HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-27 - Orange Coast Pilot... .. .. . . Ylll llllllWI llllY Ml .. TU ESDAY, APRIL U. 1'J82 OH AN G F-COUN I Y C A L I FORNIA 25 CEN TS ' 'Time is running out' a an at tac· ? . n .ear. . . • • . • • • . R·eagan to testify in trial? WASHINGTON (AP) -A government prosecutor said to- day that President Reagan may testify in the trial of John W. Hinckley Jr., accused of trying to aaaassinate the president nearly 13 months ago. Ch ief prosecutor R oger M . Adelman, at.anding with a hand microphone before 90 prospective jurors at the start of Hinckley's trial, said of Reagan: "There will be testimony about him or you will hear testimony from him. I think I will leave it at that." A White House official, who asked not to be identified, said no decision had been made how Reagan would testify. The presi- dent could decide to testify on videotape rather than make a personal appearance at the trial in U.S. District Court. Adelman said two other vic- tims of Hinckley's sh ooting spree outside a Washington hotel, reti- red Washington policeman Thomas Delahanty and Secret Service agent Timothy McCar- thy, might be called"85 witnesses. The prosecutor did not men- tion White House ptess .ecretary James S . Brady, who waa th e most seriously wounded of the four men Hinckley is llCICU8ed of shooting. Brady, who wu shot in the head, underwent montha of hospitalization and aeveral ope- rations C)nd is still partially pa- ralyzed. • Hinc kley, 26, the aon'of,a wealthy Colorado oil executive, was brouaht to the courtroom today under security precautions 10 strict that he says "I feel like the president myself." Hinckley'• chief defense ls that he was insane, and thus not le- gally respanaible for his actions. when he shot Reagan About 90 prospective jurors passed through airport-style me- tal detecton to enter an ornate, 200-seat ceremonial courtroom In U.S . District Court where jury selection began .this morning ~r Hinckley's trial. Hinckley, wearing a tan suit, sat between his two lawyers an the front of the courtroom as clerk Elizabeth F1ynn announced "The United St.ates vs. John W. Hinckley Jr." and called the roll of pl"08pective jurors. After the roll was called, U.S. District Judge Barrington· D. Parker told the prospective ju- rors that "the offenses charged include an attempt to kill the president." As Hinckley began the day in the windowless, heavily guarded cell in the courthouse basement. (See HINCKLEY, Page A!) First Lady in LA WASHINGTON (AP) -Nan- cy Reagan traveled to Loa An- geles on Monday to IOrt th.rough hou9ehold items that have been in storage since ahe and President R eagan moved to the White HOUie. WORL D NEW RAIDER -USC's He isman Trophy winning . running back Marcus Alle n today was drafted by the professional Oakland Raiders. He went 11th in the NFL draft. See details in Sports, Page Cl. Disa ster loan a vailable for fire victim s By DAVID &UTZMANN or .. .,._,....... . Anaheim residents who must rebUild ·their lives from the rub- ble of last week'• $M> million fi- rea torm were to be given the chance today of applying for federal low-Interest disaster loaN and rent subsidies. City off:iciala said the Federal Emergency Management ~ency had aet up ita offices Monday at Trident Junior High School to process the Joan applications. The disaater relief cent.er wu to open its doors at 1 p.m . and remain open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. It is located at 1800 w. Ball Road. The estimated 1,500 people left homeless by last Wednesday's fiery holocaust will be eligible for loans of $5,000 (at 8 percent interest) as well aa rent subsidies good for up to one year. The assistance waa made pos- sible by President Reagan'• de- claration Saturday that Anaheim was a federal diaast.er area. Offi-· cials said today that the assistan- ce center would rema.ln open as long as it takes to proceta all ap- plications. In another fire-related deve- lopment. dty officiala aid today that building owners in the flame-tcarred tire zone around Ball Road and Euclld Aven\4e would probably rep1n control of their propeny eomet.ime in the earlr. aftemocm. S nee the wind-driven blaze (See ANAHEIM, Pace Al) .. T wo slain in Italy NAPLES, Italy (AP) -Two women auapected of being Red Brigades members ahot Md killed a Ouit- tlan Democrat politldan and his driver Tue.tay ln an ambush on a bUly Naples •treet. police reported. OAS bac.kins Argentina WASHINGTON (A.P) -The Oraantzatlon of American States ii lhowina support for Arpntina ln the Falkland Ialanda crt.11 despite a .,-from Secre- tary of State Alexander M. Hail Jr. that withdrawal of Arpntlne troopl ii 0 the IW9t IUide to • ,,..ceful eetUmnent." N A TION I ..,. Supply block expected I Scene. of Co•st tragedyl By Th A11odated Preas The Brlti.ah war fleet neared the Falkland Wanda today, and ita commander warned the Ar- gentines that time is running out. Moet British papers predicted an attack on the islands "within da"l.s." 'South Georgia was the appet.1%.er," aaid Rear Adm. John Woodward aboard the Royal Navy carrier Hermes. "Now this is the heavy pu.nc.h coming up behind. . . . This 11 the run-up to the big match which, in my view , should be a walkover." Press Aalodation, Britain's do- mestic news agency, said British government sources indicated British commando teams would be la nded on the Falklands for reoonnaiasance missions by Wed- nesday. • t But British military experts told The Associated Press tht:y did not expect a major landing for at least two weeka, until the 1,500 Royal Marines aboard the Bti tish task force are reinforced by some 34100 commandos and paratroopers en route to the South Atlantic aboard back-up ships. POLICE AT READY -Huntington Beach SW AT Team members make preparations Monday to enter house where they were to Delly ..... ,.,_.. ~ awt. "-"' find a man a nd his estranged wife shot to death. The couple's four children escaped the house unharmed. 1 The British Defense Ministry denied a report in the Times of London that a commando team had already landed in the Falk- lands .Pri me Mln iuer Margaret Thatcher told the House of Commons that Britain's recap- ture of South Georgia Ialand on Sunday "In no way alters" her desire for a peaceful .ettlement with Argentina. But ahe warned .repeatedly that "time La very short" and aald in a televialon Interview Monday night: "lt'a obvious you simply cannot go on sitting there forever." British defense analysts said the war fleet's next atep proba· bly would be an air blockade around the Falklands archipe- lago, 2~ miles off the Argentine coaat, to cut supplies and rein- forcements to the estimated 9,000 troops Argentina put ashore there after seizing the British colony April 2. "That wtll probably mea n clashes between the Argentine air force and the fighters aboard the task force's two aircraft carr iers,'' aaid one military think-tank spedallst. Brttiah submarines have been enforcing a sea blockade around the Falklands since April 11. Argentina'• ruling mllitary jun ta claimed today that its for- ces on South Georgia were con- tinuing to fight and said the· Brltlab announcement that Ar- gentine troope there had SWTen- (See FALKLANDS, Pase A!) Bush in Singapore SINGAPORE (AP) -Vice President George Bush arrived in Slnppore today after a visit to South Korea that he said left him feeHna better abou t that U.S . ally'• commitment to hurpan and poUUcal righta. COUNTY Former HB man kills wife, self By ROBERT BARKER oftheU..,NM""" A former Huntington Beach resident shot h1a estranged wife to death and then killed himself Monday in the Huntington Beach neighborhood where they for- mer1y lived, police reported to- day. Police said that George G . Shadwell. 35, murdered his 32.:year -old wife, Kathy, shoo- ting her in the h ead with a small<allber sawed-o!f r!De, and then turned the gun on himself. Eecaping injury we~ the cou- ple's five children aged 1 'h to 15 (four were hi1 by a previous marriage) and the residents of the home at 18191 Wharton St., east of the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Talbert Avenue. Lt. Merle Schneblin said the dead couple were former resid- ents of the housing tract before moving to Mount Mesa in Kem Countv. The· wife apparently left her husband about a week ago and came to Orange County to stay with friends. The husband and the children arrived at the Wharton Street reslde}lce Sunday. Thev repar- ted.ly lived in the area previously and had agreed to meet at the home of former friends to iron out marital differences. Mra. Shadwell arrived Mon- day mon\ing. Shadwell reportedly took hi.I wlfo into the bathroom to talk Oil battle launcli'ed Laguna Beach dty offidall have launched their campaign againat offshore oil by ptheri.ng signatures to eend to the president. Page Bl. SPORTS llert Jones to llam1 Baltimore Colta quarterblek a.rt Jonm wu tta- ~ to the Raml for the &rm' fint and MCOnd-round ehobl in iodaf1 Nn.. draft, Piii Cl. HUNTINGTON TRAGEDY -Huntington Beach police of- ficers wait for tear gas to clear before e ntering home that had been the scene of a murder-suicide. Monday afternoon. The residents went outside and heard Mrs. Shadwell call out "he ha,. a gWl. '' Her husband reportedly told the people to call police. · Juat u offioera were arriving, they heard three shots ring out. They beck-tracked and called INDEX A4 B2 A6 B2 At Your Service F..nna Bombeck L.M. Boyd Cavalcade Claalitied c.omk:a Dl,03-6 84 84 D2 MJ 83 82 . ez,.word Death Noticee t:dltorial l'.ntenalnment Hy Geftlner STATE the SWAT team which firea numerous rounds of tear gas int4 the home. Police said they were acting carefully because of th-; possibility that the man might ~ alive and anned and dangerous. Residents from three block~ surrounding the area were eva". cuated. Horoecope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Public Notices Spona Stock Marketa Televillon Thee ten Weather World Newt B2 -c-:. B2 83 C4 D2~3 Cl-3 co 116 B3 A2 A3 NAHEIM FIRE : .. l waa exttn1uiahed, police have m.nned checkpoint.a and guarded the sutted buildlno. Umftlna ac- ce .. prlnd pally fo authorlzed pel"IOnnel only. · Orlnge County health and city bulldln1 officlala toured the four-aquare-block area Monday to decide which bulldingl could be turned back to their ownen . A city apokeJman, aatd howe- ver, t h at re1ponaibllity for nWl'\laining and protecting the fire-ravaged ruins would now fall on the owners themselves. City Jpokesman Dean Grose said a majority of the atructures -prlndp&lly one and two-st'°I)' apartme nt buildings -were being-returned to their owner-. However, he had no exact num- bers. FUty-three buildings in all were dettroyed by flames. Grote Nld police checkpoint.a would aoon be eUmlnated and rovin1 car patrols would main- tain aecurity tn the area. A chain H,nk fence •rected around much of tho diauter area also la expected to C!ome down IOOn. Tenants who atlll wished lo retrieve belongings from their charred dwellinas would have to work directly w1th the propeny owners, officials aald. From Friday through Monday, the city had.allowed groups of fire victims ·to return to the rub- ble to search for salvageable be- longings. 'l'hat opera~on was suppoeed to have ended at 5 p.m. Monday. H INCKLEY TRIAL • • • law enforcement officers, some accompanied by bomb-sniffing dogs, patrolled the hallw ays upstairs and the sidewalks out- side. Everyone who passed through the two pedestrian entrances to the building. including courthou- se employees, walked through metal detectors. Those enterina the courtroom used for jury se- lection passed through a second metal detector and had their be- longings scanned by a portable X-ray machin~. Television dews and still pho- tographers stoOd vigil outside the courthouse, hoping to catch a glimpse of attorneys arriving for the trial, expected to last for at least a month. A 13-count indictment charg~ Hinckley with attempting to kill the president; uaault on a federal officer; use of a firearm during conuniS'lion of a federal offenae; assault with intent to 'kill while anned; assault with a dangerous weapon; assault on a police offi- cer and carrying a pistol without a licen1e. Hinckley haa admitted com- mitting the crimes, which coulc:l bring him life lmprilonment. but con•.enda he is innocent by reason of lnaa.nity. The judge has yet to rule on a number of Rretrial i&aues invol- ving Hinckleyja defense, inclu- ding a government request that he decide whether jurors ahould eventually be t?ld that Hinckley could go free if found innocent by reaaon of insanity. DEAD AT 81 -Don WU.On, radio and TV announcer for J ack Benny for more than 40 years, has died of a stroke in his CaThedral Ctey home at the age of 81. Woman killed in Huntington auto s mas hup 'A 35-year-old Huntington Beach woman was killed Monda~ when she drove through a red traffic light a nd collided with another vehicle, police reported today. Traffic investigators said Minh Thu Tran Nguyen of 9142 Medi- terranean Drive was rushed to Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where she died at 8:50 a.m. .FALKLAND I SLANDS ... 'Police said she had been dri- ving l'\orth on Bushard Street at 6:55 a.m . when she failed to stop for a red light and waa struck broadside by an El Camino dri- ven by Manual Aceves of 19162 Huntington St., Huntington Beach. .. dered were "abaolutely false." The British Defense Ministry denied the Argentine claim and also a report by the Argentine news agency DYN, quoting "Argentine naval sources," that Argentine commandos shot down Exxon profits dip by 22.5 percent NEW YORK (AP) -Exxon Corp., the nation'• large.t oil company, said today its flrat: {.~ profit fell 22.5 percent a year earlier. reflecti.ng the worldwide oil glut that has de- pre98ed price9 and alel. Exxon said earnlnga in the quarter which ended March 31 fell to $1.24 billion, or U.43 a share, from $1.60 billion, or $1.85 a share, ln the same quarter of 1981. Revenue slipped 10.6 per- cent, to $27 .11 bllllon, fro m $30.52 billion. a British helicopter in~ the figh- ting on South Georgia on Sun- day. Mrs. Thatcher told the Houae of Commons on Monday that the British forces who landed on the island Sunday took control of the two main aettlementa after only "limited resistance" from the Argentine garrison. She aald about 180 pri9onen were Lakm, one Araentine wu badly woun- ded, and tbett were no Brit.lah cmualtia Mn. Thatcher said the priao- nen would be returned to Ar-eenttna. ~ .. Ar&entlna retur- ned Britlah military personnel captUred earlier. 'rhe British attack on Sout,h Georgia alao C()St the Argentine navy one of It.a {our submarines. British helicopter gunsh11>9 at- tacked the Santa Fe, a U.S. Navy veteran of World War 11, and damaged it so badly that the crew acuttled It to prevent cap- ture. Aceves was not injured, pol.Jee said. Rock s tar robbe d of car LOS ANGELES (AP) -A gun-wielding robber confronted rock star Rod Stewart and drove off with his $50,000 Porsche aa his secr et ary a nd 3-year-o ld daughter looked on. sheriff's de- puties said today. No one was hurt In the rob- bery, whic h took place near Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard Monday. Deputy Clyde French said. The assailant apparently didn't know who he was dealing with. French said. and suggested that worked in Stewart's favor. Cloudy skies prevail California ~ 2 ,"-.. ......-....; Varl•lll• high cloudln•u througll Wednetd•Y· Some low cioudtl In the .... ~ Md 9Wly rnotnlftQ houfs, H bolh d•y. lrom mld IOll • ~ to low 70. lnlenct. l.owt ~ ... to 51. Huntlngton·N-port •r•• temcier1~ r9r1g9 from • hlgll of ee to 1 low ol 54. ei-Mf•. trom Point ~ tlon to thl M•xlc•n t>order 9nd out eo ,.,.. ~' wlnda 12 to 22 ll nota •llh 6 to 7-1001 comblNd -through w~­d•Y· ll9llt v1111111e wind• .i1e-wMI'• """"9 night llnd morning nour1, ti.coming Wftl to 1outh- _, 10 10 18 knoll In Ille •fl«· noon9 tod.y W1d W«tM9d~ wtth 2 to 3·foot wind ,. • .,.. South- "'"' nNl1 2 to 3 IHI V•rl•lll• ctoudlMM tnrouon weone.dmy T emperaturea· wtth 10tM cteanno tn 111e •fl«· ROOM. NATIOM .. lAJ ,.,._ Albmny U.S. sumrnary = Ati.nta Thunderatorm• 1prHd lrom All9ntc Cty Oeor9ll to ,,_«n Vlrglnlm tod9Y Auttln wf1lle Ille PKlflc Cout Ind Mt. hltlmorl elMlpp4 v.,_, enjoyM flllr eltlM. = Torn1doH touch•d down ig11 Mondey In AlllbllmL Geotllll Md "" r ........ wttn Mii "'*" petta :::"* 01 AMNm•. 0-91• Md Hottt1 .... on c.rolM. "~ S howen Ind • l•w thun· 8uffll0 dlll!IOWll• today were wtt•~ ~on -.-.n Kentuc:*y Md -CMIPlf \Im Tlr!MllM Md from the ... OhWtltn SC ..,._. ,MMndll to thl TUM • °*""' WV ,~ CNttntNC '"°'*' IMo eo~ed the At• ~ lentlo c.... CNmgO At 11Mt ttw..t~ICNIW-~ Met by • ·~•no thund.,•iOrfJI ~ ... ....,. '"10.,... o-t1t ~ ec on ~MM OflcllMI,. ~ por1ecl mlnOt "'""* °""'' Wttl ,_,...,_. o.yton g:*MOW"9 Ol4r1lit °'*"" EIPllM Faroo ~ 64 57 .27 71 51 74 n .le 711 52 .2t 71 MM 12 eo .a IO 57 S2 57 .1q 56 M 71 .. '°" .. . 10 40 17 .... 17 • .. 41 II M .11 IO U 77 .. .. 12 ·°' 11 M .M 41 N .n 84 It .03 .. " II II .oa It M .7' .... ..oa 11 M 70 .. f7 " .OI f7 4t .. 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PMedtlle A1¥1flicle hn91merdln0 let\ CWlftll lellta Ma ' ._...CM TllllCMI V- •:t liO 69 49 at 91 eo 7t 71 72 76 eo 91 83 76 73 M 17 • 11 70 .. 87 .. 74 12 75 15 83 71 .. 71 .. 71 .. .,, 14 74 77 7t 17 '° 89 57 49 58 67 50 53 43 62 .. 13 ... 45 12 48 50 .. 84 31 .. 64 .. .. , IO ... 41 50 64 .. .. I.A u · Treasury chief l flays Congress By C.W. MIRANKER ,. ......... ,,... ... SAN FRANCISCO -Trea· aury Sec.-.iary Donald T. Resan accuaed Con1re11 Monday ot tryin a to return to the "dfaaatrou1 policies reaponalble for our economic dt1treaa" and prolon1tn1 the recnalon by it.a failure to adopt the president'• I budaet CUtl, He predicted a .. 1tronft reco- very in the late 1prlng ' once Con11eu cut.a federal •pending and lowen the def:tdt. "The failure of Congress to respond to the president'• call for further 1pending cut.a t. feeding uncertainty in the financial com· munity, and this ia keeping inte· rest ratea UJ7, prolonging the receiiion," Regan aid. His remarks came in a speech to the annual meeting of The Associated Preas, held in con- junction with the convention of the American Newapaper Pu- blishers A.uociation. Speaking separately to the publlshera, H o uae Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, Jr. ac- ~ the Reagan administration of creating "the wont recession s~ the Oreat Depretsion." The Treaaur y secretary ln- aiBted Reagan would alick to his program, unlike recent admini· strations ''too unsure of themsel· ves to insist on.Going what·waa right in the {ace of opposition or the slightest indication t h at aomewhere they were inflicting pain." He aa.td "the American people should be relieved and delighted to know tha\ the presid ent doesn't have any plans to waver and wobble and feebly cave in to calls for expediency under the guise of compromise." In Washington. negouators for the acln'WUltraUon and Cofll1'8I are wn!ltllna over a compromUle flacal 1983 oudjet that would keep the federal defldt to $100 bUllon or ie.. Aa part of th• cornpromlae, many congreulonal Democrat.I are urilna a aoft.enJng of tho 10 percent lncome tax-rate cut acheduled to take effect in July 1983. But Repn, while not directly repondinJ W.Jhat proposal, 1u¥- ge1ted npne. of th e president a policies could be eliminated wi- thout jeopardlilng economic recovery. Regan aald the economy nee- ded only a decline in interest rates for a aurge io occur. "And I believe tht. will follow like day after ntsht-when market uncer-ta!"ty about deflclta ls cleared up "The market.a, burned ao often in the past, and w itnessing so many tn Congress trying to re- turn ua to the dlsutroua policies responsible for our economic di· atreu, won't believe that Infla- tion will stay down until they see a cul in the deficit.a," he said. Earlier Monday, Jeane J . Kirkpatrick, U.S: repreeoentative to the United Nat.Iona, addresaed the AP meeting, and Katharine Graham. the ANPA'• president and chairman of the Washington Post Co., told publishers it was "important tl!at the adminiatra- tlon 's campaign to revise the Freedom of lnfonnation Act not prevail." Frank Hatten , chairman and chief executive offlcer of Land- mark CommunicaUons Inc., was named chairman-designate of The Aallociated Press. He will be named chairman of the news cooperauve at its board meeung he~ Tuesday. Anaheim's Seymour takes Senate seat By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of !tie Delly .......... Jonn Seymour, newest mem- ber of the state Senate, w as still "excited" today after a memora- ble swearing-in ceremony Mon- day in Sacramento but admitted he faced a full day of meeting& before hurrying back to home base in Anaheim ton ight for a fund-raising function. The former Anaheim mayor fills a vacancy created last De- cember by the resignation of John Briggs of Fullerton. Sey- ~. whaie Anaheim real estate office was severely damaged by last week's fire. ls credited with playing a major role in bringing the Los Angeles Ram• to Ana· heun Stadium. "Mo~y was the tughlight of my life. The swear ing-in w as fulfillment of a commitment made by my family and me a year ago," Seymour. a Re publican. said today from his Sacramento office. There were nearly 40 fan1ily memben in attendance.at the swearing-in, administered by Fred Marler. Marler la a Sacra- mento County Superior Court judge and former 9ell&te minority leader. "The Kennedy famdy ha.s no- thing on us," said Seymour. Jauahing. His parents. Jack and H elen -Seymou r of Garden Grove, were in attendance as well as grandmother Mae S te· vens, 86, of Garden Grove. Seymour. minutes after the 1:58 p.m . ceremony, leaned over and kissed his daughter, Sarena, 8, as His four other children. pregnant wife Judy and a cham- ber full of senators applauded Seymour. 44. ia assigned to th< Trans?Ortation, Governmental Operations and Education com· mittees. He cast his hrst vote as senator Monday by replying "aye" when his name was called for a vole on the day's consent calendar. His election gives the Senate a 40-member house. The Sena te had op.e erated w ith 39 peop le since Brius' resignation.. Seymour, who twice served as Anaheim mayor, won a special • election April 13. He will attend a housing mee- ting aponaored by the Building lnduauy Aseociation of Southern 'California at the Airporter Inn m Irvine Wednesday morning. 0.-, .... ~ DIES -Justice Stephen K . Tamura. a native of Fountain Valley, died Sunday. He was 70 FV Justice Tamura S UCCUlllbS Fountain Valley native Ste- phen K . Tamura, who retired last October a f ter serving 13 years as a justice m Callfomia's 2nd District Court of Appeal, died Sunday of an apparent stroke. Tamura, 70, served occas.ional- ly on the State Supreme Court from 1978 until his death. He dled ma Corona motel where he had stopped en route to a mee- ting. a court spokesman said Monday. A fo rmer Orange Cou'nty Superior Court judge. he was the first Japanese-Amencan ap- pomted to the state appeals court. He was a graduate of Harvard Um vers.lty. During World War ll, he served in the famed 442nd Infantry Regiment, made up entirely of second-generation Japanese Americans, the natJon's most decorated combat outfit in the war. He was the recipient of nume- rous awards and honors, inclu- ding a doctorate from Pomona College and the AppeU..te Justice of the Year Award.for Loa An- geles County in 1981. He 1s survived by his wife, Kay, and three chtld.ren Ba ndit hits dress store . i n Hunting ton Police are searching for a lone gunman who robbed a Hunting- ton Beach dress shop of $310. Officers said the holdup oc- c urred at 6:45 p.m. Monday al the Revelation shop. 10043 Adjms Ave. A cleri< told police a man spent 20 minutes in the store saying he wa1 looking for a dress for his girlfriend. Whe n the other customers left, the men approa~ ched the cash relater with a dteSS over his arm. then removed the gannent to display an automatic pistol, the clerk told police. -----------------------------~ EBEL EVERYTHING A ~ \VATCH SHOULD BE. Ebel believes 1ln quollty. That Is why they guarantee these Swln-rnade 1ports wotche1 for five years. Woter-resl1tont, quartz movement1. Stolnleu 1teel ond l8 karat yellow gold: A. lody's, $875. 8. Mon's, $1,200. C. Mon'1, S915. We guorontee you'll be Impressed -come .... .. \ Orenge Coast DAILY PIL.OT/Tu tday, Aprll 27, 1982 s I~ffiu~rnm 1wrnrnurn 1~Uffi1J~ --- LONG WALK ON HIGH WIRE -J ay Co- chrane of Canada completes his high wire walk ac~ the field at Portland Civic Stadium prior to the Portland-Albuquerque Pacific Coast .photo 'League game. About 30 men held guide wires on field below as the veteran performer com- pleted another successful walk. Left Faction consolidates power SAN SAL V AOOR. El Salvad- or (AP) -Right-wingers bac- king Roberto D'Aubuisson have consolidated their grip on the Constituent Assembly and are li- kely to keep an equally tight rem on the proVlSional president they pick. Mario Redaelli, spokesman for d'Aubuisson's Republican Nationalist Alliance. or ARENA, said: "The assembly is like the mother of the little boy. h can say yes or no " D'Aubuisson, an ultra-rightist and cashiered army major who last fall was an undergrou~ fi- gure acx:used of plotting to o~ throw the govenunent, has been elected to run the assembly. "EJ Salvador has triumphed. We have won the Ideological struggle," proclaimed the new president, who could be chosen early this wet?k, may be th~ kind of moderate the United States says at would like to see running the nation. But the power of the presidency reldtive to the right- dom1hated assembly is likely to be small. The assembly not only will pack the chief execuuve. but also has the power to set general elections, and write a n ew con - sutuuon for El Salvador, which has been torn for 30 months by civil war between left and nght. Asked if the composition of the new leadership meant the Chris- tian Democrats lost their chance of legislative power h ere. party leader Julio Rey Prendes replied: "We never had it." before the October 1979 coup. but ARENA members recently have opposed him. The Chrisuan Democrats and the military have run EJ Salva- dor with U.S. backing since the coup, instituting economic re- forms and holding an election March 28. The forging of a new government since then has been a numbers game, boiling down to a 36-24 split in the assembly. Four conservauve parties won 36 seats, led by ARENA's 19 National Concalaatio n has 14 seals, Democratic Acuon two and the Popular Salvadoran Party one. The Christian Democrats. who won only 24 seats, had ho- ped the elections would ratify their power u.s ~ high _Israel eyes • • new CrISIS Focus shifting to Palestinian self-rule . j JERUSALEM (AP) -Wuh the painful withdrawal from Sinai finally bc·hind It, Israel must now focus on the even more vexatious issue of the occupied West Bank and its explosive Pa- lestinian problem Within o few weeks Israel and Egypt are expected to resume negotiations on Palestinian self· rule m the West Bank and Gaza Strip that wen• a&andoncd du- ring the last months of prepara- tions for the Sma1 handover But with no breakthrough an sight and Palest1naan opposatwn undiminished toward the auto- nomy plan, Israel 1s pursuing all> own policy aimed at consolada ling a strong Jt•wish pn>Senc<' 1n the West Bank and try ing t o nurture a moderate Paldtmlan leadership. Autonomy ts the other half of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace trt•a ty that brought about lht.• withdrawal. Thl• troubll' is that the two countries are planl'ts apGrt in their <.'Ont-eption of what autonomy means To Israe l , at m eans holding onto the West Bank and Gaza Strap. filling at with Jewish sett- lers and leaving the Arabs little more than the admamstrauon of their day-to-day civilian affairs.' To Egypt, autonomy means a springboard to t'Ventual Palesti- nian statehood an idea Israel tow.Uy reJCCL'> OcfeOS(' Minister Arll'I Sharon said m an order of the• day to the withdrawing army that Israel would now tum 1~ ;;ittc:nuon lo strengthl'nmg Jewish sc•ttlement m the W<.-st Bank and Gaza As thc:> last lsrac:>h !>0ld1c:r pul- l<·d out of the Sinai. a Cabinet sc·ttlemc•nt comm1ttt-'l' approvt'd cons truct1ori,of six nc·w settle- ments an the West Bank and a school-rommunaty center for Je- w 1 s h settlers an the Golan Hl·aghts Thea· are 6:3 sNtle ments in the West Bank and 31 on the Golan Hf'aghts Officials an <.·hargt' of settle- court's -Nl_WS_A_N_A_[_JS_l_S_ the snags thut has blocked. pro-gress an the 3 yc•ar -0ld talks Though it meant rcUnquu;hang some control over the• West Bank, Begin proposed the autonomy scheme as a middle course bet- ween unsavory allernativea - conunucd oc:c:upation of an in· creasmgly hoslll~ Arab popula- tion. or withdrawal from most of the territory me nt al0t1v1t1c..•s have a mastef' plan for houi~ing 100.000 Jews m the Wc>st Bank within five years, quadrupling the curr(mt Jewish popµlat19n. About 850,000 Pa- lt'8tinaaru; live under m11Jtary oc- cu pa twn 1n the area captured from Jord~n m 1967. 'J'hc obje<:t of the massive seu- ll•mcnt program is tJ.> ensure that th(.• lotal eva<·uutaon of Sinai 18 nut repc•ated in lhC' Wt.'St Bank, which lsraE>hs St't.' as part of their historic homeland and ~ntaal to thl'ar national St'CUnty. To <:arry out the Sinai with- drawal, lsral'I used 5.000 soldiers to daslodgt-ft•wc·r than :l,000 Je- w ash mtl1tants who oppOSl' the tn·aty The· mt•ssagt• of their f•l'r<."l' rcs1stancl' on I ht-rooftops of ls· raC'l's S1na1 town of Yam1 t last week was dl'cw. If Wt.''re walling tu fight so hard in this empty desert. 1magme how much har- der w e'll fight for the West Bank. On that score the govcrnm1•mt of Prime Minister Mt•nalhl•m Begin needed no proddmg ··we have reached th<' r<·d 'lint• uf concessions," Sharon said The Israelis want an autonomy agreement that wall leg1t1m1 zl- the settlcmenL"> Egypt dem<mds their removal, anJ th<1t as onl' of The lsral'l1s art· well aware that their con~pt is unpalatable to Egypt, and their overT1d1ng ftoar as that a <:ollaps£> of auto- nomy talks will gave }.:gypt grounds to turn away from the pcat.-e twaty and turn S1na1 into a st.agmg ground for military pres· sure on lsrael But c•v1.·n 1f an Jgreement as s1gnl·cl . lht• ll.ra<•las fa<·e what appc.•<11., to ht• thP 1mposs1hle La.Sk of ~·f'tU,Jdan~ tlw Pdlc.-st1mans to <ll"t'l'pt It Tht• Arab!. <;c:P autonomy a:. a thrnly V<'lll'<.I c:on t1nuJt1on uf ls- raeh oc,:t·uputwn and are deman- ding full tndf'pc.ond<'n<.'\.' undt•r the INdersh1p of tht· P .. ll'Stmt· L1be- rat1on Organ1UJt1un Tht· hra1·l1:-. <:ontt·nd th.it thl· a utonomy 1dt·J might b<' ..ic.·c.·ep tablt· to a m<iJor ):4' of PaJ(':o.t1 naaru., but that the Wt-st Bankt'rs Jrt' c.·owed into salt·nce bv the PLO Thi· answer, lhc>y S4J':•i. 1s w c.·rush tht• PW"s supporten. and tu dC'Vf•lop Jn a I tl·rna ti ve lea - dl'rshap __ -------- • speaker, flanked by nine other rightista who fill out the assem- bly's new directorate. There )¥asn't a Christian Democrat in ,.. the group, despite proclaime4 U.S. pressure to include them. El Salvador's new provisional The man widely considered as frontrunner for the presidency is Alvaro Magana , head of the Mortgage Bank of El Salvador for 15 years and an apparent poliucal independent. He is backed by lhe Christian Democ- rats and the Nauonal Conciliation Party, which ran El Salvador • action highlighted Late Cardinal Cody called. 'lighthouse' CHICAGO (AP) -Cardinal John P. Cody, touched by scandal in the final months of his life. was remembered as a "great churchman" by religious and ci- vic leaders, and many ri1 ayed that he would find in deal~. a peace that eluded him rt"t.'t'ntly. Cody. 74, died Sund lY o f an apparent heart attack. "I mourn the death of -. t•reat churchman, a colleague, ind a friend," said Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia. He lamented that "after such distinguished service, he became a target of allegations which, to the time of his death, remained unproved." At his death. a federal grand jury was investigating allegations that the leader of the nation's largest Roman Catholic archdioce had diverted up to $1 million in church funds to a lifelong friend. hb step-<:c>usin Helen Dolan Wil- son. "I pray that God will give him peace, something which he didn't always enjoy In this life," said Cincinnati Archbishop Joeeph L. Bernardin, who has been ment- ioned as a possible successor to Cody. One of Cody's harshest critics, the Rev. Andrew G~ley, a so- ciologist and author. once labeled him a "madcap tyrant." A coali- tion of Chicago priests in 1979 accused him of "disregard for human dignity of priests and people." To such criticism Cody once responded: "In each diocese there is but one authority, that being its cardinal." ln the nearly 450 parishes that make up the 2.4 million-member Chicago Archdiocese, Cody was remembered kindly Sunday. Chicago Mayor Jane M . Byrne praised his concern "for the poor and disadvantaged," and Gov. James R. ThC?mpson called him "a lighthous' during troubled tilnes.'' Those who lived near the splendid 19th century man.slon that serves aa the archbishop's residence saw still another Cody. a kind, generous man. CIH11fi.d adftfttstng 11"'42·5e71 All other depertments 142 ... 321 MAIN OFFlCE aw ... ..., SI . c.a. -·CA MAI/...,_ 8H IJMI, CO!lll• MeM, CA 92'» CooyrlQM lta Or ..... C09tl ,,_.,,..,. COft'llllMy. N? n-• ~ mut1r•1i.n._.ci .. .i.1,.,...._ .. _,. vet"llM,_ts herein ,.,,.,, t!!_ ,_._ .. wit....,. -1 ................ ,._.,,...._ VOL. 75, NO. 117 WASHINGTON (AP) Here, at a glance, are highlights of U.S . Supreme Court action Monday: COPYRIGHTS The Justices. wtthout comment. let stand a lower-court ruling forbidding 525 "Gap" blue jean and clothing stores from playing the radio over loudspeakers as background music for their cu- stomers. The lower court, ruling in a suit brought by seven music publishers, ruled that the broad- casts by the nationwide retail chain infringed on the music's copyrights under the Copyright Act of 1976 TAXES G ranting an appeal by the Justice D~artment. the high court said at will review a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that would make it harder for the Internal Revenue Service to subpoena evidence in tax in- vestigations. The appeals court ruled J;ist September that a Sac· ramento. Calif., businessman could not be held in contempt afu:r he refused t o o bey a lower-court order directing him to surrender material requested by the IRS. The businessman. Richard W. Rylander Sr., con- tended that being forced to sub- mit the documents violated his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. NATURAL GAS The court left intact th~ way 29 natural gas pipe- line companies bill their customers for money contributed to the Gas Research Institute. an industry research and develop- m,n t program . The Colorado Publk UtJJlt.les Commission had claimed that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission did not have the a uthority to approve pualng the cost pf pontrlbut.lona on to the utilities' ratepayers. REDISTRICl'INO The juattcea, citing a lack of jurilc:Uct!on, refUM:d to diJturb a California con1re11lonal r e- diattktJna plan that Republlcana ~ .... .......,. ..... .... We're Listening ••• What do you Ukt about lht Dally Piiot? What don't you like' Call tht number Nlcnv and your maa1a1e wlll bt rtcorded. tran crtbt>d and dellvtr~ to the appropriate .ctltor The aame 24 hour an1w•nn1 Hnlr. may bt uttd to record ltt· ter1 to the Milot on 1ny toptc Mallbo• contributors muat inthaclt lMM' A•CM , .... .tatapboae number for verilicalion Ji'o tlrculaUQft ulla.~ .... T .. 1-. •h•t'a on yo.ar mind. say could give Democrats six ex- tra U.S House seats this fall. State and nauonal GOP l,aders claimed that the plan, previously upheld by the California Su- preme Court. was a "a c lear gerrymander." The GOP wantoo thf' June 8 prurlaries conducted according to distract boundaries in effect before the 1980 census, with the stat.e's new &eats to be filled by at-larg elections. FEDERAL FUNDS The court refused to let West Vargmia keep $1 25.000 m federal aid that Department of F.ducation officials say was "misspent" on a county school admimstrat1on of- fice romplex. Without <.'Omment, th«.> justices rejected West Virgini- a's request to appeal a lower court ruling after state off1c1als said they forgot the appeal deadline. The F.ducauon Department asked for the refund after detenninmg that the offic.-e c.-omplex was no\ a "school facility" under the law that made the federal funds available. The 48th annual conclave of lhe Al'Tleflcan Gem Society w11 held In New Orleans this year Donna Blackman and I attended lrom our atore. We both aerve on national commltt ... and thOM meellng1 were held the day prlo< to th• lormal opening of the conclave I have been working wilh the Marketing CommlttH and Donna attended the Gulld Presidents' meellng She 11 president ol th• Sou1hern Cali- fornia Gulld of the American Gem Society this year She la only the MCOn<S woman to eerve In this capacity and 1 w11 hono- red Mveral YM" ago to be the first. The ope11tng 1111ton ot the oonctave '"tured wotld famous gem daalet1 1p .. klng on th• mlntng ac:tMtlM In thei apeclal ., ... South AIMflee, the Orient 6nd EHt Africa. I with I could h~ rac:Otded thelf tatl(1 '°' the ltaft we left al home TMy w«e to lnterettlng. It'• loo bad we .., .. 00 lo the oonolllwie ~ YMr but lhel'I tt.-t woutd be no ON left 10 "mind VII ltore" I .... mllfWlle to tape pett of tfte 1n- l0t1N1tlon but wll"°'fC lfte alldt ='"'Ion " lotel IOfM of tfte t. A• u1ual, 011 followln9 flvt ~wt,..,etoto ANTI-NUKE MARCH -One of the more than 200 anti- nuclear protesters. dressed in protective clothing and wf'anng a gas mask, marches along the four-mile route to the Seneca Army Depot located outside of Romulus, N. Y. The protesters staged a demonstration at the base with lectures and music. @ EiEM WISE deya we<e devoted to the contin- uing aducallon of th• Society'• members We attended gemOlo· oica1 lab sesat0ns. seminars and lec1uret on the lndu11ry·s lllest developments. Special c11111cs were held by Instructors with expertlte In a perticular hetd of oemology. We had the opportun-ity to leatfl about the vet"/ l•t•t d1sco~riH In the gem world 1 found It very 1llmulallnQ a11d exciting. rm 1ure the enthu1tesn\ I have '°' attending the conctave 11 aleo due to the marvelout ctianoe lo get to know '° many wonderful people ltom ... partl or th• country who Iha<• my lnt••ll In th• IHCln1tlng science of gemology We cannot Mlp bUt ie.rn from e.ch other' even In ~ Informal dllcuAIOM we "-" at the lunch•ont and dinner• on the l!ChedUte When we '"'*' get together. we .. talk ~ .. a Mar, lefr Cet11hed ~It IOI ~ ........ find our ~• .o 1n..,.1ng . HARL ES ff. BA ft R • .'c~~::,~: :~~.:.:o~n:~~ ----....,...~-----.. :;-.:of~== A In 10 doing, I am .... ..._to .w...re..t.J ~ °"==-"-=:: Md OOflM•• ..., ..._ ..... ....,.,.,~ . . l Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/TUetday, Aprll 27, 1982 'Inf ormati.on' no longer free 4.r. By PAT HOROWITZ Of the O~y Pllol •tan DEAR READERS: Time Is ru!Vling out for Californians who make an untimlted number of calls to directory asst.ance each month without charge, according to the Pac1f1c Telephone Co Customers soon will be charged 15 cents for each call to dtrectory assistance over their monthly allotment. Btlhng will begin June 1 in San Diego and Imperial counues. and progress t.o other areas of the st.ale later an the year The charging plan was approved by the California Pubtrc Utilities Commission in 1980. Customers will be charged for each call made to dire<:tory assistance in addition to an allowance of 20 calls per month Several types of calls will be excluded £rpm the monthly tally including calls made by the physically handicapped, those mad~ from hospital rooms, hotels, motels and roin phones, and calls made to area codt'S other than one in which the subscriber lives (reached by dialing the dist.ant area rode plus 555-1212). The rcc:ording which ent-ourage:. callers to check phone d1rcc- t.ories for numben. will tx• rt•moved as soon as the charge ts im- plementl'd in t•ach area. Feeding hummingbirds DEAR PAT: The house I bought bas two lovely bottle brush treeJ. I know &be bllmmingblrds will love them wben they bloom. If I recall correctly, you publishe d a r ecipe for homemade hummingbird food. I'd appreciate It If you'd repeat the lngre· dlents for me. T.L., Huntington Beach The following hummingbird rood rt'C1pe was provided by the S an Diego Zoo m 1972. It calls for 28 ounces of white cane sugar V. oun<X' of supN hydram1n powd(•r (opuonal). small amount of varulla flavoring. one gallon of wat{•r and red food colonng Mix thoroughly and plal'<' in ft'l'C.ic·r as needed Keeping tabs on Congress D~AR PAT: Where can I write to get copies ol spedflc bills betng beard in the Senate or House of Representatives? -F.W., Corona del Mar Wrlle to the S.:nall· or House Document Room The add~ for the Senate IS Room A-325, U S Capitol. Washingt.on, D.C. 20510 for the Hou se th<• addrl'ss 1s Room H-226, U.S . Capitol: Washmgt.or., D C 20515 Be s ure to indude thP bill number •• ·~· ''Got a problc.m ? Thm wnw t.o Pat HoroWJtz. Pat w1lJ cut red tape, getting r.he answeN and act.Jon you need to solve i.nequities i.n l(Overnment and busmess. Mall _vour qucsf.J<Jffl to Pat Horowitz. At Your Servt<.e Orange Coast l)aily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560 CostJJ. Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters u pos.sible1wW be ':J:l:'e;:;J· but phoned inqt.Uries or letters not mcludmg the rea I ~·address and busmes.s hours' phone number can-not Pe considered. " RuliiJ.g' • victory for Riles SACRAM~NTO (AP) -'1'ht1 federal government has agreed not Lo require Californians in thl' school lunch program to submit the Social Security numbers of adults living in their homes this schoo l year, says s tale school "Superinte'ndent Wilson Riles The agreement by the U S. Department of Agriculture was a vu.'lory for Riles and followed a federal judge's rultng April 15 bl~king t~c USO.A from taking action against California until at least April 30 for re(using to pul into .effect the S0<·1al Securtty requirement. California 1s the only state that has not followed a law passed las t year by Congress requmng all t•hildren rt•cc1v10g federally subs1diu.'CI frl"'<! or low-t'OSl meals lo submit S()(.•1al Security num- bers of adu lts living in the ir homl'S The law was intc ndl'd LO rt'- ducc fraud in the program. But Hiles called 1t an invasion of pri- va<:y, and also said U.S Agricul- ture Secretary J ohn Bloc k did not t•nact proper regulations to 1mpkment the law or state what use would be made of the num- l:x·rs Riles first ordered school d1 - strll'ts to colll>ct the numbers, but told them in March not to re - m ove any s tudent from th€' pro~r<tm for failure lo submit numtx>rs. Out of I 2 millton California students in the lunch program, he said , more than 300,000 have n o t s ubmitted Social Security numbers Riles said he would have gone along with the rcquirt·ment 1f the federal government had move<! to l'U l off $1 50 million in n utri uon•au:I to Cahfom1a But Riles said USDA officials have agrel'd not to (•nfurce the Social Security rcqu1r(•menl 10 California through Aug 30 He :.aid they also agra'CI to issue re - gulations on the collcc t1onj and US(' of Social Security number.. RilC'!. said ht· has told school d1 slril·ts lo !>lop coll<'cting the numb<'rs. to kt-4.:p confide ntial the numbers that they have• already «olll•cll·d. and nol to dt·ny a ny sludt:nt a f<'dl•rally subs1d1wd m(•al for fallun: to s ubmit a numlx•r A Special Showing of the Fabulous Mikimoto Collection. It 1s not often that the orginator of cultured pearls. Mikimoto. offers a selection of lusti:ous pearljewetry anywhere other than a M1klmoto store. But the l'eplltation for guality in fine , jewelry. watches and giftware at Balley BanP.5 & Biddle warrants this special occasion. Mlklmoto rtpres~atlv~ Kolchl T~kahashl wftl be on hand to assist you In your selection. s~e for yourself. April 28, 29 and 30 Bailey Banks&Biddle The tradition of 1 SO years Hves on. __;;__~~!Jif Bristol St., South Coalt Plaza {mf751 .. 964() • ., ... Dream realized with jackpot A California woman who said 11he recently dreamed of stnking It rich ln the Nevada caslnoe hit a S2~0.000 jackpot ofter playlnf, five minutes at the Reno HI ton hoiel-<:aBlno. Abella SanUago, 39. a mo- ther of three from Fremont, . hit the "Super Pot of Gold" jackpot on a dollar rogressive slot machine after investing about $20, said a Hilton spo· kesman Sen S .I. Ha ya kawa , R-Cahf., who dedJfed not u, run for re-elecuon when polls showed him running fourth for the party nomination, blames ente rtainer Johnny Carson for s pre ading an image that the elderly senat.or frequently slept on the job. In a telephone 10terv1ew from Wa s hingto n . D.C , Hayakawa said Carson, thl' host of NBC's "Tonight Sho w ," caused him "real da- mage" by re peating JOkl'S a bo ut "Sleeping Sam," thl' Rt verstd<' Press-En terpnse reported "The people who get their basic political 10rormat1o n from Johnny Carson remem- ber nothing e lse abo ut m y caree r ," Hayakawa s aid "That was really harmful." Save Up To Stike I Citbt1 Watoltts 40 to 60% OFF , ... ., 30% OFF IN KOREA Vice Presi- dent George BushcJlddrcs - ses K o r ea's Nation a l As- sembly in Seou l. Bt'htnd him as Assembly Srx-aker Jun Hai Hiuk. Singer Natalie Cole suffe- rc-d scrapes and brutsel> m a ·auto accident an Beverly Hills Mt~ Cole dedml'd hosp1ta- ll2at1on aher her car hll a concr e te sewe r ventilator Paramedics treated Miss Col<· at the scene and she dt'Chned further medical treatment ~BtJ;:....:..:.=--:.s...:.:.:.::.....-:.=-:_ ~ Ruby -Diamond Sapphires Rine• -Earrincs ~:=~~· Dr Irene K.aalorl• won the !Int-round ot &a court bjttle Monda~ ovt.•r ht.•r M"X manual "Niel' G1rlJ Do .. "as a Judie denied un ex lover'• bid to 'hllll IJlllt. .. or promotion of the book uni he were <:redJ~ WI C.'0-UUlhor. H owever, Ht>rbert Mar· Kolls, who claims the belt· St"lllng buok WWI the rL-Sult of a per110nal and buslneu rela- tionship ~tween himself and th<> Bel Air psycholoelst, hopt.-s l'Ventually Lo gain rec- ognition of hLS role, halt the profits from future aalet of th., book and dama&es ot $110 m1lhon "I think we wtU go for an early trial," said Margolis' attornt.>y, W11J1am l. Chert.ok. Ent.ert.amer Jobnay Carton will head a campaign to help rebuild a collec t ion of rare nlOVlC memorabilia deatroyW in a hre that gutted the Hol- lywood Library. Carson has pledged $10,000 and will head a committee that will try Lo reuse $500,000 to piece together a n ew "ente rtainment and perfor- ming fine arts c.-oUection" for the library. said Melissa Hig· gins, ass1Stanl direct.or of the Los Angeles L1br11ry AJisoc..'1a- t1on Gov Lee S. Dreyfus of Wisconsin annoum;ed he will nut seek re-elet.'l1on, making him lht• fifth Midwest Rt>pu- bh<'an governor to withdraw from l'lectoral politics in re- c.~nt months 3 days only! Thanks to the recent drop in gold prices ~~~:.1>..;. -:.~:.:;~.:.:.:..... r 14111L r1 ROLU·CUTIEll- ~ CHCtlll·COHl-PIAln ij lllATMH·TISSIT·lllOYA HIEYA·tlHU ~.~~~~=~F Sale Starts Thursday, April 29th Sole Hou~ Jh,mdoy 10 7 f.1doy 10-7 Sotu•doy IO·l -, "'" S-F~al Ouanlllltlt L1m1t..i To Stock On H•ncl &.2~hSu•1e~w-~~~-i WEIGHT THE WAYI '1. With The University Diet, you 're prescribed a complete medical program for safe, rapid, effective, and maintainable weight loss. 'l'hl' Uniwn<ily Diet is u prowin-.,patin,:t. rno<lifi<od fast that. is clinicnlly pm\.'l•n and nvnilahle only throu1th licen&'tl mt.>d· icaJ OffiC<$ Pruscriplion supplM\enls supply your body's nuttilionul need s while unwo.nt.t>tl fnt i~ burned off. lJnlikl' other"'. this complew p~rrum indu<:h.'<; 8 rro·ndm1ssion physicnl. pl'\'lim1 nory kt.>t.o~·nic di('t.. fnsl.in(( procl'CIW't', sup· pll'mcnts. reguJN lob tests. EKG"s, n>foeding. behovioml coun ling and maintenance. Medtc-•Uy 'ale. You're under con Lant su()('rvision of rhyRiciu.ns nnd wl'iitht.-lo." .. pt>CioU t.s to pro I your ~llh. ltapid Rt.ult.II. You ca n loee o.n u~ nw' of 20 pound11 per month , 'Wry month until you l\'3Ch your lf08l. Sbnple and f;ltecdw. You make rm <Wc1 "°"" 1ooul foOil -only lhc CM1m.itmcnt to folio" our pmgrum and ..,un~'t'CI. Exdu"live Refoedin~ and Maintenance. You DI'\' l'\'·introdut•<.'<i lo food in a wiidual I ·-.t.ep pl'l'll't•s:. and taught ho" to keep ''d~ht oH Individual Counselinit. Bt.ihavior modifi- cation and nutritional KUidonce an.> offered t.o oil polit•nl!. hy cx~rt.s. U you Ol'li<l t.<1 lose 20 pounds or more. cuU our phone counsclol"M for un appoint· mtint. or infonnation. Th<'y'n> former patients. 'Jiwy und rst.and. Y0\111 rin<l ~<' cost less due t.o our izc ond cxperic•nct'. Your insumnce rn.ny CO\ r it. And uflt'r you <.'Ol'tlplct.c Tho Uru~i(,y l.)f t, /rrr <>tmn.~<'linJ( is owilebl<-for I.he n.! t of your Ufo! Call l·HCI0·4:l2·8876. Tbll ""-· ~AM to n PM 7 doy o w«•k. Phy idan inquJ· ric ~"lrome. ,. • L. • .. " Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tu .. day; April 2~'1982 Evangelist's ·.voice° Silenced·. . . VOICE GONE -Kathryn Kuhlman, who died in 1976, will no longer be h eard in taped radio sermons. Wages of sin $290? MILL VALLEY (AP) -Mill Valley may be in the h ear t of hedonistic hot._tub land, but local officials were s tunned when th~y got a $290 tax bill fro m the co unty marked, "Charges for sins made during the m onth o f F e brua r y , 1982." City Manager Vernon Hazen promptly dashed off a repentant, tongue- i n -cheek le tte r to t he Maran County auditor · controller Michael Mi(- chell: "In order to reduce our costs, I have initiated a sin reduction program. We will pay this invoice but please be on notice we wall no longer be fi. nancaall y responsible for our sins. "ln fact, some of our sins are 90 much fun that we may start charging," he wrote. Mitchell wrote back , explaining that state and fede ral c utback s a nd storm damage had ne· cessitated the charge. "Furthermore. m or· der to r e duce county costs, w e employ kinder· garten students as typists in the De partme nt of Public Works," he ad - ded. "Keep on sinning!" The bill was really for road signs. San Diego • excursion planned An excursion to Old Town and &lboa Park in San Diego will be of· fered by Orange Coast College's Community Service Office on May 22. Tour director is Judy McGorray, a local ele- mentary school teacher who has led a variety of tours for OCC. Tickets are $25 per person, and are on sale in the ticket office of the OCC Administration Building. The tour will leave the OCC Auditorium p ar- king lot at 9 a.m . and return at about 5 p.m. Tickets may be pur- chased by phone, u.lng Visa or Mastercard, by calling 556-_5527. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTRY lq' '?11 ... .... ""~ ... , .. ~OITA ..... -Mt:l 116- Kuhlman Fou.ndation says. 1'unds are. g one PITTSBURGH (AP) - Evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman, whoee husky voice .has been re- gularly rebroadcast to the faith· lul lince her death in 1976, will be heard for the laat time on the airwaves this week. ·The Kathryn Kuhlman Foun- daU<>n, founded in 1948 after the tall, slender•redhead began preaching from Pittsburgh, will cloee Friday for lack of funds. "I always promised her I'd play her tapet aa long u l could. And that's what I dld," said Marguerite Hartner, the founda- tion's executive director. "When our money was gone, we had to close. I wouldn't beg -for money ."'Miss KUhlma:n dldn~ believe in it," added Mlsa Hart- ner , who was the evangelist's secretary atx:>ut 30 years. Miss Kuhlman maintained a home in Newport Beach. The foundat ion has paid 51 radio s ta tions i,,n the Unite d States and Canada to play tapes of Miss Kuhlman's original ser- mons. interspersed with gospel music Last month, the rebroad· caata were ca.nctled on 13 1tations to 1ave money. 'Now, the rest will follow. Mlsa Kuhlman, ortidnally from Concordia, Mo., esta1>J11hed the non-profit foundation in Piu s- bur&h aft.er vi.ailing the city. She began preachlne 1n a library au- ditorium on the city'• north side, then moved to the Finl Presby- terian Cburcl) downtown. Her eermona and faith-healing attracted hundreds, sometimes thouaanda and were parodied by comedian Ruth Buuf on the old "Laugh-In" TV show. Tapes sent weekly to radio and TV.stations across the country were turned into cassettes, record albums and books. "She prayed for the people. the sick, and she preached to them," said Miss Hartner of the evangelis t's ministry. "But she believed that God did the hea- ling. She said she could heal no <>ne." Miss Kuhlman, a &pust, died of pulmonary h ypertension an t\er 60s and left an undisclosed sum to foundation w orkers I though none to the foundaL.lon. The foundation continued with contribuUoN ftom followers and that money hu run out, act'Or· ding to Mill Hartner. ''Since 1he'a been gone, a lot of people lflnanclal 1upporter1) thought 'that'• Ii'," she said. "It coet us *66,000 a month to keep goln~." • W1th the close of the founda- tion, which diatribut.ed the tapes and booka and also held aervfcea every month or two, 10 full-tlme and two part-time employees In Pittsburgh and the employees of a Brookville, Ontario, office will lose their jobs. The original tapes, Including ~programs and~ more radio sh o ws , will be sent t o Wheaton College In Illinois and placed alongside a collection by evangelist Billy Graham. For Miss Hartner , this week marks the end of an era and a lifetime commitment. "We feel very badly about it. It was my whole life. But we just w a nt t o sort o f phase o u t quietly," said Miss Hartner. UWlf ...... RETURNS THE FAVOR -Judy Groman gives her dog Lucy a grateful pat after Lucy's insistent barking alerted Groman and her mother to an arson set !ire in their home Monday morning in the Clairemont district of San Diego. Lucy was rescued from the animal shelter by Groman and evidently returned the favor. ---~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Al Ornnge CoHt DAILV·PILOT/:ruHday, Aprll 27, 1982 .. Caliloriiia busines~ can't af f ol-d •this bill A blll guaranteed to furth~r dampen California's business cli- mate has b een approved b y the Assembly Committee on L abor and Employment. It should .so no fu rther. Assembly Bill 2839, by A s- semblywoman Maxine Waters, D- Los Ange les, would place severe r estrictions on California firms planning to close or s u bstant1ally reduce their operations. "Origina ll y targe t ing firms with 50 o r more e mployees. the bill has b een am e nded to affect firms with 200 or more employees tha t plan to shut down or lay o ff m o re than 50 workers. It w ould, among other things. require such firms to give from 12 to 20 months' n otice of the closure or layoCfs; pay workers 85 percent o f a year's wages after the shut- down o r layoffs ; continue their health benef i t s; and pay local government 85 percentc-0f the past year's taxes 1( th e compan y relo- cated within the United Slates, or 300 percent 1f the C'Ompany movt:d to a foreign country. It would require not1hcat1on of local elected off1c1als of the impending s hutdown or layoffs and reqeiire the farm to give pre£- erence to affected workers when haring at oth e r s ites in the state and pay their relocation expenscs. Fa.i lure to comply with any of thcse provisions could bring fines to the company of up to $10,000 Cor cuch affected employee. All this apparently w as in· sp1r(.'(J when the assemblywoman's daughter found h erself jobless when the firm sh e had been wor- kfog for closed down. The une m - ployment R_r?blem ce rtainly s trikes.hoinc'VVhen it reaches one1s immediate t~ily. l lowever, this proposed solu- tion leav~ logic far behind. The bill is clearly unworkable a nd it is dlmost beyond belief t.hat it passed the committee. Mrs. Wate/s eomplains that some employers are closing down simply because they are n o t ma- king enough p rofit, n ot because they actually are facin g bank- ruptcy. This as a naive approach Any business that finds itself falling behind an profit, with little hope of improvement has. a nd s hould h aw, the right to end or curtail its operations Mandating the penalties pro- posc•d an this ball not only could predude any possible future re- t'Overy for troubled businesses but most certainly would d iscourage uut-of-statt> firms from trymg the watc•rs an Cahfornia. The s tate already provides unC'mploymt>nt insurance for the suddenly .)Obi~ That's a lot bet- lt'r than • t used lO bt.'. Pe nalizing fading bu:.1nesses goes beyon d rt'ason. A GOP Jerry Brown? B y now It is quit<· appan·nt that Lt. Gov Makt• Curb wall sto p "at n o thing an his attempt to gmn media (•xposun· in his campaign for the Ht•publaean gubt. .. rnatonal nom1nat1on. For a time. the brash young man apparen tly was stlt•nn·cJ by h 1s advisers following a brush with the press involving has· childish and ill -manne red trc•a t- ment of a JOUrnalasl t·ntac. Unfortunat('ly, the· adv1sl'r~ faa lc.'Cl to head off has lat<'st <·rup- taon at a Sf'S.')1on ~1th reporters This timC' Curb's target was st.alt' Supn·mc· Court Chief J ustice ROS<' Bird . At'f.·using the chie f JUS- tit'C of "a complete disgrace of o f- f ice and a comple t e lack of JUdg m c nt," he d<•scribl'd h er as "an advocat<' o f the <.0r1minal" w hose purpc)S(· as "to disrupt the e raminal JUStit<t• sysll'm." ROS4: Bard 1s by no means one of the most popula r stall' official., and perhaps Curb thinks he will wan a f ew votes with this c rude and uncalled for attack Thoae who would fa ll for this sort of. thang wou ld d eserve a g c vernor lake· Mike• Curb 111 ~ <.CJ mpj1gn was s u l l 1cd t•arlwr by l11s '>Udden flap-flop o n lh<' P<•rtph·rcil (~nal App<in·ntly ca l<.ulat1ng th(• .. No rthnn Cal1fornaa volt.· c:oulcJ mak<.• the d1ffl'rt'llCt: f1Jr ham In the primary. and e>vc·n more.· so an the gt•nl'fal dc·t·t1on, hc got togC'\he; with the· prtnl'lpal NorthNn Cala- fornia anti Cam1l anwrc•st~ Thc•y wt·re only too h<1ppy to put up th<.• t·a~h for t·<1mpa1gn goud1<•s lakt· a h<.•avy Curh td<'v1s1on <.·ampa1gn if he switched to their s1dc> He• clad And they hav<• <.'om e through for ham with mc·gabucks Som<' votl'rs could inde<:'d bt.• influenced by the television blurbs that attempt to presen t this rude a nd uninformed young man as a s trong. cdmpetent leadN w ith a sterling bac kground 1n govern- ment. But the more we h~ar and see of Make Curb, the more w e arc bothered by the increasing ev1- d ence of an imma ture, over - timbi taous and unpredictable yl)ung polatical clamber -sort of a Republican J erry Brown. Charity feels the pinch, too ll is a qui rk of fate that in d1 fficult financial timt•s. when more people are hkdy to patronii.e thrift stores, suc·h as thos...• run b y the Salvation Army. fewt•r people seem inclined to part with the used goods that supply the stores. The chantablt•'organizalion h as 11 t hrift stores in Ora nge County and runs a rehabilitation program for som e 250 alcoholac m en, who a r e trained to repair donated goods for sale in the stores. But the fl eet o f Salvatio n Army trucks that hauls in clothing and household goods frorn throughout the county is no t as h eavily loaded these days. Tha t m ean s fewer ite m s to be re fur- bished and sold, • And with ul1hty b tlls soaring, tht· thrift s ti>r<.· operation wall nCC'd a 15 pNcent ancrcasc in sales lo avoid a $150,000 deficit this y£:ar. That would be truly unfortu- nate. because the Army not only givf.•s a n e w lease on life to the men at serves, but enables Jess af- fluent families to o b tain n ecde<i clothing. furniture and household appliances at greatly reduced cost. Anfi. oJ cou rse, for the do nors there as a w e lcome tax deduction. The fleet o( truc ks is availa- ble, as a r e the willing hands to sort and repair the donated items. And don't worry if the o ld sofa as on lhc scruffy side, or the TV set broke n d o wn. They ca n fix them -a nd they'll look j u st Cine in someone's living room. · Op1n1on1 e>Cpressed In the space abOve are those ot the Daily Pilot. Other view$ •X· pressed on tnls page are those of their authors and artists. Rea~r comrT'len t is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 64i-021. L·~M·~· &yd/ Are you acquainted with any ovcr- weieht )'OUJ\ll"terllf U IO, do they ap• pear to be 10tnewhlat brieht.er than the th inner ldd1 In the neigh bor hood' Probably1 probebly. Obew c h ildr n tend to a"ON M>out 10 pomta higher on IQ iett.I, aecordan1 to the romp\.lter readouta. ~ now are U')'lt\a to fi1Ure hoW late~ eontnbu\el to that eXU'a wetcht. That a man generally wlll try to 1ettle his Wlfe'a d bta before be pays his own ha• been ruported. But ex- pert.JI a ren't certain why. Most con - clude almply t hat hutband' dread naeglng from home more th an nag- gina from b J1 collC'!Ctort. '+Tut~let1" Is a compliment, lf you u.w It to d ri~ vodtc.. Thomas P. H•••Y Publlw r Drug firms court Congress WASHINGTON Wh1lt• Amn1c·an fam1l1cs url' s trugglin>( to make t-nd-. mt·<·l. Congrcs~ Lind tht· mul t1b11l10n dollar pharmal·1•ut1l•al industry huvt• fonm-d an unholy :.ilhanl't' Lo k(.'('p tht• pn<.'t' of putcnlt-d drug~ sky high . Congress h<.1.-. bt.·<-'n loud in at't'WJLng lht• Reagan adm1mi.trat1on of mSt·nsittv1ty tu th e· neediest members of ~l('ll'ty. Yet :.it th<' samto lime. Congn-ss is quietly c.•on- nivmg With lht' b1g drtlg f1nns Lo !)()<lk the 11ick a nd tht.• <·lderly • I BY EXTENDING the· cum·nt 17 yc•ar life of a pa,tc·nt, the• SI> c.:alle<l P:.itcnt Life· Restoration At'l would give the drug c.:ompan1l"s up tu se:>vc·n mon• years to tmjoy a monopoly on tht•ar new producL'> The spc:x·wl-lnten-st legislation has sailed through thP Sc•nalc, :rnd has made it through a kt•y House Judmary subc:om- mJttce Th<' value· of th<.· patent-c•xtens1on bill to the drug mdui;try 1s reflt"<.'L<..od m the• mtcrlS<' lobbvm,I( l'ffort 1t ha:. orgamwd on Capitol Hill l':xtra yt>ar<, of pro~t.•c­ llon from t'Ompt't1tion mean <•xLra prof1L'> for the phanmtt1•utu:aJ g1an1.c, Tht·y. in turn, havt• bt.·c·n openhandt•d in lh<•1r <.'ampa1gn confr1but10ns tu mt•mbt•rs of Congress who Luc· procl'sstng the lt·g1 slallon. " S<·n. Strom Thurmond, R SC. '·hair man of tht .. Jud1c1ary Comm1ll<'t', got $l.500 from P£11.<>r in his last campaign And dru~ industry pulit1cal action com- m1llt:t·s l'tmtnbuLl-<l hb1vtl y lo tht· t•;u:i1 ~1gru. of llou.."· Jud1cwry Subromm1tt.e<• members Th<·y ,ir<• the· key pt.'Oplc> who havt• puvc"<.I 1h1· ll·~1sl11t1vc· w.1y f1>1 tlw1r ~pt'( 1ttl -1ntNt·st lnll Rt•p Rubf•rt KcL'>Lt·nnw1t·r 11-W1 .... th1 sulx:nmm1tlt·t· c ha1rman. for ex.un pl1-. has 1 f"l•<.•1vc.'Cl $a. I 50 1n thl' JJ<•st y<·;11 1111111 drug PAC!,, compan·d with $Y;,o I r11m th1· drug industry tn 1!:17!:1·HO A11otlw1 'uhlomm1tt1·l· m emlJf;'r, H, p J.J1 k Q -JA-Cl-1-ID-fl-SD-N -~ Brooks. D·Texas, saw his drug do11.1l1on ... rtM• from $1i00 lo $1 iOO H1·p ll.1rnld Sawyer, R Mwh , didn't g1•t quill·,.,., muc.·h from drug c.·omp:mlf .... "' ht· did th1· yt>ar lX'fu1 ,., but he did gt·t ,, $~111 1w1 son.ii c.:on tnbu1wn· from Will1.rn) .Joh11 • Upjohn . .in 1•i..1•t·ut1\1: of 1h1 Cum1h ph.11mat1·ut1l'al firm This dot.-:.n't mt·an thdl th1· lt·~i...l..itor'> -..old th1'.1r volt'" for ;1 littlt· 1•\.llJ t .irn paJg n l'.1,.,h But 11 d111 ·-. .;how 1h.1t th1· drug 111du-.tr~ 1 ... mun· th.in "1 ll111g tn 1.n 11UI lht• "'ht•JI'" 1th;rl Ill gno;1';(• tlw l<·g1 s lal1v1• ... kids F1•w 1iu ... 11w ...... 11w11 t1111lr 1 hult· to tht· 1·arnpa1g11 t ht•'l" 111 un ... ym path<·tw nlt'rnht•r!. uf { '1111gr ""'" · Thi· drug lnhhv1sL.., t·vt•n took fMtnS to ... trokt• .in 1mport<1nl o.,ta rf .11dt• 10 th1· I low.,· sub1:om1111llN· Ar ut.•<• Ld1mJn, tht· s l.iff counwl wa" mvllt•d 111 add1l'"" ,1 drug tndu!.try o.,\mJX1'1 Um 111 PJns The t:'lb fur his Jllnk1•t wai. pll kt·d u p by fntt rn<Jt111n<1I M.Jrkc·t1ng Sy.,tc·m.,, d firm th.it <"1J11duc·L-. ... 1ud11.., fur tht· dru~ mdu sll \ TllF. INOLISTRY'! argun11 •nt for p;1 It Ill l").lf ·rL'>IUll .... hinll·d i.11 Ill lht· US4' ul 1111 ""'d "rc-... 1or.iucm" m th« bill ~ 111lc· Tlw h~ d1 ug 111111p.1111t·' argu1· that bf· <.aus1 of lht· uml" thc·y mui.t ~ix·nd pro· '111g lh1 s,1Ct·l-. and 1off1tdl') of nc•w drugo., tu 1b,· --..1 .... 1;;c·t11m or tht· Futid and l>r ug Ad111m1 ... i1 .1t1<m. lht• 1.ffet·t1vc-lif<' of rlH 11 p;ilt·nt!. 1s" rnt·1c.• H :l yPar-. Gov i·r 1111H·n1 n ·d 1.1p1" has l'Ul the· patent pr11tt ~ 111111 m h.1 If t ht·y dJ1m I l11w1·vt·1. J>r Arthur H ull llayt's. FIJA t <11t11nl'>,111m 1 has d1.,putc•d this · Tlw qu.1111'.\ 11( th1· .ipplt<.<1t1on <,ubm1t \1 d 111 tht Fl>J\ rl'm.ims th<· single most 1111poruint fa1 trn influt·nc.:m~ tht• ~pl-ed of 11 'll" .pd •'JlproV<1l of the· drug." ht· ..... 1d In u'tht:r word .... tht· drug c·ompanit'::> h,1\ 1 1mh th1•1n.'>t•lv1.., b 1 hlitmt' 1f thl·11 Jf1plllJlt1.n 1.ak1·o; H .1 V<·a r ... to win ap· p11ival 111 FDA·!. Vlt'W EvPn ti th1· fJitlt'nl t•x tt>ns1cm son1c•hov. t.11 I.., rn ( 't1ngn "'-"· thc indw.tr) mL1 y gc t "'h.11 11 ",1nL,., (mm th1• FDA n--gulatorv I 1 t 1 An Hiil rn.1 l r DA ffi('mo ~>t·n bv m v ·'"'"''" 1.it1 Juhn Dillon ~t:tll's th.it w mt l ult· c·h.ing1·-. that h.:1vt• bt•tm propoSt·d • ,,, , ··m11·ndt"<I l•1 pt·rnut tht· p1om't'r dru~ pr•idut·t Lo hJVt· clpprox1matl'ly 17 yc·ar. uf m 1l rk«t1ng bef111t• 11 1:. subJ<.•c·t t11 lom1)(-l1tr11n ' 111 c•llhPr caw of l't>Urst". the end result will 1.x· l11gh p1 Ill~ (111 Am<.•rtt·an.1, who m c'lJ d partr<.ular mt'llil'lnt' 111 l un.• tlw u illn1·,,., 111 rvl11•v1• 1h1·11 p.iin White House backs .. youthful decency Mr Reagan feels stro ngly that young people under 18 s hould seek their· parl.'nts' perm1s'>1on before obtaanang free birth control devices And 1·m confident he's absolutely r\ght. F'ar be it from me to question Mr Reagan's Judgment on ramaly matters Gosh all he mlock. my little family has sure chanked for lhe better with Nancy and him in the White House to set an example for us all TAK E T H E OTHER evening. I was s ittan g watching "t..itlle House on the Prame .. with m y wire. Glynda. who recently quit h e r Job as c hief neuros urgeon <1l the university to devote more timt• to our two children, Mordred und Mulphasaa lh ualb , they !.pend their evenings with us now popping com. readtng aloud from The t111Le Lome Pnnce or JUSl holding family s mgalongs a round the piano l "God Bless America" is Glynda's favorite .) But Mordred was out soliciting casseroles for our church's Pot Luck Supp<.•r & Square 1>1tnce for Hu ngry Negro People Artd Malphasla had a date with Birr Goodley, our high school's handsome fO"• ball captain, to see .. Gidget Goos to /ashingt.on" for the twelfth time Oh. how pretty she looked when she went out the door in h e r new pleate d s kirt. c a$hmere sweater a nd saddle shoes. Anyway. lhe phone rang and It was Malphasia. "Hi. Daddy kins:· she said. Ustn~ hC'r pet term Of endearment, Tm c all1nli( from a pay booth down by Moonlil{ht J.akl' Birr thinks we should become· 1.1•xuall) aclt\t: · ·c;t'C'. hnnl'~, · I -.aid, frown1 n~. ··"hat did \OU -.a} .... · Well, naturally. Uartdykms. I told --i ART HOPPE ~. him I'd hJn• to call \ou first and ask your permls!.IOll · .. Naturally Any decent girl would do lhl' ,.,<1mt: "Of MUl'St' they would. Daddy Rut whttl do \nu lhink? · · I don t know. dear You already h ave so many ex t raccurricular acliv1t1es what with being president of t he Debby Hoone Fan Cl ub and organwn~ your No.Host Bosco & Oreos Benefit for llomelcss Puppies Do you think you could s till maintain your struiJ(hl·A average?" "Thal was the firs t thing I asked Hart . Daddykms. and he said 1t wouldn't take up too much of my lime." "That's probably true,"' I c'Onceded. "Everybody s;iys it's loads of fun and a chall~nge , too. And Riff sa ys it would be a worthy cause as 1 would be aiding a de prived youlh.." "Don 't tell m e who ," 1 said . "Speaking of worthy causes. though, "ould ~"" and H1ff l'ons1der recycling aluminum t':tni. for the defense effort'> l n~tc·ad • Just .1 m1nutto . L>addykms. 1 II as k h11n lh: !-,;I\.., that., a great idea and ht• "1-.ht·,., ht• rt thought of it Earher When tht· n •t 'chni: plants were open Hut no" Oka), <kar hold on while I check with )OUI Mumm) .. B1ff say~ l'Ould you please hurry, Dadd\k111~ • lie ha., to phone his folk:. for thl'1r J><.'rm1-.s1on, loo · I F.XPl.A I N t:o lhe ~1tuat1on to <:I} nda and sh~· gav<.• the matter her fu ll ullcntHHI "WC'll . she finally said thoughlfull). I sup1>0se 1f Mr Reagan hacln 't "unlt.'d our children to bC'come <,("rnally active. he wouldn't have them a~k for )our upprovul Thul ccrtutnh made sense So I told M alpha~1a 1t would be quite a ll right as long as s he wa~ home by 10 30 and ,. dadn 't t•a t the potato chips an the bread box "hl<'h Mummy was saving for Tuna Surprise· An) questions'' · Yes. Dadd)kins," said Malphasaa 'Whal·-. sex''" So I wa:. able lo advise Ma lphasaa on what prC'caullon:-. s hould bC' taken And 1( that doesn't 1>rovc Mr Reagan right, noth1n~ will ' f•'or 11 shows that c•very decent young lady hkc Mul1lhasia will as k her parents first anywa) t><'forc obta ining free birth control devices And every indecent one • wall d eserve what she gets Can y~u translate these infor.mal names? H e re is a new quiz on a t heme we' haven't tried before. The following are all Informal names of organi~llons or Institutions; you are to provide th tuU IYlllY IAllll ~ w awarc:b the '10scars"? 7. What ls \he official designation of th "Monnon" church? • 8. Wha t wo the full name of tM early nidlcal IJ'OUP known as lhe "Wobblies"? 9. What 1n th• Soviet ~t ®el the name '1Gulas" stand tort 1 O. W hat t1 th e for mat title of th .. ~(eaters" gu•tdln g th~ Towtr of London? • 11 . What does the dealgnalion "lnterpol" at.arid for! Art..s and Sciences. 7. Church of J esus Christ of Latter Dey SamlS 8. lndustnal WorKers of the World. 9. Maln Administration of Corrective Labor Camps. 10. Yeoman Extraor din ary of the I Cuard. • 11. lnternotional Criminal Police Or-I ganliatlon • . ' . .. ,_ --__ ...::._ ___ TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1982 THI am All THI caum CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 84 85 ~' ~' Striking while hot • • • 1ron1ng 1s STRJKEBOUND DEPT. -Listen, rou kids and daddies, a very dangerous precedent has JUSt been est- ablished here along this best of all possible coasts. It hap- pened when Mrs. Reva Gardner o{ Huntington Beach went out on strike. In event you missed this perilous news, Mrs. Gardner got fed up running around her house picking up every- body's dirty socks and washing all the dishes that were discarded wherever they got empty. So she got a lawn chair, a basketful of dirty clothes and a couple of "On Strike" signs and planted herself out on the front lawn of the family's home over on Stardust Drive. As of this writing, she _ ro.\ was still holding out; refu-JOM MURPHINf ~, sing to do any housework ---------""~'"""' ...... ~ without some aid from the husband and kids. THIS IS A VERY dangerous situation. Mrs. Gardner might well inspire wives and mothers from Seal Beach to San Clemente to take to the picket lines. Worse yet, this is the time of year when the slovenly excuses get weaker for the offspring. Soon the kids will bP. out of school. No longer will they be able to shout the ex- cuse, "Late to school, Mom; gotta rush; I'll pick it up when I get home!" And if mom left it there all day, it wuuld likely rot through the bathroom floor. In addition to the fact that the school excuse is down the drain, summer holds additional peril for a Mother 's Strike because of 'he beach junk that can sabotage her happy home. DID THE SON OF the house wander in after surfing and toss his trunks in the dryer without looking inside? Did "Okay, Emma, okay. l 'U plcJc up my aock.s ii you'U come back to the hou.e " that cause mom to pull on her pantyhose the next day and discover strings of seaweed in them? Further in the good old sunvnertime, no youngster, or few fathers, ever figure they need to leave their beach sand outdoors. After all, it'll wash off in the shower, won't it? So when the shower plugs up tighter than Dick's hatband and mother enters the bathroom in time to survey one inch of water on the new tile floor, the answer as usually something like: "Gosh, Mom , how come you haven't calle d a plumber?" IT'S BAD ENOUGH in winter for mom to face dirty dishes in the kitchen. But in summer after beach days, she's likely to look down into the sink and find two soggy swim fins reposing there. On the other side of the sink, clogging the disposal, are the remnants of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple core. If mother rushes out onto the porch too quickly without looking where she's going, the likelihood is strong she'll trip over a Boogieboard that was left where it fell. Or she'll take a slider on the beach Frisbee, still covered with sand as it dribbled from the kid's hand. FURTHER, INSTEAD of awakening to soft music from her clock radio in the morning, one of the vacationing kiddies turned it full volume to a hard-rock station. Alas, now that Mrs. Gardner has paved the way, all coastal mothers may be looking for the reasons that would be grounds for walking out on the maternal picket Line. Husbands better be watching out too. This ls no time to turn on the Dodger garpe and then announce, "Honey, can you run the vacuum cleaner a bit more quietly?" Lagunan . jailed in death By J ERRY HERTENSTEIN Of IM ~1 Piiot ll•H Michael Christopher Zent of Laguna Beach has been given five years probation with one year in Orange County Jai_I on no-cont.est plea st.emmmg from a May, 1981, accident that caused the death of a Laguna woman. Zent, 24 , heard the sentence from Superior Court Judge Wil- ham Thomson after two hours of tt'sllmony Friday . Zent had pleaded no contest March 17 lO driving while mt.ox1cated and t.o a hit-and-run charge aflt'r the mishap tha t killed Maurine Koo ls The Sl'n tenn• includes a sus- pende d prison te rm. meaning that 1f Zent violates terms of probation he could face up lo thrt'<.' yl•ars and t.•1ght months m stalt' prison A st.ate prison term had been rccommcndt'd by the Orange County Probation Department and Distra<:l Attorney's Office. •·He (Zl•nt) h ad been given c:o ns1dt:rablt.• probauo n terms twt(·e before a nd failed," Andy &>rgh, deputy district atlOrnl·y. said today Ht· t:alll'd tht· c<tsc borderline Zent had been <trrc•s ted for reckless driving in 1977 a nd again 1n 19 78 with the added charge of causing bodily injury. &•rgh said. Eacht1me he repor- l<.'<ily v1ola t<'CI terms of probatiqn. "The probation report in tne Kools' ("ase stated Zent didn't have tht.• prior track remrd to bt> given probation again," Bergh said. Miss Kools had gone to the aid of "'10 people mvolvt.'CI an l:I non· mJury at:1:1d<·nt at Pat·1fic Coast Highway and Diamond Street an Laguna Beach at 1 :30 a.m May 16 She left her name with lhe two motor\sts us a w1lness Youth killed, two injured in HB crashes One man was kJlled and two otheri. were injured in twa un· related wee kend auto accidents near Bolsa Chica State Bca<'h m lluntmgt.on Bcac:h. C HP office r Howard Whit· mort• said Robert C. Lopez, 19. of Alhambra, was fatally mJured wht!n the car m which.. he was riding struck a light pole along Pacific: Coas t Highway ne ar Warner Avenue al 5 a.m. Satur· day. The driver of the auto. Thomas Paul Ne>ill , 20, of San Gabriel. was reported m fair cond1uon today a t Fountain Valley Com- munity Hospital. ·In the second ac:c1de nt, Brian Charles Berry, 17, of 15532 Ald- en Circle. Huntington Beach, suCfered m assive head injuries when he was struc k by a car whale walking along the Bolsa Chica State Beach frontage road early S unday. / H'? was reported in critical condition today at Fountain Val· ley Community The driver of the auto that struck Kim was Identified as Mi- chelle R. Wild , 16, of Long Beach. Both mis haps are under in - vestigation by the CHP. .. American itinerary misses the real sight. See Erma Bombeck, 82. 0 o.' HAPPY 90TH -Five generations gathered for the 90th birthday party Saturday of Elea- nor Hutchinson of Costa Mesa. including (left to right) son George Parker, great-great- o.i11 Piiot Photo br ChMlft St•rr granddaughter Angelia Parker, g randson George Robert Parker, great-grandson Robert Parker and great-great-granddaughter Kyle Parker. Many sign anti-oil • • .Accomplice draws 4 years jail time pet1t1ons By STEVE MITCHELL Of .... 09141 ""°' 81•" Laguna Beach officials are terming a weekend oil protest write-in campaign a sUl"C't'SS, with more than 230 bcal·h v1s1tors pe nning qukk letters to Presi- dent Reagan opposing ml leases off Laguna's shoreline . "We received a very positive response from everyone," said Laguna Mayor Sally Be lll'rUt'. who, along with fellow c:ouncal members Bobbie Minkin and Bob Gentry, manned a table at Mam Beach Park Saturday and Sun· day. Abo ut a doze n volunteers handed out pencils, paper and envelopes to passer sby, who scribbled out quick notes to the president opposing oil and natll· ral gas lease sales scheduled for this summer off Laguna · The city has gone on record opposing the lease sale. l'1llng the potenttal damage t.o the environ- ment in the event of a spill, and the adverse 1mpa«l on the· t·ity's t.ounst industry The mayor said city off1C'1als will be stamping the envelopes to day, and s hip t+.e m o ff to Washington-prior to a mid-May decision on eight tracts off La- guna. "I think 1t wiU make an impact (on Reagan)," Mrs. Belle rue said She said some local homeow- nC'r assoc1at1ons havt' written letters to the president, and commitments from the Chamber of Commerce and other organi- zations have been made to write t.o Reagan. Local congressmen have been approached to oppose the lease, and the mayor saJd she will be mee ting with Sen S I Haya- kawa in early May to seek his support. "( think the letters might im- press Reagan to seek deletion of the tracts, despite (Interior Se- cretary James) Watt's support of the oil lease," she said. 13,000 go buggy over VW collection · For love of car, more than 13,- 000 people swarmed o n the Orange County International Raceway in East Irvine Sunday to praise, swap parta, race and drool over the claasic lines of vintage Volkswagens. Touted u lhe world's laraest ueemblaae of the West Oenna.n motor vehicles, the eeml-aMual Bug-In was started ln 1968 with 200 car ownen. Some of the machines on di•· ·play cranked u.e enou1h stereo power to fill • aood·tlaed am- pbttheatet. Ott.en deYoted their rt11toraUon elfona to tnterior and n\erior trim, auch u Col\a Me- aan Larry Shaw'a 1962 black Bue wttb ~of doUan ln bfNI fbctultl and ~ pu1L Shaw'• Piemlnc vehkS. took • bmt-of-thow • .w. The lut Bu1·ln wa1 head In ~Md at.._.. man lhM\ By DAVID KUTZMANN or, ... o.ur P11o1 s1an James Marshall Dunagan, the pr()S(.'Cution's ke_y witness against convicted murderer Willie Ray Wisely, was sentenced to four years in state prison Monday for his accomplice role in Huntington Beach truck driver Robert Bray's death one year ago. Dunagan could become eligible for parole consideration an about a year. The stocky, 26-year-old defen- dant was given the prison tenn after pleading guilty earlier this year to charges of voluntary manslaughter and conspiracy to commit second-degree murder. The manslaughter count car· nes the four-year term while the conspiracy charge is worth 15 years t.o Life in state pnson. lmpos1tion of the longer pnson te rm, how ever. was suspended by Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae . pending successful romplelJon of the four-year sentence. With 457 days credit for time already served, Dunagan could be eligible for parole consideration in about a year's time. Originally, the curly-haired e x-convict was charged with first-d egrt'l' murder m Bray's death However, the charge was reduced an return for hls testi- mony against Wl8ely, the truck driver's st.epsdn Bray, 61 , s uffocated beneath the> one-ton, ult-away cab of his 1975 ln ~ern auonal Harvester tractor tralll'r rig in March of 1981 A JUr y ruled last month that W1st'ly, 211, was responsible for causing the 2,000-pound cab to fall on his stepfather. The same panel which convic- ted Wisely of first-degree mur· der also ra'Ommended he die in California's gas chamber at San Quentin Formal sentencing for W!St'ly IS May 14. W1 sely's conv1ct1on came lar- gely on the basts of Dunagan's eyew1tn<!SS testimony Dunagan test1fwd that he ac- ted as lookout for Wtsely while· the former student leader at Golden West College sneaked up on his stepfather's rag and caused the cab to fall as Bray w orked beneath at Sevl•ral motives were s ug- gt'Stl>d for tht• bizarre k1lhng. m- dudmg on<' that Bray planned to tell polln• that Wisely was alle· gedly involved in the armed robbery of a Tt'mple City antique jewelry st.ore a month earlie.r. llililll"'4111a. •-~~__,.;i.,oee •fk .. iud• of cylliilit NH Oilt Wir. .,.. P9d duriftl World W11 D. .... ... .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Tueectay, Aprll 11, 1NI •ANN LANO!AS •ERMA BOMBECK •HORO$COPE EqDal split of mom's expenses reasoiiable DEAR A~: Where is it written that the children must abare the expenaes of an aged parent? ·My husband's mother has six living children. She ta 80 and in a nurBl"fl home. She has f unda to l?ay tor her keep. H e r Social Security ch~ goes for Incidentals. My husband's oldest sister bought her mother a new set of dentures. Last week he received a letter from her assessing him $75 -one-sixth the cost .oC the teeth, This sister took it upon herself to ge t them without consulting anyone. I say iC she couldn't af- ford t.o pay for the teeth herself, she should have ~ked first if anyone would help. (The w oman is a college ptof essor .and wears a full-length mink coat .) My husband is 60 and trying t.o save a little so we won't be de pe ndent upon our children. If we could pay all his mother'• expenses, we would gladly do it. As it is. we just make ends meet. Both his sisters are well-heeled. It hurts me the way they treat my husband by discussing in his presen~ all they do for their mother. I thought caring for someone was an act of love. I would be SUPPLIES FOR POLAND -Some of the 46.000 pounds of re lief supplies ranging from food tc-clothing, are being prepared for ship- POT SHOTS. BY ASHLEIGH BRILLI ANT TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY - &l.rr I MOf>£ lT'S NOT ANOTMER DAV LIKE THlS O N E, Pf ISOllAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER Shelley won't play herself • • Interested lo how your readers feel about th ls. Also, the teeth cost $460. 1 think his slater could have found IOtne for lesa mon y. -FAITHFUL READER IN MEMPHIS DEAR F AITHFUL: Tbese dan nobody kDow1 lllew 0 well-lllttlecl" aaybody 11 .. Slace I bave not 1een tile flaaaclal 1tatement• of tbe members of your buab1nd11 family, I am not quallfled to 1ay wbo 1bould do wbat. I don't a1ree tbat tbe 1l1ter wbo cob· tracted for Ule dentures wltbout coa11ltlng tbe olliera 11iou1ct ri•rm t1rem bn•elf. Denture• a re not a unry and <tbe P.rlce l.1 not exorbitant according to today 1 stan- dards. It 1eem1 f alr that the bill be 1pllt 1l.1 ways. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I.,.ast night a t the supper table we had a big row. I'd like you to tell me who was right. Whe n I s e rve d the d essert (ri ce pudding), our 6-year-old Jill said, "I don 't have a spoon, Mommy." I t.old her t.o go get on e . He r fa the r piped up. ''No ... le t ,,..,..,.,.... ment t.o Poland a t a Chicago warehouse. The s hipment was collected from the West Coast and Midwest ~y Mormon missionaries. Mommy get it. She d idn't set t he tabl<> r ight." I thought he was out of lint• und told him so. He responded with a cr udt• come - back. Jail. m an effort t.o "help," said. "I don't need a spoon . . . look." and she began to cat the pudding with her Jtands. Her fath~r shouted. ''Your manners arc terrible. Leave the table ." This made me mad . We argued for 30 minutes and he e nded u p th rowing it in my fac:e that m y brother still owes, him $300. How a bout it, Ann? Comment NCYr SO PEACEFUL IN NIAGARA FALLS DEAR NIAGARA: Your 6-year-old sounds more mature tban your husband. Too bad be doesn't know that parents should never crlticlze one another in the presence of thelr cbll8ren. It undermines the united front that is essential to establish them as authority figures. The dlvlde-and-conquer technique la one that children learn early in life -and it can be very effective. q Al#I 'LANDflS I CONFIDENTIAL to Eve rything Was Beautiful But the Results.: It sounds as ·tr the operation was a success but the paUe•t dled. Why don't you clean ~p your act awl see what happens when you play it perfectly straight? Is alcoho/Jsm rwning your /Jf('·/ KndW the• dang£•r s1grwls and what tv do. R<.•ad the• booklet. "A/coho/1sm I /opt.• and H dp. 'Jy A n n Landt•rs Endo.-.c· 50 <'<·nts with v r n'</UC'St and a long sLamJX'<I. sl'/f-addr~'(/ envC'loµ<• W Ann L:md<·~. P.O &x J J 9~.5 Chicago. Ill 6061 I · Touring the sights T he tourists are coming! The tourists arc coming! . This ~car. for the first time, the number of foreign visit.ors to the United St.ates ex- ceeds the numbl'r of Americans traveling abroad . . , For those o f you who hare traveled ' extensively. I beg you to have com passion fo r these pilgri ms who climb off the plant! having consumed 18 hard rolls and a plastic chicken . ThOS<.' brave adventurers who balance a 35-pound camera around thC1r n<'<'k and a tote bag failed with j«:.•lly beans whaeh their travel agl'nt told them tht• natives would accept in exchangt• for thl' privilege of ta· king their picture. THOSE GYPSY NOMADS who crangt• every t1m<• they hav(• to flash their passport. (If they look lake their picture, thl'y're too sick t.o travel ) Those truth seekers who have studied the h istory. economu.:s. politics. and power structure of America through satellite tele- vision a nd know two words: Matt Dill on. Already. I could cry for them. Some bus tour will tell them the No. 1 not -to-be-missed historic sate 1s an Whit\· Sands. N M .. w here the space shuttle. Col- umbia. recently landed. It has a few rattlt•· s nakes, land mines end por ta-pou acs, but you'll never forgave yourself 1f you go home without seeing it. Another tour guide will cha rgt• t hem $40 a head t.o nde a mechan ical bull in Texas . - EIMA IOMIEC •. AT WIT'S END fol <.ind f'XJJC'rU'n<.'f.• ;i "typical Amc•ncan t•vern , out " Tht·y wall bt· M.•rved b<trl:x"<.'ued nbs a .ti long labh· by a w:.t1 lt•r who s pt•aks o n " Spanish ~" THE ITINERARY WILL undoubtecU" andude ci tour of ci plastat fct<.·t.orY. where ,, showroom will have a prominent sign . "W~. SHIP ANYWHERE." a trap through a bu wt·ry when..• lht'y can st.>t' an American der elact, and a v1 s1t to t ht-<.-cw c whl·rt· Jesse· Jam('!; and hts gang were• n•port<.'<.l to hav1 hidden out (Please use flash and M:t your came1dS at 160th of a second .) They will load up on "Amern:an" food t.at-os. pizza, egg rolls a nd Polish sausage·. and buy a cowboy hat they don't have th<• nt•rv1· t.o wear home. The )1 1g h point will be D1sn t•yla n d , where they will pay $8 for a 52-year-old mouse on a T-shirt and m<'t.'t othC'r toun~L-. an hnl' wartang for rides . They wi ll ($0 homt• convaneed they havt• "!><.'<'n Amt•r1<:a. · What u s ham<.• All you tounsts. and you all know who you arc·. rnn take my picture · by five genuine Amt•n c:an garbag<' cans fur ;1 bag of jell y bean.-; How about at'? <;em~ni: New start profitable Wednesday, April 28 ARIES (March 2 1-April 19): Focus on basic costs, commodities, taxes. interest rates and property values. You 'll have more res- ponsibility. great~r ch a nce for re w a rd. Supe rior ma kes r oom for you , gives you chance t.o prove pet theories. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Message received which changes plans. could lead t.o short journey. Re lative confides problem , wants you t.o share responsibility -or guilt. Lunar cycle favorable, you'll resolve dile m- ma with display of versatility and humor. GEMINI (May 2 1-June 20): New start proves profit.able. Highlight Independence, originality and a n unde rstanding of invest- ment procedures. You get proverbial second chance. Income potential is enhanced. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Intuitive Intellect is honed t.o razor sharpness. Judg- me nt is on targe t, timing Is fine-tuned . You'll be at right place lb make important contacts. Favor is re turned, friendship is renewed and romance is sparked. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What had been aource of fear, apprehension could actually provide reason for celebration. You gain backstage view. you're provided with inside information and you receive me.age from one you hold in high regard. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): F.rnphasia on fulfillment, inner 1trength, dedlcatlon and the winnlna of new alUeia. Element of luck rldee with you -you could win a oontett. Some reatrlctioru, delay1 actually work In your favor. ~w it, proceed accordlnaly. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Communiaa· lion received from profeulonal 1uperior. Chat:'81 of 1tyle or pomdon indicated. Mem- ber of oppoalte aex ca .... , provee ll and ~ morale eoan u re.ult. Gemini, Vlr10. Sa-llttatlw pel IOIW fllwe prcminently. waiting game. Perceive more stable moments of time. Define terms. see people an rcahstal· light. You'll be asked to t'O-sign or t.o put up collateral. Exercise caution! Pisces, Can(.'('r. Virgo natives figure an unusual SC('nano. HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J a n. 19): What appeared t.o be a defeat will rebou nd an your favor. Public relations improve. legal fac- t.ors weigh in manner that leads to profit Older individual outlines program which could greatly bene fit you if followed Get nd of superfluous mall•nal. Ant--s, Labr~ natavc-s play key roles. . AQUARIUS (J a n . 20-Feb. 18). Finish rather than initiate project. Perceive pot.c'n- tia l, took beyond the immediate. At"Cent on basic issues. employment, dependents and pets. Ma ke effort to streamline techniqul>S PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You bt ' w mt' targN for Cupid. Emphasis on affaarJ; of heart. sp<.'Cu lata on. significant changes an~ mtc•ns1f1ed relations hip. You make new start in new direction, you'll be more independertt and free. Leo. Aq uarius persons play ker rolt-s. .. GOif ii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. WHl dealt. "' t. Chemla aed r tW.hed H~od lo Loa Arelenos Billy EIHnberr and Eddie Kanlar. NORTH •O 1;1 &J IOIU O llQU •• WEST · EAST •JUI ·•V.W Qf Q A Q T OIHU OtfU •tttU •&Q J UI IOVTB •A&CUHU otu Q A •A4 Th blclcUa,l ... ~ ......... ,_ 10 •• orr ........ ,. ,_,_DMD f NT ... .... .... ... ....... °'"'81 .... T• fl •. \\ Thi• hand WU hlghl1 ~ ' amutlnr. allhourh I didn't think IO lNI lime. Paul and J had a elauqdenlandlnt In the auettn. Hit pan of live elube wM auppoted to show one ac.. When Eaal doubled Mvtn tfldes. J P"•umed that ht lrao~ a htarl lead Mcal&M 1lte wu v°'d In the eull. 8o I eorNded to •ven DO lruMp. Af\er a dub .. ad. lM'-did 00C.-prGYt to be a ftHelco.1 eo«1lnet. A• a mal· wr of ltd, I t~ up down ... IKI Mdtf K.aat.at pl &.o &M ........ OOllLrM' ef lb •r.llllH. WHl 19' ~11 • .......... ~ U4 &la• ......... &eek ,.. ""' , ... "'°'· Tllel ......... l•W11ttie1' fllr ',tf P.O ....... IM 1...-t111,,li& .... w1 and was doubled. What seem· ed li~e an excellent result In alore for them became a tragedy when Weit led the ten of clubs. Declarer won the ace. euhed the ace or apades to reveal the break, ca1hed the ace or dlamooda and 'then crotMd to the iabi. . with a club rutt. On dumm1'• thrH hl11t cua .. ac11 a.. pitched hla U1r.. heart IOMra. ao the ct.fUden made ont1 tltctlr' lru•p \rick. At you can '"' tkn wu I wide tatlp or--.. J wenl mln1&.1 llOO Oft jM board. r.. weal pt111 IMO. Alt weU, &MM tla)'W ...,..., r''· I ~ ............. _ U.J ............ --•.-•~·~:-:-~liiiillinmi.a~iif1lilii:=~~ ~ ................ ," ................. t 'SO THERE' -Cost.a Mesans Laura Davls and Peter Stone play a scene from "The Front • .. page," in which the're starring at the West- •Minst.er Community Theater. The snow £lays 1Fridays and Saturdays through May 22 wnh 'in.formation at 995-4113. .Star of 'Bonanza' :tells career turns " TORONTO (AP) -Actor Lorne Greene sciys the ups and downs of Qi~ career seemed as regular as the jumps on and off his horse after he found success as Pa Cartwright m the long-runmng telt:- vision series "Bonanza." Greene, a native of Canada, addressed the an- nual National Newspaper Awards Dmner Saiurday He delighted a crowd of about 300 journalists and guests with anecdotes of hungry limes a long his way to stardom as the patriarch of the Ponderosa ~~ch. , .. A>AIR FLY IRVINE ' TO LAX Via Daily Flight5 From John Wayne Airport (Orang• County) $35.00 (714) 540-6911 ..... 19531 ~port Way.South, Gtneral Aviation Ttminal r-------------, «l.,T\ \H..,\ l70 F.. 171h ..,,,,.,, • l1l5-HilJIJ Ill \Tl \(, Ill\ llF:M.H tr.o:; (.11lrl•·11 \\,., "1 • 111711;1 \11:->...,IO:\ \If.JO \111 IJ Tnwn l'la1a • 770 i1t51 !>Ai\TA \'.'<A: 122i E.i.1 17th .... , • ~17·:>1171 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. ____________ .. Home& Garden Special Supplement ~oming ! Wednesday, April 28 Timely and topical hints from getting Into herbs to getting rid of snails, plus Indoor tips on skylights and trends In furnishings. ., ...ii Orange Coast DAIL"\' PILOT/Tuudoy, Aprll 27. ,9e2 Ha Struggling actress vows she Won~t give up By JAY SHARBU'M' .. , Atta Wrtt.r NEW YORK -There are those who gy, ••u at first you don't 1uoceed, c;uit" In the oppo1Jw t'Omer. Shelley Hogens. a young act.rell who used to ph1y K'Cretary for Jane Pauley of NBC'• "Today." Mi11 Roge ra now la In o ft-Broadway's "Catho!Jc School Girls," playing both a nun and a kid named Marla Theresa Russo. She's kicked around theater here seven years, seeking the Big Break. · She estimates she's done 50 no-pay showcase productions, worked In "tiny hole-in-the-wall theaters" like La Mama and the Truck and Ware- house, and, of course, aud1t1oned and a uditioned and a udJtloned. "Often times, I'd be m places with onJy five, s(x people m the audience," she says. "I remember one tlme, Jane came to see me. She was one of six in the audience We had 10 In the cast." But she's never quit. Even though she knows the odcls. that of the 30,000 local member s of F.qu1ty. the actors' umon, 80 percent of the troops are unemployed at ~ny ~iven tune. Her biggest fear isn t lacking the wherewithal to pay the rent. It's iouccumbing to 9-to-5 life, to a c1v1lian pb that leaves li ttle or no time for rehear- sals and aud1uons. That's been a problem. she says "I always was taking part-time jobs and then I'd get involved fuU-ume. I was a temporary when I went to work Cor Jane Pauley. She asked me to stay and I wound up staying 2 h years. "But that's a problem a lot of actDrs have. They . ' NOW PLAYING BUENA PAllll 0111¥1 IN CINIODMf EDWAllOS NfW,0111 !~ .,, ,,J • ,,_,, 4(t,I U•to114 ,,)4 1••, ~wpw•brfi t t.•41 0/bU MANN BREA PlllA STADIUM Olllfl·IN UA CINlMA fir t I'-. 4 ~ .J b]tf 8 'CJ h t I ' 1f ti~ 0'>'tJ lDWAllOS SAOOUBACll fDWAllDS BlllS TOl • ' •H} '•~' '~RO f ''h· .1 '11} 14J-l '90 1'4~St ~ •CU 1'1CD f'Ofl f .. t'\lN0 4C.l MU1t You ·u be glad you camel -· ·1-~-~ Com• S.rly Al\CI &"joy WALT DISNEY'S fANTAltA IOI At 12:00 2:30 15:00 7:30 9:615. f.mn.S..l•Hr.Onlv "'0''°1oa'""°p ... aumf PIM 00 11003:101·20 7 :49 t :& In ?°"'ml Opent Wllh Bo•off1ce NCHAtllO PRY°" 10111E KIM> Of' NERO CAI 12:15 2:15 4 :115 8:16 8:15 10:115 Oteat WinMfl l fST PICTURE! OtMUOTS Of' fl"E CPOl 12.00 2:31515:10 7:'5 10:10 &et one loot in on world. one fool ln "°ther. And ~ juJt fine for tht> part the ~ure world keepe calling uvcry month wh n he aiot It, one more "tcp u p ft wu her off. the rent IS dut! You 've got to kettp pu1hlni;c aroadway d1•but. Wh~n lht• l'Omt-dy opemcd laat yuuraelf." munth, ah£' got fine revlewa, C'ven lhough the pluy A Uny, attractive woman from Ardmore, Pa . didn't, generally speaking Alas, tt clOK-d Sunday the oldcat of seven kid.I, and educated in Cathoht• And she'll be back 1n that army of struggling achools, from elementary to college, she's alao had acto,... and "&Cl.reSSt.'11, making tht> rounds But 1h<> another problem common to roolue actors won't ever quit. It's called No Agent. S he couldn't get one wht•n "No.'' said MJ.SS Rogers. & ynung un~nown JWlt she began. She'd do showcases hither and yon, but starting to get known aftt>r St•vcn years. "I think 90 no agent.a ever crune to see ht"r work perct'nt of sutx't!M Is doing what you really want to Her luck changed 18 months a.so. at the No do ,i\.nd I can't thmk of .m yth1ng els(> I'd want to Smoking Playhouse, a converted fire station hertt do " where she played the lead in a revival of ''Rtdlected --------- Glory," a drama o( 1936 vintage. 11!11~·~~~1!! She got a tiny but favorable notlc:e m the tn· Cluential New York Times. ''The next morning," she smiled, "I Xt•roxt.-d the review and went to at leBBt 50 agents' offices and maybe 30 the next day, and stuck the revlewi. under thetr doors . "Well, out of that I think maybe 10 agenti. came, and I got offers from five." She signed w1Lh two, one for theater and films, the other for soap operas. She started getting small parts on the soaps Meanwhile , she kept auditioning for plays. getung her face and name known to casting direc- tors, 1f nothing else. "I'd come close, get callf'd back four. five times, then lose out for various reasons. "But you keep trying." lromcaJly, her agent didn't get her the current role in "Catholic School Girls." A pal. Robin H1 rs(·h, knew the director and told him Miss Rogers would I *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All P•rform1nces before S:OO PM fEJupt Spteill En9191men1s 1nd Hohdlys) 11• M1ilAl•A MAll MHOOa a l l o1ec•oM LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "\llCTOfl YICTOlllA" tf'OI .,... '--...... ,,. .. .. l'Ofll( Y'S-1~1 ,,. ,. .................. .. ... , "tef\MI Of '"' ...... ''CHARIOTS OF FNIE" lf'OI ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN "If" YOU COULD SH WHAT I..,.,. .. (.-0) 1:1J, ,. .. ll::I0, 1:10, 1~ LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAllC IN an ACTOll .... ACl'lll.M "ON OOU>EN PONO" lf'OI ··---- tll<J tJNA ··SOMl KIHO Of' HERO .. 1~• '1'• , .......... . ~w YOU COULD Ill WHAT I HUR" IPGI ~ .................... ... ..OUEIT FOtl FIRE" 1•1 ......... OOt..•\ ·->• •• , ••• ,,. Joe vi~ a t COl\Ol••ooa 213/531·9!10 "'ORJlY'l .. 1•1 •>• >• 1:2l ,~ ... "CAT PfOPLI" 1•1 •tt MO. ... ·--•• Ml' "CfUIW A.NO IC~At .. CHAltlOTI Of' FN" tP"G)t,.. ......... . SO . COAST WALK·IN louttl Cootf N>woy or ltooowoy 494-1514 Al\IAHl1"4 ANAHEIM ORIVf ·IN ''•••oy tt ot le mo" lt 179·91SO HIT C>tftSCTOl'I ANO SUPPOftT1NO ACTitEll :0£J'~ ... ,, _____ Ht._ •TA~;JPG) •eA TUNIAY Tttl. J4TM" (POI C•ltl I \OU~ll ------.~----- 8UllllA PAP• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN lt"'CcMn A•• We., Of •M>tt 121·.070 8Ul lllA ··~· LINCOLN DRIVf ·IN t•,.COll"I Ave *•" ot •nolf 121·4070 "'"f'J"> "a#.T\MDAY ntm MTM" (N) C>lll·" SOUtlO ... YOUCOULD .. I WttATlt9M'...., """ "THI llUDOY HOUY tTO..Y" .,., Clllf Pl IOUllD ....... ,. .. LA HABRA (IW ·~· IN ·-·-· ......... ·--17MM2 -.... ; "IOMI KIMO °' HEJIO" 1•1 "'ue •AHOY WAAHOL'I ""'*INSTllW" C•t "THI MOUCTIOM QAMI"" 1•1 '1U AM> TI4m LONI\. y W04111Nt PMT 1" .. , "9CMO<M.Qllll. HfJCHHMUW" lfll KH NTIN CW NI ftM "CffAJltOTt cw ,.." ... , -" AflTMUllt" INl Cllll fl soillfO --- OrlANGE f)IJ•\. I I ~ '•"le"'"o ,_ •lleleC-.. 111·7022 ",,,.., ..... .. ',. .... _,....."" ~. "OATW(!!) . . . - 114 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/T-.V, Aprll 27, 1982 THI:: ft\MILl' .ClaCtl "I wish you'd teve named me Al. Al Erb already con spell his name and I'll NEVER learn to spell Dolly." ll.\Rll.\Dl'kE by Brad Anderson "Marmaduke gets upset if anyone talks during a dog food commercial." ..,._, Jl'DGt: P .\RkER BIG G£0RGt: .. by Virgil Partch (VIP) " . ~' .. "Hot enough for you today?!' Hank Ketchum 'Yoo SURE LOOK ~TTY WHEN YOJf<£ eAKJN' COOKIES by Harold Le Doux ---, 01\A,, FOLKS JOIN 111€ PARn. EMPn 'OUR f'O(t\£ 1$ .\Ht'. I I FEEL PuR5E lHEH'\1E FACE C'C'WN ON HIE nooi;: f • FAINT ~ .-...._ i i I ~ ) by Jim Davis WHV. THAT'5 WHAT COMMERCIAL~ ARE Fo~ " DARN ~ l CAN NEVEF! ® 1IJ FIND MY LIPSTICK . ... P&\Nl'T8 SHOE by Charles M. Schutz SOMllOOV'S CMEATIN6! by Ernie 8ushm1ller ......,_....__ ___ ,_YO,U'RE IN IF WE HAVE ANY ROOM LEFT DES5ERT2 AFTE~ THAT, WE'LL EAT Tl-4E ' GORDO ~..ic'1KER. AC'\'Al..IT~~ .)f.- n-4E IXEDIT .:AR.£'·· rr~ A ~'f ~l<1'0llJAL.. Art;'/ 4-;.7 OR.SMOCK SAY. ·n·H:~ KIP ARRIVf;P MOCH SOONl!!!!R 1"HAN j; 1"HOUGH1" HES WOOL.P/ TIME FOR DESSERT l >.\CAN l'JO 1.-U\\PY ~~L ~ f\)LJ2,1N~ V..A1.l£T I..:' T<:l)li.J "THE L.11>.JE:-b/ 1 5T1Ll. ~rf UNDf:R- 5iANO HOW fHl5 cou.D HAF>PEN iO ME.! ~ ... HASH OM~ ~~St~ \'M SO'.N~ I J\)ST lllA'SH"f f~11tK11{C, I by Gus Arriola by Kevin Fagan OtC~-4. mv c:OM1~& rOft\».«O 'fOlJ0RE <:\.A~R ! by George Lemont DELIVERY ROOM DELIVERY ROOM SINCe 'f'HE: S1"0RKS RAtSeP 1"Hf:I R FARE:S, we use ONES OF IHOSe oveRNIGH1"' AIR exPR6SS ou-rFrrs .' by Lynn ~ohnston -WHATHA~e. 'fn-' ~EF~\ U? ~ l.R'll:LY, SlS ? I : . • I OrMQe Coat DAILY PILOTIT~•Y· Aprll 21. 1t1a .............. ~~~=:. TUBE TOPPERS ....... ....,,..,. .... .. I I I "11 \ ' -EVBM'-...., ........ CtWIUr9 NtGIU • WHfTI ltWM>W e n...,,IMONI I HAWAII l'tW..o ---~ UNOIMTAHOING HUMAH m4AWM l·~lye..=:'°~'" NliCNlW9 NecNIWS ~ * • ··x..nlldu" I 1NO) ~ via Newton.John. 0- K.-y-A young llftllt. a Mpwnly-and ..... , .. menial mttllonalr• loin liOrCM lo op9I\ up a ho;oe rollilt-<hoo pal-'PO' .MOVIE • * ~ ··W11o41y MoMll" ( 1tl0) Oudtey Moore, Ler .in. NewfNn. In blblt- cal Egypt a f .... proC>t* named Herac:hel .. -drOC>A on • divine COtlver- Nlion with M09M and ~ .. he muat be lhe one to i.ad hi• people ool of atave<y 'PG' 8:30 m ALL IH THE FA.MIL V • H£W88U.TW1TH CLETE A09£ATS ., BU8INE88 ~ (J)QINEWS (JI 8ANEYMI~ Luger tutten • poeeibta htlar1 atteck wNle ergulno *''" • tongume lugjtlve redlCIJ (C)MOVIE • • • Bells Are Ringing" I t9601 JulJy Hoilldlly, Oewl Mart In A lt"f end lfnl)f _. MC>nable young -Ing NtVICe operator ~ Infatuated Wllh a charming ec:rlptwrll• 1:00 I C88 HEWS N8CHEWS D HAPPY DAYS ~ G MtCNEWS G KOJAK m M'A'8'H A lecture, • Shlrl-v T ample movie and • ptcnlcl •r• among the acllvltla1 ldleduled tor the 4077th ., JOKEA'8 Wll..D 9 OV£REA8Y Gu.t produc41f Stanley Kr-(RIO D MAOeC Of' oo. PAJNTINO ()) P.M. MAOAZIHE How a cntlcf'I hyp«actMty c;.,, tie linked lo tood ...,. glea. two men wtio buld and rent rotlOU tor ..... Pf-l•lione OENTEAT~ TONIGHT An lnl.,...... .tlll Rti. Mor-a THE MUPt'ETI au.t ~Pier<• ~ pal • CID 8TMONO ROOM ON\.Y ''R.O Sllellon'• Funny F-·· Slttekla and YwMI and V KOY Noy join the master eom.oian In • PfO- gram faaturlng auch tamout Sk .. tOtl dle<ICl.,. u F reeldie the Fr.-o.ds and Clem K*'~ (Q)MOVIE ••'It · The Shining" 119801 Jack Nlchoh1on. Shelley Duvall Dtrec:led Dy Sl1n19Y Kubrick. A former achoollNCllef nlted "'-,I winter eare1111et lor a remota, and ~enlly h-1led, Colorado hol ... la ll10Wt>ound th«• with hie wile and clalrvoyenl young Ion 'R' (Z) PHANTOM !NOA "A Looi! Al TM Cast•" The aneoent, rigid lndler> cul• ayatern 1a elCl)lored In ClePlh 1:30 8 2 ON THE TOW!f F ... ured 'tllll Oranoe County tor a lootc at Magic laland. a -memOera-~ mag" club. eumlne a TRANSFOR MATION -Loni Anderson stars as the determined Texan who transformed hftself into ~sex symbol o.~ the '50s in "The Jayn~ Mansfield Story, to air at 9 tonight on KNXT (2). c:onlroYlfeill religious CUit north °' SNt\le. G CllF~YFBJO • LAVEMI & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Slllrl-v leechft L-ne lo drive 8 EYE~LA. Featured: paychologlata who apeci..ize In pf\Oblat tow11d1 ltylng; California'• t>Oornlng ~ty pegNnl lnduatry, a took II Iha r..._ 11onahlp between Lo• Angelenos an4 San Fran· CllCll\I G» M'A'S'H Chartaa Wlncheater recor4S • letter to his WNlthy 111'-beOQing him to uM h<s lnlluenee 10 Qe1 him out of ll'le unit ., (I) TIC TAC DOUGH • W.CNEJL I ~ REPORT '1!) HEWS QI YOU ASKED FOA IT Featured Sc>a1n'1 MechO Otytnpica' ancS "Yugosla- vrrt Killer Whole Raptd• .. 1:.00 II O.E.O ProfeasO< Oever1n, Chat11e. Pt11pps ancl Jenny beCOm1 lnvOIYed In e~ • 4ange<oua intern•tlonaJ drug ring D Qt 8RET MAveNCK Maverlcll lln4 Guthrie er• ualgned 10 guar4 the s-1w•t• bank wtw1r1 a 1or1une tn gold from the Untied Slates Mini It 11ored 1'-• • MOV£ * *'" "M._,e Al Fort Holman" ( 19741 Telly Savalat. J-CoOurn During Iha CMI Wat. a C060r>el ~ • oeac>«- ... plan to rec:aptUt• • eon....m1ot1. • 111 HAW'f DAY9 ..._.. anct am:H 1ry to 08' the 9Wll-d fuOar'9 8eMn '° .. ...,,.,., Plceo-IO°"' one date. (R) 0 -~ONTftE ..... Jollrtwrr ........ llOata a doe> urnanWy abOu1 the mil- Ilona of eNld retuve-In the WOf1d • p ..... MAGAZJNE HOW a child'•~ l&=TIME .,_. "Smokey Bit• The Dual" (1981) Jlmt'nY MeHI· Chol, J~ Julian A htoh achoOI delinquent gait Iha whole town on hie trlll when he makff oll with the hOmeCOmlng qUMn end hee4e ICtON Iha al1le In I -'*• ot ttolen automo- bllea 'PG' MOV1£ * • * • "G1gt " I 19681 MaurlCI CheYaJlet. Lealie Caron A 1omb0'( being groorne<I by her aunl ancl grandlTIOlher Ml• 001 Otl ,_ own 10 catch • men O MOVIE • * '> Nightwtng 119791 Nick Manc:uto David Werner The l)O()Ollllon of • SouthwHte•n d-t reg+on i. terroroied by hUn· dredS of Yatnplre bllt whtCfl invade Iha erM In rnaaa number• wt'4ln night lallt 'PG' (Z)MOVIE • • • Murmur Of TM Heetl' (1971) LH MMMl1, Benoit Ferreui. A young boy d119n<>M<I .. having a ,_11 murmur ltl aocompe- nled by hla mother Otl • 1a1a1u1 \ltllt 10 • aoa 1:30 8 9 LAVEAHI ANO 8HIRlEY Lenny •n<I Squlggy Inter- rupt Joey H .. th«lon on nallOnal teleYtalon to rMd one olthelr Kl'IP1• (R) O • AU IN THE. FAMll. V' MIU and Glor .. happily prepare tor Miii•'• ,_ )ob and their move to Callfor • 111• 9:00 8 (I) MOVIE It * '" ' TM Jayna Mana-llald Story" • ( 19801 Loni Anderaon. Al'nOld Sc:ttwer. ,enegoer The al°')' of IN ICl•-and ... aymbOI .._ Ill• and ear-encs- ed In lrlQ9dy .. df-- Uzed (R) D Cll RAM1NOO ,w:>AD Mlc:NMI Tyrone t• Con- atanoe .no het rMI Pllf· ante 1<•, promp1inQ ._ 10 confront Lut•MM 8 9 THREE'S COMPANY Jldl and J-' milltMie Terri'• co-work• for en ~ pellenl from the ~...,, ....... . 11111 e e tMAN cw.,.... ...... ll'MM!I, ~ ~. Nenoy!M- ..... Me "'-eno. Alen IC.lfll ll'O OOMe Olllon Mt• --oontemootltY IOdlll --. ••....... ~TOHN'T T-~ WOfl*I who mocle*S luf'I w11n ~ .,. lound 111111• defed.(AIQ cm ~ * • • "I.I Ctoe Aux l'ollN II" (IMO) \JOO Tognaut, M10h411 leffMlll.. A mid~ ao41d gr; couple we Iha quwry o4 I NC,_i Otpnl- llllOfl lrylng lo Qel lM mletoftlm 11181 one of IMm ewel'owed. 'R' (l)MOYW •'.t •1~" (11n) Wii- iiam lmllh. 8atbllr• Lee. u s lnlelllgenee cab In • ~ ll09f'I 10 atop IN Imminent mwGW of _, Hawaiian crime ayndl- cel•. 'R' .MOVIE **y, "UMd C.." PHO) Kurt Aueaell, Jldl Wardell\. Alt• the owntr OI a ban· kruc>f ear .nop d!M. hie emplO)W try to -up hie demlM to pr-1 h&I wMllhy cw ~ btolher lrorn lnl\4lrlllng Iha bull- ,.... 'R' (%)MOW * * "Friday TM 131h" I 1980) Belay Palmer. Adrl· anne King. The reopening ol a .-camp, cloNd 20 yeera eertter alter thrM murder•, 1tlr1Cl1 • vlndlc> tlv• killer who knlfH unauapectlng 1Mn-eget8 'R' 10'-'0 I NEW& WA TEA. MOM PAECIOU8 THAN<*. The crlllc:ll ..._ -- rounding manldncf t ..-of Ha waler euppliel ere Hplor9d • MllDflCN( PlAYHOU&E 'Private Contentment" Aeynoidl PrlOe' I otlglnel IQ'~Y 11boU1 a young sotdter'1 taat tamlly reun!On belor• be6ng .-it to llgh1 In Wot1d Ww II alatl KatMtlne Welk• and JOM MeMllftln~ 11:00888 ())9~· NEWS • 8ATIJN)AY MOKT ~I Chevy er-. G.-L Mertenne FlltlltUI. t Cl YOU A8QD FOR fT r=.atured: "()per• Singing S-" and "Wortd'a LMg- •I Fania WTIMI ... • w·A·a·H Fr l/lll ttvowl hll beck out and ~ .for • Pw1* Heart whit• Hawkeye mourns the IOM of a trlend and -.di en underage IOICli9thOme • IEHHYHIU Benny ant... the Golden Golllea Comc>etlllon tor "OollW Of The Y-" (t)MOYIE * • • "A88A. The Moo/le'' I 19711 ABBA. A ~ deec: ~.., ~ purau .. the renowned Swediatl MIC* group • they ""II 11 of "'* ... lncludtng. "Dancing Queen," "Waterloo," "S 0 S " and "F•nando," 'G' ®MOYIE * * "Audlua" I 1990) Ditti 8enedlc:t. Unda 8lllr A .,,...ahodced Vl9lnwn ""' dlllutba the ~ of • ..,, .. Al..,_ town 'PG' • Cllll\ be link.ad to food ...... glee. WW> ,..., wtlO buikl and rent robOl• tor ..,_ Pf-l•UOna ., MOVIE payc:he> ward (A) O , 8 THEY RUN Fd'R TI4EIRUVU 11:IO e NFl DRAFT 9"0W Jim Hlll, K HXT 8C)Oftl dl<eetor and report• ~ Flfeltone review the llrtt d•Y ol NFL drafl•. * * •;, "ThfM VIOient P«>- ple" (19561 Ctwtton Hea- ton, Anne fluter. Two "141"1 and a woman become lnvolYed 1n • lrlangle _.. fiQhllng 1111 unllllr ptoYl- llOnll governtMnt. • SAUDI ARABIA (Premiere) "The Kln(Jdom•• TM history of the Seuell Arabian people tt trac9d, loc:uSlng on the ~ ancS polihc:al evolutJOn of the country uncler King Fal1lal f9 MOVA "Computera, Splea Attd PrlYale u...·· The~ and potenUal hazard• btOUQlll lbotlt Dy adv- -1n eornpu1• tec'-*>QY ere tn-ttoated (R) 0 Johnny Mann nerr11• Iha plight of EthlOplan relu- ~In SomellL • MEAVGIW'FlN 0.-1· Chll ... Otodln • AMENCAN PlAYHOUIE "Prlv•t• Conl.,,l~I" Aeynold• Prloe'1 ~ Kl'wnptey abOul • young aotdl••'• IHI famlly reunlorl beCore being Mnl to flgfll In Wortd ww ll elate ~theflne Wiiker -~~Q (Pr.,.•) "The IOngdom' hlghllghtlng th• Rem• drlfl1 and Iha MllC11ona from use and UCLA. 8 QITONIOKT Ho11. Johnny C•rton. Gue111: Paul Sorvlno, ~w--. 8 0 Nl!CNEWS NQHTUNI D Ko.w< • THE ..&ffJIWJONS • SA.WOAD AHO ION I ~CAVETT T Ot'Nff'I' • Mend the NQtl eCllOOI .,.. .. .,.. •tar i.-. In loft ~h AllOe (A) 11:16 (%)MOYIE *... "Fir• a.II" ( 1977') A&el\ Atkin, Rob Allner. A Kerl' (28~ 8:00, KOCE (&0) 9:00 -''The Ktn1dom' Premiere of three-part serlet on the htatory I culture and economy of Saudi A.tabla. See ohoto1 below. Ktll'T (2) 9:00 -111fhe Jayne Mansfield SttJ)l·" Loni Anderson 1tat1 ln story aoout the actreu and eex symbol whoee life and career e nded ln tragedy. See photo left. KCET (28) 9:00, KOCE (50) 10:30 - "Private Contentment." Drama about a young soldier's last family rmnion before being sent to fight In World War 11. See story,_below. · KABC (?) lOiOO -"Hart to Hart." Two high-society women who modeled with Jennifer are found murdered. -Ml>NIGHT- 12:00 • BIT'E'" AINMEHT T()Nl(lHT An In..... .w\111 Alli Morwno. • 111 l'AKrMIV tli.AND A would·b• e11orney deNndl hll'nMlf '°"""' a mutder clW041, Ind • oon- 11nic11on WOtker romencea 1-t>Mullfulwoman (Al • MOYll ...... ''The Mdf'omec:ta Slrllln" (1171) Al1hut Hil, o.vld Wayne Tllr .. ac:Mln· llata W()(ll 10 ldenljfy • dMdly atraln of bletllrlli In time 10 MW~ lrorn ••llntllOn. • LOYl. AMERICAN 8TYli -~TWITH Cl£TE AOean'8 .MOVIE ** "T .... Lightning" (IHI) ~ Mffdlel, Miii.ir_, MeCortNc:ll. A bof• we9kend lluntlng trip with hll fethef tume lnlo an Initiation Into menhood 'R' 12:06 8 ()) WMP .. OHCINNATI JennlteJ llnally accepta • d•t• with Herb. hOPno " • will acer• him Into bedllng oown (R) 12::30 8 8 LA~ NIOHf W1TH OAYIO~ OuHI• pholographer JOMf KArlfl, comedian Rober'\ io.ln. lnMct aper1 Prat.Nor Ra"-berger • COUP\.EI D MOW * • * "TM Lael waoon" (195') Ric:llwd Wldmettl. F.ilela F11r. A condllrnued rnat'I ~ to the rMCUe of wagon tr lln IUl'Vlvor• II~ Indian attadl. FOCUI ON 90Clf1TV 12:40 CJ> MOCLOUO <') R~.A .• ~ .. (1N0) Jutltot ~. Olan Martin. A ally and ~­ llonable youtlO ~ ~ oper910t ---lntaMMd with • chermolnO ~. QI)~ •• * "Thi Laat Married eoupe In AINrica" (IMO) George Segal, Helllle Wood A ~ tlWTted ccuPI beglll 10 ~ hOw llepC>lty merrted ~ ,...., -after IMlng .. of ,...., lrtenda' "*"'11991 9fMI uc> In the dl¥oroe CCNt1 'R' 1:00• WOYlf * ·~ "Promi-, Pfomia-... I 1184) Jeyne ~ fleld, Mwte McOonlld. Two couplea ~ dle- trlUQlll wtlen one ol lhl --~~· alter lhe otMr had tried and lliled • MOVIE • * "Stanley" (19721 Alex Aocoo. Clwlll Roblnaon A ralllMnelt• beCOIMI • vi.tnwn .,...,en·• peraon- lll~ of r~ ~mllnklnd -~C>MtG LAHGUAOE 1•(%)~ * *"" "HMd Country'' (1911) J~ Vln- mnl. Kim e..inoar. A Tu- .. factory work• 1e torn ~ hit cMelr• to con- tinue In •n. "good o6d bof' ~ and hit llen- OM'I .,_~em.-. Ilona. 'PO' 1:10• MOVla * ....... AP M ' (1970) An1non'f Quinn, Ann-MW· gret. When he le made l)feeidenl of a diMldenl· tom ~ty •• aoclology l)fofeMOf ttlea 10 ~ a raooort with IN lltu. den ta. a NlW8 ':aol~ • *. * "Netwof11" ( 1118} Faye Ovnaway, Peter Find\. An aging Mle""9loll .-.man. ~ ratlnga we 1!88dlly llipplng, .. turned Into a ranllng Pfoe>Mt of .... ~ Dy 1 c:raf1y female PfoO'- mlng ...cu11¥e. 'R' • CHANNl.L ZVIO 2:21 <ID MO'M * * "Mountain Men•• (10IQ) Chetlton Heaton. Brl1n Keith. Two fur ··~ entoY ... ff-dom of the ~ In ........ ~~ Vie wo08ft••" ol c:Ml-- Ullion.. 'ft' -=-•MCMI ••• .......,..c.iw11r· ( 1t79) WlrTWI ~. Jullll Otwtllle. ,.,. a pro toc>t. .,.. ......... ~ IUrlly ..,_, by an lnepl .,..., IM men la QMrl IN bOdy of a mmonetre lnelue-- 11111111 to oomir-IMng In 'PO' ~1·NEWI ~ MOVE * * ,_. "Blood Feud" 111731 J-s1-•n. Strother Martin A am .. town hle1orlln ~ Involved In • mutdllr thll It llnlted to a cantUfY-lonQ light ~ nelghb«lng famillea. 2'.IO e MOYIE It * "Kiiier SllMk" ( 1960) Roclcty Mc;()oqll, i.-ett• Luu. A ahafll boal II lelten 001 by a young man on • YlliCltlOn. (t)MOV1E •'It "The Stud" (1978) Joan Co11iM, OIMw' Tobi- • A W9it• advancea hie car-Dy alMC>lno with hit bOM'1wtt.. 'R' (%)MOVE .... ,,~ The 13th" (IMO) a.lay Plln'*. Adn- -IOng. The rec>991llllg of • ..,,_ CMIP. d09ed 20~_....,..,... ,..,,..,.. lttt8CD a ....,... llve tllfler who knll .. ~I~ '"' lltl• MOYIE • * * '"The S1reng1 sac.-....,., Of Mr1I oe--· ( 1977) Karen Black. Geore• Hammon. A 110UMWifa•1 plf'SC>nellty greduely lltera untl IN ~ • woman '""° died ,.,,. yMr• -1ier. l:IO (I) MOYIE .,_. "S-" (1977) Wll· 118'1\ Smith. Berbwa LM. u .8 lnlelllgenOI eella In • 1Q9C1e1 egent lo 1\op the Imminent rNrglll' of -Hawall1n crime IYfldl· eat• 'R' •.ot<B>~ • * ,_. "Th• Shining" ( 1980) Jed< HlchOlaon. Shelley OuY•.A fofmer ac;N)OftMCller !Wed -a wtnt• ~ for a remote. and epperently llM#\led, Colorldo hCMI .. anowbOUnd there with .. wlieand~youllQ -'R' 4:11 •~ CHANNR LISTINGS Tht lllelory ol the Saudi At ablen people la trllCed, loeualng on the economic and pollllCal IYOIUllon of the country under King Fallll (C)UOVIE * * • "Something OI Vtl- ue" (10571 Roetc ~. Dene Wynl• The vk>Nnoe encountered Dy • ~alter 1um1 him lnlo a Meller of~ depllrt"*'I .iore -II ~ad In .. two eona. wtM> IOln lhelr lather In comp1ail lg • lwnlty bOI'. der1nQ Otl tunecy. 'PG. fJ ICNXT. IC.OSI 8 KNIK !NBC.I e KTLA (Ind.I e KABC !ABC) D KFM8 IC.BSI I) KH·J·TV (Ind I G KCST IABCI e KTTV !Ind I •e KC.OP· TV (lnel.I • KCET IPBSI • KOCE (P8SI 0 1 On TV z z.1v HI HBO C (Clll4!!T'tta I (f) !WORI NV ., NY tf7) !WTBSI 'fl IESPNI 'SI I Sl'lowt Imel • St1011tglll • (Cabtl NI W\ N1lwortll .. .ao. 9 TOO CLOCIE FOR COMfORT Jaottte oats JMIOlla wn.n the datt llM tumid down Mk• 8er• 10 • Frenc:fl ,,... t-em (Al (H) ON lOCA 110N "Don Rldl._ And Hit WIM Ouyl" Taped belo'9 a live 11i45 CD) MOYIE • • "TM Wortd OI ~ Pwhl" ())~. ** * "The LMt Merrlld CollClie In America" (IMO) George Segal, H•I .... Wood. A ~ mettled ~ beglll '° ~ hOW n.,pily ~ Ny ,..,,., .,.. after .-no II of tlleit friend•' mertteo- and up In IN ~ court. 'R' • 'Private Contentment' airs on PBS ' By PR£D ROTHENBERG II T....._ WtMf NEW YORK -What do we really know about the people ca.t 10 ut1 Can tMir ttws-ewr fulfUl the expectations we have for them? If we judge theln by our own standards. are they destined to come up anoh? • Theee are PM of the fUl'lCWnen.tal questJona of ''Priva&e Contentment,'' a melancholy_, tanaled ' nliay wrtuen by Reynol.cM Price for PBS' wMk.ly tAmencan Playhoule" eeriee. airi"IC tont.aht ., a<!" Qanne1 28 and 10:30 Oft Q\annel 50. &ometlmee mcMftl, eomethn• ovet!y melo.- iram.tle, "P riv1\e COni.nunent" eumine9 tlM ....._ of a YOUft1 man when he lMml tu. fatbtr' JIM bem Uvinl 1 _,. ..._ wtth 9"°'hef woman. The plaJ ta. bMri cleverly craf &ed with 1n Alilll...aftl pnmlM, Ma& '' II aabotaced by llOlne ~--' . ._.... lllill ,........, lDUIMcJ tllcween ..,._. ..... dMI ••••· UM WMD &hi .... "' ............. &Ml. lbe,.., ........... I 11 ... (J) ··~ ,,.._~· (1tl1) ......... ~ .-.,IUl'ft......,,AT• -~---~ ..... hit ..... COf'oo \illUe lrt .... "MOii ... llO('~--~ oea'• .,_...,.. ...o6- ltclfll ''°' 1ll00 •••• ,. .. ~ Motn- mo/ ~.. (1 ... ) Doll AINICM, ~ HY9' "' ~ltdMPIYllltlCll· ad Dy IN cNilltl of llef mo4fW -'* , .. ,... ,.,,,.,,.. ••••\t "~" ( , ... ,, !ng#ld ..,OM*'· Qregory ~. All Mll*la ' 't'latlm IOOllMd OI lfM6- le hlllPed by Uw W\)'118n ~rial wtlo IOY.-him • • y, "lttiici.d" I llG ti Alan I.Add. Mona Fr-man A group Of ,...,_ UM e Yol'"ll mil' lhey found In tM Midi IO tool ' wulthy t1nch•r Into oelllWlnO Ill .. hit long .. '°" . tl:iO Cl) •• * .... ~ ()yet'. I 1971) Butt ~. Jiii Clr;burgh AIW mOf'ltN Of TV dinner• and blind 411... • cHvore«I ~ rine wrMr think• he'• found true IOY4I wtlel\ • ~ .,.,.,. .. W.-d"fl'•dalf '• Dayf h•r Mor i'• -MORfM- 7:30 Cl> * .. * ... "Bedknobt And 8toornellc:ik•" (19711 Angela latllbuty. Devld Tomllnlon During Wortd wer 11. • no\ltc:4I __ ... and her lhrff young lrtendl .. , off lot a magic lalanCI wfler• ... lnlanel• 10 1M1n enough at>oul wttellcraf1 10 u .. ii ~ lheNllll 'G' 1:00 CC) * • "Second Wind" ( 1NO) Lll\daay Wagrw. J-Haughton A man eon.-to llien8te hll wiie and -by jogOlnO alor19 10 thlnlc •bout the ptobleml 11\11 .,.. delVoY· ~ hit rnertieoe 'PO' g * * "Huc:tllebllfry Finn" (1974) Jeff E.811 • Paul Wlnflald BMed on 1"9 atory by Mwtl Twlln A young boY and a r-11Y ..,,. beCOMe invOlved in • .., ... of edv9tltur• wt>lla l\Millg down Iha MlaliMip- pl RIY9f ()ti.,.,, (ZJ * * • A Kind Ol loY· Ing.. 11962) Alan Bltea. June Rllcflle A _.. of aecret ic>Yert' mMtlnge retultt In a aflOtgun wed· dtog and • dltmal day-by· d1y mwrled HI• tor • hep- teu coup+a 9:30 • * "Rlderl Of OMllnY" ( 10331 John Wayne, Gibby HayH A gove1nment egenl "-10 ~ • group of rll'Cher'• rlQllln their water rlgfltt {C) **'It "A Thunder Of Orum•" (1081) Richard Boone, George Hllllll1on "' M8.oned c;ac>tlin of ,,,. U S Cavalry r1dea held on •green. young 11eu1enan1 jual out of W•t Point 10:00 Cl) • * * "The Br~ l<Mamuov'' (t951) Miile Sc:hll.. Yul 8r(nrW. A man .. ~ corwlc:*I of murdering his tether (%) * * ,_. "The c.t And The Cenllll'(' I 1t1t) Honor Bladunen, ~ Gelen Helr'I battle tor • lortune at ,,,. apooky •tat• of • ~ mtllloneir• 'PO' to:ao ••• 'It ''WhOlly M_, .. ( 1910) Dudley Moor•. Lllf-Newman In blbll· cal Egypl. • I .... Pfoe>Mt Mined He<adlel .. -drape on • 4Mne eonver- 11tion with Ma.. and dec:ldea he mual be the one 10 lead hll people 001 of 11•¥etY 'PO' 11:30 ct)** "Seizure The Slo- ry 01 Kathy Morrie" LeOtl· atd Hlrnoy, Peneloe>e Mll- l0td A t>eaulllul young -.... h • Pfornialng ear-figflte for her Mte. ....... the la alruetl down Dy 1 ne1t-talll brlln tumor CID *·~"'*'*'" tt1791 Ok1I Bogarda, AndrM F«• r«>1 A Ruaeletl confection- ., IMng In o.r.nany .. lecied with tot• Nin durinO lherMOINaDlm Ill• .,.. e • • '"' "Highht4no" , 11970) Hick M1ncu10, o.M w-. The popu&I· lton of a ~n dMllr1 rfOIOn .. 19tt0t!Ud by hundredl of ,,.,,,pre Date wl\ldl lnY9de the ... 1n mua ~ "'* ~111111 ·PO' t:llO CC) ••• * "The Lai. snow· t 19111 Ar1 c.rney, Liiy Tomlin A ~ ptiYlll 9)'1 enc:ounl9'1 btackm111 and mutder wnert M cornea OUI of rellr-1 to ioe.1• • cal bek>nOlnO 10 en ottl>MS flltMle c:tlen1 00 tit ... "The Big A9d Ona" I 19801 LM Msvln. Mlltll Hernlll. A IOUOh Almy -geent leed• IOUt young,· ~r~\•lnto 1he ~flied Irey°' Wotld Ww II c:ombel. •PG• (%) * * * • A KIM OI Low- ing" ( 1182) Alen ~ June Rftdlie A --Of MCl9' tovera' tNetlnO' '-*-In • .-.gun wed- ding and • dWnll --oy- dey tnlNWd ... tot a ..,. .... ~ 2:;t0 * * * '°Wt'lt Shoo! The TueNt'?" (19IO} Bud Cort. 5.,...,.1tia E.ggar tn _..,n Cane4• ClunnO the 30a, an EHtarn-breO '-='* and • neglec:led hc>uW#lte ~ • Cloae r ... llOnlhlP out OI thelt mutual~ II * •'It ''The Gr_.. HOllZOtl" ( 19811 Jame• s1-at1. Philip Sayer /VI --ae ioolOQlll In Afri- ca llnd• • retuoe on the wtldlite Pf-of In aid-.,.,, man and hla grenct· daughter 3:.00 Cl * * "The Cockeyed Cowboys Of Cako Cour>- ty" ( 1M81 Oen 8'oc:t<er. Mdley ~ T- people trt to ,.,._ "*' iOCal blac:kamlth'• nC>-4how malk)tdef bride with • toc:al dance-1\111 gjf1 3:30 It a ~ "Herd Counlty" • jtM1) ~ Vin- cent, Kim 8lelriger A Tex- • factory worll• is torn ~ h4I dMlr• to con- ,.,_ In the "good o6d boY" ..... ~ ancS Illa llln· eee·• ef'°9 ~ erntll· non• 'PO' CZ>• ... _. "The cat ANJ The CMwy" (19781 Honor Blldlman. Mlet>MI Gallen Heir• bllllle tor 1 l0t1une 11 Iha apooky .ate ol I 4-Mct millionalr• 'PG' 4:00. *. * "The Earthling" I 1980) WMH•m Hol4en. Roy Schroder. A world Ira.,,..., tMChM a young orpnan Iha waya of M#V!Vel In the Aualrlllan wlder- naee 'PO' 1:00 CJ:)**,_. "A ThYnelef OI Orum1" (1981) Rlchll'd eoone. a.woe Hlmllton A -*' e.ptlll'I of t.M ' u S Cevllry ridea herd on a oreen. .,ounv 11eu1enan1 )U1I °"' of W•I POint 1:111 CZ>**'" "A Force Of One" (1979) eti..cll Noms. Jennifer O'Helll A n\Mler ol the mwtial WU~· on a r~t¥ated -di for Iha killeta of htS adopted ton ·PG by Armstrong & Batluk "'' • c ~ • ,. FL AM E N C-0 0 N T H E \L AWN -Flamenco gul tar play~r Tomas Wilaon perfor-tns for several dozen pic- nlckera on Laguna Beach Festival of Arts grounds prior to a performance of Ballet Fo.l1dorico Mexicapan. En- joying music, food and fresh air were Gwen Gr if fin and R. Margo Cathey. Astr9nomers schedule events Art, telescopes slated for Mesa, Fountain Valley Orange County astronomers will sponsor two events to coin- cide with the ruttional celebration of Astronomy Day next weekend. A display of telescopes, astro- nomical photographs and~ art will be shown in South t Plaza, Costa Mesa , Friday through Sunday_. It will be loca- ted in the inside entrance of the Sears store in the mall's north end. On Saturday, the Orange County Astronomers Club wlll host a public "Star Party" at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley. The party will take place in the north end of the Conner runway area in what was once the park's air field. A number of telescopes will be set up there for public viewing on the planets and the moon, starting at 7 p.m. Single-living seminar slated Orange Coast College to host guest lecture r Shirley Lampert The advantages of single living will be explored duri.nR a three- hour seminar at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa on Satur- day. "Be~ Single\ An Opportunity for Growth," will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in OCC!s Faculty House. Registration is $5. Lecturer will be Shirley R. Lampert. a psychology instructor and licensed marriage and family THE PERFECT ... .BLEND OF MUSIC 24HOURS ADAY counselor. Those planning to attend are advised to bring a brown bag lunch and wear comfortable clo- thing. For information call 556-5880. Franck Pourcel Ray Conniff Johnny Gibbs Kenny Rankin Caravel Ii Johnny Pearson Nico Gomez Anne Murray Raymond LeFevre Fleetwood Mac Clebanoff Art Garfunkel Frank Chacksfield Harald Winkler David Rose T onl T ennilte James Last Ferrante & T elcher Henry Mancini NtCty Wiiiiams Burt Bacharach Kingston Trio 8*y Vaughn Barbra Streisand Don Tweedy ..... rtndo Alme6da &u Philipa Gordon Ughtfoot Hugo Montenegro L.u1e Bower Percy F9111 OMa New1on..John ,, . 'Flotation' subject 0£ OCC talk Flotation, a tool belna uled for relaxation and lndlvldual trarut- forruatlon, la the aubject of a aemlnar•to ~~ held at Orange Coast Colleae ln Costa Meaa on Saturday. · "Flotation Transformation: Creating a New You" wlll run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ln OCC'a Fine Atta Hall 116. Admisaion la $6. Seminar lecturer Martha Mor- rison haa been conducting flota- tion research for five yean. She works for the Flotation Center in Newport Beach. For more information call 556-5880. LB visito r loses gun a nd j ewe lry A Mont.claar man, who put his automatk revolver on the beds- tand before retiring for the night at a Laguna Beach hot.cl, woke up later to find the weapon, and hlS wife's jewelry, ma~ang. ' Pohce said the vas1t.or lost the gun, along with a $2,500 watch and $450 m cash to a burglar who apparently entered the Vacation Village second-story room Sun- d ay morning through an open patio door. o.a1, Pt1o1 Pfloto 1»1 "•trtcll O'Oonn.n MOON HOPPER -Eight-year-old Jason Carbin of Fountain Valley appears heavy into concentration as he negotiates the "Moon Bounce" over the weekend at Fountain VaJley Boys Club carnival. Philosopher due for lecture series Humorist. phtlosopher and author John Robert Clarke will discuss the ''The Seven Pillars of Per- sonality" during a four-part lecture series at Orange Coast College. The series meets on successive Fridays starting Ma y 7, from 7 :30 to 9 :30 p .m ., an OCC's Science Hall. ""' Clarke, whose radio show in 1975 and 1976 was carried nationally on more than 700 radio statJons. IS the author of the best-seller "The lmportance of Being Imperfect." His opening lecture bears the same tJtle. The topic for May 14 will be "Outwitllng Hu- man Lonehness." The May 21 session will focus on communic.ation, and the finaJ lecture is titled "Your Sense of Humor May Save Your Life." Admission &S $4 per lecture or $10 for the series. Tickets will be sold at the door. · Theres only one five Crowns. :~ •"".)\....', 0/?~~~ ~ ~ 10" ~ ~I ,_, , . 't\01 I \'> T < ( 1.\<., J 111<.ll\\ \\ ~ (l)I{(),.\ Ill I \1.\~ l \ ' A cceptif!g Social Security & S .S.I. SENIOR . CITIZENS I I I Why llve alone? We are Leonard and Louisa Etvey and have resided at La Palma Royale since August 19n after selling our home in Placentia. We decided on La Palma Royale after visiting other facilities. Our room is located on the second floor and is comfortably furnished, with maid service and the meals are served in a pleasant dining room by cheerful waitresses. We have ~any activities to participate in and we have regular board meetings of which I am chairman. My wife and I have been elected "King and Queen" of La Palma Royale and will join with other 'Royalties' during the year In competition. If you are contemplating a future home away from housekeepng or are dissatisfied with your present facility, my wife and I strongly reoommend Le. Palma Royale. Active Retirement for Senior Citizens . LA PALMA ROYALE 525 WEST LA PAI.MA AVENUE ANAHEIM, CA. 92806 714 881-3242 For lnfOrmltlon CIR or Wrltl for Fr11 Brochure NAME ::I.. ________ __ ADDRESS-------------------------~~ .. ' llallyPHat Tuesday, April 27, 1982 • BUSIN ES~ , C4 .. Trojans hoppins mad o¥er NCAA san ctions, may go to court. See C2 )'~:r:ikees:· Apple pie .to apple turnover Arigels, Reggie • • • Vl Slt Steinbrenner's sagging pastry shop tonig ht \ ' SECOND TRY -Gene Mi- ch ael is the Yanks' manager again. NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Yankees \fere humrnlng a familiar tune as they prepared for the start toni~t of Manager Gene Michael's seconcf tlme around. "It wu just one of th0&e thinp," relief pitcher Rudy May said -just on e of those crazy things. "There's always been a big turnover here," May said. "We've come to expect it." Only rain threatened to delay Mi- chael's return to pinstripes as the Angela -and fonner Yankee Reggie Jackaon -invaded Yankee Stadium. A workout Monday was rained out, postponing Mi- chael's onfield debut. But after a mee- ting with his players, he addressed some o f the same questions he was asked when he first became Yankee manager on Nov. 21, 1980. Then general manager of the Yankees, Michael was introduced as Dick Howaer'a replacement at a coffee- and-crumpet-brunch thrown by owner George Steinbrenner. Less than a year later. the two would be worlds apart. ''l think it will be better this time," said Michael. who was fired on Sept. 6, 1981 after exchanging bitter words with Steinbrenner through the media. "l think I learned some thinp in the past year. "I know it will be rough working for George. I know George ii not going to be quiet," Michael said. "But I have to -.le what I can do with this club. The talent ii there, and winning will make it a lot easier." The rehiring of Michael, who haa been aervina as a Yankee scout, was announ- I know it will be rough work ing for George. I know George is n ot going lo b e quiet. -v.-.......... Gene ..... ced Sl.inday night. He replaced the fired Bob Lemon, who had replaced Michael last September. -Lemon will now take over Michael's 9COUting job. · Steinbrenner fired Lemon only 14 games Into the season and with the Yankees record at 6-8. Steinbrenner did not attend Monday's news conference and h ad not made himself available to reportef"I. In a sta- tement released Sunday, however, the Yankees owner said: "It is the players who are not producing the wins, and pe rhaps this change will g e t them going." Michael inherits a club with severe morale problems. A club that several players have characterized as chaotic. They said the problem ste mmed from numerous trades and an erratic starting lineup. "Lem tried to keep everybody happy," catcher Rick Cerone said. "It was chaotic, but we have to quit blaming others. We have to look at ourselves and say 'Hey, we're at fault.' "We played terrible m the spring, and we got off to a bad start," Cerone said. "And it always seems to come down to the manager. "The team la struggling now. 10 I guess the manage r has to go," Cerone aaid. "I think the attitude around here will be very different. It has to be, but who knows. There's been so much con- fusion around here -so many players with so much talent. and they all want to play." • Steinbrenner has traded away some of the malcontents -like parttime first baseman-designated hitter Bob Watson and reliever Ron Davis. who look his contract to arbitration. Some remain, however, and two of the most dissatis- fied Yankees have been Dave Collins and Bucky Dent. Collins. an outfielder who was supposed to get a lot of playinc time at first hue. hwi seen little action. while ~nt, an All-Star ahortatop. has become .a platoon etayer since Stein- brenner acquire d Roy Smalley from Minnesota for Davis Michael said he t'Ould offer no quick solutlon.'> to the Yankee dilemma. ''It's hard for me to come on the llCeM today and teU you wqaJ. I'll do 10 daYJ from now. It's too early for me to tell you what the problems are -if there Uf problems -so I cau 't tell you what l would do. It's too early to Jump to con'· clusions. "We'~ worked some thmg, out." Mi-- ch ael said of his r elationship w ith Steinbrenner. who has likened Mich.aet to a son. "You can term 1t an apology, 1f you want. l just didn't like to leave it the way 1t ended last vear " Michael said he had teamed ''not to get as uptight. I feel we have a better 'undcrstandinR now " Lemon appeared at the s tadium after Michael had left Monday and aa1d he was disappomted at not being allowed to finish the season. as Steinbrenner had promised last Wlnter Bert ·,Jones traded to Rams L A gives up t wo draft pick s The Rams today acquired Bal- timore Colts quarterback Bert Jones in exchange for the Ra.rm' first and second round selections in today's NFL draft. The Colts then used the Rama' first round pick to draft quarter- back Art Schlicht.er from Ohio State. The No. 1 selection in to- day's draft was defensive tackle Ken Sims from the University of Texas, picked by New England. Meanwhile. when the first day of the NFL draft had been com- pleted a year ago, the Cincinnati Bengals knew they had filled one of their most pressing needs. They'd selected a wide receiver. Only thing 1s. they filled 1t with the "wrong" one. But then, eve'n in the sophisticated, com- puterized world of pro football, nobody's perfect. The Bengals had the 10\h pick in the 1981 draft. With it they selected a highly• regarded wide receiver from Kansas -the first wide receiver taken, in fact. WITH THEIR second-round pick, 37th overall, the Bengals decided to buy a little insurance, so they went for another wide receiver, a less highly regarded player from F1orida That No. I pick, David Verser, became the Bengals' kickoff re- turner. He also caught six passes during the team's drive to the American Football Confe rence championship. That Nq. 2 pick. Cris Collins- worth, became one of the best receivers in the league, catching 61, passes for a club-record l ,o® yards, thia after just about every team in the league -including the Bengals -had lgnored him at least once. Or consider Tvrone McGri!f. IN THE SPRING of 1980, fol- lowing their fourth Super Bowl victory, the Pittaburgh Steelers had the last pick In each of the 12 rounds. With their last one they selected McGriff, a nonentity from F1orida A&M. Things didn't look very pro-miains. ao he ventured north to ply hil trade in Canada. There, too, the situation wu bleak. So he returned to the Steelen for /" another shot -and wound up starting 10 of their 16 games in 1980. Or consider safety Cliff Har- ris. Back in 1970, when the NFL draft was a 17-round affair, every team in every round igno- recl the kid from Ouachita :S.ptist in Arkadelphia, Ark. He just happened to hook on with Dallas as a free agent -and became one of the great defensive backa in the lea~. EVEN USING a No. 1 pick doesn't guarantee inst.ant success. Along w ith the "franch ise" players like Terry Bradshaw or Ed "Too Tall" Jones, the~ Is an occasional Tom Cousineau (he skipped to Canada rather than sign with Buffalo) or Te rry Baker (he starred at Oz:egon State but w as a washout as quarterback and running back with the Ra.ma ln the mid-1960a). When Gil Brandt, the master builder of the IO-called oomputert- z.ed Cowboys, waa asked why ln this era of 80phisticated scouting and precise testing the first- round player can bomb and a late-rounder can bloaaorn in the pros, he replied: "They still ha- ven't found a way to reach in and measure a guy's heart.'' IT'S REAL -This 25-pound catfish was taken by Randy Hubbard while fis~ on the north side of Fountain Vallev· OelJNIMltaft......_ Mile Square Park last-week. The fish measured 34 inches iO length and took an hour to land on 6-pound test line. .- Long season just beginning I or Lakers Sailors cry l ack of winds: . .. .. -. Well-reste d , J a bba r & Co. await invasion of Phoen ix ton ight in start o f semis By CURT SEEDEN ~--Delf .......... INGLEWOOD -If the NatibnaJ Basketball Association conference semlflnaa, finala and championahlp aeries are all stretched to thel.r lin\ita, look for ah NBA champion to be named in. early June. 1bat final game will mark the culmination of mot"e than teVen months or buketball And all of the eight surviving teama cur- rently In the midst of conference aernlflnala will be happy to still' be pounding the <.'OUrt i1 it means an NBA ctwnpionahJp ls the~ ward. That's eepeclally the cue for the Loe~ Lakera, w ho had similar \houttlta a year qo only to get a jump on the summer vacation whe n the H ou ston Rock ets stunned them in a three-game minberies. 'Things are different this yeer, of oourae. Thank.a to thel.r Pacific Divillon title, the Lak.en eecaped the dreaded ~series. For the lut nine days, they've watched other teams -teams capable of a possible NBA championship - suffer the aame demise. Example: The Houston Rock- ets were ousted in three games by Seattle -runnerup to the La.ken in the Pacific Division. The well-rested Laken becin their bes\.-of-teVen lelnifina1a 1o- ni1ht at the Forum (7:30) aplmt the Phoenix Suna, who had to get past the Denver Nugpta i.n the minilleries to earn the right to play Los Angeles. "lt'a ~ to play," says Laker Coach Pat Riley. "We've been off nine days but w e've played Phoenix aix times th.la 9eUOrl and won four." The last time the Lakera top- ped the Suns waa on the final day of the regular aeuon -a 120-115 decision at the Fonun. Riley isn't making any lineus>. chaneea golne into the series. which con tin ues Wednesday nicht. ....... and Alme Ume. He'll 1tart center' Kareem Abdul-J abber, forwards Jamaal Wllkea and K urt Rambi1 an d ...... MaCic JoMlon and Norm I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, Aprll 27. 1912 ,_ ________________________ ~ Cordero's choice: Air· Forbes Won ~ F rom AP dl1patcbes LOUISVlLLE -Angel C.Ordero ~ says that when he geta on Air Forbe8 Won, "it's like I'm sitting on his dadd ." ~Ability-wise and style-wise, they're the same," the jockey aald Monday after working Air Forbes Won seven-o'!ighths of a milt' in 1:29 2-5. "He'ls hke a s;>icturo of hia daddy." "Daddy ' was Bold Forbes, and Cordero won the Kentucky Dt:rby with him in 1976, a feat he will try to accomplish with Air Forbes Won next Saturday. • "I never doubted Bold Forbes would win," said Cordero. "I feel the same way about this horse. "Bold Forbes had only one horse to beat," said the jockey. "Air Forbes Won has three or four horses to beat and it'll be tougher." h appears that the 1 \4 -mile Derby will have 20 starters, which is the limit based on money t;arned: Quote of the day "The great piano players aren't the ones who practiced four hours a day because their mother told them to. They're the ones who practiced without anyone telltng them," says Coach Blll Fitcb of the Boston Celtics. He says the same holds true of a good shooter in basketball. "He has to have a natural 'touch' for it, but he also has to work hard to be good." Ryan finally gets ~usive first win Nolan Ryan pitched a four-hitter iii to help Houston st.op St. Louis, 6-2, in National League baseball action Mon~y. It was Ryan's first victory in five decisions and Ray Knigkt helped Ryan's cau.e with a homer, double and single with 3 RBI . . . BUI Macllock'• two-run homer in thC" eighth inning broke a 4-4 tie and capped a three-run rally that lil ted PUt.aburgh to a 6-4 victory ov~r Atlanta, exten- ding Atlanta's losing streak to four after starting with a record-setting 13 straight vic- tories . . . In the onl>: Amer- ican League action the n!d- h ot Boston Red Sox swept the Chicago White Sox with 3-2 and 5-0 wins. Cback RalDey scattered five hita and Rick ~ Miller keyed Boston with RYAN three sing!~ in the nightcap aft.er Jim Rice singled home Wade Bou• from second base with the winning run in the eighth inning of the opener. It was Boston's seventh straight victory . . . The Dodaers' Pedro Gaer- rero has been cited for battery Dy police follo.win& a oomplaint by a San Francbco fan. who charged that the ou tfielder st.ruck him with a clod of aJrt ... Yankees third bueman GraJ1 Ne1tle1 is expected to be sidelined for 4-6 weelul aa the result of a thumb injury su.Uered against Detroit Sunday. Burleson undergoes turgery Ant•l• 1hortatop. Rick Burltton ii underwent 1urgery Monday by club orthopedl1t Dr. L e wi• Yocum on Monday to repair a torn rotator cuff In hl1 right shoulder, tht team ID•• -nounoed. "The 1urgcry went well," laid Yocum. "Rick will remaJn In the hosp.Ital for three or four days a nd then 1tari an exten1lve rehabllltntlon prosram." · Yocum said the surgery at CenUncla Hos- plw In Inglewood. luted two hours. Burlet0n is P><r:iec1ed to be out for the a.ruon. · The three-year veteran of the Angela, who will be 31 years old ThUnday, had deTayed the operaUon set for Friday to _Met a second opinion. Dr. Arthur M. Pappas, the Red Sox team ph)'lician, and Dr. Robert Leach, a sporta medi- cine authority, confirmced after an examination in Boston that Bucleson would have to undergo surgery. Burleson injured the shoulder throwing in a game agah1Bt Mi.Qnesola on April 17. Baseball today On thi.a date ln baseball in 1971. Pittsburgh slugger Willie Stargell aet a major league record by belting his 11th homer in the month of April. ' ~ On this date in 1968: Baltimore pitcher Tom Phoebua no-hit the 'Boston Red Sox 6-0 for the third in a series of four no-hitters the Orioles would collect in an 11-year span. On this date in 1944: Boston Braves hurler Jim Tobin no-hit the Brookyln Dodgers 2-0 and became the first major league pitcher to hit a home run during his own no-hitter. Today's birthday: Toronto infielder Willie Upshaw is 25. Moore wins fight, escapes attack JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -Two men·attacked a van carrying World m Boxing Association junior middle-· weight champion Uavey Moore back to his hotel Monday night after his successful tiUe defense against Charlie Weir of South Africa. Promoter Bob Arum said Moore was not hurt, but his manager, Leon Washington, suffer- ed a slight knee injury when he got out of the car to chase the attackers. I Laguna Beach's Leach OjaJ winner Laguna Beach High's Rick Leacll, a junior, won the 19-a.nd-under singles crown II at Ojai last week, outdueling Torran- ce's Barry Buss in a three-hour semi- finals match, 3-6, 7-5, 7-5, before · breezing in the finals ol the f restlgjoua tennis tournament ... Ivan Lend defeated Jolla McEnroe for the fourth time in six meetings to wi.J\ $1~000 at the finals of a WCT tourney in Dallas. Lendt won, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3 . . Jormer hS(ht heavyweight champions Eddie •aatafa Muhammad and Marvin Job.nsoa will box on the undercard of Sugar Ray Leonard's defense of his welterweight crown May 14 in Buffalo ... Nation.al Football League attorneys tried to <&- credit J.eSJ.irnony of Oakland Raiders managing general partner Al Davis that he was a "conduit" In negotiations leading to the merger of the NFL and the Amenc.an Football ~e in 1970. Television, radio TV: No eventa scheduled. RADIO: Bueball -Arurels at New York, 5 p.m., KMPC (710); Philadelphia at Dodgers. 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). BASKEl'BALL -Phoenix at Lakers, 7:30 p.m., K.LAC (570). From Page C1 YANKS e e e having Jost 2~ pound• and not having had f drink tor montha - and ~ues"'1 that he be•allowf!d to manase one more year, how couJd I refute him? "Every tlme I have called him to do a job, he never uked when, where or how much. 1 felt that, bccauae of thl.s loyaJtr,. he should bf> given thll chance.' Recalling Steinbrenner'• re- cord for 1nap managerial sha- keups, report.en asked If such a move didn't put Lemon under the guillotine -once the Yankees sagged, out would go Lemon, in would come Michael "No," insisted Steinbrenner, "I gave hlm l'l)Y word. Even if we're 20 games behlnd, Lem will stay as manager. I will only replace him if he requesta it in the case or bad health." Lemon was flushed with pride. "I've never had a chanC€> to go a full season," he said. "George wants to see if l can go the route -me, too." Now Steinbrenner is saying, in effect, he had his fingers crossed. He didn't mean a word of 1t. Now it's down the drain for a man's dream. But what of the Yankees? Will this sudden shift resuscitate "the greatest talent money can buy?" Don't bet on it. These a r e not th ~ proud , swa5hbuckling Yankees of old. It LS a confused, disoriented lot, and has been from lhe start or spring training. "l haven't had any fun all year," complained Goose Gos- sage, the rellef ace. "It was the most depressing spring I've ever had" Sternbrenner v1rtually manda- ted that players be at camp -a drudgery anyhow -two weeks in advance. Then he brought in Olympic coaches and installed e><ot.ic el~tron1c equipment to be used i n Intensive batting and running exercises. Players were treated not like pros but like a regiment. of Ma- rines Rustlers fall, finish second ;" ~ SANTA Jt!roNtlA° ~olden West College's women's basket- ball team completed its regular season Monday night -drop- ping a 90-74 Southern California Conference decision to Santa Mon1ca College. The winners finish the confe - rence campaign with a 10-0 re- cord, Golden West is runnerup at 8-2. Santa Monica's depth proved too much for Golden West Mon- day, despite the overall~ or the Rustlers. w'ho Wad five pl.ayers scori.n& in double figures, led by Jill G uthrie'• 20 pointa. . . U~(J's pr.,esident threatens lawsuit Penalties unreasonable, says Zumberge I LOS ANGELES (AP) -'fhtt president of the University of Southern California says the school may take legal action agaJnst the NatlonaJ Collegiate Athletlc Asaociatlofl because of the severity of penalties issued against the football team. The echool la prohibited from playing ln bowl games during the 1982-83 and 1983-84 academ 1c years and from appearances on television In 1983 and 1984. "THE P ENALTIES are un· reasonable, Inequitable and wholly unjustified for the num ber and nature of the htfracuons involved," James H Zumberge said at a news conference Mon- day.· · USC was penulizcd by the NCAA last Friday because an assistant coach sold tickets givl.!n to players. "W e also believe that the severity of the penalties reflects a measure of vindictiveness that 1i. shocking for an organization with the stature of the NCAA." said Zumberge. He said USC had not been tx--rore the Infractions Committee in the past 23 years and had coope- rated with the NCAA m its in- vestigation. "I am now exploring with counsel the legal options availa- ble to the university and will discuss them soon with the Ex- ecu tive Committee o( the un- iversity's Board of Trustees ... h(• said. "Football 1s a V('ry, very im- portant part of the university scene. We can't treat the possibi- lity of going t.o court as a trivial matter " HE POINTED OUT that the umv£'rs1ues of Texas, Oklahom<i and Georgia already had 1ult1 pendin1 against the NCAA on variout matters, but agreed that final Mttltmenta of 1uits might take ICVeraJ ynra. • ije said USC would await the out.come of pending cases against the NCAA bcfOTe taking action ot its own OaVld Berst, a member of the NCAA lnveatlgatlon staff, In Shawnee Mtalon, Kan., defen- ded the penalties. "I will get mail this week saving that we let USC off the hook, and I 'll get mall saying were too harsh on USC to prove the point that we can penalize the big schools," he said. "Neither is true. We will let the comments fall where they may. The record w1U speak for Itself." Zumberge estJmated the pen- altws might cost USC mor~ than $1 million. From Page C1 LAKERS • • • c•ven though they los t power forward Mitch Kupchak early in thl' season when Kupchak broke a bone an his left leg Th<' Su ns will dep<·nd o n guard Dennis Johnson who l('d them m 800rmg during the regu- lar season with a 19.5 average. Right behind Johnson 1s Truck Robinson who averaged 19 1 points per game and also hauled down 9.7 rebounds per ouung. "l feel comfortable playing Phoenix," Riley says ... We match up well with them. If we're a little rusty from the layoff, we'll push right through.·· Kendall nominated Cindy Kendall of Corona del Mar High is nne of 10 female athlet<.'S nominated for the stat.e scholar-athlete or thl' year award which carnes a $500 scholarship for the winner. Kendall played volleyball for the Sea Kings thts year. There are 10 men and 10 wo- men finalists thtoughout the st.ate picked by their hlgh school principals from a field of 350 nominations. The award will Ix• announced by the st.ate ClF Sat· urday. . State ClF Comnissioper Tom Bvmes said: "All 350 candidaws qualified for this award and all deserve the recogn1uon of their peers, school administrators and communities tor their fme ath- l ct H' a nd schola s tic accomplishments." Men Flnellele • Dan 011<oen IC9')1tlral\O llelley bUMlbllllJ Oa••d Bernard (Grenl H1gll Van Nuya bu~olb•lll R11;k1e Gill (Pelm Sprtngs w1mm1ng l Robert Key (Beverly Hills 11u1t.etball·l *•mnung> Ert<; l•ndvell (Canvor Country loo1belll Andrew Mallhews (LO! Goto• 1>aslt.etb811). V11<1or Nehring IC.ma<illo 1rac;111. J-Reynoida tF00111111 HIOh. 5.,,1a Ana i 10tmm1ng). Ch111 Stevena tCleremonl. looll>allj ~ z~ (SI Johll 8oeco High. Bellllow. IOOU>811) __ ,..,,..... K1ml>erty 0onlilcbof1 (Merced, lreck). Uurl Ezen (Irvington High, Fremont. bHketbell), Judy Gt1tlith (Fortune, '-*etbell): UM H- (l0teno 1-ilgh. Secrameh10:-sw1mm1ngt. Cindy Kendell (Cw-del ...,, .....,...>:Laur• l(r.,,blel (Cypr-. ~). EJlen NewWry (S11nta Crui, IOftl>el). CtMryl O.amure (Troy 1-itgh. Fulle<ton, volleyt>ell); Amy Roblnaon (Palo Alto. bHU lbell). Kelly Tebo (Soutll High Torrenc:.. lennla) ~----------~-~--------------- Mint 400 lures area drivers SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTTERS LAS VWAS -A total of 19 Orange Cout area drivers will be competing in the 15th annual Mint 400 deeert off-road race here Saturday during the four-day extravaganza thdt starts Thunday and runs through Sunday. . A variety of race veJilcJes including unlinllled -.. ..hor.sepa,w_u Jl~ buai~~.J.1.0Ck...1e<iiDS·----f-9+-four-whee I drive trucks, will battle the rugged Soutflern Nevada desert over a 100-mile course stretchj north out of Las Ve~as. . Technical inspection will be held along Fre- mont Street Friday with the race getting under way at 9 a.m. !:Saturday. Winners or HS different classes wW be determined on an elapsed time basia. Cara will leave the starting line two abreast every 15 seconds. Entries from the Orange Coast area include: Jerry Penhall of Balboa and Ron Gardner of La- guna Beach: William Church of Newport Beach; John Gray of Corona del Mar and Jim Austin of Newport Beach; David Harshbarger of Corona del mar and Tom Perry of Ca.ta Mesa. Also Mike Lund and Gary Garner of Hunt-- ington Beach; Frank Arciero, Jr., Laauna Hilla; Martin Tajra of Seal Beach and D0c Bryce of Huntington Harbour; W.J . Bradbury of Newpon Beach with .Pepe Hodnguez ot Westmmster. Mitch Mitchell of Huntington Beach with Ray Croll, Jr. of Garden Grove; Tom Denault of San Clemente with ~teve Uenau.lt of Newport Beach; Pon Denault of Mission Viejo with Bob Denault of 'San J uan Capistrano; Gary Petenlon of Huntington Beach with Jon Kenney of Ca.ta Mesa; llm Sc:ott of El Toro; Nonl'\an Marriner and Chester Williama of Laguna Beach; John Townsend of Co.ta Mesa with Rick Schumaker of Villa Park. Volleyball moved With six of the final eight teand left ln the 12th annual Inglewood High lnvitatlOf}al volleyball ~"' t lite hu been ~. to San Cle- mente H&ih.f6r ilie quanerfinaJa, ..Wflnala and tinall Weclneedey evenioC. • Pined _,..NJ e.ch oCher ln the quart.en at 5 wlll be San Clemente YI. Lot Alco. and t.aauna a.ch YI. l"ountaln Valley, followed by Costa Meu va. La Qiilnta and San Man:ioe va. Dana Hilla at 6. 'n. ilmlfiNli are tcheduled fOf' 7 o'clock Md tn. a.. at I With the pme fonnatl belt two out of diNi IO JS pciAntL Designed, Finished ___...__.. Installed --- ,.... 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ••• AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! c.11(714)548-6841 or548-1717 MBllWIDD MUUf ACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue e Costa Mesa, CA~ PUBLIC HEARING Concerning City of Newport B4itach HOUSING E~EMENT Notice le hereby given that the Pfenning Commlalon of the City c;f Newport Beach wm hold a Public Hearing to rdlscu11 Implementation of the recently adopted H°"llng Element of the ~ Beach General Plan. Amono the Item• to be conatdered wlll be Nlldentltll denaltlee and the po911b1Hty of lncreulng denlltlel on eome of the ,. malnlng undeveloped lltee. Houalng typel, mlnlmum &INt lizel, and form• of ownerthlp wtll llllO b9 dtecuued. Notice II hereby further giY9n that ..ad pubic heertng ~II be held on the Ith day of May 1912, at the hour of 2.1JO p.m. In the CoUnctl Chambirl Of the N.wport Buch Ctty Hall, 3300 W. Newport Boulevard, at which time and Dl9oe MY and all pereone lntwtecl ~ 9PPMt end be hwd u.reon. t - ....................... ---·=.~~·. .. &9C"INC MNOI. .... ,.---.-.,.. ....... ~ .. -c-.-...--.. --........... ---- ~ • • . . ' .. MAJOR LIAOUI ITANDtMOI AfMrioen L ... ue ........ ~ : ~ W L f'ct. 08 13 • 722 K-..Cuy S..llle Oeklencl , .... ~ 8oeton Oetroll ~ .. Clewelerwl ...... YOtk Toronto 9e11..._. • • eoo • • eoo • 10 474 • 10 ... • • 429 1 12 * ... *"~ " • 147 " • 141 • • 571 ,., • • 429 3'\ • • 429 3''\ s " 313 s·.-. 4 10 211 5·~ ....., •• IG« .. eo.1on 3·5. Ctwc.go 2-0 Only getnee Klleduled T .. , •• a.-.. Ant•I• (Moreno 1·21 •1 B•lt1more IFlaNQen 0-2). n . r .... (Medle:ll 1-11 •1 Toron10 (Boml>ee1' 0.3). n K•nue City (Fro11 3·0) •• Botton (Eckerlley 2· 11. n S..nle (Bennttit .. 3-01 el Cleveland fWllitt 0-31, n Oekl•nd (Norr(1 0·21 et B•l11more (Fl~en 0·2). n Chlc:ego (Burne 2-0) •l MllwllukM (lerc:I\ 1..01. n Oe1rOll (Morr11 3-11 •1 MlnnHot• (Jeci<eon 0-2~ n National Luau. ... ._" OWlelOrt A11enll Sen Diego ~ Sen F rW>e..:O Hou91on (;;nclnnelo W L h i. Ge 13 4 765 ,, 4 733 8 9 H1 6 •O 375 6'' 7 12 36& 7 6113537 laeletft Ot.telon St LOUIS 13 S 712 MonlrMI 8 S 115 ..... Yor1< 9 7 563 Pltlll>Uf gl\ 6 • 4 29 CflCeOO I 1 I 3S3 ~ 4 11 217 .......,..eo... Houston 8 SI Loula 2 P.Ulbu<Qll 6. 4Uenta 4 Only e-tct-...o Tode(eO-. Pfl<iedelC>Ne ICh<illenaon 1. 1 I II Oodtet• (Reuu 1·11 n Ctnc:tnnall (B11eny1 3 11 et Clueago (Lweon 0-1) Plltaburgl\ (Groll1n 0 11 II Allen11 (McWjlllem1 1-01. n HoU1lon (Ru!\11 0·21 al St Lout• (Mura 2-01. n Hew York (Zachry 1·01 al San 011go (Monteluaeo 1·21 n , Montre•I (Aog•11 2· 11 et S•n Fr1ne111c:o (Hoflllld 1·21. n AMERICAN LEAGUE P1't1TO.-.. ....... a, .......... &o.10<! 000 100 110-3 1 1 ~ 010 000 100-2 9 ' Hur1t ""°"" m Md ~.n. OollOft. HICll.., (9) 8nd Fi. W -Apon1e. 2-0 L - Ooleon. •·2 HA -eo.ton. ~Cl~ MCOMIGAlm llM ............ . &o.lOft 000 01S 001-6 13 1 ChlCegO 000 000 OIO-O I 1 ,._..,_.u.-..,_,.....~ • Alt.Iler notnlMH OIPICAN LIACWI Ant .... WolHe AlkMS, K-City, a..-.d c-. Ant•I•; Dive Colllnt New Yori. Cecil ~ M ........ MIU Hergtow. c ...... iend JOl'ln ~ayberry, TorO<lto. Eddie Mu• rey, 8alt~·lom Paoortll Cl'llc:ego •· can YMI I. eo.ton. ~-y-Tony 8t•nua•d. Cl\rc:•go. Julie Crur SNme Roe;• o-. BenlmO<e. y·Jtm Genl· ner. MolwHllH. eoi>lllr Orlcll, An1•l•: Wolll• Aendolpl\, New Yo•k, Jerry Aemy, Bollon, Lou Whttlk .. Oe1roll, Ft-WM1 KenMI C11y •'-'•lop y-8111 Almon, C,,ICll .. lllck •11rle1on, An91l1; Bveky Oent, New 'York. Alfredo Griffin l orailo, y·Glenn Holtm•n. Boelorl. Aoy Sm1lley, Hew York. At1n T11mmell. OeltOll, V L Wael\lnglon, l<enus Coly. Ao- ll+n YOUlll. Molwaull" TMrd .... Buddy B«t. r ..... George Bte11. Kan1U Ctty Jol\n Cuuno, Mlnnesoi., Deuv o.- Clnc••· Antele: T()Oy H•rrell. Cleve!and. Cern.., Utntlord, BoltO<I, Ptl<ll Mofflor. MU· waukee. Greig HelllH. Hew Yotk y-C•I All)ken. 811•mot• CetcM< Rrc:k Cercne. New York AIClc OempMy. Batlln10r1 Cattton F191< Cl\lc:IQO. Aon Hes Hy Cte .. llnd. y-Mlke H•atl\ 0 1kland lane:• Patt..,_, 0.llOll. Ted Slmmont Mii· w11ukM Jt"' Sundberg r .... Butel\ wy. neger M-. Ovtlleld l O<\y Atrres, Oektand y-Herold Balne1 Cn1c1go Don ••riot, A119el1; Lruce 8oc:M•. s .. 111 •• Al eumbrr. &ell.more • °"'1grl1 E\.,. Boston, Oen Ford BelllmOt• v·Kirk GtbS>n 0.1ro11 Ken Grtlley Hew vork, Ale.,.,. Hendereon.uUa lla nd. •· ....... .._,~Stew 1(-.np, ~ caoo Aon LeFiete Cl><Cegc>. CIWtl Lemon 0. l•Olt Fred L'""' ~ Bake Mc8rl0e Ctevetend, Jerry MumPl"•Y· New York, Dwayne M"C)hy, 01111._, Ben ()gllllte M~. ... -.. Anos Olis t(aMM City, Jtm Alce Bo.ton. Mldtey A1v1<11. Te•ll l<en Single· ion Batu"'°'e Gounan Tl\orftes MllW-M Wittie Wit-. Kansu C11y, Deve Wtnlleld -Yorio., ~ Zisk. SMl11e llA TIOMAL LHOW Flt1t .... 8111 Buc:k .. r, Cl\lcego, Cl\rtt ChernbllM, All•nt•. Din OriHMn, Ctnc:lnnall, 81••• oerwer. or••••; K•"" Hern1nd11. s1 LOUii. Ar•. -·· HouslO<\, O~· Kingman. .... Yort<. Ollller. Montteel, •·Pwl•"'-, Pn41adele>N~ a.c.da- Y·.Nlln ......... Sen Diego, 11'1'111 Ger,,.,. HOUllO<\, y:tommy Herr, SI Louta, Glenn Hut>tletd. A ..... te. Joe MorgM. 8"" Franc;i. eoo. Ron o.cer. ~: , ...... au, ....... ~ Scott. Momr'MI, Marvwy T rtlo, PNledllpNe lArTy .... Cf~ COi Diii *°'· ....._..., ..... _.~.,. JoMni. LlmMt«, Sell Fr-leco, Crelg .......... !toulton. ........ ~· om. s.Nfl. 81 ~ Qwia ..... l.lon- . ..... . ..,, leel1ll II tM An<onlo Ill ftr .. 11•1•11111111r111t~ ~ .. ~c11~ ........... "'-'ii Ill Lllltere fli ~ Ian MIOnlo II .... lit (II --.ry) ~ . . . " O....Wwtt,C~O Ooldelt WMI 000 000 000 02-2 3 Ori><-000 000 000 00-0 3 o.p -. MCE.lr•. Byert -a. ... HIQM~ ......... o.-~· EClllOft 002 000 0-:1 '1 I OcMtl v-000 000 0-0 0 s ' -- Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/'Tunday, Aprll 27, 1982 l11ae111•1 Cll•••., et O•••er•• , ......... , 1 w.twe.d Ht. Jwn '"'Yttl eve. 1 eon.. JoM VetM. 80YC, :S • .._.1. Oul· IOI\ I/Id MIC4IJ D,YC. 4 •• AUi Woll. lllUOI , .. ,... c.,c, • KlllllOhf. A11 c..itlllf, ecvc ,,...._ ,_., T,_, ,,.__., 1 ~ "°" er'4 Joe, MWIOll\r, Ol"YC I MIGellopy, ,...,. Del<....._ .,,.YC, a. ~ '°'"'· c J CIHllrnlM, ll•YC, 4 taot111 T•oet.:_•oo 111•"119. Cepoevc, • My, frlrilo ~ M09ww. IWYO c-WW•-T,...., (W-.1) 1. P~!ffr1 TM l•ndf<e, ll,; 2 l.vpe r111. o.te ~.cave, a Ttw1 lt\ldlc, °""'°" C... 81JYC;_ • htlnalel. Cerloe Wlllllme, Cejlo8YC; I 19' Vtil. Oebo(n end W#llMll, SFVyo. Cliff C._.._ T,_, CMMIDI 1. ftfe>tluf. Melvln Pel.,_,, V'YO: 2 "'-lvm. ,._ TGnf, N YC, a. LOe TIOf•, Alec Oblltrnellmld11• 8WY0 ; 4 Oell•noe . flldlMd NowllrlO• 88TC, II A»xll!Clfe, Jen Plell. UOl8A ........_.. ef N09A Tr_, (~A) I. Ktlatlne, lddl• Arnold , I C'l'C: 2 TYOet Tyoer, I.rte Willlt, 88YO; :S 8tw Trek·. '8111 lleln, CYC: 4 Mlr11119, °""'4IY Md Wormwood, MlllYC. 11 lml Loe, VIC 8tetn, 8L8YC. NOH T,_, Cflnl lilNI le ....,, Oft ........... , 1 ......,,, ,.,,., llftclelr Tr ... ltr CPlrel 1l119te IMlll ~ ..:--....,., A11M l'woell ..._.., Tr .... 7 jflfel ..._. ......... "' ........ &..;.) 1 Knellne Ttl11111 .. AHMletlelt TtettltJ (flret """9rM M _,..... lllM) t. Star Trell New y.,11 V.c lll Ch•• Trepltr Cflrel ....... _.~rte e11 ........ HIM) I BhMwOCll, Roy Olene¥. l.AvC K Lellel111 Yeolll Cl11• 'trepllr Cflrel ........ "' .............. 1......,, ler1111 Tro~y Cflnl eclleoner on oorrected litfte\ 1 Lllndllll, Boll AuOe eve C....-, Tr°""y CPlret '"""" Ketofl °" ............ , 1 SNlmrOCll ;flff 0..-Tr_, (YMtll Clvtl Win• Mtit Ille -· .,...,..., 1 Sen Diego YICl'lt CluD, 10, 2. Long 9Mc'lt Yacht Clulll, t. 3 BellllOI YKl'll CluD. 1. 4 C1bfttlo 8Hch Yeolll Club, 6, 6 Bahll Corlnll\lan YKl11 Club, 4 WCT toumement (etD .... ) 91nt11Mf!Mle tven L-Ml Jonn ~oe <l·2 l 6 6-3 6-3 llendl _.. S ISO 0001 Grand Prtl Tournement (11....W) """~ ...... M•I• W~•nder del Merio M1111ne1 8-7 • I! 1 6-3 Jo .. lO~I M•••o d•I Tl\te"Y Tu!Mne e-2 2· 1 "'1dere J.,r,G Ciel ZOllen Kul\atSky 7 8 6 4 PalMo AttlVI del Al cerclo Year• 6-2 1-3 lven OuPuqyoer Oel UllJ Ponnet 6-3 8-4 C...-o Moll• del Al· Clldo Ceno 6-4 6-3 Men'• toumament (11 Olchmel. Flottdal Fwet llOW>d .-.... Henk Plltlet def Jimmy At1H, fl I 6 4 Jimmy B•own del Merlr. Sener 11·0 6 1 E<te• I-Illy oet Cktt LllC/141<. 8·2. 1·6 6 0 WCT tournement (et Hit'-Head llleNI. l .C.) ,.,., "°""" ......... Tom WUkoeon del Chrl1 Johnllone fl • 6-2 Edd•• fdwetd• d•I Marc:oe Hoc:••&•. •·II. 6·'1 7-!I, Jo•o So••H del 111roon ltnlltl I-• 7-6, 8-6. Pal OuPre def Aichatd Meyer 7 .. 11·9 6·3 WCMMn'• IOUfnament .. ~ ......... , ,.,.. . ...._...,... Sue Ber11• d.i Ann Kl'fO""" • 7 .5 6 o Sabon• Stmmoncl• de! Claudie K-8 1 6-2 ~• Arreya del Be1rr N~ 7 .. ~I 7-6 L-9or'°9r de! tvann• MedtUQI· 0-34 6-4 6-0 Cleudle Mont•o oet "9t>M A-els 6-0 6 2 "'Ptchool YellM .._. tl'h, II T-ltt'i ........ WtllWO IL.II oel Wellln, .. 3, IOtl IO c-. 2"'-•• Mel111f419, 1-'. IOll .. Oefaull ··-~·· kNftl.I II.I ) IOf1 2 ....... "" ~. I 2, ~· IL._I _ U-4 (Jeleuh t • -1 •• lf\llftfleld (l8) IOel ~· 0 •. -..... o 0........ t.Hch·lran"dt (1.8) Oel kemtnakl Miiier, •·3 8 3, d•I Nguyen Wetlln, 0 0 l ·O. Perry Cl901M•nco tlBJ tPltt 2·• 6 3, ""°" &-2 t I Loe Ai.ntltoe MONOAY'I ltHULTa (Mtfl of 80-llltftl llMM .. -llftl) "jllT ltACI. OM mtte p- SllVer't Sllpper (P.,•lfl 3 20 3 00 2 40 o.. .. !OuerlllOIOI e 00 4 20 Mn M ('\leffan41ngl\.,.,l 2 40 Alto ·~ Howdy Giii Motleroc:k Pla-Wer CIMI Sttange M191C o.lea Olnd~ A .. t Rider r.,,,. 104 115 1:1 IXACTA 11 11 Pll<I S21 20 MCOMO ,.ACE One mile ~ Tl\rM flllQ9fl (Anno•I 17 60 160 ~ 00 SIMlworll• l~I •O 00 1 00 Spen<th Byrd tMcGonagiel ~ llO Alto tec:ecl C moo H1Ht1<11y L"l)utiln LU(.fl ...... Monllet Time 203 THWIO .. ACI OM m.., p~ Euy Come IAut><nl 4 00 2 80 2 60 Al\y!l\m And Biu. (CernpDell) J 40 160 Ullh t Cl\9'0kM (MGCatlyl 3 to 41to 1K4ld Fer•w•y 8'11 Anle VP Sk~ A1go Ster ~n Kentucky Ko-.., Ttme 20!12/f> 12 lllACTA ( 1·41 pl>C! S1;> 60 l'()UftTH .. ACl. One mtl<t trot J•y 1 Mtm0r ... IG01ou1 I 1 20 !> 20 3 •O e.eno1 SPM<I (Aut1101 s 60 • 00 Hobie \IOC:lrlfY N (Kue-I 4 20 Alto rttcld M.,y, Won Sono So;Jtl\ J.,.. .. , (dq 10 7th) Nollie Rule $upe< MOOM Wyn Datnley Time 2 04 llS FIFTH AACE One nullt p&ett Otamour leg1 (Kelm""" I 9 80 • llO 3 10 Tu111hi Ridge (Lec:latrl 7 20 4 00 Blue S.-tl.ongol 2 80 Alto 11c:ed J.,.,_ ro1ymm 1<1st1ng0t N He no••• Sii• f ,.,,,.,.,,d Men•no•• O•r SttMm Time 2 03 2t6 1:1lllACTA 17·31 p..O $48 20 lllCTH AACE. OM millt PiOGll a...;i. Filly tGl\lftOyl 7 f>O 3 80 J 20 Ory Atac:k IGoudrl>..,I 4 20 l O'J T Kl '-Y (51-rnanl 4 60 At~ rited h•PO•I B•u• Soulherri Rhflhm C3nlel>v•y L""" L•••• li•oe ,_ 200 41S H\IENTH AACf O<te ~ P"'41 Rf\M I U\an<• !Pe<l.e<i 6 20 4 00 3 40 Toe> ltne A 1Stee1ri1 S 00 l 80 PCJC>lar O.um N 1Aa1.:n•oid1 4 40 AIM>'"""° J D F1on1 V><ub.a ~ Ranornt Ktnglley H•OOVf'f foOlnh f0tl.,.... R<0 Vliet 1 ,.,,,. 2 01 J/5 12 UACTA 14·81 paid '33 •O 1:1 .-.CK ... (2· 1 4 7 ·6·41 P•ld Ml 207 60 with fct\Jf w 1nnet1 ti•• hOries) S2 Pack 5,. conSOllllO'l P•od S 1•O10 ..,,,,, 7~ .. ,n M<l lh•e hor!MtSI EIOHnt AACE OM m1~ Paet> Row4ano B•«l t8•~•1 4 00 3 20 3 00 Munet N IKueDk!ll 10 20 ~ llO King G11ry flOdd) 7 00 Alao ·~ S.ogo 881\QO F1y11>Q 8oaur ltvfl Wlr• P V Bret lime 20141!1 S2 UACTA (7 Ill p•od S7S 60 -TH ltACL One """" pee. Oo• Wive IOetome<I 4 'O l 00 l 00 Adendy Jel (Pe<'ry) 3 20 4 00 Cneryl Rae t L aclaU'l 7 llO Allo ••e•d Hunl@•s Snedow SunHI Beech A t-Rate Gu<> And~ Oen• T-208 21S S2 EXACT A (3-SI PIMCI S 1• 40 TINTH .. ACL One m•te -K•IMl\I IVallllndl\ml !> 80 2 40 :I 80 ~ frolC tAnclerM>nl 3 00 1 00 Golda Mew N (0.undyl '40 Men'• volletbeii HIGH ICHOol.. c.......·r-.11 I l egune BHelt ( 1' 0/, 2 ltl1nc;11 (14 2), 3 Marine (14-11. 4 ( i.1 01111 HH11 111.11 end 81.n Cltmenle 11·4). I C0911 Meu 110·21, 7 La Oulnll (10°8). I Foun11111 \11lley ct 61. 9 Coron• de! M11 19 II) 10 Vno..,ett~ ll 1·~1 ... V.._ Leegu. W L Ga Et111"'"' CoeteM ... Corona o.I M 111 Uni-"IY .,...,,. -porl H.,IJOf El Toro Woodb< '°1141 Toclef t~ Ell .nc" •• <A>f 0<11 del Mii Unt•erMly .. '"""'Porl Herl>OI El Tc>tO II Co61a Mew IMM el WOOCIDudQtl 11 I tO :I 9 3 8 4 4 • 3 9 3 9 o n SunMt L.eegue I 2 3 1 • • 8 11 M•tW14 w 10 L Ga 0 l• Ouonte r0u,,1ein y,,1,.~ 0e .. .,, v- Hu111Hlg1on 6eac:t1 (lllM>t\ Wntm1n11ew 7 7 !> 3 2 2 'l t 3 3 6 s 7 1 0 7 7'. 10 10 Tonlgltl't Q...,., r ('lvnta1n Valley •I Ocean V- Mt1ron• II HullhllQll>n Bt<ll<.M l & OUHota •I E d1tf)l1 louth CoHI L••i-L t IQ""" 84ac.ll II 0 01111 "'"' 7 1 Sen ci..,,...,,1e •, 3 Cus;-1\l,•nO Valkt'r' 6 .... ,""". v ... ,o 7 l llQ<J<te HU" 1 T OC1ar'1 o.m.a oa I 3 b 7 1 Dan• HoWt II I "OU"• !WIUI ll 301 lo1Qut>• Hiii• •I M"SIOO Voe,<> 1I1 <,,.n C-.te It c.p..1tll'l0 VaJl8y 171 Mondey'1 lleneactlon• eAHeAU AMeftc-l.MeW BAL 1 IMOAl ORIOLES A19'gned Tom Stodderd P•'""" 10 Roel\ .. I•• ot 11\e tn1etna1ionat LffGU41 ICrt ren~teuon NEW YORK YANKEES Plac;ed Gre.g NeltlM lntfd .,_ O<l t!wl 15-oay d- Dted ''" Recalled Oa•t l lAocfle P•1"'9• horn Columbu• ol 1"41 tnterna1ione1 League Nam•d S1an W1th1m1 pocn1ng co•cl\ N1 med Je rty Welker th• formar p11cn1ng c.oac.n an advance aeoul AnnounctKt that ~ TooDOrg .. m Deeome buMpen c:oac;I\ Nallonel Leegue M0 NTAE4l EXPOS Purcl\aaed O•n No•m•n ou1loetd•• lrom Wtel\lla ol lh• A"""teen Annc:oa1oon Optioned B•ad Mott• lhlld D•K>mon 10 WteM• FOOTeALL MalloNtl ,_ Leee- WASHINGT~ REOSKtNS StQn«I Ed Jee.,•on d•l•n.,ve end Woll,. Holley •n<I Jonnnt S1out•m1t1 eo1 n••btekt Frank C...r ..-de •ecelver llnCI Aoo Salata, puniW couaoa TFNNESS£E MARTIN .. emed Tom H""""°' l\eld t>e.i.etb.it COICfl (I) Ind Foi.y W -Rainey. 1..() L -b-c.rega, ().I A-!l.11141 lre.t; 0..,, T-i::".:: Diego ,,.,Cwpet\1et-LOl4IMO W~l•-S~•r::::::::::::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::=:=:=:=:=:::=:::=:=:::::::::::::::=:=:=:=:=~ NATIOMA&. LIAOUI ......... ._. P1tt10utg11 ooo 200 1ao-e • 1 Alllnla 000 I 12 000-11 C Candelaria. Aomo (A~ f.i.ulv9 (71 end T Pene, "°'"..,· "•'"'• 101 MCWltll...,I (71 8ecJro111n Ill end Sln•l•O, 8en.OIC1 (71 W-lekutve. ~-McWllllemt. 2·1 HR-Pltllbu<Ol'I. J l"--(4) bMr 111 Medlock (1) A-9.SS7 Awoet,C:. ....... 2 li0ue1on 202 200 000 e 14 St Loui. 001 000 010 2 4 ; Ry.,, /11'4 "*>by J M erlin Llllel (31 Ku ~4). LaPOlnl (II end Por1er W Ryen, 1 4 L-J MarlJn. 2·2 HA-Houlton, Kn+gn1 (2) Cna 111 A-24,295 Aneet ... -••TTIMO--· M It H HR .... h t. Lynn 14 10 21 0 3 328 GrlCl'I 4, 1 13 o e 325 Oown.ng 71 13 23 7 13 324 cer-59 13 •• o 2 322 e.y1or 10 10 20 2 9 ae Boooo 58 3 18 0 2 2711 Clar-15 I 4 0 I 267 0e0nces a. e 11 3 ,, 766 Fergveon I I 2 0 0 :>!IO 8eniQue2 23 2 5 0 3 217 F<* 53 4 t2 0 S 207 Re J"°''°" S2 1 9 0 4 173 O...lelon 4S 4 7 0 2 156 Ro JICkaon 3 0 0 0 O 000 Moreno O O O O O 000 T~ 836 1 164 12 70 H4 f'fTCt...o M' H n SO W-L UIA H_., 4 1 3 3 I 0.() 000 A-. 21 12 10 17 11 0 116 hM 33'~ 24 S 9 3-0 1 34 Renko 11 2 9 2 4 2· I 1 S4 Sanche2 9 2 9 2 4 20 ... Wtll 24 2 21 11 13 2-0 1 116 l(leO<I 18 I 17 1 I 0-0 2 20 F0t1Ch 34 1 2& I 8 2 1 2 36 Moreno 19 2 21 9 II 1·2 2 75 ~ 4 1 II 3 I 0-0 4 15 Tol ... 179 2 148 00 74 13-S 115 Cll ..... lA.~~ LO\IOle I. Olepmen II w.-11, ~-Mudd. Top 10 ~9'1·111·= .--..C:MUI OMltH'9t. Murr11y, Beltlmor• 14 H 8 21 llOt COopw, ~-14 81 • 27 .443 Htntn. ~ 14 114 15 23 ..428 ~. Minn. 14 u • 20 .NI CeNll. o.troll 11 70 7 2t .a71 ~ ....... YOftl1 13 54 t 20 .370 .... T-14 67 • 20 370 Tllomlon. ~ 14 M 13 20 M4 ~. &oMon 17 Ill 14 23 3114 ~. KO 15 41 7 11 '47 ........ Htelll, fli ... -...... OM~e,e, I:~ ...... f ; Y.......id loeion, I· Herrafl, ~I;• '"'°""°"· ~. i .......... .......... -... ao: OalMI. ........ * .......,.,, .._., Ill: "'r'llomlon. C..... IMd. 11; 0.. "-CllY. ,, ...... (ID es • TllO«. loeloll, M . ,__ ~ ~ ~ c:Noleo. M: ,,.... ~ Clly, M; ......... ....... M; ...... llolMll, 1.0: o..y, *" VOit!. l"°i, ~· .... Yen. t.0: ......... -.-..-.... -... .. •·JOflnry hnc:,,, Clnclnnelt, y·Hulllte ll<oob .... Yor1l; It-c.,, ~; o.r..I e-. Sen Fr.-O. 8oO Horner. Adlonte, A'Y KrliOflt . ._on, M ....._. Plttttiurgh Ken °'*11... St Louie. Mtlte Sclwnldl.~ c.... ...,.,. A.....,, HouslO<\, y-Bruc. e.n.dlCI Aller>ta. Glry Cat1w MO<\ltell. y·Bo Olu, ~-Teny 1(..-.-Gy, Sen Diego y· T O<\y Pent. Pllltbufgl\. o.,, ... Poller S I lo.ill r-411ttl• ect.ecl1. D"9•n: Jol\n Sl-nl .... Yor1o; Ov1fletd Du•IY ....... 0"9•n: CeHt Cedeno C:.neonna11. Jedi Clark, San Frlftc:l9CO, Wer· ren Cro-rtle, Montrell JOH C•ur Ho..11~. re Oewton. Montr .... y-Leon Outnem. • Miile Euler. Pllttlburgn. Georoe F fit, Hew York, ,., ... 0..0 ,_ .. s1 ..... HenOerton. Cftlcago, George H#ld<lctl, SI LCMI, 1Ce11 ~·· ~: 81•10 Latceno, San OleQqf Gerry M1ddo•. Pnt11d1lpht1, Gery MallNwt, Phlllldelonla, Orner Moreno, PllltDurgl. 0•1• Murphy Allen11, 0••• P.,k.,, P .. lbu<gl\; Terry Punt Houtllon, V· Tim A1iM4 Monl•NI, 0-Aicharda, S.... Diego, y-lony Sc:ou Hou11on, y·LOnnll 8m11n 81 l.O<lle. Cleudell Wllhlngton. Al· l1n11. y·Mlokle Wll1on. New York, Joe t y oungtlloc>C New y °"' a•Pieyer oom#\ltled MCfl ~ -VOiing t>eg•n tn 1170, y·piaye< °" Dellot lor II• sl hme , ....... u.--.... , WOCAIWldgl 102 000 ,_. 7 2 Ulgl.tfte e 11 :t1 100 000 0-1 2 2 ~end 'Prlppl: ~-and T-28 -LMhy (WI Newport-!ftMMde r..utte ntOf'HY ....... ............... ~~ I Tr9'Ylello. Terry • 80YCj 2. 8'1M, o.tVlle Cho91 Md Melne, VYC; S !MM, Joftr PtlQUln, CCYC; 4. AIMft .. , Mel Altllley, LIYC, 5. 8rooll.e AM. L.,ry Hl!Mly,C8YC ......,, ......... ...... ~(!OfMI) 1 Ousl 'Em, St-Soer-. SOYC; 2. Sp1rJl-Mt n l.o-wn fP/C. 3 €prrn. M.I.. lloeloln, kHH,., • ~ ....;...,,, """"'f encl PM1n9f, LBYC, 5 8-, Angelo Clehcllo. eve ._....,, ....... --(IOll.c:) 1 Hot Potato, u Cofben, aovc: z. Hoe Awn. Cuti.on encl Wlton. KHYC; 3. Goel. ..., &erg. wvc. 4 LeeOlng Lady, 88l'd¥ end Hubie k«ftl. WYC, 11 Aodlet, A C • ...,._ MU. aovc U..L C-oi..t ( ....... ....,_., I Brn11o"'e Ill, Chuc:tl Aitety, UYC; 2. Oe 111re .. lcherd A1ull 88YC, 3 8onlle , GOidie Joelptl, uvc. 4 ""'-John c.-egr11\df, WHOA, 6. Bundi , Gral'lam Glb- lllOne, 8YC ,.........,,, ... u .... c ... 1 1 Wlnte<Nwll. Olly encl • ICYC; 2 Mertn. Henry ~ LBYC; a. Aoolt9'. Merk 8Mllwelt, 88YAC. 4, Tory, Aollleft Ooddl . NHYC, II N-t8oy, Jec:IJ Belllte, eve U..L ._...,,et''* <"W .. I I. Hot flu l't, Oen Cli pp, A8VC: 2 SllCU•. HerOld Coot!. LBYC; 3. COnn4e II. Jee900 encl Mtll'lotn, SOYC, 4 l fll* Crown. M ........ Rey encl~. HHYC, 6 ~. Bert encl Jolln ~. 80YC. U.L.......,, ef-., (fltW.O) I Hugle TWo, Jim end Katfl1 Huaenl, eve. 2 Andlemo, Aotler1 Soclero. eve. a. Helt'*, Alctl 8elcf!1 COAYC; 4. VelllyrMI • Biii Mllffey, Cllj)O BTC, 5. Z._, Bon Ind Altln, qyAC, ~,,, .. c......, ..... .c, I llWlclue, Hugtl l.Mnlon, LtYC, 2. lluf lleyou, Joe "-11. Jf .. KHYCi.~ .Moe, Mlkf Ellel, l.tYC; •. ....._., ,_, w••· MYC: II Heteml, l'loerlt UldwtO. BDYC. 0...-el~~) 1 BOC, .,_ Welleteleln, L.BYC; a. Wln4y. Dev• Mlcllflll , AeYC; 3 Leoec:y, ear. Otoe. MOBYC; 4 ~ O.W.11 H•ll!lpftrey, CIYC; 5. CloH l~ouftler•, ...,,_ ...,, IOVC. ................. , ..... .., 1 GOlfttl &Aft, .,..,. ''"'"· IPYC; 2. "r• c'"'~· 1'1t CMul«, ZYC; a. MOmcat, KA9ll't MCI 1. C8YC~ '*-0, Herb H11911g, TC; I .... WWII, AlllYl: • °"' ........... .,,...., 1. Cllyl!IOOre, Ot-. Motti.. IOYC; 2. Tr" 00tdo. '"' ... • ,,._ M4 ...._.., IY~j __ ._ ...,._, ~ ~lftt, MtVC; 4 • IV-OM Tlll'lltf\, ICHYC; f, M.8. SW.. ...... Gelltr. """°· 'Area teams rOll in softball Ookten Wm c.ollele went 11 '""'"" before eacaplna wuh • S-0 ~ a\ (.."Y'Pnll tn tiouth-er n CalUornfl Conference play. n.. win wra .. up a l0-0 oantennce ..-on for the Ruet. lera, led by Tamm1 D•lp'e ' three--htu.r. I f>-•lp 1&ruek out four and ...................... ~ ....... ,..~ .... .,..,. .. . ........ ~ .... .... wt ··~ I.,.. u-. ,,......J~-.-... - nine •• ltdlson Htah defeated Oc.an Vt.w, 2-0, ln 8wwet lM· ~play. &dlaon acored twice ln the third tanlftl, Wllh the help of Ocean Vlew erron to 1•t th• ...... l'61an Leahy went l·for-4 _ ......... , ... ,... ~ .......... , ..... *'" VlilllY 1t-n.-. llidi. &Im •b••••r la.ed • EE .............. , l!fNl',Wlltft ii MW ...... W.tmlntt•r 61.51 ~lmintfW Ml M 1Gc*M -(. (1'4} "'~"' • r I ' l , l l • • ..... --............................................ 1,c::::;:.::4;_,. ____________ _._ .... o_r_•n.ge;.....C_o_•_••_D_A_1_Lv __ P_1L_o_r_1r_u_etd __ •_y_,A_p_r_11~2-1,_1_e_e_2 ____________________________________________ __ acrlf Cl Superb R1nt11 OHie• SPICll Exec. offices. 2200', La Paz Road, Laguna Hiiis Well divided. flexible, exceptional fitting s. full service bldg .. ground floor Existing lease $1 15 ft Willlng to make substantial reduction for fast assumpJton Call: ED DOU 17141 293·711&2 Coostruction money available at ·Heritage Bank .. . Resldenllal · Commndal Bulldln~ Tak.eoul COmmJlrnml requlft"d along wteh k'aws. QJnlac1: · Jf'ff Johnson south Ora"ft(' Count)'llrvlnt• 7Mlfl'il4050 Campus crusade slated Mllllonalr • F Joseph Co111 m a n o ! Palm S prings will bring h la campus crusad e to put more youns people Into bualneaa for themselves to thlH area Thureday. He w ill s peak a t l l a .m. at the North Cam- pus of Saddlcback Col- 1 e g e to the r e gio n a l meeting of the National Small Buslnes.<1 Network Cossman also w ill be s peaking a t frt.>e h igh sc h ool seminars In Orange County during the rem ainder o f t he school year The sche - d u le has not been a n - no\Jn<.'ed Cossman re portedly made tus first m1U1on on the Potato Spud G un an the early 1950s. He is the author or "How 1 Made a M1l11on Dollars m Mail Order " Call 642-5678. Put • lew words to work lor ou. BROTHER'S NEW HOME -Artist's rendering shows the $5 million headquarter and distribution center of Brother International Corp., manufacture r of the officia l typewriter au11i1 ·c1um 10111111 · for the 1984 Olympat-s. Ground was brokt>n n "·ently for the 7.5 acre structure to be located at Goodyear and Toledo Way in Irvine Housing sal es up Avco Financial lnsuruc~ Group of Newport Irene Mary Cervantes, 1Jn·bllt· lc•ai.ang .1J<1•nt for Beach named M.artln J . Geolleman as Viet' prt.'Std<'nt One Pacific Plaza, Hunungton Bea,·h and prl'VloU!> WASHINGTON (AP) ofmarketing.He willalsobeCIDofOe1lgnForms, ly on-site leasing agent for the Bayside S9,uare Scilt.·i. ._r ex is ti n g Inc .. an Avco subsidiary. dl"Vl·lupml'nt an Orangl' Cou nty. JOtnl•tl t r ost .,inglt·-fanuly houses are Speo<'e Trlnen, Lomme rnal n·al 1•Mah: brokl·raJ<t' rnnunuang to cn:e p up- Arcblve Corporation, C.OSta Mesa. a dC'V<•lopc.•r, r1rm, Cosu. Mesa. as a sall'S agl'nt w<1rd but wmaan far be· man ufacturer a nd d istributor of cartradg<• tapl· '''" tht·ar leve l for the drives for w ord processing and sm all bus1nl'Ss Archive Corporation expandl·d at:. Eu1op1·11n sanw ix·nod of last year, \ computer systems, has selected Janten Associates at't-ounlb with lht• add1t1on ol Philips Data Systems, a prav;1te s ur vey ·and i- of Irvine as its advertising agency of ret."Ord Apc·ldoorn. Thl· Nl'therlands L"<Jll-s 'iiiiiiiii~ii~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij~ Thi• National Assoc1a -I JerTy L. Robloaon· has been named sales ma-tum of f«:>altors released WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii YOUR WALL Behind the bell Behind the famous Seacoast stacker Behind all the staie-oHhe art protection devices w~ make and install. 1s Seacoast central staraon When an alarm goes olf on your property. we get the signal 1n a nearby. 24-hour-a-day cen· tral station. If the signal 1nd1cates tare. burglary or holdup, we call the police or fire department Since our central station is U.L rated. our central station customers can qualify for a sizeable discount on their insurance And to increase our reach. make response time even faster. and Improve efficiency. we 're computer1Z1ng our station · But improvements aren't new to Seacoast We've been getting better for 21 years And today we·re the leaders an the security business 1n the Harbor area with over 10,000 customers including a wide range of big and small retail. industrial and commercial establishments To find out more about our Seacoast central station write or come by our new tac1hty at 2488 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa Iii\ SEACOAST \J~CURrTY~ Marriof f's LUurious Rancho Las Pidmas ~A.-4 (' . r:<,· .nuu11 _.,. ~\. . · ~11~,/-1 r._ offers everything In casual ..,.._.,. -~ . I~ coontry club eleoance • 27 M ... • " • I \l ho+e. of championship oolf I~ • 25 tenntS court• (8 liflhted) \... • 2 swimming and hydroCherBpy pools • 348 deluxe sleeping Ji. HI•• rooms • nestled 1n beautiful Rancho Mirage, Cahl (In the Palm Spnngs area) at base of the maonificent Santct Rosa Mountains Come aee for yourse" why we've become ·rhe Gem of the Desert" ~,MarrioUt. T RANCHO LAS PALMAS RESORT .. 41000 8oO H-On-. AlnchO M~ CltlOf-1'2270 (71 41 &ee-2727 cw Ta'! Fr"~ 22&-9190 nager of the Wyle Laboratories Electronics Mark-Darlene McElroy (GraphK-i;/lllustrataon of Ir rigurt>s s howing that eting Group lrvine Di vision. vane was selected an Honor Award wanrwr. out or ~ul·h salt's rose i. 1 per 2,000 entnes. by Mead Paper and Blak(', Moffatt & L-t•nt in Manh. less than Ste wart·Rleu Laboratories of Tarz..ana ap Towne hJlr th< 4 8 percent Fe pointed Marketing Direc tions, lac ., Newport The award IS for the leturht'ad and logo design bruary gain Sales had Beach. as its agency of record to promol.<' the rom for Mana Pascopo. Representataw of Cost.a Mt."Sa d<"l lint:d an January pany's medk·al produ,·ts and dev1l'l:S GovL·rnment figures Contract Staffing of America, Joe., h~ad<.juar h.ivt· andicat.t-d that sales P. Joseph Trimble of Newport BeiK·h ha!> tx>t·n «.>red an Tustm. named Ric~ard A. Vury 3b v1u· o f nt·w sa nglc-family promoted to senior vice presadenl·law for the en pn:.>S1dent finance operations hou!>~S f('JI s harply in ganeeranl( and construction group of Fluor Corp. H t-was formerl y as ~n ;itt d with DJ on both January and Fe · Tramble was general <.'Ouru.el for the <.'Orpora taon Corporation of Newport Beach bruarv Seminar on taxes offered "Cu rr e n t D evelop· ments an Taxation " is the t it le of a t h ree-h o u r J \!m1nar being o ffered 'Saturday a l O r ange Coast College m Costa Mesa T he seminar, w h ic h focuses on recent tax cases and the Economic Recovery Ac t recen tly passed by C.Ongress. walJ run from 9 a.m. to noon in room 2 14 o f OCC's Chemistry Buildmg Ad· rruss1on is $5 at the door Lecturer w ill be Ri- chard Brown. a member of the Jaw f1nn of How - ser. Gertner and Brown an d a specialist In tax and corporate law . The seminar is approved for continuing e ducation credit for cerufied public accountan ts and public accountants. Fo r informa tion call 566-58;80. Building nearly completed A two -stor y o ffice buil d i ng n e ar J o hn Wayne Airport is in the final stages of conatruc- tion . The Orange County office o f Cus hman & Wake f ield ls e xclusive marketing agent for the project. Located on land leased ------------------------------------------------------------------~ OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS = 1Jl1 :a.-. 140 JI 11 ... 100 v" ~' .'"'l VO""'\, J 1'~ ·!>•• uo :eo 1Y '> U0 Z2 J •.•. , ~ :tJ f.~ . ~ UC> .... , l'-.. uo 16 7 1 •• ~ .. uo .._, •• , • ~ ... 1 .... .. """ ls.A 1 '•VO M.l ,..... • ) Up , .. o IJ' > • 1 .. Up 11.7 )'~ ... UC> 114 ••· "> VO IU II • llo. U0 12A 1" • .. Up 12.i 1.w •.Uiani •"-•'-U011-S ~ • '-VO lti ,µ. • "' uo TJ J ·~ • ,., uo fJ 1 u :t.. • 1 • Up u • ,. I 0 Uo II 1 )\? • •• UC> "' l' • \• • VO II I °"l.., P<:tu > '• gi 111 "i • ()If == .. Of! •U ::: l()lf :: "' . 10 0 ~ .. '-• ., "• ., .... '·' , " '• " ' ... ii l()lf !:1 .... u "· ._, ,... tl '~ , .. • .., 11 ... 1' .,. 1' ... , ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) from the 1 r vine Com - pany. the D e mps e y/ Nabholz project occupies a l .3-ac r e slle on the &OUtheast com e r of Pau· larlno Street and Red HIU Avenue. -ANO AVIMION IAlltE - Saturday, May 8 8 a .m. to dusk MILE SQUARE PARK Fountain Valley . . 'J A .. utt1 $3.00 Childr•n $1.50 UfHhr s "" MOllNINO tALIOOH lt1Dt$ e OISl'V.Y5 Al• StiOW$ e eMTflUAl~NT 8 Winners In Today 's Clasiifledsl Developed by Jec k De mpsey and Charles N1bhoh of Ne wpor t Beach, the $3.3 mJlllon atructure features a brick and reflective glau ex- terior accented by design element• auch as trlanautar corners and tr1pezoidally notched entryways. Georae W . Seltz, A.I.A., ofNewport Be.ch la the project archlteet. Conatrucllon ll by Snyder-Lanptron , Inc . of lrvlne, and ttnanctna la orovtded by the Bank of Newport. D•llY PUot cl•uHled1 wOl"kfor , •. c.w Ml·IUI ••Well , ........ 1 • ' o( I ... .. .; 1 Orange Coaat OAIL.Y PILOT/Tuesday, Aprll 27, 1982 8 Cl NY E (~OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION 9UOH•flO•d llfC~UDI T•ADUOM fMI NIW 'fOl lC MIOWUf l'A(llOIC, lllW HUQllt, OIU01t ANO CINCINllATl OOC• la(MANOU AlfD lll'OHID l'f '"' 11•io ........ U INlt • ID A thrift and loan aucx.·1aUon l» to open In Hunt· lngton Beach later thilf \Year Stat(: approval hu been ilven for the (?St.abli1h- ment of Huntlnaton 8c ch Thrift and Loan Auocla· tion (orgunlzera aubs ·qut"ntl1 are seeking a name change to HunUnston Poclfic Thrift and Loah" Aaociation). F.dward Car~nter & Alloclatca. Inc (~). Los Angeles-based financial instllulioru con1ultlng firm prepared and filed the appllcaucm on behalf of a group of local business people The consulting firm said the organ.lzeni and pro- posed directors are Joan 0 . Arnold, William J . <:aid· well. Wilbur B. Chilcote. William H. C.Orwin, Richard , I. Godtcr. Rus...ell M. Jedinak and J ames A. Rust. N uclenr Medi,·al rep orts lo s Nudear Medical Systems 1nc , of Newport Beach reported a net loss of $44,192, equal to l cent per share, on revenues of $1 ,064,024 for the tru.!e months ended F<'b. 28 . Thai. {'ompart"'S to nc( income of $38.203. <>r 1 <.'{'nt on revl'nues of $453.481 for lht-lh1rd quarter of hBCaJ 1981 . for the mn<.> months endc-d Feb 28 ne t income was $29,012, or l cent, on revenues o f $2,958,925, c:ompan.'<.I to $115.20:~. o r 3 l'ents. on revenues of $1 . 355.050 fur thl· yt'ar-t•arlwr rx·n11d Grubb & Ellis volume up Th~ Newport Beach 0U1l'e of Grubb & Elhs Commercial Brokerage Group report.! It logged $196 million in sales and leasing volume last year. a 28• percent mcrease over 1980 wh1l'h was a record year IOI' lhe office. S n1ith declar e tlividend Smith International Im· of Newport Beach de- clan-d " quarterly <·ai.h d1v1dc•nd of 24 cents per com- mon shan• payable May 28 l<J shareholders of record May 17 The additional 4 cenL-; per share .is a 20 pt>r· c:ent inc-n·ase over the prc·v1ous d1v1dend. Frolltier earning .{ij d ecr ea e Frontier Airlines earnings for the first quarter were off sharply from the t(l(Ord level a year ago, the Denver-based earner annoum't>d. Net UlCOme for the 3 months e nded Man-h 31 was $Z,381,000. equal to 25 rents a share, nearly 68 pel"("(.'nt lower than the $7,335,000. or 80 C't'nts a share. recorded m 1981 Revenues declined slightly to $137.855,000. R ealt.v m e rger . t~t Irvine Financial -ConsultantJ.. Inc . a Newport Beach-based company spa·ialaring in real estate syn- d1cat1on . a<-qu1red S & S Realtors and lnvestments. a r.-al ~tate finn with ore.res in Plac..-entia and Yorba Linda S & S will m ntanut> to opt.•rate as an independent 1...-ompany • Line of cr e dit re11(•wed Scc·unty Pacific National Bank. lrvme Commer- cial Centc.>r Office. announ<:ed lhal 1t completed an OJ>(>rating agreement renewing a $30 million line of <.•redit for Sko-F<>d Mortgag(' Corp .. Newport Beach. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID Nf'W vt)tll( CAPI -• AMERICAN LEADERS WM.-I 4.Mf a 00 HEW VQltl( IAPI -• ----' ~~ r.e~ ==- METALS -~· = ... 01 IS ' I i • • : 1 • • • .. • • • . , I :· • ,_ I ' ., • •• ·• .. r • Cl I ' I I ' .. -----·-.. _ .. • ' . • ;1~~~~~.N~~~L-$1888 :~~-R:~:~~~O . $1488 '69 FlOO s1288 '69 COUGAR : : s1888 '71 FORD -·· : : 2488 '69 FORD s1388 ~ ""-1-..s11c1oo,. -•--a.-11 .... ... _l .. Mol l l0-10 f·I.-'-.•---.--........,_,,. ___ ,.., ol -•1-~ 0 171 ~.,,_._, ..... ..._u.-111• "'""'r"1ttli "' -·' J '66 MUSTANG . S688 7l,f. ..... :"".'::~.'.':: .. s39ss '70 !~R~.~TD : : $2688 '65 MUSTANG 11 -•-W --~ ,_ condot•on1~g---a1.r_91~11 11 -•-,.., -!tCIGlll .. 1•1 _,,._ .. ,_.Lil :;;"':'.;..-•-L~lll ~ -~--i..-1-19} 11---~-... ,•ltll $588 • '., ........... 1 •• --....-. , .............. , ..... . ·~···"•'•• , ... . ·-....... 1. o ... . ,--·-· ... LOOK FOR THE PACKAGE OF YOUR CHOtCE ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 ti; = liASllli•IW1t72 CMj = = f01Dl'fD.t '11 PIKlS ·fOT·A· = = 1116.tSrltMONllt _ _ = = '72"9fl'020001 WlllU•OIUIJjlJP(C. = -11t.t••rtM011Y• "'"' '''''"., .. ,. ::; ·-.... f'CIUOV h-lf lil,11 .. IOIDaM. = = .......,( ............ """ = = MIFOI o;l,Jl!~..k,.._ = i1111111:t:i1iiiinib'n\1~1111111111:1:;;;1~:i7'ii;1;;;11111~ •S••'""•n•m" --·--....... H •h (m•• .,_ Contto! O• .. • ·-·-· ... ·-, .... , $59 """ s49 ·· ··· [l(l,,11 WJt"q' ,l•Mllil PlfltQll ~1 I I I 1 .. •I • • c A4 Kt 92 20 C• SIC Mt Cc AO Pv • Ap 1 !>la 'TA Co s ~­. Co BA Su Ca '"" ( No Fee t I t Cl B<t :l TO' ro· c T A Olh ro· (• . a • Sut •Pre N • Cor • ~ b ··sur T01 . ,..,, ''i01 T01 ~HJ ··~ ~ , llllyPlllt ClASSlfllD Tuetday. Aprll 27, 1983 · Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , cla ssification 7100. \ -t• . .., :~ ... ·-- i~.!!!,!f .......... . EQUAL HOVSINO OPPOllTUNIT'I = ,. .. ....,, ........ ::: All rttl Hiatt tdYtrtlltd -In 1'11• newtptper II tub· ::l l•ct to the ~•dtrtl Fair = Houelng Act of 1918 :: =~~~~t7'.~k!~.~:"~:,1.~~ :: ance, llmltatlon or di•· t,.. crlmlnatlon baaed on race. color, rallglon, HX !C or national origin. or any 1100 l ntenclon to make any :;: svch prelarance. llmlt•· :~ lion or dlecrlmlnatlon." !:i't This nawapaptr wlll noc -knowingly the law. ~'.'!!!!.{'!.~'!. •••••• '-'-'!!!!.{'.~!.~'! •••••• ~ !'.'!!!!.{'.~~}!, •.••.• '-'.'!!!!.{'.~~!! ••••••• 1'9~.~·~'!. •••••• !'.!!!!.{'.'.~~·....... !'.~.{'.'.~.'!...... P!~!!.!.~t'!.'I!! •.... ~~~'1. ......... !.~ ~~t ........ !.~. ~!~'.'1. ......... !.'!I ~!'!.~{ ......... J!.!I f.'!!~.!!!!f ...... !.~~ !!!l:!! ........... !.~1 '9'.'!r.!!.~!!! •• !.'!t !'!!!~t~!!r.!!1.1!.!f FllllOLllllllt lMNUTE • I .. , **PRESTIGE IOI LllTllll . Cotta M ... ~ 20 u _.llllU .. ft IW'1UL lw•tr 11 situ. • Spaclout 2400 tq It 4 wooded Estttt OR tnc r5'1 IAIUlll I TERMS! Br homt In w .. ict111 1107,000. lt,175,000 XLNT TERMS• Remodeled traditional 3 °"'*'•lion u1e1 OwMt STEALll llr•, 1111 '' ft ~om pta 1220.000· Agt 754·~ 9•5 bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced lO $39~.ooo. ""'91 NII. Bflno tit olf.,•I 1 ttlll• mv reput~lon on fMIM .... ..,... •'-WOOdbftdOt'• most ~ Ao 1. Jo yet w a 1 u • MtH Verde 3 bdrm. 2 the FACT thtt ttill I• the ..... 111 ...... lat 11101ou1 addrtu, th• 11n.-..... 1111 Prize West Bay bayCront SUpe for 2 boat.I. bath, temtly room. 2 BUT IUY ..If II M ,._ tall t...ndlno by J.M. Ptttta. oceanlfOiit-duplex, ""· remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1.200,000. Birch 50flrtpltCH Only BMctl. OC~N~~~~~ ... tl .... ,,.. O~flftd al an unbtilevt· pore a .. ch. POHlbla 1124,9 • You mutt ... 4 BOR PROF DECO -• b t 1239,000. Thll 3 bru~ nan with 29% Ocean & JtltY view•. Manne room. 4 bdrm. 3 this Ol\t. Ctll 548-2313 "-"Teo'. pool·•P• & Ilk~ Bdrm dtllght l114,1pttbly down. Wiil trlldt 10( eny· bath, 3700 ..... ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. new •II for only '378, loetttd llld ln\llCM yoor thlni1 Owner, *4011 ...., 500 A 1 tde ~ CfMllY9 otter $4Q O Q -• 1 THE :REAL ESTAT&:RS UM ISLE •IEI Pr11ne Lido Nord bayfront ~ bdrm. 51·l bath. Lge L.R .. 2 boat sups $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large ret· nn beam {-e1bngs, fumahed, paUos. $420,000 Lllll ISLE UYFlllT ....agoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. da1k rm. dc·n. Boat s!Jp $1.3!>0.000 llYSIDE COYE ca1i PATRICK TENORE • 0 .,.. mrm Dho<ll> l>t ·1211 •• l~i]\\\~.Jbr1d9r 1 Moves yol.I (n cllle 1ove1yl Debi•• 41)1ta M ... Vet· 780-8702 TOOAYI I Newport Beach ho me de owe Bkr 979-438G Ku llJ With 10 v-er llnanc:•no al II.Ill MlllH "I 'l'MHI 13% Cell 845-91411 Triplex · Cent Or Co lllf -41Y 1' • ' Two 3 br • plu1 one 2 br .,,.K;ir;11u I'~"' I'""~ I -~··-Only l152,000 • .... OlllTT r~ i t • t "1c JHhlnakl Bk1 T=rl~!V:.~ !~::. m.~~f.1!.'.'.t .• !.O:!~ I • 762·5111 2~ btthl, frplc. formal FORECLOSURE SALE I -14 '"'' o.• .. din • lkyllCM, yard•. bal-Under lender'• COii So GOOd loc All 2 BR pool conlea, vavlttd c*llngs. Laguna pvc Htate 180 Balloon du• 8 yra owe 2 car garage•. Prime El ~ ooean vu Security l••I• hi l"'J 10% .. Trade tor ? or 25% side coc:atlon S 120.000 1565,000 855·2013 •••• •••• ••• •••• ••••• •• I d n PPL S Ag 1 . Mr to 1 131.000. M·F, 9·5. BLUE RIBBON 1Bradlord Pl, ownr an· Cropper 752· 1920 or 850-9778, S.t..SOO 12·5, SPECIAL lllovt 4 Br 1•1 Ba gar 493-3127 flllill001(.t1()Mltl 831·3"'0!S; tvt T5l·3297 3 bdrm, 2 ltvet floor plan p1110. pool/park Sl9, -------- c: 1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1• Spectacular bayf ront view 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br • 2 ba dn. 2 boat shps $1 ,900,000. -:: HIMla Advertisers :e should check their : ads dally and re- ' port errors lmmedl- ~ ately. The DAILY :: PILOT assumes Ila· :; blllty for the first : Incorrect Insertion :.... only. ""' ... ... .. .... ,.._ ...... ·-.... ... '-""' ..... .... IESA YElllE llEPllLIC 4 Bdrm, 2700 1q It of luxury lnclvdl'lO energy uving pool & spa High assumable loan & ow e . $276,000 Hurryl Call s.16-2313 COROllDO CAYS A l>n 1 ... 100 of Coronado Island cust. bay front lot. 85' boat llurbor l nvestmt'nt Co dock. Plans avail $425,000 w/tenns 5-8000 In wood & glen Ocean 900 Auvme S59K 111 at f1J!.!!'..~{~ •..• !~~ Rtall 87 11000 llWll I view. beamed callings. 11'»% Age 857-2040 Hafbot Ridge-puma view. oet you In a t9'rllk; tu huge atone lrplc Loe~· Otltt Iii/ lllltt JV s 100 000 naed ad haftar or ~ratt lnco ted high at>Ove Laguna • •••••••••••••••• •••••• 759-0481 or trade •WPllT .-0 me Riviera coastllne. $195. ..,L//t ll•••• --UllCW roparty ood E'1lde , 000 ,., • IUILIEllS BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 I Buy\•d" Dr·v,. "-B 67S 6161 W ~.~I.1-:Y '.'\ TAYLOR CO. HEJ\l.TO HS o..,111lt· l!MU lllfllT .. _ _., tlon Owner wlll lrade MISSION REAL TY fll II/I 1100 11H,llll f r ah are equity Cell for 494-0731 •••••••••••••••••••••• Commercial 101 10-:ated All llllY INCLUDES LANO! 2 alory, atalla. I Newport 8aach De Anz1 near Buen• Park Civic ct you're ruuy Sff this 3 bdrm. 2 bath~ ll1·1ll1 Try $10,000 down-very b1ylronl Par k Mint Center la evallable tor one! \/try ~ivate 3 Bdrm ••• lay ,,.,, an•tou• aetle<s say "see I cond ·79 dbl wide. hr• 1150.000 l.qt ltla it 11, 2•.-. bath condO Large II-I _...__ wh11 we II do on that place. brtek pa110. S61, 600 IC! 11 and owner_. vlng area hlghly upgr•· '"'""• chermtng old b each 000. Also 2 br , 2 bl . 1 help llnanc:. 631·7370 dad slty0llghtt 2 fire· •tll-lOlt• I houte wllh atud lo" I double wide, corner lot places. 2 cu gar1ga STORE 1225.000 139.000 Biii Grvnely Oney 112.-.eoo Call to CinH '•I #u IOZZ I L-c-11 YIUac• I.E. 67S-6181 .... ~6-2313 H~-::;-;:·e;;~~i:i·2·3·;. 411. n• 1 1-*iiiiiiEx·c·11·1N•G•*iiiiii~ 000. lot v.iot. pt1n only New lrg home. Ownet will Ll'l,UI Billi l OSO TJW>fTIO\,\L RL\LT' &Ir (213)438-5823 I help lrnance HURRY •• ••••••••••••••;•••• Estate Salt Thi'; baavtllUI home B,~ ~w~~ :.~r I 'u' ~=-Wllhoul or Without furn • Ill Bea ut modern brick 11¥1• lDUOI won I lut $155,000. d~d· be low~·.,~ .. 24a64GreenbrterHom11n " t•lt THE REAL ESTAT&:RS ~.,_.... •• ....,.. !IMO THE REAL ESTAT&:RS churcti. s 145,000. 10.000 Fabul~• ocaan end b•Y 540-2960 Age Aek lo• 1124:700 S 12.000 down Laguna Hllll' n1Cetl 5 star ••• ~!~~~i~ •..•. ~f!J Ullll YIEW -llllE Ylll ,ll(l.l1. Hebtf, nr 1>ark City views spacious 4 Bdrm I Lort . 8 5 9 • 0 1 4 1 w or It p1tk 'l'oung ldulll wel· 3 p11me Corona dal Mir M¥'!1M"\• ...... Mi ... ,., .... .._.*'1.,...._,' llll) ,~ ............... "••"' )J- Quiel. park-Ilk<' selling. Rm for paddle iuiciahi,i2i1i3i-4i4i3-8iii2i52iiiiiilgovr~et kit che n and lh•• l1i•I 102'1 552.1511 comel I f p rt I Clupreaes tochOOMlrom -..-. ........ ..... FllEOLISllEl aw1mmlng pool Ju et re· ••. ••• •••••• ••. •••.. •• flll II a WOI Hade lor Other R E ti1..w1•..w ... • ... "~'·~"· lita> tennis and pool Great for on:hard Cul duced 10 $895,000 1nctu-IWY Tl IEL1 Ldt F11nt JOSS Beavtrlul 24a60 Kev-st Darrell P11h, ownr/agt lllNOUNCOIEIUS, P£1SOllAl.S & LOST & FOUND """""_,,.,. ......... , 91 ,,. ... iA-&•t'wl•t""' a,.,..··~ ..... ...,.,.'". .... -... ... 1, ..... S£1YICCS DlrlOUl£NT & rtlPAIATION """ .... '" ... ..., .. '--, ...... ,.,..,. .......... ,. ...... , . llllmlANOlst ... _. --~ """''~ ... ,( ..... -.. M .. .,,,,, , ... , .. ,, ....... .... r .... ....... , .. twf•..t• .. .,. .... -... ... ....... ~1~. J ...... ,_ Lon,..,._., ... _......__ "fl"t•....,...., M1-1•tt•~ ~ .,..,4 v • ...,,._. ,""_,,.,_ •• ''"!lft ........... ... ~ ... !::-:: ~ :i::. ~~=,__ . ., ~·r .. .-... t ..... ,_ MATS&MANE lDWIPMlNT Ulllllll de sac st 3 bdrms, fam nn. $379,500 fee. dl~he land. Owntf very I ocean view 49, with •••••••••••••••••••••• Hm · 2Br 2Ba 'Thi1 i. the At1Mu 759-1221 Oesc>eratlon ultl Owner 2111 s .. .lt-•11 lllllt Rta4 an1t •and wlll llnanee I $60K dn pymt SeUtr will p••1 PLACE bHI buy in iown I 4 bdrm, Canal Front. mull Mii Br1no all otters! ....., llllll IUln cirry 1or Ille of 111 TD "" CWllC .. "'" ....... b • "'' .... Mau Varda 3 bdrm, 2 IEWPllT 11m1, I .I. • 144-'910 11•2•11 I 1329.000 Call Thornton ESTATES IHIU •E ULES Newport for Big Bur bat h. lamlly room. 2 ~=======~r-~:::-::-••1 .-• Reaft 831-0300 7 s 206 property or., Mr Clark Birch llrepl1cH Only • Y • Ill. 2'h IA. 2 08 Hatt>or, ta ·A 645-3370 after 5 PM S 124,950 You mull ... wntll.Wf , llJ,100 E&STILlfF OllllT11f UIUll BHff• II• BE HER THAN 140-llU .. .. .... this one. Celt 548-2313 ltlllJIH COSTA IESA I 1112,HO I Duplei. 4 bdrm plva 2 lflf~ 1040 HAS ~V~~HING At ~ Sil IZOO ~'!!'}! ........•••.•.. san .. tlonally remodeled Sul>9f bargain! 2 Bdrm 2 Nonderlul l•mlly home I bdrm. 1 ye11sn3e•w5 :0111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cul·de-aac 11•"1 •• !!~/.~.!! ••.• !...... ..,,,,, F1r•1'1LH & decorated 4 Br hOme bllh with mHter 1u1te Nlth gorgeou1 view 5 BR I tr1da down " • O 1121-Yl 12S La S Sal 20 lClEI n· • loll Brighi , sunny krt· >r 4 plus den with •P•· 709 Orchid, Corona del Sher~ 11 4 bdr,;, un & I II Club •••••••••••••••••••••• THE REAL ESTATERS .... ., I~ -· ... ~ .. -----. ----.. .... -... , ...... ----- WlTllFIHT Abtoluttty ~t lek• aid• home In trvlnt . 4 Bdrms, 3 Bt , l t mtly room A breatMaklng vi.. Kttchen hu Jenn· Aire range w/bl1·1n mt· croweve. ceramic Ill• floors and morel Owner wlll Hslst In financing. Full price $425,000 • 751-3101 :: 1.....;;,,;;_;;..;;:;=~;;..;;:;==~· PlllOEI Tl ., .. ---.... ---- SELL llWI IMCvrl11g ewimmlng pool, chtn ovarlookl patio I ::l<>llS beckyard Bellutltul-1 M8f 851·9135 , ... ~on -·1"1.. -~ ~n,.~~1-Paved rd tn cto11e Full .. , ... him '111 bonUI room. lkylltt , lulh D G I alned OwMt ,..,..,_ ""..,,._._ ·~-....... · ......,, -price S88,500 Lo dwn. ••••••••••••••••••• ••• private courtyard, lplc & ouble o•r•g• ood Y maint wlll I R.E Prolession•I• l 2t0,000 wilh $180,000 ownr wilt carry Agt 3 I>< 2 ba. w/gar Mo to aeaurnable tlnandng. Only t9'mL ~$-2313 ualat with llnanclng YllW1 YllW1 HJ-IUl 11 12"1. fl11ed reta & 6 7 6 · 5 7 1 7 . a 1 t 5 PM mo S 1000 + MC Avail. 12H.OOO on FE!: land. 144-tlll 'Enjoy viewing the oc:un fully lm<>rtlzed 876·2139 May 1 8"·9804 Newp6rt BMcll 75e-1801 LU•tr lmll d•llilhltul 4 Bdrm home. ••••••••••••••••••••• 77()...()347 c.-.,.JaJ 2870 San M l gu t l Or, !end nigrlt light• from,,.... m •t IOf.4 No polnla Of qualttymg --------~ or 752-7373 95 Format dining room ind • * * Own9'/Agent I. ,. l lotll 4 ... ,.., -Super lherp 3 Bdrm, I• lamlly room Plv•. your I Ifft -•••• !~!;.,. .....•••••• Walker & Lee ICEll YlEW Corona dtl Mar owner mvll sell nowl Juat re· dvetd 150.000. Panort· mlc ocean and night llghla Ylew 4 Bdrms plus tamlly room . Asking $350,000 Call now , 673-8550 THE REAL EST AT&: RS with Cllhtdral celling• and • remodeled krt· c:hen A 9 5% auumable toen and an anxious ow- ner Only S 110.000 c an 979.537() .\f >ll/ tl/~·11 l~t A• ' • ,\ I,..' E-.... 'f' ..... flif f' Thi' t11tell draw 1n the We5t a Daily Pilot Ctas&lll«l Ad Call T Oday 642-5678 mlly rln, ~. formal di-I own ape Private atN with ' I APPlJ YIUll nlno. l>M\JllM pool, IP• community pool EJtc.llenl 522 Allao • ....,, ... d l HI and pltlo. Excellent financing avalteblt. $429. Newport 8"ch j •• -.-;1";;••••••••••••••• Tu "'91ttr quiet rtaldentlel locatlon. 000 Yov ire the winner of IMllllATI Near,_ 4-plex 2 bdrm, I 1650 mo 1395 000 oc>-1•2 1200 lour ,, .. tldleta CS 12 00 PISllSSlll 2 bath aech vnll w1Ch 'Ion "'...... ' ,. • value) to the I r1r-'~-___, _ _,,, ""'I ,..-..... ·-m 10% down, paymants ...,._ ....... .,_,,.... '°· j PETE J BARRETT ... REALTY --S1500/mo 11 11 posalble gar1ge 9~.-1SI Pos IALL• IAOI to own lovely 5 bdrm. 2 cash llow Now S159.j Fountain Valley Mlle siory. N B 81ck bay 500 Biii Grundy Rltr. Sqvare Park-May 8 . area S250,000 675-6161 1982 850-1991 Eves call. __ ':"""-_______ _ To claim tlcketa. c111 I 631-7215 8 4 2 • 5 8 7 8 . u t 2 7 2 F-0-,-.,-1-e_b_y_o_w-ne_r_C_l_ill C.11 #na IOU Tlcilets mull be claimed Haven 3 BR twnhae 2 • • •••••••••••••••••••• by May 5. 1982 I Ba. powder room comm llOlfTIOTI llUUT * • • pool A1sume :\0 yr s 120,000 111 It 13•,__ $159.500 Prrnc only 945.4955 or 631-0360 lfWNlll •m• c.,... '" ,,., 1111 .•..........•••••.•••. 3Br, 28•, nr b ch·. avail Mey·Sapt S 1550 mo 644-4895, $48..tl 196 Cnl• 11111 JI Z4 ......•.••.•.....•..•• New 3 Br 3 Ba Condo S 1500/mo l vrn11hed $1000 unlurn Mo to Mo rental 111 & 1a11. Sv· parb loc111on. neat to shopping & 1he1ter1 ~8·4968 "va1I 6 Mo 3 Br 2 81 Ne'Wly decorated Mesa Vttoe S 1000/mo Sterr• Mgmt Co 641·1324 1 .. 11a,1 .. ,.,,, 3140 ........••............ .... ••• .. ~ LOWHI priced In MtH dal M11. Large 3 Bdr"' home with a detlghtlvl. warm llvlng room which 1nv11 .. ramily enjoyment. Anumt low lntere1t $71,500 loan and Miier wlfl http with th41 tlnan· 1......;;========-1 ctng. Only S129,000. Call ICUIFlllT Fltmodeltd Mtu Verela T ·Plan Sharp 3 Bdrm with 1kyllghll In lam rm and mHltr ba Huge cul da .. c 101. OWntrt enxloua. Asking I 145,000. For an toot to .... cell 540-1151 PllEllUI LOCITIOI on thl• 3 bdrm. 3 ba ROHWOOd Model In Ir· vine Groves. ProltHIO· nally daooratad. UP· gradtl thr oughout. former model home. 4th bdrm converted to for· mal dining room by bull· uecullve condo. oc.en & bay View Fplc cethtdra clgs. ate. 1+ den. $10 000 opUon money Oy1 558·9035, avs 673-4699 Exrt'llt'n\ opportunity •f or 1nv ... 1or 12,000 equart' foot offk'f' bwl · ding f\IUy *-'d Ov..r Sl60,000 • yar dep,... ctallon Pnc.d lo l<'ll at t.2 4 m1lllon Principal• cin.ly Call Willllilm Colt' 8fol<n 1 br. 2 b1, newly dee Clo•• 10 beach & IChools Good neighbor· hood $975 1 yr min lease. 964-3161 :~= .... ... ..... &46-7171 Like new duplex-3 & 2 -.. , .... '"' ..... --... t. -- *"'•; .... .... ., . .... Y>U ll .. tlll •'m. .... THE REAL ESTATS:RS .n ... .,,.. Bt1vlllully 11rld1e1ped and maintained .-Bdrm home. Great oorner location w/tlflstlng RV ec:c:eaa. Owner wfll uels1 w/llnanclng Full price s 142,500. 751-3191 c:. ',f f ( • ~Pl~C1P~H' I', ~ i-,..;;;;;;;....;.;;;;.EA=S~T~Sl~OE~;;..;....;;;;._ :l~ BEAUTY .,. Par1ontllty and charm :;: are found In tlll• 3 Bdrm :;:: 2 bath home. No qvall-;:~ lylng. A11umt $01,000 .,. loan at 12'1•-lntwMt & ;~ ..,.., w111 carry a 2nd to .,.., with low down. Prime :'!: loettlon, prloed ti $149, ~ 500. C.it 848-7171 ... .... , .... .,.,, ... --.... ... ... -----= -= .. , ~ = THE REAL ESTATERS Ltetle Mru MUiiet .. , on a Tullet. along c1ma a 1plder and rtad 1n tha Diii)' Piiot Ctaull led sechon •bau1 Mia• Mul- let'• Tullat end t>Ougtll 11 for S9 95 You can •ell your tuftat ind 1011 ot other lhtng s through D•ll)' Piiot CltHllled Adi Cllt 1142·St78 Brdm 2 Ba NCtl unlt-<>n tht Hnd. will take sml down or trtdt and c;arry Iha entire balance. $760,000·bHt deal on tnt-18' "'°"' IUL n tlMllO lWI lllES II UlllE LIT You gal both 3 Bdrm Newpr0'1 B•~h homH tor only $239.0001 Live In one. rent one out. Enjoy yovr own private pool tool Excellent H iier II· nenclng. Don't deity, call era.esso . THE REAL ESTAT&:RS . .., . •m11111&.1• Betut. 2 Br. home. COi'· ntr lot, RV perking. $&5, 000. 20% down. 12% fl. ntnclng. XtrH. By Ow· Mf, 675-1832 ITUL Thie ..,.:IOue 3 bedroom condo Miii South Cout Plaza. IH .500 ol lllU· =~~:~::; llt od¥ I 111,500, NEW EXCLUSIVE OCEANFRO T u.,.,,.hful runtt•mporu·• .... wu:I lwAnt• ... 11. of 11li•••· lorirl. l1r .. 11li•,.. ... on1I \ l~.t."' from \..urnli1111 to t'at .... \ •. ,.,, .... t .-... '""""" & lnrtt" & lwd """• nt·r . uo1t •Ith .I ll4-•t.. rruhtl .\n unu .. u•I '"'""' on nwn ... ,. • 1tl1 ...... , of blu_. •.C-f'Mn & 'o"d' brar h. l'rnmlh """"'ntt.t ar '"'>a.tlOO. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC "[Al UTAT£ ). .. tft'"!W• ru""•lf\ M#~AWnl arr~ South Of Pacific Coa,,t Highway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Corona del Mar Cottage R-2 Lot. Room To Ex· pand. $257 ,000. Sharon Collins' Lia· ting. ' 759-91• •2c_,..,..._. ... ..,...c...- ~HERITAGE . . REALTORS ~~~~~~~' der $189,000. 124,000 IOWI IMO IHTll bu.ya thl1 roomy 4 Ba· droom ltmlty home w/2 nrep1aeea, • warm !amity room w /wood beamed ct lllng• Decorator ac· ~nit. S 120,000 Prlncl· p111 only. Don't daley, cell Olen•·~ [Mena P\etenpol-Votpe llWPllT •t11TS 714/760-1 900 Owner nM<I• cash. cteA11 antique type house 2 Br I B• 50111 ff I01 Large detached garage S 179. -~-~!"'!!!!c:.:__, 000 548-504 1 eves & lh,iJtxtt/ I wknda, 631-35110 wkdys V•it• /11 Silt 1100 lll&L ·············~········ OWL FlllT Price radvcad $16,000 Great aummer rental du-Five bedrooms. 3 baths plea. Steps 10 beach 4 llr~ home R.cleco-Br vp 3 Br down Ow· rated Alao l nclveled ner unit possible Low wooden petlo Ind sm111 low down. Owner wtll boat dock. 2 car garage. cerry big 2nd. $245 ooo 4 blk• to Oct1n $265. ' 000 Firm 7 14 -8 38-85 42 , or 731·2811 lm•t JIU s~;,~. :r;~ •,; +· ~~ ·r·:~;; rock Ridge Comple furn Move In with 1 toolh· b•ush• S 1350 Ao• 752·56&8 WMHllME Three bdrm1. 1'~ 1:>1 For leaae or teue opt S750 751-9905 ~l.~!.1!.'.'.~ .•• !.{~f FANTASTIC wood and glHll home w1panoram1C views and •P • S2000tmo 631· 1400 Watttfront H~ 1111'19111 ... 8Hutltully d~oratad 1 PllOI IEHOTllll !!.'!r.!!.~!!! .. /.{f! bdrm plut d•nl wtt bar. Canal front 4 Br Fae 1 BA. condo. POOi. jeeual. 3 Bt 1 a.. hOUM on ltfge 1~ bath1. Chermlno Spa-land. Terms. $299.000 gym, bOllarda. Muna 24 50~175• 3 unit lot 438 nt1h tiled patio Wltll lulh Mr Clark 845·3370 a1t hr sec Gerden vi ew HetnUton. Oo not dlllurl> plant• tor your tntflfttl· ePM. S 5 9 5 7 6 4 • 1 1 4 ttnantt. 1129,000. nlng. Pool and l•c:uul. lii-:!::!:!~==iiiil PRO':,~R2 •• 50HOUSE 842·9057, Kate · • 54e.~1 evt1 & wtcndi, Welk to gOlf courM, ttn·I' ..,.., OIUT ....---'"--vv ___ .....-JJ 631-3520 wlldyt '* end ~· CloM to 2 Bdrm, 2 btth, den. di· lalMI "-:•,,. llfO .,.,., O•lanl16H -----... ~---i tr~. °""'* wlll wry nlng room, latga d~bta •••••••••••.-•••'•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .... 2nd. Cell for ecipt, E 2 Pride of OWM<thlp Tri-"-,. •• J~J 111.1 JW garege. Itel opener -,.. ,.. llU Quiet end unit. Welk to plexft 10< Mle by owntf. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bf. 1 a..+ 1 8'. 1 ea. the beeet\. 1185,000 448 & 785 Hamllton Ave. Xlnt 2 bf. 2 be, $460 72x 105' A:Z lot. Do not a-lllll~ lltr. C M. Owner wilt help w/ (213>450·1HO wltdya dl1turb 1enant1. 1528 _, •••t• tlntnelnQ Cell 780.073.4 (714)G40·9753 eYS/Wtlnd 0 S 2 " ooo -' or 831-4402 •lk tor Jeck range. 1 "· . or G«I COZY 2 br. frple, new 541-5041 ..,.. & wknde, cpts, 1m. patio So of 83 ~520 wkdys. e.eutlful VerulllM con· 111 ...... 114' ,._ hwy $725 813-17()4 ........ ltelltJ :C,!!:·=-= 1~ -:0 BHUlllul • al moll new Nr . Irvine Terr act. Nr Pr•llY 3 bedroom, 2'A rHll" IHI Adult only trlplax. lutt upgraded., water 3 bdrm. 2 ba. ___ .. di ~ To piece yout fMtUl9t ' •1 • Grett ten anti Oen• ~a... d ....... Get .,_ btlh ........ o wtth n b9fofe welklng d 1tance to Point. 0"44-8190 •• t0< ~...,..$ ,::: 17!· .._,. Community 90011 rM<Slno p!,':tc:. oceen. pool, Jae .. gym, ,.., MurPhY Vd 1, ........ 7S.S35' "*· 1138~. Terbell. pfloN c lubtiOuH, ucvrl1y • I C.u... Jllf "'81tora. 9,...131<> Oelfy Piiot guard ge'9d. 831·2t18 8 UNITS COSTA MESA. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cleulfted. 842-64171 nttdl work. grHI PO· OC.RENTAlS Peop4t Who nttCI people ttintlel, $3 lOK. Jol\n 1·5bf'I $200 to l2000 ---y--~I ahOUfd atwayt check the ~~~!!!!~~~ llllJIFllR f46.7MO A.GT 7504a14 ~ 7-deyl ........... .......... ,, s.NlCt OiftclOfY In Int = 8y OWMI. Ot' .. tlc Ptl~ -DAil v Ptl.OT reduction for '" down· --I BR lMtlld9, 1675 mo . ~ l40-7tl0 fU -.. '350 ~.A~~. ...... ,. 642171,1,,..... :'::& ~ Sen Cl•rMl\te pride of IPACIOOS Jtlf, WOttl"'°P ..... ) ~ ow1••· Mod9rT1 lpe. g'(· fned, k~ ~ 1411 ;:,_,,,."t°eoomo:Wll hllh •WI• four Ul\11 c MNTA 7~14 ttede '°' M'f'hlnQ. tMO epertment flOuM with Ntver before 1 rtntel a... Clrdl. M l-1MIS ooeen. '*" 1 OOlf ~ Cue tom deoor•t•d i *"• doM to ..,J'lNfto, ldrm with gtrcle l\tr 01\I• ttuH Yt lfa Old, UIO/MO. Ht-OJO ClfMMt •• ,,..,, """ ow-'--.. _ ner could octupy tflret -~~~~,,..~·~~~~-­ _,,..., twO bllfl .-y I AlMOIT 4bf -pool oo.i ._ ......... Ill ........ ditl aer. HU""y .-..... wt .... tM ... otfl« '"'-1H111Mnttl o.c. MNfM.&'ICMt14 for lftCIOfM ,....., wttl "lrport ..... t: ........ _ flelp ""Mee •"41 .... .. -• ·--· ~tto1111u1 ~l =·::::;~ iiii:Ho':"' "::.. r:.:· ... =·tu·;;tir:t\-. · 1a1:.: llnlf. .... ll'•.. Cl r .c!__.,..,. " ) •• Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, Aprtl 27, 1N2 ..... nom.Yll .-... ..cnnoue IUI I llM n.~.!!!....w::":......,.... •ICTmOUllUMUa .._..aTA,_-, 11111=-- ---.---_.,, NAM9 ITATl..-r bo.!::,!.~ C*IOM lft clOlnt "'....::-...:.. ..... .._. "J ,l,ILINw:.1,:1111.1110. 14 Th• 1011.owlno per4on •• dOW!O I•) KIYIOA1'D t.MOC, Cb~~ ... - , .......................... ..........._ '. lliiM)..., il'WW .,..,,.. t>uel,_. u ; P' .. .., t4 ......... .. .._ ...... -· -"" ""*'1 J, ......... 14 Mll1dy!Me, APPLl.!0 fllHOUAOI MANAOI· ..,. ' 1' """"'11 Ottve, tint-~ ..... ~ .... lrMI. Cilllltllia tl114 fOfl BMch, CJI. t2t4t '°91• K. l(repfll, 1N4 t ...... I.II ..,... .... I(..... 11110 ~ MlHT, I 1663 llaW A~. lulte A, l'RfO Jl!Wll~ THOM'80H, ~ ...._ C.. ..... :::a="•'I ~ .. ,. PO lo•Hl4.•wni.lhfallev.CA 9471 Mollll•I Ori¥•. Hunllno1011 .!:..""' ........ _.......,.M lft T• .. ~.,.,....., .. t270I. lleilich, CA t 2t4f ,._., "·-' ,..,, J ..... c~".~~s:::. ~."lh~:l Thia bulll!MI It oondUcted by Ill fhlt llall,;-_;;j'':";, fllM lflltl Ille Tlllt tltllMtlll wat lllff Wl~e Thill ~ It oondUcled by en ~. n a.II M Or ... ~ e11.4Wcll ~Qlloltl If 0rlfW9 c_...... I. lllcllWMI. TNt .~~I~ wttt1 Ille • IMJ P9m '°llllllflef 0.!lllel CHll o.:ir.:. Thia • .Tern!,'::':. With the =·r3~2~ Orqe County on ~~'.1~:0?t;'.'f.J-' 0.~~1':; ,... t. 1a. •· 11. ttu ,.,._ County Olettl of Orati0t County on ,.,. 1-----------As>t• •• 1M2. PUbllehed Orati0t COMll ~ Piiot. l'WlJC MJTIC( Publl.n.cl Otlll09 Cout ~= Apfh 20, 27, Mey 4, 11, 1H2 lot, Aptll 13, 20. 21, May •. IM2 _________ 1_1-.&_1 .. .-2 ..one. M M"UCATIOM POft 1135-12 "8JC MJTIC( 0......-==~=.. -------J ---::ftC'TTT10U:=:::=::':':-=,-:.u...~==s=-:1=--.. IHI Pt•uc NOTteE ,.._ ITATIJlllNT It Mey c::onc-n; •ICTITIOUS IMl ... 11 file FollowiflG P«IOflf •tt dolflG I N,Of'O HOUll!. INC It !IP-NAm ITATl•lfT ""'*'-.. p1~no 10 t"4J Oepenm•nt or Alco-Th• lollowlng pereon I• dolno HMS LIMl'\1!D, ITatl Sli)'Pllttl hollo....,.,. Control IO< butl-••: CllCle, !Nill F' ltv!M. CA 02714 ~.,.. HOLISTIC & NUT~IT IONAL MERICKEL DEVELOPMENT. 1 OH 8Al1 8EER ' WINE COUNSELORS, 40.4 WHtrYlfnllet. Calllornla corpon1llon, 17H 5 S•y· (PUIUC EAT...0 PL.ACE) Suite t, H1wport 8Mcih, CA 9280~ parll Circle, Sulle F, lrvl111, CA 10 Mil alCohOllC 1>9¥9fllQM II ROXI. HAMIL TON OQWNING 927 14 IM20 Magnolll, f ;au C::orl•ncltr. Coat• ..... CA PATRICK R SMITH. db• Roc;k FounteMI I/el/wt. CA 9?708 V282e O.velop1n111t Compeny, t21 W1ve Publl•h•d Orang• COHI Dally Thi•~ .. coooucted by an Sit••· L.agunt Blach, CA 92051 Pltol, Apf1I 27, 19'2. lndivldual. Thia l>ullneta la conduc1ed t>y I • __________ ,_ .. _,_ .. 2 Rollf HllnlHlon Downlr19, llmlled parlnetlhlp. .. 0 0 Merickel~' Nale 1111( Thlt 111ternent wu hied Wit_. the Aonlld P Merlditl, , _ • Coon~ CWtc Of Oranoe Col.en!)' on Th•• .r.;=t-filed with 1111 ftC'TTTIOUt ...... Aptll ' 1982 Coont~Clerk of n....~a C~ ..,... 8TA,,_,,, P1'70e2 "' _.,,.. TM IOIOMt'9 s--to doir10 .....,_ Publlthlcl Oraoge Ca.at Ollty Pl· Apt1I 11182 11. • lot, Ap<ll 13, 20, 27 Mey 4 1982 F1-(Al KIN0 ·8 AHOCIATH. "'Mc-11121-82 Publllhld Orang• COHI Delly MULL!H AOVUl'TISINO. 22 f wdftn. Ir· P1lol. Aptll 27 Mey 4, 'I, 18, 1982 -. ca. '2714 -----------1120·12 l"ICTITIOUa ....... NAMllTA~ file 1011ow1no pe11011 le ctolng ~ ... AAROW8HO~..t. IHI C»•l>-c:ock, CoalA MIN. \;A 1?121. MICHAEl WA0£ PONZIO. 18 Roclcy P1 Ad , CotON dlt Mar, CA m2t Thi• l>u!WMN II OOl'Ollet.0 ~ an lndlvl<Wal MICtlMI W PONto Thlt all18m9M -hied .... lht COUnty C1et1< or Ottngt ~~on APfll 26, 1982 f"11t41U Publl ahed Oreng1--C-0111 .CU.lly PllOt. Apr• 21, Mr, 4. I 1, 1S. 1982 1\13:82 LW .. ta ~ ...... NAm IT A TTilllN'T THE BUS.WE.SS NOT TOO FAST FOR DUCKS -It's a sure bet these ducks aren't in danger of breaking posted I#~ speed Um.it as they waddle near Lake Miramar in San Diego. tm~-.... n '*O-.. .,_,ca. flta.IC MJTICE i---,,.,--IC-MJ_nct _ _.;.;;.;;.;;....;..; ~~~ ~-le COflcluc1ecl by en In· '1CTIT10Ue Ml8Mll --Odle'°'* HAMI ITATl•NT NOTICE OP AUCTION Of BEACti WEATHERSTRIPPING COMPANY. loc:ell<I 11 3550 Cadll· lac AYI .u.. Unit B. In Coate Mt M CalifOf nl8 92125 11 hereby regi.t•ed by ltle fOlio't>"'Q C>erlOll 8Nch w .. 1hlr1trlp Company Inc .• • Cll•fornla COtt>Ot•llOn. 3550 Ctdlllac Avenue. Unit B Coal• Mela, Cllltornia 92621 Tlllt •t•l•,....,1 ••• 11110 wnll lh• The lollowl<1g pa<1on I• doing ~MOMAl ~flTY ~a.. Or.,..~ ~.. MM...-0 OM e, IM2. °' °"Merell VICTOR SPECIAi.TiES, 1103 VACATED flflf.MIRS C/f ,,...,. Walnut Sir-. Tu.tin. CA 9?680 FOMIEfl TENANT (CC1•l PuMltW Orlllfl Co.et D•ll~ VICTOR LaVAR PETERSON. Nollca 11 htreby given lhat on .. 13, 20. 21. MN 1 I 103 Walnut SlrH I, Tu1t1n. CA May 7 1982 11 3 00 pm. :.c 1------------82680. Cheatnul tn W11tmlnsler. C Pl8.IC N01lC( Thie butiMM 1a conduc:led by In the undtratgned wJll NII ti ~bllC Song reference protected Thi• l>Ullnet• II conducted by • corpor at Ion Catolyn s Pitt• S.Cretary of . AefTIOUS IMl ... IS lndlvldual. aucuon the ~raon11 pro~y left VlclOf LaVar Peterson by Red GOOdmundlOll NMlll STA,....NT Thia llal-t -liled with thl Said P<ociertY c:onMI• of 2 wt>111 The loflowlng petlOM .,. dOlng eouni CleR Of Orange County on c.w lralllf wlletbed .. .,., tqUIP- Suit dismissed despite continual chain of obscene calls Beech Waetlwstrip Company Inc TlllS lt&lemlnl -Mid Wllh 11141 Counly Clerli OI Orano-County on Aprll 20, 1982 WAU KEGAN, Ill. (AP) - Lynes to "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt C heap," a hit song last year b y t he Aus tra lia n rock gro up AC- DC, are pro tected by the F irst Am e ndme nt d espite a couple 's complaint that the song adverti- sed the ir phone number. a judge ruled. Nonnan and Marilyn White of Liberty'ville sought $250,000 in d a m ages fro m the r ecording compa n y a nd dis tributo rs o f "Dirty Deeds," but Circuit Judge W illiam Block dis missed their suit. DllTH 1mc11 The Whites and their a ttorney, Dennis P . R yan , c h a rge d the song g e ne rated a continual chain o f o bscen e pho ne calls to the ir home. The recording by AC-OC w as released m the C hicago area last year , and quickly l'06e to the top 20 o n the charts. T he lyrics include the w ords. "He re's what you go tta do . Pick up th e pho ne . I'm h e re alo n e . Call m e a n y tim e ." T h e couple contended the song invited liste- ners to call 362-4368, whJch , until r PCen tly , was the ir ptlo ne num-l>ull::'A':A INVESTMENT co .. Apfll 2. 1912. 'W7tM ~~-· ;.,actvneiy _, ber . GEM TRANSPORT. tte91 Bolero Pubbhed Orange Coaet Deity Plloe. Said aucuon wlll be made pur· H ow ever , Law rence Gunne ls, L..1ne5~,~~<>;; =re;::~:· Aptt 20, 27. May 4, 11, 1ee2. 1U1n1 10 the prov•tllOn• of Sectton attorney for Atlantic Recordin~ MINALS. 10122 L• Cienega Blvd.: 175W 2 19:1:, '~r~1~ ~ Corp. and War n e r -Ele ktra A t-1naWooc1.CA90'304 1111_.,. Mnnrc ..,... · o E la · Co ......J lllil bu"'-· ... condUC1...,..., 1 r"UIJU\I nvt~ ?~.!._dPR P RTIES n uc rp .. counten::u the song ·---•• -v 7 .... .....,. r 11 la• d h be c:«po<allon ACnTlOUS IMI..... MS Warnet ,11....,_ I hlrll>y Cet'llly lhll lhl foregoing It• luU. true ~ c:«1ect cooy ol 1he or1g1nal on 1111 1n lhlt olloct ORANGE COUNTY CLERK F11n44 Publlth•d 011ng1 COHI Delly P~I Ap<ll 27 May 4, 11, 11. 1982 ll&l-8? ac ua Y co n m e l e num r Southern eoun1111 T1tm1,..11 NAm ITATI....,. Loa A.............., CA 90024 . "362-436'' and the w ord "hey." GleOn Grldey. Th1 lollowlng peraon 11 doln9 Addr~l..ncilofd fll8.IC MJTIC[ Eithe r way, the song qualifies vic. Pretident ~-= Put>ll•h•d Or•ne• CoHt Daily ----------- fo .. F1'rst Ame ndment pro•~tlon, c Thia atatemenl~H flied with the UTTLETOH GAR0£HIHG SEA-P~l. Ap<M 27 May 3, 1982 • """-ounty Cllflo. of .... nge County on VICE. 164 Melody Ln .. eo.t• Meu, 1&70-82 FICTITIOUS., ..... Gunnels said , citing case law es-Merch te. 1ee2 c.1"om1a 9?127. NAME STATu.NT t a blish ing free e x p r ession ,. ••• '~11MMP' Wiiiiam Steven L1tt111on, 15• P\BJC NOTICE The 1oi1ow1no peraona 1re dom9 Publlahl<I Oflngl ...... t .. Melody LI\. Cotta ........ Callfomle l>utlneu .. "unless the e xpression is des(gn-IOI, AptM 13, 20. 27, May ... 1 2 92927. . SCHUMACHER CALVERT & ed t o inc ite t he reade r o r the 1559-82 Thia t>usJMM ••conducted by 111 NOTICE Of OIHOUIT'!Ott POWERS. 1•10 Alpine. Hun11n91on list e n e r to immine nt unla wful i------------lndlvldual. Of P.MTNPlltW Beactt, ea111orn11 92648 PUISlJC MJTICE W1n1am s Lilllllon PubllC notic. It hereby ~ that Roti.rt Oouglu SGhumacntr actio n ... " which the song w as FlCTTnOUS llU ..... I Tlllt ata'-1 -flied with uie TRENT LTD 1nd DARLENE K t410 Alpine Hun11ng1on Beac~ unlike ly to do. ~ ITATl•HT County Ci.rt. of <>reno-County on TH ORNT ON. heretolor• doing CaiilOfnl• 92648 TM lollowlng peraon• ere dOlno April 15. 1982 bu11n1u under 1111 llcllllou• firm Mlchu l 01n1 C1lv1r1 38• -----------~-f117• n ame a nd style o l TflE NT Norlh Poplar. Orange Callto<''•ll fltlll.IC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PuC>llehl<I Orange CoM1 Diiiy Pilot, l HORNTON L TO ., 24$11 Hellll 92668 MUIR MODELS. 2020 E So !Apfll 20 27 Miy 4 11 1982 Gall Ro•d. Coty ol Llguna Hiiia Lynn Ellu t>eth Powers 384 FICTTT'IOUI llU .... IS 'fCTITIOUS llU ... SS Suaan. Santa Ant, CA 92704 ' ' ' · \781·82 County of OrlnQI. Stall of Callt0<· Norlh Pop111 Orange, Cahlorn•• MA• ITATl•lfT N.Aljljl ITATIMRHT JAJI. H0881ES INC.,• Cellfomla nll, d id on Iha t!>th day ol April. 92668 ALLEN was re tired fro m Southern Thi lollowlr19 penont are doing The 10114w1ng p1raon 1a doing ~~~o~A 2:.Z~00.,.E So Suu n, -.. -1982. t>y mutual conMnt. d1U01v1 Thia buSlnesa ,. conducted b1 , l>Uai,_ N buslneu u · · ..._ •1-.& the Mid patlnwshlP and l«mlNlll oen«al patlneta/>lp AG NFS E. ALLEN. real· ~:~!~iaofl.BWEoWrl'dHWe waraslla. Tl Anoclatea. 71?0 Mocking-TRANSPOflTATION SYSTEMS c::p;.~ la conducted by • lhlir relation• .. par1nera ltieteon ~ o Schumachef dent of Newport BellCh, Ca bird W1y. Anahlim Hlb . c.-. 92807 COMPANY, 5 Merlpo.a. lrvlnl. Cal· -+4088!ES INC ftCTmOUIS ._.. Further not le• IS hereby given This •tatemenl WU flle<l WllTI ll•e for 47 yean. Passed a w ay on Servicea by Ne ptune by ~ Jeck R Hendy Jr . 2827·0 S .t0<nlll 92714 ..... _,,._t Thi ..,... ITATllMlfT thal the undera19ned will not b• County Cletk of Ofanoe Counry Ofl <>--.....__ •·-" •• I Fllnlllw, Senti Ana, CA 9?704 M ,. Leroy L•HUI 5 Marl ..... _. .._,. ~ 11 OOlrlg ~ responsible. horn thla day on 10< AP<ll 26 1982 April 18, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. ~. m e uuiwy reques .. n JAX J CARROLL, 7120 Moc:k· ""'""· 1~ • ..!. ,._,"~-·· ""7'14 • Thia 111..,.,_,t WN llled with the a any obhgallon incurred by the F1-... Ii-• of flow-dona"-~ be ..--, ..... ...., -·-•• ol ,.._ ,.__ PYRIOEI\ EN'l_E.APRISH, 377 W -S h e was a longtime e m · .. -~·• ......,.. 1n9blrd Way, Anaheim Hiila, CA Thi• bUtlnwt ts conducted by an COunty C1«1t .,..,. ....,...,r; on a.y ..,_,Ho. -..a. eo.i. ......._ c.Mer· othW• 1n lhllr own f\amet Of In the Publlahed Orange Cou1 01117 ~loyee o f Paul Palmers m a de t o the St. J ose ph'• 9?807 ln<IMOual April 9. 1982 n111 t2U7 name ol lhl firm P11o1 -'Pr•I 27 M•Y ... 11, 18 1982 ewport Balboa Savings and ~~!t::::~~t!_!. ~09 ~~=ah~ condUCteo by • Thll at~:-::Z ~h '"' ~ Orangt eo..t ~ ,.,_~ ~~~~ "'~~~!~.~~•= ::,,.~~= •809·82 Loan. Survived by he r sister ......... "'• · Jack R Hendy Jr. County Clefll of Or1ng1 eounr; on 1o1, AptM 13. 20. 27. May 4, 19412 mn Robert E Wheel« PlaJC MJTIC[ Ma ude Forester of Charlotte, -., -TNt at11emen1 .... llled wtth thl Apt~ 9. 1982 1858-82 .,;::;:._-• -4ue:tecl D'f .,. ltl· (7 14) 113 f.7823 Mlctug alao 2 Harry ,._ ••-County Clef1' ol Orenoe Counr; on '~ ,_,.,.. o.w111 c.-Pubh1lled Orenge Coast Delly E H an: f~ AptM t . 1982. Pub!**' Orangt COUI Dally Pi. • PlaJC llnC( Tiii• •l•t•..,..,I ••• flled w1111 Ill• PllOI As>t• 27. 1992 F"tCTJTIOUI .,._SI . o ungan o e wport F'ICTTnOUe-.s• ,1f10M lot Ap<ll l3. 20. 21, May •. 1912 ~Claf1t'OIO...,..~on"Pftl 187~2 ~ ITATE.-wT Beach, Ca., and Richard R. um STA1"UmN'r Pvbllthed Of'ange eo..1 Diiiy Pl· 1533-82 l'CTmOUe...... 2. IMZ. ,__ The following persona lie dCNnQ Hourigan of Glenellyn. DIJ· The 1011ow111g peraon I• doing lot. AP'• 13. 20. 27, Mey 4. 1982 ..... HA,_,. PubUllMCI °'-eo..1 OlllY Piiot fltlll.IC NOTIC[ bu51MS• H nois, 9 grandch ildre n, 15 ~ -1818-82 "8.JC MJTICE ...!.!!! !.0..!-.!:2!!1~~ PERSONS AllE ••• 1s.·20 21. lta 1b1..a' ORANGE COAST FUNDING .areat-arandchlldre n and 1 KMK DESIGNS, 1303 Avocado """'""' -.... F'ICTITIOUS llUl*ESS 191 Eut t61h Street Co.ta MIN •· • 4 220 H I B h CA FICTTT'IOUI 80t*lll OOLfLA .... lt25 WMtclln Drive. CalllOfnoa 92626 great-great-granddaughter. VI., • • ewpor H C • rtBJC MJTIC( NA• ITATIMVfT ...._, ...... ~ a29IO PtllJC MJTICt NANI STATE*NT 0 c F Inc • Cal1IOmll CO(P0 M I I ' 11 b 92e60. Th f II I I d I N.it I . f ine. e.t Linda Itta Orl¥1, The IOllOwl"O persona are do.r19 emor a 1erv1ce w1 e M1ry Key s naw Crookall. 419 NOTICE OF DEATH OF • o ow no peraon • o ng ~ ~c:.-t,.a2990 FIC'l'TnOUl 9USMH. bu-'-.. ration, 1111 Eut ttilh Street. Catta held at the~ of her eld-Panorama Df .. L•gun• Belch. CA ELINOR R . PE1TINGALL bual-.. JOlft . Wl11h r11. 1•12 Corllelll ..... ITAnMINT CANYON CREST AIOGE VEN· ...... CelrlOtnl• 9?628 est ,._...f.fauohter, Mn. Ri· 9265, l PATS HALL.MARK SHOP, 9114 ~ .._., '!°"......:....~ ~ ~ The lollowlng peraon It doing TURE. 25301 C1bo1 Roed, Suite Thll buSlneu 1• conducted by 8 .,. ......... _ T ~ia AND OF PETITION TO Adamt A~.Hl.wlt1ngton 8eact\.ca. ,_......._ .. ___ .., • .....,.. corpor11ion chard Wandrocke 455 Cata-a~..... condUC1ed by 811 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. 9M46 ~ -bullnMS ... 112, Laguna Hlllt, Celitcwnla 92653 Or•""",... __ , F .. -.. ...,, ,..,, • ..,.._ JUllar'I Stuar1 ~ 11351 --Mala,.,_ (•I W F L. CO~PANY, (bl THE ROBERT E OSBORNE ·...-..,.,_ ........ ,, Una Or., Newport Beach. Ca. Mery Kay Sll8W Ct~ Al 13llt. Ttllt 11811..,••U wH llled w1111 1111 GOLbAUSH 14 KT . 9518 Harnlllon COMPANY 1 Calllornll corpor1-Marc Kuarian on Friday April 30, 1982 a t This ataternent wu Hied with tM To all he irs, beneficiaries, Foaler Rd • Loa Alllnltoa, ca. 90720 eo..w,.Clllt If O...,..Ooo.rtty on Apt 2. Avenue . Huntington BHch, CA tlon, 25301 C.bot Road, Suitt 112. PrtSIOlnl 7:30 P.M. In lieu of Oowen County Cletll Of Orange County on Thl9 butl-la cionduCted by en ttll. 92641 • -un• Hiiia. Cat1l0<n18 92153 Th•• •l•l-t -flted "''b II'@ ..... cr•d itor s a nd con tlngt"nt lnd4\40Utl ,.. -v Countu c•~· of°'"""'"" Cou 1 th e fami ly r equests d ona· April 9 I....: .. p J s Solomonl ,.,..... °' ..... Coeot Dally Ptlot WILLE M F LIC HER . 9701 c 0 OAl y TRUST. c 0. Daly ' -~ -... -n y on !Jons •~ th• .. _ ...... _ ... Heart '117011 creditors of E linor R . e l · ™' atat-1 ...,. NICI With the """ , 11, 20 27_ tea 1~· Bluer .. 1 0r1 ..... Huntington Blach. TruatH. 4100 MacArthur Boul•· Al>f.,:! ~11C9~2S "" "' ""''"''"""'' Publlthed Oflngl Cout Delly Pl-tlngall and penons w ho may ' · CA 9264& nrd Newport Beach, C1lllorn1a LAw ...,... .. '"' Asllodallon. lot. Apt~ t3, 20. 27, Mey '· 1982. be otherw ile Interested In County Clltll Of Orange Cculty on This buei-IS conducted by Ill 9?e63 KENNETH A. SATIN a AUOCIA· ROBINSON 112().82 Ap<ll 9. l9$2. -.. .-nH lndMdual RA¥MONO ANO ROSALIE TES the will and/or esla~: '~ ~ ... ,llK l50 ..._. ....... C8ftl CkM n:-n.OME C. ROBINSON, led Publllhed Oranga Coaet o.itv ~ w F Ucner ~ILLS . • famlly truat. Raymond ,...... ., · "~ "8JC M)TIC( A peUlion has been fl 27. Thia ttal_,t .... filed wtth tn. Miii• TrutlM. 13651 Y•llowsrone ~ ..._.. C" _ resident of l'(e wport Beach, by R. Ke ith DiNmoor In the IOI Aprll 13· 20· 2 • Mmy 4· 1982 ~ .,_. County Clerll of Orenve Count)' on OrlYI, Sen11 Ana. CaHl«nia 92705 --..-· _.,., .. - Ca. PUied away on April 17, NOTICE OF DEATH OF Superior Court of Oran~e 1123-12 ..,... STA'9mNT Ap<M 26 1982 M & M DRYWALL, INC . PYofl1 F1UOGS 1982 Survived by bl. MARGUERITE ROWLEY Counl~requ-tlna that . "8JC NOTIC( -n..-~,___..,._ . F1.-a Sher~ & Penaion Plan,~ Published Orange Cou1 01111 . . ,.. e P b 0 C 0 II Miiia ruatM , 13"51 "'""lowtto~ P1101. AO<il 27. MllY 4, 11. 18. 1982 da h V, ..... _ _,_ p lk f NE.,. • ..iD AND OF p-Keith be apnnint. STA" ltOME. vt0£0. 1-w--u ll•h•d renge oaat • y .. ... ·~ ugt.er """"' .. et er o n&u~.-. Laa· .--· _._ ...... , ....... 27 M 4 1111 tN 2 Ot1¥1.S.Ota.._·~9270S IUS-82 Pacific Pallu dea, Ca., 2 TION TO ADMINISTER ed u penon.al repre9entaUve NOTICE OF DEATH OF ....,~~-:'lo~ Cltda. ... ...., . ..,..... ' llY . ' 1t.w2 Thia t1ua1-i. ~try ,1---------- grandlona David and Chria-DTATE NO. A11H1.I : . to administer the est.ate of ROY LEE AND OF PETI-HlllltlirlgtOft ..._ ~ t2t4t 11in11eo penneraNp. P\llUC MJTICE Uan P ettker. Servicea we re To all belra, benefaaanes. Elinor R. Petllnaall (under TJON TO ADMINISTER IOI!=~=-".......... P\llUC MJTJC[ c. O DALY Ml 11Z51'1 he-kJ. In lieu of flowers the cred it ors and contingent the Independent Admlnl· ESTATE NO. AJUlll. noia..._11~by•ee-ai TNa ••a•-• -lllld """'the MOTICa °'SAU family ~uesta donations be c r e dito rs of Margue rite straUon of F..tates Act). The To all hl!lra, beneflciarM8. ptr'llllP1Np FICTITIOUl IM.l ... IS eoun1y Cler'k of Or1ng1 Cocmty on °'MAL "'°"1tTY d d d d I _.., ~. 0... M --·--AprM 23, 1982 AT -v•TE IALE mi.de to Palo Alto Med· Rowley Newla n an per -petition i. .et for hearing in e re lto ra an cont n1e nt TMa __ ..,_.,.Coulllr A ., .. ,........,.. MA&.COUI • OA1.'I' ~ .. teal Research Foundatlon, IOl'\I who may be otherwise D e pt. No . 3 at 700 C iv ;c c reditora o f Roy L ee a nd CouillyClarl!MO...,..Couilly011.....,_ Th• lollowlng penon 11 doing A'*-" .. Law NO. A1fUIO . •--' ln •L-will and/ ._ h be th 30, tta.. ~; •100 ~ ...,..~ In 1111 Suoer1or Court of thl S181~ 860 Bryant, Palo Alto, Ca. tntereso.cv u,., or Center Drive Weal, In the ,,_rsoru w o. may o er· ,_, BALBOA LANDMARKS. 1S42 P.O .... ruo, or c 1111orn11. for th• Coun1y 01 94301. estate: C ity of Santa' Ana, CaJICor· w ise inte rested In the will 'ubHtlled 0t•11y: CoMt Dell~=· Vivien Lane, Newpo<t 0.8C11, Call-Newpor1 .._., CA t2lllJ Orange v AN BORN A petition h as been filed nia on May 19, 1982 al 9:30 and/or est.ate: """ ' 13• 20• 27• 112 1 lomlt 92MO 1.,,.1 a,s.mao ' , In the Ma111r of th• E•t•I• 01 bh Jean Newland Swailes in a.m. -A/:itltion has been filed Aulh Hy!'lcla. 15-42 Vl.W. Lane. ,,_, ANTHONY L OE SOUSA Deen· ARTHUR E. VAN HORN, "8.JC MJTIC( ~ 8Mch, Califomll 92MO Publlahed Orange CoHI Delly Md real den t o f Hund ng to n t e S upe r I o r Cou r l o f IF YO U OBJECT to the b y ra nk M .• L e e i n the Thie~ it oonoueted by an Piiot Aptll 27 May 4 11 18 lH2. Nolle• 1a ner11>y given thlt 1h1 Beach, Ca. P Uied away on Oran~e Cou n ty requea~ng granting of the peUUon. you Su~rlor Court o~ Orange ACTmOUI .,_.. lndlvldutl. · • · · 1U&.a2 undlrllQnl<I will ••Hat Private Saw April 25, l982. Survived by tha t eao N ewlan d Swailes should either appear at the Co un t~ requeat1ng that The =1~A~• doing Tllll 1t:'~.!a lllld ""'" tn. !~~~:c~11~:~~~~!a~~!~ :1fd::,•d his wife Doreen , daughter be appointed as penonal re-hearing and state your ob-Frank · Lee be appointed ~ •: Couf'l'Y Cltrll of Orange County on fltlll.IC M>TICE 5upenor Court. on°' •lter iM 1ot11 Kandy Evers. of Vi.ta, Ca., praenutlve to adminla~er jectlons or file written ob-as~ repreeentaUve to KAUFFMAN l ASSOCIATES. Aprll 22. 1H2 c,. 1n 11 dey 01 Mey, 1982, •uhe office 01 son J ohn Van Hom of c.o.ta the eatate o f Marg uerite jecllorua with the court be· administer the estate of Roy 18331 Rltlert St,..., FOW1ta1n Vri-F11719 NOTICE Of TitUSTUI' IALR Rodl. PollOCk, Petlker. Gllbraith a Mesa, Ca., brother Bell Van Rowley Newland (under ~e fore the he aring. Your ap· Lee (unde r the lnde~nden-• ~:21.~AUFFMAH, 1038 P11bll1had Or1ng1 CoHt Dally On May 18 11112 al 11 oo • m Ptlllllpa. A Law Corporation, All Horn Of "'-•A M-·. "'-He Independent Admln.lltrauon pearance may be in penron ce Adml.nlatradon of Est.ates Fllbett St,_, Fountain 11..,._,, CA Pl!Ot. Aptt "·Mey 4• 11· 19· lN2. FIRST NATtOHAL TITLE INSURAN· John ° P«ll••. l11 w llh Str111 '-""'-.._ ....... f "'-Act) The ..-It.Ion Act) ---tit.Ion .... f __ , 1856-82 C£ COMPANY • Calllornl• C«po· Sult• 1800. Loa ~. County of o catates . ...--or by )'OW' attorney. . A.-. pe1 ,. Ml or t2108. rellon. H TruitH. or SuccH tor Loa Atlgelll, St•I• OI Cahlornla. •" IAl.l'Z .... OM IMITM&nmal. Wlln:W. CHld'll 421E 11th St .costaMesa 64&-9371 - i1 set for h earing In Dept. IF YOU ARE A CREDI· hearina In Dept. No. 3 at 700 ~._.,,..le oondulnecl bJ tn qJC ll011C( Tt\llt .. or Sut>etltuted TruatM of tht r1gh1, 1111e and tntetaat ot •.id No. 3 et 700 C ivic C enter TOR ot a contlncent cndltor CM c Center Drive, West, ln 1 Don P KauffMtn 1t1et ~in OMd Of Truel txecUted ~~t'. 11';;811 1'::, ~= =: Drive, West. In the City of of the deceaaed . you must the City of Santa Ana, Call· Tiiie ~. -flltd wllfl Ille ACTmOUI IMI..... by VE RN ON A JOHNSON AN O '"' •l•t• of Mid <1-...d ., IM Santa Ana, C alifornia on fl)e your clal~ wltb the fornl• on May 26, 1982 at Coun4Y Cletk Of OrlnD9 County°" MAim ITA~ CAAOV..N P ~=~· ~ orne OI clNlh Md .. I.ht right, title May 12, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. court or present ll lo the 9:30 a.m. ~ft, 1M2. T1'1• tollowlno pereon I• dolno :::: ~NT~L. VERRllL, Hulblnd and 1n1-t 111e1 the •t• of Mid IF YOU OBJECT to the penonal repreaent.atlve ap· IF .YO U OBJECT to the P\lbWled Df'llnVI Cotl1 :~ ~~· SNYDER ANO ASSO.' anct Wile, ALL AS JOINT TENANTS. :::::: 0t":.::::'oi::W u•:; .iJ'&11t.lnc Of the pelltlon, you pointed by the CIOUrt within aranUn£ of the petition. you Apr'tl 20, 27, Mwy 4, 11, 11112 CIA TES. 214 bll 201h Slr .. I, and rtcordeel S.Otembet. •. IMO u In addition to lhel ot Mid~ ahould either appear •l ~ lour montha from the date of lhould either eppear at the , 171M2 co.ca ........ ~ 829.27 lnet~t no. '413• 111 boOll 13129• at 1111 Um• o1 clNth 1n encl to .a "'9 hearing and state your ob-flrat l11uance of letters a.1 hearing •nd state your ob· I RoCler1 CMr1ll SnycMr, * E. ~~~~g8.9~0~'n?;"~1:/11~~~;d:n°J <*'.!tin,..., Pf~. llltuNct J., the jectiona or file written ob~ provided In Secllon 700 of Etlona or file written ob-·-.,. MnnM" 20tfl St,..., Cotta Meae. Celllomlll pureuant to 1h1t'certeln Notio. or City ol Hewpof1 &Mctl, County 01 jectlona w ith the court be· ~ J>roti.te Cock ot. c.llfor tlona with the court be-~ nv•"4 92127 Oet•ult ano ElectlOn to W th-OrllnQI. S1•1• 01 C•llf0<nla, P"1'· fore the hearln1. Your ap-nla. The time for mini ore the hearl"I· Your ap-ACTntOUI .,.... ..,:,_.~It conducted by"' under rllCOfded 0cJ;~12r ~::.! ~ ~.: ,!o~~t;'t pearance may be In per90n clalnw wW ·"°" exp(N prior pqrance may be in penon MAim ITA,.,_NT Aot>ert c. Sn~ 11 lnauument noOt Ofiidil-de City of H9wJ>O<• e.actl, County ol or by your attorney. lo four mont.he flOID the._.« by your attorney. The 1011ow1no peraon I• doing Tlllt etll*Mnt wu flltd wtth the !::t:,~W... under •ncl l>Uf· Ortnoe. &tete o1 Celtoml&. •per IF YOU ARE A CR&Dl· ot the hwinc noticed 9bove. lJI' YOU ARE A CREDI· ~~ SASH ANO DOOR, ~~of Orange County cin Mini to Mid 6-d ol Ttutt llil at ~ ~ ~ .. ,'~;tlOll TOR or a con~t credit.or YOU MAY •xAMtN• TOR or a con~t cr.dit.or 1835 WNttMr e.e Collla Mate. CA -publlc 1uc11on tor cHh, lawful ........ ,_ , ..... ....-...... .J ...... ,.._r f h d • c. f h d 7 ' r-f'lllOll•W ot Ille UntttO 8111•• ol ............ "' '""' ..,,,_"' '""' ...,....,1y o t e ecea , you mu1t Che We kepi& by the aourt. U o t e eceaae , you must 1292 • Jllubllahed Orengt Co111 O.lly rlO• 11 Ille m .. n entrtnet to Aloofcler ol MN! ~. '°9lltltr file your c laim with tht )'Ol.l aN ln........S In tba .,_ flle your clatm with the 1 si:;~08!:::._ ~l1,r,~tt Hot. Af>f" 27, Mey 4• 11• '' tlN. trel AMtrlo en Tiii• 1n1111enc• with an lndMcled """'....,_In court or present It to the u•. ~ m.y file a requai court or preHnl It to the 'oavid a: W•"'" 121 1ltll ai.. tan.a ~ toctet.o •' 11• r..1 '""' IOl.:,C: = ~ • .45$ prnonal repreeentaUve •P-with the court to receive personal repreeentallv• ap· Hununoton 8-;I\, CA t2M, P'9JC M)T1C( ~~:C,~·nia.':: 1o,!!~ ~~:.~~::;.A.'::d loltro_w~. ~ ...._ e... •ted by the coW1 within apeda1 DOtb of the lnwn· •led by the CDW1 wUhln Mell' Lou Wiik• lftlwmt oon11.,.o to end ,_ ...., fOmla ~ lour rnon&ha from \h9 date of torJ of _.. .. -ta and of IOW' montha from the date of Thie tUlttlNl'lt .,,.. llltd wMl\ 1111 by 11 uno.r Mid o..o o1 TMC 1n.,,. TH£ IUe.IE.CT "EAL ~ flnt laluance of letters u ..._ • llnt iaauance of let ten u = °"" of °'tflt' ~ Oft l"ICTITIOUI ._.. prOM'lY •11•ttc1 In.-.~ and IS TO • SOlO "AS II." fWtW· Provlded In Section 700 el P' ~..'!.....~ provided ln Sec. Uon 700 of Aplll. • 1"2• ,_ ...,. STAW Stai. o'tlCir10ed 11; Lot 2 of lrect "*9. fll't brok•tOt 001'*'••041 • N)lar\I d -tn ~ ....... Tiit fo11ow1nO penone .,. dolllO No 1oeo 11 llfloWft on • IMP rw-wl>.-Ct to IPPfOOtel of tM ~ the Probete Cock of~ 1100.1 of ibe Callfornl• the Probate Code of c.i.tfor· Jll\il>Wled °'~ Cotll '=a.""~• ord.o In IOOlt 2t4 , .... 4t •• Mo. tfll lhllll ... *' ,__ ttle ni•. The time for Ulln1 .....;.. Cedt nla. The tlm• for UUnt lot. Allfl ta, to. a ·Mir•.,..,_., OMNOI OOUNTY L»K>AflY 8"111 IO of ,.m'nriNI....,.:,.. tWll to "f: wir Mel 11 l>ldl ,,_ cla.lme wW not exp&re prior L .... Dk · " c.wn. wW not .....,. prior L AHO ._.Ml «>C1ETY. ttlO La. of °'Mii couney ~ '° ....,, "' _.. =••• ttia IO four montha from lht date A•l,.J el Lew '• lo four monthl tram lhe date f • 1 -• _ ~-=--om.· Coate....., c.Mtt· Tiw *-=:-.::.'°"* ~ ~""'of HI• Htll In 1alrhll of the ~ OOlMl9d abo\111 ... &. ne ...... of the heu1Dll nodced abow.' ......,. • .._ Oalltct J, A11tllony, PrMlffllt to be: 4tat .!.~. mon•)' of lh• Unlc.ct It•••• on YOU MAY l!XAMIME ..... Ill YOU MAY SXAMINE ---• -c11. 1110 L•t>ttclor Drive, .w. CA ~ ot ..... °' Ptt1 ~ the file Mpl by the COW\. u """-'"--... "" -·· d\t file ll9pt by lhe ooutl n fiiCnr-... _.. ..... ClllOf"1a nut tel• ........ be mecN tll!01ovt and .......,_ ............... .... Wiil.i.,. tn~ In the.., ~-...-'-A•-•' -.. are In.___.. In t.he • ...,. STAW flloMtt 9l1lr. VIOi ''••ldtnt ant or .,.,,.11ty ••Pf ... or C\lrN 1>y Mo11111• • TNM o.f 1--,..,_ _...,_ 1--""-::.: Tiie fotfo.'1110 perao11 I• tlolnf ttcUllGI. 11.oa LorM ltN91. O.· .. 10 lttttdlOH•HIOll or on the proper1y" ......_Ten..,. late, you may .... ~ J>ubUahed Or.nr• COut ,..., "°" --• ~ •: dlllelr.-Cllllmlellt'1 'enc.to...:: .. ..-OMIOf~W ........ I .... with ihe court to receive o.u1 Pilot Aprl 27 21 wtth the eoun to receive ftAV·COM o, DANA ,OIHT, 1c11ne I;,,,....,,., (ectlrltl. ,_'" ... "°" • _... .-w 1pec:lal notb of the lnwn· MAJ 4 ita..' ' ' •S*lal notb of the l.nvm-IO hi•• ·1· Co••' Hlf'l••r. lllOI '-O!M ..,_, ~ OtM. '-' ll. M64I Died ot TNlt. 10 .... °' °""" • • ~-- lorJ of -.1.e-" and of ' IOf1 of-. .. -" and of Dl'F·=·· lno., ~:':~111111. 1acre11ty wit' '"· ..::: .,... .,. ~ ::.-: ::=.•.:: • ""-~ the peU&loM, acaocaau And -.... petlUonl, Alllt'llUllU .... '°'' M It .. c.... ...... (MURtl· .... w. ,. .......... -... ...! :: : ..., • ~ ................... .. Npartl ...... .. ...... ""°"' ~ In a.c:aan Qllf. . AUit• "'· Ct llfor11I• ..... .... ....... 01 IM• ........... : .... 1200.1 of th• C.Ufornla llOOil of he C.Jlfornla ""'..,._ •----'1r • ltl.•11.17. DllM=:I"~ .. ....... , ~. iiCodf·----0...,..... TNl...,_11_ .... , • .,.,. DI',:,~~· ........... I iiet;&::,.>•• ,.,,_~::----l::Ero::., ~~ ........ "... ,m.1 ......... co. • -::ui•L ~--~ ~ ~~fA--. -~ &::~......... .,\liD __ 1-=.~ ,,.==... ~.r1:?111.f6•11 -w;:=:=e: :.iit.-E:.~=..-:: ~-· ?~i'~T.,~ ,_..._o.l!!W ..... , •.•.• ar...,.owe\@ ... r:;'Efo..-•"" =~';'I:; Mfltl..~'17,.., •• ~ ......... ,, .••. "· ... ,.,. • ..... ~ ...... , .. I ...... .._. .... \ ruauc NOTtc£ ;; MUC NOTlct f'ICTmcsUI .Ul•ll NCTITIOUI eYllMrU PIC"'10W.......... Mm lfATIMfNl NAMI tTATIMINl 1,,. ~-lfAW TM lollorwing perton• •••doing lnt loilowlnt ~ton• ti• oomo M I*-It OOlflO ..._ bllllnMI U butlneN H IHUICALO lltt N ., 1 t11SPECIALflt8 2113 Hew HOWAlllO MAAI< Al80CIA l1r .. 1 l111te JOO AneNI"' ::;,.-;::. port llvd Newpo11 llHell OA Tl!8, 2&301 Cabot flll04ICI Suite 107 9*1 t2M3 Legune Hiiis CA 82&!>3 MIOllH I Oytr l roo•• "~""" a TEPHEN DIXON PORTER 0.vld M Helot 2830 I Ceoot f:::t'•on1. Ne..,por1 •-C *Ille 2113 Newport Blvd Ntwl)ori Road, Sulle t07 ltQUn• Hlllt. CA 1111 ov .. ec;ll, CA 112M3 lnt53 OHtlcl.!i tiM .. It -~I~ 'I>~ '1\ In· .WILLIAM GLEN TA1l1M, 2813 Pt11y H HIOklt, 25301 C•bOI f ltfOIS -o ·-· Nt wCIO'I Blvd .. N•Wl>O'I IMKh. CA Aotll. Sun" 101 l lf01111t Hll.. CA • li'ubl11~ Orange CO.al Oaitv p1 T111a a1a1eme111 wu flltf with Ill• i2663 t128~3 ·'lot A1>11I t3, 20 :n Mev " 1oei ~=rea.t.oio..,..~_. .. ,, Tlllt butit'IMI Ill coonouc:1.o by• Jeo Loo t40/ Elnc1e11 • 18111 82 g9ntftl j)#ll\tftlllp Drive CorOM a.a Miii. CA 111825 I '"blithCI o,.,. (l o./t;f~' St~ 0 POtl..-Thlt bullOMt It CONIUCled by e PllUC •TIC( AIH • 13 ~ 11 Y:.2 .... .11:'':.J Thi• •l•l'"*'I *" hi.cl Wtlh '"' ~., OMll\Wthlp ~-----------• County Clit<to of 0."1Qll Counly on Jeck love PICTTTIOUe Ml..... -ic •""' April 15. 1982 lnl• at•IOtntoll WH fl'-<! 'Nllh ,,.. MMlll ITATl.lllleHT ,._ '"" ,11WI Coun1y Ci.tk Of Ortt1Vfl COi•nly on ,,,. IOllOWl!lg -tone.,. dO'r>g bvll Put>lltheO O<enge COHI Delly Pilot. April II>, 1982 -M PICWT10Ue April 20 27, M•y "· t t 11182 Tuchr, lo<trta a Heffern.,. .,_~AOf,flU, 1100 Harbor 8l•d eo11a ....,.. ITA:".J' t733-82 A P•"net•lllp lnckldlng -CelolOINe 12t2t ,,,. ~ -------------1 uw C0tpof'allont J-"""YoeNda ll'l 1 "*.,..,• .. '*-,. ~ °"_. f!tellC HO TllrH ~' Newport PIAu Drive "-· T11tttn c..icw-t2* l(llC.TIVI MAHA.QfMl!Nl AECAIJI TICE Newport 9Hcll, Calflornl• l2MO Tval~~oiJ:,";!. ~~~ iaeu 0.I Amo TfA ACAlll. 1000 Ouell Sutt• FICTITIOUI eUllN£11 f117"17 • rNe ~ •· "290 9'«11. Ce '2MO NAME STA TIME P bl 11 ~ 0 C 0 'Dftl-eN~ .. c:ono..c1110by•Qef*• IJ••• s 'IP•I"' tMlf•, hJ• ''""' NT u 1 '"" r~n~ oetf aoty P110I .>Wey-~-·Ca 9'862 Thfl fot1ow1no P•••ons 8'8 doing Apr11 20. u . MDV 4 11, 1982 • TM• a1a1emen1 ,.:, t11e• -11• ,~. ~!-hit 11<111neo" LunduLl•d by a11 In bu11t1vn II~ ' • 1163 82 C6l#I C v -" " -· NORTHSTAR COMPANY 11167 1-----..,.-------1"2 1y ,.,. of Cl<ange COWi!) 8fl ....,., I a... S 5""""' Purl Chel~eu Newport BHch CA PUBLIC NOTICE • rrua a1a1ement ••• tueo ••tn en• 92660 _______ ..;.......;;..;:,._ __ _ ~ . l\11bllahed Or•"9t eo..1 Ch"r~7;' ~y Cl«~ 01 o..,. Couftlr °" AprM 1 NOtlhSldr Pool' fl Spu Inc; • ~ •. 13 20. 2.,. "'' I ·~1 C•lllorni• corµoro11on 1967 Pon 8UP£AIOA COURT OF THE Publ11hed O••nge Cool Oeo~:= Cri.lsee N-putl 81ro1~11 CA 926GO STATE OF CALIFOANIA PtllllC NOllCE FICTITIOUI, IUllNHS NA• l,TATlMt:NT , Tile IOllQwong P•••on •S OOllllJ O~t' • Pl..AIN VANILLA 2024 C.lll•ett Coa1a MeM Ce 112626 'RebeCCI M Kossuth 202• ' Celv"{I. Cott• Mes11 Ca 92626 Tll11 bus1™Ka 11 conducted t>y ,111 1no1111oual ReDe<:<:• M KO!ISU!h This s1a1emen1 ""•s ltl~-d "'•lh ll'lt' County Cieri<. 01 O<un9(' C0o<11y 0<1 Aprtl 5 1982 f1M6Jl Publtsl'MKJ O• anqf' <..0<151 Ouoly p, IOI "Pttl 13, 20 t1 May 4 198i 1653 Ill' Apr~ I 13 20 11 !JIU 1661·82 This bustnll5\ t~ c.onuucled by II COUNTY OF OAANOE <..orp0rot1on No. A·10$537 I Norihstl)r Pool6 NOTtCt: Of INTENTION TO SHL & Spas lnG AEAL PAOPERlY AT PAIVATE Cneoe Ht>tolO SALE FICTITIOUS BU81NE88 S.."'flldry f lldtl' ot RUTH SWOP8 Dowd NAME STATEMENT T111~ ""'",...,.,,., ,.,.., tt..a w11n 1114 .ea I The following persons a1e doing County C~• ol O••no<i County on Noltu.• " l•t'<f'by 0'""" that ~uo """'/,'l_9~ff FEE f '19J I Ham•llOn Aprtf Ill 196) fllGI to C.OflltrmJllOn by thll c1bov11 -Ft175S4 ""ltlle<l Supt.mW Cvufl Cln May I I I Av•:inu11. Hun11ngton Baacll Calllor Publtshf>d Ornnge C..n<tsl Daily Pilot I HS~ •II 9 00 a 111 or Hu11.ia11e1 nlu 92645 Aprtl l'O ~ 7. M.t y 4 I t 1982 wtlhtfl lho t1m1t allowt'll by low lllft Oenn1s FredN1ck Lut1re11 1756-8:> unt.l•·•~•gnud 35 Ad1111111~l•»lor ,,, 2166 I Baham• Ln Hun1tn91011 m .. "~IDie ol Rull•$"'""'' d•""~ BHcll Ca1t1orme 92b46 P\et.IC NOTICE k-d w111 wu a1 'P"•·ll<· !M'I" 10 moi Mau•een AllCot lullrell 21661 IMQIHt\I •tt<l IJe$1 rwt t.•tltler on "''" Bah•m• Ln, Hun11ng1on Beach FICllTIOUI BUSINESS h1m1\ •nd cun.:l•l•u••~ •1er .. 111alte• Calllorr111 92846 NAME ST A Tl ME NT me1111ont:t1 all rtQfll 11111• """ ,,.,,. Tnis business os Gonoucled by dn I llt' 1011owtr1g ~"''~''"'' ''" oo1ng '"~' nl Huln Sw<ii:-1· d1•~t'"'"t1 al 1nd1•1duo1 t t lu~u1tth11 d~ t ltt tontt ol her dthllh md tttl riyht I Maureen A Lutlr"ll Ii" "''Ml '> 11 lb <;f M'"" 1111 ... 111<1 •nlf;!•e~t lhol mo e~1.m• n11' POOl.IC NOTICE Pt.Bltc NOTICE Dennis r luUreU ',fut<! llw1lli ( 1l1ft1"•··· (11'714 .j(flUll ,.d '" add1tHH1 tCJ lttdl QI FICTITIOUS aUS""""SS I tot· -'"1"mt•nt w '' 111•·d """' th1• Pntlt~• It McNamee 1819S MG 1 •If'< «lt'nl '"' 1"'-' lltT•\' vi h"r d"alh ,,. •"'5 vui ~. (..Jprio. •1f o, "''11 <.uuf'\I\' _.., Ov••f\Olt I hvtntt t.dl•lo rn1ct the, •• et 1JifOc;,.,.rt1 IOC.dl~d nth• N._ ITAT£M£Nl A1ml ti> tQ82 ':12114 County of Orenoe Sltle of Celllor TM following pe.aons are doing F 17 t>u"ness 119 1 412 lhorna' W .. nil S wo•a J Al '"" d.. "°"° .. ~ lvllow; SN Published Otang1:1 Coast o .. 1y '"" 11~ I Oovt' Sll•~H 100 New "••· ..... M&fl'( .,0 00 l..et ol "" AP, L TO .• 6 Clove BIO! PtlOI Aptol 20 27 May 4 11 1982 p-011 .. BeRCh l.A q7r,6() ,,..,, .. rly 182 00 lt•t'I (If lltt ~Oull1 tom,Tlivine. CA 9271 4 1715 82 All.I• J and Maty I rurnt>lle S7 w•··,1 •1uolrlf'r ot L~t Jts of lra~l ':I '" llOm, Irvine CA 92714 otmllC NOTICE .,1.,1.i Pom1 o,..,, f.ornnu det M111 "'*" ( 11, c.t r.osfJ M"\" u.unly ''' IM OITULIO .. 6 Clove eios 1 · G " MARTIN GENIS •6 Clo... nlO Lbltl1,rr10 .. 92'><'~ o ...... , •. '>tdl .. (>I r'"''""' a a\ BIOUO<n Irvine CA 92714 ORANGE COUNT\' SUPERIOR ""'bu-.•'"'~ t~ tOhlJUclt'd l>y a I"''"'"' " .. mar· ........... r.-<;rnc.le<I Thts l>uSI~ II conductea by a COUf'T ~""' ol 1J.111r ttrSh•P "' Hvu• ' rao,. 'I "''~u•llaru·<hJ\ g411l•••I partnerah•P 700 CIYlc Center Dtl•• .,,, •• , Ph1hp tt Mt,....Jm... ,. ,, r "·" "'" I tr•l Our.It nm O.Tu110 -S•nt A CA 9270 ftll '\l.ilt'm~nt Wd ~ ftlft<J ~·tfl the ft hJt. uf ,,)Id ( ,..,111-, r .... J.>f•flq This Slat-I was hied wtlh ll'ltl PlAINTIF•F ~~EN PROPlEfHtES CO<Jroty Clerk ol ')HtrtQt' C<M•n<Y on 1111ere1rom rne nor tnerly 150 00 Counly Clerk or Oranoe County on C~P a CaJ1l0<n10 co1p0<a11on April tf, 1%2 1 '''"' '' c ' • "'""'II 11 ...... 1rorn s I Aplll 16. 1982 DEFENDANT CAL PHOTO PRO fll7"n IJ""""' of"'' 01 1 inn ,, ........ 11. F117W CESSING INC 8 Caltlorn1o1 COfPO. Ptrl>lt•l•..,J Qr,tnQ" < ,,,.~, Oa10v P1101 "'I"'\ • Publist>ed Oiange Coest Oa~y Pilot reltOt' GWAN 0 SIE YING WANG AIJ"' IO '7 M~y 4 11 '982 1 ''' ~' JIJ••• 11 " 1 """"un<v r•• Ap<ol 20 27 May~ 11 t982 and OOES I lhrougn 10 lu i1&2 112 i ..... ,, I " G8t, v;,.,, ......... .,,, 17 17 112 SUMMONS inc; "'"' ........ , <., '1d M~~ I c "''"""" -------------CeH No. 313571 r PWLIC HOTIC[ fhr \al .. ·~ ~ .. t 1••< 1 lo <or1t11ll P\et.IC NOTICf I MOTICEI You h••• been d 1 •••'\ lo .. •n""'• "''"ll'""n' "" The c.ourt me deck» In'"• ·1 '' 1100' ff-''...,.,;-'"' ,., "O'•I'\ riqht~ FICTmOUI BUSINESS without your ybeln he':.~ :~t!:U NOTICE INVITING BIDS »I "·')' und ,. '"'ntt•nl\ nt r .. ~.,rn NAM£ STAT£MENl yov retpond wllhl: 30 d8 A ~ Noltr P ·~ hP11•t1y <J••"" lhftl thfl I any encumDrances 01 recoro 10 De The 1011ow1ng peraon• are doing lhe lnformetlon below J•· • Elb H<I ol Tru~ll!•• ot ll'lr• ( ">li\I ~·•l•\111'•1 ""' ''' '"" IJ•Ht.llo"" µ,., .. t>u.s.nes.s as 11 you wtW°' to s.et"' 1~ ad\ltee 01 < ·Jmmuntly Lolt£1'Q ... U1•,tf1C.t 01 Tnt '"'>'-"'''" • v,10 ''" .Jt1 JC, 1c, GTSE INTERNATIONAL 2024 an •llorney 1n ll'llS m .. 11er OU Or lfrjP \,O.Jnly C.1111,r'ltJ ... 1 .. '(. I I Ko(n•I Ortv• Coslt Mesa CA snovl<l.00 50 promptly •<i trial :""' ;:''" -.(!d •"1 t tr:h ufl IQ 11 ()() .. "' A•<I '" <·""" "l° ..... ,,'(! '"' lh" 92~6 w'•tl&o resJJn•·~t 1 an't may C;P I. 1111 h Ml:; 14 1q&? .,1 lt•P Pur t•' lJl.ri rt, tt"KJ tnu!.t Ct '" Wllltthnq 411•'1 Jonn M Russell prasodenl lfl<1 on lt'N! ""'""'9 Deparlm•·nl nt '>d>d ~°'~' ,.,11 .._, lf'(.@tvl'<I ul tht' oft~ ol 81ff'~ 2024 Ko1na1 Drive Cos1a Mesa AVISOI Ueted ha •ldo demen· <l••lroct IOL ,r, o '' 11~0 Adam. '' Ame•t<" lru~I 0.•pA!lmf'nl ot '" Calllorn1a 92626 dado El trlt>unel puede decldlr AvenYe. Costa Mest Catllornta al 41A I M.1cAr11tur Bllult•vard Su•lf' Maroa•el A Russell vice pre contre Ud. •In aucti.ncle """" n ,,,,.., ~1J1<l tll!l\ w•ll IJ,. i:-u111tcl; 100 N••wpor I Bcdt h C.ihtorn1M I ••aent. 202<1 Kornll Ortve Cos1a Ud d • meno• """"~" dll<l ""'" Ir ' 92680 et eny lime alle1 11111 publl· ....... CeltlOfnll 112626 lt• . •••pon • dentro de JO l>UHC..HASE Of r U[ l INJEC. "'""" ot ,,,,. noltCf' drlO bPIOfll ThlS butt.-5 11 cOf\OUCll'<I by 8 ••·Lu le lnlormeclon que algue I •ON PUMP TES I SI ANO r,OL m.1~1"9 ,,.,ti sat" gene.er pertne<Sl'llC> 5, Usled dese• sohCtl r 1 OFN WESt l.Oll EG( 8°11\ rnusl be Ii<"• f'O •no w•ll t>e I Jenn M Russell MIO de un et>og<tdo en n~e :.~~~I "'' l»<l'-~,,. ' r,,. '" • rn••I""'" Ot ,.,,. . .; " '"" oll"" ol a .. n~ or I This stetemenl woa ftle<l wtln the oebf!t1• hllCeflO •nl'N!d1a1amt1n1e o. with •~ 8.0 fNm '" .trvl ''<'" '''"' Amt·"t' '"' ' Dep1rlrnPnt '' ,,,,, Counly Clt't~ of 0•&"941 County on l'SIA manera 'MJ ,~ Crn11l1l1on1 drtd Sp.-c1to1 ~'""'""•<II '"'"' "' • ()<l ll m nn in .. .,bo ... Odlct April 2 1982 SI na n~ PU<'~l<I esc111a I l'" no.., '" "'" ,.,.o n1.1, "" "' '"'"° ,,,,.I "•I '"'~ "''"bf' 'ol<J '°' "'s11 F1M551 • ,~:;au . pvnde -r.-gt~t·110•1 "'tile Ofll<:f' OI .,, .. Pur(ltu"'"'ll A9''''' r ,., fU"l"nl I 10···· ot ..... ll"'Ourtl I Pubhatled Orenoe Coasl Olllty Poor I ro THE DEF ENOANT A ••II ul q1<J 'Ollf'9,. "''""I tml " '" Jt~omi:-.1nv '"" nlttH tly • Ap<tl 20 27 Mey 4 11 19112 comple1nl has been l1lt10 I> cf\ I l ..cn b•<ld.., ,.,.,~, '.tut.mil w•lh "" L""'''""'' '" < ,,.,, ... , ' <'''°'lo tnll ""' 1760 82 ptamt1n agatnsl II Wtynt f' li•J ;e r 1t\h1f'' • t."~t• ~r11t1ttd r .1tuu • to hP OAuJ ,,, cio-.to ,, ,., -------------deffllnd lhfs la: ~''!,,,,!~Ch•••.._ "'t.H jcf~, s tJoncJ mdtlto '''lw t .... ._ ,.,.'"' l•'0"'''''"Q '""I ... PJJM..IC NOTICE JO days attet U\IS =mun· ,.,, S@f t-• ••"l ·• I• Uh-· ,,.,, , ,, lhP Cn.J\I m l1nt .. t1ottlf .. *4.,, .. ,-.... ~'\ 1no ()ff'I ved on you ftl,., wtlh th15 court il ( ,,m,-,-,,Jn t, c,, 11\"J• ) ,tt1c.1 b ~1rd •n i.in'\ Ori in\.'lf-'' • ·•~ t"CJl.4t>w 1( I FlCTrrtOUI IUllHllS NAME ITATlMlNT Tne lollowlng pWaons are doing butineu es wrtllon responae to lot r ru11ee1 in ~n amount not 1 .. 1 ,, .. t 111 n., .r 'h tO bf-01nr.th:d .;11. Un•-ss you do the dc.ofmplftont It• in live ""''""' , ., I rt 'ht• •um "' llH• •.I°'~ nl ,. "r.,.., f , • .,,.,. 111011 ""' ~ you1 ,. auu y,dl I f be entered on eppttc at•nn t " 1h•d ·•' b owu ... ntN't ttMt Uw t1toc1 .. , " tlth• tt,.,,,.,.., "~,..., uny tttfft in I KENNCO SALES CONSUL lANTS 183S Wlltll,.r Su11e C·4 to.te Meu, CA 12627 pfetnhff and th•I COUtl ma o ' • will ••nt~1 •nto nu '-'rnoo-.t'd Con ,u1 • .r•c,. uo11c.v JnC'I nnft h11ll' I fli(lgmanl 51 1 Y en••• • It 1c1 •t '"'''Su<••!-·~ """ 11d<-<1 10 111m I'""-'''"' te"~ sn11n "'" .. 1 "'" ••~Y' demanded ~hft You; the rehet ,,.. ltif' ...v""f'lt -,t ta11~,.~ 10 .,.t\tf•t tnl<J '' th•· .. 11,., Rrit.1ud•no n• c.on could resull in 11c:;;,,:~'::. ~~t<:~ sucn conl••ct the p•ot:eeO• or the I ~"•'"'' and on,. n .. u 1 1 e't•llw W8Qf)S Ullllng ol ~ Cl< e ~ '11VCI "'" hf' IOrlt t"O t n '"" ,,...~•h t I!)(> P.J•tl by I~ uu"haWI HARRY DENE PEACHEY 213 s Ketlog. Fulle<1on. CA 92633 WILLIAM KENNEDY. 400 Sun· kltl Streel Anlllletm. CA 92806 T1111 bus.nese ta conducted by a llmtled ParlMtthlP or other rehef re "~"e:'~h! dV'' t' • t oJ tn• lu1• '4,Jn .,~ •• ,,.,.,. o• J.-·urt.h..e-..er'\ I compfaml q ' 1 ~rill f>t "rh•tt(<<J 10 '81t1 C.CJllN~·~ "1• ,,.. .. \Jnd ... f~1gnPIJ t(''\81 Wt-~ lht' 011eo Sep1em""r t6 1982 ""'' "<l"' '"'"'"""re.,,. ceu• ·'"'bids H Dene Puclley T1111 stel-1 w•t fotea Wtlll 1ne County Clerk 01 0t•"99 Counly on Aptrl 16. 1982 Let' A Braocn 1 ri. N i; tr"Jd•·r "'"' w111111rnw '"' IJ•<I Dated Aprtl 26 11182 J ...... ny v MOtMI~ e l for • i:-enod ol !otly llVll 1•S1 d•Yt 11 AN K (), AM l HI<.. A .tft...,, tt1 " t 11 .. t•t fnt tt 1• •·( (•f' ,.,1 .,., .. A MARTIN P ERAMO ~ty '"' ""'1 • Arlm ' "1' ''"' ul 11• 110 Newport Center Drive Tne Bo8td ot TrustMI r-..-.,,. tt" ,.,, ,. .. , t tht S~t• 1155 Ir' v• 1:oq1• 11' tt·Jf.'I 1111q Jr'-, .,00 t1I tl..r.>•t-n tm."fJ c1fllt(•"f1•·,,1 f1f7U1 P\.tblltlled Orange Coo.st Oatty Ptl()I April 20. 27, May 4, '"TI, 1982 1718·82 Newport e.Kh CA t2llO tw1 ,,. 14 ,_.a ,,.. _,,n, •H•·~Jufat•h.,., Uy fr l• .., D l ufM PubtJJl\e<I O<aM• C~a11 0111 PIO lf1lo1malt1tes 1n any bid 01 1n 1no 1 1Jroper1, MM•~ll•'m"'"' 111 w-1 y ; I t11thJ1nJJ ht N April 20 27 May ~ 11, 198~7., 82 1~1 NORMAN E WA !SON OEAAAD J. FANE u4· S.C1etary, AllotMJ el Lew P\et.IC NOTICE ----Ml--1-C_NO_T_ICC____ floaro of T1u,h'f!~ ... N. M•ln St .. Sulle IOI Coa>I C.ommur111v Sent• Ana, Celllornl• 12701 Ctllleqe °'11r•<I Tei.pnone: (714) 172·MM CON SOLID A TED Pultl"""r1 0•1.1n91• Coast Daily Publlthed 01ang,. Co.isl On11y .,,.,~, A1>111 ~i M.ty ~ 1<18, 1 PMt Aptol 27 28 Moy• 19111 REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidated Repo<t of Conditlcm of "AMERICAN ST ATE BANK" of Newpo rt Beach. Orange County, and Domesttc Subsidiaries at the ..:.lose ot business on March 31. 1982 187l 81 IMt 82 ~~~~~~~~~- PU 8 ll C MOOCl 1 ruauc NOTIC£ Stete Benk No. 1072 Dollar Amounta CONSOLIDATED ASSETS In ThouHnda REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidated Report of Cond1t1on o f "The Bank o f Or- Cash and due from banks Investment securities (Market value $4.709) N on-investment securities Federal funds sold and securities i ange County" of Fountain Valley. Orange County, and 3 906 Domestic Subs1d1anes a1 the close of busmess on March I . 31 1982 4,878 State Bank No. 1275 177 purchased under agreements Dollar Amount1 In ThouHnd1 to resell In domestic offices 5,200 ASSETS a. Loans. To1a1 (excluding Cash and due from banks ......................................... 3 7 t3 unearned Income) 45, l38 Federal funds sold and securities · I b Less· Reserve for purchased under agreements possible loan tosses 495 to resell 1n d omestic offices ................................... 3.550 c. Loans. net . . .. 44,543 a Loans. Total (excluding Bank premises. F.F.& E etc 339 unearned mcome) .......................... 26.935 Real estate owned other b Less· Reserve for than bank premises ........ ... ... . . 2 ,987 possible loan losses ........................... 268 O ther assets ...................... _. ............................... 2,2'25 c. Loans, net .......................................................... 26.667 TOTAL ASSETS . .......... •.••. 64,355 Bank premises. F.E.& E etc ..................................... 1.542 LIABILITIES Other assets ................................................................... 451 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN . TOTAL A SSETS .................................................... v .. 35,923 DOMESTIC OFFICES . . . ..... 56. 723 LIABILITIES Total demand deposits ........... 11,834 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN Total time & savings deposits .... 44,889 D~MtE~TIC OFFICES ......................... 31,414 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC O a demand deposits ................. 12,314 AND FOREIGN OFFICES .. • . .................. 56,723 Total time & aavlngs deposits •••.. 19. 100 -Other llabllltles ... . . .... 2 527 TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC TOTAL LIABILITIES O AND FOREIGN OFFICES .... " ............................... 31,414 • (excluding subordinated notes ther llabltrtles ......................................... rn................... 570 and debentures)................ . . .. ... 59.250 TOTAL LIABILITIES S ubordinated notes and debentures • . 1.000 (excluding aubordlnated notes 8HAAEHOLDEA8 EQUITY and debentures) .......................................... -....... 3 1,984 ' Preferred stock 8HAAEHOLDERI EQUITY No. ahares outstandlno • None Preferred s tock • Common stoel< No shares outetandlog -N one a. No. shares authorized 1,200.000 Common stocit ;·, b. No. aharea outetandtno. t.004,423 1.255 a. No . shares authorlted 2,000,000 ~lua ............................. 7. ................ 1,4 55 b. No. attares out standlni 934 905 3 116 T Al CONTRIBUTED C APITAL ....................... 2.7 10 ~OTAL CONlRIB'JTEO'CA ITAL ............. : ...... "'""' 3,116 : ~ ..,~. ......... • •. . ..... . . ................. .. 1,395 T~~r~ •arnl~• ........ _, ..... _ .............. -··-~-·· .. '"·"· 823 "ftOTAL SHARE OLOERS EQUITY ......................... 4,105 TOT·Ll HABRE OLOERS EQUITY ·-·-:.. ......... -•••• 3 .939 OT AL LIABILITIES ANO ., LIA IUTIE.S AND ~HAREHOL0£R8 EQUITY ........ .. ...... ..... •.. ........ • 54,365 SHTAhREHOl.OERS EOUITY ... -•'"···..................... 35,923 • The und«elQned. JOhn Eogberg. President and s. A. • und«algned, Lawr.nc• R Holmes, P,..,"*1t 6 • Whhfleld, 8r. v.Jf. & Controlltr Of tht •bov•named bank CEO and Edward H. Downer. Senior VP/Celnlet of tht . ..,_ dedetea. for ttlmMlf ~ and not for tht other: 1· ebo ..... namec:t bank, ffch declar•1 for hlmtlllf elOM and .. MV9 ~ •nowtedoe of tht matt•• contained In \hit not for tl'lt outer. I heve per1on11 knowledge of the ""'°" (tndud6nQ tht t"9rW lkM htftof), end 1 bltlevt mattara contelnad In tl'll• report (Including the rever• .... ..cf'I 1tatement In Mid report ii true !ech of the Mde hel'eof), and I ~ that MCh at•*"*"' In Mid ufMl9' .. ntct, tor hlmHff alone and not for the otl'ler. rlt)Oft la true Each of the l.lnder!Mgned, for twmlltf llOM •lllM Uftdet penetty of petJury tttet tht '°'eeolno 11 true end not for th• otl'ltr, C«tlflee undet penalty fJf perJl.WV lfltd OOfrtiet, that trw. foreootr-G le tn.19 end oorreot • INCUled on Ap;M 22, 1M2 •t Newport flNctl. Cell· 1....., lMtCUted on April 2t. 1N2, it floUnteln Vlff9v, c ... ....... ~n1a. 111.Jl/lltlt ......... 1•1'"9rrtt109 R. H4*M1 1111. fll WtittllNt /1/ldwlrd H Oowf* '-'•fl1hed Or.,... eo.t ~ fl'INM. ~Pfll 17, tH2. 11N•H tMlf • 6 4· 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6· 4 2 • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuosday .. Aprll 27. 1982 03 I ~ ... ,ff!.¥~!!!~~~ .. I ,_~~!~.¥~!!! ... '!!~ .. ~~!!!!. ¥!!~!~} ... ~'.'; .. f!!!f.!f!!! •••••• !.~~! ~·!!!.!!!!~ ...... !.~~! ~!!!r.!!.~f!! .. !.~!! NO l<IOOINQI remod .. 9<1 t er g1r nt Ralph'• 11111 I ON THe WATl!.A• I "'ttlde 2br, gar, '350 St.' 1250 Older r~ttred OrHt view ol bdall 6 A,.111111t1 Va/1a/d" .............•••••..•. 9!.-.~~~{ ......... 1.~!~ HYHU llUI 0 C RENTALS 160-331' ltdy only, no othlft nM<I bay I Inell. llreplece I 11 M If apply 642·7513 eouritry lt.ttc;IMln I 6drml Pen1ntult eotteo-Avai LHHY Our Wtlthtre Comdor · Tll LHIY FIW Miii YEHE 1~ now u1a mo ce11 Rertl In Cotta Mt11'1 4 Bd1m 2 B1 femlly 673·8550 SutlM °''" noc oniy pic-1u1eique v1twt, ' tme- nmt•. 100 numaroua to menlloh, bul tl•o 2 • hour unllormed Hcu111y & a lull aerv!Ge building C..orr1e He lo• you1Hll our on11 1wo & three bd1m au11e1 now tvfolt· t>te for teaae The Wtl· N E W E S T g It Id 2 0 home Quiet area Avail THE REAL EST A TEA& Townhome VILLAGE immediately Many em•-'--OC..-RENTAL_S_ ' COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br rtlUH 675-<1912 Bl<A 1 t-5 br'~ 1200 10 $2000 I 2'.t. 8• 1&00·1800 t<I It ------itf pur11u11ury oaraoee 3 Br ,., Ba gereo•. l•n 7S0-3314 open 7-d•Y• nyOro-rubt In mHtlr I ced yard 1&30/mo + 3 b• 2 bl lrpl~ ••• 1u111. dining r oom• S•OO teeuroty Sen11 A11a g•rege Blk• 10 beecn wooo burning ftreplacet H e I g h t ' d u p I e .. Nwpl Sl\OtH S•ll-8063 mlero·wave oven•. prl: 833· t927 20201 B Bitch snire Eet1n a v 11 t e p a I Io I & 1 St yard1.gar dene1 provl· £7Sid9 3 br. d11~. 2 be ded Elegent llvtng 011ty swjmm1no pool $850 15mlnutHlromFaslllOn unf u111 $950 rurn OltJ Ll1t.tt/ 00111 Yl1w ;.>13tL73-91W ---•• a •• /dul JIOI ..............•••••••• ISiand 7 mmulea to SC 557 ·2783 3 bdrm 2 ''1 ba. sp• skyhgM deck trreplac.i all ll•lrll $825 oor mo 964-3466 Lg• ;.> br t bl, yrly bll· "'' g11 deck No pets S600 mo 6"46·3357 Plan or 0 C Airport ---Juel eaat ol Newpo11 3 br. lge ytrd $550/mo Blvd & eo or San Otego '*1 lut & dep t856 WSE IPTIOI Frwy Sta111ng at $900 a Placenua 675-0936 OR LUSE l1/H4 month 631·5439. 2473 3 Br t'• Ba 110 yllrd pel~ 4 Br Canel tronL Fee Or ange Ave · Coar11 OK $650tmo Joyce.4191 l and M r Clar k ,,.;.,.,, 1101 ..•................... 4BA 2BA yee1ly Frplc; bll ·1ns parking Ctose to o a v & oc ean B1i.1 675-4912 Mesa 631 ·t266 645·3.HO Aft6 , 1101 l&Y Backl>1ty 3 B1 2 Ela 11100 Supe1 111.i•p 3 ~moly 3 Br 3 B• Townhouse s Q It S 7 7 5 Ce t t 1m beltUltlul pool & spa by babbling brook. lrptc. 63 t 7370 Ask tor Jim E•cellent ltmlly locatton dlw, poof, Obi gar, many -S t 6 5 0 p 1 mo Ag 1 Atraa No pett S800tmo Foa•t•ia V1/l1• 3234 760·9333 1eaaa 1st & sec ••••••••••••••"••••••• ---646.6423 HOMES FOR RENT CLIFF Or Oceon & nbr 3 6 4 Bd1ms $725 S7SO view 3 br 2 ba 11 pl • • • Fenced 1a•ds o•ir•oe• garoone• 6 ... 1r :>O Cn11 (Ill••• IWllHI Kids & pets welcome d•ttn & t•et "'"ltomti Wal~ to b e11ch All u'loiS 2~ t Mtigeret Or 5~ 2000 A.gen! no tee !. t SOO mo &JI 7300 1 pa 1 rm w1•, bath $300 Ntwpot1 Beach H i X·LARGE LUXURY' mo Ref!> No kite.hen You a1e the winner of Ill lflOI 3 level 1wnll~ 2 b• 3 ba 549 9322 1213)492 1592 lou1 f1ee tlCkela ($12 00 l11t6 3240 den 111ew S 1 100 m o C --,,, --- - value) to tne ••••••••••••••••• ..... 644-9329 728·9098 o•I• ''' 3124 ...... IEllm 4 Bi. tgl lamtly QUiii cul •••••••••••••••••••••• de·HC, bike to beech Just oll Bar ? bcJ1m Xlnt lllTAIT Ill l&Uttl UOI $800 963 5806 cond Rt-I $650 mo S525 S600/mo 2 Br t, Fountetn Valley Mlle 962-111191 Oo1olhy 631 5233 Bu l o ... nhou~e 1111 ou111 Squere Perk-Mey II, OC·RENTALS Hco•bor Vu Hills home 1r~ be•cony laundry m t9112 1 ,. b. S c:o~«r .. a par~•nQ N ce To clelm ttcketa cell • .., r • 200 10 $2000 wJlntef.I t'iCl!ll rels toca 10,_dllOr 642.5678• ••t. ·272. 750·3314 open 7 days tam11y 760 9731 ISL Mgmt ~2 lL03 Ttcket1 mull bl cialfMd 2 9t ,.,.., B• cono1>. lrptc ltw,t Crest Otlllts ---- by Mey 5. 19112 patio. close to '"OP' 2·3br' $950 $1000 mo IMeSliBllU * • * W/O, S525 661 3539 Amf"ul <'• t,31_0460 &IUTIHITI 2 bt llOUM, t amall cMd /.nUt J244 VERS,. lLES 1 BR Pen BPaul tfull'I landsctped Ok, $450, let & IU1. Rell •••••••••••• ••• •• • • • •• '" o u •" S 6 2 S m Ci gird,.,, ap1s Pool & Spa a mutt 642·1487 3 Br 3 Ba Exec Home in tstitast & ~c 831-0300 C.overed parking Heal NorthWOOd5, 2 SIOry Wtlll ·------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. f.>lll<l NO na1s •Cteen 2 br duplex. otl· •tre lrg lam oom "'o ... ~ r • Wes1c1111 2Br $650 B11cne1or $395 Slleel prkg Quiet SA75. dogs please Ge1dener & .,. 3 • t B• soo-s455 u111s incl N o pt ts water paid s9ooimo o:&stblull Br .,1200 8<18·2474 9.5 M·F 545 2000 e1u11s JBr lam1ly S tSOO 2 B• t • Ba $510 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___:__ Agent no lee China Co•o JBr $2000 24''>0 Vangu&1d5•0·9626 Untv Pll 3 BR 2 Ba ge Bays f.lfl C< vi. 2 1at"" $4501mo 2 Br 1 , Ba lem rm. lplc lge tor~r S2200 apl balcony pallo l11<:d yd Anacn Obi gar We!>t Bay 5Brtooc~ $.1250 l aundry rm c arport F•HI IEW COHOMllllMI 1 ano 2 bdrm each wllhj large au1omet1c: double garage f11eplac;e, skylight p11va1e patto d1Sllwashe1 e1t 1121 •• Siii 1872 Monrovia Co111 Mesa 131-1101 N-2 sty 3 81 widen or • Br 2' I t>• Condo 2 cer aulo g11 Many xtras Pool, 1ac Lene $950 As~ lor M r Lup1s 546-2313 1H2 tr111t AH. 'lBr. corner. dbl g111ege -cpl, 1enov11eo kitchen garden11 incl Vacant $675 eomm pool & rac C•o~ Wntertron1 Homes Riiis Close 10 all Catt tor appt 10 scllools park ~nop I 131·1~00 TSL Mgml 642 1603 ping, S92S m o Call:•-----•--• 7 I•· 8 7 9 · 6 0 0 '8 Or ---71'4·1175-01"4 Beautiful 3 b• 2 ba hOttle Northwooo J1tn1 2b• 1ba upstr' conoo A IC pools spa tennis $650/mo 7\41673-7467 2131596 1711 1824 Pon Bermouth S 1050 mo Ph A V Pet-mer (213~26-7301 Beau11tut garden epu ---Pa1tos1dec1ts Hell Plld B•g Canyon Mclain Aoull No pees Children wel Condo 2 Ddr 2 ba pool. come tenn11 secured pa1k1t10 2 Br 1 • ea SS H1 HIT&ll $1000/mo 833· 7890 'l Br 2 Ba $535 I br I b8 $650 3 Br 2 ea $600 2 br 2 bl $7SO $800 Su c1 •• ,.,, 3216 398 w Wilson 2 b• 2 > ba S850 a'E~·c~··cor ·TAGE••; 63 t·S583 or 642 3708 g g~ ~ g: s ~:~ bo•m ? ba w11t to train UIMH. OCCIPUOfl 3 br 2 ba s1SOO turn ~ b<'.h $TOO •92•7913 S365·S4751mo t & 2 Br " br 2 b8 s 1350 w,,,.;.,,,, 3211 apts new carpel peuos. 4 bf 2· 1 t>a 51100 • • • •• ••••••••• •••• •••• ca,por11 Cat OK 3 bt 2 t>a $725 HOME FOR RENT TSL Mgmt 642 1603 Laguna Hills 2 Bdrm S<l75 Garage I Cape c.;dtwnll~ le Raisor Riiy 833 8600 c h t Id 0 I< no Pe 1 s 1 , Ba S<l90 crpls orps Mes• W ood• 3br/2ba New 1>eau11lul 391 39 8 S45-2000 Aoent no lee No petr. 675-6606 g a 1 . o P • n er . n e ill t o twnhse b UGI I C .i i / -park 1895 1053 Saf'lll I · y poo 1a oa110• I ••• SS001mo 2 Br I Ba UP· Cr·~ cuur patio. 2 car ga I U I i 11-.i 1~25 per apt enclsd garage -rege. upgraded CPI & I • Ill • .. ' · 559-6221/557..()133 d •a7< 8, 3 •••••••••••••• .. •••••• balCOnyl paltO laundry rps .o .. mo .,f·t•3 L EASE/OPTION e•ec rm AVUll 5.5 E/Slde ttg QUiit 3 Br 2 Se lrple, dsh-lndry, gar no pels S7SO 673-3600 -QUIET HOME t c:l'llld 2 B1 carpelt. drapes, ya10 911age RV par· k1t10 No Ptts $5SOtmo Wete< paid 960·3989 424 B H11m1llon What ii means hr your ad to be "classified n large 0 audience Mosl or the people in our communily with moMy tn 11pend reed classified regularly. Thou111nd11 of proepeetiv• buyers wlU aee your ad. claaallltd •d• 642-5871 Far Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AO.VISOR &42·5678 - **LEASES!, condo NB Ocean & bat l5l M9m1 6~2 1603 view I BR+den for t Bi + E side ISi & IHl Two Woodbrtdge 3 Br more '11 condo nr SC + securtty $500 Cell llome• $900/mo on 1 yr Praze Sec ga1es pool 548.,388 tea~ 12 more 10 choose Traci os ,mall t11endty ___ _ 11om We're 111e ones to resorHlkC 1 SR, 01111n9 S500-S525/mo 2 Br I Ba cell for teaaes dlt pa110 Secluded end 1 ioto•y snag drapes . un11 No pets $495 + $3S p11to trplc d l11t ~mod \\\\\,cf hrlcfljl' u111 "5 &'580 cfl11tngs garage ~c.1ll1j 2BR fH SC Plu Adult TSL Mgml 642 1603 . I conoo~ P1>ot 1ac sec Roomy 3 Br To11tnhouse .. 1 11""1 901e cat potl No pets apt on quiet adult com· 1~;11 llJ""'"• t'~'" "'"" Move 10 cos1 nego11a1>le plex Nt>wly decoreled l lmmec condo Wood· $530 t S45 u t tl fl1ep1ace, encisd patio & t>rldg•. 3 B1 2·,.·ea. AIC. 556-1826 garage Sor1y, no pe11 wet b81 F.P .. JepantH $575 Mo 6<15 33111 01 garden. nr poo1111nn11 Ar.,rt•Hll f · iet/ 675 59•9 $960/mo. 675-11160 ••••••••••••• '..'.".'.' •••• SPAC 2BR OPEN BEAM 55i-4783 11/HI clgs b11 lots or wooO l f!l.~!f.!!iJ!! •••• !.~~¥1 ···~!'!!'!!~!! ..... !Z~! ~~~~e ~1° f4e81•513~~~~ t yr tease. 3 Br p, Ba. nu Small 1 Br carpel$ 673-8803 drlpn. etpt, pa1n1 A/C drapea S395tmo ----1 $700 836-8979 675-04]3 STUNNING la1ge 1 Br f!I.~!. !!1.~L .!.~~! p_._11;~ .!~!~ ! ...... l~~~ Monarch Sty Terrace 4 Super t Br VIII• t>alcony Br 3 Ba. home 3264 t rnoni ocean view. water Sev ert Sets Or bell S425 t mo 11275/mo 875·8074 o• !1<18-6446 <193-0803 527-7408 Enc • Br 3 Be view, ~~'!'r.!!.~!!! .. !.~!? epa S 1400/mo Agent •9~ 1()6.<I or 631-8707 3 BA 2be, big yerd, CION , to schta t ahopt $1SOtmo 831-0300 Harbor Vu 3b1, mtny up· gredet, g11S1enar I 1100/mo 760-0451 '" 5 pm l.1111ury pool home, m11· veioua w .. 1e1m IOCatlOl'I 4 Bdr, micro, m1ny ••· 1 lrH. Year or more IH. I $ 1496 Cell Lott, agt 031-12" OOYlf Dr. In WHICllll ~ndo. Ulllmate IMno. mitt« •ulle with lrplc;, •undeok + 1 er ' d•n. lrplo, living rm & !luge patio, poor. •P•· eeo u ~o 541·8H8, 4»-0903 Spaclout stud•Os one llOd rwo b(!droom ~ men1s FURNISHED end UNFU"'NISHEO Oa~wooo also 01,ers • All UhhllM Ptid 'lmmeditll Oceul)tney • $ t MllllOn In AecfMllOn ArtO Muell More• For 1 month or 1 '''" ltme Mode~ nt-. ~•·Iv 9am to 6'lm No pets. OMcwood Glrd9n~tl Newpcwt a..dl/No. 880 Irvine let lt4hl (1'4) ..... 1t04 , ..... leech/SO. 1700 *"St (Oo\lef II *'ti (1M) .. -IN garOen apt pool & rec aret s.c251mo 7 tO W tllth St * 2 B• I DI\ Mesa ;;;de upper New oeco1 No pets Oar SSOOt m o 833-8974 1't3b1 nr SC Pla.ze S A Ct•P<l'I pool spe $675 Pet Ok 752 5822 Or 641 1<160 •2b• 2ba n1 s c P1azl S A Pool, spa $550 No Ptll 752·5822 01 641· 1460 1't3bf nr SC P1ue S A Gar. poo1 •P• $750 Cll1fd ok 752·5822 or 841-1460 EHlllde 2 BR, sm yard opllontl 111ec11 0" $495/mo 900 •Q It 5<18-4845 1 ••· 2 "'· a "'· N•wly decor Ou pd encl ger dw111r. pool. bbQ AOulta. no pet• 642-5073 28r w/gar, $420 Cpll. lhcd yrd, wlr pd 2228 'A" f:Slacettt11 ~120 1·5pm 2 Br. 1981 M9')ll A_,., 111 llr. no pelt 2 p•raon1 $425 Slltr• Mgmt &41-1324 2 t>r. evell. Mty 111 No Pl~-'525, Wttw a Oat· diner 11101. 1652 Elm C.11 648--3827 IOI IPl)t. '!;.~7A!'!ou0!J IOt I '°day Id In lhe MIU PUT .... . ...,.., 00 IT NOWI ..... , ..... Your Diiiy PllOI a.rvic. Dlrecitor; Aeprll«ttltl~ Nl·Mll, tit. IH T .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuttday, Aprll 27, 1982 ~I •••••••••••••• '11:#!.~ •••••••• ........ ~ ............ 'c!!:.!:;'11 1 ColOr btlgtltenera, wtlt D•clt• , P~"J.a. crpt1 . to'"'"· b~tl Contt co top J"•"V, ...,., 11¥/dln. ,,,. • '1• ~ room t?.IO, ~ t10, worll. LIO. No. S 010 • c llr H Ouar. ellm. pet l'rae 11 55M5'1 odOf. Cf's>t repair. t& Y'9 'FINI HOt.IE up. Do worll my .. lf . IMPAO\l!M!NTI Alfl. &3t.0101 Addltlonl A ll'lemOdellnO We c.,. Crpt ~ eel ~· Steam cllln & ~. -WOf!~~~111 -·-·~ Uc. #3.49892 170-856' Why Pay Store Prloll? Cerpet layer wl!f blly di· rect lrom ~mill · MJP enterprlHS 11 we do the labOr. F,_ Contull1n11Dealgn1r on Mt, refs. 851·tl20 remodel• The flnHI In 1--------- flnlah 01rp•nlry. Your CARPET R!PAIR ~~ ............ ~~!!~.., .............. 1~~{~'1,1. ........ ~!!'!!I ••.•• , ••..••••• f~~!I~~ •••••.••••••. -•m ..... HAULING •tuC11n1 llH 8•ml·r•llrl0 ptOf WOl'ntl/I SlAAVINO COt,.l.~I. ••part waJIGOVlflng In· lawn-ll~b lntllll tg1 truck Low .. 1 rete 1v1ll 1urnm1r hou1t1lt· STU0£N1TQQIJ1 9 1111111\on AeH prlc:e1 Trll tflfn-removtl Prompt C.U 709 tt711 ung Lowe pet.a & plant• CO LIG •T 124·~1· Con1u tent A11lgnm1nt LAtwn o.1 .. AotoUllfng ·• Think )'(>I): JoM Xlnj rel1. llA .. llA24 ln1Ured 1141·8 27 _$_1_1_.a_9t0_~-:---:-:".'""7'I 541.eoea Of call Prol...ion.1 IWVIC4 "-'••·'· WATCH us QA WI W1llp8')11 Attlltnl Wall· ~1.11~ ••••••••••••••• ALL Al. T~AATIOHI & Cullom l.Uttllf Wiit. 10071 Adttnl M2..SU An 1 we r Ad • 5 4 7 . HauNnQ-yard c-.an up ••••••• ;n.f •••••••••• 1 t.tll p~ lj)plle1tlon1 & r .. ,,,, .. ,_ &42"'4300 Oulck & ~ Fr .. lit \IANMN8EA<J .! ..... 'I.•••••••••••... movll. NO JOB TOO SM .... ~•••••••••••••• Undacaptno·Yd ClnuP•· 073-0548 LANDSCAPING PM Pllmlt I OR 1.AflOC Xlnt r •I• Tll.FINSTAL.LfO flll\l!fll fll OCK • p1rl1Ct Tr11 trlm·EJCperl malnt Hauling, gredlng, demotl· MMI~ oomm'llrllld by Alch1rd Sinor lie I &48·21•n CtliQ All Kindt Gu11anteed OYW PoOI dlc:U. petlOI. Jim e&t.Ot2t lion Concrete & lrH TrH t Im. ctHn-up 21()8.44 13 )'rt ol happy l1r..1 l1an1J ~· John 6'0·9217 ::~:~~1~rtv1w1yt, ,,...,.... lar~Htr r1mov-d11mp trucik ~~~1,!ll~r.98~~· IOcll cu1tomer1 •• ••••••••••••••••••• ••All TILE•• •••••••••••••••••••• OAYWALI. TAPING All texturM A acoulllc Fr11 111. Kevin 175·9&88 OAYWAl.L/ ACOUSTIC Aepllrt, new & old 11 yrs I XP Bud 552-9582 ,r .. ---.. t.~ K-'""" ..,,35 Qulek MfV llA2·7&38 Thank you, 031·4,UO ••BRVAtffS•• ,. -· ....,.,....., a. I •£-' -W11l1Cov.rlng Remov•I Ou110y work 10 yrt ••· Hauling by cooegt •tudent "''":'.I'_,...,,,. Pltf, PAlllTlll All typee &42·1343 per G,org• 831 5479 K&O LandtclPI Mel~t wl plekup tri~k FrM Ht. •••••• •••••••••••••• Re11od/l11du,1Comm'I _...,. ~atom r--am~ Tiie Retld/Comm Cllen·up. Aoti.rt 493.2141 • * • Low ntu, Fret tit IJ11#11,rll1•1l1 ""' ..,.. LI Haunno. 64&-2489 HAULING & DUMP , ••• ••••n 875-7169 •••••• ~~.A •• ,....... Prompt MfV Frte .. 1. Gardening W•nted JOBS. A•k tor Randv, 382 ~amllton Neat P*tChl• I 1 .. 1urH 6 4 2 115 8 4 C 11 u c: k Mowing, edging, raking, llA 1·8427 , COit• M... •STEVENS PAINTINQ Prtl Hf. HI· 1UI 875-1408 1w1eplng Free ufl· You ere lhe winner ol 11 bllCkl Now spec; In 1"1 -PL. .. S"""RluA f1H mtt metet 045-4372 or ufllH'-••'-• lour lrM tk:k•t• (11200 FrN eil Cha1"-t, " '• '""' •••••••••••••••••••••• 845•5737. I!'.: ••••• ~••••"•••••••• I value) 10 1111 646-33481546·4661 Int & ut Rt1tucco. .IAYI fl(( OAll LAWN CARE Wint I REALL y OLEAN hRIH 11•m --UllY llTEI btock wallt $86-4892 C. om PI I er v I c I """ houH It your palace! & I N s T A L L A T I 0 N • A1.J.1JI 831·21141142·3872 1<1UMky fire fixed, 23 yrt 00'T::•0••••••••••••••• ---------exper. guaranteed l In· ..............•.•..... Oftv.waya, Parking Loi CllMllffl sured. (71 4) 493·9580 Aec>alrt, St.ioo&Ung • ••'•-•0 •••••••• ••••• •• AS CAAPEf TOP QUALITY ELECTRICAL.. WORK Reul"'" 1131-5055 CommlrMld NwpllCM HOUSE? Call Gingham IALL• UOI PAINTING 845-9383 PLASTER PATCHINO 640·9308 G1rJ FrM Ml 645-6123 R11tucco1 fnllul ":10 f I l S&S Atphlt 631-4199LIC CUSTOM SPA DECKS . . P1t1ot, gazebos. Uc'Cl. C1a111JC011tt1 Xlnt, rell1ble work Fount1Jn \la.llty Mlle -PAINTER NEEDS p 1 "45 2977 I II I• Orv/OfH, 811ry 6A5-74t2 ROBIN'S CLEANING Square Ptrk·M ey 8. WORK! 30 yrl .. p, inti yt1 N .. I &u <J • -1 •••••••'-••••••••••2•& Seeleoallng·Strlplng -------· --THOMPSON'S Al.LS TATE PAVING John Of Alcl< 979 32 ti 1•••••••'• .. ••••••••••• Repalrt Comm./Aeefd. Cablnet1 RenlOCI CONCRETE CONSTR l ie •397382 145-8181 Skyttt11 ·Room Add'nt lie. •3933&3 llA2-1482 ElECTAICIAN-Prloed right, frM 11t1mll• on large Of 111\111 Job• Lie 39642 I 873.0359 ServlQI ·a thoroughly I 1982 E•t Acoustic C*llngs 11,.•I•• M o•t 1ub1ec11. K· t C.1t1ll lfmtn ctean houM. MO 0857 To c:111m t1ckat1, call 0 ,.,11 Pllr\t""' 847•5186 ••••••••'••••••••••••• coJJfG.~ 2s Y".J5 5'5"'17• •••••••••••••••••••••• 842·5078, ••I 272 .... DAY OR NIGHT Mt ... organ. Y" • v College Stud•nl1 wndw SCRUB·A-DUB EXT P .. INTINO ~'!!~'··········· Careful & tovlnt mama of 2 t mot to c:ara '°' youra, my hOm4t FIT 831-3717 81by1lttlng In our C M hornet 1 yr & up Any hrt 142-6A82/648-5759 ~¥.!~l!!I •••••..•••• For &II you need 10 know tbOUI bankruptcy, cell (714)835-9182 ..,,,, •. ,., .... "; 1tme1 ......•...•........... MARINE SERVICES Mecn1n1C, paint. v1m11h Telk , rub & WIX 645-9766 1111'111 ...•.•................ IERWIOl I stl 8uitder1 SI~ 1947 Addition• • Remodet1ng Doore, windows. p1110 covers Fr" fft Reu UC •310942 5492-170 OrnhM wndwt 7~20 ~t-Muonry·Block . .. . WIJ19-Cutt worit. Uc PHI I. Peten Rea/coml Rob 547-2883 1609 Aulh Lane Ctill C111 ~rt Beach .............•......•. You ire the winner of Baby111t1ng, my l'IOme. El lour trl8 tlGketa CS 12,00 lldt C M , 3 tc' & older, Yl lut) 10 the $60 wk. 831· 083 ltlMIHHm C11t14it111 C.11111 IAUMI UOE ···········'·········· REMOOEl./ADO·ONS Fountlln Valley Mlle and Cerpentry Llc'd Square Park-Mey 8. 25 yeara lrwln 548-27 19 1982 To clllm tlck1t1, call COMM'l /RESIO 8"2·5878, ut. 272 Remod-Add'n1-~1lr1 Tk:keta mull be clalmecl Very reas. Uc 3 250 by Mey 5, 1982 Jeck H. Bennett, Jr . . " Oen. Conlr 552-9142 Bonded & Insured f .. !1!.'.1!.'!!!! •••••••• Addltlont & remodeling, No Steem/No Shampoo bonde d State Lie 8t80Crplt 1nst1lll •202752 1ep1lred JG Allen 494-1810 Flood d~ Steam C•I,,., W1Mw1kl1f Cll\Q 554-851 , 973-8566 • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• ••• • • CUSTOM CABINETS EXCEL CARPET CARE Interiors, bar1, mantlet. Cpl. uphol, 11ea rug llbrarlea, c1b1ne11. aky· cl1an1ng Work 1r. FrM Ml 645-It, 1 lites. cull mOldlng Refs &46-0092. 538-23&6 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Oual woril·AMI r11e1 FrM .. t 831·5072 Tom ELEC TAICIAN Lie: 233108-C· 10 Small Job• M1lnt & r1p1lra S4S.5203 RESIDtCOMM'l /IND 20 yra Do my own WOfk Ltc 278041 Al6AS.8128 !!!!!~'.I.Tl!!. ....... . FORMICA COUNTERS Top11C1blneta refaced Free "" 142·6357 ,, .. ,,1.,7 '''''" ""' ...••..••••..•..•..... ONE OF A KIND E1pec1111y tor you Chrl1Une & Ed 848·7826 For Cl11Sll1ed Ad ACTION C1ll 1 Dally PllOI AO-VISOR 642·5878 I dd Prof. r .... reliable TICkel• mu•• be ClaJmed INT I " Flrtt CltM W0tk Hllp Y""' Ctlllcl gel INiet. f on~, cir ;:;'.nB4 ~ 9 . Rel• Jean 83 t so 18 by Mey s t982 uc·d Reis Fr" "1 ' U lll 141-7121 11eo 111 .-.b,.ct• Orlde9 645-7972 • • • "6-I067 ---1-8 Cr1d•n1J1led tel· .,., .. ,. I cLE~~~~L::=v1cE •'"'" 2soy~'!! '1.~"'1~f11: ~.'.'.'!~I. .••.••••.•••.• ''* 642-am •••••'..-•••••••••••••• R111on1ble r11e1 Ire• 1·•••••"'•••••••••••••• Re Col Hubor Aooflng-1111 tyi>tt I Vi'H l1t11,i•f Carpentry -Masonry eallmtl• BRICK WORK Small Jobi Bonded Ins 11 or ~-tecover-0.Ckl ••••• •••••••••• ...... . Roofing • Plumb1no 720..(1742 N-pOn, Co111 Miii ••P9rt 963·09" Otcll LIC •41 t802 S48-9734 I Your WEDDING on Drywall -Stucco -Tlle ---Irvine Rel1 876-3175 Top Oueltty 10 pr1c1. ------VIDEO TAPE• Remodel J B 646-9990 j HOUMCIHnlng honelt & -8 , _A,. I prompt Exl & lrll Spec· $11,6/111/11 Exp d ~tonlble rat .. deplrldeble ryant 1 ~ ... acap no 1a11~1 Res & Comm·1 Fr .. ••••••••••• ..... •••• Ec.onomy ViOeO Servle:et HOME IMPROVEMENT 962•2890 1 Br1c1t.. atone block,lc & Ast 714_ 739.0708 BUDGET AA lEStltc d 1 (7141556-7091 Fred REPAIR-PLUMBING I 1n1 S38-09 U w low min Sml IObl OK ,-,,,--:--::~-:---- H .. uno cerpentry elec Cauc Htkpr or Houu -1-QUALITY PAINTING Free"' Ina 641 7581 ~!~~!!t;.~{~~~!~f ••••• Ille Free"' No JOb I~ cleener look Ing for 6 CONCRETE. Brickwork. tO yrs 541<vlng 0 C smell 645-2811 d1y1, 11me houae. w/ Ot1ln plpet cleanup, Reasonable 848-5684 l1wl••'Alt111ti1•1 1 Let lhe S\lnlhine In' affluent family Call An•· -~ ~536-2068 ....... ,~••••••••••••• can Sunshine Window Expert l'lome and apt ,.. werAd ,e50(), 642-4300. lt''•i 111,,, Bishop & Son P11n11ng JUI OIFFS Clean1no. Lid 548-8853 pair Carpentry root, 1 30 yrs ellP . Beach trH S3 25 548 79491 20% Monthly CMcount plumb, Etc 642·6013 HOUSECLEANING •••••• •••••• •••••• •• •• Free est 548-1029 ----- -*RESIDENTIAL* I IS OUR BUSINESS! MINI Blindt Coit plu& Q I p $hJit.•t1 Av t II S30. Avg 2 &ty We bid all job• .1ge1am1 1o yre. Janice's Raggedy 10% Call Deborel'I, 11al tJ ai1tl11 .:1 •• •·•••••••••••••• •4g Ch~ 957-8388 Ouallty, exper, llc'd Ann 675·2514 840-5078 tnllel!t W1yne LeRltf * hrll&lll• * . s _..,..r __ 8111 & D1111 &A._9325, Experu11 Hou1ekeep1og #1rl•f. (IXOYE1 751-9103 Freo est 631-9:255 Wldtws wastt14 Gene< al Mllntenance I we rurnlth vec:uum a • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • 1 . Irvine 1 betl BllJC 1 sty Repalrt & Decorating suppllet Kiity 641-4970 ·ABC MOVING· .!/!.~l~l••••••••••••• l•1i1kJ111 120 2 sty 130 Ou1l1ty Ray 640-5144 ---Outck, C11efu1 Stn1ic. Ferthi~ tnterlo Oeaig ,,-. '• • •••• • •••••• • •••• 559-1302 --Out llly HouHCle&ntng FtM aetlmltn 552--0410 1 HAN ING Sl~/HOLln •Spt1nk1er Rep11r• Cerpentry, plumblng w/a pe1sonaJ touch CM. -Rtta tcomm Commetciol Ron's Window Wast»ng elec1rtc1I, reu rllH Irv HB Beth 850-0933 ' •A· 1 MtYI•* Ovallty. Lie/in' Strtp.. Land.cape S.rv1ces Re11od Reas r1tet &46-8437Don I ~OUSECLEANING TopquaHty Speclllcar• v:.'l.g'~~n~;~25 __ 9S7-8388 _1 F1ne111noc 830-7711 JACK of all TRADES Reisoneble-dtpendtble in h1ndl1no 25 Y" •AP I -M.tko rour •hopping "' WINDOW CLEANING c111 d1y or ntght. Tanya 963•240 t Compeuuve Rat• I SELL rdle 11em' with a ''"' 01 u~"Hl the ()l,1y 1 VAS IN AREA •Jedi 875-3014* No overtime 730-1363 0111)' P110t Ctan1f1e<J ~ P•IOI Cl•~Jilied Ao• 642-S4491645-7972 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If it doesn 't sell. we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Hon~ lltfl ltftee 11.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 .-----... ----------------------------------~----~------------...i~---!----------~-'!"----.......... ~"!""" .... ~--~p--~----------~-------------------------,1 ··'"''"' ,,.,, I th"• S035 , ..................... . WIDOW HAS $1$ fOf TO'a I RE lo1n1, 101< Up. No Credit Check. No Pen- 111y 01nnl1on Auoc. 673· 7311 A,.,,. •• ,, t""'•••I• A,.,,.,.,, I A,.,,.,.,, I V1t1tif• lnlll• 4ZSll~!.".!'.1!.!~J~.·!.'.!.~~:9!!!~~-~!~!~! •••• !.~~ P!!!~~.!!~!~!.. .• !.~~ ~!!.!'.~· .• 'l!f~.'!!..!.~~' p~::i~r!:,rw:;.,,~ ~7 U•l•nl••" D•l11w•l4 u.1!!~!!~!! ••••••• I Dllf11~i!~.'.~ •••••• OCEA~°F0AONT·;4·;·e:1 shr 4 br , 2·~ b• Bluffs *llllll tfFtOE1• Office spic• av1ll1ble. 8al Ill 2 or 3 Bdr house. Amon Owner/Non -•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••• Avail now Weekly lhru con do. Nwpl Bc h From 1 room to3rooma 8SC lo $1 00 per loot In 12 mo l e••• Pr1l1r 80% LTV "••I• •. • JIZf Cnt• #.u JIU w•u• ... t. 3141 ,..,, ..... '"" 1Ummtr 873-7873 1230/mo Alk for Henry From 11 16 I tq h No C1nnery v1111ge Burr yard 2 1311198-0686, PETER 0088S !'! •••••• !!!'.,•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••'••••~•••••••••••••• •••~••••••••••••••••• 720-0572 ..... rtiQutred AdJ Atr.. Whtte Ritt, 67S..4630 94~.4912 BROKER Studio '" blk from main I IAOI UY • • • porta< Inn 2112 Dupont 640-8018 7eo-a827 2 Br 571 W Joann, Ill 11r, .a..-..8.AU beach 1385 Utll Incl OeluH 1 Bf All utlhtes ..... Salfer4 'Srir 3 Br t>Mchlrorrt hOU· C.it AM 833-3223 l•IQlll 1111'1 44SO Furn or unlurn w1111-Looking for • Con11rva· no peta l42S Sterr• ~-u Good kllc:h 494-3044 I peld Pool rec room 1 __ Clf ff yr l11M 1250 S11-•••••••••••••••••••••• Iron! P"1 llome or condo Mgmt 6A1-1324 ffW&lill-I 20102 Birch SI JWI OH 11~~11~ cle lhorl Of 845-9519-450 aq ft turn oll1ce STORAGE SPACE. Coate m•d·Jun·mld-Sept Have Uv1 ,,,,,_lment? f>ltneltl i..-•• l/•1tl JISZ -..vall ...... tPIC9 S400/mo Mesa 24x 13 encloHd Id \I 11 p k h Oeve&oc>er MekJ Pvt Ptv 2 Br ........., rldte dupltJt New Condo lor rent. 2 ::7.':':' •••• , ••••••••••• I Bfl.llol "fMt 1"91')1hlng You 119 the winner ot Roommate wented MIF to 841.()783 Elec: hOo!l-up 646_76e0 so 1 I tr ome 10 mike 1325.000 r••I ·--.. 8'. 2,,. 8-. 170$/mo. Dbl 1 Br. upgr1C1ed, neuly $490/mo Contac1 Mnor fOVl' frl8 tletl ... (S 12 00 "" 2 Br 2 81 IPt C M · I n.-d temporer; re11o.n.-etllt• lot n ttcured by $~ gfs9,.~t yard ~fir~ pool, epa. new pool t e nn 11 Ap1 4 value) lo 1111 645--0386 ah 5PM B'YfRQNT S TORE:JjlONT Ole or ce MuSI be in ltlnt corrd ,., TD on an exlttlng 2 yr ---------~~~W~. ~l~ltft.~~84~5-~2~7~3Q~ sssoimo 213191g.11a t A ,, • J ,L,J ...... 1111m I Shr llM wlfull prl~ Avlll " rellil VII Udo Npt Wiii pey up to "'1~01mo old free ltanding 8400 aq Large 3 bdrm, 2 b&. PlllO, alt 7PM. ,.,,.,. '111 ••-•H •• ••ot Prime otllce 473.1003 Sch 18501$ 1400 mo Sue Ewald 974· II Me•ICtn RHllurant .. E 0 11 ,,,_,111 3.._ ~ -1mmed 1225 mo ulll Bob 7~2•2266 yar.. ncJlr n Liii E11t1td1 1 bdr. p ool, ----------1 '""' ,_ 100 642 8811 " ant 10 sher• hOull or long ta<m triple net IN Ln Av1ll •Y¥0 1850 leundry, ldufll. no pet.I I---' ••t• 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• S Fountlinp \111.tfJyk ••Mlle8 • 1 600 Slf Blocic from wale< apt w/M/F on ocean-II 15500 mo min YI 6% per II":> 1375/lll0.133-7890 •• -.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• QUltl I r ·mlY Roommite wtnled lO lhr execup an Storage or olc 209 front or P1nln1ul1 Pref Of gross Mlee Proeeecls 548-1938 ---------1 W'l1TOUFF IUWllD l982 38r 2•.;e1 condo H B Palm. Bell>OI 675-5774 341h to Rive< jelly Brian. to pey oft bank con· ---------3 bf, t~ be ept. $495 mo. Belut t bf & den, trplc, To cletm ticket a call $275 urn lnCI 846-6659 673.1398 or 850-1324 alruciton loan ballots of Lo 2 br. 1 bl. new drpa & No 1>9ta. Avall. now Call pool $550 640-7&t4 YILUIE 642-S878 , ext 272 "A ltw 0.Ht,t" HWNIT IUCI 1322,000 1981-82 11. cpl DIW & refrlg Encl'd Rull. 642-e153. New 1&2 bdrm luxury T1Gket1 mutt ti. ctetrned FI M •hr 3Br In N Hcunt Full HrVa/cu.stom Prtme buSlnen loc:allOn Completely r11pona1ble Nltld v1lue 1707,244 ger Od loc 1475 1---------1 1 eR condo,V1r1111111. IP1•1nl4 plina l8drm by M1y5.1982 8ch l 185+u111 •II off"•&<Se~apeoe onbutv P11c:CoastHwy prof w omen Loc11 Orlveby & ... at6l97 645-9684 111 11AM •utYfffl Ilk• n-1550 mo Cell from S5t5, 2 bdrm from * • * i DenlN dye 752·8800 Nr 0 C Alrl)Or1 ld11I /11111 &/or office Mov•m•nl Th1r1p111 8111 Ad Cypreaa. Ca (1 Profea~lonally dacor•ted ,,.,. 3141 2R11'!'812r~.7~~~·930-2323• 1570, TownhOUN from ... 3 M over 30 lhr 2 br. 2 be "See to Appreclltel" space for butlness nee-Mella unlurn. QUiit, 1e1-bit! East'ol \/alley View 11 1 Br condo with all •••••••••••••••••••••• "'" or v,... $640 + poola, tennla. 1~:"3 ';:"'\/Ille,"''"· furn. mobile nome. pool, lll·llll d ing high viatbtllly 1het1c, mature. Upper 1 No Wffl corner of Bill 1menltl11, nHr S C Huntington CrHk Apt 28r 1be, eet In kllch Encl w1terl1ll1, pondaf 011 •'c an 7·14_840_5548 Lido, N 8 $350 Incl t000-2000·1<1 h avtllabl• bOrm or am all houu I Ad & Juanlll St). Then pt 111, ) •.,I y I e 11 • Delu•a 1 & 2 Br· Frpca, pa 110 & ger. 553 5, no I fOf eooklng & htlllno u ti II , I I S 0 d • p Small aulle, 215 Rl~lldt, 645-7 IOO Coron• del Mar lo Sin cell me & let'• !Ilk te<ms 1550/mo. 549·3718 or :;;~~~tyg.•e:l~~el3~ Pit• &42-213.4 paid From Sen Diego lllllll If l•lll 4' 876--9688. 976-4693 N.B , ecrou from ~11 ~~~~;.~·~~ ~~~811 Prln on1y/le11e. Jerry 553-1202 •11 5. .. ..... "'PM.......... Frwy drive North on •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br twnh1• N 8 Pool Otflcle 1350/mo ,. i J ,. A e Y no I I (7 1 4 ; ....... " .... ~, p I DK urwnnny 8Mc:h to McFadden to Stir condo W/prol per.on . . . . . .,, •• ,,, , w • n I r 0 0 m I • pt ; N 8 &40·826n Bnutlful2BRnr So.:--.-..... ---..... ----• M nLnrun Se1wlod VIiiage l285,t1t,t11t,d1pAli 1io,u~n!taht .t;~1a' 645-4T2lll640.5557 lf•t1J1 441S oc .. ntront/nrby . ---------~g:t', :!~~:·,:1415 mo. Spaclnut 11 1 2 bdrm OMITIY II.II (714)1193-5tg8. am1nltl11. 838·5180; g:,~502 1 Newport BHch. 504 N ···,····•IT••;;1··.;;;;;,,••• sum 1 mer· 1 3. 68 yr118 M11ure, W£ BUY · I SOO/mo lmmed. occu· pancy 2 Br 1 Ba houM, yerd, em.ii 9.,ege Cell for Appt. Imo n g b I I u t I a k e UY9t ~-966-6479 Newport Blvd S 185 & SCHOO"'l PR•O-PE"RTY' Ca ol 83 ,.,., ,.,_ Chrl1t11n women, 30-45, up Starr• Mgmt. Co 1----------1 dltcounted trull d1ads 1tre1m1. Pool. )IC end 81chelor1 1 & 2 b•· •••••••••••••••••••••• refa, to ltlr 3 bl. 2 b& apt 641· 1324 FOR LEASE • du• In 3 ye•rt or IHI rec 1re1. No pet• droom 1pt1 & townhou· LO Room In new condo ROUllT£ iw_,_ Me-7923 Liit i-.-2 ofllCl/Storage bldg• l1111111/l1n1t/ conteC:I John Silo. ~591 -F'rom 15'0-SIOOO Co au t.4111 01y1· .. ...,... 1 112.500 8 2780 1q II) fi•Utl j Brolle< 955.3454 THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2·3 8«-ttoO g 9 9 -2 4 5 2 Ev• 1 fllDERS Share 4 Br home. bet· Economy lit)Qlel.1100 & Excellent corner loci· •••••••••••••••••••••• A.I / TSL Mgmt 142· 1803 Dix 2 & 3 Bf. $470 l 1570 998-11115, 894·8225 Bl· lint . p1tlot. b&lconlel Bdrm Apt1 Gym, Sp1, NO FEEi Apt & Condo 548-l554 Oldett & 11rgnt aQtncy. ::.~i" ~.'/ 11 a~t;:~7 1120 3 room aulte, 1-425 uon. parking l .... alt °' 111/1111 1 HHtt•••I• Sauna, pool, tennis. etc:. r.,,1111 \llM1 Aentall Young llngle mother loo-All cll1n11 acr19ned wllh an &PM Slc:'I ~ 1vall 3355 part Annu11 11111 w/ th ttii/t. $IOS 1•1uul1/ 848-0819 875-4912 Broker king fOf reep petton to pho1oe 4 f9ferenoet VI• Llclo. NB 873-41~ option to renew Foun-••• ..Xr. .•... ;'•••••••• W.t j Fiid Oelu•• 2 Br--1-B-.-1-n Large 2 bdrm, 1 be, 4210 rent room Cell 1<111n Credltt. Coemopol1t1n (Mz..., lfl lnl f.1$1 Newpor1 e..c;h OMr Hoeg tlln \11lley School 01· Mobil• Power Wllhlng •••••••••••••••••••••• 4-pltll OW, hook·up1, Seahor• 17SO mo Yrly 831·5&32 Good Morning A~. ••••A•-·•••••••••••••• Ho1p 1000 IQ fl H · str1c1 P 0 Bo• 8510 equipment & con1r1ct1 A.11111uaafl Sii( encfid gtr No peu. l46-44l9 Furn room nr OC Airport Thi Tomorrow Show Double ger1g1. 11011g1 cond flOor offlctl lmc>le Fountain V11tey 92708 10 hr1/wtc pays S20K/yr I •••••••••••••••••••••• UYTimU SPACIOUS I Br Flrep11c1. pool & much mor• $465 ~ 1 F 35 • 'h o If * to all new only. 564 P1Ym1r St,,,.., perking well mll~lelned N 1 om I W I 1I1 n d . Term• i valt 1·533-4242 1 •srtlntAL ------· ---12 Br 2 B• Ver11lllel IUJI ~ ,,u.~· .. •m12 0 0 I m :r di9nll Who need a pl&OI. w 19ttl, C.M 648-2277 b Id g . \I Icky d I y. 842·~5 I. Do you hive &II the money ~· 1 Br Crpt, ari-& refrlge. condo, Hcurlty. view. 558-5241 llWPMI N1·11H ,.,,,_ •-tll ~~oo 7141645-4800 tFFIOE ti 11tp you w1n1 & need? If not,, 1815 So EICemJno Real No pet1. pool. apa, 11uoa, no -------..,.----~~~~~~~~~""'•"' _. .., Cell tM0-2975 pelt, 1dull1 only. Ele-RM tor renl In Chrlet11n : •••••••••••••••••••••• Con1ult1nt In lrvlne h11 In newer bldg on Cont call 832·7202 IOf d1ta & S C 492-72" Full lie gant $850 640-5118. or nome. $150 mthly Cotta M fOf lgt houte, 1tepa to Mill 1111 l•rge ofltce to 111.,. Hwy. South Lagun1 Ap. llmt of 111cepttonll oppty ....... Nr bHch, 2 br, 1-.. be. 997•3066 M .. 548.eoeJ beach, 1250/mo. 1111 & S\lperb 17th St loutton Netr Airport A111 pro11 500 1q h Excet-In nutrltlonll Min SPllUL blt4n1,crpt1,d;r,frplc, MC Vrl'f 645-4695 troom.400aqn 1380 11rm1 Calt752.0tM lent privet• parking RESTAURANT, Bl aby ll ....... , encl. gu. 159 Av1ll W•lcilff tree. 2 bf, 1 ba Cllrlllltn hom1·Kll prv, Mall to thr w/2 fern, apec mo 988-9477 da. •v. Cd•• ,.111 _,lte, "IC, ·-~le behind bldg 1525 mo Knoll• 1,.1 Bv owner - • ... ~ now S3&-0921. condo Pvt. p1tlo, pool. t!:~ mile 1tralght, nr wknd ,.. u -.. _.. Turne< Auoc 1194 11 77 ' Ch1ulfa<.cl. lullury llmou· II 1----------1 1 nary. I 8 5 o m o 1275 + utrt. Avail Newport Shores 1>ome 2 pkg, utll pd 2855 E ti · Prln only S IOO K or 11,,. Full bat, etc: On• bdrm, PAI ATE 2 Br. t 81, mlnut• rrom 176-3'12 .. 844-9642 May 21 I.lg Sch room• evall Mly 15 C.M 2 otfloll, 345', l>ath, Hwy 1175-&toO anaaL IPAOI I make Oller Term1 v•ry c.t.brtly H&-1087 PA TIO, bum ce1tlng1. bMCh. 1445. 499•2288 Rind)'. 8-5, 752·0651 11orage 111111. 1250/mo. ..._..... 1000 1q 11 Harbor Blvd., llu SpollHtl 811r/ • gu, wit« pd. New cpt, 648--08-44 Of 991 aaa8 2 BR. yr. round rental M/F 35 10 50, 2 BR. 2 bl. 548-3345, 4g4-3803 ----C M Great upoiur• w In• S 11I1 8 0 drp1, 1 1tory. Out1t1n· 2 Br. 1•81, nr 8each & S1•P• to the bHCh or Room tum Utguna ~ pitlO NP 1250 Ullll Incl .,,.. Avi ll. lmmed Cell R ... (2 t3)424·5139 ding toe: nr occ. Fr11-Sliter, encled gar 1-485. bey. 1575 mo. 11~ Jut, home. Fem only. I oo 631·2010. ltu 11ma Prim• BHch Blvd . et JOnomlC• 875-8700. l•ml•nl way, F1lrground1. 1wep No Pill. 64!·9348 Claya, 1100 dep. "all: w/klt prlv 496-5644 llWPtlT Slttar. H.B. 947.2547 a::'o .~~r:~~:~~Yi 64<>-1o7a.v... L~~.:;o:,205 o r !•.!!Jtc.'!!.'1/f ••• !t!f Pf:~~=~x't:~~.:,~• El•g•nt Exec tullet In 0111c1 tor bu11ne11. v•ry !!l!'.'!!!f.!!~.'ff!.~!f ... ".fr.!!P,.1.'r ••• !!.!¥ tH-6585 2 Bdrm llh Ba ciondo , BEACON BAY -& PUii! '31-6313 pr1ttlglout toe. Incl, .. good view o l ocHn, N 8 3975 Birch. 5000 1q LOAN SHARK WANTED 2 BR, t~ be townhoV11. encl. patio. gar. pool, t Br t Ba, bayfront -Roomm•t• went.cl. S11-cretarl•I. rec1ptlonl11, good &rll. l 400/mo. ft or leu. MIA ion• Nted I t0,000 tor 90 tennla 1575. f-728-3081 «lnll en bMotl AIM. Weekly Rllll telephone ant 1 more 631-5233 AOent 541-5032. day111 your term• Miu ~. ~U!: ~~:~: ._d)'I_, _84_<>-_.5309 __ ...,.. __ .__ ~·11~ 1nct. SS75/mo ~~~· .::=-~~~~,'~e~'.·T~n~=:~~ Olea from 1436 mo. On· Bilbo• Penln. Sub ..... 2 IE IFFIOI Potter. 892•2254. 1&25 mo. t7e.t05a 1 BR, beth & 91flgl, 7792 Yftt. 875-MM SanOplp1r, 1H7 NIW· Eutbluff In Newport. call OfCI 1185 mo. THE otflc:ll of 1000 eq 11 ... Pll ... llTWI NewYNn. 1385, 111, IUI j)Oft Miit Bdrm. 1 250/mo. HEAOOUAATEAS COM· Ulll. JanllOtlal &. parlllng WlflhOUH •P•C• with tnve.t 1350.000 well .. Super dear\ 12 br. 1~ ':9· & dip &42-443 1 2J1r1.tc~l~f~g:~.~Pfr:~: 81 Coel1 M9&111A5·t137 with pool & MCUl'llY call PANIES: A pro .... lonel Inc.I 873-41810. cerpet1, drpe. & wet cured plut over 60% ~~:'if:. ~J:. t . ""111-, -mlll--blldl--. -2-t>f-.-2-car-ctub pool, laund7, walll U&t •-llTD. 720-1328 or '44·11249 en~nment (7 t 4l EXECUTIVE OFFICE &al-~·;:1'7t~d~~t~~~ ::;~: 1111re of gar. C<W'd petlo, .. PoOI to 1t1op1 825 -E.,.. 651-18'« Olyt. 861 1 bo1 Penn 525 It,1400 • 711 w. t7th St .. PIQltlc pop. profit Mr JtmH E11Ul d1 Cape Cod r l gllt• & rec 11111. 149·4144 , Ev•• Wkly rental• now •viii f'rmmtetothr28'Balbol 1811 Wllldlff. N.8. Want mo Prlv 81. A /C Bluff lnduttrlel Park. 114·720-1130 TownhOUR.2br, l~ba. M'75tmo 213/t25-41t6. 541-3117 StOll l up. Color TV 111. dupto. A.v111511, fln1ncl1lln1t 70001.I. 857-8111, 975·3800, 1835 Whittle r Av• l1guna 8Hch h1lllnt1-C~'~12'in::6~...o'7'8~5 1c an1 t8f\.wetllto \ltfYnlel aBr,den,181. ::=~o~~.2274 Jet1175t.et31(10.3) Ill floor. Age n t Ht-1134 642--«83lllA2·7804 r .. 1 1nt1butou•oce1n ...,...., .......... 2 .... 1 8a. ocHn, 1426 mo. 0111 yrty rentll. M1CI mo. Ml-7445 2 roommet• rlllCled 5/1, IS4t"6032 Coe11 Meea 250 If. IUll• view hme. M in cu h ,,_.,......., .... cen-l<'ellh, 982-4471 ' m u to ltlr 3 ldr C.M. town-Hiit San Otego ,.., & l175mo. Utll lncld 771 OCEAN VIW req'd 4g4-e110 Ital h11tlng, g1r1g1, I I • On tM.blldl ·Hotel rme. ~ 1210 mo & .i.cv. HllWr 4 offloa9 NII & w 1ttt1St.151-8921 =~·::1,t:::. ~.~ ... Y.ff ll · 1• ~~ ~~":. Todd, '1tt 8:ao. 14J.2791 ~:~ :·~~~~ ',':~::; Cot ta Meu. Harbor & ~!1.!!.ffl! .. ~¥. t>ed1. S450 + .. curtly OcHnrront 2 br, 3 ba, ._ a..N 1111 Oc11nfront, Newport M•I• to ,,,.,. a bdrm Mii•. air, ' f11rn. avail. ••"•'· 240 aQ II tit. 1820 aq ft · 1C11111or d.. aa~.OOO-lt50,000T ~;~ d•g.~ 541·5'42 or 3 100 eq fl In OIO Mldft. ........................ lllott t73-4t~ "°'*In CdM. &218 pluJ 1450 mo. llAf.2928 ftoor, prlYllt\2~;::,c•. ttgnlrl~lll• andc~ amort to 20/yrt Otn.t 17 VIII• on cllll iO'IOOklno ·~d~~:t·93o;t'r!:c:'m ._,.... fl# '.t lltM ~79 (J('IC omce. •Int H.I . IOC. ~"'t 0 m I c 0 =rial ~-r;:1 WMt 2nd• to 11.000.000 3 bdrm, 2 Ill, no peta., OCMn 3 ftplc1, leacMcl EndnO ~Sin Clltntnlit :-=.~ .......... Wanted. Parton to 1t1t 3 ~.In&. ..t.1314 11th It, Cot(a W... Apylt, comm'I l non· ~/.#.!!!fl .... l!!lf C::d~~;~~~~: ::cdk~~·1:c~vg•.~.~·di:re , ... the Mor Apt C> 1~~~~.. ~~J. ~.f:~:·b8l.'c~~ .... mt1l4Hztt ornc• 1u111 t o 1hue. tlMln r:::.•t:',"Jr~~ J;~~ +dip. 14().WJ. gar .. many 1r ..... ,. .... O.M ..... -Met '4a&lmo. l 'i6°utlll. 520 eq. "· 11 00 per 19· CorfllNt•· p~ N!V SAVINOS e rent· fo pvt b11ch. One of .,. * Ill Aon ~f75M11 U., HU lltoll., N.I . turnlehld a deoor All 1100 ·~· O., 2 ol cl w/ -..2t'1 "'3 ~,:;.~:t'o/::. c::!t~'~;:·~!c ,::~,:~ n~ ~ .... ffJMf!."""1.1.Wf atw.,...-. r-v. m1n1 to Aetnt 1414032 ~:r~f."',f~) 1;~ J:i~i f:~•00~:. d;,'~~,c~o~~ i-------~--:::7:".: Avall.l1t.M•yht. 1 3'"00/ I ·-rvty.M22•H .t2tolltll DrMOtltaMtM.lffO "'as 000 flt SHI 112.-t. ~M2t "'0 yr y . •1 4 bdrm,''•~~ eendy Incl. Ilg 1cr11n TV . mo b•ll MIH Coe at• ~~H 'o~. 1ott!~a 'b111n. 2 •• t .. ...,,. ~ 1 Ir leo tlOUM H L•· ..... .... bfHtl pltr ' flttt. 114-27M Nedi 16'-ttt1 175-1251 JaH I Maple. t 4 O. luti1, t '111ock b1eo11. = = ::...-,r,e: =•;.,,9l:ie~llt ltlr 2 bf apt, Cf Pool, ~._...,... "''"" tfflo• apace, Co·j-._;_;_,_--.-r-.w--•• -... 640 Ul4 4Hlmo. Avatt. May 1, ~IO* · 1 • ' · t°'ao~ :::-' .,1_~ _.,._ rona "411,..,. 1150/tn<> t """•••••"'«•"n'•••• Cell o.n"l•ti' a A1to. tlr. ttttcl oemmu"lty, *M404 °' .... ,.,.. HM• I I Ii AltPMMllORI now ..int · 1 1::., ! 111-MtO 11 yr Na,..._.,.,,..,... en.nu ,..._..,--. "'ao. _ .,.~1 !L ''"" * 1un1. ,_..., f'oolflfMtt ,_,.,, .... , 1 ,___ I a a ampllT ,.. t °' J Wrm t\o!M. i--------tet "•u. lharo" m' •n -~• I moftllltw,.....Oft....,_ 1ata.ltMmo.1WVN!M .t.-·-...,. ••r "*......,.CM,._. ,,., ,.... MOl4 tlellJ!tl .... •. ,....... .... .. "°""· • ,,.., .,_ & ••• , ....... , ~ o..... .... ......... "'' ., ..... nloa ,.,. '" "4YM 9tMfl ..,.... ..,.. ,_._..., 1, c,1 .. ,,.~••• 1 ,. -.. ,,. • I ...,._ ... -.otn otteM.r 10eet1ott ~.,, ::"..:...":·= To ..,'':.-:,al ...,_.. . 11::=."1 .. tsu•, o.... AGrW .. '-tOfllte• :=l"..::.:J~ :iji!J..::O =.=.... :· .... 1 "t.~~r.~z-.1~r:~·.. :::::.·.::·;;•· ~,~-r:.... ::...•.r:.:.r.::;:. ~t.t• _:_j oure,,.....ttwbltt C' 1WMI: , ........... ,._ ... , Ot. . *I • i.: lft *"" ll(ltt ~.OllJ II..... ,,.... J f (UI) a ME FIEE Cat ....... .. ,• + ,. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, Aprll 27. 1982 ------------ --------- e Thi8 variety of fine sckools coUld introduce you to a new tomOITOw Forfurther information reprdirii advertieing placement in the Sehoole A· lnetructione Directory -call Louile Griffith PRACTICAL SCHOOLS 642-5678 ext 311 le.,,. to h A TRAVEL AGENT Morning, afternoon & evening classes. IN ANAHBM 17141 634-4565 '6HLu.mAYL AMAHllW IJID Pltam SCllll Learn How to use Wang, IBM OS6 & Otsptaywnler Xerox 860 Ctl r • BALLET• TN' • JAZ.l • T·RIM TO RHYTHM • AER081CS • CHILOAEN •TEENS• AOUL TS Mewl1;1d ..... Clattt '•Hie• ........... •fmll A1111e,/airh rtHfuliM daun . .... n1 Cal cw'" ltt•t4. • ..., plic4Mlllflt mlsl111Ct •(Olll CllllP!lm EnroHlng NOW for d•1 •nd evening clH'" Cll er 111ilt 1.c., tar 00 catatc (71 4) 851 -7797 IRVINE CAMPUS Zl41llcWlllDt For Your Child Children 's Choice School e r-., Pac;! :Jravef I . :Scfwof L l Also many K thru 12 sub- l jects. Classes avail now & 014) 55584 Cl '1 • Triilt, ,.._ itStm D.,s•h-..•S.._.,. Color coH•lt•tlo11 ........ L...w ..... calw ia c....tkt & w•rdro-.e for th t.wtooL \. COME AND VISIT US r< 1 • ~ c: ? 61 0 £. 17"' St. Smita AIMii for the summer. -. I\ .) \) (714) 543.9495 l1to1tll1i..d "u UIMMOHWOMIY \mdll t.-.trr~nc trouv\ e C.rl'dfnhdltO '"'hi'•. SP""• h 11wrd01 & tulo<'"f ~l.u A•••labll' t"inanrwl Aid Projilram~ Araedtll'<I by lhl· Ar1·n'<1111nl( \ 'omml\!\IOn or lhe !llu tlonal Ai.-.uctUllOn or "1 radl' & T<'C'hnical School' 752-8469 eves. Become a Word Processing Specialist Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Call 645-1308 or 85 1-9352 for info. 495-5162 ~ S.E Bnstol-Su1te 1~ S6nll Anl. C• 92701 """""" l __ ....., _l_• .. ...., 27500 Marguerite Pkwy. Mission Viejo ~~IWMiJ £•11I1•••' 5300 l11Hul1 ' SJSO 1111••'1• SJSO ,_., .... ,., Btl• WutN 1100 Bil• WHlf4 •• JJ.!f !~l/..'f!!~ ..•. J.{!1 ~!}t.'f~!'!!. .... J.{f!l!~lt.~'!.~ ....... '!f !IJJ..'f.!!J.~ .... J.!~ ••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c:·., .......................................... ,. ••••••••••• LHt 4/17 U lttt AGORAPHOBIC Telephone Fantuy Id•/• f IMllDPR f/C Eam seG-$100 IO< 6-9 hr• LlllL lll'Y , ORDER Ouk. lnllde PLlllEI Reelaurant Rusty PeUcen area Golden Reirleverl HELP LINE Conversation with Ml· L . 100,, lmmed opening with of tun. E.Jicell f0< women Strong Fimlly Law••· ....... Must have •xi> In Knowledge of ruld & 2735 W Coast Hwy now lrlah Se111r mix, 1 'h yr 53&.77~ 'Ult•tl••• ~ growing ratall ctothlng wlaml children No exp., peri.no. marine hardware & •C· comm·1 Must be vern-accepting appttcauons female 556-9425 * *" * c53h9e63117•0 MC I v I s a •••••••••••••••••••••• co Exp thr'u In.I b•l•fl·liinoiiilnvea1iiiiiimeniiit.iii960iii-4iii930iiil S1lary S 1SOO to S 1700 ce" By appt onl Y Ille In other Ir adu lor Oytter Bar personnel . -• • • ca Some data entry exp. 71..,..61·1733 549-96 7 1 Mr 00111 631 2345 Mon-Fri btwn 3-4 Foun<I Ital greyt\oun<I F '" i • • LaUler E.O.E. M/FIH __ • -------1 ---------LhlH Ap10, beige F ... I .... ,. GETTING MARRIED? me B helpf\11. Send lhoft i.tter ELECTINIO Ill.El ~ ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOu•llly Control Depl Full Resl&ufal\1 M .. I Slicer & Gotdet1 ~r F All<> gry Open 24 tva a day The Last 11urrah been. Coe t!bb 10 Admln Mgr, PO. Box Semiconductor prodUC11 General m1chanl ca11 PUT·fm lime Engll1h 1pea111ng Portion Control Peraon llbby Cat M NB Animal 1 days• W.-lor & bec,,elorell• per· You are 1~9 ~ner 01 619· 16835 Algonquin, dl1trlbutor need• sale• knowledge Eaper. in prefd Cty1tal Cree1t0ni 10 oc>er•t• Hobart Slicer Shelter 644·3656 69 Gorgeous glrt1 10 tlea. Dave. 738-8538 Huntington Harbour personnel In Or~ Cty eleclrlcal & plumbing 6·9pm Expanding youlh 7 l~1-S414 Experle~ Pteleaed l OST BllCk & white Ger· ma11 Shepherd. male. 7 m o s . 22nd SI CM 968-0279, Su1an pemper you Jacuzzi, lour tree llcilatl (Sl2 OO 92649 Experience In dlfect Ille· helpful. Apply to Larry.I counMlllng flnn hu ~ 1 but wtH train 9-30 AM to Sauna Locals as well as "leHfffwl la4J" vaklelll)tllo 1 111e ·~ BOOKKEEPER-perl·Ume. tronlc o E M con1ac1 11 Surl & 8Md Hotel, Lag nlno• for '3-5 ltlarp out· leal Estltt lalet 6 PM Mon-Thur 6AM to tourl111 Bink Ameri· How would you Ilk• 10 --• • Dina PolntlChart HH, de1tr1ble MaJor large 8ch 497--Mn E.O.E going mature people to We Mve an opening for 1 PM Sunday Apply 10 card, Master Charge, share an apartment In llU.111 llel 493-1183, 493-118"4 high voluma 11ne1 are --------1 mouvate ambitious l().l3 two well drHNd lntelll· AM to 12 or 2 PM to 4 American Express. DI-Newporl Beach. wllh • Fountain Valley Mlle CARPET SAL""'PERSON avallable tor high com· s .... ••••I Mii ~~2~~~:1 .~::~ J43~P,.":.,, gent talHperaona lo PM Lor1·1 3077 S Har· Lost Male Beige Perilan nera. 1 11 welcome. great vi.w. all resort fa· Squ1re P1rk ·May 8, '""' ·mission earnings. Car at-~ work In 1ne Newport bor Blvd (Harbor a l Manx A111 10 Biscuit 7141645-3433 21 12 Har-clllllee? T•k• 1rlp1 10 1982 Aporeaalv• wl knowledge lowance plu1 medical & ITUT mE for AndrM. Harbor u .. In commer-c.rri-oe Or) SA 848-2967 bor Bl., CM New York Clly & L aa To c111m tlckell. call 0 draperies for Orange dental plan• Included. The Lo1 Anget11 TlmH clll 11lea and/or rea-ltt..u ••-..&. Lost· Germ Shep. mix puppy, wilt wl blk mar· ktnos. 9 w111 old. on S11. Nwpt Shorn. 631-8292 OUALITYMASSAGE Vegu?HaveuHol1co11 642·5678,ext 272. Count yllrm.Cell:Sendraumeto8ox995 ClrculatlonOept.cur-P111'11PPlllll ldenllalMletlnlllemo<a --• Proleul0n4J Swedish and a weettly allowance? Tlcke11 mu1t be claimed 760-0734 or 63 t·4402. Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 16&0'. rently 11 .. poeltlon1 open Now accepting eppllca-1llluen1 ., .. , We offer Mllure. 673·3202 atyle, VIP tre1tmen1. If you are 22 to 30, have by May 5. 1982 Jack O< Gen Coeta M .... Ca. In 111e1. Al • field re-tlOna 3 days a wit • Tue8. liberal comm1111on1 and SALES CLERK • tull·llme. l0-6PM ~a-2817 an e.11cetlent figure & *P· • • • CATERING help needed. pre1en1atlve you'll earn Frj & Sat. Wiii train. Art grHI euppo<t If you are a apply In per1on. Costa pearance, and can •P· 'EJtperlencl<I with cat•· Entry level accountant. an hourly wage & gen-1°' drafting bkgrnd. deli· Hit atarter and a nerd Meaa S1etlon1rs blwn SCRAM.LETS preclale a slnc.~re rel•· J•1'I WialN 1015 ring trays & ulad deeo-d • 0, 11 , • q u 1 r ed . el'OUI commllllont. Hrt: 1 .ao. Apply: Pen11ysaver, worker Please c1ll me 10· 12 270 eu1 17th SI , Lil• da & VIC' k1''5 tlonehlp with ' youthful •••••••••••••••••••••• ratlona. Light batclng du· accounting or re111ed. 4pm-tpm. FOf mote lnfol 1660 Placentla, C.M. 10< • petaonal. conllclen-Costa Meea 39 year old bu1111e1· H1kpg In exchtfor rm & 1191 Salery open Hrs. No exper. neceasary. pleHe call: 957-2361, f&-• .. _1 llal lntervl-In our pre-.ANSWERS PllTI ~ eman. pteue ~ leller board. reliable young llexlble. Lorri Kitchen. Salary n:ttlable Hon· ext. t204. ,......, ~" ltlolOUI Newport Center SALES E_... & photo to P 0 Box French C1n1dlan Llbe-979--0747 smkr Al AIR G L "GER If t The Jolly Roger tnc . 111 Otfloe GH-3 GEROVITAL Whiten . Balon --•• 8145. Newport Be1ch. ral L1guna. Cherles. prep of r 'nclal' itate: MAN,. -11 -itar er1 e1tabll1hed r11tauran1 LEO HANNA 11 now 1vallable In the Potcey . Winnow BACK & BETTER CA 92660. 495-6296 CATERING Service ~I Send I to manage lfTI ofc furnl·j cheln, ha an opening tor SR VICE PRESIDENT USA la h the Fountain ot KNOW HOW THAN EVERI 24 Hrt All repllel wll bl 1nswe-lood preQ workers. 14 ht. menll '""$ o lure tealllng CO. Fleidble l an entty level payrolflllle ..... ._ I ,...._ 0. Youth? Fr11 Hmtnar1. Self.help booka are for 111-0201 red and held In strict Bright, hom•·•lrandid Full time. 5 AM ·1:30 Pm. PO Box 12130. ant a Hrs Unlimited Potantlel. dlr1c to wort! In a 4 per· Reah--;: • ·~4910 high Income poten11a1 people who think you connoenc:. mothlf will help you wllh Lori'• Kitchen 3077 Ana. 92712 Attn Petri-Good lor •harp home-Ion dept. Payroll exper dlltrlbuloranlp1 avatta- can 091 a dollat'• wonh 1~~~~0u~tcell~~~~~ · L°ur work In my home Harbor B lvd . SA eta maker •llllng to lnve111 lle6C>ful. but wtll train an Recepllonlst needed. 2 ble 714/96l-5535 ol cmenge from a nlclcef1 1: fr.wl UH ailing. pnone worll. lie 97~747 for *"P•t FRONT OFFICE . Chit· 11>¥• ttme to m8ke It go.1 lndlv1dual who ha• llm•· V-• lyplng experience. Sa'-o--PIT ~Ufele worth of KNOW HOW ADULT Afternoon & Eve--•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Call 730. 71156 dren's dental cllnlc Ma-M&-1339 Int P~ on telephone -.,...,., · -..... nlng PartlH Mon thru Two Lu vegaa Rn<t Trip P Cler1l-Typl1t Full lime, pt E 11 111 led exper. & a dellr• to xs b 1 •• I typl1t, l!ltng. dtetatJOn. & Found ladle• wedding & tlcketa from 0 C Pd v1 duty nur11ng Mrvlc;e l lme Sal benellll lure per1on, no I 11...-s leern. Salary commeneu-u ml rHume to ... a. llpe Good lelephone bind w/S diamond a. ~~r~'~t~ro~1~:on $248, UC. for $ 175, LVNIRN 10< hOmal l\OtP 631-5031 ~~ ~:f-~SfaW~; fa~,Muat ha\191 rate with exper. AW'f In rlo's C~nllrucll~n Inc personali ty S1lllng BotsaCtllcaBeach,HB &Tu.-966--0359 875-7474 Lerry Mu1t Ava111024hr1ne..esoo ,._. owntoola.AWY-300E. per1on bet ween 27665 orbu,,2d 7La-knowledge llelplul Ra· S.2-2045 1tCLUBFANTASY• •tby4130 1111 --Interview 17thSl ,C M .54841143. 8AM·5PM orHndre-CNlguel, • 11 1 1umereq'd 63 1·4761 li::==============-=-=~-~-~-i=-==-~ -1=======~~ !~~km~~~_•••••••••• ~!1kf~ou.7:, ~~oa~I· r!~1':': ID • ..,.. MECHANIC ~L~ ROGER, INC RE s.:: calla bet 8-9AM, Mon·Fri Beach. Mull ti. abt. to good on phone, profl· c:.ntla, Costa MeN IN!ne, Ce. 0271-4 ltw feMrel Ln ment home In Laguna Good typing, mu11 be Apply 7AM 163 t Pla·1 17042 Giiiette Ave ULU/UIUTIH Exciting Colla Men work 1ome weekends. clan! 'WlllgurH, 10 key MEDICAL Ole. Exp'd. 71~546-0331 CAIEEll Tell Mom : You Love Her T hi• Mo1 h,.r '& Day aend Mom a greeting & enlrr our "World'' Crr alt'&I Mom" con1es1 a1 1he same time. Our judg" will M'lf't"I 1ltt nwt<it Mol~r's Day Greeting and 1ha1 mother will rrrt'1vr 1 $50 1-1f1 r!'ftifirall' from a ltadtnf! drpartment slorr. Ii') ea,y. wrnr )OUr mt'~sagr 10 fit Ont' of I~ bordrr~ below or dr'titn vour own hord,.r of e'lual ''z" w11h mer.sage m~Kk. Bonll'r\ rnml' in 1 "171'•. S 18, SI 0 and the sprrn1I child ~iu for $1 for • h1ldrr11 under I:? ~rar., of age. Unn,: or mail \our grttting lo the Oath P1lu1. 330 W B..v I • Co<.11 \lr~a. c". Q262() bt'fore 5 p .rn .• Mav 6th or \OU m1\ order \OUr meuag~ bv callm,: 642-5678. "'" havt' many liorders 10 rhOO'ot' from and we ·n btll vou or charge 10 your \' w or Mu1erCard Sl8 !Nae I •P"lal IUdt 5mM.00 poal1lon lor accounting For appt. call 494.9453 by touch Xlnt co blM-.... liMet let 'l-1 clerk 1nxlou1 to learn ult for Paula nta. Cell Miiiie aft 9 em 11 TE~-.r:~2 .~21111 Tech. P/ PPefTllll00ftd•'?.!,r~t~r!~Fjo/Tb, OPEi HOUSE Sell dlatrlbutors nat1on- 1nd grow Thia Job It 10< _._......,. _64_5-_5_600 _____ -1 ,.,,. -...., _, ,...., ..... 2 wide Good 1anter115 nr a Hll-aterter, wllllng to --·-GEN. Ole Brighi glrl tor llllOll lll'Y $6-$10 hr. 840-891 COSTA MESA work (daytime) Cosh t1ke direction• lnllfelly UC 10< f Npt. Nlon. De-dlv1r11fled work 1631 Nwpl Bell. College Plant loll•g• malntenan· NEWPORT c ull pd da1t11no chg a.nd to 1CC199t lncraulng nlM: 213-274-t575 PlaGent'-. C.M, 642-6830 beckground. Salary ce, Interior & exterior TUESDAY bacllsl no c:fedil rejects rupon1lblllllH Salery ·~==~::~~-1----------1 Mull type 75 Expet'd 760·1•6e APRIL 27, 1982 Cash Cerd of Amee.ice baHd on uper. ind •&1H l&llS-UllWllE ULU ~1833. wpm. 1 30PM Call Mr C.ner 645·7501 ebillly. Call Carmella Full time. Exp pref'd. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-PUITlll •DI Mon atterooon only • 1iiNiOiWi.i 5i4i5i-2i66eiiiiiiiii. m ... I I Crown Hardwera, 3107 •-.u--t a-~ IPIUfll CALL MISS KELLY SALES per1on wanted II We.,. look 110 or • de-E. Coelt Hwy. CdM -......... to mix adhHIVU, COB· 141-0IOI Sundlal Fashions. LB· ACCOUl'\llng P911dal>ll, friendly per1on HELP clean kennel•. With Nmlted X·Ray certlll· tings & INlants. P«ma-guna Boll. Call (714) CllllT with eaper. In vitamin morning• 8 to 1 Train, cttlon O< C.R.T. Good pay llte Plutlca Cofp., 1537 C1ll 1od-and"""' a11111e _4_9_7_·4_7_7_4 ____ _ --·-·-Mlle Of related nutrition.I minimum~-Int~...... wllh chMce IOf rac>ld ad· Monrovia Aw N B _, p -·-• knowledQetoworttlnour -·-vancement . Call ·• · an1wer-.towf\a111utur1 SALES Growing alectronlc dl1trl-modern flMltn food atore. 1 p.m. 557· 20 752-6300. Alk for Or. Le-PIT Pemw11nt In relidenllal Real Eltate Salea RepreMnllltvt 10 butor 1eek1 highly orO•· Cull regl1ter uper. a Hollu• wanted, uper. v1n 0< Mar911all 11111111 Salll could m.en 10 you. call on reeder ad busl- nlzed & H lf·motlvafed ptu1. Exe ell. medical & Apply In per1on. The a-....... neu account• for •d· E>lrton to work In Credit dental benefit•. UnHOfma Beach HouM, &19 81--••eor•• "··•· Uml'_,,, _.,__ verlltl ng Mon-Fr i Dept Some credit eolltc-lurnllhed. 40 hr. wk. No '"' 1"""--'-._ Lndlng Ntion.I marlf• 9am-5pm. BaH"& t om tlon exper. II prel'd but Sundays. PteaM apply In PY Hollow Ln. L.B ><·rey c.rl. req'd. (MS). ting firm need1 lntelll· mlulon, company t>ene· wlll conalder axcepllon11 pereon to menager. UnO--.DPEa Ala hft 63l-4420 gent. adap111>11 people 1111. will treln Neat ap- tr1lnlng applicant. Requl· berg Nutrition Service, Mi lure fOf elderly lady, IEMU. 111111'. who enjoy public con· ..,.." oo... --pdranoe & good S99111ng rea at IMll 2 yrl general 3333 S. en.tot St:, (In So. wttnda, perm. 548-3&86 Olllca nurH n eeded tacl. Mull have clear 2,..... H-.-... .... ~ easenllal. Apply Penny· l!u1ln111 ex per Cell. Coa1t Plaza btwn. the itarttng approx. May I . leleC>h<>ne voice An Ideal ,.. .,.,.,. DmJ saver. 1660 Placenua Chucil, 556-3860 CerOUMI l llulodt'I) ...... lllD 646 ll83e P<>9itlon 10< an OU1golng Costa Meea. CA 92627 C M • Bu1y. gen. •o•ncy hu Plfton who C11n WOf'tl on .... _ SALES llRB/am opening for p1r1onal -·· a reoutar IChedule. OP-An eQUal ()ppty Co ~ Aggreulve per1on to lln11 1uto rater. Rapid POflunlty 10< an excellenl Telephone 1ollct1or, 110 m~ retall lpedalllee for bu1y medical lab. advancement . Salary Tlrl<I of Hurling? Train part/time Income. For a The tutell drew In the exper nee 9.5, Tuea llore. •:ti: 557.1294_ ~ 8AM-5PM. Mon-Frt. commenturatl wl•Xf>I' for mgmt. POI In new conlldentlal Interview. Wes1 1 Dally Pll»I thr'u Fri. Gd co t>eneftls "•" t~ •·· S-.._. Penn. poa. 640-0140 e.it Tnnv So&t-"23 fYPI fltneM lalont. MUil c 1 11 ~ r SI rot a I I Classdled Ad Call Today Apply In peraon 1660 _:,._~~-~~ ... ~~..,.,..~--1--:;:;;:-.;;=-;;;;;;;~=-----· _~..._.,. ------1 be attractive. Call tor s. 642·5678 a.te ..... •-~ .., OllW WUTll INVESTOR to take over appt 714-5'5-ATT 1-;; 54 ;;:;;: 5 ;;";; 6 ;;· ====..:.;:=::..-...:;:;::;:;::;:;::~Placen==ua.=c:M==:::: ••uw• _. ' On t2tt C•tamar an nrwietal merwigement of1---------11 ~~1~11°C=~~'.~~ "StratolPMr•'' fOf trip manu111C1urlng company lllDS£S HYS Hunt 1ng 10 n B 1 •c 11 to PWMllM. CetlbbMn l with $2,000.000 annual l1UI\ ~ branch. 1nilde ntee, no E. CoHI. Leaving May 111u. PleaH reply to Exp. In O.latlc nur"llng a proipacllng, attractive 2nd. pl\onl 546-5727 Bo• "3, Deify Piiot, PO mu11. Only dedic ated. compenHtlOft package. CUSTOOIAN-lmmld ope-Box 1560. COiie MeH, tovlng l*IOM need ep. Excellent fringe benlflt1, nlng, Nwpt Bell retell CA 9292t I r.'Y· Exp. •II •hlft. Xlnl. rapid adv1nc1ment po-store a offlcll, exper, ~ t J;~,g;4°oram . Call: tenllal.8omeautoexl*'· reliable, paraon w/eye Full time In cluding & cuuatty lie. dealrable, fot det.aH. Perm/full-time wtmd1. t5. per l'lr. Fani-1----..---1-.-~--1-·1 but would conllder non· poeltlon w/alnt beolftt1. utlc working environ· -;::: e.11perlenced lndlYldual If ·c a II Ray & or J I m ment. Apply: Tuee. tl'lru .,......,, otherWIM quallfled. c.11: 844-5070 Sat., t-11 & 1·4, Dana F0< axpllfldtng ~ at· Jim, 549-6181 Pt. Marina Co .. 24705 totney Lew Firm In lfvlne IUYllTTll DOCK ATTENDANT: Ex· 09na Dr., O.P. lndullrlal compi.x. Sa- M -F, 2·6pm. 4 k id •.~~..... "WANT ACTION? laty COfnlMMUraM With Some car poollng nM:. port At'OMe Martna. c.tl: uper. o.11 Mr. 8lnloflOI oood u l ary. lrvlne. Sven It 842·46'4 rrom Cia-led Adt 642·M78 93S4IH 552-3728 10AM~ MORTGAGE AGGRESSIVE MANAGER NEEDED Peraon with mortgage •nd HI•• ~tmtted potMtJal Mr- nlng1. 12.000 monthly minimum .,... Ml81'Y. -702-456-llOI Newspaper Ca r:rier;s tor l'outes in HuntingtOn Beach, · Fountain Valley & N~ort ·~acti • • • J I 1 .. ~.!'«~ .... !.( IAHO ILAIT"' Of la borer. full or PIT OoodPty.M MMt l 1am11tH1, U lla, tlnl· 1l'llnt..1. PIT, t ltpet , IOI ltffi •t. NI t?l-1U3 ~-' for, .. lawyer. wood ~~•no. wlll tr11n. IMotl Le. Ot· nc.. lntervtew by ac>PI. Cal.I Caryn 1 WIM4-Ul2 llmTUY/ ..... " .. " Holet mgrn1/0ev. oo. 1111Clno o-reonatil• In· dMdull wllh good typing 11tlll1 to1 Orang• Oo. Airport arH otflct . I•· otlltnl 1t1rttng Hiity, full btlltlll program. AP• ply In parton Mon-Fri btwn. t a 4PM to Mr Joh11 81nder1, 18013 8kyp11k Ctr., Sulla 8, 11· YIM, Ce. llOllTAIY • Mull have oood com-mu111catlv• I org1nl11- tlonal lklllt. Sllor1hend & typing r9qulred, MOITlll.• 12151 Monarch St Garden Grav. 891-4425 ... ,...,,111 ....... Flnenclat ln'191tmtnl fl1m for educator• Cornmu111aillonl/ admlnl· 11r1t111e dept. Hc·y Ex· cell. ty"lng a S/H req'd Exec Hcreterlal exp a mutt. Non-amolctr Call 6'G-0123 lll'Y '" /Tiii) Newport Beech film co Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOl'/TUMdav. Aprll 27, 1982 IM!'t.ftft ...... ~I ~!N!. ........ l!.ff Mt ... ~ ...... !!ff MW./tf.fflf ........ ~.'.'!! .. ,P..'!1. .... 1.~ff l~ ... ~'!.~fffl~ ...•.•• ~ ... ~'!.!~.fffl~ ....... ~ ... ~ .. ~!!t!!!~. A1IH o .. , HAM<>" AMA I' 1'111 IMPO .. TANT HOTICl w •'" •• •••••' • •••' • • ••• •' ••• • APPUANCI 7J!' WW. Im ... tt .~..... ro ... ,0"~2!11"~~o llTd 1 UT I l'ff! ............. !.~H f.'!Wtt!. •••••• ,.!~~f r.•!~'.'!~I!~ ...... !.~~. ftntthl ••• !!..! w. Mii reconcr "F ..._,_, ,.. " """'' ...... lata mo • oyoll• '71 XII n11 en9l11t wtit 11111 PIUGl'!Ol 504 o... ~•••• .. ••••••• ......,.. • 11 • 150 S.t·MIO mof"Ot :-J ~~·a~d := ~I ,.,. p1lct ot lttm• ad· vowo., ,.ICllypt ' vw' llOI ~ 12700 . • .., • ~ ltttto cw 'lt ...... ~--I I C1011.ea ltfll• W•· ' m I V9'1teed by "91\lci. d .. • Call I.II 1oday1 t76-4&el ow'r II 4 b1akt1 wr' 4 IPffd 81own 2f,000 OOll. Dttlll. l.04Mttd with "~·,!!,U.~uhtr , 8-0-l"·A ~~~~':t'·O~t ltfelnlhtv.tl.lctectMll wllldo;.,a tooi fu1 ml S4&00orMOOOce.lh 1varyChevrol1txt11 .,.1"':"1 ....hwMNf 1 1111 Vf!IY OQOd ~ llfOWI\ .,.., ..... °"" -• Hect advenltlng eoluml\8 ... ,, 1111 o e1i -'457 80011 .. 1 Auto 110100 .._ ... H•I uo. 142_.11e1u1.H50° In Lido VIII HI, 111111'0 don not lnel1.1dt any :-.-.................... utatandtno 1conomy . -87,...817 • ________ _. ·---------t .. 4.500. taller aay1 IPPliC bte llc«l tor only l &eH !Irle lk• 73 8 u1 89 090 011g m1 I llY llflllmS Klno e111 btd Ht, xlnl tubmll all ofttr1 a tuee, ... WE'RE Toyota·"n• UHCI Car naw bric • valvH par I LN H7..a133 cond. Cott 1450 ltll TAAOI WINO YACHTS trantltr , .... flt1enc• aai:. 1~1970 Hart>or paint & Int 12UO ~ 11 H . 5•1 -IH e, e1a.eoo1. eeo.ms eYt. er.~c~8:,~0: ;t;..,ro; , ::.-8tvo • coau Mua se1.3ee2 Like new Qood oond •93-0IO$. '1t 310 Wtllot1tl Cabin ct1llf1Catlona or dearer DEALIN' t48-0303 6'0-04t 7 '79 ~·•lored 3 y11 Ito t40.tll0 ' Couch & lov•Nal, oood Crtt. etern tm1 $1', twn doo11m1ntery orepara• 111u•i f1f0 Only 2900 rnl A rate ont · cond Oold a wlitt• SS0'1, loadea, 1lp1 t . tton c harg11 UftllU WI NY •••••••••••••••••••••• lor lht bug lover• 110. Wht. w .. 11no11 011u 1200. M2·6278 731·•332.137·4340 oth•1wl1t 101clfled by U81!0 CARS a TRUCKS I IMMEDIATE urlST£R 600 11128·4719 ~·~~r~~1M~t 4' lublrd Swordllah in. MIV91'tl.., co;:1'i :JA.'iA1,0 R IRl.I *'lt IOtllOOt• US·tUO blwn ~!~.f!~ ..... !~. boat a ttlr. Comol 1lg· lt•11ll 1810 Cormle<·OtUllo I DELIVERY ON NllOll/Aftl Lo m1, 1h0wroom new, 9AM·5PM Oareg• S a le: all hehld =· rMd/e to t11h. IHI. ••••••••••••••••••••••. OIRllLIT 1:sa1 Hatbor llvd m0t1 op1 SHOO Ma•ln• MHI llPlll. ~-~~~:~~1~'1~-~~J~s~t o· o~:~. T65ahltta11, t1u.. WANTED i 15211 ee.ACH BLVD MOST I ,011e1tnl Grovel e40.112101950.1eo1 '7!5. ~2-4811/031·2060 10·3:30. 24202 La Hll· • HUNTINGTON 8!ACH I 11 • Ir f It• "71 VW 8-paH bul, IUn· moea, uovn• Niguel. aboard. 811p avall. Call TO BUY .. , ... .,, Ut·Hl1 MODELS Ltm root. lo ml. cieln 124115 REFRIGERATOR like Judy Of Marve ~ lt• 111• "13 559•6791 ~~r&. '~:;~~· 2 door, E=:rot"e'81 N1u;t~ ~~~~ r..:·4844, btwn 9 AM a a u,,'.E,'llOOllllEIL Top DoUar SAVE • • •n YW Sit. In back alley. All '60 3518, no rust. nffdl OOIYllTllU e:,~b~~~!2~f;'~'. =·tong. alto chr & ~~~~;~sgr~~:~::~~~: WILSON FORD Paid ~acs:_o~&.~~1par11a1 1 ~ni~~·1:~500 88 Impala, 2 dr xlnl llr•. 11c. 54,l5t mi. O<iQ ow- n1r. 111n1 cond , St76 &3t 2188 •11 6 30 f.ifl:t.'!.'. •••••••• "-ff Clua~ lllver melllllc 1978 Chryller N•w Y0tlctr 2 door w/pluth red kNlhtr lnlaflor Loaded with 111 op11or11 H .. only 64,000 mun Tt11 drive a malo.• ofter One ot a le Ind 1 t84PJY) Fln1nclng ovellabl•. Call now. 11Jt for Dave Jon.. Theo-o 0111 Ro bi na Ford 842 0010 '76 Cordova. l>lk. 318 V-8, loaded . lo ml, xlnt $3 100 95 7 "'°330 ~!!I!!!! ............. . Beach Cru11er, very lltllt UH, lllce b11nd lltW, 1150. Call ev9nlng.t 557-8393 OARAOE SALE. Eqlllp'd 101 tithing 13, 18255 8Mch BIYd. FOf Your Carl AT '80 Turbo Portehe Show Many dltferent llam•. eoo, no reu. otfflf' refu· H 1 ..... .ll•IH I SH Car. All European Call '78 vw Corw .. llbla wMt Cllt 842·225'1' .Md. 832-03!58 unlnglon .,....h u ........ , .. 'J . 857·1442 Richard xo~owdhl~~·n~3 ~~~;~ C11tlH•l•I ,,,, 142·1111 2828 H11bor 81v HONDA 78 924. blk on bit!. anrl. 40-3215 dy1 720·0303 •••••••••••••••••••••• Blllft 111111 IHllAL Colla Mtaa 540-5830 AIC. lo ml, lllla brtlld nu, 1976 LlnGOln Col'lll'*1tal Schwln11 10ep 24" tr 27" quick rtleHt wheela. trap pedala 11 50 . 545-3838 Year old Schwinn crul- w/altoy parta I 150 Arm 842-3253 ...,.. .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 22' Chne Craft '118. Ma· btlflH/ $ 8 9 5 0 6 7 5 -2 0 8 5 . I eve1 Jeck1e Cl any wn11e wllh red WHJHI Ullll tlog. hull Evlty opllon C/1nln ISZO P1tmlum pt!OM '45-S333. Laurie v.1... 111Z ltalher Interior moon wl•tand $150 84().87n :::'i=·1~= ·····-r:.1~:;r··· ~=.::. :y=~• SANTA ·11 •11 • ···;1·•;;;;·1;~j~;··· r:: !,~!Pf::: d~~~~ lhdla1n II'/, culH tng Full lnttru-S"•y , .............. """'k·-& In~ condlllon Completely reslOftO lop I 0 C etJ"I I buy 1825702) ~tlley ••••••••• ,............. ... ...... ....... ""' -... -u r>-II • , .. ,. •• Blue Booll 14945 RobtllS Air ---....... menteUOn and radio otut coup ea 4 lo chooee • '""' 10 bot1om and lnltrlor __,,. • ....,. dock •pact Compl lroml 100•788) (Slk ANA Eng rtblt lest than 3000 pr1ce 13795 Flnanctt19 3 & 5 HP One ph ... 60 I v W.H IHYI~ av11lablt Call new Hf. I t AS .. E 1ummtr pkg 4500, A3093) Pr\CMttartlngal ml Blaupunlcl hi power ~ tor Dave Jone• Theo· o• ver " .., code 875-7474 llLY St,tt•• 11erto 1ys1tm. Recaro UI LUSIU lank Never uHd 1695 .. Mii 75• ,,301 d"o 1 t ~o b1 n • Ford lermt 772-5390 WAITEI,· Part• & s~"'-o---All ....... OllERSEEAXPSERDTESLlll RY 642-0010 Peu~eol PBN10, 12 apd, -·-.,..... I II ~ 11•~ -------24. frame, pearl white. •;. /J. -•• 42' Glue Orllld 81nk1 • Dey Saturday I I f ~• C•1••11 1133 w 11 cc111 I 2 2 5 . h\~.~~!! ••• ~ CASH Of lrede fOf equity 301 W Warner Ave •••••••• ••••••••••••• WLI Ill •••~··••••••••••••••• 844.5259 Coyote tur coal tor men, E111bluft1 Condo NB (1 blk WMI of Malnl I #I D£Al£R 11.1 US A 1977 Cougar XR7 1mmae retell S6000 Sac $1300. plu• cuh. Prine only. ~11148 ll.11 l•11 lllHl " YILVO lull pwr AC c•ulst. lo l1Jl"•1 (714) 636-2947 Pvt ply. 7141875-8851 1·,"1.i \It·'·' '>lllOIMI 540-7430 1 TYVCAR\fER 1966 Harbor Blvd m1 . 0110 owner $4000 I'll..../ I COST A MESA 559-0 166 #1tnl'11 IOIS USTH Hiii Ill Ilk• over paymen11 · 82 Hond• c1v1c1. 4 dr l'.Y'tl I C.~ Hl·HOI 140·1Cll aHO Typing. llllng. pllOnes CarOlyn. 85 t-t 502 •••••••••••••••••••••• Thi.__, flnell In qu-'lty on your 211' GIHtron, C C Allll l•NrtH I 137 47 .+ 1a• per mo ~ l'll..../1\...-C -----'"' ~ .ow 3.0/" ·~, ., " Seeray Mutt bt In~ 087 BMW S pe, ciusy •••••"•••'-0 •••••••••• ~ ·7 ST T 0 WO lhe very IOW'efl t:i price · lrn•p Mutl sell Bo b CIOMld end 48 mo lease .... ,,.. • ' •• ,.. '" 4 A 1 N N • ••••• ••• • ••••••••••••• Service station auendant Redwood 2x8 decking. Steve 548-7439 I c 0 n d · C •II Br • n · 752·2266. 955-3284 l#W 911 A 11 s e v s (7 1" I .... ... .. " """ Grealeond ernat 1198 1 F 0 R 0 E 8 co' 1 4.20· long; also redwood 673-1388 Of 850-1324 ••••••••••••••••" •••• 634•0189 • r C1os10 \VNO•H S249S 494-8490 Hatcnback Auto trans MIF, morning & after· lenclng. Lowell price. OLD SL10foT.~11ACHINE 1..,,, •·ti ~o '54 Ply. Plaza, runt, bu1 uir cond pwr st steel 11oon 1hll11. Good w•s• J _ -,_ 11eed1 work. 1500 or 0r. '78 Honda c vcc hatchbk, :111) 11IO 11978 Volvo 242 sunrf 1ad1111111es 11ke new Just a beneflll. Shall. 25 0 guer · Im or Ken any 673-2534 11 10 5 •••••'•••••••••••••••• fer Tom. daya. i ood cond. 68,000 m1.1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1tereo. s5eoo o v e' 7 O O 0 m 11 es San Joaquin Hiii• Rd, time. 648-9885. pm. "1' Ketltnbtrg Sloop, THE 1112 5•6 3736 --'--------lcoMPLElE HOBBY S.42.000. 648-5724,evH&.41·2875 250-0 557·1874 s ..: f1CNV186) $5499 E11r1e _c_d_M_. ______ C1•1111 I PRINT SHOP $250 R111dy 645-9723 dya. 4 I 0 '19 Accord Hatellback ARE HERE! . t1t111 U1d 1 ~!/$~~~: · t~1~:. ~;~g SERVICE Station auen-Lsl•t•t 1030 Phone 673-4855 •• ~!! •• ¥!!!!! •. !.~!. 5 1pd, 111ver/bl11ck 1n1. 900 series 3door•."1···•• •••••••••••••••• 11iubo r Blvd Cos la danl Eve ahlll Apply ••• -:t •• ""•••••••••••• 8 IW n , Slop! Lookl One ol a kind am/Im c1111 , 111, xlnl dOOfS & Turt>Os available 11/tk fflOI .. 1 18 6 4 6 9 1 o 3 Shell Sllllon, 171h & Ir-*IJIOA IALEI* ABY WONDA-CHAIR Spectacular whll-ller 1979 Ford 4X4 Pickup cond $5400 nowt Come in 4 drive •••••••••••••••••••••• ~"0·9<167 Vint, Np1 Bch N & F Brand new, 1250 OC"'1 Yltwl 2100 ~11 wlln 1emouble t op W.11-lllYIOI 759-1122 or 831-0498 1 Road & Track Mana-jCfasSIC l965 Skylark Red " S1udenl Jobi llTI U~IU How would you Il k• 10 earn u mucti u $50 00 • ...-? Do you Ilk• drlv.1n movlaa, plcnlca , plua parllaa. beach pan111. plua many 01her lhlng1? Then you would probaby · probably enjoy working IOI' us OUALIFICA TIONS 1. Over I 2 ytatl ol age 2. Neal. honall and d•· • pendablt 3 Work al1tf tchoo4 and Salurdaya. CALL TOOAY I 537.5g36 or 531·5257 8AM 10 10PM s ew uHd. antattlc 642-4618/631·2650 townhomt, 3' lull bal 1, 0 F 5 • Conve11 Mechanic and Ab 1 1 prlee• Large selectlon. 01geou1 while 1 O LWIH z111e's cnolce ol the ,. ao ule y imme cu1a1e Perry'• Cemera. 380 E. Valley Pool tbl·btr 1lpe, deep Piii c arpallng loaded with air cond . 831 2040 95 9 91J'I.'" 1130 BEST spo111 sedao of uir compl reslored 1961 Fo ra Fatr'mont • 111. Tu1Un 832-3666 $350 Ol11ette 111 50 lhruoul, utrnoet In luxury autom111c. pwr sl.. Sii· .~ •• -•• 4 -' 4 •• ••••••••••••• ••••• 1ne aoa1 S3500/bal otr 552 97S9 door 4 cyl automatic Orienlal ""' •""" Ni·"lld Poot. Jae . 1ennl1 crl• d1"" rear window. over--Lr;-I llW 72 XJ6 dnt lnveslmenl lr'CH lllPO T I " E Ir ans pwr st 1111 cond c. 'OJ ·-• ~ ""' 350 ... 28402 ••arg·~itt Pkwy Leaving country Red w/ ut R S 73 ... 1111 RA clnl mecn Ill b i ke 150 Old Avon plu1 1q fl of aun· 11zed llrH (1V81041 ) .., """" nc F con<! Nat tome boay & only 9000 m11M COOi •••••••••••••••••••••• bollles & misc Tue-Fri deckt Rtd 1330.000 Financing av11tlable Call M1ts1on Vieto b lnl ully loaded New 848 Dove S1r1111 NB ~ork S7SO 499·4986 ~mmer blue Ready 101 Sl-/Hlrnalay111 675-1507 Aaaum 1170 ,000 al now asklorOavtJones I (AveryExllott l5) i ires, brkt Snow cer 712-0IOO 111ea11on (ICG>C381 1 lc111tn, 8 wkt, M Chaco-10 v. -fixed Int Ex· Theodore Robins Ford Open Sundays 15.900 548·• 14 1 1969 HarbOf Blvd C M C1,il/1t 1115 Current Kelley Blue Boo!< Illa po1n1. S50 49$-4874 #~Uu,..1 change ror 45.55• H ll· 642-0010 131-7110 •••••••••••••••••••••• S6905 Ro bins price SI mtte/Hlmata an 111 ~ •11•1 boat 411$-3838 I COITtMPUTIH $5895 Financing avail& • y w,.,,,,.. -'74 Ford ., ton p u . lleW ·1,1.-,, 116Z c••1Luc· bl~ Call now ask lor klnen. 8 wk1 old. Blue-•••••••••••••• • • ••• ••• 16 tamuy aallboat & traJ· eng .. clutch. brakes. duel .. .. 1 o e Jones r"eodo polnl, $50 495-4874 • • • ltr, MW Mil, good oond lank•. 4 spd. rad1a1or & ··5~~:~.:;;;~:;· 1 We specialize m lenes R!~in~ f()(d l)A2•0010 18 ' Ma1HI l••lll• seoo S45-37 f2 122001011 6'2·9594 I ••--•cc • ror 1ne bus111ess ••eeu a.., HO 599 F c · -~-ove & proles5'onBI 1976 FORD Fa11moo1 Se :-.~ETS·~.R~.·PEOPLE••• eos~!.. r 19 Tlllt ftr '!!.'.t.k.6. •••••••••• !~~~ HUH I Laree SelectlH dan 6 cy1 au10 irans Exollc vacallon1. h11r You are the winner or F l•••7•r 1981 Ford F250 Pickup CREVIER H1-20.0 411-CICI It hw .1112 ~~~!~v 5~~,e~~~s:' v~ slytts & IOYe al Sherry's lour lree tlckels ($12 00 ra11tyl1 4 4 callrl· See loam wnlle wltll 6 Q-.,.111 Poodle kid• 4 aale, T-value) 10 Int man (18 11) w11h 11elltr cyl eeonomy Ready tor MOTORS Sacrifice 1982 2-dr, 4-wlll -aos nyl root t1nled 9t11u OMbr ., .... , uu• UOE king you at lhe gaa R •o• TOUI ' I.~ .. <fl83WKR1 $3499 Earle PUP. Female, 8 wttks, Fountain Valley Mlle Laser, 2 Ht• ol 11111, all pumpl Auiomellc trans . WHE E CUSTO -MllfMA10A. • 1f•l!'' f16S I. , · J .. ~ l~e Toyota-Fine used Ill• rad. wjth mom & pop, Square Perk . May 8. eq'ulpmen l & doll le , pw& r ti . AM/FM cassene llER n• ''' 1'i9.78 •• To··y·o·T·A··c··.·1.ca···L·l·,1: (.A l)ll ,LA . Car Sales 1966· 1970 cup, toy, mtn. 5'6-2848 ...... 1111m x;~~~,~~~h 8 PM heavy jobs wllhOUI brea-UI llS ~ -~~~;s f19:,~;~~ ltO.O II l\..TA···m·· 1!•R0111 ~ ~.·~=~1';/,i~4!.$ !.~=~y paptf'I. 1200 l982 $850 6'5-0184 overs ized tires ~la•bor Blvd Co~1a 720-0-425 To cl aim llckell, c all 14' Ml Mallnt FlbtrglaN (IW88095) Financing SERVICE wt111 •.. ... back Auto trans . power I "'." ' Me~ a 6 4 6 -9 3 0 3 T ... , ..... Aft...... 842 -5678. UI 272 L•P•lrak• ••llboal w/ available Call now. ask on11ES IST! fACIUYYI stee11ng & brakes, AM/ .... ' .l• • !>40-9467 for performing ertl, 1M1ttt a. Ptl Tickets must bt claimed Ir"' .... 1750 aH. ,,1.~ 101 Dave Jones Tlleo-'f FM stereo. steel rad1a1 ------aports publlaillona, M/F. M pupa, 4 mo. 646-13i5 by May 5, 1982 .,..,. . .,.......,, .,.. do' e Rob , n s Ford lllUllllUI USll llfSl 14llll4 !Ires. vinyl int . custom 2 11979 CADILLAC Seville WANTED Good future, 11 .. dy em-VENTU RE 22' Lo ll of 642-0010 Sale ... Servtce-L"sing tone paint (613UXT) Full power AM/FM sle· • plOymtnl. 557-9910 Lhau Apeo puppy, AKC * * • •lru S.4950 lralltreble 1·53 Dodge..ilt Ion 100 I 208 W 111. 0 llllD $4499 Earle Ike Toyota· reo tape 1ea1he1 spl11 rnaii.. ~.'~· OUIL TS; We buy old 848--0709 6 864-1148 Pickup, sli'nt 6. auto, Sa1111 Ana 111 l Fine Used Car Sa.lea I power seals. cru1~ 1111 TQ BUY TlllPllll """ _,.. Petehwo111 Outn1 ... 111 good con d 18 5 0 (7 14) 835-317 1 RXl COUPE 1966-1970 Hart>o< Blvd I w11e discs. vinyl 10µ llUOITlll AKC SILKY TEARIER 540-2241 11, If 67" 5781 CIOMd Sunday Coslt Mesa 646-9303 (<&563181 $9999 Earl" UT£ llODEL A...-h H'IO or Tiiis 11 a loaded, hard lo 540-9467 Ike Toyola·Fint useCI Woo In the 9Y9l'llng Ml· Puppltt, I wk.1, ctlamp .... flf'llttrt _. 80 Ct>ev Luv PU Mikado T1te Ifft Eltiffq find ·Eulern Zone · gold 1 c s 1 1966 t970 USED CARS ling appll for my Nwpl llred. '250. 1-e27-t293 •••••••••••••••••••••• , _ _.If y e.ttlar1or wllll brown • • • " a e• Sch olc tor 1 ma"" ho-I ltltatlMel .aa.... lttil 4•4 c amper shell Xlnl •• tlr Har1>01 Blvd Costa WILSON FORD ltl Hrly-comml;;lon-11" It f• #fl 968-5037 1f1flf' 8 Up 10 "5:it, COM arH cond $5500 640-t t?9 lllW P•rellaH Ir velour tnter1or 5 •P"d larH L. •14waJ Mes a 6 " 6 · 9 3 0 3 bonua 833-3740 all :..................... 1900 ptt I\ call P~ 65 Chevy •;, ion PU~ wt 1 ltHt c..14 It ~:o"n~ool 'e~a"u'p~~~: 5091 Quall Circle 540-9<&67 l82S5 Beacn Blvd 1PM ~=· .~!:-::i:. tllJJn fuallul I or Carrie. 714-955-2 3 camper $800/besl otr II la lllWll AM I F M c as ae It e & YouH~7~'i'~~ -~~ 01 TIE UHIST Huminglon Beach TIW 11111 Chlld ... g6C. lo¥ee kldt. L.J-nt "'' wk-d• 8-5 673-S920 c._'.,''· -equalizer air cond11fO· lour ~ree Ucke\S (112 00 ••2·&& 11 957-0330 w··~:!4~:·::;::•1y•pe•• NEWPORT Archt• Ml· 68 Ford Pickup. 390 V8. 1 -1 · ...... ni ng rear wlt1dow de· value 10 ,... SELECTIO• •-.,.,._, ._ .,.,_ ly h -. ___ Pl I r 1 •-1"·· a 1 ,.., ol lste model low moiea-Fa1con ru115 good new ns• Oood tlomt wenltd fOf 8 with 3 drawers . .ttlnl rln• 2 lltpe avail up to RIH. pipe rack, 8' bed r r--•• ros er "'1 '""' rmru · IHlll llllm ge Cedillacs 1n Southefn 1110 ballery brakes ~~·~·:~~v~n~r~~·;~~: mo old M Setter Call cond 135. 770-7487 42 842-4844, 9•5PM aaddle tanks, S 1495 (7 14) 122-1333 ~og6~~~ ~'~.~roe~~ l&UMI UOE Cahlorntal reliable $600 S.46-2646 ShouldNveneert>y Larry 831-4454,842-1028 •ti 1611 wANTEO ()ocjitorentlOf 6 6 7 7 .. 3;?8 2 7 82 dys. evs m11es1 Mull ,.,11 ONLY Fount111nVaJley M11t lllERS Hunl Aulo Cenle<. 1825 r• 2 pvt boel• Approx 2011 ..,.._ $9 9991 Call 974-4611 Square Par1<0 May 8. 1 ye1r old pet'\ Pek• Ao .. ••• •••• • •• •• ••• •• • • ••• .. ···~ "•1m•1 ClDILUC ~!!~~!r ......... !.~~¥ L~ Canyon Rd, Lag or able ptl tor child or NA NOY CONDOR Parrol ea N • w Po r I I rt I 7 9 Ford 4 • 4 26 00 0 -..-s -days or 499· 2530 alter 1982 Sch 833 ·8986 , grownup. 840-0473 & lg. cage S l50 or best 875-7474 11« tor Mark mllea xl111 cond S6sod OUEIT 7 00 weekdays 4 wee· To claim 11ckeu c all 2600 Ha11>01 Blvd COSTA MESA 1980 Mercury lept>yt wa gon " cyl ~tandard cream color writ> 1tg111 1n le11or 4 low mlles Rt'&dy fo r summer 16175711 Kelley Blue Book S532~ Ro1>1os p11ce su 75 Financ1110 available Call now ask lo• Dav" Jones Hieo· dore Robins Ford 642·0010 497-2030 olr 543-4228 .. .,.rt larlll 646-1597 & kends 1 6<&2 -5678 . u1 272 -•-• a.enn Fll'&ilan IOSI . Sii 11 d ._,.. 64 c.._,., a. ion PU, ,_ i978Glc S"""'•· AM/FM TICkllS mus1 be claimed ,_,56. -"' •••••••••••••••••••••• ti,.H I ""-•••• •~ ps ave ty ..... Of mo ·~·1 .,.,. ' by Mey 5 1983 Min. 3 YT• np. oomm'I & IKING INNERSPRING EX· ••••••••••'!!t-•••• ~~ 846-0551 brlcS, 111. reg. & battery c as1 Cu11om s1r1p11 · vac Sabre trained Har-TRA FIRM m,ur ... Mt. Console French Proven· ... 1,.......,, I Need• a htlle bOdy work I Xlnl cond 13500 Eve· • ... · 7 4 Et do Converi 1 b le 540-1860 bor Trevel, 875-1311, I ntYef ultd, W01'1h S530. clal piano, mini cond II, r-w/cmpr · e ng pu1rs SeJM·StrYICl-LMsing nongs 833-2262 1979 TOYOTA Supra Fuel loo~s gr;~~-:ll~ Mlllle u c $248 del. Never $1500. 648-30411 ftJ IOIO :~tOOlotr 54 •2142 81 fOY' CARVER lllltHll J.u 1140 lnjecled automa11c ---.. -.a•t I uted queen u , wort II I ..M "-~ ·-~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ur .. 1.~ i> 'U r ·Ile\ I\\ ••••••••••••• ••••••••• Ir ans . air cond . lull po-'lt Ca4111ac • nr.. 1399, Cllh only, $218 r.. ... ,, •• -· ,,,~ '78 Hondo Ski Hydro '74 F()(d •;,ton. 4WO.n-1'6.• ,,._,,, •• , ,, .... ,. Wiit . alloy wheels. 1111, TOP OF THE LINE )(lnl •• NewpOrt a..cn CPA O<m d t 1 u • 111 h • •••• •'••• • •• ••••• ••• Uawleaa 8 h0\Ar1 on en-,... ~ """ ; ~. N· • 1 1 •• Melling lyplll wt1ti eKper. 754:7350 u Y om•. Ben Pearton Hun ling glne. $6Soo. 673-3881 eng .. c1u1cti. breku; dual ........ ••4• " " .... ,., Ht4 ltrtt4H ~~~e,; !7,:a',~~O '7~:-cond. blue ext. grey c101h & mature attitude. Ty· Bow. 24 fb pulll i.d• or tenlla. 4 apd, radl1tor te a ltW (884XJWI $7599 E I lnl 32,000 m1 $8800 ping 80wpm. Salary 11, I Ill flllnm yooU1. Coat $1os5 Mii for ..... .,...... 12200/ofr. 6"2·9594 ·75 BMW 5301 Mini Cond.. •re 720~425 ooo p1ul Non-1mkg. otc LM 957-8133 165. ~8-4138 22· Chrla Craft ·~a. Ma· y10 fS10 new bfllcH. new Irani, Hfflll•I •11•1 ~:, ~0It:~a ·;~~:_~;;g i-,-9-El_d_o-. -b-le_c_k_L_o-ed_e_d -----~!~!~~, ......... !.~~~ 80 Mu11ang, red 1n & out, 25,000 m1111 S4500 C311 7!52·5'00 lbltal hog hull Ev1ry option •••••••••••••••••••••• new head $8500 0 80 Compere Houae ol Im· Harbor Blvd . Colla Sunroof Xlnt cond . 52K I **I BUY** GrMtoond Otpendablt '73ChtvyVa11.w1tow1ng Callbtfore5,957-3222. pon101rectleaatand60 M 646 9303 m1 , $10.9 95 PP 10 •Pttd. Excellent 6 cyl lnbr'd 180 hi p mech $100 0/bll ofr el1er 5. 848-8n2 mot sensible pymts 54~~!67 • 631·6666 1 eves 557-2949 & 838-•266 ........ ...... , ... . T..,'"'c....ts •We're Mtklng 10 build a labor pool ot quallll•d graphic 1rt1 J>trtOOntl for •'on-call work In lh• pra· -prtH erta Al ltHI one year·a experlenc9 In iyp.. Mlllng. putt up. catT*I oper111on or pletemalclng ll nteetaary You muat bt avallablt to work on a • lubstltult Of call-In btslt • Salary depend• on axpe- • rlenct. Con11c1 Perton· nel. ";•Otnt . ..... 330 . Bayll COit• Mee& An Equal Oppty Emplyr '"· , .... , ......... Part t ime , morning hou,., 6411-1858 Wallr ...... experltnc.d, dinner part time, cock- 11111 WHktndl. Appy 8erl 8'own'1 Aea1aurant, 31 101 Cont Hwy. 8 L.aounl- WAITRESS/WAITER w/ car for wicker buket lundt MrV. g:80-1:30PM. M<m-Fr1. Earn •150-1176 wkly. MU9t be ""-'• s>et· aonablt & e nergetic 979-07'7 an 10AM for .,.,... Good uMd Furniture & c 011 d $ 1 5 O at 1 e r HtrculH tng Full In· 549-2221 Olal 213 or 7 14, MER· 1--------------~OR 1 wlD Mil 875-7079 s1rumtnlatlon 11\d radio CEO ES 1 s 2 1 3 or '80 Supra 5 Speed. toa· 'll Suille 80 Mutlang. aulo. 16.000 OfSELLforYov rr: Wit ptusdoc:illPae:t'J.Compl 'MHlllUlf !>!.,~~•••••••••-'!.~ 7141837-i333 ded.xlnteottd 199950< Lllle MWS6500 mi. S50 00/bSl olr. l&l1BI a.Tiii ' ' summer pkg $4500, Auna good. good tlru 70 Mtr edes 280SL best otter 7!>4-4062 540-9459 760 6000 964-1567 t'ves 149 1111 Ha.tlJl .. !.!!~.1!!!~ ... !~~ 675-7474 $6?S/OBO 538-9832 Converllble & 1111d1op. 1961 TOYOTA Starlel Se-70 ClasSlc El Dorado. tow Tina ---------1 9 7 9 2 8 2 c 0 I 0 , • ti 'T 1 VW 8-pau bus, su~ AM/FM radio. new llr89 dan Optlona 111c1uae 5 miles. xlnl cond wnne Ol,1•o)i/1 llSS On1lprw/1ptclal m1t-TVa-O-hra.A9lllOfJlm •11•~111 •• rool.loml,cleanl2495 $14,900 PP 832-3045 apee<N.rana .pQWerdlsc red1r\I S18000BO ••••••••••••••••••••" t•HI, w/metchlng ctir 982.5593 875-273' •C.•••• ••••••••••••••• 559-6791 evH brakes This one If lully 548-6446 <&93·0803 1545 673-1202 · ••lfn, 1111 factory equipped & gets 9' •ofa. llU nu, revere ..,,, 1 .. 11 .. , ll•t llU ~!~'.'..'!!!..~~ .•• !.~':¥ IEW II '12 ~1rBJ••o2' 01s' • ."'999o1eaEo•r~ C1a111 fll1 cu1hlon1. pa1tat1 $300 L.I •I c:i;~;;;.·,;·~·b;d WI •Ut IHI ike To~1e:f111e Uaed ·;;·;.~;;·;ooo,·;:i:;;;;, 175-5'57 al1 5. • •• -:t:'.f! •••••••••••• Chelly PU give away el 11111111 OAIU * J 0 0 D TUR . Car Sa111 1966-1970 new eng1na S t 500 NEVER USED Bdrm Ml. C..naJ HI 1250 494-3219 .Anything consldtftd. Harbor Blvd . Colla 1-5-40_._1_5_79 _____ _ !~7~:.~~:0~1v~~~n'g~: ;42~·0;~~·;;;~ii~i;1;;~ #•t•rliH lihr 1140 1911 thru 1980 BOS* ~~~!87 6 4 6 · 9 3 o 3 Ctnrt/11 If ZO 77o-ogo1 tank•. newly painted. •••••••••••••••••••••• Special Ltmlled Ottflf' dolly S550 836-0724 PHtl Ull ~ 1979 Datsun 280ZX wllh CHOICE OF COLORS '81 Tercel L111back QUEEN SLEEPER SOFA OLD WOOD ROWBOAT 1295 545-8743 automttlc I rant . a ir PURCHASE OR LE.ASE Air, tunrool. cesaene & LINENS. $170 1c", cond & AMIFM tape A $5900 M·F 955-0 900 5'9-3573 12 h. S50 or bll ofr • J / vary c I e en c a r a...aa. "--..a •··-e, (Andy), IYI 548-9591 675-4784 ''"f1f., ( 1AIHZ34) Kelley Blu• .... -· -Ntwfull-elzernattr ... Mt.... • 1 lf#ttll 1110 Book ,0260 Robllll 98-1340 213 24-7897 1979 TOYOTA Corolla 160. Ntw queen 1111, 111 •••l••••tl •••••••••••••••••••••• price 17295 Flnenclng SR5 Llltbeclc. 5 speed 1100. 750-5832 lnftn HU 1980 Honda CX500 •I '" Orel09f c_., evallabl• Call now, Hk 1110 411 Ill 1rans . 00-brakea. air Early Amar. Sole $75. & •••••••••••••••••••••• 7400 mllH, In exetllanl 2i25 Hart>or Bllld. tor Dave JonH Theo-Beau while. black llhr cond., AM/FM •ltfe<> &. a ...................... SEE US-FIRST! we nave a good ae11c· 11on of NEW & USED ChtYro1t111 COMM EU CHEVIOLET ?1.,.11.orl•.r H • ' j I:' I\ '"'-" \ WANTED TO BUY UTE MODEL USED CARS WILSON FORD 18255 Beach Blvd Huntington S.acti 142-1111 '79 Cu1lu1 Ca lalJ 011. 30.000 mt , xlnl cond 28 mpg Comp! avs red. Op11on1. $5600 btl olr 640· 7258 leave m19 club chi. 140. Good ENJOY YOUR 80AT condition, fairing, car-COSTA MESA dor• Rob in• Ford Snd. Many •Ir•. l7,tiOO spolltea yellow llnlth con.. Swvl velvet ruat Let ue do Int work! 'Y 1 n g 0 u • · 12 5 O O 111·2100 642-0010. ml 6" 1·7838 W'llh black buc:kel aeelt. v Vamllh, palnl, clean, r• 559.9299 tvtl-• Low mll11. (381982). '71 Cutlass Supreme roe k er• new· S 100 · pelrs Exp Nawporl '75 8210, euto, amtfm, '82 MBZ 220S. xlnt 1111. 1539g. Earle Ike Toyota-1=========-1 I 1000 or btl1 otter ~·,,_ 1200 845-8292 Malnt~: 548-6581 ·~,~~~~~:.:1:~ 8~~~~· WE. IY rtd, 4 dr, xlnl cond. I xlnl running. $1800 or Fine UHd Car Sal11 WANTED ___ 5_4_5_-1_3_3_5 __ _ 8' Couch. green, ENJOY YOUR BOAT cond. 845-3439 TIP ~ owner, 11750/bal otr bell offer 845-9510 1866-1970 Harbor Blvd , II t IHI $80, good frame. Let"' do lht WOfkl ' 548-3019 ·73 MB 450SEL Colla MHa. 648-9303 TO BUY •• 1!!!!! •••••••••••••• 84i-3573 v11ntan, paint, cttan, 1 .. #tm ... ,., "11/ Fii I I I ,, 1 0111u11 1200, aulo. Xlnt cond Mon-Fri 111 5 _5_4_0-_M4_.;.7_. _ __..___ '78 Ply Hor11011. 52M ml, Patio turn, Tropltone att, palrt. Exp. N~g;rt l•tlJ,.,w llH AUi --Am/Fm caaHttt , good 845·2434, 6'2-5532 '79 Supra Llftbeclc UTI llllL :::.:~73o!.r.~.-"-' Call 2 dire, 2 toungea, 2 fool Mllnttnanet. S4 1 •••••¥•'-••••••·••••••• -••i-•-co11d . 1 1300 0 80. Blue. xlnt cond, wire 1•11!1 •••1 ~ 11111, 2 1mall table•. RENl 28 h motor home ~·-_.. 831·252i Of 831-735& #C 1141 Whla, am/Im 1tweo lape, 95 ..,. '68 R d d •"""'. Lr out .. OOf 11b1t, ..... •--'-1 81"" a, 1u1itoaded 2490 Har ..... Blvd. •••••••••••••••••.,•••• eJc, MW radlata. .0.500 WI.SON f(IO oa rut1ner · goo .., u • ., _... ,... """ '90 200SX Helotlbeck. 5 cond, headtra. magi. 125. ovtdoor bar L.J .... I ... 84 Mle COSTA MESA apd, SL package. air, Afidl• ml. W1rr1nty IYall. good tlrtt. $900 080. tloota, 115 ta. Obi oor.l':""A'-.e.-.......... 21''78KlngOfthtAoed 149 ... stereo&cw $unl1,15K $6500MlflY,M-F10·6, 112558w:tl8tvd. 8-5645-a310Mlkt bookceM, 1100. Htrcu· Life preHrvtrt, rlnga, Tripi• bunk, loaded, ..... , .. , ml, lrnmac. 17.500. Oeyt· TO!!EA ..... U COVER 97~1345· HuntlnglOfl 8Mctl '76 Volar• Loaded, .un- ion NCtloMI couctt, bel· compeu, w11er akl, clttn, 21K. HklnQ 112. 873-7 272 .• .,., "" 1981 TOYOTA Corona IC!-1111 gt, COit 1900. Mil 1250, ~. ratt, lpln1111ktr polt IOO WE llY 751-0285 Ate MG'•, '71·'8 t Luxury Edition • Door rool, Im% e/c. emlfm. 2 brown •tutted ltatMr l500 al. 71CM811 552-3659 p111 party N.-l.IMCS, 175 Llttbaclc Auto. tran•. ••Willi $2600/ 6'0·5 •70 =~~t;O,,w~o: zr=, C::• pd concl, FtllJm fllftl fl1f ~~fl!!•, ~~·a;:~~: Matti 831-7701 Iv m ~ .. ·~~:~. ~~~ ·-~-.....!'!!. _._ !~IJ!f •••..•••.. !!jf fable. StOO. 2 11ut11d . 175-tMI ••••••• :4............. -.... aeeoo. t73--212i wheel, ltflf'to CUI,"'" ...._, -........... ..... WIUTm ve lvet, whllt & blue '71 PROWLER 20'h'. •77 1210 •-«.mutt aac--'1ff O'ttf 9000 m1te1 a a rare Ser 474011217. • nMIW ::::,·.:,~ ~= iroo"'::'l~~ ~!':.·d3 ~:.~P1wf:!~·:fn~~·c~~:l ~1ce. auoo s•o-650!5 ...... r;iiiii;.... =~~ ~~1~z~!~l• ~~~ .::J.'~.. TO BUY & m rro1 plt ture. I H . • 976-IMt. 15.000/080. ~2-o35t Mum'a got 10 lee me I><> ~2i:t••Flna UHd Car OoYe/Quall Sta Aatortad 01110. ctialre. OLO EVINAUDE bit,.,.,, ,,,.,, ·1t 290 lX 2 P1Ua 2, blll. 10 Qoodllome '°' A400. 1tee-l970 HarbOf NEWPORT BEACH UTI _.. NI ... 840-5521 111 HP, ... OO/Of b.i orr. ,., ::~~ ~~ f~~~:::.;.~ Low mllea 'ouz rm tier Blvd., Co.II M .. a . Ill •H 1111 1111 "If! tfP.""' 8' ~. xtnt concl. '2.60. 175-4784 ... 4.~.!t!f Wire wtllt.17"5 weekend car. Dtl!Yef'td Me-i303 !JAO.t487. .. °' btt off.; 2 twn matt. a I.IT"' IOOY W"""'o# • - -d 1 8 • 1 _ 1 2 • • • e w II'"" with tan top Ma· ....... 1_, ·eo c11a11on Ha1chb•cll. wtl ttw fNM\ •• ... .............. bO• 1prln91. 128 botl'I. ..... ..... .... .. ~.. -·-~ ., ., • lllne l'l 1W"F #11 134110 IOt.XMI. ltlow ""'""" """ ....... MM C.il .tt •PM .,.,.~ .... 2 •••••i.\~ ..... r.a: p.int/up to ~ off 'J04il Top dOllltt tor Sport• 97'-1340 ... ,.. ... 701..,...1...,. 1 ~·· •••i't'••••••••••••• wholitalt, Dir. a cyl, 112•5 .. .......-....... , .. •••'!!!!lJ•••u•••~ 1 _____ • ____ u_ 'lt .. -body .nop Mt. Nf.9832 Cara, 11.191, C1mp1t1, ...... u. ....,. '"" 11 Rat>t>ll, I0.000. rnlltt, eutoWT:,· air. a.. 11 ..,.,:.._, -,_ •'= ~ -Wtllt• ~ lwtn ........... -814'•. A41cfl'• ......... 1111 tmmt .. ott9t I .................. -· \' UCMDATION IA&.a ..... • &_ .. --... O,.n. 24'. Many •tra1. Alk fof U/C MOR ...................... ,,., Ma.ssM 4'43 • aa, .. ,eo.ta M9N, ...... ,1 Oil.I • flNNTI .._, · .,,_ & ca· fmmeo. eonct rso hrt. Ii IMI• .. .. ......... .,... Pt\ 14$-2113 ~• ""'°"' WTI tlOPY Inc. HI..... Ntwport '"r· Atklno • •••• • -lt77 Pl!UOIOT OltHI '73 1unfOOf bVO new , ... ~ • NIOI 11 0. d 8 ' " -MAHV AT ooeT-I drawer wooden maid• • 14.tl~~· f 7. UH. TOHHIAU oov1• ....... onnDr•M Waoo11. Auto. 1ran1., '*"' & '"'•tor reou111. , dOOf. I , n • ., .,.... --..fRLH·I bed,.,,...,&llW-ow ... 11S.w. 1 -··-·e,'Yt•'l"1 1171tltedl1Wd UftUQ1 P•r 11 ,pwt.btatl .. , t11w1 .. 1 ,2110 1"°°· •on.arnlf::,alr,pwr ·..f'Hi'MMTW" low i;.c Ill ... ,_... t' V"CHT. Dtc .. a• In I .. ~ ........ ''' HUNTIHGTOH llACH C._.'1 ettreo o'~!... •l,pwr .. 1.-a. M0-117l I =· .. iM~ loch " ,. " ._..... -la -= boolt1 ._ _.,, N9 , 113 Ctlevy Hoo, HO, ' Npt, ,., •al• 011 ""'• II • • 1met.11Dhlt 11n1at11 1or .. 1 i T.*0VW00r"t W:~~T. I auto, ..a1P1 new pal11t, 'H rtreblro •'"' b.o~ • ..,.._ Melt °"~ T~ am 'I cat fl I ZY). I • "' · ,... '"" eooo IMCf'l•· I Mtdl-. .on a '*"'· •ene011 etao ev•ll AIYml!Mfl Mwu-• """' ,~1"U~C .. Tl ..... 11111MoGOMatrLAll1 ... n ice I co"d, 0111 fOOd Irena HOO.ff 1--------1 e ttoo.e1eoo1mo Dout •• ,.., • ••11r. IMtlt lllTI 1111 ,.,,.. ._ ., •te11 I ltMMll 1100t110...., _,,. .... ...., *toll 11MIM I! 1t•,11 • 1 • ~, aot w. werw ,,._..,. HerMt ...,. • f , ... ,_,. _.. ''"" for . ~J~~=~~~~~:~~~~~W:~~~~~~~~;;~-~~M~a~ ... ~"~j 1tt1010 tO•rtll, .... ,.. Cotti ..... .....SOI j ,.0 • fHtllH wltll • WAtn ACTION'? Wn M ....,, J ...,., ....,..,, -= -......... ,. a......M1M1 ... 1t ..... ,. . ' f ' TUESDAY, APRIL 27 1982 Anaheim disaster loan set .. BY DAVID KUTZMANN of" .. ~ .......... Anaheim residents who must rebuild their lives from the rub- ble of last week's $50 million fi- restorm were to be given the ch ance today of applying for federal low-interest disaster loans and rent subsidies. City officials said the Federal Emergency Management As!.ency had set up its offices Monoay at Trident Junior High School to process the' loan applications. The disaster relief center was to open ita doors at 1 p.m. and remain open .even days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m . It is located at 1800 w. Ball Road. The estimated 1,500 people left homeless by last Wednesday's fiery holocaust wlll be eligible for loans of $5,000 (at 8 percent interest) as well as rent subsidies good for up to one year. The assistance was made pos- sible by President Reagan's de- claration Saturday that Anaheim was a federal disaster area. Of!i- cials said today that the assistan- ce center would remain open as long as it takes to process all ap- plications. In another fire-related deve- lopment, city officials said today that building owners in· the flame-scarred fire ione around Ball Road and Euclid Avenue would probably regain control of their property sometime in the early afternoon. Since the wind-driven blaz.e was extinguished, police have manned checkpoints and guarded the gutted buildings, limiting ac- cess principally to authorized personnel only. (See ANAHEIM, Page AZ) Plan weighed for Harbor Boulevard By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM Delly "°' lhlff A $1.5 million plan to realign Harbor Boulevard so that it con· nects with Newport Boulevard at Broadway will be discussed to- night during a Redevelopment Ageocy meeting at 7:30 o'clock in the Neighborhood Community Center In Costa Mesa. Currently, Harbor Boulevard meets Newport Boulevard at an angle. An engineering atudy by Her- man Kimme l and Associates concludes that the realigrunent of Harbor Boulevard will improve east west circulation in the city, but will not significantly ease traffic congestion. Broadway, which currently ends at Newport Boulevard, will continue across Newport Boule· vard and curve to meet Harbor Boulevard near 19th Street. A traffic signal at Newport and Harbor Boulevard wi U be remo- ved and the strip of Harbor bet- ween Newport and I 9th Street eliminated. According to the engineering study, the realignment of Harbor Boulevard will: -Require the acquisition of $1 million worth of property in the path of the realignment. -Increase traffic on Broadway between Newport Boulevard and Orange Avenue from 2,500 to 4,- 000 ca.rs daily. , WORLD Oelly f'tlot ""41to ti, Chaftee llatr H UNTINGTON TRAGEDY -Huntington Beach police of- ficers wait for tear gas to clear before entering home that had been the scene of a murder-suicide. Former Huntington 01an kills wife, self By ROBERT BARKER Of tM DeHJ Hot ...... A former Huntington Beach resident shot his est.Tanged wife to death and then killed himself Monday in the Huntington Beach neighborhood where they for- merly lived. po.lice reported to· day. Police said that George G . Shadwell, 3~. murdered his 32-year-old wife, Kathy,, shoo- ting her in the head with a small-caliber sawed-otf rifle, and then turned the gun on himself. F.scaping injury were the cou- ple's five children aged l lh to 15 (four we re his by a previous marriage) and the residents of the home at 18191 Wharton St., eut of the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Talbert Avenue. Lt. Merle Schneblin said the dead couple were former resid - ents of the housing tract before moving to Mount Mesa in Kem County. The wife apparently left her husband about a week ago and came to Orange County to stay with friends. The husband and the chddren arrived at the Wharton Street residence Sunday. They repar- tedly lived in the area previously and hod agreed to meet at the home of former friends to iron out marital di!lerenoes. Mrs. Shadwell arrived Mon- day morning. Shadwell reportedly took his wife into the bathroom to talk Monday afternoon. The residents went outside and heard Mrs. Shadwell call oui "he has a gun.~· Her husband reportedly told the people to call police. Juat as officers were arriving, they heard three shots ring ouL They back-tracked and called the S WAT team which fired numerous rounds of tear gas into the home. Police said they were acting carefully because of the possibility that the man might be alive and armed and dangerous. Residents from three blocks surrounding the area were eva- cuated. Trotter confirmed, raps Deukmejian Newly appointed state appeals court Justice John K. Trotter Jr. aays Callfomia Attorney General George Deukmejian was appa- rently trying to politicize h is cfmfirmation hearings when he queried Trotter on controversial issues last week. Deukmejian, a leading candi- date for the GOP gubernatorial nomination in the June election, wu the only member of the Committee on Judicial Appoint- ments to vote against Trotter's selection. The 2 to 1 vote came last Fri- day in Loa Angeles. Voting to confirm Gov . Edmund G :- Brown'a appointment or the for- mer Orange County Superior Court judge were st.ate Supreme Court C hief Justice Rose Bird and state appeals court Justice Gerald Brown. During that confirmation hea- ring, Deukmejian repeatedly as- ked Trotter to state his views on controversial issues such as the death penaity. But Trotter, once mentioned as a possible appoint,f!e to the Cali- fornia Supreme Court, declined to reveal his views, saying that a judge had to maintain impartia- lity and that personal positions were limply not relevant. Deukmejian'• questioning of (See TROTTEJ\, Page A%) COUNTY ... YDUI 111~1111 DAllY PIPIR ORANGE COUN l V CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ~Time runnin out.' r Britain to apply military pi-essure By Tile Atsoclated Presa Brltl1h Prime Minister Mar- garet Thatcher said .today that 11military pressure" appeared to be the most likely w ay to dis- lodge Argentine forcea from the Falkland Islands. In Washington, the correspon- dent of the Argentine news agency DYN quoted Argentine diplomats as saying the Argen- tine government told the United States it was not necessary for Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. to visit Buenos Aires agam in his efforts to resolve the crisis. DYN said instead he could delJver peace initiatives directly to Argentine Foreign Ministe r Nicanor Costa Mendez, who is in Washington. There was no con· firmation of the report from Ar- gentine officials. In London, Mrs. Thatcher spoke as a British armada neared 'the Falklands after claurung the recapture of the wand or South Georgia, 800 miles to the east But Argentina said its forces were still r esisting on South Georj{ia. · Mrs. Thatcher told questioners in the House of Commons that Britain was stiU ready to nego- tJate a peaceful setllement to the sovereignty dispute over the Falklands. LB church fight • WIDS with 'guru' By JEFF ADLER 0( tM 0.-, Not ..... Unlike Antelope, Ore., resi- dents who lost a bid to disincor- porate their ci ty rather than surrerider it to a takeover by an Indian guru, a Laguna Beach church group won a legal round Mo nday with the same guru, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. The legal victory came when Orange County Superior Court Judge F.dward Wallin ruled that Bhagwan could be named in a $6 million-plus lawsuit brought against the guru's local disciples. Although the ruling, which came following a brief hearing in Wallin's courtroom, maintained Bhagwan'~ status as a defendant an the action, it in no way re- flected upon the merits of the case, Wallin said. He pointed out that his ruling was only one in a series of legal motions connected with the lawsuit. Atto rneys representing Bhagwan and h is followers ar- gued that the guru should not be a party to the suit because he has never been to California and has no connection to the case. On the other hand, attorney William Dougherty, who repre- sents the Laguna Beach church group that claims It was ousted from its church property, con - tended that Bhagwan waa cen - tral to the suit. The group of Religious Scien- tists claim the guru coordinated the followers' sua:etaful takeover of the ai.x-acre church property in Laguna Canyon. But she said: "We have takeo and tontln ue to take the view that unless we bring military pressure to bear. the Argentines are unlikely to withdraw from the Falklands." Mrs. Thatcher said "time is faat running out" for a peaceful resolution of the 25-day-old crisis, underlining speculation that the British task force off the Falklands may soon go into ac- tion. She angrily reject£-'d demands by Michael Foot, leader of the opposition Labor Party, that Foreign Secretary Francis Pym should fly to New York to dis- cuss an appeal by U .N Sec- retary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar to both sides not to esca- late the confrontation. Foot declared: "If you don't make a proper response to the secretary-general's appeal, you will rnfbct a grievous blow to our country's cause." Mrs. Thatcher snapped back amid angry shouts from Labo· rites: "I tot.ally disagree If we were to refuse to take any further military action whatsoe· ver, we would put many of our soldiers and sailors in JeOpardy " Pym would "not achieve any- thing" by going to New York, she declared . uwi,~ FOR THE BOYS -Disc jockey Sarah Kennedy, known as "London Sarah " prepares to span a record for broadcast beamed to Bn ush forces off the Falkland Is- lands. Mesa woman, 7 4, guilty of smuggling / A 74 -year-old Costa Mesa grandtt\(>ther convicted of tryulg to smuggle 2 \'i pounds of cocaine througn-Los Angeles Internatio- nal A irport faces a possible 30-year prison sentence, a federal attorney said today. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Walsh Jr. said it is unlikely ho- wever, that Helldora Saenz.. a Colombian national, will serve a lengthy prison term. Ms. Saenz was arrested Feb. 26 by U.S. Customs inspectors who found $480,000 worth of drugs inside a false bottom suit.case she was carrying. She was traveling from Bogota, Colombia. The while-hatred grandmo- ther, who was living an Costa Mesa with her daughter, 1s free on ball pending sentencmg May 24 by U.S. District Judge Terry J Hatter Jr. Walsh specuJated that Ms. Saenz was used by a professional narcoucs nng who thought that her age a nd appearance would allow her to shp past Customs 11\S pt'Cto rs Strike backed Housewife gaining s upport Strakrng Huntington Beach housFwife Reva Gardner said today she's picking up support in the C(>mmumty a nd is making some apparent progress on the homefront. "Neighborhood children come by and tell me they are shaping up because they don't want to see their mothers go on strike," Mrs. Gardner said. "I've also heard from old friends and from people throug- hout tbe county. I've talked so much that I'm getting hoane." She says she is in the process of negotiating with her hus&and J ohn and daughters Ambl, 17. and Robin, 13. But no contract apelllng out INDEX s pec1 f1c pouseh old duties has been signed. Mrs Gardner began her stnke last Wednesday 1n protest o( doing nearly all the housework for her farruly. She spends the days outdoors out of fear that she might wea- ken if she goes inside Her husband, an auto mecha- ruc m Costa Mesa. says he 1.1 do- ing more washing and cooking these days "but we are keeping things running." He allowed that the strike by his wife ls better than some al- ternatives. ''She could be thro- wing things or running off," he declared. Argentines fear attaclc near, Oil battle launched At Your Service Erma Bombeck L.M. Boyd Cavalcade Clullfled c.omk8 en.word Death Notkei !:ditorial Dlter1alnment Hy Gardner A4 82 A6 .B2 Horoecope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Public Notices Sporta B2 B2 B3 C4 WASHING TON (AP) -Argentine Foreign Minister Nlcanor Co.ta Mendez uid today h it aov- emment received lnfonnaUon that Britiah naval fOl'<lel may auack the Falkland 1'landa within 24 to 48 hoUn. China crash lcills 112 PEKING (AP) -A Ch1neee airlioier aw.bed near the aouthern city of Gullin, killina all 112 people aboerd., Cllna'a oWdal Xinhua newa aaencY reported today. The plane on a tis.ht from Canton. hid been mlllinl f« more than a diy. NATION ( Laguna Beach city of ficlals have launchffd their campaign agalnst otfsho~ oil by ptheJin& signatures to aend to the president. Paie Bl. SPORTS Dl,.03·6 B4 B4 D'l A6 B3 B2 STATE . Stock Marketa Televilion Thee ten Weather World News -iParole for LA 1layerf. 02 ... 3 Cl ..J C5 ~ B3 A2 A3 TROTTER SEATED ..• • • Trotter prpmpted Blrd to accuse the attorney 1eneral of poalng improper questions. The attorney pneral, howe ver, aald \hat the public had a ri1h t to know a Judce'• vtewpointa on conttover- aial i.uee. Following hia swearing-in ce- remoniet Monday In Santa Ana, Trotter .aid it appeared to him \hat Deukmejian had tried to politicize hi• confirmation pro- ceeding. "I think his question indicated that," the new tustice on the 4th Dlallict Court of Appeall bench uid. Trotter said that whlle nomJ· nees to lelialatlve and execu\.lve po1hton1 would need to 1tate thelt views, jud1ee would not. A jud1e'1 peraonal vlew1, Trotter bllllted, ''have no bearing on the deci1lon-makln1 proceu" in a courtroom. "A judge muat be impartial," he aald, adding that he had ap- parently become somewhat of a "reluctant hero" to follow Judges by refusing to answer Deukme- jian's queries. ANAHEIM FIRE . • • Orange County health and city building officials toured the four-square-block area Monday to decide which buildings could be turned back to their owners. A city apokesman, said howe- ver. that r esponsibility for maintaining and protecting the fire-ravaged ruins would now fall on the owners themselves. City spokesman Dean Grose said a majority of the structures -principally one and two-story apartment buildings -we re being returned to their owners. However, he had no exact num- bers. Fifty-three buildings in all were aestroyeo by names. Grose said police checkpoints would soon be eliminated and roving car patrols would main- tain security in the area. A chain lin~ fence erected around much o the disaster area also Is expect to come down soon. Tenants who still wished to retrieve belongings from their charred dwellings would have to work directly with the property owners. officials said. From Friday through Monday, the city had allowed groups of fire victims to return to the rub- ble t.o search for salvageable be- 1 on gl ngs. That operation was supposed to have ended at 5 p.m. Monday. Ex-justice Tamura succuillhs to stroke Fountain Valley native S te- phen K Tamura, who retired last October afte r serving 13 years as a justice in California's 2nd District Court of Appeal, died Sunday o f an a pparent stroke Tamura. 70, served occas1onal- ly on the State Supreme Court from 1978 until h is death. He died in a Corona motel where hP had stopped en route to a mee- ting, a court spokesman said Monday. A f ormer Orange Cou nty Superior Court judge, he was the first Japanese-Ame r ican ap- pointed to the state appeals court He was a _graduate of Harvard Uruversity. Dunng World War fl, he aerved in the fame1! 442nd Infa ntry Re giment. made up entire! v of second-izeneralion Japanese Americans. Delly Not f"M>to DIES -Justice Stephen K. Tamura, a native or Fountain Valley. died Sunday. He was 70. He was the recipient of nume- rous awards and honors, inclu- ding a doctorate from Pomona College and the Appellate Justice of the Year Award for Los An- geles County in 1981. He is survived by his wife, Kay, and three children. .Coastal V•rlabl• high c1oudln111 through Wedn11day Some low CIOudS In the late night and .. ,1y morning hou11 High• both day• trom mid eo. a1 thl ~ to low 70. lnlano Lowa 1onig,,t 48 to 68. Huntington-Newport arH temperaturN range lrom 1 high of lie 10 • low of 54. ~e.trom POlntConclep. t1on to the Mexican border and out eo m11ee Nott"-' wind• 12 to n k not• with 5 10 7-loot combtned -thf'ouOh w~ day. llahl o;arlabl• wind• ..... where during night and mMnlng houra. becoming _, to aouth· -t 10 to HI knOU In the atter· noona today ll1d Wednwdey wtth 2 to 3.1001 wind wav11. South· -•t •-II 2 10 3 IMt Varl1ble cloudlnesa throvgn weoneeoer with 10me ci.erlng In Ille atter-noona. U.S. summary Thunderatorm1 •.pread from Georgia to ,.....,,n Virginia today wN1e the Plldflc COUI and Mla- llellppl v~ enjoyed talf a1ci. T'otnedo•• touc hed Clown Moncley In Alebenle, Geor~ and T__..., with hall petting pert1 ol Alebama. Georgia •lld' North CerOf!nL Shower• and 1 rew thun- dellhowwa locMy ---tiered ,,,,., .-lem Kentuctiy and -tern Tenneeeae and from the H-. bruh Panhl ndle to Ille TH .. PllMandle. California LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sou- 1"-n California II In tor otat'-ble 1un1hlne. patclly co .. tal c:IOud• 09ar dawn. llNdy temperetur .. 1nd gully wind• In d•Mrt• and mountain• through Wednffday, 1ha Nallonal Weather Serotlce MIO LO• AngllH 1nern1om1tera lllOuld regtster In lhl low 70. al- t11< overnight Iowa 1n the rnl6-60I BHC!I high• .,. predlCl•d th• HIM but 10wl tonight wlM rang41 ~t-4l end!'i5 Mountain nigh• ahould •H eh 1,.. mld-ec>a after OYef'nlgllt IOw9 from 38 to 48 Tiie _,.._ --.a I~ ~eny wtnda at 15 to 25 mph Wedneaday artamoon 1nd....enlng Temperatures .. NATM)tf .. Lo '"'- 64 57 .27 71 51 74 71 39 75 52 21 1s se 36 12 eo 12 ao 57 82 57 70 " 31 79 58 ,04 55 32 70 40 •1 55 .31 17 .. 84 41 ea 54 11 eo 33 n 84 86 52 .03 17 M JM 49 35 .21 64 31 03 .. 53 M at .02 11 51 .71 S6 45 03 71 M 70 .. 17 at .03 87 41 .. 3t 0.-,Netl'-'f"*• NEW JUSTICE -Former Orange County Superior Court Judge John K . Trotter, Jr. takes oath of office as ne west justice of the Fourth District Court of Appeal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ AnaheinJ 's Seymour takes Senate seat By JERRY HERTENSTEIN 0( Ille O.Uy Pilot Steff John Seymour, ne west mem- ber of the state Senate, was still "excited" today after a memora· ble swearing-an ceremony Mon- day in Sacramento but admitted he faced a full day of meelUlgs before hurrying back to home base in Anaheim tonight for a fund -raising function The fo rmer Anaheim mayor Calls a vacancy creatt.>d last De- cember by the restgnataon o f John Braggs of Fullerton. Sey- mour. whose Anaheim real estate ' office was severely damaged by last week's fire. as credited with playing d maJOr role in bringing the Los Angeles Rams to Ana· he1m Stadium ''Monday was the highlight of my life. The swearing-in was fulf1llment of a commitment made by my family and me a yeai ago." Seymour. a Republican, said today Crom his Sacramento office. There w e re nearly 40 family mt'mbers in attendance at the sweanng-in, administered by Fred Marler. Marler as a Sacra- mento County Superior Court JUdge and former senate minority leader "The Kennedy family has no- thing on us," said Seymour. laughing. HUI parents, Jack and Helen Seymour of Garden Grove. were In attendance as well as grandmother Mae Ste- vens, 86. of Garden Grove. Seymour, minutes after the 1:58 p.m. ceremony, leaned over and kissed hlS daughter, Sarena. 8, as his four other c hildren, pregnant wife Judy and a cham- ber full of senators applauded. County to ban combustible wood roofs? S tunned by la.st Wednesday's $50 million Anaheim fire dis- aster, Orange County Supervi- sors today moved toward ban- ning combustible wood roofs throughout all unincor porated lemtDry in the county. The board voted unanimously to have the county c.'Ounsel's of- fice pre pare amendments to existing ordinances which cur- rently apply to shake and shlngle roofs witJun 1.000 feet of brusny wildland areas. Supervisors also directed county fire department and En- virorunental Man.gement Agen- cy officials to study the coet im- pact of expanding the ordinance and requiring older homes and businesses t.o replace combustible w ood r oofs with new f ire- retardant coverings. Supervisor Ralph Clark. who lives less than a mile from the area gutted by last week's fires- torm. proposed the new regula- tion as a means of preventing future fiery disasters In Orange County's urban core. Gate lock Proposal shelved' . By GLENN 800TI' or .. ....,,... ..... The Irvine Company haa at 1e .. L temporarily abandoned lta plan to .cid locked lleCUrlty sa~ at two oew aubdJvilion ent.rancea near the top of Turtle Rof:k. The dedtlon to place the re· quett "on the back burner," u one company official u.1d today, corne9 juat before the Irvine City Council WU acheduled tonight to conalder the propolal for the ae- cond time. Two week.a ago, three of the five council membera said they planned to reject the proposal becauae the gates would cause \raffle problem• for adjacent neighbors of Turtle Rock Glen, limit acceu to views from the already-graded summit and irenerate unwante d r.snobbishneu." But before voting on the pro- posal, council members granted a continuance at the request of company officials. In a letter to council members, Richard Sim, vice president of community development for the Irvine Company, said his collea- gues still believe the gates would be good for the citv. "Therefore. we will continue to evaluate our development plans and may bring this or other pro- posala to the city at a later time,'' he said. Although the announcement was a victory of sorts to neigh bors who opposed the gates, the notion that the issue may rise again is not appreciated. Judge Prenner dies playing racquetball Orange County Superior Court Judge Ronald H Prenner died Monday after suffering an appa· rent heart attack as he played racquetball wi th another Judge tn Sant.a Ana. J udge Prenner, 52. was pro- nounced dead at Western Meda· cal Center In Santa Ana. where he had been taken by paramedics a r ter collapsing at t ht> San ta An.a Athletic Club He was playing racquetball at the time with Pres1dmg Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert E. Rickles, court officials said. An autDpsy was scheduled to be perfonned today, a spokesman for the county coroner's office said. Word of Prenner's death spread quickfy through th e Orange County Courthouse Monday af- ternoon. Many judges heard about It while awatung swearing in ceremonies for new state ap· peals court justice John K. Trot- te r J r .. a form. er colleague of Prenner's on the Orange County Superior Court bench. Court administrator Alan Sla- ter said Prenner , who handled the superior court probate cal- endar, is survived by his wife, Monka, and two daughters who reside In Santa Ana. EBEL CHIDING -Treasury Secre- tary DDnald R egan blames Congress for "prolonging the recession" by fightmg budget cuts. Treasury chief hits Congress By C.W. MIRANKER Aeaoc: .. ted Pt.,. Writ« S AN FRANCISCO -Trea· sury Secretary Donald T Regan accused Congress Monday of trying to r eturn t o the "disastrous policies responsible for our economic distress" and prolonging the recession by its failure to adopt the president's budget cuts He predicted a "strong reco- very 1n the late sprang .. once Congress cuts f.ederal spending and lowers the deficit. ..The failure of Congress to rt.'Spond to the president's call fo r further spending cuts as feeding uncettamty in the hnanctal com· munity, and this is keeping mte- rest rates up, pro longing the recession," Regan said. His remarks came m a SJX>«h to the annual meettng of The Associated Press. held an con- JUnctaon wtth the convention of the American Newspa per P u- blishers As.'K>Ciation. Speaking separately to the publis hers. H ouse Spea ke r Thomas P ''Tip" O'Ne1U, Jr ac- cused the Reagan adnurustrauon of creating "the worst recession since the Great Depression " Trustees eye graduation requirements Newport-Mesa Umf1ed School District trustees mNt tonight at 7:30 to coru11der increasing gra- duation requirements for anco· rrung freshmen from 200 to 220 Units. If approved by the school board. the increase an require· ments wall become effective in September and will apply t.o the senior class of 1986. A group of parents serving on the Educational Resources Acl,vi- sory Committee had suggested increasing graduation require· ments to 230 units. The board meets in the Harper Community Center, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. EVERYllUNG A SWISS WATCH SHOULD BE. 49 28 64 62 58 32 82 3 1 eo 32 83 S4 I 19 ... 40 12 72 12 82 19 48 77 68 83 82 71 42 M 81 ea 53 01 ea s.. 78 53 04 " 69 .oa 78 72 93 55 33 07 59 33 74 57 20 .... 83 82 5!1 1.09 17 65 75 54 37 28 78 50 83 42 S2 lie eo 58 1 13 82 17 11 47 .4!! 87 49 71 .. 45 ea M 133 71 58 .H 17 33 10 45 u 64 TUC110f1 TulN Wunlngtn Wlctina IH 114! 77 50 ae 5t 89 72 49 II 57 91 eo 71 49 77 58 72 57 75 50 eo 91 83 63 75 43 73 52 8!1 "' 17 33 89 41 17 4!1 70 82 58 48 87 50 Ill 74 48 92 76 85 ... 63 31 71 41 .. 64 71 41 ... 41 73 ... . ., 71 50 74 .. 14 47 11 50 71 14 17 N ·: . . . . . . ! . I lllf llPDRT to " Ebel believes In quallty. That 11 why they guarantee these Swl11-made sports watches for five years. Woter-resi1tant, quartz movemel"'lfl. Stainless steel and 18 karat yellow gold: A. lady'•, $8 75 . 8. Mon's, S 1,200. C. Mon's, $975. We guarantee you'll be Impressed -come '"· ·1 I ...... , ... II II " It " .. Tidea TOOAY .._. l"8fl 111 ltfft M hoofldlDW t :t1pM, U a ••••T SLAVICK'§~· ""'.....,. 5lfllClt 1117 Whtfr tltc ~sc surpru«s brfin. '•t•:•m••...,••·=...,. ...... ~ ............ I . ! i • • Crazed man kills 58 Korean cop runs amok SllOUL. South Korea (AP) -A IW'Vivor o1 a policeman'• drunken J'UJl~ that left Ga deld aid today the officer WH ijumptng aroWld like a madri\an, firing a carbine and throwing gre~es. "l wu., frtabtened and could not get to my howe. I Oed into a nearby psiddy unUl all became quiet near dawn. then returned home," Aid the lurvtvor, 4~-year-old farmer Chun Yong-wp. with rifle, grenades Some people died ln their hornet or ahop9 du- rlnA the eiaht-hour rampaMe. wht. ch began .after Woo Kum-kon, 27, llr(Ued with hta wile Monday in a ~laae 200 miles toutb of Seoul. Othen were killed when they ran into the 1treeta a1anned by the aound of 1h00Un1 and explosions. Kum-kon killed h1mlel.t with a genade. Election stirs power struggle SAN SAL V AOOR, El Salvador (AP) -The Christian Democrats returned to the rlghtist- domina~ COriitituent AMembly after boycotting the formal opening and claimed they have enough votes to elect a moderate to head the new provi- sional government. The assembly met Late into the night Monday, debating intemal matters. It is not expected to name a provisional presjdent for several days at least , Christian Democratic leader Jullo Adolfo Rey Prendes aald Monday he believed banker Alvaro Magana, a political independent and one of three candidates nominated by the military, has enough votes to win the presidency. But with the rightists in control of the cmembly, his election could touch off a power struggle that might tempt the army to intervene Moslem leader assassinated BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -A Sunni Moslem religious leader was killed by machine-gun fire as he emerged from a mosque, and a F'rench army of- ficer serving with the United NatJons was shot five times in the legs by four men apparently trying to steal his car. Both ~hootin~ occurred Monday night m Mo- slem West Beirut, but there did not appear to be anv connection. Three men opened fire on Sheikh Ahmad As- sa!, -15, head of the Moslem Associations in Lebanon, as he left a mosque in the densely populated Aisha Bakkar neighborhood. College fee increase urged SACRAMENTO (AP) -California should consider raising college fees and charging Univer- sity of California students tuition -if it also in- creases the amount of scholarship money available, a state education panel has recommended. The Postsecondary Education Commission, which serves as the state's advi9ory panel for higher education, also recommended eliminating millions of dollars in state subsidies for "recreational" classes in cornmunJty colleges. such as dancing and need- lepoint. Student fees would replace the state mon- ey. The commission, the state's advisory panel for higher educ.atlon, voted 11-2 to recommend that the Legislature establish new policies on student fees. ' Sirhan's parole hid fought SOLEDAD (AP) -Robert F Kennedy's con- v1cted assassin. faghtmg to keep his 1984 parole date, exclaimed "God forbid!" at an as.wrtion that he had spoken of murdermg Sen. Edward Ken- nedy. Sirhan B. Sirhan "should not be paroled in 1984 nor at any foreseeable time in the future," Deputy District Attorney Larry Trapp said Monday <aa a hearing opened on a petition to rescind the Sept. 1, 1984. parole date. "Newly dtSCOvered facts combine to reflect a man who feels much the same today as he did in 1968." Trapp saad, "a man who continues to see violence as a 90lution for world problems." The hearing, held behind the walla of Soledad prison, was to continue today and could last two weeks. Signal Hill cop files suit LOS ANGELFS (AP) -A S ignal Hill police offker investigated in the jail cell death of a college football player ii suing Los Angeles police and the county district attorney's c !fice for allegedly viola- ting hia righta. Offtcer Jerry Lee Brown, the arresting officer in the controveraial case of 1lead athlete Ron Settles, is seeking $16 million thrn l(h the suit filed in U.S. Di.strict Court Monday. Named as defendants are Diatrict Attorney John Van de Kamp, who is accused of "using Bf'Own" in his campaign for at.ate attorney general; Police Ctuef Daryl Gates; Gates' chief spokesman. Cmdr. Wllliam Booth, and Deputy .District Attorney Gilbert GarceU.i, who led the investigation into Settles' deiith in a Signal Hill jail cell June 2. Reagan may testify in trial WASHINGTON (AP) -A government pro- secutor said today that President Reagan may ~ tify in the trial of John W. Hinc.kley Jr., a«U8ed of trying to assassinate the president nearly 13 QlOl'ltha ago. Chief prosecutor Roger M. Adelman, standing with a hand microphone belore 90 procpective ju- rors at the start of -Hinckley'a trial, said of Reagan: "There will be testimony about him or you will hear testimony from him. I think I will leave it at that." A White Houae official, who aak.ed not to be identified, aaid no decision had been made how Re8$lan would testify. ..., ... ........., ···-·· .. CleHlfted edwrtfeing 114JM2-Mn All other dep•rtJMnta 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE 11f Wff1..., M , COIJU Mew, CA AUii ...,_· h• u ... Cotw -. CA ._. (llffr ..... ,., Or .... C.M '"'*lltl\l'fte G-. Ho MWI ~ lll ... r .. MM,ed!t«lel-erN-Vff11M"*'b ..,_ ....., be ,.,,....., _.....,. 'ti« 1.i ............. 9f -""" - 3-month saving certificates due WASHINGTON (AP) Three-month aavtnp certificates, available from bulKa and aavtnga and loana for the tint time t.h.ia S.turday I will pay tnteJ'eSt rates tomewhat lower than thoee for the in1Ututlon1' more famlllar lix-month "money market" cer· tif.lcl tel. For the flnt f nt daya they tell the new three-month venJona, S&L1 can off er up to 12.469 percent lntenst and cornmerdal banks up to 12.219 pen:ient, 1lM rat.el will chance next Tueed.ay. w.n Llstenl• ••• Whal do JOU like ebout l.hl Dally PUot? Whel dotfl you Uh? Call ttw number below and rour m"'•I• wlll be retordect tr1n1tribtd and deUvtrtcl to ta.. appropriate Ml&or. ' TM Nlbe M•hour anaw .... nc MrVIH 11111 M U1H to ~ .... tera to lhe tclt&or on 1111toplf.11111• ....,...._. •• lMIMt tu&r ume Md leltl!IMM ""mw '°' vntftt.U.. Ne ftrtul.U. Hiii,..,., • Tallua.wUC&oe ·------~~ -., Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuuday, April 27, 1982 H/F Mur'dy donates to arts The Murdy Foundation, de- , acend.anta of one of Huntington Beach'• flrtt tarmlnt famllle11 has donated $100.000 toward the construction o f the Orange County Performing Ana Center in C.O.ta Mesa, It wu announced Monday. . The foundaUon'a gift brings to more than $21 million, the tow contributions ra!Jed for construc- tion and endowment of a main 3,000-aeat theater and a l,000-aeat theater to be built near South Coast Plaaza. Offlciala of the perfonnlng arts center hope to raile $35 million by groundbreaking in fall. Con- struction and endowment are expected to coat $59 million. "The Murdy Foundation's contribution reflects the pel"90nal commitment people from our area are making to auure a cul- tural heritage for themselves and their children," said Henry Seg- erstrom, music center trustee chalnn.an. The foundation was esta- blished by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Murdy Jr .. who began their long farming career In Huntington Beach in 1912. Murdy alBo served in the s tatie Legislature from 1952 to 1964. In announcing the gilt, his aon Jack Murdy wd, "We are very proud of the role our parents have played in the development of this region and are pleased to make a glft that wall ennch the lifestyle of local residents." Maxine Murdy Troller, who also oversees the foundation. said she would lake to see children In Orange County have the oppor- tunity to see li ve theater and hear orchestras. The maan 3,000-seat theater will be only the third in the na- tion capable of offering sym- phony, opera, ballet and musical theater. 3 from Coast join council on hospitals Three Orange Coast residents have been elected to the board of directors of the 232-me mbt>r Hospital Council of Southern California Michael Stephens, admtmstra- tor of Hoag Memorial Hospital m Newport Beach , Richard Grun- dy, associate execuuve director of Mwaon Community Hospital u1 Mission Viejo and James Ray, executive director of Saddleback Community Hospital. will serve on the board for the 1982-83 tenn. The board is the largest me- tropoUtan hospital association in the nation. representing hospitals in six counties. The major pur· pose of the counca 1 is to promote the most effective use of hospital facilities. Stephens and Grundy are Newpbrt Beach residents. Ray lives an Laguna Niguel. CIA vet nominated WASHING TON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan will nominate John McMahon, a CIA veteran who helped run the U-2 apy plane program and later mana- ged the agency'• apy network. to • succeed Adm. Bobby Inman as deputy ClA director, the White House announced Monday. / The 48th ennuel concleve Of the Amerle:en Gem Society WU held In New OrlHn1 thll ye1r. Donn• Blldlmen •nd I attended. from our 1tOl'e. We both......,. on n111ona1 commltt ... end thoee meeting• wefe held the d•y prior to the formel opening of the conc:lave. I hive bfffl working with th• Marketing CommlttH 1nd Donne 111ended the Guild Pre1ldent1' meeting. Sh• 11 prnldent of the Southern c.11- fornl• Gutld ol the American G91'1\ Society thll year. She 11 Oflt'I the MCond woman to ..w In thla cepeclty Md I ... hono- red ....,... .. Y94lrt ego to b4I the Int. The opening HHlon of the ~ i..tut9d ~ famcM Qtm dHltrl IP .. klng On the rnlnlnO ecttvtt ... In their "*'81 .,....: ~ Amlftca, ... OMn1 end hat Africa. I with I OCM1ld hlvt r«>Otded their .... tot tN ....... "" et "°""· ~ ... IO lnletMUnt. It'• too .... .. Olfl't ............. .. ~IMICV.-.~ .. ... ... -to "f'Nnd ... "°'9". I did ....,... to ..,. "" et..._ !ft. ,.,_.left M ~ tM lllde ~ ............... Delly f'Qot Ii.ti f'Mto BRANDY'S HOME -L ouis and Ve ra S t. Pierre comfort Brandy. their two-year-old toy she lt1e who was m issing for 69 days from their South Laguna ho m e Fa mily e mployed a psychic to find the lost canine Brandy refilled Psychic aids dog's r e turn By STEVE MITCHELL Of the DellJ Pflot Staff "Brandy," the two-year·old toy sheltie, is back with her South Laguna family because. her owners say, she was located by a ~ Angeles psychic. The tri-colo red canine was discovered last week near a con- struction project in Dana Point, high at.op a bluff overlooking the ocean. And that is exactly where S anta M o n aca ph ys 1c - parapsycholog1st Rena Elhott told the family the dog would be located. "It's amazing," saad Vera St Pierre, who spent 69 days loo- king for her lost pet. The South Laguna woman took out newspaper ads, hung billboards around her neighbor- hood, searched animal shelters, and even went door lo door, seeking her dog that mysteriou- sly disappeared Feb. 12. "When all else falled. we tried a psychic," Mrs. St. Pierre said. The family drove to Los An- geles, armed with several of Brandy's toys and a photograph. They plunked down $~0 and listened as Ms. Elliott painted a verbal picture of their pet's whereabouta. Tips relayed to the family by the 39-year-old psychic included: ''Brandy is not in danger. She's safe and happy within a five- mlle radius of your home," Ms. Elliott told the Wruly. "She's high up on a bluff near the ocean, with lots of sand or dirt around her and a chain link fence. "She is being cared for by men in hardhats -probably construction workers or hard- h at'a. Others are also feeding her." And, she said, the family would find her alive between three and five weeka. Four weeks and two days after the visit with the psychic, the St. Pierres found Brandy near a con- structio~ site at Selva Road and the Street of the Golden Lantern an Dana Point. On a dirt covered bluff with a chain link fence. Overlooking the ocean Carpenters workmg on a hou- sing c1evelopment told the couple they had been leaving food for the sk1tten sh dog Childre n at nearby Dana Hills High School also had fed the arumal. Mrs. St. Pierre sald. "She's lost 16 pounds and she has ucks, but she's really glad to be home," Mrs. St Pierre said. scratching Brandy'5 ears. The Santa Monica psychic says she's not the least surpnsed the family found their dog. "I never really felt the animal was in danger," Ms. Elliott said. "lt was almost like she lost her memory." The psychic said s he relied mostly on the photo provided by the family to determine Brandy's whereabouts, adding she is a "natural psychic" who relies mostly on visual -almost tel- evision clear -pictures to de- scnbe surroundings. "I sometunes hear words, too," she said. "but in this case at was VlSual. I saw a man in a hard hat, I saw a chain link fence. sand or dirt, and I knew people were feeding and taking care of the dog." '"lr'YM1.1I, the foMowlnt ti¥• ~~!!!.!'!!!'JJ Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tuttday, Aprll 27, 1982 'Information' no longer .free By PAT HOROWITZ O(tMD.-,,... ..... DEAR READERS: Time ls running out for Californians who make an unlimited number of calla to directory autance each month without charge, according to the Pacific Telephone Co. Customers eoon will be charged 15 cents for each call to directory aaiatance over their monthly allotment. Blllins will begin June 1 ln San Diego and Imperial counties, and progress to other areas of the state later in the year. The charging plan was approved by the California Public Utllitlea C.Ommiss1on in 1980. Customers will be charged for each dlll made to directory assistance In addition to an allowance of 20 calla per month. • Several types of calls will be excluded from the monthly tally, including calls made by the physically handicapped, thoee made from hospital rooms, hotels. motels and coin phones, and calla made to area codes other than one ln which the subecriber Uvea (reached by dialing the distant area code plus 555-1212). The reoording whl~!!t encourages callers t.o check phone direc- t.ones for numbera. wlif be removed as soon as the charge is im- plemented in each area. Feeding hummingbirds DEAR PAT: The laouae I bougbt baa two lovely bottle bruab treet. J ltnow the bammlngblrda will love tllem wlaeD tlley bloom. If I recall correc tly, yoa pabllabed a recipe for bomemade laammlngblrd food. I'd appreciate It If yoa'd repeat the lnsre- dlenta for me. T.L., Huntington Beach Ruling • victory for Riles SACRAMENTO (AP) -The federal go~ernment hu agreed not to requlre Cahfomiana ln the school lunch program to submit the Social S«urhy numbers of adults living In their homes this school year, says s tate school Superintendent Wlbon Riles. The agreement by the U.S . Department of Agriculture was a victory for Riles and followed a federal judge's ruling Apl'il 15 blbckJng the USDA from takJng action against California until at least April 30 for refusing to put into eUect the Social Security requirement. Callfom1a is the only state that has not followed a law passed last year by Congress requiring all children receiving federally 11ubsidized free or low-cost meals to submit Social Security num- be rs of adults living in their homes. The law was intended to re- duce fraud in the program. But Riles called it an lnvas1,on of pn- vocy, and also said U.S. Agricul- ture Secretar y John Block did not enact proper regulations to implement the law or state what use would be made of the num- bers. I Dream realized with jackpot A Caltfornla woman who said ahe recently dreamed of atriklnl It rich in the ~tJVada culnol hit a $250,000 J9tkpot aft.er playlna five mlnut.n at the Repo Hiiton hotel-caalno. AMII• SaaUa10, 39, a mo- ther of three from Fremont, hit Lhe "Super Pot of Gold" jackpot on a dollar rogre111lve slot machine after Investing about $20. said a Hilton spo- kesman. Sen. S .I . Ha yakawa , R-Callf., who deeided not t.o run for re-election when polls showed him runnin~ fourth for the party n omination , b lames entertainer Johnny Carson for spreading an lmage that the elderly senator frequently slept on the job. In a telephone interview from Was hington. D .C .. Hayakawa said Carson, the host of N BC's "Ton1gh t Show," caused h1m "real da- mage" by repeating ~okes about "Sleeping Sam, ' the Riverside Press-Enterprise reported. "The people who get their basic polll1cal information from Johnny Carson remem- ber nothing else about m y career," H ayak awa said. "That was really harmful " IN KOftEA -Vice Presi- dent George Bush addres- ses Korea's National As- sembly in Seoul. Behind him is Assembly Speaker Jun Hai Hiuk. Singer Natalie Cole suffe· red scrapes and bruises m a auto accident in Beverly Hills. Miss Cole declined hospita- hzauon after her car hit a concrete sewer ventilator Paramedics treated MISS Cole at the scene and she declined further medical treatment. Dr Irene Ka.aria won the first-round of a court battle Monda}' ovf'r her 1ex manual "~ice Oirlt Do ..... as a Judie denied an ex-lover'• bid to halt aaJ or promotion of th• book unlLw he weft' credited 11 co-author. Howe>v r , Herbert Mar · 10111, who c laims th bett- aelllng book wu the resuJt of a penonal and buaJnesa rela· • tlonship between hlrrwell and the "Be l-Air paycholoalat, hopes eventually to pin rec- ognition of hi• role, half the profits fro"' future sales of the book and damages of $110 million. ''l think we will go for an eorly trial," 1&id Margolis' attorney, William J. Chertok. Entertainer JolUlDy CaraoD will head a c.ampaign to help rebuild a collect1on of rare movie memorabilia destroyed in a fire that gutted the Hol- lywood Library. Carson has pledged i10,000 and will h ead a committee that will try to raise $500,000 to piece together a new "entertainment and perfor- ming fme arts collection" for the library, &aid Mell11a Hig- gins, aaetStant direct.or of the Los Angeles Library A.ssoc1a- t.1on. Gov. Lee S. Dreyfus of W1B<.'Onsin announoed he will not seek re-election, making him the fifth Midwest Repu- blican governor t.o withdraw Crom electoral politics in re- cent months. The following hummingbird food recipe was provided by the San Diego Zoom 1972. It calls for 28 ounces of white cane sugar, ~ ounce of super hydrarrun powder (optional), small amount of vanilla flavoring, one gallon of water and red food coloring. Mtx thoroughly and place in feeder as needed. Riles first ordered school di- stricts t.o collect the numbers. but told them in March not to re- m ove any s tudent from the program for failure to submit nwnbers. ·-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~;:~::==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Out of 1.2 milhon California II \ Keeping tabs on Congress DEAR PAT: Where can I write to get copies of apecWc bills being beard lo the Sena te or House of Repreaentatlvea? -F.W., Corona del Mar Write t.o the Senate or House Document Room. The address for the Senate Is Room A-325, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. 20510; for the House the address is Room H -226. U.S . Capitol, Washlngtor •. D.C. 20515 B;e sure to include the bill number. · • ''Got a problem? Then wrlt.e to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, ~tting the answers and action you . • 1 need to aolve inequitiet in xove~nt and business. Mail your questJons to Par Horowitz. At Your Setvre. ~ • Orange Cout Vally J'ilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa ' I Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters u poss1ble will be 1Ul6Wered, but phoned inqulrie$ or letters not including the rea der'• full name, address a,nd business hours' phone number CJU>· not Pe considered. " students in the lunch program, he said, more than 300,000 have not submitted Social Security numbers. Riles said he would have gone along with the requirement 1f the federal government had moved to cut oH $150 million in nutri- tion aid lo California. But Riles said USDA officlab have agreed not t.o enforce the Social Security requirement in California through Aug. 30. He said they also agreed t.o issue re- gulations on the collection and use of Social Security numbers. Riles said he has told school districts to stop collecting the numbers. lo keep confidential the numbers that they have already collected, and not to deny any student a federally subsidized meal for failure to s ubmit a number A Special Showing of the Fabulous Mikimoto Collection. It is not often that the orginator of cultured pearls. Mil<Jmoto. offers a selection ofJustrous pearljewelry anywhere other than a Mikimoto store. But the reputation for quaUty in fine j ewelry. watches and giftware at Bailey Banks a Biddle warrants this SP.«ial occasion. Mlklmoto reprn.nuttw Kokhl T~ wtl ~ on hand to assfst you In your Mfectlon. Sft tor yoursett. Aprlf 28, 29 ar1d JO BaileV Banks&Biddle The Gac:11t1on of 1 SO years llves on . • Save Up To 3 days onlyl Thanks to the rtcent drop in gold prices I lei .. I Oittze1 ........ 40 to 80% OFF ,,,.., 30% OFF Rultr -Di••••d s.,,hire• Ri111 -E1rri111 P1nd1at1 -lr101l1ts 14 I 111. HLD-OUTIEll· CHClll-CllH-NllT ur1n-nsset-t1LIY& IHEYA-HEU 30% to 10% OFF Sale Starts Thursday, April 29th Sole Heun· Thu,..y 10-7 foday 10-7. Saturday 10·3 --Alls-FINI OuanlJI-l m•lllCI To Stoeto. On H.ncl I •·2~hSulte?f.w~~~~~1-'~~ ~:;_JU--~ IGHT THE WAYI With The University Diet, you're prescribed a complete medical program for safe, rapid, effective, and main~able weight loss. The University Di~ is a protein·sparing. modified fast that is clinically prown and ovw1able only through licen9C'd med· icaJ oHices. Prescription supplements supply your booy·s nutritional ncods while unwnnwd f al is burned off. Unlike others. this complete program includes a pro·odmi ion physical. prclimi· nary kctoi,rcnic di t, fumg procedure, sup· plements. regular lab tests. EKG'e. ~. hchavioraJ counseling and melnU>nanoe. Meclical\.v S.fe. You're under conit.anl aupervision of physician and weight·lo.s pecialists tA> Pmt«t your heeJth. Rapid.....,._ You aan loee an •Yeragt of ~ pound1 J>fr month-~ month-until you "*'h your goal. Sbnple and EffedJw. You make no d«i- lk>n abOOt foOd -ooly the commitment to follow our progrom and suc:C('('(I. 1!.:xtlusive Ref~lng and Maintenance. You are re·int.roduced t.o food in a gradual 4 ·SWp J)l'OOCS! and taught how to keep weight off. I ndlvidual Couruieling. Behavior mod.ifi· cat.Ion and nutritional guidance are offered t.o alJ patients by ~xperts. U you need LO l08C 20 pounds or more. l'411 our phone counselors Cor an appoinl- ml>nl or Information. They're formt>r patients. 11\ey und nit.and. You·u fintl ~cost less due w our si7. and cxperiMlel'. Your insumnoc may cover iL And uft.cr you cornplcw The Uni\'ersity Diet. free nm~ #liftK is awilal>k-for t.hc "'9l of your lifll! C.U 1·800·432-8876. 'JbU Frt.. 8 AM t.o 9 PM 7 day • MIC!k. Phylidan inqui· ricfitlWt"kune. ~Piiat H/F Tuaday, Aprll 27, 1992 BUSINESS STOCKS C4 cs Ii ' TrojanB hoppins mad over NCAA anctions, may go to "Court. See C2 Ram~ .get. Jon~s f ~r ~wo draft picks I LA picks Richmond' back; gets Barber . in trade First round draft picks By JORN SEV ANO OftM DlillY ,... ..... In a move that was surprising only in what it cost, quarterback Bert Jones became a member of the Rama today. The Rams, who had been wooing Baltimoll! for Jones' services for almoet two months, finally re- lented to the Colts' demands by relinquishing their fint pick in the first round (the fourth pick overall) and their first pick in the second round of today's 47th annual NFL draft. The Rams had originally wanted to forfeit only a second and third pick, but lat.er upgraded their offer to their second first-round choice and their second pick in the second round. The Colts held firm in their demands, however, and the Rams fi- nally gave in at approximately 11:30 p.m. Monday. "In any business deal everybody has to be happy, and in this case I think everybody is," an- nounced Ram owner Georgia Frontiere, who ac- companied Jones to Rams Park this morning for an impromptu press conference at 7:15. "I know I'm happy." So, for that matt.er, was Jones, who was cor- dial, but cautious in what he had to say. "It feels great and I'm proud of the opportu- nity, although I don't think It has sunk in yet," said the 30-year-old Jones, who has spent his nine pre- vious seasons in the NFL with the Co!ts. The Rams used their first round pick to draft University of Richmond running back Barry Red- den. The Rams also acquired tight end Mike Barber from Houston today, giving up their second pick in the second round ancf swappmg third round picks with the Oilers. The Rams al8o gave up tight end Louil Gilbert and acquired Houston's eighth round eelectton. Jones, one of the game's premier ~uarterbacks, became expendable after continuous disagreements with Baltlmore owner Robert lnay, the lat.est. dea- ling with Jones' contnct. "I have no animosity toward Baltimore or the Colts except tor the ownenhip," Jones said. "Mr. 'Inay a a hard man to deal with. Georgia has been tough and firm, but she's alao been fair." The Colts, under NFL regulations, signed Jones just prior to trading him West. Neither Jones, nor the Rams, would dl.acloee contract figures, but the three-year pact reportedly exceeds $1.5 million. In nine aeasons, Jones has thrown for almost 18,000 yards while completing 56 percent of his pasaes. He has also 1aised 122 touchdowns. Jones' presence obviously creates a surplus at the quarterback position. With the team still hol- ding the rights to Vince Ferragamo, who has clea- red "recallable" waivers in the Canadian Football League, the Rams also have Jeff Rutledge and Pat Haden. Ferragamo, reportedly, was headed to Chicago today for the Bears' No. 1 pick, but that deal ap- parently fell through at the last minute and the Bears went on to draft Jlm McMahon from BYU. Even if the Ferragamo issue is resolved, that still leaves Jones, Rutledge and Haden. And Rut- ledge, for one, isn't too pleased about the crowded conditions. "I'm disappointed," said Rutledge, who was hoping to get a.crack at being the team's No. 1 QB. "l have nothing against him (Jones). rve never met Francis almost became From AP dl1patcbea FOXBORO, Mass. -New England was "99 and 44-100 percent close" to trading tight end Russ Francis to the Rams before today's National Football League draft, but the deal got bung up on money matters, said Patriota General Manager Bucko Kilroy. Francis, who retired before last season and still has three yean left on his Patriots' con- tract, has indicated a desire to be traded to a West Coast team. THE PATRIOTS hoped to get high choices in today'• draft for him. But Kilroy said Francis' agent, Ed Hookstratten, wanted the Rams to renegotiate the remai- ning years of the contract. "Money ia the thing," Kilroy said. "Hook:atratten ia asking for more money than Russ even wan ta.'' a Ram However, the world wasn't nearly as bright for Sims last Nov. i:4, when· he suffered a broken b'bula and sprained Uga- men ts in his right ankle in a game against Texas Christian, ending his college career. "Everything was dreary at that point," aaid Sims. "I wa. wondering then if I could ever walk riaht again. But it all turn- ed out for the best." Despite the injury, Sims en- joyed a celebrated career wiih the Longhorns, 9;~eraging 81 tackles a year . ne won the Lombardi Trophy last year aa the nation's top lineman. ONE OF HIS best efforts last sea.son was a 14-tackle, six-assist game against Houston. Patriots owner Billy Sul~lvan said the drafting of Sims was his most pleasant task in light of the club's dismal 2-14 finial) in 1981. He arrived In fiew York at 6 a.m .. EDT, today after testifying at Al Davis trial Monday ln Le. Angeles. the guy. But it's obvious they (the Rama) don't have confidence in me or who they've got here. "rm not throwing ln the towel by any means, but rm going to go in and find out what's going on." Rtitledge is reallatic enough to know he's got a strike against him even before he throws his first pass. "With what they gave up for the guy and the money they are going to pay hOn. you have to think he's going to be No. 1 no matter what," said Rut- ledge. Jones, being as diplomat.le as possible, shrugged off the idea he has won the quarterback job without a fight. "This place ls no dWerent than any other place in the NFL," said Jones. "rm still going to have to earn my job and do it better than anyone elae." In Redden, the Rams have apparently filled. ~ another gap Coach Ray Malavasi thought needed bolstering. "Any time you can get a back with 4.4 or 4.5 breakaway speed, you have to consider that a plus," said Malavasl. "He was one of the few guys left on the board that we had in that category." Redden, at 5-10 (he's listed at 6-0 in the Rich- mond press guide), 215 pounds, rushed for 1,629 ya.rda hi.a aenior season with 10 TDs. The scoutine report on Redden is that "there are bigger runners. and aome faster, but there aren't many who can squirt through small holes the way Redden can. Extremely strong, with an excellent burst." Redden, contacted in Richmond, was stunned by his selection. "I'm totally shocked. 1 got the call just prior to the selection. I was spe«hless at the time," he said. 1. New I~ -ken llme, dt, TH•. 2. ..,tlmofe -Johni. Cooke, lb, Mi.elHIHf atete. New OtlHn• -Took Dave Wlleon, qb, ltllnole In eu ... ~-m1M11et11tn'lal dreft leet yMt. 1. c~ -chip a.nei., lb, uac. 4. • .........,__Art k"ttcMef', qb, Ohio It.le. I. C"lcato -Jim McMMoft, qb. ~hem Yount. 1. ....... -Jeff llfJMt, de, ci.meon. 1. Mlnneeota -Dentn Neteon, rb, ltMfOfd. a. HcMaeton -Miile M41nc:N*, og, Penn ltate. t . Atlanta -Oefekl fdoae, fb. ArUON ltata. 10. Oeklend -,..,cue AH.n, rt>, use. 11. ••Ken .. City -Anthony Htncock, wr, T.nM ..... 12. Pitt.burgh -Wallet Abafcrombta, rt>, a.ytor. · 1S ........ Ortaen• -Unduy lcott, wr, Oeofgla. 14. Ram• -a.ny ~. rt>, U. of Rtchmond. 15. Detroit -Jtmmy WHU.me. de-ofb, Nebfaaka. 11. ••11. Louis -Lul1 l".rpe, ot, UCLA. 11. Tampe .. , -... n ,.,..ell, 0, Jenn ... t •• 11. New Yori! Glent1 -Butch Wootfofk, rb, Michigan; 11. •lhlffelo -Pef'f'/ tun .. , wr, "'""'1-.. 20. Phlledelphla -Mika Quick, wr, Nofth C11ollM ltata. 21. ,.o.n.,., -O...ald WUlhlta, rb, la" J ... State. 22. Green Bay -Ron Halletrorn. og, Iowa. 23 ..... YOfk Jet• -Bob Crable, lb, Notre Dame. 24. Mt.ml -Roy Foeter, og, use. 25. O .. lea -Rod Hiii, cb, l(entucky ltat1. 29. Cincinnati -Qian Colllne, dt, MIHle1lppl Stata. 'rl. #~New England -Leetar WIHlame, dt, Miami, (Fla.). • -The "-"'• trecMd IMlr nret and NCond round nret cholcel to ..,tlmor• for qu.rlerbacll hrt Jone1 Juet '"''°' to •tart of the dreft. • • -St. Loula trecMd lie ftret round Mlec:tlon to Kan• .. Cllf for the Chiefs' ftret and third round chotcM. • • • -New Otteen• obtained tM c:holc:e from °'"" ~, through Sen 01e9o .. part of lM trade leet ....on that Mnt John .Mffar.on from th. Ch11gara lo tM Pecken and w .. Chandler from the a.tnt• to Ian Di.go. • -Denver trecMd ftret-t'ound p6clce with lhltfa6o. TIM Bttle drafted No. 20 and the Btoncoe No. 22 on the ftnt round and the Btoncoe ptcked up the .,. ... fowth-t'ound c:holc:e. 1111 -SM Frenc:laco becMd 111 No. 1 and 4 ptdl1 for Rues Franc:t• of .... England. He added that a deal with the San Francisco 49ers for Francis still was possible. U any trade for Francis is made "compensation will be future draft choices," Kilroy said. "I'd like to have the players right now, not a year hence.'' DICK STE.NBERG, the Pa- triots' director of player deve- lopme,nt, said It "would really be nice if we could have picked up another first-and second-round choice, but it doesn't look like it will happen.'' "Let me say that this is much more pleasant," he said. "We have always placed an emphasis on character. We don't run a re- form school (Patriots Coach) Ron (Meyer) went to great lengths to say that Kenny was the great.est football player in the country." IT'S REAL -This 25-pound catfish was taken by Randy Hubbard while fis~ on the north side of Fountain Vallev· Mile Square Park las( week. The fish measured 34 inchett in length and took an hour to land on 6-pound test line. -------· Meanwhile, the only doubts Ken Sima had about his pro football career waa how his mo- ther would feel about It beck in Groesbeck, Texas. "I'm glad to get th.is over with. Now I can go home and say to Mom, •rm a Patriot'," Sims, the 6-6 defe n sive tackle from Texas, said after being the tint aelection In the NFL draft today. And there's no doubt ln his mind, nor in anyone ebe'a, that the two-time All-American would be the nation's No. 1 pick among the b«>st college playen. "I'D SAY IT WAS definite about three week• ago," said Sima. "The Patriots got me to Boston for a phy11cal1 so that pretty much decided it.•• Long season. just beginning for Lakers Well-rested, Jabbar & Co. await invasion of Phoenix tonight in start of semis By CURT SEEDEN MIMDelJPllotSWf INGLEWOOD -If the National Basketball Aaaociation conference aemifinab, finals and championship aeries are all stretched to their llmits, look for an NBA champion to~ named in early June. That final game will mark the culmination of more than BeVen mon\l\a of buketball. And all of the eight aurviving teams cur- ren\ly in the midat of conference temifinala will be happy to ltlll be pounding the court if it meanll an NBA dWnpionahip is the ~ ward. That'• especially the cue for the Loi Angeles Laken. wbo had almilar thouch• a year .., only to get a jump on the summer vacation when the H:>uston Rockets stunned them in a three-game mini.series. Things are different this year, of course. Thanka to their Pacific Dlvtaion title, the Laken escaped the dreaded minlseriea. For the last nine days, they've watched other teams -teams capable of a possible NBA championship - 1uffer the same demise. Example: Th~ Houston Rock- ets ·were ousted in three game.. by Seattle -runnerup to the Lale.en in the Pacific Division. The well-rested Lakera begin their best-of.-ven aemifinala to- night at the Forum (7:30) apinat the Phoenix Suns, who had to get past the Denver Nuggets in the miniseries to earn the right to play Los Angeles. "It's time to play.'' says Laker Coach Pat Riley. "We've been off nine days but we've played Phoenix six times this season and won four.'' The last time the Lakera top- ped the Suns was on \he final day of the regular season -a 120-115 declsion at the Forum. Riley ian'\ making any lineup changes going into th4! aeries. which continues Wedneeday nilbt. Mme alte and ame time. HeLll 1lart center Kareem Abd'-'1-Jabbar, forward.a Jamaal Wilkes and Kurt Rarnbia and auarda Ma,ic Johneon and Norm In. retrospect, it becomes mind-boggling , \ t So a nke. old fellow named Bob Lemon becolMI the lateal .-ualty ln thl1 fler( drive to feed relentlete ambition. After IMftlllS\I for only 14 ~or. 162-pme COMMENTARY J Sailors cry lack of winds Corde ro's c hoice: Air Forbes Won F rom AP dlspalcbea LOUISVILLE -Angel Cordero E says thBt when he gets cm Air Forbes Won. ''h 's lake I'm s1tt1ng o'n his daddy." "AbUity-wise and sty le -wise, they're the same," the jockey stiid Monday after working Air Forbes Won seven-eighths of a mde in 1:29 2-5. "He's like a picture of his daddy." "Daddy" was Bold Forbes, and Cordero won the KenlUcky Dtrby with him m 1976, a feat he will try to accomplish with Afr Forbes Won next Saturday. "I never doubted Bold Forbc.:s would win," said Cordero "l feel the same way about this horse. "Bold Forbes had only one horse to beat," said the jockey. "Air Forbes Won has three or four horses to beat and it'll bt! tougher." It appears that the I '•-mile Derby wall have 20 starters, which i." the limit based on money earned. Quote o f the day "The great piano players aren't the ones who pracllcl'd fo ur houri. a day beca use their mother told them to T hey're the ones who pract1l·ed without anyone telling them ," says Coac h Bill Fitcb o f th~ Boston Celtics. He says the same holds true of a good shooter m basketball "He has to have a natural 'touch' for at, but he also has to work hard to be good." Ryan finally gets elusive first win Nolan Ryan pitched a four-hitter iii to help Houston stop St Loul.s, 6-2, in National League baseball a ction Monday It was Ryan's first vtctory m five d~c1sions and Ray Knight helped Ryan's cause with a homer, double and single with 3 RBI . . . Bill Madl~k's two-run homer in the eighth inning broke a 4 -4 tie and capped a three-run rally that lifted Pittsburgh to a 6-4 victory over Atlanta, exten- ding Atlanta's losing streak to four after starting with a record-setting 13 strwght vic- tories ... In the only Amer- ican League action the red- hol Bostoo &ed Sox swept the Chicago wlllte Sox with 3-2 and 5-0 wans. Chuck Rainey scattered five h its and Rick Miller k eyed Boston with RYAN three singles in the nightcap after Jim Rice singled home Wade Boggs from second base with the winning run m the eighth inning of the opener. h was Boston's seventh straight victory . . The Dodgers' Pedro Gaer- rero has been cited tor battery by police following a complaint by a 'San Francisco fan, who charged that the outfielder struck bun with a clod of dirt . . . Yankees third baseman Graig Nettles is expected to be sidelined for 4-6 weeks aa the result of a thumb injury suffered again.st Detroit Sunday Mint 400 lures area drivers LAS. VEGAS -A total of 19 Orange Coast area drivers will be competing m the 15th annual Mint 400 desert off-road race here Saturday during the four-day extravagama th.At starts Thursday and runs through Sundax. A variety ol race vehlcleslnCludiiig uriliinit.ea horsepower single seat buggies, stock sedans and four-wheel drive trucks, will battle the rugged Southern Nevada desert over a 100-mile course stretch1 north out of Las Ve~as. Technical inspection will be held along Fre- mont Street Friday with the race getting under way at 9 a .m. Saturday. Winners of 16 different classes will be determined on an elaps<.'d time basis. Cars will leave the starting line two abreast every 15 seconds. Entries from the Orange Coast area include: Jerry Penhall of Balboa and Ron Gardner of La- guna Beach; William Church of Newport Beach: John Gray of Corona del Mar and Jim Austin of Newport Beach: Davtd Harshbar~er of Corona del mar and Tom Perry of C.o9ta Mesa. Also Mike Lund and Gary Garner of Hunt- ington Beach ; Frank ArC1ero. Jr .. Laguna Hills; Martin Tajra of Seal Beach and Doc Bryce of Huntington Harbour; W.J . Bradbury of Newport. Beach with Pepe Hodnguez or Weslmln.ster . . Mitch MltcheU of Huntington Beach with Ray Croll, Jr. of Garden Grove; Tom Denault of San Clemente with ~teve Uenault of Ne wport Beach; Don Denault of Mission Viejo with Bob Denault of San Juan Capistrano: Gary PetelllOn of HunUngton Beach with Jon Kenney of C.o9ta Mesa: Jim Scott of El Toro; Norman Marriner and Chester Williama of Laguna Beach; John Townaend of a.ta Mesa with Rick Schumaker of Villa P1rk. · Volleyball moved With alx of the final eight teams left ln Lbe 12th annual lnglt'Wood ffilh lnvitalic>MI volleyb&U tournament.. th4! alte hu been chanae<f to San C.. ment.e High Cor the quarterflnab, aemlflnall and flnala Wednetday evenina. Pitted .,.inst each oOWr In th. quar1en at., will be San Clemente va. Lot Altoe and La,una Bad\ YI. F®n~n V~y. (oJJowed by C.0.ta M .. vs. 1..1 Quinta and Sen Marcol YI. Dana HIU. a\ 8. The ..mlflnala are 11.'tM!duled for 7 o'clock and the ff.nils at 8 wtth the ....,. form.ta belt two au& 01 three '° 1& p.linta. ' ..... •'°~ ule l.O Burleson undergoes aurgery An1el1 1hor"toP Rick 8urltt0n underwent 1ur1 ry Monday by club orthopedlat Or. Lewi• Yocum on Monday to repair a tom rotator cuff In hit rl1ht 1houlder, the team an· nounced. "The surgery went well," aald Yocum. "Rick will remain In the hospital for three or four daya and thrn start an extensive rehabilitation program." Yocum aaid the surgery at Centlnela Hos- pJtal .ln Inglewood, lasted two hours. Burleson is expected to be out for the seaaon. The three-year veteran of the Angela, who will be 31 years old Thursday, had delayed the operation set tor Friday to ge t a second opinJon . Dr. Arthur M. Pappas, lhe Red Sox team physician, and Dr. Robert Leach, a sports mec:h- cine authority. confirmed after an examination In Bost on that Burleson would have to undergo surgery. Burleson Injured the sh ouJder throwing in a game against Minnesota on April 17. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1971 : ~ltt.sburgh slugger Willie Stargell set a major league record by belting his I J t~ homer in the month of April. On thls date in 1968: Baltimore pitcher Tom Phoebus no-hit the Boston Red Sox 6-0 far the third in a series of four no-hitters the Onoles would collect in an 11 -year span On this date In 1944: Boston Braves hurler Jim Tobin no-hat the Brookyln Dodgers 2-0 and became the first major league pitcher lQ hat a home run during h is own no-hitter. Today's birthday: Toronto Infielder Willie Upshaw ts 25. Moore wins fight, escapes attack JOHANNESBURG. South Africa -Two men attacked a van carrying World m Boxing Association junior middle - weight champion Davey Moore back to his hotel Monday night after his succ.>essful title defense against Charlie Wear of South Africa Promo~er Bob Arum said Moore was not hurt, but his manager, Leon Washington, suffer- ed a slight knee injury when he got out of the car to chase the attacker... Laguna Beach's Leach Ojai winner Laguna Beach High's Rick Leach, a juruor, won the 19-and-under sanglc.>S crown • at Ojai last week. out.dueling Torran- ce's Barry Buss in a three-hour semi- finals matc h, 3-6, 7-5, 7-5, before breezing in the finals of the prestigious t.cnnis to urname nt . . Ivan Ltndl defeated Jolan McEnroe for the fourth tim(• in six meetings to wan $1 50,000 at the finals of a WCT tourney m Dallas. Lendt won, 6-2, 3-6, tS -3. 6-3 ... Former lt~ht heavyweight c hampions Eddie Mustafa Muhammad and Marvin Johnson will box on the undercard of Sugar Ray Leonard's defense of his Wl'herwe1ght crown May 14 1n Buffalo Na ti onal Football League att.orneys tned to dis- credit tcsumony of Oakland Raiders managing g e neral partnPr Al Davis that h e was a "conduit'' in negota.ations leading to the merger of the NFL and the Amt!ncan Football League m 1970. Television. radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: BasebalJ -Anaels at New York, 5 p.m., KMPC (710); Philadelphia at Dodgen, 7:30 p.m .• KABC (790). BASKETBALL -Phoerux at Lakers, 7:30 p.m .• KLAC (570). Fro.,, Page C 1 • YANKS • • • having Iott 2~ pounp1 and not havln1 had • drtnk for montha -and requeeted that he be allowed to maNIJe one more year, how could I refu.1e him? ''Every time J have called him to do a Job, he never aaked when, where or how much. I felt that, becauae of lhil loyal tr,, he ahould be given this chance. ' • Reoalllng Steinbrenner'• re· cord for snap managerial •ho- ke ups, reporters uked If auch a move dldn't put Lemon under the guillotine -once th e Yankees sagged, out would go Lemon, in would come Mlchael "No," insisted S teinbrenner, "l gave him my word. Even If we're 20 games behind, Lem will stay as manager. l will only replace him If he requests 1t m the cai;e of bad heahh." Lemon was flushed with pride. "I've never had a chan<.-e to go a fuU season." he said "George wants to see 1f [ can go the route -me. to0.'' Now Steinbrenner 1s saying, in effect, he had his fingers crossed. He didn't mean a word of it. Now it's down the drain for a man's dream. But what of the Yankees? Wall this sudden shift resuscitate .. the greatest talent money can buy?" Don't bet on it. . These are n ot the proud. swashbuckling Yankees of old. It is a confused, disoriented lot, and has been from the start of spnng training "I haven·t had any fun all year ," complained Goose Gos- sage, the relief ace "It was the most de pressing sprmg I've ever had " Steinbrenner vlrtually manda- ted that players be at c:amp a drudgery anyhow -two weeks in advance The n he brought in Olymp1C' coaches a nd installed exotic ell'<'tronal' equipment tD be µsed an 1ntens1ve battingpnd runrung exen:a.ses. Players were treated not like pros but hke a regiment of Ma- rines Rustlers fall, finish se cond SANT A MONICA -Golden West College's women 's basket- ball team rompleted its regular season Monday night drop- ping a 90-74 Southern California Conference d ec1s1on to Santa Monica College The winners finish the confe- rence campaign w1lh a 10-0 re- cord, Golden West is runnerup at 8-2. Santa Monica's depth proved too much for Golden West Mon- day, despite the overall balance of the Rustlers, who had five players scoring in double figures, led by JilJ Guthrie's 20 points. SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUrtERS , Designed, ~,, Finished - Installed _...,,,- ----__.:.--. e1 ~ 28 Years Experience M anufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714) 548-6841 or 548-1717 HlllWIOD MAIUF ACTDIY 19n Placentia Ay,enue • Costa Mesa. CA 9"l627 PUBLIC HEARING Concerning City of Newport Beach HOUSING ELEMENT Notice la hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City cf Newport Beach wm hold a Public Hearing to dlacu• Implementation of the recently adopted .Houllng Element of the Newport BMch General Plan. Among the ttema to be considered wlll be reatdentlal denlltl• and the ~blltty of tncreulng denllttea on aome of the r• .m9'nlng undeveloped alt•. Houalng typee, minimum unit lln9, and fonM of ownership wm allo be dllCU8Md. NOtlce II hefibY h.irther given that .. Id pubtlc hearing Wjll be held on the Ith day of fAy 1982. at the hoUr of 2:00 p.m. In the Counctl Chmnberl of the Newport Beach City Hall, l lOO W. Newport Boulevard, •t whloh time and =lllY Md Ill pef'IOnl Int.,...._ may IPPI• Ind be .,..,.,, . • ' USC's president threatens l@wsuit Pepahies unreasona ble, ays Zum berge LOS ANOELES (AP) -The president of the University of Southorn Calllornla aays thv 1chool may take legal acUon agulnat the National Collegiate· Athletic Anoclatlon because of th · severity of penaltws isaued agiunat the football team. The school LI prohibited from playing In bowl games during the 1982-83 and 1983-84 academic years and from appearances on tell'v11ion Ln 1983 and 1984. "THE PENALTIES are un- reasonable , inequitable and wholly unjustified for the num- ber and nature of the infractions involved," James H. Zumbergl' said al a news confere nce Mon - d1:1y use was penullu ::d by th<· NCAA last F'raday because an assu;t.ant coach sold tickets giwn to players. "We also believe that the severity of the J)t!nalties reflects a measure of vindictiveness that il> shocking for an orgaruzation with the stature of the NCAA." said Zumberge. He said USC had not been ix.- fore the Infractions Commtttf't• an the past 23 years and had coope- ra tC'd with the NCAA 1n its 1n- vest1gat1on . .. I am n o w exploring with counsel the legal optaoni. availa- ble to the university and will discuss them soon with t ht-Ex ecutive CommillCl' of the un- iversity's Board of Trw.t<>es," ht· said. "Football 1s a very, vl'ry im - portant part of the un1vpri.a1y sc,-ene. We can't trc·at thl• pos.s1b1- ltty of going to t'Ourt a,., a trivial matter " HE POINTED OUT that thc- unavl•rs1t1es of Texa:., Oklahomq and Ct•orgie ulrcndy had suits 1wndlng against th<" NCAA on various mutters. but agreed that finol at.•Ulem nt.s of suae.. might takl' several vears. He said USC would await the OUl.<'OmC o( pending CU5<'ll against tht.' NCAA before taking action of i ts own David Bcn.l, a memlx•r of the NCAA investigation 1Haff, in Shawnl'e M1ss1on , Kan • defen- ded the penalltes "I wtl l gl•t mail lhls wc.>e>k savanj( that wt· let USC off the hook, and I'll gN maal saying W<·n · loo han.h on USC t.o prove the· pmnt that we can pt:onaltw the big ~·hoob," he· said "Neither is trut'. Wt• w1tr let the l'omments fall wht•n• tht:y may The rl'<-'Ord will !>J)l•:.tk for 11.S<•lf " Zumbl•rgt· t·stam;Ht•d the pt•n- allu.-:. maghl ttlt>t use more• than $1 million. From Page C1 LAKERS . • • e vc•n though th1•v l o~t po w (·r forward Mau:h Kurxh.Jk Parly an tht· o.,(•ae;on whl'O Kupc:hak brokl· a hom· an h1~ ll•fl l<·I{ Thl· Suns will cl1·111·11d 1111 gu<J rd Dt•nna'> J 1Jhni.11n who It cJ th<'m 1n S('onng during tht· n·~u l<i r sc•a.,on \.\-llh ;; 19 5 avPragc· Right b1·hand Johnson as Truck Holtan'>o n who av1·ragt•d 19 I puan~ 1J4 ·r game .md al~> h:iuk·d down H 7 n •bounds µN outmg "I ft.l'I l·omfortJblc playing Pho<'nlll. ... H1h·y says "Wl· m<it.ch up Wl·ll °"1 th tht·m If we're· <1 ltlllt-r u.'>t) f mm tht.• layoff "'l'll pus h right through ·· Kendall nominate d Cindy Kendall of Corona del Mar Hig h as o ne of I 0 fcmalt· athlPtes nominated for the st.alt· scholar-athlt•te of the yl•ar award which carries a $500 &·holan.hap for the wirml'r Kl'ndall played volleyball for the Sea Kings this year Tht.•re are I 0 men and 10 wo- men finalists throug h out the st.atc picked by their high school principals from a field of 350 nominations. The award wall bt· armount-ed by the st.ale CLF Sat- urday. State ClF Comnissioner Tom Bvrnes said: •·All 350 candidates qualified for this award and all dese rve the recogn1uon o r their pet.'rs. S1.·hool administrators and -------------- commun1ues tor their fi ne ath- l 1· I I c a n d '> l' h (I I a s t I c dt~urn~ltshnwn~" M•n Flt\all•I• CJ,,, Oai~Jn (.;"P.•I'""° ""If'~ C..\c~PIOalll 0dvitl Bt>tt ;trd 1Grdnl Hogl'l Van Nuy• IHl\~•·lb~lll Roche C:.111 1PAlm Sprong~ ~""omm r•Q Rot>"'' l<•y ,Bt>vPtly Htl" oas•.,•tt>all •w1mm•1191 E"c L•no • .in cCanyor Cuunlty luott>alll Andrew MallhPws Clo~ G~IO• bas~,.lbalil V1~10t NallflflQ 1Carn11r111o t•ac.• 1 J.imo11 Reyno«b croo111o11 H.gn S;,nta Ana ~wtmm111g1 C..t"" Stt>ven~ (Claremont toolt>~llJ Robe<I ZOlg ISi JOlln Bo9co HOQh Bell""-IOOIC>alll Women Flnalfet. Kimberly OonalCIOtl (MAtced lrackl. l.Auta Ezell \lrv1ng1on Ho0n Fremont ouketbelll JuOy Grott11n CFonuna, baske11:>au1. LIN Hazen (Lorello H!Qh. $8Ctamen10, awimm•ng), ClndJ Kendell (Cor-def Mat, 11oh~t: 1.MMa Krehl>let CCycress VOlleyt>aU) En.n ~ry !Santa Cruz, 10l1ball) Cheryl Ollamura !Troy Hogh Fullerton vOlleybalfl Amy Robinson cPalo Allo l>Ukelball) Kelly Tebo 1Sou1n HIQll Torrance 1enn1e) -- ·~~ ....... ---... -... -.... -·. - $50 $50 Slll S.ltt H•I P•I IMh c .. w C"t ... Orange Oout DAILY PILOTfTuMd1y, April 27, 1882 HF Cl NYSE. COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION QUQU flOtill lNCLUOI ,.,0 .. Oil f MI .... YOlllt , MIOW•U, ,,C,,IC, ,. .... IOtTON. OIT•Olf '"o <•NCIMMUI nocw ••CllA ... 11 AlllO ··~ITIO I Y Tiii liAJO ANO INI TINI T ,.,, Irvine slates • seminar lunch David Milne, Ph.D., director of tho Wolfton Mi· oroelectronlat Institute In Edinburgh, Scotland, and Robin Duthie, chairman of the ScotUah Development Age~. will cte.crlbe how atta buainesamen can tap the Common Market from a E~ropean ba&e at a Jun· cheon eeminar ln lrvtne on Thunday. H06ted by the Sc:ottllh Development Agency, the preeentation will provide information on what Sc:oi.. land hu to offer U .S. electronicl equipment manu- facturers. The luncheon begins at 11:30 at the Registry Hotel, 18800 MacArthur Blvd. For information, contact Su- zanne Cushman, The Bohle Company. (213) 557·1331. Record earnings for Gra ce W.R. Grace & Co., which has worldwide interesta In chemicals, natural reaources and selected consumer services, announced record earnings for the first quarter, due primarily to a $65,100,000 gam on the disposition of its ownership In a former G race subsi- diary, Chemed Corporation. Net 11'COme for the quarter ending March 31 was $144,176,000, an increase of 73 percent over the 1981 period, which was restated for -poolings of interests Earnings per common share were $2.99, versus $1 74 in the 1981 quarter. Grace operates its New American Restaurant Corp. headquarters• in Costa Mesa and headquarters for El Torlto-La Fiesta Restaurants, lnc. and Far West Services in Irvine. Grace also operates several restau- rants m the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area such as El Toriip. Houlihan's, C.OCO's and Reuben's. Calbidco funding OK'd At a spec:lal shareholders' meeting, Statewide Cal- bicko rettived the overwhelnung approval of prefer- red and common shareholders for a company recapi- talization. Each Statewide Calbidco preferred share has been converted to nine shares of common stock, and subse- quently all outstanding common shares have been reverse split one for 10. Statewide Calb1dco is a pub!Jcly held non-depoSJtory banking corporation based in Newport Beach since 1975 that provides commercial loans to small and medium-sized businesses throughout Caltfonua. S & L office celebrating Great American Federal Savings is celebrating tM grand opening of its San Juan Capistrano office at 32222 Cami.no Capistrano with a week-long Cmco de Mayo fiesta, May 3-8. StarTel boosts sales The Irvine-based telecommurucations finn of Star- Tel Corporation announced that the company realized approxunately $1 million in sales m six months, an increase of 300 percent over last year's sales. The announcement was made on the company's two-year anniversary date. Sales m eeting slated Chet Lackey, who is called "Mr Enthusiasm," will be guest speaker at the Sales and Marketing Execu- tives of Orange County meeting May 4 at the Sheraton-Newport. Lackey will speak on "132 Ways to Close a Sale." The meeting will begin with a social hour at 6 p.m. Dinner and program begin at 7. For reservations, call 538-2510. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YO'llC IAPI "'1f ,. N EW VOfllC IAPI -,_ ~-' '~ DKll...., m V' .. ~,::. _....,. JO ..._..._ ' METALS l 01 IJ -· 42. 111 ; " " Cop,_ 76~·78 c;en11 1 pound. U.S. dosltn.llOnl lb Leed 2$-32 C*'llS I pound ZIM 35-39 oent1 I pound, Olllwf"ed. Tift H .6621 M1t1ta w..-c;oinpo11t1 ~ 76-17 oenta 1 pound. NY _...., $380.00 per 11111! • ....._.. 1329 00 troy oa., N.Y SILVER Handy I. H1rm1n. 11 110 per troy OUflOI .\ I I " • ' • ce • I I I '81 FAIRMONT $5 _788* Your Ch~c6060e! #!J4 #1457 #ZOO& #806 #8456 ·-- I J • °'·~ ,.___ ' """"'DAILY PtLOT/TUOld ' •y, Aprjj 27, 1912 -,, ·. I ' '66 PONTIAC:: $388 :~1 .. ~!~~.~ .. ~. :. 2688 '71 l,!?!NO:: $2388 ;~~:R?.?~ .. :::::::.:;· $1888 It -...... •-d•!-•n(I JM>••• ••-"'O. M. -t ._ ---.. -, • •adla '"'"'"' •~..J.ou '<>O "''ri ..... -~-·---•~.. OUOOI .. , ............. . ........ -...... . lnf1p11d1ftl t.1111 .... , ••• 1 •. 11., 1 ... 11· ,..., c_, .. _OrH• ----19< .... NEW '82 GRANADA Z Door Sedan ,.,, . $&788 ... ·~, ... I • I \ • • $peed ., • ., • ..,, •• ...... -c --............ l ...... ,_C.,..ttol O•<H• ,_ c"°""• OI c--• S1 888 ~ .. ._. fml 11111 NU N011Cf -A .. fif ,. Nnnout ....... "°'"ICM Wll \ "iiiiiil ••• ..,,,_ _ ..,._ ITA,,_,. U-. ITA~ . ~ rottew1111 "'"" I• dolne ... ._ ITA~ The IOllowlnf '*'°"' .,. 40inO TM 1~no per.one .,. dOlno ..... "" ........................ ~-~-~ '*-'A OVOT, 4M • tHlfl>ICIAlTIU, 2111J N-· HOWAlllD MARK A880CIA· l'wtl Alie. 191M(t, CA IHU INt.-041.C. HM N t r,._tlllrtl P-'' 1111•, Hewperl .. etl\, CA TfS. tl301C.aiot"°*'·Ma107. fW9ll Git a.ldwln~~-· !Jatll tlfM!, hit• IOO, Al'lallel111, Oeilfofllle tate3 ~ H .. , CA 9''63 Awit. .............. CA-2. ""°Jltfl••• o,., ., ..... """ w aTelJHfN DIXON IJOllTlll. D•~M Helo•. 26301 Cebol .,.... ..=.n':":",.... Wlltl Ult =:"-· ......., ..... Ce!Hol~ ~.~~·f~ ll'td . Newpor 1 =· 101, LAOunt Hille. CA C*IMy Qwll of °'Ml' 00\INy on ..=..,.-.-It~ Ill'"" Ill· WILLIAM 01.lN TATUM. UIS !Jerry H Hlnllle. 2SI01 Cabot .... I, ,.... 11,.,_ ..,_ o..,... =" llvd, Newpott leedl. CA =·Mt 101, L1CJUN Hille, CA • • n•w OtWIQt COMt OtllY Pl-Tiii• •••l•111•11t •11 fllu wllll 111e 1 · J•ok Love, t401 Se1oru1 .... ~ts. ao. 2'l, ~ 4. 1H2. ="~"°'""'OounlYOflApttl • .;:-.,~~~by. Ot!Ye, Cofone dtl Mtr, CA 9Ha6 tltM2 ,_.. """*' O. Potltr T1'111 buel'*9 la OOrtOucttd by• ------------"'"""'--ioi0f1 ~l>tlel!N Orange Ooell Oally l'tlOI, Thia 11'*'*'1 WM flltd with Ult generet part~ ,.... ••IM 1 •· t. 1~· to, 11• "" 11.M-12 CounlY Cltfll of Orange CounlY on Jedi LO'le -----------·-----------.. ....., fl6 IN" Thia 11tltmtnt ..._. llled with 1119 N"'*'9 ...... ~ . ... Count~ Cltrll of Orange County on -ftA=r ~ •1'1f Pul>Mlhed Orange COMI 0:11ty ~.:. Aptll fl, 1N2. ,.:-_ ....... ,..,_ -dttllf "'*' ---.. ---... Aprll 20. 27, Mey 4, 1 t, 1N2. T•er. 8"fb & ............. -.,_ .......... __ •7'""-"2 ... ~~ ...._ CA#lllMJ, UOO 1WMt ....... Ooet• *-'"'!f'::! ' >#.,.. Lllw ~ettoM •=~v=. , .. , erooMNN • rtr. lolowille '**' cloll'lt ~ ---,,...--IC-NO_T_ICE ____ 1fllfee u,,., Mew.,.n ,._.. °"" ._,'Ci~ tHIO tlllCfrvt llWIAG«MfNT MCl'IUto Newpert .._, C........... -T\1191,~ --, ..... 0.. AlllO, ~=:o~=A~. '8:0.=ll lull• ~:':-" Publllhed Orange Cout ~~. ..=:.=-· ........... ~·..,_.....:·:.:..:.~..:Slay Front. file foltowl"t oer10f1t are doing APf'H 20. 27. May 4, 11, 1982. ...... y....... Thie ~ II C°'*"1" by 1111 In· buWleu M . 1183-82 Tiiie tl•t-e111 wH !tied wllll 111e ~ NORTH8TAfl OOMPAHY. tte7 C.....,(llfllt1e>r..,...~Ofl .. 1, ..... ..... Port c11e1 .... Newport heel!, CA rtaJC NOncE -. flll• Uete111enl •H lll•d wllll 1111 92ee0. 1------------ 1 ~....._ "-··· ~'1!!'!',, County,~~ c...tiorOr.,..Oowlt)'onAorf2, Horthetar Poola & Spee, lno .• • ._ .... ..,.. to-. ~-... Cellloml• COfporellon, tN1 Port 8U..NOR COURT Of,,. .._, t. '*• • 11, ttla t ,__ a... w-.... .. ~ c• ..., .. ,. ITATI Of' CAUl'ORMA l'ulltl•-Orange Cout D•llY l'tlot • ·~-' _.., "H""" COUNTY Of' 0111ANQ1E "91.JC M)TIC( • A11rt I , 1S, to, 21. 1tl2 11t1.t2 Tilltl ~ ii c:onduc1ed by e No. A-~ corpotetlon. ..,.TICI ,.. _.,.... TO ••u. ~.~· rwuc NOTIC[ ~n:oot• "IAL .-11'0.-i~n·Af',.111¥Au ~:!°!:wino pereon I• doing '9Cnnout .,.._11 =~old Eelli• of RU~~WOPE, 0-.· "' Pl.AIN VAHtLLA. 2024 eetwrt NAMI ITAT'l.•NT Thlt 11.tt_,t WN filed wtlh ltle Md Coeta,,...., Ce tztlt ' The lollowlncl ~are doing County Clartl of 0r"'09 COunty on Nola i. htt•by ~ U\al, aut>- Rebecce M. kouuttl, 202• ~lfFEET. 91131 Hemlllon Al>rll 111, 1982 ~l,:!,~~t!:'~ou"J.': ~~1': c.Nen. Cotta W-. Ce. 9282& • -...... fWFIM ........ "* ~ .. c:ond\lc1ed by"' A--. Huntington a..dl, Celffor· Publithed Orenge Coul o.tly Piiot, IH2. al 9 00. m . or ltltrHlltr ~ nit t2&4t Ap<tl 20. 27. May 4, t t, tlle2 within the Um• llllowed by law, the Aebecce M. Koeeuth Dennie Fraderlell Luttrell. 1756-t2 underelgned, H Admlnt11retor of Thie ~I -filed wtltl 1119 21881 Behema Ln., Huntington lhe .... ,,of Ruth Swope, d-•· County a.tt of Orange COUnty 00 BMdl, ee.llOl'nie 92&4e PU8lJC NOTICE Md, wt• Mii II privet• Nit to the .-5, 1"2. Maureen Allee Luttrell, 2tett hlgnMt ltld beet net l>lddef oo \lie ,,_,, Beh1me Ln .. Huntington Beech. FlC11'TIOU8 llU ... U tarmt end condition• herelnefter ~ Or8nQe Cout 0.Jfy Pl· CelHOMie 92648 NAMS ITATl•NT ""'1tloned 1111 right, lllle, and lnte· IOt o\pl1I 11 20. 21. Mey 4 11182 Tiiie ~ II conducted by an The following person• ere doing rell of Ruth Swope, decuffd. II ' ' ' ' t8S~2 Ind""°'*. buSI,_. M: Ille time of h« dulh and tit rlQhl, Maureen A. Lullrell A&F HOMES, 1178 SE Mein tltle, end lnter•t ltlll Ille eatlle hu Denni. F. Luttrell SlrMI. Irvine. Celllornta 92714 acquired In eddtllon to th1t ot T/I•• llllement WU flied with Ille Philip H. MeN-. t81115 Mc. declfldtnl •I ll'le time of"" death. In ACYlllOUe Wll County Clefll of Orenge County Der moll, •1, Irvine, Calllornla the rul properly loceted In th• ..-rrA~ April 18, 1982 112714. County orOrenge, Stat• of Celffor- The follbwlno per.one .,, dolno F1n412 Thome• w. end Sendr• J Al· nla. deecflbed u lollowl. • buelrle9I .. : Publl1hed Orenge Coul Delly ten. 1151 DoYI Str•t. "100. New· The -terly 50.00 1•1 of the SNAP, LTD., H Clove Bio .. Piiot, April 20, 27. Mey 4, 11, 11182. port e BMeh. CA 112860. Hllerly 182.00 1 .. 1 ol the eou11'1· IOfft, ntne. CA 1127t4. 171M2 Alex J end Mary I Forgette, 57 -· qu9'1er of LOI 38 of Treet 9, in TIM OfTUUO, #8 Clove Blot-Goleta POlnl Drive, Cerone <let Mar, IM Chy of Cotta Meea. County of .lelft. !Mnl, CA 921t4. rtaJC NOTICE Ceffloml1 92825. Orange. Stele of Celllornl•. u MARTIN OENIS. 18 CloYe Thll bu11nM1 la conduc1fld bye tno.n oo I map thereof, rlCOfded lloelom, !Mne, CA 9'1t4. OllANQI COUNTY SU11'1.-10 gen«el Pllf1Mrlhl9 1n Book 9, Pao• 9. mlscell1neout Thia buelrleae It conducted by • COURT ~ H Mc"'-meps, In 1ne office of lh• county .,,..,... .,. b....,.. 100 CMo Ceftlef Drt¥e W•I Ttlll statement wu filed wtlh the recorder or Mid eounry E.aceptlng Tim OITulo Stftte AM, CA 9Z701 County Clef1' ol ?range County on therefrom 1t1e northerly 150 00 TNI ...,_It -flled wtt11 the PLAJNTIFF· OLEN PROPERTIES Aptlt 16, 1982 ffft 1tao eceepllng therefrom 5 t County a.tt of Or.,. County on COAP., • Ctldomle COfllO'etlon F1'7417 pereenl ol •II oil end mineral• .. 1t, 1982. DEFENDANT CAL PHOTO PRO. Pul>llthe<I Orenoe Coe.II Detty Piiot. rigllll fW74a CE$SINO, INC .. I e.!ftorNa Aptll 20 27. Mey 4, 11, 11182 The prope11y I& commonly r• ~Orange Coea1 Delly Peot rllllon. GWAN 0 SIE. VINO WANG, 1782-82 ferred lo H 686 WHI Hemillon "Ptt1 20. 27, Mey 4, 11. 1892 ' end DOES 1 ltltough 10. ~ Street Coate M .... Callfornia. 11t142 841WONI ..,_..,.'""TICE The Hie ts 1ub1ect to current -----------C-.... ~ r-.n. "" IUH covenanll. condlllons. res- 1 Ml.IC NOT1CE NOTICll YM i.a.e i.... eued. 111euons, 1~111c>ns, rigl'llS. r1gn11 T1'e oewt _,~....,._.you NOTICI INVITING 810t of way end euemenia of record. ..Cnnoul __,_,, wlthovl ,_ Mfftt heard u..... Notice 11 nereby given lhel '"' eny eneumbfencee of record to be MAim 8TAT'lmNT JM~ wtlMll ».,.. "--' Board of Trulleet of Iha Coe11 stlltfled OU1 of tne Pll<C'1 ... price The lollowlng person• .,. dolno Ille.....,..,...., beMow. Community Coll•g• DltlrlCI of The property II told 00 an .... ,, .. ...,_ M: H you wlell to ..... the adYICe 0 Ofenge County, Cslllomla, w!H rec· be.Ill OTSE INTERNATIONAL, 2024 111 etlorney In lhll metier, you alve .-led bids up 10 1 t 00 1 m Bide or olfefl AT• Invited fOf 11'111 kornat Drive , Colle MHt, CA ellOUld dO IO promc>tly to ltlal YOU<' Friday, Mey 14, 1982 at tne Pur-prope<1y end mull be 'In -111ng end ~. Wflllan reeponM, II any. may be fl· cnaslng [)epertmenl ol Mid c:otlege wtll be AICl!lved II ,,,. offlOI of Bank Jofln M. Ruuell. prulde nt, led oo time d i t 1 1 1 1 d 1 1370 Ad of America Trull Dep.,tmen1 II 2014 Kornet OrlYe, Colle MeH, AVl801 U1led Ila ekto cMflla1t A~ ec;:, 'Mt!.. CellfOfni:"!~ 4 t4 t MacArthur Boulevard. Suite c.Mornla 92829. dedo. II lrlbu1tal~• decldlr wntc:tl time uld bids wlll be e>ublicly tO~ewpor1 Buch, C1111ornl1 ...,...,.t A. Ruaeell, Ylc. Pf• -"• Ud. alft IUdfencie • -opened end reed for 92 •I any time etter flfll e>ubll· e&denl, 21)24 Korn1t Drive, Coeta 4ua Ud. rHponde de1tlro de IO PURCHASE OF FUEL INJEC· cation of 11111 notoce ind before ...... ~ 92t2t. dlM. Lee le~ ......... TION PUMP TEST STANO: GOL· making uld sale fhlt bullneee le oonducted by e OEN WEST COLLEGE Bide mutt be eeeled end wflt be ..,.. ~. SI U•ted dff .. eolleller el con· All bids .,1 to lie In ecoordence openeel •I Ill• office of Bank of , _,_ ~.~t· Au...it-..__. ~, .. t ..... Mio de un lbogedo en Mt• -.into. wtth the Bid Form lnstruetioos •nd America Tru11 Deptrtmenl et Ille ,,.. -·-.-,_, .... .. ,,. deberle "-'<> lnmecliat-1•. de Condlllont end Speeillcetlon• whtc:h hOur of 9 00 • m oo Ille •boYe dale OouMy Qer1I of Orenge County oo Ml• men.a. tu~· Meflta, .,1 now on Ille enc! may be MCureel The property will be IOld for cath "-" 2, 1M2. el tit}' 9llguna. pulde -1'9Qt111ad• 1n the offa of the Purehutng Agent Ten percenl ( 10%1 of lh• amount ~1 • tlempo. of uKt college e11str1et bid 11 10 .ecompeny the offer by ~Orange Coee1 o.lly Pllol, t TO THE DEFENDANT· A clYlt EeQI blddet must tubmll wtll'I hi• cerlilleel ()f eathler's c'1eck end the ~ 2.0, 11. Miit 4, 11. 1982. complelnt hu bffn filed by the bid • cHllter·s cneck. Ctlllll•d b11tnee to t>e P•l<l II etoM ot es- HChtiOU9 8Ull•H ..... ..,..~ 171D-8~ plelntlff ~ )'OU. " you wWI to cheell. or bidder'• bond meda crow Tues. renla. opereung 1nel defend ttllii -..ult. )'OU""*· wMhln payable 10 the Ofdef of the Coaet meinte111nce e.11pen1e1. and pre- 30 ~ .,_ U. 9Urlllnonl II -· Community College Dl11r1e1 i!lol•CI _. oo lnlUfence KC99C•ble to ved on you, flle wtlll tlllt ci>urt • of Trwt-In '" amount not .... Ille purellaMt ltlall be ptoretfld • written rMPOnM to ltle COfl'IPUlllll. '"'" five percent (5%) 01 Ille tum ol tl'lti CloM of eecrow E.lltm1nall0n ""'-you do eo, 'fOVf ~ .. bid u 1 guarani• 11141 the bidder of 1111e 1r1nafer tu.. eny 11111 on- bt .iifered on eppJlcatlon of4b wll1 emv lnnrthe propoMd Con-surance oolley. end on•·hall I'~> plalntlft, and Ihle oourt mey enter • tract If the -11 _.,ded 10 him escrow I-11\tll be II the expense ~ eoelnet you for the relief In I.he_, of faJlure 10 .,.,., onto ol th• Hllll Rei;ordtng of con· -----"' 11'9 comp&mnl, wNdl IO.ICll contrec:t, lhe Pf'oceed• of the veyance Ind OM·tl•ll "'> H CIO• could raaull In gernl1llmen1 o• check wlll be lorteoteel. 0, on lh• .... Shilt be paid by me e>urc:nas. ~. llklnO of money or Pfoe>ertY cue of • bond. ll'lti f\Jlt """ tl'lereot °' pur~• The tolowlno ,.,__ '" ~ ......... , KEN~CO SALES CONSUL· TAHf8, 1135 Wlllttltr, Suite C-4, C.0.. ....._ CA t2927. HARf'Y DE~ ftEACHEY, 213 I . ~ "*"°"-CA t2e.33 wtllJAM KEHNEOY. 400 Sun· Idell ....... ANNln\, CA 92toe. or other reflel raque1ted 111 111e wllf be lorlllled 10 uid college di· The undert1on•d rtHrve• 1ne oomplalnl. ltrlet rlgl\I lo refuM lo ~ eny bidt Detect: Sec>tember 1e. 1ta2 No bidder may Withdraw hit bid O.teo· April 28. 1te2 Thia ---.. ~ad by • ll""'1d ~. HO..~ Lee A Btanctl. clerk for • period of IOrty·flve (451 deyt BAN I( 0 F A M E R I c A '*""Y v Mor~. n-,., alter •II• d•I• Ml lor lh• Ol)i!f'llng NT6SA Thie ~ -fled with the I Colny °""' of Or.,. County 00 .. ,. .. 1"2. .....,..ty thereof' u Admtnl11ra1or of ll'lti lillART1N II'. IRAMO The Board ot Tndl-,..,_Ille 1"41 etlela of ltle 110 Newport C:--1.,.. Dl'lwe privilege of re1ecllng eny 1nel 111 Be~FrennekmeoD L~I W.. • -bldt 0t lo w81ve any 111egu1atlll'9 or ' -,,.,., ~ Orange CoMI Deify Piiot, .. 20. 21, May 4, 11, tlNl2. 11tM2 .... ~~~A ~Pl 1nform11111H In any bid Of In tl'I• Propetly M•n•gemen1 Of. r.,.,. _ _, ..,.enge -...-1 ~r lol, bidding llcef Aptll 20, 21, May 4, 11, 1982. /a/ NORMAN E. WATSON OVlARD J. FA .. 1764-82 Secntery, Ate.My 11 Law I . -----------Bollfd of Trv•I-• N.,..... SI., lulte tOt "8.IC NOTICE Coaal Community 8ente Ana, Cellfofnle t:l701 CONIOUDATED REPORT OF CONDITION , COiiege DlllrlC1 Tale,._ (114) '12-tilM Publlsl'led Orange Cotti Daily Publl1hed 011nge Cout Dally Pilot, Ao<ll 27, Mey 4, 1982 Piiot, April 27, 28 . Mey 4, 1982 ' Contolldated Report of Condltlon of "AMERICAN STATE Ht(~ otHewport eeacn. Orange-county;-and Oomest Su~lee at the close of business on March 31, 1982. ... ,. '*'" No. 1072 1873-82 1881-82 CONIOUOATED REPORT O~ CONDITION Al8ETI Doflar Amount• Ir, Tftouunde Cutt and due from banks ...................................... 3.906 lnvesttT*'lt eecurltlee Consolidated Report of Condition of "The Bank of Or- ange County" of Fountain Valley, Orange County, and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on March 31, 1982. (M*"et value $4,709) .......................................... 4,878 Non-tfW99trnent teeurltles . ........... ... ......................... 177 Federal fund• eofd and eecurtlles State lank No. 1275 Cotler Amountl In ThouMnde purcNMct under agreements A88ET8 to,...., In domestic offices ............................... 5·200 Cash and due from banks 3 713 a. Loan•, To1.i (excluding Federal funds sold and sec~7tii;;'""' ............. -......... ' uf'IMmed Income) ........................ 45. 138 purchased under agreements b. ~~~IOa 1 for 495 to resell In domestic offices ................................... 3,550 ...__..,.. n OtMS .......................... a. Loans, Total (excludlng c. Loent, net ...................................................... 44•643 nea ned Income) 26 935 •--L .., I F F & E t 339 u r ....................... _ · -.,.em 111, · • • e c. ..................................... b. Less: Reserve for AMI tMate owned other -~ ... _k I 2 987 possible loan IOSMS ........................... 268 m9Jl u.• pt8ft'I ... .. .......................................... · • c Loans _ _. 26 0.0.7 "'-t.a. .... ~.. 2 225 .. • ltVt ._ ............................................ .-........ ._...... tV'V ..,.,,.. i--.. ................................. ........................... ' Benk r\l'tmlHI F F &E etc 1 5.42 TOTA~ ASSETS .:-................................................ 64,355 0t"~".:....... , . . . ................................. _.. '451 UA.rTlll ''"" _.., ......................................................... -... - TOTAl DEPOSITS IN TOTAL ASSETS ........ i.JAiiLrriil"""" ..... -.... --35,923 DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... 58.723 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN TOtea demand depoelts ................ 11·834 oouESTIC OFIFICES 31 .. 1 .. Total time l savtnge depoeltt 44 889 "" ·-.. -............. _ •"' "' T~AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC.... • Total demand deJ>Oeltt ................. 12,314 A Fo ... e.""'N OFACES •• 723 Total time & Mvlngl d~t• ·--19.100 ~ .................................. llQ, TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC Ottl!lr ................................................................ 2•527 ANO FOREIGN OFFICES 31 .. 14 TOTAL LlA8tUTIE8 -···-.. ···--·---· •"' (9xdudlng IUbordln.ted not.. n~~tr~~Ti£S----·--··-·-• 570 and deb9nturee) ................................................. 59•250 (eitdudlng eubordlnated not• Mordlnated not• and debentur• ..................... 1,000 __ ,. ..._..._tur•) 31 ... .. ~ .. OUITY ., .... uwuwr• --------·-•• .,... IHAMH0t.099'1 IOUfTY Pla.'Nd ltook Preferred I~ No . ....,... outttand6ng • None No. lher .. outltandlng -None CGINMn ... COrnmon ltodc • C: :: =~Ing t= .. ~ 1,2515 ~ ::: ::: ~ 2::.~ 3, 118 ,lwDIUI ................................................... l,.45'5 TOTAL CONTRIBUT~TAL 3,118 TOfM. CONTMUTB> CAPITAL .......................... 2,710 ~ ewn1nge ----U3 ·---· ............................... , ................... 1•395 TOTAL SHAAEHolDE_AS_EQ_U-ITY------3.131 m IHAMtfOU)EAS EQUITY ......................... 4• 105 TOTAL LIA81UTIE.8 ANO ~ ANO 8HAREl"OLOeAS EQUITY 36,923 ••llWM-•IQ.DIMIDl..1 IQUfTY .................................... 84.:..355 The Ul .... ied L.8wr9fli09 A Holrnel Preeldent l 1'e ............ John ltlgtMrg, ........,,. Md 11• A. CEO Md lldwwd H , Downer ...-VP~ ol lht uanrit tr. v.~. a Oon1ra1er"'"" uov.,...... blnk, .,~ """ · ... ...,_ tor....____...__ ......... = ..................... notlot .. OIMr;I -. -.' • ..._ __ "' r==~•:io11111191 ol the......,...,.. ..... In "* not '°' th• other. I h•v• pereonal knOWleCI .. Of tfte Ii rue• .. ~ lldt hlreof). and 1 ...._. _....,. oonlalned In thte report (Including tM t9Y9tll ........ "'In _.. ......,. II true. ladt of .. llde ...._,, Md I ...-,. :thet _. ......... In ~ . -.. ,. .. " elone:e:for ......... ::.0 :: :,-.. --:: :.~;:::r ~ .... ,.... .. ......,, .......... lltrue M ._fnl•• II liue Md oorreoe. • .... .. • ....... c.1-............... °" .. It,,... ............ _, Wll!'r. c.- t Orlnge Cout DAILY PILOT /Tu.day, Aprll 27. 1982 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s -5- 1 F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 !Mfr.~ •• ~rft.f~ •• ~fff.¥~'.~ .. .,,..,, ~ llMa I~ t.11 llMa 1114 ,,,.,_.,, '-"' 1111 ••• f~ .•....• •••••• ::;:: •••••••• -::: •••••• ::::l' •••••••••••••• ~c::; •••••••••••••• NO KIOOINQt ~ ,......,.. 17th OH ntl WATe:flllt "1f!!ll 1la t9't9lde 2bt, ..,, Neo 1 "· 991'· rw .._..... •· Ottll 111ew or bo•t• a ••••••••••••••••••••• O.C. flll!HTAUJTSO.MU St, •H O. Older rellred bay I Ir loll flrtf tac1. lftaf aLI lady only, no otlWt MtCt countty ""cnen. 8drm umY M • • apply. '42·7513 Ptnln-.i .. couaoe Aval ~r "Wlltftlr• Cotrldof" M 1..-Y NW Illa ftU1 labll now. 1876 mo. C.U Sult• offtf not only pie. Re nt In Coll• Mtll'I 4 Bdrm 2 81 temlly IT7HWUC>e ....... .,,.T"TE .. 8 t\lfHCIUI vi.wa." •me-N IWEB T QICtd 20 homl. Oullt ll'M. A'ltlll.1 ____ ...,. ___ .. _....,. __ "-"--i nlllH, too nUl\'lltCXll to Townhomt Vlll..AOI! lmmtdlaltly. Many ame-00-AfNTALS mtn1lo11, bul lleo 24 COMMUNITY. 2 & S If. nltlee. 875-4812 Bl<R 1·5 br'I 1200 lO S2000 hour unlfortMd NCYrlty 2~ 81. 1I00-1IOO tq, n. 3 Br. 11A la. ie1m, fen· 7&0-3314 Ol*'I 7~•YI a • 1\111 NMce bulldlno of pure luxury. G119g11, 1 + 1----------1 Come H• for vourHlf hydrO·lubl 111 m Httr O•d yard. 30 mo. 3 br. 2 ba, frplo, 2 oar our one, two 6 lhrt• •ultt. dining roome, S400 MCUrlty. Santi Ana "arage. 81111 to bHeh. bdrm "'"" now evall•· wood burning ftrtCMacee. H t I 0 h 1 I du PI t It ' Nwpt 8hort1. 541·8083 ble for ltHI. The Wll· mlorC>•Wt¥1 OVlnt, prl· 133-f027. 20201·8 a1r0h -...;..-------1 I ti I rt Ea ti n a . YIU petlo1 & 8t. lffJ UcMI/ 2131273-0l&p . yardt,gardentr proYI· E181de 3 br, dtll, 2 bt, ..... Yltw i.IMI /.JU.' 2"' ded. Eieoant IMng only awlmmlng 1>001. 1850 3 bdrm. 2'n ba. •P•. •••••••••••••••••••••• 15 mlnu1• from 'Mhlon u n turn. 1115 0 furn . tl<yllght. dectl. rlr~. Lo• 2 br. 1 ba, yrly. bit· llland, 1 mlnuttl 10 S.C. 561·2183 ail ex1r•. le25 per mo lnl, gar. dtck. No pett. Pltza or 0 ,C .Alrport. 3 br, tgt yard. S550/mo,1_M'_·_34M _______ 1 MOO/mo 646-3351 ~~ :·:.:: ~-~ ht. r111& dep. 1858 um "1111 J.JN. Frwy Sttl11~ at HOO I PtactnllL 816-093e N um 3.. 2 73 " ,,,,, •• .i. 1111 month. 831· 4 •· 4 3 Br 1~ Ba, lrg yatd, pa11 4 Br Cen•I fron11 FH •••••••••••••••••••••• Orano• AO , Coeu Ol<.N60/mo.~.agt land M r C erlt 4BR 2BA yearly. Frpfc. Mte&. 831-12M 545-3370. Aft e btl-lna. Pllltllng etoee 10 IAll llf BllCkbey, 3 er 2 a. 1800 Super aharp 3 Bdr, lamtly bay & ocean B rkr 3 Br. 3 Ba. TowntlOUH • q It . s 7 7 6 . c • 11 rm. ti.autlf\.11 pOOf' tPa _8_7_s..._11_1_2 ____ _ by t>abbflng b<ooll, lrpk, 831·7370 Mil for Jim E.llc.lltnt famlly location C.tMI Iii "'' 1111 d/w,pOOl,dblgar.many St050 pr mo Agt •••••••••••••••••••••• xtr•. No pet1. $800/mo. f1ullla Vlll!( JU4 760-11333 BecMtor. So of Hwy, no ~~! !!'2·3 1 • t & • • e · •••HOMES.FOR RENT••• CLIFF Or. Ocean & tlbr lr.lletlen, quiet Piiion, --· 3 & 4Bdrm•.1725-$750 Ylew 3 br, 2 be. frpl, ~:~~cl 1300 mo. • • • Fenced yard•. g1rage1. gafdener & wtr pd. C'hn-l, ... a...... Kida & pell welcome dren & pet• welcome. Welk to bHetl All utile 2 1 .. 11.., ..... Dr. 54~2000. Agent, not• SUIOO mo. 831-7300 pd 1 rm w/¥. bath, $300 .., ..... , .., mo Re•1. No llltchan. Newport Blech •••11.aflN X·LARGE-LUXunVI 540-0322. (213)402· 1592 '[~~ :: ~~.~~n(S~~.~ ""' 3140 ~::"v':":a;·,21~03,:· Cnt1 #ne 31U valu•) to the •• ••••••••• ••••••••••• &.44·9329. 728--9091 •• ••••••••••••• •• ••• •• 4 Br, 1g1 lamlly, quiet cul-1----------·---11.n d•·HC. bike to bHctl. Ju•t off Bay, 2 bdrm. Xlnt -·-• Ill IAll•Ull $800 . 963·5808. eond Rel $850/mo. 1525-S800/mo.2Br, 1'~ Fountain v.i~Mlle 982·8801. Dorothy. 031·6233. 81. TownllOute, ell bulll· Int, balcony, laundry rm, Square Park· •v 8 , DC-RENTALS Harbor Vu Hiii• home COYtr•d parking NICI I. 19112 1.5 br'• $200 10 $2000 w1111eo. •xceH rel1, loc.i IOcallon To clam ticket•. call 750-3314 open 7-deys lamlly 780-0731 TSL Mgmt 542·!803 1142·5111 a, ut 212. •------------------Ticket• muat be cfllmed 2 Br 1'~ Be condo, frple, lwJt Orett Oettlet by May 5. t9112 patio. cloH to ehope. 2-3br'e/S050·St000 mo W/O, $625. &el-3539. Amenlll• 1131--0460 lleatiB#IU &PUTID'll • • • 2 br tlouM. 1 amaJI child ,,.,.,., ,U4 VERSAILLES 1 BR Pen-BHulllully l1ndac1p.CS oll, $450, 1,1 1 , .. 1 ~· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ho u • e S 6 2 5 /mo I gatden apt. Pool & Spa. 1 mutt 942•1487 3 Br. 3 Ba. Exec Home In 11v1 .. t & MC 831..()300 Covered parking Heat . Northwood•. 2 atory with liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii paid No pal• •Cteen 2 br duplex, off· xlra lrg lam. room. No Weslcllff 2er . S650 Bec:hetor 13115 atrM1 pnig aw.t. $415, doga pllue. Gardener & Eutbluff 3Br . s 1200 1 Br $4404455 utlla lncl. No peu. water paid $900/mo Bluff• 3er.tamlly 5,500 2 Br 1'. Ba 1610 e.48-2474 11-6, M-F. 545-2000. Agent. no I•. China COYe 3er 52000 2250 Vanguard 540-8626 ..... .. ..• ,. . 1 and 2 bdrm each with luge autometlc double gw999, flreplKll, llc)'lloht, privet• patio, dlenwU#ler, etc. New 2 aty 3 Br. widen or 4 Br. 2"' bL Condo. 2 cet auto oar. Many xtru. Pool, jlC. LHH $950. A•ll for Mr Lupl1. 546-2313. Jfhat it means fur wur ad fb be "c/ossifwd ,, large audience Moet of the peop&a ln our commu.nJty wit.h money t.o 1119od rted daNlfMd rwcularty. Tboutancle of proepectlw buyen wUI ... your ad. ..., .... Fw Ad Actiln Call a -~~t Al-VISOI &42-5171 Univ. Pk. 3 BR 2 Bl. 'oe B1y11de Cove 2/den S•50/mo 2 Br 1V. Be lam rm, lplc, 'oe corner $2200 j •Pl . balcony, patio, lncd yd. Atledl dbl gar. Wnt Bay 58'/dock $3250 leundry rm. c u port comm pool & Jee. CIOM We1enron1 Homee. R1111 CIOM to Ill C.it tor appl to 1et1ool•. P•rk, ahop· H 1· 1• TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 ptno. 1925 mo. Cell 71'-870·0008 or 714-975-0144 "9!1!1.ftl!A •• I.~ 8PYOl..A88 eHOUtl¥e 11om1, 4 lldr, 21A 81, 3 0# tMtlOt. 2 fw'plcl, po- pular Tt1dtwlnd• mdl. S17SO/mo. Mlkt Crow 1gt. IMW17t Hettlof VU ~, fNlnY llP- 1 rad u , oard•nfr. 1100/mo. 1I0-04S 1 llft 6 pm. LUllUty POOi llOfM, mar-wa. w... loollton. 4 9dt. mletO, mll'y •· tt••· Yttr or mor• IM. S 1415, Call Lo li . •at 131-1211 ~sludlOS.OM end two btdfoom aoart· menls FU .. NllHED lfld UNflMNISHEO. OlkWOOd 1lt0 olftrs • All "'*'* ,., •1tt11tl, .. ~ ·11-...1n ....... °" Md MUCtl Mort' fOf • month or • hf• trnt Mooe4I Ol""'l. ~ llmto~ N0118"- 1a1aaa Newly decor. Oaa pd. encl gar. dwahr, pool, bbq. Adult•. no P•t•. 842·5073. Hr •/gar. S.420. Cpta. fncd yrd. wtr pd. 2221 "A" Plecentl&. al-412.0 1-5prn. Na 2 Br. 1 ... "' ..... 1440. 179 I I Ctnt.,, 540 4414. 2 Ir. 1M1 ~Ave. 1tt Or, no peta. 2 Ptrton• 1•21. 811 rta M1mt • • 141-1324 t~,tJA~f!ouD!J IOf . $0 day .o In tM .... , ...,, --.....,.., DO IT NOWI ........... Your Diiiy Piiot 8ervlc:. DlreotOty ~rHll'll•liW 141·1111, tit. HI .. Orano-OoMt DAIL.Y PILOT/Tu.day, Aprtt 27, 1912 f'!IJl!l1 •••••••••••••• ~.1!11111........ ~ ••....•..... ~~ •............. ~~ .......... ~ ............... lr.~.c ............. ,,_'If!? •.............. It mpoo & ...... G1Mr1 Yll -.. HAULINO-lludenl hH a.MW.Cited ptOI WOfNn ISTAAIJtNO COLLCQC EIPetl wjllcoY•Jlng In· ALL ALlEAATIONt ....... .........c':fo;b,19t11.,,., •. wt1i Lawn·.,..ehtub lne.1111 •11• truck Low .. 1 ,... I Vl ll 1umm•r llOUHtll• STUDENTS MOVINO ttalllllon R ... prlc.• & ~atom L .. lher WW. au.tom ~ orptt • 10' Min. blMoll. TrM tnnwemovll l'fompt Cell 7&t-1t7t llllQ, lCMe P-4• & ptent CO Uc. f124_.~ Cont vlltnt Attlgnmtnt 10078 Adanlt MJ .. &H D•Okl I P••fot. J.a. H .. llY/dln.tm1116·wg ....., ... Aototllllno Thank you.John lQnlr•84 .. &424 lntuled 841·1427 &81·86to Conti Co. top qu1llly '""' 17.IO; OOUC:l'I t10; 54a.tOl5 Ot eat! Pro~..,~ ~-" .. ·"'-WATCH us OROWI _W_l_ll_ptplf--A-,-11-.. -n-.-w-.-"-.1 1!!! •••••••••••••••••• ~ork. lloN~5~~0tOt. Ghr II. Ouar. •llm. ~· An twar Ad 1647 , HaullnO")'lld GtNn up r......-.r.:T .......... '"' ~ ~ 100Ucallont l r1-•T• H• ,.. _, OOOt ~ ""*'· 15 Y"I ... 2 ... 300 O\PGk l Gi.an. 'rM Eat. VANOENl!lllG ••• !' ••• l••••••••••••• moval NO JOI TOO SM FREE EST l40-20t2 ''N! HOME =:Do work my11lt. •••••• • ••••••••••••• Landec:•plno·Yd CjnuP•· t73-0541 LANOSCAPINO , ... PAim• OR LARQl )Uni rtl• IMl'AOV!MlNTI 5'1-0101 flllVlfll AOCI< • parl101 TrM trlm·E•oatt mtlnt. Hauling grading ~moll· Malnl, oornm'l/relkl. b~lcllard Sinor Lie &41·2142 Ctalg TILE INSTALl.EO Addlllona l Aamodellnll w ,.~ c.-....__ over PoOI dedlt, palloa. J'-1•1 .,.1..... · • Tr ea trim, clean-up. 2 3 1 .. AU Kindt OuatantMd • ...,., .,.. ...__. walkway•, drlvew1y1, "" 'I ..., .. ,, llon. Concrete l Ir.. lf'ldt l Ula. Int, bonded. . . t yrt o .,appy 11•1 l1•1Y•I ~· John M()..0217 g,..,,, cteM I uPf'IOlll. 140. tl1·2371 '"lllM ..,...., t1mov-dump truck He'd.,, .. llt. 97t-5148 tooaJThacuenk ~ ... !.1 ~~10 ••'••••••••••••••••••• **'"LL TILE•• Trucle mount unit Ft•.,...•t. 1(-...... 8036 Quick WV 942·7$38 ,~ "" _,, ••BRYANT'S*• ,.. WOf1t ~· lt4W11t ..._,, -· ...... ••m-._.,, W111covertno Remove1 Outllly work 10 yr• ••· 8 r.1."tm•••••••••••••• K"D L .. r ' HauUng by oott.oa ltudant ~~":'Al ~';~\HI Nlf. PUITIU AU IYPM 142-1343 '* o.orae ~t-t.479 _, •"-~ Why Pey tote~? OfllYWALL TAPING • andtCaPI mlll . w/ptckup truck FrM .. , uun euuo ....... Retldllndllt/Comm'I, UC 1349102 no.8154 Cet~l llyet wlM buy di-Alf t114turee & aoowtlo Retfd/Com.m. CIMn-up. Rot>en 493-2141 * • ft Low ratu. Free HI 1/lllfrlJtul Cuttom C.,amlo Tiie MJP En11tprlM1 rect from wl'lolM•ll Miii • ,,,.. 11t. Kevin 871S·tolt LI Htullng. 848-2489 HAULING & DUMP Piii Ptttn 876-7169 ...... ~~.~-.~....... Prompt ttf'V Fr .... ,. Contu111nl/0.1tgn., on ::.r,::. ~~-':.'1J· Fr.. DfllVWAt.UACOUSTIC Gatdentno Wanted JOSS. All! '°' Randy, 3Coe2.H,.~1 ... 11on •STEVENS PAINTING Neat PllCMI • lllllU,.. 6 .. 2 8 8&7t ~ .. of h u c k remodel•. The flnHI tn 1---------.. 1 a Id 1 t Mowing, acJglng, rtlclng. &41 8427 .... frtl 11t, ltl· 1•H CARPET REPAIR n•P• ,., new. 0 ••••ping . Ftte Hll· -You .,. th• wlnnet of II bac:kl Now lj)eC. tn ••1 ...... ,-H--......-m-,-,,-----. ~~== ,:·~~~~l~lour & I NS l A LlAT ION, yrt ••P· 8ud 562•91182 ma tu 845-43 72 or B IHllDJ•• lour Ir• tleke1• (11 2 00 Fr .. eat. Char.... PLASTERING •••••••••••••••••••••• AJ.la•/I 831·2184/642·3872 tq..,..icyllraflxed,2'yre llHI I 845-5737 •• ~~•••••••••"•••••••• valul)tOlhl 646-33411546-4581 lnl a ul, Rtllucco. ·'AYI TIH O&ll ••r.':••••••••••••••••• ---------exper,guar•ntMCll ln-••••••••••••••UTY•••••••• ••wN C•RE Want a REALLY CLEAN lll•lllllTT WIYl&TH blocl!wallt51&.4'92 Compl tervlce DtlVftlyt. Plfklng Lot c,, ... ,,, IUtld. (714) 0 3·9560 TOP QUA ....... " HOUSE? Call Glngtuirn PLASTER PATCHING ~lrt, S..loolll~ ... ,..-................. RS. CAhPEf. ELECTRICAL WORK Comm/realcl. Nwpl/CM Olrl Fr" Ml. 845-15123 1&1.L• 1111 I PAINTING 645-9313 1 Rutucco1 tnl/axt 30 &40.930a sas Aapn" 831-41IKI cpu,s,loT•O.MgA~.PboA ,oeLc~sd. 11,._,;nc,_,, Real. rat... 531-5055 On~opni.,r:;bry .. ~412 ROSIN'S CLEANING s!.~.~· ... ~.v~~Key 8 WOPRAKINIT30ER NEEDS. t/ yrs N .. I Paul s.t&-2977 .... t'!.~J. .•••..••••••• ALLSTATE PAVING John°' Ak:k 97t-3'218 ~~ •• :-T•H•'o··-M••P·s·E~s·••••• ELECTRICIAN-Priced ' ~. 1 tho<oughly ..,v 1912 · Yrl ••P. n I Motl tut>Ject•. 1(.12 & SealeoallllJl·S1rlpl'1Q "" right, Ir" Hllmat• on C.•11'1 l#rim cleen houM. 540-0857 To ctalm llckell, ce ll I bl. Acc>Y111c cemnot 11 .. iJ•I. co1ieo. 25 yra I S/Iv Repalt1 Comm./Aetfd Cabtnet1 RenlOd CONCRETE CONSTR. large 0t eme11 )obi •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 272 Davta Pa!ntl"Q 547-5186 •••••••• ••••••••••••• M M 645-5 76 Lie ,t397362 645-6181 Skytil". Room Add'ns UC. •393383 842-&482 UC. 39ee21. 973.()359 Coll~• Studenlt. wndw SCRUS·A·DUS 642•58 7 ' .. t T G DAY OR NIGHT r 0tgan, 1 G1nhN wndWI 754-4420 1--,.....,,...,,..,-==~"':":".:--ctng Cir wulng, Odd Prol. r .... rell•!Ue Ticket• mull be clalm.d INT/EX PAINTIN F1r11 CIU• Work Halp you1 child get ahMd ------------------1 Cemenl·Muonry·8'odl 1.IC'D EL.ECTRICIAH Io b 1 I 4 2. 5 4 4 9 . Rel1 JMn 631·5016 j l>y May 6. l912 Uc'd Rell FrM Mt U 141 1.a-1121 tlto alt subieci• Gt.ctei .. !?!l.ttl•f. • • • Wal...CUll wonc. Lie. Oual woril·Aeaa rat• 145-7972 1&01•Lt1• • • • 646-l067 __ t-8 Cr•danllt l•d t••· ••• ••••• ••••••••••• PHI I. Pettn Rea/ooml Rob 547-2843 Fr""" 631·5072 Tom " • Cntt• Pallfilf, IHli•I. chef 642·6117 c:,·!'~'101o:~ .:·;:r~'. 11109 Ruth Lane• "' EL E c TR I c I AN LI c . !'!!~~~............ ~~;.~~~~~ ~.~:.:·~;.1!!~!!~!1.............. 28on5 Y:.'_,.•.•lnPS LRIC.,4,0 ... ~~~-·~~i,; Rc;;.;i;:;,;~;;;· VJIH ltnt,i•t my home FIT 831-3787 N~ Be.ch •••••••••••••••••••••• 233108·C· 10 Smell Carpentry . Matonry NtlmelM BRICKWORK Smell lOb• .,... """" New·r~·deck1 ••••••••••••••• •••••• You are the winner ol Sab~ttlng. my hOl'IM, El Job• llhlnt & repairs Roofing • Plumblna 720-0742 Newpo11. Cosll M.... expert 963-0911 Otek LIC u 11802 ~1-9734 Your WEODINO on Sabyalltlng In our C M lour l1M lickell (112 00 side C M · 3 fc1 4. older, 54S-5203 Orywlll . Stuooo . Tile lrvtne Ref• 675-3175 Top Ouellly, to price VIDEO TAPEI homhr1 9;.'.21.9>'!•2'1~f. ~n7y59 value) 10 fhe $50 wk. 83 t-013 RESID/COMM'UINO AemocMI J B 848-9990 I HouMClatnlng. honMI a o~ t' L·_ .. .,..,.,"" I prompt Exl & Int Spec· l1al)J11tia• E•P o Reelon•ble rat• .,.. .,., ...,.,..,, 111111 lflllTT 11--~Ible. .,.,an I .,........,.,.,. I I I R & Comm IF ff •••••••••••"'••••••••• Economy V~ ServlOll c •• ,,,,,.,,, __ ,,,, 20Llcyr2•1·eo~ 1m~1~-wor1t812~ HOME IMPROVEMENT 962-2690 Bttck, Ilona. block.IC & • II 71 ~73"' "708 r BUDGET RA TES/LIC d (7141556-7091 Fred ~!!t!!l .••........ For ell you need to know about bankruptcy, call (71"1835·9162 ..,,,, •. ,.,, ... ,.; hmt1 ....•.•.........••••.• MARINE SERVICES Mechanic. paint, v•rnlsh Teak , rub & w ax 645-9766 l•ill111 .......•.............. IPWIOl I Stl Bullder1 SlllC9 1947 Additions • ~Ing C>o<>n, windows. patio COvetl Free Ill Real LIC •310942 5492·170 l&UNI UOE •• REMODEL;AoD-oNs·· .. .. ........ v REPAIR·PLUMBINO ' Int 536-0914 HI ... .,..., Low min Sml 1001 01( I Fountain Valt.y Mlle Hetling caroen•1o e*. Cauc. Hakpr or HOUH· QUALITY PAINTING FrM HI Ina 6'1·7581 WI•'•• c1 ... 1 .. and Carpen1ry. Llc'd 1.,.J1111Ut Ille. Fr.i ett No .b loo ctH ner iooktng t or 5 CONCRETE. Brickwork. 10 rt Mlf'Vln O c •••••••••••••••••••••• $QUiii ~:::-M ey 8 . ._2_5_yea_r_t_. _lrwl_n_54_8-_2_7_1_9 ••••••• .... •••••••••••••• &mall. 84S.281 I deyt, 11m1 hou11, w/ O':~n PIPll. C~~~~ Reaao~able i 48·5684 lj ftfti8j{.A/ff1'f/t81 •Lei the Suntt11ne In' To claim ttckels, call COMM'L/RESIO. FORMICA COUNTf= attluenl lamlly Call Ans· yra exp ••••• •••••••••••••• Ctll Sunll\tne Window 642•5678. 01 212 . Remod·Add'ns-Repalra F!:~~~blnet•~2.&357 Ei1par1 home tnd epl re-._,..d 11500. 6'42-4300 #/•I II/all e1snop & Son Painting .IW OIFFI Cleaning, Lid 541-8153 Tlckels mull be ctatmed Very rffl. Lie 390250 pair. Cupentry, root, HOUSECLEANING ...................... 30 yra eKp . seecn ate• S3 25 549.7949 20-1. Monthly OitcO\.ml l>y May 5, 1982 Jeck H Bennett, Jr F1••l•l•1/ plumb, Elc. 642.e<l13 IS OUR BUSINESS• MIN I Bllnd1 Cost plu1 Free esl 548·1029 I •RESIDENTIAL• • * * Gen. Contr. 552·9142 l1'1•H ll•ll we bid ell jo~ • IQe~aml 10 yrs. Jenice'• Raggedy 10•.t. Call. Deborah. tHllh Pallfill ,~~l!f~.'! .....•....... Avg 1 lly S30: Avg 2 11Y Sonded & Insured •• •••••••••••••••••••• OutHty, ••e>er. lied Ann 675-25 !4 1 640-5078 lntteK1 Wayne Leflter * lllJll&lth * S45 Ch111 957-8388 f!!l!.'.!!.f!!!! ••...... bddoln1lodn•1d&Sretm101de•'L'n1gc, ~::!c?:.:1!'~~ Biii a Dave 644-9325 Expef'ltse HouNkeeping #•ri•f i (IXOYE) 751-9103• Free H I . ,631·92551 Wl14'1w1 WaGff No Steam/No Shempoo Chri1llne & Ed 848-7825 General Ma1n1en111Ce we lurnlsn vacuum a 1 •••••• •••••••••• .. ••• 1 m Irvine s best Baste 1 sty st 80C :~~~r.:,n 1t 1 111 tt2J.2cf.5!1ien 494-1110 o:f~''~:Y ~~~n1~4 1 suppllea Killy 141·4970 Ou~~:,~~·~ ·f!tt:i:io~~;~i;D;;~~· ~I!!~~.'!!!............ S20 2 ·~~f,0302 F'-...,., dam~ s1 .. m , ., _ _,a LJ F0t Ct111llled Ad Outllty Housecl•. an Ing I Fr .. fftlmelet. 552-0410 HANGING s 10/ROLL "'~ISlpC~kmlerCRomep'm.,•'*,Cl•I """' •IM .,_..,. •f ACTION Ctrpant ry, p lumbtng. w/a personal tOUGh. CM, ,... ~.. Rons Window Washing clng 5s+-95• . 973•8566 ·c·usrc).A·c ABINETS • Call. •l•ctrlcel. reu r11es 1 1rv HB Belh 150-0933 •A· 1 •YI•• Quality UC/tns Slr•P· landtcape Serncet Retid Reas rain EXCEL CARPET CARE Interiors. bars. mantles, Delly Pilot 54&-8437 Don ~OUSECLEANING I Too Quality Specill care vi:tg'~: ~~25 __ 957·8381 I F1nes1 tn O C 930-7711 Cpl, up/lot,., .. rug 11orarl11. cabinets. 1ky· AO-VISOR JACK ol all TRADES ReHOnable-oependal>le •n handllng 25 Y1'1 •llP I --M<tkt your thoppono ee· WINDOW CLEANING cleaning W0tk guar hlet. cust moldlng Reta 642-5671 Call day°' night. Tanya 963-24-0t I Competitive RatM SELL idle items with a ~1er by u11ng 111e 011ty 7 'l'RS IN AREA Free etl 645-1771 646-0092. 538-23M. 'ltJactc 675-3014• . No ov.rtlma 730-1353 Diiiy PtlOt Classlfleo Ad P1101 c11111.11.e<1 .1101 6'2-S«9/64S.7972 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If it doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. • (Non-f~. (atr• ._ 11.00) . LINES 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,.,, ~' SOJS ..•..•....•........... WIDOW HAS $$1 IOr TD't RE Loant, 10K Up, No I Credit Checlc, No Pen- tlly Dennison Anoe ._. ____________ ..., ______ .._ ______ ~------------------------------------------------------------------'"""'1,...--------------------------------------------------------67~7311 A,.rl•••I• t,.r1.nt1 A,.n.nt1 I A,.11•••1• i V1t•tln J.11'11 fZIOl, ~'. .. !'J!.!~J~.'!.'. !.~'!f .9!!!~!.!!~!f! .... !.~'!f 1 !'f!!~!.!!~!f! ... .'!.~'!f ~•.-.t'.~• .. '!f~.'!!.. ~.~'!f -PLu_:.,__cfl~-... A-F-rlom..,...2-n-~-;;,.-,...,,~,....q-~-r • n-1 -t L -~ n I -l-L-~ 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... .. O•lu•ld" oa1.n1d" ••• ~'!!~!!'!~~."!':.. •••••••••• ~~-~!!'!::!!'. ••••••• OCEANFRONT 2 ... Br IShr .. l>r, 2'-' b• Stull• •lnlll lff10U• Oll•c• space •v•ll•ble. Sii Ill 2 Of 3 Bdr houM, Amorl O wner/Non . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• Avall now WMkly lhru condo . N w P 1 8 ch. From 1 room to 3 rooms 85¢ to $1.00 Pet 1001 In 12 mo 11111 Pr1l1r 80% LTV Ct1ll #n1 31J4 •C..I• #tu 31Z4 L..•u• ... d 3141 Intl.... 3U aummet 873-7173 1230/mo AMI lor Henry. F1om $116 1 IQ ti No Cannery VIiiage Burr yerd 2l3/U8·0116 PE'TER OOSBS • •••••••••••••••••• .... •••••••••• •••• •••••••• ::7••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• ' 720-0572 ,. ... required. AOJ Air· ~ Whit RHr 675-4430 BROKER Sludlo· 'I• bile from main llOl l&Y • • • 1 portet Inn 2172 Dupont • · 945~9 12 6'0-eo18 7eo.6827 2 Sr 571 W Joann, 111 Nr. 19e8tiB.AU bHCh 1315 Utll tnct Oelu•• 1 Br ALL utlllt• hlel Saeftrtl Shr 3 Sr l>Netlfront h<>u· Calf AM 833·3223 luillm lat1I USO Furn or unfu1n wtler-no pell. 1425 Sterr a Good lcttcn. 494.3044 peld POOi rec room 0 V Circle •• yr , .... $250 SH · •••••••••••••••••••••• front pvt home°' condo Looking lor • Conse<v•· Mgmt 841-1324 TIWODlill 20102 Slrch SI Ju11 off 111 llley ehoreOf MS-9519-450 IQ II lurn oll1ce STORAGE SPACE. Calta mld-Jun-mld·'"-1 Have live lnll'IStment? Ownell 2 8' newly redec duplex w/alngje 011 , tar~ yard $500/mo 559-5001. '--IM li•HI 3111 8' NMr ...,. Calta Mae ~ $400/mo Mew 241113 encloHd p ~ h ~ _., Pv1 P1Y New Condo for rent. 2 ~••••••'••••••••••• ltlol ~h-.,. You 1,. the winner of Roommate went.O M/F 10 M 1-0763 Elec l'l<>Ok·up 646•76&> sold VIII• arll ome to make S325,000 r••I Bt 2.,. Ba.1105/mo. Dbl 1 S r. upgraded, nHrly $490/mo Conllci Mngr four Ir• tlek•ll ($12 00 lhr 2 Br 2 Ba IPI C M ' ' need teml)Ofary 1811d~· Hiit• 1oan HC::ur.cl by gar,fttepteol,PoOf,apa. n ew . pool. tennlt Apt 4 vllue)lolhe &4S-0386 t'1 5PM BAYfRNIJ STOREFRONT Olcor ~Muatbe 1nxlntcond lllTOonanexiltlng2yr 8ee W. 11th. ~2739 1550/mo 21319 ti· 1161 ..... 11.n un retail 3336 Via Udo, NPi Wtll pay up lo S4000/mo Old Ir .. llanding 8400 aq Lttge 3 bdrm, 2 bl, petJo, •ti 7PM. A1'rl•••I• 1•181.d" H•L• ••-Shr hH w/Sl2ul215prlv Av1111 Prime offa 673-1003 Bch $8501$1400 mo Sue Ewald 974·7~70 fl M111lca.n R•tt84Jrant. d E 0 LI ----------1 fl D•·1•-• ..._ --"..... tmmad mo ull Sob 752-22"" Y" · ncJ" n H Eaate ld• 1 bdr. pool. ~~· o1r.w M,... Incl 642..e811 "" ant to 1h1re hou11 or l~erm tr106a Mt IM l n. Avall ay 20 1650 taund"". ~. no .-.,, • ....,, INfi JUI •••••••••••••••••••••• Fountain Valley 600 t i ••JF ocean 11 mo min VI~ ., ....-· •• -.-.l"ii••••••••••••••• Squa re Perk-May I Roommalt wanted lo ahr execuplan Sii Siad< from waler IP . w ,.. on . Pit"' ~a-1936 1_S3_7_5_t_mo_. _133-__ 7890 __ -i WUTIUFF WI l982 38 r 2,-'B• condo.HS 1 Storage or ofc 209 Iron! or Pen1n1ul• Pref 0t gross Mies. Proceed• Lg. 2 br, 1 ba. new drpa & cpt OIW & retno Encfd gar Gd loc S475 845-91&4 ett 11AM 3 br, tV. bl apt $495 mo. S..Vt I br & den, lrplc, SU II To cta tm ttelllll. call $275 ulll 1nci 846-5659 Palm. Salboa 875-5774 34th lo Riv., jelly Brian, ~~r!::~o,~abn~IO~:~j No pell Avail. now. Call pool. $550 640-7814 YILUIE 6Tlc4k2·t5678., !!1 ,a12.'!.!. F'I M 1hr 3Br In N Hunt "Ah• 0.H•••" IEWPttrT WOI c673-1388 or 150·1324 I 1322,000 1981·82 ... Ruta. 842-8t53 New 112 bdrm tux•"" •I mua .,.. c .. ...., Full MtVlce/cu1tom Prl-...... ~A 1~Aiton ompletety ra1pon111> e ·••6 -.. vat·~ $707.244 ---------11 BR condo, Vers1U111, _., ..., ••a 5 1 ... 2 Sch 1 185 +urn Catt .. ~ ....,.,,_,.. ..,_ 1 L 1 ........... vv • "" ~11 In 14 plans. I Bdrm v1 ... Y • .., 1 office ad.-sc>eoe on buly Pee Cout Hwy pro women oca Drive by g ... at 6197 Profeaalontlly decorated I S r condo wllh 111 aman11te1. near S .C Pllu , >-••rly I•••• $550/mo. 546-3788 or 553-1202 •ft 5. 8;..~!''• "ul ~'::ti~~· :~f.'e;;,~2~~'. from S515. 2 bdrm lrom • • * Denise ctys 752-1800 N1 O C Airport Ideal relell &/or o lllce Move men I Theraplll Ball Rd . CYPf .... Ca. (1 ••••••• • ••••••••••• ~... 21J...823-78S<t S570. TownhouM from I di W"'I VIII lurn 3 M over 30 lhr 2 br. 2 b• "See lo Apprtcltltl' •P•ce tor bullneu ,,.... Mele• untvrn, qwel. IM· blk Eatl ol Valley View II l640 + poolt, tennlt, nBRan3 ~ 1 1· • lum mOOU. home, pool, lll·llll d 1 n g 111g 11 v 11111 1111 y thettc, melura. Upper 1 No Wet! eo<net of Ball H~~~g~o~ ~'e:kF~: _2_B_r_1-ba-.-.. -,-,n-k_"_Ch_. -Enc---it wttarfattt. pondtl Oas ·Call 71"-640-5548 lido, N.B. 1350 Incl t000-2000 tq tt evell•bl• bOrm or am•ll tiouu. Rd & Ju•nll• St ). Then " patio & gar 1535, no I '°' coolltno ' heating u t I I I . • 150 d. p Small iwlle, 215 Riverside. 846-7100 Corona dal Mar 10 San I call me' le1'1 talk termt . incttd geragH, v pe11. &42·213' paid. From San 014too l•atlll 11 •L-lf f' 675·9868. 87~893 N.B . acrott •rom Pott Clen'lent• Cell 495·58 11 Prtn only plHM. Jerry 11curlty. 848-1813. p._. drive North on • ... ' da-,498-1655-Reynold• (11•• 86 M·"'P .. on"'. · _, •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br twnhte N S Pool Off'-•"50/mo "-.•••·-i•I ,. · "' " "' .., •1 p•ftK Mr1MDl\DT BMch 10 McFtdden lo Shr condo w/prol parton • · · ..... -• .,., ""' 8 440.1260 s~:~.'.'W,~:.~: .. &;, !~· :--.-,-,-.-._-,-....,----• " lll.nrvn s..wtnd vm• 1215. t11, 1u1. dep Ali l•c. Huna. 111. i1~1' MS..472tt840-5557 l••t•I• 441S o~~t.~~~::,•t°n';b~. --------- Aoent. 840-8181 Spaclnut 1 & 2 bdrm M1111Y Olll (714)893-5191. amenl1l11. 838-5180: ~·1~'()50; • t' S 2 15 Newport Beach, 504 N •••••••••••••••••••••• tummer·3 yrs Mature, WE BUY emong beaut take L."91 ~.-tee-8479 Newport Blvd. $185 & FHITlll YAU.IY c arOI 831-6818 I ••m "1>01>1 ... c:-a" -.,. 1 _,....,. 2 b ..... -~ ....... WOM#I, ~-~9 ~ .. ml M9ml....C.O ~.PROPUTY '6001-. 1-.0.. ~ panc:y. 2 Br 1 Be. hOuM, yard. amall gtrlOil Call for ApPI TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 Dix 2 & 3 Sr $470 & $570. 998· 1185, 194-8225 Sl-llns, patloa, balcon* "' Tllllll Ir I. • •• Beene Ort. 1 o. I·•••••••••••••••••••••• r~.lotllr3br.2baapl 641-1324 FOR LEASE re c area· No P•l 1. droom ap11 & townhou-LG Room In new condo llOOlllTE nt OONrl 538-7923 •au....., 1 2 olllcetitorage bldg• l•ll•n1/&n1I/ 148-6591. .. From S540-$1000 Co111 Matt D1 y1 Ult --(l2.500 & 2780 1q II) luHtf THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2-3 l«-ltoO 9 9 9 • 2 4 5 2 Ev• 1 flllEIS Share 4 Br· home. b•I· Economy tlnglea. 1100 & I Excellent corner loca· •••••••••••••••••••••• Bd • G s 548-1554 ween Say & Oce tn 1 20 3 11 ••2.. 1_ rm ... p11. ym, pa, NO FEEi Apt. & Condo Old .. t & l•rg"I agency Avall May 1 us-2137 1 room au •·.., .., tlon, parking. 1. .... all or 8IU1nl Sauna. pool, tennis, etc. rentalt. VIiia Renlel1 Young alngle mother loo· All cll«1t1 acrMned w1th •ti 6PM Sec'I ~ avall 3355 part Annual IHH w/ n-I $11$ 846-0819 675-4912 BtOkar king tor rMC> pereon to photoe & referenc:.a. Via Lido.NS 87S~1Mi option 10 renew Foun-••• "'.!Cr.!!~.!r ••••.•.. Deluxe 2 e r 1 Bt. tn Large 2 bdrm, 1 ba. 4210 rent room Ca ll Kuln Cted"L ~an c.,..-I« .. , 4.Jll Newpor1 8Mch,,.., Hoag taln Valley School D•· Moblle Power wu111ng 4-ptex ow. 110011-upa, s.aho<a. $750 mo Yrty 831·5e32 Good MornlnO America. ••••A•••••••••••••••• Hoap 1000 IQ 11 H· llrtct. P 0 Boit 1510 eQulp~nt & contrac11 encl•d gar No pell. ~19 Furn room nt oc Alrpott The Tomonow Show. Doubt• garag•. 11orag1 cond l'IOOf offlcee ample Fountain I/alley. 92708 10 hrs/wil peye l 20K/yr 14&5 540-4-484 ---------1 5 or *'h oll• 10 •II new only.M4PlumerSt,neer pert&tng well mal~talned Naomi W leland Tarmi avelt 1-S33~242 1---------12 Sr 2 Ba Verulllu lu• & UCI. e mpt F 3 or clients wtlo need• plaoe. W. 19111, C M. 1548-2277. bldg ·Vic 11 y o ay1 842·6&51 SPACIOUS 1 Bt 1 Br. Ctpl, drps & refrtge condo, H Curlty, view, over · 1 2 oo / mo · Dl"'9IT 141·18" IMU-•-•-• ~~II 714/845-48-00 ---------you hive Ill the money Ftreplace, pool & much No pela. pool, 1pa, Hun•. no 558-52'1 "".., _.., ..., IFF111 II SW you want & need? If not, more Call 980-2875 p111. 1dullt only. El•· RM. for rent In Cllrlt1lan •••••••••••••••••••••• Contullant tn trvlne h11 Inn_., bldg on Co111 call 832-7202 for dale & gant. 1850 840-5118, °' hOme, I t50 mlhly COiia M '°' lae hOu ... ttept lo mTA llU letg• o lltce to 1har1 Hwy, South lAQun• Ap.. time ol e11Q8'>tlonal oppty Nr b .. ch, 2 br, l'h be, 897-3CN56 Meu 548-80e7 belch, $250ao, lul & Sup«b 171'1 SI tocatlon Near Airp o rt Reat prox. 500 IQ ft b cel· In nutrltlont l Nlel =~f'o:r~5trA~~: 1---::-:::----:--:---:-~·1.,.-----~~-MC. Yrty. 64 695 1 room. 400 aq ti. '3eO 1ermt Celt 752..01116 lenl prlv•I• p11klng RESTAURANT. Bix by now 536--0921 Westcflff .,.. ... 2 br, 1 bl Chrlttltn hom•Kll pN , MIM to thr w/2 lem.199C mo. g88-9477 da. av, CdM dt. ~. AIC, •mple behind bldg S525 mo Knoll• ., .. By owner larMI lettlM 1---------i condo. PV1. patio, pool, quiet male 11ralght. nr Newpor1 Shot• t>ome. 2 wllnd ~g, ulll pd. 21155 E Cit Tumet ~ 494-t 177 Pt1n only 1 lOOK o r 0 bd . PRIVATE 2 Bt, 1 ea. mlnut• lrom Ind r y . I 6 5 O mo. e.acti 127& + utll. Avlll 15 I na rm, 675-3412 & 1144.9.,.2 Ma y 2 1. Lag 8 c11 . room• avall. Ma~ . C.M. 2 oftlcet, 34&', bath, wy. 876-ttoO IO&IL IPAOI make oiler Term• very PATIO, bHm c•lllngt, ~;,.~:5 . ....,.. ...... 2 BR, yr. round rental. 499-2288 Randy. 8-5, 752..()6 1 storage av111. 1250/mo ....... ,. 1000 eq. ti H•fbot 8111d flex. Spollutl BHrl gae, walet pd. New cpl, .,...........,, Of ,,,,,.._ M/F 35 to 50, 2 BR. 2 be, 5-48-3345. 494-3803 -C M G . t , w Int Se a I a I 0 drpt, 1 11ory. Out1tan-2 Br 1 Ba. nr B .. ch & Stapt to th• bHoh or Room turn L.aduna NIQuel petlo NP 1250 Utlla. Incl lfF• Avall. 1~~~ 1~fi'R~!: (213)424·5t39 ding loc: nr OCC. Fr.... s ad $485 bey. 1575 mo. 111, IU1, home. Fem only. 1200 wty, Fairground•. ewtp N~'!'.:.~1-t\':i da-: S 1O0 d • P . C all: w/kll. prlv. 496-5644 831-2010. ltu llml Prim• Betel\ Blvd . tt tonoma 675-8700. l•ffft•••I m .. t.Nopeta.Pktn~. ~071....... ,. 1·6 3&·4 205 or Prof M.under35 to 1hre •IPlllT Slttet,H.B.147·25"7 1111 I 4" 0 . P 1 .. • • CI I t-&27-9500 •11th; •ttll flll "'NB home. x1r11. 1375. El•"•nt Ewtc aulllt In Olllc• tor butln•tt. very ./!l.'!.'ffl!.~~!!J~.~!f ... ".fr.f!~~J!r •••••••• ,... •1:•5 2 Bd m 1' .. •1 ~ondo 1---------·1•••••••••••••••••••••• ~ • " d I t n O 5u•RK WANTED ...,.._.,.. r ,.. .. .. • BEACON BAY .. 1 ft.Allt 831-8313 pr .. tlatou• loc. Incl ... goo y ew 0 OCH . N.B. 3975 81rcm. 5llOO IQ L AN "" 2 BR, 11A ba townhouM. ~~It P"~g,. f.~~i.!'~~1; 1 Br 1 Ba. baylront Real. Weekly Alt• Roommate want.cl. s... cretarlal, r•cepttonltl, xgod ar11. 1400/mo fl. or lett. MIA zone NHd S 10,000 lor 90 1mm1c. quiet, no pelt. home. tenn41 01, bMctt, Kftchenltt ... ~ king lemela 10 there 111ephon1 ane a more. 1·5233. Agent 15-41-5032. daye at /:2-: tetm• Ml11 Balcony, peUo, gar, lrpl, ctys, PQ.6309 ...,.., all utll. Incl. H 75/mo "Z" cl'llnnel ~ btaul 4 Sr. TwnhH In 0tc. from 1438 mo. On· Bllboe Penln. 8ub ..... 2 .... lfflAR POtllt. 2·225" 1525 mo. 979-18!18 1 BR, bath l P•· 7702 ~ Cl76-ttl8 Sandpl~r. 1H7 New· E11tblulf In Newport. cell otce IHIS mo. THE otno.. of 1000 aq. n.... 1¥5 -11tm Super ctMn 2 bt. l'it ba. Newman. 1315, 111, lut 2 Bt. condo, upper. pott Matr Bdrm. 1250/mo. ~~~~~E'!' =j Ulll, 1•nlt0tlll & patttlng Warahov•: epic: wl!~ lnl/MI 1350.000 wit ... quiet. p1t10, no pelt . ._&_dee> __ • _94_2_-""_3_1 ___ 1 W111011ff1Dov1t uea, 81. Coate Miil 546-i137 wltll PoOI & eecUttty. Call : pro .. 7 • Incl. 73-tl10. c erpa~:O '~;Oo w 11 cuttd plu• over so~ Pr11g. $465. 641-4508 V. mile bMctl, 2 br, 2 car ctub PoOf. teund'l, walll -••a-llTIL E720·1~!1 ~r.~~249 ~',v~~ment. ( U ) EXECUTIVE OF.flCE hi· ::::a lnd~~trlat ~ thtre ol 1 1,000.000 00 Olf, cov'd patio, all pool t 0 • h 0 p I 5 a 5 . -~ .... 1.1-..... ,.. bOI Penn 525 It, 1400 I pop. prom. Mr Jam•• E•• ta Id• Cape cod rl11111' & r e c •r•••· e 4 I . 4 8 4 4 . Ev•' Wkly r1n1111 now a vall, F rmmta 10 IN 28t 8.it>oe till Weetdlff. N.8 Went '"o . Pr Iv 8 • A I C . ~!~1r'in!l.!:1~1~'1 Pull, 714-720·1130 PT~~ .. i ~':e.1r4::: Sl75tmo. 213102µ191. 548-3117 ll05 & up, Color lV. tel duplH. Avail 511, tlnanc19' lnet. 10001 f. H7·1111, 6 75-3800. 11315 Whit t ler Ave. Lagun• Beach half intt· l:"'.""---:--=-=--~-1-------....,,..-1 Phonat In room. 2274 JaneTIS1 ... 31(1o-.3) lit. lloor . Agent 651~ .... 2 .u ... 1 .,.2•7'°" 142.St °' 6524071. ac a nt 1 BR, walk to Vwy nice 38r. oen. aea. ~ ltvd. CM. 541_5032 .,.. -...... ratt In labulout 0~1n oc .. n. 1425 mo. call VflY tanttlL 1875 mo. 141-7445 2 roomma1 .. needed 5/1, Coate Miia 250 "· autl• view hme. Min c ull 1m!-:~p$~ l(etth. M2-""7t =·~ o:,,:::.,~~r= ~.~~,~~·= M~~·~ ~ !:~ ~ ~~~081~~~~~i77t OCEAN VD ,.q'd •94-81741 Hor.· wet«· ~.~ ... :!ff + l300 depoelt, 230I w. TOCl6. aft UO, 14~2791 ~:~ :f~~~~1&1r:~:~; coat• MaH. Harbor a lf!!~!f.~ .. ~ db•11p'0·1•1t4.15~ .. +,.,1~u2r10tyr OoHntronl 2 br, 3 bl, .. CJ•lllfl #'lif Oc eanfront, Newport Malt lo th are 3 bdrm Mt1a, tlr, & turn. avall. Baller, 240 eq. fl. 1tt. 1t20 aq ft • ldMI for CS.. ,,,n2dO,OOO·l,60.000T D1 .. 1'1~ 0-.... .... 3100 aq "In Oto Medlt. ..................... e.dl.173-4154 "°'* 1n CdM. 1285 p1ue SAO mo. IM .. 2921 fl<>«, private antran~. :_i:·~~O~ • 20I! v , ........ 01.COOll«Ued llllal dMIU~ due In 3 years or le11 Con tac t John She• BrOket 95~-345't Au1nt1•••l1/ ,,,,..,,.; IMI j f•nl ..•..........•....•.•• A.a ... ,.. .. ,, "" ...•••..•........••••• •IPtlmA&. aw••• 1815 So El Camino Reel S C •92-7291 Fu• lie. ..... ..... , Chautter.O. IW&ury llmou- alne Full bit, etc. Celebtlly tee-9087. 71 ISl29. VIII• on cllfl o'loolllng Studio •Pl. oo .. n view • ...., ._ flN ~ utl. M0-1471 El* offlot lllnt NI loc: ~~ IUOJ~. lndile1flel pertc. 1001 W•t = ,~o I I r:o~~: a l>drm, 2 l>a, "° ~t•.. oc .. n. 3 lrptca.11.clld ~·~ =5~ ••••••~•••••••••• Wanted: Parton co "'' 3 QOPi.,, Wll. · " ~~;;2~. g mt 0 ' 111t1 St, eo.. Mela Apyta, comm'I & non· ,,_,~ f!!itl, ll!lf i:d'fr":wi..;":c~~: :;cd11~~·,.~~og .. ~1~1d':~• ( ... ttw Mar AP C) 1~"="~~~ .. ~~J. ~.::~:·r::l.'c~~ .... 17711940~11 Olflc• tulle 10 11\ere. tlMlll :-:.;.•CJ.r10J':Jr.·c:J~~ .............. .. + ... IMG-22A6. 11r .. many It..._ ltepa • • • '*-· C.M. IU~1 1425/mo, l 'A 111111. 520 eq. rt. 11.00 ~, eq ~· Profe•laiMl!y NI!\' 8AVINOS. lhant: &MDe 1 If _... Nit lo pvt bHCll. One of ....._.... p .. "°" 113 411t/11._...1t II .. 3175 8 1rc h , N.I . furnltlled l decor. All 1100 eq. tt., 2 ofet w / M3-2t11 fftlM\ IM a .C. · .~ l•DO . mo11 dtamatto aptt on -11111•• .._ ...._. .. _. "41Mt 541-11032 aqulf.Mlf'lt, 1700 eq.tt. cpta, nA dtt, O/H dr.--------·i uunu ftlN :n'it'l~t .:./~t Coatt. Cpl or 191 pref. UU ........ ifflflHeTne"n'Je=::f llwttwpl\M,~.mlntto tote , 1toa lo. Coaat 'op cond. ''•Y cloH IK ~ •uoo1mo yrly. a :1 llnml fwy. M 12·31, Hto ulll DrM. c-. MaM. lllO 1315, 1000 eq ft, HH ~ ~ 111..-1. tr MO-Mat .. • l>drm ... batll, Hndy lt1CI. 110 ICrHn TV. mo Cell MIU Coe .. O/H dr, toll•t ......... a If. 1 ae. ...,_ cenae. 1 ._ llllt llill buoll pier & float. IM-27 .. ""* 1111 .. 111 t76-t2f1 Cit UH 1 M1p11. a.ro. 'au~•· t ·b':::8.:!i.~t You .. 11t T: aeooo ior A1a9u1t. 1111 111r 2 br apt, c.M. Poot, "''" omoe -eaqe, Oi>-._..._ .M..,. .MM MO UM .. .,,..,••~I. Miit 1. • ......,, .... I M111. ... --.. ...-. ,,:=,. '°"" ....... ....,,.., llm\Wee"ll :'l'Aem'Sf ....,. 18t, ..... M"'tn"nlty, 4"-MCM or 414-1'41 ,A,plleltlon• now '*"9 auo . ..._ ... Abel ' ~=-11 .... 10 11 yr. NI realdenf ,..,.. go:;.~.~=.~ --..:.; .. -=: "::'"::.:-=·.: ,.,.__ U. l•f11T ~t:.::""cot§;i•i•·~-,.,..~ .. ---1 ~:--~. -·· 7.... ....,. = a.I ~"':'~.::,.'~:*: .. ._ ~--1=r-.:=.i.· =-::...a.vw• .81 =~•".:: Te .......... -1 111e9H ,tt"8fl,O. • ---~Ollle9"' IMllMlft&M-•ntl v ......,., .. 111.l HaveyewtH .. IH•t'I 1:::11110.{I .. • •tO,J =11t"t:~•CM 5&pa I 1 --=..'-4--= .,_.. .. JI..... CIHalltM A .. t? If fllt • tft .a.. fr .... fM' IQ tf;H f5 If,., lib,,... :-,~!'! 1:t= .... ..... ,.. .• ':·:: .. r-.... I row u• ............. '"' ••• JOV ••"' '" ......... "~~-• • " ~:'!~;;~~~=d ..., cm <•• .. ~ ~NM e111111 •• ..;;.;.~~~~1---_.;;..;...;;...,~,~=~ ' f ' I f I ol fc C( ill ~ ] w ... . Anaheim ··disaster 'Time runnin out' , . loan set Britain -to apply BY DAVID KUTZMANN or-...._,......., A.Mheim residents who must rebuild their lives from the rub- ble of last week'• $50 million fi- restorm were to be given the chance today of applying for federal low-interest disaster loans and rent subsidies. IDilitary pressure City officials said the Federal Emergency Management Agency had aet up it.a offices Monday at Trident Junior High School to process the loan applications. The dlsaater relief center was to open its doors at 1 p.m . and remain open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 _p.m. It is located at 1800 w. Ball Road. The estimated 1,500 people left homeless by last Wednesday's fiery holocaust will be eligible for loans of $5.000 (at 8 percent interest) as well as re.nt subsidies good for l!P to one year. The assistance was made pos· sible by President Reagan's de· claration Saturday that Anaheim was a federal disaster area. Offi- cials said today that the assistan- ce q!nter would remain open as long as it takes to process all ap- plications. In another fire-related deve- lopment, city officials said today that building owners in the flame-scarred fire zone around Ball Road and Euclid Avenue would probably regain control of their property sometime in the early afternoon. Since the wind-driven blaze was extinguished, police have manned checkpoints and guarded the gutted buildings, limiting ac- cess principally to authorized personnel only. (See ANAHEIM, Page A!) Plan w~ighed for Harbor Boulevard By JODI CADENHEAD or IN Deity Piiot lteft A $1.5 million/Ian to realign Harbor Boulevar 90 that it con- nects with Newport Boulevard at Broadway will be discussed to- night during a Redevelopment Agency meeting at 7:30 o'clock in the Neighborhood Community Center in Costa Mesa. Currently, Harbor Boulevard meets Newport Boulevard at an angle. An engineering study by Her- o..ir NM......_ a., C,_.. 1ten HUNTINGTON TRAGEDY -Huntington Beach police of- ficers wait for tear gas to clear before entering home that had been the scene of a murder-suicide. Former Huntington man kills wife, self By ROBERT BARKER Of the Delly "°4 Ii.If A former Huntington Beach resident shot his estranged wife to death and then killed himself Monday in the Huntington Beach neighborhood where they for- merly lived, police reported to- day. Police said that George G . Shadwell, 35, murdered his 32-year-old wife, Kathy, shoo- ting her in the bead with a small-caliber sawed-off rille, and then turned the gun on ~If. Eecaping injury were the cou- ple's five children aged 1 ~ to 15 (four were h is by a previous marriage) and the residents of the home at 18191 Wharton St .. east of the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Talbert Avenue. Lt. Merle Sthneblin said the dead couple were former resid- ents of the housing tract before moving to Mount Mesa in Kem County. The wife apparently left her husband about a week ago and came to Orange County to stay with friends. The husband and the children arrived at the Wharton Street residence Sunda~hev rePor-t.edly lived in the reviously and had agreed to m t at the home of former friends to iron out marl tal differences. Mrs. Shadwell arrived Mon- day morning. Shadwell reportedly took his wife into the bathroom to talk Monday afternoon. The residents went outs.Ide and heard Mrs. Shadwell call ou t "}Je has a gun.~ Her husband reportedly told the people to call pc:>lke. Jus1 as officers were arriving, they heard three shots ring out. They back-tracked and called the SWAT team which fired numerous rounds of tear gas into the home. Police said they were acting carefully because of the possibility that the man might be alive and armed and dangerous. Residents from three blocks surrounding the area were eva- cuated. man Kimmel and Associates T f • d concludesthattherealignmentof rotter con 1rme HachQr &ulevar.d will jm_prov~ _ _ _ __ _ ' east west circulation in the city, • but will not significantly ease D k tra~~~a~~~c:hich currently raps eu m.eJ· ian ends at Newport Boulevard, will continue across Newport Boule- vard and curve to meet Harbor Boulevard near 19th Street. A traffic signal at Newport and Harbor Boulevard will be remo- ved and the strip of Harbor bet- ween Newport a nd 19th Street eliminated. According to the engineering study, the realignment of Harbor Boulevard will: -Require the acquisition of $1 million worth of property in the path of the realignment. -Increase traffic on Broadway between Newi>ort BouleVtrd and Orange Avenue from 2,500 to 4,- 000 airs daily. WORLD Newly appointed state appeals court Justice John K. Trotter Jr. aaya California Attorney General George Deukmejian was appa- rently trying to politicize his C6nfinnation hearings when he queried Trotter oh controversial ilsues last week. Deukmejian, a leading candi- date for the GOP_gu~torial nomination ln the June election. was the only member of the Committee on Judicial Appoint- menta to vote against Trotter's selection . The 2 to 1 vote came last Fri- day in Loa Angeles. Voting to confirm Gov . Edmund G . Brown's appointment of the for- mer Orange County Superior Court judge were state Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Bird and state appeals court Justice Gerald Brown. During that confirmation hea- ring, Deukmejian repeatedly as- ked Trotter to state his views on controversial issues such as the death penalty. But Trotter, once mentioned as a possible appointee to the Cali- fornia Supreme Court, declined to reveal his views. saying that a judge had to maintain impartia- lity and that personal positions were simply not relevant. Deukmejlan's questioning of (See TROTl'ER, Pace AZ) COUNTY By T9'e AllOclatecl Preti Britlth Prime Minister Mar- §•ret Thatcher said today that 'military pressure" appeared to be the most likely way to dis- ~=· forces from the In Washington, the correspon- dent of the Argentine news agency DYN quoted Argentine diplomats as saying the Argen- tine government told the United States it was not necessary for Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. to visit Buenos Aires again in his efforts to resolve the crisis. DYN said instead he could deliver peace initiatives directly to Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez, who is In Washington. There was no con- firmation of the report Crom Ar- gentine officials. In London, Mrs. Thatcher spoke as a British armada neared the Falklands after claiming the recapture of the island of SOuth Georgia, 800 miles to the east. But Argentina said its forces were still resisting on South Geor.ua. Mrio. Thatcher told questioners in the House of Commons that Britain was still ready to nego- tiate a peaceful settlement to the sovereignty dis pute over the Falklands. LB church fight • WIDS with 'guru' By JEFF ADLER or111i1 Deir Nat •1a1t Unlike Antelope, Ore., resi- dents who loet a bid to diaincor- pora te their city rather than surrender it to a takeover by an Indian guru, a Laguna Beach church group won • legal round Monday with the same guru. Bh.agwan Shree Rajneesh. The legal victory came when Orange County Superior Court Judge 'Edward Wallin ruled that Bhagwan could be named in a $6 milllon-plus lawsuit brought again.st the guru's local diaciples. Although the ruling, which came following a brief hearing in Wallln's courtroom, maintained Bbagwan'a..atatua as...a de(mdant in the action, it in no way re- flected upon the merits of the case, Wallin said. Re pointed out that his ruling wu only one in a aeries of legaf motions connected with the lawsuit. Attorneys representing Bhagwan and his followers ar- gued that the guru should not be a party to the suit becaw.e he has never been to California and has no connection to the cue. On the other hand, attorney William Dougherty, who repre- sents the Laguna Beach church group that claims it was ousted from its church property, con- tended that Bhagwan was cen- tral to the suit. The group of Religious Scien- tists claim the guru coordinated the followers' successful takeover of the six-acre church property in Laguna Canyon. Argentines fear attack near Oil battle launched . • WASHINGTON (AP) -Argentine FOTet1n Mlniatet Nicanor Costa Mendes .. ld today ht. gov- ernment received lnfonnatSon that Brtu.b naval fOl'Clel may attaclt the Falkland lalandl within 24 IO 41 hours. China era.sh kins 112 PEKING (AP) -A OM1'i9e airUne1' crlllhed near the eouthem city of Qulin, kUlinc all 112 people aboM'd, China'• offlda1 Xinhua newt ..-cy~ toda)'. The plane on a flllbt from canton, been milllJ\I for more thin a·day. NATION Laguna Beach city offidala have launched their campaign again.It offshore oil ~ pthering signatures to 1e11d to the prelldent. Page tn. . SP ORTS Bert Jones to Rams Baltimore Cotta quarwt.ldc Bert JOI* WM tn• ded 10 the Rams for the Raml' ftnt and llCOnd:.fciund ct-.. ln't0day'1 NFL draft-Plit Cl. But she said: "We ~ve taken and continue to take the view that unl~s we bring milltary pressure to bear, the Argentines are unlikely to withdraw from the Falklands." Mrs. Thatcher said "time is fut running out" for a peaceful resolution of the 25-day-old crisis, underlining speculation that the British task force off the FalkJands may soon go into ac- tion. She angrily rejected demands by Michael Foot, leader of the opposition Labor Party, that Foreign Secretary Francis Pym should fly to New York to dis- c usa an appeal by U .N. Sec- retary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar to both sides not to esca- late the confrontation. Foot declared: "If you don't make a proper response to the secretary-general's appeal, you will inflict a grievous blow to our country's cause." Mn. Thatcher snapped back amid angry shouts from Labo- rites: "I totally disagree. If we were to refuse to take any further military action whatsoe- ver, we would put many of our soldiers and sailors in jeopardy." Pym would "not achieve any- thing" by going to New York, she declared ,, .......... . FOR THE BOYS -Disc joc key Sarah Kennedy. known as ''London Sarah" prepares to spin a record for broadcast beamed to British forces off the Falkland Is- lands. Mesa ·woman, 7 4, guilty of -smuggling A 74-year-old Costa Mesa grandmother convicted of trying to smuggle 2 ~ pounds of cocaine through Los Angeles lntematio- n al Airport faces a possible 30-year prison sentence, a federal attorney said today. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Walsh Jr. said it is unlikely ho- wever, that Helidora Saenz, a Colomblan natJonaJ, will terve a lenathy prison term. Ma. Saenz was arrested Feb. 26 by U.S . Customs inspect.on who found $480,000 worth of drugs . I inside a false bottom swtcase ahe was carrying. She was traveling from Bogota. Colorl)hia. The white-haired grandmo- t her, who was living in Costa Mesa with her daughter, is Cree on bail pending sentencing May 24 by U.S. District Judge Terry J . Hatter Jr. Walsh speculated that Ms . Saenz was used by a professional narcotics ring who thought that her age and appearance would allow her to slip past Customs inspectors. Strike backed -Housewile gaining support Striking Huntington Beach housewife Reva Gardner said today she's picking up support in the community and is making some apparent progress on the homefront. "Neighborhood children come by and tell me they are shaping up because they don't want to see their mothers go on strike," Mrs. Gardner said. "I've also h eard from old friends and from people throug- hout the county. I've talked so much that rm getting hoane." She uya she ii in the process of negotiating with her husband John and daughters Ambi, 17, and Robin, 13. But no contract spelling out INDEX At Y out Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 s pecific household duties bas been signed. Mrs. Gardner began her strike las t Wednesday in protest of doing nearly all the housework for her family. She spends the days outdoors out of fear that she might wea- ken ir she goes inside. Her hust-and, an auto mecha- nic in Costa Mesa, says he ia ~ ing more was hing and cooking these days "but we are keeping things running .•• He allowed that the strike by hl8 wife is better than some al- ternatives. "She could be thro- wing things 01' running off.'' he declared. Horoecope B2 Ann Landen B2 L.M~ A6 ·Movies 83 C.v 8 2 Mutual Funds C4 Clullfled Dl,03-6 Public Nodoea D2-.3 C-omks JM :c-Marbta Cl-3 Cn•wmd JM a Death NotlcM D2 ~ BO lditmal A6 ,,. .. 83 Entertainmenti & Weathet A2 Hy Gardner m World New. A3 ~TATE ,·1 TROTTER SEATED. • • • Trou.r prompted Blrd to flCCUle the attorney aeneral of poalna Improper queetlon.. The attorney aeneraJ, however, aald that the pu_bllc had a riaht to knqw a ~·· vitwpolnta on controver-lial illuea. • Followtna hla awe~·ln ce- remoniee Monday ln Santa Ana, Trotter Nid it appeared to him that Deukmejian had tried to politicize hl1 confirmation pro- ceeding. . "I think hit question lndJcated that." the new iuatlce on the 4th Dlstrict Cow1 of Appeals bench aald. Trotter laid that while nomi- nee. to leaf,llatlve and executive po11tlon1 would need to 1tate their vtewa, ju<iaet would not. A Judge'• peraonal views, Trotter Instated. ••tiave no beerina on the decision-making proce11" In a courtroom. "A judge r;nuat be Impartial," he aald, adding that he had ap- ~tly beoome aomewhat of a 'reluctant hero" to follow judges by refusing to answer Deukme- jian's queries. ANAHEIM FIRE . . . Oranae C.ounty health and city b_uildlng off lciala toured the four-1quare-block area Monday to decide w})ich buildings could be tu.med beck to their owners. would soon be eliminated and roving car patrols would main- tain security in the area. A chain Jlnk fence erected around much of the disaster area also is expected to come down soon. .,. ................. proposal shelved By GLENN 8COTr °' ... ...., ........ The Irvine Company-haa at leut temporarily abandoned tta plan to lldd Jocked security gates at two new tUbdlvlaion entrances near the top, of Turtle Rock. The decl8ion to pl,ce the re- queat ••on the back burner.'' as one company offic1al said today, comet just before the Irvine City Council WU teheduled tonlltht to conalder the proposal for U\e se- cond time. Two weelu ago, three of the five council members aa~ they planned to reject the proposal becaute the gates would caiae traffic problems for adjacent neighbors of Turtle Rock Glep, llmlt access to views from the already-graded summit and arenerate unwante d i'isnobbiahness." But before voting on the pro- posal, council members granted a continuance at the request of company offlciala. CHIDING -Treasury Seer~ tary Donald Regan blames Congr~ for "prolonging the recession" .by fighting budget cuts. Treasury chief hits A city spokesman, aaJd howe- ver, that responslblllty for maintaining and protecting the fire-ravaged ruins would .. now fall on the owners themselves. City 1pokesfl'lan Dean Grose said a majorlt)l of the structures -principally one and two-story apartment buildings -were being returned to their owners. However;, he had no exact nurn- ben. Fifty-three buildinRJ!J in all were aestroyed by tlame"l. Tenants who still wished to retrieve belongings from their charred dwellings would have to work directly with the property owners, officials said. From Friday through Monday, the city had allowed groups of fire victims to return to the rub- ble to search for salvageable be- longings. That operation was supposed to have ended at 6 p.m. NEW JUSTICE -Fonner Orange County Superior Court Judge John K . Trotter, Jr'. takes oath of office as newest justice of the Fourth District Court of Appeal. In a letter to council members, Richard Sim, vice president of conununlty development for the Irvine Company, said his collea- gues still believe the gates would be good for the city. Congress By C.W. MIRANKER .. .. Aa-lated '1-Wrftet Grose aald police checkpoints Monday. - Ex-justice Tamura succ-umhs to stroke Anaheim's Seymour takes Senate seat ''Therefore, we will continue to evaluate our development plans and may bring this or other pro- posals to the city 'fl a later time," he said. Although the announcement was a victory of sorts to neigh- bors who opposed the gates. the notion that the issue may rise again is not appreciated SAN FRANCISCO -Trea·. sury Secretary Donald T. Regan· accused Congress Monday of trying to return to the "disastrous policies responsible for our economic distress" and prolongtng the recession by its failure to adopt the president's budget cuts. Fountain Valley native Ste- phen K . Tamura, who retired last October after serving 13 years as a justice in California's 2nd District Court of Appeal, died Sunday of an apparent stroke. Tamura, 70, served occasional- ly on the State Supreme Court from 1978 until his death. He died in a Corona motel where he had stopped en route to a mee- ting, a court spokesman said Monday. A former Orange County Superior Court judge, he was the first Japanese-American ap- pointed to the state appeals court. HewasagraduateofHarvard University. During World War Il, he served in the famed 442nd Infantry Regiment, made up entlrelv of second-2eneration Japanese Americans. By JERRY HERTENSTEIN 0( the OeMy "9ot llM'f John Seymour, newest mem- ber of the state Senate. was still "excited" today after a memora- ble swearing-in ceremony Mon- day an Sacramento but admitted he faced a full day of meetings before hurrytng back to home base in Anaheim tonight for a fund-raising function. The former Anaheim mayor fills a vacancy created last De- cember by the resignation of John Briggs of Fullerton. Sey- mour, whose Anaheim real estate offle1e was severely damaged by last week's fire. is credited with playing a major role In bringing the Los Angeles Rams to Ana- heim Stadium. 0.-,"°'fltloto DIES -Justice Stephen K. Tamura, a native of Fountain Valley, died Sunday. He was 70. He was the recipient of nume- rous awards and honors, inclu- ding a doctorate from Pomona College and the Appellate Justice of the Year Award for Los An- geles County in 1981. He is survived by his wife. Kay, and three children. "Monday was the highlight of my life The swearing-in was fulf11lment of a commitment made by my family and me a ye;u ago," Seymour, a Republican, said today Crom his Sacramento o ffice . There were nearly.40 family members in attendance at the swearing-in, administered by Fred Marler. Marler a a Sacra- mento County Superior Court judge and fonner senate minority leader. "The Kennedy fanuly has no- thing on us," said Seymour, laughing. His parents, Jack and . ~\" Cloudy skies prevail California LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sou- Coa1tal !Mm~ le-tft lof ~ 11.1nlhlM, palelly coutel doud• near dewn. tttady tempetetur• Verlelll• high cloudlneH end gully wind• In d-11 end through Wedn.~•Y Som• low mounttln1 lhrough Wedneedey. doud• "' the let•=· end ..,..,. th• Nellonel Weelher Service mom!~ hOure H • Doth d~ Mid from eo. et t"8 ~ to Lo• A:J:I••' lhermometere IOw 70. Inland. Lowa lonlght 48 to 9t10u1<1 r ter in Ille IOw 70t .,_ 58. Hunllngton-Newport erH • ., oo;wnlghl lows In the mk>-SO.. t~etur91 ':'?: ltom 8 high l!le•ch high• ere predicted th• ofMtoelowof . -llut lows lonlght w4I renge ~ from Point eonc:.p.. ~48endS5 tlon to the Me>1ic.n l>Of'def Md Mounte1n hlglll ehould reech °"' eo ~ Noft'-1 wind• 12 Ille m+d.ec>s etter ~ lows to 22 llnote wltll 5 to 7-1001 from 38 10 48 Tiie _,,. -- OClf'llblMd -tnrOUQh w~ ¥oCe l°'-1 _.~ wll'°8 .. 15 day. L~erlallle wind• ..... lo 25 mph Wed ay ettemoon wn.re night and morning end-.nlng "'°"''· becomlno ..,, to eouth· ... 10 to 11 llllOU In the •fl•- Temperatures·· noone t=r and WedMfldey with 2 to 3'-foo wind waves. 8oulh· ... , twell 2 to 3 fMI. Varl•ble clOUOIMN lhrougn W90MIO•r with M>f\'11 clMrlng In the •"et· NATION "' Lo "°' noone. AllHlny S4 57 .27 Al~ 78 51 Am11tllo 74 27 .38 U.S. aummary 75 52 .21 AalleVllle Allente 78 M 35 Thundefltorm• •erHd rrom Atlante Cly 82 eo A2 o-Q1e to weetem V olnl• today Au111n eo 57 """' IN Paclnc Coelt and Mlt-Baltlmor• 82 57 .70 .....,.v...,.,..~1.we1c1ae ~ 55 ae 79 se .04 TornadoH touched oown 81amerc:ll 56 u ... In AlltMlma. Geofgla Ind ... 10 40 r..-. wtth hall ~ !*1' loeton t7 .. .31 of AlelNl'll•, o.otgla North lrOW!Mlle 17 .. CenllM. .,..., " " lllowere end • I•• lhun-lurtlng1on .. 54 .ti C...,., SC eo S3 ........ tauy ... IClt..., n .. 0.. ......., K9rttudty and -~WV 55 62 .03 tlm T.._ and from IN Ne-Cll#lttl NC 77 M .34 ••• ,MNnctle to the Tnu , ......... g:;• 49 86 .2t .. 31 .G3 ~ .. 5S ~ .. 31 ,02 ClmtM IC 11 .. • 71 ltA ....... 10tftlOOll .... ~ eo •• .G3 ~'""' 71 .. ..... .,, • ·~tl1111HMfetOflft ~~ O...on 10 .. '*-57 • °' ,.,,.. " minor lnjurlee 0.. Molfi. 17 " o.trOll .. . -t...... . • .r=:---.,::=:; ... ~~'I.: .. to 71 In K.y .,._.,... 1 &1eaded ·l~t LMll9M HllHt OAL"O"HIA AL ANO MOUNTAIN• _ ............ . = ............. .... ... :.~ 9°1ttl\ .~" .. :.~ IZml ....... ··I ~ .. .a \tf"I• .,,.,, 0 I vtlt41 ---=== 117 Duluth 49 28 TliCaotl 114! El Puo 84 52 TUIN 77 50 Fargo 58 32 WUhlnGln ee 59 Aaostalf 52 31 Wlclllle 72 49 GrNI Fella eo · 32 CALWOlllNtA Hlltford 83 ~ 119 Bakerelield 11 Helen• 84 40 Blythe 81 HonolulU 12 72 Euretl• eo Houaton 82 82 FretrlO 78 lndneptll 88 48 Lanculer 17 77 Jlldlen MS u Loe Ar• 72 Jlldl111w11e 13 82 Maryev 75 1<1111 City 71 42 Monterey eo LuVagaa M St NMdlM 91 Little Roel( ee 53 01 Oekllnd 53 Loulevtlle 61 ~ Peeo Robles 75 Lu~ 71 53 .04 A.cl Bluff 73 ~ • 59 .oe RedlWOOd City 55 ,..,.. 71 72 93 55 33 07 Reno ff1 ~ Sacremento • Mple-St.P 59 33 8allNe t7 Nllltwllle 74 '57 20 s.n oi.oo 10 Hlfw()rtMne ... 13 l:t:'erldlco 58 H9w Yorti 12 56 T.09 • Barbera 87 Norloll 17 16 .75 Santa Miiia 61 No.~ 64 37 .H Stocaton 74 <Miia City 71 IO Thermal 92 <>maNI 13 42 Ullllll 75 OrtlNO 12 ee 91t'40W 16 Phllldelpflil tO Mt 13 Plloenlll 12 17 8't her 13 ~ 11 :'t fl 47 .Al .. t7 .. 71 """°·CM .. 46 ~ 79 II M 1S3 Mt Wiiton .. Pt~ Orttlfio n =""' 71 M .. , . ...,,.. • t7 aa ....... n .... Liiie 10 ... ~ ,. .., AntonlO 13 54 aan"'•••• 74 .., GtlOftll n lanta AN 71 . 1.-rt• en. 11 Tahoe Vf//11.y eo E:~ ~ ., Ji.· ., ., ., 11 -• .... • 89 57 49 se 57 50 53 43 52 41 a.l ... ... ta 41 50 41 Hele n Seymour of Garde n Grove, were in attendance as well as grandmother Mae Ste- vens, 86, of Garden Grove Seymour, mmutes after the 1:58 p.m~remony, leaned over and kissed tus daughter, Sarena. 8, as his four other children. pregnant wife Judy and a cham- ber full of seruitors applauded. County to ban combustible wood roofs? Stunned by last Wednesday's $50 million Anaheim fire dis- aster, Orange County Supervi- sors today moved toward ban- ning combustible wood roofs throughout all unincorporated territory in the county. Tile board voted unani.moualy to have the county counsel's of- fice prepare amendments to existing ~rdlnancn .which cur- rently apply to shake and shinRle roofs within 1.000 feet of brushy wild.land areas. Supervisors also direc ted county fire department and F.n- vtronmental Management Agen- cy officials to atudy the cost im- pact of expanding the ordinance and requiring older homes and businesses to replace combustible wood roofs with new flre - retardant covert.no. Supervlaor Rafph Clark, who lives less than a mile from the area gutted by lut week's fires- torm, proposed the new regula- tion as a means of preventing future fiery d.isasten in Orange County's urban core. Judge Prenner dies playing ~acquethall Orange County Superior Court Judge Ronald H. Prenner diE·d Monday af1er suffering an appa· rent heart attack as he played racquetball with another judge in Santa Ana. Judge Prenner, 52, was pro· nounced dead at Western Medi· cal Center in Santa Ana, where he had been taken by paramedics after collapsing at thE' Santa Ana Athletic Club. - He was playing racquetball at the time with Presiding Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert E. Rickles. court officials said. An autopsy was scheduled to be performed today. a spokesman for the county coroner's office said. Word of Prenner's death spread quickly through the Orange County Courthouse Monday af- ternoon. Many judges heard about it while awaiting swearing in ceremonies for new state ap- peals court jus'tlce John K. Trot- ter Jr., a former colleague o f Prenner's on the Orange Cou.nty Superior Court bench. Court administrator Alan Sla- -tersa1d 'Prenrrer, who handled the superior court probate cal- endar, is survived by his wife, Monica, and two daughters who reside in Santa Ana. EBEL He predicted a "stronf{ reco- very in the late spring' once Congress cuts federal spending and lowers the deficit. "The failure of Congress to respond to the president's call for further spending cuts is feeding uncertainty an the financial com- munity, and this is keeping inte- rest rates up. prolonging the recess1on," Regan said. His remarks came an a speech to the a nnual meeting of The Associated Press, held in con- junct.Jon with the convention of the American Newspape-r Pu- blishers Association. Speaking separately to the publas h e rs. House Speaker Thom.as P. "Tip" O'Neill, Jr. ac- cused the Reiwan administrauon of creatmg "fhe worst recession smce the Great Depression." Trustees eye graduation • requ1remen ts Newport-Mesa Urufied School Dt.stnct trustees meet tonight at 7:30 to consider increasing gra- duation requirements for inco- ming freshmen from 200 to 220 units. IC approved by the school board. the increase in requfre- ments will become effective in September and will apply to the' senior class of 1986. A group of parents serving on the F.ducational Raources Advi- sory Committee had su~t~d increasing graduatfon require· ments to 230 units. The board meets in the Harper · Community Center, 425 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. EVERYfHING A SWISS WATCH SHOULD BE. • • Ebel believe1 in quality. That is why they guorontee theee SwlH·mode sports watches for five yeors. Woter-real1tont, quprtz movements. Stainless ,steel and 18 karat yel~ gold: A. Lody'1, $875. 8. Man's, $1,200. C. Man's, S975. W. guorantM you'll bo impre11ed -come .... =-= ..... ... UiJ ....... ... , -. .. Crazed man·· kills 58 Korean cop r uns amok SIOUL, South ~ (AP) -A IW'YiYOC" of a poJlcwnan'• dnanken ~that left &8 deed Mid today the officer wu jumping around like a madman, flrina a carbine and throwing grenades. "1 WM IO fritbteoed and could not pt to my ~.I fled lnto a nearby peddy until all t.:ame qolet near dawn, then ret&imed home," said the .urvtvor, 4~-year-old tanner Chun Yong...up. . with rifle, grenades Some people died ln their bona or ahope du· rlna the e~ht-hour rampqe which be1an alter W.oo Kum-kon, 27. ,...(Ued with hla wUe Monday \n a vtllace 200 mile• .outh of Seoul. Othen were killed when they ran lnto the 1treei. alarmed by the aound of shooting and exploeioru. Kum-kon killed himlelf with a 11-enade. Election stirs Power sti-uggl ~ SAN SAL V A.OOR, El Salvador (AP) -The Christian Democrats returned to the rlghtist- dominated Constituent Assembly after boycotting the formal opening and claimed they have enough votes to elect a moderate to head the new provi- sional government. The assembly met late into the night Monday, debating internal matters. It ls not expected to name a provisional president for several days at least. Christian Democratic leader Julio Adolfo Rey Prendes said Monday be believed banker Alvaro Magana, a political independent and one of three candidates nominated by the military, has enough votes to win the presidency. But with the rlghtiala in control of the aaembly, his election could touch off a power struggle that might tempt the anny to intervene. Moslem leader assassinated BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -A Sunni Moslem rell&ious leader was killed by machine-gun fire as he emerged from a mosque. and a French army of- ficer serving with the United Nations was shot five times in the legs by four men apparently trying to steal his car. Both shootinjlS occurred Monday night in Mo- slem West Beirut; but there did not appear to be anv connection. Three men opened fire on Sheikh Ahmad A&- saf, 45, head of the Moslem Associations in Lebanon, as he left a mosque in the densely populated Aisha Bakkar neighborhood. College fee increase urged SACRAMENTO (AP) -California should consider raising college fees and charging Univer- sity of California students tuition -if it also in- creases the amount of scholarship money available, a state education panel bas recommended. The Postse<:ondary Education Commission, which serves as the state's advisory panel for higher education, also recommended eliminating millions of dollars in state subsidies for "recreational" classes In community colleges. such as dancin8 and need- lepoint. Student fees would replace the state mon- ey. The commisaion, the state'• advisory panel for tugher education, voted 11-2 to recommend that the Legislature establiah new policies on student fees. ' Sirhan to get parole ·date? SOLEDAD (AP) -A member of the state parole board that granted assassin Sirhan Sirhan a 1984 parole date testified today that he "wanted to find a reason" against a freedom date but couldn't. James H. Hoover, now an employee of the state Board of Prison Terms, told a hearing that is con- mdering revoking the parole date for the killer of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy: ''Unless there was a specific contra-indication against parole. then it didn't matter how long the punishment factor would be, you would aet the date." Signal Hill cop files suit LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Signal Hill police offJcer investigated in the jail cell death of a college football player iB suing Los Angeles police and the o0unty d1atrict attomey'r ' fhce for allegedly viola- tine tu. Fighw. - Officer Jerry Lee Frown, the arresting officer 1n the controversial C8SE' of rlcad athlete Ron Settles, la eeeking $16 million thrn·1~ the suit filed in U.S. District Court Monday. Named u defendantl are District Attorney John Van de Kamp, who is accuseds~~"J: Brown" in his campaign for state attorney ~ Police~ Daryl Gates; Gates' chiet · erman, Cmdr. William Booth, and Deputy District Attorney Gilbert GarcetU, who led the investigation lnto Settles' death in a Signal Hill jail cell June 2. I' Reagan may testify in trial WASHINGTON (AP) -A government pro- aecutor said today that President Reagan may tes- tify in the trial of John W. Hinckley Jr., accu9ed of trying to asaaalinate the president nearly 13 months rona at the start of H.inckley's Jrial. said of Reagan: ''nlen! will be testimony about him or you will hear teatimon.y from him. I think I will leave it at that." A White ffouae official, who asked not to be identified, aald no declalon had been made how ~would testily. ago. Chief proeeciitor Roger M. Adelman, atandin, with a hand microohone before 90 proepective ju- -= ..... _ ..... ,.... ... ., .•.. _ ...... , ..... ...., ...... ...... MAIN Pf')CE »O Wffi hr St., Cwle ~.CA. Mell-..; .... IM ,C..ieMfte, CA . .a.M c.Y'•ltN ... CT ... C.te "*' ........ ~. "° -~ ..... , .. """_ ..... , ~----......,..._,.. ..... _., ... ~-......... ..-Ciel ... ,,ilwl$0 .. ~--. . 3-month sa vin g ,certificates due WASHINGTON (AP) Three-month •vinp cer1iticata, available fnn banka and •vtno and louw for the tint time Ulla Saturd.-y, will pay lnterett J'lltel IOl'DeWhat lower thm thoee for the lmtltutlon1' more famillar lix·month "money market" cer- tilicatee. For the first few dayt they tell the new three-month venlon11 S&Lt can offer up to 12.469 J>ft'C*'l lntienlt and commerda1 bankl up to 12.2l~cmat. 'The nata wU1 chartet Tu.day. •• ,. l..lstenl• ••• Wha• do you llkt about tbe oau,. PUot? Wlta& doe't 1ou u .. '! Call the number below Ind )'Our .... .,. wlll be l'ft'Or4tcl tranat'ribed and deUvond lo tbe appropr18t.o ..Utor. ' The tame M·hoUr HI ........ HrYiN ma1 be liMd lo rffGl'd let· ltta lo UM edit. oa any loPle. llaJlboll eontrl..._. m..t .. ._ &heir name lad '-lepllaM • ....._ for •-.nnuoa. No drctal.a. Hiii,..... • Tell• wtaat'1•10Ur au.d. . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT!Thtlday. Apfel 27, 1882 N Al Murdj donates to arts The Murdy Foundation, de- 11eend~t1 of one of HuntJnaton ~ach'• fint farmtn1 families, bu donaled Sl00,000 toward the conuruction of the Orange Cowlty Performlna Art.a Center 1n Colt& Meta, lt wu announced Monday. I The foundation'• gift brin8J to more than $21 mil1'0n. the tow contributions railed for conattuc- tlon and endowment of a main 3,000-aeat theater and a 1,000-eeat theater to be built near South C.out Pluza. Offidall of the perlormina arts ~ter hope to rat.e $35 niIIllon by sroundbreaklng ,in fall. Con- siruction and endowment are ·ex~t.ed to coet $59 million. 'The Murdy Foundation's contribution reflects the pel'IOnal commltment people from our area are making to aaaure a cul- tural heritage for themselves and their children," said Henry Seg- erstrom, music center trustee chairman. The foundation was eata- bllshed by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Murdy Jr., who began their long farm ing career in Huntington Beach in 1912. Murdy also aerved in the state Legialature from 1952 to 1964. ln announcing the gift, his ton Jack Murdy aaid, "We are very proud of the role our parents have played in the development of thia region and are pleased to make a gilt that will enrich the lifestyle of local residents." Maxine Murdy Trotter, who also oversees the foundation, aaid she would like to see children in Orange County have the oppor- tunity to see live theater and hear orchestras. The main 3,000-seat theater will be only the third in the na- tion capable of offering sym- phony, opera, ballet and musical theater. 3 from Coast j oin council on h ospita ls Three Orange Coast residents have been elected to the board of d irectors of the 232-member Hospital Council of Southern Cabfomia. MLchael Stephens. adm1nlstra- tor of Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach: Richard Grun- dy, as..<IOCiate execuuve director of Mission Community HospitaJ in Mission Viejo and James Ray, executive director or Saddleback Community Hoepital, will serve on the board for the 1982-83 term. The board is the largest me- 1.ropoUtan hospital association m the nation, representing hospitals in six counties. The major pur- poee of the council iB to promote the most effective use of h06pital facilities. Stephens and Grundy are Newport Beach residents. Ray Uvaa in Laguna Niguel.- CIA vet nomin ated WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan will nominate John McMahon, a CIA veteran who helped run the U-2 spy plane program and later mana- ged the agency'• spy network. to 1 succeed Adm. Bobby Inman as deputy CIA director, the Whlte Houae announced Monday. The 48th annual conclave of the Am«lcan Gem 8t>dety WM held In l'ffw Orlean• thlt year. Donna ~men end I ettended. rrom our store. We both eerve on '"•tlonal commttt ... end thoM rneetlng9..,. Ntd tN day Pf!« to th• formal opening or th• con°'eve. I have b"n working with the Merketlng CommlttM. and Donna attended tM Gulld Pretldentt' mHtlng. She It pr~t or the SoutfMfn Call- fornta Oulld ot th• American Oem Socl•tt thlt year. She la ontt the MOOnd women to ww In thlt ~ end I wea hono- r.ct M¥Wal )'Mrt -oo to be the flret. The opening .... ion of the ~ ~lured wottd ~ gem de•i.tt ap .. = on th• ~.:~~-= end Eaat Aft!Oa. I I eOUkl heV9 ...,..,.. ...., , ... '°' "" ................. ,.. .... to lm ...... lftt. lt'e too Md • °"', ............ ... ~but ............. . OMllftto"'Wllfid ......... I .. :::::·..:"..&:. ~ "'::; Dettr Not s~ ll'tloto BRANDY'S HOME -Louis and Vera St. Pierre comfort Brandy, therr two-year-old toy shellle who was missmg for 69 days from their South Laguna home. Family employed a psychic to find the 106t canine>. Brandy refilled Psychic ai ds dog's return By STEVE MITCHELL of tM D .. r Not 9tett "Brandy," the two-year-old toy sheltie, is back with her South Laguna family because, her owners say, she was located by a Los Angeles psychic. The tn-colored can ine was discovered last week near a con- struction project in Dana Point, high atop a bf uff overlooking the ocean. And that is exactly where Santa M onica physic - parapsycholog1st Rena Elliott told the family the dog would be located. . "It's amuing." ~d Vera St Pierre. who spent 69 days loo- king for her lost pet. 'l'be Sou th Laguna woman took out newspaper ad1, hung billboords around her neighbor- hood, searched animal shelters, and even went door to door, seeking her dog that mysteriou- aly disappeared Feb. 12. "When all else failed, we tried a psychic," Mrs. St. Pierre said. The family drove to Los An- geles, a rmed w ith aeveral of Brandy's toys and a photograph. They plunked down $50 and listened as Ms. Elliott painted a vet'bel picture-of the1r-pn"s wbereaboui.. Tips relayed to the family by the 39-year-old psychic included: "Brandy is not in danger. She's safe and happy within a five- mile radius of your home," Ms. Elliott told the family. "She's high up on a bluff near the ocean, with lots of sand or dirt around her and a chain link fence. , "She i1,being cared for by men in hardhats -probably @ &EMWllE construction workers or hard- hats. Others are also feeding her." And. she said, the family would find her alive between three and five weeka. Four weeks and two days after the visit with the psychic, the St. P1erres found Brandy near a con- struction site at Selva Road and the Street of the Goldf!Jl Lantern ln Dana Point. On a dirt covered bluff with a chain link fence. Overlooking the ocean. Carpenters working on a hou- SUlg development told the couple they had been leaving food for the sk1tterish dog Children at nearby Dana Hills High School aho had f.ed the arurnal, Mrs St. Pierre said. "She's lost 16 pounds and she has ticks, but she's really glad to be home," Mrs. St. Pierre said, IC'J'8 tching Brandy's ears The Santa Moruca psychic says she's not the least surpnsed the family found their dog. "I never really felt the animal was ln danger," MB. Elliott said. '1l t was almost like she lost her rnetnOry. ,, The psychic said she relied mostly on the-photct provided by the family to determine Brandy's whereabouts, adding she is a "natural psychic" who relies mostly on visual -almost tel- evision clear -pictures to de- acribe surroundinp. "I sometimes hear words. too," she said, "but In this case It was visual. I saw a man in a hard hat, I saw a ch.a.in link fence, sand or dirt, and I knew people were feeding and taking care or the dog.'' E!!'!!"'°"" ...... ,,. .. ........................ "" ............ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tutedey, Aprfl 27, 1812 'Information~ ' longer free By PAT HOROWITZ O(tM0.-,"9t•wt DEAR READERS: Time ls runnJng out for CaUfornlana who make an unlimited number of caJJ1 to directory aatance each month without charee. according to the Pacific Telephone Co. Customeni IOOll will be charged 15 cent.I for each call to directory usistance over their monthly allotment. Billing wlll begin June 1 In San Diego and Imperial counties, and progress to other areaa of the state later in the year. The charging plan was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission in 1980. Customers will be charged for each call made to di.rectory ass1stan~oe in addition to an allowance of 20 calls per month. Several types of calls will be excluded from the monthly tally, including calls made by the physically handicapped, thoee made from ht>spital rooms, hotels, motels and coin phones, and calla made to area codes other than one in which the subecriber lives (reached by dialing the d1Stant area code plus 555-1212). The recording which encourages callers to check phone direc- tories for numbers wUI be removed as soon as the charge is im- plemented in each area. Feeding hummingbirds DEAR PAT: The house I bougbt bas two lovely bottle brush trees. I uow the bummiagblrd1 will love them wbea lltey bloom. If I recall correctlf, you published a recipe for laomemade bammlngblrd food. 'd appreciate It If yoa'd repeat the lngre- dlents for me. . T.L., Huntlngton Beach Ruling • victory for Riles SACRAMENTO (AP) -'!'he federal government hat agreed not to require C4HfornJans fn the 1ehool lunch program to 1ubmJt the Social Securlt>: numbers o{ adult.I living ln their homes thlll school year, says elate 1chool Superintendent Wilson Riles. The agreement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture was a victory for Riles and followed a federal judge's rulina April 15 blocking the USDA from taking action against California unUJ 8l least April 30 for refusing to put into .effect the Social Security requ1remcn t. California is the only sta~ that has not followed a law passed last year by Congress requiring all children receiving federally i;ubsldlzed free or low-coet meals to submit Social Security num- bers o f adults living in the11 homes. The law was intended to re - duce fraud in the program. But Riles called it an mvasion of pn- vacy, and also aa1d U.S Agricul- ture Secretary John Block did not enact proper regulations to implement the law or state what use would be made of the num- bers. Dream realized with jackpot A California woman who aaJd ehe recenUy dreamed of 1triklng It rich In the Nevada caslnoe hit a $250,000 jackpot after playing five minutel at the Reno Hilton hotel-a\Bino. Abella SanUa10, 39, a mo· ther of three from Fremont, hit the "Svper Pot of Gold" jackpot on a dollar rogressive slot machlne after Investing about $20, said a Hilton spo- kesman. Sen . S .J. Jlayakawa , R-Calif., who decided not to run for re-election when polls showed him runnmJ fourth for the party nomination, blames entertainer Jobnny Carson for spreading a n Image that the elderly senator frequently slept on the job. In a telephone interview from W ashington , D .C ., Hayakawa satd Carson, th~ hos t of NBC's "T onight Show ," caused him "real da- mage" by repeating ~okes about "Sleeping Sam, ' the Riverside Press-Ente rprise reported. "The people who get their basic po ltt1cal information frol}'l Johnny Carson remem- ber not~.ing else about my car eer . Hay akawa said ''That was really hannful." IN KOREA -Vice Presi- dent Geor'e Bush addres- ses Korea s Na tional As- sembly in Seoul. Behind him 1s Assembly Speaker Jun Hai Hiuk. Smger Natalie Cole suffe- rc.-'Ci scrapes and bruises m a auto accident in Beverly Hills. M1sa Cole declined hospita- l1za t1on after her car hu a concrt:!te sewer ventilator Paramedics treated Miss Cole at the scene and s he d«hned further medical treatment Or. Irene Ka.orla won lhAI flret-round of • court battle Monday OVl.'r h r te>t manual ''Nice Girt.a Do ... " u a Judae dent d an ex·lover'e bid tO halt aalet or promotion of the book unleta he were (•rec:Utect as co-author. • However, Jierbt>rt Mar· golle, who clalm1 the beet· 1eUtng book wu the result of • penonal and bualneu rela• tionshlp between himself and the Bt'l -Alr p sychologlat, • hopes eventually to gain re<:· ogmt1on of hi. role, half the profits from future aalea of the book and damagee of •110 m1Uion. "l thmk we will go for an early trial," aald Margolis' attorney. Wilham I. Chertok. Entertainer Jobnny Carson wiU head a campaign to help rebuild a collec:t1on of rare movie memorabilia destroyed m a fire that gutted the Hol- lywood Library. Canion has pledged $10,000 and will head a committee that will try to raise $500 000 to piece to gether a r:ew "entertainment and pe rfor- ming fme arts collecuon" tor the library, said Melina Hig- gins, assistant director of the Los Angeles Library Assoc1a- uon Gov Lee S. Dreyfue of W1SCOnsm announced he will not seek re-election, making him the fifth Midwest Repu- blican governor to withdraw from electoral pohJics in re· cent months. The. followm~ hu~rrungb1rd food recipe was provided by the San Diego Zoo m 1974!. It calls for 28 ounces of white can~ sugar. ~ ounce of super hydramin powder (optional) small amount of vanilla flavoring. one gallon of water and red f'ooo coloring. Mix thoroughly and place in feeder as needed. Riles first ordered school d1 - stncts to collect the numbers, but told the m in March not to rC'- move a ny s tudent fro m th e program for failure to submit numbers. ·~llllllllllllllll~F.:~;;~::==~~~~~~~~~~~;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:::=::=.=:} Out of 1.2 million California II students in the lunch program, he said, more than 300,000 have not submitted Social Security Keeping tabs on Congress DEAR PAT: Wbere can I write to get copies of 1peclflc blll1 being heard lo the Senate or House of Representatives? . -F.W., Corona del Mar Wnte to the Senate or House Document Room. The address for the Senate IS Room A-325, U.S . Capitol, Washington. D.C. 20510; for the House the address 1s Room H -226, U.S. Capitol. Washlngtor •. D.C 20515 Be sure to include the biU number · • ''Got a problem? 7'hc;n wnte lo Pat Horowitz. Pat will ""'.,. cut red tape, gerung the answel'6 and action you • • J. need CO aolve mequ.ides in J(OVernment and business. MaJ1 your que."'t:Klm lo Pat Horowitz. Ar Your SerVJre r-,. Orange Coast Vally J'ilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa' _ Mesa, CA 92628. As many letters u poaible will be ~1::Jf· but phoned inquiries or letters not indudmg the rea· er s 'ull name, address and business hours' phone number can- not Pe considered." numbers. Riles said he would have gone along with the requirement if the federal government had moved to cut off $1 50 million m nutn- tJon aid to California But Riles said USDA official~ havt> agreed not to enforce the Social Security require ment in CalifornJa through Aug. 30 He said they also agreed to ~ue re- gula uons on the coll~tlon and w.c of Social Security numbers. Riles said he has told school dis tricts to stop collecting the numbers, to kt'<'P tonfidt>ntial the numbers that they have already collected, and not to dt.·ny any stude nt a federall y subs1d1w d meal for failure to submi t a number. A Special Showi~g of the Fabulous Mikimoto Collection. It Is not often that the orQ1nator of cultured pearls, Mlklmoto, offers a ~lectlon of lustrous pearljewelry anywhere other than a Mtklrnoto store. BUt the reputation for quality in fine ~ry. watcheS and ~re at Bailey Banks & Biddle warrants this special occask>n. MUdmoto rtpr~ Kokhl T~ wtl be on hand "' to nslst yo_u In "JOAI! M .. cdon. Sff For yourMff. ~28. Hand JO ....,.. • ..,y Banks&Biddle 1be tradition Of 1~rs JlveS on. • . 3333 Briltol St .. South.Colilt P112.a (71A) 7.51·5840 r Save Up To 3 days onlyl Thanks to the recent drop in gold prices S.1 .. 1 Cltht1 ........ ~:~~;:::;1 Qj~~:S.~$$."'S.S .. 1.~~.---- 14 I 111. HLD-C&ITIH· CHC .. 1-CJllll·Pl&ln llA TIEY • TlsstT ·llLIYA IUOA-HlU 40 to 80% OFF hhar 30% OFF S1pphire1 Ri111 -Earriqs P111tla1b -lrac1l1b 30% to 70% OFF Sale Starts Thursday, April 29th ~le Ho.,n. Jh.,ncloy 10-7 fflcloy 10.7 ~1.,rdoy 10.3 -• "" Sain F1nOI Ou.tnllllt" I "'led To SIO<:I On H•nO -&·2~hSulle~~~~~~T~~H- IGHT THE WAYI With The University Diet, you're prescribed a complete medical program for safe, rapid, effective, and maintainable weight loss. The Univt•rsity Diet i a protci11-sparing. roodifi<id fast. thaL is cllnicolly proven nnd available only through HcenfM.'d med· icaJor~. Pn>8Crfption ttupplemcnts ·upply your body·s nutritionuJ needs while unwanted fat i humed off. Unlike others. thiR com1>&.'W rrowrun incJuc.J(~ A pro oumi. ion ph)' iatl, preltmi• nary kt:t.c>t(C?lic tlit!t, fastm.r pnx.1t~ure. up· pk>mcnw. ~lab tNta, EKO't1, refti-.>dfng. bl-h•vioral counerUng and n\Oln~. Medkaly s.ft. You're under conRtant Upt'rvilion of phy lci1n11 and WCUfht-1°"8 ~ialists to prot«t your hNlth. Rapld ........ Youcan an1~of 20 pound• per month-f!Yel)' month -untd yuu reec:h your (&oel. ...... MCI a..rtlw. You make no dfr!_; aunt 1h0Ut fo6d -cinly ltM! ronunitmmt w ~­Aa1p .... follow t>ur program and ·ucre(.'<.I Exdusiv~ Refeedin~ and MalntenanCt!. You f\I"(' re·ihtroduce<l to food in a wadual 4· Wp process and taught. how w koop w~i~ht. oH. I ndiv6dual Counwling. Behavior modifi· cation and nutritional guidanoo are offorl'd to all pet.M.ants by experts. If you net'd to ~ 20 pounds or more. call our f)hont> coun8rlors for on appoint, ""-'"l or lnfonnation. 'They'~ fo~r J)Otient.s. 1'hey undciwt4nd You11 (ind ""' cost Jess due to our 1t.e !'f'd UJtJ>('rit.'I\('(>. Your insu~ n~· cover 1t. And after you com~ The Unh-.?rsit.y l>it-l. f rw mul'J.'fttlirw iti avalleble for ~ ~ of ymar life! C.l 1·800·4.12-8878. 'IWI ftW. 8 AM to H PM 7 <t..vs a wC!HC. A\)'aiciM inqul. ~~. I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Tueeday, Aprtl 27, 1912 N NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS tvOTATIOMI ~"" T••H• ... , ................... ,. •iK•••c .•••• •OIT ... OITaOW .... CINClllllATI nocw ••<•• .............. " ••• , ........ ••• •••TIMIT . ffitt • Dow Jones Final OFF 8.09 CLOSING 167.49 • seminar David· Milne, Ph.D., director of the WolC.On Ml· crdelectronica Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Robin Duthie, chalrman of the Scottish Development ~. will de.:ribe how area buainessmen can tap the Common Mark.et from a European hue at a lun- cheon eeminar ln Irvine on Thunday. Hoewd by the ScotU.h Development Agency, the prellentation will provide lnformatJon on what Scot· land hu to offer U.S. electrorucs equlpment manu- facturers. The luncbeon begins at l 1:3G at the Registry Hot.el, 18800 MacArthur 8lvd. For mfonnation. contact Su- zanne Cushman, The .Bofie Company, (213) 557-1331. Record earnings lor Grace W.R. Grace & Co., which has worldwide interests in chemic.all, natural J'e90t.ll'CeS and .elected consumer servke1, announced record earning• for the first quarter, due primarily to a $65,100,000 gain on the dtaposition of ill ownenhip in a fonner Grace subsi- diary, Chemed Corporation. Net income for the quarter ending March 31 wu $144,176,000, an increase of 73 percent over the 1981 period, which was restated for poollngs of lnt.eresta. Earnin8I per common a.hare were $2.99, versus $1.74 in the 1981 quarter. Grace operates its New American Restaurant Corp. headquarters in Costa Mesa and headquarters for El Torito-La Fiesta Restaurants, Inc. and Far West Services in Irvine. Grace also operates several restau- rants ln the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area such as El Tonto, Houllhan's, Coco's and Reuben's. Calbi<!co funding OK'd At a 1peclal shareholders' meeting, Statewide C.a.1- bidco received the overwhelming approval of prefer- red and common shareholders for a company recapi· talization. Each Statewide Calbidco preferred share has been converted to nine shares of common stock, and subse- quently all outstanding common shares have been revene 1p)it one for 10. Statewide Calbldco i.s a publicly held non-depository banking corporation baaed In Newport Beach since 1975 that provides commercial loans to small and medium-sized busineaes throughout California. S & L . office celebrating G~t American Federal Savings IS celebrating the frand opening of its San Juan Capistrano office at 2222 Camino Capistrano with a week-long Cinco de Mayo fiestA, May 3~8. StarTel boosts sales The lrvine-bued telecommunications furn of Star- Tel Corporation announced that the company realized approximately $1 million ln sales ln six months. an i.ncreaae of 300 percent over last year's sales. The announcement was made on the company's two-year annivenary date. Sales meeting slated Chet Lackey, who la called "Mr. Enthusiasm," will be guest speaker at the Sales and Marketinf Execu- tives of Orange County meeting May at the Sheraton-Newport. Lackey will speak on "132 Ways to Close a Sale." The ineeting'WUJ begin with a soda) hour at 6 p.m . Dinner and program begin at 7. For reservations, call 538-2510. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS .-WYON!Wt -------... ~ ......... ___ ,, .......... ~-....... ~ .. --NIW~.,,1-S-___ .,. ...... ., ...... _. ___ ..... ~-~ .... _..., .. _.._ I ,_. -~ ' ,.. J::.~ :.: ~ i f~ METALS Handy & Hetman, t7, 110 per ttoy ~. Cl.I IUOTATIOMS I ••• a copy of a .... ad from 10 •.rP•cal t" years ago _ •mes have changed Wllult you'll find that , lSON FORD still has the hst values in Southern California! , COME IN AND LET US PROVE IT! ---- '66 PONTIAC • • •• • • ' $'>'>0110 ·11 ~~o : : LLCJtO •'*<.-••«MDIII • - . ····" ......... .. --·...-............. (MIO• ..... c ........ °'- ,_ c1 ....... c-·-· $59 ., $49 ' fl'< "'' .. ~ • • I •Vi.. ,, ,.,. .. f