HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-01 - Orange Coast Pilott . ~ UBANGI CDAIT YOUR HOMITDWN DAllY PAPIR SAlUROAY. MAY 1. 1982 OR ANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS :Long~awai~ed ·bay cleanup begins By STEVE MARBLE or .. .,...,......., It WU the Jackie, Marian and Tom ahow. The setting was the Upper Newport Bay and the mood was upbeat. The trio of politicians were on hand to formally unveil a grand spring cleaning of sorta, a job many thought never would get going. • The Upper Newport Bay, long the dumping ground for any· thing capable of floating down -- t.he (JlUddy San Diego Creek, will be dredged for lhe flrat llme in more than 10 years starting next Monday. Even as Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, Amemblywoman Marian Bergeson.and Orange County-Supervisor Thomas Riley posed for photographers at the Friday noon gathering, workers revved up construction equip- ment in the background. Something known as a "Swamp Cat" was already at -- work in lhe creek bed near the Jam~ee Road Bridge, uproo- ting weeds an-d flattening mounds of dirt and mud. Two other pieces of heavy equipment were nearby, leveling off a chunk of land that will be turned lrtto a deposit site for the 700,000 cubic yards of silt and goo that will be pulled from the bay in the next six montha. "This Is a historic day," sug- gested Mayor Heather, who with help from Assemblywoman Ber- getM>n and Superviaor Riley put the $3.7 million cleanup projeet '°'-ether. ·we had a continuing froblem with the fund!~ and aome- timea felt like we'd never get things put tosether." ~ Mrs. Bergeson called the pro- ject a "flnt step after 10 years of inactivity." She said when the job is done, the top reaches of the bay should look more like a bay really should. Fred Worthley, an official from JJ<e state Department of Fl~-~-d Gam e -whic h Is charged with maintaining the ~ological reserve. said his de- partment hopes to expand on the cleanup in years to come. T~e cleanup job is being fun- ded mostly with state money. The county government, the City of Newport Beach and the Irvine Company put $83,000 shares to- ward the project." The Irvine Company also agreed to let a piece of its real estate be uaed aa the dredging deposit site. The acreage will be elevated nearly four feet by the time the last cubic yard of lilt i9 dumped there.' The project will result In re- turning tidal actioo to an area of the bay that now la ru:ply 'bone dry. When the job la done, there will be a 30-acre "pond" at the top of the bay that will be nine feet deep at high tide. The work also calls for silt (See UPPER, Page AZ) Faculties hack TV class charge By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Norman Watson "whatever legal Of the DINlr 11>11o1 Slafl acuon is deemed appropnate." Faculty groups have lined up As of Fnday, the prange Coast squarely behind four Or ange professors, Michael ~annegan, Coast College professors who Richard Yerby, Norman Lumian are facing possible-1egal action and Joseph Tomehak, had refu- for their criticism of television sed to retract their letter. • courses offered by Coastline Col-Attached to each of the letters lege, a sister school. was a list of 63 Orange Coast 'f1l e-crea~ em tc--s e-n a t-e 5--0 f --anfl-Galden-.West i~wh~ Orange Coast and Golden West are said to support the content of colleges have unanimously ap-the document. ~~~~~~--proved ~esolutio.ns backing-the.... -nie-addi.tiona ~KiA8 by the ins tructors and echoing their academic senates and the tea- concerns about the quality t:f chers' umon is said to be an in- television courses. dication or widespread faculty PULLIN' OARS -Top crew teams from throughout the state practiced Friday morning in North Lido Channel for the 17th annual Newport Invitational Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta. Detty Not Photo IJ)' L" .. erM' Ora,pge Coast College and UC Irvine are among the eight college teams participating. See Page 84. Two :plans aired for Crystal Cove "' Residents, state propose studies of cottages' potential By JEFF ADLER Of Ule Delly ..... 1&8ff Crystal Cove residents readied a cottage counter -proposal or their own Friday afternoon, only hours after state officials sug- gested a flan to forestall the eviction o the park's part-time cot~Je residents July 31. What residents of the park's 45-cottage community ask is that the state Parks and Recreation Department immediately dis- patch a team of experts to in- ventory and evaluate the 50-year-old cottages. Once the cottages h e been looked at, the residents suggest, lhe department can then proceed with developing a plan for using the aging structures. "We want them to look at lhe cottages now and to come up with an Informed plan we can respond to," said Alfred Wil- lliurer, one of the cottage owners. Willinger said he and other cottage residents believe the state shoufd first assess the fiscal Im- pact of taking over certain cot- tages and develop a systematic plan for. their use before asking the realdents to consider such propaea.ls. State Parks and Recreation Director Peter Dangermond Jr. Thursday proposed a compromise plan that had four major compo- nents: -That residenta drop a pen- ding lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court that asks the July evictions be blocked and th.at residents be granted 20-year lea- se extensions. Also, the state wan ts residents to guarantee that the swt or similar ones will not be re-filed. -That Parks Department staffers be granted immediate access to all 45 of the cove's cot- tages for the purpose of evalua- ting their potential use. A use . - plan would be develo}>ed by June 1. -That eviction notJces alrea- dy served at 23 cottages would be selectively enforced on a "need basis" once a plan is developed. Leases for part-time ,residents, then, would be extended on a mon th-to-month basis for up to two years "for cottages not imme- diately required for develop- ment. -That permanent cottage residents would be granted two- year lease extensions as presently proposed. In a letter outlining the plan to Assemblywoman Marian Berge- son, R-NewPQrt Beach, who re- 0.-, ......... presents the Crystal Cove area, Dangermond said, "I believe it (lhe plan) provides lhe residents with certainty anQ should gua- rantee that cottages will not be 'taken' until they are needed for specific public benefit." In addition to the key elemen ts of the plan described abov~. cove residents are asked to support legislation which would earmark revenues collected Crom cottage leases for the sole purpo&e of de- veloping the cottages for public U9e. Another cottage owner, Ken- neth Gabriel, said \he latest ex- change of proposals shows flexi- bility on both sides. "We're much better than we were two weeks ago, we're mo- ving some," Gabriel said. Nonetheless, when asked about dropping the current lawsuit, he commented, "I could not in good conscience recommend that my neighbors give up their legal action." Also commenting upon the state's proposals Friday was a spokeswoman for A&semblywo· man Bergeson. Aide Julie Froeberg aaid Mrs. lie added that, although resi· denta "really want to cooperate with the state," it was asking a lot for them to surrender their legal rights as suggested in the state'• proposal. PARKLAND -Map shows Crystal C.ove State Park and site of cottages. B~rgeson could s upport the state's program if any plan for the cottages' eventual use was made subject to legislative ap- proval. Budget hearings on the a~te (See CRYSTAL, Page A%) WORLD Sea law treaty approved UNITED NATIONS (AP) -An international law of the 1ea treaty wa1 adopted by a huge majority Friday despite U.S . opposition over regulatlo111 on deep.tea mining. The treaty had been eight Y9l"' 1n the makina· . .. NATION Truckers begin strike GAR~ Ind. (AP) -A nation.w:ide Itri.kt by In· dependent truCbn offidally bep.rl.A\ mldnliht Fri- day, and repr-..ntatlve1 of the truelum Mid ttMy apldlld about 200,000 tn.ldcen to walk off tbe job ln a cllpu,• OY8I' pay rat.a . . STATE Step back four centuries -The age ot. Shakespeare and Good Queen Bea is re-created every year at the Renaluance Faire in Agoura. Page A6. ... Gun controls favored SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A IOlid ~jority of Califomlana. who probably will get a chance to vote on the subject in a 1tatewide initlatlve t11Novernber~ f.a'llOI' fDUlh 8Ul\ control.I, the CallfamJa l"'Oll reported Fri• day. COUNTY TraJiJ-bu. 111itiom OK'd ~ Ml been aPDnMld for railtoed-bUI •· tiOftl ln botJi 1rvtne and M1llAon Vlijo. Pace A4. - In addkion. the American dissatisfaction with television Federation of Teachers Local courses. 1911. which represents about 700 The Coast District clauns to be Cull-time Coast Community Col-the nation's largest producer of lege District instructors an rollec-<See OCC, Page AZ) tive bargaining, has filed a grie- vance, claiming the district has violated the academic freedom provisions of its contract with instructors. The Coast District administers Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Golden West College in Huntington 'Beach and Coastline College. based in Fountain Val- ley. In an April 26 notice, tht! di- strict demanded a retraction from the four Orange Coast professors who distributed a letter branding Coastline television courses as academically unsound and not comparable to clas.voom courses at Orange Coast and Golden West. The professors' letters went to deans, department chrunnen and other officials at about 30 slate and private four-year <'Olleges throughout California. The district's lawyer, J ohn Lautsch, informed the four pro- fessors that, if the retraction was not issued within 15 days, he would recommend to Chancellor Anti-nuclear walk slated in Irvine Anti-nuclear activists are scheduled to participate Sunday In a 15-kilometer (9.3 miles) walk through Irvine to raise money for lhe Orange County Alliance for Survival. The walk, beginning at 10 a.m. at Heritage Park in Irvine, will be the alliance's inaugural "Walk for a Nuclear Free Future." Participants are encouraged to solicit pledges for the distance ·walked, said Ellie Cohen, director of the Orange County chapter. ''We're encouraging people to join us for a festive and educa- tional day to help raise money for the f ight against nuclear madness," she said. INDEX Classified Cl-6 C.omics,, C2 C.omment B6 Croesword C2 Death Notices C3 Entertainment B10-11 Movies 810-11 SPORTS BRITISH ATTA·CK ISLAND LONDON (AP) -Brltlth carrl•r·bHed Royal Nny SH Harrl~r flghtera attacked the alratrlp at Stanley. cer.ltal of the dl1puted Falkland 118nd1. Hrly today, the DefenM Mini- stry announced. . . • "The action wa1 taken to deny the ArgentlnH the UH of the air afrlp," a apokeeman said. Britain's armada, backed wilh a new U .~. offer or military supplies, pressed its total war zone around the Falkland Islands Friday as Argentina was stunned by news that Washington was imposing military and economic sanC'tions against the junta. The announcement of the new U.S . posa t1on by Secretary of State Alexander M Haig Jr. came as Britain's 200-mile total air and sea blockade o(the Falklatlds went into effect . At the United Nations, Argen- tine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said has govern- ment was ready to comply wilh a U.N. resolution calling for with- drawal of Argentine forces from the Falklands as long as there was prior recognition of Argen- ,tine sovereignty -a reiteration of past Argentine policy. Later Friday, Argentina accu- sed Britain of intransigence and the United States of pressure tactics, whale emphasizing its own willingness to negotiate a solution to the crisis. The gov- ernment predicted "the &enaeleea spilli~ of Argentine and British blood,' but vowed "to defend it- self with all means at its (See F ALltLANDS, Page Al) .. Public Notices B4,C3 Religion B8 Sports Bl-4 Television 88 Theaters Bl0-11 Weather -A2 Youth B7 . PER BAY CLEANUP • • • I e.tch dtvicM to be pltced alona iJneNltlnc to ... what tu.nw up J the, San 01e10 Cruit, whlcfi when the ctnd,srla belb'.w· ! empt.l11 1n10 ilie bay. The deviC\11 Th• 1POt ..,,.,_,.. the d.nd&ina ~expected to hold back much will be acme II the alte of a for- of the.bey-bound ct.lbria \Mt aeta mer aalt worka. Remnants of 1w1pt down the creek durlng dikes once uaed to hold b1ck •tonna.; water for t.he ult company Uld • Ron Hein, 1 fi1h and Game even a atnall atretch of metal •warden, Mid the dredging ahould traclu uaed by the former com- allo encourase blrda and other pany remain. f -.,lldllfe, driven off by yean ot "It'• hard to kllow what you tllt buildup, to return. might fj.nd down thefe," said one J Aa a fUW note, worken for the person eyeing the aart-cruated .W. Mitchell Co. -the ft.rm that bay. "Who knQ..ws. maybe even a ~~~ ;R;;;;;S;~; ~·~ . ~ecounes. It.a 'telecourset have "I think they've found four · · purch.aaed by colleges across martyra and a cause," he aaid. tthe nation. l In their letter, the Orange Simon said the district wm1 ~ profesaors claim television make no deciaion on whether td . atu~nta receive the same num-take legal action until a May 11 her ot credit.a aa clasaroom stu-meeting that Chancellor Watson 1<tenta, while devoting le9a time to has asked the four professors lo ~he!r stu~ies. The distl'fct has attend. denied this contention. But Mike Finnegan, one of the Diatrict spokesman R14:'hard four, said the instructors have Slmon said he Isn't surpriaed that decided it would be "legMlly in· faculty members have rallied appropriate'' to attend that mee·· behind the authors of the tele-ting ll Wat.son plans to discuss course letter. possible court action. CRYSTAL COVE . • • Laguna Beach has been des- ignated a federal historical site because it is aaid lo be the only The Cott.a Mesa Chy Councla wlll conatder 1 plan Mopday· nJaht t.Mt could blcreue allowa- ble buildlna beW.htl &Jona Briatol Street aoutlT oI the San Ote10 liTeeway. The city currently allowa hl1h-rlae conatructlon on the north aide of the freeway. The Briatol Street S~fic Plan, u lt 11 c1lled, could ralae allowable Obnltructlon .outh of t}\e freeway u high u 10 atorie., or keep It at the current two-1tory·Umil City officials are 1upportina a propo1al that could fncreaae building height.a In the area to 110 feet or about eight 1torles. Lut month planning commit- aioners failed <to reach a decision on the height restrictiona. ~lier this month a company In partnenhip with C.J. Seger- strom & Sona unveiled plans for an eigh\-1tory hotel and four high-rise office buildings on the 13.6 acre alte formerly occupied by Monicomery Ward and Co . The combination hotel and of- fice oomplelc by c.allfomia Pacific Properties Is not expected to come before the Planning Com- miaaion until June. Owners of property adjacent lo the old Ward store have tried unsuccessfully to win city appro- val for office development.a ran- ging from five to 14 stories. Their plans have been opPosed by nearby resident.a. Parks and Recreation Depart- ment budget dealing with Crystal Cove are scheduled May 6 before the resources subcom· mittee of the Asserpbly Ways and Means Committee, ~rs. Froeberg laid. remaining example of an early M d Calitotru: beach <Ol'l'lmwUty. an arres te The cottages became part of --EVicfion notict!S we:re posted or· ' atuUed in the mailboxes of 23 of ~ • the 45 cott,ages April 14. Resi· Ir denta ftled a--fegaJ ac\ion claimblg . the state reneged on its promise ~ -to extend cottage leases for 20 _crystal ~e ~tate Park in 1979 in La Habra when the lrv1ne Com:p11ny sotd--_ the·beachlront parcel to the state tor ~2.6 million .• ~. _ ,. bank holdup I :I .. '. • I 1 Since acqulririg the '2,791-acre • park, state offlcWa, resident.a and The idenllficat.lon of a suspect •yean. lawmakers have wrestled with in a La Habra bank robbbery by Built in the 1920s and 1930s, 'th e cottage community located the problem of how lo accommo-wit.neaaea to the crime resulted in date the public with the private the arrest of a 39-year-old betw een Corona .del Mar and use of the area. Orange man in La Habra, police in that city said. James Diz.ely was arrested, a FALKLANDS. disposal.'' In London, British Fo'rea~n Secretary Francis Pym expressed delight .at the offer of military supplies to Britain and imposition of U.S. sanctions against Argen- tina. He said he will fly to 1WaahJ.ncton today or Sunday lo ~cuas "the n ext steps" with t if~ also said he would go to New York to see U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar 'and pursue diplomatic options. "We now have a new situation and I am extremely glad that the United States has come down decillvely on Britain's side," Pym • • told a news conference. "To have the world's most powerful state on our side must make Argentina see that aggression cannot succeed." Da~id Owen, co-leader of Bri- tain's Social Democratic Party, said America's decision to take sides wu ''a very good thing. They have made up their minds on the basic issue which ii that the Argentinians are the aggreseor. '' London's evening Standard newspaper rushed the Haig pro- nouncement into it.a last edition under the banner headline, "U.S. Off The Fence." load~gun allegedly U8ed in the robbery confiscated, and $2,900 cash allegedly taken In the rob- bery recovered 1hortly after the 10:15 a .m. incident Friday, Lt. Wayne Lowry reported. Diz.ely's arrest came after wil- neuea to the robbery relayed a dHCription of the robber to po- lice. who detain£0 Diuly a short time later while witne.es came to the 9Cene to identify him, Lo- wry said. The robber entered the Crock- er Bank in the Fashion Square shopping <::enter wearing a stoc- king mask and carrying a revol· ver, and took the caah from sev- eral tellers' drawers, police said. Diz.ely is being held on su1pi- cion of armed robbery Partial cle~ring Co'astal A PSI ot 42 ••• loreCH I tor other leglot\I, ll'ICMling me1!opoll- lall Lot Angelee. coeai.I w-. an. land Orenge County, 81g leer Lake. high end low CS-ta. Ben- LIOhl varlebl• wind• through nlng end 11'19 Hemel·Eltlnofe .,. .... I niomlno becoming_, 10 _,it1- we11 ,o to 15 kno11 allernoon. ----------WH~ty •-II• t 10 2 IHI over E l led Inner Wiiien end 3 to 5 , ... '1V« x e Ill. outer wetera Mo1t1y cloudy =-~ iocsey but penJel dMtlng / o rec as l Mondey·Wednet<ley: Night end I rnomlng IOw Cloudl w.i of COMtal ' u s SUmma mountMla Othenrl!M lelr. Loc:.ly \ • • ry windy In IM mountain•. HIQhe In T'hunder1t0trn1 ""Pt ICl'OM Ille th• COHlel ., ... ee lo 14 wtlh aoutllern Ptelne on Frldey end toy• 64 10 84. Mountain rffort hHvy rain felt over th• Tuu JMOh• In 80I with Iowa rntd·30a • Penhendle end w.iern OlcW-. ftwougl'I 40I. Cloudy lklM elretched from the ----------oentral ~ to the IAP9« ~ llllCll Villey end h -pet1ly dou-T dy I C(Ott the Gull Cout 1t1IH emperatures Md ttle ...cern Mlbolrd. , Ttte WMtern Untied Sletff hid NAT10M Nifty ... • Albuque 14 56 'Of todey, for--. 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Dimer f7 41 "':;~~ze =r-.... l•ut wind• t,._21 "'~ 11 ,. ~ :: :,':(,~ :'~-:"1!'tt'fu;Ta;. ~ !! 1117 "°"9 • to.... ., 101•rww1 wtnde 20-'° mpfl In ~-ft J: d9Httt efwrnoon and evefllng HofldWlll ., 1t ..... ~todey.~ .... • 71 .. =......_:..-::::·:: ==-n = C!t111--' fll9tte In toe, Ion In .,.._.. ta • IOl.0-..llol ......... KanaOley .. 41 ~ .., In Cel*lf Ollfor'llle &Al ._.. .. • ... -.-.......... ,_....... &Me~ •• " q afNI I•• oloMdt alont tu ...... 70 " 81 It 18 M 74 le eo 47 ea It Ill .. f7 M eo 81 n eo 11 ta 73 ff 74 40 73 N 80 ... 86 eo 1' 42 ~ =-71 .. 10 ta .... .. 60 73 .. ... 81 ta It .. '7 f7 IO II 41 :: : ~ :: F.ATAL WREC,K -A Mission Viejo man was killed when a tractor-trailer crushed his car on the Ortega 'Righway Friday after:noon. The car --;;i-~ -'T--• DeMr Pllol,lboto bf Pelrlcil O'OOfUteN driver reportedly lost control of tht! a uto and veered into the truck's path. Sec sto ry below. Reagan talks numbers Discusses budgfl with GOP, blasts Demos compromise in the five weeks of bargaining that collapsed this week. an end to runaway taxes, spen- ding, government debt and high interest rates" and back him on .· ·. WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre· sident Reagan, accusing Demo- cratic Howie Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill of showing "no give whatsoever," opened talks Fri- the budget. . "There was no gave wha-tS()('· · _..9Jli~.~ith jt~publican allles in Congress on strategy-for ~g a 1983 budget. From the president on down, Republicans portrayed O'Neill as the biggest obstacle lo a budget Treasury Secretary Donald T. ~gan aaid that in drafting a new budget, the president will not be lodt1!U-irr '1y the11Ei-ms"Of-tris :i..10! compromise offer, which inclu- ded tax increases of $122 billion and defense spending cuts of $28 billion. ver, even suggestion or h int of : -negot.a!..!-~," Reagan sald oL .h ••"'. -~ m e eting W l'dnesda y with O'Neill. "This 1s why th<· nit·t.'lmg :-· Argentine guest on news shows Here are the scheduled guests on the major network news interview shows Sunday: ABC "This Week With David Bnnkley" -Argenllne Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez, taped from Buenos Aires. CBS "Face the Nation" - Costa Mendez. taped from Bue- nos A.ires. NBC "Meet tQe Press" -Sen. "Everything is off the table," Regan said. "As Car as we're concerned , we're starting all over. There haa been no conside- ration at this point as lo where the administration goes from here." However. Sen. Bob Dole, R-K.an .. chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, indicated he thought the president would 1tick with the tax hikes and de- fense cut.a he accepted at the final bargaining session. · "I don't think he does it one day and backs away the next," Dole aald. More than once Friday. Reagan boasted of an unprecedented o':'tpouring of public support to hl5 appeal Thursday for Amer- icans to tell Congress they "want e ndt·o with n o t h i ng " accomplished " · House Republican Leader Ro· bert Michel said the Massachu· setts Democrat "might well hav<- misjudged the president's w11- 1in~esa to compromise." "This is the rirst ume I've seen isuch intransigence.'' s~ud Trea- sury Secretary Regan. "We were n<1t able to agree on anything." In response. Christopher Mat- thews. an aide to O 'Neill, said, ... "The president's economic prog- ram is failing and he's looking for a scapegoat. It's sad to see a once <.'Onhdent president so desperate for an allb1." The president, speaking before a gro up of editors and broad- casters, said he and O'Neill were separated by "great phtlosoph1cal d ifferences " · Charles Percy, R-lli .. chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, from Waahington. Upcoming Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes": Viejo man killed in crash "May 2, 1942" -Morley Safer reports on the recovery of gold from a British cruiser sunk du- nng World War II. ''Fake" -Mike Wallace exa- mines the multiDlllion-dollar international ripoff of manufac- turers of brand-name goods by counterfeiters, originally broad- cast Dec. 27, 1981. . "Take Me Out JO the Ball- game" -Harry Reasoner visit.a with members of a champion.ship women's fast-pitch eoftball team. ~ A 43-year-old Mission Viejo man was killed Friday afternoon when his car collided with a truck on Q¥ga Highway, Cali- fornia Highway Patrol spoke· smen said. Larry Z. Barker was killed in- stantly when he apparently lost control of the car he was driving east on the road. crossed into the westbound lane and collided with a tractor-trailer, according lo the CHP. · Barker reportedly was driving at an exce11ive rate of speed • Luxurtoue Locker F.cllltle• for Men & Women • Seutll, Stelm, Jec:uzzt e 2 s."9 Vole~ Courta • 1 /8 Mle JOOQlna TNOk • • lndMdull E.ijrolN ~ • ~, ......... V.vbel) • Fr• Chlldoare (8 wka. !.;:J • 'e ~ Aeoqi Cout1a T:OURS • ,_,.. qulpfMnt I' • ~Aerobic a.... CONN ~o • 25 MM' Oymp6o Poot a &ndlok llU'-1 ~ · :=. .... ...,Lounge DAILY • U111111 A MMll~ . 152·0585 . ... ...... , ...... .................. ............. t1.flu10p.a. , when he lost l'Ontrol. Th e dri ve r o f t he t ru c k , 25-year-old Larcy-.Rced of Vi lla Park, was not anjurf:'d. according to reports. The accident occurred at about 3: 15 p m. near the mtersecllon of San Juan Hot Sprangs•Road, about 11 miles east of lnterst.ate 5, the CHP said TrafCic on the road was backed up for several miles 115 police tried lo clear the accident scene according to eyewitnesses.' ' .. .. .. . '1 l 1 . ~ . a ·Willill[OO Cuban aid reported Soviet gear sent to Argentina, sources say WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. inteWaence haa obtained hard evidence that sophisticated Soviet- made antl-aubmarlne and other electronics gear has been flown to Argent.in.a from Cuba, apparently to assist Argentine forces oohfronting Britain over the Falkland w.ndl. congteesional IOUl'OeS a.aid Friday. They said Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. made the diaclOlure at a closed meeting 'Thursday on Capitol HUI wt~h a small group of House members. A state Department spokesman denied the report. Haig also told the congreaamen, the sources said, that Cuba haa lnfoMT\ed the Argentine gov- ernment on behalf of both Havana and Moecow that a broad range of other military equipment could be made avallal>le to Argentina through Cuba, to the extent that the Argentines believe they need such -support. .\ Africa summit termed 'useful' • KOPPONTEIN GATE, South Africa -Prime Minister P .W. Botha and Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda, emerging from an unusual black-white summit in the African bush, said Friday they h,d frank and useful talks on Namibia inde- pendence and South African apartheid. \ But their brief joint statement gave no hint of progress. on racial conflicts in southern Africa, which Kaunda had said earlier were leading to a possible explosion that <.'OuJd destroy the region. Speaking to reporters. the two leaders smiled in a display of personal good will. "How did the talks go?" Botha was asked. "How does it seem to you?," he replied. Their statement said: "The two leaders had a frank exchange of views on the situation in sou- thern Africa in their search for a peaceful solution to the problems of the area. . . .Both leaders found the exchange of views useful." Two · hostages released TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -A Vatican dip- lomat reported a breakthrough Friday in negotia- tions w~th four lefust gunmen holding 25 exhausted hostages on a hijacked Honduran Air Service plane. The clergyman boarded the plane twice Friday, • and bro1.1ght two hostages off. Monsignor Andres CorderQ Lanz.a, the papal nuncio to Honduras, said "there is a probability" the privately owned airline would pay $100.000 de- manded by the hijackers Money-watchers await report ~NEW YORK -The nation's money supply • justed average of $454.5 billion in the week ended rose $1.9 billion in the third week of April, the April 21. It was--$452.6 billion the previous week. Federal Reserve said Friday, but analysts said they would wait for the month-end report before they begin worrying about swelling money numbers. The bond market, too, showed little immediate reaction t.o the Fed announcement that Ml, which measures available cash. rose to a seasonally ad· The money supply is about $6 billion over .the Fed's growth targets for April. But the month, when many federal income tax payments are made by taxpayers and the checks cashed by the sov- emment, normally experiences money volatilit9. Coke-Columbia merger OK'd NEW YORK -Shareholders of Columbia Pictures Industries Inc. approved at a special mee- ting Fnday the company's proposed acquisition by Coca-Cola Co. The Columbia Pictures vote was 74 percent in favor of the merger, with only 0.25 percent of the company's outstandiOR shares opposing the deal. Coca-Cola shareholders are .cheduied to vote on the deal, valued at more than $820 million, at the company's annual meeting Monday m Houston. ~ Francis T. Vincent Jr .. president and~hief ex- ecutive of Columbi.a Pictures, t.old the shareholders that final legal approvals were expected soon. INS raiders arrest 150 LOS ANGELES -A factory raid Friday morning netted 150 arrests of alleged undocwnent- ed workers, capping a weeklong crackdown on iJ- legal aliens. as unemployed workers clamored for the vacated jobs. officials said. the Immigration and Naturalization Service's "Operation Jobs" sweep through Southern Califor- nia. At the B.P John Furniture Co. m Santa Ana. job-applicants swarmed intQ the personnel depart- ment Friday morning alter hearing news of the raid there Thursday, said Alex Sytnyk, personnel ma- nager. The group routed when federal agents swanned into the Hiebert Inc. furniture factory in Carson brought t.o 768 the total number arrested in . . Qradley tells • crime . :MODESTO -Los Angeles Mayor Tom Brad- ley J>roposed Friday allowing bail to be denied in mo~ serious cases, narrowing the exclusionary ruie and:abolishing what he called "automatic parole" in non•murder cases. is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor in the June primary. Many of his recommendations are similar to parta of the complex anti-crime Initiative on the June ballot sponaored by Paul Gann, but Bradley said he will not take a position on Proposition 8 until the State Bar of California completes a study on the !Jn his most comprehensive campaign statement on orlme, Bradley outlined a dozen "con8tructive cha.Ages" he favors in California's criminal justice sys~m "to remove the fear from our lives." Bradley proposal. · . QAANGE CUA" r qany Pilat T hcjmat. P H,,1i-y I 11 V •• 1 -.I t f .. _. f •• 11 1• •1 • • I<,,., Sc.hullz \ .,. t•t··· I• ' ... ,, ........ , .. "· ....... I 0111 Murpb111,.. Class1fled advertising 714 642·S678 All other departments 642·4321 M AIN OFFICE ,)1 W t•'I ''"'' \t ( ,.,....,,. Mt '" f A M t•l ttdd'"'°" t1· • l \tif• '~· .. ,._, ~ (I\ ..,,.,,.. \ tNttH.tftt t•1 {)tl4fl".# r, .. ,~t f'\.lfltt h•f;Cf (flfnJMf\Y' NU l"#•'-'tit'k"· ...... , ......... nn .. H lttf)t1 .. 1 n .......... , .a "'"'lt'4'1rt•...,,h "-''"''" "' .. • &r '""D''Jidt11 ~ w•tfllloUt ,,,.. •• ,.1 o-·rn••' ..,.,,.. flf • ""l'tV• tQht nt11tri-r 'w fV'•t • ...... • ..... , ... II,. •• ' ... ',.. M• ,, ' Ah lOH M" 'I'"' tu M h '°' .. -.. t •ptttllft hv .., , .. , \4 I\''"""'""• r -. '" uf ~ v1u11111•ttt1•• IN •u M'K-11 • ••tll\t h .t•I• ••1•h• •Un wru,.n 1-\ • twu n1n•tt u~• N•\lllt Pt""' • f'uflo,r~ hy tM ()tA"'Of '~,, PtJnh'-"•ntl ( ,.. ..... ..,U'ly \.('Mt ..... •ft1t1M' .,,, ovb'•,Na-d ~,.., 1'-•°"'°"' f rtdlllY ·~· r °''• ~~ """WPDf't U.,..Mh 1•t1"1f1riqtnrt U• At' P't , l)Ul'lfftn 'l•thtt If YIM ' tqllM f\•M" \.outf'\ t ai.t\t A \tt'IQtf. , .. q~ HhtlOft t\ ~''"'"' ""4fttfftAY' ,.M \unctA\"' f~ Ot '"' ,,_ .. ,._.,...,,,,..,.q ot49r\t ,, ·•• tV> w-~• fitAv \to .. t .. n ftt't• t\p,(1 '""'" ""''" ( 4'ltlur,. ... ,,.,.,., VOL 75, NO. 121 I Out-of-state betting OK'd SACRAMENTO -Gov. Ed· mund Brown Jr. •1gned legisla- tion Friday legallrina betting at California race tracb on major out-of ·11ate hone l'llC8. The meuure taket effect Im- mediately. But becawte It n!qui· res agreements with apon.ora of race. ~lit the parimutuel. pool from omla beta, lt will not ~ly to the Kentucky Derby y . However, Calltornlana wlll probably be able to bet leplly on the PrHknela May u . We're Listening •• ~. . Whal do )'OU like about the Dail)' Piiot? What don't )'OU like? Cell the number below anct, your mena1• wlU be recorded. lruambed and delivered to the appropr\at• editor. The 1ame 24·bour an1werin1 Mmc:e may be uted to record let· ters to lho editor on any topic. Mallboll conlributor1 muat Include their na• and ~~t numbft' for ~trtftcatloo. No circulation .. calla, l)leaM. :fell • wh.al't on your mlnd. . .842-fl088 O~ange Co11t OAILV PILOT /Saturday, May 1, 1982 Brower stresses frugality By JOEL C. DON Of the DelJ,..... lteff The orily way to head off nu· c lear war over the world'• dwindling supply of natural res- ources ia through conservation, environmentalist David Brower lnsisca. "Wlth!conservation we can have security and a sustainable society a)'\d we can't have either without It," he aald in an inter- view. "F~ our 5 percent of the (world) population to uae 30 percent of the world's resources has led us to the brink. Delly Piiot t i." Ptloto "With the pre.ent-day ra\tling of nuclear anns it could aend us over to extinction." '8rower waa at UC Ir.vine, Thursday to speak at the annual F.arlh Day activities. The day is designed t.o focus public attention on environmental issues MAKES POINT -Environmentalist David Brower told a UCI audience that the Reagan administration ranks as the worst he's ever seen in its approach to e nvironmental issues. The 69-year-old Brower told a gathering of about 60 people that the proUferation of atomic power in the world is helping to stock arsenals of nuclear weaponry. "Nuclear power is a cover for nuclear weapons," he said. "Without nuclear power around the world ... there would be no excuse for having plutonium or uranium. Nuclear power provides half as much energy fo r the Un- ited States as burning wood." Brower has been a leader in the environmental movement for 42 years. He served as execuuve director of the Sierra Club 16 years and then formed and be- came director of the Berkeley- based Friends of the Earth in 196~ -- He helped establish the federar Wildem~ Act in 1964. BrQwer said he has seen 13 ,J>residentiaJ administrations come and go a'nd that Reagan's 1s "worse than the (Warren) Har- ding administration which had been the bottom of the barrel before." He explained that the Reagan administration may damage the environment beyond repair, ci- ting proposed coal mining in Montana, and other wildnemess sites selected for mining and drilling to extract valuable min- eral and oil deposits. Brower said he s upported Jimmy Carter in both of his campaigns. but became disap- pointed with-lhe former presi- dent when he refused lO veto a bill to build the controversial Tellico dam in Tennessee:· _u the.world go.£.S..to wu.. he said 1t will be a fight over 011 and other resources. "President Carter and Presi· dent Reagan have threatened war if anyone messes with the oil in the Middle East," he said. "We seem t.o think it's ours." Brower also warned that con· servati6n is needed to prev~nl destruction of the environment. For example. he said, the bur· ning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil adds carbon d1ox1de to the atmosphere which 1s linked lO acid rain destruction of crops and lakes "The environment 1s not the :;ocial province of a few people," he s;ud. "It's what we h.v.e 1.n and the Reagan admin1strat1on 1s making 1t less fit t.o hvl.' in day after day" He noted public opinion polls show most people are concerned about preserving the e nviron- ....ment. The nation d~'t need an l'colog1cal d1saster .. to a-ct, -he stressed. GOOD SCOUT -Shawn Mallard, 13, of Hun- tington Beach, puts finishing touches on Boy Scout troop 1226 logo on Bolsa Chica sea wall in Huntingto n Beach. S hawn organized his Dally Piiot Pholo by P•trlck O'Donnell troop. which painted over 500 feet of sea wall defaced b y graffiti. Jt was part of has Eagle Scout project. r BROWN JOROAN ; .. if Mauna I).., Cl: Kea l ~~SAL j -:' 42" Leg table & 4 chairs. v::~~ ~~· s5Q4 48" Leg table & 4 chairs. ~~~· 5525 Chaise lounge ~~· 5233 At home or at lhe beach a mtn1·Sun Chaise by Telescope •S a grea1 plus 10 relaxation II s quahly bu1ll w11h a hghtwe1ght aluminum frame. hardwood · arms and durable vinyl coated polyester tabnc II ad1usts ~=-r----5i~~ to lour positions -:: and has a handy towel rod Built to tast.11' s a care· ~~~:,,I!:~~~~~ tree combination or convenience .and cdrnfort s3295 SALE immediate delivery Roger's Gallery also features •Allibert • Triconfort •Herfag • Tropitone •Woodard great accessories & all patio needs OV...tiotOO ... • *JtOCIMdl"' • ~..,.,OIMQ.J.11\.., .,.., • A.·-~°"''0"'-"'°""'""~ ~11 NWSl.fiY • INOQOR Pli'f\tl:S j.FLOOSf • t ANOSCAPING • Pt\T!O FU~ITIJf1£ • ANTIQUr) . T .. L I • .. 'f l!allsit .stiif ions· OK' d · Cal trans approves Amtrak funding , Major fundlna for new mlxed· mode tran1portatlon ,tationa alonatheAmtrakpeaenaertrain route ln Irvine Jnd Mllalon Viejo waa approved Friday by the California Tranaportatlon Com· mlaalon. ,. Authorization to spend a com· blned $4.1 million on the two atatlona ends years of effort.a to locate th e 10 -called "multi-modal" atat.lona ln the two Saddleback Valley locations along the buay Los Angeles-to· San Diego route. As predicted. the funding pre· vioualy endorsed by Caltrana Di· rector Adriana Gianturco was pallf!d-wtthout controveray. The commission la an independent agency from Caltrana. but oft.eo follows Ms. Gianturco's recom· mendations. Pleued offlct.la ln lrv1ne plan to push forward wlth thflr pro- poeal to build a 7,&00·IQ.~foot station next to the Sant• Fe • Railway tracka jult north of the • lntenection of the San Diego and Santa Ana freewaya. Design of the bulldlna ahowd start by late summer wlth FOn · structlon under way In about i year, Hid J ohn Harrla, i city transportation engjneer. The station ahould be In ope· ration by May 1984, he aaid. The $2.3 million ln atate fund.a approved Friday will be combl· ned with $700,000 ln city funds and land valued at $3.4 rnilllon donated by the Irvine Company for the station. In Mission Viejo. where con· struction schedules are expected UCI students get • • voting extension UC Irvine undergraduates w1JJ get an extra day lO cast ballots for student council representatives. Results from the Tuesday and Wednesday balloting were sup· posed to be released Friday But one student group com· plained that some booths weren't always open during the 9 a m to 4 p.m. voting period So student officials decided to have an additional voung day Tuesday. according to e lection commissioner Joe Julian, a'senior biology major. He sai'd about 1.400 of UCI's 9,000 undergraduates cast ballotc this week. "I don't see us getting more people to vote," Julian added. "Apathy at UCI is very bad. But to appease lhe people who fited the complamt we're going &o go ahead and have tlJp-extra day " to be 1lmllar to Irvine'•, the emaller 1ta\lon will be butlt on $1.3 million worth of land on Cabot Road between Oao and Crown Valley parkway•. The 1tate wW fund fl.8 million • toward construction. The atatlona wUJ be deaigned as atops for bot~trak and l~ ca• or long-dlatance bu1 routea. They will IJ:lclude large parking Iota. • Ma . Glanturco haa promlaed that Amtrak traina which atop In Fullerton. Santa Ana, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente will include Irvine and Mwion Viejo once the atationa are com- pJet.ed. In addition, Irvine officials alao are making tentative requests for their atatlon to serve as.a stop for. high-speed "bullet trains" pro- Pofjed to run on separate tracks between Loa Angeles and San Diego. However, decisions on that matter are far off, officials have noted. OC authors to be feted by UCI group Thirty-five Orange County authors who had books published in 198!£lll be honored SUnday when U\,; Irvine's Friends of the Library holds Its 17th annual Author Dinner. The books recognized during the 6:3-0 dinner al the Newporter Inn in Newport Beach will be· come part of a special collection _,_Wieder on Rea~an panel -·~ \>f Oran~~ authors' works kept at the UCI Library. Orange County SUpervisor Harriett Waefjer o f Huntington Beach has been appointed by President Reagan t.o a three-year term on the lntergoverrlmental Advisory<::ounc1i-on Educ.atlbn. The announcement was made Friday. The group makes recom- mendations to the president on public education matters. The current books represent all known v-0lumaa-publi1hed com- mercially during the year. They will join more than 850 other volumes added to the speciaJ col· lection since the support group began its diruaers 17 years ago. * Open Evenings * Lab On Premises X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for s25 Medi-Cal and Insurance Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA ' 2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 556-8013 The Robtnsorrs Gift WITH YOUR DIOR JEWELRY PURCHASE, A FREE KEYCASE FOR MOM. This genuine leather key case valued at. S 15 can be yours when you gilt Mom with any sensational piece lrom our Chnst1an Dior by Grosse 1ewelry collection One sugges11on our simulated aquamarine 16" pendant with rhinestones $35. Stud eamrigs S3-2.50 Gill quantities are 11m11ed. only one per customer Oller ends May 9. Robinson's Fa~hion Jewelry. 16 To order. call toll·free _IJ 1·800·345·8501. ·' . 1-:r "' Wlt9')holo RITTER AWARD -Actor John Ritter (right) and his brother Tom present the first annual Tex .RitW&-Award, named for their singer father, to director Budclv Van Hom for the best country movie of the year. "Any What·h Way You Can." · Singer Fa ces coastal suit Grammy Award-winning singer Kenny Rogera struck a sour note with the California Coastal Comnuss1on when he built a 160-foot-long. incline conveyor ramp from his hill- side mansion to the beach at Malibu. T~ commission finds the . p e o p • ·"111 ov1 n g r a m p The diamond-studded gold pendant that Vane11a DuBois won for being named Miss Hawaii and lost to a New York chain snatcher turned up in pieces at a ,ewelfy store, and the jeweler says h e can point out the thief Detectives staked out New Author Alan Paton under- went emergency surgery for an aneurysm an his heart and hu w..ife. Anne..sald hls con · dition "was satisfac&ory under the c1rcums tanc.-es.'' The 79-vear-old writ.er was "unsl·e nic " and Ho~t·r~ doesn't have a penmt for 1t, so the coastal protection agency filed suit in Los Anli(t!les, as· kang u $10,000 fim· plus $5, 000 a day against the creator of suC"h hits as "The Gambler" and "Lucille." The singer could face fines of up to $1.6 million. York's diamond district loo- king for the tall man with the· "huge hand" who ripped the $7,000 pendant from Miss DuBois' neck Wednesday as she walked in Manhattan with four state beauty queens. all bedecked in their title sashes. h08J)1talized in Durban. §<?uth Africa. The m ost famous o f ha s __ w orks, "Cn:. the B~ovcd Country" published an 1948, portrayed the racial conflicts in white -minority ruled Soulh Afnc•. A tederpl judse In Pena•· cola. Fla .. ordered country· weatern 1lnger Jollaay Pay· cllecll to appear In court wi- thin 20 day1 &o anawer qu8- • tion.t about hi1 pcr.onal and l'Orporaw taxe1 The lntemal Revenue Ser- v 1 ce as 1eek1ng more than $ l 00.000 I• back-taxes .. from Paycheck and about $50,000 in various taxea from Johnny Paycheck Bni.erpriµa. baaed In Detitin, Fla. Paycht'Ck, who sang the hit song ''Take This Job and Shvvl! It," was touring in Pcnruiylvania. according &o his agent in Nashville. The tour is scheduled to continue about 10 more days. Juvenile authoritiea gave actor Lou Go11eU custody of has 7 -year~ld son after socut.l services ofT1cial1 said there wasn't enough e vidence to charge ham with child en- dMgennept, a spokesman tor the actor says. Gosi;.elt and a compamon, Honey Rufner, were arrested March 18 at the ir Malibu t·anyon home when sheriffs deputies f o und cocaine an their bedroom Ot'put1es said they had bt.'l'·n upped that coc·aane had bt•t·n given to Gossctt's son, Salle, and to Ms. Rufner's 7-ycar-old son and 4-year-old daughter Newspaper publisher Helen K . Copley and her brother have been awarded $1 .5 mil· lton an foes for their work as t·o-trustces 1n a non-marital trust established by Mrs. Co- plt•y's late husband. Tht-award by San Diego Judge Wlliiem L. Todd Jr .• t'nds lttagataon in a suit they filed in 1976 to confirm the trusteeship established by James S. Copl ey, who died in 1973 . In has wall . Copley also es- tabhshcd a marual trust over wmch Mrs Copley has c on-- trol She succ·ceded ham as eh;,itrman of th(· Copll'Y m·ws- pa pt'f group. Plummer's warehouse program gives you the best price bre_ak on P9lardesign's ~· . White Lacquer studerrt Desk wo~d~rtul wh1!e lacq~er · · . . , . , , Pt~ furniture! Now 1s the time '*·' · ~q;;.· ~~~~t'~1n to shop and compare! ... "" 11 • ,_...--.. ~~~~ r-:---~ ~kr~~.c:.;ma .,..--·~ Cle.Jn II~ fit .Jnv White ' ~ oecor oeoroom "' 1 _ ! " .· ~ stuavoroen Lacquer ~ -..... . J ~ """1J 47''• • 11 ~. Fl= ·~ :' • 1 ; ~.-'.~ s;i39 ~ ~ • Ad~~~0ti:v~:nous s59 ~ = Ul)tl()ISttr~ ~at & O.J(k -vitnouHolOf's s~ v.11 s 79 -~ L-1 l~ Of'\k 611 ( ~ w 41 • 11 rpiurn s2s58 Put tooemer in t'fflc1ent QOOO ~k •~ S 169 IOOklnQ WOrlllnQ tnv1ronment II SnS 11,iut Plu~SIOWPrlC~' ThtStvrdVwh•ft s 135 ixouer Oesll un oe tnNncC'O w1m, J orawtr unit on ~cn1no deSk rftum IOr morr surtxt c.lsttn S 11s v.JI space Sto~ room IS prov1o.cJ DY Drawer unit s 135 convei\ltnt dri~r units on usttr\ w rtarot flif' ettnerwltn 5drawenor u1nott<1rawt1 caOintt s1&<; v11 wttn lar~ fillnq como1rtmt'nt n. blalttw 0..-Qlelr 1!'11urt'\ .a<JJ(mat>lt nt>1Qm & tllt IOr tne ~st worktnQ oos1t11)n Ava11ao1t' 1n our AO•P $ 329 MtbrKs •! n.n 11 vt1r ouM.Jntl'I" SS8711~1 Potaroesion s sman sturov wn11e 1acoutr \!Or .JQI' cast oets •t 111 tOQt'rhPr tur vou• Tt11s 9000 1001c1nq O•l'C t' na\ comoartmtnt stor.JQf' IOr v•OM f'Qull)m('nt t.JPf'S rt'(OfdS OOOk\ s 149 ano otnt'r co11two1es Al Plummf'r \ IOW PrtCtS vou r An collect n manv a' vou Ilk!'' s 1119 vatut 46'" x 17'" x,, 0 White Lacquer Stade Ing cabinets · Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1G82 ... ·GOP.candidates convene in NB By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or-.Dllr,......., It was an ldeoloaicaJ swap meet as a icore of Republican candldatee for it.ate and federal offices traded ldeu before art 8tlmated 400 people at the Marriott Hotel ln Newport Beach. Park, ultd the occaalon ThW'lday nl&ht to provide report.en fathered ln hil hotel room with an instant •ana.Jyala o President Reapn'a budget meaage. McCloakey waa underatandably happy with Reagan'• recommendation that a conatltutlonal am~nt be paued that would require a balan- ced federal budget. Only houn earlier, McCloskey sent a letter to offlcJala of 19.states urging they take act.Ion to join 31 other states In callirig for a consti- tutional convention on just such an' amendment. Moet prominent at the event apon10red by the Newport Harbor and the Balboa Bay Republlcan Women were five ol the seven candidates for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat held by S. I. Hayakawa. Rep. Paul N. "Pete", McCloskey, R-Menlo "I didn't know the pre11ldent was going to , suggest It. I really didn't," McCloskey said. • • Meanwhile, in the meet.tna hall below, ~other ft'"711son re• iects Republican Senate hopeful, Maureen Reagan. was W J J · ~ ... , · · · · "ta.kins off on another nomination contender, San · Diego Mayor Pete Wilson, for a commercial In Maureen's pro test ;~~~·s"t~~e~ endorsed by Neil Reagan, the pre- ln the commercial, the words, "we Reagans" are used. Miss Reagan said use of the wording was an attempt by the Wilson campaign committee to lead voters into bel~vlng the president is suppor- LOS ANGELES (AP)-.A spokesman for San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson says Maureen Reagan's demand that Wilson stop using a radio commercial by President Reagan's brother in his Republican campaign for the U.S. Senate LS nothing more than "sour grapes.'' "Let 'em huff and puff," Wilson s pokesman Otto Bos said, adding that Wilson did not plan to reply to the demand Dennis Revell , Maureen Reagan's husband, sent a telegram to Wilson on Thursday demanding that Wilson quit using the paid po11tical ad. He said it implies that all Reagans -induding Maureen's father, the president have endorsed Wilson's campaign. However, Bos said Neti Reagan's statement of support for Wilson is not misleading. "It clearly stat.es several times it is Mr. Neil Reagan. ,brother of the president," he said. ''Maureen and Dennis tri<.-d very hard to get Neil Reagan to work for their campaign, and he wouldn't." Revell also accused Wilson or a "long history of disreputablt! campaign techniques ... and scurri- lous attacks on other candidates," citing Wilson's alleged anti-Reagan activiues·durmg lhe 1976 pre- sidential primary 1n New Hampshire and Walson's 1978 California governor's race. ting Wilson. ~ -The president hasn't announced his favorite in the Republican• primary. And he has said he will not. Miss Reagan produced copies of a telegram she sent Wilson demanding the commercial be taken off the air. She said she would wait 24 hours before taking unspecified additional action. When a Wilson campaign aide asled what that action would be, Miss Reagan only smiled. 'New chie f MERCED (AP> Atwater High School Principal Robert Gi lmore ha s been nam~d superintendent of Merced Union l1 1gh Sc h ool Dis tric t. li e r e pla ces Robert Maxwell, who resigned under pre~sure over di s trict finan c ial troubles. \ "I'll drop the other ahoe. But l can't tell you. If l told you, It wouldn't be the other ahoe," 1he l&id. In hie remarks to the crowd, Rep. Robert Dor- nan, R-Santa Monica, called candidate McCloekey ''a liberal of principle" and uraed a vote for "the right atulf," a none -too-veiled rete-rence to hla own well-known con.eervative phU010phy. Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr., R-Woodland Hilla, centered hil remarka on the economy, aaying Con- greu mu.at "aet eerioua" about baJancing the budget and atrensthenlna the economy. "The only way we can havn more is by pro- ducing more, not bickering about how we can share less," Goldwater said. Candidate Ted Bruinsma, former dean of the Loyola Law School, aaid tbe real challenge of the Republican Party la finding a candidate who can beat Gov. Jerry Brown, if Brown wins the Demo- cratic Senate nomination. "I could beat Jerry Brown, .Pete McCloskey could beat Jerry BroWI\," Brulnsma said. He said It would be an "embarrassment" and a "tragedy" for California to send Brown to Washington. Other speakers included candidates for a va- riety of state offices from govern1Jr to treasurer, including the two ranking RepubUain gubernatorial contenders Lt. Gov. Mike Cur~a nd Attorney General George Deukmejian. Prior to the speeches, Deulunujlan was endor- sed in absentia by Assemblywoman Marian Berge- son, .K-Newport Heach. ~he was m ~acramento. UPSET -Maureen Reaga n is irked by Pete Wilson comml·r· c ial with Neal R t•a - gan's support. FIRM San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson won't stop using corn - mt•r('ial. 1-lum a n gen e c lo n e d HOUSTON (AP) Srn·n ust~ J t B<tvlor Col - lege of Med1t'lnl' !><iY thl'} h<ivl· dom•d ~ human gem• in <t pron·dun· thc•y t)('ht•\ll' m:Jy ledd to a better undl·r~tandmg tJf a typt· uf nwrtt .. 11 rc·larda- tion. ~~~~~--~~- 'Anti' ~-<Jay in --... ·- PHONE 968-3329 . ~: Berkeley Chief named Model VT68P-All New Nr 1983 21 l&Y PlllUllllAIU 1avuu-.· Sound 011 $oond • Audio & Vldto 0..b • ~ Rudy • W11dtss Remolt Conllol &. Mort llTllll NIT.PU llJEOllllEIS 11• • , .ou~ 111 Tll 11·an '' THE aaT 2 YI. HITS WUIAlll 11AU111111.S If llTAlll 111111111 a1 ITIOI Model VTl500 REC~ '71r Model VT9710 with STEREO CALL 10< PRICl ,... -s Slot• MAGiii YO! Ponablf Rteordtr •1-ltlt h~ Protr•mmlbl~ I Ullff Slo Mo fr amt by r ramt Ind Slo11 AcllOll b)' Rtm0lt No" PRJCtD AT Ofl. Y 'Ill" ,..... . For Prices on any RCA· MAGNAVOX-HITACHI· VIDEO RECORDER or CAMERA Aulo f ocus I 4 Lens Fade In & Out · Elect V F. Pwr Saver SILE PRICED SIUI ITlTI ClllW vti( f"O()IJ NoJ o0 tft St(;(~ Vllleo ~mtra at rchl 1s thf mosl Aulomall{ CJm,,4 °" thf Mar~et Auto Focus-Auto Iris-Auto fade RCA ~ ll.Nf '211 1.g~~~~~~~~ Varactor Elect. Twine ~ c::=:...----,r '141 RCA ColorTrak 17" ....... ltEMOTt CONTROL Colorlr1k At Only $399 Hurry for This One 21" Di11onal 11111 VOi With :., RllDOI ACCESS REIOTE NOW ONLY $699 fict Includes Otli· lfY, Set-up Ind b· tended W1rranty. 4 s;t1k1r •••• ~ MAGNAVOX J 9" Diagonal with Electronic Tuning lor Only '321 Hurr)' lhty Won I Lui Loni' 19" D1ag. with Mee~ Tuner Shown is only one of 17 dif. ferent Cabinet Models in stock. All Ze· nlth Remotes Now Priced to Clear .. SPAC£ 25" Remotes How llOlll only 3 Yr riclwt T~llt • I Yr ,lrts " S.vtet. jl Yr. l'lcl. T1111t, I Yr 'arta & S.•ict W1111111ty '141 WHY BUY AT ABC71 .... I ·I l .. ~· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sa_turday, May 1, l982 Escape to the past at . Agohra • AGOURA (AP) -Queen Eli- zabeth I invi~ yo}.I to escape lhe 20th century pressures of poten- tial nuclear war, terrorism, rec- ession and the Falkland Islands crisis through English partying, 16th-century style "Revelry makes no Less a man than virtue makes him greater ," the woman who portrays "Good Queen Bess" says of the ZOth annual Renaissance Pleas ure Faire which opens today at Pa- ramount Ranch near Agoura Three thousand costumed per- formers and staff are recrl.'a ting the fes tival with whic h Bri- tishers celebrated spring during Elizabelh's reign, l:S58-1603. From equeslricnne events such as Tilting a t Quinlains to roast quail served on trenchers Re- naissance dinner plates -history buffs. college students, mortgagC' bankers and computer program- mers like Luisa Puig, who plays Queen Elizabeth. ('OnspirC' to de- light tourists fro m around the world. Spokeswoman L y nn C lark Opor predicts 250,00.0 vtS1tort. lhis year. The $11.50 a dult adm1ss1on may be the best investment an living history any whe r e'. says Phy llis Patterson. The former high school histor y teachc•r and drama coach designed the first fair in 1963 as ba,·kground for a children's theater prodUl'tlon. · It blossomed into today's non- profit public service event•staged through the Living History CC'n- tre, with help from the National Park Service and the Santa Mo- nica Mountains National RCt:r('a: tional Area. Ms. Patterson says this year's fair cost $1 9 m1lhon. "about what 1t took in" last year. "It's one big 1mprovisat1onal drama -a rather large one," she explains. the erythin g must go up to 70 °0 0 FF ! TOP ARTIST -The work of Balboa's Joan Christensen will be reproduced on comme morntivc pla~ that wi~l .be awar~s in the Home Arts, Crafts and Hobbies compet1t1on at this year's Orange County Fair. S h e will also enter paintings in the' Fine Arts de partment.___ _,___ __ V1s1tor partici pation 1s the goalt. Fa ir goers are encouraged t·o come an costume and wander the stn't.'ts of a v1lage re<.'Onstruct.ed annually from scratl'h. ration to devote himself to it. Horse events includt• bloodless Jousting. "Hedge Hog ," polo's predecessor, and tilting, where riders trying to spear a ring as practice for jousts. They had be- come more s port than duel by Elizabeth's time. Horse owners arl' e m·ouraged to sign up and particip<ite. They can watch or take ll>soons as crafts peo ple tat la,·c, weavP cloth a nd chamma1I, blow glas:;. make pottery. cut jigsaw puzzl('S a nd d esign je w e lry. Finis hed wares are for sale. And they can chat with the performers: William Shakespeare They can buy redpes for and and his friend. Ben Jonson. Sir sample Ettz.abethan de hcac1es Watter-Ral~1gh, circumnav1gator coTnis h pasties ... fine fat rib~;," S ir Frances Drake and the Earl ... ~.fl.JCC(l.»1iW. rtc.~ .. .!~~.9JJ}.IZ~-~-.U~ -· Q~J~~iCt>~t.P.y 1.'.f etn~£!U":'.p?_:._ gingerbread using s poon s. n1on of the Virgin Queen sired bread or fingers as the Englhsh by Henry V Ill and has second did before forks were introdU<'ed. wife, the eventually beheaded Food preparation 1s supervu;ed Anne Boleyn. b y L os Ange les restaura te ur Manuel Suarez, who shutt•~rs Call (213) 851-7354 for infor- Manny's Bistro for the fa1r's du-maLion. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH We Save Yo,u Mote I. ~ ·Brown Jordan TAMIAMI \All 11\1 l'lr!CI 42" f~ w /4 Chairs S779 S469 48" Tit* w/4 Charrs 885 495 Chai~ 319 199 Sun Bench 229 IJ9 Sprll'IO Baft <"'rm 01a11 179 "' ltound OccaslONI T ~ 140 99 NOMAD 787 42'' TIC>le w/4 Chairs 499 48" Tit* w/4 Chairs 823 519 Ch.ti~ 299 209 MAUNAKaA 48 " Tl/tM/4 CNtrS 875 519 CNiww/¥rm 389 255 _. ' O uR B EST O FFER* Laguna Rattan and Patio will m<1tch or better any <1dver- t1sed price 1n Orange County of the same rattaf'l or patio furniture available for 1mme- d1ate delivery *080 PRICES TOO LOW TO PRINT ~ .. \ . -· ~-> \ubJf'ct 10 \too on HMl<I O fftr t'xpirt's S/3/82 .\,'\ ' ~-. ~ Mallin TROPl·KAI v11.t uu l'lllCl TAMPICO 41" Ta~ w/4 Ch.Jtrs AdJuSl.IC>lt Ch.ttSe H19h-8aclc Glider Charr YACHT HARBOR 42' TllC>le w/4 Charrs 48" Table w/4 Charrs Hlgh-8.JCk Otlder Chair AdjustllC>le CNt~ 24" Occui<>Nll Table PM.M SPltfNGS 42" Tl!tM w/4 Chairs 48" T~w/4 CNtrs Ad)IJstat>lt Chitlst Glidtr Chair w•nwooo 42" T~ w/4 Chottrs 48" T~ w/4 ChMrs Adj. Chai~ GllMr Chair Glau ToP End Tlt>lt \AU 11\1 l'•f{ I s S03 700 110 1279 119 85 532 319 574 }45 1n as 206 129 80 49 786 415 826 "" 320 199 18} 119 850 SH 8'0 S6t 155 , .. '101 '29 107 .. 42" Tf«* w/4 Chairs 48" Ta~ w/4 Cri.lrs Po04 Chaise SK OROS 42 T.oit w/4 Chatrs 48" Tai* w/4 Chairs 54" T~ w/4 Chairs Ch.llu-LOUl"Of • CANTINA 42" Tatlle w/4 Chain 48" Tatlle w/4 Chairs SonCllalS# Sldt Tatlle BllASIUA S778 080 814 090 250 080 1066 090 '102 0 80 1170 OIO 360 .980 1042 1068 378 176 42"T~w/4 Cn.trs 1414 43" Tablf w/4 CNlrs,_ 1442 Sun CNI~ w/AtWtJ 510 Sid.T~ T66 RA2.TAN 14 PA'l'IO COSTA MBA 286 I HARBOR ILVD, P•4t "'9-llll•OPEN 1 OA'fS . I TILE Fine quality ccn1mic tiles from arouniltnc worJu al wl10lcsalt prices! ~fiOI South I larhor.Bnuk>varu. S<rnla Ana. 54 0-0S'il'< Supi.'Y '\~l\'111~' Oil rorn:l.1111 1111 ;~11t· t1lt·s'. Tlw~t· Lih:!'I :11\· 1x·r- k d l11r 11 .... ,.,, l11t111kr!'I. \\.tll' .inJ ;1r111111J llw pnul :r,:r 111 hr"'' 11. "h1k. g11IJ . kn.1 t11lt,1 . I • '" ~" ,111u ~1 1mt· p.itkrn:-.. l \ 1 111 ,,hall' .111J g11ld I"' I" gl,11.1·d .111J u11).!l.11.1J . \II 1111 ml·,h- h.Kkl·J ~flt·d~. 99C per sq. ft . I:.!~, 1:.!" ~lnK.111 u111!l.11nl l(llJll'\' t1k' .Ill' 1Ji.·~1l 111r p.11111. .1 l1 ·dw llJ I U I IY. ")j Ill \\'llll 01 'l'l' tlw~· t1k~ :innd 11·rt' 1..'I~· .1t tl11-, I• 111· pntT. 99C each . JU"\ 11r lt~ali.1;; q-t'15 n) t1h: l 'nJ,!1.tzl·J. 79C each I:!"' 1:;·-~11111111.11tlu1.i tn11n 11<1~ .. \n ,·,tr-..:1111.:ll· h.1rJ ,1m.l J u1:1hk· 11· ••II' I 1k·. I b nJ :-a rn11· l 11l ).!IJZt'. Sl.29 C each • \11 ,di I lllW I· I\\ l'l ll l' 'ti I I •lit 1d11lt '1 .'\ 11 ·""·'" ,111d \11u11kr t11. \\1,,·g••t11Yl11" ;111d ,J·11~vii 1 l11 ·111.tf11i1 , J'll'lll' 11111111 I h l.!11111.' 9 C each SI 'I :l I \U >I· I· 1-.1< '1111-. 11.il1.r11 j,'\l i" t1k 1-. .1111 \11II.111 d111111 lt•l 1n11111l1-. llt "th .illd \1,rll-. 'I li1 I .1r1·.a1.11l.1hl1 111 ,,htk nhl11 gt1IJ. h1n1,·11.111d111-.1111 I 4 FREE decos for every 10 1q . ft . purcha-sed al 39C each tile! 1 '1 p11 n ... p, r ''I It 1 -1· .... 1x1.1g11 1ro111 ...,p.1111 h"\11" 11. "'r .ind l'111111kr t1k 11111'111.-. 11lt11lkJ ht'H\\ll .illJ lllltflkd lrt-.1111 ~11l11r' 39c each ,. , \ \1· \I gt ,, "' lllh ~II .11 11h" ,, I• II 111 II •f' ,llld I• tllll(1 I '' \II 11111 11 l11ll111111ti.:ld1,1o111I"'tl1111111 f llli..l'lt •111 ,Ill.I 111,111\ I tllil'I h111 l\ f\ J'1 )'.t ll 1 111' ·~.1111.t l<11.1' ll.il1.111 't'\ 'I" 111 "'' Ill.' Ill 'I 11J..111:_!h b, ,111111111 I tr.tll\.!I .lfld II th,111 ~I.ti\' 29C each • '1 :, ,,,,, "' 1'11 '•t 11 1 \\ .11 l Ill ...... I~" 1111"1 l1k I :..'.'·Id .111,I h1•1\\ 11 89C each I I -, 1'111' 't'• I ,, I II I 1.rp.ilh ..,, d.ih J ,(11111·11.111 '..! ·,'l"ll••11 l1h 111d.iild•tt11\ll 1 1.!"ld, II ht II\\ II .11td hl I h 29C each 11•1''11', I'• 1 '" II 1 I I I ' \ "''·"·' p.·r "' II 1 · 1 Diii-~-o-1---1r-s----el( FREE $30 VALUE!! l:n ,,, 111:..: 111k1\· ... 1 h1 tit, -d· 1-11 !Jrinq lhL-; ad uml .C/l'I <1 frl'l' spr mqe. _qmul Jloul. chel'S<' doth 1.md :!5 lh. suck n( ymul 1l'ilh u minimum -'~')() purrhcN '. 1•11ir-...ll1.t h.r'f'l•ll111'l1.du'I" 11lll t l1u ltl1 111 ... 1.ill.111 .. 11 '1' fl 1111.11 ' I I ' II ""I 111 J, I\ .11 llnttll ::!: - ~<'JI tli.. , .. m,.ro ,1 \\,1m1 r .1nJ II.1th,, I~ 'V''" .11 J \(, rd1,11liJN .111J """' .11 ~1111.1 \11.1 ''"" """ '"''l'l'h 1111111, ,1 1, "JI'·'' t1 ''" • "" I '" ' !lours: ,\lonJ.1\. Tu.:St.bl'. \\l:Jnl'xi;1y & Thurs<lJ \' J0-6. l·)·iJ;1rlll-K. ~:11 urJ,n· X-:l Su11J;1d :.!-:; Dally Piiat SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1982 • TEtEVISION ENTERTAINMEN"r 89 810 -----·------ ' Corona del Mar r.allies to beat Newport Harbor. 82. ·--- Lakers. moving in for the kill Wilkes benefits froni Suns' coverage as LA takes 3-0 lead • PHOENIX (J\P) -The more the quick. But they do pay too much atten-Earvin "Magic" J ohNon helped key PhOenix Suns try an unsuccessful sag tion to Kareem, which Ls OH by me." the Laker win wlth 23 points and 14 defense against Los Angeles center Ka-Wilkes' performance has pushed the rebounds -nine of them oomlng ln the reem Abdul-Jabbar, the more Laker Suns to the brink of elimination and no eecond half -as Los Angeles held off forward Jamaal Wilkes seems to benefit. one senses that m ore than Phoenix two fourth-period Phoenix comeback Wilkes put ln a game-high 26 points to Coach John MacLeod. atte.mpts in the nationally televised compliment Abdul-Jabbar's 22 Friday "A lot of people aay we expended a lot game: · night as Los Angeles beat Phoenix of energy to make it to the playoffs -Trailing by 14 poinu {93-79) with ll4-106totakeaconunanding3-0leadin thatafterwinningtwooutofthreewe'd 10:18 .to play, Walt Davia a nd L en their National Basketball Association be sapped," said MacLeod of his team's "Truck " Robinson keyed a 13·6 Suru' playoff series. The Lakers can wrap up mini-series win over the Denver Nuggets surge to narrow the deficit to 98-92 with the best-of-seven Western Conference last week. "But we juat ran into a solid, 5:30 to go. semifinal series with a win in Game Four solid ball club." But Los Ange les rattled o ff six here Sunday afternoon. Loe Angeles Coach P at Riley said his straight points for .a seemingly inaur- "1 think triple teaming Kareem all squad "hasn't played this well more than mountable 104-92 lead with 4:14 remai- n~ht had something to do with it," four or fives times over a string of three nlng Wilkes said of his effort. "Of course, we games this season. "I think we're playing l{yle Macy sank a three-point goal and rebounded well and we got some great excellent basketball. t don't think they two free throws in a 24-leC'Ol'ld span for passes and got the ball up court real (the Suns) collapeed," Riley said. Phoenix, however. A pair of Davia ~ throws made It 105-99 with 2:38 to go. Wilkes answered with six straight po- ints of hif own for a 1 Ll -99 Laker lead which sett.Jed the issue. Alvan Adams pac.-ed Phoenix with 23 points. ~via had 21, Robinson 18, Macy 1'6 and Rich K elley 14 -all of hi~ coming in the first period. Dennis J ohn- so, who had scored 17 points in the first two games o! the series, was held to nine -all in the second half. The Suns, trying to rebound from ronsecutive 19-point losses, battled to a 36-36 tie after the flrst quarter. Wilkes' 10 second-period points put the Lakers up 59-56 at the half. Los Angeles rontroll the third quarter and tool< an 88-77 ad in the final 12 mi- nutes. -~ TOP SCORt;R -Jamaal Wilkes led the Laker charge with 25 points in Friday's win. --------------------~----~----~--~------~~~~.~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~ l NET RESULTS -Golden West's Denny Smithgall (11) duels Dennis Regan (6) of drange Coast (left), while OCC's Steve Friedman (16) attempts.to block Rustler shot during Friday's first round of the community college state Dally l9tlot PhotM by Petttcll O'Donnell volleyball championships at Golden West College. Pirates won in five sets. See story, Page B2. Roenicke blasts Angels BAi. TIM ORE (4P) -Gary Roenicke f.air)y float.¢ u~und the bases after his three-run ho- mer ended an O-fot--20 slump that included 12 strikeouts. ''That took a load off my feet. my body , and my mind especially," Roenicke said of his blast which capped a 9-4 victory for the Baltimore Orioles over the Angels Friday night. "That was probably the most satisfying homer I've ever hit," Roenicke said ... The slump was bad because it came alter I had my best spring training ever and got off to a good start. Then overnight, It turned around." ROENICltE ADMITTED he had been presdng. but said the.re wasn't much he could do about it. "Anytime anybody is in a slump, he's always pre91ing," he said. "It's a mental factor that's hard to overcome." Roenicke said he had struck out on a slider on his previoua trip, and was looking for another when the count went to 2-2. Butl he adjusted on a fastball and sent a drive into the left field blea- chers. "I had never struck o ut so much before when I was getting my swings," Roenicke said. "1 usually strike out on checked swings or looking at the ball" Al Bumbry and Rick Dempsey drove in two runs api«e for the Orioles, whose opening-month record of 6-12 w as the third · worst April ln the club's history. The Angels' 15-7 mark repre- sents their best ever in April. ~eigh tabs· 4.11-stars for South Quantity, not quality in Derby today Roenicke, wHo fanned as a pinch run.er with the hues load ed in the fourth inning, hit h · fourth homer of the season in the\ sixth off Luis Sanchez follo~ an intentional walk to Eddi Murray, the major leagues' lea ding hitter. Air Forbes Won draws favorite's role for 108th running at Churchill Downs BUMBRY'S TWO-RUN tripl~ LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -Alr Forbes Won, who has known only victory, and El &ba, a model of consistency, head a grab- bag field of 3-year-olda for the 108th Kentucky Derby today at Churchill Downs. "This field doesn't have the quality of some past years," aaid John Veitch, the Calumet Farm trainer who wtll aerve as a television commentator for the Derby. Timely Writer, the early favorite, Ark• anaas Derby winner H09taie and several other Derby candidates have been put out of action by illne9I or injury. Linkage, the Blue Grau winner, was held out of the Derby and pointed toward the Prealmeu May 15. "But this la a good race, an interesU.ng race," Veitch said. "Who knows"?'' said Dewey Smith, trai- ner of El Baba, the iecond choice ln the 20-horae field be hJnd Air For bet Won, winner of all four a1art1, after pNlim.lnary. betting Friday. "There's been a maid.en that haa won the Derby, and two fillies, too." • The only vldory of Brokers Tip's career came in the 1933 Derby. There aren't any maidens in this Derby, but there ii a filly -Cupecoy's Joy, who is On TV today channel 2 at 1:30 given only an ouuide chance of joining Regret, 1915, and Genuine Risk, 1980, u filly winners of the Derby. Cupecoy'1 Joy, who drew the No. 1 post p_oaltlon also waa entered for Friday's K.en~y Oakl for flllles but was 9Cr8tched early Friday. · 'There abo la a geldlnQ in the field. Real Dare, who won a tl0,000 allowance race lut Saturday niaht at Jeffenon Downs in suburban New Orleam, arrived here Wectne.day aft.er a 14-hour trip by van. - The seventh and last gelding to win the in the second finished Angeli Derby was Clyde-Van Dusen in 1929. starter Mike Witt. It followec:l Also in the field is a one-eyed colt -· singles by John Lowenstein arld, Cassaleria. Dan· Ford, a sacrifice bunt and-~ If all 20 start, the richest Derby will be RBI grounder by Cal Ripken Jr.1 worth $527,600. with $422,600 to the ow-After the Angels tied the 9COre, ner. The previous records were a gross of 3 -3 on Don Baylor's t wo-ru" $413,415 and a winner's share of $317,200 homer in the fourth, the Orioles last year. The added-money has been in-scored three runa in the bottom creued by ~.000 to $250,000, and there of the inning oU Stan Bahmen. alao have been boosts in entry and starting 0-1. Dempsey had a two-runi fees. •double and later .cored on th Post time is 2:38 p.m. F.ach start.er will first of Rich Dauer'• three ain carry 126 pounds except the filly, who gets gles. a five-pound allowance. Brian Downing doubled .in thei Air l'orbea Won and Muttering were first, moved to third on an~ mentioned aa hones to watch by Smith, out and scored on Rod Carew'~ who added, "You've got to have a lot of ainSle. Sinale. by Re:aie J~ luckandrunallthewaytowintheDerby." and Baylor, a bilk which: Smith feela he aot aome good luck in the prompted Baltimore Mana1e~ poet-PoSitlon draw. El Baba, owned by Mrs. Earl Weaver to play the 1ame . Joe W. Brown. will leave from the No. 4 under protest and Doua Dean- post under Don Bnunfleld in quest of hll oes' infield out producecf a run 11' ninth victory in 11 ltalU. the lblth. Sanderson hfills Expos to 4-2 victory _over Dodgers Montl"Ml took a 1 ·0 leed in the flnt lnnlna when Tim Raina lln81ed. atole lf)ClCJl1(l, WM aacrWcled to th.inf by J'rank Taveraa. and aiored on Ollvert1 ~ fly. Sanderson, who hadn't allowed a home NI\ in 25 2·3 lnnlno. Wll rocMd by ~·· lhlrd h9ftwr of tbe yMr, .falo-• wed on the next pitch by Guerrero'• I faUl1b. Valtmuela, how.var, wu unable to hioW ......... tbe Expm broM throulh -thne Nnl In the fifth, TliD Walllda W oU Wiih a._ and WM -=rtflclcl to l9CIOftd by ~ f \ .. '' I I f \ -t --___ , ___ _...._ -------.. . . .. Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/laturday, May 1, 1Ha .---------------------..,i t I . . Garner o•l•br1te1 birthday with homer s K • . 3 2 Jlonner Pirate PM! Oaraer oel1-i.. =:~d.!J·~a:.:.:·!..~ Iii· ea 1ngs e~cape, irlvtd a Mventb·lMJna challtnp .. E . . • · Kouaton defeated Pfttabutlh, 4.3 rrtdey nJcht. . stanc1a romps,· Mesa Irvine also Win . S utton, 3-1 htld tht Pirate. in check Into the ' . . Cancer can't keep this umpire down From AP dJ1pat~bea Bill Kunkel will always remem-81 ber the day last August whe n h e learned he had cancer. Suddenly his life and his 14 -year career as a · major-league umpire were in jeopardy. "I immediately thought it was Instant death," Kunkel said. "I gave myself a week to live, two weeks, a month. As soon as you hear cancer. right away you think of death.'' It took some prayers and a little faith in modern medicine, but Kunkel, who is back umpiring in the American League, realhed that the wora need not be so frightening. "f got real educated about cancer. I learned the word cancer d oesn 't a lways mean terminatton," he said recently. And eight months, two operations and 28 radiation treatments after the tumor was det.ecled, Kunkel's health is no longer a major-league problem. Qu otEo the day E rlan Van Lidtb, umatt•ur wr«stler who plays e m<'nat·ing prison c haracte r , Gros!> e rgl'r, an lht:> filrp ·Sur Crazy '. "There's something rewarding about pick- ing some guy up and tossing him over your he1:1d. and landing ham on has back. It's not L'Vt•rybody's 1dea of fun, bul I've ('Offit! lu en)Oy 1 l " . .,. Spurs' Bratz hits when it counts Reserve guard Mlke Bratt scored m his only basket of the game with five seconds left to lift San Antonio to a 99-97 victory over Seattle Friday night that gave the Spur~ a 2-1 lead in their National Basketball Association Western Cbnfe- aeventh, aliowlna only two .hlu before Pitt•· burgh flrwt bueman J11oa ftompsoo lined his 1evonth homer over the rtaht-c.'t!nter field fence, t and Mike Ea1ler later added ~·r a two-run 1hot ... In other National League action, Bo Dlu clouted a one-out, two- run. homer In the 1~ Inning to propel Philadelphia to a 3-1 victory in San Dlego and give Steve Carlton his second win of the year . . . Claudell Wa1llin1con broke a acorelesa tie with a sixth-Inning homer. CAMIR and Steve B edroafan and Gene Garber pooled their talents on a five-hit shu tout as Atlanta n ipped the Chicago Cuba, 1-0 . . . Alex TrevlJlo and Ron Oetter drove in Jwo run s apiece, and Frank Pa1Core acattered nine hits to give Cincinnati a 9-2 triumph over St. Louis . . l>inch-hitter Reggie Smitb cracked a three-run homer in the bottom of the ninth in- ning; the 298th homer of his career, bringing San Francilco to a 5-4 victory over the Mets. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1969: Don Wilson gained a full measure of re- venge for hia Houaton Aatroa teammates by no-hitting Cincinnati 4-0. Wllaon'a gem came nine days alter the Reds had routed the Astros 14-0 and-only one day after Reds' ace Jim Maloney had no-hit Houston 7-0. On this date in 1922: Chicago White Sox pitcher Charlie Ro- bertson hurled a perfect, no-hit, no-run game in defeating Detroit 3-0. It would be the la.st regular -11eason American League perfect game for the next 46 years. On this date in 1920: The Boston Braves and the Brooklyn Dodgers played to a 26-inninB 1-1 tie with both pitchers (Brooklyn's Leon Cadore and Boeton'a Joe Oeschger) going the distance. Today's birthday: Toronto pitcher Roy Lee Jack.aon is 28. -·----rence semilinalpl.ayoU.i&Ci.es. Ge.or~e.GeD'htkd all scorers with 36 points as San Antonio battled back from a 21 -point deficit shotrly before half- time to make Seattle 1-13 in the Hemisphere Arena since the Spurs entered the BA in 1977. Grune four is slated for Sunday afternoon. Gilder gdes--one-up---at Nelson-Classic· Bob Glider, casting anxioua !I glances at a gray and threatening sky, compiled a 5-under-par 65 and moved into a 1-stroke lead Friday after the second round of the Byron Nelaon Golf Classic in Dallas. George Arclter, who had shared the first-round lead, was a single stroke back at 133 a(ter a second-round 68 in the mild, hazy weather . . . Bedl Daniel ahot a 64 to take the first-round lead of the Birmingham Claasic . . . Mark Jamet o f Great Britain shot a record 5-under-par 67 to grab the lead after th~ second round of the Italian Open . . . Gary Hallberg of the United States shot a 3-under-par 67 to take a I Perry beats Yankees for No. 299 Gaylord Perry notched his 299th m career pitching victory with last-out help from Bill Caudill and the Seattle Mariners teed off on New York relief ace Rlcll Gossage in the eighth and ninth innings to defeat the Yankees, 6-3 Friday night. Perry is now just one victory away from becoming the 15th pitcher in major-league h istory to record 300 triumphs . . . Elsewhere in the American Lea- gue, Rieb Gedman and Dave Stapleton rapped out three hits apiece as Boston handed Texas its seventh straight loss. 7-1, behind the four-hit pi tc hing o f Mike Torrez . . . Enos cat.ell and Kirk Gibson each drove in a I two-stroke lead after the second round of the Chunkhi Crowns Open in Nagoya, Japan. Blush With Pride wins Oaks BIHll Wltb Pride charged along the rail, overtook Before Dawa with less than 50 yards to go and won the Kentucky Oak.a for 3-year-old fillies • run in the top of the 11th in- ning to lead Detroit past Chi- Friday at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky. The victory set up a poaible Oak.a-Kentucky Derby · double for trainer Wayne Labs and jockey BW Sboemaker, as Lukas will saddle Mattering, one of the favorites for the Derby, today ... Oakland Raiders' defensive tackle Jobn Mataaak, 31, has been charged with disorderly conduct in his hometown of suburban Oak Creek, Wis. He was accused of being involved in a fighl Thunday night at the Sawmill Saloon and ordered to ap- pear in court May 12 ... The Denver Broncos signed veteran quarterback Craig Morton to a one-year contract, the National Football League announced Friday. Morton will be playing in his 18th NFL season. -cago, 6-4 .. Cesar Gero- NMY nlmo surprised Toronto with a two-out bunt in the eighth inning that scored Frank White and lifted Kansas City to an 8-7 victory over the Blue Jays ... Minnesota pit- chers Roger Erickson and Ron Davis combined on a six-hitter and Kent Hrbek extended hit hitting streak to 12 games with a two-run triple, as the Twins whipped Milwaukee, 7-4 ... Rick Langford tired a three-hitter while Jeff Newman drove in four runs to spark Oakland to an 8-0 rout of Cleveland. It's OCC in 20Ts I Pirate women outlast Fullerton College Kris Kroyer scored 14 of h er team-b.i8h 18 points in the second half, ana teammates Caryn Mark and Tami Parker added 10 points · each as the Orange Coast College women's basketball team defea- ted Fullerton, 58-48, in double overtime Friday at Cypress Col- lege. The one-game playoff victory . Rams to face Edison staff Rama football stars Carl Ekem . Jeff Rutledge and Jim Young- blodd, among others, will be in action at Edi.son High tonight - employing their passes, catches and blocks on the basket.ball floor apinst members of the Chargers' coaching staff. The game la scheduled for 7:30 with tickets price~ al $3 for adulta. $2 for students and •1 for children. · Proceeds are ticketed toward the Chargers' Htwali fund. F.dJ- ' ton openi the 1982 football aea- 1on In Oahu agalnat Punahou m,h. enables the Pirates (23-4 overall) to go to the upcoming Southern California tourname nt (next T hursday-Saturday) as the South Coast Conference's No. 1 representative. The Sues will be seeded No. 2 in the tourney behind Santa Monica. T he Pirates will open play against Pasadena. the MetropoU- ta n ch ampions. Thursday at 6 p.m. In Friday's contest, the Pirates tra iled until Kryer hit a jump shot with 6:38 to play in regula- tion to give the Bua a 36-34 ad- vantage. The Pirates then still nHded two free tbrows by Mark with 16 aecondl left to 1end the game into I ts first overtime and one free throw with 15 seconds left by Li.aa Sandviken to send It into the second where OCC blitzed the Hometa, 10--0. COMMUNITY COLUQll WC>mN ~c....~ ..... ~ ~OMT -4, C#tOI S, Mn 10 ...... "' •. fe, ,..,... 10. 8'tty 1. TOCIM: 21 IMt 'ULl.l"TO" -'o••ll 2. Ctt1er 21. HeyM 1, HllCMlll 1, EHIOll a, Welt« t . 0UoM t. T°""9: 20 .. II. ~l!ftllM: ,~Oii, 21•19; "ftUlellon: -.41;,,.,. ~ ....... DID YOU KNOW: You c1n own JM offlct tpac.. Y• c•. ju rtll ,,_ ... 'IP· Y• cm ""' h lillj -net ..... . AIRPORT WllT W•ia PAM ·-...... .,.......... .. . • call llr. hwll 711~7-..... c .. ,., ••• n By ROGER CARLSON °" .. OeiY ...... ltaft Sea View LeaitJe'cellor dweller New - port Harbo r H i gh had league -l eader and defendini CIF 2-A bufball champion CQrona del Mar on the ropet Friday, but a &f:venth inning rally tied h at 2 and the Sea Kings went on to post a 3·2 victory at Newport Harbor. The wln keeps the Sea Kings atop the league standing;s with a one-game bulge over Irvine with two gamee remaining in the regular sea.son. The winner was a looping single to center by Mike Heu, scoring Chris White in the eighth in- ning, but for the Sea l{inga, there were a lot of contributing winners. Handcuffed on two hits through six innings by Sailors pitcher Ron Nugent, the Sea Kinga finally got it going with a one-out single to right by Scott Loos, followed by a run-11eoring double by Dave Arlss. Greg Wynn, the No. 9 hitter in the Sea Kings' lineup, singled to left with two out to get Corona del Mar even. Newport Harbor had led by a 2-0 margin sioc-e Mike Parks' two-run homer in the second inning and the Sailors were threatening again in the bot- tom of the seventh, but two walks and smgles by Jerry Piaskowsk.i and Dave Spiller weren't enough to get a run across. White, who relieved in the seventh, put out the fire with a game -saving pickoff play at second and some clutch pitching to keep il going, tben Corona del Mar got the winner when White singled, ad· vanced to second when Brent Melbon walked and scored on Hess' looper. The Sailors, now 1-11, left 10 runners stranded. !'lugent wa~ ~specially effective during the mid- 1nnlngs, stnking out four in the fourth and fifth frames. CdM starter Curt Petersen was also eJfecllve, striking out seven, but Park's line drive through the left-center gap carried for a four-bagger al the fenceless Newport Harbor diamond . But that was the extent of Newport's ability to hurt CdM pitching with runners on hue, and when White waa called in as relief from center field , he contained the Sailon at the plate and on the base - paths. Elsewhere Friday: Eetaricl8-18; Untvenlty 1 - The Eagles exploded for 22 hits en route to their rom p, led by two-run h omers from Jam BA SEBALL McCahill and Sieve N1cholB and a solo four-bagger by Eric Riggs. Five players had three h its apiece -going J-for-5 were Jeff Gardner and Mc.Cahill and going J -for-4 were Riggs. Nlchola and Willie Neun~n. Mike Campeau collected 4 RBI wath four RBI with a single and triple and Jaime Morten was 2-for-2 with 3 runs ~ored . N1chol11 was the RBI leader with five. University led, 1-0, through two innan~s before the roof caved in during the next four innings Co•t• M••• 13, Saddltback 5 Tim Holley's two-run homer in the suclh cap- ped Mesa's 13-run outl>urst as lht-Mustangs upped their Sea View League re<..'Ord to 6-5-1. one game behind third plare Estancia. Steve Anderson had a pair of doubles m four appearances and Kirk Peurrung had a double and lriple in four at-bats. while Rogt.'r Tmg had a double and single an three at-bats. • Austtn Smith turned an a sharp rl'laef stint, allowing no runs and slr1long out thr~ lrvln• 7, El Toro 3 Pat Simms went tht• d1stan('e for lhe Vaqueros on the mound .. 1trn1tmg El Toro to {ave hats and Jim Gasho came through wllh four singles m five trif)6 to the plate Rich Kiral added a 2-for-5 performance at the plate as the yaqs kept within a game of Corona def Mar in the Sea Vaew chase Simms struck out nme and as now 5-1 m league, 7-3 overall. · Fountain Valley 8, Ocean View 5 The Barons (8-5 in the Sunset League. 12-H overall) won their seventh straight game to clinch a playof{ spot in the upcoming CIF champaonshtps Senior right-hander Brian Ayers went tPie distance to record his fifth victory in seven decisions. Ayers stru('k out three and walked two Leading the Ba· rons' attack was shortstop Steve Youngewaard. who.was 2-for-3, scored once and drove in two runs Fred Tuttle was the hitting star for the Sea- hawks (4-9, 7-14) as he posted back-to-back triples m the sixth and se~lllh innings to dnve in th.ref> runs. Teammate JohOlteinle also hit a solo home1 run in the second inning. Weekend television occ wins, then loses tough match 10:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -St. Louis at Cincinnati. 11 a.m. (5) -WCT TENNIS. 12 :3~~.m . (2) -NBA PLAYOFFS -Philadelphia at Milwaukee. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Jackie Beard (12-0) vs. Jose Caba (19-2) in a featherweight bout, telecast live from Miami . Also: The Kentucky Oaks, a mile and one- eighth race for three-year-old fillies. taped Friday in Louisville. 1 p.m. (4) -BASEBALL - Milwaukee at Minnesota .. 1:30 p.m. (7) -KENTUCKY DERBY -The 108th running of the three-year-old race over e mile and a quarter from Chur- chill Downs in Louisville. 3 P -_rn · (2) -WOM EN'S TENNJS -The singles final of the Tournament of Champions. taped al Grenelefe, Fla. (7) - WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The world rhythmic gymnastics championships, taped at Munich . Bulgaria, the USSR and Czecho- slovakia are the top entrants. ..... DtO 88Mbell -MontrN I 81 Oodgtrt, I p m KABC (7901: Angele II Beltlmor.. 4:30 p.m~ KMPC (710). Hor--Kenlueky Oetby RfPO'll, 8.40, 9 40 II 40 • m , 12 40, I 40 pm., KNX (1070) Pirates shade Rustler s, fall in semis but lost one game to M1ss1on VieJO as Coach Bill Ashen sent his reserves anto a ction. Netl Riddell and Chns Larson played well at middle blocker for the Artists. San Clemente downed Dana Hills rn five games but lost the VOLLEYBALL com rltp after the two teams tied for second place 1n the final standings Laguna Beach wrapped up the Sea View League tatle with a 3-0 victory ovE•r Newport Ha rbor with Dan Gass at outside halt.er. Dere k Danie lson at middl e blocke r and B ill Sieker on de- fense playing well Estancia wrapped up the ~ View L eague title with a 3-0 victory over Newport Harbor with Dan Gass at outside hitter . Dere k Danie lson a t middle blocker and Bill Sieker on de- fense playing well. Costa Mesa defeated Irvine in three games to cli nch second place in the Sea View League standings with a 12·2 record. The Musla ngs were led by Dan Maxner at outside hitter a nd Paut Coenen al setter. ~ I ' .. . MA.IOll '-AA-8TMC*OI ....,...,L...-............... W L ....._ - ,. 1 ·-11 • .117' ,.,. 11 • .sn 2.,. 11 11 ·'°° 4 11 11 .471 416 I 13 ..... . • 11 .ua .. .. ...... .,........ eo.lon 11 7 .MO o.trOll 13 • .e 11 14' ........... • •. $21 2'4 ~ • tO ...... 4 Toronto a 12 .400 5 ,._ Yor11 7 11 .Sii I ~ 8 11 m 8 ..,..... ...... Bllllmor'e ........ 4 OMtenO a. ~ o Bolton 7, T ... I 9-1111 8, .... Yartl 3 OetTOlt t.~4 (11~) • KM-CltY t.. foronto 7 ~~,._.-4 ....... (..__*"'/::, ~. (8-.i 2·1), n Oaklen• (J. JonH 2-1) 11 Clevalenct (llMrten Ml f au e (~Utl 0.2) 11 Bffton (Olact• 1·2) 0.ttOl1 (P.cry 2·2) al Clllcego (0..-1-2) Ml'-Ull• (Vuc:kovtc:fl 2·21 et """-la (~1-0I ToroMo jeo111becll 0·31 el K•nM• City CLaonarct 2· 1). n 9Mnte (9aalll9 0-1) It .... Yortc (Morg111 2-4). n ":::::'~ W L "9t. Cle 11 •. 782 -13 .... 2 ,. ,, ..,.... I 11 450 8'4 • 12 .400 ,,,. • 14 ..111 a ...... ~ ,. 1 to 7 10 10 • 10 7 14 I IS ... 7- .... 2 500 3'4 ..... ·~ 333 7 .311 7 ,.....,....__ ==.4 •. 0~ f~a t HOUelon 4. Plt11burth 3 Alllnta 1, CNcee8 0 . ' ~ 3. ~Otego , (10 ~) t.n Frend9co 5. NW Yartt 4 ............. ...,._CL.el 1'41111 ......... C"--2·1) St. Louie (fll,_ 1·1) at~ (Solo 0-21 ....... Yorll 12-Wy M) al ... ~ (Hen\IMM'~ H~•t•n (ftr •n 1-41 11 Pl1111t11ro11 (e4'ldeletle 0.1). n Ch~ (Mata 1·21 ., AllMll (Mll\lat 2-4). n Pllle.H._Ftle IQwWt-1·21 et San Di. 00 (W...,. 0-0!. n ~.., AmRICAM L.aMIUI! ar-..e.-....4 C"l ...... I* 11"4TWOM • f 11111 eilt r 11 111 OownlRt • 4 , 1 0 ~cf 4 0 2 2 lyM d 4 0 0 0 ... 211 4 1 3 , c-111 4 0 , 1 9lllgllon Oii 5 0 0 0 Ae..lcUn rt 3 2 1 8 llllltrey I b 3 1 0 0 BeytorOlt 4 1 St L~ll 2 1 1 0 oricti 211 4 0 2 0 .._... If 3 1 , , OIORc:e:i. 4 0: 1 '•ct" s, 1 0 Fol aa 40 I ....... 31 20 a-c 4 0 0 0 .._.. oo e o llpbn)b 2, 0 I ~c 3212 T~ 36 4 I 4 Totalt 32 t 11 t ._..,.,.... Celltotnla 100' 201 ~ .......... 030 .,, 00.-t E-FOll. Slk .. IL IW-Celllomla 1 • ...,._ mon 1 L08-Callfernle 8, .. Ill"'°'• I . 2&-0ooM*G. ~-38~. s.. lleta. HA-taylor 3. lloanhM1• 4. 8B- Setl•tL S-&eull. ~. 0...... ••RP•to Witt 1'MI 3 3 3 3 0 ~{U)-1) 1'A 4 3 3 1 1 ....... ,... V.00010 a... 4~4 3312 ----P9Mf !W,1·11 9 • 4 4 , , 8---"'9dled • 8 '*'-" 1n tt1a 41t1 H8P-8Y ,.._(Jedi-). lly Sanchw (ford). Biiii-,..... T-2~. A-ts.en Tleen ........... °""°" ~ 010 000 12-t 13 0 CNc4o 000 003 000 111-4 10 0 W1co11. To.a It). ...... I 10). S-I 11) and Panlatl; Trowt, K-(71, 811rojel (11) aftd ''811. w -1a11c1ar. a -1. l - K-n, 0-1. t -S-131. Hft-OatrOll, Harn•on (2). Clllc1go. Morrteon (31 A-21.245. ._. ... ,,..._.1 T-000 OOf 000-I 4 3 ......, 110 301 10.-7 12 0 Hovgfl. khmlctt (4). Mlr11talt1 (ti a11• lwndMte; ,_,. lrlO 0.-. W-T-. 2·1. l-~ •t. A-11,317. .......... , ...... a-ttll 100 OIO OS2-I t 2 .._ voni toO 000 001-a 1 o ~. c.. 191 _, ~ -..-.. O..a ... (f ) ~ c.r-. W-Plff"!, 2-2. l-GcleMge. 0.1. S-c.uctll (3~ A-20. 121. ........... 1 OM 011 400-t 1) o ..., ......... ...,., Toronto 021 aGI 100-7 12 1 KllllM Ctty 000 203 21•-1 1' 1 L.MI, Murrey (81. GaMtl (1), ft. ~(II anct thrtlna1..1. ~hln: Oura1 Wright 1111. 0 Jeckeon (7), U1111Mblfry 1¥1 encl Wathen W-0. J eclceon, 2-0. L-lt Jedleon, 2·2 9-0\iMnbwry (8). HR-Totontol. UpeNw (2). A-11,030 NATIONAL LaAOU. lxpoa 4, Dodfer'I • lllOWTMAl l..Oa ANOllLSI alt r ll M alt r 11.i Aeltlatlf 3110 SU2b 4 010 T.....,.. 2b 2 1 1 0 ~Cf ' 0 0 0 ~2b 0000 BM•ll 1102 0 Ollv. lb 3 I 1 3 0v..y lb II 0 1 0 Cetl•c i.U .1.-~~ flll 0.-d 4 000 TllamM3bOO O O Ctomet1rt 4 0 0 0 Ouerrarrt 3 1 I 1 5'*lr .. 4 0 , 0 6c:loeda c 3 0 0 0 Wlllee:tl 3b 4 1 1 O 8el4lnoar • 0 0 0 0 Sanctrenp 2000 "'-ti• 2000 Aaercton p 0 0 0 0 Monctay pll I 0 0 0 Yaagar c: 0 0 0 0 Vekll.uel p 1 0 0 0 One pll I 0 0 0 Panep 0000 J011ne1n p11 o o o o Totela 30 4 7 4 Totale 31 2 I 2 Montreal ._.."" ~ ~ 000-4 LOI Angella 000 200 000-2 OP-MontrMI I. l OB-MonlrMI 4. Loe Angeiat 11. 28-0tlvar. HA-c.y (3), Ouer· raro (4). SB-Rein•. S-Tevaru. S.nctar· IMO, VtJllJUlle, SF -Otlvar. ~ •MlllllMIO Sanelataon (W,3·1) 7~ 8 2 2 4 2 RMrcton (S,4) 1'1\ O O O 2 O Lee~ Vllenlvela (l,2-3) 7 7 4 4 2 1 Pana 2 00002 HBP-By Senderaon (l.ay), by RHrdon (Lanctr-) T-2'31 A-51.730 . .,_ 1, C\1111 t ChleeQO 000 000 000-0 s 0 Alllllta 000 001 OOll-t I 2 Btrct, SmllhJ71 end Oevle; Bectroalen, Gerber (I ) en Poeorbe. W-Bactroalen. 2·0. L-Blrct , 1-4. S-Ouba r (4) HA- Allenta. W~on (2). A-11.757 ,........,,,,...., Houelon 100 300 OOO-• 5 I Ptnaburgh 000 000 ~3 7 0 . Sutton, Sml1ll (I)-AIN>r,Rlloden. Ta-• -i111Va (9) enct Pen.a W-S11tton, 3· 1 l .:.... • AhOClen, 0-3 S-Smllll 121 HA-Houe1on Oamer (2). Ptttaburgh. Tl'lompaon (7). Eaeler 121 A-11,711 ...... c. .... 2 St. Louis 010 010 000-2 t 1 Clne:lnnetl 002 123 OQx-8 I 3 I Mdujar. Kul (5). UtleCI (51. \.ePOlnl (8). Bair (81 and Porter, Senchel; Paatora 1114 Tr9111no. W-P•tore, 3-1 l-An<lllJll. 2·2 . A-tUM. ... ....... ......... PNledalpNe 000 000 100 2-3 1 0 Sen Dtaoo 100 000 000 0--1 10 0 Certton enct Olai: Elc:lla!barget anct Kan- necty. W-Cerllon, 2·4 L-E'ichelllar8er, 2·3. HA-Phll10alpl\l1, Mani-. 11•. lai (5~ A-23.313. Qlm49 ....... 4 ...... Yorll 002 000 101-4 t 0 Sen Frll1CllCO 000 ~ 003-6 8 1 Scott. SWWI en. Flk:ione (I~ Alen (9) eno StHrna: Gi la. Braining (t) end AenM>M w-,Brelrllng, 2·1. L-Allwl. ~1. HR-,.._ Yortc. Kingman Cll Sen frencteco. Smith 121 A-5,181. Top 10 , ............. 1 .u.MCAM LaAQW OMlll H Pct. Murrey, Beftfmora 18 II 10 30 441 Kerr-eh. Clewlano 11 II 11 27 397 Cooper,~-17 71 I 21 314 ~. MlnnMota t7 8 1 10 24 393 o.u., IWllmora II 14 12 24 37$ '(-1. .......... 12 40 5 15 37$ • 8oonel. Toronlo 18 43 9 18 312 c.o.I. o.trOll 20 14 10 31 3ff Wl9on, OatrOll 12 38 8 13 38 I Martin,~ City Ill 14 I 23 351 ............ Hrtlek • ...._.,a. o.--.., .,,..... 1; Hemitl. ~. I; 8 TlaO With 5 "'-Mtad In Hrt>ak, Mlnnaao11. 22. thOrnton. Ctava- lencl. 111; Ogllvla, MllWeult•. 18. 0111. Kan· aH City, 11; E Murrey, Balllmora. 17, ~. Oe1<1enct, 17 ""cHnt (2 ~I ~ ,.,,...., 4-o; Hoyt, Chicago, 4-0, F Blllnllter. SW!tle, 3-0; C.11e111. s..n1a. 3-0. Aponta. Boeton. 2-0; Morgen, New Vork, 2-0; ................. 2.-; Witt. ........ 2-0; lamp, Chlc:ego, 2-0; 0 . J1ck1on. Kenu• City, 2..0; Wllltemi. Mlnnaaota, 2-0; Baarct, Otli<lenct, 2-4; o.n.tn, ,. ..... 2-0. MA TIOMAL L.aAOU. QM Ill M~ Graen. St Louis 20 41 4 18 390 woooa, ChleeQO 14 411 e 11 311 Moralend. Clllc:eOO 21 71 I 21 3$4 ~ .,..... 21 13 ti 29 3411 Gercterlfllra, NY 20 55 7 18 .345 Rey. PltWburoll 11 70 12 24 343 "'°""*"'· Pit1etlwgh •• 70 18 24 343 May, Sen Frendeco 12 31 4 13 342 .xw-. Sen~ 11 51 18 11 333 Pane. Ptt-.r 18 78 8 25 329 LAIZC:anO, Sen 18 78 13 25 328 ....... --Klngmen. ,_. YOfll, I , Tilompeon, Pl119- t>ur8". 7; H0tr*. Allanle. 8. M11rphy, Al· i.tlte. 8; Morelanct. Chic:ego. 5, llOllz.. Piii· ledelplll&, 5. ""-....... Ml.rptry, Alllftla. 22: !Ongmerl • ._ Yortc, 11; ~. PtttlOurgh, 11: LAllalno. a.n Diego, 18; 8 TleO Wlttl fS. ,.....(10.-....) Forech, St. Louie. 4..(1; Welell, .,..._., .. &Mw. S4irl Diego. 3-o; "-llorl. ~­ -'!'Ml, 2..0: ,elc:oN, ._ Yorll, 2..(); TelllJM, ~1111burgh, 2•0: 8actrof11n, Allenla. 2·0. ,,..,_., Allent.a. 24, CN!fer. Sen Diego. 2-4; Curli., San Oteoo. 2..0; LOiier, Sen Diego, 2-0; Braining, Sen frenc:llco. 2.(1 _ C.t I L Lee~~~~ UC ....... t UC IMM 000 000-0 3 0 Cal SI LA 100 002 00.-3 7 0 Soma and Be rn1rct; 811rwall enct 0111. 29-oat (CSLA). lrwln 2 (C&lA). HA-lfwln !CSLAI. . ...... C.0-..,_ .. ......., ........ ..... . ,_..._, .............. ........ ,.wia ...... . ..,..... .... , ...... ~ ........ Tl16' ~ ....... .... . ,,.,,...,, ... ....,_ .=:......,", ...... ·--................ •339°0 ~ . # c~..,.. llMf«f I , U1C I UW I, ~"-1199M 1 Cal ... ,. Oollllno11•1 Hiii• •• C•I ••••• NOtltvlOfe 1 SM oi.,.. &late t. ,_.. ._ 4 1 lO ln<W91 Arilofte •• Celler1'le 4 c.... ... tzt .. -:;. ....... eor-•..., ooo 214 1 2 Newport lilw1lot OIO 000 00-1 t I Pet•-, WNW {1) Ind ~...i.. Nwent end Terry w-WNM. L-Huoenl n -Ntll (C). M-WNte (C). Hfl-Pn1 (N). ~ ........ :io~11 22 0 UrWtrtlly 100 000 0-, I , T119r, Linton (21 encJ Algol, 9e)W (ill; ~. ,,.., lbetflardl (S). llOlllOo (IJ), M. f rel 18) Ind J . l're l. W-llnt on . l-J. Jlre l • ~(I!),~ (t!J, JolvllOll (II. Tet11y (I). C.,r (!). H-Ca mpH11 (I). Hl'l-MoeliNll (E), RiOoe (I). Nldlolll (£). 0..-lllw 1a, l1U1Jh1~ I aaocieeoaca o 11 120 o-a 1 o Colta .... 040 to' 11-ta • • Jordlll, Gal1eb (41 Ind IMw; ..... 8"11111 1•> 1nct llH I•. W-Hycte. L-Jorctan. tt1...:.A110ereon 2 (~ ~ (Otol). Tine ICM). 38~(CM).-., (CM). .,...1,RIT-t !MM 012 110 ~7 • 4 El Toro 010 020 0-S • 8 Slm1111 anct Kiral, Pll.,, Lomeli, 1$) and J a c:o bo. W-Slmnu . l-Plle r 29~ (£Tl.°""'* <in _, ....... v..., .. 0-._...,. OcMrl v... 010 002 2-5 7 2 f_,taln Veley 400 202 a-t 8 2 Douty, Joroan (31. Aelrlhola (&). MO ._. kJn. Aywa ano Pren, Sclwftltt (t~ W-A....,L l -Oo11ty 3B-T11tU1 2(0VI HR-Helnla (OV) ........, Clw. a. C.. V..., etw. t Newport CIV'leti.n 20CI 002 4-t 12 3 Ca.po Vlllfwt 2 I 0 020 0-. & 0 How11ct, St-er1 (7) enct McCown; King e nct Sheau W-Howerct. 1..-Kln g 2B-Oevlct9oo (NC~ Cetlltll (CVC). 1 HIOH ICHOO\. ITANDtNOI ... View~ T G8 Cofone cte4 Mar 10 2 0 IN\na I 8 0 1 E.at-'-7 4 1 2'A Coata Mau 8 5 I 3~ Vnlvarllty 5 7 O 5 s.oo~• a 1 o 5 El Toro • a o 8 Newport H11b0t 1 11 0 I w--.,.a 0.-(I...,.._, Eatanc:le et CorONI del Mer Vnll<aralty et Newport Hattlof .,,,..,. ., Sedctlabac:k El Toro at Coeta Mau South Cofft LMgUe W l Q9 C~tteno \llllfwt 11 2 MIMIOn VlejO 11 f Laguna Hiiia 7 I 4 DanaHllit 5& 8 Sen ci.m.n1e s a 8 LIQllN B.ac:tl 0 13 I 1 • .......,.. 0.--{I ..... ~ -CeplettWIO Velwy et Sen Clalnante MIUlon VlejO el l.egLWIA Hiie l.egune 8-:tl •• Oel\e ... Womefl'a gymn.tk:a COfllMUNf1V COU.Hll ltMI Cll&lftPI•.,,._ (tit ...... ~) TlllTI ecor•. 1 Orenge Coul. 133.50: 2. Oleblo Valley, 111 45; 3. long Baecll, 122.00. 4. WH 1 Valley, 11&.00; 5. Solano, 108.00: 8. 8-'ernanlo. ".15 . Va111un~1 lO•• (LA V•ll•YI. 9.05. 0ttwa· 4. IDfenoe eo.c1. a.M: 12. Menllta (OOC). 10. Vn•••n p arallel 111ra-1. Sprint•' IOrenoe CoMIJ. e o. 2. Merllt1a IOCCI. .I 0111ara 8 Trva«>a 1occ1. a ": •· Sllourct• (OCC). e.3 a.a.nc. 6-n-I Trueba (Oran91 eo..1, 8 10. :s Hottman cocci. e.so: •· ~ 10CCJ. a 05 Aoor •arctee-1. Metcl'lo (DIM*> v...,, a 8. 3 Trueba 1occ1. • 4, 4. MM1t1a 1occ1. a 3. 6 Hollman (OCC). 1.26 and Conway ~c,;:. 1.25. 7 Sprlno-(OCC) ••. 1&; 10 (OCCI. 7.'5 .. AH-1rounct-1. Malc:llO (Olablo valley). 34 8, 2 lOM (LA V...,,. 34.45; 8. 9l)t1ng8t 1ou::r Cout), 33.75; 4. Tr\llM (Of.ngl Coeal . 33 4$, $ O'LOUVfllltl {Waet Vella)?, 33 26, 8 Merme IOCCl. 32.IO. -(_ > . Na A Lek.,. 114. lune 10I LOS ~ --Rwnbll 8, Wik .. 291 AbOut..Jabber 22, E. J04Vwon 23. N1aOn 15, c-13, McAdoo I, 8'-o. lMIOerlef • gar O. TOiM· 47 20-31 114. PMOINIX -Adami 23, Aoblneon 18, Kelley 14. 0 Joflneon I , M10Y 11, Soon I, 01"11 21. Nance 2, Cool! o. tlrectlay 2. 0y. kame o. Totele: 42 2()..23 1oe. ._.. ,,, a-tare Loe Angelae 3e 23 29 2e -114 Pfloanlx 38 20 21 29 -1 oe Tllr-.potnl goe11 -Mecy 2. fouled out -Nona Total Foula -Loe Anoalff 23, Plloanl• 211. Tacl\nlceta -O iohneon. PllOant• Aallet.1111 Coed\ 8lenc:fll. A -14, eeo Meft'tYOlle ...... c~coua• 1 .... T-111t ( .. ~ .... ~, ,.,.. "9urMI ....... long BHch Clef. Pl.,ca, 15-11, 15-1'. 15-1. Or111ga Coeat eta!. GOIOaft WMI, 17-ta. 15-1, 13-1~. 13-16, 15-e. Oroumont Clef. Senta 8 erbar1, 1&-12, 15-1. 15-t . El Camino ctel. Sant• Monie•. 15· I 1. 18-14, 15-11 ._........ Lo11g B11ch def. Or1ng1 '::0111. 1-15, 17-15. 15-11. 13-15, , ... , •. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 =.t= • La Ovlnte Clef. Merine, 1f•IJ, tt•U , . .. ,, ,_. 11.., .. lGllon, 1 .. 14, , .. ,o. tt.t.. e.-.w..- blanole def. ~ HelMt. 1M, 1t<S. ... ,o flT•o• W...,...._ ... ,., IM, 1M, ''"°' eot.. ..... Nf !Mne, tM. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 7. .... c.... ....... L.-llMtl ... Mllllloll \llefO, 1 .. 10, 1&-7, 12-11, 1M . ..,, CIMllnt• dllf. Dene Hiii, .. ,II, 1 .. 1. ... ,., 1&-1, 1 .. 7. c.,ielt-Velwy ctel. LJIO;#la Hlllt, 16-11, 16-t. 1&-4. 8TANDtN08 ... v .......... (l'NI) W L .. &tanola •3 I Colt•..... 12 2 Cor _ _....., 10 4 \JnlWnllty I • .......... 6 I .....,..,,, Htlf1IOf 4 10 El Toro 3 11 WOOObOdfl 0 14 --rl'IMt~ t , a • • 10 13 W L Q9 Marina 11 t La Ol*ttll 10 2 FOl#ltaln v.-.., t 3 c:io-i v... • 8 Hlln1lnfton 8e«:ll 4 e E~ 2 I w .. ~ o 11 louttl Coeet ....... (l'IMI) , 2 5 7 • 12 • 10 L Cle 0 ~ . . "' . 7 7 3 2 t ...... , ......... 3 3 1 • • 3 3 7 a I COtmUWrY cou.a• ................. "'-eeC....• Orenge eo.t 000 000 0-0 8 3 Mt. Sen Mtonlo 000 002 a -2 5 1 C11lp 1110 Cru1: Evlalh e nct Ke na 38-"'°"'9 IMSAC). teQtt~ ...................... H11nttn91on 8Mdl 1ocJ 100 1 -3 4 3 Mar1ne 1 :Ml 200 a-t 3 3 Pllltllpe MCI Reno, K......._,, l.Meen (4), Ktamaed (8) lfld Sendlal. ........ 1 1 Edleon 002 020 G-4 I 2 W•tl'Nn91ar 000 000 1-1 3 1 C11penl., anct L-Mll1lwl MCI .,.._ W\ 28-W.._ (W). HR-aoeetti CE) 2 ~ 0-"'"' 1, ,__.. "...,. Ooaer\ va.w ooo OCll) oo 1-1 ' 1 F_,laln V"""'1 000 000 000--0 2 1 Wiii!• eno S1luet, llelenluala 11\d lkl· cn..kl. ""'"""' .. a...... 1 E81..c:141 000 100 0-1 4 5 ~ 041 001 x-t !> 1 CllNllNn enct valdler: F11 ano WMllW· epoOtl, HR-CerflOO (E). C.... ..... 4, t 1 • • .... , ~ 000 110 0-2 3 3 Coet• ...... 102 001 •-4 r. 3 ~oeoo enct Zeier: L.wl eno ~. 2B -Wm.Tie (CM). 38 -LUii (CM). THINK ABOUT THI! c .............. •OUTM COUT l:oMPlll•OI ~-::::. t;C> Kiin• (Or1111a Co11t) dat. Hlohol1on (FUiierton), M , t-2. ...... .............. Kllne Ollf. ll!ltlt !Ot~I). 1 .. CM ... 3. '•dcterly (Orange Coa1t) def. iithe1ot1k (0rMOe Colial~ &:1, 7 .. , ,,......_..._.... ara11n-IU1e1orlk (Or1n9• Co111) def. llr•~·P.,ry (Or-11, 8-7, M , t-4: factOlfly·8onea (Orenge eo.t} Clef Oe,,.. =-..:i. (Ml. Sen MtonlOI. 9-2, M . Cowm9Mea~ J:. ':: ~~:>, Oteu (~) 6tl. 8eM111 (Palomar). e-o, W : Steollene 1~1 oat CtelO (Pe6onW~ ,_., 9-0, '7..e; .... (8eo~) def. Murqull (aouu-tern), e-o. 9-2; LMla (Slldctlabecil) oaf. Upton (kn Otego CC), .. 2. '"2. • ..................... Bl•c:katona (81ctctle1>1c:k) ctet llrawat (Alwr9lde). .. 2. 9-0; &ortbfw (~} Clef O.Vtl1 (Slln llernerOlno), M , M , Gnu (s.ooteMc:kl Clef MOllllO'I (lllYarelOa). eta-.. , • ., .. : Staptlene (a.octletlaGkl Oaf A.,..t,. (8011tllwa111rn), 7-8, 1-2. 01m11110 (SedOlet>aell) 6tl TelcolllM 1a.n 0teoo CC). 8 -0 ... 1. Miiiet (SectctlabllOll) Oaf Whtteon (Rlwnida). e-2. 7 4 ; I.Mia (SaOetle«leck) del S1nctknop (P1tomer). 8·4, 8 ·2: Strobl ~IOctlaOec«} oat. Hugllat (RIYarelOa), 8_., ,.....,.......,...... l allia-Or111 (S.ctctleback) def ,.,tenet· MNlla (a.n BamerOlnol, e-1, w . .............. 0..... OlmllHd·Mlller (81ctctlabec;k) ctet Honcto-Kollmenn (Pelom.,). 1-1, 8·4, llleckaton-Stephena won lly Oefallft, Strobl· Sc:l'lbllet (~)a.I. Ramol-Muuqutz '(SoulhWH l•rn). 8-0. 8-1; LH ll•·Or111 (Se dctle1>1ck) 011 Ltevara-PerctnHe (Pllomar), 7-e. e-2. Women couioa UC IMM a.~ .. IM 0-.. 1 ...... Merle Myara (VCI) Oaf. Ferrell, 4-8. 2·2 • raurao. KMltno 1vc11 oat. c..11. 8 ·2. 1-e. Nixon (UCI) Oaf. Hawman, 1-8. 8-4, 8·1, Meltnct• My.,. (UCI) Clef. KOllJU, 7-1. a-1. SuHtven jUSO) def. EllaOga, 8-4, 8-3: Sat- rWIO (UC) def ~. e-3, e-2 0..... M11c:t_....,.., (UCI Clef. NeMl\an·KOUlll, 0-8. 8-1. 8·2. KH llno-M1Uory CUCI) Oaf Ceete·Karw1n, 8-2, 8· t , Sarr1no-EHactga (IJCI) 6tl s.M\wr-~. 3-4. 7-6. e-3 COWUMrTY COU.Hll .... c...ec1 r wwwce..oiptu ~ c.ee>r...-c..c> .,,.,.....,,.. ftaact (Orange Coul} Oaf. Moore ir,::;on1. 8-2. 8-1: Vind CF111tartonl Oel ,~.,.Coull ....... 8-2. Ooet1eCh (~Mf9 Cout) Clef. Story (Ml. SAC), 8·1, 8-2; "*-(C..rlloel oat a.Jan (Or1noa ec-). e-1, e-2. ,... ............ Leedl (Cerrtloe) ctaf. AMO, M . 1-6. 7-$: OoettKfl Oel. McUwle (Of-I),'"'· rel .,,.,. ._... 0...... ~.,...... Ooette<:ll·Khoray (Orenga Cont) oat Slory..Jonat (Mt. SAC). e-1. 8-0: AMO-Belen (OrlllOI Coull <lat. Arl<llrlMl-Wlllcan (Ml SAC>. 8-1, e-o. hMlllNIO...... Goallech·Khoray ctel. Helahlll-McLevta (Of-I), 5-7, e-2. 8-2; AM0-8ajln a.I v1ne1..ooi-(FU1er1on•. 8-3. e-1 .. , figure that 1r a penon does the best he can he will mak~ out all Ml{ht " 1x6x6 REDWOOD FENCING 400IM-1. ~t=4:01.0I: 2. ~(Oclllle .. 4J0!.17i i . OMoll WMnaM ...,,, :1 : 4 . .._ (0014"n Wftt). •1 tl .IO; •• MOflM (WM I V1ll•YI. 4.17.it; I . OefH (Oto .. 11101111. 4:11.13. aoo "-1. :a.J..w... 11...,,. 1:•1.11, 2. ,,.,.In (II 1:41.11: I.a (Wwl v...,,. 1:41.I•: 4. o.lllllJ ( 1.42 M: IS llu!'cNll (ClcMdefl WtllC). 1:.41.1 : 8 "-"-' (~). 1:41.1'. 100 fly-I. T.-ord (Ot-.i. IO.t t: 2. Orah--"' (LA ....,oe), t:.4,~ Ot1aebY (8erlta Monica). • 1.•: •• ' (~ v...,,_ &1 31; II. lul1lere'#MIVll9r\ '2..6t; 8. """' (8erlla MOll6oe). k .00. 100 bedl-1 ,.,.,.. (Olleilo v.-n 6U3; 2 MnaNl(Wa.t II..,,, ISM, a. Of~ C'""-'•on). 5•:01, 4. NM\111 t~I. s. 01. 8 ~ 1~ 6U2: e. o...-CEI c.mlno). 64.17. 100 braa11-1 N-•llo=•ClellabVkJ, 57 49, 2 Moellaf (WMl V , 57.U ; 3 Sc:11toaoar I~ of ~. at oe, 4 Bttdfeman COleje of ..... 1.00.48, 5 T~-(P-1, MIO 11, t ~ (f'ootM). 1 00 t3 IOO fr• tf/wr-I Wa.t V....,, t :N .31. 2 O\abol, 8 s. 1). 3. DlelJ6o 1111er. t ·H .ee,' Oolctan watt. I H .t 1. 5 S actctle b•O . 7 02 04. I Senul MoNca. 1·10 H . TIMI Scor•. 1 Wa.t Vlllfwt, 231 pcMnla, 2 ChebOt, 1&1, 3 Oteblo valley, f&2. 4. '•ctdlebeclc, 112, 5 OOI09fl Wff1. 77. e . Collage of ~ ..... 1. s.m. Monlce, 82. 8 Ctla) Oro11mont, MOd .. to. 41; 10. ~uttarton. •2. 11 LA Pierce, 40, 12. FOOINI, ·-2004M;-I l<Mile (Oiet>lo V~. 2:09.12: 2. Sutk•'9f> (footllll). 2: 10.82; ~. BatM« (l!Mk•flllle60). 2.18 10: '· =~ (Olablo Valley), 2 18.12, & Sc:llr~mHartnell). 2 17.20; 6 Armetrong(~ -), 2:11.d . 200 ,, __ , Oe'ollOlofl (Sen Oteoo Mate). I 54 80, 2 Ka nt IEI Camino), 1.H 71; S. Upch11rc:h (Sen Otego MaH), 1:&7.80, 4. AOlll<M ILOllll Baectl CC), 1:5t.41, 5. Pw- nall (OolOen w-o. 2 oo 12. 8 DmonO cs.n Dtaoo Meae). 2·02 7• .. SO 11v-1 Oev•cteon (Sen Diego M ... ). 28 17. 2 Otll>Oe (CNbol).. 2 7 0,. 3 Grfflle (Laney). 27 03, • Berrett COranga Cout), 27 33. 5 Farria tCerrltoe). 27.45, 8 8ur1on (Santa Roeal. 27 IO so back-I Shla lcte 1001ctan Wa ll). 21 &a. 2 Ortttte (Laney, 21 83; 3 Otencte 1c111001). 21 84. 4 Ma<lwaetllar (Mar1111. 29 39: 5 ~(Sen Otego ..... ,. 2142, I ~ ICvlw-1. H.te 50 llr-1-1 Walla (ModelltlO), 31 :M; 2 $u1111WT19 (fOOCNI), 32 17. 3 S.. (W..i V•ll•yl. 32 45, 4 Jolln .. n 1w .. 1 van.y1, 33111. 5 ~(Senta ftoee).33.31;1. Tatee (Long e.cri CCl. 33 47. ~ 400 lrH reley-1 S an Diego Mau. 3 38 41. 2 Oleblo Veley, 3.31.M:' FOOCllll, 3 44.85,' C11a 111. s·o at: a . Pelomer. 3 52 28: • Oran9I eo.t. >:53. 17 ,_ ~. , Olall6o v...,, 1114 polnl9: 2 a.n Dtaoo ...... t32: 3. foa!NI, ... 4 Oolcten Weal. 77. 5 8 11111 Ron . 82, I Orenoe Coaet, 53: 7 Cll•) ~ ot sa- quolel, MoOMto, 41: I. c.-ta, 48; 10. (IM) Sa!lctlabec:k. Cllebol. 44; 12. (Ila) Long B.ac:tl CC, Wat( Velwy, 42 SALE Th~ problem with that seemingly reasonable statement 11 that no one does the best he can. Tiutt i.s the precile rea3C>n Christ came. We need the loving r o rgiveneas o r God through Christ because we fail to do what we know we OL1ght lD do. Did you do yt>ur best yesterday? I'm sure I didn't. Beautiful Stock reg. 1.69 s129 The Bible says, "All have sinned (missed the target) and come short of the g lory of God." The grut Ch rllllan Apollle said. "What I want to do l can't teem lD deliver " All or u s know a lot more than we live. God knows our weakness and rushes to us in our weak· ness His answer for us 11 Christ. Don't deceive youreelf by think ing you can do your best. That drag on you ii sin. Chrilt came lo forgive and live with you. lnvi t.e Him lD do that! -2x4x8 ROUGH REDWOOD Great for fence rails reg . 2.49 3x4x8 ROUGH REDWOOD Makes a cheap post reg. 4. 99 4x4x8 ROUGH REDWOOD Fresh St ock reg. 6 .99 4x6x8 LANDSCAPE TIMBERS Fungicide Treated reg. 5.99 SALE $179 SALE $369 SALE $499 SALE 11tt'1 not whe~r you win or lo••, It's how you get to~ g<1me." 2x4 SAL 1 REDWOOD DECKING Smooth, Construction Quality reg. 34c ft. .2 9~. . . l M ~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday: Ma~ 1, 1982 Ashf.or'Cl takes higli hurdles S~ddleb~ck rinishes third, Golden West fifth in. meet Saddleback'1 David A1hford ~ted a vic1ory ln the l 10-meter hl1h twrdlet but Saddleback'1 Gauchoa flnl1~ed only third In the Mlaaion Conference finals while Golden W~1f,laced fifth ln the Southern fomla Con- ference track and field flnala Friday. Mark Ruelaa of Citro. posted a double victory In the 1,500 and ~.000-meter runs and the Owls 1wept the 1,500 u well as placl.ns one-two In the longer race to capture the team title. Ruelu was named outstanding athlete of the meet for the men and Liz Mueller of Palomar who won the javelin and shot put along with a aecond in the discus. waa the women's athlete of the meet. There were fnur men's confe- rence records broken at Saddle- back and six women's marks were erased. Saddleback's best effort came from Ashford in t h e 110-me~r hJgh h~les where he hold• the nation'• top mark of 13.a . He won ln 14.79 on Friday ... ~o:.=r.c.-=m. (M I , " , rCJ ~I lHm _ .. : I. Qllrw, IH, 2. SM 8et· natdlno, 122, 3. a.ddi.tMICll, 111. •· flelO- rnet' 62, 0 Collloe of "-o-.e•· Ml ••C<>tte, 31; T. AJ11«el«M. 30: I ,,,_ tttn. H . e. a.n Diego, II: 10. C , o. 100-1 Allen IHI. 10.11. I . Aehtorel IS.0 ), 10.to, S. OIMcl la.d.)1 11,09, 200-1 Mc:O~ (MOI. 11.H , 2. Allen 1sa1. 21 ee. 3. 11ac1.~ u .ao 400-1 Kellum jM). 4 7 M: I Hetlle 118), 49 12. 3. Oooleby Cit.), 41.IO. 800-1. Mo1en (Cll.). I U 20. 2 Cote tCOD), 1:53.28: ~. Ce11er (18), I 04 ti OU.• 4 Nleolo (s.d.1, I 66.ff 1,600-' Rl*e• 10111. 3 40 ... 2 l(lef, nH-fCll ). 3.$5 2•. 3 VelaeqUff fCll ). :usu 6,000-1 Ruele1 (()II), 14 13 30, 2 Cat· I.on (CH.), 14.46 90. S Howard f8ad I. 16 00.34 ,,,000 •IHptecftH•-1 JenHon fPI. 8 21 8, 2 Slbl•Y (MC). 9:H .4. !I Aco111 tS•d.). 9·34 I Dtll•ra 4 Olmaoe (Sad.). 9.38.5 I 10HH-f. Aalhlord (~.). 14 79. 2 l'unh • tSB~ 16.:M, 3 Hogen,(AI. 16.47 4001H-I . Kelktm ($8). 62. 10. 2 Aefllord (S.0 ). 52 30; 3 Smllh (COOi. &4 6 I 400 , .. •y-1 !:leddlabeck, 31.8, 2 Sen IMt,..,dlnO, 42.0. 3. Mlf.CO.la . .:t 20 1,600 reley-1 Sen S..net<IMO, 3 15 05. 2 ~. s. 11 es, s Cltrue. 3 11 21 HJ-I Francie (P). l 2I . 2. GUlllO<y t9DI. e.e, 3 Or_, (581. M OtMll 4 ~ qyet (Sad ~l-4 Area ·surfers • Vie Carlsbad contest lures pros, amateurs CARLSBAD -Newport Beac h 's John Gothard and Fountain Valley's Peter Tow - nend are among the competitors V)'Ulg for $1 ,300 in prize money today in the Carlsbad Pro-am surfing contest here. More than 160 professional and amateur surfers and kneeriders w ill compete at Carlsbad State Marina, Edison Seahawks all win Marina. Edison and 'Ocean View continued on the victory trail in Sunset League softball action Friday afternoon while Orange Coast Jost to host Mt. San Antonio CoJfege in South Coast Conference community college action. Pam White had a 2-hitter as Ocean View d owned Fountain Valley, 1-0, in nine innings; Julie c.&rpent.er limited Westminster to three hits in a 4-1 triumph; and Julie Larsen pitched only two innings with a sprained ankle as Marini\ downed Huntington Beach. 6-3. Beach today and Sunday. The men will be shooting for a $500 top prize. while the women and kneeriders will compete for pnzes and trophies. Today's activities begin with men's heats at 6:30 a.m .. me n's semifinals and finala are schedu- led for S unday, with the finals ~t for 11 a.m. Other Huntington Beach pros competing~his weekend are Ra- ndy Weeden , Dean Quinn. S t.eve Bowers and Scott Waring. Hunt- ington Beach amateur Gary Clisby, a National Scholastic Surfing Aisociaffon team mem- ber. also is entered. Lagunl' Beach 's Alisa Sch - warzstein , the world amateur champion, heads the women's competition, but is expected to be challenged by San Clemente's Jorja and Jolene Smith. Women's semifinals and knee- riding semifinals kick off Sunday morning's activities (6:30). Follo- wing the men's finals, a bikini contest will be held with $200 in priz.e money offered, For more information, phone 438-~213 or 434-2214, W-\ MttciMll (lfod ), U JV., t Thon\i>--fCOO). 23-1, i ~ ICll ~ U..()\; T ,_ I ~a.Me (MCI. 4 ... t l4, 2 RutMI! (Cll.) ..... ' Qeta 1 .... ). U--t a-I Mdw-(COO~ l<l_., 2 ,~ (8 , ... 3 '""" , .. ~ 14 .. -· 1~1Clt1 ... ~1.11nn1e11ee1 1.' 4M, 3 Adenle (" 4)-11111 OT-I fhOmM (Cll ). llO I. 2 Pry !Pl. 144..J, J. Couelne !COOi, 126-3 JT-1 ThornM fOll,). 212•1. 2. O'Ootltwl# (a.cl ). 1~1.e, J, AOlltn. llWI. 1eo. 1 IOUTMS .... OM. COHAMNCB llMAU , ............ c....e) Team eoor": I l an11 Mon1oe 1&4111. 2 l oe '-~CC. 149'A. J l A Hetbor Ill .• LA,, 8ou•h-•1. 15, a Ootden WMI, t 4, •. Cypr-. 18. 7 Eeel LA. 1 100-I Wll•on ISMI, 10 '4, 2 Slone (LAH), 10 1$, & l'llNt fl.AH), 10 to 200-\._W8->(IM). 217.2 81-(lAH), 21 t. 3 F9-(I.AH). 211 400-1 AMON (lACC), 41 to. 2 Jani>.~ tLACCI. 41 OI, 3 W9erN fl.ASW). •I q 900-1 I(...,. (lACCl, I ~ I, 2 MOo<• fl.AH), I IH 10; 3 Ar-.utt fQW). 1.61 2&. UOO-I Moor• (LAH). 4 12 M; 2 "'-nlWll tGW), 4.1381, ~ 8arkae tSM). 4.18 72. a.000-1 hb••n fSM>. 11·0 .eo: 2 81tkH tSMI, 15:62 33, 3. Hetrer• fElAI, 1U7.60. 3,000 1taeplecheM-1 ~Robar\• fOW). t ·34 9. 2 Meldenedo flACCI. 9.:07 I; 3. Jon11 (SM), 10 IS 3 110HH-I Wiiton (SM). t• 4, 2 Aleull· Oar tlACCI, 14 60, 3 MO!ao 1Gw1. 16.01. 4001H-I Brey ISM), 6• 70; 2 Curry (LACC). !M 93. S AleJ1ender flACCI. !M 93 400 reley-I Santa Monica, 4 I I, 2. LA Sout"-1. 4 I e 1. t oe ~ cc. 42 t 1.600 t-y-I Loe ~ CC. 3 20 90, 2 LA Sout,,_l, 3 21 57, !I Sanla Monlce. 32•99 10.000-I Meta fl.AH), S4 )141; 2 M• danldo tLACCI. 34 48 81, 3 Ctlllgle tSMI. 3S SI 37 HJ-1 0.nby (LA9WI, .... ; 2. Eclwerdl (LAHI, M . 3. Atmetrong (cyp.). M , LJ-I TeYIOr fLACC). n.<>•o1.: 2. W ...... tLASWJ. 22~: a. Btoob ILAC:C). 21. n v •. r J -1 Taylor fLACC). 0 2 9\lo; 2 Hiii (lASW). 4a.t. 3. 8'00lle (lACCI. •S-9 PV-1 Zepetero (8-.t), n m., 2. lowrr (lAHI. n.m .• 3 RodtloueZ (LACC). n m SP-I 0 111 (SM), 4t·O'A: 2 Gercla ILACCI. 43..0 3 0.-..(0W), 41,111~ OT-I G•no'llM (OW). 140-. ..... 2 0.11 1SMJ. 127 ·t. 3 Sele (l.Af1). 126-0 JT-1 Klotnr tCyp I. IH·I, 2 Kidd (LAH~ 192 .... 3 81own (LASW). 182·8 Women WlltOtf CONPWMMCS ~ (IJI 11••1111;11 ~) T-'1 tcc11• 1 Mlr~•la. t!MI; 2 Clttue. 113. 3 Sen BatnatdlnO, O; 4 · Saddlabeck, 38, S. SoutllwMt.,n. 341: Sen Olaoa. 29; 7 Pe.10m111. 211; 9 C~ o! Iha o-1, 20; 9 Cflaffey, 2 100-1 Wlntton (881. n ,e: 2. ~~&own tCl1.1. 12 27: 3 Cookeey (801, 12.4 I. 200-1 T BtOWl'I fCll.). 20 $9, 2 8 B<own 1011.1. 2t 04, s. Coollwy flO). 2t.2A. 400-1. T B<own ICll I. 6e 98, 2. Colllr'I (581. SI S2, 3 Venca (Cll). I 00 06 Ot,,.,. 4 R._ (Sad.). I 00 4t e<>O-t """"• fMCl. ' t• 40, 2 JoMeon tMC). 2 21 37, 3 SNeid• (Cl1). 2 ?3 79. 1.soo-1 ......._(MCI. 4 40 14, 2 J-(SW). 4 50 n . 3 OlaM !MCI. 462.11. 3,000-1 01P11 (MC). 10 ~ . ..e. 2 . .._ 1sw1. 10-,&2.20; s Ftouwoa 1coo1. 10-57 15 1001H-I Gelvln (MCI, 15 5, 2 Whitlow (MC). IS 117. 3 JllM 188). 10.03 400LH-1. ~ fSW). j OI 35. 2. GeMn tMCI. I OT ~. 3 Sunun.11. !MCI. 1 OI 07 400 r•l•y-1 Sen Bafnardlno. H 49; 2 Citrus. 41 S5. 3. 81111 Olaoa. 49 40 Ot!Mln 5 Saddlabeek. 51.341. HJ-1 Whlllow tMC), 5,4...,, 2 Gelvin !MCI. 5-..o, 3 MoClalll fSl!I). 4·1 LJ-1. Pendlalon(Sad ). 11-9, 2 s Btown tCll J. 1 ~'A; 3 MoCleln (88), 17, I SP -I Muallaf fP). 40·1. 2 Hle11 tMCI 3$-1 3 HvlcNNon IRI. 3M OT-I Hlln IMC~ IJ4.7, 2 ~ (P). 133· 10, 3 Al.to (8D). IH· 11 Olll•rt S ~(Sad ). I 19-4 JT-1 Mu•ll•r (Pl. 164-1, 2 Bodn•r (Sad 1 111-8. 3 Roblnton (Cit.I 11e,10 Other• 5 Jedtaon fSad). I 13-o Pro golf .,,_ fNteon c ..... (8t Dell .. ) &Ob ~ 17-416-132 0-ge Alct. 65-M-133 OM Halldoftol'I M-e8-t34 0 A. Welbflng M-e8-t3e V8/tOI HMfTI« 9&-70-134 Bo«> ''*'* ea-ea-1:ie Tom .JOMe '1·M-t37 , ~'"' StrtnOt 6$-72-137 BoC>C>y Wedklnt 08-08-137 Lon Hlnllle 11~-131 Ol lfld Qrahllm 1111-09-137 e ruc• L.Nlttk• ee.et-138 SCOll ~ H-419-138 Phll Haf\OOCK 7Ga-139 L..onetd Tl\Olnj)eOll 68--70-139 ~rll Heteleky 17,7~-139 I f'111nl! COlll>« 19-70-139 8ob Eutwood 68--70-139 8l#nl ~1., 72-07-139 Oellln l ..-.neoo T 1,&e-139 Jecll ,.,ant ' 72-07-139 ,OH .. I l'Rllt 7o-89-139 Tom Wiie«! 71-tlf-139 8N08 ,,....,_ e&-73-139 L.lnce Ten llroec* 72-oe-140 Cllarlll at«>-t 11..ee-140 Miki Booll« 10-10-140 Mike Holland 117·73-140 Al Olll>«Qlf 119·71-140 Oe\llS\Odl1on 71-419-140 Jldc New10fl 71-09-140 Jim 0.01 11-et-1•0 Scon Hoch 72-418-140 Merk l y. 71-419-140 Jim Coll>lrl 68-72-140 0 11r1 PoN 70-70-140 JoM 8'1\r~ 112 69-140 Jim Nellor d 70-70-140 Mlk• Oonekl 7 t-89-140 Oanny Wllll111 70-70-140 Chunkltll Crown• Open ( .. ....., .......... , 08')' Hallberg ~7 -13' N.,.WO Tekuu 662 70-138 l(oicllllno\18 ... 71-139 J()Mny M.., Pet•J~ Ct 81(1 SI..,._ , ...... '° °"'8fJ: Jim Simoni JC Sn..o 69-74-1'3 '1·73-14S 12·74-148 7S.74-1•9 18-13-' 151 Blrmlngt\am c1a .. 1o (elllr~.Ala.I S.th Denlal 3 I .33 -04 aonni. ~ 341-32 -ee ~ HM11111 3'1-35 -Ill Pe~ 35-34 -89 CerOI .Jo ~ r 33-38 -119 RoNy 8artleolt 37,33 -70 JaMI .Allll :ie..34 -10 Catotyn Hll 341-'34 -70 1(81tty PoeU-1111 ~ -70 Robon w.non 341-33 -11 Bt111>1te MtzrlNe 37-34 -71 S!Me BatlOleednl 34.37 -11 S.lly Ul111 3 7-34 -7 1 Judy Rankin 37-34 -71 Sanore He)'flla 38-35 -71 Bath Solomon 36.35 -7 I Nlton sr-d 35-37 -72 M J Sm11h 35-37 -72 Metge 81~ 38-311 -72 Ctnoy LlnOOlll 311-34 -72 Elaine He/Id Je..341 -72 Cettty Merri 37-35 -72 J-c •• ,,.. 37.35 -72 Mllf1Y Bldi.ettoll 35-3 7 -72 l(eltty Mat11n 36-34 -72 Ber't>er• Benow 36-36 -12 ___,,. ...... 37.35 -12 Pel 81.-.,, 37-35 -72 Lynn A4eme 34.-31 -72 Sendre P*'-35-37 -72 Allee RIUmen 37.35 -72 Hollywood Park, Los Al results Hollrwood P•r11 ,_,Av·•••uua (tell ....... ,·~-._.. .... , '"'IT 'IACL 11 tunong1 Oorwtl• (Oliver .. ) I 20 4 to 3 20 Pt1nGMe lallah (PMltoa) 11110 6 40 ClnUKy'• Lady (Ou.tr•) 10 40 Alao rac•d Oold•n Pollc.y. Another Tov Be411Ct A 1. .. d. l •ay or Statu•. 001 ~ H1111.-,. f Ulll OIOW, Mabelle'1 1101)41. Otre P1un10H. 01wn Lynn'• Fen<:y Time 110 -4/6 HCOND MCI. ti furlonge l ell• fib 1McCarron ~ 80 :i •O 2 60 Flbu!Ou• Petllnt (Ollva1a11 3 10 ~ 40 Klf>g • PIOt (Guat'ra) 2 40 Aleo 18CMICI. Roering Jll, OuK.k AHpOllM SOldllt OI FOflun• Heb • OUlllW Heor•on• BOid TOOl\der Magic F0<ca Sp1r11 al Zinter IAMetll Time 1 oe J/5 '2 DAil.., Dove~ 142 51 palo S28 80 THIRD flACI. I 1116 m•IM L•ure'• Jet (Vaklnzulilo) Amourou ... (MoCorron) Daullngty f81•ok) 4 20 2 tlO 2 20 "70 100 4 00 Apo111oce1y Aleo reced. Aggr11nc111eman1 Mlle. KetblC Ttrn. 1 42 415 .. lllACTA !•·31 perd S39 !JO rouflnt RACI.. 6 1u110011• a tor Girt• 1&1ec111 16 80 1 80 \ 80 Sarakl (Stalnatl 2 I bO ll 80 Lll1111ry LMly (Ca.1aneoa1 I 40 Alao rec.ad DttJ'<:rng OeUQnte< C.rHs Ml\• Pina Cone. Updete Ceremony On& M"'" NIOll1 Appelec;nlen T ••II 1'1tna I 10 215 fll'TH RACI. 6 lurlong1 C.an'1 841 S..t fMcC11rron) lnr.earchol f Plercel Belle! Wlln Age t0r11Q•l Al•o rec•d Spec:taculer Br111 Binnie, Sl\lraz ludo•. Keith ') 110 2 60 .. ,0 ~ 00 2 80 l ~o Shoollfl\1 Tim• 1 10.0 ts UACTA t•·7) t>•ld SO 00 llXTH llACI. 1 1/18 mile1 DauntleN fMcCatronl 8 40 4 00 J UI Mighty CHll81 (Velenluellll '00 2 1!0 Premwm Oepoajl 1011vare11 !> lO AllO rM:ld Sllcil N Snee-y fh1to1 Quoted Eme<eld Fo•. Flra1 Derby. MOOt Par~ O•c•s F11•t Metlna Sir wino Ou1 J1m41 I 43 0 llVINTH flACi. 1 ., miles O(I 1ur1 Hemphill Counly !Upham) 21 60 12 80 11 •O lable l 0<ch (McCarron1 9 00 1 •0 D111cilllm (Diaz) 8 80 Al10 raceo Al Your Ph!Hl.H6 Freeo El PanOho Angel, Lucullu1 Severieno Noleble .... ti •• Time 1 47 0 15 EXACTA (9·~) P31d $47'.l 00 _A2 P1Cj( 9111 fS-4-6·•·11·81paid '34.80$.00 Whh lour ·winning 11Ck811 (Mll hOlset) S2 PICi.. Sia coneolallon paid $279 40 won 166 Winning Tick•1• tllVe hor-) S2 Poek Sra ioc:ralch con eotanon pel<l S 17 00 With '"'" win111ng l1C~e11 llOUr hofMS one ac;f81Chl llOHTH llACE. 7 11Jf10ng5 3 00 ') •O 3 40 3 00 3 ()() H<i s Some1h1nu Navarino fMcCe11on) 4 20 Mlater Wl'<le! fCUlllne<lfl) Gua11n1111 fGuerre) Alao r aceo T elleround 1neH11ble. Ant-lo Music Time I 21 215 NINTH RAC!. I 1/16 milH P181enoed (Ollver"I 52 60 25 80 So Called (Upham) 19 40 Swamp Larli (Ofaz) AIM> raced PrMS NOllU Aev11I SPO<I Oeelre. Triplane. FINI Siona Timi I 4~ SI IXACTA (3·91 pel<l S I 191 ~ Alllf\danee 19,021 II ()() 14 00 HO fd' Loe Alamlto. "l.OAY't MBut. Tl (Mttl of IOo"'9flf ... _ ,,_..., ""IT RA~. Ona mu. pee. W~d C81d fLongo) 19 00 t 20 0 40 Howdy Oltl fTrtm1>11-;1 t 40 6 20 Mr• M fVellancJlngl\aM) 3 eo AllO rec.a P11d" W8'~. O...•. SIMlte Sllppa<. Mlllerlek. T-y1. Gd OUMI. Time 2:06 U IXACTA 10·61pelO 1147 60 HC0..0 RACI, Ona mile pac;e luy D V (TOO<I) 12 eo 0 40 <l 20 S1ar APC>NI (Orundyl IS 110 <l 00 ....,....,. J aM fRoMnl 3 eo Alao rac:•d Torrid Beeu. O•••d•I• Lad , Hen-Chal\Ce, Bound For OlOty Trme 2 03 115 r.-o lllACS.. Ona m11e P4ICI T oetetM AldQI fl..clalt) 6 40 3 40 2 llO CIW•I Ed (B.iltwoeonJ 4 llO 3 4() Ovo1• Hiii fCllH) 3 llO Al•o rac•O Corub• Commend, Foollah Fo11un• Jem•• Rhy111m Klngtley Henovar. K1Hlo09' 11me 2 03 12 llXACTA 13,51 peld $28 40 FOURTH RACE. Ona mile peca Rt>Qel Gazelle (S!Mlhl 25 40 7 llO 4 00 Sly L1110unnrgen) 12 20 7 20 K11J1ne 1valfandlnonam1 3 llO AllO rac41d Breellw1no SanQ• AON Singe. G1yg11I Sonnie l ... Time 2 00<,\ l'IFTH llACE. One mlla Cle(• T r1bule !T Odd) 7 00 4 00 3 20 J•mes HonJo tBeJHeroeonl 8 llO S 40 Cnampagne Prlnoe !Hetpa<) 4 20 Also rac:eo Tony 81evo. Athle)I l0<d, Froety ~kipper Callnut T1m<i 2 02 3/!> U UACtA 17 61 palO't11 •O SIXTH RACE. Ona mlt. peu No hCUIMI llll!IQO) 10 00 4 00 2 40 Aal11d Ann tVellendlngheml 5 llO 2.60 SummtJr Snaoe tSIMlh) 2 40 Also raced Hlllvlaw Tt1umph, OeM•00.1. lime 200 21s SEVENTH RACE Ona mite peca Sponstei Anne (Shetrenl 14 90 !> 20 • 20 King Garry (TOddl 4 80 • llO Good Raven tSIMlhl 8 60 Al~ raced Gold Cl\ue Mon.I Seng Go L Merrt Leu Baby Jane• Wey W11e 1nve11 · ment I 1mtl 2 04 31!> t2 EXACT A f9·2) paid 164 •O $2 PICK SIX (3·3·6·7·2·91 C>eid 11.221 20 with 14 w1nn1ng tk:kelt (II.,. hof ... I S2 Plcil S1i 'onsol1111on p111d S32 80 w11n 174 winning 11ckeu (tour horaet) S2 Pick $1x s cre1<:n consolel1on peld "0-00,.lth 232 Wlnrnng hell.eta 11hree hor-. one tctolch) llGlfTH RAC~la p- Winheld "•mbro (AndtlflOfl) 11 40 ~ 4 60 3 llO lwana Skip fGIUndY) 5 60 5 00 Ven Rhfll IHavatl 5 20 Also teceo S111k1ng Scoring Ort••. Jere- miahs Boy Calm YourMl1 lrme I 57 115 12 EllACTA 11·5) peld $50 20 NINTH llACI.. One mlla pec:a F ell1me<1IO f Pathtlfl 7 00 4 40 3 80 3 00 2 80 4 80 Geiry Junior Bru. Sea Rovtlf fT odd I Ren<ie s Gold 1Grundy) Allo lltCOd B c Count llenl Jackie. 011ra~• Time 1 58 315 b EllACTA '3·4) peld $18 80 TENTH llACE. One mlla peoe Kone Coeat 1P111ltw ) 13 60 II 20 4 60 Fluton tAno11son1 l 60 3 20 Garry 14,yr IWheele<I 5 60 Also 1eced Che1tetl! Pley Soolctl Oovl>la Wa1t8f8 Spec1el OU~1~ like e Shot. Honeel Hanove1 T1m41 2 00 1:2 UACTA f7,tlJ paid S.3 llO "'8.IC NOTICE Nil.JC NOTICE --------------F ------------"8.1 c J«)TICE f't&IC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE PtmlC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTlC£ OTtCE OP' DE TB OF SUPERIOR COURT OF THE FICTITIOOI IUllHESI NS-117700 FICTITIOUS 9UlllHl!IS NOTICI OP "*IC N A aTAT'IMUfT OP AaAHDONlftNl' FtCTTTtOUB IUB ... H STATE OF CALWOFINIA NAME 'TATEMENT ORANGE COUNTY NAM€ ITATEMENl' .. ANNO M'OM THm EDWARD C. RUSSELL. ab OP UM OP NAMI ITATU•NT FOR THE The lollowl g e>eraon Is doing MUNICIPAL COUllT fha following person II do1no ll'l.ANMNQ COMMtl..ott EDWARD C, RUSSELL. SR. l')CTTTIOUB IU9!NmU MAMI Th• tollowtno person• ere doing COUNTY OF ORANOE oollineaa as SOUTH JUDICIAL OISTRICT ou11nna 111 OP TitS CITY OP AND OF PETITION TO fh• tollowtno p•raon• hav• buslneaa H In,,. LUCIANA CHRISTINA WllAN HARBOUR FINAN CIAi 1046 301'3 Crown Vellay Parll••Y l ACE DEUCE MFG 11135 Whll· 'OUN'T"* VAUaY ADMlNISTER EST ATE NO •blltldCIMCI "'-i-. of the nctlllou• GREA T Exp E c TA Tl 0 N s I eoc IRA ROijE RI s olnd Liiiie H•rl>Of Or Hunllf\Qton Be&c:h. Lellun• Niguel, CA 121n he< B!> Cosll Mea.a. Ce 92627 NOTICll II H&MIY OIWM lhel ' ~ nem« NEWPORT BEACH. 4100 Blrell SI lUCIANO "'4'-NOEL CAl'IDOSO Ce 92649 PLAINTIH JEH REY R ANGLE David R McCollum 2227 Po-• on W•dneedey. Me-; 12, 111112. at Al 13%51. ALLSTATE REAL TORS . 9795 • 102. NewPOf1 e.aeti. Ca 92660 ROIJfJH<; Aobetl N•lton Wiiiiams 7046 11 m1no t by ANN G ANC.LE n1s mona a A Cos1a Meu Ce 92627 , 30 p m In lh• Ctly Council To all heirs, benefidanes. Adam9 A...-. Huntington BMch. sv .. n lllf'lnllll 12552 Browning MIOUI\ L11lle Htrbo• Huntington Bea1.n Guardian Ao u1em Tk1~ bv5'09U ,, conducled by an • Cllemb.,1. 10200 Slel•r Avenue, cred1LOB and contingent ere· Cellfornla 92&48 SI Sente Ane. Ce 92705 r1y I l HOY<• R08£AfS ano Ce 1126411 OEFENDANT GREC• SCIARROT •nd1vo<lual Four11eln Velley, lhe Planning Com-d ie.ors o f F.dward C. Russell, Thi flctlllav9 Bual,_. Name r• Richard A Slu1g111 3562 NAt~t.• r, llOBEATS This bua1neaa" conouc1ed by an TA an 1nd1•1duel artd do11•g bus•· Oav•d R Mc;Collum mlMiOO w1ll hold• pvl>llc '-1tng 00 Sr and ,_......,,ns who may ._ !«tad to al>OYI WU lll9d In Olenga Oreenfl .. d A~I . LOI Angeles. Ca 1n,.., !.>•I•< r110. tor ,n,117 ol n,.m, 1nd1V1dual ne~~ H MISSION HILLS MASON· lflrs ,,.1emen1 wU filed with IN! Ille loltoWlng ltema ,._.,_, ~ County on Auguel 31. 1979. 90034 NO. Al12755 Robetl N W1t11erns RY anc! DOCS I !> mC:lu~ve C.nunly Cie<k Ol Ofenge Counly .,,, CoMllttlNi{UM ~ No.174c Olherwiee interested in the RICHARO J BROCCOLO. Thi• t>vsrneu 11 condl.IC1ed by a ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Tn1s s1111emen1 "''" hlf'(J wrlti 1he SUMMONS April 9 198<' P•tllloo 1ubmllt•d by John lope• w1U and/o r est.a le. 21376 OrMll Cove Cl1c:Ja. Hunting· o-•I pe11nera1>1p W"f H(A'. l o'<oy G f'\01 .. •11\ u110 Coun•r C1e11>. 01 Orang" Coun1v <><• • CeM No. 23334 Ft-.S r0< lhe .. tabhlwnan1 o1 •tell.out A pelt lio n has been filed ton S..Cn. Ce!Uornte 92&4&. RICh••d" Sturglll Na111 1 '' f1ohe•t\ 1JPt111on1"\ '" '-P"I 6 1982 NOTICEI You hn• b••n 1ued I Pufll•\hed O••n9e Coas1 Oe11y ll•ll•n lood tH laurant et 17933 by Edward C. Russell, Jr, 10 JOHN C ROBERTS, 7032 Ford lh11 s1a1erne111 wu tiled with the '·'""'' 11•1.1 "'U'""' t•I .1p1111c:1rnt~ FIM747 Th• court mey dac:ld• ~eln•I you '' '"' llp•·• 10 i • ~d M.rv 1 198.? Megnoll• SlrMI Ori\11, Hunllrtg1on Beacll. Callfomle Covn1y Cltt<I>. ol Olange County on I 111.•.0111 1..1111~11na Juh~n ~""'-' Rn Publ1sned Orange C.oas1 Daily wllhoul your b•lng heard unleu lhU4 8 . Coftdmoliel u.. "9rmtt No. ..,.. l he 's up e ri 0 r c 0 u r l 0 f 92~7 Aprll 9, 19112 fll'll\ ·"'" Lu<.111no Mdllt><>I t..vdf)~n P1101 Aw11 IU 17 )4 M IY t l'il!l JO<I , .. pond wllhln JO daye. RHd PtllUon aubmlll•d C>y MlchHI N Orange County requesting Thie~ wu conducted by a ,, .... Rollf'"" n ... ,. l!lu<j a P!!1111011 w11n 10J.t 11:.> tha 1ntorma1100 C>alow. P\B.IC NOTICE Cho IOI ..... ttanel« ol OW!Wltllt> oJ that F.dward c RuueU, Jr. ~ .. ~narthlp: Published Orange CoHI D111-; Int' c1 .. ,~ ol ltll~ Co11•I 101 .in <1r<1'" II you w1~h 10 --~ tile advice OI NOTICE OF DEATH !.!;~u:;.::re 1ocet•d •t 9~58 be appointed as personal re-TNa •let!:.~'~~~ tne f'1101 11rm1 io i1 <'4 May \1;',91~2 f.~~','?::~a~;"c.~~~1',',~J'~~~,.,~aB':';:· P\8.IC NOTICE !~1~°d~':J ~~0'::~~1/"S::::~, ::v~ Cff EFFI E C. MAHANY . c 811.-...111 u.. "9fMlt No. an: presentative to administer County Clerk o1 Ofllf'IQa County on ,,, Ron"'" to C.n11s11n<1 lvcoana written 1e11po115e 11 any m&y be 11. AKA E FFIE C LAIRE MA· P .. 111on tul>mllta<I by Prell Div•· the e state o f Edward C. Apt~ ~. 1982 s..011 .. 11\ "''" 1rom Luc:utnc. Mdnoe F';I~o~: A~=a led on 11me II A N y . A K A E FF J E c. toptnent Company to uM Iha P"•· Russell, S r . (under the Jn. '12'727 PtllllC NOTICE C.ardo'o Rob"''' to 011.111 Grant AVISOI U•l•d h• •ldo d•m•n, WADE ·MAllANY •NO OF mieel IC 111577 Slat• A.,.,_ In IM de nde Ad.minls ti ( PuC>llehecl Orenge COMt Ody Pl-Roi.er ts •t'5Pe<:l••ely The following person is doing dedo. El lrlbun•I pu•d• dee Id Ir • " City'• M·I lnduetrlal zone IOI o«i· ~ nl tra on ~ 1o1. Mey 1. a. 15, 22. tH2 FICTITIOUI aUSINEH 11 IS OROERED lhifl Jll pe.~s buti,_. H conlre Vd. 11n audlaftcla •-PETIT I 0 N T 0 A 0 MI ., .. retell~ Estates Act) The peUtion IS 191a.82 NAME STATEMENT """""It'd 1n 1neo above .. nlrllt!'d NATIONAL PHOfO OF COSTA qu• Ud. tHpond• denlro d• ao N I s TE R E s TATE N 0 . c.Mlll•n•I UH P•rMU Me. '" let for hearing tn DepL No. I ne lollow1ng person ,, doing ma11Pr appear ueto•c 1hts Cov11 I'' MESA 1999 Anehetm St · Cott• dlM. Lu I• lnfOfmaclon que algue. A 113139 . ....,.._ 3, 700 C ivic Center Drive, bu~1neu a' 10 30 AM 011 Ju111> 2 11182 '" Mesa. C• 921127 "' 11 h Ix f Appjlce11on tul>mtltad by COmmv· W eal, an the City o f Santa "8JC NOTICE MA s c AL AB As H ENTER. Oepar1mf'n1 3 01 1r11~ Cour1 k>C31~ Br .. Alen B4N« 1996 Anehelm Sr u11ed dHH ao11c11er e• con· t ll <i c•tr<,, •n t• 1t·1a • nl1y 811>11 Ctiurdl Of Founi.tn Vll'ly Ana. Cala'fom•~ on May 26, PRISES 3 15 Ruby Ave , Balbo• 111 700 Ch••c c.~"'"' D11v e We\1 St Th Coebul• MMe C•,.!!~~.. MIO de un at>ogado en e11e aS<lnlo 11t .... c•n"<.htors a n d n mllngt•nl tor ~Of bulldlng •• to -BTATW•Nl' M WITHDflAWA&. taland Ca 926e2 S 1n1• Ann (;11htorr1111 112701 AnCl 11 11'-' 11 c:~"'""'""' by an debet1ll h•c:erto 1mmed1a11men1e. rr.,,J11ors of EH1t• C Mahan y ,_ eddltlOnait-tlng end offleM 1982 at 9:30 p.m . FROM PAA-n.fl..., ~ATINO lucllle Celdarn. 315 Ruby ~now (du~e II Jny why '"" l.lfll111on IO<llvldu•I de ea1 0 m11ner• su respuosta , ncl p<•rsons who may bl' for tht axletlnO c:hurd\ feclflty loel-IF.YOU O BJECT to t he UHDeJ1 ncnnous Ave , BolC>o• 11111n<1. Ce 112662 1or chnflQt' of names Should not t>e T Brei A Bever 111"'" s• ht1y 111gvne puede ser ithc•r\Vl'I' int"r"M\t'll in th" lad II 17575 Eudld StrMI. ll f th tit' 9'.lllMI•• MAME Thll bullineu la conducted by an granlHd hi• tltll8mfl('ll wes 1114!<1 with lht' req11trad• o 11ampo d ' '~ • Celll4Mtolial U.. "-'"""Mo. '77: gran ng 0 e ~ IO, you !he following peraon hH with· ndlYldual ll 1$ rURIHCR ORDERED that a County Clt'll of Or•nge County on 1 TO HtE DEFENDANT A clvll will ;111tJ/r1r t'Sl.ah· P1t11to11 1uC>mllled C>y Shallln Ha· should either appear al the drewn H •general pertnar lrom the Lucille Celdares ~opy 01 this orc1e1 to anow cause be Aprll 9, •9112 compl111n1 he, boen filed by 1ne /\ pt•ttuon has ~n hied roun IO PtfM11 the •tabllehmlnl of hearing and state your ob-partnenhlp operating u11d•t 1111 Thi• stl'lement .... filed w11n 1M Pubhthl'd 111 111e ORANGE COAS l FIMtlt p1am1111 11gam11 you, II you w1Sh to hy Jt•un T M t•/\rthur in the • vld9o gerne laclllty lncludtng rwo jection a or file written ob-llc:llllou• bu1ln•H name of D & F Coun1v Clefk 01 Orange County on DAI LY PILO I a new s pa par ol PuollsheO Orenge Cou1 Daily delend 11111 lew•ull~ mu51. w11hm ::>'ul't'I iur Cuu rl o f Oran ge :i°'~:::r,.C:-::. ~ta~= jectlons w ith th e court be· g~=~·~;.!'.i~~,';J,~ =~ Apill '~ 19112 F1mt1 -g~;:.;:~~;.~·t:~~.~~:~~~·; P1101 Apu1 tO 17 ,. Mnv ',6~!1~~~., ~d d:X'y~~ec11'1~"w111~~~~~·u~~ u 1u111 y rc-qucsung that Jl·an •1 9620 WlllT'M A-fore the h ear ing . Your ap-CA 92~8 Publllhad Orange COHI Delly week lor tour 1ucceul•• weehs wrlllen rMponte 10 Ille compleml r Mc·Arlhur be upprnnted as AMenll .. HI t1 '1J1111l1l11 \tell•J pearance may be in ~non or Thi liC1111oue C>o.U-name •ta, Piiot Aprll 17 24. Mey 1 II, 1982 ~IC>< to 1hi! dat• Ml 10< heerong on P\8.IC NOTICE UnlMs you do so. your dttl•ull wilt pn i.onal n •prt"ll'ntalive 10 II v 11 I~ a I C • 41 • t e c t Ion by your attonwy. llmllll IOI Iha pvt~ w• Iliad 1704-82 he pe1111on be en le red on 11pphcet1on 01 th• rdmtnt!(l('r ttw f'!!Wlt• u ( EUie n.a.m(t)I IF YOU ARE A C REDI-on~ 28, 198\ In lhe Covoty or DATED Apr~ 22 1982 HARBOR pletnllll •nd this cour1 m•y enter• A propoeel lnlllal«f by the Fountllkt TOR ~ ___., Olenga "8.JC NOTICE RONALD H PRENNER MUNICIPAL COURT 1udQment ~••n11 YoV tor 111a ratlel t' Maha n y (undt•r the lnde-Valley Planntng Commtulon 10 or a C:on ent u~tor Full Neme end AddrH• or the Judg<i 01 lhe <MOI JambotM atvd deman~ •n 1hlt comc>1 .. n1 whlCh 1wnd1•nt Adm1n1strat1o n o f emend Sec11on 21.21.020(9) of !hi of the de-ceaa , you,mu1t Parton Wllhdrawtng Edward O.· FICTITIOUB IU. .. H Su~•Of Courl P.O. Boa 2510 could result 1n gern1ahment ol f':Stalt'!i A l'\) The pl'llllon IS Fountain Valley Munldpel Code 10 file your c laim with the Mulla, 1111111 QrHnvl•w Lene , NAME ITATUlll!NT J()fljAfHAN K. GOLDEN. ESO N•wport 1Hcl1, Ca . t2110·U47 wttgM 1al11ng of money or PIOl*IY I ( h ea ng n De t N plfmll ouple• ownerahlp of 1.1n111 court or prese nt It to the Hvnltngton Beedl. CA t2&48 The lollowrng person "doing 1915 C•nlury fltHk E .. t fllAINTIFF. OLEN PllOPEFI· or 01he1 r11ta1 requested 1n 111e ~ or n 1 P · 0 · within II\ epertrntnt c:ornpMx.. I 1 EdWatd DIM<l11e buslne11 H Elghlh FIOOf Tl£1 CORP., • C•lllMnl• Corpora c;omplt1Jnt .i al 700 C1v1c Cent.er Drwe. C1114'1tleHI UM Permit Ne. Ht persona representat ve ap-P'h No.1tll002 TINGPA7E1C1 'ws1.011N,7P1011WS1~!_R1. CC~A1a· Loe Ano••••· c attlo•nla 90097 llon OAT£0 Oec:emt>er 'l. 1992 W 1•111. in thC' City o f Santa (C:.tliwM"-..,. .. 1182): pointed by lhe court wllhin Publl•h•d Orange COHI Dell~ -~ 12131553·3822 DEFEND ANT NEWPOR T Jam•, B HArrls, Anu C ahfornta on M ay 26 P•lltlon tuC>mllled C>y Roger YT four months from lhe date of P1101 Apt1I 10. 17 24 l,4ay I 1982 t,.4eaa. Cnlllormo 92627 Unll D··8 PuhliahtHI Ornnqr> Cot1st D;,lly BEACH MOTORINC ACCESSO Cieri( l~H:l al 9 :lO am ' Yeti end JMn P. Chang lo 09«•1• fl rat luuance of letters .as 16•2·82 David MlchHI Balli, 40 MltSIOn P1lo1 "Prll 24 Mny 1 1;1 I'• 1911~ lltES, • C•lllornle Ptrln•r•hlp, By B Moc1n • ·, · · !hi Mil and renlal of video~. d S 700 f Bay Drive. C•lllOfnla 921125 18'>0 8? CATHERINE METZ. PETER KAR· 0.Puly W YOU 0 8.JtX."T ltl the vtdeel end audio eqllipmlnt, elec· provl ed In ectlon ° Pl8.JC NOTICE Th•• t>uelneea II conducted by an HES ... p•raon•I guerenlor of MARTIN P. £RAMO l{ranltnK o f tlw pl'l1l1on, you t<onlc aqutpmenl wye and_... the Probete Code of Callfor-lndlv1dual IHM. DOES 1111rou9h 5, lncluilve 810 ... wpotl Canta. D1. should e ithl'r a ppt•ar al lhl' IOf'lll 11 18040 ~Blvd .. &Ill• nla. The time for filing WlT~!!•w~NLTF~OFM David M Befit P\a.IC NOTICE IUMM()tljl Suite 1155 h , d b ...... 1 ludll Ille t 1 nd 1 """" .. " Thia 1111•mem wn tiled with the Nawpoft -..etc, CA,.. r 11nng a n state your o .. I; I.--UM l'IC ran. • claima will not e x pire pr or flARTNlllllW OPf:l•ATINQ Coun1y Cletk of Oranoe Counly on FICTITIOUI IUSINEIB NOC~cSE11~'!'~.s~~ .,_... Puflhlhed Orenjl• COHI Dally Jt'Clto n s o r ftlc written ob -=~~u:i:::.~"1 LO four months from the date UttC>lfl FICTITIOUS April 15. 1092 NAMI: ITATEMINT TM coutl mer dKlda .;;in11-;;, 1•11111 A11<1I 10 17 14 May I 1982 j(.'l'llons With the court be-~CI •nu• "'91 Afwtl ~ -~ of lhe ~notJced above. •u•INllt NAMJ ,,..,_ '"• •011ow1no person 11 d oing w1111011t rour 1>a1n11 llaerd unlH1 te.3·82 fore the h eartna Y o ur ap-1 -"' b .. YOU MA EXAMINE rne following P••ton hH wtlh Publllh•d Orange Coe11 Oallv bu·~ ,. •tltlOll aubm u.... ' •Y .. •'· ' -~·' 111 >'°" '"pond within 30 d•r• Ried n.•aran ce may ~ In "'"'rson _.-...........-..Charm L.ogen to~ lL-fil k t b •'-· -·-Jf Orawn as• general PMlnet lrorn the PHol, Aplll 11, 24. May I. II. 19112 HUMANE TICS 86211 Oerter 1.__ .... 1 1, __ ... ........._ ,.. ...-_......_ .... ool e· 1460 "" e ep Y utc """'... pertnersh•P op•re11ng under lhe 1707-82 C1tcl1 FPun111n v111ey, Cahlorn11 ,_ m orm•"'" ........... "8.IC NOTICE or by y our attorney. 1::1::=~y achoo •I lO eo you a.re lntere.tedfil in th~.~ 11 c t1ou• bu11ne11 n ame ot 92708 dad:.v~~~~1~'!:1 h:u:':! =:~; IF YOU ARE ACRE- ,,.. llATIU9 .,, belnO ptO: u.ce, you may e a req-.. ElECTAO·MECH SALES co , '101 "8.IC NOTICt'. LoulH lung 11628 Oerter Cl•· conlra Ud aln 91tdlancl• • m•noe FteTmova eus1•H OITOH or a ~'Ont.in-nl ere· ' .. Pt I Ith th t \ c•l EHi Ell'\, Uni! C l'ullerlon. Call· c:le F 1 1 V ti C I t 1 S T Ml!.,. n -oet* pu11M1ant lo .... enn ng w e cour o re ... ve oun • n • •Y • 1 orn • qu• Ud. rHpond• denlro d• JO NAMI£ TA I "' dttor of the d eceaaed, you Lawl of Illa ll•t• of C1Ulorn11. 1peclal notice of the lnven-IOf;.:: ~l!~1~~. 1>vs1n ... name '11l· '~:.:=• 9270:.,,dra 9 Monton, 28~ 12 E•· dl••· LH ta lnfOfmeolon qua ,1g..,., Th• tollowlng l)afeone er• doing must filt• )'()UJ" claim with tht> ~.;•ro!n~v!'itey~=-i toth~y ::!.,"t•o~~e .a~tlun~~d.nodf tem•nt ror 1ne psrtnership w•• me<1 Tll• 10110,.ino per11n ta dot no pa1111• Dll••· "411a1oo vie1o. CelllOf· 11 you with 10 MMik 11,. od¥1co 01 but.I;: ~TERPRISES. 30114 3'tti 1·ou rt o r preaent ll to the Cod9, TNl2t. "" r -• • .......... .., o~•-on ~ebruerv 18· 1980 In the Covniv t>ual,_. as· n1119~891 an ••1orney 1n 111,, m1111ar , yQu SI . N~ Beach, Ce. t28410 pcl"ll(>n al repr.aentaUve-ap- THOll ..-.0 TO I~ In le-repori. cte.:ribed 1n ~uun of Orengci TOM'S WELL SERVICE, 3001 Tl\11 IXltlnut la condueled by a lhOuld do to p<Otnplly to that Y°"' Scott Smealon, 301'h Uth a,. pOinted ba:,the court within vorot In~ to IM P'oPOMit 1200,6 of the c..J.lfomia Pro-fl~ NW111m1~!._~ddro1& OI lhe lledhlll, Bulldlng IV, Sull .... 0 6. rel p1trlnet11\lp wf•llen retponM 11 OflJ, nuiy b4' 1, NewpOl1 8Mch. Ce 92880 r-•r ..v..n fron\ • .__.a •• _ Of .......... ~ '° dO to bale Code ... -· ,..,., __ ,,.., Cott• ....... Ca. t:zeH LOUIN Luno lflCI on tune Jon RhodM. 115 ,.,,, 81 •8. .,.. ....... uov ,_..., a1 -_...,. ...mi1na. "fUnt1er 1n-• lela llfc .. 111 c 11arlH T H1y1, 31731 VI• Sllndr• Monloo ., U•t•d d•••• 1011,11 ,, e l ~ 8"ch, c e 92eeo Cltst 111uan c:o of lct~rs a1 ......::::.::::11 ~"":..... -.......... 1.1111 Ca1e ••d Gifford, ,-v1 •~-P 1 T ,..,~ "~ C• ne1s " v lded I 0--1 "00 f ,,.._ -•-.. _ ...... ~ --• .... ...., • o, ' """" -·r-.. Thia a1111Mtrt1 wu lrleel wttll the oonteiO ci. ufl al>OOJIOO en •ti• u om11 RotH, tot 34111 S t prov n ~· on • o 111Cf lfle ,.lannlno Oet>•rtmenl 11 AU.l'leJI et Lal!.i 7H 8"&1i YCN1N llfMta. Ca nMil 'Tflra Ml-1• eondvelad C>y 1111 ovn1y Cllflt 01 Orenoe COullty °" unto. de1>e111 hac••lo 1nmed1111 •A.~' Bllch, Ca, 92UO ~ Proba'9 ~of Califor· N1412t Met,..._ lo Ille abo't• Plower Street, it•lt• 1 lU, SlontCI hit BllcNk lndMdUlllCN.n.. 1 Hll'f9 Ap•lf 22 1982. m1n11, d• Hie menera au 111-T'hlt ~It c0ftducl9d C>y • n la The tJmt for filing --. .....-_.._.......,. Lea A•ti•loat CaUftraJ• " o c ,,JOM2o 11 ...... 1111-1 ............. ..-,, ...... '"71N Pl*le 8'Cflla. .. hey llQlitl•. pvedt genare1 ~-",*• :::_.°" c'·'.:... ,.,, .. not -...i---.,_ _...,_ Ht 7 ll • M'"I .. ubllthl d reno• 0111 • '.Y '''"' -·-· ,_. .... , ..... PuC>llall•d Ore1101 Co111 Oelly ., re(lletrlld• • IMlmpO ....., ....... _ wu. ~ .. .,... ... ..-•-.._ ...... , l • ( ) ,. J. Piiot April 2•. 111112 Mty I 8. I~. Coun1y Clttli Of OrllflOI County °" I, AOfll ,4, Mey I, I , IS. 1"2 1. TO THI OUfHOANT. A cMI Tiiie 8':!....-1 -Med ....... the LO four moot.hi from the date ....._ca n ' Publlahed Oran1• Coa1t IM2 Apnt t. IH2 1eow2 compt•tn1 hu b"n lll•d by th• Coun~ 1'Ni of OflllQI C:C-.ty °" of'lhe hcarlna not.Iced abow. "' tit._ Onflll ~ °"Y Plot o.iJJ ~t. May 1, 2, 8, 1962 1937 12 Publl•ll•d Ot1ng• Co•~ p111n1111 IQlir'lll y0u If y0u will\ 10 Aplil • 1 ,_ YOU MA y Ex.A.MIKE M11r '· tta -·.. 202142 .. -IC HOT"'r 4 ... •-.,. Mftftt'C dltend 111111ew11.11t. y0u ,,,.,, •• w11111n -·· lh fl'~ ..... t b the--·-If --niDL f\4 Pttol Aptll 10, 17 2 • May I, 1 ... 2 ,.-~ ""'-• d•y• •II« ,,,.. 11.1mmon1 ,, .. , Pul>ll•h•d Oran~ CoHt Delly e IV ~ .. p 'I """"' •. ~NOTICE '9CTITIOUS ..._.. l8tM2 "°""'°"'-• vtd on you, Ill• wllh 11111 court a Piiot Apttt 10. 17, 24. Mey t, 194!2 you art l.n~t.ed In the~ MT"'°"9 .,_.. NAMe tTATl•NT "8.JC NOTICI ..,._ ITAT'llmrf wrlllen lllt¥>0f\M 10 the comp1a1r11. 10tM2 Late, you may ftle a ft!!QUSl ..,._ tTAW Thi ~no l*'ton• .,, ctotno T1'if lol!OWlnt,.,.....,. Un1i1te you do to. -;our oetev11 w111 with the court to recelvto M""°"9" H•M • fnt 1---.,. clOi""' tMI-•: ftCTmOUi.,..... ~ • b• •n1•1•0 on eppllcellon °' "" "8.IC NOTICC epecial nutJce of the lnw-n-ITA-............. ,. ....... --. .,. .J llJM9 ITA,,_.,. OI JAY INfl""'llD. tu pMlntln, end 11118 oour1 mey en111 • and f ...... ·-· ~..: A"'4E9'1CAN TINANT IMl"',.0 · __. )uOOmenl egaln11 you lot the ,..... 'ICTlTIOUt IUHCll tory o f ~tat• ... ta 0 flill IOftoWMt ,., .... '' '°'"' IUltNlll L.0010 , tlH ~MO!Ti.1120 Moc*"'P.t>lr'd Wey, Ttle followlnt '41t1011 I• e1o1n1 loutfl Wrltflt ttf'WS\j ... ,a Aft• Cllmlnffcl ln tl't cOll'lllltlnt, wtllCl'I NA• BTATl•llfT tho .-uuona. aiecounta and -.C °'*9 A...-... No. C, co.ta.._ AneNIM Hlh, CllHomla '2801 ~II: ~ ft?M. t l r-a-t...-,......-::;: & .AllOC1ATU, ttJJI ~tlUJ ---r .IH .I ClrtOll. 1t:IO MOOlllnO· AN'I ~OIC COM,AHY, 0 .. lf l1tlle"fOt, .,. Hyd ooulcl rHull n Qltnltfll'l\l!'tt 01 119 IOllO•lllQ oe119n I• doing repQrta daalbed ln ~._. Q,..._ 0... OtttlO. HVftllfttlOll Chrleottl'llf Jonttllllfl lurkt, ~d Wey. MaNim ....... Cellfoml'1 I04 W. Waetllnfton • tt, a.,,11 C .. tt. Oo1te Moll, Otllfotnl ~~:*,~_';' =•f.o~ C>usl~t~ OO,.YS, "'" Mer\fl 1200,6 of tbe Cellfor'nle ~..... 1113 Or.,..., Na. C. Coela ...... ta'°' AM,~~ 12ttt,-. H .... .-!..-l1I ~I 1.11'8 lanle Ana, Ce 9210e Probate Cot». ,,., ... ,.,, ...... , ~m. Jee ,.,HandJJr ,H2T·O "" 110• Tren ,lo4 ~ 0011,1,00110M.;:".""catlloritl ~Tte>;M1r~1~ llnnealarolarWlmw~.f1M 8 .Jadrllall.r __ -..._,,. Oewa ~=..-.. O, = :::...•c.."::-::c1 ~· :::~.WW. IMll Ma Celllot· ·:~ ftt, a.nta Ana. ' ntK. .. ~ J ~ catr'k Met1J\I '-""'• ltnJI An1 Cl '2'70I AILeneJ .11 1AW '!"JI~_, 1¥ en '1* .....,_ le .... t.)' • Thie ._._. II ..... _. t>y • ~Iii~ lft fNt ~II_,_,_. llllf Jllltr, ·~ IAN OHll. D•• In~-It COlldUc:tecl t>y Ill .,.. l)rtft, ~,7.;-..._ ....._~-· · ft!*al.wtnortnt>. CM!tt ~ °'"'"-......, _,..---.Ir' uin.1arc.1~ lelaell -~_.,_.,. '*.,.,,.:-::..,.,..,. n111 .... .:,"w:.=~11"'9 lN6 ,r, ... .: .... .-.. -~..,.._,....,. =~°'* • ~~11~1;a.;.ec:~y==~CAltlll :rlGfll.lf~~· ~.~-~Oounly°" ~2~~0,JMO°"""Y~ =t= .. C.W.~• =rr.~•O...oa-tr fl•••i:~.&•Hlt, c~ AQflla, '"* ,,_ PubU1hld Or•;r CoMt ,... ~-=•llN =c..t~ .110111,, ..... ,0,0",. co.!1~ ,_ ,...,_ °'.,... o~~ ,_, ... .,.,. 0i.ii. e-.1 01111) 1'11011,111e1 Or•nr• Cout D111y Drall.Y Pllol, ~ , May ti• ~ ' ;i. .... 1 1 .. ... • a-'1 M. llllf t :-.; ,... ,_ M. ..... .,,-:e •1. ttN Piiot .Apt, J 4, .... 1, 11 IMI T6 Itel . '" .... . . . ~.t•. ~ .... "· 1Ma ....... ~ • • -• 11&2.a~ 1'41-t2 . 1-..a 11M-tl , ... , ._. ··-·--..~-· Age of puberty dropping BOSTON (AP) A survey of rt.'<.'Ordi1 on 220,000 girls l'Onflnns the long-held belle! that the age or puberty has gotten progressi- vely lower the past 1 ~ centuries. 'rhe Latest survey, conducted at Harvard. reviewed 218 reports on puberty in the United States and Europe dating to 1795 In gen- eral, 1t found that the age of pu- berty in girls dechned by two or three months each decade. The researchers said the work supports the idea that the start of the firs t mens trual period. known as menarche, is delayed by poor nutrition and hard labor. The s tudy was conducted b y Ors. C race Wyshak an d Rose E Frisch and was publtshed in the New Engla'nd J ournal. o f Medi- cine. In Europe, they fo und, the greatest rate of dt-el~ was in the Scandinavian toun 1es, w h ere the age of pub<.·rty as fa llen 3.2 months each decade The smallest rate was I.I months per decade in France. In the United S wtc-s. the age.of puberty has fallen at about two months per decadt>,over the past century However, the age leve- led off at 12.8 years m 1974 and h as not changl'CI stnct> thl'n China lo (•ounl 'Oronyo Coast DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Mey 1, 1982 " .Phone calls given stai-quality By GLENNA JOHNSON FOSTER 0 1 th• Deity Piiot eteff 1 can never d~1de which has l'Onlnbuted more to thl· collapse of society. frozen pizza or telephone answering ma<:hines. They are both tasteless. Oh, I know society has survived bad taste before. We have survived disco, plastic Christmas trees: whoopee cushion s and those photo T-shirts of the pope with tht' captain, "He's my kind of guy" WE ALSO HA VE RECOVEREb Crom velvet prunungs of bullfighters, bean bag chairs and having Jose Feliciano sing our National Anthem at the Wo(ld Series accompanil'<i on the electric banjo. Bad,taste is here to st.ay;like nuclear waste and Twink1es. But 1f we <.'Ould do something about the Edsel, we can cer- tainly take care or frozen p1ua. Americans are survivors. We surv1v<' becaµse of good ol' Yankee. mgenu1ty and show biz. It is now possible for a f ee (that's the Yankee ingenuity part) to have a celebrity (that's the show biz part) record the mt."SSage on your tele phone answering machine The o nly proble m 1s c hoosing which cele brtty you w ant ta king your <.·a lls . The wro ng celebnty could destroy your e ntire image. ,OITUI For instance. M innie Pea rl should never answer the phone al thl• White HouSt' A lthough Don R1ckll-s l'ould re<."ofd for l nll•r1or Sl'<·rNary Watt since he .st-ems to altenate t'vcryone anyway BILLY GRAHAM COULD SOOTHE the pam over tht< IOSll of our dearly de parted money 1f he answl•red for tht' IR!:>. C ary Coleman could ht:lp overcom<• thl· l'lderly 1magt• o f tht.> Supreme Court. Smee Lee lacocca's success d oing the T V commerc1alh for h is corporation, most preside nts o f maJOr busml>ss organ1zat1ons are answenng their own phones. The call might be from thl'ir boo· k.Jng agent. PersonaJly, I'd prefe r to havt' d1rfen •nt s tan> tu a nswt'r dif- ferent callers. When my friend Joycl' calls. I'd likt• to have Hobt>rl Ht'Cl ford'i. vowe tell her that I am in the shower lr it is my boss calling, I'd likl• Pn-s1dt·nt Reagan 111 mfor m him that I am on a w orking vacation in Tah1t1 ANY OF THE ROCKEFELLER <·ould hiJndle thl· L"<1lb i frQm my creditors. \ Just in case, through M.>ml' flukC'. any or my ch1ldn:n <·allt·d. I would like to 'have Churl ton Heston say, "This '"God s~·aking for your Mom." • 11 Choosing just ont.> l'<.'IC'bn ty to hand I<· all of my calb 1~ a tough d~1S1on It will have w Ix• sumc>0nt· who 1~ rt>ally big When you call my phunl' numlx·r and thl' fl'(.'urdl·r i.11u.wc·r.. don't be surprised to h<.>a r . ... Ho. ho. ho, from lhl· valley of 1hc• Jolly G reen C 1<in1 " Btwl,lin ~ pa }~ '\llJJl .. \NI> !\111 h 1Al'1 Tl11 Couple guilty in alien smuggling CHICAGO 1AP) A hui.band EAGLE HONORS Brian w_ Arno tt o f llunt1n g ton • Bt·ach r l't'C'IVl'd his Eagle &:out awunl a l Village View &·huol. I le organi7.(.'d a blood dnvt· with ht>lp of Aml•ril'an H1·d l'mss for F..<.iglt· projl'<·t Krishna d enie d BALTIMORE <AP) A fed- l'l·:KIN(; (1\l 'J w111 lt1·.., 1no>.'1 1x1puh1u:-11;1t11111, •~ ..,1w11d111g $:!1111 11111111111 .111tl u~111g .1 I 111tllt1in \\111 k1·1-. It• q•un l 1 i.. .u II\ ho\\ 111.111\ JM upll ll lt.1-. ,,.., 111 rn1df\t¥;l:t I .)'{1111 Ill 1 lt1 1 IUt I t 1'11..,ll'o l,1!..1 I -..old tind w 1 fl· ac't'uSt'Cl of tx·mg part uf a nr~ that smuggh·d up lo 4,000 1lll'gci l Ml•X1t:an altl'ns to Ch1e<1go h<.1Vl' bt•l•n con Vtl'lt•d of consp1 - r<il'Y U S UJ:.ln<:l Cuur l St"n tc nemg was st•t for Jum• 17 Ev1d (.•lll'l' in lht· t:<.11tl' was ga - 1tw n:d by ;in undl.'fl'OVt'r agt>n l who Wl·n t to T 1Jua n<1. Ml'Xll'<J, and J.><JM'd i.IS an 1llt•ga l <1l1en tu ll•ai n how thl· p1~·ltm· tu C hicago w11rkt·d Tht· CJ ltl·n!> wt·t t· brought •ll'IOS., th(• ho rdl·r an d movC'd th• ough lhl' (.\1111p l'1·ndll-11111 Calt l , Ma ru1l' b,1.,,t• liv .1 l\l.111111• und u wonv111 frwnd, itw ( 'h1l'ag11 Su11 Ttnws !><lld A third <h-fr11d.Jnl M.111111 L't·r v.in lt·s. w<1~ J< qui th•d T°"" f>l'tlfJIC• who Wt•rt• 111d11 ltd J~'I• lugll1Vl'' .uui.lU h.i\l pll'<1dl·d guilt\ !\ l 11,ll .111 ol < 'o 111111 ' :-O I 11 1 it I I >• 10.111111• Ill 0, '"'' 111g .., Ill l•I ,111111 cl11\1 I \\li11111101..1• 1111 II" .ol 1,. It-. ~1 11•1 it I .J.1111•, I< !\lo N1111 ..... 1ol Ill.ii Hu\ So 1111 1' .1 01d L11 I ~011111' Ill 1111 lllUJll\ \\llli· dll\\11 Ill• 111 • 11'0 fl).oto' 111 1.01, \\ 111•..,i di I\ o I Iii•\ ,1 • 11,111~' i II I>< I\, 11111 111111 iltt Ill >1\'t I 111111-.11ll1tt t·ral JUdgl' has dt'nwd J rl'quest frum J Han· Kr1:>hna ~-<:I fo r a tt·niporary ban on f!nfon't'nwrrl of rt·~ulotwn:> armt•d al µrotl·t·ting v1.,1 tor-. lo &lumon·\ rt•nuvi.lt<.od lnrwr H arbor from pubh< nu1- s<.111l·t~ T h (' !> l' ( l . s iJ l I () I JI l ' y . c Chn!>l!J pht-r Brown, t·111Ht•ndl•d thi.lt iJ h.:in again!>t "vuhhl' a!>- :>t·mbly" or sol1c:1tatwn Jruund tho· N:1twn<1I Aquarium nwan t th(•n · "c·::.n be no frN• -.p.·1'(. h at- t1vll1C'S" m the area Nil hol<.1!> Gudino. 28. a nd h is .wJfo M<Ir1a . '.!.7 . '\.\ C'rc conv1c 1<.'d th 1~ Wt>l·k after a JUry lrta l IO . Stegosaurus recognized Dinosaur Colorado's ta le fo~ ii , THORNTON. Colo (AP) -Arter bemg pa rt of the landscape for a few m illion )lll'ars. the• s tegosaurus 1s get- ting official recognition . G ov. Richard Lamm designated 1t Colorado's state fossil by e xe<:ullv<• ordl'r after state law makers, 'rompla1- n 1ng they h ad we igh tier issues to conside r, twice refused. L egislato rs this year even bucked arm-tw1s ung by 1<nee-h1gh lobbyists from Thornto n's McElwain Elemen- tary School. · The kids had studied the stegosau- rus in class and thought the 20-foot, h orny-spiked beast deserved a place in state, as well as Mesowic history. The ft rst complett· fossil remains of 1922 A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Til 1 A.M. t hl' di nosaur w e re discovere d in a q uarry near Golden more than a ('t'n- tury ago. S ~nt·e thl'n . five more s te- gosaurus skt>lctons have been found in Colorado. Lamm v1s1tt.>d Mc Elwain Elemen - tary, and standing in front o f a pa p1~r-mache stegosaurus moc!e l, proclaimed the stegosaurus the off1c1al state fossil The executive order will remain m effect unless overturned by the Legi- slature . And "if 1t was not importa nt en - ough to take up, I don't see why 1l would be important e nough to take down." said Sue O 'Bne n , Lamm's press secretary 4-1 R&D WRITE-OFF Reservations Suggested 645-7077 FINO YOUR NAME • 4 TICKETS WORTH $12 A.NO AVIATION fAIRE Saturday, May 8 8 a .m. to dusk MILE SQUARE PARK Fountain Valley Adultt $3.00 Children $1 .50 Under 5 Free ., MOl!NING &MlOON RIDES • OISPIAYS Allt SHOWS • (NffRT AtNMfNT '"" 11 d1..1\\111K" .111 lu Id VIDEO SHOW TODAY -SATURDAY -SUllDAY IN NEWPORT BEACH -3 DAYS ONLY FREE ADMISSION FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES ON HAND FIND OUT EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT VIDEO BUT DIDN'T KNOW WHO TO ASK . 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I 'tit.\ • h 't\h .. , ftCA ./• tfl' ,ff·'W' 1lff'' 1•·1 t1"\I r,. •,. , ... ,, \ll";lt Qiu\ "1•11 h "'"'" A"11II 1 lf1 /. /,,J,..•f .. , I tw .. -lu+nQ\ ,, _.n ,,, l!h• , ,,.,,, .. ,, I,,, ., I,,.,. II I' ;., f\ t ·•' t 'V .. ~ .t'·•f ~ ""A\ ,., \ ,. I• ·•' t '"'' 1 I ••t Hurry! $268 Limited !!!!! XMGA /MITSUBISHI CREDIT TERMS .. \ .. _, •' , • . \ .. .. • 'Black skies' seen .. ' • Ill diesel By THOMAS 0. ELIAS t<:vt•r si nl'O thl' gusoli nl' i.hortugt.· of IU7!1, sulc-s of dwst.'I powt.·rc.-0 cars h11w d1111tx'll m C1il1fnrnaa, propt'lll.'d largely hy nwmvrlt.•i. of rN1Chly-ava1lable diesel fut•I at a llmt• wht•n ~asol1ne-burnang C:Ul'l> stuud in bl<X·k-lung llm-s D1t'l>C•I l'otr ~ill·-. huvt.• c:l1mlx'Cf s~t·adtly from ,1lmc"t nothmg in 1~78. Thl'Y now CAllfDRNIA fDCUS :tl'l'UUlll 1111 .1IJ0UI 7· Jll'rl't•nt of Jll nc•W l'itr:-. •,old Ill t'Jll rorl\l,c W11h 111o1nv 111011· dit·'>t·I modl'ls on the tlrawing ho,1rd-.. both .iutomuk t.·rs and ... mog n ·gulator-. t.•XJ.X'<:I c>rH· in five • Call- foinw l':tr-. to Ix· .1 d1t.·-.t·I hy 1!180 BUT THERE COULD~ a down side to tht· n s mg dwsel popularity and Californums will st'<' it whC'n tht.·y look up • Iner.ease • GM rt.•nsontng to that of toblll't'O c:omp11· nwi. who don't dtmy that cigar<!lll'S c:on • twn i;<imc canl·e r-t·a using dwm1l·uls, b1.1t say tht·rc 1s nn rtrm proof that smoking is harmful. Onl· pos.s1blt• n·i.ponsc• to all thas would be.• fur Calafornta to set up 1t.s own d1l"Sel :-.mug l'Ontrols. similar lu those 11 he:id lwtorl' tht.·y wcrl' ICXN'm'll m th<.• I !J7Y g.1-.ohnt• t·rum·h That'::. what "><.·vc·rnl 10t·al smog l'Ontrol agl·mw::. wanl. and thc•y'll probubly gl•l th1·11 way. <:Spt't·1ally 1f thl· Cll'an Air Act arm·ndnw n t.s 11Jnon.· dll'S(.·ls But S(•pnratt.· Ct.1llforn1a l'Onlrols m1gh1 not last long. (or l·ar dC'all•rs can be.• ('Xpl't'll'<.I tu laum·h a ..irong l'C:lmp:.11..:n aguinst lhl'm 1f lhl'Y rc-c·I the• l'Ontrob :.in• hurling ::.ah•:-. Tlwows 1-:11,1:., ii fr1 •1• /;111n· ('o/ummst bwwd 111 S<Jn/;1 Mn111n1, :11w/yn·.~ .o;loJ/t ISSUt'S ... \ ,, . ; . -~--~ --- ·"rtw .. kw:-. will lw lilat·k." says John llolrm·-., 1·n I 11rc.·1 ·nwn t t.•h wf I or I he· ,.,li..tt•· An H1 · .... iur«1· .. Ro;1nl Wl1!11· t tw ;1ut11111ak1•1., don 't put IL qu111· '"' til11ntlv . tht•y havt· littlt· ljU~1rrt•I With th1 · t''-'>t'lll't• o l1o llol111t" .. · d a1m F3lklands crisis: What's ;at stake? ~ Ttu· llJI\' .11 d 11 t•ml 111 dwst.•I :.all'.., will 1,1u,.,1 · ",1 dt'l't t.,1'1' 111 v1-.ual r~1ngc· of ;, tu '.!II 1w•1t·1·111 ' Ill th< niaJor <:allf1irn1,1 air li.1"""· 1·-.1111i.1t1·-. HH lrnrd Kltm1sl'h, .1 ( ;. m·r.11 M1110,., .,111og_ 11 ·~-;.1rlh1·r J\ nd W1 II1:1m 1'1t·i-.11n .. 1 furd Motor Co l llg11111 ·r . 11·pu1 ls lh,1l ..,tudtt'" 111 .1 Pt 1111-., lv.1111a .ir c•J "1th IH·..ivy dtl'st·I u~1g1· ~h11\\ .111 :iv1•1,1g1• droµ 1n v1:-.1b1llty or '.!0 rx·n1•nl lo :m fll'fl't•nl j Du~·b lowt·r v1s1l11l11y .ind l·olor lhl' ,11r mon• tharl gasoline• rng1m' bt'<.·auS4: tlwv -.µ1 •" .1h•1Ul 5 0 llm<·s mon· S1J1>l p:1rt1dt•s I rom 1lw11 1·>..hau.-.1 plJX'S Th<'M· p;;1 twit·., 111,1kt· d11 •sl·I Pxtwust bla<·kt•r lhan 1·m1:.....it111' I rom olhl·r t·ar.; They also contain the roots of a major rontroyersy likely to spur debate for the next 10 years: Does diesel smog cause cancer? .J;111H·s N P1tL'i, d1n<t·t11r of tht• swt1··.., J\11 1'11llut11111 He•"iC'.111·h Laboralorv at UC H1v1·1.,11h', h1•l1t•Vt'" 11 ma~· lit• ;.l·porb lhal d11•:-.1•I .. niog t•1mt.a1ns <Jbt>ut 10 l1mt.·s nwre• e·,11u e 1 l'oJl,htng t'hl•nirt·ab lhan .,mug 1111111 11Llll'r l.Jf-. "111 VII\\ ol th1::.," ht• ~1d 1n a rl'l'<'nl 11 port. "11 i-. •·s.-.t.·nt1.1l that d1t.·st'I pcirll- t ul.11t .... 1 .. • ontroll1·d u., mul·h d..., e:illowro 11)' pn-, .. nl H<t hnoloi.:y a nd lhut stnl'lf'r 1·mi-.,.,.on -.1.and.1rds ht.• 'l'l for 1985" BUT THE CLEAN AIR Act amendments now being pushed through Congress wath support from GM and Ford -don't men11on soot controls They would also permit diesels lo emit far more oxides or nitrogen 'NOx) than gasohne-powered cars. NOx 1s the mam i cause or lhe acid ram now pelting many : parts of the state. Tht· Jllt11rn.1k1·rs m.11nt,11n tht.·rc· 1s no l',elll't·1 d:1ng1·r and n11 flt•f'd for n11111 · 1·1Jntrob on dll'-.t.'b "No definitive evidence has yet been found to implicate diesel ~missions as : a serious threa t to public health," says J J. V11:-.1 • .t. a b11mwd1n1l rt'Sl·an·ht•r fw • (j M "The· sU:-.Jl<Tle·d l'.tl1l't•r prrn.lul'ln"' . l'fft-<:l..., ot <111~«1 parttdl-s have' thus far not ht·t•n vc·nfu'C.I '' Vn...,tol dot·sn 't dt·nv that d1c•st·I soot l'IJntain.., <urwc·r-1 .. u,.,.ng l'hen11l'e:ils. but ::.ays that no oni· ha.., provt•d th<·y t·auS(• l'anl'l'r whl·n th<"'•' 1·11nw from d1l-:.cls Somt• s1:1t1• .. mug off1t 1als likl·n lht· By PATRICK J . GARRITY Dr Garrity 4; d1rt"C:tor of rt'S<'art:h at Public R~arch and 1s tod1t:ur of Grand Strawgy: Counl£>n·urrt•nts, a bi-weekly ncJtJOnal SC'C'Unty purnal As 1r there wcrl' not l'nough erases in tht: world , Wl' hav<• a possible naval war over some obs4.·urt> 1slancb in the South Atlantic Wl'rl• the Falkla nd (or as Bue- n os Aart•s would have· 1 l, M alvig as) ~slands <.'Onf-roversy not so serious for the future of Amt.'rt<:an S<..'CUr1l y, It WOUld be a lmost amusm({. On the on t' side 1s Great Bral.cim. Once the proud mistr<'SS of the sea, she IS now barely able to S<T.a~ togetht.•r Pnough AFRICA operational combatants toJhreatl'n a modest Third World navy. Of the two smalJ earne rs that Britain has commatt.ed t.o the Fa lklands operation, one (the ln- vincable) has already been purchased hy Aus tralia, the oth er (the He rm<.'S) w all probably be sold to Chile. ON THE OTHER side as Argent ina. hardly a_ military juggernaut It 1s threatened by another tcrnlor1al dispute With Chile, and LS in e xtreme economic dtWculty, Most o f Argentina's military equipment, in fact, was actually purcha- sed from either Britain o r the Unit«.>d States. World reaction lo this curious t-onfhct has been interesting to observe. Argen- tina. which has the reputation of bemg gove rned by a classic right wing dicta- torship, has generally filled the role or the villain . The Soviet Union, beholden lo Arge ntin a for large· s h ipments of gram, halo gene rall( supported Buc·nos Aires. · '\ But mos t o ther le ftist and soqalist groups have condemned the Argenllnl'S, Britain's Labour P arty, whach has not l'xactlv been noted for llS COn<.'ern w ath rn1llta.ry a ffairs. has condemned Mrs Thatcher's governme nt for its lack of preparation. London has no t escaped opprobrium for stubbornly retaining a wst1ge or 1\S colonaal past. but Bratain'i. critics have had lo admit that thf' islands' 1.80-0 residents are solidly pro -British The Falkland Is la nds are no small prize S trate gically they a r c• ,,... ________ ,___.........., some of the few is lands in the en - tire South Atlantic. In both World Wars, the Falklands played pivot.al roles in Britafn's efforts to destroy German commerce raide rs . The Argentines believe that the area around the islands is rich in oil and other mine rals -a potential that the hard-pressed economy of Argentina cannot afford lo ignore. THE FALKLANDS a lso represent a s1gnifi<:ant counter in the debate ovt.?r the future sta tus o f the Antarctic a Sl,lb)l'l'l of importance• tu both Brit<Jm a nd Argt•ntinu But C'Vl'n mon• 1mporl4tnt ,,., thP dft"<:I that a dl'ft.·at will havc• on either o f tht'l><· two pro-AmNaca n n~taons F ur Bnt.cJin. onl· of thl· Unitc•d States· pr1m·1 pal NATO allies. thl' abandonmt'nt of its ~vert'1gn1y over the Falklands w11h11ut sat1sra1.·t1on w1>uld dt-slruy whatt•vc·r rt· maa-nrng status L1>ndo n still has a s J great power. But if the Royal Navy fights and is defeated, or even if it loses a n y of its few rcma1nang ships, thl• NATO al ltancc wil l lo)>l' mUC'h o l its s lt•ndc-r manllmt.· edg(' ov<•r tht• Suvwt Union Bl•forC' last yt>ar's l'U ts 1n the Royal Navy werl' announc:l•d , Bntain was c·x · pl'<'l<.•d to <·ontribute 70 pl•rn·nt of thl· W c!>t's marillmC' forces in thl· t•astt·rn Atlant1<· and Enghsh C hannt'l . Thi::. in- c ludL'd two task forces d cs1gnalt.·t.I for convov c·scort an tht· evt'nt o f war in Europl., one group m tendt'<.I to as.-.1sl in op1.•rat1on s against s ubmarant·s 1n thl· EnglL'>h Channel. and on(• group fur u~· wath an Anglo-Dull'h amph1b1uus fon't· A Britis h dcfl'e:il over lht· Falkland [sle:inds would nol only rl.'dul-c or C'l1m1- nate London 's ability to assist lht• Unall'd St.ate:. and 1~ Wt-stern Europea n allws. 11 would also nt'gatc ats politu.:al wall to do <,() The prC'S(•nt l'IJflS('rvallve govc•rnment of Pramt• M mister Thatcher 1s on the· vc•rgl· or a falling OVt'r lht' Falklund 1s.<;U(' t·v<.•n now HER MO~T LJKEL Y rt·plat..'t·men Ls. a governm1•nt dominated by the· ntd1cal ll'rt wing of tht· Labour Party, wh11:h 1s oppcJS<.'d to Bn tam's t'f fc('live part1c1 P<• tion in NATO: or a coalition gov<:rnnwnt 1n dudang the• n<'w Social Dt•mocrati(' P urty und C'Vt•n som e moderatt• t•onst.•r - vativcs. a <'ombmation whose outlook on dl'fensc· 1s cloudy at best. But nealht·r would a hum1liat1on of Arge ntina be.' m the best interests of the United St..atC'S. Even a resur~ent Britain w ould not wish to keep significant naval forc<•s in the South Atlantic . The Ar- gl'nlmt• Navy, however, is large e nough to plav a ,.,.g111f1l.111l 1011· 1111 tht· Wt•:-.l Ill 1h1-. 11f1 rwgl<<t ll·d r 1·g11m An Argt•r1t1111• so·tli.wk "ould prohahl\. l11ppl1 tht• l'UI n·n1 1111lit.t1 \ g11v1·1 nnwnt .inti t·11d in ,1n t·v1•11 n111n· rt·pri·-. .. 1v1· n.t11on,d.-.111 rt - g1m1· 111 m ,, v111lt·11t r 1·volut11111 lite.I "ould l11111g to fl"" 1•1 ,1 le·l tt:o.1 .11111 A11w111.111 g11\'1 1111111 111 Thi~ "1Juld li.1111-.111n~ 1h1• H1·:1gd11 .ul1n1m-.tr:it1u11.., t•l 1111 t::. tu ::.tn•nghthc>n 1L' tu.., w1tlt µ111 Anwru .111 n11ltta rv gt IV c•rn m<•ni... 1n L.1tan Am1·r1<·a· Aln·udy. Arg1·11tlllo1 h.1~ l>t.·l·om1• '""' of Wa . .,hang- 11111'" .. 11 on~t.,.,I -.upp01rl1 •1-. Ill El Salvttdur WERE TIUS NOT 1·n11ugh. ont· mu:.t at...o e·on:-.1tl1·1 tlw n ·gwn.tl nnplit .1t10n:-. or •• war l:wtw1·1·11 Arg1·11tin .. and Bnt.a1n Chile·. whwh h.1~ long h1·1•11 at l11ggt•r- hc·ad::. with tli1· A1 g1•11l111e-:.. •1v1•1 tllt' d.,., put1·d Rt·agl1 t'h.111111 I 1 .. t.1111b, 1111ght fc ·c·I t·111npt•ll1~1 to 1•1111 r 1111 n 111t lac-t R111t v1a .111d 1'1·111 1111ght tlt1 ·11 d1'<·1de· 111 "4·lllt· 11ld '>t.'1111..., "'1th Chtl1· B1 .111l \.\ould lh1·11 h ;1v1· to d1 <t11 l1 wltt the r 1l oul!ht to 111 t1>t Vl'llt 111 ht Ii.tit 11( t'l11lt 1n orrll'r tu 111.1111ta1n 11,., de11 11111.1111 pu-..11un un the· t1111t11wnt Sw Ii ,1 11 g11111JI l11n flJ~1 .it11m 1:-. .,11n·lv n•1t Ill thl' 111lt•n ...,L., .. r <m Am<' r11 .1 .tlre·ad v h.1rd pt l "t•d 111 tht· W c•s- tt·rn I lt·ma-.plw r 1· Thl· ht...,l. 1f 11111 1h1· 1d1«1l , .. olut11111 for tlw Unll1'll Stall.., w1111ld Ix: a n1·got1Jlt'll -.<•ttlt·mt·nt To dat1·. Sc'<·rt•tarv of St.11t• Alt·xandc·a ll.11g h . .-. h1•·n -.huttling lx·t- Wt-c·n th1· two .111t.1grn11-.t.., 111 .in l'ffort to .wh11·ve· p1t·t·1~·lv th.11 but w11h d1m1111 - ,hing h o pe · o l -.ue • •. ..,.. 1 t a ",,, dot•., hrl'.1k lllJI , W,1.,l1111glon nlU..,I do lb hf'SI to 1·nsur1• th.ti llw 11111f11t I dot .., 11ot b1· c 11n11· .1 n •g111n:il orn· Hulin tht· l'll,d . ti t1111·t'<I 111 di1Jost·. tlw HP:.1gan :id1111111stro1l1 1111 •«1nnol al low Br11.<11n to l1r..t• Too mul'h 1,., :11 sWkl' T he 1-;lu:.t.• of Aml'rlt'<•'s mo-..\ lny.11 allv, and tht• pr11w1plt·., ul 111tto1·11;11 11111;1I l<n~. l'an- not be• .... ll'rlflll'd .. ,, tht· .t1 1a1 or hl0m1s- plll'rll' sulld unt v • [t 1s never easy to p ack favorites t>e- tween fnends But the worsl mtst..ake as often lo play no favorites. and then lo rhscover that one has no allies at all ·:Navy's military might. must he strengthened . • By B. B. NEWELL • Rc·marks by Rc>ar Adm Newell, Navy ch1f'f of information. are reprinted from 1h1• Town 1-ln/J Journal Thl• prohlC'm o f how much the Navy ::.huuld lw ~trengtht•nl'd 1s likl' a four · s1d(•d puzzlt·. F..c.tl'h p1t'<.'C• of information you ohla111 ht•lps you undNs land the problt•m. ThC' plC"'<'S may not i.pcll out a , soluuon yN. bul lt't's just take a closer look . In this four-sided puzzle the first side 1s Threat and how that threat is lo be handled That s ide or the puzzle also in - • eludes our response -national defense. If you arc willing to atttpl that the So· • v1ct Unaon poses no threat lo the welfare , of the United States. if you do not be- l1evl' that Russia 1s rus hing toward maritime superiority. or has the know- ledg(> and means lo cl<llm thal superio- rity. th <'n there would he no need for national de feflS(• But I th• n k s u ,. h a con c I u s ion would be very much m1staKcn F o r example, 1f o ur objective ls to maintain the fr<-e import o[ i;h1p-borne strategic resources. we must have a re - liable Navy If W<' had no n ee-cl for im- ports our Navy would Ix' less important. Now consider that the Soviet Unid n has no n eed to import strategic resources across oceans and yet has a Navy that is twice as large as oun. The only purpose for such a large Soviet Navy would be lo cut our ship-borne imports. W e have to conclude that the Soviet threat to the United States is real That brings us lo the second side or the puzzle -Strategy. In analyzing how to l'Opc with a threat, there a re three major options. First . we could ch~ to lose. but losing is wholly unacceptabl«.>. Sl'- cond, we could opt for equal <'ngagcmc nt -a situation in which both would lose. Or we could choose to wan. The com- mitment or the Reagan administration IS to wm. And, that Is the Navy's strate gy today: ra'Ognize the lhreal as It is and be ready to defeat i\. THIS MOVES US logically on to the third side or the puzzle: What must be procured r.o meet the strategy? What wfll it take lo win? The Reagan administration ha11 pro- posed b)' 1990 15 aircraft carrier battle groups. Each battle group is compoted of 40 ships and one aircraft carrier . Cur- rently, the UnJted States has 480 ships assigned lo 12 battle groups. For l~ battle groups the Navy mu1t construct 120 new ships and 3 new alrcTaft carriers tor a lOtal of 600 shlpa. This oommittnent to procure a whuung Novy will be coatly. The ~agan budget projects a ~ percent real growth In the Navy's ap~ropriatlona. Compare thls Jf'OW'th wttlrtfleaverage ~.3 peawnt fta1 growth budaet.ed for the Navy over the lost 20 yHra. We could not maintain maritime aeeurity wlth 1uch llmlted growth; President ~aian'• boolt "°"*" at a crltk:al u~. Of courte1 a 26 pucent bud1tt lncrute for the Navy haa to cmw out of aomewhere. For the moat par&, &he money needed to rebuild the Navy Will add t.0 ~ nation'• defldt, ~ defldt II unarauably tuah. but .. ~ Nducit lhit dlodt'andDuild up .... mru.,. It .. l a question of priorities. President Reagan has decided that defense 1hould come first. Congress is sulJ undecided. Con - gress is waiting to hear from their va- rious constituencies and pressure groups. They are also waiting to hear from you. The fourth and final side of the puzzle• 1s manning the Navy in {K'acetimt•. Even with the declmang eligible populataon. we can t..ake steps lo e nhance thl' num- bers and elevate the skills or the Pf'Ople in the Novy. First, we must pay a wage reasonnbly comparabh.> to similar civilian purs uits : During the recent disturbances an th<· Indian Ocean -the crisis in Iran. the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, etc. - the United Stat.eS ordered 30 ships into the area. One ship, the Eisenhower, was stationed In the Indian Ocean for eight months with only five days at port. People who have to work under such cart'umst.ances. especially when it's dont' for ttw nation's an\el'esl, should tx-paid better. (Think what an oil worke r spen- ding eight mont~ on an "oal island" would make.) ur tht• l\('W lJrUf.( 1•nlt1J1.Pffil'fll poilll!~ tn thl' Navy Tht' Nav y dl'l'tcit•d lo g<·t tough on dru~ ubu::.t• Thi• n ·ht.1bil1tauon prog- rums Wl•rt•rl't w11rk11~g So now, af an t1ffl('t•r IS l'UUght :-.nmking ma rlJUilOCI, he • 1s uut: A s,ulor gt'I-" a St't~md C'hanl't'. but ii ht• 1s l·au~ht tw1(·1·. h1•'s out also This hurd-nost•d approal·h 1s workang The m1.·1dt'lll.'l· 11r nt.ir 1Ju:ina ... muk1ng 1s l11w('r than beforl· This new Navy ha::. bc."<·n sut't'<.'S.,.rul in rccru1ttng i:1urr1dC'nt numbt·r"l o f p<.'Ople to meet its n«'ds by new cnllstml•n ts a nd by getting cxpcr1en<-ed propk to sign on again. The Navy has deaned itsC'lf up and restored d a!'ICiplinl' and aulhoraty an its ranks Contrary to (.'Ommon belief. lht' Navy is not being s\aft('(j prama.nly by unskilled mmoralles through the volun- tt:cr syste m. The volunteer sy tem has re<.-ru1ted for the N1wy a representative cross section o( fhC' nation as a whole. Amt.•rtca Is getting pr<'pared to man tht.• Navy of the 80s. A henlthler budget. cleant>r policies. and efCectJve rC!<:ruh· mt•nt will give the Unit«! Sta~ N~vy a winning edge. ORANGI COAST Diiiy Piiat The \'nmmcnt Pille ortht• 011lly 1•1 lot 'it't'k• to lntorm and Atlm ulut11 n•adt'r b> prt>sent 1na " v11rll'lY ot rommt>nhtf>' .. on toplt' or lnt,•rc-~1 •nd +tntftl'efttt'ftominform\'d1J'b· 'lt>rvt>nt lllldllJ.X*t men ' I· .. J Soar with the butterflies Uncle Len collected a whole flock of butterrnes this week (or wh er ll is that butterflies come in -swarms? herds? gaggles?) Most people enjoy seeing but- terflies because they're so pretty and colorful, but Uncle Len once })ad a cat who was afraid o f them. Everytime the cat walked a c ross the yard , a butterfly would dive-bomb the cat, who would run and hide. Now, Uncle Len never has figured out what that cat thought the butterflies would do to 1t, because butterflies are not, as a rule, exactly fierce or vicious. But he never could explain that to the c:at, who spent a lot of time s leeping indoors on the couch and hunch i ng up his shoulders when we went outside. Maybe at was just a good ex- cu se to s leep o n the .couch , come to think of it, and Uncle Len wishes he'd had such a good reason , -• Uncle Len's friends weren't nappmg this week, and certainly none of them were afraid o f butterflies, be<:ause many good entries flew m. FIRST PLACE: Janel Ortiz of Huntington Beach First place and $5 go to Janel Ortiz, tS, of Huntington Beach who dr.ew a butterfly in its na- tural habitat -on a flower Good work, Janel. Second place and $2 go to Gregory Hurst, 12, of Fountain Valley. He threw in some flowers and two extra butterfli.es for good measure. H onorablt! mentions go to J enny Case y , 9, and Sherry Norton. 10, of Huntmgton Beach and James Cza~. 13, of Newport Beach. Uncle Len liked J enny 's dra - wing because she included cater- pillars with her butterflies, ano- ther part of the butterfly's life cycle. (Besides. her butterflies had nice smiles). And more honorable mentions to Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa. Uncle Len has seen some real improvement in your. art work since earlier in the school year, so Miss Holt must be doing a great job. ~. A fate thank you goes to Erin F ick es of Hunting ton Beach whose monkey drawings arrived after the cont.est last week. SECOND PLACE: Gregory Hurst of Fountain Valley For next week's contest, Uncle Len would like to have has friends draw their favorite Muppet characters. Any of them will do -Muppets from Sesame Street. from their other televi- sion show or movies -but only one entry per person, and be sure it's your own work. Uncle Le n would hate to thmk hts friends would take the easy way out and trace. Draw with black ink on whtt<' paper c ut 4 inches square. En - close your name, address and a~e and then send it to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot. P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Be sure· 1t arrives by Wednes- day. because that's when Uncle Len has to make all those tough decisions about wmncrs. See you next week. /(ids to view 3D filnJ a t honJe SAN FRANCISCO <.AP) - Rampaging gorillas a nd mad magicians w ill storm from tel- evision sets into San Francisco area living rooms in May when Channel 20 broadcasts two films in three dimensions The showings will be only the third time-that JD films have been broadcast over the afr in the United States, said David Stock- man, marketing director for 3D Video Corp. of North Hollywood. The first showing was Feb. 9 in New Orleans. As at thea ters showing 30 films, viewers will have to wear special glasses to get the JD ef - feet. The Bay Area s tation is distributing 500,000 of them through local grocery and pho- tography stores, according to Steve Jordan, the stauon's pro- mollons director Those glasses differ from the ones used in movie theaters to watch JD films, said Stockman, whose compan y makes both types. Without the glasses, the pic- tul"e wlll appear normal except for a fringe of color around the images on color sets, Stockman said. Films to be aired are "Gorilla at Large" and "The M ad Magician ." Both were made in 1954. Doi of tlte Weelr 0.-,"9tla.ff,.... LOVABLE -~ ~-old boxer-staUordshire mix would make a aood-:wat:hdoj:-1 nad all IUI Jhora-, and he ha a very lovll\I dllpoeit1on. Johnny i• at the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter, 20612 Laguna Can)'on Road. Phone 497-3002 between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. 'Ibunday through MandllJ. Stockman said a few cable stations, including a few in Los Angeles and tn Alaska, have shown 3D video Broadc.asting 3D programs was prohibite d until rece n t approval by the Federal Communications Commission. Some company of(ic1als also were involved in experiment al 3D broadcasts in Mexico in the mid-l 950s. And the company also has developed a different sort of JD video for medical and mdu- strial use, in areas where people need a three-d imensional view of materials they a re handling in remote control. Stockman said the compan y also has developed a method for original video programming 1n 30, although that has not yet been tried commercially. D ictionary executive a d m its goof ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -It could have caused innoce~e to crumbJe. Seventh-grader WaYrte Lee Enoch found a mistake in the dictionary. So Loia Hopkins' Engllah clue wrote to t h e publishers o f Webster's New Studenta Dictio- nary, to alert them. The leuer• from the 24 stu- dent.a w ere combined Into one, and Wayne got to sign lt. R obert Marshall, editor In chief D.C. Heath Co, wroie: " 'N•ppy' la a t.ypoarapMcal error whlch wUl be correct.ed in the next printinC. We appndate you taldn, the time to write ln· formina ue of thJa error. ~-. tulatlons on your alertne11 In pickJnc up th1t mlltaM!'' • Manhall aid h• rteelvea bet.- ween slx and 10 letters a yur from pup'11 who find mil~ (n ~oompey'a~ Orenge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Mey 1, 1982 I THEY OTl'ER ~ CUTE -Samantha, Tab- a tha and Endora are Malaysian s hort-clawed o tte rs ''born in a trunk" backst age at Sea World in San Diego. Their mother is a r egular A~ WlrephO.IO performer in the San Diego marine park's seal a nd otter s h ow. The otters are nine weeks old m this photo. Kirtdergar tne r s color tourism School p rogram desig~_ed to boost llaw;.1ii's sagging industry HONOLULU (AP) -Hawaii's 5-year-olds are the latest targets of a campaign supported by the state visitor·-tndustry to improve local attitudes toward tourism, the backbone of the state's eco- nomy. "Tourists Make Jobs" 1s the · title of a curriculum for kmder- garten students distributed to 350 public school teachers, courtesy of the Industry-supported Visitor Industry &lucation Council. Designed b y Phyllis Kun1- mura, a former state teacher-of- the-year, the coloring book 1s intended to be part of a classroom discussion on jobs and careers. It has met with a mixed rec- eption from the Board o( F.duca- tion, which oversees the state- wide school district. aw~re of what tourism 1s, how many people are involved in 1t and how important it is to us.'" Tourism is the largest single money-earner in this island state, bigger than sugar and pmcapples com bined. More than 116,000 .)Obs, involving about 26 percent of the working population , are related to the tourist industry. R~ion and higher atrf~res, however. have brought a slow- down in growth for the tourist mdustry In 1980, nearly 4 milhon v1si- torS, down 0.5 percent from 1979, spent an estimated $3 billion in Hawa11. It was the firs t no- growth year rn tourism since 1949. And 1981 figures slipped even further. down 0. 7 percent from 1980, and would have been worse except that the number of tourists from Japan increased. Bad publict'ty about crimes against tourists -the 1979 gang rape of a Finnish woman at a beach park near Honolulu, the 1981 murder of a young Califor- nia couple on a Kauai hiking trail -also worries mdustry officials. The new curriculum is being promoted simultaneously with a high-power ed advertising cam - paign directed aJ. Hawaii's resi- dents, via radio spots and large newspaper-ads. -· "Herb and Doris just helped put your kids through school," read. the bold letters beneath a picture of two camera-toting vi- sitors. "Think about it. The next time you do something nice for a tourist , he's probably doing something nice for you." '"Tell me what you know about tourists," Mrs. Kunimura asks her 26 kids on Day One of the program Their replies: "T ourists get sunt?urned ." "The( go to gift shops." "How about in the South -do they teach cotton-picking?" asks the Rev. Darrow Aiona, a 'board member .. "Here you have an agency in govern ment -the Department of Education - really trying to brainwash us to support the tourist industry." Gi r l Sl"o ut sm a r t cookies "·W!_'re n ot promo t i ng tourism," answert> Herman Al- zawa, assistant superintendent of schools for instructional services. "It is part of our career develop- ment unit." ATLANTA (AP) S e ve n cookies. and it worked so well that one customer bought 500 boxes. "It doe s n 't advertise anything," says Mrs. Kunimura. "The whole intent is: let's be Girl Scouts from Atlanta's Troop 94, looking for a way to send themselves to Switzerland, deci- ded they'd be the smart cookies and leave the crumbs to someone else. The seven girls made a total of $2,500 rn sales. $1.500 of that fromt'Orporate chents. There are two more selling seasons before their anltcipated t.np to Europe. They hit upon the idea of cor- porate marketing of Girl Scout world scope ( 10 polnt1 tor e.ch que1llon en1wered correclly) 1 Secreury of State Hiiig's propos.ll for the resolution of the hlkland Islands crisis said that the question of who has sovereignty over the territory should be (CHOOSE ONE: postponed, resolved immediately). 2 Washington officials chuged that the Soviet Union w;n Interfering In the f•lkland lslainds crisis by supplying lnformaitlon to .. l .. a-Argentina b-Brit~in ·c·both sides l Soviet President Brezhnev rejected President Reag•n's pr~I for an informal meeting at the June UN disarmament conference In favor of a formal summit to be held in (CHOOSE ONE: Moscow, a neutral country) 4 The ruling junta of (CHOOSE ONE : Niuragua, Cub•) tentatively agreed to negotiations with the U.S. to improve relations between the two countries. S Prime Minister Robert M ugabe of Zimbabwe announced that the name of the capital would be changed from Salisbury to Harare. Before mdependence, Zimbabwe Wti called .. ,_. a-South Africa. b-Rhodesia. c-the Belgian Congo. newsname (10 point• If you cen ldenaty lhll pertOn In the newa) Forty Is retirement ag8 for most baseball player1 but I recently signed a new multi-year contract with the Phlladelphla Phillies. and I hope to continue living up to my nickname, "Charlie Hu.- tie." Who am ll matchwords , ............. ~~) 1-espk>nap .... kind of coffee ~rt of the throe\ c-the pr•ctlce of 1PYln1 4'-an 1tttfldlll lmematlonll lanauep ..unden1ood only by ~ t • news picture (10 points II you en1-r thl1 quntlon correctly) On the eve of Ground Zero, a project designed 10 teach Amerlcains about the dangers of nucleu w•r, Preskttnt Reagan said the U.S. and the Soviet Union must jointly reduce weapons to eliminate "the threat of doomsd1y which hangs oV1!r the world." TRUE OR FALSE: President Reagan stated that the Soviet and U.S. nuclear stroiteg1c capabilities are equal. peoplewatch/spor trtght (2 polnt1 for tech qufftlon •n•-ed c~lly) 1 John Updike was 1warded the 1962 Puliuer Prize in .. l .. for his book, Rabbit Is Rich. a·poet~ b-journ11ism c-fic1ion 2 klm ti-Sung, President of (CHOOSE ONE: North, South) 'tcorea, received the tltle of Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea In honor of his 70th birthday. 3 jack Oem~y. 86, one of the greatest .. l .. who ever lived, was In good condjtion at New York Hospital after having a pacemaker Inserted In his chest. a-boxers b-golfen c-bowler-J 4 Ren•ldo Nehemiah, the wortd rewrd (CHOOSl ONE: hurdler, high jumper). save up his chance for a,_. Otympk sold medal 10 -6ign a foyr.year contr.act with theML's San Francisco 49ers. S Air, Forbes Won beat Shlmatoree by 1 nedc to win the Wood Memorial. The "Wood .. Is Q>nMdet.ci 1 tune-up race tor t~ prestigious .. l .. , the tint contest for the Trlple Crown. (1 . roundtable ,......, ... Ullfl (M _.., Do you belfevetht1 t'ludeW war la 1 real pcmibillly 1odlyf Woutd It bt ~ fO( .ny nation to win such 1 warf - -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1992 Celebrations planned Crystm Cathedral to dedicate gia11t orgu11 Support of laborers, pledged . "POWER OF WORDS" 111 the theme of a M111y fellowship ~y cele- bration planned by Church Women United of the c.aptatrano V'1Jey. The event will begin at 9:45 a.m. Friday at St. Clement's Eplacopal Church, San Clemente. CHURCH NOTIS I LOS ANGELES (AP) -The new director of the decade-old National Farm Worker l\Unlatry finds hlm1ell at the center of crltlclam tnat hu buffeted tho militant religious organlz.atlon alnce Ila im-eptlon. But the Rev. Richard 8. Cook, 36, lnaiata the mlnlstl'y will remain deeply involved in helping unionize farm laborers "You really can't distinguish clearly between the spiritual concern11 of farm workers and their social needs, especially when their physical condi- tion is sometimes so • · desperate," Cook says ''To try to make that distinction is a false dichotomy." Cook is a Southern Baptist minister Crom Salinas. He has been invol ved with the NFWM for 10 years and says he was most struck ''by the isolation of those who go from field to field to work." Alm ost from ats ..--formation an 1971 by the National Council o f Church es, the ministry ~as accused of taking REV. RICHARD COOK sides and fomenting conflict m the nation's agricultural fields -espe- cially in California, wh10?rc Cesar Cha".'ez's roung United Farm Workers union was waging pitch~_ battles with growerl>. · Jack Angell. spok l'~ma n for the Amer ican Farm Bureau rederauon, bast'd m Park Ridge, Ill., is one of the mm1strv's most outspoken critics. "The mm1stry 1~ without question a full-time support group for the UFW, devoted to rallying church support for tht• Chavez movement," Angell insists. He points out thot the ministry's workers from the outset worked side by !>Ide with UFW organiz.ers and helped arrange the UFW's grape and lettuce boycotts I~ddauon , he says, the ministry's founder and longtime director, the Rev. Chrta Hart.mire Jr., hN for years been a Chavez confidante and rooently took over the No. 2 po8ition In the UFW. Ansell alto notes the NFWM aucceeded more docile atatewlde mlarant mlnlatrlea that were founded In the 1920. and Um.fled their activities to what he tenned "leiit.imate functions" such as fin· ding houalna. provfdlng ilnanclal aid and health care and givlnc Chrlatmu toys to farm workecs. "But the National Farm Worker Ministry is totally politicized and frequently mi1u1es the church to supplant Chr latian activities with mih· tant force on the picket line. coercive secondary boycotta and telling lies about how farmen treat (arm workers," Angell says. Cook does not contest cl.a.I.ms that the ministry works closely with the UFW. Rather, he says that ill the moet efCective way the ministry can help farm workers "achieve social justice." A recent m~ni try newsletter dealt with reli- gion versus the al movement. "Given the re alively peaceful beginnings of the migrant ministry, how did nke church folks like us get into this complex, unrelenting, bruising union struggle in the fields?" it asked. "We were ttyjng to care about migrant farm workers in our midst. We tried in our own way to help them, but their ministry haunted us. We tried day-care centers, recreation programs, Bible classes. legisla tion, toile t kits, food baskets, community centers, toys at Chrisunas. But it wasn't enough. "Slowly we recognized our special responsibi- lity. We yearned for the day w hen farm workers -would have enough strength in their own hands to fight their own battles, negotiate with their em- ployers, control their school boards and buy toys for their own children." CE LEB A The Rev. J ohn Shel- ter will mark his sil- ver anniversary as a priest on Sunday .. Priest to mark 25 years The Rev. John Shel· ter, pastor of the Santia- go de Compostela Catho- lic Cburch 1n El Toro, will celebrate bis silver anniversary as a priest on Sunday. The ceremony will be held during and after the 11 a .m . Mass a t the El Toro High School gym- nasium. Shelter's first assign- ment in the Saddleback Valley was with St. Kl· han Church He also has se rve d at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach and St. Anne's Church, Santa Ana. e Daily Pilot e classifieds e work for CHRIST UNITY of NEWPORT BEACH • you. Call 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. Your Daily Word Church SUfl>AY SERVICE 3 PM -CHAPEL ROOM 148 l. 2llld SI Co1b Mtu Lon Rr111 lic T uchtt S peakers will be Marilyn Ditty of the San Clemente Senior Citizens: Jane Porphir, San Clemente Poli ce Department: Joyce Harvey, Los Bue- no Amigos, a support group for the Orange County Family Service Asso· elation, and Patti Williama, Mother's Day Out program. A MEXICAN DINNER, In celebra- tion of Cmco de Mayo, w1U be served Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Hall, 9 Hillgate, Irvine. THE REV . JU DY GALE, new minister of the First h=hurch of Reli- gious Science of New'Rort Beach, wiU be honored at a champagne reception and brunch after the 10 a.m. servk-es Sunday at the church, 1011 Camel- back St. DEDICATION of a new pipe organ at th e Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, 1s to take place at 7:30 p .m. May 9, with Pierre Cochereau, orga- nist at t he Notre Dame Catht:dral, Paris, playing the i011trumen t. A con- cert is planned on Friday to l'ltabllsh a mamt.enance fund for the pipe organ. donated by Haw! Wright CAROL HEMING WA V, broadcWJt JOurnalist for KA.BC. will speak at a Town Hall meeting at"7:30 tonight at the Laguna &ac:h H igh St·hool Au- ditorium Sponsor as the South Coast Communities Jtwish Center, Laguna Beach THE REV. DR. JESSE PERRIN of Claremont wall be the gu<'St pn·a<.·her at the 10 a.m. serv1Ct' Sunday al tht• Neig hbor hood Cong r1·ga t ao na I Church, Unatl'd Church of Christ, Laguna Beach. A MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER an formation meeting 1s to tx· held at 8 p.m Sunday, at the Communlly Prt· sbyteraan Church, 41 5 fun•st Av1· , Laguna Beach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ South Coast Community Church Services 8: 30 A.M & 10. 15 A M Corona del M ar High School. 210) E.a'>lblufl Dr Corond •t•·I M .11 "Stre!!ls: Faelng Your Fallurt•sH Tim Timmon' s1,..a '-i11 ~ Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY Freedom of Worship A rz A merzccrn Choice ·"You've tried the rest. NOW try the BEST !" ~ - Rn. Dr. Elecmor' C. JeckMMI ..... 111_,e.t c......... 1--...;... ~-Tiio.cJltt Clwi1K.. C'-rcll S....doy s-k• I ....... Clmrcll I Stt. & Ir-ti..,......,... lffcll l~lO A.M. "WHAT TO DO ABOUT TROUBLES" C-.rcll Office: lt2t T,..tllt, Cofl. Mtte 6..: •• 646· I Ol2 DMI A MftMIJ9 646-44'4 1st OtURCH Of RRIGIOUS saea· OF NEWP<MtT IEAOf ,,._ (",.,.,,,,,, UMecl ("-ft ol A ........ 5oetoce l A WORSHIP -I 0 A.M. Clllld c- "Your Guiding Light" Chuck Sommer Guest Speaker I 0 I I Comelback Strftf, Newport hece.1 foff J••a H loedl Office Mo. 644-1 "t Church orsr. Matthew by the Sea (Trad1tl0fia/ Ep1scopsl) ·ooL y COMMUNION -Each Sunday. 9:00 AM (Book ol Comnon Prayer· 1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona <le/ Mar TM Rn. James Hohfekt -532-220 I '--7'- ST. JOHN'S THI 1r1scorAL CHUICH IHCOSTA. MISA ley Street et 0....,. A•- 1:00 Holy Co""'*"I°" I 0:00 Holy Eucharltt I 0:00 Sunday School "Nursety t:are tM •••· Co1m1d ....,.....,t, Ylc• 541-2237 T ST. Wll.S EPISCOPAL 0tURCH ~~~· WRCOMESYOU 3'109 Via Udo, N .. 41ort leach s-.i.y e:oo ...... ·""'rw ,..._ ""Y c--.. s-Hy t!OO U4. C ..... Sc ..... _, A ........... l9Mey IHI A.M. ...... S-.0,. ~ .... H.tyC ........ ............ Hely ............ . •:OO & I 0:00 A.M. ~ c- CHA.llSMA.Ttc MAH Plr.t S.-, ..... M-" -7!00 P.M. ,...., _ lt:ff A.M. Hely tit ...... ........ s.r.tce W1'll ~ 0. Of.._. n.a.. . .-r A H,....__,._'7 It WOA8Htfl SERV1CE CHRISTIAN EOUCAltON WORSHIP SERVICE . . ,_., CMI •t-.MU WILCOMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRAN( .. (,,<; OT lH[ ...01'•[11 CHUA( .. l,..E f OA!\f CHURC .. or'""'"' 'ICIEIHo~I •r. 80'lf(lo< .. AS,AC><USEfl~ "Everlaatlng Punlahment" Sund•y, M•y 2, 1982 Cotto,.._ -Ant Chwcll of Clwtat, Sci...tf1t 2110 W... Yw• Dr .• C.tte ...... Cllmrdi & s-oMy Sc'-f -I 0:00 A.M. ...... 1-. 2110 MHe Y .... Dr. t A.M..4:)0 r.M. Mew. Min s.t. w• 7-7:SO , ..... -t -t :JO r .M. lrvlM -Rnt a.rch of Clriit, Sc._.bt I-'-S-.,._.. lwt., a••• Sdieef 4H1Mk......_1..._.Y ... I C1-dl & 5-d.y Sc..._, -I 0:00 A.M. I.HILO C~ l'AO\llOEO •I ~UNOM SlA"IG( HwtlA:jt• leocll -Ant Clwdl of Clwftt, Sc ...... .... & at.., ................ .. Clllrdl & s-d9y Sc..._, -I 0:00 A.M. • ....,.__zz, ....... ~ •. L...-leoctl -Ant Clwdt of Clwfat. Scl..tht USHitlir>rl•• C'-dt & --, School -I 0:00 A..M. l ..... l--214FwfltA••· M•wport leach -Ant Clllrdl of Clwht. ScNwtttt JJOJ Y'9 LWo, H.w,... hecll C'-dt & S-., Sc..._, -t :OO & lt:lO A..M. ...... I-. )) II Yle Lide M_ ..,,,W. -t A..M. · S r.M. T-. -7 ·t ,.M, (-C.•'"'-'-... ' t»tt lOA"' ~O<SiuC!Yl- M•wpori leocll -S.COlld a.d of Clwht. Sc"""9t 1100,ecHk View Dr~ C_ .. ..._ Clllrdl & S-., Sc ...... -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--JIOO '"lw I. C .... Hwy~ C ... WID ........... TISTIMOMY MllhMCH - I P .M. AU CHUICHIS All •'• c~ ~eel to~ 1~ c""'te"~ enc~ tN onw~ of I"" Reedt1'9 A- -cflM c-,...•14M A.TAU SllYtCH WHTMINSTBt lllTHBtAH OtURCH 11141 ~···· IMed to S-D'-9e '"°'Y· & W11t *"" ... 41 -WOttSHIP S8MCIS - l:JO & t 0:00 A..M. rt«*I HMJH C ... STL CH I Missouri Synodl 760 Vlcterie St .• c .... Mne ~Y.T-.f"---Ul-1611 ~ OhHIP HRVtCI -I: II & 11 :00 A..M. s.., klleel ........... a--t :JO A.M. ~ ...... S.....-'""''" Sefmon Topic M•r 2 9:00 & f0:30 A.M. "St•k• Your Clalm" CHURCH OF IBJGIOUS SCllNCI, Member of the United Church of Rei1glou1 Science l~lfrllll.UO(tv!Tf O JnHIAINllllHT HUNTINOTOHltACH CA Wt44I ... _ --- A COIOIAL WELCOME FROM ntE UflTID CHURCH OF CHRIST COMMUNITY C•H COMSftCA TIOIW. 61 I Hel*_,. A•• .. c_ .. ..._. 64 ... 7400 D•.W W. lwt&. MW1tw I 0 A.M. _. S-.., W....., c~ .. Sc-"'fK" '"° ""~ C.• NDC--COMCIW TIONAL CMCtt 140 St. AMI'• f'IKe et G'-fre, L..-lffcti 494-1061 JO .... M. llY..au>S MAIGAlfT AMM HYMOU>S MMl1ten I 0 A.M. -SOMdoy WonMp Ct.rel! School & Morwry HARIOI CMUSTIAH CHUaCH IDl.clplel llf Orittl 240 I lr"i... et s-e.1.-.. '4~1711 M .... w ....... 10~ G ... S-- MW ..... Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBmRIAH OfURCR f E.1tblwff Dr. & Jawlbone, Mewport leocll le•. w._ Mc9wkf I••· T _., w.,.. , This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDIEWS NHIYTalAH CHURCH 600 Sa Andrews R0ao • NPwpor1 8< ach • 63 t -:>880 Dr. J .. A. H~. Jr., rettor Wonh1p s.,,..,..., -1 30-8:4S ond l 0 l S A M "The Catharsis of Forglvenese" Dr. John A Huflm•n. Jr 7 30 om S 4S om 10 IS am Pre•chlng raoGUMS lnlonh Thru IConde•go•ten Ch.Id Co•e -lnfonh Thtu Adult Clone• -fnfonh Thru l>lh G•ode & Adult Cloue• U C Help• e •4S·Z222 Con11wity ,resbyterian Chur-rh 415 ,..,..... Au .. L..,.... IHch 4t4-75U Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Craog W1tl1ams Chnst1an Education Hour 9 00· tO 00 AM Worship-10 15 AM """"'" c.ut PllC)VtotD "' All SOVICU P'RESIYTBUAH CHURCH OF THE COVEN.AMT 2150 Falr--!.w Rd.. Coda Me10 -S57·ll40 ..... A.. Kwrie, , .. tor '''"Y M<.(..annl' oir .. t.IOr ol (IJUlh Mlfl ~ ..... Howard K1ll1on Oori;t.l<Jr o t A1iul1 M1111•.10 .. · Oun Maddox Oorecto• o l S1n1JIP<; I.A•• ., • Chuoch School & Ad uh Clou e• -9 00 a.., s-dily WcinllitJ -l :lO & I 0:00 A.M. ,.,..I __ .. I • -·-•• _.... .... I ... -• roe.-. ..__ Dir.cto. Wonhip S.mt• -10·00 0 m ~ Sdiool-C ....... Hw1I Adil"' I 0:00 A.M. Mi1rwry c-....... hnlcH For iltfo: C .. 644· I l41 .....,._, c-....... -l :lO & I 0:00 A.M . v • .,.,, -7:00 r .M. ------~=========== Plqnwutl1 l~ l111qrcql1t il111l1l L l11m 11 l ' • 3262 lltOAD ST., HlW,ottT HACH '42-2740 SYndoy s~,-.,ic~ -I 0:30 A.M. "TRUSTING FAITH" rA.STOI fOHY CutlTO A Cordial WekOtfte fro"' THE UMITEO METHODIST CHURCH Costa MeS& AHTUMTIO MITHOOtST CHUICH 19th SI 8 Harbor Blvd Chtlrcll Schoel t :lO Wo,....10:45 Charles 0 Clark Min1stPr Costa Mesa North MISAVHOf Huntington Beach AISTUMIT9 MITHOOIST CHUICH 2721 17th St 536-3537 w......, Jer-<rlcr. 10:11- N1.~ C.t• A,H Mof'nN"O Ct.rel! Sc...._,9:00..,... . U~ MITHODtST CHUICH w...,.., .. Ca-cit SclNlel 1:10 • I 0:00 A..M. Huntington Beach Nof'fh COMMUMrTY UMl1W> MITHOOfST CHUICH 6662 Heil Ave 842~461 w.,....s-tce l:JO&I~ Dt-. W19-L St.I c .. RTcAURA IYTHISIA NewPort Beach 1400 W Balboa Blvd 673-3805 Rev Robert Shepard Jr W..,.., & Cllllrdl Sc'-1 t:JO A.M. .., ,,....Sc ..... ;o., c-, ............. ,.M. l :lO S.-, Sc-.. 10:00 F ount111n Valley llflST ...... MITHODIST CHUICH 18225~81 . t6Z.HtJ Or Carroll E Word. Mtnt5ter W ..... &ca.raw..t t:JO AM. ·---..QtmClf MIW'°IT CIHT9 UMT9 MITHODIST • ................. c.-.. .... 644-0741 W•thlp & Church Scho.I -9:30 A.M . lf•v. Ken McMiiian Y• Wll le W• 11• _ ..... .., .. FIUT CHllSTIAM CHUl~H ........ A4-t. .............. . .,...,, Ch 11• llM& l ... AM '11•/'I .. , ........... .... ::.,o .. ::. ...... , ....... -~--- OTHell-m-1 -•• ...... ,....,. TW ~°""'--irel!itoln • ._.....°"°"_ ........ Oflte-IJ6.Dlt I , . ".t\J ... ,c............. . :,.. · .. CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 w. wi.-. CMt• Mete 64S-l" I We re A Going Glowing Grow1nq Cnurch SUMO AV SHVICIS lllll ST\IOY t A.M. WOISHtf' I 0 A.W & A '.M, 10 o .m . -"N•ture of M-n" 6 p.m . -"Ml11lon In Matthew'' ,_. T"-t. Mlwktw -o-. C•. Tewfli Ml.It• HAUotl I~ TIWU S..._..Servlcft ,....., h.... 1:15 ~ ..... ••• , 7 , ,...., Service Hnt ~ _. ie.. .._... 1:10 r.M. Rabbi Berndra I' K1nQ Jam1>01ee & Ei!s101u1t Or Music Arie Sh1kler Npwoort Beach Calll Educator Nancy Levin For ... .,...._ c .. '44.7JOl AH V1tlt0t• WK(llftW TEMPLE SHARON ~ <Cons1>rvatove) ¥ Pre-School -Hebrew & Sunday School Bar/Mltzvah Training - Youth Group -S1sterhoo<l SefViefl· Friday. 8 15 pm Set.. 9·15 am Sun,, 9·30 am RABI HERSHEL BROOKS 817 Wett H•mllton, Coet• MeH 131-3292 .... $.lalll lttA.llA' SllvtCIS M.-1 p.--s.t ... tt:M .... 1011 c ..... -. .... .,..a..c._1 ... ,..._., •4 .. tnt c....;1 ,.,.. ...... .,,.'"-••• .... Attend :J~e Ckurch Q/ '/jour Choice "I I f \ I S·\ l'l 'Kl>AY -MORNt«;- 1:00 IC) MOVIE • •,; "TM StuO I 1978) Joan C011tn1 Ohv•r T obt· •• A walt•r aovanc•• 1111 c••-by Sleep•no w1111 1111 bo"'awtle A flUflA&HIACK· FIRE AT THE COCOANVT GROVE Ertc Sevare10 hosts Ill•• docum41nt•ry 1llullrlllt1no the lrag< events or Satur oay n.gllt Novemt>;tr 28 1942, wheo the 1amou1 Bos1on nlQlltclub e•ploCled 1n10 e Ota.ring mlerno &!30 0 VOYAGE TO THE aon OM OF THE SEA 6:45 $)MURDER AMONG FRIENDS SaUy i<ellerman 11nd Leslie N841Hn star 1n 1111s comedy wllo<1un11 stil m a ~ew York apartment o" Now Year 5 Fve. mvolv1n11 8n actor, II•• wealthy wile and nos amb111ous agent 8:00 I) 8UHMIE Sl!MESTEA Q UAlHOIPfN I TEENTALK BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MOANING Cl) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (!I) PERSPECTIVE CHI MOVIE + • 'Tiie Apple Dumpling Gang AtdM Again I 1979) Trm Conway Don l(notls A pau of weste•n oullaws try to walk lr.t! sit a11 •nd narrow G @MOVIE • • 'COHI To Coast' j 1teo1 Oy11n Cannon Roo• et1 Blake A run•w•y hOu-•le 11nd • sc1appy truc~er hauling cattle coas1 to coast become the taroet of a wtld c•oss- counlry cnue PG Z MOVIE • • • B.i•ba•etla C 19681 Jane Fonda Milo 0 Shea A oaring space heroine ol tne lulure encounlers slrange gala.1e1 and vii ta1ns accompanoed by • bl•nd guardian angel 'PG 8:20 9 NEWS 8:30 I) DUSTY'S TREa.OUSE D THAT'SCAT 0 PACESETTERS 0 AMERICA· THE SEC<>folO CENTURY di SPEAKOUT fli) CAPTIONEO ABC NEWS VOICEOF AOAICUl TURE ®l rrs YOUR 8USINE88 ~OR. SNUOOLES C MOVIE • • Second Wind 119801 l•ndsay Wagner James Nauo11ton A man c;on11nues 10 a11ena1e 1111 #lie and M>n by t<>QQ•ng al04\e to 1n.nk aboul the problems 1ha1 are destroy- '"9 his ma,,,119e PG 7'()() 0 KIOSWOALO F'eatureo an 1ntttnnew w••h Ille lamous Lon11r l>OO~ and TV wries cMraclor\ 0almhn ;ind Robin a report on un e•c111ng rot· lercoasler al Rocka .. ay Pl•y1•nd CAiied Ille 'C•n· er11ma Coaaler Q Q! THE FLINTSTONES 0 BIO BLUE MARBLE U (J]l SUPERFRIENDS 0 DAVEY AND GOLIATH di TURNABOUT Ui) YOGA FOR HEAL TH Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR 7:30 8 MR. M OOH"S MAGIC CIACUS Q Q!SMURFS 0 OA. SNtlOOLES U OJ) RICHIE RICH I scooevooo 0 DAVEY AND GOLIA TH di NEWS &l) UNOERST ~04NO HUMAN BEHAVIOR (I) IHTV™ATIOHAL HOOA 7:46@MOVIE • • • Underground ACH' I 1980) Dork Benedicl Metarne Gt1llllll Parking at1end11n1s wreak havoc a1 a swank Beverly Hill• hnlel ·pa· IZJ MOVIE • • • "Targe1s ( 1968) Boria KerlOll. Trm O'KeOy An llQlng horror-movie 11ar 1ries 10 reason w11h 11 mur derous 1n1per nl a ,,,.v .. 1<1 mov1e !heater 8:00 I) CIJ POPEYE Iii MOVIE • • 'The S1ng11>g Vaga· bond · ( 1935) Gel'I• Au1ry. Ann Au1harl0fd 0 REAL ESTA TE ToOAY • MOVIE • •a He1d1 111137) Sllu 1ey Temple Jean Her111e>11 A 11111e Swtu girl 11 laken from i-moun1a1n hOf'n1I 1n the Alps by llet aunl 10 1119 City G3 UNOERSTAHOINO P.4CE AHO TIME CC)M<ME • * * • 'The Lale ShOw ( 1977) An c.,,,..,, lily Tomlln A aeuon.d p.1. vete eye enoounten blaclt· mtlll ~ '"'"ci.. ~ he ~out of ,.,.,.,.,,..,, to IOClll• • cat ~·no to ""~ttb .. t remei. cl..n1 <lJj~ • t .. Kiii And Kill Agatn" (1911) Jtf'* AyM\, Ann.- ... Kfi.t. A martial art• SLA YINGS TRACED -Clint Eastwood as detective Dirty Harry Callah an trps a series of mysterious slayings to the f>olice department in "Magnum Force," at 6 to- night on KCOP {13). 1upen t>aU1415 th• m1n1ons 01 ., power-mad scieotisl u1i.in1 on enslavlng man- ku10 w11h an-mind-con· trOl d•u11 PG S MOVIE • • tt11.1 eiack ~ote t 19791 Mo.1mil1an Schell. Roberl Forslllt V11e11e M1m1eu• The c'ew ol u tutunst1c 1pacei.h1p d1a- covers anolher vessel perched on tile edge ol a lormation whlcll pulli any- lhrng nearby 1n10 a 01an1 vo•d where ,,,,,. and space c;eas• 10 e.,sl PG 8:30 0 Cf) TARZAN I LONE RANGER D 3KIDSUP"R POWER HOUR U ~ FONZ I HAPPY OAYSGAHO Ui) PEOPLE AND OAOANLZA TKmS 9:00 0 L£\VE IT TO BEAVER fJ®J L.AVEAHO. 8HJAlEY 0 MOVIE • • '> Tiie Human Vapot 119e01 Yo•NO lauch1ya. KarOfu Vaclliqusa CJ) ERNEST ANGLEY Ui) NEWVOICE CD AMERICAN OOVEAHMEHT 9 15 Z MOVIE •a ', Monly Py1hon MMll B"yond The F11nge 119761 Natrated t>y Dudley M oote A behind lhe· see""• look •s taken at rel)e<Uls lln<I "repara11oos le>t AmneSly lnlernahonal's 1976 comedy beneh1 show mat s1arred members ol Monty Phlhon 9·30 0 {I) BUGS BUNNY I ROADRUNNER o a aPIOER-MAN 0 OZZIE AHO HARRIET U llJ) HEA THCLIFF I MARMAOUKE ID TH• WE£I( IH aAS&AU. SI MONEYMAKERS CD AlirlEM:.AH OOWAHMEHT Ci MOVIE •a • "Bells Ate Ringing" I 1960) JuOy Holtiday. Dun Matlin A lhy 8nd 1tnp<8S· ••on.bl• young .,,,_ino Htl1tC:e ope<alOf t>ec;omet rnlatuate<I with a charming sct1ptwr1ter 9:40(,')MOVIE a •., The Looney loo ney. l ooney Buqs Bunny Movie f 198 I I An1m111ee1 Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray New material 1s blenCled will'\ Old in 1htS c;ompllation ol classoe Friu Freleng Lcionuv Tunes" leaturing Bugs Dally Ovck. Porky Pig Yosemite Sam Tw0011A Pie and Olh a11 I/om the carloon M!flftS G 10:00 0 ~BASEBALL St lou•s Cardinals at Ctn· CJnnatl Reds 0 8HANANA U ®J THUHOARR I GOt..OIE GOU) 8) CAR CARE CENTAAl CJ) 809 .JONES fD LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears sHaoghleos OUI an al1gnmen1 problem and ev•luales C11tteren1 mai.n and mooets OI ll<M (A) CD VOTEA'S PIP£UNE J•m Coopet m0dera1es • deba1e between canClr Oates -lt•no olllce rn O.ange County CH~OVIE rF\.,, "The FQvt Se. Mini. (19811 Alen Aid• C•rol Burnell Three cou- ples all close. 1ono-11me lrtefldl. expet'1ence pro- found changes 1n lh8'r rcla11onah1ps when one of th• marnages <h11n~ t90ral91 PG' !$)MOVIE a * • * ·oigr" ( 1958) M6urtee Ch9Valiet lealle C.,oo A t()IJ)boy beillO groomed by hef _, end II' lll'dmo11141f sets out on 1141< own to catch a man IO:IO 8 AMEACA'S TOP TEH 0 WILD, WtLO WON.D 0# ANIMAl.8 • WE'RE MOVIH' I NA.k~ KICKS ~OIHOW 8D POfmWTSIH ""'ITUI 10:4a ( t> MOW! • • Cattle Anni. ArwJ l it· tie Brttcne.· (1981) Burt Ltlf!CUI.. JOfln S•vllQtl T-IOUQll OUll-p;cti UO a pelf 01 ,_..age g1r11 and 11111• them •tono on lhelr lld....ntu<M 'PO' 11!00. WOT TSNNl9 ''1300.000 Houalon T~­ nement" U ®J WEEKEND SPECIAL 'Miss Sw11c11 To The Res· cue A myS1er1ou1 gill sends two youngSlers 011 a tourney back 10 the 17th cen1ury (Part 21 (R) G 0 WILD, WILD WORLD OFANIMAUI di SOUL TRAIN CJ) THE AOOKIE8 fl) COOKING MEXICAN ~ WE8TMINl8T£R 000 SHOW HIOHUOHTS 11: 15 (,') MOVIE • • • ·caveman" (IU81 I Ringo S1arr. 09nnrt Ouaid The clown11tl memt>et ol • oar ely human prellrttOf tC trrt>e !>eQins 10 discover 111a1 brain• an4 not brawn wrll be Ille key lO 1111 peo. pies survrval PG I I :'30 I) Cl) 8LACKSTAR 0 @} AMERICAN BAHOSTAHO 0 WILD, WILD WEST fJi) t.lAOIC Of Oil PA#fTIHO -AFnRHOON- t2:00 I) TAOLU<IHS 0 LOST IN SPACE An 1nvf11on of Earll\ beCO<net ,,, ... _ 81 • aeries ol 1n1erga1ac11c hgllttng malCMS di MOVIE • • • • ., "Yellow Subma- rtne" ( !966) Antmale<I Vo+ces of Iha Be•lles The Beatles anempt lo barush the evrl Blue Meanies lrom Pepper land CJ) AOAM-12 Malloy and R..O ... ,ch lot • child whose <11aap· pea ranee becomes 1ncrea.,ngly -IOUS Ui) QUILTING COIO< And Oesogn CD NEEOl.ECAAFT <C MOVIE a • 'SeconCI W•nd I 1980) L.odta)' Wag,_ Ja..-N•ugnton A man con11nvet 10 alienate h11 wile ano aon by 10QOHIO .ion. to think abOul the ptObtemt that .,e a.s1roy- 1ng n.a man1age 'PO CHIM<ME • • From H.it To VICCO- ry" ( 111791 0.0.ge Hamil· 100. George Peppatd Four l••end1 lrom d1lleren1 coun1r1es rnu11 leave Parr• 1n t939 10 llQlll tor lh91r md1v1dual courHrie1 m World w ar II PG $JMOVIE a• Haw!\ Tiie Slayer (1981) Jack P•tanca. JOlln Terry An adv•nlurout young man enllsts th• aid 01 a bend of war"o" lo 1tgli1 hts evil uncle. Ille overlord Who killed hrs latllet end 11 llold1<>g an abbess '°' r11n1om 12:30 I)()) NBA BASKET814ll PLAYOFFS Pllrlade!oh•a 81 Milwaukee D ®! Wtpf WORLD Of SPj)ATS 10-rounCI le•th.,welghl ltght between J•ckle 8<-erd anCI Jose Caba flrve lrom M1am1 Fla ). The Ken lucky OaH lor 3·yeer.Old llll1e1 flrom Churc111ll Downs Lou11v111a Ky 1 0 MOVIE • • •-. Bene S1arr I 11141) GeM T .erney R•ndolpll Scoll ., ~12 fli) COUEGE FOA CANINE8 @) NEEOl.ECMFT r.U MOW! • • • "Culler 1 Way" t198 1) Jolln Heard. Jell 811<1g111 A maimed Viel nam vel and hit b!ttt 1r1end a social drop out locus lht!lr enetgiee on solving a murder cue R 1 :00 D BA8E1ALL MllwaukH Br_.ra at Min· -1• Twins 8 THE MUHSTIM Eddie • friend'• l•lher war\lt H«men 10 become •wrntlef • MOVIE • * * 'Mary. M ary" ( 1983) O.Obia Reynold•. 8el'Y ..... tol\. A putllltMf ta turptlMd •t Ille logllt of 1111 ••·wife . wllo haa unci.tgone a NII l>Mu1)' 1reatmen1 • WOOOWNOHT"I ~ "~81111 On. McOull" Roy Und«hlll demot111tlte• and 'omperM lh•M turn- ~ lalhee. (R) D~YWAN .• Atpec:t• Of lnlelllgence" QIMIUAU. Montreal bpoe al Loe -~Oodgerw ........... ----------·---------------------------CHANNEL LISTINGS ··~ .. ·~t"'O '" letll..., 14uert·1 (•11•1 Rlellard JOfdln, o.Yld Hl\ren The l'llgfrt -tctiman II I lrlileh hnlC le t~t- l1li On.TV :X Z·TV :Ill HIO (Clnef'IH) Cl) CWOIU NV , N.Y. Q IWTlll , .. ,.,., ,.,....,,,., ..... , • (c:.llM ..._, Hmi.ot•) ed to "'""' to • ... 4M orl!M. ....... ~ w... C1IW Wiid ( .. IOIM fl.,Troop to oet a toc*I ............ .., .,._, ...... Wt ··'"'~ ~,I!... .. -'°"" . .................. °' "*......., .. , ..... ~ • ,,..CfO!ift, -'1UI ,., Tiii...,., !"-" ~ .,.,... .. ~~,. • "'111.4 C°"'9UMW•. ~ And Puv11e lt.,,.. The oene1111 •nd po1e1111aJ haHrdt OtOuOM •bou1 tty aovano • 91 1n~j)l,lt.,1~y are '°""11ga11<1 (RIO G~YIAllll The Clllld't Peraon•ll\'Y" lC)M<>VllE e • * · BomethlnQ 01 Val· ue" I 10&7) Rock HuCltOf\, Dana Wynl9f The vlOlence encounle11d by a paacemeket turnt him Into I Mel!et Of '*10ffnGe 2:00 g GllU<lAH'I ISL.ANO Ct MOVll • • "The Greet Am.,lo•n Wlldern .. •" ( 1977) Ooou· m91\lllfY Thia •tvdy Of •at· ly Am91ICIM lrontle• Ille 1ncorpor11a1 pau•g•• lrom Ille journel1 ol hllle>t· I(; Hpl0<8fl CD MOVIE • • I •-. 'The P.,alllA v-· I 1974) W•u"' Bu1· ty Paula Prenltu ~ UNOEMTANOINO HUMAN HHAVIOR Cognitive o.v.lopman1 HI MOVIE I 6 a "The Appi. Dumpling Gang RICSM Again'' (1979) Ttm Coriway Don Knott• A pa" ol _.,.,,.. outlaws try to walk Ille llrall ar\d narrow ·o· ($)MOVIE • • .,, 'Mr Budd,.1ng' I 111611) James G.,nar . Suunne Plethelle An amnesiac 1e•rche1 111s meme>ty '°' ana-rs 10 h11 ldenltty ••ded by 11eeuno ret()llect1on1 or 1111 usocl· a11on1 wltll different lemala1 2:16 ( ZJ MOVIE • • ''°' "Peter RabDlt And The Tales 0 1 Be•lrtx Potter" ( 1971) Frederick Ashton. Ai.xano.r Grant Members ol London's Royal Ballet Co1n9any per- l0tm vt'lf1ton1 of PIQl•ng Bl•nd ' 'Jfllt1my F1sl\4lf .. Jem•m• Puddle-Duck. Squ1rrel Nul~ln.'' fnd Two Bad Mice • 2-.30 0 OIUJGAH'S ISL.ANO Two Rua11an cosmon•uts land on the 1slend f£) INSIOE STORY HoCldl<\Q Carter locMt s at Americ•n p.ess coverage OI lllael and the Middle Eut CD UHOERST MONO ~IEHAVIOR "P .. aonaltly Tll«>fy ?:66 (,') JOEl OREY IN COHCEAT Tile versallle talenls ol Ille Tony Award·wlnnrng entertainer .,e lea1ured '" lhl1 one-man show "l'h<Ch Includes • 1alule 10 Geo< __i• M Cohan 3:00 8 Cl) T()UNl(AMENT OF CHAMPIOHS T£HNl8 Final• of 1htt women·• pro- le111<>nel tournament (lrom Grenelefe. Fla I 8 MOVIE •a ·~ 'The Re1uc1ant A11ronaul" ( 11167) Don i<notts Anhur O'Connell D 0 W'IOE WORLD OF 8PORT8 WOfld Rrly1hmoc: Gymnu- llCI Cllatn~ (lrOM Mun<h. wn1 Getm•ny) ., MOVIE • • ·~ 'Vwr Nuys Blvd •. (19711) 8111 Adlef. Cynlh .. wooo • THIHKINO TWICE A80UT NUCUAA WAR M•k• Farr.ii hosts an exam.nehon 01 hOw Ameo· can• are responding to the ""'' of Illa arms race end l'IOw tome 1nd1v1du11ls ere w()(krng lo j)fevertl nuclear war ~ HOME OAROEHER 3:30 D EVERYWHERE location llvo from "Health F•lr" Clvt<: Cenl9', NOf· ... ,~ 0 PEOPLE 7 ~ HOME GARDENER ({I GREATEST SP<>frr8 L.EOEN08 'Julrua Er,..ng' Husl Ken Howard rCJ MOVIE • • "Seizure The StOfy Of Kalhy Moms lAOnerd Nlfnoy. Penel<>pe M1tl0<d A l>Mullful Y°'JnO woman w11h • prom111ng cat- llgllt1 '°' II« Ill•. when she 11 tlruck down by a neat· l•lal b<a1n lumot 3:46 $)MOVIE • • The Bleck Hole" { 1979) Mutmrltllr' Schell, Aot>erl Forller, Yvette M1m-• The er-of • lulu11111c ll()aceshlp di .. covers another vene t petched on the edge ol • l0<ma11on wtlleh pullt any· lhlnQ M&lby Into • gl8'11 vOl<I wt>ere '""° 111\d 1C>ace o.•M lo H itt 'PG' (ll.MOYIE • • • "Berb.,ell• ( t968) Jane Fonda, Milo O'Shet A d1t1ng ap•ce llerOlne ol Iha future encountefl 11range gatHtes and vii· 1a1n1. aceomc>anled by • blind guardian ~ ·po• •:OOD MOW • • "' "Mldcenn•'• Gold" ( t969) Gregory P•llk, Qm., Sharif A l)e'ty of 21 II reduced lo three througll lhe 11.,0U\lpl they 8f\COUl'lt8f In their IHICll '°' OOld • CMlllZZl. y ADA* • MOYll r • • • ··oeath Wleh"' ( 1914) Ch••IM B•onM>n. HoPe letlge • Qui PA.IA. U.l..A.1 ; INT'M>OUOINQ IQ.OQY 9 THI~ ...... Q!...CW.TMAT .. , Don't Know wno 1 Alfl" A tt-ye•t·old adoplM o-on • dlffloult bu1 deMI mined ...,Oh fOf ,,., ~-._.,.,. •• (Ill) (JO MOVl9' * • "Kiii Alld Kiii ~;, '1 .. ,, J.,,. ~: lM.-.. k""4.(A ~ ena ...,.,, bM1* .... ~ 0( • ciower-mect ..,,. ... 111tent on ......._ 1Mn- 111ne1 """ ..... fl'llN. ~ ltol dnl9 •pQ• di.MIMI ***"TM~ 11"°> "-"""'., ~ ~" ,,,.. ... II\~ UNI V~ ,.,. ............ --. ......... ,.. .....,. ----·PO· ... IOQOM ...... •tM:VA' Cllla ....... I • Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (~0) 7:0-0 -"Soap Operas." Host Ruth Warrick takes a behind-the-scenes look at production of daJl)" soaps. K ABC (7) 7:30 -"Omni: The Ne w Frontier." A Hfeaavln g test for spin al meningitis is featured. KNXT (2) 8:00 -"A Disney Vacation." Don ald Duck , Mickey Mouse and other Disn ey characters Illustrate the desire to go ~vacation. K CET (28) 10:00 -"W ind From the South." Donald Woods and Julie Harris star in a d ramatic tale of unrequited love .. ID INTROOUCIHO lllOL.OOY f:OO 9 AMMICAH AOYDl'TUM I FMl'AU ST All TM.I< D KOJM ., IOUOOOU> 69 IOOCP MAO! IN OEAMAHY Chile vs Peru Cl) M'A"S"H @)NEWS IJll LAWN.NCI WEUC "In Love With love (Q}MOVIE • '" .. Up River·· ( 1980) MOfg•n Steven• A young pion••• become• obMIN<I wtlll revenge attar his wile •• killed by • local land b•ron who ·~11 hit IUCC4IU 5:30 fl LA8T ~THE WILD D NEWS &:I ONCE UPOH A ClA8SIC 'The Talltman Kin<,j Rteh· atd leatns that Kel'lnelh e1-1e0 h11 post out or love '°' Edith and eentenc· es h•m 10 dHlll (Pan 4) IA) 0 {I) W£1..COME SACK. KOTTER 9 MOVlf: • • • ··Bloodaporl I 19731 Ben JollMOn Gaty Busey C MOVIE • • "Penelope' Anna Bergman. a.orge Murceff T-men •llempt 10 save the ancesttal ""'• ol • <>ecedent lemtty ($JMOVIE • • • • ··01oi' 1 111~8) Mau<ic;e Cllevlllle< Leslie Caron A tomboy being oroomed by llet aunl and grandmoth« H t• OUI on her own to calch 1 man IZJMOW ••'It "l\Aonly Pylhon Meets 8eyon4 The Fringe I 11178) Na,,ateO by Dudley Moore A behlnd ·llle· ~ IOOI\ •• laken al r-Ml• and pteperetrons '°' Amnesty tnt.,nahonel's 11116 comedy t>enet11 snow 1n11 ttatrecJ ~bets ot Monly Phthon -evee.o- e.-oo • Cl) C98 NEW1I ·~NEWS ••a Tiie Time Maclllne"' ( 1960) Roel Tav· IO<. YYelle M1mieu1 0 WHITE 8tW>OW A H • educ••t0n clan maltes one or lhe playe<s aware lh•1 he has • venl'!· realdlM•M 8) THE MUPP£T8 Guesl Gilda Aadner (I) MOVIE • • ·~ · Magnum F0tce ( 11173) Ct1n1 Ea11wooo. H•I l-4olbloott A S•n Ft anc11CO deteC'tlYe trace• a --of murders ol nol ortoiJ1 gangllerl 10 • frustrale<I pOltCel•atn SI UP ANO COMIHO ··For Me. MyMll 1,Aayt>e Joyce W"llOf\ llQhll ,...,,,. ,.,.,., •l llOme •nd 00 lhe jOI> when Ille is p.omoteO to • ioen llU(>en'l90f 81 Ille bar\k 0 ~SPORTS~ ColleOe Wrestling IOw• Na 1owa S111a ('HJMOVIE a • Tau Thia Joi> And Sl'IOve II' (198 I) Aobet1 H•ys. Barbara Hertlley A YoUflO eorpor•I• ••ewtl\fe runt lnlO r-1ence wl>en hot return• to hll home- town to r8'<ttal1ze • compa- ny tlf-v "PG e: 15 0 t.l()';M • • "Coaai To Cout" I 1980) Dyan Cannon. Rob· art Blake A runawey housewife and • sc••PPY !tucker hauling oetlle GOHI lo COASI become lh• l•roe1 of • wild crOll· country Ch•M 'PO' e:ao 1 • Cl) a NIWt MARY TY~ MOOM AhOda'• Qt_.. thumb con- Ylncn he< that the lhOuld go onto ,,,. llOllM-plenl bull-. ·THE~ 0.-1 Ptlyllil Geo109 . • WMY .. THI WOlllLO 7:00 ... llMIOH O' ... "flle Mlellng Uni& .. I ,,.,._ y flilUO .,.... .... .,°"' lMI HAllDY llO'Ya I MNCYDMW MVal, It Wtllle eboetO a train 10 AU1t rl a, Iha Hard y• b9COfM lnvol\led 'tllWI • • Wrift9d Ol'1 -..no from "'*"°"" Mallltn••· • LAWMNCI WIUC "ll'l lo"9Wllfl.._,. • Ot49CIQNG "OUf ,Mtl.ffd· LM~ IN'M Md N IC1°'91 '°"° ~ .,, Interview wltll c .. o.e.. Q .... ,,,... "Ioli ~-·· ........... Wenldi MIMI a ........ thcHC•-IOOll ...... pro. ~,,......__....... ........ Q Cl> .. ..,..cw_ .. .,.,,, ,,._,,.. l=:::m°°""" ~ ................. (II) ..... ......... ,. '°' Alt .,... 11...,--.~,... w.,... A lilNlty ..,,,,.., .-....... ..... ..... ...... .... ......... .-i CZ>*MI•, ........ _.~· . * * "Callie Annie And L•l· tie 8tt1Chet" (1981) Burt l enc:ast91, JOlln Sav9941 lwo IOUQll outlawe p<Gk up • pall 01 1-.-aoe 0"" end talle 111em •'°"9 on thefr lld119'11UIM PG" 1:JO • DAHCf FEV£I' Celebrity judgea Cathe· "ne Baell. Lee Roy Be1rns. Rtck Sp.lnglteld 0 LOOKl4TU8 D OMHt THE NEW FAONTIER Fealured • l1le1&v1ng teal 10< epinel men1ng1111. tech· nlqu98 lo control eatreme wealllet cond•llons from space. •lie many use• ol lhela-b&atn ID PAEMNTE I.!) IUIU>INO WrTHfrHE SUN Dick Ell•• ollera p<actlCIM edlllCe on the UM OI PH· II~• tlOltll energy (() FIGHT llACK @) EYE OH SAN OIEOO JOlln Be•tty reports on the tecefll archMIOQical flf\d· 1ng1 of Pf""'•'°'" man 1n S•n Chego. BIH Gt11f1th 1alk1 wllh Sen o.ego·1 ,_ Padt• Manage. O+ck W•I· ham• 131 THE MUPP£TS Guest Roget Mille• Ci MOV1E ft • a • The Late Show 111177) Art Carney lily Tomltn A seasoned Pf•· v•I• eye encount9'1 Olack· m911 etws. '""' d9' when lie c~ out of 1et1<emeol to locate • cat belonglng to an ottt>eal female client ($)KIT OF WHAT'S UP AMEAICA 8:00 9 Cl) WALT Dl8NEV ··A Otsney~a hon" Oon· aid Ovck, M key MOUN 1nd 01 y chat•~­ ,.,, ttlullrate 1n • MtleS of C81'100f'I Ille tlpri"Q Cl-re 10 go on vacation o a KARPER v ALLEY r11e Rellly• try to put • d9f"P8' on S1et1a·1 rala- llOl\lhlp With lhe hand• IOtM ,_ put>lllllet OI Ille Sant!f'81 D MOVIE • fl ft • Mytt.,rous !Aland' (19611 Joeo Gr..w.ooel MtehMI Cr11AO Frve men HU108 trom • Coofec>er· .,. prlaOn and enciountl'lf atrenge etN1UtM on an ISiand In the Soulh Seu 8 9 MHJOTHE WOOOPtLI CAT Anlme1ed A epunky rvn• way cat ltnds o~­ "'O .. c11emen1 and the val- ue 01 tr19nd9lll(I 1t1 the b.g City 0 MOVIE a ·~ 'S-ate• The Blob" I 1972) Godfrey C•m· bnCIQe. Marlene Clatk fD SONNY AND CHEA CJ) A WOMAN CALLEO OOlDA lngrtd Betgmllll Slats 1n lhe Sl()(y of GOid• M .. , .• Ille lrom lier earlv C11y1 1n Milwaukee to het lrtum phant meeting, as 111ael1 Polme MDltlter. '""'" Egyp· t1an Pre1lden1 Anwar Sadat !Part 11 ID TAAIHINO 0008 THE ~WAY "Wllilt."'Q To Heel" Wllh lhe UM of the c0frec1 type ol ct\olle-Gl\eln • oog can quoc:I! ly be 1 llOQhl 10 wati.. lO heel 6D MOVIE • • • -'A Fa•a-11 To Arms I t932) Gaty Coo- per. Helen H•~•• (H)MOVIE •• • 'Efcallbur" (1981) N.gec Terry NICol Wlll1•m· son The eaploU1 ot King Arthur b<l"Q ~ and death to the l(ntghts or the Round Table 'R' OMOV!e • • a 'A "The Four S..- M>nl .. ( 1118.1) Alar\ Alda. C.,ol Burnell Thr .. cou- plet, att CIO... lonQ·llme lrtenda, experience P<O· found ch•nget In their relattonen•ps wt>en one of the marriage• dl11n. 1 tiff. 'PO' wo IT a ONI cw-THI 10Y1 OI,_ end k n.,d dtaeov· ., thal they ere too old end too young fOf ''*' own QOOd fR) e 0 ~,.,._..,THI UOL Y DUCICUNO Anlm_.., A f0f1o<n vot'f dUdlllno ..,..,.,., on • ~ '°' ld9nllty • IWWllOIN' THI IWU "Mery LOii W.._." 'Ttie ' ~ Of fuz'' r9"llnleGel ·~· .. *-fl'vti ,..,. ll'I KanMt City a.CJ) OtUAa OHAWLIN ONT'Hl~IClttl ...()) MCMI ..... ··The lttonoeet Men In TM WOttd" ( 117') Kurt ...... Joe ~ •• INIM."PJl M'!t--.&. MO THI MAI...._..,._ CMllllll AIWlf w.-. ... .. ,~~~ #1......iwkw.-.... ................... ,.... .. ....._ .... . ....... .... .... ........ q • .-v ..... Gue.a .... Ollftond. ~ ...... ...... PJIF''' •• ,.,...... 00.: ... u.,....•• ...,......_. .. .,... .......... ,.... ,...., ........... , ,....... ......... .... ............... tlafl l<•llleflr>e Wllkar MO JOM ~Marfin 0 ICJMCMS * * • ... "The Man Who Fell To Een"" l 1178) DIYid &owle. Cendy C1a111 A rooi. 1tar t1om '" alien ~·· °" .,, lnte<pl-18fy -Ch IOI Wei,, fe>t hit~ becometl llfl .. plOiled n11'"onlll<• on Eellh 'R' (Q)MOVll ~ "Steel" ( 1980) L•e M•J0<1. Jennll81' O'NelN A beau111u1 woman 1a •aal1I· ad by a tougtt conatrucuon lorem•n In running the company Iha 1n11et1ta •fl., lier lalh••'• auaplGIOUI . "llCC•del'ltel" death ·pa· fSIMOVll • • •• .., The Four S•• ~·· 1198 II Alan AICI•, C11tol Bufnall ThrM tou ple1 1111 ClOM , IOnQ•ltme l11end1 ••P8'-pro- lound Chengn 1n '""'' •el•lk>n911ipe -. one ol lhe mttrtagea 0111n 199ta1es PG' l MOVIE • • • Cutlet I W•y t 111811 JollO HHr• Jell B•idO" A maimed Voel nam .,,., and Ille bell friend • social droe> oul l ocu1 1l'Wlr< -gl81 on 101v1ng a tnurelef U M R 8:30 el) MATINEE AT THE l&JOU Futu111C1 RoY Aogao and Bob Nolen •nd the Sons ol 1N P1~a 11ar in ·song 01 Teus (11143). • car lOOf', "CllnllmH N1gh1 ' end Chapllt 1 OI ' 0on WlnllOW 01 The Nlvy tRI to:OO I I '::w~NE a o FAHTA8v ISL.AHo An Oii flo worker wanlt 10 me11t • cen1erlold mOdet end • pllol w1ni. 10 ram• Ille Thund9'b11d 1n 1n Art Force toghle< ,., C} G MOVIE * • • '" The Victors (1983) Geo<09 P119p•r Cl George Ham1t1on ., SOUOOOU> fD THE GOU>EH AGE OF TEl.£WMOH Wff\d From The South Donald Woods ar>O Jul18 Harns Slat in a dram&hC la.le ol unrequ<lllCI IOvll c.nleted arouno MYl'lfal A.....,ican couples '" • small l111h tnn @ 'MOVIE • • • ·~ Prrvate Ben1•· min I 1980) GOldte 1111,.n E-8t8'1n1n A waif.to do young woman rnill•k · enly ioons the Army lollOW· Ing the dealll ol lie• new hu1band on lllatf wedding fli9h1 'A 10:a0 ID POflTRAIT OF A LEGE.ND Kenny Roget"s · !H) 26 YEARS Of JERRY LEE -A cariAATION Jonnny Calh. Krra Kn• tolleuon. C11er1Mt Rich and Mickey Gilley fO'n Jerry Loe Lew11 ..., • P8f'l0tm ance 1 aped~ et t Ila Jeck eon HaH of the Tenn..-Pe<- IOf"""Q Arlt Cen1.. tn NUh...ile ~46 ( Z) CffAM..ES <>tAMPLIN ON THE F1l.M 8CEHE 11:00 a DD Cll 9 a NEWS Iii EHTERTAIHM~ THISWEE< Interviews w11h Roger Moore Sh-• Euton Aila MOfeno P•I ~ aoo George Hatntllon ID MOVIE * * 6 'Dea1h W11h ( 1974) ChtttM Bronson Hopa Lano& CJ) MOVIE "• • • · The Searc.hers I t956) Jonn Wayne Jallrey Hunter Wiie" 1 C1v1t War 11e1eran relurna homl'! and hnds 1111 1wo nieces cap lured by Comanches. he embarks on a live-year search CD AUSTIN CITY LIMITS SOUNOSTAOI! O.onne warwte~ 10}MOV1E • • ·~ ·The S1ory 0 1 0 11975) Co11nne Clery Udo K•l'lf A 1ouno women IMll 1he llmrb ol loYe as she 1110wt 1141<Mll lo l>e dom• naiad by 1he man She loves S IMZAAN Seti Of Bl2atf8 I Ftrtl S.eaon" 2JMOVllE • ·~ .. Last Days Ot Mar\ On Earth" ( 1975) Jon Finch Pelrld< Megee When the "'tlfn•t• dl ... le< strlltes. • lltepllcal Nobel ac:lentlll llwnkl thel I comput9' burled und8fg<ovn4 can ta\fe Ille WOf1d 'R' 11:30 8 THE AOCICFOAO FILES 0 Cl! 8CTV NETWOAK 0U4'111 TllirCI WOflO D A8CNIWI (I) MOVIE * • a ·~ 'Th• Fighting Seabeea' t 19H) John W•yr<e. Suun Haywlfd A gtoup of WOfld Ww II S.et>Mt 11 ••llgneO to "Pll" mllilllfY in1tali.tton1 dllr'gefOUlly d ote to - at'= • • * ··c.m." ( 1978) Si.- 'Y Specell, Piper Laurie A IHftid 1_.,-aget becomH tna bull of • cn.e4 prom- night "'.,... end ,., ....... eoe1na1 n.r C1*.Utn••" with . ~tltlng. "'"'" nel\tt., l\lf'Y (C)MQVtl • • ··0taoueuon o.y·· ®MCMI ••1~ "The Fen" (IN tl Lauren Baoell. Jami• Oarnet A ~ tllm alw .. v6Ctlrn1Nct by. ~lo ~.·1111· (J)MCMI •• .. ___ , At c.Mr .. High"' (1178) A.~ I i. VIM. ~ CenadlM. .4 or11ud• for f a11ano• ~ llfl• • ,,.,. ""' went '°' ,., ... PllMd Of\ ma .,..._ ~· by • llJO\$ Of bofe4 high• _,_. tnendt. .,. • ., .... • • • "''*°"' nie Tarr .. •· ('HOI !ta.ii H-111•"-...,_ _.eofan J .. ewovi. • * '°' NIQl\lhawlla" I 1981) SyfvNIM &r.--. ll>lly 0.. WilllelM A tough "'-YOik Cfty !)00 llM Ille WO<li W I out f~ Nm - 0!18 of Ille WOllO a moat danoeroua 1errorttll atltvN In hit City 'A' 11-*>9 MOVllE * * ··Hutrlc.,,. I t97~ l•rry Hagman Martin M11(18f A huttteane 1w1tte through• ()µII CO .. t 1own wf!Nlllng hav°' on Ille IM18 Of t.,tlfled llitltent %1MOV• . * 'h "In Ptalll Of Oldet Women' 111178) 1 om Belenger. Karan e1ec;11 A Hunga1111n IOthatlO tamln· 1.c:e1 on h11 pall rom•nlle COrtQUflt11 from hll flrtt al u .. •g• 01 12 10 hi• MKtuc:· lion Of 1.llouMwti. •t 30 'R" ,,,. - 1:00 Q AOCK COHCEAT CD MOVIE • • • S•nce You Wel'll Away I 1944) Clauo.tte COlbett Siii<~ T ample An A,.,..ic:an ltmlfy 11rug· \llfl to remain .-despite lh" PfODtemS llley mual lece du•tng W0tld War II Cl) NEWS ~EVE.NINO AT THE~ IMPAOV Hosl Tom Boslay Fee- lu••d comics M•ct>ael Keaton Bill Ktrcnenbau<. B<ib O..t>;ic $MOVIE •' 1 Seven I 10771 W~· h•m Sm•lh Barbara LM U S lnlelhgrmc:e calls on • s~1al agent lo llOP Illa 1mminen1 merger of saven Hawathm c;nme syndl· ca1oa A 1:06 H MOVIE • • • •, The Fout Su· 'on• 119811 Alan Alda, Carol Burnel1 lhree COU• pies an c10.,.. tong 11me '"""'°' e•l)ertenc:e l)fO· loun<I chanoes •n 111ev reta•ion~~•PS wt.en one or 1he matt•ag.,s d•S•R· ll'!Q<lte• PG 110•(i MOV1E • • Seuura The Sl0<y OI Kallly MOfrtf leon"d NtmQy P~ M•llOfd A be41uhlul young woman •'llh a p.om•sino c•r- ftghls IOI ,,.,, l1le Whert Sile rs ~Hue~ down by a riea1- 1a1a1 bfa1n lumOt 1~8) MOVIE a• Tiie C•e111ure .. 1 Revenge ( 197 t ) Ken1 Tay- IOf Gran! Williams An Am91ican doclOf plots 10 lranSl)lanl lhe brain of a Middle Eall9'n dtC18lOt 1:460 MOVIE • • War Goos 01 The Deep ( 1965) V1ncen1 P11cot Tab Hunter An unoarwa1er c11y s rulet lud - nap& lwo young women ({01 A80 NEWS 1:60 9 MO,VIE • • • ', The Howl•no·· (19°8 11 Dee W 1t1ace . PalrlClt MllCOM A woman r epotle< 15 rnena«ld by a ktltet ..no ._,,, to be a --Oii R 2:0o~NEWS ~.20 I 2 MOVIE • a • 'Culler s Way • tt9811 Jonn Heard Jen 8rtdge$ A m.,med V'81· nam V91 and h1i bes1 friend a soc161 drop out locus t'-! -g..n on 50lvong a mordet case R "°ae NEWS 2:4& S MOVIE • a•'" "The Four Sea- M>ns' 110811 Alan Aid•. Carol Bumen Three cou· pies all close. ldng·l•me lr1ends e•perter>U pro- lound Ch&"98S 1n 1he" rt'la11onsh1ps When one ol 1ho marqages d1s1n 1eg1a1e1 PG 2:66 IC MOVIE a • • Something 0 1 Val- ""' (19571 Rock Hudson. 011na Wynle< Th;! v101ence encounle•ed by a peaoemal<er lurr>s hrm 1nlo a seoloe< of venge.nce H MOVIE • • K•ll And 1<111 Aoa•n·· ( 19811 Jamea Ryan Anne- ltne Kriet A mar1t81 a111 ••P4!'1 Oeltles lhe m1nt0n1 ol a power-med actenhlt rnlenl on enslavino mtn· kmd w>lh • ,_ mond·COO· HOI drug PG 3'()()0 MOVIE • • •'>··v1vec;f0Ut Lady I 19381 G1nga1 Rogera JamM s1-ar1 A college prolesaor encounters Sharp~ hOthhly lrom h11 conMtfvauve paNlf\ta _.,, he marries • c;abarel ••nQt!lf S:300 MOVIE •a ·Tomb 01 l tge.a" I 196~) Vtncenl Prtee. Ehza· l>tllll Shepperd A de•d woman a11emp11 lo """ "'' t\\.raband's 1econd m•rrl119& by lflfrOflllng hi$ ., new wile s:aaUMOVIE • • • • PQpeye . I 1980) Robin w 1111ams Shelley ) Ouvalt Wh•le searclllng tor "'' l•tllef, 1he ll()lnKh ... l· ino Milot Ylslts • QUeHll llamlll ""*•he pick• up • foundling and • lll<inny ._.,....., 'PG' 4:06(l l MOVIE *\II ' Last O•ys Of Men On Eetth' (1975) Jon FlnOh. Pttrldt Maoee WMn tt. u111m ... d!Malet "' ...... Ml~ Nooel ~I 111111411 41181. ~ t>urled underOfound c.. .. ,,. Ille wotld ·R· ~,.. MOVll . * * "Hid.out" ( t94t) Adnan 9ooffl. LIO'td 8rld0- .. A ~-C81\dide1e'• ... lot office 11'1 • WNll '°"" ,,_,,.. 11'1 llC*'"t)ted . ~. 4:11<8) lt \'WAN 0/1.a#N l8 _,.ca& W'IAnoM JOMJ\y CM!\, l(rtl K,... tottel'aon. CMrtle Ncfl 8ilMI Mlcltl~ Giiiey jOlfl Wr/ Lee l.... "' . '*'°""'" -tlC*f" ll'll "**-' H .. oflM T~,,.,.. lonNnO Al1A c.... In ~ 00 -'°'WMAT'9 ~ ;U I tlCA _.(C)MOWS • • • • ~nie Ulle ....,..; t ••m "" c.r-,. Ltw .,....,., " ...... ~ ................... ................. ---·-.. ..... ....... = .. ..... --.............. ."I • ••• Or•nge Coett DAIL V PILOT /Saturd•Y· May 1, 1982 ·A 23-Year run that's 'Fantastiek' BY JAY SHARBUTT U~Wrltel NEW YORK -Wht-n this mualcal o pen· td on M&ay 3, 1960. It didn't gel what press agent.a caU "money nollt~." ll ran In the red ita first 11 weeks CIOfie 1\, urged those In the know. But next week: "The Fanlasllcks" start.a llii record 23rd year off-Broadway, sllll spfnnlng ils warm. whimsical tale of a boy, a girl, love, their fi.\heri. and a dashing bandit named El Gallo. It's still down in Greenwich Village, al the 150·st!Ut Sullivan Strl'cl Pluyhouse. Other than the players. only its prices have changed, from $2.90-$4 .80 in 1960 to thl• $14-$15 of 1982. "It's tht' same old storv we've managed to keep th.e motor runni'ng," "says Lore Noto, who's played tht• boy's fatht:r since 1971. Also the pro- ducer, he's the last active· member or the original produ<:t1on "l'vl' never l1l•d ubout the show. said it's a --- D EBUT Griffin O'Neal, son of actor R yan O 'Neal. is ma- king his first movw. "The Escape Artist ," following in the. foot- steps of his dad and sister Tatum. Funny, lender, ltlum~ the remef'k~ • -.Yof• wt 11a. l OWAROS \91' CINEMA VIEJO ..... o-.. •·•• ...... , ,.., •• ,1 l M ·"")· v ..... w ._..t.-111tn ..J ______ J..,..;.;;;;.;..;:---. ... .illtfll WINNER4~~y BEST PICTURE tSt:~ l OKIC1INAI. SCORE · VANGELIS tlt:ST OKIC1INAl ~C.Kt:F.NPU\Y COi.iN Wl.1.U\ND 111.~ I <. 0.., I lJMI. MF.LINA C.ANONt:l<C),, ~ y .. ~==----=-C HARi _O TS QF FIRE l • LADO COMPAH'I ""° WAl!N(ll lllOS ~ rpr;l . --·. --:-:.-:..~ 0 ~ c----------- The oddest team on the squad and the funniest cops in America. =i1=---ruia ... t.rtHJt ..... --__ ,,,u.11 NOW PLAYING __ .,........ ,,, ...... ~ :.=",.'" -........ ..,,,.. ... .... ...... ..-y ....... ·-·-···--... ,.. ----, ............. , ..__,..m• _, ..... . -"•Ml ,. __ r'~t='-ttt •>N sellout," he mused this week. "You'd btt a Cool to expect It to sell out all the time. We've had our lean times, but we've managed to come through. "Whenever It seems w be winding down, as It did In 1970, it just finds its audience again. Don't ask me how or why. I don't know what causes 1t But 1t happens." The ahow , by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, has seven actors, one actress, a harpist and a pianist. lt's been an old reliable for stock, amateur, high school and college troupes evef' since it opened. There've been 262 versions of it staged in 54 t'Ountries, including such unlikely nations as Japan and Saudi Arabia. All told, 11..s a1.'t.'0Untant says. 1t has rt!allwd profits of $2, 171,000 on the $16,500 its 57 backers -Noto among them put into it More than one million patrons have seen 1t at 1ts uny Sulllvan Street home, Noto sayi. -inclu- ding one man who proved the bOle customer years ago when "The Fantastick.s" tried a one-lime-only Wednesday matinee. Patronage hasn't fallen that low since. he says, but there've been times that "we wondt!r if anyone knows or cares about us." But somc·how, some way. business always picks up. Weather doesn't seem to bt• a box-offitoe factor, he fr-"Chi: "l recall the frrst sold-out house we had. during a bliu.ard m 1960. Myrna Loy dropped 1fl wtth a whole party of people. "She practically took over the whole theater . and took us a ll out afterwards.to a restaurant around the t'Om er." An easy-going man with graying hair and a det>p, rumblin~g voice, Noto:"'58, is celebrating tht' s how's birthday a few days early at the Under- ground, a local rock club. It's more than another anniversary c.-elebrat1on for ham. Last year, he says, he had to leave the l'as t for S<:veral months to undergo treatment for lymph can1."\!r He returned to the show in May. "I've JUSt gotten check<.'d out and there's no evidence o f 1t (cancer) at thC' moment," he said What happened to him should happen to you. R -~:~.-;.:--..:...... .• _1t1~' Lui.'V ,._ h~• • 11 ry.,. ... ~ Music Ptrrormeu o POD STEWART. ERIC Cl.APTON. &01f-tRS ''Riv11ls '2001' 11nd 'STA.R WARS''' -<N.l'ftfN t;("HAUf;tr. I'S"'-'*" ,. ... ~· ,1'\ ' ~ I ~ -· . t .~ ~--~_;;,....;;....--=--~~~~~.-1111[1111------~--~lmlll~- • I "And that'11 a very good report It shows It can be lkk£<i." lit.· was an establlshed ort-Sroadway actor and th<' wle support ot a wife and three klds when hc first produced "The Fanwtlcka" aft.er Clopping In his first p rodu<.·lng try, a s h o w called "The f'a1lurt.>8." When his long·s hot gamble frnally began poymg oH, he joined the cast, origmully as just a flU-in fatht!r. He assigned himself the role penna- ntmtly in 1971 . when business was way, w ay down. "I thought we were going to cl<>&e," Noto sai<J. "And when it did go dark, I wanted to be the last fathl'r " Hf' smiled. "That hasn't happened yet. I hop<• IL rlt'Vt•r wi~ "Pryor is wonderful!" .,,,, II• 111'11"''" 111'> A 'I :Jo I • '-llM•., R ·~l- NOW PLAYING UA CllUMA UIC OllAMCll MAll lOWAIUll fOUllTAI• HlllT We ,1111o11ter8910~4b 0ro111Qc 611 0340 looni.t11 Y4!M'Y839 1~00 IUlllA l'Allll OlllVl·lll UA CITY CllllMA lOWAllOI lllWl'OflT Boen;,,.,~ 811 4070 OrMOQ« 634 3q11 NOPOll Be«ft 644 0160 MHll llllA l'l.AZA SUOIUM DlllVJ·lll 1110 U MlllADA DlllVl·lll ll•u •1?9 ~3J9 O!MIQ" 639 8110 la M111d1 921 1706 lDWAllDI UDOUIACll lDWAllDI lllllTOL MIHIOll DlllVl·lll ti t11•u ~81 S880 Co,1a '11•\4 ~40 1444 c..n Ju.ir ~\lfilno 493 4~4~ -0 U&SU ACCl•lfD '0• '"" 1-0•0IMtHf Pilot F.U. 7:00, 10:30 IAT /IUM. 3:30. 7:00. 10--'0 "ENTER THE NINJA" • ....... __..,!•••· .. ~ NOW PLAYING IAlA Btu~" COITA MfH lllYlllf OflAltGl ~29 ))39 to .... o) C•*"' C.111•• f o .. ,,o\ WOOOCJt• :it40tlltn Oun 111 979 HCI S~I 00~ 6398/fO COITAMIH I OwllO~ &1\IOI ~40 1444 ll TOflO •OllAllOf WllTMllllUll [OwlllO• S.001eo..c~ ClllfOO(ll• UA Twin c-u ~81 ~HO bl4 2~H 898 1141 UT/IUtl JOO. t OO 1000 a IAT OHLY MIDHIOHT FN. 7:15, .. 15 IAT/IUN. 1:15, >.15 1:15, 7:19, .. ,5 (ft) Dia Boal Ftu. 7:00. ~ IAT/IUN.1:15, 4:00 7:00, 9:45 (R) "YANO'NEA.l JOHN HURT "PARTNERS" 11!1 ( -0 ...... OCC .. 110 IO<I , .... t>tOAOttt~•t ) LET THERE BE ROCK INX> ANOf WA.ftHOl•s "FRANKENSTEIN" Fill. •AS. 1:45, 10:36 SAT/IUN. 1:00,2:50,4:A5 1....a, l:A.5, 10:35 ("I "ENTER THE NINJA" FRI. 1:45, 1:40, 10-.30 SA T/8UN. 1:00, 2:50, 4:A5 1:45, 1:.40, 10:>0 (R) A AW rt-1ADl0l5' ~-"~~ '-.A ~"\I FM. 7:00, 9:15 CHARJOTS OFF1RE 0 .. ~ flRE 8AT/IUN. 1:00, 1:15, 5:30 . . 1:00, tO:t5 (PQ) '"'· 1:4$, 1:15, 10:00 ·-··---------------- F .. I. 7:00, 1:30 IAT/IUN. t:OD, >.:JD 1:00, 1:30, 10:'5 Poaftl-, FN. 7:10, 9:10 IATllUN. 12:30, 2:30, 4:30 1:30, l:.10, 10-.JO "PRIVATE LESAf,I," UU IAT/IUN. 2:00, 5:30. t:OO .. TAO" FRI. 7:05: 1~ IAT/IUM. 1:45, 1:11, 10'AO IAT/SUN. t:JO, 3:15 5:00, t:AS. 1:15, 10:00 (ft) Pdw ard"> LIDO CINEMA .. l .,.Pl•Rl fllll( &1 wtA t<OC' 673 ·8350 ... \lf'Pf1Rf R f A1 H .. iNTER ntE ......,A" FM.t:t5 UTllUN , ... li:2', • tt "DEMON RAGE" _......,.. "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" ,.,... .. IA'T/IUM.1141 6:11,Nl,Ul(N) . I I {, I ... -. / Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/81turd1y, May 1, 1982 -Winslow Leach Squeeze§ into -first .. .,~ •'-'If ti I '· NQbodY'• ptrftot, at lta1t nobody wu lut weelc, but Wbaelo• IAlcll UMd hll 10-potnt 1howin1 to edp lnto undisputed pollelalon of tint place ln Trivia Bowl XXVI. Also 1COring all but one correct were Ed Scbmerler and Tracy Godfrey, who now rank aecond &Qd third res- pectively. The bottom-rung Dfony· · slant climbed oui of the cellar t>)' a 1eant half point. Trivial tidbit: Judy Garland's TRIVIA BOWL XXVI STANDIN9S 1 Wlnlllow LMCh (10) 40 2 Ell SChmerlef ( 10) 39'A 3 Tracy Godfrey ( 10) 39 • Over the HIM Gano (7) 37 5 Col>ra II (5) 32 8 WanlWO<th C Tllm()(a (7) 30 7 Nanc:y Prlo< (5) 23 8 Rick Warn« (2) 14 9 Jonn RutMll (31 12 10 The Dion~ (4) 10.,.. 11 The 8ellt Fac1a (2) 10 /, VALUABLE -Rosebud, the fa- mous sletl from the movie "Citizen Kane," is e"pected to draw bids of up to $20,000 when it goes on the auction block in New York June 9. great-grandfather was-a first cousin of President Ulysses S. Grant. On to what should be an easier round as the April showers bring May flowers (and the Mayflowers bring Pilg:rlma). 1. Jeanette Morrison was showered with glory aft.er changing her name to what? 2. '}'winkie Chomper inhal?ita what WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARD (PGJ MOYIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,.,,. oq.Kt .. o1 ... '•""O• .. 10 - P¥MfJ •OOVt Fie ·~,·~"' '"'"llif or-.,,, lot 1'4•11"t0 01 ,,,.11 Cl'lirfd'9tt DEATHTRAP A wickedlyf unny who'll-do-it. Com• Early And Cnjoy WALT DISNEY'S• FAllfT AllA (GI At J.1:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 9:!15. Eaan.S..1•K-.C:WV Ry~n_J)~I 1n PAR'TlllDISIR) 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 Aadem_y ~A-rd Winner RAJDE1118 0# THE LOST AIHtlPOI 1:003:15 Otcar Winner! BEST PICTURE! CHAIUOQ 0# FIRE (POI 12:QP 2:31515: 10 7:46 10:10 5:307:46•10:10 N:.10C LET THEllE • llOCa lflG I Show. at 2:007:30 Julie Andrews In VIC"R:. VIC1W lf'Ol 12:00 2:40 5:20 1:30 • Midnitflt a:oo • 10:30 i<.ttU. HNI STADIUM * c1N£ Ft SOUNO• o .. oc, to v-•..., 111e1.or ..,,.,. * 'I o;iowr b•tt•r-y DP9f•ttrd p0t1eM• •ed•o• TUN •O 17"> Brott Ekland in RICNAllD NYOll UVE ~RAGE (RI ON TitE •••t Silt• Hall Night IRI IRI Oar~A11tvCPGI I R1Chard Pr~or in Julie Andrews in SDllE KIM> 0# VICTOll VICTOMA IPO) HE:8Js~I:/'"' ,.,_,.1 8-IRI STRll'B IRI Walt bF:i11) T~ Groove Tube (RI ~ ......... ~ ..... 1 A Little S.x IRI ,,._. --•V"' All Ort•• In• OP<tn 8 00 PM W-d•y•/7•30 WMkendl CHILDREN UNOEA 12 ,REE UNLESS NOTEO YOU DON'T HAYl .TO II UNDll IO TO LOYI ~ '-.... Mary Tl'lldel, 32, S.C,.tary "I thought PORK Y'S was really super It was lighthearted and the good guys won ... Jack Cliffton, 45, M.chanlc "I heard about PORK Y'S from friends. but I( was a lot funnier than I expected And I thm/c Porky got what he •eserved " f Carote Stlddey, II Sawt9 CCKlftMlor ~ 'I thought PORKYS w" grHt. I would take my 14-yHr·old to SH Jr. And I'd "'ommend It to my ffltnds." TRIVIA n T.T. ·- coml~ •trip? 3. Name the TV lhow which used a segment called "That Wonderful Year" to cloee the program. 4. A bumper sticker reading AUH20 supported what presidential candi· date? -5. Who waa known as the Bishop of Broadw1cy?' 6. Bob Hope's movie "The Ghost Breakers .. was remade aa a Martin and Lewi.a flick under what Utle? 7. "The only thing wron' with Baltimore la, It's In Baltimore.' wu a recent remark from what baseball star? 8. Schuyler Grogan is a character in the script of what play? 9. In the movie '"The Hucluten," name (a) the soap Clark Gable ad- vertised and (b) the radio show It sponaored. 10. Jack was a pret.ty heartlesa character, and he had an ax to grind with thole who made him that way in what movie? Last Week'• Auweta 1. Carmen Minn6 (name change) D D 2. For BtUtr or For Woru (Mr1. Hardacre) 3. Arthur and Katherine Murray (try danclni) 4. Jello (famoua deaert) :>."The Kint and I" (IOl'\8~) • 6. Tom Mix (heart and tion) 7. Henry Armstrona -eather· weight, llghtw~lght and welterweight (conaecutlve titlet) • 8. "Philadelphia, Here I Come" (Gar O'Donnell) 9. (a) Claremont, (b) Bank of A. Schuyler ("Bustin' Looee") 10. "A Star la Bom" (movie riddle) (Send your answers ro TRIVIA, clo the .Dally Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92828. All entries must be receiv- ed by Wednesday, otherwise half the player'11 wt score will be awarded) 642-4321 Direct OT collect . to subscnbe to your hometown paper. the .. Daily Pilat COME CELEBRATE WITH US! Extraordinary Values on Color TVs, Stereos, VCRs, and More!!! MODEL RB5040 • COHTEMPORARY •25" diagonal color TV •Computer Color 330 •Random access Touch-Tuning •Infrared Remote Control • 105 Channel Capability •Two 4" Speakers VALUE PRICED s73900 ------ ~ lllWAA OS \IP Cllll MA Cl loU R ....... t .. M•t -1 0.-.. t •t -·tto-on ., . . .. *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All PertormancH before S.00 PM lbctpt Speclll En91gement1 and Holidays) .... "''""!• ... "'"" M11000 Qt f oae c1o"'l LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 ) "0UE8T FOR FIRE" 1•1 "VICTOR VICTORIA" •o tJ ., :I ... 4t .......... , t) JO ) "' '-0 • 1~ •Q ~ M ii l'CIUM MiO K --AI •CHAllfOTt CW ,lflf""1•01 11.» ........ ,._. "POAKY'S" t•1 •Ull 1.-._.... l .Jit I 1f .. JLS LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "M>Me KIND CW H«llO" Ill) __ . __ ........ ... YOU COULD HI WHAT I ~II" (.-0) 1:11. ·=-· •• 1:10, 10:J0 lAkEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAL• IN '<>cultv Al Del Nf'tO 211/6Mof211 1 /<1,UN1'1 so . COAST WALK·IN .... "Cl\ .... cw ... n... I "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" CI001 lllQM... .... , ••• "''''* >" ._.. '• •• I "PARTNERS"• tJU>OC •M •10 •0 11\ "If YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR"''" '1 JO J l1 • 40 '" • '° 10 't\ ,ocull\> o• Cano t•oco 213/531·9510 "POlll< Y'S" 1•1 12.M ,. ,,., 1 0 ,.Cit "PARTNERS" •• IJ.tO J O 1 )0 I \\ t M 11 't.. MIT "CfV'llil •flC) tc-11111~4' CHARIOTS OF FIRE IN ••>-• JOI t. ttt ,.. Sourl'I Coo11 H••ov OI l •OOO•Oy 494-1514 "PARTNERS" 1•1 lllO .. fJW lt'l ttl l &t IVW Jto t.O 100 100 .... ,,ICIFIC THO HUS 0~111( IH SWA, MlnS ltl fl(" tOUfll IUC.•\ \"tltO '•t O•• aJ HAlllOll l lYO O~IV( IN & O~AH!i( OlllV( IH •••to>'• u 'uao•• '11.11110•' ,_ .. ,tl111•4 \UlfOUl &t a1u .. t 1• 1f&OIU• Ila .... fol. 7::. -S.I. S.. 1 IS Sllte Sltrts 11 a... IMPORTAN'f NOTICt • CHllDRlN UNOlR 12 fRll' """' .... w.,_ 111111. .... fri Ito · Sii . Soll itllUJ• lOO CINI ti touNO • ?QUA w W llAOCl ~ '°' •• ;l\.Uf' 1f l<Q U1 CM llAOll W!IN IO"'l100o ACCHSOtn llOS/TIO'o _.,..""' l'Olll.tllf l•-U ~· -"4 &JO ()ol ... llAOIO l'NAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••Ot 91 Ol le"'on St •·PRIVATE LESSONS" 1• "'us "RACOUET 101 179•9150 '1 I ~>o • -----T trAATMl.ltS tilt AMO• WAltt+Ot. I flt.tiNo-.t .. Ill• t•I .. ~ .. ~ "MOMMll DlAllEIT .. tlOOI "CAT PEOPt.E' •1 C•"f f t SOUNO ._, ' ---- llUI '<I' PAlll BUENA PARK DRIVC -IN ·OEMON RAGE' ••• "''" .. NIGHTMARE' ..OOtill ~" ,, l•r<otn A•• W••• ot 1"0" •o.t• n o 121-4070 &UI N I' PAllP LINCOLN DRIVE·IN lH\COlt\ ,.., ..... Of •nofl 121·4070 ---IQUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVE·IN So" Ooego '""' ot a1oo~•u01I (So 1 962·2411 #f \'°"''"°',II& Hl·WAY 39 OlllVI IN "l'AllTMllll~(lll "utl ''MOMMIC MAMIT" tl'OI '' IOUIOO YOU COULD. WHAT I HIAr !NI l'\.tla M'JMS MIDDY ttOU y tToaY",,_ Cllll '''°""° ......... ""'. LA HABR A l•Pl~I IH ---~--·-.... 17Ml62 ----Ir.,... , I O RANGE DlllVf IN . . ~ . M IC)SIO N l•L•,\ I IN "ENTER THE NINJA" 1•1 '"'' THE OllAPPEAAANCE" 101 "PRIVATE LESSONS" 1•1 f'\VS "RACQUET" 1•1 6-ft &1wo So OI GJ•Otn G•o., Jitt.0• 891·3693 •at l'Cl\IM CW THI QAa • "CHAlllOTI OF FIRI" 1i>G1 .. 118 "AllTI4Ul'I" tl'OI ~•111 • ~o -------•'f'OMY'l "'"1 l'\.118 "W IN aMO«r 1•1 ~ATI llttONI~ ,., l'\.1111 "llACou.T"' 1•1 S.0fOG A"O I ""'I • lt:o•• C.oH•O• 551·7022 "IOMI "'t~ .-0" llll "ANDY WNllQ.'t ~-Tt..-1111 .. : l : . •I • ; .I J 1 i ' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 1982 . COURIER . PICK UP Equipment includ~ ~speed manual overdrive nnd rhe xa option package; light blue with blvc: interior. (St". # 1462) (Ser. #604561) 2 YEAR CARE CARE 0 1981 FAIRMONT 2 DOOll SEDAN Jncludtts cloth trim seat, pwr strng,• gorgttaus /or white finish & much more. (Stk. #2006) Ser. #206060) (Stk. #818) (Ser. #178457) Stlc. #806) (Ser. # 178456) '!R Clll ClllE 3 TO CHOOSE FllOI 1982 ESCORT ''L ,, 1982 GRANADA 11L II 4 DOOll LIFTGATI WAGON 'Lot~ of equipment, plus sharp polar white Ii· n 1>h, & much more. (Stk . #142) (Ser. · I 14700) 2 YIAI CAI CAIE WAS $7516 HOW FANTASTIC CAil Lots of equipment. A gorgeous fawn finish , vinyl trim seat & much more! (S tk . # 1271) (Ser. # 113939) 2 YEAR' CAR CARE r ~_...~~~~COUPON_.. .... ~_... ..... :=t :.# .. ;.;::[ ·:... • WITH.EVERY CAR 01 TRUCK PURCHASEDft l-· , · .·.·:.-:~··· ·· ··· ulf r ~ ~':." . _ CERTIFl&ATtf & • :•:::;' ··""-• on !he purchase ol any Monterey Portable I ' ~;;.; ·::·. s·::o;·s;As 4 FUN ' t -. ····. . AT 7141359-6900 ' l ~ 411 ~· ~ • OMCOUt'OHH•t>CJKHMI-. _... ~COUflON ... ":.-J '79 FORD '81 FORD '78 TOYOTA RANCHERO . ESCORJ COROLLA '71 DODGE DART Jf'IL§ON REBATES ••• A BETI'ElllJEAL THAN IJOl!BLE BEBATES. IT'S ALL REBATES ·+ Jf'ILSON FORB - IJISCOlJNT§ ON ALL CABS! YOU WON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING BUT G~ FOR 2 YEARS OR 24,000 MILES! '77 DODGE '81 FORD '79 FORD 100 VAN ft\USTANG PU F100 ' ' ..... .., I~ ~ ..... Ot'I W•-c 8. (U AM • cvt .• IPCI • dr • \Pd, recl•O .... cone! • dr. • cvl. •ulo trtns. r>wr VI. •ulo trtns. •or cO<ld. • VI , auto trans._, •tr. 1ir concl, • dr Vl.tuto trtns. owr str. air , 7 d• • cYI _,!>II. \lerco VI , •t, 01, lhOrt~, btec• Cond. r•dio I IPCI 11 09• ""~I buuh ,.. .. I ., ~· ....... t~r \elle • IPCI I) Sl6 m·~· Lt< 3'7VPU l •C \ .. 'l'Hf I '1'11)~1 •171100 1tr stereo dr. AM FM 1tereo. _, L•< St.VNI ttr.PWrllll . lRANSPORTAllON SPEC IAL l k 07tWllCi LI< l l"'NY I Lie IEllJn II< l(HH77) A .. 9, .. '77 BUICK '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY '79 FORD '80 CH~ PU '80 MAZADA '76 CAPRI '18 DATS~N ~76 AMC RIVERA MONZA · CAPRI RS PINTO SILVllADO ·626 4 spd, PICKUP SPORT R'IOUT " •o ••• <ond -r \tn" 70r wto tr.,,., 1tr tOf'CI • WNool, 11r ctnd. r>wr • cvt, rec110, St• 0.-1 LMdld Cou11e "'to lrtns '" ller.o • ol. ttereo t••· oir • CYI, till wllt, 1119 <IKk ""'' "''"' A.M ,M ltMlf •<VI, ~r tff, ,._ ti.et. lurl>O • cYI. • IPCI LI< ... WllO LI< I~ cono Lie. 18VFI• cOnd LI< l lSPKI '"" , .. ,, 1111 -t VI l ie. 17''1' ZI Loe 6J1SAY Lie IC AWi S7 Lie I L4J1 .. l it !WlJ!ltl 1 • t J l . ' • llllJPi'f Saturday, May 1, 1982 ClASllFllD r · Looking /or a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 1100 . CLASSIFIED INDEX T t Pllct fllr U, Cal 642-5678 llSlllfSS. lltYCST MOil, ONAN Cl :::::; ~"'.:'.!; ""' ,. .. ............ ~·· .... i... ................ -... , ••• .-.fl -"'°""'' ......... -Mort4•ll•11 ff1 • ..... AlllOUllCUl[NTS, PlJSOIWS & lDSl & fDtnll "-~ .. ,,..,.., ..... \•J ... .of .... Ln-'"°'""' II>• LM.t ' ~ ......... u., ,_.,..... ... -~,,,,,, .... -Tte"n• ..... scmccs lirt\t('t'O.t .. , ... ) .... UIPlOrMENT & n£PWTllll ..,........,,...,~ -,,... .......... WI) ............. '-•t' Tl4'.1 MllCllAllllSl --~--·' ---., .. =~ ... ,.,.(h -.. , ..... ,., ......... ~"" -r .. b -..... -f'tw\.v\.., -t \iof""4.l!ffl' -GN'•l•~t.. -"""' --1.--J ..... .,, """ .... ~,,.,.-· ..,, .,_..., .,,. .. .,.,....."""""'"' -w.,....q.,...,.. ...... 4 ..... .. \..W_,,.,,~ ... -Off in I""'• lflW• -.... -· c:::~~~~ --...... .,.,~.-, -Slort """'••'•"" •• , -;:-r ... "" •. ~,---BOATS & MAllM[ uu1ttmn ._ .. ... .. ...... _, ... -----· -........ .,. ... [_ .... -..... ,....., -.,.... .... lfll•·"'"' -...... ~.1 -._._.. Q1 .. Oof '" ~,,. =~:~· -- ... ~ ...... ~~ ~ lmlEST 20K dwn l>uys yoor own ballet school, photo school or compatible buS1neu and own '"' 1118 real estate E.alde Costa Mesa Call RAE ROD· GERS , RE /MA X 63t-1266 Agt . RESTAU RANT B1xl>y Knolls area. By owner Prln only $100Kor make otler Term1 very lleJ1 Spotle1s1 Beer/ wine Seats 80 (213 4·5139 AUTOS, IMPGITEI ....... ,., AWe M1Jt1Wll . ..... ~;:: ....... , .... a-u.la...-.. ,,.,. ...... -· J·~ ,_ t(~.,.~··· ~-)1 •••• .. tfU•flt'•W.tU .... .. u. ...... ........ ......_ ::'.":% llLeM•fH)''lti ..... IE. ,..,"". ,,.ill .... .,.. \ ......... .,i"'" \fAHI AUTIS.11£1' ··~·· AUJOS. llSEI ~ •• ""'' .. 1 ., .. ...... ,....,,_ l .... ,., , ... ._ """"''..., ~ l~•l•I ;;;.~ r;;r l.,..,n•l .__ M•••nn M<ttNr> ~ ,_ ,,,_.. ,._ .. .,,......., .. ,. "'" .,... ......... tl10 "'"' me :;; .... ••• .... -.... -..... .... --.. ... -- Wl\11 ., .. IM .... r.11 .. .. mo :l:.! .,., .,. ''"' .... .... •I>• .... .. .. .1 ... '"' '"' .. . .. .. ,, . .,,,.. Yll• .... •m '"" ,., .... . ... "'"' ""' .. n, --· . -,.,,. ... ... --= -----.... .. , -.., --· --... ... ... "r.!!~!l ... !!.!¥ -. l)OLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed ltema for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 3 3 AY8 OLLARS INES daye FREE. One Item per ad, (nUlt be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full ci.taJll . ........ .-.-..11tt1 ... '1M) . CLASSIFIED8642•5678 .,,,,,,.,, ,,.,,, ""' ,,,, ~!!.,.!. .. ~~t .... 1.~ •• r.~ ........ !~ff /.'I'!..!¥.'!!. •••• !.'!.! ~.'.11..'9~'!!. .... !.{!f !'.11.!!~'!!. .... !.{!f !~'l..'!.'.".'.~ .... !.t. ~!.'l..'!~!.'!!. .... !.~!f ..•.........••..•..••• l t 4/11 IA lltt COM_,ANION Aidt . ma-,COUNTER PERSON for HEARING AID " L' d & v· ., tur• woman. No llvt In. tqulpmt. rental atore llllOAL llO'Y Reeept1on11t neeOed, 2 N w pt Be h c 0 11 e g c years typing experience, 1>ac11grounO Sala•) xlnt PR on telephone open Mu111ype 75 wpm Submit r11ume to Ma· 759· 1833 r10·1 Conllruetoon Inc • area Ooldtn R•trltver/ tn a 1ck1 s no ntally hawk, lull or • p. e I a fl z I ng p. rt i ..... IHL--L I ·-WE Buy lrlah Stuer mix, 1h yr "'=r.1' plt1 ume. 845-7'70 equlpmt Typing rtq'd . •• .. ~ -female. 558-9425 u 1 R -Olaeounted 1ru1t deed• NURSE hvy phonee. n led ent due in 3 years or leu LOST Bltck & white Ger-I I COMPANION All, 645-0780 OtHlffMt Con1aet John Shea, men Shtpherd, melt. 7 BACK & BETTER Mature woman. CM/NB, Ollllll OLEU ltlri11 ll4t hJt Broker 955-34~ mo• 2 2 no St C M rHAN EVERI 24 Hr1 al1noon1. 978-1816 " d I I &k"""ence necessary llt41t-' kslttllf 968--0279 Sus.a 111-0207 ror Duly me ica al>. ,,.. W th fl led X R ~_,.I . n hrs 8AM·5PM Mon·F11. Full tome. permanent ' m1 • ay ....... 11· Reha1>1e. pleaaant woman I B 1 cation or C R T Gooo pay AnncKftemenls/ Lost· Male Beige Persian Outcall seeks work· companion. 640-0t•O ene its with cMnce lor rapid ad-Manx Ans lo Biscuit ~~~~~~~~~~! Penonah/ 848-2967 I-riomamaker. help-aide. OELIVE RY persons over APPLY IN PERSON Iv an e em en t C a II GETTING MARRIED? Avail 6·t2 hrs/dy, 24 hrs t8 fo r l A Tim es to :>4300 Laguna H~ls Mall 752·6300 Ask IOf Or Le· Lost ' FOdld Lost Germ Shep mix The Last Hurrah. 1>aehe-on 1nor1 term l>Hls Lii· h 0 me 1 1 n c M • Laguna Hills 1v1n 0t Judy M1rat1all •••••••••••••••••••••• puppy, wht w/blk mar-tor & t>aehtlorttte par· oan 494-6661 3AM·6AM Economy car aOE EMPLOYER 1 • AnncKftements 5100 kings. 9 wks old, on Sal, 1185 Dave, 738·8538 Young married man woulO required No collecting Honesl pnee 101 honeSIME __ D_l_C_A_l _A-ss_l_s_I _L_l_m-it_e<I_ •••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpl Sh0tes 631-8292 "hll'tlftll La4y" like oOd iol>s eves & S400·S450 mo plus bo· X-ray cer1 reQ d (MS) •SPtlrTlll. Loal: Parakeet. blue 1no How would you likt to wkends Can do a vanely nuses ~6-0637 !,!'~kQuEa~~!r:~~u:I~~~ Fie• hrs 631·4420 IU..* white wiblk 1pors on snore an apertment In o t handyman lo l>s hltal &sstttalt pendal>le Call D1m11ro MGR. gilt store. Lido Vil· 1815 So. Ef Camino Reel, wing, l>lue bfeut Newport Beach, wllh • 972·9525 eves. ask for I Ortho ehalraide Excel-979-5027 tage Req powerfut S C 492·7296 Full lie. 548-5747 greel view? r' •kll resort la-:.1!. .., 1~ 11-1 lent wage ano l>enelils sell-mo1111a1e0 '" selling. M cDonald's Stamps Lost 3 mo olO Goloen e11111as a e tripe to •"/. ..,,. - -ROA or ellg11>1e Newpo<I htel htl Cleft seU·startl!f take charge wanted 702-709-715 Retriever, vie Nwpt Ben. New York City & Lii ••• •••••••••••••••••• Beach 6•0·0121 Must De experienced last-working Salary Rewaro 535.7775 ext Reward 545.4044 Vegas? Have use.ol i. eat • 1 NCR 4200 Room res· open 673-465~ 17 1----------1 and a weekly allowance? ,.ccount ng DOMESTICS arvatlons APPLY TO -----------iFOUnO very tame l>lrO on II you are 22 to 30, havt lllllT Mature houselleeper for Davia Me Nier or Mrs I Pet Owner's Wiii place 4-27, Seetlllf Area call an excellent figure & ap-USllTUT proless1ona1 Varied Ou-Baltazar t>etwMO 10 AM your pet m a home wnlle to ldtntlly 536·380 t peerance. and can IP· Growing eteetronlc disln· lies Honest. energetic. and 5 PM I you vacation, no cages 1 1 preclate a sincere rata-bulof aeeks highly orga· rellable, 5 hrs pr Oay Hltl Wiil 964·11226 Lost ad 89 watc h, vie uonship with a youthlul nized & sell-motivated Mon-Fn Car/rels req·o ----------1 Balboa Penin. IOentlly 6 0 6962 425 So Coast Hwy LB w_. Ads 5120 Sen11mentel RewarO 311 year Old buslnes-person to work in Credit 4 -49•· t 15 t :.-=rt1................. 842-2712, 87s..34a. amen. please send letter Dept Some ere011 callee----.---.-,-.-11-1-1-... -- ....... Tireo ol Nursing'> Train for mgmt pos 1n new type fitness salons Must De a11ract1ve Call tor app1 7 t4·545-Ftn 27665 Forties RO La- guna Niguel. 92877 Please no calls ucama•n lmmectlete opening. Ell· 011c car showroom Neat appearance euenllal Heavy phones light ty· ping Apply In person Mon-Fri 9·6 Trend Im· ports Sates Inc. 1200 W Paerfie Coast Hwy. NB HOUTIHIST Tlte4 •f slttilla htsWe ... ..,t Not enoug.h time lor 141n & eaereise? Steve·s De· 11Jhng 1s now hiring yng. peopte to.r a hano ear washing 1efv•ce-~att-­ F8fran's Rolls Royce s . Mereeoes & Porsche s ~1le you soak up Iha Npl Beh sun Full Ot p/ 11me pos 1va11 63 t 6900 IAUS & photo to p 0 Bo• lion exptir Is prel'O l>ut _." Houaeke8')er, hve in. e•·1 NllDS[S AIDES Found Ory sml Fem Cat 8145. Newport Beach.' will consider e•ceptional Neeos machine opera· per & rel's necess 2 UI\ w/wht paws. new mo· CA 112660 4raining apptlcanl Requi-tors 101 hemm81'. ae1ger. children 11 & 17 Ma1ure Exp in Ger1atie nursing a Earn Dig money working ther. S laog. 499-5641 All replies will be answe-res at least 2 yrs genernl tacker pleater Custom woman 10 lake care ol musl Only oeOlcated part trme Dy ltle Beach Found blonOe Cocker . red collar. F. Pacific Coast Hwy, CO llll 873-2494 5350 .................•.... AGORAPHOBIC HELP LINE 536-7734 * ** " Att1att1 1111111 MAil[ SOlffOtll """' Open 24 hrs a 01y MAii[ SOM[ON[ SMIL[ 7 Oays • week I 69 Gorgeous glrls to 1 1 pamper you Jacuzzi Pleet a HAPPY AO Sauna. Loca!S u well as ''"this column tourists Bank Amari· Call ~2-5678 American Expt'ess. 01· red ano held In str1c1 business exper Call workroom &kperienee I home in Hunt Hl>r area loving persons neeo ap. CALL W W Witco• conllOence. Chuck. 556-3880 required 850-0688 Must l>e &Die lo oo some ply Exp all snrll Xln1 7 t•-960·8•4 t .IYE.s cooking Some English in s program Call SALES 9 yr old I em ale Arthur nee es s I ca 11 642·8044 GH-3 GEROVIT AL Murray sluOe"' Oeslres Appliea11oos t>etng aeGeP· Tow truck AAA expe-2t3-592-244t now ava11a 1>le 1n the escort & companion lor tao tor lors1 Quality lurn1-rience Apply 300 E ttflee 1--cer/ USA 1, 111118 Fountain ol ballroom dancing. Snare lure detlv81'y driver Own 17th SI , c M Also bring I ... SEllEPfl Eucllltwe S.. Youth'> Free seminars e•penses Wril e Ad transportation, tef~· OMV print-out 548-48•3 -COMPANION for elderly h = 1114. Dail[; Pilot. PO phone & alnt Orlvlng re-laOy Morning Orove her For e•pandlng seven al· d1gh b1neome poten111a1. Bo• l560 osta mesa d 1 c 11 Mo ..._ Ste ,.._.._ torney Law Firm in lrv•ne1 '"" utorshrps av11 a· 92626 Fr i 8 30·9AM only 40 hrs. no ev&n1flOS Sa· 10 Sr Citizen Center lor lnOustrlal complex .._. ~ cor a mus a n-..... re wewr• I 'o Potier Worksnop and e. ble 7 t4t96Y.S535 646-7485 lary commensurale on lunch Allernooo shop lary commensurate with S•s I ....... BIM seeks woman :.i:i or over. long tasting re1a- toonsn1p Tom 641-0•83 ASSEMBLERS Mecnanl. upe<tenoo Lagun1 Hills. I ping or movie Live In 833-3622 Mature lor Cos111 Mesa I e•per Call Mr S1moods ... , cal & electroeel. pltime 768-3784 Ma11e T o P s e I a r'y E v e women s Clothtng Store IOf Npt RobOt Co May Entry level aeeountenl, 897-6250 PUT Tm Permanent part lune ex •-LHJI a 85 t·5059 Al aeeoun1tng ot related w/rets lor home rn Lag Couple 10 help in lamlly 6•5-571 I l.'tl.,.11.1• 1-5 lMllEIT No eaper neeeuary Beh 494-0 51 Nattonauy advenised pro-ales -• • I 7 wholesale/retail business S---------- • -Sal1ry negotoable Non-au•R l -•••••••••••••••••••••• needeO lor 27 yr old smkr A/P AI R G L llSTllCTll Ouet Good proltls. Do-~ .._ f!f!!l?'!!!'!.......... I ea d to I u II 11 me I d 8 g, 8 e , 8 Q u If 8 0 ·1 HOUSEKEEPE.R. up'o per Rleese 1mmeo1a1e * • *. I quaor1pleg1e male In prep or lfnaneiat' state: Voc1t1ona1 trainer tor t6 nuses Tague A Hoc ITUT 1111 I , lellU C llA live'" 645-0661 ments Send resome to: oeveropmentally oiaa· 953-8t77 The Los Angeles Times 164«-t22 Bolsa Chica BABYSITTER my home. PO Bo• 12130, Santa Died aOulta ExP8f & Oe-C11 cula11on Dept eur- Hunllngton Beach lull ltme. non-antt>ker Ana. 92712 Attn Patt1· gr1:11 pref Sena Resume renlly has l>OS'tions ooen lor only $3.25 I card. Mu ter Charge . lftfffen + 01ll1eten ners all welcome Very line Ca;lon Sap~ Happy BirthOay to my 71418'15-3•33 2t 12 Har- You are the winner of Girls·~. boy 3 Rel req·d c1a salary requoremen1s e10 PUT Tm on sates As a l1e10 re· lour free lleketa ($12.00 Adam&/Newland HB FOOD MANAGER. Ole & Susan . Caltl tlwyn . Ollice Work presen1a1t~e you II earn valve) lo the 714·98"4·7073 COUt'lter ....... ft Hunt Beh t8325 llllt Baldy, F V Mon-Frr 3 30 10 8 30PM an hourly wage & gen· ...... IEm'TT area S~~nal, April • 92708 No c1111 Closing Circuia1ton office needs a erous eomm1sS1ons Hrs phires. 101 ol 115 carats newly made wife Love1_t>or __ B_1_._c_M _____ _ approx 78 In lot. value you lots. Kevin QUALITY MASSAGE 1ppra1Hd at $92,000. l.tst ' Found SJOO Prolesak>naJ Sllf901Sh Need cash flow. lake •••••••••••••••••••••• style, VIP lreatmenl Ill.Liii UGI ll&ITlllAI.. Sept Sen e1t1zen1 wet· Oate May 7 !rehal>le mature ano res· 4pm-9pm For more info Teleµhone Fantasy Fountain Valley Mlle Tlrtd 01 nalrdras\ing? come to apply. 544·5378 INVESTOR to take over ponsil>le pe<son to SuP8f·1 ~~~a~;0~afl 957'236 t much less, makt olltr. t0-8l>M 548-2817 PP 7 H -980· p 84 all 7PM wkdya, anytime wllend FNIU\ ADS Conver1111on with Ml· Square Park·May 8. Train for mgmt pos. In flnaoc1al management ol vise a busy c1rculat1on UUl1U ch t II 8 MC I V 19 a 1982 new type fitness salons Generel olliee Heavy manulaeturong compan~ I night olt1ee Applicant SALES person wanteO IR£ FREE 539-9370 To clalm 11ekel1. call Must De allraelive Call phonea. l>ookkteplng. wllh 12.000.000 annuaqmust have •good phone SunOlal Fuhrons La· ~ .. t.o. 5125 ft 6 42•5678. eat 27 2 lor appt 7 t4-545-FflT SS 00 hr Certilled Ap· sales Please reply 10 ,personahty ano general guna Bch Call !7 !4 ) ;;; •••••••••H•ji)~; JOHN AT FORD T1~et• mu11 be claimed BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE pliance 8'12-0240 Boll 993, Dally Ptlot1 PO oll1ce 1k1ll1 Some Data 497-4774 120,000·$150,000 ful Cal·. Sk i Mammoth Wi th Dy May 5 t982 Growing Cos1a Mesa .. ..,.. ... Boll 1560. Costa Mesa. Proceaslng uperlence s __ s ______ _ 20/ 0 .. _.. Design Firm nas Imme-CA 92626 woulO be helpful Tra1n1ng SALE amort to yr1. t .. -Brenda & lr1end1 from • • • Must De neat and able to wdl l>e prOYlde<I Apply in ales Rec>resenlattve to 2nds to S 1,900.000. 142 ... 11 Sant a Barl>ara (8051 i.----------Oiate opemng lor pe<son wor1' witn public. Du1ia ,,..,..,... person l>etween 2 oo & can on reader •O Dus•· Apy.11. com"''' & non-~~~~~~~~~~~ 1161-4149 . 1ass11ieo Aos your ooe-experreneed In lrghl ine luOe registering Exper couple for janrto-5·00PM. Mon • Thurs neas accounts for •O · owntr program. Prl stop shopping center bookkeeping (A/P & guests In very buay RV -~ 1 E 11ert1s1ng M on Fri only Cell for agt. OOW· A/RI & general office p rial work In Newport A.,.. or Ileen. • · NEY SAVINGS Brent:I r.==============~============~~ proceOures 1nelu01ng ty-~~ ;i:;uer exper Area 714·937-3948 lrMC• least ~~:;~mcc!8~: =~ "3·2611 I ping & gooo ttlephone hw,.,t ..... UUl SIOlnllf 1-'IJ PUet lots will train Nell •P- MOnev Wanttd 5030 T II M · personality Will eonl40er 1111 .... II Ir • needeo for busy general 330 West Bay St pearanee & 9000 spelling ••••"••••••••••••••••• part l ime Send resume J • practice In Hun1 Bch • Costa Mesa essential Apply Penny· $t0.000-$100,000+tor e om toAO t1 l0t2 OailyPllOI ..... , ....... S II 3 AnEqualOpptyEmplyr c'a.v.er 1660Placenlla local residential TD'• ~~.Bc°ax ~i6~~ Costa a:p -~:~!::eo ~~~4a; !~~~-~~·-•·•·~~-~-~ ... Mill 60"4 L to v Return I I ---------- BEAUTY SALONS. your Dennison & Assoc keeper live-in lor sehl ewporl Beach Day view. to run 1 gal olttce Musi telephone soile1tor, no 3.4 above prime Call You L-ove Her CHILO C AAE ·ho use-/bookkeeping uper. Loan Processor Capable Pert n .. Ewn. SALES choice or SS,000 down 573•731 1 age children 559•7368 ongenial 1 gtrl oltree be 11>1e to process lor Telephone or Oar clerk ••Per nee 9·5. Tues gets you ln Bkr ~ T t end resume 10 Ad No FH LM C loans & 2no Help us conouet a pro· thruFn GO co t>enehts ~48~·~0~7~09~. ~~~~~~-·&aces, l'UI Ch,,opraelle ass1s1an1 . 94. Daily Pllol. PO Boll r O s Laguna Beach motion lor th•s area·s fl· Apply on person t660 :: Deeds 503 call Tues 1>etween t !>60. Costa Mesa. CA area Salary open plus nest newspaper Mon thru Placentoe. c M. Art. Needlework, Trim & •••••••••••••••••••••• IOAM·IPtiA for interview 2626 comm1ss 1o n Circle Fro 5 3<>PM lo 9 30PM Bra10 shop Fully stock· WE BUY 20dS Th u h • 0 d ., & 631-7791 •--------1 Home Loans 499-226t Sat mornings 9 30 10 ad New San Clemente 1~ •~101 er 1 ay sen .-1om a greeting enter our t 30 675-44 91 Tues-S al "World'& Createst Mom" contest al the same ttme. Our iudgea Clerk. drugstore. mature lllltl ITYUIT Loolung For A Change? S84 00 a week 10 siart Seetetaty/l.ecll O.ange Cty airport a1ea law firm Mletls secre11ry w1lh top skllls. mrn 2·5 yrs legal exper Salary o pen Call Fran 833·3622'" t0-5 30 OR~;l~~~6~~~ST will select the nicest M other·s Day Creetino and that mother will ~~:,~IT or PIT. Cdllll Newport men's snlon· Coldw~I Banker lrvi;ie, I! Alter lirsl week share'" " Must have local lollo-now in erviewing or e partnerships profits Investment lll-4ltt receive 1 S50 ~1f1 cert1fic11e from a ltadmg dtpartment More. Cllll/TYPIST w 1 n g 7 5 •;. c 0 mm sales person opening High earnings. only requ•· 646-2716 Call lor 11 conl10en11a rements Is a gooo phone lftwbrit 5015 WIDOW HAS S$$ IOI TO' ••• '?T.-;; •••• 1.......... RE Loana, 10K Up No Laguna Beech hall inte· Credit Cheek. No Pen- rest In fabulous ocean ally Otnnl1on Anoe view h me. Min cash _6_7_3_·_7_3_1_1 ______ , req·d 494-6176 I ----------1 Purchase S 2nds. & Equity More lamolles are gelling Loans From 17% 30 Yr the camping bug this Amort Owner/Non • year II you have a cam-80% LTV pe1 1na1·s not getnng PETER DOBBS useo sell 11 now w11n a BROl<ER · c 1ass1hed AO ~0-60t6 760-6827 '==-' S@\\41~ -& £~s· ...... ..,QA••- ·=·~-!t ....... ._ ___ do I CYNOOT I I' I 1 1 I I I TOBAL , 1 , • 1 r 1 1 . .... .... t I N 0 M U D I ' L.a11ly ,... belt\ eull9'lfl9 ..__I -1,......,1,......,r......c · r1om poor Konomy llP• . . . -4 That.. .,_ "°"' llpa "' ----~---cflaOl*I from klatJno Y'Ollf I L [ G " u p I payefleelt -• ............ ,__,..., ....,,...-....1' ......... I' ...... ;,-= :-...:~ ~ ~ ............. __ ............. _,.. ..... "-• .... , _ ..... ·-•• .... ••• :5:.. ==-",,_.. ~=­:::-~=­=-- lt's tasy. write your meMage 10 fit one of the borders !Jelow or design your own bortkr of equal 1ite with message inside. Borden 1,:ome 1n 3 Iii.es, S 18. SI 0 and the spec1&l child a1ze for S4 for children under I 2 yeera of egt'. Brin~ or nail your greeting to the Oa1lv Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92626 before 5 p m., May 6th or you may order your mesaages by calling 642·5678. we have many borders to choose from and we'll bill you or charge lo your Visa or M asterCard. SIS 1be Spee•aJ Kkla sa.u.oo for small co In Coste inll!f-Ask lor Sand) v01Ce Call alt 600 Mesa Gooo benel11s i.--Ul----1-W_ll_E_IAU __ S_ Armsirong 552·2000 Management Opportun1• SECRETARY Gen olc . hi e typing. eltper nee 714-557-3380 Mark Full lime Jypa 40 wpm Trainee K Cell Ann Full time Exp prer·d MANAGER . sell-starter hes 642·9363 Crown HerOware. 3107 to manage sm olc lurn1 ext 312. 642-5678 E Coast Hwy, CdM ture leasing co Ftex11>1e ,ual 0pgtr Emp'r ClllP/llH, t=miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Hrs Unhm1te<1 potentlal l-==~==;:::;1 S..retlrJ/hffllfM EJ1p w /elderly Stay ,. ,Good for 1harp home. [ii F1nane1al lnves1men1 firm nlghte/d1ys free Can For Class1l1ed AO maker willing to invest PUT ~ Io r e Ou ca Io rs llve 1n ~o smoke Also ACTION spare hme to make 11 go 6-9pm E11pand1ng youth Communica1rons/ aom1ni· need good Cook/Hsllpr Call a 546-1339 counselling firm has ope-stra11ve dept sec'y Ell· CM 6 3 1 • 7 t 5 6 . Daily Pilot IEOllJHOS nrngs lor 3.5 sharp oul· :ell typing & SI H req·o 842-348 t AO-VISOR going ma lure peop le to Exec secretarial up. a 642·5678 ExperienGe<I Musi have motivate ambtllou1 10-13 mu$1. Non.smoker Call Have some1n1ng to sell? l•••••••••••l own tools Apply 300 E 1o c 11 2 5 a.o-o123 Cl I .. 17th St . c •• 5'8 •5•3 yr 0 1 a · pm :;;;;;;:;; '-;:9:S:S:l :led===au:S:=d:O:':':w:e:";.1:.::::::::::::::::::::J~::::::::::::"'::::~:~:::~~ 642·432t, &JI.I 343 Ask I lor AnOrea. <. t ____ <O=-> __ , > ( (,.. __ Cd) ___ ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor l'outes· ~ in Huntin9ton Beach, Fountain Valrey & Nevyport Beach I • l~~~~~~~~~~jStudent Jobs Im MYS-all Plant Maintenance lnte· r!Or & exlerior position• avail Full time Mon·Ffl Mutt have good Orlvtng record 545-6252 PUITIOI IUll IPIUlll How would you like to earn as much as S50 00 1 #MIC? Do you lU!e Orfv.-lrl movies picnics p1111 parties. beach parties, plus maoy 01her things? Then you woulO probal>y probably en1oy working ror us OUALIFICA TIONS 1---------1. Over 12 yeats ol age Pl ... I 2 Nt1t, hon11t ano de· 10 ml• adheslvH. eOa· hngs & IMlanta Permt· lite Plastles Corp .. 1537 Monrovia Ave •• N B. KnowleOge or reald & pendat>te cornrn'I Must bt veraa· 3. Work alt• llCtloOI .,,., Ille In other trade•. Saturdays 83t-2346 CALL TODAY! PIT Pll'?nantnl 537-51136 or 531·5257 Ull•lll SAM t~ 10PM Leadl~ark~ ;:iijiij~~iij~~ ting firm need• lntelll-amm gent. adaptable ~le looking lor a change? who •nlOY publlc con· Want ~I• comm .. llJllt? tact. Mlltt have clear Eatlb. buly aeion toc*lnQ t.itphonl voloa. An Ideal l0t "Uf" ~. EKP. A poeltlon fof Ill outQOlng MUST. Call !Oday. ~ Wtlo OM WOttl on $48-9344 Z£E PLACE ~~f~!:e.:~ t1}E. 17thSl.,C.M. , p.tt/1JrM Income. '°' • confldan\lal ln1efvlaw, TEAC .. EA AIDE·lntant call Mr 81rota 81 center, T11• & T/lur • 54s.a111.. ~-114.05 hr. iMM. ~Dept.""' ~Ct.~=~=: ,.....,, till • ta 114«11 .... ,. 01 •••It .... .... -........ Bred•• •-1. Vafld Oellf. ' -TMC9'11'G Cfed. ~ llhlflrllll (*Mn: "Jountalft Y Need t ~d Softool Diil. tn10 O r.°f'oJ;TAIAl , ... ..':. !"!' !\-O!i'Ei:iiif!!~ :::.::; ~auc::::. 1!...!.!. lllftO ooMft*ll '" ....... ...--• ,~, ~ •• IQl1 ... °". :: .:,:-.:, :,1.:;i l .................... .... ..,., .............. ...... IU·lf4t eft '"" Cl . Ofange Coat DAILY PILOTl81turday, Mty 1, 198'- T HE t'""'L'' ClllCl'N" by Bil Keane BIG GEORGE - by Virgil Partch (VIP) "MA 'fOAY! MAYDAY!" "What does It burn .. hay or g11olln1?" :tl.\R:tl.\Dl .Kt: by Brad Anderson D t;:\:\IS T H E "E:\A ('E Hank Ketchum ,:.~ s-· .. 'b~Jtlk~o,J' "Do you.still think you haven't spoiled him?" . Jl.~E P .\R~t:R WE.'LL 8£ RIG-ITT 6ACK AFTE R TJ..115 WORV FMM OUR. &PON5<J\ ACROSS Rainier I Twlsls So4 Desloned 6 Door fattener 68 G&eli<: 10 Stub 69 Bikini parts t • Cut snort 61 Soiled 16 BC 's '*Oh· 62 Plamtrn bOt 63 Aeoean Ille 16 Pleasant 64 OYerKl t 7 JocJcey 66 Slumbef t 8 Pt.wnllll &e Wltldups 19 Aecotdt 67 ~lrlln 20 Snafus n Figure of DOWN ~ I Afdtnt 2• lu{n 2 Rote'• love 26 l~ 3 St1ll1 27 Netwu• 4 H1tNltMfll 31 Younost• 6 PIYed ., ... 32 FtUltl I ()writ 33 l• 7 Stypele 35 Proftlr • Hot• 31 fd9rltiCal • DMlitllt n 'lllricele 10 , ... 40fUI ...... • ' "* • 12 TMeplln I ... "'°"'point ,, Toolled .u ...... ..... . ..°" ..... "' 21C... .. , ... ..., fPDlelm11 n -.. .,__, 27 PrOjletioft 28 Pflotllt :r:::•bflo M ClrQlnlo- l&lnCI 35 fight 31 -flCto 37.'tkln .,....... ., ......... .. l KHI' 'THINKIN6 THAr ~ Ft!Ll.O~ WA5 A~T TAAT PO()ft l N 'THE PftOCE55 Of ~L.l.0~ I !>ENT COM Mt TTINC> AN TO JAIL I AR.MEO ~&E"Y ! .,,........ __ .. ........ .. ... .... . ._ WELCOME 0.ACK ~ I ·~ ~ ! P£1'Nt:T8 l1VE NEVE~ FaT 50 WEU., MOW DID TME SICI< IN ALL MV Ll~E MATCH COME OVT ? by Charles M Schulz THE CHOC.:XATE 1..Mlf' COOKIES WON IN ST~Al6HT 5ET:i I Tl: MBLE" EEDN WH~ °™E L.ANU WEST Of 'WWN FOR SAL.S? SHOt: YOO ~~ ... ~~ f'U1TIN6 IT ro GaXJ'USE, rMSOf2t. WHAT DID YOU HAVE FOR LUNCH, NANCY? ~I ! fYl<l NAME 15 BILL IV'O~DOCK AND f'M H~ FROM 1ME lJPPER CW8 1 HOT DOGS AND L EFTOVER SPINACH THE ZIPPE~ CUJB 15 MADE UP Of PEDPI.£ Wl-0 HAVE HAD 0P£N - HEAlrr 5UR6fR<.l. AND 00~ PURP06£ 15 iO TAUC WITH PATIENi5 ~ ~ A80U110 ~fHEOf'EAA'f~ I IN ~ ro EA~ 1HEJR i FtAR5 AND HELP ml~ i i~EJ~ 5PIRl15 ! i SO WIPE: 1'HE: INS'fRU ME:N-rS O FF W11"H A ci...eAN NAPKIN_, 1-r WORKS FOR ME!-IN Res-rAURAN"fS.' fOll •ETT£a ea t'ea WO RME IS UNCL.f. PHIL 1 rr's AFIER S'TilLL WNCH'TIM~ .• ' 111 AN. HE 'S ~~~Ir, S11Ll1NBEO! ~!How CAN t\E SLEE.P SDMUCH f -- AN'( u.::H f Pt.17 EiC \VrfH...\JT s.:JFflVA!<:E 1:::>-'Ll.S/ A /3(.)~IP .:>Al A ~cHf by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Tom Bat1uk F£8... ANQ BET'fe:R ~ NO.BUI KEEP ~NG ... by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont " . " . .. . .. . .,.once °" ,.,., .... uu 1 T.t. .... t1-~TIC I U "ll~ OIVtN, tn.I Clll Wedlltl_Otv. May ,. ltl2. at t 00 o·cloGll a m of MIO day, In tilt t1AQ/n ,., 11td1 for oonduottng t.u.111n • 81Ja\. within tile omc .. ot !llUL f8TA Tl/ 6 1:0UAITl1!8 Sf.A· 11101. IOClllO a l 2020 North ero~w1y, Suitt 2oe. In the C:lly of '•nl1 Ana. County 01 Oianot. 81•t• ot 0 1lltornl1, SAN MAlllfNO SA· VIN~S ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION, 1 C•11101n11 cotoorallon 11 Ouly 1U>Pf1nt1<1 r1uat" undet 1110 pu1· Wlll\I to thl pO~ Of tall Gonfetrtd In tn11 certltn Offo of Trull H•· CU'lesl by MARVIN 8 KAPElUS 1.nd AUCIRl Y KAI' LUS. 11u1oand and w1tt1 recorded Octoti.r ,17. 1080, In loo~ 1379 ... 0f Olllclal RICOfd• Of .. 10. County. at page 723. Recor· dt1 )I lnatrument lilo 27 170. by ren.on ol a btHch or def1u1t In 01y1n1nt or performance of ,th• obllQltlonl Mc:ut9d tllareby, lnctu- d1ng. tllat breach °' defauh, NolJoe of ~lch wu recorded June 25, 198 (. hi B0011 14115 of Otflc:lll R• eo<dt of .. Id Cou11ty, •I page 1007. Rec;qroer'11n11rument No 38077. Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 8100ER FOR CASH, l1wlul money ol Illa United • • Sta IN, or 1 cashier'• cl'HICll d11wn on a ata11 or n1tl0nal bank. 1 llate or 1aoer11 credit union. or • state or feci-1 &aVlngS and lolll auoctellon ' domlelled In this •t•t•. all PIY•ble •I Illa tltM of aall. 1U rig.Ill, title Ind ln19f .. t hald by It, .. TIUSIM, in 11111 r11I property situate In said Cou111y ano St1t1. deKtlbeO as tollowt PARCEL I UNIT NO I lncluslve as 1hown end de~rlbe<I 1n Ille condominium pl1n tej:orded on Sep1embe1 It 1978 1n 8ool\ 128• t. pages 929 IG 996 lnclustvt> of oll1c1111 recoroa 01 .said Cou111y as amended b~ amo11om1n1 10 co11oom1n1um plan recOfded on Novemoer 10 1978 1~ Book t2918 paoes 1602 11nd 1603 ol Ot11C111I Recoros ot said County PARCEL 2 An und1v1oed one lh11ty !Oullll p 134thl interest as a tenant on com mon 1n the IM Interest In and to the common area ot lots 2. 3 and 5 01 Tract 98'.>8 11 per Map flleO 1n Boot. 4 36. paoes t 10 7 1t>c1us.ve. 01 Mis. cellaneous Mao• Records 01 said County as such term is <1e1111eo 1n the article entolled Dflhnttions" 01 the Declaration 01 Covenants. Con dltio11s a11d Res1r1ctions. recoroeo Aplll 21. 1978 1n Book 12644. page 951 o ! Ot11c1al Recoros, (The "Oeclarallon' ). and any supple ments al\CI amendments thereto PARCEL 3 Easements 11s such easement• are ptorucularty 5411 torth 1n the 1111 cte ent11leo Easeme11ts 01 the OeGlara1100 under the section nee· ding• 1n tueh article entuleO as lol· lows Rtghll and Duties u111111es .ano Cable Te1ev111011 ·suppott. Seulement and Encroachment "l111,1reu. Egress and Rt1ere111ona1 Rights' and E•clusive RestrlClll<I Common Area Easement" PARCH ' EAsemen1s as such easements are par11cularly set torth 111 the artt cle e111ot1ed Easements ot the Decl11rat1011 of Covenants, Cono1 uon~ and Resiroctoons re<:0<deo July 25 1917 on Book 12305. page 7'6 and ro-1oc;ordeo Seplembet 8, 1977 In Book I 23 7 I page 32 7 ol OlllCllll Records and a11y suppleme111S ¥d amendments thereto (The · Mnter Ooclaratoon' 1 unaer the section hoedmgs 1n suet\ emcle entotled as tOllo"'s R19hls al\CI Oo11es U111t11es ena Cable T1t1ev1s1on ·Support Se111ement a11d Encroachment Cummunoty Fac11111es Easement and Drainage Over Communit) F.ir.1hlles H>t: .ireet address or other com mo11 <1es1gn8t1on ol 111e 1eal p•o· perty as llero111above described is pu1porteo 10 be 86 Ho11:>01 Ridge 011vP Newport Seach Cahlorn10 Thf' unot'ls19ned 11e1eDy "'' cta1m\ all hab1hty tor any 1ncouec1 llOU on '13•0 street oooress Of other common <Jes•1111a11on Sil•d s.ile woll be maoe without wau.inty e•Presi. or 1mp11eo 1e ga1 oon11 l!llre posseuoo11 or en. cumoranc:.es to sa11sly lhe p11nc1pal balance 01 the Note or other obit oat1on SflCUllld Dy sa10 Oeea Of Ttust w11h 1nte1est a11d other sums as provided ttiere•n plus aov1111ces 11 any under the le•ms the1eol a110 rnte1 .. s1 011 such advances a110 plut lfM>'> c.horqe' ana e~pensea ot tnc Trustee dnd 01 '"" !lusts create<! b) SB•d Ot>f'O ol trust Tiie 101a1 amounl 01 said obl!Qahnn onclud111' reasu11aoly esl•rn&led tees cho19es an!1 '"penr.es of the T1ustt!I' at thf 11me 01 1n11tal pubhca11on ol th•& Nohc.c IS S283 69 t 86 DA TEO Aprol 23 1982 ~AN MARINO SAVING S i\ LOAN ASSOCIA1t0N a Ca~torn111 c0<p0ra11on as Trustee R, REAL ESTATE 'iECURITIES SERVICC J ca11to111ta c0<PO<at1on l!S Agen1 Oy (SEAll 0 J Mu14e1 11s Pr~1oen1 2020 North Broadway Suite 206. Santa Ana CA 92706 Telephone 17141 953-6810 Pubhstw>O Ora11ge Coast Daily P1 lol Aprtl 24 May 1 8 1982 tfl32·82 NTflriOUI ....... MAm ITATl•MT Tiie tollowlllQ I*-• II<• dOinO ~u· QAHNHOUH OALLIRY. ttH G~. Vioun• 9Matl, Oe t2U1 S1111on Sao.,, IHI Temple Ttlfr • IAQun& 8Moh. C:a t2H 1 Mien ... C. Se.get. 1tle Temple Yerr .• ltQVna &MC!h. Ca UU I Thie ~tlnttt It oonduc;ted by 911 lndlVk:llHll SMron Saoa. Tlllt tl•tement wt.I llltd wtth Ille County Clefll of OfMQt Covnty on AptO 0 1982 ,,...., Publltlltd Otangt COHI O•tly P1101 Apt II I 0, 17 24, Mey t t 982 1611·82 P\8JC NOTICE M11UOUI ltUllMIN NAiii ITATIMIMT Tl'lt fOllOwtng 1"'90n I• doing ~ ... AIDWOOO 00., tHtl Htcllor; L.eM. Huntlfleton leech, c.Jttornla t294t. Hubert.J.W, Oux11n91. IUt t Hickory 1.ane, Huntington S.ech. Ollllfofl1le tH't. Th11 buei"9M .. oondUCled by an lndlYIOulil. H OuyelftQI Tllll llAIM*ll w .. lli9d wltll the C°""ty C1enl ol Ofllr\Q9 County on Merctl 31, IH2 ,,.... Publllhe<I Of~ Cout Oatty Pl> lot, M1y I. 8. 15, 22, 10e2 2032·112 Pt&.IC NOTICE PICTmOUI IUIMll NAMI STATl•NT FICTITIOUI eUSIHEH T"41 toltowlno P«tona lft doing NAME STATEMENT butlneaa u: The tollow•no per son •• 001no 8ENCH BACK DESIGNS. 137 busmeu as lndu11rlal Wey COlll MM• Cell· ElECTflO·MEO• SALES co fornle 92627. ' ' r75 Newton Way Cotta MUI Mark Q , Moore. 2 It Knox Cal 11011111 92~27 . Pl101 Co1t1 Meu, Callfornla On101n Smith 8 15 Weiol B11y 92e27' Av&11ue Boll.loo Co111orn1e 1>2661 Chrlatol)har Noel MacDonald, PalrtCUJ M Smotn 8 t5 West 2300 Fairview Avenue, Apt. ()..203, Bay Avenue BalD011 Ca11torn11 Cost1 ~ Clllfofnla 92929. 9266 l Tllll ~--la ~eel by 1 Tnos bvS•fleH "conauclNI Dy an 11 ~anl • genr1al Plllll~flh•P geiw • Mark :f Moore Oi11Qotl Smolh/Pal'l1c;111 Thia 1t1ternent wu llled wttll the M Sn11tt1 County CllOt Of Orange County on fh1b 3flJhiinen1 was ltled w11h th11 April 30, 1982. Cou•lly Ci,,1k 01 Orange County on '19MSI April 2:J 19~;.> Flfl7tt7 Publlahld Oranoe CO•ll Dally PI-iot, Mly 1. 8, t5, 22, 1982 Pull11111eo Or.inge Coast Daily 1913-82 Pllot Aprol 24 May I 8 15 1982 -----------·I 1836 82 Pta.IC NOTICE PICTTTIOUI au ...... HA• ITATllllENT Th• totlowlng p1r1on 11 doing butlnaaa •· LITTLE LOVES, 008 H1len1 Circle, Co111 Men. Callfornl• 92628. Marg1ret 8111 Jack1on, 908 Helena Circle, Colt• Mwa. Calft()(· nil 92626 Tiiis bualnlll 19 conducted by 1111 lndMdual. Matoar11 B ... JacklOf'I Thll ltlletnenl WU llted wltll the County Clefll of Or•noe County on Aprlt 30, 1982. ,, .... Published Or1nge COU1 Dilly Pl· IOI, May I, 8. I~. 22, 1982 1926-112 flta.IC NOTICE flCTTTIOUI 8U ... ll NA•ITAn..HT Th• lollowlng pa11on la doing butlneeeu: OIA M ONO HORSHINE SYSTEMS, 16415 Ml Ararll Circle, Fountain \/alley, Cefff0<11la 92708. Ger11d Leon Srnltll. 16415 Mt. Ar1rat Clfcle, Fountain \/alley, Cell· torn11 92708. Thi• bulioeN •• condueled by .,, lndMclUll. Gerik! L Smith Thia 1t1ternent was flied with the County Clefk of Orange County on Apr11 30. 1982 flta.IC NOTICE PICTI~laU ... 11 NAlllC ITATl•NT Th• lollowlng pereon 11 doing bual,,... ... CRINT CUSTOM COATINGS. 223 Moot• 111111. Coat• Meta. C•ll· tornll 02027. M1lcolm 8 Davy. 223 Monti Vltta, Co.ta M41N. Cllltomll 92$27 Thlt 1>u11n-. 11 conducteo by an lndMOuel Malcolm 8 Davy Thi• •t•t-t WU fMed with the County Ci«k Of Of•noe County on AprU :)(), t98i ,, ..... Publi"'90 Orange Cout Dally Pl· lot. May 1, 8, t5, 22, 1982 t9t4-82 flta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINEH NAME ST A TEMIENT The lollow•"Q persona are dOlflO ou.,nou •• ~ & M Enterprises 28000 Ilia Febrtcanle. MIWOll V141jo. C11l1lornl1 92691 MIChael Charles Houston, 515'h Acacia Avenue. Corona 011 Mar, Ca~fornil 92625 Mock E~ 2286 Pk1hc AVI· nue. Cost• • Caltlornla 92627 11119 l>ultness 11 condUC1eo by e lirnlted pertne<lh1P Mleh&el C Houston ThlS Slal_,I -· IHeO wllll Ille County Clerk ol 0.al'IQ4! Cou11ty oo Aprll 15, 4882 ,18901 Publlshed Orange Coelt Dally Pl· Fllntl 1o1; May 1, 8. 15. 22. 1982 Puollshed Oranoe Coest Dally 1112s.a2 Piiot. A$>rll 17. 24. May 1. 8. 198:.1 ---------~;..;;..;=! 1703·82 Pta.IC NOTICE Pt&.IC NOTICE flC'TITIOUI aullNRll FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMa ITATI_,.,. NAME STATEMENT Tiie lollOWlng PB'IOftl ate doing I ne 1011ow1n9 person 1s doing bull.-u : 1>us1n1tSs as • 7·11 MOTEL ANO RV PARK, N s OATHO DENTAL LAB t91 2780 W .. t Llneoln SOl*vatd, An. Albftll Pl3CO. No A Cos11 Mesa helm, Clllllfomla 92801. Ca1t101n1a 92627 JAY & BARBARA C OWAN, N1kl1.1 Wohl t9t Albert P1ace 3030 Break.,, Drive, Coron• dal No A Co•la Mesa Ca111orn1a Mar. Calffomta 112925 92627 Thia ~ It conduct.o by an This 1>us1ness 1s c ... noucteil by an lndlvldual. tnOMduel Jay COflllll N1l<k• Wahl Thia statement waa flled Wltll t"9 rr .. s su11...nen1 was lole<l ""''" tne County Clerk ol Otange Coutlty on Coun1y CM!fll ot Or 11119e Coon Iv on Apr'M 211. 1982. April 23 t982 F1taa 1 Pub11"'90 Orange Cout Delly PI- iot, Mly I. fl. 15. 22. 1982 201t.32 HDROSCOPI Sunday, May 2 By SYDNEY OMARR Fl87991 Pubh•l1t1d Orange County Oa11y Pilot Al)rtl 24 Mey I 8 15 1982 t82•·82 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Emotional res- ponses tend to dominate logic. Strive for balance, especially where members of opposite sex enter picture. Emphasis on intuition, direction. first im- pressions. significant changes and speculative ven- tures. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valuable hints. lndividual who aided you in past will again be on scene. Don't permit pride to block progress. Focus on creative endea · vors, intensified relationships, dealing with chj]dren -------------' and romantic concerns. rtHCI IAOTHllS IB.L llOADW.A Y MOITUAIY I tO Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 UL TZ IH~llOM SMfTH & TUTHILL WISTCU~ CHA'tL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6 46-9371 rtHCI IAOTMHS SMITMS' MOITU.UY 627 Mam St Huntington Beach 536-6539 'ACIAC Y11W MINOlt.Al 'AH CerNtery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific l/tew Onve Newport Beach 64A·2700 MICOllNIC.IC MOITUAlllS ~unaBeach 4iu-.94t5 &.tiguna H1111 76&.()933 Sir\~ Cap•atr•nq 49$-1176 GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Personal horizons expand, popularity increases and you have tenden· cy to scatter forces. Lunar cycle highlights home. security. older family member and proof of loyalty. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Relative in transit communicates. makes specia}..request. Check details, be aware of appointments and avoid spreading yoursell too thin. Good news is on way C?ncem ing se<:uri ty. loans, interest rates and commitment to long-range project. L~O (July 23-Aug. 22): Examine factual material. Key i8 to be analytical, to read between lines and to ask questions. Changes occur which benefit you financially -pounce on opportunity. displa}' enthusiasm and get ideas on paper. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Cycle high, gift is on the way, fences are being mended and domestic relations come into sharp, clear focus. Judgment and intuition hit target. Circumstances favor your ef- forts, y~'ll be at right place at crucial moment. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Steer clear of self- deception, define tenna, separate fact from illusion and strive for story behind story. You can obtain "precioua privacy." You'll realize that being alone ll not~ aa being lonely. SCORPIO (Oc:t. 23-Nov. 21): Lunar cycle highlights new friends. powen of penuuion. IUC· ces1ful butlneea e nterpritet, career boost and a / long1tandln1 wt.h that finally is fulfilled. Rela- tlOIWUp tntenllftes. a commitment iJi demanded and you'll make correct choke. SAGJTJ'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You'll eeme pu.t.e o~bllc and you1l do aomethina about it. Added recotnit.lon due, project I.a completed, you ~in olaudJta and miaht tppear be-lore media. Pret.-tiae r. on u~~ coWd become involved wtth ~i1co~ (Dec:41!ra.i. ie>: Added lnde-~nance due, newt recel ... ed conce.rntna-tt'avel, lonl·f8n89 pro~ oommunk:atb\ and .clucaliCI\. You beo•e1• fainWar with ~ prindplel of &aw. AQUAIUUI (Jan. 20-J'eb. 18): Intuition ft on W'frt, ~ ... ON Jll'OW llOC\.ll'll~ and OM Who tauabt ~: wlll now M•k 7our couuel. CanOBr, -.now. ~uariih play ... Jl6ilillrol& ...... lt:Mildl 20): WK.it -'°be ..... ..,.. __ ,.. MW1 WW tiociiiilfq IA your fawi'. You'll ittullly tie e 111 hnda&. .J'G'i'lf ...,.._ opportunldll lliit tl'll"1 ~ ...Ja.IJI under· way. ,_----------~~-------.. \ ' , ............... Worll your own hr• ftom 3 pm 10 O pm M on· Tllure' Sat am !arn S• per hr & bonua QI· vlng l)r"•ntellon, no "lllnol Od. phone per· 1on1l1ty req'd . Call Debbi•. 812-9470 TIU ... l&UI Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/S.turday, May 1, 1982 :u1tom wetnut cocat111 teble. 49" 1q, g ood cono I t36. 409 059 aml wknd1. l'Ofdlng octagolan geme table w /' match1no chah1. 17S 83!·1928 C3 In• rack. 110101 ovt1< 300 botuea. coll $800 911,;1 s tOO 646·<1973 Aggraulve computer Loet job mu1t u ll new produ<:ll co toolllng IOt • , bdrm yr dinette uHd ree-111nd111g pot 1.!1lly l11eplace never bean uted 1250 83 I· 12 18 lemalaormai.t~hone l couc ll . 1 ec11net1 1001tone patio lu111 Lg Hleto111on Pra.v tale I MHHg• Closet & ahel tbl 2 bar ails Od cond phone utea e11~r pre· vea 1148-9983 s&5 5•0·6248 I'd t>ut not nee, wUI train. Hldl·tH>ed. dbl, blk nau 00" ·SALE an t .... , Prime con1ldar1tlon wlll • ·~ • m Y y,..v • T hlld • "lk kl gahyde good con<l 2678 8lflsswoOC1 St Ne De eggreHlveneH. Early Clothes Schwinn Blkee I Super Multl·Famlly Gara· oyi, a rlin 1 u ••. 1 $135 612-5 t07 (Eastblull) Sat 9·4 Buy hrs . pltl~. •tralght ••· radios. vacuum book1: gerl Bird cagu, toys. booll. m isc Sat Lonly Obi book case $ tOO a booll. see II ch1ck8f1 11ry Call· Jim Canger. etc Set 9 AM io 3 PM 10011, food drter. e1<.••· g.3 t215 Marion 1n1. 714·963·6500 553 Victoria No D. CM clH equip • clothing, N 8 IWeatchfl) Cuatom glass wrought ii"C'N1c tbl tor 10 tum11y TUVIL um Min 3 yrs exp comm'! & vac. Sabra trelnad Har· bor Travel. 875· 131 t, Mlllle dl1he1 pa1nung1. etc Orchid•. anliquea lurn 11on collee table $ tOO p.irk. cnoreh. KhOOI $45 llYl-AWIY PllOU LOii of misc 1956 Fla-qv bed, mtlC Sat 224'" S tud• n 1 d ea k S 2.5 2 benches $20 ~40 1735 Sliding gl111 d r, Sink$. mlngo Dr C M Sat 8-5 Costa Mesa St Custom $w3o5od A& m1rror li•turea matt & aprg + picture uoned PIM AM 2 fer 1 1 9 4 • • Lots o f goodies. w o · books, mag . misc. gear I 840·5521 TUYIL llllT Need Apolo-tr11ned ar. agent with 3 yr• min e11pe11enc1 Nwpl Bch Call Norma, 841-5373 t508 ~vet Or N ~Sal IGaraoe Sale Sat. 9am Sat 9 30-4 .00 Furn o lt•ce chatrs S35 ea tickets s100 645 7154 ony • mens & children's clo· 223t Oonnle Ad , NB -------SCRAM LETS NEIGHBORHOOD SALE • thea. kit applet. turn , IL1kt1 11ew 2 loveseata. $20 • Ant ique furn, patio/ books. 405,.. t2lh St ·13 yard ules-Frl PM-Sat each Corlee table $20 SW£RS dining 111 toys much· I H B Marg11ret Dr X Tust111 50111 Seo ~·gh ·boy AN ' Pri d 1 Av 2 b1kea. k1no bed, 2 S 150 Solid Oak dining m~c~.;;'~r: .. 1 L:n~~ Ant•QuU, Co11act1bles. dryers 8' camper shell 101S150 Solid Oall c111 I Tyc.oon · Bio"' ~ C M 8 t 8 4 Furniture Glauwear Metal top earner Honda s 2 s lamp $ 1 o Moo11d -Plu11gt> a • Sat only 9-4 Firm 70 no mtr 850-0535 GOODBYE YH..... SCHOOL Sw•P Meet. lots 18352 Spnnghme Lane 1 -LOU!ly 1 ve tiee11 "'"'""'0 • l'-f Pttl 01 lamlllet with lots 10 H B Dover Shore5 mull! Pecan credenza Bassett lrom poor economy ltps • .. s e 11 s 8 t May 1 · family Sat 9-5 Npl Ben I about ~ Ask 1no It 25 rtiat 5 when yO\lr hJJ!> get le•ll lalic...... 8.30·2PM. Klllybrooke SUPER GARAGE SALE 1 Hampsht1e Crl Nr 963·1000 Clldpped from k1h1nq We're aeek1no to build a School. 3 t55 Klllybrooke 6 30am to 5:00pm corner ~ant1ago Or k1v1ng ioom pecan cane your paych .. ck GOOD labor pool of qualllled Ln Costa Mesa (behind New & used Items Garage Sele eiec bll ins chrs w/velvel seats M · ~v_E__ _ graphic aria P«tonnel for FEDCO) Refreshment s Sat·Su11 (dbl oven. stove top king $125 963·4090 Ill' II on-call work in the pre· avail Come totn the lun l663 Iowa Street, c M wlhood). gas drycir. pin-le Jltl HHH press area At lellt one 1 ball mach . old 10015 & ouch & Loveseat nr 1ww Wi•tH IOI/ year's eKl)Oflence 1n type-GARAGE SALE • LEA- 1 misc Sal/Sun 9 30•5 >.Int cond Asking SJ!>O •••••••••••••••••••••• settmg. paste up, camefa \/ING STATE Redwood Garage Sato Chlldrens 7171 Blue Sails 0 , H 0 903-4000 • • • ope<ahon or p1a1ema111no l patio tbl & benches. exec clothH sportong goods 1011 Gotdenwest) MdllfPss & bo• SJJrtng (, ltwt't is neaissary 'l'ou mutt be desk • pme drHMr ·toys Sal 8-4 17862 Quintana avallable to work on a • nlghtstend -house· HB BIG 3 FAM ILY VARO unused cone Oueen ln1e11slP 01 substitute or call-In bUIS. wares, mlac cloc~s. kit· GARAGE SALE. Furn S A LE Twin beds w / S•Le 893_3700 t.orona ci..t Mttr Salary depends on eJCpe· chen m1K Garden tools beds reads clothes ' hardware, 20· girls bike You are tht-w11111P• ''' rlence. Contac t Per1on· • bikes. workbench, CIO· misc Phshld goods Sat lbl & chrs. clothes, toys, Oak Roll Top Oei;1<, 11ew lou• l1ee t•Ck•·IS t$12 00 net. Illes PRICED TO SELL M 1 9•4 0 1 1728 plants.lotsol otherm1S<: $29510~0 valutillothe ";•hast Sat 9-4 t332 Wet1on Laa:e St H 8 n l~roulldl 769 t Quebec Or . H B 646-400!. 101111 IEllfTI lal P11ef AW> C M back) 960·2837 Sat/Sun 9-4 UU.001 l&Cf 330 B•y St 605 Poppy Corona del 15 lam11y e•travaganza H1nn IHO f ou11tair Valley Mil .. An Eq~~~;~mplyr ~~~s~r~~;~!"';.~,:,o:.~· llMllMlllMI w~h ~ae:s~~~t~h~':°' l .... E.STEUUHU... Sq u .t 1 t. ~:~2~ M.., y 8 -· __ Sun only Ulllf Sllf1 631·4446 wist8"dS150 840-8777 1 To ctairn t•C.t.cl'> ~.;It Tw111 walnut be<l trames SIPH l1U! 64 2 56 78 e•• 11'l W d P or YARD SALE everything wlbookcase hdbrds, 2 1 IHHHit1' c..41 IOfS l 1cke1s must tw c.l.i1mo1J or rocess from A to z 678 W hv1ng rm Chrs, Head skis: Crafts. wooden rocker, 1•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 by May 5 1982 Xerox 650 oporator with Governor, C M. Sal/Sun Electrtc heaters. ot11c.e 1 micro stand. garden 7 I v w Oubble1op cam· topaecretarlalskuts.2to ---------•I desk BBQ mite hooks t ools, Tupperwa1e pe1 llush 1011et Alf • • • 4 days per week Non-M ESA VERDE Garage vase's hshld 9.4 Sati toaster, blender clothes I $4000 536·1616 )UIL rs w .. tJu1 u1r1 smoker NEWPORT SE· Sale' Lots of American I Sun 9 4 706 K thanoe I 2 ladies bikes and misc Oansk -Blue Mist stone Patchwoi'll Quills CRETARIAL Oak & Brrd's Eye Maple Dr COM enter Irvine 857 Senate Costa Mess 1 ware 6 piece place set 540-24!41 752·2377 antqs Plus toys&much TerreceolfofPac1hcCst 1 SellSun 5•5 tong serves8 S2t6 more Sat 6·2 3260, Hwy I blk~o of Jam· YARO SALE. Colorlul l Sunday call 494-0087 lst4 flr1it•rt A•·ll••tn UIO Minnesota. c' M SS7-9857 boree. t1gllt on Bonnie polled flowers. hanging Moro/Fro call 552-2070 & C.lltctilllts .T&:o•••••••••••••••• Ooone 4 blks flower baskets. garage IO O 966·5037 alter f, HARBOR AREA IEllEAYTHING I dr opener antique turn. Je•tln 1 APPLIANCE SERVICE I Garage Sele all hshld must oo misc 273 Magnoha C M !••••••-"••••••••••••••• M•1it1J We sell recond. guar items must GO• Thurs I you name ii 1antas11c 1 Sal/Sun 9.4 '$NEWPORT Estate Je· l•1traa· ••II 1013 5•9 3077 3·6 30 Fri t t-6 30 Sat I p11ces Set only. 8-3PM.' 1"elry Sale Sun only appliances ~ • 10•3 3·0 2•202 la.Her~ 3802 Provincetown. trv isome lu1n1ture. 011 pa111 9AM 2500 Chi! Dr .NB •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1 I 12 strmg Tat.am1nr• 11v1t,11 Aelrog S225, Washer. moss, Laguna Niguel $NEWPORT Estate Sale, tongs. small mens dive l!!EISTOl£S ti~cell C.CJnd "" • '"' Dryer Drshwasher $ t25 I Sun only 9AM 2500 suit books. misc goo· • S2SO 1;46-1937 ea 646-5848 Applte. lu1n. clothes. misc Chit Df N. B Mu.st sell I dies Sc to S 150 Sat Will 11 ade your gems l ·an ·-111-rl Sat/Sun 10·3 1971 Port 18ct Ids 0 ,1 P iaget only 9-3PM 2020 Fut· tooes at app1a1sed v.tlut> OlliN 1• l•tt I lll"n._... Albans NB 760-6865 I w a 1c 11 men. 5 11 c 1 lerton C M lor equity 1n new Palm • IOIS Les 957•9t33 OCTAGON din tbl. • brwn I Omega '3 \let llllS2 d1a.1Garage Sale at Ellis/ Springs condo Ka~"Y ••• ~!!l~! ! ........ . Wiit W estinghouse leather chrs. 3 drawer lad1eslmeo's gold 1ewel· Beach Huntington I dgt 5 4 8 6 4 9 2 oriEXECUTlllE DESK 30•6-0 Washe1 I Dryer. almost O(>efl hutch, end tbl, cof1 ry, coin iewelry. antqs Beech. May 1s1 & 2nd I 997-72 l5 Like new S 175 h~t '''' new (below whlsle) $550 Ibis, light fixtures. hMhlcl 1tereoe. bike. much I Sal/Su'n 962·1 t29 1emerald & Diamond R111g. 760·9279 833·8660. 760·8 127 items. ctovies, etc May I much more Musical 1n-S2826 appr;used mutH ---C-O-PE btwn 9AM·5PM & 2, 9AM. -•PM. 5"32 stru'llenta. Pewter & Ob· HUGE GerageSale Sal & se 11 s 12so1o 13 O I ~CM 1 R Keno s ha . Irv ,ect5 of art Brtng cast\ or Sun. t975 Analle•m Ave 557 9978 Excellse~~~o6n<1~11011 ,7Sdt. -Wiii. jTurtletock), 955-0421 clleek I C M 6•5·9658 111oce ~ 4 ' 11, $75. 642·46161631·2650 #•diH[I. 10711P101ess•Ondl l shape<J S 21 cu tt Fngtdatte. bron... ••••••••• •••••••••••• <Jr awet desk & sw avt•I ze. bottom lrHzer. Kint DAINTER S Spec•al all chair S300 631 5195 less useo twice Wagner !on.()d S 3 175 518-6146, $800 548-2 173 INPw walnut L shapt'd 493 80 desk wlt)lpew11ter 1at:Jle 1ndust sewing mach Obie s 175 842 3895 wkdy>5 Whirlpool gas dryer a~~, C•u•1 I 1 n-, IOfOlF•t•it•rt IOSO i needle Compare at I . cado gm $75 Was e I ~l I If•• J ~·••••••••••••••••• i •••••••••••••••••••••• i $650 $450 646·8028 Late model Adler Plf't free. 11 eed s rep e 11 •-•• .,tl, 1 1 typewriter w1rnv1:1 644· t487 1 ·••• ·~"•••••••••••• DOG OBEDIE~CE .ounge cha" blue UP· llli1t1ll••••1 IOIO j S200 842·3895 wkdys New llivttar enlarger & Training In you home holstery with casters. •••••••••••••••••••••• __ Caloric double oven. gas lens $299 Ask 10, Bttan I Results guaranteed The $75 979.9933 IPWR r 11m edger w /2 11p 133•60 Desk w secy ell.tu range & oven oood W0<k1ng Dog 999-1070 H d $1751 & pao + hlf')''duty tye>tng cood $100 !>48-0910 at77S-8t9t t2 square 1111hltelormoca l on a~·8014 11m stand 7 coo11a1>1e w 6 0 SLR 35mm au10 camera frH I• fn IOfS corner table tor tw in I chalfs 12130>.60 v.ork A s new Tappan urney w /case, $95. lik e new1:,••••••••••••••••••••• bedsS40 979.9933 OLD SLOT MACHINE tables Xl11t co11d ~~~.~~~v:6 t~~~26C!94" condition 546-2855 ::.pringer Spaniel. M • 1 yr )111ette table 4 chairs for sale 7S2 8353 1---------C•tl IOJS old lrver;4~~062 bu1cne1 block'.$ 100 Cell 673·2534 t 1 to 5pm WOOD ~XEC DE SK Neal new O'Koele & Mer· •••••••••••••••••• •••• 545-4360 ~ 0 M pl E TE H 0 B 0 y I s rtlt bulll·ln oven & Stove BURMESE KITTEN :;u1e tern1le Ben11e type v p R 1 N T SH 0 p S :.> 5 0 & SWIVEL CHAIR 95 top. $350 642·1260 Sable CFA reg St50 009 spayed & s1101S i ~-lull·s1ze manress set P n 673-4855 646·4973 839·0972 1 546-2855 I $60 New Queen size ho e Otloc.e turn 4 dw1 Me ca Whirlpool for bath xlnl __ StOO 750·5632 BABY WONDA·CHAlfl cond $75 Persian kitten. red 1emale 'doraote ktttens Silver _ Brand new S250 b•nel Charis de~~ LiH• 548-98 t5 S 175 Shots & regtSlered TaDDy mom bo• trained Jontemp Walnut Dining 642-46161631·2650 "ew 841~2066 546·9965 7 wits SS7· 149 I roo m set with Bullet 1eti 1011 Apartment size WoSher & Dryer S l 25 each lik e new Call 546-4388 Refrigerator hke new. auto defrost. 2 dr $155 893-9060 Lost 1ob mull sell new Ho1po1n1 20 8 c F w rnty -wht $600/bsl 848-9983 lost lob must Sl!ll New Whirlpool W /D Transfer -w rn1y . wht $600/bS) 848·9983 Frostlree relrlg. Copper, askmo S95 631-4185 Kelv1ne1or Food-arama. sharp lines. very l g relr1gllrzr. dbl dr side/ side Coppertone. good cond, frost free $200 675-1355 Whirlpool wesher. Hot· point gH dryer, Maytag por1sble etec drye< $95 ea 548·8672 New 111 cart on deluxe Whirlpool Dlsh'washer $295 494-2695 PIP qlllllt.WUIO S70, 673-5889 ~ l 'uO --$ 5 9 5 0 UAL 1 TY 1l'ull 1am11y membe1sh1p •••••••••••••••••••••• I . .,.. .OVEABLE S •be11an 675 7396 John Wayn e Tenni s •••••••••••••••••• Husky/ Samoyed I Y' -Club $500 644-430 I Nandav Coriu1e t yr\ PETS A PEOPLE old mole 775.5447 3 couch. •Int cond S250. old wtlg wrouqht "011 Exotic vacations. na11 or bsl oh 2 twn matt. & B.ilhroorn accesso11es stand1n9 <,age S 100 styles & love al Sherry's I 31ack & white Greal Dane. box sp11ngs. $25 both, sink complete with 11x 540·0117 Poodle k ids 4 sale. T. male good watch dog. Call alt 4PM. 646-6552 tures large m1rro1 with Parrtt cup, toy min 546-28•8 I good with kids No otne, 38au111u 1 •• 0 de1 n 8 stofOge & tight mg heavy male d""S Blacl< orey & ..,. I GREY CHEEK • "'''"'hS POOOLE-AKC -• • Couch good cond St25 weight g ass shower Female •mos 5265 brown Australtan She· obo 645.1631 doors complete to wel olo Ver~tle S100 C h 1 979 5228 pherd Beagle m1i Pup. 5 , bars 545.4361 . 744 as on Y • m os lemale Also 5 kit· S·O·F·A Double yellow pa1101 $395 540-8062 POODLE. white M. 1·~ yrs' ten:i black & white & orey very good cond, brow11 5tervmg newlyweds must old. 11101s. 11111ned str1ped 7 weeks Need S30 642·46161631·2650 sell 8 pl sett111gs Towle friendly. loves children. good hf)me Immediately Master sterling s11ve1 real le, 2 yrs, top line. Moving. 226t Orchard ~1ng Size bed se1. •Int $6000 value. s11cr at guard trained. nds love· Or Santa Ane Heights. conc:t Cost $4 50 Sell $4000/olfer 494-5806 attention & o !lrm hand IO O $ 1 5 O S 4 8 · 6 4 4 6 r andem Double c1 ypl Gorg e ous S 2 1 5 r•t•itsn S 493-oeo3 w~s1m111s1er M emo11al 731·2244 <iNG~~NERSP0AiNG0EX~ :ouch· conve11tble Park value $1700 As· Lhasa Apso puppy, AKC TRA FtRM maltres"I set. S50toller 2 metch111g lung $1400 Call Ariswe1 NANO'!' CONDOR ParroJ & lg cage S 150 or t>esl otr 548_-4228 Myna11 B11d talks Cage & accesso11es S3<'5 720-0t08 mete. $150/0BO nevet used. worth $530 cha ors with loot st ool Ad --642·•300 24 ... 6-"'"".. $248 del N• er $100 Wiii sell separately 2 cecun LS S100 -~.. sac ~v 857•0248 Eves =\I Racquet Club 1am1ly ----------Mused queen sz worth membership s650 8.5• Incl cage 642 1260 Beaut Goloen Aelrv $399 cash only. $218 3w ed1sh smoked glass 960·5415 Pups, SAK C . shotsB oe1 Usually home, dinette set. c ane back ---------rff!~'.!..~!f~~!.!.fl.!¥ champ un(lold llne. 75,..7350 chaH.s. S35010BO 180 yds oold carpeting. WURLITZER Baby Grand WkS 833· 14 t8 850. f860 $2 00 SQ yd 2 lg Chall· I •• ' .,..llTftl Just reltntShf'd Ebony AKC SILKY TEARIER r-de 11 er s s 1 0 0 ea b I k Ask Ing s 2 3 0 0 Puppies, 6 wks. champ Les 957-8133 'iolid pecan callee & end 760-6776 642 .• 675 tables wlwall units. $775 1------------------Sired S250 1-627-8263 * *' BUY** will....,. 850•1860 Jrgent' Gorgeous 30••0 C .l-a-1 ....,... oil painting 01 giant 110• Beaut Walnut onsoll' -·-.. 1 k 6 0 piano St.ODO Good used Furniture & .. 11ur11 oa pc bdrm w e rs. S 1000108 962_6723 SOll&mll Appllanc••·OR 1 will sell set , dblet quee11 bed 778-6565 rm 210 (Ive Workaholle couple musl n e a r 11 e w • S • 0 O msg) eell personality plus F or WTERI Ylionet 850-1860 N het!1 cha If c htome Story and Clerk co11so10 p111no As111ng $900 847· 514 puppy Super afleollo· ff2I :ustom contemporary good shape $75 I • I UZI nate. SIP, ears done, 141 .. 111 IH· sole & loveseat . orig 1·7 t4·673·265t .!!T!.!!•••••••••••••• etc S200 401-1095 evs. J1nette Set wlbutcher $ 1300. sac S 4 5 0 Gulbransen R1allo Theater mdl K wle11tornal Leshe tone cab111e1 548-8798 Jr Schwinn 10 ll)d. xtnt .... , .... eL~ P...J block lormiea top tbl. • 850-1860 'Amigo' motorized Wheel cond orli:J$185. sell --"' h Llk $2lSlbst ---------chatr. llke now, complete M ""'n' 546-1305 aft 4 c rs • now :1egant unu1ed sol1bed s9•0 1-7 14 "73-2654 $80 Dave t·2 t57 ,,_,. of 760 "279 " ..,, r • ., mint cond. orrg $850 BMX Racing Bike. llght Do.!>-'m•n· • .1'~ yra, tO lb~. reek bad qn size, plat· sac $400. 850-1860 Stlhl chein saw mod weight, Reedy nedala. s .. ots to uate, 1paye • f F M I B A\101 I. $200 81,_ crank•. me~y xtru $SO to right oeraon{a). Corm 1900rom kel r.o .. ~ ;ovch & loveseet. xlnt 548~250 s~5 640..0408. 957-8279 \ 091 • 15 no........ cond. $175 seL 208 Jo-.. Tll ...... 1 -830·1949 ti.t St .. H B. 536-7235 -et11 Sch~Ann 10""' 2'" fr 2r· GOiden Retri.ver pvl)l>lel, NEW S2S 612 t260 quj~11 relHU~whael• /\KC. 110 +champions. }' sofa, Ilk• nu, revert -lerc ulon oouch. $75: · • tr1p P•d•I• Sl50'. home ralud lltler ~~5~~~5~·:.:r1s s27s brown & beige ptatd. UUlltT tr..'!!!1.~~~! .. !~ Steel heavy duty w0tk,out bench w1vpr1oh1 weight support h)le new $90 962-3462 5'7" Haydu Kneeboard Xlnt cond. $125. ~8-1005 545-3838 831·898<1 good conc:t 546-8 t20 like new wllile rauan.i:g Peuoeot PBN10. 12 •pd, Springer Sp1n111 /\KC \~d ". :.r ~r=!~ "::~:d .azy Boy recliner, brown s":°°a.2~8.2S75 5<18·30 • 2~S~~~o;1~,;evolver. 24'" lrame pearl wlllt• puppl .. rHdy for go<>d 150 tweed. good cond. $25 1----------675-783• w I a cc e et. S 2 2 5 • llom; Sllot1 & wormed 988 7148 548-8120 ~MWAY PAOOUCTS dell· --------- 641-5259 4118-959 • 3olt bed. comp! bdrm vered to yovr home. 30 caliber M 1 rift• wl35 Olrl Biiie exeellenl cond~ ••I• WMW 11 ••I• WMIH 1100 NI, wood offtca Clelk wl Cynthia Blake 6"1-1215: 1hot cllp. $275 Firm tlon S3S. Or tteat Offer. •••"••••••••••;••••••• ••• r•••••••••••••••••• awlv•I Chair & 2 matoh eve 941-3216 ~~~:. ~~:.~:. P11· 6«·5795 oa•11y •11at '' ''. '••• • •· .. ··•. ·., ch•~:·:l~~~FA lcraott~~~~~w~3':1'sa51 ~7" Haydv Kneeboard '56 Schwinn CrulMf. ree-'. with matcNng Chair 10-1pd men'• t>lke $45. l(ln1 cond. 1 160. tored, 11lnt cond 1<100. : : s54s.. 873•1202 • Boy'• SMrt din 1>1111, 3 548-1005 83~928. • MY9rtlain0 ; mot 175. 945-7412 12·•Pd FuP touring blll•, : NATIONAL ADY. : 111·~n-•. , __ ,,_____ n, ..i:, -· x Int c: on cl I I llJ. · c~•Tr. · _..,...., ,_,.._, •Ill. ,,,.,_ .._ 818-1t37 • -~ "•"' ,., .. "' ., •••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• Coordinate & ac::hedu e nation al · ••• •••••••••••• ....... • ••• !! ............... 191 o 2 a 2 c ~ r advertlalng. Reaponalbllltl•• fn-· 'rvAfr~:3~~734 elude: mon•hty reports, corr•- 1pondence, heavy phone work ~~~=~~us and llght t111ng dutle1. Ar.p11cant WANTED e4a-t2t0 ~~~ ~ = · should hfl~ eome adv.1 elna ex.. heuUfvl 25" color con- f9'1clng. ••••t price : per .. nce. ablllty to handle f»uey 1o1e tv, dtl w•lnvt cab~ ,...,.Jim or Ken enr·.: phones, bl d~tall oriented and f>iauor f>ic•n6~ net. a1H. N0-1NO llrM. ......... : able to deal dlrectfy w"h 8d\"8rtl-oL j ..,-oL l MA 0 NA v 0 x A._., FM .... .t ! ting IQeldM. etc.E , cOfl\bo Trao1tlon11. pd a ..,_1iir : ""'Hn. I to &PM. App : 213-552...SO& ~ '*· 144.1'97 1eeAnAM.. • : Or1111 ewe ,... •Lm * l: .. w.-., ee.. ..... (MON.-.SAT.) New I U9H PHlJatlc ; Aft ..__.. Ona ............... , • P'loet &.er.. ......... . ~ ~ ... PerT>''• ClllMI• 3IO .. G' . '"' T...etr\: .... • •• ,. "'•I •••• , ............ i •••••• ,, •••••••••• j """"" ... ~ ..•.. !!ff .... ," I .. I ·. I " ' \ U;,~7A!8!ouDp~1 for a 30 dey ed tn the l&ILY P9Ltl ....... llHOTHY 00 IT NOW' Atll fer ladra Vour Dolly Pllol Service 01rec1ory Repr~ent.itv• f 0 0 u a 0 .... ~ ••••••••••••••. !.'1!!. ~~..... ••• !7.'!flf ••••••••.••••• ~~~4' .•..•....... j !{~~!1.-.t.............. !~~!ff!'!!!I.......... !n~.'!~I. .......... ··· 1 !-!.1!!1. •••••••••••••• UIWlll I -811e!nPOO & ••Mm c*"· DfllYWAll TAPIHO I.AWN CAAe HAULING atudent 11•• 6em1.ret1r.O prol woman Ont.• hlllflll llRIZH IMFllt OI. ilull<let• 8lrn:;e t947 COIOt brlQllttnt rs. whl All tt•tur11 & eo<MktlO Comm/reeld. NwptlCM IOt !fuck LOwHI r11e avall 1ummer houHlll 25 yr• exp LIC 403"!1'1 low ratu on repair & Addition•. Atl\'IO<ltllng crpll • 1CJ ml11. blHCh. FrN H t. Kevin 87&·9088 Xlnt, , .. llblt wo<k. lfrompl Call 760· 1078 ling Lovet P•ll & pl11n11 Bonded In• Rel• Color j r11roollng, uc N 389•26 Doott. window•, patio r:o~l~~~o:::~ci6~~1: DAVWAl.l/ACOUSTC Onr/opr, 81rry 845·7412 Th1nk you, John Xln1 relt 648-5424 eMpert 963 09i1 Ot\.k 5A8-3(1()9 c Ch~$&. Guar. ellm P•I Aep11r1, new a old. ,, THE GRA88HOP"PER Hauling. gredlng, demoll· ..... ,. • Top Ou1111y lo prlr.e. HUBER AOOFINO R1•1MI a,.olellat Odor. Crpt rtpllr. 15 Yf9 Yfl eKP 8ud a62·H82 Compl4ttt Lawn Malnt 11on Concltl• & trH1 ••••••0'•••••••••••••• pro111p1 Eal & 1n1 SpK All 1ypet a. F1teprool10g C\l11om Ca1pen11y t•P Do work myttll. IJ#l~iJ Dominic M 2·41161 ,.mov.dump truck BRICKWORK Small 1ob1 181111 Res & Comm 1 FrM New-Rec;over Deck• O•C:k. & PlllOI J s Reta &31.0101 ..... r.-: •••••••• tv•••• Tllll Quick NtV 642·7838 Newport. Co•t• MeH. .., 71' 730 0708 Loe .:411802 5•8·9?34 Const Co top quallly I CTR .~ lrvlne R•I•. 975.3175 work lie No 380801 Why Ply SIOfe Pno.? El ICIAN-Iced T tmOVtd Cle HAULING & DUMP OUALITV PAINTING LabO</Mlll>lllll Rool1no Free 111 5110-65 11 Carpet ll Y9f wlll buy 01· right, l rH H llmele on opptOf r 75 -34~i JOBS Alk lor Rendy, 8ry1nl'1 Len<lsc:eplng 10 ytt ~f'•lng o c I All typo• Lie; Cl ouar reel frO(n wholMllt min. lerge or tm1ll job1. up, lawn r.rn>v 1 841 ·8427 I Brlclc, alone. block. COil· Re11sonable 848-!>684 10 yra l urry 64~ 8<13 FINE HOME II wt do tht labof. Free lie 39"21 873.0350 ••111l lfrrlH1 crete. Frplet, BBo·a. P•· 1--- IMPROVEMENTS .. I. rela 851•0020 LIC'O ElECTFllCIAN •••••••••••••••••••••• PROF SERVICE 1101 & drtveweys Quar Bl&hop & Son p;;;jjng fttHll A11e1111on11 & Rem. CARPIT EP•IR , Oual. work·ir:i...H. retH COiiege Student• wndw Heullng ·yard cleanup Lie. & Ina 536-0914 30 yrs Axp . Beach orea 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ,,.. Outck & clean. Free HI frl'tl ttSI 548 1029 Moh•l41 Screc11 Doctor & INSTA LL A T' 0 N FrM N I 831·5072 Tom clng, cer wutng, odd 673·0548 CONCRETE. Brickwork . --~pa1t1replace Cu11om · joba 64 2·5 449 , o • 1 1 f I tqueaky "" Nxtd. 23 yrs TOP QUALITY 645•7072 rttrn P pes. c eanup. H lh Palati11 ~~As tiJ 1·6300 Ive mag 142·Hll, tit. 122 Lie .. 349892 170-6554 sured (7 14) 493·9580 ReH rain 531-5055 ·--~.... ••••••••••••• •••••••• 1IXOVE1 7!> 1·9103 S.wia•IAJt111ti1•• ~~ tt11per. ou•ranteeo & In· ELECTRICAL WORK BHIHllHl•t. I 25 yr• eap 536·206b lntttt1<t Wayne l~fiter ------ ~~~~~~~~~~1 R s CARPET ~~, ................ Went • REALL y CLEAN #Jal '"•'• -••••• ;.1<~ ••••••••••••• : C ELEC TRIC t AN L I c Carpentry _ Mttonry HOUSE? Call G1ngtiam •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 · JW O•FFI .!!/!.".'!!. •••••••••••• C1a1al li!..111t. 233108-C· 10 Small Roofing . Ptumbtng Gtrl Free est 6"5·5 123 1 M11~~. Bl~na~~ g~~~~!~'i .!/!.~'Y. .......•..••• 1 ~ 2:. ~48·794 ~ .. e.~!~ ............. . Driveways. Parluno Lot Repairs. Sea1coa11no S&S Asphll 63 1·4 199L1c ALLSTATE PAVING Seatcoa11ng·Str1p1ng Repa11s Comm /Res1Cl Lie ~397362 645-8181 Jdnitti•1, ···~······ •.........• , Babys1111no In OUI c M homes 1 yr & up Any hrs 642-848:?/646 5759 Occ11s1ona1 t>aby~1t11n9 w antea Reasonable rates E x pet1enced 548-n48 W•ll babysit 1n my C M nome day'" n1qn1 Reas. refs 548 2674 CUSTOM SPA DECKS •••••••'•...-;"•••••••••• joba M alnl & repelra Drywall • Stucco • Tiie ROBIN'S CLEANING 640-5078 I h1rth1n9 lntenor Design -- Patios. gazebo• tic Cl Cement-Maaonry-Block 548·5203 Remodel J 8 6"8·0990 Service -a thoroughly I HANGING $ tOtROLL Skf.111.itl John or Rick 979·3218 Walls-Cull worll Lie RESIO/COMM'L/INO clean house. 540-0857 Mori•• I Oualily 111:11n1 $111p 1 •• ••• ·,·~·,·,·· .. ·,···.·•••• H A e s I comm Ao b HOME IMPROVEMENT ......... .... ..... .... ptng D1bc or1 po per •J 1 I • • • 547·2883 ~~.Y;•;8~ 1m~10~'6.~~~6 REPAIA·PLUMBING SCAU8·A·DU8 1 ·ABC MOVING 1 V1~01-MC Sc.011 645·9321 Free est 63 t-9255 •• 'fl A4a• H11llng, ca1pentry, elec. Prof, reas rellable Quick Carelul Service · -------. C••llldlll •• ,,.1 Ille Free est No 1ob too Reis JeBn 631·5016 F reo esl1ma1es 552-04 10 E Aper I w.illCOV!'r Ill() on St.ti•kl111 \2J Metoov Ln A •••••••••••'•••••••••• f11•lt1l fU1 small 64s-2a 11 stellat•on Reda pr1ctts • •••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mesa REMODELIADD·ONS •••••••-'-••••••••••••• He>usecteanlng honeat & A 1 •OYlll Con~ull11n1 Ass1gnml!ul •SP• n1o.1e A p '* I Vou are the wrnner of and Carpenlrf L1c·d FORMICA COUNTERS We l>•d all 1obs • lge/sml Clflpen<tal>le * · * 581 8590 A 1 ~mm' c. tlm"~f'rt at tour lree 11ci..ets IS 12 00 25 years Irwin 548·2719 TopstCeblnelS relBGed Ovallty expe<, lie'<! 962·2690 . Top quality Specral care ~ - -et a~ClSCJr>e Se•~•t<'!>' valuel to lhe Free esl 842-5357 Bill & Dave 644-9325 in nandllng 25 yrs e~p tlNI ltaor•I 957 8J88 CORIOlt IEltltETT Ad<lil1ons & remodeling, IAOllLIRS Compe1111ve Rates ••'•••••••••••••••••••I __ ••LLOO.,. ••CE t>onded S t ate Lie f1a•t1/a1/ General Maintenance CLEANING SERVICE No overtime 730-13!>3 ••SAVANT S •• TliJlll -" "• ·202cJ5:? 9 0 $t1laH '1111 Repair1 & Oecorallng Reasonable rates lreel ST ARVING COLLEGE Walle.overing Removul 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• • Fountain Valley Mlle J Allen 4 4· 181 ••••••••••••••• •••• ••• Quality Ray 640·5 144 estimates ST UOENTS MOVING All types 64i' 1343 Al L Al TERA !IONS $Quar e Par k ·M ily 8· Fine l1111shed carpentry Htllllll HLY JACK ol all TRADES 720-0742 CO Lie TIN-436 ---• & Custom Leather Wear To Clill~ '~~illl<; t.811 1emodeling spec1elisl Christine & Ed 848·7825 Cell day or night, HOUSECLEANING I lf1Sureo 641-8427 r!~!!!!t~,l.~~~ ....... I ~0078 A<l.ims '-16? 6538 642.5678 ext 272 Lrc 419587 Randell iU' J •Jeck 675-30141* IS OUR BUSINESS' WATCH US GROW• Nest patches & H"lures 11 t T1cl\ets must be c1a1me<1 120• 1260 •• !.!.':.".f............ THE HANDYMAN CAN 10 yrs Jan1<;e s Raggedy liiali•• Fret tst. ~3-101 1 ••••CWST.OM:c·iiiii:··· Dy May 5 1982 CHIO• WHlftftkl.f Tl( WU SCEll. Repair/Improvement Ann 675·2514 I•••••••'•••••••••••••• PLASTERING FREE" EST 640 2062, •••••••••••••••••••• • Lawn-tree-snrub rnslall L•c'd Relph 968-9145 FlltE PAlllTlll ____ • • • __ Bars man1els. kH cab1-Exnaruse Housekeeping Int ~ f,., Restucco S r.-.~'!"!~~ ............ . Mott tubjeCll, K· 12 I cOlllOtt 2& yrt 1611\r Mr Morgen. 845·6 178 r!!!!.~~!!~!'!f •••••• YO<Jt WEOOINO on Vl0£0 TAPEI E11p d Reatof'leble t1lM Economy VIOIO 8"111e11 17 14)656-7091 f'red !!!~~~!!.~!~~!!'11 ••••• Lei 11111 Sunahlne In" Call Sunalune Window Cleaning Lid 648·8853 20•1. MC>f'thly Otteount !It RESIDENTIAL* Av9 I sly 130 Avg 2 11y $45 Cnrtt 957·8388 Wlll4nswnltl4 1rv1nt> 1 bell Basic 1 sty S20 2 sty S30 559·1302 WINDOW CLEANING 7 VAS IN AREA 642·54491645·7972 JWzat it means for 'Jl)Ur ad ff) be "clas~fi£d" organized T•ee t11m-removal RESIOENT~L REPAIRS .--by Richard Sinor Lrc block walls 586 4892 I Tll[ IN TALLEO I Jukrutrr. C11Ht S1nirt nets. raised paneling, Lawn cere-Ro1011111no Wfl turn1s11 vacu4um4 & 280644 13 yrs ol t111ppy All Kinds Guaranteed •••••••'•• ••••• •••••• • .. ,.-••••••••••••••••• doors. bool(caees. re-1 cell doe II all. Reta supplies Kitty 6 1-970 local customers PLASTER PATCHING R~ts John 840-9" 171 ' .... , ·-· ........ . For all you need 10 k11ow s s mod & addlons J<lnl 548-6065 or can Don Nelson 966-0149 , R 30 ~ c ''"'''' .... , ... _ •• , ... ·~ b lb k tc e ll No team/NO hampoo Ans w er Ad 115 4 7 , OualltyHousectean1ng Tnnn~you.63 1-4410 estuccos lnl/04 1 --E --..................... ,, ... ~ 8 ou an rup y, " Stain Sp11c1ahs1 F<1s1 rels Lie B348276 642•4300 EXPERT HANDYMAN w/a personal touch. CM, yrs Neat Paul 545 29771 **ALL TIL '* * I -·••• ~·-... ,....,.. .. , (7 14)835-9162 dry Free est 839-1582 536·2366 Carpentry . Rooting Irv. HB Be1h 850-0933 PROF. PAlllTlll Quality work 10 yrs ex· ......... ..,,Hit lHll, ltii•l••••rt/ Crpts installtrepa•reo C"rown moulding. cedar 11 .llJUtH larffltr Plumbing etc 642·6013 Ru1d/lnCJusrComrn·1 1l•a)i•I, per George 831 547_! _ _1 clattlfled ada f'lood damage Steam ned ctosets, bookcases. Free es1 Ken 839-5035 HOUSECLEANING I Low ra 1es Free esl ii.EU• ........ 1.iii Cus1om Ce,Jmrc Tile I 6A2·5671 S1nir1 clng 554-8510 973·8566 mantles entene1nmen1 K&O Lendscape Maint Bu'rlH FIHn Reasonsble-dei)endable 67fl-7169 • P1om1:n F•et: .. 51 Chuck;.._ ________ _ •••MA.RINE.SERV~CES... EXCEL CARPET CARE cabinets Wooo solutions Resid/Comm Clean-up ••HARDWOOD.FLOORS• Tanya 963·2401 PAINTER NEEDS •llCllT I IAY• 642-6584_ b7!J 14061 MT ecn~n•c pob1n1& varnish Cpl uphot ares rug to wooo6gr1~~~~s• LI Hauling 548·2489 Beauttlully cleaned ~:,~ab~~~~~5CLf,~~~~t WORK1 30 yrs eap 1n11 1Hl hrrit1 lt•lirl 1rtt $1nitl FOUND ADS ARE FREE ~ ri "' 'u w J " cteaning work guar -.----___ G d i W ed end waxed 832·4881 Ext Acoushc cettlngs ' ••••••••••••'•••'••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••' 645-9766 FieePst 645•177 1 n--Li"•!I arenng ant Ca1124 hrs,955-24 l8 Oav1sPa1n11ng847·51861ouALITVt.omm/rns 12 • JAY(TilEECARE 1 ---I ~-Mowing, edging, raking, B. r I I T ne lastest CJ raw 111 the I °WeCiJre Crpl Cleaners R~V.ER ROC•K·:~~·r;;~~ sweeping Free est1· •• ~~.'.•..(•••••••••••••• l'o•OJJltl who need f'uoplt INT IEXT PAIN TINO 9rs exp Rep<1t1 ''""null I t. "m PI \" r v 'c e W 0 I PI S I ·• I ma tes. 645·4372 or lhat'>9ihllttne Lied Reis Free est R11ls Ftlter hoa1er ~ b409l08 est a a1 Y • 01, team cean .. uphos • over pool decks pahos DUMP JOBS OAILV PILOT 646_1067 sweep sale 673-8 184 --I Call: Class1hed Ad Call Today T1uck mount unit walkways d11veways. 545.5737 4 Small Moving Jobs ~I nviCE DIRECTOHV -----SCLL •Ille item~ with a 642-56~ _ Work guar 645-3716 etc 661·2371 Want Ads Call 642-~678I Call MIKE 646·1391 1~ 011 about' W.1111 Aus Call 642·5678 Claurhed Ads 642-5678 0~1IJ1 P1101 Cldh1hea Ad H2·Hll rv, ,,,;,, ~'!tl!!!~~ •.•• !!.~ ,..,,, su,, ll1t11qrln/ AlllJp11/ .. J!i!~.!!!!~ ... !.~!~ '.~~~c s~c'~~a~k ~~k~~so ••• '?!!M ••••••••• !!.!~ ... '!.'!.!~~'. .....• !.{!¥ ••• ~~~·!.'! ....... ~ .. TEAC REEL TO REH.I S 14 750 557 t566. or WANTED Dock to rent ror 'll S.11111 RM 210 MIEL "'l"al 60 1 1250-S 775-7058 2 pvt boatS Approx 2011 $625 OBO 645·9829 m • .: wt au10 ___ ea N e wpo rt urea Shay rapllces. p1ckup1 & reverse 8 Dolby unit j 18 27'': 11 BAYLINER 675·7474 ask for Mark 81 HONDA XL SOOS coupes 4 to choose <;~Otolll:'• 752 77G~ I \11ctorra Ft'y brrdge Low mllas Klras l roml (006768) tStk 1 VHF raCl•o bait tank ltw,1rt Mari•• S1400 549·2612 A3093) Pnoes starling al NEW KLH SPEAKERS• I Cleplhllnder out11ggers Slrps avail oay wl\ or mo llLY Sl,ltll Re1a11 value S525 redu·1 w11h t•a11er S22.000 646-0551 SL 100 Honda Runs good cell to '375 760-0998 _ __ 646-2843 --1 SLIP WANTED 5250 556•0637 THEODORE BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA BEST BUY tor beaut1lul 32 Grand Color Tl/ ~le 2 y1 wrnty ON WEST COAST Banks boal 644·5005 1111111 B1an~ S.Jt/ $148 Freedel1ve1y 48 Halhirils 74 Y·l1sn W ANTED BA LBO A Jt V.Stll I fJlf ROBINS TV Johns 6<16-1786 $160 000 Loaded ISLAN D Dock Slip ••••~ •••• !.f••••••••• 1>11s101 8V71 T 1 s cstm · 1 • RENT 26 II motor home FORD 1060 HAABOll !l\ID COSIA MISA 641 0010 Microwave antenna, lor d4lc Call Die k 1,7 14 1 Moor mg °' Tre Down 01 Sips 8. fully I03ded movies 10 your home 24 833_3581 645 4'.126 8 Sail boat 675-9716 or 645•8616 11rs/aay $149 546 2855 I 640-5214 Wireless remote cont7;. Partn:r ,!""an~e:,;5C;~1~~ Boat Shp Newport Beach 24 72 Class A Winnie uo11 lits all tv s new b"r~iser f2200 down+ \,IP to 36 sa11 Henry ~~;.~~:~dSAi::~o $115 546-2855 S 1300tmo inclCls H H l-~-2_.11_2_00 _____ _ 5-Pty Plata, runs. bu• needs work, ~75 Of OI· ltr Tom. deys, 24 Zen11n color tv con-slip Day~ 669 0500 1 wanled 0 11 shore moo· sole beau11tul pecan ca· Eves 357-9327 11ng 101 le .. e. Newpor1 b1ne1.$130 675-0161_.Nillrent teasepr TOP I Bay 35' satlb o al on your 20·<'5 N po· 551 ·6493 ,.,,,I lt1ti111 w e r b 0 a' a· van WANTED Npl Bch slip, l!.•i••i•t ~73-1388 01 850 1324 31 sa11boa1 496-6228 •••"';1•""•••••••••••••• 1 79 Boston wnaler 13 Shp 13 , ti X 42 for rent Gt111tll 9010 40 hp Mere wt1 ra1ter $JOO mo ·o~c;;QQC>RC>~BOAT. many e•uas s31so or 640.s1s9 12 " $50 O• !>SI oft Dest oiler 759-1781 ,.,,,, s~ I 675-4784 3B 42 nice Try $991( 28 Ski fOIG 0 b d ti t bl d Ca1ttorn1an SIF. M1s1y •••••••••••••••••••••• om ar m a a e ingy Try $19 500 Ell,clusivM SllME• SPEOW. wtoulboard llrntk*:I & Bock miller Bkr n oars, $4 75 673-5051_ 646_4005 12 Glaspar speed hull 2J tr 1980 C lly"h nkoj;e,;" 1>oat llotat1on tanks Clt>Ck spo.r~ hs~erman newly pa1nt:Cl lrans dOI· !LlkP a M akol 86 gal ly 836·072 S550 ful!I 4 whl galvanized lolll lt1tial "a tier Boat set up lor ' outlloa•Cl tno eugl $1? f_.ai•at•I 9030 000 1nvest110 Mu~I sell •••~1••'••••••........ $5 950 or best ofter 22' C1111s Crall ·55 Ma- nog hull Every option Greet conO Dependable 6 cyt 1nbrd 180 hip Hercules eng f'utl in· strumentation and •aCl10 plus dock space Compl summer pkg $4!">00. 675-7474 646-5724 eves 641-2875 111il1n fr•NI 1111 ·····~a?~,;;eow····· , / 1 Sell cont &11 cond ltlfll ••• s 150010Bo. 545.1519 V1iid11 ISJOI ······················1 Tent 1ra11e1. 1am11y size. 1977 Toyota Dolphin 16 good cond1l'on. lots ot RV 40,000 mi Xlnt cond room an<! eatras (low Loaded w/xtras S6300 puce) 997-8679 631-1218 ---------·I 111111~ Drill'!. fJIO l,,.n1, ~n, Ait;,;; ;;;:~;;";·,;;~;. "'' 15 d •••••••••••••••••••••• hv~ ~IY4 tires w/space. Corvair Turbo Dunebuggy ~5 9 -2695 wflra1ler. xtra tires A•lf S.mt1, 1•rt1 s 1800 642·8447 ' ktn11ti11 . HOO 4 WiHI Drint fS ·············~········ ........•.••••........ CONMRL CHEYIOUT ~ lt.trlJiJI H • : • •t-l ·\ \O_,, 546-1200 Miii llYEll 1 Top dollars for Sporl s1 Cars Bugs Campers I 91 4 1 Audi's Ask tor UIC MGR I .Ml 11111• YllHWAIU I 18711 Belich Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 1'2·2000 WANTED! ltUM...Wlh& !>:>8 s all c;otor '> 5 spCls and au1oma1tcs 633 Opal green S 1op<1 tSer54951 FREE * FllTASTIC * *FIATS* IEW I ISH 540-7430 GRADUATION Lile pre~ervers. rongs. 631_3026 Tt1•IHrl•lioa compass wo ier ,,k, ·····~•·············· ll&YI SAYIS rope. •all spinnaker pole "''' $iii 9060 C•a,.111 l•lt WITll -•1 p••f1 '76 Blazer. lo ml, mecha· n1cally •Int , r ollfld . s 1800 548-6737 633 Solari I 1 s spll fSer5102)I 633 WMe Aulomatic (Ser032311 e ........ .. "u .. u u ., uo.•01 5 YUll, 50,000 llU wuu1n I with the purchase 01 Sf' FIAT SPORT CA~S Many to choo~.-lrnm' •ampies I SPECIAL!!! 1 1977 HONDA C1v1c w1ll1 a new clutch and nt<w mteeoor PrtvBI!' pafly ss.oo au 760-681 l •••••'•••••••••••••••• I I flZ.0 "''" ·~ .,. 8 1 Jet Ski •Int ,0;:;c;-12 Boome<af19 fiberglass •••• !~•••••••••••••••• S2300 with trailer Only saitbOal wispsce on Bay 11•, Cabov11r camper & lml)0(1ed car parts IMPORT AUTO SUPPLY 10 1 N Manchester 15 nrs used 644-0227 $525 962-2667 7 1 For <I P U s e 11 . --rlOBIE 18 colored sails contained $3500 75HP est bo• trailer $3500 540-8062 833·050372 __ O_od_g_e_V_a_n_P_o_p_To-p-.t Anaheim 776-9900 18 ooat-tra11e1 & E vmrude S 1200 540-8062 80 Freeport 36 Oller good con d S 4 0 0 0 ATTllTill Sporty Val\ Dingy S 125 79 Crealock 37, Oller OB O 2558 Fairway Or 76 Cherokee am/Im. cb. trailer pkg. air. ps pb, $3150 499·3188 Brass Clock & Baro c M M tWlllS $350 tor pa1t 20 lb an· 76 Catalina 3o Oller TONNEAU COVER o v • r cho• line & cha on $150 Looking 10' LiSlings lt1t1ti6H llkfl f 14 Fits MG's, '71.'81 545•2014 VHF radio $75 Other ell CoA Bkr 964•6110 •••••••••••••••••••••• Never ut.a. $75 -.6-4_C_he_"Y_,-.-,-on-P-U-.-n--t good slull 646 4005 13 Cata\1na Cyclone GO-CART good condi-Mane 631·7797 Iv mso brks. all r_,. & ballery ----------1 e125 ltOO Musi sell S200 or ... OLD Evl""'RUOE good conCl • High· Needs a htlle body WO<k. " t d 1 d be•t o ller M r ke 15 HP $400/or 1>st olr an er Ha• er nee 5 Four '61 Corvelle hub· w /cmpr ·•no purrs 675•4784 minor repa11 lree with 644-0505 caps Superb cond $2300/olr 548-2142 al boat 551 -3208 PUCH Sport M k II Nr $250 _6P_M ________ , IHll 11w11 9040 '10 CL L t new Big bofe kit Molast 540· 7604 '80 Chev Luv PU Mlkad •••••'•••••••••••••••• •117 • exhaust Seddle begs ----------1 24' Seabird Sw ordfish Luders 30 diesel sloop Dealer• pertonel Moped Aal• L.1 •-•, ••4 cemper shell. Xtnt boat & 1r11 Compl rig-$38 000 obo M -F 9-5 s595 673 455 ,. ..,, cond $6500 640·1129. $ Susan 752-7179 ·I •••••••••••••••••••••• ~· ready to hsh 15 80 Motot>ecane "Moby". IMPORTANT NOTICE ·77 Tayota SR5 Pi<;k Up. ___ 49_s._59_5_5 ____ ,J 5 ' SP AR 11 A I I Like new. 1ow mfleege. TO READERS ANO longbed. camper. 100 53 YAC HT Docked 1n , •• ,It. copper color $450 ADVERTISERS bOUS 58.000 mlles WE llY. USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL f'OR FRO APPWW. Corm•et-OeL~lo 01m1Ln 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH Ul-1011, Ht-1131 Top Dollar Paid For Your Car• .ltlUll I SH u .. .i •.• ., .. ,, 2626 Harbof Blvcf Colla Meaa 540-5630 Premium prH;es paid fOf eny used car (foreign °' domestic) 1n 9ood condlUoo S.. Us Arstr ~•pt For sale on time 811 lly Ch'4S Cralt in __ 64_o_.o_4o_8______ Tile price of Hems ed-S3300 675-9356 snaring basts only Tax -vertlaed by vehlele de•· 73 Ford Courier. gold f.l!R"lllll!!JIJ!lllfl~ ben e f 11 s a I so 11va11 1963 glass. Cflnl cock· 1946 Whtuer. Mii or trade lets tn Ille vehtcle ctasal· Mull u crlllce! $11109 • S1100·S1500tmo Doug ·pit Alt cab sloop f or car $ l500 firm fled tdverllalno columns pp 642-6799 ask lo 675-3258 60HP au• Great crui· 548-0678 doea not Include any Lou sing boat needs CO· appHceble lexn. llcenM, ---.,..-..,..-,,.....,... _____ .._ '79 3 10 Wellcrall Cabin smet1cs Divorce lorces l973 VHpe Rally, black, tranaler lees. finance 74 FORD COURIER C1s1. stern rm 31 · twn sale 0 W C 50% o t S~~~ng:~·~t.~t3~ond charges. leea tor air pol· w/ahetl. ale, good cond. 330's. loaded. sips 6 S29000 lullon control devicfl $2000 7S4-1428 S38 500 731-4 332 TRADE WINOYACHTS WHIZZER 1940'1rHIO· cert1llcat1on1ordeel11r 637 5340 67' 9007 960 1725 -'81 King Ctb, 2000 ml · ,,. · v.. red Vetue I 1. 100. A•· documentary pre par•· lllneM lor<:ft sale, $73 41' IFFIHIE S.F II' ISWIH Ill king 5750 Call 673•8726 llon ch1tges unlest ootl $8400 873-1784 Bl 1 11 C"""'-... .. p 1 h ••tt-JA;./ otherwlH t peellled by ----------1 I t\ by """''Ill. Tw 1978. v~ ... ,..1 • at o. ,., •• ,.-rht advertiNt 1073 Chevrolet Chtyeo Aaltl l••llM 6-71's. Ld wteclecl 7112 ROF. low hra 5 bag•. hea lfHtm II ----------t Super "• Ton Pick up •••••"•••,.••••••••••• kw onan. a hsherman's every option, allowt bel· •••••••••••••••••••••• C. • II IS Id like NEW ... has ONL G. J ltfJ dream. NB ahp. 0 WC at ter lhan riew 0 W C '74 Yameh• M X90 Olrl •• ~.~•••••••••••••••? S&.OOO mtle• & It LOA ••• ~~~'!••••••••••••• • 1~1 •• she's el our dO<ikl 75% ol $69,000 ~ke, rebll eng . gqod w·NTED OEDI For aale at ONLY 82 Monda CIVICI 4 dr In Lido VIII NB. Hkrng TRADE WINO YACHTS cond. 1200 8A2·4034 " 13000. Call 760-05•4 s 137 47 plus la.JI per mo $94.500. Seller says 675-9007 060·1725 Eve Clot.a end 48 mo lease submit all ollers Lasar wt ltlr, •Int cond • '81 Virago 750 Ilk• new TO BtJY fut 111 ALL SAVERS TRADE WINO YACHTS c all or aee e l l 5p ••. 4500. ml 36 mo wart •••••••••••••••••••••• (71•) 53•.0180 675-0007, 960-T725 eve "' s2.3o5 call 648-4629 UTI ~ 1977 Dodge MUl·v•n 54 l-6930 ·77 Yemall• 750CC. lhltl ...... 318 v.e. PIS. CfPI. 1.8'1 .. 1111 11110 IPIOIAL. MOTIVATED OWNER driv e. 6 -tpd . ... .... clean. 18K orig. ml ..................... . 22' Cl\rla Crall '68 Ma· Cal ~ Sall-e-wey cond. S 1100/0 BO 551·0850. S5eoo/OBO OV9f 15000 '70 Audi 5000 hog llull Every option. Halle 81 675 87fl Good cond WI.SON f(JRO 548·56 11. 845·4509 If 10300 GrHt cond. ~deble 1---r -· --· ---· 825 BIYd 4. 552·2839 6cylll'lbrd 180h/p Her· 17' VE N TO-R E , fu lly '78 YAMAHAYZ·100 1 . 5 8eacll ,.,.a_..1• cules eng. Full lna1ru· equ1p·d Meke ofllf Good cond Very lttt. HunUnoton 841ach '79 Dodge cu•tomlae a - mentatlon tnd redloplui 857-1538 $500 1 0 8 0 . Ul-H11 v1n, every poealb .. op • dr, xlnt running cond. d k C I 55" """'I llon Reduced to S 10 11000 49 .. 5••2 oc •P•c• omp F1nnF1ytr31 Speclllqull ,....,.. .,. ""' t u mmlf pllg. 14600, CR/RAC 1ioo9 lrom Fin· 79 Suzulll RM 125 Olrl llJ&ft l&LI 500 "46-7"8. ,.,, -JI 675-7474 land w/Swan lype Int end Bike. good eond • S!IOO MAKE OFFER. ·se TOtO-·79 0000 £ 200 Orea ••••••••••••••••• !.'. •• For Si le or trede tor laS1 IOR dellgn Ottered tlrm 645.0490 nedo. '73 Pl11to, '8 thape: A 7C. !IMIF piCkup lruck, l 811 Trt·hall to 1oc11 buyefl on~· .19 HONOA CBX Musta'l:o'et 611119rllne CMt SA.000. 541-5124 w all! thru. vlfy good ltrmt U Ultd H dtmo ~lflil cond Must Mil, lrlller, -011~ lfttl' 8 ... ,,, w.,.~ ,,,, ~-.. 11.100 Calf Eric NORD YACHTS. $"87"1080 7a.•111s • ·--w.,.,... 11• 673 1178 I d II ' " ' "-_._.,_! t-•••••••ll-••••••=:•,tt• 6ti6-1233 or 903.9749 ... • or tla • -... -1 ,. ,,... 13 ft ••z Fib• RI••• 01 KZ ooo. 18,660 m1, ftlftno. MA...JJM H'M ......... -1111 II' ... 'M Im ..., r Y dual Hit, rtClt & bee"\ ••• ~";i;':: ••• -. •••••• ':1' -- Good running condHlon ~05..:.'e~1" U SO flat. telnt OHll t 1nl'5 18 15 ,...,.. T ,Ofd, TQ\1.-Anyt~ ~. Twin Vl'a Wood Hull.•--------Ken MM111 rlf\g "8ilcnd. Owfw 20 1tT1 llWV 1HO Slttpt • Ne.port t llp ... ,,, llJ,, -• -.. vr-. Hee IC1fe mtt I part. ~ ~lltlne $11,IJOO Wiii ..... 1111 ttOO .. I~ 111,000 ... a-41711 eonalder tract.1. SKIP· i·••••••••••••••••••••• 'II , ... PIA YI, 173-6200 ... 1911 -D ft. .. 10' Unel nlllt>le H•rO Up 10 "i{it, COM,,... 1300 . '41-3.lOt lladl. I t091-.. ldl, mint. DinOY· w/o.ra lllOO. • •. 00 per It O• p.._ 111,600. .... ,~ 1i · .._ Wft*, 41)1w. wtioda e.s Xll'll .. ,. 1-3ac>4 ••••ti ... uon ••ton. 21211 ....-lllld. 733s 5spds. au1oma11cs I UHLWCI IMW 28402 Ma1gue111e Pkwy , M1ss1on V1e10 714/131-2040 I ~ & CREVIER Fl111t leleotlt1 •• ,, •• ,. o ... ., .. , ..... ,., .. LHsJq Spec1al1 z1no only 111 BMW 14'CteCl Datsun 5 1n !!tock 1n1s weekend only' Olle1 good lhr u S1•n011y S 2-82. at close ol bust ness so nutry• IF Yll'YE IEEI Tlllllll IATlll ••• TUE &Olltl MOW!!! IEWNRl Allll 888 Dove lreet NEWPORT EACH 83 300 76 610 Top running cond Clean air 11mflm r adio, 4 door 51 000 miles 1 Owner S2800 833-0592 76 610 Top running cond Clean 11r, am/Im radio 4 door s 1 000 miles 1 Owner S2800 833-0592 WHE"E CllTa 81 280ZX GL 5 spo, Im· • mac extras Forced 'ale IEll s 11.100 847-8611 IEllYIOE 71 Oalsun 1200 aulo. Cl.II 1m Amt Fm casse11e good cond $ 1300 O BO 71 ... 835 3171 631·2529 Of 631·73~6 .. • 80 200SX Hatchback 5 208 w IS1 Santa Ana spd, SL packege air. C ..... s _.. \tereo & can Sunr1. tSK ___ io_ ..... __ u_ .. _.,a.;..y.-.-1 ml. lmmac $7.600 D1y1· T1tt .... betttes 673 -7272 , eves Part If y.. 1s1-0285 llW ,........ Ir 77 2802. bHut cond. L ....• _ _. .. le loaded, mags, 37,000 mt -16800 873-2129 lol.artl lmWtl 77 B210 4-dr. muSI MC· llf Ir LllM rlllce $2400 540-5505 ., ............ dyt. (l1. 111·1111 78 280Z. ~Int con~. air. AMI FM Ct ll. m agi . $9800 ObO. 875-8857 77 Dalsun 280Z, 40,000 ml, AM/FM. PP. CB, mtl. blut , 1 ow n er, n ew allocks. llr••· more 14150/t>etl. a31·5fl21 78 110: e cy1 , u , em/Im cess, 4 •P••I(~•. clotll uph• goo d mpg, 111n1 con4. 14180. 993.eoea. 752·811S 75 FIAT SPllER ::1a~sic white t>t>auty '~111tn <;pd air cond mags ow mileage t 122NJNI 14215 I ll FIAT SPllH ~ac1nq ·green, 5 spd ste· t"O mags NONE NICER• 1ACP5771 14115 ll FIAT SPllH O.u1oma1tc. sterea mags Ne sold new1 t063YS.AI 11211 ll FIAT 11/I t spd t l ereo m;igs 3eautllul bro w n' 659SMRI 14215' O N l Y S227!\1 Call 754-1885 77 HONDA C1v1c natch- oactt good cond111on S2 300 972·9525 a11e1 6 pm 79 Honda Accord H011Ch· Dack 5 spCJ silver !>Ill int am/Im ca,seue a11 Xlnl CC>f'Cl $4 !175 759-1122 831 -0498 {.·~~!! •••••••.•. !.~~~ 1979 Jaguar XJS Coupe t587YBDI The ulhma1e V 12 Jaguar Grand Tun- s mo So hard to find available for s111e new Cu11en1 p11ce-S32 000 Tn1s as new 11x1mp1e on S<!lle at Of'ly S 16 5001 Sold & serviced by us since new Bauer Motors 2925 Harbor Blvd . Costa ll Fill 11/t llletalllC gold, !> spd TIOSI new• (270VHVI Al· Mesa 979-2500 $1211 Ne Believe We Have The .owesl Priced FIA TS 1n 72 XJ6 xlnl investmenl Leaving country Red wt blk int Fully loaded New l1tes brks Show cer $5.900 548 • 14 t ')o Cahl<>t'n1a• 1 9 7 9 J 1 g u a r x J 6 JJJ ~x JJJJll~iJ f165YAT) Low miles on 1h11 1mmacu1tte fuel· 1n1-::c1ed econom1c11 6 cylinder Hdan Orlg1ne.I asking prlce·S 16,995; muat tell now for only I 13,995• B11uer Molors, 2925 Hart>Of BNd .. Coste , .. FIAT 124 Speclal 4 dr,,_M_ese. __ 0_19_._2_500 ___ _ clean. AM /FM ITertO l(J 12L 4 dr. 21,800 ectu.al S 1150 obo. 6A4· 1742 m l. auto . air , alereo 8 1 Flat Sptdef 2000 Xlnl Beau cond S8.000 CAN TRON cond, tow mlleage, am/ 551-SHfl Im cuulle. lu•I Inf ·---------11900. 840-8198 (Janl'l). #•.O 11,, ·71 850 Rl ctr. rebl1 eng, •••••••••••••••:•••••• brkt, oarb N ew top. lookt Qood. 642-48e0 ti£ IP Ii R '69 124 ·Sport• Coupe. rebuilL englnt. new ..,. ... new elecl rlcal , new ahook•. new r1d111ot dtpendtbl•. 1 1 100. t\tll-0833. M2·Ht6 I or C•rrlt. 114·98S.2473 -IL!!! IH2 P'ot1tl1C lonMYllll •11110..,.~ Mtrewry. full o~t r, NEWPOAT Areht1 Ma· '71 Monda 7t0f, lo'hml, ""''tl.~d, OM own... COITA MISA ~~ .. 1ng ':J=Z--=r~M=2~2~~~t"=.r=-&=S::~~=.1:=:=1~="==~='' .. =··=fi=:=:=e'='=":::i:=~=~IM).'==~·-·~~===.,.=·~1-&4~t:i::==='=~===ll==ll====:l::============~-~'--'~-----~~~======:::::;==::;::;::J;:-~~;::::;::::::;::;;;;:;:;::;;;t:;;:;;:;::;;:;::::::;;::;:::::::i ., .. \ . :- ;. •. .· Oran e COAlt DAILY PILOT/Saturda , M• 1. 1982 Cl "" ... .,,... ••••• r ••• •••••••••••• ~.~~1.!f~~...... .!.~'!.!~m!~ ....... ~.-.1.~·.!~.r.!!~ ........ ~~· .. ,.~/!'!!.~ ..... . r.~: ......... !.~!! r.rJ~r! ........ !.~f. f.'H!!!fr.! ••••• !!.~! ~!.'!!.lttrflf!I ....... ~ •• ~!ft.mfd ... !!!.• ~i!i'f'.m ....... .. frtp•'fr ... 11 • •t'!! ... "" ......... !!ff -· ..... 1111 1• 111111 Tlllt ~~dto !.Y.r.r....... ••••• 7 .............. 1"11 p•ua•or 0 1 1 · 70 0 011 -•nl oond • .: "' "' 71 ~12 28081! 3.5 Cf... ,unrool, i ierao, lo ml: Wagon A11to lren1 . •IO ope b~t eonct lo 118 000 &40.42511 pwr ''" pwr DrlkH. ~h.ftr..'. .... ~!{!f •t DUlER IH U.S.l •••••••••••••••••••••• S1~Leat1og ..... ...... n T0yo11 HllUX. 7' long I n nu. s 1000 oetow 'lT WW bed over11ze 20 gel book to mt. mint OtlO --• • inl.117,800, ~ • ettreo Call w /pwr ~ 1111 11n~. •ulom111c. tond nu I H ••. alt -•15••--leroe •oci. elr radio, 10 4-tpd S2!1&0 0 11 Mr Xtnl cono 17t71 find "lut•n lone" gOld e1t ta1tor with b rown \lalour Interior. II •PMd tr1 n 1 . eunroolf moontoof Bl1up unkt Al.4 /FM ceu1111 & equalizer. 11r condltlo n1no. re1t window di · rro11er. leather 1rm1"'· log llQllll, bra, car cover I O fh Y 20 ,000 tow mllHI Mul l Hll ONLY $9 ,9991 Call 974-48 1 t a1y1 or 499-2530 after 7 00 weekday• & wee· kend•. . llW II 'II *3000 511 M8l 1908l., compt bOOlt. duet lllllka l new tfftorad, ted Wiien IH • met. blua flnl•" Otell ther lot Show ct r 120. lt mlly ctr 12UT2V). 000 or 1r1de ror dwn· S•Hti. brle k• Toyota· pym t on t1ou1e. ~l ne UU d Ctt SelH . 545-8774 1068· 1970 Harbor Blvd., ml, P1tetll t1re1 Compi.te W1lt1•m1 ~411-7245 7 6 S U 'p E Fl B e e I t e ltotlftce t9llO 2·dr. 4·wlll 1t1v1ce tecord• Xlnt 74 TFl8.overd11v• itereo, iL.Orand) Sunroof, tte- II 1·2141 4tM14t ~:!·~~4.: .. ,:'".Z'.~'" drive , f:'Y oll a. 1100 eond S2500t b1t o11 tJ011u111u1 c:o1 141196 teacau. •ln1 cond Xlnt 1077 P0ttch• 924, 1llver, CIOU O SVNDAO 5411-26 1 •" 3PM Chari•• 17 ••> 876-2377 83, 8439 pnt. •Int "'"· xl,n t ml• ltl/'11 body, AC. nlw all llPM Of blr 8AM le1g1 S3.550 080 TURBOS* 10 Merottd .. 2eos1. con- ver11b1e & hardtoP. AM/ FM 11d10. new 11re1. $ 14,900 PP 1132-3045 Coate MHI 11•8·9303 540.9487 allocl\1. 051< ml. ell .. r. ltNn 1111 i 1 ITll 81 Tercel litt bacl. I iooo d@11t1 ·75 victory 720·0S&e eve•. a.o.i 133 v I c. I. c 0 rd. p p . •••••••• •••• ••••• ••••• ..'~.~............... Alt tunrool CllMl!e E:o111on r ~ 7. new eno d•y• 631-65$0 8")1fme SP«:lal Limited Otter CHOICt Of COLORS PURCHASE OR LEASE 1978 PEUGEOT 504 Ole- Mf 4 •PMd. 11ereo ceu. pwt II & brekH, pwr window• (0"9TZU) Out1t1nd lng economy tor only $58911 Eari. Ike Toyott-Flne UHd Car 81111 1068· 1970 Harbor Blvd .. Colla Me1a 8•8·9303 540·0487 1157-2980 ev.. WBAAU 1979 TOYOTA Corolla $0500 M-F· 955-0900 t lulc:h more S2750 or "80 vw •~i )(I ~" SR5 ltftb1cl\ 5 lpHd (Andy). ev1 5"8·9591 7!"12•2352 · AM/FM 1tereo CHI fu.= ef bet I 673 1081 1• "'"''I ntC"'"' lfftltOeatt&HH. 198· 1340 (213)424·7807 eves ., 1142 ...... , .......•....... 88 912 Tero•. :lnd ownar cat. compl reatored. No rust, 111 rebtt Herd win· dow, air. 1t1oy1. 1te1eo. $ 10,000 01 but Oller 8"2·8971 ltrttf li>IJSl ttlnt powerbr1k".1lr 73CotolleWagon 2dr ., 9700 ml $7500 '" '12 11•a•1 cond AM/FM stereo & • tJ>d nu clutcn. cte1n i~ & Vt/brt•••• f110 1169· 7000 av 540· 7059 ... 1pot1eu yellow llnlallll out $ 1495 545-92so •••••••••••• ••••. •• ••• Judy ITATlll WAlll Ike Toyo1e -F1ne U1tti 1 1980 vw V;1neuon 15820> -'--- 1110 410 llL ammH Saver, eulo (Mt09$8) Car S 11111 1966-1970 198 1 S u pr a u ,000 mi I The 1.1111111118 111 vw wP•· 65 BUG rebll 67 eng 8. Herbo1 Blvd . COll9 1mmec Fully equip , <;ioueneu 6 style rwo front end 12V nu ra Beau wlllll!. bl1ck lthr Snrl Many ~tr• 17 000 ml 631-78311 ........ 75 Por1Che 914, 1 8, red, lily Hiii M •a a fl 4 8 • 9 3 O 3 $9900 OBO 552·8988 10110 paint and wn11ewall dt81• •h" cond "' g out s apd, xlnt inaf•· 60K. '12 IUT 540-94117 _7_7_C_o-rolla 5 apo 4 or I '""' P11ced to ull at ~1-950_ 042 72g3 ~~!!!~!( •••••••• !~~ llUIE 111m'I UOLISIYI IUIEUTI TONNEAU COi/ER f'\11 MO'a, ']t '111 Never uted. $75 ''™'' lffl S7SOO 8"~·980 D ( 008 ) ._ • • 1111 &tn!lm 40'000 mt. o ri 1 Y S 8 2 9 !"I B du t" '12 0HHrfi~lt 73 914 POl\SCHE Beige DL CW Mt 1 l.1.Le-t.. SJS0010B0° 847-0lit4 Molot1 2112 '> H<'rboi S2000tOBO 845-7579 '73 MB 450$El Xll'll Cond Mon-Fri Ill 5 645-243'1, 642-5532 Miiia 831.-7797 Iv m, ······;.tEi~rtii······ 11, alnl cOOd, $S895 =!!!,' ... Blvd C:.01111 Mo ,11 8"t-40ttn51-8129 -241 Rocheatar 81 Corollo cpet o mt 979·2500 H Conv Eacellent con· •-••t Co111 Meu 121<. absolutely hlle nuw tlt YW Weittilll omon Blue w/wh1te top 73 450SE Sliver blue. blue lnt e11or S tereo cassette, uses 1ny gaa Excellent cond $9250 Mr Dugoen 955-6314 #CJ 1144 PllllOll/ 1111 lt•l•ll 1115 -You are the winner 01 S4S95 xtras 673· 1784 & int SH-7577 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 28402 MtrQUllflle Pkwy lour gree lteke11 (I 12 00 68 CROWN Runs ex cell C•••tr 72 vw Pop Top camper ......•..............• lw.llllllPI ·79 MGB. Xlnt cond am/ Im cauette, 5 speed. $5000 or best o ller 857-2395 1363 I HarbOr Blvd Garden Grove 11111 -lerwh•· Leat111 Lllll.'!ITLT l1M•ll/sllonl1~2~~. value) to the Aulo. mull sell $750 S2500 Cash 11uume 24 mpo Stnlo. rel Stp~"' -• -IHll• llllm 960-537S payments or s 189 P"' 646-2549 uu-IALLM• lUOI mo OllhHIC~ $6700 We'll deffver enywnere In tile world! See u1 at 11• 111-213J r: .,._ · 79 Supra Ltllback 411 1111 76 VW Dasher hc1tchbk 4 hi OalfftnHI Fountain V1lkly Mlle Btue 11tn1 cond w11u • ipd luel 1n1ec1ed AMI IUCll llHITS lllllLmtl SAU 80 MB300D. 1 driver xlnt cond snrl, nu lttes lambswool 1e.a1 covers. pert senflce record $20 .850 •6"6-1489. 549.5111 *'ll •••• Mum·s got 10 let ma go 10 good hOme tor $3400 low miles 'cuz rm llet weekeno car Dellvered green with tan top Ma-xine 60 358B. no tUSI, nH•I• no work $7SOO/p1r:t11I trade 8"6·8028 lnctudlllQ the all new Square Park May 8 wilts. amlfm 11ereo tape l/W Eno 74 1835cc all F"M rear wrndow de aEUILT Fllll l982 d i e:. new radials 40 ~ nuw parts looks & t11s 1toster new pa.r1t tires a. end To Clllm tickets. c ult m1 Wo11anty .iva11 !.lock runi. s11 o ng, 1une up Great MPG ,'lu "... 6 42-5678, ••t 272 $&500 Marty M-r 10 5 $650/olt 494-2407 Pampered~ very 1e11a 80 Porsclle 924 Turbo & Ticket• must bit Claimed 973 134 5 eek er o -bl S2700 675 7448 or Alto A greet selec11oo ol by May S. t!i83 · · w 1 " I 8 • '80 Porsc he 1124 Both Re nault 181 l edena end Chip 846-3664 •PllEPl•E FOii• 552·2031 _ __ loaded Take over lse n I 1969 Harbor Blvd , C M tJ1-l1lO 848 Ocwe Street. N B 712-otOO •11m11 ,.., 1140 ........••••.....•••.. •II, ,refer a ne41ertt4H ...... 72 300SEL 6 3 One ol tne 1as 1 produced 83 000 original miles Xlnl cond Fully equipped I 12 .300 or best oller Contac t H A or Ch11s Ballin 540·5621 olllce 6"0·0838 llome 840-5270/850-1801 77 MGB blue. lo miles Tonneau 2 covers nu ttres, overdri ve, 11lnt cond . very clean, AM / FM cass $4500 obo 548·0796 payments 7141825-1808 wagon• plu• • good M-1981 TOYOTA Starlel Se· •SPlllll* 7 1 Squa.rebaclt. .iu•o "1"' le e ll on ol Renault l e 0 I d 5 fr/••r." f1f1 tunning coroO $I 100 Or 71 Porsche 914 Spyder. Cars! den pitons inc 11 e ........ ••••••••• ••• •• • PllSTllE 1111 bes1 orr 85 7 2356 $3700 •peed trans., power dtac 1977 T11umph TR7 Com maos. 538-7536 WE'RE DEALING. 11i-.....i::::...ii;..i+-•• brlll11 Thts one IS lully pletely 1econdU1oned 11360 ~ IPllU 1970 ~ 1978 Wf'1lplldilcl ,;;:;;p;, 73 91 l·T S spd, tow ml-llAllE OIAIT __ __._.._....i.._.i....._., ll CIO<Y equipped & oets Jusl filled low mileage 0.11 1ec;o110111011t'd I\ gu" 10 m• Ni.w t11"1> AM/FM .. ,...1 .. tlte1 leage. CIS 1111 New '" & &ll0/.1111 great gas mtleoge 1979 Cauiey btnll rnotOf ""'t!eCI Will trad1i & '' cassene 857 252• 0 u 1. S 1 O. 5 O O J 1 m 11 .... , For a.-1\td Ad I IBJD283) $'4999 Earle New Bt1llSh racing green 'an• e WE BUY BUGS• -----Compare House of Im· por1s Dttect lease ano 60 mos. s~nslble pymts Dlal 2 13 or 714, MER· CEDES IS 2 13 o r 714/637-2333 1973 4 dr 280, autom111c. 011 cond Pwr wind Orig P• 1v pt y Xlnt cond 6'16-1970'966-1366 535-2560 °'· 999-5156 --ACTION Ike Toyo1a-P1ne Used I po1n1 Looks 8. o11ves like ;•ample!. I '11 WllT t>../ 1141 252<1 H11b0f Blvd Call O.f"'Selu 1966-1970 new All receipts ava11a 1115 VW Ill 2 dt><>r air r.ond om1lm :"h.•••••••••••••••••• 78 924, blk on blk, 111rf. 549-8023 -6"S-7nO A DAM.'f P'llOT Harbor BlvO . CoSlil bte Only $3995 Cnlt 4 ~l><l mini (08'.HJK/) cassette new c..lu1di '67 Kadel! AJC. lo ml , Ilka brand nu, M es a 6 'I 6 . 9 3 O 3 17141857•090. evenmgs 1111., $23 00 or best oile r 4 speed, runs great $850 S 8 9 5 O 6 7 S · 2 O 8 S . Sell thing• rut with I-vine AO.YllOI 5•0 9467 u 63 795u •• 1 d .. · I • w~1ter1d• "I a~y t1m·• I 1 " 557-2783 645-5333. Laurre -~"'~r~ro~r~w~an~•~·~·~·---l~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~I---------<> ~ 0 " ~ 1lll VW IH 67 Ba1a 2150 <. c spr.t lamps stereo cu\tom 1 Sp<! L1lo.enew (SKP4171 •nl new fi r P S n t'w Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line 811ng them or m••I th e"' with cottect c••" to Dally Pilo1. 330 w B•y SI Cou a Meu CA 92626 Our. famous 12215 ShOCk~ nt'W t•fe(lroCal DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE ·-· las1 wo11 1 ta!.1 ll $2699 1111 YW HI Catt 631 8017 PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY · s ARP av 8" 11 K Gh DIMES. -A-L' INE . ~~Pel H ru 4 cl arma1111 '" 11ew FOR INFORM ATION c •LL •2•1& t pa1111 tu es illll'llOr 4 • Each item must Ile p11ced with no Item "' "' • motor Mu~I see' $3950 ovet $50 20cl per line SI 00 minimum LOIS 642 51:.7a ext 319 1111 vw· ,,,, I 960 6434 -• No livealo<:k. ptoduce or plants • • Y • · • • I 70 CONVT Xlnl . New • No commerclll ads allowed 4 spd CHIC fUZP794i pnl etc Btaur.i~• Sf>09S METAL trarne go-eer1 with OLD Records SOc-$1 DU NCAN P hyl• dlnlJl g MAN'S 10tpeed bike $25. GOOD working entlqu TWO form ic• topped p 0 c KET com pu I • r VERY goOd Austrian WO· 12116 7~::.-6200 Brigg• end Stratton en-C&W 8 track 11pe1 $2. ta ble $50. Cell after 12 Chlld't carrier plutlc wooden floor lamp $20 dHk• 110 H e h. One ' S her p-C 12 11 r eta II mens 3 1peec:1 btke $35 glne $50. 87'-2088 Dlehea Sc-$5 Clothing SllL s-48-4727. bike Hit ~S. ~ Ten antique bfJd9e twin b ox 1prln g a nd S2SO. H ll $50. Never Good 1mall child'• llMI 1111 YW llC 7.J vw Sq rbk Roll t-nq TORA elec tric trimmer 1Oc·$2 . S ti o • • OIL ting S 5 luggfQ8 rKk $8. Shower projecte. Intricate ca.1 mettrees. treme S 15 uH d Ap~llcetlon ma-tricycle S 10 Cuitom ell Automahc t 1446!11 ~6~";6;~1 0 mu t sen uaed 1wlce tis. 28 Inell 7Sc·S2.50. Walkie Telkle ma~~eny 111 i,i:1~';". ~~~~838 g doors bUN s.4-110. Atty Ugh 567~8e2 nuels, 1v1 table S20. Xe-1IMI welded 2 p&l8etl0er $2411 elumlnum etep laddllf $5. radio, 3 wall, 3 channel Bentwood trunk s 10. lfld lempe from every ere CLOCK new well chime roll celculltOf, new Sl2. I aide by tlde 20 Inch bal- Outlfde door $5. Rattan $15. Nut, bo1t1, 1C1ew1. Folding poker table Ilk• for flOO< table and c4IMln clock, 3, d•Y key wind. SS2·3519 1 loon tire trle.ycte SSO. fotdlng •crHn 117 50. n1111 S 1·S2 box. Electrl-,,_.125. Toole allver trey WROUGHT Iron bar 130. 13 • SSO. Br au plan walnu1 tlnl•h sso. vw STEREO •PHkert. new Twenty'• Stanley ate In· [lj lJ I I I JJ I j r' tj I Hauocl\Sl.SO.REc9rd ca1 11u1t,llte llxturu $tS.Lece end llnen• Two 11ool1 S2S eeoh. lemp$13.Good8w1 fr ont ti oo d s1 s .1 S3S Xetoxpocketslze leu 1gallontllermosjug ~,.,,~,Jt4~.~J.!).0~-J\S-J!d 1 ceblnet 53. Niie atend 50c-$3. UHd tlrH SS SOC-$5. Old Underwood Cof1M table, IOlld ~ floor temp H . 32 lnoll 8"45-3603 I celoUtetor new $12 ""'· S6. Four lland1ome wel- 64 Bug nu eng 111.ike•. in1e .. or Perl Ptt•tll <. hOdy $187~ 661 J98? 60 Ralll>•I C'Onverl lo m1 I x lrd!. S9 S OO s s Folding m.1•11.bl. Jewelry $1-SS. Vacuum S32 Bullocks klng11z~ C d table l1mp $4.50. ' · ~.,, 1 nut cased thirty'• Art G lypewl'flllf $15. Ceramic. . • ....... -......... LARGE tebl• lamps 10. Ital clock with atop Witch' $10. LedlH penll 1u1t SS Nellonat eogtephlcl llgurfnet SOc-$4. Picture bedlpreed $40. Two twin "' • ··-· ........ o 11 end time S25 new deco elerm clock• G.E 20'h SS Add size unit· 10c·S1. Cigar boll" 25c. pr In 11 end tr 1 m •• WOOi bedtp<eede, turqul· otlentel planter lam ra nge cine englng r · · ••I a nd Hemm on d lllthed cebfnet door• $1 Chende lle r (old) $10 . 10c-S10. Dolt cradle $8. Mand green $35 Metl. S15 Vety antique 5 figti1 lamp SS HI Dogwood S52-SSt9 SS-$18. WOOd ceMCS An ind S2. 269-C·Monte Wood bed trame S20 Ol d electrlc Singer H · Lampt $5 SUndey only. hanging fixture S18. gattem dinner plat .. $5. TWO 1urtboard1 $40 141 deco tull rlg 1t1tp clock Vllta, Colle Mne. 0 Id LI f e me g u In•• wing machlne S 1 . Solid 9$3.845.4. 9081 Chrtatlne Many old and antique ol 1•he•. glHM• 25c·S3. carat gold chain $50. K-2 S9 11MO Taylor barome· SOc-S 1. Hub eepa H I• brats lamp 115. Old Ortw, HuntlnQton Beach lamp• SS·S35. 38 Inc M1terlel soc. 100'• of enow 1klH fully equip· ter S8. Sevef1U thOuN nd GAS tank• could flt pick· SS. Propane huter 12. $ metal porcelain ES buttons 1c-10C. Several ped SSO. N-ski bOOll high quellty steln le u up S1S. Campe<tle-down Space neater $3. Toya costume jewelry SOc-5· IAMIFM radio SJ&. t9ln gredu1te sign $3. Anti II u n d 1 e d i IP P • r • elze 8 $40. Sim• 1k1t•· ·atHf hote clamp• 11111 S S 2 _... blo S3S 6 s 3 2272 Pl 1 Colo red leaded glen black Ind white TV S20. 1oc 2sc Large •m•ll 1 . 1.,...... WfK • C· . ecent • window SS. Wood tire CB radio S30. Tu"'~ lff· que 4 d11wer oak flle • · boerd 130. Two tennl• 'It Inch to 8 tnen dl1meter Trevel trailer tire S 1 S. -.ve., COSll Meea. .,. cabinet wflti bru1 pull dofl9 7Sc-S20. Piiiows 12. racket• S 1 s each. Golf 25c .. en S tor 11 or S 10 Wottensak tape reco<dllf screen $lO Li ke new 1« S20. 22 rttte S2S. vw 145. Large H lectlon o Lidie• clothH 10c-Sl. S50 N I k to 115 Pllf 100 24 Inch 110. Touter $5. Prop for C ARPETS s 2 5 aec h . women• fHther hind-Plrll: Heiler box $S. 8 vintage 1nd entlqu Saturday 1~. 220 C•· ~~.~~r J1cket8~g ;g3l bre11 ttuek alt hOrn s10 2S HP JohntOn outt>Oerd Modultr furniture 125 beg• s3-s5. NHI aum-volt generator S 10. 011 wooden olllce chelr•. mellle ~.Colt• MM&. O g I e S t t •et 1 p t A Fiiiy's t a lie wr1ppe d 120 .. 89 Toyota hHter eec ll. Fine a rt prin t• mer clothe• 13-SS. Old coolef Sii Fen wood Sii. k wel t d 11 ... 2 .,2 C 1 I J-SSO. Ice box trig for bottle 50c. Ch Ht ot 3 c y II n d • r 11••d1 $II. oa · nu in me o SPANISH ctt1lrs (<I) with -~ 4 t • I hlant botllaa S2 uch core $15. Toyota Corolla c1mper $35. Camping teblH S45. Wing beck Otclltoecope $20. Croee ~ tllt IWlwt end aide high becka. newly reeo-TWO walnut 14>Mk«• $30 Beeutltul oak Blue II starter S20. Bug eye stove 125. Kld•lll .. llltttl love Hit SSO 1822 country lkl• $5. 1976 chelrt $12-145. 1932~ veredl1S~.KlnQllH pair. Nikko ree e lver.1 •weeper In p<lmo coodl· Sprite doort S25 New bindings 125. PlfllMIOflO Monrovia (down alley), Datwn 8_210 e11tboretor dated 1lx flavor penn bed with tieedboerd, need• repair $20. Port .. ton S1 5 BoxH ol boat Ford Anglia a.at covert !Ible with peddles S50. Cotta Meee. and menlfotda S2S. 8ur1-gum m1chlne S26. Hun Simmon• boll 1prlng1 ble •••o •20. Broiler geer llghla and rope $20 . FM 1tereo tuner dredl of 1nllque end end mettr••• S35. • 2SC·S10, Ol'legallonn- S2S. CDP-PA 1peeke11 ~:;~:::~~.~!\~:·:~ WO MANS old 24 Inch board $5. C tr repair vintage ferm end kitchen Ocean. 1tre1m rod end oven 5· Attllf 9;30ain.l Man O War marine eper 125. Ampex empfltler $50. alngle •PHd Schwinn book• S2·St0. 273 MllQ-to ots end container reel $50. Men• clothing Mll-9876 v111llh $12. M1ny antique $25. Blcyde carrier $10 scs:~8:'~t= bike, good balloon tit ... nolle , Costa MeH. 9-C. 25c-$10. Thirty unique all new. LMther jadlel1, LS1'ANLEY mitre box $50.' a nd cleulc auto llghl1 Rebullt Toyota cerbur• $ wtcte fend«•. lklp tooth Saturday end SUndey antique wooden chetret 11ie medium 120 each. Antique 1 cytlnder mot!>f I *lid ecx:etSOflel $1-$50 tor (&RC anglne) $50 Ill ~~5,; d!;-_ .~·~~r~~Y2~~~ 1procket end ch1ln. ell · $80-$50 Set 4 bentwood Penta, 1hlrt1, clothes to 130 Two 171n Model A I T tire e • u t o Ir u n k • Beu e ccord l1n $50 Street, Colle Meu. orlglnll excellent riding 8 FOOT helvy IOlld brau $35. GoOd upt1ot1terl 111 8 · 2 men 11u M. wt-. S15 .ai. 4-1928 S2S-SSO. 1918 gallon 545-1914 S3l-44'6 condition I SO. 727 W. 81'1 deco, dothea Oltplay b1rrel ehel1 SJS. Hlg 110-$20. 327 w. Wlleon, CM¥. wflMI• S25 Heh. swfllQ tpe>UI off tlN can ol otdl 20th St .. Co111 Meu reek $32. Many pollehed quality club loUnge chalf, 1p1ce 4, Co1te Mau. S e t ol Model T glen 1olld copper S 1S. Fine ~LF 1 1 tl':' ~96Joetblnet HIDE-A-BED coven 115. (reat houM) IM2·6.a7 breH decor11or plecH much fine wood lhowl 5-48-seM '8nderl $60. Round petto old CH I Iron porcet1tn ro1ri:-s2s. ;:~! bo=':i Lempt S1 ·S1S. M111r... Sl -$1 2. 12 Inch bran s s o Oak ro cker !Ible SS. Temporery b1tll 1fnk With brHa fix· set SS. Sectional couch WOOD cetWd merlin '12· cannon $9. 5 Inch heavy $10-S50. Several dHk MOVING cenooe for por-electrlc aervlce meter turH S45. Antique and •asorted hydraflc llltlnga $40 each. Cheirs S1-$15. Car lop reek $5, Cot lent bran Anvlt 17. 8 Inell S 10-$50 . Fine cHed trait•. l1mp •h•dH,,i~ box and pole $30. 333 vintage doot HI• end StO. 549-3118 Table $2-$25. DllhH SS. Decoy cerrler 13. polished braH •pltoon Conn clarlnet $50. 843-l lZH 35c·S1 . Picture Ea1t 18111 Street, Colle plumbing t1.11tU<es of por-CAPTAINS hal with gold I 1-$5 . Go od clothH 1 9~0 wood dHk c lock $6. 38 Inch copper i nd W. 15th St., Coete M8M fllmH. gold IMf. docu-Meee. tel•ln, brau and gleu bra id ln•lonle . 1lze 7't. S2-S 10 Saturday e nd s2. Thermoe Jug '2· Pulh breH b4ld warming pen (between Monrovl• 1nd ment, 111 1tze1 SOC-$35. $1-S 7 New Germain• $10. z Spar 100 whit• Sunday 228 EHi 2111. but1on phone Sl2 Fl-$22. Thirty llH vy PO· Plecent l• S treet •) Garde n tool• $1-$20 CHAJN uws S30end S<IO redwood plant«• $1-I S S13 gellon.Z Spertllln-CoeteMea 631-2882 •hlng tackle l Oc:·S2 llslledceatbr ... enlmell S 48-013S Seturde 984-7571 Sklll uw$45 HendMwl 18 1nchrec:twoodplent41< ne1 17 gallon. Dek1ot)e ANTIQUE ruby 24K gold R~el~ $8S~18C Chrot• end blrde S2..St2. Lovely 9-6pm. SUndey 10-6. BRASS Rembrandt le ble S3 eacn Pipe wrenchee tub• S3 N-o.<m1in·1 1 No 2 $15 gallon. Oel<lof)e S " OJ I ap er S amp no CHI br ... clnleorn $12. lamp $50 Deco e tlve $4·130 Pipe threader redwood s hingle d dog No 1 $8 gallon. SCT bit v ue 3... d ha nd · Item• 10C· -4 Cer radio Graceful i-vy ceat .... DOUBLE box 1prl ng. · r end cu11er1 $30. Boy1I $ S belle cot! Sl1S .. NII $3S. p1lnted J apan, Chine StS. Sell 11111 lob $4. Bl· ring gull $18. Mike tine manr ... and frame $30. white wrought Iron t1ble Huff y bike s 35 8MM houu 12 e nd t 5 Antique sword• 126-$40. deca nter end •Ix cup• ble CHsette record 11-gifts, l11ge pll!'tonal col· Seers 201n. rot1ry l•wn S<IS. Metc:hl~ ctlalre S 12 projector $30. Womana ~ri:i ~tlon boat 011• 24K gold leaf decor 118• S 30. Pres .. d gta11 bums $20. Ceuette tectlon of hand painted mower! hind ater41ng each. E~ctr c compact clothes SOC-$10. Buddah C • · ~4 W. 15th St., tuH s 12_12s . Sntr• punch bowl end 5 cup• player 115. CeuettH porceleln and bl•que with cacher s1s. King dryer S 8. All perfect lamp s 2s. Round coffee 0111 ue (between dlum b __ ......._ end melel $3S. Hand blown cordlll• soc. Large oce1n reel llgurlnH $3-18. Eleven o-t1wn front throw lawn condition. 5S2-0073. ta b l• s 2s. H1ndm1de M5onrovte 5end Plecentle ,,__ $10 3 1 d $18 K 1'" •a: Bo ...... ... ...__ • ..,, treet1) 48-0135 8 •1· ttend S20. 241n bronze Ht. ant qu• •· · odak ~ ..-. 11 cleulc old 1olld brH,• moW9r ... ,1 .. cet .... --v. 120 plllow• SS. Orlental IH d 9 6 S .. _.1 ,,,,,.,..,._ $30. Lar~ c1nte11 S 15 e ach En-if. bell• $1. BBQ motor fl re p l e c e 1 o ol •• u Ktngo-lewn edger wt PINK H tln drape• Ml,,_ s10. Oval mirror ur •Y • pm, undey """' .... ...........-r ....... ~.....,"-IN "'""'" Sllefle xyellowtelt .,,,S28 M t"'out m o t o r SS. Two t11nglngllght1$10. $ T I $ 0 10-6 ewlm fin• S8. New god -· ...,...,..,.,_ -.-.... . any old Iron or " Th Id 1 1 1 bl trey 7. V red o 1 •----------cuahlon aott 101111 Ht, 10 H eh. W.S. George pole $111. Hlb9Clll $7-S2. bre11 fireplace andiron 548-6839 12;~~~~.r .!f~en! S~~ wall pictures $5-S 10. WALNUT waif unit. 2 ple- orlglnel ooet $40, aefl S1S. HI of dllhH ISO Col-Electro p1rt1 10c-S1 ••••• SS-$3 5. Lo g or LADIES 10·•PHd blk Tool• SOc-$20. TV WOOd B.B. gun dart .. , $20. CH , 1 Wltll 2 doors on Porteble freJlor reer view lector plate "The DrH · Sold«lng Iron 15. ~ me g e z In• ti o Id• r 1 SSO. l<odak earoMI 11 atend s2o. Dl•llH, art Nie Nee r8Ck SS. New Mt bottom M O each Stro- ml .. Of' $8. T-...... utltul mer·· $35. 1937 EllC)'Clo· $3. ceder box $1. Olgflel $4-$1 5. CIHllC En"'leh nroJe c tor lll"e *SO . I .. ot flatware H rvlce ol & lee half-pint atrollllf with '' -v .,.... oedl11 ~· Two gold VTM s~• p k "'I "" ,.. v • , objeot1, k lc nenware weM lempt, Oflglnal S115 • 1"· ..... o er c .. pa breH llrawood buket Men'• Bulova quartz lOc-S20. vac uum S20. 125. Old cry•t•I bowl totdlnQ canopy. Elloe4tent 18011 Hit s•o ••ch. A•· velvet cllelrt $25 eacn. S2. High school pin.st. With llon'• paw feet 112. dreu watc h Ilk• new Gu renge SlO. Hood StS. New 1tut1 animal• con dit ion . S20 toned heavy duty-exlen· Old N.Y. pey phone $50. Men'• lhoe• 13-16. Go-18 Inch hendcretted Tlf. 14s . Hoover rug •hem-S 1 O. WHtcllll eree. S 1-$25. Coll of arma 656-2947. alon contractors ••••n· Pl1no bench S2S. Cloc:k1 lo1het $3. Ring SL Biii· renyJla11lamp1h1de. p ooer, •lec lrlc s 2o . 848-5355 well pl1que $10 K1mar•--S-D--G----d--•lon cord• SOfl. Four 15-StS Naugahyde rec-ford $3. Ladlee booll 12. not exlcan S 18. Very etufted musical animal• 3 LI IN clOHl oort, slic. touter SS. Antique liner $25. Old Pyrex cu-PurM $3. DllC>l•Y box S1. 1nllque ce1t Iron wood 5-46-2855· O'NEIL wet.ult top 11\ort 1nd doll• aft brand new ~~~ti~~;'o :: muslcet lnetrume nll Mrolea end 11end1 S18 Fledlo1 S2-$4. Phono· 1tow body with deUcate NEW leether cany on beg, sleeve medium uud 15-SSO Saturday end Oold plald drapery $20 $30-$45. Beeutllul gold and 125. Old Pewter Nil graph S8. Roddy 1url 1croll work. make nHt SU'1 5th eve . $250, wfl once S25. Aloha 1urf-S11r1dey 10-e. 2207 Ave· •nd bllck.Melllcan dr... 11nd peppet' S25 Antique pole S18. 0ecan1«• $1. plant« $15. Wick« 11"1 aell S50 M2-3619 board reek $10. Surf· ton on the cornet of White plH llC bl•ckout Sombr«O s2s. Beeutlfut d reuer SSO. Chlld'• Fllh pole ceM S2. Cock· c reel $4. Well made t>oatd ett•ln, "He...W.n Avacedo end Avalon drapery l lS. Both oovef exec utive dHk blotter w11drobe $20 Child'• tell g11 .... SOc-11. But-WHtarn 11ddle, 11n1 ROCKWELL belt 11nder Dellgn1", wlttl leUtt $20. Colt• M-. · ~ \::n'11;31n~'~o'u~t: ~::_: with pen set. celender, dreuer $12 Chopping 'w•0r0Sd7 . Mb1uo1e1s11 -1!320. 1t1trrupe $4S. Ten kitchen SSO. Mell elec:trlc ot11ln Bicycle reek for car re-4 BAUM lure S25_ Baby pery rod• end herctware note pad holder and block $1 . Ct1v 10111er c• ne . .. d ntng end end tel•• uw $50. 011111 , 11w, moveble 120. Cell alter $ metcltlnQ Uh trey, blectl $10. Crockpot 17. New IH pot S2. 1918 wood 120-$50.' Antl®e walnut •m•ller hand toot• Spm. 875-7079 ~b S10. Stroller 5. S10. 8"-4-5178 IHtller with wood trim, Fleldcrest bethroom car-tltm hold« 12. C1lcut11 d ining table S50. Four 12-$25. Good dratting 11• and tult• St Metl. LAOIES dotlllog Ille 7-18 ortgln•I 1125, sell 140. pJt S2S. Two bOOkCUM polH S8·S18. Shirt•. m1tch lng ct11l11 US table $4S. Por11ble Re-P:.~~~o~~:"'o~ f;~~':i~r'!:TJ'c =~ 50c-SS. Beuer la rge Sturdy metal chelrt 14 3a113ax18 S20 .oh.,,... pant• SOc-$2. 19111 end H Ch. Wooden 36 Inch ~~r:_gtoo ~I!« $1S. .J..-.-4 picture tube $50. Sunday 2342 Tlcond•· flH I• plettere SS each eac;tl. SOft garden hOM8 taf ltieMno $20. Humldl· lrvlne, 490 Co1t1 MeH round gate leg teOte $2. -"Y crib, ,.._11, beet ....-17 WI Putel Frenclecan plettet s• Hett. M'echlnl•t felt lier S 1S. Sated Mt• $5. St .. eo.te Mela. Authenlo llberglu11d made $50. Swl\'91 oHlc 5-46-21 7 rege ey, Coete Meaa. $3. Picture trernes 20x24 ti ned multtdrewer tool 18Twnt':,nb•1d101~~~~."-~·~t•• REDWOOD patio t1bl• •hip• helchcover t~ble um chair· •olld birch COLOR T.V. (need• WOftl) TWIN bed and frlml llltre 110 end $15. At1 bOOk• cue $35. Medlcel clinic -· ...... .... wtttt benctlM $25. Wood S35. Many 1ntlque woo-SSO. Solld birc h Hrly 110. Peanut bUtter me-long firm $4S. Frenc h SOc-11. C.nvu llretctier weight •cite I SO. H~n-(40 reg.) $3·S,12. Good dr....,. SlO. Night •tM\d den trunkl, chHI• end emerlcen COllH leble c hlne.16 . Lerge RCA Provenclel eoclli.11 table, b"" $15 uch. 011 p1ln- dred1 ol peper beck qu•llty women 1 etothlnQ $10. Tepe recordet 120. boxea S2-S36. 1143 W. S20. Men• 281n lO tpMCI radio coneole (not wor-cherry wood J SO. Bl· tinge 12-$10. Co1tume book• 3Sc eeeh. Large (Butte, J.MlllM) s3·125· Well c loe k $20 Siik 15th StrMt. Co11a Mau bike SSO. Girt• crutHr king) $10. Screen door 11\room v111lty roond be· Jewelry 10c-$3. Yard1ge wrought Iron Coat ot (site 7-14>. Shower chair p11nt1 5c l1S A1torted (betw.en Monrovia end $SO. Bi cycle pa rte $10. Metronome 112.SO. tin $20. 875--4174 2SC-$1.50 ytrd. Kitchen· Arm• with cr oueo ~!b~~~:~J':.1s~g: kltche~ ;_are 10c-I S. Placentl1 St11et1). 1'r~~ks~21~~1~1nl~~~~~ Five drawer ctiell $15. LOCKING •tNI utlllty boll were 25c-S3. 9•0 De~~ •word• $25. Junal• hat , TO)'I end booke 10c-$5 S48·0136. S etur dey Two blect< tNlr IWOll $25 StrMt, Colle MeM .... t· from lndll size 7T~ 110. Clay router $10. Chll-Clottltno. lnlanl• er\Cf 9-5pm, 8undey 1~. both. Two mod•nJrild each Fown rubber~ for wtde ~pickup $50. urdey 10-4; A11orted profeulonel dren'e~SOC-13. Roll edulll 20c-$4. g1rd'tn REFRIGERATED water wood dining cflalf HO v~t aldl 125 Lar-~131 -F-I S-H~p-0-1-.-,-,-n-d-ra-.-,"'-, I ... 1 120 up •h•del 72tnx781n S3 101 both. Camping ten1, · ·,3• p1 nl bru1 .. e1 1· . Md\. Wc>r'Mnl etlOe Ill• toot. 2Sc. Work bend!, 8 cooler S15. Goll ctub1 e1etre large uoellent g• m•t•J ceblnet "· PLAYYARD playpen S16, SS·S35. Cod t100111 end AHorled art 10011 •nd 7 s 2 to 525. Credenza foot $20. ~ bit!• S35. Cert t10. Electrlo condltloo &50 Sn.ti IOf Foldlng Wiiker 126. HI Strotee llr.-. exoelfenl e tnken 1 1 .2S-S2.26. 1uppf+'• 11-120. Com-1 T 12 H kl 110. CollH table 110. barbeoue 110. 3 H.P !I Camino 135 2164 JClt1n potty ui.nder '6· conotllon $215. G.M. In· Tldlle luf• 25c>S2. Fri· t!t~":r~r~~~~:~~ :r.~~:~~:f::~~ ~~~u':!'•,:.'~.~~;~:~ ~~~~~=~dn::!~~ t~t: ~":orw ~Ol1aw::; :~~r;~c:a':.t>~~::r:!a~ ~~.~0:!r'::~t·~:o.~~: ~~Y;:,~tus~rv.r-~02,•,~ Mii $25. Brend n_, Ht 1332 Walton Ave .. Coete Pu1h 11wnmowtr $20. · t1ble and 2 tnd t•bl.. etiet bloctl re.dfnQ teble Mau ' eno ct1•ln1 for Ceo1111c SlO. Sllturdayonty Mey 1· Meea. F•bel'Mlr• ei.ctrtc brOt-Canyon. Saturday t-3• 120. Black, whit• table 125. 2713 Gtnnet D11ve, ---·------1 120 AHOrtttd dMp ... C9lh onty, 3137 8tleron .. II I 120 8 Sunday 10·3 C•lh only. and 2 end llbl•• S 16. ,..~-...... 54t-040C), AOJUSTABlE dr .. lonn. end take llelllng pol•• lane, eo.ta MeM. ROTORY powet mower ~a'! !~:urtlng I;';~ Look for 1tg111 end Ir• Le'rt• tebl• ltmpe O.rinei Drive, Colt• Jr. 1IH, bull 30-~0 tn- 15-120. Tool• S1·150. TWOCtletvenalnee(235)1 S60. aeetrto mow. '40. U . Olnett• table 120. rOW9. S7.50.-l12.60. H•r19lng Mw. 0•8 0.00 che1 125. Berret ct11lr, «17 WMt Coul High· c ylinder fSO e1c t1. ~~~r ~'l:. ~~O; Fert>erw•r• eleotrtc fry T.V. port1bl• bltck •l\d Jerno so. Man'• 1U epeeo IA ored d Obe cul V91vet. blue. grun ~wf101lf~i 1441-<U11 Flower StrHt, Colt• ~ ~~T~si:r-~• White 121. C1nl1ter va• )16. Ledl .. Uln one ~:oor'ti21nx2~~~ ~old "°7: tao. lndOor tMcy-·-·o-YJ""· ...-.. ROl.lER ekatM, •lie 1 t M•••· leturd•Y •ft•r-:-.:.-;:::.."in"'~ ::.':;: cuum. co mplete UO. epeed m . 9iMt9 ...,_ fl'9'M llO Md\. P..,.. di . 181-7133 LAMINAT ING rHln 17 "tioble" like new, paid noon. .,...._.., "'""'-.,.... (leoUIO c•n OP9Mf 13. SIO. ~ lelt ........ door Utn117tln SIO. MOS Its, Boote• 160080. 5affon New •A drive 1tr a 5 a 11 f s 2 & SS. SUnbeem ei.m Iron Teeetoope on 1"'90d St2. ptc1we fnllMI ~to. Plate mitt« 2tln --Mirror 13. DrHHf SS. · · • •• or · BABY cloltiH 10c 12 Medi cord '4. Kite~ Uprlgflt v1cuum •H . · Kitchen 10011. dhlfl .. ttO Ooor knoDHte L•mp• U·ltO Light• mf_ac toot 136. CH ti 507-9129 Qlrl1 end boy1 olottiei W•r• 100·S5. t •turdey Color TV Hin QueHr. i>O" Md pene ~10. ~ .-toctc .._• 13·110. Deoor9tor Ute 34lt TYPING lable 17. four Ill• new, eln 2·5 10o-U. end llundey, 20t2 Tudn not worklnt 128. !'our oetflmtoe 10046. 8rO'ltlll\ 13 eedl. Q;e. 20ln•T;;: 25c-llOO. bM1e 16. Pie· KENNEDY •ool box with a.a room dlvldere H Fletler Prtoe t• 11..P. Awnue. Neiwpott BMch. allce1touter S 1 o. vinyl oouoh IH. 1tln g r ay bicycle s2 o. ture trwnet St-ta. o.11 77 ... ~ tOOI .. Cit. L•mp_l4. Bleck-SomenewledlledOCMt, Between 22nd end 23rd . .,.._,ad lfter tO:aG. tielldc, ... TV 110. Old 111·2.IM ltO. 18to COiie. "9r lllt. lndudee 42 p6ecie ..i bo1rd H . Weed Hier ell lint 25c·lf0: NW M2·f"5 ROUND ~lln. White pe. Salon flelr d ry•r UO. ~ Hett>of eftf ...... 8et-1Mr1 Mo-~ drtw eoctc8' ae. Half mower 16. Ae-brand• Pllue J••n• ......_..... ......... --. .. _ Dull• boerd 13.60. two BAIY ~ 2Bc41. P:J. ,...._ .... Mt, Proto, Cf•ft1m1n, c:ord cetllMt s2. Port-•-eoc41.-.. dell ti: v:_:w31:~~·~-~l ;;;;:'ii;~;·,~ ..... menldN Ill wet. 4*0 '"'"''"''and pol•• _-_.......,.._. ______ , Tfloreln. ptt•r!:....wren· crib SIO. Lett rMr vw Mowdf)W tt. P~tl.lt .. Com...i•t• ... t'.;;'it u~ ttereo record pla~e; f'Ml•nde Ave. • .....,_. H •l4. IHl!etb•ll 11. SMAl.l con.,.._ l11r ~=--~c.tl. =~~L::s: n~~ bird= ~ 110. Nit~ It. t15. Ouln:.• PIO oae• =.., lllr· leMdl!Y :..en:.=--~ ~:::,'~~~!~f.a~~=: YW1ll1 IQutrebeok 280 eeefl, ~llClflen I. ltlHtl, tr.'.~ .... ·ltook •tr fitter f10. Off *11• '*' 1 ft.~ I-'. 17112 bowl Ht IS.. Record .. , ..... i-..-..f-. N.l,.atradlft,...,. oc .. tllO Towell ,,._.. ..... at.1'wo LADlllafleeaSO-palr, Wif'Y .... lteot!OnWll Qu11111ne, Huntington m ·rtdk>oombtne ... tory aunr'oOf'ii!'siG. 1h1d .. 1oc. OHHll• t~ ._,.e ...,.'° duw......., 1111 ~a 11ae •~ • 1 .. .-m .. 1 un11 wm1 ot1•"9Hbl• ---. o . .,,... own llnlf. T•t..-one annwln'I. pl•Y•r II. Ford P,U. Pepertteolt J>ooltt enci ~.: .. ••oc .. k1 ~ !!...!.!• .,-• ...., _.,. °""' ~ tfld rWf'd ,,,..1, _ ~ 111 oou.-ler 11. HMalna :::: •,r.:. 18 ... drMlftlftatO.MeW\el 'hard,•cll boo•• --• ..... --. ore 11eweondltlon., MotlllO.L..owerunlt,_ "'" ..... _ · ~---~ 1 ~ .... · 10c-u . women• •IH 10D-tOo....., Int..,... •toclt ~., II. g:i 141 loyol• "'~ ....,.. Md lllt9I IMlll· .,.. "'°" Mdtf91M "·1 "°· ~..,.. ao. ~·:.:~hnll H 12·14 ctot .... 2k·l10. mo1111t11e 14. 1.: KMter MIC .. '4 Nett. ... ...... ,. lfl ltOf' ... b6nt Oft .... llld llllllila a~ WOfftet1'1, IHl11, ...... I Wofwe .... N to 10\t ... ,..... ..,. • ::-:~ ~=-r· GIN.I ... I .... ..... ,.,.. eutteet II ftft'ef· m"=::.O~o ~~-..,. ..... --end QUHM eq. Hd, ma•·r lflOH Ho•H. Two ,001 etoot II, ,.Oflfo ~ IH IH• 9'lt HO. ,,,.~ f=fl.:1~:.r.~~ H . Weod 11,...t _.1 ..-..=.-=:~ =' e"4 •o::r.ilnti =-~·::.-::::: ,: m·~:O~~ 11.ICTNC _,,,L!r_ _.. "•Ht:~:.ft Oftlld'I =~· l11t1?1 11 OOfto 11. Off'9e _..,-.I =.: .. ,to. Woof , ... o:-: .. ..,r-· mlftl truell HO. UIO !$ .. lrt= rn = t._~~ =.: ..... f:' .:::· • .... ,, o.~!"&J!l fl Hf.Ht H . t•t\ 61 BAJA Rbll 2 150cc GrP.al cond I'. lots 01 pwr Has ll'le work~ A S~1n9 S2699 631-eo 11 I 12 vw au!i ~'"I c.or11.1 I new Png1ne. new 1116!. $2950 or bes t olfPr 548-0436 1 "142 8580 Announcing Amerlc•n Motor•' Buyer Protection Pl•n 5. It'• a 5-r••r fr•• ride. F'or '; vearsJ~ 000 miles a v1ttua1 t•ee n llt' ovet int: repairs you lt>ar rno,1 Covers every ne"' Touon Ame11can SP•fll Concord and EaQ te Buyer P101ec11on Plat'I S 1n~ludes • F11st year lull 12 IT1rJnlhrl2 000 mite wartan1y • E•len<Jed seivice con1rac1 coveraQe u1 ma1or POwenra1n 1no otne1 •ev c.omponents lor 5 years or 50,000 motes · · • The only lull 5 year No Rusi Tnru Warranty v,n the 1noustry Possible because 01 e1c1us1ve Ziebart F1te1ory Rusi Pro1ec11on • 5 year lrop 1n1e11up11on protec11on II you re 100 m1t1s or more hom home and w•rran1y repa11s 1a1t.e ov11nrght. you 11 l>e reimbursed lor ac1u11 e11ra IO<lg1ng and meal expenses up 10 S1~ • lo•ner car assistance • f")(;t ""'• ~ "°""tl'1 ' ' U -I~ ""' I r ... (U ' • ,.. -.. 1, '°\I• ,,..,., ••• , • ,, ~ ....... • ...... f,f1 .. u ,.. ... , • " •• ... (!Jlll' A S·r••r fr•• rid• and lower prlo••· Onlr from ~he Tough Americana. We'we reduced •ticker 1500 prlc:H on Splrl1. Concord and Eagle by • Sp1111 •s now thChtr p11c1d $'423 teas lhl n Dodo• Omni Miser • Concord now "" the lowest base s11c~er p11ce ot any 6 passen9er c11r bu•lt •n Amenc1 • Eagle SXI• is now t11cfler oroced below lht Mu111ng 3 door GL S.. u• l0t • .,'-"'' e"CS.Jwtl tfot'.,... oe1 .. •• Alwmitf'WHO t•"9vtt •atr91'1ttid tO' t1~'"\''100> M1ltt •• ,,... dlllt of °""'""' or''"' wN ~on• ht11 "'ot .._.,, COii .. c...,.,-.o ~·· tOt ff(.frl ,..., ,,.11 ''"'' ...., 11 ~ ,__.to.._.., fOtiM cet .._,,.OM '°' ._,-"'' ,....,...,rOtit ...... ,, .. ~Uf ...... , ... ,.." .... ,, • ..., _ ... ...,_ -.. -ror ...... ~ -~ Zte0e'1 ti • '901ttt1~ H~ o• Z....,, ln1.,._,.,IOl'W oo-w .. - •WHHl OlllVl £•OLE &~1• • -32 ~~. ~rJ. ADDED BONUS. Thia Weekend Only ... $500 ~~UNT ' On Any New AMC C.r, Dtrect Prom ORANOICOAITAMCJll" tll;"OHM el•,,,."/.~ Coll ... _Ortwe. Oottll , hlW ure"' a,_.•....... DllfMt.,HJ• .. I· ._., 4 VIN lfWCNM ~ ..... • :m· 1.1 ..... ,.,,~ -...... .... c......... ............ . ............. 5 "B''"" lo-.... '•IOCt· .. r--...... ·~·· ... ,*""' -- 1 ,_ ... ...,,Cmll_ H!!Mtlti I NM? ~·::: ::=· :::• 10, 0t ~ • 1~11 .,_,.... ~ ........ ,. t rr.:: Ori• 11119""'9 t : T"9 fell• drew lfl lliltl ~~~··~~~=~ -••:-~~ ~-~~~~~~~~-·:~=~~~~~~W~·=·~··~~~~~~~~M~~~~~~~=~=~~======== r I - - -i -----------... - .. Mtir.~ ....... aw..,m .......... ; '·~"°·~ ........... , ~ .. ~"-h'Aff!~ .. ;;;; ~~~ .......... ~,.~.,~ ........... ~.~'!!..,m ........... ~.~~.~ .......... .. ~~ ••••• 1.«1 F!'ll!!ff ..... ,_ ••• ~!I f!.?t11 .......... !!~r ~~............. ... . .......... ,t~· f!r~ ......... ~1 9.¥mtH!t ...... m1 r~11 ..... ft ..... "-fr 'Ji Q ,.alht cond, .UIO .'Tl .... "\• '72 350 4·10d r.ot. concl .• '7G Mont• Carlo, Xlnl 'II ...ul ... '10 Marl( VI 2 dr HT, 28. 1811 Ol<famoblt. Cuttom '74 Pinto: 121< mli.1. =roO~~;&al;~: e'tla l!llc•lltnt cond, Brown/ IO orig ml1 ttlOOIOaO, cond, 111 th• xtrat. A90• Grall lrantp. 54a-.oeo2 000 ml, 1 owMr. All Lin· Crulter 8 PatMllO-&-11100 .. 1.. · • brown, whol111lt $10, EYlt 4ff:1ott tnlly painted. UOOO. ~ II'' coin axtrat. Xlnt cond. tat• Wegon. (1C>OH3311). 9e0·2790 _ ... _.,..'"°"'.........,~.---..,..~ 460. 64().1189. o1 I 12 ,800/t>ael CAN'TRON Llkt ntw In whllt with 1..,.73 Pinto good c--" IO 'l 183! 12\1 07$4909 ~· .... . ••• • ............. ,. 660o-5tM d I & DI • • unu. llllPW Otit tran:ct1llOO· m'eee"i'tt••••••••r.wl' '7<r Nova, 1/8, 307, auto, '78 Dodge • dr .. good ~~~ ~~~~r 11~1•1 v:~ mllat. 1950 · ... 1-1011: a..a.iaoa.. · CAD •11 SEVILLE ID II PmTt ~~re,~; ~.~~·r.'t~~rpt GO<ld:.P"r Ir~•· $.1800 .. ,,,,., 1111 bolh.t ldH. po•er win· .Vu 5511·4041 I ll,500. LI ytllowllthr Wt h•v• 1 CloH .. lee-11800 PIP 8'11-~3 P OBO · 131 5000 ••••••i°tn•••••-••••• dow1 6 lock•, crul11 IO FOfd Pinto. 4 cyl.auto. '11 VAN, new eno .. 111 Int. mint oond. lltt. orulM, I Ion of NEW• ~IO · ltd -, ~ 1978 Capri II, 4 cyl, 4 1pd. oontrol tllt whHI CH · hatchback 12900 ~ Otrm1n p1t11. nttdl dr lock1, I way •POI, 11, Chevrolalt l '80 OHEVETTE 4 dt, AIC, •••••••••••••••••f.ll:?• Al Mk/FM cadlMltl hlllfltot, lltt•, only 18,ooo'mllu 19f'll. Cantr'on 559-5861 llloht bOdy WO<k, 12900. 000 ml PP. 1173-7334 eulo. AM/fM, Ult whl, lo 1 9 8 1 F o R D E 1 co rt oo • goo • mac · x n · 6 dt1lr1blt dlHtl eco-1-------- 4'4}."f018. t1411·ll05 '77 Ced. Flfftwood arm ml, mint cond. P,P. 14. Hatchback, Auto. 1ran1., $2'400. 55l·M 49. nomy. Priced 10 Hll et rl .. 111.t IHf w'll ....... * Mint condct. Loaded. Lo 450. 545-2951 air cond .. pwr. •• .. ttael '71 ZEPHYR VIiiager Wgn. o n I y I 9 9 5 O. 8 • u e r ..................... . llM\.C. Lo ml, alt, atareo ml. Leather. 11500. ~ ff• radial 1ire1, llk1 n-. Ju1t VI, auto, A/C, PIS, ate-Motora, 2925 Harbor 17 Ttall Dutter, auto. P/8 ..... ,,, xlraa. "howroom 642·3555 ., •' over 7000 mil••· reo 1apa, .. 1per cln. 39K Blvd .. Coah M .. 1 . P/8 look• sharp, gd .,._ o ••• •••••••••••••••••• ( IONY 188). t 5499, e11i. ml lo4 100 B48·8200 979·2500. cond., big tlre1. 13850. .-.. $5500. Maxine, •Below Whole111e• '75 Cordoba, blk, 390 V-8, fk• Toyota. Fine Uaed · · · 875-4508 Of 131·2862 • ,14Q..5270/860-1501 '78Sevllle17800 loaded, lo ml, xlnt. Car Sal1t. 1988•1970 '81 Mercury, wl}I, 4 dr, WANTED p,.11., HIJ 179 vw CONVT. Whl on 087URX $2900. 957-0330 Harbor Blvd .. Coeta need• very 11111• wo rk, ·····:w·A·H·rm········~ wt11. 411< ml. $6,500 firm. •RESALE SALES• C.nwtlt ffJJ Me• a . 6 4 8 • P 3 o 3 S200. 642·8l5& TO BUV e?&.-o..o9• 559•5001 '79 Eldo em moonroof ... Olm J11 =· ...................... 540.9417, •••I••• Hll ' n vw Ill White !1~9: 52124 16~' !11 • 519 ·==~~ ...... iiiiftiiiiU... UTE ••EL TO BUY i~*!!~~· =~IJlg~ 443 ~5~?63C.M. WAMttft f'lre engine red, mag WANTED V8. 1u10. air. pa, xlnl 1111 GUI UT! llltll te3_.'13't ·75 Seville, Immaculate. TO"BUY'~ r ~~•e•~'!~[:.1~~adn~~.1 ~~~ TO BUY con~·7:•:~;~~~-4242 WILSON FORD 1111 11111 Fthtt . 1111 leather. torcad to aell wheel, AM/FM at,reo, air UTI lllEL 4 cyl. need• body work, 8255 B h Bl d WILSON FORD '. •••••••••••••••••••• $9500/0BO. 847-8611 'Uftf ...._. cond & 1b101u1ely S 1 aac v 11 ............ aau beautll.ult 1·12309). llEI oa•1 700. 642·2790 alt. 5. Huntington °·ach ""#1 '''" ..... , 1979 SEVILLE DIESEL. " All , 1•2 ll....,l l 18255 Beach Blvd. ' .. ..._ .. , OHltfJI 331< mUes. white w/ red 112,111 WILSON FORD 66 Pony 289GT, yellow. • liuntlngton Beach -·~·-·· lthr uphol, xtras, fuel WILSON f()Rb ••••11 ••uwo vinyl lop, idnt cond. 142 1111 ••• •• m-1 tank. 8 .Wk. electric mlr-~ Ha.:' Blvd. 18255 Beach Blvd $2700. 548-2905 ·79 Dal Cutlass Su.preme I • _ _, nv rors. cruise control. rec-18255 Beaclt Blvd. COSTA MESA Huntington Beach. 'll ILIS OITUIS Brougham. Fully loaded. 78 GRAN PRIX L.J Nice -LUllll liner passenger seal . Huntlnglbn BeaQtJ .... ,... 142 Ill l S B h New rbll eng. $4995, cond $3500 or best of· OVERSEAS DELIVERY rear window delagger. 4 142-1111 _. • M-outifft 720-1696, 544-0805 fer. 645-9246 EXPERTS wheel disc brks. Orl8 1980 Chevrolet Corveue. '78 Pll')tO 6 cyl station '71 Cutlass Supreme owner. SI0.500. Lie. OL ••-wrns (1BEE762). Like NEW In wagon. Xlnt cond. Low PIP. (714)846-9555 $1000 or best offer '71 CATALINA WON W ••11E AR..,.67"1688 _,.,,.,,,., hit Ith di th , Veryclean,runswell. -' .,. IEW 11U w e w re 11 er, mileage, auto Irani, p/1, Olds 79 Cutlase Calale. 545-1335 $700. 675-6845 VII.YI '78 Sevllle. xlnl cond. as-low miles. T·Top, cu-p/b, ale. radio. new tires 38K ml load&d bkt seats ----~--1--------ltl66 Harbor Blvd. tro roof. Al1 options. Loaded, Q.lass 'I~ etc. setle, ctulse control, tllt & b re k e 5 . $ 3 0 80 . tape s5900 760_0641 Olds 79 Cutlass Cruiser. 73 LeMans. v.4oo. ale. COSTA MESA 17595 673 1585 Ser. 474017217. wheel & morel Priced to 642_2526. Wgn, very clean. must auto ps pb xlnt running · · HLY 111-1 sell at only $12,450. 79 CUTLASS Supreme. &ell. Semi loaded. S3995. cond siooci. 556-6622 141-HOJ M0-1417 79 SEVILLE. While, lea· ltWH• -.._..u...... Bauer Motors, 2925 '68 Ford Station Wagon $5,500. 29'1< m1. Loaded. 552-1818 1-~·------ ti, It'• Cht --,. ......, ... " ...,..111in1t8MrM1t ... Sony we haven't bHn •Olllll f• 3 ... htr1 Ill Thi Olly Net but wt haVt bte1 spenclnc I forbN II tht "other" p .... •• hut inl111d .. 0.11, rllot 111d11t lhoWinc 14> to '" ~ fantuUc .-... ti .,..., ustd en. Thest vlalts cf¥• ,... • Olll*tulitY to '" die b•1• wt hne ti offer •vtrY ..,. ... ..., tf JtU "av• bttl htrt before, Md NfcM c•a, ao you U.W whit wt NM. fir tholt dllt hav111't, let W tel JOU wt ha" OY• 100 Ulld can at • loutlon hnl $1595 tf tD $17,000, so we •• cGllfidlnt .... of tfltnl .. l&it JCIU. ... nttd yw CW IO c1MtJ it It lllW nl etn1t '"us. You won't bl aony. Ne.Ms, no bit' Pt•su• tidies, juat lict t.as to do buli- ntU wltll. ON by tM w11 now 1t1t llllt tM Ul'S shiillr wt haVt llllriy 20 CClftY ....... II atoct, plus NftY OChtrs not kttd. ther Interior Stereo c _. _.."..... Harbor Blvd .. Coste good working car $400 New rads. wire whla. air. . 78 TRANS AM Gld. Annv. AllC llOS sette. Ii. 840-5425. t Oolll!l/Quall Sia., Mesa. 979-2500. O.B.0 . 548·2674 tllt, etereo. xlnt cond 78 .Cutlass Calals. xtras. Ed. T-top, fully loaded. ""tll.~UJRIJI •••••••••••••••••••••• 720_2189 NEWPORT BE.AC... PP. 730-1515 mint oond. $4 ,150. 47K m1, all xlras $7,300 •75 AMC Matador Low 111..... ·79 Vet L·82 4 sp. loaded '80 Fairmont. 6 cyl 4 dr, 494·5907 080. 846-7528 "lll!tS/clean. $1300. C••U• 1111 xlnt cond. nu tires. $12, air. aulo, etc. Excellent 79 Cutlass Calal1 dlesel, 404-7194 Eves, wknds •••••••••••••••••••••• CIEYITTI 000 OBO 540-8801 cond. 13900tbest CAN-30,000 ml, xlnt cond. 28 r79 Gittins 78 TRANS AM . Help, --------1 79 Camaro Berllnelta. ·n . 30 mpg, xlnl mecil'I .79 brn Cor¥ .. like nu TRON 559-5958 mpg, compl. serv.·rec PS. tilt whl. AM/FM ste· must sell this week. New '78 Pacer, must sell, ste-19,000 miles, air. am/Im d 1 11 Op1ion1. $5600/bst otr. reo cassette. $4200 T.A. errlvlng. Top cond .. ,,o.1 1200/best otler. casse tte. $6800 . con .new rana, res, cond.,loml,$12,500. £J•m• IHI 642"•92731vemso 673-7713Eves makeotr.960-9107 & . 962-7898 499·4501. brakes. shoct<s. 57.000 Call 498-0282. David. •••••••••••••••••••••• 539-9057 miles, $2375. Atl 8:30PM '78 Merk v Cartier ·73 Della 88, Needs nu '78 Cutlass Supreme. loa-1w.------~ CMllJM fllS 79 Berlinetta, cstm T-top, 631-5206.. ~ C.1All 1113 Moonroot. loaded, xlnl paint. runs greal , $550 ded. $4500/beat otter. •••••••••••••••••••••• '$4995. Good cond. 7 6 M c f d ••• ••• •••••••••••••• cond. $7250'. 833-1290 557-2783 840-3946 --.... •n11 onte •r o. ~oo 1977 Cougar XR7. lmmac, 1--------. _, .. _..,. 66 l-6266 cond, lull po"er. AM/ full pwr. AC. cruise, lo '78 Town Car. 4 door. '78 OLDS 88 DIESEL 1970 Olds Viste Cruiser . IAMLUOT SELL idle items with a FM . A IC · S 2 4 5 0 · ml, orig owner $4000. loaded, xlnl cond. Redu· 34 mpg. loaded. xtra Wgn. 9 pass. good cond. We speclallze In leases Daily Pilot Classified Ad 645-3634 559-0166 ced to $6000. 646-7968 clean. $43!l5. 546-2855 $1100. 759-9477 fbf the business execu----------1 tlve & professional. Aalll'I *'" 1100 A1111 *"' IUO Aat11 Jlw Lars• Stlffff.. • ............ llJ.llijlii911i11 ......... . If In 1112 WlllHS In I• Steekl NABER~ C1\DILL1\ . /c'4.X) H.ul• • 111-..t c ....... ~,. .... , r,.io·•t&.1 ·79 Sedan Deville. lo ml. xlnt cond. $8995/take over low pay lse . 631--0496 T9 Eldo. black Loaded Suoroot Xlnt cond., 52K ml , $10,995 PP 631-6666 'll lt•Hlt Like new $5800 540-9459 ·10 Classic EJ Dorado. low miles. xlnt cond. while/ red Int. $ t 800 OBO 548-6446, 493-0803. '78 Sevllle, sunroof, very rod cond. 66,000 ml. 9500 644-0890 PIP .,. St.Ute Black with black leather Moon roof. All extras. Xlnt cond. $8 .990 494-8904 A11t1 U1M .•..•...••..••••..... NABERS <:ADILL1\C CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD HOUGHAM (lCGX359) s16,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DIVILU (636XHT) ss995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE "DIESEL" (522XW0) ss495 1971 CADILLAC , SEVILLE (476278) s9s95 1971 CADILLAC SEDAN DIVILL. (380VDT) s5995 1979 CADILLAC FLIHWOOD HOUGHAM (7 12XWP) $9895 --1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (6A3'480) $15,995 1977 CHIYSLll NIWYO.Kll Sth AYINUI llDAN (912XYZ) s7995 1911 CHIYIOLIT co,vnn T·TOP. J(18JZ9M) •1&,995 ~ ~ ~ .. ~~~ BRAID IEW 1113 RAIHiER PICKUP.~~ 11111 IEW '12 F-188 PICKUP ·FREEi ~-='..= :tZi~-= FAITllY IDITI •soo * * * * * BEAT--* .. *l!l!!l·~*-*l!l!ll!IP-*~-PUl-llAIT-· "!Im ... _ .. " .... -fl •n•t1r ·12 1·1y . •\1r '12. FREE(•.=:-.::= .. -:,~~.:-.. •fi'O DEAL;.•.,. --•111n1 ---··--..... 5..U THE F•ST 1111 F TIE YUi! TAKI IHllR ADYICll BUY I 8£1 IER CIR lllD &ET I IETIER I ,1:~~.:::~ wllHWin! &.O litre H.O. Engine; , ,,. ~~-_..., r.;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;a......,;;;.;.;;.;;.;.;;-;.;;.;;;.;;.;;._l&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ Zero to 11 _,.. ~~ ~~.~~·~ FREEi FREEi FREEi FREEi· FREEi In 1.1 uoenda! lutpHtfon • AorodJnemlo 5 I 50 000 ,..._ ... ....,. lll1po •Duel Mlrron • YEAR MILE H-.1...,. ... ,_ .... Do.bl• Well Conatrucllon. I · . 1 1 1 1111 •....., ......,, And IM 111 toee on and on to PUll'&::M".:t.=' koep rou 1n..,... • "J.._ 111....., ....,, FAITllYIEUTE FORD MOTOR CO. EXTENDED PlllllYm&TI •soo WARRANTY-FREE ON ANY NEW '665 PU11111T111111n1 1981 or. 1982 CAR IN STOCKI PU111UT•1111111 IUll IEW '12 COURIER . FREEi ·.=-.:a..= .,,J ..... ........... ......,. FIOTllY IDITE •200 PUS llllT Mlllllll 1111.us.11a111 ~=i==~ ••••• 1111 Fiii PlllTI Iv-OH I •-W/alf ••••• -··_..,I AM/'111e ..... u.-.viaMt. ..... ,.._ .. .._...._ eMI, fteat a ,Mel IHMl fer .... ,., .,. ( .. 111 ....... _ re,alr orclor -I cl•r BIHi· -. ........, ,.,. "' ... ,. ftoeono , • .,, ••• -ettor ._..1111111. 1 .. ,....,. . ==~==-~ Sllil 1.,,.., ... ,n '°"'·. cyt., ... -'O .... . -··-...... ·•· I.la. "9. ICGICMt • per d1y wtth 100 FREE •ES Wllo• 1:: _.., r.-lra ero MMat ,..,..~ .... '" ..... ,. .... <I• ..... ''""" re,afr erler -I claJ .................. ,.,. .. llO)·•···~ ...... °"" ...... l/1llll. 1111w1111• ...~,,,, ..... •••11 ~r•f.Ll•,11• .... IRllD IEW '11 FllRIOIT .... ..... ....... .. ~ .... .. ..... Ill ............. . naJ•.....,.. I Jf./IMll 111 ....... ..,...,. FAITllY IDITI s· / c DEADl.INES For Tuesday through Saturday pubticatlona. 5·30 PM the J)l'8¥ious day. For Sunday and Monday publlcat1on1. 12·00 noon Saturday ERRORS ,loO\lettiMJ11houtd check their eds daily and report 1rrors Immediately. The DAILY PILOT 811Un'lll llablllty lor the first Incorrect Insertion only 1±2 .. .. • 642-5678 P\alSHER"S NOTICE· All real estate edllertlted In this~ Is eubjed to the Federal Fair Housing Act ol 1988 wttk:tl rr8kae It Illegal to adYef11M "any preference. llmltdon. OI dlscrtmlnatlon bMed on nace, colof. religion, MX, or n1tlonal orfgln. or an Intention to rr8ke fl'1 SUCh preference. llmllatlon, or dltertmlnarlon." -lhl9 newapaper wlll not knowingly acciept Mf ..,..,_,Ising IOI,... ...... wNctl· la In violation of the i.. HOUSES FOR SAL£ Ge<Mt1l lllm ~ ....... '"°" ...... , ......... ,..,, r.,..,.,..._.."h -1111 c ......... , 11111 c..t.N..., .... tr.""'"' ·-... Ht.II fwnteAA \al.tit) ... -............ -... ....... .... ._ ..... ... ....,_"'"' -i..c-1" ...... -=~":i-... ... --Mwlll4 ,.,. S..haaC-u• "" ---Shi ...... l -_...,_. -·----·-,,. Q.ASSIFIEO INDEX mt mm Atr• .. t f~~k tllllt ~IN'M\fot '4k> IJllO t.-:-~':~r1>n, l).'tO , .. f'"•1nttft) ':.% (.'r;ph •• ~:".::,';;~,!r::J.r1' JW 111111 o.,w ... , l f'f4• ~ .... -............ ::: ,..,._,,.,.,., -:=1t'-"' ... ... -H-Trl!Ptll• ---··_, -Or :-:rc c. l't!P -°"' '-i.."' .. 1YI E"'Sl .... -_....,,.,.,c,.._-.., "" ... Eolo14 £·•·-· -.. .,Col ... •-- •Adi In thl9 category mutt be p,.peld Open 1-5:30..t. Saturday •noon (Cio.d 00 Sunct.v) 330 w. Bay :.t .. Cotta M .... ea. 112m1..-:s REMTALS ''°""'" rurn.•IW-d UGI t..._.. l Af..,r·nh hl!od -~f"\lr•9"l:Af = c ............. ,,.,. c°"'*""'"""._.l •' >en ,... .... W"\J"vr• )!81 1.--....1..i -°"'"'H ,.,,_ -o..,i. ... 1..1 -A•tthut ,,. 4""1:111 .... -4'1l\ ,.., .. ., \. ,., .. ==:·.-, --=.::..~ ·-till -....... .. , .. ·-·-· .. k..._.•SINn• ---a .. _..,._ .. Olllot ..... -....... "_"' -,__. .... " .. =·---... _ • - 2 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement Essay contest winners naniea • High school students'Richard Kuno. Jill Hansen and Joan Pati- tucci o f lfun.tington Beach and Laural TTuman and Erika Ginsberg of Laguna Beach wrote the-winning essays in a · recent contest sponsored by two Orange Coast .boards of real tors. The contest theme was ''How Lo- sing Private Private Property Rights Would Affect My Future and Why These Rights Should Be Preserved." The Huntington Beach/Foun.lAW> Valley and Laguna Beach Boardof Realtors sponsored the contest an conjunction with Private P roperty Week. Kuno, a senior at Edison High School, won the Huntington Beach/ Fountain Valley grand prize. He received a $500 savings bond for his dtstrict-wide win as well as a $100 savings bond for the top entry from hls high school. Second prize went to Marina High School junior Hansen. She received a $200 savings bond plus a $1 00 bond for the best entry from Marina. Third p1aoe went to Edi8on senior Patituccl, who received a $100 sa- vings bond pll.l.S • $50 bond for the second-place entry from Edison. Laguna Beach High School junior Truman won first place in the La- guna Beach Board of Realtonf con- test, receiving a $100 ~vings bond. Sophomore Oin.Sberg received a $75 savings bond for her second place entry. Individu·a1 school winners in the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley contest were: Bret Haney, of Hunt- ington Beach, a Liberty Christian School sophomore who won a $100 savings bond; Kristi Hall and Kirsten Thomas of Huntington Beach, who tied for second place at Marina High and received $50' sa- vings bonds; and Edison High School senior Justine K. Tanabe, who was awarded a $50 savings bond for placing third at her achool. Winning entries will be submitted to the National Association of Real- tors to compete i n a nationwide contest. WOR K BREAK -Sherry Harding, one of the few females involved in construction supervision, pauses for a moment of relaxation on-site. The Orange County project manager supe~ day-to-day operatio.ns and financial reporting for more than $5 million w orth of commerc1al and industrial development for the Kinnie Ells Group of Laguna Niguel. Survey shows sellers, buyers rely on agent Although some homebuyers shop neighborhoods looking for signs. others read weekend classified ads, and a few rely on cocktair parties to heu about the latest bargain to come on the market, DlOll UR real estate professionala. Actording to Realtor Barry Bussiere. president of the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Board of Realtors, 82 percent of the homebuyers us e real estate professionals. . , The agent was Clted as the most important source of information for S3 percent or the buyers during late summer or 19*>, according to a survey or 14 metropolitan areas. Sellers also rely heavily on agents with 77 percent or those selling.their homes listing them through agents. Home prices ranged from a high of S124.8X> in San Francisco to a low of $48,!lOO In the Tampa/St Petersburg area, Bussiere said. The national median price was $70,000. The detached single.family home was the most popular choice of housing for 198> homebuyers. More than 75 percent selected detached homes. 11 percent condominiums, eight percent townhomes. and five percent bought two· to three.family homes. . Home energy ertlclency was cited as a factor' in the selection or the home as w as the proximity or the hom e to the buyer's place or employment. · Most homebuyers . were married with dependents living at home. but 21 percent were single. The median household income was $33 ,100. First-time buyers comprised 44 p ercent of the home·buying market. I E Q&A: Equity sharing Q . I have been heattJll a Jot about equity lharinc· What ~y .. thJI? 4'A. Shared equity mort1a1e1 in· volve financing partnerahlPJ bet- ween homebuyen and Investors. They take·a variety o f forms but generally involve a homebuyer who can't afford the neceuary down payment and monthly mortgage charges for a houle, and an investor who is. willing to aubsidlze part of the buyer's costa ln exchange for a share of the equity as the house grows in value over the years. The homebuyer has a smaller monthly payment, the investor geta part of the increased value at the time of aale. Q. This sounc:t. like a good Idea. Ia it being uaed to any 11"9t extent? A. At the preeent tlme, the Ute of equity aharing hat been Umlt.ed pri- marily becau.e banks and thrift in- 1titu llon1 have been unwilling to take n.111 on bu,_. who need 11.1b- .. cltn.:J:Y the&r monthJJ' debta. ~..unen'r :!."::'L~ tuadail eJ1hlr. Q. Do you tee the potltbllity of equity lhartnc pining~ by the banking community an)' time aoon1 A. Yea. On Dec. 28, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), a congresslonally- chartered corporation tha t buys home loans from local lenders, pu- blished guidelines for the purchaae wW purchue abared equity loam ... tar1e u tl07,000 on alnale-famtly horDea provided: -Both the' buyer and the investor can pua standard credit test• for their share of the purchase; -Both parties aiBn the note and the mortgage or deed of trust; -The investor Is an lndMdual not When making use of equity sha- ring it is best to consult an 9ttorney. ween the~· A. No, th.tre are no restrictiona on theee aspedl Of the lnatrwnenL This la left Lot the buyer and tbe Invest.or to work out. According to Freddie Mac officials, the program is aimed at treating mortgages made by len- ders to equity Wring buyers aa in- vestments comparable to any other type of mortgage. Q. Ia the shared equity mortgage a good tool? A. Like any other tool it depends on whose hands It is in. When ma- king use of equity sharing or any other ffnancing arran1ement, It ls best to consult an attorney apectah- zing In real estate. While equity sharing may be a good ln.atrument for use by a first -time home blcyer, detail• l)n the dtvt1ion ot • proflta, echedule for ule and alloca· tJon of tax ·benefits ml.at be spilled out up-front in .ny a.1 clocummta .,.,.,... tlwY ............ ,~,,.II true whe&hei'·the ---~a ...-.er ~ ---~~'""*-· ---vollnt ...... ....,;.,.... ...... p the'"r•• ... --.~ ..... .. .. -"'""'"«~·~,_,___ . . ---- -----~~-~---._.,._.....,=='""'"-=.,,...,.--=---~-~ --.---~--------------------.. ···-•ua•1•11 · Engll• Tudor In a country eettfng on ~ aere, with. 4 bdrm & 2 b&. This home .. near the lake & shops $229,000. A listing of Katie Roberta. .......... Beautiful upgraded Bodega model, a de- tached cottage with 2 bdrms & 2 ba. Fenced yard good financing $144,000. A listing of Katie Roberts. 4 Melody Lane, Open Sun 1-5 pm. ••• • m urrum• Comfortable & warm throughout-3brm & den right on the Grand Canal. This home even has an Income unit. Owner wlll help with the financing. $650,000. A llstlng of the Bolands. 123 Grand Canal. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. •••• Ul.llA Ill •• Never a dull moment from any wlndow- Bayfront duplex over1ooklng the Pavtllon, 10 years new. $1,095,000. See Jack EJam on 510 So. Bayfront. Open Sat. 1-5 pm. •••••••YIEWau Retax wtth a panoramic view of the ocean. canyon & rolling hllla. Thia home Is priced for an extremely fast sale. 4 bdrma 2 baths. $325,000. A llstlng of Dottle Val- entine. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 978 Sandcastle. . ............. Unique garden Mttlng It your Invitation to this 4 bdrm home wtth an unUIUlll center fireplace. Excd1nt owner flnanctng on fee land. $465,000. A llatlng 'Of Dottle Vm.n- tl n e . Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 2708 Lighthouse Ln. . ••••u..a This secluded 2br 1 ba condo, on ttwt ocean aide of Coast Hwy, la perfect for the second half of your llfe. One story with a peaceful vtew of the hllla. $145,000. See Madlyn RouaMk>t Sun. 1-6 pm. 1675 Via Captl #5. ............ Tutetuly r.model1d 3 bdrm+ den, wtth Income unit on large tot. MHter bdrm IUlte, ,rench doors, wood tloot'I. 1539,- 000. he Nancy Nychay. Open Sun 1-5 pm. 3<M Gotdenrod. r ---- Orange CC?Unty Real Estate/An Advertlaing Supplement to t!:'8 DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 -3 Unique Homes has 72 of the best listings on the market totaling more than $32,000,000. Our prices range from •11,100 to •3,300,000 Call us now to see the home of your dreams U~HJUI: ti(Ml:S REALTORS 675~ Ill Corona cW M•, Newpo.rt Buc:h ... lnt.ae A SPIRltED BUNCH! -- -··· • 1•1• ml PHI -For thoee who Ilk• to ~ thfe home le locaMd In an area that It being Mohtv upgraded. Great terms, oce.n vtew. fM , land & large lot. $329,000. A 16atfng of the Von Geldern•. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. •20 De Sola Terrace . •••E••un• Big, bright. Broadmoor. Cul-de-sac. pool. spa, with very attractive owner financing. Call to see at $645,000. A llstlng of Bonnie Barrlngtons. Details. $645,000. Open Sun. 1-5 pm. 6 Winged Foot. ........ , Pool. sauna, 4 bdrm, French doors, par- quet flooring updated kitchen, security system, owner wlll assist on terms, move right In $295,000. A listing of Bonnie Bar- rington. Open Sun 1-5 pm. 2221 Franci- sco. ••••su-oramat1c Portoflno model with enclosed entry. See this charmer with Mexican pa- vers. skylight & French doors-It wlll knock your socks offl Well decorated & owner wlll help finance $339,000. See Natalie Fogarty. Open Sun 1-5 pm. 2221 Port Lerwick. ••• • DEZIMT•Ulll• Location, charm & warmth characterize thl1 3 bdrm home. Pool ape, deck, & low maintenance complete the perfect picture. $389,500. A ll1Ung of Carolyn Mason. Open Sun 1-5 pm. 18891 Harkness. ••••rmna.. Outatandlng 5 bdrm vieW home. Park llke vard. open 1paclou1 floor plan, soaring ~llnga, with assumable ftnanclng S399,-ooo fee. See Donna Schroeder Sun 2-5 pm. 18672 Via Torino. •••••SUYllW Top of the hln with a forever view, this 4 bdrm, 3 bath home la decorated to per- fection. Guardecfgate and onty $519,000. A llsttng of the Von Gelderna. . ...... . 0¥Mooklna Ilg Corona bMott & the jetty. thlt hOme 1'a vtew, vtew, view. 3 bdrm one tevel. OUMnt a oozy eo Nlny. '820.-ooo. , t .... -"-- 1982 -JACOBS REALTY CLOSE TO-nt! IUCH and only $119,900. Three bedrooms or use as 2 and convertible den plus dining. Redecorated/paint and extensive use of wallpaper throughout. Build-in range and oven, dishwasher, etc. Offer a down payment and the owner will finance the balance. ICUIFllDIT 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit -2 Br 2 &·lower, private sundeck & patio. Less than 2 yrs old and generates about $3000 a mo income. The real news is you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without qualifying incl. 12 ~ % int. fixed for 30 yrs. Only asking $659,000. Try a low down pymt. IEWHllT llEllm CAPE COi Over 3000 sq ft on three levels for gracious living' and entertaining. This one year old home has 4 Bdrms, family room, formal dining room, 2 used brick fireplaces, 3 decks and is MOST beautifully decorated. Offered at $450,000. /' Z-ITllY 11a,111 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. Bltns incl. dishwasher. 5 huge skylites, "mood lights," frplc, Spanish tile flr & cut glass window. Loads of used brick. NnUI SlllES lllEL Two stories, 3 Bdrms + loft and family room. Lo- vely wood exterior, slate entry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sundeck. Walk to beach. Owner will carry, so submit your down. Asking $165,000. IEWNllT llEllllTl-$211,100 Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bdrms (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, brick fireplace. Large yard w / sprinklers front and rear, cov. patio, room for boat and/or a motor home+ 3 car garage. Super location, and tenns available. TUllTLEllOCI COIDO Immaculate, upgraded end unit with 2 Bdrm 2 Baths, plush cptg, custom shutters, shelves, paneling etc. Central air cond. & much more. Only $174,990. \. IUL llWIP llPLD just a few doors to the beach. Two plus 2 bedrooms including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio separates the double garage and both units. Super location. Near shops and market. Asking $275.000 with owner financing the balance . . JACOBS REALJ,-y ... 2919 Newport Boulevard L Newport Beach, CA 92883 .. Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturda RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES Ill CUYDI . Slll,111 4 BR overlooking 6th fairway on a ver'f private cul-de-sac. Beautifully decorated. Air condi- tioned. Large deck & spa. Lovely l~w mainte- nance yard. HY CREST $551,DDD 5 BR custom modern hacienda with tile floors & massive beams. Large family & formal dining room & an outdoor tournament pool area. WESTCLIFF $455,DOD You can't beat this for a great traditional family home. 5 BA with gorgeous pool/spa & large deck area. formal dining room, warm living room w/flreplace, trench door & wood floor, 3 car garage. Perfect! HYCIEST 1315,118 Elegant & gracious describes this spacious 4 BA with Family Am overlooking sparknng pool & spa. Beveled glass entry, remodeled tile kit- chen. Assume 1st & owner wlll carry large 2nd. Reduced Price. Ill CUYOI 1349,llD A ~pectacular townhome located on the 6th Fairway. The magnificent English decor will be featured In Orange County Home & Garden. Includes prl~ate garage. Good financing is available. · BLUFFS $285,000 FEE Great back bay view from living room. dining & 2 Bdrms. Large open kitchen surrounded by pa- . tio. 3 BR & lovely private entry. Excellent fi- nancing on this view property with you owning the land. A must see! ILIFFS HRIAll S 114,501 Special. single story 3 BR home. Spacious and light on a beautiful street. Owners will finance at $184.500 or sell for $160.000 all cash! Incredi- ble value & opportunity. ILUFFS Sllt,110 Don't miss the Catalina view from the deck of this spacious. bright & sunny beautifully deco- rated 3 bedroom condo. A very special prop- erty on a quiet cul-de-sac street! TUIREROCI $371,111 Spacious 4 bedroom Glen home on choice lo- cation at end of cul-de-sac backing to lush greenbelt. Very private. Room for a large family & to entertain In style Inside or out. Call today. UIHYERSITT PIRI S 113,011 FEE Best buy In University Park. Beautiful custo- mized free-standing Deane home. 3 bedroom & family room. brick wrap-around patio, llght oak parquet floors In entry, kitchen & family room. remodeled kitchen. k'npeocably maintained! NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE CUl£0 SllOllES Slll,111 Sweeping views of the Pacific will delight you as you enter this 2 BR plus den home. Discover the quiet charm of Cameo Shores, and all the amenities It has to offer. Private beach. COROU DEL IWI $395,IDD 3 BR home In Old Corona del Mar. One block to beaches. Good sized lot to add on. Some view. Plus lots of charm. MIHOR VIEW llLU $315,111 Panoramic view forever from this sparkling 4 BR home. The pool is enclosed in a courtyard setting. You'll love the quiet & private corner lot. Financing available. IWllOR VIEW MILLS $311,111 Can you Imagine 4 BR, a separate Fam Rm with wet bar + a cozy fireplace & a decor to welcome you all available in one home? This is it & If that wasn't enough there's a water view. tool IRVlllE TERRACE $311,111 Fee land in this perfectly located area. Country French at its best. Tiles. trench door & charm galore. Large shaded gardens & lawn. Just waiting for a happy active family. IRYllE TERRACE SJI0,000 Fantastic custom family home. 4 BR & family & formal dining. Tastefu11y decorated. Mint con· dltlon. Lush patio areas. Owner will help fi- nance. J&SMllE CREEi $34&,500 Have you been looking for the best buy -here 1t Is. 3 BR plus study. 2 fireplaces. tam. rm. Lovely wall coverings, good condition -an- xious owners. -A great find to be sure. URIOR VIEW MILLS $211,011 Here It isl Your opportunity to enter this top community, and get a super 3 BA remodeled home all for under $300c..OOOI Huge lot & good financing. Call for details & viewing. OTHER AREAS HCI UY $335,Dll Newly customized, decorated & landscaped Gourmet kitchen. cozy den. 2 lrg BR's. New easy clean stables for two horses. DEUE HOMES S 114,511 Lowest priced 2 BA. with fabulous financing. Spacious and airy with easy care yard & patios. New neutral carpeting. Move right In with only 20-/o down. IALIOI S 1,411,111 Outstanding custom bayfront on FEE land with facilities for large yacht. 5 BR, each with own bath. 2 fireplaces, 2 wet bars plus extensive built Ins are a few of the many custom features of this archltectually perfect home. . IALIOI ISLE S 1,251,lli 3 BR & Bonus Rm on Balboa Island with a panoramic view of the Turning Basin. New carpets. beamed ceilings. two patios to enjoy the boating scene. PEllllSUU $151,111 Custom home with custom financing! Fabulous trench country home with ocean view In a very special beach atmosphere. Owners will help fi- nance to meet your needs. THE COYE Sl15,HI A great opportunity to buy on the bayfront next year at this year's value highly upgraded & customized condo. Use of beaches, pools & walk to shops. Sale or lease/option to buy. BAYSMORES $435,111 FEE Great potential for remodel in this 3 BA & den home._ Close to beaches in this private. gate guarded area. Owner will assist with creative financing. Submit all offers. Fee land. BAYSHORES . 1430,121 Outdoor living at its best. 3 BR w/spacious patios. Excellent ow~er financing available. Room for remodeling. Also can be purchased for $295,000 leasehold. . • PEIJISUU $425,Dll Extensive use of wood in the interior & heavy beam celllngs set the mood for this warm 3 BA custom home. Secluded Italian tire patio &. steps to the ocean, to surf or bay to swim. PHlllSIU $315,111 2 BR & den close to beaches. Beam celling~ skylights and shutters and lots of tile make this home charming. Large assumable loan, fee land. RllCIO SAi .1110111 S 111, 111 Solano model In the VIiias tastefully decorated. light & ai ry 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhome. Parquet entry, tiled atrium & attached double garage. Carefree living just steps to shopping & bus. Owner will consider 2nd. DEERFIELD $224, 111 Larger 4 BR with pool & spa next to park & schools. Priced thousands below slmllar homes In area makes this a compelling value. Try 20~ down. - I ~· 6 -Orange County R9!'1 Eatate/A~ Ad~ertllfng SuPllfement to the DAILY PILOTJSatur.day, May 1, 1982 A SLe50AAV 01= THE IRVINE ~y Llllfl MOUSE ESTATE URIOll ISLUD Hand crafted -truly a home of excellence. Slate roof -brick courtyard entrance -wood floors -leaded windows -walnut car- ved doors, greenhouse. Ams w/tree top balconies & charm. For- mal din rm, 9 BR -beach -pier & slip to accommodate 95 toot yacht. $7 ,000.000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 UPPER llY 2 ACRE ESTATE A home of grand dimension & timeless styling, this single level rasidence offers 6 BR. including maids qtrs & a master suite w/fplc & sauna. Wood beamed ceiling in lg formal living & dining rms and tam rm. 5 car garage, pool, spa and tennis court. $2,900,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 &LlllOROVS IAYFRDIT Main bay location on Linda Isle. Spectacular architectural design, dramatic curved staircase. high beamed celllngs. plantation shutters, 6 bedrooms+ library. Slip for a boat to 75 ft. $1 ,800.000 Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 IEWEll IUfTEllllllEll llYFROIT Docking for an 80' vessel plus bay boat! Water view from all main rms. Master suite Is a separate wing & has sitting rm w/frplc, 4 BR, plus convertible library/den all w/private baths. Price Includes the ,,, land & is the largest lot on promontory bay. Owner financing available to qualified buyer at under the market rate. Asking $1 , 700,000. Call tor private showing. Larry Oyer 642-8235 DOYER SHORES Willi PIER AID SLIP 4 BR beautifully appointed home. Featuring French brick floors, paneled library & hand painted kitchen ~ bath cabinets. Lg master suite w/tiled fplc & deck opening to bay. Full sec1Jrity & private beaches. $1 ,475,000 Fee. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 PICTURESQUE llY VIEW Security gated community close to Newport Center. Slip and side tie for 2 large boats. Delightful waterfront patio for entertaining. Four extensive bedrooms. 4'h baths. maids room. family rm, spa. $1 ,450.000 leasehold. Lois Egan 644-6200 COROIA IEL llR CUSTOM COITEIPORARY SO. OF ll&llWlY An outstanding Richard Dodd designed 2 or 3 BR home a block from the ocean. Carefully placed windows & skylights offer maxi- mum light and privacy. Spacious and dramatic! A very special home. $695,000 Maxine Propp 644-6200 llYFllOIJT FOR Sl26,00D Fee on Newport Island. Call to see this one owner-custom built home. Beautiful condition w/formal dining rm, bar w/lovely llvlng rm view. Lg master suite w/glamorous bath-fplc & view. 3 BR. 3 BA Lg patio leads to dock. Barbara Aune 642-8235 IWllOll lllHE -IWllll·Wlllllli CASA llllCA With spectacular view of ocean & city llghts. 3 BR, tam rm & formal d ining. Gated courtyard entry & spa. Custom earthtone decor thruout. Great aaaumabte financing, lmmedla1e poasesslon. $555,000. Belle Partch 644-6200 EXCELLEIT IEWPOIT IUCH 1101£ Spacious 4 BR. formal dining rm. library, 3 fplca . Immaculate condition. Pool size yard. Country kitchen. Seller will help w/ financing. $500,000. Berlt Mltchefl 642-8235. OPEN SATURDAY 4: SUNDAY 1-4 ... 1101 Grove Lane -Weatclitf -Newport Beach PRICE llEDICTIOI COROU HlllllUDS VIEW Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, ~ BA, dining area home situated on very lg lot -room for expans~on & pool. $495,000 Fee land Donna Godahall 644-6200 . •WP•TIUOI Lg bu11dable corner lot w/oldeJ:.. home In dynamic area for upgra- ding 3 BR, 2 BA. Great fixer. Inspection with offer. Call Listing office for details. $215.000 Lynne 'latenttne 644-6200 • OCEll-llY I lllQHT -LIGHTS VIEW Beautiful, customized 5 BR home. Neutral colors -Van Luit Wall- papers · wood plank fl oors throughout halls, lam rm & kitchen, cr$'ate a charming atmosphere. Separate children playrooln or could be in-law quarter or maids rm. Assumable loans. Anxious owner -Submit. $495,000 Incl. land. Rosemary Sietz 644-6200 PRICE REDUCTIOll! 22 11 Waterfront. Corona del Mar. Delightful custom tri level 3 BR, d in rm home plus 1 BA, guest qtrs. Seller will help finance. $495,000. Martha Macnab 642-8235. OPEN SA TU ROA Y & SUN- DAY 1-5. 211 Waterfront -Corona del Mar SHYIEW IEW IEDFORD VIEW Spacious 4 BR, formal dining rm. tam rm. 3 BA home situated io the pr~stlglous gua~ded gate area of Seavlew. Great ocean & city fight view. Community tennis courts and swimming pool. $480,000 FEE land. Donna Godshall 644-6200 QllEIT HOUSE • llC REDUCTIOI Emotional Ivan Wells custom w/lush Indoor/outdoor enclosed atrium. 3 lg BR + lavish master suite -wet bar -fabulous enter- tainment areas. This is truly like living In your own worl(i! Reduced to $390,000 Incl. land Jane Paquin 642-8235 AFFORDULE lllVlllE TERRACE! . Charming 4 BR l;lome w/pool situated on extra lg lot. Fabulous country kitchen & beautiful decor. Excellent terms w/low down. A tremendous value at $360,000 Includes laod. Claudia Ding Mueller 644-6200 " WOllDERFUL $200,0H ASSUIULE LOlll!! For a marvelous Dover Shores home with 3 BR. convertible den. family room with Newport Center view. $319,500 Barbara Aune - Terry Hanes 642-8235 LUSE -LWE DPTIOI OR SELL Thi~ home w/Eastem charm In Eastblutt. library country kitchen w/fireplace & eating area. Spacious w/floor to ceiling glass to a lovely garden. Charming master suite -3 BR. You own your land - $1250/mo. leaS6 -listed at $279,500. Barbara Aune 642-8235 II& PlllCE REDUCTIOI 011 5 IR POOL IOIE Big Comfy home In Eastbluff on quiet street. Prime family neigh- borhood. Hard to beat from the standpoint of price and terms. $269,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 WOODllllD&E QULES Most outstanding Danbury 4 BR, customlzes;i oak tam rm, hard- wood flooring -upgraded tile, jacuzzi tub. green house window and trench doors. Absolutely exquisite! All of this and fabulous asaumable financing. $265,0QO. Holly Markas 644-6200 RARE CAlllERY VllUQE OFFICE OR STORE Great corner location Improves parking! 8 offices + reception entry. Could be divided. 1300 sq. ft. $260,000. For appt. call,,Oona Chichester 642-8235 ' CHEERFUL VIEW COIDO Bright & airy Trina In prime location In the Bluffs -3 BO, 2'1r BA. great back bay & night light view -owner wlll assist w/flnanclng. 426 Vista Parade. $249,500 LH . Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 ~ •LAii iii ClllYM Superb ottering In most prestigious Newport location. 2 story, 2 BR, 21A bath. den. eecurttv Qatect,. community ~. apa & tennte. Carefree townhome. Living With 1 ftalr. Only $225.000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 .. ~ ------ ' .. ( Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to th• DAILY PILOT/Saturday. May 1, 1982 - 7 FOAESTE.OLSON,AEALTOAS E. HUllTlllGTON BEACH W. HUllTINGTOll BEACH COSTA MESAl llEWPORT •• , ... llAll 1241,1•~ This tasteful 5 Bdrm home has parquet entry way and dining room; huge pool with Inlaid tlfe; large fully equipped kitchen with custom ce· r"111c tile, Huge bonus room with antique repo pool table. aquarium and sunken wetbar. Great home for e,ntertalnlngAlall today 894-7521 lllmlTOI UllM 1411,lel Step up to the location that you've flnally ear- ned! Fabulous waterfront home with expansJve water view, custom stained glass, ceramic tlle, 3 baths, formal dining, patio, boat slip, master suite with balcony and sunken tub, 3 other bdrms. Call for financing options -894-7521 111m11to1 m11111 1411,000 Home of distinction -Spacious trl level with tlle en!ry Tiki hut, volleyball court, sundeck. rock fireplace, spa, fire pit. waterfall, and Kol pond, 4 Bdrms. 2¥4 bath. Owner wlll carry at below market rates with 20-/e down. Call now! 694-7521 11110 IUOI ' 1220,000 Investment triplex near Peters Landing and 1 block ott ocean. 1, 2 Bdrm and 2 studios. ow- ner wlll carry atow market rate for 15 years with 20•1. down. This very c.lean property offers a variety of options for the Investor. Call now. 894-7521 WlmlllTEI VILUll 1221,000 In-law quarters -elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath, has 1 Bdrm and bath downstairs. Large llvlng/dlnlng room. den with wetbar and fireplace + 3 car garage. Near Westminster Mall and freeway. Great terms with owners wllllng to qualify for additional financing. Call 894-7521 lllTlllTH IUOI 1211,GIO Ocean vlew-1 block ott the blue Pacific. 3 year old 3 Bdrm, 21h bath houe has the quality fea- tures you are looking for. Wine closet, wood- burnlryg fireplace. skyTtghts, clerestory win- dows, ceramic tile entry. A large assumable loan makes this the home for you to have your \ spring beach party. Don't mlaa It. Call now, 894-7521 SUL IUOl/111.LEIE Piii IHl,000 Spacious. etegant and location, offerect In this 4 Bdrm 21n bath pool home. Close to freeway and shopping and golf course. Features lm.f ude huge famlly/llvtng rooms, den and master bdrm with fireplace, plus large bonus • Wl9TMllllTEI 1124,100 Senous seller has vacated property making fast poaseaslon Ideal. Lowest priced ranch style home In area. A little paint and paper will give you a real showpfece. Seller ttexlble, so as to flll yaut needs. Cd now, 894-7521 . llllWTll IUOI 1112,IH Steal ltl Great starter with low, low cast\ down! Take over $95,800 In loans + owner will carry plenty! Spacious 2 story with 3 big bedrooms plus wee Cowboy's retreat. Family room + much morel Hurry, call 962-5585 FOllTAll VALLEY 1131,100 Sell your spouse! On this spacious 3 bedr"9m family home In prime location. Fresh decor. Take over 10.6% loan w/low monthly payments. Can't last at only $138.900! Act now: 962-5585 DITlllTIU IUOI S 141,000 Huge two story offers 5 big bedrooms. Formal dine views tropical paradise. Biiiiard size family room..w/wetbar. Serious seller will carry with less than Interest only payments! Submit now & save Blgl Call 962-5585 Fll1t&11 nun 11u,100 Tall & proud sits this spacious 4 bedroom In dream boat condition. Manicured landscaping. Formal dine. Now vacant for your fast posses- sonl Act now & name your terms. Call 962-5585 llmllTll 1001 1111,000 Brick courtyard entry enhanced by lush land- scaping. Spacious IMng rm. Sunny kitchen, family rm w/cozy fireplace. In-door laundry. Solar heated pool, large cov. patio, fire-pit. Now reduced to $155,000 & vacant for fast possession. Call 962-5585 ' llmMTll 11111111 ° 1111,IOG Old world charmer located In Huntington Har- bour area on rplme R-2 lot. Able to handle up to 4 units. Great potentlall With $30,000 down setter will carry balance with no payments for 5 years at 12°1 •• taJ<e over 1st T /0 & you're Int Call 962-5585 . . R11111Tll WOl/UllUTl 1111,000 $10,000 undeNecent appraisal manicured yard accents. This tall & proud family home. Huge family rm. Formal dine. New carpet, paint & appliances. Owner wlll carry balance with $35, 000 down, at yesteryear's ratel Hurry, call 962-5585 lllTlllTll IOOl/MWITIWI 1111,HO Just t)1ock1t from the breakers! Spacious 4 bedroom 3 bath. Formal dine. Huge master iult.e..wl,Pa~lftc view. ·Fireplace1 wet bar, ,green- HouM.: Grea\ opportunity to beach ltl' Act now and sav•·blgget than ever1 Call 962-5585 WISTllllml 1111,000 Ne.stied Qn quiet qui de sac alts spacious showplace. 7. years new. 37'x18' bOf'lus room w/bath & barl Gourmet's kitchen w/tlled work Island. New loy, price + exciting terma make this a ateall Hur~I Call 962-5585 , . . ~ W. HUNTINGTON BEACH WTlllE 1101,000 Would you llke the convenience of condo. but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your home? You can have It all! Unique de- signed owned bungalow. Charming Eastslde Costa Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645-0303 WEITllR 114,100 Fixer Is Ideal for lnvestqr or first time buyers. Bring p~lnt plus lfl)aglnatlon and save $~ 3 Bdrm. garage plus workshop, take over existing low Interest financing. Call today, 645-0303 IEU lllTI 1133,000 Enjoy privacy and seclusion beside sparkllng pond In your own back yard. Fruit trees. Sto- rage area. 4 Bdrm home features brick fire- place. Seller will finance, $50,000 down. 96 monthly payments of $1,050. Includes princlpaJ and interest. Call now, 645-0303 • IEWNIT UEllUTI 1240,000 New custom Newport Beach home is fresh and exciting. This 3 Bdrm 2 bath home has many many extras. 2 fireplaces. family room with wetbar. kitchen with greenhouse window. Whirlpool bath. deck and security gate and more. To see call, 645-0303 IEU VEllH · 1122,000 Can you believe this price In prestigious Mesa Verdel Owner Is anxious -you gain! Spacious 3 Bdrm home with loads of privacy and easy care yard. Enjoy Costa Mesa's best address now! Call 645-0303 IPPU llOl IAY 1111,GIO Fresh as sprtngt Charming old fashioned home features hardwood floors, brick flrepface, ptush carpeting, cheery cherry kitchen. covered brick patio, roomy yard, separate garage.. Don't miss this one 645-0303. .. -a.. '1LUil 1221,MI Orematrc near n~ hbmel Soaring cefllng1, 2 llrepfaoes, wetbar. gourmet kitchen with sunny nook. Spectacular master suite with skyllght. large private yard features gazebo. Community pool. sauna and tennis court complete this winner! Low Interest loan. To see, call 845--0303 1L1n1 1120• Prestigious community In Newport Beach otfefs privacy, low maintenance and convenience flV- ~rydtyl $pacJous townhome with loadJ of gins and w0<>4 decklnq. OverJoOks lush greenbelt. '-Poputar 3 :sofn\_ ttoo, 'pl an : To see call 645·0303. ..· .. .. llWNIT TllUlt : l121MO ExquJslte 1ownhome features tlle entry, fire- place, 3 king site· bqrms. Charming covered patio. Noar aorM of parka ·and trall1. Approxi- mately 11h mlle• to·beach.1.ow .downl Take over ~ lnter•t IOMa. 845-0303 . . ,... ...... ,,.. __ .-, ... _ .. --. .. 8 -Orange~ 8..i &tale/~~ ~t to the DAILY PILOTis.turday, May 1, 1982 + co1t nr/\Lrr © 1nvrs1nrn1 conrn nr We've Moved To Bigger Offices 1&11111 MIT• -lllll CUll•L Truly the "Creme de la creme" of waterfront living. Over 8500 sq ft of the finest quality construction available. Located on the main channel w1th its own white sandy beach~ amenities include a pool, spa. seven bedrooms aaf.a view from all ro<>ms. $5.75 Million. • 01111 llUll CllTll-llAll CUllEL The finest waterfront home with the best location in Newport Beach . Over 5,000 square feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large bayfront laWn. The price is $5 million and the owne r will finance a notable amount. . . LlllA ISU Cl lTOll-lllJI ClllllEl Breathtaking views of the main channel from every important room in the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 square feet of sheer ele· gance. The price is $3.6 million . ua .. 11•1 OISTlll-llclllPWILE YIEW This Country French estate offers one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 square feet of the finest craltsmanship. The prfoe is $2.3 million. Open Saturday & Sunday 1-5 at 3 San Sebastian. Ill O&IYll OllTIM II TIE llLF •llE If Country. English and privacy are your choice, this 6,200 square feet estate with new pool and spa is the ariswer. Right on the 10th fairway. The price is $2.3 million with over $1 million of assumable financing. UM 111.E-WITEIFIHT nn• Simply the finest waterfront on Lido on the market today. Pier and slip plus oversized lot and $1.4 million in 3SS1.ltnable financing. The price is $2.25 million. Open Sunday 1-5 at 219 Via Lido Soud. LW llU 1111 IUllEl Five bedrooms, all enaui1e, and right on the water with your own pier aiid slip for multiple boats. Owner will finance over $1 million. Call for appointment. The price is $1.85 million. • 1111• •T• • TIE Ill.I .. IE Truly the best family home with 6 large bedrooms including a aeparate 2 bed.room suite with ita own living room. On the 9th fairway with private pool 'The price ii $1,595,000 .• M lllYM •t• • 1111111 lllllE Thia award-wtnnmg home, on the 7th fairway ii country club living at ita finest. Over 4,000 square feet with dramatic architecture and LARGE room1. The price i8 $1.75 mUllon with owner financing. • 1111• _,. llUmU.. YIEW Adjoining ita own private 2.25 acre park, thls 6 bedroom manse la vacant and ready to move ln. Over 5,500 aquare feet with a VERY private pool. 'The price is $1.8 million. Open Sun 1·5. 8 Cypress PL Ul•I llHE ...:... CllTll VIEW LOT Panoramk view on Newport Bay and P&ci!lc ocean. Prime location. Over $600.000 of a1Sumable financing. Best available lot on the Ridge. $1,350,000. 11111-.SllU~YU1.111111 Out of the fiight path, this custom home offers magnificent opportu- n!t.iea. Separate aueat home and private pool and spa. Owner will fl- nana! ~ntire loan. The price is '985,000. .. OUYN TIWl--.:..LllE Piil An "end unit" Deane towrihome, this fine opportunity offers an ex- ceptional yard with custom pool, spa and sauna. Three bedrooms and over 3,400 square feet. The price is $895,000. .... IME IEW man Super view of the ocean, bay and dty lights, large jacuzzi, formal living rm with high ceilings. 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, family room, security system, $30,000 in landscaping. '85(),000. # 1 St. Tropez. Open Sunday 1 to 5. llllll m Ill \1&1U Over 1/J acre on fee land. Beautiful ocean and city lights view. ·S wimming pool. Beamed ceilings, French doors and windows plus hardwood floors. Large gounnet kitchen with Master Craft cabine ts. 4 bedrooms, 2 11z baths. On com er lot. $750,000 with terms. Open Sunday 1 to 5 at 1132 Ebbtide. Ill OllYll TIWllllE-41TWU VIEW Exquisite in ever¥ detail, this 3 bedroom, 3,000 squar e feet home offers multiple use of skylights and enormous privacy. Highly upgraded. The pr ke is $675,000. Open Sunday 1 to 5 at 7 Rue Chateau Royal Ill OUYll TIWllllE--tl TIE 111.F ClllSE This ·•new to the market" home is vacant and ready to move in. $430.000 of low interest assumable flnandng. Three bedrooms, three baths, three car garage. P riced to sell at $629,500. UM TIWllllE-W/lllT SLIP II TIE WlTEI "Refined" is the descriptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom plus den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square feet and a BOAT SLIP! The price 15 $549,500. 10% down takes it. WEST IEWPllT MPLD-WITEIFlllT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent owner financing for -ualified buyer. The price is $545,000. Ill OUY• TIWllllE-GllY•'I IEIT llY This new to the market home offers 3 bed.rooms and 3 baths on its own comer. Excellent assumable financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty. The price ia $500,000. Open Sunday 2 to 5. l Rue Fontainbleau. YIW Ill.Ill TIWIM•--lllllLY INUlll This lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offt>rs the ultimate in luxury with huge usumable financing and owner will carry. The price is $239,000. llWPllT llllT ~ TUii For the young at heart. Near t beach, iennls, pool and a good life. Largest Newport Crert condo with bedrooma, family room, 2 ~ baths. $225,000 and flexible financing. 11v11t1 t11n.u1111nAC111 Ml S unny retreat. cloee to U.C.I. Three bedroom.a, two baths, extra large living room opens to splashing fountain in central atrium and secluded terrace with built-in barbequr.'Large assumable loan. $167,500. Open Saturday and Sunday 12 to 5. 5041 Pueo de Vega . llWfMT OIEIT-11T TIME RYii The lowest pnced home In Newport Crest. Two bedrooms, two baths. formal dining room, wet bar, step down living room. All this for only $165.000. . WllTOUFF TIWllllE-4ll '" 11um "'· " 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with pool and a huge assumable loan. Seller wm l~ opllon with "·000 down. Tbe price is •12s,900. • l I l I ' , - -Orange County Real Eltate/An· Acfver:flllng Supplement to the DAILY PILoT1Saiurday, M;y 1~ 1982·-9 -. --.... _ --- . RCTaylorCo 640-9900 IXC.,TIONA{ Macoo built 2 story unique family home. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and large custom de- signed family room. Magnificent view. Large low interest asaumable loan availa- ble. Asking only $299,950. NEWPORT BEACH 10" DOWN -10" INTIUST This outstandin$ financing is available on this 3 Bedroom Spanish Villa that has an outstanding water view. Owner motivated, bought another. Offered at $284.000. WAnaraONT.CUSTOM Luxurious one of a kind custom 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom guest quarters or rental unit. Located on waterfront with your own pier and slip. This home has many many extras. $789,000 includes the land. HAllOl llDGI Dramatic borne located in this very private and exclusive community. 4 bedroom Lau- tremont plan with spectacular view. Pri- vate courtyard with fish pond.' Profession- ally decorated and landscaped. Only $729.500. JASMINI QIU Live in this highly desirable guarded com- munity . .Beautifully UP8J"aded 3 bedroom, single story sit uated on prime grffnbelt location. Excellent financing ii available. $427,500. STIPS TO SAND Prime Newport Beach property. Guarded conununity with recreation room, pool and spa. High assumable first, try low down. owner will assist in financing. ONLY! $106,000. SUIMn ALL on.as Owner lives out of the area must sell this 2 bedroom beach hideaway, Large master suite cooled by ocean breeres. Enjoy pool, spa. Owner will carry. Only $122,000. PRE.SENTS ... . OlD CORONA DUPLIX . Premium quality two bed room units. beams, fireplaces, shade trees, six years new. Pride of ownership! Seller will ex- change. Create your terms. Offered at $347,500. IMPICCAILI Located in prestigious Spyglass, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath with formaJ dining room and family room has fabulous mountain and city lights views. Good financing offe- red by a motivated seller. Price reduced to $495,000. IALIOA ISLAND Attention buiJden -Chok:e location with tear down. Halfway betw~n ferry and ~':t Owner will subordinate with down payment. Call for details. $3~.ooo. IPYGl.ASS-LIASI Tradewinds model 4 bedroom 3 batha. Va- cant and reedy to move in -Only $1750 per month. COSTA MESA flNllHID TO ,_ncnoN Thia pride of ownenhJp home la for the fumy buyer. 3 bed:roonw. family room, 2 \I\ baths. ProfeMional ·interior -lancUcaping. Dramatic pool and apa complex. $2%9,000. IRVINE CHARMING GARDIN YILLA Located on greenbelt, to~ly upgraded with cathedral ceilings plus fireplace and atrium. Extra large master suite plus dra- matic loft bedroom. Priced to eeU at only $149,000. .. IVllY CONYINllNCI Is youn along with 2 bedrooma, 2 baths, and Uvina room that baa an outs~nding vtew of the mountains. Owner is very mo- tivated to sell and will assist in financing. $159,500. aaYINl-LIAH Beautiful 4 bedroom Pet.en townhome on quiet cul-<le-uc. Has garden type kitchen, laundry rootn. fireplace, akyligbta, stained glass windows. $1200 per month. SANTA ANA STAIT Hiii In this very affordable and aplldoua 3 bed- room condo near South CoMt Plaza. $98,500 of uaumable financing. Aaking leu than appraiaal. Only $119,500. VILLA PARK IUILDll'I IPICtAL Vllla Park view lot near million dollar hornet. Seller will subordinate. Submit your temw. $395,000. INCOME PROPERTY nUNns In choice Huntlnlton Beech locaUon. Built to condo apeca. tlnita have ak:y)Jgbta, vaul- ted celllnp. private pati<>1 and garaaet. Excellent financing available. Aaklng U. 600.000. Call for eet-up. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PALM SPllN6S I MS S. PALM CAltYOM DllYI C714J JD-Nit ---. ,, v 10 -Orange County Real Eata~e/An Ad~ertliTrig Supplem8"t to the DAILY Pll.:OT/~aturday, May 1, 1982 ---~--~.........._ ... .... lffMlllU •• I I ••••• Tl AFFLlllT. I I I I • IEW THIS WEEK IT WITERFROIT Elllllm PlllllTOIY IAY - l .... •'Ill WllD .. 1JM1 _, ............. ,._/.., fer II' .... , ,... .W. "-' ......, .,.._, ,,..... ....................... ...... ........ ...., ... ,.. ................... 1 • .- .... 111-1•. SUPEll IUY-SnlWS-VI .. ........, ... ., .... "SHtftr.rt' ............ . tlH •rlti, 11141~·· HI •Htra•lt YllWI If MUI. IAIY• I Lmn. W=-114 2.....,, .... """ • "* ............ t ,..., ..... ••••• , , ................... '"·· ....... ft- ................... "'''"'· ......... 111-1• " UIDI ISLE-PIUTIIEb-'PllVICY & ,.,.... ................ ,..,;.., ...... ,.... 111142.W.tles.WW. ............... I .... .... """ .......... ..,.,...... ~:: ... :"'·•••c-... ........ ,., .... ., .... ., ,,.,."'. 11.-,•. 111·1• .. CLASSIC cm&IE-WITU , ........... ...., --.. .,.. ........... lslllll4.l1•1•1114_,,..., .. ~lllh2W.2 ... ..... ,,.,... ,.... .1 ................... .. ttr ....... ":t ...................... . ,......_..... .... ...... tee.llMtM OCEAIFllOIT-Llllll--YU TltrH ............ ,,.. ............ J .... I .......... II IU'4tkatt llM l.apH ........_ Oaff ftr ....... 11 -... tltdMe & ... 1., nllaMt. SIU, 000.111-1• TElllllFIC llYESTIEIT-3 h11111! ...... .., .......... .,.,... 111 ,,. ........... .. c.sta ............. 11h112 "· ... a ....., .. ," wtfll '""4 ,. .. U Mitt UH pncH. S24t,M0. 111-1411 -CUFF UYU-FOll FllJLY ., ................................. ,..., ....., ................................. .... "-..rtJ ... ., ........ .,...... .... d1-14'1 lllCI, w111m VIEW! bn1Ht ....... ""' ........ ~ re•d1l1• I W. ................................. ....,,"8 u4 .. ,., ...ter ...... lrtlf .. , elftrtal1l11 •• ...,_ ........... '"· 111·1• FILTIY FllEI! Tiit...., :r:. n .. tal It 'r .... 1 ... n I W. 2 ... .... fttllllll ........ .....s lrtM ., 1111llr .. .,,1.a&1u l•a•, 114 tall fer 4etallt • 11u-.111-1• IW TUii R WSI lmtlll ........ ,....,...,zw.~ ........ .,.....,. ....... .., .......... , .......... 1124, 111.111·1• IEWNIT CIEst-UllE I LOVELY ....... ......... .. ,,.., ... ""'-.. 4 .... ·; ...... ,....+lwtcMMt•••a.IMr........ , .......... + .......................... . ..,,., • ., •• '"· 111· 1• lftl l&f, 1·1 P.I. 1111 ....... Pl.lat. h ..... _, ___ , .... HH,000 11l llarl11 lfe., W ts -........ -... -......... S2tl,IOO 214 ...,..,., ...... _ ......................... _ ·-= 221 .,.. ,.... .... •• .............................. 1111 1124 ..._ JhL, -...... -.... - .......... S1,J..,_ 211-112 a;-11ytreet, lat.ts ..................... n,211.- ne.1• .................. --·-·-,, .. .,, •• 124 •• ..,!. .. •lftr'PH ........ _._ ........ 11 ... .- ., Die.~ .. otltf .... ---..... a• ...... LaH, P11 ...... ----.. 11.-111 ..,..,. Ir ....... , __ ................ 11,211.- 2111111iretl o..,..., Lac11• .. -·-n.-.• 4 hit•••·..,.., ..................... -.... 12....-112 llH l.a&MI, Lactt1a ............ _ ...... ,.. tMI• 2001 ll•r ... Ir. lat 1-1 P.M. IEW ESTITE-TElllS COUllT! , .. , .. , ... L11111 ...... ..., ...... , .,. .... . ...................... & ......... ,.. ,., .... .. 1.11 atrff wttll 11•il11"11 ,....,., YD tf ..._ · ............... MaMs. , .... ......,, ,,..,.., -... r11itJ. TWt ....-, traMll11al .... " I lneh effer1 ........................... .., ....... ...... .... 1.-...... ....., ..... , ...... ,"8 .... .... tH ••r •I" •rats rtU, fa•llJ rt••• 1a11a rt••• IH .. r 11• Wll&ltt IHFlfle rt1•, WIH Hllar ... lfller ....,.. ftr th .... rlllllatlecl YIW ... repla- tlH llcMH al4 ftltH t11ll1 INrf wttlt ....... . IHUtlll artH. ftr I •ltWll& I a,,1l1t•11f. 171-ftOO. S2,IOl,oee 11 YFllOIT -YU-I EAR I.II. Y .C, .,. .......... """ ,..., ... " .. """" Mffylty 11• ••a•• llallt ,,.. ,.,,, ••"•· 1, .. ,, .. 2-1ter1 ....... ""''""...,.., ............... . ffel 18"rtal1f11. Pier I 111, fei f .eets. AlllUILI Lill IF HOl,110, S 1,411,HO FEE. lllllT YHI DOUlllU. . . Ulll ISLE-FEE Ull Al ........... '" .................. , ...... . wlMlec stair .... te 4 "*"••,... ..,., ... ..W's ...,ten. .,.. 11114 wtl ,. ..... tMec r"8, f•llJ ,. .. , .. , ......... ,. ................. , .. . Iara• ......._ Pier _, ... ftr I ...... 12,llt,IM • ....................... , IEAmFUL 01 WITElll .......... ....., .................. ·-... ..... ..., .............................. 2 ....................................... .................... , ......... ,.~ ... ,.. '"' "' •' ..... ...., .. .... ,., 1::: ... .,.,. 1111, ............. 111-1411 • ttnllt llLIOI ISUID IDOUILE Prit1Jestr.....,11t111112w.2 ....... .... , .......................................... . IWI tMt '1rM 11114 'tllar" ..... @ 11~ lllt. wttll In , ... '"' ••1•11t, te ••afffle4 •11er. IHl,Ht • IJMMI FOREVER Yl-COIDO! Iner wtn W, ..... er tr• tllh .. .,,,,...,..-lftrrtw t HU wltll t.rehllleas. l lfttr 0esta ........... L lrfn ltf 2117 PHI& lH,, #1104 H4 tall t.r ......_ 1111, -. IEWPORT ISUID-CHEEIFUL .... " ................................. ..,. lrilllt 2 ............. flealMe fll111tec-IHl,111. .... IEWIORT OUIET STllEET ....... .... , ..,, ...... ., ""'· , ......... J .... 2 ... """ ............ .....,, ............. '"8. 1.....,ttt111.-.1n .. ... llEllCEI! PRICE, LOCITIOI, YU! .,,., ...,.,. 1Hlfle1 .. Iara• .......... 2 .... rH8 ...... Ute II ... _, rllt th .... er WW a ....... ,... ........... ,. .. , ....... , ..... 1 ............... ff. llff,HI. 111-1411. ""• ., 2111111pM.ltal. unu IS ELEUICE I Cllllll ...... Ms,. ....... ,,... ...... ...,..., .... ~ te 1111.-.1"" _..., 1e *'aw. ... .... ............ ,, .... ...,. i ................. . ,... • , ......... """ ....... ..W'• ..... l..,.., ,,.,.,., ... ,,...., .................... ....,, hHr ,....,. .. ..,.. " ..... """'· •n-1• IEW CAPE CGD-Ctll a.,.., ... ..._...,, .... ...., ... -....., .. ....,, .............. ,.. ................. ., 11' 11ar1c.w ....... sMt1 ........ ..., .......... .. tltff, Ill ...sitJ It tltls I WrH8 ....., ,... 11114 fer•al .. 1111 rt••· UIYE YIEW SllHtl. Oall ftr flaa11i.14etalh. Sllt.000fM.111·1411 ' $100 aoa llEDUCTIOl-YU! n11 ''"''" '••• ltas all ttie ,11111111 •f ' fl11 , ..... n. LIOATlll, ,.,. • mH. ,.......,, .,., • ~~J: 111ttttMe111 .... ...., .... ,.... .... I ....,, ......... +,....,,..., .... tt•• •11eratl11, ••t ••• all t•• rlc" ef ••Hts. s.-.. ,.., tffer, Ntl,111.111·1• EICITlll UH ISLE .. ....,, .,.. ... ,,...., ................ ft. ... .. .................... ,.,.... ...... .. tit ltYel wttll I "*"• ,... .......... a.at .. '"' .................................. ...... : •"•· ... , 11tr• ,, .. ,., ... ,., ... 1n1,111. 11-1• IEST PRICE 01 "Niil'' •"""1..., .. •.,itJtw ft tft a I ..... ,., 2 Niii .... H ••· ....... P11l111f1 ,.., ., ... ,.... ...... .., .. ............... 1211,111. 1t1-1• IEW UllJY Cl•S-TEllS! ............ '"'::.~:r:·· .............. , ............... ....., ............. . ...................................... 11, ....... ...., 12111,., ............ .....,.. ,, .... te ,., ... "fer tl1t,lff. ,.., fetal ..... ........................ '2':1-...... "'''•" .......................... 2111 ...... "' .............. 11.1-1• WATERFRONT . HOMES, INC. Saia. R!ntats. Property M1mettement . 315 Marine Ave. Balboa l•laf\d -673-6900 z __ .,.. . --0 range County Real Estate/An Advertl!ln~ ~upplement to the_ DAl~Y PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 _ 11 ' . LUSE .. l••IZI . Unique Break-thru Financing Opportunity Dazzling view home with sparkling pool & spa. Meticulously maintained 3 bedroom home. Immediate possession. $40,000 will move you In. Call for details on special bonus that wlll save you $80,000. 1•'1 LM 759-1221or631-5963. I 1..-lllTl--Ml.000 A sweet little money maker. Call lur Lnrts. 759-1221 or 631-5963. 11¥91TISUTYUT1 Call for FREE RELOCATION COUNSE- LING APPOINTMENT. Maps, brochures & specific Information on areas. 5 years ex- perience & knowledge of Greater Seattle area. Licensed In Washington & California. Call larr Fr lutllt ltwls 759-1221 or 631-5963. mw mT• FIU. 1•11•Y You must see to belleve all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 ,tp, oak cab. beaut. tile, cholce of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 2nd. This won't last. ... tr ... ~ 759-1221 . JO HRS IT I.I I lrtssl A rare bird Indeed In today's market. Thirty bread 'n' butter apartments in an excellent location. Income on these have Increased 55e;, In past 41h years! For more Information call: Ill UCATA, IUUI· ..... 759-1221 . MVEI 111111 Outstanding location w/vu of all back bay & Fashion Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form d.r .. pool, spa, sec. system. Steal at $725,000. Fee. Grt. fin. avail. HI tr llYIE HIP 759-1221 LIN PEITlllSE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $550,000 .... ., JIYll .... 759-1221 Costa Mesa ·234 E. 17th St., 631 -1 266 IEWPllT IEllm 11111 3 br. 3 ba. new custom qlty. bit., pri. patio w/lrg. backyd, quiet ari9a. Only $165,000. -tr ....... 759-1221 UllN 11111 IEW OllTll .. 4 br. 5 ba. f.r. Fantastic sun rm .. beau master ste. w/marble f.p./ocean & city vu. Huge master ba. w/lmported tiles. One o( the lrgst lots w/rm for pool and lrg. play area. Very , very motivated seller. Bring any offer. Lowest price custom at $1 ,400, 000. IN tr llYll IHP 759-1221 "" IEWPtlT 111101 CHM 3 br. 3 ba. n4fw custom bit. quality bit, upgraded crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe this. $155,000 Ill., llY11 DIP 759-1221 u11 wamFatn ws1 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. $1800 mo. UI tr tlYll .... 759-122 1 IWIEl llNll Fab. Oc;ean & coaatllne vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r., f.r .. study, lge. pool & cour-~ tyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. Ill tr ... Yll I ... 759-1221 IEWNllT CIEIT Cllll 2 br. 2'A ba loft highly upgraded, oak firs., beaut. papers, ocean vu. $98,000 1st 12%. Priced at $170,000. UI ., 11'111• lllJIPBIDElfl Mf.MIEI UOUIS . 111111111 llllE LUSE 4 br. 3 be form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. lge decks., fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennis. ~900 mo. Submit all offers. -., tml .... 759-1221 Lllll ISLE TUii Breathtaking bay vu 2 boat docks, rm fot 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 brs, 6 ba., game rm., form. d.r .. sep. Quest wing, pool. Seller carry 1st TD or trade Ind. or off. bldg. $2, 100,000 ... ., ........ 759-1221 OOUIFIOIT -OCWFlllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your pri. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 ist at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 10%. Steal at $650,000. 111 tr HYIE IMP CISTI IEU 1-2 E. lllE Lge. 2 br., 2 ba. den, huge l.r. with din. combo. Lge corner lot/rm to park 6 autos. $130,000. Ill tr llYIE IMP 759-122 1 SUVllW LWE 4 br. 3 be. f.r., d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd gate, pool & tennis. S 1700 per mo ... ., llYIE LHP 759-1221 11111111111 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, Italian marble In l.r., d.r,. kit f.f., study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. -., ... ·-759-1221 IEWPllT •EIT 01111 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge master ate/sitting rm, vu, largest modef. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. • • llWll ... Irvine 4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559-9400 15 CORPORATE PLAZA, NEWPORT JSEACH 759-1221 ' • 12 _Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 This Weekend ! 2115 Vista Laredo (Bluffs) NB 833-9191 $286,800 2627 Bunya, Newport Beach 752-0H7 $232,500 Sun 1-5 Sun 2-5 37 u Seashore Dr .. Newport Beach 873-6578 Sat/Sun 10-4 2109 Yacht Grayling, Newpor,t Bch 675-2311 $399,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 542 Harbor Isl Dr. (Prom Bay), NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4601 Camden, Corona def Mar 759-1221 $895,000 Sun 12-5 233 1 Cliff Or., Newport Hgts, NB 631 -1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you go 2611 Circle Or., Bayshores, N.B. Sun 1-5 house-hunting. All the locations listed below are d•scrlbed in greater 644-9060 $536,000-fee detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons 1515 Cumberland (Westclf) NB adver:tising open houses for sale or rent in The Daily Piiot may list such S40-1151 $240 000 Sat/Sun 12-4 information in these columns each Saturday and Sunday. ' HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM **3300 Maretts. Newport Beach 646-5945 Sun 1-5 259 Fairview, Laguna Beach 494-3754 $225,000 117 Marine Ave., BaJboe Island Sun 2~5 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *225 Grand CanaJ, Balboa Island 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa Island 67~9oo $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 221 Via Ithaca, Lido la!e, H.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sat 1-4/Sun 3-6 2 8R plue ,AM RM °' DEN 702 Acacia, Corona del Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Dally 1-5 1 Atdergrove, lrvtne 552-0660 $198,000 Sun 1-5 **633 Lido Prk Dr.#E1,LldoPen, NB 631-1.00 $649,500 Sun 1-5 #3 Wlldbrook (Wdbrg) lrvfne 55,1-3000 $169,900 Sat 1-5 1018 Bayside Covet East, N.8. 642-8236 *"4.6,000 Sat 2-5 107 Ruby Ave., Balboa Island 644-9060 $598,500 Sun 1-5 535 Hazel Dr., Corona def Mar 673-6494 $350,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 19 Curl Or., Jumlne Creek, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11-4 • I NDflOOM 123 Via Genoa, Newport Beach 675-1771 $399,500 Sat 1-6 16474 Hemlock, Fountan Valley 839-5138 Sl 19,950 Sat/Sun 10-5 19302 Mauna, Huntington Beach 963-6805 $109,950 Sat/Sun 10-5 1948 Port Loctctlelgh, HVH, N.B. 644-4289 $210,000 Sun 1-5 *10474 Perakeet. Cr. Ftn vty 963-<4742 1148,900 Sat 12:30-5 1588 Myrtlewood, Cotta Mesa 646-3255 1131,900 · SaVSun 1-5 1129 E. Balboa Bl'td. (Penln) Balboa 75,.9100 $1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . . 1437 SereMdf T«r1e1, CdM 073-1111 S391.000-f" . Sun 12·$ a. AYOt»Oo Ave., Old CdM 875-4229 tsee.000 Sat/Su~ 1-5 1610 Tustin Av• •• Newpon BNch 552-Agent Sun 12·4 ** 1418 Bay, Peninsula Pt., N.B. 675-6161 $1 ,200,000 Sat 1-5 102 Blue Lagoon, SO. Laguna 631-1400 $545,000 Sat/Sun 11-7pm 3024 Ocean Bl., Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 17912 Butler, lrvlne 552-7698/552-7500 212 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. Sun 1-5 873-7300 *"98.500 Sun 12-3 1911 Court St., BaJboa P'enln, NB 873-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 644 Danube, Col1a Meaa 673-8550 $143,000 2653 Vista Ornada, Bluffs. NB ~ $285,000-Fee 2050 Shlpway.1.~Y'Cf•t, Ne. 642-6235 ~9.000 894 Darrell, Cotta Mesa 546-2313 $101 ,900 *228 Amhurat, Coeta Mesa 546-2313 $150,000 Sat 1-5 SUn 2-5 Sat 1-4 Sat 1-4 Sat 1-4 1312 Santanena Terr, CdM 673-8550 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 503 Vista Grande, Bluffs. N.B. 6«-9060 $160,000 Sun 1-5 5041 Paseo de Vega,..Turtlerock, Irv 760-1900 $167,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1 Rue Fontalnbleau. Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 2-5 11 Featherwood, Univ. Park, Irv. 559-9437 $169,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 3 BR plut LOn 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 644-9060 $487,500 Sat 2-5 3 llR plue FAM RM or DEN 2323 Cliff Dr .. Newport Beach 646-7708 $889,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 25 Malnsall, Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-9592 Sat 1-4 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-1771 $255,000 Sa 2-5/Sn 12-~ 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM # 675-5511 $349,500 * 134 Harbor Isl. Rd, NB Sat/Sun 1·5 751~3191 $650,000 _ Sat/Sun 12-5 25 Ruatllng Wind, Trtlrk Vsta, Irv. 759-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 New Sat/Sun 1-6 *4527 Gorham, Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $749,000-Fee Sun 1-.5 19 Whitewater, Jumlne Creek, CdM 644-9060 $379,500 Sun 1-5 3036 Ceylon (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $185,500 120 Shorecllff Rd.(Shoreclfa)CdM Sat 1--4 6«-9060 $495,000 Sun 2-5 1524 Santanella Terr(lrv. Terr)CdM 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Bl., Bal Penln. NB 644-9060 $759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 102 Via Koron, Lido Isle &•2-6235 $685,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4931 Hemlock, Univ. Park, Irv. 644-9060 $193,000-Fee Sun 2-5 * 13 Canyon laiand Dr, Big Cyn. NB 640-5560 $335,000 Sat 1-5 *557 st?rgeon, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $144,900 Sat 12-5 * 1901 ~alatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Dr .• Dover Shores. NB 842-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royal, Big Cyn, N.8. 760-1900 $675,000 • Sun 1-S 3 BA plue FAM RM or DEN plus QWIT _, 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642-8235 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 RDROOM • 2421 Francisco Dr., Newport Bch 675-2311 $299,500 Sun 1-5 222 Coral Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Traf~ar. Newport Beach 750-1221 $1 ,400,000 Sun 12-5 • • ................................... _.._-""! ... ----... --------------------~~~~-~-~ Orange County Beal EatateJAn AdvartJaloo .c;,~mant tn the tuJ• v All nT '",. •. .,,. • ., u ... • ~°""o • ( Orange County_Real Estate/An Advertising Supplem8!1t to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1. 1982 -13 --- --~ • .I ~ --·--'6~ --#-;"";o;-· -.. -. ._,,.:-... _ - . ---~-·· ·. -. . ·--:--" 7'. _..__L..: ~__. --..: ··~ .. ~ .,.,,iP • 1' 41 -· ·~ ,...,,_ • ---·--~ --- ' ' -,......_~Ill'\"' ~rt Claridge, Newport Bch ~;5~~454 Sun 12-4 424 Belvue Ln., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1 400 S419,000 Set/Sun 1-5 2001 Rlmrock Canyon Rd., Lag. Bch. 673-6900 $2,800,000 Sat 1-5 3113 Madeira, Costa Mesa $13.500 Sat 12:30-3:30 760 Via Lido Soud, lido Isle. NB 673-9060 $575,000 Sat 1-5 4 BA plua FAM AM or DEN 2805 Drake Av .. Mesa def Mar, CM 979-1138 $142,000 Set11-5 **2804 W. Oceanfront, N.B. 631 -1 400 $725.000-fee *3571 Myrtle (Coll Perk) Irv. 645-9161 $176,000 233 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Sun 1-5 Sat 1-4 673-4271 $824,500 Sa/Sun 1-5 *17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass. CdM 645-0776 $179,000 Set/Sun 12-5 *8612 Palerr1no Dr., Hunt. Beach 96.3-0061 Sat/Sun 1-5 18971 Antioch. Turtlerock, Irv. 541-5032 $185,000 Sun 12-3 * 5190 Callfornle, Norco 1-735-5086 $164,500 · 8at1Sun 12-5 2106 Yacht GrayUng, Newport Bch 675-2311 $398,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1753 Port Manlelgh Cir, HrbrVu, NB 840-99.96 $459,000. Sat/Sun 1-4 1308 Sa.ndcutle (HVHls) CdM 844-4268 $550,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **25 Warmsprlnga (Wdbrg), Irv 7 51-3191 $359 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 4 'Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 631-1400 $2,200.000 Sat/Sun 1.4 1425 Watson. Costa Mesa 751-3191 $128,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 4639 Gorham (Cameo Shores) CdM 559-9400 $849,000 Sun 12-5 1 Rue Val Bonne, Big Canyon, NB • 873-9060 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **607 Bayside Dr .. Newport BQl ~1-1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl., HVH, N.B. 876-2373 $322.000-fee Sun 1-4:30 2412 Cliff Dr., Nwpt Heights, NB 873-7771 $598,000-fee Open dally 333 Poppy Ave., Corona def Mar ~ 7eo-o.52 $498,500 Sat/Sun 1-6 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM · 844-9060 Sat/Sun 1-5 2607 Bunya, Newport Beach 842-8235 $369,000 Sat 1-5 101 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N.B. 844-9060 $425,@<) Sat 1-5 54..a Mendoza Terrace. CdM 644.7211 $526,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via Lido Isle, NB 87s.30-48/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1715 Galatea Terr (Irv. Terr) CdM 844-9060 $498,000 Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $299,000 Set/Sun 1-5 1501 Keel Dr .. HV Hiiis, CdM 644-6200 $319,000-lee Sat 1-5 8975 LaDona, Fountafn Valley • 963-6767 $175,500 Sat 1-4 1101 Grove Ln. (Westcllff) N.B. 642-8235 $500,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 548·5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 St. Tropez, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 760-1900 $850,000 Sun 1-5 3 Sen Sebastian, Harbor Ridge, NB . 760-1900 $2.3 mllllon Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Hrbr View Hiiis, NB 760-1900 $750,000 Sun 1-5 4 BR pfua FAM RM or Dl!N plu9 QUEST 2211 Tustin, Newport Beactt 646-4380 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM * •219 Via Udo Soud, Lido Isl, NB 760-19~ $2,250,000 Sun 1-5 I BR plua FAM AM or Dl!N 2752 Bayshore (Bayshoret) NB 759·9.100 $975,000 Sun 1-5 3058 Johnson Ave., Costa Mesa 642-0461 $146,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1448 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shrs. NB 675-2373 $1,400,000-Fee Sn 1-4:30 **824 W. Bay, Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 938 VI• Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 $850,000 Sun 1 :30-5 *12 Trafalgar, Hrbr Ridge, NB 644-6200 $2,500,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 7 Monaco, Hrbr Ridge Estates, NB 644-6200 $935,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I M pfua FAM RM or Dl!N * 1848 Newport Hla Dr. E., HVH, NB 642-6235 $569,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 229 W. Wiison #13, C.M. 675-1771 $109,900 411'1i Dahlia, Corona def Mar 675-6511 $275,000 Set/Sun 1-6 **1815 W. Bay, Bal. Penln, NB 673-3777 $350,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 -2277 Pacific Ave., Co•ta Mesa 873-7300 $125,800 Sat/Sun 2-5 2 BA ptus FAM RM or DEN 209 19th St., Bal. Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 *501 St. Andrews, CUtthaven, NB 673-7300 t169,500 Sun 11-1 * 10 Creet Cir, Canyon Crest. CdM 673-8_.9.. $165,()0(f' ---Sun 1-5 a Bl!DROOM 2659F Elden Ave., C.M. 675-1771 $159,000 Sat 1-5 304 Eac>fanade (Bluffs) NB 640.0020 $277,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 With 111 the interest in real estate 1s an investment, don't forget that your home is also where you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needsnc>w. For 1 good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS®, It could 1IJO tak4 • heap o' IOO'kin' Befort VOAJ siart, c.111 REAL TOR® ftrit. *3 14 Avenlda Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $210.000 Set/Sun 1-5 * 551 Vista Grande (Bluff a) NB 759-9100 $222,500 Sun 1-5 2"45 Vista Nobleza, Bluffs, N.B. 675-2373 $275,000-Fee . Sat/Sun 1-5 4 11 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Son 1.5 53 Seapln., Blg Cyn, Npt Bch 631~1400 $3-40,000 Sul'M-4 2116 Felipe, The Bluffs, N.B. 644-4910 $270,000 SatfSun 1-5 3 M pfua FAM AM or Dl!N 117 Rue Vlllara (Big Canyon) NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 2642 Vista Ornada (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $2"4,500 Sat 1-5 4 BEDROOM *201A Carriage (Bradford Pl) SA 857-2040 $89,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 404 Colu~la Rd., Npt. Crest, NB 631-1400· $249,000 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 •DROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd., Costa Mesa 548-2239 $137,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 . S BEDROOM * 157 Yor1down Ln., Costa Mesa 646-8396 $102,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 Fairview & Avocado Rd., Cotta Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-2 BE~OM 515-515'1\ OrchJd (Old CfM) CdM 759-9100 $358,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Rd., Newport Hgta, NB 673--6900 $399.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 II plu1 PAM IM or DIN aftd 2 lllU1nd 1 BA 107 • 107'1i Ruby Me. Balboa Island 644-9060 $598,500 SUf1 1-5 2-3 BEDROOM 1510 Abalone Pl, Balboa Island 673-6900 $535,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 ptua S BEDROOM * * 506 E. Oceanfront, Bal. Pen In. 673-7300 Sun 1-5 2 -4 BEDROOM **202 S. Bayfront. Balboa 181. 673-6900 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 PROPERTY FOR LEASE 4 M ptue FAM RM or DIN HOUll! 230 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar ./ 673-8494 $2800/mo Sat/Sun 1-6 I M '"""· COMDOMIUIUM •102 ~Plua. #138. ".,,..... 673-7300 $975/mo S.t 10-121sn 1-5 ' I 1-• I I . ,, c: • c . - • J .. 14 -Orange County Real &tate/An AdvwtJeing Supplement to the DAILY PIL.OT/Saturdey, May 1, 1982 *WISTCUfF HIGHLANDS* . Sensationally remodeled & dec.'Orat.ed 4 Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *MASSIVI CUSTOM FIREPLACE* Spend those romantic evenings basking in the glow of this mas.sive .fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally focat.ed close to Westminster Mall and Goldenwest College and priced to sell! $119,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. ..... *SIX ON A LOT* Six houses on one lot in prime rental area of Ccsta Mesa. All but one have fireplaces and have recently been painted. No deferred mainte- nance. Asking $395,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $3,000 lllATI Superb financing on this bright and cheery 4 br, 1.75 ba home PLUS the seller will give a $3,000 rebate at C .O.E. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *f 10,000' IUYS ITll Ladies apparel sb op with good lease terms. Located in busy shopping center. Inventory negotiable. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *ZllO DOWN* On the water. Price slashed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finan<..'e. Professionally decorated w/gounnet kitchen. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. * '~ ACRI ISTATI* Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets. built-in microwave and trash compactor. Lar~e formal dining room has built-in oak buffet and cabinets. Huge detached garage has 34 bath and could be easily converted to guesthouse. Sacrifice for $169.- 900. 9032 Adams, Huntif\llWn Beach. 556-7035. •TAKIOVll 11.23 LOAN* Only $20,()()0 down on this spacious four bedroom, 2 bath home with soaring cathedral ceilings. Earthtone decar throughout with custom wall coverings. Bright and airy country kitchen plus family room and custom patio. Offered at $154,900. 9032 Adams. Huntlngt.on Beach. 556-7035. *81XIY KNOLLS llAUTY* U you enjoy the charm and stately grace of an era gone by, this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home is for you. Large formal dining room with view of beautifully landscaped groWlCb. Gueathouse at rear of property. Offered at $239,500. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035 .. -*LOCATION-x 3 + POOLI* F.quats an ideal home for the growing family seeking a prime Newport Beach location WITH land ownership. Large sunny rooms and family room overlook a large pool set in a low maintenance yard. Sellers offer their own financing at 12% and have reduced the price to under $300,000, 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. NEWPORT IEACH OFFICE' 2970 Ion Miguel Drive Newport ltocb, CA 12110 . . (714) 71•1I01 · Sensational PORTOFINO model. on exceptionally large lot on FEE land with 4 bedrooms. s pa, fireplace . ONLY $349,000 with 10.97% as- sumable financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT* $109,0oo * 9.9% assumable financing available on this tastefully decorated 3 BR t.ownhome. Vacant & quick possession. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach, 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$13,000* Fabulous townhome in much desired SPRINGS area. Popular "B" ·plan. Call for details!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. *10.153 FINANCING AVAILAILI* UNIVHSln PARK Zero points of fees takeover low interest loans on.Jllis 3 Br HANOVER model. Featuring atrium & prime location facinf Greenbelt overloo- king Turtlerock Hills. OnJ'y $154,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-150 l or 752-5353. •NO MONTHLY PAYMINTS* For six months on brand new townhome in Costa Mesa. Featuring 2 master suites, enclosed garages & private courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 •Tu1n11ocK * $1,279 Pll MONTH is all you pay when you takeover~xisting 1st T .D. Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring flJlll din, fmly nn & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. . *IACK IAY ARIA* *$135,000+ I 3 Br house on fee land Ceaturing hardwoOd Cloors & shingle roof with 11% assumable lst T .D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. +$1,000 HIATI + On brand new townhome! Featurins privacy, 2 mst suite & den/loft overlooking liv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 10'.fJ 3 FINANCING* when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Popular BffiCH Model w/fplc, central air & the largest back yard in WOODBRIOOE GLEN. Only $134,900. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach, 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WATIRFRONT HOMI* PRIVATl llACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring french doors, frplc, professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ' $3(),000*. . *11.46% FfNANCING Available!! Fabulous TURTL.EROCR VISTA TOWNHOME. Featurihg 3 br's, fplc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-73~. HUNTINITON BEACH OFFICE- to32 Adami AYI. · Huntington leach, CA 12141 (T.14)5"-7035 ----- . I .. LIDO ISLE IAYFllOIT S 1,111,111 Pier and sllp location. 4 Bdrm, 3 baths. Owner will carry 1st Trust Deed with a substantial down piayment. Will accommodate a large yacht. lido club house + terms + preferred status of Udo life style. LllO ISLE S515,0ll New French Normandy 4 Bdrm + den. French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass & wood.+ 2 fireplaces. This Is a true Udo charmer at this fabulous price. lllO ISLE $341,111 A true delight this beautlfully remodeled 2 Bdrm, 2 bath home. Professionally decorated and In immaculate condition. Large sunny pa- Uo. Owner will help with financing. Too good to last. UIO ISLE Slll,111 Dramatic Spanish Casa. 4 Bdrms. den. formal dining room with Mexican tlle floors galore! Pr1vate patio with wall -must see. LllO ISLE S410,llt 4 Bdrm, 3 baths. 3 car garage. 40' lot on corner. South patio. Submit all offers. Owner willing to trade for house in Westwood. Beverly Hills area. Small office in same location. . LllO ISLE 1311,512 Ideal corner location this sparkling clean 3 Bdrm. 3 bath home on an exlra wide lot. Only 5 houses from clubhouse activities, beach, tennis and swimming. Large assumable loan. Owner financing available. LllO ISLE 1511,111 Lots of warmth and character In this charming 4 Bdrm home on a huge lot at the quiet end of Island. Oen or 5th Bdrm for your added comfort and enjoyment. Beautiful large landscaped sunny patio. LllO ISLE Slll,111 Spacious 5 Bdrm home with formal g~rdens on oversized corner lot on the Plazza. Hfgh beam ceilings. separate dining room + den. This could be your move to Udo. Owner wlll help with financing. llll ISU 1111,111 New efegant custom 3 Bdrm light, bright and airy. Featuring sunroof piped end wired for ja- cuzzi, telephone, t.v., mood lights. 360 degree view. Most unusual home on Lido. Fabulous fi- nancing. Owner will consider all offers. UYFllOIT COllG Sl25,lll Spacious 2 Bdrm, 2 baths, with set-down bay view. Large private atrluftt. Many custom fea- tures. Security and boat docking. Owner wlll conlider trade for home In Palm Springs, Laa Palmaa or Canyon area. Orange County Real Estate/An Adwwtillog Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1. 1912 -15 UIO 11,2H,lll O~n your own dock for your 85' yacht. Profes- sionally decorated. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overJooklng prime •~ baytron1 location. FEE LAND. Security gate, and many more extras. UIO . 1735,180 Delightfully appointed 2 Bdrm, 2'h baths bay- front condo. 24 hour security. Sauna, pool, sub parking, close to shopping. The most presti- gious high-rise condo building In Newport. Owner may exchange. Ill.IOI PElllSUU SIH,111 Oceanfront duplex looking for a new owner. Great for Investors who love ocean views. 4 Bdrm up, 3 down. Good rental area. Owner will consider all offers. ULIOI PElllSIU 1311,111 This brand new 3 Bdrm, custom home features oak cabinets throughout, economical hot water, forced air heating, open beam and wood planked ceilings, 7 skylights. This Is a true, a must to seell llYllE I 141,000 Beautlfully decorated 1 bdrm + den condo. wet bar. 1'h bath. pool & jacuzzi. Walk to golf course & tennis & shopping. Close to frwys. Charming Spanish tiled patio. Owner will carry 2nd. IEWPOllT IEICll S2H,011 Newport Crest's most beautiful ocean view awaits you In this 3 Bdrm retreat. Decorated in the finest taste. Walk to beach, tennis & pool. Assumable loan at low Interest. VERSAILLES 1111,111 Fully furnished condo, below market price. Sec. gate, plush carpets, pool. spa, great assume loan. Underground parking and much more. Walk to beach. All you need Is your clothes and toothbrush. · • COSTA IESI S 115,111 Attention builders -Come and see this triplex and great potential Costa Mesa Golf Course view. Call for more Information. COSTA •SA S 111,111 Attention Investors -Just fisted this triplex that is definitely for y()Qf These units ar& always In demand and are always rented. Close to park, shopping and schools. Call todaylll COSTA •SWASTSllE S 1 U ,Ill Come and see this charming home. Great lo- cation, with beams. brick fireplace and 3 Bdrm. 2 baths. Move In condition. Bring children and pets to play In huge yard with alley acoess. ------- Ill CAIYOI S2,211,lll Splendid custom family home on extra large lot. 5 Bdrm, plus maids quarters. Large living and dining rooms. Famllyroom and gourmet kit- chen. Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf course and mountains. IHi CAIYOI 1115,111 5 Bdrm. 7 bath home with all the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with slldlng glass r~of. Sauna, steam room, 3 Jacuzzis. Play & gam~ , room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 650 l sq ft. IMi CUYOI 1211,111 Open Sunday 1-5, 25 ·canyon Island Or. -off Ford Rd. Spllt level with great golf course view. Pool, Spa, Tennis. Good assum. loan & owner will help finance. Owner leaving state. See & compare. ' ILIFfS IEST llY S 137 ,Ill Two story plaza condo with large patio. Double garage, near pool. Walk to shops and schools. • Lowest priced 3 Bdrm In the Bluffs. Make an . appointment to see and compare. 11.IFFS Cllll 1211,000 Situated on a beautiful greenbelt. 2 private patios. new carpets, excellent condition. 3 Bdrm, 2 baths single story "Bonita". Near pool, schools & shopping. Good Income property. Make otter. WTILUFF 1232,111 Bank Repo, bring your paint brush and save $$$. 6 Bdrms .. corner lot. Get a new loan with a - low down at a low Interest rate. Great family home. suw• co•o 1141,111 Newport beach address at this low price. 2 Bdr.m, 2 baths largest 2 story unit. Lovely beach retreat. walk to beach. Owner will consider trade. IEWPlllT CREST 1111,111 Walk to beach. Best In the Crest 2 Bdrm + den + office + retreat. Parquet flooring In llvlng- room and Dining area. 2 Tennis courts, comm. pool and spa. Great flna~ng. Yl.U Ill.IOI IJll,HI Ocean vtew and Bay view. Largest unit In VIiia Balboa 2 Bdrm. 2 baths plus den and famlly- room. High ceilings and akytlghts. Very plush carpeting throughout. Nice large assumable loan. Act fastlll WEST IEWPllT . SJ41,lll AbsoluttlY steps to sand. Duplex located In most ••eluded part of beach area. 3 Bdrm. each unit. VffHI from Uppet. Excellef\t flnencing. ... • ' I r • ... " --~ ..... ---~---.,,.....~":r-"-----~---------------------..-... -----..... -. 16'-Orange Coonty Real Ea1ate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 ~~~-;-~-~~--Mil~~~ ...... ~-~~ ..... ~-~~ ...... ~.~!:* ....... ~-~!:* .. : .... ~-~~ ...... ...................... ~~ ......... ! .... ~!';~ ••••••••• ! ... _, ~~~ .... ..-.. ,.J.'!l ~~ ••••••••• !.~I ¥!'~!! .....••.. !.~I ¥!'!~~ .••.••.•• !.~. ff!,at~~... 1111 .------------'\ . -..... .. . .......... . .... ----------1'1111 ..... ... ~ -.:.>4A&A~~-A.UJUV ~Ill lrlde ANYTHING of $38K down to 1~1. AITO. . • Dalebout Dalebout v1kie for equity In new 4 Br plu1 1 Bdrm rental. OCElllfROft 1-• UWll Palm Springe coli.do. OMC tr1del Agt Bruce . VIUlf • Kasey, 1gt 15A8·6-492 or Blomgren. 750-0297 4 Br. 3 a&. 2 story Townbouae. 26~ Bay & Beach Bay & Beach 997-7215 ~·~~ s.tlef neat 3Br, aq. ft. BreathtaJdni. Sell or exchance • Want Ad• cau 6-42-5878 • 752·8731 for Newport Beach or?? Submit. Real Estate · Real Estate $4~=-·~;s~1~tyi44-4121 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE1949 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 * A SPIRAL * Have 1omethlng to sell? S fl\. idle IMff'll with a ClaHified ads do 11 weU. Dally Piiot Cleulfled Ad. STAIRWAY • AUSTINt TEXAS Fntett .,.... ana le S11 hit 13.85 acres on South-West side. Can be developed for multi-family such as 55 duplexes or condos or Industrial. Own·er may help w ith financing. ME wm n ... Tt 11Y111 TUUOE Magnificently upgraded 3 Bdrm home on 62xll5' lot. French windows & doors, crown moldings, brass hardware, com- pletely new kitchen, siJ>gle story. You own the land. 1524 Santanella Terrace. Open Sun 1-5. $395,000 TO GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- $453,000. 1fn WU1Uf 11.. u. 111.1• 1111 WUTCUff M., I.I. H1-Ull Two Master Suites, sold DM Q4)boirds, stylctlts 10%% FINANCING lftlWI BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS "llWlllrW"IUlft Ouistanding 4 BR, 3 Ba. family room. Tastefully decorated and framed by lovely landlcapina. Large patio, waterfall and bad- minton court. Great hi.lJ.a view and 3 car ,_,... ~95,000. # 14 Point Loma, Open Hou.e 1-5. 759-1616 ~1.111• •m OPEi SITlllllY 1-4 - #21 .................. IDEAL OCEANFRONT LOCATION ONLY $125,800 ' 10% DOWN Come see this huge two story -3 bedroom home In prestigious Jasmine Creek. Tennis -pool - guarded gate. ~Ii CALL Saa d and •rf art' al yo11r doo,.l«'p la thi• 11..auliful r111lom 211ory, 4 bdrm. 3'°' be "'-· ri4k ol ow1u•nhip ia lktaU 6 q1&athy. Caln• i1t1 11Vt1b Pal u--. or A11tli• O.y11tt fM tlal "ownrr Hti•tMI'' finaatl•1· f 72S.OOO. tt. OpH !)un .• 1-S.·28<H 1l'. Ottaafrotu, Npt. CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 ····-11111-, .. , ... -Beautiful contemporary llfea· tyte In this private, 8'ngte story 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo with Mexican pavera, attractiw pa- tio and double garage. Only $129,000. C1MI ..,_,_ SttH .. 581-1100 S130K ON GOLF c.our., 3 BD, 2 Bath. Liv. Bm., Fam. Rm., Frp1. & more. A$SUla l~ INT. W/Law Dn. Prln. Only -Call DIRl!CI' to PA TRICK or FRED TENORE 631-12M or 780-8702. SPANISH VILLA W/POOL In CLIFFHA VEN bu FORMAL ELE· GANCE and sreat capaclty for entertai- ning. 3 bedl'OOOW and sunny lanai room. $349,000 with FINANCING. RAE ROD- GERS 631-1266 . OCEAN VIEW-FE! LAND OUTSTANDING VIEW HOME with 2,700 Sq. Fl of luxury llvlna area. EXPl:NSIVE 4 Bel. with FAM. BOOM. & POOL. $HO, 000 Excellent fla.ancln1I Rae Bodaerf Al·l2M ' -Newpart Beach . 15 Corporate Plaza 759-1221 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC ll£A1. EST A Tt Un.~"-·~,..._....... 24.16 w c-~ m M.w AYfl OPEN SAT., U. 2-5 P .M. ,.,_, a. ... h w-w.nd 2277 PACflC AVE., C.M. 6JM4M 67Mtlt End Of Wiison CONDO ITEAl.81 NCIW ii the time to pt thae At BELOW MARKET PRICES w/l~ DN! 3 Bd. 2 Bath $1,320 mo -fllj),000 2 Bd. 2 Beth $119,900 lrvlne 2 Bd. 2 Bath $135,000 Newport 2 Bd. 2~ S.th $1~,000 Tu.n1eroclt 4Bd. 2~S.th $214,900 2,000' Newport Harbor Rld1e Condo for o n ly $399,900-Newport. U you want a deal on a condo -we will fit you into one of these TODAY! Call DI- RECT for Details PATRICK OR FRED TENORE 831-1266 or 760-8702 NOW. . -........ 234 EAST 17TH STIEET, COSTA MESA 631-1266 RARE FIND In Newport Beach -Pool Home with owner financing 3 Bd{, den, wet bar for only $198,500. Harry Frederick 631-1266 EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY No need to worry about 8elUng your home! Owner of larle. exec., custom 5 bdr. home on Meu V ercie Country Club will <lONider exchan&'e for smaller Meu Verde property. Call Jackie Handleman for more details. 631-1266 BIG CANYON A m011t unique contemporary.Cape Cod a.iom estate on the golf coww. Featured are 8 bcl., incl maid'• qrtn., study & library. A secluded pool, 1ymnaaium, & faro. entertalnine areu are included for your at-home act:MUea. Priced at $2,950,000. Call for exclusive showing. Jack.le Handleman 631-1266 EXCHANGE WATERFRONT ~pdonal opportunity for 2 Bdrm condo on the bey. Lona term -.unable Joan of $2~.000 at 12.~°'· Owners will consider uchanae for Income property. Call for fwlther detal.i.. Rwty Guinther 831-1266 J niiii 4412 a.ranc. lhy . 559.9400 .......... -.. This house is on 45' lot , zoned R-2. block from ocean. '390,000. IPllS...Y 1-1 111 ....... ll ..... wamnllT 1----1 Absolutely llMgant laKe-lnmll'I side home In Irvine 4 IPllUL Bdrm 3 Be. family room BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All flQor plans. Good views. good financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some Including land. Please let our experts show them to you. IHI 1·1 20l7 Viste ffl .,_,, 1 ltt1I 21U Yht• lr1141, •••• Hll W.1 J Ir, 1 ltt1I IOI ltt 0-,., •It• 422 Vht1 lrllHlt, , ... Ml Y1tt1 s.tt, a Ir, ..... 1211,000 S2IO,IOO S1tl,OOO san,ooo '410,000 1111.- WILL SEU, trade or exchange 3 br, 2 112 ba, $249,900, by appt. HELEN 8. DOWD llUl Tiii, llC. . 144-0114 A breatht1kl ng view. Condo in So Cou1 Pl~a l<ltchen Iles Jenn-Aire 1re1 Aaaume 11 t /8 ~ range wl blt-ln micro· APR loin, 10% d own -------wive. ceramic hie floors Only S7 l .950 Seller high-MUI 1 IUll IPT 1111 1'1111.11 and morel Anxlou1 ow-ly molivlledl Hippy 10 Extr1 large R-2 corner 101 I have e•clvslve llaung oo ner wlll 111111 in linen-catry IOe 2nd 81 low rate Seller will llnancel S2 t5, 3 & 4 Bdrm homes C.11 cing. Full ptlce $395.000 ~~~eif·• Condo Sates, 0001 IOdlyl RH Rodger. 1gt 751-3 191 Al.a 2 & 3 br Units lathe la, ,,.,. 631·1266 c::. '.I I '• -f""' I , lP' 1. • 1! '> s.11 things ru t with Dady PtlOI Wint Ads ....... dll-l•· GARDEN PARK VILLAGE 41 New England designed townhom~2 & 3 Bedrooms/2~ Baths Sfo Down 10 7/s% Interest* 30 Year Lo1a1 Assamahle/No Prepay-.eal Penally Cape Cod pool & spa, large private pattos & balconies, lndlvldual washer & dryer areas, wet bars. woodbumlng fireplaces, microwaves. trash compactors. private 2 car garages w/ access to home. • Optional: alr·condltlonlng and solar heal f N __ ,._, from $137,950 Fairview Road al Avocado ~BAnbm · . s....'--. Ol AS'iOCWES Open Dally: 11·5 Calk (714) 548-2239 Broker Coops.don lrw~ed an ll9l.ITEI -Custom..Sullt 63011 Sq_ Ft. Home. Mariners Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous ~an View & City Lights. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities, Too Many To Mention. Must See To Appreciate. $950,000. Owners Wiii Accept An R· 1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment. Marla Betcovttt's Llstlng. ILIFFI -HW UIT1ll Excellent Financing Available. Large Assumable Loan At 11%•/o & Owner Wiii Consider 2nd. Beauti- fully Upgraded Carmelita With 3 BR + Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovely Gruenbeft Near Pool. Vacant. $244,500. OPEN SAT 1-5. Sally Shlpley's Listing. Ill OU•UTE Catalina Sunsets In San Clemente -Ocean Views Everywhere. Great Locations. Hardwood Floors. Im- ported Tiies. 3 Qdrms + Ottlce.$282,000 Existing 1st T.O. Offered At $395,000. Ann Brlzolls' Listing. WITCI IT IEI• llll TI Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Will Be Under Construction Soon. One Of The Finest In The Area. The Style Is English Tudor. The Blueprfnts Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect. $2,200,000. Susan Trlvl- son's listing. WITEIFlllT .. E Promontory Bay. Formal D.R. Oen/library. Master BR O'Looks Bay. 3 Other BRs & Maid's Rm & Ba. Pier. Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Wiii Assist W / Flnanclng. YOU OWN THE LAND. $1,850,000. Ca- thryn Tennllle's Listing. om• HILT In Laguna Beach. High On A Hiii Above The Ocean. Carved Entry Door -Sunken Bar -Game Room - Stained & Leaded Glass -2-Story Fireplace & A Poot & Spa Complete The Picture. Appointment, Please. $675,000. Ann Brlzolls' lilting. mDllllAYWll Ocean View Home. Superb Modem Stytll')g. Sharp. Clear, Clean Features. It Sparkles, It's So Clean. Excellent Ananclng. Undoubtedly One Of The Best Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. $695.000. Joyce Oa- boft's Listing. OllMllEllllllPLD Fantastic Owner Financing Offered On Corona del Mar Duplex. Two 2-Bedroom Units Located On Quiet Street, Surrounded by Lush Landscaping. 2-Car Garage. Walk To Shops & Beach. Reduced To $282,000. Ann Brlzolls' Listing. llmfmlll fMlft.D at ..... llVRlllll Attractive Spanish 2 BR Furnlahed 4-Plex. No Va- cancies. Good Location. South Of Rlvnde. Excel· lent Terms. Reduced To $129,600. Sally Shlpley's Listing. 111111111111111 One BA Condo, Adult Ltvfng. Upttalra Unit W/Deck. Close To Pool & Spa. Walk To South Coast Plaza. Just Reduced To $69,000. Apent/Owner. Sharon Collins' Listing. .. lllf• -YllW Walk Thru Garden Courtyard To TowerlnQ Door Leading ;o Marble Entry. Winding Staircase & Spa.- clOus L.A. Large D.Ft Den W/Flreplace. Huge M9ter BR & BA. Ptu• 3 Add'I BRa. BIO Lot W/Paddle Tettnl• Court. Mountain, Ocean Vlewt. Reduced To 1826,000. Bob Thomas' Listing. IMOo llWI ms ....... Cllll Beautiful upgrlded 3 Br condo end unit w/xtr1 lg patio '"A Dollhouse"' Ca ll Peg Dameron. 559-IMOO, ICJI ..... 11nnaauw 111121,llO Be1utllully upgraded homes. lrg 1uumable loan1 w/lo~ down p1y- ment. Great location. Call Peg Dameron. agr. MA-9MIO RCTaylorCo FllEE RUL ESTATE LICEISE SCHOOL 11 1v111a1>1e to you II yoo ere a highly motivated. positive and 1mbltloua person who wishes to enter the exciting and rewarding lleld ol real 81late sales. Call Glenn Elneman for 1n 1ppo 1ntment. R.C. Taylor Co. Offices In Newport Beach. Palm Deter! & Rancho Mirage RCTaylorCo 1>4(• ·)<)()() HIE Mf lfFEI I CdM steal. Bullder will be v.ry creative. B rand new 3000 IQ tt hrnome. Call Tim Rhone tor terms. 631·12M 11~ II· 11~ llTI· UST . This oulltlndlng l'lnandng 1 1v1ll1bte on thl1 3 be- E room Sp1n1ah VIiie that 11 an OU1Standlno -ter •-· Owner motlvated. ought 1nother. Offered II $284.000. .. TllPLD owe 7 yr11 15% down wlll buy thl1. Call Tim Rhone. 631-12" IMl.-&WAY Lrg 4 Bdrm 2 Ba llmffy home wl huge bonus room & bath forming 181P9fate qtra. Ownw wlll laMI wlUI flMnc::lno. F~ prloe $145 ,000. 7S1-3191 ' C:.'·' ' -t'-"' 14 •I l• • • .. 'I UM U.. Dally PUot "Pat lt•ull" ~•Ice dirtctor7. Your .VIHllOW' .... ..,. Clll...,. t:I\ .• ... ,. • • - . - r • - ·- •' ..,_ ....... __ ... '-~---.. 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 ~.~~ ........ ~.~~ ...... ~.~!:*, ...... ~.~!:*-...... ~.~~ ........ !~:~~.! ..... Ciwrti1 I 002 ~~11. ......... J.~ ~11. ......... J!!. ~11. ......... J.f!l ...... ~ .......... ~~~~, ......... !~~ ....................... -------··---------------------- 12,='8 = ' 181,9t!~ry~. 2 ~ ~ 1 PllllllU 111111 br. 2 ba. poolt. ate, spa. 1•11 W llY _. UT 1-1 IKlys this roomy 4 Bdrm rec rm1. South Coaal ,. • ...-- lamlly home w/2 llre· Plaza local. Quick ute Pm:e West Bay bayfront. SUps for 2 boats. placea. a warm family needed. Anume 1at al -remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 beth $1,200.000. room w/wood beamed t07/8%, 2nd 14•1. lntereat celllnga. Decorator ac-only. Call Owner/agL Ocean & JeltY views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 cents. $120,000. Prlncl· 957•2892 3700 f •1 ~ ooo Ocean! pa11 only. Oon'I delay. I~~~~~~~~ ... OAIJM llllTIY Olll beth. eq t. • • • · ront aall Diana today. 1: -~ OIMa Pi.tanpol-Volpe llUlflllT llJ EH~HCt 1tr ""' rn • .,.., '1 Liii ISLE 11111 .... R&'M~ Like new duple•·3 & 2 Magnificent location o'looking 8th green Pil'ine LldO Norcrtiayfront bdrm. 51~ bath. Bdrm 2 Ba each unit-on of golf course. Majestic ColoniaJ cust.om Lg~ L.R .. 2 boat sUps $1,500,000 the 11nd. will take sm• bv owner/builder_. 5_ bdrms, lge formal . down or tra<M and catry " lli d f j ted -~ __;;;======-i the enti re batence din rm, Cam rm, b1 ar rm, r~ rgera kemodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath+ larger«. nn • $750,000·besl dHt on wine rm, & 6 1/J ba Marble, finest wood beam ceilings, fumlllhed. patios $420.0DO. Selling anything with a lhe water. 1· ·r cond + many c u s tom 0 Pll Cl Ill_.. pane mg. 81 .. . I L111• ISLE a•JFlllT ally ot all ""AO .IAOMI IULn • • 11a 1lmple matter . iust lll-.. lO features. $2.150,000 Including land. May . 5 bath 1 call 642-5678. sell furnished. Owner will help finance. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm,. • P ayroom. dark rm. den. Boat shp $1,3~0.000. VIEW YIEW YIEW + Catalina, whitewater, canyon & nlte Ute view are yours from this unique mulll level. one of a kind custom home. The ultimate family or entertainment home tor the buyer with flair for the unusual. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, huge kitchen. large deck & spa, Great financing available. 1% llWI • 10%% lmlEIT New Cape Cod 2 bedroom In prl· vate community with pool and Ja· cuzzi. Walking distance to every- thing. $137,950. Open dally 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. 548-2239. ..... L.11191 Prime and exceptionally quiet Newport Beach neighborhood, featuring 4 bedroom 2111 baths. Extremely spacious and well ma· nlcured yard with plenty of room for pool. jacuzzi or adding on. Setler will carry financing. $299,- 500. 2421 Francl~o Drive, New- port Beach. Open-Sun. 1·5. llZY 2 ITllY • I.I. Located In the beautifully planned private community of Broadmoor Seaview, this 2.S1ory, 4 bedroom 3 battr Port Royal home Illuminates custom elegance. Pool and tennis facllltles available. $398,5000. 2106 Yacht GrayllngJ. Newport Beach. Open Sat. and ::sun. 1-5. LUSE IPTlll Prestigious location plus views of the city fights In private commu- rnty of Newport Beach features 3 bedrooms + family room. Owner Is motivated and will carry large 2nd T.O. or lease option. $399.- 000. 2109 Yacht Grayling, New- port Beach. Open hoose Saturday and Sunday 1-5. •t111 mun Smalhlng views of sunsets and sailboats are-enjoyed from thlt spacious 4 bed.room beautiful residence. Gourmet kitchen plus swimming pool. Price to tell at S805,000. lnctud• the land. Seller wllt flnance. • OOW VIEW 1211,000 4 Br. 2 1h Ba. View home overlooking Pavilion, Cataltna and nite )hes. We have an independent appraisal for $320.000 Try $20,000 down until you sell your home. Owner will help finance. 1211 st•FUIE WAY IHI U T/HI 1·1 a REAL .IEWIL II TllE ILlffl A fantastic 3 Br "Lmda" m~on w1 dest greenbelt. Like New. V t. $270,000. New carpets & drps. ady for immediate occupancy. See anytime. 2111.FELIPE OPEii U T/SH 1·1 llAJIOll VIEW -HU YUi Quiet. park-like setting. Rm for paddle tenms and pool Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdrms, fam rm, $379,500 fee. I EIWIH "VHWLLEI" 1711,000 Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The per- fect plan for large or small family. roung or not s'o young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. i:>O?I a~d very prt· vate patios. Best buy an Big Canyon. Vacant. See anyt1mE:. 644-4910 111 OUYll "YE•WWI" Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool. spa & gazebo. Gated courtyard with fountain. Marble foyer w/glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den. formal din rm, 4 'h ba. $950,000 including land. Large coi;-ner . WiSUY 1. un11 •., UALTtu 21 i 1 Sal .1t141• lffh ltl4 1EWP111 emu, 1.1. 144-4111 Ma.lve rooma; Hl(,h-<:arVed wood eeillnp . Beau\(ful ~an and coastline vtewa from every rooro. Built In t}le late 1920'1, wu considered. the "MaJnl'HoUR'' of a laraier estate. four bedrooms, Five balba, formal · & Informal dlnin1 & 1)'T1U111Siwn. . 'yew appointment call: Jim Ardery <a1enl, 714~94-0791 . . BAYSIDE COYE Spet'tacul.ar bayfront view 2 br. 2 b3 up, 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat slips $1.900.000. COROlllDO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock Plans avail. $425.000 w/terms PAii I.Ill :1 bdrms, 2 !n baths condo nl'ar pool. $145,000 PIAI UIO 3 bdrm. 3 bath coodo near pool. $14~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 Boy\•dP Or"" N ~ bl~ t;,161 llSTA ma 11n111 Only $15,000 down and assume 1st & 2nd-no qualifying. Great Eaataid~ loca- tion for this 2 bdrm 2 Ba older .home. w/aervice porch and garage. Full price $119,000. 631-7370 IUlm.111 Thia lovely 4 Bdrm 2 Ba home offers great location and good tenna. Auume 10~'11 lat T .D. and owner will help fi- nance. Thia home hu fresh paint. nearly new CAtrpet, gar. door opener, new dis- posal & DIW. Full price $152,900. 631-7370 lefty Keo R••ltJ Mr+•*= I umt• ... . . .... ... I 28K down & I t04 1/mo buyt thla chtlfmlng 3 Bd E.1lda home, truhly I oelnled and ready. Ptice lncludat renge, micro, WIO. Don't delay. call Olen• today Olen• PletenC)Ol.Voip. 661·'400 ....... 1111,1& °""Sun t2·5 48', cattledral «*tinge. a 1437 &etenade Tema RVM~ - --- rom~ kitchen. At-1rv1ne Twface aumeble toen et t .6%. Cofona dll Mat. $398.000 Owrier enaloue. CM now lfJ.1111 l he tattHt or aw In the t7t-53TO WHI .••• D•lly Piiot Peopt MIO nMCI people C"""'9d Ad. Ctlt attwr ~ fllWtYt cheett the the 'eel SeMce Olrectory In IM 'loll • tfl'I Oft I"-mantel DAIL" PILOT Wllfl I CfHI~ Ad ' Cell ,.,.. .. 2·M71 l • I Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 -19 !'.'.~!!!.{ .. '.!.aJ.' ..•.•.• 8H111 /11 l•/1 Ho1111s /01 S•lt B11111 /11 ~lt Horm1 lot S•l1 Ho11111 l0t S1J1 B1•111 lor Silt ••••••••••.•••••••.••....................... ······················t······················ ······················ .•....••.............. ~~~'.L ........ !.~1 ~!~~'.t ........ !.~1 C.•111/ IOOZ lf!!!!'..~!!.'!!! .. !.~g f!.'!~.!!!~, ..... !.~~1 f!.'!~.!!!!t •...• !.~~1 •uti•1,.• Ill llY OFFER ·······,·,··,··.·1••1•11•••••• au1cK SALE Nl:IOOEO AT Te NT 1 o N v ET s . •11#11 104 Hawau front row condos THI& Ulll Monucello townhouse. 3 BRAND NEW CONDOS, •••••••••••••••••••••• Cover cloSl ng cosll· IES-UTEI 702 Acac•a.CdM $235K ~-/• Bdr 1•.Ba dbt ga1 pool 13 elegant 2 BR 2'• ba IWIEI HSllUTE OWC3-5yrsat l2% Call ,.., Opendatly 1·5 673·2041 157 Yorktown Ln 011 conoos1n promeloca11on. MUST SELL Tim Rhone aboul 1 week Beloi"" ~arke~ 4 b~r'!' 41' CHIO LOT ,Muir•·· Fairview bel Fatr & Wll· Lge gourmet kttchen, 2 br, 211 ba Broadmoor free to see 631·1266 ~~2~1 R peln al • With 3 Br 1,, Ba. tr~•c • son L1s1ed at $102.500 micro ovens. vaulled Condo adj to marina. • 8'il 11 uu 2 s 2 .... 2 "' Assume 191 al 12''r% ceilings balco nies, acron from oceen Aa· OfNe~ c-. d .:=;i j) • ., ., LHM.,.... le111fiht, ot•,l•••tr rt••4•1 ........ * 14r• I 11 I f1•llf ,. ••. l ...... . SHl,100. tp11 h1- st Sat/S.• 1-1. 1'81 ltreu41t Ten1 .. "* ... °"4e1 Tl4tr ,,,, ........ . s. ... .., .. o.r ... lllel ••r. 01U11lllul Hlllap I ltl1tlll •tt· elln. Frnt Hit I .. ,. 1121,000 •••• 111t 2 Ur• SUI, 001 •• , ....... l1t /S11 1-1. 411~11~ .... u .. • • By Owner 646·8586 Make oltet Opn HSI! yards, 2 car garages, aumable loan Res , FULL OCEAN VIEW Sal/Sun 1·5 or aho pool & apa Builder gives 213-592-5300. Bull aSunhO\\ Hcalh . •JASMINE CREEK• any1ome xlnt raies & 1erma Sal/ 714-846-3336 agt OWN/AGT FINANCED OLISI Tl IE.AOM lllfrtlll Stewer, I Hr Sun 12·5 631-6194, 640·151511-728·5151 v._ Pool Beam ceilings. a.a•.tlH wkdys. 850-9778 Eves, Jni.1 1044 2 lrplc1. 3 bdrms. nice -751-3297 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cozy couaoe 2 br. 1 ba SA75 ---------l ----------4$73.000. Fr door1. 1My111e. ~IN. IJ/u' lOOI lrplc •alk to beach pauo By llPl>1 .ooo OML IOUI llUZll POOL HOME $144.900 ·2~dr. 2 Be. kitchen, ta. •••••••••••••••••••••• Owner finance R-2 101 ll&llJ ITllFFU Panoramic ocn view 4 BR 2 Ba cul de n mtly rm mobtte home C..... IM .... S215.00Q. 6-40-4776 evs W Utl lia&.n romantic n1ghl lights street vacan1 O•ner Assumable Joan .A.aaoc Charming 4 bdrm. 3't 210 IEllEE -lll-1114 Only S15.000 dwn & $1 an.ooua Will negolt1le lncludu tennJs, pool. ba 2 sty Don Pe1erson •• !~~~~~~~~~ 000 mo 3Br. 2 "<tBa Pay points or go VA Call 1pa, lawn bowling, rec home. breakfast room Walk 10 be1ch & post 1: pool & spa Natual ope today. C-21 Adobe and hobby rm & a Heu· roreplace. many extras ot11ce from this custom WllTll beamed cedar cellings 788·2977 rlly gate Owner would $539.000 222 Coral built home of wood & Corona del Mar duplex on · handsome used brtc like to sell or trade tor a Open Sal/Sun 1.5 Appl. glass En1oy Buck Gully e"change tor equity in lrplc vacant Bkr Pri1ol•llt t•IJ condo closer 10 L A Owner/Agent. 675.6921 wlldllle & sunsets over EMERALD BAV Ocean 631·2253 Save your Cledll Are you Hflfe'a your oppor1un11y1 Catalina 3 Bdr 2 Ba. 10-view 3 BR, 3 Ba hOme GR.-NO OPENING about 10 ION your home Toni Morris-Layfield, agt EIT&Tt SALE tal privacy $575,000 4194_0029 Ownr/agl. SAT . SUN 12_5 lhru toreciosure, divorce. 559·94'00 Fee Opn Sun t -5 409 etc? rve got some calh. S1andard sae tot plus SO yr old collage on quiet end or Island $270,000 Owner •tll ltnance Bkr 646--0295 De Sola Terrace Bllr Cllll #H• JOZ4 l83 Monte Vista Before you compltcate 646-0295 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 Custom Condos. S 141 matters please call me, RVMt\'< 12. ll~ lnemllllt PREVIEW fl•aeo1111 W&TUntlT Ill •--.1 •• .-Just tn l tme lor aummer, _.. • --lhos IOvely pool home lea-Get ready tor summer tun Open &Jnday 1-S, big 50' lures temhc 1tnanc1ng 4 on the bayfronl p.., and wide street to street lot, terge bdrms new paint slip, e•1ra income unit on cool & qulell Custom 2 neer parks ~nd schoola reara!'dcozy·hornea1 lhe bdrm, den, 2 bath, formal Offered at $139.900 waters edge Owner will dining room. 16ir.24 IMng CALL us ABOUT OUR 11nence lhe whole thing to room plus a nev. kitchen & o p e N H o u s e s qualolled buyer. $750,000 l>reaf<lasl room Only 540-1151 1•2·1200 $350,000 Seller may Ii· nance f(.~um11 de/ llm -~·~'''"''~ ;~~~~~ ~-HERITAGE . • REALTORS 000 10 $1~ 000 Etegan (714 lAssume 70K I/A & dramet1c 2 & 3Br 11 loan. 8'·% tnl , 3 Bdrm. plans massive lrplcs trplc Asking $114.000 SllllflOE 111.E we1 bars 18· vaulle 5413-7023 Ownr/Ag1 ce111ngs, formal din 3Ba ---------• Price reduced-lovely 2 2 car garagu. yds LIE Ill a FAii II Bdr 2 Ba Woodbridge French drs, balconies With 18'x35. Encl patio Cottage home Frplc, 2 solid oak tloonng & muc room. assume loan• car garage. corner 101. more Buoldet gives eas $146,500 Gattner Baktr, usoc pool. tennis & 1erma Wkdys 850-9778 Ag t 6 4 2 • 0 4 6 t 0 r lake. Low ddwn-great Wknds 548·5270. Eve 754·6218 terms. 968·6482 WARNER, agl 559·9400 HE.AT llU lllT SILL 4Br. 2.000 1q II hom w/formal dining & lamll rm & more Call no 979-5370 Mesa Verde 4Br, S 139. 500 . o w e 1213J 927-800t Agl IY IWIEll • • • ,., ... ..., ... 20052 Mldtand Ln Huntington Beach ......... "'l" '~~~~~~~~ ltHI. 2 Ir 2~ 11, 1= PETE BARRITT ~.. R TY ,.r ••1100 6'1J-~f;,'Jlj 3BR. 2BA. A·1 oood on "41 E. Coa9' Hwy., C4M large R·2 IOI Park llke . \ { : 'I l / 11 J.. ,, f.lt &~ • • i\ ._. \ £ -.. •'~I ""t I 'J College Park 3 br/2 ba home Super clean & ready tor you' Stained glass, custom paper, newly landscaped 12% dn Lef1 talk 957-9344 You are lhe winner of lour free ttekels (S 12 00 value) 10 the .... IERrTT uu•UGr .. , .... ,., .. 111., Hllilt, flrtJllH1 .., '"'"" '""'' rrlute ,., •• Prl•• ........... ., ,, ..... ,, ....... ......... '""" .. 1141,HO. COL.a OF NllWPORT MALTOlllS a•taLc:.-tMwf. t.JM. yard Eas11lde By owner lat.i.Ji i-~~~~~~~~I $139 000 642-9125 or •••••••••• •••• •••••~! ::: 642-27 41 allet 5 30 PM IPH TtllY 1·1 1111,000 llllO'Tlll 3 Br 1 Ba house on large 1111 " ~ I I Beach house. perlect SOx 175. 3 unit 101 43 UI •I Ir cond . 3300 sq II. 4 Bdr. Hemlllon Do not disturb Charming .Cape Cod 3 den Opn 1·5 Sat/Sun lenants $129.000. br, 2 ba on quiet !>I $624.500. G. Douglas 548.5041 eves & wknds across from park Newly 673 4271 ' remodeled Xlnt linan-· 631-3520 Wkdys c•ng S399,5Qg By ow-100l lll.IW lllln n«. 675-<4009 New 4 br, 3'n ba, lam. enn1un rm formal dtn rm. study I C1,J1tru1 1blk10 wa1 .. 1549.000 Jud 1111 Bkr. 873-11418 O&SI .•.•..••..••.•.....••. llW umll EaSISide. beautllul tree lined cul de sac 1trett Super lmmac 3 BR. bric fireplace & hardwoo floors Good auumabl loan. S 132,500. Exctusl with Devin Real Eatale 642.6368 M esa I/er de Baker Harbor assume SIM. at 12"/e $1200 pr m Pill 3 Br 2 Ba. $131 900 646-3255,540-408 ~---·..., &T5·55t'I & ....... ...... 1c ..... -......••• st.tfnY Nice duplex, 2 Identical un111, 3 br, 2 ba each S339,soo owe 673·3" 15 Ownr/AQI. 2 Br 1 Ba + 1 St l Ba. 7211105' R2 IOI Do not disturb tenants 1528 Orange S 1211.000. 548-5041 8\IH & Wknds, 3 Bdr plus den tro-leve For sale or rent unn 21 714-531-8010 2DI H 1C1na ''' .,, 1111 Otd CdM-dup.,.x, corner ,•••••••••••••••••••••• locallon. 20K wlll buy House on Begonia $235, 1hl11 Call Tim Rhone, aigt I 000. lot value. prln. only. 631· 1266 . Bkr. (213)438-5823. OHITIJi.... I Duplex, 4 bdrm plus 2 bdrm, I year new Wiii trade down $385.000 -----•-••' 709 Orchid. Corona del Mar. 851-9135 To piece 't04JI tneUaQe before the relldlng public. phofle Dally Piiot Classllled, 642·5678 I °""'' EllUSI Ouplex, 4 bdrm plus 2 bdrm, 1 year new Wiit trade down $385,000 709 Orchid. Corona del Mar. 851·9135 IPll Slll&Y 1·4'H 1441 UWY •· (FD Ulll) Luxury & perfection In Dover Shores. 5 bdrms, plus, plus. Fee land. View. Fantastic seller finan- cing. $1,400,000. IPll UT I• 1·1 111 ....... (Fii U8) 1441 VllT& •• "• (ltntrYltta ... ••> Popular 1 atory 3 bdrm Linda Plan. Alr/cond., security t)'stem. $275,000 Fee. UIELI WIS, ILTL 11 ... 1111 IY IWIEll Duplex, beat tocallon, e•tra wide lot. Reduced 10 $329,500. 1-1142-8580 :>PEN SAT & SUN 1·5 New custom 4 Br. home with gueal unit. So. of Hwy with ocean view. 333 Poppy Ave. $498, 500 760-0452 Owner. ••mtw A SU<Pflte • Unusualt S586,000/0woef finance Large yard • 1 ~ loll OPEN SAT /SUN 1·5 408 Avocado A v Old CdM 675-<422.5 _ Own/aigl 111hslml" Ull WSl/'"111 .,,.u•m 4 Bclrms tnc tu dt ng 2 master suites. 3'1tBa. lg family rm, 2 lrpl«. rustic #ood be.am oetllngl • alt '" a walk to private beach locallon The perfect fa· mlly home In the perfect family netgllb orllood. 1525,000 wftll perfect fl· nanclng. OPEN HOUSE SUN 1·5 6440 MendOn Terrece Coron• Hlgl'l18tld• rJn "'f' I r +" I ( ' ~. • • . • r c ., 1 JU,_' H' .. } Have you read today' crau 11ted Ade? rt not. you're ml•l\O Ill• besl ti.rgalf\t l!'I townl 631-3520 Wkdys condo S 140K cleer , Trade tor C ~· , N B o 4 Br 2 1'1 Ba Condo. By Irv prop p p 645· 11185 Owner Many xtres . S 105.000 In anumable For Sale by Owner 4 Br. llnanclnlJ. AslCing S 132, Ba Dining rm. Famny rm 500 64e:-0790. Mesa N0<lh. 751·5153. $101( BELOW MARl(fT SllltP 4 br. 2 ba, tam rm. 'Pt l10me ~fin. 30 'f' Join. 2 Jltl Undef 1 1•2.ooo.t1t-11ae l.Ull/tmll TWI IUSTtl IHll Spacious new 3 bdrm, den. 3 bath home Al· fordable S 15.000 op1lon tee. S 1300/mo l40-2HO ASk lor LO<I. agl Fount111n Vatley Mole Squ11re Perk-May 8 , t982 To claim ttcl\ets. call 642 ·5678, ot 272 Tickets musl be claimed by May 5, 1982 • • • S 11,IOO llYS 1111,000 No qualltylng. seller will fleip ..-,/financing on 1hl1 3 Bd to w nhome In Northwood 2 yrs new me entry. format dining, pvt pallo. pool & spa Don't delay. cell Diane today Diana Platen a,..,, for '''' •··•·····•·••·······•· ,,.,;., 1044 ................•••... llYI IP TO TlllnEllOI Join Ille move up lo Turtlerock crowd! Vou too now can allOl'd to llve 1n Turllerock In this 3 Bdrm 2 Ba single lamJly home w/centr atrium. frplc & gorgeoua vu. As- &OC pool, 1enn11 & -Mde open spaces $179.000 Toni Morr11-Layfleld. agt 559.9400 LEll 1111 IOI IWI Woodbridge Warming· Ion townhome. 2 Bdr 2 Ba. highly upgraded w/ elegant plush beige car- pet & •hullers Calh celllngs w/frplc In living rm. country kllch. Mull see, call today. Merilyn OeCesare. aol 55i-9"00 WITtu.T Beaut. 4 8'. 3 Ba. CoteJ Cay gu81ded cc.mm., prv beach + boal slip. Award winning lndsopng Kathy Agl 7 14/755-4492 104t.hn •u ... .,.._I Detectied home In Irvine. New carpeting, floors. central elr S 119.000 Owner 551-8866 Ideal Retirement Park 45 years & over Large pool. spa. an• & Cl'afls. Abun. dant recreational actlvl- 11" All this tor M 8.200 + 2 Br 2 Ba spacloua 1400 sq 11 M oblle Home Agt 968-2297. Woodbridge 4 Br Oel home. cul-de-sac. ate Ownl Agl will finance Below mrk1 a1 $179,000 6415-0776 4 Br 2 Ba lam rm. din rm. vu or u C I. 1897 t Anti· och, '185,000. Opn ha Sun 1·3 541-5032 HDF1lll Co?Y 1ownllome w/bnck trp<:I. private fem garden & 2 matter suites. $132. 000. Broker 851·8800. YIEW 4 Bd 2 Ba Plan II In Turllerock. $209.000 w/ good financing ...11111, 12.1 1941 1 DeVry Dennis Rlcltttts & Asaoc. 851-0<424 .... Oller1 super financing terms on thla lmmac Unlvenlly Park sing" family resldtnQe. 3 bdrm, 135.000 dn. Owner w)ll carry at 12% for 5 yrs. S.1.440 paym't or let's 1'1ructure tlnaoctng to 'I04JI need•. Can Inge Agt S52-7698, 552-7500 hllltwntU. Prlnolpal only peym•t on thl1 1 bdrm Unlvertlty Park Ho1n9, "40,000 dn wllll monthly pay~nll of $1500 tors ~~' pr1ne1pe1 1>411 re aes.ooo. Priced $171,500. Aslc for Inge Agl 552·7600. NflllmNll Thia tmmacNlale 3 Bdrm 2 ba llom• In a park-1111• Mttlng It only f()( ~ tu. ,, .. , and most dlacrlml· l\atlno. ~ fl4\anclnO al 9~% ln1• .. 1. Ap ing Stet,000. ...,. .. " DeMylllllD M&-IOSI Or tt0-7• .... ·- / 20 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertlslng Supplement to the DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, May 1, 1982 s .. ,,, /11 S1J1 a .. ,,, /11 "11 ... ,,, /., lal1 a.11n I# s.11 ......•............•.. ............•......... ...................... ..................... . a ... " '" '''' a,..,, ''' S1J1 a,.,,. '" s.1, Ho.,,, 101 s.1, ....•....•....•.• ,.. ..........•...••......... ••••··•····•·•········ •.•••................. !!!'.~! ........... !.~~ ~~.~~~ ... !.ffl !'.?.!!.~~!! ... '.'!' ~'.'!r.!!.~~!~ .. .1.0!~ * *BEIUTlfUL 11 feels like home & 1$ ~-----------­" senslbly p11ced with !'!!r.!!.~!! .• !.Oj~ . .'.'!r.!!.~~!! .. !.Oj,t !'.'!r.!!.~f!! .. !.~~ !'.'!r.!!.~!! .. !.Oj! WATEIFHIT lff ... 1.1 I Bog Canyon Condos 2 & 3 UY 1t• FH .,..... br s lutn Ot unlurn GOii "" good old ·es1um1ble ' BISCAY ~ns 3 Br 2 B• $299. ~~gi',! ~o~dc:;,~~re Lac••• YHl111• I.E. j ./JIRIJ()f< R!J'2J (jf_' NEW llSTING • OIOet beach hou1e w11 h lent· ashc future• On canal w11h pier and dock Perlec1 101 couple who are looking lor few large rooms and de· sire 10 do-•t-yoursell • with a place lor 1he boat Great opportun1l)'I Price just nghl $425,000 including land Call Paul Belous AOUL T MOBILE HOMf t ourse vo-poOI tennis SIMMER ti UH PARK on lhe Bay 1 security $1200 Lease New cu1tom trad1l oona bdrm Oen. Iba $60000 644-7424 bkr nome on besl at reel 2 bdrm, 2 ba $46.000 < 3900 SQ It on I', 101s locallonl High loan ba-411· llt 1 I own the largest piece or pro~rty in lance! Setlef needs ot1er iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Newport Beach's most prestigious com- bdrm $25,000 300 E FtHCLOllH steps 10 2 beaches. clut Cs1 Hwy Unll 113. New IAl.lll llWI & tennis 4 bdrm or 3 & Po r 1 B e ... c n Bk r Charming 3 bdrm home den 4 balha 3 lrplcs on S5t,OOO equ1tyt IHI UT/HI 1·1 muni ty. Plans have been approved for ~~~brldf)t' nnrwam YI 10,000 sq Ct. home. tennis court & pool 675-3347 plus 2 bdrm apt Block lo Securily pre-wire. aulc beech Sold '°' $365.000 spnnklers. 3 Cit gar & Pool, ioe 1o1. 3 Br 2 Sa+ area. Would consider seU ing land or joint Rc.Jltg guest q r trs Close 10 Pro-downlown Laguna Pro-venture property for development. !'l51.:J0410 bale $310.000 fit poten tial; $3 to S5 mjllion. Call: Steve. 142-1200 BIG CANYON Sept 1981 Ask ing boal storage Open Sa1 $ 3 5 0. 0 O O ' Owner Sun 1-4-2 10 Via Sar ~ · TIWl ... E 673-6083 or 760-6517 Remo 0 w n I a g ________ __.. 675-3048. 673-2556 l!r.!t K•rru n f'k•" · 1'"... 111 C.utriew 213-537 • 7100. Mon. thru Fn. PETE BARRITT CUllEU' .. IT a Ir, lt1, Pade 12~'-Wtlllll.11 SUl,000 Beautiful Po1tof1no 4 Bdr lfll Tll&f 1-1 3 Ba on Harbor View J l&llUll * *1h Ml. TO BEACH Supt!f 2 Bd1 townhome. all garage. pa110 , 2 pools, tennis. Jae . & so much more Ter11hc II· nanclng II t2''•% Only $114.900 Ast< fOI Biii ~wlbrld~ Rt•lr• 551.:10011 lt!'flb rru u ""'"·"""'" TlllUUll ILD A'na~ single story on an Ideal tow 1rall1c s1uiet In model home condlloon Ptoles- StOnal landsc:ape. handy mans garage. 2 ltr•· pieces. communtty poOI spa and 1enn1s Only 5 years old Transferred ownet will help finance An excl11ng new ottering compellt1ve1y pnced 11 $315.000 Cal1 6«-7211 rJn ~:[,[L tlAIL( Y & ASSOCIATES TllRE 1101 IUI The generous use 01 woods ano wall papers make this a warm lam1ly home 4 bdrms 2 ba surrounding an 1nter101 garden a1t1um. Nicely 1anoscaped ex1enor. with covered pallo Nice as sum1b1e loan al low interest rate $316.500 f!l.~f. ~ .... ~t .. !.O:!f FORECLOSURE SALE Under lender's COSI So Laguna pvt estate 110 deo ooean w Security S565.000. 855-2013 $195,000 In assumable lor the prlCe of the lane 11 13 Oup1 hlH4 loans P11ced S309 500 alone you can O'#n lhol ~~~~~~~~~l\AcLaln August Plan· Agl 546·5605 charming 2 or wa18f'1rom l.dt 111111 IOSS --------~= fruly ou1stand1ng tn ever, home wnh secluoeo yrd ~ LTY •••••••••••••••••••••• FEE IY TIE SU ·espeC1 Tradulonat ele· By Owner 4 Bdr. den, & & ooa1 dock Live in 11 oo ---------IWIEI IESPEUTE 4 Br~~ F~~~E~nin Bell price & terms on ~~;~:~no=~~7c~:s~:~'e &~~~~~~.' ~~~~\1~1~~~· i ·;~;1 ~;~u~a?tu~no~~I tis -"'' Behind in payments R 2 F 1 3 g this 3 Bdr beach bargain d 1 .... 1 d1n1ng S225 000 $50 /Jn ~IG[L OAIL[Y 5. ASSUflATES -• S220.000 In ex1s11ng II· oom. +"~P aoe~ b':' Owner will carry 10 yrs >r1vate lgroun ev ... pa· 000 dwn 545:8108 801 646-5945 01 dn'1 1hey count your nancing 4 Bdr 3 Ba. gRa0r0amge Pooa1tg51~1do 101y PosSlble not" & trades 10 w11h separate streel ----------1 -•..-IEllG1ltll rent recelpla H deduc-poOI, spa wtwa1e11all All be 1~-"•r~....;. r..:_ . Summe11w1n1er tenlals >1de enlry securil) ICWftllT . ._,..., uons? Buying 1h1s eco-lor 1279 500 Call Carol au1 ........... ...,..,,.,_, . .-fief 1ys1em and oh•. so much IY tnU 1110,000 nom1y pool and parks. 1111 559•9400 will ass1s1 al l1nanc1ng Vacant Call Diana Cap-nuch more Over S200 Newpo.-i Heighls. 2 stor> Owner will clrty 11 iow Only $420.000 pel. 801 63l·1266 >OO 1n aasum1ble flnan-le •••ltfrlec 3 bdrms. 2 ba with R\I interest rate $103.500 .. '!!r.,tl ••ti lOll Open Sal/Sun. 1·5 E1ecu11ve condo. ocean & :ong lew .... access Assume 9•;, !SI YIOAIT WI •••• •••••••••••••••••1 Robinson Rea11or bay view Fplc. cathedral 3B1 & den. 2'"1Ba, sta•· Owner will carry bat a• Large double sized 101 ....,., IEllm 141-1141 clgs etc 1+ den, StO, ned glass. 2 l rplcs 10-1. w11h 20•1• dn 161C woth speclaculat ocean Owner needs cash. ciein 000 option money Oya aecuroty system. R·2 101 Tusl•n Ave Open Sur views P11ce 1nc1uoes lntlque 1ype house 2 Br Newport oceanfront du-558·9035, 81/S 673-4899 Can be 2 unus Will lrade t2-4 plans, survey & SOii re-t Ba 50x117' lot Large plex S600.000 Agt lllAL lor income propet1y 552-7500 Agent po<1 <>wnermayhelpll-de11chedg1rage Sl79 631-t579.or646-611!; ,. ••• ,,._ $800.000 (71 41 1rwaa•TO .. EST nance. $215.000 ooo 548-504 t eves & ---------· 673-6578 3711 Sea-un-Olll•llOIAL.. wknds. 63 1-3520 wkdys Sell things IHI Wtlh Dally Five bedrooms. 3 balha. shore Dr MIN Pllol Want Ads 1tran1~· "ome. A-"~~ Pl1n 4 4 bdrm 3 ba building plus res1oen11a1 --------..l.:;:;::;:;::;;;;;;;:;::;:;::;;;;;~J u ........ ,. ............... OCEAN vu END UNIT on• IHIAI 2-1 units Great 1nveatmen1 1 ated Also included Prom loc 2br 111•1u 1 $200.000 _ __.__ lo nd aH • Daily by appo1n1men1 II .... 'I opporl unt1y One res-WVVU9" pat 8 sm Np! Crest $235,000 Bkr Charming 3 BR. great ••J: ~~~~!~~!du~~1a";!~o~~ • WATERFRONT • ~:1'1.~°f!·a2c:'ng$;rs Tom Gother • 646-9200 view 2627 Bunya 1232 !~~~ ~~r,:1s'2 00 mo F 500 Ted Huban Bkr commercia l space 000 irm IEW LISTillJ 752-<JTn 496-12t8 499-1266 Ocean view Walk to VIEW 7 t4 -836-11542. or Spacious 2400 SQ 11 4 Crescent Bay Beach --731 ·2811 Br home tn Weatclllf 4 II I Pltl $485.000 IY IWRI Bargain pr~ $225,000 11,., letst a,t larMr Y1 l••H :apanded cu11om1zeo >alermo 4 bdrm 3 ba =rench OOOIS bay win· 1ows Oall 1hroughou1• >ool Mot1va1eo seller )pen house 12·4 PM Sun 1986 Port Claridge. Fee ano Contact Bkr John )hay 955-3454 ..:.-~r HARBOR VIEW HOMES j Ag 1 Jo Y c • W a 11 z e OPf:N SAT /SUN 1-5 · ""' ... ~ BJ OWllEll Somersel. 61• bdrms. 4 63t-l 266 Cuslom r.ome on lge 1o1 ':\.~~4-'> ba. lamoly toom Remo· Check 1h1s on&-of-a·klnd • • del under const $450 PIOP4!f1Y belore you buy Thrtte bdrm 3'7 bath spacious llv1ng room ooo Grea t 1am1ly home 17141 4'4-11 77 m'l tff1 Nol WHh lhlS one! Super 3 bOrm . 2 ba1h condo located rogni olf the 0th lee of the El N!guel Country Club Features modern stepsaver kit , 111ew from lov tm & master Odrm plu1 low m11n1 llv1ng Low dwn pymn1 requ1reo w1lh great financing by seller Olleted at only. $152. 000 FULL PRICE! CALL TOOAY1 MISSION REAL TY 985 So C11 Hwy. Laguna (114>'14-1111 lest hf 11 I Lac 2 Odrm. to A-2 IOI, good e•panalon poss Gd. as- sum lln 259 Fairview. $225.000 Open house Sun 512182 2·5 PM Agt 494-3754 dining room. den w11h wetber Two lire-644-4337 $335.000 places. private spa in sauna room 4300 .,_ ... 2211 Tus11n Ave sq It 8eau1Hully decorated home W11h PRICE REllCTIHI -··· Ru1h Laune. Rltr views of Bay and Ocean 11 its lines! Canal lront 4 Br Fee 2 bdtm plus den As 646-4380 $889,000 OWNER WILL CARRY OPEN SAT-SUN. NOON 'Tll 5 PM 2323 CLIFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH PltlE 141-llU Week Days For Appl 2 13-724-0450 CUSTOM EXPANDED POftTOFINO MODEL HARBOR VIEW HO•ES GREAT FIMUCING 1Y OWNER land Terms -'299.000 sumbable to 87'1• S 1'97. Mr Clark 645-3370 all 000 WESTCLIFF llU 112,000 IWI 6PM I IEWNIT CIUT 1 2 Bdrm. 2 balh. den. di "ltng room large doublt I ~araga Elect opener I ::lulel end un11 Walk lc I the beach $185,000 llJ MeC.r41t, lftr. 141-1121 IOWFlllT ly owner Drastic prfC( eduction tor lge down >aymenl 640· 7990 .. I01 UIO" Hogh rise condo, 61h 111 CC.Ill & bay view $950,000 Exclusive Aot 752-5710 Want Ada Cell 642-5e78 64!>·939t 2 master BR 2'> ba 4 ." l!•f f1••-•11 110,000 years new Owne1 woll fo --M in of S50K under nance $1 20 000 1n a $200.000 loan available comparable. Owner will $130,000 neoghborllood at 10'h for 1 yrs Fee land c6ns1der all ollers As Super terms Jonn Mat· 1n lowe5t density area'" sume loans Ownet woll shalt, a91 631-2242 or the Blulls 3 Bd1 condo carry SpKlOUs 4 Bdr 3 963-3488 I 1 yrs old w/3 lrg P11los Ba cs1m home "~•-""I ------011s11c pr1ce reduction I 631-t26e .,.,, .. -.. Jiil TUllFHIEI Besl buy el S27l' 000 10 Newp0tt Sch Live on Call Phyths. agt 640-0020! Hart>O< Ridgel Thos lovely or 760-9678 3 Bdr home has been · latkr Y1tw ll•ll' _ reduoed to S475.000 Lowest priced Monaco I LEASE OPTION IWllll MIST SELL Only $25.000 down 3 Br. TRADE-SALE Assume the ex1s11ng 151 lovely yaro $2 10 000 Blulls low dwn ltg aa T D al Ille l11ced rate of Open Sun 1-5 1946 sum ll;lnl terms & toc 10 37% for 30 yrs & Port Locksle 1gh Vacant $210 000 owne1w11tcarry1very "•4 4289 6.44-0496 flexible 2nd Ed Escano . .,... -Judy Jordan, 844-7020. IESPOATI IAffHIT IPRIOE SUllEI UI. iiLiiilniigoiiiRiiieiiialiiiEiii11iiia1iia iiiiiiiiii $ 10.000 Ulh dwn & 18'ce 000 01181 payments Prin only Owner wants out great pis Kasey. agt 548-~92 Dover area. walk 1c 1111111 llllE or 997-7215 w1ter 3Br 3B1 w 1 --j jiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ov.,-••J:ed IOI & ameni1i8f c(a I o r e I 4 1 0 , 0 0 0 il45-9850 agl 960-338• eves EMERALD BAY FRONT ROW · apectacular ocean vi-. E9llALI UY Lge pool sized lot Wiii Great family hOme on quiet circle. Four Bedrooms. three and one halt baths. 2850 Sq Ft. Dramatic entry. Professionally decorated, Italian Tile, French Windows and Doors. Central air conditioning with elec· tronic air filters. Sophisticated security and smoke detection system. Oversized street to street lot. Large,_pallo with firepit over· looking custom pool and oversized spa and waterfall. surrounded by mature, well manicured landscap- lng. Chllds playhouse. Fifty toot Aviary. $459,000. YHWUll Jodelle Mdl • Thlt home >llera luxury and comlon or lhe affluent 3 Bdrms. 2' • be, lormal dining rm ind a panor1mlc view of tit Newport and 1he blue Pacific Financing al less lhen 11o;. lnl Asking '795.000 AWARD WINNER consldrer !rid• up or Ocean v1ew1 3 bdrm 4 down For lndusl or ba, kit w /convenlenca. comm I 494-0029, c.roi lam nn, lge garden. pal!Of' CAROL TA TUM. REALT • formal din rm. foe llv rm OR Oulel cul-d•sac. S812K. I r _.._ • IHI By owner. 673-4411 ..._.. ,..,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• F1n1u 11c buyt North ec)d. Piii PLlll 3 bd. 2 bl. lge liv., 111)1. ... • .we brklll i re1 plua gueat ~• •~ quartw1 Walk to be9ctl /1. .. zu.. •a Assume loan. Ownr help • n -. finance. 1289.000. Peg BETTER THAN Allen Altr. 494-7578. HAS ~~~ING A stNll S~rltllng 3 bd. 2 Cut-de-sec etrMt ba condo, frplc, beam Sun & Sall If Club cell • patio. el. garege, 20 min. 10 pool, clubhouM . Owner HewPOt1 c.nttt c arry loen 1 159,000. 1210.000 wttt't SUI0,000 Peg Allen. Rllr, 4M-T578 11 12% fixed rate & Low. T'hr9' Arth S.y Ort Ocean View. Ol11orce. F0toee .... Otfw lrede, Own./"41t 4"4144 lulty emortlted. No l)Offila « qualllylng. 77~7 Ownet/*t GPU MOUSE llUH I ·4 1763 fllf't IHI.it' CIRll •n,.rt Im• Ow11rJl11klr Ul-1110 • Ul·ltll IAlllll OIYI PllTlllll ,~ .... .. , IAYYllW Just professionall y decorated. Like new, aophisticnted 2 BR + den. 2 Vi BA, 'bar. pool, gym. ~ach & security. Prfoe Red~ $96,000 to ~46.000 Only $30,000 down. Debbie Frau 642--8235 OPEN HOUSE SAT URDAY 2-~ ... 1018 BAYSIDE COVE EAST ~ fflCWPQRT BEACH -· 2 Bdrm 2 Ba. Pen1hou H Part11I ocean view Beaut upgraded owe 2nd TO S 194.500 Bk1 873-27 •9 or 9S3·6e 10. FlllVU YllW Fl• HUTlll IW.n · Dann,. Bibb 966-9058 or 640-7665 2412 Ill,, .. .. Pll9SaA An ~hOOls ne.rby. 4 8 t IAw.J ... $598.000. Fee Oper :>ulet belch & meln bey Dally 1·5. Cl90. Unllec iiew, hoby liunch nuest Brok11s. " 673-777! 548•273£ jock, 2 bf, 2•; be. gunlle ---------1pa, s team a h o w er. ~Sun 21111 dusk.20~ aunken pit, Hevrlt y , Vl1 Aavenna, Lido Ille :uetom Ille & oak S350 1435,000 Try 1~ ~ )()(). $25.000 down & your TO ol eppro• a m: Sat/S. 12·1 $111,000 fOf 8QUl1y Agt 1 11 W ~ __ ._ 8 73o!2 4 1 01 • '..._ 2131878-10 7 Iv mtg. 873-3777 or 73-5589 You e1on·1 need 111 ~ 10 "dr1w 1111" when .JOll pf.e. .,, •d '" the o.lly Piiot W.,,t Adil Cllt now / 842-5e7l. C1dlllec• to Go-Car11 Wtta11119r th<t Fed AOll ·em Off lh<t matl<et Wiii\ a Cl ... lfied Ad Cetl Mow! t42-5e78 -~~---l • . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 -21 !'.o.~!!!.~'.1.!.~'!. ...... ~!~.'.1.!.~t.EJ!~!! ..... · '!!~.'.'.~~!!!.'~·'! ..... '!!~!.'.~!.'!.~!~ ..... !~!!!.~~ .... ¥.~!!!.¥~~!~ ••. ~.¥~!~~~ .• ~~~~.¥~!~~1!A'.4. .. s.!:'~.. 10•1 c ... 1nl1l "' !!!t!!!l!!r.!!r.1!!! 0.1 ,, c ... ,, f!!!~.!!~ ...... !.{~1 ~.~!'..'!f! •. !!:ff Cnt• .... 31M .... ,,.,, w•llllUI 1, ,,._,,, I •-• ,,. .. ,,. 1181 New 3 Br. 3 Ba Condo. •••••••••••••••••••••• •---" -.-•••••~•••••• ... •••••••• ..... A.;,............. ..r.. . .... ~ .. ..,............ $1 "00/ I I h 3 Br ,.L Ba iG·-reA ..... .. ... \ REDUCED $50,000 PLUS y•• •-•fll ., l'OO. urn I ad. · " --...-· ,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ---HEAVENLY VALLEY StOOOunturn Mo to Mo. EDOITIYE ced yard S 30/mo. + 4 Br. agl ramlly, quiet cul 0% lnlerest linencmg ·~ F• llYISTllJI CONDO rental 111 & lut. Su-Home new 4 bdrm a 1400 aecur11y Santa Ana de-sec. bike to beach acre 4 Br Horses pan· San Clam4nte pffde of Free & clear, Ian than perlt loca11on. nut to balh, 3 hreplac.s, l0tmal Ha I g h ts Cl u P I e.11 S 8 O 0 9 6 3 -5 8 0 8 ~~~nm~~e~:as3~Sg~~-owne<ship Modern Spa-•OO ycss fro m Stage-shopp ing & theaters dining room farruly room 833-1927 20201-B Birch 962-8891 Oorotny BrC>ilet 499_1526 n1sh Slyte l our untt ~oac~ ~~m~~~ie~B~ :~· 5-48-~968. gourmet k1ichen 2 wai SI NEAR the bell 3br 2ba SHI• b• IOIO ........•.....•••••••. YA/VA l•lt/Ot••· C.ONOO: 3 Br. 11+ba. 2 sty 2 car gar Nr S C Plaza $ 104K by ownr 546-0 .. 97 ..... , 01m1 Excellrnt opportunity ·for 1nvr11or 12,000 IQUAI'• foot olflt'\" bull· 1dliia F'uUy 1fllled Owr $160,000 • yur drptt· cla tl<ln Pnc'l'd to wU 11 l2 4 m1lhon.Pr1nnpala 0nly Ca.1J Willwn Co~. Brok•r 3 br 1 t>a 100,;, down Properly is clear No loan tee. no pomts Owner will 11nance tnl 13•1. $829/mo $85.000 1242 1 C arlton c or n er S 8115101 49'4-0154 _....:..~~~~~~- Br ad lord Pt. owner an- •1ous, 4B1 1 >Ba 9ar pa110 pool/park $89 900 Assume $59.000 ISi al 11'•''• Agt 857-20"0 01••1 ••• , ,,,,,, ..............•••.•••. #uil1 B1•n ,,, ,.,, "" ...••...•..•.••..•.... PllUCln, &JUL Aeta•t Beverage Busi· ness Xlnt toc111on tn h1gn trall1c •rea. above average mcome w11h la· vorable te<ms Write or call Jerry East on for Commercial Propeny available Smtih & Wamsley Reaity 111 S Cortez Presco11 Ariz 863 0 1. C all 602 • ., 7 8-3400 apartment hou ae wllh uu Y u bars Inter-com. bay & e B d r ....,. k cs •500 ocean h1ll1 & """course Witt sett or H ade lor Bull•,,.• ocean v1-s S2 600 mo r 1'~ a. lrg yar • pets r,,.... gar. i -pet • · •-Orange County/Palm · · Qt< S650tmo Joyce. agt QC-RENTALS 750-331' v1-. close to e118fylhlng. Spr nos property $149 IHI• 3140 ff' J . I II 831-1266 only thfee year a old. 000 1 851_5008 · •••••••••••••••••••••• (•1(Jt(i lllJ aN r 4l<M t----------i 2 Br l'r Ba condo, frptc shows hlle new Saller 3 br. 2 ba newly dee I ,/! ,,J. 1 • BR nr SC Ptza Adu lt pallo. ctose 10 shops wlll help finance and :::uSTOM Bii spacious CI o s e t o b ee c n & ~•rrr•Tl7~~1ttU'J condoi; Pool. 1ac sec W/O $525. 661-3539 fave buye< thousands 01 ~ 2 400 5Cl fl on " 5ehoots Good na10hbof, lP" , , gate. carport No pe11 BLOCK TO BEAC dollars'" Setting p11ca or ac horse prop. wt barn hood $975 1 yr min 6'J.J-,V~9'1 Mova 1n cost neg. S520 + E:ec 3 Bdr 2 Ba r.,,. $325.000 is way below Magnificent view snow-tea~ 964-3 161 JM1 E. CoH t Hwy .. Cdll S35 u tll 556 -1 6 26 rm tor m at dining r m current replacameni place µool w/1pa '164 rm··· ,,,.,. 775-2580 lprlc oarage 963-5191 cos I I' P R,I NC IP AL S 5 0 0 1 • 13 5 S 0 8 6 or '11'11 0 NL Y 1 C a 11 o w n er 1-359·5349 •••••••••••••••••••••• ELEGANT VIEW CONDO 3 Br Condo 1•, Ba 2 ca1 WNllllHE C.111 ,,.,, 3ZZ4 2 br 2' r ba, mtero. gar 1714)642-0138 •••••••••••••••••••••• $8 25 533 ... 300 garage Supe1 area nea1 ----IHl £11111 Three bdrm5, t • ba Fo1 oc AENl ALS schools Pool vacant DEVELOPER LIOUIOA E. L "100 lease or lease opt $750 • 675-1781 TING Xt••••• ~' 751·9905 1-5br's $200 to $2000 ---------1 $695 842-2094 sv, down or eAchange •••••••••A••••••••••• -750-33 14 open 7-days 2 BA, fenced yarc. gar. vacant 3 BA 2 Ba. ktC!'- 14 Ul'1ts delu1e ro ... n 4 bdrm c,anal Fron t. 'i•••• •-1•t 31,.I Ht lndry stove & oven. ne· OK S650 mo Ask 101 nouse Condo¥ Good Newport or Bog Sear ~ ....... ~.~ ••••••• '?. IE IF ver rented Grdnr/wtr Keilh 962.4471 San la Ana area New property or ? Mr Clark FANT AS TIC wood an<! Tit LIOll fEW tncl $595 $695 sec N~er lived •n 645-3370 alll!f !I PM glass nome w1pano1amic Rent in Costa Mesa·a Ownr 640-5868 lrYi.I 3Z4i $ 1. 150.000 TRADE Cabin m F1wnsk1n v I e w ' a n Cl spa NE W ES T g a I e d 2 0 E/licle 3 8r t Ba anclsd ••• • •••••• • ••• • • • ••••• Ow n er 67 5-<46"1& $96 000 ror nouseor S2000fmo 63 1 1400 Townl'lome VILLAGE gar, large yard NO 3 B13 BaEaecHomeir 6.U-4720 c 0 n d 0 In 0 r g C 1 y Waterlronl Homes COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br PETS 1579 Redlands Pl NO<thwoods. 2 Slory wllt •~ •HA• 548·5518 or 645-4509 Panoramic view• spa 3 2' 1 Ba 1600-1800 SQ ft $645/mo 548·6680 ~1ogra5 l~~e!:!" o'a~~:ne~~ .. .,,.._, -l alt 4PM br $2,000 of pure lu•ury Garages, F nydro tubs In m ste But Eastslde location, water paid $900/mo abulou1 buy-2 apl BALBOA DUPLEX Waterfront Homes R1trs • a r com pt exes tn great 1u1t e dini ng rooms. roomy 1 Br/water paid 545-2000 Agent no tee areas. PosHive caah I Owne1 wanis to lrade up Cell 631-1400 wood burning hreplaces, All garage Adulta, no wlln 15'1. down 20 unn e .. cet1en1 2 Bdrm nome • 11 lfiet 1111 m1cro-wa11e ovens prl· pets $"35 631-0754 IHTALS I br t ba S65C Na-port Beach De Ann baylronl Park M int cond '78 dbl wide. llra- ptace. brrck patio. $61 000 Also 2 b r 2 ba double wide. corner lot $39.000 8111 Grundy 675-6181 Newporl Bch, 60 Unil w1tn 2 B<lrm unll 1n nean .. ~................ v •ta pat I o s a E Side 2 Br w/pV1 lenc:ed REO lry 15•~ cesh Bat Isl Torrance upteg round of town $289,500 Call 1 BR. condo pool, jaeulll. yaros.g ardener provt· yard. dbl carport. adults S4 25 000 & may take on ucnanga or will set Linda Oeth Barratt Rily gym, billiards sauna 24 ded Elegant livtng only pref . no ~Is S.U51mo your TO or approx St28. outright Agl 6"5-9850. 642-5200 hr sac Garden view IS minutes lrom FasniOn ptua $300 sec def' Opn 2 br 2 ba S7S0-$80C 2 bt 2·~ ba $800·$85C 3 br 2 be $92! 7501orequ1ty Agt $595 754 -•t14 tsland.7m1nute.10 S.C 10-2Sat/Sun 189Santa 6 7 3. 1 ~ 4 1 0 , t.'ut1ul 642-9057, K11a Plau or 0 C Airport Isabel Ave 2131876-1437 tv msg ,,._rltt II WHIH ZllO •a• •••y •i.. Just ea11 or Newport -------- Beaut. 1 wtoe. 2 Br. 2t>a, 2 bJ. 2.ba houM nr lhop-Large 3Br 2'1tBa 2 story Frwy Starling at $900 a yrd w/grdner. 1650 ACROSS FROM BEACH liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ •••••"'••.,,_••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • -.UF" Blvd 4 so ol San Diego 3 BR. 2 ba. 2 car gar. Nice tga cul10tl'I hutch & many 1~ LWll ping cenler. C M . under condo Frplc. bltln klteh. monlh 63 I. 5439, 2473 646-3 135, 637 -145'8 axt,.s. Selling below ap-•llA Ouallty 1111 up bulldlng t l90.000 1•849-6596 yearly 67~715 Oran ge Ave ·Costa Cabtn-lllla house. East- pratsal at S..4.000 For prime corner locatlon • ~~-~~~~~~~-~M~na~--------Iida. 1 br. den. lndry rm, •PPI can 963-8817 5 Acre dlv1S1ble Sile South San la An• AH ... w. BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE Uhl paid .Crm t>eautyl $525/mo Pd ulils ACROSS FROM BEACH cond1t1onad olllce1 2 ••••••••••••••-••••• HOME Vi a..,, privacy , picnte patlO, pet $350 5'11-4360 or 494-0395 Beaut 1 Wide. 2 Br. 2ba. Hotel/Food/Strip Comm units have 20 loot ce11tng1 .... ,,. f inlli" security Ouat11y lurn1-QC-RENTALS 750.33 14 M.sa Verde. belul 3 bf, 2 1ge custom nuich & many only 4 years old Owner •••••••••••••••••••••• sh 1 n gs & carp e 1 ••-••y ba. It.Id 0< pet ok, JuM 1 extras Setting below ap-600 N Freeway 9 I w 111 he 1 p I i25001mo 6"0-4518 - -$8SO 673-SOSO pra1sat at $44.000 f or linancell.132,000 "'~Ill••' 310f 3 Br 3 Be TownMuse appt call 968-8817 Doug Graham I 7 I 4J 6 71·4400 ••• ~ •• •••••• ••••••• rd n I .-t 1." by babbling brook. frplC, 3 Br. I B11. large yard. re-l'I JI , .... 121 NEW tum 1 & 2 bf, prl\g, 1 a•llMI 11• •nu•• dtw pool dbl gar, many dee t963 Con11nen1111 M~ /tr s.11 JZll Marcus W MNlrs Co • • • • Wkly from $350 •••••••••••••••••••••• •trH No pet1 $800/mo. S750t mo 569-5001 •••••A••••••••••••••• HA A 8 0 R (2 \3)88>69691886-6464 Cl•tlll 1111 I ea sa 1 st & se c 7 t4-68A-2211 ________ ___, •••••••••••••••••••••• 64e,.6423 3 br nousa on '"' acre lot HILU lfttW.. •Tl UY 2530 Santa An• Ave llHINUT LUI "", .... tf ..... , ~~~~~= Leveraged lnveatmanta wltl\ excell upside poten- tial. 10'-... -109' ... . laltlal ........ ... IS,lllttPll• ......,Int••··· ..... u ... Primarlly Interest -de· due11b4a P11eth 1t • 114 &e. .......... + IElllOTlll Owner wnl help finance. Great potentrat & tocatlon. 1215.000 U1·2241 Prln. only. Bob Cauatln. & 1rt "" ·2~13~·~90~7 -~9~4~22~~~~~ •• ~! •••• 't!!!l •••••• :; 8 UNITS COST A MESA, need• work, graal po- tantlal, '310K. John •••~~••••••J.~1 ___ 64_6-_7660 __ A_G_T_~ New 1hopp1ng center, 14 ml I& Newport Beach $600, An 2 bdrrnt. 25% dn Of 000 8'°" yea< plu1. S6, trade? PPLS ONLY Mr 800, 00. Excell. return Cropper Agt. 831-1579 Of 8.C6-8115 752· 1920. 493-3827 _Ag...;;..t_. -------•9 UNITS HUNTINGTON APPL.I YAl.UY BCH 10 yra n-all 2Br • Tu......, '458,000 Bkr 536-0123 Nur ,_ 4-pleJI, 2 bdrm, Trl-pl8Jl In Banning $125. 2 bal h each unll with 000 Of tt9de fOf 2 br, 2 llraplace, andOMd patio. ba nr shopping cant., garage, 9\'·-111 Poe 1·849-6596 cun flow Now S159, ----------i 500 Biii Grundy, Rltr. 18 units. Newpon a.acn 87"' "'1"'1 Sett Mctlon. Try S 1,500, .,..., v • 000 Agl. 831-1679 or 8 ac. oommerclel corn«. 64&-81f5 Hemet. Ce. on main ••· •ID -• .,. .., F11tNI growing ., .. In ,_...,. Calll. On Florldl SI. A ASSUME 91.W. .. .,, BY 1ta1I It If ,850,000. OWNER -Priced BELOW f31-1579 or 1148-1115 MARKET at $247,500. Agi OIWIC low lnter•t 2nd --------'Open THURS-SUN 8'17 ... ~tu • Jennifer Lana, C.M. Maka Ott.WT HOtU't Udo 548-1675 "' 1...a 1-5242. ~Jts!.~'Y. ~vu No. Laguna prl~ oc.en 2 Newpott ~!I 000 vu, Top toc1t1on. MllO, EICtl. OWC.f3J-<41i9 ~:3~in~· Woodfi n . NEWPORT BEACH LOT, near bay •nd pcean, 1144,000 or trad9. <>wrw. 115-1864 -···y ...... H 0 ME s A N'f A AN A JUST lfSled spacious 1775 851-6226. '~ _.,_ '-'E G S U 2br , patio, kid NOW 3 Bdr 2 Ba. t>aby grand n I Hl 20"21 pper l430 •CHILO WELCOME• A Di ' ptano beaut patio Bay Dr Spacious 5 Br O< QC-RENTALS 750-331 " 2 Br clean, quiet, car- vrsron o super location, cleaning +Briden. 3 t>alha, lront ---------pat1, drapa1. fenced llarbor lnvt-stmenl Co serv . gardener are at1 4 rear patloa. 2 car ga-• • • yard. garage RV par-~1~/ed. '~/3~~~~ana ~~~~u+o~aJpos';~;,~:'~ ltMrt blf9r4 ~~b:o~~;9::~· Oii Wll 111 la/1 mo • 5"9-7962 Agent 111 1 Valley Cr •"24 "B" HamHton• ...................... ;1ean & prerty 2 bdrm ::J Cos11 Mesa ATTla -...S home. palfo. garage. C1•llf1U1 IHl•111'1 You are Iha winner of ~&.IT avail Mey & June, •• r.~••••••••••••••••• lour lrea liclle11 (1 1200 ft.U tAlll $500 /m o tJuty El.......... v•luaJ to Iha TIY 119' llWIJ '450/wkJ 675-9667 ~.... ..... llMITT Ownat •-•&.--For sale or renl. Unit 21 l&l.1--~ uys Mii °'trade _,_ 714-531-8010 Fountain Val Mlle this outstanding cullom , ... , •• ,111 •JO view lot now! You can •••-'=••••••••••••!•••• c,,,., Iii #u J Square Parll-May 8, own this lot tor very lttt,. Peninsula Paint. toe 3 Br, •••••••••••••••••••••• To c;tefm 1~~~•t•. call dowo and excellent 3 balh. ramlly room. Xlnt 2 br, 2 ba, 1850. terms I~ tubord patllal furniture. Welk to 1213>450·1HO wtlcfya 642·5878. ext 272. n a 11 on Io r qua 1111 ad be a c 11. bay. 1h0 p1. (714)6.c0-9753 avllwtmd Ttc;kat• mu1t be daimed boyer c.11 now'°' S 1200 mo. Call 8111 or by May 6. 1982 In tlo rm 11 Ion Ag t . Helen Gold, Barratt Alty, Jull rallstad COZY 2 Br. • • * 640-9900 Of ~8-3900 642-5200, -1173-4396 lrplc, new C9tl,.,.,, patto.1----------S o of Hwy S125 EASTSIDE 3br. dbl 08' Laouna Beach, level bull-c.,.,,. "1 llM ,111 1113. f734. bbCI. patio. pet o11 ~5 HARBOR RIDGE OC-R£NTALS 750-33 t.C ding alta. View. Owner •••••••••••••••••••••• wlll help finance. $98, 3Br. 281. nr bch, avail 500. Agl 673-535". May·Sepl. I 1550 mo .... ,..,., ...,,, 644·4895, 548-8196 Soaring cathedral eel Mesa de4 Mw. 3 Br. 2 Ba. tlng1. baautllul view . Fam. rm. 2 lrplc, dbl gar, coun1ry kitchen, 3 BR. lanoad yd. Gardener rnc1. Yrty IM. 11900 mo. $900 673-1173. Barratt Riiy 6"2·5200 ,_, I More lamllln are gaUtn •••••••••••••••••••••• the camping "bug" 1111 LAKE ARROWHEAD year. If Y~ heve a ca Salling anything with 5000 eq 11, 5 Bdr, 5 Ba. par 1na1 1 not getting Deity Pltot Claaaifled A •Cleen 2 br dupla11, oN- lt,eat prl\g Olllel. 1475, utll• Incl No pelt. 848-2 .. 74 ~5. M°F on rare •,; ac view lot. UMCI, Hll II now with 11 a almpta metier Separate apt lor maid CIUslllad Ad. just call 642-5878 ..,. 2 llY 3 Bl. w/cl«I Of 4 r«ltal 1475.000 Owner. . Br. 21.; ba. Condo. 2 car 7i.c-337-11eo ...., 111•1• ___ _I.HI l 1l•I• aulo gar Many JttrH. Park City Utah condo ~ ~ lxdaw Poot. tee. L .... 1950. Owner tooklno for part· ••••••••• •••••••••••.•••••••••A••••••••••• 53t-0176 Of ask for Mr. nar l8000 up lront, \t of Wptt 5411-2313. $4113 mo. 842.o871 ~•lfEI ~I._. •-------9SWll\lt ,,... 8A Iba. Clbl c.r aftc: get ~l«YM ~~down or~--.. .... _ 4 Uni-delux I yard New cpl/paint, 14 ,.,..._.,..... -. age llltotl. 2171 Pomona. •• ~··••••• •••••••• TOWT\hcJUR Condoe. Good Santa Ana Unit A. cMdran/pet1 Ok Hiiton He'd 1111nd, SC. area. New. Nl'Yft' lived ln. f l,U~,000. '595/yrty 64C)..&078. Go Rant or boy. A viii. Mey dlreet or call. 8. 4Jx. furn. condo. els>•. II. on oce111. Aue. ~ 1/7te-8783 OOUIRllT ltlll, llWll 4 Bt. 3 Ba. 2 ltory ~. 28U aq. ft. BrMt.hcaJdnc. Sell OI' exchanae for Newport Beach or ?? Submft. '438,000. $178,000. ....... 4 8drm 2 a. flmlly hOme. ~ lfM. Avell. """*111W) Mtiny .,...... llltlee. 816-48 t2 8'<R ..... Sunny 2 Br. 2 Ba. Xlnl loc nr SC Plata Open beam. skylltas, lrptc, lg csecl< over lultl tanc:tscp, pool1 1pa. dbl gar/opener. Avall now . 1800/mo 979-3376 wkdya 751-8184 evn/wknd1. Spacious 2 Br. 2 Ba. "'411 level, lrplc. micro. :; decka. all.yllta, opar beam. dbl gar/opener Aval!. 5·24. 1150/mo 979·3376 wkdya 751-81114 ...... /Wkndl. .... ""' 4 bdrm, 2\h ba ........... $690 plua deposit. L .. opt/trade. t--439·3848 3 8dr & den lownhouH Vacant. nu palnVcarpet dbl gar. May 90 laH• option. 1750. Diana, 831-12te "nd what C:.:..r.:d' In Diiiy Piiot •• TAl·PLEX HUNTINGTON BEACH-all 28r. hvy INka roofl, 1• yrt MW. StU.000 . 20~ dwn, owe. 811.r. 53f.()123 Claalfled Ad• IM2-Mfl ··-.,...., . ...,. unlurn. 567-27.S 3 br, 2 't ba $80C 3 l>r, 2 ba S140C 3 br. 2 ba $1500 rurr 4br.2 ba $135( " br, 2'"1 ba $825·$ 1 1Cie'- Le Rattot Riiy 833-8600 New buullful 3Br. 3B1 rwnhse by UCI, pool. Ja· cuzzl. patio. 2 car ga rage. upgraded cpl & drpa. $.875 mo. 851-14~ lmmac condo, Wood· bridge, 3 Br 2'it Ba. A/C wel bar. F.P., JapanaM garden, nr pool/tennis $950/mo 875-8180 559-4783 HOME FOR RENT 4 BC11m $750 Fenced yard & garage Kids 4 pell welcome 5'15-2000 Agent. no lee . WOODBRIDGE-3Br. 1 •.;Ba. nr pool & 1ennlt $700 mo No pets. Avail 1st wk ol Juncr 494-4 , .. 2 Wllerfronl Townhouae Broadmoor 2 Br 2 Ba lrptc. wet ber. bbl gar. 1>0111 allp poss. waler- lront patio S950/mo 675-7171 Turtlerock and condo. 2 b<. 2 ba, aep. DA, all. 2 car gar .. dlx. $825 mo. 1151 -1518 ava/wknd . 540-7010 X2363 dys 2 B<I, 2 Ba on gott courM w/panoramlc view Comm pool Included Only $825. Call Gian Hallwarth. 901 559-9400 1 Br. Condo, nlcaly up- graded. $495/mo. Call Don 552-7.SS~ _, , 11e9~.~ ••• !1.ff Lovely 3 8t 6 den, 2\.t Ba, no peta. 1850. Han1 556-165e, Inge 494-6404 Charming b•achfront llome, spectacular view, l>f'lctt courtyerd entry. 4 BR 3~ bl, lge 1.R, DR. IMHlclfl room, 10t1 of 110-,._ F0t .._. Otttr. call PtQgy PatUeon. for en appt. 1 14-955·2"13, wtldyaW ,.....a1t.2Ba.dln~. ocn-c:yn ... now... .... ml to ocn. 11410. 494-t471. 22 -Orange County RelJ &tate/An Advert191ng Supptemeot to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 ~'!r.!!.~ •• 1.t:fr Country charmer. Npl r~gta. 5 Bdr. 3000 sq tt. Vacant. RV access. Call Diana, agl 631-1266 CC-RENTALS 1-5br's $200 to $2000 750.3314 open 7-days Harbor View Home 3 &. 2 Ba. lor lease. lrplc. 2 car garage. No pets. Avail 5-1 . 549 -8755 ot 6'14-7220. Exec 3b,. view home w/ frplc +pool, only $825 CC-RENTALS 750-3314 Lu~u~ pool home. mar- velous Westcllfl loc:&tion. 4 Bdr, micro. many•~­ Ires. Year or more Isa. $1495 Call Lots, agt ~1-1266 UYFIMT ' 2 atory, 4 + bdrms. 2 baths, fireplace, gorgeous view. Pier and slip. $3000 per mo. Alld. Feb. 1. associated "'· . '. . "', ' ,.. . . Nwpt Bluffa, 3 Br on choice gra.lbelf, sharp. $1125. W·5319. ON THE WATEAI Great view of boa11 a bayl Brick flreplace. country kitchen. 1 Bdrm Peninsula cottage. Avai-l.able now. 1875 mo. Call 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS CHARMING NEWPORT •tr •--.t-ffll HEIGHTS 3 bdrm. 2 ba. • _._ ' llreplace, large yard 1 ____ 7_52_·_8_73_1 __ _ $850 548-6190 ,,,.,, 1•1•l1AH JUI lrtrPllT OllST •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautlfol 4 Br. lam rm. lBA. small yard. garage. dining rm. Condo, ocean small pet okay. J$.PO mo. vi-. pool, tennis. Year! 540-7998 C.M $1200/mo 646-0686. BACK BAY Condo. adlt. ~!~!!.f.•f.-1!.~'!. Oakwood Garden Apertmenta Newpor1 a.ch/No. B&01rv1ne (JI iecnl (714) 145-1'°4 Newpof1 8Nch/So .. 1700 16th $1 (Dew•• .. 16th) (7W)l4Mtt3 mle8tiB"U ,.~tnleld 11n11•1· w--=m New Condo lor rent. 2 C.1t1 .,,, UZ4 .•••...•...••.••..••.. Eestslda 2 Bdrm 1.1pgra- ded apt. Downstairs $600. 548-8733 ..,.,_.,. 11111..W• ....................... ~ ..........• ~ ,._ 1 br apl lot .. '"· ma•y •11tru, t t 50. Joanna 955 -tla3. 536-8720 '" ADlJL T . · l IVINC • Sec11111y Gales • Poo1 & Rec Room • 1 & 2 811 P1110 Apts • Garllell landSUP•llQ • 011l'lwl1htll ' 880'• • Jog 10 kicll 1 SllOOS oriented, 3 br or 2 & den, C..t #i J1J4 2 ba. bU11s. lrige; W/O ••••~•••!!!••••••••••• ._ _______ ..., lrpl. all new decor .• pools Prolesslonally decorated & patio. $950 mo. 1st, 1 Br condo with all F&ll.f An1. ~ Br. 2'~ Ba. $705/mo. Obi SPACIOUS 2 br. 2 ba. adult condo Nr So. Cst. Plaza. many xtras. Avl. now, $600. 979-6919 Beau1ltut garden apta. gar. fireplace, J>OO*. spa. Palloa/decka. Heat paid. 666 W. 18th. 645-2739 D111 l•l•t JIU j ••• • ••1 •. last & sec. 642-1155 amenltlea, near S.C. .. UIJll LSI Plaza. yearly lease 2 BA McLain CondQ $550/mo. 546-3788 or I 1075 P« mo. Call Gerry1_5_53-__ 12_0_2_a_tt_5_. __ _ 673-7761 or 760-1397 Ice 1 Br. dplx. Quiet. Sep ---------1 by gar. 1 emplyd adult 1 3 BA Bluffs condo, $1, over 35_ No pell, 1330 050. Dottle Johnson. agt. s..a..1021 675-6000 or 760-1966 H.\( Homes 4 bdr. 2'h ba, •uthftfl FR, spe, oomm. pool. No IHd '141 pe1s. Lease .. S 1600 mo. •••••••••••••••• •••••• ....... c 1---------11 ···· ................. . ..,-t•t•ll No pets. hlldren wal· 3 br. 2'.lt ba townhouse. Da/anUdt4 come. Eastslde 1 bdr, pool. Open houae Sat & Sun •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2 Ba $535 adul 1s . no pela. 1-4. 25421 Alta Vista lt1tt'1 ,,. 3 Br. 2 Ba. $600 $375/mo. 833 -7890, 661·5824 or 637--0706 •••••••••••••••••••••• 398 W. Wiiton 646-1947 . . . New Mill Stream Condo 2 Br 1 '"1 Ba bltns. gar. lrplc, pool $725 + dep, 77,2103 lnlll.Y au 631·55&3 or 642·~708 •-L-ar_ge_1_b_r._poo1 __ .-qu-ie1-. -no-'ButJ.,tH LllllY -· ...,Mm pe~s6-fi~i· 673-<>8a4 ...,. t'!~.11!!~ ..... m? Our "Wllahlre Corridor" 1385-$475/mo. 1 & 2 Br. Of TH.EWHiFFLnR"ii"1".2:3 wtl11UfF Suites offer not only pie-apta. new carpet. patios. 2 Br. llvlng rm, dining rm, Bdrm Apia. Gym. Spa. a...,,1 1 br & den 1 1 turaaque views, & ame· carports. Cal OK. ~ed gar. new carpet & Sauna. pool, tennis. etc. pool s550. 640•79,;pc. nltlea, too numeroua to TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 drapes. 1450 No peta. 846--0619 menll on·;· but ·a'1so 2<1 Roomy 3 Br. Townhouaa Smell Infant a~epted. ----------c 1 BA condo, Ver1alllea, hour uniformed MCurlty apt tn quiet adult com-&42-0736. Deluxe poolside, xtra tar-like MW. S550 mo. Call LL & •lull eeMce bUlldlng. 1 ge 2br, 2ba. bltns. Ak:hard, 213-830·2323: Harbof View Hornes '1 FllllT Coma'" lor rouraelf pex. Newly decorated. E/Slde 2br. 1ba, HOO; dewhr. 1 1~ mllea beach. 213·823-7854 48r, 2'hBa, View. poof, Spanish Ee1e1e LMngl our one. two & tflre• flreplece.Senc:ISd petto & 1bf. tbl. S400. No peta. Adults. no peta. SSOOmo. No fee -Agt 631-1<176" ten n I 1 , $ 1400 mo. B•autllul perk-like aur· bdrm aultn now aveill· rrege. orry, no pelt. 645-9181, 752...()91 l MJ 536-8362 2Br Iba. eat In kitch. Enc;t ~4-5621 roundtng1. Terraced ble lorlftM. 8~~~9~:· 645-3381 or Baehelof apt. $275. Deluxe 2 Br. 1 Ba. In patio & gar $535. no ----------1 pool. Sunken OH bbq, Tll9 Wllstllre &tlna. · Ullla Incl. refrlg. No pets. peta. 6<12-2134 Big Canyon Condos 2 & 3 sparkling lounlalns. 213/273-9150. $500/mo. 2 Br. 1 Be. up. M-1 642-9909 4-plex OW. hook-ups, · • & .• lull gOlf courte vi.w, Spacious rooms. Sep•· 1 31 S I ~ apt .. ancttd garage, -• enclsd gar. No pet~. ptnK NEWPORT lumlslled or unrurn. Po<>I. rate dining area. Wiik-in I r ..... 111.1 balcony/patio, laundry E. SIOE-3&, 2Ba, garege. '485· 540-4494. M 3 br, 2 be. lrplc, 2 car tennla ... curlty. 1 1200 cloMI•. home like kltch·1 752-8131 rm. Avail. 5--5. children OK, no pe111. 2 Br. 1 Ba. nr Beach & IDIR'ftrllTS ~=g•. Blkt to beach. _feaM __ .'64 __ '-_7_4_24_Bk_r_. _ _, en & cabinets. Walk to TSL Mgmt 642-1803 S625 mo. + MC dep, r• Slater. enctsd gar. $485, MI\ 1-.R I Shoree. 548-8083 3 br, Bluffs (Pau1a), on Huntington C«lter. JiDM lal1tal ,,,, • fundable. Avail Mey 1 No peta. 641·9348 dl!y1I. q u I a I cu I ·de· a a c , 1 Bdrm-furn 1505 •••••••• .......... •••••••• 1 Br, +. E.lide. 1'1 I l8lt 648"e596 640-1076 eves. OlllTlf ... .., Udth/ $1100/mo. Rltr 731-4445 2 Bdrm-unfu'rn from Dix exec 2 8f apt, yearly + sacurlty. $500 Calli-------------------1 ..... .__ $565 1675 206'~ Peatl No 548-4368 each. lor rent. unlurn. 2 Bdrm 1 '.It Ba cond o. I..,.... • .,,.. 2 mH1er bdrms, 2111 ba, 1 • S295/mo. Pteaae cell encl. patio. gar, pool, w• ... 3 bdrm, 2'.lt ba. ape, 1675. 1ownl'lome. Avall. pe •· 150045251mo. 2 Br. 1 88· 552·9311. tennis $575. 1-728·3081 ... ..,. lky11gttt, declc, fireplace, now. 2 matter bdr ma, No pet.a. 2 bdrm apt. Yearly 1700 1 story, ahag, drapea, 2 d I d I dys 840.5309 ev" •••-all extras. 1825 per mo. avail June 1 .. S690. K~ UtMltiea Freel 2.l7'.+ Coral Ave. Bl S700. plllo. lrplc, d/w, beamed b rm, ence . qu at, · · ...,.... 964·34e6 OK 213-~95-3511 oe111nga, garaoe. cul-de-sac. Garaoe S495 1 BR. bath A gerage. 7792 ·no P41111· John Mar· LA QUINTA HERMOSA TSL Mgmt 642-1603 mo. Evet 714·594-1861 Newman. 1345, 1at, lut • I ll:" II n U&ll Wlm ~~,.a'· 631•2242 or 19211 Parkalele Ln, 1 btll 11JMt *2 Br 1 bl Maaa verde Eaatalele 2 &. t Ba. gar. & oep, ~2-4431 theuB;~ ~;.'8~{.,! . • LIAll W. of Beach, 3 blka S. of IM.laa.11 3117 upper, N•"' d•cor. No 1550/mo. 310 Rochester I/, mile beach, 2 br, 2 car lar Spa, 7 awimmlng 4 Br. Cenat lrbnl . Fee --EdlngerN. 1_ ..... 1 ••••••••••••••••-•••• pet a. Oar. 1500/mo . of I Sant a An a St . gar, cOll'd patio, 111 pool pools. 8 lighted tennl• lend. M r. Clark llT&lU . NW -4BR 28A. yearly. Frplc. 833-897<1 6<12·3359 rlghtt & rec ereaa. courta, bike tralla, put· 645-3370. Aft 6. A alla~ lmmedlat..., 3 blt·lna, partclng. Cloae to ' " J S S675/mo. 213/925-<1796. ting green. '8acllelor1, 1 v _,, r...-., .._, 1141 bay & ocean. Brkr •3bf. nr S.C. Plaza, S.A. 2bf, l '9 bl.v10 oann 1· and 2 bedroom 1par1- Harbor Vu Hiii• hom• &, 3 bath, muter IUlte ::A': ••• r.:;•••••••••• 075-4912 Carl)Oft, pool. ape. $e75. Adults f.'ef. Smell dog Vacant 1 BA, ~lk to mentt and townhousea WWlted, 1J1Ce1. r~1. I0<:4ll w/retraat. Very private Furn. Laguna Beach lu· ~..__ Pel ok. 752·5822 0 , Ok. $47 . 64s-6-43e ocean, $<125 mo. call from $5"0 to s1000 per •-twnlty. 760-9731 lf)t. 12900 mo. BM Ar· 11ury 11udlo, ..,_, Satelllte t ""'"" YflV, With gartlQe. 641-1.eo. 2B fne t<elth, 962·4471 month. nold, Agt. 644-6200. TV, aauna. maid service. Stepa to beach. $4}5 r. MW 1 2nt. R d yd. ga-On J bor HARBOR RIOOE/VIEW •--"'-.-phones. s 115 /week. mo. ~5--5892. •2br, 2ba, nr S.C. Plan, ~~ie. 22 9 utgers Dr. U&.mTN &rTI em ee at Pvt comm. 2~ IQ f\, 3 -._,. 499-2227. 1 s .A. POOi, spa. $550. No -5 mo. (213) 675-6132 Near beach Spacloua San Joaquin Hiiis Road br.3bl,lrplc.l1600mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• C....'11#11 1111 pet•.752 -5822 or2er. lBa.~-rpel& 1 2 B B 171•164•-1900 5411--9099, 875-4078 BEACH COTTAGE, 2 ....._, JMfi 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 041 1~ .... -..... qu el r . 1 'n a . ---------bdrm, 2 ba. Wik to train,;-.· • .,..;;•••••••••••••• i 2 Br. 11" Block I lrom • · paint. $500/mo. Townhouse $495/mo. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo • UIYll hwn, bcfl. $700. 491-7913 IUll UITILI beech. S750tmo D&y• •3br, nr S.C. Plaza, S.A. Broker 851·8800 _9_60_·_8_656 _____ --c rent~~~::2 ~=· .. W..... •·-J Avallable now. $300 759-1301, EVM & Wkndt Gar. pool, tpa. $750. Sharp 2 BR 2 ea, lge 3 br condo w1poo1. 2 ml. . .. lalflTI -ua w 88 k up. Ag 8 n t 644·2576. i,!'~~~4~· 752·5822 or room1, all t>llnt incl D/W, to beach, av all. now IAn.T L9I 3 Bdrma 2'A 81 Poot ~.,,.._ 875-8170. Walk to beac:h. All utlla · . gar. No. Costa Meal nr 1600. 559-8861 wknd/ 3 Br. 2 Ba. St800/mo Jacuul i. Tennie. NewtY •••~•••••••••-••• pd. 1 rm w/>t. t>ilfl. l300 Eaatelcte 2 BR. am verd. McDonatda, 1525 mo. eva yMrly. 213/282·7733. die VIQl"lt t 120o1Mo 2~-~e.P~H :..!.. ~ ''c;" w:"JV·o2 & 3Ab~, mo. R•f1. Mo kitchen, optlOl\ll auech ger. Call 840'1158• Hk for 1 br condo. 1450. VIiia van. nlc• 38r.dtn, 2B1. W.:..., L't.ie.r ... ;;, .. 1nc1""'t ~';;.c:i =.Pe.8.:;1M ar. v · 6-4t-t322, (213)4t2·15t2 S495/mo. 900 aq.ft. Lerry Of Pam W8'MI'. t213) 932-6404, ;iy rental. aa7s mo. Aeeltor1 ~110 Mllte (71~52·78&5 ~ Studio ly Welk to pvt bllCfl, 21r. 5'1-4l4& H AUTIFUL 3 Br M .. 1 (213) 6t2·1601 Ctlfls ...,. U. LCN91y 2 BA, den end 2 e. Of..,,.. <11•> M2 .. t74f -==on . 1'-· frple, "'petlo,. ~ 1 ..... I.. ~:~8·.~;r.~t:: ~~ri:: 28r, 11A8a, $375 + i31s 11j..1 .. Harbor vi.. flOIN, aa,. 2 br, t be condo, poot, Near beach. 916--0970 ~age, ttdnr. Cepe N•wly decor Ota Pd1• rrplC. •ncloNd oar. No dep, GHJd· nr 811ch detltt lflcld. lrnmed poe. g1r90e, Ho p•t1. SHO SUMMER 'comp ely remdl'd. :nol gar. dWahr, poo • pet .. 18$0. 30tl Mee• Blvd & acFadd•n, Newpol't-~PfM'-1 M ttfon. IHll mo. Agt. mo , utile, t i t a IHt. Studio Apt Furn. :i:.~~H~ ~33~~;:J S:2Qst,~ulla. no P•H. Ave. 54$.4018, qur.t. no.,_,,, 183-4tt4 er. w'/"809 & patio, .. M7•117M A¥11 • .My 1 ........ 14 l!OO/mo, t7&-Qe7t ,.-..,. • • 2 BA, walk In.~ •• N•w. ml to bcfl. pt1.11t1 2 utlla 9ude,,er tncld ...,_T Nice 2., 1le.1n 41*11 .....,.., Ir 1375/mo. Ad11f11. no Wiii to ldl, 3 .... 2 be, 2 ..... ._, EARLY 1Br. 181, ct.ck, .. ft.___ 1440. t?t •• Oan•er: bltn ato,,. & DIW, mo-. dbl IOft, 2'A bl, wet peta. 752-2550. Cit t•'· tpo, patio.~---10,011 from b••cll, -540 ' 1110 floor. pvt patio, bll'.lntwoom,nwblfrJ)lc, Atonwn Pt*,....,. 912& SC Plue Area. 3 b4rm, wtttllttrft, 1475 mo, Incl 3 Odrm, 2 be. 2 •lory O l t . mora. Child OK, rala. wfd l\oole-up. 2 Br. 2 811. Sha'p gard•n g ueat fM, ll0-12'5, 142 ... fl fpc, ,, yd, p•tlo No• '*'· 173.-4132 to wnbou .. d up tu. ... • .... l500. 141-1• att o•. "°'°·'°"'""tub. flom•. 1Br.l. qUJtt. WIO, .._. 1 _,, 1 ._ ...._ AWlll. tlOO plUt......,. Ollwtad petlo, PrlYete 60 H c> u n bl r 0 r. p •ti o, •' u "'o 1H 4 ,ortlumout,., MIMat• . frad• your old atuff tor t:~h!~~·.fu~ri~i~l. d~::O ~ ii"t 1~~= ~~ =: :::O,~NeC:: Ml-9501.' 64U33' ' •1010mo.Pfl.A.Y,P9!-w AHT ACflON1 new 000010 *It"• mo. Y••tl1. te eu. ....... .Nt W, ttth. OCO. no pet1. IHO WanlAd~? SELi. tdle 1t•mawlth 1 ,,_, C21J ..... f l01. 0........ Mil "'2·1111 CllMlft9ct M. &42-5178 Ht•te35 .rt , lt.141-CMH 751-3ell M2·5178 Dally 'llot Cla1-.0 A4 Orange Coun\Y Real Estate/An A~vertl.slng Supplef\\ent to th' DAILY Pll.OT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 -23 • ~'!!lc!!!.1!!! ..• !}.'!f r.~~~~!!~!~!~!~i~!¥ ~Wf.!!.~.! ... ~11!!..'!!.~t~! ~.~!f! .... ~ !t!~.'rl!'f! ...... l~W! •• '9~'!!..~ lfU ... •m Oceanlronl M/F nontinkt Double garage, •toraga EXECUTIVE OFFleE Bii· CoMpletety fffPOntlbl• SUMMEA ONLV entllls now avail NEWPORT BEACH. .nr 2 br' 1 ba house, onfV. 56' PMMf St.'*' boa Pean 525 II, S400 prof . wo"'art. Local 29 yr old i.w 1tudent ""' W$kOISy ~ Col rv' Turnkey furn, See-$440& '•uhll 673·8184 W.19th,C.M.646-22n. mo Prlv Ba A I C . M ovement Thereplat lge, well·lralned dog, 1 up or model home Now lhru 857-6111 , 875-3800, ..-. unlurn. quiet, .... working nr A irport. Pnooet In room 2274 Sept Oen & Ca1alina vu. 3 Del S1orage IP $100 SS 1-6834 thetlc, mature: Upper 1 needs rental (or June· Newport BM! CM + lam rm $2800 mo. Utll CM Secvre. gated bdrm or 1mell house July only, nr beach. Max 84&-7445 1~ OwnOJ/agL 11141 759·1501 C.J. or Cost• Mesa 250 11 tu1te Coron• dal Mar to Sa~ S400 /mo e1 11 OCEANSIDE CA· 340·2977. 340·3294 845-2834 S1T5mo. Ullf meld 779 Clemente Call 495·5811 (2t3)747-6743 Beectilronl Resp d ean, non smki · Gara-tor rent $45 mo W l!ilth St. 85 l-8928 dl)'I 4911-t855 eves & tem Shtlgedplx,pv1 rm, •--;.;-;~;;;;;~~~~-;;:Ii-:::=:·=:=:=::==:::=::::.!..~~~-~~~"""'\ New, 8eaut1lul Rentals to Shafe 4300 WIO deck & lplc COM Mesa dal Mer,.,, .. Cell Prime office space. Co· aecluded •••••••••••••••••••••• $2e0 mo Shi 1.1,111 evs 75 t-9905 Ive mestaga rona del Mat. S850/mo boa 1A8~ul~ ~~n~~a ~h Villi IARlll' Mt!':u .. ~on:io def':; 1 759•9143 . Office Rental 4400 G75•95to • V'llW ol ca1ahN sonsell Ill l'IOme $285/monlh plus I P1ol MIF sher• luxury ················~····· .... &llPllT S650/mo 845-6459. utlllttM. Call right nowt furn Condo S C Plaza C M 2 olfic.sj 3:f 5ot;'th, Office space available, eruillH 1 br condo, lbr 2br, kllehs, t>Oat 640-8479 S296!58~1n 6-41-4825, ;~o;.~~~;":94.~3 mo 55'/sq ft. 966-0122 S550 c101e to beach docks liom $34 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .,.. .. ., Full security. 548-3874 daily-$149 wk-$650 mo ---------1 EXECUTIVE SUITE Across Iha Pott Office am 2008 Harbor Dr RGGlllTE Rasp F to 1hr 3 br, 2 ba Dover Dr. Newpor t Sle. 2.J6 River-'de, CM. oJUsJtp &. vu. 2 Br. nu N Oc4'1nlkle hovae. c M Frple. No eeech A11111 Mey 111 840-5557. 645-4728 pa1nl/crp1. no pets $800 Ca 92054 7 t4/722· t56 t fllDERS pets or kids $290 + Fo r more i nfo c 1 11 Oflice space available. 673-8209. 673·9127 ~.-R-tab 4200 Oldest & largest egenc;y. ut111 Avail May 1. Kelly 7t4t631·3651. Mon·Frl 854 10 St 00 pe< 1001 In Clefneme 3876 ~~=~T ••• ~~••••••••••• All c1ten1s screened with 760·099 I. 549-0628 t617 we11elltt, N.8. Went Cannery VIiiage. Burr ••••••··~·••••••••••• UfflllT photos & references 2500 sq ft condo Bey· llnanclal Inst 7000s.I White Rllr, 675-4630 tudlo apt. ocean view. 4 bdrm, 4 bath. aandy Credit& Cosmopolitan view, POOi on beau 11 t I Io or Age n I Psycho-therapy office utll lnel'd $375 mo. 332 beach, pier & float. Good Morning America. Greenbelt 557-7883 or 541-5032 avail. Npl Sch 355 Pia· Encino In San Clemente S8000 for August Biii The Tomorrow Show 640-6339 c;enlle Ave. 309. 1 blk (see the Mgr Apr C) Grundy. Rllr. 675-6161 c!.!tsc:.! n:O !"pl= tmm41d avail turn rm w/pvt llU. OIS1'll lrom Hoag 83t.()484 • • • 2 bdrm turn condo, CM llWfllT 141· 1111 bath ln •beautiful hH In llWPllT Olllce In CdM, 2nd story .... ".Ait Avail 6119 lhru 8/2t Irv 731·8&30 Elegant Exec auHH Ir walk·uP Ocean view. JM f ....... If. $550 mo 54l·54l9 M 2t.J5 to 5tv quiet NEWPORT BEACH prestigious loc Incl se· ~~~·· d~p~7~~,:11ng • rt llalla Npt Bch bayfronl wl dock. pool/jac home, SC Plue Mature M/F snr 5 br hM cretarlal. raceptlon111 sq ~ sips 8-tO, $1750 Pf wk nonsrnkr. $200-250 a S300. 111/IUI ISAfi..5355 telephone an1 & mora Newport Beach olllca. You are Iha wlnn«S of Nr NHYC 875-2355. utlls 641·3523 N--" 3 "'of room-·in. Olea from S43& mo On-next 10 Wiiier. S300 mo four frM t1Gket1 ( 12.00 7 ....., ,.. .,_ 11 I 1 St65 mo THE 875-76 1 494-2742 ••/F, lor lrg ..... 11 .. ~ 5 ca o c · Henry ISA2-8200 value) to the .., .. v ........ HEAOO;JARTERS COM----'------ --~ Month ol Auguat Male 10 "'r w/2 fem. apac Bdr S350, 28-35 Diana, p~·· • .:s· A profe111ona 580 sq.11. ~bor Blvd "' llLL• Ill( Lido 1bf, den $2000 Newport Shores home ' 83l·l266 ~nvl ronment (714 Beker St CM. (09PC)9ite Fountain Valley Mile BaeconBey, 3bf 12500 rooms avall May 15 Wanted rmmta Employ9d -&51-0681 FEDCOI Vacant. cpte, c-... ~. P· ... ·M*" 8. CdM beaut 5bf S3000 Randy. 11-5. 752-0651 Mature Mberal mela 2 bf 5 D F amp 1 e Pk g . M gr ~· .,,. •1 w Oc>eanlrn1. 3bf S4500 ., 2 be apt L*" 9ch Neer an 1ago wy 549-1366 t982 Waterlront Homes Rltrs W81lted Paraon to stir • -.. Harbor 4 ottio. aulte ---------To elem tickets, call c .. 1 63,.,400 bf. 2 t>a S9aC ac>1 tr 494-6216 front office & recept .......... WltD ISA2·5878. ext 272 CdM Walk to bNch MIF reep yng adult, non-area. 2 bath• & kltche Dix. exec. auita. 2,012 sq Ticlcets must be cletmed VacJtiln lent• 4250 $425/mo. & 'h ultlt. smkr. Matr Br, "' beach natta, air. &. furn. avail 11. lnd'g. 2 nee. otca. S bi May 5, 1982 ••••• ••••••••••••••••• Ron 833-4626/67S-44 t 1 CdM: S/ 1· 10/ 1 $285 S450 mo. 549--2928 partloned aub-olcs. lg 111 111 * OCEANfRONT 2 & '4 Be. Shf sharp me FV mfns tc 8AM-8PM ShMon or T• uec off~. xlnt N.B loc. entr1. work area plua lg. ~~.:.._~,;;-::31y thru fwy M 22•35. S290 U1ll _,_ ... ___.._8_7J..6 __ 73_2 ____ 1 copier, 1225. dracpt tr1m . 1Atl~ do ... '!•,ul~ Ana 3880 •....•......•........ UlllAY Deluxe 1 8r ALL utllltn paid Pool. rec room. 20102 Birch St. Just ott &istol. Near every1hlng. $490/mo. Contact Mngr Apt. 4, ............ • lnOI. Big screen TV Roommate. creative peo. · 966-1779/640-6215 ecore on y e,.,.. 111 * • 964-2768 Nick = ~~ '8,°'wr.t:;: _5_2_0_1_q-. -,,-.-S-1-.0-0_pa_r_s_q..,....p"r:.':fg:a~:o"g~N:,~:i W ... 1es111 Snr 4 b<. 2'h .b• Bluff• fu.., tu s2651 It .. 3975 Birch .. N.8 Archaa Marina Bldg •ii i'rowar St condo. Nwpt 8ch. t., rn.. mo. Agent 5-41-5032 842.-4644 Cost• M.,. S230/mo. Ask tor Henry, C M. 5/15. Oebfa. ---------1 You are the winner ol 720..0572. 5-48-3981 , 556-6604 .... ....,.,, ..... IOU free tickets (I 12 00 1---------F to &hr 2 br houae, E/slda NEED A PIT r Shr 3 Br beachlront hou-c.••. 5250. 111. 1811 • ,_. SECRETARY? valUe) to the -· yr lelM S250 Sea· ... " --....n .... -re Or. 64s.9519 ev ... ullls. 842-7471 NEED PHONE SER· .."' VICE? IAU.• 1111 Roommate wanted to ltlr FIM Furn. Rm neat t91h & NEEO MEETING ROOM? Fountain Valley Mite 38r 2'h8a condo. H.8 Plaoentla, wshr/dryr, luP ;;~,,,,_,. Call for detalt.: Squ111e Pllltl·May 8, $275 utrt Incl. 848-5859 kit. nr be.cJ'I 1200 ~Ill. I,~~ • •M-lltl. I ....a.1 1982 no INI 54a.2093 ;, ;;':;......,.. -=13ft.11•1 ..... To clalm tlci<ets. call M Oller 30 stir 2 br. 2 bl i-Room--me-te_w_an_ted __ M_/F-to·• 1 --._:,,,21-=• 642-5678, ext. 272. furn. mobia home. pool. snare 2 bdrm. 1 bl hM ~,..,...... -• -- lldlets muet be claimed Lido, N.B. S350 Incl. Lg yd w/gllf L.Mve 1 & 2 room offlc:aa from by .,.., 5 1982 utile, S 150 c:f:es>. ~......., Utll .............. • , · 675-98&8 675-4693 maa.ga on bus Anaa--.v... . "''"--· · * • * ' s>hOnil..&45-3273 Rulonomice 87M700 br twnhte. N.B. Pool. F.,.,,., non ltl'IOlter, i-t. NUO.. lit, IU1 &. 25-AO to sh.,.. 2 bd<m, 2 dep. Refs. S225. be Laguna 8aectt ac>I ............ lllliMss ..... 4450 Frcwn 1 rOOfn to 3 rocwna ••••• •••••• ••• ••••• •• • 83 t..0502 wlU't Ocean View S375 l L.---..;._ _____ , Peop6e who need PeopM. a 4 Br t!Olne, b«· \It uUt. 4t4-3304 turnllhed to rent That'• what the ween Bay & Ocean. •--------- From S1.16 a , rt. NC Retell atore at 2650 Avon tuM required. dj. Alf· St .. 1640 aq.tt. p4ua 8 cat porter IM 2172 Dupont garage. 841·8777 or ~ Niguel tlomf. DAILY PILOT Avail Mey 1. 675-2637 Prof. f«n. to IN 2 8' 2 Ba Female onty. S200 w/ SERVICE DIRECTORY art 8PM ' apt. S500 OcMt'I vu llltehen priv. 49S-55«. II alt abOUtl L.---------1 __ 8_7_5-3605 ______ _ Room lor rent, priv ent. MO per ~ or $175 par mo. No Security. Ideal fOf tlnole men. Jay Eves. ee1-952e room w/attl<lhed t>a. oveffl>olllng pool, 91P8. MUna, Wiik tO bch. klten. prtv. $250 + '" utlta. S50 MC. Avail. June 191. 963·8382. \N:e. lge. pvt, quiet tum. I ltudlo. Mlf sufficiency. S450/mo. 6'0·6290 Free bechelorett•. mature lady, xcnanga for beb)'· sitting & work. 54S-..73 t, 5-45-0034 PYt home. no smoking or drinking, quiet M over 30. 1250/mo th•• utlla. 556-0637. • GENTLEMAN, ~. Ute kttGtl Pfl¥. Nr. Ne>t 81. 6*-76ee 1"' Shr lrg 3 Br duptex, CdM, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • noo-etnkr. prof. ,,,, ••.•.................. ---------------... S2t5/mo 873-'239 ca11 AM 833-3223 _e_1..:.a-_m_o ____ -1 450 aq. It turn. olllc apace. $400/mo. 841..0763 C-.dal l~ 4475 ---------1 ..................... . BAYFRONT Prima onic.. 873· 1003 ........ In newa< bldg on Co11t Hwy, South LaouN. prox. 500 sq. lt. Ex~ lent prlv•t• parking behind bldg. 1525 mo, TurMr Anoe. 41M· 1177 llTll.U• 1000 lq. It. Harbof &Mt .. C.M~ Great axpoeure. Avall. lmrned. CaH Aa• lonomlet 675-6700. - - .. - .. .... - - - , 2.4 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAll,.Y PILOT/Saturday, May 1, 1982 ________________ ..,.. __________________ _ lllA Ill UI Mm. -Large 3 bedroom hC>me with a delightful, warm living room which Invites family enjoyment. Assume low Interest $71,500 loan and seller will help with the financing. Only $129,900. 646:7171 lllllllZll PIMITS -$109,900 ... Customl-. zed 3 Bdrm home . . . Shows like model ... Squeaky clean and brand new carpeting! Large family room with open beam c.elllng and crackling fireplace. Central air conditioning! Large yard ... gardener's paradise! No down VETS. Call 963-6767 . . 111+Nil,1111,000 ~ Dramatic garden home. prime location! Beautifully decorated with new carpeting and co-zy fireplace! Impressive stair- case to master sultel Sunshine patio! Assume low Interest loan with low downl Hurry, call 963-6767. • II 1'11 LAllll -Faburous Seaside VIiiage wtth spectacular vlewll Impressive 1 year new two story complete with two master suites on sep- arate level. Entertainers home wtth red tile pa- tio overlooking lagoon! Owner will assist In fi- nancing. Assume tow Interest loan with flexible down payment! $1?9,900. Call 963-6767 HWPHT IUCI amUT S11,tM -Steps to sand " HU CllHI HnlUO 1•1 -It's a fabulous 4 bedroom 3 bath. Formal family room with fire- place; fc;>rmal dining room. Huge bay window, country kitchen overlooks sparkling pool & spa. Close to 3 Costa Mesa Golf Courses. Try small down, owner will help with financing. $275,000. Call now, 546-2313. TW1 ..U + Nil, 1211,ooe -Rare opportunity on huge Newport Beach lot. Seller will carry the 1st at low. interest. Both homes have 3 bed- rooms. live In one. rent onel Hurry! Call 673-8550. HPUl-UIU •HI -Recently refurbished home plus newer unit In rear with fireplace. flnmaculate condition. A rare flndl Assume 1st. Owner flexible, will finance at low Interest rate. $185,000. For complete details, call 646-7171. WIT •m -When you can buy a sharp starter home like this onel Well located In the heart of Huntington Beach, convenient to everything. Excellent assumable loans of approximately $78,000. Hurryl 847-6010 IHI YUll • llllM + Nil -. This excellent floor plan features formal llvlng, stone fireplace. Secluded master suite. Country kitchen over- looking pool and easy care grounds. Asking $144,500. Call for detalfs, 963-7881. 1111,011 HHIHLI LHH -Spectacular sparkling pool & spa makes this 3 bedroom 2 bath home a bargain. Fantastic assumable loans. Price S 149,950. Call for more details, 546-2313. 174,IOOl ITUTH -Only $10,000 down! Walk to South Coast Plaza. Deluxe 2 bedroom garden home. Enjoy sparkling pool and spa! Call today. 1 673-8550. ... Perfect retreat ... 1 Bdrm mobile home In UH llLI -Lowest priced at only $319,500. prestigious park. Flnanclng flexible r •• Try $9,-This charmlpg home Is an exceptional value 000 down and owner will carry 1st Trust deedl and won't last long. Located near clubhouse & Impossible to match @ $31,9001 Dlal 963-6767. tennis courts In a classy neighborhood. Excel- e.M YllW-9IST llU.-Corona def Mar ow- lent financing available! 646-7171 . OIHTH CUI IHI -Located alongside the 12th & 13th fairways of Meadowlark Golf Couree. Decorated in warm earthtones, you can move right In and not need to change a thing! A real bargain at only $230,000. 847-6010. awa ITllTll -VA no down. Owner bought another. Large 3 bedroom home 2 bath. Country kitchen. formal living room, on large lot. Only $105,500. Call 963-1881. ner must sell nowt Juat reduced $50,000. 11111 11n111 -. It's the lowest priced CdM Spectacular ocean and bay ttghte view. 4 large beach cottage. Motivated owner mutt sell! bedrooms plus family room. Alklng $350,000. Completely remodeled kitchen. Cozy fireplace. Call now. 673-8550. ,,,. Covered patio. Asking $220.0001Call873-8550. • Irv n 2 ITMY 11111' -Ideal for famlly llvll)gl Cul de sac location in quiet neighborhood. Huge yard and sparkling pool. Lots of cooJTI to move around. Very afforqably pclced with comforta- ble monthly payments tool Call now. 847-6010. WTSlll CUTI mu -3 bedroom 2 bath home with plenty of charm in prime location. Assume $91 ,000 loan at 12'/•% and seller will carry a 2nd with low down. Priced at $149,500. Call nowt 646-7171. UICI 11111 + Nil -:-A spectacular rustic 3 bedroom 2 bath home, wood cabinet kitchen, famllv room with brick fireplace. 18X36 famlfy pool, built-In gas barbecue, beautiful patio. Only $128,500 call now, 546-2313. PllHllllG YIEW ~ 2 story, 4 bedroom. Assume $88,600 loan, $753 per mo. Formal entertai- ning, crackling fireplace, gourmet kitchen overlooking patio and breathtaking view. Must see to appreciate, $179,500. Call now. 963-7881. FllH IPECW. -Large 4 bedroom. Rambling 1 story, country kitchen, formal living. Wall of glass leatllng to patio and private grounds. Needs love and care. Only $130,000. Can now 963-7881~ SPIOllll TIWlll•E -The best In Mission Viejo. Enjoy the comfort & open feeling of this large 3 bedroom 3 bath home. Features include: wet- bar, flreplt. French doors and morel Great terms available! For complete detalls, call 646-7171 . 111U11 TWll AW -Super sharp one year new condo. High assumable loan. 2 huge bed- room• each with Its own master bath. Large family area, brick flreptaoe, 2 car attached ga- rage. Only $124,950. Call 546-2313 •