' '78 Aabbll, tl0,000 miles 8e9t ofter. llAllll CAllWC 2800 H11bor Blvd COSTA MESA 968-3553 r,:============================================================~ '731unroolbug. new 140-1110 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! ~11al Can. Clossics, A..ti..,s. ltace, & a;. of• kW! faint & tnter!Of, rebulll. -,-4-E-ld_o_C_o-nv_e_r_ll_b_I•-. I I w I e I I S 2 5 5 0 · lodll Weel '3700 M 1·3882. 752·2M7 '68 VW Bug: Aebulll, AM/ 7• El ........... ... 000 mt FM . xlnt cond S1850 <J ..,.,. .... o. ,,.., • powder blue, wt'll Lendlu _ .. _99-_2_554 _____ -t top, 1lway1 gu1ged. *'t17 Beetle, n1vy, •lnl l1c1ory orig & like new motor, tr1n1, body Must S 5 4 0 0 P P ( 7 I 4 ) ... , S2450. 491·1597 tl41·3388 or (7 14 ) tl75-5716 '67 BAJA. New blue'pnl, --------llfll & rime. Int. Aebll 79 Sedan O.Vllle, lo ml, eng & trena. 3" lift. MUil xlnt cond $8895/llk• 111. 13.000 OBO. over low pay I•• 957 ·2525 831-0498 _7_2_Sq-. 8k-:.:.-orlG--O'Ml9f--.-1o-178 Sevllle Blk/blk IH · mlllege. •2300. 11111, moon rool and all 751-4401 e11tr11. S8200 , -----·---! 714/494-8904 vw Eno '74, 1135cc, all -------- new p1n1, look• & flt• 'll ..... llOCk, runt llrong TOP Of THE LINE Xlnl '850/ofr. 494-2407 eond, blue ••I. grey cloth -VW-'-T3_Ch_lllll--.-no-N-ll-.1 Int 32,000 ml $1800. new ~ & tnoct11, Xlrl _7_20-04 __ 2_5 ____ _ part1 avll1. Xlnt kit car '77 SEVILLE 1_1_2so_1o1r_. _49_4_-2_40_7 __ 1 lmm1c Orig owne r '78 vw corw wtil/wtll/wtit S ti 4 0 0 L 1 g B ch . 40 ,000 ml. 11915 di _4_84_·_78_33_. ____ _ 760-e000 Mary Lou, evet Cuun Hl1 87s.-.G419 •••••••••••••••••••••• "JI •.J.1JA l-4r 75 Catnllo LT Xlnt cond. _, Mew radla l1 w/m101. 4 tpffd. Brown 26,000 1m/lm caH, •Ir 1 2700. ml. $4500 or $4000 cun. 831-5797 tl73-8457 -------- "11 llUIDA• ~~~ ....... ~~ 11eoo1oeo. 97t-2&94 SU IS FlllTJ 't19 VW Pop Top Camper. We nave 1 good .. 1ec· T.000 mllel on motor, nu llon of NEW l USEO P•lnl, 92200. M0-554a CnevtOlelll COtOolfll -:HlVAOi..lT -.. -... . '>4t>-1100 .'ltmn..u 2 elf., IUlo. I rent .. A/C, 4 cyl.,_pwr. 1t .. redlo. (2TIYZ8) Piii ....... 18255 ..., 81Yd. ,.. .. -Huntington IMctl 4 epd. Ull:.~IKP417) -:::ilaiiiiiiiii-11-lliii11il_ ..... Hlfihi _,_ "" .. -L.Olded ..... '°"' etc; 4 9P0.1HAN'. (UOV"2) a.. 474Cl/n17, 11• .,.~ ..... -~~~ 4 .S., ... ~7M) N!W'°911 MACH SAYE 510os OF DOLLARS •·ALL MODELS 111110110111 Ill AU-llEW 4 REASONS --TO-BllY A DATSUN! FIOIT-WIEEL-11/rE ~~.....::MISSAi SEllTIA. The care chat speclal1zes m roominess. qua/Icy. and su~rb gas m1/eagel SALES SOMETHING DIFFERENT! lhllual Con. Classics, Antiques, Race, & One of a kind! PORSCHE AUDI ~ .. in the tradition of excellence .. •SALES •·SERVICE • I I : J • Oranoe Cout DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, AprH 24, 1082 YOU "AlJTO" Drive Into IU,. HI ............•...•..... e'll .. PllTt ------~ 4 cyl., radio, atlck . 1971 FOAO Fairmont Se-(88GWROI dan. I cyt.. IUto. trMa., 12tt2 l1otory a ir. pwr. It. & bfak•. etereo cue .• vi---NII nyl roof,.tlntad glH1, 18255 8elch Blvd. Mlchelln t1r11 & Hry Huntington 8MCh cl11n w/low mll11. MJ ... 11 1983WKR). 13499. Earle . k• Toyota-Fine Uaed 74 Htchbk. 11tnt cond .. Cir SalH. 1911·1970 clean, 4-apd, 1ter10. Herbor Blvd., Coata $1095/080. 64Me91 M • • •. 6 4 8 -'9 3 O 3 '72, need• brek". tune- 540-9417. up. MOO. 714/&51-I&.« •'11 ·-'12 2 dr. Runabout. 4 epd, ... T wa. 31K ectual ml. I ownr. CB. CHHlll, .. •P••d. _s1.ooo. PP. 646-1956 (127700). 76 Pinto. 4 cyl, 4 1pd, NII! stereo, 1 little red t>Mu· --... ty. SHIOO. 559-5958 19255 BMctl Blvd. l/O WMN Huntington 8Mctl Rack 11}50 142 .. 11 55f.1133 Falcon, rune good, new l!-t•IA IHI Urea, battery. brakes. .:1:: ••••••••••••••••• ralllbll. leOO. 546-21'1. '78 Ply Horizon. 52M ml, ... ·-P•lllT =~;g1~3o[,.!.!'' Cell A Ghil with V-1. 4 doora, ... 1 A d 111r10 AM/FM, auto. " oa runner, good tr-(890ZEDI cond, headera. mag•. ' •-• good tlrH 1900 0 80 . .... ... 8-5 645-8310 Mllce 18255 Beech Blvd. IMIJM IHf HunMlM ~ ······wANtm······ '72 Cuatom 500. Xlnt ltmlly ctr Lookl/run1 greet. I 1100, ~5-3025 ev. WANTED TO BUY LATE llHL ISEI UIS WlSON FORD TO BUY UTE lllEL llEI 001 WILSON FORD 18255 Beech Blvd Huntlnglon Beech 142-1111 ........ Xlnt body. good Irani, need• velve work. many ,. 'Callfot naa· buyers can save an average of $1,125* on new GM cars, light-duty trucks and vans. · Here'• the financinr deal you'•• been "¥altlnr fo r. Thru GMAC, we are now offerinr automobile financinr at o nly 12.8,.. on all new 1981 and 1982 Chevrolet can and truck.. And save hundred• of dollara on financin1 ca.ta. Get your new C hevrolet car, lirht-duty truck or van you've been waitinc to buy. Delivery Must Be Taken By May 31, 1982. Let The Good Times Roll ••• At Connell Chevrolet! 18255 8Mdl Blvd. Huntington Beech 142-1111 new parll Mutt NII now! r.=============================~ Arlt '500. 4IM-3051 gm ------- .------------------·------------79 Fairmont, 4 dr, lir, PS. '17 Grind 81f1rl 9 PHI PB. radio. Good tran19. wgn. am/Im, e lr. pwr The DAILY PILOT is the people's marketplace for new and used cars along the Orange Coast. Call 642-5678 DAILY PILOT $2200. 559-5951 ae111. wndw1. lock•. ·73 Ford LTD wegon. l3000 49~5 Runt good. 1775 1 <1W-lllT llU 1111'. Pvt Pty. 642"2203 '71 TRANSAM, loeded, '78 Fal<mont. ate. am-fm top condition 16500 or 11ereo, pa, trlr hitch. offer H0-11107 anarp. S2"5. 642·9536 A D -~ ., ..... ,,.~ ,,, ··••·•·•·•···••······· ..••......•.••.•...•.• '78 Town Car, loaded. xlnt ._ ___________________________ _. cond. New tlrn. "400. 646-7988 CAllUJC I I '75 TOWN Cpe. Wht. w/ ~!.~'!1.!'!! ...... !.~~ ~!.~'!1.!'!! ...... ~~ ~ .. !~1.!'!! ...... ~ff l~.'!~1.,!.'! ...... !!f ~~ J~~=: lroughome ond Clmorron1. Huge Selection Chooee from our nyge •l.c:tton or huncndt of new Coc:tllloc• oncl to1<• OdYOntage or tti• mott substontlol tined, ell pwr. 12,350 or reu. ofr. 142-2002 ~ .•...••.• ~ .. • 1970 M11qul1, lmmec. k'ltr. P/8, P/8 , P/W, AIC. new t i re•. $845 . 979-5100 '73 M1rqvt1 W19on. Im· mac. full poaer, loldld. ?~~.ci~'A· •• ~i1~.·-.P.~! ... 1 ... .a• 4 cyl.. power bra le et. ttereo. 4 1peed. (1CHH2731 11112 ........ 18255 8Mctl BNd. HMT--~ •RESALE SALES• ·11 Convertible 13850 V8 , 1uto, p/s , a ir. 009TZH HK orig • ..,,.... '71 H•rdtop. UOO. 302V8, auto, p /1, air. t228ZU. SUK orig. mllle. .. CLEARANCE SALE! 1M 1 CADILLAC llDOIADO COUPI (18G80eeT $14,995 19IO CADILLAC SIVILLI {I09ZE0) s12,995 19'0 CADlt.LAC PLOTWOOO HOUGHAM (556ZE0) sio,995 1979 CADllLAC llVILLI (HfWQV) 19895 Thot le rlt ht. Not>era COdlltoc con finance your new Codllloc purct\oM with GMAC ot on onnuol percentage rote 01ontv1211-.. on o 48 mo purchoM contrOci wtltl on upward bolo~ ol $1&,000 thot trontlotet Into monthly IO\llnga 01 $39 63 -or o totol IOYlnga of $1,902 Noturoltv. If your unpaid bolonce ts higher. your IO\llnge wlll be even greater IOYlngt "''' V90t. '11Ml\'9flclc.11975. "8'' Cyl. Auto, pow1tr. elr. 358PBV. Slwp. ·1979 CADILLAC 443 W. Bay. eo.ta Mela. COUPI DIVILLI Spring Clearance Md wtlof'a more -oU our n.- Codllloca ore discounted during our epring cleoronce A ~Ul<Jt tole on oa SeYIHea. Eldorodoa. D~lel. NOW is tl1e thn to purchas your n w Cadillac . Ttem.nd<>uf dltcountt on oll dle•t" V-6•. MN the new HT4100 power eyltem modela. -In OM tM colort you wont -ond with the opttone you deelre. Md all reoov fof lmmedlat9 c»llvery. ~r you With to bUy °' i.o.e. now le tM time. lut tM ayppty le d«lnltely limited -to t>e sure to hurry In eor1v lot your betf Mfeeflon Ptl 645-2983. 'II CONV!ATl&E VI, IUIO, a ir, P•· •Int cond.$4800. 1-~242 'IO Mueeang, Nd In & out. 2&.000 mlee.14SOO. c.. U7-2Ut & 1311·•2H e\119, ·11 ~ corwtn. Nd, wht top, atnt cond, U000/080 . 21~11 . .__ .. (NIXWO) •1495 19J'ICAMLAC llVILU t471r7t) ~195 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! A.,,, ... 1100 A•lll "'" 1100 A•IOI Nnt 9100 A•los N1w tioo ••••• l ••••••••••••••••••••• i ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••• llow On Display The 1982 LeBARON CONVERTIBLE ~ OEADUNES • F« Tu.day thro11gh Saturday pWh<*K>ns. 5 30 PM the prtMous day For Sunday and Monct-v pubhce11ona, 12 00 noon Saturday EARORS ~· lhoutd check their 8119 deOy end report effort lm(l'ledle•ty Th• DAILY PILOT _,,,., liablhty for the first Incorrect Insertion onty Prlwat• Properly Rights: yours to protect . Private Property Week is the one week of the year in which particular attention is focused on one of our nation's basic rights -the rrght of every individual to own and maintain a piece of land. I I Real Estate/An ~dvertlsJng Supplemecit to the DAILY PlLOTI S•turQey, Apcll 24.. 1982 .JACOBS AEA~,-y 1111 ..... llPLll Perfect location just a few blocks from the Fun Zone, restaurants and the Balboa Island Ferry. Three bedrooms, 2 baths and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Built-ins, 4-<:ar garage. Only 4 years old. $750,000 and seller will help finance. 1111. IMIPllPLll just a few doors to the beach. 2 + 2 bedrooms in- cluding new carpe.ting and drapes. A nice patio separates the double garage and both units. Super location, near shops and market. Asking $275,000 with owner financing the balance. TllTLDICI_. Immaculate, upgraded end unit with 2 Bdrm 2 Baths, plush cptg, custom shutters, shelves, paneling etc. Central air cond. & uch more. Only $174,990. ... ....,., ..... This spe ~tacular property hu 2 sundecks, spiral staircase, antq. stained glala windows, Mstr BR w I balcony & Fr. doon. Flexible design. 3 Bdr. 2 Ba + 2 Bdr 2 Ba unit. $595,000 and well worth it. . .... ., 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit -2 Br 2 Ba lower, private sundeck & patio. Le9S than 2 yre old and generates about $3000 a mo income The real news is you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without qualifying incl. 12 ~% int. fixed for 30 yrs. Only asking $&9,000. Try a low down pymt. ..... llT~I Over 3000 sq ft on three levels for gracious living and entertaining. Thia one year old home has 4 Bdnns, family room, formal dining room, 2 used brick fireplaces, 3 decks, and is MOST beautifully deco- rated Offered at $450,000. J ( -------- . * WISTCLIFf HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 Br home featuring swimming pool. bonus room. skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San MiguP.l Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *MASSIVE CUSTOM flllPLACI* Spend those romantic evenines basking in the glow of this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideaJ.l1 located close to Westminster Mall and Goldenwest College and priced to sell! $119,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •six ON A LOT* Six houses on one lot in prime rentcli area of Costa Mesa. All but one have fireplaces and h~e recently been painted. No deferred mainte- nance. Aal\ing $395,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $3,000 lllAU Superb financing on this bright and cheery 4 br, 1.75 ba borne PLUS the seller will give a $3,000 rebate at C.O.E. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$10,000 IUYS ITU Ladies apparel shop with good leue terms. Located in busy shopping center. Inventory negotiable. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *DIODOWN* On the water. Price alalhed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Professionally decorated w/gourmet kitchen. 9032 Adams, HunUngton Beach. 556-7035. *'h ACll ISTATI* Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, built-in microwave and trash compactor. Large fonnal dining room has built-in oak buffet and cabinet.a. Huse ~tached garage has ~ bath and could be easily converted to guesthouse. Sacrifice for $169,- 900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TAKIOVll 11.2" LOAN* Only $20,000 down oo this apaicb.11 four bedroom, 2 bath home with 10arinc cathedral c.'eillnp. larthtone dea>I' throupout with custom wall coverings. Brilht and airy oountry kitchen pba family room and cu.tom patio. Offered at $154,900. 9032 Adami, Hun~ Beach. 556-7035. *llXIY KNOLU llAUTY* U you enjoy the charm and llaCely ....-of an en 9CJt e by, this 4 bedroom. 2 ba&b~.--.. 10"· ~··· l'CIO 1 wtth view of bnutlfully pounds. at l'NI' uf property. Offered at $238,&00. Mm11. H~ a..h. &el-7035. *LOCATION xi+ POOi.i* F.quals an ideel home for the powinC f.amlly ..aonc a ~ N~poit Bwh location wrrH land ownership. I.-. IUMY roon:w and f..mly room overlook a large pool eet in a low maintenanl'e yard. Sellen offer their own financing at 12'rt and have Nduced th e price to under $300,000. 9032 Adami. HunUnaton Bwh. ~ 7030. .... -. .. -. .- Sensational PORTOFlNO mOdel on exceptionally large lot on FEE land wnh 4 bedrooms. spa, fireplace. ONLY $349,000 with 10.97~ as- swnable Cinancing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. $30,000* * 11 .46% FINANCING Available!! Fabulous TUllTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 br's, fplc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * $95,500 * Costa Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly prunted. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * 101,',% FINANCING* when you takeover exi.ating lst T.D. Popular BIRCH Model w/fplc. central air & the largest back yard in WOOOBRIOOE GLEN. Only $134.900. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach, 759-1501 or 752-7373. *12.9% INTlllST* HAllOI VllW HOMI Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, frplc & spa!! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *TUITLllOCK* $1,279 Pll MONTH is all you pay when you takeover existing lat T.D. Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring fnnl din, fm.ly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. *IACK IAY AllA* ••1u,ooo* 3 Br house on fee land featuring hardwoOd f1oonl & shinsle roof wit'h 11~ uaumable lst T.D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WAUlflONT HOMI* PRIYATI llACH Sensational 4 br home srMCk on the water!! Featuring trench doors, frplc, professionally decorated & private SANDY ~EACH. Only $249,000 & seller wm carry AITD! 2670 San M~l Dr .• Ne wport Beech. 759-1~1 or 752-7373. *12~" P•ANCIHG•- **IUILDll G.OllOUT ** available on bnnd new town bmne! .........,.. 2 111111' ..a-. end0d gara1ea & private court yrd. Only $114,950. 267Ql-n Mi&.ueJ Dr., Newport Beech. 7H -1eo1 or 752-7373. . MUSTY, DUSn la VACANT* $109,.000 * 9.K --.unable ftnandna available on this wwfully decorated 3 BR townh~. Vacant & quick poaeltion. 2970 San Miruel, Newport Be.ch. 759-1001 Oil 752-7873. ... ,000 llMTI * On brand new townhome! Featurtn,c privacy, 2 nwt llUite-& den/&ofl overlookinc Uv rm. Only $123,950. 2970 San Mipel Dr .• Newport 8-ch. 751-1001 or 752-7373. • ,.,___ --.. --==--~~===-:-::-:::--:--:--============;;::====~--~~~ -------. -~· ..-.--. . .·. . ": , . ._. '.. ... . · .... ' . .. 4 -Orange County Real Eatete/ An Advertl8'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 24, 1982 I I ' I I RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES Ill CllYOI 1711,000 Walk to Fashion Island & the country club from this outstanding home overlooking the golf course In this prestigious gated community. 5 BAS. study & spa. IEWNIT IUCll 1411,000 Warm cozy brick fireplace & hearth. Large for- mal dining room w/french doors, large patio, great kitchen w/custom cabinets & eating area. Master suite w/jacuzzi, custom papers. Up- grades throughout. UYllllEI 1441,IOO FEE Wonderful famlty home near beach In private gate guarded Bayshores. Paneled den. 3 bed- rooms. charming Interior courtyard. Outstand- ing value on fee land. Great buy and won't last at this price! WWlll SUl,000 Just reduced $20,000 on this gotgeous 4 Bf', Family Rm. & Bonus Rm. Forever view! Bright & cheery, move-In condition. Owner will help fi- nance and you own the land! IUllll YIJW 11111 Great location! Great family home! Great terms! Situated only steps to community pool & tennis courts. Somerset 5 bedroom. Plank flooring, tlle entry, FEE LANO. Owner wlll carry large AITO. USTILIFF 1114,IOO This upgraded 4 BR, family room home with pool & spa Is lmmac~lately maintained. Ame- nities abound. New appliances, carpets, solar energy & complete security system. 11.lfFI ....... Priced for Immediate sale! Owner will carry fi- nancing on this well cared for 4 BR home near pools, schools & shops. Enjoy cool ocean breezes, sunny patio In Bluffs Plaza locatk>n. • 1111,111 Gorgeous Tudor style 4 + BR Prescott, den with full wet bar Is perfect for executive enter- taining. Thoughtful amenities for the discrimi- nate buyer. Assume 1st & owner will carry 2nd. . 1174,111 Outatandlng buy In University Park! Just redu- ced to below market price for Immediate 18tell Specious 2 BR detached home wtth dramatic cathedret oet••· Great fin~ avdable. IPYIWI 12 ... ,llO Glorlo,us harbor. ocean. mountain-views! 1981 Home of Design! Superb amenities, fountains. tiles, entertainment centers, library, study, pool & spa. Security system. 4-6 bedrooms. 7 baths. Best construction. 011111 IEL MU S 1,200,000 View. View. Wood & glass custom home with flowering gardens. Terraced deck overlooks fi- nest bay, beac h, harbor & city light vlew. Spa, sauna. 3 BR. den & 4 baths. Outstanding. CAMEi SHIEi ll 41,0IO A gate opens Into a 'sylvan glade' with pool & spa. Beyond, a panoramic view of the ocean! 3 bedrooms. each with bath & large living area decorated with taste. FEE. ClllU HL ID 1111,000 If you like hwd floors . brick fireplaces. "hot-tubs". trench doors & private patios you'll love this smart hideaway Just steps from the beach. Treat yourself & see It today. - OllllA HL llAI 1111,000 LoV4llY street •. partial ooean view. & desirable location make this home a must for the builder or smart Investor. Only one block to beaches. Greatly reduced!! .IAlllllE OllEI llll,IOO This home has It alll Location, quality & terms. Gorgeous 3 bedroom + family room custom condo. Professionally decorated in soft tones throughout. Excellent affordable financing. CAMEO SIOIES 1211,111 Charming 3 BR + family room Cameo Shores home. eox 160' lot -one of the largest In town I Unlimited expansion possibilities plus room for a pool. Home In great condition with super terms. Don't miss this one! IR VINE •....•• . ...... Speclooa 4 BR one-level home. 3 trellis covered patios, brick planters. Large 'dining room over- lookl' atrium with enticing spa & fountain. A great f amlly home cloae to allOC pool ~ tennis. 111111 Ill -·· 1111,JM Solano model In the VIiias tastefully deoorated. Light & airy 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhome. Parquet entry, Ui.d atrium & 8ttached double garage C.,.,,ee llvlng juat steps to lhopping & bu•~ Owner will oonelder 2nd • .... ~ .... ~----illllllliiilllliiiil,_ ... LlllA ISLE 11,110,000 Fee tand large bayfront home on g~te guarded private island Mooring for 3 large boats, across tr ..>m tennis courts and private beach. You own the land & owner is offering excellent financing. HCHTIMAIS COVE $1,lll,000 4 BR Family room. Very new residence. Large spacious home with all neutral colors. Light & airy, space for 2 large boats plus a si de tie. Excellent flnancir g available. UYsillU 11,110,000 Fee land + water location: A combination that can't be beat! Add a spacious courtyard patio & large redwood deck overlooking the bay & It's a value that demands attention. PElllllU 11,100,000 Pier -slip -sandy be<}ch + additional 30' lot. Tastefully decorated 5 'BR furnished home with spacious master bedroom suite, complete with fireplace & view of the mountains. PElllllU · . llll,000 4 BR Balboan oceanfront with wood shakes and a "real front" porch. On site parking & fantastic ocean view makes this an excellent buy on Fee . PElllllU Slll,000 Just reduced trench country home one block from ocean with gorgeous view. Creative ow- ners will exchange for other R-1 or R-2 property in Newport Beach or Costa Mesa. Open Dally. UlUillsa.m 1111,181 Owner will carry first trust deed. View from 2 BR. den home & view from 2 BR apt. Large separate guest area with bath. Steps to prime So bayfront beach. .......... 1111,111 Priced to sell! Beautifully landscaped with a gorgeous patio. Hardwood floors In family room & kitchen. Don't miss thla aunny bright 4 bed- room home. , l9VIUITY PAii 1112,111 Large family home. Close to usoclation poofs, spa & tenntl. Two master suites (one on 1st floor) Mirror entry and d ining room. A large home for a low price. .. __.....,~~-----"""""~c~-.._,~~---=:'!":'~--~"l""'~~~......,----ma::_,., __ __.._..._-.:~ ...... ~."'llll!:ll~..:=il!!!!!!le-"~~==~==::!!:'!~:=- .. -Orange County Real Ettate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 -5 PRESENTS JASMINI ClllK Sensational 3 bedrooftl end unit located on a magnif~nt greenbelt. Professionally decorated with many upgrades. All this and outstanding financing is available for $427,000 . IVllY CONVINllNCI Is yours along with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and living room that has an outstanding view of the mountains. Owner is very motivated to sell and wlll assist in financing. $159,500. NEWPORT BEACH A nENTION. IUILDllS SANTA ANA Prime location, half way between ferry and famed shopping areas. Fee land, owner will subordinate. Call for details. $325,000. 103 DN -103 INTlllST This outstanding financing is available on STEAL this 3 Bedroom Spanish Villa that has an STIPS TO SAND This spacious 3 Bedroom condo near South outstanding water view. ~r motivated, Prime Newport Beach property. Gu.rded Coast Plaza $98,500 of as.5umable financing. bought another. Offered at $284,000. community with recreation room, pool and Appraised at $1 20,000. Offered a t only spa. High assumable first, tr)' low down, $119,500. owner will assist in financing. ONLY! IMPICCAILI $106,000. Located in prestigious Spyglass, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath with formaJ dining room VILLA PARK and farrUl y room has fabulous mountain SUIMIT ALL OfFllS and city lights views. Good financing offe. Owner lives out of the area must aell this 2 red by a motivated seller. Price reduced to bedroom beach hideaway. Large master $495,000. suite cooled by ocean breezes. Enjoy pool, IUILDll'S SPICIAL spa. Owner will carry. Only $122,000. Villa Park view lot near $$$million dollar IOOM TO SPAii homes Seller will subordinate. Submit your In this large Newport Beach family home tenllS. $395,000. with magnificent view. Four large bed-COSTA MESA rooms plus 3 full baths and custom de- signed family room. Large low interest as- sumable loan. $2~.950. PLIASANT TO OWN LEASES This 3 bedooom bedroom, 2 \,i bath, family HAllOI llDGI room home demonstrates the ultimate In Dramatic home located in this very private pride of ownership. Professional landsca- and exclusive community. 4 bedroom Lau-ping. Dramate pool and spa complex. As-SPYGLASS tremont plan with spectacular view. Prl-king $229,000. Tradewinds model 4 bedroom 3 baths. Va-vate courtyard with fish pond. Profession-cant and ready to move in -Only $1750 ally decora ted and landscaped. Only IRVINE per month. $729.500. WATllraONT~UITOM CHAIMING GAIDIN VILLA llVINI Luxurious one of a kind custom 3 bedroom Located on greenbelt, totally upgraded home with 2 bedroom guest quarters or with cathedral ceilings plus fireplace and Beautiful 4 bedroom Peters townhome on rental unit. Located on waterfront with atrhun. Extra large master suite plus dra-quiet cul-de-sac. Has garden type kitchen, your own pie r and slip. This home has matic loft bedroom. Priced to aell at only laundry room, fireplace, skylights, staint.id many many extras. $789,000 includes the $149.000. glass windows and Italian marble entry. land. $1200 month PROFESSIONAL SERVICE I I ' I I ' l I I ~ -Orange <?°""ty Re9' Eltate/A.n Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 , + coTt nrnLrr ~ 1nvrs Tnrnr conrnm We've Moved To Bigger Offices llYlllE OISTll -1111 CllUIEL Truly the "Creme de la creme" of waterfront living. Over 8500 sq ft of the finest quality construction available. Located on the main channel with its own white sandy beach, amenities include a pool, spa. seven bedrooms and a view from all rooms. $5. 75 Million. UllOI ISUID CISTOll-IUll CHAllEL The finest waterfront home with the best location in Newport Beach. Over 5,000 square feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large bayfront lawn. The price is $5 million and the owner will finance a notable amount. Liii& ISLE CllTlll-llAll CIWllEl Breathtaking views of the main channel from every importaot room in the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 square feet of sheer ele· gance. The price is $3.6 million. Ullll llllE OISTlll-flOllPWILE YIEW Thia Country French estate offers one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 square feet of the finest craftsmanship. The price is $2.3 million. Open Sunday 1·5 at 3 San Sebastian. Ill OAIYll OllTll R TIE llLF OlllSE ll Country English and privacy are your choice, this 6,200 square feet estate with new pool and spa is the answer. Right on the 10th fairway. The price is $2.3 million with over $1 million of assumable financing. UM 111.E-WITEIFlllT OISTll Simply the finest waterfront on Lido on the market today. Pier and slip plus oversized lot and $1.4 million in assumable financing. The price is $2.25 million. Open Sunday 1-5 at 219 Via Lido Soud. Ulll ISLE 1111 OUlln Five bedrooms, all ensulte, and right on the water with your own pier and slip {or multiple boats. Owner will finance over $1 million. Call for appointment. The price is $1.85 million. Ill OUY• •ITll R TIE llU OMISE Trufy the best family home with 6 large bedrooms including a separate 2 bedroom suite with its own living room. On the 9th {airway with private pool. The price la $1.8 million. Ill UlfM nst• • 111 HLF IMllE Thia award-winning home, on the 7th fairway is country club living at i~ finest. Over 4,000 square feet with dramatic architecture and LARGE rooms. The price is $1.75 million with owner (inanclng. • un• ont• •am11• YllW Adjoining its own private 2.25 acre park. thia 6 bedroom manse la vacant and ready to move in. Over 5,500 aquare feet with a VERY private pool. The pMce la $1.8 million. Open Sun 1-5. 8 Cypress Pt. Ill• 11111 -OllT• YIEW LIT Panoramic view on Newport Bay and Pacific ocean. Prime location. Over $600,000 of a.umable financing. Best available lot on the RJdge. $1,350,000. 1M1 lllUI AID lllTl9-tftl 1.1 11111 Ou or the Oi1ht path , lhla cuatom home offttW magnificent opportu· nitlea. Separate guest home and private pool and ape. Owner will fi- l'l&DCe ent.lre loan. The price la $985,000. Ill OllYlll TIWllllE-IELllE POOL An "end unit" Deane townhome. this fine opportunity offers an <.'X· cept10nal yard with custom pool. spa and sauna. Three bedrooms and over 3,400 square feet. The price is $895,000. Ulllll llllE IEW ESTATE ' Super view o' the ocean, bay and city lights. large jacuzzi, formal livlng rm with higt ceilings. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, family room, security system. $30,0 0 in landsca~ing. $850,000. Olllll Ill Ill !.UCIE Over 1/l acre on fee land. Beautiful ocean and city lights view. Swimming pool. Beamed ceilings, French doors and windows plus hardwood floors. Large gourmet kitchen with Master Craft cabinets. 4 bedrooms, 2 111 baths. On comer lot. $750,000 with temlS. Open Sunday 2 to 6 at 1132 Ebbtide. Ill OllYll TIWllllE-OITILIU YIEW Exquisite in every detail, this 3 bedroom, 3,000 square feet home offers multiple use of ~kylights and enormous privacy. Highly upgraded. The pril'e is $675,000. Open Sunday l t.o 5 at 7 Rue Chateau Royal. Ill GUYii Tlft_E_.. TIE llLF 111111 This "new to the market" home is vacant and ready to move in. $430,000 of low interest assumable financing. Three bedroom.9, three baths, three car garage. Priced to sell at $629,500. Liii TIWllllE-W/lllT ILIP II TIE WITEI "Refined" is the descriptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom plus den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square feet and a BOAT SLIP! The price is $S49,500. 10% down takes it. WEIT lmlRT HPLD-WITEIFlllT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent owner financing for qualliled buyer. The price is $545,000. Ill OAIYll TlftlllE-GUlll'I IEIT llY This new to the market home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on its own corner. Excellent assumable financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty. The price ls $500,000. VIW Ill.Ill TIWllM-llllLY IPIUlll This lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offers the ultlmate in luxury with huge assumable financing and owner will carry. The price Is $239,000. 1m•t •m n•••• 11PD Tlllll For the young, at heart. Near the beach, tennia1 pool and a good life. Largest Newport Crest rondo with 4 bedrooms. farnlly room. 2 ~ baths. $225,000 and flexible financing. 11¥111 nm.11111 an11111 -• Sunny retreat, close to U.C.l. Three bedrooms, two baths, extra lllrge living room opens to splashing fountain In central atrium and aecluded terrace with built-in barbeque. Large assumable IOln. $167.500. Open ' Saturday and Sunday 12 to 5. ~1 Pueo de Vega. ..,Ill 1111t-111 nm 11111 The lowest priced home In Newport Ct8t. Two bedrooms, two baths, tonnal dining room. wet bar, step down llvtng room. AU this for o.nly $165,0QO. ..,..., ..... . ....... "' 2 bedroom, 2 balh home with pool and • h• -.amab)e loen. Seller will leMe opUon wilh $&,000 down. The priiae 18 $123,900. . . . .... Orange ~nty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 _ 7 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A 5L850AR't' Of= T1* 1RVM ~y &AUil DRIVE ESTATE Truly spectacular 5 BR home w/formal gardens. atrium pool, high ceilings & fountains. den, study, His & Hers baths & sauna. $1,900,000 incl. land. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (J12) SPECTACULAR llYFROIT One of the most •magnificent Promontory Bayfront homes on the market. Totally customized throughout. Includes approx. 3700 sq. ft. 4 BR. wine cellar, private spa. sauna, total security, elegantly appointed & des1qned. Docks to accommodate 3 boats. Reahst1- cally priced $1 ,395.000 Incl. land. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (J13) OPEN HOUSE SA TU RDA Y 1-4 ... 701 Bayside Drive -Promon- tory Bay -Newport Beach. ElCEPTIOlllL CORDiil HIGHUllDS Beautiful Traditional home -5 BR, 4 BA, formal dining rm. tam rm, & ch1ldrens sitting rm & den w/gourmet kitchen -4 used brick fireplaces Accented w/French doors. stain & leaded glass win- dows, hardwood floors. beamed ceilings & many more amenities. Swim pool, spa, & chlldren's wading pool. $950,000 with land. Donna Godshall 644-6200 (J 14) . UGUllA lllGUEL Country living wlvlew of hills In Foxboro Heights. Customized 4 BR. Ashley model -spacious stepdown living rm, fam rm w/oak floors & brick tplc opens to patio & pool sized yard. $365,000 Will lease option. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 IEW IAYFROIT -IEW PRICE! Never lived in! Balboa Island 3 BR, ranrrm Mme with all amenities w/quality -quiet location -slip for 35' boat -You'll love this home -Reduced to $895,0001! Jdne Paquin 642-8235(J16) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 ... 101 N. Bayfront -Balboa Island. HARIOR RIDGE ESTATES Country French Devonshire w/spaclous luxury throughout. Lg master suite -fam rm-library -gam rm w/brick lrplc & 3 additional BA on lower level. City -night llght view -gated community. Owner w/carry -Submit all offers. $795,000 Lynne Valentine 644-620<' IRCHITECTURlLL Y PERFECT -CORDiil DEL MIR Exceptional offering South of the Highway on 40 ft. lot. Newly constructed spacious 5 BR. 4 BA. fam rm, 3 fplcs. lg country kit- chen Includes In-Law or maid's qtrs. Financing avallable. $595,000 Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (J18) MARllA VIEW MILLS IROADMOOR Expanded & customized trl-level 4 BR home. New oak floors, French doors & carpeting. Gourmet kitchen w/new appliances & oak cabinets. Pnvate master suite & sitting rm open . to enclosed paho. $498.500 LH Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (J19) HYSllE COVE PUITIIOUSE • 1% DOWI Desperate Owner says "Must Sell Now''. 60' bayvlew. Just pro- fessionally decorated. . .Like neW. sophisticated 2 BA + den, 21;, BA. bar. pool. gym. beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446.000 Only $30.000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 (J20) ILUFFS SffllLE STORY Popular Anita Plan with 3 BR 1'1• BA, 2 s;>aclous enclosed patios. one overlooklng greenbelt Beautifully upgraded. Near pool. $165.000 Leasehold. Ot<:k Halderman 6-42-8235 (J32) -901 DOYll DllVI lllW~I UACH, CA 92663 (714) 642-8235 . SPYGLASS EXCEPTIOlllL With terms to match Beautifully decorated Portsmouth model • lushly .landscaped courtyard surrounds an intimate pool & spa. Terrific financing $450.000 Tom Allinsor or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (J21) HARBOR VIEW HILLS Outstanding Montec1to Plan on quiet cul-de-sac with magnificent view of ocean and hills Beautiful enclosed front courtyard -..1th loads of cotor -one of the greatest kitchens ever• $397.500 Maxine Propp 644-6200 (J22) QUlLITI CRAFTSMlllSHIP on a fine view lot with 4 BA. plus library and sauna Everything a great remodel should be in a neighborhood worth caring about $369.000 Coby 'w?'ard 642-8235 (J231 llEW Ill COROlll HIGHWDS 3 BR. 2 BA. formal dining area. Used brick fireplace -baths hav.'.l ~een remodeled with copper plumbing. Beautifully landscaped hke tropical wonderland. Only $364,500 incl. land. Donna Godshall 644-6200 (J24) PElllllSUL.A POllT Absolutely charming 3 BR beach cottage. Superb corner location -Walk to beaches. harbor, parks -Low Down -Seller truly moti- vated at only $325,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (J25) CUYOI I OCUI VIEWS Larger Corona del Mar lot on quiet street. Spotless 3 BR. 3 BA. home including separate guest suite. 2 lovely patios. Seller may help finance. May be best opportunity in town. Only $295,000 with land George Grupe 644-6200 (J26) . HARBOR VIEW IUIOLLS Charming Cape Cod Condo. 2 BR. den. 211~ BA. fplc, wood decking end unit on wide greenbelt w/v1ew ol mtns & night lights. $265.000 Lois Egan 644-6200 (J27) 3 BEDROOMS • $115 Moves you in! Vaulted ceilings in master suite. Charming kitchen w/lg butcher block counter top, greenhouse window overl ooks garden court $256.900 Barbara Callihan 642-8235 (J2 IEW CAMEO HIGMWBS LISTlll& Lovely single story residence -4 BR, fam rm and dining area. Secluded back yard with sparkling pool. Walk to one of three private beaches. $249,000 Leasehold. Donna Godshall 6«-6200 UST COSTA MESA COIDO Just listed 2 BR. 21h &A, atrium large enclosed patio. Lots of privacy. 2 years old Immaculate. $150,000 Assumable loan. Berit Mitchell 642-8235 (J33) IOIUTI OllE-STORY ILUFFS Three BR, two boats, condo on Qreenbelt. Newly painted, carDft- ted, wallpapered. Excellent financing. Perfect for small family or retired couple. Community pool nearby. $225 000 Jan Young 642-8235 (J30) ' lilHT IUY Need fast escrow on newly carpeted and painted family home. Lovely yard. Paneled garage 3 lg. BR, fam rm. flexible financing. • Priced right at $110,000 Open Saturday 12 to 5 .•• 1720 w. Camden Place, Santa Ana . . Betty Grubb 642-8235 (J35) 1648 IAN MIOUIL DlllYI NIWPOllT •ACH, CA ftHO f71A}.644 6200 -- ./ I . \ '• e -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 *** U IQUE UNDER $400,000 IN NEWPORT 0 E OF A KI ND -View of the ocean & sunset. Professionally dec:o- rated, a real beauty -has extras ga- lore. End unit with 3 BR or 2BR + den everything you could ask for - even price $144,900. U IQVE Il" EA WINO -Dramatit' Portofino Model with enclosed entry .. c•(• thi .. drnr111N "ith \lrxi1·a11 paH'f'· sk ylight & F r ench doors -it will kno<'k your socks off! Well d ecorated & owner will ht>lp finance $339.000. GREAT STREET -ear the beach 3 Bdrm. 45 degree lot in old COM so of hwy, R-2 zoning. owner financing at $425.000. ATTENTIO l~VESTORS -Very nice 4 plex in good Coata Mesa loca- tion, excellent financing $235,000. CAREFREE LIVI NG -At the beau- tiful \ n .. aillP•-. "ondnf ul loc'ation. ome with ocean views. good rioan- cing, guarded gate, security system & we have four to choo e from, priced from $247,900. BAYVIEW FROM BALBOA ISLAND -Quaint 4 Bdrm h ome on th e peaceful little island, neat spot lo live. Call for ao appt. S375,000. *** NIQUE IN OLD CORO A DEL MAit U IQUE IN OLO COM -Overlo o· king Big Corona Beach & the je tty, this home has \•ie w, view, view. 3 Bdrm o n e-level. Quaint & <'OZY o hurr). 1660.000. TASTEF LL Y REMODELED -3 Bdrm + den. with iot'ome unit on lar~e lot. Mnster Bdrm uite, French doors, wood floors. $539,000. CO KO'\. l>EI. \Ji\ H COTTAGE -On a canyon lot. Thi• quiet uncongested part of COM ioeorporatea a vitw of the canyon & mtna. 0 t erm 1275.000. ATTE TJO I VESTOR -Try 15% down. owner assisted financing. Unique duplex + cozy ln·law urtit with good COM location. 1329,000. ELEGANT HOME PLU INCOME - South of hwy. Fr~nch doors. vauhed ceiling•. courtyard. Excellent fl••n· dog. 1475,000. U~l()UI: ti()MI:~ REALTORS. 675-6000 OUR SALES STAFF IS CAREFUUY SELECTED. PROPERLY TRAINED AND VERY SUCCES >FUL. *** U IOUE IN CO TA ME A 3 BDRM. -Family Room, assume financing. lrg yard make this a home lo &ee. Owner agent will <'onsider a ll. $157,500. l NVE TMENT PACKAGE -five condos in Costa Mesa only 3 years old with frplcs and great lcrm1. All fi ve for S664,000. Tiii 2 BR -1 BA house has new carpel, redwood deck. privacy & ow- ner finanring. All for S 128,500. * * * NIQl E IN IRVl~E R0\.1ANT I C & ELEC,A T -In Turtlerock Glen. enter thru a cour- 1 )ard into this tl Bdrm homt" with center atrium. spa & fire ring. A real ~inner at $310.000. Open House Sun 1-5, 17 Rippling Stream. LNIQL°E I RANC HO A JOA- Q I 1 -This 2 Bdrm + deu home i near the park, roll eg<". and shopping center only $16.000. down. CAii to ee 1172.000. UNJQ UE IN WOODBRIDGE -3 Bdrrn. 2+ hath•. this condo is easy to maintain, patio bas prinklers - 2 ~oo cl loa nl! & \'\ oodbridf(c areu ... I.)';" .:)00. U IVER JTY PARK TOWNHOME -On quiet grcrnb~h with private patio, large kitr hen. firepla ce. 3 Bdrm• & 21h bathe 1137.500. llMC1PI'; cowr ~ 1t1 flliCAlmUt .,.,JU1"""1111 IN COIUilA 1111 .. All 675-6000 *** U~IQUF.: IN CORONA DEL \1AR & ~EWPORT l 'NIQL'E I N BI C CANYON -Big. bright. Broadmoor. Cul-d e-sat', pool, &pa. with 't'ry a ttral'l i\t' O\\ ner finao· dng. \\e ll pri1·ed. Call for det a ils. 1685,000. Open ~at·Sun. 1-5. 6 \\ inf.!ed Fool. THIS 81.l E \\ ATEH VI E\\ -Will ini.pire ) ou as yo ur remodeling talent& l[O into action. 3 Bdrm& on a large lot a n d i n t h e (' e n t er 0 r d 0 w n (' 0 a 8 t ~ro~th can be had with e late finan- cing 1329.000. lJNIQL'E ON LIDO -Thii. 3BR 2BA home s its on a lmo t a do uble l ot. eeds lo\'e & care -& the ell er "ill help on financ:ng. $530,000. HARBOR RIDGE AN O C ITY LI - GHTS -Make this expanded dynasty model one of the more unu ual condos in our cit y. 2BR + Den with an en- closed porch for ,jewing the reservoir, city lights & mountain . $425.000. VMQ E I HARBOR VIEW HILLS -Thi& home has a dramatic en- trance, center court yard for entertai- nin~ & 4 Bdrm . Owne r will help fi- nant•e. 1465,000. Open Sun 1-5. 2706 LighthouM' Ln. TOTAL PA ACHE! -Country kit- chen. oak cabinet , k ~ lights, brick fireplaces, p ool, vie~. 4 BR. sen a - tional. $559.000. *** l,;IQt:E O~ TllE WATER CO MFORTABLE & WARM T llROUG H O T -38R & d en 011 Balboa Is land. Right on lhe Grand Canal. This home ev~n ha11 an income unit. Owner will hrlp "-ilh the finan- cing. $650.000. EVE't A D LL MOMENT FROM A Y WI DOW -Bayfront duplex ovf"rlooking th pavilion. I 0 years now. Sl.095.000. Open 'un 1-5. 510 ·o. Bnyfront BEA TlFUL BEACOr\l llA Y BAY - FRONT -We have two homes listed on this bearh. Community t e onia, park. boat slips, tranquility and no traffic ha I~. Bea on Bay la a dream <'Omf' true. ext to Linda & Harbor blaods at 1924.000 & 11,250.000. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING - Forevr.r view of private tandy beach & rock.. Thia home baa a pool. 1pa & heated fieh pond. 1'he <'Omple.&e tecu· rlty 11 tem iorludf't T.V. monitors around the bouae & 'round•, tlte n- n•t In 1ttteo equipmnll tbro .... out. tJJ1ltelievahl1 woaderf ul. Y eu o•• ,...... ...... ... IOO..OOD. - 11,000 HWIU 21h llLES Tl IUCI 3 BDM condo, used brick fireplace. $88, 000 asking price & owner will hefp finance. Ask for ALW 759-1221 or 642-1202 30 11n1 AT 1.1 I lressl A rare bird Indeed In today's market. fhlrty bread 'n' butter apartments in an excellent location. lncome on these have Increased 65•/• In past 4'h yearsl For more Information call: • UOATA. UNO- ..... 759-1221 SllllSE·SllSns Gated privacy leads to pool, spa & views through walls of glass! A real top of the hill feellngl Single story. 3 BR, family rm , form. din. rm, and morel Move-In condi- tion. Owner/agt assisted financing. '275, 000 IUOY l•Hlllll 7 59-12 21 or 644-6636 ILIFFI IEST End unit Trina bordering wild life area. GREAT SELLER ASSISTED FINANCING! Decorated, 3BR, 2'h BA. Split-level, A/C. Call UIOY 111111111 759-1221 or 644-6636 •vn•m Outstanding location w/vu of all back bay & Fashion Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form d.r., pool, spa, sec. system. Steal at $725,000. Fee. Grt. fin. avail. Ill tr llYIE HIP 759-1221 llW OllllM FIEIOI ..... , You must see to belle't'e all thla fine workmanship, 4 br. 3 ba. fotm. d .r. 3 f.p. oak cab. beaut. tile, choice of crpt. New- port Height• for only $385,000. Seller =t{ large 2nd. Thie won't lut. HI tr ... 759-1221 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 -9 I I u• nmonE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $550,000. Ill tr llYIE lllf 759-1221 IEWNIT llElllTS COIH 3 br. 3 ba. new custom qlty. bit., pri. patio w/lrg. backyd, quiet area. Only $165,000. ... , llYll lllP 759-1221 Ullll llllE IEW CISTIM 4 br. 5 ba. f.r. Fantastic sun rm., beau master ste. w/marble f.p./ocean & city vu. Huge master ba. w/lmported tiles. One of the lrgst lots w/rm for pool and lrg. play area. Very, verypiotlvated seller .. Brlng any offer. Lowest price custom at $1.400, 000. IH tr llYIE lllP 759-1221 IEWPllT Hllm 11111 3 br. 3 ba. new custom bit. quality bit, upgraded crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe this. $155.000 IH., llYll lllP 759-1221 Liii WITEIFlllT LUSE 2 br, 3 ba, f.r .• sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. tt . Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. $1800 mo. IM., llYll lllP 759-1221 CAMEi SlllES Feb. Ocean & coaatllne vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r., f.r., study, lge. pool & cour- ty~rd, prl. bcha. $895,000. Fee. •.., ._ Yll I• 759-1221 IEWfMTOIEIT ... 2 br. 2'h ba loft hlghty upgraded, oak firs .• beaut. papere, ocean vu. $98,000 1at 1i-1 •. Prleed at $170,000. •er llftl Ulf llAllll llHE LWE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. lge decks., fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate. pool & tennis. $2900 mo. Submit all offers. ... ., llYll lllP 759-1221 Liie& ISLE TWE Breathtaking bay vu 2 boat docks. rm for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 brs. 6 ba., game rm .. form. d.r., sep. guest wing, pool. Setler carry 1st TO or tarde Ind. or off. bldg. $2,100,000 .... ., ..... 759-1221 OCEllFllOIT -OCWIFIOIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11•1.. 2nd or $250,000 at 10•1 •. Steal at $650,000. Ill tr llYIE HIP CllTI IESI 11-2 E. SllE Lg e. 2 br .. 2 ba. den, huge l.r. with din. combo. Lge corner lot/rm to park 6 autos. $130,000. Ill tr llYIE I.., 759-1221 SUVIEW LUIE 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd gate. pool & tennis. S 1700 per mo. Ill " NYIE LllP 759-1221 ....... , 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, Italian marble In l.r .. d.r., kit f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. -"""' '"' 759-1221 1m•TllUTll• 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge muter ate/sitting rm, vu, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on-terms. Ill tr IHI lllP 4412 a.Tmca Pkwy. 559~ Ill CUYll 12,211,111 Splendid custom family home on extra large lot. 5 Bdrm, plus maids quarters. Large living and dining rooms. Famllyroom and gourmet kit· chen. Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf course and mountains. Ill CUYDI Slll,IH 5 Bdrm, 7 bath home wvlth all the amenities. Indoor /outdoor pool with sliding glass root. Sauna. steam room, 3 Jacuzzis. Play & game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6500 sq ft . .. CAIYM 1211,MI Mclain split-level condo with great golf course view. Secluded mastersulte with dressing & sitting area. Large patio, 2 decks, pool. tennis and spa. Security. Good financing and you own the land. Owner leaving state. lllffS IEST llY S 1 H ,Ill Two story ptaza condo with large patio. Double garage, near pool. WaJk to shops and schools. Lowest priced 3 Bdrm In the Bluffs. Make an appointment to see and compare. ILIFFS ONM 1211,000 Situated on a beautiful greenbelt. 2 private patios. new carpets, excellent condition. 3 Bdrm, 2 baths single story "Bonita". Near pool. schools & shopping. Good Income property. Make off.er. WTILIFF 1212,111 Bank Aepo, bring your paint brush and save $$$. 5 Bdrms .. corner lot. Get a new loan with a low down at a low Interest rate. Great family home. sow. COlllO 1141,111 Newport beaeh address at this low price. 2 Bdrm, 2 baths largest 2 story unit. Lovety beach retreat. walk to beach. Owner wlll consider trade. IEWPllT CIEST 1111,IM Walk to beach. Best In the Crest 2 Bdrm + den . + office + retreat. Parquet flooring l1l llvlng- room and Dining area. 2 Tennis courts. comm. poof and spa. Great financing. YIU 111 •a Ull,111 Ocean View and Bay view. Largest unit In VIiia Balboa 2 Bdrm, 2 baths ptu1 den and famlly- room. High Qeillngs and 1kytlght1. Very ptush carpeting throughout. Nice large aHumable loan. Act fastlll IUFFlllftl 1111,111 Condo In one of Newport Beach'• favorite arees. Large lovely and light 2 bdrms. den, two fireplaces, community pool. Only ten homes together around the large paof. Chlldreft & pets lnvtted. Garaged parking. Lmo ISLE UYFRDIT S1,llltlll Pier and sllp locaUon. 4 Bdrm. 3 baths. Owner will carry 1st Trust Deed with a substantial down payment. Wilt accommodate a large yacht. Lido club house + terms + preferred status of Lido life styte. LIDO ISU Slll,111 New French Normandy 4 Bdrm + den. French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass & wood + 2 fireplaces. This Is a true Lido charmer at this fabulous price. LllO ISLE SJ•l,111 A true delight this beautifully remodeled 2 Bdrm, 2 bath home. Professionally d& orated and in Immaculate condition. Large su1 ny pa· tio. Owner Wiii ~P with financing. Tool >Od to last. UH ISU llll ... Dramatic Spanish Casa. • Bdrm•. den, formal dining room with Mexlcen tile floors galorel Prlv~te patio with wall -must see. L .. ISLE Ull,HI 4 Bdrm. 3 baths, 3 car garage. 40' lot on corner. South patio. Submit aJI offers. Owner willing to trade for house In Westwood. Beverly Hiiis area. Small office In same location. Liii ISLE SJll ,112 Ideal corner location this sparkling clean 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home on an extra Wide lot. Only 5 houses from clubhouse activities. beach, tennis and swimming. Large assumable loan. owner financing available. l .. ISLE 1111,111 Lots of warmth and character In this charming 4 Bdrm home on a huge lot at the quiet end of Island. Oen or 5th Bdrm for your added comfort and enjoyment. Beautiful large landscaped sunny patio. UIO ISLE Slll,111 Spacious 5 Bdrm home with formal gardens on overstzed corner lot on the Plazza. High beam celllngs, separate dining room + den. This could be your move to Lido. Owner will help with financing. UllllU Slll,MI New elegant custom 3 Bdrm llght, bright and airy. Featuring sunroof piped and wired for ja- cuzzi. telephone, t.v., mood llght1. 360 degree view. Mott unusual home on Lido. Fabulous fl· nanclng. Owner will consider all offers. ""'"' -un.-spac1oua 2 Bdrm. 2 bathl. with set-down bay view. Large private atrium. Many cuetom fea- tures. Security and boat docking. Owner wtll consider trade for hOme In Palm Springs, Lu Palma « C8nyon aree. Ul8 s 1,211,111 Own your own dock for your 85' yacht. Profe&- slonally decorated. 4 Bdrm. 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overlooking prime bayfront location. FEE LANO. Security gate. and many more extras. IALliA PElllSIU Sll0,000 Oceanfront duplex looking for a new owner. Great for Investors who love ocean views. 4 Bdrm up. 3 down. Good rental area. Owner wlll consider all offers. UllOA PElllSUU SJll,Dll Th is brand new 3 Bdrm, custom home features oak cabinets throughout, economical hot water. forced a ir heating. open beam and wood planked ceilings, 7 sky11ghts. This Is a true, a must to see!! WESTCLIFF S 115,111 Great potentlaJ for expansion to this 3 Bdrm. 2 bath home. Immaculate condition, close to schools. park, tennis. shopping and library. Owner anxious to relocate, make your offer. IEWPORT llACI 1211,111 Newport Crest's most beautiful ocean view awaits you In this 3 Bdrm retreat. Decorated In the finest taste. Walk to beach. tennis & pool. Assumable loan at low Interest. YERSAILLU S 111,111 Fully furnished condo, below market price. sec. gate, plush carpets, pool. spa, great assume loan. Underground parking and much more. Walk to beach. All you need Is your clothes and toothbrush. llSSIOI VIE.II l1H,lll Lovely trl-levet famlly home. 4 Bdrm., 3 baths. Central Air. Large spllt-level backyard has pool. Close to S.O. Frwy, shopping and walking dis- tance to all schools. CISTI IUA 1111,MI Attention builders -Come and see this trlptex and great potential Costa Mesa Golf Course view. Call for more Information. ..... 1111'1 mu 1111,111 Attention lhvestors -Just listed this triplex that Is deflnltefy for you. Thete units are always In demand and are always rented. Close to park, shopping and ed'toot1. Call todayUI OllTA •sa-usnm I 14l ,IM Come and aee thl1 charming home. Great lo- cation, wtth beams, brick fireplace 111\d 3 Bdrm, 2 baths. Mow In condition. Bring chtldreo and pet1 to pfay In hugh yard wtth lllley 8CC*I. I" Fl• IFFlllllLE. , • , • • • • • Tl &FFLlm. • . • • • 'EW EXCLLSIVE OCEA~FRONT Ur uu1trul rofllrmpuran. ""oJ l•f'••jt, ... 11 .. o( 11la••· brirl. r,r,.11lnr,.. uutl \It-.•" from Ca1alinn 1u P alu. \ 1•nl• ... I 111-4·•11•l111ic ~ lur11•· I IM·tl """'·~·. unit .. ilh :J fwtl r••nllll \n UllU•llUI H1lut• on r'UnlO'r "ilh fw•t fl( hlut• u r t•un it •Un1h hrarh. J>roudl~ 11rt·•rnlr1I al U'lo.IHHI ~EWPORT I LA ~D-CHEERFl'L \, ... 1111 1h1· murl.t·I i11 11 ""ult•r ori••111r1I .. rommu1111\. llr11.tli1 2 1 ... ,1. 11111111• .. 1th 111·""''' fi11.11u-i1111. 21•1.:;cHI. r ..... WOOD ·y CONOO-SECt:RITY ( )., 111·r ,. 111 111·•·••111 (l.IHIO 1·11h 1lu,.11 011 lht• '"""II on•• 1 ... d. rondo n .. ur "o. ( 011•1 l'ls11U f 0111111111111 \ llUOI. •IHI• •MUllll & "'1•ij.:hl .......... l1r" ut'' & 11:n· .. •11·n. ~ ;c..uoo. r.:n -I 100. ~EWPORT PE~THOt; .E t-., .. ,.11 .. 111 lorut111n trn1I 11uud •lur1 .. r i1t\f"•lmf'11I. '"" C"•qwt ~ p111111 throuichoul 1h1• ht1rhC"lor 1111il "ith hul- run' 111 \ l or orrun & li11h1•. u• 11t¥••p1 IO' ( ra•h 1111" 11 ~ 1·urn I ht• rt11po-r. tl 7 .:;oo. 6:11-I IOO. HOME FOR l~VE TOR l'rrr1·rt :I b .. Jroom. 2 hulh homf' on l11r1tf lol. \e,. rar1w1 an1I pu1111. C ,,. nt'r "'" hf'lf rinanrf'. I I 1.000 in (;..-1u t f"ll. h.11 ·I IOO. BEACH COTIAGE-CHAR~UNG Onh 2 t.ltH'I.• 111 orruo. o .. nl'r oul uf •talf' and 111011- ult:d 111 -11 &hi• :' 1 ... 1lroom. 2 balh homt'. I :16.IH>O. f1:11 -I IOO. NEWPORT OUIET STREET t:ul·1l1··•uf'. •urrou1Hlf'll II\ Ir...-~. C:Umfortablf' 3 bed. 2 hn. "i1h flr,.11lot•r in r·ou;tlr) kilt'hf'n •nd li"inl( room. llt 1lur••1I 10 l'j I Ml.000. ft 7:i-f1'JOO. ' .. BLLFFS-BEAUTIFUL PLAN HW'' \t·" nv11li1111t'f'•. •·urP"I~ & 1lt•c-nr .. i1l1 mun' mirr·•rr-. r ....... 1or' :1 t .. •11. "-ilh rlr""'" finu111"i1111 : \ITll. 1 .. 11..,. u111i1111 1or'1 ~ 1 ;11 •. ;oo. t.:11 -1 100. IRVI E TERRACE C ,,,. ... 111111 111n :1 hNlroum hunw "llh lllflll' l.1tf'hrn. ru111ih r'tNtlll .. hh fin•1)lah· 11nd "P"'" !...am ... ,i .... pAllll ""'' huc·I. ,11rtl. ~21;;.1H)O. h :ll-1 ioo. NEWPORT HEIGHTS '111wr lurutiun on 1r••at •11'""'1· Lur~I' lol wllh trrl'•· """ , • ..,. ur11I l .. •nu11fol poo•I. 1'1·rfr4'I famil' hol04' "ilh :1 IM'tlr•Nt111• untl fumih room. 1.., .. r••h dcn•n and o"nPr .. ill l"llrr\. c "" for f 0 inu11t'in11 ""'•"•· 27•>.ooo. BEST PRICE ON HPOfNT" Op11'•rh111il ' 111 """ • :1 l ... tlr•N•nt. 'l ba1h homf' Oft l''ll- rh1-iH• l'c•nln•nl11 l'oinl. U~ lhf' purk. 1' alk lo bD) and h1·1t<'h. Ht•tlut'l'll lo >l;Zi;;.fHH•. ON W ATER--WfRONT ROW \1·"-h d1•1'oralr1I 2 lH•llnt11111. 2 hnlh l''tt-op. C;nrjlNKll' t utnl.11111 111111 111rnl111t hn•ill ''"". \ .. •11m11tH• 101111. "'"""' .. 111 n••i•I In fl111111f'l1tjC ........ ·li11 R• ull11l1l1'. i:.;2u .;.otH). DUPLEX , EAR BEACH 1 .. rll!f' 111111• wllll 2 b•drnolft. I lilath lllUll'r tultH ... nod paaf'll11111. C.111•t111ltr '"' ••4 t•11111 .. Ow11f'r •Ill .,.,,, 1279,()()0. J'H a-4. Ml-MOO. CATALl~A :t~ ET '-C.:\I. t •• • .u• 'h .. , ftottt 1..--... 1 f.tt-tt ••I 4 IN fln ... •ttt ruutlu '" • uu111lt' .... \I IC ..... I IC \Ill I (,II It' t ulC c \Ir ........ 1 ........ 1 .. ti ...... .,,·, 111111 L ~08 TRL CTED GOLF COl'RSE \ l \ l11l1ulu11• \Ir( l.1111 1"""'"""" "" htlo h11r""' 11r Ui1t l .:11""" 11 . C 11•111111 1111t•r1or r111lilJ1t•• IHJlh "llrllllh ~ •·l1•1tu111 t'. lluuhl•· jl<trui:•• I u1111111111il• 11'"'1. 'IHI & lt•n· 111• :-..1 ICUICHI It·•·· BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT --, goo OPIN SUNDAY 1·5 ,,M. 200 SO. IAYFIONT, IALIOA ISLAND \ 1l11111i11nti111t rt-.itlt•ntiul vro1wrl'' "ith D pri\ulf' tfOt'k for 2 lt11t1I•. "tu1H'11du11• \It-:• on 'w1111h Hayfrunl "hh '" 11 l1.trl(1• •ifl1 .. h,-·l1lt· unh,. t-:arh uni1 I• lo,.~ .. ,. 1han 1111t•I honw• u111I hu• I l'lf•llr1Ht11l•. :JIA lmth ... di11i111' and funtil' r•Morn•. plu~ :.! rirt•trlurr• un1I 2 bolronit'<1. o .. nrr "'" h1•lp flnnnrt• to 11u11lirir1I hu,C"r. 2.20C>.CHJO F•:•:. h 4:1-f/fJCHI. ~EW CAPE COD-CdM \ l1ra11tl """' I""""'"" hnmr undrr l'On•lrur1iun. •11 ,,.,.,., • ._ 1imr 111 rh1H1...-·~our 1·olor-,. ..... OriH• b) :ll 1 \lnri1tol1I. . . ju•t •l111rl hit wk .. lo C ""'"'u J .. I \1ur bra· du-.. \II 11uul11• in thi· :I IH'1lrfHmt. famil, rootn and r11r11111I 1lin111j1: ""'"'· I \IU.l. \ lt.'a ..,, 'DEf:t~. t.all for l1111u11·111ic tlrtnol •. l'llth11.tN)tl fr,.. I 00,000 REDUCTION-VU! I h1• •pu<'utli. h11111"" hu• all tltf' icuuli11,.. or a finr •alu ... \ l . It H \ rtu,, l'IUn. \ "' TER\1 ... T-o-.. tory Oflt'n & l11r111· • 1tll'rt11in11111 "' ittjl. f11mil> & llinit11t rof)m1 plu~ :I bt•1lrmrm ... f'Df'h .. 1th huth + pm•tlf'r ,..,-Om. ,,. .. d. .... ntf' 1lt•f'11ru1lu11. hu1 1111• oli tltr ri1th1 "'""'""''· 'iubmil 'oor .,ff,. ... ~c1:;.tMHI. 1t:l I · I f.00 . EXCITI NG LIDO ISLE """"'."I"'" on1I fr·l1•fttll, homt' "" 11 lar,; .. 15xAA h . 101 in 11 •trt• I to -ll'f'rt l1~ullo11. \ pr-qtllf' rloor pion on ont' 11., t•I "ii 1 :1 l1t•1lrt1<1111 11111• 1l1·n. ( .tu•w-d lnnai with f"l"•I 1nhl1· 1111. omf' .. urrn. U1·1111tlful icordrn 01111 hrirlt P"''"· "'"" '''"" •i1t·•·iul r .. ,thu•t•... I ;;;.ooo. BAY I DE COVE BA YFRONT t•1·i11w '''" Olnn111111I plit" un """ '"'"' "'ilh 2 twclroott"• 2 l1111h•. 11111• tl••11. Un~ \H• ... prhalr l1t•11 .. h. pool 111ul •1111. IS.•111 ·li11 u• 11i111bl ..... ..., l1111d. 77:i.CIOU. PE~I . POI T-BY BEACH U•·ll11lt1fu l-u1I, 1110 11. '"'"' llf'u.-h. 2 twdr0t1m ... polio 111111 1IM'I.. \ ttmohl,. rln11n.d 1111. !!,deed fot' iau11f41•~ •ult• or :t:l:1.:;oo. REOl'CE:O! PRICE, LOCAT10%, Vt:! l 1•1u·r \,.,,. µorl lttrullon ou '""IC" lot "'11h '"" 2 brd- rtH•lll Ullll•. I '"' 111 ,.,., .• 111d rr111 lht' ulhf'r or build a ,.,.,. 1,.,.,.,. 11111• l(llr•I huu•t• l'l,111~ run•irlf'r lra.,·/11p1ivn .. 1 ... 'ul111111 , .. 1•1•>.:;00. c.:c 1-1 100. Urhr t.~ 200 I "wi.:· It.I ,'( t·.111 LITTLE IS ELF.C \:\CE & CllAR:\1 11 .. ,.,.r hu• rt·1l111 t·1I 1hr l'r11·r "" 1h1• J,., 11rolor Jr,.um l1t11111· 111 .... ;.,:;.IHHI. l· ... •n 111111•1111' 111 1h1• ;1 lwd. homr "11h lori1 I. 11uli11. I r1•" It 1ltN1,... & 1·oordin111c-d ,,.,10,.... 1'111• II rt•11111I IHlll "ilh u111· lwtl. .muifl', uml. \ rorm·r 1•11•11t·rl• "''" llrHUI'~ & •1uw1 ... ju•I •lf'I'• lo "Ulf'r. Cl .. tu•r tlt·,ilolt• t111 lt•rm• of -ult'. "ulm11t. h7:1-fl9CH). HALBOA IS. WATERFRONT 11\\11111\l ·U\\ I \1111\-:.W H ... 111,•, inlrr .. •I t-'\- llt I Ill"' '"· ll1t\fronl ltK'Ul11tt1" "i1l1 "1wlio11 .. "lllrr •" 11111ht l111h1 "''"'· l'n•tH'rh uu•luJr, u dramulir "" ntt! .. 2 IH'tl. 11lu• loft ..'t hu111· 11r1H11t• •111111,.rk. \,. .. dttor if. r•'rll•Nlo•lt•1I. "l'al'inll• ;1 llf•1I. u11urlmrul "llh pulio 011 ""'· \1'\t'r u rr111al 11rol1lr111. o .. ,, .. r .,rr ........... ~ lrnn• 111 ·• •1u11 l1r1r•I ''°''"" .. 11h :10•, rn•h do,.n pa,m•·nt. 'I .tOO.tNIO. f,,,. 1.;, 1-1 ICM•. U .,OA I 'LE-WATER & GREE~ERY (.rrt•11rn ohoun•I' on lhi' rornl'r .... ulrrfront'' lmmr "•lh 11wr ,'( •1111 fur :1 boul•. l..Uritf" patio & 1>ri•alf" f"nlr~ .,,.., 1li11 vuol & •1ra. llf't1ulifull) roordin•lf"d df'ror 1hr111111hou1 1h1• "'J>N'illy •pariou• 5 twd. homt': inrlu- tlin1t pri' ult• mu .. lrr .. uilr • maid' .. rm. l.u:i.uriou .. & I uric•· rnlt r111111111;.: lh inic. dinin11 nnd f•mil) r<N>m~ .. ith •h•p·tlo" 11 h11r. '1.:1t1;;.000. BAYf'RONT-LARGE & LOVELY l noh•lrur ll•d "'"'' .... nlrrfronl" .,,, ... rrom &hi~ "'"'" und •1m1•iou1o luunr "Ith lttrjtr lirirt. pal lo und pit'r for '"" :;;;-) 1whl•. C:m"1•nlt•nl ltwolionund f"•pt'<'iully larlCf' lh 111ic room. t•lt'\ u1t•1I 11inin1& room. lurl(f' bar. famil) room. 11111• 1•1111111 kltrhf'n. Sh, lwdn .. un ... huic,. inMlf'r •llilt• .. 1111 111nrl1lt• (irt•11lnrr anti ...... u1h1ol.111ic vi ...... r 1111 . \ '""" ror11for1u hl" rloor plan "ilh a r.. .. 11n11 of W" UI'\: I .•1:;0.CNHI inrlurlf'll land. c.:11-1 WO. £W HAHBOR RIDGE ELEGANT \II lh•· 09mlt•orl' d1·,...n in1t of 1hl .. l.oni• \I\ d""iJl1'· C,t•rwrou .. u ... 1of murl1lr. t'r)'•lal. lr•drd & bt'•f'lrd iclu-.. uni. "i1ltlinic •lll•n·a .. ·, 1>lu• f.,rn111li1, and f''l(l'l'l- lt•1wr 1hn1uicltt1u1. C 1111" lhr rinl"I in lw11UI)' & drlail In thi• :!-•Ion ,....itl .. nrt' "Ith unqu..,.liona blr panoramir "''". of no, ......... n ond n ...... "' ni1th• lijiChl ... "'paciou- .'t •mrn11hl> """'"" f'nll'rlalnin11 room~ int"ludinjl! Ii- ' 11111. formnl tlluinjl. luricr fnmil' ,..l4ml • ..-paralf' laµ room "ilh hnr. "'Jllll'lllt' 'll'p·dll"" formal har "ilh hull'on~. "•'pDr•lr 11rhnlf' n1••lf"r •uill' & 1 tol•I IH-d- "'""""· , ..... •pll if. :1 rar "a,.._... 2.200.000. rtt. NEWPORT BAYFRONT E TATE .. 11h Mr on '""I'""' lb). ~wl'('pinl(. 1111111ora"1i<' •itow (rum thf' 111Hillun lo the-mounlaln , ,\1> DUIMontlt' 11,-. rhilrt·turul •lutf'ntf'nl of h)"O-dn)'~ 1h"'"'"lto1t1 1hi11 :1-•lor' rr .. i1ll'llrt• 11lu~ Ith flfKtr ol..rnulion 10 .. ,.r. Thf' 111111lit) 111111 »r1tfl•n11111•hi11 in 1h1-dl1111i'1ifd ~•rurlurf'­ uHrr 'IMll'iuu' rv-tft•-& prlvaty, in uddilmn let lf'ftf'N'ttt' hul1H1r 4\ 0111cl1Htr hnlt•onll" , pnllM llftd ('flUtl.)'arcJ f'd• tr~. Thi• nutj(nirll'f'nl •Illa """"" two .. ,.,~, for pt'iv•lf' lhl111&• Thi' inrh11l1•1> fl lw>1lrr.C•n•' aml f> lrolhroomc, a formul 1tl11itt1t room, 2 kllC'hf'n• form•I ll\Jlnll l'fMlm, IMrl'" tumil roo111 & muf'h mnrf'. A •f'l)•r•lf', t'lr• r•rttlainNI "'""'"' ~llllt'. l.af'~f' pl"r 11nd llcJal .. 111 •fl· 1•t1111111111loh• It ltO'. 11lu" 1w1• Olhl'r tMr•ni" A df'lailt-d l1rorh1m• "111 f.,. "'all a hit• UPI"' l'f'qU..-t. 2.650.000 (...-lnnd, \djttiHi"f' l(ltl'"I aperltnfltU. Jtlu' :I tar~ r" 1ulttlrl1· r..r 'li,:;,ooo "" • "4'para1eo ";,I 00 11. lot. WATERFRONT HOM~S , IN~ .. REALTORS · s.a.. Rencat.. Property Ml\nagemnit • . ____ ..._ 12 ...... Or~npe C<?'J~t)' Real. ~.t~fo/~P ~~~erUli~, ~~"RR~P~ ti' U)e ,OAJLY PM..OTl.SttOr~. ApfJI 24~ "J982J ,. . . . - Since 1929 me~ N~oll~-§~ . h p\ace to The ng .t nroperty . ht nnvate r 4'\ ng .-00VY · . [vfesa Harbor-Cosca Newp<>rt d f Reafrors• Boar 0 · re'loS~rue 4'da: BoaNI o/ R~ R Working for America's property owners.' .. IT'S PRIVATE PROP8RTY WBSBI . . -------- Orenge County RM e.tite/An Ad~ Supplem4'nt to the OAl(Y PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 -13 ' .. , .. ,.., ... , 1124,111 Serious seller hu v11eated property in.- king fast possession ideal. Lowest priced ranch style home in area. A little paint and paper will give you a real showplace. Seller flexible, so as to fill your needs. Call now, 894-7521 122 ..... ..... Ill Ill ..., Spacious. elegant and location. All wrapped mto this 4 Bdrm 2 'h bath pool home. Close to freeway and shopping and golf course. Features include huge family/living room, den and master bdrm with fireplace, plu!: large bonus room. Owners willing to qua- lify for new 2nd makes this an unbeatable package. Call 894-7521 11111. " 1111,1111 Great starter with minimal down payment. Take over $95,800 In loans + owner will carry! 2 story, 3 bedrooms + wee cowboy's retreat. Big family l'001Ti + much more. Act fast. call 962-5585 11u• ... ,_ Can you believe thla price in prestigious Mesa Verde? Owner Is anxious--you gain! Spacious home with loads of privacy and easy care yard. Enjoy Costa Meaa'a best addreu now! Call 646-0303 \ FOREST E. OUON, REALTORS IU HlllllEI 011111 ls freah as spring! Brick fireplace, plush carpeta, hardwood floors. Cheery kitchen. Large covered brick patio. Separate garage. Huge yard . Priced to sell fast. U35,000 . hurry! C.all 645-0303 1% UIUL PEllCEllTllE lllTI Gently swaying palms beckon you Enjoy pnvacy and seclusion beside sparkling pond in your own back yard paradise. Fruit trees, separate SU>rage area. Channing home fea- tures brick Cireplace, plus 4 large bdrms. Seller will finance. $50,000 down 96 month payments of $1,050 includes principal and intettst. Only $133,000. Call now, 645--0303 •-+--... 1.,111 Massive two story off«a 5 big bdrms, for- mal dine, plus billiard size family room with wetbar. Serious teller will accept ks than interest only paymenta! Submit your down peyment. Jutt reduced! Act now, call ge2 ... 5~5 -.uw .. llllll Elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath, has l Bdrm and bath downatain. Large living/dining room. den with wetbar and (lreplace plu., 3 car garage. Near Westmlns\er Mall and free- way. Great terms with owners willing l.O qualify for additional financing. $225,000. Call 894-7521 ....• , ..... "llB .. ,Ill ~ block oU the blue .Pai.iftt. Th'8 J ye. o&d 3 Bdrm, 2 'h beth homit .... the quality features you are lookina (Gr. Wine ctc.t, woodbu.rnm, flrepllK.'e, 1kyUahti, Clerea- ·t.ory windows, ettamk: ille enlcy. A 1arce assumable loan makes this the home for you to have your sprina bellch party. Don't mla it. Call now, 894-7521 OPIN HOUSI 4. +. 1372 s.s ..... ""-· 194-7521, Sit/Sun 1.5 4 •• 3411 Gibert Or. Hnta Hlw. IM-7SU. Sat 1·5 l •. 1'302 ,,._, ""'' •. tM.1421. ~ t.S· ,..+•-1111,11• Brick courtyard entry with 1-..h land9Cape acrentS ~ve 4 Bdrm with family room. Sunshine lutchen. Fireplace. Solar heated pool in secluded atmosphere. Now only $155.000! Don't wait, act now, call 962-5585 PllOE SUllD 111,1111 Custom decor accents this spaaous family home. Bedrooms galore + 37'x 18' bonu. game room with bar. Serious seller wilJ obtain financing + carry 1f needed. Just reduced to $179.000! Below market price + great terms! So call now. 962-5585 ..,_ .... 1112,111 Exquisite townhome features tile entry, fireplace, 3 king sized bdrms. Charming covered patio. Near acres of parks and trails. Approximately 1 'h miles to beach. Low down! Take advantage now. CalJ 645-0303 FllD IM,111 Ideal for invest.on or first lime buyers. 3 Bdrm. Garage plus workshop. Bring paint, plus imagination and save $$. Take ove1 exUt.lnc k>w Jntttest financing. HWT)'! Call 645-0303 IDllD Tl 1111.- Would you Uke the convenience of a con- dominium but leCWity, privacy and appre· dat.ion of owning your own home? You cm have lt all! Unique d esigned owned bungalow. charming Eaataide C.O.ta Mesa . One of a kind. Hurry, 64~·0303 .... 11 .... Lela than 2 yean old in Plaza del Sol, near Soulh CGM4 Plua. 8~ clown uvm, 1'00ID with ftnpllc.. Form.I clninC· farnlly room with wetber a~~· Gourmet kit- chen. Channing nook. Luxwiow m.cer suite with f irep&ece. Air C!Oftdftioned. Community pool and RV parklna. An exciting home at an unbelievable price. HW1')'. Don't m• this one. CaU 64$.0303 4 M +, 9102 Allti, H11tc ldl. M2·5515, S.. l·S 4 •• l'ill Seu ............ 194.7521, Sat/S. 1-' .,, w 1.--Orange County Real &tate/An Adverttling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24', 1982 This Weekend ! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you go house-hunting. All the locations listed below are described in gr.ater detail elsewhere In tOday's DAILY PILOT ctuslfied ads. Patrons advertising open houses for sate or rent in The Daily Pilot may list such lnformaUon In these columns each Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM t 17 Marine Ave. Balboa Island, NB 631-1400 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 221 Via Ithaca, lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sat 3"'6/Sun 1-5 2034 Vista Cajon, Npt Beach 759-1221 $315,000 Sun 1·5 2137 E. Ocean, Balboa Penin. N.B. 631-1400 $323,000 Sat 1-5 .og1 414 Narcissus, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $203,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 44 Chardonnay. Woodbridge, Irv. 548-1168 $139,800 Sat/Sun 12-4 233 Santa Isabel (E/Slde) CM 540-1151 $1 37,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 702 Acacia. Corona del Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Dally 1-5 1 Aldergrove. Woodbridge, Irv. 552-0660 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Lucerne (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-9333 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 51 Harbor Ridge Or, (Hrbr Rdg) NB 644-6200 $675,000 Sat 1-5 * 19 Cur1 Drive, Jasmine Creek. CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11-4 3 BEDROOM 5091 Robinwood. Hunt. Beach 894-8635 $115,000 Sun 1-5 1751 Plaza del Sur, Balboa Pen, NB ~ .. 675-4009 1399,600 Sat/Sun '"" 420 OeSola Terr (Corona Hinds) CdM a15-6000 $329,'000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1126 E. Balboa Blvd (Pen.) Balboa 759-9100 $1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 420 Oahlla, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $625.000 Sat/Sun 12-6 1 Rue Fontalnbleau, Big Canyon, NB 760· 1900 1500,000 Sun 1-5 *866 Senate, CO$la Meta 631-0509 I 128,500 Sat 1-4 5041 Paseo de Vega, Turtlefock, Irv 760-1900 $167,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 16904 Kawatl Ct. Fountain Vatt.y 759-1501 $154,900 Sun 12-5 191 1 Court St, Bal Penln, N.8. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1·5 2116 Felipe, Bluffs, N.B 644-4910 $270,000 27 18 w. Camden. Santa Ana Sat/Sun 1·5 963"'6767 $J05,950 Sat 1-5 715 Patollta, Irv. Terr. CdM 644-9060 $360,000-Fee Sun 1-4 1312 Santanena Terr. CdM 673-8550 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3024 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Ma.r/NB 631-1400 $1 .350.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 113 Via Ravenna, lido Isle, N.B. 631 -1400 $355,000 Sun 1-4 1723 Plaza del Sur, Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $295,000 Sun 1-4 502 "I" St., Balboa Peninsula. NB 631 -1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 416 DeSola Terrace, Corona Hinds 644-6200 $495,000 Sat 1-5 20082 Orchid St., S.A. Hghts 548-1168 $132.900 Sat/Sun 12-4 1946 Port Locktlelgh, Nwpt Bch 644-4289 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3086 Fernheath Ln (Halecrest) CM 540-1151 $127,000 Sat 12-4 3M plu.a FAM RM or DEN *401 Kings Pl .. Newport Beach 631-1266 $349,000 Sun 1-5 215 62nd St .. Newport Beach 675-6670 $229,900 Sun 1-4·30 •2048 Commodore, Baycrest. N.B. 648-2413/631-0680 Sat/Sun 1-5 2834 Catalpa, Newport Beach 642-0750 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 409 DeSOla '1Mr., Corona del Mar 646-0209 SS7&,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1436 Se:enade Terr, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Rd, Baycrest, NB 631-1476 $360,000 5at/Sun 1-5 2658 Basswood (E bluff) NB 631-1266 1175,000 Sat 1-5 • 1974 POf't Lockalelgh (Hrbr View) NB 844-2573 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2443 Bamboo, Newpot"t Beech 840-1340 $319,500 Sun 1-5 542 Harbor lat Or (Pretn Bay) NB 759-8100 S1,400.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 '* 1472 Gala>cy Or., Dover Shorn. NB MQ-2510 1738,000-f.. Sat/Sun 1·5 • 3023 Country Club Or. (MV) CM 631-1266 $299,900 Sat 1·5 62 Drakes Bay, Newport Beach 640-9900 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 • 1087 Glen Cir., Costa Mesa 640-9900 $229.000 Sun 1·5 ti 13 Canyon Island Or. Big Cyn, NB 640-5560 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 15521 Sandusky, Westminster 963-6767 $179,250 Sat/Sun 12-5 * 7 Rue Chateau Royal, Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 $675,000 Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd, Cllffhaven, N.B. 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, lido Isle, NB 613-7300 Sat/Sun 1 ·6 * 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7781 $795,000-fee Sat/Sun 1·5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $885,000-lee Sun 1-5 1036 Polaris, Dover ShorH. N.B 644-9060 $975.000-fee Sun 1:30-5 2611 Circle Or. Bayshores. N.B. 644-9060 $536,000-Fee Sun 1-5 958 Cheyenne, Costa Mesa 556-7953 $132.500 Sat 1-4 1515 Cumberland (Westcllff) NB 540-1 151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 2501 Harbor View, Corona del Mar 552-1714 $635,000 Sat 1-5 1730 W. Camden Place. Santa Ana 642-8235 $110,000 Sat 12-5 2109 Yacht Grayling, Newport Beach 875-2311 $399,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR plua GUEST 221 1 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642-8235 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 HDIOOM 233 Pulnaettla. Corona del Mar 673-4271 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Coral, Balboa Island • 675--6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2221 FrancllCO (Back Bay) NB 675-6000 $295.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2012 Port Ramsgate (HVHms) NB 675-6000 $319,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1521 Anita Ln. (Back Bay) NB 645--0532 $375,000 All w.- 1912 Bkldte, Turtle<ock, Irv. 759·1501 1213.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **2804 W. Oceenfront, Balboa Pen. NB 131-1400 •725.000 Sun 12:30-4:00 212 Via Eboll, Udo ltle, N.8. 673.7300 MM.500 Sat 12·3/Sun 1-" 510 Allto (Nwpt Hatt) N8 131-5ee1 ~-Set/Sun 12.::.e • 424 hl'Aie Ln., lelbOe P9nln .. N8 '131·1400 ... 19,000 SM 1-4 2113 Mlremar • .._,.,, ,_., N.I . 87M181 *"5.000 Sat 1·5 7eG V .. Udo &oud, Udo ..... N.B. 97S-toe0 1575,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 715 Petoflta, Irv. T...,ece, CdM 844-8090 '380,000 Sun 1-5 -------- • ... • • •••• •,j4 ' •• ' • . . . 4 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 1844 Port Charles Pl • Hrbr Vu. NB 631-6194 $139,500 Sun l -5 2805 Drake. Costa Mesa 979-1138 $142.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl . HVH. NB 675-2373 $322.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 30 2817 Shantar (Mesa Verde) CM 641-8115 $239,500 Sat 1-5 1020 Whitesalls (Hrbr Vu HIS) CdM 631-1266 $376,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1412 Santiago, Dover Shores. NB 631-1266 $420.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2706 Lighthouse (Brdmr HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $495.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 • •25 Warmsprlngs. Irvine 552-3481 $395,000 Sat 1-4 225 Tulane. College Park, C.M. 546-f328 ..$ 135.000 Sun 12-4 ir6 Winged Foot (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $685,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensueno (Mar Pt) S C. 759-9100 $950,000 Sun 1-5 •978 Sandcastle (HVHls) CdM 67s-6000 $325,000 Sat 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) rte. 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 San Sebastian, Big Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $2 3 million Sun 1-5 • 1132 Ebbtlde. Harbor View Hilla, NB 760-1900 $750,000 Sun 2-ti 33 Sunlight (Trtirk) Irv. 561-3000 $365.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1818 Port Manlelgh, HVH. N.B. 759-1501 $375.000 Sun 1-5 * •322 62nd St .. Newport Beach 759-1501 $249,900 Sun 1-5 3202 Delaware Place. Costa Mesa 545-9258 $139,500 Sal/Sun 11-5 3065 LOt'en Lane. Costa Mna 979-5370 $128.500 Sun 1-4:30 • 17 Muir Beach Cir. Spyglau. CdM 644•9060 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •1617 Bayside Dr(Yachtsmans Cve)CdM 64-4-9060 $1,795.000 Fee SIS 1-S 1715 Galatea Terr. Irv. Terr. CdM 6«-9060 S498,000-L.H. Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds. Baycrest, N.9. 644-9060 1395,000 Sun 1-4 8 Aue Villa.rs, BIQ Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $705,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 4 aa +Fl or DIN • 1805 Glenwood (Baycrest), N.B. 644-9060 $395,000 Sun 2-6 * :rNarbonne, Hll'bor Ridge, NB 631-1400 $2.200.000 Sal/Sun 1·4 1132 Sea Lane, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $350.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •2658 Bayshores Or. Baylhr•. NB 644-9060 $750.000 Sat 1·6 * 1 Rue Val Bonne, Big Cyn. N.B. 673-9060 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 333 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mir 760-0452 $545,000 S.tl81Jn 1·5 **2319 Blyside Drive, CdM 642-8235 11.895,000 FM SIS 1·6 • 1915 Chubaaco, Irv. Terr .. CdM 644-8200 '3e0.000 lnCI land Sun 1·5 2421 Frencltco Or. r...,ort 8Mch e1s-n t 1 1211.eoo Sund•Y 1-a 2 tOI Y9* Gi8YlnQ, Nlwport 8Mch 111-131' UM,IOO let/Sun ~-& 133 V&I Undlne (Udo IM) Na 111-7• 8711,000 let/lun 1-& • Orange County Real Estate/An AdVertrafng Sup"lement tb the O~ttY PILOT/Saturday, April ~4. 1982 -15 2811 Lorenzo (M~sa del Ma.rl CM 631-7370 $152.900 Sun 1-4 -701 Bayside Drive -Promontory Bay -NB 642-8235 $1.395,000 Sat 1-4 2227 Arbutus -Eastblull -Newport BebCh 644-6200 $289.500 Sat 1-5 2220 Waterfront Dr. Corona del Mar 673-1148 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM • • 708 Via Udo Nord, Lido Isle. NB 675--6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 ••219 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle. NB 760-1900 $2,250.000 Sunday 1-5 5 BA plus FAM AM or DEN 1608 Galaxy (Ovr Shra) NB 631-1266 $949.900 Sun 1-5 = 5 Aue Fontaine, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $785,000 Sun 1-5 * •824 W. Bay. Balboa Peninsula. NB 631-1400 $1,495.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 442 Begonia. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $595,000 wllandSal/Sun 1-5 2824 San Juan (Mesa def Mar) CM 540-1151 S 158,000 Sun 1 :30-5:30 6 II i-lu1 PAM RM or DIN •8 Cypress Point. Big Canyon, NB 760-1900 S 1.8 million Sunday 1-~ CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 llDROOM ••WO McNeil #106, Versallles. NB 673-7300 $116.000 Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM 4 11 'h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2600 Block Santa Ana Ave. CM 631-6194 $129.500 Sat/Sun 11-5 2525 E. Ocean Blvd, Corona del Ma.r 640-5560 $499.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 19098 Flagship Cr. Huntg .Ben 873-7161 $119,500 Sun 1-5 2277 Pacific Ave. Cotta Meta 673-7300 $125.800 Sal/Sun 2-5 2277 Pacific Ave. Coeta Mesa 673-7300 $165,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 * 25 Canyon laland, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $285,000 Sun 1-4:30 20204 Peach, Huntington Beach 963-8377 $110,000 Sal/Sun 11-6 2 IR plua DEN 209-19th St. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat 1-5 a BEDROOM -""' 411 Dahlla, Corona det M1r ,.. 675-5511 1325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Crest Cr. Corona def Mar 5se.1 111 1239,000 Fee Sat 1-5 •314 Avenlda Cumbie. (Bluffa) NB 769.9100 1210.000 $at/Sun 1-5 327 Og ... Coet• Mfta 831·5981 $160,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 •27 Ima Loa ~. Newport Beech 842-1603 $230,000 Sun 1-4 , ....... DIN . • 7 Aue VIilar• (la Cyn) NB 159.9100 1tn.ooo SatJSun 1-6 • lllWOll 201e Cen1aoe..r._!enla AN (8rld PL> 111.2040 ... eoo a.t/lun ,_. TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM =3 Lago Soud, Irvine 640-9900 $159,000 Sun 2-5 Fairv1e~ at Avocado Rd, Costa Mesa 548-2239 S 137.950 Dally 11-5 594 C Hamilton. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $99.500 Sat 1-4 3 BEDROOM Fairview at Avocado, Costa Mesa 548-2a39 $154,950 Dally 11·5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 890 w. 15th St. Space 79. NB Sat/Sun. •700 LtdO Park Or. Lido Peoln. NB # 12 631-1400 $39,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 700 Lido Park Dr. Udo Penln, NB #22 - 631-1400 $52.000 Sal/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 llA ptua 1 BA 427 & 427'ft Orchid Ave, CdM 673-4400 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 -2 llEDIOOM 5 15-5 15'~ Orchid (Old CdM) CdM 759-9100 $356,000 Sat 1-5 2001 Kings Act. Newport Heights. NB 631-1400 $4 !§,1000 Sat/Sun 1-4 I aA plus 2 BA 2914 Oce1nfront, Balboa Penln, NB 838-3232 $685,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 4409 S.uhore, Newport Beach 838-3232 $625,000 Sat/Sun 12--4 2 -3 IEDftOOM 209 42nd St (Peninsula) NS 642-1355 1350,000 Sun 1-5 1510 Abalone Ptac., Balboa laland. NB 673-6900 $535,000 Sunday 1-4 2·411A ••202 S. Bayfront. Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $2,200,000 Saturday 1-5 PROPERTY for LEASE HOUSE FOR LEASE _ I MDROOM 20421 Upper Bay Dr, SA Heights 549-7982 $1225/mo. Sat/Sun 1-4 CONDO FOR LEASE , . 2 MDROOM tS S.. Island, Big Cyn, NB 758-1501 11350/mo. l " I 16 -Orange County Aeat Estate/An Actwrtlllno Supptement to the DAILY PflOT /Saturday, April ~4.Jj82 11.\IUM>IC Hl·:.\l.T\' 1111'1 • ""I New tildlw in Corona del Mar jwt • -blodcm from the bMch. The e I t...WhiMr')'•tMIUD- ... ..... type ..-operty .... "·~--V-.at.)111 tm.000. Owner will help finance. 1n ... 4 bedrooma "C" Plan overlooking the pool ln The BlufCs. Reduced to $279,500 L.H. but best of all is the 30 year 13'h" financing. Separate bedroom and bath downstairs Ideal for ln-1.awa or teenager. --•L Ill llfl.EI A real cu\le In a great location. Freshly painted 2 bdrm. houae plus 1 bdnn. aparUnent. Priced rilbl at $269,500 juat 20"' down to the 12.K loan good {oc 10 years! WISTalff ... Nicely decorated 2 bdrm. lat floor unit with cheerful upgraded kit- chen, pnvate patio and unbelieva- ble $129,000 price. Great location doe to ahoppmg. Name your tem111 -owner will carry. LUXllY tOIS ..... ., Localed on the Cront row ln exclu- live Cameo Shores overlooklnc the privarte beach. A apectacu1ar home in • spe.ctaculai' letting ... bdrms., family rm., formal dining rm .. beautiful tropical grounds. $2,900.000. Mtfillf 6' feet on the t.y with private...- and floet. Lovely 2 a&ory, 4 bdnn. home near private community und beach. Den, formal dinint rm. and a wockshop. $985,000 L.H. llETlllTS Ir;;;;;,..}.'.! :;;:.i;~.!.'!1 ~~j;,..!.~,e;;;,..!.~. :::.;:~w;·!.~ i:;:~i;;-;;i;.!.~~ .................................................................................................................................... ...... Lllml Prime and exceptionally quiet Newpor1 Beach neighborhood. featuring 4 bedroom 2tn bath1 . Extr•m•IY 1pacloua and ••«- manicured yard with plenty of room for pool, Jacuzzi or eddlng on. Seller wlll carry financing. ""$299,500. "242ttrancreco Drive. Newport Beach. Open Sun. 1-5. Wll "'111 Prestigious location plus views of the city lights In private commu- nity of Newport Beach features 3 bedrooms + family room. Own- er Is motivated and will carry large 2nd T.D. or lease option. $399,000. 2109 Yacht Grayling, Newport Beach. Open house Sat- urday and Sunday 1-5. oen 2n•Y.1.1. Located In the beautifully planned private community of Broadmoor Seavlew, this 2 story, 4 bedroom 3 bath Port AoyaJ home Illuminates custom etegance. POOi and tennis facilities available. $398,500. 2106 Yacht Grayling, Newport Beach. Open house Sat and Sun 1-5. · .. ,. TDll• SmHhlng view• of 1un1ets and sallboata are enjoyed from this •pacloua 4 bedroom beautiful rnldence~ Gourmet kitchen plu1 swimming pool. Price to sell at 1895,000. Includes the land. setter wlK finance. ·~ .... 111'~ ..... , H9w CllP9 Cod 2 bedroom In pr~ VIile ~ ...... pod and .... Qlllld. Walklna dllUnoe to~ IHnO-I 137 ,t!O. Open cWy 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. 5'1--2239. I TAYLOR CO.' ~~ ....... hih .. .., , ...... " ..... ,, ... ,., ~lJ0n o1oc>klng 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal din rm, fam rm, billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm, & 6 'h ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, air cond., r many custom fea- tures. $2,150,000 Including land. May seU furnlshed. Owner will help finance. ICUI VIEW UH• 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. View home overlooking Pavilion, Catalina and nite lites. We have an independent appraisal for $320,000. Try $20,000 down until you sell your home. Owner will help finance. 1211 ~WAY lfll -1·1 A IUL nil • Tlf IUffl A fantastic 3 Br "Linda" model on wi- deat greenbelt. Like new. Vacant. $270,000. New carpets & drps. Ready for i mmediate occupancy . See anytime. 644-4910 2111 ftUPI IHI UT/Al 1·1 ...... "YllUIUlltl lltl .... Elegant 4 bdrm & famJly rm. T})e per- fect plan for large or ama1I family, youns ·or not so young. Lge master aulte on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very pri- vate patios. Best buy in Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. ...... ... _ .. ,_ Quiet, park-like settinc. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de aac It. 3 bdrma. fam nn. $379,500 fee. ....... ~ Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool, spa & gazebo. Gated courtyard with fountain. Marble foyer w/alittering chandelier. 4 bdrma, den, formal din rm, 4 'h ba, •950.000 including land. Large comer. ....... . llYI ........ -............. ,. oonoo 9tO """ .,,.,, fill patio ... A OollhOUM0~ Call ll'•O D•m•ron, IM-MOO.aot ·= ... -· 4 ldr, dlll .-. nu dpt I paint Vacant "9olpture Oflf '""'"'"*'' 111 yr wlroAJ CN program ~ COlDW C?Ll. B l\Nl(.t?R l 1 .... .. . ··- Qu11tty cr1llsmanstlip wllll pted prrncy on oYer I equestrian ICf! This 8.000 ~ It, m1nst0n 1n l~a Hilll mos1 ;;resit· llOUS commuMy tonll!M an innet pr· dtn ••lh walerf•N & Pofld lotalr unique in dtsitn Apf)t onty, Sl.600.000 C.- SttO 000 Olene, •ti QM2te Dalebout ]_ay&Beach R~state REAL ESTATE EXCEUENCE SINCE194-9 AUSTINt TEXAS fastnt.,.....1n1t.S.lttt 13.85 acres on South-West side. Can be devetoped for multi-family such as 55 duplexes or condos or Industrial. Owner may help with financi ng . $453,000. 111' Watalff IL, I.I. 111-Ull •T -• .UT LIUTlll .. , ....... " ... Channln1 Cape Cod home on Penmaula Point. 3 Br. 2 Be on quiet street aero. from park. Stepa ID beat'h & bay. Newly remodeled with French doors. hand palntt'd tiles, renter brick pat.lo. En1lilh wallpapers & more. A11ume $247.000 flrat at 12'. and owner will carry tarae 2nd. Only $399.500. ... , ... 1'111 ......... , ..... ~ .... ,..._ + COTt W\IJT • mvnmDTT COOTMT WATEIFROO TOMIOI WITH BOAT Sl.P l~ down amwne lat and 2nd, owner will carry balance. Ht1hly uwrraded with hardwood Ooon. beveled m&r- ron and ahuu.n. Two bedrocw pha a den (third ~!)and V.... full bathe. Super bay View md location. ·~9.~. 760·1900 G.i GREEN Ctlltl fofWHITE~I wlthtCIWllledAd c.11 Ma-1171 _,,,,., "'' ""'' ~ "l##f ~A,,_,..,_,,_. f IW>tW'f,. ""' '"'' '""' hft't It IA 1--...0 Tvm '" ,........,. IN 1~~ • "•'"Ml• IWltlC o/ l1•ma ... ., .... kif -., ""' • ~'.~~~~~ ......... !."!!! ~!.~~~~~ ......... !."!!~ ~'!'.~~~~ ....... :.!."!!~ ~·~~~~~.~ ...... !."!!~ ~-~~~~{ ......... !."!!~ B111t1 fir Sile Ho1111 lor $1/1 H••sts for S.11 B•1111 l•r Sale • .,,,. /., li lt ···•••················ .............•...•..•• ········•···•••···•••· ........•........................••.•••••••• ....... , l t4H t4 Well maintained 3 Br house on lrg 101 Easy 1cces1 Prime corner loc1t1on with future commercial potenttal Owner will e11111 w/ flnaneJ~g Full price s1a..soo. 1s1-s1t1 •aooosen 12% 111 MaYmable, 4 8d & corner location. or,n Hit Sun 1-5. Cati Tm Rhone, agt 631-1J6e IEIT PllOE Great ltatter hOme. Ow• net wlll conlldet ALL of. lera. 2 Bdrma, greet Coat• Me1a neighbor- hood. Lowest priced home In the area et $107 000 751-3191 C.M. TRIPLEX $158f000 Three 2 Bdrm Uflita.w/garages. yards & d1shwaShers. Aasume tow Interest lotln and owner wlll "elp finance. Try $20,000 dwn. &31-7370 SPANISH CHARMER Only $72,000 for thls-cia8$IC home. Lrg 1 Br w /loads of mahogany molding. Features include wine cellar & frplc. Owner will finance. 631-7370 -....... lll tiOHl s.ome1n.ng JOU wa111 Gel GREEN casn ~~ to S('fl., Clau.hoo aCls oo '°' WHITE elephants The la::lf'll draw 1n the Selling anytn1"g with a 15% dwn. OWC Trlplell. ti wf11 Call NOW w.lh a ClaSllfiect ACI Wf'll a Daily P1to 1 Dil•ly P110I ClaUtl..0 ACI •ttl>I from aand Call 64?·~678 Coll 1>42·5678 c ias ... 1141<1 Ad Call lod1y •s 1 W'IOl9mall• iu•t Tim Rllone. egt 631• 1268 jpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"-iiiii~iii~~-~~6~4~2·~!>6~7~8 --··~<~ll~I b~4~2-~~:7~8~-~ •.-?• *llTITI UU• Beaut. 2 Br. home. CO(· ner lot. RV parking $65, 000 20% down. f2% fl. nanclng, Xtra1. By Ow-ner 875-1632 unu••• 1 H~% financing Opn Hae Sat/Sun 12-5. Steps from 1and. 3000 aq II. Call Tim Rhone. agt 631-12M ""UITll2 UYI ... STEPS from lhl• 2 Bdrm houM & t 9clnn holJM on 30a 1 tOO' A-1 IOI Only '255.00CM ..... ..,,,.,. .... ,. ........ ......... 11 By owner .a.eluded lo-Wtf'I St. 9edc a.y Ar ... Majeattc tlelme, yet cozy and convenient a1 a cottage. CutH>1'1'lzed. • bdrm. 3 ba (Muter Suite). lncl'g eap Mald'1 qtr. Lovely llv rm . Waterfall, oaebo. brtck patio Obie ftilc, fam rm, Form din rm 1375,000. Xlnt lln avail. Court"Y to &11r1, oonelOer equtty trade for Inc. prop. OPEN ALL WEEK 1-5 de14Y. 1521 ANITA LN N8 (811 ~) Ml-0632 ........ -wltfl cetNcllrel ~llnge and 1 relftodtled llft- c:Mn AtA~ '°"' *'° .,. .woue .. ,_. Oriti t U0.000 C.. n..u'°' .BalOOa Jsland f ivi@in fu>ta Wlesa 't GARDEN PARK VILLAGE 41 New Engfand designed townhomes-2 & 3 Bedrooms/2~ Baths from $137,,50 / .. . 50/o Down-107/aO/o Interest* 30 Year Lua1 . A11am1lale/No Pre~yaeat Peaalty Open OaJlv 11·5 ' C.I~ (714) 548-2239 Pll • .,.Y UY Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Floors, New Carpets, 3 BRs Plus Conv. Den. 3'h Ba. Sep. D.R. Huge F.R. W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W/Pantry. Brkfst Rm. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Wiii Carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400,000. Marilyn Twltchell's listing. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. MPLll -•tu II&. Ill Recently Completed Cuatom Unit W /Used Brick Fl re- place. Mexican Tiles & Vaulted Ceilings. Master Suite W/Cathedral Windows & Treetop Views. Cozy, Seclud- ed 2 BR Rear Unit Plus Poss. Guest Quarters! Great Financing. $356,000. A Collins-Hiii listing. Open Sat 1-5. • 1111• Spectacular Golf Course View. This Elegant listing Offers Privacy, 3 Large Bedrooms. 3 Baths, Family Room. 3-Car Garage & Lovely Gardens. Enjoy Enter- taining In This Dramatic Home. Priced At $725,000. Trudy StubblefieCd's listing. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. W&Tll IT 1191 lltl.11 Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Will Be Under Construction Soon. One Of The Finest In The Area. The Style Is En- glish Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect. $2,200,000. Susan Trlvlson's Listing. IAllU POIUIU WllD..-T WITI llOI Panoramic View • Great Waterfront Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. Culfom Bullt Home With 9 Bed- rooms, 3 Balconies. Exceptional Quality. Kltc:;hen With View Window Has All The Modern Amenities. Used Brick Bar-B-Que In Out•tandlng Patio Area. Even Tiied Garages. Great Offering. $1 ,295,000. A Dion-Marla listing. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. wallinllT .. Promontory Bay. Formli D.R. Den/Library. Master BR O'Looks Bay. 3 Other BAs & Maid's Rm & Ba. Pier. Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Wiii Assist W/Flnanctng. YOU OWN THE LAND. $1 ,850,000. Cathryn Tennllle's Lis· ting. _,. ... T in Laguna Beach, High On A Hiii Above The Oce3n. Carved Entry Door • Sunken Bar • Game Room -Stai- ned & Leaded Glass • 2-Story Fireplace & A Pool & Spa Complete The Picture. Appointment. Pteue. $075.000. Ann Brlzolls' Listing. ..... U YIHDI Ocean View Home. Superb MOCS.rn StyUng. Sf'larp, Clear, Clean Featutes. It Sparkles, It's So Clean. Ex- cellent F1nanclng. Und~t~ly One Of The Best Priced Home& In Emerald Bay',. $885,000. Joyce OabOlt's LI•· Ung. lllll&Mllllllft.U Fantastic Owner Ana~g Offer• On Oorqna ~,Mar Duplex. Two 2-Bedr~m Unit• Looated On Quiet Stree•. Surrounded By Lush ~d~log. 2-0er Garage~Wllk To Shops & Beach. A~ To $262,000. Ann Brlzofla' Listing. . , • -... , ' .,,,,.. .. .. ' .._ •• -J •• 18 -Orange-county Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24 . 1982 c,.,,., loot C.•tt•I uioz ,,.,,,, 100 c..,,., lift Htll IHZ o,.,,., IOOZ c,.,,,, 1002 ,,.,,., JOOZ ...................... ............•..••..... ..................•... ...................... ···········~········· .w ...................................................................... . -!'.~~!!! .{'.'.!~'!....... ~~!!! .~'.'. ~~--... .. !'.~!!! .~'.'.! .. !!....... '!.~!!!! .~'.~ !.•.'! •...••• .o.~~~:-1 ::t iii... ~'.~~~~~~~it ... , I '!.O.~!!! !.o.~ !. .. '!....... IJ.O.~!!! .~o.~ !!.'.'· ••••.. BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views. good financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some Including land. Please let our experts show them to you. IPll 1·1 500 Pl•Ja. witll 1114 1oi '" ea.,., •••• 2071 Vitt• 4tl Ort, 1 ltHI, fiew 1271,IOO 1171,080 $210,000 WILL SELL, trade or exchange 3 br, 21h ba. $249.900, by appt. HELEN 8. DOWD RUL TORS, llC. 144-0134 B~ .. ,. Clft PUTIMSl-1'-.... Desperate owner says "Must sell Now.'' 60' bayview. Just profes- sionally decorated ... Lake new, sophaucated 2 BR + den, 2 'h BA. bar . pool, gym. beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8:t35. OPEN HOUSE SUN- DAY 2-5 ... 1018 BAYSIDECOVE EAST, NEWPORT BEACH. PEllWSUU llOIES 2111 Mlwwt tnl UT 1·1 X.LNT TERMS! Remodeled traditional 3 bdrm. den. 3 bath, reduced to $395.000. Prize West Bay bayfront. Slaps for 2 boats, remode led 3 bdrm. 3 ba th $1.200.000. Ocean 3l }l!tlY Vll.'W~ne room, -I bdrm, J I bath. 3700 sq h. $1.385,000. Out<cmlront. LIDO ISLE HOMES 711 VIA UM IHI Sii 1-1 Prime Lido Nord bay front 5 bdrm. 5 'h bath. Lge L.R., 2 boat slips $1 ,500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm beam ceilings. furnis hed patios. $420,000 Llllll ISLE l&YFllOllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath play· room. dark rm. den, Boat sllp $1.350,000. llYSllE COVE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1.900,000. COROlllDO CAYS Coronado Island cuat. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )JI l\,,y\·d<>D•" ~<B 67~ 6161 Peopte Who need PeocH Have eomelhl"1iJ yov want That'a wM1 the to Mii? ClauilllO adt do DAIL y Pll.OT 1 t we 11 I C a II N 0 W SERVICE DIRE"CTORY &42·5$78 Is .. , aboutl Corner duplex w/gr with Like new duplu-3 & 2 1rlple11 Income. call Tom Brdm 2 a. eec:tl unit-on * A SPIRAL * Rhone, lgt S31·12M lhe sand will take smll down or trade and carry the entire balance I STAIRWAY S750.000-bett deal on lhe water TO 4'IOllS IW. n 11 M 110 GRACIOUS LIVING Sed with EASEi It's I BREEZE Class.hid Ads 642·5e78 D~ MAGllFICEllT IAYFROIT OPEi SlTUlllAY -1 tt 4 Ex~nence the height of elegance from the moment you e nter this dramatic home via leaded. etched glass doors until you step out on the most gracious patio overlooking Promontory Bay down to your own private dock with room to •ccom- modat.e three boats. Approximately 3.775 sq. f t. of sheer luxury. Tri- level. four bedroom, three baths. two fireplaces, spectacular patio/ lanai with swlrlpool spa, magnlfi- cen t wet bar a nd muc h , muc h more. Treat yourself to 701 Bayside Drive. Newport Beach . OPEN SATURDAY I to 4. For the best- addr~ people. llu.l lllUI Mt.aUI Ill-Ma =-FOREVER vrEW- Two Master Suites. soid oak "C)boards. sllyichls 10%3 FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OPEN SAT., Sllf. 2-5 P.M. 2277 PACf lC AVE., C.M. End Of Wilson For Classllled Ad ACTION Cala Oaily Plfot AO-VISOR &42·5671 More lam1he1 are getting lhe camping · bug'· th11 year If you have e cam- p e1 that snot gelling vaeo. sell II now w1tn a Clusilied AO MESA VIRDI IEST IUYI Spacious 4 bdr & (am. rm. SECLUDED SPA in private setting. Attractive new fi - nancing avajJ.able. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 63 1-1266 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Sparkling clean new remodel. 4 br. fam. rm. Fee Land. Prime Newport Address. Price reduced to $315.000. Good assumable 1st T.D. Call PETE JOHNSON for appt. 631 -1266 CA TA INA VllW MISA VllDI GOLF COURSE Custom 3 br 2 ba luxury home on 16th fairway. Assume lg. loan · Full price only $299.900. Call Anne M cCASLAND 631 -1266 . ACTION VIEW OF IAY & OCEAN Neat as a pin In.side. Open 3 br noor plan. F ormal dr. $~45,000 includes the land. Call Superb OCEAN VIEW from this specta- cular 4 bedroom, P<X>L home CAPE COD design with every ~nlty. $590,000 with nNANCING Open Sat 1-5 RAE ROD- GERS 631-1266. SPANISH VILLA W/POOL In CLIFFHA VEN has FORMAL ELE- GANCE and great c•pacity for entertai- ning. 3 bedrooms and sunny lanai room. t349,000 with FfNANCING. RAE ROD- GERS 631-1266 $10,000 DOWN Move to Mesa Verde with Seller providln& balance of financing. '"Sharp 2 br condo priced low at $94,500 ANNE McCA· SLANO 631-1266 Newport Beach 15 Co,porate Plaza 75~1221 OCIAN VU DUPLEX Two lg. new 2bd. 2 bath unlt.1 Must sacri- fice for $385,000! Call Patrk'k or Fred Te- nore 631-1266 or 760-8702 HAllOI ltlDGI Gorgeous 2 bd "DYNASTY" w/viewl Be- low market at $399,900 W/TERMS. Will RU, trade or lse opt. this weef<. Call now. Patrick Tenore 631-1266 01 700-6702 CONDOS $10K DNI 3 bd 2 bath beauties. 3 avail. from $975/mo Call now Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 nr ?fll'.H70? or 760-8702 ---= ---- -..... ----=----~ ---------- -- --- • PETE JOHNSON for appt. 631-1266 • NIWPOltl ILUFFS IS PITI JOHNSON Frt>e from neighbors In this park setting. Pric~d at $229,000. Sharp 3 br 2 ~ ba. Comes with tenarn. Investment opportu- nity. Priced to U at $295.000. Qill PETE JOHN§ON 631-1266 GOLPCOUltll PIONT AGI Prime 1ecluded custom eatate on Meaa Vl'rde C.C. 4 Bdrm. recreation room, family room, pool/epa & peddle tt'nnls JACKIE HANDLEMAN, 631· 1266 . lrvi1e 4412 Bsr1nea Pkwy. 558*80 -------· . . ....----.................... ._.__ ............. _ .. ___ ..,_. . -. --- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to tM DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 24, 1982 -19 Pete Barrett Real presents fl:W W£STClfT UST..C Ifs a 1ewel of a home. with eacellent Iman cina 3 Bdrm and den. with warmth and comlort Quahty leatures lound in gleaming hardwood floors. country k1t1.hen with bay window. beamed ce1hngs & dbl lpfc $259. 900. )312 Oovtt Or .. flJ Open S&ll. 1·5 F AIA Y S TYU fl:JGtllOllHOOO lovely 4 Bdrm home with lar1e lamtly room tn heart ol Mesa Verde Well cared for. lo cated on quiet 1ns1de street Vacant and ready $173.000. 2162 hbaco. CM Open Seit. 1-5 . NEW CUST<* ll>O ISLE luxunous resHfence on oversued street to street lot Soaring ceilings. 4 Beautiful Bdrms. tormal dtntn& room. huee family room. 4 ftreplaces. and a ~1tchen lo please the ftnest gourmet. 222 Via Koron, • Open Seit. 1·5 BAYfltONT WITH SlP Super ftnanc1fli. low down will buy this well loottd 3 Bdrm home Qualified buyer can name the terms! Vacant and ready now S550.000 includes land 42 Bal>oa Covn, NB Open Slit. l·S IN Clff HAO-A RW. HOME l ots of used brtck. wood s1d1ng. spht ra~ fence ereet you at this custom home Open beamed ltvtn& room with huge bftc~ ITreptace. huge family achv1ty room. sw1mm1ng paot and spa Above large garage 1s apartment with spaciou5 ocean and bay view Fee land 1211 Clff Dr.. • Open Su\. 1-5 PUINSllA POINT WITH EVERYTtlNG 3 Bdrms. 3 baths. formal dining room, large patio with cas BBQ. double garage Room for boat or RV. Excellent lmanc1ng Close to tennis & beaches 1525 E. Ocean. Bal>oa Open S.. l·S BAYFltONT-ID €* MMt<ET Lojely 1 story home on 60' of water in Dover Shores. Pier and float and lattice cowered bays1de palto. 3 Bdrms and low p11ce of $525,000 l /H r£MalU POlfT IUUX Your place at the beach features 3 Bdrms and 2 baths each umt. Near new building, excellent carpets and drapes, 2 car garage. Ask about linanc1ng! $355.000. BAYF'ltONT WITH PO Super loc.lhon and super f1nanc1111! Owners 1iut0us to move to leisure Wor1d and Wiii finance lhts home for quahhed b4Jyer $750, 000 lee. BAYFRONT ••DOS <lfCllMIJY Will take 2 boats Of one 60 footer. Vacant. will like office buildin1 or whatenr you need. $650,000 fee. DOWJ smm-aco.wn flWICllC Thi$ 3 Bdf"' home is s1t11ated on an estate· Stzed lot Olltstandint features 1nckldt llfp formal dtntnt room. eat·tn k1tchtn, cu5tom lanai with $pa and all amenities. Ask1n1 S399.500 l /H mt•lf MUIES Gf eat ~Mc ~n tins beautiful condo 1n lr•tn• Open bea11s ll1tuout. f tr'91Ke, w. coldlb-. ... kitcNft • atq ., .. 11111 1111 dlCl holl. mm lfMI privacy n a 1111•1&01.000. A ...... ,,, 1111 ...... ,., ,,,, ...... ,., "'' ...... ,., ... ...... "' Iii. ...... ,., "'' ~ ~~~~~!:::::::::!:~; ,,-;;;;r········i·;;· c;;;;;r·········;;;; -c;;;~;·1~;·;;;;··;;-;, ···;;·;;;;;······;;;4 t-:~~~·;;;;······;;;; I •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••.••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ........•••.•..••....• I JASMINE c:. 1 -:.:.• ~~E:•,~o:~ 12.11~..._.... ~=0, CREEK Of...... ,........ PIUlatlno Huge 3 bdrm home 1n SI IL }'; c;ory 2 Br llome near accept the lltllng com-thlt lovely poof i-ne r...:. -1 Ill j) Now 11 the time to bY)' lhl• on Mlec1ed llomet I wlll Jull In Um• lot aummer 11•.a,oeo pr1111g1ou1 Ja•mlne 17Wlt1 beed'I Only St95.0001.. mlstk>n u • trutt oeed turn terrlllc financing. 4 ~BR 3 8f· elf~ j In· Creek Tennis pool KOllATlll note lnttead of""' 10 large bdrm• new paint ry rm. orma n ng, guard«S gate 13'2 50()' °"-IEJllT tllat the tellet reeelYH near parkt and tchOOlt'. center atrium, I 13,500 Formore tnlo CALL morec&lhalthec:toeeof Offered at 1139 900 dwn & xlnt termt S2T, Steve w1111e. ASSOCIA· Illy ., L11tt ...... • 8t ''""~ hOme on "'r eeerow CrMg Glut. egt CALL us ABOUT. OUR ooo dwn & e11en better TED REAL TORS ..... -.... ... , lff IOI In ewport 8Mc . 159-1221 OPEN HOUSES term1 Call ownr/bkr 581 1100 _,,,.., .. ., Juat needs your decora· · Jud Ma• t e, •. · re•deld ••••· ting touch. Owner 11ery 540-1151 714-891-0347 * .-S * 14r• I II I f1•llJ :~~b~2;J::c, c,:•lder ht-lt+llHI •FM ft'llUll* rt••· I at11I I aPD A unique, 3 bedroom 8rMd new homea 2/3/4 ......... .,.. ... ,.,.... NEW MUL n -LEVEL detac:~d condo Miiied =~o: lrorn sss.ooo 10 .. llt/S. 1·1. 1411 4 Br. llOme ....... For•t. ~u"::!~':c::.~r 11:'\5:~~ ~~e~~::':,!:~"~·h SO down, o 81CfOW ,_ .., .... Ttrr... large wooded lot OwMr 000 Opet! SaVSun 1·5. •SA ftllE 3 patio.. 1 attilmlnQ 8'>• ... Utt •21• wol llnanQe. Submit your 780-0452 Owrw IEllOll '40,000 and outdoor barbeque Cell Ralph 541-0425 111194......... t•~!·~:;., REDUCED l lOO,OOO Catm bll 3 Bd poo 2'11 balht. Cullom dr•· VEl, Agent, 24 l1r1 T .. tr lfJll IH4H, RNHor 4bf, 3'"be. Bey vi.w. home. OWC at 12%. i>e1 ri.t1 ~n2d plus,!17:•2'l>l3~ •••lllLI Yl le •~--s... 373 720-0740 Opt/trade/? Cul-de-NC. nr golfcour t ng. 1 ... 000. • .,.. ""' -• If hJ .. --87 2 or bier 873· 1149 M . Call Diana Cappel, TlllELL Price Ju1t reduced on 411 l1r, l1 .. 1•r1 "01 S31-12M !hit tnerp 3 Bdrm Col-a ...... • ~ ~ ,,,. •• -LIT lege Pent home. lnuedl-......... f f ltffl• ••••ueu•u•••u•••u With 3 Bf. 1V. Ba,trplc:. b1e f1nenc!ng. 'Very coo-I fl, rtl •1 ..... M .... By Owner. 848 ISM venlent 1ocamsn. Full ..... ,.,.. ... Charming • bdrm. 3'A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil P rl c e S 129·750 · lllt 2 14r• 1211, be. 2 lly Don Peteraon ----iiiiiiiii~ 751-3191 ••• • I home, breakfUI room. fnDcun urw 11 ' ••• tltt flraplac;e, many e111rae. Ul\LllJ\ l~n ~ ... c:::. .. ,...,.., •• )j ' • --- Wll IPTlll Super aharp 3 Bdrm, famlly rm. den. format dining, bHutlful pool. ap11 and patio. Excellent quiet realdenti.I loclltton. I 1850 mo. 1395,000 op-'Ion p(lce. USTll• llAll l1Jl,lll 21K down & 11041/mo buyt1Na~38d E.1lde home, frethly painted and reedy. Prtce lncludea range. micro, W/D. Don't del1y. call Olan. today. I. t I I I. 1 · •• 1539,000. 222 Coral. e•YfRONT ........ •11 .... 11~ laltlla. Opell 8at/Sun 1·5. Appt. ft Immaculate North Cott Owner/Agent. 875-et21 uCIWfll REEF" Mela 3 Bdtm, 2 lull batM. 1121 .ooo With 13'4. n leMrMt "I" qlfn ,..,...,. clog on 111 TO. Ju•t listed. lt11t. 2 Ir 2~ 11, Gel •foothold on Blllboe 2UI .... • (fl) needs faat eacrow. Cal ...... , ........ , ltland. Owner ... ... • .... ,..., ,.. S..0-1151 tll.SI "'::J" lltl 50% Parllc:lpatton In • Seldom offered In thla • ' charming home l apt. Landmark loc.llon bull-, ..... HERITAGE W 11111 .-.Cft only 1 block to beach ding. Very apactoua ·2 rrlHtl Jlr4. Prl•• Aalllng 1200.000. Owner bdrm, 2 beth with aw..,_ llltltl• fWllr 873..eo&3 or 780-8517. pl~ panorama ol New- tuuferu.S •Ht C-. "' llM llll po Bay a blue P•~lllc . ' •••••••••••••••••••••• Aaaoc:. pool. apac out .... ._, , .... H It HOUM on BegOflle 1235, aundec:k• & boat 1llp1. 11...... 000. to• wlue, prln only. Appro11 S300K ol anum. COUOl...,..T MALTOM Hit LC-....,, ~-.... t11·111 t FOlll> ADS ARE FREE 8"'r (2131438·5123. loent Offered at $.tM,000. 1tfl .. '~: ' " ' . . ' ' • •• 1 • \ Tllll 5 Bdrm. 2 ba hOme, of wood and glue. loca- ted on CdM'a ""* Qui. ley, oflera 270 degrM views. Total privacy and J>rl11ate beach acceaa. Ii;:;;;;;:;= 1575,ooo. Ii <>pen S•llSun t-5. .. llTt• 1-1 40t Oelola TerraQe. ..........__ f-Br~ 84e-0215 ---·---------•190, G•l•tH, $7115,000 3300 aq ft • Bdr 3 Ba, r.. Febutoul *'-· Owf19t 1150.000. Georgia, 11naoc1ng ~TLC. 9l3-•271. Opn Sat/Sun Gerry i Chr111a Long t·S THE STARNES COM· OPEN HOUSE SAT 1·5 PANY .. REALT()~ ........ n I 101< below mkt .. thl atwwp 4BR 2ba. fam r ape home C AN 8 YOURS! Come and tell a looll & -·• figure out how. 1142.000 by owner. 97$-1131. ~-HERITAGE HFAl_T()RS .. _, .... , ........ . ,,,., 2111 •• ft .................. .... 1111,111. .... ............ ... 111-1111. - \ I >111 t l F ti . -\ ... ... , I ...,_"' II tlAMI llllTT Bldr Glvee Eeay T ermt Two lg• muter tultea, 2'-t bathe, lrptc, format din.. atytltM, yard•. bel· coni.t. vaulted <*lings. 2 cat gateget. Prime El aide locatlon. s 120.000 to 1131,000. M·F. t-5, 150-9771: Sat·Sun 12-5, 831-3405: 9111 751-3291. ll'A-VA 1705 PITI 4 Bd. 2 Ba. term&. Agt. 77~100 • •2•n--• Aa*""9 170K VA loan .. I V.-. 3 BR, tip, 1114,000. Princlpele only 543-7023 Btlr. ....... Diana ~enpol-V04pe 5511-9400 Cal: 8 C....t Cr. 3 BR 2Yo ba. 780-1397 Of 4173-ntt c;ornrn pool & tennis. $239,000 .... ---------i Terrific 2 bdrm townhou- Ml-Mlt Build ""80wn Home in Palm Desert Bahia del Sol ' CustomHomeSites Cotonlel RMI &tale 551-1111 FULL OCEAN VIEW •JASMINE CREEK• OWN/AGT FINANC€0 840-151511·12'-5151 -11--Beaut. 3 br, 2-ba~l91 tam. rm « •tll bf. ~ new crptt l drpa. IO patJo. No quat. OWC at , ...... " &.fa... '"' 1 1% 11 U,500. .. L811/.W. ::::;"................. 545-7091 •••t•n 111 1811 ..,....3 .,...Br-. 1,....,e~ .. """.'hOl--.,..-on---..,---! •· bdrmt lnoludlng 2 mm? 5011175' 3 unit tot. 4 maat91 aultea, 3'Aba. IO R _ ... _1 d M v d Hamllton. Do not diet family rrn 2 fll*:t. ruttlo em.,.,.. • .. , " • t • n • n I a. I 12 t . O O O wood t>eeft, oe11f9 . al In T-Aen. Shw'p 3 lldnn wfltl ~ t '*' & wk a weltt to prlv ... bMotl akyllghta In tam rm and 83 t-3520 wkdy9. location. Tiie perfect ... mHter ba. H~ CUI d• COLLEOE ,ARK·4Br mf4y home In tM perleo1 NC lot. Ownwa tn1160ua. ramlly neighborhood .. AellJne 1145,000. For.,. 38•, pool, I t:st.500 1525.000 with '*"°1,._-''° ... cal540-1151 uo.ooo dwn. owe. nllnClnO . "-'"'· 546-7121 Ill IM-lt11 ..... V•rcle 3100 eq I -.... HERITAGE Ull\11()~ 1-----~ •T~G~ lcf u1SS1 IJl.1'11 t~home • .,,.o. •v"" °'*" to_genten. Auum. 1*' Of llO.OOO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii owe• It'-141-111 • Cll• .. ..... 38A, 2BA. ltr-1 ooncl large R-2 tot. ,.,. Ille yerd.~.IY~ tt3t.OOO .... 2.t128 142·210 llfter 1:30 .... ----1•.1k+t•.1 .. 72a10I' RI tot. Do M dlatur-. teftenta. 111 Orent•· I 11t.OOO ....ICM, .... & tlt-lllO .... . •• .. " 20 -Orange eoUnty ReaJ Eatate/An Advertlsfng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 2-C, 1982 ' • ~.~/:?'!. ...... ~!!!.~ ... ~ ...... , ~!!!.~!*-...... , ~~.~.~'! ....... ! .. ~!!!.('.'.1!!! • ."..... ~~.~'.'.~It ...... IJ.~~!!!.{'.r}.'.1! ....... !!?!~! ••••••••••• }.~~! ••••••••••• !.!ff ~! ••••••••••• J1!1 ~I.~~.~'.~ .•• !.~~ ~~!.!'.!'.! ••..• !.'.!¥ !~.~! .. !.~' !~!!.~~!! .. !.'!' ..... ,., ,,,, .......•••............ !!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~~ 10% DOWN IOYwflmlate LOW INRllST (No lolloon Poymenta) • llAll)O COfl>OS • CERAMIC TU • Alt COM>ITIOllNG • lAUIOtY RO<* • llCIOWAVE • •ROR£D WARDROBES • ASSOC. POOL. TDllS. GYM, SAUNA • SEeutm This Is the absolute best financing aroundll Very little down and low monthly payments are yours along with a gorgeous place to llvel SlllllllE EllUU UY AWARD WIMNEA ClnAIE BrlOM & atty 3 8d Colony c11n 111111111. 3 bdrm, <I tiome. Extrl wide lot A •. kll w/convenlencee. 1ho11 welk from pool & am rm. lgl garden. patio, llghted unn11 cru. orrnal din. rm. lge llv. rm Banker owner may Ulllt 111 cut-de-MC U 12K In proc:wlng financing & owner. 87~ 11 Plll PUOE ESTATES 4 II. 2~ IA. BETTER THAN MOOEl HAS EVERYTHING Cul·O.MC strMI Sun & S.11 11 Club wlfl carry. S 10,900 Cnarley Darr. agl a AIOI UY 20 min 10 Prlvale conwnunlty ~ Newport Cini ... Spac1ou1 F1mlly Home 1210,000 with S1&0,000 with ~an view, 3 bl· 11 12% till.ct tltt & droom1. 2 b1th1. new lully emortllltel . . ,•.• RVM~ overtlze 1p1 L1tge prl· No poln11 or qualifying. I viii patio, low down 770~7 ..... .Mn--u-. ·~ p. y m. n I GR e AT ~~Ow~~,,,~-~,~~· ~~ -- ... .._ _. TERMS M20.000. Cell r:: 2 bdrm and d9n, hlohly 01nn11 Buah 11 Arm· upgraded. price Ute. brustlf. Clufman. Brown 000 17% dn Slngte lt'f, and~· •t4-Mt5 !'!!r.!!.fm! .. !.~t fully 1hu1t1r1d. lrplc. atrium. nr pool, tennla LtW llWIJ Mm .-U Open Hou• Sit and Sun Excellent tong term 11-" Br. Oen, Formal Dining bec:ut1Y1 condo, ocelfl & Oeeanlront duplex, Bal-._,.., Ylttr .... , bay view. Fplc, cathedral boa Ptolntula. 10% 3br Monaco. $210,000 clga. etc t + den, $ tO, down Like new Olrtclly By owt'lll' &4<1-<1289 000 option money DYi on ocean. Below mar11et 558-9035, ev1 873-4899 pile• $885,000 Open •br 3ba nr bch, S155K 811/Sun, 12·• 291<1 $11K dn OWC $1 100 IEWPOIT IUOI OCHnlront Wk dys mo. G11ct pymnll $ 111,0001 5 H ~ 0 8 1 <I • Ev II te2-t227 & te3-6682. 2 Br 1 n Ne W p 0 AT 836-3232. W~TERFRONT STEAL. HGTS, BRANO NEW on -O-ld_1_r_d_u_p-l1-x-.-N-1_w_p-.o-r-t1 lu•ury IOwnhome on m11t111 LAG LOT. Won't 8Hch. auper location. Newpor1 Harbor. MUST 1•25 000 0 12 <I SELL NOWI 13~ down. lu1 at thll prlcel RAE " • pen • · HOK under mkt. 1535 AOOGERS, agt831-1268 S.11&#1 ..ol Seahof• 000 F p Boat lllo avail. M4-d1IUIU Priced below mlct. Ja· amine Crlllt Condo 2Br + den, guatded gate, .. 1m1nlll11 $325,000 OWC Owner /ag1 6'Q.8188 Wkdya SU-ot1"· Evll Bkr M·F 2131592·28<15. 133"3232· E~ 714/524-1978. , ....... l&Ul&llUll CherrnlnQ 3 Br hOml + 2 Br tipt. 8'oclt to belCh Sold for 1385.000 Seot 198 t Asking '3<10.000 Owner 673-8083 or 780-8517 IUI. .-aJ UITILIFFI 3 Belrma. 1tucty and pool 14~. lrnan. Red. 10 S275 000 Open Sunday 1 10 • toe AlepC>o elleln ArtUkovldl Rlty 7~332 1 1·5 Mo. t Aldergrove. nenclng maku thl• one • 2 FlrlC)laeel. a cat FIRST TIME BUYERS ... THIS IS YOUR <>wnettBrkr 552.oeeo ::z..10 own. A tormet u1g1 + large Hobby ANSWER! (ESPECIALLY If you have -.-11-----llY--l --t decora'::rw/:,,":,= -::j~~~ Just paid your tax• and have dlscove-1111,000 will cov1r1ng1, plenll wlll 11111t at financing. red that you WOUid be better Off owning No quallfytng, Miler wlll floor1 & quallly carpi· M20,000. 1111,000 ..... , .. ,. 2 hou ... on t lot wfhlgh 1uum1bl• loan Curt Herbet11 II. agt 831·1268 3 BA FAMILY HOME IN THE HEIGHTS WARM, USED BAICI( FIRE· PLACE. SHUTTERS. FRENCH DOOAS LEA DING TO PATIO & SPA 1215.000 WTIUff fU " .... 3 Bdr, 2 Ba, nu crpta lkyll111. Fr doorl. CSllT' 1p1, lrg yard. RV par· king. S3tt,500 L1g a. IUll'llble 11t. 840-13•0 0pn HM Sun 1·5. 2"3 Bamboo. your own home and have $10,000 or ;.ig wtflnenclng on IN• 1ng 1'i~· a Open Seti&#! 1•5 more for the down payment). Ca0 to-Nort~~oc:,d,n:;r::~~ Prll'N !ndutlrlal property l~~~~ .... ~ieon:;IM~· ;RMlll~J~or~~ VIC J~IHSKI, 8KR 112~1111 day! Tiie entry, tormel dining, with hHV'f duty power. ~ nm •111-UYFllLI ~.. pvt e•llo. pool & IP•· OlllCH, 11perat1 work PW'".. B•autllul VertllllH con-•aa~ 1 • Don 1 detey. can 011n1 11eu & hOuM on a letge IUM. do St23 ooo N9w 1 Br _..,.... Ht-MM · 1-IMI t~. 11cur11y fenced lot ELEUllCE -1-IWNIT---lllllll-----i Aeducecipric9due 10 no Great IOC .• under mlltltt, ... t.l..-Diana ::.=-VOipe ~rre!:11~~7:~·fl~: Catm 5 Bd. <1800 aq ft Owfllf needs cun really feea. Adult only, I 110,000 V1rulll11 f!~W!J~.!.'!1 BY OWNEA OPEN SAT/SUN 12-4, <I BR, nr Mlle ~· Parll, 1210.000. owe. tt8o Current Av te3--1S55 ButI.1,.• ...,. IHI .....••............... 112 ..... " 11~ u. S!Wp 2.400 eq tt • bdrm hOtM ()(I cukie-llC. R.e PrOMllOl'lala en.un Seclg111 Condo 3 Br. 2\.t Ba. e.1 1ocat1on Ol'I La· goon. 1308,ooo. Call 8"0-e7S5. ._.,_ 1695000 111111 Whit• marble, · walking dl111nce to Gu1rd1d community 61'"1 IHI cltlg • -·...... ercflways. eatrn pool. f'~~~·~ ocean, pool. 11c . gym, pool. ipa. Hune, gym. •••••0 •••••.......... -"' IC>A. w. Hal 11 all! Off• clubhouae. ••curlty etc. "i' 7«>-ae17 W'mF •• IT .. ~ monthly peymentat red et U.t,GOO w/grMt detached ger~. It t gu11d gated Need bUyer iiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Far Eutern country tenM. Cllll DIRECTLY to 000. 50·150<11 IVH & llnowledgl.bl• In all.._ B11ut. <IBR 3BI, Corel _..;;=;;._------1 1tmo11)her• In th• d..i.. Patrie« Of Fred Tenor•. -:.~.13.,1·,3s::::.a: ~!10·~1p8roc11dlng1 BIG cu•yQN Cay. guarded COtl'IM. Pvt ' llUL rable North End Clly Ila' 12M _.,_ --"" ... M bCh ( boet 1llp Awatd llQhtl and coettll views winning land1cpg Oax lor th• larger tamlly 4 from Dan• Point to • • 3 Bdrm & extra lrg I FIRST TllE TIWlll• library, etalned glu1 bdrma plu1 BONUS Emereld Bay 811utlful rm. Priced II '235.00 J Ir, IN, ..... window• lrom Frence. ROOM enct eepatate la-gatcten. with tu houM. for qulck .... Owner ltfll •Ill ••n ... 1785K. Call Kathy, agt mlly room Ctnt ilr. epa, patio and decka. A h•IP lln1nc1 Jim ll3'f COMMOOORE RO -~ n5-4<1t2 conct. and elr llltretlon WlfY. private hOIN 1$50, 1111•11 e.-2-<>750 8AT/SUN 1-5 tnl TllH 1-1 •-1-· z•u •nd water toftenlf. NI· ooo. --•n•• .u&. Crtallve nnanct~. #11...,.. 1111114 •1YU1S ~ cely tocatect Plan 7 I~ ,... •a•ai FlllT ~ ... ue 63•· 478 Mclain "Aunu1t Plen" •••••••••••••••••••••• Turtle Rock. 1219,GOO tO% ctown. payments -TNly oulllaodino In 9'19') a ... Tl II lt500/mo. It .. poelltlle Five bedroom.. 3 bethl, r11pec:t. Tradltfonal .... .. ". .. 10 own loVlly 5 bdrm. 2 llrepfaoe llorne. ~ ganc• In French motif ,,. .. "19\ 11ory, N B . 81ck bey rated. Al10 Included ---------• Cuatom decor. miuhit Colonr • Bd 1r1-11v11. 1r•1 s 2 5 o . o O o wooden pello end amaN Ullll ... private !ground level) P• Forma dining l l1mlly •••a..,._ 150-1991 EvH call· boll cSoctr. 2 cer Olf9GI, •-•I tlo with aeperate llrlll rm. Low Int. lat TO. & ~.._at_• .l3_1._1_21_s _____ <I bllu to Ocean· S245 ..... I-YI la• •let• tntry. aecurlt) Open HouM Apr II 25th ~ USllobvl!..~,hnalnolnx'~• WOl'T UST 07 o o 6 3 6 8 5 F21 rm . tna aywlem. I/Id Oh!. IO mueh 1·5. 5091 Roblnwood. 3 ..,...._ vv ""' f71 .... 4-1171 1 "· • 4 • or R11ch tor 1111 1tara In much more Over S2t0 Br 2 pelloe, country kit· tor pricing 11 179•900· Lrg 4 Bd. Mlutlful d•-731-2811 th11 tuxurtovt <I bdfm, 3 000 In 111um1bl1 llnan chen. Move In conct Charley Darr. •g t ---------1 cor. oc;een. bay & lllH IY twm bath vltw home In git ong. Gr•t locstlon. Call S & S SSfc.'400 11.5.,1 "· ft... f =eot111rc: buy! North end vu Nu ~· llPI 14 muc:tl HARBOR VIEW HOMES guerd. comm Prof da- Prop• r 1111. An 11 • ,. ';,""...VS~ RVM 3 bd. 2 bl.. tge llv . frpl, more ·~~~~: ~-Somernt, 11-. bdrm•. 4 cor $725,000 8<10-588<1 898-982<1 or H7·<1•57 SPICTACIW brkfat ar11 plu1 gu111 :':~~will bl coniid•: ba, l1m11y room Remo-_or_ll4_4-02 __ 28 _____ , •!11 .. ! 11!1\ , " \~ ' ·~l :,::: regarding except. 11~· quanera Walll lo bead\. rid. Bell.,.. v11U1 Call ctel under con st S<ISO, View ~ I W-- clng Prleed at only dey and ~ llgllt Yllw Aaaume loan Ownr help Petric• ~· F• .... T-...... 000 """~ ,_, f '•, .., ,, ., • .._ •, JI ,,.~ .. $116.000 * * give 1ht1 4 Bdrm 2b• hn1nc1 S2et.OC:>. Pe~ " ..... ·-.... .,. 3 RM $85,000 undtf MIA .......... h~tul ~ Br.1-.....-·-EXCHANGE ~~'.!!·,~.mooo•'~~g ~ _A_11en __ A_11_r._•_&_•-_1_s1_8 __ i 7agt878023 1·1 288 or &«·•337 appralnl. no qualifying. .._._ .,.....,..,.... .. _ ,.,. .... h.,...... tlO---UMn-• P1ym1n11 st soo mo f hP)hJ,1 ~·· I iJ 11' • w/g1r.18r1ahl. bleutlf\11 E9'e.!I flnencingt Tiii C.":i front 4 8,;11 22110 (l9tct1n Circle IAYIMll end un t. eootect by ... , a..-i.. •t-a...aa.. .. - -·~s 1"•5 b 1 -_..._ ----tenet. T1rn'l1 1299,000. ____ ._ ... _____ --t -.1 W..--6. reezea. Lrg ex atlng 4 Bdrm Ba. 3 cer _ga· AND ASSOCIATES Rernlnllcent Of a bYOOM Mr. Clatll 8A5·3370 aft &M... • .aaua •-• ._., 8~% VA. Full price: '•• ~ 1n L.R. l F"am Ill....... .,., Is Juaf • lhoft etrOI • P ..,..._ .... llt/S. 1·1 1;,:;:: :~=;~8. t,~~~n/~a:~.o~~~f:o __________ ,· ~m~~r~~ F~~::~•s''~~~.;11~ i eii!M!.!!!ii:!:!!ii-i :~~LJ ~o~~;e,Ha~~ 1 =~··"•d to-1715 ooc 5 Bdrm bMdl GIANT In I = l went 3 Bctr In * * T A K [ A the "old•" brick entry Ba. powder rOOf'll. comm .... , .aT bdrm, den, 1 IHI M0,000; THE ADRIAN CO exec:uUwi ~.I I Porch. tog burning fire-pool. A11um1 30 yr 2 Bdrm. 2 bath, cten, ctl-2 bdrm. 2 bl 1<18,000. 2 MMW Priced ••o.ooo b•low (i LOOK plac:.. baa.med otlllng•. ••20.000 11111 13'A-. nlng room. 11re• double bdrm SH.000 300 E. -------- merket. Owfllf muat... ~i ~91.u-wooct lloora, to th• $169,600. Prine only. o•r•g• l!lect opener C1P'Hwy Unit 113, Nn WllTIL.lff lf'nmadlatety. Submit on ,_,.. 33 ~ " B<trm 2~ moclefnl?ed country""-e.-s..as1or131-4380 Quiet tnct 1tnll. Wall1 to P 0 rt B • 1 ch · B II r MUST Slil cory beau· price anct t1rm1. Bkr. Rtallt 81 In Turtleroctl Alctgel Chen. Seller 1nxlou1. a 1 1 1 .. f 111,1 thl bMCfl, 1186,000. 875~7 11tu11y decorated and 84&-0709 a.tier tt'len NEW-9fioe & Tttmt 1Yall4lt>lt wltt'l low .. o o nOUll or '1 .., ..._ UDO 18'"' T"aOITl"""al b I htl ct I d 3 SSl ·lltO termat OPfH HOUSE 11klng price of onty· monero.;:w dwrf. 11• -· <1 BA 38A, "So· ior'O. edr~. 1r:. o~t"ct!n. 2 Gel GREEN cash ID~rullrt t'll••,ln ... i T/ 1•J. U19 500! CALL IUIM I.I" I ldrm lloora. French dOOfl lrp!CS Qr .. t aaauma~ tor WHITE elephatlt1 w........... MISSION A.EAL TV 1 F · room. Ca 1 for da-llld to eunny So patio toen with ti.x1blt down with 1 CIUlll!lct Act ~i """"wrl• tu So~-t tr.1L.agun• ~~!'· Otlla. 831"288• St orage for Sabot o · Uet,&00. Win contlo.t CaM e42·5878 MeKe your lhOPplng 11· lleilfl nl ..., Harbor View Hom•t by LaMt 819pa 10 ciubtlou trldt for Newport oondO ---------1 aler by u1tng th• Oally ' Ownet. 38A 28A fem rm ... b.-dl Or•t ptan fOf 845-UOI lnVw llH PilOI CIUaifteO Adi 5S1·3Mt r.-.... llUla IMM lrg 101. pool. etr conct . ~ta.talnlng anct fainll -------- •••••••••••••• •••••• etra rr111t• "•~. lnllll' ~':'r.'.:;:;; •••••• -;;T Maum. '~" io.n. 1269, 11 v I ng, 0 w n r I a gt. lllfl • m. OHH e.tteun 11_. ly Owner. a Ir 1" ••· 000 ...... 2673 fOf appt. e1s-72tl IPD ... , .. 11 .. llY llllf fH 111111 Pool-spa· alon1 with a lovely 4 BR hom•. Move·ln condltlon c:entrally located to IChoot., parka, shopping & free· way ace 11 to all areas. Owners motlvalt'd. Mkln1 tl75,000 Call Myma Boom ~l..S700 """-to ~i ............ ..._.._ frple, rift~. upgr• ;~iSaitJi""'E;' .. ;· ri OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 ......... to .......... ~ 81 .,.,_ ._ --"-•• ct•ct. belo1111 marllat. ..,. 1~ VIA UHOINE .,.,.,. _..,....._ Woodtlfldge. (CuMr, No 1124.700 $12,000 ~ --------f IN on WW..°"~ of Alton.ntlo.Lakel ISt·OUf wort! N••r.or1Ternce,38r, .... Thlt39dfnl,ler09yerc TNt 2 ldrm. cfacoretOf, 52 5 • 113 .too or • 1 t5,000 ...... .i 1ov1r. Only a tU .900 ctreem only •1at.IOO. _5_·_1_1_1 _____ Ctlh I you P•~ell CIO• ly 0""8t Or .. Uo prlct ptf u-CHAAGll Cfo4AACki ~ ,,,._, I• tll'O cottt We ffa~ de-• •-c.ntury 11/Golld Coaet ~= OOMt 1 r.ai:'filir.iiii .... :,:.cr:.:1~:,nJ.;% ~.!t1'c, down· Ml-U• A--~=llMl,I be oon o, frp c. , .. ,.. c .. t.. P•Uo. et oer,.1. pool, otubftOuM. °"'* Uff~ft I 1 lt,000 ..... ~n lWPm went a day 1urow. .... .. ,,.,... ~r~~ !!Pr~ 11111 ........., ... •M-1731. • IA I tarn rm, a 81, L dA~ ,.. ,..._""' .....,. ,,..,.., 2•.~-... UTI ~·12-~.';;.:.rfo. t!~·~:o2• .. -,~ T~&:.t:38~:: 114 1.000 o 1 ·---room, 01n111g toom, -1 wner •• I eactllr~·1. Ill Frplc HI0.000. HO t o.-i ~ 1-5 SIMI at 1311,too. FEti. •. I ......_ Harcum & Horn A£ LOW CIWn. ...... io.n.. , .. ;.'.'!'~!· ~o, ..... Cltalpa 7I0-1211 •M-1511 • ldr ... ....,. 0.. ~.., .. -1 .. ...... •'~'* 8A. 2 la. 01111nera unit --~iY~CSWNl~~R~-- Cla111t11d Act• •re lht •n•••r to 1 1ucc111ful ...,.,,. Of yltd ... "'•. """' .,.., 10 , ... f'llOt9 ....... ::: ~·:,...-, 3brltk a lllk• ~ "' I k ·ll Ila to ll'CH • '"·000• I~ IA lln. ""'*'°· °"9ft...,...,,-4 M*M~ """81' ....... c..o.i. ...., ........ ,... fllCIO...., ........ , L•G9n.. IMll r::e •••• ··········"~: WMft•t9' w, .. .,. to the 11nd, fetiiu eon· ctomlnliim Only • ••It fTOM SIU,IOO. to Or C-'t "" ~ ...,., ...°"' ...... . =:.v..At• ... . Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Aprll 24, 1982 -21 °'''' 11•/ EsWt °''" 11•1 lsf•le Ofj11 1111 111111 Mn IHJ llt1tr BH1n 111•ill# • ....., U.J~ ...._ llallnidM .... , llahnlJlM ................................................................................................................................................................................. !!!~!l!!r.!!r.!.O!! l!~~~.!.~!!r.~ · "''"'"/ !!m!!l~.~ ~~!!.~!! .. !.{!~ £'!!~.!!~ ...... !.~. f!!.~.!!!!! ...... !.~ ~~ ........... 1.~ff U.Jh /., ,.,, II 1 BR, condo, pool. jKAJzzl, Navar before I rental. E/llde trg quiet 3 Br 2 Ba. Northwood •Int 2br lba '~ITlr ri,r.ua'I 1 •fllA .,..11,, •••••••••••••••••••••• 14 "'110... gym, bllliardt. MUN 24 Custom decorated 3 frple. dthwsr. lndry. QM. upatra condo A/C .,.,,1 r1 &'J1¥1 ..,. ..,. Price reduced 115,000 Good loc. AH 28< +pool hr 1ec Garden view Bdrm will\ gardener. no pell 1750 873-3e00 poota. 'f 1 . tennla · Gr .. taumman..,taldu-Tra.daf0<?or25%dn. 1506. 754-<•114, $850/mo 558-0347 4 b 2 M50/mo. 141873-7487, pleit Steps to bHCll 4 PPLS Agt Mr. Cropper 842-9057. Kita home Agt r. ba, den, newly dee. 213/S9e-t7 f1 Br up, 3 er down Ow· 752-1920 or 493-3827 Obie gar. 1750 Ind. gar----------nar unit poulble Low fmST llt 1 ~'" llouH, eutSlda denet. 754-1412 IEITW tow down Owner will 2 CovlngtCi•• 4-Plx, uam aa-.. vww 2 Br. 1 Ba crpll. drp1. N 2 carry big 2nd 1245 000 111 loans E·2 tetma. Prln _, ,.,. t stove. w11ller/dryar Ilk -ew br llouae, 2 be, I br, 1 be M50 1750-$800 1&50 1925 11400 · ' · Agt 549-1366 Privacy l tecurlly on1 up. lncd yard, anclad lrple, lerlC*I yd, no pets, 2 br, 2 ba 2nd 111rwey Elegantly! gar No pet1. no water· 1&25 646-0719 2 br, 2'.t be £•11 /•t l1J1 IZfl I urn I 1 II ad La a I a . beds 1500/mo + aec:u -<OECORA TOR CARPETS 3 bf. 2 be •••••••••••••••••••••• 13800/mo 6«>-4518 ruy depoalt. 548-5442 Of Child welcome, 2 Br E/ 3 br, 2 be NIAii YllWt .,., -•y .. 1111 770-6629 aide. yar<I, garage. No 3 br, 2 be Laguna Beach With - -_. Pels 4 br. 2 be plans. Drive by 481 Alta LMga 38' 2'"8e 2 ltory 3bdrm 2ba. water/ 178 E Wilton 4 br, 2'~ ba 11500 l\lrn 11350 1 1100 1725 ' IA ll11h1fulf\ um~u. I btodnAinl l. both. OCN11 VK"'ll> hunn Cumpl<'lc•h 11·m .. tlth d With I J)C"< lll•Ular "'' ·"''"""'•(runt tup 11,,.i, .uiJ "tl•u • .,..,k h tic.or.,. .ind "indo"' 1( .. 11~ n "'indu" ~ JJ•durt f)('r r. .. I Vista Way. then call condo Frple. blltn kltc:tl, gardener Incl 1795 No 1550/mo 960·3989 3 br. 2 be Agent 540-6240 yeatty. ITS-8775 pets 644-2778 Laguna Hilla Harbor ~prime Ylew, Sunny 3 Bdrm. 2 '·,ba -OUIET HOME 1 Chlld 2 La Raisor Alty 833-8600 PROPERTY HOUSE JV I 100.000 nHded Mobile 2BR 1700 mo f 'll<le with yard. dbl gar. ~:;d~8g':r~tg .. d,{:~!~: New buulllul 3Br. 3Ba 842•3850 I 75~4111 Bayfront condo I 1200 Av•ll May I 1795 w/ king No Pela IS50/mo twnllM. by uc1. pool, I•· Imo. gardenet. 631·1094 Water paid 960_39119 cuul, patio, 2 car ga-!!!~!'!!l!!t!!!I.~ 0.,,1 "C.:" Ziii ~:r~c~;~~:J~ n -., 424 "8" Hamlllon ~~8:.·.e~I~~,~~~~ l,m,f~ .1pmj( "' JJI I\ ... ,. .c_• d•JM• In to"' n "'' l1<.1u111ul' 201. NWI IUt,IOO t· .. 11 Mo1r~1t llobt>• ... •g•·nl 17141 Wi-.l!hlll •JI lil~I ~IN U7111 2 Pride of ownarlhtp Tri ••••• ~oA••••••••••• 3BR & 28R evallable TH LIOIY FEW 28R Iba, dbl car enc gv _.;,__ ______ _ plea81 fOf Ale by owner. aapu y11 1 rv Waterfront Homes Altra Rant In Coat a Men's l yard. New cpl/paint, W•UI t.ffj ,UI 448& 715HamtltonAve. -~· 111·•• NEWEST-gated 20 loa kttcfl 2177 Pomona.··'··················· ~l~.~•••••••J.~ ltltilt B1a11 C M Owner wlll l\elp w t 82 acre, mountain vu. Townllome VILLAGE llnlt A, cNildren/~t• ok. New 2Br, 288. den home. BY OWNE~58r +MW! " ~I I 100 linlnQlnO Call 760-0734 level bullding alt• UllM-COMMUNITY 2 ' 3 Br $6E5/yrly. 640-5078 Go ocn-cyn ¥1ew. no-.. ,,.. rm, Ind MP guest 111, •• !..' •••• !............. Of 631-4402 aSll IOf Jecll 11•• 111.200 nrm Own/ •• ,,.. l/.Jar9idM 2'i'i a. UI00-1900 aq.11. direct ex c:&ll mi to ocn. 4~8479. full be, formal din, lull °'Gerl ~:ie:=~ments •••••••••••••••••••••• °' pure lu.11U1Y Garegae. 1 Br. gw. rv Ralph·a, 17111 w•HI fl•NJ ,ZS2 bet, lrple, aoa. poolalde *EXCITING* 11'-..... ~ F ••11'1 1 hydro-tuba In mailer St, 1250 Older retired ••,..••••••"••••••••••• IOI $225.000 wt135.000 Beautlful -1lmo11 ne SACRIFICE I 80 acres •••••••••••••••••••••• sulfa. dining rooms. ledy only no ot~ need Monarch Bay Terrace 4 d n -a a• um e Io• n R..a ... •..a... trlplall. jult U""r•dad. Aecs 3 5 dtng(j 0 v1e 0 . Trees-views mTI IAY WOOd burning lit'~. apply, 6·42-75 l3 Br 3 Ba. home 3284 1 532-2"4, 849-02511 .. , -... I Own• r HO ME SANT A ANA micro-wave ovene, prl-S • ve n S •• • 0 r ---------•Wlllloutorwltlloutlurn, Graatt•11•nl• Dan Me-7841 · HEIGHTS•.._...__,...,_. vau patios &38dm&den.Vac:ent,nu l1275/mol75-8074cx .. ,... _ ..... -..,,,.. or 4 Br/den. 3 batl\1, • • ' ' v -c1........ P• n . g1r, 527-7408 Brad lord Pl, ownr an-2•x•• Gr_ ....... H~ ln l POlnt 544-8190 Hk I -""' uarda gardene p o I ...-& 1 t dbl 111ou1 a, 4 Br1 1 '-" Ba .Sg19r Laguna Hiiis' ntcnt 5 atll Mr Murphy 0.1 •I llllf tront & rMr patloa. 2 car dad Elegant llvlng only no pets. 1750/mo. May 00 YOU NEED " RENTAL pat o, poo /park. ,9 • park Young adults wet-II NITS COSTA MESA, ...._ t{ -sarage +carport, gar-15 mlnut81 trom Fashion go lute option. Diana OR A RENT"ER" Call 900 Alaime 159K 11111 come needs work great po ,,...,.., -1 1 d d llland, 7 mlnu1M to SC. C•ftftAI, ..,,, 63 t-1286 • 11'h%. Ag1 857-2040 . . • •••••""•• ••••••••••• • n • r n c u e . Plaza or O.C.Alrport. .....,...... ..,. Joa)' 11 Niguel Asa~l1-lrH1lt1f Plllt I tenUal, 1310K . .Jonn UTIUT Tl tlUtl !!!!.~/mo 5'9·7962 Jull 8111 01 Newport 1•utlh v~1,_ 11JI 181, 49~100 '!.'!.~ .......... !.'!:f ~,,;'~'~'~:. ~~.8°r~~~,: 6'8-7eeo AGT !? :':': ~2':.,:' .._. BMSF,_, &st~~°' s, .. , ltoOotego• •••H<>M£s·F~EN;.··· 3 BR 2'A b•. condo. tam SACRIFICE NWPT HGTS belt buy In IO'llln SWll ' t l ' ' l&IMl JIMM I ·-• .,, 3 & 4 Bdrma. 172 .. •150. rm. lptc:, tml yd. dbl ger, 1810 Tustin Ave I . NWH!A TAI mlRI aprlnga aome toreat ....................... month 131-439, 2473 .,... uaoc pool 497 1911 ---A~a1Md at 1130,000 Studio ape wlpetlO/ tum/ Orange Ao , Coate Fenced yards, garagM · • A~m~~~~j41h MIJMllll&US F•llftlTtlU Call o wner/agent . n /bay w/o gar . Mela Ktda&petawelcoma. 3BR2ba.blgyard.Cloea auballnll•I <IW(I. owe 2706 HlfbOr, Ste 208-A I San Cl•mentl pride ol 714-&40-7210 1425/$.500 173-1755 54~2000. Agent. no,.. t 0 • c 1111 11h0 p. b I I I I •-H"l ownertt\lp. Moderf. s •--• ~-Ull UY a . $750/mo. 1131.()300 •enc. at ow n erut -• nlah 1tyla lour unit -.... ,, ~ 3 Br 3 Ba. TownnouH Utt.fie• rat81 No que61fylng 2 sty II I •---3 country charmer. 3Br, ~-L.-•-•-I apartment ouH w tn lx1•--tahnll l by babbling broolt, lrptc:. _.j 141 28a. trptc In llv '"'·· .,.... ,... ..,. oeean, hitta & gotf cou ••••••~•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• dlw. pool, dbl g_w. many •••••••••••••••••••••• S190,000. Agt. 552_7500 , ··••·-A;;;,:;;.;:,;,:•••••• view. cloN to evwttlllnO. 3 prime Corona dal Mar Small 2 Br houH, par· JCtr ... No pets. 11150/mo 3 BR. 3 Ba, lplcl. klclt OK, .. _. onlythrH yHraotd, duplexeatochoOMlrom. klng.ye81ty ...... non· l•••a.11t &aec . '825mo.A.-lotKettll. ,,,., ...., 111•1• I Paved rd. In CIOM Full shows Hk• new. MW OW· Wilt lra<le '°'other R.E amokart. 1120 ClubtlouM M&-8423 _962_-« __ n ______ , •••••••••••••••••••••• P'ICa 188,500. Lo dwn, ner could occupy tllr" Darrell Pash, ownr/agt. Ava . Open S it/Sun. M def M 3 Br 2 Ba 5 Blka to OCMn Elegant 2 #1'1/1 BMn I ownr wltl carry Agt bedroom two beth city & Ra/Mu 759-1221 2 13 /9 3 4 . 3 8 7 5 or F•u 2a;fr,tc d.bl . Br. Famlly Rm &Oen f, W llOO 876-6717 ,eftSP"M :.':"=::4:":t!4bdrm,Canalfront, 213/9G9-6397 ,:,:.ci~ctG8lden.,~~· S850 Mo.Pluallcrp11. •• !!. ••• !••••••••••••• 678-2139 otllef ttirea apartment• Newport for Big BHr c.,,., Ii/ #II J ltoO 8'73-1173 2'A Ba. Cedar & gtau, Obie wide 2 br, 1 '~ be. 4I &OllS for Income Saller wlll property or ? Mr. Clark •••••••••••••••••••••• Spec condo newfY de 3 Mindeck, dbl car PfV g•· 1112 apace ranl Adults. Seuonal ~-Loaded llalp finance and uve &45-33n •11• 5 PM Xlnt 2 bf, 2 be, saso. br, 2 ba, p1110. frplc, rage, lully malnt yard. 1mallpe110uletHB w/oakl3,300ac:raAgt buyerthouundaol J··•fl .1213)45Cl·19e0wkdyt o ol. er 1850 Nopeta.lnqulrell527 corner lot 127.500 or 8 78.2 5119 . all SPM dolllralll Se4llng price of .., lltf (714)840-9753 IYSMn<t ~7g 18th St 060-8331 beat Owner. 547-2954. 1 671-2139 1325,000 ta way below flqf# COZY 2 br frplc new 4 Bt, SQ! lamlly, quiet cul-Nawp<>rl Beach De Anu current replacement •••••••••••••••••••••• • s' COLLEGE PARK·4Br · d•HC bike to beech ,. I "-1 Wanted. 4-·plex H 8 arN, cpta. •m P•110 0 of 38•. pool. 1850 mo + ' blylront Park Mini ""•I lfT-I coatlll PRINCIPLES small down llulbla hwy $725 1173-173.4 54$-7821 11100. 983-5808 , cond ·111 dbl wide. lire-C 11 I SH ONL VIII Call owner (714 term• Terry 995_ 1400 oep 9824891. Oofotlly place. brklk"J)allo, $61, .... v.f ............... M2-013t. j2T8:rro:; .. 3 Bah~~~~ 2 br ~· 1 :ma" =d OC-N:NTALS ~~bf.1~~d!.b:0~:.~~oi 2 c1~t::W 8.,.'::'i!i'';,!;!: 11 ... ...,. ..... IW 1••11/1 11450/mo. 845-7521 ex Ole. ·lat 1811 • 1·5 br's $200 to $2000 139,000 Biii Grund)' Cd M Mak a o f I er •...-•••••••••••••••••••••• 840-7000 a mull 842"14117 750-3314 opet'I 7-daya ' ~ 11 21 • r tnod ,,, .. , ~g Oulat. "475. patio, cloae to all op a: !!~!!.~ ... !.¥.? ..OMES FOR RENT 3 & 4 Bdrma. M75-S700 Fenoed yardl & gMagaa Kida & pet1 welcome. 545-2000. Agent, no IN ~!.'!r.!!.~!! .. !J.!! Country c harmer, Npl Hgta, 5 Bdr, 3000 IC!. It \/acant. RV accas Call Diena. agt 631-1268 SPYGLASS nacutlva home, 4 Bdr, 2~ Ba 3 cw garage, 2 frplca. Po- pular Tr1<1ewlnd1 mdl S 1750/mo Mika Crow agt 845-3178 Harbo1 Vu 3br. "l•ny up-grade a , gardener 11100/mo, 780-0451 an 5 pm 075-.8181. l 983-4037 I# for~. pOoeeanrt Bfreonatclldup. Pleo111.1~bla· • •• •.•.Hf••••~~•••• 3 BR 2 .... ba 2 atory front •Clean 2 br duplllt, off-2 Br I~ Ba condo, lrplc ,Open Hou•• Sat/Sun. 2 Plots, Mamortal area, breek even with 29%..., llllu 1111 un IP•· amrm. uttl• Incl No peu W/O,S525,6e1-3539 19711 Sllvarcreat Cot-n.., Chapel. Now MIUng down. Ownef. 968-90117. •••••••••••••••••••••• lcttcll w/mlcro. Corner IMll-2474 t-5. M-F. ---------• L1.1•ury pool tioma, mar- laga Top°' the line 890 1 1595 ucll WIW Mii "450 3 br, 2 be, w/ow Mo. to w/vlew. LM on1i· GrHt 180 OEO VIEW CONDO. 2 UIT Tt HY wious w .. tc111f loca1ton W. 15111 St Newport1 each Evae 842-8502 -Am... mo 11000 +MC. Avlll for 3 adltl. UOO, Br. 2,, be, mlero & g1r 2 8f Townt\ooM, Medi· 4 Bdt, micro, many e11- 8"d\. S~ 79 Dekl•e Trt-PIH • Prime May t 644.o804 844..0301 S 112 5 5 3 3 -4 3 00' terr..-i atyte with gr.. trH YHr or more IN ACROSS FROM BEACH 1C.a•lfri1/ locatlOn. BV OWNER. C#ll ~ JIUINr. Balboa latand Nr. 87$-17111 ctoua patio. S5Hlmo S1495 C•ll Loli, agr 8-lt 1 wide, 2 Br. 21>1. I l~t( lfll Prtced BEi.OW MAAKET •••••••••••••••••••••• water 3 t>dtm, 2 ba. ~t 558-8518 _a_1_._1He _____ _ """"'cu11om l\utch & many •••• •• ••••••••••• 1 .... 7 ·-OIWJC 11"' New 3 Br 3 81 Condo Flteplaca dbla GM· Fen-Dover Or. 1• We1tc1111 •• .,...11,, .......... it. ...... ~ ..... ....., wau.n • -· ·"""'· .,. c.ci yd s 1 ooo ar$-2354 ,.. n lnlM 'Mf ·· -.....,... ...,,-10111 Open THURS-SUN I 1500/mo furnltllad · •••••••••••••••••••••• Condo. Utllmate IMng, p1alHI 11 I 4.000 For Tu ....._, a 11 Jennltw LAM. C.M 11000 unfurn. Mo to Mo. Executl,,. 5 Br 3 Ba. I•· Ol•lllllla 3 Ir 3 a.. i:ltec Horn. In maattf 14.!ha with lrplc. eppt call tu-8817 Neef,,.._ 4-91Wx. 2 bdrm, 5'11-1575 °' t-481-5242. rantel 111 a last 8u-mlly rin, wet bar. pool, I •nd 2 bdrm ..ell with NofttlwOoda.. 2 a1ory with eundeck + I 81 l den. Cozy trallef, pert. '°' lad'; 2 bath uch unit with perb loc:atlon. ne11t to jacuul, ocean IM'W. p;I-large automatic doubt• lltr•. 1~~!::'· room No lrplc, llvlng rm l huge or gent 50 PLUS. 14950 flfeplaca, tf1dOMd patio. _...111 111opplng & tl\Htara va ta be a c 11 u . garaee. 11~. _.vt!Qllt. c1o91 Oflfdenll a patio, pool. ape, BBO Walk to •IOI' .. , t>Y• llne. g1r1gt, 9~•-111 Poe., Oeluu 4-plelc neer 8.C. 5411-<ttee. 12500/mo. Rel pie. private patio. dlthwMfiet. water paid. HOO/mo. 1950 . 5411-114411 Space $125, & gu/ CHI\ flow. Now 1150, f~ ... ·~ ...... 3 OWC 8kt e Mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba. New!)' 780-11$'4. etc, 545-2000. Agent. no I.. 403.o803 wat«. M2-83B8 500. 8111 Orundy. Rltr. .,,._... decot9ted Mell Vttdl C#ll.... JIM tUI .. Mft WOOOBRIOOE Broad· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 875-8tll1 Trtpleic%Cttl Org Cty. 11000/mo' &tetra Mgmt~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1872 Monrovte moor home. 2 br, den, IAWlllT .... ~m Two 3 br't~one 2 bf. Co .. 1-1324. OC·A£NTAUS Coat•.. AIC. pool•. beacft Club, 2 •tor~fldrm•. 2 ~S'810,.t~ Vic ~hl~5:ic~Bkr .. ,..,._ 7~g;'~4S200~~ .. ,... ~~=·~~5f.~::,~•:•:, ~·,..-=~ 7 Vu,.___ ... ........... '752-511 1 • • •~••• ••••••!J.ff e.,_ 3 bf home on quiet ,..._ 2 ~yb3 Ir. wfo.rt Ot 4 _7_5_9+_l'7_8t ______ 1 Pfll "'° Av.II . t. vi•---Alto. 3 br. 2 bl, newly dee ~--.aec. 1150. Oayte I r 2 ~ •· 2 car tuto UIW. Pk. 3 "' 2 ea . .,. 2 ~ ~5.000 ciou 10 beacl't a 831-l~OWS«>.:1449 "'88 P!' Many 111rH Poot, ,.,,, rm. fplc, IOt comer Eacl'I owe. 831-41111 8 fl f IN I N ICltlOOls. Good MIOl'tb«· IPACIOVS nr WOf1I E;' t:: '"°·,.,..few lncd yes At1tdl ..... h,llttn/ /(,. ft • hood. 1175 t yr min I«•~. kida'. now= "'*· S46-2213. oonvn pool & i-: OIOee II.Ill Ii 1,,. ..... 184-3tet oc. MHTAl.811NSH 1s~3BA28ew/fC*:,lft tc:.,ec:~/:"O.. ~ ......... 1!.~}f...... CJNG ...,_ llH I BA.lle.gtt,Colleae ::::=.-r::,~ f,1:111 °100I or 0~,fi11~··~!~e~ ~'c~~· Pl.VI CAIH 'LOW x1n• r.9':':1 ................ ~i~ :C..,1-1..,. ,., •. seoo mo Agt. JM-el&-01'4 2nd Op.ri Sun 1.s. 1.e9una Nlt•I 1ecat1on. hcMlr *" 2 + In Tlln• Ma 1430 Turft9f0dl 9nd ooncto. 2 4 2 d 11 N 8 111 r Commerclaf w/ 11 000 ft, roek ... ConlPll tum. Al.M08T 4br ..-0 ~ ,.. .... bdrM, I 1119, "P> din rm. 842~1M6 . • , Tra few TO'a or •LlllUN Move In with e tooth· home, dbl ger, HVAl'Y AtteoMd I Oet ll"IOI --------'~PfoPef1Y Full prle9 Ml. bru 1111 I t 36 0. AQ 1 NIO » . .,.., ...... D et u • • I I ti mo Llttlt Mdl Mvlftt .. , on. 000. . • 112.... oc "INTALITeo.aw ............. """""'· ..,....1 T I ..,...,_ i.ct. V1Nnt.1"'iiii"M;;dij;tiiiij;';;;o: u ffl.I along Cl"'•. ........ 2 "' .......... , .... 1171 I ... Wal ... OOftdO,; 1p1<111r and , .. ., 1n tll• nw. bdrlN 11" M. '°' --:c:Ja ~ ._ I..-.,~ deft, NC 011ty Piiot C11 .. 1lltd .._. Ot ..... Giit 1111 ....,1. ' •dr U• aa, lrt Vatd, -.... m.41'1 . Met1on etMM Mia. Miit· 711-llOI ' • ,_. OIC; tl1'#Wlo --·i;m;;Miiii;fi;;;iiiii- let a T~ llftd "°""" " '1i ":?~r•t I= •-. •tetml LtlillWr .... Tow;'*'* for S9 u You C9" .. 11 ,..... ... -........ ar .•. 1!111 ........... ..,,... Uttw. ,.-. 4 Ir.~ ~our 1u1111ano1011 ot ,.... .. ._ o.c. MNT~'11 1., wt~ .... , • Out•• '" • "• '' 0111e1 tlltno• tl'ttOllQll OM.~ PtLOT ~"' : ,., .... ... •. _. -............ . O••ly P llol Cl•Hlflad •"VICI DIMCTC>ftY .. ..;;;;:z .... ., es.. '"'' • ._.,ft! .... , "' :;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;=~ Ade Cati 842·&ol'tl It ti _..,.. It .... M2·Mrl --t"'14m CMlr NDI 0. 7 M J~SOC 'atcd --- ;a AIMUU 09'111< CONDO·Ht + dep, ~---~·­• $1111 lft0.'MO-f111 .. , ..... .... •ne. CtltnNJ 38r l lie, fir, wu. r•O a:::~· T•fY ... _,·a,., •n = ....,,, H~ ,,..M p7:41!! I J - ' I I l ) .. I t ' 22 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 24, 1982 B•••H U•lsnJ1jH Hoa111 Ual11•i1iH Cod1•i•i~•1 1urta,.11 F•nJ1iH AJMl•1•t1 A,,11a,.11 A,,11•••1• A,,rta,.t• .•.•.•••••••••••••••.•...................... " l I "H 34Z5 •'•••••••••••••••••••• U•l1t•l1iH V•l11•id.4 U•lrual1iH . ~!.'!r.!!.~!! •. !.~f1 ON THE WATERI Great view ot boats & bayl Brick llreplace, country kitchen. t Bdrm P6"ln1ula cottage. Aval- lable now $875 mo. Call 673..a550 THE REAL ESTATERS ,,, .. ,, -.-.~" JZfS " •• ,. •• ., I •• • I. 31~· D•l•t•i••H •••• ••••••••••• ••• • ••• • ••••••••••••• •••••••• • ..................... . ....... ; •• • ••• ••••• ••• • • • •• •• ••• ••••• •• • •• ••• • n1r1~1 ... e. •• •••••••• ••••• • •••••••• t C JIZ C M 31Zf 3 Br 2 ea home, Npt Hgts 2e.,•. R28A~.DJr lE~!Con-•••• •••••••••••·::~·· f!!~~~t ........ /.~fl £0!!~.!!!!! ...•.. !..~1 .. 0!!~.!!!!! .......... t .!!.'~~ .. !!! •.......... $850/mo Ut. last & ., ,. ~.... • Sharp 1 Br 1 Ba "•w 2 bd 2 ba condo, pool S250. Call AH Ao<SQef•. do XI"' IOC "r s c . Apartment Atd ........ nu ctpU, drpe &, paint. Im-sec gate, nr s c Plaza agt 631'1266 Plaza Open 8eam, Skv· 1 ..,,.;;; !1'119 med iJvell 2•59 Elde11 B No pets S 5 1 O mo .. Br 2~ Ba Stepa to hies. frpl<:, kjj deck over to Anahe'1m &P&ITMEITS $425/mo 1at.lut6MC 631-1•76 beach. community pool/ lush la"dac. poollapa. 8eau11fully landscaped Agent 957-0701 1>~ eppt --.,-11-U-,.-.-11-11-y-1 - dbl gar/opener. Avail f' V' . gardero apte Poot & Spa. I " -• tennis S1000/mo now '795 mo/lyr lease. re ICtims. Covered parkl"g Heat 2 Br 571 w Joann, tat Ir, Spacious E Sid• Apts PropenyHoun 979.337 5 wkdaya, paid Nopeti . no pell. 1425 Sierra E"° gar, patio. dshwshr 3 br. 2 ba. trplc, 2 car s--2-3850 6'2• lOlO 751·818• eve's/wknd1. The Apartment Anoe. of Bachelor $395 Momt. e.-t-1324 & stove Most utll tree Orange Co Lrges Ila N garage Blka to beach lovely 2 BR. den and 2 ea lrvme 1 Br The Spring• mem~a & 811 apertme"I I Br ~40-$455 2 Br 1981 Maple Ave, 1at o pell S•35 Nwpt Shorn 5'48-8083 Harbor VI-home Gar-Pool. jacuzzi. ter\nls. owners 10 cooperate In 2 Br 1'• Ba $510 fir. "o pets 2 persons 1 CR 1 P9f'SOfl Sea view. beauttlul • Bdr :::;o~:s~S~~ ~gt Fr I g e S 5 2 5 Imo prollldlf\O hOUSlr>g during 22SO Vanguard S..0·9626 $6~12 5132~ I err a Mg m I. 1 2~232 f:~~e ~75 2'n Ba eucuuve home , 557_5784 642-9778. Specious studios one thlS lime of emergency 5450t mo. 2 Br 1 •, Ba .. · s.-2•7805 180 deg. sweec>lng view 2BR nr SC Pin Adult lfldtwobedroomac>art· Please co"tact The apt balco"Y· pa110, 2 br. avail May 191 No Pvt gated community. .. •• Crnt c..•11 CO"dos Pool l•C. sec menlS FURNISHED A A 0 c regarding any laundry rm carport pets. $525 Waler & gar-c.1. RHTAlS Tennis. awlmmfng. gar-I 2~br's/Si50-S1000 mo.! gate carpon No pet& Incl UNFURNISHED vacancies A"y concea· Close to 811 Call tor appt dener '"cl 1552 Elm 2 Bdr 11\ Be S525. 2 Bdr dener · S 1550/mo yr Amenui-631.04e<l Move 1n cost negottable Oa~wOOd also otfer$ sions OW!iers can malle, TSL Mgmt S.-2· 1603 Call 646-3827 for app1. 1 Ba S500 Both II ave lease. 644-2057 I I s 5 3 0 + s 4 5 u t , 1 monetarily or otherwise garages & patios Call City U_...1 EXECUTIVE. Ocean vu. 556-1626 'All Uhltti.sPa!d wlll be appreciated Ow· wC!_.tfiield Spec 2 br lrplc, encL Jim 631•7370 •••• spac 3 br, 2 ba. Oen 'lmmedillte nera are also asked 10 1fW --patio, beamed oe1ting1, hHI View I immaculate e.-6-7334 USTILIFF Occuoancy accept. 1n lieu ol CHh. FAMILY &PTI;· gar. S..75tmo 675-4166 3 bdrm , 2 '·~ ba. spa. Clean 2br. den. p atio 3 bdrm 2'h ba. lrplc. ''1Mllllonm voucllera IStued by The Beeulllul gerden apts So Coest Plue 1br 1b•. g.,,;.,,,. ...,. 3140 slcylinrlt deck fireplace 1975/mo. 6<40-8559 .,__ Ion Red Cross 10 lore vlCllms Pa11-1d-k1 Heat paid lull sec. pool/spa. 1•55 " · ' · ome, 2 blk to bcfl. yrty .......... Vouchers are casllabte ""' """ all extras $825 per mo $850 230 Prospect Do D .r And "uc .. "ora' t .. ru Tiie •mer1can "ed No pe11 Ct11ldre" wet-incld11 gas/wtr Agent. no .•.................... 96•-3466 not disturb te"anu •IJlltn .., ""' '" c'ross" C~l l come lee957-0222 (213)691-7537. F•1aldH 3100 For a montrl or a 10111 71M638-5550 ~ ~ ~·~a :~~~ 1 BR. upstenrs. cptt, drps. LWE tmtl Huntington Creek Apt Deluxe 1 & 2 Br F'rpa, enclsd garages TV securit y 8•8-1613 8AM·5PM only HLWI 4 Br. Canal front Fee land . Mr . Clark 6'5-3370 Aft 6. VERSAILLES 1 BR Pen-o~~~~~·raJ;:A~C .• FiP~ =~:1.,.\':11" lilffl lll••I JIOf 3 Br 2 Be S600 ~!~s°8s3~0~~8~'81 ~.~ thous e U 2 5 1 mo I dbl gar. City Hall area •• ••••• •••• ••• •• •• •••. 398 w Wiison len<:ia St S3S. 1368 151/last & sec 631-0300 1525 mo 546-S060 New 3 Bdrm 3 BA, all 631-5583 or 642-37011 Wtdlah &,ts. Wik to Bch. 2 BR. 2 ba 2 OakllJOOd wood interior. lrplc. yrty lllEI ..,.1,111110,1 WIA MU lnS car gar, lpc, patio AurtaHtf I'; •11iH leaM $950 mo lat Last • ._ -Adull llvlng. 1 Br .. car-Bog Canyon Condos. 3 6 2 Comm POOi. ten"i• $825 •'••••••••••••~~••••••! Garden Apal1ments $200 dep 160-9513 '36S.S.-75tmo 1 & 2 Br port pool & lau"dry No Bcsrms . full golf courM ...,, 1235 ,... 9 1,,.... apis new carpel. pati011. .....t• •• 50 931 w 191h. view, furnished or un-mo. ~vv· • .... 2.e 15 ,_ a..t-Belch/No Lge 2 br t be yrl7, bit· car.....,.s Cat OK ..... v ..., Spaclou5 1 & 2 bdrm among beeut l al\e streams Pool, 1ac and rec area No pet1 f ur" . I 1 2 0 0 I ea s e . I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ,..., .. _' · in&. ~ar. 'deck No pell. ,,.... ' St 5'48-0492 . ., .. • 7 2• B •aial811 110 680 Irvine , .. ,,,,. ~ 8."'33"7 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 2 B ewty ,__._ .. p•-Oeluae poolatde. xtra llr· u-.-•-4 ~ kr •11 ft-.-.. •••••••••••••••••••••• (•t '6th· 1.vvv •·~ ~"* ., r n ,~ uU ...,. l .. __ ,_ Baytront Bach Apt Quiet Cape Cod Twnhse 2 Br · o e 2 b r 2 b a I> It n • 2 master l>drma. 2'1\ be E•cluslve guarded com-older person No peta (7l4) MS.1t04 1'1HI 1,, Ba S.-90. crpts. drp$ $~/lie g;~9~~/ard I dswhr. 1'" mll~s beech' S685. W Npt Twnhm. m v" 11 y 3 BR 3 Ba Yrly incl utll 1 400 ~ a..ch/So. I . I ,101 No pets 675~6 mo I Adults. no pets S500mo k1d1 ok, no pell John I CUSTOM home on golf tst/lut 4 ....... 673 6765 •--.-• I ••1•61 • -#' •Large 3 bdrm 2 ba pallO 536-8362 ...., 11950 ,__ """ v..., • 1700 16th St ••••••••••••• ••••• •••• t 500tmo 2 Sr 1 Ba vn.. · · Marstl&H Agt 631·u •2 course mo ..... se eves (Dover II 1611\l •BA 2BA yearly Frpfc, I . lid . ,. yard Enc gar On LIU _T_H_E_W_H-IF_F_L-ET_R_E_E_t_-2--3 S ... 3 Bd f I A 1. 760-8617; 673-7771 I Cl I per ap . eric garage, Ln Avail Mey 20 $850 G uper ... arp r. amly Small 1 Br carpets, (714)642-51'3 bl·tns. perkltlQ OM o balconyl patoo. laundry Bdrm Apia ym. Spa, rm. beautiful pool & spa. j Ill ••-II L•R drapet. '395/mo bay & o c e en. Br k r rm Ava.II 5.5 per mo 5'1S 1936 Sauna. pool. 1enn1s. etc E>1ceOent family loutlon -• -875-0..73 675-•912 TSL Mgmt 6'2·1803 • 846-0619 ~~~9~g3 Pr mo Ag 1 I 2 SA Mci...ln Condo. ,. .. 31.'u • • • 1 BR yrty, immee, up-Delu•e 2 br coodo nr SC lg 2 br •. t ba. new drpa._ & _O_a_I u_x_e_2 ...,e,.....r-1-e""a_1_n $~~~~7~1 ":·7CJ~1';:? !'!!}!.~ffl•••••••••~! Summer Oflly Studio toopt, per unit. MCure v.._ or plaza. tuxurloua 1ment· cpt. OIW 6 tetrtg. rel:-4-plex. OW. hook-upa, CLIFF Or. Ocean & llbr l;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ CASA IE OIO pool, saun•. gym. lennts, bay S55S lflcl viii & g11. ties l 550. 979..a919 g:; 98~t · h o1c AM 4 7 • enc 1 s d g 8 r s 4 es view. 3 br, 2 ba, trpt, t• S500 mo 631·7•67 E••i 311 Edgewater. Ope" ' · • • 1 5•0.,..•8• gardener & wtr pd Chll· Westcillf 2Br • l660 All UTILITIES PAID 2•6 or 975.-o14!i. Sat. t-3. 673-1943 1500-1525/mo. 2 Br. 188. Prolesslonally decorated --------- Oren & pell welcome. Eaatbtull 3Br • 11200 I •R•CI IE t 1tory, shag. drapes.• 1 Br condo with 811 1 Br. Crpt. drps & refr'9e $1.500 mo 631-7300 e1utts 38r-femlly 11500 Compare before you -.a ITAll IS400 utllt pd. 1 br dplll, patio frplc d/w beamed I SC No pe11 C "-~ 3B S"""" I .. I 1300 4t7 E.. Bay Av BalbOe II. • . arnen111e1. near . Can 980 2675 hlna""""" r .. vvv rent Cullom dealgn• .. vallab •now. 547 •55 oei ngs. garage. Plaza yearly lease · HARBOARIDGEJVIEW Bayside Cove 2/den rutur81· Pool, eBO, weak up Age"t Nopets. ·11 TSl Mgmt 642-1603 ~60/,.;,o 546-3788 or Loe2br,2'">ba,2trp1¢S, Pvt comm. 2500 sq 11· 3 S2200 cov'rd. gara.oe. •urrou"· 875-tl 170. I Cit••• ''' #.it ,,.,. t Br, +. e.51de 111 & la$1 553-1202 aft 6. tam rm $600/mo & sec br. 3 ba, trpl<:. S 1600 mo West Bay Ser/dock 13250 dad th pt h 1 d " 641 649-9099, 675-•078 Wat-front H~. Rltrs wi ua an tea· Oceanfront wkly. 2 & 3 br, •••••••••••••••••••••• + aecurlty. $500. Call ,2 BA t'"' Ba fplc O/W & clng Nloe area Al~-~ w..... ping Nopeta comp furn'd Gar. Avl. 2 Br 1"i Blocks from 548·•388 I · N. • t a 7Ul 6 46-1371 or Bluffs. 3 br. 2'.\ be, on 111·1400 1 Br. furn. from S..00 M0·478• beacrl 1750/mo Days PVI pallo & gar o pets 2!3/430-079• greenbelt. nr pool. Loe 1 2 Br. tum. from $580 now. 759-1301. Eves & Wl\l'ld• Roomy 3 Br Townhouae I $526 mo 543-5478 • tenced patio New crpt. J 365 W WlllOfl, 8.42-1971 I 84•·2578. apt 1" quiet adult com-Beautllul 2 BR"' So 2 l>r . 2 car gar . cov d drps Xlnt COM $1060. ,,. c1 .... ,, 111 F Ad A t' plu. Newly decorated c I,,, S•85 0 I patio, all pool rights & •9•·6306, 213-556-1676 B••e•:•c••H••c·o··r••1•:•0••E•.•2• H••ti•flN Or C 100 C.1t111111 31Z4 l!r891e.ce. enclsd patio a A~t 64~~=161 "' rec areas. $1575/mo. May " " .. 3 • ••• • ••••••••• •••••••• 1 garage Sorry no ~1• .,_ .. · 6 (213)925-4796 X-LARGE-LUXURYI bdrm. 2 ba. Wik to train, ••••• !!~ ........... ~~¥ Call a UlSTAIT Ill S575 '410 6•S·3381°or $500/mo lmmed OCCU · Nr beach 2 br 1'1 bl 3 level tw"l\M· 2 br. 3 ba. tWI\, bch 1700. •92-7913 • , $525-$600/mo 2 Br l'1t 675-59•9 panc:y. 2 Br 1 Ba ll<>Vse. bit-ins, c;fpts, d;pt, lrpic: Oen. view. 11 tOO mo. w ta' 1 ••ni H.l,'s FllEIT Daily Pilot Ba TOW11t1ouse. 111 t>Yllt· w t Id 2 BR 1 B yard, aman garage Call •"c' gar 1595 Avail 6.-.·9329. 726-9098 "'" l•I n •• Ina. balcony. laundry rm. e • • • • • · lor Appt ---------•••HOME.FOR.AEN;-•• j S(>anlatt Ellllt llvlngl covered parking. Nice O/W, pvt patio, avail TSl Mgmt 6•2·1603 now 536-0921 J~~noJ' ~-Zi 2s1;r;;!l~t 2 Bdrm $475. Garage. t 8Hutlful park·llke 1ur-AD VISOR location now "460 rno 640-0997 ---------1 2 Br, 1 Ba, mi"utes from 631-5233. c tllld OK. no pets I (OVndinga Terraced • -TSLMgmt 6'2·1803 SPAC.2BR,OP£NSEAM L3e 3 br, 2 ba, crpl. beach 1445 545-2000. Agent, no fee. pool.k~r"k~" ga: ~bq, 642-5678 IF ,11 0 wn•t you wuni on ctg•. bar, lots of wood, K~~:~K.P:~I~~.,;~; ~8·0844 or 998-6668 1sparl "9 oun Se"'· On1ly Pilot Clas .. •llt>c:ts $425. No pats, 2256 MMdOza 657-8177 2 Br 1 ea. fir Beach & SPYGL•ss RIDGE pac ova rooms. •P•· -------------1 Maple St. 548-7356 or n C••'••l•I••• rate dining erea Walk·I" _ _ 873 8803 DIK 2 & 3 Br. $HO 4 5570. Stater. encl ad ger. No u. l ·-' "ti J~Zf!I cloeeta, home IJke kllch· I . l k ,. · 998• 1165, H•·8225 81• pet• 641-9348 days, EXEOITIYI 11t1H •••• ~.~!!'!!~ ........... ~. en & cabinets Walk to Kenny >Un JlOff ? STUNNING 1arg• 1 er tins. petlo•·· t>atconlff 640-1078 eves & wl(nds. WITI VllW !LEASE/OPTION euc Huntington Ctlntet. garden apt. Pool & reo I WALK TO BEACH Bach, condo, NB. Ocea" & bay 1 Bdrm.turn, 5505 Isn't that the boat · area 1425/mo 710 W , stove & relrtge. Gas & 4 Br. 2'1\ Ba 2 fir~atel. view 1 8A+den, for 2 Bdrm-unlurn from • C 75? 18th St. water paid 1300/mo putting gre«1, garde"8f more lnlo cell 673·•899 1585 that won The America s up In . . •2 Br 1 ba Mesa verde .. , TlllllU SJe-7979 S1700/mo. evs. 558-9035 dye "_ 1'. f"lt } ,,-,,,,<" uppw New decor No SPACIOUS t 8r '-'•• 314~ Realtor· Joyce Edland • No peta. ..,. 111.... pelt Gar $500/mo. Flraplace. pool & much un ., 6'42·6235 NMI "" adult condo nr UOlltla Freet II you re not w1e Who 'OI wh,tl) KeMytlunk{M 833-887• ll'tora. •• •••••••••••••••• •••• SC Pfau. Sec getH, 1 Irvine 1 Br Tiie Sprtngs lllO&IYll pool. Tr1ct•1•m111. LAOUINTAHERMOSA wcn,dQntfeflbad yourenotatooe l *3br,nrSC Plua,S.A ....... Pool.Jacuu1& 1enn1a ti W 0.... friendly. t81ort-llke 1 16211 Park8'd• Ln. 1 blk Keony!Jl.mkpon t!> one of 14 dl~11nctiwly Carport pool. •f>t!· $675. Fri g e SS 2 S I mo _ ••• ...,. BA. dl"tno. e.lr. patio. w. or Be..ctl. 3 blk• s. of tl•fferfflt ...... ,,tnt'1'I noorpl.lrl!I at Sc><IWltld vill"Jll Pet ok 75~·5822 or 6•2·8778 "5w -ru• Secluded end v""· No Edinger 1 ...,.... 641·l480 Mesa Verde 1•50 1vella· 3 Bdrmt 214 81 Pool, pat1• SAH + S35 viii ... 1 ...... 1 I tn J.lCiitilljlfOn APCJ(h <",eaw1M VtllilQI• t) d l(")\111 ble May 1 Upper 2BA, 1 ....... IHd 3141 JllCIVZll 6 Tannl1 ~ty 1 775·2580 -.,_ of toully peNXWh7ed µroff"41Qn.tl pl.1nruoo 'llt2br. 2t>a. nr s.c Plaza, newly dKoreted, OJf1198 ~-····••••••••••••• dee. Vacant. St,200/Mo. 2 b 2 fh• kl~" of 'lte"'·"n vt111, .. ,,, •• ,.,.. S A. Pool,~· ISSO. No optlo"al, mature. no Atttlotlve 2 B"rrn ·r.• W.·•-rLT1:J.... br, 11..\ •· •"•• car What. "'' '"' " ,..,.,,,,,~"""""'•• pet1 7& *•22 or v " ..., 1 ... t s • it 1nanns A """1 ......... t 1 .... 1 • " • "<> peta S•5 ... ~ n .. , oeecn & town. Op '· Re 1 4_,.910 •"c . oar .. orp • "' ,.. tlU4. ,,.. .. en """'"" o na urt> llf., MllQ 641· ,.eo. ti 0 16001 a tora · COiiege. 857·n•a M'Stled ma forf'St with tiatllll1n<• brook$ ,111<1 qu1ft • 2 IR. 1 8.\ gar. Otw re r 9 aregt. mo fur 1lf'YIJT ad fo ll •3t>r. f't( SC. Ptua. S.A. Nawt.o; rtdec. 1500 780 r•e L11gun1 Realty COt+.MtM 1224 jeo.t.Mne U24 II"'"" p!)Nfs. COOied by na1ur.1f oct.tn b~ ·1~ MHn Oar. poot. apa $150. Hamllt!>f'I ~8• 1929 ;94.0071 _ ••••••••• .. ••••••'-••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• be "clo.88ifiedl1 . ll'lat tenroHouru. ~wimrm11<1 pocll\ "J.KU/lt ,lnd t ~~~~~· 76~·5822 or larW S... SludlO '• 1:1111 from main a tOft'Veottnt l<l(dhOll tl!'t)f \ht~HllQ tlncl thatalde 2 BR. am yard. On• bdr~: P.Rl'TATE g::hklt~e:94~~ .. 1:c1. Lo.awl. f!REEIS ff!'lploymmt ano you \If 'JOI .l.tff«f .inyon,. WOUICI t I II PATIO. beam ce111not, -------- • l)f<IU(Jly<fll l\Or!W (f.ve11 (!..tnn~OOT\kportll t~t'ti~o 1 ~':8 .:~~· ga1, water pd N-ept, Ootallfront 2 br, 3 be, NEW [VCCUTIVE LIVING 01'W'' ~two bf<lroom. one and two llilll'\ s•t •M~ drp1, 1 1tory Outatan. 3100 eq ft In Otc' M9dtt ~ ..,...rt ..... 1.-from ,1,,, 00 ding roe: nr occ. Fr... VIiie O'l cfllff o 1ook1ng Pr aw.. .. Me V de _.. """' ,... 1 a 2 a I •• way, Fafrground1. 1111111> ocea1t1 3 rpfo1. 1 .. ci.d H..-. SI tr ~ md Newly dtoor OH pd mtel No P•.ta Pklng. wndwe. lluge beama, W t"cl g1r dw11'tr. pool, S • • 0 PI a au C a 11 d•ot.., tlec 0111, Obi. bbq Adullt, no pel 1. ~5 iar • mano; tr .. t 8tep1 . JI "' HUntlllQ•"" I ... !!' M2-so13 ' IL a11 :o=,v~,~~.~fc ~p~: :~ 21t w/gar S•20 C1>'9, New carpeu. 011nt. Cot1t Cpl or egl pref 15555 HUl\l"~ton VtlilOf Ul\I H11nt1~0ft llufl. CA tncCI yrct, •tr pd. 222t drtp ... w .. ,Mde, Mat S 3 &00 I mo yr I y Cll4) Mf1 'l%1 "A" Pl~ IH·4120 park Ht-Qlt _a;o;-... sen~-----rmrn 111t Sieit o.,ri fr~~f l(!0(1h0fl wlltO ~_....,. __ __. ·~ t•·llPC** 1 Ir ho hOUHN LI• -..Cf~. ttlfn ~ °" McfMblr t0 ..,..,1111 V•~ Ntce · •r t a. ""* 1n Lndry rm. c11~8'"°'1C1 =-f blocll t>t1~11 rum-.~·~~10 ::•~1416 No c;.~a ~ _.,;::;t=i' ~!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~~ 8•6·6591 - Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 24, 1982 -23 A#ftl•t•l1 A#ftl•••l1 ~! ... !iJ.•.~.~.'!!.!'!f ~!!.!'.~1.!t!~!!!.1.~~ 1!'ff!~~.~~!f! ••.• Y.,!f ,h11Hu '-•lal f411 U•l•t•l1iH O.tu.j1iH I snare 28A 28A Apl POOi, iroAAGE°SPACE.°~t: •• •• •••••••• •••• • • •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ftOOllATE Jae . "' SC Ptan 1215 Mesa 2•x 13 encloMd ~.!'1.~!..!.~!! ,,.,,A.a 3110 mo & .. Utlt 5411-5062 Elec. ho<*·UP. 6'6-7eec> 1 Br upgraded, n11rly ••••••-,,:;;.;,•;.•._y•••••• fllDERS Shue 3BR 2BA Concio. HORE FRONT Ole or new. pool. 11nn11 -• -I "Ver11111u ' 1300 mo ....... ,.......,.. retllll 3336ViaLHk>,Npt $550/mo. 213/11111-1161 o.lu.111 1 bf ALL utitites oioest & l1tgest agency 673-1640 or 645-1827 J'~..-... Bch 18501$1400 mo •ft 7PM petd Pool rec room All c11en11 acreened wtth .1-Bob 752•2266 20102 B1rct1 St Juli ott1photos & relerenQet Mother w/12 yr otd eon ./u ..... .__. ~· 1111 B<tttol Neat evet'(1h1ng Creon a Cosmopo1111n wtlh< 4 lo Shere Newi>or1 ./ ,,.. --100 sll Bloc:lt trom water I •• -.-;~;•••••••••••••• $490/mo Corltect Mngr Good Morning Ameriea. home w/meture. Chrl•· .1 -... ._ Storage or o tc 209 I BA condo. Ver1alllu 46>' 4 Thoe T~row Sf\ow lien women 645-4271 ' -..,.... Palm. BelbOa 87M774 Ilka new S560 mo C.11 • "o ll • to •II new M/F 35 10 50. 2 BR. 2 bl. --T •••-I Rlctlerd. 213·830-2323, .... , 4000 c:Uents WhO need 1 piece " ._,.r-ww -21):.823-7854 •••••••••••••••••••••• IEWPllT lt1 11tt P•llo NP •250 VOii Ind Prune bullnes1 loeetlon --------....,. Smell College 160/weeti • 63t-20l0 on buly Pac Coest Hwy 28r 1ba. eat In klleh Encl 1 L-·ne 8Mch P•tlo & ger $535, no n -.-661-59411 Fum!Shed P~o~~ ~X~r~0.r,'!i' •MLIU lfftOll* ~::. r~C::'~.::.:•:= i petiii•i·i 64 iii 2 -i 2 i 1 "'iiiiiiiiiiii 'l 200mo tnci utll .PV1Be, N~p~'rJ'= '31-8313 From 1roomto3room•.I d ing high v11lblllly ' •Pl comptec. ell lee S~ Jett 77'0.•016 or' Prof woman wtU ihr 3 br From $1 16 • aq fl No 1000-2000 aq fl evellal>le ON TII BAY 751 3130 .,.,., ' leaH required. Adf Air· IMS-7100 I · 673· 7550 c ~ n d ~ w I I :i m e · porter Inn. 2172 Dupont -------- Luxurloua 2 bedroom, 1 1..g0~J~.:':'* ~o;i::. M/F tow tlOme w12'1rg I ~~.~~~01,'~r;,1::·~ Cell A.M 833-3223 c.-11d1l bllh 1pertment loceted 1 11911. 2 4 5 2 E v 1 , Br . tBa. lrplc. sun deck, & Jee SC Pleu aree. 450 aq It 1urn office lt•la/1 441$ dlr~lly acroH from the I 548-l!i!i4 3 bike from bch. CdM. 1250. ahr uUla Mey 1 apece $400/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Reu'*1 E. Lee. Overlooll• 1360 mo utll lncl. 54S-3110 641-0763 FlllT&ll YAUP New p o r I Bey YOYng alngle mother loo-675-1721 SCHOOL PROPERTY S 1800/month. For ep· king for reap. per.on 10 2 oomt I all lmmad Rmmete lo lhr CdM 09fx BAYfRONJ FOR LEASE polntment pleete cell I rent room Cell t<er ln 1~00 Co•~• MaH Call S300 mo. Fem prel 2 olllce111orage bldg• (714)720-2473 M-F 8-!i 631-5632 anyflme 850-8160 673-7351. 675-2053 Prime office. 673-1003 I 12.soo & 2780 aq It). !~·~!-~~~~~~~ 1 2 roomma1 .. needed SI 1. Excellent corner IOCI· Mele 22.30, pool, i-cvu • Spectec;ulet view aecurl1y to lhr 3 Bdr C M town-uon. parlllng. l.eUe d °' PARK NEWP(IT APARTWNTS tennl• .• ,..,. to bdl, refs gate. pool. l•c'. te.nnl•. houle. 1210 mo . elactr execuplan part A.nnuel 1 .... w/ 54&-4260 $44!1 /mo & l\tllpg Todd. atl 530. 645-2791 option lo renew Foun· Room S235 Prv •ntren· 760-9307 "'A ltw 0... ..-111n Velley School DI· oe. cooking. pool WO<-F nonwnkr 2s.35 to atir 2 M~! ~~1~,;~~ FuN ~icu!';n •trlc1. P.O 8011 1510, klngmat1,Lag1HW8eectl. br. 2 be CdM •Pt w/ ...-11 1 delll Fountain Veti.y. 112708 4~59 ume $310 & utlls •.t utll 640-e47Q o .:9oc.~ Neom i W le l end . Pleetant rm w/kltc:h Pf"IV. 644-9275. Shr lt\afp Ille. FV. mint to · s.e to A.ppracialef" _'4_2_-845 __ 1 _____ 1 Back yerd E'1lde CM Shr 2 bf 2 ba condo Vlb Fwy M 22·35. 1290 11111 lH .... 11 .,,. ... I S200/mo 541-5"8 Bllboi Frplc. micro, ~~27~9N!;reen TV In ,,....... bldg on Cout Furn room nr OC Alrpor1 patio. pool. HC:llflty Laguna Buch "The Co-Hwy. South Laguna.~ & uc1. empl F 35 or S3eO 642-9!172 ur M/F 10th# 2Br. 2'AB• lony ·next 10 Moulton pro• 500 eq ft Ellcef· What it means fur your ad tn be "clnssif ied" repeat appearances The muht for what.ever you edvert.lM c~ cootlnu1Uy. When you repeal your ed. you reach,_._. 1hoppen. occa· aione.I aboppera and thoee who shop awry day. lllyPillt ove r . $200 /mo Shr Lagune Bc:h hOUH condo. frplc:. re~, nrl ~ .. on BroedWIY 11n1 pttvate perking .-. 1u.xury community on SS&-5241 !dOW!Wlalr•). t•.t br, be. OCC C M 631·7 . 300-575 IQ fl 484-4803° ~:,"!d ~. !:!~f'J· l'--------- 111e Bedi8 a.y7 · ~f"-Chearlul room In love ly patio, Wither. dryer Shr 2 br 8'>t. C M. Pool, Newport BHch 504 N 1-,,.--------.--1 r-------., c:t111llled •di 1~2-se71 tar pa, tw mm ng home evlll '°°"tom• Very pvt S380/mo l .,. )ac. Nonsmllr Xlre-nM1 Newport Blvd · 1,65 i 2 Olllcat. garage. beth poolt. 8 llghted lennlt lure lemele ~amok•. utlla, 1at, IHt 4 S tOO 1220. 64W398 Abel up Sierra Mgmt Co XlM Newpof1 8Mdl loc courte.blketralla,put· SUS/mo? flexlbl•. dep.4114~237evs "1 .... ,.,,, 04,_,324 tfs!7~1 SECURE! ~~ r:d,~·,.~ 493-3115 . Fem rmmt Wlnled 25·3!1 .••• ~.............. I mente and townhoua ... ,.,, ..,,,, 41 10 ~ll, 2.8drm, S100 Double garege, UH --llT&ll SP&ll from S540 10 s 1000 Pef ······'··••••••••••••• F/P 1 petlo, walk atoraoe Oflty. 5&4 PlulTler Economy alnglw, a 100 &. 1000 IQ. 11. Harbor BIYd , month. ... A PUii' to beectl. 1250 + "'utll. 81, near W, 18th, C.M. 1120. 3 room eulte, 1425. C.M. Oreat expo1ure. On Jambor .. •I Aeea. WMl(ly RI* 642-1137 Cullen aft. 54&-2277. See'I MfVloe evall. 335!1 A.van tmmed Call R••· Sat\ Joaquin HIH• Roed l<ltchenet1ee • Phonea &pm. """' ..... , 4f v •• Lido. N.B. 673-4156. tonomic:. 875-t700. ' (714)644-1900 "Z" dlennel Movlee Wanted rmmte: Employed •••••••••••••••••••••• NewPort Beacti nffr Hoeg t.I trlaJ r..tl/4$11 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo rentllt. VIII• Renllll. 175-41912 Broker. L.atge 2 bdrm. 1 ba. 4210 Saahore. 1750 mo. Vrty 84~19 Sandpiper. 11197 New· MatlKe llbetel male. 2br mTA llU Ho1p. 1000 1q. It. H · ••• H.•••••••••••••••• port 2be apt l300/mo+ S200 Sul*b 17th St. ioca11on. cond noor orflcn, •mple N.B 3975 Birch. 5600 IQ 81.CottaM ... 84&-9t37 ucurlty dapotlt. 1 room, 400 IQ h. $3e01 perking, well mllntelnecl rt or l•u. MIA zone. AIUM llT8. 4114-t211S mo. HS-9477 de. ev. bldl. Vicky deyt Agent 541·5032 Wkly rental• now avell. Female 10 1here 2 8r. 2 wtrld . I 7141 5-4100. Pll• lfFtOE S105&up Color TV. 81 . apt In CdM. C.M 2oftloee.~',beth,1 Phol]es In room. 2274 1250/mo. plua '.+ utile. atorage eve.II 1260/mo Conaullant In Irvine hll WerehouH apace *"" Bdrm. lul(ury •"ti .... r ...__ 8f\od CM 640-a58. 548-33-4& 4~ l•rge office 10 •Ahere. cerpete. drpt. a wet -.. " ,.....,.....,, · · • · Neer Airport eea bet1. 700 10 3200 aq.tt. ~ech. Poot/ape S&65 646-7445 MIS Shwe new 3 Br, 3 Ba. EXECVTIVE SUITE terma Cd 762-0188 MeH lnduttrlel park. 842·96111, 50-43!11, Onthebeech-Hot.lnna. Co•ll Meu Condo, Dover u 7141831-3951, CdMdbceuli. A/C ~ 711 w. 17th St., Peciftc _2_1_3J33 __ 1._5o4_11 ____ 1 kltdlerl & bettl, '300 mo. rrr.lc, pool, fecuul, '4 Mon-Fri. _ ! pkg, utll pd •2855· E. Cet fJlufl lnduatrlel Park, c:~:0~·.~~·:~:.~!. 6~r~H!::=o~i ~1'r. 10u~ 'g~5rol 1.., .. --. 'HwY a7M1100 . U2~:~1 ~~~7e:r· pool. •P•· uune, no 9eactl 173.-4154 548-te03. ... wu11tu1 lllUUIUL peca, adult• only. El•-,._, ._. 41 Auponalble female, Eteoa!.'!~11 .. In .,,. OCEAN U'lr'lll Q*ll. '860, a.o-5118• °' •••••••••••••••••••••• 23-35 to lfllr• tum. 4 Br. 811 1 llT ·~ 1 Prime Beach Blvd .. 11 l~n 897·3098 SPECIAL CAAE/FOOO Newoort Helghta home Pt ~out oc. nc: M-Slater H B '47·2547 eetdlfl ., .... 2 bf, 1 b• In new home, for "· la-S2t$/n:o. 831· 15411 or crater 11• recepUon 11• • • 1620 ~ tt • ld•I for de-condo. Pvt patio, pool, di.a C.M. 642-3481 675-0231. ~~•_Phtroomne .... ",!&mom~ Office lor butlnnt. l/9f"/ tlQn«t. enlall encl engl- 1 d Sl60 mo vt ............ v..-gooo vlewoloceen,neera0ul9CATIAACTl~E 9~~12 1 044-98-42 · 1...., .. 1116 4 Lux. 3 b r. 2 ba enc c~~~·. l~.!! .. ~oCOTHME good area. 1400/mo. lndW!nal ..-1001 W•t •••••••••••••••••••••• B1y1lde ap1, Nwpt, H,...vvvAR,.,.,.. -831 !1233 S ,r.:,~· Mell BA. yr. round rental. IAlfml BOAT SLIP AVAIL. PVT PANIES: A profa .. lonal • ' 17th t, ...-e · Steps lo the bHCh Or 4 bdrm. 4 beth ... ndy BEACH POOL. Prof .. environment. (714) EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bil· Ht-ma bey. 1576 mo. tit, IUI. buch. pier a 11oat. ltOnllmkr. Rel• req. 111. 851-0681 boa Penn 526 It, S•ool~~~~~~~~~ S 10 0 d a P . Ce 11 : HOOO for Auguet, 8111 IUt I dep. 1060/mo 111111 Cotti MeH 250 aq It mo . Pr Iv 8 a . A I C . ,..,_ fflf 1·I3 5 • 4 2 0 5 o r Ofuncly, Mr, 875-9181. Incl. 7l0-e018 tulte 1l75fmo Utllt ~ 167·1111, 676·3600, •rn;t'e••••••••••••••• 1.U7.ff00 Id '779 W 1°"th It 551-IN4 9TOAAGI: 1260aqtt'*'8 JIMllM ... ,.,,. F to thr 2 bdrm tiouH, c · • · · ou ofo uH. Prtoa/ Your ad It Cll~wlthln • ep•tlfic c1&111tlcauon. Buyer• can quldtJy end ••111 find what Uley',.. looklnJ for, IO your ed ptt betW reepoftM. EAN FRONT. 2 bdrm, ......................... t C.M. 1200. Evee l 851..,.21. Harbor & Saker, 210 9q, ~· netot I JOO to 1 N llPP9' duplex. S700 OOEANFAONT 2 ' 4 "· wknd• 142 ... 467 1917 w .... n N. Wtnt It. 111. noor. private ell• w c M 'Avall now mo "'8f'IV, Avail. now. WMtlly tflru ' llnanclel 1nit. 7oooa.I. trance. no·tfl'lolclng. 04S..Mn · • ' cl .. •Hl9cf ...... • 2 f:s..427·2231, MM*. 173-7873. F to • C.M. condo WI 1 • t "0 0 r A 0. n t 126'>/mo. --eve. 213-278-0048 lndlln w ... Vlk tum. 3 occ ltlldenl, pool, 1en 541.5CJG2 · , .a 1•rre MO mt co . IM"1s WaW 4"' 1 ___ 14_2_ • ..,.. ___ _ EMfFAOHT 2~bt/1b9 81\ 3 e., nit. S2t0. 042..eoe6 041·1324, ••••••••••••••••••u•• dee.or Sl75 Call 7 4-040-5541 •11•• •••• ... .... 2 Of 3 ldr "°'*· r,'1;" 179 .34~ 1 M 2t·U,.!!!'l~qu)et An1werln9 a mall Mr· O~lt• Jo •lier•. 12 mo. IHH. Prater 21i..2 2to4 .._.,. lkll tum 2 Br. 1'4 pool/jae ...... _, '""'Ptilu.. vice, oonrerence room. • Prof9allonally ~.f 213/Hl·HH, • llouM, 'A blk from bell. nontmkr, 1200·250 a Adi. OC airport. t100 lutn •h•d & dffor. Art 12 • ...., Lm Amp••1•rlllng Avell ~'J,•2 I 4 1-312 3 • mo. 714/861-1'42 eq111r,m•nl HOO aq.lt. -11,..--.,,~N~1-,-elllelef~-n-t-,equl-':"'1 3 Ir. 2 la. t 1100/mo 8/1-tl1 Of by wk. Aleo Near Sin Olegc» '•Y & tote . 1803 lo COHI ,_ t Of a bdrm. llolne~ ~ 2111212-7m wk Of tt4-ttt t ,.,,... Pvt Am a 1e tn 2 "2 ...,. 4 OfflOM ..,... 1. DrM, eo.ca ~ tteo ,..... e...... cu. NllC ., a.. II • 8 to • eel 1-7M-IOll '°"''a •In"'*· T front ofllce a re: mo. Call Miu Coe 11 Htl. or octier na Wiiiy aefl No Jee ':no . ..._,ort .._... OMlft Ck. Qoee '° ~ ., ... 1tetfta1. 11 751 .. 1" Otleftted totallOA. Y1td 17M12f. ln.etol tnwtt.we9*1y~ 21 r:n• & ~·:P~1~ nette, elf, & Mn 1¥111 S021·1 H1rbor llvd. In r~lred for fota. Witt ~ .... y 3 ldrm. Opef\ llou11, ..... /2~0 II S180 mo. Mt-2921 Herb0r/8aker Ctr CM. melntllfl & N N8'1 ... "'-.,. 8at/lun. 12·4 440t -• • '" AcrOM from FtOCO MO * '°' ~.a.....,.. 1 •• 1~ ~Y!!..!!' tu ah ore & 2t u 19'. ""'· ~ llolne. ~ ~.,!drlt NI toe • aq n . "**''-°"9f9Cf at Mule be mu1 111111 "'"' '*"8, ---1 ... •••1-11 • Oc ... nlrotH Wtcdyl ~· 9Dfl, a10 ua tnc "'iM:~/14CM215 SO&. 8H tod1y Att cad "•feranou. 111 tltll. IM · mo 644·0f14 , Iv .. No..--.1111 Mt-tMI ,,,.._ " W..... -.ma. NM .........., ,........ 520 eq It I 1 00 per eq Lfttll Niel..,... -OR 1 Mature employed 11.dy ·CLnll "'licft. UIO pi; mo It., 3115 llrch • N.I . Tulfet, at..-1 oame • need• • amall apt, er n=r:'9•••••H•• ......, a. a.. ~ MJ.47.. Aferlt 541•6032 ~-INI reed'" tfle reom wtlll &etfl °' OOt• tvdle ••· ~ ,,.._, :;:;;;:"Teuerm;"'u••• · Deity fttlot Cl•Hll .. d ••••· 1'111o"able. ""'..,.,, 131e "'°· m NatM1111tir, I br condo. "°' Cllltlfled Ad .--....... .._ Mut· ,..,,.,, N . ..... In len a-... ._ lllO + ~ 1111. ttlO ACTION ..... n.f9lt ... '°"""'" --------i , .... Mer~C• dlP.114Ml4H.I nonamtcr, 071/tno Call• forltll.Y~cee ... Cedlllti:ttoQo.c.ta 1 I Ir duplH, 8'w _. w/pttlA5 . .-.... C.M A1•.NOI & ,._ tllftet end Ion of Wft9t1..,. thl flld r.P-1 , •c••• wl1w. ltll tat....._ , All M lot ... ....._.._ /II>-g•-.r '"'"U 14t•••t l'Clll • °" .. ,....... H111••· HO·fUI, lflltftJUee,'H•· 1IO; bWft, IHO/~lilll ..... '"' PllofClaHlflH we•'"'~~~ .... ,. llM, Mf.1411 -YrtJ. 141._ Adi Ctl 141 ... 11 ._., .... ,.. U'hat it ?YIRJl11S far your ad f,o be "clnssif ied" low cost Y°'u a d appaere lhouaancS. of umu ell over our communjty f0t only penn1ea • day-you'll hke our ..,.ci.al money· ..,,,,,.,. ratet Daily Pilat cteaatflededs 642-5671 WhtU it m£a11S fur your ad to be "c/ossif U!d" immediate Your ad •Pl*"' la claffllled wtthbl hour., not...._ 1.nd cen be ceoc:eUed lid\ u quickly •ben you pt. the iwuU. JOQ want. ..., .. CIHllffed Adi ... tlle an1Mf to e ...-."" .... .--n. = ............ . N CIO O> .... ~ :c ~ < ~ -e s "' ~ 0 _, ii: ~ ~ ~ 0 -I ~ :J "' 0 c 'iii t: ! ,, < c < ' j i E' 8 t ~ SUlf~OE~ "UHllHGIOH ..... ~ SUNSET MACH NEWPORT BEAC ORANGE COAST REAL ESTATE MARKET Somewhere In this Daily Pilot circulation area Is the home you want. No matter where you are or where you want to be, use this section and this map to make you at home. A public leMoe of the lllilJ Piil Classifieds 642-5678 r-., ..... ... Sil VftAOO CAN\'ON .. ~-~---~ ----....... _,' .. - 0 Q. 4.~ -J 4"'-.. ~:· r -,..$.t· ~""~ --~ ~ ~ 'f.lci •o • t u •• 111 0 ~I ·. -~ACIFIC ~); J ~ Or&nge County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. April 24, 1982 -25 I ... It should be about 130°, ~unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands. Besides saving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreds of people, mo~tly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL: ASS0CIATION OF . REAL TORS® for a free bOoklet. Thece's a REALTOR® near you wherever you live. -I ~ A pUbllc l9Mcl of the I> ..., .... Clllllfiedl 842·5& 78 REALTQR• • , . I ' I ' I ' ' I I l r· I ~ 26 -erangj-Collnty~ &tit~/Aif'AlN9rtlaln@fSUpp~fto'ttMtrAft..V'Ptt:.t>T~«irdMt.'A;:ttlf24. 1982 BEFORE -Plans for revitalizing a Laguna Beach home are diacussed by, from left. Joe Felix, exec~tive officer of the Laguna Beach Board.of Realtors, Marie Thomas, secretary treasurer of the board, and Jun Smith, board member. Al''TER -Prh.ate Property Week Chairman Ron Noiles, le ft, and Board President Jim Toohey examine improvements at borne fixed up during Private Property Week by Board members and volunteers. Property Week includes tour, talks, fix-up Two Orange Coast homes have been refurbished in two separate projects as part of Private Property Week. Membe.n of the Newport Harbor- Cost.a Mesa Board of Kealtora and Laguna Beach Board of Realtors sanded. painted, and deared yards of two senior cttiz.ens' homes during the past week. Meanwhile, members of the Huntington .Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtors sponsored talks on home security by a man who knowa burglaries inaide out. Mike McCaffrey, 35. who operates a Los Anaeles-bued consulting firm called It "rakes A Thief, di1euued "Home Security and Crime Preven- tion" in two HunUncton Be.ch ~lk'I. McCaffrey, who has eerved time for various offer-. involving stolen property. advisee merchants and home ownen on how to avoid beif\I ripped off. And, members of the Irvine Boe.ad of Realton were given an overview of development plans for ln·lne agricultural property during a toUr held In oonjunction with the Irvine company. The Irvine Realtors also heard John Burton, former mayor of Ir- vine, dJlcuu property, government and polltic1 at a Private Property Week luncheon. Other board activities included a televi.ed dlscusalon of private pro- perty rights and showing Univenity High SChool students how compu- ters~ uaed in the real estate bu- aineM. Members of the Newport Beach- Co1ta Meta, Laguna Beach , and Huntington Be.ch-Fountain Valley board launched ~Uon drives In conjunction with the week. and the latter FOUP also began a crime pre- vention prosram. DiltribuUon of litter bags and dona lion of $1 ,700 to the Laguna Moul- ton Playhoute were other' ways La- guna Beach members observed Pri- vate Property Week. And, that board and the H unt- ington Beach, Fountain Valley board coordinated a national essay contest for 11i•h school s tudents in their areas. The topic In the contest is "How Loslna Private Property Rights Would Affect My Future and Why These Rights Should .Be Preserved." • am THE WAIT IS OVER! 0 ourt SAl ES OFFICE: io:oo AM to 8:00 PM DAILY PHONE: (714) 955-1994 FROM 1114,500 AU. FIHAHCINO AAAAHGEMENTS SU8JECT TO llUYER OIWJFlCATIONI l'AICES ANO T£RMS EFFECTIVE 111U8UCAYIOH DATE - Fil • llYI -A great starter home In excellent area -needs more than just TLC! Put your own personality Into this low, low priced 4 Bdrm 2 ba cul de sac home. Hurry 847-6010 \ llLLH .lllllllZU PUIEITI I HHS - $109 ,900 ... Customized 3 Bdrm home. . .Shows like model. . .Squeaky clean and brand new carpeting! Large famlly room with open beam celling and crackling ffreplace. Central a i r condition i ng! Large yard. . .gardners paradise! No down VETS. Call 963-6767 II •HLIFYlll -Assume $70, 100 loan at 13.25'/o, $786 per mo. Large 4 Bdrm, 2 bath. Large country kitchen. Formal llvlng, covered patio overlooking huge rear grounds. Owner · will help with down payment, only $110,000. Call now for details. 963-7881 WTS911Um -Personality and charm are found In this 3 Bdrm 2 ba home. No qualifying -assume $91,000 loan at 12'.4% and seller will carry a 2nd with low down. Prime location. Priced at $149,500. For Information, call 646-7171. TWI ... • 1.1111 LIT -You get bOth 3 Bdrm Newport Beach homes for only $239,0001 Live In one, rent Of)e out. Enjoy your OWf'\ private pool tool Excellent. Seller financing. Don't de- lay, call 673-8550 FNllUSlll UIUll -Desperation sale! Ow- ner must sell. Bring all offersl Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm 2 ba, famlly room, 2 Birch fireplaces. Only $124,950. You must see this one, call 546-2313 mllTIYI ..... --2 story, largest model. 4 huge Bdrms, highly upgraded In move-In con- dition. Assuming excellent loans, takes only $54,000 cash! Don't delay, 847-:6010 • 2 a + 2 ITllY + ....., 1111• -Dramatic • garden home, prime locatlonl Beautlfully deco- rated with new carpeting and cozy flreplacet Impressive stalrcae to master su"9t Sunshine patio! Assume tow tntereet loan with low down! Hurry, call 963-9767 uml --Stairs leading to private master suite, formal living area, sunny kitchen over- looking secluded patio. Communfty pool + 2 car garage. Only $82,900, call now, 963-7881 LIH ISLE -Lowest priced at only $319,500. This ~harming home Is an exceptional value and won't last long. Located near clubhouse & tennis courts In a classy neighborhood. Excel- lent financing avallablel 646-7171 ii:WNlt llAll TllPUI -These deluxe units are just steps to beach and bay. Highly upgraded with plush carpets and bubbling spa. Excellent assumable first. Just llsted, so call now. 673-8550 PiYMDTS llMI 11,111 -A spec'tacular 4 Bdrm 2 ba family home, large famlly area, fireplace, enclosed patio. Pool and spa. You must see this one. only $139,000'. 546-2313 CONSIDER A COACH -Priced at only $42,9001 Beautifully maintained double wide, located Just 'A block from the ocean. Upgraded former model Is bright and airy. Owner will help finance, call today to see, 847-6010 j • 111 UU. -Fabulous Seaside VIiiage with spectacular view!! Impressive 1 year new two story complete with two master suites on sep- arate level. Entertainers home wfth red tile pa- tio overlooking lagoon! Owner wlll assist In fi- nancing. Assume low Interest loan with flexible down payment! $179,900. Call 963-6767 PHHlllO YIEW -2 story 4 Bdrm. Assume $88,600 loan, $753 per mo. Formal entertai- ning, CJ'ackllng fireplace, gourmet kitchen overlooking patio and breathtaking vtew. Must see to appreciate. Call now. 963-7881 • WIW1 WUT A YllW -Ocean and city lights view from this spacious home In a fashlonable neighborhood of Laguna Beach. 3 Bdrm, spilt level with excellent financing. Prleed to Mii at only $239,000. ~6-7171 a SIUT STAIT, llt,IH -Outstanding Costa Mesa garden home. Owner must sell nowt Good assumable 1st. Sweeping atalrway to master bdrm. Call today, 613-8550. IH,IOO, ctSTA 1111 -Super bargain. 2 Bdrms 2 ba with master suite loft. Bright sunny kitchen overlooks patio. Double garage. Good terms. 546-2313 IEWPllT IEAOI llTIHT 111,HO -Steps to sand ... Perfect retreat ... 1 Bdrm mobile home I n prest ig i ous park. Fi nancing flexlble ... Try $9,000 down and owner wlll carry 1st Trust deedl Impossible to match @ $31,9001 Dlal 963-6767 .I IMLISI TIMI -Assume $80,255 loan, 12¥•o/•, $885 per mo. Two story garden home, formal living, crackling fireplace. Stairs leading to 2 master suites. Country kitchen overlooking patio and spa. Asking $147,900. Call now for details. 963-7881 llYI IP Tl HWPHT -Ex~luslve resldentlal area of successful executives and their f am Illes. This beautiful and spacious .4 Bdrm home offers low Interest asaumable loans and Is prk::ed to sell at onJy $269,900. Call nowl 646-7171 LtwUT PlllEI llYlll 11111111 -Just llsted In prestigious CdM neighborhood. Outstanding 3 Bdrm one level floor plan. Private spacious rear yard features towering trees. Only $225,000. 673-8550 1111 Yim I -... -A spectacular 3,000 sq. ft. Buccota home, 3 elegant baths. Huge kltchen/breakfaaC nook plus family room and fireplace. Owner wants out. $275,000 but make offer. Try 20% down. Act now. 546-2313 ,. .. Tl SIU. .. -Lowest price In Mesa del Mart LARGE 3 Bdrm home with a delightful, warm llvlng room which Invites famlly enjoy- ment. Assume low Interest $71 ,500 loan and seller will help wtth the financing. •Only $129,000.S.8-7171 MUI YR, llLIW UlllT -Corona del Mar owner must Mfl nowl Just reduced $50,000. Panoramic ocean and night lights view. 4 Bdrms + family room. Asking $350,000. Call "ow, 673-8550 ·