HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-25 - Orange Coast Pilot" ........ - t . Ylll lllPlll IAILY Ml 'Fire zone eligible ·for . federal help J l f MASS EXODUS -The jerty entrance at NewpDrt Harbor was jammed with boats checking in with committee boats on their wa} to the starting line for the 35th Newpart-to- 0.-, "°' ttaft PMto Ensenada yacht race. Conditions becanle even more crowded after they cleared the jetty. For details, see Sports, Page Bl. ,.. a 1eCOnd wave of refugees returned to the ruina of their homea to aee what they could aalVage, President Reapn decla- red the fltt-devaatated portion of Anaheim a federal diaater area Saturday. Hundred• ~f residents of the burned-out neighborhood stood for hours behind police barri- cades In the hot aun, awaiting their turn to spend two hours picking through the rubble In hopes of pitting some of their lives back together. Reagan's action ln declaring the region a federal diauter area make. victims of the blue eligi- ble for temporary housing for up to one year as well as for grants of up to $5,000 to ease their los- ses. _ They already were eligible for up to $55,000 in low-interest loans from the Small Business Administration after Gov. F.d- mund G. Brown Jr. declared a state of emergency in the de- vastated area the day of the fire. Bob Blair, a spokesman for the Federal F.mergerv:y Management Agency ln Washington, said the agency hoped to have it• office Superchurches, super growth WORLD Christian congregations spread the Word '80s style They've taken tha t Old Time Religion and put a new face on it ln Ofange County. It's a face that probably ls ne- cessary if religion la to reach people in the technology and media-oriented 20th oenlW'y. Three major Chriatlan chur· SUNDAY SPEC IA L , home of the· nation's 8eCOOd most watched television miniatry. It reachH about 175 atatlona ln three nations and the U.S. Ann- ed Forces Network. -C•lvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, started 15 years ago when l\s pastor wu called to lead • Story and accompanying m lnlsterlal profiles on Page A3 By Steve Tripoli of the Dally Pilot Staff ches have risen here during the past q'Uarter century, and a fourth one on the Orange Coast is showing signs of the same rapld grow.th. Some call them Superchur- ches, and perhaps the description is apt. Some of their achieve- ments: -Garden Grove Community Church, known to many as the Crystal Cathedral because of its SlS million Jtlass sanctuary. is the congregation of 25, has spawned more than 200 new churches and la making major investments across the globe. • -Melodyland Christian Center In Anaheim has become the home of its own theological seminary and is planning to fi- nance the construction of 10 ma- ior churches around the world. -South Coast Community Church in Coro!la del Mar, in' STATE fewer than two yean of existen- ce, has bought and paid for a 10-ecre Irvine parcel that wW be its permanent home and la al- ready branching out into com- munity involvement in dozens of areas. Sociologl1ta and hlatorlana might attribute auch auccea to the aame force they aay baa sparked rellgloua revivals throughout his10ry -uncertain times. The paston1 will tell you their churches grew through God's power and a lot of human 1-bor. Whatever the case, these churches share a number of cha- racteristics that probably contri- buted to their position today: -Each is centered by a po- werful personality, a pastor who has carved hla own philoeophical niche into the Christian frame- work and who carefully planned the expansion of his ministry. -They have raised large amounts of money very quickly when needed (the Crystal Ca- thedral once raised $1.5 million (See NEW FACE, Page A3) ln~urgents vow to keep lighting Brailley still leading pac~ . WASHINGTON (AP) -El Salvador'• election duhed bope9 for a quick lettlemen\ of the civil war and will lead '°an intenllfied effort by leftlat auer· rillM '°overthrow the aowmment, a apokemnan for .,_... ___ the~-Sa_!v~an inl&qenta ~---· ---::"--+·------'--"---... f\J.Ll T ION Kidnap _.lcil1m found Mle OLYMPIA, WMh. (AP) -The abclUctact wtf• and 1 ·y•ar·old daaghter ot a rural bank mana••r were found allve S.Wrday af&ernoon. aet up and begin aiding vict1ma by early next week. ,. But Joeeph G. Del Monte, who will head t.M aid program, oosed, "Much of the help offered, by federal, state, local and voJunteer agencies is simply good advice on ways to utilize exist.in$( laws." -Cardin-al Cody dies at 74 CHICAGO (AP) -Chicago's Card.lnal John Cody, head of the nation's largest Roman Catholic Archdioceee, died this morning, a spokesman fo'r the archdiocese said. I Cody, 74, had been taken to Northwest.em Memorial Hoepltal by Chicago Fire Department Ambulance, said archdiocese spokesman Bernard Hanley. He was pronounced dead at 12:19 a.m. The cause of death w• not Immediately released. Cody bad been hoepttalized .ev- eral times ln the past several yean "'OT treatment of a heart condition. Sue Veling, spokeswoman tot the.Red Cro. chapter ln Orang.I County, appeaJed for peop~ make cash contribution. to pa for the relief effort. saying food and clothes than can be already have been donated. S he said the relie f effor~i costmg the Red Cross an estima t.ed $250,000, noting that $77, hl contd.butiona a.lttady baa beerl received. Of the l ,500 people left ~ less, 500 still are being pu\ up for' free by six Orange County hotels.' , which have pledged to continue makins the rooms avail•bl through Wedneflday. After that, Ms. VeJing said, the Red Croaa will pay for rooms for thoee whO have been uuble to arriange lodging on their owa.. So Car, Ma. Velina said, 990 evacuees have registered with the Red Cross. The mile-square fire zone re- mained off limits to civilians, and only evacuees who had regiate- red with the Red Cross and were escorted by murucipal workers were allowed past the barricades. Some carted out truckloads of furniture and other belongings, (See DISASTER, Pa1e A%) 0.-, ............. .,, a., ....... "JESUS IS THE ONE WAY'' -Concert -goers show the message that's preached, from left, in the Corona del Mar High School gym, on stage at Calvary Cha~l and amid the webbed architectural elegance of the Crystal Cathedral. INDEX .. '.); ' ' " , ,.._. -1 ' A6 06-8 D3 ~ c1..e IC2 D8-8 C4J A6 A2 I • I DISAST ER AREA . . . ,.. while othen took only what thoy could carry. Many, their despon· dency via.Ible, feft mipty handed. "1 got only 19 cent.a and two wrenchet," .. td Ken Porter, a 36-year-old printing press opera- tor, h olding out half a dozen charred colns that had been fus- ed together by the heat. Cindy Siewert, 31, found only twisted bird cages and 1hattered ceramic glfta from her husband where their home had been. Gary and C hristy Garf, mar- ried just 11 months ago, were discouraged at the prospect of "We sat dOWl'\ and made a llat of everything we Jost and flaure<I it waa about $20,000.'' a dejected Gart aa.ld. "But I'm lucky. I'm young, and I've got a chance to at.art over." A few were luckier. He nry and Karen Bartneae walked Into their two-atory apartment to find everythina ju.at as they had left it -right aciwn to a half-eaten box of dougbnuta on the kitchen table. "Thank you, God,'' she aald, breaking into sobs and clutching a treasured china plate to her chest. Back Bay litter haule d out About ISO people canwrpcl cin- U pper Newport Bay Saturd•y morning to haul what turned out to a large a11ortmer.t of junk Crom the area ln what w~ billed a1 "The G r eat Back Bay Cleanup." The w orkera inc luded 100 you\tu from the California Con- 1ervation Corps, and resident.a and City Council Membera Eve- lyn Kart and Ruthelyn Plummer. Newport Beach Ufeguarda were on hand to s upply emeraency medical aid it needed, and city Police Explorers handled com- municat1ona. Armed with ahovels, paper 1tabbera and large pla.atic trash bags, the worker• encount-ered more than the average bottles, cans and hamburger wrappers In their labors. ' a\aJldJng In line for hours. Ins- tead, they walked along the periphery of the fire 1.0ne where their apartment complex was lo- cated, hoping in vain to find their miaing pet cat. Big wave But theirs was one o{ the few homes that eecaped Wedneeday'1 firestorm, which destroyed 524 dwellings, leaving 1,600 people homeless and causing an estima- ted $50 million damage. B ACK BAY CLEANUP -Bernadette Fulkerson of the California Conservation Corpe was one of about 150 people who helped .., .... ,..... "'C........ IWJ haul a wide variety of ref\.lle and throwaways out of Upper Newport Bay in a cleanup drive. Other weekend activide9 shown on Page E.1. Blocka of atyrofoam plus wood and tires alJo were included in the haul. Carol Wilcox, Newport Bay area manager for the 1tate De- partment of FlSh and Grune, said trash pulled from the area has often gone beyond the run-of- the-mill. 8 • • 1n1ures S tay sway from ships or else in Dana Al least eight people w~r~ !Q- jured in Dana Point Saturday - five seriously enoagh to require hospitalization -when a freak wave overwhelmed a jetty m the harbor area and slammed them into the water. British warning stern .. A lot comes d own storm drains when they flood, a nd people will dump anything," he said. "We've even had motorcycle bodies. I still can't figure where that styrofoam ia from." It was the only marine accident in a day where officials along the Orange Coast reported seven-to 10-foot surf. The accident occurred at about 11:42 a.m. when what one police official described as one of sev- eral "freak swells" h.it the jetty. Dana Point Harbor Patrol of- • ficers reportedly plucked about • f 35 people from the water, aside ' from those Injured, after the , wave struck. : San Clemente General Hospi-1 tal officials reported the follo-! wing persons hospitalized with ~ injuries sustained in the iOC1dent. , -William Hammond, 48, of La : Habra, fractured right kneecap. ' -Albert Alford. 51. of Long I Beach , fractured ribs and col- lapeed tune -Donald Blair, 47, of Whittier, ' fractured right arm, fractured ribs, collapeed lung. -Christopher Kaerber, 5, of La Habra, fractured shoulder bone, scalp laoerations. -John Ritchie, 45, of Long Beach, non-critical fracture of the spine. Another victim. 27 -year-old Carleton Chase, of Rancho Cuca- monga, was treated and released al the hospital for multiple face l.acera lions. Officials at South C.oaat Medi· c.a1 Center an South Laguna also reported that two unidentified youths injured in the acciden1 were treated there and released. F a c tory fire containe d Buena Park firefighteni stop- ped the apread of a fire in a paint factory in that dty late Saturday before it could spread to other areas, officials reported. The fire struck the Da Vinci Paint Co., 8551 Whittake r . at about 9:30 p .m. Some 40 fire - fight.en quickly responded in 12 firefighting units and contained the blaze, officials said. There were no Injuries repor- ted. Details were still incomplete late Saturday. LONDON (AP) -Britain haa warned Argentina to stay clear of its naval task force approaching the Falkland Islands or risk "appropriate responte" from the fleet, the Defense Ministry an- nounced early today. Argenuna replied by asserting it would use its "legitimate right of sel!-defenae." The Defense Ministry said Britain sent a statement Friday to the Argentina military junta warning that itny approach by Argentine warships or military aircraft "which could amount to a threat to interfere with the mission of British forces In tne South Atlantic will encounter the appropriate response." h also said any Argentine ahipa or aircraft, mcluding submarines,. naval auXJliaries and civil aircraft "engaged in surveillance of the BriU.h forces," will be regarded as hostile "and are liable to be dealt with accordingly." A nuru.stry spokesman said the U.N. Security Council had been informed of the statement. He declined further comment. In Buenoa Aires, the Argentine ~~ Ministry reported Am- or Eduardo Roca presented a note Saturday to the 15-nation Security Council in responae to the British warning. It said the Argentine note declared. ''The repress1v1 intention of the Un- ited KinRdom ia thus patently proved ... authorizing the re- publlc of Argentina to make im- mediate use of the legitimate right of self-defense." With the Brit.lab armllda re?· Sunshine ahead \\' '·· ~ .Coastal Horll'lwHI w1no1 a to 15 kno11 and 3 to 6 tool -a... the OU1er ChenMI IMancl• EIMwher• llQl'lt veneble wind• tonlgllt tllrougl'I MonOey nlgl'll 9llC9Pt IOUt'-1to -110 to 19 IUIOll wttll 2 10 3 foot wind _,.... Monday .,,__ SOutl't-lerty 9W9lts 1 to 3 feet Low cloud• and petdly tog In nlgnt end m«nlng hours. OtherwtM '"' Ext ended forecast TuHdly-Thur9dl)' F1lr but -IOw cloud• nlgtll end lftOf-nlng 1long tile coHt. Hlgll• at bMc:tle9 88 10 73 and Inland ""'" ley• 78 10 93 Lowa !12 to SI. ' Mount11n rel0f1 l'llgh• 5S to ea Lowt 39 10 48. V .S. 1ummary S ~ r8ln ano tlluncler11orn11 11t0g bittered p1rt1 ol Ille South on Tl'I• South CoHt Air Ouellty SecurOa)'. With IOUt.,...tem Flo-Men•~"""' Ol1trlct predlc19 rlae getting ......i Inc'-of rein, unll .. tllful air qu1llty for Mnfl.--~ II.ell end tornecloeL 11ve P•OJ:I• todey In Ill• San ... Pllm BMcft. A1 , got 2.61 Gabriel-omon1 \1111.yl , wllll a lllCNe of rtln Ill I 1111-Nlur C!:i pollutant 9tendard Index of 175. • end "'-Natlonel w .. 111er Untrealtlllul elr tor NntlllH Mid unoffk:tal rei>ont -• tllat people "3 alto forecut In the UC) to e lnolle9 of rein l'lacl f811en In Rlver•ld• an Befn1rdlno ••••· 1 24-llour period In the Lake PSI 150, 1nd In tl'I• San Wonll ., .. of toutlleutern Flo-. Fern1ndo-8ent1 Clerlta Valleyt, ride. PSI 131. In lfowwd Coun:r., Fie .. e lmll Oood elr quallly with Pll 82 tOfnedo touched own wnt of wu fOf_. for H.Ml-ENlnof• '°""'*'° BMdl. eccordlng 10 thl end melropotlten L09 Ang9'M. county lflertff'• 6epartment Aw-Banning can ·~ a PSI of 75. ::ri -· twl9ted er1d tr ..... ..,,.. leWlt of 2 -·predicted • bl.It property d1mage w11 for Ille low and 111911 ~t•, ~ reponedly "1clll Rain laehed by lend Ora~ County, co .. tel high wind owned wlr•• and .... end ..., l.M& tr•fflc llghll In Pompano 8-ctl. rs:= nun.ous ~Mid polOe dlepelc:Mr. I• Temperature1 For today, ~. 1nd tlwn· ---· -· fOfec:Ml Ila-tfle '-M~ Velie)', thl NATICMI Tenn ..... Valley end the IOU· 10 M thern Allenllo Cou111 •l•tn. ..... II Pertly CIOUdV lllltl -• IOf«IUI 71 42 from Ill• northern Aoclll•• 10 49 llwougtl the not111ern M...._,.,. 71 42 "*'· 72 42 10 34 t7 47 .. ., Califomia .. 63 11 t2 Ti .. 10 • ,, ... .. ~c.::7'r-~~~ • ~ <~·-.:::.. -, .. ~'"" "" , O·••v4•d N&ft()-friU \ ••• , .... Uh11(1 am:m ---=== JlllO AA V \ 0.., tA t .-'-"• •u CleYefMd ee 41 San Antonio eo 49 Clrnble SC 74 32 a..ni. M 40 Columbu8 .. 35 ~-:= 66 .. Oel-f't Wiii 57 !11 75 .. o.n-" 38 81 Louis 72 61 0. MolnM 71 45 SI P-Tempa 76 '2 Detroit 72 45 8polcene 5S 3!1 EIPuo 78 40 Syr_,.. 74 ... Fergo 83 61 Tue.on 81 .. FlllQNff 58 27 Tulle .. llO GfMtFw M 21 W9INl!Mn 78 43 Hertfof O 78 62 Honolulu IO .. CAUJOMllA Houlton 58 M == 78 40 lndnapllt 71 .., " eo Jeclllfl 74 42 91f91C>llW II .. Jtcaln\llle 76 67 Beaumont 7t .. t<ena Clly 70 47 llO Btlr • " lM VegM 83 54 1111\op n 11 L.ltttll Rodi ae ... Loultwlll 73 37 ~ .. .. 72 M Memphle 71 4& °"'-~ . ... 56 Miami 71 10 fl:: eo 48 Mllweull• 73 ... 12 111 MP!el-81.P . ,, 111 l.AlnCeMer 7S 47 N8'11\llh 73 " Long leadl 71 62 New OrlMnt n 81 ~~ 12 51 New Ycwtt n 611 17 47 Olde City ... 47 MonUhh .. .. OMeha 71 .. ~ .. .. ,...,,... 14 .. "'°9nlJI • M Mt. W1lloft • • ~ • 40 ....... N • It 40 ==leadl 11 :: 71 Pti.nct. Ore eo • Onterto 12 47 ,.,~ n ... ,......_... 17 .. "'"° .. z • ....,.....-11 • ,........ .. 14 ~ ...... • ... 11 ._LIM _ 41_ ........ _ .. , ~ ......... ~· ... trr- ~ rry Ff1 ~ ' I W ...... _.....,. ........ le ~ ported battling killer seas and hurricane-force winds, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher held an emergency meeting of senior ministers Saturday to discuss a new pea ce plan for the Argentine-occupied arctupel.ago. Foreign Secretary Francia Pym reported on his talk.s with lf.S. Secretary of State Alexan- der M . Haig Jr. during the three-hour meeting with Mrs. Thatch er and five senior m1n- 1Sten1. Afterward, Mrs. Thatcher said a diplomatic solution was • still belng &OUght. "We are working for o~ -of ooune we are," ~e told reporters before leaving for her country home, Chequers, 30 miles from London. Pym had conferred with Mrs Thatcher for two hours imme- diately after returning from Washington with the new plan.· "I think you can say that it Is a bit of progress," he said. Pym gave n o de tails of the plan. Environmental Services Coor- dinator Tim Newman of the city's Pobre Department said that people "don't realize that the landfills are closed weekends. so when they clean out a garage or someth1] and find they have no place w ut 1t 1t winds up here." A nu ber of local businesses and environmental groups s up- ported the effort with food and suppllC>s. and Newman told vo- lunteers t hat four-wheel drive vehicles were on hand w pull out some of the heavter an1clee Top candidates coming Deukmejian , Curb to a ddress coun t y a ud iences Tuesday By CHARL~ H. LOOS of the Delly .......... Two biggies in this year's gu- bernatorial raoe will campaign in Orange County this week. They are Attorney General George Deukmejia.n and Lt. Gov. Mike Curb. Both, of ooune, are seeking the Republican nomina- tion . Both hit Orange County Tues- day. Deukmejian will be at Laguna Hills Leisure World at 10 a.m. to speak to the Republican Club meeung in Club House 5. Then. the attorney general acurriea up the road to Buena Park for a luncheon address to Orange County Republican wo- men. His speech Is scheduled for 1 p.m. at the Buena Park Hotel, a block off Beach Boulevard near K.nott'a Berry Farm. Curb will gather with the Republican Aalociates of Orange County at 6 p .m. Tuesday at Santa Ana'• Saddleback Inn. Then, on We dnesday there will be a $~00 per plate fund- raiaer for the lieutenant governor at the Anaheim Marriott. The feativitiea 1tart at 6 p .m. and Wayne Newton is supposed to boogie over from Laa Vegas to entertain the faithful. Among the dlnner oo-chalnnen are Mr. and Mra. William Bents, Donald Bren, Mr. and Mra. Merrill Butler, Mr. and Mn. Kee Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kar- Save Up To .... _ ...... •I tt 11% IFF ... •~•n cher, Mr. and Mrs. Don Koll. Mr and Mrs. Robert McLain. Willard Voit and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warmington. * * * SCRATCH MY BACK DEPT. Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates. who ia nmninl !or re-election, baa in· vited Di1tricl Atto rney Cecil Hicks, also a candidate for re- election, to speak Monday at graduation exercises for the she· riff'• academy, a basic training class for sheriff's deputies and police officers. Talk about your basic captJve audiences. * * * R EPUBLICAN CANDI · DATES for statewide office are expected to show up in force Thunday for a candidates' night sponsored by the Newport Har- bor Republican Women and the Balboa Bay Republican Women, Federated. For $12 per, you can get your fill of GOP officeaeekers starting at 6:30 p.m . at the Newport Marriott. Superior Court Judge J.E.T. Rutter will moderate. * * * COAUON MORRIS, president of the Orange County Lincoln Club, and As8emblywoman Ma- rian Berge.on will co-host a rec- eption Friday for Aa8emblyman Gordon Duffy, a Republican candidate for California leCl't!tary of state. It will be al the home of Ralph and Patty Newman in South Laguna's Three Arch Bay Call 673-2882 for detalls * * * CANDIDATES FOR the Orange C-Oast's 5th Superv1sorial D1str1ct seal wtll be quizzed on television Fnday night. Tune in at 9 p.m to Channel SO's Voter's Pipeline. Jim Cooper will moderate The show wlll be repeated at 10 a.m. Saturday. * * * IRVINE CITY COUNCIL can- didates John Nakaoka and Barb Wiener will speak Friday to the South Coast Republican Forum, which will meet at the Irvine home of Barr and Lucy Fletcher. Call 552-0707. or 552-3094 for details and reservations. * * * REPUB~ICANS WI LL BE recruiting among the younger set Saturday at a leadership institute at Coto de Caza in Trabuco Ca- nyon. The day-long event is aponao- r ed by the Y outh Advisory Committee In conjunction with the Republican Youth Associates o f th e Re publican Party of Orange County. The cost to IJtudents is $J5. For that price, the future pohtJcians get to mingle all day with all manner of present politicians. Buses will transport participants from two loeding pointa, Mission Viejo High School and Newport Beach's Fashion laland. 3 days onlyl Thanks to lhl r1c111t ttop ii told prices Sale Starts TIMnda1, · N]il 29th • '~. \ Orange Co81t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 2S, 1982 43 Four OC ·ministries alirl _how they multiplied Timmons touts maximum-living If you're looking for religion in the~v. Tim Timmons' latest book, you'd better be epared to read for a while. • .i. In fact, you'll be half way through the 160 pages of "Loneliness iJJ Not a Disease," before seeing your first reference to God or the Bible. Like the pastors of several major local Christian congregations, Timmons says that non-believers and others who currently don't belong to a church are chief targets of his mini- stry. But, as his new book demonstrates. the pastor of Corona del Mar's South Coast Com- muruty Church has decided to carry the secular aspect of his message much further. Timmons is trying to eliminate what he sees as the "them and us" attitude of many ministers toward the so-called unchurched. "We're just dealing with the truth here. I want to reach people with the truth that God ls there and He's trying to reach man." Timmons, a slightly pudgy, soft-featured 36-year-old of Midwestern roots, can pull off a hilarious imitallon of the stereotypical fire-and- brimstone, Bible-Belt fundarnentaltst preacher he tries to avoid becoming. "I'll explain the truths to ;vou. and later on l'lJ..tell you that I base my beliefs on the Bible. Not THE HOLY BIBLE," he says, with an abrupt switch into the booming voice of his fundamentalist-preacher caricature. "just the Bible." One reason he's chosen this route, he says. is that "people only buy (believe) people when they're for real." , None of which makes Timmons any less se- rious about Christianity than any other pastor. Though he won't venture an opinion of when the Second Coming of Jesua will occur. he says his doctrinal beliefs roughly parallel thoee of Pastor Chuck Smith'• Calvary Chapel, a congre- gation which believes mankind ia in ita final generauon . (See PEOPLE, Page A4 ) From Page A1 .... Slnith outlines 'clearer path' Though it sits at the heart of an interna- tional Christian movement, you won't find many of the trappings of big-time religion at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. The church rejects denominational bonds, refuses to create formal ties with the more than 200 churches that have sprung from it, and even operaces without a fonnal budget despite being a multi-million dollar enterprile. Behind it all ls Pastor Chuck Smith's solid faith that the Lord ls the only organJzatJon his church needs. A strict faith in God's word also guides the church'• baaic beliefl, but with very different results. There's no room for deviation in Calvary's beliefs. The Bible -interpreted in Smith's lit- eral way -Is the only word. AB with other Chriatians acceptance of Jesus Christ aa man's savior ii the prerequisite for penonal salvation. The heart of the message la heavily apcx:a- lyptic, based on Smith's view of the Book of Revelation. According to that interpretation, a set of very specific world events will herald man'• final seven years, the last half of which will be a ter- rible reign of destruction and torture for all tbo&e who have not accepted Jeaus Chri1t. A thousand-year reign of God on E.arth will follow. For believers there is salvation, however. And for thoee who accepted Christ prior to the leVen-year Tribulation. there ii the promille that they will be 11\&tched away to heaven en masae before the final days. (See MESSAGE, Page A•> • • Wilkerson aims for outsiders It's a brand of Christianity that even other Christians might have trouble recognizing. Some might identify with the rocking, sing- ing, hand-clapping serv1ces. the healing services where the afflicted sJump unconscious ("slain in the Spirit") at the minister's touch, or perhaps the grandiose plans for International expansion. But all under one roof? And led by the author of books on the truth behind extrasensory perception, out-of-body ex- . periences and the magnetic effect of other worlds on us? Ralph Wilkerson says all of the above fits his plan to attract new believers to the Melodyland Christian Center an Anaheim. Its 22 years of growth have proved Pastor Wilkerson's strategy a success. The congregation purchased Melodyland. a 3,800-seat former theater-an-the-round in 1969, (the name was ~ht for $200.000 along with the $1.2 million f ty). The center's muHi-faceted growth is the fulfillment of a mission which Wilkerson, 54, says began when he was a 15-year-old preaching hi s first sermon on a downtown street cor- ner In Tulsa, Okla. "I just felt the call of God on my life. I don't th'!tk echools make preachers," he says. The evolution of Wilkerson's ministerial imprint shows a lot of his Bible Belt, Oklahoma roota. Hls basic beliefs are Fundamentalist, inclu- ding faith that mankind's earthly reign will end in much the way seen by literal translators of the Bible'• apocalyptic Book of Revelation. While Wilkerson con ced es there are "certainly indications" that the last days are near, he says it is hard to tell when they'll arnve. "It doesn't matter lf Jesus comes now or in 100 yean u rm read?' for Him," he says. Of Melodyland a heavily music-oriented style of pralae, he says, "We're not static here. We believe that you have to follow what's hap- (Sff MUSIC, Page A7) Schuller offers more possibilities Personal embarrassment is a small price to pay for keeping the muustry he has built alive, Dr. Robert Schuller has decided. Schuller says the "compromises'' of prea- ching on teleV1S1on -especially the distasteful task of standing in front of a t.eleVlSion camera in miruster's robes and asking nullions of people for money -are necessary 1{ he as to reach thOBe he is trying to save from his pulpit at Garden Grove Community Church. Schuller's "Hour of Power," the nation's second most watched telev1s1on ministry (aft.er Oral Roberts), reaches audiences esumated in the millions weekJy over about 175 stat.sons in the U.S., Canada, Austral.la and the Armed Forces Television Network Television ministries are facing rough times these days because of rising costs and lower viewer donations. Thf' "Hour of Power" is strugghng along this year on a $21 million budget -smaller than many other television m1rustries that reach fewer people, Schuller says -and $3 million of that sum has yet to be rrused. But Schuller says he must keep "Hour'' on the air if his mirustry is to accomplish its goals. "Before I was on TV all I saw were white, Anglo-Saxon. middle clas.s Orange Countians," Schuller says. "Now, when I stand on that pulpit, who do I see?" Asking for money isn't the only compromise. Schuller says. The dictum "keep 1t simple and make 1t work" forces htm to "compromise my intellect on (See CRYSTAL, Page AS) NEW FACE FOR OLD TIME RELIGION SPAWNS SUPERCHURCHES IN COUNTY • • • in a single day) at. critical stages in their growth. -The pasto~ have used the medla skillfully to reach audien- ces. Pastor Robe rt Schuller's "Hour of Power" from the Crystal Cathedral may be the only televis i o n ministry (Melodyland's Ralph Wilkerson was once televised regularly), but the other pastors have used other media extensively. At Calvary Chapel, tape• of Pastor Chuck Smith's "Word for Today" are heard nationwide. Tim Timmons, pastor of South Coast Community Church, has had wide exposure through tapes of his "Maximum Marriage" seminar and is planning other media ventures. Between them, the four have authored 36 books. One, Wilker- son 's "Beyond and Back," has 10ld more than a million copies. That the churches have IOUght . to expand la no s urprise - Christians have a Biblical man- date to save 10uls. The growth has taken many forms. At Calvary Chapel, it ranges from fully-equipped audio and video 1tudios which are the heart of the Maranalhfll (a BibllcaJ ex- pression for "The Lord Comes") Music Co. to the purchase of a ·6,000-acre Mexican ranch that is being parceled out to believers who are poor. In Garden Grove. there is an institute that has trained thou- sands of paston and laymen In Schuller's met.hods. He plans to build aid stations foe the poor in remote sections of the world. Melodyland ministers travel the world training church leaders and delivering food, medicine and Blbles. Timmons hopes to buUd a se- cular counseling center to operate separately from South Coaat Community Church, and he Is con1idering an expansion lnto aeveraJ forms of media, a.180 u a separate, enterprhle. There are contra1ta. however. All of the churches adhere to the most buic tn.atha of Chri8tia- n it y -that J esu s Chrlat l1 humanitY'• only aavk>r and that He will return. But beyond that there are no- CIHdledadw ....... 11~ • All other dlp•rtlMnta MMJ21 MAIN OfftCE ........ c-..-...CA. Mell ...... ! ....... c-. ..... CA.- c_.,r._ 'WI 0r.,.. C.... "'*11U c ~· ----··•11 ................. ... -1~ ..,..... _, ....... i• ....... ~lel-R 1 1 1 1 ·-~-. table differences. tant professor of history at UC They are 1740-1750. the early mdustnalization and the shift oC Interpretation of the Bible's Irvine who teaches a course in 1800s, the late 1800s and 1950 to many people from rural to city meseage varies. Calvary Chapel's the history of religion in Ame-the present. sh e said. life. congregation believes that the rica, says such growth has hap-According to Ms . Heyrman Though it is probably-too ea.rly Book of Revelation pinpointa the pened In three other periods of there is "very little agreement" to speculate on the present awa. generation now alive as the one the nation's hi.story. among scholars on any common kenmg. Ms. Heynnan said many during which Jesus will return. In addition, she says observers c a uses o f t h e so -c a 11 e d people believe it to be the result Two of the other congregations have found the growth to be not awakenings. of the uncertamlJes spawned by believe the Second Coming is ao much an addJtion of new per-The first. which saw a large the nuclear age and rapid tech- b be d. d IOns to church rolls as an increase influx of youth and especially nolog1cal advances. near, ut cannot pre 1cte 1 . h h . Tho bottom •·-e .... all of th,..,.. with accuracy, while the fourth in fervor among the church-young ma es into c urc es, is " w• ... ......... believes there is no way to de-going. thought to be a reaction to the penods is the entrance of distur· t.erm.Lle the lime because the Bi-William McLoughlin, a Brown fact that land w as becoming bang uncertamties mto people'• ble •pea.ks symbolically. University professor, has deli-scarce in settled areas in those hves. For many. going to church S 1 f hi diff also neated four periods of what he days. apparently was the answer. ty es 0 won P er · calls "Great Awakenings'' in The late 19th century awa ke-"Church membership is tbt There ii a heavy orientation to-th the uJ f h · · ward mualc and the Bible-American religious history, Ma. ning is ought to be res t o one sure t mg an an uncertaia Heynnan laid. the uncertainties brought on by society," Ms. Heynnan said. waving, rhetorl~al-questionlng ,-_..;;._ ___________________________________ ___ 1tyle of preaching a.ociated with the Bible Belt at Melodyland. The Crystal Cathedral balan- ces music. me.ace and celebrity guests that its television audience can ~. while the center- piece at the other two churchea la the meMage (lefTDOll). The physical contraat1 are areat also. The bulldlnp ranae from the Crylta1 C..thednl to the aymnulum of Corona del Mar Htah School, the te mporary home of South Cout. Community Church. • Melod yland ta a converted 3,800-eeat theet.er-tn-the-rvund, replete wtth the dust.en ol .. ll1h11, 1ound equipment and acowUca1 panels of the bulldlnt• ah ow bualne11 daya. Calvary OMlpel .. a limple but modem wood-accented MDC'tWaQ' wbicb ..ta 2.&00. It • a far f:l'Y from the dn:ul 1-t c..ce ~ f« .... vtc.. Thou1h the leaden of tMM chuldMll ... themMlv. ln \he vanauard of a new movement whieft the)' bOpe Wtl1 ormtlnut to l!OW, IOme eeeular obMrven lnWpret ihe phenormnon ~ rmt.ly. C:nUne H•fl'IMD• an -11· ~----z ____ ..;... ___________________________ v ___ • ___ ,~~ ~ra~~©r r~rm~ OF OHIO lti-1 1 &oath ' Coaa ?tu· ______ ifl _ - A4 Orange 00..t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, AptH 25, 1982 THE REV. TIM TIMMONS CHURCH: South Coast Community Church. CONGREGATION: Estimated at 3,250. CURRENT RESIDENCE: Newport Beach YEARS IN ORANGE COUNTY: Seven. In- cluding one year as pastor of Mariner's Chruch In Newport Beach and last 20 months as pastor of newly-formed South Coast Community Church. SALARY: $48,000 a year, Including h'ousing allowances and fringe benefits, according to Timmons. AGE: 36, born In Cincinnati, Ohio. EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree in commu- nications from Cedarville College (Christian), Cedarville, Ohio. Master's degree in theology from Dallas Sem inary, Dallas, Texas. with major in New Testament. ORDAINED: Licensed by the state. but as a non-denominational minister never ordained. FAMILY: Wife Carol and three children. ranging In age from 6 to 10. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Author of five book~, rytost dealing with his ministry's specialty of personal relationships and the problem of loneliness . . . congregation rai- sed $ 1 million In 14 months to pay for 10-acre parcel In Irvine that will be church's future home . . . plans call for secular pro- fessional counsellng center, filmed marital counseling program and syndicated newspaper column, If posstble. CHURCH: Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. located Just over the city line In Santa Ana. CONGREGATION: Estimated at 10,000 fa- milies, plus a radio audience of about 190 stations across the U.S. for Smith's "The Word for Today" messages. CURRENT RESIDENCE: Costa Mesa. YEARS IN ORANGE COUNTY: 40, with the exception of some schooling and other brief ministries In Southern California. SALARY: "About" $50,000 a year. accor- ding to Smith. who adds that Income from investments and a family Inheritance allowed him to return about three-fourths of his sa- lary to the church last year. AGE: 54, born In Ventura. EDUCATION: Graduate of Santa Ana Col- lege and Life Bible College, an atflllate of the Foursquare Gospel denomination. ORDAINED: In 1948, In the Foursquare de- nomination. FAMILY: W1te Kay and lour children. ages 32 to 21 . C4>REER HIGHLIGHTS: Author of 10 books, mostly commentaries on what he be- lieves to be the Bible's explicit messages .. has presided for 15 years over the growtt1 of Calvary Chapel from a congrega- tion of 25 people to the center of a move- ment which includes more than 200 new churches, nationwide radio messages and work m nations all over the world . . plans include addition of 6,000 seats to the current 2,500-seat sanctuary and expansion into Africa with large Investments of money. MESSAGE IS APOCALYPTIC AS TOLD IN BOOK OF REVELATION • • • (From Page A3) Smith, a paunchy, 54-year-old Southern California native who still likes to surf, acknow- ledges that he is a "lit.eralisl" when it comes to applying the Bible's lessons. He says that his uncompromising way of interpreting scripture gives people a clearer path lo follow and leads to "a more casual, natural approach to God." Smith's chapter-by-chapter teachings take the congregation through the entire Bible once every four years. "If I w ere a topical preacher, I'd go over- PEOPLE GIVE WHEN NEEDS MET ... (From Page A3) "The world setting is definitely as the (ancient) Jewiah prophets aet it," uys 1lmmons. "Israel is God's timepiece." The words shanng and caring come up often when those connected to South Coast Commu- nity Church talk or write about it, and they seem closer to the theme than examination of Christian doctrine. Timmons. whoee Maxlmum Marriage sem.1- nars once attracted large followings (and high fees), seems intent on helping people cope with the triah and tribulations of life through his ministry. His book titles -such as "Maximum Living in a Pressure Cooker World" and "God's Plan for Your Marriage" -along with the book on lo- nel.lne81, are a aign of that. "People are hur ti ng so much in relationahJpe," he says. To ease that hurt he tells ' people of "reality,'' the inner workings and dif- ference between right and wrong in a re la- tionship, and "responsibility," or a sense of des~ tiny ln relationships. ''The church, to me, ls not an agency where we grab people out of aodety and bring them into a club. We're not saying drop (out of) the Junior League or drop the Rotary, but be there -and make a difference." Thoee philoeophlea. plus special att.enuon to aingles, divorced peo,Ple, youth, couples -al.most any sub-group within the congregation that fits into intimate gatherlnga -are spurring South Coaat'a rapid growth. In ltt 20 months It has grown from an esti- mated 500 adulta to about 2.500. That overflows the gymnu1um of Corona del Mar High School -complete with wooden bleachers and banners d t.ing Sea KJngs' athletic team1 -which la the current site of two Sunday momlng ler'Vioea. Ten acres on Bonita Canyon Road ln lrvine, the church's future home, have already been paid for (oo.t: $1 milll.on.) Another $2.6 million hu been ralaed In the church's current two-year Pf'OIJ'8lll to ralJle $6 million . Planned facilities, both on and off the new lrvtne lite, included a day care center, programs for junior high and high 1ehool atudenta and field traininC foe atudenta from outalde eemlnarles. Tlmmona explains the flnanctal aucceu of his church (he says au the money has come from the congregation) by saying "shen people's needs are met, they give." Timmons also 11 hoping to auract a large enough following to atart a aynd1cated newspa·- per column and7or televlalon ministry. plus a professional counseling center, all of them se- cular and financially separate from his local congregation. Timmons says that any religious television he does will not be pa.rt of a religious network, which he calls "the religious ghetto." Trying to deliver a message from inside what he calls the "ChriaUan power block" IS not effective because, he said, "people reject the truth you're saying because of what else y:>u're lied to." "J:verything we believe in counts on the fact that God acted u the first scientist when he created life," Timmons tells his congregation. Some 650 members fill the bleachers and the floor seats in the gym. Timmons is discussing the Christian per- spective on "Evolution: From Monkey t.o Man or Man t.o Monkey" But he's attempting to uy a scientific bue for what the Bible tells him also. "God did not put his brains on the ahel/ and aJJow Creation," he Nys. "God act«J .u the first scientist when He created life, and He's still creating life today." Timmons attempta to rebut much of th e scientific evidence cited by th~ who believe man evolved from lower anima.ls. The evidence that lif e evolved l• "unsatisfactory," there are mluirtg linlu, and true evolution could not have happened In the time fram e alJotted by aclent18ta, he ays. "The only answer t.o t.hingl M they rea.Uy are out there ia that God created U/e. U God was not involvt!d In creation , then what nwkH you believe He can give you Jlle t.oday?" But, he a1JJo notn, a Chrl•tlan can stJU be- lieve Jn evolution and be a ChristlMJ. On this pllTticulai Sunday, the crowd ~ somewhat lea att.entive t.o Che rrH!!J11M8e thatJ at other times. . The monthly dedic.ttJon ol newborn bablet1 at the begJ.nnin6 of the aervlcr and aeVfmu amp by a rellgioua recording lf'OUP called The Arc.hen aeem more t.o their UJclng. Thtu Mey 22, 1982 . Fish & Chicken Dinner Only •2.39 OM two greet tutel In our Fish & Chicken Dinner. Eech dinner ha • cr11py nth nnet end two tender whltemeet Chicken Plenka~ eerved wtth ftfth Cole Mw end _.aolden fryet, .. -... c:rOR M.VD, ' A..aA .-..--01 ,::.°= board preaching m those areas that are especially meaningful to you," says Sm.1th. "By going over lhe entire Bible on a cons1Stent baslS, we're able to cover the whole trulh " The 2,500-seat sanctuary is nJed for the 7:45 a.m. Sunday servu:e. Smith's message is from Hosea, Chapter 8. In that book the Israelites are warned that they have transgressed again.st God's law and wW be punished. They have "sown the wind," and thus will "reap the wltirlwind." Smith finds parallels in modern society. "The psychiatrists and sociologists have turned people agamst God's law as a blueprmt for society," he says "The soc10/og1srs say that God's death pen- alty is mhumane for the rapists and murderers. Bankers say they must raise interest rates. .. Ferrwusts seek alx>rtion on demand. The courts put God out of the educat.10nal process. Liberals say we must disarm to prove ro the enemy that we want peace. PsychologJSts say God's Jaws are repressive, that you must /Jve freely. "Where wlll this lead? If you sow rhe wind, wluJt will the harvest be?" But, Smith adds, "you don't have to reap the (Sff GROWTH, Page A8) WiliM/ESf·s POPULAR BRANDS OF SOLID COLOR POLO-STYLE KNIT SHIRTS ARE ON SALEI 59-187 5 Save on our entlrt stock d sot6d<ok>f' knit polo-style shirts'°' men and junkn. NQw ttlru Sunday only. they'~ 25% off the~ prtce. Choose from all our famous brandS Hkt ~ Tlgrt. Brtttanla. Sports In Motton. rid jun/IOr stytes by Brtuania and Op. °'' 1 g000 on~''"° JUr1<W only P11u·s f'fl~M> ttwu ~· 15 1~1 ion mllY 11.wy O>f vor~ 1o11ie 1imi1m to ~oc1 on 1'1.V1d Sotty no rt!Jl'ICnttt..\ • Choose your favorite emb•em, Famous brands llke - ·~•Fl 1# tlOrlO# BRUCE JENNER SALE s9 R1"QUlt11ly s ll /J(.• '/'/(;/~/~ LETIGRE BRITTAN IA BY CAMPUS sAa.E 512 SALE s112s ' R~WlfSlb litgukltly !.IS ..• '4NOMANY FAMOUS BRANDS WE CAN'T MEMIONI ~uptoS25 • ' - f I • ----·~·~~ ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 Al CRYSTAL EMPIRE STARTING INNS • • • (Fnm Pase AS> televllion," IAYI Schuller who wiet an e~ve vocabulary off-camera. The. tel.eviJed eervkes rely heavily on cele- brity appeal u an attraction, but Schuller t1 proud that hit "suesta" a.re unpaid and IAYI they a.re pel'IOnl with whom the averlge viewer can identify. "The Good Lol'd gave me" good curve ball," uy11 Clevel11nd lndlan1 pitcher Bert Blyleven, appHrlng on •la/le In Schuller'• gleaming, $18 mJ.lUon Cry.ta] C.thed.ral. Bly/even, whodle family has ~longed to the church &Ince he was" child, describes t.Fie Uptl and down of hla major lN11Ue Clll'eer for a full-house in the 3,000-11eat cathedral and the "Hour of Power" 11udience. Schuller acm u Interviewer. The lint batter he laced Jn the IDll)or Jea- lfUt¥ hit a 400-foot home rvn. uys Bly~. But he 1urvived the d11y, i11tJJJ pitching after 12 )'Nl'S, and hits " World Serie. ring frorrl his work with the 1979 Pittaburgh Pirates. -"Wow!" .says SchuJJer, as he looks 11t the ring .'on Blyleven's hand and holds it up tor the ca- meras. "Isn't that great! This JS your church member -congratulate him!" There is warm appl11i.ae. But Schuller has another message to deliver also in chis, the first Sunday of the New Year. His topic 'Tipping, Tithing (the practice of pledging a portion of income to the church) and Trusting," reflects the theme of an appeal in the weekly church bulletin asking members to do- nate one-tenth of the1r income to the church. Schuller paces back and forth on the po- dium his arms rising and falling in unison almost as fast as the tone of his voice. The year 1982 'Will be a great one for the church, he says. "if you wW wslJc the walk that 1 walk, and if you can see the path that I see. "I believe in dreams! "I have faith in God! "I believe in you! "The Church is the only institution that spends billions of dollars trying to get the worse to join the club. "If you thmJc society is bad with the church. what do you think It would be 1! every rehlflOUS institution was extenninated?" But, Schuller laments, peo_ple spent more playing video games in 1981 than they donated to churches. And the Crystal Cathedral's $3 mil/Jon budget for 1982 (it is a separate corporate ent.J ty from the ''Hour of Power") is far less than the government $pends on one military pJtu>e. Pledge a tenth of your income tot.he church, Schuller tel.Ls the congregation, "and the rest will go farther than if you hadn't given. · ''You CfU9t your soul to God. Do you have enough faith to crust your money to him, too?" Cell 142-5671. Put • few word1 lo work for ou. "WE.CARE" FOtt A.LL OF YOUI HEAL TH HEEDS m ewer DAr 1~-..0 t:OO AM-f:OO ..... llAIOMA&.I HU MUSIC FOR MOPPETS HAS ARRIVED at ALGER lllSIC STUDIO 148-0812 Klnw Keyt.eo.d •-o¥Cllf.oWe f., .Utw IN9fnMn. .C Call for a "Free" -music readiness tes :Home & Garden for your chlld. Special Supplement Coming Wednesday, 'April 28 Ttmely and topical hints from getting Into herbs to getting rid of analla, plus Indoor tlpe on lkyttghta and trende In fumllhlnga. Doaena of~ at the Cryttal C.\hedral fonn a faM-..c Chriatlan con,lomerate. Tbete•1 the H. Schulljr lnlt.ltute for Suece.tul Church 1.Mden.hlp, which hu Iha.red . Schune'1 v1a1ona and communlcat.lona f.echni. quee with thousands of put.on and lay people alnce 1970. The church a1lo bu a lay mlnlatera' t.rainlna center, a telephone COW\lelinl eervlce whkh haa hand.led aboUC half a mi.Won calls l1nce 1968, a prt.ton mlniltry, a tour eervke, a number of wo- men'• m1n11triee and a 1peclal prorram called ''The Robert H. Schuller Ministries of Canada." The church'• internal organization la exten- sive and dffident, From a 40-paae statement of beliefs to lengthy lqatructional ~ for the volunteers who lead toun of th• ll'OUnds, Garden Grove Community Church hu the appearance of a tightly-run corporation. One local and one lnt.emalional project are the only new things Schuller says he la conside- ring while tt'y1ng to keep the rest of his empire functioning. (Garden Grove Community Chun::h. which operates separately from "H our of Power," appears to be experiencing few prob- lems at present.) One pro~t. the coruitructlon ol "Good Sa- maritan Inns' to offer medical and other help to hurting people In remote area.5. currently is being re-evaluated, Schuller said. The first of the inns, all of which are to be fmanced by the people of the Crystal Cathedral, were to be built in Central America, but political turmoil there has po9tponed the project. Schuller also said the 93-acre Crean Ranch in Laguna Niguel. which was donated to the church, will be turned into a retreat house-style "renewal center" for ~ by all churches. The church's suceess, he claims, ill all the produc t o f God's spirit and "Possibility Thinking," the phll080phy of IJvmg which is the topic of several of the 16 books he has written. Schuller, who says he has never stopped studying psychology since his college days 32 years ago, developed the phil~phy while stu- dying with psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. Frankl theorized that "the deepest hwnan need lS the will to meaning.'' but Schuller took it a step furtt-er. "When he said that. the lights went on," said Schuller ''I-reallied that eYen ~ts--mee:n-- ingless 1f it doesn't lead to self esteem." It was a short step Crom there to the birth et Possibility ThinJung, where success lS based on belief in one's ability. Schuller auns primarily at non-believers, especially "the i n t e 11ectual, n on -religious community." But it's a message of hope even for the un- intellectual, he says, intended to save the spiri- tual and temporal lives of those who hear it New Shipment Just Arrived ... 1052 Irvine Ave. 548-8684 TH£ REV. ROBERT H. SCHULLER CHURCH: Garden Grove Community Church. concentration In psychology and history. Also graduated Western Theological Semi- nary, Holland, Mich. CONGREGATION: Estimated at 10,000, plus a weekly television audience estimated in the millions for "Hour of Power." OR:>AINED: In 1950 In the Reformed Church in Amerlea, the nation's oldest Protestant denomination. CURRENT RESIDENCE: City of Orange. YEARS IN ORANGE COUNTY: 27. all at Garden Grove Community Church (which he founded) FAMILY: Wife Arvella and five children, ages 29 to 14. SALARY: "Less than the school supetlnt- endent of the local area," Schuller says. Area school superintendents earn about $40,000 to $50,000 a year. CAREER HIOHLIGHTS:-Author of 16 books . .. brought drive-In church services to Orange County ... recipient of numerous awards for creative communications and several honorary doctorates ... driving force behind the $18 million Crystal Cathedral, symbol of his ministry ... outreach plans Include construction of small medical centers In remote Mexico and Central America. AGE: 55, born In Alton, Iowa. EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree from Hope College (Christian), Holland, Mich., with Soviet econom)7 sputters along MOSCOW (AP> Th e January to March grew by i 1 percent over the same penod last year, marginally fas ter th a n some Western economies but far short of the 4.7 percent yearly target set by Moscow pllinners nom1t· perfonnant't'S since World· War II pt:rhaps the worst," s.11d one West.em diplomat who dcdint-d to bl> 1denifled. Kremlin Saturday warned o( "serious shortcomings" in the economy following a quarte rly re port on what may be the slo- west Soviet industrial growth smce World War II The figures showed "one of the worst Soviet quarterly eco- Pravda. newspaper of the So- viet Communist Party, publtShed a detailed report from the Cen- tral S tatistics Board Soviet factory production from • • . stlll at 57.95 -·~-~·~ ,~ ~ Anthony creates pools for fun and fancy ... ... spectacular pools with spas, split level decks, tile walls, waterfalls & all ... You oen ovet'Come the °'dlnary. You can choose a beautiful pool shape from Anthony's popular, classic pool designs. Or you can have a romantic Hawaiian Lagoon created and styled without extra oost- especially for you. World's largest, Anthony Is your best sou roe of exciting design Ideas and Innovative building techniques. 0..-Competitive ptlcea, tool The beauty and ~-=~:,._. ~ \ craftsmanship of an Anthony pool cost• no more than Ol'Mlled by an ordinary pool. You deal directly with Anthony. not =~ with a franchised oftlc:e. '-coet.. ~ SwlM •• 1w • .._ ....... ,. Decide now and you .,...__ .. --.~* ...... cangetvaluableexttapooltimetNaaeuon.Mdyou'll ' 'C ~ beet any Pf1ce Iner.Ma predicted tor llMr et"9 )!Mr. I Call the Creative Pool People ... POOIS/sPts WORLD'I LMGDT llOOI.. 8'ADlft You'll be lookin' QO.Od - better •1 the time, ,..,,._,, poole .... °'*'....,, .... ... . • ......... ,,0 .......... , ....... .... with our precision stwea - cut. Sall priced • 1 6 .. HAlltSJYIJBTS lo&MIQMll ..... • W•tmlnater, 151~ &>.Beach Btvd., (114).....,.~ •Orlnge-Tu1tln, (714)1174111 •Laguna Hiiia, 22821 Lake FOMt Of'., El TOfO\ (714)•1 111 t . l .. • I • .... h •••••••• a e o 0 • • • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 28, 1882 ,. Fire-retardant roofs should apply ~nywhere Not long ago we questioned the wildom of a recommendation by the Irvine Planning Cominis- sion to require fire-retardant roofs on all bulldinga in the city. Noting the additional cost of· pre-treating wood shakes and shingles for fire resistance, and the fact that most of Irvine is remote from brush- covered areas, we suggested such a mandate might be excesmve. The lesson of the appalling fire hazard posed by untreated wood roofs , even In the "flatlands," was painfully learned last week. The Anaheim fire that de-· stroyed more than 500 apartments and several homes and left 1,200 homeless proved beyond doubt. that, in an area exposed to hot, dry Santa Ana winds, wood roofs can be a menace -even in the flat- lands. And the fact that the only building left intact in the fire area had a composition roof emphasized the point. Of course there were other factors. The Anaheim fire was started by sparking above-ground utility wires and a nearby explo- ding palm tree. This recommends much closer attention to tree- trimming, or tree removal in the vicinity of wires. But whh the type of wind that whipped the Anaheim fire completely out of control wit)lin minutes, it wouldn't really matter what started the blaze. The tinder-dry roofs were the ultimate ·c ulprit. And with the e11tire county e>eposed from time w time to Santa Ana winds, any wood- roofed building now must be con- sidered a fire tulzard. The use of pre-treated shakes can add about $2,000 to the roof- ing cost for an average home . That's a substantial amount -and some fire officials are not all that confident about the efficacy of fire-retardant treatments. There's no doubt wood shake roofs are attractive. But perhaps it is time to sacrifice some visual beauty for the obvious safety of composition roofs which, of course, are c h eaper. Imitation s hakes made of fireproof materials also are available now .. There is some talk of state legislation to restrict the u se of untreated wood roofs. They al- ready are restricted in some loca- lities. The issue probably will be left to local authorities. After last week, opposition to such restric- tions may not get very far in Orange County. Compassion's kindled One of the remarkable things about a disaster is the way it tends to produce instant heroes and bring out the finest qualities in those fortunate enough to have escaped unhurt. Not long ago, we witnessed the spectacle of hundreds of teen· agers in Fort Way ne, Ind. , lite- rally saving their community from a devastating flood. Last week, the heroes of the Anaheim fire were the firefight- ers, more than 100 units from two counties, and even some of the suddenly h omeless apartment dwellers who pitched an to help with the hoses. Whe n at was obvious the wind-whipped fire could not be slowed, the firefighters used ex- cellent judgment in devoting their initial efforts to alerting and eva- cuating residents. It is almost mi- raculous that there were no fata- lities and only minor injuries. By nightfall the school eva- cuation center was awash with donations of clothing and volun- teers were doling out spaghetti dinners. • The ever-ef ficienl Red Cross was ready with counsel, re-uniting families and lining up shelter for the homeless. Hotels in the area offered free rooms, as did,many nearby homeowners. Banks an- nounced low-interest loans to h elp the victims -who had lost all their belongings from clothing and furniture to cars . -get s tarted anew. It was a remarkably fast and spontaneou s outpouring of oompassion and understanding. But it will be a long time be- fore many of the victims can put their lives back together. The Red Cross will try, as far as ~ible, to s~ that they have enough food, clothing and shelter to tide them over. That means money. And that must mean equally spontaneous donations from all of us. It is a tame when good neighbors are needed. Send your h e lp to the Orange County R ed Cross, P.O. Box 11364, Sant.a Ana, CA, 92711. MERS IT COMES :A~AIN ... I- 1~1NI< IT WANTS' IO ·BUILD A NEST. Primary contests spirited Although the most money and there· fore the most attention in the forthco· nung pnmary elections will be centered on the selection of c.andtd.ates for gover· nor and U.S. Senator, there are other statewide elections to proVJde excitement IJl the June balloting. mer Sen. William Coombs of Sao Ber- nardino County. Al80 on the hustings are two former and seemingly perennial candidates for state office, James Ware and James Flournoy, both of Los An-geles. _ In the race for ·:eutenant governor, former Speaker Leo Mc<:arthy, who was done out of his ambitions to run for the Among these will be the Republican campaign for the office of state con- troller, currently oecupied by Democrat Ken Cory. Opposed only by one un-~ known, he lS a shoo-in for the nonuna- tion but six candidates will battle it out in the Republican side. Five of them ~:~~e~.in the public eye at one ume • f ARl WITIRS PROBABLY THE lPading candidate at the moment ls Sen. Ollie Speraw of Long Beach who was reapportioned out of office by the Democratic-dominated Legislature with some help from his Republican senate colleagues who. res- ented Speraw's criticisms of the laissez. faire operations of the LeglSlature. Ne- vertheless eight senaton and 15 assem- blymen already have endorsed tus can- didacy and Speraw says ihere will be more. Speraw's chief opponent may be Re- pubhcan party leader Truman Campbell of Fresno.' Still. allhough tus name as big m RepubHcan party circles at IS not ex· actly a household word among Republi- can voters. Another prominent candidate IS for- U.S. Senate by the treachery of his for· mer fri ends, Auemblyman Howard .Berman and Gov. Jerry Brown, appears to have an easy road to the Democrauc nomination. On the Republican side ho- wever, former Auembly Republican leader Carol Hallett will hnd a tough opponent in the popular Sen. Marz Garcia of San Mateo C.Ounty. Although four Democrats and three Repubilcans are running for secretary of state, incumbent March Foug Eu ap pears a cinch for the Democratic nomi- nation whale Assemblyman Gordon Duffy is by far the best known among the Republicans. Former s peaker Jess Unruh looks invincible both in the pr· ary, with no opposllion. and in November for re-elect.Ion as state treasurer despite the fact four Republtc.ans are vying for the GOP nomination None is prominent enough to pose any serious threat to the veteran politictan. SPIRITED CONTESTS in both parties can be expected m the race for Attorney General. Senator Omer Rains will fight at out for the DemocratJc l>artY nomina- tion w1th Les Angeles district attorney John Van de Kamp, whose name is in fact a household word thanks to the bean canners On the Republican side Assemblyman Dave Surhng of Whittier will be con· tested by George Nichol.son, an assistant attorney general and former executive for the d1str1ct attorney association. In this one the edge should be with Stirling not only becaWle of being better known but for his abihty to persuade people of has supenor qualities. The biggest primary shootout, how- tver. is likely to be the race for super- intendent of public instruction where incumbent Wilson Rah~ is being chal- lenged by eight other candidates. Riles must win by a clear plurality over all others or face a run-off. The probability as he wall have to stand again in No- vember against either Bill Honig, a Ma· ran C.Ounty distract school superinten- dent or Richard Ferraro. a Los Angeles C.Ounty school board member. Leaseholders paint biased picture Balance arms, then bargain To the Editor: fee home for any more than a neighbor Uvi.ng on leaseland. Th.is situation existed because potential buyers were not wil- ting to pay several thousand dollars more for the fee home when the annual lease fee for the lesa expensive leasehold home would only be $200 to $400. Realtors and professional investment counselors alike advised their clients to buy the leuehold home and invest the difference in dollan between fee and leasehold property in 10me other more profitable endeavor. Thus il an individual were to exercise the option to buy the land and then had to seJl before 1982 they would not be able to reallte the ume appreaauon in value compared to the .eller of a leue- hold home. The difference in apprecia- tion would eq.t ua1 what they bad paid for their fee land tht·~e people are upset about possibly givin~· up these things. Even the most severe critics of Richard Nixon usually concede his talents in the area of foreign relations. ' Apart from the feat of resto- ring long-closed relations with China, Nixon always displayed acute understanding of the Soviets -nota,bly the fact that they will seize any opportunity to further their own interesu. polite talk notwithstanding. So it was not surprising last w eek, when Nixon visited Orange County, to find him strongly sup- porting the Reagan administra· tion's policy of bolstering U.S. nuclear defenses in the interest of negotiating from a position of strength rather than weakness. Jimmy Carter tried holding off on n ew defense programs and waa surprised and disillus- ioned to find the Sovieta were not responding to his friendly ges- tures. Instead, they pushed ahead with major naval, air and missile build-ups. The president, said Nixon, is spending money on defense to restore the balance of power be- cause if the nuclear advantage remains on the Soviet side, the danger of war, or more likely nu- clear blackmall, la lncreaaed. Once balance la re.tared, said the former president, the United State. 1bo~ld use Ill powerful economic Poilltkln 1D the world to ~the Sovieta to~ their f.ld\;;tWism" In other countrtee and engage in meaningful arms control talks. The economic strategy to achieve arms control also is ad- vanced in a recent Wall Street Journal article on the Soviet eco- nomic position. The Soviet bloc's requirement for dollar credits, the Jowilal re~rts, will increase !rom a level of $70 billion in 1980 to up to $140 billion by 1985. While sel- ling gold, diamonds and oil to raise foreign exchange, the Soviets and their satellites already are seeking extended credit terms from the West. U the credit is not extended -and it should not be, starting with saying "no" to Poland -the presslire will build on the Soviets to retrench or face economic up- heavaJs in the satellites. Th& one major item the United States can withhold 11 that badly n eeded credit which already ls becoming a strategic weapon in itself. Thus, as time goes by, it oon- ceivably could be poaible to curb Soviet expansionl.am by off ertng w exchange nee d e d economic as- sistan ce to the bloc for a more r,!a&Onable approach to arms con- trol. Then, and perhaps only then, could nuclear escalation be brought to an end. But the l8d feet re.ma1ni that. until the ScMeta ~ve we have the meena Md the Will to enlGice the contnct. they aNn't p.nc to negodat.e very llerioully. • • ~lnlont ••Pf"HMd In the $1)41(1 tbovt .,.. thole of the 0.11., Piiot. ~,. vltWI ... P'Httd on tnl1 sa..-•rt thOM of their 1uthon Ind 1rt11t1. fttedtr comm.nt 11 lnvlt· •• Addrtfl Thi O.lly Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mew CA '2626 PhoM ow .. 2·021. .. • . TtlotMs ft. N•l•Y P"btl~ After 25 years of leasing land for practically nothing from the Irvine C.Ompany the reassessment of leuehold land has brought forth the so-called .. Committee of 4000" with Its high pro- file complaints. These high profile com- plaints have painted a biased one-sided MAILBOX . picture of the issue, espedall y for thoee individuals that are not leaseholden of Irvine land. I thought these lnd.ividualt would want to hear from IOmeOM who has lived on Irvin~ land for eeveral yeara who is not a member of this group that claims special privileges are due them. The original selling price of a leue- hold home was col'llklerably le11 than an identical houae built on fee land, which obviously was a big telling point for the leasehold home. 'I'he annual lease fees have ranged from $200 to '400 on many homes that are currently worth eeveral 'hundred thousand dollars. Aa the con- tract clearly stated this fee could not be lncreaed or readjusted for 25 Y.e~. At least ln my neighborhood there la not one perwon who hu not been aware of the fact that alnce 1969 they have had the option to b\4y the!r land -which I choee to take. On the other hand It hu been known for eeveral yan that tho9e who decided to exercl.e the optJon to buy out their leue by purchaaln& the pro~rty would not be able co eell \helr I I ) tt.E1'ul&tl s I I·-----------"Whit'• ~M Jr.-mf" LEASEHOLDERS realized that bay- aide land values were aoerir:lg, however they could no\ part with their unreuo- nably low annual le.ue fee; In addition they were not wUli.ng to exerclae their opUona to buy out their leuea by pur- chasing the land at fal.r market value becaUle they could not part wi\h the low fixed-interest rate ueociated with the urigintl purchase of their leasehold home, and they realized that at least for leVeral yeara to come ~y would not be able to recoup their investment In the land ll they had to aell their home. The Irvine C.Ompany took their end of the contract w•thout'complaint, now that the contract 1 1p for renewal some of the home <JWOt.> • don't want to stand up to their end of <' <.'Ontract. They want another .. fr(.'( •< ·• -why pay market value for wt 1 .(ou've been getting for "free ... If these ,,. ,.>le were uneducated, so- cially and '-'<>nom1cally disadvantaged mdividul..s we could be sympathetic. However. these a re w ell educated, highly successful businessmen, doctors, and lawyers who an their daily work demand market value for their time and products; who W!e contracts and other legal doc ume nts to bear economic . hardship on others who are not able to pay them for purchased product.a and services. Th~ leaseholders who are members of th~ IC>-Called ''Committee of 4000" want market value for what they sell. why don't they want to pay it? For personal reasona I request that you withhold my name, but I assure you I have abeoluiely no per80nal or profes- sional connection with the Irvine C.Om- pany. I simply feel that this view should be aired. NAME WITHHELD Think of passengers To the Editor: Now that ~lden are facing the A.a a resident of Orange Counir. (~ reality of Jeue fees thM .....,.,..bly re-almoet 14 ~·I've made many a Wgllt fleet the market.value of the land. they from our e:>ranae County (John Wayne) want to buy the land fOI' a pribe the Ir-A1rpon (my husband twice u many• I vlne Company quot~ them several on businem). yeen •· when In fact many of t.bele We've appl'edated the convenience of ..._ lndiv1duala did lnv•t the diffe-havt.nc this alrport, but can you tell rae ,... in doUan ~ tbe leeeehold WMt'• IO .. .,..t .. about bavtnc to atand and f• property and have r..Jlud • tn crowded pt.e .,... t All'Cal eu..._tlal return on IMlr IDW11nMnl. .,.!:3-, ~y; u:h numer!. Olah• while Ot.Mn uted thil Windfall to re-comlnc and l*C? What'• eo b9ct about moClil1 their home, buy a new M~ them aharinc the loed with PSA and or mo&W haiUtiow ,.cbt. ~ C\RJl'nerl a lttlle more amtonf Th• bottom Un• la that tbt Irvine To me lt -JOA"••....-II YWY COmpany bM tubeldlMd theee people P.reJvdtc!d! For lnetanee, th• for D yten -allowtn1 lh4tm '° pur-deropUw heMIUnit ebout PIA wan; ct.. more ~ yed.t-. ...,..... dnl .two fDOl'e flllh• wl J9' a ~ elothal. tvmlture1 ehab rnembel'lhlPI ~rucle r•£!.dlftl Alr_'.9al pulllM die e&e. '11aUI &bl I=~ rs1-i;i;.';4 _ ..... jlt .... Hwta, au& of on.Mlt c:rM.,...... . ~ ca.tj-tn· .................. _. ... . &.;._..._ ~,... ...... bl o1 Uw.at Nowt.Mt • •--.. I •• t.f Diii r• ... ..... al ...... -...... AllCill' ~-:::•· -= ... ' ... III'" mi == • • l .. CHURCH: Melodytand ChrletJan Center. CONGREGATION: T.tle eize le unlcnown ~ cause membership 11 ,,Qt m1nd 1td r y , Wiikerson said, but It Is growtng. ~s many as 12,000 people total attend U.. tour services each Sunday. CURRENT RESIDENCE: City of Orange. YEARS IN OR.ANGE COUNTY: 22, dat- ing from the 1960 founding of the Chris- tian Center In Anaheim, which later became Melodyland. SALARY: Wiikerson refused to reveal It, but said he has in some past years returned more money to the church than he was paid. MUSIC DRAWS ... (From Page Al) pening -the mood of the country." But Wilkerson also nole6 that the message is not lost in the music. "This is a strong teaching ministry. too. One of the strongest," he says. "But it happens all week long You w on't necessarily find it at Sunday church " "I'm in a battle. "I'm in a battle. "I'm m a battle for a life!" Ralph Wilkerson has his hands on the he.ad of a 20-year-old woman who i8 suffering from brain cancer. She is one of about 275 people at the so-CJJlled "Prayer and Share Miracle Service'' th.ls Thursday morrung. Many have been heal.ed of physical afflictions at the weekly service, a church offlc1al says. Wilkerson tells the crowd that the Devil is '!Yln8 to kill the girl, but that God doesn't want It to happen "DevJl, get off," he hollers, his hands still on her head. "You have no right here!" "Shrivel that cancer up!" he hollers again, as others in the congregation rise, their hands lifted . to the heavens, to lend their spiritual support. to the fight. Later, Wilkerson declares, "I believe there are 13 people in this house who have headaches. Will you stand up please." Twelve nse from their seats. then one more. Wilkerson first instruct.s them to alowly ~ tate their heads, then asks them to come forward and pray wirh rum. As the group clusters at the podium, aur- rounded by church attendant. •nd others, a church vocalist sinf_s repeatedly "He'• (Jnua) here n'ght now. Hes here right now, He'• here right now." Wilkerson walks among them and touches .their heads as he passes. Most fall Ump at the touch. and are caught by waiting attendants and Wd on the Door. Later, as they rise, some say theJI headaches are gone. For a person who regularly preaches m !ront of thousands, Wilkeraon is uncorofortable facing a single reporter and a photographer in his plush off.lee next door to the ch~h. "I take terrible pictures," he says, half to himself, as the photographer fOCU!eS a camera. He will not divulge his salary, but asks self-consciously if other pastors revealed their&. .. It's almost as if he still feels like an outsider fn California. a place to which he says he was drawn because it needed religion. His style of dress sets him apart. While other ,P,attors are given to conservative colora and three-piece su1ts. Wilkersoo often preaches in bla7.ers and shiny beige shoes. Carefully choosing which subjects he will discuss fully in an interview, he says he intent- ionally writes books on ESP and out-of-body experiences because those subjects have mass appeal. "Thoee are for the non-church world," he says, but adds that he and his wife, Allene, re-- search the subjects thoroughly. When not attracting new believers to his church. which claims to baplize more than 5,000 people a year, Wilkerson emphasizes Christian leadership training. "Our basic philoeophy is to train leade.rship for the world," he !Mlys. Plans call for ministries in numerous loca- tions, but Wilkerson will not dilJcuss detaila be- uuse "eornetimes people will kill your vision'' if too much ta known. The future notwithstanding, Melodyland baa already accomplished much. Some of the major achievements: -h a Hotline Center diapentes free tele- 'Jjhone coumellng to about 100,000 callen a year, and claims to receive calla from arou nd the world. -The Melodyland School of Theology baa more than 250 atudenta, from at leaat nine a>UDtries and 20 major relJ&ioua denominations, accordiRI to church officials. There-la alao a ~SO-student hl'h school, a 100-atudent middle 1ehool and an 'Overcomer•" proaram for the mentally handicapped. -The Melodyland Thrift Store in Anaheim lella uaed cloth1na and appUanc.. donadnc pro-w co iM e>ranae County rood Denk. -There are plan. to finance the mmtnae· Don ol 10 major churcba acrom ltw wodd dwinC ~ ctec.de, Nrtlna In lndonlU. ll , . TM mllu.t«r ll'Otn VerwctM1. ltltndco, a,..., •I dW MelodyJand......,.. ",,JNd1'W IOI' MW dtlll'CMe ln ,. .,..., Alu to prow CIYC '*"· llw.,,..,. ... ......_, chllt IO,,.,.,_, ol llw ..._.cy,.. JI I M •td"1tJ ........ Cossz--. .---~ ~...,. '** ...... ,... ., . ~-'""' • .,.w .. ...... ... ,,. v• 1 0 1 10 ,,.,•or• ••d liel,_ Wlann ddb'J _..." lte .,.. ,..,.. ahri LY til , ..... .,, ..... " _____ ........ ... ~·U..,,.,., """" .......... .... :.113V:et:.v.: • ONJAllllD: hi 18"8 tn the Aaaembllea of God denomination. FAMILY: Wife Allene and two daughters, ages 25 and 28. CAREER HIGHLIGHT&: Author of five books, with several others to be released soon . . . preached first sermon at age 15 on a Tulsa street corner and spent 10 years traveling as an evangelist to every state In the U.S., plus Canada and the Bahamas. YOU'LL LOVE OUR NEW SPRING WAUCOVERINGS! ALL NOW 25% OFF! Welcome spring with new wallcoverlnga for every room. Pre-patted vlnyls and woven gra11cloth1 are all eaay to hang. Reg. 5.95 -19.95 SALE SAVE 25% ON SOLID VINYL FLOOR TILE! 100% vinyl In a deluxe dellgn. Flexlbt• and eaay to ln1t1UI SALE 59~·"· SAVE S3% ON SOLID OAK PARQUET TILE! Enjoy the rk:hne11 and warmth of genuine wood. Pre-flnl1hed and re1dy to ....... LJ. Sle SALE Orange Cout DAILY PIL.OT/Sunday, AprU 25, 1082 A7 End of line for !'Barney Miller' l HOLLYWOOD(AP)- "Accordlng to my watch, the 12th precinct has ceased to ex.isl," u.ld Capt. Barney Miller of the NYPD. And with lhal. the hugs, k.iue8 and tears began at the cast party wrapping up elfht aeaaona of ''Barney Mlller, ' the ABC hlt comedy 1how about a New York police aquad room inhabited by detttetlVf.• with everyday pro- blernt anCI a continuous stream of · zany crooks. The ahow had been 1llpplna ln the ratlnp and ill creator, Danny Arnold, said laat season he wanted to call it quill. He died hi.I poor health, 10ll ot key 1tatt members and concern about maintaining the quality that at- tracted 10 Emmy nomlnatlona and one Enuny a~a.rd. The end came at 9:30 p.m . Friday with the c~ of a door. Arnold said, "Okay, ' and the apl?,lauae and cheers began. 'We did that last acene about ab< times. We felt how we felt, we said how we felt, and now - we're celebrating the end 10 that we can celebrate new beglnnlnp," aatd H•I Ltnden, who starred ln the show u Capt. Miller, the calm, fatherly leader of the band of oopt. .. It's been a long tlJJle. I have developed apme-very deep rela- tionships with the people here, and I'm trying to deaJ with that," said Ron GU.., who played the dapper. S.ct.Ron Harrla. IAllL'S . r, THI . SA VE FURNITURE !'A VE .... ,. .... _. ml• -WA_. " --;. ~-r.~ ------------~----+--LA-RG~E~S!!'El!'!E!""C9'Tl!"O~N .. Ofr..Cr0'9L_o _Rs __ -1 a-.~a-a1Yoo.tOoor MAna11s. POUNDATION NI L 4 lc.I "°" ...... YOtoll Al•) TWIN NT ~ llall Al PULL 111' ~~ ~ .. L fWn STMT AT COflAMHA641•1289 W $97 _,.Ila ·~·,-1"6..._....... NIW t79 ru:o NI tr:dt' FULL $188 .. MIH-VllJ049"4401 QUllN sn Ill.Mil KINO sn .I:Jl1' fN f Jad -.nc....c.,1 .. ,_ NIW t147 ••lllAI NIW $177 · QUE .,..., ',._ ..... "'°'Y· ... ..., ......,., SOPA & LOVISIAT DINlnl SITS NEW • BOTH PIECES TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS r• $17 Call 642-5&78. FROM ONLY $167 TA BLE WITH 6 CHAIRS ,.f 147 Put • lew word• lo work lor ou. DISCOUNT FURNITURE & BEDS lQ~Q & 196 1 HARBOR BLVD. " m7~) COSTA ME SA ~ ~ '°' ~ . '' '~}-_.. 631 -6609 ..... ~.-: SAVE 25% ON MOSAIC TILE - FOR WALLS, FLOORS ~ COUNTERS! Give your bath a 1parkllng new look with finely-crafted moaalc. Huge H lectlon of shapes and colors. Permanently glazed. Reg. 99( -3.99 SALE A""'Olt to. n . lffH'TI 'ATT111NI MAY VA"Y SY aTOIUI @fo§"'§"' REBATE AND SALE! SAVE 30% ON SOLARlAN9 TILE! Fabulou1 no-wax, Hlf·ttlck tile that'• auper·•Hy to malnt1ln and to tn1tall yourself. Rer. 1.09 1r 11r OAM> ... u ca PATTSltN FINAL 76C PRICE '°·"· !xqul11te rug wm enrich •nr floor. Superbly woven of Oletln m ·In vtbrent colora. Non-allergentc and, .. ," reeletMl FR!! WFTH ltURCHAI! OP ... OR M<>f'I UMIT 1 'ER CUITO•R, KIAll. O"° INOI MAY JI SO ELEGANT! GLAZED ITAUAN QUARRY TILE! ALL PATTERNS 25% OFF! Amazingly durable, exqulattety beautltul- an lmpeccabte choice for tloora, watt1 and counten. Oven-fired glaze. GrN1 Mfectlon. Reg. 1.29 • 1.59 SALE 1'•• X ,,_.,-I ,- SAVE 30% ON QUALITY CUSTOM TINT PAINTS! Over 900 decor1tor colon In a washable flat ttnlth. Color f att, acryllc-tough and quick drying. Re,. 13.99 SALE 979QAL SAVE 24% ON FINE CERAMIC TILE! Shiny, penn8Mnt glae It almott carefree. Ute on '----=-----' w8"1, floon Md count.,., SALE 'l I 11 1<.. ? I Orange Coaa1 DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 GROWTH UNFOLDS BY ff APTER FROM MESA' CALV ARY CHAPEL . • • ( ti"rom Pll'l' A4 ) wh1r/w/11d Jesus Christ JS 11blt! to stop that C'ycle ~nd rhal proc'-' ~ thot la (•arrym1 you away ro ubllvwn " Thing weren't alway• thll way. Smith suys t h~S(>l'nt 1he Ctrsl holf of his 33-yur ministry • 1J(nJ1utl-<l with the.• Foursquare Goepel denom1- nalion, pn•achlng "typical, topical ~es." But his manllitry was not working. "Th e Sp1r1t of God began to lead me to make a break from aervlng the denomination to serving the Lord," he wrote last year In a history of Calvary Chapel. Smith 11ays God's spirit movl>d him In 1Q65 t.o atttpt th<.> challenge and head a tiny Costa Mesa t'Ongregation on the verge of disbanding. "My onJy goal then was to make those 25 --- ' SAVE30e .... ......... "''""' g ban ""°'' °' -··-D SPILL-MATE PAPIR T9.WEL:S ASSORTtD PRINTS & SOUDS 11: 41\i!M BAN ROLL-ON AJm.PERSPllWfT DEOOOUNT Assorted l 2.9 Formulas 1.5 IL tL -CLAIROL~ a FINAL NET ·net INVISIBLE HAIR NET 1, Assorted Concentrated :, ·.: .11 ~o;;ula2s tor 10 7 nge 9 r lasting . . 1:... . u VICKS8 ~ Ny au IL :c..:r=~aNE 'oz. or VapoRub Clot ,.. •• "' 1 99 Vl:W"'!; Q -•I 3 OL e U cm. SNAROt MEAL or PELLETS Kills snails and slugs 149 2"'1 LB. • u. (VIDAL SASSOON) HAIR CARE AIDS • SHAllf'OO (12 02.) • EmAGDfTU SHAMPOO (12 ez.) • FINISHING RINSE ( 12 u.) • mRA PltOTtCTION FINISHING RINSE ( 12 u .) • NOTEIN HAttt H-llOISTUllWG Clt£M( (4 H .) YOUR CllOICEI 2 .1 9 u SPECIAL! ._ pc.•oplc tht> mai.t knowlcdgcablt• of thl• B11Jlt: m thl• area," ht' aays lt didn't qwte turn out that way Ftnu cam<' th hlpplt: , d1opp1nu their drugi. und ttielr old way1 to follow Jl>f>US Christ Othen. JOlnt-d, ar.d 11 chapel wns built to accommodate 300 It was too small from th<• 1;1.Drt. Today, lhe 2.~00-seat sanctuary JUSt over thl' Costa Mc'Sli line In Sant.a Ana is filed for Cl:IC or three servwcs t.>very Sunday, often to overflo- wing. Smith claims the church serves morC' than 10,000 families. t>luns call for the addition of tJ,- 000 seats. But that's just the tip or the iceberg. Ac.wr· dl(lg to church otftclals: -In 1981, Calvary Chapc>l gave lrom its surplus funds''4~2.000 to Israel, $400.000 toward the establishment of missions in China and SPECIAL.t IYJJL LIQUID DETERGENT . / fOlt DtSHH alnNI fUltlCS 3201.1.51 AD PRICES PREVAIL: $300,000 to thE' U.S . World Mlulon Centel' in Paaadcma. An audio ministry, th Word for Today. 1>ends out about 25,000 topea a rne>mh and its Bible.> commentarl ar he rd on about 190 US radio atatJons. -A retreat and confl'rerwc renter capable of oooommodatJna 330 peopl hlll been purchased in Hi an Bernurdlno Mountains, near Lake Arrowhead. The rt>uoN for the expansion are twofold. Fin1t, the church's Board of EJc,ters decided to we Calvary's mon ~y to "expor1 that whic.•h God haa used here," said Smith. • Second, the church keeps its physical ap peorance simple, in contrai;it to the gaudier, more eye-catching Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove and Melodylond in Anaheim. SPECIAL! f!WY CRIAM ltJGIWTtt ASSOITt.D TMICll A llCft fOUULAS l.21Q . ~~J ..... l ..... j Ma~ter Card . from COLQATI! PALMOLIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 25th THAU TUESDAY, APRIL 27th ULTRA BRITE BATI£RY OPERATED· "QUARTZMATIC" .... !/wt~TUx CLOCKS "UIES 1 "C" IATTEAY (HOT INCLUDED) SAVE 1 4.00 • AM/FM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO Don I let good times pass you by . wake up to your favorile music or alarm Large. lighted d1g11a1 readout Attractive styling wllh walnut grain finish on poly· Decorative wall clock cases are car ved trom selected pine woods· stained and polished to complement any decor The richness & texture of real wood brrng a heritage of craftsmanship to wall clocks 114"'31 CHOOSE FROM S£VERll mus YOUR CHOICE! SPECIAL! PHOTO ALBUMS by PIONEER • ..,_, -~-r,---.,-~--...... =~IC ~11 '1.-11 -• • Wllh JO ~ ~ Shtets & ~ ~ ~ '& ~:,\.~:s11c .... . .. m• •JUMIO "n....W" Wllh 200 POCKETS lor UP, 10 31~·1 51,· Stze Pl!Otos .._,I TOOTHPASTE •. ..1.19 FLUD RI GARD :r:EAll 79 16 oz. • COLGATE Toothbrushes ........ Sett ....... 3 iSl KODAK EKTRA 200 CAMERA OUTFIT Simply aim and shoot for pictures wrth true-to-Ille colors Complete with lllm and fllpflash •AIM "'""' .. -2~.88 7.99u 22.88 SPECIAL! BEID CROCKER .. IUPU llOllT" CAKE .MIX SPECIAL! HERSHEY'S ASS'T. CHOCOLATE UIS SAVE 1 1.00 DISPOSABLE DIAPUS , "Inst.cad oC ralalns our own standards twrc. w • would rather u.. tht> money to help in ne<'df'd areo of th world," say1 Smith Pia~ call for invntm nt of "a larae sum" in African m111s1on1 th11 year, 1tnd Smith said {1- nanct'S for tripling of the sanctuary's me alrt'ady are In hand. No matter how bla thinp ect. Smith ~ts ht.1 won't allow hit church to control movements which grow out of It and he'U nt'ver. d1.>splte the tlc•-ins of t\is preaching wlth aocu.al 11>su<'S, • llow his church to be uaed as a laun<·hing point for part1son programs. "I'm not one to organize the JX'Oplt•, t<> wriw letters," h<> said "l do want J>(..'Oplt.• to be: aware of sodal issuc.'fi, but wc'u• not going tu march on City HalJ. If your who!<.• lifo Is involvt.'<.l in <:hanging the world. you'll dw fru'!trat.ed.'' SAVE aoc MAXIMUM ITillNGTH CO MTR EX NIQHTIIME 2.11601 . CifiiM L'OREll PREFERENCE. PERM4NENT CREME· IH HA~ COLOR Assorteo 2 9 9 Shades • u. ~ L'OREAL ULTRA RICH SHAMPOO or INSTANT HAIR CON:&ITo:."1.49 u 41§@!}• NOXZEMA ANTISEPTIC SKIN CLEANSER Del!P cleans w11hou1 tr1pp111g 2 49 12 oz. • I . ,___; +prnne . - ICE CUBE TRAY SET Ice pops out with ::::·:·1.00 .___:_-eek~ +UH'"* •OU'T~ LOTIOll 12 (I u .) • KU HU TM.-c OI. (IN.) •OUK ,.,..._ LOTIC* 14 w Oil 12 (I N.) • M#lllOCUec LOTICHI #II (4 ea.) • MlflSCIHJI LOTIOMlll (In) SP.ECIAL! Dodgers outlast Giants SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Pedro Guerrero knocked iri five runs and. Rick Monday's run· scoring single capped a two-run rally in the top of the ninth in- ning to lead the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 7-6 victory over the San Francisco Giants Saturday night. Guerrero had an RBI double in the first innihg, a three-run ho- mer in ihe third and a forecourt RBI grounder in the ninth to help the Dodgers roll to their fourth straight victory and sent On TV today channel 11 at 1 p.m. the Giants spinning to their fifth straight 1068. The Dodgers pulled it out against San Francisco relief ace Greg Minton, 1-1. Steve Howe, 1-0, was the winner in relief. Pinch-batter Roenicke opened the Dodger ninth with a ·walk and went to third on pinch-hitter Jorge Orta's single. Steve Sax's sacrifice advanced Orta and Ken Landreaux was walked intentio- nally, loading the bases. Guerrero sent a potential double-play grounder to short- stop ,Guy Sularz, but he bobbled the ball and managed only to get a forceou t. Roenicke scored Of'\ ~he play and Monday followed with his game-winning single. Earlier, Dodger shortstop Bill Russell's double error helped the Gian~ score six runs in the sev- enth innin~ to take a 6-5 lead. San Francisco starter Jim Barr fell behind 4-0 after three in- nings on a run-scoring double by Guerrero in the first and Guer- rero's three-run homer in the third. The Dodgers increased their lead to five runs in the fifth on Sax's triple and Landreaux's sacrific;e fly. Folliner has racing in his blood BY HOW ARD L. BANDY Of" Ille o.Hf f'tlol lleft When you are a young race driver and live under the same roof with a father who has been successful at the same occupation for a number of years, it is only natural that many conversations turn to the race track. But when you are a nephew of a famed driver and have the same ambition. it is somewhat different according to Michael Follmer whose uncle George has been a winner in many fonns of driving for a great number of years. "He's given me a lot of point- ers about racing and he's coached me through all of my racing career," Michael says of George. "We have gone testing a nupl~r of times and he tells me what I am doing wrong. "Things like the fundamentals of setting up a car for a special event like Riverside today" Michael isn't a full time driver at the moment, but his ambitioQ is to drive at Indianapolis and his time achedule shows 1983 ·as the year to atart. Michael and wife Karen live ln Huntington Beach and he is a Southern Califo~ from beginning to end. He graduated from Arcadia High and before turning to automobiles, he rode motqn:ycles in motocrou events as a 1profes· sional for ..even years. Today, he'll drive in the Tqyota ~teran-roolde race pre- ceding \he Times-Toyota six-~ hour endurance event. The spe- cial race la at 11 a.m. and the enduro at noon. He will a1IO drive ln the main event, hopef\llly. " It looka like I'll be drivtnc an Ml BMW with Joe Crevier of Lemon Grow. I haven't driven a BMW In ..... before. IO lt wW be a MW ........... for IDI. ui..t year I drove tome •D· dunace ..,. wtth 8'ln Pm9Y m • Dataln Turbo and ... ftnllhed ~ at Ume Rock. Ccinn..: ftlth at Mid.Qhlo; and Md ~ .. ,. ..... In tM Olhll' .... . . •-n..t ~ ...... Md fj • .., •• , ................ Md '° ................. "I'•• run ln th• luper VH ..... ud WM llarW twatl Ill 1.,. aa41 I allO ran &M IMIA --." ,._, .... _ ..... ,..... .............. Daily Piiat • • • # # SUNOAV APRIL 25, 1982 FOR THE RECORD SPORTS ON TV . 83 84 OCC baseball team completes busy week with another win. 85. CROWDED START -The new Hobie-33s were much in evidence near the windward end of the starting line as th~ Perfonnance Handicap Racing Fleet er., !'let ....... ..., a... Ledl.., Class A yachts set out Saturday from Newport to Ensenada. There are a total • of seven Hobie-33s in the race. Zahn off to another quick start -And so are Angels, after polishing off Oakland, 4-2, before 58,963 at Big A By CURT SEEDEN or-. o.117 ,... ..,, No one has ever accused Angel starter Geoff Zahn of being a slow starter. Heck, the veteran left-hander has only lost three games in the month of April du- ring his major league career. f'hanks to 7 Y!i innings of stro1'g work Saturday night, not only is Zahn off to another great start, but so are the surging Angels. Zahn recorded his third victory without a defeat, while the Angels scratched for four runs on just seven hits to record their eighth straight victory at Ana- heim Stadium -a 4-2 verdict over the Oakland A's before a whopping 58,963 fans. The Angela have now w on nine of their last 11 games, but even more importantly, they've moved to within percentage poiirts of the first-place Chicago White Sox in the American League West. "I've been in first place a few times," Manager. Gene Mauch noted afterward. "The Idea is to stay there." If Zahn keeps pitching the way he has thus far, and his fellow hurlers in the starting rotation follow suit, the Angela figure to keep Mauch happy this season. "li we play aolid like this, we'll win just what we're suppoeed to wm," Mauch added. Zahn, meanwhile, said he doesn't own any special magic ln April. It's juat that he's one step ahead of the bitters this early ln the campaign. "I'm an off.speed pitcher and at the start of the 9e8IOll, pitchers are usually aheac\ of the batten," SC PROBATION UPSETS QB LOS ANOELF.S (AP) -The reactions were varied Saturday u the eevere uncUom anne>un· ced by the National Coll .. late Athletic Atloclatlon re1aidin1 tulel Ylolationl tn the Unt:"._'fi of Southem Callforma'• f pro&r'Un bepn to llnk In. .. rrom my pel'tOM1 l&andpo&nt, Jt'• Mnl to~·· the Loi All- . 1•1-IWraW &Umlner quoted ~ ..... ~.whO wOlbea....._,...i~.• ..,. .. ~ ~·r.e•pee&ed we'd 1•t ._1MldM•9f rl'OMUon, bUt I dlcl.n'l 'htals & would be that ......... .. Tiie !n•I• lu•&aer allo ..._. W1 t'•• "*Clllh , ......... " ......... &qp.MI__. ....... ............... Zahn explained. About the only Oak.land hitters to consistently figure out Zahn Saturday night were Fred Stan- ley and Davey Lopes. Stanley, the No. 9 hitter in the A's lineup, came into the game witb an .043 batting average. Lopes was hitting .239. The pair . accounted for nearly half of the A's 10 hits. "I just got behind Stanley. And he was trying to go the other way with my pitches rather than pull the ball," Zahn said. "I've seen Geoff Zahn pitch mediocre baseball in April and win. I've seen him pitch great baseball In May and June and loee. It has a lot to do with what you're drawing," Mauch added. Saturday night, the Angels drew a palr of runs in the first . inning. Fred Lynn got things going with a one--out double. After Rod Carew's ground out moved Lynn to third, A's starter Steve Mc- Catty hit Bobby Grich high on his back, the ball ricocheting off Grich's bead and knocking his t\elmet off. McCatty then served up a wild pit.ch to acore Lynn. Don Baylor, · who has now raised his batting average to .286, added a bloop single to bring Grich home. The A's sliced the Angel lead in half as Lopes beat out a slow roller, stole second and scored when Tony Armas ripped a double off the left field fence in the fourth inning. The Angels got what turned out to be the winning run in the oottom of the fourth as Juan Beniquez singled to score Baylor after Baylor had opened the in- ning with a walk. A walk to Fred Lynn, bloop double by Carew and a sacrifice fly by Grich acored the Angels' fourth run in the fifth . The A's made things interes- ting and chased Zahn in the . process by 9COring a run in the eighth. Again it was Annas who got the RBI with a sinRle that scored Rickey Henderson. Don Aase wrapped things up to earn his second save of the young sea.son. "We have a lot of qUf.}ity arms out there," noted Angel catcher Bob Boone, who has done the bulk of the work behind the plate this year. "It's just a ques- tion of keeping them from ma- id~ the mistake pit.ch." How do the Angels avoid the mistake pit.ch? "I give them good signs;• Boo- ne jolted. "We've stayed away from getting hurt and getting blown out. If we can keep doing that, we'll win it at thE' end of the year." The huge crowd helped the Angels better their attendance pace of a year ago. They've now drawn 288,735 for eight dates - an average of 32,092 per game and an increase of 48,899 over last year's total for the same number of dates. (See ANGELS, Page 8%) Pat Riley knows who's boss In the NBA, a coach's job' is to avoid making waves Now that the plod toward destiny of the crea- tures of the NatJonal Basketball Association has entered the leCOnd teMOn, there is new visibWty to the most confusin4 flk of them all That would be the coeches of the NBA. One la unsure whether to view thia fraternity with (a) · admiration or (b) pity or (c) both. You 1ee, &he oo.icb of an NBA team ia not ex- actly enga1ed in the molding of charactei,: of a group of im~ youtbl. Ma matt.er of fact. at the fint lip of any attempt at moldlna, an NBA coech will be told l.n clear ~ to taXe • hike. BOl Sharman. once a co.ch and now the aen· era1 mahaeer' of the Loe ~ Lalten, explained the function of c:oach1ftc an NBA player, particu-1.ady orie who hal rl8en to mr mu: ~ "Impolllble," au aald IUCdnctly. I SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD ~ TUCKER • Yachters' next stop: Ensenada By ALMON LOCKABEY Dal!J ................ So what's new? There were 704 entries in the 35th Newport to Ensenada yacht race, but only 655 officially cros-- sed th e starting Jines off the Newport Jetty between noon and 1:10 p.m. Saturday. · The attrition rate between en- tries and actual starters wu about 7 percent -slightly hi~· her than the expected 5 percent as in recent years. Neverthless, it was a spectaou- lar sight for the thousands of shoreside spectators who lined the shores of Balboa Peninsula and the bluffs over Corona de! Mar as the massive fleet maneuvered In the light southwest wind. It was an orderly start lor all classes, aooordi:ng to Bob Whee- ler, race committee chairman for the sponsoring Newport Ocean Sailing Association. There was the usual number of hull bum- pings as the yachts crowded the line, but no serious collisions. THE COAST GUARD and Coast Guard Awdllary patrollina the lines reported no unuaulll incidents. The yachts Cl'Oaed the~ lines on a cloee reach which amt them off a on a atai:boucl tack toward Lacuna. A number of boats taclr.ed oUll to lea IOOI'\ after the start, boplnm to find a westerly breeze whicli would allow them to set ~ ~~ for the 125·mile run dow6 the cout, but after the lut cJd. aea had •tarted there were DO aigrw Of aplnnalren bJcmomlna -f.ar -the eye could ... . tf wind and .. eondldlona re- nWned tlOl'mal, the fleet ~ ted to run into even Uahtel" wind• between Poln( La Joli. • and Point Loma S.turd9y Nah'- • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, APrll 25, 1982 • • • n ga1s v1ct1m f another crash. rem AP dl1pa&elaet HAMPTON, Oa. -Danny On-• a l1, the hard-charging product of , Me.. who wu badly lnjured ln aoddent at lndlanapolla last May. rubed Saturday during a practice 1eSSion for Stroh'• Twin 2009 at Atlanta International ay. Ono.la. attempting to make the field for his m tnay ur race since the spectacular fiery craah during the Indy 500, waa driving a black lnter- acope racer. He suddenly veered into the con crete wall between turns two and three on the 2.522-mile high-banked oval, badly damaging the right aide of the car. Broken oil lines burat Into flame aa the car came to rest, but the fire was ~ quickly extinguished and the '9-year-old Ongais was not lnjured. i ' Track observers reported fluid spraying tom the car before the incident. s "It just felt like ft got aquirrely in the back " d " Ongais noted. "I was n't even on it ttle). It felt like aomething broke and then it t (into the wall)." i Quote of the day Jack MclUnney, coach of the Indiana ~ Pacers, on how he gets his team ready to ~ P.lay the run-and-gun Denver Nuggets: ! 'There's no way to prepatt for the Nuggets i unlem you enter the Penn Relays." . , ' '1urray's hot bat lifts Baltimore ~ EddJe Marny'19f!COnd home run Iii cf the game, a three-run shot in the 9venth inning, gave the Baltimore (Jrioles a 7-4 victory over the Chlc.qo \fhite Sox Saturday night and snapped a nine-=sing 1treak. Murray, who leads the Le88Ue with a .519 average and 1.000 percentage, has hit safely in 17 con- eecuUve games dating back to lastlear and has • .,_ 15 runs batte in for the W" l season ... Elsewhere, Todd Crai, Jallo Crui and Dave Henderson belted solo home runs as Seattle edged Minne- 90ta. 3-2 . . . Paul SpUttorff and former Orange Coast College product Dan Qaiaen- be rry combined on a five- h i tter and Jobo Watbao ! smashed two key hi ts leading ~Y Kansas City to a 5-1 victory oj-er Cleveland . . . Larry HerDdon blasted a ~-run homer, and Kirk Gibson and Jerry "'11er added aolo shot.a aa Detroit downed the Yankees, 7-2, giving the Tigers their eighth .traight victory and rookie hurler LafT)' Pasla- ald: h is first major-league win . . . Pete V.ckovlc:la hurled a three-hitter and Rey Howell\ alugged a two-run homer to lead Milwaukee to a 4--1 win over Tex.as ... Carl Yaatnesmki cap- ~ a five-run fifth inning with a three-run homer and Boston held off Toronto, 8-7. lJCI play ers sh ine J OJAI -The UC l.rv1.ne men'• tenrua team had ( quite a day Saturday at the Ojai tournament bert. _L~c Quade made it to the final.a of the lnde- penpc1!t collegiate singles today after disposing of Pe.I.fr Eames of San Diego ~tat.e, 6-1, 6-3 in the ~~ wW meet the Univenity of San Diego's Neel Herrmann. who ousted UCI's J im Snyder, 6-1, 2--6, 6-1. The UCI doubles team of Quade and Snyder a1eo reach the fin.all in doubles as they easily swept by their' opponents in the quarterfinals and semis. Quade and Snyder wfll meet the team of Marsh Riggs and Greg Anderson of UC Santa Barbera for the chan\pionahip. UCL incidentally, by virtue of its success, has already clinched the team championship in it.a. dlvWon. In other area activity, Terry Strobl and Mark · of Saddleback College both reach today's .U~l&I actim with vict.oriel ln quarterfinal play. NABERS CADILLAC ' " Padres helped to 10th straight win A two-run throwtn1 error by Iii pit.ch r RJck Cam• allowed San Dl~ to ecore the go..a.h..cl rune u the Pa- drea downed lhAt Atlanta Srav•. M Saturday ntahl for thelr 10th altaiaht victory. The play came with tho ba1e• loaded In &he eighth with the core tJed when R1pper1 J•et hit a high chopper to Camp, who threw in tho dirt pa1t the plate, allowln& two runners to acore • . • Elle..ybue l.n the NaUonal League, Dave Park· er'• run·.:ortna double keyed •two-run .ev nth innlnc that helped Pittaburtih overcome a Jive-run deflclt and beat the Cubs, 8-5 . . . Jolua Steara1 drove In a run with a aeventh-lnning double, and Claarlle Puleo combined with two re lievers on a four-hit c.-1hutout a1 the Mcu shaded Montreal, 1-0 ... Former Phlllie Loaale Smltk knocked in three runs wfth a pair of ainglet to lead St. Louil to lts 12th lltaJght victory, a 7-4 triumph over Philadelphia ... Dave Concepcloa and Jolulny Beack drove home firstrinnin'l runa with a double and a lingle 10 lead Ctndnnati to a 3-2 victory over Housl.On. Frank Pastore, 2-1, shut out the Aatros for the fint Live inn.Ing, and did not permit a Houston buerunner put first base until the sixth when he lost his shutout. Hoch sloshes to front at New Orleans Scott Hoclt birdJed three of four l!I ' holes immediately after the rains came and slogged into a one-stroke lead Saturday in the uncompleted ae- cond round of the weather-diarupted New Or- leans Open Golf Tuumament that is now 1et for a Monday finish . . . Elsewhere, tour veteran Janet Cole1 fired five birdies to take the lead ln the rain-interrupted second round of the Orlando Lady Classic but the leader ln the clubhouse af- ter the full 36 holes waa ~nd-year pro euta Jobo100 ... Sam Snead and Don Janaary charged lh~ugb the cold-&nd mist-with a 10-un<ler-par to take a commanding eight-shot lead in the Legends of Golf Tournament in Austin, Texas. The 69-year-old Snead and 52-year-old January posted a 36-hole best-ball total of 122, 18-under-par over the soggy Onion <lreek Goll Course. Phoenix advances to meet Lakers • Walter Davia and Dennla John-m fOn combined for 56 points and con- verted some crucial free throws down the .~tretch to lead Phoenix to a E-119 victory over Denver Saturday night in deciding game of a best-of-three National ketball Association playoff series. Phoenix w advances to the West.em Conference senu- finals against the.,Lakera, beglnnlng a best-of- teven senes Tuesday night at the Forum . . . In the Eastern Conference, both series are slated to begin today with Philadelphia hosting Milwau- kee and Boston welcoming Washington. Seattle pnd Houston will decide their mini-series In Seattle tonight. Scott gunning .for Ovett, Coe Steve Scott, the UC Irvine pro-II duct who is America 's premier miler, · i,is airrung at another summer of com- petition in Europe agal.J'lSt Great Bri- tain's two supenilarll at that chstance, Steve Ovett and Seba1llaD Coe, "1 wouJdn't keep running il I didn't think I could beat them." Scott &ald wtule tnun.ing in Scottsdale, An.z. . . Aaroa Broten scored with 2:30 left to give the United States a 5-5 tie wfth West Germany and its Cl.rst point in che World Hockey Champ1onsh1ps in Tampere, Finland. Meanwhde, the SoVJet Union struggled past a fired-up Canadian team, 4-3 to win its seventh consecullve championship .. A field f six is entered in today's Mervyn Leroy andicap at Hollywood Park. From Page 81 From Page 81 HB'S FOLLMER • • • ANGELS • • • driven, I.a teeklnc • eood 1poneor for h1a Super Vee s;roup, 1-dlnt up to a ride at Indy next lellOft. ''There la a 1ar1e market tor th11 ty.,. of thJn1 and pine are very popular. I allo handle key cbalni, "belt bucklee and other lteml lncludinc hatl and jldleta ... And the bl& crowd• haven't had much to complain about. >.. a tam. the Anacll are bat~ a r•1peetable .242; the pftcher1 own a 1tin1y l.90 earn ed run av~; and the team hu yet to be in Anaheim. "l'm m ~ prom. of putttna toaether a Procram for the ye.s that will lead to our main objec:· t lve and th e 1 o al of all 1pon.t0t1-• ride at Indy n•xt year." Y ounc Follmer OWN h1a own bu1inea and naturally, It l1 racing-oriented. While hit ~ty bullne9 Lt dotna well, he would pc-efer to be behfnd the wheel ot • racin1 machine on the weekend on • full-time ..... * A.NOit. NOTa9 -Hie lefl celf mu.c;le IJllll bOlherlng llll'n ........ ---pulled hlmMlf ltom Ille Ano., 1rn-eup lo• Ill• tffOnd con- "I hav-e an advertlalnN, 1pec· laity bWl11le91," he aaya. l have h at pin• made and the driven give them away and eell them. I have Don Prudhomme, Tom McEwen and Shirley Muldow- ney among the drac racen. And wfth the drive and deter- mination he hu shown ln buU-dll\I hJa own buaneel. he oould reach hla goal in 1983 at India- napolia. Today at Rinnlde lntematlo- na l Raceway, he'll be gotns agalnlt tome of the top vet.erant ln the 1port in the Toyota 10-lap 1pedaltd: including PameW !ont», Ward, Sam Hanka, Mic key Thompson and several others. ~""' lllgllf TM Glllf lltMll 1190 cauMd lllm 10 -llmllAld ecitlon in Ille -* in SMnlt C!{IOI' to IN llomMland. Jldl'°" ~ t-.CS (lh•t't rtofll, r•INd) lllt betting evereoe to 18' bell~• tne NIOCIH'O eiilNnt 110e11ne<1 ntm Hit replecement, Aleft ...,..... •. eonttlbu1ed eo RBI 1ln1tl• In lh• IOutlll lnnloo A'• M811ag,r .. , llertlfl •PPlfetilly 11111 upMt wUll the pertormanc;e ol third b•M umplt• Mell QereM Frldl!y niglll, elected not IO l>tlllg the b•llltlil c:atd to llome pl•I• prior to the Q1tn9 lnllMCI. coeoh ,,_ .. .._. wN di .. pet~ lo lhe nom. "'8l• m.tlng llftM D•••"n~• 11.11111 home tu" ol lh• HHOn "Theee are very popular iteml and the tan• collect them and tJ:ade them. And they change each year, depending on the sponaors the driver hu. Others In the rookie category Jnclude M ichael Chandler of Dana Point, Roger Penske, Jr., Craig Breedlove, Jr. and Phil Caliva. Frldey I momtnl#lty tied llkn wtfll Min- .,_,..., ...-... lot ""AIMflcen ~ leed. ~ .... 1111 Ho 7 In Seettle ,,. IO Seturdey niaht'I ~ ~ K!Mty, Moel 1tllriw k• ,.,..... llad thtown tl'IOfe lnnlngt ttien Wff Al pltdw C34 1 I ..... mo tied wllll Oettolt't Jecll lll•rrl1 lor mo11 comp•••• 01me1 wllll llltff Tne 1101ne 11end concluct.1 11111 ahernoon ( 1 05) with Ndl ~ C 1·21 OC*IO IOf the A01 tQlllrWI .. .... ( 1~) of the Angela. "It la t0mething I can do in my own Ume and the houn can flu- ctuate to allow me to go radng myseli Pauls h ead R iversid e lineup RIVERSIDE (AP) - John Paul and John Paul Jr., the father-eon team th.at h.aa been dominating the Carnet GT racing ae- r:es, go for their 11xth consecutive victory and fourth of 1982 ln today'• Times G r and Prix of Endurance. The sax -hour event will be held over the twisting 3.3-mUe River- side International Race- way course begmning at noon. Considered the top challengers to the Paull are Englishmen J o hn Fitzpatrick, winner of the past two Riverside events, and David Hobbs; Al Holbert and Harald Grohs of West Germany; David Cowart and Ken- pe r Miller; a nd Bobby Rahal and Mauricio De· Narvaet.. The Pauls were third in Friday's quallfying. Little-known Jim Adams of Los Angelea and hi• co-driver, Chris Cord of Beverly Hill•. won the pole position in th eir Lola GTP with a 1peed of 118.354 ml>h. Starting bemde Adami and Cord will be a Chevrolet Lola driven by Ted Field of Newport Beach , a nd Bill Whit· tmgton of Fort Laude· rale, Fla Starting in the second row beside the Pauls is the Fiupatrick Hobbs team. GREAT POlllBILmES MAGAZINE. FREE. ....-52 pages of remodeling Kreas for your home, free at any of these dealers. Look for our advertisement in the ---magazine section '==-: 1 ofthispaper. - CALIFOHHIA Albeny H•ywMd Hill Lbr Hdw Co Jackson St l umber Altun11 H•ldlburg Economy Lbr Sales Co Healdsburg l umber Four Season Sply Hemet Arudla Home Bu11d1ng Center -Ace Hdw Hermou Beech Arcad11 Lumber Learned Lumber Azuu Hoflywood Azusa Lumber Terry lumber Co Discount Bldrs Sply Inglewood Bakerafleld Hams Lumber Co Diamond lnternallonal Southland Lbr & Sply Floyd s Stores Inc Jullan Baldwln Perk Julian lumber Nichols Lbr & Hdw Co KefMyvllle Berstow Kelseyv1lle Lumber H & E Do II Yourself Ctr Le M ... e .. umont La Mesa Lumber Beaumont Hdw & Lbr Le Pu.nte Seti Homeowners Atlant1e lbr Co Memtt s Hardware Be41ttowet LI Verne Hammond Lumber Co Sundance Lumber Ba.hot> ~Grove Brown s Supply Ward Lumber Co Howard Lumber LiYefmOf'e Inyo Mono Lumber Calico lumber Co Inc 8-fk•y Lomlte Ashby Lbr & Sply Liston Lumber Reedley Reedley lumt>er Co Rlelto Rialto lumber Co Rlverskte Riverside County lbr Co Rohnert Park Boise Cascade RosemNd Reliable lumber Co Rowland Hll. Bielec Bldg So1y Se Iyer Bio Foot Lumbet Sen Bemldlno H1qhland Ave lbr & H<lw Sen Di4'90 ColleQe Hdw & lbr Complete Bldg Mat D•>11ellne lumber GordonsConaete & Bldg H G Smith Lumber Southern Lumber Whiting Mead Sen Frenclac:o All State Plywood Coty Builders Sply Gooctmanlbr J Borg Big Beer Ctty Long Buch Sen Gebrlel R1tfenburgh lumber Co Century Murfin Lbr Co B,..wi., Dary Lumber Co Sen Jose Desert Builders Sply Long Beach Plywooct Co County Bldg M.11 Burb9nk Loi Angetes Sen leendro T8'ry Lumber Co Associated Bldg Mal East Bay lumber Cerson BoYle Heights lumber Larsen Bros Beck Lumber Cleveland Wrecking Sen Mercos I & S Sellers Carter Mill & Lumber Co Siar Bldrs Soly Chlthlofth Eagle Rock Lumbet Sen Peblo Terry Lumber Co H & H Lbr & Hdw Co O Dav11 Lumber Sales Chico Mox Wrecking San Pedro Peyless Bldg Sply Mullin Lumber Co Big C Enterprises Cntno Richmond Brothers Sen A1f1el Chino Valley Lumber Sonset Builders Lundy s WOOd Chuls Vista Thrift Lumber Co San Mann Home Lumber LffMOOd Sent• Clere Mr Lumber Jones Lumber Santa Cleta Lumber City Of Industry Memmoth Likes Senti Ao11 Sarr Lumber mmoth Lakes Burgess Lumber Monger·M1theson Lbr er Ila G & D Plywood Ci.en.ke Hlahtendl , Mar V11ta Lumber Co Meed Clark Mendo Miil & Lum Menlo Parts Wholesale Lumber Cloverdele Reyberg Lumber Yaeger & Kirk Inc S.rnea Lumber Merced St. Hefene Conoord Yosemite Builders Central Valley Bldg P E Dolan Lum Miii VeHey Sofone Beech Corone Gooctman 9 Bldg $ply Solona Lumber Co Corona Lumber Moct.sto SonOfn• Cudehy Mid Velley D1st11butors Peerson Plywood CUdehy Plywood MootebeAG Sl)flng Valley Cutv« City Homeowners Arts Lumber A & G Lumber W1lhs Gashway Star Builders Andereon Plywood Nape Terune Betta Sine Lumber Co Napa Bldg Sply Terry Lumber Co Slater Lumber National City TOff8nc:. Cupertino Olx1ehne Lumber Bay Central Lumbet Co De Ann Lumber Co Hewertl Homeowners o.leno . Hulbert Lumber Co Joslin Lumber Oeleno Bldg Materials Noftt1 Hoflywood Vermont Lumber Dtnutle Terry Lumber Co w 111t1ms Lumber Dinuba lumber Co Horthfidoe Trinidad Downey Terry Lumber Co Harbor Light All American Home Ctr Novate Tron. El CaJon Marin Sonoma Bldg Trone Hdw & Lumber Dhclellne Lumber OekhUf'lt Tulare Glenview Supply Yosemite Falls Lbr C~ Lampe lumber Co El Centro O.arlend 2t Pelms lmperi•I Valley Plywood Bio 9 Lumbertla Bowden Lbr Co II Cemto Blackman Lumber Uki.h Griffin Lumber Co Foothill Hardware Mendo Miii & lbr El Monte Piedmont Lbr Co Upland Ru1ty'1 Oceen*9 Upland Lumber Co II heundo Denault Home Center Vahy Center New Pllclfk: Lumber Co 0c .. nalde Lumber co Tom Wallece M11 I'*""-hMI DeMft Venice Enclnitu Lumber A c. Houston Lbr Co Hull Lumber llOOftdldo ,.,..,,...,. Vlctof'VMM Dixleline Lumber Llndaay Lumber Co H & E Do It YourMlf Cit Pine TrH Lumber Co Luca• Bldra Mart VIM 1"'9U PWdeM Gelb Lumber PieBon Bldg. Center Davit L~ Co VIMHe ,..,._ Uncoln Ave Lbr & MIU Diamond lnlemehonel l'ellbrook Lumber Co TiwOOP Co K·M•rt Good Guye Home Ctf. ...,... ""'- PJne TrH Lumbet Cq. Fr1WnCO Home Center Pine TrM Lumber Co ,,..., P tal.e W.w.tCfMll CountryWldt Blda. Mat. Homeowners Lumber Burton.F,.nch L.br Co Olemond lntemetlOnal PNlo Piedmont Lumber Co Furrowt Bfd9. Mat. ~o'eVellty~tort Wllt8onwlfle L.ono'• BldQ. hOPfY "'° ,....,. BIO Crtttc Lumbtr Co l'onuN · Richardson Miii & Wlllll CowtM l'orbutco lumber lumber Compeny ~ BldQ & 8pty lno ,.,. .... "'""' 8undera lumber Alfaro i -atantty P, E. Ooten lbr. Wlllll '-.,._. l.,ano'I Lumber "''. •• ..... Homtowntrl "* lldg. Mat "loMn RtdWood w .... ood ......... ....... Luetn HdW & I.bf lou...,_,, Humboktt &.onaf91tow Lumtltf ~ ...... ,.........,. 8u11deft C.n1tt Ho!'fte0w'*9 Homt l"'D'OYtf lply FUnehard l!:Co .... .... ~ leckett' .... , • .!.!!!1i_&Jiftftllflt Co. _ QuNy ~ Wf'IMtlef Lii ~l .... ittfY lrllNtu.t.Co~Mltl &Lu~ ~Ulf Co .... ~ '"r:e..J!IM !fiw Ctf ¥....,CW,, . ._ l&.aw .. I ! l. ~ 'I t I • • MAJOR LIACWI ITANDINOI A...ncanU..ue •-'-"' Dl¥Wo!I -· . ., L ...._. == t 3 IOO ,,. KMMICtty 12 6 1oe -I 8 471 2' .. Oeklenel Te•• S..llle M.......o .. • t 471 4 • 7 4e2 4 • 10 ~ 4 .... 7 11 3" ,.,,, .....,,. DtolWoft 0.Uoh II S ao.ton e 6 ..._... 1 8 Clilowlend 6 7 -Yotll S 8 T orOlllO 5 10 BellJmor• 3 10 ·-e.r·•ScotM Mph 4, Oekllll'd 2 O.lroH 1, New Y0<~ 2 eo.1on 8, T0<on10 1 Bammore 7. Chlc:-oc> 4 MllWllUkM 4. TeAAI I l<an ... City 6. ci.vetanO 1 SHni. 3. Mlnneeota 2 618 -571 2 ~ 2\lt 4412 ,.,. 385 4\t 333 s·~ 231 6'<\ Todey'eO- OaklanO (Langlo•O 1·21 al An .. I• (Wiii 1..()) ao.1on (Oled• 1-:n at Toronto (LNI 2-01 Oelroll (Wilco~ 1-11 a1 New York (May 0.01 ChleaOO (Trout 1-1) al Beltlmor• (0 Mat· ,.,_ 1-01 Ct.vetanO (Blyleven 2..01 et l<•nNt City (L-dl·ll ......... (t.tcOln 1·11 11 T-(Hougll 2-~ l-1) (Wlllilime 2..01 al S..llle (Pwfy Netlon8I LMaue ......... ~ W L 13 3 11 4 • e 6 II s 10 5 II ~._ OlrilMft Pet. 09 llS - 733 1'.\ !I()() s 353 7'tt 333 7 ... 313 8 St i.-13 3 813 IOO S&3 4 17 313 214 -York t 6 3'' 4 6 a ~If... 7 5 POl&llufgll S 1 C!llcego S II ~ 311 ' letwNy'1aeor-~ 7 San Franot9CO 6 St LOUii 7 Pnileoelpfl4a 4 ..... York I. Montr ... 0 Pi11t11utg11 8. CNcaQO s San Otego 6, Allllnla 4 Clnc:kmatl 3. HOU9ton 2 ,..,..a-. ~ (Vetenzuete 2· 11 al San Fret\Cl· aco (Gale I· II New York (Scoll 2· 11 •I Montreal (Sender-1-1) SI loult (Rincon 1·01 al Phlladalphl• (ClvlltanaOll 1·11 Sen Otego (()u(tle 2-01 al Allanla (Mahler 2..01 Pl11tbutgll (Aflodan 0-11 e1 CNcaoo (Bird 1-31 0nonne11 (Solo 0-21 •• Howton !Sutton 2·1) AM£9'tCAN LEAGUE Angeh 4, ,.., 2 c~A OAJCLAM> eer llbl ., .. .,. Owning. " 4 0 1 0 Hl'ldnln II 4 1 0 0 Mor-. pt 0 0 0 0 .LQPM. 2b 4 I 2 0 Clal1'. II 0 0 0 O 8'1rtglla. r1 4 0 0 0 Lynn c:I 2 2 1 O ~ c:I 4 0 3 2 eer-111 2 o 1 o IClutta 311 2 o o o Gnch.2b 2101 Groea311 1 000 Beylordh )t11 Jtlnendh 4 010 DeCnc:e. ~ 2 0 1 0 Rudi, 111 3 0 0 0 enq.,er. rt 2 0 1 1 llclnC* "" 1 0 1 0 Foll, • 4 0 I 0 ~""' c 3 0 I 0 Boone ' 4 000 Meyat ph 10 00 Slnly • 3 0 2 0 Totlll 25 4 7 3 ~-~51 :,g ~ ._...,...,... Olllllnd 000 100 010-2 C.Ulornlil 200 1 tO OOii-• OP-<:aNfornla 2. L08-0•len0 7. Call- lornle I 28-ANTI•. Downing, Lynn, Cat· .,. &8-Lopee. 8enlQu8. S-a.ntqua 2. O.CI-. LYfll'I. SF-Orldt o•lel'ld •""•"•'° MclCettY (L. Ml 8 7 4 4 5 8 c.....,,... Zlfln (W. a.GI ~ t 2 2 t 1 A-(S,21 1'' 1 0 0 0 2 HBP-by MCCany (Grldll WP -MClC•llY T-2 32 A-68,163 ,. .......... IATTIMO A9 II M ttll 1191 l'ct.. M 11 II 0 2 .321 IO 9 It 0 3 317 37 1 11 0 5 306 118 11 20 e 12 ~ 55 3 16 0 2 291 70 10 20 2 8 2M eo 8 18 3 11 .ae1 IS I 4 0 1 297 20 2 6 0 3 2SO 9 12002so 55 4 12 0 s 218 41 1 t 0 3 , ... 45 4 7 0 2 156 30000 000 0 0000000 eoe 12 1511 11 es 292 PftC...0 • M -4,1 3 3 ,. 11 10 33"-24 s 11 2 • 2 '2 • 2 112 16 8 1e.1 11 1 347 2t 8 lt.2, 21 • 4 1 8 3 170.2 141 17 IO W"'-PIA I 0.0 000 11 1-1 o ts 9 3-0 134 4 2·1 I~ 4 2-0 I 89 10 1-0 2 04 10 0.0 220 • 2·1 239 • 1·2 2 75 1 0.0 4.15 70 12·5 1 tO au.2b Ltld•••. ct o .... ro. rt "'~··· Pena,p , ....... p 9AN 'flAMCllCO .. , "Ill hlett. JI> 6 0 I I MOtgtfl. , tb 4 I I O 09\M, cl S 1 O o ..,,,.,,..,. 4001 I.nerd, ,, 4 1 , a 8tgmt1, lb 4 t I I ~-.C 2 I 0 0 LaMtlr, •• 2 o o o Evant.lb t IO O 811tr, P t 0 0 0 Kulpaf, ph 1 0 I 0 Otnng, P O O O o Smol\, pn O o o o Cl11rlt. pl! I 0 0 I Minion, p 0 0 0 0 WhlfrO. pn I 0 0 0 8 s s 1 1 0 I ..... 1, lllpM 0 New York 000 000 100-1 8 0 Monlreel 000 000 000-0 4 1 Puleo. Feieone 17), Allan (8) Ind Steema. Suma, L• \8) llnd Cat•. W-Pul«> (2· 11 L-8urrll (o-3). S-Allen (6) A-30,55'. C.,..._7,,......4 SI L,,_. 000 012 t30-7 13 O PMaOelOh!a 020 101 000-4 10 1 Anou1•r. Batr IT). Sull•• Ill and Porter Rut,_, Farmer (71. Lyle (91 Wl<I ow w Bait Cl·OI l-F11mer t0-11 S-Sutl., (61 HA-Pll•la<Miphla. OW 2 (41 A-'15,.270 ""•'"I. CllM S PllllDUtgh 000 031 202-• 13 2 CtloCa90 005 000 000-5 6 0 Baumgarten Rob1r11on (3) end Pene • .lerlklnS. M.U (&~ TIOt-17\. Her...-(81 Smlln ltl end Oav11 W-Aobl"l<HI (1·01 L-MatU (0-'11 HR-P11..outQtl. e.tr• (1) CNo:llOO MooatlnO 151 A · 1t ) 12 , ...... .,_4 Sen o..go 100 ooo 140 8 T 2 Atlanta 00 I 030 000 4 9 I E-~ Be.one (51 SflOW (81 O.leon (81. ,.,,,_ ct l -Stnmo. Pocorooa w -S-(2-0). L -Gerller C 1-1~ S -~ (II HA -Allanta. Horner (3~ A -28.447 "9da J, AattoeZ C1nanna11 200 100 ooo-J 8 o Hov11on 000 001 001 2 8 o P••or• Shirley t71 Hume Ull •nO rrev•no • l<MCIC*. StN11> (81 Wl<I AM>by W Putorf (2-11 L-"nepper 11·21 S Hurne (•I A -32 S2S ToP 10 ,....., °"as at .,.,,, "*"1CAH UAOUI 0 A8111M~ 13 S2 1 27 Sit 13 SS 1 24 43$ 13 50 13 n 420 13 ... ti 19 390 Murray Bammor• Cooper. Mtlwaui<M Hanan. c-.o .IOhnlOn,MIM C.bell. o.t Y-.Ben 0..... &altimor• Ziik. 8-ltla Aendofph. Haw York 8'1111.T- 18 &6 1 26 314 14 44 9 17 3M 13 43 9 1S 372 17 811 1 25 368 12 49 7 ,. 367 13 ~ 8 19 3S8 ...... .._ Hf11ek. ~ 7 Dewftlfte. ,...... t; Th«ftlOf\, ~. 5. Ml.lfray Belllmora 4 YMtlmllll ~on. 4. Harran o. ... ano 4. OglMe. ........... 4 ............... Hltlek ........ 990l:a. It Ogll\'le MllWWk .. Ill. £ Murray BalUmore 15 Thornlon C..-.0 1s OU.. ~ Olly 1S ~(2~) TuOO< Boeton. M . ~fl ......... M , Hoy!, O*ago, Ml, Froat. ~ Qty, Ml. a--.. SMl1la. l-0; ~. ~ 2-0 . Ouldry. New Yor-. 2·0. ••"•"••· .,,...... 1 .. , Burne OllOalQO 2.0. w..,,,. M.nnMOIA, 24. ~. Taut 2-0 MATIOMAI. LU.GUI 0.UllM~t 64 14 25 3t 1 59 12 22 379 St 8 22 373 llO 12 22 367 50 3 18 3eO 3t 5 14 3&t 67 15 23 .343 38 4 13 3d 86 II 22 338 51 ti 17 333 311 14 12 333 46 5 18 3$3 .._ .. _ l<tngman. -York 6. Mor......O. Chlc990 S. Olal PT>lllO<llPNA 4 Hano•ldl St LOU<t 4 ~ Allllt1ta. • .._a.ti ...... Ktngman. -YOtll. 16 Mwphy Allll'tll 15 MorNIO. CNcago. 14 Hern-SI l-14 Lucano. San OOeQo 14 l'ltc'*'e (2 OecWona) Fo.ecn SI Louie. 3-0. Wekll. D~· ~~don. Montr .... 2.0. Mi;re $1 LOUlt 2-0 M.,,.., Atlel'lta. 2..0, McWtllmL Atlanta 2-0 . Chllfar. S1111 OMQo. 2·0, Curtl•. Sen Otego, 2-0; ~ • .., l>leao. 2~ ""~ UC lrftle 11, LMf e.edl ...... 2 LOl'IG 8Mdl 010 oocr 100-11 a s UC i.w.a 220 441 04•-11 21 O Youno. Juo0a (4). Ueno (4) Smith (6) and J llllling9t. 8 ~ (91. Cowan 0.... (71 end Bllfnaro w -Cow•n cs.s, L-Young (0·41 2B-8atnerd 2 (UCI). Ollck 2 (UCll. Rupp (UCI~ klglegatt (UCll. J 9tlling8' (UCIJ HA-Rupp tUCll . 81CC*D OAM& lOftl ..... 81MI U. UC lntM a L0119 8eectl Sta .. 802 211 0-12 14 UC Irvine 001 (11)1 0-O S 4 Townffnd, Keul> (fl) end Yet•'· Wood - head, W~ (I), Alllh« (3) end &atn«O W-f OWllMtlO {2•1) L-WOOOhaad 1:M1 28-i.--(L8), Yet• (l.81. 0.0... l./Ctl 38-9-11'1 (LBI HR-KnoK (L81 • l Qll I.A Htrbol 4 I OOl<lan WMI 3 2 1 81111e Monlce l 2 1 Alo Hondo 3 2 1 e.11lA 3 2 1 LOI Af'\Q411M CC 2 3 2 Cypr-2 32 LA Soulh-l O 6 4 lalwdef'e*-" Oot<Mn w .. 1 8, Rio Honoo 15 ~ 18, Loa A11Q411M CC 8 EMI LA 7 LA Soulh-1 6 lA H11tb0r 8, 811111 Monica 3 T""*Y'•O- Gol4an W•I al LA &oul- lot AllQ4llM CC 11 LA Hatbor EMI LA 11 Rio Hor>do Cypr-al Santa Mon1c1 High ecttoof ,..,,.,lain Y•y I. HwltlflelOft llMl:h 0 roun1a1n va1i.y 400 004 o -8 8 o Hunltng10<1 llaac" 000 000 0 -0 S 4 AY9<• and Pr all, Buckel•, Brian Beato (61- Lallm•r \8) ano s n111ey W-Ayera t•·2) l. Buckett 17·21 28-Brlan 8Hr0 CHBI GrH n IH8 l 38 -Ruuell (FVI. HR_: Jongew•arO IFVI Rot>ar1t (FVI l[dlaon .. llllertM 4 M1111na 111 000 1-4 6 1 EO..on 000 120 2-5 8 1 Ba<ry, ~t (6) '*-ti (71 end Flor•, 0.8anon ano L1119e10 W-0.8a<lon L- Bennen 2B Etalar (Ml. Evant (Ml Queal 1£1 Oe8enon (El l(woi.k IEI lunMtl.Mfue w l Ga EOtaon II 2 HutlllnQIOf\ 8Mdl 7 4 2 Founl..,, v .. ..-, 8 s J MIW'tna S 6 4 ~v-• 1 s W•lm.nalet 2 9 7 lalwnle,.. aeor- Ecloaon S Mattna 4 Fount-V .. ley 8 HuntongotOf\ 8eecl> 0 Ocean V-8. W•lmlnll8' 6 ,.,..., .• a-.. HunttnQIOf\ 8eKll 11 W•trntneler (3 ISi fountein v1111ey-.. M.,..,. at 91.,. F...a 11 Ecloeon "' 0cNn V-11 Mila SqUate 171 Angelu1 League W L T 6 t 1 S••v!le 8'•"<>0 Amal Mal., 0.. s 3 0 1' 4 3 2 2 8""09 Montgomery SI Paul 2 6 0 4' 2 IS 0 latlitdey'• ._.. Mat., De< 9 Blehop Montoon--Y 4 8111'10() Amal 8. St Paul 3 • ......., .• ca.- Malet 0.. al Setvna 9'"10I> Amil el 8lahop Monlgc>rT*Y 280 JOO 3 40 MCO..O llACL One mlla 1*4 Andy Henley "-!er IMelerl 6 00 4 00 0.1,.,,. (Ha,_) 8 40 MU Bomb<o (P111Ur) MOOCly Blva. AlaO , acao Br•an1 JKltoe ~I lNN t Sii 315 THllN> 11.t.Ct. OM rnlla pece And'(I Offtl (Hymlll) 16 00 6 20 4 20 To LIW IRoMnl 7 eo 4 40 Lum!>« Ch¥mlt (WlllletN) 2.eo Al9o r!IC*I lirna Prelefr~en Andr-. Commocllly, f ha Punk, Howd)' Mon. Wiid Cato Time 2 04 215. '2 UACTA 15-91 pa<d S 113 40 'OUllnt lllAct. One m11e p11C41 BenroOOan tLonoc>I 7 20 3 60 Btook flelO (Anoer.anl 4 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 Stat><ha• (Arrnslrongl Alto raceo SullOln Co..nt RaneH Gold 8 C T"'ll I St! 3/S ''"" llACI. One rnl'a pee.. C8') oun-(HYfl*ll It! 00 6 40 3 20 True lrlCll C (a.lone) S 20 2 flO Oon ,.._. Slat lAubllll 2 .a A'-0 raced CalinlA. H.._,IOUI II<-[)Mp Woodt Branc!Y Allid Ory firna 2 0 I 115 12 IXACT • Cl-41 pe1e1 ses 60 ltXTH l'Ac&. One mite pece Aylng Riv .. (P..,,., 1 .a 3 00 2 40 Courev--Aed (IWeblerl 2.40 2 20 &al CNmc> (~I 2 40 N Alto raced NalM Hunler Madt ~ T-156 Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 2~. 1982 'OUltTH "ACI. 6 furlOntl• OrlU 111\0 FflU 3 •o My Domino 10....,ral Orum Orum (AtrnutNn) 2eo no 4,60 3 00 260 Alto rr.ced Top OMllc. Adludleado Time I 09,, .. IXACTA IS.11 petO ... 8 50 ''"H "ACI. 9 turlongt Atng PrOUO (MoC111ronl II 00 3 40 2 40 fighting Fii (Oua<rel 3 flO 2 40 M Pa!lldlno 1°"4ehou• .. Y•l 2 40 a:~•0o raced Je111ng Plelluta Ourllha TlnW 1 09 3/6 *8 IUCTA (4-SI paid $S1 00 llXTit llACI. 6 furlong• Aeeay Rea 10tivat .. 1 8 80 2 ao 2 20 ElclenoOOCI $pec1a1 tOuetlel 2 80 2 20 C111yon CC>alenou~I 2 40 Al90 rec:.d F.,... Of f'latn4t J And N e °'?;,,,. 1 01I 3/S llYINTM lllACI. fl', lurtonot Arnold CS-ak.,l tO 40 3 flO a-Cnatga Ac.count (Hlll\Wll 2 40 e-San11< CAttnu-1 2 40 3 ao 2 40 2 40 • -cOUC*IO 1-8olO ACll A Rael Splath Jan...., s Ptl,_ HOllChO NOIOt Ttme I 16 715 SS IUCTA (6-11 patd ~7 SO 12 l'ICIC lfX (4·S·!I 4 S-51 pa;a $3 133 60 With 60 wtnn1ng tic:~et• (ti• hor-1 S2 Pl(;~ S11 con.ollllOn paid MIO 60 .. 11h 1 034 win r\lllQ 11Ck••• ,,,,,. hOr-1 UOM'TM lllACI . I 1118 rnllff on lurl Menu-• tOelallouSMtyel6 flO 3 40 2 60 Frencll Chwrnat (M<;Hergual 4 60 3 60 US.Wiii' (ShOamalo.er) l 60 Aleo racecl Toutnemanl Slat Star Pn 11.11 ... Spttty LtrM. Balietom•na lime: 1:41 215 "*"4 llACI. I 1118 -on IUrl lacor• (McCatronl & 80 3 llO 3 ex Vi.n<lt• (~) e llO t 4( I Fell on LO'te (SI-I 1 9C Al10 raced Gt1n1• DeHo co ... M• Home Sw1a1 Maio Swill BttO Chait•• Dancer Time 1 41 215 II UACTA IMI pe;O S 1&9 00 AllandatlG41 30 386 H'9h eahool ewlmmlng ... afOM V1IJO llM'T A TIOMAl <a• ....,._.... ••"" c-•l ..... 200 medley relay 1 Newpotl Harbor 1Ballacl1. Uollel Hatt11on. Thomp1on1 1 38 e .. 2 P .. m Sprtno•. 1 38 24, 3 Minton VtetO 1 41 70, 4 Ml Carmel 1 43 31 S Capistrano Valle'( 1 45 89 200 ltff -I louden (MV) 1 42 58. 2 Moffel INHI, 1 44 89 3 Htrrlaon t"HI I 46 $3. 4 w .. 11 (MVI. 1 45 SS 6 Noma (MCI I 45 84 200 IM I Kulitnldl IMV). I S6 28 2 MojlarO (COMI 1 57 98. 3 McC"'ally (MVI. 1 51 53. 4 Ewll1 IUCI. 2 00 16 5 M<:Cullen IMC, 20056 SO lrM -I LaMlh (CVI 21 82 2 (till Ti.ompaon tNHI anc1 Str•la (MC) 21 87, 4 S!M<M CPSI 22 T t 5 H11.1rlgan (MVI 22 80 100 fly -1. Orun \MC I. 5137 2 Mottet (NHI. 52.N , 3 Ballecll (NH) 63 t 2 4 Vas tallO (M\/) 54 3S. S C..rtgan IPS) 55 14 100 ffM -1 LouOan (MVI 47 78 7 L• Mlh lCVI '8 32 3 S1ra1e fMCI 41 38 4 Ha..09an (MVI 41! 117 5 T11ompll0rl INHI 4t 82 S00 h• I ICvtn.w:h (MV) 4 41 M 2 E-1 (MC) 4 45 46 3 W-1 (MVI 4 47 26 4 ~O CCdt,tl 4 48 44 S ~(MCI • 4t 83 100 ~ .J.. I Onlll IMC). S4 05. 2 Nor119 (MCI 54 17 3 Hamilton (MY). 5• 63. 4 8altadl (NHI se 0 I s VUMllO IMVI sa 3, 100 br ... I -1 Giil tP81 57 14 2 Mc Clu•~•Y (MVI. 1 02 00 3 Dallelo (CV). 1 02 tO 4 $c:hn91d,,,._ (MVI 1 02 tS S Brown IMC> 1 04 73 400 lfM ,..., 1 Ml CerrNI 3 11 73, 2 MIH ton Vleto 3 11 H 3 Palm Spt1n91 . 3 20 64 4 Newpo•I Har llor 3 21 26 S Cap+slrano Valle'( 3 39 3 I TMmacor~ 1 M•-V•to.414 2 Ml Carmel 381 '• 3 NewpOr1 H11tb0t 2t0''> 4 Cep1t1tano Valley 18t, i Palm Spt1ng1 188 8 COftina a.I MW 1:IO 7 Gahr 19 ·-200 medley reley -t Min ion Viejo. 1.55.67, 2. Corona del M•, 15t.81;3. Ptlm Spring•. 2:01 U ; 4. Capl•lr•no Vallay. 2101.U : 5. ~ Hatl>Of, 2·14.11. 200 lrM -I Co'-(Ml/) 15!103, 2 F Berkar (MVI. 1 !17 34 3 8r1"0ew1a tMVI I 58 04, 4 Amen tCVI. 1 SO 98, 6 Qu•Ch ICVI. 204 72 200 JM -1 WooO~ IMVI. 2 ~ 71 2 V Barker \M'lll 2 08 6S 3 Burch CCV) 2. 14 7• 4 °'"* ISi Bernardi 2 16 63 S Sopp CCVI. 2 18 08 SO Ir" -I 81<0 (COMI 24 96 2 W.,. 1cv1 2S 57 3 P911ey (MVI. 26 •8 4 Wall~ IM\I). 29 53 5 8ulCMr tCOMJ 27 oe 100 lly 1 OHalner (MVI 59 22 2 Mayer fMV). 6t 87 3 Wan (CVI 1 0 I 52' 4 KtiaQarnan IC•ontoadsl I 02 27 .5 Zorr IMVJ I 02 39 100 ne -1 a.to tCOM) S3 78 2 4,,_ CCVI 54 07. l Piiie'( (MVI. 61 04 4 8ran ONM (MV), 61 10 5 W.n-(MV) 57 to SOO ffM -I Cohen (MV) 4 S6 IO. 2 F 8ar~er (MY). 4 51 13 3 Brechner (MV, s·t1.33 .• Moffet (NHI 5 12 ... 6 Robt (CdMj, $3133 100 lid -I WOOOMed (MV). 54 13; 2 lortt IMV\. I 01 78, 3 Ot.,_ (SI .. Nlld) 1 03 34, 4 SoCIP (CV), 1'04 13 5 o...i:- (MV~ 1 Ool 70 100 .,,,_t -1 Mcfer1ene (PS~ 1 07 26 2 V ..,..., (MV). l'OI t1, 3 llrtacoa (CCIM, 1 12 13. 4 Ournmlng (HHI. t 13 II, 6 8utdl (CV). I. 13 61 " 400 lfH , ... , -I M-'On Viejo 3 31 "· 2 Ceplttrano Vallty 3 4t 81. 3 Pelm &pr1ll09. 4 00 42, 4 Corone Oel M.,, 4.0 I 06 1H m ecorlng I. MIH lort l/lajo. 41~L2 ~·-v.-.,. 369; a eor-Ott -· 2M: 4. 'lllm lprinfa. 144. a. N1WP«1 Hiit· t>or, ee. , .... P'-*'• °'*" lkoll ~ .,... 13& IOb ,,,..,., 86 71 137 Tom Jen•um h 1111 138 OatY l<OCll 7 l ·68 139 -Lal tY DIGlet 118 7 I I )9 Lon Hlllkfa 70.H 1311 JIM (llmor11 118 71 139 0on Pooley 72 118 140 Jim Co!betl 87. 73 140 Bob 6aalwoo0 71 89 140 Brucia F'lelllle< 11~0 140 GM Morglll T t-6t 140 Torn WalllOll 71.10 t41 Cl!lp 8ack 11.10 141 Lannte Cleflianla 72·70-142 Miile A.io • 72·70 142 W1yna I llVI 75-67 142 Cur11e S1r11noe 12-70-142 Willy Arm11tono 11.71 142 Barry JMCilel 70 72 142 Btll l<r11Ler1 70 12 14 2 Joe 1nmat1 7:1-M-142 Jay Hut 60·73-142 •·fommy M00t• 73-70 143 Jodie M...00 72-71 143 Phil Hen<:OCI< 7 ) -62-143 Oreg P-t 61-74-143 M .. k Platt 71-72-143 TDmMy v-..11na 75-68 143 Dave ~betger 6t-76 1« Oa...O Edwatdt 72 72-144 RO<I Curl 13-11-144 lOU Grahefn 71 73 1U Allen Ml-12·72 144 UMY wao~tn• 12 12 1u Ron C.omm1n1 Ile 76 ,,,. Rog9' CllvK> 71 7J 144 UnOy MM'-7 1 7l 144 Ron Str!ICI. 11.13 144 Bollby w adllln• 73 7 1 , .. G~ Arche< M ·7tl 1u Ed 0ouQ118'1y 74.71 14~ LH Elder 72 73 14~ Jol\n Cooll 71 74 14~ Jeff Sanoal• n 11 "~ OtiO<ge 8urn1 75 70 14!> Jay Cu<IO 72 73 14~ Oan PC>fll 7 t 74 "~ David TllOt• 73 72 t4~ Lance Ten 8r041Cli 72 7l 14~ Andy 8ffn 72 73 14~ Gery Hallberg 11 n 141> Doug Tewell 7~ 71 146 Larry Flink., T• 72 t4b Dave 8111• 73 73 146 Dave Hiii 72·74 1•1> SI-TllOtnaS 72 74 146 Bob Aclo .. ,,,.,., 72 7' 147 Miii• McCullouOh 76 71 147 M"'a Nleolella 72· 7~ 147 G•llby GHberl 72 7 5 "7 cnat1aa eooo1 n ·~ 1.r 8111 O M-• 71 14 147 Batbef 7J 74 141 Bt•non 72 7~ • 41 C..d• 11 15 141 ~Slocum 72·7~ u1 Perry Annu• 72 1~ 147 HQ FalOO 1 S Tl 14 7 Al Geit>eooet ;~ 72 147 Jwn o.n1 74 n 1 <11 M.,I< Lye 74 lJ !47 JKll Ntcki.d 7 I 76 I 41 rom cna.n 75 1 J 14~ S~Mlet Hf!eth 14 14 1•8 C.,.,,n Peele 74 7• 149 .Je<ry HMrO 76 72 148 Oen .. WalSO<' 72 76 148 M11<e Su111n8<1 :e 10 1411 0ouo c.,.,,pC>et• 13 1~ 1411 a tmateu• Orlendo Ledy c1 .. 1le (al Ort.ndo, Fla.) cn11• Jonnsonn 73 611 Sllvoa 8'9rl01a«.1nt 73 69 Catny Mone 15 &a 141 ••2 14.; Alte;e RtUman 7 5 611 Beley l<tng 76·68 Amy Aleoll 7S 70 Cethy Mani 74 71 O.anne Oa1i.y 7 3 12 Cln<ly Hiff 74 72 Carotyn Hiii 73.74 8onnia l-· 73 74 Holly Hertley 76-69 l<alhy Hlle 77 70 Vtet.o Fergon 76-7 1 8onnta 8ryan1 76 7 1 J>Ay Ci•f~ 73 74 J-81•10et< 7~ 72 Belh Oent414 75-12 Matta Slut>blehetc! 7S-72 Deb-M UMy 74-73 Sydney~ 74-73 8e¥erty IOnt1 74-73 Su ... McAW1ster 73·7• L-a-.-Parka 73-74 My.a Ven.._ 11.11 Jenny L• $tnl1h 7 7 71 Pall• Rono 77-71 Pal 8rec11ey 76-72 catOle Ctiert><>nn+er 76 n Batbara Barrow 74 1• lon QarllaC'Z 7•-74 Connoe CNI-73-75 Barbara MoJll'IKt 11 72 Terr• Moody 76 73 MM1y Olol<eraon 75.74 Laut• Hurlbut 75-74 &ecky PN.rtOn 7S-74 Lynn AO.,,,a 74 75 Pai Gieuen 82-&a V1e;~I hbor 77'· 73 S..bare Mltr"'11e 77 73 Pal Myert 76· 7 4 Judy Awlkln 75 75 - AllOa Miller 74-76 Altton Sneerd 74·16 twterly OavlS·Cooi>er 73.17 Ellllne HanO 78· 73 Holli' Stacy 77. 14 Mary Owyer 77·7• That-H4'19'00 7S 76 Jo.,.:e K11m1...-1 74.77 Joan Joyce 76 76 Sue Robert\ 78 7 4 A,.,...11 Rorer 78-74 Me.-H8Q04' 77.75 M.,Of)fl W~l<lrll 77 .75 Sandra P-75-77 Sue Ertl 81-72 - Roeey 811111<111 60-73 Ju<f) 11.omllall 76-75 - J-C•al'le< 77. 76 Murie II<-77 78 Aleaancl'1• Rf!onharo1 77 711 -VM811 Brownlee 74 79 UM 5\anley 78-76 a.it Hlrall 84-70 - l(Motyfl ~ 78-76 Mllldy ,,._.. 7t 75 Vldil Singlelon 71-75 - 61Mt F«don 80-74 Cindy u.-in 77. 77 &AnO<• MurlJOll• 73 .. 1 -Senot'•Spu.zich 75-~ Kathy Martin 77.71 OMtloe WOOd I 1·74 Lynn Slrone, 76-77 Call'IY~ 19.11 14.l 144 14~ 1•~ 14~ 146 ••7 147 147 147 1'1 ••1 147 ••1 U7 147 14' 147 147 ,., 147 ••ti 148 148 ••8 148 148 148 148 1•9 14q 149 149 1411 ••!I •50 l!>O ISO ISO HiO 1!>0 ISO 1!>0 151 15 I ISi ISi ISi 152 152 •52 152 152 152 1S3 ISJ ISl 153 153 1!>3 IS3 1S4 16• 154 154 16" 1$4 154 154 155 155 165 165 16S ...,.,,~ c~c Ot.,,._ eo.1 def Ml Slit! AntonlO. l!l· 1, 15-4, 15-11 •• --!tr~,, -... . . . -· • Tlm" Grenet ftttll . (~,=-=) 1 C11111 Co•O Beverly Hiiia and Jim Ade ma In• At>g••••· lola Cllewrolal, 111 '!>4 n>j.111 2 l eO '••Id, Newpo•I ... en •nd 8111 WhllltnCJIOn r ort l •uderdele Fla , Lola Ct..,,, 0ta1 t 11 OH n11)1l 'hHMllow 3 .Jol'ln PW, Sr . and Jonn Peul, Jf . bOlh All•nta, Oa Porac;ha 935 t 17 U 4 tn011 4 John f111pa,!.t~_, I an OW!llu, atlO Oellld HObl>a, PUMI:* DOVV""9IOll, ~· P-ena 83&. 11& ll'lll mpn Thltd "°" 6 Bobby l'lehal, Columbut. 01>10, tt>O M•11"'"' D•N••••ei Bogota Colombia. Matell 120 CheY<ollll 116 641 rnpll ti R11pn Cook• B••••ly Hiiia and Jonn '!;:,"' Lot At.gel .. lola C~r°'91 t 18 400 f.,wltl .... 7 Jim •1.1•111 lagun• Baacn and Varn S<huoPan Autlralla Por.cne 935 114 229 rnpf> 8 Bob Aktn 0.tin"'9 N 1 Craig Sltlbeol ~borOUQll N V llOO 0.. ... Bell S-z EnglllWI Porac"-93!> t 12 73!> mpn ~llow t Wiiham f\oll Carlabad a nd Skeeter Mcl<trretlCk fn,ono C.alll RonO..., 382 Cf'leovtollll 110 7~1 ~ 10 0.... Cowar1 T-f'• end K.eni>er Moller P111l<.1t<l N v MllCn 820 BMW 110 38!1 "'"" ll•fh -11 u l 5-o..... re~ .. and ferry Wolle•• Or •an.So >la Potecna t3S 10&-S31 Mph U Dfl"''" A•H Orange ano Clluclt ICenOall ri.r•l"dg• C.ahl BMW M· 1 106 3lt mph law.nth Row 1] ltob <>•''~'~ M0Uf"l•1n V••* Ray Rll•"" OallH fe•n aod Graoy Ct•y °"''·~· c;.,10 Poo.._,,. ~.I~ 106 163 rnpll 14 f(t'( ~ Rr,0•-9''"' M '""' F•a and JOfVI G'"""ood Allamt>t>le ~p.,nga Fla • Cor· ... 11~ tO!> 115(1 mpn (lghth Row I~ 1 onv 1,are11 Mtlm• Fta Fred Sllll. $~ ollmut• N I .. nd Al~! Naon Mtamt Fla BMW M I 10" b'.6 mpll I!. Bob l<llvh O..nv~' Colo and Cnrll u•~uon <>111 .. 1..c.11e?• Pa Pontiac Fw•- t>o•t1 10~ 1,4 I mjJh Ninth llow 11 H111, t•.i•J4'• l ata;ftn• la 411'4' G.,ne f,..,.,., M••·rll • C.a C.amiWo 104116.4 """1 18 C.•l>Q '-"-'',.. 1no M~ Ml.11er. l>Olh C<>\!A MPM .,.., RIC.h .. d 5~at0 l\o4ontreel Cl.1n""• RIAW M I 104 '80 -not> T•nth llow 19 U•ur.o Ek 1o->e loa A~ encl M.lla Cr1.,.,, .... , o.,,,. Pl')tn\ BMW M 1 UM 720 "'"' 70 EOwttOO l';ottann J•m••I and Qpono Ii' $an SalviOl'J' E.1 S•lvaoor P«>l • t 'f.l• 10• I~' "'"' WCT tournement (al Datlatl km"ln., llntlM ,.,,.. Mt E "'"" oer E0014' ()lbbe t.-• f>-4 T lj .. ,,,, \.4tf1CS1 Oe-t V11•'t "mt11ra1 6-1 6...0 7 ., Alen King Clat1k: Cal Ln Veo••l s.m111r .. 1 alnelee J1mn1y (...'""""'' c.se1 Sandy Mayet. •~6 6 ? f.t t (,f'n" May~r def Mat• EOmono'°" 6 fl b I Murlenl Women'• TourNment l•I Ame4la l.a.nd, Fla.) lln91H Flftel Cr.nt he<I llOyO O('< AnOt.,. J aegef 6"3 (, t h .. I ll<>vO "'"'' ,12 0001 Herd Court tournement (al 8ow-h. ( ... lend) ~·lngMol M-0<"1'1 .. 0.1 Bal&n T1110CZ) 6-7 7 S I\ 1 Angf> Ci .m•n"' def JON U»s Oa· IT\ .tr\t ., 6' 1 ~ WonMn OJAI TOOf'HAllll~NT Colle9e Ouarlarftnal Doublee Mau•ton Copatano 1S1•n•oro1 def Ua•,. M'ff"• M .. >nd. My«s cue ,,..,,., 6.() 6-J Commuot1yc..._. o-tarllnel ,.,,.._. 11••0 IO•anoe Co1stl oat &town IPtHO~nal &·I 8 I Goell•C:h 10ren9e Coe•ll a.I HOM IMtrt>lll 6-1 ti I ~Ooulllee S.1an Reed fO••nea Coe111 oat KrJka• H•t'°'berg tVenlurel &-' 8 t ~~ Hatt1t Mer-(Palomatl Clef S.11n A-4 co. .. 199 eo.111 1.e 11 2 • • ~~ I .. ! 1 ~ I • ~ . .! • I . ! 1 ~ 1 ' I 1 114 Orange Coat DAILY PIL.OT/8undey, AprJI 25, 1982 Moll et denied at swim me~t Inglewood tour·ney has area flavor UCI, 49ers split Bird, Woodhead stand out at Mission Viejo Invitational Ant aters lose nightcap after 17-2 romp llY ROGER CARUON or .. o..,,...,..., John Moffet went for a couple of All~Amerlcan 1tandard1 ln even t.a other than hi1 breaatltroke 1pedalty Saturday afternoon at the fifth annual M1'lk>n Viejo Invitational 1wtm meet -but with the eenJor prom juat the nlaht before he came up a b(t abort. The defend.J.na CIF champion ln the breut- atroke f lniahed aecond In the 200 freeatyle (l:H .69) and the 100 butterfly (52.96). "Conalderlng the efforta made," uld Newport Harbor Coach Tom MWch, "rm happy with the tirnee." The Sallora fl - niahed third to cham- pion Mlaion Viejo and runner-up Mt. Carmel of the San Diego leci:lon The women'• dlvialon, dominated by team cbamplon Mlllion Viejo (Sippy Woodh ad. Tiffany Cohen and Co.), found Corona del Mar Hlgh'a Mi- chele Blrd cracking into the wtnnet"a circle twice as she won the 30 and 100-yard fnlestyles in timetl of 24.96 and 63.78, I Bird's winnins effort.a helpe8 Corona del Mar finish third to champion Mlulon Viejo and runner-up Caplttrano Valley. Woodhead earned the women'• Athlete of the Meet aw ard off her All-American efforts in the 200-yard individual medler. (2:0~.71) and the 100 back (58.63), while the men 1 top award was captu- red by Mt. Carmel's Sadri Ozun, who won the 100 fly (51.37), nosing out Moffet, and the 100 back- stroke (54.05). Pacing the Mission Viejo juggernaut was junior Dave Louden, whose timea of 47.78 and 1:42.56 earned flrat place medals In the 100 and 200 frees- tyles. The Dlablos of Mission Viejo were going wi- thout some of their heavyweights -Rick Prado, Fili Colon, Roger Madruga and Todd Hickman INGLEWOOD -There were quit~ a few 1urprl1e9 Saturday after pool play was °:tl1et.ed at the Inalewood volley tourna- ment here. The biggest aurprile, however, might occur Monday when tour- nament officia18 change the site from Inglewood to San Clemente High for the quarterfinals, &emis and fl.nals "It's been discussed and the coaches think It's a good idea," said Inglewood volleyball coach Gene P opko, who is a lso the tournament director. "We'll find out Monday if San Clemente is available." Despite a tot.al of 22 rune and 26 hits, the UC Irvine baseball team could only manage a split In lta Soathem California Baaeba-il Association double-header with Long Beach State Saturday "f- ternoon o.s the Ant.eaters won the opener 17 -2 be fore losing the night.cap. 12-5. UCI Jumped on five: 49er pat chers for 21 hits and 17 runs in the opener. Leading the attack for the Anteaters was Mikt> Rupp, who went 4-for-6, lnclu ding a double and a horn<: run, with eight RBI. Rupp finished his work an the first game by blasting a threc:- run homer, his third of the sea- son. behind the e f forts of MICHELE BIRD Moffet, Colin Thomp- missed the meet because of recruiting trips. • · Also swimming well was Scott Mollard of Co- Six of the eight finalists in the tournament ,are from the Orange Coaat area. The ~uarterflnals Wednesday will find San Cle - mente against Los Altos, San Marcos versus Dana Halla, La Quinta playing Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach pitted against Fountain Valley. Right-hander Deruus Cowan, tJ Fountain Valley High product, went the first six innings to even his record at 5-5. The junior al- low ed one run on three hits, struck out six and walked four F.d Deese pitched the final thra' inrungs to earn a save. son, Jon Ballac k and others. · Newport's 200 medley relay team of Ballack. Moffet, Tom Harrbon and Thompeon swept to a 1:38.84 clocking for the only flrat place in the men's division. NBA h ead s TV l ineup Dodgers, golf sche duled BY HOWARD L. HANDY O(the Delly "6ot It.ff Following are the top sports events on TV to- day. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget at (t 10 a.m., Channel 2 vvvv NBA PLAYOFFS: Washington at Boston or Philadelphia at Milwaukee. An.noucers: Unavailable. The F..astem Conference semifinals begin today with the firs\ of a best-of-seven series in Boston and Philadelphia. Washington advanced via a two-game sweep over New Jersey, whale Philadelphia was able to qualify after knocking off Atlanta twice. Boston and Milwaukee received first-round byes by virtue of their divisional champiOJVlhips during the regular 11eaaon. ~ lt:30 p.m., Channel 2 v v v v NBA PLAYOFFS: Houston at Seattle. An.noucers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. The Rockets a nd SuperSonics meet an the d eciding game of their best-of-three first-round series with the winner advancing to meet San Antonio in the conference semifmals. ~ 1 p.m., Channel 4 v v GOLF: Legends of Golf. Aanoaacert: Don Criqui, Bruce Devhn John Brodie and Jay Randolph. Sam Snead and Don January have a com- manding eight-stroke lead entenng the ftnal round of the tourney in Austin, Texas. II i p.m., Channel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Franci9co. A.uoucers: Vin Scully and Roa Porter. The Dodgers and Giants close out their three- game series with Fernando Valenzuela seeking his third win against right-hander Rich Gale (1-1). OTHER TELE.llSION 11 a.m. (13) -GOLF -Final round play in the USF&G Classic from Lakewood Country Club in New Orleans. 1:30 p.m. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN - Two-. National League MVP Mike Schmidt and his fo r Philadelphia teammate Bob Boone hunt ducks Idaho. Also: Tennis playe r J ohn New- combe "cipates in a camel roundup in the Mc- anirnw:•• Region of Au.stralia and a team of mountain e ra attempts t o scale Minya K o nka , a foot peak. 2:30 p.m . (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD - The U.S. men's and women'• gymnasbcs teams vs. the USSR, featuring world champion Olga Biche- rova, taped at Gainesville Fla. 3:30 p .m . (7) -WJDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The Harlem Globetrotters vi.sit Mickey Mowie and friends at Disney World in Orlando, Fla. Alao: The men's world record high dive challenge, taped in Orlando. RADIO Bueball -Oakland at Angela, 1 p.m., KMPC (710); Dodgers at San Franclsco, 1 p.m., KABC (790). 1 OCC gymnasts win title LONG BEACH -Orange Coast Colfege cap- tured the Meiro Conference women'• gymnaalica champlonahip held at Lons Beach City College Friday nlaht with a acore of 132.7 followed by the hc»t 9choOl with 121. 7 pomta. -Both team• qualified for the state cham- piomhip1 at Solano c.oJleae in Fairfield in Northern CaHforru. Friday and S.turda • , . Angel ducats 1iiirfi;iii3 1 • now on aale Tickets for today'• An,ele-()t!Jrlend bwb9lJ pm• at Anaheim Sta-cltura, altuated ln tbe football pr .. box, are available thr:.\~:!; ....,..HAO tH Ulln' duJ.. The nent IDclU.. a Wffet haact..on In the t ............... d -nu.II-1boul4 eontaet u4 O•rdner at ...... 0..Pnd~:tt ....... (1-1) I!.!."-~.! ....... &i:'l.'1r.f, ,,Muet rona del Mar, who was second in the individual medley with a 1:57.98 clocking and fourth in the 500 free with a 4:48.44 effort. Mission Viejo capped the meet in the 400 freestyle with a 3· ll .98, just losing to Mt. Carmel's veteran club The two main surprises thus far would haw to be Dana Hills Besides Rupp, Dave Glick , Troy Ybarra, St.eve Haworth and S teve Barnard had three hats each 2.44 2 cu. fl• Keloga Amend Oroonlze soil amendment for veoetat>ln ond flower oordens. . _ .. ~$1 Aaeorted ..... Potted Vegetables Choose from o wide selecllon of •··· pottea veoeta-bl es Readv to reolont •tao•O'°"" 8.88 30-o.lon MeUt Treiah Can Deep corruootlon. locX seams ond raised bottom for strenoth and durobllltv. ST 303 . 2.41ra-I 4.97 .~, 2 Awl--""" ISetWtee. A pair of flottsllohts oomolete 8'X11' ... tboo Fence Attractive Inside PHI bamboo. Perteet orlYOCV. with• ·o· batteries. T.V. SPECIAL OnSaleThruMa 3'~-HP 20" Self-propelled PoW9rMower ANr-dllldwge mower Wlttl flmOUI 0rigga end Stranon· "9-. Foi:l-down hard9 2.97 9.97 50'•~·· P'-4lc Hoee o.cm.11t1g ~ Ruooe<I and strono. Greoter Popular oscfllotlno sorlnkter for slow even watering. Cover s tlexlbllltv. Full floW heoVV dutv COUPllnos. QPQrOx. JO to 6S-f't. Four oosl- •1 0 tlon dlol '°' Mtected woter1no. 2.09· Knwt8Prar~ Hot Roe9t ....... ldwtd'I With whlPClfd potatoes. orovv. seasoned veoetablt. roll and butter, olus a dish of f*!lo. t.atex sproy enamel for Interior and t•t•1 lor uae. White and c:o6ors In gloss or flat nnlsti. lun. ThN lat. HltVtGt!S INCLUDE· 1 ...... ,,.,.-......... -............... ...,.... .. 1~---'--............. ~~·· --=-~),.-... .. ..., __ -=~--­•-'-~ ,, ..... ,...,_ .... • -.. .. ~w- In the nightcap , the 49era Jumped all over starter Dave Woodhead at \he IO\lthiaw coµldn't aurvtve the first lnnina. s urrendering 1ix run1 (two earned). Freahman Howle Townaend worked the flnt five lnninp tor the 49e,.. to get the victory. A YSO signups set for May 8 Amencan Youth Soccer Orga- nu:ation Region 57 (East Newport Beach. Corona del Mar) will hold rcgiatratJon Saturday, May 8 at Eastbluff Elementary School, 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Registration, aet for 9:30 a .m. to 2 p m .. must be completed in person. Youngsters, 7-years and old er who are new to A YSO mus t part1c1pate m a 10-mlnute skills test on the field adjacent to the registration .Ute. Phone Fred Brook.a at 966-5:>69 for addltionaJ information. 9.9.9 100-fl ~/Outdoor Ground Ex......,Cord M ulti ouroose, 16· oovoe e>ctenslon cord with l ·wlre oroundlno for hxreosed sofetv SOve at K mart- 16.44 35-aa-t Ice a..t Has 1tnd handles, frlnoed lld. SOie orlced ot Kmart 3.94 . 1-Glalon "°'* -Insulated olostlc wide mouth Olcnlc lub. )J, ( ~" -: . t,, {' . ,, -. 1. . ~; • t~ , • • • • . . . Y. (j "I , :• I t1 ,:1 .. ... t(! f ·~ ... ~ .,, ,. ~ .. ~ • ' ' ~ ,. ~. 'f ! ll l"I ,· r. ' I I uels pair his_ afternoon Ounge Coast Colle1te'a crew nter\afns neighboring UC lr- lne and Stanford today In a way regatta on North Lido .-.~"',."' ... }in N'ewport Beach. Finl ace la .et for 8 a.m. Coach Larry Moore's Pirate wers are coming off a success- ul ahowlng at Long Beach Ma- ~ Stadium where they swept e Long Beach Invitational Re- atta. The Bucs won the JV eight, reshman eight and novice eight 'viaiona. Because OCC is a oom- unity college, the Pirates do not ow in the varsity race agajn.st our-year schools. Most impressive or the Plrate wers ls the noVlce elght shell h ich has recorde d 10 wans gainst no losses . The novice rew topped second-place UCl, ong Beach State and Santa at the Long Beach lnvita- 'onal. Both the OCC JV eight and hman eight contingents have led 13-2 records this season. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, April 215, 1982 .. Pirates cap perfect week Edison pair • impresses Golden West sbuts down Rio Hondo; Saddleback blanks Palomar at Mt. SAC -Oranae -Cout College appeara to be pealdna at Jutt.!be right time u the Piratea won their lourtli game thll week to high· light community colle1e baseball action Saturday. • In other cont~ata, Golden Weat continued lta second-half 1ur_1e wtth a victory over Rio Hondo, while s.ddlebllck stayed atop ita division ln the Ml11lon Conference with a shutout against Palomar. Here's a look at what 6appened: Orange Coeet 7, .. nta Ana 2 When Coach Mike, Mayne's Pirates started the week, they were faced with the unenviable task of playing four South C.OUt Conference games in six days. "H we're going to 1tay in the confe- rence race, we're going to have to win all four of them," said Mayne prior to the contests. Well. the Bucs finished oU thelr four- game sweep with an impressive win &gain.!t the Dons and, as a result. have pulled Into a tie with Cerritos (11-3), thus setting up a showdown between the two clubs Tuesday (2:30 p.m.) at Cerritos. "This is the time of year whe-n our team always seem to play well and this one la no different." said Mayne after he wat- _BASE __ 'B4IL _____ ........ ched. the Pirates win their sixth game ln a row. 1 The Buca have been particularly tough to beat In their last four games. OCC has produced 64 hits and 43 runs, good for a team batting average of .339. .. There.'a no doubt we are playing well," admltted Mayne. Saturday, the Pirates exploded for aix runs in the third lnnJng off Santa Ana starter Ted Sawyer to hand him his first loaa of the &eas1>n (against six wins). OCC sophomore left-hander Jack Reinholu took it from there as he scattered nine singles, walked three and struck out five to improve his mark to 7-2. Golden w .. 1 e, Rio Hondo s The Rustlers, 3·2 in the second hall or Southern Cal Conference play (GWC went 14-0 to win the first half), got a double by Mike Wagner to open the eighth inning and a single from Roberto Villarreal one out later to pull out the victory. The Roadrunners (3-2) scored three runa ln the first Inning, but the RuaUen countered with three of thelr own In the bottom of the flnt and added lfnale tallles• in the ...-ond and third frames to take a 6-4 lead. The 1COre stayed that way, too, until the Roadrunners pushed the tying run aero. in the top of the eighth. Chuck Sptegel led the GWC offen,sive attack by going 3-for-4 with an RBI. Teammates DQug Irvine, Mike Wagner, Curtla Oervala and Vil.larreal all had two hlta each. Catcher Chris Schulz allo got a alngle In the Jtnt lnning to extend his hitting atreak to 18 games. 8eddlebeck e, P•lom•r o Rlght-hander Brad Kenney continued his domlnace of Mission Conference oppo- nents as he ran his conference record to 5-0 with an easy shutout over Palomar. Kenney'a nine innings without aur- rendering an earned run now gives hlm a total of 40 with only two earned runs for a mlniacule 0.45 ERA. Three players had two bits each for the Gauchos (13-5) as Bob Gray and Tom Link went 2-for·5, while catcher Rick Ir- win was 2-for-4. W ALN1JT -The EdilOfl HJ&h track team took only two mem- bers to the high school dMaion of the Mt. San Antonio Relays Sat- urday, but each turned ln Im- pressive performances In their respective events. ltlchard Forsyth posted a per· aonaJ beat Ln the pole vault, lea- ping 14 1/J feet. The senior won the event and barely mi11ed clearing 15 feet on his last jump. Meanwhlle, Lorenzo Demyers was ru.nner·up in the high jump at 6.-6 and also took fifth plaoe in the triple jump at 46-4. UCLA tops USC LOS ANGELES (AP) -Top. ranked UCLA defeated third- ranked Southern California 15-4, 9-15. 15-7, 15-11 Saturday night to wan the sixth annuaJ Dos Equis Collegiate Volleyball Classic be· fore a crowd of 7,437 at Pauley Pavilion o,, ..... ~ .... ~ ......... ~.__..,,. ......, . ..,,.;..,..,....,.... ·~ ............ _ .................... .._. ~ ._............ . .. , .,,..,,,,. __ ···-- Edison. stays atop Sunset • .._....r ........ ~., ... , ,, . ........, 1 ................... ~ ~.., ...... _,,,_ ............ .....,...,'-... .Al'' .. ..., .. ... ............ ........_ ... _..,.,,.. .. ..... ...... , ,,,,,,... ............ -.. ........ . ,.. ..,.,.....,,.,,,". ~---"---- -Barons shade Oile rs Edi.son Hagh's Chargers pushed acro5S to pair of runs in the bottom of the seventh inrung to edge Marina, 4-2. to highlight Suhset League baseball play Saturday. f\ iff' ·~. 'l~ <:i'l. oj "'!r\I' UI• ...It• ·=a.-i -i ~ .. ht: . . ' . .,,; ., ... ~ In other act.Jon, Fountam Valley dealt a senous ~- blow to the tale hopes or Hunllngton Beach wtth a .. ~ •o verdict. Our Reg. 11.96-13.96 9.50 Girls' Cotton Fashion Pants Leg treatmttlts. novelty de- tailing, and smart styling in spnng/ sunmer colors. 100% cotton and polyester I cotton. Sizes 7 -14 r ot.g. MML AC/DC 8/W P,.blbl& TV ~ '* ..... tS'QAlry"""' Nein! 1**n nt '°'"'-DC_.,.. •cord~ .. • 3.33eo. ~~~p~· Olsoosot>te diapers f0< babies lt..1.l II» Bo• of 2• SOve $a Pr. CM Reg 1297 Men'• c.nv .. Sip-one White convo1 sllo-ons with l>Odded collor. cushion 1nsotM ...,,. C.W• Oxforda '• 7~olr""** lettw "-" • ..W ................. r ---i•"'-_,,... .......... ----1 =:, ........ !$2- T-..M-Ff'elft"" ,, ........ Double·octlon, monv frooronc••· 0.95-oz.• ....... Pleetic Fa.m L.unc:heon "'-t• V04JI choice of plilln "' divided loern ...... ,.. 9Mp/l.ounglt Now c.o.orv---tdq. ~ ... ~ tor CM, Ida, cNW, 1191', Oii*-. Md .... roarM. •••• ••••• ••••• •••••• ••••• 14.97 Convenient l ·dloll colcutofor with L E.O r~dovt Ftootlno declmol D01n1 Botterv Included -88¢ ...... Gllea ea... Ref Ill bOttle for tne 22-fl.-oa. caoocltv W>rov tiottle. Extro-tt~; cvta oreaae. llGWI no,.,.._., »·n oa . Here's what happened Edteon 5, M•rln• 4 The Chargers (9-2) were able to score two runs without the benefit of an out to pull out the victory. ln the seventh, sophomore Paul Ellison opened the frame by slappmg a pinch-hit smgle to left. Junior lefl fielder Charlie Guest then followed with a double down the left field line to put runners at second and third. Senior second baseman Pete Uriquiza procee- ded to single home Ellison, with Guest stopping at third and lJriquiza taking second on the throw. The Chargers won it when Guest raced home after junior Todd Mabe hit a httle roller up the third base line. Senior right-hander Make DeBenon went the distance for the Chargers to tmprove his record to 7-1. DeBenon had nine strikeouts, but he also had eight walks, including one which pushed across the ~ahead run with the bases loaded in the top or the seventh. Dave Hargrove and Ken La.xlo had two hits each for Marina (~--6). Fountain Valley I , Huntington Betteh 0 The Barons moved to within one game of second-place Huntington Beach as starting pitcher Brian Ayres went the distance without walking a batter and striking out six. The outcome was never in doubt after Foun- tain Valley erupted for a four·run first inning, ignited by Steve Jongewaard's two.run homer over the left-field fence . Also enjoying a big day at the plate was Dean Roberts, who hit a solo homer to start the Barons off on a four·run sixth. and designated hitter Jay Russell. who singled in a run in the first and tripled another one in during the sixth. The Oilers' Brian Beard doubled in the seventh and reached third on a ground out for Huntington Beach's best chance to ICOl'e. Former players sought Fonner football players from Dana Hills and San Clemente high llChools are bemg sought for an alumni game with the proceeds ticketed for the two achoola' athletic progama. The game is acheduled for San Clemente High at 7:30 p.m. on May 22. c.oachlng San Clemente will be Allie Schaff, while Don OeGroote will handle the Dana Hills team. Intersted parties should contact Darryl Howe (Dana Hilla) at 661-0229 or Tim Murphy (San Cle. mente) at 498-6024 . You ''AUTCJ' Drive Into Spring ar.,,,. County In.,,.,.,,,., Aute .. :-. ,. -.". ., I I ...... '-1tr} ,t rf•' !'I! -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, April 26, 1982 Paid Polltlcal Advertleement .. .. Israel returns to -Egypt The Sinai: Land, Oil, Air Bases. ~ver thing ·it won 1 1 in T e 6-Day ar. All for a Promise of Peace. .. Today is a rare moment in History-A day when a country, victorious in a war, returns everything it had won, in return for the elusive Promise of Peace! ISRAEL GIVES ISRAEL GETS The entire S inai including military airfields, bases and facilities built by Israel estimated to be worth $10 Billion A * Oilfie lds, fully developed by Israel PROMISE which would have more than fu lfilled OF Israel's on .. going o il requirements ... PEACE worth $5 Billion * Roads and Settlements which had to be dismantled and its citizens relocated ... at a cost of over $2 Billio n • Let there be no more talk about Israel's stubbornness or lack of cooperation. The only thing Israel is stubborn about is its own right and determination to Live. Because of its earnest prayer for peace, Israel has forfeited some of the most vital and strategic advantages any nation could possess. The Sinai alone, which Jsrael 1s returning, is 24,000 square miles, or 3- tirnes the size of modern day Israel itself. By returning the Sinai, lsqel is giving up three of the most modern airbases in the world. It is relinquishing control over the southern approaches to the Straits of Tiran through which Israel's shipping to East Africa, Asia and Australia must pass. It is sacrificing the northern Sinai through which attacks in the past have been staged against Israel. But aside from military considerations, there are the essential human concerns. By withdrawing from the Sinai, the Israelis have abandoned flourishing agricultural communities, including the beautiful seacoast town of Yam it, as well as villages along the coast of the Red Sea. These communities were settled by true pioneers after the 1967 War. With deep patriotism they built thriving communities out of sand dunes. Imagine the sacrifice involved in the complete abandonment of the5e achievements ... of uprooting families and leaving everything they built . • The Give & Take Of the Peace Process should.be clear to ~ryone. Israel has given back fo. Egypt everything It won in The 6-Day War. I lrl return, she is Takiµg a Promise of Peace· • • J l l t ' ' , . ,. J' f . /: r. , ""' ' ~ I .. . ./ _, I _.,,..""' .... ,. .. ,,,. I . , ,/ • I I . ,... ; ... ~· # ' ~ ../ -..... ) .I I ,. . ,, ~ -" , -~ I I' r :'J .. I J. t I • .. f t, ly . . ,. .. j' ) ' I ' •• . . Orange OoMt DAILY fttLOT /lunday, April II, 1111 l.:1NENH1:STOR E Passed up our Party??? Procrastinating! I I Pity. /"'Z¥' P ermanent Pampering and ~~ "The luxuries of lift to live with" 3701 East Coast Hiahway.Corona dcl Mar, California 92625·7!~75.4994 OUR DESIGNER BRIDAL COLLECTION. I 'Tbu'll flnd the diamond bridal set of her dreams In our breathtaklng designer collection. You'll also find the superb quality and values our reputation is built on. 18 karat yellow gold: A. $2.300. B. $1 ,950. C. $2,500. 0. $ t .750. E. $2,000. F. $1.850. Come let us advise you. Bailey Banks & Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA First LfMll. near The c.routlfll (714} 751-564{1 Sook up the sun in style! Essential sur1s1de comfort tor 011 the carefree days ahead A leathery hghl fobnc thong with creamy sott poddeq sock lining $2! ~ FLORSHEHv1 , THAYER MCNEIL: Where you 're a !ll'ay.1 in .f a.1hw11 .1 Featuring the FIOfShe1m Collection f0< Women and Men South Coast Plaza 754-9262 W hen t he occasion calls for elegance CAPRI open-toe kidskin sling-beck sandal by Joyce. 8'ack, Sandust, Navy' G~ & White $52 ~~·selby~~ (1t4)JM.11tt ee.· ............ .. .......... \ • 'Never met a shoe store I didn't like. I • • l y NORA LEHMAN Deir Net ITY\.S _..., "That J)9Ckage on the ch.a.lie," the man ln our hou.e mumbled, trylng to exert enough preeaure on my elbow -without ~elng accused of wlfe- beatlna -to get me paat a shoe 1tore1 "shoUldn't you open that flnt? I know ther're shoes. I can tell by the shape o the box." "I know what they are," I 1ald1 puahlng his hand away and alippl~ around him. "I'm just golng to look. His 1'1 know" was followed by a nORJI deep sigh and impatient jingling of change in the pocket. Poor dear, it always is. In all honesty, his concern is un- derstandable. I've never seen a shoe store I didn't like. I can find them in backs of arcades; in basements and attics; in foreign lands where signs are unreadable and there are no display windows. A shoe store cannot be hidden from me. If a police department needed aomeont; to sniff one out no training would be needed. Just tum me loose and I'll find it. You can tell that yc.,u're dealing with a shoe junkie ~ere -a certi- fiable one. It's hard for me to relate to some- one who says "I don't really care about shoes," but it's easy to do some research when, as one friend said of this piece, "don't just talk about shoes, tell me what to wear the m with." So, let's take that approach. It's a good one, particularly this year. First, remember, that as with skirt lengths, almost any shoe shape and any height heel is in. Proportion is the key to the purchase. Ask yourself the age-old question . ''What do I plan to wear with these shoes?" But, then don't answer it with only color in mind. Think silhouette first, color second. From flat to high heel, h ere are some guidelines. With the longer, fuller prairie- type skirt; the slightly above-the - knee straight skirt (usually w orn with a longer boxy jacket); cropped pants; full minis and every length shorts wear your flattest heel shoe. Sandals, ballet shoes and espadrille with your sportiest outfits; pumps and oxfords with skirts. An example? The flat blue and white spectator would be perfect with an above-the- knee skirt, as well as the new crop- ped pants. Prairie skirts and more tailored , but longer, skirts can take a mid- h eel ed pump (don't forget short boots with prairie skirts, too), but in gene ral wear this heel-h eight with th e classic knee-grazing skirt length and trouser pant. A very new look is t h e demi· wedged pump (the wedge, for those of you who remem ber "wedgies" from the time it was around years ago, the new one, is much narrower and more shapely). It is perfect with the classic knee-length or slightly longer skirt; with tapered trousers and mid-al! culotte. In other words, the mid-heeled pump and the demi-wedged pump are interchangeable for silhouette. You'll have to be the judge on whe- ther the wedge, which tends to be more tailored than the pump, is ap- propriate in relation to fabrication and style dress. It may look a bit too heavy for your dressier clothes. The higher heel to the highest heel looks best this season with your dressiest s uits,·dresses and pants. • The open, airy look of summer , clockwise: Two all-leather, high-heeled sandals; the first, multi-colored whipsnake by Martini Osvaldo from J~ seph Magnin -$76 and "Naked Genius" by Adamo, available in black patent. white and t.an, it can be found at Florsbeim Thayer McNeilJ -$87. Three "flats" -a fisherman's sandal, the fU-St is in the versatile color of aJJ time, bronze, from Chandlers' -$37.99; a Nickels design in beige "mfrage calf", is from Joseph Magnin -148; and the "Marsha" by Ban- dolino comes in bone, black, white, lilac, bronze and the two biggest colors of the season -red and turquoise -available at Capezio for $45. All shoes from South Coast Plaza. Another example? The highest heel sling pump spectators we've shown here would be perfect with a silk suit -skirted or pants. The strappy sandals -the high-heeled ones - wonderful with silk dresses and let's say. silk pants and knee-grazing tu- mc. No w let's look at color . Be ad- venturous he re. A colored shoe can make a fashion statement, perk up every outfit you own and say, spring and summer 1982 almost better than anything you buy. The big ne utrals -yes, neutrals -ar e red , turquoise, bright blue, browned, kha k1ed or celeried greens, and metall sc.-s. Before you disagree, ask yourself what those colors will go with and you'll find they'r e much more ver- satJle than you 'd thought. Ther e's no s uggestion that you give up white, the naturals, black or navy. Those are the basics, you're right But consider the other colors. Here are a few suggestions. Do you really think the metallic sh oe is a fad ? You won 't 1f you unde rstand that 1t can be worn with almost every color you own and for summer think of 1t in rela tion to a tanned leg. What could be prettie r? Red. when worn with white, tan. navy, khaki or red hose, looks won- derful with beige. tan, white. khaki. navy and grey Turq uoise. w ith white, tan o r turquoise-toned hose looks new with black, or grey. beige and of course, white or ivory. Celeried, khaki or browned green worn with the same hue hosiery co- vers the khaki-to-deep-brown spec- trum like a tent. They can blend, match or contrast and they're lovely. So, have some fun with your shoe buying and experiment ... try on (you d on 't have to buy) that shoe you've just sai.d "Oh, I've never worn Friday, April 30 Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza has sever- al programs planned: Diane Freis trunk showing from noon lO 4 p.m. &vvy Department. JIU Cruz and Janice Hoffman gjve fa- bric care tips and hints on updating your wardrobe for spring. 1 p.m. in the O~llery. For the dressier or more tailored oc- cas10n, clockwise from the t.op: Three va riat10ns on the familiar spectator them e -"Fan Tan " by Amano, available at Florsheim Thayer Mc- Neill in sand and bone and navy and white -$71; Elditas in red and white, black and white and tan and bone at Innes -$59.99, and an al- most flat navy and white kid from Nordstrom's -$47.95. The celery ' green, pleat.ed-front pump has a mid 1 heel and is from Chandlers' - $59.99. All shoes from South Coast Pl am. that kind of shoe," about.. If it's sculptured, sleek and in a great color it may turn out to be the shoe you wear "with everything." Prom and bndal fashions modeled. 2 p.m. Collectors Department. Vacation fashions highlighted. 7:30 p.m. Individualistic Sportswear De- partment. Color seminar. 8 p.m. Town Square Department. Saturday, May 1 Nordstrom/South Coast Plar.a's weekend programs: An F..atee Lauder rep191entative pres- ent. a teminar htghliahtlni their Body Treatment line. 1 p.m. Cosmetics De- partment. Acce11orlee hair s how and warm we1ther hair styles. 1 to 3 p.m. Ac- ~ Department. Lat"t fuhlona from Point of Vlew Depenment. Noon to 2 p.m.. " Sprinc and aunmer faah1oot modeled informally. 2 to 4 p.m. Linaerle De- pertmmt. • ... We Rent Big J ohn Grills & Rotisseries. Our girlls hold 60 steaks or 30 chickens at one time. Our rotisserie will b'rbecue a who le pig or three steamship rou ts at one time. w. ,.,,.,. ,,..,.., Oftter fll!den pM1y ,..,,.. ...,.,.. Ruth Ding wears a navy blue St. John knit ·three-piece suit. A classic she can wear anywhere, anytime, the white sailor- collared blouse and navy tie at the jacket's V gives it the nautical touch so fashionable this year. Orange CoU1 DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 26, 1982 selPY. Because you expect a little more ... Soft leather on a braided ro'pe wedge sets a refreshing paoe. Selby combines Intricate, Innovative stitching with lively comfort and casual good looks ... no ordinary footwear I Sensational Style! •l4•AiHt<>ftt,UlliliD NfWPOllllAC ... IJttf•U 4JU •J1MAIOUTH fl •U<AWltAll 1 JIJIJ.U71 Navy, White & Bone Sizes to 10 $49.00 NEY! SPRING & SUMMER COLLECTION On View Now! For men -For women Available only at the Brass Boot The silver s.1Jng pump Ruth Ding wears with her ball gown is a Bruno Mag.Ii design. It's also tailored enough to wear with a short dinner suit or silk slack suit. Our Orange Coast Lady of Fashion, Ruth Ding. models the Jayna- designed mauve lace evening gown she plans to wear to the Viennese Ball on May 8. Her silver shoes are by Bruno Magl1 Orange Coast Lady of Fashion : Ruth Ding "Music is the universal language of mankind . . . " Henry Wadsworth LollgfeUow Music crosses language barriers, unifies cultural differences and with Ruth Ding is not a love, but a pas- sion. . When she starts a sentence with "If you like music ... " her brown eye1 light up and her gestures be- come expansive. The enthusiasm ts contagious. Born in Cant.on, her parents, with the Japanese at their heels, put their five children on a ship and fled. Their timing was fortunate. The next ship out wu torpedoed. That was 1937 and Ruth, while a frequent visitor to the Orient, has not been back to mainland China since that unhappy time. But, if their schedules can be worked out, she and her physician husband, Lock Gee Ding, will go into China sometime this year -he to investigate cancer treatment at the University of Beijing and she to pursue cultural activity in the capital dty, as well as Shanghai, Hangchow, Sian and her birthplace, now called Guanqzhou. Despite the fact that her father WU araduated. from the Univenity of Washington and her mother had ' been brought up in a Cantonese banker's family, being transplanted to the United States confronted the family with difficult problems. Jobs were difficult to find and even her mother had to work in a cigarette factory. Ruth says of that period, "We had a small house with almost no furni- ture. We sat on orange crates. Every ·~cent." she goes on to explain. 1 my p&rentB had they put aide for the children's college education." And the dreem WM fulfilled. Each child did go to college -Ruth to the Univer1lty of Arizona, where 1he earned her AB depee ln music. She followed that with lfaduate work at USC, and lt w• tlm"e the met her hUlband. Already ln medlca.t practice. 1he l.auaha when 1he N)'I of him. 11He UIM to hana around the dancw to ... the """·" The moUMlr of three pown cbil· clnn -Maelon, a b 11lln-COMUI· tant wttb a fJrm in 1.-una Npl; a.uc111, recent11 married ·and wor· COVER: Pictured at the Marriott Hotel, Ne wport Beach, Ruth Ding wears a deep turquoise raw-silk dress. Self-belted, the shoulder detail is rerniniscen t of a Chinese warrior's coat All fashions are by Saks Fifth A venue/South Coast Plaza. Cover photo story by Lee Payne. and Orange counties, her civic, cul- tural and professional accomplish- ments have been so numerous and impresmve, she has been recognized publicly in a variety of ways. Listed in Who's Who of American Women, she is also the recipient of the California Beautiful Activist Award, the Achievement Award from the Los Ange les Chinese Chamber o f Commerce, the "Sweethearts for the Arts" Award from the Central Orange County Arts Council and the Mu Rho Alpha Music Award. Being on the cutting edge of many music oriented organizations, she's a founder, adviser and past president of the Orange County Chinese Cul- tural Club, as well as a founder and managing director of the Southern California Chinese Folk Dancers. She helped produce the Asian Headdress Ball in Los Angeles, the Moon Festival Gala -that for the OCP AC -the Dragon Boat Festival, and in March of this year, coordina- ted the Chinese Fclk Dance g roup and the Chinese costume segments of the KNBC produced Arts in Asia program. Presently serving as president of the Directors Emeritus of the Orange County Performing Arts Center, she is also co-chairing the Young Musi- cians for the OCPAC Festival at Chapman College in June, is a member of the board of directors of the Lyric Opera Association, and is h ard at work with the Women's Committee for the Viennese Ball, scheduled May 8. Featured -Handmade shoes by Vldo Artoll -'266. Colors -Two Tone -Grey-Beige Two Tone -Chestnut- Beige. SOUTH COAST PLAZA BULLOCKS WING PHONE (7 14) 549-8765 Only one of two fund-raising balls she'll be attending this coming May, the other is the ~and~in Allegro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ball in Los Angeles which raises funds for the California Chamber Symphony. Coming from a culture 15-to-20 times older than ours, Ruth knows and unde1Stands that a cou ntry is known by the contributions it has made to society as a whole. She works hard and long to insure America's place in the artistic history of the world. I spy Pappaga/lo ·s peelz-a-boo shoe'(,() under- c0t1er in colorful. airy mesh U'l"th a matching leather u'etit?e. and et •eryone u1/I steal a glimpse Ca/do Khaki, Black, Red & Va nilla '48 • . • ; . ' • ... i • f • ~ ~ • I I c ' ir I• • I I I . h . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 ORIGINAL COLOR ETCHINGS by . Josef Eidenberger n1e Worlf.(s Foremost Color Etcher W~ltIQaQ Galleries is pleased w announce the personal appearance of Austrian artist JOSEF EIDENBERGER SunJay. the 2nJ of May I unul 4 p.m ~~4~ E CoJst Hw>·· Corona <lei M.ir {7 14) 67~·2478 ·············•·····••••··············••·•·· he touc Estelle The stripiest shoe in town • ankle tied and pretty as a picture by Nino. B~&Wh~ GOid & White lled Multi S54.99 / MaJor Credit Cards, Accepted Innes SHOES South Coast Plaza 751 -2444 ...........•••..••••••..••.....•••.•••••••. . . New beauty, welcome price! Front draped bone, white and navy blue calf. 36.99 SOUTH COAST PLAZA . f . • . . . ------- Teri and Alan Hoopes enjoy tropical fruit display at the USC Town and Gown Jr. Auxiliary "Okole Maluna " celebration at the Balboa Bay Club. It was the group's annual spring benefit. • • CHOC's Punch and Judy Guild Members at fund-raiser are (from left) Sandie Straub, Jobbms, Fran Hill, and Sharran Renna. Fu nd -ra isi rig In f u 11 swing By NORA LEHMAN Delly Not 1"'9 fdltor IS ANYONE OUT THERE not fundraising'! TO PROVE IT: Here's one of two CHOC Guilds' report. This one, La guna Beach's Queen of Hearts, had a brunch last Sunday at Tivoli Ter- race. That's on the Festival of Arts grounds. The group joined the nostal~ for the '40s and '50s by having Fred s Trio play music Crom the era. Barbara Painter and Cathy Ray, who chaired the event, arranged to have a caricaturist, drawings for rides on the Goodyear blimp, tw.:> tickets to the Pageant of the Masters, a week at Lake Arrowhead and dinner for two at Las Brisas. Helping Barbara and Cathy were Lesghmka Wilson, Ginnie Boyer and Jack.le Conkey. A FABULOUS FLUTIST: Heida Ruby LS giving a solo recital at New York City Columbia Artists Manage- ment, Inc. Hall (known as CAMI Hall to the mitiated) this very afternoon. Mau Ruby took first place in the New York Flute Competition m late February, which qualified her for this afternoon's per fonnance , A thir d year stude nt at Philadel- phaa 's Curtis Institute -which, by the way, admits s t udents only by audition and doesn't charg'! tuition - nnd a student of Julius Baker and John Krell. she as only 20. At graduation she'll be an a dis- tinguished group of alums -among them Leonard Bernstein GaanCarlo Menotti, Samuel Ba rber. Eugene lstonun and Leonard Rose . We haven't checked with her mo- ther and dad, John and Audrey Ruby of Cost.a Mesa, but we ~p«t they're m the East for this aus~ous occasion. MORE MUSIC. Right here at home an Artur Rubinstein protege, pwu.st Janina Fialkowska will be appearing at a reception m her honor at Robm- son's Fashion Island this a fternoon from l to 3 p.m. Fialkowska will be appearing an concert at the Los Angeles M usic Center tomorrow evening as the third and final artist in the Bolla Young Artist Series. WE ALL 00 IT: Gerard Gillot.eaux was in from Tahiti recently and old friend. Ina Armstrong, had a dinner party for him -a Polynesian dinner It always amuses me -and we all do it -that when friends from ano·- ther country arrive we choose to serve them a meal they can get at home and often dress in the garb of their native habit.at . (It happens the other way. too. We've been served hamburgers in France) ' Anyway, back to the party. Guests were asked to wear French Polynesi- an attire -IS that a sarong, pareo, or a white linen suit? -and those who played the role for M. Giltoteaux were Mary Ann and Ted Cook, Su- zette and Ken Jordan, Norm and Iris S pecht, Sue and Lou Leopold, Bob Reader and Ben Keith. M. G. arrives in the Harbor Area quite frequently, and I always wonder why he wanta to leave paradise. A LANDMARK DECISION: That's how Pat Herzog'a case Sullivan vs. Sullivan is regarded. The caae, which 18 under appeaJ, states that "spouses divorced after putting their mates through medical 1ehool or other pro- f esslonal training may be entitled to a s hare of their luture professional eammgs.'' Herzog. who pused the bar b y learning law through correspondence courses, was one of four South County winners of the Silver Med.Jl.ion at the YWCA of North Orange County Rec- ogna uon Luncheon at the Anaheim Marriott April 14 She won in the professions category. Lucille Kuehn. community rela- tions director for American State Bank. was recognized for designing and admirustrating a corporate giving program based on her analysis of un- met c:ommunity needs. Her category was business and industry Luc1Ue must learn from first-hand knowledge She's on almost as many boards as Floss Schumacher. Both Pat and Luc1Ue call Corona del Mar their paed-a-terres .l!:velyn Han accepted the public affairs Salver Medallion for Jackie Heather. who as mending. but not ready to get back mto the fray. yet Jackie. who has a Ion~ list o f achievements behind her -and a head, we're s ure -as mayor o f Newport Beach Sandee Harden lives an Hunungton Beach and as vtce president.. program production for KOCE-TV. and was a wanner an the communacataon cate- gory Her biology telecourse, on which she was the structural designer. was the first cr edit-course to win a n Emmy . Four dastlnguashed ladies amongst many in our area . GOING AGAINST THE ODDS: It's been 6~ years since Perry and Fama Whitacre married in Bowling Green Ohio. And recently whey celebrated that fact. They moved to Cahfomia in 1954 and have been UVlilg m Irvine since 1966. They have a son, daughter-m- law, three grandsons. one grand- daughte r -in -law and one great- grandllon all li vtng nearby Kay Turner and Toni Oliphant are members of the Fashionables "Fashionable Food from California" Cookbook " tasting committee. Here they're about to pop Peggy Cotton's Brie Cheese with almonds into the oven. Two of the sculptors, Fletcher Benton and Tony de Lapp chat at the Pacific /4ltual- Newport Harbor Art Museum FAPS l'arty. WE IRE OVERSTOCKED! $ave now during this spe- c I a I sale to reduce our stock. We have selected a number of your favorite styles. Now's the time to get your size and color at 20% OFF SALE $tarts Thurs., 4/22 at 10 A.II.· ., ' ' l ·Myths .about skin care By VIDA DE AN Da1tf ""-' lhMllr ""°' Last.year·women spent $84 million on moisturizers and astringents in order to en- hance their most visible feature -their faces. And yet, with all the consumer spen- dl ng on skin care products, there is still widescale misinformation about how the skin works and what should be done to care VD~ for it, according to Eileen Cregan, director of consumer education for Charles of the Ritz. Surveys conducted by her company with 2,000 beauty-counter specialists twice a year for the last decade have uncovered a number of myths about skin. WRINKL.ES CAN BE REMOVED THROUGH COSMETICS However, frequent cleansing often causes drying, which in turn causes facial lines. Moisturizers replenish the essential surface moisture in the akin and restore ita softness and smoothness. Women with oily skin should use a llght lotion on the areas of the face that tend to dry out -and on the areas that secrete a great deal of oil, use an oil-free lotion at night as oil absorbs during the daytime. PORES OPEN AND CLOSE Pores don't change -h owever pore openings can be affected by cold and heat. The skin breathes and is constantly taking in oxygen through the pores (which secrete oil). They do change shape minimally, as extreme cold causes them to shrink and heat makes them expand. But the effect is only temporary. SUN. IS GOOD FOR THE SKIN Prolonged exposure to the sun without the benefit of a sunscreen will cause pre- mature aging of the skin, wrinkling a nd may lead to skin cancer. It's as simple as that. SOAP IS BAD FOR YOUR SKIN In spite of a great number of alternative products on the market, soap is still the best Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprtl 28, 1882 "Fancy" Is her name and she's a sleek mid-heel pump in shiny black potent 0< pearllzed whrte leather topped with a pert gro.59raln bow . 39 • P.S I hear that "Fancy's Just brimming over with that new look f0< Spring and Summer! ••• ::: Cl A::::•. r·:·:-::: •:::•·:·. ~:::•.. :::•i:t;.•• ::: .!•::::•. '".,.'(•!!!'··,·f! ·=··· : ... i: ••••• /'.•!···::.· •••• i ••• -; ••• 1.·:········ Si S• Z :.. :• ••••••••• ••.• ::: •: Z•• •t : 11· ·u l• • • 11· ••• ••••• ••• i.. . .. ••• ••• • ••• •I • • ••. ••• •• •?J ·:~··:!!. .•.:::::•: •••S•: ••• •.•.• ••••• • .•.•. • • • • ••• ·······•:•• ·-::· .. .-. ....... :. :::.:.:.• ··::· .. ·::·· ... ~~~~::: ::: ··::::. ••• ••• (714) 6'0-2576 ::z SOUTW COAST PlAZA • COSTA MESA. CA 92626 Face it. There are no wrinkle removers except plastic surgery . Creams and some moisturizing products can soften wrinkles. de-emphasize lines and occasionally plump up small ones that are just beginning to form, but that's all. way to cleanse your skin (according to most 4 dermatologis~). To avoid th~ drying and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOISTURIZERS ARE ALL THE SAME This is perhaps the biggest myth of all in skm care. Most moisturizers sunply sit on the surface of the skin or. at best, penetrate the top few layers of the stratum comeunr. Adding mo1Sture to this layer will only im- prove the external textures. True "moisturizing" can only be accomplished by a product that penetrates the stratum ror- neum. DON'T MOISTURIZE UNTIL YOU'RE OVER !5 Poppycock! Beauty experts say that if they could persuade girls to begin using a moisturizer at 14, their skin would stay a lot younger much longer. Where the face is concerned, it is easier to deter than to res- tore. OILY SKIN HAS ALL THE MOISTURE IT NEEDS There's a difference between oil and moisture. Oil clogs pores, causing pimples and blemishes, as well as making the skin look unattractively greasy. It's important, therefore, to cleanse an oily face thoroughly and carefully. ,1 I I I ' I I Clakiness sometimes associated with soap, use a gentle, emollient, non-stripping soap, don't over-wash; follow every soaping with a thorough water rinsing and a moisturizer. ACNE IS ONLY A TEEN-AGER'S AFFLICTION Not true! Adults can have acne, too. In fact, one adult in 10 can be expected to be troubled by acne in the neck, back and chest area. Research shows that diet has a minimal effect on acne. Acne is actually a condition caused when the skin secretes so much oil that the gland o penings clog, forming blackheads. The condition is further aggra- vated by staph bacteria promoting pimples beneath this clogged pore. And, although a d1et excessive in fa~ may aggravate the si- tuation, as well as certain food allergies. heredity and excessively oily skin are the primary causes of acne. And, a final myth: Skin manipulation s uch as facial exercises, chin bands and massage machines will lessen the impact of age on the skin. {: here is no scientific evidence to sup- po the claims of skin manipulators that th are able to reduce the normal effects of aging on the skin. Short of plastic surgery. there is no man-made techniques known that will brln back overall facial tone. I LAST CALL FINAL DAYS OF OUR CLOSE-OUT SALE .. . . LAST DAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH. BARGAINS ON DRESSES, ~PORTS· WEAR, LINGI;,RIE AND SHOES. SHOP 10:00 t\.M. TO 6:00 P.M. • Al's Garage and Sea Bags Heavy <July Canvas Baqs in <;11.ipes dncJ site~ 10 111 dl1V oc Cd<;1on Sea~ .ire douhlf' sht<:hed lo prov1dP ,1 hlellmo of dU<.it11hty All Sea f3.iQ" lrf• w11cr repi•l'1•n1 <Ind 1£>.llure a '>houlder Slrap for e.tsy r 1rrymg 8~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 7030 6BAND OPENIN6 JANUARY'S the mos t prestig ious nail a lon in New port Beach ha ex- panded to a complete beauty alon. WE ARE llOW OFfERlllli THE FOLLOWlllG SERVICES .BY APPOlllTIEllT OllLY: • No Lift Sculptured Nalls • Master Sculpture Artists • Hot 011 or Water Manicures • Juliettes and Liquid Nall Wraps • Nall Tips • Hand Painted Nall Art • Pedicures • Sculptured Nalls Taught . J? I P • Individual Lashes • Laah/Br:ow Tinting • Body Wraps V_:}od.'J ~ • Maasage-MalMU988, Masseur • Waxing for Women and for Men, Beard, Back of Neck and Eye Brow St\aplng • Featurtng Ducette C08metlcs • lndlvlduallzed Make-up Design • Make-up Lessons by January or Linda Ducette • • Skin Care -F'8turlng Eathettc Product• • AIE certified • Eathetlclan • Al80 F•turlng SMOO PrOducta SPECIAL4ANIClltE AM> PEDIClltE s20 I ' I' I ) j ) l t ' . ; By VIDA DEAN Deltr ..... hwty ldltef Last year women spent $84 million on moisturizen and astrlngents in order to en- hance their most visible feature -their faces. And yet, with all the coNumer spen- ding on skin care products, there is still widescale misinformation about how the skin works and what should be done to care von for it, according to Eileen Cregan, director of consumer education for Charles of the Riu. Surveys conducted by her company with 2,000 beauty-counter specialists twice a year for the last decade have uncovered ·a number of myths about skin. WRINKLES CAN BE REMOVED THROUGH COSMETICS Face it. There are no wrlnkle'temovers except plastic surgery. Creams and some moisturizing products can soften wrinkles. de-emphasize lines and occasionally plump up small ones that are just beginning to form. but that's all. MOISTURIZERS ARE ALL THE SAME This is perhaps the biggest myth of all in skin care. Most moisturizers sunply sit on the surface of the skin or, at best, penetrate the top few layers of the stratum corneum. Adding molSture to this layer will only im- prove the exte rnal textures . True · "moisturizing" can only be accomplished by a product that penetrates the stratum cor- newn. DON'T MOISTURIZE UNTIL YOU'RE OVER 25 Poppycock! Beauty experts say that if they could persuade girls to begin using a moisturizer at 14, their skin' would stay a lot younger much longer. Where the face 1s concerned, 1l is easier to deter than to res- tore. OILY SKIN HAS ALL THE MOISTURE IT NEEDS There's a difference between oil and moisture. Oil clogs pores, causing pimples and blemishes, as well as making the skin look unattractively greasy. It's important, therefore. to cleanse an oily face thoroughly and carefully. I : . I How~ver, frequent cleansing often causes drying, which in turn causes facial lines. Moisturizers replenish the eaaential surface moisture in the skin and restore ita softness and smoothness. Women with oily akin should use llght lotion on the areas of the face that tend to dry out -and on the areas that secrete a great deal of oil, use an oil-free lotion at night as oU absorbs during the daytime. PORES OPEN AND CLOSE Pores don't change -however pore openings can be affected by cold and heat. The skin breathes and is constantly taking in oxygen through the pores (which secrete oil). They do change shape minimally, as extreme cold causes them to shrink and heat makes them expand. But the effect is only temporary. SUN. JS GOOD FOR THE SKIN Prolonged exposure to the sun without the benefit of a sunscreen will cause pre- mature aging of the skin, wrinkling and may lead to skin cancer. It's as simple as that. SOAP IS BAD FOR YOUR SKIN In spite of a great number of alternative products on the market, soap is s till the best way to cleanse your skin (according to most dermatologists). To avoid the drying and flakiness sometimes associated with soap. use a gentle, emollient, non-stripping soap. don't over-wash; follow every soaping with a thorough water rinsing and a moisturizer ACNE IS ONLY A TEEN-AGER'S AFFLICTION Not true! Adults can have acne, too. ln fact, one adult in 10 can be expected to be troubled by acne in the neck, back and chest area. Research shows that diet has a minimal effect on acne. Acne is actually a condition caused when the skm secretes so much oil that the gland openings clog, forming blackheads. The condition is further aggra- vated by staph bacteria promoting pimples beneath this clogged pore. And, although a diet excessive in fats may aggravate the si- tuation, as well as certain food allergies, heredity and excessively oily skin are the prunary causes of acne. And. a final myth: Skin manipulation such as facial exercises. chm bands and massage machines will lessen the unpact of age on the skin. There is no sc1e ntif1c evidence to sup- port the claims of skin manipulators that they are able to reduce the normal effects of aging on the skin. S hort of plastic surgery, there 1s no man-made techniques known that will brin back overall facial tone. I LAST CALL FINAL DAYS OF OUR CLOSE-OUT SALE .... LAST DAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH. BARGAINS ON DRESSES, SPORTS· WEAR. LINGERIE AND SHOES. SHOP 10:00 A.M. TiO 6 :00 P.M. • Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll as, 1812 "Fancy" Is her name and she's a sleek mid-heel pump in shiny block patent or pearllzed white leother topped with a pert gr~rain bow. . . . . 39 • PS. I hear that "Fancy's ·just brimming over with tha1 new look for Spring and Summer! ••• ••• • •• ((( ::i•. ····!l·: ........ ,..... ......... ... .!.··-·· . •• .. =·· kr==·=· :::::.-:·:·. ,,::::::=·1:::i~··=' ::: ,..::::=·=·· f 1:-1 ,,. ··: ••• • t• i: ••••• ··: •• • • •• • • :· • ! ::. J'~ ••.... .... ::. ··: :·: ••• ••• • • ••• l • ·~ ••• ••• •• ·:~••!:~ ·:·· .. 1: : ••• ,.. • . ··········=· .·.·· ....... ··········~ •• ••r:... ·=-= : •::.····· ••••••• •• • • • ••••• ••• • ...... .. ... . . :.. ... ...... ......... ... . ... . ••• (714) 640 ·2575 ::: SOUTH COAST l'LAZA •COSTA MESA, CA 92616 Al's Garage and Sea Bags Hc<ivy duly c.invas Aaqs 1n Shd()eS d11Cl '>I/es 11 t 111 dllV Lii c;r1\,111n Sn<:imc, .ire drnJhl" s111r.hed 10 prov1df' .J ltfeltl'Tll! o f dur,Jt•hty All Sea B.JQ' 1rr· w.JIN ri p;•I Pr11 clncl fp,1lurc a '>h1Julder Strap I 11 f',J<;y r lrry1nq 8~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 -7030 6HAND OPENIN6 JANUARY'S the most prestigious na il alon in Newport Beac h has ex- panded to a complete beauty salon. WE IRE llOW OFFERlllG THE . FOLLOWlllli SERVICES BY IPPOlllTIEIT OllLY: • No Lift Sculptured Nails • Master Sculpture Artists • Hot 011 or Water Manicures • Jullettes and Liquid Nall Wraps • Nall Tips • Hand Painted Nall Art • Pedicures • Sculptured Nalls Taught · . J? I // • Individual Lashes • Lash/Brow Tinting • Body Wraps V-'od.'J Lare• Maasage-MaSMUese, Masseur• Waxing for Women and for Men, Beard, ~ack of Neck and Eye Brow S~aplng • Featurtng Ducette Coemetica • lndlvlduallzed Make-up Design • Make-up Lessons by January or Linda Oucette ~acial • Skin Care -Featuring Eathetic Product• • AIE certified • Eathetldan • Alao F•turtng Suoo Product• -· . SPECIAL--MANIClltE Afl) PEDIClltE $20 ' , • r ) I ) \ • • ... ... I r_.U•( .... C ..... -~--~---"!"""""~--~....,.~llll!""'l•~O~range~!"""'CO..-.... -t 0D_A_l-LY~P~l~:"".'O_T,..../8~u-nd-ay-.-, A-p,....r':""'ll -25..,...,-1-88-2~-;-""~--~-----, On the glory that was Greece the eternal tourists carve their names. At Soun ion, the name of a Royal Navy lieutenant who chipped They understand .whe·n you. say". ~Greek salad' his away to immortality on the marble in 1820 was found. And there are others as recent as last year. By STAN DELAPLANE wife fried a fresh red mullet -there's no ATHENS, Greece -''Maid of Athenl, ere better fJah in the Mediterranean . . we part, , I aala: "Gree,k salad?" She nodded and "Give o~ve me back my heart!" cho~ up allced tomatoes and onlona and reece Ia one oflhe eut e>epeNlve coun-.--green-peppers. - trles, say friend.a jult home from Europe. Poured oil and vinegar over them and .Prices are hiah ln Athena, but the beach topped lt with pungent slices of feta cheeee. hotell and beech town restaurants are almoet In Greece you can't read the menus. You empty now. Ratel are down accordinaly. They can't speak the langWlge . But ALL restauranta shoot up wildly in summer when l:VERY-undentand when you aay "Greek salad." BODY in Athena wanta to live at the beaches. Got nice room near little town ol Glyfada From Piraeus, the port of Athens, we -$30. Lobby full of planta and caged birds. caught the daily boat to the lsljnd of Mykonos. Reetdent Siameee cat going bonk.en watching It takes five hours. the flitting birds. Only half doien guests in You recognize It immediately as you ap- hoi.el eo we got much 1ervice. proach the harbor. The dazzling white houses Weather pleasant in the high 60a. They set against brown hills. Just as it appears on aay it gets very wann in the summer. every travel poster put out by the Greek Tourist Office. When Athena began to get warm, we It's TOO popular. of course. Too crowded drove down to C.ape Sounion where the Attica in the summer. But the beaches are good. The peninsula ends abruptly in the Aegean sea. town is a crescent of waterfront streets with It's an hour's drive south by aparklfl'lg open-air bars where people sit au day drinking blue water. The sun was making aheeta of FIX beer. instant diamonds behind a million-dollar yacht The most popular restaurant 1S straight by sailing along the rocky shoreline. Two day, a gay bar at night. A fancy piece of foot- freightera and a white cruise ship were painted work which must keep the owners hopping. on the horizon. AB the road comes around a hilla, there's a I followed Jackie Onassis from a remote magni!icent sight of a high promontory. On it hotel one day but I couldn't get enough Greek are the towering white marble columns of the going to speed up the driver. He was coasting Temple of Poseidon, built 440 years before to save gas since the road was downhill. The Christ in the days of Grecian glory. world IS downhill when you're driving. Have It's dry barren country. Something like you noticed that? setting the Arizona desert down beside the sea. We parked the car and walked up to the temple. (When you're walking most of the world is uphill. Have you noticed that?) It's a breathtaking ruin. E!ghteen enor- mous Doric columns, with the Greek sun streaming through, mark the temple enclosure. A fjord 1n your future excursion? On the white marble flooring and upen- ded blocks, the eternal tourists carved their names. A lieutenant of the Royal Navy cut his name and the date -182&.r"H. Bernard Stone of Finland chiseled his name neatly in 1824. Below it he cut a fouled anchor. (An artistic t.Ouch. The fair anchor is easier.) Looking for an "a!jordable" vacation thts summer? "Norway: Land and Culture" is one ol 24 field study courses that will be offered by the Field Studies Department of Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa. The country's famous fjords -narrow arms of the sea bordered by rugged clilfs - bustling Oslo, composer Edvard Grieg's home in Trolhaugen, fishing villages and Nidarosdomen, Scandinavia's largest medi- eval church, will be some of the sites visited. Three days of sailing in the land of the midnifht sun also are included in the June 18-Ju y 4 tour to be conducted by Vivian Curtis of Newport Beach, who has been a Norwegian language instructor for the Coast Community College District for six years. Born and educated in Norway where she is an authorized guide, she has arranged an itinerary that provides orientation to ci- ties, excursions to major historic sites, special performances and ample time for interacting with local hosts and pursuing independent activities. The finale ts the coastal cruise to the Arctic North Cape. Travelers, who must register by May l for the $2,649 trip, will attend pre-trip meetings on May 15 and 22 and June 5 on the OCC campus, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. To sign up, phone Ms. Curtis, 644-2989; the OCC Field Stud'iea Office, 556-5693 or ASTrA ToW"I and Travel, (213) 208-4511. During these sessions, students will learn what to notice and appreciate when APRIL HEALTH FAIR '82 Oct a free health 1est! Eye 1em. hearing tem. pulmonary func1ion tests. blood pressure checks, height and weight mca- uremcnts ... and much. much more. 10 a.m.-S p.m. Hoag Ho pital Con- ference Center. Todai• onlv. Everybody welcome. · • ' they visit the Vigeland Sculpture Park, the Holmenkillen ski jump, Viking ships, the Norwegian Folk Museum, spectacular Brik.sd.al Glacier, Eaale's Nest Road, the Driva Valley and smorgasbord luncheons. The 23 other classes will visit such ex- otic locales as Tahiti, Brazil, Japan, the Greek Islands, Australia. Hawaii, and vir- tually every nation in Western Europe. The courses, which offer from one to four credits, are open to college and un- iversity students, qualified high school stu- dents teachers and professors, and adults interested in continuing education. Course titles include: "Art of South America," "Art of W estern Europe," "Sketching in Morelia, Mexico," "F.cology of the Hawaiian Islands," "Mountain Ecology," "Australia and New Zealand," "Architecture and Interiors of Paria and the'Loire Valley," "Culture and Lan,uage of Japan ," "European Encounter,' "French Culture in Southern France" and "Living German Conversation, Culture and History." Also: "A Visit to the Smithsonian," "French Language in Southern France," "Living French in Paris," "Spanish Adven- ture in Peru," "Greek bland Crfiise," "Southern California Coastal Cruise," "Tahiti Cruise," "Grand Opera ln Great Houses," "Backpacking in the Sierras," "Water Polo ln Europe," "Modeling and Fashion Photography ln Western Europe," and "Solar Energy in the Mediterranean." For lnformation about th~ programs, or to request brochures, phone 556-5693. They say Lord Byron chiseled his name at the temple but I've never been able to find it. He was writing ''The Isles of Greece" and re- membered: "Place me on Sunium 's marbled steep, "Where nothing but the waves and I, "May hear our mutual munnurs sweep; "There, swan-like, Jet me sing and die.'' He died lour years later of dysentery, figh~ for Greek independence in a town I can't remember, in a war we've all forgotten. There are three taverns along the beach. The owners seemed surprised when we came in. Too early in the season I guess. But the "look, If you don't want to watch the movie you can sleep. But we can't have you reading." LOS ANGELES ~Sl(ln9'S~T] FLY HAWAII\! AIRIPM"!= STARTING JUNE14* RflCIFIC EAST AIR Accepting Reservations Now (213) 417 2233 Mammoth FROM JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT "..;;::: ~ '-............... $7600 Air Irvin~ w ill arra~ for +tax uanspottatlon to and from ONE WAY ~main lod~-S6 Round Trip Dtll9AWT SAT 7AM 'l,/tJ\ Dtll9AllT MAMMOTH ca\\ NO d\ SUN. 19M seats urn\te f 7141 540-6911 19531 Airport Way South•Generat ,-.vlatJon T~rminal Gflelp C(_Js eelebrate ! As Hoag MemoriaJ Hospital Presbyterian enters it!> 30th year. w~ invite yo u to join us in celebrating. As a community resource, we recognize ~ur responsibility to area citiz.cns. Not onJy .t~ help you get bet~er when you re sick. But also to keep you well by provadmg heaJth educauon, blood pre~­ sure checks and special events such as Health Fair '82 sc heduled for Apnl 25. Herc 's a calendar of happenings for the next few days. Join us. won 't you? Your good health i our best birthday present. HOiii HOSPITAL A p ychologi t discusses how to get the mo t out of life. And a phannacoloai t give5 some down-to-earth advice about ~icationt for lOmacb ai lments. Con· ference Center. J :30 p.m. Everyone welcome! A rough week? Have your blOQd pressure checked at tht Hoag Ho pital Health Van at Citi:zen Bank, 2970 Harbor Boulevard. Co ta Mesa. I-3 p.m. Free. For more inf onnation contact: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL . ' Ml sect &he most recent cardiac rehab aroup Ml• alon? Don't worry . This 4-=111"' Ilka• place I dw ,_,, Call 760-594 ror men Info. Tike 1 tour o( the hosphal pt..rmacy . Lum about the many ~im it ofren 10 patltn11 and lhl commu · nhy . Seo 1 ...._..ion of it• amalln new '-'Om· PRESBYTERIAN 30 I Ncwpor1 Boulevard Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 (714) 760-5921 r---,...-;:--:::-- ' r l • • r I I I ' ,. D•ilr Pilat SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1982 REAL ESTATE STOCKS CROSSWORD 03 04-5 08 - . Anteaters of UC Irvine will welcome guest to camp us during Celebrate UCI. P11ge D6. . . County seeks to delay ho!11e energy · standards .. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of !tie .,.., "6114 ..... T he Orange County Board of Supervtaon la asking the at.ate to delay tmplementetlon of n e w residentia.1 energy standard.a that building lndutttry o fflcl1l1 aay could •dd $3,000 to the cait of a new house. The new standards, approved by the·1tate Energy Commiasion , are scheduled to go into effect JuJy 13. Generally, they would req uire builders to construct homes that are more energy ef- ficient. But building industry officials claim the new standards w er e develop ed using a comput er model and say telta are needed to determine if energy aavlng1 ac- tually will reault. In the t'ellOlutlon adopted la.at Tuesday, 1upervlaor1 reque1ted that implementation of the new standards be de layed for two years while t.esta are conducted to determine the standards' effecti· veqiess and cost. Fifty-eight membe rs of the state Assembly are urging Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. to place a moratorium on Impleme ntation of the s tandards. Various bills aimed at block ing the July 13 effective date aho are facing le· gi&la tive action Exi.atJng construction 1tandarda lmpoeed by the 1tate are designed to reduce eneri)' U1e by about 00 percent. State officials Hy the new ltandarda wouJd raiae thet reduction to 7~ ~t. "Sure, It'• enerp oonaervation, but at whet cait . asked Steven LaMAr, a policy planner for the Jack G \ Raub Co., a Coata Mesa engine ering firm, durin g an lntervlew la.af'week. He 1ald the energy cornmillion believee that the added construe· uon COflt -wtuch could top $3.· 000 for a conventional slngJe fa· mily detached houae -will be outweighed by cost aavinga the Are centers misplaced? Fi've Irvine shopping ar eas n1ay b e zoned n ear m ain treels By SANDIE J OY M itt. Dellly Not 8lllf'f More of Irvine 's s h opping centers may be out of park and mto dn ve dlStncts by the end of thP year. T he lrvme Company as seeking to bu ild three on Culver Drive and two on Jeffrey Road which represents "a major change from the ways development has OC· curred trad1t1onally an lr.Jine," s~ud Paul lr t>land , c:1ty planning serv1et..>s manager. · "To respond to the city's n~ to hasten commercial development," said Irvine Cl>m pany spokesman Dan Carlsson, "we have to build these pro,ects wh ere they're going to work Rig ht now, where they'l'e wor- king is on these ma.JOr streets." Various t·1ty planners will a n alyze the merits of locating s hopping C('nters closer to com muters rath~r than tucking the plazas into neighborhood parks The City Council wall consider the malt.er several months from now Tied w 1th the comp a ny'• Mar<.h 31 r~ueot to the planning comm1ss1on fnr a General Plan amendmcn t to penn1 t <.-ommercial developmen t along maJOr road- ways Is a propotiSJ to rewne 30 acres in Woodbridge from village cemmcrc1al to a 22.2-acre com· m un lty par k and 7 .8 -acre med1wn-tugh density res1denuaJ development The changes will permit ear - lier development of commercial aervtces for residents, said Ri- ch ard M . Cannon , Irvine Com· pa n y vice preside nt fo r the CommercLal/lndustnal Davas1on. Also, a wall make future com· merdal facillUes more accessible. he said, resulting 1n stronger me r ch an t s a n d more viable shopping areas. "More expedien t development o f the ne wly det;agnated areas wall mcreast! sah'S tax and other revenues to the t•aty much sooner than possible under the t:urrent ·ommerctal designations," he said. The t'lty expects to receive $7.4 m1 ll1on in sales tax revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30. said J e ff Niven, Irvine city ft. nance d irector Sales tax revenue in Irvine laat year was $6.9 m1lhon , he said. which wa'l 4 I percent of total city revenue With Irvine population at 69,· 000. city planner Dennis Trapp th e city had 2.46 commercial acres for each 1,000 residents as of last July By compar11on Ne w port Beach, with 65,000 reudenta. had 18.43 commercial ecn.'11 per 1,000 a nd Costa Mesa, w1\h 80,000 resid en t&. had 12.78 commercial acres per 1,000. The city's commercial acreage was supposed to reach 3.75 per 1,000 by this past J anuary accor· ding to a plan ning departmen t survey. Trapp sa1d he hasn't cal· culated 1{ that figure has been rt•ached City planrung manager Ireland said it'i; not unusua l for com · merda.I to lag behind residenllal development in ne w communi· lies. He also acud the city 18 studying the lrvme Company's proposal to see how at would affect land use, env ironment and traffic. T he study will take at least three or fo ur months, he estunated. Irvi n e P la n nin g Commis· sion Chairman Lowell Johnson wd he "can't express an opinion now" on the company's proposal to change the commercial com- plexion of the city, adding that he wants to see the survey f Lnll Noting the city tS "cat.dung up to the n eeds of 1ls reside nts," Johnson said, "One of the pres· sures LS for prov1dmg commeretaJ development because we know that's where we gel the most money.'' Irvine Mayor David Sills said he doesn 't have enough infor· matton to say tf the company!s proposal IS good or bad but, "It looks lake th ere certa inly are some lhmp worth cona1denng:· lrv ane Counctlm a n L a rry Agran said he's "concerned about dep arting fro m our cluste red village commercial centers and moving toward what generally is known as st.rip oommerciaJ along road front.age." If the Irvine Company's pro· posa1 goes through. Agran said, it 1hould be done ''In a way tha t doesn't compromise the attractive nature of our vilJag~ " Knowl e d g e cover s market Con ume r Weck: Time to ca h in on your s hopping savv y A little bit of knowledge can add up to a lot of 88Vl.ng5. The U.S . O ffice of Cons umer Affairs is tryi ng to get that message across during this National Consumers Week. Here lS a quiz, based on tnformatlon from the consumer affairs agency, which you can ~ CONSUMER CLOSE UP to teat your awareness of your raghta and res- ponaibllities in the marketplace. Q. Yoa open the maJlbox ud find two boxes of 1&allonery that you never ordered. The pee· lla&e l• addre11ed to you and IDcladu a bUJ. Do you have to pay It? A. No. You don't even have to return the 1tatlonery. Unordered merchandiR ls youra to keep -free of charge. The rule1 do not apply ln the cue of i~ .ent by an outfit like a book or record club with which you aareed to do bual- ne.. I -.v ........ ,..... ... ,.. .. .. = :' ..... : =-::.rr ....... ;.. A. g:, c--..... ..,., C.· •llil•'• hl4 Une. You CM Ibid out. whit pro· homebuyer will reap . But LaMa r Hid the enersy comtn1m1on Wied a 13 'h percent • mortga1e in tere1t rate Jn ita computatlona, w h en , in reality , the rai. ll about 16 to 17 percent. Ener1y coat aavlnga would no t equal the added oonstruction COit over the Ufe of the tiome buyer'• loan, he aald. Unde r t h e n ew standard•, builden would be able to aelect among a variet y of op tions ln meeting energy requlrementa. Und er on e a p proach, they c o uld opt f or a 10-called "energy budget" whereby they would be permitted to bulld aa they wt.ahed u long u they met a certain atandard for amount of eners y used per aquare foot of apece per year. While such an appl'09Ch would permJt the areal.flt flexiblUty, LaMar Mid lt would require ex- tenaive computer analyala which neither county nor dty bu1ldlng departments are capable of per- formlns. Builders would have the option of building houaet that u.ae pa.- live aolar energy, outfitting with extra in s ulation or havin1 a 1olar-powered water heating system. Fi1ure1 compiled by the e n- ergy cornmJulon 1how that the added conat.ruct.lon cost in Orange County under the pautve aolar alternative would be between $494 end $1,013, depending Oil location. Under the heavy lnau.laUon aJ,. ternatlve, the added ~t would be be tween $2,716 to $3,053. Under the aolar hot water heli- tl'ng a pproach , t h e added col't would be $2,98Q to $4.167. Tony AUen, president of Cltat- tlon Bullden , Tu.tin, said mot\ builders probably would opt for the ext.re lruu U.tion e1temativtf. He sald It wouJd be the qu.icke9t and the easiest for bulldera. NOW THERE'S A SWITCH -Susan Enomoto UJ d elighted to be dictating while her boss Tom OMtf "*'I Photo by LAe ,..,_ Gray tries typing. Mrs. Enomoto beat 28 othtt contende rs for Secretary of the Day title . Winner's the e fficient t y p e . u an Enomoto name d count y's top secr e tary for day By JODI CADENHEAD Of IM oen, ..... I t.ft S usan Enomoto's poltteness and efflaency paid off last week. Her boss. Tom Gray, president of 1.ee Medical Producta Co., Inc. in Irvine. said those two attrl· bute11 cou nted high on h it Jl1t when he submitted her name as a ca ndid ate for Orange County • Secretary of the Day. The 34-year-old ll@CJ"etary beat out 28 other contenders to win the ta tie during a b re a k f as t sponaored by Professional Secre· tari~s Inte rnational at South Coast Plaz.a Hotel. Three judges reviewed each aecretary'11 dutJes and a 26-word 1tatement aubmit\ed by h1i or her boss. "I ge t constant complimen ts about her from customers. sup· ~en and ~tes." said Gray ·we can count on her. She's al· way1 pleasant to taJk to." Mrs. Enomoto joined the Irvine company in 197'7 after wor king five years for an insurance !Inn. Her duties were quickly expan- ded to include supervising res· ponaibWties. When she left the company in 1979 to have her aecond 1<>n, she re turned one year later to take ' over the job of helping rK rult and hire other clerical workers. In addition to her secretarlaJ d u ties she also mana ges the company car fleet, makes travel arrangements, coordinates a new t elephone system and helps in sales "I have a tremendous boss who gtve5 you room.'' said Mrs. Eno- moto. "I've learned a lot and grow n too." ''A good secretary has patience, a pos1llve attitude and enjoys her p b,"she said. Last year she was promoted to admin ist rati ve assutant and earns $22,000 a year Her advice to those wanung to enter the secretanal field: "Learn shorthand. Don't go into a job thinking you're going immedia- tely to the top " Mrs. Enomoto lives in Santa Ana with her husband Mike and their two sons, ages 2 and 12. Few glimmers beyond doom By STEVE MARBLE O("fMO.-,,... ..... Orange County wW not 1na p back qulckly from t he current receafon and lntereat rates w ill drop only aUghlly by th' end of the year, en economic ttlffrch teem from Chapman College hu predjded. Membe n of the colle a •'• Center for Economic ReHarch Uo ..-tk-tl!d bonw ... ln 1982 will f'pl~t .. wb!M appreda· tlon on preperty wlU 1JOw and finally 1tall out, repterlnc the 1matle1t 1ain 'n more than 10 yean. l But the economiata .ua-wct that not all ii sloom and dOOrn on the ~ front and that there are encouraging aigru now 1ur- fecin& ~t the flaulnl economy w1l1 lmpt"OYe. The reeearch center, a part of lhe coUe1e'1 bualnet1 and mana- gement 1ehool, outlined ita qu.ar· terly eeonomk: l'eport lu t week • at Newport'• Marriott Ho\e.l. Dr. James Doti, direct.or of the eenter, aid much still depends on CcnaNll and the adminMrtradon com1n1 to 1 rtp1 with the 1983 budaet and rneldnl IOme strtdel toward tr lmmln1 the nation'• detldt. He p-ojeded ~me lnter9t rate -now ho around 17 percent -ahould p under 15 ~axable sales increase doesn't offset inflation Board member &rn .. t Dro- nenburs Jr. alto re port4td ttwt 1aXab1e ._ t\ltewiM f « all ot 1981 \Otal4td tlH.2 bllllon, up 111.t bAWan or 8.7 perolftt owr :tHO. &~preaHd in con•tan t · value ioll•rt, however, th• 1areNe .... volume dropped 2 ,. ••• ...,. ltm. Olhll' .UYIJJ ....,clad for &he ............. a;, . DI Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 26. 1982 I j· DRAIGICIAITITICll Fol/owing art the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, April 23. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp . • I 4 d.1.J. !au ........... ------&. I I I I ' ""' ., .. ~UD<IUllfU U>CU IO• M•tl.-u ,,., •1PtU• t O•·'••O•·•t C"IA_,f UI r/I oH A tlU llVIJIUl olll'T' 1111'7 I o fll 11 I I• tO')O'o t U,h• tUc• I •U• "o"'J : !::~. ~)~~v ' ...... , .... 6 ...... ' ~''" '" 1 •••r• 'h•r U I ........ , ft'\• • llnlf•Nt WP •I"\ 10 •-"" :Jr •"•• H llof ,. , '" " lrld1r >r·J n q c ....... f,,j., t -. r.,, u.r •I\ ti" Al Ml H • l~lllj U l •; At1 r• •• I t~ Cart C•r ~ .. , Ull t6 Certr ,,, .,.,,,., "'.If a ~~::::=:~;.,,. "'' \9 COUUN S1• 10 Cola•\••_., '' ec ... , .. ,,, '"' ll Co••"• C•'"• l) t!o•lr-ct " l • (wt~" lle1I l~ leU .,..vtr 1, 0., •' ,.,,.... 11 ,,, .... 1• Oowr •f Sn 19 1111:1'. 1. lO !IP "' "' ,._ TU '"'' )I lld .. ,J l•n• I )I S."I•• q1 ni: t • Jt l f'O .1• tOft •• ,.,. )• Ct" w• l"lJ )~ ,.,. "'"' . 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SACRAMENTO (AP) -Vo-the State Teachers Re tirement showed the stale teacher syst.em ters will decide m November if System -are allowed to invest 64lh and the public e mployee public pension funds can invest up to 25 percent of their as.wta ln system 67th an return on invest- more of their billions of dollars in common s tock . The rest 11 an me nt an 1979-80. Ma ny local t he sometimes volatile stock less-risky, but lower-yleldang funds are allowed to invest more market. paper such as long-tenn bonds. heavily ln stocks. The Assembly gave final ap-Th e measure. if approved by Stirling said that all state and proval by a 59-3 vote to SCA21 voters. wouJd l~t the Legislature local pension firms have an by Sen Barry Keene . D-authorize the funds to Invest a "unfunded liability" of $29 bil- Mendocino. maxunum of 60 percent in stocks. lion, which mt!al\S they are that Currently, state public pension Assemblyman Dave Stir-much short of the total amount of funds -mainly the Public Em-ling. handed out a list of local pen1ion1 they ow e to all the When sqqeeze • 1s on. " • • ""' Talk to cr:editors when bills pile up By LOlDSE.. COO~ AeilocWed !tr-Wrtt.r Your bllh are up and your income la down. What do you do when you can't pay your debts? A growing number of families are asking themselves that question becauae of a rec.'elllion that has pushed the unemployment rate to 9 percent and eliminated or reduced paycheck.a for millions of Americana . Lenders and credit counaelors say there are several actions you can take to minimize the problem of unpaid bills. Start by explaining the situation to your creditors . "Al this particular time they're ex- c.'eedtngly underatandi.ng," salq Robert Gibson, head of the NaUonaJ Foundation for Consumer Credit, a non-profit organization which operates more than 200 counseling centers across the country. Gibson explained that changes in the law have made 1l easier for people to e9Cape their debts by going bankrupt; lenders would rather accept reduL-ed or delayed payments than take the nsk of never getting their money al alJ. Borrowing money to pay e'<istiQg debts may or may not be it good idea. Consolidating what you owe mto a slngle Joan Is usually helpful only if the mt.ererit rate on such a consolldat1on loan is lower than the interest you are paying on the money you alread y have borrowed . A conso lidation Joan also may give you a false sense of security. "M06t people can't handle them," said Gib- son. Once they are relieved of the immediate pressure of overdue bills, they start spending again and wind up even deeper in debt. J ames Kendall , a spokesman for the U.S . League of Savings Associations, said consumers shouJd not ignore signs of trouble m the hope that the problem will solve itself "Take some s teps early on to avert the paruc," he said. "Take the miuauve." Suppose you have lost your JOb. Or your work!ltg Mun have been CUL back. \'Ul.l k.nmL_ you're golng to have trouble making next mon- th's mortgage payment on time . Explain the problem to th<' lender imme- diately: don't waJt until the payment already Is overdue. "Go to them before they come to you," said Kendall. "Le nders will look mu('h more kindly on someone who tf'lls them in advancl' (about a potential problem)." Be completely frank. You will have to give the lender all the dt•tails of your financial situa- tion -even if 1l mukc11 you uncomfortable . Kendall cooc'Cded that thlS kmd of dlS('Josure JUSt "adds to the sLretiS" you already may be under. but said total honesty LS essential ''Depending on who you are and what kind or payment record YQU have, you may get a fair amount or forebearance" from tht> lender, Ken- dall added. The definition of "a fair amount" w11J vary from lender to lender, but you may, for example, be abll' to pay only the mt<:r<'Sl on your mortgagt- for several months or you may tx• able to cut your payments m half You may even~ alJ owed to skip a couple of months completely You w1U , of C.'OUrse, have to pay back the debt eventually. If you don't you t'Ould f<K't' lhe poss1b1ls ty of losing your house Stall• la ws on foreclosure -and tht.• <tmount of time.• that must elapse before you art' forced to lcavt.• vary widely and may affect a lendt.•r'i. w1llingm.-ss t.o let payments slide Kendall said, howl•ver, lhat "lt.·ndc·rs will try to stay away from fort>Closure " In today's market, tht•y art' reluc.·tant to wind up as owners of houM:s they cannot M'll Tht·y also an • hurrum bein g s ''Lendt.•rs d o n 't ha v t• h o rns and p11.ehfor~." Kendall addc'C.1 If y\µ are unablt.• to handlt.> your problt.>ms yourself. you may want to M~k hdp from one of the couns eling ('t.-ntc·rs run b y Lhl· National Foundation for Consumer Cn.-dll DOLLAR DAY OOUGHSAVERS CLASSI Fl EDS 3 LINES • 3 DAYS • 3 DOLLARS Is your household Cash f,low Low'l Sell those items you no longer need with a DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVER AD 3 llnes, 3 days $3.00 (for private party advertisers} If JOU don't 1111 ii the tint 3 dlJI we'll give JOU ployees Retirement System and and stale retireme nt funds that nons currently in the system. ~~~~~~~E:i~?~=:=ll 3 for FREE 3 llnea, 3 more days The • ht . "'tor ..;=..iids IS llOW! .,,.. Rw.t-h 1 .... timl eo )uJ Pd· And slhCt K""9'!1ndS come m con· ¥enient one. 1/1, 'I•, and Y10 ounce 11.zes. aold '' usler thin ,_ to own. Buy I f• llCh month and hold thlfn-f« collea• tutuon, I...,,, vteahon, Of ,..,, rtlnmtnt yen, • HAVE YOU DEVELOPED YOUR 1982 TAX STRATEGY YET? E. F. Hutton Can H1l11 Come learn what you can do to reduce your 1982 In- come taxes. Spend an enjoyable evening with TOM LIGHTVOET. E.F. Hutton Account Executive, and learn just how much control you have over your tax bill. Where: When: E.F. Hutton & Co. Tues ., Apr il 27 , 7 :30 p.m. o r Wed ., April 28 , 7 :30 p.m. •o• RUllVAnONI PLUM CALL CATHI PA• 9574'00 Whe11 Lf. • • That's right! Advertise your Item for 3 consecutive days and If you don't sell just call classified 642-5678 and we'll run the ad another 3 consecutive days FREE. •• If you discover you have priced the Item too high to sell It on the first 3-day run, we'll even let you lower the prloe for your FREE 3 day run. e The rulee are slmple -one Item per ad -Item must be priced - sorry, no real estate or commerclaJ ads. You are not llmlted to 3 lines, Just add $1.00 for each addltlonal llne such aa 4 llnes 3 times c: $4.00, 5 Imes 3 times -$5.00, 6 Hnea 3 times "!" $6.00. No m•tter how m•nr llne• you run, we'll atlll give you 3 ·d•J• FREE It you don't Mii your Item o~ the tlret tey. · · • ' I' REAL ESTATE .QUISTIDNB /COMlllTS By RANOAl.I. M<·CARDLE Why h n't m y home selllo1 ? Ou r ho m e In Mlu lon Viejo has been oo the market for over a year now and has not sold. We have bad It listed with r e al estate a gents twice and tried to sell It ourselves. All with no meaningful results. We think we have a saleable home. Help us be objec tln . What are the buk r easons why a house s tays on the market 1tnd does not sell? T.J .. Mission Viejo Thi' n •;1....i111" a honw doC's nol <,t•ll u~ually nar nm du" 11 lt• JU'>l th1t-t· .Jll 1mp11rl:lnt fat·ton. Orw fa1101 I'> th1· l'ond1t111n u l lht• homt· Wht·n .1 11•.1lt111 'how~ a hunu· lo J pn,..,pl'('llVt· purt.·haM·r. 1111 h11n11· 'huuld lw an tuµ llllld1uon Otht.'rWIM'. hu}1·rs h.1vt trnublt• 'l'>Uttlt.t1ng lht•msc .. tvt-s hvmg 111 1t .111d ho\\ .1llr:tl llVt · ll (an Ix· A hnml' should rt• f11·1 l l11Vl .ind hJpp1nt-:..'> (:1•1wral t•osmC'l1es ~ut·h JS 111·-.h p;1111t . \.\ttllpi1111·nng and 111an1l·urt•d landsc:a· p111g 1·11s l only ,, ft ·w hu11cln'll dullan., and yt•l, nol 011fy lu•lp LI hornt' st •ll bul Will aud lll tht• mar kc•I v;du1· t\ n11t hl·r ubv 111u~ I at·lor 1~ l ht• praec Surpn '111glv. n1,111v h11m1· '>1'111•1.., (and sunll·t1m1 i. th1· 11,111111I11\t·r pnn ,1 h11nw wlwn 1t f1n.t eomt·.., en tht· 111.11 kt·l T11ts ts ..t ~ 1 tuu:. m1:.Wkl· Olhcr agt•n ts 1n ... 1.111tlv 1t'(11g111Zl' tlu 11v1·1 pllu'tl prupc.•rly and avwd 11~ 11111rn1·nd111g 11 111 th1 ·11 l lll'nt.. Too u ftcn , by lht· 111111 till' .._..1Jt·1 and tlw ag1·n1 rt'.1hzt· what's hap1x· 11111g it·., cJ1lfrll1lt lo gl'I all'.Y'lllH' lnlt•rt'Sh'll 111 th;,it p1111x•1 tv It g1•h st.iii· .ind loo olt<•n 11v1•rl1x1kt~l Tht 11111-.t 1111p111t.1111 f:wt111 t11sdltngy11ur ltunw today 1s lht• f111ant·ing Fmm tht• uw11l'r's viewpoint. tl11 11"1'1 d1..,11.ihl1· h11n11· 1s 11111 · wh1·n· tht· :-t.•lll·r 1~ d1·m,111d mg ,ill l u-.h f"111 an <t ll 1 .1..,h ....ilt'. tht· ~·llt·r will p.i\ .• ,,..n.ill\ 111 tlw foi m of J mul·h longl·r 111111 1111 in.11 l..1'1 ll• "II lhl p111p1 rty <111d lowt•r '4'1 lt11g pr 1l 1 • \, 111mp.11 e·d lo thtN hurnt•:. wht·rt· th1· ,, 111 1 '' "dl111g 111 h1 Ip 1111.1111 1' lh1· 'i<.ilt-of th1•1r 11111111 l11\1Hl.1\'111.11 k1 l. h111111.., "h1lh tht·~·llt·r~ will h• Ip 1111.1111·1 .ind ·, ,111 \. h.i< k " J purt·haS<· mont•y F11 -.t 111 s., 1111d T1 u't l)l·1·d ...i ·ll 111u1·h mort• 4u1t·kly But 11111111·, wh11 h 11·q u1rc· :1 111·\.\. F1r"l Trus t Dt'<-d or 11·h 1111 111·\\ 111nv1 11111111:.I l111 ,1nnng ofl<·n l1ng1·r llll"1ld '"' fllllllth ... l 'l'\s , . .,,,.~·1.ill~ dog-. ,11111 'mall d11ldrt·n l·an bt• tf1,11.111111g S111tt· \11 u1 11·.il1111, p111ll<1bl y ltkl· d og.., .111d • hild11·11 th1 y ,11 1 11111 ·•IJI to n mlront you w ith 1111, l.ll I l11·oplt .111 -.t.·n'>llt\11• .1h11ul lh1·tr d11ldrt·n .111>1 11t·h f)l,g~ dn 11111 h.1vt lo ... nJp or !Jilt· l11 Ix· i11,11.1l ll11g Tl1111 11.11 k111g "1·1u1ul-{h to di...rupt tile' litt\I I '11111·H·,1 I ll 1h1· huu .... 1'11< Iii ... 1 r • .d 1• .. 1,11t .1g1·nt .... llt'fon· lt~ung J t1111111 1111 ,,.i, I" l'f"'"' ,1 l'OlllJ.Ml J l1vt· markl'l una fv,1 ... 111 ... tirn.1. llw .... ·llt•r th1 • true· 111ark1·t valut• of Lill' h111111: ,\nd tt11 ·11 .111· 'f>t·u.il ,..,,,om. fur this Al lo d,1\' h1gh1 r 111LM•·,1 l'a l1·'· m.mv l1uvt·r~ 1·J nno1 qu.il1 I' f 111 .1 rw~ T1 u't Dt-c'(f unit..,_'> thl'Y mak1• J 1.ir 1-(1· du" n µay m(·nt o f Jl l<>asl 25 percent of lht> '-iii f 11 11 I \\.111 11 "'llt '" • t.111 t.1kt· Jdvanwgt· uf l':Jrrytnlo{ '"'' k ·' l-'11 .. 1 ,,, S t'(lllHI. .. r ..... lt·r '''l' usually rl .... ult:. 1-:1>rrows NUTJ.: Uand.11/ M c<.'ard<: 1s pn•:.1 1/1 ·111 11/ t/11 ' lfr.1/ r;.,1,1t•·r.. ht·"'·"'' 1s <1n au thor . h'l' 11111 1 .111d 111,1ru1 l11r St·11d vuur «ummf'nts and •/ll' ''' '""' 111 H;1m(' Mc{ ';1rdlt:. do the Daily P 1/111, /'<I JJ,,, /.ilill. Cn,111 M•~1 92ti2ti R ecord sales at S t. Albans Al lt·r f1vt• mon ths of i\alci., S t Albans c:on· d111t11111u111s ;ii 1· nt•:irly half sold and JUSl OJX'lll'<.I for th1 fourl h pha'>I· 11f ""'''"· ;1nnounl'l'd R1t·hard l '111ok. prn.Jl't t m<in<•~t·r :it Cad11la1 Fairview I l om~ w .... 1 Tlw 111x ning uf tht lour1t1 p ha.-.t·. months ahc•ad of its 11ngin.1ll\ i.e. ht·dul1-cl d.1lt'. 1s .1 rL-sult of th<.' --..i,.., fl'(Wtl of 1h1• :!:!O unll 1lt•v1•lopm1·nt, lornlc'CI on B1-.11 St1t 1 I ;ind M.1t Arthur <1dJan•nt lO South ('11,l'I v ill.1g1 Stud111. 11n1 .Jnd '""o ht'CJruom units arc availa- 1111 . 1.1ng1ng f rum f>fiO to 1100 squ<Jr(• fC<'l Pnt'CS l1<'g1n .it $riH.!JllO Tht• '-'•lt-s 11ff1t•t• amt modl'ls art' n1H·11 fn1m 10 am t11 H pm d wly f''ur mort• mfor- 111;11 111n, 1 ;oll Lht• s:il1•i. offiu· ar !l4!1-:i41 2. For 11111-.t• wli11 pun·haM· " ho me <ind doS(.• l'S· 11m\. w11hm 4!\ dav' of rt·'>t·rvauon ul Tht· Forest an l ~1k1· f"1111 ..,l tht•11· will Ix· ;i "IX'<·aal cash rl'batc· of $;~ ()()() 'l-'01 hu''''n. that ttn· a11x1ou~ to move into lhc1r 111•\.\ honw, ih" t·ash n ·batt· ht•lps lo rC'SOlvc l'On 1 •·rrl'> 11v1·r :.pt'l'1al 1•xpt•11dllurt·~ lhat might be tn· volvt'(l 111 m.1kmg tlw tran•ut1on," c•xplaintod Carole• .Jam11•i.on. dtrc•t·tm ol murkt.'ltng for the M e is ter Company. the· Nt·wixirt &•at·h -h t•ud4u artered dt•· vc·lor>l·r of th<· smgk• farrnly homL>s. To visit Tht• Fore-st, ll.lk(• the.• Sun Diego F ree- way to the• Lakt• For<-st Dravt· t.'Xll P rott.-ed no r th on L11kt· Jo'or<·<;t tu Jc•ronamo Rcmd, lhc•n turn rlgh l and t•rmtmut• north to tht• !!Ill' of the• sales l'Cntcr and fi ve• "d1'lpluy" humt'fl. which a r c open d a ily from 11 u m to 5 p m .md on wrek ends from I 0 a m lo Ii pm Jo'or f u 1 lht•r 1nformat1on. call 770 4110:~ F 1nant:ang that offers 12 ''• perrenl interest (13 1x•rt't•nt A P R ) for (1vt.• ycan1 ond 10 ~rt<enl do wn paym<'nts 1s naw avallnbl<' at Quall C rc..'«!k In .La- gunu Hills . Full ranunc.·ing d<'lnllB may be obtained at thC' 11alt•11 ortll.•c und modt>I hom es open from 10 a.m . u ntil ~ p .m doily ~·or more In forma tion . pho ne 83 1-6700 To r<'ach Q uo1l C'~'<'k. vus1ton should tak<> the Son Dlt>go FrN•wny to the ~ Pu offra mp and con llnut• lo M oulton P orkwoy a nd th t-Sterllna d<•vc•lopml'nt INllESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Opportunity for twlccted male or female to b<'come a Whol aale Dealer Reprc· ICOWUVC in diamonds and preciOUI aem 1ton . No mc per. n«'C. lnvettment of •~. 000 to '"·000 11 req'd. Your lnvettment • lW>OOJQ .taO.oQ.Q. worth Of-_ et!rUfted pm •lOM:I . · - PLIAll CAU.1 MR. OITllOPP ,,..,..,.. Orongo Coa11 DAILY PILOT /Sund y. Aprll 25. 1982 0 3 Office s pace g oing up /111 I (•01111 1.Y (/t• t1t•/011t•1· . ., o Yf.•1·1J11 i /t/i11/.f S purning tht· ~'<·csidon. ttlC' U rongl• (..'>unty b1.1.sJn es.s....communly ilLJ.HBL rt•ntl'C:i nl'W offll-t> spal't: a t ltw thmJ fmHt•llt r ule in local rt•al t'sWW ttuit.or y. H owever . commer~lal dl•vc•lope rs rcaNcod by building at such a furious pat'<' that tht• county endl-d up with nn unprt'C't•df>ntt-d thrl'e year i.upply or 11<.'w vacant offwe spal~. That's tht' bottom hm• of tht• 11c•w Oning e County Ofru:{• Splll't• Study JUSl c:omplNL'C:i by The Nt'wport F.c:o- n.>mlcs Group. thl· Nl•w porl Bt:uth rt.·ul 1•11talt' n•li(lurc:h firm Annoum·1ng tht• ava1labll1ty of tht• study. N1·wporl Ec:11n om1ts Prci.1tle nl RobNt J Dun- ham bUld. "During 1981. tht• l'oUnty abi.orbc'<.I 2,a!'>0.600 !ioquan· fol·t of uff1c1 • span·. u ml•r<· 1.:mo squ<Art' fot·t k"SS than lh1· IYHO figure of 2.:351.900 8<.t.uart' ft-c.'t Both )'i.'t.lrs werL• consldt•rably twlow the• all ttmt· rt't:ord of 2.!J46. I 70 i.quJrc- fl.·<'l. M.'t in 1979. S ull, cons1dtmng tlw fat·t w <• wen• In a rect'tision for m un• thun hulf tht· y1•ar. that 1s an amuz1ng pc..·rformam:1• That's tht• good n1•wit "Tht• b<Jd nt•WS IS lhut lht• t'OUnty's rnmplt.•tt'<.I un1x:c:upwd Offlt.'C! SJ>al'l' ln- Vt•ntory rust· o mino usly during tht• \il'Jr, from I 5 million to :J 9 m1llwn '>4Udrl' fN•l Th,it's a 160 pt·n·t·nl tn· ll o u ~i n ~ ~l ar t ~ ' c·onl inut• r1 ~c · WASHINGTON (AP) Slow but t.1ppun·ntly ::.ll·ud y 1mpn1v1•111l·nt in hou~m~ u m slrut·t1on l11nl1nul'Cl lds l month. "1th housing '>Wrts 11\111#( .! ~ p..·ru·nt 1111 a fi fth i.lr.11#(ht munthlv g.1tn. lht· govl•rnmenl n ·µcirll'd Tht· Commc·rn• Ot·pt.1rtnwnt n •1x11 lt·d lhJt n1•w untts w1•1t· '>l.trtt'<I ,11 .1 wasurwllv ad1ustt·d 1.ir111u<il r;i11· of !147.1100 1n M:m ·h That 1ndudl·d an H 4 !Jt'l'l't·nt ~.un m '>lnglt· fon11ly starts, ii 1·a tt·~1irv lh<il hJd dt'< lim'<1 :.uhst.<tnuallv 111 f"dllu;i n • • crca~"· but lhnt'11 on ly half tht• bad na --"W hile CJffat't' l'On~trut·tlon i.lowt·d u Little. Crom 4.2 m illion i.quatt• f~·l lhe previous yt•ur llJ J 4 million squun• fwt in 1981. trw t.otol ofrtt'<' !lp;!t·1· in- ventory. l>oth rww Jntl nearing ('t1m· pll'l1tm. rose fmm ~ 7 m1lhon M_\Uan• fc..l(.'l at the.-C>nd of I 1180 to 7 :J milhun squar(' fl't•t at lht• t•nd ul'lff8 I At tht• pr esent monthly ub~orptton rutt' of 19fi.OOO 1.1qua n • fl•M pN month. thul equates lo :a :n '2 month lnwntory .. T h i.' largpst 1nvc·m ory, 40 ·I months, wus in tht• Nt·wpo rt Orungt• County Airport an·a . wh1t·h had I .47Y.llOO squan· ft'l'l 11( vun1nt '>f'IH:1· ul y1 .11 t•nd Thl' Sl)uth Co.i..,t arl'<J follo>A t·d wllh a :u1 H month .. upply !l!lli.7110 s4uan• ft•t'l DunhJm 'J1d tha t tlw high 1nv1·ntt>11t'" 1n tht•st· two·"''"' tl1d no t md1t'Ull' ..;oft lot·al murk1·1~. hul 1Jth1•r 1Jv1·rl y 11pt1ml'>t1t: huild1ng i.l·ht'Cl u It ·i.. ' Thl· Sunta An.1-0rnn1-w-Tu~un a1·t·u Inv t• II I tJ .. y w u s th Ir d w Ith .1 :l:!.ti -rno nlh s upply. li7fi,OIJO squur (' ft•t•l In lht• lws l 1nvl•nt1Jry p11~1l11111 Wt•rt· Fountain Vallt·v GJrd1·11 1 Grt1Vt•-llunungton Bl·ad1. with .111 8 9 month su pply (I !l!l,15110 !>qUdrt' rt· t· l ) ... II d th t ' And h {'Im Br I ... Jo'ullC!rton aN.'a "'1th .i 7 Ii-mun th sup ply (27Ui1HI i.t1u,1rt• ft't'IJ "For ttw pa ... t two Vt·<11''> tht•n• has I lwl•n a d1sl1nt·t r <''>Urgt·nt'l' o f •11 I l<'t• 1 · s µal·1· d1•vt·l11 p1lll'lll 111 n11rthw1•st Urungl.' County a "'(·tor 1·xtt·11d1ng I rom An;ih1•1n1 Jo'ullt·rt on d11\.\ n th rough llu111111g1on R1 ·u1 h iJllU f"ount.1111 VJll1 ;. Dur 1ng 11180 ;ind l!Jtll. lhl'> -.t.'l'tlll lt'tf ,111 o lht I Jll'iJ' of lht• ll!Ulll\ \.\1th J :!Ii 111 :i I fJl'll t Ill 111..orkl'l '>h<11t· "Pr 1111 111 lli.11 1111 d11m111.1111 .. h.111 ul .ill 11111<1 cit\( l11p1111·111 \\,1, Ill lht· ( >r J ngt· ( '11u 11 t \ A II pnrt Nt \\ p111 I Ct·nlt·r .11 e«1 .111d th1· S.1111 .1 J\11.1 Or;.ingt· Tu ... trn a11-.1 Tilt· lallt·r l'llltll nu1~ 1111..onk "''011d with :!:I p1•n1•n1111 lh1 • niar k1•1 Tht· A11 p11rl ar 1 .. 1. 1h11 d w11h l!.J fJ4 'f\'t•111 1s down dr.1m,1t u.ill\ from tht· lh pt·rn•nl l1·v1·I <11 hwv1 d 111 IH°i!-J Big enough to be safe ... · How safe? $26 million strong ·Locally owned ·Profit able in 1981 ·Administering over S 150 million for othe r fi nancial inst it ut ion~ Small enough to be neighborly. How neighborly? ·The ~implest, 1,afest lRA 150/o for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Accou nt"' -th e interes t· bearing checking account ·A Small -Savers account, the big hiller·~ envy! ·A non-stop welcome San Marino Savings I • In San Clemente . -brony-living-Byih Saf • !l. ":' " • 'I. - ~i\\\11~ ~Vista~ ~Pacific ~ ~ ••••• L _.,.. . .... f> . Brand 111.'"'-,111d full 11l luxur1,; "pd• 111u~ i ond 4 l1l'dr11oni <U~tom hu1h horrh'' rwdr 1lw ,,•,1111 "·"' Clenwntl.' Hie 11 d1•1,11I-. f11w t 1h11wt., 1 .1q1o•I 111d 1 rdft,rn<\rhh1p A •>1w ,,("kind t1ppe1rru111•1. d •llll.' ,,f ,, kind 111< ,,1,.111 BIUl' 1'.111111 t111d •J•1ll l 11•H"' foJ1r""d\; 11w1.""' from $279,500 •.fii1u•1•l11I 11•r111... f V"ll lhl' m11d<'I "'"' 1 .. 1 u' ,i. .. 1.1., V••ll .. 11d IJIJUI fdr11d1, h•JIA. V•1'\ 1 II ,, Ill (IV..111 111ke F.I Ccimrno Rl'd1 ... ~ 1 hnm rtw "an D1eg<J Fr"""'"' .m ! 1urn LE.FT Then LFn "'~·· 11 11ff (I Camino Recil 1.r R11mona I OS Al\lf,I l E'i . ,.. ~· --, SAN I DIE GO HAMON A HCIGHTS ........... M"rll'I ••/'"'' ~ _ • ' Wedne~da~ .'S1m.J•1\ _-~\., • nrJ<J11 11/ , _/ ~ l'AClflC OCEA!':J f l1he r·Mc-8 rlde & AHoclate.. ~ale1 Age n t•. Pho ne (7 14) 498-8345 I 'I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sundey, ~P'1126, 1982 .... ...... = .. Jl8 ""' f ...... l\o ... l 0t 111 ' ... ,,,,. lloo lttllllf' D tril!I I ll .......... tit eli.9"1M pl t ~~!!""' •. «: W (IGfiA n ~CIC. 111 111 •~ ClC I n•. CNAF-fll tO 14\.o CH• Ill t tt I CHAI I IOt v .. CFW: IM 2 IO ._,p~ 110 41 ~· , .. 2'\1CT~ I .. "''-~ ... c- ~c.-• ""c.li'WI Ut 1• -c..w..t .•• IO (RI.At > » lit'.~ J IO It'> Gomp 'I ' I ll-~ ··~ ll'>C..H 9111 -c.w• .. n -c.c..1> • 11 -GlpHICI I I) I ,._ c..r...a ' JD ... , c.1blt • ~c.....c 2 ~ CM'CIGO I IO'. C.WOR ~ ~ C..Pw 240 IT» CMP pl 161 JI CMTtt 1 IO II"' CM\Plr I 10 ,,,, CMttfw 1 n )11, c.1H pl l •• , CMfWI •• 11, C-HG I ll t "'""'110. • -~rpT 110 I~ c.c.u .. If'• c.i.... ' ID!oc.<M pl 411 ··~(Mic• Q lD''I C-• H ' .,.. CM6t#i I .. t -C-t..e I 11 .. C..HU I .. I ... (lllll "'. !O n (MU Jfl 111 W > (lllU I/I l '1 IO c..11PS 1 .. 11' , V.UE n .0 11~ (.oMPor I ID IO Crdot• M m. C....Tet l JD 14 CVIPS n l 1) .I}""*'°' • CMr,,, n • HA.. (,an\Oll • t IO cn - 1j>, '"""'' • • IS OW..ln I e II 11•.cm.1 "''• ~ .. °""' "' • eo ., • °'""'6p Ill .. , c-1Ca I ,., °"'1 .. ... o-t f/1 1.S -°"""" >• .. 0-.... II #I ~ ,,,. JJ>,~plUI , •• OwtJiN .. )l OIHY > 1a W• OIHY Jiii» u..°'" .... 1• lD 0..P!I I 7J IJl>1CINI n 11 °"-•· CNM pl ll"e °""'' • IJ ... 0.F.,.1 a II ... CJvotCf I S1t t) tl"-00! ... ,. , ... °""*> M ,,..ow-• t• ... °""' "' ~ .,.. Ow'.w ,,~Ory .. ,.. °""" "' 15 0v0 I IO a.-~~1 111 1 W~110 1 ,..,, cw; "' • -(l..c;pl•l1 lOO,, °"" ,,, •• 6 Or.c.1/1 1 .. ~(.ift(; " •• SI c...c; Ill ·~ ,, ... ~ ,, ,,'°' 00< .. I n %Jlj, Clll!M , .. ... 0tyl1W 1 ,. Jiii> Cl'tln pl l '1110-, .. D Ow1oE tlll ... Ot<:# I.to "" 011,,(J 1 .. .. ()v[I Ill 1e ... ,., Of[I fl I It .-. °""'* .. ""'0.-.. ... C.....P 1t ~ °""' pl I •'·~ n .... c-uio • 11 Cltf I/I 1 ll "" Coe«) , • IA. (doff ' 1• .... '-8 lf'oC-,. 17 . '°"""' ' JD ..... Celof' Ofl.!O "'-ColCNt n IO'~'°'"'" ' ,. " '-"""' ,. n• .. """" ' '• 71 .. COIOet U• -(.olo. 1111.e ,,.,, Ctllll"tf .. w \.f\11 00" 10 ,,.._ 00 plelUS ., c:so pf nu?! .... c:.r.el11 t. Dito c.eElt , ... .. c-',. ... ~ ... w. (8mdr1 -c.."91 -!Ai CllW£ ,. s+. (tit' ...... l~h Cw.E "' 'a 1111.c.E "' 1• ~C.t.crl 1 ,. Gw£ ,, "" #I CWf: ,, Ut ISolioo.f 111 U7 .... C'w£ ,, 111 $1 c.r£ ,. ,. G c.£ pl I M 1111tGomO ,. .. Qlm6 .,,. .. O"o c..-1 • 17 IJ/o't ~ '.JI" 1:= !t ... Qll¥M ' " CMl9 • ... c..,..;w ,. ""~ Ut .-.c-a ... NY E COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION 0'10f&Tl0..\ llfnllOJ fHOnO• , ...... YOH. MIOWUf, "'(l,IC. ,.., tottOtl.OIHOIT ••• (llfCl•Hfl llOO l&Cll&lfOU &110 llPO•"o .... , .. , •&•o &110 llUTl•U l!Ylt .... "" ~.11r. ~·"' ..... 1'l ~·"" .. "' .... Ill ........ 11\1.. ._ 1111. ~ U l'o ,. ' I " ... " -·I\. --14' lll'ot .... ,. • 11\o . .... • ,..... r,. -·,.. -"' ""' -·' " . "' ""' .. ,.... .. " . UV. IO ~ It I ut 11-. ..... 11111• '- j)ft lO"t HWNJ I._ • HI• 11IM\ 1r.e IJIO t 1' 71\0 ..... ~ 140 IW 14 2'111 D + i. •t ~. 2i 1.... '"' IA> ,,..., ~ ... ... ~· : .. ~= ?! ~ ..... 11 •• ':'! :~ t"' • • IAll ii J'ii: » t -11111 1lw ~ U$ 1• i.i. *"" ~. ~ 0 .... ,....., ... '* .......... -,, ..... .. .. -Mt ,. ""'' 1 '1 ttl1 = I 7l ate It SI II • 4' n... 1,.. 1 ~ ,,. 1~ 14 ,..,. • "' • ,.. • m. HI ) I m .. --. " '" 1•• '°"' .... • 11 • ... ..._ 1• ~ "' )~ ... ----1 .. ~, .. 111\o •... .. ~. 11\'I ....... 1 ,..., ,,,,. ,,.. 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IJ '1 ""'-!fl\ ""'-.. 1 4" _,_ J_.. . •Ill .,.. .,.. ti • \lo 111• "'" -p .,'jO , lt\lo .. -· ... 11·~ • -' ''IO • '" "' "' "' 1'1• 17'o HWW • I tit *'° " "'"' IN Ill) »-> -1 t 1IJ ,.... i;o.., )e"'I .. I n"" ""-~ I .. I -111'> 11 11\lo,t "' IO'i JI\-> Hor1S pl I .. • -.. , e •4 •i>. •• -n ••It» 4"' ~ 41'• • I .. .,.. C1 """"" 11 • to) u.. ~ ~ "' ~4 - .., 23 0.lnO )A II ~ lit'• )4 -I )I•, -0..P I g I JI .... D'o 2"" '° JI\., .... OW .... 2 11 JI--........ ..-llo t1'l -OU1P llfJ.. I tt ~ tt , I'> ... • ,.., OU1P "' • I .,.. .,.. .,_._ "' II'• 16 Ou1P pl? IO " 111• Ill. Ill• lt 'i lh OwP 1111 II "' IS.. IA. IS..• " lit~ 14 t OUtP "1 • I• 1$"> I" 1~ • ro. IOI> I -Clt<•P fll .. t1 111 '"" -f7 o No t\ ID Clt<•P fll U 11'JI --.....,, 1 .. ~'-""' OOECJ) ' I • utt Jllilo JIM 11-1\0 Jt'• D'• Oa11w> 1111 t 1M ,,.,, --10 IJ' 1 II CflloE4 I 1. t C1'1 I)'> IJ IJ'• , lo » • OllEd "' • • "' • • • n• J:S4o OllEo ,,,... .-~ m. • 110 M ti ... 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OwTr \ IO I W Dfo ""1 D'o· "" M' • 11 0.W \ IO t .. II'> Wl't IS..• \o )I 1r,o...c; IJO II II• -" ....... D D'> °"""' M I .. I I tll 1S'-lA"I -.. t ll0'•0-ll p1A /1 U fl''l 1J ~ "'I 11 , ll>oO•tnll" I I ti .... -i.-. I .. ~ 1µ. II .. -• .. II I• -"'-.... , .. .... '" PH-I ,,,. I Im • r . It\. .. ,. I Jt Pi'(; l lil t I~ 11.. )l.. 11 .. • .. 47't II .. ~ Ill • •1"1 IP> >S-. ~ lo IO'-' Pac~ I CIO ., -... -· "' ,. • -... c.E ) ,, • -D'<> 11 11 • .. 7'1t 11«> .... ll9 J It t la -1"' ,.... .. -lD'• P«~ I JO ti 111 ~ 23'-~. " )1\o lt''I ........ J It I 4l71 .... 11 -· .. 11'• D'• P«P pl l/\ I~ 11'--11 11 'o Ito • P0<1<: • \ 11 IO Ill II '"' ,..., • \0 -17', P«n I Cl I Jiit -I~ -w •5•, Pacn o1 • 11• 11.., ''"" ""' • 1e•, 11 Pacnn 1 t 11 11 "'"' ""' .. 11'o I), P-IO lo 1000 -If -· " ,.... lh -I JO I tit\ 161t I~ -• .. II• • 11'. P-8 • )I I 1' W. If'<> 14.. .. • 1' • P9Mtn '"' v. ,.. ,.... . ... 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""PSI... t 1' I ~ IOflt 11"> a-. Iii '"' •'• PS111 " t .. '77'1 n. I n. ,., 1 ""' ... ,. mit ""' llt "-• .. 711, '9\'ll'Slll "... dt -..... -·I _, Wlo ::.J' t• llt a.J\lt '1"' ...,, I .. .,, I)~ ' ,, • .. -~ '"' ~: " It t~ ~ ,,, ,, ,,. tt\'t t~ 1'\ot• t """ ·~ l'5Nl>I "1 t • -... "" "' .... ae ..,,... DUH a. 1111 ti'* II : 1" h" 1111. ~ llQU ' n ~ a.111 ,...,_ tt ri~ : = l~ • =~ F~ :::: ~ " ""I "''. ....!! .... ~ .. [: =~ ·-~ ,. ..... 11 G """ -= 11\t .,_ " ... Ne; ~-• .. .: L •. ' *"' IO "WG 11114• * -. =~ ~ .. a. ~c; "' " " •• '-" • .. "" "'I.... -"" --.. --,,,. .. --*' ~ Ir\\ ,,, "" .... ,,.. " ...... " f1 '"" , .. ~ ,,_ • -1111 = ,,, .... tr""' ..... ~ 2-~e; .a = = -. ~ ':: "'.: "'"' ·= .. = 1' "' '" = 1t , • = ::: : : • J ~ • 1111 ~ f ~E:)i~~· r iJ1i;1 .; . - -NEW YORK STOCKS CONTINUED ~ ... r Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT /Sunday. A~;o 25, 1982 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE OUOUf10lol•1N(LUDl IUDU ON flfl N(W •OU -'10WUI PA(IJIC 'IW f OHOll 0 1 U Otl ANO (tNCINNUI HOO f l (HANOU ANO Uf'OIHfO IY flll HAIO ANO tN\llNl f ,. ,.,.. N•f .. ....... l..t•f '"' ,, ..... .. f ..... ..., "••-LAw u •I Cllt DI 0 • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprll 2e, 1982 •7 MAY DAY CONCERT -Dr. L . Subrama- niarn, south Indian violin master, will play in concert Saturday at the Laguna Moulton Playhou se. John Bilezikjian, (not shown) America's oud virtuoso, will also appear on the 8 p.m. program. -'Celebrate UCI' fest scheduled Saturday UC Irvine'• annual open howsc, recruiting day mlted apace la avall-blc, ao lnt('reatcd peraona an'd lnloimallon t·runpua booths will be staffed by and gent-ral good time will be prCBentcd Saturday, should call 833-~181 for rctll"rvatlons. m6mbera o( UCI organlmllona. May l during Us fittingly Utled "Celebrate UCI" At 10 a.m., tram tours be&in around campus. Parking on campua wlll be fr~ Saturday. e- JesUval · • Then J'l J p.m .• aµlded.Joura _will vta.lt. varioua aca· .. The te tlval will &t•t unde-r w y Thutt~@.Y l "fheiffn1r iactwrUycoven toordaya, irom AJ>rtl, demic butldtngs for 1hort lecrurea, exh16Tla ana when David Brower, foundt•r ol Frienda of the as 29 to May 2, but the focua of the activity Ls Satur-demonstrations. A continuous shuttle service also Earth. preaonu1 a noon speech to commemorate day, when the campua ii opton for tours and a me-will take fesUval-goeni to the College of Medicine F.arth Day Brower will speak at an out.door area ly dieval fair, Way7.1ooee, la ataaed In Campua Park in on the outaklrta o( the c:ampua. next to tht> Unavendty Center. ,e the center of the cwnpua. Wayzg~. the fair, will open at 10 a.m. and A carnival wlll open Friday at 6 p.m. on I.he to Tours begin at 9 a.m. with guided tripe through craftamen, JUgglera, joust.era, dancers and minstrels grass In front of the· campus Administration Bual-ks the adjacent San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh. LI-will lend to the atmosphere until 4 p.m. Crall, food ding. m - "'VICTOR/VICTORIA' 11 a1GS1y, brauy, classy ~Y with sleek music. donlea ol spangled production numbers: a rolllcky, frollcky, forclcol, collapsible, laughable covaloode of sight gags. fright gags ... The plot Is o screwball gem ... the results ore uproor}ous ... 'Vlctof/Vlctoita' lt the 'feel good' movie thll ye«." -o.ne $1>o11t HIC IV IOOA'f »<OW llllA 81e.1 Plui 529 5339 COITA MIU £ow1<0~ 8'•SIOI 540 740 COSTA MfU lllYlll( OtlAllGf lOwatO\ C11111mo1 Cenlef Edwaias WOOOtUIOt S~ 011ve In 919 4141 551 0655 639 8110 U TOllO •OllAllGl •WUTMlllSTUI tOw¥0\ 5.JOO~k Conf(IOIM UA Twin C#1emll 581 ~180 634 1553 898 ~ 243 ""' 'NO•AW•A«•"ro ,.,. ·~~ •-v•·• '"'~WtW91D.J L! R ··~ -"'"''''" .. ,.._....._.....,._ ....... ......--' . NOW PLAYING BUlU 'Allll Olllfl·lll ClllEOOME l11WAIUll WW,OllT 8UCl\i Pai~ 871 •OTO 0• 111qt 614 2~'1 N'WPOll Buell 644 0760 MAllll lllU ,LAZA STADIUM OAIYl·lll ua CllllMA B•~• ~79 ~)'Jq Ol••IQ<' f,,)911770 Wt\1mon~1., 893 0~46 lOWAllOS HDOU8ACll EOWAllOS llllSTOl "° •4$KUCetP110 LI TOIL ~81 ~880 ( 14 ,,,. I HO"" 1()11 1~ (IO(>AOl ... Nt ''Rivals .'2001' anti 'STAR WARS''' -'fn,,,l.V ~US,,_._ t,K;O.~c/. ..,~ .. AAt. MS. 1:19 IAT/IUN. 12:JO, 3.."00, l:JO 1:00 10:J0 "° ·~!9~ ... ,, ___ ,..._ "fttCHAN> "'YC>fl ON THI IUNUT ITRr' --UT/--.-.- The dream you can't escape ALIVEI All.1:2D IA T /MIN. 12:IO. -=-· J:20 ~l)\Y ~ FRI. l:IO, 10:15 IAT/IUN. 2:41, l:iO, 10:15 14 ~-IAT/M . 2:00 lr11, 10:JO missing. ... ___ ,._ ......... - REDS P.!!£. .. ~ Support March of DlmM 4P Give to Save lables ~ l~WlllD\ \SI' WU llllDOA "DASeoor · '"'· 7:00, •AS SAT /IUN.1: 15, 4:00 7:00, t :U (R) = .. lllIIT IACf • FIU. 7:05, 10-AO IAT/IUM. l!JO, 7:05, 10-AO "BATTLE TRUCK" FRt. Hie> IA T /SUN. 1:AS. 1:20, 9:GO "TAG" FRI. 1;30. t:20, 10:15 SAT/IUN. 1:00.2:50,4:.40 l:.JO,taO. 10:15 (..a) • -CL•IT~ ,_ 1:00, 1:15 IAT/IUN. 1:00, 1:1S. S:JO ... 10:11 (9'0) 1·c1w.1rch LI DO CI NF MA "'"'' 1" II" &'.A '[' 673-8350 .._. Wft.t If' HI A i t4 "TAG" ....... .,,,... 8AT/IUM. ,.,,.. ~~.-1:10, ,._(N) r missing. l'M. l:IO.,... 8AT/IUN. 1Cbtl "NIGHT· MAU" c111) -.-. .. MT/-... NI, It.ti "CAT PEOPLE'' •r. N ·e. Us ~e ... •d -.e' 5. I I ,1 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, April 25, 1982 D1 . ·lnjtials in'St'ead of name not good substitute I DEAR A1'PN LANDERS: T he fe llow who want.5 to name hla baby.with lnitiai. oniy. ls makJ.n8 • u 6fi mistukc P lease acfvlse him not to do 1t. My fu thl•r insisted that I have Initials only (J lt ). lfr• thought al would be dlstlnctJve, but lt'11 bc•<'n ont> hell of u burd.en all my life. Teachers called m~ liar because they lnsiated 1 had a first name I didn't like and ref~ to use I had trouble in th<' service, with insurance compa- nies, trying to vote, opening bank accounts, being a police officer ror 28 years -you ruime it. If you want to start a kid ofC on the wrong foot, JUSl give him initials inslead of a name. He'U have trouble all has ltfe. -• J .R. -SO H EL P ME, THAT'S ALL T HERE IS DE AR J .R.: I b elieve you. I be lieve you. Thanks for the testimonial of a witne11 In tbe tor- ture chamber. DEAH ANN; I hope you will answer because somt't1mes it'!. the httle things in life that are really important *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before S;OO PM (bctpl Spacial Engagements and Holldaysl ··vlCTOA VICTOfltA" '"°' tJ<• , ..... ,, ... "PORKY'l "t•I UlO. JM • .. t U I to "°" •n ""'.,. "' ,... ..... "CHARIOTS Of FIAi" '"°I --1<11.-- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll<·IN "IC>Mfi KIHO Of HEJIO" IR) t:>::a,J.A•..a.•••M.••• "If YOU COUl.O NIE WHAT I Hl!AR• (~) 1: 15. 3::30, 1:50. a·10. 1ct.ao LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN •n .t.CfOll aae AC"9•a "Off GOU>EN '1>NO" ~I ............. l)l.GUNA so. COAST WALK·IN "IOMI IUNO Of Hl!AO" 1•1 Q:1' ~-Ute;Jl,ut - •If' YOU COULD N IE WHAT I .. AR" fPQ) '"'t;JI, --...... 'OU.IT FOR f_..1•1 -oou• ................ ,. focully OI Col\dl••OOO 213/531·9510 "POfUIY'l " 1•1 ,.,. .. ,. l.B , ....... ... , """"" ~ ___.. ·CHAMOTI Of FIM" , ... ,~--u..-- Soull'I Coo11 Hl•Of 01 .. oOdWGY 494-1514 MST ~CTOR AND "'"°"TINO ACTMU ~~ ... ·----... -- 'ACIFIC fHUTIUS OAIYf·IM S_, Mf(T$ SIUlC• •OU• IU(.l l Sl'f .. lllt ... I I HAAIOA l lYO OIUV( 1111 6 DU NG( DtllYf·tll 1 0• 101 .. u 1u-••s-• •11t1 •Hi•'"' sv-n ••_,.SI- -... '"14. -S.t..S..71t ........... tM,OIU ANT NOTICl 1 CMILDRl N U•DfR 12 fRH ! lllllliill~ ........ ·-.... In fll. 71' • W.. lllL, ..... .,. .. C...C..11 $C111G ·~ lli CAii MOO• '°"' ~ ... t,111 CAii llADIO 'lllf• oornDll acussGll' """°' -"""'° Alll IQllTAll.f 1•All CM.A~ .. ON All UClll ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h•••oY ti al \a"'°" \I 179·9150 "TA~';J'G) "I ATUN>AY T ... 14Tir (1"0) C"""~ -----.----·-~---- "SOMf. KIND Of' MIRO" 1111 -•ANOY WARH<M.'S Fl'ANKIN•TIJN" 111111 .• ,.,. llOUCT'IC* ~Oil "SIX AND TMI LONn Y WOMU ,ART 1" Ill! "SCffOO\.OIM. HITCHHIKIM" 1111 "TAl;JN I •UT\MO&Y TMI M1'M" (N ) Clllt " IO'lllO ... YOU COULD ... WAT I MSAr 0'9I -"TM MIDDY MOll Y eTOllY" ..... Clllf lltoue I ,. 11A ~IJ,. LA HABRA [JlllVI IN ---·--· .... --17M .. 2 -- ~ ... OJlANGE llll•VI IN ---" ---~ltftSOOI ) Gorot<I "'°"' ,._ 191·3693 IUT l'ICTIMI Cl Tie -"CHARtOTI OP ,_ .. IHI -""'""""""' Clllt 11 tOllllO ---"POMY'S"1N 1 -"UPIMSMOKF1t11 Cllll HIOUICI ~-.. WIDflS My boyfriend's grandmother had an oil pain- ting o! their family crest. Mike admJred it so much that I borrowed the painting and copied it aii a surprise (or hi.s birthday. (I am not a professional artisti but I do have 10me talent.) My pajnting looked pretty good and Mike was thralled. He hung at In his Uvmg room. Yesterday I was at Mike's house when sgme friends came to visit. They admired thf' crest and asked where h:r.ot it. He replied, "My grandmo- ther has the ori nal painting. I borrowed it and had it reprodu ." I was stunned -and hurt. Later when I told Make how I felt. he said I was being silly -that I have no right to be upset. I believe he wu very to their classes and helped them with their home- rude not to have given rne the credit due. Your . work. I wu amawd at how well they dJd. ~ I opinion s wan ted. -UNAPPRECIATED' been in their country, I would not have done half-as DEAR UN: Rude? How aboat ao1racloa1 and dl1boaeat? Mike mu1t al10 bave tile bide of u al- ligator to bave told tbat wbopper la your presence. Add "gro11ly lDltDlltlve" ana give terioa1 CODll- deraUoa to tbro)¥lng blm back Into tbe tank. DEAR ANN L ANDERS: I know I am awfully lalc In gellh~g around to telling you abou t my wonderful l.nrlaw11, but I hope you will forgive me and print my letter an yway. I married George in 1950. His parents came from Eastern Europe the following year. They couldn't speak om• word of English, but we com- municated immediately m the universal language that all people, everywhere , understand -love. Their warm smiles and kind eyes told me ever y- thing I needed to know. Within a week of their arn val they asked to be enro)Jed in a class for new Americans. I drove them well. Whe n our children w ere born, It was m y mother-in -law who moved In and took over the household. My American-born mother managed to be on a crulae or a tnp au four times. She speaks perfe<:t Engll1h, but there is no communication what.soever. Blood la not really thicker than water. Someone made that up. Sign me L UCK Y IN PENNSYLVANIA DEAR LUCKY: Beautlfal le tter. 1'bey are. lucky, too. Is pot a drug? C.m LSD. PCP. roc:ame and pills open nC'w worlds for you? Stop guessmg. Get the f1x:ts in Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Low- down on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2.00, plus a Jong, self-addressed stamped envelope' (37 cen ts postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. &x I 1995, Chicago, Dlinois 6061 1 KEZY WELCOMES • THE ONLY MOVIE POWERED BY LET THERE BE ROCK Starring BON SCOTT . ANGUS YOUNG MALCOLM YOUNG PHIL RUDD • CLIFF WILLIAMS Ptoduced and Directed by ERIC DIONYSIUS and ERIC MISTLER I .THE WALL OF SOUND I The largest and loudest rock and roll sound system ever to be installed in a t heatre . ~&'£•,ol'" IPOl waer•.,...~ j E eammw••mJ•._,...,. __ Oilltibuted by \~ 8R05 0 A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY In AMOCfetlort wilh ~ ~ 0 1•..,_1t01 All,._flltMt....o I I I I ! I I \ •• Oranr CO..t DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Aprll 25, 1982 Pisces: Your position stronger MoMaJ,AprU ~· By SYDNEY OMARR AJU8S (March 21~pril 19): Family dltputet nMd-nO\...'Ulvolv• ~ou. Know It, Di' illplOma~, ~ ~"' wWln~ea to make intelllaent conceuloNI. T1wua individual talk.a about money. IHka your cou.mel -and your approval. Recent inquiry will be answered -Yest SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Utilize natural ability .. a detectave. You'U di8cover valwible clues. Puizle plecet fall Into pJace; you'll see accurate picture In ltt entirety. Belllco.e lndlvldual la at- tem tinLto )\ldt-f at loop I & AWMC!- TAURUS (AprU 20-May 20): Count;our chanp! F.rnphula on Ume, money, enersr an abl- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21): lndlvidual you reepect compliment.a you on "lnqulrlna mind." Do plenty of U.tening, obeervin& -It win be ne- ceuary to negotJate. Focus on legal documents, partnerahip proposal.a and public relations. Watch Virgo! 1HllilCDPI . • lity to perfect techniques. You'll be made aware of interest rates, truces, shelters and programs designed to assure future securlt.y. Aries flgures promi- nently. -CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Verbose In- dividual may have neglected Important details. Know it, review situaUon and insiat that' promiaea be fulfilled. Emphaala on domestic hannony, home improvement and a new undera~ding of family requirementa. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): This is your power-play day! Lunar and numerical cycles are at peak -focus on promotion, responsibility, money and love. You locate what had been lost, missing or stolen. Legal decision goes ln YOW" favor. Watch Capricorn! AQUARJUS (Jah. 20-Feb. 18): Emotional res.- ponses tend to cloud logic. UU1lz.e reuoning power. Be repdy for c~ of plans based on need for new materia.I. Young penion figures prominently. Virgo, Pisces natives play 1Jnportant roles. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Look behind acenes for answers. Let go of outmoded procedures -t.ake cold plunge into future. You do lell8e pube of public. Cirt'umstanoes favor your efiorta. You can successfully pioneer a project. Keep eye on Libra! PISCES (Feb, 19-Mareh 20). Your position is stronger than origmally anuclpated. What had been an obstacle Is transformed into steppingstone for progress. Take initiative In closmg deal. Security picture is bright -you'll be more confident and debt will be repaid. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Wish comes true, es- pecially in romance department. Moon position highlights hopes, desires, aspirations and a success- ful business decision. Emphasis on ability tp win friends and utilize powers of persuasion. Wat.ch Aquarius! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Follow through on first impressions. Focus on speculation, children, creativity and ability to imprint style. You are being pulled in two directions. You'll know what to do by observing what appears to be an "amazing coincidence." LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphuis on com- munication, spectal publication, travel information and what could be a "spuitual revelation." Ge.mini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. Long- distance message aids in clarifying views and achievmg goal e Daily Pilot e classifieds wortc for • you. ca11 • 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID nZZLB ACROSS 82 Clatern 1~ Gwden loot 37 Old C81d 101 Hawaiian 83 Peevlsll 155 Courtroom game p811ner1lllp 1 'l'OYng llog 8S Allure figure: Abbr 39 Throwaway 102 Hap~n1ng 6 Divide 87 Cooking Oii 158 Chopping 40 Palm Illy 103 PrOlonglld 11 Plain 88Reef loot 42 Clocked nseult Engllsll 90 P()f)uler 157 Overjoy 44 Ruu11n 104 Drawing 16 Watte-ma1e<111J 1S9 Greek letter despots room maker 91 Prtnter's 160 US. Can, 46 Skin 106 More e11m1n 21 To the point nM<J etc opening uhve 22 Instant 92 Japanese 161 Hawa11an •S Holllsh 108 l egit term 23 Pan along co;n blfel 50 Disfigure 109 Trull 24 Mu~c hall 93 Muaeum 163 Neuter SI Guido I 112 E.cpert 2S Rough lav1 C111play pronoun note p11011 26 Oer111ve 94 Fabled b•rel 164 Open. S3 Finger I 13 An1ttoa1n1 enor1 95 1973 Oscar moutlled ornament 1 15 W1ngC11ng 27 Concerning winner (wllll tMI Word on a I SS Knell 118 Stair tread 28 .. _Cl<! The ') wanted 56 A.na•an villa 118 Sun goo 29 StorehouM 98 In lron1 posl• 57 Smalt lefld 119 With.eel 30 Beholdl 100 Prl .. t. 167 Leg111ate body 120 WICl .. prHCI 31 NB t US garment 169 Bright llglll se Begin 122 River 1111nd neignb<>r 10 I Partyglve< 171 Vine planl 60 Plume<l 011<1 123 Formal 32 Chmblng 106 P.ece 172 Dectalml 62 Necit cloth Clance. In plant t<>e Heatlh VIOlen11y 64 Tllat Fr France 34 PeruM reaort 173 R1Y9r bank 6S Boredom 126 w.,gh Clown 38 Small brook t07 Overa11ed 174 Ot11ee HWeatller 128 Ol~Yef 38 Foll 10i Rounded mactilne WOfd 130 Make 40Rocky11111 root 68 Empo,,um preclout 41 Tidy 110 Byweyot DOWN 69 Lemprey 132 Span11/l 43 Printer·• 111 Attending 71 Eltlptlcat rivet term 112 Out of order 1 Bleml"1 73 Bag 134 C.tm 45 8rllllan1 114 Hive dwellet 2 Throw 75 Dawn 135 Feminine llroke 115 Oo1• 3 Correlatlve goddeH lltle 47 Stamping 118 Virginia 4 Fire remain• 79 Be euapend· 138 Trvltm torm dlMe 6 Rip ed 137 French 41 Sinewy 117 Progno•ll· 8 Layer1 80Common· •rtlcl• 49 Deadlock Cit Or 7 Foreordain place 139 Girl'• narM 52 Fragrance 121 Qulcll e Chlneee 81 Aquatic 141 Dromedary 54 Factt 123 Board game mlle mammal 1« Excllmauon 58 Daunt 124 Go 9 Cake lroelet 83 Fectlon 146 Watered allk 59 S1ory 126 OeMttllke 1 O Purpollve 64 Forward 148 Famou• 61 Skater 127 Radlll 11 Opera H Skating Rabbit Heiden 128 Al11Ch ~Ure ., .. 1468 ... taot 13Coerc.. 12t Capri, IOf 128oek nu 17 ProtealonaJ burden 81 Fall flower one 13 PpPular charge 149 HMV9111y llOeMtt 131 WM1wlnd n.,.,.ln 898P'*• downoour lllualon 133 Stretchable Ollo to Aemedy 161 Sand 11111 10 Matrlcula· 136 Promened• 14 FlelfOt'fVI amount t53 Hindu • tlon 131 Conclude 15 P\lpH t2 Cltlfornla ucetlelem 1a Clothed 140 HerOIC protector peak 18e Part Ola 73 W11t10U1· Fr poem 118ecred 94 CIYOrl Ol'a lddr ... 7 4 l'elnlle ru1f 142 ParadlM 11 llgfUM H Upngllt IN Make llot 11 Judge'• 143 Turnpike 11 Helm column 111 Ancient millet t ilt poeltlon te ln1trvctor 114 MOflndln 71JIPIMM 147 OkletlOma 1t C~IO 87 At hOme dye drl/Tle ctty ~II H leored bull 111 Thorough· 71 T1111 glfi 141 Commend 20 ndum tt Pi t gently lllt! Abbr, 7t JICll rabbit 160 ~hwey 33 019r1Ph 100 "9preeenta· 170 TV oommet• IOUndemMth 1H rlpool SI ... tl'lt ~II WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS [P~ Welt DitneY't '~A9A CGI 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 1:56 eaan.a..1-.... 0nlv 5Aademy A-dl ......... Ofl ntE LOSr Altk IPGI 1<00 3:15 5:30 7:46 t :ISS I Best Picture CHAldOTI Oil F1RE CPGI 12:00 2:35 5:10 7:45 10:10 I mllST RM AftE IRI 70mm 1:003:105:20 7:40 9:4!5 No"•-No Economy S..ung IUCHAllO PRYOR -KIM> OF HERO IRI 12:15 2i15 4:15 5:16 8:15 10:16 Jutl1 A ndrews VICTOR VICTORIA IPGI 1:48 4:30 7130 10:00 STRDIUm a Scrczen Drivq In cal I 6J9 8770 ~ ~ .c• Junior Ebel] Club meets Friday J UNIOR EBELL CLU B of Newport Beach meeta Friday at 11 a .m . In Big Canyon Country Club. For mo,.. lnfonnaUon call 760-6281. .. AFF ILIATES o.f La.a,W\A Beach Museum.. of Art me6i. Tuelday at 1~0-J>.m. -1Vnday-tn "the museum. For more lnfonnation call 494·0339\ BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY National Women'11 Commlttft of Oranje County' meeta Wedne.day at 9:30 a.m. ln the home of Carol Uerg. For more ln- fonnaUon call SIH-0490. ALPHA DE LTA KAPPA Sorority convention Is aet for Friday through Sunday in the Sheraton S tomach ailment discussion COMMON STOMACH AILMENTS and new med.lcationa will be the subject of a diacUS1lon by pharmacologist Fred Meiater at Hoag Memorial Hospital at 1:30 p.m. Wednaday in Newport Beach. For more Information, call 760-5831. PHYSICAL FITNESS and physiology will be dlacus8ed by Dr. C. Anthony Stellar and exerrue specialiat Diane Edwards at Lei.aure World Thurs-aay at 7:30 p.m. The program is sponsored by the Laguna Moulton Klwanis and Leisure World Phy- si.cal Fitness Department. For more information, call 768-8495. RU&FELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........ ,., '941 Strre I U J HAllOI IL VD. COSTA MHA -54t-1 II~ rwport .fllustc Qlansrruatoru Eac.a.r.:e "' Mw( Educotion' fJJnno I .... ~. '""""-' c-.,..--r?a.... ~tOll~ ut.-gu1tar Call '°' Brochure Newport Hotel. DENT AL HYGIE NISTS' AMoclatloo of Sou- thern CaUfornla mut1 Friday In the Anahetc:n Mprrlott Hotel. J.'or more information call (213) 384--3196, . • - Cc NEWPORT HARBOR Lawn Bowling Club rqeeta daily e~cept Sundays tor play. For more In- formation call 759-9966. HADASSAH of Newport Beach meeta Monday at noon in Shira Ha Ma lot Temple in Eaatbluff. For more Information call ~-8758. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Republican Wo- men's Federated meeta Wedneeday at. Dunbar's in Huntington Beach . F or more information call 8.W-75-48. COL. WILL IAM CAB ELL Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution meets Wednesday at noon in the Newport Center Sranch Library. For more mfonn.ation call 646-5667. CALLIGRAPHY SOCIETY of Orange County meets Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the home of Mr and Mrs. Carl Mans Lykke for buffet dinner. For more information call 544-135-5. Happy Mothers Da y! L IDO DRUGS tl7-0JI I. 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 675.0150 The ultimate in sight and sou~. Now. re reconlcd in new ffiWta1 stereo. ~YSltlf's F~TA51A .......... , .... ,,~,..,,,, ... ..,. ,_._.l .. '"' ...... '' ..... _ _. ...... ;!..,.. '"''''~ ...... OOP-o..iio! • fr:] oW o ... ,_ J( ~ ~~~~~-NOW PlAYING ~~~~~~ CostA MESA ECIWO!ch lawn Centet 751 4184 ()IANGl CinedOme b.l4-2~ Libby T l.Kkrr tutchhikt'd fmm Bro(~yn • to take Hollywood by s1orm And ht-r father by surpn~ Benson is a cop who wants to clean up the streets ... His partner Just want• to redecorate. WINNE~~~~R~y BEST PICTURE BEST ORIGINAL SC.ORE · VANGELIS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY COLIN WELLAND BEST COSTUME MELINA CANONERO YOU DON'T HAYI TO II UNHI IO TO LOVE -~- M..-y Tredel. 32, Secret.try Ml thoUQht PORKY'S was really 11uper It was lighthHrt9d •nd the good guys won.· Jectc CMffton, 41, Mechenlc ··1 heard about PORKY'S from friel1d11, but it wits • lot funn,.r than I expected. And I think Porky got what he dHerved." _.. .. ,... __ ~ --~1BAN1•1t -..cam,_,.•.._ m1a..r •-.,_ •-......... .., .... -------------~--­.......... ~ ·~· ::. ' ........,, ... _ ... ( ~ •fL-~ .' -- - I IARLl. llll TOYOTA We .eklnd ~ecial Volum·e Sales on New Toyotas make it possible for us to BEAT AllY DEAL. So, take you·r pick of our complete inventory of 1982 Toyotas ••• Celicas, Supras, Tercels, Corollas, Cres-sidas, Coronas and 1h• tough • 1 _Toyota trucks. · Just bring us your BEST DEAL in writing and be ready to DRIVE-AWAY in your new '82-.... . TOYOTA. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 BRAND NEW. 198.2 TOYOTA CELICA ST 5 speed 1ransm1ss1on and MPX stereo radio. trim rings ano lloor mars (064284) BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1h TON PICKUP BRAND NEW 1982 3 door hatchback 5 speed !rans .. MPX slereo radio. pm srnpes & wheel well mouldings (593311 ) 1111 TOYOTA COllOLU 4 DR. SEDAI Auto. trans , factory air condltlo· n1ng, power steering. power disc brakes AM-FM radio and low mile& (1CGE044) 56699 1110 YILllWllEI ·ICllllOCI "I " 5 speed trans , factory air cond . power disc; brakes, stereo cauette. sunroof, alloy wheels & gleamlflg black package (1AOK676) 57999 1111 TOYOTA cEuca umac1 5 speed trans . air c ondt1lon1ng. 11ereo. power steering, rear window shade & custom two tone red me· tallic finish. (842XS0). What 1 car for only •5999 MILEAGE CHAMPION 1111 TOYOTA OlllW MIU" UFTIAll 5 speed. factory air conditioning, power steering, power disc brakes. stereo casselle, sunroof & under 11,000 miles (1BSY724). 5 7499 1111 TOYOTA 'coROLU 11H " coun 5 speed 1ransm1ss1on. stereo c11- set1e power brakes and morel t677RLF) An exceptionally clean rare model fOf JUSt 5 339 1111 TOYITA CELICA LIFTUOI Auto. trans., factory air condltlo· nlng, power disc brW!ea. AM-PM radio, aunrool and alloy wheela. (1AOX975). '7999 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on Th1s.J)ne is fully fac tory equipped (040432) SPICIAL GREEN Rlllll .IUYS These late ftlodel, low mileage cars all carry Eerie Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't lose! 1171 Fiii lllTm F&ITUOI ' cyt . ' apeed. power steering, power disc l>rak ... stereo cuaette, wire wheel di.ca. (853VAE). 1111 HTSUI 21151 5 speed trans . air cond .. pwr. brakes. stereo. tinted glass & morel Gleaming metalllc silver wi th custom Interior (263VCP). Stylish economy for only 1llOTIYl11 llPll 6 cyt., auto. tr1n1 .. fectory air conditioning, power tteerlng, power dlac br~•· AM-FM atereo r1dlo, tilt wtlMI and 11toy whMll . (933ZFW). '3999 •4499 '7899 All units sold plus tax, llcense, $20 doc. fees, plus dealer added accessories. All c~rs subject to prior sale. Sate ends Sunday, ~25-82, at close of business . f • -TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP 4 wheel drive. 4 speed trans., MPX stereo. wmdow package. chrome step bumper & dual Del Bar mtrrors. (034509) 1110 llTSll 1210 unuo1 SL package, 5 speed, factory air conditioning. AM·FM radio, tinted glass, oostom Interior & exterior & under 8000 mlles. (1APB441) '5299 1171 TOYITl OELICA LlnlACI Automatic transml11lon. power steering, power dllC l>rak ... AM-FM stereo, rear window shade kit & custom two tone paint (613UXT) '4 1111 YILYO 214_.._.,, Automatic trans., air conditioning, pwr. steerlng-brakep-door locks, stereo c111sette & 1 sparkling blue finish with matching velour Interior, (008475). A very rare cer for only '9999 1111 FOii F-110 PICI IP · ). 6 cyl .. auto. trans., power steering, • power brakes. AM-FM radio, tinted gl111, custom wheels & tow miles. (1Y41087) '7699 1111 ISIZI "LS" CIW£ 5 speed tranamlulon, AM.fM radio. all the fectory equipment, )uSt OWK 11,000 mu ... custom wheels & tires. (1COA9'5). 1111 l&Dl 121 CllH Automatic trans., air cond .. AM-FM • 11ereo. alloy wheel•. power brakes, custom trim p1ok1ge & under 15, 000 mites. (1BJZA35). -..1 '\II\\ ,...._UOlflNO - MOe ~AGaTOTHE IOTTOM Of' T1* SEA • MAY9EmYIV.O l:JO(%)~ • • "Goodbye. Emrnenuelle" ( 1877) SyMa Krlstel A l>Nulllul wom-an·• ...,ch '°' Ille um- m•t• 4N'OllG H~­ b<lnCJll Mr to • 1111rtllng rMlll.etlon 'R' l:IO ! = ~ ™E WILD • • "Mldo .... Age Crazy" ( 1980) Ann+Margret, 8r- Oe<n. A Texu ~·, ~""job end l!Mull- lul wife manege lo drlY41 him Into • mid-Ill• etoSI• 'R' .MOVIE • • "Texu Uglltnlng" (111811 CNnNng MitcheM, M-Mn Mc:Cormlck A l>oY• ...-encs hunting trip With 1119 1•1114"' tum• Into en lnltleuon Into menllOod 'R' 1:45 • CHAISTOPHER a.oeEUP (S)MOVIE • • • "Star11ng Ovet ( 111711) Burt Reynolds, Jiii Clmybutgn Alter months of TV Olnners •ncJ blind del... a dll/Ofc.d m-oa- Jlne wtlter thonkt ,..., found trlie love wtlen • IChooltMCl>W enten hi• ~ .. ·PG t:A>O 9 MUSIC AHO THE 8'0KEH WON> G YOUTH AHO THE ll8UO • -...£ANSWERS • AOMPfA AOOM Cl) 8'N>A y MOANIHO (f) OIAECT10N8 The move to llrlp Nazl wet cro1ntnet1 ot theif AITl«ocan Clllunehlp end h8Y41 I'*" deC>ofted II H8mined (llPNCEL.ESS ~ Or Relph ~u. pr..,_ oent ol Concoto .. Coueoe. ·~ the ac:tMtoes tor end OeYe!Opment of 1tu- d4N'ltt et hos Lut1-.,i acllOCJj ~MOVIE • • ·~ The Pnvettt EyM ( 1880) Don Knotta. Tom Conw•y Two l>umbllng Am4N'k:an detectives ere celled In 10 1n.,..tlgete • --of m..<ders '" en Engtitll cell .. 'PG' MOVIE • * "IOI And 1(111 Ag111<1" (INI) J-Ryan, A~ tne Kr• A met1181 8'11 Hper1 1>8111• the lnlnlC)M of • ~-med ICIMltlllt Intent on en ... YlnQ man- kind wtlh • new mono.con- trol drug ·PG CZlMOVtE • * * "A Kmd Of LOYlnQ ( 1 Ge2 l AIAn Sates. JUfle Ritchie A -* of MCf .. ~·· nweling9 r_,.lr. In • llhOtgun ~ and • dlamlll day-by-day merrled lofelor•~~ WO ·~ES • A08ERT 8CHUL.LE1' I DAY9AEAK LA AMERICA: THE IBX)NO CENTURY l ~P\UE Kl08, DflUG8 AHO ALOOHOl Edwin Newmen teltu wtl.h high acllOCJj llUdenll who h•Y41 l>ecom4t aoolcteo to either Oruga or elcohol Cl) IHOffT f'C(8 71JJ0 8 TOOArs~ 8 THATSCAT I UTTU ""8CAl..s rTl8WNTTEH • KEHNm1 ~ • DAY Of Ol8COV£AY • CARTOONS I YOGA FOR HEAL TH SP£CTAUM 8UNOAYMAS8 (I) WILD 8A8IE8 Thia documentary cetehM many wlld lftlmala u they grow 16'1 Ind learn 10 "". ..tve In IM!r neluflll habi- tet .M<ME ••11> .. The~ Bomb" (1980) Don~. S)'Ma KtteMt Secret eoen• Ma-... 8m#1 ,_ hie mot• danger-edwr--,"' an wcnY!bln who l>IMS 10 IM#ICll ,,,....._ thel w4ll dlerobe Ille ertllt'e human l)09Ula11on •. PO. '"'°I OOMMIT'MEHT WHnMEY NllO THE **"' -~~ "Food Combination•" Ouaett: Leon lullc K-. tty, Robin M81teon. Dr 9lilty McNeb«> I __., flWAGGART ~..ooEAl(A) TV~ LOC)t(I AT LIMNltQ l:::U TOMOMOW ~MCMI • * "lell\ifec The 8t«y or ~ ....,,. .. ~" ..._,, ...... MlllorO A ~ ~ "'°"*' wllll • ~ car-....... ..,._ ... ~Iha .. ..,.... dOwft b¥ a -· ..... ..,.. ...... -·~YMON•IG • 5 a Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, April 25. 1982 I NVESTI GATION -The rescue of a child leads Detectives Cagney (Meg Fos- ter, right) and Lacey (Tyne Daly) lo in- vestigation of child abuse and murder on "Cagney and Lacey" tonight at I 0 o n KNXT (2). I D PA!al.ESS TR£ASUAE Ot Rtlpfl SctiulU PIMI· dent ol Conc0td11 College, exl)leln• 1ne ac:th11t1M tor and ~· ol ttu- den•• II hoe lulhertn school 9 POPEYE AHO H'8 F'RIEN08 0 PEASONAl. DIMENSIONS fJ LLOYD OGILVIE fD ELECTRIC COMPANY (RI (I) I.ET THERE 8E LIGHT ®) JERRY FALWELL Q! REX HUM8ARO O{JMOVIE * * .,. o.toa11 ( 19791 °''" 8ogll'd•. Andtfa ,.,_ t.al A RuSlllan conlacuon- ., ""'"O It\ (Hrmeny IS lac.cl Wllh lotel tUlt\ during the HM ot Naz:lam (SIMOVIE *a ''II PlflChclltt Grand Ptl• ( 1eeo1 Anom11eo Aller 1\11 C¥ detlgn la stc>lan by en h -Colleague. • brllltant mechtnlc decide• to l>ulld an ...,.,, belle< 1ac1no macf\lne and compeia wnh hi• nemMls G (Z PtiAHTOU IHOIA A LQOll At Thft CM1• The anoent rogtd tndieo c&at• tyttam •t uplored !fl cJeplh 8;30 D OOYSSEY Gue11t cNtdren OI Temple 8elh .. Mel pe<f0tm Iha Bruno1b•• · opareu• OllSha L-m • child ot a C1ecl\Os10vek oen contren- teuon camo. Rab~ Jatnfl K t<tutmenn end Judy a.men ot Temple 8etn Hou.I U TOOAY'8 81.ACK WOMAN 8 MEETIHO TIME AT CAi.VAAY • FREOERICI< K. PNCE • EL.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) (I) THE L.AHAYE8 0) KNOW YOUR 8'8LE 0 HARRY CHAf'tH IH CONCERT You re The Only Song" Chel)ln, one of the tlnesl SH\get 1 aongwr 11er a ol llle d~• petf0tma The C1t'1 In Tile Ct1dle," TL11 end Tile Ct<da Game 8:66 Zi PHANTOM INOIA On The f ringea Of lnd- Socoety India' minor11 .... Ille Clv.s11an1. .-. '"" outcaet t r1 be•.. ••• ·~ t:OO 0 NEWS CONFEAEHCE • PEOPl.E1 a C1J ORA!.. ROeEATs fD SESAME STREET (Al i n 18 WRITTEN t-30 9 FACE THE NATION e a MEET THE PflE.SS 0 NEW ZOO REVUE 8 DAY Of: OISCOV£AY «D THE~ TOMOAAOW 9 KEHHETH COP£l..AHO fC)MOVtE * * Second Wind" f 19801 LlndNy Wegnet, Jemat Naughlon A man contonue• to etienete h<a wile end aon by IOOOl"O eion. to thlnll 11>0U1 the problems tl\et we de9tray- i"ij hit merriage •PO' (SJ WACll(Y WOMD ~ JOMA THAH W1HT£A9 Gue1t Ru1h 8uuJ 0 MOYIE * * ·~ • Alty Hum.,., 08" Plr, ( 19411) Clwll Gel>M, A .. •I• Smith An l\oneet and catefr .. g.vnl>ler't Nie 11 .,.... With • -• of trtgeel'" •M (%) PHN4TOU !NOIA "loml>ey -The ,.UhKe tndla" a11emin. the v.,_ of Hindu dYINullon and .,. •ttblllty "' .... mod- tt-;it~ em WOfld JQ:GD 8 NBA Pl.A YOFF ... "80HCAMPU8 Feat\Ked O< Armen Swe flan, PrMl<Mnl of the Unl- -*'Y of Le Verne, talot aOOUI the unlqva Fr-.. man Carn9 tor lnComlng flWlhmen .MOVIE • 1' • "The AdwntUf• Of Tom 8~" (19381 Tom- my K*ty, J0141 MOfllf'I l!luect on the llory by Muk Tw•ln A ml•- cNettola M'-lwl boy Nil ...... °' 111.dtlnO ~ IUfW I ...... ..u. IUNCt4 HMAL.D OF TNITl4 NXHUMMN> THI lAWMAKIM Cortotponoent1 Linda wenhelmer end Colo.la Rol>etl• jOln PIM.II Duke lor .,, up 10-1na-m1nu1a aum- mety ol Congrfft1on11 IClll/illM «!) MAGIC Of: OIL PAINTINO THIS WE.EK IN BASE8AU Cl! N£W8CENTER WEEKLY ltf)MOVIE • • '·• "Herd Counlry" (191111 Jan·Mochael Vin· cent 1<1m BHl"Q&r A Tax- u lllCIC>rf worker 11 torn lx!twf'en hot a.ti<• 10 con· llnua 1n tne 'good Old 00y 111e11y1e and htS rien. c:ee • ahow buSlneu 1m1>1- 1ion1 PG $MOVIE • • •' • The Elaphanl Men ( 19801 John Hull, AntllQny HQC>kons A ded<- c•••d phy11c1an tt1kat undat h" Wing • horrobiy deformf>d me,, whOM life unllf then hed been epanl 1n ctieeQ trollk ••h1b111on1 ·PG' • t0-.30 0 AORICUl TVRE U.S.A Q @) 1(109 ARI: PfOPl.E TOO Guella John Rotter. aoccar tllt Goorglo CNNI· gl18 Scetman Cro111et1 73-~t-otd n.1nnet M11t1"8 Sthtbu<y (R) 8 A08ERT SC..Ul.l..ER CD .>EARY FALWE.ll fD OPEHMIHO ~ MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING I IJ MOME"'1'S IN TIME ~ OVTOOOR LIFE 10·45 SAN DIEGO PAOR£ PRE-GAME ~S5 'Z MOVIE • • '1 A Force Of On<!' 1197111 Ctiuc., Norn•. Jen- ,,.,., 0 Nalll A m&s1t1r of the "'311oao 1111a embark• on • r...,~1va1eo -en lor tne ktllwa of hoa ao~tao aon PG 11 oo e a sPC>f'TSWOftU> CART Atlanta 200 11\.110 rac;a (11,,. loom Atlante Ge ). World ' Strano-• Men Compe1111on. pert 3 (ltom MGAlae N J ) Cl) GOlf USF And G Ctualc· fD MASTERPIECE THEATRE lo ... In A Cold 0-te Tt>e Merry Wld-l onde mattlft Tony t<roeaolg ...a 9,,... l>U'lh to • d9UQhter POiiy lhOCllt -var>• With her pl-to mwry Boy OoolQdela (Plfl 410 «!) WASHINOT~ WHJ< IN~IEW Cl) 8ASE8AU. Seo 01ego PedrH •1 At11n111 Braves 'CJMOlllE • • * · The Soll Skon" 11"4) francotM Oorteac:. .i-.. o.a111y A mlddi.- cl ... bu-an·a ,,__ ... co4lao-'"'*" he .,_,_ ln"°"'9d In • letelul ff9110n wllh an Ill• hne •t-wdan 11.30 U 9 THIS Wlll< WfT'H OAVIO 8RIHIU.a GUMI lsr ... I Pnme Mlnla- tar Menachem Begin. B TERRY COl.£- WHITT AKEA at CHURCH IN THE • HOME G) WAU STREET WE8( • Mora Oellberatlona" G-1 Ian McAvlty. put>- ktlhet of "OellberatJone .. (RI 0 MOW * * UM I" (19711) Jofln 8aluaN. T oehlro Mff\.lne Aller Ille bombing of ftMr'I M.lfl>or. Southern Catllor-n•• clVlllene and mllltary ~eonnel react with unbri- dled panic to -or a Jae>•-all90k In IM!r own b8Cky11d 'PO' -AFTERHOON- 12:00. L08T IN UACE •The Keeper' (Pet1 ?I fiJ lfAACH • ™'SMUIN IAl&AU • THIFlMT ~. "Reconctllatlon" A.cog. nltlng Ctlvn:tltll u Ille m1t1 to deteet the f1'9t1Ch, w~ Item anee11 • ~ tton Wllllem'• OHlh mlll•Anna~ • NMONAl. MANCa NC>MONIY ~-" ••PfOC*t)r lnlUf'llnoe" MO¥tl •0' 'Tiie lMt CNN" """ Lei ........ Chril M#ltlPMOI Ill I WOttd OI IM lltt.we, I fOmltlf 'llOlt CM df'!Wf and I i.n....,. OOtnPiltlt ~ llQ!tl IN QO¥erM*ll'• PfOICll1ptlon °' eotClft!Otllel • "°. 11: ,, Cl l M • MaM .._. °'°""' ......... Te!Wtt , ... ,.... 1llel1 ·~, ..... .... ~----...... . ........ " .. ..... ........... ,_ .. ::..: = C.': t ID PfMONAL f'INAHCC AHOMOHIY MANAOIMDIT "lnv•Ung An Ovarvi.w" (fl PfMNOTIVt ClJMOVI * * * "The 81UM 8toth- eta" (IGllO) JoM Bakillll, Otrl Aykroyd Two bluet *!nQ••• rnu11 conttnd wOh tlle Chk;eoO l)OllC:e. the CIA, Nao Naz.It Ind I"! u..I "'"'" to Pl'* ~ a beMlll _, 10 ralM lllOfte'Y IOt their patteh 'R' ti••• OOOOfA~ 1:008 QI UIMN MUTUAL LfOf.HOI Of' OOlF Flnll·rCNnd -eoe or th11 1ournaman1 lor iMllor ooir-(llllt ''°"" Onion CrMll Club ltl Auetln. Tul • THI MuN8Tf.R8 l'wo gengtter• try to UM litlrman 10 eWlndle lfteut· lltQ comoani.. 8 111 PORTMEAT G TUNTAU< • MIOAU. Loe Anoe-Oodg9<1 •I San f'rtneteco G .. nta Cl) AOAM-12 A youno boy'• PhOIO grep/llc; memory provee lo be Iha decilllv• !actor 1n • burgltry C•M fJll SWEET A0£UNE8 The ,.,. top pertorm•~ 01 the llnel competition of woman·a betbarahop QuGotau 111 Pl_,lad Toni Tennille hOall m AMf.AICAH STOAV The Age Of Jacti eon CC>MOV!E e * • * The Lele Show'' I 1877) An Carney, Liiy Tomi!,, A -* 00- vlle ~·encounter• l>lacl!· milt and mwdar when hf! come• out of ra111emen1 10 oocata • cet balonO•no to "" 01t1>eo1 llllTI•le c11en1 1.30 '1 F-TROOP r O Rourke 1nt1all1 Ag111n y coolt Mi thll they can pad the IOOC! aupply ha! 0 OJ AMERICAN SPOATSMAH Oueb•ll pleyars M•k• Scnm+Ot and 8oO Boone hunt ouck1 1n tdano, John Newcombe parllclpet• on • c.amal round~p on oen- ttll Au1tra111. • 1eam of Atneflcen climber• chill· Hinge the 24,llSO-loot peal< M1nye Koni.:a In wntern Chino 8 WILD. WILD WEST Cl) A.OA.M-12 '1!) AMEAICNf STORY 'E.q>en-'<ln And ~af (I) SEAOEANT PRUT~ Of' THE YUt<ON 0 BARAY MANllOW-IN THE ROUND l.Aenilow ~orm1 • Ml«:· 11on ot h•• h!tt 1nc:1u<11ng Menoy "I Wrote The Sonu• 'Ct n t Smile WllhOUI You .. and Cope. cabana T epad 11 Pou .. burgh'• CtvlC Aran• 2 00 0 011..UOAM'S 181..AHO Cl) MOVtl • • Cwaon Coty · ( 19~2> Reodolpn Scoll Raymond M .. My Two brOlhert 1>«ome ""''' over the conso•uction of • ·-a.cs on 11170 • TRAHNO 0008 THE W000H0UM: WAY The Right Sllfl" &.beta WOOOhOuM trell\e dOg• by 80\Md and thoww the CO<· reel way to prlllM C) WRITING FOA A RE.A80N "The Word" (Perl 21 (J) WONDER WOUAH fA )MOVIE 9 8 Kiii And K• Again" ( 1981) Jemee Ryen. Ar>N- lone Kltel A rNw·ua1 .,,, ••1>8'1 b•tt'-the mtnlonl of • ~-mad ICl9nt .. I 1nt4N'lt on entlaYlng man- lllnd with • ,_ mlncl- trOI drug PG' ($)MOVIE • * • • "Gigi" ( 19681 Meurlc:e Cllevelier. LHlle Ceron A tomboy being groomed by her eunt and g••ndmoth« M1• ou1 on her own to catch • men 2:l0 . Olll.IOAKS 18LAHO A bltQh1 CUit olT the ca9ta- w1ys · lood llUpply U 9 U.8.A. VS. THE WOAL.D IN Ol YVPC SPORTS u S men end -gym-nNts va Ille netlonal ,_,. ot th• U S S R (ftom GainMV!lla, Ae I 8 MOVIE • •II> .. Sheftocilt Holmee And The Scerlet Claw" c 19ul e .. u Rathbone. ~ Brue• •PM.Wm G WM'INOFORA AEA90N "The PllC* Of Anely99 .. CC>MOVll • * '"Ulure The Story Of l(etlly Morrie" Leonard follmoy. Penatope Mollord A l>eaulllul 'l'OU"O woman wtth e promlelng cer- 11g1111 lor h4N' Hie. wller\ ehe ,. •trveli down by a --lei.J l>rlin 1- a:.46 (%) MOYll • • * • "fw ''om The MllddinO Cfowd~ (1987) Juti. Cht1111e. Ter~ 8tttne> A wtiltvl YoUn0 term gift Wt.,, herMlt. l>lll OMltO'fl lhr" men In lhepr- a:oo I INTIN'Ace OU'l'OOO"LR MOYie a*• "The fhr" ltoog. Oo Around The World In A Due" ( 1H31 ThtH 81000". J1y 8Mfflottd. Tnr.. t>urn11141rt lllde on boWd a tllill .. ,, .... OU1 on • gloOel !rip. •~llCYUNI Of' INfTH ANO MAN a "The -..... UnlOfl: &.Mid Offtle,...,. .. (I) 8TN4 Tfm( ,_ &ntl °"''*"' ... bMfl detlt~ ll* M • .,. ..,. ~ ,.,.,.. lOM ·~""" "90WJlll~ ... KIMll City w "°°"' ~ -1[;-'M.llMCMIT ---· .. -........ ,,,. M pis I • W. • ........ ;_ TUBE TOPPERS KABC (7) 6:30 -"Star Crazy." Oocu- mentury on the thin line between fans and fanutu:s. KCET (28) 7:00 -"Performance at the Wh1tr House.'' Country music-star Merle Huggard and fiddler Mark O'Connor are featured. KA.BC (7) 8:00 -''Beyond the Poseidon Adventure." Michael Caine, Sally Field star in sequel about attempts to loot the vessel before it sinks. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Neighborhood." Ethnic make-up of a neighborhood see- mingly l.S threatened. REVIEW G Of' l!NITH AHO MAN The Soviet Union Temple Of 1nc1u11ry" 0 MOVIE * *'It ' Tiie Nude Bomb" ( 19801 Don Adem•. Sytvie K1111a1 Saorat agarit Mex- well Smert lacet hit rnoet d1ngorov1 aoverNty In an 1tchvtll1in wf\o plent to 11unch rNUI'" lhat wtlf oo.,obe Iha entire humen popu4e1ton 'PO' 4:00 1J MOVIE • * • Locu11a· f197•J Ban JOhneon Ron How- a1a 0 SUNDAY locauon w e trom Com· munlly Mamorlel Hoepilal, """lute lor "H..,th felr " a MOv1E , • '• fha 0..thmalt4N'" ( 19121 Ro1>er1 Ouarry, em E,..•no A vampire chletlaln po .. , u • guru In Otdef to enaieve Iha memb4N'1 of 1 C110101n1e h1pp1e com- mune at MOVIE * * Tile Outllde Man" I 197:1) Alln·Mltgral, JMr'I T r1ntognan1 An unknown 1111 man relantleuly tredle Ills tatgel lhtougll Ille 1trttet1 of lot Angalee ID MOVIE * • • ·~5 01y1 At Pe111ng" 11"3) Cheriton Hatton AYI Gerdnet fJ3 WALL STREET W£EJ( Mo•• Oellba1111on1" 0 ..... 1 •an McAvlly. pu1>- M"-OI ''C>elil>erallont " (R) fii) PROJECT UNl'VtR8E (J STAATREK a MOVIE • *.. Al The Ewth'a Cortt I 19701 Doug McClute Petet CullllnG A ll'OUO of eaplorer1 pena- lr•ln Eatlh to ott canter ,..,..,. they dlecover a rttgtOn onf\ablted by Ptehll- tork: cr .. turM ('HJMOVIE • * '> "o..p.or· ( 19711) °''" Bogetda. AndrM Far-r.al A Rwaian c:onlec:tton. ., h.nng It\ Germany OI 190eel Wllh total """ du<ing Ille tlM of Na.roam S MOVIE • • • °" 0o01" 11111n George Burns. John Den- v•t God ••l•cla en \ltllUl99C11ng YoU"CI euplt· m111kel manager to d4lltver • ,,_.. of hope and Q00<1 wilt 10 tlle el<eptlcal oeople ol the moo.tn-dey WOttd 'PO' 4:30. WA8HtNOTON WEEK IN AEV1IF# (A) Qli) PAO.IECT UNIVtME a:IMOYE * •'~ Th& Prweta Eyet" ( 1880) Don Kno111, Tlm Conwty Two bumbl'1Q Amartcen 0411~~ we c11111d In to ln\wtGN • -• or murctera In en Engtll9h ca.ne 'PO' t:OO 9 ITAA TAO< 8 GAEATUT 9POAT8 l.EOENDI • MINOUHE W.-e To Go On Prlaon Reform" Oueet Wa1ergate conep1r11or a-i.. Ccl- eon ID PAOJ£CT UN1VEA8E M•A •S•H Hawka)'e ,.._ 10 Ille front with en erchenemy to IYOld I "9'KJ)f'IM.. l>lt'lh- dey party ~= •a • .. CeY4ltl'ltlrl" (1N1l Ringo Starr. Dennie Oulld. The downlPI ""'1'1ber of a berllly hl.tmtln preNl1or1c lflbe ~ 10 ~ that brlllne end not !W- WII be tN key to hie peo- ple'e __., 'PO' .MOYIE 8 8 • * "THI" ( 1971) N111aeet1 Kinel, Pet., ftnh The dauoflMt of • poor Engllth farmer Mcomee Iha ~Im ol her lemilY'• a•attonl and her own o..ity. 'A' •:J01== 0 AecNIWI MOMMW<IN "Prot19160na1 '"""ton" Cl) waoo.. Mae, KOTTa 5:35 ct> MOW! 8 I\ •• ,..,. ...... ( 1971) Alan Attcln, Aob Aaifl«. A deCMWlment 14or• -le dlMQoOlnled In hie two '°"'· wflO jOll\ .,. ..... In compr1llnO • ,.,,., bOt. c1er1nO on tunacy 'PO' -IEVeeeG-.. , .... •• "CNfta Of n. .... • re·•cttni Lot.Ill-. H9tb ~ • tco.wc ·~ .... .. ,-. ...... (!nt) T,,... ,...,, ....... ry ,ondL .MCMI • • • "011•••"" • AulUIM'' , .... , , ... ......,; ............... . c::-~ _,., .... II ta .. .... ..... ... ....... !:::V.NIWS • * "Saoond Wind" (tNOI UndMy Wegner, Jwnae Naughton A man contlnuee to atiel\ale hie wit• end eon by JOvo1no alone to thlnto ll>out Iha problem1 lhet are OMttoy-ai =•lege 'PG' * • • .. The Sig Red One'' ( 11180) l• Man.In. Mar11 Hamill A lough Arrrty -- OMI" !Md• ·-)'OWIO, onexparlencecl rec:ru1te Into Iha ~lllted lriy of World Ww II GOmbee "PO' (.I) BAMY YA*.OW: IN ™E"°4.JNO Mtlnilow petform• a ....,_ Uon of hie hilt. ~Ing "MIN'dy." "I Write The Songe," ·•can't Smite WllhOul You" and "Copa- cet>an•" TllC*I 11 Pllta- but"gh't CMc Aten• 1:30 D AOHT 1AO< 8 STAACAAZY Stuar1DamonhOalt1 doc;. umentwy on Ille thin tine ~•-Ind tenadca !Mturlng .,,..,...... with 8ur1 Revnoldt, Robar1 Conred, Linda Ev-. Mw- llyn Charnbefl end Wlllillfn Shetnar • WHY IN THE WORl.O 7:00 ii :we ...vru 0 Q! FA™"' MURPHY A tMCher 8QC9C>ll II\ o!Ter 01 llata llnenclel aid for tlle echOOI. then tewne 11 _. Jl\81 Father ~ and Moe. mua1 go (RI Q • IH8C>E AMENCA 9 F\JPWUON ... ~ AT THE WHITE HOUSE Country '""* .. ., Marla HllQOard and tlddlar M"1l O'Conn ot pertorm tor P1a11de11 t end M re Reagal\ end thlllit guaa11 from the Rencho Slerre Grinde In Catltornte ID NOYA · Cotm•c Fite" The 9lllrll0fdonary ~ meda by •-ray Nttonomy of neu11on 11 .... ~ g1leala1, qu•aata t nd black holee .,. --* (RIO 0 MoeWON.OM ENT'ERTAIMllENT Top entartelnere from around 111e world -..... lured In ll'n variety ~ ~led by 0-Kally (O)MOVIE * • "The flnel Conftlc1 .. 1111811 Sam ....... ~ Brazzi In the third l*1 ol ·The Omen" 1t11ogy, young Clemlen. the tml>odlmarll ot Iha Anllc:ht1lt, le now 81\ edUlt Ind • lr\llled llllMeor 10 the ptelildent of IN u S 'R' 7i06 CZl PHAHTOM INOIA "The Indian• Artd The Sac:recl" The In'-rellg. lout deYollon of Ille oeople It .. ernlned. 7;aC) (C) MOW! * • • * "'TM Lala Show" ( 1877) Al1 Cerney, Uty Tomlin A ...__ ~1- vele..,.. ~1.,. b'edl· mall end --wfWI ,.. ~ out of ret"-t to 1oeet• • mt l>elonglng to en oll'bMI f9rNM Glent e:oo•CI)~ IMJNllWt'I Pu.CE St~~ the unwitting .,_ In • MlflVI echarne oonoocled by ,.., IOflO-IOal end "ippOMdly ~ talllaf. (Pllft 21 (RI aaa.. Jon end Ponoh beftland e ~ to ~ him from IOllowlng In the ....,. of "" ptrenl•. ~ •• p«ty ortmlnele. (RI • INTIRTANmff r.-wac Interview• wltll Dtok c ..... 1. Amotd Schwer· ~. MlchMI Caine. Ted ~d. oor- Mllle encl ClllWtta DMlela. •OMCMm • • "Beyond The PoHldon Adven1ure" (19791 MICtlMI Caine. SW1Y "9td. Ttle ~ ,_.. Mnger9 llboerd • C..-..0 -.. and a ttlo °' .......,. ........ llet'6e. ~ °"' to .... .,. ltllp't v~ ter9Q ol ir::~ WIDI WON..D °" ltfTIRTANl9ff Too *'t.,.telftlf't ftotl'I arOYftd .. "'1CI ...... 1Ul'M In -\l9rfliCy ....... .... b¥0...Kllly • eouDOOU> ..... Mtl1 .... ~ MoCoo. ~ .... ' 0...TN_.,.I.._, ............. ,.,.0.. Goe. Or19tal Oayt•. ........ "-·'*'-..... e..ovA ~ .......... _, ,.,...u-··n.--- llM ............... ... ..,....... ... .,, ....... .................... L:P~=Q ...._ "' A Olll .__ ... ..,.... .. "" ...... .............. a.Iii &NI --.. -----· ............. OI Iha U I from Ille pr'-1 cit~ !NI Maollallan h .. becOme ·~· (J)MOVW a•• "ltlf Cruy" (1IMIOI Rlc:hatd Pryor, 0-Wiid· ., Two men .,a fftlttllllen for banil t~l>erl "'° Mttt Ir~ * * * .. ,_ .. (INOl lr- C..e, lwry Millar 8.Ywel "'*' ~ ....... y ortl hlgih edlool lot the parformlnO.,,. ~ vwioue 1141>-*t tn4 eue- -OI bOlh ~ and prOfeellonal nthK• 'PO' (Z)MOVll •*'Ao "A Force Of One" ( 19711) Cnuca N0rri.. Jen• n11., O'NtlH A IT\Ml4N' of the m11tlal arta emtMltlc• on a r.-... motivated -Ch lot the klltate ol hit ldo91.8d eon 'PG' 8;ac) 8 ONI DAV AT A TIME Alea ea.. out on hit flrll data (RI 9 THEWOAL.o TOMOMOW (I) NA TlONAl aw.tE AHO VIOl.EHCe TUT "Ael>e" The 181 ... lec:h- nl(lliel In Mff-protac1i0n from crime .,. ollered In thl• axamlnltton of 1aoe. •:00• Al.JOE v.,, a11ampt110 .,,_. the WOtld lap dtneing rtcotd (R) D 8MOVIE "The Neighborhood" (PretnieraJ Chrlatlne Sel- lord, Ron MaMll Thi• ...... y°"'.,. try 10 handle the une111n••• thal anlfalop1 lhelt tr1end1 ..,_, Ille ethnic make-up of lhelr ~hborhood .. -ngty lhrNlened 9 Wll.O IONOOOM "C0tlll See Night DIY41" Martin Perklna t<>lfl• JOIVI Raynol<lt, C4Hetor of Mar- ineland of Auettlllle. on en upeotloon to ObearYe "'° capture the mo.t - mous analt • on Iha wortd (R) G OA.CHO • NATIONA1. CNME AHO W>lENCE TEST 'Rapa"' The 181"1 tech- n.quee on Mlf ·e>rOlec:toon horn crime 111• ollered 1n tht1 .. .,..1ne1ionol1aoe • tiEEHAW G~t• Al1bam1. Miiiion DOiiar Band, Harlen How· ard, Carolln• K1d1 CIOQOaf a, Mlldienile Coll • MASTE.RPIE.a THEATRE Low In A Cold Cllmete Hair Appatenl The Mom· dor• tocel• II'-'-· Cednc: Linda ... _ ,_. huM>and and mo\l9e '" wtlh her ,_ love (Plfl 5) i AMEIUCAH Pl.AYHOU8E 'Waaleend' 8atbara Her lhey and Tony Musante •••• In en aoaptallon of Ann a..111e • llhor1 11ory ebout • man • frua1t1tacl _,Ch IOt youth Q CC)MOVIE * * • ~Tnc:k Pony· ( 191101 Paul Simon. 8l4W 8'0Wf'I A one.popular pe<tonne< 11 ~ed by ~ around him 10 or~ 1111 llyla of mu11e end -tta tonQ• tl\11 can l><onQ him back to Ille top 40 'R (O)MOVtE • • "Squeeze Ptey' ( 198 t) Jenni Het•ick , M911 ... Mlehaett A gr-oup ot glrlt try lo get their l>oy- lrlanda enention by tonn- 1!!9 ''*' own t0ltl>ell 1-HO B THE JUffMOH8 George .. conWMlad lhal 11e·a no k>ngat at1t11C11Vt1 (RI 9 WON...OOF IUfMVAl 9 JACK VAN IMPE t:olS CZl MOVIE • • * "The eiv. 8'0111- .,. .. ( 111so1 JOhn Stlulhf. Dan Ayllroyd. Two bluet Singers mu'1 contend with the ChleaigO ~. the CIA, Neo-Nazle and the US Arrrry to put togelh4N' • t>erwfll concert 10 , .... ~ l0t their 1*19'1 'R 10:009 (1) CAGNEY 6 LACEY hf'\( vf't nt h k1 fl ~ t1u••O·n'1 ~ .... .ch 10 ,.,.,_..~,")•I•°"' . t t.h""1 •llUtiil" ·~" fllltt.,wfto!W I •• HEWS MAV£AICK 8ar1 II Ille '"'-1 lf!Ctlm wflan • benlt. robbery 8Clheme backflr• on the culprlll • EXCHAHOE ..ThrM1 To lhe Rain For- ..... TN danoert of Ille ongolr>g o..truotlon ol the wortcre trope.Iii rllln tor- ..,. to Ille wor1d'• -"'" •• food ~ Ind plent end lll'llnlel rMC>Uroeie .,. tr::"r&OFUf'E Nl/ODIA1'" "To l.lw Or Lei Ola"' A Ylllt to a MONltology lnt41NM care unit le tnduded In Ihle kK* .. ,,.. --*"" roundtno .medlcet act- enoe't lbiHty 10 ••Mfl<f tN ._ of attlcally 111 or dam- (a)°.,;;°' 111 • • 11> .. Hard Coun1ry" (1 M11 J~ Vlft.. cent. 1(111\ ~ AT .. - .. fectOfl' work., II tom .,.._ hll--. to oon- tlnull In the "good Old boy" ..... tyla Md ... tlan- OM'I fll10W ~ IWllOl- tlonL 'PG' (l)MCMI • • ~ "Th• "°'Iman Alway• "'"II• Twlo•" (1M11 Jaoll N'dtolnn. ,,_.. "*"'-A .-. "°""" --.. ...., ... .. _.. ................... -··---Y1" ~ A ............... _ .,_ .......... ..... iic.w.. .. ...... .__.,,......... =---·"' MOUlftMf'aA ... ,.,._..,.. ......, . ......,,.,.. ................. ~--.... ---~ ..... ....... ~--­..i..l 11~:-~~-- ~le Time'' and .. I m M4 Wtld About Har- t 1i00 ii'a a Cl) a°' NIWI I "AOUIT'Tlllll AU.000'1 CHILOAIN Mllllont ol the wortcf • Clhll· d1en Uw In a clellcela bal· -.,.,_ Iii. and dNlll hope Ind dtaollr ·INM.c~ RQ04N' Ebet1 "'° 0-Sleltei rev~ "l wamp Thl(IC) ' end 0.lh WWI Ii .. l"I (C)MOVlt • * • Tiie 8olt Skin' ( 1"'41 FrllllCOIM Oorteac. .Jaatl OMailly A mldd .... c111 .. bulllt'"41man'e m81· rlage OOllaPtM when he ~ onvolwid In • tatetul Hateon with "' llk- lltle •1-dau <D)MOVll! * * 1'\ "Hac>e>y 8't1hday To ....... (11180) Mell ... Sue Anderton, Glenn Ford Al mutd4N' begk\I ~ -llY •• ,.., dfde of 111111111 friend•. • prep edW>OI ~ iOf worn" 1t1a1 Iha may be the nea 1 Y'lellm --or potal- l>f)' Iha lt.tllar 'R' 11:1& 9 C88 HEWS 11:30 9 SPORTS ANAi. 9 700CUJ8 • A8CHeW8 .. MO\l1E • • • 'The Ho1p1111· 11972> George c Scotl Dian• RIQO ., T Al.ES OF THE UNEXPECTED .. WOUid YOU a..... fl All 111chMOl<>glll 111emp11 to ,,.., • prlC:ieleea •I •tlie unurtl\ed by hit Ullltanl' dut ono • Jordanian dog fD THEARST CHVACHIU.S "Reconc110111on • Rec09 naong Chu<Chltl u Ille man to deleat Ille Franch W~ • • 11am attec:t1 • , ecooc:1h•· t•on W1tt11m 1 oeatn met. .. Anneq- (J' MOVIE • * '• Someone Al The lop Of The St1wr1 t 1973) Donne Molle Judy Carne 91 MOVIE * * The P1oud Ano Tiie 0"""'90 I 1972) Chuck C:O.V-t, JOM Gt11C4 ~MOVIE • • "Advice To The l oYflforn f 1981> CIOr11 Leachman. 0-Arnaz Jr 11:46 8 THE ROO<FOAO Al..E.8 0 MOVlf.. * • Adv•c• To The lo..etorn 1191111 CIOt11 l 811Chman Dato Art\&I Jr 8 MOVIE • • Shedo"" In The Slteelt ( 19751 Tony Lo Bianco Shf!ltM N0tth A pa10iel' acG&l>ll • ,ob as 11 pa1 Ol<I ec,rtnl 'H1MOVIE * * T hft HOlly•OOd Knoghll ( 19901 Rot>erl Wuhl r ony O•nz• On Het- ~ -on 1965 • •OWfty "'Oh KflOOI ga"ll -••s navoc tn ~ Ho ... IO ~ the CIOSong ot lhett heng<>ut b) tt>e local hOme °""°9<1 Ut()O etoon R -Ml>HIGKT- 12;00 Cl) MOVIE * .... lhtt l -IUSI Ntr ...... •-t 19361 Jann w eyn41. Gebby Hey.s !$)MOVIE • • • Tl\4t l ut Married Coupl4t In Am«tG• ( 111801 Ge0tgt S9911 Netetoe Wooo A hll()C)fly mamod couple bell'" to ~ hOW h8PP"'f married 11\ey re .. y are '"" -no ... Of th&tr ''""'°' marn8Q&S end uo 1n the d1YOtoe COU'I R O MOVtE * * To091her? Jacciu. fine BllHI, Mulmlllan Schell A young women triOS to pur-1 ~ Oelc>ila the Chauvlnlll elli· ludes of ,_ llva-lt\ io.tef R' !ZIMOVIE • * '• Haid Country I IN II Jen-MldlMI Vtn- cant, Kttn ~ A Tell· u lectory wotll .... torn bel-ho• deal!• to c;on. 11""8 In the good old boy' Nf .. lyle and hill tlen cee • 11\oW bull,_. embt· toona 'PG' 12:46 9 NAME OF THE GAME 1:0o <Cl MOVIE • • "flilmote • f 111121 Oocumenlary The GretefUI Dead. OulclllliNet ......... oer Servloe. Jeflereon lur- ~. Hot Tune Ind Sen- lane ~orm -i..1 ume In a ,.,_.., Conc.r1 to Fiil- more W•I A 1:10 (}J) MOW • • ''* "Vied Cara" ( 18801 l<u'1 Rueeall. Jedi Wwd«t Altar the~ of• ben· llrupt car "'°" dlaa. hie amployeee 1ry 10 GOYW up hla demlM IO ~-I Illa wealthy car dNl4N' l>roth4N' trom inNfltlng 1ha buel· ,_'R' 1:t0 I TI.WUlllOUT 1:~ • * '4 Nlglllh•wlo.1" (IN II S~I., S'-"Ot!e. 8l4ly 0. Wllliame A IOugh ........ y ortl City °°" hare hie ~ evt out IOt him when one of the wortd'• moat dengerou• terro1t111 .,,,,,,_ In h.lt city 'R' 1M. ATO.. au.1· 8-1 BfldgM (l)MOYte ...... UC> In lmolo•" ( 1'181 CtlMctl IM Ollone. Edie AOltllt Twe dtltter1 ..,.._ Of'I 8 Gw-oouftW)t 111P. INltfMlnt "" .... _, .... lnO .,. Odd _... ~ Of CNHden ....,. ........ CZ>~ • *'' ... Thi Ce! w The C.11ar," ( ,tfl) HOftOt -..-....... Clelllft ....,. .. t ... .., • fOl"""9 .. ... .... v ........ a E ..... 'f'CI' .. --,... ....... ... -... ._..,..,..... ·-DM ....... ftllt ='-~ ........ ~~~~ ,, Ora"99 Cout DAILY PILOT/Sund~y, Apr11 26, 1982 .COuntianS wal~ for charity, strike for parit"f IUTlllTlm BURNS Chapel with Rabbi Shalom. FRANCES H. of So. La· Podwol and Rabbi ~vid J. d . A ilK.ane, Huzan ofClctabng. In guna passe away pri 11 f fl h f ·1 22nd at So. Coast Medical e u 0 owers t e am1 Y Cenwr. Native of Ohio. Sur· requesu donauon.s be made v lved by her n iece Ethel to T e mple Beth S halom , Murray of Rock y River , 3635 Elm Ave., Long Beach, Ohio. Mass of Christian bu-Ca: Harbor Law~ Mount rial will be held Tuesday Olive Mortuary directors. lOAM at the St. Catherine $40-55!>4. Catholic Church, Laguna LINDSAY Beach with Internment fol-RICHARD o LlNDSA y lo wing at the Aacenslon resident of Ne,;..port Beach'. Ceme.tery In El Toro. Mc-Ca. Pamed away on April 22, Conmck Mortuary, Laauna 1982. Born ln Hollywood, Ca. Beach In charge of arrange-on August 19, 1940. Father menta. of Charlel"I(! Steven and De- DAVIS ruJe Lindsay, beloved son of DR. SANFORD J . DAVIS, Betty Lindsay, at.o brother age 50, of Lakewood, Ca. of Timothy and Christopher Passed away on April 23, Lindsay. Memorial services 1982. Survived by his wife will be held on Sunday, Mrs. Joan Davis, children April 25, 1982 at 2:00PM at Ron and Paula, brother Pacific View Memorial Park Bernard Davis, sister Sylvia Chapel. In lieu of flowers Feinberg and many nieces the family requests dona- and nephews. Dr. Davis was uons be sent to South Coast a Podiatrist In Lakewood. Community Churc h, 3020 Ca. for the past 22 years. A Park Newport, Newport graduate of Ohio College of Beach, Ca. 92663. Podlatric Medicine, class of 195~. a member of Temple SHANNON ~th~=~~~:~ WJ;LLlAM C.S~ON, I 2.. 9 2 pe.ed away Apnl 18. 1982 Sunday, Aprl "• l 8 at at his residence In Costa 12:00 noon at Harbor Lawn Mesa Ca William was born Mount Olive Memorial ln Dei.r:>i~ Mlchtganon April P"'l'!~~-'ifl_,iiiiiim~:-1 13, 1919. He was a coruultant for the Stanley Barber and A..ociates for 10 years. Sur- ' vived by hi.a wife Landa K . of Dearborn, Michigan, 3 chlldttn, Pamela Shannon of New York, Wllllam Christo· pher Shannon of Michigan and Jonathan H. Shannon of '~iiiill•••lliiiiiiiill~~Mlchlgan , and a brother ~ LAW.._MT. OUVI Mortuarv • CelTltterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S-40-5554 ,_c1•ont1as ta&. •OADWAY MOITUAJlY t 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 6'2-9150 ... IAlTZ& .. •BOM SMlnf ' nmtn.l WllTCU.. CHAPll 421 E 17th St Cotta Mesa 848-9371 Herbert Shannon of Fuller- ton, Ca. Funeral 1ervicee will be held on Saturday, April 24, 1982 at the Harbor Lawn Chapel at 3:00PM with pri- vate Interment. The family reoueata in lieu of flower• donation1 be made to the Heart Fund. He had lived ln the area for about 1 year, moving out here becawie of bu1lne11. He wu a put realdent of Mlchiaan and San Franclaco, Ca. He wu alao a pas\ officer of Crocker Citizena Bank ln San Fran- dalo, Ca. Sef'Y1cft under the d irection of Harbor Lawn- Mount Olive Mortuary of Com Mesa. M0-55$4. Hundreds of folka found Saturday Wll ~ood day for pitching in for the aooct of the community while Reva Gardner of Hunting- ton Beach , at right, re- mained on strike. Jhe 35-year-old mother of two teen-age daughten brought a baske t of un- washed laundry out in front of her houee to prove h e r point that she was being taken for granted. Her protest s tarted Wednesday, and no one answered the Gardners' phone Saturday night so maybe they negotiated mutual aid in managing the house and all went out to dinner. At left, Chuck-E-Cheese delighted poster c hild Steven Olsen who, in turn, inspired all the participants in tne Maren oIDimes SuperWalk. They started from the Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Beach and trekked for miles, col- 1 ec ting o n pledges for funds to h elp in research against birth defects. The executive's portion of the walk is shown with its color guard and police escort. More crowds gathered at the New p ort Beach Arts Festival at Fashion Island and the Youth Expo at the Orange County F air- grounds in Costa Mesa. Both events continue to- day. The arts festival resumes at noon with mimes , clowns, jugglers and soro- rities and fraternities from UC Irvine performing excerpts from "A Chorus Line," "Godspell" and "Fame" until 5 p.m. I : t ' I i . ~ . . I . > i , ! ' I i i .. . i . ~ I c I I I .. , .. E4 ------------------·---- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprtl 25, 1982 PtlUC MOTICI "8JC Mme( MUC MOTICr MCftltOUI ....... PIC1"'0UI. ••• ri01'ifiOJi IU ..... NAltll ITATIMINT M.u. ITA,_,-MA• ITAft•NT Tn. lollowtnt pereon I• dotr; Tri• tollowlno peraon 11 e1o1n9 Tiie tollowln,t ptraon 11 Cloln; ~-~-~-(Al MUllC OLU8 (I) MIH IXOIL OA~PET CA~I. a403 IAYWOOD COHIT'WCTION, ~:0~.~~~:t:~o"::r: ::,~-· Newpor1 iwifl. CA ~~~ ~Huntinoton tMl1. JOHN CHA"Lfl IU,,IHG· Danlel I . Deaa11l1t1, 1411 JMI~:> CIOI '*-• TON, 8403 ,._ A....,. Newpot1 ~ No. 4, Hurntlllglon lwlll. CoMa t2t27. IMdl, CA tHA Calfomll 12141. lNI II oonCluGted by 1111 T1lll IMlrlllt 11 oonduc1td by an Thll buellltll II ~ by an ~ lftdMcll*. • lncfMdl,tal, II ,,__ U-'9M o. IYMIC' -'**I COMlllMll ,.,. 9'11emtn1 --Neel '#1111 lhl Tiiie......,.,........ wlttl !he ™'"""""'' ... Mid ........ Oountv Clar1t of Ot*'QI Ooun1y on County Cllftl of Oranoe County on County a.. of Orang1 County on Aptll f , ttu Aprtl •• 1982. Aprtl •• 11112 ,_ I p,-. ,_,. _,_ P11bll1h1d Orange 00111 Delly llubll1h1d Orang• Coa1t Dally Publl1h1d Orange Co111 Dally llflo1 APl'H 11. 11, 25, Mey a. 1ee2 Plfot, Aptll 11. 11. ::is. MtlY t, 1tea "°' AIHll 11, 11, a. Mer I. 1911 1137-82 1840-82 ..... ACnTIOUI _,._.. fllCTmOUI IUllNlll NAMl ITATI_,,,. MAim ITAT'lmNT The tollowlng Plftont are' dolnO The lollowln9 peraon le doing bullneM • Th• following peraon le doln9 blltlneM M : (I) CAHVA88ACK HOMES; (b) ~ •: COMPANION DOOS BY aue CHUCl<E" HOMES; (c) DECEMBER COLLEGE COUNSELINO MYLES, 502 31tt St , Newport HOMES: (d) DOVE HOMES; (1) CENTER, 17900 SkYPlll'k Cltdl. Ir· BMoh. Ca. 92ta FOA! HOMES: (I) M. 0 . D. HOMU; YIM. C.. 92714 Sue EJlzabet~ Mytee, 602 (a) MALLARD HOMES; (O) PH!A-Jolin AoMnltlln. 521 Via Udo 3111 St .. Nlwpot1 BMcll, Ca. 92te3 !"ANT HOMES: (I) PINTAll HOMES. Mord, Nlwpot1 8Mctl, C.. 92ee3 Thlti bue1neM II 00nduc1ed by an 1171 SE Main SlrHI, lr11ln1, CA Tilll ~II oonductld b)' an lnclMdu• 9271 '4. lndlvldu.lf. Sue Mytee ClllllfllD Median income of Daily Pilot Jamma exceeds $34,000 a year. Your q.cl reacM1 the county's most affluent buying au· dience. ~.~~!. ...... !~¥.P..!~!m. ...... ~.{t!!e!. ...... '-~.~let ...... ~.~lt'! ....... I !!m.~~ ...... ~~4?{ ••••••••• J •••• ~-.~~4?{ ••••••••• 1.1.!f '!!.-.~4?{ ••••••••• !.~ ~4?{ ••••••••• !.l.!I ~~~~~ •.••..••• }.~~ ~4?{ ••••••••• !.~I ~ llfllt JASMINE "'---H 3 •• 121 8o 3 Br. 1 81. hoVN on 11109 •••••••••• •••••• •••••• .,.,...., OUM ... • • 60x 176. 3 unit IOI 439 Harmon. nr Mii• IQ P1ttl. £0tJAL HOVllHG OPPORTUNITY CREEK off Edll\Qlf. '87,000. Agt. Hamilton. Do not dllturb 762·873t ten1nt1. $129,000. Huge 3 bdrm home In 6'18-6<M1 ~ & wltnd•. prutlglo111 JHmlne 931-3520 wlldYt· Cr11k. Tlnnl1, f.ool, "*II.A-M111 Verde 3100 1q It OUF111~~~.at1en.lol38. CA.600LL By own1t. Secludld 10-remodeled home, 1p1c: "" """ Vlly 81. 8edl Bey AtM. llv rm open1 to garden Steve Wlllll. ASSOCIA· Ma)Mtlc "°""· )'9t oory Auum. 111 of $90,000 TED RE ALTO AS and convenient .. a owe at 9~'.-. &41-4115 581-1100 co1t1g1. Cullomlzld. 4 Ill• A 100 3BR. 28A. A· 1 cond on PHILIP H MCNAMEE, 18195 Jolin ~ TN1 l111M*ll -Ned wl1h the McOennon. •I. 1rv1n1. CA 92714. Thll 1t1temen1 wee lllld wn11 the County Ctlr1I of Orenoe County on -a..u.a..-...1 ._.. __ DALE 81M8RO, 1430 81nl1-Coun11 Cler1' of Or11ng1 County on April $, IH2 ,.-~1 -1 .... ,....._ with clthldral c1111ng1 and a remodeled kit- chen. A 9.S% ueumable loan and an anllloul ow· "" ()nty $110,000 Call 979·5370. bdrm, ~ ba (Muter Suite), lncl'g 19p M.id'e qtr. Lov1ly llv rm . WaterlaU, gazebo, brick pello. Db+I lrpo, lam rm, Form din rm. 1376,000 Xlnt fin. avail. CourtMy 10 8kr1, con~ equity trldl for Inc. prop. OPEN ALL WEEK 1·5 dally 1521 ANITA LN NB (&«Bay.) &4~532 laro• R-2 lot. Park Ilk• ..... N Tll UY yard. E.a1tllde. ey ownet 11 llMN UY nell Terr-. Corona .. Mer, CA Aptll 9. 1982. ..,_ All ,.., Miit• 41dv«tllld 92825. .._ Publl1lled Oreno• Co111 Dally In Ihle newapaper II IUb-S139 000 642-9125 or --.ay l·I &42·2741 attlt 5·30 PM ~--Thll ~ 11 c:onductld by 1 Publl1l\ed Orange CoHt Diiiy Pilot AprM t t, 18, 25. Mey 2. tH2 Ject lo 1h• Federal Fair llmltld pertnenhlp. .,llOt April 11. 18, 25. Mey 2, 1ee2 1811~2 Houalng A ct of 1988 1ftD IRIS I Jusl hsted, th11 completely remodeled Diii Slmbto 18t0-82 wtllch mak11 It lllegn b•· Thll 11•'-1 ••Mid with the -----------1 Pta.IC NOTIC( 11d on race, color, r•ll· WI custom home overlooks the main turning 2 Br. 1 ea. + 1 Br 1 ea. basin. Jumbo sized master bedroom, kit- 72it 105' R2 101 Do not chen has 2 dishwashers, 2 sinks BBQ all dl1111rb ten1n11 1528 with 3 Bcinn.s J+ Baths and a 1 Bdrm Orange S 129,000 . County Cllt1' of Orenge Cour\ty on "8..IC NOTICE ---1--,-.. -,..-.. -NT-M ___ glon. M ii or natlonll orl- Aptl 14, t942 '1mM ITAT"lmNT Of' Wl'TMDRAWAL. WITMDftAWAL. ,,.OM gin, or any Intention to . \ f : ·I l I 111:' 1l PUblllflld Orange Coeet o.11)' Pllol. "'°"' 'A.lll'nelRll• PA"r."a.. OPIMTINQ make any 1uch preler- Aprll 18, 25, Mey 2, 9, t982 OPmtATING UNDIR UN~ 1'1CTIT10UI Ince. 11m11a11 on or *IDlf* ~f A, • \ '•.I ', .. t t,. r , 6'18-6<M1 ev11 a wtincsa. income unit Exclusively at $1 ,450,000. t73M2 fllCTITIOUe .,_ .. NA1t11 IUl&NIH NA~ dlac:rlmlMtlon." "8.JC NOTICE TIM tollowlng penon llu with· Tiie tottowlng peraon • Wllll· Thi• newapapir wlll not llllllT •ESTATI SAU• 931-3520 wlcd)'I. I J,...IUUr: ti ----,------------1drewnu1glnlfllpertnerlromthe d~•a91f*alper1nerlromthe knowlngly ecx:ec>I any ad· Beaul. 2 Br. home. cor-II A llUY "<:TITIOUS IU ... SI p11tnertlllp oper1tlng under the p11tn1ralllp opet1llng und11 th• vertlalng for real Htlle All SlllJ ner lot, AV parking. "5, I ,,. NA• STAn•NT llctlllou1 bulln11a n1m1 of THE flc11tloul ~Mme of ISLAND which 1 1 vlola Ion f hi 11 you're ruuy. '"Ihle 000. 20•1. down, f2% 11-Wllf 1111111. • Th• lollowlll{j perton• I• doing HAIL HOOi< •• 22782 Mpen. Sulle \llLLAOE PROPEATl~I. SEAL • n t 0 I onel Vwy p<lv•t• 3 Bdrm n1nclng. XlrH. By Ow-14r•, 2000 •• ft REALTOR . 675-6000 2441 r ••• Coo l Hl9hwav. C.o•on• d•I Har bullnell 11: 211, El Toro. CA 92$30. BEACH, 313 Main Strati, SHI ,__ 2~ balll condo. Large II-""· 876-1932 ..... ""' •• ,. ..... YOUNG KYUN CHUN EXXON Thi tlctltlOUS buel~ neme 111-BMch. CaNloml1 907<40-0090 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ying area. hlRhly up~ra-WE HAVE M Of' THE HST U8TINOl IN TOWN SERVICE STATION 3003 ~ lement for 1119 IMlftnenihlp wu fllld Thtt llC1111ou• bull,_ neme 111-2 OOW VIEW 11: 1111,HO lat Boulevard, Co.la M111. Callf0tnl1 on s.p1. 18, 1078 In the County of ·-·tor !he plllt""8hlp WU fllld UIMl1 Advertisers ded, sky Ilg 1' I,._ .......... r ·· "-·1 82828 Ofenge. on Mey 4, 1te1 In 1111 county of should check their pl1c11. 2 car garage. Coron• del Mar owner • • -..... , ........ I 007 Yount Kyun Chun, 3021 coo-Fufl N1me end Addre11 ol tll• Orenge Only 1124,900. Call to mull 1111 nowt Jull re-ltw tl ... lll , llHOll 110,IOI ••••••••••••••••••••••• lldge A_,ut, Coate Meaa, Celllor Perton Wlthdrtwln9: Auth1nn1 Tiie iuii n1m1 Ind rH ld1nc1 of ads dally and re-.... "46-2313 duced $60,000. Panora-Newport Hie 28', ne«ll ........ U - n1a 92829. Blall1, 33782 Pequlto Drive, D1n1 the oertoo wllhdrem11 ·~~ port errors lmmedl-P.!ftl!!!!•!tll~•-1 mlc ocean and night TLC A2. Alley ac:c111 ,.., ___ ..._, Thie bu'"-1, conduc:11d 11y"" Poot, CA. LAWRENCE ALBEA TR v1N • ately. The DAI LY ~~~,..~~~~ 11g1111 v1ew. 4 8drmt1 P4u• A.ii tor c 111ey. 1111 L ht• lndtvtctu.I. Ruth.,_ Bllhl 11790 PllClllc CoMt H~. ~ r t1mlly room. A1klng 111 2H2 Young Kyun Chun ,.. No. f101101 ..c 8Mctl. Cllffomll 90'742 • PILOT assumes Ila-$350,000. Ca 11 now, -.... ....., 1-1 Thll 1111emen1wu111ec1 with the Pul>llahld Oreno• Cout Delly This ftll-t wee lltld with the blllt f th fl t ~~~~~!!!!!~~ 873-4550 e((,.m;, 3 bethl, IO<mal County Cler1I of O..enge County on Piiot. AprV 11, 18, 26. Ml)' 2. 1982 County Clerk ol Orange County on y or e rs B .. au1 modern brick P.!Pl~!m~!ll!ll ... Plll lnlng room. large patio ,.,,,. 4. 1982 ,111111 1841..-2 ,.,,,. o. 1982 Incorrect Insertion cllYrcn. $145,000, 10.000 -------th oat BBQ, double "8- Pubttallld Ot1nga Coeal Dilly C.11642-5171. Publl•ll•d Oren9• co.:t,,~ only. eq.h Heber, nr PargalnS Jll.!!~~~~~~~·J lllMYIEW Ollll age Room for boat or Piiot Ai>r• 11, t8, 2!>. Ml)' 2. 1982 Put • rew worda Piiot A!>rll ''· 18_ 26. MAy 2• 1982, l•--------i Sp1c tac1.111r llldd1n 2 ioiii!!lillliillliillilill Eeet of Bris1ol & Notth of RV Excellent financing 183M2 to work for you. 183M2 story home In beautiful = P*Jtartno t-:-:::--~_,,....--::---,,---OOM 10 *VIII I beec:hll " MeM V«de Ellganl co-SlllEllTIIE 11• .. AAA 4 Br 2'~ Be Condo By ... 2•1..,. FIND YDUl=i NAME • 4 TICKETS WORTH $12 ·Goftlon Bennett Balloon Race® -ANO ,t.\l/ATION FAIRE - Saturday, May 8 8 a .m. to dusk MILE SQUARE PARK Fountain Valley Adults $3.00 Childr•n $1 .SO Under S frH MOllNING IAllOON RIDES I DISPLAYS AIR SHOWS • fNT'fltTAINMENT 8 Winners In Today's Classifieds! . IT'S EASYI Find your name and address In today's ... classified section. then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 to clalm your tickets. W inners each day, so check the classifieds In the ..• DlilyPilat Tell Mom You Love Her This M 'llher'a D ay send Mom • greeting & enter our "W orkfa Cre11es1 Mom" contes1 a1 the ume time Our judge• will 1elec1 the n1ces1 M others Day GreetinA and that mother will rtct1ve a SSO gift rertificate from a leading department llorl!'. 1t•a can. wriu· your messagl!' to fit one of the borders bf.low or d~1gn vour own border of equal .tie w11h mcuege irwdt Borders come in 3 mes, S 18, S 1 0 and the spec1aJ child 11zt for S4 for children under 12 )'ean of age. Bring or mail your greeting lo the 011ly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. C:0.11 Mesa. CA. 92626 before S p.m .• May 6th or you may order your meaagea by calling 642-5678, we havl!' many borders 10 rhe>os4' from and we'U bill you or cherge 10 your Visa or Mu1n-Card. . 11100 llWI Id t t 1 _,.... Ow ner. Meny lllru ... &VW .l's ~·r en ry we~. df'[''8 0.1 reedy lor h with lhll 3 BA 3 BA, air cond • In-$ 105.000 In 111umabl1 v no room •n n ng, att~da"""-4 .... ,m 2 Ba dry rm, formal dining, 11 1 AHi 1132 fem fly room. gourmet "' .,,.. ""' center atrium. $ 13.500 nanc ng ng • A PETE BARRED ·.. REALTY WMllllllE kltetlen, 4 hllOI bdrm•, 3 C M home wlpool & IP' dwn & •Int I er mt $2 7, _600 __ 9'4_&--0_790 ___ _ AAIM bathe, b11ulllul view Alao h•• lrg •dd-on 000 dwn & even better "•LUii p•-vw 1 0 •· d A leml~room A11umf' --r m re-yar uume term•. Call ownr/bkr $135,000 ...... ,2 .... , fem v ~I h 1 p 1 $98, loin. Full prle9 ..... .,. ery oan. r Cl '"" 7370 Jud M • • 11 r '. rm "---&.In 12-4 225 ~~~~~~~~ Beeutlful upgtldld 3 Br c:ondo end unit w/itlra lg patio. "A Dollhou11". C all P,g DalJ\.eron. 559-IMOO, egt. $239, CMI 548-2313 $155,000 .,,.1• 714-881-0347 T ---~-..... 1-ulane """"' .....,...1321 C.... Ml k llU THE REAL ESTATERS *•n• • ,. YITDll1• Brend nf1W hOtnM 213/4 LllO bldrme from $55,000 to ISLE $85,000. $0 down, 0 11crow fH. Low111 priced at only agent, 24 hrt 1319,600. Thi• charming ---------- home 11 an exceptlonal a,.nlllc PHI vllue and won't iut long. Ow n • r 11 n • n c: I n g Located neer clubhouN Chermghl Iron l1nc1 and 11nnl1 c:ourta, In a Th1r1'1 a tamlly room, clauy neighborhood loft and• crec:ttllng nre- Oood 1erm1 111allabl1. place. Muler eult• with C.it 546-7171 loll of room and the bath THE REAL ESTATERS .UY'FUIT· M&T SUP IDIOO Private b1ach, 1111 & cheery OOtntortable hOme. 'II hlghllghl•d by. aunken tub. lkyllght end 11r1um. Lo1•-ol u11d brick, In and out. 1173. 600 979-2390, Tarbell, ReeltOfl Cele j}) CMNe~ Bealt•n. ~. 6'75-5511 ) ... _ -.. 3 111109 bedroom• & den. 2 a-tr LtlH ......_ bethl, II~ and much _, .,...,... morel Wiii trade downl le..etflll, ,11 .. l•IJ INCLUDES THE LANDI rt•dtld ••••• 8 Owner-Agent 973-9187 Of 14r• a ........ , ~e7!6-~7oeo~·~S5~7~9!000~1~~ rt t. • A I tt If It TWl•EI H LUii LIT ................ 11W/S.f-l.1at s.n ... ,.,, ... Vou git both 3 Bdrm Newprort Baech homee .--........ ........ fO< only $239,0001 Uw In .... _ one. rent one out. fn)Oy Tder •tflt 111111, your own f.rlvate pool S.. ef lwJ II ....... tool Eitcel 9'1t 11119' fl-411 ler. titllt4,.1 ~Don'tdetey,Clll ....... w.4 •ff· THE REAL ESTATERS 110,111 ... ... , •.. 4 Bdr, dbl ger, nu crpt & peln1. V.cMt. ~· orig. lnv11tm1nt 11t yr w/nu CR8 PfOQrlm. 0nty 1110.000. Diana, agt 931-1~ IEIAWlln BMutlfl.ll cuetom cabl,,.. try by a melter creft- 1man really 11t1 thl• 3 ldrm 2 ea "°"" apert. Lovely 011Dt>o and bM-rtno fNli tteM. LOllW rate, ,,_ loan avallabte. Full price I 149,000 . 151-.3101 c:::.. ' . ~ .. 1,1,,, ~ ..... frt1t Hit I ..... , ........ Hit 2 .,,. Ull, ..... , ....... ••• ,... 1 .•• C11-C11~......_ ......... ,,. l111t. 2 Ir 2~ la, "'"'"' ""''I ...... ·~•111, .., ..... ..,..., rrltatt '"'· Prl•• ........... ., ., ..... ,, ....... ......... """'" tHI .... COU OP NllWfltORT NW.TOM .. ,. .. c.... ..... c-.i .. f '7•·••11 TRM>t T 10~\L RFALTY 1·•sH '1~~•ol1tll11 ll1llt h..:'"'"' ·~·;,.·;_.·e;;,;.i:·s235. --· 2H 2 ...... ooo. 1ot value, prtn. onty. 3 br. MMe VerOI hOrne --.• Bkr. (213)434-5423. wtpool. 2949 Jacaranda. IJff S.141J 1·1 St49.900 641-4744, Lovely 4 BdrmhorMwlth 1 If llm -----------1 541-8077 large l1mlly room In heett This 3 Bdrm, 2 ba home • 10"N· 10"11T. 1 Mesa \leroe Y'lll c.ted of wood and glu.. loc:a- Thll outttandlng linen-llllll IPfllll tor. loc:lled on qulel In-ted on CdM'• 8\ICll Gul- c:lng 11 avlllable on thlt 3 llST Ollll llY Side atreet Vacant end ley, ott1ra 270 degree bedroom Spanl•h viii• II lllltl ce1m eedy. 1173,000 view.. Total prlv~ and thll hH an OUlllandlng Bldr Gives Euy Te<m• 142-1200 ~~5~~bHCh ICClll -tfK view Owner mot~ Two lge maater 1ultea. ......_ s /Sun 1 5 vetld, bou9hl •nolhlt 2'" b11h1, lrplc, lormel .,.,..... 81 • on.tld at 1294,000 din , skylttes. yards, Dal-~~ ~ conl11, 111ulted celllnga. RCTaylorCo 2 c:er gareges Prime E/ 3300 1q II 4 Bdr 3 Ba. 1ld1 loe11lon $120,000 $950,000 G eorgie. 10 1131,000. M-F. 9-5. ~~~~~~~~~. 873-4271 Opn Sat/Sun r >40 :)()()() -----------1 150-9778, S.1-Sun 12-5 1·5 &31-3405 . ..,. 151.3291 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SELL Idle 111m1 with • 9'1'1 VA 1705 PITI DIHly Pdol Cladltlld Ad 1 4 80 -2 Ba tll'mt Agt &•2-5474 . 776-4100 RCSIOENllAl RUl CS TATE SERVICES UUllNWllW ........ New Hating! Rolling lawns sur- round thLs 3 bedroom home. Re- modeled 1981. An extraordinary find that is open, bright and fresh. Available leasehold for $286,000. Big asawnable loan. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 P U D I T S ' I* I I I I A K Y B E R I I' I I I R l B 0 M K I' I I I I' TRUIEL I -1-1-,-.1-1-,-1.......... t try to obi>' th• •Pffd • . _ • _ llmlt. but nobody, but .._,..__..__..._..&.--A-~ nobody •IN P•Y• 1ny •I· ffiU D R A C. 1 ••nllon to tlM 65 mpti limit Ii I' Thi only people I've '"" driving at 55 are the plrk· -------.Ing-. SIT£ Cl I -,-1-1--1-s.."4 ! :.5£=.~1~ ••. u ... -... ...... USTlllE GUii 1111,IGG rJn ~lLl L 111\il ! y & l\SSU(llll[S 28K down & i 16411mo buye tlllt charming 3 8d E .tide home, lruhly -------- paln1ed •nd reedy. Pr~ lnc:lud11 rang•. micro. W/D. Don't delay, c111 Diane today Diane Pl9t=·Volpe J.1#1 llJIM Jiii .••..........•........ TUIE FOR OTHER R E 2 SEPARATE HOUSES W/ GARAGES ON OVERSI- ZED COA. LOT • SO OF HWY 79'Ml757 &40-6175 MlmY l.alll Dupl ... 4 bdrm p1u1 2 bdrm, 1 year new Wiii trade down. 1385,000 . Oetttll IH .... 7ot Orchid. Corona del Cher ming 4 bdrm. 3 "A 1_M_11_._u_1_-9_1_35 ___ _ b• 2 11y Don P111r1on IY .... home. brHlllHI room, llreplac:e. many 1Xtr11. 702 Acacia. CdM. S235K. $539,000. 222 Coral. Open delly 1-6. 973-2041 0pen sat/Sufi 1-s. -'wt In •E .... Owner/Agent. 875-e921 .... 1•1m PA11*'Allll nn , .. SELL Get a foothold on Balboe on .-.ctld homel 1 wlll l~end Owner wlll ... 1 accept th• ll1tlng com· mlaelon .. • tl'Ult deed 50% Parllc:lpatlon In • note lnetHd of c:utt eo charming home & 1pt. that the """ recelvll only 1 block to beech. "'°'' C4llll at the clOM of .._ Alklng 1200,000. Owner ~r~ c,-.. o•··-- 673..&083 Of 790-1517, -V-• ·--· -W' 76~1221 tnl u.AY 11-C 211., ....... ....., ...... MllTIY TWiii Un1urpHHd quality, REOUCEO 1100,000 1uperbly dHlgnld with 4br, SIMI&. Bey Vlaw. old world charm Solid 9~~r oek lloora, Olk OlblneQ, -------- befllnl, r~ ltplc:, mvctl .. -• -"'°'•• 3 Bdrma Ind IMltr -• eulte. 3ba, lam rm, for-Wlltl I •• 111(, ... frplc. mt! dlnlna "" & toe roof iiiiayiiiio..wiiiiii. ii141iiii11ii ... iii die* ..... ..,,IOO llMlll anwnn I 1111T +MOOl .... APT. HOUSES FOR SALi I 110 .. 00M 117 Marlnt Avt, ltlboa llland, NI 831-1400 S2t5,000 • S.t/Sun 1-4 221 Via Ithaca, Lido li lt, N.8. 973.7300 S349,500 Sat 3·8/Sun 1·5 2034 Vial• C•Jon. Npt 8"ch 759A1 221 $316,000 Sun 1·6 2137 ! Octtn. Btlboa Ptnln. N.8. 831· 1400 S323.000 Sat 1·5 414 Narc111ua, Corona dtl Mar 844-9080 $203.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 44 Chardonn1y. Woodbridge, Irv, 548·1168 $139,800 Sal/Sun 12-4 233 Santa ltabtl (E/Sldt) CM 640-1151 $137,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 373 Ralcam. Costa M ... 63 1-4903 s t07 ,000 Sun 1·4 3229 1 Azores Rd, Mon Bay Terr, LN 494-8551 $375.000 Sunday 1-5 2 IA plu1 FAM AM or DIH 702 Ac1c1a, Corona dll Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Daily 1-5 1 Aldtrgrove, Woodbridge. Irv 552-0660 S 198.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 .:8 Lucerne (Hrbr Addi NB 760-9333 $475,000 SattSun t-5 * 19 Curt Drive. Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-151511-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11·4 4521 Tremon1 Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 S595 000 lee Sal 1-5 3 BEDROOM 509 1 Aobinwood Hunt Beach 894-8635 $115000 Sun 1·5 1751 Plaza del Sur Balboa Pen NB 675-4009 $399 500 Sal/Sun 1-5 420 OeSola Terr (Corona Hinds) CdM 675-6000 S329.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1126 E Balboa Blvd Wen ) Balboa 759-9100 S 1 295 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 420 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 631· 1266 $625.000 Sat/Sun 12.5 1 Rue Fon1a1nbleau Big Canyon NB 760-1900 SSOO 000 Sun 1-5 5041 Paseo de Vega Turtle1ock Irv -760-1900 S 167 .500 Sal/S1m 12-5 16964 Kawa11 Ct Founlatn Valley 759-1501 $154 900 Sun 12·5 1911 Court SI Bat Pen1n. N B 673-7300 $399 000 Sun 1·5 715 Palohta Irv Teirace CdM 644-9060 $360.000 Sun 1-5 2116 Felipe Blufts NB 644-4910 $270 000 Sat/Sun t-5 715 Palohta Irv Terr CdM 644-9060 $360.000-Fee Sun 1-4 1312 Sanlanella Te1r CdM • 673-8550 $225 000 Sal/Sun 1-5 3024 Ocean Blvd Corona del Mar/NB 631 -1400 S1.350.000 Sal/Sun 1-4 113 Via Ravenna Lido Isle N B 631 1400 $355.000 Sun 1-4 1723 Plaza del Sur. Balboa Penin. NB 631-1400 $295.000 Sun 1-4 502 ·r St Balboa Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $438.000 Sat/Sun 1_. 20082 Orchid St . SA Hghls 548-1168 S 132.900 Sat/Sun 12-4 1946 Port Locksleigh Nwp1 Bch 644-4289 $2 10.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 3086 Fernheath Ln (Halecres1J CM 540-1151 $127.000 Sal 12-4 601 Gary Pl Newport Beach 752-5111 $215,000 60 I Pa1011ta (Irv Terr) C'.lm 675-6000 $395.000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 * •42 Balboa Coves (Coves) NB · 642·5200 $550.000 Sun 1-5 1581 M1norca Costa Mesa 545-0131 $136.900 2073 Monrovia, Costa Mesa 546-2313 s t03,500 Sun 1·4 Sun 1·5 426 Onda -Bluffs -Newport Beach 642-8235 $ t90.000 LH Sun 2-5 3 BA plus FAM AM or DEN *401 Kings Pl , Newport Beach 631-1266 $349,000 Sun 1-5 215 62nd St .. Newport Beach 675·6670 $229.900 Sun 1-4:30 •2048 Commodore Baycrest. N.B. 548·2413/631--0680 Sat/Sun 1-5 2834 Catalpa, Newport Beach 642--0750 $235.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 409 OeSola Tef'r., Corona del Mar 646--0209 $575,000 S111Soo 1-5 1436 Serenade Terr, Corona def Mar 675-5511 $349,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Rd., Blycreat, NB- 831-1476 $376,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * 1974 Port Lockslelgh (Hrbr View) NB 644·2573 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2443 Bamboo, Newport 8eactl 640·1340 $319,SOQ Sun 1-5 542 Harbor Isl D< (Prom Bly) NB 759-9100 s11.400.000 Sit/Sun 1-5 * 1472 Qalaxy DI' .. Dover Shortt, NB '42·2510 1739,000·fte Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Aliso (Nwpt HgtlJ NS 631·5661 '315',000 Stt/Sun 12-4 2113 Mvamtr. Ptnln P1 • N.8 875-t 1111 $395,000 Sit 1·5 12 DrlMt Bly, NtwpOf1 8eldl l40 teC>O $4H.OOO Sit/Sun , ... DIRECTORY * 7 Rue Chateau Royal. Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 S875,000 Sun 1·5 1721 Klnga Rd. Cllffhaven, N.B. 759· 1501 $850,000 Sal/Sun 1.5 118 Via Quito. Lido Ille, NB 873-7300 Sal/Sun 1·8 • 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7781 $?95,000-lee Sal/Sun 1·5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shorta) CdM 673-7761 $185,000-lee Sun 1·5 1036 Polarlt. Dover Shores. N.B. 844·9060 $975,000-lee Sun I ·30-5 2811 Circle Of. Bayshores, N B 644·9060 $536.000-Fee &Jn 1~5 1515 Cumberland (Wes1c11t11 NB 540-1151 $240.000 Sat/Sun 12_. 2109 Yacht Grayhng Newport Beach 675·2311 $399.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 211 Opal. Balboa tslano. NB 675-4000 S647 ooo Sundav 12-4 2421 Bunya, Eastblull Newport Beach 675-1771 $255.000 Sunday 1-4 1525 E Ocean Bl Balboa Pemn Pt NB 642-5200 $495.000 Sun 1-5 1312 Oove1 Of (Weslcltlfl NB 642-5200 $259.000 6892 Sowell Wes1mins1e1 963-6767 s 109 900 •906 Aleppo St . Eastblufl. NB Sun I 5 Sun I 5 720-0332 $275,000 Sunday 1-4 1'.l 10 t Clttl Hunungton Beach !'163-6767 S 158 900 Sun 1-4 * 228 Amhef'sl Cos1a Mesa 546-2313 S 150.000 · Sun 1-4 3107 G1bral1ar Mesa Verde CM 645-0303 S 164 500 Sun 1-4 3 Kensington Cl. Hrbr Ridge. NB 644-6200 $555.000 Sun 1-5 3823 Sandune Lane Harbor View Hills 644-6200 $397.500 Sunday I 5 ... * * 101 No Bayfron1 Balboa Island 642-8235 $895 000 Sunday 1-4 \ 3422 Sagamore Dr . Trin 1st . Hunt Hbr Dock 644·6200 $399.950 Wiiand Sun 1-5 3 BR plu1 GUEST 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 642-8235 $495.000 Sal/Sun 1 5 4 llOIOOM 233 Pomseltla. Corona def Mar 673-4271 $650 000 Sat!Sun 1-5 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539.000 Sa11Sun 1·5 3065 Loren Lant, Coata Meaa 979-5370 $128,500 Sun 1-4.30 * 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglau, CdM 844-9060 Sat/Sun 1-6 * * 1817 Bayalde Or(Vachtamana Cve)CdM 644-9060 S 1,795.000 Fee SIS 1-5 1715 Galttea Terr. Irv Terr, CdM 844-toeO "698,000-L.H. Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds, Baycrest N B 644-9060 $395,000 Sun 1-4 8 Rue Vlllars, Big Cyn, N B 644-9060 $795,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 • 1805 Glenwood (Baycrest). NB 844-9060 $395,000 Sun 2-6 • :tNarbonne Harbor Ridge NB 631-1400 $2,200000 Sal/Sun 1·4 1132 Sea Lane Cor011a del Mar 673-8550 $350.000 SWSun 1 5 * 1 Aue Val Bonne. Big Cyn N B 673-9060 $795 000 Sal/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy Ave . Corona del Mar 760-0452 $545.000 S81/Sun I ·5 * * 2319 Bayside Dnve CdM 642-8235 S 1.895 000 Fee SIS 1·5 * 1915 ChubaSGO Irv Ten . CdM 644-6200 $360.000 mcl land Sun 1 5 242 1 Fr anc1sco Or Newport Beach 675 2311 $299.500 Sunday 1 5 2 106 V actil Gr ayllng Newport Beach 675 2311 $396 500 S9119vn 1 5 133 Via Und1ne (lido Isle) NB 675 7298 $725 000 Sc!l/Sun 1 5 2811 L<»enzo (Mesa del Marl CM 631· 7370 S 152.900 Sun t 4 2220 Waterfront Dr Corona del Mar 673 1148 $549.000 SattSun 1 5 1230 Somer!ltc't Npl B<.11 6J 1 1:>60 $369 qoo Sun I 5 2032 Swan 01 (Mesa Verdt>I CM 631-1<?66 $218.500 Sun 1 4 : 7 Tr,1l,119ar Npl Bc11 759 1221 S 1 400 000 Sun 1.1·4 222 V1il Koron tlodo l!>lt'I NB 642 5200 Sun 1 5 2862 T Jbago (Me!H! Verdi.') CM 642-5200 $173 000 Sun 1·5 1251 Sudl1ne Way. HVH CdM 644 4910 $299.000 Sun I 5 32 Vienna, Hrb1 Ridge NB 640-5884 $725 000 Sun 12 5 * 1833 Oriole Or Costa Mesa 545 2009 $275.000 Sun 1-4 1909 Lanai (Mesa Verde) CM Orange Cont DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 El 2925 I . Octln llvd, Corona dtf Mar 940.9590 IA99,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 19098 Fltgthlp Cr, Huntg Sch 873-7781 1119,500 2217 Pldtlc Avt, Cotti ..._ • m.7300 1125,800 Sat/Sun 2·9 2217 Ptclfle Avt, Cotta Mtaa 873·7300 11&9,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 •25 Canyon 111lnd, Big Cyn, NB 973.7300 1285,000 Sun 1-4:30 20204 PffCh, Huntington Beach 983·8377 $110,000 Sat/Sun 11-8 1030 Blyaldt Cove Eatt, NB 842·8~35 '325,000 Sun 2-5 3 WHd OooM Ct. (Npt Crat) NB 780-1900 $185,000 Sun 2·5 2 "' plua DI N 209-19th St, Balboa Ptnln, NB 631·1400 $3 19.000 1018 Bayllde Cove East, NB 842·8235 $446,000 3 BEDROOM 4 11 Oahlla, Corona del Mar Sat 1-5 Sun 2·5 675-5511 $325,000 Sal/Sun 1.5 •314 Avenlda Cumbre, (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $210.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 327 Ogle, Costa Mesa 631-5661 s 160.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 •27 Ima Loa Court. Newport Beach 642· 1603 $230 000 Sun 1-4 3 BR plua D£N 7 Rue V1llars (Bg Cyn) NB 759·9100 $725.000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 1610 1 SI Cr0tx Seagate Hun I tktl 840-6755 $308.000 Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 2018 C,m1age Santa Ana tBrad PL) 857 20-10 $89.900 Sal/Sun 1-4 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEOAOOM 3 Lago Soud. Irvine 640-9900 $159.000 Sun 2-5 Fairview al Avocado Ad Costa Mesa 548-2:.>39 S 137 950 Daily 11-5 594 C Ham1llon Costa Mesa 645-0303 S99 500 Sal 1-4 2 BR plu1 DEN 7925 Seat>reeze Hun1ing1on Bch 963·6767 S 179 900 Sun 1-4 3 BEDROOM r JlfVIE'W al Avocado. Costa Mesa 548·2239 S 154 950 Daily 11·5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 890 W 151h St Space 79 NB Sal/Sun UllN llU-fU Ull " .... , ...... ,..w ......... , ... .. , ..... ., ........... ,. ..... 4 ••• '"':.~:::· ...,, ....... .... ... ..., ..... ....,, .... Jttall ••••• ,. ............... Nf ... • . .,, ......... ,,., • .-. ,,,, ftr 1 Mltl.P,111 ....... ., .......... .,......., llW m1n-n1m 1111tt ... ,Hlttf L•1•11 ltttlil a4tlrfft •••J ,,.. .... ""' ................ . '"9r's ,., .... M UI NfH wltll .... ....... ,...., .. ¥llW tf ...... Wiit 1114 ..... l(clth. , ........ ,It), ,,,, .. , •114 ........,,.,..........,1r_...,,.,..._ .. I ltttft tfftra tlilt tltl•tlt 11 fl11tlile4 ........................... 1 ..... . ... ......, ............ , ......... ... hr wltlil lilr111 rell, t1•ll1 rt••, 11111 , ........ ., ...... , ..... ,. ... '"·· ...... .., ... ...., ....... .., ... ,,.........., , ..... rtpl ..... llPtet1 ......... tt11h .. .,. wftlr .. , •••• ttn1tlt1 1rt11. ftr 1 ,1 .. 1_111_ •14·•• ........ ln .. M0.12,llOMG. 'IWI lllE' llYFlllT-llEll l ._ ....... rttWMttal Jf.,.,tJ wltll • ,,., ....... .., 2 ..... A ... ,. ..... YllW ...... ..,., ........... Iara• .... ...,. IWt ellfts, fatlt Nit Jt l111tr fbt Mtf ....... ,ha•,,,,.,.,, a~ ••tlta, ......... ...., '" ... ,.., 2 "'C' ... f , ..... '"' .... , "'" "" . • ft 111111flt4 hrer. 12,200,000 fH. . .,...... . LlllA ISLE llWTIOI Yenttilt flHr Jiii wHfll SH•rftr M4 ,.-I· ,.., et ......,.,, •ltrt· Lara• •Ii• '" .. fer ........... 11 Ml Mt. LntfJ I W.. ........... f•ilJ , ........ hr, ,Mr 114 da,, fleiJ"t flHttill tr HIMtlt II· 1h11t ........ It I 1,•H,000. lw1tr wM1 tllTJ 11 10WX. llttrtst. llYFllllT-Yl-IUI 1.11.Y.O. lrtlf IHtffN Wiftl ,..., .... YI tf Ml• tll& Htltfty ... 1l1ltt li&ltf frt• ltrlt ...... ., ...... 2-tttry ..... •ittl .,.,, ..... ..., .., ttltJiac. 16'111 ... """' , ... rtll1lq. Pltr I all, fer 2 lte1h. Al- llllAILI LUI If SI00,000, S 1, .. 1,000 FU. 111M YM DOllllU. ICUI YI-Ill Cll Preal1• street wtt1t nttft slat 1re1l41, ll ft • ., ...... , 2 Jt&aJ lets u4ll ,..., .... YIEW tf tctH •" Jetty. hrtr ltw••rt , ....... ""' "" ... ., ......... .., .. lilys ... tlap. WM4 ,...tiq, .. Witp •4 ~~&tr1t••· 11,HO,OOO. SELLH WILL """FllWICtll. ,.,. ......... . MYlll 111111 WITtlflllT Otttrtytrl • ...., .... ..., ....... •lt&aH• :':J"' tlStt. liPI~ tf lttJt ..._. • a ,,. ...................... ,.,,. ta•ilJ rtt•, ter••I 411111 rtt• wltlil .. ,.,, ... , .. ,., ... , .... ,. ....... , Mitt ,an I .......... Pitr/sll' fer llrc•r JMM. Iner wlM tllTJ ltr&t attt 194 T.I. ......... 11,I00,000. wmFIL Ill.Ill llWI htJ •pan ... wtltl .,,.tHq lttterier. Lera• • ,,,, ... , a htlt It••• ,, .. 1 ................ fffir ........... tttt4rll ttlltap, It, .. , le• fer..,, .. ...... ., SJH,000 nH•tMt It 11.ll-X. •••tr ••tlutd. h••tt 111 ttf•ra ......... ., ...... wmFIL •• WATEll .......... ........, 114 1"4 t1stt la lttlt ... -.,.. ,..,., ................ . • 2221 Francisco (Back Bay) NB 675-6000 $295,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 963·6767 $325.000 Sun 1-5 . • 700 Lido Park Or Lido Pemn. NB -12 631· 1400 $39 000 Sal/Sun 1.4 2012 Port Aamsgate (HVHms) NB 675-6000 $319.900 Sal/Sun 1·5 1521 Anita Ln (Back Bay) NB 645-0532 $375.000 All Week 1912 Biddle, Turtlerock, Irv '759-1501 $213.500 Sal/Sun 1.5 * •2804 W Oceanfront. Balboa Pen. NB 631-1400 $725.000 Sun 12.30-4 00 424 Betvue Ln , Balboa Pemn . NB 631-1400 $419,000 Sat 1-4 760 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle. N B 673-9060 $575.000 Sat/.c;un 1-5 • 17 A1ppllng Stream. Trtlrk. Irv 675-6000 $210.000 Sun 1·5 600 Begonia, CdM 631-1266 $585,000 Sun 1-5 4 BR plus FAM AM Of DEN 184.4 Port Charles Pl .. Hrbr Vu. NB 631-6194 S 139.500 Sun 1-5 2805 Drake, Costa Mesa 979-1 138 S 142,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl .. HVH, NB 676-2373 $322.000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1020 Whi1esalla (Hrbr Vu His) CdM 631· 1266 $376,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 1412 Santiago, Dover Shores. NB 631-1266 $420.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2706 UghthOu• (Bfdmr HVHls) CdM 675-6000 S-495,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 225 Tulane, College Par!(, CM. 548-1328 $135,000 Sun 12-4 •6 Wlnoe<f Foot (Bio Cyn) NB 675-6000 $68S.OOO Sat/Sun t·5 114 Via Entutno (Mtr. Pt) S.C. 759-9100 1950,000 Sun 1·5 1 .. 1 Galaxy Dr. (OOYtr Sl'IOt'tt) N.8. 548·5&41 IA20,000 Set/Sun 1-5 ~ Sin StbMtltn, Bia Hatbof Ridge. N8 780. 1900 SU mllllon Sun 1·S *1132 EbbtJdt, Hlf'bot View Hlllt, NB 780-1900 1750,000 Sun 2-0 I 2318 Porl Lerwick Newport Bch 67j 8550 $259 900 Sun 1 5 4639 Gorham Corona del Mar 673-8550 $649.000 Sun 1-5 19512 Sierra Canon (Trtlrk) Irv 759-1616 $259.000 lee Sun 1-5 14 Morro Bay. Co1ona del Mar 552-1714 Sun 1 5 2515 Windover Of HVH CdM 644-6200 $495.500 Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM • * 708 Via Udo Nord. Lido ISie, NB 675-6161 S 1 500 000 Sun 1-5 * •219 Via Lido Soud Lido Isle, NB 760-1900 $2,250.000 Sunday 1-5 5 BR plua FAM AM or DEN • 1211 Chtt Or (Cliffhaven) NB 642-5200 $425,000 Sun 1-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 549-3053 $275.000 Sun 1-4 1321 Outrigger, HVH. CdM 644-6200 $495.000 FEE 1608 Galaxy (Ovr Stirs) NB 631-1266 $949,900 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 #5 Rue Fontaine, Big Cyn, NB 844-9080 $785.000 Sun 1·5 ••824 W. Bey, Balboa Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 442 Begonia. Corona det Mar 644·6200 $595,000 wllandSal/Sun 1-5 2824 San Jutn (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $158,000 Sun 1.30-5:30 • 11 ,tWt •AM IM ., DIN •8 Cypr"' Point, ~lg Canyon, NB 760-11)()() $1.8mllllon Sunday 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1._00M •WO McNeil i 10t, V ....... NI 173-7to0 I 11t,OOO Sun 1..S • ••na• 410t~O..-•Mlr .,....,, .,.. ...,..., .. ............ r ............... ,M t • 700 L•do Park Or Udo Pemn NB = 22 631· 1400 $52.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR plu1 1 BA 427 & 427 , Orchid Ave. CdM 673-4400 $269 500 Sal/Sun 1-5 2 • 2 BEDROOM 2001 Kings Ad. Newport He1gh1s NB 631-1400 $415 000 Sal/Sun 1-4 3 BR plu1 2 BR 2914 Ocea(11ronl Balboa Pen1n, NB 838-3232 $685,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 4409 Seashore. Newporl Beach 838·3232 $625.000 Sal/Sun 12-4 2 -3 BEDROOM 209 42nd St (Peninsula) NB 642· 1355 $350.000 Sun 1.5 1510 Abalone Place Balboa Island. NB 67:1-6900 $535.000 Sunday 1-4 2 • 4 IA ••202 S Bayfron1, BalbOa Island. NB 673-6900 S2.200.000 Saturday 1-5 4 P plua 2 BA ••510 So Bayfront, BatbOa Isl NB 675·6000 S 1,095.000 Sun 1-5 PROPERTY for LEASE HOUSE FOR LEASE 5 llDROOM 204i 1 Upper Bay Of. SA Heights 549-7962 S 1225/mo Sat/Sun 1-4 / CONDO FOR LEASE 2MDROOM 15 S.. t•tnd. Bia Cyn, N8 759-1501 S13"So/mo 'PROPIRTY for RINT APARTlllNTI . t • •• illteritr tritlt 2 .... ,.... ''" tit• HI Itri• l11t11u,d ••tit witlil •••• ...... -•• ri111. , .. , ....... ..., ......... '"'...,.., ........ ...., ""' ...., ..... .., ..... Hit .... ,.,. 1111,000 H fet 1114. 111· 1•. Liii ISLE OUISIC Tttalfy rt•dalt4 M4 4tffflte4 2-d•FJ 11 te.e "'' ltllterr11ta1 fl1ttr. ''"• .,.,... • wr ... , 4 ..... tritlt 2 '"'" ,., t ... rt.a.lq 11 all4 Ht. St1i1t4 sfass, HI tJtl ...... IW t1111tt wltlt law oaslt .... •IJIHlf· ...... e11n PU1111u n.r .,. .......... 1114 "'" • wr ...... . ... ''"' ...................... .... 1t4 114 ru4y tt ••H 11. U11,000 wittl ·-..,.__ Ml•A IEL 1111 011111 ........ 21 .,.. ......... ., "'"· ... .,.,......," .............. , ........ , ..... ,,,, .. a ... , ... ,, .. '" .. ......,, """ ..., ••lfflts _, ..... . .... ,. ........ \~::.·"· •• .. ... 2 .,... .... , 1If112 • TWI lllTI + UL IS. . ............... , ...... .... ,...2, ....................... ,... .................. 1 ............. ..,. fr11t. I ul11,l1 rt1t1I ,,.,.,,,. IMl .... llM•. llfLD 111111 Tl WITD I p..e """'9 ........ Mar LWt ... ~ "" ..... ~ .. ' ..... . ...... .., ........... ". '""' ... ., .. ........ ~ ...... ""' .... ... llTWlll UY I 11&11 ......... , ............. ,..,. .. ... ........... ...., ...... ..... ,,, .... , ....... , ......... .. .. 1.11111 ••••• ....... .............................. ....... ............... _......., .......................... .. ................. ,.,.. ... ..... .-............... . ,.. ................... , .... ... ....................... ::. == '!•:...•:.·=:r1:. .............. , .... ,.,. a II• PHI llT •••11 11111 a •••11• .... II • ... nd•1111t....,•• • ..,_. 11 ........ ! n ' °t I '9•111• ...... .. • ... 11df11? I ...... , II I ..., ...................... ... .... .. ... WAlmr.,p.91C ...................... ~~ M I ,. ... .. -----·--- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 . ~the ~pltt~ Oro~ Coast 'Market Place • # • .. IHITlll HHH lllH Elegant' custom home. Approx. 6500 sq. ft. w/uncomparable vlewa of ocean- bay-mountalna-Catallna. Nothing has been left out of this exquisite home In moat pre1tigiou1 private Newport communJty. Outstanding value. $2,500,000 -SUUlMe Shuler 6:42.8235 (J36) H lllT &PT. ll•PUI IUI OH•H Ill IAI ... 111111. 2 BR, 1 ~ Bath, most with/fireplaces, 2 car garages or carports, laundry facilities, com- munity pool nearby. On the Blults overlooking nature park & pre- aerve. Excellent financing. $1 ,800, 000 Leasehold. Jan Young 642-8235 (J37) PIHIT l&YFlllT IPPHTlllTY - Outstanding financing! A 60' fee lot with a n ewer custom home, 4 be- droom•, 4 ~ baths, huge master uite. Rc>of11 for two power boat.a to 55'. Most rooms overlook the bay and night light views. Outstanding low interest bank and owner fi- n ancing available. $1,200,000 Georg~ Grupe 644-6200. (J38) HHH 11111 ·HUI HllHITY Exceptional 3 BR & library w / ocean & n ight light view. Expan- ded Miramar featuring formal li- ving rm & master suite opening to private terrace. Upgrades include custom wallcoverings. M.irrored di- ning nn wall & skylights. $675,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (J39) lllMI 11111 • • II + LtfT Beauu- f_ully decorated "Kensington" w/ view of city lites. Loft ideal for study or den. Levely spa in entry. 3 car garage, formal dining & more! $649,000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (~40) YIEW-YlfW·YIEW-Lovely 3 BR. Cam rm. 2 fireplaces, Jacuzzi. Immacu- late "Fanta.stk" Financing Availa- ble . $425,000 Berl t M i t c hell 642-8235 (J41) Llllll UYlll -ltmHTH .. Ulll On e nchanting Trinidad Island Dramatic executive home w /35' boat dock. H uge master suite w / fplc & His & Hers Baths, 2 lg se- condary BRS. custom paneled {am rm w/fplc & wet bar & gourme t kitc hen. $399,950 w/land. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (J42) PllllllU llPUI Fabulous finan- cing -excellent location near Bal- boa pier. 4 BR up. 3 BR dowp. Good income producing, no maint- enance. Only 10 years old. Good condition. $325,000. Julie Van Wi~~ 752-1414 (J43) WHIHllH UHIH PLU I IP& Beautifully upgraded J .M. Peters home. 4 BR, fplc, faro rm, great for entertaining. Near schools, par k, pool, tennis & lakes. Owner wlll help w /fin ancing. $317 ,300 Alan Beel 551-8700 (J44) l IHI Fiii Thia 2 BR, 2 ~ bath townhom~ >:Nia 2 car g1rage is a beauty. Finest lnterior & exterior upgrades & pools. Ideal location make this a m ust to 1ee. Small down needed for high balance as- au ma bl e loans. $138,000 Susie Weiu 551-8700 (J45) Fii Tll , ... PllfUlltUL II IEW- PllT IHOI Here ls a n excellent opportunity for the first time buyer, Investor or working couple. This 1 BR, condominium home of- fen aecurity, recreational amenities & excellen t location . Offered at $89,500 with low down & good fl. nancing. Bill Wedmore 551-8700 (J46) IHIHI IHIHllE Cul-de-sac ocation on this prime executive 4 BR alngle f.amily home acr01B from community pool & tennis courta. Central Air, 1eparate fam rm, In- door utility rm. Aaumable Joan at low interest, owner wlll ualst w / leOOlldary flnandng. $189,600 Fee Joy~ F.dlund 64.2-8235 (J31) Ulll llllll TIWIHll Sln&lea/ Minl)eltt"See this one. 4 ·BR, one down or Ule aa study. 2 lg BR and hup muter IUite up1taln. Uvina room hoata floor to cellin1 atone fireplace. Gourmet kftchen, lnmde laundry, private rear patio for 1unnln1 & enteri.lnln1. Pool + a.nnll. l°" down, 90~ f1nancln1 evailablel &.rbara Callihan ot Tam AWNon 542..am <™> SOMETHING DIFFERENT I Un \.\ i :-. I i ·, \ TAYLOR CO. H 1 .. A L., () Ii :-.. ' " I ii I ' I I ' l 1 i Jll OUYI• OHITIY llM · • 1 .. ~ .... ftr ..... , Pre;trtJ Magnlficent locaUon o'looklng 8th green of goll course. MajesUc Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal din rm, fam rm, bllllard rm, refrigerated wine rm, & 6 ~ ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, air oond .• + many cuatom fea- tures. $2,150.000 lncludtng land. May sell furnished. Owner will help finance ICW VlfW 1211,IH 4 B~ .. 2 ~ Ba. ":'1ew home overlooking I Pavtlion, Catalina and ntt.e lites. We have a n independent appraisal for $320,000 Try $20,000 down until you sell your home. Owner will help finance 1211 HIFUIE WAY tPll 111 1-1 A U&L tllWll I• TIE ll.lffl A fantastic 3 Br "Linda" model on w i- dest greenbe lt. L ike new Vaca nt. $270,000. New carpets & drps. Ready for immediate O('Cupancy. See a n ytime. 644-4910 2111 FELIPE OPH UT/Ill 1-1 HWIH 0 YHWLLH" UH,000 Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The per- fect plan for largt' or small family, young or not so young. Lge maste r s uite on ground f~oor Beaut pool and very pri- vate patios. Best buy in Big Canyon Vacant See anyllm(• 6.W-4910 UUH YlfW -IHE Yllll Qwet, park-like settmg Rm for paddle te nnis and pool. Great for orchard. CuJ de sac st 3 bdnns, fam nn $379,500 rec. II& CUYH ''URSAJWS" Golf course v1ew1 Beaut landscaped Park-like setting Lovely pool. spa & gazebo. Gated courtyard w ith fount.am. Marble foyer w/glJttering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den, formal d i n r m 4 1 J ba $950.000 mcludtng land Large' comer ' WUUl I. tanH Ct., IULTlll 2111 Su .... ~·i• lilla IH4 HWNIT CUTEJI, I.I. 144-4111 RfSIOENTtAt Rf At CS IAI£ SCAVICES BIG CANYON OPEN HOUSE 1-5 #5 Rue Fontaine Soph1St1cated Townhome overloo- king the golf course 5 bdrnu in- cluding pnvate mast.er swte, study a nd spa. Professtonally decorated with marble, custom cabinetry and crown mouldings. $785,000. LHY Riii IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 * A SPIRAL * STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites, sold oak ~11ds, skylrhts 103143 FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 CIO SAT., U. 2·5 P.M. 2277 PACflC AVE., C.M. End Of WlllOO Plmlla&-• 2111.._. 1P11UT1-1 XL.NT TERMS! Remodeled tradJuonal 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced to $395,000. Prize West Bay bay front. Slip• for 2 boats, r e m odeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200.000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrlf\, 3 bath, 3700 llCI· ft. $1,38~.000. Oceanfront. LIDO ISLE HOMES 111 VIA UM 1111 H• 1-1 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R .. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec rm. beam ceilings, furnished patios $420.000. Lllll ISLE UJFRDIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath play- room. dark rm, den, Boat alip. $1.350,000. llYSllE COYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1,900,000 1 CORDUDD CAYS ~ronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1d1· Dr·~• N 8 o7S 6161 a~ UYSlll otYI PDTIHSE-14' MWI Desperate owner says "Must sell Now .. 60' bayvicw . Just profes- sionally decoralt'd Like new, sophtsucated 2 BR + den. 2 1"2 BA. t?ar , pool, gym. beach & security Pnce reduced $96.000 to $446,000. Only $30.000 down. Debbie Frau 642-8235. OPEN HOUSE SUN- DAY 2-5 ... 1018 BAYSIDE COVE EAST. NEWPORT BEACH II. \B BOU Ht.: \I .TY som OF llWY. New luting in Corona de) Mar JUSt a few blocks from the beach. The excellent rental history on this un- usual duplex type property makes it a particularly good value at ]USt $230.000. Owner will help finance. 10% IOWI 4 ·"9e<jrooms "C" Plan overlooking the pool an The BluUs. Reduced to $279.500 L.H. but best or all ls the 30 yc>ar 131 i % hnancing. Separate bedroom and bath downstairs ideal for in-laws or teenager. CIROll IEL Mii llPLU A real cutie In a great location. Freshly painted 2 bdrm. house plus l bdrm. apartment. Priced righ t at $269,500 just 20% d own to t h e 12.9% loan good for 10 years! WEITOLIFF 01111 Nicely decorated 2 bdrm. 1st floor unit with cheerful upgraded kit- chen. private patio and unbelieva- ble $129,000 price. Great location close to shopping. Name your terms -owner will carry. LUXllY HOMES OCWFlllT Located on the rront row in exclu- sive Cameo Shores overlooking the private beach. A spectacular home in a spectacular setting. 4 bdrms., family rm .. formal d in ing rm .. beautiful tropical grounds. $2,900,000. llYFlllT 60 feet on the bay with private pier and float. Lovely 2 story, 4 bdrm. home near private community sand beach. Den, formal din!ng rm. and a worklhop. $985,000 L.H. INVESl\INTS lllllTlllL ..... Pride of ownership property just 4 years old. lOOIJi leased. Prime cor- ner location. Approx. 15,300 1q. lt. $1,133,000 aubmlt t.enna. .,,. .... ,. On buay ett 19th St. in Co•ta Mesa. Fully occupied 1trlp ~ter avallable with auractlv~ t.erma. f.477,000 L.H. + corr mun • 1nvnmmr conrMT WATERFRONT TOWNHOME WITH BOAT SLIP 109' down aaurne 1st and 2nd, owner will carry balance. Highly upgraded with hardwood floors, beveled mir- rors and shutters. Two bed.rooms plua a den (third bedroom?) and three fuU baths. Super bay view and location. $549,500. 760-1900 * WEITOLIFF llllUlll * Sensationally remodeled & decora- ted 4 Br home featuring swamrrung pool, bonus room. skylit.e, lush pri- vate courtyard. !pie & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. New- port Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 10~'1. FllUClll * when you takeover existing Isl T.D. Popular Birch Model with frpl , centra l air & t h e largest bac k ya r d in WOODBRIDG E GLEN. Only $134.900. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * Sii M 1 LOT* Sax houses on on e lot in prime rental area of C.OSta Mesa. AJJ but one have fireplaces and have rec· ently been painted. No deferred maintenance Asking $395,000 9032 Adams. H ... ntangton Beach. 556-7035 * 110,000 llYS ITU Ladies apparel s hop-with goed lease i.erms Located in busy shop- ping <.'enter. lnventory negottable . 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach 556-7035. * 111,000 * Costa Mesci. Spacious 3br detacht'd home w ith large yard. Freshly painted . 2670 San Migue l Dr . Newport Beac h . 759-1501 or 752-5353 * TUEDYER 11.2% LOU * Only $20,000 dn on this spacious four bedroom. 2 bath home with soaring cathedral ceilings. Earth- tone decor throughout with custom wall coverings Bright and airy country lutchen plus farnily room and custom patio Offered at $154.· 900. 9032 Adams. Huntin gton Beach 556-7035 * 120,000 •• * Spacious (am1ly home with soarmg cathedral ceilings and brigh t and airy rountry kitchen. Wi th 4 large brs, 2 bas and a family room. It's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Be~h. 556· 7035. 11sn, 111n 1 vaoan * 1111,000 * 9.9% assumable financing available on this taste fully decorated 3 BR to wnhome. Vacant & quick posses- sion. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach 759-150 I or 752-7373. * ZEil llWI * On the water. Priet' slashed $15,000 to $199,900. O wner wll) finance. Pro fessio n ally decorated w / gourmet kitche n . 9032 Adams, HunUngt.on Beach. 556-7035. * WlTllFIHT -(·* PllYlTI WCI Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring Crench doors, frplc. professionally d ecorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller wil1 carry AITD! 2670 San Migue l Dr .. Ne wpo rt Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. *Ullm •ITlll PlllPUOI * Spend those roma ntic evenings basking In the glow of thls massive fireplace. This spacious four be~ droom home la Ideally located cl()tlle to Westminster Mall and Golden- wc1\ College and price d to sell $119,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington &e.ch 656-7035. * 1111 llY 1111 * * 1111,111 * 3 br house on fee land featurln1 berdwoocl floors & 1hingle roof with 11 ~ .-unable l• T .D. Priced for tmmedllte eale!!! 8670 San MJ· pl '1&9:1~1 or 752-7373. *""' ..... .,. .. ~ ..... (11t) 111-1•1 (1~ 111-1111 10% DOWN .., ........... LOW INTlllST (No lalloon Payment•) • llltMI> fO COM>OS • COMIC TU • Alt COM>ITIOfMG • lAUllDIY ROOM • llCJtOWAVE • ..aORCD WM~08ES • ASSOC. POOt.. TDllS, GYM, SAlN • SCC~Y This Is the absolute best financing aroundll Very little down and low monthly payments are yours along with a gorgeous place to llvel I FIRST TIME BUYERS ... THIS IS YOUR ANSWERI (ESPECIALLY If you have just paid your taxes and have discove- red that you would be better off owning your own home and have $10,000 or more for the down payment). Call to· day! Tiii MllllS-UYFIELI -c•lf Ht-HOO U 1-H•2 C11f1 #na IOZ4 Ou• r1i.1 1111 ......................••......•...•...•..... 1111 Fiil 11 llWll TIIE LWT 1 BA. pool, jacuu l, 30 Thia big 2 11ory 5 Bdrm 3 yeer loen Som• ocean bath plus lemlly room view, former model. $105, beauty 11 lull right ror 900 OwMr. 631~ your growing lem11y Ootatendlng location Full IWY Tl •R•L price only 1 158,000 13'\lo _.. nnancing ta available wny Ocean view 48r with waitl Call ~0.1151 · S60K dn pymt Seller w!U carry for life of 111 TD. l'Q!liP.l[I ~~,~~ThOrnton I~~~~~~~; !!!'!!~{'!.!~!e;;r.!.~~1 124,000 DIWI OPEN e;A~°f's~~A 12_. 4 1100 IOITll 8R. nr Mlle Square Park, buys lhll roomv 4 8•· $210.000 owe 9960 droom family home w/2 Currant Av 963-1555 lireplaeet. 1 warm tarnlly , room w/wood beamed BaaU.flfa ce1hng1 Decorator ac-lflfi IHI cent1 S 120.000 Prine• ••••••••••••••••••••• • p111 only Don't del1y 1121,000 H 124' La. c;&11 Diana tOd•y Sharp 2400 eq It 4 t>drm Diana Pietenpol-Vo4pe l'IOme on out-*tae R E ProfeMk>nala Ml-tUl S..Oate Condo 3 er 2''7 ea 8"t 1ocauon on L•· IWIH UlJllS II ~615~308.000 c au S10 K below milt . this -------1harp 48R 2ba. l1m rm/ Open Houee. Aprll 2511'1 ep a home C AN BE 1·5 5091 Aobinwood 3 YOURS! ColTiil and tlke Br 2 patloa. country k1t- a look & we'll figure out Chen Move tn cond how S 142,000 by owner Great locauon Call S & S 979· 11311 Pro Per 11 ea . An 11 • 898-91124 or 1127-4457 MESA VERDE regarding uoept tlnan- REllCEI $40,000 ~~~f.oci:,"ced at only Cat m bll 3 8 d pool home owe al 12% Dellghttul 2 & townhOuM Cut-de·..c nr goltcour· ~1r 811ghl t>eau11ful H Calf Diana Cappel I uni\ Cooled by -1 e31·1268 t>reeze1 Lrg existing S 'lt"I. VA Full price $106.500 Agt 5~516 OWNER DESPERATE 5 Bdrm beeCf1 GIANl' In •••• e•ecullve neighbOrtlOOd -•E 1181,000 Priced 160.000 below Beaut 3 br. 2 ba, •oe market Ownet must Nit lam rm 0< 4th bf lrpk; 1mme<1111ety Submit on new crpts & drp1. fge price and terma 8k1 patio No qual OWC 11 S4S--0709 11% $ 128 500 -------- 545-7091 Little Mis• MuHet sat on 11 NEW MULTI-LEVEL rullet along came a Custom 4 er w/gueat Sp•der and read in the aulte, oce1n vu S645, Detly Pilot Ct11sslf1ed 000 Open Sal/Sun 1-5. section abOUI MISI Mui· 7804452 Ownr let s Tullet and t>ought 11 lt--__;-'-----1 for $9 95 You can sell Make your 1hopp1ng ea-your tullel and 1011 of sler by uatng the Dally other thinga through Piiot Claasllled Ada Delly Pilot Classll1ed --------i Ad s Call 642-5678 Seu With EASEi --It 1 a BREEZE Malle your shopping ei- Clau1l1ed Adi 642-5678 lier by using the Dally Pilot Clalalhed Ada !m~t .......... !,~. ,,.. 1H• .................•.... HT HHY fH HllH Pool-spa· along w ith a lovely 4 BR home. Move-m condition centrally located to schools. parks, shopping & Cree- w a y access to all areas. Owners motivated. Asking $175,000 Call Myrna Boom 551-8700 a~ Wllll•M llTT&ll Thia PoPUlar 3 BR "Carmel" lloorplan le In a prime location, tastefully upgra- ded & In "move In" condition. Other amenities Include e apa & air conditioning. Owner 'w1H carry financing & detlret a quick N'8. Don't mlu thll opportunity 1176,800 Kathleen Kelley 855-4343. 11111 , ....... LOWHt priced Jtfferaon modet In Woodbridge E1tatea. Ready to move Into. Spotleu a prOfteeloneffy decora- ted two BR, den and a epeotecular bllokyard wlWood deok, Pll90d8 I 1p1. AH me 1117 ,300 In loan1. :=•t 1178,000 Mery w...., ... --. .... ' t ., 1.. -. -- ......... rm £9- Orange Co Fl e Otange C!90st Mark~t Place lftm.tr.~'1 ....... !Mm.~!?'!. •• _.. !ftm.!r.M ....... ~ ... ~.... ... ................... !~!!!!.!-!!!'!. ...... '!!~!!.!~¥..'!.'I.'! ..... '!!~'.!'.~!!!.~•.'! .. : .. ~!.~!!!.¥~!~!'!!~. !'!.~t.'!M!!11N!I. •• ._~-1i..~ f1r.t!fl.,.,.!9'A ... J.!f ~mtl.fn.,, ... J."1 ~. lfl!! •• L . !~J.mA .. !.'.',.! !•!!lffl.~!! .. !.'.f! C1aa1nl1/ l•rt•• ,,, .. 1,.,, ZM c.,... ~•l #u IW Cf•!• #na I~ :rnrrr., ft '0..IC 08UM SALi ~ .._ . llO •••••••••• •'"00•'•••••• • • ••••••~''•••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••••••·• ••• • ••••••••••••• Undw ~t co.a ao 11M,IM • Mw•l Wlltel.IPF ••• ~.l!m' •.•••• !.... omH'tll >Ont 2 ~ 2 be •• ~ .. 1H2 ..... IN. WAlllflllT Leguna pvt .. ,., • .' ,90 .._. _ • .....,,llT llTI New~r:;:::n 111.w, 2 MUST Sil.LL cozy bMu· I Dttu1et 4.p1ex nMI' s c (2tJ)4...,.t900 wttciyw '28r, '°""'•dbl'""'°" e .. ut. 41A Ha, coral deg. QOM\ vu. leOUffty. -·.---1 IA. . • ElegentlV lllully decorated and .... UllllATll P I 1 i •. ow C e 11, 1714)84().8763 4Mt(Wl<no cpt, renovated lcltcn•n. cay guarded comm Pvt 1616 000 ..... 2015 4 Br. Den..!. formal Dining 2 howea on 1 lot W/tllgll Mn. Pool, jlic, 0Ym1 blf• brlg hlly dUlgllld 3 Malle Otl.fiNOt\ti Lido 070...fH3 COZV 2 br. h plo ntw gardener Incl. Vac ant, bch· I boat tllp Award • , • Aoorn. 2 l"lf~ I oer Hauniabl• loan. Curt llatde. he gar I QUatd. Bdrm, "1'1 olftoeld.n, 2 cvompi.x.3 &tOIY ac..n I ·••111 ITltnl cp11, am P•llo. So ol 167& wlnnlno 1and1c90. 01k ---==• 11• ger•o• +taro• Hobby UH1~~0. Aleo l IA, frptca. Gr .. t auumabl• u .... -. 1726 873-1734 -3-B .... d-1-,n-B-1---d-ll brery. atalned glan -=-,, Room. Pool alzed IO,, •14t,ow. 831-teee loan With llexlble down 7 0~ lullM" Alto Qeluxe 4-pltx M ... VIM· ,,_, r e, rg Ylr • window• lrom France. AWAAD WIHN!A beaut.~. Owr'9f Ylew ..... I Wra 1268,600, Wiii conelder 2 Newport Lolt-185,0oo ,. dt OWC. Bkt 1179~383 2 Br Oen, 3 Be ltvlnt CMtl~~K M7~~.1-=· •7H K. Call Kathy, agt Ouan vlewe. 3 bdrm, 4 wlll H•lat 11 financing. • MS OOf> under M'IA trade for NewPot't condo Eeich OWC $31 .. 1711 TrlplH • Ctnt Or Co . IT:.~~~:,: S46-~g2n; ~ .~ ••• WIJoto, d9QI 3br/2ba 175-4402 ba, kit. w/conventeno.e, Onty 1420..:.0C?O· ., ti.. , &4'-1408 Two 3 bf"•t,u• ~ 2 bt '"M\7000 .., • --------•tern. rm, toe gerden, ~llo, °'*' M118un. 1·8 ••-T -m ~alNI, no qualltylng, --------I .--On"' 1•2 000 1 .,...,.. gar optntr, ntxt 1 o '--'--1-~ .__ ......... -, '-llv. -. .............._ •• ~-'~ p...-1111500 mo. Wiii •·-11'••1al1 10"1 '' u ~ 1'""5 10"'3 • ~ _..,.,.,. __ , """"" "" ...,...._,., .._,... ~ ............... -............ _ -.-·-· -•••, 11 Vic J 11hln1kl Bkr 13 BA 2'4be 2 11ory lrool park ..., " uanta •••••••••••••••••••••• Quiet cul-de-teO ... 12K. la !Ml ..,...._ ,_ -·· ,_, tilde tor anything. 2260 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cruz •1 .... "'. ::own« 11,_....11 -antJquetypehouM.28r. Oolelen ClrcH.&4a.1te5 Whlttwater vu. et•P•IO [ 7625111 unit JllP• tamrm,mod 559-82211657-0t$3 , ::! • 1 le. SOx117' lot. Lwge the 11nd. deluu con PAULEY c -kllCh w/mlc10 Corn•r 1111000 I ... ••y deleched g.,age. 1119, lfttf4alllt domlnlum. Only 4 laft 2111 ~~~:·~~z41:,~i •:~(;I wlvl1w l•n only Grtll E/lldt lrg qultl 3 8' 2 ea. No qual~ Mlle( wllt -L,91.. 000. 6'1·5041 eYH l ADULT MOBILE HOME lrom 1297,500. So Or WENDV"S NNN Agl 6411•13&6 for 3 ad Ill S f 'lOO fr~ dahwar. lndry, gar. help w/llnendng on tl'lls 8PnvatEW •0~11._ ~ Wkndl, 1314620 wltdy9. PARK on th• Bay. 1 Coaafe b .. t blull 1ron1 .... _ .. ':_EAthSruE',o13c?.2R::,e~. --J 6A4-0307 no pe11 1750 873-3600 3 &d to wntio m• In 'VEAllZE 0 221 Yla lertll .. --•-•• bdrm, den, 1 ba l80.000. value Opn SaVSun. 903 ""'""" Utl lft hl1 UDO Nr lr¥1n• Terrec....-Nr"' 4 br 2 ba dtn ..-.* Northwood. 2 yra new. Large prtval• patio. low .... ...._ 1 I _,__.r lwuw 2bdrm .• 2 ba144,000 2 Buen• '11111 Agt. Bob. 6% Grou S•IM, ...................... wattr 3 bdrm. 2 bl obi. gai 1150~ QI/: Tiie entry, tonne! dining. ~~R~r~~~~~Ji Luxurtoul relli!en:• on ~m~~.:.:"!~a .'2\~ bdrm 125,000. 300 E ..._411_8_-_10_40______ 60% dtprc .. ,,S42a.ooo I ICU• YllWI Flreptace dbte gar lien-aen.r 754. 1412 gvt P.•tlo, pool & ap1. Denn la Buell •I Arm-OVlt'll1*I atreet to "'"' 1-................ "----...... C11 Hwy Unit 113. ,._. •-•II •-1 IOIO 40 ACRES l agun• Beach With ced yd S 1J)()O 676-3354 td.t. llDI • ............. .,.,.._ .... ,p ort Beach Bkr H "" eltnl orn .. ebw481All• ---Ntw 2 brhOUlt,2bl. 1o':,~. y,ea an brutt.,,Clurman,Brown lot.Soatlngoell~ help llnenct . Jim , 67&..3347 . . •••••••••••••••••••••• BIO BEAR CITY Illa Way i11en call Eiecull..,e68r a Ba la lrplc,ler!C*lyd.noPttt. Diana Pi.tenpol-Volpa and Company. 494-1595. ~'~ -~ 842-0750 LIDO ISLE TRADITIONAL 10~ .... ::~ ,~,3~'~11. 6 Agtllll 540·6240 -~~~~~ ..::~., b:.~~:: $626 llA&-07 Ill 'S59-i400 LIW..... bdrma, formal d ining 9IAL 4 BA 3 BA. 50' lot, Oak Sharp 3 Bdrm R-2 lot. blk• to ,.Harbor RtdO .. l)rtme view vat e b • 1 ch•1 •OECORATQR CARPETS l;Jc•ll•nt tong term II· room. huo-femlly room IAlll. ,_., floors. Frtncn doora, 172.000 uaumabl• 111 ahQ9plng .SI 200.000 JV '100.000 n1td1d S2500imo A•I pU Child wtleomt, 2 Br El nanctng makM thla on• end • kitchen to plHH Ave bediooma. 3 bethl. lead to sunny So. patio TD Atklng 1811.1100 Call 759·0481 160 16$<1 aide yerd. garagt. No H IY to own. A former the flneat gc>urlNI. tnplece home. Rtdeoo-Storage tor Sabol or 540-1151 . 11 G6 ACAES 1 ---Pe11 RVM* ----model home 11 Ma been ••2-1.... t d At I I d d LMtr. Slept to ctubhou-••• .,Ti':Ti'T.TJ1 RANCHO MIRAGE Oat o/ c ... ,, c •• ,, ,,,., 3Z24j 176 E Wllaon decorattd ~11111pec111 .. 6 .. ,. • · •o ~ u • .. l>Mch. Great plan le>< PUD-C ion.-city appvd ,,..,11~ ZSSO ·····oc ·.;:;,j";Ls····· 1650/mo 1160-311611 **EXCHANGE Wiii covtrlnge, plank ::*"cioc:C~~locer g•= entartalnlnQ and lamlly plan NWC 39th & Hwy ..... ~.................. 1·~1,,. s~oo 10 $2000 -<lUIEl HOME 1 chlkl 2 floora & quallty car~ 4 blU to Ocnn. &285, I Iv 1 n2'e Own'/ ag 1 ~~~~~~~~ ... ~ 111-965 lrOtltage 8"1 APPLE VALLEY 7S0..3Jl4 Of*\ 7-dayt Br "rpeu, drapu, £W,JYI ting. $l60,000. 000. F irm . 676-7 C: I locatton $5,300,000 t 82 1crw tnnunt11n vu -yard garaga AV par· • 11 •1 7 14-83 6 -8 5 4 2, or OPEN SAT/SUN l·S BYOWNER·5Br+._lng ltvtlbtJlldlnga11t1 Ullli :IBR.2&a gar Cott•ge kl'lQ NoPtll $560/mo 48drm Ba,3carga· Prlme f~Nt property 731-2811. 133VIAUNOINE rm.lnct aepgueatatt,3 482ACRES llfl~ Sll200tirm Owfll Park S720mu Watl!fp&Jd 960-30811 raige, lpllca In L R. & Fam with hH vy duty power, Ill llW lull bl, lotmal din. lull RANCHO MIRAGE Agi 7 141245 730-4 731 _.214 & 831 2494 424 B · Hamilton rml In heart ol Wood· ofllcea, Hparate work pu &'ft&I If .... P&Y UTU bar, lrplc. ape, pooletd• PUO-C w/550 Hwy I 11 Olhet Good lrwes•l'nt<f•i. SPACIOUS .,111 ,,.orl<el'l"" 2-BR Iba, dbl ~·· ~ ..,., bridge Havt 15 1, 100 artu & houM on a lar1'9 AMI 1-. HARBOR VIEW HOMES lot $225.000 w/135.000 1 lrOOl9Qt SWC ----~ .. , ---• equity & w1nt 3 Bdr In ucu re ly ftnced lot. EU•••AE Bom.rMt, 6'11. bdrma, 4 d n . 111 um• 10 , n Thune! .. Ad 12.000.000 SACRIFICE• 8'0 a rei. ri•r. tr•c.d 110111· no"" S-'SS & yard Ntw cpl/paint, lrYlnel Great ~unity. Own-....., ba. famlty room. Remo-WU fPTttl 532-2-444, 6-46-0258 Redding vie. Tr&e~·•le"" O C HEtH ALS 1'A 33 ~ !Qt tutch 2177 Pomone, ., wlll help with llnan· C1tm 5 Bd, 4800 eq It de l und•r conlt. 1450. , fUcN,rd H. Pau .. y Co. I 3 s . o O o o wner 2 BR earu1de ~57~ mo Un11 A cNildren/pett ok ~'Clbrld&• clng. sao5.ooo. H iatt. White marblt . ooo. Lovtly upgradtd EHi· Brad lord Pl. owrv I n· INVESTMENT AEAL.fOAS 6'16-78.41 . S350 aewnty Av&rt now S6ES/yrly ~5078. Qo .. -•-llWL archway• c atm pool ........... 7 bluff 3 Br. 2 Ba Family llloue, 4 Br '"' 9 1. "'Ir -~-. ----,,,.5 2 •. 71 .. 73 •• 9,. drrtcl or c:.11 Rt h -" ' ' _...,, room , Dinin g room. patio. pool/park JB9, 1"/:,_,--c::::::-Oat ii Still _'>'"_._" " '"" '"---------a u .. Low monthly peymental =· ;u ... ~;-~ •111, Ott. ........ ITltllJ Frplc. 1260,0 0 2110 t llOO AllUrM S511K 111 •I (JM) n1-101t , t Z600 ALMOST 4bt e1et: pool 1 Br gar. nr Ralph"•, 17th 551 ·31100 iar Euttrn country 1 ~ ' w greet Catalpa. 720-1211 1n~%. Agt 657-20110 _ ffMtrr hom• 01>1 ge• HtJRAY St S250 Oldtr r•~~ atmoaphef• In the dnl· ttrma. Celt DIRECTLY to . Canal lront 4 Br. FM I ..••• ,.;;•"•••••••••••• $S50 lady only no other•,_, tmRarruu n .... 1 .. 1.w rabl• North End. City Patrlcil °'Fred Tene>fe, land. Ttrme. $290.000 IPll Ill 1·1 lh1tl• IOIO Da1lu100. G111t 1mUT TO OREH• o c RENTALS 750 3314) appty 642-7513 • • * llghte and coutal vlewl Mr. Clark. 6.45-337o •II BY OWNER •••••••••••••••••••••• , ... ,, 1nt1l '•1l1x. 20 acrt1 w11111ng tor you ---~ ---------lrom Dan a Poin t to 6PM. 3br/2b&. 2 blt<I bMch SACRIFICE NWPf HOTS ~ ~1th 3 br home 2 barn, Never b~lor" o rttn1a1 3 Bdm & den Vec:ant. nu ·-=~• ~=--Eme rald Bay. Btautlful $199 ooo llY.& 12% lln 1610 Tustin Ave 11111 ti klCA. " It. aprlngs & tome lores\ C.u!lom Ol!!cor ateo J c.erpet & faint. dbl gar, ..._.....,.a~-" garden• with tM houae. llWNIT mST °'*'Sat/Sun t2-A I ()ptn HouM Sun 1-4 II 3 It.'""'· Otn1t Acpra•Md at 1130.000 ~drm w•tti geroeneo no P•t• 760/mo0 May ...,...,....,_., ape.patlo anddedla.A 4&27 8ructCreacenl Auumt 9%VA wllh l ' I L I t.1111 o wner /<19"'"' S850·mo S~6 03-47 V1'1e•«opll0n lana You are tht winner ol wry pr1vatt home. $550, ~l!:rr':o!.~·/:~:I~ (Udo Sandi) !IAS-8841 1ub1t&nllal dwn OWC a1/t lfll )JI. OW ftr 714-6AO ]210 homl' Agt • C.ippet, agl 631·12&6 ~~r:: :11• 1112·00 000. IA~ W/U garagt. Eltc t o ptntr. l-..L-YI h balance 11 low lnternl ''"· "'11111 trilJ tll• -1-.J-ll -•m t11CJD '• ,1 remoo--0 MESA YEllE -- • .,__, ......... ~ Oul•l •nd unlt.Welkto __ , •• •ff ratea.Noqu•Jltytng 2 llY 11 '"•'1 •-' IZflt NMI ' ,,,, 1!.U1$•<le :.'or nar.SJ~ 4Borm2Balatnllr --· 1 -..._ 3br Monaco. 1210.000 country charmer 3Br • -• .,,.,_. •-~'"Ill 1 2100 • ..._ ~-· lhe bMdl. 1185,000. ........ 1• (I c RFIHALS 75().)'lH l'lOme Ovi.I eree Aval llUlll UOE .,_ .., ....... lllJ By owner 844-42811 2B•. frplc In llv rm •••••••••"-••••••••••• immedllttly Many ame- Fountaln Valley Miit "'•llelllllq Suptir 111\andng, down ':'1 • •br 3ba nr bch. S 1551< $190,000. Ao• 552-7500 ,. 3 p11m• Corona dtl M11r C..1:p.or111e tOU\4f . ..ea\5 <le nit ... 67s,.4912 BKR Square P ark-May 8 , ..... 'OllS .... buy thla well located 3 Ml-lln I 11 K dn owe 11100 OtA I I lit ' duple~ .. 10 Choo~ lrom L Br , bit ttPIS drps 1oe2 Bdr m homt . Ou1llll•d l~~~~~~~~~ mo Grad pymn ll ••• .'.'. •• '!. ••.. !.!..... W~t tr.Oe fr,, other~ r '>t'TYto wut.ertdr)er h~· llTiae 3z4~ To clalm tlck•t•. c all buytr r.a n name t h• •Y 11H_. 962-1227 & 963-6682 #1L"f Bo•n RD•a,r~~a11•P7a5'9h'12o"N1"" •111 up, ln~a Yll'd torct,d •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 42-5678. ext. 272. •••a....._ terrnar var .. nt and rtady ,... •u "" , , l)llr No pe1• no "'ater J er 3 Ba Exec ~Otne In Tloketamust becialmed "----~-' now.1550.000 lncludee ...... illet4. WATERFAONT STEAL.1 f11,,/1 1100 •norm Can.;t'rcirit red~ S5001mo+il!<.u North....c>odt2S1orywlth by M-6. 1082 land. Near ntw townhomt: 2 luxury to..,nhome on •••••••••••••••••,••••• ,,,, d pos•t :048-6442 o• ,,,, lrg r1m room. No -r f7f4J .. •t 177 ..... 2. Matr. ~ Owntl' will Newport H.atbOr MUSJ Obie wldt 2 br. 1 llo be Nt111porl lor Big Bed• l70·'5ll'lil ~ d""I pltlue G~ & ••• • ~& •• I ~, ... -rent "4utll property or ? Mr Ct&rk "" 11 nan. .., a le • o r . SELL NOWI 13% down, '~ -~ I 6'5-3370 arter !rPM ""'-"""T 3 8~'"' 340 a wettr p11d $900/mo Wtt4kW&t ... 631·2242 John Mll'lhall, l60K und•r m~t. 1535, small Ptll Oulel H 0 PROPERTY HOUSE i: -side,..,,,, r:ird. dbl gar ~5 2000 AO'flt no fM 2 bdrm and den, highly Agt. :> ~~F ~~5·~r.:;:J =~·~ 'a2k~g4or --642"3850 -,,,, £11•1• ···"May 1 S79S w/ WOODBRIDGE Broad· upgraded , prlc• $198. A llMll ~':Pc 3 bd, 2 ft1 f1111,. r Duple,; two 3 BR 'l 01 Wi•tH Z900 ~arden., f>Jt.•1)94 moor nol'T'• 2 bt, den ooo. 17% dn. Singlt 11y. bl con o, lrp c, b••m L-. '''' EV91 7141524-1978. Ntwport Beech De Ante t vniu. o wn•r wlc&rr~ •••••••••••••••••••••• AIC pools. btach club. lully ahuttered. trplc. cell .• patio, •I. gat•G•. USTILIFFS b1ylron1 Park Mint 2nd Open Sun 1·!> 209 W1nttd 4-pt ... Ha •re• IE o•E OF '•~8 Sl!>O mo leeu Alrlum, nr pool, t•nnll . pool, clubhouH. °""* ~~~~~~~~~ 2 MMttr Bdrma. 214 ba, cond 78 dbl wide. llre-1 4 2nd st NB B. r •mall down fl!!' •l>lfl TIIE LUCl(l n w E ... • 6 4 4. 8 7 9 5 0 1 Optn Hou• Sat and Sun carry loan. S 159.000. ••••-1,.,.1 townhomt. Only S 124. 3 Bdrm•. atUdy and pool. place, brick patio, 161. 842· 1355 ltrms Terry 896-lCI)() Rent In Coete ,...111 •9 759•1789 1 ·6 No . t Aldtrgrove . Peg Allen. Ritt, 494-7578 .......,. .... II 0 0 N t Ir n • w. 14% llnan Aed to $275, 000 Alto 2 br , 2 bl , NEWES T g 8 I e d 2 O --------- Owntr/8rkr 552-<>MO Ftntaatlc buy! Nonh and. Gorgeoua 2 Bd 631·2242. John Maahall 000. dovblt wtdt . cornt1 lot ll•e••• ,,. .. ,,.. 2000 I I Towr-home VILLAGE Univ Pk 3 BA 2 Ba. lge ••0ynut"'" w/vul a.low Agt. Open Sund.., t to 4 1311.000. Biii Grundy •••••••••••'"·-;;'•••••• tall I co••••UNITY .., • l Bt I lam rm !pie lge comef CAl •• IDIE 3 bcl. 2 be. toe llv .• lrpl, ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 906 A,__ 67s.6161 2 Prldt ot ownerantp Tri-•••••••••••••••••••••• ..,..., • .. brkflt arH plua gueat mkt a t $398.110 0 w/ ....,...... I 2·, Be 1600 1800 aq 11 ln<:d yd Atlach dbl get. quarttrt. Walk to l>Mch. tenM. WRI NII, trade « llUIFlllT .. ...,, At1ukcMch Alty plellt1 OI 111t by owner HHlll Tata/d1H ol pure lu•ury Garegea comm pool & IK Clote COu.T Aeaumt loan. Ownr help ..... option thl• wMk. 720-0332 Opll•7~ ~f1u•• Sall~un 446 & 71!5 H1m1t100 Ave •••••••••••••••••••••• hydro-tubs in m1-stnr to achooti. park. ahop- lln1nce. 12611,000. p..,, Cell rw:M, Patndt or Fr9d By owner. Drullc price 1 v•rcrul OI· C M Owntr wlll help w/ Iii~ 1111•1 3106 1 au11e d1n1ng rooms pong, $876 mo Call 2 bdrm, 2\.\ ba. Mather -· TtnOfll, -631· 126e Of reduc tion lor lg• down· WTlllff FU taot T09 of tilt "'"' 890 l1neoclng c .. 1 760-0734 • •• •• • • ••• • ••• • • • • • •• • ....... b I I I 7 1 '.a 7 II · 6 0 0 8 0, Model. Perfect '"'Imel! _Alltn __ R_H_r_. _41M--__ 75_7_a_. __ 1 7eo-t7o2" peyment. 640-7980 IY tWlll W 15th SI Ntwport or 631 ... 402 .. .-for Jaclt. 3 br. 2 ba, w/gar Mo to wuvu urn ng irt(>~' 71'·1175-0144 llmlty or llnglel. Almoe1 --Tll -• Beach Spa.ca 711 or Gerl mo $1000 + sec Avail I mlcro·w111e oven• P<1 nt wnome upgradea .,.,.. "-____ a-........,. 3 Bdr.28e,nucrp11, Ma I i>'C-11804 v•U patios & Turtterock•ndcondo 2 Htrt "I a piece to get off! --............ lll:yllt ... Fr. doorl. Clt!n ACROSS FROM BEACH )' y1rd1,gardener pro' bdrm. 2 bt MP drn rm ::;;,,~°"Jcj~ :::= Atce n tly renovattd 4 BR & lam rm, 3 Ba, •P•. lrg yard . RV Pat· Batu\. I wide, 2 Br. 2bl. C.toal ''} lfll J/ZZI de<' Et991n1 Irving only Altachtd 2 car gar•g• "Olde Laguna Charmer". lplc. 2 bike to PCH, pa. king, S319.500 lrg ••· lge custom hVlc:tl & many ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 15 m1nutf'1 lrom F11t11on o e I u x e s 8 2 5 m o ping. l ll8,000. Juat a 1hort etroll from tloe 1 ~.priced to eumable 1•t 640-1340 utru. s.l!lng t*ow •P-3Br 281 nr bell. 1v1ll tllltld T m•nu'" to SC 979-2651 •573 CMIPV5 DI: fMfe IPEOTAOIW day IN! night llght view give t~ll 4 Bdrm 2b• tiome -.Otnethlng •P• clal"' 1209,000 with good llntnclngl ............ AND ASSOCIATES 111..MH bu ch with unique 3 ... llftl .... O;>n HM Sun 1·5. 2443 pralaal at 144.000 For ltHll TrfpMIH Mey·S•pt 11550 mo Plan or O C .A irport --------- bdrm. fioor-plen; hu lJll -......_ ........ ...... BarnbOO. IWI call 918-11817 SM C•tH Olt•Hft 644-4SVS. 548~196 J utt tut 01 Nt wport N2EW Woodbrld2, b G!_condA/Co ooean view rnMter aulte -.,'"' FM Ntwport Shor ... 4 ----------Blvd & ao of S111 [),ego mt1ra ~ • • .,,...,, w/flreplac., lormel di· .... ....., 1-1 BR. 2 Ba. owntra unit ................. 1 II lFFO•IAILE 1145,000 prlct. 22"'-IClltl /11111 JIU ftwy ~1a,11ng 11$90011 S850fno 5S9~7 18 nlng room, living room Lott ol Vied brldt. wooo wllg• mutw 11111• and Gr .. I ~ matiltt " down iuumable loan• •••••••••••••••••••••• month 631·!'>439, 2473 j Lu~ury ,_ Townnom- w/I""' bur"' .... "--'ac. ldl llt all I ~ CIGt "nd untt 3 ·• ' IEW-llT Own•• will cerry llrllght New 3 Br 3 B• Condo Otano " Av~ Costa Uno~ Park •Br spa ..., .... ,. ... _. • • ng , •P r tnce 8JI 2 ea, th t,lk 10 PCH $110.000. Vtraalllu. f'V no11 1 11500/mo furnl1had • .. IP' and utelltiYe UM ol GfMI you et this cuetom 1280 000 · Guard•d community, Whet• c an you havt a . Stal lettll 11000 untwn Mo. lo Mo I Metll Ou 1e 1 t oc B Atll)' ~',,'cJd::y8,'::_'o:/:r~-.~ =~~~b=~ SVTRo.8TENE INVEST. poo~p;~~:-gym, ~=t~~~t·~~~·n1tv';,,~ 1 220 000. 30•1. down rental Isl & tut Su· -UCI UY -642•48-4-2----- onty 1349.600! Ful Prtc»t llrepla ct . huge family 850-0474 "' 644-toe. ttc.. 11 1 r...oneble pr1ce? Owner wlll carry 7 y .. ra et Ptrb location. next lo ; Br 3 81 Townhouse Northwood •Int 2br lba MISSION REALTY activity room. twlmmlng 0c .. ntronl duplH, Bal-t~ 'l'-' blocll• 10 aand shopping & theat11rs by babbling !>took trl)I<;, 1 up1l•s condo A IC 965 So. Ctt Hwy, i..guna pool Ind apa. Above large boa Penlnaula. 10% llfT • ._ Thtff moblle hom .. ara Sa• Cle .. lft 548-4968 dfw ~ dbl gar. tT'ariv pools ape. ttnn 11 ...... 111 gairege 11 apartment with down Like MW Olrec1ly ...,.. terrlllct NEW RULES lor $231,000 price 20.,.je Mo 3 Br 2 Ba 1'1...-IY .itlr8' No peU 18~,,,., $650/mo 714/1!73·7-'67 Et.BALD BAY fMITllW with oorgeoua ocean ¥19w. Plane for totet ,.. model. S1.750,000 1paclou1 oc.en and bay oC..i ~ metttet Two Iota In C1nntry VII· Canntry Vlllag• Moblle down Own« w~I urry 5 decor&Jed Mua Verde I e' '"' 1 '' & sec 2 t3l596· 1711 view. FM land. :r'ict 1e85 000 Open ~g• Going bu11ntu. Home Park on lido Pen-yH ra et t2%. n•n• yHrs 11000/mo Sierra Mgmt G-'6·6423 TlltTll Rtol M2•1200 Sa l/Sun. t'2-4: 2 014 .,;n•ra rttlr~ng. Owner lnk!l1 lnciud« old 1250 sq.ft 3 Bdrm 2 Co 641-1324 aaall.I --Ooeanlron t. Wk dya e«ry 111 .D Cen be 30 yr ..... avail bath°"'** unll, • • • • .... .._., j PETE J BARRETI .. REALTY 5 .. 4 . 0 6 1 4 ' F. v e. e:chaaed with "'without IS yrt ()<"""' OK <;•II JOHN TUCKER B11t1•1IH •• , .... lltwar4 PAClflU ..... 83W232. .....,,OfY. ~::"!:'~~ 2711!.u,.~·•,!,'! ... ~!~f~ ••...•••• !.{~f 23ooc!~';-~_:203 I ~~~:.· ,~~~~~e:, ~,'!,~ Otdtr duplex, Newpon ~~~,..~e~ ... ~~e~e~~3 br 2 ba, ntwly dtc You 11• II•• winner ot community poo1 Avella· Beech. auptr locatlon. 2 Br Iba fOI 1311,000 .:.: CI o • • 1 o b •a ch 6 1 •our ,, .. ticlcllt (112,00 ble May 15, 1962 • Onty 1625.000. Optn 12·4. 2Br 2b• IN 1700 lum 111000 l•·H,. flHI achool1 Good nelgM:>or-vniu.110 tllfl $1 400/mo Pal Aden IUITlfll ..... I• lllT 3 Bdrm. 3 be. lam rm. Orta! llnanclng on 11111 Wiii con11oer trade for beautiful Lak .. condo In CdM 1525.000 S.1/&.in. 44'08 s.unor.. 28r 2be IOI 146.000 Bt:utllul • •lmost new hood 11175 1 yt mtn IORH• uie•m 855·"343 M I Clll b· .. 'T UIT ~i44-0614. Ev.. (AH onlt 4 yra oldl ltlplex. lual upgraded lease 11&4-1181 _ 1 llllOH RACE I Jrvlne AMrty Co lrvlnt . Optn buma CARO .. TATUM . RlTR. thruoul. flrtplace, air 494-0029 concs111on1ng. 111ge kttcnen ---------1 with N llng area and big t.....a11 .uJ1 IHI dt ck. Poola, ltnnla and ::'II.':':':' ••••••••••••••• prlvecy are a big ptuthl By Owner. 3 Br. 1v. Be. 1100.000 lrplc, NW e«p9t. upgre· 142·1200 ded. bt low ma rket. $124.700. •12.000 down. 8 6 0 -014 7 . wor k 552· 1511 Ltg 4 Bd. t>eaulllul d• ---------• OPEN SA /SUN 1·SPM Grul ttnanu 01n1 1ni•• 3144 Foun111n v1111tiy Mlle IEITW cor, OCHn. bay & llt.. ....... . SEE OR CALL Point 5.44-61110 Hk lor ••••••••••••••••••••••1 5 quar ~ P11tli·M•y 8 1 br 1 b l&50 vu. Nu pool. 191 & much Ill.Ill.... Heltnt Alllaon O'Connor Mr Murphy SUl>ttr ,,,_ 2 + tn Turlle· \. , · 1982 2 b; 2 b: S750-$800 more.Anumt low lnl. Charmlncl3Br.llome+2 BIG CANYON llWllerlrontHomet lnc 8UNITSCOSTAMESA roci.AldgeCOrnpl&lurn Tpcle1mttc1<ets ca11l 2br'2• .. b1 $850 :'::·.?irr:.~= ~"ror =.~~: Tt••• 111·1* :'.~~:. S:i0i~ g;:~ PO· ~r0::h1~ ;%"s~ 1 0A0~~-' ~l~~ •• !8~~" ~'cla~~!s ~ ~~ ~ g: I= red. e.t ., .. velue. c.11 tt81. Aalll~ '3.40,000. I It, a... ,__.._ 646-7660 AOT 752·56M by Mty S 1982 3 br 2 ba 11500 tum Pet1lck or Fred Tenore. -.., "'"' -•LI •E 1 •ot 83 1•12 68 or Owner 67 -8083 o r ••~I ...., llPEI WOOHllHl I • • • 4 br,2t>t 11350 1eo-e102 760-IS17. -Dbl wide Rtdwood. 3 , Three bdrm• ''"be Fcx ll,fes11 dl'I Mir 3 B• 2 Ba ~ br 'l'I'> ba $1100 -•• WIOOlll tNI Y 1-1 Bdrm. wet bar. 1mplt TU llllltl 'NM 01 tea<.fl opt $750 Fam rm 2 .,·ptc dbl gtr 3 br 2 bt 1725 PETE BARRITT •. REALTY 3 BWMILY HOME IN #11...,.. hllM outelde itoragt. frolc Hl lllYllTOIU 751-1>1105 I feoce<J yd Garden11 Incl Laguna Hiiia THE HEIGHTS. WARM. Mclain "~uat Plan" ~.perk w/clubhouN Sa n Cltm•ntt pride ol -$900 1!73·1173 I Le Ralaor Alty 633-8600 i..-... ,..., 1111 USED BRICK FIRE· Truly out1t Ing tn every !_~~~laaltl ownerwhlp Modem SPI· f~~f.~~t .. !.{~!1Sp-tc condo ~1 d.--J' New buutllul 3Br 381 ::11.':':':' ••• "I'........... PLACE, SHUTTERS . r"pect. Tradlllonal •I• ... ' . I nlah atyle lour unit FANTASTIC wood and br 2 b e p1110 l•PIG lwnhM, by UCI. l>Ool. J• llUIM IAY Mll FRENCH DOORS LEA· gene• In Frtnch mot II apartment houH with gtua hon'Ht w/penorttnic P 0 0 1 0., i 6 5 0 cuul. patio. 2 c•• ga· W ...... DINO TO PATIO l SPA. Cuatom dtcor. ma1tlv• oc.an, hlll• & golf coune vleWs and ape S200/mo &46-4007 rag• upgraded cpt & 1Jtt1--M. 10"9 do 2 etory, N.B. 1215 000 l)ffllle (ground tevel)f'I· VleW,clOHtoeverythlng, 83 1•1400 Wtterlronl __ I dr119,Sl75mo 851·1433 * * T AK E A 2 •·, ~·L beth• Back b1y ., ... 1250 , vtd JASHINSKI, BKR llo with Hparat• 11r .. 1 o nly thrH yurt old, Homes 2 bf house. t 1m111 child Im mile condo Wood-_ "" ,., ooo 850-1991 E:Yeacall t ide t n try 1ecur1ty ahowt Ilk•..-, MW ow--ok, S450. 1s1 & 1u1 ~els , • LOOK n..-13a.~~ 1•6 631:7215. . : JIJ-1111 ayatem, and Onl. IO much. ner COUid OCCUPY lhtH ,._..,, lf1ti 3Jlf a muSl 6.42· 1487 =r~,3 rp2 ".,!!;.~t .._, -~, ---------Baautltul VlfMlffet con· mvch more. Over 1 200. *EXCITING* bedroom two bath city a •• -•• .-. •••••••• • • •••• •• ---------• • T Harcum l Horn R.E. A lot ol hOUH tor 11111• do, 1123.000. New 1 Br. 000 In IHUm•ble flnin-........ Salt I octen View aptit1r'*'' 11 1 BR. condo pool i-<:u&ZI t Clea n 2 br dupltx, oil· gardtn. nr pool ttnnl• 33 &.inllglll. 4 Bdrm 214 4M-8551 money. Low dwn, ... ctng. .,,., appllcabte. 11nd rant the gym. blllloroa. Muna 2• t1rMt prkg Oultl 1•75 '850/mo a7S-8HSO. B 1 T rti.r k Ridgel airne io.. LIO 3 ldrm Atduoed price due lo no Without or without furn. olher three apartment• fir uc Garden vltw ut1l1 Iner. No P•U 659-4763. ~ ::.,, N~-prtot & W. ,,,.,, Jal l F. ioom: C1ll lor d•· rHllY fMt. Adult only, 24x84 Gfeenbrltr Horne In for lncom• Stlltr wlll I 5 o S 7 5 4 . 4 t t 4 . 148--2474 ~5. M-F -------,-,.-. '.tin.II OPEN HOUSE .. ·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·11 taJla. o.tla. 831·1216. walking dlatanc• to Ltiguna Hint' ntceat 5 •l•r h I II .. 6•2 """'7 Kat• Q co DO 2 ,,,.,Ila Vdln -4 1• oc.M\, pool, Jee., gym, 1>arlc You no •dull• w•I· • P nance an,. 11ve ., ·'""" , teo DE VIEW N ••••••••• •••••~•••••• SAT/SUH 1·&. PAii Pl.All A44 clubllouH, HCurlty ~ buyer thouundl o f -ST Ill Br, 2't bl, micro & 8" HOMES FOR AENT guerd gtted Need bu)'9r · dol.laralll Selling P'10t of r"'"' Se 2 5 5 3 3 . 4 3 O ~ & 4 8drma. &7~1750 ~hrt• llTl1D ltnowltdgab .. In alt ... ... ... , .. PMll 1~25,000 11 way ~ow OUY• Y1IW 67~17111 Fenced yard1. G9'90"· _,_.,._, • II. •tL IL crow proceedlnga. 8e1111tllul 24x80 KIY'#fll current replao•m•nt Privacy a ucurlty on Kida a p•ll welcome. ""•" ,. 671 131-2111 Hm • 2Br. 28a. Thlt II the coat Ill PAINCIPLE8 2nd. lalnway. £1eganlly FaHI llW $45-2000 A.gent. no fM, U 1·3'1111 ~N For .... bY owner. Cllff -· ·••••• .,... buy.':'.': ONLVlll Call OWMI' {714) t urnl•IUd LUU mta•ua•u l'\•1 .lr~""' HAS EVUn'THING Haven 3 IA twnl!M, 2 ... -1•1 ....._ &42.0131 '3800/mo '40·4511 ......... BH""f#la ~ le. pCIWder room, oomm lllt la•••••" M Gated privacy !Md• to -.a -ULD • ~a Mcea newer 20 u 1 ind a bd rm each •tth IHft 1lfl .... ~,o ~C~~. IAlf.:a =:::: pool. Auume 30 yr 1 llld, ""-•tm0••••'· pool , !!_!!~~A• 2708 HllrbOt. Sta 2()8..A wooded Eetate OA Inc. llW VllW large automatic doubt• •••••••••••••••••••••• W;;,~(~.No tomlrt.,o =~~~O~~r~~s:;.;: Vouown .. landtool ::=;;.Nii_.,~ .... It 1107,000 11,175,000. 2 BR pentllouM EJeoanlly g,"3.·i:~~: 3S:53,,!-·l:·1!1d~~ 01 Alton. nr So. Lake) tat~ °f:'1000 eee 4Me or ISt.oMO MIU an°""· llM<tTt llr9t etQIY. 3 IA. Ao1 754-6M3 i-& turnltlled, pool8 lacuuf, etc. 982-«71 TllM a ectrm. cs.cot'•'"' at 1"' "-',.. ....... rm, form. din. rm. ~ -... 1#1 &ym. bllllard• 9(:. gar PH .. .... 8 Btketo ooeatl. Elegant 2 drHm, Of't_!.Y•t3t,IOO. tulyamoru.d. ;;;r;;.g motel~oondltlon. :-::::a ......... , .... 11"--..... M u u d . U ,000/mo t872Monr0Vlt Br Family Rm &Den. CtiAAQ£1 .-.....,.. or~ Ownor •Ill aacrlllce. Owner/agt .. eltlff II· 11-~frorlf duJ)IU. He*· A l.eeet eo,,a M... s 9•0 Mo Pl ah crp'' c.nuy l,t/Gotd Coelt No-~ --· ..... et IMl,IOO. ,!E, nenctng. 1275,000. Pa¥9d rd.'in'::M. Full po11 IHch. flou lble 2.,." 8a. Cede~ a glHa: ... 11U Orw'Mm' Low dM\, wume iow. iii•iil!il!!illllll!iill!lliliiiil price Ht,500. lo dwn, break even wltll H '4 II! •TU Ul·llOI ~ dtll c.r Pf'lt 9"' - -4 .. .....,.. ...._ 0.---..... lllT ownr. wilt cerry. Agt. down. Wiii 1"°' fOf" f!IY· Large 3Br 2~Ba 2 llOfY Newt tty)Br widen or 4 rege. hitlf. malnt. ~d. 1-U.... I I .. ~ 1.~ ...... It .... End unit Tttna bordtllna ue.57 t 7 . alt 6PM Owner tte-tOlf. conoo , •. blm kltell. I r. 2 ... ba t •• , auto No ~te nqulre. U 7 ::a-::: ............... !!Biem .. ,:m I Nf'tlll a,._ den,...., wild llfe ., ... QAIAT 111-21~• ~. 676·177&. P!'• Many 11.trll. flool, 1"'1 St. ~t . .. -•11•".•l-MY · _...., ~'"t,.f.: ~~=~~~ •-r=:I!'~ .__flJ/arallW Mr';t:;:l:°23~;1t for 4o~·~.'=·,:=: • uatldM "°' f11t1, ~ 1A0114 ••· lpllt-1~. ~ ~. LOtdtd 1oeauon. av OWNIA • .....,....:............... 11 oo 1es-seot :::..~~=-~ =-='::. ..... r;:w-,1 :"-· ~~ ~~z~:r:; :~er.car~.~.~ :;::1~~~,:tc~ ~ ......... !Ml \,~~'!J::..8::':.Cor tta.aei1.0otoehy. • -W ........ lt'a ...... d .--. .. 17 .. ttM loan. ~ THUM .. ~ • 19T1 l&T dUb I. tennta A POOi. NO He\11 IO!Mlf*O ~ ._.. .... ...,..._ .. ~·-· .... uent ............. I ~ ••••• , ...... 117 JaMllw UM. OM. HOM! IAtHA ANA P•ta. H OO 11\0 Aot to ... '?CtNelfltdedluto 111' -ldr• and du wlUI Mo-··--.... 11'8 01 t .... 1..ul HSOHTI ~ 5 8r 14~ II ~ 142-11171. e~:J1::., .....•• , ...... ,., ••••• ,.. _.tJ.r&. ....... 11!lf !~ ,•r~~L·~:r C• •htd Ml 141 "" HJ4 " re, fti• o..ay ......_ ...... tR a .... ., ... ICM In,._ ""'" ......... , O• =::: :.::: : 1:=.~~"L.~:;::= ..... vw ......... ""'· 1~:o;-~~:fu •• i· ... _........ -"&~·· ··"=== lt tl'it~• .... , ... ---... ,,..._,., ~ ....... MIO .,., ... ==-= ~~'.', ... ... ..... .... ="=· ... -· .. 91 _ .. I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, Aptll 25, 1982 . l!tfte.~ .. ~.f.~ .. c.~= '"' ~~~~ ~ ~':.. A~:." r.~~!ff!~!-!ffjf1f~.'1!.~!!.. l!~.~!!.Mff ·-;;-t_,. ~~ .. ~ ...................... ••••:::":=:T.e•••••• .... ;;r.~~•••••• ............................ r.:":eo•••••••••• 11\dltn Wllll Vitia, turn, S 1100. Oo1.1blt o•r•ge, ~OAA02~ 1f3AC~Coela T::":':' Nw rww edllft ~ nt .... ~ "" c.t. ..._ JIM i-...... , la a.ate Jiii BR. 3 Be. 11or. ~· ~ Ptutnet r.=.·~· ~· ••• ••••••••• •••• Nwpt ll1.1fh, i Ir on IC Pl•1a . leo o•te•. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••f:m••••••••••• ::"A':':":'e•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ee11-r1~0MI :!&.~ · Ith, C.M. -up, 1 • 8 ~=~l.Sla060 =.cm: aNrp. r,001. Tr•cl la am all, New ~ lclrm, SIA, •II 2 br •v•ll M•y 1tt No Attr•ctlve 2 8clrm apt ltudlo •Pt, ocean view, Nwpl 8ch furn 2 8t 1~ bll · STORI! 'AONT. Ole or rlendly, re•ort-llke. 1 wood Interior •. tr'*', Yf1Y Ptti. S52S. Weter a ·11.,. ,,.., bMcl\ a town. Cpt•. utll lnol'd 1375 mo 332 houM ·~ blil from t>ch ""'--..w ~ rettill. a330 Via Udo. Npt 750-&314 open 1-d•YI ON THE WATER! IR. Cllnlng, air, p1Uo ...... 1960 mo 1tt t.MI dener In.cl. lHI Elm. refrlg. G11tage.MOO/mo. tnelnO In 8an Clemente Ampl~/arklng Avali •••••••';";l';:: •••• .".";':T l oh Sl601St400 mo 2 er ti.ta. oonclO, ~. Orea t vltw or boet• 1 Stolucled encl unit. No 9200 dip. 1eo-t111a Ctll 14f.M27 tor •t. I••· Laguna Realty ( ... the Mor Apt C) 51 1.,e11 or by wtc Aleo ..r& 1111 Bob 752·2298 patio, CIOH lo 1hop1. bay I Brick flrtf l•o•. ,;~2~95 + I H 1.1tll. Loe 2 br, 1 ba, yrly, btt· Spao 2 br frplc encl 404..0077 8paclou1 2 Br. duplH, wtc of 914-Cl/1 t. Fa'mll!M 8upetb 17th 8t. locatlon. 800 Ill 8loell from w•1.,. W/0,'628.Mt-3531. country kitchen. 80rm rn•,gar.deck.Nopel•. 11 • t>Hined em · Studlo:Y.blkfrommaln f rplc.oceanvlew onty.C8111-75~eo59. troom,400eQft.S3eO Storageor o to .20g mT Tt MY rt'lntula ;11aoe. Aval-2 br, 1~ ba, 1p•, 2 ca r MOO/mo. 648-3357 ::,.0M751mo. ll~5-47C· beach. S385. Ulll Incl. S67&t mo. U0-7145, N••port BHch ocHn I mo. 9118-9471 da, ev. Palm, Belboe. 111&-5774 2 er. TownhoUM, Medi· :1~=· 75 mo. c.it :.r:J.•ea1~~~8nr 8.A. llJM so. eo..1 PIU.I lbr 1ba, Good k1tc11. 4g4.3044 830·11t55 PM front. -..iy rental•. 2 't wtcnd • llWNlt .._ ltn'IMM ttylt with gr•· THE REAL ESTATER8 Im .JI ,,,, fl.Ill eec poolltpa 1455 Oc11nfronl 2 br, 3 ba. • * * 3 Bdrm. Open hOUH, C.M. 2 ome., 345 , beth. Prime bull~ loeatlon olou• p•tlo. 9598/mo. OC-RE T • 8 lrvlne 1 Br. The Springe .•••• ! ... ?••••••••••••• lnc:Jda oMlwtr. Aciint. no 3100 1q n In Old Mtdlt, Ill larhr Sat/Sun. 12·4. 4409 11orag• avail. 1260/mo. on buay Pac. CoMt Hwy. Agent 55&-e5tll. HI br'a .~~l • .__ Ppol, laouul, tennl1. 4BR. 2aA. y .. rly. Frplc, , .. 967..0222 v1111 on ·ollff o'looklng 1533 Monrovia Ave. 8 e ••ho re & 2 9 14 54&..33.45, 4f.4..31()3. Ideal retell•. /or office 7~ o ........, Pl'lge. t 526/mo . btt-lnt patklng CIOMto OC1Hn.3 frplc1,leadtd N Oc eanfront. Wkdya EXE(fUTIVESUITE apace forbueineee nt9-~f ••••••••••• 1.~ 14 OC*l 7-daye 642-9778. bay a o o ea'n. Irk r 1 BR, upatal,.., cpta, d~, wndwe. huge baam1. You .~~~:er of 5 4 4 ·O 8 14 . Eve 1 Dover Or. Newport d ing 'high 11l1lblllty. 3 Br. 3 8L Exec Horne In Seavl.,.., bffutlful 4 Bdr 2BR nr SC Ptza. Adult 875-4gt 2 ~~.~·.3~~~.·~~~ Va~ :::.~~~;·,r~•·8~:~: four lrM ticket• (112 00 ese.3232 · Beach. Avall. May tat. t000-2000 ICl n available Nortlwwoodt, 2 tlory with 2"' Ba executive home. condo•. Pool, Jae, MC .... 1 BR yrly lmmao up-lenda 81 53e-t36$ fo pvt bHCh One 0 1 v•lue) to the PALM SPRINGS PRI-For more In lo c a II _64_&-_1_1_00 _____ _ •Ira tr9 l•m. room. No 180 deg.~ view. r:::. carport. No f:"· pet unit • ..Gure. v~ of ..... ·a.a• •-moat dramatic apt• on --1111m VACYI 714/931·3651. Mon-Fri C...ml1l doge p!MM. Oatdener & Pvt gated community. In c:oet ~table. bey 1655 Incl utH a~ - --•• Coatt. Cpl or 1gl prel. l&U• UOI N-3 BR 2 BA homee. wat~ald . H OO/mo. Tennie, ewlmmlng, gar-16 3 O + I 4 u t II 3 ti Edgewater. Ope~ Adult living, 1 Br .. c•r· I 35oo1m 0 . yr 1 y Fountain Valley M... pool, •P•. bbq, •1•reo, llU. mTll ••ub 4415 54&-· AQtnt. no .... dener 1 1560/mo. yr 566-t11211 Sat. 1-3. 1173-1943 eort. pool & laundry. No 840-5e29 Square Park-May 8. ::~'l ;,~~d aerv From -w-n •••;ifiiiii"vili.Ft• WOODBRIDGE Broad-IMM. 644-2057 ••-•lff peta. $450. 931 W. l9th. t982 "' _, '~ moor home. 2 br, den. ~·-1400 utllt pd, 1 br dplll, St 648-0492. 1 Br. Sep. hOUH N L•· Palm °'"'1 Retort Eltgtnt Exec IUllH In SCHOOL PROPERTY 3 br, 2 ba, trpl:, 2 car 3 bdrm. 2Y. b&, frplc, 417 E. Bey Av., Balboe guna. I block beach To claim tlckett. Call Rentals, 213/879~208 pr11tlglou1 loc Incl M· FOR LEASE AIC. poOla, bMctl club, garage. Bike to beach. 1975/mo. 840-8559 No pet1. 6.47·1155 2 Br. MWt'1 reclec dup6t11 1485/mo Avall May 1 11•2-5678 . ext 2 7 2 cretarlal, recept1onl11. 2 otflce/1torage bldg• la ke. 1750 mo. leue. Nwpt Shot•. 6.48-8083 •lelnate gar.; large yard. 494-6404 or 494-1649 Tlcketa mo•t be c1a1m-s telephone ane 6 more ( 12,500 & 2780 aq It) ev ... 144-8795 or 1>8,Jtxll C.tnl ''l llM JIU S500fmo. 55i-5001 by May 5, 1982 l1•l'11Ifltu143IO Ofca from "4345 mo On· Excellent corner toca- 759--1789 AM. I a-a.a../ 8--J •••••••••••••••••••••• r i•: .... , •• ,, ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• _,, ..,..... 1w.ldtl ""2 Br. 1 ~ Block• from L.atge3 bdrm. 2 b&.petlo. !':'A••••••'••••••:'~.~. • • • Shr condo w/Pfot peraon, call ofca 1185 mo THE tlon,parlllng L.NM•or Untv. Pk. 3 BR 2 Ba. lge .... fltw •••••••••••••••••••••• beach l?50/mo. O•yt yard. EncJar. On Lita 1 B d 1 1285 1 t I 11 d All HEADQUARTERS COM-part. Annual IHH •I tam rm, tplc, lge corner 3 bdrm, 2 'L "•.JP•. Deluxe 2 BR. A/C, F/P, 75"'1301 E--& Wk-..... Ln Avall •" 20. 1850 ner.:. uppgor•odl• t'enn•,.•,r,y IHll A..• 3110 ame~11~1'1 •838 ef180 PANIES· A pro1 ... 1onal option to ran-Foun-lnod -4 An.ch dbl "' " dbl gar City Hall area .. · ·-,,... ' -· · •••••••••••••••••••••• · ·~ ' '7 4 taln Vall~ School DI· 1v· gar. lkytlght, dec:tl, tlreplaoe, 1525 ' 54&-soeo 644-2578 ~ mo $550/mo. 213/919-t 181 IHI UY 9116-11479 en v Iron m • n t • 1 l comm pool & )ac. CloM all extraa. 1825 ~ mo. mo. . 548-19311 aft 7PM. ......... .• , 1 o. "'LL utlllt• 851~1 etrlct, P Box 8510. to achool1, fark, ahop· 96'-3411e A ..,.... ... ,.. Fountain Valley. 92708. plng,187 mo.C a ll ~•tlhnldM C..11.... JIU Lg.2br,1ba,MWdri>t.& # JHJI ,,., paid Pool,recroom ROOll•TE 16t7Weatcllft,NB.Wanl Naomi Wl e l an d . 7 14 .8 7 9 . 8 o 0 8 0 r LUii "'111 -.:,•:::............... ...................... opt. DfW & relrlg. Enci'd. ..'J!r.f! .... !......... 20102 Birch St Jul1 0 " • flnenclal lnat 70001 f 942-&65 l. 714-875-014-4 ~ lllT&IY •1 gar Gd. loc. 1475 . 1 BR condo, VerHllltt. Bristol Near everything. fllDEllS 111. floor A9e nt ---------N LUii l..U.,.h 3111 S525-teo0tmo. 2 Br. 1'~ 845--iae.4 •ft 11AM llkt new. $560 rno Call 1490/mo. Contec1 Mngr 6.41-6032 lfftOI N lllP Turtleroelt end condo. 2 4 Br Canal front. Fee •••••••••••••••••••••• a.. TownhOuM, 811 built-1 al d Richard, 2 l3·83o.2323, Apt 4 Oldest a large11 agency ·--•• ....... In newer bldg on Coatt bdrm, 2 ba. eep. din rm. I and . Mr. C I ark Baytront Bach Apt. Quiet Ina belcony laundry rm Pro " on•lly ec:orated 2 l3·823·7854 All cllent1 terMned with • .._.. --H-. South ~una. AP. Attached 2 "tr~ a 845-3370 Aft II ' d ' ' t Br. condo with a ll I 4000 ""'"' & t ....,._ An1werlng & mall "r· -, .. •r ge. · · older peraon. No pttt. ~2.~e11rone parking. Nice emenltlet, near S .C. H•I .,._ oa rt.,..,......., pro• 500 aq. t. E11cel-Del u 11e . 111 2 mo. BlgCanyonCondoa 312 Yrly Inc l utll. 1400 . ..,... 2Br Iba,"' In kllcn Encl •••••••••••••••••••••• Credlll: Cotmopolltan vice. conference room lent private periling 979-2$51 Bdrm1., full.golf ;.our·1e ltt/lut & dep.1173-e785 TSL Mgmt 84" 1803 Plan . yearly leau patio & gar.1 535, no l 200mo.locl utll.,pV1Ba. Oood Morning America, Adi OC airport. 1 100 behind bldn.1525 mo. .. -----"----.. "'-·--1650/mo. 5411-3788 or pelt. 642-2134 11pt complu, all lac The Tomorrow Show mo. 714/851·13-42 Turn«~. 494-l177 NEW Woodbridge condo. view, furnlehed or un-91198• 553-1202 aft 5. 751 -3130 *in off* to al l new 1------------------ 2 mttrl, 2'M>a, den, .VC. fur n . I 1200 leau. Small 1 Br. carptll, lfe8liB.AU 2 BR t'A Ba. fplc, O/W. LO. Room In new condo. cilente wtlo need 1 piece. N~!,~a; ~J= ~~! ~ 2 OlllcH. garage, bath. 1850mo. 558-4718 844-7424 Bkr. drllf>tl. :t:%4";~· &PUTllill-plll patio ~ar. No peta. ON TH£ BAY Cotta Men Daya: lllWPllT 141-lltt front ofllce a recept. :·~~ ~ew~ ~ R~i L~~~ =·T~~: 21e:~·.•~/~~t'r~~hb,:: lfnt·• ..... 37·e.4 BHutlfully land1caped 1526 mo. 3-5478 Lu11urlou1 2 bedroom, 1 ~:i,-5~ 6 2 Eve'. ~~~~~. 2.1~.·~h~u~nk. lat~h.~-. &4&-7641 Qulat loc. B. Rtl ly kldt ok, no pett. John :'~ •• : ••• ::: ••••••••• ~'. gatden apta. Pool & Spa. Beautlful 2 BR nr So. bath apartment localed M/F tow home w/2 lrg 642-4142. Martnall Agt. 1131-2242 ClU IE Olll Covered parking. HHt Coatt Plaza. 1485 mo. directly acro11 fro"' the Young 11ng1t mother 100-Br •• ta.. trplc. aun deck. 1_18_so __ mo_6.4_&-_29_2_8__ lfTU. IHIE paid. No peta. Agent, 640-8181 Reuben E LM. Overlook• king for reap. Pf'IOn 10 3 bike from bch, CdM exec ollloa. •Int Ne loc.. 1000 aq ft Harbor Blvd .. Northwood lllnt 2br 1b• Super lhllP 3 Bdt, family ALL UTILITIES PAID 8achelor 1395 1500/mo. lmmed. OCCU· N.,.. p 0 r I B. y rtnl room Call Karin 13110 m 0 u 111 Incl copter, 1225 c M Great expo1ure. upatn condo A/C, rm, bMuttful pool & spa. 1 Br l440--l4S6 ,.....,,,..., 2 Br. t 8L houM. I 11100/month For IP· 831-~2 1176-1721 9116-1779/640-8215 Avail lmmed. Call Rea- pools, apa . tennl1. Excellent family IOcatloo compare before wou 2 Br 1,, B ... 10 ...-~, polntment pit••• c a ll IOnOmk:a 1175-e700 $850/mo. 1141873-7487. 11II5 o Pr m 0 . A" 1 ' " •· -yard, 1mall garage. Cell 7 14 72()..2473 M-F g.5 Male 22-30, pool, j~. 2 room• avall. Im med 520 1q It It oo per •q 213/5M-l7tl Tll0-9G33 •. rent Cutt o m dulgn 2250 Vanguatd6A0-911211 for Apc>t ltnnle. tl9P9 IO bett, ref9. 1200. Cotta Meta Call It • 3975 Birch • N B Wutrlll lntll4JOI IHturea· Poot, BBO. 1450/mo. 2 Br Ht. Ba TSL M{lmt &42-1803 548-4280 enytlma. 850-9160 Agent 54 5032 1Wlll -CLIFF Dr Ocean & hbr cov'rd garage, aurroun-p•RK NEWPORT 1· ¥1tw 3 br. 2 ba, frpl, ded •Ith pluan landac:a-apt • balcony, pa tio, Lg• 3 br. 2 ba, crpt, ft Room 1235 Prv. entran-Speclaculat view, aecurlty Ulm -Qllf~ 6 wtt pd. Chi!,-ping. No pett. laundry r m. carport. draptt, patio, garage ct . coolllng . pool Wcx· g•t•. pQ.OI, )ac. tennl• , .... ~ dran & peta welcome. 1 Br. turn. from "400 CloM to all Cell for appt Kid• OK. no pell. 2901 APARTMENTS king men, Lagoo• Beach. 14 451 mo & h akpg VI•• • CUiiom apa. 11.500 mo 831-7300 2 Br. tu,,,. from 1580 TSL Mgmt 642-1803 Mendoza. 557-8177 " 494-4458 780-9307 Acro11 tbe ltrM t from HARBOR RIOOENIEW 365 W. Wllaon. &42-l971 Db 2 & 3 Br. "470 & 1570 IPleuanl rm •lkllch prtv l·F-non--amk--r-2_5-_3_5_t_o_lh_r_2 COfnfN.lntty pool. Avella· PV1comm.2500 tQn.3 •utJ.itt• 998-1165. 894-8225 Bl-OOlmY OLll Back yard E'sld• CM br. 2 ba CdM ap1 w/ bit May 15, 1882 • Only l .O.. ,,,....,. l 11100.mo.. lnMrt weettleld logo tins. petloa, balconlea. LIYlll II $200/mo 54t-59Cll !~.m_9e27~ 3 10 & u 111 • I 1400/mo. Pet Adan t>r, -~ '141 fam.Y Am. .,..... ., 855·4343. Macnab-54t-9099. 675-4078 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1irwaaRT 1Fum room nr OC Alrpon i.----------i-~--a...:.-. Co. BHutllul garden ap11 ~wrv & .,,..1 empl F 35 0 Shr 2 t>r 2 ba condo Vitia ,,,.. .. '-'7 Bluflt, 3 br, 2~ ba, on P1llos/~1. HNI paid • .._. · r ' ' ---.m--'-.-1 .---grMnbtlt, nr pool. LO• 11.1.'s FllEST No ptlt Children wel-IAY TmlU IUCH over . I 2 O o / mo Balboa. Frpfc. micro. -fenoecl patio. New crpt. Spenltfl E.ttete LMngl come 5511-5241 ~o. pool. H curlty 1 br, 1 be M60 drpt. Xlnt cond. 1 1050. Beaulllul i:l•rk·llka 1ur-2 Br 1Y• Ba. $515 SPACIOUS 1 Br A luxury community oh ChH rlul room In lovely 1--- 64-2_·9_5_7_2_Liz __ _ 2 br, 2 be 1750-$800 494-8306, 213-556-16711 rounding• Terraced 2 Br 2 8L $535 ~:l•c•. pool & much the~ Bey Spectacu-hOme avall aoon 10 ma· Shr Laguna Bch houH ~ ~: r!:-= X-LAROE-LUXURYI pool. Sunken gH bbq, 3 Br 3 2,, 8 e.W Wll·~ S1100 · lar Spa, 7 1wlmm1ng ture female non-smol<er. (downstairs). 1'~ br. ba. 3 .... 2 ... l l400 3 1evettwnhM,2bf,3ba, aperkllng lountalnt • -· •&a•••• POOll , 8 lighted tennla 1 185/mo? lle•lble patio, Wither , dryer. WfSTCLIFF BLDG ~EWPOPT BEACH •• ,,,,.~ .... ,. .. •• •""41 • "JI ••• ~ ... ~ .1::-.-... .r t ... _ /,,. ___ "---.1 .....-........ C;ill M r Howard 64 5 €101 3 ~. 2 b.,.a ll""" furn den. view. It tOO mo. Spaclou1 room1. Sepa· 831-5683or1142-3708 -·-court•. bike tralla. pul-493-3115 Very p111. $380/mo & 'It "' ~ """ • """ rate dining~-· W•'k In t""' ~reen. BKhelo<t, t utlls, 1tt, 1111 & 1 100 4 br, 2 be 11360 844-93u, 72.,,...,...11 --.. • • ... --·-'"" M I d II k ---------• 2'L b S 00 closett, home Ilk• kllch-_._.. Meta Verde $450 anlla· and bedroom apart-• ure a u wo r ing dep. 494-3237 "'' •HLID .,, ..... .. br, ,. • t 1 Juat off Bay. 2 bdrm Xlnt en & ca bl nett. Walk to 1365-1475/mo .. t & 2 Br. bl• May 1. Upper i BR, ment1 and townhouHt peraon, lg Br· Piii Ba. llt 1-....;.._______ _. 3 br, 2 ba 1725 cond Rel 1850/mo. Huntington Cent., apll ,,_carpet. patlOt. newly decorated. garege from S540 to 11000 per kit prlvllegea. S 165 Fem. rmmt wanted 25--35, From 1 room to 3 room1. L.aoun• Hiiia 831-5233 1 Bdrm-furn,1506 carport• c at O,K optlonal. mature. no month. 979-81199 10 shr IO duple•. 28drm, From 1 1 Ill a aq. ft No La Ral90f Rlty 833-lllOO 2 Bdrm-unfurn from TSL Mgmt ~2-11103 nata. "•S-•"•" On JamborM at L H B C d F/P enclosed patio, walk IHM required Adj. Air-"" .,.. """""' San Joequln HUit Road g room on °· to t>each $250 +'Ii utll port., Inn. 2172 Dupont New btlullful 3 Br, 3B• SPYGL•ss R""'[ 15115 Capt Cod T•nhH 2 Br .• 2 BR t BA gar OIW (714)644-1900 pool, jac . nr bch 1250 64 2-1137 Cullen •I I. Call AM. 1133·3223 twnhM, by UCI, pool, )a-n I/UL 1•1. ea "490. crpll. drpt Newty'redec l60o. 780 mo 962-8271. 769-6423 &pm --------- cuul. P•llo, 2 car ga-..,,.__ -No pets. No pell 117s-eeoll Himllton ..... 1......,. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo (wk) 1---------450 aq ft furn o ffice rage, upgraded cpt & ~11•11> Utllltlet Fr .. I .,...,.. n• rental1. VIH• Aentela 1---------Female to ahare 2 Br 2 apace. "400/mo drps,1816mo 1151·1433 WIYI NW ISOO/mo. 2 Br. t Be up· •-... ~ 1175-4912 Broke!' 1811111 #•ltll 4100 Ba. •Pl In CdM 641..07113 d W d LA OUINTA HERMOSA per apt . encitd garege, O -PRI E ---------••••••'••••••••••••••• 1250/mo. plut 'It ut111 lmmac. con o. 00 • 18211 Par11alde ln. 1 blk balcony/patio. laundry n• bdrm, AT Large 2 bdrm. t ba. 4210 llll a PtJCn 840-6858. s•YfRONT brtdoe. 3 Br 2"' Be. A/C, 4 Br 2'A Ba.. 2 flreplac9a. w of s.acn. 3 blkl s. of rm Avail. S-5. PATIO, bH m calllng1, ~, .. : 17$() mo Yrty RMI. WMICly Ratel 1-M-,-s-.. -.. _-_-_--3-.. --. 3_B_L_ " -t bar, F.P., JapaneM putting 11'9"'· gardener. Ed'~. TSL u -1. ••2. t.,.... gu, water pd ~ cpl. '"..,._., • Kit~..__.,.. -~-~-• ·--"' Pr•~.....__, •7" 1003 d ./ I 1 1700/mo "'V"'"' "'V"'' ,... """' d 1 o ··z"'.-;::::: __ .....,·.:'.::::.= Costa Me•• Condo, "' .. "''-" .... gar en, nr poo tenn 1. Ul·l44l rp1. atory. utatan-..,_,,_ ,..., • ._ t950/mo. 1175-111110. Realtor.~ Edland Oelu11t 2 br condo nr SC ding loc: nr OCC. FrM-2 Bdrm. lu1tury 1pt1 Nr Sandpipe r. 1987 Naw-trplc, pool, Jacuzzi. 4 581-4713. 842~235 i,..---,-,-.-,.--.-,.-1-1 ptua. tuxurlou1 amenl-way, Falrgroundl . .,..ap beach. Pooll•pa. $5115 port mllet to beactl 1325 In· execuplan __, ,.,, tlea.'550 g7M919 mHt No peta. Pkln~. 1142-8891 , 648-4351. Bl ,..~ta .. ~·••,.9137 cld• utile Carol r.-, •-·-" ••_.• Harbor Vu Hiiia home ••••r.•••••••••··~~!•• 2131331-5417 """' ,.,._ v-..,. ::J!.~.~ ••• f.~ ,...,,led. exotl reta. loc:8I $500-$525/mo 2 Br 1 Be I 4 '0 p 1 ta•• Ca I ..:..:::.=...:....:::...:..: ____ t--:::-=-;:-:;:=-:::::==--,_54_&-_6803 __ ._____ ,., In ..... ,.,. New 2Br. 28L '*' ~. larnlty. 780-9731 I 1tory. ahag. drapu .1_9e6-11511 ___ 5 ______ 1 2 Br 2 Ba VtrHllle1 lu• ll&LUll lml Responslbl• t•m•I•. F 11 __ ...__1 ocrH:)'l"I view, ttowen. 'A pallo. trplc. di•. bNrMd 1 II Slll condo. H Curlty, view, Wkly rental• now avail 23-35 to snare !um 4 Br u -~ c:uatom ml to oc:n. 41M-&478. M tuYll celllnge, ~·· • pool, 1pa, aauna, no 1 105 & up Color TV Newport Helghlt home ollloa & deelc ac>tCt .. a.-i...... TSL Mgmt 842-1803 Ne• carpel•. paint , pet•. adult• only El•· PhonH In room 2274 1 1255/mo 831-1549 or Nr OC Airi>ort ~~.!'!!! .... !.¥.! 1 yr ...... 3 Br IV. Ba, nu 0rapea. crpt, paint. AIC. I 700. 1136-8Q79 -drape1. Wtttlldt. nttr gtnt. 1850 8'0-51 l8. or Newpor1 Blvd CM 875--0236 "S.. to Appreelatal" .. UIPITI 1 Br.+ E Mde 111 & .... patll. 556-6518. 897-306& 646-7445 1--------, ..... ,. 3 Bdrma. 2·~ Ba. Poot, ............ + H curlty 1500 Ca ll •Spec:. 2 St. upper• ---------1---------Lu• 3 br. 2 ba exec ~~~~~~~~~ Jacu:zz.I & Tennie. Newly 548-4388 Lndry rm, dlw, encltd Weatcim arM 2 br, 1 b• On the bNCtl ·Hotel rms, Bay t ide apt. Nwpl,;:: clec:. Vacant. 1 1.200/Mo. Roomv 3 Br TownhouH X:· No.-, "4SOtmo condo Pvt 1 pat010, poot, k1tc1h300en & bat~, S300306mo BOAT SUP AVAIL. PVT Laguna Be•ch "The Co- • ... .._ I Tnler lie ' ,...... Ind r y . II 5 mo + dep() .. t 2 W. BEACH. POOL Pro I . lony", ne•t to Moulton ,__.., .,._, 1111 .-, • ~ • apt In quiet adult com-8-9084 S40-S«e 875-3'12 & 1144-91142 Oceanfront, Ntwporl nonamkr. Rel• req 111, PteyhOUM on Broedway. ~ •••••• "A~••••••• Reaftora 10 plex. N-ty decorate. d. 2 bd. 2 b• condo, pool, 2 BR, wr round rental. BMch 673-4154 lut & dip. $950/mo u111a 300-575 aq n. 494-4803 Monarch Bay Terrace 4 4 Br. 2'A B•. 8tep1 t o ftreptaoa, encled patio a NC. gate, nr S.C. Plaza. S , b Incl 7~78 Br. 3 Ba. home. 32841 1 "*'°"'•tudtot,one l"•'j•· Borry, no peta. No pet•. U 10 mo. tepe to the Heh or ftfll •••• 41$0 · Newport BHch, 504 N. seven Sea a o r . beech, communty pool/ anOtwobedrOOl'lllC*l· 57 Mo . 1145-3341 or 831 14111 bey. '576 mo. 111. 1•11. •••••••••••••••••••••• F to 1hr 2 bdrm houH, Newport Blvd. 11115 & 11275/mo. 875-8014 ex tennta. ttOOO/mo. ments. FUANllHEO 1175-5949. • I 100 dep . C ell : SPECIAL CARE/FOOD tHt C.M UOO. Ev .. & up. Sierra Mgmt. Co 527-1408. 842.trH:r.1010 and UNFU .. NISHEO. Weattlde2BR, 1Ba. WILU-.eY& 1-1135 -4206 or l'1n•1N home,for1r.la-wtcnde.&42-4457 &41-1324. t>1kwood also often DIW, pvt patio. avell Spacloua E. Side Aptt. _i-ea __ 7·_9_500 ______ ... _dlts __ . c_.M_._84_2_·3_4_9_'--1F to thr C.M. oondo w/F 1--Ull---........ ----DO YOU NEED A RENT AL OR A RENTER? Cell Joey at Nlgutl Auoct.- tea. 495-3100 3 BR 2'1t b&. conc:to, lam rm, fptc, tml yd, dbl ~. ueoc:. pool. 497-1911 Lovety 2 BR, den end 2 Ba now. S4llO mo. 840-0997 Encl gar. patio. dahwshr OCEAN fRONT. 2 bdrm. f•••lf lt•llll 41# occ atudent, pool. ten-Eoonomy llnglea, 1 100 & Hatbor Vl9w hOme. 0#· •All Utllltlet Plld & et ova. Mott utll frff. t be UP99f duplex, 1700 • • •• •• • • •• • • •• • • •• •• • • n11, 1260. &42-8085 I t20. 3 room aulte. 1425. dener lnctd. lmmed poe-•1ownid1Ma SPAC. 2 BR, OPEN BEAM No pet• mo yW1y IAYFlllT Sec'I Mrvloe ,11 3355 :;~~~'9:..1985 mo. Agt. Oocuplncy cl1•· bar. Iott of wood. 1BA.1'per90n $435 de 2fW27-223t.. 4 bdrm, 4 bath, aandy M 21-35 to thr quiet VI• Udo, N.B •:1i.4166. •at M!lionln 1 25 Nopttt,2268 1BA.2per1IOOI 1475 IYl,213-276-0046 beach,pler&floal poot/Ject>ome.SCP1aza. Maple St. 548-7358 or 2323 Elden Ave CM non1mkr. 1200-250 & Newport BeKh near Hoeg ..,. lrttf...... ~ 1173-e803 642 7805 ' OCEANFRONT 2'1tt>r/1be SllOOO for Augval. Biii u t I I 1 6 4 1·3 5 2 3 Hoap. 1000 1q. ft H · 2-3br'l/19SO-S1000 mo. And Much Mort' • gar MW~ 1875 mo Grundy, Rttr. 87S-6l81 494-2742 ' cond lloot offlcea. am.pie Exec . 4 Br. 3 B•. view, "'-It...... ..,1 " • ..,. STUN NINO large 1 Br. I.& 1111'11.1 yr t ., • 1 5 3 • 7 O ,...,_, -""' "'""" F lh I I d & ' " • .. u,..ltlu •-•t1l1 4ZSI n..~ "-& Ba In 2 ... 2 Ba periling, Mii maintained •P•· I 1400/mo. Agent or a mon or a '• gar en •pt. pool rec. 2 Bdr 1'L .,_ •"'25·. 2 Bdr 213-1192-2804 r--,. ... , nrn ... b Id VI k d 495-1084 or 1131-1707. EXECUTIVE, Ocean Vu, time Mode4I OOI"'\ ~ •,8reth. s'14. 25/mo. 710 w 1 Ba 1500'. Both have •••••••••••••••••••••• townhouM In Univ Town L c y • y. apac. 3 br • 2 ba. dan. 9at71 loflom No 1:19''· UmtlT Ult EANFRONl 2 & 4 Br Ctr Clote to •hopping, 714/ 5-4800. 3 BR 2be.. big ywd, ctoee lmmec:utete. 14f.7334 g1rag11 l patloa. Call 3 Br 2 Ba. I 11100/mo Av all no. Weeldy thru Park a & c amp u I . on1ultant In lrvlnt hH to 1chl1/t hop1. *2 Br t ba Meta varde Jim 1131-7370 summer 1173 7873 Cl 2b d I -"'. 2131282·7_... • 1 325 /mo + ·~ utll tarne oftl~e to 1hare 1760/mo. e31-o300 ean r, e n, pat o ~--upper. New decor. No ,_,, ·-553-1124 • .. · ---------hOme. 2 blk to bett. yyty '---pelt . oar. SSOO/mo. Jag IUI #II ---------Near Airp ort Rea1 ~.~ ... !¥.! ~~;,~::>u~~~=1;,~ Gerct.n Apettments 11334974 i°aR~;p;;~;,;.;F YEIUJLLEI hr;..~ W.., Sgl. rem. Oce9lwu home. 1-'"-m_a_c.r_1_1_52_..0_1ee __ HOMES FOR RENT (213)801-7537 Newport BeedVNo. •3br. nr S.C. Pia&. S.A. I 6 0 0 I mo. w n r . Spadou9 2 bdrm. 2 beth 14151 Jeff 1 .y Rd. Sp 343 ~ :-..:t~es'r· lne. M dtx 911fte, AJC. ~ 3 & 4 Bdnne. M7M700. 880 Cerpotl. pool,..,._ 1875. 131-Mee condo, all amanlt111, rv1ne l)llg. utllt:Jo655 E 11 ..........•..•....••.. N B 3975 Blfdl. 5llOO SQ II or ltu MIA zone Agent 541-5032 PllllE OFFICE WarehouM apace •Ith cerptll. drp1, & wet bare 700 to 3200 aq It Mau lnduatrlel park , 711 W 17th St . Pac1flc Bluff Industria l Park . 1835 Whittler Ave 1142-4463 & &4 2. 7 804 OCEAN VIEW 1820 aq It • Ideal for de- algner1. artist• and eng1- ,_, Qui.I ATTRACTIVE lnduatrtal pant. I 001 West 17th St, Cosla M .... Ill-UH l!!!!l! ••••.••••• !.~f~ STORAGE: 1250 1q n plus pot• ofc u1e Price/ space negot. 1300 to MOO W C M Avail now 645-8177 1.MlalJ .,.,. 4111 ••••.••........•...... 881 Ill 2 or 3 Bdr houaa, 12 mo It•••· Prefer yard 2131698-0886, 945-4912 r Easl.-de CM, Npt Hta or other nice family onan .. d tocatlon Yard reQulred <for doge Wiii maintain a be respontl- ble for )'atd & Pf41mltes Mutt be moderately prl- c ed. Relarances 1173-3858 Mature employed lady netc:ll a 1mall apt or room wltl) bath or cot- 1 age. Reaaonable. 1145-1711, 9•5. Furn or unfurn . we1er- fron1 plll home °' condo. mld..Jun-mld-Sepl. Have IOld VIII• Park home. need temporaty reslden· ce. Must be In •Int cor>d W111 pay up to $4000/mo Sue Ewald 974-7770 1.11a ... ;1 .. n11 IJ•UN . ...........••••...... ...... Fenc.d yarcle. Oll991'L VERSAILLES. 1 BR Pen-Irvine Pet Ok . 7 52-5822 o r 1150. 645-2859 wknd1; You art th• •Inner of Shr 2 br, 1'A ba 2 tty furn l-H_wy,iill7iiiiiiiii:--- l(ld1 & pell welcome. \:=t.!c~~1~C:c~:i m~r.:~104 641-14e0. • .. ""'... (213)3e0-5728 Wkdy:/""-IOI.If,, .. ~ ... (112.00 lwnhH w/M 28. poo•., lllJLlllM UTAH 54~2000. Agtnt, no r.. *2br. 2ba. nr S.C. Plua. ..,. "41 valve) to the nonamltr. 1276/mo. ... • ....,, ltMt l•I Wik to Bch, 2 BR. 2 ba. Newport llech/lo.. S.A Pool,..,._ '550. No H ••• ,~ ........ cr·•k•A .. i° 1..9' 3Br 2ba. ftp, St• to •• llllm Euttlde c M. 831•5sot Prime BHQh Blvd .. at Mecfllne snop 1n Olfltral ... ......-:.............. Oen, 2c:argar. tpc, petlo. t100 t&lh St nett. 752· 5822 or un ng on ree . P · beac h . No pet11750. aa11-••-M for.,,.... houM. at-to "''•t•, H.B. ••7.25•7 Utah 1•• 000 1 20 000 0 0omm Poot 1enn11 se25 , ..... _ -1 :;.1 ,...... o.tu•• 1 a 2 er. fllrpca, .,,.,. "'121 813-e""" _,. -·--h"'.12""' ~, 1 a "'"' -'" ...... · · 01.1ntry ch.,mer, Npt • ..,.,.,.. II_,, .,... • ....... enc ltd oarai••· TV .,,.,... • .. v. Fountetn Valley Miit .,....c . ~ mo, H down, 12~ on b•lanc:. Hgtl, 5 Bdr, 3000 tq ft. mo. "°'1235• 842""16 (1'4) .. MtU •3t>r. nr S.C. ~ 8.A. u c1.1rlty. 14 • 1813, BEACON BAY Square Park-May 8 , ,_IK_._Y_rty.:..._64_5-411 __ 95 __ Office for buslMM. ~ 1/8011402·2\13. V8C!Mt RV tlOOelt. Call ·-good vtaw ot ocean, . . G•r. p oot, apa. 750. llAM·5PM Oftlff. 1 Br 1 Ba, bayfront 1982 Share 3BR 2BA Condo. good area. S400/mo. 1.L 111WR•E1T Diana. agt 131-12M Ill...... Child ok. 752·5822 or. W--..-..a.-~ tlOme. terw. c11 l>Meh, To ctalm ticket•. call "Verullle1". 1300 mo. 1131•5233, YI "'"" 8PYOLA81 executive hGlutlve g1.1erdecl com· Summer on"' Studio ..,.1 14M4e0. -all utll. Incl. th5tmo 842-6878, ext. 272. 873-1840 or 646-1827 1----------201< dwn bllys 'I04JI own tlofne 4 ldr 2~ 81 3 u n It L 3 B" 3 B. ., ..... • 8pa e101.11 1 & bdrm yny. 876-IMO Tk:t<9'1 muat be clllmed wa..-r IDI b•ll•t tehool, photo • • • OUSJO · h f CO: aauna, gym tennla EHleldl 2 BR, em yard. •-ong b••"t l•k• by May", 1"'•2 Mother w/12 yr old eon h 1 t lbl car o-• 2 ttptca. po-ome on gol "'"" mo. •'f1•77~87 "'wt' ti 1 It .. '" v " •v .............._ _..__ • .....__ .. t111.o. 11..1-• 1c oo or comp• • p1.1lar, Trad.wind• mdl. • 11950 mo. ...... ..~or n7• ":1•2" ""' op on• • a o .. gar. atreama. Pool, lac and T·ha fHtHt draw In th• • • * --to .. -e Newport -•• .._. buelneM end own 'A the 11760/mo. Mike Crow Agl. 0112 BR Mcl.aln ,..., • _, .. 1495/mo. 900 •q.lt. rec area. No peu. Wtat .. ·• D•llY Piiot home w/matura, Cllfl•· SUpetbly fumllned. View rMI tttate. E.elde Coeta -4MW1711 Condo. ···--.... 6.48-4145 14f.t691. Cluamtd Ad. Celt Today tlen woman. 648-4211. of main otwlnell FUii... M•H. Call AAE ROD· -.-1 10..,.. ,...,. --•· 842 5878 .a .... -... .__,.a.ti cretarl•I aervlce . GERS ..... 1 ... Ax H.,bof Vu &bf, many up-173:11:,mo·7;1~ Avallable now. 1300 1 .. I..... THE WH1ffl.ETR£E 1·2-3 • ' ..,......_...,. •-.. -MIF 35 to 60, 2 BR. 2 be. $5254860, 2 room eulte. e31-t2e8. Agtnwo. "' • rad ... gardener. or week up . Agent Newtyclecor.011pc1. Bdrm.Apt•.Gym,Spe, If# •lalsn If# petloNPS2&0Utte.lnol 11175.81&-MOO 1100/ 1ll0-0461 en f7M170. encl gar. dwehr, pool, .....,,_, pool, i.nnia. «c. ••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••• 1_113_1._20_10;... ______ 1 s Pfll, mo. Ealtbluff:: teeo 11200 OcMnffont wtl.ly. a 1 3 bf, bbq. Acl1.1ll•. no pet•. ~19 --Prof M. under S5 to em S:P::'oe:!.. ";"~ 1'1~ POOi comp. rurn'd. oar. Avt. 142•6073· oetuu 2 Br. 1 Ba. In · Ke nnybtlnkport">. la N8 home. Xtraa. '376. um. ian110t1a1 a pa1k1ng Own yOYr own b .. 1.1111u1 "= w~ioe:.:: lluff9 ~-;:= now. IM0-4714 Hr wtgar. S420. Opt•. 4-plH. ow. hOOk·UP•· • '31.e313 Ind en-ee10 ~,..,and apom. 4 Mt, ""°'o· matty ••-l1yatcle Cove 2/den 1 M CONDO n!CafVtum tnod yrd, w1r pd. HH en clad gar· • 418· Isn't that the boat Pro't. woman wW * 3 bf EMoutlYa Otfloe and de9k ;:t.~· :=:. ~ 1r11. Year or more IN. '2200 poot. J.c:ual, gym, bli: ·~A" Plelolntle. 13f.4120 840 uu. c~nd~ w t ume. "*11· e.1 toe. In....,_ • 14H. Call Loi•. agt w ... -Hrldoc* 13260 Ilardi. Oar. parlllng. .epm. 1 St. Clitt. drpe & ~ that won The America's Cup m 757 ::.60 •• f\irn. rm, pvt port 9lad\. '**'' Tr~ ~~':9,C:!rr= ::.::~ •'-'* wattrtront .--. Ntra 8ecutft; auard. MIO mo. Na · 2er.1a.."Pf*1n No S*I. C.. 1 >PO< '9""-..!> · ~ peno, poo1 .., 1etttna wtftl lndocw wt101euf1 direct to '"• Dower Or.'" WHICl lll Ut•1• II~ . 4-pfex. ,:'rom 1-42~. No Cell M0-H76 & JH. S Plau arff. =and M9fl ..,.,_. puttllo. tH.000.00 In• Coftdo. UtllfMt• fMntl. .-a. S40 4414 L.ae t "'· t 'A tie. 2 frplca. If you~ nae sun VIOO (or wtlat) ~ ~1~r 1.1tlla. Mey 1• te+'enoe t~1 ..... ~~In~. IMlttet ~e wHtl frptc, Sllarp 1 Ir. ' I•. new fM'I rm. MOO/mo & aec. was. OOn I ftlf4 bad-you ff not *>IW cretulal Hrvlcea. .....__ ~ tnlnlM •wn49otl + 1 ". den, tfptl, drj)9 a .....,,, ..... & clN. Nlol .... ~· lt __ ....,NW't of 1• Olstl ly ......... to* c.. °'* 1-•-1_._,000 ______ 1 program. trip lo m.,11.1 lrpki, tMne rm & tluge "*' tMilt Ult~ a. 11 7'4110-1371 or ........ 7 .............. 15 °"' nc\IW 1100 mo. '•"'pref. l>CKUTM OfflC& ...._ end 11rand ~ PtO- r.''06 '°°'· f.•i 110. Mm\ 2 -. WI! to .-n, ...._, Mlf 14n/mo. 1ee. ta.t & ..,,, 21S/430-07t4. OlfTfttl'lt .s.rtrnent t\oorplM\s II SNwinO Vllage tn-'FMI. ITl-IOll boa Pet'tn HS u. S400 motron. Ab1ohJtely no - 'oa 14 • 441. twn, lldl. f700, 411·111' :::;;;:-.......... mll' AeMt tlNl101 by....,.. 2 br 1 c.r gar •• oov'• 1n ._,ntlf'l9!0tl &ext\ SeiwinO VI 111 ~ "4>o•IMlll ..,....., .... mo. Pr 1v la. ,., c . com,.tltlOfl Mlllfttl t1r1t 28r.171 w. JolM.11tlr, patio, ... pOo4 ritfi••. of l(lliy penonllllfd prof~ plannlng king t•lft•I• 10 1flar• 111·1111, lfl·HOO. ~-.,:w:'=R·.:: no pe11. t4U. lle rra "'° ..... 1171/MO. Mir The ~nd of ltttflll()n~ dt5ft'trlt Meut 4 Ir. TWftft .. '" .,,."-'-_.-.;-.-~ ..... --1 by INll oal tel.._ ------ • Mgmt. t4MU4. I. (21_...1'11 . A per'-1 IJlll1d of nlturt ar'ICI IMng-!etCblutt In ..... .,,. eo.e. ..._ HO II _. IOCMl1·I0'8 ~r~r!"~!!.''!!.: ane.o. U1'1lnotd.1n -.......... -2 Ir. 1•1 ..... A¥a, tit Nr tteech, 2 ttr, 1\t ba, netlfd In a fornt With~ bf'OOIU wed quttt _. .,_ • -...--No. -- ri... .. ti "'·no,.. •• 2 ,.,..n. .......... ~..,.... "'*· porO, C'QOlld ~ l\llUrll Ol'Mrl bl1f Add to 110·1HI. ~-i"' w ""' .... ,.... ~="=='·==JM== n1 tlC1ftl. UH. llerra Mgmt. enot. tar. flH. Avall. ha llM ... O.W-. ........, a .... 110 sq, -TM~-.0.ot .. 1.111• now.-..a1, trlttttnMtoulU.$Wlmnwlg~l~Uttnd .. __._..,, ft. 114,...,,....,..._. Or1u11e Co.~ 1 er. 1 la.,,..,.,..."°"' ICOfWtftilnt IOCltlOll nMr ~INS •J)~'\: a.;-..;..: •ranee. H•tMoauftt· ,.....,.. II ....... t441. ~menc wed YC>U•OO' I pin~ WOUid :'° & ....... ...,_ .._.,.°""' ... n f(Ul)'ADS l4IOIMor•HH llJOtdYClllllOIN (E'*I~~) = l:IO":°MMni :J~~ Mtflll Co. =""= ~= ON.., rwo moom. fl!ll llld two~" f"•I• '!. '"''." .... , .. OlllH ""'Its::~ 111 .... untHl Tfle IK FIEE menu rrom 11111800 ._.. .. ~ .. --:!!!~ij~if~ A.A.O.C. ,...,_ MY llK ~~ ''It ........ ,. . f I . . . ulM9 llU. NI/...... l&I .._...,," ... .. .. fi . ... ' .. - I. ~f.7A!~~ tot. $4"'~~ ... , ...,. .... •rrNY 00 IT NOWI ... .., ..... Your o.iiy Piiot hrvlOe Dlr9010fY Aepfwnt1t!Ye Ml ... ll, .... Ill " Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 ~!t1'111!........ ~ ............ !!!!9' .............. ~~-!!!~!!!I ........ !!rfw ••••••.•.•••..• r."'1.!.'!tt.~ ..... !'!! .................. . No lteMl!No IMmpoo lll --HAUllHO-ttud•nt hH HOUNCLIAHIHG ITAAVINO COLLIOI PET L0Ye"8. C.. ••All Tll1'** lt.llln ~·••· '• 1.nl«lort, bwt, mant.... L.8Wn-tr~ in.t.11 to• truck. Low•tt rat• 18 OUA l~IN!lll 8TUOENTS MOVIHO for ~ "In your llonle" au.lily wor11. 10 yrt •.11· dry, ,.,.. .... m.1NJ llbr11 .... eablMtt, lily· Tr• lrim-t9m0Yal P"romc>t c.a 75t.1t11. 10 yra. JanlOt • ~ CO. UC T1~ wtllle OWl*'t ~lofl '*· Geotte 931-6471 ,._ 1....~ ..... , "'-OUll. molding, 1WL Lewn ~f'Ototllllng Tlwln« yOu, John Ann t71-U1A tneur~. 141-M.27 ___ "914-t __ :m __ ----l .,. II• ~ ,._,~,.-1~ .....:00.z, 131-23ie. 54M005 or c.11 PrOf.._.__el •~ 1:w:1I" .. _.....,_ WATCH US GROWi -••-"'....,.. -·• A Ad I 5 " r ......,., -~-""" ...__.....,, .•.11 .. --......... •~. ..•........ FRH HT. M-2092 ~564-11 • t73otMI CtOWl'I ~. oectw .,... 01 w • r .. • H~d dMn up • Mnltfl 11awm a Pu"-· -• r-...-.4.~ lalM#t nees c1o1eta l>ookOMtt 142-"300 Ouldc &-cMeti. ,,. !M. *'PPI• Kitty 141..-e10 ••••• -::"11.............. .._.':.*a te:letUr• •••••••••••••••••••••• EX,.~L.2~ ~~11 man1 .... •nt•rtaln~ni Land1C•plf'\9•Yd Clnup•· 873-05"8 ,. PAlllm f-, --1• --I .. _.. _....., --. ..., ~Wood IOlutlon ·hl*1 Ouellty HouHoleanl~ by. Rlohard 81nor. I.le. ,.,.. -..- Bullden llnoa 1Mf ~-* .. IO·. ~~1"'*'11. : wood ptot>ltmal • T,. '.:-851-41~t. & .. ~~~~~noes Jobi w/a l*t()nll touch, c ' 280644 13 yr9 Of Mppy Pl.ASTERINO Addtllont • ~ • .,...,. 171 831·1528 <H•-• lrV. HB. Beth 850-0933 local cUtlOfMl't. Int & HI, AHluooo. Doort, wtndowt. !HlllO Shampoo & 8'wn oi..n. ,.,lltM ......., Cell MIKE 146-1391 Coualn Cleaning & Hallld Thenk you, 831-4410 blodC wallt 5N-4P2 oovera. F,.. .... ...... Color bright~•"· Wiii ..,,,,,_ Fr ...... Ken 839-6035 Hauling, grading, dtlmOll· Tallca. • • PL.ASTER PATCHING UC. #310942 5•92·170 crp1t . tO min. bl .. oll. ••••~•••••••••••••• lion. Concrete & tree Hall,llv/dln.rme•1a:avg RIVER ROCK · p•rfeot ~~ .. 1.1tinctcomect1m~.oec•~-un'p·. rtmov-dump truck. _'liniii•Jii"iliil A .. ld/lndua/Comm'I. RHtuoooa. Int/Ht. 30 room 17 50· couch 1 10· over pool dtd<e, patlOa, ..._.. -· Oulell ..,.,, 842·T838 Low retu. Fr .. ut. yra. NMt. Paul 541-2977 ~~ ..•••..... .MYITIRUll Compl. p•rvlo • l4().taol ~ .. ~ ...•......... Mott tubjeott, K·12 & oolleOa 25 Y'9· fa/Iv, • Mr.Morgan, 645-5171 ollr $5, Ouir. tllm. pei walkw~yt, drlvewaye, Lt Hlll.lflng. 648-2489 Hauling,_........_ atudwtl 875-7189 IJ..W. odor. Cirp1 ,.ir. 15 yra .,o. M l ·2371 0'1delllllj1 Want~ lck ., ~._-•STEVENS PAINTING ••••••••!•••••••••••• exp.OoworkmyHll. ...... Mowlng.~lng,raklng. :''! .... u?,~rvo«21~8Fr .... , HOUSECLEANING labacklNow~.lnext OAYORNIOHT ...i-.__,_ "" ...................... ---------Reta. 531-4101 :-:1.-:ffl•••••••••••••• 1we•plng. Fr•• ••ti· ,.o.,.., .. -" Rta.ona~able FrM •t. Chat.... Flttt ci ... Wort! :/'~.::::::: ••••••• DRYWALL TAPING matu. 45·4372 or HAULING & DUMP Tan)'ll "3-2401 M6-33"8/548-'45e1 I• II 141-lltl Typing. My llome. IBM Wt Cere Crpt Clellnlfa All textlKM & ac:oua11c 845-&737 JOBS. Aalc for Randy. ---------1 S•l•c:trlc Ill T•rm P•· ce~MIC-LINOLE~ Tlla prof. ltlatall. AMII raMe&ot> 875-se& 1 ~ FREE EST. tM0-2082 TILE ™ST ALI.ED Ail ~ GUllanteed. SI~~~~· Fr•M1.KfYlrHl75-9088 LAWN CARE 1141-8427 ·:~~~~"r::. UllY l&nt .., l#ftn ~e:r. hpr, refa Wort< 91.1ar. 145-3718 DRVWALIJACOUSTIC Comm/reeld. Nwpl/CM .... c.n .. m.. 145-20'43/644-te82 PAINTING M5-tsa3 ····;,R·o;w·.ot:At .. •• Wiiy Pay Store Prtc.? 14 Yf9 exp. Fully llo'd & Xlnt, rella!Ha wort!, ••••• •••• •••• ••••••• •• PAINTER NEEDS Writing/Editing/Typing Catpet layer wlll t>uy di· inaur.d. 432-55411 Onr/OfK, Batry 845-7412 ••••••••••• .-......... WORK! 30 yra e119, Int/ 1142·2142 rec:t from whol•• mlll • DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC latlll i.tftM PD•Alllll RHp. N.B. couple wlll Ext Acouttlc: oeU~ '-II ff -do the labof. F,. Repalra, new & old. 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• OAll • 111 .. llou1e11t July & Aug Da\lla Painting 847-51 •••••~'-•••••••••••••• Rafi. John 840-8217 Uc. #3'4Nt2 no-e554 -. raft. 851·•20 yr9 up Bud 552·9~ Coll~ Studan1t: wndw H .. 1111 car• tailored to &46-3908 (8:30-5 wkdyt) INT/EXT PAINTING Huber Roofing-all typee olng, oar waxing, odd your naeda. Retain Ind• i.,,., f&r Uc'd. Reta. Fr .. ••· ,......reooYef~• •RESIDENTIAL* Avg 1 aty S30: Avg 2 tty '45 Cllrla 957..e388 **ALL Ttl.£** Quallly '#Ofk. 10 Yf8 IX• per. Glor• 831-5479 ~~!!! ............. . Den Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Ree/oomm Lie. #397804. 842· 1720 ~. Parking Lot Repelra, Seelc:oatlng. S&S Aaplllt 831-4109Uc ALLSTATE PAVING SealoOatlng-SI riping Repel,. Comm./AMld. Lie #3117382 M&-8181 ~'!!!I. ....•..... BABYSITTING my home, MIH Verd' •r••· CM. Rela. Shatl. 557-4814 Careful & loYlng mama of 21 moa to cat• for youra, my home FIT 831-3787 Babyalulng In our C.M. 110mea. 1 yr. & up. Any !Ira. 1142-6482/848-57511 ~.'!!!!t.'!1 ..•••.••••• FOf ell you need to know abou1 btrllcrup'c:y, call (714)83~9182 MJP Enwp11ata Contullant/DMIQner on remodtla. Ttl• ffn .. t In llnlah carpentry. Your houM II your ~I c.....11.c..in. llHtzH.J I 0 b.. 8 .. 2 . 5 4 4 II . pendenc• & dignity. An •••••••••••••••••••••• 1148-1087 Lie •411802 644-973-4 ·····rwOMPSOH~s····· ·····roPOUALirv····· 1145-7972 alternatlY• to COnY•I•· FEDERATED ...... ,~ CONCRETE CONSTR. ELECTRICAL WORK faiJ....,, SC*ll cet•. call Fullcar•. Income Tu 8erAoe "" I ·-... 1 ., ___ -t• .... ,_,.,. .......................... ~5. 831-4871 '"yr• exp. ...... ... ~~ ..•...... BtJDGET RATES/UC'd I.ow min. Sml IObl OK Fr• ••. Ina 1141·7681 ....... .-e4 lrvlne'a best e..io 1 aty a20. 2 aty '30. 531·211M/842-3072 Lie:. #393383 842-&U2 ._. • • . --~ Cllrpenlry • Masonry "" .... Bonded. IN. Refa. Cotor Ctmefl1-Muonry-Block ELECTRICIAN-Priced Roonng . Plumblng ...... 1--1.. . .... ~~''·········· •llP«l· "3-0t11 OICI( Wiit~ wont. Uc. tl9lll. Ir•• 11Uma11 on Ofywlll ·Stucco · file ••••••••~•••••••• VANDENBERG Top Quality, lo price, Raalooml Ro4> 647·2633 lar19 °' .mall jObt. ~. J.B. 146-9890 Wanl a REALLY CLEAN LANDSCAPING prompt. EX1 l Int Spec· ~we.'!!~~! ... 569-1302 f~~~ •••••••••••• CUSTOM SPA DECKS Patio., gazebol. Uc'd. JoM °'Ric* 11711-3218 ci"' c.n . ....•..•.••••.•...... Mature lo\llng ctlUd care. Reier., fenced yerd, nr C.blnata Remod. o M v . 8 4 2 • 1 1 o 7 • Skyfll•. Room Add'n• 831 ..... 274 GrnllM wndwa 754-4420 ------------------1 Experlanced. Mon.-Frl. • * * M . Reuonable. ,......... 641-4710 Evea. 2244 Rala6gll Aw. C..trMltn •• ,,.J Cotta~ ••••••••••·'•••••••••• You are the winner of REMODEL/AOO-ONS tour frM tlckata ($12.00 and Carpentry. Llc'd. value) to the 25 v-r•. lrwln 548-2719 --la.TT COMM'URESID. uu• .. Remod·Add'na-Repelra Fountain Valley Mlle Very , .... Lie. 390260 Square Park-May 8, Jedi H. Bennett, Jr 1982 Gen. Contr. 552·9142 To claim llcketa, call Bonded & Insur~ 8' 2-58 7 8 • ••I. 2 7 2 · Addlllon1 & remodatlng, Tlc:katl rnuat be c:lalmad b 0 n de d s t. II LI c by Mr; 5, 1982 •202752 * * • J .G. Allen 494-1810 Lie. 311te21 873-03511 JOHN.-THE HAMDYMAM HOUSE? Call Gtngriem Malnl, oomm'l/reeld. lallat A.a & Comm'I FrM ELECTRICIAN· Lie. Ptumblng..iac.-odd jobt Oll"t "'-est. MS. 123 Tr .. trim , clHn-up. est. 714-739-0708 233108-C· 10. Smlll Fr• .. tlmat• 838-4068 AOBIN'S CLEANING Brtdl & Ille. Ina, bonded. QUALITY PAINTING loba. Mtlnt & repalre HOME IMPRO~EMEHT Stnlloe . a tllofougllty llc'd. Fr .. •t 11711-5148 10 Y'9 MMno O.C. 54e.5203 REPAIR-PLUMBING clean l\ouM. 540-0957 •• Rtuonable. 8-48-5884 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN HMtlng, carpentry. ello, SCRU8·A·DUB ••• ~............. Bltnop & Son Painting Oual. work·Reu. ratM 1111. Fr .. •I. No Job 100 Prof, r .... rellable. BRICKWORK: Small j0b1. 30 ~ exp., 8Mctl ., ... SEWING DOHE FOf you fOf all occulona H.B JKl<le. 841--0018. ~'!1~'! ............ . * llJllctrtt * FrM •I 531 -11255 Ron'a Window Wahlng Reaid ~. rataa. Fln.t In 0 C 830-7711 WINDOW CLEANING 7 YRS IN AREA 842·54411/&46-7972 Fl'M Mt 831·5072 Tom amall. 1145-2811 Reis. Jean 831·6018 ~. Coet7• MIN3 7~ FrM "'· 548-1029 lrvlne. RtfL 8 5-t " I dldl RESIO/COMM'L/IND Expert horn• and •Pt re· IAOIELIU I .. ~anc'• l.Mld...........,. ...a-.r ..... !!!............ For Ad ActlOfl• 20 yta. 00 my own Wort<. pair. Carpanlry, root. cu;AMTNG SElWICE· B';i~k ''°"' ~~-.~ ..... -........ •SPl'ltlkl« ~aJr• Lie. 278041 Al 848-8128 plumb. Etc. 1142-6013 Reuonabl• ,., ... lret orete'. F~. B80't, pt· Ftrtlll~ lnlerlof Oatlgn Rta./oomm. Commtl'clal CaH a f, .U • /fl}I We bid all l<>b• • 1Qe/1m1 ullmalN lloa & drlYeway1. Guar. ~:::.ty'.H(1:~~~~~'i; Land~83~ .!! ••• ~~.............. Qua11ty. •llPfr. 11c·d 120-0742 1.1c. & 1n1 53e-Oll 14 Daay Pilot Formica counter Iopa & Biii & Dave 1144-9325 Hou1eclean1ng, llonetl & 1---------1 Vl~,,.gi~ ~25 fdJ•n I ceblneta reteced. FrH General Mal 1 dependable. #mar •••••••••••••••••••••• •I. 842-5357 n enanee IMS2·2890 •••••• ••••••••••••••• Expert wallcoYerlng In· ALL ALTERATIONS AD-VISOR Rtpalra & o.ooratlng ·ABC MOVING· ll•ll•llon Reat prlc11. & Cualom LMltler WM! f1ulm1/ Ouallty. Ray M0-51« Wl~11f1"n y~ur llOUH or Oulc:ll, Caratut S.W:. Con1unant Aaalgnment 1 00 7 8 Ad• m 1 642-5678 '' ,_,_,Jin... Ca rpentry. plumblng. 0 c•. c oou your Fr" •llmat•.652-04l0 681-8590 962-6538 •••• ~~.~•••••• electrlcal. ,. ••. rat•• noural Rel• 548·9005 ••• 1 .... -. ---------i~.~'U~,--------1 ~~~~~~~~ ONE OF A KIND 548-8437 Don auc. akpr or Houat· • ,_ l•an .....,,} 1 Elpaclllly for you cleaner took Ing lor 6 Top Quality Special care ••'-•-·•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••1 He Ye you reao today·, CfldaUne & Ed '48-7825 JACK of tll'TMOES daya, aame llouH, w/ In handling 25 yrs ellp ••BRYANrS•• CERAMIC-LINOLEUM Cla111t1eo Aos? If not. Call day or night, affluent farnlty Cell Ans-CompetltfYe retea. No Wallc:oY9rlng Removal Tiit P'of ln1111 you're m1111ng 11\e best 5911 •die nem1 M 2·5e78 •Jack $75-3014* -Ad •500, 842-4300 OYertlml 730-1353 All~ 842·1343 Rau rataaBot> 875-5651' bargains 1n town! DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 · days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sony, no real estate or commercial ads. Cel today for full details. blNIMlt1.ll) 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642 •5678 OLLAAS ··~··· ~ .-. ~::"v "I E!!!.!!.'.';'!! .••. !.~!f·m!.,.!.'.~ •••• ~··· • 11!.#.!!!ffl •••• Y.!f 1• ,,,.,. 1111 !'11..'!.~~-!. ••.• !.{!fl!'l~'!.'!.~ .•.• !.t .• ,,. w .. 111 1111 ~ .. ~ r1 •••••••••••••••••••••• . •••'•••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• •••••••• . . ~ "-•· ... a. ..... t /11 IA lh HakPQ In each. for rm & Accounting 1Aggreealv• person 10 ma· Eatabll aUed P 0 Boa ""'I l..U I.oat Af><. 15. llldlea gold I.oat: Large rtward ..._ ,_ ~ ---8111111 .,.., ~ Ratrtev / board rellable young Cl.Ill nag• retell 1p1clalll1a Rental Bualneaa 4 ·slllp-b;,;;;;;;,;,;;;·;j;; ~~·~~I~-~~ ~:~,~~~"of: ,...,u.,. •••• •••· 1,..... a.t1• mix, 1'-"9;r Frrnch Canadlcn. Lib•· Eicclllng coat• Men atore, Hr..ion.12114 BANKING ping & PKl<lng. Tum Key ...................... , • w • ~ d · home No ~ ... 7141W 1• ......_ llM-94215 r;s.i~una llarlea. poalllon for accountln Aak fOf Mlaa b11 If you ere loc*lng '°'more operallon. Prime loc. .....,. 540-1105/~t k~. H2·2194. ,ouncl: G.-. ., ....... L09C "*-8Mlpolnt Sia-4 I clerk •n•loua to IHrn AlttlltMlt llltt 1.,. tllAn tuat anotllar Job, $22,000. IUl•I• fl9Wllld ''OM & ec.fn" ad I oolted all Houeek~ • SWIM girl and grow. Tllla job la FGS h I I conaidar a cat-with ua! ~ •15 So e ,.__._ .,_, I.oat: Shaggy Long hel<. 4 LOST Yellow Lab, 4 moa ;;: ,._ --..00 ::Scotia~: tage, 1\11~ 20, up d W/Chlldren: a Mll·atarter. wllllng to Aul ~leog::_ ng ~~ Wt art lntarYltwlng tor lu . ~..,.._, mo. male pucipy, off wht old JeHla P ..... call -~ Htka live-In poalllon take dlrectlona lnlllall omo rep, tilt lotlowtng poaltlofl· I I S. C. 492•72M F\111 llc. w/reddlan lfpe on eara. 64ti.2415. l9tll & ~ Found: 1or1ofM. •hell ' Pat11wea1 Apt1. Irv. R• Spaelta German, French: end to accec>t lncrlUlng Hun II n gt on B ••ch ~ 10 CM ca1 nr S a nta IHb•I wa rd I 5 6 2 . 3 2 5 1 . '°""' Engllah Rela Call re1ponalblllUea. Sala b<•nch l~t ~ii"o lf&--- DIRTY WORK L09t·Alt•adM Saelpolnt eo.ia ....._ .... ,....' 5St-30el An1wer Ad •458 bued on eaper and proapeol~~ • ::,,,c ve •~• Slameu. vi~ Laguna TIT lllTll• ....... W ~ Loat dog. bladl wttll IOIM 1142-4300 24 hra · •Nbo'w1"Y.:.~~ .. ~arm•ll• ~ri~P befle1t!. PIMISS./fllm ........ ........__di •"•12... Color fawn, nemed 111 gray,~ Cha9t & lronl · _.,.......... Entry 1aY91 poaitbl 8ar111 LIMITED -~· . ..._.... ,.,._ ..., C 8 Loet Suri 4/1 vto Melt Brighi, homt·alrended rtpld adYancemenl PO-II ed ....._ ~ lanrtaal Self wtth EASE! e12~SS~ 42•5527 · Verda. 540-3880 =-bluff~·~~; mother wlU l'lllP you wftll lenUll. Some autoe11per ~.'but•;;_;-,:;,1~ lf1 a BREEZE Lour work In my home. ACCOUNTING & ~ lie. dtalr'able, tld lndl\lldue.I wflo la ... ... '!fr.!~!l ... ~!f 111 JHt"1t'"~ 11,· Claaffled Ada 842-5878 wa.nt Ada Call 842·5878 Want Ada Cal '42·5878 A:!~~c F~~B::~:.~ c::.•~wort<, etc FULL !"~1eooer''.,:u':7' r1ou1 aboul t>eglnntng a L0Al4 SHARK WANTED •ltlUI t l1rTitlt C M Gold wt blk Hrl ot,_..,... quallflld C•n· car-In l>lr*lng. Need $10,000 for 90 Tirt4 tf .... ti• rt-•1S-•"1ll Companlori Alda, ma1ur1 Jim, S4M181 d t terma Miu v ..., M .11 1 CHARGE Oul 1uccH1 In Ille lndu· P~.:. =2254. · ..... , ttlltttl•& Tell Mom Found 11a1 grayhOund F ~:.~~ .... ~tu~~ °'ni>~~ B•bya1tter '°' 1n1an1. oc· 11ry a11owt u• to prOYld• lnEIT •• s 4tllth, ••Jl•I trefflt Lhua Ap10, beige F ume 1145-7470. c u 1ona1 wknd/evH, lllgllfy competitive •ll•ry flHtt Wt Wiii 1114 Golden Ater F. Alto gry P\ll duty nurtlng H rvlca. BOOK CdM. Rall. Teo.oeee ~n•do~cea~~1b'!n1~a~'.ug~~~ WAITll ,,., ... 1 ... 1. •• •• ~,:r.,°:!,~ae: Animal LVN/RN '°' llOme/hOIP. • Babyaltter '°'Infant m•· Ylotllon and more. ON FORECLOSURE ,.. ...,., • ...,.. • y L H Avail to 24 llra 779-8500 ture & lovlng, wkdya, PROPERTY t .. t ..... , II. II OU ove er ,,, .... 1. 1151 Eaper loving car• nlohta KEEPER 7:30AM to $:30PM, my Apply Mon-Fri, 1010 12 or 7141914-9704 1 11 " 1 1 ••••AGOAAPHOeic.... ror elderly, oonval °' 111. =··7~~•d. CdM. 2 10 4 or call: P•raonne1 ... llTlll ltnt ltt•lll•tr HELP LINE 754·1183 ewa. Beet rats. Orenge County pllarma---------•Dept 714--7eo-eooo lnYMt 1360,000 well ... ( 11 ') I I J •JI l I . 533-7734 HOUSECLEANING <*lllc:al manul.clurar r• l&lnntn ~ cured plua oyer 50% •11't fer11t •IH 11 Ablllty to worlt lnd1P4!n· ~= ~~ :'!f~= M·F. 2·6pm. 4 kid• ~I k share of s1.ooo.ooo.oo ... ..... Th11 Mother' a Day aend Mom a greeting & enter our * * * dantly. TllMougll. •itP d, 2·3 y .. ,. uperlence. ~~~~ 0:;1 ~~~117~Yr~!. ~ ~Hl pop. profit. Mr JtmH "World's Greatest Mom'' contell at the ·same time. Our i·u.i•et ltl11ti1 1111111 dependable. Xlnt refa. Pott ledger• through trfal 52-3728 ~ ,f 714-720.1130 --·· "& ,.,__ 2• "'•.day Joan 531-3436 balence, eccount an•........ 5 '" ~ will select the nicest Mother'• Day Creetmg and that mo1her will ..,.,.., --•-, _S._nk_I _______ , !'\.!. Mt•n I• IM• JOU IMH•t . 150 .f ·r. f I .l;n. 7 d•ya a walk Bil• Wutel 1111 peyroll/HIH IUH. Wiii ng I ~"\\ llOrt ••••"'•••••••••••••••• Ch ff ~ 1 11 rece1Ye a gt I c!'rll 1c1le rom • ee...:.-e department llore. 69 Gorgeou• 111,11 10 •••'•••••••••••••••••• handle multlple ••II of PIT teller/lralnM Sou· 2nd TD ' a au ., • uaury moo-pamper you. Jacuzzi, .-Tl Ill 11111 books. Send ruume tllern Callf. SaYlngt. $20,000·• l50,000 lully alne. Full bar. ate. It's easy, wnte vour mesuge to fit one of the borders below Seun.. Local• u well u Leading conaiructlon complete wltll Ulery Illa. Newport BHch olllce, iiiE~O~.E~.~~~~~~M~/~F am0t1 to 20/yra Other mw Dee-908T. tourlat1. Benk Amerl· company 11 In n .. d ol t~ °' aubmlt appllc9tlon typing & euhlef axp. r• = 2nda to s 1,ooo,OOO or design your own border of equal me with meuage 1m1de. card, MHler Cllarge, your H~r1IH In pay•· to. quired Call Jana Martin llln.... Apy11, comm'I & non· Borders come 111 3 11u1, 1 18, 110 and the 'pcc11I ch.lid 11ze for American E11preaa. DI· blH and lob coating. 873-5830 E.O E HalrdrffMra wllh aome owner program Prln UIE·IP U1IST 14 for i:haldren under 12 vean o( agf'. nera , a ll welcome Union payroll upr. a Carol Rufino DELIVERY peraon tor tollowlno needed tor only. Call fOf agt. DOW· Loolt your best fOf 7141114!>-3433 2112 Her· pllJI Cell Bentley H8Y9f pkup & delivery ot olc. pleuant, buay full- NEY SAVINGS. Brent: tlllt apacta1 occa1on1 bor Bt. CM l Auoc, 1570 Brook· •N•BOLIC INC mechlnM. FIT 1142 5525 ..vtoie Mlon 1n Nawpon "3-2811 Weddings, partlea, etc. Brang or mad your greeting tot~ Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay QUALITY MASSAGE hollow Dr. Ste 11•. SA " 1790 " 2 o "".'""t •-.' • lnaurance btneflta, 1op #a W: W llll MA.AV 154-4108 St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 before 5 p.m .. May 6th -or you Proftulonll Swadllh 92707. 649·2825. Per· ~ ... _ M0t• 1am11111 are getting pay. SeYeral po1lt1on1 •••• !T. •• ~•••••••••• may order your meuage5 by calla~ 642·5678, we have many atyta, VIP 1r .. tmenl. ~:nel HrYICH 100% IMna, C.. 112713 lht camping "bug· 1111a avalltble. Call Mate for '$10,000 to $10,000,000. SCDIU.L£TS borders 10 choose from end we'll bi.II you or chargf' to your Vita 10-4PM 548-2817 71'4-54M901 year II you haw• cam-_1n_1erv1aw _ __.;•_M_2.e_1114 __ _ for QOld pgted TD'a. Mex """' per tllat'a not getllno BMu1y 8alofl 80% loan to value R•· or MuterCard. Tlltpllone Fantasy aqu.i Oppor1unl1y used. ••II II now wllll • Menlcurlat, 81udlo Fi,,. turn 3.4 eboYe prime. IN$W(RS ConYeruUon wllll Ml· To plec. your "'"M04I tmp!oy!r M/F Clualflld Ad Call Dennleon & Aue. " ~~' o 11e1I1 M C I V I a• before Ille -Mk lor Jl.Htt l40 11443. 87S.7311 StuPcl. Nearby ..... -~-, ·~l~{~) ~10 reading public, Inborn • lkltl• phone w11a1 a Wondertul World ..,.,.,.,, f tllt Coward· Dtoeet I :..d & Vi k'' Dally Piiot of Shopping, right at .,., 1111 ATTENDAN'ts u• a IC 1 s c•us1•1ad. 842-5e78 yGllf flngert'9a everydl!yl •••••••••••••••••••••• I try to ob9y 11\e apeed Pll1'I llllU Dally Pllo1 Claaalfled WE BUY 2nds limit, but nobody •IH ••-People w+io need people Ada. To piece your ed, P'Y9 any at1tntlon to the--•• allould •lwaYt di«* the call 842·51178 and let • GREAT SOUTHWEST 55 mph llmlt. Th• only IACK & BETTER SeMct DtrlCt~ Ill the Clalllflfd Ad·Vlt« llllp C•PfTAL CORP peop .. I've...,.. drMng r THAN EVER! .a4 Hl'9 0"11.Y Pt• T ""'' t1MMI :tJ:N:f:N~~~ parking ~"· 111-0111 " .. ·---· ------1 n" (Outcall} ,:; ~ ~iii"'ii"'"'iii""ill" "iiii" ~ OPTICAL ENGINEER or 'fOUf\Q man, let• 20'a, w/2 c;hlldren would Ilk• a mMnlnglut, •••llurr•n· ~lllrrDING PHYSICIST II ' glng. (213)338..349 ~ ~DULT Af1ernoon I £¥9-T--, ~ nlng Parti.t Mon thru 8et. OIAL8 only w" a T'1ura. OUYI onty. Mon an.w..•~st •CLUB FANTASY• ,,..., 1411 •••••••••••••••••••••• TWo Lea VfOM And Trtp llok•tl from O .C P d •ut1 H e . tor 1 115, t75·7474 Lerry. Mull ... byo4/30. I RCTaylorCo ()40 C)C)QO REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS IF: YOU WANT to work ln • plush. well-located office w1tl. a lf'OUP of hJahly motivated profe11o~ YOU dealre the chance ti arow With • rapidly expandt.na. J>f'OC"!l- mve mulU-olfice OOl'llJ*'Y· YOU d~rve to eam th biahftt poulbht apltta and l\IU recein fmt.Mtk compeny aoola. I • •• Oranci-Cou1 DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprtl 28, 1982 l*JMtli .... !Atr "11..~'!!. .... !.{ff !*.,M'!!. .... 1.{ff !*.,M~ .... !.{. P!.'I..!¥.'!!. .... !{ !tJl..!¥.'!J. .... !.{ff ~/..!¥.'!!. .... !.{. ~.~~ ...... ~! ~!I ................ &!N.'N!. ....... ll!tf lllle .... MNe rMOM-""ONT O"l~.lo Chit· L1UL .., Pt-• 'le. UM llTlf .. 11111 hrvtoe llatloft atteftdlnt HAMOR AMA 14emoM/Hlf'nlllevWI I looC OOYCft, ..,,_ ..... ala & tftet~lo ....__, .._._. u~ •-· M,,, mornlnJ l alter• Al'PllAHCa ltRvtC kHlen, a wtia, M Chooo-I "'ontht old. t lOO. "'"' ~n ...... • -·-• -8tront 'emlly L•w •K• Clotk fOf HO ... reon1 Your 00tpor• lmllgo le ........,. "'lfl•. Clood ?aro W• ... roconcl.. guar. lat• ........ NO ........,4 641-IHI • .,........, tot MMll v.,!Ouo du· ture ciereon~lno111111 portence l l·wltly P/rt. Hl\MY IP ODED IOUGh1 bY INlof flnn rOf .......... applielloea. a.•~ ..-... -. lt41......,,. IMt. loenllft noo. Wed, latary •1to0 to 11700. 1eccu,.to llDP, 10 oy, tl•ff poeltlon. Elloal. tie-l benarlll th.ii\ 26 0 8*nw/H~ Trundle led. Comptoto. Colee...... Thur•. •U·U a for 714oflt-17)3 MIPIOY" ''"1 and"'. IPEI 11111 n•fll•. lonlley Hey .. a ••n Joaquin Hit• .. d. "•lrl9. UH. WullerJ kitten, • wk• Old, , Dene wtltM .od.,..... IOOtCKllN" ](Int. oPP" lnW'Mw. •-aa ~·-aonnof roooro kMplf\O, A1100. 1570 lrookhol· ~M. OryW, OllhWWlef 1121> halpolnt, NO 4~174 Aainf tu, 8*41M ty, fof Mature, Mt oh9, '"" time looretery . ~ ~-=ftm, 0r"'99 Co. Alf'PM er-. COSTA MHA low Dr, Ito 114, I .A SUWIC! ltalfon 1t11n· .._ 846-6MI 81emoMJHllMl9yon 2 Po COllCfl 1321. 2 W• '*"'·""'-for~. Gentr.i Ofb, llountaln I II I I Call Qlorla. 131..,..74 HfWPORT 82707, ~9·H29 dent. Ive. lhlh. Appl~: I .W ........., kitten, I wk• old, llue-nut ~ NO pr. Aeoal-~gen.~. fin. V•ll•y locollon. Phone !!!!~~II n tu. aa-• .,_ TUUOAY 111matro11, "'''·Uni· Sholl Station. 17th & Ir· LAI H7.a1sa Point MO 4~74 ver UO. POf'taib6e ~ 1t1tMOnt1. OrMt WOr• M3--5e00. ..·-·-··-·" oorporati r••--"'I PIT •01 ViM. Npt. 8dl. ' 120 l rollor oven 111. kin' oonde. lono1111. , ..... c-·t .. ,.~-... a .. 11ta planning. Min· Tho="°"' lno., en APRIL 27, 1M2 ~~a'1 NB' •,•1J!ll1·t1·..: DI• gold Catorlc atova, ~ ~ 54a..te7t N.t l'I. known ln'.rlo, -•-.. 1~ "',.... ,..,. •• -rea au ran roe mini .......,. •• ••••••••••••••••• 1~-------~ "" .... ,.... -.....,.",........ lmum " -··• ,,,...,.,~ tebll• _... t 1 7:30PM ,.,., • • ... ..... Sewlnl Mtchln• Opera· f ~ ·--1---...... W d I""" ""'d, ~I"' -:r ' ""'"'' Twin .._... br ..._... ""' ~1 ft ftrM. Non·Mlltr. a....-......... .... oo. V>W"I" •.1,,....,.. I or C!Nlln, ,,_In ooertlna fOt ,.. .. LL M-I -'Y tall1'AIY d ..... d ...... 1 ''p"' He0.. ..... , t lrn Tttrlff> t wit M'. .. ...... ':"..L r=l~ .. ,....,. --PfOCOH no OllPOI once en entry ..... payroi/fllO ..... • ....... ~ I •• b•n• ... . . Shott & WMmlng '300 --.,..__. L di I I I pret.frtd. 'Bon.nt1. Sal-otatk to"'°"' In 1 4 ~ Ml-tlOI or tax ltwyer, wood PROD. prep l 0 .C.'H · .... 1111 Of belt otter. M2·Ma2 la lbl, chtt, l ctlaliMI. Ill :1-•II tr'o•t Cneo. !.!.'dapaelull tclomn-o ary negotiable. esa..1oee eon dept, Peyroll ...,.... procoHlng, wlll train 1111. 642-9'52. Guatan\Md, 86o..oe82 king bdtm ••. M2-3aai _._ ........ (!Motlnde)l =.... but ... C•" Newport Booch Law 01-Springe( Spanlel Pupg'Y• lmm1d. opening with general office portOnnel. • '"'• w ... trtln an -tOd•y &nd get"' tho tlc:ft. Interview by aoot. ............ hr •m 1111 10 WHkl. male. 11 0 Water bod. elr fram• a growlllt rtllll alolhlng Entry~ Polltlon. Ty. dual who h .. limit llllWOt't to wt\at I future Cell Ceryn 714/644-4112 Boal OOVWI 6 oulhlone Ouatantood 85t-Oe82 948-7082 l llllld 170. oo. llep, """trial baleft.. ping roq'd, offl4o oxper Le,al Secretar·v ~-...,...s-; •• dollro to "'s~ldtlel RMI &t•I• ··--u11 FfT or PIT. Min. 11 moe. . Got'"-a~._ __ p te&-7141 oo. eon. deta entry _..,, helpful. 0 •11 Charl•"I. J.. -n. ..wy oornmen -cou mean to you. -• w•-1111 ........ ,.,.,r....... u~ '*Pf!A. lond atlOft i.tler Mon t ·12 97M21 Par time, axpor cs.. rat• with OJtPOr. Apply fn 11--e11p. 501 29th 81., Now· -champlon•hlp 8ungold NEVaR USED: Bdrm..,, to: ..... _,~~ PO Bo• Huntington Beach. n ... poreon between -n-• port Doh. t17&-1823 Ouarentoocl. 8159..()882 llne. AKC, thota, wor-bunk beda, llvlng rm, •1't......,, •1"'e'3' • wo'nq' u1n", ••M!ll -d_.. for overflow Ing""'· •AM·"'PM or aond ro-Hot•I mgmtl Dev oo I /b rl " • u --WIW'T'-.., .... 0 " ltltt11 &""4111 Lrg 2·dr r1frlg/ frff.Hr. med. e wk• old. "225. mat raH oa •or nga. Huntlnoton ubo lmmecl opening Accu «al practtce law firm. 14 eume to: '"king poraonabl• In-11-•-1tt ·~-, ft•na 1133-1418 77().()l()l ur • r.· • lo 18 hrt P« wtc. Thura 0 00 dlvldU&I with good typing Earn $12/hr pl llm• .... I -... •v --------- 92149· ~:::p'~:~~\~1::~·~! 6 Fri. l!xp1r. with 18M J17LJ-.~ ~Hie~:-~!~· 1klll1 for Orange Co 648-5781 (Uk for Dale) good ll50. 37M PETS "R" PEOPL£ 42" md table W/lellf & 4 800tO(El!PEA·POtt·tlme, bookleeoplng dutlH. Olaplaywr11er pref'd. win Irvine, ca. 927!4 Airport erH office. l!x· WAllll Exotic 111c111~n1, hair u~halra, $250. Dane Point Chart HH, warner·Falrvlew .,... train. A1k ror Cal hi, 714-~1 22" Harbor Blvd collont •tarting Hlary, Student Jobi U k• new. Good cond. llyloa & love •I Sherry'•. ti '"· 4 48S-11~, 41G-11M l :S0·5, 14/IH IO etert. Mon-Wed.1474041 Coate Meu, CA 92e27 full benefit ptogrtm. Ap-11YJ $90 840-9l80 Poodle kld1 4 Hie, f. (3)24" wooden bar 1tool9 3 PllH•ll ply In P•r•on Mon-Fri llY• ..,111 • cup. tOy. min. 546-2148 w/p&dded ... ,,, 1-45 °' Ill llffU 645-01 7• Light houukHplng .. n1•11ua All equal Qwty Co. blwn. , & 4PM 10 Mr - -'55 T-Blrd. Bl.ck. 2 tQpl, ·-j,., ............ Wiii fe9. tlH-eff() Travel agency nHda GENERAL OFFICE cooking In my homo. 5 Cluelfl~dp'~~onnol Raet~t Rulty Pellean, John Sandera, 18013 How would you Ilk• lo allck, lo ml. Xlnt oond --..-... up. U charge bkJtp'r to Carffr opportunity.tor ~!r ~9 .. Call •tt• 3PM t•ch, nHdod bu Hunt-2735 w. Cout Hwy, now Skypark Cir , Suit• e. Ir· N<n 11much••150.00 • Sll.600. 645-14.te PUP Femei.. 11 wffkt, Black naugh•hrd• aola trl1lbelanco.81lary Frlda)'-typeptrtOnllgtlt -.,...~ , 1 1 vino.ca. wee«?Doyoullkedrt*ln Utered,wlthmom&POP. b1d(doubl1 .0ood oommt1l9Ufate w/&blllty. bcokkHplng, cietall M•clllnlat. Minimum 8 lngton 8wtl City Sdlool accept no •PPI cation• movlH, plonloa, p11u Trad• otec:trlc dryer, 1~ yr papeni, 1200 cond 642-5107 ....., """ .,.,,. __.... ......... , Pr-'.._t I oi.t. 12 month poe.. Abl-tor Oyat• Bar PlllOOnel. INr..._/1-11 p1r1l11, b1ach part I••. o Id Io, g • • d, Y •, 7"" "'•25 ~ . ., . ..._._ ;Mi;;,~111y;;-;•0P~ 'tr.[' •:oertence. Lathe 111yto~80wpm& tlk• Mon-Fr1. btwn. 3-4 Or~c;.'.;:, 1111 ~lu• miny other thlngi? 845-1448. 'V"'V"' Lounge chair, blue up. CARPET 8ALE8PEA80N . ..,.,.unity to atar• 1 a~ l II Up. Toollng 1hrl hd. dlctetlon al R•t• .. ••ftt •••t SI'--'* law m _ __..1 ._.,,.1 h-you would prob•b" E II t I Id b WIRE FOX TERRIER hOlatary, with cut1ra, AoQrl&alYe w/k~ .....,. • ....-•xperlence'• plua. Own 90wprn req'd Sl.288 to Po,';io;;''co'":itrol P....,,..•rio~ llh t kijj I 2 -b bl J kl ' ~~! ~~1rg1e •1 • Y PUPS, AKC. Excellent 175 979-9933 of draperlot fOf Oranna cond car ... 54&-8200 Io o I' • mu It. $1,575 per mo. d1p1n-w op • '· m n. • pro I Y en oy wor ng .,.,.. r .. r • Of reezer breed~ '250 ~ ··•· 7141557-3380 Mark to operlla Hobart Slicer. yra legal exper. Selary for u1. $250 64 M7 • 42' IQUWI ~· lormloa County firm. Call: Ill...,.• · ding on expar. Apply· Experlenc1d Preferred, open C a lf Fran. QUALIFICATIONS. · 827• m . 82 24 corner table tor twin 7eo-o734 or e3t·44o2. Good typing. muat b• ....,.... ,... 735 14th SI • H 8 but Wiii train. 9:30 AM to 833-3822 1 Over 12 "'"''of age Admiral 19 ell F/F S IS Getman Shepherd Puppy bed• MO 979-9933 Jade or Oer1 good on phon1, profl. Giner al mechanlcal 53&-4851 e PM Mon· Thur. tlAM to llllnUl 2oendN• 1 •blet, hon111 end d•· relrlg. Uk• new, r•llow, I At<C. 11 woekl1125 01 C I l /II to k • p•• c. ...... ~ Kint. 1275. u~7909 "" .. .,.322• n1111 llble, 4 ch1lr1, ATl!RINO help needed. c on w gure•. IY knowledg1. Exper. In Petition Clrcu11to11, FIT, • .............. ,.Apply 10 J": .,...,.. .. butctler tltodl, SIOO. Call Experienced with e&le-by touch. Xlnt co. ~ el1clrlcal & plum bing PIT1 dllly pey Euy job AM to 12 Of 2 PM to 4 needed tor corporate OI· 3 Work alter acnoot and Roi rig Acfmlral deluxe German s~d ITIM 545-4380 ring troya l Nied deco-Illa. Call Miiiie •It 9 am at helpf1.1I. Apply to Lerry, 16-1 tO hr. MO-e9 t2 PM. Lori'• 3077 S. Har-lloel of aotar •"lllern mfg. Saturd&"/I whlle Side/Side teem• . ......,..... • • --------- ratlona. Ugflt bllk~dv-&45-8800 &Jrf & Sand Hot&!, •..,. ·---S-•-• bor Blvd. (Harbor •I Mvat haY"e 3-4 yr1 lllpt CALL TODAY! ker 2 t ti cu ti Froi; 9 moa 125. Noodl TLC Remod&llng Sale. Sola' I 8 I .._ ,..,..,.,. -C rt Or) SA and able to..,.... 80 wpm, 537.59u or ""1·52"7 Ir••'. 3'yra n'ew·. Sac 833-3228 Love S111. xlnt cond. 1 "· • ary ,open "· OEN. Ol e. Bright girl tor 8ett. 497-4417 E.0.E. Lat Month ._. 11 IOI .,,.. vx "" " :;~~/011 • Kitchen. dlveralfl•d work. 1tl31 ...... ..... ......... Paid commlNlon• of SALES/DECORATOR =~~.:1:.:1en: 8AM ·~ IOPM 1500/ofr. ~3045 OltlHM har ,,, =.~.h~ :h~: Pl**1tla. C.M. '""2··· .. ,., ...,.... 17200 lo Mike J. Mual be cro•tlv•. ••II· c I F h p M OU"'" 4 mo .,, .. 139• .,.. """"" F/Tlm• po1. tor recent 752· 244. Piper Eydro onao • renc roven· .... .,.._ "' Unit beaut mahog. ve· CATERING Servlcl need• •••-••• •u •t high tchool grad w/ $4700 to Miiie S. mo11v1ted, & love peo· Inc Irv cl•I pl1no mint cond POODLE AKC neer approx llz• fO'x9' loodprapwork.,...M hr. -·--h 1 138!10toCartG. Pl• Exoetl comml111on, .. , ... ,.., .. MY.lllet $18S0.84S.:S0..5 · Fema ........ .::..1285, SllOO Chennel back Full time, 5 AM -1:30 Pm. Full llm1. EKp. prel'd. mec •n cal •Plltude, T"-d'"" 11 .... ~kl~ flexible houri. wtlt train. ll•n••y 1 1 1 "" .... ....,. C H d 3107 llkea wClfktng .... th1-..... -* '"''"' "'""' -orp~rormngerta ,New lnoartondeluxe Cuhonly 979-5228 Ch elr 175. Lori's Kitchen. 3077 EroCwoun t ~waCdreM. doaen't mind ;,i1,:'d1~ with qu1llfl1d writ•· n 499· 148t Mu11 htve good com-IPOl'll publlcatlooa, MIF. 7141754 7853 H., b or 81 v d . SA • """ ty. Leern prev~~tlve IHdl explaining our SALES munlcellv• & organlu· Good future, llffdy em-Whirlpool dl1hw11her POODLE, white M, l'h yr1 • · 1179.0747 lor IA>'t Help with elderl"I man. 2 mecn. malnt. ptua vatlety Heiting oll program. GH·3 GEROVITAL tlonal lkllla. Shorthend & pl0ymen1. 557-9910 $295 4114-2895 PIP 010. ahota. 1111 n•d. 4 Poa1ar ktng water bed. 8 -C-ler1t---T---,11-F-u_lf_l_lme-,-pt-' d1y1 a week: & 1 few ol other dull•• whit• Sound lnter11t1ng? Call now avallabl• In Iha typl:;;requlred. TELLER 1 Meglc Chef, atalnleet gq lrt1ndly, lovet chlld~n. drwra Sec. 1250. 2430 ,.., ~ p TV Jim Sliver at tl73-4302 ..... llO opin ng. Perl-ra~etop w/8BO New, rul t un, AKC, 1250. Hoffy Ln. N.B. Sat 1()..4 time. Sal beneflll. ovorn ta. rv. br. & · i-n•~ the ...... Peraon · USA. 11 II tho Fountain or ,_.., , llm• 30 hra wk E o E ""'" " .,. q..., ,....., 97" .:,,.,.1 --• tor Kl.m.· · 12 . P/·p 4""2'"95 Cull only. 979-5228 Dou"'-.._.., I'"•~ .... ... 831-5031 ,,_...... ..... "'°''be dependablo. P/TIME. 7 d•"I•· 2 htl Youth? Fre• 11mln1r1, 12151 Monarch St. .,.....,.. ---v """.,_, "' ·~ ....... . _..,..... CIMCO dally. AM d&llv•ry. LA high Income pot1nllal, Garden Grove 891,..426 Eleot blk giua door NII Alrllne lra1111 cege tor l'IMdboard & trame. 150 -265 Brtgga Ave. C.M. nmea l-486/mo. Laguna d111rlbutorahlp1 •v•lf•· TIW TllOI Cleanl, bit In OYIO S375 med. alze dog. $45 731-2133 ~.'C:1~~=· o.-HIRING sa1ee e.acti 49'-8498 bte. 7141943-5535 1Nrtt11J/b...tht llllYU PtP 494-2tl95 PIP 1 85t-t1590 •It 4om. _a_u_EE __ N_S_L_E-EP_E_R_s_o_F_A_ IUll l llOI PfT Permanent l&Lll/IUIETlll Flnanclal lnvolll'T*'I firm Exparlenc1 Pr•l•rred. Super range top klloh IX· Doble m.,., 2 yrs, top llne, & LINENS. 1115. ITUT 1111 ..... ltw f.Wll Law Io r •du c •tor •. Good driving record haull Ian. new I SO PIP ouard trained, nda love-549--3573 •• HI -Communloltlona/ admlnl· Should llve nMfby. lMr"I 494-2895 1 •tttnllon & • llrm hand New fui.-ttze menr-Mt. -1111 -~ AR The Loa ,Angelet Tim•• &flll-.s Oatai ...... &et '11 11t1llv• dept. llC'"I Ex-Hunt Auto CWlltt, 1126 Go r g • o u I $ 2 7 5 HO N•w queen 11u . m.. H D Clrculallon Oepl. cur-Leading national mlfk• Sell dlttrlbutor• nation-C611 typing & 8/H req'd. Legunt Cllty<>n Rd. LAG. •'-I•• ,,. 731-2244 $100. 750-5832 wo .,0 looklng for a de-rently hU ooeltlon1 open Ung firm n••d• 1n11111-Wide. Good talkera/5 ht Exie. iecretarlal up 1 B c h 8 3 3 -8 9 e f . :::1:••••••••••••••••• pendlbll, fl1endly par90n In Hlea. Ai 1 ll•ld r•· gent, ed1p1able P90PI• work (d•"Jtlme). Cuh mull. Non-•moker. Call 497-2030 L.ad .... Free Splnt 1Lh•H APIO puppy. AKC Conlemp Walnut Dining wi th exper. In vitamin WORKERS pretentallv• you'll 111n who •nJoy public con-cuh pd dlll"J/no ch. g 84().4123 TRAINEE for pulllng & New, 175 or bett oner mete. $200/0BO room 111 with Bullll. Mloa or ,.,Id nuttllk>Nll •n hourly wage & gen-11ot. Mu11 have cl11r badtl/ no credit rejeci.. I packaging ordera FIT. 730-69751642-3708 I 6411-S&OS I 5 9 5 . au AL 1 Ty kllOWlodgt to WOl1c In Oo.N ~:~. ~~ telephone voice. An~ Cuti Card of America. n • 0 5 13 9 3 •I 100 ·ii Santa Ana 540-6850 10 1pd Nl1hlkl lnt'I, 11 ft" ,. fH lf45 87S-73H moc:s.m ho&lth food"°" poeltlon '°' .,, outgoing Cell Mr Carter 1145-7501 -••nutll-weight, barely u.ed, H · •••••••••••••••••••••• -K-,n--.-,,-.-w-.-,-.-r -B-.-d-. Cuh regllltr IKP"·. $1 200 PIHH c all· 957-23tll, peraon who cen WOtk on Mon •lternoon only. T80/Medla0p$15 800 TUYIL aam tr81 lncf S2.2S/080 2 Male S•ll•r-mlx pupa, 013e1acs ""' boollcue plut . Exe ell. medlcal & ext. l204. ~~!'!,rf:'::':X':..~ Salea otllel, PIT, ICQ/rtte Req>VT50$12,o0o Min 3 Y" exp c;omm'I 730-8975/6-42-3708 3mos okl Blk haadboard e drawera dental benefit•. UnllOfmt MECHANIC p· .. -111"~'' i~~ F~ 1 t""'•t. "''""· d'--tlon, & T80/S90/Beeotl$18,000 & vec Sabre trained I 581-0Q83 hHler lln~r complet~ furnl1hed 40 h k H J A 1 7 AM HS31 Pl -• ..... ............. ... ,,.. • ..., ..... Ou Harb« TrtY&I Jr. Schwinn 10 apd, xlnl • • &lndaya. ·~·~I~ 0:.::1~ Coste M"' •· confldenllal Interview tap•. Good lllephone e11p. Conaultant• ,. MIHle 875-1311 cond, orig 1185, sell BEAUTIFUL S300 893--21118 penon lo menager. Lind-Per Month To Stert • ca II M r . SI r o II • i peraonallty Salling Ui Relndera ~t' Inc. • S80 Dove 831-2157 Longhair kittens, lrM to IMMt lb Witt W ~ Nutrition 8ervlcl 1""'*1 ---.. In 3 dtl· MEDICAL Ole. Exp d. 545-5778 know11og1 helpful. Re-4020 BlrctlEat EOE lW1J IPfl&Tlll good h<>mel. 642~1 I f 1 S-.,..._.ol St., (In So'. i--t e1=-t,-. s'Y'"'~ po·•. EKO-Trudmlll Tach Pl . aum1 r1q'd. 831 -4761 N!wp0!11833-tl190/Fr• ,,.....,. OT-BMX. Chr<>ffte frame ...... •Mt fr••t . ..,,., --· ... ....... .. 1-...1 ............... •~•-be • "AM M F I -~ typlat tor twtx m•-end fork aeel•d bu· Mal• 8111111 Hound. e ' Con t Plaza btwn. th• llonl no oitper. neoded. Time. 542-tla21 -iu .... -• 1 .,... · on-r Chine. Wiii I rain Xlnt I rings $3s0 542.0785 y11r1 old, good h1alth, °'""'91 IMlttr, II .. CerOUMI l Bulloc*'a 114-Ht-1111 llllOlL lll'Y Wo hav. an opening 1°' SALES p111on w1n 11d oppor1unlty and com-· ' xlnt w/chlldran Need• nd, 1110 tr hst two well drHMd lntelll-Sundlal Fuhlone, L•· SECRETARY piny bone1t11 Cell Bar· Mena 24" Peugeot bllte, IOve. 780-81tl9 _...__ *""l••• Nwpl B ch . Coll1g1 g1n1 11l11per1on1 to guna Bch. Call 17 14 1 bar• 554-3880 1 new tlrH. good cond.. _,.. P A.. ....,., --•· llRB/llm background. Salary work In th• N1wpor1 497_.774 $120 494-5808 1 yeer uou part e1i1 ..-BED 0 SI / tor buay modlcal lab. open. Mull~ 75 wpm. Harb« "" In commw-· orable pet tor child or · ueen H . Mell Hre. 8AM-SPM, Mon-Fr1. 75~·1833. clal HIH end/or rH· UUI PElllll Excellent opportunity to TYPISITTEI BMX Racing Bike, light grownup. 840-0473 box end lreme S 125. Perm. poa. '40-0140 1..11\UnJAKERS ldentl., Mloa In the more M II I d f I di h foln an lndu1try l11d1r Needed, night• and ...,.._ weight Reedy pedal• _8_7_3-_54_83 _____ _ f1UWl(,Jll lflll&l. Ulllf, 1Hluent ., .... WI offer 0 VI e • ran y. O· end ahare In lhe meny kendl Replacement poel-alloy cranks, many iclru 1 Wk Old klll•na. box Early Amer. Sofa 176 & CUSTODIAH.-lmmed ope-For pert/time public rate-Office nu rte ne1ded llblrll commllalona and 0111 11111 peraona nee-benefits -otter. W• 111 tlon lor 3 months 70 $185. 840--0408. tr1lneds•'s.b7lk • wni 6 atrl· club chr $40 Good nlng Nwpt Bch rotall t rtl M 1 ded for Cullom het lhop MOklnn en lndlYldull with Old .. 880 •tore l offlcet expor tlona work, approx. 20 !.•rung approx 1Y oreet 1Uppor1 if "JOU are• In L•gun• Beach. Full/ good t yping and ihor-word• P" minute. alx Unlvega Men• "cuatom · cond Swvl valvet ruat • /t • houra P04' ..-. W• are• -&-e836 Hll tlerter end • herd t 1 me & p 1 rt111 me lhand lkllls 10 WOftc In our month• experl1nc1 min-IO '. herdly uaod. 23" Biid! klll1n1part111meee rock er, new $ 100 ~1:!!1.P~;i,;.t:: ~g ~f~.t.~ 061 Newport Robot Co. Midi w1 orker P11.,1n catldll me s 4 1 hour ala rt 1 ng. Production Deportment. lpmum required Apply 10 I lramt $95. 648-8028. ~'~!•3r10b7oxed 1re1n ed1_64_5-8_29_2 _____ _ polltlon w/lllnl boneflt1. :.:.-.,,'1oo1c-""""1ng-t~,,.,_. --'.I-part llm• mechanlcel & °'1-• '1 peraon • oon WI· 1213)341-4171 (Marc) Selected appllcent wlll er100nel. B h C I 11 I --~--, I•-•, •-s Ca I I R • Y & or JI m ,,.,.,., to do public rel•· HHm ., itlQloua NtwpOl't Cent14' SALES have good orel and writ· I :::• u i e. Ilk e br • n d new. luaitln ' ••••A•••••••••••••••• .... ... -electrlcal bl I., nlervlew In our pre-";• •-~ eec ru Mr, very 11 e ..,. ,. ~' -~ 644-5010 tlonl work. The job lnvot-~5•Y~'s~d lo lull time Office Sllet Reornentetlve 10 ten communlcatlonl 111•111 rn•• $150 Cell evenings ••••••••••••••••••••••MOVING SAL£·Hlgh qu•- Doak Clertla wanted, day Vl9 calling on large corn-l· • Al. LEO HANNA call on rHder 10 bull· and be able lo WOf"tl In a 330 Bay SI 557-43113 KING INNERSPRING EX· Illy dot"-. al2e9 3 lo 12 & night lhlh, wtll train. peillea In the or .. ter LOI YIDSfS Al\CS SR VICE n111 1ccoun11 lor ad-manufacturing environ-Co111 M..._ TRA FIRM m•llr-Mt, & ICOIM, hlhold artldtl. SH Lark Motel. Call Anget.1 area to d1mon· l1UI\ ~ PRESIDENT vtrll1lng Mon-Fri, menL An Equll Oegty Emp&: Jail,iaf ~ uaad, worth $530, IVm. Sun 509'~ Begonia. 841-7446 noon to ePM. 1tr1le our product• & 10 Ell.p. In Gtwlatlc--'-1 ..... ._. I, T~ •-. 9am·5pm Bue & com-E fl ••ttr'-''I IO'•S 11c01248 del Never _Cd_M ______ _ rcomot• 1ncr...eo ·~·-·..., •-1 ., .... -mlallon. compeny bene-meraon o era • com-..._1, T ~, • u11 qu11n u worth DOMESTIC8 ou ............... t ..... ~ ueago& -· mutt. Only dldlcatod, Rellltore 814--40!0 Illa. wlll train Neat ap-plot• bonofltt p1ck1g1 ',,.,_ • • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1300 c11h onl' 1218 MOVING SALE ..,..,........ ... ..... tovt'l penona Mid ac>-rr •''° tight bookkeeping, IOW 310 /n · y, N•w w1111., & dr"l•r. Maturi houaetl...,.. IOf pay the_,..__ Thll job ply. vp. 111 lhlfl Xlnl R.c:eptlonlll nHded, 2 0-enc:e& good tpelllng lhll lneludea modlcll O· h & hi I I del U1uall"1 hom1. freezer, llOVI, CICIUI "'ot.aalonll Vari.ct d·~ •• ..._.. " ~ ..___ 11 1 ... 1 p 1uranc1 and paid v1c1 P on11 I PP ng ror R1dwood 2x8 decking, 7"•73"" ... · ~~ wlll 001 leed Into I lullllml In 1 pr o g r • m C •ti )'MIS •xoer--. ....,, 1 ...,,pp "I enny-• 1mlff ma.rtne c:o 1n Coale ·20· .......... -•--r................ _.. ""' collecllon, od wegon. t .... Hon98t, energetic, Polltlon For more lntor· · · xlnt P o tel1phone uver. 1680 Placenlfa. tlonl For lmmedllte QOf)-I .... ~..., ....., _, .. ..,..,.., ----.------! 6022 ood 18 rellabl1, 5 hr• pr day. mellon c all JHn Mui-142-8044 Sul>mll rHume 10 Mt· c M ..-•lion. ptMae call M..a 6-4~5882 lericlng. Low111 price I RY ll'MI Larctiw oCN M~rl. Car/rtf9 req'd. c r on o' 9 8 3 . 4 9 e 4 tftltt 1M11er/ rlo'a Con11ruolfon Inc , TTPllT guer Jim or Kan 10Y· L• 957-1133 l~prlft9dalel. H.9 Seti 840-e8e2 Sun.-Wed. 7-t()pm; Thurt b ....... IN 271185 Forb11 Rd L•· UUI EIERSOI Newport 8"ch CPA llrm l time, 648-9885 * Dounhn•I maker, IX"'"''· 7-10am. Sanford Corpo-F gun• Nlguel, 92tl 77 Telephone aollcll<>'. no aeeillng 1..,,.191 with ex,,_ ~,.1,11 I **I BUY* Bu•b•ll card a, comlt a6'!... open .. ,.~...!'..:.... ratloo. °' e.q>andlng """"' II· PIMao no c&lla exper. n1c. 9·5, Tu11 ELEmtc co ,.. ....... '" ., book•. 10011 & Iota of -7 ,te-97......,., ._.., lomey lAw Arm In lrvlne 1---------lhru Fri Gd oo. beneflll. t & matur• lltltud• Ty-L.I I 1030 Oood ulld Furniture & mlac Fri/Sat 8-4 5t 12 Ar• 4 11 lndu1trlal complex. Sa-llOl'1"111UST Appl"/ in P"•on. 1880 lnduatrtal Controls ping 80wpm S~lary '1• 1 •••~:!f!~ •••••••••• Ap..._OR I will Mii Linda Circle (nr Bolu Drapery lnl1affer. outlom HOll•H wentid, exper. llfY commensurate w11h wanted tor bu1y chlro· Plecentla, C.M OMalorl OOO plul Non-amkg olc Nall... or SELL fOf You ' Chica/Edinger). H B exp.,len~. no train... ~ ~~.:~~~~·si!: 1XP1' Clll Mr Slmonda prectlc ottlc&. Min typing ---------3300 8. Standatd St 752·S400 Start your d11kroom 10-IUITIU ANTiii GARAGE SALE. oodlel of relorr1nc01 required. Ho4tow I.ti l B 833-3e22 55wpm Good figure Ullt Tl&llll (.Ojacent 10 the dayt With 1 BIMier 23Cll 1 ... llll 1 .. NH QOOdlea 811 l~S. 2207 Van a tool• provided, PY • . . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~lltude. a-e M-F, ••pr. lnlernatlonal lotder Newport FW)'.) YMttfel enlarger. enlerglng i.n--.... HoCfv Ln NB 11lary only. S350 per HOSTE.88/AHl•t. Mgr. PUT Tm dHlred. Non-amok., 111k1 1ggreu1v1 go-7t..,.S41-6581 ltffef Pttl 111, Hfellght & ffiter1, ln bod, & box 1prlng1 __ '.,;.._7 _' -·----- weolt, 111. mo. Paid~ ror am. Fronoh re11 . 5 Couple to help In family pref. 831·5"0 getter'°' lnakle position. Tt•• •-•-..... electronic timer. vllioua 110. Relrtg.,-ator 1150. Sal/Sun. 1230 K11en Aye day.e. 5 day WMk, non Oay wt<. Pou. wknda. on. wllolM&ltt/retall butlnMI. Xlnl advanc1men1 op-equal oppty _..... HHll & every ty511 ol Vicki. 495-4090 Sant• Ana, nr Nowhope/ arndkor lnter'MM Mon-Some epllt ahlft1 Exper N 1on .. 1y advert U•l•IT portunlly and 11rnlng ll'!lf>lox!! mff/h We're lffkln9 to build 1 derkroom acoutory Edinger. 839-3200. Just Thurt ~nlll 4. Call for roq'd. Cell; Monday. AM 11 G IMd P<O-potenllal No degr11. I~~~-~~-!!~~~~ labor pool of quelllled Imaginable. All In exoel-n 1lpr wl•peclat m•t· m11rled-2 of everything. '"'""'" 556-eN1 Win-oolleot 21M93-5058 duc1. ood prollt1, bo· w/bookkHplng exp.,. Bantl•y H1y11 & Aaaoc. IU'Y ~ ~) graphic &rt• P«IOnnel tor lenl condl11on. Wiii Hll u '.:.'.'5'' •w7~m1•2~02hlng chr Stereo. rlfrlo. couch. etc. dow DHlgna a1o5 D • ~~;7/•guo AHoc. Newport 8eed'I ofo, Send 1570 Brookhollow Dr, / •-s on-oall work In the pr•-package only. 1500. ~ v .,.. ~~rt Loop br. Coat• Houao"o•p•r wanted, r0• .. ~~mp'i1o'to, POAd.BoNox.1~?~.· Ste t 14 s A 112707 • Newport ech lllm co prHt arH. Al 11111 ona 75 t-8"06 evea. 1-------b--d--11 El•ctronlc Nu11. Garaga _ • -• """ 549-262.5. ·Per1onn1i Typing, flllng, phonH yetr'a •llPtrlence In typo-uo•n w111r • w Mii: 1801 16th & lrvlne South lAQ\Jtl8 .,.., Mon eo.ta Mlle, CA 92'28 Mf'Vk:ea 100% tr•. Carolyn, 851-1502 Mlllng, put• up, cameri •LEiii ULE* bkcuo hdbrd, hlr, 111• Sii. In back tlle"I All Earn llG-$100 for M hrs thN Fri. lovely room w/ PAIT lm ~ Stetlon Attendant operellon °' Pl•lernaklng New & uied. Fantutlc ~~~T~ moe old, 1200. wHk long a110 chr & or Ml. Exooll. !Of women beth & color TV, I"'-In or 8-9pm. Expanding youth ~ llfll fl 114IO & A11l1lanl Manager la ,_...ry You mu.I be prlcea Large Mloctton. _couch _______ _ w/llf'A otlldron. No exp., out. Muat have oar & counHlllng firm hu ~ Pr11t1glou1 llrm 011111 politlon• av.,1, Seff-eerv avallabl• 10 work on • Perry'• C•mtta, aeo E. .__._ S.Nw Sale inoiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiM0-4iiii930iiiil vc'a1"1d~c. G~ Hl~y. nlng1 for 3.5 •harp out-• •Ym career opportunity lo 081 tllllon In lrvln• aub1ll1U11 °' Clll-ln ball• 11t. Tull.in. 832-3e6& A-II ,..-old• by thei:;ouno .... ore ....... or .,,., going mature peopl• to Lite dullH In 1malf Ex-prolOlllot\al with lClnt ty-Must be 18 & bondtlble, Selary depend• on e~ wm .. llLJI '9m 831-2154. ~ motlvat1 arnbltloul 1~13 ecullve Suite tor appfOK p ing end I S/H 1klll1. hive CUhler OXl*llf'lcll, rl1nce Cont1ot Per1on-Dirk room equipment. All Pftllc &..f.. Set/Sun 8 lo 4 21 W 9 l 8pl'!I call 1111·515'. 'Ir old•. Call 2·5pm 3 month•. Pl1aunt Pluah office. Bent11y knowledge of bulk"9I & net. prOf.alonll ~ty Incl Loat WltehouM, huge M-Chandler Ave S.A, nr s.tlllconductor ptoducta ••i••• U1D ~2~~~ ext. 343. Aak 11mo1phere & p1ople Hl'/H a A11oc. 1570 Tokhelm comn.1•t•a wllf ";·hast "lnlerg.,. Nlkko r lena, leotlon, many below 0091 Harbor, north ot Seger-dlatrlbutor nffda H iii ---"" ..,..,._ For lnlo & epp1 • cell Brookhollow, St• 114, .. -timer & mUCfl more. New 11785 Edinger. F.V. (t blk atrom -•Ill In 0r-C"". Bu•"· gin ........ ..,.., h•• l~~~~~~~~!I ""'2 ... , S • "2707 5 h•IP Outllfled people I -.j ••so __,. .. tJ o-w 'H_........ .~ .. 7......, ---------~In d;.c; -OP•~lng for·;;1;:on11 I-1--... _ ....... __ , _____ P;a;;,nel ...v:-~~ plHH call 551-0378. 330 ~.. 15oo·:_~ofrv e~s:.83 . 0 ............ -.. ..,. YARD SALE April 24-25. Ironic O.E.M. contact 11 11 t R Id pa--Mon-Fri, btwn tAM & 12 ,.~ · •lee dryer, antq tub1 n•• euto "•1• •P -•IW'I" r-Trad• your old llull tor lr11. ....,.,. M-MINOLTA C•m•ra. Iona, Dlnett• Set w/bulcher 1012'A Florida St. H 8. • d••lrable. Major larg• advancomont. Salary Now occepllno ~pllce-n .. , g 00 d I•• with 1 ----------Trade your old 11u11 tor An £qUll Org!y Emp!yr Mly automatic. & mtr. '°' bloc* formic& top tbl, 4 ---------high volume llnH ar• eotMIOlllW•t• w/Uf>*. Uone 3 daye •Mc .• T~. Cluelflod ed 142•5878 thlngl fut wtth Deity new good 10 wll h a -~• Wide................ ctw'I LMl• MW m 51bet S.Ui & le.Itch. alnkt. medl- avallabl• for high com-Call: Tony, 6"9-M23 Fri & Sat. Wiii train. Ari -:::::::::'::::::::;:~Pllo;;;;•;;;W~an~t~A~dl~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Ctuli~~l~iod~•~d~64~2-~58~78~1W.,treearec, experienced, totephotlc len';.'1fii,h a ofr. 7eo.9279 cine cbnt1 .. mlac. 2258 mlMton Ml'nlngi. Car.._ 1-N-V_E_S_T_O_R_l_o_t_a_k_e_o_v_1_r ~"'!1!!_ bkp~~ r dinner part time, COCk · CMe M2-t147 Jim Tiak .,,_ ... qn tlze. plat-Cornell• • C.M. lowanco ptua medical & ............... _,_of ,_,, ,...,...,. -ft··-·-· 11111 •••k•ndi Appy .,.., s 111 3 H It 11 d•ntel p l1n1 Include d. ~;;"~c»;p~ 1880 P'-°'lla, C.M. Ben Brown'• Reltaurant, Citl #JI form From Mel Brown. un ~·eofer &~ • a.net~ to Box 995• with $2,000,000 annutl 31 108 Coa11 Hwy, S. •••••••••••••••••••••• Coat lllOO. ulclng S350, ~ 1 I 1 1 thl ry Dally Piiot. P.O. Box 1580, 1 Pl 1 You Oon't need 1 gun to Laguna. Hlmhayan kitten• e wk• 939-1949 c 1 '· ~ c•,1 c 0 ;39 eo... =ca. ::x•;w.,, = :.::..y ~ ;::· ~·:cr1nw:'t!"J:; ( l co } } 'w--A--,._T_R_E_S_S_/W_A_IT_E_R_w_/_, ~~'tp~· /e:d~i~·d: Eleg&nl dining table, gl... ::.n&~.·c teml. 8o11 taeo. Coata MeH, Piiot Want Ad•I Cd now . • oar lor wicker bukot · • top 1nd I ch1lr1. Coal ---------Entry level ocoount•nt. CA t2t2t I &42·5'78. Klttone. Yourt tor 11.00. e $4,400 new . Mii 13,000 YARD SALE degree required· ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil BNTB I kmcti M!'ll. 9:30-1:30PM. wHk1 2 male• 1 to-I tall an ant1qu1 King I GIV!·AWAY eccounllng or related. II Mon-Fri. Earn S150lt175 m •I•. A 11 kin o • HHdboard UOO. Air· Kitchenware, hthld Ho exper. noaou•ry. ::~-~~.,&~n~~·.~: 931.2"9 · loom King bed uoo. gooda, men'• oloth11, 8•1•ry mot,.blo. Non-Restawant Mana1ement 979·0747 alt 10AM ror . Otlontal 'WOOi rug. hOO top quality art bOOkl, P•~kproN1ni.~:· .~i~; FAR WEST SERVICES app1. ~= ~~~...... and oi1-. 133-1oe1 ci~s~~,;~~s monta. lend retumt to: Yard work. NHd young Serva otr~t;yln 1h; W M&toueril• A,, ~M PO IOK 12110, lent• men t o pull WHdl In DAILY PILOT 8E c:nt' ... .,guortto/4111 Ana. 92112. Attn: Petri-Our restauranta include <Aco'a. fteu,. ( (r--a;:;~E""---) } r mall yard. 13.U hr. c1a. ben'a. .BaX1ar'a. Dunbar'• & mMY other -e..2.areo. .. .................. lllllllllllllli .. 111 .. 11111 .. 1111 .. .. fine dinner ~ We're looking for a f~ exper1mced rfttaurant people to join our rnan.acement teamt In the OrarlP County area. ~ ... /11• Marketing back9round PIUI your He.I typing •nd I• 1klll1 wlll land 11"'1 poaltlon With ..... llnown oorciorotlon. lorlttw H.,._ & Aaeoo, 1170 lrootchollow Ito 114, I .A 12 T07, f 41·2'H. ,.,eonnol --..100..-. ,AST flOOO-tl •ctl --. ...... ~""' :;m:'"· w"' train, Almtms -·-AJO & Al-., ,._,., on- ltlee, JHrnal •••t•r. o.t.pr~ r=rr.:o.:im ....... '!'1 ... 114. ~, ......... . --------- ., You rMY quality for• nartlnC 111.lary •bove the lnduury •vera1e for tralnln1/orlentat1on bHed on your ~ uperieoce & po~Ual <.'Ollt.r1· U you have 1co3 yan ~t npmi<ence ln bit foodl, coff• lbope or dinner houMa & dntre to promote =co an ad~ cateel' with an lelder, we'd U1&e CO hear' from you We'll fumith you with exceUent frb~p bmefha, eood world.nf condl· done.~ powt)\ ~­IJ. c.._. .... ptcterred.. lleDd leti.r/,._, w1t.h Mnllftlll ~(ln coefC= TODAY to; ll. n, FAA IDVIC• t71l Al-. IL; P.0:-...i 1•1 • .,,..,, CAtlfll. ~--.. _\.to \holl ... s;:;;....~_, .. b, ..... ' Newspaper Carriers for r'outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • CALL CIRCULATION OIPAATMlNT 1111 . ,,.,,..,.., •••••••••••••••••••••• WEaTMfNSTEA AMIY ANTtOUe MALL 11751 Oudon WHl- """9WA'l't. GAAOEH OAOVI! ....... 103 --- - .....__ __ . • Orange Coat DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 Pl fMilt.ftft ..... !!ff AdfA~~'!f ... !!f ~--=-~'&.~ ...... !!ff •:"'*I "'f !?!.~ .......... !.~~ ~~.~ ...... ~~,.~ ...... l.'.'!!.!fi.lf'!~ ....... ~ ... '!!.Jtl.tfftd ..... .. ....,..,. INY Youtll bed1 PLD IU)T MACHINI ................. l'."e'n' 1t•ft "betotw 9.it. Cet ... ~........... '79 ,ord PU. •WO,,,. ton, ... •111 t!.a-4 ,,,, ILf ff ... 1111 1ot1 of otolhee, 1a311 lot...., !NJOV YOU" IOAT cerrl•r l 100111orl11. , run a good , low ml, m:;••••••••••••l'•••• r.r.:••••••••n••••••• ~l':·•••••••••••••'··• •••••••••••••••••••••• Notti Dam•, w .. 1. 11S-2NM 1 t to &ofn, I.et ut do tile wor1cl LI ll e • n •w · 111 t I IO Honda TIOK, lalrl~, '3000. '751·2020 Jolln •'l• ... , Wit 73 '24 80f1 eo., xlnt IN., •'11 -ft11 "'In• t • r . Vernllh, ~·· otllln, r• 6111-7417 ~. trunk, oaee 111191'1, cruJ· ' 4 •PHd, euto. tren1., ~ cond.6 f 15"/090 door (Moft~Ooldtl•••) l>f8'*Y fabr2~~ btlll• ~ pair•. bp. N1wport 14• SLOOP. ""' hull, UiJaggo mt. 12 lOO. : ll f1'f'l 1 ~· radio. (J28820> 11 a."'°" 243 ~:::C:e.41#ii<.)2 ' '" Sat M . bM tleolt,. ""yrcfe. MlllntlNlne9. s.q...1611 ~oomp1 lllne9 loroee IPH • oy " • 1r•o. Ulll '74 ""T 124 so.eta!.• dt, Hfll Lid~ l•I~ ca., ..... ,. -Of pvt, 11yrd.842~232 lNJO .. YOUR .OAT HI•. uooo ( ... ol my '11 HONOI\ to~ Blk•. (1~21lla) d .. I h •It . .... .... CIHn, AM/l'M ll•reo. .. Pool lebte, oriental nit, Shulll•board tabl•. un• lAt ._.do the woriel ooet.) 21S/'3M1t0 :tr ml~af"" S300 Ulll 11J2SS 8MC:h lhod IUOO. ,,_, &44-1742 1P-i~d dlahwuMI' b6oydel. llilt IQu• ti (t alum. tul• Vatl\lah. pelnt dMll ,. llM n · Hun~l"..19IOt1 8Mch '78 X1t. nu •ngln1, wht, leectl ~'h:~~~.8 r~~IJ. 1:::..~o~~ ~~ =:r 8peoi~~ •• ., ~:.~c!!~·~ ,~':c, -::.:· ta•11 tape~:=. ~.t.11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~-!!,!~Ot~t1~, !or~H3-cM30~~~ 1t3t Wood.,, lkln HO :,,:::.-; ~J~b::t~ oeeft. 2A30 Hotly IAN 8 Huntington 8Ncn Q1·~ 4t°"Mi4t c.Jt 1111 '12 Ronde CMoa, 4 cJr. lat-lwl at1 ~Of,, ... ~ MO'#«, •Ide beg-010. Old 1111p !vln. d np p ita c erp•llng let to-4, Mf.f4M 141 ... 11 IAIM.D•.. ...................... *fll'YllTll* 1137.47 +th P..-mo. 1ur~•corde,booll1, I•'~ "un11ood. '400090.97~714 tivuout.UtmOltlnlUlNry.~ ... •·•r,~ '830odge~1on,ton 26402 Metguerlt•Plcwy 1"fl .... T.. Cio..ctn4tmo ....... hou Id goodl ... dra· 11/Deilt olr. 49 ·3402, Pool, JIO., ttnnlt orti . -'I -Pickup, ilant 8 Iulo, MIMlon VIiie> 2 door wltn 4 1p .. di 4 •FUTI* A 11 le ve" ( 7 U l pery roct w~ rtnge, 4N-4174 ... ,,, llMla• plu1 350 1q It ol 1un-"-111,.,.,.. Ill good o o" d . i 8 5 o. (AWtY Exit off 1-5) oyi .. AM/FM (132SPH .. I Im _~ __ 11t ____ _ ~ WMVI drepee, MW CAMPING G£AR-l.g tent• lt..I t MM d•cke. A•d. U30,000 .• :r.;V.••••.-.••••••••• 873-IJ78t Open 8unday1 12112 fHf -•••1 '78 Civic, amlfm oaH, tape recorder, auort•d llP9 8 1125 Bunk beda ••• "';1:'Jf!ft ••••• :".~ Auum. •110.000 at A!tlT H "'-'motor flome, ...... ••I • --• -good ooncS. lo n)I l2toO ~11~ Nantq lldbfd. too •H. 2 tlulf~ cota HO Life preHrv1r1, rlnge, 10¥e-llUd lnl. E>c -~I,~~.~· ... -•m• 18266 8MCll 81Vd mw~~. CtloOM lromt Of bMt of*. "'4-tt75 ..-· tBcn. ... 81MP1no baoe" ... comp1u. water elcl, cheng• tor 45.55• Hll-• ;; -.....,.."..,_ Hea18f '35~ loeboit f.40, rope, rift, aplnnakttpole t>Oet. 4M-3838 '18 Eldorado 21·, c:t•l(I. If Huntlni1°" &Moll ll fl&T IPtMI '78 Hond• CVCC llatcllbk, Garage Sate, 811/Sun. Air m att reu t9. •soo all. 78CM811 '1t....., LH ti.rgaln4?t00. P.P. Evee ,....., 0.. ~ 141 ... 11 CllNlc white ~ty Wltn rod oond, 88'°00 ml. 329 Atleo. NB, furn , 645-1173 2 1"8 M-318C'• Chrt* Ludera 30 dleHI i loop 873-1478 ... _,.. ,... W ,,.,,.. IT# 5 apd, air cond .. magi. 2500. 557-187 WaaMlf, W9t11Ult, mlec. Color TV 19" Pl1y1 Kini. motore. oomplel• w/ 138.0CX>. M·F 9-5 Suean '71 King or tile R09d Tiii a Liii CREVIER ...................... low m1i.eo-l42(1122.NJN) 5'7•9PADCOld, lllvd•rH/~fi'.cbak lnl .• Apt ••~• frlctoe; cllrom•· •ts. Power Hack saw Borg· Warner Velvat 762·71'ft Tripi• bunk, loaded, I "' glHI cocfitall tble: 1175. IMl-2429 drtvt, 1t1-1 ratloe, oom· ClfMn, 211(, aaklng 112, ...... ... 1m/lm cue., air, 11lnt chandeller; M1Ktc1n plet• lnttrumentatlon Sabot, dbl hull-6, racing tOO. 11265 8MC:h Blvd fl NT ..... cond. $5400 !Mded-type lampe: Milt: N.-,,•r uNd new WllMI· ready to lnllall. 11850 •quipped, grHt coruf. H2-3ef9 pvt petty Hunt~ton e-ch. MOTORS "~""gr..,,, 5 IC)d, at.. 759-1122 or 831-049& cue· Mii poi.a.; bMu well ch8lf 1250. Cati...,.._ pr. or beet Off Wiii MP· IAOO. Jeff 640..e3M .. ., '19 p elude 5 d eheitandcab,mlac. 142-8592 Saundere Mari ne 12 f1HotHIMonocat car-ftll#n 111nJ IJff1 14 ... 11 reo,~.NOHENICERI roof:goodco'!d ·~fg CUhSat.SUn 10.5. 1708 Hou11 lull of lurnltur1. M&-8009 top. $475 ' 1 •••••••~••••••••••••• '82 810 Cllev P U. Fully WlllE OISTI• (lACP5 71 owner. 16800/bat otr. E. Ocean Front. Belboa Vou Nol'l')8 11. we ll•Y'I It. 3 HP JOHN~ON 98&-045e tllT TUILll loeded lnol'' Talloe pleg. Ill 14111 S81·1248 DOUBLE OARAOE SALE Eng. office dellc. butclllt OUTBOARD MTR S85 t8' 1am11y aallbolt a tral· Hard top, llMCMI 8. Very Mult Nit. 1 0·250 or bat IEIYIOE ll NT lltMI _J ______ ll_J_I Sun ~2. 18 a. 18 Pur~ ~~~~':'r::~·~ ':~: 87~749 ..,, new 1811. OOOd cond. c1een wttll a Ilk•,_,.,,,, otr. 545-2014 .~~•••••••'••••••• Sage, Irv. lak• WlllowlMI m 0 r. 8 7 5 -5 3 8 9 Sporty Vak Dingy 1125. seoo. 545-37f2 I Lot• ol Hating In aid• a '77 CheYy Chly9nne •••. OllEI llTt Aulomatlc, •treo· saga. '72 XJ6. itlnl lnYeltment. olf Turtlerock Or. 875-3738 (Jan). • Brau Clock & Bero 12. Boomer• Ill>« 1 ... etorage room; 1011 of V-8 . 4 apd 1 5700 . We aotd new2 1 1 083v A) Leaving country. Red w/ Gerage Sall: Iota ol uaa-$350 tor pair. 20 lb. an-aallbolll w/ ng on OB• room to carry gHr wlllll &33--0 188. S1ll•Servlce-l.M•lng II I blk Int. Fully loaded. N- ble ltema. Sat./Sun. 233 ·'"'""'"•' cllor lln• & Chlln 1150. 1595 982-= y. travell 11395. 997-8879 '80 cnev Lull PU. Mikado 208 w 1•1. SPECIAL tire•. brk•. snow c ar E. 21at Sl .. C.M. ..... ,., Other •luff. 64~5. . . 4K4 camper •h•ll ,(Int Santa An• SALE! n FIAT X1 /I 15.900. 64$.-4 141 Garage Sale· 8 Germen •••••••••••••••••••••• 18' boat-lraller l 75~11~ MEL CRAFT Sf.BOT Quldl aale-Terry agl ull, cond seooo 6-40-1129 (7141 835-3171 4 apd, 111r10. maga •1-JI 11 .. · .. Evt--· ... • $1200 Mini cond . ..-50 18', xlnt cond. UYMble. CIOMd Sunday FIOTllY Be • u t II u I brown I -· -antique wall ctoclC•. 48 • • • '""""'· · Me.-5-415 fully all·conl $2000 '85 Che vy ·~ton PU, w/ 1659s MR) ••••••••••••••••• ... ••• rnd labia, French vanity. latt lllAJ ~ J"~ 545-8893 5'Mt66 camper. HOOlb1a1 otr. TH lett htltl11 llYD•·CE eKqutalt• braekaway oak 3 Beechcornber ..,,, r... Hfl ~ ' 873-5920 Plt1 tf fHr r 14211 hutch, rlftee, motorcycle, Ccwona dll Mat ••••• i................ 1New3 500' never97!~30 ·79 PROWLER 20'h' c I '78 I I d ... , ......... " PLIS •••r go-cart, pony, trumpet, You ar1 Ill• winner ol '11 llW.Mll 1 · · "'"" 1 Comp. Hll-conl. On:/. our er ' 11 n con · ..... Thal'• rlghtl We're H I· ll FIAT 11 /I violin, la111e, drlll press. lour fr• tld(eta (S 12.00 Onan, 24 •. Many Jttru. Laser, 2 1111 ol Hiia. all UMd twice, xlnt. con · ~:/·· rnoon ':~'s t~' LtaH .... 4 le llng our economtcal Oat-M1talllc gold, 5 apd. Al· ::i1::ciC:,· .!!M bo~T~:',; vatue-) t-o the .... ..,,.. 1,;;ac. cond. 130 llra. equipment & dolll•. 15.ooo10eO. 832--0359 I 548-9~:: • lollrtl llWU sun 210 modele It ONLV moet newll270YHV) more. 15-"00 Set/Sun --·I Newport Slip. Asking 1850. &45--01&4 r1'1l1n Utllll]. 11101 '73 GMC 'A ton PU .., ,, Lt... 1 .. 9 o u r our coat • 11211 8-9. 2392 Azure, Senta ULLlll UOI $ 14. 7 5 0 · 5 5 7 -t 5 8 8 . t4' MZ Marine Flb«gla.u ....... ~..... ....... Lo ml dual tank a r IJ llf PIMH Pl•I PINI~ lheM aavlngi on Ane Hgta. Fountain ValleY Mlle 775-7058. Lapatrake Hllboet W/ Steel trailer 8 1ft X 6111.t shell 12850 845·04'19" 'W 122 1•31 tooyooud tT~rlauolf8eru ~adonayly We Beli8'Ye We Heve The HI Ut ~ Square Park-Mey 6 · • tralllr, 1750. &46-0184 HHllY duty 1 reap ua ' . (I 14) • • · g " ' L t P le d FIATS I "01 YOlll JoJobe t>Mna. 3 llp ou air 1982 . 68 20 Wellc ralt. Motor. VENTURE 22· Lota of apare. $475. 494-2695 lea Ford Pickup, 390 118. 4-25-82 at CIOM of bu•I-SoowCH r : n HllT "4AIOA. comp, (7)700-18 tlrea, T 1 1 11 k 1 11 trlr, VMF radio. Com-R/H plpa reek 8' bed '80 3201. all utru, xlnt "'"· ao hurryl EKam~. · alllornl nurMryp!Mtera,planu . 8:2c_:8";8 °1 :1 •·2~~ p1u.atereo,manyu· xtru.s.4950.trallerable A1l•i.mn,lut1 uddletenka 'sues'. cond ,A/C , ·.M/FM (5944).$47441 STWIYI 1tereo equip. clotnea. Tlc*ets mufl be CJelmed traa. 12500/or bit orr. 848--0709 & 914-1145 I AtfflHlifl HOii 873•2282 dy•. evs. caa1., aort 6~3~209 .. ., Ttt'Yl llUt!~/ ,J,flll '1 1~ !J,.,... ... Phone Mate recorder. by Mey 5 1952 S~ HOBIE 18', colored ••II•, •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-~7 I tldll OHm'I IUI Tlllllll l!JJIM ~-" PAGUITI Sat 3:30·8 pm; Sun. • '78 27'1111 BAYLI NER cat bOK, trailer S3500 LITE BODY WORl< & I ~To• 8am·8prn. 1102 MIMlon • • • "Vlclorll " Fly bridge 833-4503 paint/up to 50% off yoor SUBURBAN 1980 2 wnl tl.llST l&TSll-"S 11lHllO P call llW M~WI Or.C M Iii 'llw VHF radio. ball tink: body lhop ••· 53&-9832 t4rlve, new llrH. xlr• Tiii AIT1ll 1.s• 'A 'Jrrw• s , ... ~ :11· 1 depthllnlMf. outr~ge<a, ... ,., lli11 vw '66 & '78 eng. & body 17000· &48-7095 ~ IOW"' -------GARA.OE SALE Sunday Dl,,..,Ufl 1113 wt1h trailer WUI NII be· DHb f010 parte for u le cheap ·79 Ford 4x•. 28,000 ~ ••• 1---------1 ·79 GLC Wagon. uoellent 9-3 401 E. Bay St .. C.M. •••••••c•,•:•R•IN••ET•••••••• 11111C41 ol loln. •••••••••••••••••••••• A.110 Porsche allua: mllee, 11lnt cond 16500 -1-T ••99•1 81111 11Z1 ~ h5 apeedFrt 'rad! c.n DI .. b k I """ C•" •••2•~., ••e-1""7 I S ·-"'--~-L~ ll&l rrWR 911•• •••••••••••••••••••••• ... on' t'U ...... oo •. awnmo-Norm andy wood , _.,.. ..... __, Huntington Har-15K8 Be18PM.~ 73 .... .,.. •~,,,..... -.. 8880ove StrMt 714-972-2824 =::clothH.Oddsand $325/btt otr.586-3537 Olt '79SEA RAVw/ bour Boat slips Iv... fS10 ~CARVER NEWPORTBEACH w·E'RE ~~~~~~~I Ibanez PF200 Custom Les bridge. Sharp & equip· a v 8 11 llAYI IAYU •••••••• ••• • •••••••••• R.lli ~ ·!Jv1W 133-1300 3pc Wicker Mt $35. Oec. Pl\ll Gult1r wltll caH. 6P7•"-d8~~~M Hat11raa 714/846-7766 or WITI lllt PU11 f'73 Cllevy Ven. wltowlng ............ 1 • ,.,..."'""11• DEAfJN' fan 17. Headboard• Xlnt cond. S1crlllce .,. lmportect I mech. 11000/bat olr. ,.._ .. ,.., •• ...,--'l•2IO Z $3-$17. Lawn edger $8. 1250 982-5000. 32' '79 STAMAS FIB. l<ln 213/592-1359 IMPO':rparts 5411-2221 '76 BMW 2002, IO ml, xln• Air, etereo. IOW mileage. Tabin $5·128. lampa OIJJ, f: I A Lo hra. C.IHn S85M. Sii A Ill AUTO SUPPLY '73 l/W Van, great cond. d pp M k fl new radlala. $6500. IMMEDIATE 12-110. Plctur• 12-110. H '11• lll'f Haner .. 875-8711 Up 10 srr.. ~OM i ree 101 N Mancheeter NHda aom• worll Aak :~81 • 1 0 er I 973-1527. 857-1891 a11. . Radio• S3-S8. Zen It II Lll•••t 1115 43'·'78 VIII.ING, •It cab . S9 00 per 11. Call Peggy Anaheim 77 9900 tor John 831-2855 er 6 arnllm, ater.o pftOnO u •••"';1•~•••••••••••• T /0 1 od b I 2 .. 7 978 OOdOe M Late '78 320I Orig ownra. DELIVERY ON la $45. Lot1 ol doh. toya, IBM Selectrlc computer Hatterasoe~s.1~11 uy or Cerrle, 714-965-2 3 lcond. 1a .oo'tt'bv::'ofr' 461( ml, 11'111. air. AM/FM 76 610: Top running lnlenl, cllllds, adult cfo-pr1nter tor Model I or Ill . wk-de 6-5 AUDI• 8-&48l Ir 8PM ceu . elloy1. nu llrea & cond. Cleen, air. em/Im MOST tiling. DlehH. ldtcllen-TRS·80. UHd H type-53' YACHT Docked In .... WUTll 64 b xtrea.Ca11 Tom752-4000 r1dlo, "door 51 ,000 ware, book•. Jewelry, wrner or printer II n-Npi. For u 11 on time lor belu1.lful Grandblnka II IWlllS '71 Ford Van Camper ext 3 8 2 o r e v • • ~~~2 Owner 12800 Wllat not allelvea . $2500 Sell tor $1200. allarlng bHll only Tu .. _.1 aH "-""" TONN£AU COVER eqpt. V. ton, tow bar. 559-6900. 648-&496 •97-8494. benetlla a lao e va ll ...,.. -~., Ala MO'" '71-'81 11175, call 980-1130 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil --------Wooden deSk office type $1100-1 1500/mo Doug NEWPORT Archll Ma· Newt ueed, 175 '75 BMW 6301 Mint Cond .. • .,,., IHI with 3 dr1~ers. xlnt 675-3258 rl~. 2 llllf>e avail. up to Marta 831-7797 Iv ~ IOlllU• new brakH.L new tr1n1, •••••••••••••••••••••• cond $35. 770-7467 .... , ......... 11r 42 . &42~. MPM SHOAT BOOV/6 AUTO. new nud. 16500 OBO. .. 1-n •a-it -rr & .r u,_.__ ..... .......,~... $800/0BO. 53&-9832 C I 5 "57 3222 '" --EXECUTIVE DESK 301160 Bit In '71 by Colonial. Tw WANTED: Dock lo rent for "'""'"'""" .....,.,_,. ,.m•.1---------all bl ore · • -• w/atllld 1150 840-8777 Like naw 1175/bet ofr. 6-71'•. Ld w/eclec't. 7112 2 pvt bollta. Appro11 20t1 Ilk• MW, u 14d, bolta '71 VW S.-pau. bus. aun-.•tt~.,~5!,~6-4~8-8~7~7~2~.~~~ .... ~ Ard 760-9279 kw onen, I llanerman'a • •. N • w Po r I are I . pa It•' n "x 4 .,... roof, lo ml, clMn 12495. .;: dream. NB lllp, 0 w.c 81 875-7474 ask for Mark !12a_971080180. 842-7925, 55M791 •73 3.0CS cpe, lo ml. mint 2 yr old Fii y, Champ Exec. dMk 80K38. 5 drwr .,... •---------orig cond .. stunning bloodllne. Nice Cont & ind. Ille drwr Incl $'49• 12%, aha'• at ou1 dock• 30' Doc:k, 1 125 mo . po· A•ln WulH ISH 1 Olap .. ~2 ~ 127 In Udo VIII. NB, a1klng war bo•t only Sunael Traner Hltcll for Toyote •••••••••••••••••••••• P • r or m • n c •. 497-8377 -...., $94,500. Seller u ya 8"ch. Corolla 1977 model $35 WI IHI YMI 18395/0BO. Mual Hll 1 --------rm IOIT tubmlt all onw. 714-8.47-6339. 759-0&66 LIU new. 87U728 .... no IUI Clll Jim. 5-48-72"5 •...-U t..11•1 •••••••••••••••••••••• TRADE WINO YACHTS '68 BMW 11500 , good •••••••••••••••••••••• &inneee pylhon 875-9007. 9e0-1125.,... ...,.,. llariH Ai,., t. i.Ji Any1hlnQ c:onekSlred· cona s1800. Beaulllul Singer HWlng s 125. Incl. Ilg cage Slit» avtlll day. wk or mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 tl'ln.I 1980 760--0419 maclllnl 8 lt high w/ 7 1.o4/968-20e7 '79 310 Wellcratt Cabin 64M551 IMPORTANT NOTICE etorlgl. S300. M0-1Sf8 Crsr, atern rm. 3 1'. twn TO R~R.5 ANO C. •-' 1115 SI,..._ 2001Touell1'ronlc PARROTT Nand1y Co -330'a, lo1ded..;.,~'£• 8 ..,,,, IJHI f ADVERTISE~ ~ .~r::••••••••"'••••••• .... _. nure, 1 ~ yra old w/lg 731-4332. 837-......., •&.1 _.0 Tn I 1 It d •'ll ••-• Memory m1chlne 1500. ~ ,_. • pr c• o ema • -_. ... 960_1318 wrought Iron et a nding 24 • Seabird Swordll1h •••••••••••••••••••••• ver11MO by ~lc1e dM· Jc / 4 a pd • • t er• o . cage 1100. 540..0117 boat&. tr,r. Compl rig-'78 Hondo Ski Hydro Iara In the Vlhlcle clUlll-(1BUF1881 Oenak-Blue Mlat stone-Salmon-Creited cock•-ged, rHdy to 11111 $15. tlawllae. 8 houri on en-fled •dvertlelng COiumns 12'82 ware. 6 pc place eettlng 1oo. tamale, younp,. 000. 495-58&5 glne. S6500. 873-3881 doea not Include eny •I ~ 0r...,, c_,.. .... F•I ~ ~2: :; ~ llealllly. 1575/bat or 40' Owena Talllllen, live· 1--lnll&L ~':::'.~-:~l=e 2925 Harbor Blvd 18.255 Beacll Blvd. bowla. \4 off . Sunday, ~¥;t :;~~-0232 or abo1rd. Slip avaJI. Cell 22· Cllrll Cran '58. M•· cllatgee . ._tor air po1-COSTA MESA Hunllngton Belch c all 494-0087. MI F ( ) J udy or Ha rve y hog hull. Every op11on. lutlon oontrol device lll-2100 142-1111 552-2070 Umbrelle C:Hlted Cocke-&42~6"". btwn 9 AM l 5 GrMt cond. Oepend•ble certlflc:atlbne or dealer•------------------ too. w/cefll. $5001090. PM 6 cyl lnbrd 180 h ip documentary prepare-WE PAY ~~!!1. •••••• Y.!f 831-~ ,;;ao· 1!·,~o~r1•~~~·:1~~:r6::. ~=-.:tl:g~u~~~ ~t~:r!~~':;!i~t~!,8~~ 15.:::.e'~~ GREY CHEEK. 4 montlla , $1500/obo 83l·2e78 ~~~ ~·$=. tne ectverti-. ,t,01• ..!l.~~I old Vert gentle . $100 '72 18' S PORTS LI NER fl76-7474 ... a/ IJll .,._. ...,. .., .......... 13.1-1744 Cuddle Cabin, 14011p ...................... ·&I.Al ••• 3 & 5 HP. One pllaM. 80 gal v•r1. ~SME cod• tank. Never utld. 19115 terma. 772-5390 Bird Training ci..... Mere . Cru l11r t/O . f. •--* tj WANTED NITIAl/IRUI By Larry Clifford Equlp'd. lor rt1hlng. 13, .!~'A--.;,~.!!-........ 2480 Herbor BIVd. Learn to correct 1c:rea-eoo. no r .... otter r!fu· c.,,n, Ille TO BtJY. COSTA MESA "'"'""'".. "" ming, bltl~ & other un-MO. 832-0369 li•I IUI Mt 4IOO wanted be avlor. Have 29' o -n•. galley. !lead. •••••••••••••••••••••• UTI lllEL Mt· 141f .......•.•........••.• Great Bookl of wu11rn World. Complete Ht. your bird performing 1 or lwln Cllevy engln11, '70 vw CAMPER more ll'k:M by ltle end of good cones. I 10,000 or New paint. new llrn IUI DIJIS WE llY tlla 4th oleu. Animal ,_.offer. 540-4784 12500 Sle-3784 SuppllH Unllmlted,t-"iiiiiiiitiiiiii[-Wft.SON FORD CWI DAIS TELEPHONE 951-126'4 I IUUUU UIOl&I. CAMPER Shell tor am1ll All TllOIS 22· Cnri. Craf1 '68 Ma-pic:kup. 1150. 18255 8-ctl Blvd. 1750. 831-2233 ANSWERING MACHINE Double yellow parrot nog !lull. Every option .• ____ 5"_9_--09_7_5 __ ~ Huntington 8Hcll Ford Code-A-Phone w. $395. o r .. 1 oond. Dlpendeble -& 142 •111 remote. under warranty. ____ S4()..808 ___ 2 ___ , 6 ....,. lnbfd 180 hip Her· t 1 'II' Cabover camper -. 1195 Suean 497-2621 wi• '71 Ford P U. ull----------1 --------llaan I a-,.,'"' oulH eng. Full ln1tru-c ontai ned. 1 3500 Alltlpfl/ INOI\/. Unlverelty Atlllltlc ••••••••••":':I......... mlfttallon and radio plus 540--8062 ,.. ~ ff# COHHRL CHEVaOUT J\.'> H.1·•1111 ,, t•. I rrl\\1f'\ Cl b m.mb.ranlp tor B Id I --. aol piano dock 1paca. Compl. •--------.,., ... n .. ~. 1700.~7107 • w n wvn • . eummer pkg. $4500, •••••••••••••••••••••• good cond. 1995 875-7474 !!~!.~.!~~.!!.if -.. &"11 ;......;========-..,.. tAU t---.:..Me.-...:...1.;.;99...:..;..8 ___ 1------=----PUCH Sport Mk II. Nr Sh•Y r891lc:u; picl(ul)I & , .. HY11 ~46-1 200 SllorH Interior•. Up to 2 Yr. old i<.waU 9' conc:ert WllTEI: new. Big bore kit. Mofut coupe,. 4 to chooH Top dollar1 lor Sports 50"~ oft. Plcturee. lall'lpe.. Grand Plano, Ebony. •2' o ... Grand Benka _ exllauat. Saddle b1ga. lrom l (0011788) (Stk. Cera. Buge, Campers, chancMll•n. crptg .. cat-I 9 0 0 0 I 0 B 0 CASH or trede for equity Oealer9 p«IOMI Moped. A30ll3). Pnoea •tal'llng at g ..... Audi'• pet rema. etock mini-1_2_1~ __ 1_-_194_5 ____ 1 EHlblutl1 Condo N8 1595. 873-1455. •T lt,ltll A.Ml for U/C MGR bllnda, din tbl w/upllol. P lano: amall 1nt1que, plu1 caah. 'rlnc. only. •-1-9-48-W-.tiaz.--. Mll __ or_t_r_lde_ • .... ctir1. OAF dlaplay. 2&50 t>eeulllul upright. muet Pvt pty. 714/875-M51 for c a r . $1500 firm. WILllWAlll Avon Sl., NB. 642-2210 .. to appr~•·· tuned, ·eo Fr.port 3e, °'* 848-8832. 64a.-0878 18711 8elcll Blvd. Curio cabinet, luggage, w/etoot, Can deliver. •79 ~ 37, oner HUNTINGTON BEACH O¥al rug, ctib. aora. mllo. 1750 or ofter M7-6t72 •18 Cel.alN 30, on.r 141.a. 540-2412 CUii. Conn alee. org1n, eolld Looking flDf Lietlncle P•JC1o Sheet M9tal Sheer 4td Cox Bkr "4-t110 •------wanur 3' complete, exc•ll•nt, 1_1100 __ ._8_N-eeeo ______ 1 Jeguer •ae. XK 140MC. Let• mode l Toyo1H , :.:;::,.980% S59S. 1---------Aoadllet, Wit• wllHI•. Votvoe. Ptoll•' Vene. oooct bocty. 17 .toO. S.. Call ut tocs.yl .,. .... by ~. only. 8ubllet to Thi WtY 11nea1 In quality, •---------• Ptlor.Mll. 213/365-H32 1N wry tow.t In ~ 9-ltfful Ant~ E~ 11~ 546-74311 UPRIGHT PIANO OUf ~Your Gelnl CALL 640..()t42 Ou1 ol bu11n ... 4f,.aa .. _........ .. 111op: over 700 It•"'• fi.¥.-;;i ............ .. Incl. about l t00)3 pc. WlncltHt•r u . 30/30, aulta. •1&0 ..... AllO Wln.12g• pump, Colt ~Ml"' r"*9 a~ pump ( 1883) 38/40 . f:Y .=...MOO for ltle 1 _1»0ln _____ · __ -t ---------l•n fte1,.on Hunting ~ ooeor T.V S175. '111 Bo#, 14 lb Pl'll1!9d"' or t1t1. W--/~, oeli youth. Colt 11;,o ... for tllbtl.~82 M6 ...... 1M , For Clusllled Ad ACTION Call a Delly PllOI AO-VISOR &42-5e78 80 210 Wegon, 5 apd. SL pleg. Very cln. Xlnt . cond $4000. 847-5854 81 280ZX OL. 5 apd, lm- mec:. eKtrH. Forced aale. $11,200. 8•7-8611 77 Datsun 280Z, 39,000 ml. AC, 4 apd. AM/FM cua, lmmac $8990 730-1837 75 B210, auto. am/Im red. 4 dr. xlnt cond, ' owner. I t800 5"8--3018 70 Dattun 510. 4 dr. auto A-1 cond, greel gu ml 11800. &45-7589 '71 Datsun 1200. auto Am/Fm cerHlf•. goo< c:ond . $1300 OBO 631-2529 or 631-73S8 1#£ilf1;--? 1111 ...........•..••••••.. IEW DELOREAN (~08057) 124,110 11111 SUTIW 301 W. W#M< Ml-lQO , MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA Part1 & Servlc:. Open All Dey Saturday 301 W. Warner Ave (1 blk . ..-1 ol Main) 540-7430 To ptece yoo< ~ before the re.ding public, phone Delly Piiot CIUllfled. &42-5678 1110 UZll Ill CDIPE -lhtt .... -lotlldelt'.,~wd-~--· find "Ea1tern Zone" gold exterior wltll brown velour Interior, 5 apeed 1r1n• . aunrool/ mooMool Blaupunkt AM/FM c assette & 1qu111z1r. air conditio- ning. rear window de· Ir oater. i.a1111t armrnt. fog light•. bf•. Cir ~ & O NL Y 20.000 low rnu .. 1 Mull Mll...ONL y 19,9991 Call 974·"611 days or 499·2530 el1er 1·00 Wllkd•Y• ' w••· kendl. ·74 Mazda ata. wgn, ,_ paint. ale, ne.e ilrea, s 1850/080. •9'4-&242 '76 Mazda GLC. am/tm. e /c, good tlr11, good cond Muat M411 12790 984-3914 ••ttHn ,_. 1141 ......•..•...•..•••••• .... ,, . .., . ae41erM4n .. . ... ., ........ , Compare Hou" ol Im· porta Direct ..... and 60 mot aenelbl• pymt1 . Olal 213 or 714; MER· CEDES l a 2 13 or 714/837-2333 For Classolled Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pilot AO-VISOR IM 2-5678 1 • •• Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 26, 1982 . . . j ¥0LJ "AY:rO" . Orange County lntern_atlonal • 0 A t · 'Apr1121-2s Dri~e Into :~[~ . U 8 ~~tar Spring ~@}· ~ Shew ~!.'!!.l!!r.!!~ ....... ~!~'.'1.~/!!J."!. ..•.•• ~ ... '!!.~~!!! •...... ~ ... ~ .... ~~!~ •.•.... ~ ... t~~~f~ ••••••• 1.~l'1.P.'!t •••••••••• ~ ... '!!..~~ ••••••••••• ~~.,~ ••••••••••• '·~~-'~··········· ~!!~.~!!! ....•...... !~!!!!.~M .. !~if r!.'!!!'. ......... !~ff ~.'""-..... !~ff '!.·l~~ ............ !.~ff r .. 1~!.'!!r.~ ..... !.~?, ~!ff ......... !!.!f fm!..'!f ......... !!.t rm ............. 1!.ff t.'l!!!fH!! ...... !!.fr '81 3008D, mllt1g• 12, Hl:'ISTER "fl..,.,...... '70 Supra. Ultbk. Wirt *'87 BHll•. navy, xlnt 1979 CADILl.AC Seville. '81 Corvette, Cll•rry. • waUTm waurm OH. Under warranty Ill(. SPOTL£88 8000 Ml whit, amlfm tier, tepe. motClf, trMt, bOdy. MUllt Full paw« AM/FM at.. apd, '#hi wi red lttv Int, IO M ltu 1\11 ltu SIR, blue, palamlno NllllE/Alll 158 OOO/oeO Call Don lie, new,......, 1mmac. Mtt '2450. 487·t517 reo t•pe. ieatllaf •plll Jo ml. 8peol•I whit & Xlnt. Cond. S32K Call: H BIVd (i181641.aeeo AM • 40,500 ml MIOO. Marty .• 87 BAJA. New blUa pnt, power ..9ta, Ctl.llM. Ult, tlr•. Muet .... Mllllt otr. TO BUY TO BUY 556-3880. Jean 1~~i:;ow . 973-1345 M·F 1CM. tlrtl & rime. Int. Rtbtt wire dl1c1, vlnyl top. 540-0737 °' 848 5186 Lill MHL '71 MBZ 280SE 3.&. Ct• I I • I IMj 1111 • • • eng & trllfll , .. llft M\'8t f4H318). •eeee. 1!1rl• 79 L82 Corvette. T-Top, un ... l tlcc:pa,Ex,_,t.cond.lO I 11· .. ~f ~·· •••••n••••••1•,••1•2••••••• ........_.... 1tt as 000 o•o ktToyota•FlntUHd 454tt1g,w/turbo,1uto ·-Aa•a 1sooa•1 ml. 117,500~5-0295 LI--. • I S •"'"' NT-2'25 ', .. • Car 8alH. 1988-1970 trana, chrome wtr•, 15, ¥1111 "" 114 111·2111 UE IEIEI 283 88::03:' °'· · 2 Sq. Bk1 oria owner, IO :~::~ 81;~1-~~·~; g~59S~' • 12 • aoo · WlSON FORD WILSON FORD '70 MercedH UOSL •eo P«IChe 924 Turbo & 900 HrlH 3 doort, 4 You are the wlriner of mllMge. •2300. 840-Me7. 19255 8..ctl Blvd. 18255 e.ecn Blvd Convertlble & hardtop. ·ao Porsche 924. Both dOOR & TUtboa evllllt>le tour gr• tlclctt• (112.00 751-4401 .-AM.' 1131 Huntington BMcll Hunllng1on BMctl AM/FM radio, new tlrea, lo1ded. Take over IH nowl Come In & drive value) to the VW Eng "74, 1835cc, all •• lJllllT ;-.~••••••••••••••••• ••2.ff 11 142·1111 114,900. PP. 832·3045 ~ta. 714/826-1808 Road & Track Mega· --llMTT new part•. look• & flta llUITlll '71 Colt, 4 door. 4 epeecl, .,. "'9t. "80 3588, no ru•t. need• zBIEns·~·.cpoh~l.c,e.odf•~"o~ uu• UGI ttock ' run• 11rong of .... moot!. low mllM-::.. 7;'~0o~S::~~2~ -,9-Falrmon---,.-4-d-r.-llr-. -PS-. "fl ..... 2-4r Founta•n V...._ .. .._ . $850/otr 404-2407 ge CtdMlace In Southern PB, redlo. ,.,....,... tr•_,. CUTLASS SUPRE••E '10 Merced•• 280Sl no wortc. 175001part11I the '&Oal .. --. ..,_ Calltomlal .. t a.-a. '"""" -·-"' Clualc, lookl grHI.. trade. &4&-8028. IUll llNITI Square Park-Mey a, vw ·73 Chulla, no rust, •&••11 . ' IMc• -122()(). 559-5958 BROUGHAm. 14700 s 11. 500/ beat olr .. 72 914• nu pelnt. tlree & 1982 new brkt a lhodtt. xtra ~ E•cellent condition, 4 ,73 Ford l TD wegon Miii• otter 752-84911 972-2378 . Maga, •t•eo 6-epd. 848 Dove SttMI, N.8. To cl aim tlcketa. call part• a vill. Xlnt kit car OAllWO •P"d· N-radl1l1. 20. Rune good. 1775. 1 OW· •7, O.I Cullata Supremt ''11 .._ •11 IL ~. Alclc. 847·2023 112.... 842-5878, ext. 272. $250/otr. 494-2407 2800 Hatt>or Blvd 000 ml. 13795 nw. Pvt Pty. 842·2203 Brougham. Fully loaded. •-& 1969 Harbor BIYd., C.M. Tlelctlt muat be delrned COSTA MESA . 835-4926 N bit •"'200 M with I I I lof ...., M 5 1983 '79 VW conv whttwtlVwht '78 Fllrmont ale lm·fm ew r eng. •" • atoon anner •'67912COUPE.We 1•1t1'fl ~, •Y , I •• 75 •1J ,_..,, atereo,p1'.1r1r'hltc ... 720-1998,544-0805 euto, am/tm. 2 topa, Ot1g bought• new Targa. • • • .... 40,000 m , ... e d• 141-1110 ,, ,. ,_ " own• r . S 13, 5 0 0 Mutt 1111. Clt1n, xfnt. ldln 1111 1~ Maty Lou. ev9e ~·9•ri°FOR•O•E;~·~;j lharp. 12995. 842..e538 '79 Cutlau Ca1111 Dal 714""840-2044 Sat,.Sun mec:n. Fine! pr1oe teduo-•••••••••••••••••••••• 1981 TOYOTA Corona 875-04ee ,74 Eldo Convertlble. H ch A 30.000 ml. Xlnt c:ond 28 EvH; 714-720·0208 tlon 15.900 for quick ~l.eulng l u.l(ury Edition 4 Door "ft ...... ,.. looM Of•I. $3700 .:'C.:::: pw~t~.~r::.; ~••••••••••~, mpg Com pl tvt red weekd~. I 11 t . 8 3 1. 2 3 2 1 or Ila D• lltlback. Auto. Irena.. 4 .,._,. Brown. 28,000 752-28'17 rldlal tlrea, Hkt new. JUlt '75 TOWN C .... Wht. w/ Opllont. l5eOO bit olr '75 280M8Z. Yellow/Ian 546-5142 -••t pwr 11 & brakH, air ...,..... 7000 II ~..i-..in{Loc,u 842·T2581M"9meg I I d_... -cond .• Ct\llN control. tilt ml. $4500 M l4000 c:aah. '79 Sedan O.Vlllt, lo ml. over m • • · '"''' MW. 1--------1 Int, PP. mmac. 01 ...., '80 Turbo Porach• Snow U1·1141 CH "41 whHI. atereo CUI, Jutt 873-8457 xlnt cond. 18995/taka (1CNY18'1). $54911. &tie I mltet. Johnton melnt· '72 CutlUI Supreme New llrH. S 10.000. car. All European. Call over 9000 mllN & a rare "fl ..... -•-ovar low pay 111. Ike Toyo11 ·Fine UMd alned, all pw1. 12.350 M 4 dr, ale, pe. pb. radio, 645-ee25 857-1442 Rlctlard fi~t• 1111 model. (1CNZ730/· Prl· 118001.,.0 8 0 . ":--7 ............ 831-CMte Cu SalH. 1988· 1970 r .... otr. 842-2002 very well maintained d S II E lk .... ~..... Harbor Blvd., Cotta • H"I ••so.••• 14"• ~ ... _ ... '71LTDW1gon.run1 ·74Pcv1che911Cpe, ••••••••••••••••••••• ce to •· ue • '788 Ill Blk/blkl M••• 848-9303 ~,., ~, -....._ "'"'"''"' ,good. 1600/beat offer Blk/bltt, anrt, 94,000 ml. 1978 TOYOTA c.llca Utt-Toyota-Fin• UHd Car '89 VW Pop Top Cempet. lhef,•~o:~ roof and•:,j 540·9487 ••••••~•••••••••••••• mu_.._ HS1 848-3518 s11,ooo firm. Cherry btclt. Auto. trane •• power Salee. 1oe8-1970 Hatt>or 7,000 mllN on mot«, nu ex tr at . 5 9200 , •1970 Marqult, lmmac. !~.':••••••••••••••••• •LJ 11.,.I cond. (714) 8"5-5291 sFtHrlng & brake,•. AMI Blvd., Coate MHI. paint. $2200. INI0-5643 714/4N-8904 •'ll Fiii Lll lntr PIS. P/8, PIW. AIC. •'lt F•I Pm'TI ... .. M lterto, .... radl•I 848-0303 54().Mf7. V-8 4 d I I • n . w 11 r.. s a 4 5 • I d •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll TUIA t 1111 tlrea, vinyl Int., c:Yetom 2 •17 SEVILLE • r .. au o. r n•.. 979-5100 .. c y . r • Io, a 11 ck Mocha brown with cork tone paint. (613UXT). 74 011 810 Wagon. Orio •PllEPllE Fii* lmmac. Orig. owner air cond . pwr. it., pwr (88'1WRO) •H99 ., _ _._ Ike T"""'ll-owner, gd cond. 81K mf. r '",. • O O l B .. windows, AM/FM atereo. '73 Marqul1 W1gon, Im· ·-·2 a ll leathe r , Clltford ...... · ...,,. _,_ $1175/bat olr 831-099" *IPlllM* •"'" • g c" (372WZ8) •-lllUllM Fine UHd Cu SelH. • 494-7933. mac. full POMr. loaded -• -fftl ..... t•s Alerm. Air. AM/FM s1.. 1966-1970 Harbor Blvd.. ev/wllnd1. ,. .. _ MIS 11112 70K orig. mllu. One 1!'25-5 .. _ ....... Blvd n reo B .. utllul cond. $20. ........ 79 Eldo bl k L ded n......-•1200 87" 003 " ....,...,, TONNEAU COVER 900 714-640-2044 Sit, Co•t• MeH. 84t1-93o3 '77 ~OT llttbk Avg 1960'• lhru 1070'• ' ac . 0• . ....... ••• .., .... _.. . ..-l ' Hunlillton Beach Fite MO'a, '71·'81 sun, Eve, 7 14-720--0208 540-9487. ml. Xlnt cone. $4500/blt. All reconditioned & gu1-j;unroof. )(Int cones .. 52K 18255 8each Blvd. ••••ur, H"I •.t •111 $75 YO!end• 857-4815 ranlHd Wiii Ired• & fl· m I, s 10 .9 9 5. pp H l=D-~.. ,, ~. -... Never UMd WMkdayt. ~11.IIYtTl OlllUA 831-eeetl un ... on _.1•' ·~ ... M~~·iiiiJ~~· A~. 11lnt condl ~~~~irii~63~1~-n~ll~~~m~'~ .71 Pouche 914 Spyder, 4 speed . 4 cyl . AM 49 ioyota NHcf• ehorl ., ___ ....._.BUY C..UI Hl1 -"' ~~ -• d (382vpu) .......... Hu r ..... ·ltt ...._ .. ""-·....-· • cvl .• power bt1ke1, clean, ... ,p . ane-up mags, $3700 538-7538 s-•2 S..,..,....250 .•• 2 ... 1~7 ,....,, 1HI -111 1978 FORD Fairmont S.. 1'"te'reo, • •P••d $400 7141551-85« '78 M~ Convertible. •-"'" • • .,.. ~1•5·~.-a~:~•l•T••Xln•••,-:::..•. d a """' _,.o t -'" ..,.. .. , -bf~ .. trim. AMI 11'n Portche 924. Ml· 4 •""' mlnL(083UKZ) ....,,_u """"' an "..,, •. , -· · r · (1CHH273) '72 2 d "•-a ...... t • •""' "'"' ----F•I ...,.. · New r1dl1l1 w/m1g1. factory a ir, pwr. 11. & r ...,,,..,.,.. '"...,.., FM radio. 27.000 ml. u-roon w/t1n Int. mags, fri••~ 1111 11111 /1 1 12700 brt.kM. atereo tall , vi-11112 38K actual ml 1 ownr king $3,000. 844·0548 1Unr1. AC, ltlfto, 35,000 18255 Beech Blvd. •••••• ••••••••••••••• em m ca••. • r. . • St 000 PP ••• 1958 eve/wltnd•. 759.5598 ml. Must Mii 18.000/blt Huntin9fon Beech ·74 TRI, look• good & 831-6797 nyl rool. tinted 111111, --f I · · · .,...,.. olr 548-4148 142·1111 runs good, $4,000 1HI nr Ill 'Tl, auto, PIS, P/B, radio, Mlchelln llrH & very 18255 BMctl Blvd 7& Pinto, 4 cyl, 4 apd, wtldyl. 54 7-0405 4 tpd. Ukt new. (SKP417) g 0 0 d c 0 n d . S 8 5 0 c I • • n w / I o w m 11 e • . Hunt1ng1on Beech atereo. a little red bttu-#CI 1144 ·73 911-T. 5 apd, low ml· 1079 TOYOTA Supra. Fuel 12211 8 5 ft IP (983WKR). $3499. £aM MJ-1111 ty $1600. 559-5956 •••••••••••••••••••••• feagt, CIS lnj. New In & Injected 1utom1tlc ·~Spit a~~.· Con52vert850· TS-2 74 1 M Ike Toyota-Fine UHd l/O ·~H '77 MOB. blue, low mllM-out. S 10.6 0 0 JI m trant .• alt c:ond .. tull po. n .,., m. · CMnllf HIO Car S alH. 1988-1970 •RESAJ..E SALES• ge, Tonneau 2 covera. 535-2580 or 099-5158. war, alloy wh••I•, 1111. Call 83t·29lll 1Hl YW Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor Blvd .• Co1t1 ·11Converllble13850 Rack, S 50 new,., ... overdriv.. •Int •• .,.it 1151 cruiM, IOw mlteaoe tffl. 78 TR7, 11000 below 4 tpd SH.4RP. (UOV432) IEE II FIUTI M... 848 -9303 V8. Iulo. p i t , •Ir 559-1833 conc:I .• very Clean, amtfm •••••••••••••••••••••• brown w/m11cl\lng Int. book. to ml, mint orig 12411 Wt hav• a ~ood H ite· 540-~87. 009TZH 92K Ot1Q ~ 1/ fj IHI cauette. Call 5-48-0796 UllUT (884)(JW) 17599. Earle cond . nu tlrH, 1lr. 1 1 NE & USED '11 .... ,71 Herdtop 12460 •• (!!!~••••••••••••••• Ike Toyota-Fine U11d 4-spd, call Mr Wllllamt. I on o • r-·79 MGB )Ont oond em/ 111111.J Car S.IH 1988·1970 548·7246 1Ht "'Ill ~I u.f Wllll 302Vll, auto, p it , air 078 Ply Horizon 52M ml, Im cauette, 5 •PHd 13200 or bHI Call 15000 or best oller IUJ011111 Harbor Blvd . Coata 11 IL 1110 4 tpd .. CHIC. (UZP794) CB. CllMlle, 4 IPHd. 9228ZU. S68K orig 919•3173 Diane II •-•u...-•-... • • • . 8 4 8 -9 3 0 3 rfuitw!f.a 12111 (127700) ml.... . 1157•2395· -~ 540-9467 •••••••• ••••••••••••• '••-J '88 Roadrunner. good lnciudlng the Ill new · ''fl S.,., 1ttt1t --'78 MIVWICk. $1975. "6" cond. hHdera. mags, *'lllll* llDllL.T flEll 1981 TOYOTA Starlet S.. $2000. 499-1420 1Ht nr Ill --Fm Cyl. Auto. power. air good tlrH. $900 OBO .. um·• got to .. , me go. and dan Option• Include 5 vw C.. 1 ,73 0 d AutomaUc (14415} 18255 8Mctl Blvd. 358P8V. Sharp 6-5 8"5-8310 Mike 10 good nome IM $3400 ...---IPMd tr•n• power dlac "'" '· · 00 I HunflnVIOn Beech 443 w eay Colt MtM low mlle• 'cuz I'm her rn;-•-btak• Tlll1° one i. fully lllle. No r\lat Sulllt>lt for 1241 142 ... 11 Ph a.U-1983 1 '••tl• 9Mf weekend car. Delivered Also: A or-1 .-.ctlon of factory tq\llpptd & gei. kit car, parll Excel. •'lt mYf mzj · •••••••••••••••••:.~l. grHn with tan top Me.-R9naull 181 ltd•n• and gr••• o•• mlltage . c:ond 494-2407 2 dr .• IUtO. tnnl., AIC. 4 Falcon. run• good, new ·ea CONVERTIBLE w•NTED lllne ~~:~ ':.''R:~ 't. (18JD283). $4009 Earle 75 VAN , 7 PIH Blue/ f1Jb~tt/ f1f1Ilfj II,,~~ t t) cyl., pwr. I t., radio llrtt, battery, breke1. V8, euto:alr, p1, xlnl n 840-5270/850-1601 Cert! Ike Toyoll·Flnt UHd whl. w/eunrool , 1tk. ~ ~ (278Y28} Nll.lbtl. MOO. 5441-2148. oond. $4900. 1·533-4242 , 1141 WE 'RE DEALING.. Car S•I••· 1988-1970 ehlft. VlfY ctn. gd. cond. ~ Niii •'II•• F•lllT ·eo Muetq. red 1n & out, TO BUY , .. .,, -·-_.._ Harbor Blvd., Co1t1 $3000. 847·5854 TO(tS --F• A 0 .. ,a ....... V •. • ........... 25.000-......... '""500. "a'I 1 aTI lllEL •••-"••••••••••••••••• ._ _, M 648 9303 1211 W J m·r S\f>.\7:?1:12 .. _ ,_..,m .., .. ...,.,.. n-.,. ..,.. ... 1977 PEUGEOT Dl•HI •1.m ~~e7 • 79 vw B11g Convt Met. 18255 e.adl Blvd. lltreo AM/FM, auto. 557·2940 l 838-4288 Wagon. Auto trane · River Blue, black top. HuntJnv1on Beech trana (880ZE0) 9'19e. ISO 0111 pwr. 11 .. pwr. br11te1. lllAILT "78 Celle• OT llltback, Great cond. In/out. '72 VW But, xlnt cond, MZ ... 11 s-J '87 Mul1eng convert. red, WILSON f()RD atereo can w/pwr 2524 Hl11)0( Blvd. gold. •Ir. m1g1 >Cini $ 8 5 O O M 1 r k . new engine. new tlrn wh 1 top xlnt cond booet. dUal tank• & ,_ 549-8023 145-7770 cond low mlluge. 213-847-2587, Mon-Fri. S2950 or bHI offer .. fiill ..... fm / · ~~11~1~!:~1':;3~z~~'. l1Jh 1111 t~~~518144 •1842 or 8-5pm 54&-0438 .. 1112 ~~~a::· ~~~1:0 ~'!i~lng"::"S::· CADIUJC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADIU.AC ILDORADO COU,. (18G8De8) $14,995 1980 CADILLAC SIVILLI C909ZEOI $12,995 • 1910 CADILLAC FLllTWOOD HOUGHAM (55SZEOI sio,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (399WOV) s9g95 1979 CADILLAC COU" DIVILLI "DllSIL" (522XWOI sg495 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI (4782781 s9g95 1977 CADILLAC SIVILLI (091T8ll s7995 1976 CADILLAC HVILLI (548NW8) S6995 H .. ILUIOll ILVD COSTA MESA 540-1860 $4799. Earle Ike Toyo11-••••••~•••••••••• 78 R1bbll. 80.000 mllel. '73 Super Beetle, mutt ui.dtd. Glell IOpe. etc M2 ... 11 '88 whit• 289 1uto. Ste-142·1111 Fine UHd Car Salee 1979 TOYOTA Corolla Bttt otter Mii 11200 Ser. 4740n211. reo, nu pnt, Int, llrH. 1 ________ 1•------- 19*1970 Harbor Blvd.. •1 DEALER IN U.S.A SR11ereo & a epotlH• 988-3553 (714) 8~138 •t t11,411S '72 Cuetom 500. Xlnt bett.12800 957-0440 ·77 Grand Salarl 9 p111. IPNITllITT Colle M•H 846-9303 te.~~~ llnl~~ wllth bl~:._k 73 eunrool bug. new ,73 But. 59•000 orig ml, ... llttfnltt family car. Looks/rune ,88 M 1 11 wgn, am/Im, air. pwr knocks often when you 54().9487. IQ' CARVER 1""""'3819•6·2-) s .. 539""'9 mE·-, • paint & Interior. rebullt, new brk1. v11ve1, pert Ootlil/Ouall Sta. great. $1100, 545-3028 ue ang. nu res, •••I•. wndwt, lock•. use reau1t-get11ng Dally D""lllC_l'Y""t..r'"'C . . ere l lewle11 $2550. p alnt&lnt.$2850. NEWPORTBEACH ~ palnt.lhoc:b.lnttrlol',20 $3000.495-4305 Pt1otClass1lttdAdsto 1978 PEUGEOT 504 ~ I~ l'L...ll~C:: It• Toyota-Fin• UHd . ~. Mu II •• •I -au. reach the Orenga COHI Ml. 4 epeed, llttto cau, ... _ ••IC,.,_ ,..., Car S1lt1. 1988-l970 &el-3982. Ml-3982 UI ... Selling 1nythlng with a 244. -.1 ~rket pwr II. & brakH, pwr .,_ ..... ,,.. • ., ,... .,... Harbor Blvd , C"sta ea vw Bug: Aebullt. AMI '79 Convert4'orad 3 yrs. Deily Pilot Claultiect A4 Uaie your snopplng ••· '78 TRANSAM. loaded. Pnone 842·5678 wlndowt (OOT ZU ) Cl<XfO SUNDAY\ Mes a 8 4 8 • 9 3 0 3 FM, xlnl cond. 11850. Only 2800 ml~ rare one JflUTrl\ It 1 llmple matter just l ier by ullng the Dally lop condition. 18500 or Out111ndlng economy 540-Me7 499·2554 for th• bug 1ov1rl 110. MIUI call 842-5878 Piiot QMalfted Ada. oner. 980-9107 !~~~~~~~~ IM only $5899. Ear1e lk• 500 1 52• ~119 TO BUY I-Toyota-Fine Uted Car People whO need people Hive you rHd tod1y'1 Have ton'ltlhlng you want · • ,_ A•,_ .,. A•lff .,. "" A•,., •• A•tM .,. lllO Sain. 1966-1970 H1rbor should l!Weys Checlk the Cl111lll•d Adi? If not, 10 tell? Claulfled Ids do *''ft ••••••• I an •EL ••••• ;{ ••••••••••••••••••••• l ••••••••••••••••••••• ;{ ••••••••••••••••••••• l •••••••••••••••• Blvd .. Cotti Me... SerVece Dlrec10f)' In the you're mltslng the best II well I Cell NOW. lo ml, anowroom new, .. • •••••••••••• e ee •••••••••.•• e e eee 648-9303 540-9487 DAil Y PILOT b1rgaln1 In townl 642-5678. moat opt. '6800. Maxine llO Ull • •• ,., ... '"" A•I• .,. ,,.. A•• ... "",.,., .,. "" .._.. SON FORD • ··" 52701850-1801 c . ····"················ I·····"················ ·····"················ ·····"················ '17 BUO n . • CIJr 0 • XlNT COHO. '2195 18255 8eeicfl Blvd • • WE ·- ... , ..... ""'._ ""' •12 nan• WIMI Sl!Vef Gl (8«. 0958} llLY ....................... " •• 11111 '12111111 IUT 1e19e. Dl. '4WO (8«. 0081) •LY ........................... 11211 WE HAVE 1IE HIRDTO Fm 1982 IOllELS! 5 SPEEDS 320 Cuhmere 5 spd sunroof ............................... (Sero928) 320 Opal green 5 apd anrt.etc -· .. ··-·-··-........ (Ser0608) 320 Safari b9'ge 5 apd snrf .......... -................. _ ••••••••• (Ser3529) 320 White 5tpd snrf ......... (Ser8861) 320 Sliver Sepd snrf ......... (Ser5162) 320 SappNre blue 5 apd snrf •• -........ -·-···················s, (Set3388) 320 Ascot Sepd tnrf ......... (SerS862) AUTOMATICI 320 8'actc Mttometlc. anrf,etc .................... ~ •• M ..... (Sern-49) 320 Lap11 blue,1uto,snrf. (Ser7453) 320 Sapphire blue 1uto.1nrl ............................. (S•r9290) 320 White auto. anrf ........ (Ser7271) 320 Safari beige euto, anrf ................... _."' ............. (Ser8428) 320 Baltic blue Auto. anrf(8er7871) 528'• 111 001or1 ~•Pd• 1nd 1utom1tlc1 833 Op1I grMn 5 1pd ...... iSer6485) 833 Safari ~ ·--·· Ser6102) 8.1e White Al.tomatlc....... Set0323) 733'•-5 IPdt anes 1utomat1C1 If ,.. .... , .. whit ,... .. ...._ ..... C••-111 Aid ltl ' 84'"'3809 Huntington 8..ctl e ~ e '7 t vw 8-9 .... blll, sun-142-1111 • fo "" • roof, lo ml. dean 12495. • r • 559-8791 ·19 cn.v.t .. 11r, 4 epc1, 1o Y!! .. ¥'~ .... ··ii£I ~-,.~;:-· •.= 1982 •.= -_.1, '17, 30 mpg, ldnt mech'I cond. new trana, tlrH, ULD,m•• .... _ OVERSEAS 0£LIV£AY EXPERTS l)r1ke1, 1hoek1. 57,000 • • mflN. $2375. Att 8:30PM • • 83~208. '80 Cltt tlon Hatchback. a3450. tlOOXMI. Below UIU.. whOIH•I•. Dir .• oyl. a&ll01 pow«, air. a.. at *" 443 w. Bey, Coat• Maee 10M .wtlof ~ Pti 846-2113. COSTA MQA '71 M11bu 4 dOOt ftOOl't, Ml-IMI .. t•l VI •utomatlc, p/1, a ir, 80 VoHO 2'WOl. AMIFM radio. P.P . Call •vH aeareo AC Ilk• new AT 1 U /8'8-8788 o r MIOO: 84Moa2. • • 1-e:s_1_-1_:t_11_. ----- ,74 STATION WGN '73 Chevy Novi, HO, ~ oond _.,.. auto, PS/PB new paint, • new tit ... good mecl'l•-1------.........,---• n lo•I cond . C a l l 1118 Volvo 242, aunrt, N0-1710 "* :tpm, .-.o. :n. ·~~ ;::1:;.:.:1 11200 142..WS .• f.11.1'!'1........... 'll ....... Mlf wltll extr••· mu1t Hll • ••• •••••••••••"-l ••ooo or •••* offer. tMI lalyWtt ...., ~11 or •7•JIOI Conveft, MecMtllo end~~~-~-:"':'~~ extr. oompt. ,....,... IMOOla.a .... IM-4711 1& Clefttllfy, '*. "· "· ~~~~-.---:-­,. OOftCI. ... ...... 11 THE SULl(ER 15 (@ MAYBE I CAN SCARE HIM AWAY I'LL BANC7 TH IS DISHPAN THIS IS RIDICULOUS .• ..... . .. ........ . '(OU CANT SULK . IN A DININ6 ROOM CAAIR! • GARFIELD® ... --·--• --.... -.......... ._ ••• t • ~ ' Jim Davis ) 'o By Hank Ketcham DGE PARKER AFTER AL.L., THIS 1& A f>U51NE55 DEDUCTION FOR ME! I'M OOIN<? TO DINE AND WINE YOU, HOPIN0 YOU'LL. GIVE ME CHEAP ~NT FOR YOUR OFFICE &PACE I . <l <J <l . P>UT I TOLD YOU TO 5ET WHATEVER RENTAL. YOU CAN AFFO({D ! Claude Barlow's most famous opera, La Fromage, opetns in a discount store sanewhere in the south of France. · MOON . MULLINS . Famous Composers C~ Fifte~ - . ' - . Claude Barlow,The Glory Weeks . , It is there that. the two lovers, Roquefort and Gouda,meet. Roquefort pursues Goud.a with diligence throughout the play, finally winn.ing her at the harvest dance ... where she· was one of the door priZes ! .· ... ! i I I by Ferd···and Tom Johnson WHAT'S T~IS TREND OF MAKIN<& you _ LOOK AT 'T~E SAME COMMeRCIAL -rw1ce WITHIN J=IVE -MINUTE:S ?? YES, IHE:Y'RE PULL.ING -rH,AT A LbT. ~IHE MARKETING . iHEY S,AY THE M~E OFTEN PE'OPL.E' H,AVE" FOUND A THING rs REPEATED, . . IHAT REPETITION IS iHS--MORE EF=FECTIVE ~ /"> VSRY IMP.oRTANT ... iHE RESULTS ARE:. r---.-- ..... - \...---~-------------. KAYO! FORTH£ rENTH ilME'/ i . ' HANGUP y_ouR JACl<ET! DOCTOR SMOCK ' ., "'0-llS IS HIS RE!CORPS:P ANSWl!!RIN<:i Se!RVICe SPeAKINCS •.• r By George Lemont IN MOS-Y-CAses, r. WOUL.P ~a..c,.. YOO "l't> L.eAVe A MSSSAee AfS-J"E!R YOO HeAR "T'Ml!l eeeP ... •=-o cwwwzzuwza••qocwwwz o o2iiQiiii•• • • • I t t • •••••••as ; . . . .......... ,_,. ............. .... I 'Y ....... .,......_, 'C ,...._., •1 .... ~ ......... ._ ~ 't ,_,..,IO Teacher f)u pOMd an lnttrtstlng problem on the blackboard above. Sht has chat· lenged htr students to place • pair each or pluses and minus· es In the row of fig· gures shown so that the resulting amount wlll be621. Remember, lust two plus and two minus signs art to be In. w~ '" the flgur .. rtlM f\r0U9h one. as .,_... so that the end ,...... •• 621. you comply with ,.,..t? l"-ITIVIU.11 Olfr .... ,...... .-. .... • -I ting -..c1 ... To compltt• KMt. •dd llnes dot to dot. SCRUI TEAMI Altd tN ... ltwl"I c:i*r'I wtty te .... Nwly ci.1~up scene: 1-Rtd. 2-Lt. blue. J-Ytllow. 4-U • ..,._., f-Flesh tones. 6-Lt. tretn. 7-Dk. brown. I-Dk . .,_., ___. ' by Lynn Johnston .... pmm ________________ ___ \ SA\0 \TWAS- Be.DTIME., I M\C.HAEL • TARTS --NO FA\R ! WHAT'S Tl-IE MAITER? ·'1>U LOOK POORLY TODAY. ,, ()t-\ .... 1 THINK \'LL. GO 10 Sim. ~ERlL~!f-­ WELL I DON2f WANT TOBE UNREASONABLE. f • \ f By rA6AN • COME Otl,OAOl Jonl IM l 11" MORE. S:\lt-1 r-----..., .\&lrf\4 A PA«f~ER t p M 0 I rit j I/ I i ~ @ GORDO MAM ••• a'O \.DOK ~&Lt .. 'l. ~ILL~ 1 'f tt£U'S t0'f"tMC7 4StU .. 'I A60Uf l'f ~ ' I OOK'T \.OOK ~·l~'t' 00 '~ Gus Arriola ' • April 25, 1982 lllilJPilat UH . . ,~ !I ~'iH ~~ rn:;p 1~ UJ!Li iH n Hl~ f lr 8[ . .11 rbii}'nl J.1rcti i ;.1 .1~ ~1 &>I! IJh I H~ t~s~slBiii l',t!fi 5 ltrHJi ~ f!h !f10 ,.0 t• 1111 . 8 i1 & i ·1a~1!u.111~r ;l--9PP"' l ~~-• ~ t8 h r ~ l ". • a·trhi:.hJ} Un rU s~UHi ~ iJ1 1n f i I' at l r. i i t 1 J t ~l irrftl f!r·r; Ii I ft Jf. f} • .i l1oiHr~rJI !i~ 'I I'. f • IL a tc11.lli:i:'r!~t I I I I Q: ~ t .1 I ~ ~ i" 111 t ~ l ~I !1 -f I I ~ i-. • I 1.· ip;a . . "'.1 . , : rJif .. 11= I ~rr IL : 4-1 to . . 11.hflrJihJrr1 f:. I !ff .. .. Jif ::D . _ ,)! HhiLnhf if f 1 1-1 . ii! ~2,~· ·a . . . I r ~ A • 1 ·~fl I: . t ft f [ m1 ; fl l ~a.~ i"" I ~l.i .:i ~ ' . . fl i= ( !S f . . , i18 f •1. ·tf [ ·,. i J IP J~~h f:(l~itf Ii l!I . I' . . " . .... I I I.JI a1:f i:J1ii ~:Jr•11 ~ . J ~ . . iJs .r ""' i!~"lh..!11.f &iip~J I• 2° JLfi 0 • ttf..tal 1 I ~ i :_d .. 11··~!1. l(rlrg I :t:·~1~11.lJf··il ililiQ'u~r : ~r~tl~J. -tr f , 1:t!l. -~,_hh u i !ttf}rl1', t ··c . ·\~::·:·!~[1ifi~~lh = " , ;. u :. 1IJ~[i~I illl t ~ 1i1~'P:1ti~!~ J i .. r -t1"i1 tg,~· ·11 -~'-';I 1.ii"irhl 3 i Hll I ···(l>:~~lr.~~· f I··' r1ili ~ I .~~:~\wit[~&>B8fil'l~ · -nny Perhape the main reaeon he can't, argues thi. renotl1n«I author, la that hi. reading textboob offa nothing more than junk food for the mind. But you can help. "Anvbodv who wrtta down to children fs limply wasting hll time. You haue to write up, not down. Children are ckmQndlng. Thev are the most attentiue, curious, eager, oblervant, .cnsfttue, quick and generollv congenial read· e1'I on earth. TMv accept, almost without quatlon, anything vou present tti.m with, as long as ft Is presented honestly, fearlaslt; gnd clearlv." E.B. White eading is the basts not only for a.U academic work, but also for much of the work we do to make a living. EVCT) drMng a car demands the ablaty to read strut signs and road maps, f0t examp&e. 1n our society today, the nonreader who does well In life ha. becQITM! a rare oceptlon. and the national dec:llnc In readlng adnevement has become poellbly the most Mrious educational pfobM,n con&ontlng us today. Failure to learn to read does not In Itself nec- .....nly make for IOdal ~justment, yet the connection that cxlltl between emock>nal distur· bance, alOdal behavkx and reading dlfftculda is widely known. There Mems to be llttJe doubt that school failure makes a child dllcouraged wtth hin· self. wtth tchool, IOdcty and ultimately wtth his life. Moreover, It'• been found that who will do well In tehool and who will do poorly Is largely deter· mined by the end of the third~. Thus, reading tnsb'ucdon durtng the fnt threegade:s II audaJ. TIMn se • many different reasons that chlidren refute to lam to read as there are children. For· tunaraly, the number who actually tufter from neu· l"Ologlc•I dilorden thfit make It dlfftcult for them to lean to read II quitll lmall. But~. reading dlffiadies of many perlectly normal children are MCrl'>ed to neurologlcal cauaa, dho~ no valld lndlcatlont are found that such cau.. dist. Many chlldr~. for example ... dlegnoeed at adfenng &om a lurntng d!tablllty caled d~. Of t4WOfd bllndnell." But • one Wnoul apeciek QPlliwd the widaprwi ~ of thlt Iden· . ABOUT THE AUTHOR tlftc-soundtng diagnosis, ''lt cairns parents. floors teachers and covers my own Incompetence." Oftenttma, such a child may respond once given a learning situation that meets his psycho- logical needs. For lnlbmcc, my~ and I helped one problem boy who had been moved from fotter home to foster home. By the fourth grade, he still could not read. Gradually a good relat:tonshtp developed between him and his teach· er. who Induced him to look at the pictures In the book and make up hls own stories about them. most of which were still of a violent ·nature. One day, the teacher observed that the boy seemed to have an emotk>nal reac:don when he overheard other chlkiren reading ltoria In primers about the lovely times parents and chlJdren have together -storia obviously alien to his tntumatlc beck~. So the eeacher began to blot out the words "father" and "mother" With a heavy b&ec:k marker wheMWr they appeared. Eventually the child joined her. ThJs auppoMdly "word-btnd" child then proceeded to blot out -With no mon -thole two wcrdt on the narly 40 remaining pages of the book. When he next tried to rad the book, he did sowtth ~any miltaka .net waa very pleated with hlmlef. Within a few' week., he was reading up to grade lewJ and enjoytng It. and children lean'led to read fiom them at least as well, and probebiy considerably better. than they do today. Children rapond to this paudry of In· teresting material by becoming utterly disgusted with these texts. They conclude that If this is what reading Is aD about. II isn't worth the effort . When I asked ftrst graders about their primers. even the good readers loudly declared that on their own t~ illtuld never read such '")unk." Angrily, they tOld mi. how It infuriates them that they are suppoMd to be IO stupid M to believe real people could behave the ways characten do in ttle:58 ter· rl>ly repetitive books. According to the chlldttn I spoke with, the people In prtmen are all made out of plasdc. "They aren't shy! They aren't afraid! They aren't angry! They aren't upset!'' As one child summed up, "They aren't anything!" Any adult reading thac primers cannot help agreeing. Nobody would want to read If this \Wl"C aD that rudlng Is about. The books Anply do not relate to chlJdten's lives. For Instance, In exarnlnlnsJ the books of several publishers, from first pn- prim« up to and tndudtng third-wade readers. '" found that none contain any ltOria about the ar· • One cannot expect that many nonreaders c.an be cured IO dramatlcaly. Not Infrequent· ly, learning In tehool meant growing up to the chlld, and thCN are children who are so determined not to grow up -either beCausc growing up teems to be dangerous, or be· caute It means gMnsi up Infantile At'lfac:Uons they dapcrataJ.y crave -that they ...tu. lo make any moves toward It. Other children feel prasured by their parents not onJy to grow up, but also to achieve ac:ademically. If for this or other rusont the child f_. re· jected by his percnta, he may In tum want to reject them. Refusing to &urn to read ...mt an usy w.y to hurt parentl whee they feel It Leaming mUlt ~become a boldsground Ullh JI0'6 c:hldtw:n. moet. There .. maay mon chlldNn who ~ .. poor radm, and thae form the ~ buMt. who tuffei from reeding~. Poor,........ .. not bom M IUCh, they .. made -nWty by the way dwy .......... reading In IChool. 1'he booAcl from which childrel'l .. ~ rad· Ing CiOnlllMt .,, lnluJt '° their ti *lat• a . Otiwt came to Khool wlh a wel..dewq,.d voc.abullry ol, on the..,,.., ~ 4,000 wcrda , IOIM al them qull9 dlfPcuJt OMS. Ewn the llMt vMlel al ""* ........ flt( 11 ed ~ 2,000 wards. And then they.,. ..... hm pwn.con- -.mg. ~of not ma111lhln150 ..... wards, out al which It ..... ~ '° COftl8'ld • w~ -.y. Saine 40 ~ •· comp11llbll U.S. pelia ... coo..-..S OWi' 660 •••d __., ea By Bruno Bettelheim words that fascinate them fOf some reason. And they leam these wtth gr~t delight. Leaming dlf • ficuJt, meaningful words Is a real achievement to the child. Such a feeling of pride is particularly necessaiy to motivate a child who originally was not int.e1esb!d in iear1ri119 to re.ad; it induces him to make further efforts to develop his reading skills. But the excitement of being able to read some words soon fades when the texts the child must read force him·to reread the same word endlessly. Word reoognJdon deteriorates quickly Into empty rote learning when it does not lead caectly to the reading of meaningful content. A chlld who has to read: "Nan had a pad. Nan had a tan pad. Dan ran. Dan ran to the pad ... " and worse nonsense does not get the Impression he is being guided toward becoming literate. becau1e what he Is being made to read Is obviously not literature. And as primers becotM simpler, chlld:ren. be- caute they are bored, read them with less and Jess fadltty. The publishers. in response, make the books even simpler and. thus. even Jess effective. 1be mean score on the verbal section of the Scho&astic Aptitude Teat (S.A.T.) has been declln· Ing fOC' the past 10 years. Ahhough It Is dlfflcuJt to establish a cause-and-effect reJauonshlp between the dedlning verbal abllitv °' college-bound stu· dents and the decline in primer vocabulary over the past decades. there can be no doubt that the score reflects a diminishing regard f Of the written word. Tex1book writers and publis~ know their books are unlnterestlf19 and so have tried to make them more attractJve by addJog cclorful illustta- tions. But the trouble with pictures Is that the printed text then becomes even Jess appealing In comparison. What's worse, able to guess from the pictures what the text ts about, a child reluctant to read now Mes no reason to struggle with words. Why do p~ continue putting out such dull primers? The reason is that neither children nor teachers buy textbooks -school boards and su- perintendents do. And their ftrst concern II that nobody complain about their choices. For instance. one publisher came up with a ltOfY in which chil· dren bring a balloon home from a fair, whacupon a cat leaps on it and i1 bums. Seema harmlas enough. but when the book was tested In an fDlnots achool system. cat lovers were outraged, Nyt"i the stOC"Y h~ maligned their .,.is. The local school superintmdent -who was coming up for ra .. lec· tion -wtthdrew the book. and the publi9her. afraid of similar complaints alsewhere, dropped the story. It doan 't have to be this way. Primcn uad throug:hout Europa arc far more dlf:fic:ult than thoN UMd In the U.S. The llOria don't talk down to the rucMn. No wordt .. 9\I06ded ..... they might be too ~ -.. ii dOM here -bec.auM the d1ild who uaa them In evcyday convenaaon Mudy knows wM! ttwy mean end ti thus .., to m..w any eechnicaJ at.tee• lhey praent. Perhaps Ifs not surprising then that at the end ol the first grade, the average European child has a larger reading vocabuJ&ry than the average Amer· lean child. In addition, reading retardation is much lea common among European children. F ortunately, there are many children who manage to become ttt.rat. ~ the ,way tn which they are taught reading. ·They do so because they are highly motivated by their home environment Of bee.au. of an attachment to the teacher. Studies show that nothing correlates more highly with a child's future academk: succesa than the academic achieve1'1ent of hls parents. 1be reason for this Is not just that the par-ents are committed to the merit of read.Ing, a commitment which they J>aS6 on to their children. but also that from an early age the child can observe how Important reading Is to his parents and how much they enjoy tt. Addldonally. parents who are avid readers are mcxe llke!y to re~ often -and with en)oymcnt -to their children. So the child becomes convinced that reading Is Important and enjoyable long before he Is confronted for the • first time with a prim«r tn school. And he II than able to distance hlmaJf &om the stupkilly of the prtmai, line& he knows not all books are like thoM. sun. many ycan later, that child will remember how dllgulted he was with the books he had to rad In early {Pda. ·- In our ..ch for causes. we must not be de· fleeted by the child's claJrn that he cannot lam to read, that ti II ~for him. The typbl child learns early In his life that his parents tend to pay ltt- t.le attention If he stata that he does not want to ltam or do ~ they want him to -they simply Insist that he must. But chidren aJso a.am that the outcom~.i• very different when they stud· fatdy ...n that they wou&d Bice to do what their persn1I want but 9'mply cannot. Many peNntS just 11* no funher and show compulion with their chlldNn '• ~nt lnlbtltly. The Mme parent who would not~ lot a moment tu. chAld's •• 1rao.1 that he cannot put hll fOl..JS aw.y I.ti ..... be t.f· o.d by the chUd't lt*TMnt that he cannot learn to reed, Wing to ... that thil ~ ... only • ~­ flege fot his not t10nling to rad. Thlt dOll not mean It Is wile to simply contmue to apply pressure on the ch.lid to am to read : learning should never be permitted to become a battleground on which parents and children meet as enemies. We believe that learning, particularly learning to read. must give the child the f Hling that, through It, new worlds wilt be opened to his mind and imagln· adon. And this would not prove difficult ii we taught reading dJfferendy. Seeing how a child Is lost to the world and forgm aU his won1es wlTen read· Ing a stOC"Y that 'Nc1n 1111 him, how he fives In the S.. Dk* run ... S. JcN Jwnp •.. S.. Johnnv nod off. fantasy worid of this ltOfY even long after he hat flnlthed rMdtng It, maka one rem. how Ulily your1g children can be ~ted by books, provtd· ed they.,. the right ona. I do not know how many chJldnn d daim that they can't ttomac:h spinach. but I do know that ha-cily a chOd daimt that he can't eat lcl cram. The fUIOn It that they •njoy Mtlng It. The ..aet, then, ts to make reeding ... mu enjoyable~• cy, u rewarding and u aaracttve. • w. can make It. Our rudion to a chlld't Nfual to rud thould be to do ~ In OUI ~ to mDOW whet cau.d the child's reluctance to become ...... and to read ~ hlm In ways that make ~ appe.-IO be OM ol lht moll en~ ft· ... peilras In the w«kl -at It aureJy ii. 1961 ...,. ... U' ........ -•• Keeping You1 Cool The most common reason for get· ting angry on the job Is because you feel you've been treated unjustly by someone who has power over you. But many employees ignore annoy- ances because they're afraid of the At Wotk -By Peggy Schmidt t.pp1 w . ...-.NIOIC, loaldll.fta The lifestyle is you. The se lection distinctively Alaens. Call °' wnte: ta your Aldens Catalog right rcvv )bu'll find the latest 1n c~ Like thts spht skirt with fagoting tnm. Top 1t off with OlK nbbon-tnmmed square neck blouse tor an exciting look. Both in pnced to g~ you more: fashion b your l'1'lOl"ley. They're: Just a couple: of stylish examples from Aldols catalog-Amenca~ most convenient shopping ~I r--------------------------~--~ FREE $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR NEW CATALOG 11 t CALL 1.-..-.sooo '°' ''"· ,.,, ...,_ cMt eoo •2-t2001l'Nlnll20011t111 csay 1 oey. I • ....,_chllfg9$11Dt po91ege-'*'Gl1n911D~ V..ot ~or MAIL 10 Alder'9, I 1 Po ao. 1141 c11cago. IL eoeeo EF1C111 .. s1 tw i-teve -"-''"9 .. 21 I NAME --~~~~~~~~~~-- ' 400AESS--~~~~~~~~~--I I CITY TATE ---ZIP --IW.. ~!he.neat lftllO' ~ ~ MIPPIY ...... OWl I ~-------------------~-~ consequences of expre.5s1ng the11 11e Letting out your anger in a rational way. however. can produce pos1t1ve results. Here are the steps psycho- therapist Martin Haydon who teach- es stress managemenr at New York University, recommends you take the next time you feel your tension-level nsing: 1. Evaluate the im portance of the lnddent. The seriousness of the s1tua· lion should influence what actlon you take. If. for example. your boss chews you out for a mistake within earshot of your peers, it's probably not worth· while to make an 1SSue of ft On the other hand. d your boss unnecessanly critlcizes you In front of managers whose opinion could make a differ- ence to your career, it would make sense to talk over your anger at a later time and ask your boss to help restore your damaged credibility 2. Analyze how legttimate your anger is. Did your behavior con· tribute to the anger-provoking ind· dent? For ex.ample, if a )Ob you want· ed Is given to an outsider. it's only falr to consider whether you made it dear to your boss that you wanted the posi· tion. ll you decide your reaction IS rea- sonable. make an appointment with. your boss or drop In to see him when he's not busy. 3. Explain rather than c:rttk:lM. Starting off the convenadon in an ac- cusatory way will only put your boss on the defensive. Your boss is more apt to Usten and care If you word your concern In a positive way -by saying you don't want your anger to begin affecting your productivity or your working relationship. 4. Be spec:lftc and selective about your oomplaJnlng. Bring up one or two examples of incidents that left you feeling angry but don't bring up all your grievances. That will only make it difficult for your boss to respond. 5. Communlate what you would lib to eee happen. One of the big- gest mistakes people make when they have the opportunity to say what's troubling them Is losing sight of their objective. says Professor Haydon. You may feel better by simply getting the matter off your chest. but unless you and your boss reach an under- standing, It's UkeJy that the problem will conttnue. If your boss's behavior Is the caute for your anger, you cannot expect him ~o change his personality, but you can propoM a mutually agreeable way to get around the problem. If. for ex.am· pie, he's stingy with compliments, you might work o ut an Informal arrange- ment for re~ng your WOfk so that thent ara structured tlmeS during IWI which you can lxp«t feedback. ILi 'Round The House . ... • I I•*' , Ll~futl.<olor boGdlt ~ mote quemo,..,.,. wln- dawt -.f ...,. dooB. 59«ill tieCtiorls on ~~windowl.eneisv.­ dcw plaWftg. more. ~ ~ d win- dow idels. ANOetSEN CORP., Boddft. FttfE 41'2 Nlw~Les ..... miilelothome llvlns NI'(. <4() C!l~ICient Ii pM6i\le to- !. models & 3 lot seytft. hlld It )'OUtfeff wtlh Nf.LHI'• Tout Bulldlnt-.f ToWSnte ~SM! 't'lfWENGlANOl.OCHOMES. INC.,8'ochure. FR££ 41) ....... II JThe~c:Mtwitl haul400b.-15~the~ ~ ll'aile will "-ul up to 950 b . Then lDtd -.f IOll l/lllllf br compKt *"19t! HAYES EQUWMENT. Cob Brocllum. FREE .. .._ .... ow "--Cheddkt etUs ,.._. 10 look br when buyif1I J home built ~ 19l4; includes~" how«> newt- leetr; THE Ol.D HOUSE JOUDW.. Bto- dMn & Sims* .... soc -· tN.~ ... ~ .. WC..-cus- llDm made for at'( wincbv. 30 )9ldl fibric per 96. &tnerh. Polkhed coaon, c.tlic05, ~. NIUrak. DOROJHnltlJF. RED~. Blod'ue,fm .... ,,.....,,..~~~ Lm "9tl .. in l•:::.e buitLwl .. ANofln.. b'ed-.f~brd'9'-'·~tMc:h hlldclA*f. ~annotfaile~ win. dew. S..lllK10I ~. SAf£TY & S£-cuanv COMf'NllY, Wtndowioc:k, FR££ • ., ,_ .... Midi ... Ac• 0 1-c.t- .. Includes tOlld braM, woods with hr.us, odtef lina 5p«t~ Items L ~fine, built-in blctl tales, tDWtl i.dden. m.I tnlla. Crib blr section. a-lheMs. dtcontM edl'•. NUTONE DMSION, CJQlos St.SO. -~· I I i&(Mry.lnleructionboolt· 6ectlfhhowl0br.-~ blndllionand build block ~I br difet1 IOI* IO bate- ment from outside. Mlllls ~ uwful. corMnient. ,. br flmlly ~lei. THE llLCO COMMNY, 8ooldet. FREE Help lburself 4"hw ...... .W~Hup~. No.....,,., will ull. 30 day holTte trial. bty ~ ........ 1.,.., ~· Witt todl¥ forM~. ltHOOES HV.lt- INC NOS. c.aae. fltH ................. ~ .. I' MF I W..-ti. 1h•1 arld .... boob.Aho. .... diOii arid --Mdualof'I .... TH( wru.N6S NlWSUTTllt, ..... fl([ .,, ....... Ca611c ........ ,.....,.,,. •<Alhotlc MMt:•ldy. Plof 11ICNl Mpo ............ dMdt ......... ,w. . .--. IQI ....,.. SoM. kW ~ PriJbl ...,,..NlllGNl, 11••..,. COIWlll· ll'at'I ~ ..... °"'*' .......... NQl()N. Al CATHOUC ltlfi'OlmA, ~. Attt 4121'19111' Nrlm ~ a..ntt.M.lt- wY d lift. Pracdell T_,.. tNtlle 9\'- ~IO lhe IW. lft hlmionv w4fl ha.- thieCl0919ticbr:.IDr ... llll .... c1 ...... . t t;;l w,,... Nl4C*:. ....... ... iNfORMATiON CENTER 0\fH so frlEE Bool,11 r1.i 6 BHo( ln11n \ , ..... -"lo ........ lo .... ,... ........... o1..., u-. ..... ~ 1llee boolrlets wl btodMe which we fee Moe ture lo ....W yout Uf~ ..., wl pettype MCW Meecmawc. Uw Che .... ~ below. ~ 41J ~••a •••t m lftOll IUl!sdrlWn °"" 501rt eu..w.ed LNl!tlme ~ fea. bftllnot'ldrll ~. l2-monchpol~ '-Pr-. low.~ for FrM Information. No abllfldor\. COlONIAl PENN INSURANCE CO .• '"*> .. Fm 414_&.W._ ... ~lly no rrlldical tum~. EXICLIFf Is NSV & lnecpeiM.e. f.Hy bee...-no .,,,will all: ill6tJflo.'w i.:..1ts FJUP nurance. A-f.eed company. VIN, MasWfard. MIO· AMERICA NATIONAJ.. 8rochure. FREE 41J n..it'• Aa ~ Wllr. bnt~ ... flllt ...._ St. P,i;ul Money Fund/St. Paul ~Send b ~ ""°"""'°" inc:ludtnt~-~dft. Rud it hebe ~ ST. ~UL MONEY FUND,~. FREI 416 F•9'C-S-. A l2'1Nlf pwn- phtet on the c:aw b twfip>n in one'• life. Topia include oonsdoutneH o( Cod. im- nbtalily, contdfftc:lf. jeMIS Chrkc, duct:. CATHOUC INfOltMt\TION 5£1Ma, hm- phlel. Fm •17,,_,.... ........... lnWFMf AMOCialion. Bit Dilcounls on ..,..., mo- etk, CM,.,..,~ -...iofttancf ~U­ llOmOthe produds. FREhm•l!'ICY fOld kit, medial ldenllfiadon ard,,,,,..,. Md~. S°"· Memo.nhlp ~. fltEE •11C... o-'t ....... A ....... t 1J et Now Pft*Ct '°"' Clmify with 1ow a.t anctr ~. Up eo s2so.ooo ....... blnlftt. No'*"""" will call. Mad compll'ly. ~. ~. MID-AMERICA NATIOl'W., 8tochure, FREE .,, ................ ,.,_ ........ lllutarJeedinMNCtlons. Howl0$1Mt)OlKOMI home business. Idell t>r hobbr Of ewninc .-, income. PIB.flt CO., Info .• FltEE .............. ~ ........... ~ Brodiure dee.Iii• .lndusvlal ~:top­ ponunjtift in LCM9 Suony. WelC Gennany. Suctel6 flctM: produaM ~ bet, • cu.re politial envitonment, pemment sup. PM. ..... economy. low lnflatlor:, matiet ar.ce.. DWA ASSOC.. ~. FREE Something For Everyone 416 ~ Oun AAr, Mild 01rnan, fH ~· 6 Pf ooune. 1850'1 Mftill• vtl· •• "Sfncr 1Sl5, ~at Pl.tee to Viik. •Sun-- $hine lSO ~. T• ~ f41mmet ~lion lhis wirMr ... LAS CRUCES. NEW "1\EXICO. Btochufe, FRU 4%1 CAlllct c.iM. Flft Coin ldeonclfltt Boolt, J1oni wilh teAtct.lon d lf'\UIM be1an COtm on l~ euminatJon. Buy llP(/rtOM, rt- tum bltaru. c:anoel ~. H.E. HARRIS, C.oln ~ Ir FREE 8oolt 421 .... 5-llilr't 0.-.. A~~ ~ lloda9 Pipft die most exceptioNI, ~. cool-smolcins ~In It. ~ ... nf one al fir ellil!ll~ Mon- ey !Ndt~. ~9P!PlS,INC .• ut.A· loJ, FREE 42'NMtl 1 ... C 2 I$ ~dfle"llld lclband ..... In • .....,.,.... e11lbloidery. cr811!1, !ail ..... qui'-5. tlDledoeha, 111 OMC dwuds -.f hu!IChds d ~. S1 .00. ~on flntordet. THE AME'- ICAN NHDU Yt()MAN, c.loa. S1.00 Ut ~ M11M1t ~.A ~ithtful find ball~to~l ~~.pxile. oWJlt ~ Productions Miclley Mouw ~.ENmlledln~onc: brtu. HJ11nwtll!d. MMwlocn MCIU memoi abilia. THE COlLECTOlt'S CHOICE. ThlmhW, '4.9e m en.e.t ,... lliillff1 c.ookboob tw Church, Sdlool, CMc: ~. lt'M'M noch-inl-Eny-_, to rllte funds. Bit Proftts. 'D.lr own l't'Cipft. Coolcboob sd>lished br lOIJ. \YJ.TERS, <>Niis. fRE£ UWI; ' at f RfE pound d tobicco with JO.diy fr.er Ir~ "WOlid f.anlous Ca~~. ~ ·~ lndl" cools. dt'M!S. IT..tloM '°"' .smole. GuirlfteMd IO limOllr without bile. billlllmes. ~. E.A. CAA£(,~. 1'RU 434~ u : -..eta oe· en-. to the Uribbffn hllneb for the bifefoot If~ with ~re. S.il the Bat,.mu, Brltkh 'Wgln ~. ~ Indies with ~ ~.6& 12~1Choonefcru1wsfrom S400. WINOSAMMER.~Boo'c. FREE 41S~U. mk'tltae Sa '" iftll9'1't ... is~1\11Mt.H1s hl*>fk Home. Tomb. Old St.- Upitol ~New s.lem \Ill. '" he " cN'lt Sprinlfietd h ~ ....,,~­ St. Louis. SPRSNC- FIELO. IL., Lit., FREE .,.~, •• , ..... c.....~. Monthly sd>liatlon CX>ntllnins <Mf 25 M- tioNI ~ & ~to enwr. I.JIG priie, diets, how IO~. I 12 per ~-12 IS6Uft. NATIONAL. SWEEPSTAKIS & CON- TEST CUIOE, Siniple, FREE '370W Tll4le .... Pu•w but TV~ time. fMtOUI comedilllS, ~. kid~ wntum. big binds. dr1mu. MNP op«Js, Kience ftdlon, mott! ThcM.inds to chCJme flom on LP iec:ords. u.fdtf. ind 8 tracks. ltAOIOlA. C..lot. FREE 411 .... a..~ All~ Stl•ned e&.. Neeck. haims IO Pn:MsioNI, t.,. ~M*buutifulm•ned .. ~b Mn, projll. c:..uqCOlt ll!Nnded with Rrst Otd«. HUDSON CLASS, Uc.a.Joi. Sl.95 •HCrafl 5-fy ~ Cl&tlot-10,000 MW, reaulM .,.f hJrd..IO.find supplies. Ors- counlied :Nil Ofdtt' Crllt Shop. Fio-. doll· ,,,..,...~ ~.Jrt. bNdifll, dal~. hol~. 400 boob, kits. men BOICANS. Ca&JICJ8. 12.00 ....... a.rt ....... Met. f'°°"" fmh. ditect frwn Timpi, ~Ion'• fine c1pr ~. Moreltw:n lOOdiffmncCUllOm-made ci91n. Full lnlo In "Gentlenwl'1 Guide IO Smolq f'lllMure.. THOMf'50N OGAlt co .. 8fochure. FREE 421 HILrl ...... .-.Dl6rl!Read 0MEM- OllS Of A BUllDElt.* PJ1K Ss.70 ~ ~*Pb¥ *9 how I Ind• tonune. JON. A.THON W£1STlR AND SONS, lrodve, Fm PILL IN COUPQN AND MAIL TODAYI 422~,.._~ ... -.1. ..., CMt 600 ddet, plus 7 .,.. d lw:fd. D-lind WIM c:r• Md tuppliet. ~ Ulllalclilldl .. llttJinllliOn. IEAR TW M(DKJN( 50ClfTY. ~ fill£ 423..,. .... ,, .......... -...-... ............ l'Qlltoliii•IClflCIMd .... .... "°"' ........... --'d '°" lhelnend-~WOltdl ....... 1""9nw. IOCANICMt, ...... Fm .,.~........__, ......... ............ lAbo; .... Teslld .... .. ""'*.,.,.... ~. ~. UflJ'•••IAldtwNltemolllnt~ num- ber f/I ...... D6lpollble fllm (One • .. .. -.1. " ., , • .,,.., SMOtCln It(. llAEH IN5Tl'T\JTI, Lit., AW US 0... ._OI O.C. A-., Ttt41 wletl .. ~ hM P"Ol4f' ...., .. ,,..... s..t for ,_ booldlt on ._ ~ d tVft- thllcl: WM-,.._ INC., loaldll. NII Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 10 .. "W.' G.7 .. nicorinuv. ps cipm11, Flt Rtport Dtc'.81. MMILY WllkLY • ..,,. & -e t YOUR GREAT OUTDOOR HOffiE SPRUCE-UP GUIDE By Rosalyn Abrevayo Now that $prlng hos ban with u. /or mar. ~ a month, tti ttmc to think about the outdoor Hie and tab '*>Ck of ~ bockvard tpacc you have. If you're not moldng the mos of thlt areo /or your #utng en}ovmcnt -with a gardsn, patio, , dee* Of' .,,,,. ~ of the ""--VoU'N '""""9 a lot of fun. To lnlp1N you, FAMILY \\U:KLY .. .., (lgp ~CAI ... and mMd /or their bat kleOI. 1K011•1*Mk Sowc·Med c:on&Uwn• ... 18 to 24 ~In ~. Another lillilrT\lll1Ye .. hanging ballcets. '"For a natunil look." he iec:c.nmends ~. FIY or wlre·and·l"nOll pots, rMher th.n whl9e ones. For rnmdmum pllo ~. Edtlh Hender-'°" of Adlnta .... lbendonlng the idu of • now. bed ........... hou. .nd ~the- pllo ufece rW1t up to the OUlllde Ml of ~home. s. Hllldlnon: "ti you need '° th.de LFS51HAN ~ AMONTII HElP3 KEEP SEPTIC TANKS AND CFSSFO:LS Fn1 BlCillG UP AND BREAKilb IXJNN Every time you do a waah, your detergent, 110C1J> aDd bleach l'OSh away IOID8 of the bacteria your ..p& tank or oelSpOO} needs to W01'k. That can mean back up cmd break down. And co.tly repain. Rid-X helps prevent all of that by puttiDq back the bacteria. Rid-X and one atra fluab cl your tajJet a month may be the only atten~ your 88ptic aystem needa. RlD-X KEEPS YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM IN ITS PLACE. ". ,_,, "81(1Y, ... -==--=1- • ~ or place the paving stones on an cxildng concnte patio, using mor- tar to hold them in place. Bricks for pavtng are now available in a new one-n:h thicknaa. CaDioo«t tells us they're easier to handle than traditional two-lnch·thick bricks. Using these bricks allo means that the patio sw1ac:e wll be on the same &ewf as the floor of the hoUM "so you don't have to ltep up to your pado." Pat O'Brien of Sen Frandtco has CALIFORNIA AH locations Angels Diamond International Corp AnaheWn Walt Taylor Lumber Bakersfield Aaron·s Home Center J.C. Wattenbargar & Sons Buena Partl Buena Park Lumber ~noa..ctt Serra Lumber Co Chatswof'th Builders Discount eo.t.M ... Baker Plywood Elslmore Els1more Pioneer Lumber El Toro Saddleback Lumber Fresno Holt Lumber White Pine Lumber Ganien Grove Plains Lumber Kemvffle Kernv1lle lumber Laguna Beech Laguna lumber Co Lo.Hahn Dtekensot1 Lumber Llkellltbele l&M Lumber Mllllon Vlefo Nail Apron NcN1h Hott1wood Builders Discount Nor1hiidge Far West Plywood Co. Northridge lumber Co Onlnge Bayshore Lumber Double J lumber Pof1etvtlle K·Mart Porterville Truss & Building Supply Redtandl Dill Lumber R~eat High Desert (True Value) Home Center San Ju.n Ceptslnno DeNaults San l&HI Obispo W1sberg Lumber Sam.Ml Jaffee Wholesale Santa Cruz Nigh Lumber San Lorenzo Lumber Co. Senta,.... Dave's Building SuPQ,ly Rothermel Lumber & Supply Co. Simi~ Discount Home Center Temecull Temecula Hardware Inc 1\ellln Tustin lumber v.ncur. Ventura Lumber For poaible l<Jd/tional dealer //stings, check the Sports Section of this paper. ~ ~I •~c.e ......... ..., ...... ..... , .. "' .,,.., Nowl You C.n Statt Yow Own .. lfllUlon Dollar" Zorsl• Lawn! ·=...., ......................... ~ .......... .... = Ill J) ........ ,., .................... .... .... Giie.., ....................................... ... r., = ._. ........... .,... ............. SSIWI • • ..., 1M.LMHRIBL_...., __ •-• •1111 ... uL .... -O&lltDrllt• 1ra.Ye1e.---•f1Wlillllw11llfne•a ...... - ZOIYIA UWll ITAYWaH• Y•MM IUT AID DIOllllTI Uc tM -d!IRt Ml IM9 llWM iluuM ,_ -IMlJ-7ow .,,... ... ,. flftla .. ...... • .-.W illt of --!1· I hew ,_. to....,_, on IOfl'9 ..... 0.. d1y I .- dll& _, .....-W IOC• ,......_, '" Jon. a ..,... llw1I .. ckct.ttd IM .,. •• , ....... Lawa •lff) JllftKt." Yet di• '""' .., ..._ ....... Onfy oecie dlll •tK• we- -' C'IJT t'Ollll WA 1D 911.LS. SA VE Tiii: WOltlt Of' LA .. 'N IPIUNKLJ!llG. ITAltT A •AMOUS ZDYllA GaAll l.4WN !'lfOW. ••.::Jc.....,..,. "°'" ....... .,.. ~Lawn ...... ~ ... , ..... ~Z.J2 z.,lia. .. ~ ....... ~· IM. ""' ~ It .,.,.. IO djlc:\ .... ·--, .... , ... doll"I '" ...... ._, .... I*' Hee Ctll ........ Te 0... A MMth ,..,. ....... ......,.., -~ ., ••• f#• ....., ..... ,... ................ _,.. 91..., lllM llillfl Ila '"'•a•••• ................ ,.., ....... .., ·w,21>•...., ,.. ........ ~ ........ t nhlrnf'• 8' • ,.,... ..... la I hh • Z.,--S MWflil! &' ......... ,,.,. .......... .,_ ; -"" ....... ~ ....... Iii I-.... ... ..,~ ..... ......... ""' ........................ Nill•· ..., ..... ,.,., ... ,,..... ..., ..., ti==·=·:-=~ ti ,.. .. d9lll .. -.. ....... .......... -. ............. _,...,.. ..... ..... ... .. I Dt"""' :=···· ...................... ..... . ...........,,_ .......... ,.. ,.,... ..... i. ........... .. .... ... ~ .... ....., tWt6dt l"-'f .... ): '•I " • ~ f ' , , , • , r , J4' •, A •~ p I,(,, ,~ ,' I.' lf J' "''" .. .,.,,T~ ,....,....z..z.,-. ,.,. ...... ~~.ca"*-'• 0.... ... Alter JO -..OW Zero .,,...,., II 8oultcee a.ct Glw. Tltkk, Md ....... ! Cloellf Tltlltf fo Alt lndeettuctJ,. Lawn YtHI ,,_.E..,.._I ,--~-----------~------------~-----, uw._..__, .. ._...., .. ,., ......,, ,. 17111 = ..... _.... .. _ .,.,. Ol .... .... ...... ,.... lllCllK,!11~~ '!-!!!'!'!!~~ "'" .... , etfY·~~~~~~~~~~- ••• llP·~~~~ ~ ................ ................ , ..... ..., .. ......, .............. ... :.c.--............ - g.._ I ,l 0 !::.::L ia:-a•= It's Paint-the-House Tlmel P alntlng the outside of your house Is not a task most peo- ple relish. But ifs better to do It than to let your old cnat of paint blister and peel. Whee do you begin? Your main considendions are seJecting the paint and prepstng the surface. Today most homes me painted wtth oil or latex paints. Both types have ~. noces Wlllam S. Rosen· thal, technk:al marMtlng manager for Ptti:sbwgh Paints. "Some professional painters use the oil type because they haYe always used It," he says, "and feel it has ~ penetration value (provides men effecttve adhalon when the homeowner has not done the proper surface ~]. However. latex paints ln general re· tain tha flnNty longer (the ability to expand and con1ract with the sur· face ln al weather) and exhi>I better cob retention. They aho tend to be easier to apply and dean up." How to decide which type Is right for you? .. A gmeral rule In exterior patnting," ays Roeenthal, .,, to apply the same type of top com that has been appiMd previously -that ts, oa owr oil, lata ove:r latex, so that ftnlshes wiD adhere bettar... What if you decide to change the type of paint? '1f your siding ls painted wtth an oi~bese paint and you want to swtllch to a latex," Rmen1hal re· sponds, '"prime the entire house w1lh a good oil-base primer and then apply the '*" hotm paint ... But t:.fore that fDt stroke of pnner or plli1t II ~. you tnU1t prepare the aaf.:a. You should dean off loOle rniartal -such as dust, Nit or old paint -utlng a IOUb bruth, paint la1ll*. ~or_, wool. Be ue to ftD In any bola wtlh putty. so that the surface will be anooch. To dun oif ltUbbarn '"*'111ot, you ~ nem • powe' 8lidlr or wire bruth. 1f midew Ml eccunn.-.ed, the ..mac. ne.lt to be ICl'Ubbed, rinMd off end ..,... to dry c:cnapletefy. Ewn If ~ home 11 COYS.t wtth llbmt~. I an be.,._ to~ t ~ fNlt\ -al color,wllh .,.._ lllP9"" daly bmulllled for met.el tiding. Thae palnta come In wf*, J111*1ia or delprtch .... Nm-Color Yipe 1. When chooe'8 }'OW IMde, ~ ......... mlan of ~ nlldibcu' holMI. You mev not wmr a .. mHDO .. loalc, but ... wile to have ~ home blilnd In to • dlgiies . ....,.~ . .--.-•1a S.we11pto$lO.OO. DEi.MONJE! llAWADAN PoNal' ...t Ol1JN KING; You always win when you buy any of the family of great DEL MONTE. HAWAIIAN PUNCH or CHUN KING products. They represen• fine values you 're sure to enjoy setVing. And now you can really hit the jackpot Just collect the specified labels. send them in, and get coupons good toward the purchase of m<>NOf these fine products r------- l. A house painted a lght color will look &arge:r than one In a dsbr shade and will also reflect the sun·~ rays rather than ebaorb 1hcm which me.ans the ~ will be com. to tunnner. 3. \Nel deJ9aed doorways, w9ldow bous and shutters are shown to ad- vantagt when painted a c:onlralting color IO the rest of the house. 4. lWotc malm1g your ftnal color 1rlr:tb1, lmpKt tt. .-. _,.. OUltide ... 9lft!, In nmnl * Varying quantities and com· binations of labels earn you different quantities and combinations of coupons- up to $7.so· value and to top it off. you can qualify for $2.50 in cash. The details are spelled out below, so clip. this ad and take it shopping with you. MaU the request fonn to us with the required number of labels (it's not redeemable at your gro-. cer's), and you can cash in on up to $10 in vings. -------, I ... ~ .. 4' The Wlkl Cards are labels from I I I I I any DEL MoNTE. HAWA11AN PUNcH or CHuN KING products. D $2.50 CASH BONUS r-. ...... ,...._. P9am..., • 1 dlll:l IDr IUI .. aao ol 111t Jiii ... ol ~CCIUDlm Mail this request form. along with the front panels &om the n!quired labels. to: De.MONTE SNJINGS~. P.O. Baa 8902. OWnn, IA 51736. iilUI . • ' r----------------------------, I THE POTENT BEAUTY AID I I FROM CLEOPATRA'S DAY I !FREE! ! I ALOE I I ~ Aloe Vera is the rare, mysterious plant. men· VERA I I tioned in the Bible. ha t ruck. api~ leaves con· . I tain a gel so remarkable the Egyptians of ~ I Cleopatra's era called it ~magical.~ Ancient I I Greeks u.sed it in coametic balma. Today ita I I power is deeply respected. although modem I seiencr cannot fully uplain the plant'• effec. I tivenesa. Now Aloe Vera's 3,500 year old beauty secret has been llUUTY I I re-diacovered. And just an time. Today'• world ia moat difficult LOTION I I for your skin. Wisely we are reaching again for Nature·s gentle 4 OZ I gifta like Aloe Vera to protect complexions against the ex· I tremea of heat and cold. sun, wind and water. Yes. the precious I I Aloe Vera gel has been concentrated and combined with other supermo1sturi· I I zen and natural lubricant.s in ~ALOE VERA BEAUTY LOTION." I I ALOE VERA BEAUTY LOTION aima to help revitalize dull, dry, aging K in I ... to help facial skin regain loet smoothneaa ana moi•ture. and to regain it.a I I fresh look. I Find outl Acclpt We tulHlad • oz. bottle of ALOE VERA Buulv LOTlOH I I (Include 11 to help cover poeblge •nd t.ucllng). I I Nullrt9on ••• d ... _.., .. Dept.N505 104 ............... Ce1MN ...... ..,.... 12101. I I EndOMd 1a O Check 0 Mon.ey Order ror Sl to hew cover pasta.~ A handUoi. Send me my I I FREE full .. ize •en. JU fl ALOE VERA BEAU1'Y LOTtON. Sorry. no Canad.Ian orden I I accepted-only one oll"a pe1" family. pleeM. I I Prinl Name I I Add,.. I .. I c.~ . .: ,.., ....,_ ._ si.1e Zip .II ----------------------------"DRESS UP" your no-wax floors. Specldy ronnutated for no-wax floora. "0'9sa up~ from Trewax apotlights lhe .. .w. you ""' most. High ecrytlc conllllnt for extra weer cie.n. and lhines In one step. PIMunt aroma. Convenient aquHH bottle. Available at ~ home cen'9ra, hardwwe and peint •tores and ..-cem.r.1 Jiffy Patlltl~ lrl 1ts.-Uw w. .._ _ ... I _ ..... ~,.,, ...... "°'~ Po1i.m piorft 1or 3 .......... .__....w.i '2111 .......... _. ,_.... ..... c.-. _. ......... ......... ,..,,_........, .............. owa... a.. ..... Y ... N.Y. ltltl. _______ _ f • WbH bl C>rr»r From ~ In Femi,, I ow,~ of ,_..,_: OllerP..-w .. .,,.,,Send ~I.DI oi.motld Oloet ~...,.. "*-" 8lrlA* TreBlen~ ~& ... a... r,...~ MlmblfafO.. ~Mc. ~ ....... attow tour to ti•....-.. lot delivery. Strace our 1ch•ertlHrt often receive tnowanos of Of' d9r9 from a.11 °"' ,,. country, ooc.. 1'onelly ~ tlonat _..,. oo. our. If ~ oo. ,antlly Wfftlly wents to _.. ~•much. IPOHIDI•. Juat ............. of VCM1F ~ t« Linda Mount, 'amlly we.iv. "' Ualntton Avenue, New Yoftl.. HY tOOlll. -.. --.. . .... ,.I -~~---- .Guest In the Garden: f Cultivating J Fruit Growing flowers and fruit is a rich experience -one type of gardening delights the eye' the other. the palate. Here are some planttng tips for a few exotic and classic varieties. --Lavtah Ulles-- Few 6owen br1ng to the garden the rewarding~. grace and exotic beauty of'lllles from the far corners of the earth. They add lowllnea. charm and allure to any flower bed. The spectacular day lily Is un· doubtedly the most gratifying, fooJ. proof perennial you can plant. Jt thrtves In aD arus of the country, and Is remarbbly easy to plant and grow, even for the most lneJcperiencld gardener. Dey lilies are idea.I planted either ln a bed or as an eye-atching border for lkicwalks, dnveways or lawns. If you p&an now, next year at ,this time you'll be enjoytng beautiful blooms In shades of light salmon, pale yellow and orange from these loveJy flowers . If your 1alte runs to the node you mWlt pnf. p&enq cmla ... c.....s ~ years ol 009- breeding, they come in brtmant thedes °' ~. pwple. orange· red end roty pnk and fature a lowly cheb ... "' cut 8owen they can't be beet -they Clln IMt up to ttne weeks. Thrill to their wece and beauty ln your gllrden th» summer . And Flowers By C.Z. Guest -·A Rosy Garden-· Roses are one of the most popular of aD garden flowers They can be grown In every part of the country and are available In many varieties. But if you want them to stay healthy you must feed and water them pro- perly and protect them from disease and Insects -especially throughout the summer. Rosa need a great deal of water. particularly In areas where rainfall Is not sufftdent. A thorough weekly dousing to penetrate ejght to 10 In· cha deep is required for molt gardens. Mulch (any organic materlal -grass dippings. hay. buckwheat hulls) . heips conserve moisture. so apply It In June after the soil has wanned up. Rosa must be fed three times a year. Fertilize them In early sprlng, again when the flower buds ftrst open and then at the end of July. But don't feed them after early August, because It encourages new growth which would be k1Jled by the first frost . Always water rose bushes weD after feeding. Mature roses do better when potted for about one month before planting ln garden beds. Use a rich ~ 90ll mixture, similar to what the PCM bush was Oftglnally grown In. The carwfuJy M1ected potting mixture and warm d tcmpcnliure In the pot encourage better root 5J'OWth and bets top pwth. Cool 90il In the garden lk>ws root~. Note: ROM5 need at lealt mt hours ol sunthk\c cWy. -•Bluehlng Bariel- We all know that no store.t>ought berr1et c.an hokl a candJe to ripe. Juicy, freshly picked ltrawbtn1a from your owng&nMn. Soth»summcr, whynoc treat yourself to this ddghtful fruit. To figure out your ~·s needs, plan on 25 pjants per person for awr:age con- sumption ot fresh berries. If you plan to saw money by stocking the pantry and freezer with homemade pies, jelbes and )ams, figure on 50 plants per penonJ Remem- ber, you can never have too many fresh, garden-grown strawberries. These berries will give you a greater return per square foot of garden than any other small fruit. Try tucking your Uttle plants 12 to 18 inches apart along your entrance wal<, driveway, garden path or around your flower beds. Pick strawbemes only when plump, firm and In fuD blush. Never hull or wash berries until you are ready to use them. If you do, they'll lose vitamin A and C fast, and the quaky ot the berries wlD deteriorate In storage. For the most nutrttk>n and the best ftavor. use berries as soon as posst>le after pick- ing. Strawberries also make a beauttful ground cover, better than grass, and you'D never have to mow, just pick! -~to- Gardeners and non- gMieners alika should know how to prolong the bfe of cut flowers. Here are a few ~ pie tips. . 1. Cut the Items with dip- pers or a knife on an ~ (this .. the Rowen at.orb water). Ramow al lava that an below the w illkt .... and place flowers Into .... Jubow.111 wlltm lnunedialilly (It'. betalr than a>ld wlDr bec:aUM It's las ot a shock to the ~ In a dean con- taNr. 2. Keep Oowen away from extseme litrnperalUl'a: drafts. air condJtlonera, ~OflUn. s. Check the ""*' level deilly. addJog more • 1'111 needed. ... l . Die-Ezy• Sbo¥el (403) 2.MetalTme Lawa RUe (A22) 3.BowRab (R14RB) 4.G.nleaHoe (RG6-1/4) 5. Froid WIMlllll Hoee Reel (HRI%) 6. Minlde Gr.. Sllean(2) r---------------------, AMES··~ CHECK-BACK COUPON l Putehue any one ol the 1ix featured tools. Umlt one 13 Chf:dl..Back per c:uslocMr. 2. Enter the 5-dieit tool model number: ------ 3. Send this completed coupon with 5-ditljt tool mockl number and cash retister re«ipt u proof ol purdlue to: AMES SJ CHF.cK·BACK OFFER P.Q b ~ B ~.TX 7Wn A.low • wftb far 13 a.di· kt. Rede lllllr ONLY AT TM! STOat: •lime ,_ oriliiMIY ~ ~A-toiil -~ .... .., ............. ----------------------1 Available at retail l1ores where Q1IA]ity . lawn and garden tools are sold. - F<r the name and ~of the dealer nearest you, write: Ames $3.0()' Check· Back c/o Fahlgren & Ferriss Inc. P.O. Box 1628 . Parkersburg, WV 26101 I HU1 1· -.~1 lil11 I lt I 'Ir' -.. .. ._ ..... 1 I. I 'Ji 111 I ii: I U1Htt1~ '.f, 'dJtf til ihl ll~[if ll!fliijf l!~lJl>~fJf l!J !I r1a.n .1(hlilhia.h:Jh !l!~t 1 r -· ~Pl la • I if 1 rtt~f) 11 ·· (. ·(,f Fl 1.1 l 1'!' t. trt s IJ. ~ f .. ;. r,rn. J . nh h ~ 1 n :i! Ill. !11!!JIUU1 ~•!1!111 11! Pl ll ~~s~f!~r.IJ:J!!~fr!lf . li;! ~ ll)'i1. 'fiu~·[JIHUfli h•lf 1r f' f,fJst ~'lJ~f~J rfJ[l!i ;!r1tJtir~;tlr11r~r•~ lt1,1l§ . ~-1strl:1'',.s I' [Jfl(l~JIJJ s 1~; ,IJ!t f If I. r lJtls rt i' ! f J; i J ~ rs~-r ' t· 'f' t•tr 'I •.1.11'1'!11t1Hl iatir1 U~~!H . g t 1··· Jsf J hi•!1 jl r m.lrtrl db u rl~!1n~ J!. l.r OllW!t .......... 111 ;11 :Jt!tfIJ~illllf~Jtrr1 1 ~111 · l~~Br~rr [lti'~ti'rl~rliJrr 0 fti~lf ~:!.J 1 fft~rl~!1tti it Jjff[J · l•rf,litaitJ!ii~ij ti · t .-f,·} [ !rSJ i I.( J,rlrs ~la.rt ia.f rfr~~ ,f ;~ In which legendary new~ column- lst Coen waxes lyrlca} and wile about the sites and sounds of the cltv he haa been synonymous with for near'v half a century. tthin San Frandtco 's 48 square miles lies an In· ftnky of riches, gmcraly jusl around the comer or over the next hUI: so much to do In so ltttle space. The weather. give or take the odd hut wave or cold Slap, ranges from 45 to 70 degrees. In other words, brtng warm clothing. Whtie It's been atabl1shed that M.k TWllln never Mid "the coldat wtr\t« I ewr spent wae one sum.mer In San Frandlco." ~e remsk has a certain valkllty; bMeball fans attending f\istlt games al Candlestick Park tn Augutt drat !dee a footbel crowd. There ii no tadder 1Ummer ~t tn San ~ then a tourist ihtvertng away In hll IMr'IUC:bn, hit eung&.es mlldn9 In the fog and gooee bumps .Jowly twnlng from blue to purpls. I heve often auggattd a plllrOI of St . Bemwdt c.-ry1ng brandy In the" calkl lhould come to the retcue of .... poor eoulil. The visitor wtD be charmed or alarmed to learn that San FrandJco, a city of under 700.000 raidents, has tome 3,000 bars, 2.000 restaurants and 1,200 churches. a ratk> that seems about rtght. WW Rogers caled San Frandlco "'the city that was never a town" and It has been a hd-and-fun·ralMr since ltl over· night tilth In the Gold Rush of 1849.SO. The tnttant-dty spewned lmtant cukure. Out of the waterfront mud t;ew French retiaurants -the ftrlt, Le Poulet O'Or, which miners Immediate· ly dubbed the Poodle Dog, e name that llYtlS to this day. Bawdy hoUMS, ~ ca9not and concert halls followed. By 1860 Sen Frandlco emerged a world-claM city, and In short order the btggelt hot.i wat of New Yori<, the Palace, soee to dazzle the toun.t. Rudyard Kipling ar· rilled to proclaim It ... peiec:dy mad city." Olcar Wiide drank the mlne1 und• the table, Loaa Cnibne ..-wn.d for gold nuggets and Enrtco CINIO g1ve tt.. dty a t111ae ol opera It MYOl'1 to this day. As the poet Mk:hael Grieg h• aung, "The Mrthqueb was our golmn age, Abtraz our ?11th.ion." The s.n Frandlco ol tod.ly ~ MJltr than ever, that vhllty lndudlng, unfonunately, trefflc jams end an applll 19 ¢rne raN . It's un· fmr to llf9e out an emwe n .. borhood. but vtstton would be well advlted to avoid the Western Addition, an area roughly between downtown Md Go&dcli GeM Park (IOft'M maps misleadingly show these two sections to be wkhln waD<lng.diSlanc:e; they are not). Carry as little cash as posstble and leave your valuables in the safe-deposit box of your hotel. And when you ride a crowded cable car, which Is weat fun, remember that picJq>ockm en)oy ~cm.too. · As a visitor, you1l be spending most of your ttme on the northern edge of the city, between the great bridges. Almost all the good hotels. restaurants. shopt and residential neighbor· hoods lie In thll narrow area, bounded by Market Strut. Twin Peaks. the ocean and bay. If you haw time, drive to the top of Twtn Peaks for a ~ view that diaplays the 4mtire city. Then explore the prtndplll hills: Nob, Tele- fJ'aph and Russian. Four outltanding hot.is dutter atop Nob,... (whole cent9f ls C.Wor· n\a and Melon) -the Fairmont, Mark Hop· kins. Stanfofd Court and Huntington -In eddllof'I to Guice Cathedral and the Padftc· Unton Oub. Thts \Mt II a point ol lnMNlt be· caUM It'• houaed In the old Jama Flood man· lion, ftnal effution of the (91wr) "Bonena (,...&Id on ,,. C31 San Francf«:o ha. *>me 3,000 ban, 2,000 ratauranta and 1,200 churches, a ratio that MelJ .. about right. White House. Old San frandlcans favor vintage p&eoa such .. Jad(s, which opened In 1864 and MemS to have the same menu and watt.rs; Sam's, futurtng prtv• .booths, and Tadkh's, a busding no·not'\Ml\M ..afood houte (thae last two do not taJw reservations, to prepare for a wait). The lltemy aowd hangs out In the Washington Square Bar & Grtll, a j &tendly spot In the halt of North I Beach. Le Central, a blltio on Bush between Grant and Keany and an .. ~ .. place for lunch, serves lob of mod.ls. polttldans and brokan. , Odea dt France. on M.on between Geary and O'Fanel. Is another ucel- 1 en t bistro, but expensive. 0 Alherman's Whm1? Fun for a stroll and a "walk-around" aab coc:kt.aAI. but no oUlllandlng ullng places. The 0p.ra House and Davta Symphony Hall ... cheek-by--)owl at the comCT of Van Nat Avenue and Grow Street. 8Cl"C* &om what tnmly archJtects dac::rll» as the molt buUllful city haD In the coun~ a Bawc·Arts ma• ap6ec:e wllh a land- mark dome. A.a for mUMWN, I was once mean ~ to wrtll th.lit "Sen Fnuldlco lhould rMrge .. ttne mUMWN -then we'd MYS onJy one medk>cre mUHum." But times dl8nQI and ~ dt Young MUMWn In Golden Giia Pirie, the legion of Honor In Uncoln Pirie end the Sir\ MwK:llco ~ of Modem Alt (next to the '()plra Howe) .. now .mNndy 1~. And time for a drtYe ~ Goklen GMI P.k, ~ up • ac.n a.ct\. Mom lhlre, ... only. ehalt dl•111Qt to the 1Aglon of Honor, ••d on • blul ~ the Golden 0.... The Wtw .aon. maka tlM trtp WOdh~. You could then drM beck eow.d dowrWowrl , ~ the Mdiotll caled Praidlo ~ md Plldftc ~. and ... some of the moll beautiful houla In the country. C>bvloully, fve left out a lac. A walk through the Mwtlt'I Embercadtro c.m.. for Instance. ls well worth your time; ltart at Walton Park. at Jeckton and Batt.ry. dlmb the bridge and wale aero. four city blocks, In and out ol ~-dies ~ a daa:ling may of ~ and eating places. H you have d\iidae1, vtlil the Expb-8- eortwn , a Ida dl8c wcndtrtand Ir\ the Palace of fine Arts, last survtvor of the ~ 1915 Panama Pad(lc Inter- national Exposition and ilMlf worth a look. Union Screet,. one ol the ftnt "boudque explosions," Is aleo a good waJk. To refrah younelf. stop In Perry's, a most New Yorky bar and eating place. A p6onecr example of~ wben renewal It GhlawdtJl ~. It allo bolllll two ming places ol n- ' teat: Modeleo Lanzione (good Wan I c:u111ne> anct Maxwers Awn. a 17.ma-! k>n ~ ol tjJlz. with suapdllu~ good food. The baf pizza? TomrMIO's In North 8-:ti, 10 aowded nobody ever gets In. But not to worry. You wtl probably find your own adwnture, your own &wtde ..::nt plk:c, as you wand8r around the young-old dly that C\le'\ the Nldva new:r tire of ..,... Ing. Mey our padw aoet at 10me friendly neighborhood pub. ,_ Drinks_.. on me. ., San Francllco'• Upcoming Ewma "Teacher's Pet" 1liE 1982 CAROL LNNSON PLATE ._ .. An original worlc of mt by an outstanding artist, aajted in fine porcelain and hand-edged with pure 24 karat gold. $35. ~ To be amm?d of acqulrtng a p&ate from the .first ftring, plate order by May 31, 1982. • ----------------~<>lllJIERRWll----------------------.. f I I l I I c.-tNa.._. ------- \.Wei °"'V I/,,_ • ..., ,,,, Nov JJ, i•. Utrtt Di. ,,.,.. ,,.. ,....,. Mr. ~ ' ,._.___~~~.-""="'=-~a~aa:cc:......., • .---~ .. Qr·~~~~---~~ ..... ~--__.;._-----1 I F 4' ""-........... .... ..................... ..... . ... ' . ~------------------------------·------------------------------· WUt Chamberlain'• ./laahy phenoma are rewriting the reeord boob whenever they allow up for •.. Sy John Strege He longed for the gJory and dreamed of the gold of an Olympic champion. Just com- peting tn tha OfympJc Gama. he says, would have meant more to him than anything he accomplished ln basketball. WUt Chamberlain's basketbAll ac- complishments are legendary. In fact, It was 20 years ago last month that he 1eored 100 polntJ In one game. By comparison. hJs track and field ac- complishments seem modest. In 1956. as a sophomore at University of Kansas, he won the Big Eight Confer- ence high jump and gained notoriety as a shot putter. If he'd been Inter· ested. he might have' become a Wofl· dent decathlon athlete. But even at 7 -feet I -inch tall and upward of 300 pounds. Wilt c:ouldn 't dJVide htmsetf between basketball and track. Basket· ball became his vocation. track his avocation. At age 45. he continues to hart>or a low for the latter. So It's not surprising that when Chamberlain rtttred from basketball In 1973. his future financially secure. he turned to track and 6eJd. Slnc:e 1975, he'1 devoted time. money and much effort to this area. His latest venture : sponsoring a Los Angeles-baled track wodadon he c.alls Wilt's Athkrtlc Club (WAC). Chamberlain's enthUll· asm fOf the sport c:aUMS him to '" the endavor u •crusade mher than a dub. He's geared Ill basic function toward -*'9 the 8narp1 burden of worid-dea trade ---90 Ny mWW daYOM thetr eMr'giel to the 1984 Olympic Garn.. "ff wt'tw going to win gold medals," says Bob Kenee, c:oed'I and coontl- nator of the dub, 'ihe athllta will M9d ~· They're goir'9 10 Med both flnmld91 and medic.I Alppoft, .. The dub boMI 30 memOm In ... "°"" ..... ,. 0 ......... Jor The '°"°""' ec-.,,1 ......... Ill ,_ -*fit /or PAND' Wulu.Y..., on .s.r, ..... Col • ~ lllfTIOlll."""' .. - 25 bctng female. ln deference to Chamberlain's desire to Improve the plight of women's track and field . Among the women members are Jeanette Bolden . challenging Evelyn Ashford for world supremacy ln the sprints and Coleen Relnstra Sommer, who holds the Indoor high-jump world record. Male members Include Greg Foster, the v.uld's No. 2 high hurdler and Andre Phillips. possibly the only man capable of dethroning Edwin Moses as the world 's foremost intermediate hurdler. In The AthJetks Congrea (TAC) Indoor champion- ships held tn February, Wilt's Athletlc Club tied West Tennessee St.ate for first place In women 's competillon . It's not Chamberlain's first club. In 1975-76, he supported an all-female track club called Wilt's Wonder Women ... But the ta.lent on that team cannot compare to the talent we have now," Chamberlain says. Kerwe deserves the aedit for re· aultlng the athletes and for forming the club. An assistant trad< coach at U.C.L.A., Kertee found It dlfflcult to acquire sponsorship for his own club. Shaklee T.C. When Chamberlain made known his Interest In sponsor- ing a dub, someone suggested he contact Kenee. "l.alt June, Wik called me." Kersec recallt. •1-1c said he wanted to get In• volved wtth track and field again. He wanted to he~ In the travel and heJp In the ~· He Mid he'd support me through the 1984 Olympics end that he'd do what he couJd penonaly to help." Thut, Wiit's Athlldc C1ub was bom. Chernbeilell1's lnvofwment entaill CX· ...,,. tnlWI. prtmarfy to nm. funds. CStMt·up COlb hover at the $100.000 mldt.) One day Ownberlaln ap- PM'9d on the Today show In New York. The ncct c:t.y he flew to HeW811 . '"We'M ~ tn8jor c:o..poratk>l11 ~ th.y'rw h1-...d ri rnMlng major donedons ... t<.Me ... "We\te de· dd9d 1982 It our butlnetl ye9r. Wllh IM~ we've developed, we~ I C-1.C...._.&...,..._ -- be 100 percent sure of being able to .,....,,.,_ our *-athletes." °'8mbaialn and Kena move cautloutly, however. Because they IJffk • nooprolk atus for the dub, they've ~ an attorney to .mt them In ltaylr]g ~ those guide- lines. To CNUrJ ttud tho athletes don't jeopardize their amateur status, both Ownberialn and Kersee also work doseJy ~ TAC. Their ultimate goal: providing a ~ of equality with the ~uro­ pean track ~s. Sprtnter Alice Brown, for example, wori<s part·Ume, sttends colJege full time and 90me- limes trains for ftve hours a day. The :lub he.lps pay medical Insurance, iqulpment, vitamins and medical ::osts. In countries such as East Ger- 'MflY and the 5oY'8t Union, the gov- anment subt&dlza amateur athletes, .vho In tum can maJce training and :ompetlng their ful-tlnM! jot.. .. Amate\8' ipOl1I tend to suffer here :ompsecl to ott.c countries," Cham- bertaln says. 040w amateur-sports pr~ nads more suppon." Chamberlain's actions conftrm his words. HJs club pays trawl npenta, medical care, ~. dmoprac- ton, a podiab1lt and .,,..,, a dendlt. .. We want them to be able to live comfortably and train comfortably, wortcJng up to the 1984 Olympia," Kanec exp&a!ns. "Al those [servtca) are necessary to train well. Chambaialn Is an Imposing fund- raiser, needless to say. Who could refute to donate, especially when startng Chamberlafn In the chest? WAC hopes to raise $!0,000 In one fund-raising ventun, a May fashion show at a posh Beverly Hills hotel. Among the models will be track ltar FOiler, who atpk'es to a modeling career. Other dub members help ~ with office functions before or after their woriwuts, many of which are held at U.C.L.A. But bask::aDy they concentrate on training . "You can train wkhout woaytng about getting from orMt meet I to another," Andre PhllMps saY,. "All you're wonted about Is training. Nothlna else." I "One of two men Is going to wtn the gold medal (In the I intermediate hurdles. the other being Edwin Mota)," Kersee adds. "We 're here to help Andre wtn It." Chamberlain supporu the dub moraly, as well as ftnan- dally. His ambition: to repre- sent the dub In master's meets (for athletes over 40). "He's out there. He'1 not just sitting In an office," Phllltps explains. "He coma out to practices and he'1 at every mftt. It'• rally an ln- lplration, a man of his uture wtl1lng to take the time to support us." Chamberlain derives much pleasure from helping thae trackstm. 'Wiit's had funcdonl at his hoUM £0( team members," K.,..... lllY'· '1t'• MkAt a huge famiy." A prominent fimlly, too, ti for no other re.oo than the man who runs It. ~ a name llke Wit Chambel'IMl ... PhJlllpl ... "how much more NCDgnl· don do yoU need?" WhatC'Je' a gold medal or two wtD brtng. Wik ... ~would Nply. ., ~ F1la Kller .... biting houMhold ne. t.it. Spray IWd on Nga Md eround your pet'• bMMt or f8YOflte plllce. lta wtde eeroeol sprll)' coven lerge Carpet ~ qukkly-wtthoul the mesa of powders. So the nut time ..... bite, don't get med. O..IWc&. Euen supporters de9cribe LA. Mayor Tom Bradley as lackluster, dflfldent reattained. So why Is he such a fonnldable candidate? THEMAN WHO WOULD BE . hen a report.-alked local tae· brtda to.,... theW ~din· Ing pleca, Loi Angilel'• ~ Tom Bradley Npled, "1 llke aD good, clan Loi AngMs ra- twranta." The remark II dwec· tilrtldc: of • man who has tM.dlt • polldcal reputadon b-; avoiding pubic c:o1dronta- dont or commMmenta. "Getting the )ob doDe ~ Is a matter of con· vldion on my pmt," expAllns the 64-~-old Oemoc:nit. who's campaigning hard to eop his party'• nomination for the Governorship In June. "You can accornplllh more b-; Naeonable blJk In a prtvete office than b-; gotrlg pubic wkh comroveny. You may not get ~. but you do eccomplMh tt\Jngs." Yet this anfuDy -.ven delhreteJy -honed Image of Bndley. one al modlrlllk>n and r-.lnt, hat generMed hadltna. In an ..na wt.. dwtlfna and oontro\lenly run rampi9nt, Bracta.y's bland, .. ~ .. trab .. neerty .. vld>le .. flamboymcy. Br-"Y has tWn "" tack, IUC--omfully, for moet of hll 19 yeart In pubic ofttce. 10 •a Cly Council member, and nine• L.A.'a low- ~ M.yor. For the mott pmt, S..adlcy's caudous ways have won him the rapect of voters as ~ as fellow poldcos. Gov. .)cry Brown ~ daat>ed Bradley as "cool under fn." and John Made, head of the Los Angela lAbm'I Wigue, has dubbed him • "one of our heroes ... Indeed, his supporters run the gamut, &om w.mi Chnstophcr, former Deputy Secntary of State (who negotiated the release of the hoDga In Iran) and John Tunney, former Senator, to Tommy laSorda and Gregory Peck. ...... has the abllly to get along with people aero. the boerd," Uta John Mo.,~ for 26 years and '"fMher" of the Freedom of lnfor. metion Ad. "At edrnlnillrator, he's~ L.A. to avoid many of the pltfala of other c:llMI." Hil acceptance In the communtty ls no laa ~. Apr\ • .va c:onMrYlltlvc, he has avoided Identifying hUntelf primri; With the city'• back comm~. which COl1)Pl'lla 17 percent of Its ~·""on (7.5 ptrmnt ~); nor hM he \.-i rece • a polltal pow.r beee. "I IO much wanted • color-bllnd approech to my By Nonnan Lotiaenz own ambitions when I was young," Bradley ex· p&alns, "that I grew cxmvtnced you have to put aside narrow racial and ~ concerns tf you aim to serve the community as a whola." Th\ raull? He boasts a conttltuency from a Wide range of IOdal and economle fJ'OUPS: labor. bank· Ing, big busln ... Latinos (28 percent of the city's populace), blue-coler woricer1 and even mlddJe· c:lul liberals. Bradley's appeal may allo be rooted In his polttk:a1 abgnmcnt: He deems himlef ftlc.ally comcvallve. but pl'~allve on other tssua. ln· duding todal proSJaml. &adley'a advoaita point to his economic ac- cornpWvnems • Mayor -balandng eight con· MCutlve buciglla without MW taMI .ncf helping to bring the 1984 01vmPk:a to L.A. -• lndadonl of his ebllllet for the ·Gowrnor'· .... But ... ptics retort thllt Bradi.y hes mlNly tnmi1"*'9d the ..... quo f« mott of his tmmt. Some blKlca contend thm he ehould 9dcJPt mew .._ .... ._ polltia towm'd dYll ~ end IChool ~· (8ndJey even menllQld not to be dnlwn Into the IChool·butlng betde tha1 raged In Loi AngeJa for yun.) Onptt1 tntM rumblings of dlleontent. Bradley hat been runnJng ahead of both Re:pub&an and ' (COfllllrtwd CM llflfl' ctlJ ~ I ------~ We're looki_ng ~or people· to write child.rotis books Writing for chlldnn Is the perfect way to take up wrlttng. •YI the author of 53 chlldnn' 1 boob. Your ldeM come right out of your own experience. And whlle it' 1 attU a challenge. It' 1 probably the ltralghtat pc-'ble line between you and publlcatlon -If you' re qualifled to telk the aacc.-thlt rewarding field offers. By Alvin TraMlt, 0.... of Faculty If you WM1 to wrtt11 and get publJthed. I c.t't think of a better way to do It than writing books and ltlotW for chlldNn and .......,.. ldw flow nabnlly ~t out ol your own life expeMncc. Whti. It'• still a chalt.nge. the oddl of getting that flnt un- forgrttabic check from a Juwnile pUbllther arc bctter than they are from J~t about any other kind ol publlltwr I know. Ultct on. you may 1191 other c.hetb from other publlahen. But ~t now. the object Is to~ -to break Into pnnt -to lam the f•llng of wrtting and NIJtng your wen and ...tng your name In type. Alter that. you can decide lf you want your wrtt· Ing to tAl&.e another d1Ndion. But aftm 30 yams of editing. publilhlng. and taching -and 53 boob of my own -1 can t.U you thll: you'll go a long way ti.fore you dllcowr anything 11 rewvdlng • writing tor )l'OU"9 \Widera. Your wocda will newr IOUnd 11 SWMt u they do from the Us-ol a child radtng your boob and aton.t. And the )av of a.Ung boob and •toriea that young~ 'rally dig' II an apen.ncc you'll ,,....., haw anywtwN cJee. Qn this age of boob tube 111.ltcrKy, con11W1Jent mc:nllty, and plMttc va.luea, do ,,.OU b1iOUI o/ o men Important audi.tc.?J But. that'• not all. The ftnlndal rewerda go fr.~ meet people'• cxpectatkn ---tt..'1 a .urprtainlW bit mltbt out ~ for wn..,. who .,.. IRlned to Cl9C.k IL Mor.~ 130 mlllton ilOUf'I 1*>- pt.'1 booka .,.. pwcblMd ~ ).OW. a. ~ 2.000 and 2.600 n9W tltMt ..,.., annua0y and MW liU1hon ~ for II mMY .. hall ol dwn. T1we .. ello 2SO monthlv ,,...Srm looktng fer ,....., for young tteders. You can lml8IM how much wrltiftt It '*'-Juet to'-Pdwn..,_I 'Ana I _., • "fted?' Yet two bit ...._ ~ --'.Y ...,. ery wou.lc»e Witts: ''Attn I ..aty CIUd· fted?" end ''How ~ I flt llllt9d?" Thtl le our definition of a "qualtfMd per· aon": It'• scrMOM wtth an aptttudl for writing who can ~ conatncttw etttt- ctsm. lam from It. and tum It tnto a prof• NONI ps'.orn•ice. rt.t'a theonlj, kind ol penon we're looklnt for. The ,..,,,. .. 1lmplc: our reputaHon ta buUt on auccaa. and If P'O'J*ltve 1tudcnts don't ha ... the urmarb of~ we P'obeblv can't hetp them. And we ten them so. lt'1 only fair to both of •. To help m spot potential authort. we'w ~ a rewaltng wt for wr1dng • tltuda. It'• frw.. and we don't cherva f« oui CY&tuauon. But no one gn tnto the ln1tltut. without PMllng It. ThoM who ... and mroll r.:atve our promtM: You wtll c~ at i..t one rMftUICrlpt raidy to submit to a publW. bv thc time you flntth the Coune. Wbm .. a.ch. ~ ._. l'w leamtd a lot about wrtttng for diildNn and I low It. Now I'm pem&ng my knowl1clgl on to "?f ttudlntl to they CM profit frot11 It. When I m not wrtttnsa my own chlldren'• booka I ..-td my time at The hwtttuee ol 0Ulchn'1 Utent\n, a WOI~ for WTt· t!lr'I dlM dott only GM dllng end dc. It bet- -dwl MV ott. ~I~ I know ol: It tralnt _.Bed people to wrt-. for thc ~ ,....,, ,,. It the w.y I wodl wtth my teudlntl, and mv W• 1n1tnaeeon-a11 o1 whofn.,. .......-wrttlrl or dtors-WOftl men OI '-the..-MY· wt..~· ... ~ -at )Olr OM'! tllM and your own ~ -you tend your lllli~t to me and I read It and mad It to gst cwrythlng out of It you·..,. put Into It. Then I edit your ...a~ment wtth a red pen· di J~ the W9Y • publllhing ~ editor would If he Md the time. I mum It along with a detailed letter cxpialnlng my edttcwtal commentt. I i.11 you what your mong polnta we. what your wuk1*MI .... and ~t wh.t '*' cm\ do to tmprow. It' 1 a matter of puah and pull. You push and I pull and bciw.n U1 both, you learn to wnte. The Proof of the Pudding Thi. nwthod rally worka. I wouldn't ~ flw mtnu• at It If It didn't. a...t ytar we rcct....ct hundrtdl o1 i.tt1rt hu m.e hom ~ •tudenta: "BefoN taking your Course . the short stories I ta1bbled for my two tiny tota never ~t an edit«'• fancy ... writ• Emlly Bums of Salem. Ore. "My ftnt sale, to Natlotla/ Catholic IMNk/y, we. a Course llSIOf\. Then I sent another Course all!~t to a writer's competition and won f1nt prize of S400!" "My lrwtructor'• advlu """'Invaluable In plotting. character. mot1vatlon. and dialogue. I am moet gratduJ for heT pcnona1 ln-.t and ~L Bet of all she helped me undentand my own strcngthl and~ and how to empt\Mtu the flnt and remedy the second. Better lnstruc· Hon hath no man than this!" Ell.rabcth Henley, New Cambna. Mo. Marilyn Day of MaNaa. DJ. says, "I'm SJIOUd of this~. Now I'm no longer a houMwtfe, I am 1 urt• I" And Mary Carruth, Dublin. Cal .. writes. "I sent out my ftnt artide with a pnyer and a hope, and It 11191 ~· Youi Counc with Its 1tructurw and 1upl)OC't, has bea'I ewrv· thing I hot* f« and needed.'' ''Whtn I 1tanld thb coune, I did not really think that I h.d the ablllty to write", writ• Slsm M. l.Mtltil Muddc. w..t tt.wn. Ct .. "But my Instructor mack me bell«W In mywlf." I hlw a ftS. full ol 1lmllar letters. Folk.I lib younelf '° full ol pride tt.y cou.ld ...aly convt.nc:. you that Indeed It 11 a ptty more people -men and women - don't write for children. To flnd qualified men and ""'1IOmen with an apttNdc for wrttlne. the F acuity and Contul · tAntl of the Institute haw SJNPC'ed •four· p1191 WMttng Aptitude Tat. It ls offered free and wtll be ptOf-lol\ally .valuated at no eott to you ~ our 1taff. Just mall the coupon below to recetw your fNll T•t and 24·s-gt Illustrated bn>- dlure delcr1blng The lnlutut., our c.oun.. FK\llty, and the curr9't rnarbt for ~··It....._ If you dal1u111tnn a 1ru1 aptltudlfar.t~ yau• _,.._.'° ft'Clll. lb thlt'•........,, up to you. Thnltno~ The IMdlute of Ollldr9 •• Utlrlllbft ..._ RJde-, Canrwctlcut 06876 Att: AM9 'n-.lt Mt. .... .... ... _____________ ~ 0.. Mt.,__.., s.. --------------, _ ................... .. ....,_ ............. ,... ..... ,.. ........ _......_. c.v -----------:-----... ...,... ....... ....... .... _, .... _ ............ ... ..... __ __. ___ _ ......... .... .-..........., .. ~ .. c.. .......... "!MlllM GI.... .... lllloe. Back during Wodd War U, when farmen traded hoe.s for guns. cM.llans pitched In with '1llctorp Gar- ._:' small plots that provided 40 percent d all of the fresh produce consumed In the U.S. Well. limes are rough again-and once mc:n Americans are showing their self-reliant side. MWions of folks are poring owr "frost line" charts In The Farmerl Almanac and seed caralogs that teU when tfs safe to plant Cfqll (It's "go" tn 34 smtes: s1i11 too cool In 16~ AD this ls part of a green thumb ~that...,,~ prcltna pl.med bv 38,.....,,. ~mt JilelW-more people d\M.bowl. ~ tenni.. golf. jog, camp. or ftsh. The kn?~ Gardens ru Al the National AllOdation for Gardening, ~the aiaage gardener may Crim $400 from that 1Sl82 jood blJJ by "*'119 .. "° ............. 8loola booa. lnChlc..,. 6,000 .. ,..Wk ~ .... ~apectto ..-.. 237tw al·, ....... tMa WI. ......... --thM uo ..-........ Auttln, T.U.. the Grow Y• Own group,.._ "'91*..,... ID 12 urbM plots. City ...... WOUI other wt.a aw provlda chap food b the needy-Md .,..urt.ar....i~···· , ....... -.~lea. Food. a.c.. Cotporador11 and llw /edetol gouemment "dJg" gardening too. Hewlett· Packard COip In Sant.a Clara. Catifomla. atppMn 60 prdm plot. on whkh employees grow ~· Kimberly-Oarlt Cowp. In Neenah. W\sc:on9n. has 20 __. allrrtgMect pr dew for plant workers. Mcmbas o( the gardming dub .r Bell Labs In HolmcW. N.J. an Wigned IOdMoot plots wha9 enough Yegrtables can be grown to feed a family of three for a year. The Oepertmmt ot Agriculture funde ,..... llllonnldonprogrwfor175,000 ............... 1a 16dda. 0-• • f-. lt't grut to grow ~ own. .,_ feecllot 230 mdllon Amatcw ltlll ,....... lldvaced ClOIDIDCtdal fanniDJI. n..t. "'°" thaa ..,._ takee !!!!!,m: .......... for fertltaen ...... a11 .. Md~ ..... to power tr8don. oomlill II ud the truck.a lb.It hrtnl farm produ(le to _... ••• 11 taldty for ............ ,......,.. tu tha· U.S.A.. ~ .. • ... ~ FanDll't not_. help t..d ow peopl&. tt.v ...... .. COlll al ol tmporte ... 1911 .., ~ .,.WOl1hSQ ..... So.... . .. ......, ... ,, , .... A••l1clf"°-ln '· die tOWM .... ddel. ........... •d.Jonn." 1t'9 • f.act: For more lnformllOn on hocne and community wgetablc gwdeoirlQ. Wl'tlt to Gll-d9nl For AIL Dept. P.112.180 Flynn """"ue. 8urlnglion. Vermont 05401. -· llRADLSY (conan._d from pog« C6) Demoaatic candidata for Governor. But George_ Deukmejian, ~orT)ey General and a contender for the Republican nomination. clalms this wtll change when the campaign gets started. Ml think a campaign would probably come down to our posttions on the Issues ... people do not know what Bradley's stand is on many statewide Issues." Deukmejian says. Bradley doesn't see this as a prob- lem. "Today they know the name but not the man; when the campaign gets under way, they will know the man," he dairns. A campaign fund of $5 million to $7 million should aid him. The keystone of the Mayor's cam- paign. Munltlng" California, is a con- cept that may Pt'QW a challenge to Bradley's political skills. While confticttng interests and life styles tend If Btodley doa win. he will be the ftnt dected black gooanor In America'• hlltory. to divide the nor1hem and southern Mdlons of the state. Bradley's sup- portet's feel that his skill as a mediator can make this aspiration a reality. lf It were not for his own life ex- perle~. Bradley might be accused (as many do accuse him) of talking in soothing cliches when he refers to ')>reMMn9 the Ca.lifornle dream." This quintessential Hondk> Alger figure has bootstrapped himself up from humble beginnings. Bradley's father, a cotton·fleld sharecropper. moved his famdy from Texas to L.A. when Bradley was 7. "My family came here looking for equaltty of op· portunlty," he explains. "They didn't do that much better. but they brought . . their children to a state where we _could get a fair chance to maktt the most of ourselves. I want young peo- ple of all races and colors to believe that If I could ove1come obstacles and get to where I am. that there Is a chance In Cafifomla -and America -for them. too." An outstanding high-school track· man and football player, Bradley won an athletic scholanhlp to U.C.L.A. After graduation in 1940 he joined the police force and In 21 years rose to a lieutenant. Meanwhile he had earned his law degree In night school at Southwestern University. ~My parents planted iri me the idea that if I wanted to succeed rd need an education. and that rd bave to work to get one." Bradley re.calls. 1hey set an example of the work ethic." ln 1941 he married Ethel Arnold (who has since become an ardent Dodgers fan) . Aftez practicing law briefly, Bradley was twice elected to the Los Angeles City Council. In 1969 he nm for Mayor, narrowly losing to opponent Sam Yorty. Four years later Bradley won handily and was re- elected in 1977 and 1981, each time With a record~breaking near two·thlrd$ of the vote. Under state law Bradley need not resign as Mayor to run for Governor; if he loses the election he wiJJ keep his Los Angeles office for almost three more years. lf he does win. Bradley will be the ftrst elected black Governor in America's bistory. (A black Lieutenant Governor, Pinckney Ben· ton Stewart Pinchback. served as ac· tiryg chief executive of Loulslana In 1872, durtng the post-Civil War Reconstruction period.) ..I grew up believing that if you did hard work. opportunity would knod<." says Bradley. His hope: that his hard work will open the door 1"111 to the Governorship. .., Bradley on the Issues 0 n tua: lf CaJtfomla's finan- cial situation worsens. Bradley would not rule out some kind of tax Increase. But he would contlder that a last raort. He oppoMS abolishing the state lnheri· tanot tax and~ a propoeed oon· stitutional amendment tha.t would permlntndl; index .... lnaxne bur.es. On Mdw' powir: He refutes to Nie It out u an allemattve en.-gy IOWCll. On.-~: A propotld ate- Wkle lnllllaW WI '#Ye Calfornl.lns a chenct to VON for Of l!glin.-,.._... don of all handguns and • bin on the sale or Importation of unregistered handguns. Bradley. who backs na· tlonal handgun controls. says that If the wording of the initiative meets his approval. he could suppon it. On..W~bpmcon­ trol: If a Mediterranean frulf·tly threat r«0n. or a tfmllar threat appears. he would order Immediate ipfaylng. On .... Pertpher.a Cen.a: Al- tho~ th.ls pl.an to dlvat some w-. from northern c.lifomla to meirt the needs of w.Mr·lhort eouthen <Mfor. nia Lt llrongly oppc.d !n rhe north- ern part of tbs--. BredAey explddy gfY• ll hllJ strong b.cldng. can be tough to 1qUeeze • f.w dole.rs for ln1W'8nee from titftt budglts. Att.r 20 Ymn Lit most people don't "-9 ~ pro19ction, especially while they're After 20 years you can renewcover-:M.!"9 and need it most. Y~r answer could be this ~v.., Twm Plan-age flllery 5 yearl up to age 65 ... nigned for people who• •ncome and savings have JUst sUN19d to flOW. without a physical. Your premium is !rm policies give more protection 20-Veer Guarantee guaranteed in advance and printed in 1r less money Jhan any other type With Gerber Life's 20·ves t9nn plan the policy. Also, any time before 65, ' insurance. But thent's a difference your premium never increases for a you have the right to convert to our ttween policies-many are 1·y.., full 20 years-the period when chil· cash·value, Whole Life Plan. nn p68ns. They may look cheap, dren are growing up and expenses are Exclusion & Limitation 1tevervyearthepremiumgoesup. so high. In the f/l/ent of a1icide within the first two years (1 year in CO) of coverage, benefiu are limited to the premiums paid. No Phy•ical Needed In most cases, no physical is needed. AnMer the questions-on the appli· cation. If you are in average good health (almost 90% of the applicanu are), you will be accepted. First Month Just $1.00• You have your 20-Year Term polic~ for the first month, for iust $1 (Sr if you selectthe $20,000 Plan). And you may examine your policy in your own home without obli,. tion. If you are not satisfied, return it within 10 days, and we will refund your payment. Apply Today For lowest Premium The younger you are when you start your Gerber Life policy, the lower your rate will be. So, to get your low· est possible premium, apply today. How to start your Gerber Life 20-Year Term Lile In suranc e Plan • • Fill out the application. Please answer eNery question. • You can save $1 per month if both husband and wife are covered on the same policy. They can each have $5,000 coverage. Or, if just one adult is intured on the policy, the minimum is S10,000. • Mail your completed application with the first month's premium of s1 •. or s2· for the $20,000 Plan, to: GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 445 Stitt Strllt •Fremont, Ml 41412 Select the protection best for you. For example ... Individual: the rate shown for your age now. On•parent: the rate shown for your •now, plus 60c to cover all your children. Hulblnd & Wife: o.d, age 28, $10,000 Mom, age 27, 5,000 Husband/Wife Saving AH children, Sl,000 eech ( 15 days throu~ 22 years) $4.84 +2.77 $7.61 ·1.00 $6.61 + .60 $7.21 ... ...,, ................... , .... ...._ aa .-.. Total first month's premium for '•' lfttonll9tlon 011 ottMr 8m0Unt1 of~ $10,000 Pfan is only $1 •; for the .,_.,..,._, Md ,_..., .,.._. contat Gett. Ute. " ,h• ••"' "" ........ Lh , ....... • $20,000 Plan, only $2• . ........ ,. .... .................... ....... I I I I • I I I I I PAWl'OR ,... j • ' j,, ·. I You could aay Dr. Stephen Kaplan has raly been sinking his teedl Into his work. Since founding the Vam- pire Raearch Center 10 ye.an ago, the renowned ~says he has found 43 men and women In North America who mUll drink human blood to swvtve -who arc IMng vamplra. Kaplan says ~ ls a chemical In blood that blps dme folks aliw for centuries and adds that not aB vampire Vidirns arc unwtlllng - tome people actualy enjoy havtng Iha blood drained. Vampires. says Kaplan. come from the everyday ranks of aa:ountants. doc· ton, dakt and lab technl· dens (how convenient). but~ don't sleep In oofftns, don't have fangs, do cast a reftec. don In the mlrral' and can be warded off by pk, lince I rnalca the blood un- palamble. "I don't beJlew In the supanatural," says Kaplan, In a .nous vm. "There's nothing aboYS nature. w. )\dt may have to reddM It." Kaplan welcomes Iden &om ttK>M who have known' seen or been anacMd by v...,..... Send• ..W-addrund. stamped, legal-size envelope to Vampire Rawch Ccntc. P.O. Box 252, o.pt. fW, Elmhunt, N.Y. 11373. THm 8COOP Oii Tltm I HA Hal a godl.lt, bral media eltte taken over Ame1can joumalllm? Social ldlutllll StaNey Rdhman of Smllh Collge and Robert Lichter of Georve Wlllh· tngton Untwr· slty In ter· viewed 240 Jo U-fn aU1t1 &om lading new1pap•rt, MWIWHhJiee and the •· work"-""' de- p8ibue 111t. He found !iwt 96 81 percent voting for McGowrn over Nixon In 1972 and ttw ..... pe'CICn· taga choo8lg Carw ewer Ford In 1976. How does ... 6c:t the percent are li.10'• dll,t room; No.. a v.-..... white, 79 1)9r· ceit ... mm., 68 ptrc.nt newt we get? "There'• lb- come &om the Noc1t1 tlllt or a.ly no~ al bl.I Ne.th c...a ..... 93 In pollllc.a COWl'lgl, .... percmt .-d•·rt d collgl Lkhetr. who It now lludy- and 80 ~ of ... Ina media truanent of ic.y flllhM \Mil pedml Mlk contrownllll ...__ '"Bui or bt•mnen. tw • blll,g tun.\, ~· cMw any,...,.. .... ~do~·- tlont. The ~ ... In wh.-IDW by~ ... on molt..._, wlh ID c:o¥s." ... ,....,~Lr.Aell&- Joining 1, 743 other celebtttiet IO honored, CO- mecllml Nann QOlbvNClnt· ly had hll .. ,.. lnttiled In Hollywood'• Walk of Fame. To mark the oa:aslon, the X-rated Pussycat Theater ne.t>Y took down the tides of the movta paying there. The Sdll/te• Of Alpha Blue QoabV: X-roted and The Budding of Brie, and chm9d .. msquee to read. "Congratulations. Norm Crolby!" Well, aJJ day. the box olBoe W8I then 8ooded wllh tnqukta ask- ing wt. Uma the Conva- tulatlon•, Norm Cro•bvl rnovt9 WU showing. When children leave home for good, It may be falhers , not mothers, who have the most trouble ad- JUIC!ng to the empty nest, according to research by a family~ specialist. Clifton Barber of C.olo- ndo Stase found that. In general, both parents Wlwed their c:hildnm 's "launchJng" as a posittve experience and looked torw.rd &o mC>\llng on &o a new stage of dwir bva. Moreover, parents seemed to get along bet· ter with each other and wit\ tha chlldml once the kids had left. But Barber says that while women seemed to prepare for the empty· nest syndrome and quicldy got over tha In· ma1 p1. men showed J deep rewat at not hav· Ing spelt mo... time wllh the chidNn when they were yowlger. "The men felt they had blov.iti an opportunly forewr," says Berber, "and during our lnteMews. several broke down and began to ay." NO PLAC. Ulm llOM• -Perhap lb gownior should be comedian Rodney Danger6eld INtad of Republican Jey Hammond, becautt Alalka j\111 don't get no rapect. According to a publldty penon hired to beef up ---------""1 AIMka's Image. s pacent ........... v. of AtnetcanJ th.Ink Aielka .-WI.__... Is another C10CWPy. I mean, really now. doesn't everybody know It's part of ... (Al Taurus) Suwhv -Ela FbgelWd 64; Al Pedno 42. Tim Ul•Ol .. IT CUT ~ -Carol 8urnd 49 ....... -Corda ~ 55; Jack Klugman 60. tfi'1 d II illllr -Ann-Ms• ~ 41; Carolyn Jona 49. Frtdl!J -JiD ~ 38: Wiie Nellorl 49. Slit· Each year 65 percent -OWi 1.2 million -of newborn Ametcan males .. c:ircumdMd. But now a pedilm1dan says the opeaMton .. unnecw.y and ~ h.mluJ. Dr. Paul Aeltl of the U.S.C. School of Medldne uys tt... II no evidence ttllll mnoual of the fccmba pr•lil'llltl . <*-and .. props h~ lt)Ult. ~· He adds thlll unletl the clrcumdllon ii ba'9 done for rdgious ,..,.., plNnta might want to NCOnlldc, lira llditdiot"I, ~and pet.,. ~el trauma can '9Uk. The op1rlllon II done wihoul lnathtllt .nd, F1eltl notia. '°Eatlr, we ~ lnfMtl could not te.a pak\, but now we know thlt from the d.y of bri\ they cmi." -' ~ ,,..,.,.u ,, nee ... .,,.........,.._,,_.,.,,.._,_ ---Ka Smtih 75: Glenn Ferd 66. 99% tar free. . . ~ Warning, Tht ~ur~~n General Has Deter~ That Cignne smoJl'U ls Dqerous to Yow.,~ .. . EXTRA ~ ,:'r ~':;";.,~ ::."':11~ HIBISCUS f R E E AT NO !:e·~,~~ ':11.r;,r= • GIANT I COST t 11e 1nc1uc114 w1t11 rC111r 1111P!Mftt, ,re• .1111 01W r~ Dastd on pour 10111 ordtr lro111 " MIY IS. lrlcllt I · r t lll\of, or bolft, COUPOM. ,...,.., -Moolit ... tt. ....... Guaranteed To Grow More Beautiful With Every assmg ear • Normally Develop To Bushet Basllet Size I CUSHION MUMS 20 . . . Without Replanting! • • • • • 6 PEACOCK 16 ANEMONES I 12 OXAUS 1 10 RANUNCUWS b l ... 11111. Dtoppi..-119-Sp.,tll111 111luf ORCHIDS • "" wlttl SJO . '01'11. frtt wf1~ ~olo<s. fro wltll c,._, tlfltltt Ordor plu.117 Sl4 Ordor •1111 • • SU order, plu1 flower&. r,.. "'-• .. S7 •M SIO t>oausu for J7. .. .. 17 Of'MI. • ~ SIG, I $1' orcltrs• for SJ.98 SAVE ON FlOWERINS PERENNIAlS.1 AIMft-1101111d cover tr11t1lor"" llOCltl, • 11111•1. trou111.._, .. ecr, ""' '"to a d-• mat of laq ''"" follaae ll'llOlll· • trod wittl 111.edrads of dtlitat. plnl •lld wllitt tloollJI Corontll• tllltty - No landscape is complete without the carefree beauty and last1na color that only flowennc cround cO'ftrs provide, They t1s1ly dress up pesky trouble eren under shade trees, steep slopes Of banks. rock prdens. borders, tdain& alo"f walkways or d11veways, any "eJt· sore · area wilere nothing else will arow. Every cround cover offered here ls har- dy, requ11es httle 01 no m.iiJltenance, helps stop eroslOll 1nd conservts "'°"" lure 1n the soil. M11f coupon today! Giant balls of flaminc color to set ye>ur l1ndsc191 ablaze' These hardy Michigan nursery crown root d1v1S1on perennials come to you 1n an assot1ment of vivid. 1or1eous colors • • . reds. yellows. pinks. purples. b<onze. etc • as available, each plant drenched with manes of J.2-blooms. Guaranteed to bloom th1t season. Home aardeners are often amued to lum tlllt Yoll plant perennials only the one time. yet ttlty go on blooming tor years, without rtplantina• They'll ao 111turally dormant owr winter tlltn come baek stron1er than tver the followinc spring. The hardy perennials ottertd here 1re the most colorful, prolific and dependable of lfl &arden plants. and the tHitst to &row. The little effOf't required on your part will pay han6- some dividends many tunes over in the thrill of watchlnc flowers crow and burst into bloom• • ll1rd1. 11111111tN11tt frff. dl101t 11141 drouPt rHlllHt. lloollls June Ill • lrosl. Cho~H out t'ttll lftt lllOd ""'•tent wttds. '1111tl111 i.. • strKllOftl lllCllldtcl ••ti! erdtr • • • • ~·. COllCMSIS IAl'l"S .. (ATll CAIMATtOW • • • • 11111111111 111 ,,,.,. '""'' IO f SJ 98 ., .. , 11ow., bed ... ,.,. or Wf!ll 1111(1, IUllod UW• e 50 PERENNIALS for Olly ss.9, • IOOlllod llloon!s of llftl• • Helt, lllik•lll tolor • rd. Wlllta. LtvtNtr, p "'-•ltd 111 tllt colors 111 lift••"· No WO!lftr tl!ey're ctllod SWffl Wllll11111 W• allfp n OM· •loft• COl1111hut betaltlll), tor aprlq pt111t1n1. l ·UCM If 11 l"'llUT VAlllTIU, Oft CNelCI: HollylloO Car .. t1on upertly planned. all-In. one combination offer! You aet a well-balanced assortment of low arowina. medium and tall arowln1 plants coverina PflC• hcally every cote< of the rtlr.. bow -a dlrzllnc succession of blooms spri111 to 1111. Mich· ipn 111.1nery crown. hulthy, hardy, one yur stock. newr tr1nsplanted. Guaranteed to bloom or free replacement! Rush your order today! • • DOUBl.E HOLLYHOCKS 10 for SJ.98 "''"' OeltJ A'1W!"' Clltrr111lltut llue rlH Galll•rcll• C:.rtoOlll Oll fttl!Ul • • • Incredibly buutiful bact1round plant neJt to house. feflCt, aa· raae. Towers 5 · 6 fl tall smolhe.rtd with larae. fluffy double blooms. Reds. Whites, yellows , lilacs. etc .. as available. Mich1pn nursery 110.n Ho. 2 seedhnas. bloom y11r after yur without re· pt.ntil\& Order today• ~ IEGOlllA IASIET <C-' ... ,,...,..., leltlvM ,...,,.,, ....... ,., °'' allowPltct. $2.98 COlllfltlt Wltll "'"•"" lloakot. .. ,.. '"'"' A1ttht111l1 VtfCMllu Famous "No Fault" Guarantee • • • • htrr lttfft It 1U1r111tuf to llt euctlJ H 14wtrt1Md • • •'•-· •lld """"'· t.euod fof ... , ffefttlffo """· well ,ac.-IOf 1rr1wn11 a• ,.,.,.floll ,., • tPfl"I pl111U111. If llOI llllsUod t11 trr..at, J'DV 1MJ rt111r11 wlt11l11 I~ dlJt for Ml rrtlllld, lllcludlq 1117 • ....... YOll Hiii. '"' 1111111 tNt dotM't llovrllh Ind tllrlvt. •• •Ill repllU It fr• IJ JNr llMIU. Ple11tl • •iiim•'•t•1•"'•1ud•"•··c•11•'•111t••~•"'°"••••••••"•'°"'•jiij. • • r••••• llAIL THIS ORDER BLANK TODAY! ·····• :Mn•u• IUll COMPANY, Dttt. CM . , .. ••rt. """' ....... lilllctl ... I ,..... rvtll Ofdt1 H llldic.ttd lltlow. lllClllM 111 FJICl ._.. W wllldl • I ... Ultltltd All 111111• cowrod IW ,our llO fAUlT ClUA~U. I Mii. I '911NT NAM( *"!IS---------------1 llllSS :AOOllOS~----------------~ I CITY STAT[ 11, .... CAT, ...... ... lfOI ctn '°° ~tlllon MIH'llS 120 for U .N • 40 IOI '7.75) 217 S•lt1 W1111.t111 (10 for UN • 20 for '7.1S) m o..illlt M.ll)lllo(b Cl 0 IOt iue • lO ftf $ 7.7S) 206 ,_rt11ftl1l1 (50 tor U.N • 100 lof SI l.7Sl HI lrlllflll ... oftil ... INllltt. SUI (2 for $5.75) 727 lltlllllll SlrtWtltr,, IMUt. $2.11 (2 ftf ts.7~ ::i •1111lttll!Ct ....... 111111 ll.50 ......... llMl•lt •!If lllHllf!C, lllltt ,..1Nlf, TITM. ' -1111 ... 111~1 =,. .. 11.10 ..... L ii •ft IN =· Ill ••· IMf. cite "'" c t cm ,.., _.ell --.... ~ ............. etff .... ,llMI • ' • t~plrttlofl .... I ma It ( Viti 0 MltelfCIN 0 "'"'· ,.,,.. : 1'-Y SI.SO ""All O.Y OllCf Mii I I' '°" , ... ""' ...... , • ~ tfi i l; ..... ~----------··········---····f ~. CREEPING SEDUM • 8 for s2. 98 CREEPING PHLOX 12 for S2.98 111111141 Ind ctrtlrtt. aoreod• repicllJ '" 1uft or llllOt Tiie lull!, ••·tvtrJlfftl 1011,., erlllllt I• """'"' clusters of fltry '" &tar~ llloonts. mtf.~r to Stttlflll>tr ll•r crow· 1111. MllMU-1 111 reek ptdtltl, '"""*'-apob", &leHI tlor· ftrt, lllldr ar .. , Wllort 1r11s lllOll'I ''"' KlrdJ. 11tidi1~11 111111111 &rOWll, Pll"I 6·l2 aptrt. Miii It! !tit COUpOll toclarl Michi11n nursery arown perennial (Pftfox subulatel. covers the fround with 1 sprudinc rue of tvtrl'"" loh11e. Flowers freely elCll sprina with mnses of py, colorful blooms! GLADIOLUS 40 for S1.95 l .. dl um 1l1t Gilds. 2~ . 3• clre • su1nt1· ..., to liurst 111- 10 tlOtl'I tllll _,...,. In t dat· 111111 .ClllltY of llllHd co1er1 Lal tllM 5c ... , GOPHER PURGE 11.98 lld ,.., Cf9lllldl of ICllll\lft.lllOltl. eo,11« "'"'' roob """°~ ""''' rit), ,,. ••le to oll ~r• dellb, 11111 .... to clllld1111 or do· lllUllC Pttl, Ill n.-'°'fer'"' ,,.....,...,.,, Famous "No Fault" Guarantee Every item is ruar1ntffd to be IHctly IS adYtrtlsed . . . vlt OfOllS Ind healthy, tUlld for my identlfiution, well l*lltd for 1rriwel In aood CO!ldltlon for al)fina pl111tina. If not 11tl1fltcl on •rlv1I. rou 1ft1J ratlltfl .itft. in 15 dlys tor full rlfufld, In> c ludillJ any poatal' you 11nt. 4rrt pflftt '"" dotlft't floutitll Mf tllflft, wt will ,..,._. It ffff <3 ,..., lltftlt>. ... ... u ..... . i.t lld .... fill .... ... bleM llld NII 110W ••• ._, CREEPING MYRRE 40 for SJ.98 Pretty blue periwinkle flowers float on a dense ~rpet of shiny ever· 1r11n foliaaet Thrives even In dense shade. Matured pl1t1t divisions Mnca mlnof'l. BASKU OF GOLD 10 for S).98 ,.1111,. ltlt lllOll llrllllt•Ur cotorlul of 111 5'ftHl"I lfOlllMI COW'1, ....... lllto .,._ h1 late ~11 wllll clusters or 11r1a111 1•tdell flowers ao 11111 t11tJ 111 111.11 llldt 111, toll•••· "'"' 1r 1111rt Will CIUlcklJ l()rtld to 1111 lft .,.,. -.ota. 'l'Oll 1ectlvt rooted, llullllJ Mklllp11 nllrst')' I'""' root dMsloM. :······MAIL THIS ORDER BLANK TODAY!·---··· MICMIUlt HLI COWUY. htt. CM I 1111 W*8ff. ltlM ....... IQ. 41511 I ,..... Mii erdtr •• lt>dlotad 1111ow. 111etwo •II rue llofMIH• to w111c11• I 1111 tfllltltf._:• """' co""" 111 yow NO fAOlf GUAllAlfTU. PlllNT NAMl Miii.--------------~~ Miii CITY SlATl '" .... CAT • .. .., .... ITUl 20t C,_tttll (12 tor U .tl • 24 for U .15) 20$ Ctttpl11~ Stdll!ll (I lot $2.N • 111 for Ss.15) 204 "' llllitt of Gol4I 110 for 11.N • 10 for 17.75) 2U Cretph11 M7ltlt (40 tot U.N • IO for $7.75) J. 100 ..... 1111 (40 lor SUS • IO fOf U 71) ::::~:7f0::~: ..... :::1r:'-::r .. :.:i:1:.N::12::ftf::u:lll::::::::~~==:::: • c .......... -...... pl11t suo to•lffi ...... lltllfllfll .......... hi. 1 1111111 :i.=: t~1_11411 JUO ,_,. ....... ~ ........... cMt Mllw wll crMtt ui,.,...,... " M .,..,. ... rtWtt Cllff ,.._,Md ... , ...... •to. c:. .... ~ llllMC..c.M ......... lt'l'Y ll to '°'TAIC OllU l*Cl PP ,, TOii '*LOii IOnt .... l&Mlll) ..... -- .!1.-.-.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.------.-.---.-.-.-.!::;;;;